820.6 B 1,211,710 S4.3 V. 15 OTTISH TEXT SOCIE ND Vol. 15 nos, 23 2.5 ARTES LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS-UNUM TOEBOR SI-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE 战 ​Λ . . 820.6 343 val. 15 nas 23.25- LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS IN THE 118264 Scottish Dialect of the Fourteenth Century EDITED FROM THE UNIQUE MANUSCRIPT IN THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, CAMBRIDGE WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX BY W. M. METCALFE PART III. Printed for the Society by WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCXCI All Rights reserved FACSIMILE OF MS. Fol. 202a. 202 mashpy) en base of wo zut byt wat gat a gut bane In tell him teport that fa faſte yet it to it 2017 far alfafte ffor he met party she na florest ha out fast but it hauna mit yo blur yat brache ebam eba I found bake pan free pass For of theht in till you goove (1/2 to yo dade morm here many hard sheer alfa Had he ſhane & tott pretty ex wat fister to in tand fill flon Gut ditet had tend vank 4 acht ebers to melt Gaby ma you yo est quaquand bake sad he to you you los'i maffe per to mu not sted 16 in Weath y home gadus ma zu Countine path for 1 Bull funt quout but say he thun qulpe for Gera me pray Hi mentze ya. mon preffit and best off funt marfor туры fu quan h after fegelme & Toe had might by die askine & nor of mutly youant be but he Wald of Guz pitte & paterte, yest Graffet hadd He def by your but kan lok ſunit aqua blyfit by out and out of Que held you typu ye hand (e he mad hante als siertly Bakt doma & new best of flower A byt Pans & bead Freest hair las And in a lid tygert cont of from far andly hok had jeha. a wonder was ma R. Goes loff your gradend find la till be in alisht Op haly nn to ye bundenst mily and an albine Wif Jahr it thechre queen Ama Bo ex nat will be you bow anfeler to faint araclips Ba Hem pod & albana grady Ford Fundes med def Suffertently One of The Scottish Tert Society LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS (MS. Cambr. Univ. Libr. Gg II. 6.) $ LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS IN THE Scottish Dialect of the Fourteenth Century EDITED FROM THE UNIQUE MANUSCRIPT IN THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, CAMBRIDGE WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX BY W. M. METCALFE, D.D. VOL. II. COMPLETION OF TEXT Printed for the Society by WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCXCVI All Rights reserved CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. XXVII. MACHOR, XXVIII. MARGARET, XXIX. PLACIDAS, XXX. THEODERA, XXXI. EUGENIA, XXXII. IUSTIN, XXXIII. GEORGE, XXXIV. PELAGIA, XXXV. THADEE, • • XXXVI. IOH[A]N[e]S BAPTISTA, XXXVII. VINCENCIUS, XXXVIII. ADRIAN, XXXIX. COSME & DAMYANE, XL. NINIAN, . XLI. AGNES, • XLII. AGATHA, XLIII. CECILE, XLIV. LUCY, • XLV. CRISTINE, XLVI. ANASTACE, XLVII. EFFAME, XLVIII. JULIANA, XLIX. TECLA, L. KATERINE, Facsimile of MS. fol. 202ª, PAGE I 47 69 • 99 I24 152 176 204 215 223 259 272 292 304 346 358 368 • · • 387 398 407 417 424 432 442 at beginning P. L. 17. 30 129 306 = 11 - 307 172. CORRECTIONS. VOLUME II. The figures refer to page and line. For pa the read þat he. Delete comma after ware. 88. For comma after nede substitute full stop. 92. 93. IOI. For full stop after teche substitute comma. For the whole line read he vmthocht [hym] he wald luke. Omit [for]. CONTENTS. PAGE I XXVII. MACHOR, • XXVIII. MARGARET, XXIX. PLACIDAS, XXX. THEODERA, 47 69 99 124 XXXI. EUGENIA, XXXII. IUSTIN, 152 XXXIII. GEORGE, 176 • 1 Fol. 191 a. XXVII.-MACHOR. JOR þat oyse is generale In haly kyrk vniuersale In worschipe of god and lowing of halowis to say & syng þe farleis þat in þame were thru god til þai ware duelland he[re]; bot befor vthyr I wald fayne, & I had cunnyng, set my mayne sume thing to say of sancte moryse, þat in his tym was ware & wis & in pe erd of sic renown, & als in hewine sa hye patron, of Aberden in þe cite thru haly lif was wont to be. bot Ihesu crist in pe ewangele, quhen at he techit, sad sum quhyle, þat na profet, quhat-euir he be, Is accept in his cunctre. & suth is þat prophesy in sanct morys werraly; VOL. II. for quhen are in þis land, at wat his birth, his lif, & syne his stat, & hou eftyre gret trawal on chance god mad hym to rest syn in france, in toron, til honouryt be, set þare a strangere was he, A 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 2. LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & fetryt is by sancte martyne, & haldine par in gret lowing; bot in his land we ken hym nocht, quhare he wondir werkis wrocht, as I sal schortly tel sum thing, begynnand fyrst at his gettyng & of his byrth and hou þat he schupe hym to god plesand to be. a king quhyle was in Irland, 30 35 to man & god wel lifand, & had syaconus to name. & his wyf of gud fame, þe quene, synchene men callit þare, þat a sone to be king bare, 40 & gert ful michtty men hym ta & bere & cal hym mocumma. & to fostyre þai tuk hym þane til ane callit telemañ, þe quhilk had riches at wil. for-þi he tuk þe child hym til, 45 & gat a nuryse gud in hy, þe quylk hyme fosterit tendirly. & he thrawe, þat wele fosterit was; & as he greu sa godis grace 50 Fol. 191 b. greu in hyme ay, sa þat he with angelis wald oft visyt be. þane tyd þe king a tyme to ryd In þe cunctre nere be-syd quhare dweland wes pis telman. bot knawlag had þe king nan þat his sovn wes fosteryt þare; bot as he by be house can fare, he saw angelis fare & brycht one be ruf of þat house lycht, & oft com ydyr out of hewine, 43. be tuk. 55 60 XXVII.-MACHOR. 3 & enteryt syngand with a stewyn. be king þat saw pis, had ferly, & speryt at þame ware hym by, quha aucht þe house he saw þer, & quha pare duelt in þat sythware. & sad þai: "sa haf we blyse ; 30ure son fosterit þare-in is." þe kyng, þat Ioyful þan wes, in-to be house but mare can pas, & til his son beheld in hy, quhare he can in þe credil ly, & saw pe angelis to & fra cum oft, & hym confort ma, about his credil gangand 65 70 75 with melody & angel sang. pis quhen be king had herd & sen, þe Ioy he had wald na man wen; bot þar na vthyr [wes] bot he þat tholyt was þat sicht to se. his handis þan he held on hicht, & lowit god at al his mycht, þat sik a son had til hym send, & prayt he suld hyme defend fra alkine Il, & grant þat he in he seruice mycht growand be. bot quhat kine wyse he god louit, or hou þat he his son blyssit, It ware ful lang here to say. nocht-pan, or he 3ed away, 80 85 90 for god had latine hym se pat sycht, Fol. 192 a. he gaf of heretablê rycht to godis seruice al þat ton In-to fre possessione; & wend his way blyth & glad, for It he sa sene had. & quhen he come ham to be quen, 95 4 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. tald al þat he had herd & sene, þat rycht blyth was of þat thing, & 3auld to god gret lowing, & ekyt þare deuocione in almon ded, & oracione, prayand to god Ithandly, þat he wald for his gret mercy sa kepe pare child furth pat he a lele seruand til hym mycht be. syne eftyre it tyd of case. þat quhen sychen deliuer was of a knaf child þat deit rycht þan or men with hym to baptyme wan, þane was gret dule mad, & rare, oure al þe cunctre here & þare; bot nane sa mykil sorou mad ΙΟΟ 105 IIO as kyng and quen þat most cause had. for it is mast sorow of ane, 115 barne to be fra þe gettare sa tane. nocht-bane be king hyme thocht, þat to mak doul it gaynit nocht, & pane for pe dynt of ded agane þe quhilk is na remed. þar-for he bad to pam hyme by to tak þe ded barne with al hy, sped paim with It for to ga quhare his son is mocumma, & vndir his clathis by hym lay, & quhat suld word þer-of assay, & quhen pai as he bad has don, be barne þai suld agañ bring son, sa þat he suld na sorow mak, bot se quhat end it suld tak; for be pe sicht he had sene trewly he trewit, but ony weñ, 98. here & sene. 114. as kyng and quheñ. 120 125 130 XXVII. MACHOR. 5 Fol. 192 b. þat thru be tweching anerly of mocumma þat barne in hy suld turne to lyf. & but delay, as he bad, sa did þai, & tuk þe ded barne, þat wes fare, & layd it by the kingis ayre in credil til his nakit flesch vndir his clathis, po it cald was. bot men gret wondir þan se mocht of hyme þat ded pare was brocht. fra he his bruthyre twechit had, fra ded to lyf he come but bad, & squelyt gret & raryt 3arne, 135 140 145 as kynd gaf to sic a barne. þe gud men þan þat brocht hym þare, þat had mad fyrst dule & care, quhen þai saw his gret ferly, Ioyful þai ware, & in hy 150 þe 30ng barne tuk & hame had to king & quene, þat Ioy mad, zey, mare þan ma nemmyt be, quhen pai pare barne lifand can se. quhat confluens of zung & ald þan was þare, ma nocht be tald; na of pe merwal quhat wondering; na hou to god was mad lowyng; 155 & anerly þat was nocht þare, bot thru be kirk wyd-quhare. 160 þe chyld þan to þe kirk þai had, & gert it hofine be but bad, & it fosterit tendirly as his stat wald delytabli. sone eftyre a ferly fel, alsa gret as I hard tell. eftyr of tyme þe proceß, quhare mocumma fosterit was, 165 6 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 193 a. It tyd his noryse for to be sitand & had hym on hyr kne be be fyre al hyre alane, for þe lawe þare gat ware gane. & it hapnyt hyre in hy oute pe house to here gret cry. þare-of scho gret ferly had, & for to wit quhy it was mad, scho stert vpe & þare with-al þe barne fra hyre handis can fal in be fyre, þat was sa gret þat nane mycht nicht it for het. & scho þat þe barne saw sa in þe fyre, had sa gret wa & sa abaysit cane stand, 170 175 180 þat scho had nopir fut na hand to helpe pe barne, bot lud can cry. 185 zet be barne stil can ly, ay kepand it sa godis grace. þat in þe fyr vnbrynt it was. þane raryt scho loud, and raf hir hare, & beft hyre-self & mad sic care, 190 þat of hyre wit scho 3ed nere wod for sorow of þat frely fud, eftyre help criand Ithanly, til at be last þare com in hy ful fele þat herd hir mak sic care, & fand be barne 3et lyand pare, & hynt It out, & syne It fand as in þe credil it ware lyand. & sum saw angelis ay repare, þat It kepit elyk fare fra wemmyne of þe fyr sa brath opir in body or in clath. þane gert þai be bellis ryng, 189. pane rayrt. 195. gert. 195 200 XXVII.-MACHOR. 7 Fol. 193 b. & "te deum laudamus" syng, & lowit god increly, þat had kyd sic ferly, & schewit þare sa mykil mycht in bat zung barne til al per sycht, gerrand þat elyment þat he had gert obeysand til hym be. ane vthyr als befel þat þis nuryse I of tel. forzetil of þe mykil wath, þat tyd be barne for-outyn skath, ane erand had to do per owt, bot, for scho of pe barne had dout to lewe It in þe house alane- for al vthir a-way ware gane- & in a fat þat stud hyre by, brad & depe, & þane dry, weppit in clathis be barn can lay ful tendirly, & 3ed hyre way, wenand it mycht þar be stil but parel, til scho come It til. & quhene scho hyre gat ware gan, of þe menze in come ane vnwitand þe barne wes pare, & fillyt þe fat but ony mare of watir, richt vpe to be bra, 205 210 215 220 225 & syne of þe house can ga. 230 þane eftyr þe nuryse come, þat had hyre hart out of home, for thochtful scho wes of þe barî, & to be fat sped hyre 3arne, & fand it fillit to be bra, 235 It wes na were, pan scho wes wa. þan be man callit scho pe fat can fil, & speryt quhare put he þe barê til, þat in þe grond of pe fat lay. 8 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & he schortly til hyre can say, þat he wist nocht of þat barn, but hopyt wele It was forfarî gyf scho lad It þare; for he, vnwittand it þare suld be, 240 fillyt be fat & held is way. 245 quhen scho hard hym so get say, scho rugyt of hyre hed be hare, & squelit fa[s]t, & hie can rare, & with hyre handis skartyt hir face, & al pe lawe þat nakit wes, 250 & with hyr newis reft hir brest, al þat scho mycht wyne to nest, & callit hyre-self ful pytisly EX of wrech pat sa reklesly þat in hyre fawt sic a barne 255 þe tothyr tyme 3et sa forfarne, & for þat knawine wes hir gylty to man & god almychty. þane ruschit men to spere þe cause quhy scho mad sic bere. 260 & quhen þai þe manere wist, be fat þai tyd don but mare fyrst, & fand þe barne hale & fere, as watir neuir had nychd It nere, bot als dry it was sene, 265 Fol. 194 a. as in be credil it had bene. bot angelis, as pai did before, It kepit pane, myne no mare, fra wath of watir quhare It lay, as in þe fyre befor did þai; for he þat quyk sawit moyses in þe watir quhen he put was, 270 has defendit pis barne here, þat lyk was to be in gret were. quhat is þare mare to say, but þan 275 XXVII.-MACHOR. 9 ful ioiful wes mony man, & mykil lowyng wes þan mad to god of hewine, pat sa gret had merwale in pat barne sa kyd, quhen it was in þe watir hyd. 280 pane was the nuryse for Ioy gretand, quhen scho hyre fostir sowne fand. lord crist þir werkis are pine, þat þis gerris þi halowis schyne be merwalis & vertuise sare, 285 þe quhilkis þai wrocht til þai were her lifand! & lowyng to be be a god in personis thre! of his barne þis wes begynnyng for to grew in hewynly thing, for ferlys þat fare ware & sere, 290 as ze sume part herd has here. & ay in body as he grew, he grew in vertu fare Inuch. & fra he cuth spek grathly, he wes set to be schole in hy, & pare in his begynnyng leyryt sic as til zung men afferyt, In gud thowis to haf delyt, 295 & in vertuyse to be parfyt. 300 & quhen he come to rypare eld, þat he mycht hym-self weld, he sat his hart one heare thing to her, & haf vndirstanding. & quhat his hart printyt within, 305 he held wele, & fled ay syne. & be he com to sewine 3ere, he cuth langage spek sere & vndirstanand þam rycht wele, god had hyme send sa gret cele. 276. woful. 310 302. 3eld. ΙΟ LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 194 b. & als of þat eld was he lik to a formulare to be, of quham men suld behold þe ded, þat god honoure wald & dred, & pare with hou þai suld be to þare nytboure in cheryte. [i]n þe land þat tym þan was a man þat schane of halynes, & led his lyf but ony blame. for-pi of hyme fere ran þe nam; sa fare þat þe forsad kyng was wytryt wele of his lyfyng, & þat he come of kingis kyne, sik as wes Irland withine, & columbe had to his name, a man þat was but ony blam. sic request he hym þan mad, þat he come til hym but abad. be kyng pan with hym tretit sa þat he tuk with hym mocumba, for til enforme fyrst, & lere in vertuse & in science sere. & he þat abil was & 3yng, folouyt his mastir in al thing, & wald consawe ful sutelly quhat-euire he taucht in til hy, & in his hart wele held It, ay retentywe he had a wyt, & had hym in sik degre þat his ourmen be sutelte 315 320 325 330 335 340 & les pan he in gret meknes, he wald ourecume, & neuir-pe-les he kepyt ay his innocens of alman but offens. & growand ay furth he wes 345 321. kynk. 337. weld held It. XXVII. MACHOR. II in vertu and in gudnes, & for he doutyt for to fal, til abstinens he gef hym al, & held his flesch vndirlout, for dred it suld worth stout a-gane pe saul, & ger hym syne, & let hym hewins blis to wyn, & gef hyme to prayere & to wak, hyme to god seruand to mak. & god his hart ablê ay mad to lere þat he wald but bad, Fol. 195 a. sa þat of thre moneth be space al warldis wit be godis grace & seruice als of haly kyrk he leryt al, & wes nocht Irk. & here-of suld na man ferly, gyf he consyderit suthfastly þat quhare þe haly gast wil be mastir but dyffyculte, 350 355 360 he ma gere man consawe althing 365 but by synes or trawalyng, as of salamon we red, þat wes be wysest man but dred, with-in pe space of a nycht of al þat wit he gat þe slycht, 370 thru theching of be haly gast, þat is best mastir in til hast; for to god as we ma se nathing may inpossiblê be. thane fra sanct colme had persawing 375 how clerly godis grace can schyne in mocumma, be syndry thingis sere, þat in hyme he saw apere, til his disciplis sad of hyme: "zone man þat schenis as a zeme, I ame nocht dingne to lere trewly, 380 12 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. • fore angelis of[t] tyme señ haf I repare til hyme & kene hyme al þat he wald lere gret & smal, & namely hou þe haly wryt sal vndirstand & expond It." quhen pai herd þis, þai had inwy a-gane mocumma fellouny & dyspyt, because þat he wes lowit in þat degre. bot sancte colme, þat þare enwy persawit & pare fellouny, lowit mocumma fere pe mare, & honouryt hym pan he did are, & of[t] with hyme held carpyng of lestand lyf & hevynly thing, & wald hyme schaw al priwete þat in his thocht consawit he. nocht be pe pocht mocumma wist his mastir lufit hym sa 385 390 395 400 as he be sere assay can fele ; 3et pridyt he hyme nocht a dele, bot þe sammyne humylyte Fol. 195 b. he had befor ay kepyt he In honest conuersacione 405 & stratnes of relygione. for-pi be grace of god grew ay in hyme bath nicht & day. þan rane pe fame of hym rycht wyd, in al Irland in al syd. 410 ful gret Ioy sancte colme pan mad, þat he sic a discipil gottine had. & mocumma was rycht glad þat he sic a mastir had. & for þare cause þat sa haly ware, men come to þam of landis fare, 394. he did pare. 399. þi pocht. 415 409. pan pane. XXVII.—MACHOR. 13 Fol. 196 a. til haf þare informacione, & alsa for pare benyson. & 3et come fore-owt ma pane to sanct columbe to sancte mocumma, 420 for ferly pai had, þat he in sa schort tyme suld haly be, bryngand hyme gyftis fare & gret, as for his clething & his met; bot þare-of he wald nocht, for he by warldis gud set nocht, & namely for his fadir sak. Bot pare-of wald he nocht tak; 425 & for he wald nocht knawyn be with be men of his cunctre, 430 he determyt in his thocht, þat dwel þare langare wald he nocht, bot passyt in vnchut land but bad, quhare na mañ knawlag of hym had. & sa to do þat he his wil 435 set, sad his maistere til, þat of his purpos wes blyth. fore-þi he sad til hyme alswith : "der son, in crist I lowe god ay þat he had leryt þus to say; 440 for It þat þu has sad me til of ful parfyt men is be wil. & now, dere son, I sal tel þe al vtrely myn priwete; þat is, þat myn wil has ben ay 445 of myn kith to paß my way, with-pi þat I had be wil of þi kyne & myn þare til. bot for bi kyne I lettyt mare þat, gyf þu sa dide, wald haf care; for þu pare suffrant Ioy is now. pare-for, wil þu myn consal trew, 450 14 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þu wyne þare gud lufe & lewe— for sa gat ma we best eschewe- & þat done cum a-gane me til. 455 þane ma we pase quhare-euir we wil." þe be zung man sad: "ser, I haf nane fadir now bot god alane, fore quham fadir & modir bath I wil forsak, po þaim be lath ; for þu nixt god is my fadir, & haly kyrk is my modir. for-pi I wil lewe be na wyse þi cumpany na þi seruice. fore quhare þu gays, wil I ga, til ded tak ane of ws twa." his mastir þan gret ferly had, & in his hart gret Ioy he mad, quhene he be gret deuocione 460 465 of hyme herd & be perfeccione. 470 þane sad he: "son, til þu in zuthad was stad a barnis nam þou had, bot for bu zuthad has warpyst & is parfyt man in cryst, þu sal be callyt machore, 475 & lewe þe name þu had before.” sanct colme gert þane aparel a bat sture with wetale, & sped hyme to be se but mare with al þat wald with hym fare, 480 his ferme hope in hyme setand þat has to stere bath se & land. pane machore fyrst in pe bat wan, & reprowyt þe mastir mañ of his tary & his slawnes, 485 þat he to saile sa lethand wes. þan, helpand god, þai saylyt a quhyle, 460. to þaim. 478. a bast. XXVII.-MACHOR. 15 til þai come nere þe Ile of iy, & þare saile strak; þane pare thocht land to tak. ane melluma in þat sythware come to be se & saw pame þare, 490 & knew sanct colme, & wes blyth, & at hym speryt alswyth, gyf he one land wald be. 495 & he sad: "3a." pane in be se Fol. 196 b. þe carle wod to be bat but bad. & to be land quhen he þame had, þane sad sancte colme: "ar we al here ?" sad melluma: "3a, now ser." 500 sanct colme gert þame cum hym before, to se, & myssit sancte machore, þat zet in his prayere lay. sancte colme pan to be carle can say: "zet wantis ane & Is mare 505 with god of hewine pan we al are." pane passit pe carle & sperit, gyf he to be land dry borne wald be. "3a," sad he; & but mare dry to be land he hym bare. 510 þane colme of his cummyn wes blyth, & athyre kyssyt vthyre swyth, & recommendyt gretumly of vertuse lyf & of haly. thane sad sancte colme: "bruper, blissit be 515 pis place; & pray to god þat he send his angel to blyse It, sene we to cum here is hapnyt.” & as he sad quhen þai had done oure al þe Ile, þai passit sone, & fand it rycht profytablê, & to duel in gud & abile. & out of Irland in a quhyle 520 16 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. men may wele sayle in[-to] pat Ile. & as þai socht had þe place, þai fand quhare a fare sted was, 525 enhournyt with treis sere, & spryngand wellis fare & clere. þane sad sancte colme, he wald þare duel, & pas na forthyr mare. 530 a mansione þan fyrst þai mad to sancte colme & but bad. & syne a mansione sufficiandly þai mad to sancte machore in hy. & til al þe lawe þai wrocht 535 placis til indwel as þai rycht thocht. sancte colme duelt pare-in pane as abot and haly mane. syne þai saw ane vthire Ile, þat þai mocht saile to in a quhile, þat mule hycht; & pare to preche, & cristine folk als to teche, 540 sancte colme send his dyscypil here sancte machore, þat wes hym nere. Fol. 197 a. þe quhilk, as he com in þat land, sewin myssale vgly he fand, 545 & askyt of hyme sum thing of cheryte & his blyssyng. in godis name he bad þam pase to sum watir þat by was, 550 & wesch pame. & sa dyd pai, & gat þare hele but delay. & as pai clene ware, with a stewine, machore þai lowyt and god of hewine. & quhen he þare had ben a quhile 555 & prechyt oure al be ewangel, he come to be Ile of iy, til his mastir, & wes besy to study into haly wryt, XXVII.-MACHOR. 17 & oft time put It to wryt. & as he a nycht cane wryt, a thing quhare-in he had delyt, before be end of It [he] mad, be lycht hym falzet; & þan he had ferme hope in god of hewine. one his fyngyre end blew ewine þat as a candil brynnand lycht, & til done he had gef hym sycht. & sa hapnyt [in] þat sythware, a lytil barne for til be pare, & saw hou þis ferly fel, & to be common cuth it tel. þan had pai fare mare Il wil pane befor sancte machore til; namely for þai micht nocht 560 565 570 575 sic merwalis wyrk as he wrocht. syne as Il men tuk to rede nedly for til haf hyme dede ; bot for þai durst nocht opynly for his mastir do sic foly, þai, to fulfil þare entent, poysone with ane innocent, 580 say þai suld be les It think, þai send hyme myngyt into drink. sancte machore sperit at þe barne, quha þe drink send hym rycht zarne ; & he sad hyme þe suth hale. þane wyst sancte machore be his tale, 585 þat in pat drŷnk wes felloun gyle. zet þane he tuk It, & cane smyle, & sad: "þar is brethyre fals Fol. 197 b. & fra cheryte ful fare als þat me of his warld wald bryng, VOL. II. þat neuire myse did þam in ony thing; & now war ful gud to me 590 595 B 18 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. to be vysit, & with god sene be, & as god wil, sa mot It be." with þat þe cop in hand tuk he, & sanyt It dewotly. þare mycht men se a gret ferly, hou be cop he heldit done, & al þat was fel poyssone fel of be cope, & hou þe lafe 600 pare-of to be cop clafe. syne þat lycure he drank pare 605 but felyng of ony sare. be chyld syne tald þam þat hym send, as he saw fra end to end. pane sancte machore prayt hartly god to forgyf þaim þat foly. 610 & as pai herd sik tything of þat barne of þat ferly thyng, þai ware inflammyt of pe fyre of inwy þan; and in gret yre to þare maistere but delay come, & þus-gat can say: "machore gerris men be sorcery trowis he dowis merakile opynly, & sympil men into þare sycht dissawis thru þe dewylis mycht, & is contrare til ws ay; for-þi, suthly, ser, we say, þat we wil hale lef þe, 615 620 & he langere with be be. for-þi chese quhethyr þu wil 625 gyf ws oure lewe or hald hym stil.” and þare mastir herand how þai sa spanly þis tale can say, he was in perplexyte, seand hou ane behowit to be, 616. gad. 630 628. spâly. XXVII.-MACHOR. 19 Fol. 198 a. opire to do away in haste his printyce þat he lufyt mast, ore paim þat he had fosteryt ay fra 3outhed to þat day. he prayt þame to hald þaim stil, & he suld syne ouretak þer wil. bane he kyst in his thocht in þat case he best do mocht, makand a syth to þame bath, & for to kepe machore of skath, thocht he wald with wilis dele for sawete of þame & pare hele. saincte machore he callyt a day, & til hyme pus-gat cane say : "my dere bruthyre, in priwete I haf for to say to þe. & fyrst, I pray þe þu wil 635 640 645 be na way tak in til Il. bruthyre, þu wat þat quhyle Ihesu sad, in þe ewangyle, 650 'quha lufis his saule mare pan me ma be na way my serwand be,' & til his printyse can he say: 'passis thru þe warld oure way & til almen be ewangelis teche & to tak baptysme þame preche.' hou ma we þane þis word fulfil þat in a nuk here lyis stil, & bot of oure-self thinkis nocht, & of sawle hele na thing wrocht of fele folk þat wyd-quhare in fawt of techyng tynt are; & namely sene we haf mycht of body & of science slycht? ryse we, þare-for, & dreß ws til godis bydyng to fulfil. 655 660 665 き ​20 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & for my eld, as þu ma se, to lyf in quyet accordis me, & for þu zongare is þane I, scharpare of wyt & mare mychtty, In godis name þu tak one hand to pas into fere land, & preche godis word alquhare to pame at in wane-treutht are, & preß þe bysyly for to wyne pare sawlis þat lyis in syne." 670 675 sancte machore sad: "mastir dere, gud is I do as 3e me lere for 30ure prayere & 30ure consele; 680 for þat to me ma mast awale." quod he: "with myn oracione, mad hartly with deuocione, I sal helpe be but fenzeyng, & helpe be in al vthyre thyng. Fol. 198 b. eftyr my possybilyte, 685 dere sone, I sal helpe þe.” sewine mene þane he taucht hym til, to serwe hyme & to do his wyl; & byschape staf gef hyme alsa, & belt, & of his clathis twa, & bukis, þat ware necessare to hyme to prech godis lare, & ordenyt hyme a galay, & wytale pare-in gert he lay. & bus to mak quyet & pece of It, he wyst fellouny wes. þare-for, as machore was redy to pas þe se, sancte colme in hy gert al his printeyß cum before hyme in absence of sancte machore, & sad to pame: "sonnis dere, I haf 3ou fosteryt mony 3ere, 690 695 700 XXVII.-MACHOR. 21 & wat, gyf ze wil one meyne, þat I al-way has besy bene til infourme zu in cheryte, 705 & in sawle hele thochty to be. & for 3oure hartis ar herd as flynt, & ek I haf myn trawale tynt, for in youre hartis ze had Ithandly þat 3one haly man ay inwy, *710 & 3e ware bowne ay to do Il til hyme þat neuir mysdid zu til.” quhen he had þis sad & mare, pane pai repentyt þam sare It þat þai had don before agane cheryte to sancte machore, & sad: "fadyr, wele wat we we haf mysdone in þat degre; bot now reconsel ws hyme til, & now ws get his gud wil." sancte colme pane, þat besy was betwene þame for to mak pece, callyt machore and tretyt sa, 715 720 þat he betwene þaym pes can ma. sancte machore þan his lewe tuk rath 725 at mastir & þat brethyre bath, þat with hyme to be se can pas, repentand þame of þare trespas ; & of now lewe has tane, and kyssyt þame euire ilkane. 730 his maister pane & he mad wa þat þame worthyt part in twa, Fol. 199 a. & kyssyt oft þat þare partyng with regrat & with gretyng, & Ilkane cane vthyre blyse with wordis of gret teyndirnes. [t]hane to be galay went machore— * 710. This line is by Horstmann numbered 720. 735 J LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. 22 & sancte colme quhare he was before— & helpand god, saylyt þe se but distrowbylance in dais thre, & ewine north in scotland arywyt, quhare þai fand dwelland a cristine man þat farcare hycht, þat ryches had & mykil mycht, 740 þat prayt þame for to say, 745 quhen þai come & quhat ware þai. & þai sad hyme be suth alswith. þane wes þis farcare ferly blyth, quhen he sen had sancte machor; for he hard spek of hyme befor. & because of his renowne, pis farcare hed hym til his towne, & al þat nedful til hyme was 750 gert get til hyme mare & les, thankand god a-beowe be lawe 755 þat he wes worthy sic gest til haf; for he in sc[h]ort tym gert hyme be, parfyt in double cheryte; þat is to say, with god & mane. & pare-with his luf he wane, 760 þat he sad til hyme: "fadir dere, lo! al pis landis are myne here & is my herytag al. for-pi þus place tak þu sal, to mak quhare-euire þu wil a place. 765 & gyf ony of myn o[f]spryng, percase, gane-sais It, waryt mot he [be], til he thole pe brukyt fre." sancte machore pane thankfully his gyft tuk, & al pe place by socht to & fra, til he fand a sted til hyme wes gannand, 740. distrowlylance. 763. hs. 770 XXVII.-MACHOR. ` 23 besyd a watyr bank, þat rane in-to be se, & lyk was þane as It a byschopis staf had bene. 775 & fra sancte machore had It sene, til his disciplis can [he] say: "lo! here myn dwelling place for ay, for my master to me cane tel, 780 þat I in sik [a] place suld dwel.” bane gert he bygyne pare be mad til hym as he mystere had. & syne til al þe lawe gert he Fol. 199. 6 bygyng mak in þare degre. & eftyr þat he gert wyrk be craftly men a costlyk kyrk, 785 & þat men callyt 3et, "of sancte machore be seg ore set." ser warkmen syne on a day, þat had gret thryst, can til hym sa: "dere fadir, wit 3e quhen we swink, 790 þat we haf gret fawt of drynk. help vs, pare-for, gyf 3e may." þane sancte machore but delay gat gud vatere in fusione; 795 & seruis zet til al þe towne, & springis yet as It did þane, at prayere of þat haly mañ. & fele þat of þat watir drank gat hele, & hartly god can thank. þat was þe fyrst merwal þat he wrocht, þat quhen pat men mycht se, þat now be name has scotland, bot pychtis pane in It ware duelland. pane come til hym of placis sere mony printeise þat redy were til vndirly his dyscypline, & fore to tak of hyme teching. 800 805 24 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. * þane duelt a mane nere by, relygiouse & rycht haly, þat to name had dewynik, þat godis 30k bare on his nek, & to sancte machore com a day, & til hyme pis he can say: “gud ser, be-hald, & þu ma se, 810 815 hou fele folk in þis cunctre are 3et habandonyt mony wise to mak till mawmentis seruice And þus [h]ave ner-hand nan to schav goddis word, or ger men knaw 820 Fol. 200 a. be nerrest get till hewynis blis. for-pi, master, my consall is, þat þu in þis cunctre duell still, goddis wangel for to preche till pus pechtis, at are lath to trew; And I with goddis helpe will now to þame of catnes but mare gang, 825 þat cristine treutht is myskennand lang, Amang paim goddis vord to schaw, to ger þaim god parfitly knaw.” 830 sanct Machor sad: "þat quheþir na we, sal ilkane vthire eftire se." & he sad: "3his, 3eit forow criste ve sal eft met in his bewiste, & bruk vith hym ay lestand bliß. 835 bot, dere fadir, I pray be bus, ffor ded nerhand abidis me to tak, fra I be gane fra þe, þat þu wald, eftyr I be dede, ger bring my body to his stede, & ger It grawine be, quhar I 820. ger is corrected from her. 825. pontis. * Handwriting changes. 840 XXVII.-MACHOR. 25 had mad my duelling Ithandly." And he heicht hym he suld do swa. Atheris þar lewe with þat can ta, And dewenik can to catnes paß, 845 to folk þat þan wntreuthtfull waß, And sped sa weile in schort tym þare, þat þaim parfit in godis lare he mad. bot zet þan sanct Machor ffurth preichit as he did befor 850 the pechtis, & swa sped þat he gert mast part of þaim cristnit be; & namely he gert master meñ trew, þat wntreuthfull war to þan, bath thru þe lare he can þaim lere And thru schauyng of merwalis sere; & þar templis distroyt wyd quhare, And ydolis þat in-to paim ware. & pus gat lang tym trawalyt he Of goddis corne wynnare to be. syne tyd one a tym to gang Apone þe feild his corne ymange, And saw a bare mekill & gret defoull be corne with feit, & ete, & do gret skath. & pane sad he: 855 860 865 "in goddis name I commawnd þe Fol. 200 b. þat þu in þat sted stand still.” & onone sancte Machor com hym till, And strak hym with his staif onañe, And he sowne turnyt till a stane, And in þat schape sa standis he a zard stane, as men zeit ma se. syne machor com in-to a place And saw a man þat mykill vas, & in þat cuntre duelling mad, & to his richt name dinon had, 844. cum. 845. dewînk. 851. poyntis. 870 875 26 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. 3 & was payeme & richt crafty in fendis warkis & sorcery. And he wald oftymys ger men ven þat sewine hedis on hym had beñ. 880 And quhen sanct machor sen hym had, he ferlyt first, & syn but bad a psalme he sad begynnand pus of scriptur: "Exurgat deus"; & or he of þat psalme mad end, 885 thru goddis mycht It was wel kend þat he na hedis had but ane. ffor-þi þat tyrand or he fane of sanct machor fell to be fet, & for his synnis sare can gret, 890 prayand hym for goddis sak þat he wald cristine man hym mak. 895 & he sad hyme, with-pi þat he wald lewe his sorcery, & be gud cristine man & cristine fay ffra pine furth treuli kep alvay, anentis god he suld hym wyne fforgiffines of his mykill syne. & he hicht þat with full gud will all haill his byding till fulfill. & sanct machor gert hym nocht-þan Resawe baptym, and swa hym wane and tacht hym weill in cristine fay, & leit hym syne pas hyne his vay. ane vthir tym sanct machor zed prechand & sawand godis sed, Men brocht a man þat was blind borne, 900 905 & seit hym sanct machor beforne, & prayt hym ful sare þat he thru his prayere wald gere hym se. 910 & he pat reutht ay in hert had, 890. sonnis. XXVII.-MACHOR. 27 Fol. 201 a. tuk wattir & blissit it but bad, & pare-with all ennoyntit richt þan oure corce þe eyne of þat blind man, & sad till hyme: "luk vpe & se." & as he bad, richt swa did he, & saw als clerly all kine thinge, as he of sicht had neuir merring. & he þat na tyme saw befor, saw pan & lowyt sanct machor, quham thru þe sicht god swa hym gefe. བསྒྱུ & one þe same did þe laiffe, þat saw or herd þis gret ferly, 915 920 3auld thank to god full increly. ane vthir tym as he can stand, 925 goddis word to folk prechand, þat stud a-bout hym in-virroune, Men brocht a dede cors ovt of tovne, & lad It done befor his feite with lamentacion and greite. & synchenus to name he had. 930 sanct machor þan speryt but bad quhen þat he was or of quhat kin. & þai per ordir tald till hyme, & als þat he of kine was nere 935 to gud sanct colme, to god sa dere. & fra sanct machor þat herd tell a-pon his kneis sone he fel, & prayt till god one sic a wyse, þat at dede man lof & cane ryse. 940 & swa with prooff of mychtfull dede he strinthit alway godis sede. & ferleis wrocht he þan sa feile, þat he mad mony payene leile; ffor he to þaim was sic myrroure, þat he gert þaim leif þare erroure. 919. na styme. 930. lamentacon. 941. wt poff=with prooff. 945 28 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. god grant ws grace þat we do swa out of his lyff or þat we ga. off his sanct machor þe fame rane thru sere land, til full mony man 950 of ferleis þat thru hym god wrocht. ffor þat of syndry landis men hym socht ffor to purches his benysone, & haf of hyme instruccione. a-mang vthire, twa of Irland þat herd tell of hym tythand, 955 & zung, sum dele letteryt ware, till hyme sa besely can spere, Fol. 201 b. and socht sa long til þai hym fand, quhare I sad are into scotland, 960 zarnand till haf instruccion of hyme and informacione, & how pai suld haly wryt vndirstand and vndo It. & he resawit pamme full weile, & all þare 3arnyng ilke dele he tyd þame, & full sobirly enformyt þaim full parfytly 965 of cristine treutht, of lyf at sall ay laste, & of sawle heile with-all, & mony vthir spedfull thing. bot he in þame ruit his techi[n]g; ffor, fra þat þai pare leif had tan, 970 þai na tyme for to scorne hym fane; & his lare and amonesting, 975 þai sad, was richt nocht but hethi[n]g, & par-with callit hym "ypocrit." bot þam reuengit was full tyt; ffor nocht fere pine in till a sted suddanly pai ware all deide, & schot in till gong stinkand, 969. & sall. 980 977. ypocriyt. XXVII.-MACHOR. 29 Fol. 202 a. quhar nan of freyndis þaim fand. It hapnyt a tym in-to ware, quhill sanct machor was duelland þer, þat he for faut of weile tyd land, 985 gert teile a mekill feild of land; & pocht It was leyne & dry, he socht to saw pare bere & Ry, in goddis larges assouerand þat it suld grow weile in þat land. Nocht-pane his seruandis had ferly þat he gert teile ald land & dry, & namly for þai west but dred to saw þat land he had no sede. þan he sad to þaim þat swa thocht: "god is mychty to helpe; dred nocht; quhar man na liklines ma se.” to twa of his prenteis sad he: "hald 3oure gat to my lord ternane; sa hym for sede haf I nane, quhar-with my feilde þat I saw may, hym in-to sic distres I pray At he at pis tym wald help me of his seide with sic quantite. þat a gret bane of it rycht tyt In-til his throit clewit sa faste þat he to de was sare agaste; ffor he mycht swely it for na slicht, na out till put it had na mycht. þan was þat wrache wondir wa, persawand weile he was sted swa; ffor he tholit in till þat houre lyk to be dede mony herd schure, 984. duellend. * The next leaf is wanting. 990 995 IOOO 1005 ΙΟΙΟ 30 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & alswa had he schame to tell quhy he þat fische to be tend fell ffor his delit had etene þane, þat acht was to þat haly man. zeit þan with quaquand voice sad he to paim þat vare is maste priwe: “to me þat sted is in þis wath, yhone goddis man ze bring me rath; ffor I will grant hym but delay be thing quharfor he can me pray." his mengze þan foroutine more passit and brocht hym sanct machor, ffra quham he askit forgewine, 1015 I020 1025 & he had nytit hym his askine ; & par-for mekly prayt he þat he wald of his pitte. & þat erth þa the askit hade, he gaf hym þare but langer bade. sanct Machor biissit hym one ane. out of his hals þan lape pe bane, & he mad haile als smertly wes, as man þat neuir weste of seknes. sanct machor pan mesuryt be place, pat lang & brad & richt plan was, And in a litill tym gert wirk of treis fare a cumly kirk. & quha-sa reddis þus, ma see how besy þat gudmen suld be ffor till obeis in althing of haly men to be bidding, & namly and one alkine wise 1030 1035 1040 quhar it twechis godis seruice. 1045 ffor, lo, he þat litill before Mad Rud answere to sancte Machor thru priyd & awaris gredy, And godis man dispituisly XXVII.-MACHOR. 31 Fol. 202 b. fra his presens chasit away, Is now ful fayne hym for to pray, & spek ful reuerendly hyme till, & als to grant hym al his will. 1050 þis is litill of It we Rede of sant Machor his mykill dede, & of pe merwalis þat he wrocht 1055 to pectis land, fra þat he socht; for I can nocht þe teynd part tell of gret ferleis þat thru hym fell. bot gyf þat I say suthfastly, It was nocht thru hyme anerly, bot god was be mychty makare, тобо & sanct Machor be furth-schewere. sanct machor þan set all his wit to cun parfitly haly writ, 1065 bocht þat he þar parfit was thru plentwis gyft of goddis grace. In till his study sait a day quhen ane com, & can till hym say: "syre, sanct ternane, pe byschepe, nere 1070 Is cumyne to spek with 30u here, & of his clerkis gret party." sanct machor pan with gret hy left þe study & þe buk, & of his clerkis with hyme tuk, 1075 And met sanct Ternane Reuerendly, And halist hyme & his cumpany, & he hailsit hyme aganes his. þane can athir wthire kis. & sanct machor till his herbry sanct ternane leid full reuerendly. & firste in kirk enterit þai bath, 1080 & to pare vrisone went Rath. & syne þai blissit athir wthire, be bischope first, & syn þe tothire. 1085 32 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 203 a. syne, eftire all þe cumpany has kissit entrechangeably, & he pan þame Resawit had, A schort sermone full wisly mad of paciens & cherite, Recommendand humilite. syne eftire, as pe custum was, he led hym quhar he suld tak ese, & mad hyme mery for to fare, & als pame all þat with hyme ware. sanct Machor þan full gret Ioy made þat he sa dere worthy gaste hade, & be bischope full fane þat wane þe knawlage of sa haly man. þan held þai wele lang sermonyng of haly lyf & hewinlik thing, & till þat þai sait at þe burd, amang þaim wes nan vthire word, bot fed paim self with gastly fud & gaynand drink þare-to & gud. pane come to þaim gret company of deuot men, þat encrely requiryt þaim with awisment, þat þai with goddis Iugment þe priwete mare opynly 1 1090 1095 IIOO 1105 IIIO wald expone paim & expresly. be bischope pane wonderit was of þare wnwit & simpilnes, [&] sad to pame: "my childere dere, 1115 þis demand þat ze askis ws here, Is a demawnd without profit, for quhat man is he sa parfyt þat can tell godis priuite, þat be na way ma witine be, ne manis wit ma strek þartill, to consawe it thru kindly skill, II20 XXVII.-MACHOR. 33 Fol. 203 b. þat he in till his forseyng Reseruit till his awne witting. & þare-for rycht gret foly is to you to spere or tret of þis." 1125 sanct machor als þat þaim can smyll, sayand: "a wis man sad wmquhill, sek na heyere thing pan yhe na stallowart be na degre. for quha is goddis wit ma knaw, 1130 or zet his consall hey or law? for godis priue deme ma nocht, na all his gattis zet be socht. for-bi full gret foly it is to sper þat manis wit excedis, or for till haf of It k[n]awine 1135 þat he ma cum to for na thing. & þarfor lewe forthir to spere be þing þat ze ma neuir nicht nere; for sperer of his maieste 1140 fra his Joy sall donne thrungine be." & all þa þat þis demaund mad, stud pane stane still & gret scham had. sone eftir þis þai ras ilkane & lewid, to pare awne ar gane, 1145 VOL. II. & with euire common blissing þat þai mad þat haly departing. nocht lang eftire apon a day to sanct Machor a man can say, þat sanct dewynnik In-to catnes thru gret eilde falzeit & ded was. & quhen he oñe his dedstra lay, to paim þat nest war he can say: sene þat ze se ded sall me tak, I coniure you, for godis sak, þat yhe for na trawall be Irke 1150. of sanct Machor. C 1150 1155 34 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. 重 ​to bere my body to sume kirk, quhar-of sanct Machor has keping, & pray hyme for þe hewynnis king þat he meyne one & thochtfull be of his hicht þat he mad to me, of his gud will at our partyng." with his of spek he mad ending, & 3aulde þe gast but mare abad. & þai þat þis commawndment had to tak his body, war nocht Irk, & one a bere brocht till a kirk þat was bot litill fra þat place, þat befor to paim lendyng was. 1160 1165 1170 & quhen pat sanct Machor his tale has herd, as I haf tald zou hale, he mad Regrat & had disese. bot, for he durst nocht god disples, þat nicht but slepe all haile he lay In his prayere till it wes day, 1175 Fol. 204 a. & in pat kirk with fleschely eyne ful feile brycht Angelis he has sene ffle vpe & doune, makand þaim play, quhar at be cors of dewynnik lay. þan was sanct machor blyth & glad for þis fare sicht þat he sene had. & one be morne quhen it was day, till his discipulis þis can say; "lowe we all god, my breþir dere, þat has ws send a gud gestenere. þarfor mak we ws redy tyt hyme, as a spe afferis, to visidte, & 3eld till hyme for-out delay þat office þat ws acht to say ffor worthi men quhen pai ded are.” with þat þai passit furthmare 1159. quhar for. 1170. lentynd. 1185. bropir. 1180 1185 I 190 XXVII. MACHOR. 35 to be kirk, quhar-at sanct Machor be angelis play had sene befor. bot þai þat þe cors brocht þiddire, with it had gane þar way to-giddir ner by of creskane to be hill, & þar abad to reste in will. bot sanct Machor foroutyn freste folouyt, & fand þaim þar tak reste. & he & his par with pame abad, till þai pe seruice all had mad, þat to sic deide men suld parteyne, or ony wink come in þar eyne; & syne bare pe cors deuotely till a place callit banchory; & þare solempni with honoure þai grathit for it a sepulture. & one hym þare þai mad a kirk, quhar god zeit cesis nocht to wirk thru his prayere ferleis full fele, to sek and sar folk gyfand heile. Men callis þat place quhar he lay banchory dewynnik till pis day. syne eftyr þis tyme It befell þat fra sanct colme quhar he can duell In scotland come, because þat he I 195 1200 1205 1210 1215 as pilgerame thocht at rome to be. & fra sanct Machor had witting In-to be land of his cumyng, he fane nocht quhill he with hym met. & athire of pame for Ioy gret; I220 pai war sa fane þat þai met were. sanct Machor þan at hym can spere, In pilgrimag gif he wald pas 1225 to Rome, as till hyme tald was. & he sad: "3a." & sanct machor 1199. firste. 1213 and 1216. qr he. 36 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 204 b. þane blithar wes pan euir befor, & sad: "with 30ur leif, faddere dere, 3e sall nocht pas & lewe me here. for-þi, sire, graunt me 3our gud will." & he consentit sone hyme till. þane but a-bad þai mad þaim zare, & all thing þat was necessare for þare passing þai mad redy, & held þare gat in cumpany. bot It ware langsum for to say the wondir þat god in þe way 1230 1235 wrocht for þame or pai com to Rome; for pai exced all manis dowme. 1240 bot at þe last with swink & swet hiddir þai come & trawall gret, & wisit first petir & paule, quhare pardone is & heile of saule; & socht syne wthir placis sere, quhar feile was to god full dere. of haly kirk þe cure had tane a paipe of Rome, a mastir mañ, 1245 gregor þat was of gret Renovne, & of haly opunyone ; 1250 be quhilk, quhen he had herd þat pai war cumyne þar, but mar delay he send for þaim full Reuerendly, & gert þaim cum till hym in hy, & þame Resawit as his dere Richt tendirly & with gud chere. & syne full mykill sperit he 1255 be cause quhy of sa fere cuntre þat þai come þar. & þai alsone with schort spek has be cause vndone, sayand: "be cause of his trawall þat we haf tane one hand but fale, 1228. blithar þan þen euir. 1258. quhy &. 1260 XXVII.-MACHOR. 37 Is for to wyne lestand Remede till our sawlis eftire our dede. ane wthir cause als haf we eke, petire & paule here for to seke & mony wthir in his stede, for godis sake þat tholit dede, 1265 & for til haf zoure benysone & 3oure gud informacione." 1270 the pape sanct Machor pan can call till hyme, & of þe pectis all Mad bischope for his tyme to be. Fol. 205 a. & pare-with his name changit he, And callit hyme morise, þat befor llang tyme to name had Machor. & swa as he had namys thre: mocumna first in his cunctre, & syne Machor in-to be land of pectis quhill he was duelland. þe pape sanct gregor þar-with all a-pone a day till hyme can call, & informyt hym sowne & weile In all be office ilke deile, þat suld parteyne to bischapis stat, & mekly sad hyme syne þis gat: “lo, bruthir & in criste sone dere, 1275 1280 1285 thru wescheyng of our handis here, þe haly gast hes callit þe of bischape to þe dignite, 1290 þat is schosine, & to be hicht trawale par-for all thi mycht in goddis wyne-3arde for to vyne feile folk þat bundine ar with syne, 1295 þe wark of wangeliste þu do, & be office pat is þe to Committit, fulfill ilke day, 1289. als. 1292. þat for. 38 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. . & vnreprofit kepe þe ay, & gaynand & vnchangeabli as þu se ned is, þu chasty, in pacience argw and pray, & in doctrine be besy ay." 1300 & quhen þe pape one pis kine wise had weile informyt sanct Morise, & blissit hyme & sanct colme bath, 1305 þai tuk pair leif, & sped paim rath towart þar cunctre for to gang, Fol. 205 b. & one þar way trawalit sa lang & ythandly or pai wald fyne, till þai to quhar sanct martyne lyis, ware cumyne apon chaunce, to torone, to be tovne of france. & pare be bischope of pat stede vith his clergy met þaim, & leide in-to pe cite ful Reuerendly, 1310 1315 & purwayt for paim gud herbry, & gert fynd þaim, till þai war þare, all þat to þaim was necessare ; for god had schauyt hym þat þai var thankfull seruandis till hym ay. for-þi þe tyme þat þai duelt þare, 1320 he did pame honor for pe mare, & did his mycht with full gud will to gere þame bath duell with hym still. bot sanct colme, þat wald na wa be 1325 for na requeste fra his cunctre, his wayag hamewart tuk in hy. pane of þe cite þe clergy fful increly mad hyme Requeste, sene þat he duell nocht wald, at þe leste 1330 þat he wald thole ane of his pare duell for to preche goddis lare. 1299. vnchangeabili. 1310. pai come. 1319. god has. XXVII.-MACHOR. 39 thane was sanct colme full gretumly abaisit & his cumpany, & haffand ferly held þame still. bot sanct morise of goddis will sad till his mastir: "fadire dere, quhat-euire it be pat in his were, þat quhemfull be to 3ou to do as god hyme-selfe has sad ws to, It sall be done, I sa, be me, how paynefull or how hard It be." "& pu," quod he to sanct Morise, "blissit be ay, & now blissit is, ffor-bi with martyne & with me sall hewynlik are & falow be 1335 1340 1345 In hewynnis bliss quhen pou art dede. bot zet sall þu duell in pis stede thre 3ere, in godis corne to wirk & strenth and confort haly kirk. þarefor strywe furth ay stalouartly ffor to confund oure ennymy, & with prechyng & techyne wyne 1350 ffra hyme þat he hankis in syne, & in gud wark pi curfs fulfill, 1355 quhill god in hewine pe tak hym till, & of richtwisnes þi full far crowne be giff in hewine to bi werdoune." & quhen he pus had sad & mare, but bad he buskit hym to fare. bot sanct morise, þat was full wa for to depart his master fra, 1360 to ger hyme duell a wile can lay his hand one hym, & þus-gat say: "my dere fadire, quhat thinkis pou 1365 as alyene to leff me now Fol. 206 a. þi way in-to pi cunctre ga? ymang vnknawine men, & swa 40 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. [f]or, but lewe and be benysone of sanct martyne, [to] pas of towne, It war nocht spedfull be naway." þane can his mastir till hym say: 1370 “dere sone, suppos þat I hame fare, forsuth be lewe sall I neuirmare, bot god his place has grathit þe 1375 get all thire thre 3ere in to be, & eftir of þat curs þe stryff to hafe Reward and lestand lyffe. bot zet bizarnyng till fulfill we will ga now be bischope till, & ask of new his benysone, 1380 & leife þat I ma paß of towne." þe bischope rase þan & hyme met & tuk hyme, & by hym set, & fandit, giff he ger hym mocht 1385 leif his purpos & chang his thocht. bot he mycht nocht for na kyne thing ger hym leif purpos na etling. with þat þe nycht come, & þat auld, þat for na prayere pan duell wald, 1390 tuk leif & haile be benysone } of þe bischope, & mad hym bowne In sanct martynis kirk to wakk, & fulfill clergy for his sak; & all be nycht in prayer lay 1395 befor be fertire to be day. &, as men sais, þat nycht but were to sanct colme wakkand can apere sanct martyne suthfully, & bad llang tym and spekyn with hym mad. & þar þe buk of þe wangele, þat in þe grawe was lad sum quhile besyd hyme, quhar he grawine was, he gef hyme frely in þat place, 1400 XXVII.-MACHOR. 4I þe quhilk all his lyftyme held he as a Relik in gret daynte, 1405 & left It, quhen he can disses, in till his kirk as resone was. than one þe morne, quhen it was day, he buskit hyme to gang his way 1410 but langar howne [in] till his land, to martyne hyme Recommendand. Fol. 206 b. þane folouyt hym out of þe towne, a fer way with processione, sanct morase with gret cumpany of lawide men and of clergy, & sa partyt, pocht þai war lath, with oft blissing and regrat bath; for it is a full noyus thing 1415 of dere frendis þe departynge. quhen day was gane, & It was nycht, be bischope of be place hym dycht to slepe; & sanct martyne but were till hyme slepand þar can apere, & sad till hym: "lof god in hicht, & blissis hyme with all your mycht, & he is name of alkine wyse, & trew his seruand sanct morise 1420 1425 has visit zou, and throu his grace benefice has ekit to be place. 1430 for-pi of twrane þe Cite may mak Ioy als, and blith be þat sanct Morise yhone patrone has gottine, & me to helpe 3one llone. for he till god sa thankfull is, 1435 þat in till hewine with prophettis And patriarkis he sall be Rewardit in-to lyk degre. for þai till hyme war as samplar 1411. langar but howne. 42 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 207 a. to lewe his kyne þat mychty war, & þis gret pilgrimag to tak, as did abrahame for goddis sak, & lewe all warldis welth & keyne, Reward in lestand lyf to wyne." 1440 þe bischope pan waknyt of slepe, 1445 & to his visione tuk gud kepe, & his clergy can till hyme call, & word for word he tald þaim all, as I befor here tald till 30w. & þai pat richt weile can hym trev, 1450 hewyt vpe þar handis to be hewyn, & lowit god all with a stewine. bane all be folk of bat cyte ewire ilk man in his degree, with contryt will and ane assent, to sanct morise but mare ar went, & hyme as fadire & saule-hyrd Resauit sone, as pame weile byrde. & als be bischape of þe place, þat with be puple present was, of all his bischoprik pe cure be-taucht till hyme of gret honour of sprituale & of temporale thing, 1455 1460 all to demayne at his lykine, swa þat to his dowme gret & small 1465 þat suld be downe, partenyt all. & fra þat he sic charge tuk, he trawalyt besyly & wok till his discipulis for to preche, & als be puple besyly teche; & þe bidding of þe postill full ythandly he tacht þaim till; & of gud lyf & honeste gud ensamplar to þaim first was he; 1447. till hyme say call. 1460. puple pn was. 1470 XXVII.-MACHOR. 43 Fol. 207 b. for he hyme-self in word and deide but ony [syn ly]ff ay can leyde. þe clergy þan full gret Ioy mad þat þai sa worthy faddire had; 1475 & be puple, as baim weile byrd, was fayne þat gottine had sic ane herd. 1480 for in-to pai thre 3ere & mare sanct Morise was duelland þare, be kirk sa weile ay gouernand, þat þar fell nocht into pe lande pestilence of beste na man. & par-to weddire had þai pane, þat þai wane froyt of land & se thru his prayere in gret pleynte. & till it hapnyt hym of chaunce sa lang tyme for to duel in fraunce, 1485 1490 Mony merwale god for hyme wrocht, þat I in-to pis buk wryt nocht, ffor bath it war langsum to do, & I can tak na tyme þar-to, bot sped me schortly for to tell 1495 of his ending, how it befell. tharefor quhen þat he duelt had þare thre zere haile & half but mare, he fell in till a lytill fewire, þat quhile for cald will ger men cheuire, & þat seknes sa fast hyme socht * þat hyme full nere till end It brocht. sex days pan with sic herd stryfe 1500 befor þat he passit þis lyfe, he gert his clerkis mak his grawe, 1505 & in till his orator hyme haf, & his discipulis till hyme call. he gret, & sad þis till þaim all: 1498. twre 3ere. * This line is repeated at the top of the next page in the MS. 44 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. 'My sonnys der, now ame I seit of alkine flesche to 3eld þe deit, & sall be mad sowne as yhe see of fleschlyk presone quyt & fre. lowit be bat me has gewine. grace; my strife I haf weile strifine. 1510 ffor-thi gud thing It is to me to be lousit & with hyme be. 1515 for it nedis me nocht, I trev, In flesche to duell langer for 3ou, for ze ar parfyt in althing, of grace haffand na kyn wanting. þar-for, dere sonnis, beis nocht Irk 1520 with gud werkis to strynth be kirk, & with gud dedis seit 3our will godis byding ay til fulfill. alkyne wicis 3e put away, 1525 And ferme in pece & cheryte, & luk ze cristine treutht hald ay. & nethbour lof, luk ay 3e be.” quhen þat he pis had sad & mare, þai wer dissessit, & gret full sare, 1530 & sad: "der faddur, quhy will pu all dissolat ws leif ws now?" & he sad to þame: "sonnis dere, I leif zou nocht dissolat here. I sall euir mar with 3ou be, 1535 bath quyk & deide in all degre, Anent god ay intercessoure ffor 30ure weilfar & 3our honour." þe houß þan gert he deuod all of paim þat þar war gret & small, 1540 outane pe bischopis pat come þar to wisit hyme in þat sithwar, & sic wthir religiouse he gert duell still in till þe house, XXVII. MACHOR. 45 Fol. 208 a. & prayt þaim for godis sak 1545 þe takine of þe cors to mak one þar froynttis, þat þai mocht se & here be thing þat þan saw he. & as he bad, sa haf þa downe, & þai bath herd & saw alsone. & by his heid þan saw þai stand Ihesus his postulis xij ymang. & sanct colme & sanct martyng besyd his bed þai saw stand syne. 1550 þane spak swet Ihesu, god of hewine, 1555 to sanct moryse with full myld stewine: 'sanct morise cum & with me wone in-to my fadir Rik but hone." & with þat wordis he ras full Rath, & gat apone his kneis bath, 1560 & sad as hale & fere war he: "In manus tuas, domine, My saule I gyf," & sayand swa he 3auld be gast. & It can ta ffeile angelis, & bar in hewyne 1565 with mekill sang and full swet stewine. be bischape pan & his clergy a costly kirk gert mak in hy, of siluer weile gilt for þe nanys, & ennornyt with costlyk stanys, & mad sanct moryse pare to ly, enbawmyt weile & Richly. 1570 & his sepultur mad þai syne ewine syd be syd to sanct martyne, quhar god throw his gud prayer ay 1575 cesis neuir zeit nicht na day fferly werkis for to wirk, to fereme our treutht & strinth of kirk, In lofyng of hym þat of nocht pis warld & be lawe has wrocht; 1580 46 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for þar is wrocht euire ilke day sa gret wondir, þat I ne tell may, of sanct morise throw he prayere to folk bundine with seknes sere, þat I dar nocht Record all now; 1585 for sume perchaunce suld me mistrew. for deiff men þar gettis heryng, Fol. 208 b. & blynd men als parfyt seyng, & halt men als þar gettis bute, þat seknes has in schank or fut, & dume men als þar gettis speke, þat mekly will sanct morise sek, & full feile men of parlesy gettis þar heile þar parfytly. & sume throu ydropesy sa gret 1590 1595 swolne þat þai ma ete no mete, are mad swampe þar, throu þe prayer of sanct morise, haile & fere. & sume þat brawne-wod of her wit war mad and wterly tynt It, 1600 & helpe has socht at sanct morise Recouerit wit & war mad wise. & sume þat payne had of þe stane or seknes in-to flesch or bane or quhatkine vthir Infirmyte þat man or woman had, gyf he or scho sanct morise socht increly, At hyme þar heile þai gat in hy, throw mycht of giffar of all grace, to quhome he ay trew seruand was. 1605 1610 & swa gif god þat I ma be his seruand in-to sic degre, out of his lyf þat I may twyne but schame, or deit, or dedly syne. explicit wita sancti macharij. 1597. & mad swampe. 1615 Fol. 209 a. XXVIII. MARGARET. WA wil þe vertu wyt of stanis, in þe lapidar ma fynd ane is of þam þat callyt is "margaret," vertuyse, clere, lytil, and quhyt. & for þere prophetis thre we se It oft weile bocht be. vertu It is blud to restrenze, & flux of wame refrenze; & is vertuyse callyt alsa agayne ane Il, callyt "cardiaca ; & It awalzes specyaly gyfine in met agayn mysalry. & for it is quhyt, clere schenand, men bryngis It of ful fare land, for til enhorne vchis & cronis, 5 " ΙΟ mad fore sere folk þat of renone is. & it is lytil and rond alsa; par-for oft men wil it ta & set it in bruchis & in ryngis, pare-in delyt has mychtty knygis. zet of his margarit þe name of margaret ma wele be tane, þat lytil was & mylk quhit clere & vertuyse, be causis sere. fyrst lytil thru humylyte, 1. Initial letter wanting. 24. cause. 15 20 25 · 48 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat may to god mast thankful be, for thru humylite but dred was mary mad oure alleris med. & clere quhyt thru vergynite, þat to god next humylyte Is. sa is margarit quhyt, & clene of al fleschly delyt. & alswa scho was vertuse, fore vertuysly scho cane vincuse þe flesch, be warld, be fend alsa. & fyrst, thru pennance scho can sla hyre flesch & floure of 3outhed, & kepyt euire hyre madynhed in body and treutht wnuemmyt ay, & nocht of rocht of flescly play. 30 35 40 þe wikit warld scho ourcom als, þat ay is totyre, fekil, & fals. fore scho rocht nocht of warldis gud, bot scho had symply hyre fud 45 Fol. 209 b. & clath, to cleth hyre honestly, for-out pryd and surcudry. als þe feynd scho ourcom wel & his werkis Ilke dele. for pride in hyre, na auarise herbryt in hyre mycht be na vise, 50 na slawnes, na lychery, na wreth, na gnedschepe, na gluto[ny]; bot hyre sa wisly can scho ware with almus, fasting, & prayere þat scho ourcom hyr fais fel, as in hyre story I herd tel, word be word, as teophinus, þat wrat hyre story, tellis vs. 55 þat sais, þis margret fare & fre of antioche in þe cite бо wes borne, & of kine gret & clere, XXVIII.-MARGARET. 49 ་ al-po pai paianis ware but were ; for teodosius mychtty & stark, þat of þat lawis wes patriarch, wes hyre fadir, & scho his ayre of rentis gret & landis fayre; & gefine wes to fostir & fede wtouth be towne in hir 3outhede 65 til a mañ, had gud Inuch, sic as men wynnis of erd & pleuch. 70 & fra he had his madyn lacht in 3emsel, he gert hyre be tacht in cristis lacht, & syne scho tuk þe lacht of baptyme, & forsuk be feynd, & to crist gef hir so hale 75 þat of be warld scho gef na tale, & had na thocht of hyre gret kyne, na of riches, na of warldis wyne. & scho beand in tendir elde, Fol. 210 a. hyr modyr, þat was al hir beld, deit; &, for scho cristine was, hyre fadyre rocht of hir þe les, sa þat scho nedit for to kepe fore faut of helpe ilke day schepe of hyre nuryse, til scho com nere to be elde of fyftene 3ere; for hyre fadir hir hatit sa, for cause scho cristine treuth cane ta, þat mare esful til hyre war hyr dede an lyf or welfar. zet, po scho wes in pouir stede & nocht with hyr fadir cane be fede, nocht-pane scho wes of sik boute þat it was wondir for to se; for farare thing mycht be nane in ony degre, in flesch or bane; 64. lawie. VOL. II. 81. deid. 83. patsa pat. 90. and. D 80 85 90 95 50 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & hyr fare hafyng als with þat in al hyr dede sa wele hyre sat. bot zet wes scho al-out fairare thru treutht scho had in cristis layre, to quham scho pleysit in al degre of consciens thru fyne bewte. Sa it hapnyt at a tyme percace, fra þe emperoure send was his stewart, man of gret mycht & fel, & olibryus he hycht, cristine men to sek ay-quhare, in quhat land sa þai ware, to sla or torment but delay, bot þai renyit cristine fay. & betyd þat he come percase nere by quhare his madyn was kepand hyre fostir modir schepe; & til hir beute tuk sic kepe þat he with-ine wes het in hy with ful wil of lychery, sa þat he reste be na way mocht, til þat scho was befor hym brocht. þane he beheld hyre ink[r]ely, & of hyr beute had ferly; & ay be mare he has hyre sene with outwart & with inwart ene, þe hardar wes he wet within with hyr fleschly for to syne. þan ware handis wyolent 100 105 IIO 115 I 20 125 layd one þat cristis Innocent, þat as a schepe ymang wlfis brath beheld quha fyrst suld do hir scath, lukand a-bout on ilke syd quha fyrst suld rewis hir þat tyd, 130 118. pam. XXVIII.—MARGARET. 51 Fol. 210 b. & has na helpe, sted in sic pres, bot god, in quham hyr hope al was. for-bi deuotely can scho pray til hyme, & pire wordis say: "tyne nocht my sawle with felloî men, bot erare sic grace þu me lene þat I ourcume may my fellon fa!" olibrius pane wes ful thra to fand hyr & ger consent til his lykine & his entent, with wordis quhyle polyst & clere, & quhile with athis gret & sere, syne sayand: "I wil nocht scorne be, bot, be bu fre borne, I wil þe wed & haf to wif, til I ma lest in þis lyf; & suppos þu bastard be, 3et sal I for þi beute 135 C 140 145 as concubynė þe hald & haf in mast daynte, abeouf þe lawe." 150 & for scho hym nan ansuere mad, he speryt at hyre but abad quhat wes hir nam, & of quhat kyn scho wes of, scho suld tel hyme, or quhat god did scho honour til, 155 & at scho wald fulfil his wil consentand til flescly delyt. þane ansuert scho but respyt : as to be fyrst, I haf na scham to tel þat margeret is myn nam. & syne to ansuer of my kine, I wes borne þis towne within, In lauchful bed of folk mychtty, in his towne gottine was I. as to þat þu askis now, in-to quhat god at I trew, 160 165 52 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. I honoure Ihesu crist alway, & euir sal do til I lyf may ; for vthir god is nane bot he, þat mad of nocht erd & tre. Fol. 211 a. 170 & quhare þu wald I gaf consent to syne with þe, pane ware I schent." þan, quhen he herd of hyre belewe, he treuyt wel for til eschewe, & sad: "madyn, granttis þu, 175 pou trewis sa in Ihesu, þat Iouys sleu for his trespas, þat of na mycht na vertu was to help hyme-self na ony ellis ?" "It is nocht suth," scho sad, "pu tellis ; 180 bot, for þai hyme on tre can hynge, þai tynt þame-self & þare o[f]spryng, of his wil set ded he tuk, to wyne ws fra þe feyndis cluk. for he wes ay but begynnyng, & euir sal be but endynge, 185 & has be gyfine lyf & aynde, to strif with hyme pe po pu faynde, & þu cese sal, quhen he wil, for ocht þat þu ma do pare til. 190 & he mad hewine of nocht, & man to duel þare-in wrocht, & mad hym maister syne & king þat in his warld is of althing. 195 & quhen be feynd syne of inwy had depriwit hyme wikitly of sic Ioy & of sic welth, þane oure manhed tuk hym-self, & deit for vs a-pon þe tre, in til oure flesch þat tan had he, & one be thryd day rase fra ded 168. til my lyf. 187. & has he. 200 XXVIII.-MARGARET. 53 Fol. 211 b. thru pe strinth of his godede, & ransonyt ws with his blud fra ded til lyf a-pon þe rud." ful wa wes þane olybrius, fra margaret had sad þus, na he cuth nocht be kindly skil gaynand ansuere mak hir til. for-pi, til he avysit ware to 3eld til hyre rype ansuere, he bad his meñ þai suld hir kepe In a dongeone myrk & depe, quhare nan mycht with hyre spek, na met na drink na cleth [hir] rek. þane entryt he in-to be towne, & on his wyse mad hym boune to sacrify to godis sere deuotely on his manere; & quha-sa-euir wald nocht do sa, for-out pyte he thocht to sla. & on þe morne, quhen day was lycht & son had spred his bemys brycht, olybrius of þat cyte in mydis gert he set vpe sa he his dempster-stule, þat he mycht here al causis þat brocht þare were, & namely for to spere of pai þat offerand til his godis ma wald nocht, þat he mycht se. • 205 210 215 220 225 þane margret ger[t] he furth brocht be 230 out of presone til his presence, & or he spak ocht, mad sylence. syne sad he: "madine, haf pyte of þi-self & consent til me & honoure to my godis gyf, þat þu in welt[h] with me ma lif! 224. þe mydis. 226. al cause. 235 54 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for, treuly, I haf pyte of bi zouthed and beute, bat me be[h]oufis of ned spil, my godis honoure gyf þou na wil." 240 bot scho nocht dred, þo he hir thret, in cristis luf sa was scho set, bot sad: "wit pu, it is my wil in nathing to consent þe til. for crist is god & lord of al 245 þat in his warld are, gret & smal, & al þi mawmentis euir ilkane ar dume & def & ma haf nane pouare to mak ocht, for þai ar mad, & gerris in hel þare makaris wad. bot here to god hale I me gyf, in his clere court þat I ma lif 250 with haly madinis; for crist gaf hyme-self to ded, synful to saf; for-bi for hyme I haf na dred to de, þat gyfis hewinly med, & raisis ded men at his wil. fore-pi hale I tak me hym til, & þi fel maumentis dredis nocht. for-bi do furth as þu has thocht!" olibrius þan, quhar he wes set, thru bitirnes of gal wes het, & bad his seruandis in to ten, 255 260 þat þai suld tak pat maydin schen, & dispoil hyre of hyr clathis- 265 þat til woman ful lath is- & strakis fel til hyre let warpe, & rawis flesch with schorgis scharp, & bad þat þai suld nocht blyne, hyre body til þai suld se with-in, 270 XXVIII.—MARGARET. 55 Fol. 212 a. "to tak reuengeance of hir cors, of our godis þat makis na force." pane wikit men þat madyn fare hangyt he vpe in þe ayre, & with schorgis fra tope to ta hyr far flesch raf, til al þai þat by stud mycht wele thru þe skine be guttis se þat war þar-in. 275 bot scho wes cled in haubersione of treutht & of deuocione, 280 & enkrely behaldand hewine, sic prayer mad with myld stewine: “lord Ihesu crist, I treu in þe; lat me neuir confundit be, 285 na at my fais scorne me nocht, for in þe set is al my thocht!" bane of hyre cors in sic fusione þe blud ran in stremis done, þat mony gret þat cane It se, of hyr payne hafand sic pyte ; 290 for of hyre flesche teyndir & clere rywine & rent fel pecis sere. & quhen be tyrand saw hir so fayre, he sad: " margaret, betir it ware 295 consal þi-self, & lewe þi ryt, & turne þe til oure godis tyt, & be nocht thra in þine entent, bot erare to my wil consent, sa þat þu be na hardare beft & tyne þe lyf at 3et is left." 300 þane ansuert scho [til] hym on ane: "pu wyrkis be warkis of sathane, pi fadir, þat ful feynd of hel; bot treuly to be now I tel þat þi consal til I lyf, 273. þat wikit. 305 290. & of hyr payne. 56 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. I wil nocht do, na honoure gyf to þi flatryng na godis dume, þat man has mad al & sume, bot I honoure & gloryfy crist of hewine al-mychty, makare of nocht [of] alkine thing, & suthfastly hewynis king, þat of hewine þe somnis beme geris here a-poñ ws leme, & with mony sternis sere payntyt þe lyft, as we se here. & alsa suthfast god is he, & for man deigneit for to be man. of þe warld þe trespas, thru his blud þat innocent was, Fol. 212 b. 310 315 320 he bocht, & he, rychtwyse, for our synnis come sacrifice til god his fadir til enples, nocht for hyme-self, bot for oure ese. & he, richtwise, for vnrichtwise 325 deit, & sene one sic wyse rase fra ded thru þe stering of his godhede, for oure mending, & sa thru his ded mychtely of deid oure-come þe signery, 330 & to pame þat hym seruis here sal gyf þe blis of hewyn but were, þat sa mykil is þat nan ma in thocht it think, na tong say, for it excedis manis wit 335 to deme or to spek of it." Ande quhen scho þis [had] sad, belyf þe tyrand gert hir flesch ryf with irne camis þat scharp schare, þat hyre rybbis ware mad bare, 340 314. gere. 335. for it accedis. XXVIII. MARGARET. 57 Fol. 213 a. & flayne of hyre sa wes þe skyn þat men mycht se hyr wame with-in. eftyre sown be blud fel als clere of hyre as of a wel as dois watir one wyntir day. pane al þat by stud can say: 'margaret, forsuth we haf pyte one þi hard torment bus to se, & pi beute þat þu has tynt, for þu wald nocht of foly stynt 345 350 til honoure hyme þat hangit was one a gebbet for his trespas. þare-for we gyf þe consel now 355 þat þu til oure godis trow, & als consent til fulfil hale olibrius [his] wil, to eschape pe drery payne of ded or at þu be slayne." pane sad scho: "hald zu stil! for 3oure consal is wikit & wil; for þis payne þat done is to me 360 þe saufté of my saule sal be." syne cane scho to pat prefec say: "vnschameful hund, & ellis nocht may þane gredy lyone fillit be, 365 playne poware here is gefin þe of þis flesch for to do þi wil, bot my saule ma nocht þu spil; for crist sal kepyt, at it wrocht. pare-for of þe I rek richt nocht." þe tyrand þan, to se þe flude þat fra þe maydine rañ of blude, 370 had schame; par-for pe face he hyd with his mantyl, & syne cane byd his men ga soñ & tak hyre done, 351. hangit wes. 375 58 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & thryng hyre in a depe dongeone, til he mycht fynd sum new torment, to gare hyre til his wil consent. & til his tormentouris bad he þat þe presone sa myrk suld be, þat na kyne lycht mycht cum þare, & þat scho suld be bundin sare. bot quhen his fellon wil wes done, Ihesu crist send hyr confort sone of sic lycht, þat, quhare scho lay, was mare licht pane of þe day. & quhen scho wes þis wyse sted, scho knelyt & hyre prayere bad to god of hewine with blyth chere, sayand wordis þat are here : "lorde Ihesu criste, I thank þe & lowis, for þu lewyt nocht me in-to na payne na torment, 380 385 390 bot ay þi helpe to me þu sent; for, hou hard payne sa-euir it was 395 þat þe seruand of wykitnes gert do me of iniquite, þu has it turnyt in Ioy to me. pare-for, god, for þi gret mycht, grant me now werray sicht 400 of my fel fa, þat priuely werrais me his felloun[1]y, þat I may face to face hyme se, & fycht with hyme, quhat he be; & syne þat I may hyme vincuse be mycht of þe in me, Ihesus !” þane rase scho fra hyr oracion & lukit by hyre vpe & down, & saw a dragon nere hyr by, 397. gert do me of wikitnes iniquite. 405 XXVIII.-MARGARET. 59 Fol. 213 b. sa mykil, sa gret, & sa vgly þat of wit scho wes wel nere, of þat best for þe felloî bere; þa scayland schalis set vp rath, with vryf ful lang & ful herd bath, & tung & tetht brynnand as fyre, & schot on hyre in gret Ire, & tuk hyr in his mouth hale, 410 415 to suely hyr in mekil bale. bot, as scho enterand was to pas be throt of þat ful sathanas, 420 þe takine of pe croice scho mad on hyre, & þe best but bad brast in twa, & scho but hurt eschapit wele or ony sturt. þane had be feynd gret inwy at hyr, & apperit sone in hy, in sume part lyk a mañ to be, bot blakar þane ony sut wes he, with handis bundine til his kneis, & helis vpwart til his theis- 425 430 sa wgly, þat, quha mycht hym se, suld gretly abaisyt be. þane was be maydine sum part red, & knelyt & hyre bedis bad, & saynit hyr, & rase vp hath, 435 & rakit to þat body rath, & hynt hyme harskly be þe hare. & he one hyr can rudly rare, & sad: "þu godis maydine dere, spar me a quhil! for þi prayere & pi teris brynis me so sare þat in hel leware me ware. quhat haf I don to be, for-quhy þu brynnis me pis felloun[1]y? 414. bryf? 435. hath. First letter uncertain. 440 60 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. "" 445 Fol. 214 a. cese now, I pray, of press[i]on!' & to be zerd scho kest hym don, & on his nek set hyre fut, & sad: "ful feynd, is þe na but; for her sal þu 3eld þe to me, & of a woman ourcumyne be." þane sad he: "haly margaret, I ma na langare thole pi thret, & 3eldis me [al] wtrely to be. but mare care haf I of a women ourcumine to be þane a man had vincust me; for fyrst of al, women it wes þat I ourcom be brukilnes, quhen it mycht nocht me awale for stedfastnes man til assale. for-pi mar It schamis me of women til ourcumyne be. & als þi fadir & modir ware 450 455 460 to me teyndir & frendis dere." þane at hyme sperit scho quhy he 465 Come par; & he ansuert in hye: "To consel þe til consent in althing to be presydent." þan demandit scho for-quhy þat he had sa gret inwy 470 at cristine men befor pe lawe. pane sad he: "for I mon nedly haf Inwy at þame for pare vertuse, & for feile of þame ar relygiouse; & þame agane euir kyndly, for þare vertu fed haf I; & namely for þat fele of pai wynnis pe Ioy þat I fel fra, & for þai bruk þat I haf tynt. 451. sad þe. 454. mare pare. 475 XXVIII.-MARGARET. 61 for-bi to faynd þam neuir I stynt, 480 þat Ioy to gere þame tyne. þat I ame falline fra & myne.” pane tald he hyr hou salamoñ þat wyse[s]t king þat set in trown, of feyndis þat na nowmir was 485 in a weschale stekit of gles; & quhen salamon wes ded, of cowatice men tuk to red to brek þe gles, treuand þar a souerane gud or tresoure ware. 490 & quhen pai brokine had þat gles, sa fele [feyndis] out can pas þat þai fulfillit sa þe are as motis ar in sown-beme fare. & of his nek hyr fut a-way scho tuk, & let hyme pas his way, & neuir cristine forthyrmare, * 495 Fol. 214 b. & vanyst he a-way ful suyth, & scho alane lewit, glad & blyth ; for scho sykyr al wes mad, þat scho ourcumyne had 500 be maister feynd, þare-for be hand scho suld ourcume his wikit seruand. eftsonnis scho fel to pray one kneis, & [his] cane say: "I lowe pi name & gloryfy, Ihesu crist, suthfast victory, for quham dyspysit I haf hale pis warld & of it gyfis na tale, & in brukil kynd als stad ourcome my fay & mad mad. lord Ihesu, grace grant me here * No break in MS. 505 510 62 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. a-gayne fayndingis to persewere!" & hyre prayere quhen scho had ser-wyse to god deuotely mad, a licht of hewine rathly schane, quhare scho set al hyr alane, & as a cors wes be sicht 515 fra hewin to erd schenand brycht, & one pat cors set a dou, 520 þat sad: "margaret maydine, pou trew þat þu art blyssit & ay sal be, for hewine zettis bydis þe." & one þe morne, quhen sown was brycht, þat menskis al be warld of lycht, 525 þis waryt Iug, in stul set, gert margaret son befor hym fet, & sad [til] hyr rycht cerryosly: 'maydine, I red zou sacrify til oure godis, or þu tyne 530 þi lif, at zet is left, with pyne, & lef þi wikit fals belewe, & honoure to oure godis gyf, & of bi zouthed fare & fresß tyne nocht þe floure in wilfulnes.” 535 þane ansuert scho but delay, & sad: "Ihesu I sal honor ay, makar of hewine & 3erd & al, to quham I euir emples sal; & al pine ydolis I dispyse pam to do honor or seruice." þane wes be tyrand vondir teñ Fol. 215 a. quhene he hard bis of be maydine clene, & bad men suld platis ta of Irne, lang & brad alsa, & mak pame hat brynnand, & lay til hyr sydis, þat sa can say of his godis dyspytuisly 540 545 XXVIII.-MARGARET. 63 of hyre passand-gret foly, sa þat scho, brynt richt sare, sik wordis suld spek nomare. pane wes of Irne mony plat layd til hyr sydis, brynnand hat, þat hyr flesch brulyt & brynt sa þat thankful rek to god can ga in plesand smelling of suetnes & sacrifice, pat thankful wes. bot pocht scho was brynt without, within scho wes withoutyne dout of hewinly deu thru þe haly gast, 550 555 560 quham in hyre confort wes ay mast; bot for gret stedfastnes scho rocht lytil of hyre flesche. olybrius thru wikit wil harder payne he put hir til; 565 & for þat watir eftyr fyre ful noyful is to sic martyre, a fat, þat wes [bath] depe & wyd, of watir gert he fil þat tyd. &, as he bad, þai hyre band with cordis smart fut & hand, 570 & kyst hyre in þat fat, to drown. & quhen scho wes pis pare-in don, pane in þe watir as scho lay to Ihesu crist þis can scho say: 575 "der god! brak my bandis in hy, & I sal to be sacryfy me in sacrifice of lowing. & als I pray þe, suthfast king, to blis þis vatir, at it be 580 for wel of baptyme to me, & of my synnis in forgyfnes, & þat þe folk mare & les ma kene & se þat þu alane 64 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. is suthfast god, & ellis nane, Fol. 215 6. & has na ending na begynnyng, of hewine & erde makare & king." ande as scho mad [had] þis prayere, son wes herde a fellon bere of thonir and of erdine, þat brak þe fat, scho wes put in, in pecis al, & al þe bandis, þat bundine had hyr fet & handis; & þis merwale alsoñ cane be as man mycht twinkil with his e. pane com a dou of hewin fleand, al þe puple þat seand, & in pe neb brocht a cron, & on hyr hewid set It don; 585 590 595 600 & out of hewine a voce can say: "confort þe wele, my blissit may ! for of hewine my falowis al bydis þi cumyne, gret & smal." pane stud scho by & lowinge mad 605 to god þat hyre deliuerit had of gret parel & panys sere. þane al þe folk þat þare were, b[at] herd þat erdine & pat stewyn, þat spak with hyre out of pe hewyn, al with a voyce criyt þane: "mykil is be god of cristine men!" pane of þame þat þare can stand conuertit fyfe thousand, for-owtine weman & bernis fele, þat conuertit to lestand heile; þat þane til vndo furth ware led, & for cristis sak þe blud sched, & baptyst ware in þare blud 610 615 XXVIII.-MARGARET. 65 Fol. 216 a. for godis sak with blyth mud. olibrius pane dret rycht pare gyf margaret langar lifand ware, pane mony suld conuertit be. for-bi on hyre sentence gef he, 620 þat þai suld smyt hyr nek in twa. &, as he bad, soñ þai hyre ta 625 & his byding haf þai don, & to pat place led margret soñ. & be basare, malchus to name, a scharpe sword son has tane to strik hyr hed of but abad. 630 bot scho request has til hym mad to gyf hyr respyt and delay, til scho mycht hyr prayere say; & he til hyr tyd hyre bowne. & one kneis fel scho sowne, 635 & his wise mad hyr prayere to god of hewine, þat al mycht here: mychty god, makare of al warldis, þat gayne are or cum sal, with hart & mouth I 3eld lowyng to be, as to my souerane king, þat fra þis warldis filth þat me drawine has þi seruand to be, & kepit me in-to clenes, nocht for my sert, bot þi gudnes, & has me grantyt of þi grace to cum to Ioy, þat na end has. sa, dere lord, I pray to þe pou grant me for þi gret pytte pardone for al þat me did myse. & als, der lord, I ask þe pis, þat, quha in mynd has myn passion, 631. had til. E 640 645 650 VOL. II. 66 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 216 b. or wrytis It for deuocione, or redis, or gerris be red, or honouris me in ony sted, or dois in þe name of me deuocione, quhat-euir It be, grant þame forgefing of þar myse & in þi kyrk þe mykil blyse. & gyf þai be sted in ned, quhare-euir It be, I ask for med, þat þai sik helpe for my sak haf, as þai in ned wil me crawe ; & quhat-euir woman It be þat in tyme of byrth callis on me, grant þat woman but [ony] wath deliueryt be & pe barne bath, as I trast in þe, hewynis king, born be for my sak but merryng.” & quhen scho had hyr prayere mad, a gret hug thonir [com] but bad, & a quhyt dow was sene fra þe hewine com to þat schene, & twechyt hyre & sad: "margaret, þat in sic thrang wil nocht forzet þame þat of þe makis memore here, sa blissit þu art to god & dere þat he pi bowĥ granttis þe for al þat euire sal honoure þe, þat ar present or be syne sal; 655 660 665 670 675 680 þat þu askis he granttis al. cum now þarfor to be lestand blis, þat þu has bocht in gret distres, with be haly curt of hewine!" & as he puple herd pis stewine & þe thonir þat hydwis was, pai fel flatlingis on þare face. with þat scho dressit vpe pe sicht 685 XXVIII.-MARGARET. 67 to be basare, pat malchus hicht, & bad þat he suld fulfil 690 be byding at fourmyt was hym til. þane he, þat sene had opynly godis vertu sa properly þat he for hyre pane saw don, til hyre request sad na son, & sad: "god forbed þat I 695 with wenemyt handis sla þe in hy." quod scho: "but pu do I byd be, na part sal þu haf with me." þane sad he: "Ihesu, for þi pitte þu input nocht pis ded to me! 700 for maugre myn þis ded do I; I put me hale in þi mercy." a scharpe swerd þane he hynt & hyre vnhedyt at a dynt, 705 & at hyr fet fel ded don, & at mad hyme gud pardon. þane of hyre cors a dow al quhyt flaw, þat to se was delyt, & in pe clowdis clame belyf, 710 on seand bath mañ & wyf. a cristine man, callit theophin, wes by hyre al pis tyme, bath in preson & without, & to serwe hyre wes 3arne about, 715 & put in wryt word & ded, þat men eftyrewart mycht red. & in antioche of his cost a sepultur he gert mak hyre of gret cure, 720 Fol. 217 a. & embalmemyt hyre body, & laid it þare honorably, quhare god cesis nocht to wyrk vertuß, in strinthing of haly kirk, 701. þis did. 698. byd þu do. 708. pane of hyre crors. 68 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & for to gere knawine be quhou he had hyre in gret daynte, & hou he quytis þam þare med, þat seruis hyme in word or ded. be quhilk he grant ws grace to do, þat we ma saufly cume hym to. 726. & hou pe quytis. 725 XXIX. PLACIDAS. S a gret doctore sais til ws, lat penance is rycht perolouse; for ilke mañ, quha tent wil to, is oblyst lang penance to do. for of mankynd thru brukilnes, quhyle saule is presente in þe flesch, men cesis seldine for to syne. to spedful pennance to begyne, bot drawis It erare in to lynth, til of his body falzeis strinth. for-þi we se ful mony end quhen þai na mycht has til [a]mend; for sum with seknes ar ouretane þat þar amendis ma mak nañ ; & sum deis but repentance on syndry wyse ma fal perchance. þar-for gud ware to do penance til men had space þare-to, & nocht, quhen he mycht syne nomare, as quhen for elde he has quhyt hare, or quhen hym falzeis heryng, or perauenture als seyng, & his tetht waxis 3alou with-al, & as a barne of his hewid hare fal, 1. Capital wanting. 5 ΙΟ 15 20 70 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & his and waxis stinkand, Fol. 217 b. & his handis als tremland, for be thryd fut hym worthis þen haf a potent hym on to leñ, & quhen þat he waxis wery, quheþir he sit, or gang, or ly. þare-for happyn man is he þat, befor he þire taknis se, penance to do here wil begyne, & in gud lasare mend his syne. for it [is] sad in þe decre at seldine quhene has god pyte of þame þat synnis Ithandly. for-[bi] to cese is na foly; for he pat cesis nocht to syne til þat it lewis hyme, 25 30 35 40 sal nothyr haf thang no mede til lef, quhen he ma do na dede. [i]n haly wryt I herde neuere rede, sen I fyrst þare-to tuk hede, þat man for Ioy to Ioy suld fare 45 for-oute It þat diseseful ware as to his fleschly delyt, na zet þat man mycht haf meryt for-out examinacione & wardly tribulacione, 50 as seknes or disese sere þat men tholis til þai are here. for wonder war [þat] man suld wyne til hewine þat is chargit in syne, 55 as to be treutht of haly kyrk; bot quhat he wil he ma wirk. þar-by ensampil wil I tel 46. diesesful ware. XXIX. PLACIDAS. 71 þat til a knycht quhil befel, to quham god ferlifully kythit his mychtis & his mercy, be reknyng ewine a hundreth 3ere fra criste wes born of mary dere. of Rome emperoure wes ane pane callyt sir Adryane, to cristine treutht a fellon fa, & mony cristine gert he sla. & a knycht callit placydas prynce of his knychted was, þat wes man of gret pousté of warldis gudis and dingnite, & pare-with wycht and hardy, wyse, lele, & rycht wordy; &, as paianys, mad sacrifice til ydolis in til syndry wyse; nocht-þan be dedis of mercy he oysit to do Ithandly, & gud wil had to do gud 60 65 70 75 til al man þat ned bestud; Fol. 218 a. & had a wyf of þe sammyne ryt, þat to do mercy had delyt; 80 & twa barnis with hyre had he, þat he gert wele fosteryt be. & for he mercyful was, he wane to way of suthfastnes. & syne tyd a day, he went to hont þe auld bestis, as he wes wont, with mony knychttis & squyeris, & mony hundis & hunteris, & fand a gret herd of dere, & presit to nycht þame nere. þai war red & skalyt wyd, 71. with is written over the line and in a different hand. 85 90 72 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & þame fast presit til hyd. & as þe herd brokine was, quha best mycht rane to be chas, & to par lord heid tuk nañ. bot he fulfast be hyme [al]ane þane chasit a gret hart, þat fled fast, for he wes smert, til a crag wonnyî he had hye & schore, & pare abad. & placydas with incre wil presit fast to cum hym til; bot he mycht nocht-sa strat þe place wes quhare be best bydand wes. 95 IOO bot he saw betwen his tyndis brycht 105 Fol. 218 b. a verray croice schenand lycht, & one þat croice þe liknes of Ihesu crist saw, mare na les. þane spak þe hart to placydas, as to balame quhil dyd his as- bot sum men sais It is to lak þat þe hart to be knycht spak, bot erar þat meñ suld treu þat in hyme spak swet Ihesu- & sad til hyme: "þu placydas, quhat mowis þe me to chas ? & I for cause of pe apere in-to his best þat þu seis here; þat I am crist I now þe say, to quham vnwitynly ay þou has enplesit, & has wele sene hou pou has cherytabil bene til al pame [pat] þu saw haf nede, & helpyt þame in word & ded. & pi gud dedis causis me, as pou [me] huntis, to hont þe. 94. quha best mycht þane. 110. his is corrected from þas. IIO 115 120 125 XXIX.-PLACIDAS. 73 sa sal þu now wonnyî be, & pas til hewine & wyn with me." quhene placydas [had] bis herd say, he fel of hors but delay 130 til erde for abasitnes, þo he wicht & hardy wes, & lay stil ane oure nerehand but steryng of fut ore hand; & roydly rase syne, & can say: "quhat pu art, tel me, I pray, & opynly pi wil tel me, gyf þu wil I treu in be!" quod crist: "I will þu treu 135 þat I ame crist þat spekis now, þat mad al, bath hel & hewyn, as me lykyt, in dais sewine, 140 & licht & merknes I can ma, & syne departyt þam in twa, & mad man of erde & clay, sa þat he suld serwe me ay. & quhen man for his gylt brekand my byding hym-self spilt, to succoure hyme I be-com mañ, & fra ay-lestand ded hyme wan, 145 150 & for hyme deyt one be croyce, & 3ald þe gest þare with he voice. syne don in a grawe [I] lay, & rase one be thryd day, & passit in hewine & regnis now 155 with my fadyr-pis þu treu !" þane sad he "lord, wel I treu þat þu þat spekis with me now, is he þat mad has althing, 149. to is in the margin in a different hand. Originally the line began succoure." 152. his voice. re 74 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 219 a. & me ma fra erroure brynge." pane sad god: "gyf þu treuis sa, to be byschope son þu ga, & sa hyme, for þe luf of me, þat in my nam he baptis þe.” sad placydas: "lord, wil pu þat my wyf howine be & treu, & my twa sonnys alswa?" til hyme pane sad he: "3a. 160 165 & quhen þu has my byding doî, to me þu cum to-morĥ but hown, & I sal here apere þe til, 170 to lat þe wyt mare of my wil." & þane, as sir placydas til his palace cumyne wes, bat nycht with his wyf as he lay, 175 þe tale [al] hale he cane hyre say. & quhen þat scho herde, scho wes fane, & blythly sad til hyme agayne : "trou, lord, þat 3istir-nycht but were þe sammyne to me cañ apere, 180 & sad to me: 'I wil þu rath & þi man & þi barnys bath cum to me,' & tald þe place, quhare 3e sad ze war at chas ; & pare-by treu I treuly now þat he is verra crist Ihesu.” þane he & scho & pe barnis twa priwely to be bischope of rom can ga, & bad nocht þe dais lycht bot priuely about mydnycht. of þar cumyne pe pape wes blyth, & baptist þame panę rycht swyth, & hyme to nam gef eustace þene, & til his wyf theospyteĥ, 181. & sad sad to me. 185 190 XXIX. PLACIDAS. 75 & his sonnis theospitum 195 Fol. 219 b. to name gef & agypytum. & one þe morne, in þe mornyng, sir eustas, as he ware a king, with gret effere & realte, passit furth rycht pane in hye to be huntis ful mychtely, with nobil men mony hym by. & [quhen] he come nere be place, quhere crist to hyme schauyt his grace, to do his thing in priwete dressit hyme & þa[i]m anely to be, & skalyt his men here & pare, fenzeand he wist þare gammyn ware, til he belewit al hyme ane. & to be place is he gane in gud deuocione and prayer, til he com þe place nere, & sa fel hyme wel to do þat sic ane erand passit to, as to spek with þat king 200 205 210 215 þat althing mad of nathing. þan com he on to be place but were, quare crist til hym first can apere * in þe self fourme and fygure in althing & portratoure, as he [be]for til hyme had doŵ. pane fel he to be erde son, & a quhile abasit lay; syne rase & pis can say, makand to god his oryson in ful gret deuocione, 195. theospicum. * No break in MS. 205. think. 220 225 76 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & on his brest with oft knokyn, & of his synnis repentyng, as man of gud entencione, with taknis of compuncion: "lord Ihesu, gyf þi willis be, þu opynly no[v] schau to me, as pu me hicht, quhat sal I do!" þane Ihesu mad ansuere hym to, & sad til hyme on þis manere : 'fathful son to me & dere, ful happy art pu now, eustace, þu þat in þe watir of myn grace 230 235 has gert wesch be, quhare-thru þou be fals feynd has ourcumyn nov, 240 þat slichtfully begylyt þe, & is dishonoryt now thru þe, & ourcumyne al vtrely; blyth ma bu be for-pi! & now pi treutht sal wel apere; for pe feynd sal of sere manere fand til ourcum be on al wise, for at pu lewit has his seruice, with al his falset & his slycht. for-bi mon bu, as stalawrt knycht, 245 250 to resist hym mak þe bown, þat þu of Ioy ma wyn þe croî, & wyne to pat herytag þat to man I hicht & his lynag. for-þi first mon þu lawit be 255 Fol. 220 a. fra þe sicht of al wanyte, & pryd, & wantones of wil, sic rewarde to wyne til; & syne sal þu cum to þe hycht of gastly gud & hewynis lycht, 228. & of his son repentyng. 260 XXIX. PLACIDAS. 77 & bruk þat herytag but were, þat we spak of a lytil here, with gret Ioy & angel gle, quhare euir-lestand glore sal be, & eschewine of al payne, þat men ma of think or sayne; for inpossible is but dred 265 aduersite to be in þat sted or ony kynd of displesance, bot happy of al gud & habundans. 270 & se þat þu fal nocht, na of þi first Ioy haf na thocht, for þat þe behofis fayndit be as wes Iob in sum degre, & sa be þe I sal assay quheþir þu be stedfast or nay. bot quhen bu art mekit wele, I sal cum to be, drede na dele, & to pi fyrst stat pe restore. quheþir þu wil, tel me þarfore, 275 280 be fandit now & thole sic strife, or at þe hending of þi lyf?” quod eustace: "lord, gyf þat mon be, in-to my 3outhed fand þu me, 285 sa þat þu be my defence, gyfand vertu of pacience!" sad crist: "ay stedfast þu be, for my grace sal wele helpe þe þat þe feynd sal haf na powere in ony thing þi sawle to dere." & quhen pis wes sad ewin, god resawit hyme-self in hewin, & eustas til his house can hald, & þis tale al til his wyf tald. 290 bane wes be feynd wondir wa, 268. in past sted. 295 78 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. 1 Fol. 220 b. þat placydas lewit hym sa & 3et on crist; pare-for he thocht to reweng hyme, gyf he mocht, & par-to dide his payne hale to bring hym to butlas bale. 300 & forton, þat wont wes quhile as teyndir frend on hyme [to] smyle, turnyt hyr bak one hym wrathly, & hyme dissawit sudandly. & with pat come hard pestilence, quham agane wes na defence, & al his douchty men sleu done, quhare-euir þai war, in feld or ton, bath knycht, squiare, page, & swane, in lytil tyme clenly ware slane, 305 310 sa þat of al his worthi meñ with hyme wes left nan lyfand þen, þat mycht hyme ony seruice ma, outane his wyf & barnis twa. bot zet pane wes he nocht Irk, 315 þe fend, oure pis hym wa to wirk, bot al his bestiale sleu in hy, wyld hors & tayme, oxine & ky, assis, mulis, schepe & swyne, & syndry rulalis syne, 320 & alkine best quhat-euir it ware þe feynd strak doĥ in þat sithware. & 3et of his he wes nocht content Inucht, bot distroyt his rent, 325 & kist don castellis in hast, & towne & tilth al mad wast, sa þat of his wes hale na thing, outane quhare he wes be begyn[g]. pane pe feynd be his fals slycht gert wykit men cum be nycht & it ourtyrwit tyt & tolzeit, 330 XXIX. PLACIDAS. 79 & of his tresoure hym dispoilyt, & lewit hyme nocht of warldis gud þat hym mycht fynd a day[is] fud. 335 Fol. 221 a. na wonder wes po he wes mad, quhen he saw hym-self sa sted þat wont wes til haf welful fare! na wonder wes his hart wes sare! þar-for with wyf & barnis twa be nycht he of be town can ga, for schame þat þai poure war sen þat in sa gret welth had bene. for ded & pouerte seldine quhen has frend, þat we suld kene. for-pi he thocht he walde be of egipe in þe cunctre, 340 345 & ydir sone hild þe way. & quhen be emperoure herd say þat placydas wes priuely went of þe town, & he ne wist quhy, 350 he wes anoyt, & mad wa, & al þe hale senat alsa, for sa gud a knycht as he pai wist nocht quhare mycht fundyn be. & al rom sa gret regret mad þane, 355 fra þai myssit þat worthi man, þat for pame wes ay scheld & spere, quhene ony mowit to þaim were, & quhat-euir þai had to do þe victory he brocht þame to. bot eustace of þis had na thocht, na of hyme-self bot lytil rocht, bot for schame fast can fle with wyf & barnis to be se; & fand a schipe til saile al zare, & he in went but ony mare. bot ay be tyme pai war sayland, 360 365 80 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. ay wes be schipmaster gowand a-pon þe laydy brycht of ble, Fol. 221 b. & thocht scho suld his leman be. & quhen þai to þe land ware brocht, sir eustace pe fraucht had nocht to pay for hym & his menze. & quhen þe mastir þat can se, 370 he bad pe laydy suld be lacht, 375 & haldine with hyme for pe fracht. bot sir eustace, þat wes wa, wald nocht consent It suld be sa. þane pe mastir wes angry, & beknyt til his men in hy 380 to swak sir eustace in pe se, þat he mycht brok þe laydy fre. þan wes be knycht wondir wa, quhen hyme worth do ane of þa, othyr for to tyne þe lyf or depart þare fra his wyf. bot I treu deme cuth nane 385 quhilk of þai suld erare be tane; bot I treu he had als lef be ded as lef his wyf but remed. for-bi cuth nan tel half þe wa. nocht-þañ, war þaim neuir sa wa, þe master cane þe laydy ta. & eustace with drery chere 390 tuk his barnis þat ware hym dere, 395 & gretand sar sad: "wais me þat losit has It þat lyf suld be & al my solace & my blis ! hou suld I luf, & þat lele mys?" syne wald he til his barnis sa: na war your sak, but delay I suld my-self here sla but mare, & neuir a fut ga forthyrmare ; 400 XXIX.-PLACIDAS. 81 + Fol. 222 a. bot þane suld ze be tynt al quyt, & for you I suld ber þe wyt. for-þi wa tyd is 3ou I-wis þat 30ure gud modir now mon mys.” & ay with his he held his gat, of his wikyt werd makand regrat, til he com til a water-syd, þat depe was & wele wyd, sa þat he mocht ber but ane of his barnis our þat fame, for dut þai suld peryst be. þar-for be tane of þaim lewit he on þat half on pe bank sittand, thinkand to cum agane on hand, & þe topir on his bak lacht, & bar hyme on our stracht, & on þe farrere land hym set, til he mycht his bruthir fet. & þan a-gayn son he wod rycht to be mydis of þe flud, til his vthyre son ay gowand þat he lewit on be land, & saw a wold wolf hym ta, & to be forest with hyme ga. & for he wes al wtrely disparyt til helpe hym, in hy he turnyt hym, & rath has sene a lyon, þat wes bald & kene, tak þe topir & held his way. 405 410 4 415 420 425 430 þan wist he nocht quhat to do or say, bot oft-tyme wes in to wil hyme-self in-to be flud to spil, 435 & dang his handis on his face, VOL. II. & his flesch don cane rase, þat he wes born þat sicht to se, his barnis bath but helpe tynt be. F 82 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. bot sa lang witlas stil he stud, 440 til þat nere he dronyt in þat flud, gyf ne war god of his grace sawit hyme in-[to] þat place. & of þe bankis for þe hicht of be barnis he tynt þe sicht, & wist na thing of þame mare, 445 bot wane to land with gret care. the wolf þat first tuk þe ta barne, til wod ran with It ful 3arne; bot telemen left þe til/ht in hy 450 & folouyt hym fast & deliuerly: sa þat he let þe barne fal hym fra; & pe telemen son can it upe ta, & bar [it] with hym to be town. & hyrdis chasit þe lyon 455 with hond & horn sa wondir fast þat he þe barne left at þe last, thru godis grace [al]anerly. & pane þe hyrdis in til hy tuk & hame with It þai bar— 460 for in a town þai bath duelland ware, & fosterit þame wele & fed, & as þar awen barnis þaim cled; bot nane of þame wist ocht quhepir þai brethyr ware or nocht. na eustace had na persawing quhare þai becom in ony thing, bot treuyt wel forut wene þat þai consumyt quyt had ben, & walkyt furth makand regret, oft sayand til hym-self pusgat: "allace! allace! wa is me! 450. tilcht. 465 470 XXIX. PLACIDAS. 83 Fol. 222 b. þat wyf has tynt & barnis fre, as thing wes sprongyn of be stan, allace! I am ful wil of wane! alace! I had mony gud knycht for to serwe me day & nycht, & squyaris als þat ware thra besy seruice me to ma, 475 & now, allace! alane is sted in wer degre þane is a lad! 480 allace! quhar is my mykil gud? allace! quhar is my welthy fud? & for hungyr nou, alace! 485 in poynt to de is in þis place! allace! quhare ar my frendis sere þat quhylum let þai war me dere? now is nane þat euir wil helpe or confort send me til! bot 3et, alace! is my mast wa þat my gud wyf is tynt me fra, & my barnis ar reft me als. allace! fortone, þu art ful fals, þat quhylum smylit apon me, & now has left me in þis degre! 490 495 allace! ded, quhen wil þu tak me & [al] my sorou slak? bot, lord, I think wele þu me hicht þat I suld with be feynd fele ficht, 500 & rycht as wes Iob fandyt be; suth þat is, & hardare, parde! for, þo he tynt had al his thing, zet wes lewit hym a myding, quhar-in he mycht sit; bot me Is na thing lewit bot pouerte. & he had thre frendis alsa þat hym visit in til his wa; bot frendis, allace! haf I nane, 505 84 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. bot saw my barnis fra me tañ with fele bestis but helpe of man, 510 þat with pame to be forest ran. sa quhar he had frendis thre, I haf fais to disese me. & his wyf als wes lewit hym til; bot my wyf agayne my wil allace! allace! fra me is tane, & I lewit pusgat me alane. 3et wes lewit hym a schele to schrape his scabbis rycht snel. 515 þane amesit sum thing his care, 520 quhen his seknes smytit hym sare. for-þi, god, gyf it be þi wil, of my trawel rest send me til, & to me sic 3emsel gef þat my word þe nocht gref, 525 Fol. 222* a. þat I ne be fra þi face thru murmur put, na tyĥ þi grace!" and pis he, al gretand, com til a gud ton at hand, 1 • quhar gud meñ mad hym kepare of þe feildis, for fywten zere, & þarfor sic reward hym mad þat he gat clething & lyflad. & nere-by, his vnwittand, his sonnis twa ware duelland. & for his wyf god sa did. 530 535 þat þe schipman na il hyr ded, bot deit, & thru godis grace of filth of syne scho vnuemmyt wes. agayne rom in þis sithtware 540 wes mowit were, as was are, þat disesit be emperoure þat þat tyme of rom had cure, & al þe romanis mad rad, XXIX.-PLACIDAS. 85 seand þai ware in parel sted; 545 for chiftane had þai nan, þai wist, þat to þar fais cuth resist. pan thocht þai on placydas, hou wicht wereoure he wes, hou stutly befor he had 550 for þaim gret trauale mad, & vpe-held wele pare honour ay, quhen þai war set in herd assay, & þan a-way wes sudanly, na man wittand cause quhy. 555 þe emperoure, to mend þare stat, with consent of þe senat, ordenyt feile men for to fare to sek sir placydas alquhare, hichtand fare reward & gret 560 to quha-sa erast mycht hym get, & send þame furth on þare way with gret dispens til assay. of þai men tyd percas pat twa, þat þe trawal cañ vndirta, com to pat ton percase, quhare wonand wes sir placydas; & pai twa, of quhilkis I meñ, of his awn duelling had ben. & as pai com to herbry, sir placydas paim kneu in hy, Fol. 222* b. & quhat þai war wist rycht wele; bot nane of þame kneu hym a dele. þane ran hyme to mynd hou he wes falline fra gret dingnite, 565 570 575 & wes anoyt, & cane say: "þou mychty god, þat althing may, as I vnwenandly has sene þer men þat with my-self has ben, 554 and 555 are transposed in MS. 561. gat. 86 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. richt sa þu wil grant to me my wyf anis þat I ma se; bot of my barnis spek I nocht, 580 þat I saw wele to ded brocht." þane come a woice, & sad on hicht: "tak confort, eustace, & be wicht, 585 for þi first honour þu sal son recouer; & quhen þat is don, bi worthy wyf þan sal þu wyne, þat unuemmyt has ben of syn, & þi barnis with hyr alsa. for-bi be wicht & confort ta!" þane met he þai knychttis in hy, & halust enterchangebly. 590 pane cane þai at hym hertly spere eftir a man, wes þame dere, 595 þat to name had sir placydas, gyf he wist quhare he was, & as pylgram of land can ga with his wyf & barnis twa. he sad: "na." & 3et þane til ane Inis haf þaim he can, & gert mak þaim welfare of al thing þat was necessare. & þane he thocht hou þat he vont wes þar master to be, 600 605 & mocht na langar hald hym stil, bot passit furth & gret his fil, & wesche his face. þat beand done, in agayne he com rycht son 610 & mad þaim seruice warly. þan þai beheld hym increly. þane priuely be tan can say to be todir: "behald, I pray, hou lyk þis man is in althing til hym of quham we mak spering!" 615 XXIX. PLACIDAS. 87 Fol. 223 a. quod pe todir: "falou, parde, richt wondir lyk til hyme is he. ze til hyme gud tent tak, & gyf þe weme of a gret strak in til his hewyd ma we se, bot dout sir placydas is he." pane beheld þai increly, & saw be weme mare grathly, þat in sik batale he had tane, quhare he relewit mony ane. þane, quhen þai kneu hym, in hy þai kissit hyme oft tendirly, 620 625 & franyt [hym] of al his fare, & quhare his wyf & barnis ware. pane sad he þame agane, 630 þat wyf wes ded & barnis slane. pan al be nithbouris, pat had sene hou tendirly þir knychttis kene to sic a poure man mad sic fare, ful gretly for-wondryt ware. 635 bot þan þai knychttis, þat ware blyth, til al þat þare ware tald swyth, þat he wes man of gret honoure & derreste to be emperoure; hou to sek hyme þai ware send fra rom, þar stat til amend; & als, hou be emperoure command to do hyme honoure & byding gef, gyf þat he in ony place mycht fundyne be, þat he suld tak & pay richt nocht at his wil, as hyme gud thocht, þat al þat ware in þat town to serue sir placydas ware bon, & gat hyme al necessyte, þat hyme nedyt in ony degre, 640 645 650 88 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 223 b. bath for þe pece & for þe were. quhen pis don was in þis manere, sa besyly traualyt þay þat to rom be fywten day þai com, quhare be emperoure resawyt þame in gret honoure. for out of þe ton he hyme met, & pare ful frendfylly hym gret, & kissit hyme richt tendirly. & tald he hyme rycht opynly perordre quhat hym betyd, & hou þat forton with hym did. bot hou þat he wes cristine mane, 3et he co[n]seilyt with hyme pane. thane leid þai hyme in-[to] þe ton 655 660 665 with gret Ioy and processione, & prince of knich[t]ed hyme mad, & doublit al at euire he had in riches, rentis & in fee, in his estat and dignite; 670 sa þat mare doublit wes his mycht pane god befor til hyme had hicht. þai prayt hyme to tak on hand, as he was wont, to fend þat land; 675 & pare request he grantit soñ for þe honoure þai had hym don. & with awisment lukit he quhat strinth of knychttis he mycht se: & fand nocht sa fele in land 680 þat mycht þar fais with-stand. þar-for send he fare & nere to cyteis & tonys sere, to ches men pat to manis sicht lyk war to be manly & wicht. 679. he mycht be. 685 XXIX.-PLACIDAS. 89 & ymang vthyre þis mandment com quhare his twa sonis lent, þat of þat ton þai suld ches twa. þan can þai son to consel ga; 690 & for þai twa ware lykest for sic not to be þe best, & fremmyt folk to þaim with-al, gyf Il forton to paim suld fal, pare-for arayt þai paim wele in armis stith, mad of stele, with al pe lawe pat pare-to lay, & send þaim furth on þe way. 695 pane com þai in litil space quhare pe prince of knychted wes, þat beheld þame & thocht in hy 700 þat þai war abil & worthy of theuys & of honeste; for-þi knychttis he gert þaim be, & menskit þaim with worthieste, & perit paim ay to be beste. 705 syne went he to be were in hy with fele men, wicht & hardy. & be assay men ma wele kene þat gud chiften makis [gud] meñ; for his men sic confor[t] had 710 Fol. 224 a. þat þai durst do quhat þat he bad. & quhen he com sa nere þat he mycht his fais grathly se, he sped hyme fast & with paim facht, & mony sleu & mony lacht, 715 & be lawe chasit vtrely, & reparyt with victory, til he com til a ton, quhare he with his oste restit dais thre. þan hapnyt in þe sammyne toure, 712. quhen corrected from com (?). 720 90 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. quhare his wif mad surioure. þane tyd of case þire 3u[n]gmen twa þar inys in þat house to ta, quhare pare modir had gestnyng- bot of hyr þa ne had knawing— 725 & sat percase & carpit sammyne, quhilis of hernyst & quhilis of gammyn, as zung men wil do for solance, & als to mak þar acquintance. & first be eldast tald þe case 730 þat in zouthed hym hapnyt wes, & sad: "I think wele hou-gat my fadir, þat wes of gret stat, & to name had sir placydas, tuk my modir, þat fare was, & my bruthir & me alsa, 735 & priuely of toâ cane ga, & wandryt furth with ws thre, til he come rycht to be se, & a schipe redy fand, & sailit to be farrere land, 740 & my modir belewit þare, bot of hyr hapny[n]g I wat no mare; bot my fadir held on his way with my bruthir & me ay, 745 til he com til a watir brad, & oure it he my bruthir had, & lewit me on pe bank, til he suld com agaĥ & bere oure me; bot as he towart me cuth wad, 750 a gredy wolf hynt me but bad, & to be wod with me rañ; bot telemen, þat saw þat þane, folouyt fast & gert hym fle, & hynt me vpe & hame had me, 736. brethir. 755 XXIX.-PLACIDAS. 91 Fol. 224 b. & fosterit me wele alway." pane can be todir zung man say: "to me is [tyd] be sammyne case: for my fadyr [wes] sir eustace, þat my bruthyr, my deme, & me, þat na mañ wust, brocht to be se & saylyt oure; & par hyme tynt his wyf; bot his barnis he hynt & walkit furth with drery mude, • 760 til he com til a mykil flude, 765 þat he durst nocht wad with vs bath, bot my bruthir set doê rath, & bar me oure be flud, til he mycht pas agayne & bring hym me, my bruthyre þat he lewit þare. 770 & a lyone in þat sythware oure-set in his mouth hynt me, & to be wod fast cañ fle. bot hyrdis, þat nere ware by, hyme folouyt in to gret hy, & wane me fra þe fel lyone, & had me with pam in pe ton, quhar þu seis þai telmen duellis. of my bruthyr I wat nocht ellis ; bot be þe tale þu tellis me, 775 780 lyk war my bruthyr þou suld be. bot ferly haf I hou It befel þat we in a ton suld duel þis lang tym & nan keñ vthyre, as witty man suld do his bruthir." pane ran it paim bath in mynd. thru inclinacion of kynd, þat þai ware brethyre; & for-pi þai gret bath richt teyndirly, & in armis vthyre cane brase, 758. to me pis þe. 785 790 92 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & kissit oft, & sad: "allace!" for tynsale of þare fadir wicht & of þare modir, þe lady brycht. þar modir þañ, þat wes nere by, & herd al pane opynly, hou þai recordyt þe case þat to pare fadir hapnit wes, Fol. 225 a. scho held stil a quhile, & thocht quheþir þai hyr barnis war or nocht. & one pe morâ scho went in sped to be gret maister of þe knychtede, & sad: "dere lord, I pray þe for godis sak þu ger me be had to rome: for þine com hy & is brocht here I ne wat quhy." & as scho spak pis hyme til, scho hyme beheld with incre wil, & be syndry taknis cane se þat hyre awn housband wes he. for-bi scho don [fel] til his fet, & out scho brast son of gret, & sad: "dere lord, I pray þe for goddis sak þu tel me quhat man þu was in þi 30uthed, & quhat stat þu can led; for me think þu art placydas, þat of knychted maistir was, & syne at fontstane eftir þat to þi name eustace gat, & tholyt syne be godis wil 795 800 805 810 815 820 fayndingis, þat war hard & il, & lewit hale bi possession, þi honour & þi renown, & with þi wyf went priuely out of þe land. & þat am I, 790 and 791 are transposed in MS. 825 XXIX. PLACIDAS. 93 & syne quhen we com to be se, agane þi wil wes tan fra þe; bot god of his habundand grace but filth of syne me kepit has. & þu my husband with me gat twa sonnis, & ane hat theospitus, & þe tothyre 830 agapitus, þat wes his bruthyre." quehen eustace herd al þat scho sad, he beheld hyr to, 835 & wist wel scho wes his wyf, Fol. 225 6. þat he lufit richt as his lyf. he gat hyr son a-bout pe [h]als & kissit, & for Joy gret als. & scho hyme in þe sammyn wyse gretand, kissit a hundir cyse, of[t] lowand god þat sa cuth wirk for þame, þat sorow had mad Irk, & eftyr fanding þat cuth say brink his seruandis out of way. & I treu wele nan cuth say be encre Ioy [pat] pane had pay; for þai gud liffaris war, I wene, 840 845 & lang tyme had nocht vthyr sene, & syne to-gyddyr vnwittandly 850 þame tyd to met sudanly. I treu, þar be na liffand mane cane tel þe Ioy [pat] pai had þane! & pis betyd of zeris twa þat þai had bath Ioy & wa. 855 þane, be hyr hart wes hesit sa þat scho mycht ony word furth ta, scho sad til hyme: "der lord, wit pu 832 and 833. theospicus, agapicus. 837. he lift. 836. & wist I wel. 847. entre. 94 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. of oure sonnis quhat is tyd now?" "3e," sad he, "be godis macht 860 I saw qu[h]are wild bestis þaim lacht, & to be wod fast with paim rañ, forout rescourse of ony man "" & tald hyr al þe manere hou, as befor I tald zou to. pane sad scho: "I red [pat] we zeld thank to god of maieste; for rycht as he has lent ws grace for to se vpir his face, sa ma he send [til] ws but wene our barnis, þat we haf nocht señ lang tyme." "Deme, I can þe say þat wild bestis bare paim away." 865 870 sad scho: "sir, I pray 30u, blyne! 875 for 3istyrday in myn In Fol. 226 a. as I set, I herd zung men twa be þame ane forout ma Ilkane til vthyr planly tel be wik[it] forton þame befel, & hou in pare barnede pai with wyld bestis war had away. þane þare fadir can gretly meñ, & þar modir oft but wene, with mony vthyr wordis sere. þar-by I wat but ony were þat þai our barnis are. for-þi gerris þame cum & ask in hy be suth, & be þame sal 3e treu, þat god has send þaim til ws nov." & as scho said, he did but bad; & be par taknis grath wit had þat þai war his twa sonnis dere. a lord! hou blith pan wes his chere quhen he saw paim with his ene, 880 885 890 XXIX.-PLACIDAS. 95 þat he wend bestis met had bene! 895 & pame in armis he hynt, & þar modir, or scho stynt, & kissit of[t], & gret alsa, bath for gret Ioy & for wa. & quhen be gret ost hard record 900 al þat tyd wes to pare lord, & for be wictory he mad of þar fais, gret Ioy [pai] had. thare as þai war suyornand, in gret hast com typand þat traiane emperour wes ded & adriane in til his sted 905 wes chosine, þat was mykil ware to cristine meñ þan he, be fere. bot he þat þan, as custome wes, 910 went to met sir placydas, with pame of rom, beuth be toñ, with honorabil processione, & hyme resawit Ioyfully, nocht anerly for be wictory. of þar fele fais at he wañ, bot for he had recoueryt pane bath wyf & barnis he tynt had, 915 & pane fundine ware but bad. & rom in pis wyse 920 þai enterit, as I herd dewyse. ay god! quhat Ioy in rom was, quhen pai had gottyn sir placydas! for þame thocht þai had no dout 925 of fais, war þai neuir sa stout. for-pi þai sat hale þar cure til worschipe hyme & til honoure. pane mycht be sad of hyme rycht 905. ty3and. 96 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. as of Iob, þat to mare hicht of riches & of honour waî, bane befor hyme fandit sathañ. sa tyd of eustace; for he, eftyr fandinge, of mar degre wes & of mycht & of riches Fol. 226 b. 930 be fer cyse mar þan first he wes; for god, þat can do quhat he wil, 935 þat he had hicht hym can fulfil. sone eftir [pat] sir adriane thocht sir placydas zet had nocht tane honour Inuch; for-þi gert he 940 cal hyme with solempnite til het with hyme in-[to] his hal, & wyf & barnis with hym al, & mad þaim richt wele to fare, & al be lawe pat with paim ware, 945 & gaf hyme mony gyftis gret, hyme & his menze to rehet. & eftyr [pat] on be thrid day he gert cri but mare delay, al suld be gadryt gret & smal 950 in-to be tempil principal, til ydolis to sacrify for honoure of victory, þat placydas ham brocht had eftyr þe trawal þat he mad. 955 & quhen al com, & one pat wyse til ydolis mad sacrifice, þe emperoure persauit has þat þare com nocht sir placydas. for-þi he send for hyme [al]-son, 960 935. be for. & bad hyme cum but ony hoân, & sacrify, as vthire did, for be gret honoure hym betyd. 958. persauit was. 961. & bat. XXIX.-PLACIDAS. 97 þan come eustace, & sad clere, & sad: "sir, I sacrify but were to Ihesu crist, my god werray & anely god is, I be say, 965 þat al pis warld mad of nocht, Hel & hewine, as hym gud thocht." pane wes be emperoure rycht wa 970 þat he herd eustace sa say, & commandit his men ful rath to tak hym, wyf, and barnis bath, & bynd þame in a place quhare þai one na maner mycht chape away, 975 & lyons los lat to þaim ga, þat rathly suld þaim ryf in twa. & quhen pai don had as he bad, & be lyons losit hade, to paim suyth in a ras þai rane, 980 Fol. 227 a. & to þar fet fel done pane, as for til honoure þaim mekly; syne held þare way deliuerly. syne gert þe emperoure be mad vndir þe ox of bras but bad 985 a mykil fyr of matir sere. & quhen it brynnand wes al clere, he gert þir foure in be don, in hope pai suld be ded son. bot þai pare-of na redur had, but enterit in, & gud chere mad, commendand þaim to god mychtty, þat þar saulis pan in hy resawit, & þame reward mad, as befor he to þame sad. pan eftyr [pat] be thryd day be emperour com til assay 968. þat of al pis. 980. a ras þan rane. 987. clere is corrected from chere. VOL. II. G 990 995 Uor M 98 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Maou In hou smal poudir þai ware mad. & quhen pai pe ox hopynit had, þai saw paim on þar kneis stand, as þai quyk ware, to god lowand, for-out weme in hyd or har, bot fresch as euir þai ware, outakine þat þai ware al ded. pane tuk men þaim of þat sted. & cristine men com þat same nycht & for þai martiris can dicht Ful reuerently fare sepulture, & layd þaim in with gret honour; & eftyre in process of tyme mad þar a kirk of stane & lyme, quhare þai sanctis restis ay, & sal do to domyse-day, & pane resawe be cron of lyf, þat þai wan here in gret strif, as is befor sad in þis buk, gyf 3e tent þar-to tuk. for-pi to paim foure I pray, agane be feynd strif I may, out of his warld þat I wyne but schame, det, & dedly syne. 1000 1005 ΙΟΙΟ 1015 1020 Fol. 227 b. XXX.-THEODERA. M ENE suld wele kene þat sathane 3et finis nocht, na neuir fane, al cristine men for to gref sene þat first he grewit eve. & po par-to he haf mycht thru godis tholyne & gret slycht, 3et mon he falze of[t]-tyme til eschew sum þat he wald rycht gladly grewe. for cristine meñ, þat stedfastly throuys in god & deuotly sanis hym with þe taknyng of be corce, quhare-on god can hyng, sal wele resist agayne sathan, po he do al þe Il he can. befor þe croice he sa vreis þat, quhen he It seis, pan he fleis. he wil oft purches wikit men to gere hyme sped & with wemen thru wischraf & sorcery, & ful oft-tyme thru flatry of kerlyngis, þat in mony wyse zung men betresis oft-syse; for sic as pai, quhen þa þare lifis [h]as lyvit lang, callit wis wifis, 1. First letter wanting. 15. vreis; the first letter is doubtful. 22. The second letter of "betresis" has been altered, and looks like an (( >> a. ΙΟ 15 20 5 Uor M 100 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. เ bot þai sa men kangis al in to gret elde fra þai fal. 3et suld gud wemen ware be to rowne with þaim in priuete, or get corow for to hald with sic wifis, fra þai be ald, Fol. 228 a. 25 30 þat for les pane a schefe of brede wil gyf þaim oft schamful rede, & ger hyre treu quhat scho wil, fra scho gud heryng gyf hir til. & for ensampil I wil ta hou it betyd theodera. Quhen zeno wes emperour & al pe empyre had in cure, of alysander in þe towne duelt a man of gud renone, & had fuson of warldis thingis, as be resone [of] his lykingis ; & with his nithbouris get þane wes gud haldine for god & man, for he wes 3arneful god to ples & to men alsa to do es, & had a wyf of nobil kyne & of þe best be ton with-in, & þar-to wes of far fassone, þe mast enplesand of be towne, & zung, & dred god nocht-pe-les, & chast, perles of farnes, pocht men seldine þai twa se in a zung persone to be. þe feynd þane at hir had inwy, be-cause scho wes sa happy, & thocht þat he wald put a smyt in hyr gud nam, for to fyle It, & fandyt hyre in mony wyse. 1 35 40 45 50 55 XXX.-THEODERA. ΙΟΙ bot scho, þat was bath ware & wyse, ay quhen scho had persawing 60 þat he socht hyr with sic thing, pane wald scho rycht soñ bath brest & foret croice but hon. pane durst he nocht langare byd, 65 bot fle [wald] one fere pat tyd. & he, pat saw þat he ne mocht do for be croice as he thocht, he enflawmyt of be self ton a zung man of fare fassone for til syne with theodera. 70 & til eschewe he trawalyt sa þat he ne mycht rest nycht na day, til he cane hyr wil assay. & po he wes 3ung & fare, 75 wele tacht, wise & debonare, 3et schupe he hyme þarfor to be þe mare plesand in al degre: as to karole wel & syng, & to be costlyk in clething, 80 & to wine gud nam. to þat ende he wald gladly his gud dispend. & quhen he had a quhyle doñ sa, he com to his theod[e]ra & mad his quyntans apon fare with hyr, thinkand to cum nere. & quhen he thocht þat he had his acquyntance with hir wele mad, he leit hyr wyt in sum party his wil, po it was couertly. þane wald scho wmquhyle hir play & til hym leñ a def ere ay. bot he, þat fandit was fast, thru gret slicht þe feynd can cast 93. bot he þat fandist. 94. he feynd. 85 90 Uor M 102 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 228 b. folouyt hyr sa increly þat he hyr leit wit vtrely, þat othyr worthyt hym to sped hyr wil to wyne, or but dred of þe ded to thole payne. pan sad scho hym schortly agayn: "Man, had I wittine lang tym gane þat þu sic fule purpos had tane, þu suld haf wittine pan as nov þat al bi trawale tynt had pou. for-bi of þat thing spek nomare! for playt na sal be þi ansuere. certis, vnreulyt ware my wil gyf for þe my-self I suld spil." & fra he hard hyr sa say, he lacht his lef & passit away, & one til his awne hame he wynt, with syt & als with scham, 95 IOO 105 IIO Mao!! for gret sorou & schame had he þat he suld sa refusit be. thane duelt þare in þe reu nere his Innys, I spek of nov, ane ald wyf, mycht nocht for elde hyr awne self gudly weld. & til his In reparyt scho, for of sorcery scho cuth do, & as scho mycht did turne & chare. & quhen scho pare-of wes ware þat he lewit to play & syng, bot drupyt & mad murnyng, ay til espy hym scho ne fane til scho fand hym al alane. & pan scho sad [til] hyme in hy: "I pray be, sir, bu tel me quhy þu art nov pensiwe & mad, 121. did turme. 115 I 20 125 XXX. THEODERA. 103 Fol. 229 a. & wont wes to be blith & glad; for þu is 3ung man, fare & wyse & vertuyse at al dewise, & in pis ton has rentis fare, & til haf mare has perans of are. na I wat nan durst tak on hand in-to pis ton to do be wrang. my dere son, þane quhat alis þe? bu lat me wit, quhat-euir It be; for I ame of wyt and wil spedful consel to gyf þe til. & thocht I ald be, let pu nocht! for in elde suld wit be socht. I treu þu has þi luf set 130 135 140 quhare þi zarnyng þu ma nocht get; & gyf it sa be, þan cuth I 145 helpe be wele, bu treu treuly!" "gud deme," sad he, "þu can dot, wenand I ware sic a ydiot, þat þu suld wit my priuete, gud or II, quethyr it be, þat helpe me noþir can ne may, suppos I wald it to be say sa. "" "3et," quod scho, "be myn saule-heile! consele kane I kene be gud & leile, & helpe pe for to sped þi thing, gyf þi cause be of luffyng." & fra he herde pe karling mak sa fare hicht, he can confort tak, for eth is a man to til to do it þat is his wil. þane sad he: "wil þu priue be & hele be thing I sal tel þe?" "za," sad scho, "sa god me sped! þar-of haf þu na kine drede 148. ydrot. 150 155 160 F 104 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat ony creature mycht me by to discouer þi priuete, bot anerly in to be stede quhare I wit wele be to remede." "deme, wit bu, señ It is sa, 165 þat I luf mast theodera, 170 & grant of hyre ma I nan purchas my 3arnynge to fulfil, alace ! & nocht ellis, bot I spede, I ame bot ded, it is na drede." sad scho: "6 son, is þis þe maste þat gerris þe bi zouthede wast, & lef þi myrth & Iolyte? I wend thing ellis aylyt þe 175 Fol. 229 b. þat ware harde thing to wyne. lat be, lefe, & of bale blyne, & be als mery as þu ma; for here I hicht to be gud fay þat scho sal richt son do þi wil, gyf I ma sped to cum hir til." pane of his gud he hir gef parte, & scho went on to pref hir arte, & spyit best tyme þat scho theodera mycht cume to; & percase fand hyr alane, 180 185 & sic a proloug has furth tane : 190 "god be her-in my dochtir dere, þat kepe pe ay hale & fere, in althing ekand þi grace, of welth & wele, in pis place! her ame I cumyne be to se 195 & with pi spek to conforte me; for I treu, be my gud fay, þat I sal wele fare al þe day 171. purches. 190. sic a prolong. XXX.-THEODERA. 105 þat I mycht to be spek my fil." "sit don," sad scho, "say on bi wil!" sad scho: "dochtir, god be forzelde, & fra wikyt forton þe schelde, bus mekly pat dedinzeis þe to spek hamely with sic as me! for I fynd suthfastnes, þat al men sais, is nocht les, & oft I here pat in his ton Is na wemañ of sic renon of al gudnes in al degre þat in weman ma gestnit be, as pu, þat is alane but pere, of al farnes & coloure clere, & fason fare & gud hawyng, set þu of zeris be bot 3yng; na ogart na pryd is be with-in, pocht þu be of nobil kyne; na heis [bu] be for riches, to lichtly othyr mare or lese as þe pouir folk sais of þe, þat þu art larg of cheryte. & pus I sa nocht, be be rude, der dochtir, to get [of] þi gude, bot anerly for suthfastnes. 200 205 210 215 220 3ete is a think neuir-pe-les þat, gyf I durst, I wald say." 225 Fol. 230 a. "tel one, deme," quod scho, "I 3ou pray!" þane mad þe kerlyng sum dangere, wittand scho suld be 3arnare spere; for wemen ar besy al to wyt be thing quhat-euir fal. theodera þane cane hyr pray þat scho wald tel hyr but delay, quhat-euir it wes scho had in thocht, & lef vnsad til hyr richt nocht, 230 106 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for scho suld tak in nane Il Fol. 230 b. quhat-sa-euir scho sad hyr til. þe karlyng sad: "on þat cunnande, sen be tyme is nov auenande, I wil tel þe a thing quhare-in þu wil sla þi saule for syne; þat is, þat þu wil nocht remede 235 240 þe man þat for þe wil thole dede; & quha-sa-euir man wil sla, of skil is callit godis fa, & als his saule tyne, þat god bocht, 245 gyf he mycht succure & wil nocht. & zone zung man, þat luffis þe, is now in poynt peryst to be, & þu ma lichtly, gif þu wil, sauf hyme & do bi-self na Il: þat is, to grant hyme anerly 250 þat he ma anis priuely play with be in priue stede, & sa ma þu sauf hym fra dede. & þat but witting ma be don 255 in priue stede vndir sone, & sa ma þu þe sauf fra hel quhare man-slaare sal ay duel; for he sal cum sa priuely "" þat nan sal wit it bot þu & I. & be sonare pis be done, be cause sal be pe les to son. theodera til hyr cañ mele: "deme, al be þu neuir sa lele & al suth war þu me sais, 3et durst I do it [be] na wais. suppos neuir man suld wit I had don sic thing as It, get god suld wit it, I dut nocht, þat clerly kennis dede & thocht, 260 265 270 XXX. THEODERA. 107 & punyse me for my mysdede thru mychtt[i]nes of his godede." pane sad þe trat with flatrand fare: "wele war hyr sic birth bar, & happy wes he þat gat þe þat sa wisly has ansuert me! 275 bot zet, be-cause þu art zing, þu can nocht deme of sic thing, wenand þat god kennis al þi dedis done or to fal, 280 for þu wanttis þe colorum þat þu suld treu in þat parte sum. for suth is þat god knawis wele ded and thocht euir-ilke dele, þat is to vndirstand, I say, It at done is on þe day; bot to pat thing has he na sycht 285 þat thocht or don is in þe nycht; for he fleis ay myrknes, & tais tent bot to clernes. 290 for-þi, as treuys þe kirk of rom, men wat at þe day of dome is to cum quhen god sal haf mycht to deme al don in opyne sycht; bot of pe nycht be doin[g]e pan 295 is he nocht borne þat ocht tel can. for [gyf] demeen of þe nycht suld be as of day, clerkis, parde, wald als wele of nycht as day haf mad mencione, perfay. 300 par-for, dochtir, haf na drede, bot as I say do furth pis dede, &, as oure lord bydis þe, of pine eue cristine haf pyte!" þan sais til hyr theodera: 295. doine þat þan. 305 108 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 231 a. "gyf, as þu sais me, It be sa & þat þu spekis for na gyle me wikitly for to be-wile, or þat man for me dede be, I sal do as þu thechis me." "quhat, wenys pu I wald be wile, gud douchtir? na, be be ewangele, na be þe corpus domine, for ony gud men mycht gyf me! for I think to get of þi gere for þe gud lare I sal þe lere. bar[for], forsuth, wal[d] I nocht þu fand dissat in me ocht." pane sad til hyr theodera: "gud dame, señ þu sais sa, 310 315 320 now son, quhen gane is þe lycht & cummyne is þe myrk nycht, bryng [hyme] to his place but mare, & sodanly I sal be þare!" & of hyr gud scho gef þat alde. 325 & blyth hyre gat scho can halde, & to be zung man come sone & tald hyme al hou scho had don. & he par-of wes glad & blyth, & gaf hyr of his gud suyth. 330 & quhen pat cumyne wes be nycht, scho kepyt þe trist wele scho hicht, & with hyr brocht þe man in hy, quhare scho tristit priuely. & þar theod[e]ra & he & quhen pai had par wil done, athyr held þare way sone. 335 war sammyne a quhile in priuete ; theodera, þat had Il spede, 3ed til hyr husband til bede, 340 XXX.-THEODERA. 109 þat hyr lufit atoure althing, & stil lay til þe mornyng; & pane wmthocht hyr þat scho sa foule a syne consentit to & fals wes, be wyf sad, les & mare. pane scho cane murne, gretand sare, for þat scho treuyt god na mycht wit of Il wes done on nycht, & for scho hyr treutht brokine had til hyme þat mykil of hyre mad. pane dang scho hyr-self in þe face, & raf hyr hare & sad: "alace !" "alace," scho sad, "for wikitly my saule here now tynt haf I & has distroyt thru my plicht 345 350 355 of my gret beute pe sicht!" with þat hyr husband com & fand hyr gretand [sa] & sar murnand, & sad: "my far theodera, Fol. 231 b. quhat makis þe to far at sa? quhat-euir it be, tel to me, & it sal sone remedit be! 360 for bu art my welth & wele; bu art my confort & my heile. þarfor, as þu lufis me, 365 þu lef sic care & mery be!" & ay be mare teyndirly he spak til hyr, mare cruely scho mad sorou, because scho til hym þat lufit suld mysdo. 370 zet stil scho held quhat scho thocht, & of hyre wil tald richt nocht. bot quhen tyme com of day, scho passit furth til ane abbay, as it ware til here a mes, 357. & sa fand. 375 IIO LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & spak þare with pe priores, & franyt gyf god mycht wit of it ware doĥ be nycht. sad scho: "nathing be hyd may fra god þat don is, nycht or day." quod scho: "laydy, þan gyf me be text of be ewangile for to se, þat þar ve[r]yly fynd I may of me bat quhat sal fal be assay. 380 þe priores gert bring þe buk, 385 & scho It opnyt & can luk, & fand þar wrytine in hy þir wordis: "quod scripsi scripsi." pane went scho hame with hart sare, in mekil murnyng & in care, 390 bannand þe tyme scho wes borî þat sagat had hyr-self forlorne ; bydand þe tyme til hyre husband for hys nedis 3ed vp on land. & sone, fra he went of ton, 395 manis clethinge scho gat bon & cled hyre rycht as man scho ware, & with a schere gert cut hir hare, & of monkis til ane abbay auchten myle þine held hir way. & with pe abbot son scho met, 400 Fol. 232 a. & hyme ful connandly scho gret, & askit hym parcheryte þat scho mycht þare resawit be, & tak þe habyt, & as vythre rendryt be to þame as bruthyre. (( quhat is þi nam, tel þu ws!" sir," scho sad, "theodorus." þane sad he: "welcum mot þu be for godis sak & cheryte." 393. bydant. 405 410 394. for hyr. XXX. THEODERA. III þane wes he tane & mad nowis & leryt sa, for he was wyse, al þat til a monk suld fere in-to schort tyme wele perquere. & al pai þat has hyr sene, wend þat a man scho had bene. & al hyr dedis ilke dele 415 scho did sa thankful & wele, þat favore scho gat of þaim þat ware in þat abbay, les or mare; 420 for quhat thing þai bad hir do, but gruching scho 3ede It to. pane in þe threde zere þai ordenyt hyr þare out-rydere, þar witale to be house to by quhare it ware fundine al redy. 425 pane cartis with hyre scho can ta, with horse ane or ma, & bryng hame quhet, oyle or wyne, & nedful thing to be keching. 430 & al pis tyme hyre husbande, þat nocht cuth get of hyre tythande but wend suthly scho had pane passyt a-way with sum othyre mane, cesit neuir sorou to mak, 435 na hyme to torment for hyre sak; prayand god for his gret mycht þat he mycht of hyre haf a sycht. pane god, þat hard has his prayere, gert til hyme ane angele pere, þat sad: "gyf þu theodera wil se, to-morne ayrly þu ga & be-hald grathly to pat zat, of petyr & paule callit þe gat, 415. al pai þat had. 416. a weman scho had bene. 432. þat nocht gud get. 440 112 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & quha þu seis first apere, þi wif is, wit pu but were!" to þat worde gud tent he tuk, & þat nycht mekyl woike, & gat vpe in þe dawynge, 445 Fol. 232 b. to se þat ilke lufit thinge, 450 & to þat place went but bade, quhar pe angel sad hyme hade, & saw a monk cum rydand by, as afferyt, ful roydly þat hayliste hyme & kneu hym wele; 455 bot he be monk kneu na dele. bot, had he wist, I vndirta, þat it had beĥ theodera, in handis he had hynt hym tyt, & tyt fra hyr þat abyt! 460 bot scho with camelis and cart held on to be merkat wart, & dide [pat] scho to do had pare, & vnpersawit hame cañ fare. bot he, þat bad in-[to] be stret, 465 wenand with his wif to met, & for he ne dyde, gret playnt mad f of god þat hyme dissawit had. & son a woice [sad] hyme til: "pu plenzeis þe for-outyne skil, 470 for to-day morne wele ayrly þu saw þi wyf cum rydand by, & haylist þe, suppos bu but cause of god plenzeis now.” the buk sais theodera, to god of hewine plesit sa 475 þat he for hyr did ferlis sere, lifand til scho wes duelland here. for in a tyme as scho furth rade, scho fand a man, a best hade 480 XXX.-THEODERA. 113 slane & rewine in pecis sere; for quhom to god scho mad prayere ; & at hyr prayere sone pane he resuscit þat slane mane; & þat fel best scho folouyt sa þat scho cane son it oure-ta, & waryt it in þat stede; 485 & it but bad fel done dede. & mony vthyr merwale sere scho wrocht, þat I to wryt ame suere. 490 Fol. 233 a. be feynd at hyre pan had inwy þat scho to god wes sa worthy, for he of[t] for hyre halynes ful schamefully confundyt wes. for-pi til hyre he cane apere 495 in fourme of man as it were, & sad: "fule foule, þu has ne scham of god na of manis blame, þat for þi wikit adultery has lefit þi housband sc[h]amfully, 500 & cumis here to mere me. be al my vertuise I suere pe, þat ar to dout ful gretly, þat werra þe sa sal I þat þu sal reny hym ful sone, 505 þat for be one be croice wes don; & gyf [I] ne do, sa þane at I dois bot leis apertly." VOL. II. þane scho on hyr face can lay þe takine of pe croice verray; & he away, as It ware reke, wanyst son his il to eke. theodorus pan in þat place thankit god of his grace. syne tyd theodorus to fare til a cyte, as he did are, H 510 515 I 14 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. to by vitale & vthir thing of þe abbay for þe vphalding, with men, hors & charyot, be ordinance of þe abbot. 520 & wes as ware be mydde way be-twene þe toĥ & þe abbay he restit & tuk bydyng ful oft, quhen he com with sik thing. þar hapnyt hym to tak herbry 525 in a nycht, pare as sad I. a zung maydine wes in pe in, þat with hyme had sic wil to syne þat, quhen mirkest wes þe nycht, scho come on til his bed rycht, 530 & sad: "theoder, I pray be þe þu wald lat me ly by þe; for sene þu firste here tuk gestning, I haf þe lufit atoure althing, sa þat I mon but delay 535 get grant of þe with me to play." Fol. 233 b. & fra theodorus wist þat scho zarnit sic foly with hyme do, he sad: "ga hyne be-lyf þi way, & lat me rest til it be day! 540 or mony mañ sal one be wondyr þat wald bring me in sik blondyr." & quhen scho wist scho mycht nocht hyr wil get as scho thocht, in þat gret het þat scho 545 wes in, went ane oþire to; & hapnyt be-twene paim so be þat a knafe childe gat he. syne eftyre of tyme in processe hapnyt þat scho gretare wes, 540. & last me rest. 550 XXX. THEODERA. 115 & hyr frendis sperit zarne, quha with hyr gat þat barne. pane ansuert scho paim pus: "It wes be monk theodorus, þat waityt me [ap]-on a nycht, & me beforsit be his slicht, & sa gat þis barne on me, 555 maydine or knaf quheþir it be." quhat suld I mare of þis say, bot, of hyre tyme quhen com þe day, 560 scho bare a knaf child, ful fare til haf bene a kingis ayre. & hyr frendis but ony mare þe barne sone til þe abbot bare, sayand "pis barne we bring to be, 565 þat þu gere it fosteryt be; for dene theodorus, þat þu wenis a haly man be now, our childe difforsit & it gat; & we trew he wil nocht nyt þat." 570 þe abbot þan wes wondir wa, & thocht laith with pe barne to ta, bot callit þe monk, & sad: “art þu sic a lychure waxine now, þat I wende al tyme had bene 575 Fol. 234 a. a man of haly lyf & clene, & for þi fule luste has schent me, my house, & my cowent? & þis þu ma nocht nyt, parde, for, lo, þe barne is brocht to me. quhare-of þu art gretly to blam, po I for pi dede hafe schame; zet þane tel furth one þi wil þe ansuer þu makis here til! " 578. Ine. 582. þi dide. 580 116 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. thane scho, þat þare was munk, & thocht, 585 po scho be dede nyt wele mocht, men suld nocht treu hyr but assay, quhethyre scho sad suth or nay, & lath ware hyr þat ony man suld wit be pruf scho ware weman; 590 & lath scho was neuir-be-les to tyne be mede of tholmodnes; & als hyr lykit for to be punyste, be-cause in sic degre for scho had mysdone til hyre mak ; 595 pare-for wald scho sic penance tak. þane sad scho til þe abbot sone: "sir, suth is I sic dede has done. for-þi it is resone & skyl þat I be punyste at 30ure wil; 600 bot þe as fadyr nocht-for-þi [I] prays be now of mercy." þe abbot þan, þat al mycht se, gert þe barne pare bundyne be a-pon be monkis bak but bad, & gert hyme to be zet be had. & he in þat place done hyme set, & tuk þe childe, & sare gret ; for nopir cuth he nuryse be, na had possibilyte par-of to fede pe barne. bysynes get dide he 3arne, &, seand na betir wane, þe mylk of sowis has he tane, þat lay by in þe myddyng, & þar-of fede pe teyndir thing. & hyr brethyr, as þai durse, wald bryng til hyre sum crum, sum cruse; for be monkis les & mare 585. munk is altered by another hand into mvnk. 605 610 615 XXX.-THEODERA. 117 of hyre dissese had hartis sare. 620 þane duelt scho þare sewine zere pacyently in sic manere. & al þat tyme be feynd, oure fa, cesit nocht to wirk hyr way. 625 Fol. 234 b. bane be forme can he ta of þe man of theodera, & as hyr husband cane apere til hyr & sad: "myn hart dere, haf reutht of me & cum þi way with me, þat murnis nycht and day! 630 for Ioy na solace bot thru þe, na lykine in my hert ma be; for but be luf may I nocht, sa art þu set in my thocht. & po þu defulyt be with man, I for-gyf [it] be." scho, wenand þat it ware hir man, þat [sic] spek mad til hyr þane, sad: "I wil nocht cume to be, for sir Ionys sone la by me; þar-for I wil nocht cum þe til, bot my pennance here fulfil.” & has scho had þusgat sad, þe takine of þe croice scho lade one hyr; & he but ony mare wanyst away as he reke ware, & scho wist it wes hyr fa, 635 640 645 þat falsly hyr fandit sa. 3et for he wald hyre strinth vnkit, he schupe to fley hyr of hir wit; 650 for-pi in þe liyknes of wilde bestis mare & les he gert feyle feyndis þare apere, to schot one hyr with fellone bere. & þat feynd hym-selfe pane 655 118 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 235 a. apperyt as it ware a mañ & slaytyt þaim full fellonly, & bad þai suld þat hure wery. þe takine of þe croice scho mad ay; & as reke þai wanyst away. 660 ane vthyr tyme com hyre by lyk to knychtis a cumpany, & befor þame gangand þare, pe prince of al as It ware; & al þai knychtis apon kne ennornyt hym, þat scho mycht se, 665 & askyt [at hir] quhy pat scho as þai did til hyme, wald nocht do. quod scho: "I honoure nane bot god of hewine, my lord ane." 670 pane bad þe prince hyr til hym bryng & torment hyr sare and dynge. þane at bydyng þai hyre befte, & in pat place nere ded lefte, & wanyst as rek a-way; & scho recouerit but delay. ane vthyr tyme scho schaw ly a lumpe of fyne gold hyre by, & for be sycht sanyt hir sone, & saw it nocht, as þat wes done, ane opir tyme as scho sat þare, come a man þat a skepe bare fyllyt of met of delyt, & bad hyr ete pare-of tyt, 675 680 "for sic met ete pu nocht are, 685 & oure prince, þat gert bet þe sare, þe sende It, þat [vn]wittandly gert ws bet pe sa fellounly." pane scho hyre saynit but delay; & þat fandyng went away. 690 XXX.-THEODERA. 119 & as scho had sewine 3ere pare bene in sic wyse, in scham & care in opyn sycht, þat al mycht se, þe abbot had of hyr pyte; & monkis al of be abbay 695 for hyr teyndirly can pray. & he hyr reconsalyt & brocht In, & remytit hyre al hyr syne, & þe barne in with hyr tuke to lere & set to be buke. 700 & zet wes nan be ony slycht þat scho wes woman persawe mycht. þe childe zet held scho þare ay, & fosterit it nycht & day. þane eftyr twa 3ere ware gane, 705 fra scho wes in be abbay tane, þe abbot a monk a day til hym callit, & can say: "theodorus on nycht alane. oysis spekine as It ware with ane, 710 & I wald wit of quhat thing þat tyme he makis his carpyng, quhethyr be hym-self ore be wthir, Fol. 235 b. or gyf it war with ony bruthyre. þar-for ga þis nycht priuely 715 &, þat he spekis & quham with, espy, & syne to-morne þu tel me be suth, quhat-sa-euir It be!" þane sad he, with gud wil his byding he suld fulfil. bot god, þat helpis in nede & for gud dissert gyfis mede, þat nycht of theodera of his grace disponyt sa, 716. & quhen. 720 I 20 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat scho persauit wele apere Fol. 236 a. 725 þe stond of dede til hyre nere. for-pi pe barne scho tuk hir til, & kyssit It with gud wil, & sad: "dere sone, wit þu þat I mon pas of his lyf nou; 730 þar-for to god I commend þe, þat he þi helpe & fadyre be. & þu til hyme pray Ithandly & faste, as þu ma, gudely, & to his brethyre of þis abbay þou serwe treuly, I be pray!" & thechand [hym] on þis manere, til god scho zald þe gast rycht þare, Fourhu[n]dir zeris aucht & sewinty fra god flesche tuk of oure lady. þat ilke nycht to be abbote, þat haly mañ wes and deuote, a wisione on þis manere, 735 740 nocht fully slepand, cañ apere. he thocht in hewine he suld se 745 a grete brydale grathit be, quhare gaderit ware in þat hal of angelis, prophetis, orderis al, & al halowis þat ware, & a bede in myd þaim þare 750 sa mychty fare & preciuse þat sic wes neuir sene in house; & a woman ymang þaim al with Ioy wes brocht in-[to] þat hal, þat bricht wes be manis sycht 755 as þe son on dais licht, & brocht with blythnes to be bed & one set, rycht wele spred, & men [hir] honouryt, as scho had bene a ful gret & a ryale queyne. 760 1 XXX.-THEODERA. 121 & a woice sad [til] hyme bus : "pis is þi monk theodorus, þat sakles wes for lychery to be accusit wikitly, & þu sal wit þe suthfastnes; for scho a werray woman was. bot [for] scho fylyt fulely hyr manis bed in adultery. 765 scho has bene chastit felly here of þi bidding sewine 3ere; 770 for-pi with god scho has sic grace as þu here sene now has." & þe monk, þat wok þat nycht, com to be abbot at day-lycht & talde Ilke worde playnly 775 þat þe monk sad þe barne hym by. þe abbot þane with þe cowent to theodorus cel went, & cled in til his bed hym fand, & be barne by hyme gretand. 780 & vncled hyr, as custum was, þe ded body for to wesche: & fand it wes a woman þat sa gat had þar habit tane, & tholyt of hyr pacyence þaim to do hyr sic offence but cause, as þai saw in hy. pane send þai til hyre fadir by, til hyr fadir þat gert blame þar monk & say defame, & bad he suld his douchtir bryng, C to se bat monkis enteryng, & for hyr son to set sum rede, sen his fadir þane wes dede. & as scho com, scho fand onhyd 784. þat sa þat. 785 . 790 795 122 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 236 b. be falset þat hyr-selwine dide; & as scho saw þat, but mare for wengeance scho 3ed wode pare, & in wrak of hyr fals plicht deit sodanely in þare sicht. þane ware þai sa abaisit al þat þis saw, gret and smal; & al bat hard bis, gef lowynge 800 for his gret mycht til hewynis king; & dout & trastnes greu þane 805 to richtwise & to sinful mañ. be angel bad be abbot þat tyde þat he til þe cite suld ryde, & quhat man he met, bad bryng hym agane but let. sa met he a mañ gud-spede, & askit at hyme quhare he 3ede. quod he: "my wyfe is dede, I treu, & I spede me to se hyre now." pane pe abbot son hym hynt on horse be-hynde hym, or he stynt, & brocht hyme on to be abbay, & led hyme sene quhare scho lay. þane grathit þai hyr sepultur with besynes & gret honoure, & hyr enterit þar quhare ay god for hyr dois miraclis alway; 810 815 820 for ony þat ar sek or sare, to get hele, oft cummys þare. þane hyr husband þurchasit hir cel, 825 & his lyftyme þar can duel, & sic seruice to god mad pane þat he wes haldyn haly man. & hyr barne þat behynd hir wes, halely folouyt ewine hir trace. 830 821. ay is corrected from pay. XXX. THEODERA. 123 in vertuise & in thowis fare he mycht wele be callyt hir ayre, & sa can hyme-selfe leyde þat eftir þe abbotis dede al þai of þe cowent mad hyme abbot of hale assent, & þe house sa gouernyt ay þat haly is he cowntit to-day. 835 Fol. 237 a. XXXI.-EUGENIA. NDE sene I haf tald zou here of theodera, to god sa dere, sume thing þat suld mowe women to lof god & þame-selfe kene, þat of þaim na vertu hase bot It cum of godis grace; & alsua wele ma we se hou þe feynde ma ourcumyne be, be contryt harte & verray schryfte, þat þe synnare ma vpe lifte, with satisfaccion for pe Ill þat he dois his nythboure til; & takine of þe croice verray, as he seis, [he] fleis away; na in na place ma he nocht be with myknes & vergynite, & of disese lele pacience agayne hyme oft makis defence. & ensampil ma þai ta of þe maydine Eugenia, þat with maydinehed & meknes in hard fandyng pacience was, & our-com hyme for al his slicht, & of hewine wan to be licht, þat god gyfis with glad cher 1. Initial capital wanting. LO 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 XXXI.-EUGENIA. 125 to paim [pat] tholis for hyme here ded and persecucione of il folk or of fellone. [s]er prothus & Iacinctus ware zung lordis & set to lare in rome with pis eugenia, þat was of nobil kine alsa. & þir twa zung men Ithandly studyt in philosophy. & hyr fadir, of gret mycht 30 35 a senatur, þat philpe hicht, to quham for his wit & honour þe hale senat gef þe cure of Alysandir þe cyte, þar lutenand þar-of to be. for-pi to þat cite he went, 40 þat was betacht hym a lyf-rent, & his wyf with hyme can ta, þat had to rycht nam claudya, & his twa sonnis wise & fare, auyte, pe eldaste wes & ayr, & fergusium, pe 30ngare bruthir, he tuk with hyme, ane & vthir, & his dochtir Evgenia 45 with hyr brethyre he tuk alsa. 50 fore scho had leyryte be maste part Fol. 237 b. of þe sewine sciens al pe harte, & part had of al lateratour— sa to lere had set hyr cure. bot for prothus, I spak of are, 55 & Iacinctus hir feris ware in study of philosophy, bai wald nocht lefe hyre cumpany. & to pat scho wes richt wyse 46. ānice. 51. leyryste. 56. his feris. 126 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in al science at dewyce, þar mycht na woman wysare be, na farrare of fasone na of beute, of gud aport & fare hafinge, sobyr & wele tacht in spekine, & fra wnleful luste of flesche sa kepyt hyr in al clennes. & quhen scho wes of fy[f]tene zere as abil to be manis fere, fele mychty men wald haf ben glad to fere hyr til haf hade. ymang be lafe a nobil knycht, þat aquilone to name hicht, 60 65 70 & son wes of a senatoure, lufyt þis maydine paramoure; &, þat to wed hyr wes his wil, he mychty men send hyre til. 75 be quhilkis, quhen þai had tane þar charge, went til hir on ane & did pare charge connandly til hyr, þat ansuert wysely, 80 & sad: "gud men, wit suld ze þat husband suld nocht chosine be be gret riches na be kyne, bot gvde thewis ware hyme in." zet pane wes scho of paian lay, & al þe laf þat I of say, 85 na knew nocht þan þe suthfast king þat, as hym lest, mad althing, bot trewit as þare elderis dide; fore oure treutht to þaim wes vnkid. 9༠ Fol. 238 a. & fore scho had gret delyt to red bukis & to wryt, sa hapnyt hyre to rede percase in a buk qu[h]are wrytine was 76. be mychty. 84. ware hyre. XXXI.-EUGENIA. 127 syndry epistolis of sancte paule, þat tacht men to kepe pe saule. fra þine in thewis & in wil to cristis fay hir hart dreu til; for of clergy be sutelte hyr thocht [pat] þat treutht best suld be. [o]f alisandir nere þe cyte, quhare-of here mencion mak we, a lytil tone wes wele fare, quhar cristine meñ had repare, of tholyng of be oure-men, þat þe cite gouernyt þene. & ydirward on a day scho went, as It ware to play, & cristine men þare can scho here syngand with hey voice & clere: "al þai þat þe folk on cal na godis are bot feyndis al, bot verray god is þat mad hewine & al þe warld in dais sewine.” bane sad scho to protho & Iacinc: "say me on quhat ze think," for þai twa had at study beñ with hyr & [had] mekil sene 95 100 105 IIO 115 þat suld gere þaim of kyndly skil sone gyf þaim þe resone til. pane sad scho to þaim: "me think we haf bot wastit our swink In al þat tym we besyly studit in philosophy; for tynt tyme is to ta tent til aristotles argument, or of plato be sampelere, or socrotais bydding sere; for, schortly, quhat poetis seis, I20 125 128 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 238 b. or fare spekaris ony-waise, or quhat þat ony man can say, * resone is done away; in • & par-for se I clerly now þar is bot a god in to trew. for-bi, sen vsurpyt pouste has mad me 30ure lady be, & wisdome me 30ure cistir mad, be we pane brethyre but a-bad & folow criste but ony mare, & trew in-[to] his suthfast lare!" of þis consel þai ware content & halely can til hyre consent for to fulfil quhat þat scho determyt for to byd ore do. & for scho wald planly apere til al as scho pare bruthir were, a manis habit can scho ta, & with pame til ane abbay ga; quhare ane abbot was þat þane þar cum thole wald na woman, & elenus had til his name, & mañ wes of gud fame; for-þi thole wald he ne way wemen to cum in his abbay. & he, to defend be resone 130 135 140 145 150 155 our treutht, fel in disputacion with ane erretike, pat richt wise wes in clergy at dewyse, þat sa wele schoke pe abbot, til 160 be resone of kyndly skyl þat he had nocht to say nere-hand agayne his resonnis, al wele seand. 146. brepir were. 162. al wele stand. * MS. A correction has been made here, but it is illegible. XXXI.-EUGENIA. 129 for be doctor sais, as we rede, þat þe treutht þare has litil mede, quhar manis reson ore wit 165 gifis ful resone to trow It. Fol. 239 a. for-pi þe abbot, þat nocht had to schaw, gert a fyre be mad, & sad, quhilk of þame 3ed in þat fyre & mycht nocht bryne, al his sawis ware suthfastnes, & his þat brynt ware, al les. þe abbot þane, to scheld þe threpe, in-to be fyre but mare can lepe, & duelt þar but merryng, in hyd or hare or in clething, bot of þe fyr come hale & sonde, & bad pe erretik in fonde; bot he wald nocht tak sic assay, bot held his gat with scham away. 170 175 180 [a]nde quhen pire thre, as I sad are, to þis abbot cumyne ware, eugenia, þat turnyt had hyr name & par-of ewyne mad, 185 requeryt hyme for cheryte þe abit & in þe house entre. þe abbot sperit: "quhat art þu? "a man," sad scho, "as 3e se now." quod he: "pu ma wele cal þe man, for, po þu be a woman, manlyk ar þi dedis al; 190 þarfor a man þu ma þe cal;" for god had schawit hym quhat scho wes; þar-for sa sad he hyre to. 195 VOL. II. þane ewyne & þir zung men twa þe monkis abit þai can ta, & scho gert al men trew but wene I A 3 130 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat ewyne hyr nam had bene. & pane pir thre conuersit swa, fra þai can þe habit ta, þat to be abbot þai ware dere, & thankful to be laf, but were. for in þaim wes humylyte, & kepyt þaim clene in al degre, na wald haf na properte, al-set þai ware of hee degre ; & to pare ourmen but offence kepyt wele obedyence, & renoncyt ay þar fre wil, þe mar thankful to be god til, & abstinence oysyt mare þane in rewile þaim gyfine ware; sa þat þai ware þe mast parfyt þat in his house bare habyt. [h]yr fadir þan, þat wes at hame, for his douchtir mad gret mañe, & soroful nycht and day for his dochtir wes alvay; Fol. 239 b. bot þane þat fyrst he mad care, quhen he saw cum ham hir chare, & quhen hyre chawmir wast saw he, quhare welthi wes scho wont to be, 200 205 210 215 220 wes na man cuth tel quhat wa he had, & his wyf alsa. & fergius als & auyte had for þare cistir mykil syt, þat wes a-way, þai ne wist quheþir, with prothus & Iacinctus to-gyddir, þat michty ware & of best kine, duelland þat tym rome with-in. & hyre fadir send to spere 218. wes away. 225 230 XXXI.-EUGENIA. 131 tythand of hyre in landis sere, hechtand reward quha mycht bring of hyr til hym certane tything. bot quhen þat al þat furth wer send, had socht a hale 3ere til ende, þai fand hyre nocht, bot com agane & tynt þare trawale in-to wane. 235 It nedis nocht to recorde here þe dole, þe soroful & ewil chere, 240 þat hyr fadir cañ for hir ma, hyr modir & hir brethir twa. pane gert he divynouris bryng, þat knawlag had in althing, & prayt þaim increly þat þai wald trawale besyly of his douchtir to get wityng, 245 & pare-of tel hym gud tything. & þai went furth, &, þar craft don, Come til hyme agayn rycht sone, 250 & sad þat goddis had hir tane & ymang þe sterris with hir gane. for-þi hyre faddir but a-bad ane ymage of hyre gert be mad, & gert al he had in cure 255 do ilke day pare-to honoure, & þat suld be bath mare & les rycht as til a godes. bot ewyne & hyr feris twa in-to be purpos þai cañ ta, perseveryt stalouartly, Fol. 240 a. & seruit to god Ithandly; sa þat, quhen be abbot wes dede, ewyne chosine wes in his stede; & sa wele gouernyt be houß þan þat thankful wes to god & man. 232. thytand of. 260 265 132 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. of alysandir in þe cyte þat tyme a matrone cuth be, fayr, nobil, & of gret kyne, habundand of warldis wyne, & to name had melanceane; & with fel fevrys wes oure-tane, þat trawalit hir hard & hat, & of strinthis mad hyr mat. bot alsone scho herd tel þat in sic ane abbay can duel 270 275 a man þat ewyne had to nam, a man reput of gud fame, þat he mycht helpe hyre of þat Il, gyf hym lykit to cum hyre til. 280 & scho, po scho payane wes, trawalit yddir nocht-þe-les, & prayt hyme parcheryte to remed hyr Infyrmyte, wenand scho man had bene in-to sic abit cled vnclene. & scho, þat þan þar can apere in habit as a monk scho were, 285 gert bryng oyle & It blissit sone, & in a bost it gef hyr sone, 290 & bad hyr þare-with pas hir way, & anoynt hyre but delay. & as scho bad, scho has scho don, & partyt heile par-of gat son of þe fel feʊyr scho had tane, 295 þat callit is be quartane. pane send scho sere presentis gret of gold, siluir, wyne, & quhet, to be abbot of þat abbay, quham-of before 3e herd me say; bot he par-of tuk na thing, 272. fel febrys. 300 295. fel febyr. XXXI.-EUGENIA. 133 Fol. 240 b. bot bad be matron 3eld lowing to god, quhom thru scho gat heile, & hauld at hame hyr warldis wele. [b]is matron þan mycht nomare wald sum tyme to be abbay fare, & with pe abbot gladly meile, 305 & 3eld of[t] thank of hyre heile, woman pocht scho cane be, wenand at a man was he; 310 quhare thru sic luf scho kist til hyme, þat to syn with hym scho had wil in lustful delyt of flesch; sa vnreulyt hyr wil wes. & to fulfil hyr fals desyre, 315 scho brynt as scho had ben in fyre, & socht ay oportunyte how it mycht fulfillit be. pane fenzeit scho hir sek & sare, & for sic cause mad gret care, 320 & to þe abbot, þat wes meke, send to tel quhou scho wes seke, & for his awne godis sak requeryt hym he wald on hand tak to vysit hyre of his gud wil, 325 sen scho mycht nocht trawel hym til. & ewyne, pat dressit hym to be ay in parfyt cheryte, grantyt [it], & passit hyr til for til helpe [hir] in gud wil; 330 & wes resawit reuerently, & to be matron brocht in hy with-in be curtenzeis til hir bede, þat richely wes pan oure-sprad. þane þe matron takine can ma, þat gert hyr men of chaumir ga; 335 134 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 241 a. & fra scho persawyt þat, þe monk in armys son scho gat, & mad of hyme, in gud wil hyr wrechit 3arnyng to fulfil, 340 & let hyme wit but [mare] abade quhat passand luf til hym scho had, & prayt hym for to ly pane in-to bed hyr by, ore ellis mycht scho nocht be hale 345 of hyr seknes, but end in bale. & fra pe abbot vtrely persawit hyr wil, in gret hy gat on his fete & stert hir fra, & lewit lyand in mekil wa, hafand at hyr gret wlatsumnes, fra he wist at hyr wil was, & sad: "pu, þat douttis na scham, melancia has wele to name; þat is to say, of wikitnes fillit of fule myrknes." & quhen scho schaw [pat] scho wes sa refusit, scho can sorou ma, 350 355 & dred discouerit to be of hyr wgly Iniquite. 360 þar-for scho thocht wele to wricht in hyme hir wikitnes alsuyth, & plenze on hyme, or he had til ony of hyr complant mad. for-pi hyr face scho skratit þare, & of hyre hewid rugit pe hare, 365 & dayng hyr-self mouth & nesse, til athyre of þame bludy wes; & par-with criyt increly, til hyr meñze com in hy, 370 & franyt [at] hyr quha durst do 351. gret walatsumnes. XXXI.-EUGENIA. 135 sa outrageouse a scorn hir to. pane sad scho: "behald & se hou-gat zone monk has grabit me, þat for I wend he had bene lele, 375 gert hym cum here me for to heile, as he come befor pis did; b. bot he is wolf in lamskine hyd, & ful verray ypocrite, to syne with me haffand delyt had me felly diffulyt now, as be pruff ze ma wele trew, had I nocht þe mare stalouartly helpyt my-self & can cry." with þat scho gert cal hir chaumerer, & bad hyr say [pat] scho wes nere, quhen be monk assalzeit sa Fol. 241 6. hyr laydy þar for ned to ta, & sa gat scho fals witnes 380 385 agayne þe monk, þat wes sakles; for nedly scho wald haf hym schent, for he wald nocht til hyr consent. & wrytine is in þe haly wryt, 390 & we mone treu þat suth is It, þat na serpent has a hed sa fel, 395 sa venamuse, na sa cruel, as be hed of þe colubre is, na is na wikitnes I-wyse as is be ewil of þe woman, quhare scho wald wengeans be tan, 400 as men may in genesys ensampil se þat [suth] It is, of Ioseph, þat cuth nocht beware with be wikit wyf of putefere, þe quhilk, for he ne wald ly hir by, gert hyme be tane falsely 375. þer for. 405 395. na serpent had. 397. as he hed. ¿ 136 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & haldine lang in-to preson thru hyr wikit suggestione ; bot lord god sa did of his pyte, þat lord of egype syne wes he. ane vthyr ensampil ma we ta, to schaw þat wemen ar thra one hyme þat wil nocht do þer wil, to vengeance paim agane skil, be be wyf of be emperoure Oto, þat wes predecessoure of þe gud emperoure henry, þat first wes duk of barvary. with emperoure oto wes pane ane erle þat wes a fare man, quham for beute & waloure þe emprice luffit paramoure, sa fere, þat scho prayt hyme 410 415 420 þat he wald flescly with hir syn; & he, pat lele wes til his lord, 425 be na way wald þar-to [a]cord, &, quhen it com to poynt, sad: “na," & with hyr magre passit away. & scho, þat wes refusit sa, Fol. 242 a. sone gert þe lord þe zerle ta, & but forsicht ore ony rede at hyr tysing gert hym vnhed, & he sakles neuir-þe-les, 430 as eftyr-wart wele kend was. for, quhen he had wes for to sla, 435 he bad his wyf, þat mad wa, þat scho suld profe, as be law wes, he to ded wes put saklas. for-pi, quhen he wes put to dede, his wyf a-way wane with þe hed, & held it, til cesar gert mak 418. barbary. 440 XXXI.-EUGENIA. 137 set day quhen he for godis sak suld ger al wrangis mendyt be, þat twechit opir land or see, pane namly it þat mycht ryne til wydow or til orphanyne. for-pi þe wedou wald nocht 445 be þine, & þe hede with hyr brocht, & to cesare it schawit son, & askit [hyme] quhat suld be don of hyme þat sleu a saklas man. & he, as rychtwyse, dome gef þan þat he suld de quhat-euir he ware. & sad scho: "it is 3ou, cesare, 450 þat but cause gert my husband sla, 455 as I sal prowe It is alsa be Iugment of yrne hat." þan wes brocht þare a lang plat of fyftene fute of lynth & mare, & scho on it with fet bare but abaysing it ouremet, vnhurt or hafand ony lat. & quhen cesar þat sene had, he wes anoyt, & but bad hyme-self þar gef þe widou til 460 465 to be punyst at hyr wil. þane al þat ware in þe sted thocht law ware to put hym to ded. nocht-þan þai ordenyt gret landis to bet þe schath; þe quhilkis are 3et, 470 & hafis nam þar-of be ton & tone, Fol. 242 b. of be ded in to mencione. þan can be emperoure gud-sped þe suthfastnes spere of þat ded, & fand his wyf gert hyme sla. þar-for son gert he hyr ta, 454. & sad sad scho. 475 455. hasband. 473. cuth sped. 138 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & bryne þar in til a fyre, for Iustice, & nocht for Ire. & his case tyd nyne hundreth 3ere eftyr crist oure flesch tuk here, foure score & four 3ere par-til. & ensampil quha-sa wil, ma tak wele be theodera, þat for lyk cause tholit wa, as men ma se in þe next tale here-befor contenyt hale. bot sample wil I tel no ma, for dout wemen cal me þar fa. bot a thing sa I nocht-pe-les. quhen ony wemen wil hir dreß to do ocht, be It neuir sa Il, scho sal nane ey haf reson til bot in hir-selfe bryne as fyre, til scho eschewe of hyr desyre, hafand na ey to godis blame na to consel of gud fame, as til parele cañ apere til hyr or til hir frendis nere, or 3et of lyf ore of ded, 480 485 490 495 of saule or body but remed, 500 bot at þat al til end be brocht, quhare-on sadly scho settis thocht; & sufranely a-beowe althing, quhen wemen settis hir lykyne of ony man, hyme to wyne In sic degre with hyr to syne, 505 gyf he ne wil consent hir til, fra scho haf lattyn hym wit hir wil, wes neuir lenx þat schuttis fyre, mare fulfillit of breth & yre, quhen hir qwhelpis ar tan hir fra, 479. cud nyne, 487. tel nomare. 510 XXXI.-EUGENIA. 139 to chas þe takaris, paim to sla, pan scho sal be to purches Il til hyme þat denyit hir wil. [r]icht sa tyd of melancia, quhen scho wes refusit sa, 515 & thru hyr mycht durst do na Il Fol. 243 a. bot be law his abbot til, went to be Iug & playnt mad of þe abbot, þat na wit had, 520 þat in hyr bed he can hyre oure-ta, & mad hyr sa bludy & bla, & skratit hir, & befte als, & held hyr sa fast in þe hals þat, had nocht helpe cumyne hir til, 525 he had hir wonnyn at his wil, bot scho sa fast can zel & cry þat hyr seruandis com in hy, þat gert hyme fle away his gat & lewit hir þar mad & mat ; 530 & 3et, had nocht helpe bene of hir chaumerare þat it had sene, he had eschewit of his wil or ony helpe had cumyne hir til. for-pi, scho sad, men suld nocht treu 535 to be wikit men þat prechis now þe lar of Ihesu crist, þar lord, fra quhais theching þai discord, gyf It be suth pai of hym say þat rychtwisnes he tacht al-way. & phil[i]p, þat prowest wes of alysandir, fra he þis case 540 herd, he wes ful wrath, & men of armys send ful rath, & command[it] paim þai suld ta 520. of pe pe abbot. 545 140 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. with his feris eugenia & bynd þaim fast, but audiens, & bryng þame son til his presens ; fore he wes flammyt as of fyre. bocht he wes fadir & syre of eugenia, he wend but wene þat he pan a monk had bene; for his douchtir he treuyt ay but recouer had bene a-way. þer armyt men pan but delay held þar gat to be abbay, 550 555 & tuk þe abbot, & hym band & al pe monkis þai with hym fand, & harlyt þaim dispytuisly til alysandir in gret hy, 560 Fol. 243 b. & þar in presone cañ þame thring of þe prefet at þe bydyng to nest day of Iugment, in hope þat þai suld be schent. & quhen pai come, he gert set 565 þe stule of Iuge in þe merket, & sat þar, law to do, & gert þe monkis bryng hym to, þat ordenyt had, ore he com pare, þat þe abbot for-out mare 570 wyld bestis suld be gyfyn til, til ete & Ryfe of hym þare fil. melancia, þat wes nocht swere to wre pe abbot, can apere, & sad: "sir Iuge, do me rycht 575 of his fals monk, þat of his slycht þat in my chawmir gylfully ewyne to my bed, quhare I can ly, for til diffors [me] at his wil." 580 580. his wily. XXXI.-EUGENIA. [41 & gretand fast record[yt] þare hyr playnt, as 3e herd me sa are. þe Iuge þan þat wes angry, sad to be abbot fellonly: "say, wikyt man & ypocryte, þat couertly has þat habyt tane, þat [hu] mare couertly 585 may gere leile folk in þe affy, & sa betrese paim thru slicht, quhat suld þu do, & þu had mycht? 590 say, wikit wrech, of bounte bare, of criste, 3oure god, is þat þe lare þat he tacht 3ou, to be bowne to fyle you of corrupcione? quhare-for, monk, pocht it lykit þe to fyle pi flesch in sic degre, 595 a commowne woman byrd wel gan to þe, þat þu put nocht þi payne for wantones of þi foule cors gentil wemen til difforse. for-þi me think wod he were, þat wald trew in 30ure cristis lare. 600 & pu with his dede is wele taynt, þat makis na ansuere to pis plant.” eugenia had sum dele aw, 605 Fol. 244 a. þat hyr fadir þar suld hir knaw. for-pi done scho held þe hed mare, & murly mad sic ansuere: "criste, oure lord, þat lowit ay be, tacht his men to luf chastite, & til his seruandis þat þer flesch for his sak kepis in chastines, but ende lyf in his lestand blis sal gyf, þat he has dicht for his, þat is sa gud þat na man may 584. & to be abbot. 598. to be po pu. 610 615 142 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. think it in hart, na tong say. & thocht þis woman wele ma we prowe fals & fellon for to be, bettir is we thole þis lytil blam þan þat scho de with lestand scham; 620 for, gyf þe suth til hir scheu we, scho wat wele scho ma punyst be bot þe med of oure pacience we wil nocht tyne in þi presence. nocht-þane, gyf scho has witnesing of hyre controwit fals lesyng, lat hyr gere þaim here apere, [pat] pare fals witnes we ma here; for certis, had scho dred schame, scho & hyre witnes ware at ham.” [m]elancia, as wikyt woman, hyre chamerare had redy þan, þat fals witnes can here bere, as scho befor til hir cane lere, word be word, & lewit nocht, fore þat thank get scho thocht. & hyre famyle mare & les, 625 630 635 as þai ware tacht, bare fals witnes, sayand pai fand hyre in hir bede wele nere smoryt & for-blede. 640 eugenia a tyme stud stil, til scho [be] Iuge saw in wil to gyf a-gane hir fel sentence, bot scho þe sonare mad defence; pan [sad]: "as be wyse ecclesyastes sais in his buk forout les rycht in to be thred chapytere, recordand þare of tymys sere, þat tyme is to hald men stil, 618. fals & fals & fellon, 645 XXXI.-EUGENIA. 143 Fol. 244 b. & tyme als to spek with skyl. bot now to be stil tyme is nocht, sene to spek I ame besocht; þare-for ma I nocht be styl, 650 suppos pare-to I haf wil, bot, for I ne wil pis wyf but scham 655 in cristis seruandis set sic blame, I mon spek now, & nocht fore pride, bot for I wil falsede vnhyd; & þat falsat nocht Ioysit be fore til ourcum þe verite, bot at wysdome ourcum ma malyce, þe suth now I wil say, bocht me ware lath it com par-to gyf I mycht ony bettir do, bot fore to put men out of dout þat I ame cristis vndirloute, &, as he tacht me, ay my flesch has kepit 3et in-[to] clennes, & fore pat cause tuk þis habit, & nocht as dois ane ypocrite.” with þat scho kest þe cule away & scapelry but delay, & raf hyre kyrtil til hir kne, þat al þare opynly mycht se þat scho werray wes womane. &, þat don, helyt hir lycame, & to be prefet þat had sene 660 665 670 675 of þis þe suthfastnes with ene, sad: "fadir dere, gud tent þu ta to þi douchtir eugenia, 680 & claudya, þat is þe by, þat bare me of hir awne body, & auytus, my bruthir dere, & fergius, þat is his fere- 650. & til als. 144 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for 3oure cystir kene ze nocht me, & þire twa, þat wont ware to be, protho & Iacinctus, in study with me lerand besyly? bot ze myskene ws now al thre. þare-of ferly gret think me." þe Iuge pane tuk gude tent 685 690 til hyre þat had hyre kirtil rent, & increly beheld hyre face, & knew wele scho his dochtir wes, & of þat sicht wes rycht blyth, 695 & hynt hyre in his armis suyth & kissit hyre of[t] and gret Fol. 245 a. þat he had with his douchtir mete, & scho gret als, fore pai ware in erroure pane as pai ware are. 700 & hyr modir & brethyre twa, fra þai kneu eugenia, gat hyre in [bar] armys suyth, & kissit hyr a hundreth sith, &, as hyr fadir did, can gret for Ioy pai can with hir met; be-cause na man durst þaim kene þe suthfast treutht of cristine men. bane hynt þai hir on hicht alsone, & cled hyr wele forout howne in clath, dyopret of gold fyne- 705 710 for cumyne scho wes of nobil lyne- furrit with ermyn fare & clene, as scho douchtir ware of a quene. & protho & Iacincto, þat ware 715 hyr feris ay at þe lare & with hyr had þe abyt tane, hyr fadir hynt þaim, ore he fane, & be hyme-self set on hicht, 686. & pere twa. XXXI.-EUGENIA. 145 & honoryt þaim as men of mycht. pane in presence of paim al 720 þat þare ware gadryt, gret & smal, a blese of fyre as brynstane bla Come of þe hewine one melancia & hyre modir, þat fals witnes bare, & hyre famile mare & les brynt sodenly in poudir smal, thru godis vengeance, seand al. hyr fadir þane, þat has sene sic wondir wrocht be-for his eyne, & his wyf, & his sonnis twa conuertyt to criste with al pai & al þat of þat cunctre ware, þat saw his ore of It mycht here. þane wes kirkis mad ful fele 725 730 735 be þaim þat becumyne ware lele, & vntreu ware cumand ay as þai durst to cristis fay; & prestis als ware mony made, to baptyse pame but abade. 740 Fol. 245 b. [a]nd quhene to rome fra alysandir Come word as for sclandyr of philpe, þat cumyne wes cristyn man with pame he had in ledyng þan, & þat he tholyt þat cunctre 745 to cristine treutht vndirlout to be, þai reputyt hym as man vnwise VOL. II. til hym til haf ony office. for-bi ordenyt þe senat to degrad hyme of his stat, sene þat he changit has his ryt; & par-apone gert til hym wryt & hyme depriwit but abade of office, & ane vthire made. K 750 146 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & he pare-of ful glad þat he fore cristis sak mycht lawit be. for he office & signory gerris men mysdo commonly; 755 & als men seis þere master-men for hey estate þaim-self mysken, & hey estate and humylyte 760 in a persone seldine se we. þar-for he lowit godis mycht, þat hyme remowit fra sic hicht. & pan al þat conuertyt ware to crist, tuk hyme but ony mare, & ordenyt hyme bischope to be in godis name of þat cunctre. þan he be-com ane vthir mane þan he befor wes, fra þane. he gef hyme hale to abstinence & to thole wrang with pacience, 765 770 & schupe hyme Ithandly to be in-to chaste lyf & cheryte, in-to prayere & wakkyne, 775 & to spend his tyme in preching. & ay he first did in gud wil It at he prechit vthyre til, sa þat his ded sample suld gefe to subditis hou þai suld lyf, 780 & perseueryt þare-in ay of his lyf to be last day; & sa to god ful mony mañ thru ded & lare in his tym wan, quhare-at Ill-trewand had inwy 785 Fol. 246 a. þat he left sa wertuisly. & for he wes fra þare ryte gane & cristine lacht til hym had tane, þai waytit hym with gret lasere, 757. for pe office & signery. XXXI.-EUGENIA. 147 & fand hyme makand his prayere kneland & pare-in can hym take, 790 & a martir of hyme cane make, to god to be sacrifice ful thankful for his seruice. [q]wene he wes dede, þan claudya 795 to rome a-gayne hir way can ta, & cristine fay bare opynly prechit ful wele & thriftly, & godis word sa wele schew pare to þame þat vncristine ware, & it þat scho in worde prechit 800 sa douchtly in dede scho dede, þat thru þe grace of god scho wan to cristine treutht mony man, 805 & happely mad syne endynge, as eftir wrytine 3e sal fynde. the fame of gud evgenia wes sa fare sprede to & fra, þat word come to be emperoure hou besyly scho set hyre cure to peruert þe folk away 810 fra þe treuth þai trewit ay, "þat scho gert mony fal fra, for quhen of þaim defence can ma, & forcis hyre faste to preche 815 a new lare & It to teche of ane Ihesu of galyle, þat Iowis hangit on a tre, þat scho sais god is anerly, & nane vthyre, in til affy. 820 for-pi and scho be tholit lang, scho sal do til oure godis wrang, 821. for-pi þan. 148 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 246 b. sa outrageouse, þat nan sal do honoure na reuerence þaim to, na zet sal nocht in al pe land of oure godis a tempil stand. þare-for, lorde, we 30w rede þat ze be tyme se for remede, & þat but bad be lachtful dome of al þe senatouris of rome." þe emperoure þat þis worth wrath, & callit his consel til hym rath, & askyt [pame] quhat wes to do þar-of. & þai ansuert hym to, þat to sla hyr wes mast spede ; "for, and scho lifit, scho suld lede 825 830 835 in-to mys-treutht sa mony men þat þare godis þai sal mysken; & bettir is scho de alane þan vengeance be of mony tane." 840 be emperoure consentit sone, &, as pai conselit, has done. pane tormentouris socht hir & fand, & band hyr bath fut & hand, 845 & til hyr nek, ore þai fayne, þai band faste a gret mylstan, & in-to tybre syne hir swang, for scho to pare godis did wrang. bot þare men myckt se godis mycht done opynly in manis sycht; 850 fore, in þe riuere quhen scho wes castine, mony gowand to, hyr band lousit but delay, & þe gret mylstan fel away, & scho cane one be watir stand wpe-richt, as It ware on dry land, & þar a quhile 3ede to & fra. 832. wrath. 855 XXXI.-EUGENIA. 149 Fol. 247 a. bot men eftsone cañ hyr ta, & band hyr bath fut & hande, & put hyr in ane oyne brinande. bot, as scho per-in wes done, þe fellone het wes stanchit son, & scho vnharmyt, þat al has sene, as scho in softe bath had bene; for It cuth hire wele refresche, suppos it hat-brinand was, as pame thocht, to manis sicht; sa opynly god kythit his mycht in hyr þat wes hale & fere, þat þai wend war ded but were. zet tuk þai hyr & band agane, thinkand to put hyre to new payne, & kyst hyr in a depe dongeone, fore til eke hyre confusione, & closit it sa wele with slicht þat entre mycht na-kyne lycht, but met ore drink, Il ore gude, ore ocht þat suld be manis fude. 860 865 870 875 bot god gert þare licht leyme, wes clerare þan þe sonnis beyme. 880 & quhen þat scho had ben tene days in þat presone, as be buk sais, with multitud of sanctis sere, god til hyre [bar] cane apere, & gef hyre brede bath fare & fres, 885 quhytare pan euir snaw was, & sad: "of my hand tak þis fude, þat I gyfe þe, my douchtir gude! for I ame god, þi saweoure, þat þu to serwe did al þi cure & lufit me oure al warldis thing, quhare-in zung men has lyking. þar-for I cum to tel þe 890 150 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 247 b. * þat þu sal cum þat day to me þat I til erde come fra hewyne." pare-for one zulday next ewine pai send to se gyf scho lyfande ware; & 3et pane in lyf hir fande, farrare pane scho fede bene hade with þe beste met euir man made. þe basare þan, þat had na dout of god, son hynt hyre owt, & strak hyr nek son in twa, 895 900 & a martir mad of hyr swa to [god], þat tuk hyre til his blis, 905 quhare-at he euir duelland is. & þat houre forout were, þat scho wes slane, scho can apere til hyr modir, & sad þat scho þe next sonday suld cum hir to, 910 in-to Ioy ay lestande [to] duell, þat hou gud is, can na man tele. & þar-eftyr þe next sonday, quhene claudia in prayer lay, sodendly be geste scho zalde, þat god resawit in his halde. thane prothus & Iacinctus alsa, þat wald nocht lef eugenia 915 fore wele na way þat þai had señe, for þai hyre falowis had bene, 920 ware tane, fra to dede scho wes don, & to be tempil þai harlyt þaim son, þat þai thru þare prayere gert fal with þare ydolis in poudir smal. pan þai þat þaim brocht ware way, quhen þai þare templis saw fal swa; nocht-pane pai sad: "gyf ze wil 902. som. 925 XXXI.-EUGENIA. 151 mak sacrifice oure godis til & lew 30ure wikit sorcery quhare-in sa mekil ze affy, 3et sal men thole zou life & gret riches alsa 3ou gyfe, for-cause ze are of nobil kyne, 930 & ze wil of 30ure erroure blyne." þane ansuert þai in a woyce: 66 & for his sak are in gud wil 935 we trew in god þat deit on croice, to thole quhat ded þat 30u wil; for sacrify sal we neuirmare 940 til ydolis, þat bot dewilis are." þane wikit men þaim can tak, & in sondir þare nekis strak. & þai be þe reknyne of rome fulfillit sa þar martirdome fra god tuk flesch of oure laydy twa hundir zere sex & fyfty. 945 pare-for I pray bir sanctis sere bat [hai] to pray now be nocht swere for ws, þat we of lyf ma twyn but schame, det, & dedly syne. 929. & lewit. 950 Fol. 248 a. XXXII.-IUSTIN. 20 HE takyne of pe verray croice ws by[r]d to luf in hart & voice, quhare-on Ihesu criste cane hynge of fre wil, for oure ransomnynge, & thru þat croice mad vndirloute þe feynd, þat almen aw to dout, sa þat, quhare-[sa]-euire he þe takyne of be croice ma see, he man fle nedway magre his; for þat takine sa red he is. nocht anerly be cristine meñ þat he is red pare-for, we kene, bot be pe Iow forout nay, þat in feld chapel lay ourtane be merknes of nycht, & of sa feyle fendis hade sicht, þat for rednes he wes nere wod; bot pane, for be takine of be rud he mad on hyme, as he had sene cristine men, pat rud had bene, & thocht he vntrewful was, 3et wes he sawit nocht-pe-les. & a[1]s It may be brocht to mynd of ysachiel in þe nynd chapiter, quhare-in men may þe vertu of þe croice werray. 1. First letter wanting. 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 XXXII.-IUSTIN. 153 bot, [po] pat it be gud to here, It is lang & I ame suere. & als þare-[of] is mad mencione in þe lewint distinccion of be decre for-out were in þe sext chapitere. & als of þat takine ma we 30 In be fynding of it-self see, hou constantyne had ourcumyne of þat takine be be schewynge. be quhilk to wryt here lef I, for it is a wele lang story. 35 Fol. 248 b. & in be exaltacione of þe croice is mad mencione hou eraclius be emperoure of be croice thru þe fygure be son of cosdre slew in ficht, nocht-gandstandine his gret mycht, & cosdre hyme-selfe syn slew he; & syne eftir þe croice wane he. bot pocht to here it ware delyte, þis story ware lang to wryt. crystofer & theodera 40 45 to pis a verra prowe ma may, 50 þat þar is na defence sa gude as is þe takine of þe rude. as I sal here by a tale tel of a maydine hou it befel þat sere feyndis chasit hir fra, & þe self master-fend alsa, þat to fande hir did per mycht, bot of þat takine be pe sycht. [I]N antioche duelland wes a man of richt gret riches, 47. bot pocht it here. 55 6 > 154 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & of þar prestede he had hade, bot seruice til ydolis he made. & had a dochtir farly fayre, þat wes his anerly aperand are, of fasone & of coloure bricht, & to name Iustine hicht. scho had in-to custume ay in hir windou sit ilke day, 65 þat wes be commone stret wel nere. sa hapnyt hir a tyme til here 70 a cristine dekine, þat prely hicht, tel ser talis of godis micht, þat ware wrytine in þe ewangel. & quhen scho lesnyt had a quhile, be helpe of hyme & godis grace conuertit to be treutht scho wes. bot þat scho held as priuete, abydand oportunyte 75 til scho þe sacrament mycht tak, þat cristis douchtir suld hyre mak. 80 bot þat wes nocht sa priuely na it wes persawit in hy. pare-for hyre fadir can hir wit gretly þat scho lefit his ryt; for hir modir tald hym hou scho 85 wes Ihesu criste conuertit to. Fol. 249 a. In þe next nicht eftir þay slepand in bed sammyne lay, Ihesu criste with angelis sere to pame half slepand can apere, 90 & sad to paim: "cumys to me now, & hewins blis I sal gyf 30w." & þai of þat avisione fayne ware, & syne to treu bone. & quhen pai rase, but abade with a douchtir þat þai hade 95 XXXII.-IUSTIN. 155 þai conuertit, & baptyme tuke at fonstane, as sais þe buke, & ware in cristine treutht parfyte & of payanis lewit þe ryte. þane wes duelland in þat tone a man þat was of Il renowne, & cypriane to name he lacht, 100 & fra fyfe 3eris he wes tacht in þe lare of nygramancy & in þe lare of sorcery; for his kyne in his 3outhede to serwe þe feynd hym offerit hade. þar-for be his nygramancy he wald wirk mony ferly, as to gere a woman apere as scho ane wgly gillet were; & he wald gere a woman wene þat a man woman had bene. & sum tyme apere wald he quhat kynd of foule hym lykit to be, & translat hyme as hyme thocht. in craftis sere sic thing he wrocht for to dissawe men slichfully thru deylis crafte & sorcery. & þis Iustyn þan for hyre beute sa increly lufit he, þat he ne mocht hir luf for-ga, as hyme thocht, for wele na wa, bot brynt in þat fel desyr ner-hand as he ware in fyre. for quhat-sa beste lykis hyme þat sic wodnes byggis in, hyme thinkis beste quhat-sa it be, 105 IIO 115 I20 125 Fol. 249 b. to na resone haffand ey. 130 a feynd þane til hyme can he cal, & his 3arnyng tald [hyme] al, 156 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat a madyne sa he lofit þat he mycht nocht be remowit, þo scho had tane cristine fay, þat he to werray schupe hym ay, & askit hyme gyf he mocht mak hyr til his wil be brocht. pane sad he: "is pare nocht ellis bot pis þat þu to me tellis quhare-for þu me trawalis now? for, war þu wyse, þu suld trew þat I mycht gere be wele eschewe. wald þu think hou adam & ewe I gert be put of paradyce, & how I gert Kayine vnwise sla his bruthire for inwy, quhare-thru he was vnhappy, & 3et be my slichtis gude I wes cause of noese flude, 135 140 145 150 & als be fare cunctre þat hicht sodome & gormor, thru [my] slicht ware distroyt but remede, quhare now is bot þe see rede, quhare na thing of lyf ma be, 155 quhy suld þu dout of my pouste? & 3et ma þu ensampil ta quhow þat I gerte Iowis sla þare lord cryste & kyne & blude dispituisly a-pone be rude. 160 sa sald þu trew þat I mocht gere pine erande til end be brocht, sa þat scho son sal cum þe til, & þi žarnyng hale fulfil.” þane to gere hyre son consent & hyre to cum til his entent, a lytil vngument he hym tacht, & bad hyme ga þare-with stracht 165. hyme. 165 XXXII.-IUSTIN. 157 til hyre chawmir, quhen he sau poynt, & þe wallis oututh ennoynt, 170 "& I sal nocht be fere away, Fol. 250 a. & syne cum & my mycht assay, & bllaw sa gud a coule hire til þat scho sal do quhat þu wil." þane cypriane mad nan abade bot with be wngument furth glade, &, as he wes tacht, he has done. bane be feynd wes redy sone, & hyre in-to lychery inflammyt sa gretumly. pane scho persawing hade. þat þe feynd þat fanding made; for-bi hir forhed & breste bath scho taknyt of þe croice rath, & al hyre body syne bethacht to god to kepe for his macht. 175 180 185 & pane sonnare þan man mycht say, þe fals fend went away, & fel ferit, fra he had sene þat takine mad befor his eñe. he flede, &, ore he fayne, Come & stud befor cypriane, þat sad til hyme: "tel me now 190 quhare is Iustyne, as sad pu?” quod he: "for one hyre sic a sicht 195 I saw þat refit has my mycht sa vtrely, þat I ne durste duel.” quod he: "pane sped þe on til hell, & pare pu pi mastre prowe! for þu dow nocht for my behufe." [clypriane lewit nocht pare-with-all, bot ane vthir feynd can call; þe quhilk, quhen he com hyme til, 180. sa gretvumly. 200 158 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 250 b. sad: "frend, I kene hale þi wil & þe vnmycht of my compere, þat to spede had na powere; bot I sal al his fawt supple, & to bi purpos weile bryng þe: for I sal wond hyr hart rycht sare throw lust of lichery but mare, & scho sal cum to be þis nycht to do bi wil; þat I be hicht." & par-with went he on his way & come to Iustine but delay, & mad hyr persuacione of hyre saule [to] be confusione, sa fere as scho wes in wil vnlesum lust [for] to fulfil. bot thru helpe of be haly geste scho vm[be]thocht hyre in [til] haste, þat It a foule fandyng was to gere hyre grant to fyle hir flesch; þar-for of hyre scho can lay þe takyne of þe croice verray, commendant [hir] to criste Ihesu, & pare-with dispytuisly blew on þe flatrand fend, þat na mycht had, fra he had sene þat sicht, bot as a reke away he wat, 205 210 215 220 225 & to cypriane come fut hat, 230 þat sad til hyme: "quhy has pou nocht, as þu sad, be maydine brocht?" sad he "at hyre haf I bene, & one hyre sic a takine sene þat me has mad nere out of wit, 235 sen I on hyre fyrste saw It; for my crafte mycht nocht awale, bot tynt has al hale myn trawele." 231. & sad til hyme. XXXII.—IUSTIN. 159 hou of[t] þat þai hir fandyng made, for scho hyre croysit but abade, & pan ware pai fullely schent, & fore rednes fra hyre went, & come to cypriane alsone, 240 & tald hyme al how pa had don, bot nocht, to do as pai had mynt, bot vtrely þare trawale tynt ; for a takine scho on hyre made, þat þaim discomfyt but abade; 245 na til hyre durste pai cum nomare; for þat takine so red pai ware. 250 bot scho, of þis þat wiste nocht bot one god set al hyre thocht, gef lowyng to hevinis king, þat kepyt hyre in sic fanding. bot cypriane 3et þan but were in his foly cane perseuere, & in his thocht trawalit & het; for he mycht nocht his wil get. Fol. 251 a. bot thinkand zet he wald prowe þe sufferande helpe for his be[h]owe, 255 260 þe principale of dewilis al, selfe satan, cane he cal, þat but bad come hyme til, & sad: "now, quhat is þi wil?” quod he: "quhare is al 30ure vertu? 265 for I ne helpe can fynde in 30w, bot granttis al [pat] þai ma nocht gere my desyre til ende be brocht, bot are discumfit schamefully thru a zung maydine anerly, 270 & be a takine þat þai se apone hir, as þai sa [to] me. pare-for me think I haf Il set 253. gef has been altered from wef. 160 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. my tyme on 30u, þat ma nocht get sa smal a thing as þis to me, þat seruis zou in al degre sen I firste cuth spek ore ga." be maister dewil can ansuere ma, & sad: "frend, disese pe nocht! for þi zarnynge sal be wrocht, & þai þat failyt, sal haf schame, til helpe þe, & mekil blame. þare-for my-self of wil fare 275 280 & with feile feuir wond hire sare, 285 & als gere hir as fire bryne; sic lustful het sal be hir in, & eftyr hyr stirke sal I nere wodnes & frenesy, & fantyse als ferly sere til hyre als I sal gere apere, Fol. 251 b. til scho, for al hir mekil slycht, sal to be cum þis ilke nycht." bene be feynd þe forme tuk of a maydine, as sais pe buke, & to hyre come but delay, & sat done, & syne þis can say: 66 [g]wde cystire, I ame cumyne here, of þi gudnes for I here in sere placis be spokine ay, & had 3arnyng til assay, quhethire it sa be ore nocht; par-for to be here I hafe socht, in mykill wil to duell with þe, as þu dois, in chastyte. fore be gud resone I cane feile þat maistry is to kep it wele; for manis kynd it mon excede 287. hyr hyr. 298. of þe. 306. is to kepit it. 290 295 300 305 XXXII.—IUSTIN. 161 here lifand to kepe madynehede, bot, quha-sa here ma luf chaste thru steryng of be haly gaste, 310 is fare lykare for to be angelis þane manis kynd, parde. & gyf percase ony mocht kepe maydine in ded & thocht, þan wald I wit quhat rewarde 315 he suld haf þarfor eftirwarde?" quod Iustine: "rycht grete is be mede, & pe trawale smal but drede in regarde of þat lestand blis, þat nane cane tel hou gret [it] is, 320 þat god sal gyf til his dere, þat thankful seruice makis hym here." quod pe feynd: "pu tel me It. þat oft is rede in haly wryt, hou god, quhen adame wes made, 325 of a bane of his syd but bade eve he mad, quhen he slepand lay, to be his mak, & syne can say 'beis sammyne, & grew, & multyply, & with þe froyt of 30ure body 330 fillis be erde, & it wyne, & bruk al thing þat is pare-in !' be his spek lyk is pane þat man to fere suld haf woman, & woman in þe sammyne degre suld man haf hyre make to be, þat þare o[f]spryng mycht grew in brede. for he sawyng of þare sede, for gyf sic mellyng suld nocht be for kepynge of verginite, al kynd of man but ony were suld falze in a hundre zere, 309. bot sa quha. VOL. II. 311. it fare lykare. L 335 340 162 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 252 a. & sa wes tynt godis makyne, & alsa brokine ware his bydinge. 345 & 3et wil men se neuir-pe-les in be law god gef moyses, waryit ar þai callit þare þat had na barne bot barane ware. pa[r]for I trew, quha precis maste til þai life to be chaste, sal godis byding brak, & sa be demyt til hel & yddir ga. þar-for, gud cystir, I drede me, gyf we kepe virginite, goddis bydynge sal we brak, þat one oure saulis sal it wrak. sa quhare we trew mede to take, 350 355 sal [we] vndirly godis wrake." be feynd sic perswacione to Iustine mad, as [wes] resone, 360 þat he gert hyr haf thochtis thra hyr chastite to fal fra. in lychory sa hyre thocht. enflammyt þat nere wantit nocht na redy scho wes to ga 365 with þe feynd, þat hir fandit sa, & in-to purpose to fulfil It þat scho wes entysit til. bot god pane schawit his grace til hyr, þat sa-gat fandit was ; 370 quhare-throw scho cane persawe wele þat þe entysare wes be dewil, þat spak til hyre sa slichtfully for to dissawe hyr cowartly. & þan þe croice on hyre scho made; 375 & [he], as he reke bene hade, ful sodenely wanyste away; & scho of seknes but delay, XXXII.-IUSTIN. 163 þat in hyr before cane apere, rycht þane wes mad hale & fere. 380 the feynde, þat saw he mycht nocht þan eschewe, be schape of a 3ung mañ tuk, & come but [mare] delay Fol. 252 b. in þe chawmir quhare Iustine lay, & in hys armys sone hyre hynt, for to kyse hyr he nocht stynt, & syne becuth vnschamefully to diffule hyre thru lychery. bot scho, pat persawinge hade It was a feynd sic mastry made, 385 390 foret, briste, and hyr body with be croice scho taknyt in hy; & he sonnere but delay meltit þane wax in fyre away. pane, tholand god, hyre he can saile 395 with felone feuere & gret trawale, þat mad hyre sa falow & fade þat nerhand dede wes scho made. & til eke hyre perplexite, he mad sic a mortalyte 400 in antioche of beste & mañ, þat mycht nocht be estymyt þane, & gert wod men oft rare & cry, 405 bot þat Iustine in til hy gef hyr consent to wedit be, sone peryst sal be be cyte. þane þai, þat saw his pestilence, & trewit scho mycht mak defence, Come til hyre fadir house in hy, & one hyme fast can gret & cry, prayand hyme for þare saufte þat Iustine son suld wedit be, 385. & in hyr. 403. & gret wod men. 410 164 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. or ellis suld þat felloñ clade confonde þe cyte but abade. bot scho ne wald consent þertil, fore fayre na lath, gud na Il. þarfor gudmen of be towne, doutande sa harde confusione, in yre come til hire fadir in, in entent it al to bryne, 415 420 bot gyf, to bryng þaim out of care, his douchtir sonnare wedit ware. þane prayt scho god þare increly ; & he hyr herd sodendely, & gert cese þat mortalyte bath in land & in cyte. 425 þe feynde, seande he ne mocht oure-cum Iustine, as hym thocht, thocht to fyle hyre gud name, & sclandir hyr, & gere thol scham. 430 & for to dissawe cypriane, þe fourme of hyre has he tane, sa þat he in al degre Fol. 253 a. wes lyke Iustine for to be, & come rynnande to cypriane 435 & hyme a-bout þe hals has tane. & he, wenand it sa ware, sad: "wel-cum, my hart dere, fayreste woman & but blame!” & as þe feynde herde hir name, he had na langare mycht to byde bot fled as reke & cañ hym hyde. 440 þane cypriane persawit wele þat he wes scornyt ilke dele, & in hart [he] had gret care, & lufit Iustine fere pe mare. fore-pi he wald sere fourmys ta, 421. scho bryng. 445. in hart hed. 445 XXXII.—IUSTIN. 165 quhare thru he mycht hir nerreste ga; quhile foule, quhile woman, of þe slicht of his falshed, & of pe nycht 450 walk fore hyr sak; bot quhene he pressit at hyre Inis for to be, his feyndis fourme wes son [un]hyde, & he fore cypriane wes kyde. be feynd, þat wist pane pat he 455 wes oure-cumyne in al degre, with gret schame his way is gane, & aperit til cypryane, & sad til hymne son: "hou now? me think ourecumyne is þu! 460 wrechis, quhare is 30ure mycht, quhare is 3oure poware & 30ure slicht, þat ze cane nocht a maydine 3yng, as 3e haf hicht, on me to bryng? tel me pare-fore, I pray be pis, quhare-in hyre mekil uertu is." þane sad þe feynde: "sa þat þu to me wil suere ane ath now, þat þu sal neuir fra me depart thru gyle na thru ony arte, I sal tel þe opynely þe vertu of al hyre victory." bane sad til hyme cypriane: "hou I sal suere, bu tel one ane!" 465 470 (( suere be my vertuise, þat gret are, 475 þat þu sal neuir fra me fare, & I sal hale discouer to be quhare-in scho ourecumis me." Fol. 253 b. pane cypriane bad na langere, þat he askit. & pe feynd þane bot þat sammyne ath cane til hym suere 480 wend he traste wes of be man, sad hyme: "pat maydine mycht had nan 166 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for til resiste agayne sathane, outane a takine scho on hir ay makis þat me fleis away." "be takine now þu tel to me, for of me pu art traste, parde; for in sum parte ma assith me of be lang seruice I haf mad be; protestand ay þu haf na doute of me þat is þine vndirloute ; for quhat thing sa euir It be, 485 490 þat þu sal now discouer to me." "it is of be tre þe taknynge 495 quhare-one pe Iowis criste can hing at myn entysing fore inwy, & but cause can hyme crucyfy." sad cypriane: "quhow ma þat be, þat for be takine of a tre 500 3e fle sa & dare nocht byde, bot fast forcis away to hyde?" "certis," quod sathane, "gyf þu be sa lele as þu sais to me, I sal say forout mare 505 quhy for þat takine we red are." quod cypryane: "I be pray þe suth now to me þu say!" pane sad til hyme sathane: "quhene I had first dissauit man, 510 sa þat be myne entysynge he wes tynt & his o[f]sprynge, ware nocht god, þat hyme made, of his pyte reutht of hym hade, & for his sawete becom man- bot þare wes I dissawit pan, for he wes borne of a vergine a-ganis þe kynd of manis lyne. of man þe myse fore to remede, 515 XXXII.—IUSTIN. 167 Fol. 254 a. of verra man he tholyt dede— bot had I wist but ony wene þat he god & man had bene, I had nocht tholit sekyrly be Iowis sla hym for inwy. bot, for I wend he had bot maî bene, I gert sla hyme þane. þane, as is manhed wes dede, manis myse [for] to remede, he come til hel [al] anerly, & at our 3ettis cane cry, 520 525 ? 530 & ymang ws he enteryt þare, & al þat in oure pressonnis ware, þat lykit hyme, he tuk away, sene first he mad adame of clay, & with his croice ws fleyt sa 535 þat of ws durst defence nan ma. sene syne þe takine of þe tre ful awful is to myne & me, bath in þe payne þat I thole ay & in þe tynsale of my pray; for al mankynd þat lyf can lede, þat deit before criste wes dede, 540 ware send me as my propyre thinge, & in my presone mad duellynge; & I, of his warld prince but dout, 545 thru bat tre is quyt put out, na zet ma I na liffand wyne bot hyme þat wil nocht lef his syne. & sa, to mak conclusione, þat tre wes my confusione. 550 now haf I sad þe suth to þe quhy þat takine confundis me." quod cypryane: "I se wele now þe crucyfit is mare pan pu." & be feynd þat granttit til, 555 168 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þo it war aganis his wil, & sad: "3a, is he fere mare pane are lifand ore lyf bare, & we ar til hyme vndirloute at his byding ay but doute, & he has put ws in-[to] hel, 560 [bar] bai bat we dissawe, sal duel; for quha in oure seruice mais ende, euirmare with ws sal wende." sad cypriane: "pan I þat maî 565 wil serwe þat crucyfit wes ban.” þe feynd sad: "sa ware þu lorne gyf þu ware fals & mansuorne; for þu has suorne of my oste be be mycht, þat þu sal nothire fore strinth na slicht 570 depart fra me til ony mane." Fol. 254 b. cypryane sad til hyme pane: "be & pi wikit feyndis al, þat seruis þe, gret & smal, here I forsak, & takis me 575 til hyme þat hangit on þe tre, & his takine one me I lay be-twene me & be now for ay." & as he pis sone sad hade, þe feynd þan fled but abade. & cypriane gret Ioy can ma þat he be feynd eschapit sa. for-bi he socht but ony bade 580 þe bischope til he fundyn hade. ande as þe bischope hym has sen, 585 he wes amovit, & can wene þat he come nocht as fore honor bot to bryng cristine in erroure. þarfor sad he angrely: 562. we resawe. XXXII.-IUSTIN. 169 66 cypriane, gang hyne in hy, with othire entremet [hu] be, & fande na cristine man na me! for þi strinth sal nocht wyrke 590 agane þe treutht of haly kirke.” sad cypriane: "sic is my sele 595 þat al þat tale I trew veile. bot sene þu þe kirk is in as oure-man saulis to wyne, I cum to be in godis stede, my mysdede to remede; for me forthinkis þaim ful sare, & is in wil to syne ne mare." with þat befor þe bischape rath 600 `he set done one [his] kneis bath, & mad schryfte of al þat he 605 had mysdone in ony degre; & hou his freyndis had hym gefyne to be feynd, he als has schrifyne, & of þe tyme þat he had tynt he schrafe alsa, ore he stynt. þe byschope pan Ioyful wes, 610 & hyme resavit alsone to grace, & baptyst [hyme] & mad hyme þane as to cryst a now-borne mane, 615 Fol. 255 a. & [be] reule of cristine fay he tacht hyme wele but delay. & he had richt abile wite, & in schort tyme consavit It. & be haly gaste al thinge ma gere man cone but trawalinge; 620 lyk as [of] salamone we rede, þat wes [þe] wiseste man but drede, & in þe space of a nycht of al wysdome he wan þe sicht thru teching of be haly geste, 625 170 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat beste maistere is in haste; for to god, as we ma se, ma na thing inpossible be. for-bi sa wele sped cypriane, fra he þe cristine treutht had tane, 630 þat in science he wox parfyt & leid his lyf for-outyne wit; & he þat first wes in erroure, be-come þane a gret doctoure, & sic a prechoure he become þat to god he wan mony one; & ay his dedis bettir ware 635 pane wes opir his word ore lare. syne wes he bischope agane his wil, po he wes lath to grant pare-til. þat god send cypriane sic sele, 640 fra þat Iustine wiste it wele, scho wes blith, & lowit gode pan þat he wes sa gud cristine maî, & þat scho eschapit with honoure his crafte til he wes in erroure. 645 þe bischope gert þan a nunry make, & feffit for Iustinis sake for þame þat suld duel in þat place- & þat of his patrimoyn wes- 650 & of madynis a cowent he gadderit þar, of ane assent to serwe god in verginite; & eftir Iustine sene sende he & blissit hyr as priores, 655 & gef hir þaim in keping nocht-be-les; for he had prowit be assay scho stedfaste wes & madyn ay. & scho pe charge tuk hyr til, to serwe god in gud wil. 660 pane cuth scho faste, wak, & pray, XXXII.-IUSTIN. 171 Fol. 255 b. & hyr gud dedis ekyt ay, And be ensampil of hyre lyfe to god wane mony, man & wyfe. þane cypriane, as he mycht here. þat ony man in presone were or in paynis ony-way for cristis sak ore cristine fay, lettris wald he to þame sende to confort þame & to amende; sayand, al payne [pat] mycht be wrocht to man here, is lytil ore nocht 665 670 In regard of þe mykil bliß, þat gode has grathit for al his, & be mare ay þai thole here þe mare þare Ioy is but were. & quhare he wiste ony wes In seknes ore in distrese, þat of spendyng had nede, 675 he cane releif þaim gud spede. 680 of hym þe gud nam spred sa wyd þat men mocht nocht it hyde hou þat [he thocht] bath nycht and day til eke & fostyre cristine fay. ane erle þan, þat wes fellon fa 685 þe cristine fast to gere sla, send þane, ore he wald fyne, for cypriane and Iustyne. & til his presens as cumyne ware þai, til þame sone cane he say: 690 "tellis me sone, gyf ze wil mak sacrifice oure godis til, & bruk 30ure lyf & richit be with mony landis & with fe, or [gyf] 3e wil as w[i]thyre-wyne 682. þat men pat nocht. 695 172 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. resiste & youre lyfis tyne?' sad þai: "we wil þat þu wit we in-to cryst trew, na It sal we nocht fal fra for wa[r]ldly thing, na wele na va; 700 & namely to mak sacrifice. til ydolis we [w]are onwyse; for pai [pat] 3e 3oure godis cal, in ydolis are but feyndis al, & dissawis wykitly 705 Fol. 256 a. al þat in þame wil affy. & sal fore pare seruice gere duell with pame in þe pyte of hell. þane þu ma se be kyndly skil þat na man suld gyf treutht þaim til 710 þat in þame ony helpe suld be. þo þai haf eyne, þai ma nocht see, & po pai eris haf, but were, 3et are þai defe & ma nocht here, & po pai mouth haf, þa ne ma speke, 715 na handis na fet ma þai reke ; for ferly ware þai mycht do ocht þat are with manis handis wrocht. þane is he fule in al degre þat trewis it his god suld be 720 or helpe hyme, quhen he myster hade, þat is of stok ore stane made. þare-fore resone wald nocht [pat] we suld sacrify to sic menze. for-þi, gyf þu has set þi wil 725 for sic cause to do ws Ill, but bad do furth, & wele þu trew þat we wil neuir to be bow." 696. resisiste. & quhen hale he wist þare entent, he thocht to put þaim to torment; 702. we are anwyse. 730 728. þe we will neuir. XXXII.-IUSTIN. 173 & a gret pane [gert] brocht be sowne befor hyme, & pare-in be done blak pic & gert brynstane bla, & vndir it a fyre gert ma, til þat mater wes moltyne thyne, 735 & gert put þaim bath [bar]-in. bot It disesit þame na-thinge, bot as baume [gef] gud refreschynge. bane be erle gret ferly hade hou of payne þai quyt ware made 740 þat he wend had bene rycht fel; fore Ire þare-fore cane he zel one his godis, vengeance to ta but abad of þai wichis twa. be prest of be cyte sad pane to be erle as a maister-mañ : "gudman, wil þu me commawnde befor þe caldron [for] to stande, I sal sone gere distroyt be al þare vertu, þat þu sal se." 745 750 Fol. 256 b. þe erle sad: "do furth þat dede, & haf gret thank, gyf þu can spede!" bane but bad he mad hym boî, & stud anente pe caldrone, & for to cry cane faste prese, sayand: "mykil god hercules. & Iubiter, on 30w I cal, þat ar faderis of godis al, 755 cum now, & þat men ma se quhat helpe ze wil do for me!" 760 quhen of þe caldrone com a blese & pere wordis ware sad vnese, of fellon fyre, þat hyme al brynt in askis ferly smal. & pane Iustine & cypriane 731. & a gret pane brocht he. 765 733. & gret. 174 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. of be caldrone son wes tane als hale & fere, but schath & schorne, as þai ware of þare modir borne. þe felloî erle þane wes wa þat his prest brynt wes sa, 770 & gef sentence agayn þaim bath, þat þai suld tyne be hedis rath. fele seruandis ware redy þane to do be wil of þat il mañ, & pare nekis strak in twa, & marteris of þame can ma, & gert þe bodyis be left þare þe space of sex days ore mare til hundis fel dispituisly & vthyr bestis fellonly. bot wes na best tuth wald set one þaim, a morcel for til ete, bot lay vn[s]kathyt sa þare-oute. þan men com, of god had doute, & stal þame away be be nycht, & with baume pare corsis dicht; & syne to rome can þame bere, ful reuerently hafand, til entere. & of tyme syne in procesß, as Ihesu cristis willis wes, of placence to be fare cyte Fol. 257 a. ware translatyt bath scho & he, quhare pare poudre sal lest ay of Iugment to þe last day, quhen þai in saule & in body sal ryse to-gyddir suthfastly, & of þe Iuge tak sic mede as pai seruit for bare gud dede. þat is be blis pat neuir sal ende, quhare god of his grace ws sende. 783. vnkothyt. 775 780 785 790 795 800 XXXII.-IUSTIN. 175 with a wil þir twa rycht sobre þe sext kaland of octobre for godis sak felly ware slane, & wan hewine for a lytil payne, vndir fel dioclisyane, þat cristine men slew mony ane; IIC VIII of zeris ewyne XX eftyr criste þai ware send til hewine. 805 XXXIII. GEORGE. ETE of sancte george is my wil, gyf I connandnes had þare-til, to translat þe haly story, as wrytine in þe buk fand I. for he wes a richt haly mañ & fele tynt saulis to god wane, nocht anerly thru his techynge bot erare thru sample geffine, hou men to god suld stedfast be & thole for hyme perplexite, of lyfe na ded dout hafand nane, bot to resyst ay to sathane & to lordis of mykil mycht. & men callis hym oure lady knycht. & men of armys ofte se I in til his helpe mykil affy, & namely quhen þai are in ficht. for he wes a worthy knycht, & borne wes of capadoce— þat is a realme of gret lose— quhare he wes mad for renoun of gret worschipe a trybone. & pu sal wit, a tribone is he þat [of] be thred-part of a cyte or of a cunctre kepare is; 1. Initial letter wanting. 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 XXXIII. GEORGE. 177 Fol. 257 b. & a tribone is als I-wise þat trybut gadris to be king & 3eldis hym þare-of reknyng; & he his tribune als, þu kene, to quham ansueris a thousand men. bot in quhilk place of þire thre he wes, 3e sal nocht wit fore me; bot til zou wele tel I cane þat he wes a gret maister-mañ. ande as þis knycht trawaland ves, sa hapnyt hyme [to cume] perchase in-to be prowince of lyby, þat is a gret land & mychty; & in þat land þare is alsa a cyte, callit sylena, & a locht nere þat cyte as lyk a se nere to be; It is sa mykil, lang & brade. 30 35 40 & pe kyng, [pat] bat kinryk hade, þat tyme wes duelland in þat ton, 45 wytht mony men of renone, & þe quene, þat wes fare, & pare douchtir, þat wes pare are. 50 & in þa[t] low lurkit þat tyme a serpent fel, of gre[t] venyme, þat of his aynd infect þe ayre, ware it neuir sa bricht & fare; & of be low, as hym thocht gude, wald cum fore to get his fude, & sla but bad quham-euir he fande in þat swythare hym nere-hande, man ore best, outakand nane, outane pe foulis þat lyf had tan. þat wele fare in þat cunctre sic fellone slachtir ay mad he 31. for in quhilk. 29. & be his. VOL. II. 55 60 55. but bat. M 178 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 258 a. thru slachtir and corrupcion of þe ayre þat he wald poyson, þat wast he mad [al] þat cunctre, outane þat wes in þe cyte. par-for for fud he yddir socht; & for he entre mycht nocht, for gret strinth & hicht of wal & gret 3emesel of zettis al, pane wald he oure pe wallis blau his fellon aynd, sa in a thrau al þat it ourtuk wald sla. þar-of be king wes wonder wa, & tuk consel þat þe stede hou best þai mycht þis [il] remede. for men of armis mycht nocht awale to ficht with hyme in-[to] batele. for-þi, for to ransone þe tyme 65 70 75 & to sauf þame fra his venyme, til god of hewine of his grace & wil sum kyne succoure send þaim til, 80 þame thocht spedful and gude Ilke day to gyf hyme fude, twa schepe. & pat sa lang did pai til þe schepe ware nere away. & quhen þai þame persauit ymang 85 þai mycht nocht schepe haf þare-to lang to fynd hyme & þame bath, for-pi þe king he ordenyt rath þat þai suld tak ilke day a schepe & gyf til his pray & a quyk body als with-al, quham one þat þe cut wald fal, man na wif outane nane 90 þat with pat cut mycht be oure-tane, na [na] state na dignite, rich na pure, quhat-sa þai be. 95 XXXIII.-GEORGE. 179 Fol. 258 b. &, as he ordenyt, sa did þai, to fede þat best nycht and day. ande sa quhen þe maste party of þe folk distroyt war vtrely be sic cuttis and cawelyng, It twechit sine sa nere pe kinge, þat had na barne outane ane, þat wes his douchtir, suld be tane & on þe morn to be dragone suld be gyffine, to sauff be ton. þe king þan wes sa wondir wa, quhen with hyme it feryt sa, þat he wes nere fra his wit; sad sorow sa cane hyme hit. fore scho wes zung, auenand, & fare, & pare-with his aperand ayre. for-bi be puple prayt he þat þai wald haf of hym pyte & half his realme to þaim tak, to saf his douchtir fra þat wrak, & gold and siluir zit þare-til, at mycht assith fullely þare wil, takand sum vthire, ald ore 3zinge, sparand til his, as in wislyng, þat scho de nocht sa fule a dede. bot al þe puple of þat stede ansuert þe king mare and les in gret fellouny and wodnes, sayand: "sir king, wittis but were þat oure barnis ar als dere til ws as þi barne is to þe; & pu þis ordinance gert be. þare-for we lat þe wit, we wil þat þu bi ordinance fulfil 121. þat scho do nocht. 100 105 ΙΙΟ 115 I 20 125 130 122. þat al þe puple. 180 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in þi douchtir, als wele as we has done It 3et in al degre. & gyf þu tarowis it to do, but flechinge we sa be to, þat we sal bryne þe & al þine, or we ma of oure barnis tyne." & quhen he It fand na but forthir pare-of for to mute, one be morne [he] but delay gert his douchtir wele aray rycht costly in al degre, þane as scho suld maryt be 135 140 with a kynge of gret estate ; & til hyre he sad þusgat, gret sar makand, sare pyte, 145 sayand: "wais me, douchtir, for þe, trewand wele pu suld haf ben of a gret realme a mychtty queâ, & succedit to me as ayre of al my landis, þat are fare." 150 þe puple, þat saw þis gret syt, of aucht days gef respyt, in hope þat god suld send remede to succoure þame in þat stede. bot quhene þat schort tym wes gan & succure þai saw apere nane, þai bad be king, gyf he wald lif, his douchtir to be dragone gyfe; for it wes sayd na resone 55 fore hyre to tyne þam & þe ton. þe king þane was wil of rede, seand his douchtir suld be dede; mare care mad neuir ony mañ! 160 3et brocht he furth his dochtir þan, aparalyt in al degre 165 135. & we sal. XXXIII.-GEORGE. 181 Fol. 259 a. richt as scho maryte suld be, with crowne one hed & septre in hande; as scho sa fare wes & awenande þat, po deme nature had set hir cure, scho cuth nocht amend in hyre fygure. 170 be kyng þan hir in armys hynt, & kissit hyre, ore he stynt, & gretand sad: "douchtir dere, I wend sum tyme but ony were gud sonnis haf had of þe, 175 to solace & to confort me, & þat þai eftre my day suld bruk my kinryk—quhat sal I say? & now [hu] moñ gange fud to be to zone dragone. wa is me! 180 alace! I wald blith haf bene at þi brydale & pare haf sene princis, dukis, & erlis sere Cume of fare landis with blyth chere, to Iust & dance at þi byding, 185 with ane þat had bene mychtty king, & þat my palace suld haf bene arayt with gold & siluir schene, & with goldine clathis & perre, be riche[s]t þat mycht fundyne be, & til haf had menstrely & in all degre haf mad mery. & þu now mon gyfine be til a dragone! ful wa is me! god, þat I dede had bene, or I sa soroful sicht had sene!' be-for his fete þan fel scho done & askit [hym] his benyson. bane he hyre kissit & hyre hynt & blyssit hyre, ore he wald stynt, 181. I wend blith. 190 195 200 182 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. } Fol. 259 b. sayand: "douchtir, wele ware me, gyf I mycht here for be dee!" pane mycht be na langare bade, bot furth at þe zet scho wes hade; & a schepe bundine in a bande þai be-thaucht hyr in hir hande, & scho tuk it sobrely, & to be low bank went in hy, & þar stud bydand hyre dede forout hope of remede. ande in þe tyme come a knycht zarne rydande, bat george hicht- I treu, of goddis pruwiance- quhare be maydine abad hir chance. & quhen he come til hyre wele nere, he lichtyt and at hyre cane spere quhat scho wes, quhat did scho þar, & quhy scho wes of helpe so bare; "for al be folk of zone cyte I persawe wele behaldis þe.” ↓ 205 210 215 220 quod scho: "gud sir, but delay get one 30ure horse & paß 30ure way! ellis þu thole sal in þis stede with me here a schameful dede." quod he: "dochtir, drede þe nocht, 225 bot tel me þat þu has in thocht, & quhy þu gretis here sa sare, I pray þe tel but ony mare!" pane suetly sad scho hyme til: "I persawe pi hardy will, 230 þat ma nocht helpe in þis nede; parefore pu ta þi horse in spede, & pas in haste fra þis stede, fore dout þu de a schameful dede!” þane sad he: "fore wele na way 235 XXXIII.- -GEORGE. 183 of his place sal I nocht ga, til þu þe suth tel on-[to] me of It þat I haf askit be." pane tald scho hyme vtrely þe cause of hyre cumyng, & quhy, 240 & hou to pat land hapnyt was scho tald til hyme al þe case. sad he pane: "douchtir, drede pou nocht, na disese haf in thocht! for I sal rycht wele helpe þe now 245 of Ihesu criste thru þe vertu." Fol. 260 a. 3et sad scho: "sir, fleys in hy, & peryse nocht for 30ure foly! for ze ma nocht in ony degre helpe 3oure-self, na 3et me; & les hurt is I de me ane pane [pat] 3e als de oñe añe." зе & as pai pis spekande ware, þe fel dragone in þat sythware a-beowe þe wattyre cane apere, & to be land fast cane stere. þane fast tremeland can scho cry: "gud sir, fleis deliuerly!" 250 255 & he one horse gat stepande, & met be dragone at þe lande. 260 he saynit hyme firste stedfastly, & syne þe dragone sudenly assalzeit in hardy wil, & brandisand be spere hym til, commendande hyme to godis mycht, strak þe dragone in randone rycht in at þe throt in to be croice, til he fel to þe erde of force. þe maydine pane knelyt rath, & god thankit & hyme bath, 237. tel of me. 265 270 184 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat succurrit hyr sa worthely, þat wes disparit vtrely. þane sad [he]: "maydine, ga gud-spede, & ta þi belt, & hyme lede, & about his hals knyt it sone." & quhen scho swa had done, he folouyt hyre as it had bene þe mekeste quhelpe wes euir sene, bis worthy knycht ay nere-hande, to be hyre helpe & hyre warande. þan þai þat in þe toñ ware, seand be dragone cum þaim nare, þai ware sted in sic effray 275 280 þat þai becuth to fle away, & criand fast, sad: "wais ws all, 285 for now perise mone we all.” & þai pat schupe paim to duel stil, strat stekine set þe zettis til. bot george of fare mad taknyng, þat þai suld nocht drede for ony thinge; 290 & syne come nere & sad playnely : "lo, god has send me here for-þi, þat I suld succure þis towne fra þe felny of þis dragone. & I aske 3ou nane vthire thinge 295 bot þat ze trew in-to þat kynge, Fol. 260 b. & lewe 3our syne & baptyme tak, &, 3e al seand, for 3oure sak þis fel dragone I sal sla, þat you has done sa mykil wa." 300 þe king þane but [mare] abade & al be puple þat he hade come cristine and baptyme tuk. & george þane, as sais þe buke, his swerde drew & slew pat dragon, 303. and baptyk. 305 XXXIII.-GEORGE. 185 & bad þame bere it out of ton. þane tuk þai ten oxine wicht, & grath be to pame dicht, & dreu hyme out of þe cyte, & brynt hyme clene, þat men mycht se. 310 pare-for þat day baptyme can ta wele twenty thousand men & ma, nocht reknand weman na barne, for god had sawit þaim fra þat harme. a kirk fare pe kyng gert mak 315 pare for oure laydy & georgis sak, þat costlyk wes but all were ; & in pe mydis þe altere a quyk wel sprang, & sic dring gef þat al seknes it can sawe. 320 be king [pane] ane infinite of gret tresore gert offerit be to george, þat tuk it nocht þane, bot bad dispend it on poure men, for to helpe pame in pare nede; 325 for he wald tak na warldly med[e]. bot to be kyng but [ony] bade of foure thingis he sermone made; pane first, þat he suld nocht Irke til honoure god & haly kyrke, 330 & ay be kirk haf in cure, til vphald it & honoure; & til honore prestis alquhare, þat seruit god & tacht his lare; alsa, til here besyly 335 god[is] seruice and deuotly; & þat he suld thochtful be of pouer þat ware in necessite. & quhen he had sad þis thing, he tuk lefe & kissit þe kyng, 340. he tuk lef & tuk (?) the king. 340 186 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 261 a. & þat þe zung laydy he lacht his lef gudly, & hir tacht þat scho suld god lofe & lowte þat hyr sawit in sa gret doute. & to al þe laf gef gud day, 345 & lape one horse & passit his way. & fore þat he herde reherse þat in be kynrik of perce cristine treutht wes throngyne don, yddyr he rad & in randone. 350 & in a tone callyt dyaspoly he come & pare tuk herbry. þat tyme were emperouris twa. dyoclyciane ane wes of þa, & þe thothire maxymyane, þat sic stat had til hym tane fra cristis byrth reknand ewyne thre hundre zeris lx & sewine. & vndir þame wes dacyane, a fel tyrande, þat sparit nane þat trewit in-to cristis lay, þat he ne sone gert þaim sla. & in þat kynrike vpe & done he mad sic persecucione þat in a moneth gert he sla twenty & twa thousand & ma with tormentis sa fel and sere þat It ware wondir for til here. & he a[s] presydent in hy come þat tyme to dyaspoly, & syndry kynd of torment þare he gert his wikit men [mak] 3are, quhare thru þai suld de felloun[1]y, þat son wald nocht sacrify 355 360 365 370 til his godis, & cryste forsake. 375 sic wil had he wengeance to tak. for-pi for dout of dede, ful fele XXXIII.—GEORGE. 187 reneyt god & pare saule-hele, & sacrifit in þat [ilk] stede to mawmentis, for dred of dede. 380 & quhen sancte george can se þat cristine men in þat degre reneyt god, he wes [ful] way. for-pi he gert his tresoure ta, & delt [it] ymang pure meñ, & als his knychtly clething þan 385 he gef away for godis sak, Fol. 261 b. & clathis of cristine men can tak, & takine of þe croice syne made in til his forhede fare and brad, & come befor [his] dacyane, 390 & sad pere wordis, ore he fayne: "al maumentis, þat þere folk can cal godis, are but feyndis al. & suthfast god bot ane Is, 395 þat mad hewine & Is king of blis. bot be feynd has sa blyndit þe þat suthfaste god þu ma nocht se. & þi godis, gyf þu can kene, ar mad bot of handis of men of gold and siluir & of clay, of stok, of stane ore of lay, þar makaris nopir gifand na hele, bot erare redure pai paim stele. þar-for þai kepe þaim nycht & day. hou suld þai þan be godis, say, þat ar mad & ma mak na thing, bot be vnmad þat þe lykyng of hyme þat gert þaim be mad, & eftir þe consawit he hade?" þane dacyane of wit 3ed nere, quhen he georg sa say can here, 385. & duelt. 400 405 410 188 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. ! sais "pu dois nocht anerly : wrang til ws, bot als wykitly callis oure godis al dewilis now, þat helpis al þe warld, we trou. nocht-þane, þo þu oure godis skorne, þu tellis ws first quhar þou wes born, & quhat bi name is & pi ryte !" þane ansuert sancte george tyt: "in capadoce, treu, wes I borne, & al myn eldris me beforne, & cummyne is of þe best kine, þat capados is duelland in, 415 420 & george at fontstane 425 Is callit, quhen I baptym had tan, & seruis god of mast mycht; & po I haf lang ben knycht, It lykis now ful wele to me to lef al wardly dignite, & til his byding bow alway, 430 Fol. 262 a. þat is vndedly god verray." quod dacyane: "georg, þu erris for þane befor now ware is. nocht-þane lef zet and sacrify til our gret god appollony, þat to þi raklasnes ma spare & be consel forthirmare!" sad george bane: "prowe sal we quhethire pat it mare richtwis be til honoure god in word & thocht, þat al þe warld has mad of nocht, þane appolline, þat 3e god cal, þat autore is of dewilis al." þan dacyane wes wonder wa quhen he herde george say sa, 435 440 445 & gert men in a frame hym stracht & drew hyme þat al þare macht, XXXIII.- 189 XIII.—GEORGE. } as men doi[s] with parchymene, & with a scharpe yrne ryf syne 450 of al his lymmis sa þe skyne þat men his bowellis mycht se in; & quhen of hyme wes [left] na hyd hale his guttis for til hyde, he gert brandis of fyre bynde, 455 to brule it wes lewit be-hynde, and tak he gert salt smal & stope in til his wondis al, & syne gert he arsk hare ta to frot hym with, po he wes wa. 460 syne gert he men tak hym don & led hyme don thru þe ton, rywen and rent as he wes, but ony thing þat mycht hym ese. bot god, fore quham he wes sa dycht, 465 apperyt to hyme in gret lycht, & confort hyme sa wonder wele þat he of payne rocht na dele, bot 3arnyt erare þan þat he to fellare payne suld put be. 470 syne dacyane one þe morne gert men bryng george hym beforne, & sad til hyme irwisly: "wil bu nocht zet lef þi foly, & honoure til oure godis gyf, gyf þu treuys þat þou ma lif?” Fol. 262 b. þane he sad: "godis wat I nane, til honoure, god of hewine outane, þat sic confort has geffine me þat I dred nocht þi payne, na þè.” þane dacyane wes wonder wa quhene he saw hyme ourcumyñ sa; for nere cuth he fynd na payne 463. rywent. 469. bot narnyt. 475 480 190 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. quhare-to to put hyme agayne. for-bi he gert sek besyly a man þat delt with sorcery, 485 & fand ane þat crafty wes in þat craft, callit athenas, & sad hyme: "dere frend, I be pray, helpe me, gyf þat þu ma, 490 hou george ma ourcumyne be, þat nopir my godis na me dredis, for na payne he ma thole, set I wald his hart out hole; for sic crafte has þere cristine men, 495 þai dout na payne, now I ken, & oure godis skornis alway þat ony man ma think ore say, & reprowis oure sacrifice, callis ws foulis & vnwise." 500 þane sais be wich: "gyf I ne ma ourcum his craft but delay, I oblise me in-[to] bis stede but ransoninge to thole dede." pane with wyne mengzeit he poyson, 505 & mad his invocacione, as askis þe craft delt he with-al, his godis namys calland al, þat þai þat dryng sa fel, suld mak pat, quha-sa-euir of it suld take, 510 suld de pane furth but abade. & quhen he had his crafte made, þe cope to george he betacht. & but blissing he it lacht, & saynit it, & dranke [it] of, of god of hewine in þe lof, vngrewand hyme mare pan he had dronkyne pyment & clarre. 515 XXXIII.-GEORGE. 191 þe wiche pane gret ferly hade & a fere fellare poysone made & gef george but ony mare; 520 & he It saynit, as he did yare, & drank it of, as It had bene in godis nam fare wyne & clene. & quhen pis wikit man athanas had considerit al þe case, til georgis fet son he fel, Fol. 263 a. & askand hyme mercy loud can zel, prayand hyme percheryte þat he a cristine man mycht be. & george bane but [mare] abade hyme baptyst & als cristine made. & [quhen] bis saw dacyane, he gert athanas syne be tane, 525 530 &, for he wald nocht criste forsak, 535 gert strike his hed of in-to wrak, & of hyme, þat wes godis fa, a thankful man til hyme can ma. his wikit wil zet to suple, 540 on þe morne gert he grathit be a stule in place of Iugment, & gert george til hyme be present, wenand to mak hyme red for payne, þat for gud cause to de wes fayne. pare brocht wes a quhele made awfule & hye, & in it hade sharpe swerdis scherand in al syde, hym þat nere it com behowit abyde, quhen it turnyt rycht þan suld de. & þar-for werkmen, þat ware sle, nere it mad sa fast a place quhare-in al þat Iugit was sic ded to de, suld in put be, 547. suarpe swerdis. 545 550 192 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. sa þai mycht nocht be na way fle. þane gert he george þare-in do, þat with blyth wil zed pare-to, prayand god þat he mycht be martyr til hyme in sic degre. bot fra george þare wes brocht, þe quhele stud stil & turnyt nocht bot brak ful smal; & he stud stil vnuemmyt bydand godis wil, lowand hyme þat in opyne sycht for hyme had kyd sa mykil mycht. I treu pare be na tong can tel hou dacyane, þat wes cruel, wes inflammyt of yre & tene, quhen he þis farly has sene ! 555 560 565 & þat tyrand, godis fa, thocht nocht to be ourcumyne sa, 570 bot erare þat george suld be ourcumyne in al degre; for-bi gert he set a caldron Fol. 263 b. in fornace in þe myddis of þe ton & fillit ful of led but bade, 575 & a fyre vndir gert be made. quhen be leyd brynnand wes hat, þis george, þat mad na debat, he gert cast in þe caldrone, trewande he suld bryn ore drune. bot he be croice on hyme made, quhen he enterit, & na dout hade, bot wes refreschit pare but weñe, as in a bath he had bene, be godis mycht, to quham he schupe trew seruand for to be. pane dacyane wist nocht hou-gat to do; he wes sa fully mate 556. 3et pare-to. 580 585 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS IN THE Scottish Dialect of the Fourteenth Century EDITED FROM THE UNIQUE MANUSCRIPT IN THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, CAMBRIDGE WITH INTRODUCTION, notes, and GLOSSARIAL INDEX BY W. M. METCALFE PART IV. Printed for the Society by WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCXCI All Rights reserved CONTENTS. PAGE XXXIV. PELAGIA, 204 XXXV. THADEE, 215 XXXVI. IOH[A]N[E]S BAPTISTA, 223 XXXVII. VINCENCIUS, 259 XXXVIII. ÀDRIAN, . XXXIX. COSME & DAMYANE, 272 292 XL. NINIAN, . · 304 XLI. AGNES, 346 XLII. AGATHA, 358 XLIII. CECILE, 368 XLIV. LUCY, 387 XLV. CRISTINE, 398 XLVI. ANASTACE, 407 XLVII. EFFAME, . 417 XLVIII. JULIANA, 424 XLIX. TECLA, 432 L. KATERINE, 442 XXXIII. GEORGE. 193 & ourecumyne, for al his mycht; for-pi with wilis did he & slycht, 590 & to flesch hyme þat mycht nocht be in honeste in al degre. par-for he sad hyme sobrely: "dere son I pray be teyndirly þat þu wil behald but mare 595 hou oure goddis mercyful are, þat [t]he sparyt has sa lang, pocht þu haf done þaim gret wrang, & 3et mercy wil haf of þe sa þu wil repent þe, 600 & zet to paim mak sacrifice, as mychtty men dois þat are wise. & I sal ger be honouryt be & gyf þe landis fare and fre, & gyf þe mare [of] warldis wine 605 pane euir had ony of þi kyne. for-bi, son, lef þi self-wil & do my consel, þat is skil, þat I gyf þe for þi prophit and als of wynnyng for delyt." 610 þane george smyland sad: "had pou sad me befor as þu sais now, Fol. 264 a. I had erare gyfine myn assent To be pane tholit torment; bot sen þu spekis sa gudly to me, lo, I ame al redy in [al] thing for to do þi wil, quhat-sa-euir þu sais me til." in [al] bis warld, I treu, wes nane sa blicht a mañ as dacyane quhen he hard george say þis thing, po he sad it bot in hethynge. 598. ger wrang. VOL. II. 610. bot nocht. N 615 620 194 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for-bi he gert bedalis ga oure be cyte to and fra, byddande vndir þe payne of lyf & lyme 625 al man apere before hyme, one þe morne be tyme of day before hyme cum in gud aray. & þai, as busume in al thing til hyme, has done byddynge, &, as he chargit, on þe morne, zung and ald come hym beforne. 630 & he þat þare-for gert ma bowne yn þe myddis of be towne a costlyk sette one hycht, 635 quhare of þame al he mycht haf sicht, & gert scilence be mad, til he had sad þat wes in his gule. pane sad he: "gudmen þat are here, god kepe 3ou al now haile & fere 640 & confort zou in begynnynge. I tel zou ze suld 3eld lowyng, as ws aw wele to do be richt, til oure godis of mykil mycht, thru quham al men fosterit are in riche heile & in welefare; &, po þat þai be sa mychty, 645 ws awcht luf þaim for þare mercy, þat lichtly wil forgyf til al þat mysdone þaim has, gret & smal, 650 & wil repent þaim of þare myse. & lo, cause quhy I tel 3ou þis; for george þat ze se now here, þat tholit has paynis sere, repentis hyme of his foly, & but thret now wil sacrify 647. & po pat he. 655 XXXIII.-GEORGE. 195 til oure goddis for-out howne. & þat I wil ze se be done; & we haf hicht til [hym] þat he sal be a man of gret pouste." þane wes mad gret Ioy in hy with syndry kynde of menstraly, & be stretis cled al hale rycht to be tempil principale with clathis of syndry hew, Fol. 264 b. quhar-in a[1] 3ed with grete glew for to se george sacryfy; 660 665 & he with pame 3ed sobrely. in þe tempil quhen he com, rath 670 he knelyt on his kneis bath, & prayt god þat þar tempil with al pe dewilis in it fel sa cleynely suld be distroit, þat na thing suld remayn of It, na zet of þai fals ydolis al, þat na suld be in pudre [sm]al, in lowing of his haly name, & of be payanis in-to schame, & in ekine of cristine fay. þane come a fyre but delay fra of be hewine in gud spede, & brynt þe temple in a glede, with be ydolis gret & smal, & al be prestis pare with al þat mad til maumentis sacrifice eftir þare oyse in ony wyse. ane vthyre ferly fel þat tyde. be selfe 3erde opnyt wyde, 675 68c 685 & be be self suelyt al þat þe fyr lewit, gret and smal. 671. þat þat tempil. 690 196 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. sancte ambrose be doctoure sais, spekand here-of, in his preface : "george wes be trewest knycht to crist ymang al þat lyf mycht, þat vndir knychtly habit kyd 695 cristis professione had vnhyde, sa þat he confort mocht þaim for criste to payne ware brocht; for he wes anerly þat ane þat of criste pe treutht had tan, 700 þat but rednes ore terroure of goddis son wes confessoure; & in quham of godis grace of treutht sik sikirnes in was, þat þe byddyng dyspysit he 705 of tyrandis þat had be pouste, þat he dred nocht for godis sak paynis out of nowmir to tak. O happy & wicht wereoure of godis name, pat for honoure na kyne flatryng of warldy thing Fol. 265 a. mycht bow be nocht fra hewinis king, bot oure-come godis fais fel & þar maumentis put to hel! !" pane, as pis tyrande dacyane saw be scath he had tane of al his godis, gret and smal, & of þe tempil þat cane fal, & of par prestis þat war dede & sonkine in þat self stede, quhat to do he wist nocht, bot george gert til hym be brocht, & sad: "pu of al men mast fel, quhat wischcraft is þis, 3e tel, 697. confort nocht. 705. dyspytit he. 710 715 720 XXXIII.-GEORGE. 197 quhare-thru þu dois sic ferly thing of ws & ouris in hurtynge?” quod george: "sir, trewis pu nocht þat for to gyle be is my thocht. 725 bot zet agane cum on with me, hou I sal sacrify and se!" 730 quod dacyane: "I persawe wele þi gilry euir-ilke dele, þat þu wald lede me yddir quhare al oure godis be be tynt ware, & gere pe erde þare suely me 735 quik þare, in þe sammyne degre as ware my prestis but recouere & godis, þat þai can honoure, with be gret temple þu gert fal & be brynt in powdre smal." sad george: “"be-hald þane & se 740 þat þi godis mycht nocht helpe þe." pane dacyane nere tynt for tene, & til his wyf gretly can mene, þat alysandir to name had, 745 hou þat he wes mat & mad & disconfyt vtrely be george & his sorcery. sad scho: "al wikit men, be ware! haf I nocht sad of[t]-tyme ere 750 þat þu suld na wa felloî be to cristis men in ony degre; for þar god of sic mycht is, & sa wondirly for þame fichtis, þat þai ma nocht ourcumyne be? 755 for-pi, trewly, I tel þe þat I to criste & his lay sal serue trew[l]y & lef be ay." & for scho sad sa, dacyane 736. quhilk þare. 751. þat þai suld. 198 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 265 b. sic sorow in his hart has tane, & sa abaisit set al stil, þat he cuth sa na word hyre til. bot at þe laste with ewile chere he sad til hyr: "myn hart dere, allace for wa! quhat aylis þe þat soroful tale to tel me, of quham I wend haf mast ese, 760 765 & oure al thing suld me plese, & now is fra me sudendly pus falline, I ne wat quhy, 770 bot gyf sume cristine man had þe ourchangit þis for to lef me. nocht-bane repent pe sone, & I sal haf of be for luf mercy." quod scho: "pi mercy byd I nocht, 775 for I on god has set my thocht, na gyfis nocht of be a leke, na of þi fare heicht, na of þi spek." þane gert he men but mare hang hyre hey vpe be be hare, 780 & dinge hir sa but pytte, þat it wes soroful for to se. sancte george þan, þat stud nere by, hyr confort; & scho pytuisly 785 be-held hyme þat nere pan wes, & sad: "pu licht of suthfastnes, quhat trewis þu sal be of me gyf I de in sic degre vnbaptyst zet?" with gud chere sancte george sad: "cystir dere, 790 dred nocht! for scheding of þi blud sal be to be baptysme gude, quhare-thru þe cron resaf sal pou of martirdome, I tel þe now." 770. I ne quhat quhy. 782. þat is wes. XXXIII.-GEORGE. 199 & as he hyr pis [had] talde, þe spret vn-to god scho 3ald. ambrose, to pis mais witnesing, 795 in his preface with vthir thing sais: "pare-for of perse be quene, þat baptysme 3et þan mad nocht clen, 800 thru wikit sentence of a fel man tholit payne & slane wes pane, throu mek tholyng of passione seruit in hewine til haf þe crone thru þe outzetyng of hyre blude, with martiris worthy and gude." 805 syne one þe morne pis dacyane gert george of presone be tane, & brocht befor hyme, quhare [pat] he set in myddis of be cyte, 810 Fol. 266 a. & one hyme gef sentence fellone, for til draw hyme throu be ton, bundine hand & fete rycht sare, til he til þe place cumyne ware, quhare gylty men tholyt þe dede, & pare pai suld hyme vnhede. 815 & his byding þai can fulfil. bot quhen he come be sad place til, george askit þame delay, til he mycht his prayere say. 820 pane pai his askine grantit rath. ban gat he on his kneis bath, & prayt god for his pyte, þat quha-euir in necessite askit his helpe, þat he suld hafe quhat-euir it ware he suld crafe. pane wes herd of be hewine a voice þat sad hyme with hey stewŷn, 819. but delay. 825 200 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat god his askine had hyme tyde for þaim þat hyme worchy[p] dyde. sancte george, pat pan fayne wald be of fleschlyk pressone here mad fre, prayt be basar to fulfil be thing þat bydding wes hym til. & [he], thocht his hart wes sare, Vnhedit hyme but ony mare. & pis wyse dacyane made 830 835 of george offerand to god, þat had þar-of daynte, & til hyme sone his mykil welth gaf in to wone, 840 with al pame quhamfore he wald pray, to duel with hyme but terme day. & dacyane, as his wes don, towart his palace went sone, & hyme ourtuk soñ godis yre. fore fra þe hewine þare com a fyre, & brynt hyme in-[to] poudre smal, & pame þat seruit hyme with al. 845 & þat tyrand mad sic endynge, bo he of mychtty perce was kinge; 850 for he cesit nocht to verray þe king of hewine & cristis fay. & pis marwel, þat here tel I, wes done in-to dyaspoly, þe nynt kalendir of maij ewinly, 855 fra crist tuk flesch of ourẻ body twa hundre zeris foure score & sewine, Fol. 266 b. In lowing of god of hewine & in ekyne of cristine fay, þat ay, þe mare, I dare say, þat slane war ore tholit sic sare for god, ay grew mare & mare; for of a martyre be pynynge 830. worthy dyde. 840. welth par in to wone. 860 XXXIII.-GEORGE. 201 of a thousand wes wynnynge. as fel of sancte george, þat on a day fourty thousand wane to be fay, outakine wemen & zung fry, þat als-a mony ware suthfastly. [b]ane gude men mad with cure for s: george fare sepulture, & tresour als, or þai wald irke, & til hyme mad a ryale kyrke, & ordenyt prestis þare to be, to serwe god in þare degre, in honoure of þat martir lele, 1 865 870 875 þat to ful mony gyffis heile, þat ony honoure dois hym til, ore seruis hyme in dewot, wil. of hyme gregor þe turoyn sais a merwale fel in his days; þat men for deuocione, quhare he lyis, com to be ton, & gat away prywely of his relykis a party, & passit one fast away, til þai had þe licht of day. & pe nycht pai cuth duel with þat tresoure in a chapele, & mad þame ayrly on be morâ of þat place it [til] haf borne; bot þai stere it ne mocht, til þai paim syne wmthocht þat of his corse wes be wil þat a party suld byd stil. & richt sa haf þai done, & with be remanent sone paissit [hai] þare way al fre, 872. ryole Kyrke. 879. george pe turoyn. 880 885 890 895 202 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 267 a. for george wald þare honourit be. & sa it wes; for but [a]bade a costlyk kyrk of hym wes mad. ane vthyr merwale als fand I of antyoche in þe story. quhen cristine men tuk on hande to recouer þe haly lande, fra sarasenis it had tane, [bat] come eftyre waspacyane & tytus, his son, þat land wane, & put pe Iowis of it pane; & cristine men nere-hande had recouerit be haly lande, outane þe ton anerly of Ierusaleme, þat was mychtty; þane þai schupe þaim it to ta, & þarfor gret aparele can ma, & stalouartly þame set It to wyne but ony lete. pane til a preste of lyf clere þis Ioyful martyr can apere, far & 3ing, in armys dicht, in al thing as it ware a knycht, berand be scheld of siluir scheñe of gwlis with a croice but wene, 900 905 910 915 920 & sad þat george wes his name, þat come to kepe pe oste fra schame, & als but tynsale of þare meî; 925 "for-bi bu do as I be kene. þis is, quhene pai assaut sal ma, to be ton gere þaim with þame ta of my relykis a porcione, & I sal be before pame bowne in-to pis sammyne aray, þat now þou seis me haf, I sekyre 30u.' 900. wes med. "" 928. with pame ga. 930 XXXIII. -GEORGE. 203 þane þe prest [has] tald þis tale to be ledare of be oste al hale. &, as he bad, sa haf þai done, 935 & schupe pame til assalze sone, & set þare ledderis til þe wal. Fol. 267 b. Bot hardy wes nane of þame al a ledyr [to] set to be hicht; sa stythly Innuch can pai ficht; til at be last þai saw apere a knycht in armys, faire & clere, with a red croice in þe schelde, þat beknyt þaim þat hym behelde, þat þai suld folou hym gud-spede. & þai pat did, ful gud þat nede, & wane be ton with stark hande, & al þe sara3ynns, þai fande, but pyte þa strak done, & thru his helpe sa wan be ton. now to pis martir pray I, to god, þat is [sa] dere worthy þat he his . . tyd hym for al þat in ned wil one hym cal, he til god wil for ws pray to hewŷnis blis þat we cume ma. 940 945 950 955 953. The fourth word is illegible. It looks like "verre": Horstmann says like "voice" and would read "bone." 954. & in ned. XXXIV. PELAGIA. ETE tel wil I a tale here, þat men suld haf 3arning to here, hou be mychtty kyng of hewine, þat althing mad in dais sewyn, is redy ay til resawe hyme þat vtrely wil lef his syne, of his mysdide hafand hert sare, in wil to mysdo nomare, & syne amendis fore to make,* & mekis hyme for cristis sake, as I sal be ensampil tel hou of a woman quhile It befel. IN antyoche, be nobil ton, a woman duelt of [gret] renoñ; of Riches, kyne, & of bewte wes nane lyk hyre in þat cyte. a luflyare thing mycht be nane be nature mad of flesch na bane. fore hare schenand as gold scho hade, with teyndir fassone & forred brade, with browis brent and [ene] brycht, & nese mesurit al þat rycht, 1. First letter wanting. ere tel wil I. * Lines 9 and 10 are transposed in MSS. 5 IO 15 20 XXXIV. PELAGIA. 205 wantande nathing of bewte, þat in a woman suld fundyn be. & ay with sa costly aray scho had, þat I suld Irk to say, & of schere schape, & syndri wise, þat maistri ware it to dewise; sa be ony manis sycht scho lyk wes [til] ane angel brycht, 25 30 thru clere gold & preciuse stanis, þat sa clere schane at anys. & with sic kynd of spicery scho ennoyntit wes Ithandly, Fol. 268 a. & befor hyr ay þare went pat, quhar scho 3ed or stud in stret, þe fluyre mad þe ayr al swete. 35 four 3ung men, gay and gent, & madynnis in þe sammyn degre folouyt hyre in gret plente, wele arayt and rychely in clethinge þat wes rycht costly. bot scho þat welth & þat beute myspendit in sic degre, þat quha-sa-euir gef hir maste, suld haf his wil of hir in haste; for scho had e to nocht ellis bot, as men þat chafere sellis, þat quha-sa wald mast hir gefe, 40 45 of erand suld ereste eschewe. 50 sa of sic cause, fore inwy, & als fore luste of lychery, sum men ware slane, sum begare made, sum tynt for hyr al þat þai hade; for scho in sic luste ay 55 in lyk redy wes to play, & þat wynnyng wes lang hir plucht, po scho had ellis gud Inuch. 206 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. [b]ane hapnyt to cum to pat ton 60 a haly man of gud renone, þat verone had to name, alsa þe bischope of damyata; be quhilk, as he com gangand by 65 & þis woman be-held grathly, gret richt sare, be-cause [pat] scho far mar besynes cane do to enplese to his warld, þan he did enplesand to god to be. for-pi he one be cause fel, & gret sare & loude can zel, & one pe erde froittit his face, 70 & sichtand sare ofte sad: "alace! Fol. 268 b. almychtty god, þu spare to me þat neuir a day cuth serwe þe, for be apparale of a day of þis hyr here now se I ma, has ourcumyne hale þe slycht, þat I in [al] my lyf do mycht; na of hyr þis thol nocht pe ray confonde me one domysday, quhene I sal present be befor pine awful maieste. for 30ne hyr, for warldly wynis, enhornis hyr with alkine thingis to be to men ma be plesande; bot, po I sum tyme tuk on hande to serwe god ay inmortale, I falze of my purpose hale, & lefit of my reklesnes to serwe hyme, as I haldyn wes." pane sad he to be gudmen, stud by: "gudmen, I tell you suthfastly, þat þe last day of Iugment hir þis sal god [ger] be present 76. of þis hye. cf. 1. 83. 88. my reprose. 89. & lefit oft. 75 80 85 9༠ XXXIV.—PELAGIA. 207 Fol. 269 a. a-gayne ws, quhen he sal deme quyk and ded, as hym think quem; for scho has set hale hyr wil hyr lufaris here til enples til, & fore pat cause hyr payntis, sa þat farare nane one erde ma ga; & we, þat suld god plese maste, oure verray spouse, rekis nocht a laste hou foule ore vnfaire we be in þe sicht of his maieste, & sollit in þe filth of syne, nocht witand quhen we hyn twyn." his men þane tuk hym vpe but bade, & to his Inys sone hyme hade, & [he] fore slepe 3ede til his bede fore werynes, as he was clede, & fel one slepe. & hyme thocht, he a-beoufe hyme suld a blak dou se þar rycht faste flichterande, & thocht do mes he suld stande, & byd þam þat vnhowine ware, þat þai suld ga þar gat but mare; & pat, [as] he his word can say, þat stinkand blak dow wan away; & quhen he had his mes al done, as hyme thocht, it apperit sone, &, thocht he, be dow he gat & put it in a wattir fat, & it gat out quhyt & faire, & flaw vpe quyt in be ayre. & he waknyt, & did his dede, & til his dreme tuk gud hede. [t]o be maste kirk ane opir day, par to preche, he tuk his way, quhare be gretaste of be towne 112. a blad dou se. 114. domes he suld. 95 100 105 ΙΙΟ 115 120 125 208 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. assemlyt to se his sermone. 130 & he prechit sa wele paim til, þat þai til here hym had gud wil; fore quhen pare cristyne ware þat he ne gert repent þame sare, haffand rycht gret delyte of þare synnis to be quyte. & namely [his] pelagya 135 of hyr syne hir repentit sa, þat of case cumyne wes þare & herde hyme; 3et gret scho sare, 140 & fra þe sermone wes done, scho send lettris til hyme alsone, quhare-[in] sic wordis scho wrat þane : "to byschope veron, be haly man & cristis leile prentyse alsa, be wikit woman pelagya, discipile of be feynde verray. gyf it be suth þat I here say, þat criste, to sauf sinful man, of hewyne lichtyt in woman, & bu his suthfast printese be, rycht as he did, þu rew of me, þat now forthinkis sare myn syne, in gude wil þarof to blyne." & he agane til hir fut hate sic a lettire til hyre wrate: "with hartly wil I pray to be þu fande nocht my humylite, fore I ame bot a sympil man. 145 150 155 bot gyf þou zarnis ocht be þan 160 be my teching schewit be, me alane þu sal me se, bot before sic þat witnes may quhat I sal do to be ore say." 137. of pelagya. 139. þat scho of case. XXXIV.—PELAGIA. 209 & quhen pis lettir scho red hade, til hyme scho come but abade, 165 & flatly [d]one [fel til] his fete, & with hyre terris can þaim wete, & sad, gretande ful increly: Fol. 269 b. "pelagia callit ame I; for pelagia vndone þus, ma wele callit be pelagus, & þat vndone is for to say þe sey, þat is doutowise ay." (for-pi scho lyknyt hyre pare-til be-cause scho gert mony spil) "fore I of fule ame pe suelth, þat has nocht anerly my-selfe sonkyne in syne vnhapely, 170 175 bot men but nombre als haf I 180 gert synk in-[to] be suelth of syne, throu my entysing, & fra god twyn. fo[r] I haf bene dissaweful nete, þat þe feynde sere sawlis has gert gete, & sa feile has send til hel, 185 þat I cane nocht þe nombre tel. þat now me wlatis sa myn syne þat I for-sak it mare & myne, & prais þe for godis sake þat þu me penytent wald take & to Ihesu reconforte me, þat fore me deit one pe tre. & for þat cause, I wele kene, in erde he come, be-cause of men." 190 þe byschope of hyr had pyte, 195 & sad pane: "quhat cal pai be?" & scho ansuere til hym can ma: "men callis me pelagya, bot of my clethinge for beute, 171. vndoingez. 190. petnytent. VOL. II. 194. man. O 210 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. margaret, men callis me, for I fore pompe is sa costlike, þat nane vthire is me lyke." be bischope of veron, as gud man, til mercy hir resawit þane, &, considerande hale hyre chance, Iniungit hyr heileful pennance, & of wanehope put hire oute, & tacht hyre hou scho god suld dout, & of oure treutht þe articlîs xij Fol. 270 a. he hyr tacht distinctly hym-selfe, & syne þe sacramentis sewine quhar-throu we serue god of hewyn, & syne be commaundmentis tene, þat god mad for to teche meñ. & he taucht hyre with-al It we be sewine vertuise cal; & be dedis of mercy he [hir] taucht al parfytly; & quhilk ware þe synnis sewine, þat lattis man to cum to hewine he tacht hir, & of tonge be syne he bad hyr forbere mare & myne; & in þe name syne in al haste of fadir & sone & haly gaste he baptyste hyre, & mad clene of al hyr firste synnis bedene. & of hyre, þat before was 200 205 210 215 220 225 þe herbry of sathanas, he mad able fore to wyne þe grace of god & to lefe syne. 230 be feynde þarfor hye can cry, þat mony herde, ful vgly: "alace! I thole but defence 208. scho god suld dot. 213, commaundmedis. XXXIV. PELAGIA. 211 of hyme pis ald gret wyolence, þat is falzit nere fore elde, 235 & rewis me my blis & belde; wa be be day quhare-in pu wes borne þat þus contraris me now! fore bu has refte me thru þi tale hyre, quham-in my hope wes hale, fra god & his grace, to twyne feile saulis thru hyre for þar syne." 240 be byschope bad hym þan pine fle in þe name of þe trinite. þane langare durste he [bar] nocht byde, 245 bot fled away & hyme can hyde. syne tyd a nycht pelagya to slepe to hir bede cane ga; & as scho halfe slepand lay, þe feynde apperyt befor day, 250 & waknyt hyre al opynely, & sad: "my laydy margrate, quhy has pu lewit me, my dere, sa sone? quhare-in haf I þe mysdone? haf I nocht ryches gewine be, & warldis plesance in plente, & glore Inuch and ennorment, to ger be cum to pine entent, & al delyte & alkyne ese, 255 þat I trewit mycht þe enplese? 260 & gyf I hafe wrethit þe in ony thing, þu tel It me, & I sal It amende in hy, þat þi lykine wtrely, sa zet þu lef nocht me to gere me euir schamyt be with cristine men, to mak hethinge of me as of a bysninge thing." pane sone one hyre pe croice scho made 265 212 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 270 b. & bleu one hyme; & he but bade ourcumyne wanyste away. 270 & scho pane one be thryd day hale hyr gud to-gyddir brocht, reseruand til hyr richt nocht, & delt it al ymang poure mene, 275 thru grace þat god cane til hir lene. & eftyr þat away scho stal be þe nycht, vnwittand al, and to be hil of olywete went priuely, one hir bare fete, & sa did þat þat scho gat tyte þe clething of ane ald heremyte, & gerte mak hyre a litil cel. þar-in anerly scho can duel, doande pennance in abstinence, & serwit god [ay] but offence. sa of hyr rane fer þe fame; & men wend at hir name frer pelag[i]us ay had bene, a man of haly lyf & clene. a dekine, þat wes vpe-brocht with bischope veron, hym bethocht in pylgrimage þat he wald ga 280 285 290 to Ierusaleme & placis ma, sa þat pardone he mycht wyne 295 & get forgifnes of his syne, & to be bischope his entente tald, before he furth wente. & [he] sad hyme: "quhen bu has bene in haly placis & þame sene, eftir pelagius þu spere, þat is a full haly frere, & suthfastly is seruand ay 287. sa of hyr þane for. 301. to spere. 300 XXXIV. PELAGIA. 213 to god of hewine nycht & day!" þat with gud wil & benysone of his maister he went of toên, & trawalit sa, ore he cuth reste, 305 þat to Ierusaleme he com firste, & syndry placis þare has sene, quhare Ihesu criste hym-self had ben, 310 & fra þine one his bare fete to be hill callit of olywete. & as þare he fand percase quhare frere pelagius wes. & as he hyr þare has sene, 315 & wenand a man scho had ben, Fol. 271 a. he knew hyre nocht-sa wes scho made of abstinence falow & fade; bot scho knew hyme rycht wele, & let[it] hyme nocht wit a dele, 320 bot speryt at hyme gyf kend he hade "" " a bischope quhare he duelling made. sad he: "3ey." & scho sad pane: "for suth, he is a haly mane. bruthyre, to hyme pare-for 3e say þat he til god for me wil pray. son went he til þe ton ewyne ; & be thryd day he come agane as he befor did, to be sel, quhare frere pelagius can duel, & knokit þat þe dure. but pare wes nan in it wald ansuere. for-bi [to] be wyndow he socht, & gat It vpe as he best mocht, & saw be f[r]ere dede lyand pare. & went agane þan but mare, & tald þe byschope hou þat he þe frere dede in his sel can se. 317. & knew hyre. 325 330 335 214 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þe bischope pan with his clergy Come to be sel in grete hy, to mak exequies for þat cors, as custum was; for þai wist wele but wene 340 þat he al tyme haly had bene. þane reuerently of god with doute 345 þai brak þe sel & had hym oute, & fand þat it wes a woman, quhare-of ferly þai had pane. fore-þi [to] god gret thank þai zalde, & þis mad kide til zung & alde, 350 hou god vertu in womene quhile set, rycht as in mene. be body syne in erde pai lade, & deput seruice fore It sade eftir þe oyse of haly kirke, þat sa to do sal nocht Irke. 355 & þe obyt be-tyd of hyre þe aucht day of octobre twa hundre zeris fou[r]score & tene fra criste come ymang meñ. 360 as medyatrice hyr wil I sende Fol. 271 b. to god, þat mad sic ende eftyr sa wikit begynnynge, þat we ma here mak sic endynge, & of his lyfe þat we twyne but det, schame, & dedly syne. 365 XXXV.-THADEE. F haly faderis in þe lyfe ane wthyre tale I fand ryfe, of thadee, þat licht women wes & richt brukil of hyre flesche. fore scho wes of sic bewte þat It ma nocht comprisit be. for mony sald al þat þai hade, & clerly pame begaris made; sa zarnyt þai hyr wil to wyne, for hyr bewte, with hyre to syne; & scho wes ay redy to take quha wald be firste payment mak. & one hyr þai ware sa thra þat oft-tyme pai cane vthir sla ; fore-pi of hyre house be entre wald of[t] of blud be-ronnyn be. þar-for, mysoysit beute dois Il ofte, men ma se. ane vthyre thing als is sene, þat gud accorde seldine has ben betwene farnes & chastyte, in quhat persone þat þai be. [q]uhene pannicius, þe alde abbot, herd sic talis talde, of hyr, in hart, he had pyte, 1. Initial letter wanting. 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 19. think. 216 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & thocht he wald pase hyre to se; & parefor gert he get hyme þane be habyt of a lawyt mane, & fenzit hyme semand to be ful of Ioy & Iolyte, 30 & with a pound of gold one went, in egipe quhare scho pan lente, 35 40 45 "" Fol. 272 a. & speryt richt son til hyre in, & tretyt with hyre fore to syne, & let hyre wit he gold hade. & scho pe fare mare of hym made, & scho þe gold sone has tane, & in a chawmir with hyme gane. þare a bed wes wynely dicht, couerit of clathis ful bricht, & sad hyme: "3ondir þu sal ly, & I sal cum to be in grete hy, & thole be wyrk al pi wil." þane he eschamyt sad hir til: “gyf þu wil I dele with þe, led me quhare It is maste priue!' þane til a chawmir scho hym lede mare priue, with a costlyk bede. & he, to syne pat nocht liste, sad til hyre as he dide firste. þane til a chawmir mare priwe scho leide hyme. & pan sad he, þat he dout had to be sene, bot gyf he Innermare had bene. þane til a chawmir stithly made, þe maste priue þat scho hade, quare-in al hyre tresoure wes for priuete & sekyrnes, scho led hyme & sad: "here þu may but dout of ony man þe play, 29. & ferme. 53. þane he. 50 55 60 57. þare in. XXXV.-THADEE. 217 bot gyf þu dredis god of mycht, þat al thing has in til his sycht, fra quham ma na priwete thru slicht na mycht conseilite be." þan pan sad he: "douchtir, & wat pu þis is suth þu sais me now, þu 65 þat god ma se althinge þat is wrocht?" & scho sad: "3a, I-wyse, I treu þat god is, & his ryke 70 Is stedfaste lestand ay in lyke, & als, þat sinful in til hel tholand torment sal ay duel, & als, þi god sal gyf gret mede to þame þat hyme here of has drede." pane sad he "gyf þu kennis bus, 75 quhy has pu done sa gret myse & has sa mony saulis tynte, & 3et of syne wil nocht stynte? fore quhais [saulis] þu mon reknynge 3eld, [as] strate as for þine, 80 & be condampnyt als wele for þame as for þi awne tynsele." & quhen scho [had] herd þis tale Fol. 272 b. he recordyt til hyre al hale, with sare hart scho breste one grete, & flatlyngis fel done til his fete, & prayt hyme fore godis sake hyr for hyre syne to pennance take, sayande: “I trew, thru pennance, gret god sal spare to tak vengeance ; for-pi, fadir, bu pray fore me þat I to pennance worthy be! & pare-to, fadir, I be pray grant me thre ouris of his day, 85 90 & fra þine I sal redy be 95 to gange quhare-sa þu bydis me." 218 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & he but mare tyd hyre bowne, & tald hyre quhare scho suld cum son. & scho rycht foroutyne bade assemlyt þat scho wonnyne hade with be price of hyre lustful flesch, reseruand na-thing, mare na les, & in be myddis of pe cyte 100 brocht furth hale, quhare men mycht se, 105 quhare-in scho had sa gret desyre, & brynt it al in til a fyre, pare-one behaldand mony man, þat þar-of hed ferly pane. & with hye voice cryit scho: "ze þat has synnyt with me, lo, behald & se hou I sal bryne þe price of 30ure stinkand syne!" be quhilk price forout wene TIO Wes foure hundre pownd of gold clen. 115 & as al pis wes brynte, scho passit furth but ony stynt one-to pat place but abade, quhare pe abbot bydine hade, & hyr [he] met þare but delay, & gert hyre cum till ane abbay, quhare haly nunis can duel, & closit hyr þare in til a sel, sa narow þat with vnhese mycht scho hyre turne þat ony ese, & closit pe dure sekyrly, & selyt it with led in hy, 120 125 & lefit a hole quhare men mocht reke hyre mete, as pame thocht, coniurand þaim al of þe stede, þat þai suld gyf hyre ocht but bred, & set at It lytil ware, 130 129. & coniurand. XXXV.—THADEE. 219 & lytil vattir fare and clere. & as pe abbot held away, scho callyt [hym] & cane hym say: "fadir, tel me quhare I sal 135 Fol. 273 a. be esit opir grete ore smal?" sad he "bot quhare pu Is, & in na nothyre place I-wyse ; for þu is nocht worth til hafe vthyr place, sa god me safe." 3et cane scho til hyme say : "fadere, tel me hou I sal pray god my syne to forgyfe me?" 140 sic wordis þane til hyre sad he: "pu art nocht worthy for to newine 145 þe name of þe god of hewyne, na zet þi lyppis suld nocht be opnyt to pray be trinite, na þi handis sal nocht lyfte wpwart to god fore pine ofthrifte; 150 for þame of [t] fylyt has þu of It þu suld schame of now. & pi lyppis, gyf þu cane se, are fylyt of iniquite. bot one þi kneis sittand ay to be est þir wordis þu say: "pu þat of nocht has fourmyt me, of me haf reutht, fore pi pyte!" [a]nde has scho had bene pare be space of thre 3eris & mare, pannicyus þe haly mañ Compacience had of hyre þane; & to trawele wes nocht suere til sancte antone, for til spere gyf god of his mercy þane for-gyfine had to þat woman 155 160 165 220 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. be trespas that scho had done, & tald It til hyme al þan sone. sancte antone þane gert hym cal for þat his disciplis al, 170 & commawndit paim to wak þat nycht, & pray to god at al þare mycht, be [thing] to pame fore til declere, þat pannacius had in were; þat wes gyf god had forgyffine 175 Fol. 273 b. to thadee hyr fellone syne. þat nycht þai wouke besyly, & prayt god ful increly, to lat þaim wit quhare-for pai schupe paim sa besyly to pray. þane ane, paulus to name, þat a man wes of ful gud fame, & als antonyus printeise, be worthyaste & pe maste wice, til hewine dressit hart and sycht; & saw þare-in a bed be-dicht, sa costlyk & of sic beute þat he had wonder it for to se. & th[r]e madynnis he saw dicht, kepand þat bede vondir brycht, sa ferly fare that al devyse, þat manis wit mycht neuir comprise þat mikil beute fore to say. & I sal tel [3u] quhat ware þai: ane wes be drede, þat al & sume suld hafe, of payne þat is to cum, þat drew hyre fra hyre mykil Il. þe topir madyne wes par-til, be schame of syne scho had done, þat purchesit hyr pardone alson. & be thryd cystir þane wes, þe parfite luf of suthfastnes, 180 185 190 195 200 XXXV.-THADEE. 221 þat brocht bis thadee ful ewyn one-to be mykil blis of hewyn. þane paulyne askit þai madynis brycht gyf þat bede and þat grace wes dycht for his maister, antoyne be ald. & a voice ansuere zald of god: "antoyne aw it nocht, bot for thadee It is wrocht." one þe morne paulyn þis tald til his maister, antoyne pe ald, & to pannicius he wane & tald hyme al pis tale pan. & he but mare glad & blyth held on hame and rycht suyth, 205 210 215 & sped hyme son to be sel, quhare þat thadee pan can duel, & brak þe dure, & sad: " cum oute, for þu of payne sal haf na dout, for god hale has forgyfine þe þi synnis and iniquite." 3et prayt scho þat scho mycht byd & mare pennance do; bot he wald nocht thole It be sua, bot with blith hart hir out can ta. þane sad scho befor þame al: "In to witnes god I cal, 220 225 þat, sene I come in pis place here, al my synnis ful and sere, 230 I band as it a byrne had ben, Fol. 274 a. & layd it ay before myn ene, & gret for þame Ithandly, & thocht one pame ful increly, considerande ay hou I had bene lang tyme sinful and vnclene, & hou mony þat I tynte 207. antyone. 226. It out can ta. 235 222 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. thru my ful syne, ore I stynt." þe abbot þane til hyre can say: "douchtir, trew his wele bu ma, þat for [be] pennance is It nocht þat þu with sa gud wil has wrocht þat god has forgyffine þi syne, bot fore be doute [pat] bu was in, haffand ay drede hou þu mycht 240 245 apere before his awful sycht." pane tuk scho lef, & passit away. & eftir þat þe fyftene day to god of hewine scho 3ald þe gaste, þat it resawit in til haste, 250 & brocht hyre to þat bede sa brycht, þat, I tald 30w, fore hir wes dycht, quhare scho but end sal be in gret Ioy and angel gle; & pare scho helpe ws to wine but det, schame, & dedly syne. 244. bout fore pe doute pus was in. 255 XXXVI.—IOH[A]N[E]S BAPTISTA. N lofe of patriarkis al, and of þame þat we prophetis cal, spedful ware to say sum thinge of sancte Iohne in pe lofynge. þe quhilk, we rede, had names ma. & ane of þame wes propheta, fore he wes be maste treu prophete, þat of Ihesu spak; & zete of þe spouse callit pe lemmane, for gret luf god gef hym þane. & candel wes he callit rycht, for he brocht synful to þe sicht. angele als callit wes he, fore kepyng of verginite. and voice als callit he wes, of his spek for gret meknes; & elyas wes callit [bar]-til. til criste had he sa hartly wil, als þai callit hyme baptyste, 5 IO 15 for criste of hyme howine be liste. & he wes callit for-criare 20 of criste, & als forgannare. þe byrth of sancte Iohâ, gabriel, & name, to zacharie, cane tel. & it is red of dauid kynge, 1. Capital wanting. 25 224 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 274 b. zarnande til eke godis lofing four & twenty prestis made, to serue god in to sic hade; & ane of þame sine gert he cal be hye prince of þa prestis al. & of his nowmir sexten were of þe kyne of eleazare, & als of ytamaris kyne war ordenit aucht þat order in. & ane of þaim, as cut wald fal, his owk a-bout suld serue al. til abias þe aucht owke commonly fel, as sais the buke, of quhais kyne zacharias & elizabeth, his wyf, was. 30 35 40 and bath ware barane for elde, na had na barne þare thing to weld. 3et ware þai gud and rychtwise, plesand to god in al wyse. & tyd pis zachary, as ane 45 of þe prestis, wes in þe tempil gan, by hym ane, til incense be altere. til hyme can gabriel apere, þe puple bydande 3et per-oute. & zachary of hyme had dout; 50 bot he bad hyme haf na dred of hyme, bot tak gud heide, for he wes send to tel hym but were þat god wele herd [had] his prayere, 55 & sad hyme, a soñ get suld he, þat to name Iohâ callit suld be, & mony men suld mak myrth & Ioy þe tyme of his byrth; "before god gret man sal he be, &, of modir wame ore cum he, þe haly gaste sal be hym in, 60 XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 225 þat sal kene hym to distroy syn; & mony sonnis of israel þat lang tym in god[is] seruice nocht can duel, to god, þar lord, turne sal he, & sagat thru hyme sawit be; wyne & cesare he ne sal drinke, bot before god he sal wele suynke 65 in spryt & vertu of hely." as sum glos sais, lo, þe cause quhy: 70 "for he sal duel in wildirnes Fol. 275 a. as hely did til he here was; & lytil sal he reke of mete VOL. II. as did hely, pocht he mycht gete; & he sal cled be mar roydly, & arskare als pane wes hely; & als hely wes for-rynnere of Iuge þat awful sal apere, sa þis Iohne sal for-rynnare be of hyme þat sal ws sauf on tre; in skaldand word luf god sal þay, belyk, for þare word sal be ay of suthfaste teching fore desyre to be folk as a brund of fyre.” & quhen zachary al hale had herd be angel tel þis tale, considerand þat he & his wyfe barand ware bath fore lynth of lyfe, mystroit bus, & pare-fore he askit takine hou þis mocht be. quod he: "fore pu trewis nocht to his bodword I be brocht, þu sal be dume til þat þu se þi barne. þis takine I gyf þe." syne, quhen furth come zachary to be puple, pai wiste in hy a visione he sene hade, P 75 80 85 ୨୦ 95 226 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. be be beknynge he paim made. & he duelt dum til tym wes gane of his office, & syne went hame. & his wyf consawit þan sone, & wist scho wes with barne but hone. bot scho conseilit neuir-pe-les fywe moneth þat scho with barne wes, haffand scham þat men suld meyne scho sa auld with barne suld bene. nocht-þane blyth scho bad at hame, fore [scho] as barane suld haf na blame, sen of spousal þe reward is barnis for til haf, I-wis. þe sext moneth next in hy, Fol. 275 b. to spek with hyre come oure lady of Iuda, of a ton pare nere, to mend hyre & hyre chere. & mary, þat had pane hir in consawit of pe haly gaste but syne, haliste hir quesing teyndirly. & be par tyd a gret ferly; fore, quhen mary hire haluste hade, be barne in hyre wame but bade agane kind mad Ioy in haste, as fillit of be haly gaste, po kynd gef hyme nocht to speke, na hand til his lord to reke, as zarnande til hailis hyme, þat come til do away al syne. þar-of elizabeth had ferly, & sad pire wordis son in hy: "ferly thing is þat I se my lordis modir cum to me; for, sene þi word thrillit myn ere, þe barne þat in my wame I bere, 123. þe kynd. 100 105 IIO 115 I 20 125 130 XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 227 has mykil myrth, as I fele now, Cusinge; þare-for blissit be pu þat treutht gef to be angele tale, for þat in þe sal done be hale.” 66 Magnificat" pan mary made in lowing of god but abad, & bad thre moneth in þat place, till hir cusing deliuer was, & mad hir seruice mony gate, as medwyfe in-to sic [a] state, & wes be firste þat in hand tuke þat blissit barne, as sais þe buke. for-pi suld men hym gretly price, & lowe hym in mony wyse; 135 140 145 for, as criste sais, þe maste wes he þat euir wyf bare of dignite. par-fore to worschipe is nocht Irke þe day of his byrth haly kirke, 150 þat euir zet wes grantit to man, sen þat haly kirk begane; fore anerly of criste þe byrth & of sancte Iohne of mykil myrth, al haly kirk has honourit ay, 155 & sal do til domysday. fore wyf, þat barane wes, Iohn bare, & a virgine, to couyre oure care, consawit criste in hyre clen flesch, scho vnuemmyt neuir-be-les. 160 for of consawing in mary þe oyse wes schewit ferlely; for It is ferly gret to se but man barne consauit be. elizabeth, po scho wes pane 165 bareñ, bare Iohân thru werk of man; bot mary consauit but mare, 133. & I fele. 228 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 276 a. treuand be angel, & criste bare. elizabeth, of quham spek I, consauit mane al anerly; bot mary myld bath god & man consawit, þat ws fra wa wane. 3ete þis Iohne ful mykil Is, in quhais lofing crist sad pis: "ymang birthis þat weman bare þane Iohne baptiste vas nane mare; for he al vthyre in þat precedis, 170 175 & ewine is to pame in gud dedis; for he oure-gais prophetis al & patriarkis þat we cal." 180 þane sum mañ ma sa percase; fore Iohne of weman best barne wes, þat Iohn pan criste is worthiare, as be þis wordis can apere. Nay: sen Iohne is anerly 185 borne of woman thru get kindly, bot criste of maydine is þe birth, þat agayne kynd bare hym with myrth. 3et mad is comparisone to cristis generacione, for he of manis kynd tuk flesche, beand god zete, as he was. & þis Iohne be-fore criste wes sende, for to mak meñ þare synnis mende. "" & god gef hyme sic grace but wen, þat sum men wende he criste had ben, bot mekand hyme-self he can say: "we al þat borne are to þis day; þat is to say, we euirilkane, "part of his fullines has tane; þat is to say, prophetis al, & patriarkis þat we cal, 183. þat criste. "" 190 195 200 XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 229 Fol. 276 b. & apostulis, & al þe lafe, þat he send mankind to safe, othyre befor þat he tuk flesch or sene þat he borne wes, of his gret fullynes has tane; for of pame-self grace þai had nañ. we ar weschele, bot wele is he, þat fillis all of his plente. for-pi, dere bruthir, gyf þat we wil kene of hyme pe priuete, treu, Iohne wes man anerly, & crist god & man wes, sutḥfastly. & man wes lawit & mad meke, þat criste to hye hewine suld seke, as þis Iohne in his prophecy sad of criste before opynly: "it worthis hym to grew til hicht & me to lawnes [to] be dicht." & be-cause pat criste suld heit be, þat tyme of be zere borne wes he, quhene þat þe dais takis linthynge; & Iohne, quhen þai tak wanynge. gret priuete is at þe birth 205 210 215 220 225 of sancte Iohne we hald in myrth, as we cristis natiuite makis in Ioy & gastly gle; fore Iohnis birth, quha wil se, betaknis oure humylite, 230 & cristis, & we sa richt, be-taknis we sal cum to licht, & in-to man lessit are we, to god [pat] we ma grewande be. In oure-selfe we suld be meke, 235 þat we be hicht of god mycht seke. & al sic priuete I-wise 207. & of his. 230 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in criste & Iohnne fulfillit is. fore in takine of oure meknes, sancte Iohnis heid of strikine wes, & criste hye hangit one be tre, for mankind suld heit be. als John þe propereste profit was of al þat aperit in manis flesch, & of cristis birth maste clere prechit to men at þat tym were, & confermyt sawis al, 240 245 þat vthire sad [had] gret & smal; as schewyng hyme be spek of mouth & be his fyngire mad hym cuth, 250 as quhen he sad þe puple to: "godis awne lam cumis here, lo, þat of his warld dois awai syn, quhare-of na smyt is hyme In." here-fore wes Iohnne but wene 255 þe beste profit þat euir had bene; for he had grace criste to se, command of hym til howine be. & pis Iohnne, we spek of here, þe first man [wes] but ony were þis sacrament þat can begyne in-to remissione of al syne. bot his baptysme put nocht away þe syne þat men dois þis day, 260 265 Fol. 277 a. bot endusing makis men to pennance for þare syne to do; for in his preching he can say: "dois worthy froite of pennance ay, for I tell you but ony were, þat hewynnis kinrike cumis nere." 270 & þat he prechit, he cane do, þat men mare treuth gef hym to; fore ore he taucht baptysme to man XXXVI. BAPTISTA. 231 in hyme-selfe pennance he began, & manis conuersacione 275 he fled, & mad habitacione in wildirnes, & strat lyf leide. for in-to arsk hare he wes clede, with a belte of reucht skine made, & wyld hony wes his lyflede, 280 & a thinge callit locusta, þat thinge fore fud he can ta. for quhen criste fra galilee come to sancte Iohne howine to be in-to be rywere of Iordane, 285 þat of twa wellis nam had tane; be tane "Iore," be topir "dane" men callis þame, as þai did þan; & quhen sancte Iohne saw he com nere, he sad with hye woice & with clere: "lo! godis lame cum here to-day, þat syne of his warld dois away; & with fyngir beknyng mad he, to gere men kene hyme & se, & sad to criste: "here cumis þu "" for to be baptiste thru me now, & I of pe suld be baptyste." ful mekly til hyme þan sad criste: "thole me now! for It is my wil 290 295 al rychtwyse[nes] þus til fulfil." 300 sancte Iohne hyme baptist þan but hone, sene he wald haf it done. & nere-hand al þat duelland ware in-to pat land, baptyste ware pare. & quhen criste of wattir wane, 305 to pray deuotly he begane. bot sic prayere he nocht made for hyme-selfe pat syne nan hade, 282. fore gud. 232 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. bot suthly it wes fore pe sake of al þame þat baptysme suld take, 310 þat þa myckt resaf clenly þe haly gaste & worthely. par-with hopnyt be he hewine abeofe, quhare criste wes ewine, Fol. 277 b. & sa gret clernes þare wes sene 315 þat nane mycht one It gowe with ene. & þe haly gaste bodely in fourme of dow come sudenly, & one his heide quhile sat stil, & out of hewine spek hyme til 320 his faderis voice, pat al mycht here: "þis is my luffit sone & dere, In quhame it wele compleß me, here hyme for-pi, for sik is he." & trewis þat it wes nocht in waste 325 þat, seand al, þe haly gaste lichtyt on hym þare, bot fore we be bat certyfit suld be, þat quha hofine is, leste and maste, resawis þan be haly gaste 330 vnsichtfully, to kepe hym ay of godis lacht in-to be way. herod gert Iohnne in presone caste, be-cause he arguit hym sa faste of herodyades, þat swa 335 his hawne bruthir he had tan fra, & til his wyf wedit but skil, agane law & godis wil. & Iohne, beand in presone, of cristis warkis herd renone. of his disciplis þan send twa, to criste, pis demand to ma: "gyf þu be he þat cumyne is 313. he þe hewine. 342. to cristine. 340 XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 233 or þare be ony, tel me pis!" bot sancte Iohnne na dout had, suppos he sic demand mad; for he had sad before of hyme, "lo, godis lame þat clengis syne." bot, fore sum disciplis drede of þaim sancte Iohne with hym lede, as sais pe glose: "he bad paim ga to cryste & sic demand hym ma, as quha sa, quheþir þu sal me tel be piself ore opir dispoiel, ore quheþir, as pou has send me for-seware of þi come to be, quheþir þat [I] richt sa til hel before þi cumyne sal ga tel.” & quhen crist þe messag herde, to be messangeris he ansuert, to gere pame of al dout quyt be, Fol. 278 a. þat þare wes nane to cum bot he, sayand: "tel[lis] Iohne but were, dum men ma spek & def ma here & blynd ma se & halt ma ga • 345 350 355 360 } 365 & missale are clene mad alsa & men quyknyt þat ware dede" sic merwalis gveriste mast in þat stede, & [kyd] þat he wes cummyne þane in a persone bath god & mane. 370 & quhen þai passit ware pare way, with sic taknyng as herd þai, & clenly ware put out of dout of þat thing þai cum a-bout, He recommendit Iohnne til al, þat þare gaderit ware, gret & smal, sa þat þai suld nocht wene þat he suld hafe inwy pat is bounte: 355. as pu has pou send. 36I. dout quyt. 375 234 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 278 b. 'ymang þe sonnis, I 3ou say, of women þat rase to his day 380 mare nane þane Iohnn þe baptiste." for of a uergine borne wes criste; þar-fore to trou is behowe lyke, þat sancte Iohnne wes nocht [hyme] lyke. þane Iohnne criste commendit gretly 385 of uertuise fare & syndryly, as men ma in his story se, bot namely in-to thingis thre. firste, in til his birth, þat wes haly. & pare-to gud witnes 390 beris myraclis sewyn quhi þat he before othire suld haly be. firste, for þe angel gabriel sone his birth opynly can tel; þe todir, fore be angele bande 395 his fadir tonge mystreuande; be thride, fore pai barane gat hyme & bare, and ware ful fane; be ferde, fore be haly gaste, þat nocht wirkis into waste, 400 halouyt hym & fillit beforne þat he of modir wes þan borne; þe fyfte, be-cause þat he in his modir wame mad gle, quhen elizabeth mary mylde hailiste, þat wes with chylde; be sext, fore his modir in hy of mary þane mad prophecy, as in ewangele [we] ma se; þe sewinte enchesone als ma be þat til his fadir, þat had lorne, he gat þe spek as he wes borne. þe tothyre cause quhy zung & ald 412. he gat þe pe. 405 410 XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 235 suld hyme commend & haly hald; fore of ferlyful lyf wes he; 415 & namely in-to thingis thre. and first, in gret meknes, quhene of sic renon he wes, quhen men wend criste he had ben, for his uertuise þat þai had sen, 420 þat he wes criste he nyt planly, na zete na profet, na hely. & pis aganis þaim makis strife, þat awantis paim-selfe of uertuise lif be todir, in abstinence, nocht ane 425 of met & drink þat he had tan, na of clething, bot als of play & wantones, þat he fled ay, & of menis conuersacione; for he mad habitacione 430 in wyldirnes, & duelt þer-in; for he one na kine wai wald syn. of tholmudnes als sic wes he þat [he] with-stud in na degre agane þame þat in ony thing til hyme mysded, ald ore 3inge; as quhen þe pharaseus hym sad dispituisly & mad vpbrad, 435 sayand, be self dewil þat he had in hyme. & he ansuere nan mad na agayne errode, na fence wald ma, 440 þat fore a hoppare can hym sla. be thred part of be thingis thre quhare-in ferlyful wes he, wes in til his opyne teching. & þat wes in thre-fald thing: þe firste wes, in prophecy, as he of criste sa opynly 441. erroure. 445 236 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. mad schewand with his hand, sayand "lo 3ondir godis lame"; 450 be todir, in preching, fore þat he flechit na man in ony degre, Fol. 279 a. as quhen he arguit opynly kink herrod of his adultery ; be thred wes, fore he gef til al heilful consel, gret & small, 455 eftyr þare stat in al degre, hou to god þai suld euir be. & fore he oysit pire thre here, men callit hyme ferliful but were. 460 & to pire ansueris wthir thre, quhare-throu ferlyful wes he, in Ioy, quhare he be thrinfald crone sal euir bruk fore his wardone: 465 þe firste is of virginite, þat ay vnuemmyt kepit he; be topir crone bat to prechoure sal gyffine be fore gret honoure; be thryd is crone pat sal be giffine to marteris at here has wele striwine; 470 & seldine in-to wryt fynd we pere thre til a man giffine be. pare-fore pare [is] na man may lofinge Inuch of sancte Iohnne say, quham criste hyme-self lofit had, 475 & to be lofit sa worthy made. [Nlow sall we say in his stede quhare-fore he wes put to dede, nocht of resone, bot of wil a wyfis zarnyng til fulfil, 480 to gere hyme dee pat cuth nocht blyne, for he wald scho lefit hir syne. XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 237 þat wes fel herodyades, thru quham in presone he put wes. zet herrod, þat gert þat do, wald syndry tymis cum hym to, & tholmodly gif hyme heryng, & vmquhile do his byddyng. par-for þat wikit wif wes wa, quhen scho herd he did sa. fore-pi scho mad colusione to bryng Iohne to confusione, hafand dout ay þat he fra herrode suld gere hyre put be. for-pi scho gluterit hyme rycht ofte With wysing fare & wordis softe, til fraudfully scho gert þe kinge, as for be tyme of his beryng, assemble hale his barne, þat landis held of hyme in fee, 485 490 495 500 & mad gret mangery þaim to, as afferit kyng to do. Fol. 279 b. & quhene pai best chere cuth ma, þe wikit wife gert hir dochtir ga aparalit in al thing in [h]al, 505 & spring & loupe befor þaim al. & þat did scho [sa] menzolly, þat it to se wes ferly. & sa gret Ioy had þe kyng, þat scho sic myrth mad & dansinge, 510 þat sleily he sad hir til: "douchtir, aske me quhat pu wil, & my treutht I gyf to be but bad it sal þe giffine be, bo it be half of my kinryke." 515 & scho, þat tacht wes thru gret swik, til herrod mad ansuere sone 508. þat is to se. 238 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. one þis manere, & sad but hone: gyf me Iohn þe baptist hed in desch! and quhen herrod had herd pis, he worth sary for to be, for pe gret aith þat mad had he, & fore be cause of þaim with-al, þat set at met in-to be hal. nocht-bane he gert a basare ga & strik s. Iohnis hed hym fra, & to be maydine gef it soñ in til a desch, til fil hir bone. & scho it til hire modir gefe, "" 520 525 þat gretare tresoure bad nan hafe. 530 þane his disciplis com in hy, & tuk with pame þe ded body, & enterit [it] in gret wa; & syne ilkane his get can ga. pis herrod king, þat I 3ou newine, 535 mysdid here in maneris sewine: first, in adultery, þat he did with his bruthir wif, wele kyd; & syne in ane wt[h]ir thing, quhen he wald thole na chast[y]ing; 540 be thrid, for be pryd he had of his birth at sic fest he mad; þe ferd, for he did sa gret Il a lassis 3arnyng til fulfil; þe fyft, ful Il did he, suerand agane cheryte; 545 be sext, quhen he cowertly to sauf his aith did felny; þe sewint, wes mast to myn entent, þat he gert sla þat Innocent. 550 Fol. 280 a. as be corniclê of euseby, & of þe kirk als be story 522. for þe gret hicht. XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 239 sais, þat hedit wes sancte Iohnn in þe castel of [m]acherone, bezond Iordane in araby. bot his disciplis his body besyly gert enterit be 555 of sebasty in þe cyte; & in Ierusaleme his hewide wes grafine, & lang tym þer lefid. 560 & sarazenis syne vpe can ta, quhen Iulyane apostata regnit, his banis, for inwy þat [ferlis] kid were pan opynely, & done at his grawe to sare & seke, 565 þat opinly com hym to sek, & scalit þame in placis sere, for þai na relikis wald þer were. & eftyr of tyme be processe, þaż blissit banis nocht-be-les, þai gadderit for pe mast part al, & brynt [þaim] in-to powdre smal, & skalit þaim in-[to] þe wynd, þat na man part þar-of suld fynd. nocht-bane in þat swithware. fra Ierusalem of case come pare twa monkis, & stal priwely of þai banis a gret party; ymang wthire þai haf tane of þat fyngire a litil bane, to godis son þat strekit he, quhen he come baptist to be; 570 575 580 be quhilk sancte tecle with hir tuke, & bar away, as sais þe buke, & stedit it honorably in þe kirk of marytany. 585 561. vpe can it ta. 563. his barnis. 569. & eftyr pe tyme of processe. 570. þat blissit. 240 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 280 b. & be self monkis al pe lafe of pe banis but bad can hafe to philpe, of Ierusaleme, þat þe nynd bischope wes þan. & he is dekine, þat wes 3ape, with pame send to be bischope of alysandir. & he alsone gert mak a costlyk kirk on one, & fertrit [pame] with ful gret cure, of bis [s. Iohne] in be honoure. syne eftir in deuocione came twa monkis of þe ton 590 595 to Ierusalem, for to pray to syndry sanctis þat þare lay. 600 to quham in-to visione sancte Iohne mad reuelacione of þat sted, quhare his hevid lay. & þai slely stal it away, & brocht it in þe reume of france, 605 & eftirwart syne perchance. bot quhou þat wes, I tel nocht here, bot þai pat likis ma wele spere In lofing of sancte Iohnë sais þus þe gret doctore crissostomus : 610 "sancte Iohnne þe scole of uertuise wes, & of clene lif þe maistres, of halynes be fourme clene, & reule of rychtwisnes but wen, 615 meroure of uerginite, of clenes, & of chastite, be way of pennance, & of syn kennand be pardone for to wyn, 603. his body lay. XXXVI. BAPTISTA. 241 Fol. 281 a. of verray treutht [be] discipline, & of al vicis þe rwyne; 620 For Iohnne wes mare þan man, but were, & til angelis he mycht be pere. he wes þe nerreste get to law, & firste gert men be ewangel knau. of appostolis þe voice wes he, 625 & of prophetis þe priuete, & of pis erde he wes lycht, & forrynnar of Iuge of mycht. medyature als wes he betwene ws & þe trinite. 3et he, þat of sic uertu wes, wes gefine til a lurdan las.” & sais sancte Ambrose, Iohnne for fywe cause had lose: 630 first, for his syre & his dame 635 ware of gret kine & of gud fame; & of mony merakilis sere, þat thru hym ware wrocht hyne & here; & als fore theuys fare & gud; 640 & for gyf[t] als, quha vndirstud; & last thru predicacione, quhare-of he had mast renone. & be lofing of his getteris in-to fyfe thing wele aperis: fore lowing in-to kine wel scheuis, 645. þat is enhornit with gud thewis, & gud thewis in equite, & office in presthed suld be, & ded in byding al suld be, & Iugment in equite, quhare-in his getteris al ware. & quha wald, mycht rakine mare of merwalis gret þane men ma tel, 649. & ded and. VOL. II. 653. gret syne. Q 650 242 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & syndry þat of Iohnne befel. for gabriel mad playne schawinge til his faddir of his getting, & tald his name, & [bar]-to eke be tynsale of his fadir speke. 655 of fairere thewis pan wes he, na halyare mycht na man be. 660 of his halynes als sais vs be doctore crisostomus, þat Iohnis conversacione wes suthfastly of sic renone, þat Ilke manis lyf but were 665 culpable it gert apere. of Iohnne be tane for sere thing alsa of gyft ma lowyng; for he in wame wes mad haly, & had þe gyfte of prophecy; for, po in modir wame wes he, 3et kneu he god & mad gle, 670 & gaf sprit of prophecy til his modir ferlifully. & nocht les wes be lowing, þat he seruit for his preching; quhare-of foure thingis þe angele til his faddir cane pertly tele, sayand, he suld conuert fele of be sonis of israel, & þat he suld befor god pas in þe uertu of helyas, & tald hyme wthir thingis eke, þat men ma in þe ewangel seke. & þai ma not here quha liste, þat sancte Iohnne be ewangeliste deit as þat day we mak 675 680 685 661. & sais us. 662. crisostonus. 663. generacione. 666. acceptable. 680. sanctis of israel. XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 243 2 1 Fol. 281 b. sic Ioy for pe baptiste sake; nocht-bane be kirk halowis hewyn be fest of his birth in til hewine of cristis byrth be thyrd day, for sa be feste of baptiste may as þis tyme honourit be, as gabriel had hycht with gle. þat wes nocht, for be ewangeliste gef sic sted to pe baptiste as to be mare. for-þi befel a merwale þat I here wil tel. twa doctouris of theology, 690 695 of quham þe tane rycht increly 700 a-beoufe al vthire lufit pe baptist, & pe tothire pe ewangeliste; & þar-of disputacione þai held lang but conclusione. for-þi þai set a certane day, 705 to conclud best til assay quhilk of pai Iohnis mare suld be honourit in al degre. & be nycht befor, as pai slepand in þare bedis lay, of þere Iohnis athire aperit til his ansuere, & syne sperit 710 quhy pai strafe quha of pam twa were worthiest honour to ta; "for in hewine frendis ar we, & striwis nocht for dignite; þare-for we wil ze do sa here, þat of our mycht ze haf na were. for we wil nocht for dignite striwe, ne quha sal gretare be. cese, pare-for, & hald na strife for ws, þat are in quemful lif!" 696. sic sted in pe ewangeliste. 715 720 700. rycht merely. 718. þat of ony mycht. 244 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þai doctouris þane on þe morne, þe puple al beand beforne, tald þar avisione in hy Ilkane til vthire opynly, & nomare for þai sanctis strafe quhilk of þam mast honour suld haf. [I] fynd wrytine pat rochary, a michty king of lumberdy, 725 730 wes grawine, quhen he wes ded, of sebaste in til a stede of his sancte Iohnne a kirk besyd, of gret cost & mykil pryde, 735 quhare eftirwart for cowaitise a man, vnhappy & wnwyse, dalf vpe his graf be nichtirtale, & bar away þat gud al hale. & & sad hyme: "for þat þu has don to quham sancte Iohnn apperit son, 740 til hyme sa gret Iniquite to zeme þat lypnit wes to me, in my kirk sal þou neuir entre haf, Fol. 282 a. þi lif hale, po þat my[ch]t safe.” & sa fel eftir in-to ded; 745 for þat man, quhen he had maste nede, þat kirk neuire entre mocht, &, gyf he fandit, son hyme thocht þat a wicht man fast can hym ta be be throt & gert bakwart ga; 750 & po he profit þis fele cyse, zet entre he ne mycht onywise. & þis sancte Iohnne rewengit wes of hyme þat done had sic trespas. Now of a merwale tel wil we, 735. cowartise. 755 XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 245 þat tyd bezond þe gret se, in þe prowince of the sare, quhar-to be cayne is tributare, quhare men makis drink of spycery— of betone þare is gret copy. 760 & sum cristine pare wonnyne mais, þat þar propire kirkis hase. thre Iorne lang is þat cunctre, quhare-in [is] smarag be cyte. smarag is a faire toñ & chefe of þe regione & haldis of pe caynis cusing. pare wonnis cristine & sarazine. in þat cite, als I herd tel, of sancte Iohnne a merwal fel. þe caynis bruthire cygaty, þat aucht þat lordschipe halely, with cristine wes enducyt sa, þat he baptysme can haly ta. 765 770 thru fauoure of þat gud king þen 775 a kirk biggit þe cristine men in honoure of sancte Iohnn þe baptist. & it wes bigit with sic liste, þat in myddis wes a pillare, þat þe charge of be kirk suld bere, 780 & wes na pillare bot þat ane. be sarazanis had a stane, & for pe cristine þai haitit ay; bot sa gretly be kink dred pai, þat þai til þat durst na thing do. his son syne succedit hyme to, bot nocht in cristine fay. for-pi pai sarazanis þare chasit in hy to distrenze be cristine men ilkane, 758. caneyne. 785. durst þat. 785 246 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 282 b. to restore þam agane þare stane. þane profferit þai þe price & mare for, gif it a-way tane ware, be pillar of force suld fal, & sa eftir þe kirk al. 790 bot nedly wald þai hafe þe stane. quhene cristine saw remed wes nan, 795 to sancte Iohne baptist can þai pray deuotly. & quhen þe day wes cumyne to resafe pe stane, þe sarazenis semlit ilkane, 800 treuand to se þe hale kirk fal, fra þe stane remowit ware al. bot þe pillar rase thre hand brad It fra, thru goddis grace, til awai pa ta þe stane fra þe ground away, 805 & hingis sa [on]-to þis day. men ma se wele be þis ferly þat þe baptist is ful mychty with god, þat sic a wondir dide for hyme, wele knawine & kide. & als sancte gregor sais ws, a man quhil, callit sanctulus, a dekine in exile tuk fra lumbardis, as sais pe buk, on condicione, gif þe dekine eschapit ony way fra hyne thru miskepyng ore subtilite, 810 815 þat gud man for hym ded suld be. zet pan, po [his] sanctulus had mad his condicioñ pus, 820 he gert þe dekine fra hym fle, þat his lif sa sawit mycht be. & pere lumbardis, þat wald haf had þe dekine & slane but bad, XXXVI. BAPTISTA. 247 to sanctulus come in hy, & hyme askit ful angrely þe dekine þat to kepe tuk he, 825 as connand wes, ore ellis ded be. & he mekly sad þame til: "ze ma do with me quhat ze wil; 830 for pe dekine quham of ze say, fra me quyt is passit away." pane sad þai, he suld fulfil be condic[i]on he mad hym til. be worthi man þai band þan son, 835 & gert a basare cum but hone, þat wes stark & likly als but let to strik in twa his als. & he mekly knelit done, makand to god his oracione. þan þe basare hewit on hicht 840 his hand, to strik, gif he mycht. Fol. 283 a. & sanctulus, þat wes hery, to sancte Iohnne baptist can cry: "[I]hon, hald his hand [þat] wald me sla!" & fra he had sad sua, 845 his harme, þat strekit [wes] on hicht to strik, he ne mocht for al his mycht bryng done, bot [it] stud strekit þare a hyldry steng as it ware. þane had þe basare mekil wa, quhen he saw hyme-self sted sa, & to sancte Iohne a wou mad pare, gif he wald ger hyme of his care, þat he suld neuir stryk cristine man. & sanctulus fore hyme rycht pane to sancte Iohnne prayere mad for hyme; & he gat heile but bade, & 3ald to god pare-of lowing 850 855 & to sancte Iohnne for his helpyng. 855. styrk cristine. 860 248 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. In story as sygilbertus, ymang al vthire tellis ws, of a wedow, þat had 3arnyng of his sancte Iohnne to haf sum thing, at as a relik scho mycht haf. 865 & besyly þis can scho crafe with prayere gret & fastinge, with almus ded & wakyng. & quhen scho lang sic lyf had lede, & pare-in [had] nathing spede, 870 scho wes anoyt in gret manere, þat god wald nocht hire prayere here. þar-for a wou to god scho mad, in traste hope scho in hyme hade, þat þare suld nothir met na drink fra þine in-[to] hire body sinke, til he had gefin hire sum thing of þat scho mad hyme askin[g]e. & as scho lay sa in þe kirke at hire prayere, for fastine Irke, 875 880 a-pon þe autere scho saw ly as a thoume-bane propirly, þat quhytare wes ban ony snaw; & in sprit cane wele knaw, Fol. 283 b. þat it of sancte Iohne wes a bane. & pare-of blith scho had it tane, & of sancte Iohnne in-to lowynge scho gert in haste þe bellis rynge. & thre bischopis in þat sithtware war of chance assemblit þare; of quhame ilkane a part but bade þar-of with pame pocht til haf had. & as pai mad pame to be partinge, þare fel þar-of a ferly thing; for one þe clene clath, quhare it lay, þar sprang of it but delay 865. as at a relik. 885 890 895 XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 249 thre droppis of blud fare & gret. & ilke bischope ane can gete, & ware Ioyful & held þare way, & be bane lyand stil levit þai. 900 & þat þe wedou gat suyth, & passit hir way pare-with ful [b]lith, as vittand wele it wes a bane of þe baptiste scho had tane. & it is stedit þar-in as Iowel 905 in fyne gold and cristel. & myraclis mony wrocht are þar, thru mycht of hyme þat [þat] bane bare; be quhilk vs purchase grace, þat we ma cum til hewine as did he. 910 for his herrod, of quham I spak, wes nocht to lofe bot al to lake for his gret iniquite; 3et ware herodis ma þan he, þat be get cane til hym succede 915 be Il thewis & Il dede. & pai ware of gret fame al thre, bo it ware nocht thru dignite, bot erare fore dedis Il, þat þai did aganis skil. 920 þe first of þame to nam can ta of ascolonyca alsua, & Ihesu in his tyme wes borne, þat sawit ws al þat ware forlorne; & his son herod antipas, 925 quham thru pe baptist slan wes; & be thred herrod had alsua til his suornome agrippa, þat slew sancte Iames for his preching, & petre gert in presone thring. 907. & of myraclis. 930 909. vs purchast grace. 250 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Ascolonica necat pueros, antipa Iohannem, Agrippa Iacobum, claudens in carcere petrum. of þe twa last spek me ne list, bot I wil say mare of þe firste. antipater of ydumy, as wrytine is in þe story, Fol. 284 a. be kingis cusing to wif he tuke of arabi, as sais þe buke, & with hir gat a son, þat he 935 in birth gert herrod callit be. 940 & þat barne to name cane ta sone eftir ascolonica. quham fortone helpit sa þat he gat hale þe kinrik of Iude of august, þat wes e[m]peroure, to hald of hyme with honoure. & fra þine ware na kingis ma of Iowis kine in-[to] Iuda. & pis herrod sex sonnis gat; þe eldast antipater hat, alysander syne wes his brupir, & aristotolus ane wthir, archelauce pe ferd wes, & be fyft, herot antipas, & philpe, pe zungest but were of þir brethir we rekine here. of þir barnis herrod send twa to rome, to lere; & ane of þa wes alisander, & be todyre, aristotolus, his bruthire. & with a low he gat þir twa, þat he to wif befor can ta. & quhen þir twa at rome had bene, & leryt mykil gud & sene, 940-943 are repeated in MS., but with these differences: 941, can; 942, soñ; 943, forton. 957. pis barnis. 945 950 955 960 940, herrode; 963. þat rome. XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 251 þai come agane in þar cunctre, þar faddir & pare kine to se. & pis alisander can so lere, þat he wes a gud mutere, & held oft disputacione 965 of be rewme for be successione with his fadir, because þat he sad antipater are suld be. bot zet thocht þai brethir twa, 970 þat þai suld bath befor hym ga. for-[pi] bare fadir þai thocht to sla. 975 & quhen he wist it wes sa, he banyst þam of þe land. & þai pat tuk Il on hande, to rome went to be emperoure, Fol. 284 b. to plenze apone pare fadir Iniure, 980 thinkand to prowe be resone þat þai suld haf successione. in þe meyne-tyme com kingis th[r]e, þat magos sum-tyme cal we, to Ierusalem to spere quhare 985 wes he, þat borne [wes] litil ayre king of Iowis, "for his sterne we has sene in pe est al thre." bot here-of wil I tel nomare, fore men ma fynd it ellis quhare, 990 in a buk I mad of þe birth of Ihesu criste, þat grant ws gyrth. & herot thocht hyme Il begelt, quhen per thre kingis fra hym duelt, & thocht al barnis [for] to sla, 995 sa þat criste mycht nocht eschape hym fra, of twa zere elde & withine, fellonly, ore he wald blyne. & [parfor] þat Il wikit maî 987. sterme 252 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in sum part wes punyste pan; for his son, þat to fostir wes ymang wthir, slane wes percace. & þat wes godis richtwisnes of hyme þat mad sa fele bernles; for he gert sla in þat lande a hundir & fourty thousande & foure thousand þare-til, þat haly nowmir to fulfil, þat sched pare blud for cristis sak. quhat ferly þat he tuk wrak? Fol. 285 a. pis sanderis syne & aristotil, 1000 1005 ΙΟΙΟ his sonnis, þat ware rycht noble, at hame ware cumyne, suspec had he þat þai for his iniquite suld sla hyme, gyf þai had mycht; & sa to do ma fal þai hicht. & his barboure tald hym til, gyf he wald haf don per wil, he had schorne his hals in twa, to schaf þat quhen he suld ga, þar-for bath gold & fe hechtand hyme in-to plente; &, þat sanderis, his son, had sad þat in ald men suld nocht be lad hope of helpe na of rewarde, as in zung men þat are forthirwarde. & as þare fadir þis can here, 1015 I020 1025 & par-of had consalis sere, he gert tak pame fra his presence & sla þame bath, but audience. 1030 & antipater ordenit he of his kinrik ayre to be. & next hyme herot antypa ordenit [he] þat reume suld ta; 1017. his barboure cald. XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 253 & next hym herod agrippane ordenit [he] to succed pane. pane wes antypater wa, þat his fadir sic a talze can ma; par-for he thocht of Iwil rede 1035 his fadir for to do to dede; 1040 & for þat cause gert poysone ma, his fadir cowartly for to sla. bot fore þar his don nathing, as þe ewangel makis witnesing, þane It sal be cuth & kyde, & be curse of tyme vnhyd, 1045 of antipater it fel sa, þat thocht his fadir for to sla; for it wes tald his fadir son, þat in preson gert hyme be done, 1050 & eftyr gert hyme slane be, as, þat redis þis, sal se. & eftir, quhen cesare herde hou herrod with his somnis ferde, [he] sad: "I chese me erare now 1055 for to be herodis sow þan for to be his [son], for he sa demanis paim, as kene we, po he in sic flesch had delyte, because þat he is proselit;" þat is til vndirstand, þu treu, of a payane cumyne a Iow. 1060 syne, quhen herod had sewinty zeris of elde al fullely, he fel in [-to a] hard seknes, þat sume dewil lyk a feuir wes, & par-to sic a sca had he, þat of his body nocht wes fre, & par-with had he hard torment, 1035. agrippam. 1056. herodis cow. 1065 254 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & of his aynd impediment. þan come diuerse medicinaris nere, for wynninge of his stat to spere, pat in [a] bath of oyle hyme laid, 1070 for þat wes halesum, as þai sad. bot þar-of gat he ne remede, 1075 bot wes þane soñ nere-hand dede. Fol. 285 b. þar-for his tormentouris send he one al syd in-to Iude, & gert bryng hyme be 3ungeste of pat land & pe nobileste, 1080 & gert þame in presone be done, & til his cister sad he sone, þat had to name salome: "I wat weile pe Iowis sal be ful blith; bot pane I ma zete 1085 mak mony ane ful sare to grete, & hafe als faire exequies as ony þat before me wes. sa treuly þu hicht me til my byding þat þu sal fulfil; 1090 pis is, quhene I 3elde pe gaste, þu sal gere sla al þai in haste, þat in presone I gert be done. sa sal Iuda haf sorow sowne. opire in my lyfe ore in my dede, þai sal hafe sorou but remede.” pis tyrand had in custume ay eftire his mete Ilke day, to payre ane apil & til eete; & in hand a knyfe can gete; bot fel [host] hyme trawalit sa, þat he had wil hyme-self to sla, & lukit a-bout, þat na mane 1083. salmone. 1099. til kete. IIOI. fende instead of host or kink, but written above the line. 1095 ļ ΙΙΟΟ XXXVI.-BAPTISTA. 255 ware nere by for to lete hym þane, & hewit vpe pane his knyfe 1105 til hafe refte his awne lyfe. & pane his sistire son in hy, þat he wiste nocht wes nere by, & be knyfe gat & his arme, & lettit hyme; bot þat wes harme. pane in be hal rase sodenely, as he dede had bene, gret cry. pane antipater, quhare he sete, in presone, sone herd þat; &, wenand his fadir ded ware, Cryit one be gyalare, & hicht til hyme go[l]d & fe, Wald he hyme louse & mak hym fre. & quhene his fadir herd had þat his sone sic Ioy pane mad, Fol. 286 a. he gert his tormentouris furth ga, & but mare he gert hym ga sla, & archelaum his ayre made; & dais fyfe atoure þat, bade & tholit þane he double deide of lif & saule, but remede. IIIO 1115 II20 1125 & pane his cistire salome al his pressoneris mad fre, þat he sa fayne wald [slane] haf bene, to do pe Iowis payne & tene. 1130 Remegius zet, [þat] his tale tellis in his originale, mad of þe ewangel of mathy, sais þat herod vnhappy, with a knyf, hyme-self bare ane apil eftere met to payre, sleu hyme-self; & salome, as befor bydine had he, gert al pe Iowis sla but hone, 1135 256 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat he in presone gert be done, for til supple þe wikitnes, þat in hire bruthir alway wes, to gere men wit þat he wes wike in al degre [bath] dede & quyke ; fore in hyme wes na mending, bot [he] til hel 3ed but endynge, quhare he sal de & neuir be dede, for-out ransone & remede. 3et of sancte Iohnne in honoryng I ma eke to a ferly thing, þat fallis wyd-quhare I[1]ke 3ere, in syndry landis fere & nere, in fellone vengeance of pe deide, þat he tholit thru wifis rede; for he[rod] as ful cane consent for hir to sla þat innocent. al þai þat come of þat kine, in quhat place þai ware in, ay syne one sancte Ihonis day of þat kine brane wod ga þai; & pai þat wil þare wit recouere, þai mone, of sancte Iohne in honoure, Cume til his kirk to wariste be, þat sa is sted, scho ore he. for-quhy pai þat are hyme lewine, bryngis þame of sancte Iohnn þe ewine, in tyme of ewinsang; & pare þai wak 1140 1145 1150 1155 1160 1165 þat nicht for sancte Ihonis sak, & al þe morne to be sammyne tyde stil in þat kirk þai mone byde, 1170 Fol. 286 b. & bundine, gife it be nede, of þare heile gif þai wil spede. & pis merwale wrocht is ay 1155. & for he as ful. XXXVI. BAPTISTA. 257 i[1]ke 3erys one sancte Ihonis day, for to gere meñ haf in thocht þis ferly, god fore hyme wrocht, & in mynd of þe wikitnes, þat cowartly til hyme done wes, & þat men [suld] wit als þat he suld be had in gret daynte. & in lestand mynde of þis, at amyas a gret parte is of his hewide in þat lyknes þat it had, beand in-to flesche. pare-for to god lofynge ay be, þat mad hyme of sa hye degre, þat he is had ay in lowynge 1175 1180 1185 with al cristine, ald and 3ynge. Now sancte Iohnne, þat sa worthi wes, til þu duelt in brukil flesche, I 190 þat þu seruit of cryste lowit to be, & he alsa lowit of þe; bot [þat] bu mad gret lowynge of hyme, þat wes na ferly thing. & sic lowing þat sic neuir wes mad of creatouris in manis flesche, wes quhen criste sad nan wes borne mare þane sancte Iohnne of wif beforne, & said als he suld precede elyas in al nedful dede, 1195 1200 & with vthire lofingis ma, þat of be ewangele men ma ta. & Iohne of hyme gud witnes bare, sayand þat he wes mare "þat cummys in flesche eftir me, for before þat I mad, wes he, to quham I ame nocht worthi loute, 1191. eftir cryste. 1177. & in þe mynd. 1205 1197. & quhen. VOL. II. R 258 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 287 a. na of his schone pe laise tak oute." & seildine befor herde was betwene god & man sic hamlynes. þis Iohnne zete suld commendit be, þat to criste of kyne wes he, as he mycht fynd þat 3arnyng had in ane wthire buk I made, quhare-in I recordit pe genology of oure lady sanct mary, hou sibe to Ihesu þis Iohnn wes of his warld as be lyne of flesche; bot þat wil I nocht bryng in here, for I ame auld & sum dele suere. for-pi sancte Iohne I Requere þe, þat excusit pu wil hafe me, & in thank tak my gud wil, sene I no mare ma do þare til. & sene þu sa mykil may with god of hewine, be I pray þat þu fore me requeste wil ma til hyme, pat, quhen I hyne ga, of his warld þat I ma twine but dete, schame, & dedly syne, & al þat in affeccione 1210 1215 1220 1225 1230 has be, ore in deuocione, þu purchas at Ihesu sic grace, þat þai ma trastely se his face one domysday, quhen he sal deme gud and Il, as hyme think queme. 1235 } 1 XXXVII.-VINCENCIUS. IS name vincensius to say Is man þat ourcumys ay, as sancte vincent quhilis dide thru his pacience, as wes kyde ; for he oure-come al wice of flesche thru hale hart & deuotnes ; & he oure-come pe fyre alsa thru passione he can þare ta; & þis warld in dispysing he ourecome in al-kine thinge. thre thingis he ourecome but were, þat mychtty are in his warld here, fals erroure, & lufe vnclene, & warldis dout als, but wene. he oure-come firste, for he wis wes; & next, of gud lyf thru clennes ; & syne, for richt stedfaste [wes] he, he ourcome pire thingis thre. sancte vincent come of nobil kyne, & gret nobles wes hyme In, & to scole set wes to lere, or he had of elde sewine 3ere; & god purvat hyme to be a chosine weschale, quham-thru he wald men ware tacht to lefe syne, 1. Initial letter wanting. 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 260 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & sa mercy for to wyne. in duble science tacht wes he; in cannone and diuinite, vndir a bischope of renone [of] cesare-august of þe tone, valerius þat to name had; & he vincent his dekine mad. & in þe tone duelt þane 30 Fol. 287 b. a president, þat wes a fellane man, 35 þat til his name had dacyane, & had fra princis pouste tane al cristine man fore to sla, & eraste pame cane ordre ta. þe bisschope pane valerius & his dekine vincencius, fra þai hard sic tyranny, þai sped þame to þe ton in hy, in hope of vincent for to wyne, quha for sic cause mycht begyne, demand þat mast happy wes he for godis sak mycht eraste de. 40 45 par-fore pai sped paim bath, in wil martirdome to cume til. þane come þai before dacyane, þat fore þare treutht gert þaim be tan, 50 & franyt pame quhethire pai wald renunce þe cristine fay. & for pai wald nocht sa, "za," he mad his tormentouris paim to ta, & gert led þame one ane 55 to be tone of valenciane, & gert þame in pressone thryng but met, drink, ore conforttyng; & þat na mane suld be sa wod, vndir tynsale of lyf & gud, 55. led corrected from hed. 60 XXXVII.—VINCENCIUS. 261 to gyf þame vthir drink or met, or ocht ellis þame to rehete, wenand wele þat þai suld sa þe sonnare fal þare purpos fra, & [als] for wecht of Irne bandis þat þai had bath on fete & handis. & quhene pai had in presone bene al a quhile in tray and tene, he gert bryng þam til his presence, wenand but makin[g]e of defence þat þai but mare suld do his wil. bot quhen he held þaim til, 65 70 þai schew þame fere starkare & glad, þane quhen to presone he paim had. he sperit quha þame fed sa wele, 75 þat his paynis þai dred na dele. bot god pane purvoit po þat he ferlyt quheyne þat cumyne mycht be. & for zet he fand þame thra, he wald nocht þai de suld sa, 80 but newing of gret payne, Fol. 288 a. quhare thru he thocht þai suld be slane. þar-for he turnyt hyme in hy to þame, & sad anger[1]y: “valery, quhi dois þis þu agane bydinge of princis now vndir name of religione, 85 þat sal be þi confusione? wat þu nocht þu mone de, þat byding brakis of princis hye? 90 & hyeast warldly princis wil oure godis ze do honoure til, & þat ze sacrify pame to, as ze se hyeare princis do. þar-for, walery, we red now 72. þaim stil. 95 87. of pe latrone. 262 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat til oure bydding son þu bow, sa þat be ensample of þe, þai pat ar of les degre, mak sacrifice, mare & myne, fra þai se þe first begyne. & als I sa to þe, vincent, þat til oure bydinge pou consent, sen þu art zung & of gud kine, & has wit gud be with-in; othir til our goddis sacrify & haf riches & sigeniery; & gyf þu wil nocht for thra wil, ful felon turment be put be til." bot po pe bischope wisman wes & haly, zet nocht-be-les in his spek gret murnyng he had. for-þi vincent sad but bade: "haly fadir, gyf þu wil, IOO 105 IIO þe Iuge I sal ansuere til." þe bischape sad [til] hyme pusgat: "sen lang tyme is, as þu wat, 115 þat I be cure of goddis worde lipnyt þe til haf in hwrde, richt sa fore oure treutht sal bu here for ws bath mak ansuere." I20 sancte vincent, þat halely set his thocht on hewinnis blise & ellis nocht, turnyt hyme þane to dacyane, Fol. 288 b. 97. sa þat þe. & pis sad til hyme one ane : "þi spek til ws has bene al day for to ger ws deny oure fay ; bot þat to cristine men ware schame of Ihesu cryst to nyt þe name. for-þi of þis no mare spek we now, bot grant ws for to be 109. bot pus. 125 130 118. lipmit. 119. sal þu þare. XXXVII.-VINCENCIUS. 263 seruandis and witnes ewine of our lestand god of hewine, in quhais name blythare we are to thole be dede, gif mystare ware, pane wilfully to do ocht to Ihesu crist þat disples mocht. þar-for, quhat payne þat þu til ws has thocht, do furth now!" þane dacyane, þat wes fel, for propyr Ire in swonynge fel, & til his men pane cane [he] say: "remowe pis bischope pine away; for resone wil, sen auld is he, þat in exile he send be, fore of cesare be byddynge he wil nocht do fore ony thinge. bot þis vincent, as contumace, & to be rebele na dout has, til gyf ensampil vthyre til þat are frawarte & dure of wil; for-bi se wele his hardiment requeris payne & hard torment. for, quhat payne he here hafe, he thinkis þare-for Ioy to crafe; par-for in a frame stent hyme in lynth & brede, lith & lyme, & þat with smert cordis sa faste til senonis ore hyd ma leste. & his payne wil I þat he ta ore he til ony torment ga." his ministeris, pat felloñ ware, hynt vincent þane be hou & hare, &, as he bad þaim, son has done. in scorne he sad til vincent son: "vincent, quhy nocht behaldis þu 143. send auld. 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 158. senone. 264 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. quhou þi catife corse is now nakit strekit in til a frame, & pu þar-of hafis na schame?" þane he, þat confort in god had, til dacyane sic ansuere mad: "pis is þat I zarni ay til haf, & par-for god cane pray; þar-for sa frendful ma nane be to me as þu, in ony degre. 170 & trew wele þat I haf na schame 175 to thole pis fore my goddis name; na of þe na of þi payne haf I dout, bot is ful fayne; fore, lo, I ame set on hicht, Fol. 289 a. & of þi princis al be mycht, wikit tyrand, I dispyse, & pare-fore wil nocht ony wyse bou to my Ioy mak lessing, na to my reward menesinge; fore I ame redy to thole now, for be lofing of dere Ihesu, al torment, quhat-euir It be, þat þu cane think to do to me. & bu sal me se mare of mycht, tholit sic torment for þe richt, 180 185 190 þane þu þat gerris torment me but resone for iniquite." pane gert he hyme with schurgis ding, his handis bundine hyme behynde, sa wondir fellely & sa sare, 195 til þai pat dang hyme wery ware, & þar aynd for werynes þame falzeit, & wox ay les. & dacyane hyme-self nere wod become, & al but blude, 166. quhy pi. 171. 3arnis. 200 173. þat for. XXXVII.—VINCENCIUS. 265 Fol. 289 b. & kest his handis to & fra, & crabbit continence can ma, & on hye he cane cry, sayand: "me think 30w al wery, & lyk ware als þat ze had hardare payne pan had he. ryfe hyme for-pi with Irne scharpe, þat he na wil haf þis to carpe, & erare gere hyme grane oft cyse, þane he haf mycht ws til dispŷse." & as þe tyrand þis cane say, sanct vincent smylit quhare he lay, & sad: "wrytine men ma fynde þat men seand sal be blynde, & men als wele erande sal haf na hape til vndirstande. sa farris fore suth now of þe, þat cane nocht vndirstand me; bot, for I grant my lord is son of be fadir of blis, & als with pame þe haly gaste— þai thre ar ane, quha can taste,— & here-to ber I leile witnes, & neuir þar-of sal cese, to grant be suth þu sais I nyte, & seis nocht in þi-self be wyte. bot torment al þat þu ma; for I be suth sal alway say; na neuir sal þu ourcume me, bot euir ourcumyne sal þu be." þane dacyane of fellone wil vincentis body beheld til, & saw be blud nocht anerly ryne fra his sydis plentuisly, bot be self bowelis als saw he 202. crawit. 218. vndirstandand. 223. & here to for I. 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 266 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in gret part vncouerit be; na of his lymmis wes a lith for torment lefit ane wthire with. & þar-of wes he nocht content, bot ekit mare his torment. 240 quod he: "lo, dacyane, behald & se hou wele þu rewengis me of þame þat payne dois me til, & of þi-selfe, a-gane þi wil; for þai to torment are wery, 245 & to thole ay fresch ame I, & þu in hart has mare sorow of payne, þan I haf be fere now." þane dacyane lud cane rare one his tormentouris þare: "werchis, 3e falze alowte, na docht ze ocht but ony doute, 250 & pis vincent 30ure tormentis al dispicis gret & smal!" 1 þe tormentouris, þat schamyt ware, 255 tuk yrne kamys, þat bat sare, & of vincent þe skine rawe efte quhare-euir befor it bare wes lefte, & mad his ribbis þan sa bare, þat his guttis wele sene ware. 260 quod dacyane: "me think it war sped þu had reutht of þi zouthede, & lef self-wil & treu to me, þat þi lyf ma recouerit be." quod vincent: "of wenomose tonge 265 þat tysis me, þo I be zung, fenzeand of me til haf mercy & wald my sawle sla vtrely, I dred þe nocht, na ocht þat þu ma gere mare be done me now; 240. bot ekit ware. 270 260. pis his. XXXVII. VINCENCIUS. 267 Fol. 290 a. bot ay [be] faryare I þe se, þe mare blith euir sal I be ; sa sal þu persawe richt wele bu art discomfit ilke dele." pane of þe frame he bad hym tak, þat hale had nothire lith na þak, & sped [hyme] one but abade til ane gret fyre and mad; & he sped hyme with gud wil þe payne of fyre to cume til. 275 280 þare a roste yrne wes mad bone, & one þat gret fyre syne laid done, & he on it wichtly wane, & bath wes bralit & brynt þan with yrne forkis, & thrussine done, for til eke his passione. 285 & yrne platis brynnand hat wes laid on hyme to mak hym mat. & þe tyrand in ful gre[t] Ire gert cast salt in-[to] be fyre, thinkand he mycht na payne mare do til hyme to sow hyme sare. þane son his bowelis al 290 ruschit owte, gret & smal. 3et blithly stil he lay, 295 his ene til hewine dressit ay, prayand god ful Ithandly, þat he to thole mycht be worthy, & þat he in thank wald ta 300 þat sacrifice mad hyme swa. & as to dacyane tald wes of his sa gret stedfastnes, "alace! alace!" sad dacyane, "we are ourcumyne al Ilkane! ga put hyme in a depe dongeon, 276. lith na bak. 305 297. prayand god fore. 268 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. quhare dais licht ma nocht cum doê, & vndir hyme [sal] be nocht ellis to ly apone bot brokine schellis, & sa strekit ze lefe hyme pare, fete and hand[is] bundyne sare. 310 & gyf ende be one hyme mad in þat maner, tel me but bad!" þane be wikit seruandis sone his bydding hale has done. bot sone in-[to] be myrk dongeone 315 a passand licht of hewine com done, & þe scharpnes of þe schellis til hym wer as rose wele smellis; 320 Fol. 290 b. & his fete þat bundine ware, softly lousit for-owtine sare; & angelis mad hyme solace & gret Ioy in-to pat place. he sang with þame in melody, & þe son wes hard in hy. pane keparis of be presone, þat thru smal holis lokit done, 325 war richt rad, as þai had sene It þat þar downe wes done vith den, & for pe sicht [pat] pai saw pare, conuertit al but ony mar. 330 þane dacyane as wodman can fare, & sad: "quhat sal we do hym mare? for me think ws al scumfite. til a softe bed beris hym tyte, & fosteris hyme wele in al wyse, 335 til he begyne to waryse. pane we ma punyse hyme efte, til ony lyf be in hyme lefte." 328. wes done vt dē. 335. fosterit. 334. þai bare hym. 336. til he begane. XXXVII. VINCENCIUS. 269 as dacyane dewisit, pai dide; & til a softe bed son hyme lede; & [he] 3ald þe gest on til hewine, fra cristis birth reknand ewine twa hundir auchty & aucht zere. & emperouris pat tyme were þis fellone diocliciane, & be todir maxi[mi]ane. þane mad dacyane gret wa þat he wes discumfit sa; “bot 3et sal I but remede 340 345 punyse his body þat is dede.” 350 þane gert he his body bere al bare to bestis & foulis þat fellon ware, til ete hyme bath stout & rout, of na man þane haffand doute. bot god, for quham he wes dede, vthir wais set remede. 355 be angelis zemsel, þat na beste mycht tuth lay on hyme, mast ne leste, a rewand rawine come in hy, quhare be haly corce cane ly, 360 & tholit na foule cum it nere, & a wolfe in pe sammyn manere. & as dacyane þis herde, as wod nere he ferde, & bad pe corce suld be tane, 365 & til It bundine a mylstane, Fol. 291 a. & castine fere in-to be se; for, po it mocht nocht etyne be one dry land with ony beste, It suld in þe se, at þe leste, be eteyne of fel bestis þare. & þai his byding [cane] ful 3are. 343. aucht 3eris. 350. punyst. 370 270 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. bot, or þai bat-men þat had hyme schot in þe se, [to] land mycht wyne, þai fand be corse one þe sand, as it wes befor lyande. bot son in til a vysione reuelit it wes til a matrone, þat yddir come, & wthir ma, & be body away cane ta, & mad it a faire sepulture of cost gret & of cure of walence in þe cyte, 375 380 quhare euir it lowit sal be. of his martir sancte augustine sais 385 þat sanct vincent ourcom alvais, "for in herd payne ay ourcôm he þat war mocht nane disesit be, & in-to wordis dacyane he ourcome & his men ilkane, & in þe fyr our-come he, & our-come castine in þe se." sancte ambrose sais in [his] preface þat sancte vincent tormentit ves, 390 byrsit, beft, [and] brynt, bot he 395 for ony payne mycht nocht ourcumine be, bot his thocht wes vnmowit ay, sa ferme wes he in cristis fay; for po he brynt wes in pe fyre, in hewine hale wes his desyre, 400 & stratar to god wes he bundine, bane til oucht in warld wes fundine, & til ples god wes mar sete, pane ocht þat wes in þe markete, & to de had mar zarnyng to pis varld þane to hevinis king. 393. prophecy. 394. tormentis. 405 XXXVII.-VINCENCIUS. 271 til hyme par-for, þat had sic grace of god þat he sa stedfast wes, we pray hyme with hartly wil, sic grace he wil get ws til, of his lyf þat we ma twyne bath but det & dedly syne. 410 Fol. 291 b. XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. E tyme þat maximiane þe stat of be empyre had tane, It tyd hyme [to] cum, as we rede, to be cyte of nichomede, & þar to mak sacrifice til syndry ydolis on his wyse ; & gef byding þar til al pai þat come nocht sacrifice to ma, but delay suld de Ilkane, & al þar gudis suld be tane & gefine as eschete to pame þat for sic cause had ony slane. for-bi folk mony fundine ware, þat for to sla sik wald nocht spare, & befor vthir þai slew al þat Ihesu criste þar lord durst cal. & pis persecucione wel lang tyme wes sa fellone, þat nane durst nere vthire schau þat he wes cristine, for gret aw. na þe fadir durste nocht say to be son he held cristis fay. for in sic doute war þai pane, þat nane durst tel his wil to man, 1. Initial letter wanting. 10. goddis. 8. nocht to sacrifice to ma. 19. schou. 5 сл ΙΟ 15 20 XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 273 quhat of gudis for drednes, 25 & quhat of herd paynis pe distres. zet þan war discouerit pare thretty & thre in þat swithware, & brocht son befor þe kynge, þat one pis wyis mad franyng: "зunge men, 3e byrd wel knaw 30 of lordis þe fellone [1]aw a-gane cristine men þat þai haf mad, þat wil nocht sacrify but bad." þai sad, þai [had] herd sic thing, 35 & demyt it bot ful hething & wikitnes and gret foly, þat cristine men suld cryste deny. þar-at richt gryme wes þe king, & bad his tormentouris son bring 40 skurgis of senoñis felly mad, & gert þame dungyne be but bad, & notyt wel for price ab ad þe ansuere þat ilkane mad. syne gert he þame with yrne be bundyn 45 & in to presone als be thrungyne. bot be lyknes of manis thocht þai paynis grewit paim rycht nocht. [a] mychty knicht þan stud by of hye office & seiznory, 50 & of pe emperure had tane þat stat, & callit wes adryane, & to be stedfestnes had hede of þai men pat na paynis cuth dred, 55 Fol. 292 a. & sad: "gud men, I coniure 30w be be name of 3oure lord Ihesu, ze tel me quhat rewarde ze think til hafe eftyrwarde VOL. II. 49. mychty king. S 3 274 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for sic tormentis as ze tak here for 30ure god with glad chere." þane ansuert þai al as ane, & sad one [til] adryane: (6 sa gret reward haf we, [pu] trew, for þir paynis we tak now, þat manis sicht mycht neuir it se, na with manis [er] herde be, na be comprysit in manis wit hou mykil and gret blise is It, þat god has grathit plentuisly for þame þat luffis hyme parfitly." pane Adryane forowte mare J 60 65 70 in myddis of al þat ware pare lape furth to pame, & sad: "not me with þame pat cristine men wil be; for my tyme gane by I bane 75 þat I wes nocht cristine mane. get wil I, po it lat be, to criste and his treutht tak me, & ydolis here forsakis ay, for ocht þat man ma do ore say." 80 & quhene be emperoure pis herde, as nere owte of wit he ferde, for adryane sad sa vtrely þat he wald neuire sacryfy; 3et gert he hyme be brocht hym til, 85 & sperit gyf þat wes his wil. & for Adryane sad: "za," he gert his tormentouris hyme ta, & in Irne bundine faste, in hard presone gere hyme caste. pane his wyfe, natalia, þat herd hou he bundine wes sa, rafe hyre clathis and drew hyre hare, fore na womane lufit man mare. 90 XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 275 Fol. 292 b. bot quhene scho wiste for cristis fay þat he sa in presone lay, cane nane tel þe Ioy scho made. & to presone pane [rane] but bade, & fore Ioy faste gretand, kissit be fetris þat hyme band, & syne be fetris of al pai þat for lyk cause ware bundine sa; for scho wes cristine, bot fore doute to þat tyme scho leit nocht owte. pane sad scho til hir husband sone: "blissit be þu þat þis has done! for I say be, my husband dere, þat þu has fundine now but were sic riches, þat nane of þi kyne befor his day war worth to wyne, sic riches quhare-of þai hafe ned, to hewynnis blis þat wil þam sped; for þe tyme cumis quhene nane sal gyfte, na zet ocre be tane, & quhene nane sal vthir relefe, hou-euire to pame þai be lewe, as for to les pame of [bar] payne, suppos þai wald neuir sa fane ; na þe fadir sal nocht be of mycht to helpe þe son, parde; na þe modir sal no mare helpe be douchtir, fra þai hyne fare; 95 ΙΟΟ 105 IIO 115 I20 na þe lord helpe his mane; na frend helpe frend for al he cane; na riches na possessoure 125 sal helpe mañ in-[to] þat stoure; for riches, be he neuir sa sle, sal lefe hyme al, quhen he sal de. par-for is riches nan sa gud 109. þis kyne. 123. na pe lord helpis his mane. 276 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. as trew in god with mayne & mud, & al fals ydolis til forsak, 130 & cese to syne & baptysme tak, & of be riches he has here mak hurde in hewine, quhare na were Is; & sa bruke sal he þat ilke blis, 135 þat god has grathit for al his, quhene ilke mane sal resawe but were rewarde as þai mak cause here." & quhene scho had sic sermone mad, þat he be warld suld dispit but bad, & al pe Ioy þat is þare-in, & frend and falouys & his kyne, & treuly drese his hart ful ewine euir to be blis of hewine, sir Adryane cane til hir say: "my gud cystire, ga þi way, &, or to ded we led be, I sal cume & spek with þe, 140 145 & cal þe, to se our passione, to pass to god quhen we are bone." 150 hir husband scho commendit þan to pai thretty & thre men, & pame, to confort hyme, can pray, & tuk hir leif & wend hir way. Fol. 293 a. sone eftyr a-pone ane, It wes tald to sir Adryane þe certane day quhene þat he 155 to thole be ded suld callit be. with geileris þane cane he trete with faire giftis & riches grete, & borowis alsua for hyme fande al þai menze ware in bande, þat he, þe space of ouris twa, 160 mycht haf lefe til his wyf to ga; for he wes obliste til his wyfe 165. & for he wes. 165 XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 277 to speke with hir in-to his lyfe. & pus leife he gat, & he sped hyme besyly til his awne in. þane cumand, a knawine mañ saw hyme; & hame he ran, & to natalia tald he, hir husband wes of pressone fre, "&, lo, he cummys here now." bot til his tale scho ne wald treu, bot sad: "quha had þat pouste to mak hyme of presone fre? god forbed it sa fal, þat he lefe his falouys al, quhare þai ar bundine in a stede, "" & fle fra þame for dout of dede!' þane sad hir seruand: "my lord here Is cummyne of pressone, for-owt were." þane wend scho þat he flede, martirdome for he drede. scho gret pane fast & mad Il chere. quhene scho saw hyme cumand nere, scho rase, & agayne hyme can spare dure and get with hart sare, & sad: "fare be þat man fra me, þat fra god falline is he; & god forbed it me betyde to spek with hyme or be besyde, þat fayntly has his lord nyt, 170 175 180 185 190 & tholit neuir of ficht a fyt!" til hyme scho turnyt þane, 195 & sad: "but god þu wrechit man, quhat ned þe to begyne þe thing þat þu mycht nocht bring til ending; or quhat gert þe departe, bu say, fra fallouys þat in presone lay? or tel me quhare-for þu flede, to ficht befor þat þu wes nede, 200 278 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 293 b. or quhy þu fled, seand na payne, na namane fichtand þe agane, or [hou] durst þu for schame fle, seand na arrow schot at þe? & I had ferly quhene I wiste þat þu, þat wes a paiane firste, but god of kynd of wikit men, hou þu had grace criste for to kene, or quha of þe offerand mad to criste,-and þu fra hym pis slad! allace! allace! harmys ay, quhat sal I wrech[it] woman say, quhat sal I say, quhat sal I do, þat sic a man is couplit to? god, wald þu lene me of þi grace þe tyme of ane 3ere of space, þat I be wyfe mycht callit be 205 210 215 of hyme þat marterit ware fore pe! 220 bot erar of a transgressoure of goddis law and trygetoure, now sal I callit be be wyfe. þat gerris me Irk of my lyfe. I wend a cristine man þu had bene, 225 bot now is wele pe contrar sene; þu did nocht ellis, I se now, bot to god mad a clasine how. for-pi in sclandir mone we ay be had hyne to domysday." 230 quhene Adryane had herd þis, his hart wes ful of bleumand blis, & ferlyt þat sic stedfastnes in a woman fundine was, þat zunge wes & of bewte, & of noble blud, al thre, & but cumpany of mane 214. quhat sal I wreche weman say. 234. fundis was. 235 XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 279 had four & twenty oukis ben þane, & wes of brukil kynd þare-to, on quhat manere suld cum hyr to sic wordis for to spek hyme til. 240 for-pi mare ardent wes his wil hard martirdome til vndirga, quhene he til hire spek tent can ta, lattand hir say quhat scho wil. 245 for-pi he held lang tyme stil; & quhene he schaw scho sic way mad and torment hir-selfe say, he wes anoyt increly, Fol. 294 a. & sad til hir: "my dere lady & my wif natalya, 250 ames bi-self, & faire nocht sa! for my wil wes neuir, dred nocht, to do sa as þu has thocht, for martirdome I think nocht fle; 255 bot I cume for to cal one þe, as I hicht þe befor, þat þu mycht cume to se oure processione now. 3et trewit scho nocht hyme fully, bot sad til hyme angrely: 260 "I pray 30w, herknes here, & se hou goddis fa wald dissawe me, as trespassoure agane goddis law, þat to le has nane aw mar þane quhylume had Iudas, þat to betraise criste hardy was!" quhene he had lang standine pare, & herd pis schame & als mare, ful mekly til hir cane he say: "myne awne dere wyf, I be pray lat me cume in & speke with þe! fra þine-furth sal þu nocht me se. 264, þat to be. 265 270 280 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & gyf þu ne do, quhen I am dede, þu sal mak dule but remede, for þu [ne] wald spek with me now. ane vthir thing als þu trew, 275 þat þai pat ar borowis fore me for my lang duelling, slane sal be; 280 & po I pare-of hafe schame, anence god þu sal haf blame, quhene pe marteris for þi thra wil mone thole for me aganis skil." natalia þane in hyme lete, & athire fel til vtheris fete, & at þe erde a tyme la sa, with hartis sare makand wa. & eftyr son on fet þai wane, & to be presone fast þai rane, & par-in son wane he 285 to freth his borowis & mak fre. 290 natalia hyme folouyt ewine, & wes par with [hyme] dais sewine, & of þai sekmen, þat quhilis with a faire clath scho clengit þare bilis, & softyt hurtis þat ware sare, 295 & listly als kemmyt þare hare, & with hir handis dryit þare fete with a faire & clene schete, Fol. 294 b. & did þame al þe ese scho mocht, 300 as þe tyme stud, & sparit nocht. & quhene cumyne wes be day, þat þai apere suld but delay, be emperour gef commaundment þat þai suld be til hym present. pane war þai of presone brocht, bot nothir ga na stand þai mocht, bot men one barowis þaim bare, 273. quhen I in dede. 290. to frech his borowis. 305 303. gif. XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 281 rycht as þai dede bodys ware, & to be emperour war sa present, for þai mycht nocht ga. þane adryane, be-cause þat he wes nocht pynyt in sic degre, 310 ran eftir þaim with gladsum faire, po his handis bundine ware be-hynd his bake. & soone [wes] tan 315 & stentit out one a frame, & sa dicht bot recouere wes laid befor þe emperoure. natalia hyme folouyt ay, & sic wordis til hyme can say: 320 "my gud husband, po pu se hard tormentis be dicht for þe, be nocht abasit ony way, bot Ihesu criste haf in mynd ay! for torment here sal tyt be done; þane þu sal haf Ioy eftir sone of angelis, þat with suet stewine 325 sal blythly bere þi saule in hewyn; þan sal þou sadly lofe god pou mocht throu a schorte payne yddir be brocht." 330 þe emperoure til adryane sad: "has þu zete consal tane qu[h]ethir þu wil sacryfy til oure goddis þat ar mychtty, & lif & bruk þi firste pouste & þi worschepe & dingnite, ore þu wil zete in criste trew 335 & thole par-for bittyr ded now?" þane ansuert hyme sir Adriane, & sad: "my consel I haf tane, bat is, þat I sa[1] worchipe ay hye god in hewine & kepe his fay, 312. pyniyt. 313. pan eftir. 340 282 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. na sal neuir fal fra þat entent for ony manere of torment." þane wes he sare with scurgis befte, 345 rywine & rente & dungine efte. natalia pane with gud wil Fol. 295 a. þir tothir sanctis þis tauld til, hou adryane begonnyne hade to be martyr & wes nocht made. 350 zet adryane with blitht faire sad, maumentis nocht ellis ware bot kistis, mad craftely, quhar-in þe feyndis mocht herbry, men to dissawe & to brynge, þat til ydolis gefe trewyng, to be ay-lestand pyne of hel, quhar þai sal to-gyddir duel. þe emperoure hyme moneste þan þat he suld nocht his godis bane, na þame sclaundir na missay. pane adryane, pat bundine lay, sad: "gyf I be torment sare for I þame wary þat nocht are, hou suld þu but payne pas away, þat dredis nocht god to missay?" þe emperour sad: "3et think me þat fals men has begylit þe." pane adryane ansuert hym til, & said: "certis, pu seis ful Il quhene pu paim callis dissawouris, of crystis treutht þat ware doctouris, & tacht men quhou þat þa mycht hald hy[n]e þe way to verray lycht." natalia pane besy was to tel þe wordis mare & les til al þe haly cumpany, 348. þis tothir sanctis. 352. mare. 355 360 365 370 375 XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 283 þat bad par dom nere pare-by. pane furth come campyonis foure, & al stud adryane atoure, 380 & dange hyme til þai ware wery. natalya þane in gret hy went to be haly folk, þat ware for goddi's sake sa punyste sare, & tald be payne þat adryane 385 with tholmodnes for god had tane, & al be demaundis, þat ware mad til hyme, & his ansuere. & adryane in þe mene-tyme wes put to sic torment & pyne, 390 þat al þe guttis hyme withine brak out-sa rewine wes þe skine. zete sa wes he nocht lefte, bot in hard bandis bundine eft, 395 Fol. 295 b. & with þe forsad sanctis sowne dispytuisly in presone done, til þai wikit men avysit ware hou þai wald punyse hym sarare. þis adryane wes of gret state & 3ung, faire and delycat, 400 & of he kyne þat michty ware, & of elde thretty & aucht 3ere. pane his zung wif natalia, þat zunge was & faire alsa, come to be presone, & hyme fand in bandis wyd opyne lyand, 405 & nothir hale had lith na lyme, na ocht ellis in his skine. pane set scho don nere hyme by, as hyr nocht aylit, sobyrly, & hyr harme vndir his hed lad, 401. þe kyne. 379. campyons. 402. & of elde ane & thretty & aucht 3ere. 378. don. 410 284 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & hyme be-haldand pis-gat sad: "gud husband, blissit is pu, þat þusgat has seruit now of þe fare nowmir for to be of haly men, & reste in le; blissit be þu, of myne ene licht, in erde þat me beste confort mycht; B. 415 for þu has tholit for hym sare, þat bocht ws þat wnworthy ware. 420 þar-for, my suet, til hym now ga, of his gret blis part for to ta.” þane, quhene be emperour pis herd tel, Angrey he wes & ful cruel, þat syndry matron[is] had accesß 425 to be presone, þame to refresche & to conforte pame ware þare; he bad þai suld cume no mare to conforte pame [&] to remede, & wndir payne of deide. 430 & sone, fra natalya herd þat it wes ordenit sa, hyr har scho gerte cut of þane, & tuk hir clething of a mane, & sa gat lefe, & duelt [bar] stil, 435 þai haly men to serue til, & entysit gud womene sere for to do be sammyne manere. & wndir sic colour as pis þai did gret ese to be sanctis. þane prayt scho richt increly hyr husband, þat in payne can ly, 440 Fol. 296 a. þat, quhene cumyne he ware in hewyn to duel þar with angelis stewine, at god til hyr he wald purchese, til scho lifit til haf sic grace, 425. matron. 445 432. þat is. XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 285 þat scho mycht here wnuemmyt be, bot for to de in chastyte, & þat scho mycht son of þis lyfe cume til his loy, quhare is na strife. 450 þe emperoure herd eftir sone hou be matron[is] had done, & was ware na woud in hy, & gert bryng hyme a gret steþi. sone þai sanctis furth ware brocht, þat of þame-selfe litil wrocht, 455 & to be stedy brocht wes pane of þame eftir wthire man & man, & gert þar theis brokine be sa smal, þat men mycht merch se, 460 þat þai mycht be pynyt sa befor pai to ded suld ga. & syne, mare pyne þame to do, he bad men suld gang [þame] to & strik fra þame lym eftir lyme, for þai wald nocht obey til hyme. þane wes natalya ful rad, þat, gyf adryane sene had 465 þai marteris be sa with delte, þat his hart for dred suld melt, 470 & for sic dout criste to forsake. & for sic dout requeste scho can make þat firste fra sir Adryane ane of his lymmis suld be tane fra hyme foroute hartly offence, giffand hyme hartly pacience, [pat] til vthyr, gif ony were paynis had tholit befere, sa he mycht in sume thing in paynis be to pame ewinlyng. at hyre requeste but ony mare 452. matron. 465. & bad strik. 475 480 286 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 296 b. his hand wes strikine of þare; & he to god pane 3ald be geste, þat hyme resawit in til haste. & al þe lawe but ony doute be lymmys fra þame strekit oute, & tormentouris pame of strak tyte dispitusly, foroute respyte. & sa resawit þai þe dede with pacience in þat [ilk] stede, & wane sa þe Ioyful crone, þat in hewine to þaim wes bon. þe emperoure pane in gret yre þar gert mak a gret fyr, 485 490 & gerte þame al be castine in, 495 in poudre wenand þaim to bryne. bot pis natalia zet pane stal a hand of hyre awne man, & in hir bousume gat it sone, & syne bad til al wes done. 500 bot eftir, quhen scho tent can ta þat al pai sanctis brynt wer sa, scho wald haf ronnyne in þe fire, til haf brynt hir bane & lyr, þat scho mycht be parthenare with þai þat say consumyt ware. bot god, þat disponis wele al, 505 of þe hewine a rayne gert fal, sa wyolent & fellonny, þat þe fyr slokit wes in hy, & be bodyis of al pai 510 þat in þe fyre wes castyn sa, vnbrynt haile fundine ware, & wnuemmyt in hyd ore hare. syne eftir lang þat þis wes don & cristine men ware a-boñ, 515 be commowne consel, gud & sad, 517. pe commowne. XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 287 in processe of tyme þai ware had to constantinnople, & þare þai war enterit with fel faire, quhene pece to haly kirk ves lent. & pane of tyme by wes went 520 twa hundre and aucht schore of zere fra Ihesu criste oure flesch tuk here, to quhome al Ioy 30ldine be 525 of al cristine & of me. [I]n þis meyne-tym duelt at hame natalia, to kepe hyr fame, & in clenes held þe hand of sir Adryane, hir husbande, & vndir hir heid lad it to kepe, quhethir scho cane wak ore slepe. of hir husband scho had sic thocht, þat for-zet hyme scho nocht mocht. a lang tyme þan passit by, a tribune, þat wes mychty, beheld to pis natalia, & wes anawmerit of hir sa þat til his wyf he wald hir haf, 530 535 for scho faire wes abeof be lafe, 540 Fol. 297 a. & cummyne of kine of gret honoure. for-þi in hy to be emperoure he went & askit hir to wede, & his wil gat hastly & spede. & sa [pat] he mycht get þe wil 545 of hyr-self þat weding til, þe trybune til natalia, þane matronis gert sone ga, to tel hir [pat] he wald hir wede for teyndir luf, & bring to bed, & he be emperouris wil & his consent had gottine pare-til ; 531. lat it. 545. & sa be mycht gat he wil. 550 288 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. fore-pi be þame he hire requerit, to gyf hyme ansuere sic as afferit. & as pis herd natalia, warly sic ansuere can scho ma: "hou suld grow sic grace to me, þat sa michty lord as he wald deigne me til tak to wif ore with me to leid his lyf, & pare-to with pe emperoure is mykil lowit & in honoure? 555 560 quhy suld I nocht grant hyme til his 3arnynge gladly til fulfil? þare-for ze tel hyme þat I his wil to fulfil is al redy, 565 bot þat he gudly grant to me þe space of twa dais ore thre, þat I ma purway me to ga in honeste sic band to ma." nocht-pane þis ansuere sutelly scho gef to pame & couertly, þat scho mycht purches sum remede 570 to flit in-[to] sume wthir stede. & quhene be matronis a-way ware, 575 scho prayt þare god, gretand sare, þat he wald hire wnuemmyt kepe. & par-with scho fel one slepe ; & of þire sanctis til hire aperit ane, &, as I treu, sir adryane, 580 & spak til hire rycht teyndirly, & conforte hire debonarly, & bad hire pas but [mar] delay, þar quhare al þai sanctis lay, & þat hir bone suld be hir tyd for be benefice scho pame ded. þane waknyt scho of pat slepe, 567. bot þat ze. 584. þat quhare. 585 XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 289 Fol. 297 b. & to pai wordis tuk gud kepe, & of cristine a cumpany scho gat, and to be sey in hy went, & nocht with hire bare bot adryanis hand but mare, 590 & schippit son, & lefit be land, to god of hewine paim commendand. bot quhene be trybune herd say 595 hou sleily scho gat away, he tuk a gret cumpany of stout knychtis & mychty, & of schippis gret pleynte, & folouyt hyre one be see. 600 bot þane sone a gret wynd rase, & to be trybune contrare was, & scalit his nawine to & fra, bat [fele] of pame to grond can ga, & sume fayne to kepe pare life 605 of þat storme eftir þe stryf. & as he storme maste fellone was, þe feynd in-[to] þe lyklynes, as pame thocht, of a marynare one be sey to pame can apere in a bat, þo it fantasy wes, & loud one þame can cry: "ze þat are with natalia in his storme castine to & fra, I tel zou, ze saile nocht richt in be myrknes of pis nycht. lattis me wit quhen come 3e, & in quhat hawine 3e wald be, & I sal wis zou be rycht way." þe marynere can til hyme say : * for he wald in sic place þaim bring, After 620 some verses are wanting, but there is no break in the MS. VOL. II. Τ 610 615 620 290 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. quhare þai mycht peryse but helping. be maistere gert þe steris-man to be left hand stere hym pane. bot in a bat þane ful nere, sir adryane til þame can apere, & bad þame þane but lat Fol. 298 a. 625 to be richt hand þe stere set, & dresse þame to hald þare trad in-to be sey as þai first had. 630 pan tald he to pame opynly þat þe fals feynd slichtfully put þame to sic parele, þat þai suld drone in-[to] schort quhile: "bot I sal leid 30u, god helpand, 635 quhare ze wald be, to be rycht land." pane befor þaim, as þai thocht, he rowit, &, as pai saile mocht, þai folouyt hyme at al þar mycht, as for pe maste part of þe nycht. 640 & as he day be-cuth to clere, þat men mycht se fere & nere, natalia knew hire husbande at þame þe next gat led to land. & fra scho saw sir adryane, 645 in hart gret Ioy [pane] has scho tane. pane to constantinople come þai hale & sownd in dawing of day. natalia þane richt zare sperit quhare pe marteris ware 650 enterrit; & fra scho wiste, yddir scho sped but ony riste, & gert rype quhare pe bodys ware. & adryane sa gat scho pare, 655 & laid his hand to be body, & þai assemblit sone in hy, in al degre, als faire & queme XXXVIII.-ADRIAN. 291 in his lyf as he had bene. þane in gud deuocione scho mad to god hire oracione, & thankit hyme in hartly wil of al gud deid don hire til, & namely of be ded bat he til hir did pare, þat al mycht se. & quhen scho had lang increly mad hire prayere, scho wes wery & fel one slepe; & adryane til hir aperit sone one ane, 660 665 & haliste hir hamely, & bad hir glad be, & mery; 670 for scho suld bruk with hym þe pece in lestand Ioy, þat nocht suld cese. þane waknyt scho in haste, & tald þis al to leste & maste, & at þaim al hire leif [scho] tuk, 675 & 3ald þe gaste, as sais þe buk. pane tuk þai hire body, & hir husbandis laid it by, þat in his lif scho luffit maste next fadir, soñ & haly gaste. als wisly I pray þai twa, þat in þare lif vthire luffit sa, owt of his lyf þat we ma twene but schame, det, & deidly syne. 684. ded. 680 XXXIX.-COSME & DAMYANE. F haly messe in þe secre syndry sanctis set we se, þat sere men wat nocht quhen & quhare, na of quhat meryt þai ware, or quhy þai suld in sic degre Fol. 298 b. in messe befor vthir sete be. for-pi here wil I spek sume thing of twa, þat worth ware [gret] lowing, & ar contenyt in pe mes for þar gud lyfe & halynes. & cosynas wes þe tane, & syne be thothir damyane. & twa twynnis pai ware, & a gud wyfe pame bare, & callit wes theodera, in be cyte of egea. & pare modir, þat cristine was, þame fosterit in al halynes, 5 ΙΟ 15 & tacht þame in 3uthede pare god to luf wele & drede. & for pa had na herytage to mak dispence gret ore large, þar modir til a crafte þaim set, quhare-of pai mycht þare liffin[g]e get. þat wes crafte of medycyne, 1. First letter wanting. 20 25 18. & fosterit. XXXIX.-COSME & DAMYANE. 293 quhare-in þai ware parfyt syne, þat, helpand be haly gaste, al seknes pai couerit in haste; & þat in men nocht anerly, bot [als] in bestis, parfytly. bot gyft for þare craft nocht wald þai tak, for al men mocht, bot frely þar crafte þai gefe til al þai saw mystere hafe. in þat cyte wes a matrone, þat of gret gudnes had renon, & had to name palladya; 30 35 bot sik a seknes cane hire ta, þat scho mycht get na hele of ony þat with pat crafte wald dele. for-pi, quhen scho hard be fame 40 of cosynus and damyane, scho come til þame, & tald al hou be-tyd hir, gret & smal. & pai, haffand of hyre pytte, in þe name of þe trynite 45 did say til hire but [mar] delay, þat hale & sownde scho went away. pane of hir gud scho bad in hy; 50 bot it to tak þai hire deny. þe matrone zet tuk damyane, fra his bruthire be hyme ane, & prayt hyme for goddis sake of hire a smal gyfte to take. Fol. 299 a. & he gruchit it for to ta; bot scho get hyme coniurit sa be goddis name & his mycht, & al his halowis oñe hicht, & for be luf of oure laydy, þat he It tuk tarowandly. 55 60 & þat wes nocht fore gredines 294 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. of þe gyft þat gewine wes, bot to mak satisfaccione to be wyfis deuocione, for to dispyt he wes rad be mycht, quhare-by scho coniurit had. & quhen cosynus wyste þat he hire gyfte had tane in sic degre, he gef byddyng, þat, quhen þat þai ware ded & suld be laid in clay, þat of his bruthire pe body in a grawe suld nocht with hyme ly. bot god aperit to cosynas þat nycht, quhare he slepand was, & wele excusit damyane of þe smal gyfte he had tane, þe quhilk erare of dout of hyme he tuk, erare pane gud to wyne. be fame son of bare halynes 65 70 75 was wyd spred, & þe gudnes, & hou þat al þat þame socht, þai gef heile & tuk rycht nocht, & þat als wele of beste as man. þe proconsul helesyas pane sa besyly gert þame be socht, þat þai ware sammyne til hym brocht. & firste pare names speryt he, quhyne þai ware, & of quhat cunctre, & quhat bare fortone wes with-al- he sperit at þame, gret & smal. þe marteris pane sad hyme til: 66 oure namys wit & þu wil, Cosynus is giffine me name, & to my bruthire damyane; & oure cunctre is araby; bot as of fortone, sekirly, 75. wald. 80 85 90 95 XXXIX.-COSME & DAMYANE. 295 Fol. 299 b. gud cristine meñ, sa haf I blis, cane na-thing wit quhat forton is. zet haf we vthire brethire thre, & þar names we tel þe. ane is callit anytimus, & ane vthire bamicius, & eupynus is þe thryd." þane cane pe fellon Iuge byd, til ydolis þai suld be had, & sacrify but a-bade, he sad. & gyf þai gruchit to do sa, he bad wicht meñ suld þame ta, & bynd þame handis & fete faste, & syne dyng til aynd mycht leste. bot be sanctis mad hethyng þat þai sa faste can pame dinge. þane bad he bynd þame faste, & fer in-to be se pame caste. & son his bydding haf þai done. bot goddis angelis com þan sone, & lousit pame [bath] fut & hande, & set þame sound of dry lande. & eftyr ware þai agane brocht to be proconsul, pat ferly thocht at his men þame nocht dronyt had. for-bi he sad þame but abad: "I suere 30w be be goddis al, þat I honoure & euire honoure sal, þat ze be weschcrafte oure-cume me & my meñ al & sume, for of tormentis 3ou rekis nocht, &, in pe se quhen ze ware brocht, ze ware no mare dronit þare, 100 105 IIO 115 I 20 125 2 bot lay softe as 3e slepand ware. 130 ken me pare-for 3oure crafte, & I 129. dressit. 296 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in be name of my goddis mychtty, or in þe name of adryane, þat is be maste god of ilkane, I sal folow you but bade. "" & scantly sad þis word he had, quhene twa feyndis apperit pare, & dang hyme in pe face rycht sare. þane cryit he rycht putusly: gudmen, I pray you helpe in hy; to youre god for me 3e pray, þat he me helpe but delay!' "" to god pane prayt þai for hym bath, & be feynd[is] fled away rath. 135 140 Fol. 300 a. & quhene be consul wist þat pai "gudmen, be-haldis now & se fled, pane said he but delay: hou my goddi's ware wrath with me & with pe nefis one me layd, þat I wald leife þame, for I said; þar-for wil I thol na way þat my goddis 3e mare myssay. "} a gret fyre þane gert he be mad & caste þame in bath but abad; bot, þai vnhurt in hare ore hyd, be fellone lou scalyt wyde, & of þa folk mony brynt in al syd ore it stynt. þe proconsul pan, þat wes wrath, commaundit men to tak þame bath, & in a frame stent þame stratly. þane his byding wes done in hy. bot goddis angel wes pane nere, & kepit þame bath haile & fere, til tormentouris sa wery ware, þat þai had mycht to do na mare. 150. leife pare. 145 150 155 160 165 XXXIX.-COSME & DAMYANE. 297 be consul zet gert þaim hyme bryng, þat of his paynis wiste na-thing bot ware als haile, blyth, & glad, as þai of payne na wit had, & bad men þat þire brethire thre in a dongeone suld thrungyne be, & þat cosmus and damyane fra his presence son suld be tane, & hangit hye but langare leit disputuisly one a gebeit, quhare al þe puple of þe stede mycht cume & stane þame to ded. þane presit faste ful mony ane þai haly marteris for to stane ; bot al þe stanis þai can caste, one þame-self fel at þe laste, & slew of þame rycht mony þare, & mony of þame wondit sare; 170 175 180 bot zet twechit nocht a stane sancte cosmus na sancte damyane. þe consul pane, þat þis has sene, wes sa schameful & sa tene- for na man wes þat cuth hym red hou he suld put þai men to ded— þat hyme falzeit wit & mycht, as man þat to be ded ware dycht. pane angrely pire bruthire thre, þat he in pressone gert done be, he gert bryng to þat place, quhare a hye tre fichit was; & tormentoris syne gert he ta be tothire haly brethire twa, & hang þame hye one þat tre. quhare foure knychttis but pyte þane schot at þame with [al] þare mycht. 201. pat schot. 185 190 195 200 298 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 300 b. bot be arrowis agane rycht turnyt, & sleu mony þare of pay [pat] wntreuful ware; bot goddis angel can pame were þat þai mocht na slepe pame dere. pane wes be conswle vndir tene & schamyt, quhen he pis had sene. for-pi he gert þai brethire fywe be tane & vnhedyt belywe; for wthir-wais cuth he nocht be rewengit, as hyme thocht. þe cristine, þat þane ware nere quhene bir marteris þis slane were, thocht quhou damyane had sad, þat his bruthire suld nocht be lad in til a grawe with hym; fore-pi pai war thochtful quhare gere hym ly. And, lo, [þar] tyd a ferly thing. as þai here-of had spekyne, a camel come rynnand þaim til, & sad pame, it wes goddis wil þat þai suld ly in a stede to-gyddir, quhene pai ware dede. þane ware þai astonyt gretumly, herand be camel speke clerly, 205 210 215 220 225 & þare-by þai kneu god wald þai in a grawe sammyne lay. par-fore in erde pai laid paim sammyn, for dout of god & gastly gaŋmyne. 230 & vndir dioclecyane be marteris of þis lyf wer tane, quhene of þe dat ware but were twa hundre gane sewine & auchty zere. [S]one eftire tyde percase þat a werkman sa wery wes 206. þai nocht. 207. pans wes. 235 XXXIX.-COSME & DAMYANE. 299 fore trawale, þat he fel one slepe, & rekles wes hyme-selfe to kepe, bot lay one [be] feild, gapand. & a serpent come crepand, & in his mouth enteryt but bad, & sa in-[to] his wame done slaid. & quhen he waknyt, hame he went, vnwittand þane hou he wes schent. bot eftire sene a-but mydnycht, as to reste he hyme dicht, 240 245 he feld paynis sa sare & fel þat gert hyme roydly rare & zel; for þat serpent hyme traualit sa, þat he ne wiste quhat to do for wa, 250 bot cryit ay in til a rane f. 331 a (!) apone cosman and damyane, prayand þame for goddis sake hyme of his sorou for to slake, & gert hyme frendis but delay bere one quhare pai sanctis lay. &, þo he hard & Il sted was, he fel one slepe for werynes. & as he serpent had entre 255 in at his mouth, as are sad we, 260 one þe sammyne wise it slad oute, seand al þat stud a-bowte. þane þai, seand bis ferly thinge, lowit god, & bellis cane ryng, & mad pe merakile sone kyde, hou be pai sanctis hyme betyde. 265 & þai sanctis he seruit ay fra þine one-til enday. [A] mañ in þat cunctre wes, hafand his erand to pas, his wyfe, he luffit atoure althing, 270 300 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. betacht þe sanctis in kepyne, & tacht hire takine, quhareby scho suld wit quhen scho suld cume hym to; sa in warld þar wes no ma 275 wiste þat takine bot þai twa. fore-þi þe feynd, oure fa fellone, þat in contrare ay of resone & of his kynd has wytinge of manis wil & prewe thing, sone be-thocht hyme of a wile, þat sympil woman to begyle. 280 & of a man be fourme can ta, & syne to be woman can ga, & sad, hire husband hym had send 285 hir to conforte & to mend, & for to tel hyre þat he wes for a tyme sted in sic a place, quhare hyme behowit a tym bid stil; pare-for worth hire cume hyme til, 290 "& to þat end he sad to me, þat I suld cume to feche þe.” pane sad scho: “ freynd, I treu pe nocht bot þu had þat takine brocht, þat, I treu, wiste no ma 295 bot we, quhen he went me fra.” pane sais þe warlou: "suth sais pu; þar-for, þat þu sal me treu, þis is be takine he send to þe, quhareby þu sal treu to me.” 300 3et wes scho dred[and] & sad pen: "be takine suthly wele I kene, bot, for I Recommendit wes to damyane & to cosynas, I wil þu grant til þare altere 275. þai wes. 305 XXXIX.-COSME & DAMYANE. 301 ga suere, & put me out of were, þat to my husband þu me bryng hale and fere but merryng. þane, þat done, I sal anter me but delay to pas with be." Fol. 331 6. þane wente ai to þe kyrk in hy, quhare pire twa sanctis cane ly, & [he can] suer one be altere 310 to bryng hyre bath hale & fere til hir husband but ony mare. 315 pane bounyt þai pame & furth fare, tyl It tyd þame percase to cume in-[to] a prywe place, quhare he thocht hyre for to sla, & fra hire horse [hir] cane he ta. 320 & scho, þat wes for hym hery, mad sare chere, & cane he cry: "now god of sancte damyane & of sancte cosyne, helpe one ane! for I ware nocht [in] þis sted now, 325 had I nocht trewit in-to 30w." pane come þai sanctis bath in hy, with a ful bricht cumpany, þat hyre rescuyt fra hire fa, þat durste nocht byd, fra þai com sa. 330 þane of þame sad til hire ane: 66 we are cosimus and damyane, to quhame pi husband tacht be, quhene he went of his cunctre. þare-for we cume in þi helpyng, & als for þu gef trewyng to be ath þat þi fellone fa ap-one oure altere he cane ma." be pape philep in Rome gert ma 333. to quhame I husband. 338. & one oure altere. 335 302 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. a kirk in honoure of pire twa, 340 quhare a man þaim seruice mad for his heile, þat cancre had, þat sa consumyt had his the, þat begare & crepele wes he. for-þi he prayt to þai twa 345 sanctis, til helpe hyme pan, sa þat be pame he mycht get his heile, & to pame he suld be seruand leile. syne hapnyt hyme a nycht to ly fore sorowfulnes al wery, 350 & saw pire sanctis cume hym til, til helpe hyme in gud wil, & brocht with pame enoynmentis fresche & yrnis scharpe to cut ded flesche. þane sad ane: "quhare sal we flesche get þis want to supple?" pane his bruthire til hym sad: "in þe kirkzard zestrewen wes lad ane ethiope, & 3et his flesche : 355 is caloure Inucht & als fres." 360 þe cancryt flesche þai schure away, & fillyt þar-of but delay, & it enoyntit syne with slicht, & slad one owte of his sicht. Fol. 332 a. with þat þe sek mane waknit swith, 365 & fand hyme hale, & wes rycht blyth, myslewand zet þat it wes he wes mad hale in sic degre. pare-for he cryit hely to sere men þat ware [hym] by, 370 & prayt þaim luf god but abad, þat þis merakil kyd had. 341. quhene a mañ. 353. enonуmentis. 342. contre had. 347. bot be þame. 361. contryk flesche. XXXIX.-COSME & DAMYANE. 303 þane, to prowe þis gret ferly, to be sad grawe þai send in hy, & fand it done in suthfastnes, as here befor recordit wes. als verraly helpe þai ws to twyne fra hyne but det & dedly syne. 375 XL. NINIAN. 00 HIS sanct niniane, I of say, þat quyk and ded blissit wes ay, in-to mekil bretane wes borne, & his gud elderis hyme beforne, þat mychty war, & of gret kyne, & mykil had of warldis wyne. & fra pis cheld borne wes, þat ay wes ful of godis grace, he wes howine in fontstane, & callit wes Niniane. þe cud-clath, þat he þare laucht, he kepit clene at [al] his macht, & before goddis sone present It of al dedly syne but smyt. & be gyfte of be haly gaste, сл 5 ΙΟ 15 þat he tuk þare, wes nocht in waste; for he hyme kepyt sa fra syne, þat It wonnyt hyme ay withine. & as he growine wes in eld rypare, & hyme-selfe mycht weld, sa grew he in-to vertu ay, forberand wantones & play, & sobre wes in drynk & met, po he it welfully mycht get; & wele entendand til his lare 1. The initial letter is wanting. 20 25 XL.-NINIAN. 305 Fol. 332 b. he wes al tyme, late & are. for he beguth firste to lere ore he of eld had fyfe 3ere, hou he suld hyme-selfe led, & hou god he suld dred, & fadire & modire, hou þat he suld honoure in al degre. syne he leyrit to red & syng, & of vthire vndirstanding; 30 for pe maister he had pane, 35 wes wer & wise & vertuise mane. VOL. II. & he, þat able wes & 3yng, folouyt his mastere in althing, & consauit richt sutely quhat-euir he taucht in til hy, & in his hart wele held It- sic retentywe he had of wit- hafand hyme in sic degre, 40 þat his ourmeĥ be sutelte & les pane hyme be gret meknes 45 he oure-come; & neuire-be-les he kepyt ay his innocens of al mane but offence. & growand sa ay he was in vertuse lyfe & in gudnes. & fore he had dout to fal, til abstinence he gef hym al, & held his fles vndirloute, 50 for dred it suld be thra & stout agane þe sawle, & gere hym syne, 55 or let hyme hewinly med to wyn. al foule delyt he fled for-pi, & hyme abondonit ythanly in prayere, fastyng, & in wake, hyme-selfe seruand to god to mak. 34. vthire vnst vndirstanding. U 60 306 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. with wemene wald he nocht conuerse, na of na man Il reherse, bot set hyme halely to lere his dedis thankfully to stere. & gud & able god hyme mad al gud to lere but abad, sa þat he cuth in lytil space science Inuch thru godis grace. & science hals of haly kirke he lerit als, ore he wald Irke. & here-of suld nane ferly, gyfe he consider it suthfastly, þat, quhare þe haly gaste wil be maistere, but difficulte 65 70 he ma gere man consawe althing 75 but besynes ore trawaling; lyk as of salamone we red, þat wes be viseste man but dred, & in þe space bot of a nycht 80 of al his wysdome gat þe slycht, be theching of be haly gast, *Fol. 334 (!)a. þat is beste maister in til haste; for to god, we ma se, ma na thing inpossible be. & po he zung wes, hyme thocht þat medful wes quha sa mocht, & cuth als saw goddis sede in hartis þat þare-of had nede, & to wyne godis corne, þar-of mykil wes nere lorne 85 90 for faute of wynnare, pat cuth preche þe puple treuly & þame teche. he vm[be]thocht [hym] he wald luke 72. considerit. * So MS. XL.-NINIAN. 307 gyf he in sic corne cuth set huke. he thocht he wald pas forthyrmare & be parfite in-to sic lare, fore scorne it ware gret to se þe thechure suld vnkennand be. þare-for his kyne & his cunctre he levit, & passit oure pe se, & dressit hyme rome [for] to seke, gyf he mycht þare his science eke, & for to sek sanctis sere, þat plentusly in þat place were, fore til eke his deuocione, & get þe papis benysone. þane has he hyme redy mad. he tuk leif, & furth he glad, at his frendis & knawine men, þat ware til hyme tendir þene. &, helpand god, syne come he but letting sone oure pe se, & come to rome in lytil space, hale & sownd be godis grace, & þe papis presence wane, þat wyse wes & haly mane, 95 100 105 IIO 115 þat hyme resawit with gud chere, & teyndirly at hyme cane spere be cause quhy yddir come he, & quhyne he wes, & of quhat cunctre. & til al askine sone he mad ansuere wisly but abade. þe pape pane, his deuocione seand, gef hyme his benysone, &, wele approwand his gud wil, syndry maisteris betacht hym til, to mak hyme parfyte in þat lare þat causit hyme to cume pare. 97. forne scorne. III. sone come he. 124. bunsone. I20 125 308 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 334 b. þane trawalit he besyli, til he in knavlege of clergy," 130 þat nedful wes, [wes] wise Inuch, in goddis 3ard to set plucht, to schau his seiyde & wine his corne & helpe weile It ware nocht lorne. 135 & quhene par twa 3ere ore thre he sped wele in sic degre, & wes weile tacht gannandly, & haile but smyt of his body, wyse in thocht, in consel hale, forseand in pat suld awale, discret in work & word with-al, al þat kneu hym cuth hym cal. sa wane he richt gret renone til he wes duellande in þat toĥ. for-þi þe pape, þare-of herd say hou he grew in uertuse ay, callit hyme & sad: " sone dere, for þi gret uertu þat I here, & pe faire & pe gret renone þou has of al men of þis ton, I wyl þu mad bischope be & hird, to kepe goddis fe; for, sene I wat þu ma awale, I wil þu tak pe pat trawele, sa þat þe science lent to pe be nocht tynt na smoryt in þe.” & sayand pis, he can hym ma bischope with his handis twa, & al þe doctrine can hyme lere, þat til a bischope suld affere, & with relykis cane hym releife; syne blissit hyme & gef hym lefe. & he pane went hamwarte, 135. & quhene þai. 140 145 150 155 160 XL.-NINIAN. 309 for to trawale in goddis zarde. in þe meyne-tyme gret word ran of sancte martyne, þe haly man, þat as a starne clerly schane in gud dedis mony ane. sancte niniane parfor thocht þat he 165 in his gat hame-wart wald hym se, 170 & knaw his conuersacione, for to get his benysone. & has he thocht, sa he dide. bot þat wes nocht fra martyne hid; for he wiste throw be hali gast 175 þat sancte niniane suld cum in hast, & had 3arnyng hyme to se Fol. 335 a. & a-quynte al with hyme be; for he wyst weil he wes pane a bischope and a haly mane, 180 & wiste weile mony he suld wyne fra errure & fra dedly syne. þar-for, as pai semblit ware, betwene pame wes rycht hamely faire. twa dais ore thre he duelt þare, 185 & hamewarte syne schupe hym to fare; & for sanct niniane wald nocht byd, þai lacht þare lewe on ilke syd. bot sancte niniane, ore he can ga, askit at martyne masonis twa, þat he hyme granttit but delay. þane niniane went on his way, 190 &, god sterand, in bretan com þane, & his frendis fand wele farand, þat of his come wes rycht fayne, 195 & hou he had faryne cane frayne. þane wes gret confluence of folk, þat come till his presens, & blissit hyme in-to be name 310 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. of god, þat hyme send hame. & he pane, as gud tele-man, to wirk in goddis 3ard begane. &, þare he saw sawyne il seide, to distroy it he cane hyme spede, &, gyf it gadderit wes il, he skalit it, ore it suld spil, & besyly cane hyme haste þat Il begyt wes, to waste. þane eftyre, quhen he mad [had] playne godis feilde pus with payne, to preche þane he can hyme spede, & eraste quhare he schaw maste nede, & besyly set his cure to clenge thochtis of erroure, & put a-way sa mystrouth al, 200 205 210 215 þat he mycht trastly byg his wal of rycht treutht, þat suld stand faste, & thole na errour don It caste. & as he techit but drede, he did hyme-self in worde & deide, 220 Fol. 335 b. & ay confermyt his prechyng be wondire werkis þe schawine; & sa be clene lyf & gud worde made feil wordy goddis burde, & many fra þe feynd cane fang, þat in his seruice had duelt lang. þarfor, gudmen, be-hald & se hou blissit & haly wes he, þat of god had sa gret grace, þat ay folouyt pus his trace! for-pi ensampil ma be tane of his haly mañ, sanct niniane, suerdome & Idilnes forto fle, & agane al wice wicht to be; 228. hou and blissit. 225 230 XL.-NINIAN. 311 & prese we for to folou hyme, þat feile pis gert leif þare syne. & his clething scheu he was meke, & debonar [wes] in his speke, deuote als in oracione, & ful ithand in lessone, In Iugment leile and stablê, & in thewis honorabil, large in almus & dowyng & stedfaste in his hafyng, in al office of preste ablê. he wes al tyme honorabil. 235 240 245 of sic compacience he wes eke þat with pame gretand he wald gret, & with blyth blyth he wes, gyf þare blythnes wes in gudnes; 250 & in vertuise he wes notablê & in al gudnes ful lowablê. [A]nd quhene he had traualit lang, as I sad before, prechand, In schenschype of be fend of hel, 255 he chosit a place, pare-in to duel, be þe se-syd in galoway, bat quhithorne to nam had ay. & he gert mak in lytil tyme a kirk faire of stane & lyme; & before it wes nane kirk in pe Ile of bretane. & as he kyrk syne wes mad, he halouyt it but abad of sancte martyne in þe lowyng, par-in to bath red & syng, be be haly gaste, þat þan ded wes & quyt be deit of alkine flesche, 245. office of to preste. 260 265 312 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 336 a. & clommyne wes to be hycht of hewyn, bar wit[h] angelis to be ewine. [I]n pat cunctre duelt þare þane a king, þat wes a fellone mañ & contrare to s: Niniane preching, & for his lare wald do na thing, bot erare contrare wes hyme to, 270 275 for ocht þat he cuth sa ore do; & mare cruel worde he sene, bane befortyme he had bene, þat god in his hede sic seknes sende, þat til de richt sone he wend. 280 & with þat he tynt þe sicht of þe day, ware it neuir sa lycht. þane tyd in his hart [be] thocht, he pare-of na way wariste mycht be bot It ware throu hym þat he ay schupe hyme of pryd to verray. þane askit he hyme fore godis sake, po he til hyme Il cause can make, til rew one hyme & pardone gyfe, fore he disparit wes to life. þane he, þat mercyful wes ay, as he be messagis þis herd say, & come one sone mekilly quhare pis catife king can ly, & hely sad: "god be here-in, þat is distrowre of al syne." pane went he to be sek but bad, & on his hede & his ene mad þe takine of þe croice werray; & be seke pane but delay als gud heile [had] of hede & ewene as he neuire sek had bene; 273. & wes contrare. 280. til do. 283. his hast. 285 290 295 300 XL.-NINIAN. 313 & fore he sa his hele wane, lofand god become gud mane. [W]ith a lord of þe sammyn lande 305 a maydine pare wes duellande, þat wanttit nocht of bewte, þat suld in ony woman be; & with þe sammyne lord duelt a man, þat kepare of his horse wes pane, 310 & welth had and Idilnes, þat drew hyme in-to wantones. for-pi ofte wald he assay with þat maydine for to play sa lang, þat he wan hire wil al his parnyng to fulfil. 315 & fra þai had pare luste done, scho wox gret, and alsone seand scho mycht consele nomare, Fol. 336 b. of hir syn þane had scho care. 320 þane franit hire lorde soñ quha sic thing had with hir done. & scho til hire lorde cane say, þe parise preste by hire lay. þane þe lorde, þat wes angry, 325 to be bischope þis tald in hy. bot be bischope wist in haste, be schewing of be haly gaste, þat innocent pe prest wes; 3et wes he noyt neuire-be-les 330 þat haly kirk suld sclaunderit be or prestede in sic degre. þane gert he prest & barne but delay bryng til hyme be ewine way. as þai come til his presence, he gert þe puple kepe scilence, 319. & seand. 335 320. & pane. 314 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & to be woman can he say: "his is be prest þat by be lay & gat þis barne?" scho sad: “za,” & þe zung barne can ta 340 & kest It to be prest rycht þare, before al þat gadderit ware. & be bischope, þat wiste hale be falset of be wifis tale, sad to be barne: "I byd be now 345 in þe name of oure lord Ihesu, goddis son, þat deit on tre, quha is pi faddir, bu tel me!" & lo, gret ferly for to say, þe barne, þat borne wes þat day, 350 in manis voice ansuert þane, & þe hand strekit to þe man, sayand: "zone my faddir is, þat with my modir did pis mys, & 30ne prest sakles is but wen, 355 & is of gud lif & clene." & as his wes tald þame til, as kind requirit, be barne held stil. & al, þat þis ferly had sene or herd, lowit god be-dene, 360 & thankit hyme as þare lorde, þat þame had lent sa gud a hird. þarfor, sanct niniane, I þe pray Fol. 337 a. þu succure vs & helpe ws ay, þat we bruk in hewyn þe blise, quhare we vat vele bu nov is. [T]he bischope 3et cuth nocht blyne þat mare corne schupe god to wine, 365 in galouay vpe and done on fete gangand fra tone to tone, 370 partand þe landis in paroch sere, XL.-NINIAN. 315 & kirkis mad quhare nan were, & to serwe pame prestis mad, & statis al at to sic had partenyt. & eftir þat 375 his sonnis, þat he in criste gat, confermyt in-to godis fay, syne til his awne kirk held his way. þar he had fundit a gret house of gud men & of relegiouse, 380 godis seruice pare to say & sing, til It be doumysday. sa a tyme can befal þat he ymang his brethire al went to met in þe frature, as he þat of þaim had þe cure, to tak sic commone fude as þai dide, il ore gude, & saw be burdis thru þe hale þat seruice wes nane of cale. pane pe monk, þat keping hade of þe zard, he callit but bade, & askit hyme quhy þat þai vare nocht seruit of caile þat day. pane sad he: "faddir, but wene in þe zarde is nane erbe grene." & be bischope, pat suth wiste, bad hyme pas furth but ony first, & quhat he in þe zard fand, 385 390 395 bryng til hyme in his hand. 400 & furth he went at byddyng, po he wiste weile to find na thing, & in þe zard sone has sene caile & leikis faire & grene, & al þat men of had neide, þane cummyne of nev sawine seide. 405 þe monk, þat saw his ferly, 316 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. wes pane as in extasy, seand niniane sa ful of grace, þat gert þat greu in sa litil space; lofand god bare-of tuke he, & brocht befor þame al to se. 410 Fol. 337 b. & god bai lowit mony-fald for þis merwale, bath 3ung & ald. to god be fadir be lowinge, 415 þat for his seruand wrocht sic thinge, to god þe sone ay honoure be, þat menskyt hyme in sic degre, til haly gaste als, god of mycht; & til þame til-giddire richt, 420 þat sanct niniane mad sa mychtty to wirk here sa gret ferly, & for his trawal here with-al to lestand joy [sen] can hyme cal. [C]orne pane, I vndirstande, wes nocht so plentuß in lande as It is now, bot one bestiale 425 þe commonnis nere lifit hale; for, quhare now be corne is beste, þat tyme wes [bot] wilde foreste. 430 sa tyd þat Niniane a tym wente to se his catel in entente, & to be lug se quhat þai had, & how pai lay, & to gyf þame his blissinge, 435 to safe pame fra al Il thinge; & 3ed a-boute pame in-virone & gef þame goddis benysone. & with pe stafe, in hand he had, a circle a-bout þaim he mad, 409. sancte niniane. 440 432. & to. XL.-NINIAN. 317 & bad his hirdis þat his fe þat nycht in be circle suld be. þan to be catel þai tuk les kepe. for-þi, as al meñ war on slepe, thefis, þat cuth be-hald 445 þat þe catele ware nocht in fald, in þe circle þane but dout 3ed, for to steile pe catel owte. bot a bule fers & fel, as kepare of þe catel, one be maister thef ruschit 450 as brane woud, & til erde duschit, & in þe wame racht hym sic a rout, til al his guttis schot oute, & sone one hyme 3ed with fete. 455 & þat taknis lestis zete, sene in a stane in pat [ilk] stede, quhare pe maister thefe wes dede. & al pai schrawis euire-ilkane, þat ware in þat circle gane, 460 Fol. 338 a. wex woud, & mocht nocht gange away, & bad bare til þe morne-day. pare be bischope fand þaim in þat stede, & ymang þaim þe maister thef dede 465 vndir þare fete, quhare þai stude, & al his feris brawne woude. pane come feil pare-on to gowe, of his ferly & gef god lowe. bot be byschape, þat pyte had, sa prayt for þaim but a-bade, þat he þat deit sa wrechitly wes resuscit in til hy, & to pame þat woud ware gane, he purchasit wit, ore he fane. pane askit þai hym forgiffnes, 474. he purchasit gratly wit. 470 475 318 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & he ful mekly can þaim bles. sic warkis did sancte Niniane here, & mony vthire als and sere. [O]f pe bischope þe nam ran sa [O]₤ in al þe land to and fra, & al þat ware honeste meñ 3arnit he suld pare barnis ken; & he tacht þame for to be godly vyse, & vicis fle. sa ymang vthire wes ane, þat he had til his doctrine tan, þat had mysdone again bydding, suppos It wes nocht ful gret thing; & be bischope wiste it in haste threu schawing of be haly gaste. for to be befte he had drede. a-way he stal ful gud spede, 480 485 490 &, trewand in þe halynes þat he wist þan in his maister wes, his patent can with hỹm ta 495 priuely, ore he wald ga, trewand pare-of but were to get helpe, gyf he had mystere, & fleid a-way with It rycht faste— to be befte he wes sa gaste— 500 Fol. 338 b. ay, til he come to þe se, zarnand oure it pane to be. & as he rane oî þe sand, ane alde coble þare he fand, þat mony hoilis in it had; & put it to be se but bad, & lap þare-one forout drede, 505 in his purpos venand to spede. bot, or it flet fra þe lande sa far a[s] man mycht caste with hand, 510 XL.-NINIAN. 319 be coble be-guth to synke, & þe barne hyme can on thinke of þe mycht of sanct Niniane. for-pi his stafe sone has he tan, [&] in þe maste hoile he fand, 515 It thristit ful faste with his hand, trewand succure for til hafe, of his meryt þat acht þe stafe, & askit pardone, gretand sare, rycht as his maister had bene þare, of be myse þat he had wrocht 520 aganis hyme al for nocht. sone wes be coble haile & bene as It wes euir, foroutyn wene; & sa, pat patent gouernande, haile & sounde he com to lande, & lape sone out, & wes glad þat he sic parele eschapit had. & þe patent with hyme brocht, 525 quhare-of he saw sic wondir wrocht, 530 & in þe erde cane It thrink, of þat merwale in remembryng, requerand god it suld floure bere, thru þe meryt of his maistere. & wox it þar faste & al grene, 535 & bare flouris & froite, þat wes sene. & syne eftir in procese a gret tre & fayr it was. & þat þe rut of it syne þar sprang a wel fair & fyne of watere, clere as cristel. þar-of men syndry gettis heile, in lowing of god, þat is ay mare ferlyful þan men ma say in halowis þat war til hym dere 527. wes gled. 540 545 535. wox it pat. 320 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & pleisit hyme til þai vare here; as in his day did Niniane, þat now helpis mony ane, Fol. 339 a. In quhat distresse sa-euir þai be sted, in land ore 3et be se. 550 the bischope passit a tyme percase in þe land quhare his erand was, & his bruthir prosebia, a haly man, can with hyme ga. for þat tyme wes na prelate þat men gef til sa mikil state, 555 3et wald he mekly on fete ga fra paroche kirk to and fra, to visy in quhat wyse be kirkmen did þar seruice, or hou lawit men can wirke in þe treuth of haly kirke. 560 sa sayand þare psalmis be pe gate rist þa cane, for it wes hate, & fand a faire place, & set don, 565 to pray in mare deuocione. & for þat cause athir his buke opnyt & pare-one can luke. & as pai goddis wark can wirk, a cloud vondir blak & myrke stroublit þe ayre, in sic manere þat be lifte, [pat] befor wes clere, wes myrkare pane pe nycht. & pare-with fel pe rane sa thycht þat, quha þat þare had ben to se, suld wene noyus flud suld be. 570 575 bot, quhare pire twa prayand ware, þe fellone weddire þare forbare, & as a circle pame about þe myrke cloud wes haldine oute, 580 sa na rane mycht entre pare, XL.-NINIAN. 321 quhare þai brethir sittand ware, þat mycht dere paim quhare pai sete, na claith na buk nopir wete. & quhen þe cloud wes away, þai rase & passit one þare way, & lofit god hey one hycht, þat sic solace had paim dycht ; &, quhare pai wald be, com wele, & did pare devore ilke deile, as seruandis gud & leile, to lofe of god & of saule-heile. thru sic merakle sancte Niniane, & fere gretare, clerly schane, 585 590 & thru [his] lif & his techinge ensampil gef of gud lowing 595 til al þat mycht hym se ore here, or quhare he can duel com nere; for as a lavntern he wes lycht, þat in myrknes giffis men sycht, 600 hou þai suld lefe erroure ay Fol. 339 b. And to uertu ches be vay & in pis mirknes gang sa ewine, þat [b]ay emples mycht god in hevyn; & til men of al estate 605 ledar he wes of þe richt gat. & quhen be tyme cumyne was þat he of his lyf suld pas, of parfit dat & rype elde, þe dete of flesche he can zeld 610 of septembre þe xvi day, þat quhythorne in-to galouay, VOL. II. fra cristis birth thre hundir zere & twa & thretty to pat nere; & in sanct martynis kirke wes enterit þat he gert virke, 604. mychtty god. X 615 322 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & in a costlyk kiste of stane, til mony zeris war ourgane. pare god cesis nocht to virke for hyme merakles, to strinth be kirk. 620 rycht as he lefand here ves clere in mony verkis sere, sa god wirkis for hyme nov ma ferlyis, for to ger men trew pat, po he of be warld dede be, god hyme has in mare dante, to ger men honoure hyme here & sek hyme of landis sere. & he to al is helpe & bute þat hyme sekis, on hors or fute. for-pi, sancte Niniane, ve pray þe pou oure aduocat sa vil be, to hewinly blis we ma wyne but schame, dete, & de[d]ly syne. [O]fe pe ferlys pis is ane þat god wrocht firste for s: Ninian, fra þis lyfe fra he can wend, lestandly with god to lend. þar duelt a man in þat cunctre, þat wes of bot sympil degre, & one his wyf a knafe child gat, þat fadire & modyre gert sare gret; for thru it haldine wes par name in gret lak and in schame, & to be puple in vondrynge- sa wes it borne a bys[n]yñg— & in gret horrour but wene til al þat euire It had sene. for a-gane kynd wes it sa, þat bakwart stud heile & ta. 625 630 635 640 645 650 XL.-NINIAN. 323 Fol. 340 a. & pe face als to be bake It had, þat gretly wes to lake. & þe hend part þare neste of be hed ves fast to be breste. handis & harmis to þe kne var drawine as al ane suld be. & vtrely wes it but profyte— I vat nocht gyf nature had þe wit. Nocht-bane lang tyme þai It fede, for þai hyme gat in lachful bede, & tretyt weile þat vnthrifte, til eld had it brocht fra schrifte. & quhen modir & fadire bath had sorouyt til þe lyf þai lath, 655 660 pai held þame stil, po pai wa ware, 665 nedly for þai mycht nomare. & at þe laste ran þame to thocht þat gret vondire sancte Niniane wrocht of goddis grace, to quhom he had bene seruand in al degre. 670 & in traste of his mykil mycht, þai tuk vpe þat for-worthine wycht, & brocht [it], quhar sancte Niniane lay, & It done laid & cane say: "sanct Niniane, tak pis gyfte, 675 ve þe bryng, a thing but thrifte ; þe quhethire, po it lathly be, inpossible is nocht to be for to recouer it, gyf þu wil; þarfor we bryng [it] her be til, othir be be to hafe remede of his mysfigur, or be dede. par-for profe þi mykil mycht for goddis sak in þis wicht!" & as þis done wes, in hart sare 680 685 324 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. be bysnyne thing pai lefit pare, & went agane to þare place, gretand and sayand, "alace!" [N]ow wil ve her a ferly tel þat of s: Ninian þan befel. for, as cumyn ves be mydnycht, þar apperit to þat ful wycht a man schenand brycht & cler, as dois be sone þat ve se here, & arayt in althing as bischope þat mes suld syng; & with his hand twechit lychtly his hed & bad [hym] ryse in hy & lofing til his savor 3eld, 690 695 & one his vay þan furth helde. 700 Fol. 340 b. þat bysnyne [thing] to pis tuk kepe, & vaknit as of hewy slepe, & raxit hyme, & recouerit wele oyse of lymmys ilke deile; as kynd wald it suld be, sa wes he mad in al degre. 705 pane passit he furth on hame, to pame pat of hym had sic scham; & pane had pai gret Ioy & lykin[g]e, & lofit deuotely hevynnis king, 710 & to be abbay rane but mare, & it tald til al þai fand þare hou sanct Niniane had don þat thing. þan gert þai be bellis rynge, & gert þis thing knawine be 715 til al þat ware in pe cunctre, & gert it þare be put in wryt, þat men suld lang-tym think on It. I treu, þare lifis nane 690. Ninian þat þan. 691. cumymyn. 698. & sad ryse. 711. þane but mare. XL.-NINIAN. 325 þat al cane say of sancte Ninian, 720 þat wes sa mek a confessoure & of vicis persecutore, lofare of vertu & dyspysare of þe warld, of hewine 3arnar. 725 & for he studit here to be pouer, in hewine rike is he. ay wes he besy for sawle-heile in gret trawale as seruand leile. & for he sa weile [her] wrocht, of hyme god forgetful is nocht, bot his relykis menskis ay, 730 quhare þai ar fe[r]terit in galouay. þe quhilk fertir men beris ay of witsone owke þe twysday, vith festiuale processione, til a chepal be-owt þe ton, nere be quartare of a myl, &, as It þare has ben a quhile, hame to be abbay þai it bere vith gret solempnyte & fere. bot one It lais na man hand, 735 740 bot þe maste vorthi of þe land, þat be lyne of successione, beris it in processione. & pat tyme for be pardone gret 745 mony pressis þare it to get. þat pardone is lestand ay fra þe for-sad twysday of sanct Johnne pe baptist to be birth, bath vith solempnite & mirth. 750 Fol. 341 a. for-pi þat tyme ilke zere men cumis of landis sere, of france, of Ingland, & of spanze, of be pardone for be-wanze, 754. for for be wanze. 326 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & of al landis þis halfe proyse 755 men cumis þare, of commone oyse, of valis & Irland eke. þar hyddir men wil seke, in sic nowmir, I tak one hande, þat sic day tene thousande 760 þar men wil [se], for-out mare oftyme þat cumis þare. & þar-of suld nane ferly, for be merwalis done Ithandly, þat he kithis one sare & seke, 765 þat deuotely vil hyme seke, or fastis vith deuocione his fasting, þat nov is commone ; þat is, fryday fra þe novne til sonday at þe mes be done. 770 & how men fastis it, gif pou vil spere, thryse ilke rath of þe zere; twise to-giddire, be thrid be skil, in þat quartare, quhen pu wil. for he þat in honour of Niniane 775 deuotely þat faste has tane, quhen he fastis, gyf þat he in state of grace & gud lyfe be, he sal eschewe of his 3arnyng, bot it be vnleful thing. 780 for at quhythorne is wrocht ilke day fer ma vonderis pane I cane say, of sancte Niniane be be prayere for men pat ar in parilis here, one sey, one land, or in seknes, 785 or ony maner of distres; of be quhilkis, gyf I tald nov, þe teynd part, men suld nocht trev. for def men þar gettis herynge, 761. þat men, XL. -NINIAN. 327 Fol. 341 b. & blynd [men] als parfit seynge; halt men als þare gettis bute, þat has seknes in hand ore fute; & dume [men] als gettis þe speke, þat mekily vil Niniane seke; and als of parlesy men gettis þar heile parfitly; & [sume thru] ydropcy [sa] grete swolline, þat þai ma nocht ete, ar swampe mad at þe prayere 790 795 of sanct Niniane, hale & fere; 800 & vthir þat of þare vit vod war, gettis It; & sume þat pane had of þe stane, or seknes in-[to] flesch or bane, or quhat-kyne Infirmyte 805 man haf, gyf þat he socht sanct Niniane deuotely, gat heile, po it ware myslary, thru þe giffar of al grace, to quhame s: Niniane seruand vas. 810 & grant god þat we ma be his seruandis in lyk degre, of his lyf [pat] we ma twyne but det, schame, & dedly syne. [O]f sanct Niniane zet I zu tel 815 a ferly þat in my tyme befel, in galoway, til a nobil knycht, þat sir fargus magdouel hicht, & hardy vas of hart & hand, & had be leding of þe land, 820 in vorschipe & slachtyr bath one Inglis-men to do skath. & for þai had of hyme ay doute, 813. ma twene. 328 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þai var richt besy ay aboute to fynd sum get hyme to grewe, gyf fortone wald thole þaim eschewe. & quhen pai had sere vais socht, & fand þat þai profit nocht, 825 þat þai mycht nocht do be mycht, pai schupe paim for to do be slycht; 830 & spyale gat to se quhen he fra strinth of men mycht fundyn be, þat þai mycht cum on hyme þane, & tak hyme but skath of meñ. bane be thre counteis of carleile to þis var accordit weile, 835 & borne of galouay gat a spy, þat to vyne gold ves rycht besy; for-bi stithly he swar þane, 840 po he ves a scottis-mane, þat he suddandly suld fulfil þe connand he mad þame til; & þai one [hand] tuk his payment, in hope to fulfil þare entent, 845 Fol. 342 a. & socht opartunyte how þat best mycht þane be, as vmquhyle did [fals] Iudas, þat cristis awne discipil vas. for is nane, I vndir-ta, sa paytener, na sa fellone fa, as is mast hamely, gyf þat he vil wikit man or tratour be. rycht sa pis man, þat vas hamely with hyme, pane can hyme espy, til he viste sere placis, quhar he with fow folkis suld lugit be; & pane to carleile vent one ane & tald þar-of þe capytane of his erand þat he had done. 850 855 XL.-NINIAN. 329 1 & pane pe capytane alsone þe thre counteis in til hy gert be gadderit ful priwely, & one in-to galouay rade be nycht þat þe triste ves made. bot þe knycht, at viste nocht of his tresone aganis hym wrocht, in til a housband ton þat nycht to slepe & ese hyme can dycht. 860 865 & as he halfine-slepand lay in his bed, befor þe day, 870 þar come a man lyk to be a bischope in al degre, & put one hyme fast twise or thrise, & bad þat he suld [al]-son ryse; 875 for a gret oste of Ingland, for to supprice hym, var cumand; & bad hyme pas & haf na doute to contre þaim, þo þai var stoute; for he suld in his helping be. þane askit he quhat vas he. 880 quod he: "Niniane is my name in quhityr[n]e, quhare I duel at ham.” þe knycht þane as a dochty man dicht hyme belyf, & on hors van. & quhen he bone ves to ryde, 885 he had na man vith hym þat tyde þat ves gadderit 3et hyme til, bot twenty men, gud & il. & his menstrale, Iak trumpoure, þat vas gud man & gud burdoure, 890 of his maister vitand nocht, na of be gret oste hym pan socht, come rydand thru þe vod percace, quhar al þe fais cumand vas. bot myste ves in sic degre 895 330 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 342 b. þat nan mocht a stane caste se. bot lak, þat vas be þe gat syd, quhare pe Inglis com þat tyd, and vend veile it had his lord bene, þat gadderit had his men bedene, vnwittand hyme, to mak sum rade, & trumpit heily but abade, 900 & with al mycht bettir blew. be Inglis, þat [pat] blaste vele knew, vend þar spy betraisit had 905 þame to be knycht, & but abad þai fled fast & durst nocht byd. & be knycht, one pe tothire syd, quhen he hard his trumpat blaw, come on hastely but ony haw, 910 quhare þai ware fleand, be self vay. & þar-with wox sa brycht þe day, þat he saw þame fle but areste, vnknyt scalit in þe foreste. & pare-with sone gadderit þe land, 915 & til hyme com son on hand, & pare fais, sa agaste, þai chasit sa ferly fast, þat þe best part of þaim ves slane, & feile to geld þaim vare rycht fayne; 920 quheine eschapit, but merdale, þat for to tak ves nan awaile. & sa wane pe scottis-men gret riches. quhare-for pe land relewit vas. & be knycht reparit hame vith wictory & with gud name, 925 & went to quhithorne but abad, & to sanct Niniane offerand mad. þar-of eftire, in schort quhile, he gert his quere rycht wele tyle, 904. & Inglis. 930 XL.-NINIAN. 331 in mynd of þe dede, þat he did for hyme in sic degre. sa byrd al galouya hym honoure, þat to pame is sic patronoure, quhen pai ned haf, gyf þat þai 935 in stat of grace wil hym pray. for-þi honoure be til hewynis king, & to sanct Niniane honouryng in al tyme of lifand meñ. þar-to say we al "Amen.” þis wes done but lessinge, quhen sir davi bruys ves king. [I]N Ingland syne betyd, 940 a wikit man, þat gret myse dede, for his purpos to be tane 945 & put in pressone stith of stane. & he, sa in pressone sted, Fol. 343 a. to de ful dede ves ful rad. &, po he wes in sic effray, 3et he vmthocht he herd say, 950 þat, quha-sa had vndirtane to fast or sek s: Niniane, þat he suld help þaim til cum out of quhat parel þai had dout; for-bi to sancte Niniane mad he 955 a wou, gyf he ware mad fre of þat dout, þat he suld seke sancte Niniane on his bare fet, & fast his fast with gud wil, gyf he mycht fredome get pare-til, 960 & pare, quhar he wes mad faste, deuotely be-guth þe fast. þane weilang in þat pyful pyt in gret dissese he cane sit. 946. suth of stane. 332 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. syne come þe serefe to be ton, &, to hald þe law, set done, & gert þe mysdoaris bryng to curt, to here chalansing of sere trespas þat var done. þane ves he brocht to curt sone, & asyse callit of worthy men, & he accusit stratl[y] pane of sere poynttis, quhare-in he had trespassit in þe cunctre, & with asyse culpable mad, 965 970 975 & to þe gebet demyt but bad; þane to be rape wes til thifte. a prest wes brocht to here his schrifte. pane presit mony to conway hyme to be gebet ewine þe way, 980 & þat he suld nocht eschape, about his nek þai knyt a rape, & tit hym vpe, & lefit hyme þare, & ilke man away can fayre. bot, po þat he ves for his gilt 985 be manis sicht sa foul spilt, 3et duelt ane by hyme, lik to be a bischope in al degre, þat kepit hyme sa in þat sted, þat he mycht feile na pane of ded, 990 &, quhen nycht com, tuk hyme done, & sad: "ga frely to be toñ for-out dout of effray!" þane cane þat wrech til hym say : 995 Fol. 343 b. "gud man, for god I pray þe tel quhat pu art þat helpis me!" quod he: "Niniane is my name at quhithirne qu[h]are I duel at ham, & here is cummyne to helpe be 979. to conwoy. XL. NINIAN. 333 for þi awou þu mad to me, þare-for ga furth & be nocht rad, po pu be in parele sted, for I sal ay be þe nere hand, gyf þu be to me treu seruand." with þat he went away, & þat catife but mare delay vent to be tone als apertly as he had neuire bene gilty. þane one þe morne at dais lycht, as men one hym gottine had sycht, be keparis of þe law hym fand; & smertly [pai] his handis band be-hynd his bak, & sad þat he suld mare treuly hangit be. pane ves he harlit [furth] but let, & hangit fast one a gebet, & al bad by hyme in þat sted til þame thocht þat he wes ded; & syne [pai] held þare way bedene. bot þe bischope, þat ves nocht sene, helpyt hyme as he did are, & to be ton ek gert hym fare; 1000 1005 ΙΟΙΟ 1015 1020 & þare duelt trastly þat nycht til one þe morne [at] dais lycht, & but dout [pane] vpe & done. 1025 did his erandis in þe ton. bot þat day ore it wes none, a seruand one hyme hand lad son, & sad, with wichcraft he delt, 1030 & feile men opynly he telt, & sad þat he suld no mare dissawe men as he did are. & sone assemblit his commone 1020. for þe bischope. 1030. he celt. 1021. þame. 334 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & harlit [hym] sone of be towne, Fol. 344 a. &, his handis bundine bath 1035 behynd his bak, [hangit] hyme rath, & bad get by in þat sted, til þame thocht he ves ded; & ilke man held his way. bot þe bischope helpit hym ay, 1040 as he befor twyse had done. & to be tone 3et went he sone & als pertly duelt als stil as he had neuir done ony il. bot or he had bene lang tym þare, he ves hynt be how and hayre, & to be serefe brocht fut-hete. þat gert hyme swere pare how-gat þe ded he [had] eschapit thryse, & he condempnyt be leile syse. ansuere sone til hyme he 3ald, 1045 1050 & þe manere al hale hym tald hou he mad, quhen he ves tane, his awou til sancte Niniane til fast his fasting, & pare til eke 1055 on his [bare] fet hyme to sek, gyf he wald helpe hym til eschape þe schameful ded of sword or rape; "pare-for, quhen ze hangit me, venand weile I suld ded be, тобо sanct Niniane ves ay by me nere & me kepit haile & fere, & with me spak & bad me be his seruand, & he suld kepe me. & þat tym [bar] wes richt nane mycht hyme se bot I alane." & quhen he has pis taile tald, al had wondire, zung & ald, 1037. past sted. 1065 XL.-NINIAN. 335 Fol. 344 b. þat he suld sa-gat eschape, þat sa hangit ves vith þe rape 1070 thre dais fra none to nycht be lachtful Iugment & rycht. pan þai haf to consel tane þat for þe sak of sancte Niniane, agane quham þai vald hald na strife, þat þai vald gyf þe thefe be lif, 1075 þo þat tyme bot lytil fame ves rysine of þis sancte Niniane. þat man syne zerly can hym seke al nakit, bot sark & breke, 1080 Ilke zere, I tak one hand, fra quhare he duelt in Ingland. til god be Ioy & lowing ay, þat sic meraklis for his schewit ay! & pis sa schort tyme gane ves 1085 þat get it is in memor fresch. Ane vthire tyme oure solouay sand ane Inglis ost com in scotland thru nydisdale þe ewine way, pane socht in-to galouay; & þat sa priuely v[e]s done þat of þame vist rycht quhon, til þe forrouris scalit ware [our] al pe cunctre here & pare, & prayt nere pe cunctre hale, & brocht [þar pray] nere to þar stale. þat þar abad nocht ful lang, bot hame blyth went of þat fang; & par departyt [þai] þar pray, & Ilkane a sere gat held away, 1090 1095 ΙΙΟΟ til þai come til þare wynny[n]g-place. & ymang vthire ane þar wes 1092. rycht quhen. 336 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat of retenu wes for þame of þat land til a mychtty man, þat in fet wes sa sek & in handis & armis eke, þat he mycht nocht gang of þe place, na bryng his handis til his face to fed hyme-self; 3et wes he þe mast fellone man þat mycht be, & cruel and paytynere. & at his sad man can he spere hou þai had done quhare pa var, & quhat wynnyng þai gat þare ; "& quhat my thred þarof sal be,” he sad til hyme, "pu lat me se!" quod he: "lord, sa haf I sele, in galouay we haf don rycht wele, & of be thing þat I þare wane, 3e sal haf thred as of zure man, of nowt, schepe, hors and ky; & of þat land zet brocht haf I a man to you as presonere, par-with for to mend 30ure chere." þañ sad he: "mot weile bu fare! for is nocht mycht ples me mare þan a scot [þat] I mycht se. for, po [pat] I þis bundine be, 3et suld I sla hyme but abad, po I assith for þi part mad." 1105 IIIO 1115 1120 1125 1130 þan smyland sad þe man hym til: "me think 3e [of] Il rewlit wil gyf 3e vald s[1]a, gyf þat ze mocht, a presoner þat war zou brocht." sad he: "bath I wil & ma 1135 hyme sla, gif þu dois as I say. 1103. for þame. The last stroke of the m is crossed through. IIII. partynere, cf. 850. I120. men. XL.-NINIAN. 337 bundine bryng hyme to me but let, & in my mouth be heft þou set & outwart þe blad of a knyfe; & sone sal I ref his lyfe." 1140 be squyar sad: "sir, be pe buke, þe scottis-man þat I tuke, Fol. 345 a. to saufe his lyf I hicht lely for it þat he mycht gif gudly; par-for wil I nocht thole pat he be sa slane, for ocht ma be." zet be squyar had hyme brocht til his presence, po he wist nocht, 1145 þat herd hym schew be fellone wil al scottis-men þat he had til, 1150 & sad: "sir, quhat wynnyng had 3e, bo ze had mycht, to sla me? bettir war to be stil, þane desyre a man to spil; for to god I cont a fa 1155 þat but chesone a man wald sla. bot god forbed þat man mychtty to sla war of sic fellonny as 3e, gif ze 30ur handis had ! for bettir ware a wou ze mad one godis half to sancte Ninian, to sek hyme sone, or ze fane; 1160 for of his helpe recouer 3e may al 3our lymmys, I dare say." pan sad he: "is pu pe scot þat my squyere withoutyn dout 1165 hecht þu suld safit be? VOL. II. for, gif ne þat ware, sa mot I the, in my mouth suld cum na bred til þat sudandly þu war ded; po in my mouth I held þe knyfe, 3et suld þu par-with lef þe life." Y 1170 338 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. pan sad he: "sir, I consel 30w to sancte Niniane zet ze awou, in gud entent & hart meke 3e faste his faste, & hyme seke in hope þat he grace sal gif 30u til, 1175 to wauld zoure lymmys at 3our wil. 1180 for I wat weile, he is of mycht to ger zu haf 30ure lymmys rycht, be sere ferlyse I wat [pat] he has wrocht in mony infirmyte.” his spek cane pe lord enples sume-thing & his hart gef ese. quod pe lord: "þo I ne trew al þat þu sais me as now, 3et sal I in-[to] galouay fare but bad, to sanct Niniane þare, & fast deuotely his fasting, 1185 of my lymmys for recouering. & þu sal byd me here behynde, 1190 in case po he wil nocht me mende, þat þu ma lose be lif with schame for þi spekine, quhen I cume hame." Fol. 345 b. pane vrat he for a condyt, & it was grantit hym tyt; & he rycht rathly mad zare, & furth on sown can he fare, to sek sancte Ninian in galouay & for his heile til hym pray. & to be place as he ves cumyne, men of his hors hym has nummyn, & in-[to] be kirk, or þai fane, þai brocht hym befor s: Ninian, & mad hym þar a bed fut-hat, as efferit til his estate. þe mast part of þat nycht he lay 1188. to sic Niniane. 1195 I 200 1205 XL.-NINIAN. 339 vakand, & 3arne can pray to s: Niniane, hyme to mend & in his lymmys helpe hym send. & al þe morne duelt he stil, prayand sumdele with Iwil vil, for he gat nocht heile sa sone as he demyt he suld haf done. zet duelt he þar þat nycht stil & be hale morne par-til, vith angry wil, for þat he, as he vald, mycht nocht helpyn be, & faucht & flat with Niniane, & sad oftyme hyme al-ane: "ves I nocht wele prowit a sot, I210 1215 1220 þat trewit sa son to be scot, þat sa stratly had vndirtane his scottis lord s: Niniane suld gyf me heile, gif I hym socht? 1225 bot þat ves fals, for he ne mocht; & suppos þat he had mycht to helpe me as þe scot hicht, I suld haf wityne, had I bene vyse & put out of wene, 1230 þat scottis-man of galouay þan suld neuire helpe ony Inglis-man or zet recouer hym of his sare, bot erare purchas þat he sek vare. þarfor, gif I ma cum hame, þe scot sal de vith gret schame, þat gert me mak pis travale, 1235 hichtand It suld me awale!" vith his he left nocht, bot efte can ban sancte Niniane, þe haly man ; 1240 for men hurt communly ar mar turne & mare angry, one quhat wyis sa it fal, 340 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 346 a. bane he þat has his lymmys al; & eth is for til eke 1245 disese til hyme þat is seke. & fywe causis ar þai sere quhy men ar torment[it] here: othir for vertu in prowyng, as tyd of Iob in fanding, for he held ay tholmodnes in tynsale of gud & seknes; or of meknes for zemsele, 1250 as to sancte paule quhile befel, þat had gret fanding in his flesch to hald hyme in-to meknes, 1255 ellis [he] suld oure proud haf bene for þe sicht he in hewine had sene. be thrid cause is but were for synnis to be clengit here, 1260 as tyd of hyme lang can ly in seknes of perlesy, to quham criste sad: "ryse al fre, for þi syne is forgiffine pe." be ferd is, to mak vnhyd 1265 be Ioy of god, as quhile betyd of hym þat borne ves blynd man & syne thru criste his sicht wan. þe fyft is, be betaknyng of al-lestand dampnynge, 1270 as first here þare be giffine & syne euir in hel to vyne, as of Iudas quhyl betyd for þe tresone he crist did. bot quhilk [of] bir causis gert be þis man in torment, nov sa ze! pane, quhen he had chyd his fil, his men mekly sad hyme til: 1247. cause. 1275. cause. 1275 XL.-NINIAN. 341 'sir, 3e ma haf na bewayne vith sanctis þis to mak bargane, 1280 for of þame for ony thret men ar nocht wont þare erand get, bot erare mon be [askit] þai vith meknes pan with outray. þarfor lefis 30ure crabitnes, & þis a nycht with meknes to s: Niniane makis prayere Fol. 346 b. þat he will mak 30w haile & fere, & to-morne but [mar] delay, gyf 3e wil, fare hame 30ure way!" & þat nycht as he slepand lay, a lytil befor þe day, ane put one hyme, lyk to be a bischope in al degre. þane waknyt he in gret affray, & sone to þat man cane say: 1285 1290 1295 "I pray be, þat waknis me, tel me þi nam quhat pu be!" quod he: "Niniane is myn name, þat þe waknis for to blame 1300 for be foly þat þu ded, quhen þu with me sa roydely chid, & mystrowand þat I mocht helpe pe ocht, þu me socht. þare þu mysdid, nocht anerly 1305 to me, bot to god almychtty, mystrowand he wald gif me mycht bi lath lymmys for to rycht; & nocht conuertand þare-of þane, sad þu suld ger sla my mane; for he for pi gud eggit þe to cum here be way to sek me. bot þu sal wit now be sycht 1282. þare erand gat. 1311. for pe gud ekit he. 1310 342 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat god has grantit me sic mycht, þat I ma helpe quhom I wil, þat mekly sekis here me til. 1315 þi lymmys haile & fare sal be, bot with pine ene þu sal nocht se, þat vthire ma ensample tak vith halouys bargane to mak. 1320 bot ga þu nov hale ham, & send me, my man, [bo] þu stane-blynd be, or þu sal wyt I ame of mycht ver þane þu wes be to dycht.” þis sanct Niniane vent away, & þat fellone, quhare he lay, 1325 raxit hyme, & fand hale his lymmys al þat mad hym bale; & bad his curting vpe suld be drawine, pe lycht for to se. 1330 & quhene it vpe ves tycht, pane wist he he [had] tynt þe sycht, & gretand sare he sad: "alace! Fol. 347 a. for myn ogart I haf tynt grace! þat is oure-weile kyd one me; for blynd I ame quhyt & fre. but lofit be þu, sancte Niniane ; pocht þu fra me þe sycht has tane, my lymmys hale þu has me lent, quhare-in lang I haf had turment, to gere be [me] mysterful kene þat wele þu may helpe al mene, & to be were be me þat þai nocht bot lowyng of be say; 1335 1340 for be me knawine has þu made 1345 þat þu cane helpe & hurt but bade." pane went he one-til his lande, & þis tald til al he fande, 1322. stand blynd. XL.-NINIAN. 343 & sone his presonere hame sende, & gef hyme gud, hyme til amende. 1350 for-pi, Ioyful sanct Niniane, þat oft helpis mony ane, agane al fais pu helpe me, sene or vnsene quethir þai be, & gyf me grace sa til lif here, quhethire I be haile or ellis fere, out of his varld I ma twyne but schame, det, & dedly syne. [A] lytil tale zet herd I tel, þat in to my tyme befel, 1355 1360 of a gudman, in murrefe borne in elgyne, & his kine beforne, & callit vas a faithful mañ vith al pame þat hyme knew þañ; & þis mare trastely I say, 1365 for I kend hyme weile mony day. Iohne balormy ves his name, a man of ful gud fame. & in processe of tyme tyd hyme til haf þe worme in til his lyme, 1370 & wrocht sa in his schank & kne, þat bath ware þai lyk tynt to be; for bath þai var sa swollyne of þat worme fellone, & bollyne, & þat syndry holis rynnand, 1375 þat one þat syd he mycht nocht stand, na gang na fut of þe sted to wyne his fude na eschew ded. & þat held hyme ful thre 3ere, ay were & were in þat manere, bat helpe of gris gat he nane, na of charme, na of stane. syne a tyme, as he lay, 1380 344 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. hyme come to mynd [þat] he herd say, þat, quha wald sanct Niniane seke & to fast his fasting awou eke, þat he suld gif þaim þare askyn[g]e, bot it ware wnleful thyng. 1385 þarfor he awouyt, ore he fayne, to fast & sek sanct Niniane, 1390 in hope sic grace he suld gif hyme, Fol. 347 b. þat he mycht weile recouer be lyme. & fra he sic awou had made, of þe mast redy gud he hade, sone his spending he can [mak] 3are par-with he suld to quhythorne fare, & gat men to by hyme be, to helpe hyme in necessyte. & quhen pis wes redy made, 1395 he fure his way but abade, & held one be nerraste way quhar met & drink ves fundine ay. & mylys are, quha cane tel, fra eglyne, quhar he can duel, to quhythirne, I dare say, twa hundre myle of met way. zet with disese and payne ydire he wane, & ves fayne. & quhen he come to be kirk, 1400 1405 þai tuk hyme of his hors [ful] Irke, 1410 & one twa handis & a kne to be hye altere trawalyt he, & offerit þare; & men hyme dycht a bed to ly [on] in þat nycht. & he, þat sare wes & wery, 1415 slepit oure pat nycht sadly. & one be morne, as It dew day, til hyme, þat halfly-slepand lay, 1416. slepand. XL.-NINIAN. 345 sancte Niniane cane apere, & teyndirly cane at hyme spere 1420 gif he in wil wes to fulfil þe awou he mad hyme til. quod he, 3a, for wa or weile he suld fulfill it ilke deile. þane sad sanct Niniane: "po I spere, 1425 þi gud wil haf I nocht in were; bot sen þu has with gret disese þis trawele mad me til enples, I lat þe wit þu sal nocht þi erand tyne þat þu has thocht. 1430 for-bi gang hame, quhen-euir þu wil! for, po pu cume one hors me til, to gang hame þu sal hable be one pi fete in prosperyte, & haf þi lyme hale & lycht, 1435 as euire þu had in þi mast mycht." & as day come, he fand his schank hale & fere, & 3arne can thank god of his grace, & sanct Niniane, & mad þis kyd til mony ane; 1440 for bath his schank & his kne ware als haile in al degre as þai ony tyme befor wes, owtane pare wes les of flesche & smallare sum part but wene pane be todire leg had bene. & pis mer[w]alle wes mad kyd. * The next leaf with the conclusion is wanting. * 1445 XLI.-AGNES. * Fol. 348 a. "& his fadire of wyf wat nocht na of sic delyt neuire rocht, to quhom seruis ythandly be angelis & has ferly; as of habundance is na lessing na of his riches na mynissing; & of his odoure thru þe smel þa ryse agane þat deid can fel, & al sekmen of his tweching of verray heile gettis mending; & his luf is ay chastyte, & haly mon his tweching be, his cuplyne is madynhed, ay schenand in word & deid." þer fywe scho repetyt efte & sad til hym, or scho lefte: "his kyne is of hye degre, & mare fare is possibilyte, & to be-hald he is farare, & to luf hyme he is swetare, . & al grace is excedand;" & fywe beneficis reknand þat hir spouse gef hir & al þai þat hir to spouse lykis to ta. * The beginning is wanting. 15. oft. 5 er IO 15 20 XLI.-AGNES. 347 & first, in takine of weding he erlis þaim with his ryng, of fele vertuse with syndrynes he clethis þame, & neuir-pe-les with be fare blud of his passione taknys þar chekis vpe & done, & cuplis þaim with hyme til hand of luf þat euir is lestand, & rychtis þame with be tresoure of hewinly Ioy, grathit þarfore; "& my luffar in sic wedyng has me erlyt with his ryng my richt hand & als at anys has ennornyt with schenand stanis, & with his mantele cled has me of fyne gold, ful fare to se, & syne with bruchis ful mony has me arayt craftly; 25 30 35 40 & he þar-to of his gret grace has mad a takine in my face, þat I sal tak one na manere bot hyme any [vthir] lufere, 45 & his blud has my chekis mad ful fare, þat falow ware & fad. & als his body is to myne cuplit with Ioy þat ma nocht fyne. & he sic tresoure schewit me 50 Fol. 348 b. þat neuire mar gane sal be, gif I wil as til hyme dere in til his luf ay perseuere. al sic giftis, & wele mare, he has giffine me with Ioyful fare; þarfor suld [1] vnhappy be, gif I lef sic a luf for pe." & quhen be zung man herd þis tale, his hart pane cane to-brist for bale; 55 348 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for sorow hyme sa sadly socht, þat of hyme-self na thing he rocht; bot seknes had he nothir-quhare, bot in his hart he had sic care, þat til his chawmir he hym sped, & ruschit done one his bed. þane can þai til his fadir tel hou at his son in seknes fel; bot quhat seknes, þai ne wiste. for-bi his fadir send but friste medicinaris, his stat to se 65 70 & to deme quhat seknes had he. þe quhilkis quhen þai saw his stat, has sone persawyng be his late þat hyme nothire ailyt mare ne myn bot þat luf distrenget hyme. 75 his fadir sperit quhat scho wes he luffit. & pai sad agnes, þai þat hyme behuffit haf til his vif, or ellis for hir tyne þe lyf. þane ves he blyth & thocht son his somnis 3arnyng suld be done; & gert agnes be brocht hyme til, venand his etlyng to fulfil, & sad hir: "agnes, þu suld kene þat þu art cummyne of symple meñ in regard of my gret mycht & of my dignite þe hicht; 3et sal I thole my son wed þe, anerly for þi bewte, & gif be far possessione of castellis, towris, & of towne, & gold and siluir neuir-þe-les, 80 85 90 in sic plente as þu wil ges; & sa ma þu to mare stat wyne, 63. bot seknes & he. 95 XLI.-AGNES. 349 Fol. 349 a. þane euir wane ony of þi kyne. & ful war þu for to forsak til haf my son to þi mak. þat has na cause to tak þe bot anerly for pi bewte." þane agnes sad hym schortly: "certis, gud sir, maryt ame I, & I ma na wyse brak þat band, for gold, siluer, na for land; & my spouse is mychtyere þane þi son, & fere richere, & has giffine me in mariage, þat neuir sal falze, his herytage ; for-pi, sir, spek to me nomare here-of, for his is pine answare." pane be prefet begane to spere at frendis þat hym teyndir were, quhat man it wes & quhat he had, þe man þat agnes þe ruse of mad. & sume of þame sad hyme to, þat crist hir spouse callit scho. þan þe prefet newit his spek, & gluthryt hir with wordis mek & fandit fa[s]t to bow hir vil; bot scho plat nay ay sad hym til. & quhen faire spek cuth nocht awalze, with harsknes he can hir assalze, & manesit hire to bet & bynd → & put hir al turment he mycht fynd & pyne hire, til scho granttit do his somnis žarnyng. bot na sais scho, bot his thret na his gluthryng scho set bath in til a lyne, & at his vordis mad smylyng IOI. þane agannis. 117. pan þe prefet pan newit. 119. & fandit fat to bow hir til. IOO 105 IIO 115 120 125 350 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in manere of scornyng. þe prefet pane, þat wes wrath, sad: "of twa thingis ches ane rath; gif þu wil virgine be, 130 mak sacrifice, þat I ma se, humyly one til oure goddes, 135 þat mychtty is & euire 3et wes, or ellis to be bordale ga, to thole al meñ þe frely ta." 3et for-cause scho wes freborne & hire eldris hir beforne, of hire kyne he had dred 140 for to supprice hir as of ded. þarfor he thocht hire to gere sla for þat cristine treutht scho can ta agayne þe lawis oysit þane, 145 quhare-for war slane wyf & man. pane sad scho: "nothire wil I to bi fals godis sacryfy na zet sal I fylit be vith ony manis flesch, parde; 150 for I haf goddis angele ay, þat kepis me bath nycht & day." þe prefet þan but ony mare gert dispole hir al bare, Fol. 349 b. & gert hire til þe bordale lede, to fylyt be with ful dede. 155 & quhene hire clathis al of ware, god send sic sydnes in hyre hare þat scho wes cled mare ewinely with hare pane with hire clathis in hy. 160 nocht-bane, as scho in be bordale wes brocht, agane hir wil haile, godis angel scho redy fand þare, in clernes schennand, 162. wes wrocht. XLI.-AGNES. 351 þat cled hir in a garment quhyte, 165 þat to be-hald wes delyte. & sa þe bordale wes but bad þe place of haly prayer mad, sa fere pat, quha enteryt þare, suld cume of it fere clennare, & gyf he 3ald dettyt honoure til god, þat al thing has in cure. ful mony for-pi entryt þare, þat for sic licht hire forbare, 170 & come owt frely þat þare wil, 175 for reuerence þat lycht þai gaf til. be prefet son merwale had þat nane in þe bordale bade vith hir þane for to play, bot but abad come away. for-pi in pe bordale he went, to tak hire furth in [til] entent, & ruschit syne in þe gret lycht. bot, or þat he hir tweche mycht, 180 þe feynd threst his throt sa sare, 185 þat ded done he fel þare. & quhene be prefet herd tel be myschefe his son befel, he rayrit rudly & gret fast; & to be bordale at þe last he come, quhar his son lay ded, & til agnes in þat sted he sad: " quhy has pu myn son slane ?” & sobrely scho sad agane: "certis, I did na scath hyme til, bot he, of quham he did þe wil, in til hyme did his pouste & weryit hyme, as ze se, for he na reuerence gef þe lycht, þat schane here-in be godis sycht, 190 195 200 352 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 350 a. as did be laf, þat come here-in & lefit for dred of god to syne." þe prefet sad: “ now sal apere gyf þu my son, til me ful dere, has be pi wichcrafte slane, or gyf þu may rase hyme agane othir be craft or be slicht of hyme bu [sais] has sic mycht, crist, þi spous, þat þu sais wil & may þi zarnyng wel fulfil.” vith þat one kneis scho fel done, & mad to god hire oracione, deuotely, þat men mycht here, sayand: "my spous & lord dere, rase pis man be-cause of me, þat al þir folk þi mycht ma se!" & as scho þat word cane say, þe corse rase but delay, & prechit til al apon hicht 205 210 215 of crist, hir spouse, þe mykil mycht, 220 & quhou þat he had sene in hel of werchis þare þe panis fel, & þe gret Ioy in hewine þat he saw, þat vnnoʊmerit mycht be. ful fele pane, seand bis ferly, become cristine son in hy. of be tempil be bischopis al, 225 seand his gret ferly fal, & considerand pe ty[n]sel grete of gud, þat þai war wont to gete 230 of þame pat tuk þe cristine fay & fra þar ryt went away, sedicion rasit in hy ymang be puple felloun[1]y, & cryit fast: "ga sla hir sone, 224. vnnormebit. 235 XLI.-AGNES. 353 þat þis wichcrafte has done, & peruertis thocht and wil of al þat treutht giffis hir til; for, suthly, bot scho slane be, in schort tyme meñ sal se þat men sal hale lef oure lay, & twrne paim to be cristine fay." bot as be prefet hyme bethocht of þat gret wondir þat scho wrocht til his son, þat witnes bare 240 245 til his ded & til his lare, vald scho had bene of þat sted; bot for he his awne men dred, he deput in his sted þare, be law to hald þaim, a vicare, 250 & sorouful went away; for he as he wald, mycht nocht hir fre. þat vicar þane, or he fane, Fol. 350 b. þat aspacius had to name, as inflammyt of fellone yre, gert tormentouris mak a fyre & agnes bundine cast þare-in, þat al men mycht se hir bryne. VOL. II. 255 bot þar men mycht se godis mycht; for þat fyre in twa ewine rycht 260 departit, & scalit ful wyd, & be mystrowand of al syd It brynt; sa þat [be] hethine had gret care, þe cristine [men war] glad. aspacius þan, þat wes wa, 265 gert tormentouris agnes ta, & thru hir als put a sword, for þat scho prechit godis vord. & sa, be scheding of hir blud he mad to god a martir gud, 244. he wrocht. Z 270 354 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & send hir sa one til hir spouse, to duel with hyme in til his house, thre hundre zere fra crist flesch tuk & nyne [bar]-to, as sais þe buk. hir [frendis] come with Ioy pat day to tak hir cors & bere away, & eschapit narowly of þe fel paianis for inwy, 275 [pat] kist stanis at þame þane; bot of godis mycht a-way þai wan, 280 & dicht for hir a sepulture, & lad [hir] in with gret honoure. þar at hire prayer sar & sek gettis heile, þat cane hir sek, in lofing of god, hewynnis king, to quham be honoure but ending. & þis wes done, I 3ou say, in rome pe ane & twenty day of þe moneth of februere, & þe dat for-wrytine here. þar bad stil amarentia, þat nawyse wald fra hyr grawe ga, for þai to-giddir ware feid of a mylk & of a clath cled, & with hir als kepit had in-to clennes hire madinhad; & scho be payanis sta[l]wartly 285 290 295 reprowit of þar fel foly, for þai tynt had gastly sycht, na wald god kene [na] his mycht, 300 sene þai mycht with fleschly ee his wondire-werkis clerly se, þat he had wrocht to pis vergine, þat þai saklasly put to pyne. pane pai, þat to crist had na lof, 305 XLI.-AGNES. 355 Fol. 351 a. quhene þai herd hire þaim reprof, stainyt hyr fellonly, til stark ded þar can scho ly. þan god, þo he debonare be, sic tent tuk to þar cruelte, þat he gert thonnir & fire-slacht stirk done be payanis þar stracht, 310 & mony of þame fled, sa fra pine furth pat, quha wald ga to visit þat suet virgine, 315 mycht frely cum at al lykine. þane tuk þa emeranciane & lad hir þare rycht fare in stane by be tom of sanct agnes, þat hir trew falow al tym was. 320 syne eftir, þe aucht day sancte agnes kyne, I herd say, come to wak dewotely a nycht, quhare agnes can ly, & schaw cume about mydnycht 325 a cumpany of madinis brycht, cled in clathis of gold schenand, & sanct agnes pame ymang, in þe sammyne clething cled, & at hire hand in þat sted 330 a lame quhytare þan ony snaw þat euir þai schaw of pe lif-thraw. & agnes to pame cane say: ' "se ze na sorou be naway for me, po 3e wene I ded be, bot erare makis Ioy with me! 335 for I with al þir madynnis here has gottine lestand seg[ë] clere." constancia, a virgine, syne, þat douchtyr wes of constantyne, 340 356 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 351 b. of foule lepre wes strikine sa, þat nocht wes hale fra tope to ta. as scho herd þis avisione, son eftir scho mad hire bon, & of agnes pan for þe sak went til hir fertre for to wak. & as scho had hire oracione mad in gud devocione, one slepe scho fel for werynes ; & til hire apperit sancte Agnes, & sad til hire: "constancia, stedfast confort to be bu ta ! for, gif þu in crist wil trew, of mysalry þu sal now be clene," & agnes but delay out of þat place vaniste away. Constancia pane ves vakand, & hale & fere hire-self fand & baptysme tuk but abad, & gert a costlik kirk be mad. in virginite syne þare ay scho lifit furth til hire enday, & mad of madynis a conwent to serwe god pare in gud entent. & of þat kirk a prest had syne þe cure, and callit ves paulyne, a deuot man, & had bene chaste langtyme. þarfor be wikit gaste fandit hyme ful felloun[1]y vith pe brodis of lichery, 345 350 355 360 365 370 þat hyme worth, bo he wes 3ape, of wemen haf be fawlouschepe. bot, þat he mocht do lefully, he went [one] to þe pape in hy, & asskit lef to wed a wife, 368. gest. 375 XLI.—AGNES. 357 for with his flesch he mocht nocht strife. be pape pane be his symplenes, considerit veile pan how it was, & pan gef he hyme a fare ryng, ane admyrald hafand þare-in, 380 & bad hyme þat he suld nocht Irke, bot sped hyme hame til his kirk, & to be ymag of agnes, at þare richt wele payntit vas, & þat ryng til hire gefe, 385 & to wed hire he gef hym leife. pan vent he to be ymag in hy, & mad hire prayere deuotely, & tald syne hou be pape bad gif hire þat ryng he þare had. & he proferyt hire þe ryng. &, lo, pare fel a ferly thing, for scho put furth be fyngir þare, 390 & he put one be ryng but mare, & drew in hire hand, & sone he 395 of fleschly fanding ves al fre. & here-of in vitnesyng remanis ay þe forsad ryng one be fyngire of þat ymag of vad of weding in-to vag. 400 Fol. 352 a. XLII. AGATHA. GATHA, þe madine clere, ves cumyne of gentil kyn but vere, & fare vas of hire body, & cler of thewis but velany, & in þe ton of cathenence seruit god but offence. & quincyane in þat quhile ves consol[ar] of cesile, & cumyne ves of carlis kine, po he til sic a stát can vine. chynsche he ves, lycherus als, & seruice mad til ydolis fals. & for pe stat þat þan held he, he gert agatha til hym brocht be, til haf hire to wyf for hire gret kyĥ, sa men suld þe mare dout hyme. & for hir beute he had wil vith hir his foule lust to fulfil. & to get gud of gredines, he wald hir haf als for riches. & as he seruit ydolis fals, he wald scho sa did als. sa til his presence quhen scho cumyne wes, he sad hir to: "quhyne art pu borne, madyn fre, 1. Initial wanting. 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 XLII. AGATHA. 359 & of quhat kyne, þu tel me, & to quhat godis has þu mad sacrifice fra þi zouthad?" scho sad hyme stedfastly: "to god of hewine ay serwe I, 30 & euire sal do, for ocht ma be; for mychtyaste of al is he. na I sal hyme neuire nyt, for he is my suffrane delyt." as quincyane persawing had þat scho wes of wil sa sad, til a matrone he can hir ta, 35 þat callit ves effrodosya, þat wes a commone bordelere, & douchteris nyne scho had, þat were 40 of þat crafte richt as scho ; & to be teynd he tacht hir to, þat þai hire thretty dais suld prufe, quhile be aw & quhile be lufe, to change hir purpos & wil, & to ger hire consent hyme til. þai ten tuk þat innocent & to þare Innys with hir went, & fandyt hire in syndry wyse, to ger hir mak sic sacrifice, & syne to ger hir til consent, 45 50 Fol. 352 b. & to quincyane get hire entent. to do sa, þai vald quhyle hir flesch far hir to begil, & ferly far hichtis hir make, 55 bot in thank scho ne vald tak. syne vthir tyme þai wald hir schore vith visage bald, & gere hire sa thole sic payne, þat [scho] suld be ded 3arne fayne, 60 54. fat. 360 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & syne manauce hire, þat scho be foule bordale suld be led to. bot scho stedfaste ves in thocht, þat of al pis na-thing rocht, bot tuk bath ewine in a lyne, þar harsknes & pare fleching. & as fandyt þai had hire sa, þai thretty dais als & ma, 65 & mocht be naway get hyre wil þare godis to sacryfy til, 70 na to consent to quincyane, bot sad nay ay in ane, sayand, scho had fondit hir thocht one a grond þat fallis nocht, "þat is, in my god criste Ihesu, 75 þat nopire ma brak na bow. þare-for 30ure wordis ar bot wynd, & I 30ure hichtis bot hething find, & al be manauce of 30ure payne 80 I dred fere les pane I do rayne; for be grownd-wal of my thocht ma nocht falze, þat dred I nocht." & sayand þis, ilke day scho gret, & ythandly cane pray, bat worthy scho mycht be to take martirdome for cristis sake; 85 for scho thristyt oure althing for til cume til hewynnis kyng. & fra affrodysya saw þat scho persewerit sa, 90 & wald nocht fal fra hir entent, to quincyane scho son went, & sad, it wes les maystry hard stanis to grynd, suthly, & yrne to mak als nes 95. pyne. 95 XLII. AGATHA. 361 Fol. 353 a. as leide, þat neuir zet done ves, "pane for to wryth agathis wil fra cryst, to consent zou til; for nane way ma scho changit be fra hir entent, þat sal ze se." þane quincyane wes rycht wrath, & gert bryng hyme be madyn rath, & sad: "of quhat condicione art bu?" & scho redy bowne sad: "gentil-womane ame I, my kine þat vitnesis opynly." þe quod he: "quhy mais pu pe þan thril?" & sone scho answert þare til: "for I ame cristis maydine ay, pare-for I ame seruand, I say ; for it Is swferane mast gentrise to Ihesu crist to mak serwice." pane quincyane, as pis ves done, 100 105 ΙΙΟ sad: "of twa thingis ches ane sone; 115 til oure godis oþire sacryfy, or thole hard turment in til hy." quod scho: "pi vyf mot be lyk as þi god is to þe, Iubitere, thru quham þat þu has na grace in god to trew." pane in wryth quyncyane [bad] gef hire buffetis mony ane, 120 sayand til hire: "quhy channeris þu my gret god agane now?" sad scho: "I haf ferly 125 þat þu art brocht to sic foly, þat þu sal þaim þi godis cal, or mak pame seruice gret ore smal, & vald nocht þat þi wedyt wyf suld nocht þame resemble in his lyf, 130 362 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & sais sene I do foly, þat wil nocht to pame sacryfy, & sais gret wrang I do be to— þat I for-think, sa haf I ro! bot, gif þi goddis gud be, þat þu paim folow, gud semes me; & gif þu lathis þare cumpany, to me þu consent[is] playnly." quod quyncyane pane agane: “of nocht seruis þire wordis vayne. sacrifice til oure godis mak, or til hard tormentis þe tak!" sad agatha til hyme: "parde, vith wyld bestis þo þu ryf me, fra þai here my godis name, but dout þai sal be stil Ilkane ; & gyf be fyre þu threttis me, Fol. 353 b. godis angele, meñ ma se, 135 140 145 vith dew of hewine ma softine sa, þat þi fyre sal me do na wa ; 150 & gyf þu me wond, I gyf na tale, be haly ga[s]t sal mak me hale. þare-for do one as pu has thocht, for of þi panys rak I nocht." þane bad he hir til presone drav, 155 for þat scho stud of hyme nan aw. & scho went furth to thole sic pane, & ves þar-of mare blyth & fayne, pane po scho callyt had bene to þe best fest, euire wes sene, & to god betaucht al þe striwe þat scho suld thole in-[to] þis lyf. þane quyncyane one þe morne gert bryng his maydine hym beforne, & bad þat scho cryst suld nyt 141. to mak. 148. evangele. 160 165 164. gret. XLII. AGATHA. 363 & sacryfy is godis to tyt. & for scho vald nocht nyt þat name, he gert strek hire in a frame, & torment hir in syndry vyse, for scho wald mak na sacrifice. 66 3et sad scho: mare delyt haf I in þere panys, sekyrly, þane ony man fane suld be to se be thing [he] fanest vald se, or gyf a man sudendly a hurd had fundine wn[u]enandly." þane quynciane gert hir hyng one hicht, & syne hyre dyng, & in hir pap wirk hir way, & syne ryfe it quhyt in twa. pane scho sad: "tyrand fel & prentyse of be feynd of hel! to fra me ryfe has þu na schame sic as pu swkyt of þi dame? Fol. 353* a. bot zet haf I my papis hale in my sawle, & euire sal.” þane gert he put hire in presone, & mad strat Inhibicione, þat na man access suld hafe to leche hire na hir lyf safe, na for til gyf hire til hir fud bred or wattir, to do hir gud. & as scho set about mydnycht in þat pressone forowt lycht, ane commone ald man enteryt þare, & a barne befor hyme bare of brynnand sergis sic fusione þat licht as day ves be presone ; & brocht al medycinaris nere, þat for hyr tyse gannand were, & sad hir: "[po] be consulare 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 364 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in ser wais torment pe sar, 3et has þu done hym wel mare il in ansuer þu has mad hyme til; & po he pi fare pape haf ryfine, to be hel sal sone be gyfine.” þane sad scho: "medycyne fleschly 3et gef I neuir to my body, & schame war gyf I now tynt it & sa lang now had It kepyt.' "> pane sad þe ald: "my douchtyr dere, schame nocht with me in na manere, for I ame cristine man, þu trew." quod scho: "schame may nocht helpe nov, bot I lowe be fadir of blis, þat þus of me thochtful is, as for to do sic besynes to confort me in to distres." "quhen wil þu thole, quod pe man, þat I be helpe, sene I crafte cane?” quod scho: "for I haf god nere, þat be word ma mak me fere, 205 210 215 220 &, gyf it lykand til hyme be, at his wil he ma hele me.” quod he: "I ame his appostil, pou trew, 225 & to heile pe, he send me now, &, lo, art þu nov hale & sownd of al weme & als of wond!' sanct petir þane vanyst away ; & scho one kneys fel but delay, & lowit god þat scho hir fand 230 hale & fere, fut and hand. þe geyleris tuk þe flicht, þai war sa red of be gret lycht; 3et ane of þame pane hire bad, 202. ar sar. 212. in ony. 235 219. quhē instead of quhy ne. XLII. AGATHA. 365 þat away scho vald pas sa stad. quod scho: "god scheld þat I tyne my crone, nov is redy!” "" quod quyncyane: "gif þu wil lyf, honoure til oure godis pou gife! quod scho: "pu trew trewly þat al bi wordis are foly. suld I honoure stok or stane Fol. 353* b. or ony thing bot god alane, þat helyt veile has my body, þat þu gert ryf sa cruely?" 240 245 sad quynciane: "quhat is he? "" quod agatha: " of hewine god he, be quhilk till þat I ma lif, sal luf Ithandly." 250 quod quincyane: "now we sal se gyf þi criste ma helpe þe.” þane bad he schellis & brynnand cole straw in þe floure, herd to thole, & nakyt þare-one hire rol, 255 til scho of ded had quyt þe tol. & as [b]ay his byding had fulfillit, but mare abad be erde steryt sa felloun[1]y, þat al þe cyte in til hy schuke & to-giddire strake, 260 & of mystrowand tuk sic wrake, þat of pe ton gret part can fal, & twa gret consulis with-al of quincyane ware smorit son. 265 þan blamyt þe puple hym rycht son, & sad til hyme in gret hy: "al bus we thole for þi foly." pane dred he be sedicione, & gert haf hire 3et in pressone. 270 366 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þar scho mad hire oracione; & as to god scho had tald hire oracione, pe gast scho zald, thre hundre 1. 3eris & thre fra god man lykit here to be. 275 þane hewinely men, of marmour fyn, a tabil mad, & lad it syne by be cors, & away son þai vanist but ony hone, of þar sicht wanest away 280 & neuire ware sene to pis day. & wrytine ves in þat tabil rycht fare lettire & legeable: "haly thocht, wilful & clene, & honoure gef scho god but wen; 285 Fol. 354 a. & deliuerance of hire cuntre scho gat at god, & mad It fre." & fra þis tale, I tel 30w nov, ves kid, als wele payane & Iow & crystine men come, in-to wil devot prayere [to] mak hire til. & quincyane, eftire ded scho ves, socht hir riches in syndry place. sa come twa hors þat sythtware, & fast faucht vith dyntis sare, & of pe hors rycht fast þe tane vith his fete dang quincyane, & þe todir bate hyme faste 290 295 & in þe rywere cane hym caste. bot in quhat place his caryon lay, 300 west nane to þis day. & eftir, be a 3ere wes ovtgane þat agatha þe ded had tane, a gret hyl, ves nere þe ton, brak owt in fyre & brynt doñ, 277. sepulture. 305 289. als wele to payane. XLII. AGATHA. 367 weltrand, as [it] a borne had bene, meltand stanis & erde brynt clene, & sa ner come [to] be tone be lyklynes to bere It done. þane of payanis a multytud, seand þis, one wallis stud, for reddure war abaisit sa, 310 þat þai ne wist quhar to ga. þan come þame to mynd percace þe uertu of sanct Agas; 315 & til hir fertre went þai, & tuk a clath [pat] þar-one lay, & sped pame vith It to be wal, & with a cord let it oure fal agane pe fyre; & It stud stil ne come nerrare þe ton til. 320 þar-for, sanct Agatha, I be pray þu helpe ws sa, at we may owt of his wrechit warld twyne but sudende ded, schame, & syne. 309. as to bere. 325 Fol. 354 b. XLIII.-CECILE. 20 O say sume thing is myne entent of sanct cecile, pe fare & gent, þat cumyne wes of þe best kine þat rome þane nere wes withine; & scho folouyt wele pare trace, for bath wyse & uertuse scho wes, fare of fasone for to se, enhornyt of al bewte; & fosterit ves in cristis fay, & cristis ewangele scho had ay hyd in hire brest, & þare-on thocht, na nycht na day cesit nocht. mekly to god, þat kepe vald he clenly hir virginite. & scho eftir þe custume pane ves handfast vith a 3ungmane, þat in maryag vald hire haf tan. & callit ves valaryane, þe day ves cumyne þat þai twa þat band of mariag suld ma. next hire flesch, þat wes fare, scho had al tyme þe harsk hare, & ves owtirwart to be sicht cled in gold schenand brycht. I. Initial letter wanting. 17 and 18 are transposed in MS. 5 сл ΙΟ 15 20 23. & vith. XLIII.-CECILE. 369 & quhene al mast mery mad with mouth & menstra[1]sy, pane wald scho in hart god pray be hir ane, & til hyme say: "god, grant þat my hart ma I vnuemmyt kepe & my body, sa þat I thole na varldis scham, bot ay be thankful to þi name ; & for þat fasting & prayere scho mad to god tymis sere. bot quhene þa suld to bed ga, & nane wes þar bot þai twa, "" scho tuk hyme by be hand in hy, & til hyme sad deuotely: "my maste swet & lowit thing, I wald tel þe a priwe thing, sa þat I mycht sekire be þu suld neuire discouer me, for gud na il na for mede.” 25 30 35 40 "tel one þarfor & haf na dred!" scho sad: "goddis angel haf I, 45 þat kepis me ay Ithandly, & lufis me sa wele, þat he wil thole na warldly men haf me; þe quhilk gif he persawe bi wil þat þu with lust nicht me til, 50 he sal be sla, ore euire he fyne, & þu þi fare 3uthed sal tyne ; bot [gyf] he be þi wil can prowe þat þu me lufit of clene lufe, in gret daynte he sal haf þe, & luf þe als wele as me, & al his loy saw þe til." valaryane þan, thru godis wil 27. in hirt god. VOL. II. 53. bot he þat be. 33. & for past. 39. cowit thing. 54. gyf þu. 2 A 55 370 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. chastyit, sad: "gif þu wil I Fol. 355 a. trow bi wordis parfytly, schaw me be angel, þat I may se þat þi wordis are verray, & I sal do al þi bydyng; bot gif I ma haf persawynge þat þu luffis ony warldis man, I sal sla þe & hyme rycht þane." quod scho þane: "gyf þat þu wil prowe it suth I sa now, þu sal trew in god, hicht me, 60 65 & in his name baptiste be; ܘ7 & þu sal se þe suth rycht þane, þat he is angel & na mane. þarfor ga fra þe cyte ewine thre myle in name of god of hewine, & in a rew, callit 'via apia,' 75 syndry poure meñ þu sal ourta, & to pame sal þu sa but gyle, þat 'me til 30u has send cecile, to sanct wrbane to kene me to tel hyme hire priwete.' & quhen pu fyndis hym, þu ma tel hyme pire wordis þat I say. & quhen he has hofine be, pane godis angel þu sal se." valaryane þan but abad passit furth be gat scho hym bad, & be be taknys he had tane, fand be bischope sanct vrbane lurkand ymang pure men mekly, quhare mony marteris can ly. & quhene þat he pam tald had his erand as cecile hym bad, þe ald his handis but mare 79. barbane. 80 85 90 XLIII.-CECILE. 371 Fol. 355 6. b. vphewit to be hewine rycht þare, & gretand sad: "lord Ihesu, þat chast consal wele chewis nov, of þat sede froit nov pu tak þat in cecil þu can mak! for cecil as besy be ententifly seruit has þe; for hyme, þat scho als fellone til spouse [tuk] as a woud lyone, mek as a lame scho has be send, þi treutht til ek & til amend." & as be bischope pis & mare had sad, pane apperit pare a zung man, þat nan cuth knaw, cled in quhytare thing þan snaw, & in his hand bare a buke, be quhilk rycht fare ves on to luke, vith goldine lettris wrytine brad. quhame quhene valeryan sene had, he fel for rednes in þat sted as a man þat had bene ded. bot rath be zung man raisit hyme, & bad hyme rede be buk with-ine. & he red; & fand þare: þar is a god, forout mare, & bot a treutht, & a baptyme, þai sal al leilemen saf fra pyne, a fadir, a makare of al, a-beoufe athing & euir be sal." & as he had red þis wryt, þe bischope sais : "trewis pu It, or art þu zet of dout of It þu come here about?" valaryane þane loud can cry, & sad: " na thing sa weile trev I 113. in past sted. 95 IOO 105 IIO 115 I 20 125 372 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. vndir hewine as I trew It þat I saw wrytine in zone wryt." þe zung man þan wanyst away; & valeryane but delay of sanct vrbane tuk baptyme, & hame to cecile went syne, & fand hire one hire bed stanand, & ane angel, þat in his hand had twa cronis mad wynnly of spanyst rose & quhyt lely. 130 135 of þame to cecile he gef ane, & ane to valaryane, 140 & sad: "pir cronys I brocht now of paradyse, to gif til 30w; þe quhilkis gif 3e kepe clenly with hart wnuemmyt & body, þai sal neuir falow, na tyne be odour þat ze think sa fyne, na zet na vthire sal þame se bot gif he kepe chastyte. &, valeryane, sene þat þu 145 has trewit heilesum consel now, 150 ask at me quhat-euir þu wil, & I þi zarnyng sal fulfil.” sad he: "gif sa þat it sal be, þar is na thing sa suet, think me, as my nan brothire; þare-for I 155 ask þat he knaw in hy Fol. 356 a. þe suthfastnes þat nov I kene." þe angel sad til hyme þane: "for pine askyne is rychtwyse & to god plesand mony vise, bu & pi bruthire, bath cronit to god, sal cume rath, of martirdome þe fare crone to bruk in hewine as 30ure wardone." 164. at 3oure. 160 XLIII.-CECILE. 373 tyburcyane syne enterit þare 165 quhare cecile & his bruthire ware, & feld þe odoure in til hy of he rose & þe lely, & sad: "bruthir, hou hapnis here þis swet sawoure þis tym of 3ere, of Nouember in þe moneth, for betyre odire I cane neuir fele. þare-for til you twa I grant wele þat I ame chengit sudendly.” valaryane sad: "na ferly; for fare cronis & fresch haf we, 170 quhene flouris haldine ar vndirneth? 175 þat þine ene zet ma nocht se, of rose and lyle wynly mad, þat neuir-mare sal falou na fad. bot as þu nov be my prayere has feld wele pis odere here, sa sal þu, gif þu trewis me, it þat þou felis clerly se." tyburcius cane hyme ansuere : "gif þis in slepe be at I here or it be in-to suthfastnes þou me tellis mar & les." þane sad til hym valaryane: 180 185 (( ve haf slepit al our tym gane, 190 bot in suthfastnes now we duel." tyburcius sad: "þu me tel hou þis ma be?" pan one ane til hyme sad valaryane: 66 godis angele it tacht to me; be quhilkis gif bu zarnis to se, tak baptyme & renunce til al fals ydolis þat ze godis cal! pane cecile prechit hym in hy, & schewit it hyme al opynly, 175. clengit. 185. tyburcium. 195 200 374 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat ydolis ma fele na thing, bot ar dume & defe, but smelling, na nocht ma grape na 3et se, "bot are mad ne ma helpe þe, & þu ma heke þaim as þu wil. Fol. 356 b. quhy suld pu pan gif suth paim til?" & as scho had hire sermone done, tyburcius sad til hire sone: (6 'quha trewis nocht þis, mast and leste, in fawte of wit is bot a beste." cecile pane hyme in armys hynt, & kissit his briste, or scho stynt, & sad til him: "I grant pis day þat þu art my mach verray; for, richt as luf of god has mad þi bruthire my husband, but bad, richt sa sal godis luf mak þe my mache, gif þu wil treu me, gif þu al ydol[is] wil forsake, & treu in god, & baptyme tak; & sa sal god grace gif to be, his angel in-to face to se. 205 210 215 220 for-bi se þu na lettyng ma, bot with þi bruthire son pou ga!" til his bruthire tyburcyane sad: “tel me, valaryane, 225 to quhat is it þu sal me led to mak ful endyng of his ded?" sad he: "to bischope vrbane." pane sad tyburcius one ane: "Is þat vrbane þat to be dede has bene condampnyt in þis sted, [&] in til hydlis ay syne duellis ? for, be he fundine, as men tellis, he wil be brynt for-out mare, 207. & scho as scho. 230 235 213. til hir. XLIII.--CECILE. 375 & we with hym mon fal þare, & sa, til we are sekand diuinite in hewine schenand, ve sal be wappyt in til yre, percace in erde in brynnand fyre." quod cecile til hyme: "gif war nan life bot in his warld alane, ferly var na men wald dout 240 to tyne it, war þai neuir sa stout; bot þar is a fere bettyre lyf, þat ma [nocht] tynt be for pis strife, þat godis sone [h]as til ws tald, þat mad al think, as his fadir wald; 245 þis godis sone, command fra hewyn, tacht ws with his stewyne, 250 Fol. 357 a. þat lyf is, þat lestis ay in hewine, but opir tene or tray, þat he has grathit til al his, til bruk in euire-lestand blis." tyburcyane sad: "tel me pis; sene þu sais bot a god is, quhy is þat þu tellis me þat þai are nov godis thre?" & cecile sad, þat ves war : (( as in a man thre thingis ar, wit frist, memor þe todire thing, & þe thred, vndirstanding; richt swa in þe mycht of godhed thre personis are but ony dred; þe fadire, pe son, þe haly gast, & nocht ane of þire are in waste." pane tald scho hyme mare & les, quhy god in warld come & in fles, & how hyme lykit for to tak passione of ded for mannis sak, 249. commaund. 250. til lar tacht ws. 255 260 265 270 255. tel me pus. 376 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & tald hyme syne congruiyte quhy his passione suld nedful be. "& first he tholit hyme-self ta, at as man suld be lattine ga, þat had bene haldine lang in syne; Fol. 357 b. & to be myssad lykit hyme, sa man, þat ves in malysone, mycht þar chese lestand benysone; & he tholit scornyt to be, to mak men of fendis scorne fre; & he tholit a crone of thorne one his heid be put for scorne, for þat [t]he heid sensses suld be fra mankind tane þat first gef he; & gal he tastit, for to bet It hat man tynt tastand þe swet; & nakit one be croice he wes, til hele adamys nakitnes; & hangit one be croice ves he, of first trespas to mak ws fre." tyburcyus þane but delay til his bruthire pis [c]an say: "gud bruthire, haf in þe mercy, I pray þe, & me led in hy to godis man, þat I ma be clene mad, þe angel to se!" his bruthire þane hym has tan 275 280 285 290 295 be þe hand & led til vrbane, þat, baptiste pane, he þe angel clerly mycht se, 300 þat vald gif hyme his askin[g]e debonarly but gruching. tyburcius pane, or he fane, & his bruthire valaryane 275. langsum syne. 292. þan þis. 283. for þat he had sensses. 304. valoryane. XLIII.-CECILE. 377 þare faculte, til It mycht leste, 305 til poure folk disponyt faste, & of pe marteris þe bodyis sa slane for godis seruice. þai enterit ful prywely. almacius pane in hy 310 gert þai brethire til hym bring, & sad to pame, as in hething: 66 quharfor haf ze sa mykil cure & besynes and laboure to grawe pame þat for trespas, 315 as resone mad, condampnit ves?" tyburcius þane but delay to be prefet sadly cane say: "vald god we war seruandis al to pame ze dampnyt cal, 320 þat has dispysit with clere thocht It pat aperis & is nocht." þe prefet sad: "þu tel me quhat manere pat may be?" quod he: "þat semys & is nocht 325 is al þat in his warld is wrocht, & ledis man to vanyte, & til it þat nocht sal be; bot it þat semys nocht to be & is, gif þu ma clerly se, 330 Is of richtwise men þe lyfe, & of Il men þe payne but strife.” þe prefet sad: "I trew nocht pis bu sais; of bi-self al is," & bad pane pat valaryane befor hyme suld be brocht on ane, & sad hyme: "po pi bruthire be nocht of parfyt wit, as think me, I consal þe for-out mare 305. beste. 322. þat aperit. 329. for it þat. 335 378 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat þu to me mak gud ansuare ; for it war lyk þai ware wod þat refusis bath Ioy & gud, but folely pat maste garnis Fol. 358 a. þat is maste fay to Ioy & blis. for-hi is gud ze wyse zu weile, or ze tyne al varldis sele." valaryane sad til hyme pane, in froist þat he saw Idil meñ playand þame, makand gud chere, & scorne þame þat wirkand were, bot in tyme of het, quhen pai froyt of þare travale bar away, 340 345 350 & gret Ioy & mery mad, pane pai þat Idil bene had, mad anoy & ewil chere; 355 "richt sa til ws has hapnyt but were; for we thole nov cald & het, quhile t[h]riste, quhyle hungire gret, bot sal resawe til oure med ay-lestand Ioy, þat is na dred. 360 bot ze, þat warldis glore has now, in tyme to cume ful sare sal grew, & for a schort tyme lestand blis in 3our foly are lyk to mys." pane pe prefet ansuert hym but mare, & sad: "be þe pryncis, are 365 vndisconfit of þis varld hale, sal thole, as ze say, lestand bale, & 3e, þat are content! wrechis here, sic lestand blis sal bruk but were?” valaryane sad til hyme þane: "ze ar na princys, bot smal men, borne in our tyme, & de sal sone, & 3eld resone hou ze haf done." be prefet sad, þat wes fel: 370 375 XLIII.-CECILE. 379 "in sic spek ganys nocht to duel. mak sacryfice for-out delay, &, quhar þu lykis, pas þi way!" þai brethire pane vnerely sad to be prefet opynly: "lele sacrifice to god we gife, & sal do, til we ma lif." quod be prefet to pame one ane: "of 3oure god tel me þe name!" valaryane til hyme þan can say: "certis, his name fynd þu na ma, po pu had wengis for to fle." 380 385 þe prefet sad: "zet thinkis me þat Iubiter is nocht be name of god þat suld be I[n] mast fame?" 390 valaryane sad: “Iubitere ves þe name of a murtherere & of a kyd houlloure, þat racht nopire of mensk na honoure." Fol. 358 b. þane ansuert hyme almachius, 395 & sad: "gif suth be bu sais ws, al þis warld erris bot þu ane & þi bruthire, þat has 30w tane to trew in a god verraly." valaryane pane sad in hy: "It is nocht anerly we twa þat a god al-ane cane ta, 400 bot þai ar sa feile ma þane we, þat þai ma nocht nomeryt be, þat resawit þis halynes, 405 & ay sal eke & be na les." þane gert þe prefet tak þaim bath & put þame in til pressone rath, in zemsale of maxymy, þat sad til þame ful felloun[l]y: 398. has 30ne tane. 410 380 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. "ze, pat ar zung & fals alsa, & bruthire-lufe betwene 3ou twa, me think 3e haste 30u to ded nov as til a feste men callit 30w!" valaryane sad: "gif þat þu wil hicht til ws þat þu sal treu, Fol. 359 a. 415 be Ioy þu sal se in pis sted of oure sawlis, as we are ded.” þane maxymyne sad: "fyre me bryn, gyf I pat god pane trou nocht in 420 þat ze treu, gyf þat I se þe thing suth ze sa to me." þare maximyne but ony mare, & al þat euire with hyme ware, & be fel tormentouris alsua, 425 of pape vrbane can baptyme ta, þat in hydlis come þame til, & þare request [did] with gud wil, & in pe dawing of be day in hye voice cane to pame say: 430 66 3e, þat are cristis knychttis mad, puttis fra 30u nov but abad vorkis of myrknes, & clethis 30u in armys of licht in hast nov!" almachius þe prefet herd 435 how þat þer cristine knychttis ferd. þane gert he tak þaim rycht sone, & syne eftire for-out hone he gert leid þame of þe toĥ four myle, one þat condicione, gyf þai to Iubitere rycht þare vald sacryfy but ony mare, 440 þai suld ga fre at þare wil, & al þar gudis tacht þame til; & gif þai gruchit to do sa, 445 þare nekis suld þai strik in twa. XLIII.-CECILE. 381 pane ware pe brethire one led, til þai come til þe lymmytstede; & for þai wald nocht sacryfy þai war vnhedit bath in hy. þane maximyne, þat þare was, quhene þat ves done in þe place, sad, he saw angelis cume done 450 in þe tyme of þare passione, & pare sawlis vpe in hewine bare 455 vith pame in-to wynly fayre. sone eftire as þis ves done, to be prefet ves tald sone þat maximyn cristine ves mad. þe quhilk þane but abad gert men with lumpis of led dyng hyme til he ves ded. pane cecile tuk þe bodys thre, 460 & in a grawe gert þaim lad be, vith sic honoure as scho cuth do, 465 & as þe tyme askyt to. almacius þane wes besy to get þe gudis gredely of þe forsad valaryane, þat til his spouse cecile had tane, 470 & of tyburcius his bruthire, & lewit nocht ane for vthire. & sowne wes fundyn þat cecile þar gud[is] had to kepe a quhyle. for-þi hir gert he bryng hyme til, to grype þe gudis in-to wil. 475 & as scho brocht ves hyme befor, he sad til hire with sturt & schore: "til ydolis þu mak sacryfice, & þame honoure in al wyse," 480 ore ellis for to thole gret payne & fynaly þare-for be slane. 382 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þan turmentoris, po pai vald fenze, word of ned hire til distrenze, gret rycht sare, for sa fare a thing, sa vyse, sa far, & sa zyng vald ta be ded sa wilfully. pane sad scho til þame in hy: Fol. 359 b. "It is nocht, zungmeñ, as 3e thocht; for my 3outhed here tyne I nocht, bot gifis filth & takis gold fyne, & giffis a lacht place of duelling, & takis a place of bewte, sic as ma nocht comprisit be, & giffis bot a lytil wra, 485 490 495 a vyd merkat þare-for I ta. richt as man suld gif 30w tene shillings for a penny now, I trew þat ze suld haste zou þene to gife a penny & take tene ; 500 sa to god gif we gife ocht of warldly thing þat he has wrocht, he sal gif ws parefor in med ane hundre tyme sa fele, but dred." 505 sad scho pane: "trew 3e pis?" tr "za," sad þai, sa hafe we blis, ve trew þat criste is god verray, þat sic a seruand has þis day." þay of a wil euirilkane gert bryng be bischope ald vrban, 510 of quham richt þane baptym can ta four hundre personis & ma. almachius gert hire til hym bring, & sad hire, as with smylyng he sad: "of quhat condicion is pu?" 515 scho sad: "gentil woman, I trew." almacius sad syne tyte: 498. tene f. XLIII.-CECILE. 383 "I spere, womane, of þi ryte." cecile sad hyme: "pine askin[g]e of foly takis begynnynge, venand I suld ansuer[is] twa vndir a demand be to ma." almacius sad til hire bon: "quhene has pu sic presumpcion of redy ansuere til a man?” 520 525 & cecile sad til hyme þane : "of conscience gud & clere, & fath vnfenzet, but were." almacius sad hire one hicht: "me think þu knawis nocht my mycht." 530 scho sad: "zis, I cane wele fynd þi poweste lik a bose of wynd þat fillit ware, & with a prene mocht out be latine for-out wene, & seage, and to-giddire fal, 535 & tyne he vowsty blawing al." almacius cane til hire say: "vith inwy bu begynnis ay, & in It syne perseueris; quhat is he þat þe þis leris?” 540 Fol. 360 a. quod scho: "iniure is it nocht. bot fraud in word be thocht; par-for, gif I do wrang, me teche, or with fals wordis I be fleche, or blame pi-selfe þat me blamys, 545 or of fraud me defamys. bot we, be haly name þat wat of god, ma nyt it na-gat, & bettire is de happely na for to de here wrechitly." 518. of þat ryte. 550 528. a fath. 535. seage? The word is illegible, owing apparently to erasure. 536. bousty. 521. ansgere. 545. & blame. 550. to dehire. 384 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. almacius sad in þat tyde: "quhy spekis þu with sic pryde?" "na," quod scho, "pryd is It nocht, bot It is stedfastnes of thocht." almacius pan til hire can say: "bu wreche, wat pu nocht I may, gif me lykis, now sla þe, or, gif me lykis, lat þe be? for sic poweste is tacht me til 555 þat I ma do quhat-say I wil." 560 pane sad scho: "I ma prewe wele þat þu has leyt ilke deile agane opyne suthfastnes; for, po pu of poware wes be lyf to tak of ony mañ, 565 of powere wes þu neuir zet þan to quhykine man þat ded had bene. for-hi is pu seruand but wene of doulful ded & nocht of lyfe, & nocht of quyet, bot of stryfe." almacius cane til hire say: 570 "þat wedand wodnes do away, & sacryfy oure godis til, gyf to luf langere be þi wil !" sad cecile pane, or scho stynt: 575 "It semys þu has þine eyne tynt; for, þat þu godis cane cal, ar bot stanis & stokis al, as þu ma with þi handis taste, po þu ma nocht se a laste." 580 þane ves almacius rycht wa þat scho sic ansuere cane til hym ma, & gert men til hire ine hire led, for he wald scho war dede. & al a day & al þe nycht 557. giffis. 585 565. lyf to mak. XLIII.—CECILE. 385 Fol. 360 b. he gert leid meelte in menis sycht, & band hire faste fut & hand, & kest hir in be led brynnande. bot of het scho feld nomare pane scho in a bath set pane vare, na changit contenance na chere, for ocht þat scho cane se or here, bot ves blyth, as scho had bene in maste mycht þat euir wes sene. and as almacius þat herde, as out of wit nere he ferde; in-to pat leid, þat brynnyt swa, he bad strik hire nek in twa. & po be basar strak hire thrise, he mocht vnhied hire na-wyse ; 590 595 600 &, for pe law bad, þat, quha suld haf be hed strikine hym fra, þe ferd strak suld haf na-way, for-pi þe basare 3ed his way, & lefyt hire lyand in pat sted 605 thre days fullely, as nere ded. & in þe meyne-tyme, nocht-for-thy, scho delt hire gudis vysly ymange powre folk þat had ned, & til vntrowand godis sede sew, & to god wysly wane thru hire preching mony man, & pame þat scho conuertit swa, 610 fra wrbane scho gert baptym ta, & sad hym, pat scho had mad purchas 615 to god þat scho mycht luf þe space þat scho mycht þaim til hym commend, þat to be baptist scho hym send, & of hire house of lyme and stane gert mak a kirk, of sancte vrbane 596. wet. 591 and 592 are transposed. VOL. II. 620 599. & po he. 2 B 386 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. halouyt, & eftire lad hire pare quhare nov fele bischopis grawyn are. & pis, þat I tel here, done wes eftire þat criste had tane flesch twa hundre thre & thretty 3ere; 625 & pane wes emperoure but were marcyus, þat arelyane had þane til his surname. now, sancte cecile, þat had sic grace, þat, quhat þu wald, þu mycht purches fra Ihesu, þat þu lufit swa, 630 purches ws, ore we hyne ga, of þis varld þat we ma twyne but schame, det, or dedly syne. Fol. 361 a. XLIV.-LUCY. HETE wil I wryt of þe story here next of sancte lucy, þat borne wes of syrycusane, & mychty kyne had mony ane. scho wes fare, wyse, & chaste, & set hire hart one god maste, & to serwe hyme wes nocht swere. sa hapnyt hire a tyme til here be gret lose of sanct agatha ; & mad hire hydire for til ga, & at [hir] fe[r]tre for to wak, & pare to god hir prayere mak. for of agatha þe renovne gert hire haf deuocione. & hir modyr eutycia scho tretyt with hire for to ga, for four 3ere scho had pe Il, þat oftymys fallis wemen til; na scho mycht get na medycine, þat cuth hire stanche of þat pyne. & for scho trewit sancte agas of hele suld get hire modir grace, samyne þai went of dewote wil of agatha þe fe[r]tre til, & wok þar, & prayt a nycht. I. Initial letter wanting. сл 5 IO 15 20 25 II. & pat fetre for. 21. trewis. 388 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & one [be] morne at dais lycht, quhene þai herd þe bellis ryng, & prestis schupe þaim mes to syng, þane went þai til alteris sere, deuotely messis for til here. & ymang vthire wes a mes, quhar þe ewangel repetyt ves of a woman þat of tweching of cristis heme but vthir thing, of sic seknes gat hele quyt of hire sad treutht thru meryt. þane sad lucy: "modir dere, gyf þu trewis wrytine is here, 30 35 trow agas has hyme ay present, for quham scho sufferit herd torment; 40 &, þarfore, wil þu twech now hir fe[r]tre & ferme trew, I trew þu sal parfytly be hale of þine infirmyte." & as be messis war al done, 45 Fol. 361 b. þe folk went hame at þe novne, bot þai twa at þe fertre lay in gret deuocione for to pray. & tyd lucy for to slepe; &, as hire thocht, takand kepe, saw agatha at hire richt hand vith ful feile angelis stand, schrud in schenand wed brichtare pane siluir, but dred, & sad hire: "cystire lucy dere, to god deuote, in thocht ful clere, quhy askis þu me þat þu to pi modire ma gif now? for þi treutht has mad hire hale, & bete wele of all hire bale." 26. þat dais lycht. 50 55 60 28. schape. XLIV.-LUCY. 389 þane waknyt sancte lucy, & til hire modire sad in hy: "lo, modire, pu art mad hale, for þu trewyt to my tale. par-for be hire I coniure pe þat thru sic travale helyt þe, þat to spouse me þu nemmyne nocht, bot, quhat-euir it wes pu thocht in weding fore to gif to me, 65 to gyfe to poure men I leife be." hire modire sad: "couer myn ene, &, quhat to be spedful be sene to do of my gud, do alsone!" þane lucy til hire sad but hone: "It þat þu gifis at þi ded-day, þu gifis, for þu ma nocht away ber it; for-pi þi gud þu giffis, gif þu wil thank haf, til þu liffis; 70 75 Fol. 362 a. to gif þi gud, thank has pou nan, 80 quhene þu of pþis lyf is tane. for-þi, til þu has powste, gif, & þu sal rewardit be." þare-for, quhen pire twa com hame, sancte luca & hire forsad dame, þai gef þare gudis plentuisly to pame pai saw mast nedy. & quhen par meble ilke day ves nere delt clenely away, pane sawyt þai, as pat ves done, pare gudis w[n]mowable sone. & as his come to be knawyng of hyme pat suld haf in weding lucy, speris at hire nowrise, quhar-for hire gudis in sic vise 73. god. 77. þe gud. 76. ma haf nocht. 93. speris pat athire. 85 9༠ 390 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. IOI. suld. var sald for mast part away, & delt to poure men ilke day. & scho, þat ves var & wyse, sad, þat lucy in merchandrise had fundine a thing for to by, quhare-in mare profyt cane ly pane in ocht þat sald has pai be lyklynes alway, & þat in til his nam scho bocht, for scho to mak [hym] riche thocht. & he, þat sete had his lykyng alhale in temporale thing, to sel þe gud ves mare besy be-for pane ves sanct lucy, venand þat he suld at his weding pare-thru hafe doublyt al his thing. & syne, quhen he persawit veile þat al wes sald ilke dele, & ymang poure men delt away, pane to be prefet but delay, þat to name had pascasius, he went & plenzet of his spouse, þat scho had tane pe cristine fay agane pare lawis osyt Ilke day, in contrare of be emperoure, of commone thing þat has þe cure. paschasyus pane in al hy befor hyme gert bryng lucy, & bad þat scho suld criste forsak, & sacrifice til ydolis mak. sad scho: "thankful sacryfice & plesand to god mony wyse is to helpe pure men & fede, & visit mysterful in ned. bot now, for nocht is lefyt me, 121. paschanyus. 110. haste. 95 100 105 IIO 115 120 125 122. gret bryng. XLIV.-LUCY. 391 Fol. 362 b. quhar-of I ma gif cheryte, of my-selfe wil I offerand mak to god, þat in thank sal It tak; for I haf dressit my ful wil hou I ma sonest cume hym til." til hire pane sad Pascasyus: "sic wordis suld þu nocht say ws, bot erare lyk þe til a fole, as þu art cled in cristis stole ; for to me mak þu nocht þat spek, þat has be lawis for to kepe of hyme pat is nov emperoure, & al pe varld has in cure." þane lucy sad: "richt as pu be law of þi prynce kepis nov, rycht sa þe lawis sal I kepe of my god in ded & speke; 130 135 140 145 & for bi princis pu art rad, & cristine treutht serwe god me bad; þi prince wil nocht þu wreth nov, & I to wreth god sal eschew; bu til þi prince wil enples, 150 & to serwe god is myne ese. pare-for do þu þat þe spedful is, for rycht sa wil I do I-wys it þat is my maste profyt." paschasius sad hir tyt: 155 "bi patrimone, wele persawe I, þu has dispendit, as se I, one þaim þat has corr[u]mpit þe; þar-for as hure þu ansueris me." þane til hyme sad lucy: "sir, my patrimone haf I stablit in sa sekire place, quhare foule corrupcion neuir ves; 137. & fole. 158. þu hastely dispendit. 160 392 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 363 a. bot sic corrupturis as bu to me at lykyne spekis nov, I wiste neuir Il in body na thocht, na zet wit sal, dred be nocht!" paschasyus sad pan hire til: "þat þu me tald, it war my wil, quha ar fyleris of þe body & of be thocht." pan sad lucy: "of be thocht fyleris are ze þat wald entyse ws þat we 165 170 suld cese to serwe our creator 175 fore it þat seruis nocht ane houre; & corruptouris of cors ar pai þat varldly lyking settis ay befor lykyne þat ma nocht cese, bot þare-of has na thocht." þe prefet sais: "al sic spekyng sal sese, fra we begyne to ding." quod lucy: "trew pu but les þat godis vord ma neuir cese." quod be prefet: "I trev þat þu trewis þu art god rycht nov!" sad lucy: "I wat þat I ame godis seruand encrely, til his appostolis þat can say 'se, 3e dout be na way befor kingis quhen ze sal stand or befor precydentis of pe land, quhat ze sal say in þat houre, 180 185 190 na of 3oure ansuere haf na cure; for wysdome sal I gif zu til 195 & mowth til ansuere þaim with skil, for in 30w sal þe haly gast til al mak ansuere mast & leste.' þe presydent sad: "wenis þu 173. bodyis. XLIV.-LUCY. 393 þe haly gast is in þe nov?" lucy ansuert hyme in hy: "quha here weile lufis & chastely, of be haly gast tempil ar pai." pascasius pane can til hire say: "to be bordale bu sal be led, & be sa fylit in þat sted, þat tyt be haly gast fra þe, for fylth of þi flesche, sal fle." quod scho: "þe body ma nocht be fylit bot of consent of thocht. for, þo þu ger men fyle me agane my wil, my chastyte sal doublit be me to be crone, þat I sal wyne for my wardone; for of my wil neuir sal I consent to fyle my body, for ony payne or ony wa, þat þu to me pare-for ma ma. for my body ay is bone to haf al pyne & passione 200 205 210 215 220 for godis sak, quham in I trew. do furth pare-for! quhat bydis þu? for þu sal fynd me redy ay to tak mare payne pan thu think ma." þe presydent gert [til] hyme bryng sere houlouris, & gef bydding hir to be bordale to led, & quhen scho var in pat sted, þa suld ger be criyt tyt, quha-sa-euir had appetit til haf a maydine but med, pai suld þame to be bordale sped, for þar fynd suld þai a madine to mak assith til þaim Ilkane; 203. gastis. 204. pascasaius. 234. þaim al Ilkane. 225 230 394 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 363 b. & þat nane suld hire body spare til ony lyfe in hire ware. 235 pane þai went furth but abad, to do þat þai in byding had. hir to be bordale wald þai haf brocht for sic cause; bot þai mocht nocht; 240 for be haly gast had sa stithit hire, þat nane of þai mycht of þat place a fute hire stere. þe presydent, þat wes by nere, ves amowit ful gretumly, 245 & gert a thousand men in hy cume to draw hyre furth of thret. bot þai mycht hire na forthir get, po bath hire fet & hire handis var bundine faste with Irne bandis. 250 to helpe pame come, a thousand men, fyfty 30k of oxine þene, to flyt hire furth one þe way; bot in waste [wes] al did þai, for vnsterit scho stud stil 255 as a crag, to byd godis wil. enchaunturis pane he gert cum sere, hir with enchanmentis to stere; bot scho mycht nocht steryt be mare pane ware a rutfast tre. pane pe presydent can spere : "quhat wichecraft dois pou here, þat þu, þat is maydine al zing & lyk is til a teyndir thing, ma nocht be had a fute of lynth, of men na oxine for pe strinth?" quod lucy: "neuir zet delt I with wichecraft, bot sikirly It is of criste be benyfice, 241. haly gad. 256. to bydn. 263. is is maydine. 260 265 XLIV.-LUCY. 395 þat stithis me on þis wyse; 270 for, gyf þu wald zet ek to ten thousand, [pai] suld nomare do." þane ves it tald þe presydent þat wischcrafte & Inchaunment vith nectyng mocht be lousit sone. 275 þane gert he caste on hire but hon of necting a gret quantyte, Fol. 364 a. þat foule ves to fele or se, par-with for to flit hyre thocht. bot al ves in wast þai wrocht. & quhene he mycht do nomare, a ful gret fyre he gert mak pare about hyr one ilke syd, þat scalyt fare be low, & wyd, & kiste pare-in pyk & brynstan, to bryne hyre bath lyre & bane. bot þat grewit hyre nomare, na It a tempryt bath ware. þane lucy one hicht can say : "of god I haf gottine delay of my martirdome, for þat I out of dout suld put sikirly "" al cristine men to thole passione, & say to wyne ay lestand crone, & til eke schame als be mare til hethine þat vntreuful are. pascasius ves pane ful wa, quhen he saw hyme scornyt sa. for-pi his frendis, þat ware nere, til confort hyme & mend his chere, a sword in hire hals can thryng. bot þat hire refit nocht þe speking, for scho sad: "trewly, I tel 30w þat to kirk pece is giffine now, for his day ded has tane 280 285 290 295 300 305 396 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. of his warld maxymyane, & dyoclyciane but dout of his kynrik [is] put owt. & as agatha, my cystire fre, is protectryse of þis cyte of cathanen, rycht swa sal I mak prayere to god Ithandly of Cyricusane for be towne, þat to helpe [it] god be bon.” & rycht as scho pis tale tald, 310 315 fra rome come men, þat ves bald. þan band þai pascasyus rycht pare & led hyme sa to cesare; for cesar had herd syndry tel, þat þis pascasius ves fel, 320 & refit gudis for gredynes In þe cunctre quhare he ves. & quhen he ves brocht to rome, of þe senat thru þe dome, his nek þai gert strik in twa, 325 &, quhare he seruit, [he] cane ga. & sanct lucy out of þat sted, Fol. 364 b. quhare scho for god tholyt ded, ves nocht steryt, bot duelt stil, as lyk wes to be godis wil; bot quhen prestis in gud entent had ministiryt hire pe sacrament, & scho had 30ldine god pe geste, þai mad a fare grawe in [til] haste, & hyre entyryt vorthely, as oyse of kirke wes, deuotely. pane come hire mychtty frendis but hon, & mad a crafty kirke ful sone, qu[h]are restis, & sal do ay, hire poudyre til of dome þe day; 306. of his warld. 330 335 340 334. scho mad. XLIV.-LUCY. 397 J & feffyt it mychtyly of gret rentis & mychty, to sustene paim þare suld lyfe, pare seruice to god ay to gyfe, In lowing of god firste, & syne in honoure of þis haly virgine. twa emperouris vare þat tyme: þe tane ves callyt constantine, & be todire maximyne. eftir criste oure flesch had tane thre hundre tene 3ere & ane, þis ded ves done, ze red here, be xiij day of discembre, but ver. nov lucy, for quham god of hewine pis wrocht for þe, ore þu went hyne, pu purchas ws sic grace, þat we oure lyf led [her] in sic degre, ovt of þis warld þat ve ma twyn but schame, det, & dedly syne. 345 350 355 Fol. 365 a. XLV. CRISTINE. 20 HE gentil virgine s: cristine, þat god seruit vith hart fyne, come of kyne of mykil mycht, þat seruit god[is] day & nycht; & in tyro of ytaly hir fadire duelt as mast mychtty. & for scho ves his perand are, fetyse, fasonyt wele, & faire, he mad a toure of lyme & stane, a starkare mocht be fundine nan. þar-in put he his dochtyre dere, & twelf madynis, þat fosterit vere vith hire to serwe, he gert ga in þe toure hire seruice to ma. & godis gert he mak syndry of gold & siluire mychtyly, & put pame vith hyre in þe toure, for scho suld do to paim honour, & incense laid in a wyndo by, quhar-with scho suld sacryfy. pane for be cause of hire bewte ful mony zarnyt hire to se, til hafe hire in weding; bot hire kyne wald for na thing þat scho til man suld gyffine be, bot serwe furth in virginite, 5 ΙΟ 15 20 25 XLV. CRISTINE. 399 til þar godis til enplese, for as pame thocht þat ves mast ese. bot scho ves tacht wele in haste be steryng of be haly gaste, & al pai ydolis mare & les scho had in-to wlatsomnes, & be incense, par-with scho 30 vikit sacrifice suld mak þaim to, in a wyndo scho lad It by, 35 & it hyd pare ful craftfully. hire fadire come a day percace in-to be toure, quhar his dochtir ves, & hir twelfe madynis tald hym sone 40 hale how his dochtire had done, þat sacrifice vald mak na day til hire godis be ony way, "for scho sais, cristine is scho. seis þarfor quhat ze wil do!" þane hir fadire kissit hir ofte, 45 & gluthryt hir with vordis softe, & hir entysyt mony wyse to godis to mak sacryfice, & sad [til] hir: "my dochtire dere, do furth my byding in gud chere!" 50 quod scho: "þi dochtir cal nocht me, bot I his dochtyre ay sal be, & sacryfice [one]-til hyme mak, þat sal in thank rycht wele It tak; 55 þat is, to god in trinite, to quhame for euire I offer me, & nocht to godis, pat neuir had lyfe, bot are vith handis mad, & ma nocht spek, se, na ga— quhatkine godis suld be ba?" pane sad be fadir: "gif þat þu 33. þat with. 31. al þat. 39. madyns. Co 400 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. vil nocht to syndry godis now mak sacrifice, at lest til ane sa þat þe lafe nocht crabyt be na gretly grevyt at þe!" þane sad scho: "pu has sad wele Fol. 365 6. vnwittandly, sa haf I seele! for I mak myn offerand but were euir-ilke day to godis sere, & are bot a god nocht a laste, þe fadire, þe sone, þe haly gaste." pane sad be fadire: "sene þat þu þai sere godis honours now, quhy wil þu nocht honoure with-al al vthire þat goddis ve cal?" quod scho: "po I nemmyne thre personis, ma bot a god be; fadire, sone, & haly gaste; 65 70 75 & pire thre, quha vele cuth taste, 80 Is bot ane in diuinyte, þo I nemmyne personnys thre." hire fadir vent [in] wrath away. & crystyane but [mar] delay gadryt sammyne þai godis al of gold & siluere, & brak smal, in smal pecis but delay, & gefe to poure men away. hire fadire, venand vele to do, a-nothire tyme come hire to, to þai godis to do honoure, þat he befor lewit in he toure; & he fand nane he honour mocht. pare-of gret ferly hyme thocht, & at cristine he speryt sone, quhat scho vith his godis had don. 63. at lest til ane he. 74. seris. 96. gudis. 85 90 95 XLV. CRISTINE. 401 Fol. 366 a. þane hire maydinis can hym say, pat scho [had] delt þame al away, & brokine pame in pecis smal. þat hyme thocht verste of al. & quhene he wist his ves done, he gert hire clathis tak of son, & gert men ding hire ful faste vith handis fel, til þai mycht leste. & þat he gert do ythandly, til twelfe men war wery. cristine sad [til] hire fadire pane: "but honoure & schame Ivyle man & wlatsume to god sykyrly, se hou al þere are very, þat dyngis me, & 3et but vere in godis seruice I persewere; parefor suld þu be prayere seke tyl þi godis, þare strinthis til eke, & sa, to nev þare vertu, fand; for þai haf nere tynt þare aynd." þane gert he bynd hire faste vith yrne chenzeis, & hire caste in til a presone depe & myrk. IOO 105 ΙΙΟ 115 & quhen hire modir herd þis verk, scho rafe hire clathis & hire hare, 120 & cryit loud, & he can rare, & to be presone vent ful sone, & til hire douchtir fete fel one ane, & sad: "cristyane, my dochtyre brycht, þat of myne ene is souerane lycht, 125 VOL. II. vith hartly vil to be I pray þat þu wil rew of me pis day!" quod scho: "quhy callis pou me bi douchtire? for I haf one me be name of god almychtty. 97. maydine. 130 108. Ivyld. 2 C 402 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. for-bi ga þi vay in hy!" & quhen be modire saw þat scho mocht no mare with hire douchtyre do, til hire husband scho com sone, 135 & tald hyme al hou scho had done, & þat scho mycht be na skyl of hire douchtyre turne be wil. hire fadire pane of fellon thocht gert hyre befor hyme sone be brocht, 140 & bad hire scho suld sacryfy til þare godis in al hy, ore ellis thole torment sa fel, þat it suld ferly be to tel, "& þu sal neuir callit be 145 my douchtir; trewly, I tel þe." pane sad scho [til] hyme but hone: "a ful gret grace þu has me done, þat sic hicht makis to me, þat þi douchtir I sal nocht callit be; 150 for of sathanes trewly art þu, 3a, fadire, fermely bis pu trew!" þane commandyt he to perse hir flesch with scharpe nalys, þat teyndir was, & hire lymmys to draw in twyne, 155 til ony lyf ware hire in. Fol. 366 b. þane cristyane of hire flesch can pul, þat rywine wes, a handful, & kyste [it] in hire fadire face, & sad tyl hyme, þat angry wes: 160 "bu tyrand, þat þi flesch can get of þi body, now It ete!" hir fadire pane but ony hone gert hir on a quhele be done, & fyre vith oyle þar-on gert he be mad in gret quantyte. 165 147. buth hone. XLV.-CRISTINE. 403 bane be gret lo[w] scalit on heid, & slew fywe hundire in pat sted; bot til hire it did na lath, 170 in body, na zet in clath. zet vend hire fadire sekirly al þat had bene sorcery; for-þi one nev he gert hire bynd, & in a myrk pressone hire flyng. & as cumyne ves pe nycht, 175 he bad his menze þai suld dycht a hewy stane til hire bynd faste, & in þe se syne hire caste. & quhen pai had his bydding don, godis angel apperit sone, 180 & hire in handis hynt in hy, & held hire one lofte ban-dry. pane cryste hym-self, þat al mocht se, [come] of hewine, þat in þe se 185 baptyste hire, & cane say: "I baptyse be here his day in god, my fadire, & in me & in pe haly gaste, al thre;" & to sancte mychel hire betacht, þat blythly hire in handis lacht, & set hire one land al dry. & quhen hire fadire pis ferly herd, strak hym-self in pe front, 3et sayand, as he wes wont: "quhat wichcrafte oysis þu, þat þe se na ma now drowne þe, for ocht men ma do?” þis answere scho mad hym to: "bu fellone fule & vnhappy, of god sic grace gewine haf I." hire fadire [pane] commawndit sone þat scho in preson suld be don, 190 195 200 404 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 367 a. & one þe morne hire to ta, & hire heid strik of hire fra. bot vrbane, hire fadire, þat nycht ves fundine ded be godis mycht. to quham a Iug can succed callyt denyse, ewil of ded, þat gert a kirtil be mad meet for hire, syd done to be fete, of yrne, as ane habresone; & as his ves redy mad bon, in-to be fyre he gert it caste, & drew it syne on hire faste, & walland oyle & pyk alson he gert cast þare abeone; & gert foure wicht men to ga, þat suld rol hire to & fra, þat scho þe sonnere suld be slane eftyre þat ilke fellone payne. bot scho vnhurt lofit god 3arne þat scho, nov borne as a barne, ves rokit sa, felend na sare, as barne þat in þe kardil vare. þat Iuge, as he pis had sene, nowly gert tak hyre in teyne, & schawe hire heid to be suerd, 205 210 215 220 225 & gert men tak hire eftirwerd of hire clathis, & gert hire be led nakit thru þe cyte, 230 tyl apolyne til scho ves brocht. & pane to pray scho cesyt nocht, til þe fals ydol doñ can fal, & in poudre lousyt al smal. & as pe Iug þis herd say, he wes sa red but delay he fel done pare stane ded. & pare succedit in his sted 222. & scho. 237. stand ded. 235 XLV. CRISTINE. 405 a fellone Iug of mony ane, þat callyt wes Iulyane. & he ane oyne gert be mad red het, & put hire in but bad, & closit it, as þat ves done. bot godis angel come sone, 240 & duelt with hire dais fywe, 245 vith hire sang lowand god of lywe. pane come pare fele pe sext day, to se how hire body lay, þat þai wend bene brynt had; & fand hire bath blyth & glad, lowand god at al hyre mycht 250 Fol. 367 b. þat of his angelis gef hyre sycht. 3et Iulyane went wittirly, & al vthire, it had bene sorcery. þane twa serpentis he gert bryng on ane, 255 þat haspidis has to name, & als fellone vthyre twa, þat to nam has vypera, & twa colubris rycht fellone befor hire he gert lay done. 260 pe serpentis hire fete can lyke, & hurt hire nocht, þo þai var wyk. aspidis til hir papis socht, 265 & sukyt þame, & noyt nocht. Colubres a-bout hyr nek lay vnhurtand, lykyt suet away. bane Iulyane, þat þis has sene, vend it sorcery had bene. til his enchantoure pan sad he: "me think þu begilis me, pat gerris nocht pire bestis byt, & sla 3one maydine but respyt." þane he profit his craft to do; & al pai bestis socht hyme to 244. got godis. 270 406 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in mykil brath in-to þat sted, & gert hyme fal done stane ded. pane cristine, þat wes nocht rad for þai bestis, but bad paim bad þat þai suld pase til wildirnes, quhar of men wes nan accese, & neuire cum to grewe man. & furth went þai richt pane. & dynyse, pat et lay ded, be secund Iug of pat sted, at hire prayere scho rasit pan; & he become cristine man. 3et Iulyane, þat wes sa thra, bath hire papis gert ryf hir fra; & men mycht se pare gret ferly, 275 280 285 þat mylk for blud come out in hy. 290 & seand þat, he wes [ful] wa, & sone gert carwe hire tong in twa; bot scho be spek tynt na deile, bot, as befor, spak als wele; & scho strak Iulyane in þe e 295 vith it, & lettyt hyme þane to se. pane Iulyane, þat wes wa, in his hand a bow can ta, & with ane arrow in hire syd he mad a slope, depe & wyd, & of ane vthire arrow pare 300 Fol. 368 a. he strak hir thru þe hart, sa sare þat to god scho 3ald be gaste, hat it resawit in til haste. & pis in tyre done ves, 305 eftir criste resawit oure flesch twa hundre lxxxvij 3ere; & pane ves emperoure but were be fellone Dioclysiane, þat cristine men slew mony ane. 310 XLVI.—ANASTACE. E nobil womane anastace in rome of gret kine borne wes & douchtir ves of a mychty mañ, callit pretaxaty, & payane he wes neuir-pe-les ; bot hire modire cristine wes, a womane of gud fame, & fausta scho had to name. & scho hire douchtir gef to lere to grisogone, pat with gud chere in cristine treutht mad hire parfyt; & scho to lere It had delyt. syne til a man of gret kyne nere by rome with mykil wyne, scho ves giffine, þat [had] to name publy, a man of gret fame, & vedit hire, & brocht til house, as afferyt til his spouse. bot scho, þat thochtful wes ay of Ihesu criste & of his fay, thocht scho suld nocht marit be vith a payane sic as wes he. ane vthire cause wes ane, pat chaste scho suld luf alane. for [t]hire causis fra his bed, 1. The first word is wanting. 5 ΙΟ H 15 20 25 2. þat. 16. pauline. · 408 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. fenzeand hire sek, away is fled. & quhar scho wiste ony ware liffand in-to cristis lare put in pressone, scho vald ga, & pure clething one hire ta, in mykil dout ythandly, & confort þaim ful besyly vith almus dedis, les & mare, 30 vesch þare fet, & keme þar hare. þane publy strat kepyn til hir mad, sa þat narroly fud scho had, & [in] ane house gert stekit be, 35 þat narroly mycht scho furth se, bot a wyndo til haf disport, Fol. 368 b. but mare disport or conforte. pis tyme dyoclyciane 40 gert grisogonus be tane, & put in presone ymang vthire; be quhilk scho fed as hire bruthir als lang as scho had accese; 45 bot fra tyme scho closit ves, sic remed 3et purchaste scho, þat a kerlyne come hir to, a medyatrice, to cume & ga betwene anastace & al pai godis confessouris þat ware in presone or in bandis sare, 50 bot betwene [hir] maste teyndirly & grisogone, þat was haly. be his kerlyng pan wald scho 55 hir almus dedis to pame do. lettris of confort þane alswa betwene þame bare scho to & fra. & quhene lang it had bene pis, hire fellone husband publyus 29. pai. 35. paulyne. 60 36. þat sa. XLVI.-ANASTACE. 409 maugre his to pers ves send, certane nedis fore til end; & to kepe his spouse, ordenyt he a wykit man of his menze, & ordenyt hire vatir & Iwil bred; for he vald rycht fayne haf hir ded. & sa bad he þat it suld be ore he agane come, for causis thre. be first [pat] steryt his entent 1 65 ves, for scho vald nocht consent 70 in weding to fulfil his wil in luste of flesch, as hym thocht skil; be todire, be-cause þat scho þe cristine treutht had tane hir to; be thred cause [pat] cane hyme stere, 75 Fol. 369 a. for scho had landis fare & sere, and meble in gret quantyte, &, gif scho ded war, hal had he. & as he wes passit his way, pis fellone seruand but delay sa fellonly hire sone can trete in strat zemesel & in fewte, þat hir lyfar had bene ded pane sic lyfe ony tyme to led. thre moneth eftire pis ewynly, þe caryone of fellone publy to rome ves brocht be pe se; & al þai menze pane cane fle, til anastace þat kẹparis ware, in syndry placis here and pare. & scho, mad quyt of presone, brukit al hire possessione ; & pane sudendly scho sald al hire gud, by quha vald, & quha of gud ned had maste, 77. in noble & in. 80 85 90 95 93. scho sold. 410 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. scho relewit þame in til haste, & eraste quhar scho wist ony ves in presone or in seknes; & skonryt with nane how foule sekness sa þai had tane, bot mekly vald scho wesch þar fet, & with softe sawis þare saris bet, & dicht þame, & keme þare hare, as be modir suld do paim bare. & firste to grisogone tald scho al hale þat hapnyt had hir to, & of be ded of hire husband, & hou scho brokine ves of band; þat lowit god bath he & scho ful ofte, as pame byrd wel to do. þane þai of rome be wryt gert tel to dyoclesyane pe fel, þat faste ves slayand cristine men, in aquiely, quhar he wes þane, how be cristine grew ay, ΙΟΟ 105 IIO 115 & how fele folk lewit þare lay. þare-of, þai sad, wes mast to blame grisogonus be his rycht name. & [he] wrat agane, & bad sla al cristine þat þai mycht ta, & grisogonus þai suld hym send, þat he of hyme mycht mak sum end. & þai his biding did rycht sone, I 20 & send hyme gresogone but hone. pane folouyt anastacya 125 grisogone, in wele & wa. quhene he to dyoclysyane come, he hyme sad one ane: "of þe prefet tak þe dignite & of consul, as kynd is þe, 130 117. þat sad. 123. beding. XLVI.-ANASTACE. 4II & lat na foly be our-ta, bot sacrifice to godis ma!" grisogonus til hyme can say: "in thocht I honoure a god ay, Fol. 369 b. & virschepe hyme in hart I sal, 135 & honoure in my dedis al, & honoure sal I neuire mare þame þat symulacris are, & dewilis þat þaim duellis in; & wil þu thole me, ore pou blyne, 140 I sal þame brak in powdir smal, for I þame wary, & euire sal. & be pouere bu hichtis me, & þe gret state & dignite I refuse & forsakis ay, 145 "" as vndire my fet I do clay. þane fellone dyocliciane gert grisogonus be tane, & gert sone cute his nek in twa, for sacrifice he ne wald ma. 150 3et anastace had madynis thre, þat vald for na necessyte lefe hire; & [ane] wes agyne, thyonia þe todir þene, be thryd of þame yrenen hicht; pai seruit god at al pare mycht. & pe prefet, for þai var zinge, gert þame thre al hyme bring, & commawnd pame to sacrify. bot playne "nay," pai sad in hy, for þai for hyme & vthire nane 155 160 vald leif þe treutht [pat] pai had tan. þane in dyspyt gert he þame put in presone al thre. & anastace bad þame by, 165 143. & pu. 412 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & pame to serwe ves ful besy. & be presone, quhare-in þai var, nere þe kechine lay, & in it for to kepe vmquhile of þe kechine ves vtensel. 170 & po pat place ves lacht & myrk, 3et god cane his mychtis wirk, & of his mycht mad it schenand, & confort þame vith angel sang. & for hire thre ver farly fayre, þe prefet yddire had repare; bot as he to pame cumyne wes, 175 his thocht changit in sic wodnes, þat, quhene he thocht þaim til embrase or til kyse, as his wil wes, 180 potti's or pannis vald he hynt Fol. 370 a. in armys & kise, or he stynt. & as he wend he had done til his wenyng Inuch, al-sone fra þat place þan vald he ga, raggit & rent & blak alswa; sa þat þai pat bad hyme pen 185 beout be dure, cuth hym nocht kene, bot erar vend he had bene a vod man, fra þai [had] hym sene; 190 for-bi dispytuisly vald þai dyng hyme, & put hym a-way. pane to be emperoure to ga he dressit hyme, his playnt to ma þat men had done hyme sic Iniure. 195 bot, or he to be emperoure mycht cume, men 3et sare hyme dang, sume vith scurgis, & sum vith wand, & sume in-[to] his face vald spyt, & vthir sum [kest] richt ful dryt, & sum mony sar buffet 200 XLVI.-ANASTACE. 413 one his face ful sadly set; for al bai pat hym had sene, vend brane wod he had bene. & vith al pis sa blynd ves he, þat he mycht nocht hym-selfe se, bot as [to] his awne sycht he ves rycht cumly, fare, & brycht. & be fend quham he had lang seruit, sic reward hym mad. nocht-bane gret sorow can he ma þat herd hym syne defoulit sa. as [it] ves tald hym eftir sone þat þai thre madynnis it had don be wichcraft & sorcery. þare-for he spoylit þaim in hy, þat he mycht nakit se pare flesch quhar-in his sufferane delit ves. &, as he vend mak þaim bare of þar clething, ferly fel pare; for þai wald nomare a-way twyne 205 210 215 220 pane suld haf done þare awne skyn, sa mocht þai be naway fra þare bodys be tane away. sa þe prefet for abasing, fast routand fel on slepyng, & sadly slepand lay stil, 225 for ocht men mycht do hyme til; & his frendis þat of hym rocht, sa slepand til his Inys hym brocht. 230 Fol. 370 b. quhen dyoclisiane pene herd hou with dulycius it beferd, ane erle, callit sir cycyny[u]me, til his presens he gert cume, & bad he suld but pyte ger sla þai verginis al thre. 218. pare. 229. hym wrocht. 232. hou it with. 235 233. cycymyne. 414 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. cycinius pane in til yre of dry matere gert mak a fire, & þer thre madynnis he gert cast in, venand in haste þai suld bryne. bot þai par-in bad but merryng of clathis, of corse, or of vthir thing, 240 bot zald þe saulis to god of hewyn, þat þame reschauyt vith angel stewyn. be emperoure, pat fellon wes, 245 til a prefet gef anastace, til haf hire til his wyf frely, gyf he mycht gere hire sacryfy. þe prefet þar-of ves rycht blyth, & had hire til his chawmir suyth, 250 & becuth hir til enbrase; bot he be sycht tynt in þat place. til his fals godis þan went he, to consal þaim gyf he mycht be recouerit of his maledy. 255 & þai 3ald hyme ansuere in hy: "for þu grewit anastace nov, til vs but bad gewine is þu, to duel with ws but end in hel, & euire thole torment cruel." 260 his seruand[is] led hym hame þan, & in his house as he wane, he 3ald þe gast but abad, as his mawmentis hym tal[d] had. & til ane vthir prefet, as he wes ded, gefine ves anastace, 265 þat gert hire in presone do. &, quhene It wes tald hyme to þat scho wes riche habundandly, he sad hir til al prewely: "cristine woman gif þu wil be, 244. reschouyt. 270 XLVI.—ANASTACE. 415 þu mon do as god byddis þe, þat sais 'he pat renuncis nocht til al þat he has, he ma nocht my discipil ony way be.' pare-for gif al pi gud to me. bot þu renunce til al þi gud, 275 þu seruis hyme nocht þat deit on rud, for god in his ewangel sais treuly 280 Fol. 371 a. 'na man ma twa lordis serue;' for-þi þu ma nocht here serue to riches & als to pi god with besynes. for-þi renunce al vith gud wil, & þi god sa þu ma serue til." sad scho: "sutht is, god bad sel al þe gudis þat I had, & gif pure men, & nocht ryk; & þat þu poure be, is nocht lyk; þar-for, gif ocht I gyf þe to, 285 aganis godis byding I suld do." 290 be prefet þan gert bynd hir faste, & in a depe presone caste, þat scho suld duel but drink or mete, or ellis ocht mycht hir refete. bot god send til hire theodase, 295 þat twa moneth befor slane ves, & fed [hir] þar of hewinely fud, þat naman wist hou it ves gud. syne ves scho put in exile of palmaryas in ane Ile, with twa hundre vergînis clene ; & fand fele þare þat had bene in exile lang for cristis sak, in fasting, prayere, & in wak. eftire þat þe prefect al of þe pressone til hyme gert cal, 284. þi gud. 300 305 416 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & befor [hyme] a gret fire mak, & anastace band til a stak, & brynt hire in-[to] poudir smal; & syndry of þe lawe with-al be sere paynis he put to ded. bot ane þare ves in-[to] þat sted, þat tynt had gud[is] in plente for cristis sak, bot ay sad he: "criste sal na man fra me ta, for payne, passione, na for wa. 3et pane sone apolyna þe cors of anastace caî ta, & in hir 3ard gert it entere, of gastly Ioy vith gret affere. "" & eftir [pat] son scho gert wirk one hir grawe a costlyk kirk, Fol. 371 b. quhar-in suld men hir vorschepe ay in lowe of god til domysday. pis vndir dyoclicyane ves done, quhen of god war gane twa hundre auchty & sewine zere eftir þat cryst oure flesch tuk here. pane pray ve to sanct anastace, þat to serwe god þis besy ves, þat scho mak ws hyne to twyne but det, schame, or dedly syne. 311. to sere. 332. ded. 310 315 320 325 330 XLVII.-EFFAME. FFAME, þat ves fare of face, a senatoure dochtir ves of rome with þe best of ane. in tyme of dioclesyane, quhen scho saw hou cristine men one syndry wys var torment pene, to be Iug þane of he ton scho sped hire, po he ves fellone, & one hye voice sad hyme to, þat cristis seruand hal ves scho, & syne to crist sic vitnes bare, pat hartis of fele, þat þan var red for of payne pe bittines, scho strenthit of hire stedfastnes. & as pat Iug had put of lyf mony cristine successiue, he prayt þame pat lifand war, thru paynis þai saw men thol þar. bot eufame, þat sic payne sene had, abasit ves nathing, na red, bot ay be mare stedfast ves scho þe hardare payne þai 3ed to, & cryit one [be] Iug lang, þat he did hire mykil wrang. 1. First letter wanting. 14. strenzeit. 5. quhen schaw hou. 18. he saw. 5 ΙΟ 15 20 VOL. II. 2 D 418 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þane sperit he at hire son quhat wrang he had hir don, & blyth ves, wenand in hy þat scho come for to sacrify. pane sad scho: "men wele vat of my kine pe noble estate, & I ame knawine in þis toĥ vith be best vpe & done; bane [quhy] be folk of symple kine & vnknawine pis ton withine befor me sendis þu to tak crone of crist for med of his passion, & me deferris for to wyne þe Ioy þat my delyt is in?” be Iug sad: "I wend pu Fol. 372 a. to sacryfy ver cumyne nov & til haf reutht of þi 3outhed, sa to turment pu nocht zede." quod scho: "par-for I come nocht, bot erar to thole is my thocht." 25 30 35 40 &, for scho cane sic ansuere ma, 45 þe Iug son gert hir ta, & in a myrk pressone hir lay. & one be morne quhen it ves day, vnbundine gert hir cum þare ymang þame þat bundyn var sar. & as scho come til his presence, scho compleynit of be gret offence þat he did hir agane þe law, of þe emperoure hafand nan aw, for he let hir vnbundine gang 50 55 & nane vthir. þat callit scho wrang. þane gert he buffit hir rycht sare, & led to presone but ony mare, & folouyt hir, beand in wil 31. I come. 33. fow of. XLVII.-EFFAME. 419 his lykine vith hir til fulfil. & starkly scho vith-stud ay, for ocht þat he cuth do or say; for god his handis þan sa dycht, þat to force hir he had na mycht. þane trewit he wele but wene þat enchantit he had bene; for-bi he send his stewart rath to gif hir gud & hicht hir bath, for alkine slycht to wyne hir wil, his hasty lykine til fulfil. & as he come to be pressone, rycht þare he fel done, 60 65 70 &, po he had be keys brocht vith hyme, duris opyn he [ne] mocht, na with hameris na ax brek, 75 for al he mocht do or spek, bo he pressit neuir sa faste. & hyme assaylit at þe last a feynd, þat gert hym rare & cry, & ryfe hyme-self dispituisly; 80 sa þat scantly vith be lyfe Fol. 372 6. he eschapit þat fele strife. þane wes scho of preson tane, & one a rond quhele set on ane, foul of colis red brynnand; & he pat mad it, ves stannand vith-in it, & be a takine tacht as þai suld torment vith al macht; þat ves, as he suld knok withine, to draw fast suld þai begyne, for þane pe gret fir suld brek oute, 61. strakly. 70. After this verse 61 and 62 are repeated— & starkly scho with-stud ay for ocht þat he cuth do or say. 75. na ax brak. 74. duris opynit he nocht. 89. knot. 85 90 420 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & bryne be madyne bane & route. & he þat in þe quhele bad as he had al redy mad, þe Irne of his haund can fal, quhar-with he suld turne with-al; & þai pat vtrely var but wene, vend be takin it had bene, & drew fast at al þare macht þe quhele a-bout, as he þaim tacht. & hyme pat closyt ves par-in in askis smal it can son bryne; bot eufame, þat stud on pe quhele, god haile kepit ilke deile, 95 100 na þe fyre deryt hir na-thing. þar-of scho 3ald til god lofing. be kyne pane of þat crafty man, þat in þe quhele brynt ves pane, a gret fir mad a-bout pe quhele, hir to bryne venand wele. bot as he quhele ves brynt avay, ane angel come but delay, & set hir one a hil one hicht, & held hir hale thru godis mycht. in þat place wes þane ane, þat callit ves appelliane, þat to be Iug son cane say þat "þai þat are of cristine lay bot be yrne ma nocht be ourcumyne; þarefor I consel be þat þu hire nek gere strik in twa." fele of þame pane can lederis ta, to bring hire sone fra þat hicht, quhar scho lofit godis mycht; & as pai had þe lederis set fra of be hicht hire to get, 98. takit. 107. craftly. 105 IIO 115 120 125 XLVII.-EFFAME. 421 he þat wes mast in gud wil, his handis for to strek hir til, ves sa tane of parlesy, þat as half ded stil can he ly. & ymang vthire ane pare ves, þat to name had sostynes, þat til clyme til hir presit fast, & ves conuertyt at þe last, 130 & askit hir pardone mekly, 135 syne hynt a swerd in hand in hy, & to be Iug sad, þat he Fol. 373 a. had lewar with þat suerd slane be þane he wald hand one hir lay, þat godis angel kepyt ay. zet be Iug, fel & fere, gef byding til a chancelere, þat he suld haf hir hyne away; & syne gif byding but delay, þat zung men, par lust til fulfil, þat madyne þai suld gang til, & trauale hir þar sa lang, til scho failyt þame ymang. 140 145 & quha erast come hir to, sic wantones for to do, 150 saw mony madynis stand hir by prayand to god increly; & al þat þat sicht had sene, be-come cristine son bedene. be presydent þan ves ful wa, seand hyme ourcumine sa; for-bi he gert þe maydyn þar be tane, & hangit be pe hare. & for scho þar-of rocht na-thing, he gert hir in pressone thring sex dais but ony fude 138. vith lewar with. 155 160 422 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. 1 of met or drink to do hir gud. & eftire sone be sewynd day, betweine four stanis gert hir lay, & pressit hir, to do hir pyne, as men dois grappis of be wyne. bot be angel hir kepyt swa, þat in na torment ves hir fra, þat þai stanys turnyt al thru hir prayer in povdir smal. þane ves þe presydent rycht wa a[t] a maydine oure-come hym sa, & had schame þat he ne docht for ony paynis chang hir thocht. þane he put hir in a place, at a-bout hir vele closit wes, & let in til hir bestis thre, þat var of sa gret cruelte, þat þai wald ryf & swely sone mane or best but ony hone. bot god bai bestis mad sa mek, þat þai fel al thre til hir fet, 165 170 175 180 & faynand hir pare talis knet, & as a cheare þar-on hir gert set, & schamit sa þe presydent 185 Fol. 373 b. ful gretumly in his entent. pane come a turmentoure sone, for to tak wrake for-owtyne hone of hir þat gert þe presydent for schame be nere-hand schent; & thrang a sword in til hir syd, & mad a slope, depe, & wyd, & sa to god mad a martyre. to quham þe Iug, as for his hyre, of costly gud gef a kirtil & of fyne gold a wrethe par-til. 174. payne. 185. & schamet. 190 195 * XLVII.-EFFAME. 423 & fra pat gif[t] he had tane, vnese ves he of þe place gane, quhene a fel lyone son hym met, & veryt hyme but langare let, & rawe þat vnese mocht of his body be fundine ocht. & his fel Iug, pat priscius hicht, 3et his awne flesch day & nycht, til he hyme-self had brocht to ded, of mannis helpe but remed. & eftir þis ves sanct eufame, be haly virgine of gud fame, in calsidone to sepulture ful richely [brocht] in gret honoure. & scho tholit sic passione. fra cristis incarnacione twa hundre & aucht score of 3ere, as I trew wele but were. I pray hir helpe vs sa hartly, ve leid oure lyfe sa gud-ly, out of þis varld we may twyn but schame, det, & dedly syne. 200 205 210 215 Fol. 374 a. XLVIII.-JULIANA. ANCT Iulyane, zet ve rede, to be prefect of Nichomede, eulegius þat to name had, ves handfast; & po he hir bad consent til hyme, as he callit skil, be band of maryag to fulfil, be na vay vald scho do sa, bot he cristine treutht vald ta. & as hir fadire herd þat scho vald nocht consent his wil to do, he gert dispoile hir but bad of al be clathis scho one had, & with wandis doungyne rycht il til hir spouse bad gif hir til. þat sad til hir: "my leman dere, quhy scornis þu me, lat me here, refusand me, & I ne wat quhy?” scho ansuert hyme deliuerly: 66 sa þat þu in god wil trew, to do bi wil I consent now; & mar gettis pu nocht of me, bot þu trew, & baptyst be." þane sad he: "my lemman dere, þat ma I do be na manere, 1. Initial letter wanting. 8. bot þe. 20. to do þu. 5 ΙΟ H 15 20 XLVIII.-JULIANA. 425 for & I did, but ony doute our emperoure, þat is sa stout, suld send one me to ta, & son gere strik my neke in twa.” pane sad scho til hym: "gyf þat þu þi varldis lord sa dredis nov, 25 30 þat dedly is & mone away, þane byrd me wele my lord dred ay, þat is vndedly, & sal deme al eftir oure dedis, gret & smal. do furth pare-for þat lykis þe, for þu sal neuir dissawe me." þar men pane dang hir sare, syne hangit hir be pe hare half a day, & moltyne led he gert et a-pone hir hed. & as he saw þat hurt hir nocht, chennys of yrne son var wrocht; par-vith stratly scho ves bundine, & syne in a pressone thrungine. & as scho ves þar alane, 35 40 45 for to fand hir þe feynd has tane be schape of angel, of his mycht, & come til hir, schenand ly[ch]t, & sad til hir: "Iulyane, of god ane angel I ame ane, & send me for to monest be 50 þat, or þu forthire torment be, þat þu til god[is] sacryfy." &, helpand god, scho vest in hy 55 þat it wes sathane, hir fel fa, þat hir pane entysyt sa; & gretand to god, scho can pray deuotely, & pusgat say: "lord of hewine, I pray to be 33. & sal dred al. 48. lyt. 55. hir fet. 426 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 374 b. þu thole me nocht tynt be, bot schew me quhat he is, þat in pis wyse me entysis." a voice pane come til hir [al]-sone, & bad hir tak þat wik sprit sone, & hyme vndir hir fet lay, quhat þat he ves to gere hym say. be wykit spryt þane soñ scho lacht, as godis voice hir tacht, & quhat he ves at hym can frane. & he sone sad hir a-gane: 60 65 70 "I ame a feynd; to dissawe þe, sathane, my fadire, here send me in þis forme, dissawand be." 3et sad Iulyane but delay: "quha is pi fadire, bu me say!" 75 quod he: "belzebus, I-wis, of feyndis al þe fadire is, þat send[is] vs to do Ile & quhene we do nocht all his wil, he gerris dynge ws schreuytly, 80 & oure al maste fellonly quhene we thole vs in ony gre of cristine man ourcumine be. þare-for wat I wittirly, þat for my sorow here come I, sene I mycht nocht ourecume þe, bot tholis me ourcumine be." sad scho: "quhat fleis þou mast of be cristine, þu tel in hast, & in quhat tyme lest gref 3e may to cristine men" scho bad hym say. sad he "ferrest fle we pane, & lest greuis cristine mañ in tyme of mes of haly kirk, 69. þat hym. 80. dyngis. 85 90 XLVIII.—JULIANA. 427 to lowe god quha beis nocht Irk, & quhene prayere or preching 95 Is sad of god in-to lowing, or vthir quhar þat increly Fol. 375 a. men seruis god deuotely; bot oure al tyme þan ar ve schent, quhar tretyt is þe sacrament of godis body at altare burd, þat prestis þar makis be his vord; for we mon obey par-til, & it honoure agane oure wil." pane Iulyane hym hynt in hy, & vith pat chenze hyme band stratly, par-with pa hir bundyn had, & fast dang one hym but bad bat al hir mycht ful increly, til þat þat feynd fast can cry one hir but cesyng ay on ane: "haf of me mercy, Iulyane!" pane eftir into lytil space, þe prefect, þat felloñ wes, of Iulyane þat had gret thocht, of pressone bad scho suld be brocht. bane brocht scho furth in hir hand be fel feynd bundine in a band, þat cryit one hir euire in ane: "haf mercy of me, Iulyane, & ger me no mare scornyt be, po pu sic mastry haf of me ! for I haf tynt al my powere ony cristine for til dere. & cristine, I here wele say, ar commonly mercyful ay, & pu of me has pyte nane! ΙΟΟ 105 IIO 115 I20 125 mercy! mercy! Iulyane!" nocht-bane, scho drev hym to be ton, 130 428 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & in a depe gausk kist hym done, þat ves a ful foule pyt, rycht vgly & ful ves It. pane cane he rycht rudly rare, & sad; he had schame fer mare 135 þat woman, þat be kynd wes brukil bath of mynd & flesch, þane it had bene ony manę; had schamefully hyme ourcumyn þan, for quhen he ne mocht eschewe to wyne man, he beguth at ewe; for-bi he wend sa he mocht Iulyane [haf] in fanding brocht. be prefect pan gert Iulyane til his presence bring one ane, & speryt quhat craft scho oysyt, þat hyme & his sagat dyspisit. scho sad, na craft it wes, 140 145 bot god gef hir tholmodnes, þat of his paynis scho ne rocht— 150 in god sa scho set hir thocht. quod he: "3et prowe sal we gif þu ma ourcumine be.” a quhele pan he gert sone dycht, rycht awful to manis sycht, 155 & one hit gert hir be done, Fol. 375 b. & stent hir þar-one but hone vith cordis stark one Ilke syd, til bath be flesch raf & pe hyd, & syne hir banys sa to-quassyt, þat þe self merch out passyt. bot god his angel til hir sende, til comfort hir & til amend, þat brak þe quhele in pecis smal, & mad hir [hale] & sond at al. 141. þat ewe. 160 165 XLVIII.-JULIANA. 429 þane þai þat saw his [bar] aboute, of godis aw had sic doute, þat fele of pame be feynd forsuk, & to god & his treutht þaim tuk. & þat tyme war hedyt þene in þat place fywe hundre men, & eke twa hundre & thretty of wemane þat var stannand by. & to pai al god gef þe crone of martirdome for þar wardone. 3et mycht bis nocht suffice til þat presydent, þat wes sa Il, bot gert set in til his yre a mykil pot a-pone þe fyre, & gert melt it ful of leyd, 170 175 180 & kaste hir in atoure pe hed. bot þe fel payne [hir] grewit nocht, bot as a bath as hir thocht. þe prefect þane his godis smal varyt, & bannyt euir þame al, 185 þat mocht nocht [ger] for al þar mycht a 3yng madine to ded be dycht, na 3et to ger punys hir sa, þat scho hir purpos suld fal fra, & wytand wele syne how scho 190 sa mykil wrang had doñ þaim to. get thocht he nocht, neuire-be-les, to fulfil þare wikitnes, & bad his tormentoris hir led a-way, & strik of hire hed. & as pai var with hir gan[g]and, be selfe feynd, scho furth dang, in be fygure come in hy of a zung man, & fast can cry, & sad: "se, 3e spare hir nocht 176. sufficice. 195 200 187. 3ynd. 430 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 376 a. þat gret wrang til 3our godis wrocht; & me pis nycht scho has fel dongine, & in a foule pyt me thrungyne! for-pi gyf hir hir warzeld nov, or mykil mare scho sal hourt 30u." þane Iulyane kyste vpe þe e, quhat he þat vas, for to se, þat to be puple sa-gat spak, & set one hir sa mekil lak. bane be feynd fled in hy, & rarand roydly he can cry : "alace! alace! me wrech maste! I dout scho sal tak me in haste, & bynd me, & bete me ful sare." sa fled he but ony mare. pane band þai hir in þat sted, & in hast strak of hir heide. & hir kyne, þat var mychtty, gert mak hir sepulture in hy, quhar eftire in-to lytil space a costlyk kirk til hir mad ves. þar god wirkis for hir nov ferlys fele to gere men trew, of al seknes giffand remed 205 210 215 220 to pame þat sekis in þat sted 225 til worschipe god in entent, & kene to quham sic grace he lent. & als sone as Iulyane out of his present lyf ves tane, be prefect passit to be se, 230 to pas oure; bot son wes he drownyt, & foure & thretty men, þat his seruandis var as for pene. & al war castine thru þe storme, bath he & his, one pe morne in a forest be be se-syd. 235 XLVIII.-JULIANA. 431 þare wild bestis þat tyd come, & get þaim al sa clene, þat mare of þaim ves nocht sene. sanct Iulyane, þat ourcom here fele paynis in tholmod chere, & ves neuir-pe-les seruand leile to god, I tak one hand, for he desert þat þu can ma to god, þat þe a-wansit sa, to god of hewine þu pray for me, þat I ma sa worthy be, ovt of þis lyf þat I ma twyne but schame, deit, & dedly syne. 240 245 Fol. 376 b. XLIX. TECLA. WENE paule prechit godis vord, þat befor al it had in hurde, It hapnyt hyme percase to cume to be tone of yconyum. pane onesiphorus herd say, þat to þat ton paule [come] be vay; vith wyf & barnys he hyme met, & til his Inys son hyme feit, & hyme resawit in blythnes, & mad feste to mar & les. & sone eftire paule mad sermone til al þat til here hyme var bone; & of his tale pe proprete ves mast þat tyme of chast[it]e. & as he here-of prechand ves, be be wyndou hapnyt sit percace a damycele, þat to name tecle [had], of ful gud fame, & dochtyr ves to theody, & handfast to thammary. & fra scho herd paule preche godis word & be folk teche, at þat wyndou scho set stil til he prechit þe puple til, & for nocht vald part away, I. Initial letter wanting. сл 5 IO 15 20 25 8. seit. XLIX. TECLA. 433 bot set stil bath nycht & day. pane angrely come thamarus, hir spouse, til hir, & sad pus: "tecla, quhat thing amowis þe, þat has na scham to byd fra me? for-þi to me þu twrne in hy & lewe al sic verray foly!" bot quhen he saw he sped nathing for his enculze or entysing, to be proconsul he 3ed sone, & tald hyme al he had done. bane be proconsul gert but mare sanct paule be brocht hym rycht þare, & tecla als he gert be brocht, þat come vith a Ioyful thocht. & as paule come of presone, be puple cryit with hye sone: "quhy lettis þu wemen to be maryt with men in þis cyte?" pane tecla spak na word pan, 30 35 40 45 bot beheld paule, þe haly man. hir modire pane, theodya, þat saw hir douchtir stil stand sa, Cryit loud, þat al mycht here : "tak my douchtir & bryne hir here, 50 þat al weman ensampil ma ta þus þare spouse to part fra!" Fol. 377 a. 3et ves be proconsul þan wa, þat þane sa criyit theodya; & gert paule of þe cyte ding, & tecla eftir furth gert bryng, þat scho suld brynt be but bad, as hir modire pat dome giffine had; & to be place vent, or he stynt, quhar tecla pane suld be brynt. 34. for hir. 30. þat had. VOL. II. 55 60 58. & hir modire. 2 E 434 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & with hyme vent mony, to se hou tecla suld brynt be. & befor al hir spouse can ga, þat to name had thamyra, to se be fyre, to bere pe wod; for to se hir bryne sa, thocht he gud. & quhene scho dispoilit wes of al hir clathis mare & les, til entre in þe fir but let, þe proconsul for pyte gret & of hir stedfastnes had wondire. nocht-bane, of wod dry as toundire pa mad a caf, & put par-in 65 70 bath pyk & tere, to ger it bryne, & [bad] hir clyme a-pone þat cast. 75 & scho þare byding did in haste, & bath hir armys strekyt þane in fourme of croice, & syne vpe wan. vith bellyse þai blew þe fyre, 80 to gere it bryne in-to gret yre. of hir god had sic mercy, þat al bat hard tremlyt in hy; vndire & a-beofe fel done slete & snaw in sic foisone, þat slokit þat fir alsone. as men a candel suld haf done. be low pare-of scalyt wyd, & syndry brynt one ilke syd; bot tecla vist of nomare sare þane scho wyst or scho come þare. þis meyne-tyme sanct paule ves duelland in a priwe place, & anesyophire al with hyme vith wyf & barne, in-to daphyme. 72. teyndire. 73. hir in. 74. bryng. 80. to gert. 84. fasone. 85 90 } XLIX. TECLA. 435 Fol. 377 b. & as paule pare fastand lay & prayand til one be thrid day, þe chyld of anesophyrus, þat fastit lang, to paule sad þus: "ve hungire sare & bred has nane.” for-pi paule has his kirtyl tane, & gef it til þe barne in hy, & bad hyme pare-vith bred by, & cume agane til hyme gud sped, þat he mycht al þe menze feyd. & þare þe barne 3ed to by bred, he saw tecle in þat sted, & til hir sad: "hou now? sa, tecle, quhar gais þu?" quod scho: "I haf of godis mycht eschapit þe fire pat ves dycht to bryne me to brule & smeke, & now sanct paule I gang to seke.” pane sad he: "cume vith me, & I sal bryng þe til hyme nere her by, þat for cause of þe nov gretis, & vith teris his chekis wetis, & fastis als deuotely, þat god suld haf of pe mercy." & quhen pe barne had tecle brocht to paule, he had Ioy in thocht, &, as he saw hir face, can say: "god, king of hewine, blissit be ay, be fadire of oure lord Ihesu cryst, I lof pe hartly nov! for it þat I askit at þe, of þi grace [hu] has grantit me, of þis maydine þat with pe lyf eschapyt has be mykil strife." pane sad tecle to paule rycht þare: IOI. a barne. ΙΟΙ. 108. sad tecle. 125. þat þe. 95 100 105 IIO 115 I 20 125 436 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. "maister, I wil cut of myn hare, &, quhar þu passis, folou þe." þane sad he: "þat ma nocht be, for þe vedir is fel & Il, po pu to trawale be in wil; & þu art als of gret bewte, for-pi þe far mare dred I me þat vthir ocupacione, or, ma fal, temptacione our-tak þi thocht & ger be fal fra þine entent in part ore al." quod scho: "gif me al anerly in god a takine, quhar-in I 130 135 140 a-gane temptacione ma stand!" pane he hir blissit with his hand. pane paule send onosophorum 145 & [his] als to yconium, & vith tecle held his way til antioche but delay. as þai in þe cyte þan come, a man, þat sandris had to nam, 150 & of þat toĥ ves þe ourman, Fol. 378 a. fra he had sene tecle pane, he luffit hir rycht increly; & pane in til gret hy in his armys hynt hir sone. & scho, pat thocht it Il done, cryit hye: "supprice me nocht, na haf nocht foly in-to thocht! for godis seruand nov ame I, of þe best kine of ycomy, & for I wald with na man wed, I ame fled out of þat sted." & for he vald nocht lewe þane, his mane in hir hand scho wan, 145. sad. 146. sesomium. 155 160 XLIX. TECLA. 437 & rawe of it a gret part done, 165 & of his heid kist it done son. þis man þan, suppos þat he hir luffit in-to sic degre, he wes eschamet nocht-for-pi; & to be proconsul went in hy, & hir as sacrilege be-tacht 170 to be proconsul, þat son hir lacht, & fraynit gif scho sic trespas had done, & gif scho cristine ves. & for scho grantit al þis sone, 175 be consul bad þane but hone, þat fele bestis suld losit be til wery hir, þat al mycht se; & þar-to set a certane day. pane tecle cane hym mekly say, þat he vald thole [hir] for to be kepit in virginite, 180 na thole na man do hir vnrycht, quhil scho suld with pai bestis fycht. 185 a michty wyf þan, triphena, cane tecla þane in zemsel ta; & hire douchtir apperit hir til in slepe, þat callit ves falcinil, & sad: "modire, in name of me, tak tecla, & hir modire be, 190 sa scho be oure aduocat anence god, til amend oure stat!" tryphena þan þis madine lacht, & did rycht as hir dochtir tacht. þane eftire in þe mornyng stratoclem can tecla furth byrng; & trypha vald nocht part hire fra, bot be þe hand can hir ta, & sad: "as my dochtir dere 171. & he as. 182. hir kepit in. 195 438 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. led to be grawe, sa but were I sal gang vith þe, for to se hou be bestis dois with pe." son ves tecla fra tryphe had, 200 Fol. 378 b. & spoylit of hir clathis but bad, 205 & set in to be deput place, þat for sic gilt ordenyt ves; & lattine var til hire belyfe barys & lyonnys, hir til ryfe. & ymang þai bestis ves richt stark & fel a lyonnes, þat come to teclis fet in hy, & to kepe [hir] þar cane ly. þane come a fel bar in þe sted, tecla to ryfe, & sla stane ded; bot sone be lyones hir met, & slaw þar but langare let. syne come a lyone fel & fere & to sla tecle nichit nere; bot sone be lyones hyme met, & hynt in armys for-out let, & pare to-gidir facht þai bath, til stane ded var þai rath. quhene he saw þis mycht nocht awalze, 210 215 220 na þe bestis vald hir nocht assalze, to be consul he sad in hy: "bulys, þat ar fel, haf I; 225 to pame parfor tecle 3e bynd, haffand hir handis fast behynd!" be consul sad pane with soroful wil to sandris: "do quhat þu wil!" 230 212. cane by. pane band þai hir fut & hand, hand & fut paim ymang; & for þam to gere wod ga, zet brynnand Irne þai can ta, 214. stand ded. 233. to gere her wod ga. XLIX.-TECLA. 439 & kist ymang þe bulis son on one, to gere paim sla hire par richt sone. & quhen pe bulis be-couth to ga, be fir þare bandis brynt in twa, þat þai rycht mekly passit away, & did [hir] nothire tene na tray. & triphena, þat þis beheld, Is slongyne far in-to be feld. þane al hir menze in þat sted, cryand loud sad, scho ves ded. be consul pane abaisit vas, & al þe cyte mare & les; 235 240 245 & sandris ves in sic effray, þat he fel done, & syne can pray to be consul, þat he suld hafe 250 Fol. 379 a. mercy of hyme & of pe lave, & gere tecle be mad fre, for dout þat tynt var þe cyte; "for gif cesare percace ma here hou tryphena, his cusing dere, in his manere be falline done, he sal bryne vs & his tone." 255 be consul ban gert bring hym nere tecle, & at hir cane spere: quhat pu art, tel me nov, & vith quhat crafte þu delis nov, 260 þat þe na fel best twech ma?" bane til hyme mekly can scho say: "of lifand god seruand ame I: þar-for na best ma me wery." & comavnd hir to bring hir sone hir clathis, & one paim ves done. 251. & gert. 253. cecasare. * No break in MS. 264. þat for. 265 440 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. bane gud confort tuk triphena, & blyth agane tecle cane ga, & in armys hynt hir in hy, & sad: "nov trew I sekirly þat þai at ded ar, ryse sal. cum þine & bruk my gudis vith-al!" 270 þane zed scho hame vith hir ewine, & vith hir duelt dais sewine. 275 hir menze sa tacht scho pane, þat fele of þame to god scho van. syne to Marran can scho pas, quhar sanct paule þan put vas, & al þer dedis cane til hym tel 280 per ordre ewine as þai fel. & par-of paule had gret ferly, & lowit god ful increly; & fele, þat herd it, var rycht pare confermyt in-to cristis lare. 285 to paule þan sad scho: "nov wil I vith pi leif pas til ycony." sad he: "ga þi gat, & saw godis vord for-out aw!" pane cristine til tecla send gold & clathis, hir til mend. til god tecla prayere can may, 290 & sanct paule als, for trifena. & tecle lewit a gret part þene of gold to paule, to gif poure meñ, 295 & held hir get til ycony, til onosophirus herbry. & to be erd fel in pat place, quhar scho thru paule van godis grace, & gretand, sad: "god, I lof pe, 300 þat in his place þi licht send me!" pane fand scho thamyrum nev ded, 288. gef þi gat. XLIX. TECLA. 441 hir fadire, þat duelt in þat sted; Fol. 379 b. & hir modire thyodyane lifand scho fand zet pane, & hire conuertit but delay thru hire preching to cristis fay, & mad hire trew þat þare is nane bot mychty god of hewine alane. & fra pine to scileucyane 305 310 scho went, & vith hir mony ane, þat to god scho van thru sermone, & in pece endyt in þat tone, god of hewine hir helpand, forout end ay regnand; 315 to quhame honoure & Ioy be in ewire-mare tyme, percheryte. [N]ow, tecle, þat þis for god strafe, & ay be victory cane hafe, in hou euire herd payne pou þane 320 in fyre, or best tholit or mane, & pe vertu of tholmodnes, ay kepyt in-to stedfastnes, & with sic uertu & with ma oure-come wele pi fellon fa & al his wilis Ilke-dele; als wysly as I trew pis vele, & þat þu has vith god sic grace, þat quhat þu wil þu ma purches, vith hart als trewly pray I pe, þat þu myn advocat vald be to god, fra hyne þat I ma twyn but det, schame, & dedly syne. Amen, Amen, Amen, &c. 325 330 Fol. 380 a. L.-KATERINE. & sa betyd a tyme þat he of Alexandir to þe cite * was cumyne, for neddis þat he had for to do pare; & suiorne mad; & tuk purpus, sic was his will, to sacrifice his godis till. þane certane terme set he sone, quhen þat he wald þis war done, & gert sone awful lettris wryt, & seile pain with his seile all tyt, & with his messingeris paim send of his empire fra end till end, Wndir gret payne biddand till all þat þai suld cume, bath gret & small, at certane tyme richt to pat place, þat in his lettris callit was, bath poure & Rik, oñe þar best wise, till mak till ydolis seruice; & cristine þat wald nocht do swa, but pitte thocht he for to sla. [T]hane all pai folk bath fere & nere, þat of sic commawndment mycht here, till Alexandir but delay * The beginning is wanting. 5 IO 15 20 L.-KATERINE. 443 Come apone pat certane day. & he in þat tyme gert mak place, quhar all be folk, þat euir þar was, he mycht seit opynly and see euire-ilke mane in his degre, 25 quha sacrifice mad till hym quem, & quha did nocht, þat he mycht deme. þane he armyt was and dicht 30 in gold, þat schenand was full brycht; & of hey stat full mony man had he about hyme stannand pane. þane was gret wondir for till here þe noys, þe raryng, & þe bere of noyt & schepe & menstralsy, þat mycht bene hard, quha had ben by. fferlifull was þat offerand pane, þat in þat place mad mony man, Fol. 380 b. euire-ilke man in þare degre, of gret tresoure & gold & fee & of alkynd of bestiale sere ; & bai hat sympill or pouir ware, offerit foulis, sume mare, sum les, eftire pare stat & þare mycht was. In þat tyme katrine duelling had 35 40 45 In till a p[a]lace, quhar þat scho bad, of all rich and fare in pat cyte, In mekill welth and nobilte, 50 as till a kingis douchtir feryd. & as scho herd sic noys, scho sperit quhat at it was, & send alsone Ane, for to wit quhy it was done. & quhen scho wist be enchesonne 55 quhy sic noys was, scho mad hir bone, &, with full honest cumpany, hiddir has tane hire way in hy, 444 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. &, to fend hire fra hir fa, takine of cors cane oñe hir ma; & swa come to þat place in hy, quhar scho saw ser men sacrify. & ymang wthir scho has sene sume þat befor cristine had bene, bot pane, for dout þai had of dede, mad sacrifice in-to pat sted. quhen scho saw þat, hire hert was sare pane to be emprioure but mare, or Radnes, or but abaysing, scho 3ed and sad til hym: “sir king, Resone requeris, and dignite Of þi hye stat als wald, þat we hayliste þe fare, with-þi þat þu knaw þi malyes & with-draw now sic seruice fra pis goddis fals, þat be dissawis, & pame als þat trewis in-to stok or stane; ; 60 65 70 75 for þar ma be na god bot ane, þat hewine & erth mad & all thing, & Is but end and begynnyng; throw quham all kingis rengnis in land, & bot quham ma na kinrik stand; In hyme, of hyme & throu hym all 80 85 Fol. 381 a. has he giffine bath gret & small. & as he mad of nocht althing, sa sall althing at his lykine sese and faile quhen-euire he will, For ocht that man ma do þare-till." [T]hane ansuert þe emprioure, till hir spekand with gret cure, wenand with resone to conclud hir in hire spekine, þat was gud; 81. thing. 84. has be giffine. ༡༠ L.-KATERINE. 445 bot he awaile mycht in na thing, bot was still. & [scho] sad: "sir king, to spek with pe pis I begane, wenand þu had bene a wisman; bot nov of commun thing will I spek with þe, and askis quhy this multytud þu gert cum here, but cause, of mony landis sere, till ydolis to do honoring, þat ma paim helpe in nakyn thing; & als bu merwalis for to se of manis werk þe sutelte, as þu ma se in templis sere, þat craftly ar wrocht & clere, schenand thru gold & polist stanys, þat in procesß of tyme sone wanys; for nedlingis faile mon althing þat of pis erth has begynnyng. bot þu suld moyse here & merwall, of hewine & erth, pat ma nocht faile, & se, [&] all þat ar in þame, & sone & mone & planettis plane- of þe enhourmentis all of hewyn þou suld merwale, & sternys sewine, how, fra þis warld war mad, þat þai has seruit god bath nycht & day, & [in] pare stat euir ar þai stabill, dowand þare deit, wncorumpable. be-hald þis weile, & pu sall se quheþir is master, god or he þat makis be thing þat ma nocht lest, sene warldly thing ma neuir be fast, & all ydolis of stok & stane mone nedling rot, & wast, & wane; þane suld þu weile persawe & see 101 and 102 are transposed in the MS. 116. þat. 95 100 105 IIO 115 I20 125 444 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. &, to fend hire fra hir fa, takine of cors cane oñe hir ma; & swa come to þat place in hy, quhar scho saw ser men sacrify. & ymang wthir scho has sene sume þat befor cristine had bene, bot þane, for dout þai had of dede, mad sacrifice in-to pat sted. quhen scho saw þat, hire hert was sare; pane to be emprioure but mare, 60 65 or Radnes, or but abaysing, scho 3ed and sad til hym: "sir king, 70 Resone requeris, and dignite Of þi hye stat als wald, þat we hayliste pe fare, with-pi þat þu knaw þi malyes & with-draw now sic seruice fra pis goddis fals, 75 Fol. 381 a. þat þe dissawis, & þame als þat trewis in-to stok or stane; for þar ma be na god bot ane, þat hewine & erth mad & all thing, & Is but end and begynnyng; throw quham all kingis rengnis in land, & bot quham ma na kinrik stand; In hyme, of hyme & throu hym all has he giffine bath gret & small. & as he mad of nocht althing, sa sall althing at his lykine sese and faile quhen-euire he will, For ocht that man ma do þare-till.” [T]hane ansuert þe emprioure, till hir spekand with gret cure, wenand with resone to conclud hir in hire spekine, þat was gud; 81. thing. 84. has be giffine. 80 85 9༠ L.-KATERINE. 445 bot he awaile mycht in na thing, bot was still. & [scho] sad: "sir king, to spek with be þis I begane, wenand þu had bene a wisman ; bot nov of commun thing will I spek with be, and askis quhy this multytud þu gert cum here, but cause, of mony landis sere, till ydolis to do honoring, þat ma þaim helpe in nakyn thing; & als pu merwalis for to se of manis werk þe sutelte, as þu ma se in templis sere, þat craftly ar wrocht & clere, schenand thru gold & polist stanys, þat in process of tyme sone wanys; for nedlingis faile mon althing þat of pis erth has begynnyng. bot pu suld moyse here & merwall, of hewine & erth, þat ma nocht faile, & se, [&] all þat ar in þame, & sone & mone & planettis plane- of be enhourmentis all of hewyn þou suld merwale, & sternys sewine, how, fra þis warld war mad, þat þai has seruit god bath nycht & day, & [in] pare stat euir ar þai stabill, dowand þare deit, wncorumpable. be-hald þis weile, & pu sall se quheþir is master, god or he þat makis þe thing þat ma nocht lest, sene warldly thing ma neuir be fast, & all ydolis of stok & stane mone nedling rot, & wast, & wane; þane suld þu weile persawe & see IOI and 102 are transposed in the MS. 116. þat. 95 IOO 105 IIO 115 I20 125 446 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 381 6. þat lyk to god ma na thing be; & gyf þu ma consawe pis thing, þu honour hyme as suthfast king! for he is god of goddis all, & verray lord of gret & small.” þane quhen scho had disputit lang with maxens in þat mykill thrang of cristis incarnacione, & syne of his assumpcione, & all be warkis þat he dide for man in-to þis 3erd, or kyd, 130 135 maxens abaisit a quhile sat still, & syne pis sad þe madine till: 140 "ffaire woman, thole, quhill we haf don pis sacrifice, & syne alsone oure answere we sall 3eld to be." & in þe mentyme commaund he till his palais hir for to led, 145 & treit hir weile in word & deid, & kepe hir with gret deligence ; for he ferlyit of hir prudence & of hir wondire gret bounte, þat was richt ferlyfull to se; & with pat richt hire fare haffing ekit hire bounte in gret thing. [Slowne eftire pat þe emprior till his palace with gret honour Come, And gert bryng hym katrine, & hailiste hir and sad hyre syne: "pi fare spek haff we herd haly, & of þi prudence has ferly, bot, for þat we occupyd ware In sacrifice of goddis sere, we vndirstud nocht all þi taile; 143. sald. 144. pe. 150 155 160 L.-KATERINE. 447 bot now we will pu tell ws haile, quhar þu was borne, & of quhat kyn þat þu come, tell ws mare & myn!" þane answert scho, & sad: "catone forbad his sowne in his lessone To law hyme-self or lof gretly; 165 for, quha at swa dois, dois foly. yhet pane I sall tell be my kyne, bot nocht for pryd na lowe to wyne, 170 Fol. 382 a. bot erer for hymylyte I will tel of my kyne to be. for-þi, sir king, wyt þu þat I Ame dochtir to be king Costy, & succedis till hyme as ayre of renttis gret & landis fare; & borne I wes in þis cite, And welthfully fosteryt, parde, & seit to lare, & leryt weile; 175 quhar-with I can persawe & feile 180 þat ydolis ar bot dewillis all, & mawmenttis als, bath gret & small; & þat na god bot ane ma be. Richt sone I can persawe & se, þat is be god of mychtis maste, 185 be fadire, be sowne, be haly gaste, a suthfast god in personnis thre; to quham all hale I haf tane me, & serwe sall hyme atoure althing, as to my lord & souerane king. for þi godis, to quham þat þu dois sic seruice, & honoris now, 190 ma nothire helpe paim-self na the, gyf þu had grace, þu mycht weile se. þar-for vnhappy ar þai all 195 þat manis warkis will godis call, 190. lord & sir & souerane. 448 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 382 b. þat ma nothire in word na deide succure or helpe man in-to nede, na agane parele mak defence." bane till hire answert þis maxens : "maydine, gyf þis be suth þu sais, all his warld erris mony wais; & suthfastnes sais pu allane. but suthtwitnes suld nocht be tane bot in be mowthis of twa or thre; quharfor men suld nocht trew to þe, suppos þat þu ane Angell ware or hewynly uertu in þe bare; bot mekill les 3eit suld men trew a brokill woman as is pu." [T]hane sad scho hym: "I pray you, sir, þat þu be nocht ourcumyne with Ire; for Ire distroblis sa the thocht, 200 205 210 þat suthfastly deyme ma it nocht, pocht he war neuire sa wyse a kyng, 215 as cattowne sais in his teching; & þarfor, gyf þu king will be, in thocht lat resone gowerne þe; bot, be þe body giff þu will gowerne þe, þu beis a thrill.” 220 pane sad þe king, "gyf þou had mycht, me think þu wald with venemyt slycht, tak ws in gyrne dissatfully thru samplis of philosophy." þane, for þe king persawit weile 225 þat he resist mycht neuir a dele agane hir wyt, for-pi gert he seyre lettris priwely mad be, & send þame sone furth here & þar our all þe greit empyre wyd-quhar 213. thi thocht, 230 222. thing. L.-KATERINE. 449 till all þat had Renowne of wyt & of fare spekine sammyne knet, & commawndit þaim þai suld þaim sped till hym, as þai wald haf gret med, & honour gret, & thank, all thre, of Alexandir to be cite. [H]ys messingeris þan furth ar gan, & sped sa wele, or euir þai fane, þat fyfty masteris haf þai brocht vith þame, sa wyse þat na man mocht In all þis warld fynd men sa wise, na of gret sciens haf sic gret prise. þe emperoure þaim hailist ful swyth, & of þar cummyng was rycht blyth. pane sperit þai þar enchesone 235 240 245 quhy he gert þaim cum to pat towne, & sa mony, of landis sere. pane sad he to þame: "gret mystere gert me assemble 3ou & call; 250 Fol. 383 a. & gyf ze bere 30w weile, 3e sal Resawe honour & profyt now, as in my lettris I wrat zou. here is cumyne till our presence a madyne of full gret prudence, þat throw gret wit & sutelte concludis all my men and me, 255 na man of ws had tuth na towng to conclud hir, pocht scho be 3ounge. for scho proffis with skillis sere 260 VOL. II. þat all oure goddis ar dewillis here, & of na mycht for till helpe man. ffor-þi, gyf yhe othir ma or cane conclud hir & ourcume with skill, ffor to Reward 3ou is oure will; ffor scho is of sic sutelte 2 F 265 450 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat, bot gyf scho concludyt be, scho sall be pupill haill gere ere, & all oure treutht full mekill ware; ffor richt mony begynnis now throw hir in hire god to trew." þane ansuert ane of þaim mychtty with gret dedingne dyspytuisly: "o pu lord of gret maieste, quhatkine consall amowit þe till assemble þis mony wyse of þine empyre of sere partyse ffor to conclud a madine small, sene þat þe lest wis of ws all micht haf concludit hire lichtly 270 275 In science of philosophy, 280 & swa mycht of oure seruandis ane a gretare wark haf wndirtane?” þe king þan sad: "with strinth mycht I haf gert þe madine sacrify; bot yhet I haf seit myn entent 285 to conclud hir with argument." þane sad þe ministeris to þe king: "gere þe madine before ws bring, & scho for all hir gret science sall haf na word to mak defence Aganis ws, þan scho neuir had bene at scole, na zet na lettir sene; & sa sall all se oppynly Fol. 383 6. hire ourcumyne with sucquidry, sa þat scho sall apertly say scho saw neuir wyse man to pat day." [A] cristine man has herd þis tale And tald It to sanct katrine hale, Quhatkine purpos þir men has tan 266. bot scho gyf. 283. mychtty. 299. phir men. 290 295 L.-KATERINE. 451 to confund hir, þat helpe had nan. pane to god hale scho hir betacht, & prayt hyme for his mykill macht, to gif hir grace swa for to do þat It mycht lowing be hyme to, 300 & at scho mycht sic defence ma, 305 þat it war senschepe till hir fa. with [pat] ane angel come hir till, þat bad hir be of stedfast will, for god suld gif hir wit & grace, sa mykill, þat nan in-to þat place Agane hir suld haf tuth na tong hir to resist, pocht scho was 3oung, bot þat scho suld vincuse þaim all, & þat throw hir god suld þaim call of martirdome to tak be crowne. þane war full mony knychtis bone. to fesch hir; & scho come al-sone, quhar-at be king set in his trone, with mony mudy man hyme by, & þir masteris, þat war fyfty. 310 315 320 þane sad scho swetly to be king: "It is nocht lyk till ewyne demy[n]g for to set fyfty masteris wyse, þat of sic science has pe price, agane a madine hir alane; & to pame als has vndirtane 325 for to Reward paim richely, & me þu gerris wilfully, but hope of mede, aganis þaim all strif! bot zet Ihesu crist sall 330 be hop & helpe & croune alswa to me; sene þat I pis strif ta for hyme, he sall weile reward me in his kinrik, quhar is lestand gle." 313. vincust. 452 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 384 a. pane, hir to strenth a-gan hir fa, þe croce scho can apon hir ma. be emperoure pane mad defence, for nane suld spek bot hald silence. & quhen sanct katrine per fyfty men 335 saw stand stane still, scho sad þaim þan : 340 "gyf ony of yhow consawit has ocht aganis me in till his thocht, or argument, or subtilite, quhy sais he It nocht furth? lat se!" þe wysest of þaim þan but pere sad: "madine, we suld erare here þe begyne to spek; for we are cumyne here for be cause of þe, to her þi wit, of weile fere landis.” þane hewid scho wpe bath hir handis, & sad till þame full apertly : Masteris, I will 3e wit þat I Ame tacht in sacramentis sewine of Ihesu crist, þe king of hewine, Richt weile; & pocht I be sadly & wele tacht in philosophy, 345 350 355 & als be sewine artis can all þat ar in scole red, gret & small, yhet-bane all hale I paim forsak, & her till hyme I me betak, 360 þat is souerane & leile science, My Ioy, my hope, & my defence, Ihesu crist, my lord & kyng, þat bath is well & begynnyng, Throw quham god be faddir wrocht þe warld & alkyne thing of nocht, & Is a god, of quham all thing, Throw quham, & in quham, makis lestinge, wnsichtfull and sichtfull bedene 349. þe wit. 355. I be sudly. 365 L.-KATERINE. 453 bath strenth & lenthing has, but wen; 370 Fol. 384 b. & throw pitte, þat in hym is, quhen mankind owt of paradice was put throw inwy of our fa, wnsichtfull sichtfull schape can ta of manheide, & apperyt here, ded for to thole for oure mystere, & throw his dede wane ws to lyf 385. & of. 375 þat euire sall lest but pane or strife; & swa relewit he oure neide sichtfull in kine of oure man-hed. 380 he is my wit & my science, & als a-gane my fa defence." & quhen pis madine had þis tale tald, as ze haf hard al hale, ane of þai fyfty masteris gret 385 sayd þus in ire & in gret het: "Allace! quhy suld þu, lord & sir, of Rome þat brukis þe gret empyre, A madine thole fullely pis lang Manteyng a-gane our godis wra[n]g, Bot prechis fast of a new law, & has na suth resone to schaw, 390 þat cristine folis pressis faste for to ger grow, & strenth, & last, & is bot foly, na lesyng! 395 we wend for to here sum thing quhar-in þat wit had ben or slycht, or quhar-to þat be ansuer mycht; for scho was reput of sic fame till ws, or þat we com fra hame, þat we wend nan had ben [sa] wyse, na of clergy haf sic prise. & hir begynnyng has scho mad of ane þat Ihesu to name had, 386. sayand þus. 397. quhar þar in þat. 400 454 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. þat of cristine callis god & kyng. lo here a selcuth begynnyng! & he a deidlik man as we! & syne for his iniquite 405 was tane & done to ded throu his! quha mycht mare foly here pan pis?" sanct Katrine þan but mare abad 410 to þat master sic ansuere mad: "bat begynnyng of my resone I mad of Ihesu, for chesone þat he begyning is of all 415 þat euir zeit was or euir be sall, or sichtfull or wnsichtfull thing; Fol. 385 a. þat-for he is my begynnyng." pane sad pe master, þat was sle: "gyf he was god, quhow mycht he de?" 420 þane ansuert þat madine brycht: "he pat of nocht althing mad, & mycht, schape of man mycht tak, but wene, & swa wnsichtfull mycht be sene, & he pat mycht nocht thole, deye mycht. 425 bot I haff ferly of þi slicht, þat has of wisdome sic plente, & doutis þat Ihesu crist suld be, syne plato, þat ze wisest call in science of 3our doctorris all, 430 In his tym mad probacione of cristis incarnacione; & Aristotill, his prenteis, Ane vthire of zour doctourris wise, granttit wele þat þar was ane 435 þat all thing steryt-ellis nan- & throw hym had þar steryng, & þar wphald, and begynnyng; & yhone sibile saug can say, þat was sa wis in tyl hir day, 440 L.-KATERINE. 455 þat god bat hangit one be tree hye for mankind, happy is he; & balaan spak of þe sterne þat crist betakynt, in-to derne, þat of Iacob, þe patriarche, 445 suld spring, & be a king full stark. & syne þe wysmen of caldé wok full lang tyme þat sterne to se; & eftire lang, þat balan was, of full lang tyme in process, 450 thre wysmen wok þat sterne to se, & war all kingis of caldé, & It apperit to þar sicht, & was full mykill, fare, and brycht, & als in It þe fygure had 455 Fol. 385 b. of a child; and þai but bad folouyt It a full fare way, till þat to bethleeme cumine war þai; & þar þai fand his modire myld, in till hir harme haffand þat child, be schape of quham befor saw pai in þe sterne, or þai tuk þar way; pane offeryt all þai thre in hy to þat zung child full deuotely, ane gold, ane sence, & myre be thred; & throu þis offerand was wele kid 1 460 465 þat he wes werray god & mane, þat ws fra wa to welth syn wan. & mony vthir argument yhe ma weile fynd, wald ze ta tent, 470 þat zoure doctouris in prophecy has spokine of god full opynly. for-þi me think richt wele þat ze suld kene hat bot a god suld be, þat mad & mowis alkine thing, 461. sad pai. 466. his offerand. 475 473. me thing. 456 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & has nan end, na nan begynny[n]g. bot wise man call I can hym nan, with ingnorance þat is oure-tane. say yhe now furth quhat-euir ze will, for to conclud me with yhou[r]e skill!" pir masteris pan held þaim stan still, & ilkane gowit wthir till, & say abaysit þan war þai Fol. 386 a. 480 þat þai had na word for to say. [T]he emprioure þan changit his mud, 485 & of his vit 3ed nere-hand vod, & one his masteris rarit rath, & pame reprowit & blamy[t] bath, & sad till þame dispitouysly: (6 o yhe werches & wnworthi, þat had sic nam & sic renone of science, or 3e com of towne, þat men wend wisest ze had ben þat to his tyme war hard or señ, & has na resone nov, na skill A word to spek þis madine till, bot standis still, & ar abaysyt, & has me sodandly betrasit, & tholis 30w ourcumyne be of katrine, in disses of me!" of þai masteris ane, þat was mast, 490 495 500 bus to be king pan sad in hast: "sir king, we wald weile þat þu wit, bo[t] thu throw resone or thru wit ger ws mare clerly kene & se 505 þat na richt, na na lacht ma be sa gud as þis, we will richt now lewe þat lacht þat we ay can trew, & trew be law þat katrine schawis; 482. illane gowit. 491. þat has. 503. we war. L.-KATERINE. 457 for It fare betir þan our law is. ffor þar was na[n] sa wis þat mycht, þat madine 30ng haffand sic slycht, hir wyl defend hir lacht, þat ne he suld with gud resone vincust be. for we ar wonderit for till here how þat in-to pis m[a]dine clere be sprit of god sa spekis ay, 510 515 þat we can nocht agane hir say, syne þat we first had herd hir tale, 520 bot turnis ws to crist all hale, & fals mawmentis forsakis ay, þat in-to ned helpe na man may." þane was be emperoure full way, quhen he hyme saw ourcumine swa, & swa enflawmyt thru gret Ire, 525 þat he richt sone gert mak a fyre In be myddis of pe cite, quhar all be folk mycht one It se, & all be masteris bad tak sone, & bundine in þe fyre be done. 530 pane can þir masteris sammyn say: "A, swet katrine, for ws þu pray Fol. 386_b. till Ihesu criste, þat hang one tre, in quhame we trewly trew [thru] þe, 535 And of his fyre þe felone deide of baptyme standis ws in sted, our ignorance forgiffand now, for trewly all in hyme we trew." bane scho enformyt þaim sa wele in cristine treutht euir[i]lke deile, þat to be fyre glad can þai gay, for crist þe martirdome to ta. pane crosit þai pame her & pare, & passit furth foroutine mare. 511. þar was na schawis pat. 513. pat nehe. 540 458 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. pane in þat fyre men can þaim cast, & gert It bryne about þaim fast. & quhene þai war deide bedene, a gret ferly þare mycht be sene, þat þai in nathing wemmyt war of bodiis, na of heid na hare, & of be clething in na thred- sic wondire wrocht þare in deide, quhar-thru euire trew[th] ekit & grew, & mistreutht for sorow slew. 545 550 pane leile cristine gert grawe paim sone, 555 & deit of dede to þame be done. [T]hane seit maxens in stule of king, & gert katrine befor hym bring, & with fare wordis can hyme gluthire, quhile one ane, quhile on ane wthire, 560 & þat þe last sad hir: "katrine, of þi foly, I red, þu fyne & consaile to þi 3outhede sa, þat is oure teyndir to thole wa, þat þu ma luf, & saif þi-selfe, 565 & bruk with me bath Ioy & welth! & for þu art bath wise & faire, & douchtir of a king & aire, In my palace pe secund quene I sall be mak foroutine wene, &, as þu will, þe nedis all Fol. 387 a. of myn empire be treit[it] sall; & in be myddis of his cite ane ymag sall I mak of þe with septre, as It ware a quene, & all at euire sall it haf sene, sall honour It, & worschipe bath; & als I sall gere mak full rath 559. can hyme glore. 572. betreit sall. 570 575 L.-KATERINE. 459 a tempill gret of marbre clene, quhar-in, ymang my godis schene & goddes als, in till a stage, of þi faire fygure ane ymag sall be set, & honoryt ay, foroutine end euirilke day. quharfor me think þat þu suld be awisit sowne, & grant to me." pane sad pe madine to be king: "sir, mak me nan sic entysing, þat is nocht wodnes anerly to say, bot to think is foly ; 580 585 590 for to criste I haf bundine me throu band þat ma nocht lousit be. he is my Ioy & luf parfyt, my paramouris, & my delyt, & s[u]werane of myn hart with-all. na fra his luf I neuirmare sall be departyt for weile na wa, pocht I parfor be deide suld ta, na for na payne, na for na thret, na for gluthring of giftis gret. for-pi, wirk furth pi wekyt will! 595 600 for I will na way bow be till, bot takis me till hewynnis king, þat till his gret bliss sall me bring." þane was maxens all hat for teyne, 605 as he metall in fyre had bene, & in gret breth, & in dyspyt bad his tyrandis nakyn hir tyt, & bynd, and beit with schorgis sare, Fol. 387 6. quhill ony haile hyd one hire ware; & eftire pat scho suld be sone In till a myrk donieone be done, quhar scho mycht na thing here, na se, þat mycht hire eise or confort be, 610 460 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. bot for to be in myrknes ay, quhill þat scho suld renay hir fay. & in pane of deid bad he þat na man suld sa hardy be to gif hir met na drink na way 615 fra þat tyme till one þe xii day; for he thocht weile in þat men-tyme to put hir to sa hard engyne, þat scho suld leif hir frawart will, & till his entent turne hir till. 620 & in be mentyme hapnit swa þat þis maxens worthit to ga 625 of his empire in-to sere place— sic bodword till hym cumine was. pane quhen be king had mad hym bvñ, & passit furth out of pe towne, 630 ffull gret desyre pan had be quen þat yhet-pan had nocht katrine sene, to spek with hir, & tell hir till þe gret fellonny & þe Ill, þat maxens pan consawit had 635 a-gayne hir or þat he furth rad, & quhatkine payne & qu[h]at torment to put hir to was his entent. þane callit scho till hir a knycht, a nobill man & purphir hicht, 640 & was to Maxens mast priwe- & twa hundreth knychtis had he, þat seruit hyme bath nycht & day,- & þusgat can scho till hym say: "sir purphir, sene bu art rycht leile, my consele I will pu consele, 645 & helpe me bath in deid and will how þat I katrine ma cum till, to speke with hir, & hire to se, 626. per maxens. 636. a gayne hir & pat. L.-KATERINE. 461 Fol. 388 a. I pray be hartly þu helpe me. & syne þu art a master mane, 650 I wat weile bath þu may & can eschewe richt weile, gyf þat þu will, þer geyalouris now spek sa till, þat þai for prayere or for med 655 of myn entent wald lat me sped! [T]hane purphir sad till hir alsone: "dred nocht, mademe! It sall be done." bane till þe geyelouris he paste, & wrocht sa wele, till at þe laste he gat lewe þat bath scho & he suld cume in nycht in priwete, & bath entre pe presone in, 660 for hope þai had for it to wyne. quhen nycht was cumine, & day was gan, 665 sir purphir & be quene allane Come, & gat richt sone entre of be gyel; & þar cane se sa mykill licht, þat nawise It mycht be comprisit in mannis wit; 670 till erth pai fell pane for redness, & lay still for abasidnes. with þat þai feld a sweet sawor, þat excedit alkine odoure of ony spice pat euir tre bare; & with þat katrine sone but mare callit one paim bath, & confurd þam 675 sa wele, þat þai apon feite wan, & sad paim: "crist callis yhow bath for to tak croune her-eftire rath, 680 & for to bruk þat mykill blis, þat he has grathit till all his." þan blenkit þai wpe bath, & [has] sene 680. hir eftire. 462 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 388 b. katrine sic angelis betwene, þat all hir vondis all our-quhare, þat was apon hir body bare, enonte with sawuis soft & swet, & all þat brekine was, can bet, & mad hire hyd sa hale & schene, þat it was farly to be seyne. 685 690 full Ioyfull pane pire twasum war of be swet sicht þat þai saw þar. sanct katrine pane, pe madyne clene, with swet wordis confurd þat quene, & bad hir be of stawlouart will: "for Ihesu crist þu sall cume till pis day thrid day, haf þou na dred, & for schort pane haf lestand mede. dout þar for na payne temporale, to cume to blis þat ma nocht fale, 695 700 na for to leif pe copullyng of warldis man for hewynnis king, na for to part fra de[d]lik mane for hyme nan end has na begane, Ihesu crist, þat is king parfyt, þat for his schort temporale delyt gyffis þat Ioy pat neuir sall blyne to pai þat tholis pane for hyme." & pus to pame scho prechit þare, till it was mydnycht & wele mare. pane purphire fell befor hire feit, & askit hir with wordis swet, quhatkine reward hat crist suld mak till knychtis pat here for his sak 705 710 left warldis welth & temporale thing. 715 pane till hyme sad pat madyn 3ing; "in þat kinrik þat is so clere, quhar for delyt men lewis here, 685. bandis. L.-KATERINE. 463 Fol. 389 a. pai sall haf euir-lestand lyff but payne or verray duel or striffe. 720 & gif þu franis quhat thing is þare; þar is ese & sic welfare þat ma nocht wthir-ways be expondit na wndone to be; bot all þat gud is, It is þare, 725 & illthing ma þar cum neuir mare. & gif þu speris quhat gud þat is; It is sic gud, I tell be pis, þat neuir ere herd, na yhet saw hye, na mycht in hart comprisit be 730 þat god has grathit for all pai þat seruis hyme here, quhen pa hyne ga." sir purphire pan & alß þe quene, throw sermond of þat madene schene, war mad full blith & held þar way 735 of be dozieone befor be day. þane purphir his knychtis all, þat seruit hyme, bath gret & small, callit, & pame sic tale has tald þat þar halely to god þai 3ald, & war all redy for to tak 740 be martirdome for cristis sak. [A]nd for pe king bad at þat fre dais xii but mete suld be, In pat tyme crist with hewynnis fud 745 ffed be a dow pat madine gud. & quhen pai xii dais war gane, to katrine, quhar scho seit allane, oure lord, of hewine god, can apere, with multytud of Angelis clere, & of verginis sa mony, þat for to se pame war ferly, 720. on striffe. 724. expendit. 750 464 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 389 b. & bad hir suthtly knaulag tak of hir makare, for quhais sak þat scho enteryt in-to sic strife, quhar scho wyne suld lestand lyfe, & sad till hir: "pu stedfast be! For in na tyme sal I lewe þe." & sayand pis, he sticht in hewyn with mekill Ioy & angelis stewyne. 755 760 Thane, quhen be emperoure had done his neidis, come agane alsone, & in be myddis of þe cite wpe-one þe morne he gert set be his kingis stull, & seit hym done, 765 with ceptre in hand, & one hed crowne, & gert katrine before hyme be brocht, quhar all be folk mycht se, & schaw hir poliste fare & schene, þat forhungerit [he] wenede had bene, 770 & wend sum man had brocht hir fud In-to þe presone. þarefor nere wod he was, & sad: "be keparis all þat kepyt þe bus, dere by sall." þane sad scho: "sir, met I had nan throu warldis man bot criste allan, þat throu his Angelis gert me fed, & als nocht; haf þu na dreid!" þane can he softly till hir spek, Richt as he wald all Ill breth brak, 775 780 & sad: " now, madine fare & clere, I pray þe þat þu tell me here quhat-euir þu has in-to pi thocht; & parof heile þu fra me nocht, na with na wordis þat ar dowble Answere nocht, me for to distrouble! for I yharne nocht for to dissawe be 785 L.-KATERINE. 465 Fol. 390 a. with quhyt wordis na sutelte. & trewe weile, I yharne nocht þe a seruand to me for to be, bot as my wyf & quene mychtty be for to hald; & swa think I for pi gret beute, & pi wit, & þi gret gentrice sammyn knyt; 790 & als my empire hale to be þat þi lykine sall bowand be." [T]hane sad scho: "& now I be pray þat suthfastly þu wald me say with leile wncouerit Iugement, 795 quheþir þat I suld do þine entent erare þane to lord or king, þat at his will ma do althing, or for to tak a dedly mane, þat of corrupcion begane, & throu corrupcione man be sic mater last as first was he, 800 805 & thole seknes, quhill he is here, with trawell and dissesis sere?" be king wald þan na mare hym feynge bot sad till hir with gre[t] dedingne 810 "madine, ches be ane of twa; sacrifice quheþir þu will ma to my goddis, & liff in blis, or, gyf þat þu refoysis þis, to thole torment & perise sone? of pire twa ches pe ane but hone, & lat me wit but fengeit fare, for þu sall drich me no mare.” þane answert scho, & sad: "sir, I thocht neuir to deile with trechery, bot sais planely þat I will 798. pe suthfastly. 801. pharne. VOL. II. 802. þat as. 2 G 815 820 466 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. in-to na thing concent þe till. quharfor, quhat torment pou has thocht to do to me, differe pu nocht! for I dyssyre my flesch & blud to gyf for hyme þat in þe Rud mad offerand of hyme-self for me, 825 þat is my blis, my luff, my gle, My ankire, my Ioy, my welth, my wele, & of myn sawle þe lestand heile, 830 & giffis lyf, þat ma nocht fale, to his luffers for þare trawalle." quhen be tyrand herd hir sa swa, out of his wit nere can he ga. &, his anoy for till ames, Come stertand furth sir cursates, 835. þat was prefeit of pe cite, & sad: "sir king, herkine to me, & wrath be nocht sa Increly! for I sall ordand in till hy 840 a maner of sa herd torment þat sall hir gere turne hir entent, & fley hir swa, þat scho in hy sall be fulfane to sacryfy. Fol. 390 b. & gif scho [ne] dois, with wnhard pane 845 sa felloun[1]y scho sall be slaane þat all cristine, þat ma It see, sall concent to þi law & the. quharfor with-ine dais thre foure quhelis gret þu gere mad be, 850 of be quhilkis pe felyis all with scharpe houkis fichit be sall, & all be spakis one þat manere sall be fichit with hukis sere, þat sall be scharpe & rycht wele grondine, 855 829. My angire. L.-KATERINE. 467 of fynest steile pat may be fundine; & þir quhelis seit sall be swa þat of pame twa aganis twa sall alwais twrne in contrare cours, as thingis beand at rebou[r]se, swa þat þe twa sall rywe wpward allthing þat is betwene paime seit, ffra þat þai turne foroutyn lat." þane was þe emprioure full blyth, & gert þe quhelis mak alswyth, 860 865 & in be mydis of pe cite, In opine place, gert þame seit be, þat all þe folk bath fere & nere Micht se one paim, quhen þai suld stere. þane was þat madyn brocht in hy 870 of þe pressone, quhar scho can ly, & seit ymang þe quhelis swa, þat, gif scho sacrifice wald ma, scho suld haf lyf & all þat thing þat till hire ere had hicht þe king; &, gyf þat scho wald nocht do swa, þe quhelis suld turne, & hir swa sla. 875 & quhen pat scho was sa hard sted, Richt full ferme treutht in god scho had, & prayt hym, as lord & kyng, 880 + þat of his treutht for be ekine, & for be lowing of his name, & eke of cristindome be fame, Fol. 391 a.; & for þe pepill sake with-all, þat þar war gadderit, gret & small, þat he wald brek þai quhelis swa, þat þai na merryng suld hir ma. & þane but mare at hir prayere ane angell brycht sone can apere, 884. pepill suld. 885 468 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. & þai quhelis in pecis small brak, & scaillit was oure-all 890 þat þan foure thousand slew or mare of folkis mistreuthtfull þat war pare, & twechit neuir a man of þai þat cristine treutht befor can ta. 895 þane was þar Ioy & gret lofing of cristine folk, þat saw his thing, & full gret schame & sorow als to pame pat trewit in goddis fals. ffull mony þan, þat þis has sene, war baptist, & of syne mad clene. 900 þane was þe quene in-to be hicht of hir palais, & saw þis sicht, & thocht þat scho wald heile nomare ffra naman þat scho cristine ware, 905 bot all vane glore full haile forsuk, & haile to Ihesu criste hir tuk, & saynyt hir, & but baysing come done, & stud befor þe king, & sad: "o pu, my wrechid housband, 910 how lang sall þu in erroure stand, & seis here sa opynly god tak vengeance for þi foly, & will nocht-yhet ses to mowf were agane hyme þat is pi makere? 915 wnhappy man! wald þu yhet trow in-to oure suet lord, dere Ihesu, god, at is king of cristine meñ, & lewe bine errour, & hym kene, & ask forgiffnes of þi syne, 920 yheit mycht pu sauchtyng with hym wine. Fol. 391 b. for her ma þu full clerly se þat vthire god is nan bot he, þat, quhen he will, ma quykine & sla; 897. pis think. L.-KATERINE. 469 bot þi goddis ma nocht do swa. bot he is god of deide & life, pocht þu full herd agane hym strife." [T]he king pan was sa wondir wa, that nere his hart can brist in twa, & sad: "a, wyf, quhat spekis þu? 925 930 I dout þat sum cristine has now fra oure goddis priwit be, quhome one þu suld mast honour se. bot I swere be goddis all þat I haf honoryt ay & sall, 935 bot gif þu honour do in hy till our goddis & sacrify, þat þe pappis first fra þi breste sall be Rywine, & syne þar neste I sall gere turment þe fulfaste, 940 & strik pi hed of at þe laste, & þi body eftire þi life I sall gere doggis laithly rife, & mak a bysine wyf of the, to let wthire to cristine be." 945 þane sad scho: "do quhat-euir þou will, for I sall neuir concent þe till." & fra þat scho had sad hym swa, he bad his turmentoris hir ta, & harle roydly to pat stede, quhare all misdoaris tholit deide. þane lukit scho to sanct katrine full pytuisly, & sad hir syne: haly virgine, for me þu pray to god, for quhais nam pis day I ame heire enteryt in-to strife, 950 955 & for hyme tyne bis temporale life, þat he me graunt sic will pis day þat I ma trastly but effray, 470 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 392 a. Thole ded for hyme, & at þat ma be In stede of baptysing to me." pane ansuert þat madine schene, & sad: "tak confurd to be, quene! full dere to god & luffit art þu; bot wirk sa wysly þat þu now one Ihesu seit þi hart ay stabile, þat for his kinrik cōrumpabile 960 965 þis day sall gif þe þi kinrik, þat but falyng lestis elyk; for þu dois nocht bot makis werringe 970 of failand & of dedly thing, for þat king þat all thing mad, & neuir begynny[n]g na end had, & for pe pane þat sone is done wyne lestand Ioy euir in-to wone." pane lurdannis hir lichtly lacht, & harlyt hir furth, as þai war tacht, & of hir clething mad hire bare; bot scho was couerit with hir hare. þane hir papis þai raf hir fra, & syne þai strak hir nek in twa. of martirdome eftire sic end scho past with Ihesu criste to lend. syre purphire for hir gret dull mad, 975 980 & come pat ilke nycht but bad, 985 & tuk hir cors, & wandit wele, & It enointit euirilke deile with bawme; & syne rycht wele gert he in honest place It grawine be. apone be morne, quhen pis was done, 990 as I haf tald zou here alsone, ffull bysy spering men can ma quha durst þe quenis body ta to grawe, or do It honourrynge; 987. enteryt. L.-KATERINE. 47I Fol. 392 b. & als for þat cause gert þe king to questione put mony sere, & punys þame one gret manere, bat letit nocht, pocht he had wrang, bot in sic wikidnes stud lang. þane sir purphire but Abaising has present hyme befor be king, quhare he sat in-to Iugment, & sad one pis wyse his entent: "sir king, now opinly we se at a wod [s]preit trawalis þe, þat sparis nothir quyk na dede þat cristine are, in-to na stede ; na þu can nocht hald þe content of na payne, na of na turment, þat þu ma do to sic quyk men, 995 1000 1005 ΙΟΙΟ bot, quhen þai deide ar, þou will þan forbid þame grawine for to be; þat wikit sperit sa trawalis pe. & gyf þu demys þaim gilty þi wyf þat erthit, þat did I, 1015 & yarnys þarefor me allane to thole all þane þat may be tane, ffor cristis martire I cane grawe in hope of med þat for till haf; for I ame cristis confessoure, þat to be quene dide sic honour." [P]ane pat tyrand can rodly rare, as man þat had bene wondit sare, na he sicht nocht priwely, as men dois quhile þat are sary, bot rathly ruschit to and fra, as quha for sorow wod wald ga, & sturly stampit als, & steryt, & oft as branewod man he beryt, 1020 1025 472 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. 1 & at þe last he can hye cry, & sad: "allace! a wrech am I, & mare wrechit na ony man ! for-[pi] my wekit werd I bane ; for I haf tynt þis day, allace! all hale my helpe, & my solace, & þe streynth of my empyre hale. quhat wondire is I brist for bale? for now is left me sir purphire, þat wphald was of myn empyre, & alswa anerly was he þe kepare of my saule & me, Fol. 393 a. & in all trawell anerly he was þat helpe pat ay had I, 1030 1035 1040 swa but hyme luf cuth I nocht. bot, lo, of me na-thing he wrocht, bot fra my goddis, allace! & me is gane þis cristine fore to be, & to be god of cristine lyne 1045 has tane hyme haile fra me & myn!" pane, hyme to confurd, gert he call 1050 þai knychttis þat he mast lowit of all, & mad his lamentacione of purphire his conuersione, & speryt gif ony was þare till Consentand or þat wist his will. 1055 þan ansuerd þai twa hundreth knychttis, þat seruit purphire with all þare mychtis, & sad: “sir, 3a, we wat all weile of all his dedis ilke deile, how he conuertit was, & quhare, for we all þan with hyme vare, & all fals goddis forsuk þane, & ar be-cumyne cristine men; 1033. for I my. 1061. hyme pare. 1044. luf gud I. 1063. & ay. тобо L.-KATERINE. 473 & with purphire for cristis sak we dout richt nocht þe deide to tak." & quhen be king herd þaim sa swa, bane doublit hyme his mykill way, & sad: "lo, here now is me mad full Ill couering eftire lang bad! for I wend ze suld confurd me in quhat disses þat I mycht be." þane commawndit he in full gret Ire 1065 1070 to tak þai knichttis & purphire, & with pame owt of towne to ga, & all þar nekis stirk in twa, 1075 & pare bare bodyis to lef þare als nakit as þai borne ware, till foulis & hundis to be fud. þane zeid þai al furth with blith mud to place þat þame was deput till, 1080 Fol. 393 b. & tuk pare dede with full gud will. þe four & xxti day but drede of nouember was done þat dede. pis tyrand bane apon be morne eftire be knychtis wer pis lorne, In stule of Iugment hyme seit, & gert þis katrine till hyme feite, & sad hir: "pu wikide wiche, quhat wenis þu ws lang to preche? na; bot chese þe ane in hy; othire til oure godis sacrify or ellis þi heide to tyne pis day dispytuisly but mare delay." [T]hane answerd hym þat madine fre: "Langar delay I ask nocht be, bot to do me quhat-euir þu will; for I will neuir consent þe till, bot thole mekly for cristis sak 1085 1090 1095 474 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. Fol. 394 a. quhat-euir turment þu will I tak. for I desyre to deye for hyme, fra lestand deide þat can me wyne." bus quhen scho sad, foroutyn bad be tyrand gert hir furth be had outhouth be zeittis of pe cite, quhare þat scho suld wnhedit be. & maydynnis feile hir folouyt þare & lele wman in þat swithware, þat fast regratit hir bewte þat one sic wyse suld wastit be. scho turnyt to þame, & sad: "o yhe Madynnis & matronis fare & fre! I pray yhou eke nocht my passione with sic sare lamentacione, bot erare suld yhe Ioy with me, þe suthtfast now gyf yhe mycht se; for now my dere lord Ihesu criste callis me now till his bewist, þat is my luf and paramor, to wyne with hym in till his boure, & bruk with hyme but end his blis." þane to be place scho come with pis, quhar hir hals suld strikine be in twa, & knelyt deuotly, & can ma hir prayeris; & be-hald full ewine with handis wpward to be hewine, ΙΙΟΟ 1105 IIIO 1115 II20 1125 & one kneis lang sittand swa to god scho can þis prayere ma: o hope & helpe to trewfull man, bewte & Ioy of all women, god Ihesu, thankis I gyf the 1130 þat deigneis for to nombre me of þi madynnis in be conuent; & prays be with gud entent 1115. & suthfast. L.-KATERINE. 475 sic mercy þat þu kith me till, þat quhasum-euir with dewot will 1135 in lof of god mak mensione of me & of my passione, graunt þame þar askine for my sak for quhat-euir thing or quhen þai mak, in quhat parele þat þai be 1140 stad one land or 3eit one se; & namely in þe tyme of dede, gyf þai for my sak ask remed, graunt þaim þar bowne, I thig at þe, as þu art lord of maieste! 1145 for, swet lord, lo, here for þi sak of þe basere I byd be strak. bot, lo, my sawle þat [na] ways he Ma tak, here I commend to be." & or scho mad had þis prayere, 1150 a woice of hewine was herd full clere, & sad: "my dere lowit, cume to me, for all my yheit is opnyt þe, quhar-throw pu sall enter in blis, þat neuir sall fane & but end is, 1155 & all my halowis in till hewine sall met be with richt ioyfull stewine, & with be crowne of victury Fol. 394 b. þu sall be crownyt in till hy, & euire-mare wone in welth with me. 1160 for-bi namare þu besy be! for [pat] at þu has askit here, I haf þe tyd all haile but were, & yhet welle mare I grant all pai þat will memor of þe may, & for þi sak askis helpe at me; in quhatkine parele quhat-euir þai be, 1137. & me &. 1141. stat. 1148. sawle þat ways be. 1160. in wehth. 1165 476 LEGENDS OF THE SAINTS. my helpe I sall of hewine þaim send, quhar þu sall duell with-outine end." & quhene þat woyce wes went away, þat haly virgine but effray 1170 hire faire hals strekit furth mylk-quhyt, þat in twa strak þe basare tyt. pane of hire cors, in sted of blud, of mylk þare ruschit out a flud, þat wet þe erth rycht plentwisly. & angelis fell com pane in hy, & in be ayre hire body bare 1175 to mont synay, & lait It þare, & with pare handis one bat hill 1180 entyryd It throw godis will, þat ix Iurnays gret ma be of Alexandir fra þe cite, quhar feile merakilis ar for hire wrocht, as leile men sais þat has hir socht, 1185 & ay sall be in lowing of hire & of criste hewynnis kyng, þat for ekine of cristine fay god did sic worschipe to pat may. & of hire banis but leising 1190 oyle full clere men sais yhet spring, þat hope & heile is till all sare, Fol. 395 a. as þai record þat has bene pare. & scho tholit þis passione. ffra cristis incarnacione thre hundreth & tene yhere, as wrytine is in bukis sere. to god be fadire be lowynge, to god be sowne be honourryng, to god be haly gast als be ay lowyng, in a trinite, & in a god thre personnis sere; 1195 I 200 L.-KATERINE. 477 þat grauntt ws grac, quhill we ar here, to leyd oure lyff sa quemfully till hyme, þat we ma cum in hy 1205 to þat Ioy quhare now is katrine, In hewine blis forowtine fyne. & I wnworthy, ane of þai for quham þat scho can prayere may, Requeris hire þat I ma twyne owt of his lyf but dedly syne. AmeN. AmeN. AmeN. Explicit vita beate KatRine virginis, etc. 1203. þat graunttit. END OF VOLUME II. TEXT. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. 1210 סיל 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY APR 191974 EB 021979 NOV 1 1997 JAN DEC 1997 DATE DUE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02726 6736 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD