не 106.4 A32 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-OFFICE OF PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SUBCHAPTER B-PRIORITIES DIVISION PART 944—PRIORITIES DIVISION REGULATIONS Priorities Regulation No. 1 Establishing provisions and definitions applicable to the operation of the Priorities System OFFICE OF PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT - DIVISION OF PRIORITIES WASHINGTON, D. C. PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 1 On August 27, 1941, Priorities Regulation No. 1 was issued by E. R. Stettinius, Jr., Director of the Division of Priorities, Office of Production Management. Priorities Regulation No. 1 is a basic document. Its terms are to apply to all priorities orders and actions, except when otherwise specified, and will also govern all industrial and commercial transac- tions of every kind, even though the particular material involved hast not been brought under other priority control. Since the new Regulation lays down a general framework for priorities compliance, future orders issued by the Division of Pri- orities will, by citation, incorporate the terms of Priorities Regula- tion No. 1, and will not repeat the full text of the Regulation's provisions. However, the specific provisions of any existing or future order issued by Director of Priorities will control when in conflict with the general provisions of Regulation No. 1. In the absence of such a conflict, Regulation No. 1 will also be applicable to any priori- ties order. A full and complete copy of Regulation No. 1 follows. It is sug- gested that all producers, manufacturers, distributors, and all others. who are affected by the priorities system preserve this regulation and refer to it whenever necessary to be sure that they are comply- ing with priorities procedure. (2) 409802-41 BITED BY TAL UNIVZD STATES OF AMERICA SEP 24 '41 PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 1 The following Regulation is issued by the Director of Priorities to promote the defense of the United States and for the purpose of im- proving and facilitating the operation of the Priorities System. 944.1 Definitions. (a) "Person" means any individual, partner- ship, association, corporation, or other form of enterprise. (b) "Defense Order" means: (1) Any contract or order for material or equipment to be deliv- ered to, or for the account of: (i) The Army or Navy of the United States, the United States Maritime Commission, the Panama Canal, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard, the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the National Advisory Commission for Aeronautics, the Office of Scientific Research and Development; (ii) The government of any of the following countries: The United Kingdom, Canada, and other Dominions, Crown Colonies and Protectorates of the British Empire, Belgium, China, Greece, The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, and Yugoslavia. (2) Any contract or order placed by any agency of the United States Government for material or equipment to be delivered to, or for the account of, the government of any country listed above, or any other country, including those in the Western Hemisphere, pursuant to the Act of March 11, 1941, entitled "An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States," (Lend-Lease Act). (3) Any other contract or order to which the Director of Priorities. assigns a preference rating of A-10 or higher. (4) Any contract or order for material or equipment required by the Person placing the same to fulfill his contracts or orders on hand, provided such material or equipment is to be physically incorporated in material or equipment to be delivered under contracts or orders in- cluded under (1), (2), or (3) above. (c) "Material" means any commodity, equipment, accessories, parts, assemblies, or products of any kind. 944.2 Acceptance of Defense Orders.-Defense Orders for any Material, whether or not accompanied by a Preference Rating Certifi- cate, must be accepted and fulfilled in preference to any other con- tracts or purchase orders for such Material, subject to the following provisions: (a) Defense Orders must be accepted even if acceptance will render impossible, or result in deferment of- (1) Deliveries under non-defense orders previously accepted, or (2) Deliveries under Defense Orders previously accepted bearing lower preference ratings, unless rejection is specifically permitted by the Director of Priorities; (b) Defense Orders need not be accepted (3) 4 (1) If delivery on schedule thereunder would be impossible by rea- son of the requirements of Defense Orders previously accepted bearing higher or equal preference ratings, unless acceptance is specifically directed by the Director of Priorities; (2) If the Person seeking to place the Defense Order is unwilling or unable to meet regularly established prices and terms of sale or payment, but there shall be no discrimination against Defense Orders in establishing such prices or terms; (3) If the Material ordered is not of the kind usually produced or capable of being produced by the Person to whom the Defense Order is offered; (4) If such Defense Orders specify deliveries within fifteen days, and if compliance with such delivery dates would require the termi- nation before completion of a specific production schedule already commenced. 944.3 Rejected Orders.-When a Defense Order for any Material has been rejected in violation of this Regulation, the Person seeking to place such Order may file with the Division of Priorities a verified report in form to be prescribed, setting forth the facts in connection with the alleged rejection. When the facts set forth justify such action, the Director of Priorities will thereupon direct the Person against whom complaint is made to submit a sworn statement setting forth the circumstances concerning the alleged rejection. There- after, such action will be taken by the Director of Priorities as he deems appropriate. 944.4 Assignment of Preference Ratings.-Preference ratings may be assigned to contracts, purchase orders or deliveries by means of Preference Rating Certificates issued by authority of the Director of Priorities, or by regulations or Orders issued by the Director of Priorities assigning ratings to particular deliveries or to specified classes of deliveries. Such ratings may be assigned to deliveries. under accepted contracts or purchase orders, and also, in the case of Defense Orders, to purchase orders which have not been placed or accepted at the time the rating is applied for. The Director of Priorities may also issue specific directions as to particular deliveries, without assigning ratings thereto. * * A-10; BB, B-1, B-2, etc., * * 944.5 Sequence of Preference Ratings.-Preference Ratings, in order of precedence, are: AA, A-1-a, A-1-b, etc., * * A-1-j ; A-2, A-3, etc., ** B-8, AA being the highest rating presently assigned. 944.6 Doubtful Cases.-Whenever there is doubt as to the prefer- ence rating applicable to any delivery, or as to whether a particular order is a Defense Order, the matter is to be referred to the Division of Priorities for determination, with a statement of all pertinent facts. 944.7 Sequence of Deliveries.-(a) Every delivery under a De- fense Order shall be made in preference to deliveries under all other contracts or orders whenever, and to the extent, necessary to fulfill the delivery schedule provided in the Preference Rating Certificate covering such delivery, or in the contract or purchase order if no Certificate has been issued. Deliveries bearing no preference rating or lower preference ratings shall be deferred to the extent necessary to assure those deliveries bearing higher preference ratings, even 5 though such deferment may cause defaults under other contracts or purchase orders. Each Person who has Defense Orders on hand must so schedule his production and deliveries that deliveries. under Defense Orders will be made on the dates required, giving precedence, in case of unavoidable delay, to deliveries bearing the higher preference ratings. (b) The sequence of deliveries bearing the same preference rating shall be determined by the delivery dates specified in their respec- tive Preference Rating Certificates, or if the ratings were assigned by Order or direction of the Director of Priorities, but no Cer- tificates were issued, then by the dates specified in the contracts or purchase orders. In any case where both preference ratings and delivery dates are the same, and it is impossible to make all de- liveries on schedule, the matter is to be referred to the Division of Priorities for instructions as to sequence. 944.8 Delivery Schedules.-No earlier delivery date shall be specified in any Defense Order than required by the production or delivery schedules of the Person placing the Defense Order. No preference rating will be assigned to any contract or purchase order specifying delivery dates earlier than required by the production or delivery schedules of the Person placing the contract or purchase order. 944.9 Deferred Deliveries.-When deliveries under Defense Orders have been unreasonably or improperly deferred, the Person entitled to delivery may file with the Division of Priorities a verified report in form to be prescribed, setting forth the facts in connection with the alleged deferment. When the facts set forth justify such action, the Director of Priorities will thereupon direct the Person against whom complaint is made to submit a sworn statement, setting forth the circumstances concerning the alleged deferment of deliv- eries. Thereafter, such action will be taken by the Director of Priori- ties as he deems appropriate. 944.10 Allocations. When specific allocations of a Material are made by the Director of Priorities, such allocations may, in the discretion of the Director, be made without regard to any preference. ratings which have been assigned to deliveries under particular con- tracts or purchase orders. 944.11 Use of Material Obtained Under Allocation or Prefer- ence Rating. Any Person who obtains a delivery of any Material under an Order or specific direction of the Director of Priorities, or a delivery of Material bearing a preference rating, must use such. Material, or an equivalent amount thereof, for the purpose specified in connection with the issuance of the Order, direction or rating. 944.12 Intra-Company Deliveries. When any Order of the Di- rector of Priorities prohibits or restricts deliveries of any Material by any Person, such prohibition or restriction shall, in the absence of a contrary direction, apply not only to deliveries to other Persons, including affiliates and subsidiaries, but also to deliveries from one branch, division or section of a single enterprise to another branch, division or section of the same or any other enterprise owned or controlled by the same Person. 944.13 Effect of Order; Damages.-When any Order of the Di- rector of Priorities prohibits or restricts deliveries of any Material, 6 such prohibition or restriction shall, in the absence of a contrary direction, apply to all deliveries made after the effective date of the Order, including deliveries under contracts or purchase orders ac- cepted either prior or subsequent to the effective date of the Order. No Person shall be held liable for damages or penalties for any default under any contract or purchase order which shall result directly or indirectly from his compliance with any rule, regulation, or Order issued by the Director of Priorities. 944.14 Inventory Restriction.-Unless specifically authorized by the Director of Priorities, no Person shall, after the effective date of this Regulation, knowingly make delivery of any Material whatever, and no Person shall accept delivery thereof, in an amount, quantity or number which will increase for any current month the inventory of such Material of the Person accepting delivery, in the same or other forms, in excess of the amount, quantity or number necessary to meet required deliveries of the products of the Person accepting delivery, on the basis of his current method and rate of operation. This provision shall not prohibit or restrict: (a) Deliveries for direct export out of the United States, provided that such exports shall have been licensed by the Administrator of Export Control; (b) Deliveries of imported Material to any Person importing the same, either directly or through an agent. 944.15 Records. All Persons affected by any Order of the Di- rector of Priorities shall keep and preserve for a period of not less than two years accurate and complete records of their inventories of the Material covered by such Order, and of the details of all transactions in the Material covered by such Order. Such records shall include the dates of all contracts or purchase orders accepted, the delivery dates specified in such contracts or purchase orders, and in any Preference Rating Certificates accompanying them, the dates of actual deliveries thereunder, description of the Material covered by such contracts or purchase orders, description of deliveries by classes, types, quantities, weights and values, the parties involved in each transaction, the prefer- ence ratings, if any, assigned to deliveries under such contracts or pur- chase orders, details of all Defense Orders either accepted or offered and rejected, and other pertinent information. 944.16 Audit and Inspection. All records required to be kept by this Regulation or by any Order of the Director of Priorities shall, upon request, be submitted to audit and inspection by duly authorized representatives of the Office of Production Management. 944.17 Reports.-All Persons affected by any Order of the Direc- tor of Priorities shall execute and file with the Office of Production Management such reports and questionnaires as said Office shall from time to time request. No reports or questionnaires are to be filed by any Person until forms therefor are prescribed by the Office of Produc- tion Management. 944.18 False Statements.-Any Person who wilfully falsifies any records which he is required to keep by the Director of Priorities, or who otherwise wilfully furnishes false information to the Director of Priorities or to the Office of Production Management, and any Person who obtains a delivery, an allocation of Material or a preference rating by means of a material and wilful misstatement, may be prohibited by 7 the Director of Priorities from making or obtaining further deliveries of Material under allocation and may be deprived of further priorities assistance. The Director of Priorities may also take any other action deemed appropriate, including the making of a recommendation for prosecution under section 35A of the Criminal Code (18 U. S. C. 80). 944.19 Appeal.-Any Person affected by any Regulation or Order of the Director of Priorities who considers that compliance therewith would work an exceptional and unreasonable hardship upon him, may appeal to the Division of Priorities by addressing a letter to the Divi- sion of Priorities, Office of Production Management, Social Security Building, Washington, D. C., setting forth the pertinent facts and the reasons such Person considers that he is entitled to relief. The Direc- tor of Priorities may thereupon take such action as he deems appro- priate. 944.20 Notification of Customers.-Any Person who is prohibited from, or restricted in, making deliveries of any Material by the provi- sions of any Order of the Director of Priorities shall, as soon as prac- ticable, notify each of his regular customers of the requirements of such Order, but the failure to give such notice shall not excuse any customer from the obligation of complying with the terms of such Order. 944.21 Effect of Regulation; Ratification of Prior Acts.-This regulation shall take effect at once, and shall hereafter regulate and govern all matters embraced herein, except where inconsistent with the specific provisions of any existing or future Order or direction of the Director of Priorities. All existing Orders, directions, and actions of the Director of Priorities are hereby ratified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect until they expire by their terms or are specifically revoked or amended. Issued August 27, 1941, effective immediately. (O. P. M. Regulation 3, March 8, 1941, 6 F. R. 1596; E. O. 8629, January 7, 1941, 6 F. R. 191; sec. 2 (a), Public No. 671, 76th Congress, Third Session, as amended by Public No. 89, 77th Congress, First Session; sec. 9, Public No. 783, 76th Congress, Third Session.) (S) E. R. STETTINIUS, Jr., E. R. Stettinius, Jr., Director of Priorities. Approved: (S) WILLIAM S. KNUDSEN, William S. Knudsen, Director General, (S) SIDNEY HILLMAN, Sidney Hillman, Office of Production Management. Associate Director General, Office of Production Management. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1941 не 106.4 A 32 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 1 Interpretation 1 of Section 944.7 As Amended June 26, 1942 WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. & July 21, 1942 T DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEB 23'43 INTERPRETATION NO. 1 TO PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 1 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE Chapter IX-War Production Board Part 944—REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM [Priorities Regulation 1, Interpretation 1 of § 944.7 as Amended June 26, 1942] The following interpretation is hereby issued with respect to para- graph (b) of § 944.7, as amended June 26, 1942,¹ of Priorities Regulation No. 1. The provisions of § 944.7 (b) of Priorities Regulation No. 1, as amended, with respect to the sequence of deliveries bearing the same preference rating, are applicable only in cases where different deliv- eries bearing the same preference rating cannot be made on schedule. If material supply and available facilities permit deliveries bearing the same rating to be made on schedule, Regulation No. 1 does not have any particular effect on the sequence of production for such deliveries. Where it is necessary to choose between deliveries bear- ing the same preference ratings, deliveries to the customers who first applied or extended the rating are to be preferred and, subject to the exceptions indicated in paragraphs (c) and (d) of § 944.7, production schedules must be adjusted accordingly. For example, suppose one customer places in January an order rated A-1-a for August delivery and a second customer places in June an order bearing the same rating for July delivery. If both deliveries cannot be made on schedule, the second customer is not permitted to get the material away from the first customer, as he could under the regulation before the recent amendment. The producer must defer production on the second order to the extent necessary to make de- livery on the first order on the August delivery date. If, on the other hand, both deliveries can be made on schedule, it is not necessary to produce or make delivery on the first customer's order ahead of that of the second. (P. D. Reg. 1, as amended, 6 F. R. 6680; W. P. B. Reg. 1, 7 F. R. 561; E. O. 9024, 7 F. R. 329; E. O. 9040, 7 F. R. 527; E. O. 9125, 7 F. R. 2719; sec. 2 (a), Pub. Law 671, 76th Cong., as amended by Pub. Laws 89 and 507, 77th Cong.) Issued this 21st day of July 1942. AMORY HOUGHTON, Director General of Operations. ¹ F.R. 4832. 473722°-42 T. 6 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 4 не 106.4 A 3 2 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Amendment No. 3 to Priorities Regulation No. 1 (As Amended December 23, 1941) Establishing further provisions and definitions applicable to the operation of the Priorities System WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD Subchapter B-Division of Industry Operations PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 1 AS AMENDED DECEMBER 23, 1941 Part 944, Priorities Regulation No. 1, is hereby amended in the following respects: (a) The term "Director of Priorities" wherever it appears is changed to "Director of Industry Operations," and the term "Office of Production Management" wherever it appears is changed to "War Production Board." (b) Section 944.1 (b) (1) is amended to read as follows: "(1) Any contract or purchase order for material or equipment to be delivered to, or for the account of: "(i) The Army or Navy of the United States, the United States Maritime Commission, the War Shipping Administration, the Panama Canal, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard, the Selective Service System, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the Office of Scientific Research and Development, Defense Supplies Corporation, Metals Reserve Company; "(ii) The Government of any of the following countries: Belgium, China, Czechoslovakia, Free France, Greece, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Turkey, United Kingdom, including its Dominions, Crown Colonies and Protectorates, and Yugoslavia." (c) Section 944.2 (b) (2) is amended to read as follows: "(2) If delivery on schedule thereunder can be made only by use of Material which is already completed when such order is received or which is scheduled to be completed within fifteen days thereafter, and which was specifically produced for delivery under an order bearing any rating higher than A-2 previously accepted, unless the proffered order bears a rating of AAA or acceptance thereof is spe- cifically directed by the Director of Industry Operations." 469729°—42 2 (d) Section 944.2 (b) (4) is amended to read as follows: "(4) if the Material ordered is of a kind which has not been usually sold by the Person to whom such order is offered, and which either is not capable of being produced by such Person without substantial alteration of or addition to such Person's facilities or is readily ob- tainable from another Person by whom it is usually sold;" (e) Section 944.2 (b) (5) is amended to read as follows: “(5) if delivery on schedule thereunder would require interruption or change of a production schedule in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of section 944.7 (d) of this Regulation.' (f) Section 944.4a is amended by deleting the third sentence thereof and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "After such revocation or expiration, said rating shall not be applied by any Person to whom such Order directly assigned the rating, but may still be extended (notwithstanding the provisions of any order heretofore issued) by suppliers and subsuppliers of such Person whose deliveries are rated by such Order to the extent that they could do so if such Order were still in full effect." (g) Section 944.5 is amended to read as follows: "S 944.5 Sequence of Preference Ratings. Preference ratings in order of precedence are: AAA, AA-1, AA-2, etc.; A-1-a, A-1-b, etc.; B-1, B-2, etc. All preference ratings of AA heretofore assigned and in effect are hereby amended to AA-2, unless and until the deliveries bearing such ratings are otherwise specifically rerated." (h) Section 944.7 (b) and (c) are amended to read as follows: "(b) The sequence of deliveries bearing the same preference rating shall be determined by the respective dates on which the preference ratings are applied or extended to the deliveries, the delivery to which the preference rating was first applied or extended in point of time having precedence over other deliveries. If the same prefer- ence rating is applied or extended on the same day to two or more deliveries, and it is impossible to make all deliveries on schedule, the sequence of deliveries shall be determined by the delivery dates specified in the respective preference rating certificates by which such preference ratings were assigned, or if the ratings were assigned by rule, regulation, or order but no certificates were issued, then by the dates specified in the contracts or purchase orders. "(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section 944.7, Material specifically produced for an order bearing a rating higher than A-2 may not be diverted and delivered under a higher rated order subsequently accepted if such Material is completed at the time of the acceptance of the higher rated order or is scheduled for completion within fifteen days thereafter, unless such diversion is specifically directed by the Director of Industry Operations, or unless the subsequently accepted order bears a rating of AAA.” 3 (i) Section 944.7 is further amended by adding at the end thereof an additional paragraph (d) as follows: "(d) Nothwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section 944.7, no Person who receives any rated order shall be required by reason of such order to terminate or interrupt a production schedule within fifteen days after receiving such order; and, if such Person is operating on a monthly or longer fixed production schedule and it is impracticable for him to terminate or interrupt such schedule before its completion, he may postpone any change therein which may be required by the rated order he has received until the commencement of his next production period, but not in any event for more than forty days after the receipt of the rated order unless otherwise permitted by the Director of Industry Operations." (j) Section 944.13 is amended by deleting the second sentence thereof and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "No Person shall be held liable for damages or penalties for any default under any contract or order which shall result directly or indirectly from compliance with any rule, regulation, or order of the War Production Board, notwithstanding that any such rule, regula- tion, or order shall thereafter be declared by judicial or other com- petent authority to be invalid.” (k) Section 944.15 is amended by adding thereto a third sentence to read as follows: "Records kept by any Person pursuant to this section shall be kept either separately from the other records of such Person and chronologically according to daily deliveries by such Person, or in such form that such a separate chronological record can be promptly compiled therefrom." Issued this 26th day of June 1942. J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 4 не 106.4 A 32. TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-OFFICE OF PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SUBCHAPTER B-PRIORITIES DIVISION PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE BRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 3 Providing for the use of revised Preference Rating Certificates and prescribing the manner of application of ratings assigned thereby C OFFICE OF PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT DIVISION OF PRIORITIES WASHINGTON, D. C. PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 3 The following regulation is issued by the Director of Priorities to promote the defense of the United States and for the purpose of im- proving and facilitating the operation of the Priorities System. 944.23 Priorities Regulation No. 3.-(a) Adoption of Revised Forms of Preference Rating Certificates.-On and after February 2, 1942, preference ratings to be assigned by Preference Rating Certifi- cates may be assigned, and on and after March 1, 1942, shall be as- signed, in the manner and subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth, by revised forms of preference rating certificates hereby desig- nated as Preference Rating Certificate PD-1A and Preference Rating Certificate PD-3A, copies of which are hereto attached and made a part hereof, and hereby adopted in place of the Preference Rating Certificates Forms PD-1, PD-2, PD-3, PD-4, and PD-5; Provided, That all Preference Rating Certificates Forms PD-1, PD-2, PD-3, PD-4, and PD-5 duly issued prior to March 1, 1942, are valid and shall continue valid in effect until termination or expiration by the terms thereof or by the circumstances or conditions of their applica- tion, or until hereafter canceled, modified, changed, or amended by the Director of Priorities. (b) Categories of Use of Prescribed Preference Rating Certifi- cates. (1) Preference Rating Certificate PD-3A shall be used to assign preference ratings, where appropriate, to deliveries under contracts or purchase orders of the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Mari- time Commission, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Panama Canal, National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, Civil Aeronautics Authority, Office of Scientific Research and Development, Procure- ment Division of the Department of the Treasury and Surplus Mar- keting Administration of the Department of Agriculture; contracts or purchase orders of foreign governments; and such other contracts or purchase orders as may be prescribed from time to time. (2) Preference Rating Certificate PD-1A shall be used to assign, where appropriate, preference ratings to deliveries under all other contracts and purchase orders. (c) Extension of Preference Ratings to Deliveries under Contracts and Purchase Orders and Subcontracts and Suborders.—(1) Prefer- ence ratings assigned by Preference Rating Certificates PD-1A and PD-3A may be extended to deliveries under contracts and purchase orders and subcontracts and suborders by endorsing on the purchase order or other equivalent document furnished to the supplier or sub- supplier a certification in the form prescribed by the appropriate certificate, filled in and manually signed by an official of the pur- chasing company duly authorized for such purpose. (2) In cases where Preference Rating Certificates PD-3A issue under letters of intent and therefore no contract number can be in- 2 1 serted in the space provided in the Certification form, reference to a footnote addition shall be inserted and in such footnote the supply arm or bureau of the Army or Navy or other Government agency issuing the letter of intent and the date of such letter, together with any identification symbol on such letter, shall be stated. (3) A Supplier or Subsupplier who has received two or more con- tracts or purchase orders bearing ratings of the same grade originally assigned by Preference Rating Certificates PD-1A and PD-3A, may include in a single contract or purchase order, and (within the limi- tations of (e) hereof) may extend such rating to, any or all of the material which he in turn requires to make delivery in accordance. with such contracts or purchase orders or to replace in inventory material so delivered, but must specify in the certification endorsed on such single purchase order or equivalent document all of the Preference Rating Certificate Form Numbers and corresponding Serial Numbers of the ratings which have been so received by him and pursuant to which he is extending the rating. All spaces must be filled in where applicable. (d) False Statements.-The execution and transmission of the Cer- tification above set forth to a Supplier or Subsupplier shall be deemed a representation to the Office of Production Management for the pur- pose of section 35 (A) of the Criminal Code (18 U. S. C. 80), which makes it a criminal offense to make a false statement or representation to any Department or Agency of the United States as to any matter within its jurisdiction. (e) Restrictions on extension of ratings assigned by a preference rating certificate PD-1A or PD-3A.—(1) A Supplier or Subsupplier may extend the preference rating only to: (i) deliveries of material which will be physically incorporated into material to be ultimately delivered by him or by another Supplier to the original recipient of the preference rating, or to deliveries of material which will itself be ultimately delivered by him or by another Supplier to the original recipient of the preference rating, or which will be used, within the limitations of paragraphs (e) (1), (2), and (3) hereof, to replace in inventory material so delivered; (ii) material which is neither greater in quantity nor to be delivered on dates earlier than required to make on schedule a rated delivery or, within the limitations of (2) and (3) below, to replace in inventory material so delivered. Material shall not be deemed to be so required if the rated delivery may be made and a practicable working minimum inventory thereof still retained; and if, in making such delivery, the inventory is reduced below such minimum, the rating may be extended only to the extent necessary to restore the inventory to such minimum. (2) A Supplier or Subsupplier who supplies material which he has. in whole or in part manufactured, processed, assembled or otherwise physically changed, may not extend the rating to restore his inventory to a practicable working minimum unless he extends the rating before completing the rated delivery which reduces his inventory below such minimum. (3) A Supplier or Subsupplier who supplies material which he has not in whole or in part manufactured, processed, assembled or 3 * otherwise physically changed may, in restoring his inventory to a practicable working minimum, defer extensions of the rating orig- inally assigned by a Preference Rating Certificate PD-1A or PD-3A for such material until he can place a purchase order or contract for the minimum quantity procurable on his customary terms; provided, that he shall not defer the extension of any rating for more than three months after he becomes entitled to apply it. (4) The extension of preference ratings assigned by Preference. Rating Certificate PD-3A may be made subject to such additional provisions and conditions as may from time to time be prescribed by the appropriate Supply Arm or Bureau of the Army or Navy, with the approval of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and of the Director of Priorities. (5) Any Supplier or Subsupplier who extends the preference rating shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Regulation. (f) Records, Audit and Inspection, and Reports.—Any person who applies for or extends a preference rating or to whom a preference rating certificate is issued, and any Supplier or Subsupplier who re- ceives a contract or purchase order bearing a rating, shall maintain such records and shall be subject to such audit and inspection as are provided by Priorities Regulation No. 1 as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time; and shall make such reports as may be required by the Director of Priorities from time to time here- after. (g) Violations.-Any person who wilfully violates any provision of this Regulation or of Preference Rating Certificates PD-1A or PD-3A or who, by any act or omission, falsifies records to be kept or information to be furnished pursuant to this regulation, may be prohibited from receiving further deliveries of any material subject to allocation, and such further action may be taken as is deemed appropriate, including a recommendation for prosecution under Section 35 (A) of the Criminal Code (18 U. S. C. 80). (h) Reproduction of Forms.-Preference Rating Certificate Form PD-1A may be reproduced in blank by or for the user thereof but Preference Rating Certificate Form PD-3A may not be reproduced. Preference Rating Certificate Form PD-1A may be procured from the Priorities Division of the Office of Production Management or any of the field offices thereof; Preference Rating Certificate Form PĎ-3A may be procured from the duly authorized contracting and procurement officers and inspectors of the Army and Navy. (i) Effective Date.-This regulation shall take effect the 2d day of February 1942. (P. D. Reg. 1 Amended, Dec. 23, 1941, 6 F. R. 6680; O. P. M. Reg. 3 Amended, Sept. 2, 1941, 6 F. R. 4865; E. O. 8629, Jan. 7, 1941, 6 F. R. 191; E. O. 8875, Aug. 28, 1941, 6 F. R. 4483; sec. 2 (a), Public No. 671, 76th Congress, Third Session, as amended by Public No. 89, Seventy-seventh Congress, First Session.) Issued this 12th day of January 1942. J. S. KNOWLSON, Acting Director of Priorities. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 4 HC 106.4 A 32 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 10 and the Allocation Classification System WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 10 AND THE ALLOCATION CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM INDEX Priorities Regulation No. 10.- Allocation Classification System: Purpose and General Instructions_ Purchasers Symbols___. Numerical Allocation Classification__ Specific Instructions_. Classified List__. Alphabetical List_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Page 1 2 LO 5 LO 5 7 15 37 (II) DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA JUL 6 '42 PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 10 944.31 Priorities Regulation No. 10: Allocation Classification System. (a) Classification System Established. There is hereby established an Allocation Classification System, in accordance with the Instructions issued by the Director of Industry Operations on the date of issuance of this Regulation. Except as provided in para- graph (b) below, the appropriate Allocation Classification Symbol and Purchaser's Symbol as required by said Instructions shall be indicated by every person placing a purchase order or contract on: (1) All purchase orders or contracts placed after June 30, 1942; (2) All purchase orders or contracts, either heretofore or hereafter placed, calling for delivery after July 31, 1942. Any person who has heretofore placed such a purchase order or contract may at any time hereafter and shall before July 31, 1942, notify the person with whom such purchase order or con- tract has been placed of the symbols applicable thereto. (b) Exceptions as to Retail Purchases. The provisions of para- graph (a) hereof shall not be applicable to retail purchases, purchases by retailers or purchases by distributors for resale to retailers. Indus- trial and mill suppliers, warehouses, and other businesses performing similar functions for industry shall not be deemed retailers for the purposes of this paragraph. Issued this 1st day of June 1942. knowher J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. 1 ALLOCATION CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM. I. Purpose. PURPOSE AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the Allocation Classification is: (1) To obtain standardization and reduce the rules of different forms for allocation purposes that industry now must submit to the War Production Board. (2) To furnish information needed by the War Production Board in the allocation of materials. To allocate intelligently, it is necessary to know the subdivision of the war, industrial, and civilian programs for which materials are going to be used. For example, it is essential to know whether the materials are going to tanks, or destroyers, or railroads, or to office machinery and supplies in order to determine allocation policy. In addition, it is necessary to know in a general way what type of purchasers will eventually receive particular products of industry, i. e., whether the products will eventually be delivered to the Army, Navy, etc. Accordingly, a dual classification system has been provided con- sisting of Allocation Classification Symbols (in the form of numbers), which will designate the particular kind of product for which mate- rial ordered will be used and Purchasers' Symbols (in the form of letters) to indicate the general type of purchasers to which delivery will be made. Neither the allocation classification symbols nor the purchasers' symbol are intended to indicate order of importance, but are merely designed to provide a convenient means (1) of identification of the subdivisions of the program for which the products or materials ordered are destined (2) of identification of the type of ultimate purchaser of the product; and (3) of transmitting such identification on down through indus- try to the original suppliers of the material. Retail purchases and purchases by retailers, will not transmit an allocation or purchaser's symbol on their orders. Since the retailer does not place an allocation or purchaser's symbol on its orders, the manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor receiving these orders will place the Purchaser's symbol DP, on these orders. Industrial and mill suppliers, warehouses, and businesses performing similar func- tions for industry are not deemed retailers. 2 II. Allocation Classification Number System. A. General Description.-Each business is assigned to a numbered Class with certain exceptions discussed in paragraph (2) below, and most Classes are, in turn, divided into subclasses indicated by a deci- mal number. In general terms every purchase order is to carry its allocation classi- fication symbol. There are two principal kinds of situations to distinguish in select- ing the proper classification: (1) The business of the purchaser may fall directly into one or more of the Allocation Classifications. In this case the business simply places on its purchase order the symbol representing the business for which the purchase order is placed. For example, the manufacturer of tanks places the symbol 3.10 on all its purchase orders. The truck manufacturer uses 10.20. The railroad uses 10.10. (2) The business of the purchaser does not fall directly into any of the classifications. In this case, the purchaser has no sym- bol to identify its own business but simply transmits the symbol it receives on the purchase orders which its customers have placed with it. For example, the manufacturer of electric motors receiving an order from a railroad bearing the symbol 10.10 places the same symbol 10.10, on its purchase order. Mixed cases are covered below. Once a business has determined in which situation it finds itself, it should then place the proper symbol or symbols on every purchase order which is issued. B. Procedure for Use of Classifications.- (1) Each business should first determine whether or not its op- erations fall directly into one or more of the allocation classifica- tions listed or whether it should use the Allocation Classification symbols that are on the orders which it receives from its customers. To determine this, each business should consult the Specific In- structions and the detailed Classified or Alphabetical Lists. These should furnish the necessary information to enable each business to classify its operations properly. (2) Each business directly falling in any class should consult the "Specific Instructions" covering its classification for any specific instructions that may apply to that classification alone. (3) Where the operations of a business fall directly into one or more Allocation Classifications- a. Any business whose operations fall directly into one Allocation Classification should place its classification sym- bols on all purchase orders that it issues regardless of what they are for. For example, a railroad ordering metal-working machinery would classify the order under Railroad (10.10) despite the fact that metal-working machinery is a separate classification. b. Any business whose operations fall directly into two or more Allocation Classifications should transmit the sym- 3 > bol or each classification to the extent that it can trace the particular purchase to the proper classification under its established methods of bookkeeping or inventory control. Where this is not practicable, it should place on its pur- chase orders the percentage division between its sales for the latest available month. For example, a company en- gaged in the manufacture of household furniture and office furniture and maintaining a single inventory should place on its orders 16.00, 60 percent, 19.00, 40 percent. (4) In the case of a business manufacturing parts or sub- assemblies, such as electric motors, air compressors, ball bear- ings, etc., which do not fall directly within any of the listed classifications- a. Where an item can be traced directly to one Allocation Classification, the business should transmit the classifica- tion symbol for that item on its purchase order. For ex- ample, if a storage battery company orders materials to be used in the manufacture of storage batteries for automo- biles, the symbol for automobiles (10.20) should be placed on the purchase order. b. Where an item or items cannot be traced directly to one Allocation Classification, the business should transmit on the purchase order for that item or items the percentage division between Allocation Classifications based on the dollar volume of its sales for that item or items using the latest available month as the base period. The following principles should be followed in doing this- 1. Where the business falling under any one alloca- tion subclass comprises 5 percent or more of the total business, that symbol and its percentage is transmitted on the purchase order. 2. Where the business falling under any one alloca- tion subclass is less than 5 percent of the total dollar volume and can be grouped with other subclasses fall- ing under one main allocation class, it should be so grouped. For example, a percentage division might be: Classification 5.10, Ammunition, 20 mm. and above, 3 percent; Classification 5.20, Ammunition, small arms below 20 mm., 4 percent. Since both 5.10 and 5.20 are subclasses of the Class 5.00, the two should be combined under the main class and reported as: 5.00, 7 percent. 3. After combining the subclasses under any one class, if the class still totals less than 5 percent, this portion of the business should be prorated over the classifications which are 5 percent or more. c. It is important that the item or items which can be traced directly to one Allocation Classification and which transmit a single numerical symbol should be excluded in making an analysis of sales for the item or items which cannot be traced directly to any one Allocation Classification. 4 III. Purchasers' Symbols. In addition to the information required in respect to Allocation Classification symbols, the War Production Board will still have need of the information which is already being furnished as to whether the orders are placed by the Army, the Navy, etc. This will be continued and slightly extended. A series of letter symbols has been adopted to indicate the purchaser. Purchaser: The Army. The Navy (includes Maritime Commission) Lend-Lease. Other foreign purchasers. Domestic purchasers-- Symbol USA USN LL FP DP When orders bearing these symbols are received by a business, the business must pass them on to its suppliers even though the allo- cation number may be changed. The appropriate purchaser's symbol should in each case precede the numerical allocation symbol placed on purchase orders so that the Allocation Classification will be broken down by Army, Navy, Lend-Lease, etc. The same instructions for transmission in per- centages, etc., apply to these symbols as to the allocation symbols. IV. Application to Existing Orders. It is essential that classification symbols and purchasers' symbols should be applied not only to all orders to be placed in the future but also to existing orders that have already been placed for delivery after July 31, 1942. To do this, it is the responsibility: (1) Of each business that falls directly into one or more Allocation Classi- fications to review the orders that it has already placed and advise each of its suppliers as to what classification symbols and purchasers' symbols should be applied. (2) Of each business that does not fall directly into one of these classifica- tions (i. e., manufacturers of parts or subassemblies), to transmit to all its suppliers with whom purchase orders have been placed the classification symbols and purchasers' symbols that it receives from its customers. (3) of the Army and Navy procurement officers and of the Maritime Com- mission to advise their prime contractors as to what purchasers' symbols should be applied to the purchase orders that these services have already placed with them. If any business is in doubt as to how it should classify its operations and transmit the classification symbols or purchasers' symbols to its suppliers, it should communicate with the War Production Board at the nearest field office or in Washington, D. C. Numerical Allocation Classification (NOTE.—The symbol numbers have no relation to order of importance) MILITARY Allocation Symbol 2.10 2.20 2.31 Class 1.00 Aircraft-Production and Maintenance (complete except for armament and ammunition-as approved by the Joint Aircraft Com- mittee). Class 2.00 Ships, Production and Maintenance (complete except for armament and ammunition). Battleships. Aircraft carriers. Escort vessels (aircraft), combat, loaded transports, and combat loaded cargo ships. 2.32 Patrol vessels. 5 100 Allocation Symbol 2.33 Landing craft including the following types: APM, ATL, YTL, tank lighters, artillery lighters, landing boats, support landing boats. 2.40 Light cruisers. 2.50 Destroyers including escort vessels. 2.60 2.70 Submarines. All other types of naval craft. 2.80 Repairs to all naval vessels. 2.90 Ships for Maritime Commission. Class 3.00 Vehicles-Production and Maintenance (complete except for armament and ammution). 3.10 Tanks and armored vehicles-all types. 3.20 Vehicles, except rail-all other military types. 4.10 Class 4.00 Armament and Weapons-Production and Maintenance (com- plete mounts and related equipment). Aircraft. 4.20 Anti-aircraft, barrage ballon equipment, A. A. searchlights. Artillery including railway and seacoast. 4.30 4.40 Fire control, all types. 4.50 Machine guns-ground, hand arms. 4.60 Naval, all types. 4.70 Tanks and antitank. 4.90 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 Weapons of all other types. Class 5.00 Ammunition-Production and Maintenance (complete items). Ammunition 20 mm. and above. Ammunition, small arms below 20 mm. Bombs, depth charges, mines, and torpedoes. Propellants, chemicals, explosives. Pyrotechnics. Class 6.00 War Equipment and Supplies-Production and Maintenance (complete with related equipment). 6.10 Chemical warfare equipment and supplies. 6.20 Clothing, general supplies and subsistence. 6.30 6.40 Mapping, map reproduction and photographic equipment. Medical equipment and supplies. 6.50 Military field construction equipment. 6.60 Military radio and wire communications, and Radar or electronic equip- ment-all types. 6.70 Military railway including rail vehicles and bridge equipment. 6.80 Supplies and equipment-all other military types. 6.90 7.10 Supplies and equipment--all other. Class 7.00 War Facilities-Construction and/or Maintenance. Air fields, bases, camps, coast defense, depots, forts, navy yards, posts, stations-continental U. S. A. 7.20 Air fields, bases, camps, coast defense, depots, forts, navy yards, posts, stations-outside continental U. S. A. 7.30 Munitions manufacturing facilities and proving grounds-Government owned. 7.40 Panama Canal. 7.50 Shipyards and ship repair facilities-Government owned. INDUSTRIAL AND CIVILIAN Class 8.00 Raw Materials, Production and Processing of. 8.10 All metals, production (including mining) smelting and processing of. 8.20 All chemicals, production and processing of. 8.90 All other raw materials, production and processing of. Class 9.00 Power, Light, and Heat. 9.10 Electricity. 9.20 Petroleum. 9.30 Coal and coke. Class 10.00 Transportation. 9.40 Gas. 10.10 10.20 Railroad including urban and interurban. Automotive. 10.30 Roads, streets, etc., construction and maintenance of. 6 Allocation Symbol 10.40 Water transportation, including construction of privately owned ship- yards. 10.50 Air transportation. 10.90 All other transportation. 11.10 11.20 11.30 11.90 12.10 12.20 Class 11.00 Communication. Telephone. Radio. Telegraph. All other communication. Class 12.00 Health and Safety (Governmental and Private). Sanitary and health systems and facilities. Health equipment and supplies including personal care. 12.30 Safety equipment and supplies. 13.00 Class 13.00 Agricultural Equipment and Supplies. Class 14.00 Industrial Food Processing. 14.00 15.00 Class 15.00 16.00 Class 16.00 Class 17.00 17.10 17.20 Wearing Apparel. Equipment and Supplies for Household Use. Education and Information. Printing and publishing. Education. 18.00 Class 18.00 Recreation and Amusement. 19.00 Class 19.00 Equipment and Supplies for Office Use. Class 20.00 Machinery and Equipment for Industrial Use. 20.10 Metalworking machinery. 20.20 All other-including mine, construction, special and general industrial. Class 21.00 New Buildings, Construction of. 21.10 Buildings for manufacturing and commercial purposes, construction of. 21.20 All types of dwellings, construction of. 21.90 22.00 All other types of buildings, construction of. Class 22.00 Operating Supplies and Building Repair and Maintenance. 23.00 Class 23.00 All Other End Uses (excludes all subassemblies and parts going into finished products coming with the other classes). SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Classes 1.00 Through 7.00 Military. The responsibility for placing the proper allocation symbols for the military classifications rests with the Army, Navy, and Maritime Commission officers who will also indicate, on all new orders, whether the order is for the Army or Navy and Maritime Commission. Class 8.00 Raw Materials, Production and Preliminary Process- ing of. This Allocation Classification is to be used by industries engaged in the production and preliminary processing of raw materials. The pro- duction and preliminary processing of raw material is defined here as the operations required to convert them from the state in which they are found in nature to the condition in which they are described in Materials List No. 1, attached to War Production Board Form PD-25 A. For example, all the steps necessary for turning standing timber into accepted shapes and sizes of lumber would fall into this category. The steps to fabricate the lumber into other wood products would not be included. In the case of agricultural products, the steps to be included in this class start after the product has been harvested and continue until it is ready for industrial use, for example, the processing of cotton only through the ginning. These symbols should be placed on all orders for supplies, equip- ment, machinery, and facilities necessary for the production and pre- liminary processing of raw materials, but should not be placed on 464903°-42-2 7 orders for materials which are processed or are incorporated in the finished raw materials. All orders for materials which enter into the production of or become a part of the finished raw material will bear the symbol transmitted by the customer's orders. For example, a steel mill producing rails for a railroad company will transmit the railroad's symbol of 10.10 on all orders for iron ingots, coke, and alloy metals. Orders for office machinery, metal working machinery, and other op- erating equipment and supplies will carry the symbol of the steel mill (8.10). Where a company processes raw materials only as an incident to its main production, it should not classify its order with any of the num- bers in this classification, but should use only the number that applies to its main operation. Construction of new buildings, and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 8.10 All metals, production (including mining), smelting and preliminary processing of. This allocation symbol should be placed on purchase orders for supplies equipment, machinery, and facilities issued by companies conducting such operations as— Aluminum plants. Brass mills. Copper refineries. Smelters. Steel mills. All types of metal mining. Etc. 8.20 All chemicals, production and preliminary processing of. This allocation symbol should be placed on purchase orders for sup- plies, equipment, machinery, and facilities issued by companies pro- ducing and processing chemicals up to the point that they are ready for industrial use. Chlorine. Alcohol. Sulphur. Lacquer. Paint. Plastics. Synthetic rubber. Varnishes. Etc. 8.90 All other raw materials, production and preliminary processing of (exclusive of petroleum, coal and coke, see Classes 9.20 and 9.30). This allocation symbol should be placed on purchase orders for supplies, equipment, machinery, and facilities issued by com- panies conducting such operations as— Manufacture of textiles. Glass making. Lumbering. Production of building materials, e. g., Asphalt Stone products Brick Cement Sand Etc. Plaster Class 9.00 Power, Light and Heat. 9.10 Electricity.-All public electric generating and distributing systems should place the classification number on all purchase orders issued by them except for construction of new buildings, and building • 8 maintenance and repair which should not be included in this classi- fication. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) This classification is not to be used on orders for wiring and equip- ment necessary to make use of electricity in a plant or in the home. The wiring and equipment for distributing electricity through a plant, home, etc., and orders for private, industrial, farm or home generating plants, should bear the proper symbol for new construction or building maintenance and repair. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 9.20 Petroleum.-All companies concerned with the production of petroleum, refining, pipe-line construction and operation, storage, and retail distribution of petroleum, oil, and gasoline should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 9.30 Coal and coke.-All companies engaged in the production and distribution of coal and coke should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders they issue. The construction of coke ovens should be included but the construction of new buildings and build- ing maintenance and repair should not be included in this classifica- tion. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 9.40 Gas. All public gas companies engaged in the production and distribution of both natural and manufactured gas should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders for material, equip- ment and supplies, etc., that they issue except for construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Orders for equipment and pipe for using gas in industrial plants. and homes should not bear this number but should be classified with the proper construction symbol. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 10.00 Transportation. 10.10 Railroad including urban and interurban.-All railroads, railways, and streetcar companies should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue except for construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Purchase orders for mine railroad equipment and privately owned intra-plant railroad equipment should not transmit this symbol but should bear the proper industry symbol. 10.20 Automotive.-All companies manufacturing automobiles, trucks, buses, trailers, taxis, automotive repair parts and accessories, tires, retreading machinery, etc., should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue except for the construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 10.30 Roads, streets, etc., construction and maintenance of.— All orders for the construction, maintenance, and repair of roads, streets, automobile bridges and tunnels, storm sewers, highway signs. and fences, traffic lights, and other traffic control facilities should carry this allocation symbol. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 9 The responsibility for placing this classification number on the order lies with the contractor or the local, State, or Federal Govern- ment agency which originates the order. 10.40 Water transportation, including construction of privately owned shipyards. All orders for material, equipment, and supplies for the construction of ships (other than those classified under "mili- tary" which will be placed in Class 2.00 by the Government depart- ment placing the order) operating supplies, repair and maintenance of the ships themselves, ship safety devices, lighthouses, docking facilities, loading and unloading equipment, shipyards, buoys, and other water traffic control devices, etc., should carry this allocation symbol. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) The responsibility for placing the allocation symbol on the order rests with the shipping company, shipbuilder, or other agency origi- nating the order. 10.50 Air transportation.-All orders for material, equipment, and supplies necessary for the manufacture of airplanes other than those approved by the Joint Aircraft Committee; orders for repair, maintenance, and operating supplies needed to maintain air trans- portation and airports, airlane markers, other air traffic control and safety devices should bear this allocation symbol. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and re- pair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) The responsibility for placing the allocation symbol on orders rests with the air line, with the manufacturer in the case of private planes or with the Government agency which originates the order. 10.90 All other transportation.-Manufacturers of other means of transportation such as motorcycles, bicycles, wagons, etc., should place this allocation symbol on all orders that they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 11.00 Communication. 11.10 Telephone.-Orders for all apparatus and equipment neces- sary to provide and maintain telephone service, and supplementary related services furnished by the telephone companies, and all orders for the repair, maintenance, and operating supplies for furnishing telephone service should bear this allocation symbol. Orders for material for the construction, maintenance, and repair of central office and other buildings should not be given this symbol, but should be placed in Class 21.00 and 22.00. All orders placed by the manufacturers of telephone equipment should also carry this allocation symbol. 11.20 Radio. This allocation symbol should be placed on all orders for materials, supplies, and equipment for commercial radio equipment, both by those operating radio stations and systems and those engaged in the manufacture of the equipment. Orders for ma- terials, etc., going into home, portable, and automobile radio equip- 10 ment should not be given this symbol but that for equipment and supplies for household use, Class 16.00. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 11.30 Telegraph. All public telegraph companies should place this symbol on orders for all apparatus and equipment necessary to provide and maintain telegraph service and on orders for the repair, maintenance, and operating supplies for furnishing telegraph service. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 11.90 All other communication.-Manufacturers of all other means of communication such as loudspeaker or buzzer systems, etc., should use this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. Signal systems such as rockets, flares, signal flags, sirens, bells, and beacons are not included in this classification and purchase orders in regard to them should be given the allocation symbol of the customer. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 12.00 Health and Safety (Governmental and Private). 12.10 Sanitary systems and facilities. This allocation symbol should be placed on all orders for materials, equipment, supplies, etc., for water systems, sewage systems, garbage-disposal plants, etc. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 12.20 Health equipment and supplies including personal care.—Manufacturers of hospital and doctors' supplies, drugs, and medicines, dental equipment, surgical instruments, X-ray equipment, toilet preparations, soap, etc., should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders issued. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. 21.00 and 22.00.) (See Classes 12.30 Safety equipment and supplies.—Manufactures of police and fire equipment, fire-alarm equipment, nonmilitary gas masks, sirens, decontamination equipment for civilian use, fire extinguishers, etc., should use this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. State and local police and fire authorities will also place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 13.00 Agricultural Equipment and Specialized Agricul- tural Supplies. Manufacturers of agricultural implements, tools, equipment, machinery, feeding stuffs, fertilizer, fungicides, insecticides, etc., used on farms and in the care of livestock, poultry, bees, nurseries 11 should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. This symbol should not be applied, however, to orders for materials for the construction of new buildings or building maintenance and repair. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 14.00 Industrial Food Processing. Industrial food processors such as bakeries, canners, candy makers, packers, soft-drink makers, tobacco and cigarette companies, etc., should use this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 15.00 Wearing Apparel. Manufacturers of all types of nonmilitary wearing apparel includ- ing footwear, hats, gloves, and work clothes of all types should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 16.00 Equipment and Supplies for Household Use. As defined here, equipment and supplies for household use cover purchase orders for companies manufacturing all movable equipment including home, portable, and automobile radio receivers, furnishings and supplies used in homes, hotels, restaurants, laundries, dry-clean- ing and pressing establishments, but not food products, health sup- plies, and other items specifically included in other classifications. Manufacturers of such articles as beds, carpets, chinaware, cooking utensils, cutlery, electrical appliances for domestic use, all types of laundry equipment, silverware, stoves, glassware, etc., should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 17.00 Education and Information. 17.10 Printing and publishing.-All publishers of newspapers, magazines, and books and all establishments engaged in lithographing, photoengraving, blueprinting, photostating, etc., should place this allocation symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. The symbol does not apply, however, to such things as playing cards, etc., which should be placed in Class 18.00. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 17.20 Education.-Schools, colleges, universities, and other edu- cational institutions should place this allocation symbol on all pur- chase orders that they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 12 کو Class 18.00 Recreation and Amusement. Businesses engaged in the manufacture of photographic equipment and supplies, athletic and sporting goods, musical instruments, etc., and businesses which operate carnivals, amusement parks, theaters, etc., or produce motion pictures should place this symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 19.00 Equipment and Supplies for Office Use. This allocation symbol should be used by manufacturers of such things as adding and calculating machines, typewriters, pencils, sta- tionery, mimeograph machines, and office furniture on all their pur- chase orders except for the construction of new buildings and build- ing maintenance and repairs. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Class 20.00 Machinery and Equipment for Industrial Use. This classification should be used on all purchase orders by makers of industrial machinery and equipment. Industrial machinery is defined as all machinery, except office machinery, customarily carried as a capital item, and used for manufacturing purposes. It does not include any equipment or machinery physically incorporated in any end product included in another heading of this classification. The special purpose machinery and equipment necessary to provide the essential services listed in the classification, such as power and light, transportation, and communication, are not included in this classification as they are separately listed classes but the machinery used in the manufacturing of these special purpose facilities is in- cluded. To illustrate, locomotives, trucks, generators for a light and power plant, equipment to provide telephone service, Diesel engines or turbines for ships are not included in this classification but are covered by their respective listed classifications. The machinery used to manufacture the locomotive, truck, generator, telephone equipment, Diesel engine or turbine is, however, included under this symbol. 20.10 Metal-working machinery.-Manufacturers of machine tools and metal-working machinery should place this classification number on all orders for materials. • Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 20.20 All other industrial machinery including mining, con- struction, special and general industrial machinery.-Manufac- turers of mining machinery, construction machinery, special purpose industrial machinery such as textile machinery, and general industrial machinery such as conveyors not actually incorporated into the build- ing itself, should place this allocation symbol on all orders that they issue. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) 13 Class 21.00 New Buildings, Construction of. The prime contractor has the responsibility for placing these allo- cation symbols on all purchase orders he issues for materials and equipment for the construction of all types of civilian and industrial buildings. These classification numbers should be placed on orders for all items which are actually incorporated into the building itself, i. e., such things as elevators, escalators, plumbing and heating sys- tems, wiring, incinerators, and air-conditioning systems where they are actually attached to and form part of the building. Portable air- conditioning units, industrial machinery, refrigerators, stoves, and other similar terms should not be included under this symbol. Orders for materials for the construction of Government-owned war facilities should be assigned Class 7.00 symbols. 21.10 Buildings for manufacturing and commercial purposes, construction of. This allocation symbol should be placed by the prime contractor on all orders for materials, equipment, etc., for buildings such as- All types of buildings for industrial plants including assembly and warehouse buildings. All types of railroad buildings. Buildings for electric generating plants. Hangars, commercial and private and other commercial airport buildings. Mine buildings. Office buildings. Stores. Telephone control offices and repeater stations. Etc. 21.20 All types of dwellings, construction of.-This allocation symbol should be placed by the prime contractor on all orders for materials, equipment, etc., ordered for buildings such as- Apartment houses. Civilian barracks. Clubs. Homes. Hotels. Etc. 21.90 All other types of buildings, construction of. This allo- cation symbol should be placed by the prime contractor on all orders for materials, equipment, etc., for buildings such as- Farm outbuildings. Barns Fire stations. Garages. Greenhouses. Health centers. Hospitals. Jails and prisons. Kennels. Motion-picture houses. Police stations. Public buildings (except 21.20). dwellings, see Class Class 22.00 Operating Supplies and Building Repair and Main- tenance. NOTE. This classification is intended primarily for manufacturers of articles and supplies usually designated as "operating supplies." This classification is provided for manufacturers of operating sup- plies and building repair and maintenance supplies. Operating sup- 14 plies are defined here as those supplies which are consumed in the manufacture of a product or are necessary for maintaining the manu- facturing process, but are not physically incorporated into or not a component part of the finished product. These operating supplies include such items as small tools, cordage and twine, electric light bulbs, grease pumps and guns, etc. This symbol will be transmitted by the manufacturer of operating supplies. Manufacturers falling under other classifications will not use this classification but will place on their orders for operating sup- plies their own allocation symbol. For example, a manufacturer of automobiles who orders screw drivers will use classification 10.20 on his orders. The company which manufactures the screw drivers will transmit the Symbol 22.00 on his orders. Building repair and maintenance includes the manufacturers of such products as plumbing and heating supplies, electrical wiring, ornamental grill work, door and window sash, etc., which are not identifiable as going into new construction. In other words, orders for the above supplies not coming under classes 21.10, 21.20, or 21.90 will be listed as Class 22.00. Any item listed in other classifications as, for example, working gloves, Class 15.00, wearing apparel, or repair parts for items listed in other classifications, as, for example, repair parts for autos and trucks, should not be included in this classification. Class 23.00 All Other Uses. NOTE. This does not include finished products listed in other classes. Manufacturers who do not directly fall into any other classifications as set forth above or whose products, such as subassemblies, are not incorporated into some other final product, should place this alloca- tion symbol on all purchase orders that they issue. It should not be used by manufacturers whose products can be classi- fied as repair, maintenance, and operating supplies for any construc- tion or manufacturing operation listed here or by manufacturers or processors of subassemblies, semifinished products or parts that enter into a finished product, or by manufacturers whose products are used in the repair and maintenance of existing buildings. Construction of new buildings and building maintenance and repair should not be included in this classification. (See Classes 21.00 and 22.00.) Examples of those who should use the allocation symbol are manu- facturers of artists' materials, jewelry, clocks, watches, luggage, novel- ties, etc. • Manufacturers of such things as bearings, motors, and subassemblies should not use this allocation symbol but should transmit those symbols which are transmitted to them on the orders received from their customers. CLASSIFIED LIST This list is not intended to be complete but to be helpful to industry as a guide in determining a company's allocation classification. If no allocation classification can be found that applies to the opera- tions of a particular business, that business will transmit to its sup- pliers the allocation symbols received on its customers' orders. The Military Allocation Classifications (1.00 to 7.00 inclusive) are applied by the military agency concerned and no product or industry list is necessary. 464903°-42——3 15 Class 8.00 Raw Materials, Production and Preliminary Process- ing of. 8.10 All metals, production (including mining) and prelimi- nary processing of. This symbol should be used by companies engaged in operations such as- Alloying, rolling and drawing of nonferrous metals. Aluminum alloying, rolling, and drawing. Aluminum plants, operation of. Blast furnace products, manufacture of. Brass mills, operation of. Cast-iron pipe and fittings, manufacture of. Castings, metal, manufacture of. Cold-rolled steel sheets and strip and cold-finished steel bars, manufacture of. Copper mines, operation of. Copper refineries, operation of. Fencing, manufacture of. Forgings, manufacture of. Foundries, operation of. Grey-iron and semisteel castings, manufacture of. Iron mines, operation of. Lead and lead foils, production of. Malleable-iron castings, manufacture of. Metal bars, manufacture of. Mining companies, operation of. Nonferrous metal foundries, operation of. Pipes of iron, steel, and other metal, manufacture of. Primary smelting and refining of all metals. Rails and railroad spikes, manufacture of. Reinforcing steel, manufacture of. Sheet metal, manufacture of. Smelters, operation of. Steel castings, manufacture of. Steel mills, operation of. Steel works and rolling mills, operation of. Structural steel, manufacture of. Tin and other foils, manufacture of. Etc. 8.20 All chemicals, production and preliminary processing of.— This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations. as- Acetone, manufacture of. Acids, manufacture of. Alum, manufacture of. Bluing, manufacture of. Bone black, carbon black, and lamp black, manufacture of. Camphor, manufacture of. Cellophane, manufacture of. Chlorine, manufacture of. Coal tar products, crude and intermediate, manufacture of. Colors and pigments, manufacture of. Compressing and liquifying gases other than in petroleum or gasoline plants. 16 Cottonseed oil, manufacture of. Dextrine and dextrose, manufacture of. Essential oils, production of. Ether, manufacture of. Fish and marine oils, manufacture of. Gelatine, manufacture of. Glue and gelatine, manufacture of. Grease and tallow (except lubricating grease), manufacture of. Gum naval stores (turpentine and rosin), manufacture of. Nitrate, production of. Paints, varnishes and lacquers, manufacture of. Phosphorus, manufacture of. Plastic raw materials, manufacture of. Salt, production of. Shellac, manufacture of. Sodium compounds, manufacture of. Soybean oil, production of. Sulfur, production of. Tanning materials, natural dyestuffs, mordants and sizes, manu- facture of. Varishes, manufacture of. Vegetable oils, production of (except cooking). Wood naval stores (turpentine, rosin, etc.), manufacture of. Etc. 8.90 All other raw materials, production, and preliminary proc- essing of (exclusive of petroleum, coal, and coke, see Classes 9.20 and 9.30). This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as- Artificial leather, manufacture of. Asbestos, mining and processing of. Asphalt, production of. Batting, padding and wadding, production of. Boot and shoe findings, production of. Brick and hollow structural tile, manufacture of. Building stone, manufacture of. Cement, manufacture of. Concrete products, manufacture of. Cotton woven goods and fabrics, manufacture of. Cut stone for building, manufacture of. Dyeing and finishing cotton, rayon, silk, linen, woolen, and worsted textiles. Excelsior, manufacture of. Flat glass, manufacture of. Floor and wall tile, manufacture of. Furs, dressing and dyeing. Glass making. Gypsum products, manufacture of. Hatters, fur, production of. Insulation and mineral wool, manufacture of. Knitted cloth, manufacture of. Leather, tanning, curing, and finishing. Lime, manufacture of. Linen goods, manufacture of. * 17 Lumbering. Mineral wool, manufacture of. Natural graphite, ground and refined, manufacture of. Nonclay refractories, operation of. Oilcloth, manufacture of. Paper and paperboard mills, operation of. Planing mills, operation of. Plaster, manufacture of. Plywood mills, operation of. Processed waste and recovered wool fibres, production of. Pulp mills, operation of. Rayon fabrics, manufacture of. Rayon yarn and thread, manufacture of. Roofing, asphalt, shingles, roof coating, manufacture of. Sand, production of. Sand, lime, brick, block, tile, production of. Sawmills, operation of. Slate, quarrying and production of. Wallboard, and wall plaster, manufacture of Wool pulling. Etc. Class 9.00 Power, Light, and Heat. 9.10 Electricity. This classification is to be used by all public electric generating and distributing systems. 9.20 Petroleum.-All companies engaged in the production, re- fining, storage, transportation by pipe line, and the distribution of petroleum and petroleum products are included in this claissification. Companies primarily engaged in drilling oil wells and the construc- tion and operation of petroleum pipe lines are also covered by this Classification Symbol. 9.30 Coal and coke.-All companies engaged in mining coal, pro- ducing coke and the storage and distribution of these two products should be placed in this category. 9.40 Gas. All public gas companies engaged in the production and distribution of both natural and manufactured gas are classi- fied under the Allocation Symbol 9.40. Class 10.00 Transportation. 10.10 Railroads, including urban and interurban.-All public railroads, interurban railways, and streetcar companies come under this classification. Mine railroads and privately owned intraplant railroads should not be placed in this classification but in the classi- fication applicable to the industry concerned. 10.20 Automotive. This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as- Auto repair shops, operation of. Automobile accessories, manufacture of. Automobile bodies, manufacture of. Automobile brakes and brake parts, manufacture of. Automobile trailers, manufacture of. Automobiles, manufacture of. Automotive electrical equipment, manufacture of. 18 10.30 Automotive repair-shop equipment, manufacture of. Buses, manufacture of. Garages and auto repair shops, operation of. Heaters, auto, manufacture of. Passenger automobiles, manufacture of. Retreading machinery, operation of. Taxis, manufacture of. Tire retreading. Tires and inner tubes, manufacture of. Trailers, manufacture of. Truck trailers, manufacture of. Trucks, manufacture of. Roads, streets, etc., construction and maintenance of. This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations´ as- Bridges, highway, construction of. Electric street traffic signals, manufacture of. Highway fences, construction of. Highway markers, manufacture of. Roads, construction of. Road maintenance. Road oilers, manufacture of. Road sweepers, manufacture of. 7 Snow plows (road and highway), manufacture of. Sprayers and sprinklers for street and highway use, manufac- ture of. Storm sewers, construction of. Traffic signs, electric, manufacture of. Tunnels, highway, construction of. Etc. 10.40 Water transportation, including construction of privately owned shipyards, other than military.—This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as- Barges, building and repair of. Boat building and repairing. Buoys, manufacture of. Canals, construction and operation of. Canoes, manufacture of. Docking facilities for ships, operation of. Ferries, operation of. Lighthouses, construction and maintenance of. Marine motors, manufacture of. Outboard motors, manufacture of. Rope and cable for marine use, manufacture of. Rowboats, manufacture of. Shiploading equipment, manufacture and operation of. Ship safety devices, manufacture of. Ships, construction of. Shipyards, operation of. Yachts, manufacture of. Etc. 19 10.50 Air Transportation.—Companies engaged in the operation of airlines, companies manufacturing aircraft and aircraft parts not used for military purposes, and companies manufacturing such special- ized equipment as air lane markers, air traffic control and safety devices, flares, etc., are included under this classification. 10.90 All other transportation. This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as- Bicycle motors and accessories, manufacture of. Bicycles, manufacture of, Carriages and other horse-drawn vehicles, manufacture of. Motorcycle engines and accessories, manufacture of. Motorcycles, manufacture of. Sleds, manufacture of. Wagons (except farm), manufacture of. Etc. Class 11.00 Communication. 11.10 Telephone.-All public telephone companies and manufac- turers of apparatus and equipment necessary to provide and maintain telephone service are placed under this Allocation Classification. 11.20 Radio.-All companies operating commercial radio stations and systems and manufacturers of commercial radio equipment belong in this Allocation Classification. Manufacturers of home, portable, and automobile radio equipment should use Classification 16.00. 11.30 Telegraph.-Public telegraph and cable companies and manufacturers of apparatus and equipment necessary to provide and maintain telegraph and cable service use this Allocation Classification. 11.90 All other communication.-This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as— Buzzer systems, manufacture of. Loudspeaker systems, manufacture of. Etc. Class 12.00 Health and Safety (Governmental and Private). 12.10 Sanitary and health systems and facilities. This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as- Garbage disposal plants, construction and operation of (except new buildings). Incinerators for trash and garbage, construction and operation of (except new buildings). Sewage systems, construction and operation of. Water systems (public), construction and operation of. Water purification plants, construction and operation of. Water reservoirs, construction and operation of. Etc. 12.20 Health equipment and supplies including personal care.- This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations. as- Abdominal supports, manufacture of. Abrasive points, wheels, and disks for dental use, manufacture. of. Aluminum ware for hospital use, manufacture of. 20 Anesthesia apparatus, manufacture of. Anthropometrical, astronomical, chemical, physical and physio- logical apparatus, manufacture of. Artificial limbs, manufacture of. Barber chairs, manufacture of. Barber shop equipment, manufacture of. Barbers' clippers, manufacture of. Beauty shop equipment, manufacture of. Braces, manufacture of. Burrs and drills for dental use, manufacture of. Cabinets and cases for barber and beauty shops, manufacture of. Compacts for cosmetics, manufacture of. Cosmetics, manufacture of. Crutches, manufacture of. Dental chairs and cabinets, manufacture of. Dental equipment and supplies, manufacture of. Dental sterilizers, manufacture of. Drugs and medicines, manufacture of. Dry shavers, manufacture of. Electrocardiographs, manufacture of. Equipment cabinets for hospitals, manufacture of. Fracture appliances, manufacture of. Hair curlers, manufacture of. Hair driers, electric, manufacture of. Hair work (wigs, braids, switches, etc.), manufacture of. Hand and face driers, manufacture of. Hand instruments for dentists. Health lamps, ultra-voilet and infra-red, manufacture of. Hospital, doctors' and dental equipment, manufacture of. Hospital furniture, manufacture of. Hospital signalling devices, manufacture of. Hospital, surgical, and other "sterilizers," manufacture of. Hypodermic needles, manufacture of. Immersion sterilizing needles, manufacture of. Inhalators, manufacture of. Manicure instruments, manufacture of. Medicines, manufacture of. Metal beds and chairs for hospitals, manufacture of. Microscopes, manufacture of. Operating tables, manufacture of. Ophthalmic goods, lenses, and fitting, manufacture of. Optical instruments and lenses, manufacture of. Orthodomic appliances, manufacture of. Perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet preparations, manufacture of. Physicians' diagnostic apparatus, manufacture of. Physio-therapy equipment, manufacture of. Razors and razor blades, manufacture of. Refractometers, spectrometers, spectroscopes, polariscopes and optical measuring instruments, manufacture of. Scalpels, forceps, and similar instruments, manufacture of. Spectacle and eyeglass frames, manufacture of. Sphygomanometers, manufacture of. 21 Soap, manufacture of. Stethographs, manufacture of. Stethoscopes, manufacture of. Surgeons' knives, manufacture of. Surgical and medical instruments, manufacture of. Surgical belts, manufacture of. Surgical blades, manufacture of. Telescopes, manufacture of. Toilet preparations, manufacture of. Tooth brushes, manufacture of. Tooth paste, manufacture of. Trusses, manufacture of. Veterinarians' instruments, manufacture of. Vibrators (health), manufacture of. X-ray and therapeutic apparatus and electronic tubes, manu- facture of. X-ray apparatus for dental use, manufacture of. X-ray apparatus for medical use, manufacture of. Etc. 12.30 Safety equipment and supplies.-This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as- Burglar alarm and hold-up apparatus, manufacture of. Decontamination equipment for civilian use, manufacture of. Fire and watch signal apparatus, manufacture of. Fire extinguishers, manufacture of. Fire stations, operation of. Firearms for police authorities, manufacture of. Gas masks for civilian use, manufacture of. Municipal fire and police signal systems, manufacture of. Police stations, operation of. Radio sending and receiving sets for use by police and fire authorities, manufacture of. Sirens for use by police and fire authorities, manufacture of. Sprinklers and automatic fire detecting apparatus, manufac- ture of. Etc. Class 13.00 Agricultural Equipment and Supplies. This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such opera- tions as- Agricultural machinery, manufacture of. Asparagus knives, manufacture of. Barn door hangers and track, manufacture of. Barn scrapers, manufacture of. Baskets for fruit and vegetables, manufacture of. Bookkeepers' supplies, manufacture of. Beet drills, manufacture of. Beet lifters, manufacture of. Boning and skinning knives, manufacture of. Broadcast seeders, manufacture of. Brooders, manufacture of. Calf weaners, manufacture of. Cane mills (farm size), manufacture of. 22 + Cattle dehorners, manufacture of. Combines, manufacture of. Corn binders, manufacture of. Cider mills and fruit pressers (farm), manufacture of. Corn cribs, manufacture of. Corn huskers, manufacture of. Corn pickers, manufacture of. Corn planters, manufacture of. Corn shellers, manufacture of. Cotton planters, manufacture of. Cream separators (farm use), manufacture of. Cultivators, manufacture of. Disc plows, manufacture of. Electric fence controllers, manufacture of. Elevators (farm use), manufacture of. Engines for farm use, manufacture of. Ensilage cutters, manufacture of. Ensilage harvesters, manufacture of. Farm machinery, manufacture of. Farm wagons, manufacture of. Feed cookers, manufacture of. Feed cutters, manufacture of. Feeds for animals and fowl, manufacture of Feed grinders and crushers, manufacture of. Fertilizers, manufacture of. Fruit pickers, manufacture of. Fungicides, manufacture of. Garden planters, manufacture of. Garden tractors, manufacture of. Gates, farm, manufacture of. Girdling knives, manufacture of. Grain binders, manufacture of. Grain drills, manufacture of. Grain threshers, manufacture of. Harrows, manufacture of. Harness hardware, manufacture of. Harvesters, manufacture of. Hay carriers, manufacture of. Hay forks, manufacture of. Haying machinery, manufacture of. Hay loaders, manufacture of. Hay-press combines, manufacture of. Hay presses, manufacture of. Hog rings, manufacture of. Hog scrapers, manufacture of. Hog troughs, manufacture of. Incubators, manufacture of. Insecticides, fungicides, and related chemical compounds, manufacture of. Irrigation system, construction and operation of. Land rollers (farm), manufacture of. Laying batteries, manufacture of. Lime spreaders, manufacture of. Listers, manufacture of. 464903°-42— -4 23 Livestock drinking cups, manufacture of. Machetes, manufacture of. Manure spreaders, manufacture of. Milking machines, manufacture of. Mowers (farm), manufacture of. Nursery knives (orchard), manufacture of. Pea and bean harvesters, manufacture of. Pea and bean threshers, manufacture of. Peanut pickers, manufacture of. Planters, manufacture of. Potato diggers, manufacture of. Potato planters, manufacture of. Potato sorters and graders, manufacture of. Poultry equipment, manufacture of. Poultry feeders, manufacture of. Poultry growing batteries, manufacture of. Poultry waterers, manufacture of. Prepared feeds for animals and fowl, manufacture of. Rakes, manufacture of. Rice binders, manufacture of. Rod weeders, manufacture of. Rotary hoes, manufacture of. Saddlery, harness and whips, manufacture of. Shepherds' crooks, manufacture of. Silos, manufacture of. Soil pulverizers, manufacture of. Spraying outfits (farm), manufacture of. Stalk cutters, manufacture of. Steel plow shapes or shares, manufacture of. Stock feeders, manufacture of. Stock pens, manufacture of. Stock tanks, manufacture of. Subsoil plows, manufacture of. Syrup evaporators (maple), manufacture of. Tank heater (farm), manufacture of. Threshing machines, manufacture of. Tillers, manufacture of. Track for hay carriers, manufacture of. Tractors, agricultural use, manufacture of. Transplanters, manufacture of. Wagons for agricultural use, manufacture of. Water pumps (farm), manufacture of. Watering troughs, manufacture of. Weeders, manufacture of. Wildmills, manufacture of. Etc. Class 14.00 Industrial Food Processing. This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such opera- tions as- Baking powder, yeast, and other leavening compounds, manu- facture of. Beet sugar, manufacture of. 24 Biscuits, crackers, and pretzels, manufacture of. Bread and other bakery products, manufacture of. Candy and other confectionary products, manufacture of. Cane sugar, manufacture of. Canning and drying of fruits and vegetables (including canned soup). Canning of fish, crustocea, and mollusks. Cereal preparations, manufacture of. Cheese, manufacture of. Chewing gum, manufacture of. Chocolate and cocoa products, manufacture of. Cigarettes, manufacture of. Cigars, manufacture of. Condensed and evaporated milk, manufacture of. Cooking and other edible fats and oils, production of. Corn sirup, corn sugar, corn oil, and starch, manufacture of. Creamery butter, manufacture of. Curing of fish. Custom slaughtering. Flavoring, extracts, and sirups, manufacture of. Food preparations, manufacture of. Flour and other grain-mill products, milling of. Ice cream and ices, manufacture of. Liquors, distilled, manufacture of. Liquors, rectified or blended, manufacture of. Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, and noodles, manufacture of. Malt, manufacture of. Malt liquors, manufacture of. Meat packing, wholesale. Nonalcoholic beverages, manufacture of. Oleomargarine, manufacture of. Poultry dressing and packing. Preserves, jams, jellies, and fruit butter, manufacture of. Quick-frozen food, manufacture of. Rice cleaning and polishing. Salad dressings, manufacture of. Sausage and sausage casings, production of. Soda fountains, beer-dispensing equipment, and related products, manufacture of. Tobacco and snuff, manufacture of. Vinegar and cider, manufacture of. Wines, manufacture of. Etc. Class 15.00 Wearing Apparel. as- This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations Buckles for clothes, manufacture of. Buttons, manufacture of. Children's and infants' wear, manufacture of. Clothing, leather and sheep-lined, manufacture of. Corsets and allied garments, manufacture of. Dress and semi-dress gloves and mittens, manufacture of. 25 Embroideries. Footwear, manufacture of. Fur coats and other fur garments, accessories, and trimmings, manufacture of. Handkerchiefs, manufacture of. Hat and cap materials, trimming, etc., manufacture of. Hat bodies and hats, fur and wool felt, manufacture of. Hats, straw, manufacture of. Hooks and eyes, manufacture of. Hosiery, all types, manufacture of. House dresses, uniforms, and aprons, manufacture of. Knitted underwear, manufacture of. Lace goods, manufacture of. Leather gloves and mittens, manufacture of. Men's and boys' hats and caps, manufacture of. Men's and boys' shirts, suits, coats, and overcoats, manufacture of. Men's neckwear, manufacture of. Millinery, manufacture of. Needles, pins, hooks and eyes, and slide and snap fasteners, manufacture of. Pins, manufacture of. Raincoats and other waterproof garments, manufacture of. Robes, lounging garments, and dressing gowns, manufacture of. Rubber boots and shoes, manufacture of. Shoe buckles, manufacture of. Shoe laces tips, manufacture of. Shoes, manufacture of. Slide fasteners, manufacture of. Suspenders and garters, manufacture of. Snap fasteners, manufacture of (and clasps). Trimmings, stamped art goods, and art needlework, manufac- ture of. Umbrellas, parasols, and canes, manufacture of. Women's and misses' clothing, manufacture of. Women's and misses' neckwear, scarfs, etc., manufacture of. Women's pocketbooks, purses, and handbags, manufacture of. Work clothing, manufacture of. Work gloves and mittens, manufacture of. Work shirts, manufacture of. Etc. Class 16.00 Equipment and Supplies for Household Use. as- This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations Air heaters, electric, manufacture of. Aluminumware for household use, manufacture of. Baby carriages, manufacture of. Bathroom, kitchen, and baby scales, manufacture of. Broom racks, manufacture of. Brooms, manufacture of. Brushes, manufacture of. Can openers, manufacture of. 26 Carpets, rugs, and mats made from such materials as paper fiber, jute, grass, flax, sisal, cotton, coco fiber, and rags, manufac- ture of. China firing and decorating. Clothes racks, manufacture of. Coffee pots, manufacture of. Commercial laundry, dry cleaning, and pressing. Corn poppers, manufacture of. Cups, manufacture of. Curtains, draperies, and bedspreads, manufacture of. Cutlery, manufacture of. Desk and reading lamps, manufacture of. Dishwashing machinery, manufacture of. Domestic, hotel, and restaurant cooking stoves, manufacture of. Drainboards, tub covers, radiator covers, and table tops, manu- facture of. Dust pans, manufacture of. Earphones and parts (domestic radios), manufacture of. Egg beaters, manufacture of. Electric broilers, manufacture of. Electric logs for fireplaces, manufacture of. Electric percolators, manufacture of. Electric water coolers, manufacture of. Fireplace screens and andirons, manufacture of. Fish scalers, manufacture of. Flashlights, manufacture of. Flatirons, manufacture of. Flower vases, manufacture of. Food warmers, manufacture of. Frying pans, manufacture of. Garbage cans, manufacture of. House furnishings, manufacture of. Household brooms, manufacture of. Household brushes, manufacture of. Household utensils, manufacture of. Knife sharpeners, manufacture of. Lamp shades, manufacture of. Lanterns and other outdoor fixtures, manufacture of. Laundry equipment, domestic, manufacture of. Laundry tubs, manufacture of. Lawn mowers, manufacture of. Mattresses and bed springs, manufacture of. Metal household furniture, manufacture of. Metal pot scourers and kitchen wire goods, manufacture of. Milk coolers, manufacture of. Mirror frames, manufacture of. Mop wringer parts, manufacture of. Nut crackers and picks, manufacture of. Oil stoves, manufacture of. Paint and varnish brushes, manufacture of. Paring knives, manufacture of. Picture frames, manufacture of. Portable ovens, manufacture of. 27 Portable lamps (table, boudoir, bridge, and floor), manufac- ture of. Radio cabinet parts (domestic use), manufacture of. Radio chassis bases, manufacture of. Radio parts, manufacture of. Radio set analyzers, manufacture of. Radio tube checkers, manufacture of. Radios and radio tubes (sending and receiving sets), for domes- tic use, manufacture of. Range boilers, manufacture of. Refrigerators for domestic, restaurant, and hotel use, manufac- ture of. Roasters, manufacture of. Scissors, manufacture of. Sewing machines, domestic, manufacture of. Sewing machine needles, manufacture of. Spoons, manufacture of. Stainless steel kitchenware, manufacture of. Steam tables (food), manufacture of. Stoves and ranges for cooking, manufacture of. Sugar bowls, manufacture of. Syphon bottles, manufacture of. Table cutlery, manufacture of. Teapots, manufacture of. Vacuum cleaners, manufacture of. Upholstered household furniture, manufacture of. Wallpaper, manufacture of. Wash basins, manufacture of. Whisk brooms, manufacture of. Etc. Class 17.00 Education and Information. 17.10 Printing and publishing. This classification should be used by companies engaged in such operations as- Blueprinting. Bookbinding and related industries. Books, printing and publishing of. Electrotyping and stereotyping. Engraving for plate printing. General commercial printing. Gravure, rotogravure, and rotary photogravure plates, manu- facture of. Job printing. Lithographing and photolithographing. Newspapers, printing and publishing of. Magazines, printing and publishing of. Periodicals, printing and publishing of. Photoengraving. Photostating. Printing establishments, operation of. Printing ink, manufacture of. Publishing establishments, operating of. Etc. 28 17.20 Education.-All schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions should place this allocation Symbol on their orders. Class 18.00 Recreation and Amusement. Manufacturers of recreational and amusement equipment and op- erators of amusement parks, carnivals, theaters, etc., are placed in this Allocation Classification. This classification includes companies engaged in such operations as- Ammunition for private use, manufacture of. Amusement park equipment, manufacture and operation of. Cameras, manufacture of. Cards, playing, manufacture of. Carnival equipment, manufacture and operation of. Children's vehicles (except bicycles and baby carriages), manu- facture of. Circus equipment, manufacture and operation of. Coin-operated weighing machines, manufacture of. Dolls, manufacture of. Firearms for private use, manufacture of. Fireworks, manufacture of. Floodlights (theater and photographic use), manufacture of. Games, manufacture of. Motion-picture reels and containers, manufacture of. Moving pictures, production of. Musical instruments, parts and materials, manufacture of. Organs, manufacture of. Phonograph needles, manufacture of. Phonograph records, manufacture of. Phonographs, manufacture of. Photographic apparatus and materials, manufacture of. Pianos and parts, manufacture of. Projectors, manufacture of. Seats for theaters, manufacture of. Sporting and athletic goods, manufacture of. Theater equipment, manufacture of. Theaters, operation of. Toys, manufacture of. Vending, amusement, and other coin-operated machines, manu- facture of. Class 19.00 Equipment and Supplies for Office Use. This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such opera- tions as- Adding machines, manufacture of. Addressing machines, manufacture of. Bookkeeping machines, manufacture of. Calculating machines, manufacture of. Calendars, manufacture of. Carbon paper, manufacture of. Cash registers, manufacture of. Ceiling fans, manufacture of. Check-writing machines, manufacture of. 29 Coin counters, manufacture of. Counters and tables for store use, manufacture of. Envelope fasteners, manufacture of. Envelopes, manufacture of. File fasteners, manufacture of. Filing cabinets and cases, manufacture of. Hand stamps, stencils and brands, manufacture of. List finders, manufacture of. Notebooks and ledgers, manufacture of. Office and store machines, manufacture of. Office chairs, manufacture of. Office desks and tables, manufacture of. Office furniture, manufacture of. Paper clips, manufacture of. Paper punches, manufacture of. Partitions, shelving, and cabinets for office and store use, manu- facture of. Pencil sharpeners, manufacture of. Pencils and crayons, manufacture of. Pens, mechanical pencils, and points, manufacture of. Pin tickets, manufacture of. Safes and vaults, manufacture of. Scotch-tape holder, manufacture of. Signal clips, manufacture of. Stationery, manufacture of. Store furniture and fixtures, manufacture of. Tape moisteners, manufacture of. Typewriters, manufacture of. Typewriter ribbons, manufacture of. Wire baskets (office use), manufacture of. Wire staples, manufacture of. Wire-tag fasteners, manufacture of. Writing ink, manufacture of. Etc. Class 20.00 Machinery and Equipment for Industrial Use. 20.10 Metal working machinery.-This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as― Balancing machines, manufacture of. Bending machines, manufacture of. Broaching machines, manufacture of. Cutting-off machines, manufacture of. Drilling machines, manufacture of. Filing machines, manufacture of. Forging equipment, manufacture of. Gear-cutting machines, manufacture of. Gear-tooth grinding machines, manufacture of. Grinding machines, manufacture of. Housing machines, manufacture of. Key seaters, manufacture of. Lapping machines, manufacture of. Lathes, manufacture of. Machine tools, manufacture of. 30 Metal-working machinery, manufacture of. Metal-working saws, manufacture of. Milling machines, manufacture of. Planers, manufacture of. Pressing machines, manufacture of. Punching machines, manufacture of. Rod- and wire-forming machines, manufacture of. Rolling-mill machinery, manufacture of. Shaping machinery, manufacture of. Spring winding and forming machines, manufacture of. Threading machinery, manufacture of. Wire-drawing machines, manufacture of. Etc. 20.20 All other industrial machinery and equipment, including mining, construction, special, and general industry machinery.— This symbol should be used by companies engaged in such operations as- Bake ovens for commercial use, manufacture of. Baking machinery, manufacture of. Beaming machinery (textile), manufacture of. Beet-sugar machinery, manufacture of. Bookbinding machinery, manufacture of. Bottle-making machinery, manufacture of. Bottling machinery, manufacture of. Box-making machinery, manufacture of. Brewhouse machinery, manufacture of. Bulldozers, manufacture of. Butter-making and butter-working machines, manufacture of. Cane-sugar machinery, manufacture of. Canning machinery, manufacture of. Carding (textile) machinery, manufacture of. Cars and car equipment for industrial and mining use (other than automotive), manufacture of. Cement mixers, manufacture of. Clay-working machinery, manufacture of. Coffee-grinding machinery, manufacture of. Coffee-roasting machinery, manufacture of. Combing machinery (textile), manufacture of. Confectionery machinery, manufacture of. Construction machinery, manufacture of. Cotton-ginning machinery, manufacture of. Cranes, manufacture of. Cream separators, industrial use, manufacture of. Derricks, manufacture of. Dough mixers, industrial, manufacture of. Dredging machinery, manufacture of. Electrical measuring instruments, manufacture of. Excavating machinery, manufacture of. Finishers, tampers, vibrators (construction), manufacture of. Food-packaging machinery, manufacture of. Food-products machinery, manufacture of. Fiber to fabric machinery (textile), manufacture of. 31 Garnetting machines (textile), manufacture of. Hat machinery, manufacture of. Heaters for construction work, manufacture of. Hoists and winches (construction), manufacture of. Ice cream machinery, manufacture of. Industrial machinery, manufacture of. Knitting machinery, manufacture of. Last and related products for making shoes, manufacture of. Leather-working machinery, manufacture of. Locomotives and parts for industrial and mining, manufacture of. Looms (textile), manufacture of. Measuring instruments, mechanical, manufacture of. Mechanical-power-transmission equipment, manufacture of. Mining machinery and equipment, manufacture of. Oil-field machinery and tools, manufacture of. Paint-making machinery, manufacture of. Paper-mill, pulp-mill, and paper-products machinery, manu- facture of. Pasteurizers, manufacture of. Picker machines (textile), manufacture of. Photoengraving machinery, manufacture of. Printing-trades machinery and equipment, manufacture of. Sawmill machinery, manufacture of. Scales and balances, manufacture of. Scrapers, manufacture of. Sewing machines, industrial, manufacture of. Shoe machinery, manufacture of. Sheeps' foot rollers, manufacture of. Special industrial machinery, manufacture of. Spinning machines, manufacture of. Textile machinery, manufacture of. Tobacco machinery, manufacture of. Tractors, industrial and construction use, manufacture of. Veneer machines, manufacture of. Woodworking machinery, manufacture of. Etc. Class 21.00 New Buildings, Construction. 21.10 Buildings for manufacturing and commercial purposes, construction of. The construction of buildings such as the following are included in this Allocation Classification: All types of railroad buildings. Building for electric generating plants Hangars, commercial and private, and other airport buildings. Industrial plants. Mine buildings. Office buildings. Stores. Telephone control offices and repeater stations. Warehouses. Etc. 32 21.20 All types of dwellings, construction of.-The construction of buildings such as the following should be placed in this classifica- tion by the prime contractor: Apartment houses. Civilian barracks. Clubs. Homes. Hotels. Etc. 21.90 All other types of buildings, construction of. The follow- ing types of new buildings construction should be placed in this classification by the prime contractor: Barns. Farm outbuildings. Fire stations. Garages. Greenhouses. Jails and prisons. Kennels. Motion-picture houses. Police stations. Public buildings (except dwellings, Class 14.20). Health centers. Hospitals. Etc. Class 22.00 Operating Supplies and Building Repair and Main- tenance. This classification is intended primarily for manufacturers of articles and supplies usually designated as "operating supplies" such as, Abrasive wheels, stones, paper, cloth, and related products, manufacture of. Bail ties, manufacture of. Bits (drill), manufacture of. Blow torches, manufacture of. Bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets for retail sale, manufacture of. Brick carriers, manufacture of. Cable splicers, manufacture of. Carpenters' tools, manufacture of. Chisels, cold, manufacture of. Cleaning and polishing preparation, blackings and dressings, manufacture of. Cordage and twine, manufacture of. Cup hooks, manufacture of. Diamond drilling bits, manufacture of. Electric lamps (light bulbs), manufacture of. Electric line tools, manufacture of. Files and rasps for metal and woodworking, manufacture of. Floor scrapers, manufacture of. Gear pullers, manufacture of. Glaziers' tools, manufacture of. Grease and oil cups, manufacture of. Grease pumps and guns, manufacture of. Hand scrapers, manufacture of. Hose clamps, manufacture of. Industrial leather belting and packing leather, manufacture of. Iron and steel machine and wood screws, manufacture of. Logging, tools, manufacture of. Lubricating outfits and pumps, manufacture of. 33 Nails, spikes, etc., manufacture of. Oil pumps, manufacture of. Padlocks, manufacture of. Plumbers' furnaces for soldering irons, manufacture of. Plumbers' tools, manufacture of. Putty knives, manufacture of. Railroad track tools, manufacture of. Razor blade scrapers and holders (except razors), manufac- ture of. Rivet sets, manufacture of. Rules, manufacture of. Saws, for wood, steel, etc., manufacture of. Shoeknives, manufacture of. Sledges and bars, manufacture of. Small construction tools, manufacture of. Steel engraving tools, manufacture of. Tacks and staples, manufacture of. Stone drills, manufacture of. Tape measures, manufacture of. Tools for drop forging, manufacture of. Tire spreaders, manufacture of. Tool boxes, manufacture of. Tools, small, manufacture of. Wall scraper, manufacture of. Wire clippers, manufacture of. Wire tighteners, manufacture of. Etc. Class 23.00 All Other End Uses. This classification is intended for manufacturers who do not come directly within any other class or whose products, such as subassem- blies, are not incorporated into some other product. This symbol will be used by companies engaged in such operations as— Artists' materials, manufacture of. Ash trays, manufacture of. Barometers, manufacture of. Badges and key tags, manufacture of. Candles, manufacture of. Caskets, coffins, burial cases, and other morticians' goods, manu- facture of. Cigarette cases and lighters, manufacture of. Clocks, watches, and materials and parts, manufacture of. Covered wire for artificial flowers, manufacture of. Costume jewelry and costume novelties, manufacture of. Drawing instruments, manufacture of. Fancy boxes for jewelry, combs, toilet sets, etc., manufacture of. Feathers, plumes, and artificial flowers, manufacture of. Greeting cards, manufacture of. Hydrometers, manufacture of. Jewelers' findings and materials, manufacture of. Jewelry cases and instrument cases, manufacture of. Jewelry (precious metals), manufacture of. 34 Key blanks, manufacture of. Lapidary work (cutting and polishing of precious stones). License tags, manufacture of. Monuments, tombstones, and cut stones, manufacture of. Novelties, manufacture of. Paper bags, manufacture of. Pipe cases, smoking, manufacture of. Pipes, smoking, manufacture of. Pulp goods (pressed and molded novelties), manufacture of. Signs, advertising displays, and novelties, manufacture of. Statuary and art goods, manufacture of. Suitcases, brief cases, and other luggage, manufacture of. Tobacco pipes and cigarette holders, manufacture of. Trunks, manufacture of. Watchcases, manufacture of. Wrapping paper, manufacture of. Etc. BUSINESSES WHICH TRANSMIT CUSTOMER'S SYMBOL Businesses whose operations are not included in any of the listed classifications will transmit to their suppliers the symbols received on their customers' orders. Companies whose operations fall into the category are of such types as- Air compressors, manufacture of. Barrels, kegs, and drums, manufacture of. Batteries, storage and primary, manufacture of. Bearings, all types, manufacture of. Bolts, nuts, and washers, manufacture of. Carbon products for electrical industry, manufacture of. Carbureters, manufacture of. Collapsible tubes, manufacture of. Conduit and fittings, manufacture of. Cooperage, barrels, kegs, tubs, and other containers made of staves, manufacture of. Diesel engines, manufacture of. Dispensing pumps, manufacture of. Door and window sash, frames, molding, and trim, manufac- ture of. Door closers, manufacture of. Door hinges, manufacture of. Door knockers, manufacture of. Door springs, manufacture of. Dynamos, electric, manufacture of. Electric faceplates, manufacture of. Electric motors, manufacture of. Electric outlets, manufacture of. Electric plugs, manufacture of. Electric sockets, manufacture of. Electric switches, manufacture of. Elevators and escalators, manufacture of. Enameled iron sanitary ware, manufacture of. 35 Faucets, manufacture of. Fiber cans and tubes, manufacture of. Flush tanks, manufacture of. Furnaces, manufacture of. Fuses, manufacture of. Gaskets, manufacture of. Gears and crankshafts, manufacture of. Generators, manufacture of. Glass containers, manufacture of. Internal-combustion engines, manufacture of. Linoleum and other hard-surface floor coverings, manufac- ture of. Lighting fixtures, manufacture of. Lock sets, manufacture of. Mechanical furnace stokers, manufacture of. Motors, electric, manufacture of. Oil burners, domestic and industrial, manufacture of, Ornamental grill work, manufacture of. Power boilers, manufacture of. Railings, manufacture of. Rivets and washers, manufacture of. Screw-machine products and wood screws, manufacture of. Sinks, manufacture of. Steam and hot water heating apparatus, manufacture of. Steam engines and turbines, manufacture of. Steel barrels, kegs, and drums, manufacture of. Tanks and shells for water heaters, manufacture of. Tin cans, manufacture of. Venetian blinds, manufacture of. Water heaters, manufacture of. 36 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF INDUSTRIES AND PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO ALLOCATION CLASSIFICATION Abdominal supports, manufacture of_--- 12. 20 Abrasive points, wheels, discs for dental use, manufacture of_ 12.20 Abrasive stones, wheels, paper, cloth, and related products, manufacture of 22.00 Acetone, manufacture of.. 8. 20 Acids, manufacture of. 8.20 Adding machines, manufacture of_. 19.00 Addressing machines, manufacture of 19.00 Agricultural machinery, manufacture of… 13.00 Air compressors, manufacture of. Transmit customer's symbol Aircraft and aircraft parts (except military), manufacture of__ 10.50 Air heaters, electric, manufacture of_. 16.00 Airlane markers, manufacture of 10.50 Aluminum alloying, rolling, and drawing. Airlines, operation of.. Airport construction (except buildings). Alloying, rolling, and drawing of metals. Aluminum plants, operation of-- Aluminum ware for hospital use, manufacture of 10. 50 10. 50 8.10 8.10 8. 10 12. 20 Aluminum ware for household use, manufacture of 16. 00 Ammunition for private use, manufacture of…. 18. 00 Anesthesia apparatus, manufacture of---- Amusement-park equipment, manufacture and operation of Anthropometrical, astronomical, chemical, physical, and physiological ap- 18.00 12. 20 paratus, manufacture of___ 12.20 Apartment houses, construction of 21. 20 Artificial leather, manufacture of- 8.90 Artificial limbs, manufacture of.. 12. 20 Artists' materials, manufacture of_ 23.00 Asbestos, mining and processing of 8.90 Asparagus knives, manufacture of__ 13.00 Ash trays, manufacture of-- 23.00 Asphalt, production of 8.90 Automobile accessories, manufacture of. 10. 20 Automobile bodies, manufacture of_. 10. 20 Automobile brakes and brake parts, manufacture of 10. 20 Automobile parts and accessories, manufacture of 10. 20 Automobile radios, manufacture of- 16.00 Automobiles, manufacture of_. 10. 20 Automotive electrical equipment, manufacture of 10. 20 Automotive repair-shop equipment, manufacture of. 10. 20 Auto repair shops, operation of--- 10. 20 Baby carriages, manufacture of- 16.00 Badges and tags, manufacture of 23.00 Bale ties, manufacture of 22.00 Bake ovens for commercial use, manufacture of 20. 20 Baking machinery, manufacture of 20.20 Balancing machines (metalworking), manufacture of. Barber-shop equipment, manufacture of---- Baking powder, yeast, and leavening compounds, manufacture of. Barber chairs, manufacture of--- Barbers' clippers, manufacture of--- Barges, building and repair of Barn-door hangers and track, manufacture of. Barn scrapers, manufacture of 14.00 20. 10 12. 20 12. 20 12. 20 10.40 13.00 13.00 37 Barns, construction of_ 21.90 Barometers, manufacture of. 23.00 Barrels, drums, and kegs, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Baskets for fruit and vegetables, manufacture of. Bathroom, kitchen, and baby scales, manufacture of. Batteries, storage and primary, manufacture of____ Transmit customer's symbol Batting, padding, and wadding, manufacture of Beaming machinery (textile), manufacture of- Bearings, all types, manufacture of___. Beauty-shop equipment, manufacture of. Beekeepers' supplies, manufacture of__. 13.00 16.00 8.90 20. 20 Transmit customers' symbol 12. 20 13.00 Beet drills, manufacture of Beet lifters, manufacture of. 13.00 13.00 Beet sugar, manufacture of.. Beet-sugar machinery, manufacture of- Bending machinery, manufacture of 14. 00 20. 20 20.10 Bicycle motors and accessories, manufacture of Bicycles, manufacture of___ Biscuits, crackers, and pretzels, manufacture of Bits (drill), manufacture of Blackboards and slates, manufacture of. Blast-furnace products, manufacture of. Blow torches, manufacture of Blueprinting-- Bluing, manufacture of__ 10.90 10.90 14.00 22.00 17.20 8.10 22.00 17.10 8.20 Boatbuilding and repairing- Bolts, nuts, and washers, manufacture of. Boning and skinning knives, manufacture of 10. 40 Transmit customers' symbol Bone black, carbon black and lamp black, manufacture of Bookbinding and related industries__ Bookbinding machinery, manufacture of Books, printing and publishing of…. Boot and shoe bindings, manufacture of. Bottle-making machinery, manufacture of. Bottling machinery, manufacture of__. Box-making machinery, manufacture of- Braces (for personal use), manufacture of Brass mills, operation of-- Bread and other bakery products, manufacture of 20. 20 12. 20 8. 10 14.00 20. 20 8. 20 13.00 17.10 20.20 17.10 8.90 20. 20 20.20 Brewhouse machinery, manufacture of Brick and hollow structural tile, manufacture of-- Brick carriers, manufacture of. Bridges, highway, construction of. Broaching machines, manufacture of. Broadcast seeders, manufacture of 8.90 22.00 10.30 20. 10 13.00 Bulldozers, manufacture of__ Brooders, manufacture of__. Broom racks, manufacture of. Brooms, manufacture of Brushes, manufacture of__ Buckles for clothing, manufacture of- Building maintenance and repair. Building stone, manufacture of Buoys, manufacture of__ Burglar alarm and hold-up apparatus, manufacture of 13.00 16.00 16.00 16. 00 15.00 22.00 8.90 20.20 10.40 12.30 Burrs and drills for dental use, manufacture of- 12. 20 Busses, manufacture of… 10. 20 Buttons, manufacture of 15.00 .Buzzer systems, manufacture of_. 11.90 Butter-making and butter-working machinery, manufacture of 20. 20 Cabinets and cases for barber and beauty shops, manufacture of Cable companies (telegraph), operation of 12. 20 11.30 Cable splicers, manufacture of 22.00 Calculating machines, manufacture of 19.00 Calendars, manufacture of.. 19.00 Calf weaners, manufacture of.. 13.00 38 Cameras, manufacture of_: Camphor, manufacture of---. Canals, construction and operation of. Candles, manufacture of_ Cane mills (farm size), manufacture of Cane-sugar machinery, manufacture of Candy and other confectionery products, manufacture of Cane sugar, manufacture of__ Canning and drying of fruits and vegetables, including soup. 18.00 Canning machinery, manufacture of-- Canning of fish, crustacea, and mollusks_ Canoes, manufacture of Can openers, manufacture of. 8.20 10. 40 23.00 14.00 13.00 14.00 20.20 14.00 20.20 14.00 10. 40 16.00 Carbon paper, manufacture of.. 19. 00 Carbon products for electrical industry, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Carburetors, manufacture of. Transmit customer's symbol Carding (textile) machinery, manufacture of 20. 20 Carnival equipment, manufacture and operation of Carpenters' tools, manufacture of___ 18.00 22.00 Carpets, rugs, and mats, manufacture of__ 16.00 Carriages and other horse-drawn vehicles, manufacture of Cash registers, manufacture of_ 10.90 19.00 Cars and car machinery for industrial and mining use (except autos), manufacture of. 20.20 Caskets, coffins, burial goods, and other morticians' goods, manufacture of Cast-iron pipe and fittings, manufacture of. Castings, metal, manufacture of__. 23.00 8. 10 8. 10 Cattle dehorners, manufacture of. Ceiling fans, manufacture of_. Cellophane, manufacture of.. Cement, manufacture of_ Cement mixers, manufacture of_. 13.00 19.00 8.20 8.90 20. 20 Cereal preparations, manufacture of 14. 00 Check-writing machines, manufacture of 19.00 Cheese, manufacture of__ 14.00 Chewing gum, manufacture of___ 14.00 Children's and infants' wear, manufacture of 15.00 Children's vehicles (except bicycles and baby carriages), manufacture of 18. 00 China firing and decorating_. 16.00 Chisels, manufacture of___ 22.00 Chlorine, manufacture of 8.20 Chocolate and cocoa products, manufacture of 14.00 Cider mills and fruit pressers (farm), manufacture of 13.00 Cigarettes, manufacture of 14. 00 Cigars, manufacture of___. 14.00 Cigarette cases and lighters, manufacture of 23.00 Circus equipment, manufacture, and operation of. 18.00 Civilian barracks, construction of new buildings__ Clay-working machinery, manufacture of…. 21.20 20. 20 Cleaning and polishing preparations, manufacture of 22.00 Clocks, watches, materials, and parts, manufacture of. Clothes racks, manufacture of……. 23.00 16.00 Clothing, manufacture of.. 15.00 Clubs, construction of new buildings. 21. 20 Coal, mining, storage, and distribution of_. 9.30 Coal-tar products, crude and intermediate, manufacture of 8.20 Coffee-grinding machinery, manufacture of.. 20. 20 Coffee pots, manufacture of__ 16. 00 Coffee-roasting machinery, manufacture of 20. 20 Coin counters, manufacture of…. 19.00 Coin-operated weight and amusement machines, manufacture of___ 18.00 Coke, production, storage, and distribution of_ 9.30 Cold-rolled steel sheets and strip and cold-finished steel bars, manufacture of____ 8. 10 Collapsible tubes, manufacture of__ Colleges, universities, and education institutions__. Transmit customer's symbol 17.20 39 1 Colors and pigments, manufacture of_. Combines, manufacture of_ Combing machinery (textile), manufacture of Commercial laundry dry pressing and cleaning Compacts for cosmetics, manufacture of___ Compressing and liquefying gases (except petroleum) Concrete products, manufacture of…. 8.20 13.00 20. 20 16.00 12. 20 8.20 8.90 Condensed and evaporated milk, manufacture of…. 14.00 Conduit and fittings, manufacture of. Transmit customer's symbol Copper refineries, operation of Corn binders, manufacture of_ Confectionery machinery, manufacture of Construction machinery, manufacture of Copper mines, manufacture of Cordage and twine, manufacture of. Corn cribs, manufacture of.. Corn huskers, manufacture of_ Corn pickers, manufacture of 20. 20 20.20 Cooking and other edible fats and oils, manufacture of 14.00 8.10 8.10 22.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 Corn planters, manufacture of Corn poppers, manufacture of_. Corn shellers, manufacture of. Corn sirup, sugar, oil, and starch, manufacture of. Corsets and allied garments, manufacture of 13.00 16.00 Cooperages, barrels, kegs, tubs, and other containers made of staves, manu- facture of_ Transmit customer's symbol 13.00 14. 00 15. 00 Cosmetics, manufacture of___ Costume jewelry and novelties, manufacture of_ Cotton-ginning machinery, manufacture of Cotton planters, manufacture of__ Cottonseed oil, manufacture of. Cotton woven goods and fabrics, manufacture of_ Creamery butter, manufacture of_. Cream separators (farm use), manufacture of Cream separators (industrial), manufacture of Cranes, manufacture of Decontamination equipment for civilian use, manufacture of 12. 20 23.00 20.20 13.00 8.20 8.90 14.00 13.00 20. 20 20. 20 12.30 Dental chairs and cabinets, manufacture of_ Dental equipment and supplies, manufacture of Dental sterilizers, manufacture of 12. 20 12. 20 12. 20 Derricks, manufacture of. 20. 20 Desk and reading lamps, manufacture of_ 16.00 Desks for schools, manufacture of 17.20 Dextrine and dextrose, manufacture of 8. 20 Diesel engines, manufacture of-- Transmit customer's symbol Disc plows, manufacture of--- 13.00 Dish-washing machines, manufacture of 16.00 Dispensing pumps, manufacture of___ Transmit customer's symbol Distribution of petroleum and petroleum products_ 9.20 Docking facilities, for ships, operation of 10.40 Dolls, manufacture of__ 18.00 Domestic, hotel, and restaurant cooking stoves, manufacture of 16.00 Doors and window sash, manufacture of Door closers, manufacture of_. Transmit customer's symbol Transmit customer's symbol Door hinges, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Door knockers, manufacture of. Transmit customer's symbol Door springs, manufacture of…. Doors, manufacture of__. Drainboards, tub covers, radiator covers, and table tops, manufacture of____ 16. 00 Transmit customer's symbol Transmit customer's symbol Drawing instruments, manufacture of Dredging machinery, manufacture of Dress and semidress gloves and mittens, manufacture of Dresses, manufacture of Drilling bits, manufacture of. Drilling machines (metal), manufacture of-- Drugs and medicines, manufacture of 1 23.00 20. 20 15.00 15. 00 22.00 20. 10 12. 20 40 Dry shavers, manufacture of 12.20 Dust pans, manufacture of__ 16. 00 Dwellings, construction of new buildings. 21.20 Dyeing and finishing cotton, rayon, silk, linen, woolen, and worsted textiles_ 8.90 Dynamos, electric, manufacture of__. Transmit customer's symbol Earphones and parts, household radios, manufacture of Educational equipment, manufacture of. Educational institutions, operation of. 16.00 17. 20 17.20 Egg beaters, manufacture of 16. 00 Electrical measuring instruments, manufacture of Electric broilers, manufacture of_ 20.20 Electric companies (public), operation of_. 16. 00 9.10 Electric face plates, manufacture of__ Electric fence controllers, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol 13.00 Electric logs for fireplaces, manufacture of. Electric percolators, manufacture of. Electric plugs, manufacture of-- Electric sockets, manufacture of Electric lamps (light bulbs), manufacture of___ Electric line tools, manufacture of…. Electric motors, manufacture of__ Electric outlets, manufacture of__ Transmit customer's symbol Transmit customer's symbol 16.00 22.00 22.00 16.00 Electric switces (light), manufacture of. Electric traffic signals, manufacture of Electric water coolers, manufacture of Electrocardiographs, manufacture of.. Electrotyping and stereotyping. Transmit customer's symbol Transmit customer's symbol Transmit customer's symbol 10.30 16.00 12.20 17. 10 Elevators and escalators, manufacture of. Transmit customer's symbol Elevators (farm use), manufacture of_. Embroideries, manufacture of 13.00 15.00 Enameled-iron sanitary ware and plumbing, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Engines for farm use, manufacture of 13.00 Engraving for plate printing-- 17. 10 Ensilage cutters, manufacture of 13.00 Ensilage harvesters, manufacture of. 13.00 Envelope fasteners, manufacture of 19.00 Envelopes, manufacture of.. Equipment cabinets for hospitals, manufacture of- 19.00 12. 20 Essential oils, production of. 8.20 Ether, manufacture of__ 8. 20 Excavating machinery, manufacture of 20. 20 Excelsior, manufacture of--- 8.90 Fancy boxes for jewelry, combs, toilet sets, etc.. 23.00 Farm implements, manufacture of 13.00 Farm machinery, manufacture of…. 13.00 Farm outbuildings, construction of new. 21.90 Farm wagons, manufacture of. 13.00 Faucets, manufacture of__ Transmit customer's symbol Feathers, plumes, and artificial flowers, manufacture of_ 23.00 Feed cookers, manufacture of 13.00 Feed cutters, manufacture of_ 13.00 Feed grinders and crushers, manufacture of_. 13.00 Feeds for animals and fowls, manufacture of. 13.00 Fencing, manufacture of__ 8.10 Fertilizers, manufacture of. 13.00 Fiber cans and tubes, manufacture of__ Transmit customer's symbol Fiber to fabric machinery (textile), manufacture of File fasteners, manufacture of__. 20. 20 19.00 Files and rasps for metal and woodworking, manufacture of Filing cases and cabinets, manufacture of. 22.00 19.00 Filing machines (metal), manufacture of. 20.10 Finishers, tampers, vibrators (construction), manufacture of_ Firearms for police authorities, manufacture of.. 20. 20 12.30 Firearms for private use, manufacture of 18.00 41 Fire and watch signal apparatus, manufacture of…… Fire extinguishers, manufacture of Fireplace screens and andirons, manufacture of_ Fire stations, operation of_- 12.30 12. 30 16. 00 12.30 Fire stations, construction of new- Fireworks, manufacture of_. 21.90 18.00 Fish and marine oils, manufacture of. 8.20 Fish scalers, manufacture of 16.00 Flares, manufacture of Flashlights, manufacture of.. Transmit customer's symbol 16.00 Flat glass, manufacture of. 8.90 Flat irons, manufacture of 16.00 Flavorings, manufacture of 14.00 Floodlights (theater and photographic use), manufacture of___ 18.00 Floor and wall tile, manufacture of 8.90 Floor scrapers, manufacture of 22.00 Flour and other grain-mill products, manufacture of 14.00 Flower vases, manufacture of. 16.00 Flush tanks, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Food packaging machinery, manufacture of. 20.20 Food preparations, manufacture of__ Food products machinery, manufacture of Food warmers, manufacture of... Footwear, manufacture of_____ Forging equipment, manufacture of Forgings, manufacture of Foundries, operation of_ Fracture appliances, manufacture of___. Fruit pickers, manufacture of__. 14.00 20. 20 16. 00 15.00 20. 10 8. 10 8.10 12. 20 13. 00 Frying pans, manufacture of_. 16.00 Fungicides, manufacture of.. 13.00 Fur coats, garments and trimmings, manufacture of 15.00 Furnaces, manufacture of Furs, dressing and dyeing. Transmit customer's symbol 8.90 Fuses, manufacture of__ Transmit customer's symbol Games and toys, manufacture of__ 18.00 Garages, construction of new buildings_ 21.90 Garbage cans, manufacture of__ 19.00 Garbage disposal plants, construction and operation of (except new buildings) 12. 10 Garden planters, manufacture of 13.00 Garden tractors, manufacture of. 13.00 Garnetting machines (textile), manufacture of_. 20. 20 Gaskets, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Gas masks for civilian use, manufacture of 12.30 Gas, natural and manufactured, production and distribution of 9.40 Gasoline, manufacture of___. 9.20 Gates, farm, manufacture of____ 13.00 Gear cutting machines, manufacture of 20. 10 Gear pullers, manufacture of---- 22.00 Gears and crankshafts, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Gear-tooth grinding machines, manufacture of. Gelatine, manufacture of___ 20. 10 8.20 General commercial printing- 17.10 Generating equipment (public), manufacture of 9. 10 Generators, manufacture of Girdling knives, manufacture of Glass containers, manufacture of Glass making---- Glazier points, manufacture of_ Transmit customer's symbol 13.00 Transmit customer's symbol 8.90 Transmit customer's symbol Glue and gelatine, manufacture of 8.20 Grain binders, manufacture of 13.00 Grain drills, manufacture of.. 13.00 Grain threshers, manufacture of__ 13.00 Gravure, rotogravure, and rotary photogravure plates, manufacture of 17. 10 Grease and oil cups, manufacture of_ 22.00 42 Grease and tallow (except lubricating), manufacture of 8.20 Grease pumps and guns, manufacture of. 22.00 Greenhouses, construction of new buildings. 21.90 Greeting cards, manufacture of 23.00 Grey-iron and semisteel castings, manufacture of 8. 10 Grinding machines, manufacture of____ 20. 10 Gum naval stores (turpentine, rosin, etc.) manufacture of_ Gypsum products, manufacture of--. 8.20 8.90 Hair curlers, manufacture of 12. 20 Hair driers (electric), manufacture of 12. 20 Hair works (braids, wigs, switches, etc.), manufacture of 12. 20 Hand and face driers, manufacture of 12. 20 Hand instruments for dentists, manufacture of 12. 20 Handkerchiefs, manufacture of 15.00 Handscrapers, manufacture of_ 22.00 Hand stamps, manufacture of. 19.00 Hangars, commercial and private and other airport buildings, construc- tion of 21.10 Harrows, manufacture of__ 13.00 Harness hardware, manufacture of___ 13.00 Harvesters, manufacture of 13.00 Hat and cap materials (trimmings, etc.), manufacture of 15.00 Hat bodies and hats, fur and wool felt, manufacture of- Hat machinery, manufacture of_ 15.00 20. 20 Hay presses, manufacture of___ Hatters' fur, production of--. Hay carriers, manufacture of Hay forks, manufacture of_. Haying machinery, manufacture of_ Hay loaders, manufacture of Hay-press combines, manufacture of Health centers, construction of 8.90 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 21.90 Health lamps, manufacture of 12. 20 Heaters for construction work, manufacture of- 20.20 Highway fences, construction of_. Hog scrapers, manufacture of 10.30 Highway markers, manufacture of. 10.30 13.00 Hog troughs, manufacture of_ 13.00 Hoists and winches, manufacture of. 20.20 Home radio equipment, manufacture of 16.00 Homes, construction of___ 21.20 Hooks and eyes, manufacture of 15.00 Hose clamps, manufacture of--- 22.00 Hosiery, all types, manufacture of__ 15.00 Hospital furniture, manufacture of--- Hospital signaling devices, manufacture of Hospital, doctors' and dental equipment, manufacture of Hospitals, construction of Hospital, surgical and other "sterilizers," manufacture of Hotels, construction of-- 12.20 12. 20 12. 20 21.90 12. 20 21.20 House dresses, uniforms, and aprons, manufacture of. House furnishings, manufacture of_ 15.00 16.00 Household brooms, manufacture of- 16.00 Household brushes, manufacture of 16.00 Household utensils, manufacture of_ 16.00 Housing machines (metal working), manufacture of Hydrometers, manufacture of---- 20. 10 23.00 Hypodermic needles, manufacture of 12. 20 Ice, manufacture of 14.00 Ice cream and ices, manufacture of 14.00 Ice cream machinery, manufacture of__ 20. 20 Immersion sterilizing heaters, manufacture of…. 12. 20 Incinerators for trash and garbage, construction (except new build- ings) and operation of-- 12.10 Incubators, manufacture of_-- 13.00 43 Industrial leather belting and packing leather, manufacture of Industrial machinery, manufacture of Industrial plants, construction of new buildings. Inhalators, manufacture of___ Insecticides, fungicides, and related chemical products, manufacture of____ 13. 00 Insulation and mineral wool, manufacture of… Internal combustion engines, manufacture of. Interurban railways, operation of.. 22.00 20. 20 21.10 12. 20 8.90 Transmit customer's symbol 10. 10 Irrigation systems, construction and operation of__ Iron and steel machine and wood screws, manufacture of Iron mines, operation of Jails and prisons, construction of new buildings. Jewelry cases and instrument cases, manufacture of Jewelers' findings and materials, manufacture of Jewelry (precious metals), manufacture of.. Job printing-- Kennels, construction of new buildings_. Key blanks, manufacture of Key seaters, manufacture of__ Knife sharpeners, manufacture of_ Knitted cloth, manufacture of Knitted underwear, manufacture of Knitting machinery, manufacture of Lace goods, manufacture of Lamp shades, manufacture of Land rollers (farm), manufacture of Lanterns and other outdoor fixtures, manufacture of Lapidary work (cutting and polishing precious stones) Lapping machines (metal), manufacture of.. Lasts and related shoemaking products, manufacture of Lathes (metal), manufacture of__ 22.00 8.10 13.00 21.90 23.00 23.00 23.00 17.10 21.90 23.00 20. 10 16. 00 8.90 15.00 20.20 15.00 16.00 13.00 16.00 23.00 20. 10 20.20 20. 10 Laundry equipment (domestic), manufacture of Laundry tubs, manufacture of 16.00 16.00 Lavoratories, manufacture of Lawn mowers, manufacture of Laying batteries, manufacture of. Lead and lead foils, production of Leather gloves and mittens, manufacture of Leather, tanning, curing, and finishing_ Leather working machinery, manufacture of License tags, manufacture of.. Transmit customer's symbol 16. 00 13. 00 8.10 15.00 8.90 20. 20 23.00 Lighthouses, construction and maintenance of Lighting fixtures, manufacture of 10. 40 Transmit customer's symbol Lime, manufacture of 8.90 Lime spreaders, manufacture of. Linoleum 13.00 and other hard surface floor coverings, manufacture of__ Transmit customer's symbol Linoleum knives, manufacture of. 22.00 Liquors, distilled, manufacture of. 14.00 Liquors, rectified and blended, manufacture of 14.00 Listers, manufacture of__ 13.00 List finders, manufacture of. 19.00 Lithographing and photolithographing- 17.10 Livestock drinking cups, manufacture of. 13.00 Lock sets, manufacture of_. Transmit customer's symbol Locomotives and parts for industries and mines, manufacture of 20.20 Logging tools, manufacture of 22.00 Looms, manufacture of. 20.20 Loudspeaker systems, manufacture of 11.90 Lubricating outfits and pumps, manufacture of. 22.00 Lumbering 8.90 44 Macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles, manufacture of. Machetes, manufacture of. Machine tools, manufacture of_. Magazines, printing and publishing of Mail boxes (home use), manufacture of. Malleable-iron castings, manufacture of Malt, manufacture of… Malt liquors, manufacture of_. Manicure instruments, manufacture of. Manufactured gas, production of. Manure spreaders, manufacture of Marine motors, manufacture of__ Mattresses and bed springs, manufacture of- Measuring instruments, manufacture of Meat packing (wholesale)__. 20.10 17. 10 Transmit customer's symbol 8.10 14.00 14.00 12. 20 9.40 Mechanical-power-transmission equipment, manufacture of_ Mechanical furnace stokers, manufacture of Medicines, manufacture of___ 14. 00 13.00 13.00 10. 40 16.00 20.20 14.00 20. 20 Transmit customer's symbol 12. 20 Men's and boys' hats and caps, manufacture of.. 15.00 Men's and boys' shirts, suits, and coats, manufacture of. Men's neckwear, manufacture of 15. 00 15.00 Metal bars, manufacture of___ 8. 10 Metal household furniture, manufacture of Metal working machinery, manufacture of Metal beds and chairs for hospitals, manufacture of. Metal pot scourers and kitchen wire goods, manufacture of Metal working saws, manufacture of Microscopes, manufacture of Milk coolers, manufacture of Milking machines, manufacture of_ Millinery, manufacture of__. Milling machines, manufacture of Mine buildings, construction of Mine railroads, operation of-- Mineral wool, manufacture of. Mining companies, operation of. Mining machinery and equipment, manufacture of Mirror frames, manufacture of Monuments, tombstones, and cut stones, manufacture of. Mop wringer parts, manufacture of Motion-picture reels and containers, manufacture of Motion-picture houses, construction of Motors, electric, manufacture of Motors, gasoline, manufacture of.. 12. 20 16.00 16.00 20. 10 20.10 12. 20 16.00 13.00 15.00 20.10 21.10 8.10 8.90 8.10 20.20 16.00 23.00 16. 00 18.00 21.90 Transmit customer's symbol Transmit customer's symbol Motorcycle engines and accessories, manufacture of. Motorcycles, manufacture of. 10.90 10.90 Moving pictures, production of 18.00 Mowers (farm), manufacture of____ 13.00 Municipal fire and police signal systems, manufacture of Musical instruments, parts and materials, manufacture of__ 12.30 18.00 Nails, spikes, etc., manufacture of.. 22.00 Natural gas, production of---- 9.40 Natural graphite, ground and refined, manufacture of-- 8.90 Needles, pins, hooks and eyes, slide and snap fasteners, manufacture of 15.00 Newspapers, printing and publishing of.. Nipples, plumbing, manufacture of 17.10 Transmit customer's symbol Nitrate, production of____. 8.20 Nonalcoholic beverages, manufacture of Nonclay refractories, manufacture of_. Nonferrous metal foundries, operation of Notebooks and ledgers, manufacture of.. Novelties, manufacture of Nursery knives (orchard), manufacture of Nut crackers and picks, manufacture of 14.00 8.90 8.10 19.00 23.00 13.00 16.00 45 Offices and store machines, manufacture of Offices buildings, construction of.. Office chairs, manufacture of__ Office desks and tables, manufacture of. Office furniture, manufacture of. Oil (petroleum), production of__. Oil burners for furnaces, manufacture of_ Oilcloth, manufacture of Oil-field machinery and tools, manufacture of___ Oil pumps, manufacture of Oil stoves, manufacture of. Oleomargarine, manufacture of Operating tables, manufacture of____ Ophthalmic goods, lenses, and fittings, manufacture of__ Optical instruments and lenses, manufacture of. Organs, manufacture of__. Ornamental grill work, manufacture of. 19.00 21.10 19.00 19.00 19.00 9.20 Transmit customer's symbol 8.90 20.20 22.00 16.00 14.00 12. 20 12. 20 12.20 18.00 Transmit customer's symbol Orthodomic appliances, manufacture of Outboard motors, manufacture of 12.20 10.40 Paint and varnish brushes, manufacture of 16.00 Paint making machinery, manufacture of. 20.20 Paints, varnishes and lacquers, manufacture of. Paper and paperboard mills, operation of-- Paper bags, manufacture of 8.20 8.90 23.00 Paper clips, manufacture of 19.00 Paper mill, pulp mill and paper products machinery, manufacture of.. 20.20 Paper punches, manufacture of_. 19.00 Paring knives, manufacture of. 16.00 Partitions, shelving and cabinets for office and store use, manufacture of- 19.00 Passenger automobiles, manufacture of 10. 20 Pasteurizers, manufacture of___ 20.20 Pea and bean harvesters, manufacture of 13.00 Pea and bean threshers, manufacture of 13.00 Peanut pickers, manufacture of… 13.00 Pencil sharpeners, manufacture of 19.00 Petroleum, production and distribution of___. Pencils and crayons, manufacture of. Pens, mechanical pencils, and pen points, manufacture of___ Periodicals, printing and publishing of Phonograph needles, manufacture of___ 19.00 19.00 Perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet preparations, manufacture of 12. 20 17.10 9.20 18.00 Phonograph records, manufacture of. 18.00 Phonographs, manufacture of_. 18.00 Phosphorus, manufacture of 8.20 Photoengraving. 17.10 Photoengraving machinery, manufacture of 20.20 Photographic apparatus and materials, manufacture of. Photostating 18.00 17.10 Physicians' diagnostic apparatus, manufacture of. 12.20 Physiotherapy equipment, manufacture of.. 12. 20 Pianos and parts, manufacture of_. 18.00 Picker machines (textiles), manufacture of. 20.20 Picture frames, manufacture of.. Pins, manufacture of_. Pin tickets, manufacture of Pipes of iron, steel and other metal, manufacture of. 8. 10 20.10 16.00 15.00 19.00 23.00 Pipe cases (smoking), manufacture of_____. Planers (metal working), manufacture of Planing mills, operation of 8.90 Planters, manufacture of 13.00 Plastic raw materials, manufacture of 8.20 Plumbers furnaces for soldering irons, manufacture of 22.00 Plumbers tools, manufacture of 22.00 Plywood mills, operation of.. 8.90 Police stations, construction of. 21.90 Police stations, operation of. 12.30 46 Portable ovens, manufacture of. Portable lamps, manufacture of Portable radios, manufacture of_ Potato diggers, manufacture of Potato planters, manufacture of_ Potato sorters and graders, manufacture of Poultry dressing and packing_. Poultry equipment, manufacture of Poultry feeders, manufacture of____ 16. 00 1.6. 00 16.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 14.00 13.00 13.00 Poultry growing batteries, manufacture of. 13.00 Poultry waterers, manufacture of--- 13.00 Power boilers, manufacture of__ Transmit customer's symbol Prepared feeds for animals and fowls, manufacture of___ Preserves, jams, jellies, and fruit butters, manufacture of_. Pressing machines (metal working), manufacture of Primary smelting and refining of all metals_. 13.00 14.00 20. 10 8.10 Printing establishments, operation of Printing ink, manufacture of 17.10 17.10 Printing-trades machinery, manufacture of___ 20.20 Processed waste and recovered wool fibers, production of. 8.90 Projectors, manufacture of____ Public buildings (except dwellings), construction of____ Public electric generating and distributing systems, operation of. 9. 10 11.30 11. 10 17. 10 18.00 21.90 Public telegraph and cable companies, operation of-- Public telephone companies, operation of Publishing establishments, operation of. Pulp goods (novelties), manufacture of. 23.00 Pulp mills, operation of 8.90 Punching machines (metal working), manufacture of Putty knives, manufacture of.. 20.10 22.00 Quick frozen foods, manufacture of. 14.00 Radio cabinet parts (domestic), manufacture of_ 16.00 Radio chassis bases, manufacture of‒‒‒‒ 16.00 Radio parts, manufacture of___ 16.00 Radio sending and receiving sets manufactured for police and fire author- ities__ 12.30 Radio set analyzers, manufacture of. Radio tube checkers, manufacture of 16. 00 16. 00 Radio tubes and radios_ 16.00 Railings, manufacture of__ Transmit customer's symbol Railroads, public, operation of Railroad track tools, manufacture of 10. 10 22.00 Rails and railroad spikes, manufacture of Raincoats and other waterproof garments, manufacture of. 8. 10 15.00 Rakes, manufacture of. Range boilers, manufacture of. Rayon fabrics, manufacture of. Rayon yarn and thread, manufacture of 13.00 16.00 8.90 8.90 Refining of petroleum_-- Razor blade scrapers and holders (except razors), manufacture of…. Razors and razor blades, manufacture of Refractometers, spectrometers, spectroscopes, polariscopes, and optical 22.00 12. 20 9.20 measuring instruments, manufacture of 12. 20 Reinforcing steel, manufacture of 8.10 Retreading of tires___. 10. 20 Rice binders, manufacture of 13.00 Rice cleaning and polishing. 14.00 Rivet sets, manufacture of 22.00 Rivets, manufacture of__. Transmit customer's symbol Road maintenance__. 10.30 Road oilers, manufacture of.. 10.30 Roads, construction of_ 10.30 Road sweepers, manufacture of 10.30 Robes, lounging garments and dressing gowns, manufacture of_ Rod and wire forming machines, manufacture of----- 15.00 20.10 47 Rod weeders, manufacture of.. 13.00 Rolling mill machinery, manufacture of_ 20.10 Roofing, asphalt shingles, and roof coating, manufacture of 8.90 Rope and cable for marine use, manufacture of_. 10.40 Rotary hoes, manufacture of 13.00 Rowboats, manufacture of 10.40 Rubber boots and shoes, manufacture of.. 15.00 Rules, manufacture of__. 22.00 Saddlery, harness and whips, manufacture of…. 13.00 Safes and vaults, manufacture of. 19.00 Salad dressing, manufacture of_ 14.00 Salt, production of__. 8.20 Sand, production of. 8.90 Sand, lime, brick, block, tile, production of Sausage and sausage casings, manufacture of. Sawmill machinery, manufacture of Sawmills, operation of-- Saws for steel, wood, etc., manufacture of. Scales and balances, manufacture of 8.90 14.00 20.00 8.90 22.00 20. 20 Scalpels, forceps, and similar instruments, manufacture of_. Schools, operations of--. 12.20 17.20 Scotch tape holders, manufacture of. 19.00 Scrapers, manufacture of 20.20 Screens, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Screw machine products and wood screws, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Sewage systems, construction and operation of Sewing machine needles, manufacture of. Sewing machines (home), manufacture of.. Sewing machines (industrial), manufacture of. Shaping machinery (metal), manufacture of Sheep's foot rollers, manufacture of Sheet metal, manufacture of Shellac, manufacture of____ Shepherds' crooks, manufacture of_ Shiploading equipment, manufacture of Ship safety devices, manufacture of Ships, construction of. Shipyards, operation of Shoe buckles, manufacture of_ Shoe knives, manufacture of 12.10 16. 00 16.00 20.20 20.10 20. 20 8.10 8.20 13.00 10.40 10. 40 10. 40 10.40 15.00 22.00 Shoe lace tips, manufacture of. 15.00 Shoe machinery, manufacture of. 20. 20 Shoes, manufacture of___. 15.00 Signal clips, manufacture of__ 19.00 Signs, advertising displays and novelties, manufacture of 23.00 Silos, manufacture of 13.00 Sinks, manufacture of. Transmit customer's symbol Sirens, for use by police and fire authorities, manufacture of 12.30 Slate, quarrying and production of._. 8.90 Sledges and bars, manufacture of 22.00 Sleds, manufacture of 10.90 Slide fasteners, manufacture of 15.00 Small construction tools, manufacture of 22.00 Smelters, operation of. 8.10 Snap fasteners and clasps, manufacture of_. 15.00 Snow plows (street and highway), manufacture of 10.30 Soap, manufacture of.. 12. 20 Soda fountains, beer dispensing equipment, and related products, manufac- ture of 14.00 Sodium compounds, manufacture of 8.20 Soil pulverizers, manufacture of__ 13.00 Soybean oil, production of‒‒‒‒‒ 8.20 Special industrial machinery, manufacture of_ Spectacle and eyeglass frames, manufacture of__‒‒‒ 20.20 12. 20 48 Sphygmomanometers, manufacture of Spigots, manufacture of____ 12.20 Transmits customer's symbol Spinning machines, manufacture of__ 20.20 Spoons and silverware, manufacture of 16.00 Sporting and athletic goods, manufacture of 18.00 Sprayers and sprinklers for street and highway use, manufacture of Spraying outfits, manufacture of 10.30 13.00 Spring winding and forming machines, manufacture of-- 20.10 Statuary and art goods, manufacture of Steam and hot-water heating apparatus, manufacture Steel engraving tools, manufacture of-- Stock tanks, manufacture of. Sprinklers and automatic fire detecting apparatus, manufacture of Stainless steel kitchenware, manufacture of_ Stalk cutters, manufacture of Stationery, manufacture of Steam tables (food), manufacture of_. of- Steel castings, manufacture of__. Steel mills, operation of…. Steel plow shapes or shares, manufacture of. Steel works and rolling mills, operation of Stethographs, manufacture of... Stethoscopes, manufacture of Stock feeders, manufacture of_ Stock pens, manufacture of. 12.30 16.00 13.00 19.00 23.00 16.00 Transmit customer's symbol 8. 10 22.00 8. 10 13.00 8.10 12. 20 Stores, construction of.. Stone drills, manufacture of Storage of petroleum Store furniture and fixtures, manufacture of Storm sewers, construction of___ Stoves and ranges (cooking), manufacture of Streetcar companies, operation of Structural steel, manufacture of.. 12. 20 13.00 13.00 13.00 22.00 9.20 19.00 21.10 10. 30 16.00 10. 10 Subsoil plows, manufacture of.. Sugar bowls, manufacture of. Suitcases, brief cases, and other luggage, manufacture of 8. 10 13.00 16.00 23.00 Sulphur, production of---- 8. 20 Surgeons' knives, manufacture of 12. 20 Surgical and medical instruments, manufacture of 12. 20 Surgical belts, manufacture of_ 12. 20 Surgical blades, manufacture of___ Syphon bottles, manufacture of.. 12. 20 Suspenders and garters, manufacture of 15.00 16. 00 Syrup evaporators (maple), manufacture of__. 13.00 Table cutlery, manufacture of__ 16. 00 Tacks and staples, manufacture of- 22.00 Tank heaters (farm), manufacture of_. 13.00 Tanks and shells for water heaters, manufacture of___ Transmit customer's symbol Tanning materials, natural dyestuffs, mordants and sizes, manufacture of 8. 20. Tape measures, manufacture of 22.00 Tape moisteners, manufacture of 19.00 Taxis, manufacture of.. 10. 20 Teapots, manufacture of___. 16. 00 Telegraph companies, operation of 11.30 Telegraph equipment, manufacture of___ 11.30 Telephone companies, operation of 11. 10 Telephone control offices and repeater stations, construction of new buildings 21. 10 Telephone equipment, manufacture of___. 11. 10 Textile machinery, manufacture of 20.20 Theater equipment, manufacture of 18.00 Theaters, operation of-- 18.00 Threshing machines, manufacture of- 13.00 49 Tillers, manufacture of 13.00 Tin and other foils, manufacture of. Tin cans, manufacture of. 8. 10 Transmit customer's symbol Tires, manufacture of____ 10. 20 Tire spreaders, manufacture of__ 22.00 Tobacco and snuff, manufacture of 14.00 20. 20 22.00 Toilet preparations, manufacture of 12. 20 22.00 22.00 22.00 12. 20 Tobacco machinery, manufacture of Tobacco pipes, cigar and cigarette holders, manufacture of.. Tool boxes, manufacture of. Tools for drop forging, manufacture of Tools, small, manufacture of Tooth brushes, manufacture of. Tooth paste, manufacture of Toys, manufacture of…. Track for hay carriers, manufacture of Tractors, agricultural use, manufacture of Tractors (except farm), manufacture of Traffic signs, electric, manufacture of___. Trailers, manufacture of__ Transplanters, manufacture of. Transportation—air___ Transportation-automotive Transportation by pipeline of petroleum_. Transportation-Railroads, including urban and interurban__ 12. 20 18.00 13. 00 13.00 20.20 10.30 10. 20 13.00 10. 50 10. 20 9.20 10. 10 Transportation-Roads, streets, etc., construction and maintenance of Transportation-Water, including construction of privately owned ship- yards, other than military- Trimmings, stamped art goods and art needlework, manufacture of__. Trucks, manufacture of Trusses (health), manufacture of Tunnels, highway, construction of Typewriter ribbons, manufacture of Typewriters, manufacture of.. Umbrellas, parasols, and canes, manufacture of. Universities, operation of-- 10. 30 10. 40 15.00 10. 20 12. 20 10.30 19.00 19.00 15.00 17.20 Upholstered household furniture, manufacture of___. 16.00 Vacuum cleaners, manufacture of.. 16.00 Valves, manufacture of__. Transmit customer's symbol Varnishes, manufacture of 8.20 Vegetable oils, production of 8.20 Vending, amusement, and other coin-operated machines, manufacture of 18. 00 Veneer machines, manufacture of_ 20. 20 Venetian blinds, manufacture of.. Transmit customer's symbol Veterinarians' instruments, manufacture of 12. 20 Vibrators (health), manufacture of___ 12.20 Vibrators (industrial), manufacture of. 20. 20 Vinegar and cider, manufacture of_____ 14.00 Wagons (except farm), manufacture of. Wagons for agricultural use, manufacture of- Wallboard, and wall plaster, manufacture of. Wallpaper, manufacture of Wall scrapers, manufacture of 10.90 13.00 8.90 16.00 22.00 Warehouses, construction of- 21.10 Wash basins, manufacture of. 16.00 Watch cases, manufacture of. 23.00 Water heaters, manufacture of.. Transmit customer's symbol Watering trough, manufacture of 13.00 Water pumps (farm), manufacture of_ 13.00 Water purification plants, construction and operation of (except new buildings) _ 12.10 Water reservoirs, construction of.. 12.10 Water systems (public), construction and operation of 12. 10 50 Weeders, manufacture of.. Whisk brooms, manufacture of Wines, manufacture of__ Wind mills, manufacture. 13.00 16.00 14.00 13.00 Window and door screens, manufacture of Transmit customer's symbol Wire baskets (office use), manufacture of 19.00 Wire clippers, manufacture of__ 22.00 Wire drawing machines, manufacture of 20.10 Wire staples, manufacture of-. 19.00 Wire tag fasteners, manufacture of. 19.00 Wire tighteners, manufacture of. 22.00 Women's and Misses' clothing, manufacture of 15.00 Wood naval stores (turpentine, rosin, etc.), manufacture of 8.20 Woodworking machinery, manufacture of__ 20.20 Wood pulling-- 8.90 Work clothing, manufacture of 15.00 Work gloves, manufacture of 15.00 Wrapping paper, manufacture of. Work shirts, manufacture of Wrting ink, manufacture of- X-ray apparatus for dental use, manufacture of…. X-ray apparatus for medical use, manufacture of X-ray and Therapeutic apparatus, manufacture of. Yachts, manufacture of----- 12. 20 12.20 10. 40 15.00 23.00 19.00 12. 20 51 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 犟 ​• ' • ! 1 не 106.4 A 32 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Amendment No. 1 of Priorities Regulation No. 3 Providing for the use of revised Preference Rating Certificates and prescribing the manner of application of ratings assigned thereby ત્ WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. FOREWORD Priorities Regulation No. 3 was first issued on January 12, 1942, by James S. Knowlson, Acting Director of Priorities, Office of Production Management. A full and complete copy of Amendment No. 1 of Priorities Regula- tion No. 3, issued February 25, 1942, is printed herewith. This Amend- ment supersedes the issue dated January 12, 1942, and should hereafter be used in its place. It is suggested that all producers, manufacturers, distributors, and all others who are affected by the priorities system, preserve this Regulation and refer to it whenever necessary, to be sure that they are complying with its provisions. Copies of the issue of January 12, 1942, wherever possible, should be reclaimed under the Waste Paper Salvage Program. The following are the major changes in Amendment No. 1 of Regu- lation No. 3: 1. The effective date after which PD-1A and PD-3A Certificates must be used has been changed to March 15, a delay necessitated by difficulties in printing. 2. The Selective Service System has been added to the list of agencies for which PD-3A's will be issued. 3. An addition to paragraph (a) provides that after March 15 PD-3's, PD-4's, and PD-5's must be extended in accordance with a procedure substantially similar to that applicable to PD-3A Certificates. 4. The use of PD-3A Certificates for granting preference ratings to the Procure- ment Division of the Treasury and the Surplus Marketing Division of Agriculture has been confined to Lend-Lease contracts. This merely recognizes established procedure. 5. An addition to paragraph (b) permits use of PD-1A Certificates to rate pur- chases under Lend-Lease contracts or purchases of or for the account of foreign governments. 6. Paragraph (c) (4) has been added amplifying provisions as to the means of extending PD-3's, PD-4's, and PD-5's after March 15. The method is substantially identical with that applicable to PD-3A Certificates. 7. Paragraph (e) (4) has been added, providing that any person receiving an order bearing an AA rating who can fill it from inventory or goods in process may extend only an A-1-a rating. 8. Paragraph (e) (5) has been added, providing that the extension of preference ratings assigned by PD-3A Certificates may be subjected to such further provisions as may be prescribed by Supply Arms or Bureaus of the Army or Navy provided they obtain the approval of ANMB and the Director of Industry Operations. II DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AMENDMENT NO. 1 OF PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 3 Effective at once, Priorities Regulation No. 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: The following regulation is issued by the Director of Industry Oper- ations to promote the defense of the United States and for the purpose of improving and facilitating the operation of the Priorities System. 944.23 Priorities Regulation No. 3-(a) Adoption of Revised Forms of Preference Rating Certificates.-On and after February 2, 1942, preference ratings to be assigned by Preference Rating Certifi- cates may be assigned, and on and after March 15, 1942, shall be as- signed, in the manner and subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth, by revised forms of preference rating certificates hereby desig- nated as Preference Rating Certificate PD-1A and Preference Rating Certificate PD-3A, which are hereby adopted in place of the Prefer- ence Rating Certificates Forms PD-1, PD-2, PD-3, PD-4, and PD-5; Provided, That all Preference Rating Certificates Forms PD-1, PD-2, PD-3, PD-4, and PD-5 duly issued prior to March 15, 1942, are valid and shall continue valid and in effect until termination or expiration by the terms thereof or by the circumstances or conditions of their application, or until hereafter canceled, modified, changed, or amended by the Director of Industry Operations, and any rating assigned by Forms PD-3, PD-4, or PD-5 must on or after, but not before, March 15, 1942, be extended in accordance with the terms of (c) (4) hereof and on or after said date, all the provisions of this Regulation applica- ble to Preference Rating Certificates PD-3A and the ratings assigned thereby, shall be equally applicable to said Forms and the ratings assigned thereby. (b) Categories of Use of Prescribed Preference Rating Certifi- cates. (1) Preference Rating Certificate PD-3A shall be used to assign preference ratings, where appropriate, to deliveries under con- tracts or purchase orders of the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Maritime Commission, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Panama Canal, National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, Civil Aeronautics Authority, Office of Scientific Research and Development, Selective Service Sys- tem; and may be used, where appropriate, to assign preference ratings to deliveries under Lend-Lease contracts or purchase orders of the Procurement Division of the Department of the Treasury and of the Surplus Marketing Administration of the Department of Agriculture, contracts or purchase orders of, or for the account of, foreign govern- ments, and other contracts or purchase orders as may be prescribed from time to time in Division Administrative Orders issued by the Director of Industry Operations. (2) Preference Rating Certificate PD-1A shall be used to assign, where appropriate, preference ratings to deliveries under all other con- tracts and purchase orders; including, where appropriate, Lend-Lease contracts or purchase orders and contracts or purchase orders of, or for the account of, foreign governments. 447245°-42 1 (c) Extension of Preference Ratings to Deliveries Under Con- tracts and Purchase Orders and Subcontracts and Suborders.- (1) Preference ratings assigned by Preference Rating Certificates PD-1A and PD-3A may be extended to deliveries under contracts and purchase orders and subcontracts and suborders by endorsing on the purchase order or other equivalent document furnished to the Sup- plier or Subsupplier a certification in the form prescribed by the appropriate certificate, filled in and manually signed by an official of the purchasing company duly authorized for such purpose. (2) In cases where Preference Rating Certificates PD-3A issue under letters of intent and therefore no contract number can be in- serted in the space provided in the certification form, reference to a footnote addition shall be inserted and in such footnote the Supply Arm or Bureau of the Army or Navy or other government agency issuing the letter of intent and the date of such letter, together with any identification symbol on such letter, shall be stated. (3) A Supplier or Subsupplier who has received two or more con- tracts or purchase orders bearing ratings of the same grade originally assigned by Preference Rating Certificates PD-1A and PD-3A, may include in a single contract or purchase order, and (within the limita- tions of (e) hereof) may extend such rating to, any or all of the mate- rial which he in turn requires to make delivery in accordance with such contracts or purchase orders or to replace in inventory material so delivered, but must specify in the certification endorsed on such single purchase order or equivalent document all of the Preference Rating Certificate Form Numbers and corresponding Serial Numbers of the ratings which have been so received by him and pursuant to which he is extending the rating. All spaces must be filled in where applicable. (4) Preference Ratings assigned by Preference Rating Certificates Forms PD-3, PD-4, and PD-5 must, on or after, but not before, March 15, 1942, be extended by endorsing on the purchase order or other equivalent document furnished to the Supplier or Subsupplier a certification in the form prescribed by Preference Rating Certificate PD-3A provided that the following conditions are complied with: (i) the rating at the time of its extension is assigned by a valid Preference Rating Certificate Form PD-3, PD-4, or PD-5, which has not terminated or expired by its terms or by the circumstances or con- ditions of its application or has not been canceled, modified, changed, or amended in such a way as to invalidate such extension; (ii) the extension of the rating assigned by a Form PD-3, PD-4, or PD-5 is made subject to all the restrictions and conditions applicable to the extension of a rating assigned by a Preference Rating Certificate PD-3A; (iii) in the certification form prescribed by Preference Rating Cer- tificate PD-3A the words "applied pursuant to Certificate PD-3A" are eliminated and the words "is hereby applied pursuant to Certifi- cate Form PD-3 (PD-4 or PD-5)" are substituted therefor. (d) False Statements.-The execution and transmission of the Certification above set forth to a Supplier or Subsupplier shall be deemed a representation to the War Production Board for the pur- pose of section 35 (A) of the Criminal Code (18 U. S. C. 80), which makes it a criminal offense to make a false statement or representa- tion to any Department or Agency of the United States as to any matter within its jurisdiction. 2 (e) Restrictions on extension of ratings assigned by a prefer- ence rating certificate PD-1A or PD-3A.-(1) A Supplier or Sub- supplier may extend the preference rating only to- (1) deliveries of material which will itself be ultimately delivered by him or by another Supplier pursuant to the original preference rating, or which will be physically incorporated into material to be so delivered, or which will be used within the limitations of para- graphs (e) (1), (2), (3), and (4) hereof to replace in inventory material so delivered; (ii) material which is neither greater in quantity nor to be de- livered on dates earlier than required to make on schedule a rated delivery or, within the limitations of (2) and (3) below, to replace in inventory material so delivered. Material shall not be deemed to be so required if the rated delivery may be made and a practicable working minimum inventory thereof still retained; and if, in making such delivery, the inventory is reduced below such minimum, the rating may be extended only to the extent necessary to restore the inventory to such minimum. (2) A Supplier or Subsupplier who supplies material which he has in whole or in part manufactured, processed, assembled, or other- wise physically changed may not extend the rating to restore his in- ventory to a practicable working minimum unless he extends the rating before completing the rated delivery which reduces his in- ventory below such minimum. (3) A Supplier or Subsupplier who supplies material which he has not in whole or in part manufactured, processed, assembled, or otherwise physically changed may, in restoring his inventory to a practicable working minimum, defer extensions of the rating orig- inally assigned by a Preference Rating Certificate PD-1A or PD-3A for such material until he can place a purchase order or contract for the minimum quantity procurable on his customary terms: Provided, That he shall not defer the extension of any rating for more than three months after he becomes entitled to apply it. (4) Any Supplier or Subsupplier who receives a contract or pur- chase order bearing an AA preference rating and who can fill the same out of inventory or goods in process may not extend the AA rating, but may within the limitations of paragraphs (e) (1), (2), and (3) hereof extend an A-1-a rating. (5) The extension of preference ratings assigned by Preference Rating Certificate PD-3A may be made subject to such additional provisions and conditions as may from time to time be prescribed by the appropriate Supply Arm or Bureau of the Army or Navy, with the approval of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and of the Director of Industry Operations. (6) Any Supplier or Subsupplier who extends the preference rat- ing shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Regu- lation. (f) Records, Audit and Inspection, and Reports.-Any person who applies for or extends a preference rating or to whom a prefer- ence rating certificate is issued, and any Supplier or Subsupplier who receives a contract or purchase order bearing a rating, shall maintain such records and shall be subject to such audit and inspec- tion as are provided by Priorities Regulation No. 1 as the same may 3 be amended or supplemented from time to time; and shall make such reports as may be required by the Director of Industry Opera- tions from time to time hereafter. (g) Violations. Any person who wilfully violates any provision of this Regulation or of Preference Rating Certificates PD-1A or PD-3A or who, by any act or omission, falsifies records to be kept or information to be furnished pursuant to this Regulation, may be prohibited from receiving further deliveries of any material subject to allocation, and such further action may be taken as is deemed appropriate, including a recommendation for prosecution under section 35 (A) of the Criminal Code (18 U. S. C. 80). (h) Reproduction of Forms.-Preference Rating Certificate Form PD-1A may be reproduced in blank by or for the user thereof, but Preference Rating Certificate Form PD-3A may not be reproduced. Preference Rating Certificate Form PD-1A may be procured from the Division of Industry Operations of the War Production Board or any of the field offices thereof; Preference Rating Certificate Form PD-3A may be procured from the duly authorized contracting and procurement officers and inspectors of the Army and Navy. (i) Effective Date. This regulation shall take effect at once. (P. D. Reg. 1, amended December 23, 1941, 6 F. R. 6680; W. P. B. Reg. 1, Jan. 28, 1942, 7 F. R. 561; E. O. 9024, Jan. 16, 1942, 7 F. R. 329; E. O. 9040, Jan. 24, 1942, 7 F. R. 527; sec. 2 (a), Public No. 671, 76th Congress, Third Session, as amended by Public No. 89, 77th Congress, First Session.) Issued this 25th day of February, 1942. من ھر knowhun J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 4 не 106.4 A 32 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulations No. 3 as amended June 26, 1942 Establishing a Uniform Method of Application and Extension of Preference Ratings WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. AUG 4 42 PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 3 AS AMENDED JUNE 26, 1942 Establishing a uniform method of application and extension of preference ratings 944.23, Priorities Regulation No. 3, is hereby amended to read as follows: 944.23 Priorities Regulation No. 3-(a) Definitions.-For the purposes of this Regulation: (1) "Person" means any individual, part- nership, association, business trust, corporation, governmental cor- poration or agency, or any organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not. (2) "Material" means any commodity, equipment, accessory, part, assembly, or product of any kind. (3) "Assignment" of a preference rating means the granting to any person, by order or certificate issued by or under the authority of the Director of Industry Operations, of the right to use such rating. (4) "Application" of a preference rating means the use of the rating by the person to whom it is initially assigned by or under the authority of the Director of Industry Operations. (5) "Extension" of a preference rating means the use of the rating by any person to whom it is applied or extended by another person. (b) General Provisions.-(1) Except to the extent otherwise pro- vided in Priorities Regulation No. 11 (944.32) with respect to per- sons required to qualify under the Production Requirements Plan, any person may apply a preference rating assigned to him by any preference rating certificate or preference rating order issued to him in his name or as one of a class, and any person may extend any rating which has been applied or extended to deliveries to be made by him, subject to the provisions of this regulation. (2) Preference ratings may be applied by the person to whom they are assigned only to the specific quantities and kinds of material authorized, or to the minimum required amounts of material when no specific quantities are authorized. Ratings which have been ap- plied or extended by others to deliveries to be made by a person may, subject to the provisions of this Regulation, be extended by such person in order to obtain not more than the same amount and kind of material (except as specified in paragraph (c) (2) of this Regula- tion) which he has delivered or is required to deliver pursuant to such ratings. (3) No person shall duplicate, in whole or in part, purchase orders which he has placed with one or more suppliers for delivery of ma- terial to which he has applied or extended a rating, in such manner that the amount of the material ordered exceeds the amount to which he is authorized to apply or extend the rating, even though he intends to cancel or reduce his purchase orders to the authorized amount prior to completion of delivery. 466705°-42 1 (c) Extension of Ratings. The following provisions shall be ap- plicable to all extensions of preference ratings notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of the preference rating certificate or prefer- ence rating order assigning the rating: (1) Except as permitted in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (c), no preference ratings may be extended to the delivery of any material except- (i) material which will itself be delivered by the person ex- tending the rating on a delivery bearing the rating which is being extended, or which will be physically incorporated into material to be so delivered, or (ii) material which is required to replace in inventory mate- rial so delivered or incorporated. Material shall not be deemed to be required if the delivery can be made and a practicable working minimum inventory of such material still retained; and if, in making delivery, the inventory is reduced below such minimum, the rating may be extended to replace such material only to the ex- tent necessary to restore the inventory to such minimum; provided, however, that the material ordered for replacement must be substantially the same as the material delivered or in- corporated in the material delivered, subject only to minor varia- tions in size, shape, or design, or substitutions of less scarce materials, which, in any case, do not substantialy alter the pur- pose for which the same is to be used. (2) In addition, any person may extend a rating to deliveries of operating supplies (including lubricants, catalysts, abrasives and small perishable tools) which are actually required and will be con- sumed by him in physically processing other material to the delivery of which he has extended the same rating, except that (i) the cost of the operating supplies to which he extends the rating shall not exceed ten percent of the cost of the particular materials to be processed therewith, and to which he extends the same rating; (ii) not more than 25 percent by value of the operating supplies so rated in any calendar month shall be metals in any of the forms listed on the Metals List attached to Priorities Regulation No. 11 (944.32). (iii) no person may extend such a rating to obtain operating supplies if his receipts or withdrawals from inventory during the most recent calendar quarter, or his anticipated receipts or withdrawals from inventory during the current or the next suc- ceeding calendar quarter, of metals in the forms listed on said Metals List aggregate $5,000 or more in value. (d) Method of Application or Extension.—(1) Any person author- ized to apply or extend preference ratings may do so by endorsing on, or attaching to, each contract or purchase order placed by him to which the rating is to be applied or extended, a certification in the following form signed manually or as provided in Priorities Regulation No. 7 (944.27) by an official duly authorized for such purpose: 2 CERTIFICATION The undersigned purchaser hereby represents to the seller and to the War Production Board that he is entitled to apply or extend the preference ratings indicated opposite the items shown on this pur- chase order, and that such application or extension is in accordance with Priorities Regulation No. 3 as amended, with the terms of which the undersigned is familiar. By (Name of purchaser) (Signature and Title of Duly Authorized Officer) (Address) (Date) The person receiving the certification and rating shall be entitled to rely on such representation, unless he knows or has reason to believe. it to be false. Each person applying or extending ratings must maintain at his regular place of business all documents, including purchase orders and preference rating orders and certificates, upon which he relies as entitling him to apply or extend such ratings, segre- gated and available for inspection by representatives of the War Pro- duction Board, or filed in such manner that they can be readily segregated and made available for such inspection. (2) Such certification may be used in lieu of any other form of certification required by the terms of any regulation, preference rat- ing order, or preference rating certificate (including, without limi- tation, the instructions accompanying Forms PD-1A, PD-3A, and PD-25A) as a means of applying or extending a preference rating and in lieu of furnishing any copy of any preference rating order required thereby; except that the provisions of Priorities Regulation No. 9 (§ 944.30) with respect to the method of applying (but not extending) preference ratings covering certain types of exports must be complied with when ratings are applied pursuant to that Regulation. (3) Notwithstanding the requirements of any applicable prefer- ence rating order or certificate, (i) Ratings of the same grade assigned by different preference rating certificates or orders may be combined and extended to a single delivery; ratings of different grades, whether assigned by the same or different preference rating certificates or orders, may be extended to deliveries under a single purchase order, but the amount of each material to which a particular grade of rat- ing is extended must be shown as a separate item and not merely indicated as a percentage figure; provided, however, that to the extent necessary to avoid production or delivery in quantities smaller than the minimum commercially practicable, items to which ratings of different grades might be extended may be combined and the rating of the lowest grade extended to the total delivery; and (ii) a person may defer extending any rating for a period of not more than three months after he becomes entitled to extend the same. (4) In addition to complying with the foregoing requirements of this paragraph (d), any person applying or extending a preference rating shall include on his purchase order or contract identification 3 symbols as required by Priorities Regulation No. 10 (944.31) and such other information (except designation of the number or serial num- ber of the preference rating certificate or preference rating order assigning the rating) as may be required by the terms of any ap- plicable order of the Director of Industry Operations and which the person placing the purchase order is able to furnish. (e) Applicability of Other Restrictions.-Except as expressly otherwise provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this Regulation, the application or extension of any rating shall also be subject to any applicable restrictions contained in any order of the Director of In- dustry Operations assigning the preference rating in question or regulating transactions in the material involved, including, without limitation, restrictions as to the kind and amount of material to which preference ratings may be applied or extended, requirements of coun- tersignature or other written approval of particular transactions, and restrictions on the use of material. (f) Effect on Existing Certificates and Orders.-All existing forms. of preference rating certificates issued by or under authority of the Director of Priorities or the Director of Industry Operations are continued in full force and effect, and additional certificates on such forms may continue to be issued by the persons now or hereafter authorized to issue the same until such authority is revoked or amended, subject to the provisions of this and other Regulations of the Director of Industry Operations. All certificates and all existing orders of the Director of Priorities or the Director of Industry Oper- ations are to be deemed amended by this Regulations only where and to the extent that the provisions of this Regulations indicate that it is to control. Effective Date.-This Amendment shall take effect on July 1, 1942. Issued this 26th day of June 1942. J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 4 не 10614 A 32 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Interpretation 1 of Priorities Regulation No. 3 (As Amended) July 14, 1942 WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD Subchapter B-Director General for Operations PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERA- TION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM [Interpretation 1 of priorities regulation 8] The following official interpretation is hereby issued with respect to Priorities Regulation No. 3, as amended (8 944.23):¹ 1 (a) Extension of ratings by prime contractors. When a delivery to be made directly to the Army, Navy, or other war agency by a prime contractor has been rated on a PD-8A Preference Rating Certificate, and the prime contractor uses such rating to obtain delivery of ma- terial to him, such use of the rating is an "extension" rather than an "application" of the rating within the meaning of Priorities Regu- lation No. 8, as amended. The "assignment" and the "application" of the rating are deemed to occur simultaneously upon issuance of the PD-3A certificate. It follows that, in such cases, the prime contractor comes within the provisions of paragraph (c) of Regulation No. 3 which permits, within certain limits, the extension of a rating for purposes of replacing ma- terial in inventory or obtaining operating supplies for the processing of materials to the delivery of which the rating is extended. It should be noted, however, that under Priorities Regulation No. 11, persons subject to the Production Requirements Plan are not, in general, permitted to extend any ratings, and that the foregoing in- terpretation does not relieve from this restriction those prime con- tractors who qualify or are required to qualify under the plan. It should also be noted that subparagraph (2) of paragraph (c), con- cerning the extension of ratings to operating supplies, is not available to persons using more than $5,000 per quarter of metals in the forms indicated. 17 F.R. 4422, 4888. 472460°—42 DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 102542 (b) Previous forms of certification still valid. The form of certifi cation for use in applying or extending a rating prescribed by para- graph (d) of Regulation No. 3 is not mandatory. It is permissible to use, instead, the form of certification prescribed in the particular pref- erence rating certificate or order which assigned the preference rating in question. (c) Certification with respect to orders previously placed. Para- graph (d) of Regulation No. 3 provides that the certification applying or extending a preference rating is to be endorsed on or attached to the contract or purchase order. If the order has been placed before the rating is applied or extended, it is permissible to furnish the certifi- cation on a separate document specifically identifying the purchase order in question. Such a document may refer to one or more different purchase orders. (d) Application or extension by telegraph. When a purchase order is placed by telegraph and it is permissible to apply or extend a rating, the substance of the required certification may be contained in the tele- gram. The requirements for manual signature or authorization under Priorities Regulation No. 7 (§ 944.27) will be satisfied if the outgoing telegram is signed or authorized in the manner provided in that Regu- lation. (e) Acceptances of P orders need not be filed. Paragraph (d) (2) of the regulation states that the certification may be used "in lieu of furnishing any copy of any preference rating order." This eliminates not only the requirement of furnishing a copy to the person with whom the order is placed but also the requirement of some preference rating orders for filing an accepted copy with the Director General for Oper- ations or his predecessor, the Director of Priorities. (f) Additional information required. The standard form of certifi- cation may be used in lieu of information previously required with respect to the grade of the rating or the identity of the preference rating order or certificate assigning the rating. Paragraph (d) (4), however, specifies that any other information required by the terms. of any applicable order must still be furnished if available to the per- son placing the purchase order. Such additional information includes, where available, Government code numbers and contract numbers re- quired by the form of certification appearing on Preference Rating Certificate PD-3A. Likewise the requirements with respect to filing copies of purchase orders which extend ratings originating on PD-3A certificates remain applicable. The additional information required does not include information which merely serves as an additional identification of the preference 8 rating order assigning the rating, such as the words "Material for Maintenance, Repair, or Operating Supplies" specified in Order P-100 or the words "Material for Emergency Repairs of Plumbing Equip- ment or Heating Equipment" required by Order P-84. The ratings assigned by both of these preference ratings orders may now be, ap- plied or extended merely by complying with Regulation No. 3. (P.D. Reg. 1, as amended, 6 F.R. 6680; W.P.B. Reg. 1, 7 F.R. 561; E.O. 9024, 7 F.R. 329; E.O. 9040, 7 F.R. 527; E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719; sec. 2 (a), Pub. Law 671, 76th Cong., as amended by Pub. Laws 89 and 507, 77th Cong.) Issued this 14th day of July, 1942. AMORY HOUGHTON, Director General for Operations. 4 W. 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 не 106.4 A 32 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERA- TION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 5 WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. - ! PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 5 944.25 Priorities Regulation No. 5: Reproduction of Forms and Orders. (a) General Rule-Reproduction of Forms and Orders Per- mitted With Certain Exceptions.-Except as provided in (b) hereof, any form or Order issued by the Director of Priorities or by the Director of Industry Operations may be reproduced by any person in the manner provided in (c) hereof. (b) Exceptions to General Rule.-Reproduction of certain forms and Orders is restricted as follows: (1) The reproduction of those forms or Orders heretofore issued which are listed in Exhibit A attached hereto is prohibited or limited as provided in said Exhibit, by reason of the need for detailed supervision of operations thereunder. (2) Reproduction of any form or Order hereafter issued which contains a provision prohibiting or limiting such reproduction and expressly excepting such form or Order from this Regulation shall be prohibited or limited as therein provided. (3) The restrictions contained in this paragraph (b) shall not apply to the reproduction of any form (as distinguished from Order) where such reproduction has the words "Specimen Copy" clearly set forth on the face thereof, nor shall said restrictions apply to any reproduction hereafter expressly permitted by the Director of Industry Operations. (c) Methods of Reproduction.-In any case where the provisions of this Regulation permit the reproduction of a form or Order, such reproduction may be by any process, photographic, printing, mimeo- graphing, or otherwise, provided that: (1) All copies must be identical with the officially published form or Order as to wording, paragraphing and punctuation. (2) Copies which are to be filed with any agency of the United States Government or to be served on another party must be iden- tical with the officially published form or Order as to size and substantially the same as to color of paper and location on the page of spaces to be filled in by the person filing or serving such copies. (3) Copies of all Orders bearing the signature of any official of the United States Government must include such signature. This must be in type or print, preceded by "(Signed)", unless the entire Order is reproduced by photographic process. (d) Information Copies.-Copies of any Order which contains the name and address of the producer or other person to whom the Order is issued or a serial number identifying such person, must either contain such name and address and serial number or be clearly designated as information copies by inserting the words "INFORMATION COPY” in the space provided for such name, address and serial number. No such Order may be reproduced in blank without such designation. In 2 DEPOSITED BY THE Ay 19 '42 KS OF any case where the provisions of this Regulation permit reproduction of an Order and the Order requires delivery of a copy to a Supplier but does not expressly require that such copy contain the name, address and serial number of the person to whom the Order is issued, an infor- mation copy designated as provided above may be delivered and an information copy may be accepted where, by the terms of such Order, acceptance is required. (e) Revocation of Inconsistent Provisions.-All provisions in any forms, Orders, rules, regulations, instructions or published statements heretofore issued by the Office of Production Management, the Direc- tor of Priorities or the Director of Industry Operations regarding the reproduction of forms and Orders are hereby revoked or amended to the extent that they are inconsistent with this Regulation, but other- wise shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with their terms. (f) Effective Date.-This Regulation shall take effect immediately. (P. D. Reg. 1 Amended, Dec. 23, 1941, 6 F. R. 6680; W. P. B. Reg. 1, Jan. 26, 1942, 7 F. R. 561; E. O. 9024, Jan. 16, 1942, 7 F. R. 329; E. O. 9040, Jan. 24, 1942, 7 F. R. 527; sec. 2 (a) Public No. 671, 76th Congress, Third Session, as amended by Public No. 89, 77th Congress, First Session.) Issued this 5th day of February 1942. J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. EXHIBIT A Reproduction of the following forms and Orders is prohibited except as provided in Paragraph (b) (3) of the foregoing Regulation: PD-1-c PD-3 PD-3A P-25-a through P-25-e P-26-a through P-26-0 P-35 Reproduction of the following Orders is limited to reproduction by or for Producers (not Suppliers) Operating under said Orders: P-3 P4 P-9-a through P-9-g P-13 P-15 P-52 Reproduction of the following Order is limited to reproduction by persons entitled to apply the preference rating: P-41 3 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 не 106.4 A 32 TITLE 32—NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERA- TION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 5 WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 5 944.25 Priorities Regulation No. 5: Reproduction of Forms and Orders. (a) General Rule-Reproduction of Forms and Orders Per- mitted With Certain Exceptions.-Except as provided in (b) hereof, any form or Order issued by the Director of Priorities or by the Director of Industry Operations may be reproduced by any person in the manner provided in (c) hereof. (b) Exceptions to General Rule.-Reproduction of certain forms and Orders is restricted as follows: (1) The reproduction of those forms or Orders heretofore issued which are listed in Exhibit A attached hereto is prohibited or limited as provided in said Exhibit, by reason of the need for detailed supervision of operations thereunder. (2) Reproduction of any form or Order hereafter issued which contains a provision prohibiting or limiting such reproduction and expressly excepting such form or Order from this Regulation shall be prohibited or limited as therein provided. (3) The restrictions contained in this paragraph (b) shall not apply to the reproduction of any form (as distinguished from Order) where such reproduction has the words "Specimen Copy" clearly set forth on the face thereof, nor shall said restrictions apply to any reproduction hereafter expressly permitted by the Director of Industry Operations. (c) Methods of Reproduction.-In any case where the provisions of this Regulation permit the reproduction of a form or Order, such reproduction may be by any process, photographic, printing, mimeo- graphing, or otherwise, provided that: (1) All copies must be identical with the officially published form or Order as to wording, paragraphing and punctuation. (2) Copies which are to be filed with any agency of the United States Government or to be served on another party must be iden- tical with the officially published form or Order as to size and substantially the same as to color of paper and location on the page of spaces to be filled in by the person filing or serving such copies. (3) Copies of all Orders bearing the signature of any official of the United States Government must include such signature. This must be in type or print, preceded by "(Signed)", unless the entire Order is reproduced by photographic process. (d) Information Copies.-Copies of any Order which contains the name and address of the producer or other person to whom the Order is issued or a serial number identifying such person, must either contain such name and address and serial number or be clearly designated as information copies by inserting the words "INFORMATION COPY" in the space provided for such name, address and serial number. No such Order may be reproduced in blank without such designation. In 2 DAR 9 42 any case where the provisions of this Regulation permit reproduction of an Order and the Order requires delivery of a copy to a Supplier but does not expressly require that such copy contain the name, address and serial number of the person to whom the Order is issued, an infor- mation copy designated as provided above may be delivered and an information copy may be accepted where, by the terms of such Order, acceptance is required. (e) Revocation of Inconsistent Provisions.-All provisions in any forms, Orders, rules, regulations, instructions or published statements heretofore issued by the Office of Production Management, the Direc- tor of Priorities or the Director of Industry Operations regarding the reproduction of forms and Orders are hereby revoked or amended to the extent that they are inconsistent with this Regulation, but other- wise shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with their terms. (f) Effective Date.-This Regulation shall take effect immediately. (P. D. Reg. 1 Amended, Dec. 23, 1941, 6 F. R. 6680; W. P. B. Reg. 1, Jan. 26, 1942, 7 F. R. 561; E. O. 9024, Jan. 16, 1942, 7 F. R. 329; E. O. 9040, Jan. 24, 1942, 7 F. R. 527; sec. 2 (a) Public No. 671, 76th Congress, Third Session, as amended by Public No. 89, 77th Congress, First Session.) Issued this 5th day of February 1942. J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. EXHIBIT A Reproduction of the following forms and Orders is prohibited except as provided in Paragraph (b) (3) of the foregoing Regulation: PD-1-c PD-3 PD-3A P-25-a through P-25-e P-26-a through P-26-0 P-35 Reproduction of the following Orders is limited to reproduction by or for Producers (not Suppliers) Operating under said Orders: P-3 P-4 P-9-a through P-9-g P-13 P-15 P-52 Reproduction of the following Order is limited to reproduction by persons entitled to apply the preference rating: P-41 3 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 не 106.4 A B E TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 11 (As amended June 22, 1942) Production Requirements Plan WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 11 Production Requirements Plan 944.32 Priorities Regulation No. 11.-(a) Purpose.-It is the pur- pose of this Regulation to provide for the integration of the system of distributing scarce materials in the interest of the war and the mainte- nance of the essential civilian economy by requiring principal indus- trial users of scarce materials to qualify under the Production Requirements Plan and to obtain preference rating assistance pri- marily under that Plan. (b) Definitions. For the purposes of this Regulation: (1) "Person" means any individual, partnership, association, business trust, cor- poration, governmental corporation or agency, or any organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not. (2) "Material" means any commodity, equipment, accessory, part, assembly or product of any kind. (3) "PRP Application" means an application for priority assist- ance under the Production Requirements Plan on Form PD-25A or any other prescribed form. (4) "PRP Certificate" means the copy of the PRP Application which has been returned to the applicant by the Director of Industry Operations with an assignment of preference ratings or other priority action endorsed thereon, and includes any supplementary certificate which may be issued from time to time. (5) "PRP Unit" means any person who is qualified under the Production Requirements Plan by the issuance to such person of a PRP Certificate. In case the certificate is issued to a branch, plant, department, or other division of a corporation or business, "PRP Unit" refers only to the portion of the business to which the certificate is issued. (6) "Class I Producer" means any person (or any branch, plant, department or other division of a corporation or business which operates as a separate entity and maintains a separate inventory) whose receipts or withdrawals from inventory during the most recent calendar quarter, or whose anticipated receipts or withdrawals from inventory during the current or next succeeding calendar quarter, of metals in the forms included on the attached Metals List aggregate five thousand dollars or more in value, except- (i) any agency of the United States, of any foreign govern- ment, of any state or territory, or of any subdivision thereof except when and to the extent that any such agency is engaged in the manufacture of commodities or other materials (such as shipyards, arsenals, prison factories, etc.); and of: (ii) any person to the extent that he is engaged in the business (a) Transportation by any means; (b) Furnishing of heat, light, power, electricity, gas or water to others; 466706°-42 2 DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (c) Mining or quarrying; (d) Production, refining, transportation, distribution or marketing of petroleum or associated hydrocarbons; (e) Communications; Sewerage or drainage; (g) The sale of material which he has not manufactured, processed, fabricated, assembled, or otherwise physically changed, including sales as a distributor, wholesaler, retailer, warehouse, industrial or mill supply house or scrap dealer; (h) Extracting, smelting, refining, alloying, or similarly processing metal ores or scrap into raw metal; (i) Construction, at the site, of buildings, structures, or projects. (7) "Assignment" of a preference rating means the granting to any person, by order or certificate issued by or under authority of the Director of Industry Operations, of the right to use such rating. (8) "Application" of a preference rating means the use of the rating by the person to whom it is initially assigned by or under the authority of the Director of Industry Operations. (9) "Extension" of a preference rating means the use of the rating by any person to whom it is applied or extended by another person. (c) Persons Required to Qualify under PRP.-Each Class I Pro- ducer shall file a PRP Application not later than June 30, 1942. Each person who thereafter becomes a Class I Producer shall file a PRP Application before the end of the Calendar Quarter in which he becomes such. The Director of Industry Operations may specifi- cally require other persons to file such applications from time to time, and may also exempt particular Class I Producers from the requirements of this paragraph or extend their time for filing PRP Applications. Any other processors of materials desiring priority assistance on a quarterly basis may also, with the consent of the Director of Industry Operations, qualify under the Production Re- quirements Plan, although not required to do so by this Regulation. (d) Restrictions on PRP Units.—(1) After June 30, 1942, except as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (d): (i) No PRP Unit shall apply any preference rating to de- liveries of any material other than those authorized on its PRP Certificate; and no PRP Unit shall extend any preference rating which has been applied or extended to it by any other person. (ii) No PRP Unit shall accept deliveries (whether rated, un- rated or allocated) of any material included on the Materials List specified on its PRP Application form, or of any material not on such list for which it requested priority assistance on its PRP Application, in excess of the quantity specifically rated or otherwise authorized by its PRP Certificate; provided that this restriction shall not prevent the acceptance of delivery when priority assistance is denied on the express ground that such material can be obtained without such assistance. (iii) No PRP Unit shall duplicate, in whole or in part, pur- chase orders which it has placed with one or more suppliers for delivery of any material (whether rated, unrated, or allocated) in such manner that the amount of such material ordered exceeds the amount actually required for delivery, even though the PRP Unit intends to cancel or reduce its purchase orders, prior to com- 3 pletion of delivery, to the amount of actual requirements as rated or otherwise authorized on its PRP Certificate. Each PRP Unit, immediately upon receipt of its PRP Certificate, shall can- cel or reduce its outstanding purchase orders calling for delivery within the quarter covered by such Certificate to the amount of its actual requirements as rated or otherwise authorized on such Certificate or any previous PRP Certificate and not yet received; provided, however, that no person shall be required to cancel any order calling for delivery in the third quarter of 1942 of any metal in any form included on the attached Metals List, if the Producer thereof certifies in writing to such person that substitu- tion of other orders is impossible and that cancellation would disrupt the producer's production schedules and result in dimin- ished production; in such case delivery may be accepted under such order without regard to the restrictions of paragraph (d) (1) (ii). (2) (i) The restrictions of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph (d) shall not prohibit a PRP Unit from making application on the appropriate form for priority assistance for delivery of materials for plant expansion, construction, or acquisition of items of capital equipment and, if authorized, applying ratings to and receiving delivery of such materials. (ii) To the extent provided in paragraph (e) of this Regula- tion, the restrictions of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph (d) shall be inapplicable during the interim period therein referred to. (iii) Said restrictions shall also be inapplicable in any other case where the Director of Industry Operations may grant spe- cific written authorization for the application or extension of a rating or the receipt of materials. Such authorization will be issued by or under the authority of the Director of Industry Operations and will specifically refer to this Regulation and may grant an exemption from its terms covering particular persons or classes of persons, or particular transactions or classes of transactions. (iv) Each PRP Unit, shall, so far as practicable, place its pur- chase orders for the material rated or otherwise authorized on its PRP Certificate so as to call for substantially equal deliveries during each of the three months of the quarter, and shall in no event, unless absolutely necessary to maintain its delivery sched- ule or to obtain the minimum quantities practicably procurable, order for delivery during the first month of the quarter more than 40%, or during the first two months of the quarter more than 80%, of the total quantity of any material authorized for rating during the quarter. (e) Interim Procedure for Class I Producers.-Any Class I Pro- ducer who is not in default in filing his PRP Application but has not received his PRP Certificate may apply or extend preference ratings for delivery during the third quarter of 1942 as follows: (1) If he has been operating under the Production Requirements Plan, he may apply the same preference ratings he was authorized to apply during the second quarter of 1942 to not more than 40% of the amount of each material which he has indicated on his PRP 4 Application as his anticipated requirements for the third quarter. (2) If he has not been operating under the Production Require- ments Plan, he may continue to apply and extend ratings under any applicable preference rating orders or preference rating certificates in the same manner as permitted prior to July 1, 1942; and, not- withstanding the termination of any preference rating order on or after June 30, 1942, the same shall be deemed to continue in effect as to any such person until he receives his PRP Certificate; provided, however, he shall not apply or extend ratings to the delivery in the third quarter of 1942 of any material in an aggregate quantity greater than 40% of the amount of such material which he has in- dicated as his anticipated requirements on his PRP Application for that quarter, subject to any further restrictions contained in the pref- erence rating certificates or orders assigning the ratings which he is applying or extending. (3) A Class I Producer who applies or extends any preference rating pursuant to subparagraphs (1) or (2) of this paragraph (e), shall deduct the amount of any material which he has received or to which he has applied or extended such rating from the amount rated or otherwise authorized by his PRP Certificate when issued to him. (f) Application and Extension of Preference Ratings.—A Class I Producer may apply and extend preference ratings assigned by order or certificate in the manner heretofore permitted up to and including June 30, 1942. Thereafter, any Class I Producer who has filed his PRP Application may continue to apply and extend such ratings only in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of this Regulation and subject to the provisions of Priorities Regulation No. 3 as amended ($944.23). After June 30, 1942, a Class I Producer who has not filed his PRP Application (unless he has been exempted or his filing date has been extended in accordance with paragraph (c) of this Regula- tion) may not extend any ratings; and may not apply any rating other than a rating specifically assigned to him for the purpose of plant expansion, construction or acquisition of items of capital equipment. (9) Effect on Existing Orders and Certificates.—(1) The provisions of this Regulation shall not modify the terms of Preference Rating Order P-90 as issued to PRP Units with respect to requirements for the second quarter of 1942. As to all requirements for the third quarter, the assignment of priorities assistance under the Production Requirements Plan will be effected solely by the PRP Certificate, subject to the terms of this Regulation, and the use of Preference Rating Order P-90 will be discontinued. (2) The provisions of this Regulation do not terminate any other existing order or certificate of the Director of Industry Operations granting preference rating assistance, but limit and prohibit the use of such orders or certificates by specified persons in the manner set forth above. (3) The provisions of this Regulation do not relieve PRP Units from compliance with the terms of any order of the Director of Industry Operations controlling the distribution or restricting the use of any specific material, including requirements for the filing or supplying of applications or other documents in connection with the purchase, sale, delivery or use of any such material. 5 (h) Special Provisions with Respect to Metal Mills.-Notwith- standing the foregoing provisions of this regulation, the following provisions shall govern with respect to any person (hereinafter in this paragraph (h) referred to as a "metal mill") to the extent that he is engaged in producing metals in any of the forms included on the attached Metals List: (1) A metal mill, in determining whether it is a Class I Producer within the meaning of paragraph (b) (6) of this regulation, may exclude all receipts or withdrawals from inventory of metals which will be processed by the metal mill to produce any of the forms listed on the attached Metals List. However, there must be included any metals in the forms listed, which will be used by it for maintenance, repair or operating supplies, or will be fabricated by it beyond the forms listed. (2) A metal mill need not include in its PRP Application materials which will be processed by it to produce metals in any of the forms listed on the attached Metals List, but it must include any material, in- cluding metals in the forms listed, which will be used by it for main- tenance, repair or operating supplies, or will be fabricated by it beyond the forms listed, and for which it requires priority assistance. (3) A metal mill may extend and apply preference ratings assigned by a preference rating order or certificate, in the manner heretofore permitted, for delivery to it of material which has been excluded from its PRP Application pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (h), and may accept delivery of such material. Issued this 22nd day of June 1942. هر ہے 1 knowher Director of Industry Operations. 6 PRIORITIES REGULATION NO. 11 METALS LIST (a) Any of the metals listed in subparagraph (1) below in any of the forms listed in subparagraph (2) below: (1) Metals.- Iron Carbon Steel Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Aluminum Magnesium Copper Solder Type Metal Metal Carbides Antimony Arsenic Beryllium Bismuth Brass Bronze Lead (including antimonial) Zinc Nickel Tin Cupro-nickel Monel Nickel-silver Chrome Nickel Cadmium Cobalt Iridium Mercury Molybdenum Palladium Platinum Platinum-iridium alloy Rhodium Ruthenium Babbitt Metal Tungsten (2) Forms of Metal.-Annodes, bars, billets, blooms, blocks, cast- ings (including die castings), cones, dust, extruded shapes, fabricated shapes, foil, forgings, ingots, pigs, pipe, plates, powder, rails, refinery shapes, rings, rivets, rods, scrap, sheets, shot, skelp, slabs, strip, structural shapes and piling, tie plates and track accessories, tube and tubing, tube rounds, wheels and axles, wire and wire rods, wire prod- ucts (including barbed and twisted fencing, bale ties, nails, staples, rope and strand). (b) The following ferro-alloying agents: Calcium molybdate Ferrochromium Ferrocolumbium Ferromanganese Ferromolybdenum Ferronickel Ferrouranium Ferrovanadium Ferrozirconium Ferro-carbon-titanium Ferrophosphorus Ferrosilicon Ferrotitanium Ferrotungsten Silicomanganese Spiegeleisen (c) The following oxides and other compounds of nonferrous metals: Aluminum chloride, anhydrous Aluminum fluoride Aluminum oxide, refined Antimony oxide Chromic oxide 7 Chromite (exclude refractory Potassium chloride grades) Cobalt oxide Copper sulfate Lead carbonate Lead oxide (litharge) Lead peroxide Lead sulfate Magnesium oxide Mercuric oxide Mercury chlorides Molybdenum oxide Nickel oxide Potassium chromate and dichro- mate. Sodium chromate and bichromate Sodium tungstate Tin chlorides Titanium dioxide Tungsten ores and oxides (basis) 60% WO3) Vanadium oxide Zinc oxide, leaded Zinc oxide, lead free Zinc sulfate U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 8 He TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 11 (As Amended June 29, 1942) Interpretation No. 1 WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. DEPOSITED BY THE TED STATES OF AMERICA AUG 10'42 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD Subchapter B-Division of Industry Operations PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERA- TION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 11 as Amended INTERPRETATION NO. 1 The question has arisen as to whether persons whose primary business is the refining or smelting of metals are required to qualify under the Production Requirements Plan. Paragraph (b) (6) (ii) (h) of Priorities Regulation No. 11 (Sec. 944.32) excepts from the definition of persons required to qualify under the Plan, any person to the extent that he is engaged in the business of “extracting, smelting, refining, alloying, or similarly processing metal ores or scrap into raw metal." However, under paragraph (h) of the Regulation, added by Amend- ment No. 1 in effect June 19, 1942, a special rule applicable to all metal mills was promulgated. A metal mill is defined as any person who produces metals in any of the forms included on the Metals List attached to Regulation No. 11. Therefore, any person who pro- duces metals in any of the forms listed (including such forms as billets, blooms, ingots, and pigs), whether by refining, smelting, or otherwise, is a metal mill and subject to the specific provisions of paragraph (h) of Regulation No. 11 as amended. Under paragraph (h) and the other provisions of Regulation No. 11, a metal mill is required to file a PRP Application if it uses or anticipates using more than $5,000 worth of metals in the forms listed, in the past, current, or next quarter. However, in determining whether it is required to file, the mill may exclude from consideration any such metal which it uses in the production of other forms included on the list. Thus, for example, a metal mill in determining whether it must file a PRP Application need not include pig iron which it 1 470606°-42 receives to be further melted for the production of steel ingots. On the other hand, in making such determination a metal mill must include such listed metal forms as bars or wire which it uses for its own maintenance and repair, and all listed forms which it further processes into forms more highly fabricated than those included on the Metals List. Similarly, after a particular metal mill has determined that it is required to file a PRP Application, it need not include in its PRP Application any metals which it will further process to make other forms of metals included on the Metals List, but it must include the forms listed which it will use for maintenance, repair or operating supplies, or which it will further process beyond the forms included on the Metals List. Summarizing the foregoing, refiners, smelters, and mills who pro- duce metal in the forms included on the Metals List unless specifically exempted by the Director of Industry Operations must qualify under the Production Requirements Plan for their maintenance, repair, and operating supplies and for production material to be processed beyond the forms included on the List, provided that their metal require- ments for such purposes exceed $5,000 for the last, current, or next succeeding quarter. Issued this 29th day of June 1942. J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. 2 · S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1948 не 106.4 ·A 32 TITLE 32---NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944--REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 12 Establishing Rerating Procedures WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD Subchapter B-Division of Industry Operations PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 12 ESTABLISHING RERATING PROCEDURES $944.33 Priorities Regulation No. 12.-(a) General. Deliveries bearing preference ratings may be rerated and, subject to the limita- tions hereinafter provided, such reratings may be applied or extended in the manner provided in this Regulation. Such reratings shall change only the grade of the preference rating, and shall not increase the amount of material to which the rating may be applied or extended. (b) Methods of initiating rerating. Reratings may be effected in the first instance through the issuance, by or under the authority of the Director of Industry Operations, of either (1) a new preference rating order or certificate, (2) an amendment of an existing order or certificate, or (3) a Rerating Direction on Form PD-4X, attached hereto (or such other form as may be prescribed), specifying the change of rating and the items to which it applies. A single Rerating Direction may be used to rerate deliveries to be made under different contracts with the same contractor, and may specify different new ratings for separate deliveries to be made under a single contract. The Rerating Direction shall also include the appropriate Allocation Classification and Purchasers' Symbols required by Priorities Regu- lation No. 10 (§944.31) and such other identification as may be required by the government agency issuing the Rerating Direction. (c) Extent to which rerating may be applied or extended. (1) In any case where a delivery to be made by a person has been rerated, such person may rerate deliveries to be made to him of the following material only: (i) Material which will itself be delivered by such person on a re- rated delivery, or which will be physically incorporated into material to be so delivered, or (ii) Material which is required to replace in inventory material so delivered or incorporated. Material shall not be deemed to be re- 2 DEPOSITED D UNITED STAT quired if the delivery can be made and a practicable working minimum inventory of such material still retained; and if, in making delivery, the inventory is reduced below such minimum, the new rating may be applied or extended to replace such material only to the extent neces- sary to restore the inventory to such minimum; provided, however, that the material ordered for replacement must be substantially the same as the material delivered or incorporated in the material delivered, subject only to minor variations in size, shape or design, or substitution of less scarce materials, which, in any case, do not substantially alter the purpose for which the same is to be used. (2) In addition, any person may extend the new rating to deliveries of operating supplies (including lubricants, catalysts, abrasives and small perishable tools) which are actually required and will be con- sumed by him in physically processing other material to the delivery of which he has extended the same new rating, except that (i) The cost of the operating supplies to which he extends the rating shall not exceed ten percent of the cost of the particular ma- terials to be processed therewith, and to which he extends the new rating; (ii) Not more than 25 percent by value of the operating supplies so rated in any calendar month shall be metals in any of the forms listed on the Metals List attached to Priorities Regulation No. 11 (§ 944.32) ; and (iii) No person may extend such a rating to obtain operating sup- plies if his receipts or withdrawals from inventory during the most recent calendar quarter, or his anticipated receipts or withdrawals from inventory during the current or the next succeeding calendar quarter, of metals in the forms listed on said Metals List aggregate $5,000 or more in value. (3) A PRP Unit, when deliveries to be made by it have been rerated, may, despite the provisions of Priorities Regulation No. 11 (§ 944.32) or of Preference Rating Order P-90, rerate deliveries to be made to it, by applying or extending the new rating in accordance with this Regulation; provided, however, that nothing in this Reg- ulation, or in any Rerating Direction or Certificate issued hereunder, shall authorize a PRP Unit (or any person required by said Prior- ities Regulation No. 11 to become a PRP Unit) to receive any deliv- ery, or apply or extend a rating to any delivery, of any material in an amount greater than permitted by said Regulation. (4) In each case, the new rating applied or extended by any person shall be the same as the new rating which he has received for the related delivery to be made by him, even though this may require him to apply or extend separate new ratings to items previously covered by a single rating; except that, to the extent necessary to avoid production or delivery in quantities smaller than the minimum 3 commercially practicable, items which might be rerated with new ratings of different grades may be combined, and the total delivery rerated with the new rating of the lowest grade. (d) Method of application or extension. (1) A person entitled under paragraph (e) of this Regulation to rerate a delivery to be made to him, and to which he has already applied or extended a rating may do so by furnishing to his supplier a Rerating Certificate in the form of Form PD-4Y attached thereto, containing the information therein specified and signed manually or as provided in Priorities Regulation No. 7 (§ 944.27) by an official duly authorized for such purpose. The person receiving such Cer- tificate shall be entitled to rely on the statements therein unless he knows or has reason to believe them to be false. (2) Each person rerating any delivery to be made to him must maintain at his regular place of business for not less than two years, copies of all Rerating Certificates issued by him, and all Rerating Directions or Certificates received by him upon which he relies as entitling him to rerate such deliveries, segregated and available for inspection by representatives of the War Production Board, or filed in such manner that they can be readily segregated and made avail- able for such inspection. (e) Use of new rating where rating has not yet been used. If a person who is entitled to rerate a delivery to be made to him has not yet applied or extended a rating to such delivery, he may apply or extend the new rating in the same manner in which he could have applied or extended the earlier rating subject to the provisions of Priorities Regulation No. 3, as amended (§ 944.23) and to the provi- sions of paragraph (c) of this Regulation. (f) Effective date of rerating. The sequence of rated and re- rated deliveries shall be determined as if the rerated item had carried the new rating at the time the original rating was received, and the person whose delivery is rerated shall make any necessary change in his production or delivery schedule promptly on receipt of the re- rating, provided, however, that (1) Any person who, prior to July 15, 1942, receives a rerating for a delivery to be made by him, shall make the necessary changes in his production and delivery schedules on July 15, 1942, and shall put such changes into effect immediately thereafter except as otherwise provided in subparagraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this paragraph (f); (2) If such person has received reratings for all deliveries which are to be completed in 1942 on any one production schedule, he may proceed to make the necessary changes in such schedule before July 15, 1942, subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph (f); 4 (3) No person shall, by reason of a rerating, divert material specifically produced for an order bearing a rating higher than A-2 and deliver the same under the higher rerated order if such material is completed at the time the rerating is received or is scheduled for completion within fifteen days thereafter, unless such diversion is specifically directed by the Director of Industry Operations, or unless the new rating is AAA; (4) No person shall be required by reason of a rerating to termi- nate or interrupt a production schedule within fifteen days after the receipt of such rerating, and, if such person is operating on a monthly or longer fixed production schedule and it is impracticable for him to make a change in such schedule before the end of such period, he may postpone such change until the commencement of his next production period, but not in any event for more than forty days after the receipt of the rerating, unless otherwise permitted by the Director of Industry Operations. (P. D. Reg. 1, as amended, 6 F. R. 6680; W. P. B. Reg. 1, 7 F. R. 561; E. O. 9024, 7 F. R. 329; E. O. 9040, 7 F. R. 527; E. O. 9125, 7 F. R. 2719; sec. 2 (a), Pub. Law 671, 76th Cong., as amended by Pub. Laws 89 and 507, 77th Cong.) Issued this 26th day of June 1942. J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. 5 PD4X Issued to WAR PRODUCTION BOARD, BUREAU OF PRIORITIES, Washington, D. C. RERATING DIRECTION (To be used by Government officials only) Address (Name of prime contractor) Pursuant to Priorities Regulation No. 12, deliveries indicated be- low are rerated as follows: New prof- Contract Nos. Description Quantity rerated erence rating Allocation classifica- tion and purchasers' symbols under prior- ities Regulation No. 10 Other identifica- tion required This form may be issued only by Government officials to rerate deliveries, under prime contracts, directly to the Army, Navy, and other Government war agencies as listed in Priorities Regulation No. 1. Reratings of deliveries to be made to the above-named contractor must be made on Form PD-4Y and in compliance with Priorities Regula- tion No. 12 of the War Production Board. By authority of J. S. KNOWLSON, Director of Industry Operations. T (Date) Initiating agency Signature of Government issuing officer Address Instructions to issuing officers:-This form must be issued in quad- ruplicate. One copy is to be retained by the Issuing Officer. One copy is to be delivered to the Prime Contractor. The remaining copies are to be sent to the proper supply service or bureau and to the Army and Navy Munitions Board, Washington, D. C. 6 PD4Y Issued to (This form may be reproduced) WAR PRODUCTION BOARD, BUREAU OF PRIORITIES, Washington, D. C. RERATING CERTIFICATE (Name of supplier) Address Pursuant to Priorities Regulation No. 12, deliveries to be made by you are rerated as follows: Government contract. Nos. Our Order No. or other identifica- tion of items re- rated New pref- Quantity erence Allocation classifica- tion and purchasers' symbol under Priori- ties Regulation No. Other identifica- tion required on Govern- ment orders rating 10 7 The undersigned represents to the above-named Supplier and to the War Production Board that the above rerating is made in accordance with Priorities Regulation No. 12, with the terms of which he is famil- iar, and that the new ratings and quantities specified are correct. Date Name of purchasing company By Signature and title of duly authorized official Note to supplier:-Deliveries required by you in connection with making the above-specified deliveries to us may, in turn, be rerated by you to the extent and in the manner provided in Priorities Regula- tion No. 12, by filling out and furnishing to each of your suppliers a certificate in the same form as this Form PD-4Y. Printed copies are not required. You may type the entire form or have blank copies of it printed or otherwise duplicated. Before furnishing such a certificate, you must become familiar with Priorities Regulation No. 12. Misuse of this certificate is a crime, pun- ishable by fine or imprisonment. This certificate must be retained in your files for examination by the War Production Board and you must likewise retain copies of certifi- cates furnished by you to your suppliers. من U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 HC 106.4 A 32 TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD SUBCHAPTER B-DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM Priorities Regulation No. 13 Special Sales of Idle or Frozen Materials WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS } WASHINGTON, D. C. DEPOSITED B IPD STATEs Of AUG 25 '42 TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER IX-WAR PRODUCTION BOARD Subchapter B-Division of Industry Operations PART 944-REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE OPERATION OF THE PRIORITIES SYSTEM [Priorities Regulation 13] Special Sales of Idle or Frozen Materials § 944.34 Priorities Regulation 13-(a) Purpose. The purpose of this regulation is to provide uniform rules governing special sales of idle or excess materials by persons who are not regularly engaged in the business of selling such materials, including distress and liquidation sales and sales by persons who, by reason of the effect of priority orders or for other reasons, cannot use such materials in the regular course of their business. This regulation does not authorize receipt or use of any material by any person in violation of any inventory, quota or use restrictions imposed by any order or regulation. (b) Definitions. For the purposes of this regulation: (1) "Sale" of a material includes any public or private sale, auction sale, sale upon foreclosure of any lien or mortgage, or delivery of such material in exchange for money or for any other material and the sale of any warehouse receipt, bill of lading or other document evidencing an interest in such material, but does not include the pledge or mortgage or other creation of any lien upon such material or the transfer of pos- session of such material without any transfer of title. (2) "Special sale" means any sale except: (i) A sale of any material in a form regularly sold by the seller in the course of his business; and (ii) A sale of any tool, machinery, or other assembled commercial, industrial, production, agricultural, or household equipment; and (iii) A sale of material in the form in which it is used by ultimate consumers thereof without being further processed or assembled with other materials or made a part of any building or structure; and (iv) A sale of foodstuffs, medicines and other materials for internal human consumption. "Special sale" also includes any sale made or caused to be made by any receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, public official or any other person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, and not in the course of carrying on the business of an insolvent or bankrupt person or other person whose business is in the hands of such fiduciary or representa- tives. 471168° 41 (1) 2 (3) "Material" means any commodity, equipment, accessory, part, assembly or product of any kind. (4) "War material" means any material consisting in whole or in substantial part of one or more materials listed in Schedule "A" attached. (5) "Person" means any individual, partnership, association, busi- ness trust, corporation, governmental corporation or agency, or any organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not. (6) "Producer" means any person who produces, manufactures, fabricates, processes, constructs or assembles any material and in- cludes any person furnishing electric, gas, water, sanitation, steam, transportation, communication or other utility services to the public. (7) "Director" means the Director of Industry Operations of the War Production Board or the Director of Priorities of the Office of Production Management. (c) Permitted special sales.—(1) Subject to paragraph (d) of this regulation, any person may make a special sale of any material other than a war material without restriction. (2) Subject to paragraph (d) of this regulation, any person may make a special sale of any war material if the sale falls within one of the following categories, and no person may make any special sale of any war material if such sale does not fall within one of the following cate- gories: (i) A sale to any of the following governmental departments or agencies or to any person buying for the account of such departments or agencies: Maritime Commission, Navy Department, War Depart- ment, Board of Economic Warfare, Commodity Credit Corporation, Defense Supplies Corporation, Metals Reserve Company, Rubber Reserve Company and any other corporation organized under Section 5 (d) of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act as amended; or (ii) A sale pursuant to a specific authorization of the Director nam- ing the seller and identifying the particular sale to be made; or (iii) A sale by a producer to another producer engaged in the same business as the seller, but only if an order of the Director applicable generally to persons engaged in such business expressly permits such a sale; or (iv) A sale of an individual lot of war material at an aggregate price of less than $100: Provided, That this exception shall not be construed to permit the dividing of holdings of war material into lots having a value of less than $100 and disposing of such lots under this subparagraph (2) (iv); or (v) A sale to any person falling within a class indicated on Schedule "A" attached as being a class to whom the particular war material may be sold: Provided, That when any alloy, compound, mixture, or product is not listed as such on Schedule "A" and contains a significant со amount of more than one war material, the sale shall be made only to a person to whom all such contained war materials may be sold. (d) Effect on other orders and regulations.—(1) Any sale which is not a special sale shall remain subject to the provisions of all applicable orders and regulations. (2) The provisions of this regulation shall control all special sales although inconsistent with any order or regulation of the Director heretofore issued. Notwithstanding any provision of any such order or regulation which permits such sale, no special sale shall be made if forbidden by the provisions of this regulation; and any special sale permitted by the provisions of this regulation may be made, and deliveries thereunder accepted by the buyer, despite any provision of any such order or regulation forbidding the same except that: (i) Nothing in this regulation shall affect any provision contained in any order or regulation of the Director which imposes any quota or other limitation on the amount any buyer may purchase, receive or produce, or which imposes any limitations on the amount of in- ventory of any person or any restrictions upon the use of any material; and (ii) This regulation shall not affect any provision of any applicable order or regulation of the Director requiring a buyer to make any re- ports or to furnish any information in connection with a purchase; and (iii) No seller shall make any special sale if he knows or has reason to believe that the purchase or acceptance or delivery by the buyer would violate any inventory or quota restrictions imposed on the buyer by any order or regulation or that the buyer is acquiring the material for a use which would be in violation of any order or regu- lation. (e) Records. Any person making any special sale must maintain at his regular place of business all documents, including purchase orders and preference rating orders and certificates, upon which he relies as entitling him to make such sale. Such records shall be kept segre- gated and available for inspection by representatives of the War Production Board, or filed in such manner that they can be readily segregated and made available for such inspection. (P.D. Reg. 1, as amended, 6 F.R. 6680; W.P.B. Reg. 1, 7 F.R. 561; E.O. 9024, 7 F.R. 329; E.O. 9040, 7 F.R. 527; E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719; sec. 2 (a), Pub. Law 671, 76th Cong., as amended by Pub. Laws 89 and 507, 77th Cong.) Issued this 7th day of July 1942. knowhom Director of Industry Operations. 4 SCHEDULE “A” EXPLANATORY NOTE This schedule relates only to special sales made under paragraph (c) (2) (v) of this regulation. Any purchaser of material through a special sale must comply with all inventory, quota, and use restrictions imposed by all other orders and regulations. When an alloyed material, or a physically or chemically compounded material, is shown in this table, the conditions that govern the sale of the alloyed or com- pounded material are those shown for the alloy or compound and not those shown for the constituent elements or parts. For example, the conditions under which stainless steel may be sold are those shown for the war material "Stainless Steel" and not those shown for "Chromium" or "Nickel" or "Steel." When any alloy, compound, mixture, or product is not listed as such on Schedule "A" and con- tains a significant amount of more than one war material, the sale shall be made only to a person to whom all such contained war materials may be sold. The word "No" appearing in any column in this schedule means that a holder may not sell the particular war material to any person in the class to which that column applies unless the sale is otherwise permitted by this regulation. The letters "P. R." mean Preference Rating, and wherever they appear in any column, mean that the holder may sell the particular war material to any person in the class to which that column applies, but only provided that such person places with the holder an order for the material bearing a duly applied or extended preference rating equal to or higher than the rating shown immediately after the letters "P. R.” For example, "P. R. A-1-k", which appears opposite the war material "Nickel" in the column headed "Any producer permitted to buy for an authorized use" means that the holder may sell to any producer who places an order for a product containing nickel if that order bears a duly applied or extended preference rating of A-1-k or higher. The letters "W. O. P." mean "Without Preference Rating" and wherever they appear in any column mean that the holder may sell the particular material to any person in the class to which that column applies without any preference rating from the buyer. The letter "X" means "not applicable." Wherever an asterisk (*) appears, refer to the note in the "Remarks" column. ! War material Classes of buyers to whom special sales of war materials may be made in accordance with this schedule, subject to paragraph (d) (2) of this regulation Producers as defined in this regulation Producers who produce material in the form in which it was purchased by holder Other pro- ducers per mitted to buy for an authorized use Reprocessors Wholesale dealers in the material in the form held by holder who are authorized to buy Scrap dealers who are authorized to buy (1) PART I-METALS Alloy Steel (see Steels). (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Aluminum: Aluminum. W. O. P No. W. O. P.* Powder and Paste. W. O. P No. X Pigments and Paint (see Chemicals). Scrap*. W. O. P No. W. O. P.* W. O. P.*. W. O. P X No. W. O. P W. O. P.**. Remarks (7) *Only to approved reprocessors and wholesale deal- ers. Lists available at WPB offices. *Subject to limitations in M-1-d on sale of certain segregated scrap. ** *Only to approved reprocessors and scrap dealers. Lists available at WPB offices. Antimony: Antimony. W. O. P No. No. W. O. P. No. Chemicals (see Chemicals). Antimonial Lead (see Lead). Scrap. W. O. P No. W. O. P X W. O. P. Babbitt (sce Tin). Beryllium (including scrap). W. O. P. No. No. W. O. P W. O. P. *Only when sold as scrap. Brass (see Copper). Brass Mill Scrap (see Copper). Brass and Wire Mill Products (see Copper). Bronze (see Copper). Cadmium: Cadmium. No. No. No. W. O. P No. Chemicals (see Chemicals). Scrap. No. No. No. X W. O. P Carbon Steel (see Steels). Cast Iron Products (see Iron). Whenever an asterisk (*) appears, refer to the note in the "Remarks" column. сл 5 6 War material Classes of buyers to whom special sales of war materials may be made in accordance with this schedule, subject to paragraph (d) (2) of this regulation Producers as defined in this regulation Producers who produce material in the form in which it was Other pro- ducers per- mitted to buy for an authorized use Reprocessors who are authorized to buy Wholesale dealers in the Scrap dealers material in the form held by holder who are authorized to buy (1) PART 1-METALS—Continued Remarks purchased by holder (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Chromium: Chromium. W. O. P PR A-1-k. X. W. O.P No. Chemicals (see Chemicals). Scrap- W. O. P PR A-1-k.. W. O. P X. W. O. P Cobalt: Cobalt (including scrap) W. O. P No. X W. O. P W. O. P.*. *Only when sold as scrap. Chemicals (see Chemicals). Copper: Copper Ingots and Refinery Shapes. W. O. P No. X W. O. P.* No. Copper-Base Alloy Ingots (50% copper by W. O. P. No X. W. O. P.* No weight). Brass and Wire Mill Products. W. O. P. PR A-1-k... X W. O. P.*. No. *Only to persons holding allocation certificates or specific authorization to buy. Copper and Brass Foundry Products. W. O. P PR A-1-k.. X W. O. P.*__r No. Copper and Copper-Base Alloy Scrap. Brass Mill Scrap-- W. O. P No. X X W. O. P. W. O. P. No X X W. O. P *Only to Brass Mills. Ferroalloys* Inconel (see Nickel). Iridium (including scrap) Iron: W. O. P W. O. P.*. W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P.**. Alloy Iron Castings* W. O. P PR A-1-k. W. O. P X. W. O. P Pig Iron. W. O. P. No.. No No. No. Wrought Iron. W. O. P. PR A-9. W. O. P W. O. P No. Cast Iron Products. W. O. P. PR A-9. W. O. P W. O. P No. *May be sold as provided for principal non-ferrous element. *Cannot be used for jewelry. **Only when sold as scrap. *Does not include materials_commonly known as "ferroalloys", listed in Priorities, Regulation No. 11 as "ferro-alloying agents". 7 Alloy Iron Scrap. W. O. P No. W. O. P. X W. O. P Other Iron Scrap. W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P X. W. O. P Lead: Lead. W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P No. Antimonial Lead W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P No. Scrap. W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P. X. Magnesium (including scrap). W. O. P.*. No. W. O. P.* W. O. P... W. O. P No. *Only to approved reprocessors. Lists available at WPB offices. Mercury: Mercury- W. O. P. W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P Mercury Chemicals (see Chemicals). Molybdenum: Molybdenum (including scrap) w.o. W. O. P. No. No. W. O. P W. O. P.*. *Only when sold as scrap. Chemicals (see Chemicals). Monel (see Nickel). Nickel: Nickel (including Monel and Inconel). W. O. P Solutions and Salts (see Chemicals). Scrap- W. O. P PR A-1-k. PR A-1-k.. No. W. O.P. W. O. P. X No. W. O. P. Nickel Steel (see Steels). Pig Iron (see Iron). Platinum: Platinum (including scrap). Chemicals (see Chemicals). Rhodium (including scrap) W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P.*.. W. O. P W. O. P.. W. O. P. W. O. P. W. O. P.* W. O. P.**. *Only when sold as scrap. *Cannot be used for jewelry. **Only when sold as scrap. Solder (see Tin Solder). Stainless Steel (see Steels). Steels: Carbon Steel in any single lot over 5 short tons.* W. O. P.. No- No. No. No. Carbon Steel except any lot over 5 short tons: Plates*. W. O. P. PR A-1-a.. No. W. O. P No.. *Holder shall consider as a single lot all steel of the same size and specification at one location. *As defined in M-21-c. Rails. No. No. No. No. No.. Structural. W. O. P PR A-1-a. No. W. O. P. No. Carbon Tool Steel. W. O. P. PR A-1-a. No W. O. P No.. Other Carbon Steel. W. O. P.. PR A-2. W. O. P W. O. P No. Carbon Steel Scrap in any quantity. Alloy Steel* in any single lot over 2,000 pounds **. W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P No. W. O. P X.. W. O. P No.. No.. No. Alloy Steel* except any lot over 2,000 pounds: Plates*. W. O. P PR A-1-a- No.. W. O. P. No. Stainless Steel*. W. O. P. PR A-1-a.- No. W. O. P No. *General definition M-21-a. ** Holder shall consider as a single lot all steel o the same size and specification at one location. *General definition M-21-a. *As defined in M-21-c. *As defined in M-21-d. Tool Steel. Other Alloy Steel. W. O. P W. O. P.. PR A-1-a.. No- W. O. P. No. Y PR A-1-a.. No. W. O. P No. Alloy Steel Scrap in any quantity. Tantalum (including scrap). W. O. P.. W. O. P.. No. No.. No. X. W. O. P. X. W. O. P. W. O. P.* *Only when sold as scrap. Terne Plate. W. O. P PR A-10.. W. O. P. W. O. P Terne Plate Scrap- W. O. P No.. W. O. P. X No. W. O. P. Whenever an asterisk (*) appears, refer to the note in the "Remarks" column. War material Classes of buyers to whom special sales of war materials may be made in accordance with this schedule, subject to paragraph (d) (2) of this regulation Producers as defined in this regulation Producers who produce material in the form in which it was Other pro- ducers per- mitted to buy for an authorized use Reprocessors who are authorized to buy Wholesale dealers in the Scrap dealers material in the form held by holder who are authorized to buy purchased by holder (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Remarks (1) (7) PART I-METALS-Continued Tin: Tin (including scrap). No- No... No... No.. W. O. P.*. *Only when sold as scrap. Babbitt. W. O. P... PR A-9. W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P. Tin Solder. W. O. P PR A-9. W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P Chemicals (see Chemicals). Tin Plate. Tin Plate Scrap.. W. O. P. PR A-10. W. O. P. No- W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P X. No. W. O. P.*. *Subject to limitations of M-24-a. Tool Steel (see Steels). Tungsten: Tungsten (including scrap). W. O. P No- No. W. O. P.. W. O. P.*. *Only when sold as scrap. Chemicals (see Chemicals). Vanadium: Vanadium (including scrap) W. O. P. No. No... W. O. P. W. O. P.*. *Only when sold as scrap. Chemicals (see Chemicals). Wrought Iron (see Iron). Zinc: Zinc.. W. O. P. PR A-9-* W. O. P. Sulphide chemicals (see Chemicals). Dust.. W. O. P. PR A-9 W. O. P. Scrap- W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P.. W. O. P. W. O. P X. No. W. O. P W. O. P. PART II-CHEMICALS Acetic Anhydride.. W. O. P PR A-1-k. X. W. O. P. X. Acids: Acetic W. O. P PR A-1-k. X. W. O. P X. Arsenious. W. O. P. No.. X. W. O. P. X Naphthenic. W. O. P No. X. No.. X. 8 · Acrylonitrile. Alcohols: W. O. P. No. X W. O. P X Butyl* W. O. P. No. X. W. O. P. X. *Includes Isobutyl. Capryl W. O. P. No. X. W. O. P X Ethyl* (160 proof and higher). W. O. P. PR A-1-k. X W. O. P.. *Includes related compounds, see M-30. Isopropyl W. O. P No. X. W. O. P.. X. Methyl (Methanol). W. O. P. W. O. P. X W. O. P X Methyl Ethyl Ketone. W. O. P No. X W. O. P X. Ammonia: Byproduct Ammonia* W. O. P No. X. W. O. P. X. Sulphate of Ammonia' W. O. P No. X. W. O. P X Synthetic Ammonia*. W. O. P No. X. W. O. P.. X *Includes salts and solutions. *Containing 20.5 percent nitrogen or less. *Includes compounds. Anilino. W. O. P No. X W. O. P. X Antimony Chemicals. W. O. P No. X W. O. P. X Aromatic Petroleum Solvents' W. O. P Pr A-2_ X W. O. P X *As defined in M-150. Babassu Oil (see Oils) Benzene. W. O. P No. X. W. O. P X Beryllium Chemicals. W. O. P. PR A-1-k. X W. O. P X Butyl Alcohol (see Alcohols). Cadmium Chemicals. W. O. P. No- X W. O.P X Calcium-Silicon. W. O. P No. X W. O. P. X Cashew Nut Shell Oil (sce Oils). Chemical Cotton Pulp.. W. O. P. No. X W. O. P. X Chlorate Chemicals. W. O. P No. X W. O. P Chlorine. W. O. P. No. X W. O. P.. X Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Refrigerants.. W. O. P No. X W. O.P Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Solvents* W. O. P PR A-10.. W. O. P. W. O.P X ки Киких X. X. *Carbon tetrachloride, chlorethylene, perchlor- ethylene, and ethylene dichloride. Chlorinated Rubber (see Rubber). Chromium Chemicals. W. O. P W. O. P X W. O.P Cobalt Chemicals. W. O. P No. X W. O. P. XX X. Coconut Oil (sce Oils). Cotton Pulp, Chemical (see Chemical Cotton Pulp). Cyanamid. W. O. P. No- X W. O.P Diphenylamine. W. O. P... No- X. W. O. P. X Dyestuffs (controlled by M-103). W. O. P... W. O.P W. O. P. W. O. P X Ethyl Acetate.. W. O. P.. PR A-1-k. W. O.P W. O.P X. - Ethyl Cellulose. W. O.P W. O.P X W. O. P....| X. Formaldehyde (see Resins). Glycerine. W. O. P. PR A-10.. X W. O. P X Hexamethylene Tetramine (see Resins). High Lauric Acid Oils (see Oils). Mercury Chemicals. W. O. P. W. O. P. X. W. O. P. X Methanol (see Alcohols). Naphthalene... W. O. P No... X W. O. P X Naphthenates: Driers*. Other Naphthenic Mixtures* W. O. P. W. O. P PR A-2.. PR A-10.. W. O. P W. O. P X. W. O.P W. O.P *Driers containing more than 40% Naphthenates. *With more than 1% Naphthenates, except mixtures which are cleaning compounds, greases, compound- ed lubricating oils and other lubricants. Whenever an asterisk (*) appears, refer to the note in the "Remarks" column. 6 War material Classes of buyers to whom special sales of war materials may be made in accordance with this schedule, subject to paragraph (d) (2) of this regulation Producers as defined in this regulation Producers who produce material in the form in which it was purchased by holder Other pro- ducers per- mitted to buy for an authorized use Reprocessors who are authorized to buy Wholesale dealers in the Scrap dealers material in the form held by holder who are authorized to buy (1) PART II-CHEMICALS—Continued Naphthenic Acid (see Acids, Naphthenic). Remarks (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Nickel Solutions and Nickel Salts. W. O. P. PR A-1-k. W. O. P W. O. P. X Oils: Cashew Nut Shell. W. O. P. PR A-2. X. W. O. P. X High Lauric Acid (Coconut, Babassu Palm W. O. P W. O. P. X W. O. P X Kernel, Etc). Palm.. W. O. P W. O. P X W. O. P. X. } Rapeseed. Sperm W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P. X No. X W. O. P. X Tung & Oiticica. W. O. P. PR A-2. X W. O. P.. X. Oiticica Oil (see Oils). Palm Kernel Oil (see Oils). Palm Oil (see Oils). Paraformaldehyde (see Resins). Perchlorate Chemicals (see Chlorate Chemicals). Phenols. W. O. P. No.. X. W. O. P. X Platinum Chemicals. W. O. P.. W. O. P W. O. P.. W. O. P.. X Polyvinyl Chloride. W. O. P No. X W. O. P X Rapeseed Oil (see Oils). Resins: Natural W. O. P W. O. P X W. O. P X Synthetic (and Formaldehyde, Paraformalde- W. O. P. W. O. P X W. O. P X. hyde, Hexamethylene-tetramine). Rotenone. W. O. P. W. O. P X W. O. P X Rubber, Synthetic (see Rubber). Rutile (see Titanium Pigments). Shellac* W. O. P. No.. X W. O. P. X *Lauric Acid content of 35% and over. 10 *Does not include lac which has been bleached, cut, or incorporated in protective or technical coatings. 11 Sodium Nitrate W. O. P. W. O. P.. W. O. P... Sperm Oil (sce Oils). Synthetic Resins (see Resins). Synthetic Rubber (see Rubber). Tantalum Chemicals. W. O. P. No... X W. O. P. X Tin Chemicals. W. O. P No. X W. O. P. Titanium Pigments. W. O. P No. X W. O. P. X Toluene (Toluol)*. W. O. P. - No. W. O. P. W. O. P X *As defined in M-34, Amendment 1. Tung Oil (sec Oils). Tungsten Chemicals. W. O. P No. X. W. O. P. X 1 Vanadium Chemicals. W. O. P No. X. W. O. P X. Vat Dyes (see Dyestuffs). Zinc Sulphide Pigments.. W. O. P. W. O. P X W. O. P X PART III-MISCELLANEOUS Agave Fibre: Suitable for Cordage. W. O. P No.. X W. O. P. No Not Suitable for Cordage. W. O. P W. O. P. X. W. O. P W. O. P.*. Binder Twine*. W. O. P.. No. X. W. O. P.**_ W. O. P.*** Wrapping Twine. W. O. P W. O. P X. W. O. P W. O. P.*. *Only when sold as scrap. *Sale permitted to any person for agricultural pur- pose. **For resale for agricultural purpose. ***Only when sold as scrap. *Only when sold as scrap. Asbestos: Long fibre suitable for spinning or imported W. O. P. W. O. P X. W. O. P X. from South Africa. All Other. W. O. P.. W. O. P. X. Asbestos Textiles.. W. O. P PR A-10- X W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P.*….- W. O. P.*. *Only when sold as scrap. *Only when sold as scrap. Bag Sheeting (see Cotton Textile Fabrics). Binder Twine (sce Agave Fibre). Bristles, Pigs' and Hogs' (three inches and over). W. O. P. PR A-9. W. O. P. W. O. P. W. O. P.*.. *Only when sold as scrap. Burlap (see Jute). Cork: Unmanufactured. W. O. P.-- No.. X. W. O. P No.. Manufactured and By-Product Cork. W. O. P No. No. No. No. Corundum*. W. O. P. No. No. W. O. P No. Cotton Duck (see Duck). Cotton Textile Fabrics for: Agricultural Bags- Bag Sheeting. Osnaburg- Cotton, Egyptian* W. O. P. W. O. P X W. O. P 1 W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P... W. O. P... X. W. O. P.. I W. O. P. PR A-9. X W. O. P. W. O. P.*. W. O. P.*. W. O. P.*. No. Cotton Linters. W. O. P. W. O. P.*. X. W. O. P. X. Cotton Seed, SXP W. O. P. W. O. P. X W. O. P. Diamonds, Industrial*. W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P.** 1 Duck, Cotton*. W. O. P. PR A-1-k. X Goose and Duck Feathers.. W. O. P.. W. O. P W. O. P Graphite, Madagascar Flake. X. W. O. P.. W. O. P Hemp Seed*. W. O. P. No. X. W. O. P. W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P*. No. X. W. O. P.** *Emery, ruby, and sapphire not included. *Only when sold as scrap. *Only when sold as scrap. *Only when sold as scrap. *As defined in M-117. *Only to chemical industry. *Subject to restrictions in M-92. *Report sales as required by M-109. **Only when sold as scrap. *Widths 15" to 87″. **Only when sold as scrap. *Only when sold as scrap. *May be sold to person growing hemp. Whenever an asterisk (*) appears refer to the note in the "Remarks" column. War material Classes of buyers to whom special sales of war materials may be made in accordance with this schedule, subject to paragraph (d) (2) of this regulation Producers as defined in this regulation Producers who produce material in the form in which it was Other pro- ducers per- mitted to buy for an authorized use Wholesale Reprocessors dealers in the Scrap dealers who are authorized to buy material in the form held by holder who are authorized to buy purchased by holder (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) PART III-MISCELLANEOUS—Continued Remarks (7) 12 Horsehide Istle_ W. O. P W. O. P X. W. O. P W. O. P.**_. I W. O. P. W. O. P X. W. O. P W. O. P. Jewel Bearing Material' W. O. P No. No. No. No. *Restricted to military uses. **Only when sold as scrap. *Does not include jewel bearings. Jute: Raw Jute. W. O. P W. O. P X W. O. P No. Jute Products. W. O. P W. O. P X W. O. P W. O. P. Burlap and Bags' W. O. P No.. X W. O. P W. O. P.**. Kapok* W. O. P No.. Kyanite, Indian, Crude and Calcined*. Leather*, Sole. W. O. P No. I W. O. P W. O. P. K XZ X. No. W. O. P No. W. O. P. W. O. P.** No. W. O. P.** t Loofa Sponges. W. O. P. Mahogany and Philippine Mahogany. W. O. P PR A-1-a- PR A-10 Manila Fibre and Cordage*. Cordage. W. O. P.. PR A-1-k.. Fibre. W. O. P W. O. P Mica: Strategic W. O. P W. O. P. Splittings. W. O. P. W. O. P XX IZZ XX W. O. P W. O. P No. No. No. W. O. P W. O. P*. *As defined in M-47. Other burlap same as "Jute Products." **Only when sold as scrap. *Except that grown in South or Central America. **Only when sold as scrap. *Also includes Andalusite and Sillimanite. *Restricted to military uses. **Only when sold as scrap. *As defined in M-36 as amended. *Only when sold as scrap. No. W. O. P No. W. O. P. No. W. O. P. No. OD Wool Clips, Rags and Waste (see Wool). Osnaburg (see Cotton Textile Fabrics). Quartz Crystals*_ W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P X *Report sales as required by M-146. Rubber: Latex and Crude. No. No. No. No. No. Compounded Latex. No. No. No. No. No. Chlorinated. W. O. P No. No. No. No. Synthetic.. W. O. P No.. No. No. No. Reclaimed No. No. No. No. No. Scrap.. No. No. No. X W. O. P Rubber Yarn and Elastic Thread W. O. P W. O. P. X. W. O. P W. O. P. *Only when sold as scrap. Silk, Raw. W. O. P No. X_ W. O. P No. Silk Waste, Noils, etc. W. O. P W. O. P.... W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P. Sole Leather (see Leather). Teak W. O. P PR A-10.. X W. O. P X. Sood Pulp. W. O. P No.. X. W. O. P. X. Wool: Wool W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P. OD Clips. W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P.*. W. O. P. *Only when sold as scrap. OD Rags and Waste. W. O. P. W. O. P W. O. P W. O. P. W. O. P.. Wrapping Twine (see Agave Fibre). Whenever an asterisk (*) appears, refer to the note in the "Remarks" column.. v U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 13