7 46' 3- $3 **.... E SOUTHERN CHURCHNA A 35-1941 IRGINI REV PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION 200 C nok Poste ** 14 BEB L P ·A 1 JJ <*+*. 1 X ។ INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN 1835 1941 - Prepared by The Historical Records Survey of Virginia, Service Division Work Projects Administration Sponsored by The Virginia Conservation Commission VOLUME II L - Z Richmond, Virginia The Historical Records Survey of Virginia May 1942 The Historical Records Survey Projects Sargent B. Child, Director Kathleen Bruce, State Supervisor F 225 H6? не V. 2 Research and Records Programs Harvey E. Becknell, Director Milton W. Elanton, Regional Supervisor James A. McAleer, State Supervisor Service Division Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor Ella G. Agnew, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner Roy Schroder, Regional Director Russell S. Hummel, State Administrator 17 PREFACE In January 1936 the Historical Records Survey, a nation-wide project of the Works Progress Administration now the Work Projects Administration, was organized by Dr. Luther H. Evans who served as director until March 1, 1940, when he was succeeded by Mr. Sargeant B. Child. The survey began to function in Virginia in March 1936 as part of the Federal Writers' Project of which Dr. H. J. Eckenrode was State Director 9 and Dr. Lester J. Cappon of the University of Virginia part-time Technical Assistant. In November 1936, when the Historical Records Survey became in- dependent of the Federal Writers' Project, Dr. Cappon was appointed part- time State Director. At the same time Miss Elizabeth B. Parker, a former supervisor of the Survey, was appointed Assistant State Director. On Sep- tember 5, 1939, the Historical Records Survey of Virginia became a Statewide non-Federal project, with Miss Parker as State Supervisor. The Historical Records Survey was consolidated with the Survey of Feder- al Archives in Virginia on January 1, 1940, to constitute a new Historical Records Survey project. Dr. Kathleen Bruce, who had been in charge of Feder- al Archives work in Virginia since September 16, 1936, was appointed State Supervisor and Miss Parker, Assistant State Supervisor. Miss Parker resign- ed from the Historical Records Survey on April 29, 1940. Mrs. Helen D. Bullock was appointed Assistant State Supervisor on June 24, 1940. Mrs. Bullock, who resigned on September 19, 1940, was succeeded on January 20, 1941, by Dr. Katharine Elizabeth Crane. The Historical Records Survey of Virginia has published indexes to vital statistics as well as inventories of county, church, and Federal archives. The INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN is the third index to vital statistics, recorded in religious weeklies, which the project has published. The preceding volumes were the INDEX TO OBITUARY NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD, 1828-1938, December 1940, and the INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD, Vol. I, A-L, August 1941, and Vol. II, M-Z, Septem- ber 1941. The RELIGIOUS HERALD is a Baptist weekly published in Richmond. Indexes to vital statistics in religious papers have not commonly been under- taken by the Historical Records Survey projects; the volumes compiled in Vir- ginia had to be specially authorized. The importance of making available to the public vital statistics in religious journals published in Virginia is better understood when one knows something of the history of the recording of marriages in Virginia and the fate of some of the older marriage records. In the colonial period an official register of marriages, births, and deaths was kept in every Virginia parish, and copies of each registration were returned to the county clerk of the parish vestry and the head of the family. The official registrations of births and deaths ceased with the sepa- ration of Church and State in Virginia, not long after the establishment of the Commonwealth, and were not resumed until the middle of the nineteenth century. The official registration of marriages, however, never lapsed. This was because the Commonwealth made provision for maintaining the same sort of paper record as that which had been required under the colonial government, apart from the official register of marriages kept by the parich vestry. Ac- cording to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics at Richmond, hundreds of these scraps of papers which testify to marriages celebrated in Virginia are still i ii Preface * extant, but it has not been determined whether they are the licenses that were required, or a marriage bond, or a combined license and marriage bond. Under the code of 1849, the clerk of the county court and the clerk of the corporation court were required to register in books to be kept for that purpose every marriage license which they issued. These books are known as the registers of marriages. By an act of April 11, 1853, which became effec- tive July 1, 1853, the clerk of the county court and the clerk of the cor- poration court were each required to "transmit to the auditor of public ac- counts a copy of his register of marriages during the preceding year, and on or before the first day of March in each year." 11 In 1853, also, the General Assembly passed an act to take effect January 1, 1854, which ordered every minister to record every marriage celebrated by him and to return the cer- tificate to the clerk of the county court or of the corporation court of the county or city in which the marriage was celebrated. At the same time, the clerk of the county court and the clerk of the corporation court were required to record in special volumes a note of the licenses which they issued, and to report to the commonwealth's attorney for prosecution any minister who failed to return the licenses. Finally in 1919 the marriage certificates and licenses were combined. Since then the note of licenses issued has been re- corded in the marriage register, as is also the detailed information that is given in the combined marriage certificates and licenses. This information constitutes the permanent record of marriages. Under the act effective July 1, 1853, which ordered the clerk of the county court and the clerk of the corporation court each to send annually to the auditor of public accounts a copy of his register of marriages, the first concentration of marriage records was brought about in Virginia. An act of 1918, approved March 9, 1918, required the auditor of public accounts to turn over to the newly created State Bureau of Vital Statistics all copies of the register of marriages which had been filed with him. Thereafter the clerk of the county court and the clerk of the corporation court were required to send copies of their registers of marriages direct to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics on or before March first in each year. An act of 1938, ap- proved March 10, 1938, required that a duplicate of each combined license and certificate instead of a copy of each register of marriages be sent to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. In this bureau are now concentrated the rec ords of marriages celebrated in Virginia since June 30, 1853, although on ac- count of inadequate storage, theft, fire, and other calamities which occured before the State Bureau of Vital Statistics was created, a number of these official records of marriages are missing. There is now being prepared under the sponsorship of the State Bureau of Vital Statistics an index to the marriage records dating from 1870 which are in its custody. In due course the index will probably be extended back to 1853. The Historical Records Survey has had no part in this index, which is not being constructed for publication but for use in the office of the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. The INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN points to a re- cording of the marriages, over a period of 106 years, of approximately between six and seven thousand persons, most of whom were either members of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in Virginia, or otherwise directly connected with it, or connected with it through descent from Virginia Episcopalians. The indexes to marriage notices published by the Historical Records Survey make amends in part for the lack of concentration of official records of marriages in Virginia prior to 1853. They provide a means for obtaining information on iii I ! Preface ry. some of the marriages celebrated from 26 to 35 years prior to 1861 in those eastern counties whose records were removed to the state courthouse at Rich- mond during the War for Southern Independence and destroyed when the court- house was burned in the evacuation fire. Thus they point to substitute re- cords for some of those early official marriage records dating from 1853 which are missing from the file of the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. file of the SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN on which the index is based belongs, except the volume for 1900, to the Southern Churchman Publishing Company which main- tains an office in the basement of the Mayo Memorial Church House, Richmond. That part of the file for the years, January 2, 1835-1893 and 1907 to 112, was placed by the Company in the custody of the Virginia State Library. These volumes are available to searchers in the reading room of the State Library. Bound volumes for 1894-1899 and 1901-1906 are in the office of the Company, but steps are being taken to place them also in the custody of the State Libra- Meanwhile they were made available to Historical Records Survey workers through the courtesy of Mrs. Tate Irvine, news editor of the weekly. Through the kindness of the family of the Rev. Meade Clark, D.D., rector of St. James' Church and editor of the SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN when he died in 1914, a project worker was permitted to collect the marriage notices in Dr. Clark's bound volume for 1900. Thus there are no gaps in the volumes for 1894-1906. Two workers specially assigned to the task checked the file in the custody of the Virginia State Library and found the following gaps: 1840-January 15, 1847; January 1, 8, 22, and 29, 1852; May 31-November 15, 1861 (apparently not pub- lished); March 14, 1862; June 10 and 24, 1864; July 8 and 22, 1864; August 5 and 19, 1864; September 2, 9, 16, and 30, 1864; October 7, 14, and 28, 1864; November 2, 1864; and March 22-August 24, 1865 (unknown whether any issues published). The number for November 4, 1842, and that for May 29, 1842, are in the SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN file of the College of William and Mary. The librarian, Dr. E. G. Swem, kindly had the marriage notices in these numbers copied for the Historical Records Survey. In the volume January 17, 1850-January 6, 1853, in the custody of the State Library, the numbers for January 2 and 9, 1851, are bound immediately after the number for December 25, 1851, instead of at the beginning of 1851. Immediately following January 9, 1851, is January 15, 1852, then consecutively January 20 and 27, 1853. Then comes February 5, 1852. From this date, the numbers for 1852 are complete and are arranged in chronological order. As has already been stated in the list of gaps in the file, the numbers for January 1, 8, 22, and 29, 1852, are missing. These errors in binding are mentioned to save the time of students who are unfamiliar with the file. The Many workers by their alertness, their precision, and their energy have made it possible to complete the INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN before there becomes effective a reorganization of the Historical Records Survey with other statewide projects to form a clerical project under the War Services Program of the Work Projects Administration. The entry of the United States into the second World War caused a turnover of WPA workers so rapid that it is impracticable to list the names of all who took part in the work. The greater part of it on both Volume I and Volume II was checked, edi- ted, and compiled under the supervision of Mrs. Neva Thompson. When Mrs. Thompson resigned on April 15, 1942, to accept a clerical position under the War Department, Mrs. Jennette A. Walls was assigned to take her post. The index was completed under the supervision of Mrs. Walls, who as a successful clerical worker is herself a product of the Historical Records Survey, since iv Preface she had never been trained or gainfully employed until she was assigned to the project's Richmond office.. Mrs. Anne R. Morrison served as chief proof- reader, and Mr. Ernest E. Williams as foreman of field work. As in the INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD, no attempt has been made to correct any name, spelling, date, or statement made in the printed notice except in the rare case of the spelling of the name of a well known rector, such, for instance, as the name Minnigerode, or in cases where names of Virginia counties were misspelled. In all other cases, names, dates, and statements have been reproduced exactly as they are printed in the SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN. When a second notice of the same marriage appeared, however, the notice which seemed to be the correct notice was indexed, and a reference to the other notice made in a footnote. This symbol is also used to point out anything in an entry so unusual that it might appear to be an error of the copyist, the typist, or the editor. In certain cases, such as that of a parish for which no geographical location is cited, or of a name like "Big Lick", the settlement which later became the city of Roanoke, an explanatory footnote is given. In four major respects does editorial procedure depart from that em- ployed in the INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD. The first of these is the inclusion in each entry of the name of the paper immediately before the date of the issue in which the marriage notice appeared. The second is the inclusion of all facts given in the printed notice. The third is the inclusion of Marriage Announcements, A-K, in Volume I. The fourth is a cross reference printed under the maiden name of a widow to the entry which records her re-marriage. By citing "So. Ch." before the date of each issue, the possi- bility of one's assuming that the date cited is the date on which the marriage was celebrated is done away with. By citing all facts, it is believed that much additional pertinent information is furnished, such as the name of the domicile of the bride and of the groom before marriage, or the name of the place where the marriage was celebrated. In a number of cases the names of members of the families other than those of the parents are also cited. The advantage of having the marriage announcements, A-K, in Volume I and the cross references relative to widows does not have to be explained. For clarity, as in the earlier index, a double entry is given for every marriage notice, one under the name of the groom, the other under the maiden name of the bride. In seeking a name, the searcher should be sure to look for the letter under "Addenda", if he has failed to find it under the letter alpha- betically arranged in the body of the text. As all facts in the printed marriage notices are included in the entries, which number approximately between three thousand and thirty-five hundred, it was absolutely necessary to publish the index in two volumes. i The brief historical sketch which traces the founding of the weekly and the names and dates of service of its editors was written by Dr. Bruce. Kathleen Bruce Kathleen Bruce State Superviaor Historical Records Survey Richmond, Virginia May 29, 1942 THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN The SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN, a weekly, representing the evangelical thought within the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, is published in Richmond, Virginia, by the Southern Churchman Publishing Compa- ny, an independent, unincorporated company. The paper was founded, however, by an individual, one hundred and six years ago. The founder was the Rev. William Fitzhugh Lee, rector of St. John's Church, Richmond, September 1828- December 21, 1829, and afterward rector of Christ Church, Richmond. QUAD 11 According to the bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia who was the assistant bishop in 1835, William Fitzhugh Lee through his mo th- or, Sally Lee, who married Edmund I. Lee of Alcxandria, was the grandson of Richard Henry Lee of Chantilly, Westmoreland_County, one of the outstanding Virginians of the American Revolution (Bishop William Meade, OLD CHURCHES, MINISTERS, AND FAMILIES OF VIRGINIA, 1857, II, 143). Young Lee was compelled to give up his rectorship on account of his health. "As to body", wrote Biship Meade, "Mr. Lee being little more than thin air, or a light feather ... his horse felt not the rider on his back but the people felt the weight and power of a strong mind ... he devoted himself to the press, and was the first editor of the Southern Churchman, establishing it at Richmond. He con- tinued to edit the same until his part of the work was performed. When lying on a sick-bed, his proof sheets corrected, his selections made and editorials written, while propped up with bolsters and pillows thus to the last spending and being spent ... (IBID, I, 460-61). Lee published the first issue of the SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN on January 2, 1835. He was only in his thirty-third year when he died on Friday, May 19, 1837, in Alexandria which was then in the District of Columbia. The weekly issue due on the day he died and on Friday, May 26, 1837, appeared as usual. Lee's indomitable spirit, his mind, and his energy had triumphed. He had established a journal which would live. There was no break in the immediately succeeding issues. Beginning on June 2, and running through September 1, 1837, the space in which "William F. Lee, editor", had formerly been printed carried "Rev. Lucius M. Purdy, editor." Beginning with the issue of September 8, however, the space for the editor's name is blank until November 17, 1837, when "Rev. Z. Meade, editor", fills the blank. On leaving his congregation in Boston, Meade sought the restoration of his health "in the milder climate of Richmond and in the editorial chair" (IBID, II, 53). Without a break also, the paper is headed "Richmond", and the Richmond office address is given through December 31, 1839, although it has been said that when Lee left Richmond for Alex- andria, he "moved his office with him" (The Editors ...", SO. CH., Jan. 5, 1935). Because of a gap, 1840-January 15, 1847, in the only available files of this paper, the change in editors during these years, and the date of the re- moval of the office of the editor from Richmond could not be traced. The next available issue is dated January 24, 1847; it is headed "Alexandria, Va.", and the usual space for the editor's name shows "Rev. E. R. Lippitt, editor." Nine years later Lippitt was advertizing in the SUUTHERN CHURCHMAN (Sept. 26, 1856) his "Family School for Boys" in Alexandria. In 1846 the United States Government had retroceded to Virginia the territory in the District of Co- lumbia which the General Assembly by an act of December 3, 1789, had ceded V vi The SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN to the United States for the permanent seat of the Government. Lippitt's name as that of editor of the SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN appears for the last time in the issue of Friday, March 31, 1848. The issue of April 7, cites no editor's name but gives the names of the printers. In the issue of June 2, 1848, the "Rev. George A. Smith, editor", is recorded. Meanwhile, Bishop Meade wrote in the issue of May 26, 1848, "The editorial care of the Southern Churchman, our Diocesan paper, has recently, as you all know, been transferred to another editor. The Rev. George A. Smith, one of our esteemed ministers, has undertaken the charge of it." The significance of the paper for the diocese is implied in the bishop's words, "our Diocesan paper." Smith edited the SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN for seven years; he published his farewell editorial in the issue of September 27, 1855. But the Rev. D. Francis Sprigg was to edit it for forty-four years. At the head of the issue of Friday, October 5, 1855, appears the new editor's motto, carried there- after under his editorship, "Nisi Dominus Frustra" which he explained were "the first words of the 127th Psalm in the Vulgate version. The whole verse reads: 'Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.'" Having taken charge in 1855, Sprigg was editor of the SOUTHERN CHURCH… MAN during the War for Southern Independence. When United States troops occupied Alexandria, he moved the paper to Richmond. No issue appeared after that which is headed Alexandria, May 24, 1861, until that of November 22, 1861, which was the earliest war issue printed in Richmond. The last known issue which appeared during the war is dated March 15, 1865. Each war issue printed in Richmond was cut to a single sheet until November 9, 1864, when the single sheet which had been shortened on April 8, 1864, was folded over, thus making two small sheets. When the war ended Sprigg returned to Alexandria, and started a fresh with "New Series, Vol. I, No. 1," August 31, 1865. The paper was printed in Alexandria until he was called to Richmond in 1879 to be rector of the Moore Memorial Church, the forerunner of the present Grace and Holy Trinity. Sprigg moved the paper with him, and the first issue of the new series to be headed Richmond appeared on April 17, 1879. The office of the SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN remained thereafter in Richmond. In the issue of Sep- tember 28, 1899, Sprigg wrote: "With this number of the Southern Churchman my connection with it ceases. I have no pecuniary interest in it, or responsi- bility; no editorial management of it. Its good-will has been bought by the 'Protestant Episcopal Churchman Company' who have appointed Rev. William Meade Clark of St. James' Church, Richmond, its editor, In taking leave of its subscribers, some of whom are my friends and have been, I do so with more or less sorrow. I have been connected with it for forty-four years." The name of the editor and that of the publishing company is not printed in the issues of 1899. Beginning with the issue of March 3, 1900, the South- ern Churchman Publishing Company is cited as the publisher. The Rev. Meade Clark served as editor until his death in 1914. His suc- cessors were the Rev. Edward L. Goodwin, D.D., 1914-1920, the Rev. W. Russell Bowie, D.D., 1920-1923, the Rev. Joseph B. Dunn, D.D., 1924-1927, Langbourne M. Williams, 1927-1931, the first layman to serve as editor, the Rev. Charles W. Sherrin, D.D., 1931-September 10, 1938, the Rev. Samuel B. Chilton, Sep- tember 10, 1938-May 1940, and the Rev. Beverley M. Boyd, May 1940--. + Com. Co. d. of gr.d. gr.s. Rev. Rt. Rev. s. of So. Ch. Ven. ABBREVIATIONS vii · • • Commodore County daughter of granddaughter grandson Reverend Right Reverend son of Southern Churchman Venerable Preface The Southern Churchman Abbreviations Letter L Letter M Letter N .. Letter 0. Letter P .. Letter Q Letter R Letter S . Letter T Letters UV Letter W Letters XYZ Addenda: Letters L 2 CONTENTS Announcements of Approaching Marriages, 1915 - 1940 ix ……. Page i vii 1 32 87 99 103 138 139 163 211 240 245 295 301 327 INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN 1835-1941 LACKLAND Charlotte ., d. of the late Samuel Lackland, Esq. of Jefferson Co., and Thomas E. Sublett formerly of Powhatan Co., Va., by the Rev. Mr. Ambler, in the Episcopal Church, Charles Town. So, Ch., Apr. 22, 1859 -L- Fanny, d. of the late Thomas Lackland of Jefferson Co., and Lawrence Washington of "Wareland", Fauquier Co., by the Rev. Wm. H. Meade, in Zion Church, Charles Town, Jefferson Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 3, 1876 LACY Cora Virginia, of Lynchburg, and Thomas M. Fendley of Chesterfield Co., by the Rev. T. M. Carson, in St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg. So. Ch., Apr. 28, 1870 Edward N., and Olivia B. Noble, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at the residence of Edward Gates, Esq., Chesterfield Co., Va. So. Ch., May 12, 1887 Frank M., and Emily Johnson, by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, at the residence of the bride's mother, Dresden, Ohio. So. Ch., May 2, 1878 Richmond T., Esq., and Ellen, eldest d. of Mrs. Sarah Lane, by the Rev. Park Farley Berkeley, at Vaucluse, Amelia. So. Ch., May 8, 1835 Richmond T., Jr. of New Kent Co., Va., and Lizzie Winston of Caroline Co., Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, at Shepherd's Hill, the residence of the bride's mother. Oct. 19, 1876 So. Ch., T. H. (The Rev.), of New Kent Co., Va., and Mary B. Goodwin of Wytheville, Va., by the Rev. F. D. Goodwin assisted by the Rev. D. F. Forest, in St. John's Church, Wytheville, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 18, 1873 William Jones, of Grand Junction, Col., and Norah Elizabeth Goolrick, by the Rt. Rev. C. K. Nelson, D.D., Bishop of Atlanta, assisted by Dr. J. Horace Lacy, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. William Barber Goolrick, in Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1913 LAIN William M., of Washington, D.C., and Maria Louisa, d. of John G. Mosby, Esq. of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Wm. H. Hart, in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1837 LAIRD Marion, and the Rev. John S. Higgins, rector of the Church of the Advent, Chicago, by Bishop Stewart assisted by the Rev. Walter C. Bihler, in Christ Church, Woodlawn. So. Ch., Sept. 23, 1933 Philip D., and Ella G. Magruder, by the Rev. Wm. H. Laird, in St. John's Church, Olney, Montgomery Co., Md. So. Ch., Dec. 31, 1885 William, Jr., and Anna Key, - 2 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION d. of the late Wm. G. Ridgely, Esq., by the Rev. S. Ridout, in Georgetown, D.C. So. Ch., June 21, 1866 William H. (The Rev.), of Mecklenburg Co., Va., and Rosa I., d. of the Rev. Dr. Packard of Fairfax Co., by Bishop Johns, in the chapel of the Theo- logical Seminary, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 9, 1869 LAKIN Frances A., of Princess Anne Co., Va., formerly of Augusta, Me., and Benj. F. Lownsbery, Jr. of Norfolk, formerly of Jamestown, N. Y., by the Rev. W. R. Savage, in Emmanuel Church, Kempsville, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1889 LAMAR Harriet Cazenove, of Welles- ley, and Frank Oczenove · Jones of New York City, by the Rev. Mr. Gardiner of Maryland and Bishop Peterkin of the Diocese of West Virginia, assisted by the Rev. J. T. Duryea, D.D. of Boston, at the residence of Mrs. Henry Durant, in Wellesley, Mass. So. Ch., July 12, 1883 LAMB James C., Esq., of Richmond, and Loula Gray, d. of the late George L. Brocken- brough of Florida, by the Rev. Everard Meade, at the residence of Thomas W. Brockenbrough of Richmond Co. So. Ch., Mar. 3, 1881 Jas. C., of Richmond, Va., and Saide, eldest d. of Wm. F. Brockenbrough, Esq. of "Belleville", Richmond Co., Va., by the Rev. M. Johnson assisted by the Rev. B. D. Tucker of Norfolk, Va., in St. John's Church, Warsaw, Va. Va. So. Ch., Jan. 7 and 14, 1886 John (Capt.), of Charles City Co., and Mattie R., d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Dr. A. Wade, in the rectory, Charles City Co. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1869 Mary Content, and John Donnell of Washington City, by the Rev. Thos. Gallaudet of St. Ann's, New York, assisted by the Rev. B. D. Tucker, at the residence of the bride's brother, Col. William Lamb, Norfolk. So. Ch., Apr. 28,1887 LAMBERT Lola Naomi, and Fitz-Hugh Ball Marshall, by the Rev. Norman Fitz-Hugh Marshall, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lambert, Monticello, Ark. So. Ch., June 24, 1911 LAMBETH William Meredith, of New Orleans, and Georgianna Slacum of Alexandria, by the Rev. Chas. Dana. So. Ch., Aug. 16, 1839 LAMBIRE Maurice W., of Georgetown, D.C., and Blanche, d. of Sam'l T. Ashby, Esq., of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. Jno. S. Lindsay, in St. Stephen's Church, Culpeper C.H., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1873 LAMON George M., and Alvernon H., d. of Daniel Anderson, Esq., all of Berkely Co., Va., · 3 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION by the Rev. Wm. McGuire, at the residence of Franklin Bowley, Esq. Ch., Apr, 8, 1859 Robort*, and Bessie Keyes Burkhart, both of Martins- burg, by the Rey, Henry Thomas assisted by the Rev. Walter . Hullihen, in Trinity Church, Martins- burg. So. Ch., May 2, 1889 LANCASTER * LANE So. J. J., and Phronia L., d. of Horace J. Moody, Esq., by the Rev. William S. Langford, in St. John's Church, Yonkers, N.Y. So. Ch., Dec. 9, 1875 Charles S., s. of Gen. C. S. Lane of the English Army, and Mrs. Alice F. Sandys, d. of the late Hon. R. N. Thweatt of Chesterfield Co., Va., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, in Trinity Church, Dale Parish, Chesterfield Co., Va. So. Ch., May 1, 1890 Elizabeth, d. of the late Albert A. Lane of Cleve- land, Ohio, and the Rev. Howard Harper, rector of Grace Church, Waycross, Ga., by Bishop Reese, in Christ Church, Savannah. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1935 Ellen, aldest d. of Mrs. Sarah Lane, and Richmond T. Lacy, Esq., by the Rev. Park Farley Berkeley, at Vaucluse, Amelia. So. Ch., May 8, 1835 H. B., and Sophie C., d. of Horace B. Hall, all of Fredericksburg, by the Rev. R. J. McBryde, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Given as printed : Jan. 19, 1882 Josephine J., and Joseph W. Chinn, both of Richmond Co,, Va., by the Rev. Camp- bell Fair, D.D., at 384 Lauvale St., Baltimore; Md. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1885 Julia H., d. of John W. Lane, Esq., of Amelia Co., Va., and Maj. Wm. A. Graham, Jr. of North Carolina, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at the Oaks, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., June 17, 1864 Lizzie J., d. of the late John G. Lane, and William S. Daniel of Richmond, by the Rev. W. M. Clark, at the resi- dence of the bride's brother, H. B. Lane, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1891 S. Helen, and the Rev. Auther S. Johns, by the Rt. Rev. John Johns and the Rev. E. C. Murdaugh, D.D., at Brompton, near Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., July 9, 1874 Sidney, and Mrs, Jane Ann McCarty, both of Richmond Co., by the Rev. Andrew Fisher, at Laurel Grove. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1859 Thomas B. (Dr.), and Ellen Randolph Tabb, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, in Christ Church, So. Ch., Matthews Co. May 5, 1870 Wm. L., and Georgeanna Staton, both of Berlin, Worcester Co., Md., by the Rev. George S. Fitzhugh. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1874 4 ་༔ LANGHORNE MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION C. W., and Lou Belle, d. of Dr. Wm. S. Morris, all of Lynchburg, Va., by the Rev. T. M. Carson, in St. Paul's Church. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1875 Charles M., of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. Llewellyn Johnson Eubank of Waco, Tex.. at Roanoke, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1911 John D., and Nannie C., d. of George P. Tayloe of Roanoke Co., Va., by the Rev. Peter Tinsley. So. Ch., Jan. 8, 1864 Lydia, and George P. Craig- hill, both of Lynchburg, by the Rev. James P. Craighill and the Rev. T. M. Carson, in St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 28, 1875 Nellie, d. of Col. Morris S. and Elizabeth C. Langhorne, and Arthur T. Powell, by the Rev. T. M. Carson, in St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 14, 1880 Sallie W., of Botetourt Co., Va., and Dr. Nicho- las Johnson of Kanawha Falls, W.Va., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, at Cloverdale, Botetourt Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 17, 1876 Thomas N., of Lynchburg, and Orra H., d. of Algernon S. Gray of Harrisonburg, Va., by the Rev. A. W. Weddell, at the residence of Foxhall A. Daingerfield, in Harrisonburg. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1871 Thomas N., Jr., of Lynchburg, Va., and Anna K., eldest d. of Dr. R. N. and Mrs. Fannie D. Hewitt, by the Rev. B. W. Moseley, at Otter Hill, Campbell Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 17, 1878 LARMOUR J. Worrall (The Rev.), and Mary Elizabeth, eldest d. of the late John B. Griswold of Goldsboro, by the Rt. Rev. Theodore B. Lyman, D.D., assisted by the Rev. Edward R. Rich, in St. Stephen's Church, Goldsboro, N.C. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1878 LARSEN Julia Louise, and R. Price Patterson, by the Rev. Thomas P. Baker, in Christ Church, Adam's Run, S.C. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1911 LATANE Henry W., and Martha Harvoy, d. of Dr. Thomas C. Gordon, by the Rev. H. W. L. Temple assisted by the Rev. J. A. Latane, in St. John's Church, Tappahannock, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., June 3, 1870 J. A., of Essex, and Mary Minor, eldest d. of the late J. Z. Holladay of Charlottesville, by the Rev. R. K. Meade. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1855 Janet R. R., and Wm. Camp- bell, both of Essex Co., Va., by the Rev. H. W. L. Temple, in Essex Co. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1868 Julia, d. of Bishop James A. Latane, and Clagget Jones, by the Rev. J. M. Rawlings, at Bewdley, King and Queen Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 15, 1880 Mary Susan, d. of Dr. James · 5 H. Latane, and Charles J. Sale, all of Essex Co., Va., by the Rev. John B. Newton, in St. John's Church, Tappahannock. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1871 Nannie R., d. of Dr. James H. Latane, and R. L. Ware, all of Essex, by the Rev. H. W. L. Temple, at Mahock- any. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1860 William C. (The Rev.), rector of Washington Parish, and Susan, d. of John E. Wilson, Esq. of "Wakefield", Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, in St. Peter's Church, Oak Grove. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1876 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION LATHAM of George Woodville, of Lynch- burg, Va., and Louise C., d. of P. Calhoun, Esq. Bridgeport, by the Rev. G. S. Coit, D.D., at Bridgeport, Conn. So. Ch., Sept. 30, 1859 LATROBE B. H., Jr. (The Rev.), and Jennie Estelle, d. of the late G. W. Yates, Esq., by the Rev. A. M. Randolph assisted by the Rev. J. E. Cathell, in the Church of Our Savior, Baltimore. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1873 Ferdinand C., of Baltimore, and Ellen Swann, d. of the late John R. Ponrose of Philadelphia, by the Rev. J. Andrew Harris, at "Hillside", the residence of the bride's mother, at Chestnut Hill, Philadel- phia. So. Ch., July 15, 1880 · LAURIE Lizziedelle, d. of the late Dr. Shepherd Laurie of Little Rock, Ark., and Geo. E. Pegram formerly of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. F. R. Hanson, in Demopolis, Ala. So. Ch., May 12, 1870 LAUSTER Ruth E., and the Rev. William Christian Roberts, rector of St. James' Parish, Monk- ton, Md., by Bishop Helfenstein assisted by the Rev. James A. Mitchell, in the Church of the Messiah, Hamilton, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1929 LAWRENCE Bessic Allen, youngest d. , of Capt. George and Mary R. Lawrence of Goochland C.H. and Oscar D. Derr, Esq., of Roanoke, Va., by the Rev. P. M. Boyden, in Grace Episcopal Church, at Goochland C.H., Va. So. Ch., June 17, 1886 Cassius M., of North Bing- ham, Pa., and Addie May, second d. of C. T. Shear, Esq., by the Rev. R. A. Castleman, at Sully, the residence of the bride's parents, near Chantilly, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1893 J. P. (The Rev.), and Edmonia, fourth d. of the late Win. H. Berkeley of King and Queen Co., Va., by the Rev. H. M. Jackson assisted by the Rev. Pike Powers, in Grace Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 5, 1888 Juner P. (The Rev.), of St. Luke's Church, Petlar, Amherst Co., and Maggie L. Nevitt of Pohick, Fairfax - 6 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Co., Va., by the Rev. Richard Ellerby, in Pohick Church. So. Ch. Feb. 3, 1876 R. H., and J. Margaret, youngest d. of the late Dr. 0. W. Kean of Goochland Co., Va., by the Rev. P. M. Boyden, at Grape Ridge, the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 24, 1889 Thomas Nevitt (The Rev.) 2 rector of Nottoway Parish, Southampton Co., Va., and Virginia Elligood, d. of Mr. and Mrs. William Wyatt, by the Rev. John Cornick, in the Presbyterian Church at Belle Haven, Accomac Co., Va., the home of the bride. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1909 William T., and Mary F. M., d. of the late R. S. Coxe, Esq. of Richmond, Va., and gr .d. of the late Dr. Wn. Smith Coxe of Burlington, N.J., by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Henrico Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 26, 1880 LAWSON John W., M.D. (The Hon.), of Isle of Wight Co., Va., and Maggie Norfleet, youngest d. of Mrs. Louisa R. Urquhart, by the Rev. Edw. W. Wroth, at Warrique, the residence of the bride's mother, Southampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1877 LAY Henry C. (The Rev.), and ? Eliza W., d. of Roger B. Atkinson of Lunenburg Co. Va., by the Rev. Edmund Withers, at Sherwood. So. Ch., May 28, 1847 LEA John W. (The Rev.), rector of St. Mark's Church, St. Albans, W.Va. ani Trinity Church, Huntington, W.Va., and Mrs. K. H. W. Wilson, d. of the late Col. R. W. Wyatt, by the Rev. J. S. Hanckel, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother, Clifton, Va. So. Ch., Jine 5, 1884 LEACH Charles H., Esq. of Fau- quier Co., and Hortensia Tyler of Front Royal, by the Rev. R. T. Berry, at Front Royal. So. Ch., Cct. 12, 1865 LEACHMAN Mary Lewis, d. of J. T. Leachman of Prince William Co., Va., and R. Carey Buck, M.D. of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. Arthur P. Gray, at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1881 LEADBEATER Faith M., of Alexandria, and the Rev. John Ridout of Grace Church, Peters- burg, by the Rev. Ernest M. Stires of West Point, Va. and the Rev. Theron Rice of Alexandria, at Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 17, 1892 Mary, and the Rev. James Davis Gibson, rector of Christ Church, Wellsburg, W.Va., by the Rev. John S. Gibson assisted by the Rev. Wm. J. Morton, in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1909 Fannie Kean, and the Rev. LEAKE -:7 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION J. Lindsay Patton of Ashland, by the Rev. T. M. Ambler, at the resi- dence of the bride's father, William J. Leake, Ashland, Va. So. Ch., July 3, 1890 Shelton F., of Terrell, Tex.. and Kate D. Nelson of Culpeper, Va., by the Rev. W. T. Roberts, in St. Stephen's Church, Culpeper. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1884 LEARY David, and Betty Booker, both of Amelia Co., Va., by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1872 LEATHEM Mary, youngest d. of Robert H. Leathem, Esq., and the Rev. J. Dudley Ferguson, rector of Trinity Church, Canaser- aga, Diocese of Western New York, by the Rev. Erskine M. Rodman, D.D., rector of Grace Church, Plainfield, N.J., and Dean of Convocation. So. Ch., July 6, 1882 LEATHERBURY Edward R. (Dr.), and Eliza- beth M., d. of Dr. T. P. Bagwell, by the Rev. J. M. Chevers, in Onancock. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1855 Thomas E., of Northampton, and Joanna T. West of Accomac, by the Rev. J. B. Craighill, in North- ampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 11, 1869* LEATON Jane, of Canada East, and the Rev. Charles H. Page of Hedgesville, Berkeley Co., W.Va., by the Rev. R. K. Meade, in Charlottes- ville. So. Ch., June 23, 1870 LEAVELL Anne E., of Jefferson Co., W.Va., and John Moncure Daniel, Esq. of Louis- ville, Ky., by the Rev. W. H. Meade assisted by the Rev. C. E. Ambler and the Rev. W. T. Leav- eli, at Media, Jeffer- son Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1874 Edmund S., and Harriet A. Spindle, by the Rev. E. C. McGuire, in Spotsyl- vania Co. So. Ch., Sept. 22, 1837 Elizabeth H. T., and J. W. Ware, Jr., by the Rev. J. W. Ware and the Rev. P. N. McDonald, at "Media", Jefferson Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1916 Francis K. (The Rev.), of Coal Valley, and Lillie, eldest d. of Mrs. Charles B. Thurston of Cumberland, by the rector, the Rev. P. Nelson Meade assisted by the Rev. W. T. Leavell, in Emmanuel Church, Cumberland. So. Ch., Feb. 4, 1886 Julia Yates, and Maj. Edward H. McDonald of Louisville, Ky., formerly of Virginia, by the Rev. W. T. Leavell assisted by the Rev. J. E. Poindexter, at Media, near Charles Town, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1869 Lottie E., and Josiah P. Gayle of Spotsylvania, by the Rev. E. Meade, at Oak- land, the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary C. Leavell, Essex Co., Va. * A notice appears in the issue of Feb. 4, 1869 identical with this, except that "Leatherbury" is written "Leatherburt" .00 LEE MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION So. Ch., Dec. 19, 1878 Mary A., d. of the Rev. W. T. Leavell, and Capt. Wm. R. Johnson of Cresent, Fayette Co., W.Va., by the Rev. Dallas Tucker assisted by the Rev. F. K. Leavell, in Zion Church, Charles Town, Jefferson Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1885 Nannie S., and Edwin Black- well, professor in Bethel Academy, by the Rev. W. T. Leavell assisted by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Peterkin, in St. Stephen's Church, Culpeper C.H, So. Ch. Nov. 28, 1878 W. T. (The Rev.), and Emma, d. of Garrett Wynkoop, Esq, of Hedgesville, by the Rev. J. Owen Darsey assisted by the Rev. R. D. Roller, in Mt. Zion Church, Hedgesville, Berkeley Co., li.va. So. Ch., June 7, 1883 Wm. T. (The Rev.), rector of Westover Parish, Charles City Co., and Anne, d. of John Yates, Esq. of Jefferson Co., by the Rev. Richard T. Brown. So. Ch., Nov. 26, 1847 LECKIE George W., of Rockbridge Co., and Ella M., d. of Richard M. Cleveland of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Apr. 18, 1889 Alice C., of Fredericks- burg, and Dabney J. Waller of Caroline Co., by the Rev. J. G. Shackel- C ford of Trinity Church, at the residence of A. H. Conway, Fredericksburg, So. Ch., Nov. 7, Va. 1889 Alice Dandridge, d. of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lee, and Lt. Dwight Harvey, U.S.N., s. of Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Harwood Day of St. Paul, Minn. by the Rev. David Cady Wright,D.D., rector of Christ Church, Savannah, Ga., assisted by the Rev. Robb White, Jr., rector of St. Thomas' Church, Thomas- ville, Ga., in historic Christ Church, Frederica, St. Simons Island, Ga. So. Ch., Aug. 4, 1934 Annie E., youngest d. of Cassius F. Lee, Esq. of Fairfax Co., and J. Thompson Cole of the Japan Mission, by the Rev. William F. Gardner assisted by the Rt. Rev. George W. Peterkin, D.D., in the Chapel of the Theological Seminary near Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., May 6, 1886 Annie E., of Fredericksburg, and John P. Seaman of Caroline Co., by the Rev. J. G. Shackelford of Trinity Church, at the residence of A. H. Conway, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1889 Belle, d. of Charles S. Lee, Esq. of Clarke Co., Va., and Charles C. Garrett of Wilmington, Del., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at "The Ancho- rage", the residence of. So. the bride's father. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Ch., Dec. 30, 1875 Cassius F., Jr., and Mary, eldest d. of Richard Loyd, Esq., by the Rev. Wm. F. Meade, at Belmont, Alexandria Co., Va. So. Ch., June 5, 1873 Cazenove G., of Fairfax Co., Va., and Marguerite L., youngest d. of the late E. Irenie Du. Pont of Brandywine, by the Rt. Rev. G. W. Peterkin of West Virginia assisted by the Rev. D. D. Smith, in Christ Church, Brandy- wine, Del. So. Ch., Sept. 29, 1881 Charles Henry, Jr. (The Rev.), and Susan Randolph Cooke, by the Rev. John P. Tyler and the Rev. William R. Lee, in Christ Church, Millwood, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1893 Constance Gardner, d. of Cassius F. Lee, Esq., and the Rev. Geo. W. Paterkin of Richmond, by the Rev. Dr. Peterkin, at Monokin, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1868 Daniel Murray, and Nannic E., d. of the late J. B. Ficklin*, Esq. of Falmouth, by the Rov. Dr. Murdaugh, in St. George's Church, Frodericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1875 Edmonia Louise, d. of Charles S. Lee, Esq. of Clarke Co., Va., and William, s. of the late Henry Haigh, M.A., Arch- deacon of the "Isle of Wight" and Vicar of New- port, England, by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 26, * Given as printed 1888 Edmund I., Jr., of Jeffer- son Co., W.Va., and Rebecca L., d. of Col. A. T. M. Rust, by the Rev. H. B. Lee assisted by the Rev. R. T. Davis, at Rockland, Loudoun Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 30, 1875 Edmund J., Jr., Esq., and Henrietta, d. of the late Daniel Bedinger, by the Rev. E. Cornwall, at Southport, Conn. So. Ch., Sept. 18, 1835 Edmund J. (Dr.), and Mary, d. of Charles Smith, Esq. of Philadelphia, by the Rt. Rev. Geo. W. Peterkin assisted by the Rev. Francis D. Lee, in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1879 Edward Henry, of Chicago, and Ruth Sheldon, d. of the Bishop of Oklahoma and Mrs. Francis Key Brooke, by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, Presiding Bishop of the Church, in the chapel of St. Luke's Church, Evanston, Ill. So. Ch., Oct. 7, 1916 Edward Jennings, and Bessio R. Neilson, by the Rev. Dr. W. H. Neilson, father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. J. H. Aspinwall of Washington, D.C., in Trinity Church, Shepherds- town. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1893 Eliza Atkinson, d. of Col. R. H. Lee of Clarke Co., Va., and the Rev. James R. Winchester of Mary- land, by the Rev. Wm. B. - 10 - Lee and the Rev. Joseph R. Jones, in Christ Church, Millwood, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 26 and Oct. 10, 1878 Elizabeth G., and the Rev. A. D. Pollock, pastor of the Presbyterian Church on Shockoe Hill, Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Mr. Wilson, at Presque Isle, Culpeper Co. So. Ch. Dec. 3, 1835 Fannie, d. of Maj. Baker P. Lee, and Henry Wise •, Booker, by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt, in St. John's Church, Hampton, Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1882 Fitzhugh (Gen.), of Rich- lands, Va., and Ellen Bernard, d. of the late George D. Fowle of Alex- andria, by the Rov. Geo, H. Norton, D.D., at the residence of the bride's uncle, Philip B. Hooe, Esq. 5o. Ch., Apr. 27, 1871 Francis D. (The Rev.), and Annie Henderson, d. of the late H. Allen Taylor, by the Rev. Dr. Norton, at Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., May 6, 1880 Francis P. (The Rev.), and Sarah Ann, only d. of the late B. B. Cooper, Esq., by the Rev. John Woart, at Camden. So. Ch., Oct. 27, 1837 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Frank A. (Dr.), of Lynch- burg, Va., and Kate J., d. of Maj. S. T. Peters, by the Rev. W. L. Dolly, at "Delacarlia", in Bedford Co., Va. So, Ch., Oct. 8, 1891 H. B. (The Rev.), and Lucy J., only d. of J. Keith and F. L. Marshall and great gr.d. of Chief Justice Marshall, all of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. Robb White assisted by the Rey, James R. Winchester, at Marven, the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Sept. 27, 1877 Harriotte Hopkins, d. of Cassius F. Lee, and Thomas S. Taliaferro, Esq., of Gloucester Co., Va., by the Rev. C. B. Dana, in Alexandria. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1860 Helen S., d. of Goo. W. Lee, and A. J. Skinner, by the Rov. Frank Pago, at the residence of the bride's father in Fairfax Co. So. Ch., June 7, 1883 Henry Tucker (The Rev.), of Winchester, Va., rector of Trinity Church, Society Hill, S.C., and Fannie Fraser, d. of J. C. Whaley, Esq. of Edisto, by the Rt. Rev. W. B. W. Howe, D.D. assisted by the Rev. John John- son, rector of St. Philip's Church, in St. Philip's Church, Charles- ton, S.C. So. Ch., Apr. 30, 1874 Henry W. (The Rev.), minister of Christ Church, Springfield, and Lydia M., d. of the Hon. Marcus Morton of Taunton, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Griswold, at Taunton, Mass. So. Ch., Apr. 26, 1839 Hortensia H., d. of Judge Lee of New Lexington, Ohio, and 11 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION the Rev. Henry Beeman of New Lexington, Ohio, by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, at Clarksburg, W.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1870 Ida, d. of Edmund I. Lee Esq., and Armstead T. M. Rust, Esq.,. of Loudoun, by the Rev. C. W. Andrews, D.D., at Bedford, near Shepherdstown. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1860 John M. (Maj.), and Nora, youngest d. of Dr. Wm. Bankhead of Caroline Co., by the Rev. B. E. Haber- sham, at Signal Hill (the residence of B. L. Winston, Esq., in Hanover Co.) So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1871 John R., Esq., and Eliza- beth Mann P. Nelson, both of Halifax, Va., by the Rev. Charles Dresser, at the parsonage of Antrim Parish. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1836 Katharine Randolph, and Dr. John R. Guerrant, both of Virginia, by the Rev. Frank Stringfellow, in Trinity Church, Rocky Mount. So. Ch., July 28, 1892 Laura, only d. of Mrs. Lillie Lee and the late Lt. Col. Wm. F. Lee, C.S. A., and gr.d. of the late Rev. W. F. Lee of Rich- mond, Va., and Lt. Wm. A. Simpson of the Second Artillery, U.S.A., by the Rev. Mr. Hubbard, at Shepherdstown, W. Va. So. Ch., May 20, 1880 Laura D., d. of Maj. Charles H. Lee of Loudoun Co., and George H. Burwell of Richmond, by the Rev. W. H. Johnson, at "Dunbarton", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Oct. 4, 1877 Lewis H., and Georgie G., eldest d. of the officiating minister, the Rev. Jno. S. Hansbrough, in St. Thomas' Church, Orange C. H., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1876 Mary A. M., and James E. Caldwell, Esq., both of Petersburg, Va., by the Rev. C. J. Gibson, in Grace Church, Petersburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1856 Mary Morrison, d. of the late Rev. Wm. F. Lee, and the Rev. Robert A. Castleman, by the kev. Dr. Sparrow, in the chapel of the Theo- logical Seminary. So. Ch., July 29, 1852 Matilda T., only d. of the late Lt. John Hite Lee, U.S. Navy, and John Roy Alcombe, Esq., by the Rev. Wm. H. Kinckle, at Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1856 Maud, d. of Judge Geo. H. Lee, and J. J. Ducan, by the Rev. J. F. Woods, at Clarksburg, W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1871 Mildred, d. of the late Charles Carter Lee of Windsor, Powhatan Co., and Dr. John T. Francis of Norfolk, by the Kev. Martin Johnson, in St. Luke's Church, Powhatan Co. So. Ch., Feb. 23, 1888 Philip De Catesby, and 12 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Zelia R. Baden, both of Fairfax Co., by the Rev. R. A. Castleman, at the residence of Mr. Yates, near Chantilly, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1893 Richard H., of Jefferson Co., Va., and Evelyne, d. of the late Wm. B. Page of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. J. T. Hooff, at Milwood, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., June 30, 1848 Robert E., and Charlotte, d. of R. Barton Haxall, Esq., by the Rev. George Woodbridge of Richmond, at "Rocklands", Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1871 Thomas A., of Staunton, Va., and Caroline C., d. of H. S. Wattles of Alex- andria, Va., by the Rev. Dr. George H. Norton assisted by the Rev. Reverdy Estill and the Rev. Frank Stringfellow, in St. Paul's Church, Alex- andria, Va. So. Cl., July 7, 1881 Thomas W., and Maggie A., only d. of Alex. Haight, Esq., all of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at Sully, the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Oct. 15, 1874 William Byrd (The Rev.), rector of Emmanuel Church, Culpeper Co., Va., and Jane Black- burn, d. of the late Dr. Randolph Kownslar, by the Rev. P. P. Phillips and the Rev. A. P. Gray, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 9, 1879 wm. F. (Lt.), U.S. Army, and Lillie M., d. of the late Dr. Richard Parran of Jefferson Co., Va., by the Rev. C. W. Andrews, D.D., in Trinity Church, Shep- herdstown, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 23, 1859 Wm. H. Fitzhugh (Lt.), of U.S. Army, and Georgianna, d. of the late George Weckham of U. S. Navy, by the Rev. Dr. Wade, at Shirley, in Charles City Co. So. Ch., Apr. 15, 1859 Wm. K., and Mary X. Henderson, both of Lan- caster, Va., by the Rev. E. Withers. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1856 Wm. K., Jr., and Nannie L. Munday, by the Rev. H. L. Derby, in Grace Church, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 31, 1881 LEFEBVRE Mary W., d. of the late H. P. Lefebvre, and Wm. B. Isaacs, Jr. of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. J. S. B. Hodges, D.D., in Baltimore. So. Ch., Apr. 24, 1873 LEFROY J. Arthur, of County Down, Ireland, and Sallie Watson, d. of Jno. H. Montague, by the Rev. J. Peterkin, in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 19, 1877 LEFTWICH Maria L., d. of the late John O. Leftwich, and J. Morton Speece, M.D., all of Bedford Co., by the Rev. Richard H. Wilmer, So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1857 - 15 ་ MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION W. Blanche, and J. Thomp- son Coles, both of Pitt- sylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. C. 0. Pruden, at "Forest Grove", the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. B. Coles, Pittsylvania Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 5, 1885 LEGG Edward C., and Louise B. Price, both of Kent Island, Md., by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, in Christ Church, Kent Island, Md. So. Ch., June 19, 1884 Edward M., and Sallie R. W., d. of Wm. B. Goodhard, Esq. of Kent Island, Md., by the Rev. P. D. Thomp- son, at 547 Franklin St. Baltimore. So. Ch., Oct. 2, 1879 •, Wm. H., and Ida M. Thompson, both of Kent Island, Md., by the Rev. P. D. Thomp- son, in Christ Church Roctory, Kent Island, Md. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1889 LEIBERMAN Charles D., of Washington, D.C., and Jonnie D. Forrall of Prince George's, by the Rov. Jno. Collins McCabe, D.D., at the residence of the bride's grandfather, Robert Clark, Esq., in Prince George's Co., Md. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1867 LEIGH B. W., Martinsburg, W.Va., and Olive, youngest d. of the late E. F. Buckingham, Washington, D.C., by the Rev. Wallace Carnahan, Little Rock, Ark., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Taylor, Bastrop, La. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1893 Chapman Johnson, of New York City, and Anne Camp- bell, youngest d. of Hill Carter, Esq., by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, at Shirley, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1860 John P., Jr., and Fannie P., d. of Dr. G. W. Cowdery, all of Norfolk, by the Rev. N. A. Oakeson, in St. Paul's Church. So. Ch., May 3, 1861 Kate Randolph, d. of Egbert G. Leigh, Esq., and T. Poyton Giles, gr.s. of the late Hon. Wm. B. Giles of Virginia, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 22, 1887 Lottie, of Aylett, King William Co., Va., and Argyle Carneal of Rich- mond, by the Rev. W. T. Roberts, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1889 Lucy Amelia, and William J. P. Whitlock, by the rector, the Rev. John London, in St. James' Church, Louisa, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1911 Mary Grammer, and John Charles Randolph Taylor, at Houston, Va. So. Ch., July 20, 1907 Mary Page, of Aylett, King William Co., Va., and Frederick T. Nason of San Angelo, Tex, by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, in St. David's Church, King William Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 24, 1887 Mary W., d. of Dr. J. R. Leigh, and William H. Talliferro, by the Rev. Nigh 14 F. N. Whaley, in Clarks- ville, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 23, 1888 Pattie K., of Aylett, Va., and Matthew M. Puller of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, in St. David's Church, King William Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 2, 1888 Rebecca, d. of the late Judge William Leigh, and George W. Williams of Richmond, by the Rev. William H. Laird, at the residence of Benjamin Watkins Leigh, Esq., in Mecklenburg Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 14, 1875 Sue W. (Mrs.), and the Rev. Charles Morris of Ashland, Va., by the Rev. W. A. Alrich, at the residence of the bride's father, Dr. Lemmon, near Castle Craig, Campbell Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 7, 1876 Wm., of Halifax C.H., Va., MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION and Louise C. Carrington, by the Rev. D. M. Wood, at the residence of the bride's father, Col. H. A. Carrington. So. Ch., Oct. 11, 1883 Williams, and Mary White, d. of the late Edward Colston, Esq., by the Rev. D. Francis Sprigg, at Honey- wood, Berkeley Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1854 LEITH Willie, of Loudoun Co., and James C. Crane of Jefferson Co., W.Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at the residence of Dr. Plaster, Snickersville. So. Ch., June 5, 1873 LEMMON Flora T., d. of Dr. R. T. Lemmon, and Eugene D. Saunders of New Orleans, by the Rev. W. A. Alrich, at Green Meadows, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Apr. 8, 1880 Geo. E., of Lynchburg, and Priscilla S. Clark of Martinsville, Va., by the Rev. J. T. Clark assisted by the Rev. W. M. Clark and the Rev. Thomas J. Packard, in St. Luke's Church, Clover. So. Ch., Feb. 7, 1884 Lucy Paxton, and N. H. Massie, both of Danville, by the Rev. R. C. Jett, at the Arlington Hotel, Danville, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 12, 1889 LEMOINE Josephine, d. of the late Fereol Lemoine, and Chas. W. Smith, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, in Richmond Co. So. Ch., July 2, 1858 Oscar M., and Maria G., d. of John S. and Olivia J. Braxton, all of Emmerton, Va., by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, in Emmanuel Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Aug. 3, 1876 Virginia, second d. of the late Moreau Lemoine of Fairfax Co., Va., and Alexander Innis of Rapidan Parish, La., by the Rev. R. T. Brown, at Mount Well- ington, Fairfax Co. So. Ch., Apr. 16, 1858 LESTER Sallie P., d. of John Lester, Esq., and Matthew W. Yarrington, 15 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION all of Richmond, by the Rev. Mr. Kepler, in St. John's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1856 LETCHER John Davidson, of Lexington, Va., and Louisa Leonard, d. of the late Tazewell Taylor, Esq., of Norfolk, Va., by the Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph, D.D., LL.D., assisted by the Rev. John J. Lloyd, D.D., at Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., May 30, 1908 Margaret K., d. of the late ex-Governor Letcher of Vir- ginia, and Robert J. Showell of Maryland, by the Rev. Dr. McBryde, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, at Lexington, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 6, 1884 Marguerite Robertson, d. of Mrs. Anna Meade and the late Dr. Robert P. Letcher of Henderson and gr.d. of the late Hon. Tucker Woodson of "Churchland", Jassamine Co., Ky., and N. L. Bronaugh of Nicholas- ville, Ky., by the Rev. Russell Cecil. So. Ch., Jan. 1, 1885 LEVERING Thomas H., of Toledo, Ohio, and Lucy Kerr of Clarksville, Tenn., by the Rev. J. Hervey Hundley, at Locust Grove, Middlesex Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1891 LEVIN Thomasine Gist, d. of the Hon. Lewis C. Levin, and the Rev. George E. Thrall, all of Philadelphia, by the Rev. Dudley A. Tyng. So. Ch., June 14, 1855 LEWELLYN Albinia W., d. of Richard Lewellyn of Albemarle Co., Va., and Wm. M. Owens, by the Rev. W. M. Nelson. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1855 LEWIN Emma Juliet, d. of Wm. Lewin, Esq. of Harper's Ferry, Va., and the Rev. Wm. N. Irish, rector of St. John's Parish, Harper's Ferry, Va., by the Rev. Wm. Shelton, D.D., in Trinity Church, Buffalo. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1849 LEWIS Agnes Stewart, third d. of John S. Lewis, Esq., and Columbus Sehon, Esq., ull 11 of Mason Co., W.Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, at Spring Hill, the resi- dence of the bride's father, near Point Pleasant, W.Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1876 Catesby L., and Lucy E., second d. of the late H. L. W. Temple, all of Essex, by the Rev. J. B. Newton, in St. Paul's Church, Essex, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1872 Christopher, formerly of Brunswick Co., Va., and Mary Hopkins of Pittsyl- vania, by the Rev. C. 0. Pruden, in Emmanuel Church, Chatham. So. Ch., Aug. 13, 1891 Cora Barksdale, second d. of John O. Lewis of Albe- marle, and Roderick Chilli McIntosh of Quitman, Ga., by the Rev. T. 5. Locke, at Cliffside, near Scottsville, Albe- marle Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1878 K 16 Dangerfield, Esq. of Cleve, King George Co., Va., and Belle Fauntleroy, eldest d. of John A. Browning, Esq. of Greenfield, Rappahannock Co., Va., by the Rev. James Carmichael, D.D. assisted by the Rev. John McGill, in Trinity Church, Bloomfield Parish. So. Ch., Nov. 18, 1880 Edward P. C., and Lucy B., d. of Col. S. W. Ware, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. H. Suter, at the residence of the bride's father, in Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 1, 1859 Elizabeth, eldest d. of Gen. S. H. Lewis of Rockingham, and the Rev. James C. Wheat of Staunton, by the Rev. T. T. Castleman, in Rockingham Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 9, 1855 Emily Contee, d. of G. W. Lewis, Esq., and E. A. Stevens of Hoboken, N.J., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, in Grace Church, Berry- ville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1879 Estelle, d. of Fielding Lewis of King George Co., and John G. Pollock, by the Rev. E. B. McGuire, at "Marmion", the resi- dence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 17, 1868 Esther, d. of G. Washing- ton Lewis, and Samuel McCormick, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1882 Flora Temple, d. of William S. Lewis, Esq., and Frederick Kinloch MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Page, by the Rev. P. M. Boyden, in Grace Church, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 George F., and Lulie F., d. of Dr. Nelson G. and Virginia T. West, by the Rev. Carter Page, at the residence of the bride's father in Goresville, Loudoun Co. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1885 Granville R. (Dr.), of Prince Edward Co., and Nannie E., d. of Dr. Thomas J. Williams of Charlotte Co., Va., by the Rev. James A. Mitchell, in Charlotte Co. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1866 H. L. D., Esq., of Clarke Co., Va., and Carter Penn, third d. of John Free- land, Esq. of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Minnigerode, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., May 11, 1871 J. S. (Dr.), of Weston, and Jessie, only d. of Dr. T. B. Camden of Wheeling, by the Rev. R. R. Swope, in St. Matthew's Church. So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1883 Jane Vivian, d. of the late Judge G. W. Lewis of West- moreland Co., Va., and Joseph Miller Long of Frederick Co., Va., by the Rev. Joseph R. Jones, in Trinity Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., June 24, 1886 Jefferson (The Rev.), of the Philadelphia Conference, and Louisa S., d. of Dr. E. W. Skelton of Powhatan Co., Va., by the Rov. I 17 ; MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION P. F. Berkeley. So. Ch., Mar. 20, 1835 John, and Mary L. Jenkins, both of Spotsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, at the residence of the bride's father, A. J. Jenkins. So. Ch., May 16, 1872 John F., Jr., s. of the Lt. Governor, and Annie V., d. of Henry B. Harnsberger, Esq., all of Rockingham Co., Va., by the Rev. Oscar S. Bunting, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1883 John H. B., Esq., of Jeffer- son Co., Va., and Mary Ellen, d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. G. W. Kennedy, at Oxford, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 19, 1860 Josephine, d. of Mrs. Lucy Lewis, and Dr. Wm. M. Kirk of Lancaster, Va., by the Rev. John B. Newton, at Langley, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1871 Kate, of Essex Co., Va., and Nathan Morris of Arkansas, by the Rev. Joseph Lewis assisted by the Rev. E. Meade, in St. Paul's Church, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 25, 1890 Kate D., d. of Fielding Lewis, Esq., of King George Co., and Matthew B. Pollock of Stafford Co., Va., by the Rev. Edward McGuire, at "Marmion", the residence of the bride's father, in King George Co. Va. So. Ch., Nov. 17, 1870 Libbie E., and Samuel L. Smith of Mt. Airy, Pittsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. C. 0. Pruden, at the residence of the bride's father, Ephraim Lewis, near Straight Stone, Pittsylvania Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 2, 1888 Lorenzo, and Rose E., d. of the late Francis McCormick, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, at Frankford, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., May 21, 1885 Lucy Pratt, d. of Geo. W. Lewis of Westmoreland Co., Va., and Oliver Ridgeway Funsten of Clarke Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Claymont, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., June 18, 1868 Lydia L., and Henry L. Smith of West Virginia by the Rev. Robb White, at the residence of Capt. John Fry, Keswick, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 25, 1883 Mary B., d. of John B. Lewis, Esq., and Henry B. Fitz- hugh, Esq., of "Sherwood Forest", Stafford Co., Va., by the Rev. Henry Wall, at "Shellfield", Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1867 Mary G., d. of Z. R. Lewis, Esq. of Nelson Co., Va., and F T. Anderson of Howardsville, Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. G. S. Somerville, in Christ Church, Norwood, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 26, 1891 : Mary L., and Dr. E. A. Gibbs of Lexington, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Wheat, at the residence of the 18 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION bride's fatner, Lt. Governor John F. Lewis, Lynwood, Rockingham Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 30 and Nov. 6, 1884 Mary W., d. of Daingerfield Lewis of King George Co., and John Tayloe of King George Co., by the Rev. Joseph A. Russell, at Marmion, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1854 Maude, d. of the late G. Washington Lewis of Clarke Co., Va., and Fenton P. Whiting of Roanoke, Va., by the rector, the Rev. P. P. Phillips, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 10, 1891 Minnie Claiborne, d. of John C. Lewis of Albemarle Co., Va., and Samuel Stevens Rountree of Quitman, Ga., by the Rev. Thos. E. Locke, at Cliff- side. So. Ch., Feb. 20, 1890 Phoebe Waln, d. of David Lewis, Esq., and the Rev. John B. Clemson, rector of the Church of the Ascension, Philadelphia, by the Rev. John Coleman. So. Ch., Aug. 2, 1839 Reverdy Johnson, s. of the late G. Washington Lewis and gr.s. of the late Lorenzo Lowis, and Alice Burnott, d. of the late Maj. Philip H. Powors and gr.d. of the late Edward Jaquelin Smith, all of Clarke Co., Va., at "Auburn", the home of tho bride. So. Ch., May 9, 1908 Richard Henry (Dr.), of Raleigh, N.C., and Mary Long, d. of the late George Loyal Gordon of Albemarle, Va., by the Rev. W. Q. Hullihen, at Staunton, Va. So. Ch., May 8, 1890 Robert W. (The Rev.), of Mission Home, Va., and Mary Worthington, d. of Mrs. Clarence Hilleary and gr.d. of the late Gen. T. T. Wheeler, "Tudor Hall", Montgomery Co., Md., by the Rev. E. E. Burgess assisted by Dr. E. T. Helfenstein, in St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church, "Merryland Tract", near Petersville. So. Ch., July 20, 1918* Sallie P., and Dr. Deucalion Gregory, both of King William, by the Rev. J. Hervey Hundley, at Auburn, King William Co. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1872 Sally P., second d. of John O. Lewis of Albe- marle Co., Va., and Robert C. Strudwick of Durham, N.C., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Cliffside, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., May 22, 1884 Sally Perkins, of Nelson Co., Va., and Wingfield L. Brown of Montana, by the Rov. T. E. Locke, at Avon Hill, the rosidonce of Z. R. Lewis. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1888 Susan, and Cesley Smoot, by the Rov. Evorard Meade, in St. Paul's Church, Essex Co., Va. S. Ch., May 3, 1888 Thos. M., M.D., of West- moroland, and Alico A., d. of tha lato Charlos Tayloc of King George * A Notice appears in the issue of Juno 29, 1918 identical with this, except that "Mary Worthington Hilloary" is written "Mary Washington Hilleary" G C - 19 Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Oaken Brow. So. Ch., June 3, 1859 Thomas M. (Dr.), of Clarke Co., and Jennie, d. of the late Edgar Snowden, by the Rev. H. Suter, at the residence of the bride's mother, at Alexandria. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1880 Thomas W., Esq., and Jane Walker, d. of Frederick W. Page, Esq., all of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. E. Boyden, in Grace Church, Walker's Parish, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 21, 1875 Virginia Washington, d. of the late Capt. James B. Lewis, U.S.N., and John H. 0. Kemp of Maryland, by the Rev. W. T. Leavell, at "The Moorings", Jefferson Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 18, 1880 Warner (Dr.), of New Kent, and Mary, d. of the late H. L. W. Temple, by the Rev. J. B. Newton, in St. Paul's Church, Essex, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1872 William Meade, and Fannie Bathurst, second d. of the late Charles Scott, all of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, in St. John's Church, Scottsville. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1877 Z. B., Jr., of Nelson Co., and Nannie Langhorn, youngest d. of the late Charles Scott of Albe- marle Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, in St. John's Church, Scotts- ville, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept, 24, 1885 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION * LIGGETT Jennie R., d. of J. N. Liggett, Esq. of Harrison- burg, and N. W. Shuler of New Market, by the Rev. 0. S. Bunting, in Emmanuel Church, Harrison- burg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1883 LIGHT Florence H., and Dr. Alex- ander Watson Williams, by the Ven. Richard P. Williams, Canon of Washington, father of the groom, at the Bethlehem Chapel of the Nativity, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Aug. 21, 1915 LIGHTFOOT Harriet A., d. of John B. Lightfoot, Esq. of Port Royal, and Dr. Francis S. Brooke of Spotsyl- vania Co., by the Rev. William Friend, in St. Peter's Church, Port Royal, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1867 LIGON Belle G., d. of Dr. John and Mrs. Sallie G. Ligon, and the Hon. C. P. Door of Webster Co., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, at Clover Lick, Pocahon- tas Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1885 Hannah Elizabeth, second d. of Dr. John and Mrs. Sallie G. Ligon, and Dr. F. T. McClintic, all of Pocahontas Co., W.Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, in Clover Lick Church, Pocahontas Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1889 M. Maude, of Nelson Co., S נים 20 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mary Louisa, third d. of Dr. John and Mrs. Sallie G. Ligon of Pocahontas Co., W.Va., and Julius Jackson Coyner of Basic City, Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, in Emmanuel Church, Clover Lick, Pocahontas Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1891 LILE Va., and Thomas C. Peek of New York City, by the Rev. J. W. Ware, at the resi- dence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 29, 1881 Eleanor, d. of Prof. and Mrs. William Minor Lile of the University of Virginia, and the Rev. Beverly Dandridge Tucker, Jr., second s. of the officiating bishop, the Rt. Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, bishop-coadjutor of the Diocess of South- ern Virginia, in St. Paul's Memorial Church, University of Virginia. So. Ch., May 8, 1915 William Minor, and Maude Lee, d. of the officia- ting clergyman, the Rev. T. M. Carson, in St. Paul's Church, Lynch- burg. So. Ch., Feb. 2, 1888 LIMESTRONG Charles R., late of England, and Catherine M•, d. of Emma G. and the late Capt. Wm. Adamson of Dundee, Scotland, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in Trinity Church, Manassas. Ch., Oct. 2, 1884 LIND So. Jenny, the melodious Swedish Nightingale, and Otto Goldschmidt of Hamburg, one of the most accomplished pianists ever listened to in this country, by the Rev. Charles Mason assisted by Dr. Wainwright, at the residence of S. G. Ward, in Boston. So. Ch., Feb. 19, 1852 LINDSAY John S. (The Rev.), rector of St. James' Church, Warrenton, Va., and Carrie W., d. of Mrs. Mary H. Smith of Baltimore, by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, D.D., assisted by the Rev. George W. Peterkin, in Emmanuel Church, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., June 21, 1877 Sallie L., of Lexington, N.C., and John M. Greenfield of Salisbury, N.C., by the Rov. Geo. V. Damo, in the Church of the Epiphany, Danville. Ch., Mar. 22, 1877 LINGAMFELTER Walter B., and Katie M. Kilmer, both of Berkeley Co., W.Va., by the rector, the Rev. W. T. Leavell, at Mount Zion Church, Hedgesville. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1891 LINTHICUM So. Benjamin J., of Church Creek, Dorchester Co., Md., and Mary Eliza, d. of the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, the officiating clergyman, in Calvary Church, Front Royal, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1890 LINTON Wm. A., of Washington, D.C., and Sallie C. Chichester of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. 21 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION LION George W. Nelson, in "Baldwin's Ridge" Church. So. Ch., Mar. 4, 1886 Thomas H., and Ethel Adamson, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in Trinity Church, So. Ch., June Manassas. 28, 1888 LIONBERGER Ann Megguire, of Pilot Grove, Mo., d. of Lt. John Lionberger (deceased, originally of Virginia), and Charles L., s. of Mrs. Joseph Minor Crane of Charles Town, W.Va., at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. R. R. Kimball, Ormond, Fla. So. Ch., May 8, 1909 LIPPITT Armistead S., and Ada, d. of the late T. M. Isbell of Jefferson Co., W.Va., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, at "Wart- ley", Jefferson Co., W.Va. So. Ch., May 3, 1883 C. E. (Dr.), and Nannie, d. of Thomas McCormick, Esq., all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at the residence of the bride's father, Elmington. So. Ch., Jan. 28, 1869 Laura Alexandria, d. of the late Rov. E. R. Lippitt, and Wm. B. Page, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rov. T. F. Martin, at "Elsinore", the resi- dence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., June 5, 1873 W. F. (Dr.), of Washington, D.C., and M. Louisa, d. of the Hon. Thomas Perry, by the Rev. E. R. Lippitt, at Cumberland, Md. So. Ch., Nov. 18, 1859 W. F., Jr. (Dr.), of LIPSCOMB Charles Town, Jefferson Co., W.Va., and Mary, d. of Col. W. P. Craighill, by the Rev. Dallas Tucker. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1887 Mary V., only d. of N. G. Lipscomb, and James R. Apperson, all of New Kent, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in St. Peter's Church. So. Ch., Dec. 13, 1888 LISEZ Charles, of Jackson Co., W.Va., and Julia A., sister of Alpheus Haymond, the Judge of the Supreme Court of West Virginia, by the Rev. G. A. Gibbons, in Christ Church, Fairmont, W.Va. So. Ch., May 1, 1878 LIST Eugene, of Wheeling, and Mary Lavinia, d. of C. I. Neal, Esq. of Par- kersburg, Va., by the Rev. W. L. Hyland, in Trinity Church, Parkers- burg. So. Ch., Mar. 29, 1861 LITCHFIELD Anna, and James McDonald, by the Rov. D. M. Whar- ton, at the residence of the bride's fathor, Heathsville, Northum- berland Co., Va. So. Ch., May 7, 1868 LITTELL Emlen T., of New York, and Elizabeth Duval, d. of the Rev. Wm. G. Jackson, 22 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION D.D. of Maryland, by the Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, Bishop of North Carolina, assisted by the Rev. T. Gardner Littell, in Grace Church, Elk Ridge. So. Ch., June 16, 1870 John S. (The Rev.), D.D., rector of St. James' Church, West Hartford, Conn., and Estelle M., d. of the late Henry H. Sherman of New York, by the Rev. Eliot White, B.D., at Grace Chantry, New York. So. Ch., May 19, 1923 LITTLE Haskin V. (The Rev.), of Tazewell, Va., in charge of Stras Memorial at Tazewell and Trinity at Richlands, and Janet Koe Kessinger of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Charles W. Lowry of the faculty of Virginia Seminary, in Emmanuel Chapel at the Seminary. So. Ch., July 6, 1940 John P., M.D., of Richmond, and Zettie, youngest d. of the late Judge Beverly Tucker of Williamsburg, by the Rev. Chas. Minni- gerode, D.D., at Williams- burg, Va. So. Ch., June 6, 1867 Lou Fitzhugh, d. of Wm. A. Little, Esq. of Fred- ericksburg, Va., and Edward Arney Price of Richmond, by the Rev. R. J. McBryde assisted by the Rev. E. C. Murdaugh, D.D., in St. George's Church, Fredericksburg. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1877 Robert C., and Emma W. Pendleton, both formerly of Richmond, Va., at the residence of the bride's brother, S. H. Pendleton, in Elizabeth, N.J. So. Ch., Sept. 14, 1882 Suma Bogle, only d. of Dr. H. McD. and Harriet A. Bogle Little, and Lawrence Oscar, s. of William H. and Sarah Hardin of Blowing Rock, N. C., by the Rev. William R. Savage, at the home of the bride's parents, near Blowing Rock, N.C. So. Ch., Sept. 25, 1909 LITTLE JOHN Bettie M., of Oxford, and Capt. Frederick Nash of Charlotte, N.C., by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, in Oxford, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 20, 1873 Sophia D., of Oxford, N.C., and John F. Brown of Minneapolis, by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, at the residence of the bride's father, Maj. J. T. Little- john. So. Ch., July 2, 1874 LIVINGSTON Athenia, d. of the late Anthony Rutgers Living- ston, and Gen. James Bowen of Hastings upon Hudson, by the Rev. Wm. Paret,D.D., in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Apr. 3, 1879 Esther Margaretta, d. of Mrs. Moncrief Livingston, and the Rev. Hobart Smith, rector of St. Thomas' Parish, Baltimore Co., Md., by the Rt. Rev. William Paret, D.D., in St. John's Church, Kingston, N.Y. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1889 LLEWELLYN } 23 Charles Marshall, and Bernard Joseph, d. of the late Col. William M. Peyton, formerly of Roanoke Co., lately of Albemarle, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the residence of the bride's mother, Alta Vista. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1871 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION LLOYD Anne H., d. of John Lloyd, Esq. of Alexandria, Va., and the Rev. John Stearns of New York, by the Rev. C. B. Dana. So. Ch., July 28, 1848 Arthur Selden, and Lizzie Robertson Blackford, by the Rev. John J. Lloyd assisted by the Rev. Wm. M. Clark, in St. Thomas' Church, Abingdon, Va. So. Ch., July 15, 1880 C. Howard, and Mary C., d. of the late Wm. Donnell, by the Rev. Dr. J. H. Eccleston, at the resi, dence of the bride's mother, in Baltimore. Ch., Nov. 29, 1888 Eliza F., d. of the late John J. Lloyd of Alex- andria Co., Va., and Rowland Burks of Liberty, Va., by the Rev. Arthur S. Lloyd, at Farmville, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 17, 1881 Elizabeth Blackford, d. of Arthur Selden and Lizzie Robertson Blackford Lloyd, and Charles Junior* Symington of New York, by the bride's father, the Rev. Arthur Selden Lloyd, assisted by the Rev. W. H. H. Powers, D.D., of Towson, Md., at Madison, Conn. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1912 G. F., Esq., and Mary P., d. of Dr. Thos. Hammond of * Given as printed So. Shepherdstown, by the Rev. C. W. Andrews, at Bedford, near Shepherds- town, Jefferson Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1856 Gay Blackford, and Churchill Jones Gibson, by the Rt. Rev. Arthur Selden Lloyd, D.D., assisted by the Rt. Rev. Robert Atkinson Gibson, D.D., in Christ Church, Short Hills, N.J. So. Ch., July 12, 1913 Harrison, and Ann Eliza Beavers, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle. So. Ch., Aug. 3, 1854 Mary Robertson, d. of Arthur Seldon and Lizzie Blackford Lloyd, and the Rev. Edmund Pendleton Dandridge, by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd, D.D., and the Bishop of West Virginia, in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va So. Ch., Oct. 16, 1909 Rebecca, d. of the lato John J. Lloyd, Esq., and the Rev. Harry M. Melville Jackson of Norfolk, Va., by the Rev. R. H. McKim, at Mount Ida, Alexandria Co. So. Ch., July 31, 1873 Rebecca Selden, d. of the Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Selden Lloyd, and Gavin Hadden, by the Rt. Rev. Arthur Selden Lloyd assisted by the Rev. Theodore Sedgwick, rector, in Calvary Church, New York. So. Ch., Mar. 7, 1914 LOBBEND Mary, and N. C. McGehee, Esq., by the Rev. Wm. M. Nelson, in St. i 24 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Paul's Church, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1867 LOCHER Harry O., of Rockbridge Co., and Lulie Ethel, d, of Judge J. B. Jett of Stafford Co., Va., by the Rev. Dr. Murdaugh, in Trinity Church, Fredericks- burg, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 12, 1882 LOCKE Belle Nelson, eldest d. of the officiating clergy- man, and John Taylor, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, &t the rectory in Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 7, 1867 Ella M., and John S. Richey, by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at "Green Hill", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1877 Georgie T., d. of Capt. J. M. Locke, and Wm. A. Campbell, all of Berry- ville, Va., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, in Grace Church, Berry- ville, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 26, 1888 Lucy Armistead, youngest d. of the officiating clergyman, and David H. Griffith of Westmoreland Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, in Christ Church, St. Anne's Parish, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., June 11, 1885 Mary E., d. of the Rev. Thos. E. Locke, and Dr. David N. Rust of Alex- andria, Va., by the Rev. Thos. E. Locke assisted by the Rev. Edmund Withers, in Christ Church, St. Ann's Parish, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 19, 1876 Rosa Van Doren, d. of the officiating clergyman, and Thos. Leiper Taylor, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the rectory, Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1868 Thomas Estep (The Rev.), rector of Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg Co., and Sarah Jane, second d. of the Rev. J. E. Jackson of Winchester, by the Rev. Alexander Jones. So. Ch., Oct. 6, 1837 LOCKERT Mattie, of Norfolk, Va., and Monroe Robinson of Balti- more, by the Rev. Dr. Hodges, in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., Dec. 6, 1877 LOCKETT Annie H., and Gen. J. D. Imboden, at Lombardy Grove, the residence of the bride's father, Meck- lenburg Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 30, 1871 James B. L., of Clarksville, Tenn., and Mary C. Thompson of Kanawha Co., W.Va., by the Rev. W. G. Stewart, at Belleville, the residence of the late Col. Frank Thompson. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1868 John W., Esq., and Belle Atkinson, by the Rev. J. Maxwell Pringle, at the residence of the bride's father, John C. Atkinson, Esq., at Henderson, Ky. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1874 S 25 St LOCKRIDGE MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Florence, and J. W. Milligan of Clormont, Iowa, by tho Rov. R. H. Mason, at Mondow Dalo, Pocahontas Co., W. Va. So. Ch., Juno 13, 1878 LOCKWOOD Alison, third d. of Joshua Lockwood, Esn., of Charleston, S.C., and the Rev R. C. Webb of St. Luke's Parish, by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Bowen. Sc. Ch., Mar. 11, 1336 Jeanie Morrison, d. of Angelica F. and the late R. J. Lockwood, and Walker Hill of Richmond, Va., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Robertson, in Emanuel Church, St. Louis Co., Mo. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1885 Louise Saunders, d. of lir. and Mrs. George R. Lock- wood of St. Louis, and Gray Carroll Stribling of Spok- ano, Wash., by the Rev. A. A. V. Binnington, rector, in the Church of the Ascension, St. Louis, Mo. So. Ch., July 22, 1911 Wm. F. (The Rov.), of Fairfax Co., Va., and Sally Champe, d. of Samuel Slaughter, Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Cole, at Western View, Culpeper Co. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1850 LOEHR Louisa, of Culpeper, and Joseph Nunn of Louisa Co., Va., by the Rev. . T. Roberts, at the residence of Charles Schuman, Culpeper, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1884 Walter Loo (The Rov.), and LOFLIN Daisy Garland Sowors, by the Rev. Dr. F. J. Mallett, in St. Luko's Roctory, Salisbury, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1912 LOFSTROM Mabol Collins (Mrs.), and the Rt, Rov. Frank Arthur McElwain, D.D., Bishop of Minnesota, by the Rt. Rev. Irving F. Johnson, D.D., in the Church of the Good Shepherd, indom, inn. So. Ch., Aug. 14, 1020 LOCAN Anna C., d. of James T. Logan, Esq., of Salem, formerly of "Dungeness" Goochland Co., Va., and Col. Robert H. Logan of Slem, by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, in St. Paul's Chapel, Salem. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1872 J. Lewis (Prof.), of the Agricultural and Mechani- cal College, Lexington, Ky., and Mattie B. Welch, by the Rev. 7. R. Laird, at the residence of the bride's father, Dr. S. D. Wolch, near Nicholasville, Ky. So. Ch., Dec. 31, 1891 Jennio D., d. of Jas. W Logan, Esq., late of Goochland Co., and Samuel White of Roanoke, by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, in St. Paul's Chapel, Salem, Roanoke Co. So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1870 Joseph D., of West Virginia, and Georgine, youngest d. of the late Col. Geo. Willis, by the Rev. Mercer P. Logan assisted by the Rov. R. R. Claiborne, in Emmanuel Church, Rapidan, Va. So. Ch., May 27, 1886 - 26 - Lulu, youngest d. of the late Joseph Logan of Louisiana, and William Chamberlayne Bentley of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Novell Logan of Vicksburg, Miss., at the country residence of the bride's uncle, Gen. T. M. Logan, Algoma, Buckingham Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1891 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Martha Webb, and Arthur Lawrence Eubank of Green- ville Co., by the Rev. F. A. Juhan, at Greenville, S.C. So. Ch., Feb. 23, 1918 Mercer P., D.D., and Eliza Huger Dunkin, by the Rt. Rev. William A. Guerry, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Radcliffeboro, Charleston, S.C. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1921 Robert H. (Col.), of Salem, and Anna C., d. of James W. Logan, Esq. of Salem, formerly of "Dungeness", Goochland Co., Va., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, in St. Paul's Chapel, Salem. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1872 LOGUE Wm. P., of Jackson, Tenn., and Mary E., eldest d. of Thompson Coleman, Esq., by the Rev. Geo. W. Dame, in Pittsyl- vania. So. Ch., Aug. 1, 1862 LOMAX Kate R., d. of the late Dr. R. Stuart Lomax, and the Rev. Theodore Reed of Loudoun Co., by the Rev. Melville Boyd of Brooklyn, N.Y., at **Given as printed Cedar Grove, the resi- dence of Dr. R. H. Stuart, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1878 L. L. (Gen.), and Bettie W., eldest d. of Dr. Allen S. Payne, by the Rev. Kinloch Nelson, at Markham Station, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1873 R. Stuart (Dr.), of King George, and Jeannie, d. of Frederick Foote, Esq., of Prince William Co., by the Rev. John Towles, at Waverley. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1855 LONG Ione Elizabeth, d. of the Rev. Wm. H. C. and Mary Long, and Francis Haugh- ton Wilshire, by the Rev. H. L. Derby, in Christ Church, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 24, 1873 Joseph Miller, of Frederick Co., Va., and Jane Vivian, d. of the late Judge G. W. Lewis of Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. Joseph R. Jones, in Trinity Church, Wash- ington, D.C. So. Ch., June 24, 1886 Lucy Lewis, and Lucian Dade Winston, by the Rev. Parnell LeBas Cross of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Rapidan, in Winston Memorial Chapel, Winston, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1909 Mary Mercer, only child of the late Dr. Reuben Long, and Henry Somer- ville, M.D., all of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. Dr. Slaughter, at - 27 G MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION the home of the bride's mother, Wellington. So. Ch., May 6, 1880 LORENTZ Landonia, d. of John Lorentz of Lewis Co., W.Va., and the Rev. J. Curtis, pastor of St. Paul's Church, by the Rev. D. Greer of Clarksburg, in St. Paul's Church, Weston, W.Va. So. Ch., Apr. 23, 1868 LOOMIS E. Y., late of Richmond but now of Atlanta, Ga., and J. Burton Kidd, by the Rev. Dr. Peterkin, at the residence of the bride's father, John B. Kidd, Richmond. So. Ch., Jan. 10, 1884 LOUDERBACK Alfred (The Rev.), of Philadelphia, and Susan Ophelia, d. of the late Caleb Horton, Esq., of New York, by the Rev. Dr. Milnor, in New York, N.Y. So. Ch., Sept. 15, 1837 LOUNS BERY Mary G., eldest d. of the late Samuel G. Lounsbery of New York, and the Rev. Jacob Rambo of the African Mission, by the Rev. Edward Lounsbery, in St. Jude's Church, Philadelphia. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1858 LOUTHAN LOVE James T., and Emeline F., d. of Wm. A. Castleman, Esq., all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. F. M. Whittle. So. Ch., Apr. 17, 1857 Isabella Fairfax, youngest d. of the late Thomas R. Love of Fairfax Court House, Va., and William * Fowler Hite of Gainsville, Va., by the Rev. J. C. Hall assisted by the Rev. W. A. Alrich, in Zion Episcopal Church, Fairfax C.H., Va. So. Ch., June 23, 1892 Jane M., d. of T. R. Love, Esq., of Fairfax Court House, and Bloden T. Dulany, late of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. R. T. Brown, pastor of Zion Church, Fairfax C.H., Va., in Trinity Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Apr. 15, 1859 John S., of Greenville, Tenn., and Harriet E. Howison, by the Rev. John McGill, at "Effingham", the resi- dence of the bride, in Prince William Co., Va. So. Ch., July 13, 1876 Mary J., d. of Thomas R. Love, Esq. of Fairfax Courthouse, and the Rev. Wm. A. Alrich, rector of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., Va., by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., May 13, 1869 Thomas R., Esq., and Sallie B., d. of Col. Henry B. Tyler, by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving, at Fairfax Court House. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1869 LOVELL John P., of Franklin, and Sally C., d. of the late Lewis Wing- field, Esq., of Bedford Co., by the Rev. N. Sale. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1855 Fanny Pate, d. of the Hon. Henry Loving of Amherst Gon, Vas, and Dan T. Mitchell of Lynchburg, by the Rev. Wm M. Clark, at "Brooklyne",* Amherst Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 20, 1885 LOVING MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Sallie W., d. of Henry Loving, Esq. of Amherst, and C. H. Sutton, Esq. of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rev. Oscar Bunting, at "Brooklyn", the residence of the bride's father, So. Amherst Co., Va. Ch., May 13, 1880 LOWE Julia M., of Alexandria, Va., and G. A. McGaw of Baltimore, by the Rev. Thomas G. Addison, in Trinity Church, Wash- ington, D.C. So. Ch., July 22, 1875 LOWMAN John H., of Roanoke, Va., and Fannie Allen Armistead of Farmville, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Harding, in the Presby- terian Church, Farmville, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1892 LOWNSBURY Benj. F., Jr., of Nor- folk, formerly of Jamestown, N.Y., and Frances A. Larkin of Princess Anne Co., Va., formerly of Augusta, Me., by the Rev. W. R. Savage, in Emmanuel Church, Kempsville, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1889 LOWRY Emily H., youngest d. Aga * Given as printed - 28 VOOR of Thomas Lowry, Esq., and William S. Jones, Esq., by the Rev. John C. McCabe, rector of the Church of the Ascension, Baltimore, at Hampton, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1857 Mary E., eldest d. of A. J. Lowry of Madison Parish, La., and Richard Bruce, Esq. of Halifax Co., Va., by the Rev. C. K. Marshall, in Madison Parish, La.´´ So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1857 LOYALL B. P., and Nina Taylor, by the Rev. Dr. 0. S. Barten, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1882 LOYD Mary, eldest d. of Richard Loyd, Esq., and Cassius F. Lee, Jr., by the Rev. Wm. F. Meade, at Belmont, Alexandria Co. So. Ch., June 5, 1873 LOZIER T. A. (Judge), of Belle- ville, Canada, and Frances E., d. of the officiating minister, the Rev. Dr. Hanckel, at Clifton Springs, N.Y. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1883 LUARD Walter Montague, s. of the Rev. 0. Luard, rector of Aunsby, Lincolnshire, England, and Eleanor Louise, youngest d. of William Assheton, Esq., by the Rev. Herbert Assheton, at Rock Spring, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1883 Harleston Toomer, d. of LUCAS 29 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mr. and Mrs. T. G. S. Lucas, and Alleine Williamson Newton of Richmond, Va., s. of the late Rt. Rev. John B. Newton of Virginia, by the Rev. Mr. Way, at Charles- ton, S. C. So. Ch., Feb. 9, 1907 Joseph W., and Emma Capers, d. of Capt. C. C. Tracy, by the Rev. Thomas P. Baker, in Jude's Church, Walterboro, S.C. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1909 LUCK Felix A., and Sallio Ann, second d. of Thompson Coleman, Esq., by the Rev. Goo. W. Dame, near Ring- gold in Pittsylvania. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1864 Maimio, and Dr. Aaron LUCKE * Jeffery of Radford, Va., by the Rev. E. L. Goodwin, Buckingham C.H., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1890 Sallie C., and Ross Carter, by the Rev. Geo. W. Dame assisted by the Rev. Wm. Hoxton, Pittsylvania Courthouse. So. Ch., July 15, 1869 LUCKETT Dinwiddie Johnston, of Rockville, Md., and Julia W., d. of the late Horace P. Edmond, by the Rev. James W. Morris, at the residence of the bride's aunt, Miss Woodbridge. So. Ch., June 24, 1911 LUDISILL William David, Jr. of Nelson Co., and Irene Lewis Jones of Albemarle, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the residence of B. H. Jones. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1885 LUDLAM Frances A. (Mrs.), d. of Richard Anderson, Esq., and Jacob Michaux, Esq., all of Powhatan Co., by the Rev. Andrew Tisher, in St. Luke's Church, Powhatan Parish.**So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1856 LUDLOW Cora Harrison, and Waddy Thompson Michaux, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jacob Michaux*, Powhatan Co. So. Ch., May 18, 1876 LUKE Catharine, of Snickersville, Loudoun Co., Va., and Jacob Enders of Clarke, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Snickers- ville, Loudoun Co., Va. So. Ch., July 7, 1853 LUMPKIN K. D. W. (Mrs.), of Columbus, and Gen. Robert Ransom of New Berne, N.C., by the Rev. William A. Carter, at Columbua, Ga. So. Ch., Sept. 25, 1884 V. M. (Misc), and T. J. Fogg, both of Essex Co., Va., by the Rev. H. H. Jones. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1885 LUNDQUIST Albert Edward of New York, and Helen Defebaugh, young- est d. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris, by the Rev. Robert Burton, at the Church of the Ascension, Norfolk, Va. So. Cho, bug. 2, 1924 Given as printed ** Powhatan Parish is in Powhatan County, Virginia (Journal ... Diocese of Southern Va., Portsmouth, Va., 1941) 30 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION LUNN Maurice Johnston, of Pitts- burg, Pa., and Elizabeth Todd Robins of Richmond. So. Ch., July 4, 1908 LUNSFORD Charles, of Petersburg, Va., and Rose, eldest d. of Taylor Berry, Esq. of Amherst C.H., Va., by the Rev. 0. S. Bunting, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., May 12, 1881 LUSTGARTEN Regina B., and Dr. John Wilson Wood, at the Church LYELL of the Transfiguration, New York. So. Ch., Aug. 26, 1939 Mollie, and Henry Harford, both of Westmoreland, by the Rev. D. M. Wharton, in St. James' Church, Montross. So. Ch., Jan. 16, 1873 Nannie T., only d. of LYKE Samuel Lyell, Esq., and James V. Garland, all of Richmond Co., Va., by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, at Forost Home, the residence of the bride's So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1876 Florence E., oldest d. of Wm. S. Lyko of King and Quoon Co., Va., and Wm. H. Richardson, Jr. of Richmond, Va., by the Rov. J. Hervey Hundley, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., June 28, 1888 LYMAN Alice, eldest d. of George T. Lyman of Bellport, L.I., and William Platt Pepper of Philadelphia, by the Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D., in Trinity Chapel, New York. So. Ch., May 15, 1879 Augustus Julian, of Asheville, N.C., youngest s. of the Rt. Rev. Theodore B. Lyman, Bishop of North Carolina, and gr.s. of the late Jacob Albert Merchant of Baltimore, and Julia, eldest d. of P. W. Ellsworth, Esq., M.D., and great gr.d. of the late Chief Justice Ells- worth of the U. S. Supreme Court, by the Rt. Rev. John Williams, Bishop. of Connecticut, assisted by the father of the groom, at the residence of the bride's father, at Hart- ford, Conn. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1882 Maria Ellen D. S., youngest d. of the late Hon. J. H. Lyman of Northampton, Mass., and T. J. Trist of Philadelphia, by the Rev. T. H. Gallaudet assisted by the Rev. P. P. Irving, in Christ Church, New Brighton, N.Y. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1858 Theodore Benedict, D.D. (The Rt. Rev.), Bishop of . North Carolina, and Susan Boone, d. of the lato Alexander Robertson of Charleston, S.C., by the Rov. Charles C. Pincknoy, D.D., in St. Michael's Church, Charles- ton, S.C. So. Ch., Mar. 16, 1893 LYNCH Hattie C., d. of Amos Lynch, Esq., residing near Middletown, and Samuel L. Pratt, Esq. of Queen Ann's Co., Md., by the Rev. John MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION LYNE Henry, Esq., of Henderson, and Nelly, youngest d. of the late Col. Angus . McDonald of Winchester, Va., by the Rev. J. G. Minnigerode, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Tay 10, 1883 LYNN Collins McCabe, D.D., in Saint Ann's Church, Middletown, Del. Oct. 15, 1868 So. Ch., David, of Cumberland, Md., and Mary J. Acheson of Wheeling, Va., by the Rev E. T. Perkins, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1861 Sarah A., and Richard C. Crosson, hy the Rev. F. M. Whittle, So. Ch., Apr. 17, 1857 LYON Allon Madison, and Sadie D. Habliston, by the : 31 - { Dr. A. G. Brown, at the residence of the bride's father, Fred- erick H. Habliston. So. Ch., Apr. 30, 1891 James William, of Balti- more, and Fanny Moncure, d. of Dr. William A. Welson of Stafford Co., Va., by the Rev. J. M. Meredith, in Aquia Church. So. Ch., May 11, 1876 Mollie, only d. of Wm. S. Lyon, Esq., and "m. F. Chesley, Esq., all of St. Mary's Co., Md., by the Rev. J. W. Chesley, at "The Heights", St. Mary's Co., lid. So. Ch., July 25, 1878 LYZOTT ? Mattie E., of Greensville, and Joseph H. Johnson of Petersburg, by the Rev, Robert R. Claiborne, in Groonsville Co. So. Ch., Jan. 8, 1880 MCADAMS Otto Kenton, and Leenell Virginia, only d. of Judge Stevadson A. Hail and Lucy Stuart Fitzhugh, his wife, all of Batesville, Ark., by the Rev. H. A. Stowell, in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Batesville, Ark. So. Ch., Feb. 11, 1911 MCALLISTER Joseph, of Covington, Va., and Virginia Anderson of Bath Co., Va., by the Rev. L. R. Combs assisted by the Rev. Mr. White (Presbyterian), in Grace Church, Warm Springs, Bath Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 27, 1893 -M- MCBRIDE Anna Maria, and Robert James Davidson of Liverpool, England, by the Rev. John McGill, at the residence of the bride's father, Blacksburg, Va. So. Ch., May 12, 1892 MCBRYDE R. J. (The Rev.), of Amherst, and Ellen D., d. of the late Rev. David Caldwell, by the Rev. Edmund Withers assisted by the Rev. Henderson Suter, at Hazelwood, Nelson Co. So. Ch., June 8, 1871 MCBURNEY Agnes, d. of Geo. McBurney, and R. H. Havener, all of Alex- andria, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Norton. So. Ch., Nov. 24, 1881 Alexander, of Alexandria, and Florence M., d. of the late Benj. Thomas, by the Rev. Henry Nice, at the residence of Joshua Thomas, Baltimore. So. Ch., Feb. 24, 1881 MCCABE } of James D. McCabe, D.D. Baltimore, and James E. Thomas of Richmond, Ind., by the Rev. George W. Peterkin, in Memorial Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1875 Emily A. H., d. of the officiating clergyman, and Alfred Shield, Esq., by the Rev. John C. McCabe, rector of the Church of the Ascen- sion, Baltimore, in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1857* Jennie L. Smith, d. of the officiating clergyman, and Gill A. Carey, Esq. of Hamp- ton, Va., by the Rev. John C. McCabe, rector of the Church of the Ascension, at Baltimore. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1856 John Collins, D.D. (The Rev.), rector of St. Ann's Church, Middletown, Del., and Virginia, youngest d. of the late Henry C. Mackall, Esq. of Elkton, by the Rev. R. H. B. Mitchell assisted by the Rev. Doane Mitchell, in Trinity Church, Elkton, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 15, 1868 W. Gordon, Esq., s. of the officiating clergyman, and Jennie, d. of Edmund Osborne, Esq., by the Rev. John Collins McCabe, D.D., rector of St. Luke's Church, Bladensburg, Md., at Petersburg, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 18, 1867 McCANCE See also HATCHER, Emmie McC. (Mrs.) MCCANDLISH Chas. S., of Parkersburg, W.Va., and Lizzie W., d. of Douglas Putnam, by. the Rev. Alice, d. of the late Rev. announcing Miss McCabe's marriage "to *The notice in issue of Jan. 2, 1857, Alfred Smith" is evidently incorrect. The Parish register of St. James' Church records the marriage as printed in issue of Jan. 9, 1857, given here. 13. - 33 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN "ITH DATES OF PUBLICATION MCCARTEY H. C. Haskell, at the residence of the bride's father, Harmar, Ohio. So. Ch., May 10, 1883 Mary Mandville, d. of the late Col. Ro. McCandlish of Williams- burg, Va., and Wm. R. Gatewood, M.D. of Middlesex Co., Va., by the Rev. E. C. Murdaugh, in Trinity Church, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1879 Sallie Shield, d. of R. J. McCandlish, and Thomas H. Hawks of Cleveland, Ohio, by the Rev. C. H. Shield, at Parkersburg, W.Va. So. Ch., July 1, 1886 Sally, only d. of the late John 1. McCartey of Loudoun Co., Va., and Frederick . Pleas- ants, Esq. of New York, by the Rev. R. H. Phillips. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1855 MCCARTHY Edward (Dr.), of Richmond, and Deborah Couch, d. of the late William H. and Mary D. Anthony of Botetourt Co., Va., by the Rev. Joshua Feterkin assisted by the Rev. L. W. Burton, in St. James' Church. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1890 MCCARTY Alverta B., and Joseph C. Palmer, by the Rov. Henry L. Derby, in White Chapol Church, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 27, 1883 Cornelia A., and John C. Tapscott, both of Lancaster, Va., by the Rov. H. L. Derby, in White Chapel Church, Lancastor, Va So. Ch., Sont. 24, 1885 Jano Ann (rs.), and Sidney Lano, both of Richmond, by the Rov. Androw Fishor, at Laurel Grovo. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1859 John M., of Richmond Co., and Mrs. Susan J. Chilton of Lan- caster, by the Rov, H. L. Dorby, at Norwood, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 18, 1875 William Mason, and Mary Champe, d. of Edgar 11. Garnett, all of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, D.D. So. Ch., Aug. 18, 1881 Winifred E., of Middlesex Co. Va., and Dr. Samuel B. Carey of Gloucester, by the Rev. Mr. Carraway, in Christ Church. So. Ch., Feb. 1, 1856 ? McC 4 Ellen T., d. of Dr. J. R. McCaw, and Charles Davenport, all of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Minnigerode, at the residence of the bride's father. 50€ Ch., Dec. 11, 1879 Georgina, youngest d. of the late David McCaw, H.D., and Thomas A. Fatteson, Esq. of New York, by the Rev. Lewis Walke, at "Millwood" in Tow- hatan Co. So. Ch., Mar. 2,1830 MCCLAIN Jackson (Col.), and Mrs. Helen Trafton, by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, at Henderson, Ky. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1883 Sarah Catherine, and the Rev. Arthur G. W. Pfaffko, rector of the Church of the Trans- figuration, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., by the Rev. Dr. S. Tagart Steele, vicar of the Inter- cossion, in the Chapel of the Intercossion, Trinity Parish, Now York City. So. Ch., Oct. 18, 1941 MCCL ANAHAN Mary Scott, of Roanoke Co., Va., and Quin M. Tord of Richmond, by the Rev. W. H. Fondleton, at Locust Grovo, Roanoke Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1856 MCCI AY Alice Minnotto, d. of the Rov. R. S. McClay, D.D., of Yoko- hama, and the Rev. m. B. Cooper of the Protestant Episcopal Mission, Yodo, by 54 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION the Rt. Rev. C. M. Wil- liams, D.D., in Christ Church, Yokohama, Japan. So. Ch., Apr. 12, 1877 MCCLELLAND Edmond L., of the Episcopal High School, near Alexandria, Va., and Lucy Eleanor, second d. of D. Robert Barclay, Esq., by the Rev. George C. Betts, rector in Trinity Church, St. Louis. So. Ch., July 20, 1982 James Bruce, of Clarendon, Tox. (formerly of Virginia), and Kate Ellerbo, second d. of Dr. H. J. Winn of Birmingham, by the Rev. T. J. Board, in the Church of the Advent, Pirming- ham, Ala. So. Ch., July 15, 1886 Robert, of Chattanooga, and Mollio C. Payno of Roanoko, by tho Rev. Edward H. Inglo, at the rosidonco of J. M. Torry, Esq., Roanoko Co. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1868 MCCLENAHAN Robert W., of Chestnut Hills, Philadelphia, and Sally Howos, d. of the Rov. Z. B. Phillips, D.D., rector of Epiphany Church and chaplain of tho Sonato of the United States, by the bride's father, the Rov. Z. B. Phillips, in Epiphany Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Jan. 27, 1934 MCCLINTIC F. T. (Dr.), and Hannah Elizabeth, second d. of Dr. John and Mrs. Sallic G. Ligon, all of Poca- hontas Co., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, in Clevor Lick Church, Pocahontas Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1889 MCCLINTOCK Mattio C., and John E. Wharton, both of Liborty, by the Rov. John K. Mason, at the resi- dence of the Rev. John A. Whar- ton. io. Ch., Jan. 25, 1838 M COLLOUCH S. E. (Mrs.), d. of Maj. John DeWitt of Society Hill, S.C., and the Rev. U. . Wheeler. So. Ch., Nov. 11, 1836 MCCOLLUM Mary Bell, and George W. Schlos- ser, H.D., by the Rev. F. G. Scott, at the residence of the bride's uncle, near Gordons- ville, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 19,1876 MCCONNEL Mabel Holen, d. of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McConnell of Williamsport, Fa., and tho Rov. Arthur James, s. of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Mackie of Ronova, Pa., by the Rt. Rev. Hiram R. Hulso, D.D., Bishop f Cuba, in All Saints' Church, Guantanamo, Cuba, where the groom is rector. So. Ch., Apr. 5, 1924 McCORKLE John Macon, of Nowton, N.C., and Matt Whitakor, d. of Gen. Robert Ransom, by the Rov. T. M. N. Coorgo, in Christ Church, Now- born, N.C, So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1890 Samuel W., of Lynchburg, Va., and Mary C. Sale of Liberty, Va., by the Rev. John K. Mason, in St. John's Church, Liberty, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 25, 1883 MCCORMICK So. Augustino (Tho Roy.), and Holen Smith, by the Rt. Rev. John N. McCormick, Bishop of Westorn Michigan and fethor of the groom, in St. Mark's Fro- Cathedral, Grand Rapids, Dio- coso of Western Michigan. Ch., Aug. 30, 1924 Bossio T., and Province McCormick, Jr., both of Clarko Co., Va., by tho Rov, T. F. Martin, in Graco Church, Perryville. So, Ch., Dec. 21, 1871 Dawson, and Margaretta Mess, d. of the lato Dr. J. C. Broun, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rt. Rev. 55 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN "ITH DATES OF PUBLICATION R. H. Wilmor, D.D., Bishop of Alabama, and tho Rov. P. P. Phillips, rector in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 13, 1883 Frank, and Edith Ramsay, both of Virginia, by the Rev. m. Jackson Morton, at Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., June 20, 1908 Hannah T., eldest d. of Thos. McCormick, Esq. of Clarke Co., Va., and Col. F. ". M. Holliday of Winchester, Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at Elmington, residence of `ride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 23, 1868 John, and Virginia S. Newton formerly of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. Mr. Cole, at Cul- peper C.H. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1862 M. T. (The Rov.), of Petersburg, Va., and Helen, eldest d. of Charles W. Cornwall, Esq., by the Rov. John Downie, M.A., at Colchester, Ontario, Canada. So, Ch., Oct. 2, 1873 Mary E., oldest d. of Col. Francis McCormick of Clarke Co., Va., and Col. Marshall McDonald of tho Virginia Military Instituto, by tho Rov. T. F. Martin, at Frank- ford, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 23, 1868 Nannie, d. of Thomas McCormick, 'Z; S[ + + Esq., and Dr. C. E. Linpitt, all of Clarko Co., Va., by the Rov. T. F. Martin, at Elming- ton, residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 28, 1869 Nannie, second d. of Col. Francis McCormick, and Thomas llcCormick, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. T. F. liartin, at "Frank- ford", residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1872 Nannie H., d. of the late Edward McCormick, and Good- win H. Williams, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the rector, the Rov. P. P. Phillips, as- sisted by the Rev. S. 5. Moore, in Grace Church, Berry- ville, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 25, 1886 Province, Jr., and Bessie T. McCormick, beth of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, in Grace Church, Berryville. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1871 Rose E., d. of the late Francis McCormick, and Lorenzo Lewis, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. P. F. Phillips, at Frank- ford, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., ay 21, 1885 Samuel, and Esther, d. of G. Washington Lewis, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. P. F. Phillips, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1882 Thomas, of Clarke Co., and Mary M., oldest d. of Dr. R. J. Mick. Holliday of Winchester, by the Rev. C. Walker. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1856 Thomas, and Nannie, second d. of Col. Francis McCormick, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at "Frankford", rosidonce of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1872 McCOY Charlos D., and Mary McDonogh, d. of Goo. Taylor Jonkins of Balti- moro, by the Rev. Jamos A. Latano, in Trinity Church, Staunton. So. Ch., Oct. 25,1866 James, of "arren Co., Va., and Elizabeth Clothilde Tood of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. John Lindsay, D.D., at Washing- ton, D.C. So. Ch So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1885 Thomas J., and Josephine I. Norris, by the Rev, P. N. McDonald, in St. Paul's Church, Sistersville, W.Va. So. Ch., July 11, 1908 MCCRAE 1 Colin, of Virginia, and Maria H., d. of Judge F. R. Thompson of San Francisco, by the Rev. Dr. Gallaudet, in New York City. So. Ch., July 2, 1874 MCCRAVEN MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Bonnor N., of Houston, Texas, and Sarah Amelia Fringle, by the Rov. J. M. Fringle, father of the brido, at the house of her brother-in-law, Robert C. Soaper, Henderson, Ky. So. Ch., Oct. 27, 1887 36. MCCRAW Otho L., of Henderson, N.C., and Belle, d. of Dr. Thomas L. and Annie E. Scott, by the Rev. W. B. Williams, at the residence of the late Dr. Thos. L. Scott, Caroline Co., Va. So. Ch., July 19, 1888 MCCREA Tythe, Esq., of Now Orleans, and Fanny M., d. of Col. John D. Morris, by the Rev. Mr. Ring- gold, in Trinity Church, Clarks- ville, Tenn. So. Ch., Oct. 4, 1866 MCCREERY J. Van Low, and Nannio, oldest d. of the officiating clergy- man, the Rov. H. S. Kopler, in St. James' Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1865 MCCRINDLE McCUE Elizahoth C., and Wiley R. Phillips, both of Richmond, by the Rov. D. F. Sprigg, in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 3, 1881 • Lina L., d. of John H. McCue of Staunton, Va., and Walter S. Sublett of Richmond, by the Rev. Walter Q. Hullihen, in the Epis- copal Church, Staunton. So. Ch., Jan. 10, 1378 Massic L. (Dr.), and Emma F., d. of C. . Purcell, Esq. of Alton Park, Albemarle Co., Va., by tho Rov. Mr. Groavos, at the Clien residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 27,1879 Otelia S., d. of Hon. J. H. McCue, and Gabriel Santini of New Orleans, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, at Lovingston, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 12, 1874 McCULLOCH Duncan (The Rev.), and Mary Sterett, d. of Honry Hill Carroll of Baltimore Co., d., by the Rev. Landon R. Mason, at Clyumalera Manor. So. Ch., Jan. 5, 1888 John, Jr., of Point Pleasant, and Cordelia Agnes, d. of the late John A. Byers, C.E., of Hancock, Md., by the Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, rector of St. John's Church, West Brownsville, Pa., assisted by the Rev. T. Hugo Lacy, rector of the parish, in Christ's Church, Foint Pleasant, W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1873 FI' CULLOCH John A., and Kate Barbee, both of Macon Co., W.Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, at the residence of brido's father, Dr. Androw Barbeo, at Point Pleasant, W. Va. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1877 IEDaniel Francos Minor, only d. of John T. McDaniol, and Robert " Ryrd of Roanoke City, by the Rov. John McGill, at the res- idence of the bride's parents, in Montgomery Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 16, 1893 W J. ., and Mary Louisa Croxton, both of Tappahannock, by the Rev. H. . L. Temple, at Tappahannock, Essex Co. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1868 Lelia, and Dr. Thos. V. Nelson, both of Bedford Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. Henry Fondlot on, at the residence of Saml.cDeniol, So. Esq. of Bedford Co., Va. i 57 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN "TH DATES OF PUBLICATION Ch., Nov. 18, 1869 R. E., and Delia, d. of the late John Richeson of Essex Co., by the Rev. A. Broadus, in Essex Co. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1835 McDONALD Donald, of Louisville, Ky., and Betsy Breckenbridge, d. of Col. G.. Carr of "Hawksdalo", Roanoke Co., Va., by the Rov. W. H. Moado, D.D., in St. John's P. E. Church, Roanoko, So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1887 Edward H. (aj.), of Louisville, Ky., formerly of Virginia, and Julia Yates Loevoll, by the Rov. 7. T. Loavoll assisted by the Rov. J. E. Poindoxtor, at Modin, noar Charles Town, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1869 Jamos, and Anna Litchfield, by tho Rev. D. M. Wharton, at tho residence of the bride's fathor, Hoathsvillo, North- umberland Co., Va. So. Ch., May 7, 1868 Marshall (Col.), of the Virginia Military Instituto, and lary E., oldest d. of Col. Francis McCormick of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rov. T. F. Martin, at Frankford, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 23, 1868 Mollio C., and A. W. Kintz of Alexandria, by the Rev. H. L. Dorby, at Heathsville, North- umberland Co., Va. So. Ch., Doc. 27, 1888 Molly, youngost d. of the late Col. Angus ". McDonald of in- chester, Va., and Henry Lyno, Esq. of Hondor son, by the Rov. J. G. Minnigorodo, at the ro- sidence of the bride's mother, So. Ch., May 10, 1883 Foorco Naylor (The Rov.), of Anchorage, Ky., and Frances Louise Browso, by the Rt. Rev. Goorge ". Peterkin assisted by the Rev. J. L. Fish of Sistersville, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Robert Browse, Raven Rock, Pleasants Co., W.Va. So. Ch., July 2, 1910 Sue L., d. of Col. Angus McDonald of Hampshire Co., and Haj. John B. Stanard, ex-mayor of Culpeper, by the Rev. Dr. Pratt, at Lexing- ton, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 15, 1872 Susan Ida, and Hiram T. Cornnoll, Esq., both of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. John P. Tyler, roctor, in Christ Church, lill- wood, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 31, 1891 MCDONOUGH A. A. (Tho Rov.), and Florence, d. of Judgo John Brenon of "oston, by the Rov. J. F. Woods, at Woston, • Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1876 Mc DOWE! L MACE Thomas F., and L. Constanco, d. of "m. S. Tarwick, by the Rev. Thomas Ambler, in Powhatan Co., Va. So. Ch., Fob. 27, 1857 William Adair, Esq. of Clay City, Ky., and Alice Harrison, third d. of tho Rt. Rev. Thomas Underwood Dudley, D.D., by the Bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky, in Calvary Church, Louis- ville, Ky. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1887 Willic Amelia, d. of m. 7. Maco, and Luthor F. Martin, all of Dorchostor Co., Md., by the Rov. William ". Groone, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Doc. 23, 1880 MCELWAIN Frank Arthur D.D. (The Rt. Rev.), Rishop of Hinnesota, and 38- G Mrs. Mabel Collins Lofstron, by the Rt. Rev. Irving P. Johnston, D.D., in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Windom, Minn. So. Ch., Aug. 14, 1920 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION MCELWEE Samuel (The Rev.), of Dover, Del. (formerly of Washington, D.C.), and Mary, eldest d. of the late John and Cath- arine Elliott of Baltimore, by the Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee, D.D., at Wilmington, Del. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1871 MCENERY John E., Esq., of Dinwiddie Co., and Hannah S., d. of Col. J. S. Gilliam, formerly of Peters- burg, Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, in St. Luke's Church, Nottoway Co.,. Va. So. Ch., Apr. 10, 1873 MACFARLAND Elizabeth B., d. of Wm. H. Mac- Farland, Esq., and Dr. Ran- dolph Barksdale, all of Rich- mond, by the Rev. Chas. Minni- gerode, in St. Faul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., June 11, 1858 John Montgomery, and Agnes Lyle, d. of the late Samuel Forrest, Furser, U.S. Navy, by the Rev. Wm. H. Meade, at Charles Town, W.Va., at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jail. 2, 1879 Nannie Beirne, d. of the late William MacFarland of Rich- mond, Va., and Frank Donald- son, Jr., by the Rev. Dr. C. W. Rankin, in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1880 MCGARY Charles, and Isabel Stuart, d. of Dr. J. C. and Mrs. M. C. Mercer, all of Durham, N.C., at the residence of W. L. Wall, on Chapel Hill St., Durham, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1888 McGAVOCK Cynthia, second d. of the late Ephraim McGavock, and Judge John H. Fulton, all of Wytheville, Va., by the Rev. Robb White, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., June 15, 1876 McGAW G. A., of Baltimore, and Julia M. Lowe of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. Thomas G. Addison, in Trinity Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., July 22, 1875 MCGE HEE J. R., Esq., of Kentucky, and Matilda, d. of the late Charles Middleton of Chester- field Co., Va., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at Woodstock Farm. So. Ch., Oct. 17, 1872 N. C., Esq., and Mary Lobbend, by the Rev. Wm. M. Nelson, in St. Paul's Church, Albe- marle Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1867 P., and Anne H. Gilmer, both of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. M. Nelson, at Edgefield. So. Ch., June. 13, 1867 McGHEE William G., Esq., of Bedford Co., Va., and Anna, d. of Nelson Sprinkel, Esq. of Harrisonburg, Va., by the Rev. T. U. Dudley, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1867 MACGILL Davidge, of Hagerstown, Md., and Carrie E. Hansbury of New York City, by the Rev. .... Kam 39 ↓ So, P. D. Thompson, at the resi- dence of Sam'l P. Wilson, Pittsylvania Co., Va. Ch., May 14, 1868 Mollie Ragan, d. of the late Dr. Chas. Macgill of Rich- mond, formerly of Hagers- town, Md., and Henry Rosen- berg of Galveston, Texas, by the Rev. Hartley Car- michael of St. Paul's Church, in Grace Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1889 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Wm. D., and Agnes H., d. of Samuel P. Wilson, Esq., all of Pittsylvania Co., by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, in Pittsylvania Co. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1867 MCGILL 9 Eleanor W., eldest d. of Dr. T. J. McGill of Frederick, Md., and Jos. A. William- son, by the Rev. Jno. McGill assisted by the rector of the parish, the Rev. 0. Ingle, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 1o, 1871 John (The Rev.), and Virginia, third d. of Root. Beverly, Esq. of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. R. M. McKim, in the Episcopal Church, at The Plains, Fauquier Co. So. Ch., July 3, 1873 Lizzie R., second d. of Dr. T. J. McGill of Frederick, Md., and Wm. Pinckney Mason, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at the residence of the bride's father. Ch., Jan. 2, 1873 S. (Dr.), of Fauquier Co., Va., and Lizzie Randolph, eldest 1. of Dr. John Faunt-Le-Roy, formerly of Clarke Co., by the Rev. John McGill, assistant So. minister of St. James' Church, and the Rev. Richard T. Davis, in St. James' Church, Leesburg. So. Ch., May 11, 1871 Thomas J. (Dr.), of Jeffer- son, Mo., and Julia Ann, d. of Samuel Phillips, Esq. of Fredericksburg, Va., by the Rev. Richard H. Phillips. So. Ch., Dec. 15, 1837 MCGILTON Ella A., and James C. Hamil- ton, both of Uniontown, by the Rev. Henry T. Sharp, in St. John's Church, Union- town. Ky. So. Ch., May 9, 1872 MCGILVRA Seth Curtis (Dr.), and Annie Kittredge Scott of Richmond, by the Rev. D. F. Sprigg, at No. 909 Park Ave., Richmond, the residence of Robert S. Chamberlayne, Esq., a cousin of the bride. So. Ch., Oct. 8, 1891 MCGLASSON - Jennie, and Samuel B. Shaw, both of Fairfax Co., by the Rev. W. A. Alrich, at the residence of win. T. Ramsey, Esq., Fairfax C.H. So. Ch., Dec. 31, 1868 MCGRATH Fanny, of Ireland, and Joseph Bishop of Albemarle, by the Rev. Wm. M. Nelson, at the residence of the Rev. Joseph Wilmer, Albemarle Co. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1858 MCGUIRE Benjamin Harrison, late of Halifax C.H., Va., and Eva Adaline Hurst of North Danville, Va., by the Rev. F. A. Peterson, in Calvary Church, North Danville. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1889 Betty Burnet, 1. of the Rev. - 40 - L Dr. E. C. McGuire, and the Rev. Charles E. Ambler, rector of St. Ann's Church, Albemarle Co., Va., in St. George's Church, Fredericks- burg. So. Ch., Aug. 7, 1851 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Betty C., d. of the Rev. Wil- liam McGuire, and William A. Smoot, Esq. of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. William McGuire, in Trinity Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1873 Edward B. (The Rev.), and Sarah N., d. of Austin W. Fitzhugh, Esq., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Mill Bank, King George Co. So. Ch., July 15, 1869 Emily Page, youngest d. of the late Rev. John P. McGuire, and Philip W. Nelson of Albemarle, by the Rev. J. B. Newton, in St. John's Church, Tappa- hannock. So. Ch., July 10, 1873 F. H., and Helen, eldest d. of Emil 0. Nolting, by the Rev. Mr. Oehlschlager, at the residence of the bride's father; in Richmond. Se. Ch.,.Nov. 26, 1885.. James Mercer Garnett, M.D., of Berryville, Va., and Mrs. Elizabeth Alexandria Ware Britton, d. of the late Josiah W. Ware, Esq. of Berryville, Va., by the Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden assisted by the Rev. Henry L. Jones, at Plymouth, Pa. So. Ch., May 8, 1884 Janie M., d. of the rector, and George Turner of Belle Grove, by the Rev. Edward McGuire, in St. John's Church, King George C.H... So. Ch., Oct. 2ô, 1876 John P., and S. R. Morris, by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, in St. James' Church. So. Ch., July 7, 1881 Lucy E. H., eldest d. of David H. McGuire, Esq., and Treadwell Smith, Jr., all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. H. Suter, at Berryville. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1859 Mary M., youngest d. of the late D. H. McGuire of Clarke Co., Va., and John Stevens of Hoboken, by the rector, the Rev. P. P. Phillips, assisted by the Rev. G. C. Houghton, rector of Trinity Church, Hoboken, N.J., in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., June 28, 1883. Minna C., and J. Fitzgerald Jones of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. W. Strother Jones, at the residence of Julian Ingle, Charles Co., Md. So. Ch., Aug. 10, 1893 Sallie B., and the Rev. Charles C. Randolph, by the Rev. William McGuire assisted by the Rev. Henderson. Suter, in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., May 22, 1884 Sallie Nelson, d. of William H. McGuire, and gr.d. of the late Woodson Hughes, Esq., of Halifax C.H., Va., and Joseph Trueman Clark of Prince Edward Co., by the Rev. Dr. 0. A. Kinsolving, in St. John's Church, Halifax C.H. So. Ch., Feb. 7, 1889 William (The Rev.), of Westmoreland, and Mariette, d. of Gustavus B. Alexander, Esq., by the Rev. 3. B. Leacock, in St. Paul's Church, King George Co., Va. 41 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION So. Ch., Mar. 25, 1852 wm. (The Rev.), of Essex Co., Va., and Mary Wilson Beadles of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Joshua Peter- kin, D.D., in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 11, 1883 Mc HUGH Mary Ann, of Richmond, Va., and Julius C. Hudson of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rev. Samuel R. Slack, in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 26, 1862 MCILHANY H. M., of Staunton, Va., and Fannie B. Jones, by the Rev. W. Strother Jones, in Emmanuel Church, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., May 8, 1884 John W. (Dr.), of Greenville, Miss., and Margaret B., eldest i. of James K. Skinker, Esq. of Fauquier by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsol- ving, at Huntley, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 8, 1861 MCINTOSH D. G. (Col.), of South Caro- lina, and Virginia J. Pegram of Richmond, by the Rev. Charles Minnigerode, D.D., at Linden Square, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1865 Jas. (Capt.), of the U.S. Army, and Judith Brockenbrough, d. of the late Jefferson Phelps of Covington, Ky., and gr. d. of the late Judge W. Brockenbrough of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. R. T. Davis, in Trinity Church, Martinsburg, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 4, 1859 Roderick Chilli, of Quitman, Ga., and Cora Barksdale, second d. of John O. Lewis of Albemarle, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Cliffside, near Scottsville, Albe- marle Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1878 MCKAIG Thomas J., Jr., and Ada, d. of M. 3. Norman, by the Rev. Julius E. Grammer, in St. Peter's Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., May 18, 1882 MACKALL Anna W., d. of the late Henry C. Mackall, Esq. of "Wilna", Cecil Co., and niece of the officiating clergyman, and Capt. William H. May of Elkton, Md., by the Rev. John Collins McCabe, D.D., in St. Luke's Church, Bladens- burg, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 17, 1867 Benjamin F., of Moorhead, Minn., and Mary H., d. of the late Lt. Col. John D. Kurtz, U.S. Engineers, by the Rev. Richard N. Thomas, in Trinity Church, West Phila- delphia. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1884 Robert McGill, and Alice Ashby, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at "Sunny Side", the residence of the bride's father, in Fauquier Co. Sc. Ch., Jan. 30, 1868 Virginia, youngest d. of the late Henry C. Mackall, Esq. of Elkton, and the Rev. John Collins McCabe, D.D., rector of St. Ann's Church, Middletown, Del., by the Rev. R. H. B. Mitchell assisted by the Rev. Doane Mitchell, in Trinity Church, Elkton, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 15, 1868 MCKAY G. D. (The Rev.), formerly of 42 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION the Valley of Virginia, Presbyterian Missionary, and Chang Mia Tsong, a puella Formosa, at Formosa, China. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 MCKENNEY Constance E., and P. R. Harvey, by the Rev. D. M. Wharton, at the residence of the bride's mother, Montross. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1873 MACKENZIE Edmund Lyons, and Julia Stricker, only d. of Peyton S. Coles of Albemarle Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke assisted by the Rev. Robert Coles, in Christ Church, St. Anne's Parish, Albe- marle Co., Va. So. Ch., July 26, 1888 Ella B., d. of the late Thos. Mackenzie of Baltimore, and the Rev. Ogle Marbury of Howard Co., by the Rev. Bishop Pinckney assisted by the Rev. Dr. Leeds and the Rev. Dr. Lewin, in Grace Church, Baltimore. Ch., Apr. 15, 1880 30. MACKIE Arthur James (The Rev.), s. of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mackie of Renova, Pa., and Mabel Helen, d. of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McConnell of Williamsport, Pa., by the Rt. Rev. Hiram R. Hulse, D.D., Bishop of Cuba, in All Saints' Church, Guantanamo, Cuba, where the groom is rector. So. Ch., Apr. 5, 1924 MCKIM Haslett (The Rev.), and Harriet R., d. of Henry R. Winthrop, Esq., all of New York, by the Rev. George S. Converse, at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Sept. 22, 1870 John Leighton (The Rev.), of Philadelphia, and Sarah F., d. of Henry F. Rodney of Lewes, by the Rev. George Seymour Lewis, in St. Feter's Church, Lewes, Del. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1860 Randolph H. (Lt.), P.A.C.S., of Baltimore, and Agnes Grey, eldest d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. R. H. Phillips, assisted by the Rev. J. A. Latane, in Trinity Church, Staunton, Va. Ch., Mar. 20, 1863 Randolph Harrison (The Rev.), D.D., and Mrs. A. M. C. Brooke, d. of the late Hon. Daniel R. Clymer of Reading, Pa., by the Rt. Rev. Wm. Paret, D.D., Bishop of Maryland, as- sisted by the Rev. Hal- stead McKim, in St. Thomas' Church, New York. So. Ch., July 31, 1890 So. MCKINNEY Ellen Dupuy, youngest d. of the late Thomas McKinney of Lynchburg, Va., and John T. Berry of Paris, Texas, by the Rev. George Beckett, in St. Peter's Church, Columbia, Tenn. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1872 MCKINNY John H., and Murtha, d. of the late Benjamin Gee, by the Rev. T. E. Locke. 30. Ch., May 24, 1839 MCKNIGHT Kite P., d. of Wm. H. McKnight, Esq. of Alexandria, Va., and Prof. J. M. Fischer of Washington, Ga., by the Rev. D. F. Sprigg, at Alexandria, Va. 43 So. Ch., Apr. 26, 1866 McLAURIN M. F., of Rome, Ga., and Eliza- beth A., d. of Mrs. Carter MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION H. Harrison, by the Rev. William C. Williams, at "Elkora", Cumberland Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 25, 1881 MCLEAN * Donald, of New York, and Emily Nelson, d. of Judge John Ritchie, and gr. d. of Judge William Maulsby, by the Rev. Osborn Ingle and the Rt. Rev. William Pinckney, Bishop of Maryland, in All Saints' Church, Frederick, Md. So. Ch., May 3, 1883 Donald, of Joana, Fairfax Co., and Lucy M. Tebbs of Alex- andria, Va., by the Rev. George H. Norton, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., July 8, 1886 Lucretia, formerly of Alex- andria, Va., and W. H. Snyder of Alton, by the Rev. R. D. Brooke, at Galena, Ill. So. Ch., Aug. 14, 1851 Malcolm, of Alexandria, Va., and Olive Dunbar, d. of the Rev. Robert D. Brooke of Iowa, by the Rev. R. H. McKim, in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 20, 1873 MACLEAN W. L., and Nannie Mayo, d. of R. H. and Agnes Dade Fitz- hugh, at the residence of the bride's father, in Lexington, Ky. So. Ch., Sept. 28, 1893 MCLEOD James Edward, of Washington, and Helen Virginia Martin formerly of Buchanan, Va., by the Rev. David Barr, in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., July 2, 1891 L. Lamar, formerly of Rich- mond, and Melissa Kennedy of New Castle, Pa., by the Rev. Dr. Steel, rector of the church, in the Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany. So. Ch., Sept. 18, 1926 MACLIN William Henry, of Tennessee, and Mary Aletha, d. of Lance- lot Minor, Esq. of Amherst Co., Va., by the Rev. R. L. Dabney, D.D., of the U. T. Seminary, at Briery Tenowho. So. Ch., Sept. 26, 1872 McMEANS Ella, d. of Dr. S. A. McMeans, and the Hon. F. L. B. Goodwin of Vallejo, by the Rev. Dr. Smith, at the residence of the bride's father at Santa Rosa, Cal. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1870 MCMILLAN Harriet Harrington, d. of the Rev. and Mrs. Alexander McMillan of Carlisle, Pa., and the Rev. Samuel Black- well Chilton, rector of St. Paul's Church, Carlisle, Pa. So. Ch., Sept. 26, 1925 MCMINN Kate C., second d. of John A. McMinn, Esq. of Hanover Co., and R. Temple Southall of New Kent, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 1, 1891 Omega, eldest d. of John A. McMinn of Hanover Co., and Dela- ware B. Gardner, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1887 MCMULLEN Ca Harris, and Mary J. Pane, both of Hanover, by the Rev. Robt. Douglas Roller, in Trinity Church, St. Martin's Parish.* So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1878 MCMULLIN Andrew J., of Kentucky, and Diocese St. Martin's Parish is in Hanover County, Virginia (Journal of Virginia, Richmond, Va., 1941) 44 E 1 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Sallie A., d. of the late Kin- ney Stribling of Staunton, Va., by the Rev. Horace E. Hayden, at the residence of John W. English, Esq., Point Pleasant, W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1867 MACMURDO Jane B. (Mrs.), d. of David Higginbotham, Esq. of Albemarle Co., and Dr. Robert W. Haxall of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rev. Richard K. Meade, at Mowen. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1839 Kathleen M., of Ashland, Va., and F. S. Williams of Balti- more, by the Rev. G. W. Easter. So. Ch., Mar. 26, 1868 Mary E., d. of C. W. Mac- Murdo of Alexandria, Va., and Thomas Pemberton of Goochland Co., Va., by the Rev. George W. Woodbridge. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1855 Rose, of Richmond, Va., and the Rev. Geo. W. Easter of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. Geo. Woodbridge, D.D., at Ashland, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 21, 1867 Sadie C., only d. of James B. Macmurdo and gr.d. of the late Bishop Moore, and Alfred, s. of the Hon. Wm. C. Rives, by the Rev. Dr. Minnigerode, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va:. So. Ch., Feb. 11, 1859 MCMURDO Rebecca K., and Charles Stebbins, by the Rev. John McGill, at the residence of the bride's brother, Col. John McMurdo, Ashland, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 3, 1887 MCNEELY Thomson W., and Mary Henrietta, d. of Devin Derickson, by the Rev. Geo. S. Fitzhugh, in St. Paul's Church, Berlin, Md. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1872 MCNEILEY J. S. (Capt.), of Greenville, Miss., and Mary M., d. of Col. Edmund and Mary Berkeley of Prince William Co., Va., by the Rev. A. P. Gray assisted by the Rev. H. T. Sharp, at "Evergreen. So. Ch., June 30, 1881 MCNEMARA Matilda C., d. of Hugh C. McNemara, and James J. Hunton, by the Rev. Jno. Towles, at Anley, the resi- dence of Charles J. Stovin, Fauquier Co. So. Ch., May 16, 1856 MCNUTT James M. (Dr.), of Bedford, and Mollie L. Fisher of Northampton Co., Va., by the Rev. J. B. Craighill, in Christ Church, Eastville. So. Ch., Mar. 24, 1870 MACON Annie L., d. of E. B. Macon of Princess Anne, and the Rev. John Cornick, by the Rev. Mr. Lloyd and the Rev. Mr. Anson, rector, in the Old Chapel, Princess Anne. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1893 Charlotte N., and Frank M. Randolph, by the Rev. Robb White, in Grace Church, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 25, 1883 Lucy S., d. of the late Miles Macon of Richmond, Va., and John J. Clarke, Civil Engineer, Rockingham Co., N.C., by the Rev. H. S. Kepler. So. Ch., Apr. 13, 1860 Mary Sayre, d. of Dr. W. H. Macon, and Nathaniel B. Johnston of Memphis, Tenn., by the Rev. L. Hepburn, in Immanuel Church, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 2, 1882 45 ARRIAGE FOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES CF FUBLICATION Randolph Harrison, and Kathoryno E. Whitby, both of St. Louis, Mo. Sc So. Ch., Doc, 11, 1915 Sallic, d. of 3. B. Macon of Princoss Anno Co., and John C. Maupin of Portsmouth, Va., by the Rev. Rovordy Estill, pastor of Trinity Church, Portsmouth, assisted by the Rov. C. B. Bryan, in the old Eastorn Shore Chapol, Princess Anno Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 4, 1880 Wm. Hartwell, of Hanover Co., and Mrs. Mary G. "obb, d. of Col. R. Harrison of "illiams- burg, y tho Rov. S. S. Hopbron in the rotostant Episcopal Church, Williams- burg, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 24, 1885 " MACRAE Alico, oldost d. of the late Honry and Elizabeth S. MacRae of Chuckatuck, Nenso- mond Co., Va., and Josso John Vann of enrco, Union Co., N.C., by the Rev. Douglass Hooff, at the res- idence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Apr. 21, 1887 Emily, only d. of Alexander MacRae, Esq., and James F. Payne of Virginia, by the Rev. T. M. Ambler of Wilming- ton, at Argyle, the residence of the bride's father, in Robeson Co., N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1374 George H. T., of Fairfax Co., and Maggie, d. of M. M. Jamesson, Esq. of Center- ville, by the Rov. ". A. Alrich, at Conterville, tho rosidonce of the brido's father, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Doc. 31, 1868 Louisa V., of Fairfax Co., and Albert G. Cardnor of Alox- andria Co., y tho Rov. W. F. Lockwood, in the chapol of the Theological Seminary of Virginia. Sc. Ch., Jan. 18, 1851 Samuel, s. of Judge MacRao of North Carolina, and Evelynn, d. of Robort and Mary Claytor of Bodford City, Va., by tho Rov. T. 7. Jonos, in St. John's Church, Rodford City, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 25, 1890 Sholdona, of Upporvillo, Fru- quior Co., Va., and the Rov. aurico Clarke of England, by the Roy. R. . Trapnell, in St. Andrew's-on-the- Mountain, noar Charlos Town, ".Va. So. Ch., Juno 22, 1907 CRAE Camoron Frrouhar, of North Caro- lina, and Sarah Niccll Word- word of Now Jorsoy, by the Rt. Rev. F. R. Gravos, D.D., in St. John's Church, Pro- Cathedral, Shanghai, China. Sc. Ch., Apr. 11, 1908 Duncan L., of Georgia, and Lizzie Haile of Essex Co., by the Rev. Everard Meade, in St. Paul's Church, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1885 MACREA Mary, and M. Filmore Finner, both of Chuckatuck, Nan semond Co., Va., hy the Rov. Douglass Hooff, at home. So. Ch., Dec. 6, 1883 CREE Josoph H., of Wilmington, N.C., and Catherine Cameron Buxton, by the Rev. J. Buxton, D.D., assisted by the Rev. D. Pillhouso Pucl, at Asheville, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 11, 1875 "CIGH Benjamin Franklin, of Aloxandria, and Sarah E. Lane, d. of Edward Fearneyhough, Esq. of 46 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Albemarle Co., by the Rev. S. R. Slack, at Mt. Airy, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 3, 1853 L. W., and Charlotte R. Skel- ton, both of Richmond, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, in The Monumental Church, Rich- mond. So. Ch., Oct. 14, 1869 MADDOX Alfred (Capt.), of Baltimore, and Charlotte, d. of Henry Ayres, Esq., by the Rev. J. B. Craighill, at "Salt Grove", Northampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 27, 1870 Clifford M., of Baltimore, Md., and Charlotte F. Butler of Harrisonburg, Va., by the Rev. D. M. Wood, at the resi- dence of the bride's brother, Dr. W. S. Butler, Roanoke City, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 23, 1885 W. C. H., of Richmond, Va., and Martha P. Weisiger, by the Rev. Jas. H. Williams, at Highland Lodge, Nelson Co., the bride's home. Ch., Nov. 14, 1908 So. MADDUX C Cora V., and Thos. S. Johnson, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, in Trinity Church, Salem, Fau- quier Co. So. Ch., July 15, 1869 MADISON Edward Cooper, of Orange Co., Md., and Lizzie Fox, youngest d. of the late John F. Stagg of Richmond, by the Rev. M. D. Hoge, D.D., in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., July 22, 1886 Lelia B., youngest d. of the late Ambrose Madison of Madison, and Wm. Pope Dabney of Powhatan, by the Rev. J. Earnest, at Woodbury Forest, Madison, Va. Ch., Jan. 15, 1857 Given as printed 50. Robt. L., M.D., of Lexington, Va., and Helen T., youngest d. of the late John Monro* Banister, Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Platt, in St. Paul's Church, Petersburg, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 10, 1860 Wm. Randolph, and Margaret Gray Dickenson, by the Rev. J. K. Mason, in St. George's Church, Fredericks- burg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 9, 1890 MAER Mary Harriet, d. of the Hon. and Mrs. William J. Maer of Seneca Falls, and the Rev. Frederick Ward, s. of Mrs. Roy C. Kates and the late Mr. Kates of Rochester, rector of Trinity Church, Seneca Falls, N.Y., by the Rt. Rev. Malcolm E. Perbody, D.D., Bishop Coadjutor of Central New York, assisted by the Rev. Jerome Kates, D.D., rector of St. Stephen's Church, Rochester, the groom's uncle, in Trinity Church, Seneca Falls, N.Y. So. Ch., Aug. 16, 1941 MAGILL Nannie Temple, d. of the late Dr. Henry D. Magill of Lees- burg, Va., and Leonard K. Sparrow of Baltimore, by the Rev. Dr. J. E. Grammer, in St. Peter's Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1877 MAGRUDER M Ella G., and Philip D. Laird, by the Rev. Wm. H. Laird, in St. John's Church, Olney, Montgomery Co., Md. So. Ch., Dec. 31, 1885 Emily C. 3., of Prince George's Co., Md., and Edson E. Ferris of New York, by the Rev. J. H. Elliot, D.D., in Ascension Parsonage, Washington, D.C. 47 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION So. Ch., Jan. 31, 1889 Henry M., and Sallie G. Minor, both of Albemarle Co., by the Rev. Mr. Hanckel of Christ Church, at Ridgeway, the residence of the bride's mo- ther. So. Ch., Apr. 22, 1869 MAHAN John T., and Kate C. Mitchell, both of Pittsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. C. D. Pruden, at the residence of the bride's father, H. C. Mitchell, Pittsylvania Co. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1885 MAHON Mittie Gibson (Mrs.), of Boon- ville, and George Todd, eldest s. of the late Rev. and Mrs. Edward D. Irvine, head of dep't of mathematics, Kemper Military School, Boon- ville, Mo., by the Rev. H. E. Martin, rector of Calvary Episcopal Church, Sedalis, Mo., in Christ Episcopal Church, Boonville, Mo. So. Ch., Aug. 23, 1919 MAITLAND Berjamin** Jr., Esq., and Estelle, d. of C. M. Deshon, Esq., all of Baltimore, by the Rev. Jno. C. McCabe, D.D., rector of the Church of the Ascension, in Baltimore. So. Ch., Aug. 17, 1860 MAJOR Henry (The Rev.), of Virginia, and Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Horatio Jones of George- town, by the Rev. Dr. Mar- bury. So. Ch., Sept. 27, 1839 William Jr., and Laura M., eldest d. of J. M. Spindle, Esq., all of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. John McGill, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1878 MALLABY Thomas (The Rev.), and Catherine Kortright, d. of the late Capt. John Seaman of Staten Island, by the Rev. W. H. Walter, in St. Paul's Church, Tomkins- ville, R.I. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1837 MALLORY Edmund S., and Jennie Parker, by the Rev. J. A. Harrison, at Jackson, Tenn. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1872 George S., D.D. (The Rev.), and Ellen Haile Bogardus, d. of the late John J. Haile, Esq. of Plattsburg, N.J., by the Rev. J. H. Chesley, in St. John's Church, Hampton, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1882 MANLY Helen A., d. of the late Gov. Charles Manly of North Caro- lina, and Daniel Sprigg Pick- rell, by the Rev. J. B. Perry, at Washington. So. Ch., Oct. 11, 1888 MANN Charles, and Emerline J. Banton of Richmond, by the Rev. W. H. Kinckle. So. Ch., June 27, 1856 Nannie H., third d. of the Rev. C. Mann, and Wm. M. Peyton of Albemarle Co., by the Rev. Wm. G. Jackson, D.D., of Maryland, in Wure Church. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1870 MANNING Eliza. Sinkler, d. of the late Hon. Richard J. Manning, and Richard C. Richardson, Jr., all of Clarendon, by the Rev. Edward R. Miles, at Homes- ley, the residence of the bride's mother, in Sumter Co., S.C. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1880* Frank J., Esq., of Jefferson Co., * A notice appears in the issue of Jan. 15, 1880, identical with this except that "Richard I. Manning" is written "Richard J. Manning" ** Given as printed 48 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Va., and Louisa Antoinette, d. of Jacob N. Cowan*, Esq., by the Rev. T. U. Dudley, at "Belmont", Rockingham Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 30, 1868 John, of Prince George's Co., Md., and Mary Eliza, d. of Dr. Thomas R. Ditty of Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Eltham, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., June 18, 1858 Joseph Thruston, and Alice Lloyd, d. of Mrs. M. E. and the late Hon. W. T. Goldsborough, by the Rev. Dr. W. W. Williams, in Christ Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1884 William J., of Winchester, Va., and Rosa W. Bradford of Clarle Co., Va., by the Rev. Jas. R. Hubard assisted by the Rev. John P. Tyler, at "Abbeyville", Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., May 19, 1892 Wm. L., of Clarendon, und Margaret C., d. of the late Wm. Adger, Esq. of Charles- ton, by the Rev. G. R. Brackett, in Second Presby- terian Church. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1877 MANSON * Nathaniel Clayton, Jr., of Lynchburg, Va., and Henrietta Ege, d. of George Johnston of Alexandria, by the Rev. Dr. Norton, in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1891 MANTLO Bettie V., d. of John G. Mantlo of Hanover Co., Va., and Capt. Benjamin F. Moore, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 24, 1884 MAPP Given as printed Gabriella S., and Dr. George L. Ames, by the Rev. Henry L. Derby, in St. George's Church, Pungoteague, Accomac, Va. Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1893 MARBURY Elizabeth Marshall, of Prince George's Co., Md., and the Rev. William Christian of Washington, D.C., by the Rev. Dr. Pinckney, in St. Luke's Church, Bladens- burg, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1858 Fannie S., d. of the late Rev. J. Somerville Marbury of Alabama, and Dr. J. L. Beale of Washington, D.C., by the Rev. C. K. Nelson, ).D., at Georgetown, D.C., residence of the bride's gr. father, John Marbury, Esq. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1873 Ogle (The Rev.), of Howard Co., and Ella B., d. of the late Thos. Mackenzie of Baltimore, by Bishop Pinckney, eisted by the Rev. Dr. Leeds and the Rev. Dr. Lewin, in Grace Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Apr. 15, 1880 MARCHANT John R., and Virginia E. Blackburn, by the Rev. J. Hervey Hundley, at "Barn Elins", Middlesex Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 29, 1872 MARDERS Ida E., and J. W. Willcoxen, both of Prince William Co., Va., by the Rev. A. P. Gray, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1883 MARINER Lillie A., of Fauquier Co., Va., and Dr. Leslie R. Quacken- bush of Florida, by the Rev. 49 W MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION MARKOE Emily Maxey, d. of the late Francis Markoe, and David Caldwell F. Rivinus of Phila- delphia, by the Rev. Wm. Hodges, D.D., at Tulip Hill, the residence of the bride, in Anne Arundel Co. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1873 MARKS H. B. Lee, at Rappahannock Station, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 22, 1887 Mary Ella, d. of the late John Marks, Esq., and Richard H. Peterson, Esq., all of Prince George, by the Rev. R. F. Johnson, at Old Town, Prince George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1858 MARMADUKE Lydia Ann, and Dr. R. A. Stuart, both of West- moreland, by the Rev. D. M. Wharton. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1883 MARNER Eleanor, and George E. Nelson of Baltimore, (lately of Culpeper, Va.), at Annandale, the residence of the bride's father, in Culpeper Co., Va. So. Ch., Doç. 21, 1871 MARR Robert, of U.S. Coast and Geodet- ic Survey, and Jane Barr on, d. of James Barron Hope, by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker of St. Faul's Church, at the residence of the bride's parents, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 28, 1887 ARSHALL Agnes H., d. of Lewis Marshall, Esq. of Culpeper, Va., and William P. Helm, Esq. of New York City, by the Rev. J. D. Powell, in St. John's Church, Portsmouth, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1881 Agnes Robb, d. of the late Alexander Marshall, and Dr. S. C. Chew, by the Rev. Mr. Paine, in Mount Calvary Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., June 12, 1884 Edward C., Jr. of Fauquier Co., Va., and Virginia E. d. of Dr. Samuel Taylor of Berryville, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 26, 1856 Eliza, d. of the late Dr. Jaqueline A. Marshall of Fauquier Co., and Harrison Robertson of Norfolk, by the Rev. Thomas Duncan, at Prospect Hill, Fauquier Co. 30. Ch., Oct. 28, 1859 Eliza G., of Lunenburg Co., Va., and A. W. Thompson of Tennessee, by the Rev. L. J. Sothoron, at Rose Hill, Lunenburg Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 21, 1879 Elizabeth A. M., eldest d. of the late James Edward Mar- shall, and Joseph Reading of Maryland, by the Rev. H. B. Lee, at it. Blanc, the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1878 Elizabeth Lewis, d. of Henry !!. Marshalli, and Bowles E. Armistead, by the Rev. Kinloch Nelson, at Fair- field, Fauquier Co. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1871 Ella, and Sam'l Atwell, both of King George Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Shiloh, King George Co. So. Ch., Sept. 7, 1860 Ellen H., of Fauquier, d. of the late Dr. Jaqueline A. Marshall, and C. Marshall Barton of Frederick, Va., by 50 hai * MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION the Rev. Ch. H. Sheilds, at Prospect Hill, Fauquier Co. So. Ch., Oct. 7, 1859 Emmy W., and Frederick H. Moss, at the home of Mrs. William Marshall, 2009 Eye St., N.W., Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Dec. 27, 1924 F. L., of Washington, D.C., and Lina, second d. of the late Charles A. Gwatkin of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Chas. H. Read, in Richmond, Va., at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Mar. 14, 1878 Fannie, of New York, and the Rev. Charles J. Holt of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. A. M. Randolph of Baltimore, Md., in New York City. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1875 Fitz-Hugh Ball, and Lola Naomi Lambert, by the Rev. Norman Fitz-Hugh Marshall, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lambert, Monticello, Ark. So. Ch., June 24, 1911 Florence C., d. of F. F. Marshall of Erie, and Dr. Charles V. Gravatt, U.S. Navy, by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt assisted by the rector, the Rev. George A. Carstensen, in St. Paul's Church, Erie, Pa. So. Ch., Apr. 1, 1896 Jakqueline (Dr.), of Fauquier Co., Va., and Mary, d. of Maj. R. Douhtut* of Charles City Co., by the Rev. A. Wade, at "Lower Weyanoke." So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1869 James E., and Mary M., eldest d. of Henry M. Marshall, Esq. of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. C. ì. Callaway, at Fairfield, the residence of her father. Given as printed So. Ch., Mar. 21, 1856 James Keith, Jr., of Fau- quier, and Elizabeth, d. of the late William L. Hirsh of Philadelphia, Pa., by the Rev. Father Floyd, in Washington, D.C., at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1891 Jaqueline A., and Eliza R., d. of Edward C. Turner, Esq., by the Rev. W. H. H. Powers, in Grace Church, The Plains. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1878 Joel W., and Agnes G., d. of Henry Carrington, Esq., by the Rev. J. A. Mitchell, at Ingleside, Charlotte Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1865 John, of Markham, and Lucretia, d. of the late Norman R. Fitzhugh of Alexandria, by the Rev. James T. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 16, 1854 Llewellyn B., and Mary D. Bunta, by the Rev. Henry T. Sharp, in the Church of the Ascension, Frankfort, Ky. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1875 Lottie, and Robert Burnham, by the Rev. Robb White, in Grace Church, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 10, 1884 Lucy J., only d. of J. Keith and F. L. Marshall and great gr.d. of Chief Justice Marshall, and the Rev. H. B. Lee, all of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. Robb White assisted by the Rev. James R. Winchester, at Marven, the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Sept. 27, 1877 Madge L., J. of the late Col. · · 51 · MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Thomas Marshall of Fauquier Co., Va., and A. Adgate Duer of Baltimore, by the Rev. Wm. Meredith, at Springdale, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1872 Mary M., eldest d. of Henry M. Marshall, Esq. of Fau- quier Co., Va., and James 5. Marshall, by the Rev. C. M. Callaway, at Fair- field, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Mar. 21, 1856 N. F. (The Rev.), and Mary V. Ball of Norfolk Co., Va., by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd, in St. Luke's Church, Norfolk. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1886 Nannie Burwell, d. of Hon. James K. Marshall, and the Rev. George Hatley Norton, by the Rev. Wm. H. Pendle- ton, at Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., June 8, 1854 Rebecca C., of Fauquier Co., Va., and William H. Perry of Lunenburg Co., by the Rev. Alexander Overby, rector, in the Church of the Holy Innocents, Burkeville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1890 Rebecca F., d. of F. Lewis Marshall, Esq., formerly of Fauquier Co., Va., and Charles R. Nash, by the Rev. Reverdy Estill as- sisted by the Rev. J. D. Powell, at fortsmouth, Va., at the residence of the bride's brother, R. C. Marshall, Esq. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 Rebecca P., d. of J. A. and Rebecca Marshall, and Robert Douthat, Jr., all of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. H. B. Lee, at "The Craig", the residence of the bride's pa- rents. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1384 Robert M., Jr., and Martha Wilson, d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. vim. . Greene, in Trinity Church, Church Creek, Dorchester Co., Md. So. Ch., Nov. 24, 1887 Robert T., of Kentucky, and Rebekah L. Taylor of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, D.D. So. Ch., Oct. 14, 1880 Susan Lewis, and Bowles Ed. Armistead, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at "Ivanhoe", the residence of the bride's fa- ther. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1867 Thomas B., of Baltimore, and Julia, J. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Thos. L. Green, in St. Luke's Church, Church Hill, Md. So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1883 Thomas Richie, of Richmond, and Nannie Maury, 1. of S. Well- ford and Nannie Maury Corbin of Farley Vale, King George Co., Va., by the Rev. J. K. Mason, in St. George's Church, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., July 8, 1886 William C., of Fauquier Co., Va., and Lucy P., d. of the late W. C. Meredith, in Leeds Church, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1885 MARSTELLAR A. A. (Dr.), of Washington, D.C., and Emma, d. of Anderson Smith, Esq., in Grace Church, The Plains, Fau- quier Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan, 3, 1878 MARSTELLER E. M., M.D., and Marianne C., d. of the late Maynadier Mason, Esq. of Fairfax Co., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Johns, at the residence of the late James M. Mason. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1873 וני to Llera Corine, and James Clinton Milburn of Alex- andria, by the Rev. John Towles of Frince George's Co., Md., at Arelton, the residence of Arell Mars- teller, Esq., Prince William Co., Va. So. Ch.y Jan. 23, 1868 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION MARTEN Walter K., and Caroline R. Heath of Richmond, by the Rev. John Cole, at Cul- peper Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1855 MARTIN Ada L., niece of the Rev. T. F. Martin, and Robert T. Hopkins, all of Nashville, by the Rev. T. F. Martin, rector of St. Ann's Church, assisted by the Rev. Jerry Witherspoon, pastor of the church in which the ceremony was performed, in First Fresbyterian Church, Nash- ville, Teun. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1888 Charles S., and Mamie R. Tenison, both of Nashville, by the rector, the Rev. W. C. Gray, D.D., assisted by the Rev. T. F. Martin and the Rev. Cabell Martin, father and brother of the groom, at the Church of the Advent, Nashville, Tenn. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1883 Daniel D., of Cass Co., Me., and Emma B., d. of James V. Weir of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. J. F. Hoff. So. Ch., June 11, 1358 Elizabeth, and Wm. H. Boteler, both of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. Geo. Lemmon. So. Ch., Oct. 6, 1837 Helen Virginia, formerly of Buchanan, Va., and James Edward McLeod of Washington, J. Evans, of South Carolina, and Empsie, d. of Dr. R. B. Rennolds of Fredericksburg, Va., by the Rev. R. J. McBryde, in St. George's Episcopal Church, Fredericks- burg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1881 by the Rev. Davil Barr, in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., July 2, 1891 Luther P., and Willis Amelia, d. of Wm. W. Mace, all of Dorchester Co., Md., by the Rev. William W. Greene, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1880 Mary Cornelia Briscoe, third d. of the officiating clergyman, and Charles O'Reilly Armstrong, by the Rev. T. F. Martin, rector of the church, assisted by the Rt. Rev. C. T. Quintard, in St. Ann's Church, Nash- ville. So. Ch., Jan. 23, 1890 Mayo Cabell (The Rev.), rector of St. Clement's Church, El Paso, Tex., and Laura M., d. of B. J. Farrar of Nashville, Tenn., by the Rev. T. F. Martin assisted by the Rev. James R. Winchester and the Rev. W. C. Gray, D.D., in Woodland Street Presbyterian Church, Nashville. So. Ch., Nov. 17, 1892 MARTS Samuel T., and Ann Maria Furr, both of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. F. M. Whittie. So. Ch., Aug. 3, 1854 MARYE J. L., Jr., of Newport News, Va., and Kate C. Dickinson of "Moss Side", by the rector of the parish, in Grace Church, Caroline Co., Va. So. Ch., * - 53 ! 50 * Dec. 25, 1890 Mary Thornton, only d. of Col. Morton and C. Hommassel Marye, and J. S. Barbour Thompson, all of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. G. H. Norton, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1884 MASON MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Anna, d. of the late Col. Thomas Mason of Albemarle Co., Va., and William E. Clarke, Esq. of Baltimore, by the Rev. Richard K. Meade, at Tafton. 30. Ch., Nov. 28, 18.7 Anna Harrison, d. of Dr. Jo'm R. Mason of Sussex Co., Va., and George W. Williams of Prince George Co., by the Rev. C. J. Gibson, at "Oak Spring." So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1875 Augustine S. (Dr.), of Falmouth, Va., and Mary M. Eliason, by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsol- ving, at "Oakley", Fauquier Co., the residence of Henry G. Dulaney, Esq. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1858 Bettie S., d. of the late Dr. Alexander H. Mason, and Lt. Edward P. Alexander, U.S. Army, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Cleveland, King George Co. So. Ch., Apr. 13, 1860 Beverly R., of Fairfax Co., and Bettie Harrison, 1. of K. S. Nelson of Culpeper, by the Rev. J. G. Minniger ode assisted by the Rev. C. K. Nelson, D.D., in St. Stephen's Church, Culpeper, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1875 Cornelia, 1. of W. Roy Mason, Esq., and John Stephenson, Esq. of Frederick Co., Va., by the Rev. Henry Wall, at Given as printed Cleivland*, King George Co. So. Ch., July 25, 1858 Florence P., formerly of Virginia, and Benjamin T. Fendall of Maryland, by the Rev. W. A. Leonard, D.D., in St. John's Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., May 12, 1887 Harriet P., d. of the late John Y. Mason, Jr., and gr.d. of the Hon. John Y. Mason, deceased, and J. Garland Jefferson, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, in St. John's Church, Grub Hill, Anelia Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. o, 1884 J. K. (The Rev.), and Claudia Hamilton, eldest d. of the Rev. G. H. Norton, by the Rev. D. F. Sprigg, in St. Faul's Church, Alex- andria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 27, 1879 James E. (Lt.), of Accomac Co., Va., and Bettie S., eldest d. of Joseph H. Turner, Esq., by the Rev. R. R. Mason, at Columbia, Fluvanna Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 8, 1865 James E., of Richmond, Va., and Mary F., 1. of William H. and M. V. Anthony of Bote- tourt Co., Va., by the Rev. C. C. Randolph, in Trinity Church, Buchanan. So. Ch., Jan. 8, 1885 James M., and Madge, d. of Maj. John H. Chichester, by the Rev. Kinloch Nelson, D.D., in Old Falls Church, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1884 } James W., and Sarah 3. Glover, both of albemarle, by the Rev. wm. H. Nelson, in Albemarle Co. So. Ch., Oct. 19, 1855 John G., Esq., of Fredericksburg, Į 54. and Mary M. Boteler, by the Rev. C. W. Andrews, D.D. and the Rev. C. R. Hains, in Trinity Church, Shepherds- town. So. Ch., Mar. 24, 1870 John K., and Roberta K., d. of the Rev. E. C. Murdaugh, D.D., former rector of Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. Green Shackelford, at the residence of the bride's mother, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., May 3, 1888 Joseph G., of Clarke Co., Va., and Gertrude M. Carr, by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, at the residence of the bride's father, Dr. J. L. Carr, Clarksburg, W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1869 L. R. (The Rev.), and Lucy, MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION eldest 1. of the Rev. John Ambler, by the Rt. Rev. John Johns assisted by the Rev. R. R. Mason, at Clarens, the resi- dence of the late Hon. James M. Mason, near Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1875 Lambert, of St. Joseph, Mo., and Corinne, d. of Col. John J. Riley of Clarke Co., Va., by the rector, the Rev. P. P. Phillips, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., July 10, 1890 Louise, d. of Mrs. John K. Mason and the late Dr. John K. Mason, and Edwin Wright of Ardmore, Pa., at Elkton, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 13, 1913 Lucy Wiley, only d. of Charles Mason, and Edward Jaqueline Smith, all of King George, by the Rev. Moses H. Hunter, in St. John's Church, King George C.H., Va. So. Ch., June 16, 1881 Margaret B., d. of W. R. Mason, Esq., and Alfred N. Bernard, Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Friend, at Cleveland, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1855 Marianna C., d. of the late Maynadier Mason, Esq. of Fairfax Co., and E. M. Marsteller, M.D., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Johns, at the residence of the late Pon. James M. Mason. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1873 Mary, d. of the late John Y. Mason, and gr.d. of Judge John Y. Mason, former Minister to France, and P. J. Berkeley, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, in St. John's Church, Grub Hill, Amelia Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1881 Mary K., d. of the late Richard Mason of Georgetown, Md., and the Rev. Hanson T. Wilcoxsen, by the Rev. J. Campbell White, in St. Andrew's Church, Washington Co., Md. So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1855 Richard R. (The Rev.), and Nannie V. D., youngest d. of the Rt. Rev. John Johns, D.D., by the Rt. Rev. Wm. Meade, D.D., at Malvern, the resi- dence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Apr. 16, 1858 Thompson B., of Philadelphia, and Sarah C., d. of John B. Taylor, Esq., by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Rockland, Jefferson Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1855 W. Douglas, of Virginia, and Loulie, d. of Hon. W. E. Clarke of Demopolis, by the Rev. R. W. Barnwell, in Trinity Church, Demopolis, Ala. So. Ch., June 17, 1880 W. Roy (The Rev.), and Mary 55 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Ruffin Jones, by the Rev. Edw. Valentine Jones, father, and the Rev. E. Fuffin Jones, brother of the bride, in Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Va. Va. So. Ch., July 20, 1912 Wm. Pinckney, and Lizzie R., second d. of Dr. T. J. McGill of Frederick, Md., by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1873 MASSENBURG Jennie E., d. of Capt. George T. Massenburg of Hampton, and Lewis E. Henry, Esq., of Raleigh, N.C., by the Rev. John C. McCabe, rector of St. John's Church, at Hamp- ton. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1854 MASSEY J. a. (The Rev.), D.D., rector of Trinity Church, Mobile, and Mury, d. of Mrs. J. H. Gregory of Rochester, by the Rt. Rev. J. P.B. Wilner, D.D., Bishop of Louisiana, in Christ Church, Rochester. So. Ch., Aug. lö, 1877 Lizzie, i. of the late E. w. Massey, Esq., ani Grymes Meade, all of Clarke Co., V., by the Rev. Mr. Eggleston assisted by the Rev. J. R. Jones, at White Post. So. Ch., July 22, 1875 Thomas Niven, of Westmoreland, and Mary Stevenson, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton, by the Rev. Arthur P. Gray, in Hague Chapel, Cople Parish, westmoreland Co. 50: Ch., Feb. 19, 1910 MASSIE Florence L., d. of the late Wm. Massie of Nelson, and John L., of Lynch- burg, Va., s. of . P. W. Tunstall, by the Rev. * Given as printed 1 Edmund Withers, at Pharsalia, Nelson Co. So. Ch., Dec. 31, 1868 Lucy Nelson, only d. of N. H. Massie, deceased, and Thos. Hamlin of Danville, by the Rev. K. Nelson, D.D.,as- sisted by the Rev. C. K. Nelson, D.D., and the Rev. J. 5. Hanckle, D.D., in Christ Church, Charlottes- ville, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 18, 1886 Mary (Mrs.), and Capt. John L. Cochran, both of Charlottes- ville, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, at the residence of P. C. Massie, Nelson Co. So. Ch., Sept. 17, 1868 Mary Stuart, only d. of the late Dr. William F. Massie formerly of Alexandria, Va., and Gustavus B. Quarrier, Esq. of Kanawha Co., W.Va., by the Rev. R. A. Cobbs, in St. Mark's Church, St. Albans, W.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1877 N. H., of Charlottesville, and Eliza K., d. of Thos. F. Nelson, Esq., by the Rev. F. H. Whittle, at Wheehaw*, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 18, 1856 N. H., and Lucy Paxton Lemmon, Joth of Danville, by the Rev. R. C. Jett, at the Arlington Hotel, Danville, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 12, 1889 Patrick Cabell, Esq., of Nelson Co., and Susan C., youngest 1. of Dr. Robt. W. Withers of Campbell Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Rock Castle, Campbell Co. So. Ch., June 26, 1857 Robert Kinloch (The Rev.) of Charlottesville, Va., and Harrietta Ross, d. of W. Taylor Milton of Clarke Co., -56- MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Va., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, rector, assisted by the Rev. Kinloch Nelson, D.D., in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., July 23, 1891 Sue W., and Stuart B. White- head, by the Rev. J. W. Ware, in Grace Church, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1893 Win. Foote, M.D., and Maria Catharine Smith of Fau- quier, by the Rev. Win. F. Lockwood, at Orlean, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 6, 1851 MASSON Edward, Esq., counsellor-at- law in Napoli di Romania and former Attorney General of the Kingdom, and E. Mulligan, missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at Athens, Greece. So. Ch., Feb. 1, 1839 MASTERS Bessie, and Laurence Stabler, both of Alexandria, by the Rev. George H. Norton, D.D., in St. Faul's Church, Alex- andria. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1885 MATHEUS* Nathaniel, and Kate L., youngest d. of William L. Neblett, all of Lunenburg Co., by the Rev. Mr. Sothoron, in St. John's Church, Lunenburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 19, 1878 MATHEWS Susan (Mrs.), second d. of the late Dr. S. H. Royall of Chesterfield, and Geo. F. Harrison of Goochland Co., by the Rev. Edgar Woods, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville, at the * Given as printed University of Virginia. So. Ch., Feb. 14, 1867 MATTHEWS M. Bruce, d. of Maj. Wa. B. Matthews of Port Tobacco, Md., and the Rev. C. K. Nelson, Jr. of Virginia, by the Rev. Meyer Lewin, in Christ Church, Port Tobacco, Md. So. Ch., June 21, 1877 Mary Sydnie, d. of the late Rev. James A. Matthews, and John Goldsborough White formerly of Hay- market, Va., but now re- siding in El Paso, Tex.› by the Rev. Mr. Thompson of Trinity Episcopal Church, Van Buren, Ark. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1909 Nannie O., and L. S. Neblett, both of Lunenburg Co., Va., by the Rev. L. J. Sothoron, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1876 MAUPIN Chapman, of the University of Virginia, and Margaret Lewis, d. of Col. Alex- ander G. Taliaferro of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. J. S. Hansbrough, at Annandale. So. Ch., Jan. 5, 1871 James F., of Norfolk, and Edmonia Fitzhugh, d. of the late R. W. Tomlin, Esq. of Hanover, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in Immanuel Church, Hanover. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1888 John C., of Portsmouth, Va., and Sallie, d. of E. B. Macon of Princess Anne Co., by the Rev. Reverdy Estill, pastor of Trinity Church, Portsmouth, assisted by the Rev. C. 3. Bryan, in the old 1 57 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Eastern Shore Chapel, Princess Anne Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 4, 1880 Ro. W., of Baltimore, and Agnes Marshall, youngest d. of Col. A. G. Taliaferro, by the Rev. Philip Slaughter assisted by the Rev. C. Y. Steptoe and the Rev. Dr. B. Franklin, in Emmanuel Church, Rapidan, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 24, 1874 Sallie C., and Joseph Perkins, Esq. of Albemarle, by the Rev. Wm. M. Nelson, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sarah M. Maupin, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1868 Socrates (Dr.), and Sally Hay Washington, by the Rev, Richard Channing Moore. So. Ch., Dec. 22, 1837 MAURY Anne H., d. of R. H. Maury, and Poitiaux Robinson, by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, at the residence of the bride's father, Richmond. So. Ch., Feb. 7, 1878 Eliza, d. of the late Com. Matthew F. Maury, and Thomas Withers, acting chief engineer of the Denver and South Park Railroad, Colo- rado, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, in Richmond. Ch., Sept. 26, 1878 Lucy Minor, youngest d. of the late Com. M. F. Maury, and Meverell L. Van Doren of Blenheim, Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. Dr. Woodbridge, in Monumental Church. So. Ch., July 12, 1877 Magruder (The Rev.), rector of St. George's Church, Fredericksburg, and Lila, d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. C. W. . So. Andrews, D.D., in Trinity Church, Shepherdstown. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1865 Mary Herndon, d. of the late Com. M. F. Maury, and James R. Werth, by the Rev. Dr. Woodbridge, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Rich- mond. So. Ch., July 12, 1877 Matthew Fontaine, of Richmond, and Sophie C. Bruce of South Bend, Halifax Co., by the Rev. C. B. Bryan assisted by the rector, the Rev. Dr. G. W. Dame, in the Church of the Epiphany, Danville. So. Ch., June 23, 1892 Sarah Ann S., only d. of the late Francis F. Maury, and the Rev. Edward F. Berkeley, minister of Christ Church, Lexington, Ky., by the Rev. M. F. Maury, at Bath Co., Ky. So. Ch., May 24, 1839 Thomson B. (The Rev.), and Sallie T., eldest d. of Wm. and Charlotte M. Gordon, by the Rev. Thomas F. Martin, at Huntley, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1863 William Lewis, of St. Louis, Mo., formerly of Virginia, and Cora Wells Sears of Myrtle Lake, by the Rev. F. R. Holeman, at Myrtle Lake, Orange Co., Fla. So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1887 MAUZY Mary P., d. of the late Fayette Mauzy, and Dr. Samuel K. Rixey, all of Culpeper C.H., Va., by the Rev. Geo. W. Peterkin, at Culpeper. Ch., Sept. 25, 1873 So. MAXWELL J. Gordon (The Rev.), and Mary, d. of R. S. Johnson, Esq., all of Philadelphia, by the Rev. Dr. Dorr. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1839 J. Gordon (The Rev), and -58 Mary Hamilton, d. of the late James Willett Turner, by the Rev. G. Emlen Hare, D.D., in Emmanuel Church. So. Ch., Sept. 10, 1858 Samuel Meredith, of New York, and Mary V. Taliaferro of Orange Co., Va., by the Rev. James L. Maxwell, rector of St. Luke's Church, Montclair, N.J., at the residence of John Taliaferro, Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1878 William, Esq., President of Hampden-Sydney College, and Mary Frances Robertson of Norfolk, Va., by the Rev. Wm. Neil. So. Ch., June 14, 1839 MAY * MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES ÜF PUBLICATION See also GOODWYN, A. Meade (Mrs.) MAYER David (The Rev.), of Goshen, Va., and Kate, d. of the late Judge D. C. Humphreys of Washington, by the Rev. Wn. A. Leonard, in St. John's Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1884 Venetia Morrill, and Harry Lee Roberts, by the Rev. T. A. Cheatham, at Farmville, N.C. So. Ch., May 9, 1908 William H. (Capt.), of Elkton, Md., and Anna W., d. of the late Henry C. Mackall, Esq. of "Wilma", Cecil Co., and niece of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. John Collins McCabe, D.D., in St. Luke's Church, Bladens- burg, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 17, 1867 Anna, d. of John A. Mayer, Esq. of Norfolk Co., and Hugh, s. of the late Gen. Charles J. Barton of the English Army, by the Rev. W. R. Savage, in Given as printed Emmanuel Church, Kempsville, Va. So. Ch., June 14, 1888 Sarah Newell, youngest d. of the late George Louis Mayer, Esq., and the Rev. Edward Webster Appleton of St. John's Church, all of Lancaster, by the Rt. Rev. Samuel Bowman, D.D., Assistant Bishop of the Diocese, in St. John's (Free) Church, Lan- caster. So. Ch., Oct. 15, 1858 MAYNARD Foster, and Mary Jane Hudson of Northumberland Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Dashiell, at Kinsale. So. Ch., July 22, 1859 MAYO Agnes Atkinson, and Thomas Nelson Carter, by the Rev. Robert A. Mayo assisted by the Rev. John B. Newton, in Monumental Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Dec. 8, 1887 Charles J. S. (The Rev.), and Mary Reynolds, cldest d. of the late Gen. J. C. Webber, U.S. Vol.,* and gr.s. of the late Maj. Wm. P. Bainbridge, U.S.A., by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt assisted by the Rev. J. B. Newton, in St. John's Church, Hampton, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1882 Charles S., and Julia M., d. of John W. and Marion S. Jones, by the Rev. C. C. Randolph, rector, assisted by the Rev. Edward Valentine Jones, in Trinity Church, Buchanan, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 16, 1890 Edmund Cooper, and Nellie Hodge, youngest d. of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gordon of 826 Franklin Street, by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt and the Rt. Rev. Robert A. 7 59 - K MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Gibson, in Holy Trinity Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 20, 1909 Elizabeth Bland, and Charles L. Stovin, by the Rev. Wm. F. Lee. So. Ch., May 8, 1835 John Campbell (Dr.), of West- moreland Co., Va., and Mary Lewis, d. of Charles J. Stovin, Esq., by the Rev. John C. McCabe, rector of the Church of the Ascension, Balti- more, at "Airley", Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., June 19, 1857 Joseph, Jr. (Col.), and Mary Armistead, second d. of Dr. Wat H. Tyler, all of West- moreland Co., Va., by the Rev. Andrew Fisher, at "Locust Farm", Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar, 19 and 26, 1868 Kate Friend, and Edward V. Valentine, in Monumental Church. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1892 Lucy H., d. of Robert A. Mayo, and the Rev. Wm. T. Helms of Knoxville, Tenn., by the Rev. Wm. Norwood, at "Powhatan Seat", the resi- dence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Sept. 14, 1865 Mary Friend, d. of the late W. S. P. Mayo of Richmond, Va., and Edward Ingle of Washing- ton, formerly of Baltimore and Richmond, by the Rev. John B. Newton assisted by the Rev. Ed. H. Ingle of Baltimore, in Monumental Church, Richmond. So. Ch., May 5, 1892 Nannie E., of Cumberland Co., Va., and R. F. James of Alabama, by the Rev. John G. Anderson, at Carters- ville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 26, 1885 Nannie S., d. of Dr. L. W. Mayo of Bedford Co., Va., and Walter J. Brodie of Forfarshire, Scotland, by the Rev. G. A. Gibbons, at the residence of the bride's fa- ther. So. Ch., Jan. 14, 1875 Sallie Taliaferro, d. of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Mayo, and Benneham Cameron of North Carolina, in All Saints Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1891 Sue C., and Dr. John Knox, both of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Dr. T. L. Preston assisted by the Rev. Dr. Chas. Minnigerode, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Robt. Mayo. So. Ch., Feb. 12 and 19, 1874 William, and Lizzie Brown, both of Westmoreland, by the Rev. D. M. Wharton, at the residence of the bride's father, Col. Thomas Brown. So. Ch., Jan. 16, 1873 Wyndham R. (Capt.), of Virginia, and Maria S., d. of Com. Stephen Decatur, United States Navy, by the Rev. Pelham Williams, in the Church of the Messiah, Boston, Mass. So. Ch., Apr. 30, 1874 MLADE Alexander Brown, of Roanoke, Va., s. of the Rev. R. K. Meade of Virginia and gr.s. of Bishop Meade, and Fannie Lee, d. of the late Richard H. B. and Martha J. Day of Buckhannon, W.Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, in the Church of the Trans- figuration, Buckhannon, W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1890 Anna Maria (Mrs.), of Richmond, and David Chalmers, Esq. of Halifax Co., by the Rev. George Woodbridge, in St. · 60 - W MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHUROHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Paul's Church. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1856 Bessie R., d. of Drayton G. and Annie B. Meade of Virginia and gr.d. of the late Joseph Sands of New York, and David Randolph Meade of Texas, by the Rev. James Grammer, at The Plains, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1882 Bettie W., and J. H. Hoffecker, Jr. of Wilmington, Del., by the Rev. R. T. Davis, D.D., in St. James' Church, Lees- burg, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1880 Catharine Mackey, eldest d. of John N. Meade, Esq. of Frederick Co., Va., and James W. Fletcher of Rappahannock Co., by the Rev. Wm. C. Meredith, at Shady Oak, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Feb. 3, 1870 David, of Clarke Co., Va., and Nannie, d. of Edgar Snow- den, Esq., the veteran editor of the Alexandria "Gazette", by the Rev. J. T. Johnston, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1865 David Randolph, of Texas, and Bessie R., d. of Drayton G. and Annie B. Meade of Vir- ginia and gr.a. of the late Joseph Sands of New York, by the Rev. James Grammer, at The Plains, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1882 Edgar S., and Lucy Fitzhugh, d. of the late Custis Grymes of King George Co., Va., by the Rev. Jos. R. Jones, in Meade Memorial Church, White Post, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 24, 1881 Edward N., rector of St. Paul's Church, Sing Sing, and Jane, eldest d. of the · 3 Rev. Wm. Creighton, D.D., by the Rt. Rev. Benj. T. Onderdonk, D.D., at Mount Pleasant, Westchester Co., N.Y. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1839 Eleanor B., d. of the late John E. Meade of Prince George Co., Va., and the Rev. William H. Platt, rector of St. Paul's Church, Petersburg, by the Rt. Rev. J. Johns, D.D., Assistant Bishop of Vir- ginia, at the residence of David Callender, Esq., Peters- burg. So. Ch., July 3, 1857 Everard Kidder, s. of Francis Key Meade and the late Mrs. Sarah Manson Calloway Meade, and Margaret Della, d. of the late Judge T. R. B. Wright and Mrs. Della Preston Wright, by the Rev. William Nelson Meade, uncle of the groom, in St. John's Church, Tappahannock. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1915 Francis Key, of Clarke, an associate principle of Nor- wood School, and Sarah B., d. of Dr. P. Carrington Callaway of Nelson, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, at Montezuma, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 24, 1874 Geo. W., Esq., formerly of Clarke Co., Va., and Sallie K. Callaway of Spotsyl- vania Co., Va., by the Rev. C. M. Callaway, at Topeka, Kan. So. Ch., June 4, 1858 Grymes, and Lizzie, d. of the late E. W. Massey, Esq., all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. Mr. Eggleston assisted by the Rev. J. R. Jones, at White Post. So. Ch,, July 22, 1875 - 61 : MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Harriet Hairston, 1. of the late Sarah Knight Callaway and William Washington Meade, and Newland G. De Pauw of Haymarket, Va., by the Rev. A. G. Grinnan, at the home of the bride's brother, Stasius Meade, Braddock Heights, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., May 6 and 13, 1911 Josephine, eldest d. of the late Elizabeth Randolph and David Randolph Meade of Virginia, and Theodore Davis of Globe, Ariz., by the Rev. Henry Easter, in St. Clement's Church, El Paso, Tex. So. Ch., July 31, 1909 Lila Hardaway, d. of the late Richard H. Meade, and Benjamin Batchelder, s. of Mann 3. Valentine, all of Richmond, by the Rev. Dr. Newton, in Monumental Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 4, 1886 Lizzie Brockenbrough, 3. of the Rev. Everard Meade, D.D., and the Rev. Charles William Sydnor of Pocahontas, Va., in old Pohick Church, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 17, 1910 Mary, eldest 1. of John Macky Meade, and Torrance J. Ewart, all of Topeka, Kans., by the Rev. Bishop F. R. ills- paugh assisted by Dean Kay, in Grace Cathedral, Topeka, Kans. So. Ch., July 24, [Miss leade belongs to the Virginia family and finished her education at Winchester, Va., at the Episcopal Female Institute.] Mary Edmonia, d. of the late Hodejah Meade, and gr.d. 1909. of Gen. Everard Meade, and Lt. Edwin J. Harvie, U.S.A., jem So. by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, at the Hermitage, residence of Wm. E. Meade, Esq. Ch., Nov. 30, 1860 Mary Mann, and Archibald Buchanan Bevan, both of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, in the Church of the Epiphany, Wash- ington, D.C. So. Ch., Feb. Öy 1909 Mary N., gr.d. of the late Bishop Wm. Meade, D.D., of the P. E. Church of Virginia, and William L. Valentine of Windsor, N.C., by the Rev. J. H. Kabler, in the Methodist Church, Windsor, N.C. So. Ch., Sept. 1, 1887 Mary Virginia, d. of the late Dr. Theo. Meade, and Dr. J. Blackwood Strachan, by the Rev. Wm. H. Platt, D.D., at the residence of the Hon. R. K. Meade. So. Ch., May 15, 1857 Richard Hardaway, and Nellie Prior Atkins, both of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Moses D. Hoge, pastor, and the Rev. J. B. Newton, rector of Monumental Church, in the Second Presby- terian Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1893 Richard K. (The Rev.), of Charlottesville, Va., and Harriotte Lee, youngest d. of the late John Hopkins, Esq. of Frederick Co., Va., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Meade, at Wheatland, Jefferson City, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 1, 1837 Stasius, s. of the late Wm. W. Meade of Clarke Co., Va., and Anna Marguerite, eldest d. of Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Mohun, by the Rev. Father Boland, at the home of the bride, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., July 6, 1893 62 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Wm. H., of Charlottesville, and Pattie S., d. of Pike and Lelia Fowers of Halifax, Va., by the Rev. R. K. Meade, Halifax Co. So. Ch., July 24, 1863 Wm. Nelson (The Rev.), of Vir- ginia, and Louise Porcher, by the Rev. Benjamin Allston, at Badwell, Abbeville Co., S.C. So. Ch., Oct. 13, 1887 See also PANNILL, Indiana (Mrs.) MEECH Richard, of England, and Ellen Douglas, d. of the late James 0. Pollard of King William Co., by the Rev. J. Hervey Hundley, in St. David's Church, King William Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 16, 1876 MEETZE Edward B., Esq., and Susan Scott, d. of Mrs. E. J. Williamson, by the Rev. W. Strother Jones, at "Greenhill", Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1876 MERCER Corbin Waller, s. of Dr. John C. Mercer formerly of U.S. Navy, and gr.sə and gr.s. of Gen. Hugh Mercer who fell at battle of Princeton during the Revolu- tionary War, und Fannie Bur- well, d. of the Hon. William Nelson of Yorktown, Va. and gr.d. of President Nelson of Revolutionary fame,* in Durham, N.C. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1885 Eliza C., d. of Dr. John Mer- cer, and Dr. B. St. George Tucker, by the Rev. Mr. Am- bler, in Williamsburg. Dec. 6, 1861 So. Ch., Isabel Stuart, d. of Dr. J. C. and Mrs. M. C. Mercer, and Charles McGary, all of Dur- ham, N.C., at the residence of W. L. Wall, on Chapel Hill St., Durham, N.C. So. Nov. 1, 1888 Mary Louise, d. of Dr. John C. Mercer, and the Rev. Daniel Blain, by the Rev. S. W. Blain, at Williamsburg, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 7, 1867 MERCHANT Annie E., and Ronald J. Adam- son, by the Rev. A. F. Gray, in Trinity Church, Manassas. So. Ch., Oct. 2, 1884 MEREDITH Clyde Robe, and Eugenie du Mau- rier, by the Rev. Page Dame, D.D., at Memorial Church Rectory, Baltimore, Md. Ch., Oct. 17, 1925 Jacqueline M., of Stafford Co., and Ellen M. Bank- head of Orange, by the Rev. Joseph Earnest, at Edgemont, Orange Co. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1858 Jennie P., and Lewis H. 4. Holliday, by the Rev. Charles C. Randolph, at the residence of Mrs. Lizzie Munford, Bote- tourt Co., Va. So. Ch., July 14, 1881 Lewly (Mrs.), d. of H. M. Bowyer, Esq., of Botetourt Co., Va., by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, at Val- veide, the residence of Col. R. W. Hughes. So. ..Ch., Apr. 6, 1871 Lucy P., d. of the late W. C. Meredith, and William C. Marshall of Fauquier Co., Va., in Leeds Church, Fauquier Co., Va. Ch., Oct. 29, 1885 Mary Bolling, d. of the Rev. W. C. Meredith, and A. Ma- gill Smith, Esq., all of Win- chester, Va., by the Rev. W. C. Meredith, in Christ Church, Winchester, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 16, 1868 So. So. * Possibly not grunda ugiter but great granddaughter of William Nelson, 1711- 1772, who served as president of the Governor's council and was generally known as President Nelson 63 7. • W. C. (The Rev.), and Pocahontas, d. of Robert Bolling, Esq. of Buckingham Co., Va., by the Rev. Olcott Bulkley, at Chellou. So. Ch., June 11, 1847 W. C., D.D. (The Rev.), rector of Christ Church, Winchester, Va., and Fanny Randolph, d. of win. N. Page, Esq. of Cumberland Co., Va., by the Rev. T. U. Dudley, in Christ Church, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., June 12, 1873 Wm. C. (The Rev.), and Bettie Hanson, d. of the late J. P. Cushman, former Pres- ident of Hampden-Sydney Col- lege, by the Rev. Geo. W. Dame, at The Fork, residence of Mrs. Carter Page, in Cum- berland Co. So. Ch., Jan. 27, 1860 MERIWETHER Margaret Douglas, d. of C. J. Meriwether, and Eldon Dawson, by the Rev. 4. Ware, at Broad- view, the residence of the bride's father, Bedford Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1880 Mary C., 1. of James A. Meri- wether, and Cyrus B. Clay, all of Belford, by the Rev. R. H. wilmer. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1855 Wm. D. (Dr.), of albemarle Co., and Nannie W., d. of John E. Page, Esq., by the Rev. ir. Jones, at Pagebrook, Clarke Co. So. Ch., Feb. 19, 1864 MERRIMAN X MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Emmerson A., of West Meridian, Conn., and Frances E. John- son of Herndon, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at St. Timo- thy's Hill, Herndon, Fair- fax Co. So. Ch., Jun. 2, 1873 MERRITT Frunk, and Bettie Crutchfield, 1 both of Tazewell Co., by the Rev. W. R. Savage, in Stras Memorial Church, Tazewell C.H. So. Ch., May 25, 1893 MEYER Henry U., of New York, and Melvina A. Rayner, by the Rev. H. Wall, D.D., at Rocketts. So. Ch., Dec. 15, 1870 MICHAELS A. H., o Reidsville, N.C., and Augusta Norfleet of Amelia Co., Va., by the Rev. A. 3. Tizzard, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1884 Thomas S. (Dr.), of Henrico Co., and Margaret V. Wal- ters of Richmond, by the Rev. Geo. C. Sutton, in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., July 1, 1880 MICHAUX M Jacob, Esq., and Mrs. Fran- ces A. Ludlam, d. of Rich- ard Anderson, Esq., all of Powhatan Co., by the Rev. Andrew Fisher, in St. Luke's Church, Powhatan Parish.* So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1856 M. Lou, 1. of w. M. Michaux, and James B. Harvie, all of Powhatan Co., Va. So. Ch., May 6, 1875 Miller W., Jr., of Powha- tan Co., Va., and Nannie R. Kean, by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, at Olney, Caro- line Co. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1868 Waddey Thompson, und Coru Harrison Ludlow of Powha- tan, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, in Powhatan Co., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jacob Powhatan Parish is in Pochatan County, Virginia (Journal ... Diocese of Southern Virginia, Portsmouth, Va., 1941) 64 j 1 Michaux. So. Ch., May 18, 1876 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION MICHEL Sue H., and Maj. Wm. M. Taliaferro, by the Rev. L. B. Wharton, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Abingdon, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1867 MICHIE Octavus G., and Sarah A. M., d. of Capt. Janes Michie, by the Rev. Mr. Stack, at Belle Air, Al- bemarle Co. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1848 Sarah A. M., d. of Capt. James Michie, and Octavus G. Michie, by the Rev. Mr. Stack, at Belle Air, Albemarle Co. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1848 Sarah H., and Dr. R. N. Hewitt, of Campbell Co., by the Rev. H. B. Lee, in Christ Church, Char- lottesville. So. Ch., Feb. 25, 1892 Theodore A. (Dr.), of Char- lottesville, Albemarle Co., Va., and J. Annie, d. of the late Col. Edward Colston of Berkeley Co., W.Va., by the Rev. R. D. Roller, in Trinity Church, Martins- burg, W.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 23 and Nov. 6, 1884 MICKLE Andrew Hutchins, of New York, and Susan Sumers, d. of Dr. J. H. Hunter, by the Rev. W. T. Leavell, rector, assisted by Dr. Seabury of New York, in St. Mark's Church, Berkeley Springs. So. Ch., July 7, 1892 Andrew, merchant of Hills- borough, and Helen Mary, Given as printed d. of the Hon. Wil- liam Norwood, by the Rev. Henry Prout. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1839 MICOU - Margaret, and John Moncure Daniel, Jr., by the Rev. R. W. Micou, father of the bride, in the chapel of the Theolog- ical Seminary. So. Ch., Dec. 26, 1908 Paul (The Rev.), and Janet Sayce, d. of Allen Childs, by the Rev. Dr. Louis C. Washburn, the rector, and the Rev. Dr. William E. Gardner, in Old Christ Church, Philadel- phia. So. Ch., Dec. 24, 1921 Rosalie G., d. of J. R. Mi- con*, Esq. of Essex, and George D. Nicholson of Mid- dlesex, by the Rev. J. B. Newt on assisted by the Rev. W. A. Baynham, in St. John's Church, Tappahan- nock. So. Ch., Jan. 13, 1876 MICOW E. Harbie, d. of James R. Micow, Esq., of Essex Co., Va., and Charles M. Gate- wood of Middlesex Co., by the Rev. H. T. W. Temple assisted by the Rev. John P. McGuire, in St. John's, Tappahannock, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch. So. Ch., Aug. 9, 1866 Fannie B. M., d. of James Roy Micow, Esq., and Thos. S. Roy, Esq..of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. H. W. L. Temple, at Tappahannock. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1857 MIDDLETON Benjamin Arthur, M.D., of Richmond Co., Va., and Mary Elizabeth, d. of John L. Barnett, Esq. 65 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION of Salem, Va., by the Rev. E. C. Gordon, at Salem, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 24, 1881 Henry C., of Farmville, and Juliet B., d. of Fer- dinand Woltz, Esq., Clerk of Botetourt County Court, by the Rev. T. F. Martin of Nelson Co., at Fincastle. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1858 Kate Hyatt, i. of Reuben Middleton, Esq., and Lemu- el Clark, Esq. of Balti- more, by the Rev. John Col- lins McCabe, D.D., at Hy- attsville, near Bladens- burg, Md. So. Ch., May 31, 1866 Maria Louisa, youngest d. of the late Charles Middle- ton, Esq. of England, and W. W. Davies of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. A. B. Tiz- zard, at Eppington, Ches- terfield Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 22, 1887 Matilda, d. of the late - Charles Middleton of Chester- field Co., Va., and J. R. McGehee, Esq. of Ken- tucky, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at Woodstock Farm. So. Ch., Oct. 17, 1872 Thomas Allston, Esq., of Charleston, S.C., and Mary Gray, d. of Andrew Beirne, Esq., by the Rev. Wm. McGuire, at Linden Grove, Monroe Co., W.Va. So. Ch., July 26, 1866 MILLAN Emily Virginia, d. of Dr. L. Millan of Rappahan- nock Co., and Lewis B. Brown of Madison Co., by the Rev. R. T. Brown, at Woodville, Va. April 21, 1870 So. Ch., Joseph C., of Jefferson, Tex. and Annie Thomas, . only d. of Fenton M. Hen- derson of Leesburg, by the Rev. R. T. Davis, in St. James' Church, Lees- burg. So. Ch., Sept. 25, 1873 Lucy Lee, and Wm. Mason Stuart, both of Rappahan- nock Co., Va., by the Rev. Charles S. Harrison, in St. Paul's Church, Woodville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1892 MILLER Ann Lewis, eldest d. of Nur- cissus W. and Kitty Mill- er, and Dr. Wm. Morris, all of Goochland Co., by the Rev. Geo. D. E. Mortimer, in Goochland Co. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1864 Bettie F., only 1. of the late Norman Miller of Martins- burg, W.Va., gr. d. of the late Maj. Thomas Briscoe of Charleston, W.Va., and Alexander, s. of John H. Gassaway, Esq. of Montgomery Co., Md., by the Rev. R. T. Brown, at Glenwood, Montgomery Co., Md. So. Ch., Mar. 2, 1882 Blanchari C., of Grayson, Carter Co., Ky., and Maria Ann, 1. of Capt. W. P. Bla- key of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. T. G, Dashiell, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1880 Blanche Cantrell, and Capt. Rankin Wiley, Jr., by the Rev. T. H. Lacey, at the residence of the bride's father, C.C. Miller, Esq., near Point Pleasant, W.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 9, 1879 . · 66. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Eva, and Ephriam Myers, by the Rev. W. D. Han- son, at the residence of the bride's father, Newport, Del. So. Ch., Feb. 20, 1879 John, of Washington, D.C., and Sarah B., 3. of Samuel Fulman, Esq., by the Rev. W. Strother Jones, rector of Grace Church, Fauquier, at Mount Erin, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1877 Judith Fauntleroy, and Preston Stoddard Avery of Pensacola, Fla., by the Rev. K. J. Hammond, in Trinity Church, Wash- ington, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1920 Margaret E. F., d. of Charles G. Miller, Esq.. of Mason Co., W.Va., and John J. Dashner of Monroe Co., Mo., by the Rev. Horace E. Hay- den, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Oct. 8, 1868 Mary E., d. of Charles M. and Mrs. Lizzie L. Mill- er of Keyser, W.Va., and Dr. Henry B. Fotter of Providence, R.I., by the rector, the Rev. R. E. L. Strider, in Emman- uel Church, Keyser, W.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1912 Mary Maud, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Miller of Washington, Va., and Cecil Ambrey Speake of Luray, Va., by the Rev. Churchill J. Gibson, pastor of Calvary Church, Luray, in Trinity Church. So. Ch., June 15, 1917 Nannie Lewis, and William Johnson Kuykendall, by the Rev. R. E. Strider, rector of Emmanuel Church, Keyser, .Va., at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mill- er, at Keyser, W.Va. So. Ch., Apr. 26, 1913 Susan A., d. of R. R. Miller, and wm. G. Williams, both of Richmond, by the Rev. Win. S. Plummer. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1836 Walter Gideon, formerly of Washington, Va., and Kath- erine E. Ostrander of West- wood, Cal., by the Rev. C. W. Pogue, at Susanville, Cal. So. Ch., July 24, - 1915 William, and Sarah, d. of John Warrock, Esq., both of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rev. George Woodbridge. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1837 Wm. H., Esq., attorney-at-law. of Parkville, Mo., and Mary Frances Adams of Weston, Mo., by the Rev. W, Norman Irish, So. Ch., Nov. at Weston, Mo. 9, 1855 Zillah, and Capt. Alva W. Hil- yard, in Newport, Del., at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1883 MILLIGAN J. W., of Clermont, Iowa, and Florence Lockridge, by the Rev. R. H. Mason, at Meadow Dale, Pocahontas Co., W.Va. So. Ch., June 13, 1878 MILLS Charles S., M.D., and Clau- dia, 3. of Col. Crozet, by the Rev. Dr. Empie, in Rich- inond, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1839 Martha Virginia, Superintend- ent of Burlington County Hospital, Mt. Holly, N.J., T - 37 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION and the Rev. Dr. David Mc- Connel Steele, rector of the Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany, Phila- delphia. So. Ch., June 7, 1930 Henry W., Esq., of Nelson Co., and Ella Rose, d. of 3. Meredith Garland, Esq. of Amherst C.H., by the Rev. J. D. Powell, at the residence of the bride's fa- ther. So. Ch., Aug. 6, 1858 MILTON Harietta Ross, d. of W. Taylor Milton of Clarke Co., Va., and the Rev. Robert Kinloch Massie of Charlottesville, Va., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, rector, assisted by the Rev. Kinloch Nelson, D.D., in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., July 23, 1891 Lizzie, d. of the late John and Louisa A. Milton, and Philip S. Campbell, by the Rev. John L. McKee, at the residence of R. . Cunning- ham, in Louisville, Ky. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1870 W. Taylor, of Clarke Co., Va., and Fannie C., youngest d. of the late Stephen Duncan of Louisiana, by the Rev. T. F. Martin, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 14, 1867 William Byrd Lee (The Rev.), rector of Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co., Va., and Frances Gordon, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Presley Thornton, by the Rev. Churchill J. Gibson assisted by the rector, the Rev. Dudley Boogher, and the Rt. Rev. Henry St. George Tucker, in St. George's Church, Freder- icksburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 22, 1934 MILWARD Henry Kavanaugh, s. of Mrs. Kate Adams and the late Col. Hubbard Kavanaugh Mil- ward of Lexington, Ky., and Sarah Louise, d. of the Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Lewis W. Burton of Lex- ington, by the Bishop of Lexington assisted by the Very Rev. W. T. Capers, Dean of the Ca- thedral, in Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington, Ky. So. Ch., July 9, 1910 MINGE ** David, of alabama, and Elvira, d. of the late Dr. John Ad- ams of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. m. H. Hart, at Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 13, 1837 MINNIGERODE Emsie, of Richmond, and James A. Duckworth of Mosely Hill, Eng- land, by the Rev. Charles Minnigerode, D.D., father of the bride, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., May 19, 1881 James G. (The Rev.), rector of Calvary Church, Louis- ville, Ky., and Annie, 1. of George G. Thompson of Cul- peper, by the Rev. Dr. Charles Minnigerode of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., as- sisted by the Rev. George W. Peterkin, D.D., Bishop-elect of West Virginia, in St. Stephen's Church, Culpeper. So. Ch., May 23, 1878 Jus. Gibbon (The Rev.), of Rap- pahannock Co., Va., and Mary V., d. of J. Madison Slaugh- ter, Esq. late of Baltimore, 28 GRO - 68 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION by the Rev. C. Minnigerode, rector of the church, as- sisted by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, in Emmanuel Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1873 William, of Richmond, and Imogen, d. of J. H. Gor- don, Esq. of Lynchburg, by the Rev. Chas. Minni- gerode, D.D., father of the groom, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Hooper, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1876 MINOR Berkely, and Susan W., d. of the late James Fontaine, Esq. of Hanover, by the Rev. George W. Nelson, at Rock Castle, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1875 Bettie, d. of Lancelot Mi- nor, Esq., and the Rev. Thomas Mowbray formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland, by the Rev. David Teese, at "Briery Knowl", in Am- herst Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 28, 1886 Carrie, d. of Launcelot and Mary Minor, and Andrew J. Richison, all of Amherst Co., Va., by the Rev. J. P. Lawrence, in St. Luke's Church, Pedlar Mills. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1878 Charles L. C., of Hanover Co., and Fanny A., d. of the late Louis A. Caze- nove of Alexandria, by the Rev. C. Walker, D.D., at Alexandria. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1861 Charles Launcelot, M.D., of New York, and Mary McLowell, d. of Prof. Charles S. Venable of the University, by the Rev. G. L. Petrie assisted by the Rev. J. S. Hanckel, D.D., in the chapel of the University of Virginia. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1890 Elizabeth, d. of Judge Robert Minor of San Antonio, Tex., and Walter T., s. of John Tabb, Esq. of Gloucester Co., Va., in the Church of the Messiah, in New York. So. Ch., June 21, 1919 G Fanny C., d. of Lancelot Mi- nor, Esq. of Amherst, and Robert C. Berkeley of Han- over Co., by the Rev. Wm. H. Kinckle of Lynchburg, at "Briery Knowl", Amherst Co., Va. So. Ch., May 8, 1863 Geo. Gilmer, and Ophelia Yarbrough, by the Rev. A. W. Weddell, D.D., in St. John's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 9, 1880 Helen Willis, fourth d. of the late Dr. Jones M, Minor formerly of Vir- ginia, and the Rev. N. C. S. Poyntz of Gloucester- shire, England, by the Rev. Geo. H. Houghton, D.D., as- sisted by the Rev. T. Mc- Kee Brown, in the Church of the Transfiguration, New York. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1883 John, and Lucy Lee Trice, by the Rev. E. L. Good- win assisted by the Rev. P. H. Gwinn, at Wil- oughby, Albemarle Co., Vs. So. Ch., June 18, 1891 John (Dr.), of Washington, D.C., s. of Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Minor of Asheville, N.C., and 69 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mildred, d. of Mrs. Edward Truslow of Summit, N.J., by the Rev. W. U. Kinsolving, rector of the church, and the Rev. Elmore McKee of Wa- terbury, Conn., brother- in-law of the bride, in Christ Church, Summit, N.J. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1922 John B. (Prof.), of the University of Virginia, and Nannie F., d. of the late Thomas M. Colston of Fauquier, by the Rev. D. C. T. Davis, at Hill- andale, the residence of Raleigh Colston. 30. Ch., Mar. 11, 1859 . John B., Prof. of Law at the University of Vir- ginia, and Ellen L. Hill, by the Rev. Dr. Hanckel, at the residence of Dr. J. S. Davis. So. Ch., Nov. 20, 1884 Juliet Gilmer, eldest 3. of the late B. Franklin Minor, Esq., and Edmund D. H. Janvier, Esq. of Baltimore, by the Rev. A. P. Stryker of Mary- land, at the residence of the bride's mother, at Ridgeway, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1868 Kate Meade, third d. of the late Lucius H. Minor, and Richard Morris Fontaine, all of Hanover, Va., by the Rev. . A. Alrich, in Trinity Church, St. Martin's Parish, Hanover. 50. Ch., June 4, 1874 Kitty, 1. of Launcelot Mi- nor, Esq., and Maj. John D. Rogers, by the Rev. Robert J. McBryde assisted by the Rev. Mr. Lawrence, * Given as printed < rector of the parish, at "Briery Knowl", Amherst Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1882 Landonia R., second d. of the late Capt. Robert D. Minor, and William S. Dashiell assisted by the Rev. Dr. Peterkin, in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1883 Lucy Landon, d. of Dr. Charles L. and Mary Venable Minor, and Lt. Paul B. Barringer of Virginia, by the Rev. W. G. Clark, in Trinity Church, asheville, N.C. So. Cl., Dec. 22, 1917 Maria W., youngest d. of the late Warner . inor, Esq., and Wm. H. R. Worl- man of South Carolina, by the Rev. Jacob S. Scott, chaplain of the University of Virginia, at Wertland. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1848 Mary Aletha, d. of Lance- lot Minor, Esq. of Am- herst Co., Va., and Wil- liam Henry Maclin of Ten- nessee, by the Rev. R. L. Dabney, D.D. of the Union Theological Seminary, at "Briery Tenowho."* So. Ch., Sept. 26, 1872 S Mary Ann, of King William Co., and Thomas Wheeley of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. G. W. Trice. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1836 Mattie M., d. of Prof. John B. Minor of the University of Virginia, and Conway Whittle Sams of Norfolk, Va., by the Rev. J. S. Hanckel, D.D., assisted by the Rev. Julius Sams, D.D.,of Baltimore, in the University Chapel. Ch., Nov. 13, 1890 So. 70 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Robert B., Esq., of Sequin, Texas, s. of the late Lu- cius H. Minor of Hanover Co., Va., and Routez, d. of the late Dr. G. J. Hous- ton of San Antonio, Tex., by Dean Richardson, in St. Mark's Cathedral, San Antonio, Tex. So. Ch., Sept. 29, 1881 Sallie G., and Henry M. Magruder, both of Albe- marle Co., by the Rev. Mr. Hanckel of Christ Church, at Ridgeway, the residence of the oride's mother. So. Ch., Apr. 22, 1869 MITCHELL and Adelina, d. of wm. L. G. Adelina Mitchell of Nutts- ville, Lancaster Co., Va. and Frank W. Motley of Richmond Co., by the Rev. Henry L. Derby, in white Chapel Church, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1888 Alfred, and Martha Jane Starke, by the Rev. Dr. Empie, in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1839 Charles T., Esq., of Charles- ton, S.C., and Frances Car- ter, d. of G. W. Bassett, Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Car- raway, at "Clover Lea", the residence of the bride's father, in Hanover. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1863 Charlotte E., of Bedford City, and Col. Robert Harvey of Huntington, W.Va., by the Rev. T. W. Jones, at the residence of the late Judge Wingfield, near Beaford City, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 18, 1890* Dan. T., of Lynchburg, and Fanny Pate, d. of Hon. Henry Loving of Amherst Co., Va., by the Rev. W. M. Clark, at "Brooklyne", Amherst Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 20, 1885 Dorothy, d. of George W. Mitchell of Williamsport, Pa., and T. R. 3., s. of the late Judge T. R. B. Wright and Della Preston Wright of Tappahannock, Va., in the home of the Rev. James M. Wallace, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1915 Edith Catharine, d. of the late C. J. B. Mitchell of Queen Anne Co., Md., and the Rev. Joseph Court- ney Jones of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. B. T. Turner assisted by the Rev. Joseph R. Jones, in St. Luke's Church, Queens- town, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1893 James A. (The Rev.), rector of White Marsh Parish, and Mollie E. Kennard of Easton, Md., by the Rev. Walter A. Mitchell assisted by the Bishop of the Diocese, in Christ Church, Easton, Md. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1971 John, Esq., of Des Moines, Iowa, and Rebecca, sec- and d. of the late C. P. Anshutz, by the Rev. Wm. F. M. Jacobs, at Moundsville. So. Ch., Jan. 14, 1859 John M. (The Rev.), rector of St. John's Church, Montgomery, Ala., and Mattie M., d. of the late Judge John B. Christian of Virginia, by the Rt. Rev. Richard H. Wilmer, D.D., at Wakefield, Perry Co., A notice appears in the issue of Sept. 11, 1890, identical with this, except that "Mitchell" is written "Wingfield" - 71 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Ala. So. Ch., Dec. 26, 1862 John R., Esq., of Washing- ton, and Fannie F., d. of Dr. John Gantt of Albe- marle Co., by the Rev. Wm. M. Nelson, in albe- marle Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1854 Kate C., and John T. Mahan, both of Pittsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. C. D. Pruden, at the residence of the bride's father, H. C. Mitchell, Pittsylvania Co. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1885 L. C., of Lancaster Co., Va., and Lola H., d. of Henry Fitzhugh, Esq. of Sherwood Forest, by the Rev. R. J. McBryde, at the residence of John Tayloe, Esq., Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1883 Margaret W., d. of W. L. G. and Adalina Mitchell, and the Rev. A. J. Willis of King George, by the Rev. H. L. Derby assisted by the Rev. Mr. Johnson and the Rev. r. Mason, at White Chapel, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 26, 1885 Myrtle, of Negaunee, Mich., and the Rt. Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, Bishop of Oregon, by Bishop Ander- son, in the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Chicago. So. Ch., Jan. 19, 1918 C R. Sommerville, and Annie Newcomb, both of Lancas- ter Co., Va., by the Rev. H. L. Derby, at "White Chapel." So. Ch., Jec. 23, 1880 Robert, and Nanie Key Ty- son of Baltimore, d., by the Rev. C. Clifton Pennick, at Oakland, Md. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1872 Robert Fairfax, of Richmond Co., and Mrs. M. Victoria Tapscott formerly of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. H. L. Derby, at "Oakley", Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 2, 1876 S. F., and Mrs. Julia E, Zimmer, a. of C. M. Nim- d. .no, Esq., all of Richmond, by the Rev. F. M. Baker, in Grace Church. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1863 William, and Lizzie Alston, d. of L. J. Beall, all of Richmond, by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, in St. James' Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Dec. 2, 1875 Willie J., d. of W. L. G. and Adalina C. Mitchell, and Col. H. H. Harrison, by the Rev. H. L. Derby, at Nuttsville, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1877 MTX Bettie Lewis, eldest d. of Dr. Mix, and John Lucas Follit, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the residence of Dr. Oscar Gunnell Mix, near Warren, albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., June 21, 1888 E. Katie, third d. of Dr. Mix, and Sidney Barnett, all of Albemarle Co., by, the Rev. T. E. Locke. So. Ch., Oct. 15, 1835 Sadie Anna, youngest d. of Dr. Mix, and Edward Capel Greenway, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the residence of Dr. Oscar Gunnell Mix, near arren, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., June 21, 1888 MOALE Willian Armistead, and Elean- or Addison Gittings, by the 72 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Rev. J. 3. B. Hodges in St. Paul's Church, Balti- more. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1880 MOHLER M. C. J., and Sallie J. Rob- inson, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, in Christ Church, Fairfax Co. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1877 MOHUN J. A., of Little Rock, Ark., and Cary, d. of the late David Funsten of Alex- andria, Va,, by the Rev. Wm. M. Dame, in St. Luke's Church, Norfolk. So. Ch Dec. 24, 1874 James C., and Mrs. Bettie F. Mosely, both of Bedford Co., by the Rev. R. H. Wilmer, at the residence of Spott s- wood Brown. So. Ch., Apr. 18, 1856 John B., Jr., and Mary W., - 182 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION d. of John R. Triplett, Esq., by the Rov, Mont- gomery Schuyler, D.D., the Rt. Rev. Bishop of the Diocose pronouncing the bonodiction, in Christ Church, St. Louis. So. Ch., Doc. 23, 1875 John H., of mhorst Co., Va., and Susan E., d. of Col. Jamos F. Hubard of Nelson Co., Va., by the Rov. Davis H. Wood. So. Ch., Aug. 2, 1888 Mary V., d. of J. Madison Slaughtor, Esq. lato of Baltimoro, and the Rov. Jas. Gibbon Minnigerode of Rappahannock Co., Va., by tho Rov. C. Minnigorodo, rector of the church, assisted by the Rov. At M. Randolph, in Emmanuol Church, Baltimoro. So Ch., Oct. 23, 1873 Robort Madison, M.D., of Orango Co., Va., and Fannio Chichostor Innis, by tho Rov. C. Walkor, D.D., at agram", tho rosidonco of the brido's mother, in Alex- andria Co., Va. So. Ch、、 Sopt. 18, 1884 Sally Champo, d. of Samuol Slaughtor, Esq., and the Rov. m. F. Lockwood of Fairfax Co., by the Rev. Mr. Cole, at Western View, Culpeper Co. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1850 > Sophia Mercer, d. of the officiating clergyman, and Thomas Towles Slaughter by the Rev. P. Slaughter, at Clover Hill, Rappanhan- nock Co. So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1866 Susan A. S., and Geo. H. Cox of Buckingham, by the Rev. R. H. Wilmer, at the resi- dence of J. A. Clay, Esq. of Bedford Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 4, 1856 Thomas Towles, and Sophin Morcor, d. of the officin- ting clergyman, the Rov. P. Slaught or at Clover Hill, Rappahannock Co. So. Ch., Fob. 15, 1866 • 7. F., of Fredericksburg, Va., and Hannah Battailo, only d. of H. B. Hoomos, Esq. of Aloxandria, by the Rov. E. C. Murdaugh, D.D. So. Ch., Fob. 13, 1873 SLEET Ellon T., d. of Yancey Sloot of Mathows Co., Va., and Jamos W. Bon- nott of Hiddlesox Co., Va., by the Rov. Poro- grino Wroth, at lathows C.H., Vn. So. Ch., Mr. 18, 1875 SLINGLUFF Fieldor C., of Baltimoro, Md., and Mary LoGrand, d. of Roubon Johnston, by the Rov. R. H. McKim assisted by the Rov Roverdy Estill, in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1873 Horace, and Nannie M., d. of the late Dr. Montgomery Johns, by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1882 SMART James W., Esq., of London, England, and Fannie, d. of A. A Phaup of Chester- field Co., Va., by the Rev. A B, Tizzard, at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., ; 183- - Sept. 17, 1891 Wm. R., of Gloucester, and A. Rosalie Carter, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, in White Chapel Church, Lancaster Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 18, 1857 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION SMEDLY Matilda F., of Chicago, and the Rev. W. H. A. Broadnax, M. rector of St. Paul's Church, Lee Center, by the Rev. H. N. Shenck, in Trinity Church, Chicago. So. Ch., June 17, 1859 SMITH A. Magill, Esq., and Mary Bol- ling, d. of the Rov. . C. Meredith, all of Winchester, Va., by the Rev. W. C. Meredith, in Christ Church, Winchester Va. So. Ch., Jan. 16, 1868 Agnos M., and Capt. Samuel Barron, Jr., both of Rich- mond Co., by the rector, in St. John's Church, Lunenburg Parish, Richmond Co. So. Ch., May 20, 1869 Alfroda Tucker, d. of the late. Chas. A. Smith of Winchester, Va., and Goo. W. Jackson, Esq. of Gallipolis, Ohio, by the Rev. W. C. Morodith, in Christ Church, Winchostor. So. Ch., Jan. 16, 1868 Algernon (Dr.), of Maryland, and A. T. Taylor of Hills- boro, by tho Rev. Theodoro Reed, at tho residonco of Dr. Taylor, in Hillsboro, Va. So. Ch., June 28, 1877 Alice Corbyn, d. of Francis L. Smith, Esq. of Alexandria, Va., and William E. Strong of New York, by the Rev. Dr. Horton, rector of St. Paul's Church, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1872 Allen, and Cornelia Lee Stu- art, at "Cedar Grove", King George Co., the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1889 Amanda M., d. of A. G. Smith of Middleburg, and Edward S. Duffey, by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1869 Anna Ophelia, d. of the late Edward Smith of King George Co., Va., and J. F. Hansborough of Culpeper, by the Rev. John Cole, at "Zhu Hol", the residence of the bride's uncle, Dr. D. F. Slaughter, Esq. So. Ch. Jan. 31, 1867 Annie F., d. of Dr. Washing- ton A. Smith of Taylor's Island, and Dr. Thomas A. Corroll, by tho Rov. Dr. Wm. W. Groono, in Graco Church, Taylor's Island, Dorchostor, Md. So. Cha, Dec. 25, 1879 Augustino J., of Aloxandria, and Lillio B., youngest d. of the lato Jacob Morgan of Jofferson Co., by tho Rov. Mr. Androws, noar Shopherdstown. So. Ch., Doc. 14. 1855 Benj. B. (Tho Rt. Rov.), and Harriot L. Douglass of New York, by the Rt. Rov. Bishop Onderdonk, in St. Thomas' Church, Now York. So. Ch., Sept. 18, 1835 Beverly, Esq., and Mrs. Virginia S. Snodgrass, both of Parkersburg, by the Rev. W. L. Hyland, rector of Trinity Church, Parkersburg, Va., in Trinity Church, Parkers- burg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1859 C. P., and Addie J., only 184 * MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION d. of W. L. Waring of Rèn- dour, Goochland Co., Va., by the Rev. P. M. Boyden, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 4, 1386 C. S., and Lalla R. Wright, both of Essex Co., Va., by the Rev. Everard Meade, in St. Paul's Church, South Farnham Parish, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1881 Carrie W., d. of Mrs. Mary H. Smith of Baltimore, and the Rev. John S. Lindsay, rector of St. James' Church, Warrenton, Va., by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, D.D. assisted by the Rev. George W. Peterkin, in Emmanuel Church, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., June 21, 1877 Chas. W., and Josephine, d. of the late Fereol Lemoine, by the Rov. Edmund Withers, in Rich- mond Co. So. Ch., July 2, 1858 Charlos . F.* (Tho Rov.), assistant minister of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., and Ivy Watkins of London, England, by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, D.D., rector of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, assisted by the Rev. Vincent L. Bennett, rector of St. Michael's, and the Rev. James DeWolf Hubbard, in St. Michael's Church, Milton, Mass. So. Ch., Dec. 22, 1934 Claudia W., d. of argaret L. and the late Maj. J. Thomas Smith of Fauquier Co., Va., and the Rev. J. Harry Ches- ley of Maryland, by the Rev. J. W. Chesley assistod by the Rev. C. Walkor, D.Da, at the residence of the bride's mother, on Seminary Hill. So. Ch., July 25, 1878 Courtland H., of Alexandria and Nannie D., d. of A. K. Phillips, Esq., by the Rev. J. R. Mason, at the resi- dence of the bride's father, in Fredericksburg. So. Ch., May 2, 1889 Dudley D., and Susan J., d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Wm. Sparrow, DaDas in the chapel of the Theological Seminary. Ch., June 24, 1859 Duncan, of New York City, s. of Dr. and Mrs. Francis Smith of University of Virginia, and Alice Cole- man, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nelson of 924 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. by the Rev. Wm. Meade Clark, D.D. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1914 E. Dolafiold, of Now York, and Margaret Johnston, d. of the Rev. Gilbort Morgan, So. D. D. of South Carolina, by the rector, the Rev. Le Grand F. Guerry, in St. Philip's Church, Bradford Springs, S.C. So. Ch., July 23, 1974 ♦ Edna A., and Robt. L. Grin- stead, both of Frankfort, by the Rev. Henry T. Sharp, in the Church of The Ascen- sion, Frankfort, Ky. So. Ch., Apr. 23, 1874 Edulia G., of West Point, and Bayard R. Price of Philadelphia, by the Rev. J. Y. Downman, in the Episcopal Church, West Point, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1882 Edward Jaquelin, and Lucy Not recorded in the Vostry Minutes of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., as having any connection with that church 185. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN "ITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Wiley, only d. of Charles Mason, all of King George, by the Rov. Mosos H. Hunt- or, in St. John's Church, King Goorgo C.H., Va. So. Ch., June 16, 1981 Ella J., of Spotsylvania, and James B. Dabney of Caroline Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1872 Ella W., d. of the late Wil- liam M. Smith, M.D., and the Rev. P. M. Boyden, rec- tor of St. James Parish, Northam, by the Rev. Frank Stringfellow, in Hebron Church, Goochland Co. So. Ch., Sept. 4, 1879 Emily, d. of Maj. Charles H. Smith of tho U.S. Army, and R. C. Gwathmoy, Esq. or Rich- mond, by the Rov. Ir, Parks. So. Ch., Doc. 1, 1837 Emily Norcom, d. of Samuol Smith, Esq. of Roidsvillo, and the Rov. Alban Groavos, by the Rev. H. 0. Lacey, in the Episcopal Church, Reidsville, N.C. So. Ch., June 16, 1887 Emma, d. of Anderson Smith, Esq., and Dr. A. A. Mars- tellar of Washington, D.C., in Grace Church, The Plains, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1878 Eugenia C., d. of the late George D. Smith of Loudoun Co., Va., and Frank L. Fred of Indian Territory, by the Rev. Carter Page, at Locust Grove, the home of the bride. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1887 Eva M., and Thomas D. Holley, all of Bertie Co., N.C., by the Rev. Edward Wooten, in Coleraine, Bertie Co., bs N.C. So. Ch., Mar. 4, 1869 Fidella, and the Rov, Wm. Homman, by the Rev. Mr. Burgoss, at Hartford, Conn. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1839 Frances Anne, of the Woman's Union Missionary Society of New York, d. of the Rev. Dud- ley D. Smith, rector of Em- manuel Frotestant Episcopal Church, Kensington, Philadel- phia, and Edgar Wood, Jr., M.D. of the American Southern Presbyterian Mission, by the Rev. E. H, Thomson of the American Episcopal Mission, at Bridgman Memorial Home, Shanghai, China. So. Ch., June 2, 1892 Frances Robertson, only d. of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Batos Smith of Greenvillo, S.C., and it. Thomas But- lor Poarco, 3rd of Quantico Marino Baso, V., by tho Rov. Sam. B. Chilton, in Trinity Episcopal Church, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 4, 1941 George A., of Richmond, Va., and May Taylor, by the Rev. J. Green Shackelford, at the home of the bride in Orange Co, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1885 George R., of Scotland, and Sally P. Cheatwood of Russell Parish, Redford Co., Va., by the Rev. Albert Ware, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1876 Gordon V. (The Rev.), and } Leone Hollister, by Bishop McCormick assisted by the rector, the Rev. L. B. Whitte- more, in Graco Church. Grand Rapids. So. Ch., + · 186 Feb. 23, 1935 Hariot Taylor, d. of the late D. Boyd Smith of Alexandria, and Rev. George H. Edvards of New Jersey, by the Rev. D. J. Edwards, in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1882 Helen, and the Rev. Augustine McCormick, by the Rt. Rev. John N. McCormick, Bishop of Western Michigan and father of the groom, in St. Mark's Pro-Cathodral, Grand Rapids, Diocese of Western Michigan. So. Ch., Aug. 30, 1924 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Honry L., of Wost Virginia, and Lydia L. Lowis, by the Rov. Robb Whito, at the residenco of Capt. John Fry, Koswick, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 25, 1883 Hobart (The Rev.), roctor of St. Thomas' Parish, Baltimoro Co., Md.,and Esthor Margarotta, d. of Mrs. Moncriof Livingston, by the Rt. Rov. William Paret, D.D., in St. John's Church, Kingston, N.Y, So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1889 Ida M., and George P. Ferry, both of Henrico Co., Va., by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1877 J. H., Esq., of the firm of Smith & Powzie, Phila- delphia, and Mattie, youngest d. of the late William Tyler, Esq. of Vir- ginia, by the Rev. John Collins McCabo, D.D., rector of tho Church of the Ascen- sion, Baltimoro, at Shor- wood Forest, Charles City Co., Va., the county sont of the brido's uncle, tho Hon. John Tyler, ox-Prosi- dent of the United States. So. Ch., June 1, 1860 J. Holmes (Gen.), of Lynchburg, and S. Norvell Hobson, by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, D.D., at the residence of the bride's parents, Dr. Joseph V. and Mrs. Mary E. Hobson, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 21, 1878 J. Marsden, and Julia Robertson, both of Norfolk, by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, at the rosidonce of the brido's fathor, Duncan Robertson, Esq. So. Ch., Oct. 14, 1886 James E., and Wilholmina Wood, both of Caroline Co., Va., by tho Rov. Wm. W. Groon, nt Roso Hill, tho rosidonco of tho brido's fathor, Col. Floming Wood. So. Ch., Doc. 26, 1872 Jamos Hondorson, and Natalio Churchill, d. of the lato Charlos Friend, Esq. of Fotörsburg, Va., by the Rov. Churchill J. Gibson, D.D. of Petersburg, at the residence of the bride's great uncle, the Rev. J. M. 4tkinson, D.D., Hampden- Sidney College, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 26, 1878 James M., Esq., and Mary Miller Northana, youngest d. of Capt. James M. Bell, by the Rev. Mr. Lamon. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1835 Jas. M., Esq., of Charlottes- ville, Va., and Ella Rust of Wostmoreland, Va., by the Rev. Wm, C. Latano, in Trinity Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., May 5, 1881 Jamos Sponcor, and Carrio Cousins Muir, both of Potorsburg, by tho Rov, Luthor 7. Doggott, in Graco Church, Potersburg, Va. << 187 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1889 Jane K., d. of the late James Smith, Esq. of Richmond, and the name of the groom was omitted, by the Rev. Wil-- liam Gadsby of Washington, at Aldie, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 15, 1837 John Rutledge, Esq., and Sophia Gordon, d. of the late James Taylor, by the Rev. Mr. Hanckell, in St. Paul's Church, Charleston, S.C. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1835 Kathleen B., youngest d. of the late P. A. L. Smith of Fauquier Co., and Jas. J. Robinson of West Virginia, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, at the residence of Capt. Brookfield, near New Balti- more, Fauquier Co. So. Ch., Sept. 27, 1883 Leonidas S. (The Rev.), and Sarah Jane, youngest d. of William P. Stewart, Esq., by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Johns, in Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1851 Lewis Stirling, and Addie C., second d. of the late W. W. Coke of Princess Anne Co., Va., by the Rt. Rev. Alexander Garrett, in St. Matthew's Cathedral, Dallas, Tex. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1891 Lillie D., d. of Margaret and Wm. Temple Smith, and Charles A. S. Hopkins of Woodstock, Va., by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in Trinity Church, Manassas. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1883 Lizzette G., eldest d. of P. A. L. Smith of Fauquier Co., and John S. Robinson, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1873 Lizzie M., and Walter J. Suthon C of Louisiana, by the Rev. Nelson P. Dame, in Christ Church, Winchester, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 24, 1893 Lucy E., d. of the Rev. So. George A. Smith, and J. D. Corse, by the Rev. R. D. Brooke, in Christ Church, Alexandria. Ch., June 21, 1855 Madge W., d. of Mrs. M. L. Smith, and the Rev. Robert W. Forsyth, by the Rev. Dr. Walker assisted by the Rev. Peregrine Wroth, in Emmanuel Church, Theological Seminary, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1883 Maggie S., d. of Dr. G. W. Smith of "Ingleside", Eastville, Va., and the Rev. James B. Craighill of Maysville, Ky., by the Rev. J. J. Clemens, in Carist Church, Northampton Co. So. Ch. So. Ch., Dec. 8, 1870 Margaret A., eldest d. of 0. M. Smith, Esq., and Rich- ard H. Wilson, by the Rev. Thomas W. White, at Glen- brook, Lunenburg, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1863 Margaret Farlie, of Hanover Co., Va., and Wm. Robert Boyd, Esq. of Alabama, by the Rev. G. S. Carraway, in Immanuel Church, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 28, 1859 Maria Catharine, and Wm. Foote Massie, M.D., both of Fauquier, by the Rev. Wn. F. Lockwood, at Orlean, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch. Mar. 6, 1851 Maria L., d. of Margaret L. and the late Maj. J. Thomas Smith of Fauquier, and the Rev. Edward L. Goodwin of Franklin Co., by the Rev. 188 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION C. Walker, D.D. assisted by the Rev. J. Harry Ches- ley, at the residence of the bride's mother, Semi- nary Hill, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 20, 1881 Maria Louisa, d. of Jabez Smith of Chesterfield Co., and Thomas M. Buford of Petersburg, Va., by tho Rev. Andrew Symo, at Potersburg, Va. So. Ch. Doc. 1, 1837 Marina Bishop, d. of tho lato Jacob Smith, Esq. of East Havon, and the Rov. Lorenzo T. Bonnott, assistant minister of tho Parish of Trinity Church, by the Rov. Dr. Croswell, at Now Havon, Conn. So. Ch., Aug. 9, 1839 Martha Ann, d. of David Smith of Lunonburg, and John Pillar, by tho Rov. Thomas E. Locko. So. Ch., July 5, 1839 Mary, d. of the lato Dr. Sidney W. Smith, and Dr. S. 7. Everett of Quincy, Ill., by the Rev. C. B. Dana, at Alexandria. So. Ch., July 16, 1858 Mary, d. of Charles Smith, Esq. of Philadelphia, and Dr. Edmund J. Lee, by the Rt. Rev. Goo. W. Peterkin assisted by the Rov. Francis D. Loo, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia. So. Ch., Dac. 18, 1879 Mary A., and Rodnoy F. Koys, by tho Rev. A. S. Johns, at Long Branch, Fauquior Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 5, 1882 Mary Brockenbrough, d. of the lato Dr. John Philip Smith of Clarko Co., and Thomas D. Addison of Fairfax Co., by the Rev. John B. New- ton, in Monumental Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 24, 1887 Mary W., eldest d. of the late Rev. Thos. Smith, former rector of the Episco- pal Church in Parkersburg, and Mathias M. Ward of Now York, by the Rev. E. T. Porkins. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1848 Mary W., oldost d. of tho Rev. Georgo A. Smith of Clarons, Fairfax Co., and tho Rov. Robort D. Brooke of Dubuque, Iowa, by the Rov. C. B. Dana. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1850 Mary W., of Woston, d. of Mrs. S. A. V. and tho late Isaac Smith of Williamsburg, Va. and nioco of Hon. 7. È. Livoly of Woston, and Prof. J. W. Bonnor of Marion Co., W.Va., by tho Rov. T. H. Lacy, in St. Paul's Church, Woston, W.Va. So. Ch., June 28, 1838 Monita W., and Herbert A. Gill, both of Washington, by the Rev. E. H. Ingle, in Ascension Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., July 6, 1882 Nannie M., d. of Rev. Thomas Smith, deceased, first rec- tor of Trinity Parish, and Mrs. Ann H. Smith of Parkersburg, W.Va., and tho Hon. Floyd Neoly of Wost Union, W.Va., by tho Rov. Robert A. Gibson assistod by tho Rt. Rov. Goo.. Potorkin, in Trinity Church, Parkors- burg, W.Va. So. Ch., Apr. 12, 1883 Nannio ., and J. H. Whit- 189 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION low, both of Campboll Co., by the Rov. . E. Wobb. So. Ch., July 1, 1859 Orlando, Esq., of Lunonburg C.H., and Louisa W., d. of Rogor B. Atkinson, Esq., by the Rev. Henry Wall assisted by tho Rt. Rev. Henry C. Lay, D.D., brother- in-law of the brido, at Shorwood, Lunenburg Co., Va. So. Ch., May 4, 1860 Poyton McGuiro, s. of tho Rov. and Mrs. Claudius F. Smith of Lynchburg, Va., and Mrs. Haudo Fomborton Hart of Chattanooga, Tonn. So. Ch., Apr. 16, 1921 R. T., and Mollio J. Thorp of Granvillo Co., N.Cag by the Rov. P. D. Thompson, at the rosidonco of tho bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1871 Rachel, d. of the late Dr. Sidney W. Smith of Alox- andria, Va., and Wm. Ellzey Gray of Loudoun Co., by the Rt. Rev. Eishop Johns, in Christ Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Nov 30, 1860 Rebekah Daingerfield, d. of the late David Boyd Smith of Alexandria, Va., and the Rev. George H. Fullerton of Philadelphia, by the Rev. George H. Norton, at the residence of the bride's father, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1884 Richard H., and Lucy A. E. Scates, by the Rev. D. M. Wharton, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1880 Richard H., and Mary D., d. of Ellon H. and the late Charles M. Barton, by the Rov. H. B. Loo, at the residence of the A bride's mothor, at Markham, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1882 Robert, Esq., of Fauquior Co., and Mary Jano, d. of Rice Hooe, Esq., by the Rov. E. C. McQuiro, D.D., at Bunkor's Hill. So. Ch., Jan. 25, 1856 A Robert Alexander, of Fau- quier Co Va., and Cornolia, d, of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Willis Scott and nicco of the officiat- ing clergyman, by the Rov. F. G. Scott, at Spring Forest, the home of the bride's parents, near' Somerset, Va. £2. Ch•. Sept. 19, 19C3 lic ୨ Roborta c, d. of E. J. Smith, and Philip H. Fotors of Charles Town, by the Rov, F. M. Whittlo, at Smithfield, Clarke Co., VA So. Ch., Jan. 13, 1853 Sadie J., and John 0. Crown, editor of "Clarke Courier", both of Berryville, by the Rev. T. F. Martin, in Grace Church, Berryville. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1873 Sallie V., and Edward Lons- dale Daingerfield, by the Rev. Dr. Norton, at the residence of the bride's father, F. L. Smith, Esq. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1875 Samuel L., of Mt. Airy, Pitt sylvania Co., Va., and Libbie E. Lewis, by the Rev. C. O. Pruden, at the residenco of the bride's father, Ephraim Lewis, noar Straight Stono, Pitt syl- vania Co., Va. So. Ch., Fob. 2, 1888 Sarah Ellon, and A. Judson Crane of Richmond, by tho 1. 190 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Rev. Mr. Temple, in King and Queen Co. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1855 Thomas W., and Mary J. Black- well, both of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. G. W. Nel son, at the home of the bride. So. Ch., Sept. 23, 1886 Trendwell, Jr., and Lucy E. H., eldest d. of David H. McGuire, Esq., all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. H. Suter, at Berry- ville. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1859 W. Augustino, of King George Co., Va., and Mattie F., only d. of Capt. Robt. G. Robb formerly of U.S. Navy, by the Rev. Wm. Friend, in St. Peter's Church, Port Royal, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1870 Walter R., of Richmond, and Lillie S. Jones of Èssex Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. Holden, assistant rector, in St. John's Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Sept. 29, 1887 William, and Harriet Burton, d. of the Hon. Daniel Polsley, all of Mason Co., by the Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, at Point Pleasant, W.Va. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1869 Wm. H., and Rosalie, d. of the late Reuben Johnson, by the Rev. Geo. Wood- bridge. So. Ch., Apr. 8, 1836 SMOAK Chester Loo, and Elizabeth Behling, by the Rev. Thomas P. Baker, at the rosidence of the bride's parents, near Moggett, S.C. So. Ch., Mar. 23, 1912 SMOOT Anthony Egerton, and Vir- ginia, d. of the late Maris Taylor, Esq. all of Alexandria, Va., at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Aug. 6, 1885 Cesley, and Susan Lewis, by the Rev. Everard Meade, at St. Paul's Church, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., May 3, 1888 Christiana A., of Alexan- dria, and John Jolly of Washington, D.C., by the Rov. D. F. Sprigg. So. Ch., June 14, 1866 Fanny, d. of J. Rector Smoot, Esq., and Wash- ington Donenhower, by the Rev. Ir. Suter, at the residence of the bride's father, Alex- andria, Va. So. Ch、、 Oct. 25, 1883 James Rector, of Alexan- dria, and Anna Irvine, d. of Robert Whitehead. Esq. of Nelson Co., Va., by the Rev. Paul White- head, D.D., at the resi- dence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Aug. 26, 1880 Joseph A., of Maryland, and Fannie K. Jackson, eldest d. of the officiating clergyman, by the Rev. L. H. Jack- son, in Christ Church, Milford, Del. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1883 Kato A., d. of J. H. De Smoot, Esq., and the Rev. W. Strother Jones of Fauquier Co., at the rosidenco of the bride's father, Alexan- dria, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1876 191 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mary C., and the Rev. F. M. Burch, by the Rov. W. Strother Jonos assisted by tho Rov. Jamos H. Wil- liams, at the rosidence of tho brido's fathor, J. H. D. Smoot, Alcxandria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1882 Minnic C., oldost d. of tho lato J. H. D. Smoot of Aloxandria, and the Rev. W. Strothor Jones, by tho Rov. Francis M. Burch. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1838 William A., Esq., of Alexan- dria, Va., and Botty C., d. of tho officiating clergyman, by tho Rov. William McGuiro, in Trinity Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1873 SMUT ZGER* Frederick Charlos, of Denver, Col., and Raymonde Virginia, d. of Mrs. Mildrod Middlo- ton and the lato Ralph Hastings Cutter* of Savan- nah, Ga., by the Rov. Percy Grant, in the Church of tho Ascension, Fifth Avonuo, Now York City. So. Ch., Fob. 15, 1908 SMYTH Thomas H. (Tho Rov.), and Char- lotto, oldest d. of Lloyd G. Hughos, Esq. of Wheeling, by the Rov. Jas. D. McCabe, D.D., in St. John's Church, Whooling. So. Ch., May 16, 1856 SMYTHE Mary S., d. of the lato Rov. Thomas H. Smythe, rector of St. Paul's Church, Weston, W.Va., and Etholwolf, s. of the lato Thomas Scatcherd, Esq., M.P. of London, Canada, by the Rov. Horace Edwin Haydon, rector of St. John's Church, ost Brownsville, in Christ Church, Brownsvillo, Pa. So. Ch., Sept. 13, 1877 SNEAD Edwin B., of Richmond, Va., and Louisa Atkinson, d. of the officiating clorgyman, by the Rov. Lowis Walko, in St. Stophon's Church, Cocil Co., Md. So. Ch., Jan. 24, 1884 SNODGRASS Virginin S. (Mrs.), and Bovorloy Smith, Esq., both of Parkersburg, by the Rov. W. L. Hyland, roctor of Trinity Church, Farkersburg, Va., in Trinity Church, Parkors- burg, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 23, 1859 SNOW Julian F., and Mattio A. Dorby, by the Rov. B. D. Tucker assisted by tho Rov, H. L. Derby, in Grace Church, Lancastor, Va. So. Ch., Fob. 13, 1879 Kato C., d. of David R. Snow, Esq., and Jool T. Adams of Algomia, 7.Vũ, by the Rov. C. O. Pruden, at Snowdown, the homo of the bride's father, in Pittsylvania Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 14, 1892 William C., formerly of Northumberland but now of Groonsboro, N.C., and Ella, d. of Maj. Honry Doshield of Northumberland Co., V., by the Rev. John Mencuro assisted by tho Rev. H. L. Dorby, in St. Stophon's Church, Honths- villo, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 8, 1881 SNOWDEN Charlos D. (The Roy.), roctor * A notice appears in the issue of Fob. 1, 1908, identical with this except and "Cutter" is writton "Cutler" that "Smutzgor" is vritton "Sweetzer" 192 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION of St. Margaret's Church, Menands, N.Y., and Charlotte C. White of Cincinnati, Ohio, in the chapel of the Diocesan House. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1940 T Hubert, and Edith T. Ashby, by the Rev. H. Suter, in Christ Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., June 19, 1879 Jennie, d. of the late Edgar Snowden, and Dr. Thomas M. Lewis of Clarke Co. by the Rev. H. Suter, at the residence of the bride's mother, Alexandria. So. Ch., Doc. 30, 1880 Mary, d. of the lato Edgar Snowdon, and Rov. Samuel A. Wallis of Fairfax Co., by the Rov. H. Sutor, at the rosidonco of tho bride's mother, Alexandria. So. Ch., May 8, 1890 Mary Jane, d. of the late Thomas Snowdon of Now York, and the Rov. Goo. S. Gordon, by the Rev. Hugh Smith, D.D. So. Ch., July 19 and Aug. 2, 1839 Nannie, d. of Edgar Snowden, Esq., the veteran editor of the Alexandria "Gazette" and David Meade of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. J. T. Johnston, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1865 SNYDER W. H., of Alton, and Lucretia McLean formerly of Alexan- dria, Va., by the Rev. R. D. Brooke, at Galena, Ill. So. Ch., Aug. 14, 1851 William Tayloe, of Goorgo- town, and Mario Louise, d. of Gon. John Hammond of Now York, by tho Rov. Albert Stuart of Christ Church, Georgetown, assisted by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle of the Church of the Ascension, in the Church of The Ascen- sion, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Apr. 5, 1883 SOAMES Florence Amelia, youngest d. of the late Aldurm Soames of Tramoke Lodge, Brighton, and the Rev. Herbert Guild- ford Sprigg, Vicar of Shelford, near Nottingham, at the parish church in Brighton, England. So. Ch., Sept. 4, 1879 SOAPER Robt. C., and Annie E., second d. of the Rev. J. M. and the late J. E. Pringlo, by the rector of St. Paul's Church, in St. Paul's Church, Hondor son, Ky. So. Ch., Doc. 4, 1873 Susan H., of Henderson, and Haydon M. Young of Louis- villo, by tho Rov. R. S. Barrott, in St. Paul's Church, Hender son, Ky. So, Ch., Feb. 21, 1884 SOMERS Charles L. (The Rev.), colored rector of colored churches in Lynchburg, Bedford, and Roanoke, and Mrs. Helena J. Barnes colored, of Lynchburg, Va., by the Rev. Robert A. Magill, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Lynch- burg, at Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1936 Daniel M., of Brooklyn, N.Y., formerly of Virginia, and Alice S. Davis, by the Rev. Hondorson Sutor, at the rosidonco of tho bride's father, Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1868 193 - * MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Joseph R., of Fairfax Co., Va., and Mary Carloton, oldest d. of tho lato Guy Atkinson, Esq. of Alexandria, D.C., by the Rev. E. R. Lippet, at Alexandria. So. Ch., Oct. 6, 1837 SOMERVILLE Atwell, and Mary, d. of the late Capt. R. Staun- ton Stringfellow, all of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. John McGill, at "Church View", the rosi- donco of tho brido's mothor. So. Ch., Doc. 25, 1884 Douglas G., and M. Fonton, second d. of P. P. Nallò Sr., all of Culpeper Co., by the Rev. John McGill assisted by the Rev. J. P. Strider, in St. Paul's Church, Culpeper Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1882 George S. (The Rev.), rector of Nelson Parish, and Sue H., d. of the late William B. Hubard, by the Rev. C. J. Gibson, D.D., at Montezuma, the residence of the brido's mother. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1890 Henry, M.D., and Mary Mer- cer, only child of the late Dr. Reuben Long, all of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. Dr. Slaughter, at Wellington, the home of the bride's mother. So. Ch., May 6, 1880 SOMMERVILLE E. L., and Dr. Wm. B. Bowon, by the Rev. Josoph R. Jonos, in Meade Memorial Church, Whitò Post, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1881 SORREL A. Claxton (Capt.), of Savannah, Ga., and Matilda B., d. of John B. Hunton, Esq., by the Rov. W. A. Alrich, at "Evergreen", the residence of the bride's father, in Fau∞ quier Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1868 SOTHORON Annie Lee, d. of the officiating clergyman, and Richard Gough, by the roctor, the Rev. L. J. Sothoron, in Trinity Church, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., Md. Md. So. Ch., Nov. 20, 1884 SOUTH F. G., of Colorado, and H. E. Coghill of King George, by the Rev. A. J. Willis, at "Lothian". the residence of the bride's father, in King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 17, 1877 SOUTHALL Chas. M., and Alice E. Moorers, both of Charles City Co., by the Rev. W. B. Everett, at Mapisco Church, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1883 James C., editor of the Richmond Enquirer and Examiner, and Eliza F., youngest d. of W. W. Sharp, Esq. of Norfolk, by the Rev. N. A. Okeson assisted by the Rev. T. M. Ambler, at the rosi- dence of the bride's fathor. So. Ch., Doc. 9, 1869 R. Templo, of Now Kent, and Kato C., socond d. of John A. Mcfinn, Esq. of Hanover Co., by the Rov. S. S. Hophron, at the Diocese of South- Nelson Parish is in Nelson County, Virginia (Journal western Va., 1940) 194 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 1, 1891 SOUTHGATE Angeline E. (Mrs.), of Nor- folk, and the Rt. Rev. John Johns, by the Rev. H. V. D. Johns of Balti- more, in Norfolk. So. Ch., July 24, 1857 Frances, d. of the Rev. Dr. Southgate, and the Rev. John C. Gray, rector of Trinity Church, Freder- icksburg, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Parot, at Annapolis, Md. So. Ch., Feb. 2, 1893 SOWERS Daisy Garland, and the Rov. Walter Lee Loflin, by the Rev. Dr. F. J. Mallott, at St. Luko's roctory, Salisbury, N.C. So So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1912 Mary I., d. of John B. Sowors, Esq., and tho Rov. Wm. G. Jackson, in Trinity Church, Staunton, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1836 SPADY Edgar J., member of tho House of Dologatos, and Lucio E., d. of the lato John Goffigon, by the Rev. J. M. Chovers, at Abingdon, Northampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 7, 1856 SPARHAWK Edward V., editor of tho Petersburg Intelligoncer, and Eloiso Warroll of Richmond, Va., by the Rov. Wm. H. Hart, in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1837 SPARROW Bossio, d. of the officiating clergyman, and tho Rov. " the chapel of the Theolog- ical Seminary. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1855 Kate, youngest d. of the officiating clergyman, and the Rev. T. G. Dashiel of Richmond, by the Rev. Wm. Sparrow, D.D., at Staunton. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1865 Leonard K., of Baltimore, and Nannie Temple, d. of the late Dr. Henry D. Magill of Leesburg, Va., by the Rov. Dr. J. E. Grammer, in St. Potor's Church, Baltimore. So Ch., Feb. 22, 1877 Mary, d. of the Rev. Dr. Sparrow, and the Rev. John A. Joromo, by the Rov. Wm. Sparrow, D.D., in tho chapol of the Theological Seminary of Virginia. So. Ch., Sept. 25, 1851 Samuel L., of Middlo sox Co and Anna E., oldost d. of Jamos Burch of Essex Co., Va., by tho Rov. J. H. Hundley, at the rosidónco of the bride's father So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1889 Susan J., d. of the officiating clorgyman, and Dudley D. Smith, by the Rev. Wm. Sparrow, D.D., in the chapel of the Theological Seminary. So. Ch., June 24, 1859 Wilhomina, d. of the Rov. Dr. Sparrow, and the Rov. T. Grayson Dashiell, by the Rov, Dr. Sparrow, in the chapol of the Theological' Seminary of Virginia. So. Ch., July 27, 1854 SPAULDING • Honry F., Esq. of Now York, and Catherine Dovereux, d. of Dr. John Bockwith of Julius E. Grammor, by tho Rev. Wm. Sparrow, D.D., in * Given as printed. "Abingdon" probably should be "Arlington". O 1.95* MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION the Diocese of Maryland, in St. Paul's Church, Petersburg. 3, 1857 SPEAKE Cecil Ambrey, of Luray, Va., and Mary Maud, d. of r. and Mrs. Harry J. Miller of Washington, Va., by the Rev. Churchill J. Gibson, pastor of Calvary Church, Luray, in Trinity Church. So. Ch., June 16, 1917 SPEARS Martha E., d. of Thos. A. Spears, Esq. of Powhatan Co., and Robert B. Foster of Charlotte Co., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard,`at Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1856 SPECK Benjamin S., and Virginia, d. of Thomas J. Hardy, by the Rev. George S. May, at the residence of the bride's father, in Hedgos- ville. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1873 SPEECE So. Ch., July J. Morton, M.D., and Maria L., d. of the late John 0. Leftwich, all of Bod- ford Co., by the Rov. Richard H. Wilmer. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1857 SPEED SPEER John W., and Catherine Wal- ler, by the Rev. William Hodges, at Williamsburg. So. Ch., May 24, 1839 Mo SPENCE William F., and Elizabeth C. Cook, both of Peters- burg, by the Rev. Dr. Andrew Symm. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1837 J. Morton, Esc., of Redford City, and Willie D., only d. of Dr. J. D. Pendleton, by the Rev. F. G. Scott, in Christ Church, Gordons- ville. So. Ch., Jan. 14, 1892 Mary H., d. of Judge D. E. Spence, and Robert E. Gish of Liberty, Va., by the Rev. T. M. Carson, in St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1873 SPENCER Amelia J., and Philip C. Hungerford, by the Rev. J. W. Chesley, in St. James' Church, Montross, Westmoroland Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1855 Caroline, d. of Reuben Spencer of Richmond, Va., and Rev. George Benton, Missionary to Crete, by the Rev. Bird Wilson, D.D., in St. Peter's Church. So. Ch., Sept. 9, 1836 John B., of Halifax Co., Va., and Zella Maud, d. of John J. and Elizabeth M. Barks- dale, by the Rev. C. 0. Pruden, at the home of the bride's paronts, "Little Nook" farm, near Mt. Airy, Pittsylvania. Co., Va. So. Ch., Doc. 6, 1888 Robert, Esq., and Emma L., d. of Quinton Radcliffo, Esq., all of Baltimore, by the Rev. John Collins McCabe, D.D., rector of St. Matthew's Parish, Bladensburg, Md., in the Church of the Ascension, Baltimore. So. Ch., Aug 2, 1866 SPIERS Richard Percy, of Halifax, N.C., and Mary Elizabeth, eldest d. of John S. Buckner of Rappahannock Co., by the Rev. R. T. 1.96 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Brown, near Sperryville, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 9, 1871 SPILMAN Anne Camden, eldest d. of Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin D. Spilman of "Elway Hall", and Richard Rice Barrett of Concord, Mass., at Warrenton, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 25, 1913 James W., and Martha L. Baggott, by the Rev. Edw. C. McGuire. So. Ch., Sept. 13, 1839 Mary Elizabeth, d. of John Spilman of Testmoreland Co., Va., and Capt. Clement Wilson Hudson, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the residence of Robert Spilman, Leedstown. So. Ch., June 18, 1868 SPINDLE Harriet A., and Edmund S. Leavell, by the Rev. E. C. McGuire, in Spotsyl- vania Co. So. Ch., Sept. 22, 1837 Laura M., eldest d. of J. M. Spindle, Esq., and William Major, Jr., all of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. John McGill, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1878 Lizzie M., and George F. Stringfellow of Caroline Co., by the Rev. John Mc- Gill, in St. Paul's Church, Culpeper Co., Va. So. Ch., June 19, 1884 SPOONER Lilburn Wallace, of Roanoke, Va., and Nannie, d. of the the officiating clorgyman, by tho Rov. C. R. Hains, in St. Paul's Church, Petersburg. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1885 SPRIGG Fannie E., d. of the Rev. D. F. Sprigg, and the Rev. J. B. Perry of South Caro- lina, by the Rev. Dr. Norton assisted by the Rev. Dr. Lewin, at Alexandria. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1877 Herbert Guilford (The Rev.), Vicar of Shelford, near Nottingham, and Florence Amelia, youngest d. of the late Aldurm Soames, of Tramoke Lodge, Brigh- ton, in the parish church, Brighton, England. So. Ch., Sept. 4, 1879 Mary Elizabeth, d. of D. Sprigg, Esq., and William Donnell, Esq., all of Baltimore, by the Rev. D. F. Sprigg, in Emanuel Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Apr. 1, 1859 Sally C., d. of Daniel Sprigg, and Oliver Beirne of Virginia, by the Rev. D. F. Sprigg, at the residence of the bride's father, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1869 SPRINKEL ? Anna, d. of Nelson Sprinkel, Esq. of Harrisonburg, Va., and William G. licGhee, Esq. of Bedford Co., Va., by the Rev. T. U. Dudley, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1867 Willett, d. of Charles A. Sprinkel of Harrisonburg, Va., and Dr. James M. Warren of Now Hope, Augustá Co., Va., by the Rev. 0. S. Bunting, at the residence of the bride's father. D DOND 197. So. Ch., June 14, 1883 SPROUSE Sallie A., and John Ran- dolph Moore, by the Rev Robb White, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, Albemarle Co. So. Ch., Jan. 10, 1884 STABLER Laurence, and Bessie Masters, both of Alex- andria, by the Rev. George H. Norton, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1885 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION ST AGG Lizzie, of Richmond, and Maj. C. Pato of Bodford Co., by the Rev, A. B. Tizzard, in Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1860 Lizzie Fox, youngost d. of the late John F. Stagg of Richmond, and Edward Cooper Madison of Orange Co., by the Rev. M. D. Hoge, D.D., in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., July 22, 1886 Mary Sue, eldest d. of the late John F. Stagg of Richmond, and John Horsley of Buckingham Co., Va., by the Rev. Moses D. Hoge, in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch. Dec. 6, 1883 STAINBACK John Moore, M.D., of Bruns- wick Co., and Izora, d. of H. B. Gouldman, Esq., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at White Point, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., May 27. 1869 ST ALLARD Mhry, d. of D. P. Stallard, and Norman Ashby, all of Culpeper, Va., by the Rov. J. Green Shackelford and the Rev. Wm. T. Roberts, in Ascension Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch,, Nov. 12, 1885 STAMPER T Henry W., and Lizzie Mun- day, by the Rev. H. W. L. Temple, at Lewis Lovel, Essex. So. Ch., Jan. 7 1869 STANARD John B., (Maj.), ex-mayor of Culpeper, and Sue L., d. of Col. Angus Mc Donald of Hampshire Co., by the Rev. Dr. Pratt, Lexington, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 15, 1872 STANHOPE John, of Hagerstown, Md., and Carrio Courtney of Baltimore, by tho Rov. Dr. Hodges of St. Paul's Church, Baltimoro. So. Ch., Nov. 27, 1884 STANLEY Nellie C., d. of John Stanley, Esq. of Colorado Springs, and Fielding L. Jones of the U.S. Signal Service, by the Rev. W. Strother Jones of St. Thomas Parish, Baltimore Co., Md., in Grace Church, Colorado Springs, Col. So. Ch., Aug. 25, 1881 STANSBURY James Edward, of Baltimore, Md., and Edmonia Churchill, youngest d. of Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill Cooke, by the Rev. J. Y. Downman, D.D. of All Saints' Church, Richmond, at Foxleigh, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill Cooke. So. Ch., Dec. 24, 1910 Julia Boll, socond d. of 198. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Capt. John L. Stansbury of Snowden,noar Fredericks- burg, and William F. Ficklin, Esq., by the Rov. E. C. Murdaugh, D.D., in St. George's Church, Fredericks- burg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 28, 1874 STANWOOD Eliza Mary, and Richard Beaman of Nansemond Co., Va., by the Rev. Douglass Hooff, at the residence of the bride, Portsmouth. So. Ch., Dec. 27, 1883 STAPLES Harriet L. Douglas, d. of Seth P. Staples, Esq., of New York, and the Rt. Rev. Benj. B. Smith, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, in St. Thomas' Church, New York. So. Ch., Sept. 18, 1835 Mary Alice, and J. B. Weedon, by the Rev. A. J. Willis, at "Poplar Hill", King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1888 Wm. D., of Fluvanna Co., and Willie, d. of T. T. Omohundra of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1882 STARK Powhatan B., M.D., and Bettie C. Orgain of Berkeley, Charles City' Co., by the Rev. Wm. H. Platt, in St. Paul's Church, Petersburg. So. Ch., May 21, 1858 William E. (Lt.), of the U.S. Marine Corps, and Elizabeth W., youngest d. of Alexander Wilson, Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Atkinson, in Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 8, 1837 STARKE Martha Jano, and Alfred Mitchell, by the Rev Dr. Empie, in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1839 Sallie Stuart, youngest d. of the late Gen. Wm. E. Starke of New Orleans, and Dr. Wm. M. Egglès- ton, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Adams, in the Church of the Holy- Trinity, Vicksburg, Miss. So. Ch., Dec. 29, 1881 STATAN Georgeanna, and m. L. Lane, both of Berlin, Worcester Co., Md., by the Rev. George S. Fitz- hugh. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1874 STATHAM Lizzie, eldest d..of Chas. W. and V. Statham, and Prof. R. P. Wa Morris of Bryan, Tex., by the Rev. Chas. Liorris, at the residence of the bride's father, Lynch- burg, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 1. 1877 STATON James Grist, and Fannie Chase Biggs, by the Rt. Rev. Robert Strange, Bishop of East Carolina, at the Church of the Advent, Williamston; N.C. So. Ch., Sept 12, 1908 STEARNS John (The Rev.), of New York, and Anne H., d. of John Lloyd, Esq. of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. C. B. Dana. So. Ch., July 28, 1848 199 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION John Lloyd, of Elizabeth, N.J., and Ella, d. of Cuthbert Powell formerly of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. Henderson Suter, in Christ Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Oct. 17, 1878 STEBBINS Charles, and Rebecca K. McMurdo, by the Rev. John McGill, at the resi- dence of the bride's brother, Col. John Mc- Murdo, Ashland, Va. Ch., Feb. 3, 1887 Linda, d. of the late So. Charles and Mary Dows Stebbins, and the Rev. John Taylor Rose, by the Rev. Dr. H. G. Coddington, rector of Grace Church, Syracuse, N.Y., in St. Peter's Church, Cazenovia, N.Y. So. Ch., Dec. 6, 1919 STEDMAN Nathan A., Esq., Comptroller of the State of North Carolina, and Euphania W., d. of T. W. White, by the Rev. William S. Plumer. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1836 STEED Carrie V., and Abram H. Symth*, Esq. of Alex- andria, Va., by the Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, at the residence of the bride's father, Jamos M. Steed, Prince George Co. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1875 STEEL Alice Lawrason, d. of the Ven. W. W. Stool, Archdeacon of Havana, and Edward Davis, First Lt. Elovonth Cavalry,. U.S. Army, in Holy Trinity Chapel, Havana, Cuba. Ch., Nov. 30, 1907 So. * Givon as printod STEELE G + · Anna M., of Cavalla, and the Rev. Hugh Roy Scott, rector of St. Mark's Church, Cape Palmas, by the Rt. Rev. John Payne, D.D., at Cavalla, near Cape Palmas, Western Africa. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1854 David McConnel (The Rev. Dr.), rector of the Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany, Philadelphia, and Martha Virginia Mills, Superin- tendent of Brulington * County Hospital, Mt. Holly, N.J. So. Ch., June 7, 1930 Mattio Paxton, d. of J. P. Steele, Esq., and Dr. J. Hammond Campbell of Athens, Ga., by the Rev. Mr. Irwin of the Presby- terian Church, in Lexington, ya. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1883 STEENBERGEN Alice B. Potter, d. of the late J. B. Steen- bergen of Virginia, and William Blackford formerly of Lynchburg, by the Rev. M. Mahan, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Balti- more. So. Ch., Oct. 14, 1869 Nannie Beirne, youngest d. of the late J. B. Steen- bergen of Virginia, and B. Lowis Blackford of Washington City (late of Va.), by the Rt. Rov. H. C. Lay, D.D., Bishop of Easton, in St. Paul's Church, Baltimoro. So. Ch., July 29, 1869 STEENBERGER* Mary E., d. of the lato Wm. Stoonborger*, of Shonan- doah, and Dr. James W. Mur- 200 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION dock of Parkersburg, Va., by the Rev. A. R. Rude, So. Ch., at Shenandoah. Jan. 21, 1859 STEGER Maria P., d. of John O' Steger, and Preston B. Moore, all of Baltimore, by the Rev. Joshua Peter- kin, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1872 STEM Cordelia, and Dr. Geo. W. Cox, both of Lunenburg Co., by the Rev. Henry Wall, at the residence of G. W. Geo. So. Ch., Apr. 6, 1860 STEPHENS Saml. M., of Baltimoro, and Hattio A., d. of J. A. Byers, Esq. of Hancock, Md., by tho Rev. Horaco E. Hayden, at the residenco of Taliaforro Stribling, Esq., Point Pleasant, W.Va. So. Ch., Doc. 26, 1867 Sarah L., of "Oakwood", Theological Sominary, formorly of Fauquior Co., and Goorgo C. Caton of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. Prof. Samuel A. Wallis, at Oakwood", Theological Seminary, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 8, 1916 11 STEPHENSON John, Esq., of Frederick Co., Va., and Cornelia, d. of W. Roy Mason, Esq., by the Rev. Henry Wall, at Cleiv- land, King George Co. So. Ch., July 23, 1858 John Taylor, of Alexandria, Va., and Margaret Baldwin Moss, at Forkland, home of the bride's aunt, Miss Mary B. Whitehead. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1919 John W., Esq., and Eliza Gi, d. of James W. War- wick, Esq., all of Bath Co., by the Rev. George L. Brown, at "Warwickton", the residence of the bride's father, in Bath Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1878 Philip D. (The Rev.), pastor of the Pres- byterian Church, Trenton, Tenn., and Jane Mingo, second d. of the late Charles Friend, Esq. of Frince George Co., Va., by the Rev. Churchill J. Gibson, in tho chapel of the Union Theological Sominary, Princo Edward Co. So. Ch., Jan. 13, 1876 Sarah (Mrs.), d. of Bolton Brown of Southampton Co., Va., and Walter L. Wado of Lynchburg, Va., by tho Rev. John Ridout, at Blandford, noar Potors- burg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1893 Wm., of Washington, Ponn., and Mary Cornelia, d. of Wm. C. Cabell Martin. by the Rev. Mayo Cabell, rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Nash- ville, Tenn., at Norwood, the home of the bride's father, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1887 STEPTOE Charles Yancey, and Fannie Wallace, d. of P. P. Nalle of Culpeper Co., by the Rev. Pi Slaughter, in St. Paul's Church, Culpeper Co. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1872 Edward J. (Cola), of the U.S. 1 201 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Army, and Mary R. Claytor of Lynchburg, by the Rev. W. H. Kinckle, at Lynch- burg. So. Ch., Jan. 27 1860 Fanny C., d. of Thomas Steptoe, and Col. R. C. Radford of Bedford Co., by the Rev. T. M. Carson, at L'Esperance, the resi- dence of the bride's father, near Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Apr, 22, 1880 STERLING Mary Hilliard, d. of Dr. Elisha Sterling, B.D., and the Rev. Yelverton Peyton Morgan, by the Rt. Rev. G. T. Bedell, D.D., Bish- op of Ohio, assisted by the Rov. James A. Bolles, D.D., in Clevoland, Ohio. So. Ch,, June 18, 1885 STERRETT Helen V., and Lt. Frank D. Hoy, both of Point Pleasant, by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, in Christ Church, Point Pleasant, W.Va. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1878 STEVENS E. A., Hoboken, N.J., and Emily Contee, d. of G. W. Lewis, Esq., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, in Grace Church, Borryville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1879 John, of Hoboken, and Mary M., youngest d. of tho late D. H. McGuire of Clarko Co., Va., by tho roctor, tho Rov. P. P. Phillips, assisted by tho Rov. G. C. Haughton, roctor of Trinity Church, Hoboken, N.J., in Gracò Church, Borryvillo, Va, So. Ch., Juno 28, 1883 Mary Gertrude, and Wm. C. Bailey, by the Rev. A. E. Evison, in Trinity Church, Edisto Island, S.C. So. Ch., Sept. 14, 1907 STEVENSON Emily, d. of the late Crooke Stevenson, Esq. of Philadelphia, and the Rev. James W. Cooke, assistant minister of St. George's Church, New York, by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., in Phila- delphia. So. Ch., Aug 23, 1839 James B., and Julia M. Cramer, both of Harrison- burg, Va., by the Rev. 0. S. Bunting. So. Ch., Nov. 20, 1884 STEWART Alice, youngest d. of Asa Stewart, Esq. of Benning- ton, Vt., and William W. Monroe, eldest s. of the officiating clergyman, by the rector, the Rev. William H. Monroe, in Christ Church, Boston. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1883 George Craig, Jr., s. of the officiating clergyman, and Margaret Ruth Roth- acker, by the Rev. Bishop George Craig Stowart, in the Lady Chapel of St. Luke's Pro-Cathodral. So. Ch., July 20, 1935 Isabel Lamont, second d. of John Stewart, Esq. of Brook Hill, and Joseph Bryan, Esq. of Richmond, by the Rov. Wh. Norwood, D.D., in Emmanuel Church, Henrico Co. So. Ch., Fob. 16, 1871 Marion Macintosh, d. of John Stowart, Esq. of - 202 · Brook Hill, near Richmond, and the Rt. Rev. George W. Peterkin, D.D., Bishop of West Virginia, by the Rev. Dr. Norwood, rector of the church, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Peterkin, in Emmanuel Church, Henrico Co., Va. So. Ch., June 19, 1884 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mary, d. of the officiating clergyman, and W. Minor Woodward of Richmond, by the Rev. K. J. Stewart, at Gordonsville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 4, 1869 Mary, d. of Jno. Stewart, Esq. of Brook Hill, and Thomas Pincknoy of Charleston, S.C., by the rector, the Rev. 7m. Norwood, D.D., in Emmanuel Church, Honrico Parish. So. Ch., May 12, 1870 Sarah Jano, youngost d, of William P. Stewart, Esq., and tho Rov. Leonidas S. Smith, by the Rt. Rov. Dr. Johns, at Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1851 Virginia, d. of W. C. Stow- art, and tho Rov. William Stevens Campbell of Trinity Church, Bellaire, by the Rev. J. M. Kendrick, D.D., at the residence of the bride's parents, in Bellaire, Ohio. So. Ch., Aug. 16, 1888 STHRESHLEY Lucy Barbour, and Dr. Richard S. Pryor, both of Vicks- burg, Miss., by the Rev. Bishop Adams, at the home of H. M. Goff, near Bovina, Miss. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1882 STICKNEY G. W. (The Rev.), of Mobile, and Mary Lee, d. of the Rov. C. S. Hodges, rector of the parish, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Polk, in St. Luke's Church, New Orleans. So. Ch., May 14, 1858 STICKNY Charles L., of Greensboro, Ala., and Euretta B., d. of the late John Munro Banister, by the Rev. Mr. Platt, in St. Paul's Church, Petersburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1860 STILES Robert, of Richmond, and Lelia, d. of the Hon. A. T. Caperton, by the Rev Mr. Phillips of Staunton, at the residence of the bride's father, near Union, Monroo Co., W.Va. So. Ch., July 23, 1874 STOCKTON Emma Matilda, d. of the lato William T. Stockton, Esq. of Ponnsylvania, and Lt. John Wontworth Cox, U.S. Navy, by the Rev. Mr. Mondo, in Albomarlo Co. So. Ch., Nov. 24, 1837 STODDARD Clara M., of San Francisco, Cal., and Gus H. Honsholl of Cincinnati, Ohio, by the Rev. John W. Lea, at Huntington, W.Va. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1879 STOKES Chas. P., and Mary S. Gwat- kins, both of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Wm. Norwood, D.D., at the residence of So. the bride's mother. Ch., Oct. 31, 1872 Geo, S., of Danville, Va., and Willie A., d. of Dr. P. F. Browne of Accomac, by the Rev. T. A. Tidball, in St. James' Church, Drummondtown, Va. So. Ch., June 20, 1872 Helen Sibloy (Mrs.), d. of · 203 the late Gen. Sibley of the U.S. Army, and William Seymour White, Common- wealth's Attorney of Staf- ford Co., and socrotary of the Frodericksburg Improvemont Company, by the roctor, tho Rov. W. M. Clark, in St. Goorgo's Church, Frodòricksburg, Va, So. Ch., Fab. 12, 1891 Wyndham, of Wolch, W.Va. and Inoz C. Tench of Washington, by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1908 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION STONE Angelina, youngest d. of Silas Stone, Esq. of Hudson, N.y. and the Rev. Ferdinand Rogers, of Brownvillė, Jeffer- son Co., N.Y., by the Rev. Isaac Pardee, in Christ Church, Hudson, N.Y, So. Ch., June 14, 1839 John S., D.D. (Tho, Rev.), of Boston, and Mary, d. of Chancellor Kent of Now York, by the Rev. Dr. Mil- nor, at Chatham, N.J. So. Ch., Sopt. 20, 1839 Robert P., of Washington, D.C., and Bettie B., d. of Dr. Wm. J. Points of Harrisonburg, by the Rev. 0. S. Bunting, in Emmanuel Church, Harrisonburg, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 26, 1885 Walter S., of Hanover Co., Va., and Mary L. Brooks of Caroline Co., Va., by the Rev. Curtis Grubb, at St. Martin's Church, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1883 STONEHAM Hartwell, and Lizzie Webster, both of Lancastor, by the 10 Rov. Henry L. Darby, at Morry Point, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1884 STONNELL Richard, Esq., of Princo William Co., Va., and Emmott F., d. of the lato Jamos Atkinson of Alox-` andria, Va., by the Rev. Dr. R. H. McKim, in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 26, 1874 STORRS Betty P., of Marengo Co., and the Rev. R. A. Cobbs, rector of the parish, by the Rt. Rev. N. H. Cobbs, D.D., in the Church of the Holy Cross, Uniontown, Ala. So. Ch., Sept. 17, 1858 STOUTENBURGH Kate M., oldest d. of James A. S. Stout enburgh of Alexandria, and Stephon Woolls of Richmond, by the Rev. Dennis O'Kane, in St. Mary's Church, Alexandria, So. Ch., Sopt. 16, 1880 Phebo J., and Charlos J. Deahl, by tho Rov. H. T. Sharp, at Aloxandria. So. Ch., Oct. 18, 1888 STOVER Ethel Knorr, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Emerick Stover of Wheeling, a graduate of Swarthmore College, and the Rt. Rev. Robert E. L. Strider, Bishop of Test Virginia, in St. Matthew's Church, Wheeling. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1941 STOVIN Charles L., and Elizabeth Bland Mayo, by the Rev. Wm. F. Leo. So. Ch., May 8, 1835 204 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mary Lewis, d. of Charles J. Stovin, Esq., and Dr. John Campbell Mayo of Westmore- land Co., Va., by the Rev. John C. McCabe, rector of the Church of the Ascen- sion, Baltimore, at "Airley", Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., June 19, 1857 STRACHAN J. Blackwood (Dr.), and Mary Virginia, d. of the late Dr. Theo. Meade, by the Rev. Wm. H. Platt, D.D., at the residence of the Hon. R. K. Meade. So. Ch., May 15, 1857 STRATTON Susie, and W. Fenton Jacobs formerly of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. L. R. Combs, at the residence of the bride's father, R. H. Stratton, Gordonsville, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 23, 1890 STRIBLING Alice M., of Clarke Co,, Va., and Randolph Kounslar, by the Rev. T. F. Martin, in Grace Church, Berryville. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1873 Edward M., and Lydia, youngest d. of the late Dr. Randolph Kounslar, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rov. P. P. Phillips, in Grace Church, Borry- villo, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1883 Fannie C., d. of Dr. F. Stribling of Staunton, Va., and Richard F. Fostor of Richmond, by the Rov. Mr. Latano, at the residence of the brido's fathor. So. Ch., Mar. 2, 1860 Francis T., of Staunton, and Olive C., youngest d. of Dr. S. K. Jackson, by the Rev. H. M. Jackson and the Rev. Arthur Lloyd, in St. Luke's Church, Norfolk. So. Ch., May 2, 1889 Gray Carroll, and Louise Saunders, d. of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Lockwood of St. Louis, by the Rev. A. A. V. Binnington, rector, in the Church of the Ascension, St. Louis, Mo. So. Ch., July 22, 1911 Lizzie, d. of Mrs. Mildred and the late Dr. Wm. Č. Stribling, and John H. Foster, all of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. H. B. Lee, at "Hartlands" Fauquier Co. So. Ch., June 30, 1881 R. (Col.), of Fauquier Co., and Agnes, d. of Maj. R. Douthat, by the Rev. A. Wade, at Wyanoke, Charles City Co. So. Ch., Sept 1, 1870 Robt. M., Jr. (Dr.), and Mary Cary, d. of Maj. Those M. Ambler, by the Rev. Thos. E. Duncan, at Morvon, Fauquier Co. So. Ch., Sept. 4, 1857 Sallio A., d. of the lato Kinney Stribling of Staunton, V., and Androw J. McMullin of Kentucky, by the Rov. Horaco E. Haydon, at the rosidonco of John W. English, Esq., Pt. Pleasant, W.Va. W.Va. So. Ch., Nov, 21, 1867 STRIDER M Robert E. L. (Tho Rt. Rev.), bishop of West Virginia, and Ethel Knorr, d. of Ir. and Mrs. Bruco Emerick Stovor of hooling, 1 205 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION a graduate of Swarthmore College, in St. Matthew's Church, Wheeling. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1941 STRIEFF John R., of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Sarah Farrar, only d. of the late Thomas Wood of Linden, Ohio, by the Rev. Wm. S. Campbell, in Trinity Church, Linden, Ohio. Ch., Mar. 11, 1886 STRING FELLOW So. Ann Wallace, of Culpeper Co., Va., and John Jacquelin Taylor of Richmond, by the Rev. Carter Page, in St. Paul's Church, Raccoon Ford. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1893 George F., of Caroline Co., and Lizzie M. Spindle, by the Rev. John McGill, in St. Paul's Church, Culpeper Co., Va. So. Ch., June 19, 1884 Ida Herndon, and the Rev. W. A. Barr, by the Rev. F. Stringfellow, the bride's father, at the rectory, Martinsville, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 9, 1893 Mary, d. of the late Capt. R. Staunton Stringfellow, and Atwell Somerville, all of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. John McGill, at "Church View", the rosi- dence of tho brido's mothor. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1884 STRODE H. A., Prin. of Univorsity High School, and Millio J., d. of the lato Col. Thomas J. Ellis, 19th Virginia Infantry, by the Rov. R. J. McBryde, in Ascension Church, Amherst C.H., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1872 STRONG Samuel B., of Chattanooga, and Fanny S. Thornton of Fredericksburg, Va., by the Rev. E. C. Murdaugh, in Trinity Church, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1879 William E., of New York, and Alice Corbyn, d. of Francis L. Smith, Esq., of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Norton, rector of St. Paul's Church, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1872 STROTHER Bettio P. (Mrs.), and Gen. P. T. Mooro, both of Richmond, by the Rov. James Hanckle, D.D., at Charlottesville, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 10, 1881 Elizabeth Kendall, oldest d. of the lato John M. Strother, and Methven T. Freeman of Macon, Va., by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, D.D., in St. James' Church. So. Ch., Feb. 4, 1886 Elizabeth Mayo, and Frederic William Scott, both of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Hartley Carmichael, in St. Paul's Church, Rich mond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1893 Jamos F., of Madison Co., and Mary Eppos Thwoatt of Chestorfield Co., Va., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, in Trinity Church, Chester- field Co., Va.. So. Ch. Juno 14, 1888 John M., of the University of Virginia, and Bottie W., ** 206 d. of Dr. F. W. Powell of Middleburg, Va., by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving. So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1861 STRUDWICK MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Robert C., of Durham, N.C., and Sally P., second d. of John O. Lewis of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Cliffside, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., May 22, 1884 STRYKER A. P. (The Rev.), and Phobo K., d. of J. Mason Camp- bell, Esq. of Baltimore, by the Rt. Rev. W. R. Whittingham, D.D., in Grace Church, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 12 1865 STUART Cornelia Lee, and Allen Smith, at "Cedar Grove", King George Co., the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1889 Ellen Calvert, d. of the late C. C. Stuart, Esq., and the Rov. Addison B. Atkins, rector of Christ Church, Germantown, Philadelphia, by the Rev. R. T. Brown, rector of Zion Church, Fairfax C.H., at Chantilly, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1854 H. L., of Alexandria, Va., and Lucie Laurie, d. of Wm. G. Carr of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. J. Stuart Hanckle, D.D., at Bentivar, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., July 1, 1875 Julia Calvert, d. of Dr. R. H. Stuart, and Dr. E. Lee Jones, s. of the late Gen. Roger Jones, Adj. Gen. U.S. Army, of New York City, by the Rev. Hugh Roy Scott, at Cedar Grove, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., June 1, 1860 J. E. B., Jr., of Larned, Kan., formerly of Virginia, and Joe, d. of the late Col. Joe Phillips, C.S. Army, of Hampton, Va., by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt assisted by the Rev. Mr. Meade, in St. John's Church, Hampton, Va. So. Ch., July 29, 1886 James Reeve, of South Caro- lina, and Mary Hall Jacob of Kentucky, by the Rev. Henry T. Sharp, at the old Mulholland House, Elizabethtown, Ky. So. Ch., Jam. 20, 1876 Laura, d. of the late C. C. Stuart, Esq., and Kensey, s. of Bishop Johns, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Johns of Virginia, at Chantilly, Fairfax Co., So. Ch., Oct. 15, Va. 1858 · Margaret, d. of Dr. R. H. Stuart, and Robert W. Huntor of Winchester, by the Rov. Mr. Friend, at Cedar Grove, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1865 Mary, d. of Rosalie and the late S. P. Stuart, and 7. D. Grymes, by the Rev. A. J. Willis, in St. Paul's Church, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1886 Mary Johnson, of Staunton, and Capt. Wm. L. Clarke, Jr., by the Rev. Mr. Baker, at Staunton, Va. So. Ch., May 16, 1862 · 207. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Meta, d. of the late Col. Charles Stuart of Alexan- dria, and Bartlett Bolling of Fetersburg, by the Rev Henderson Suter, in Christ Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., June 23, 1881 Milton R. (Dr.), and Rosalie L. Grymes, by the Rev. Jos. R. Jones, in the Meade Memorial Church, White Post. So. Ch., Oct. 6, 1881 R. A. (Dr.), and Lydia Ann Marmaduke, both of West- moreland, by the Rev. D. M. Wharton. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1883 Rosalie Eugenia, eldest d. of Dr. R. H. Stuart, and S. T. Stuart of Fairfax Co., by the Rev. Kensey Stewart, at Cedar Grove, King George Co. So. Ch., Nov. 18, 1859 S. T., of Fairfax Co., and Rosalio Eugonia, el dost d. of Dr. R. H. Stuart, by the Rev. Kensey Stewart, at Cedar Grove, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 18, 1859 Susan B., fourth d. of the Hon. Alexandria H. H. Stuart, and the Rev. Robert A. Gibson, by the Rev. Churchill J. Gibson, in Trinity Church, Staun- ton. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1872 Virginia Pelham, only d. of Mrs. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart*, and Robert Fage Waller of Norfolk, by the Rev. W. २. Hullihen assisted by the Rev. 0. S. Barten, in Staunton. So. Ch., Jan. 20, 1887 W. D., of Hagerstown, Md., s. of Col. W. D. Stuart of * Given as printed Virginia, and Bettie B. Wood of Roanoke, by the Rev. R. A. Goodwin, in St. John's Church, Roanoke. So. Ch., July 3, 1884 7. Douglass, of Alexandria, and Mattie H., d. and only child of the late Alex. T. and Martha E. Page, by the Rev. James Grammor, at Northfield, Cumberland Co., Va. So. Ch., June 20, 1867 Wm. Mason, and Lucy Lee Millan, both of Rappahan- nock Co., Va., by the Rev. Charles S. Harrison, in St. Paul's Church, Wood- ville, Va. So, Ch., Nov. 10, 1892 STUCKY Joseph, Esq., and Kate Myers, both of Berkeley Co., W.Va., by the Rev. George S. May, at the rosidonce of Jotor M. Fronch, Esq. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1874 STUMP John Stone, Jr., formerly of Maryland, and Margaret Nash d. of William W. Old and Alice Herbert his wife, by the Rev. Francis C. Steinmetz, in Christ Church, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1909 STUMPH Mary Lewis, of Washington, D.C., and Carter B. Page, by the Rev. J. B. Funsten, at Portsmouth, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1892 STURGEON Nannie, of Louisville, and Richard B. Washington, Jr. of Silver City, N.M. formerly of Jefferson Co., W.Va., by the Rev. Dr. Perkins, in St. Paul's Church, Louisville, Ky. 208. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF FUBLICATION So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1884 SUBLETT David L. (Capt.), and Mattie F., d. of Dr. Thomas J. Owen of Prince Edward Co., Va., by the Rev. Daniel Witt. So. Ch., July 6, 1871 Mary Carter, and John White Arrington, by the Rev. J. J. Clopton, in Meade Me- morial Church, Manchester, Va. So. Ch., May 30, 1889 Thomas E., formerly of Pow- hatan Co., Va., and Char- lotte E., d. of the late Samuel Lackland, Esq. of Jefferson Co., by the Rev. Mr. Ambler, in the Epis- copal Church, Charles Town. So. Ch., Apr. 22, 1859 Walter S., of Richmond, and Lina L.. d. of Judge John H. McCuo of Staunton, Va., by the Rev. Walter Q. Hullihen, in the Episcopal Church, Staunton. So. Ch., Jan. 10, 1878 Walter S., of Richmond, Va., and Jennie R. Wills of Nelson Co., Va., by the Rev. D. M. Wood, in Trinity Church, Nelson Co. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1888 SUDDARDS W. L. (The Rev.), and Rebecca G., d. of the late Samuel P. Wetherill, Esq., by the Rev. E. Nevillo, in Grace Church, Philadelphia. So. Ch., May 14, 1847 SUDLER J. E. (Capt.), of Maryland, and Sarah A., d. of Jno. M. E. Valk, by the Rev. Edmund Withors, at "Summerfiold", Northumber- land Co. So. Ch., Fob. 21, 1867 SULLIVAN Emma B., and the Rev. Frank Hallam, rector of Epiphany Parish, Prince George's Co., Md., by the Rev. P. G. Sears, rector of Christ Church, Holly Springs, at the residence of the bride's uncle, E. Virden, Jackson, Miss, So. Ch., May 19, 1892 Fannie M., d. of James V. V, Sullivan of Lancaster Co., Va., and James K. Ball, by the Rev. H. L. Derby assisted by the Rev. John Moncure, at "Riverside" Lancaster Co., Va. So Ch., Dec. 15, 1881 Marian A., of Lancaster Co., and Dr. Felix E. Brown of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. H. L. Derby, et "Riverside", Lancaster Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 24, 1882 SULLY Julia, of Aloxandria, Va., and D. Conway Chichestor of Fairfax, by the Rev. C. B. Dana, in Christ Church. So. Ch., May 4, 1860 SUMMERS Leah, d. of Dr. R. Summers of Martinsburg, and Wil- liam E. Pulliam of Poca- hontas, Ark., by the Rev. Mr. Davis. So. Ch., Sept. 7, 1860 Minnie, d. of Dr. R. Summers of Martinsburg, Va., and Capt. Wm. B. Colston of the "Stonowall Brigado", by the Rev. W. D. Hanson. So. Ch., July 12, 1866 Sophio, d, of Dr. Summers of Virginia, and Dr. J. Hari- son Hunter, by the Rev. Mr. Davis, at Martinsburg, 209 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Va. So. Ch., May 1, 1857 SUMNER Walter Taylor (The Rt. Rev.), Bishop of Oregon, and Myrtle Mitchell of Negau- nee, Mich., by the Rev. Bishop Anderson, in the Cathedral of Sts. Puter and Paul, Chicago. So. Ch., Jan. 19, 1918 SUTHON Walter J., of Louisiana, and Lizzie M. Smith, by the Rev. Nelson P. Dame, in Christ Church, Win- chester, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 24, 1892 SUTTON C. H., Esq., of Richmond, Va., and Sallie W., d. af Henry Loving, Esq. of Amherst, by the Rev. Oscar Bunting, at "Brooklyn", the residence of the bride's father, Amherst Co., Va. So. Ch., May 13, 1880 R. G., and Robbie M. Poors, by the Rev. A. H. Hamilton, at Canicello, the residence of Blackford Harris, in Rockbridge Co. So. Ch.5 Mar. 8, 1888 Thomas E., and Ellen Gate- wood, both of Urbanna, Middlesex Co., Va., by the Rev. Thomas G. Addison, in Washington. So. Ch., July 9, 1868 SWANN < Ann Jane, and Dr. Wesley Wright, both of Caroline Co., by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, in Caroline Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1861 Clare B., and Richard R. Banks, both of Wilmington, Dol., by the Rev. W. D. Hanson, at Wilmington, Del. So. Ch., Aug. 28, 1884 Columbia E., and William E. Saunders, Jr. of Lynchburg, by the Rev. William W. Greene, at the residence of the bride's father, in Caroline Co. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1863 Corinne, d. of the late Charles Alexander Swann of Alexandria, Va., and William W. Sinclair, s. of the late Com. Arthur Sinclair, U.S.N., of Norfolk, Va., by the Rev. Geo. W. Peterkin, rector, bishop-elect of West Virginia, in the' Memorial P. E. Church. So. Ch., May 16, 1878 Lydia A., and Cyrus Carson, both of Caroline Co., Va., by the Rev. W. W. Greene, So. Ch., Feb. 1, 1861 SWEET Emily Winslow, d. of James W. Sweet, and Henry A. Walker of Staunton, Va., by the Rev. Maltbie D. Babcock, at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1889 Helen Murdoch, youngest d. of James Winslow Sweet of Baltimore, and Dr. J. Mason Hundley, by the Rev. J. H. Hundley of Virginia, father of the groom, assisted by the rector, the Rev. Dr. Eccleston, in Emmanuel Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1888 Lucy Arline, d. of Edwin J. Sweet of Washington, D.C., and Edwin Spottswood Clark formerly of Tho Plains, Va., 210 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION by the Rev. David Barr, in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Sept. 12, 1889 SWENSON - mad Eric Pierson, of New York, and Maud, d. of the late Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, by the Rev. Henry Mason Smyth of Plattsburg, N.Y. assisted by the Rev. Dr. Greer of St. Bartholomew's Church, New York, in St. James' Church, New York. So. Ch., June 20, 1889 Esther W., and Harry T. Philpot, by the Rev. W. H, Pettus, in St. James' Church, West Somerville, Mass. So. Ch., May 10, 1913 SWOPE R. Rush (The Rev.), rector of St. Matthew's Church, Wheel- ing, W. Va., and Mary, d. of B. P. Brown, M.D. of Cleveland, by the Rev. J. W. Brown, D.D, assisted by the Rev. G. W. Hinkle, in Trinity Church, Cleveland, Ohio. So. Ch., Jan. 30, 1879 Charles William (The Rev.), of SYDNOR * Given as printed SYME Pocahontas, Va., and Lizzie Brockenbrough, d. of the Rev. Everard Meade, D.D., in Old Pohick Church, Fairfax Co., Va. Sept 17. 1910 Blanche Bragg, d. of Andrew Syme, and Charles Macalis- ter Gilliam of Petersburg, Va., by the Rev. M. M. Marshall, D.D,, in Christ Church, Raleigh, N.C. So. Ch., Jan. 19, 1893 SYMINGTON Charles Junior,* of New York, and Elizabeth Black- ford, d. of Arthur Selden and Lizzie Robertson Blackford Lloyd, by the bride's father assisted by the Rev. W. H. H. Powers, D.D. of Towsen, Md., at Madison, Conn. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1912 SYMTH* Abram H., Esq., of Alexandria, Va., and Carrie V. Steed, by the Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, at the residence of the bride's father, James M. Steed, Prince George Co. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1875 TABB " Cynthia, d. of the late Dr. J. Henry Tabb, of "Auburn". Mathews Co., V., and Capt. John N. Tabb of Gloucester Co., by the Rev. R. J. McBryde, in St. George's Church, Freder- icksburg. So. Ch., Feb. 1 1883 Ellen Randolph, and Dr. Thomas B. Lane, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at Christ Church, Mathews Co. So. Ch., May 5, 1870 Emiline M., youngest d. of the late Capt. P. E. Tabb, of Waverly, Gloucester Co.. Va., and Dr. J. Spottswood Wellford, of Fredericks- burg, by the Rev. Chas. Minnigerode, in Richmond, at the residence of Judge W. W. Crump. So. Ch., Apr. 16 and 23, 1858 G. R., and Juliet J. Tabb, by the Rev. E. Meade, in Mattaponi Church, King and Queen Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1886 J. Lloyd, of Baltimore, and Susie Seldon, by the Rev. A. Y. Hundley, Sherwood, Gloucester Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 22, 1877 John, and Mary S., d. of * Joseph S. James, Esq., by the Rev. A. Y. Hundley, in Abingdon Church, Gloucester Co., Va, So. Ch., May 24, 1883 John N. (Capt.), of Glou- cester Co., Va., and Cynthia, d. of the late Dr. J. Henry Tabb of "Auburn", Matliews Co., Va,, by Rev. R. J. McBryde, in I St. George's Church, Fredericksburg. So, Ch., Feb. 1, 1883 Juliet J., and G. R. Tabb, by the Rev. E, Meade, in Mattaponi Church, King and Queen Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan, 7, 1886 Lucia Cary, and Dr. John Wilkins, C.S.A., by the Rev. G. S. Carraway, at Auburn, Mathews Co.. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1862 Lucy H., d. of the late * Thomas Tabb of Toddsburg, Gloucester Co., Va., and · George Brower, Esq., by the Rev. C. Mann, at Exchange, the residence of James K. Dabney, Esq. So. Ch., Mar. 19, 1858 Philip, of Baltimore, and Hester V, T., d. of Austin Fergusson, Esq., by the Rev, A. Wade, at Northwood, Charles City Co., Va. Ch., Feb. 24, 1870 Thos. S., Esq., of Taddsburg,* Gloucester Co., Va., and Mary Adelaide Billups of Mathews Co., Va., by the Rev. Mr. Carraway, in Trinity Church, Kingston Parish So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1854 So. Walter T., s. of John Tabb, Esq. of Gloucester Co., Va., and Elizabeth, d. of Judge Robert B. Minor of San Antonio, Tex., in the Church of the Messiah, in New York. So. Ch., June 21, 1919 Yelvarton, of Amelia, and Mary H., d. of E. R. Turn- bull, Esq., by the Rev, Otis A. Glazebrook, at the Given as printed ** Kingston Parish is in Mathews County, Virginia (Journal Diocese of Virginia, Richmond, Va., 1941) 212 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION residence of the bride's father, in Lawrenceville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1871 TABLER B. L., and Mary Hart Rankin, by the Rev. W. D. Hanson, in Trinity Church, Martins- burg. So. Ch., Aug. 18, 1870 TACKETT Charles E., and Hattie Slaughter, by the Rev. John K. Mason, in St. George's Church, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 15, 1888 John F., and Nannie, d. of T. D. Fendall, Esq., all of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. J. B. Perry, in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. Ch., Oct. 25, 1883 So. TALBOT Helen M., second d. of E. A. Talbot, Esq. of Bedford Co., Va., and John F. Terry, Esq. of Lynchburg, by the Rev. R. H. Wilmer So. Ch., May 16, 1856 TALBOTT George Edwards, and Mary Forrest Gosnell of Martins- burg, W.Va., by the rector, the Rev. W. D. Ilanson, in Trinity Church, Martinsburg, W. Va. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1873 TALIAFERRO Addison, of Amherst, and Jane C., d. of Dr. E.-H. Fory of Fauquier, by the Rev. Mr. Kinsolving, at Upperville. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1855 Agnes Marshall, youngest d. of Col. A. G. Taliaferro, and Ro. W. Maupin of Baltimore, by the Rev. Philip Slaughter assisted by the Rev. C. Y. Steptoe and the Rev. Dr. 3. Franklin, in Emanuel Church, Rapidan, Va. So. * Given as printed Ch., Dec. 24, 1874 Chas. C. (The Rev.), rector of Cumberland Parish, Lunen- burg Co., Va., and Louisa G. Armistead of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. C. W. Andrews, near Upperville, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., June 3, 1836 Edmund P. (Dr.), of Green Co., Ala., and Octavia H., d. of William Robert- son, Esq. of Culpeper, Va., by the Rev. William C. H. Jones [at Delorain]. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1837 Georgie, d. of the late Dr. Alfred Taliaferro of Cul- peper Co., Va., and Dr. J. C. Grayson of Culpeper Co., by the Rev. W. T. Roberts, at "Fairmont. 11 So. Ch., Jan. 13, 1887 Jane A., d. of the late Rev. Charles Taliaferro, and Dr. Cassius Carter of Fairfax, by the Rev. J. Earnest, at Mount Sharon, in Orange, Va. So. Ch., June 27, 1856 Janie A., d. of the late Rev. C. C. Taliaferro of Virginia, and Henry Coit Day of Georgia, by the Rev. H. Hansborough, at lit. Sharon, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 29, 1870 Kate Corbin, youngest d. of the late Wm. F. and Mary W. Taliaferro of Peckatone, Westmoreland, Va., and Dr. m. W. Rose of King George, by the Rev. E. B. McGuire, at Peckatone. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1860 Lawrence, of Hazley, Esq., and Mary Austin, d. of the late Hay Taliaferro, Esq. of King George Co., by the Rev. Henry Wall, at Freidland. So. Ch., July 12, 1866 * - 215 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Lucy W., d. of the late Hay Taliaferro of Orange, Va., and Edwin B. Bradley, Esq. of Baltimore, by the Rev. J. Earnest, in St. Thomas' Church, Orange C.H. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1859 Margaret Lewis, d. of Col. Alexander G. Taliaferro of Culpeper Co., Va., and Chapman Maupin of the University of Virginia, by the Rev. J. S. Hansbrough, at Annandale. So. Ch., Jan. 5, 1871 Mary Austin, d. of the late Hay Taliaferro, Esq. of King George Co., Va., and Lawrence Taliaferro, Esq. of Hazley, by the Rev. Henry Wall, at Freidland. So. Ch., July 12, 1860 Mary E., d. of Dr. Edmund P. Taliaferro, and George Cul- len, all of Orange C.H., Va., by the Rev. J. Earnest, rector of Zion Parish, Prince George's Co., vid., in Emmanuel Church, Balti- more. So. Ch., Dec. 13, 1866 Con C Mary V., of Orange Co., Va., and Samuel Meredith Maxwell of New York, by the Rev. James L. Maxwell, rector of St. Luke's Church, Montclair, N.J., at the residence of John Taliaferro, Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1878 Melville, of Henrico Co., Va., and Annie Meriwether, eldest d. of John J. Woods, Esq. of Ivy Depot, Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. J. A. Greaves, M.A., at the resi- dence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Oct. 13, 1881 Nannie Leftwich, d. of Richard M. Taliaferro of New York, and H. J. Wadley, Esq. of Wayne Co., Ga., by the Rev. Robb White, in St. John's Church, Wytheville, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 21, 1876 K. B., of Gloucester, and Fannie, d. of Dr. Francis D. Jones, by the Rev. Ed- mund Withers, at Ingle- Side, Lancaster Co. So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1856 Susan S., only d. of Warren T. Taliaferro, Esq., and Beverly R. Wellford, Esq. of Richmond, by the Rev. C. Mann, at Belleville, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Mar. 19, 1858 Thomas S., Esq. of Gloucester Co., Va., and Harriotte Hop- kins, d. of Cassius F. Lee, by the Rev. C. B. Dana, in Alexandria. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1860 Victoria, d. of Dr. Edmund P. Taliaferro, and Charles W. Hardy, Esq. of Norfolk, by the Rev. J. Earnest, at Orange C.H., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1865 Wm. M. (Maj.), and Sue H. Michel, by the Rev. L. B. Wharton, at the residence of the bride's mother, Abingdon, Va. So, Ch., Nov. 7, 1867 See also Jamesson, Cornelia L. T. (Mrs.) TALIFERRO Lewis T., formerly of Rich- mond, Va., now of Augusta, and Lizzie M. Sanchez of Augusta, by the Rev. C. C. Williams, in St. Paul's Church, Augusta, Ga. So. Ch., Mar. 24, 1381 TALLAFERRO Gowin of Westmoreland Co., Va., and Emma, d. of Col. -214 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Godwin of Linwood, Alex- andria Co., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Johns. Jan. 4, 1856 TALLIFERRO TAMS William H., and Mary W., d. of Dr. J. B. Leigh, by the Rev. F. N. Whaley, at Clarksville, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 23, 1888 So. Ch., Margaret A., eldest d. of Sampson Tams, Esq., and the Rev. Richard B. Duane, rector of Grace Church, Honesdale, Penn., by the Rev. J. B. Fowles, in St. Andrew's Church, Phila- delphia. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1850 TANNER Cornelia F., and Robert H. Withers, both of Campbell Co., Va., by the Rev. W. W. Kimball. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1881 TAPLIN Horatio Nelson, of Montpelier, Vt., and Mrs. Lillie Tyson (Jolliffee) Harris of Wash- ington, formerly of Freder- ick Co., Va., by the Rev. David Barr, in Washington, D.C. So. Ch., July 2, 1891 TAPSCOTT John C., and Cornelia A. McCarty, both of Lancaster, Va., by the Rev. H. L. Der- by, in White Chapel Church, Lancaster, Va. So. C., Sept. 24, 1885 M. Victoria (Mrs.), formerly of Baltimore, Md., and Robert Fairfax Mitchell of Richmond Co., by the Rev. H. L. Derby, at "Oakley", Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 2, 1876 Nannie Douglas, of Amherst C.H., Va., and the Rev. W. M. Clark, rector of the parish, by the Rev. John T. Clark of North Carolina assisted by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd of St. Luke's Church, Norfolk, Va., in the Ascen- sion Church, Amherst C.H., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 15, 1885 TARRY Mary H., d. of George Tarry, Esq. of Mecklenburg, and Capt. Fleming J. Jefferess, by the Rev. Francis McGuire. So. Ch., Mar. 27, 1857 Rebecca, and Samuel Morton, by the Rev. R. D. Brooke, in St. Luke's Church, Mecklen- burg Co. So. Ch., Sept. 12, 1850 TATASPAUGH Edwin Francis, and Julia Dixon, both of Alexandria, by the Rev. John Aiken. Ch., Nov. 16, 1848 TATE So. Armstrong, of Burlington, N.C., and Bertha Lee, d. of the late Rev. G. H. Morrison, D.D., by the Rev. W. F. Mor- rison, U.S.N., in Memorial Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., June 22, 1893 TATUM Constance, eldest d. of Dr. R. H. Tatum of Harrisonburg, and James Hay, by the Kev. David Barr, in Emmanuel Church, Harrisonburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1878 Lucian B., of Richmond, Va., and Mary Seldon, d. of Dr. R. H. Tatum of Harrisonburg, Va., by the Rev. 0. S. Bunt- ing, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., June 15, 1882 Mary Seldon, d. of Dr. R. H. Tatum of Harrisonburg, Va., and Lucian B. Tatum of - 215 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Richmond, Va., by the Rev. 0. S. Bunting, at the resi- dence of the bride's father. So. Ch., June 15, 1882 Richard H. (Dr.), and Sarah Ann, second d. of Charles Seldon, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, in Powhatan Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1852 TAYLOE Alice A., d. of the late Charles Tayloe of King George Co., Va., and Thos. M. Lewis, H.D. of West- moreland, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Oaken Brow. So. Ch., June 3, 1859 Bladen Tasker, of King George, and Famie Lightfoot, d. of William H. Fowle, Esq. of Alexandria, by the Rev. D. Francis Sprigg, rector of Grace Church. So. Ch., May 6, 1859 E. Thornton (Capt.), of Marengo Co., Ala., and Rosal., d. of George P. Tayloe, Esq. of Roanoke Co., Va., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, at "Buena Vista", the resi- dence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1870 Emma, d. of W. H. Tayloe, Esq., and Gen. Thomas T. Munford (late C.S.A.), all of Virginia, at George- town, D.C. So. Ch., May 3. 1866 Etta 0., d. of Henry A. Tay- loe, Esq., and Beverly T. Crump of Richmond, by the Rev. M. Johnson, at "ount Airy", Richmond Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1884 G. Ogle, and Susan T., d. of Dr. Thomas L. Huntor, all of King George Co., by the Rev. E. B. McGuire, in St. John's Church, at King George C.H., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1880 Imogen, d. of Col. Edward Tayloe of King George Co., Va., and Rev. Edward H. Ingle of Roanoke Co., Va., by the Rev. Charles Goodrich, D.D., at "Powhatan", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Oct. 6, 1870 Jennie, youngest d. of George P. Tayloe of Roanoke Co., Va., and Mortimer M. Rogers of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, at Buena Vista, residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1875 John, of King George Co., and Mary W., d. of Dainger- field Lewis of King George Co., by the Rev. Joseph A. Russell, at Marmion, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1854 John, Jr., Esq., of "Cloverdale", King George Co., Va., and Jane Elizabeth, d. of Henry Fitzhugh, Esq., by the Rev. Henry Wall, at "Sherwood Forest", Stafford Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 17, 1867 Kate A., and Daniel P. Wirt of Westmoreland Co., by the Rev. Mr. Shields, at Chatterton, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 6, 1877 Lucy Daingerfield, eldest d. of the late Col. John Tay- loe, of Chatterton, and Matthew B. Pollock of Stafford Co., by the Rev. James W. Shields assisted by the Rev. Melville Boyd, at Chatterton, King George Co. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1875 Mary L., d. of G. P. Tayloe, Esq. of Roanoke Co., Va. and W. W. Gwathmey, Esq. of 216 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Richmond, Va., by the Rev, Mr. Pendleton. So. Ch., Oct. 17, 1856 Nannie C., d. of George P. Tayloe of Roanoke Co., Va., and John D. Langhorne, by the Rev. Peter Tinsley. So. Ch., Jan. 8, 1864 Rosa M., d. of George P. Tayloe, Esq. of Roanoke Co., Va., and Capt. E. Thornton Tayloe of Marengo Co., Ala., by the Rev. Ed- ward H. Ingle, at "Buena Vista", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1870 Sallie, d. of Henry A. Tay- loe, Esq., and Key Compton of Norfolk, by the Rev. A. B. Kinsolving, at "Mount Airy", Richmond Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1888 William, of King George Co., Va., and Sophia Ridgely, by the Rev. Charles Good- rich, D.D., at Nottingham, Md. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1872 TAYLOR A. T., of Hillsboro, and Dr. Algernon Smith of Maryland, by the Rev. Theodore Reed, in Hillsboro, Va., at the residence of Dr. Taylor. So. Ch., June 28, 1877 Agness Marion, d. of the late Dr. John Taylor of Caroline Co., and Dr. J. Washington Ashby, by the Rev. John Cole, at the residence of her brother in Culpeper Co. So. Ch., May 13, 1859 Alfred H., of Washington, D.C., and Gertrude Moore, niece of Thomas Moore, Esq., by the Rev. Frank Page, in Zion Church, Fairfax C.H., Va. So. Ch., June 24, 1886 Alice Eleanor of Brockway, Pa., and Rev. John Joseph Heaken Harte, curate of Trinity Church, Tulsa, Okla., by the Rev. W. 0. Cross, rector of St. Paul's Church, Kittanning, Pa., in Grace Church, Ridgway, Pa. So. Ch., Oct. 18, 1941 Alice Marshall, d. of James M. Taylor, Esq. of Rich- mond, Va., and Walter Arm- istead Williams, by the Rev. T. G. Dashiell as- sisted by the Rev. W. B. Williams, in St. James' Church. So. Ch., Feb. 24, 1887 Annie Henderson, d. of the late H. Allen Taylor, and the Rev. Francis D. Lee, by the Rev. Dr. Norton, at Alexan- dria, Va. So. Ch., May 6, 1880 Bennett, of Albemarle Co., Va., and Lucy, d. of the late Edward Colston of Honeywood, Berkeley Co., Va., by Rev. W. D. Hanson. So. Ch., July 12, 1866 Bettie F., d. of the late Dr. Edward P. Taylor, and Rev. Joseph Earnest, rector of St. Thomas', by the Rev. E. Boydon, in St. Thomas' Church, Orange, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1852 Bettie II., of Christiansburg, and H. H. Powers of Roanoke, Va., by the Rev. W. Dudley Powers of the Diocese of Maryland, at the residence of the bride's father, at Christiansburg. So. Ch., May 10, 1883 Charles A., of Richmond, Va., and Martha V. Henshaw of Berkley, by Rev. A. Viade, at Berkley, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1874 Chas. S., Jr., of Alexandria, and ilary Earle, d. of the 217 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION late Wm. Pervis of Mobile, Ala., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, at Salem, Roanoke Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 15, 1877 Edmund L.,of Taylorsville, Hanover Co., and Sarah Ann, d. of Mrs. Ann Robertson of Willington, Culpeper Co., by the Rev. John W. Wood- ville. So. Ch., Dec. 15, 1837 Edmund Randolph, s. of Julia P. K. and the late Edmund Randolph Taylor of Charles Town, W.Va., and Alice, d. of Mrs. and the late Henry B. Hunt of Cambridge, Eng- land, by the Rev. Paca Ken- nedy, in St. Mark's Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Jan. 10, 1925 Edwin M., Esq., and Miss E., d. of William Kinney, Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Goodwin, at Staunton. So. Ch., June 28, 1839 Eliza, and Dr. Alfred B. Tucker of Winchester, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Springberry, Clarke Co., Va, So. Ch., Aug. 29, 1856 Erasmus, and Roberta S., d. of the late John Ashby, Esq., by the Rev. J. Earnest, at Mount Independence in Fau- quier Co. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1852 Esther D., d. of Charles S. Taylor, Esq., and Julian T. Burke, all of Alexandria, by the Rev. D. F. Sprigg, in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1877 Euphania C., and Archibald M. Harrison, both of Fluvanna by the Rev. James Doughen, So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1837 Fannie G., only d. of Dr. Tay- " lor of Albemarle Co., Va., and the Rev. Frederick W. Neve, by the Rev. T. E. Locke ässisted by the Rev. H. B. Leo, in St. Paul's Church, Frodericksville Parish, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1893 Frances Virginia, d. of John B. Taylor, Esq., and Josiah R. White of Loudoun Co., Va., by the Rev. F. 1. M. Whittle, at Clifton, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 13, 1855 George Braxton (Rov.), of Chapel Hill, N.C., and Jessie Cabell of Norwood, Nelson Co., Va., by the Rev. J. B. Taylor, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Davis M. Wood, in Christ Church, Norwood. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1889 George W., Esq., and Corilla P., eldest d. of Pryor Hankins, all of James City Co., by the Rev. Mr. Ellett. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1836 Hattie M., of Fredericksburg, and William B. Daingerfield of Alexandria, by the Rev. Dr. Murdaugh, in St. George's Church, Fredericks- burg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1874 Henry, Jr., and Virginia, eldest d. of the late Dr. George W. Bagby, by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin assisted by the Rt. Rev. A. H. Ran- dolph. So. Ch., June 17, 1986 J. Fenton, and Emma, d. of the late William H. Scott, by the Rev. John G. Scott of Hot Springs, Va., brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Heade Clark, D.D., rector of St. James' 218 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Church, at the home of the bride, 10 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. So. Ch., July 2, 1910 James W., of Ashland, and Mrs. R. A. Apperson of Richmond, by the Rev. T. G. Dashiell, at the resi- dence of P. P. Winston. Ch., Aug. 7, 1884 Jefferson Randolph (The Rev.), rector of Trinity Church, Moundsville, W.Va., and Mary Hubbard, d. of Ed- ward C. Bruce, Esq. of Winchester, by the Rev. Nelson P. Dame, rector of the parish, in Christ Church, Winchester, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1891 John, and Belle Nelson Locke, eldest d. of the officiating clergyman, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, in the rectory, Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 7, 1867 John Charles Randolph, and Mary Grammer Leigh, at Houston, Va. So. Ch., July 20, 1907 So. John Jacquelin, of Richmond, and Ann Wallace String- fellow of Culpeper Co., Va., by the Rev. Carter Page, in St. Paul's Church, Raccoon Ford. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1893 John William, and Evelyn C. Hill, both of King William Co., Va., by the Rev. W T. Roberts, at Edgehill, the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Aug. 29, 1889 Julia L., of Louisa, and Rev. E. W. Hubbard of Brandon Parish**by the Rev. E. Boyden assisted by the Rev. J. H. Wil- liams, in St. John's Church, Louisa. So. Ch., Dec. 9, 1875 Julian, of Alexandria, Va., and Mrs. Mary Eggleston Wailes, by the Rev. Charles White, D.D., at Hampden- Sidney,* Va. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1891 Louisa Leonard, d. of the lato Tazewell Taylor, Esq. of Norfolk, Va., and John Davidson Letchor of Lexington, Va., by the Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph, D.D., LL.D. assisted by the Rev. John J. Lloyd, D.D., at Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., May 30, 1908 Lucy O., d. of John B. Tay- lor, Esq., and John J. Riely of Clarke Co., by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, in Jefferson Co. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1856 M. E., d. of E. C. Taylor, and William Bird, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, at Green Wood, Hanover Co. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1866 Maria J., and Wm. H. Hamp ton, by the Rev. Henry T. Sharp, in the Church of the Ascension, Frankfort, Ky. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1873 Mary, of Lewisburg, Greenbriar Co., W.Va., and Isham Ran- dolph of Clarke Co, Va., by Canon Knowles, at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Chicago. So. Ch., June 29, 1882 Mary E., and Wm. H. Wilson, all of Bedford, by the Rev. N. Sale. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1856 Mary E., d. of Mrs. S. H. Taylor, and Benjamin R. Given as printed ** Brandon Parish is in Prince George County, Virginia (Journal Southern Virginia, Portsmouth, Va., 1941) Diocese of · 219 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION R. Brown, all of Norfolk, Va., by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd, at St. Luke's Church, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 13, 1887. Mary Louisa, d. of Maj. R. C. Taylor of Norfolk, Va., and Richard W. Gamble of Savannah, Ga., by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., June 16, 1892 May, and George A. Smith of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. J. Green Shackel- ford, at the home of the bride, in Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1885 Nina, and B. P. Loyall, by the Rev. Dr. 0. S. Barten, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1882 Page, d. of Steven M. and Mary Mann Taylor, and Edwin Kirk of Washington, D.C., by the Rev. H. B. Lee, rector of Christ Church, at "Lego," Char lottesville, Va. So. Ch., July 19, 1913 Pulina, d. of H. Porter- field Taylor of Rich- mond, and Rev. L. B. Wharton of William and Mary College, Williams- burg, Va., by the Rev. J. A. Wharton, at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Jan. 17, 1878 R. Innes, of Spotsylvania Co., and Nannie H., d. of the late W. Yates Downman, by the Rev. E. C. Murdaugh, D.D., at Idlewild, the residence of the bride's mother, near Fredericksburg. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1876 Rebecca Porterfield, second d. of Edwin M. Taylor, Esq., and James J. Foster of Richmond, by the Rev. James A. Latine, at the residence of the bride's father, at Staunton, Va So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1867 Rebekah L., of Richmond, Va., and Robert T. Marshall of Kentucky, by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, D.D. So. Ch., Oct. 14, 1880 Roberta B., d. of John R. and Sallie E. Taylor, and Benjamin R. Coward, by the Rev. Curtis Grubb, at the residence of the bride's parents, Taylorsville, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1883 Rosalie V., d. of the late Charles Taylor of King George Co., Va., and William L. Waring of Essex Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Oaken Brow. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1858 Sarah C., d. of John B. Taylor, Esq., and Thomp- son B. Mason of Phila- delphia, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Rockland, Jefferson Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1855 Sidney, of Cumberland, Md., and Mary M., eldest d. of John C. and Sarah Bronaugh, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, at the residence of the bride's sister, in Prince William Co. So. Ch., Mar. 13, 1884 Sophia Gordon, d. of the late James Taylor, and John Rut- ledge Smith, Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Hanckell, in St. 220 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Paul's Church, Charleston, S.C. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1835 T. P. (Maj.), and Mrs. Mary Talker Flood, by the Rev. W. H. Pendleton, in St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg. So. Ch., Apr. 14, 1870 Thos. Leiper, and Rosa Van Doren, d. of the officiat- ing clergyman, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the rectory, Washington Parish, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1868 Virginia, d. of the late Maris Taylor, Esq., and Anthony Egerton Smoot, all of Alexandria, Va., at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Aug. 6, 1885 · Virginia E., d. of Dr. Samuel Taylor of Berryville, and Edward C. Marshall, Jr. of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Berryvillo, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 26, 1856 Virginia S., d. of Thomas S. Taylor, and James H. Harris, all of Alexandria, * by the Rev. J. Peterkin, in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 25, 1856 Wm. B.,of Richmond, and Bes- sic M'C., older d. of Gen. Wim. R. Boggs of the Vir- ginia Agricultural and Mechanical College, by the Rev. Nelson P. Dame, at the Episcopal Church in Va. So. Ch., Blacksburg, Va. Dec. 18, 1879 Wm. Jaqueline, and Miriam N. Jacobs, both of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Mr. Wood- bridge. So. Ch., July 5, 1839 Vm. Marshall, and Lelia Madi- son, eldest d. of Judge wn. Pope Dabney, by the Rev. Frank Stringfellow, in Pow- hatan Co., Va. So. Ch.. Oct. 19, 1882 Wm. P., and Florence Ida, d. of Geo. M. Carter, by Bishop Payne, at Oak Grove, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., May 15, 1873 TEBAULT Myra B., d. of Alfred G. Tebault, M.D., and Edward A. Sawyer, M.D. of Gardi- ner, Mass., by the Rev. Wm. R. Savage, in Norfolk, Va., at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., May 21, 1885 V. C., only d. of Mrs. C. H. Tebault of New Orleans, and Joseph K. Anderson of Montgomery Co., Va., by the Rev. J. P. Lawrence, at Oak Grove, Amherst Co., Va., at the residence of Mrs. Col. E. R. Long. So. Ch., Dec. 2, 1886 W. Paul, (M.D.), and Mary A., d. of James P. Wright, M.D., all of Princess Anne Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. R. Savage, in Eastern Shore Chapel, Princess Anne Co., Va. So. Ch., May 21, 1885 TEBBS Lucy M., of Alexandria, Va., and Donald McLean of Joann, Fairfax Co,, by the Rev. George H. Norton, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexan- dria, Va. So. Ch., July 8, 1886 Sallio Tyler, of Loudoun Co., Va., and William H. Garber, Esq. of Staunton, by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving, in Emanuel Church, Middleburg So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1854 TEMPLE * A notice appears in the issue of Mar. 28, 1856 identical with this except that "all of Alexandria" is written "all of Richmond" 221 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION John N., of Fulton, Ark., s. of the late Rev. H. W. L. Tem- ple of Essex Co., Va., and Alice M., eldest d. of Dr. Henry Gresham of Essex Co., Va., by the Rev. E. Meade, in St. John's Church, Tappahannock, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1881 Lucy E., second d. of the late H. L. W. Temple, and Catesby L. Lewis, all of Essex, by the Rev. J. B. Newton, in St. Paul's Church, Essex, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1872 Mary, d. of the late H. L. W. Temple, and Dr. Warner Lewis, of New Kent, by the Rov. J. B. Newton, at St. Paul's Church, Essex, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1872 Mary L., and Henry C. Varn South Carolina, by the Rev. Everard Meade, in St. Paul's Church. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1885 Willantina, d. of b. Temple, of Esq. of Fredericksburg, Va., and Dr. Prosser J. Harrison of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, at Fredericks- burg. So. Ch., Feb. 3, 1860 TENCH A Inez C., of Washington, und Wyndham Stokes of Welch, W.Va., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1908 TENISUN Mamie R., and Charles S. Martin, both of the City of Nashville, by the rector, the Rev. W. C. Gray, D.D., assisted by the Revs. T. F. and M. Cabell Martin, father and brother of the groom, in the Church of the Advent, Nashville, Tenn. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1883 TENNENT Jno. (The Rev.), and sallie T. Potter, by the Rev. Dr. Colton of Hungar's Parish, Northampton, in St. James' Church, Accomac Co. So. Ch., June 25, 1858 Lucy A., youngest d. of the late Dr. Alexander Tennent, and Taliaferro Hunter, by the Rev. E. C. McGuire, D.D. So. Ch., Nov. 15, 1839 TENNEY C. P., and the Rev. C. Keith, by the Rt. Rev. W. J. Boone, D.D., in the Mission Chapel of the Episcopal Church, Shang- hai. So. Ch., Sept. 28, 1854 TERRELL Albert Johnston, of Bear Garden, Buckingham Co., and Pocahontas bolling, young- est d. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thurston Hubard, by the Rev. Lyttleton E. Hubard of Elizabeth, N.J. assisted by the Rev. Plummer F. Jones, at the bride's home, Chellowe, in Bucking- ham Co. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1921 M. D. (Miss), of Hanover, Va., and W. H. Walker of Ontario, Canada, by the Rev. Robert R. Claiborne, at East View, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1880 TERRETT Amelia H., d. of the late George Terrett, Esq., and Nathaniel C. Hunter, by the Rev. W. F. Lockwood, at Oakland, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., June 2, 1848 Grace A., second d. of F. A. C. Terrett of Fairfax Co., and A. C. Bleight of Fau- quier Co., by the Rev. John McGill, in Zion Church, Fairfax Co. So. Ch., Oct. 4, 1877 TERRILL Bettie V., and John T. 222 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION TERRY Goodwin of Louisa, by the Rev. W. T. Leavell, at Chestnut Hill, Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 19, 1854 Annie E., d. of the late Thos. W. Terry, and Wil- liam L. Carpenter of Albemarle, by the Rev. Robt. Douglas Roller, at the residence of H. C. Doswell, Esq., Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1876 J. Coles, of Roanoke Co., Va., and Lizzie B., d. of Com. W. Whittle, by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, in Trinity Church, Buchan- an. So. Ch., May 1, 1873 Jno. F., Esq., of Lynchburg, and Helen M., second d. of E. A. Talbot, Esq. of Bedford Co., Va., by the Rev. R. H. Wilmer. So. Ch., May 16, 1856 THACKARA Elizabeth James, and Arthur W. Palmer of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. Owen P. Thackara, father of the bride, in St. Peter's Church, Fernandina, Fla. So. Ch., July 23, 1874 THACKSTON Thomas C. (The Rev.), of Farm- ville, and Kate Nelson of Boydton, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Wm. A. Smith, at Boydton, Va. So. Ch., July 20, 1854 THOM Elizabeth Mayo, d. of Col. John Thom, and William B. Ross, all of Culpeper Co., by the Rev. Walker Woodsville, at Berry Hill. So. Ch., Oct. 27, 1837 William A., Jr., and Kate Brooke, d. of the late Richard Baylor, Esq. of Essex Co., Va., by the Rev. B. D. Tucker as- sisted by the Rev. Arthur Lloyd, in St. Paul's Church, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 20, 1887 THOMAS Florence M., d. of the late Benj. Thomas, and Alex- ander McBurney of Alex- andria, by the Rev. Henry Nice, at the residence of Joshua Thomas, Balti- So. Ch., Feb. 24, more. 1881 Grace A., d. of George C. Thomas of Berryville, Va., and Judson H. Booker, M.D. of Northumberland Co., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, at Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1885 Henry (The Rev.), of Pooles- ville, Md., and Rosalie, d. of Judge W. W. Poole, by the Rev. Dr. Lewin, in St. Peter's Church, Dickerson, Md. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1885 James (Dr.), and Nannie E., d. of the late Wm. D. Nel- son, by the Rev. D. M. Wharton, in Nomini Church, Westmoreland Co. So. Ch., 1868 Janes E., of Richmond, Ind., and Alice, d. of the late Rev. James D. McCabe, D.D. of Baltimore, by the Rev. George W. Peterkin, in Memorial Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1875 John H., mercnant and postmaster at Milleville, and Mary Frances, d. of Putnam Jones of Westmore- 223 ་ MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION land Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1861 John Hanson, M.D., of Balti- more, and Anna Campbell, only d. of Basil Gordon, Esq. of Falmouth, by the Rev. E. C. McGuire. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1837 Lizzie W., of Richmond, and Algernon Gray Dainger- field of Harrisonburg, Va., by the Rev. T. G. Addi- son, D.D., at the rectory of Trinity Church, 219 C. St., N.W., Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Sept. 2, 1886 Mary C., d. of D. C. Thomas of Nelson Co., Va., and Wm. Tyler Tompkins of Albemarle Co., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 27, 1863 Mary L., and James Blackis- ton, both of Kent Island, Queen Anne's Co., by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, in Kingsley Chapel, Kent Island, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 8, 1885 Mary R., d. of Dr. J. Han- son Thomas of Baltimore, and John N. Carroll of the "Caves", Baltimore Co., by the Rev. Dr. Mahan, in Grace Church, Balti- more. So. Ch., April 28, 1870 Nanny, eldest d. of Judge H. W. Thomas, and Benjamin Eglin of Washington City, by the Rev. John McGill, at Fairfax C.H. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1873 Recton P., Esq., of Maryland, and Bettie R., d. of Wil- liam Ayre, by the Rov. W. A. Alrich, at the residence of the bride's father, in Fairfax Co. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1868 Robert J., of Louisville, Ky., and Ella, d. of John A. Dix- on of Alexandria, by the Rev. G. H. Norton, D.D., at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., June 1, 1871 THOMPSON A. W., of Tennessee, and Eliza G. Marshall of Lunenburg Co., Va., by the Rev. L. J. Sothoron, at Rose Hill, Lunenburg Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 21, 1879 A. Judson (Dr.), of South Carolina, and Bettie R. Easley, by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving, D.D., at "Wilbon", near South Boston, Halifax Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 8, 1885 Annie, d. of George G. Thomp- son of Culpeper, and the Rev. James G. Minnigerode, rector of Calvary Church, Louisville, Ky., by the Rev. Dr. Charles Minnigerode of St. Paul's Church, Richmond,. va. assisted by the Rev. George W. Peterkin, D.D., Bishop-elect of West Vir- ginia, in St. Stephen's Church, Culpeper. So. Ch., May 23, 1878 Annie H., and Randolph R. Pleasants, Esq.,* by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Mid- wood, Fluvanna Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 27, 1890 Caroline Homo zelle, of Kana- wha Co., W.Va., and Goo. E. Cook of Clarksville, Tenn., by the Rev. W. G. Stewart, at Bollovillo, the rosidonce of tho lato Col. Frank Thompson. A notice appears in the issue of Mar. 20, 1890 identical with this except that it is written Pleasants, Randolph L. 224 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1868 Charles West (The Rev.), rector of St. John's Church, York, Pa., and Caroline, d. of the late Oliver Prescott, M.D. of Newberryport, Mass., by the Rev. Charles Mason, in Grace Church, Boston, Mass. So. Ch., May 3, 1849 Elizabeth C., d. of the rector of Leeds Church,* and the Rev. R. C. Cowling of Wickliffe, Va., by the Rev. P. D. Thompson assisted by the Rev. E. . Cowling, in Leeds Church, Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 14, 1909 Emily H., d. of C. J. Thompson, Esq.; of Louisa Co,, Va., and Wm. T. Ellis, Esq., of Vicksburg, Miss., by the Rev. J. D. Powell, at "Edgwood", Louisa Co., Va. So. Ch., Sopt. 27 1866 Fanny E., d. of the lato John Thompson of Cul- peper Co., and the Rov. John Colo, roctor of St. Stophon's Church, Culpopor Co., by tho Rov. Wm. F. Lockwood, roctor of St. Thomas' Parish, Md., at Culpopor C.H., Va.. So. Ch., Apr. 19, 1855 Frank A. (Miss), and Wilson H. Thompson, by tho Rov. John McGill, at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1874 * George Western, and Fannie Bell Jackson, by the Rev. W. L. Hyland, rector of Trinity Parish, Wood Co., W.Va., at Parkersburg. * Given as printed So. Ch., May 13, 1869 Ida M., and Wm. H. Legg, both of Kent Island, Md., by the Rev. P. D. Thomp- son, at Christ Church rectory, Kent Island, Md. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1889 J. S. Barbour, and Mary Thornton, only d. of Col. Morton and C. Homassel Marye, all of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. G. H. Norton, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1884 Lucas P. (Judge), of Staun- ton, and Arabolla White of Romney, by the Rev. T. T. Castleman, at Rom- noy. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1855 Maria Farley, d. of the late John Thompson, Esq. of Culpeper C.H., and Dr John N. Buffington of Caboll Co., by the Rov. John Colo, in Culpeper Co. So. Ch., Mar. 20, 1857 Maria H., d. of Judge P. R. Thompson of San Francisco, and Colin McCrae of Virginia, by the Rov. Dr. Gallaudot, in Now York City. So. Ch., July 2, 1874 Mary C., of Kanawha Co., W.Va., and Jamos B. L. Lockott of Clarksville, Tonn., by the Rov. . G. Stewart, at Rolloville, tho rosidonco of tho late Col. Frank Thompson. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1868 P. D. (The Rev.), of Halifax, and Lucy Carter, eldest d. of the officiating clergy- man, by the Rev. Geo. W. Dame, in the Church of the Epiphany, in Denville, Va. 225 42 Apr. 8, 1864 Sarah E., eldest d. of the Hon. Robt. A. Thompson, and George William Huie, M.D. of Louisville, Ky., by the Rev. Francis M. Whittle, at Charleston, Kanawha Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1848 Virginia W., d. of the late Gen. Henry A. Thompson, and Wil- liam Ivanhoe Montague, all of Baltimore, by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, rector, assisted by the Rev. W. W. Williams of Christ Church and the Rev. C. J. Holt of the Church of the Holy Innocents, in Emanuel Church, Baltimore. Ch., Dec. 1, 1881 Willia, d. of Mrs. E. H. Thompson of Louis- ville and the late William Henry Thompson, U.S. Navy, and the Rev, Anselan Buchanan, rector of St. John's P. E. Church, Bayonne, N.J., by the Rev. Dr. Craik, in Christ Church. So. Ch., July 1, 1875 Wilson H., and Miss Frank A. Thompson, by the Rev. John McGill, at the resi- dence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1874 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION THOMSON A So. Clara H., d. of John A. Thom- son, Esq. of Jefferson Co., W.Va., and Dr. Edwin G. Booth of Nottoway Co., Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, in Grace Church, Berry- ville, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1870 George Napier, of Richmond, and Jemima, d. of John Dickson formerly of Scot- land, now of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. T. D. Bell, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Scottsville, assisted by the Rev. T. E. Locke, rector of St. Ann's Parish, at Oakland Grove, Albemarle Co. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1878 THORNTON Ada S., d. of W. H. Thorn- ton, Esq., and Geo. Lee R. Tuberville, all of Fairfax Co., Va., by the Rev. Frank Page, in St. John's Church, Center- ville. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1879 Anna Ratcliffe, d. of the late Maj. W. W. Thornton of Brentsville, and J. Boyd Washington of Caro- line Co., by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in St. James' Church. Brentsville, Va.. So. Ch., Aug. 21, 1890 Antoinette Virginia, eldest d. of N. A. Thornton, Esq. of Richmond, and Miles K. Crenshaw of Charles City Co., by the Rev. Dr. Minnigerode, in St. Paul's Church, Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1856 Fannie Hawes, d. of Howard F. Thornton, Esq., and Isaac Tyson, 3rd of Baltimore, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Rose- mont, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1854 Fanny S., of Freder- icksburg, Va., and Samuel B. Strong of Chatta- nooga, by the Rev. E. 226 · MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION C. Murdaugh, in Trinity Church, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1879 Frances Gordon, d. of Mr. and and Mrs. Arthur Presley Thornton, and the Rev. William Byrd Lee Milton, rector of Christ Church Parish, Lancaster Co., Va., by the Rev. Churchill J. Gibson assisted by the rector, the Rev. Dudloy Boogher, and the Rt. Rev. Henry St. George Tucker, in St. Georgo's Church, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 22, 1934 J. Bankhoad T., and Fanniò Caro, second d. of Prof. Ezra and Julia C. Baudor, all of Brentsville, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in St. James Church, Brentsville. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1885 Margaret Hamilton, and Edward Ellicott Ramey of Louisville, Ky., at the residence of the bride's father, George W. Thorn- ton, M.D. So. Ch., Jan. 5, 1882 Mary, d. of Dr. Philip Thorn- ton, and Robert S. Voss, Esq., at Montpelier, Rappa- Hammock Co. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1835 Mary Rosina, d. of Champe B. Thornton, and David B. Powers, all of Port Royal, Caroline Co., Va., by the Rev. James E. Poindexter, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch. Nov. 2, 1871 Mildred H., eldest d. of Maj. W. W. Thornton of Brents- ville, Va., and James J. Davies, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Apr. 17, 1873 Nina, second d. of Chas. A. Thornton, Esq. of Miss- issippi, and Edward Cunningham, Jr. of St. Louis, by the Rev. Aris- tides Smith, at the residence of P. B. Key, Esq., in Erfield, N.C. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1877 P. L. W., S.V.R.R., of Richmond, and Marianna, d. of the late Dr. Elcon Jonos of Fairfax C.H., Va., by tho Rev. Addison, rector of Trinity Church, in Washington City. So. Ch., Juno 27, 1872 Robert H. (Dr.), of Nowport, Ky., and Susy Bacon of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Mr. Craighill, in the Episcopal Church, Dalton, Ga. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1891 Thomas C., of Caroline Co., Va., and Victoria H. Gray of Fauquier, by the Rev. Jno. Lindsay of St. James Church, Warrenton, in Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1871 W. F., and J. M. Hunnicutt, by the Rev. Robt. R. Claiborne, at Sussex C.H. So. Ch., Mar. 4, 1880 Wm. H., of Fairfax Co., Va., and Mary M. Whedbie formerly of North Carolina now of Prince William Co., Va., by the Rev. Arthur P.- Gray, in St. Paul's Chur‍ch Haymarket. So. Ch., Jan. 5, 1888 THORP Arthur St. Edmund, of Somer- set, England, and Eliza- beth Gwynn, d. of Amana G. 227 - J ¿ MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION and James S. Harrison, M.D. lately of the University of Virginia, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, at Gainesville, Prince William Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 24 and 31, 1887 Bettie, and Chas. A. Gregory, both of Granville Co., N.C., by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, at the residence of the bride's father, Benj. P. Thorp. So. Ch., Dec. 19, 1872 F. G., of Henrico Co., Va., and Evelyn V. Carter of Nelson Co., Va., by the Rov. Edmund Withers, at the residence of Wm. Cartor, in Nolson Co. So. Ch., Doc. 5, 1867 Mollio J., of Granvillo Co., N.C., and R. T. Smith, by tho Rov. P. D. Thompson, at the rosidonco of tho bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1871 THRALL Goorgo E. (Tho Rov.), and Thomasino Gist, d. of the Hon. Lowis C. Lovin of Philadelphia, by the Rov. Dudley A. Tyng. So. Ch., Juno 14. 1855 THRIFT James (Col.), and Lucrotia M., d. of Col. John Roid, all of Fairfax, by tho Rov W. F. Lockwood, at Fruit Valo. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1848 THROWER Agnos M., d. of S. R. Throwor, Esq. of Boydton, and Holmos C. Harrison of Goochland Co., by the Rov. B. T. Turnor, at Boydton, Mocklonburg Co., Va. So. Ch., Doc. 22, 1881 THURSTON Agnos, d. of Edward T. Thurs- ton, Esq., and Samuol V. * Givon as printod Corbell, all of Gloucester Co., by the Rev. Wm. B. Lee, in Abingdon Church, Gloucester Co., Va. Va. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1885 THURMAN Alexander, of Lynchburg, and Mary A., d. of the late John Y. Sander son of New Kent, by the Rev. Mr. Hepbron, in St. Peter's Church, New Kent Co. So, Ch., Nov. 17, 1887 THURSTON Lillie, eldest d. of Mrs. Charlos P. Thurston of Cumberland, and the Rov. Francis K. Loavoll of Coal Valloy, by the roctor, the Rov. P. Molson Meado, assistod by tho Rov. W. T. Loavoll, in Emmanuel Church, Cumborland. So. Ch., Feb. 4, 1886 THWE ATE * Mary Eppos, socond d. of tho lato Richard N. Thwoato, and Rov. P. E. Borkley, by the Rov. Wm. V. Bowers, at Mantua, Chostorfield Co., Va. So. Ch., Sopt. 15, 1837 THWEATT Alfred F., Esq., and Louisa E., d. of Wm. H. Wilson of Amelia Co., by the Rov. A. B. Tizzard, in Trinity Church, Chosterfield Co. So. Ch., Apr. 4, 1867 Alico F., d. of the lato R. N. Thwontt of Chesterfiold, and Arthur Sandys of Cr1- cutta, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at Mount Ida, tho rosidonco of tho brido's mother, in Chesterfield Co.; Va. So. Ch., Hay 26, 1881 Iny Julia, d. of the late Richard Thwoatt, Esq. of Chostor- fiold Co., Va., and tho Rov. 228 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION A. B. Tizzard, by the Rev. F. P. Berkley, at Mantua. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1850 Mary E., d. of the late R. N. Thweatt, Esq. of Chester- field, Va., and George M. Wilson of Amelia Co., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at Mount Ida. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1865 Mary Eppes, of Chesterfield Co., and James F. Strother of Madison Co., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, in Trinity Church, Chester- field Co., Va. So. Ch., June 14, 1888 Matilda F., d. of the late Richard N. Thweatt, and Branch T. Hurt, by the Rev. P. F. Berkley, at Mantua, Chesterfield Co. So. Ch., Oct. 18, 1839 See also BANDYS, Alice F. (Mrs.) TIDBALL T. A. (The Rev.), rector of Trinity, Portsmouth, and Josephine, eldest d. of Dr. P. T. Browne of Acco- mack Co., Va., by the Rev. Alexander S, Berkley, in St. James' Church, Drum- mondtown. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1872 TIERNAGE Irene, of Fayette Co., Tenn., and Prof. A. Mor- rison of Virginia, by the Rev. J. B. Canada, at "Walnut Grove", at the residence of the bride's mother, Fayette Co., Tenn. So. Ch., June 14, 1877 TIFFANY Emily, and the Rev. Carter Beverly, rector of the church at Ivy, Va., by the Rt. Rev. H. St. George Tucker, D.D., Bishop of Virginia, at Warrenton, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 24, 1932 Walter Checkley, of Minnṇap- olis, and Lila Andrews, d. of George R. Robinson of St. Louis, by the Rev. George Sterling, in Emmanuel Church, near St. Louis, Mo. So. Ch., May 10, 1888 TIFFEY Anna C., d. of Richard V. Tiffey, Esq., and Rev. Wm. Friend of Port Royal, by the Rev. George Woodbridge of Rich- mond, at Office Hall, King George Co. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1857 Bettie P., and Thomas Hughes of Rappahannock, by the Rev. D. M. Wharton, at Montross, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 21, 1869 Lucy Weston, formerly of King George Co., Va., and Nathaniel Hynson of Kent Co., Md., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Pinckney assisted by the Rev. Dr. Elldott, associate rector,in the Church of the Ascension Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1877 TILDEN C. Henry, of Philadelphia, and Kate Davis of Essex Co., Va., by the Rev. Mr. Keeblo, in St. John's, Tappahannock. So. Ch., Aug. 10, 1876 TILFORD John B., of New York, and Florinda J. Hammond of Berryville, Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at the residence of Mrs. Bushrod Taylor. So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1870 Lottie J., of Hampton, and John B. Clay of Newport 229 MARRIAGE NOTICES OF THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION News, by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt, in St. John's Church, Hampton, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 12, 1882 TILGHMAN Charles H., of Talbot Co., Md., and Elizabeth, d. of William Donnell, Esq., by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, D.D., at the residence of the bride's father, in Baltimore. So. Ch., Dec. 8, 1881 Maud, d. of the late Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, and Bric Pierson Swenson of Now York City, by the Rev. Honry Mason Smyth of Platts- burg, N.Y.. assisted by the Rev. Dr. Greer of St. Bartholomew's Church, N¸w York, at St. James' Church, New York. So. Ch., June 20, 1889 TILLER Thomas M., and Virginia Isa- bella, d. of David W. Burns, all of Richmond, by the Rev. Mr. Peterkin, in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1856 TILLINGHAST John Huske (The Rev.), of St. Paul's, Clinton, and Sarah Jane, d. of John Wilkins, Esq., of Rutherford, N.C., by the Rev. J. D. McCul- lough of the Diocese of South Carolina, in St. John's Church, Rutherford, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1865 TIMBERLAKE G Jno. W., of Albemarle Co., and Eliza B., eldest d. of Wm. H. and Sallie J. Sims, by the Rev. John T. Clark, at "Black Walnut", Halifax Co. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1869 Martha V. (Mrs.), nee Crane, of Jefferson Co., W.Va., and Maj. H. li. Bell of Staunton, Va., by the Rev. Dallas Tucker, rector of Zion Church, Charles Town, assisted by the Rev. Wal- ter 0. Hullihen, rector of Trinity Church, Staunton, Va., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Margaret S. Grano, near Charles Town, Jefferson Co., W. Va. So. Ch., Nov. 11, 1886 Richard N., and Maggie L. Watson, both of Spotsyl- vania Co., by the Rev. J. Groon Shackelford, rector of Trinity Church, Froder- ricksburg, in St. George's Chapel, Spotsylvania Co. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1888 Wayt Bell, of Staunton, Va., and Frances Stuart, eldest d. of Mrs. Emma K. and the late John Orfeur Yates of Jefferson Co., W.Va., by the Rev. John S. Alfriend assisted by the Rev. P. N. McDonald, in Zion Episcopal Church, Charles Town, W.Va. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1907 TINSLEY (0 David C., of Amherst, and J. Alice Achree of Bedford, by the Rev. R. J. McBryde, at Forest Home, Bedford Co. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1869 Mary T., d. of Benj. T. Tinsley, Esq., and Capt. E. T. Kindred of Texas, by the Rev. J. Earnest, at lmwood, Roanoke Co., the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1864 William H., of Big Lick, Roanoke Co., Va., and 230 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Z. D., Esq., of Amherst Co., and Mary Ann, d. of the late Capt. Pleasant Dawson, by the Rev. Mr. Cofer, in Bed- ford Co. So. Ch., Nov. 24, 1837 Helen G. Johnston, by the Rev. Edwin A. Penick, at the residence of the bride's mother, Salem, Roanoke Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1878 TIZZARD A. B. (The Rev.), and Julia, d. of the late Richard Thweatt, Esq. of Chester- field Co., Va., by the Rev. F. P. Berkley, at Mantua. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1850 TODD Everard M. (Maj.), and Mrs. Julia W. Carroll, both of Smithfield, Va., by the Rev. David Barr, in Christ Church, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1887 James, of Wheeling, and Ann Devoe of Parkersburg, by the Rev. E. T. Perkins. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1848 John W., and Everallan Car- roll, both of Smithfield, Isle of Wight Co., Va., by the Rev. Edw. W. Wroth, in Christ Church, Smith- field, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1877 Lillie Payne, and Duncan Robertson, both of Norfolk Va., by the Rev. F. C. Steinmetz, rector of Christ Church, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Letcher, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 23, 1909 TOLER Ann N. (Mrs.), d. of the late George N. Grymes of King George Co., Va., and Roger B. Atkinson, Esq. of Sher- wood, by the Rev. C. T. Gibson, at Kinderwood, Lunenburg Co. So. Ch., June 15, 1860 TOLFORD David W. (The Rev.), of Gambier, Ohio, and Pris- cilla M. Waring, late of Prince George's Co., Md., by the Rev. Ethan Allen, in Dayton, Ohio. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1839 TOLLE Henry C., and Elizabeth Fyffe, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, in St. John's Church, Scottsville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 27, 1890 TOLSON Francis A., of Maryland, and Edmonia H. Grymes, by the Rev. Arthur Johns, at the residence of the bride's mother, in King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1873 TOMLIN Edmonia Fitzhugh, d. of the late R. W. Tomlin, Esq. of Hanover, and James F. Maupin of Norfolk, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in Immanuel Church, Hanover. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1888 Mary L., d. of the late Williamson Tomlin, Esq., and Wm. C. Eustace of Lancaster Co., by the Rev. E. C. McGuire. So. Ch., Doc. 15, 1837 TOMPKINS C. W., of Spotsylvania, Va., and Sally F. Royston, by the Rev. Jas. E. Poindexter, at Ormsby, Caroline Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1872 Evelina W., and John H. Abell of St. Mary's Co., Md., by the Rev. J. E. Poindexter, at Ormsby, Caroline Co., Va. 231 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION So. Ch., Sept. 28, 1882 Henderson F., of Fauquier, and Lizzie B., d. of R. C. and Mary Weir of Manassas, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in Trinity Church, Manassas. So. Ch., Feb. 1, 1883 Jennie, and St. Clair Hart- man, by the Rev. Wm. N. Nelson, at Stony Point, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 9, 1854 Mary Agnes, of Spotsylvania Co., Va., and Henry F. Turnipseed of Montgomery Co., Ala., by the Rev. J. E. Poindexter, at Ormsby, Caroline Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 28, 1882 Robert R., formerly of Fau- quier Co., Va., and Evelina S. Wellford, late of Freder- icksburg, by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, at the residence of the bride's uncle, C. C. Wellford, in Spotsylvania Co. So. Ch., Feb. 19, 1864 Samuel Woods, of Richmond, and Sarah Nellie, second d. of the late James Tompkins of Albe- marle Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Locust Shades, the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1893 Sarah Nellie, second d. of the late James Tompkins of Albemarle Co., and Samuel Woods Tompkins of Richmond, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Locust Shades, the resi- dence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1893 Wm. Tyler, of Albemarle Co., and Mary C., d. of D. C. Thomas of Nelson Co., Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., S Nov. 27, 1863 Barbara Ellen, of Western- port, and George R. Cole of Piedmont, W.Va., by the Rev. W. Herbert of Assheton, at Westernport, Md. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1883 TUNRY TOOT Sallie F., and John Mattaner Carrington, by the Rev. Albert R. Walker, in St. John's Church, Halifax C.H., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 10, 1870 TORRENCE George J., and Fannie Wash- ington Brown, by the Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph assisted by the Rev. J. Lumbley Lough, in Emman- uel Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1883 TOWLES Pagal Adella J., d. of Dr. Por- teus Towles, and James 0. Harcum, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, in Christ Church, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1857 Edwin L., formerly of Freder- icksburg, and Willie, d. of Dr. Porteus Towles, at the residence of the bride's father, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 28, 1875 Sta Ella C., d. of the rector, and E. A. Poole of Wash- ington, by the Rev. John Towles, rector, assisted by the Rev. E. A. Dalrym- ple, S.T.D., of Balti- more, in Christ Church, Accokeek. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1880 Ethel, and William B. Sear- son, by the Rev. Thos. P. Baker, at Yonge's Island, KOTA 252 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION S.C. So. Ch., Jan. 16, 1909 John, and Sophronia Eliza- beth, youngest d. of Col. John Chowning, by the Rev. Ephraim Alarms, in White Chapel. Lancaster Co. So. Ch., Arg. 21, 1835 Louisa, and H. M. Eagley CARE lately from Virginia, by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Hender- son, Ky. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1884 Willie, d. of Dr. Forteus Towles, and Edwin L. Towies formerly of Fredericksburg, at the residence of the bride's father, Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 28, 1875 TOWNES William, Jr., of Mecklenburg, and Nannie E. Barksdale of Charlotte, by the Rev. H. A. Brown, at the residence of Henry E. Edmunds, Charlotte Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1864 TOWNSEND Charlotte, youngest d. of the Rev. J. H. and the late Charlotte Cox Town- send, and Chester Karl Harriman of Florence, Cal., by the bride's father, at her home, Smith- town, Long Island, N.Y. So. Ch., Aug. 28, 1920 J. H. (The Rev.), rector of St. John's Church, Camden, N.J., and Elizabeth Wilmer Wilson Edwards, by the Rev. W. T. Snyder, rector of the Church of the Incarnation, at the resi- dence of the bride's broth- er, Admiral Henry B. Wilson, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1917 < J. H., Jr. (Capt.), Ameri- can Red Cross, and Mary Rose Weber of Portland, Ore., in St. George's English Church, Paris, France. So. Un., Nov. 1, 1919 Lloyd W. (Lt.), U.S.N., and Dorothy, youngest d. of Harry Bellwin Osborne, Esq., by the Rev. J. H. Townsend, in St. Paul's Church, Willimantic, Conn. So. Ch., Feb. 11, 1911 TRACY Emma Capers, d. of Capt. C. C. Tracy, and Joseph W. Lucas, by the Rev. Thomas P. Baker, in Jude's Church, Walterboro, S.C. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1909 TRAFTON Helen, and Col. McClain Jackson, by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, at Henderson, Ky. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1883 TRAPNELL Joseph, Esq., s. of the officiating clergyman, and Rebecca H., d. of N. S. White, Esq., by the Rev. Jos. Trapnell, Jr. assisted by the Rev. M. Ambler, at Charles Town, Jefferson Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1866 TRAVERS S. Wingfield, and Emmie McC. Hatcher, by the Rev. Dr. J. Peterkin assisted by the Rev. Charles Minnige- rode, at the residence of the bride's father, Thomas W. McCance, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 21, 1886 TREDWAY Roberta H., and Willis L. Gravely, by the Rev. Geo. W. Dame, in the Church of the Epiphany, Danville. So. Ch., Jan. 23, 1879 TRENT 1 yan 233 P. (Dr.), of Richmond, Va., and Lucy C., d. of Col. Thos. N. Burwell of Bote- tourt Co., Va., by the Rev. F. M. Baker, at Rustic Lodge. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1855 TRIBBLE MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION John S. (Dr.), of Essex Co., and Mrs. Anna J. Dillard formerly of Gloucester, by the Rev. H. L. Derby, at "Midway", Lancaster Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1877 TRIBLE * George M., and Clara Brooke Seward, by the rector, the Rev. Dr. Hundley, in St. Luke's P. E. Church, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 9, 1883 TRICE Elizabeth Ann, d. of R. P. Trice, and Charles Potter, all of Fairfax Co., by the Rev. R. T. Brown, near Pohick. So. Ch., Apr. 22, 1859 Lucy Lee, and John Minor, by the Rev. E. L. Goodwin assisted by the Rev. P. H. Gwinn, at Wiloughby, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., June 18, 1891 TRIGG William R., and Mrs. Roberta N. Hanewinckel, both of Richmond, by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, in Rich- mond. So. Ch., Jan. 17, 1884 TRIGGER Milly, of King George Co., and George W. Inscove, by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the rectory of Washington Parish.* So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1861 TRIPLETT Emily Louisa, d. of Mrs. Nannie J. and the late William Stone Triplett, and Meredith F. Montague, by the Rev. Charles Minnigerode, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Joshua Peter- kin, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 17, 1884 John B., and Sarah S., d. of the late James Cox of Pleasants Co., Va. formerly of Hedgesville, Berkeley Co., by the Rev. W. L. Hyland, at the residence of the bride's brother, in Pleasants Co. So. Ch., Mar. 29, 1861 Mary Jenifer, d. of the late William S. Triplett, and Philip Haxhall, both of Richmond, by the Rev. Charles Minnigerode, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Apr. 30, 1874 Mary W., d. of John R. Triplett, Esq., and John B. Slaughter, Jr., by the Rev. Montgomery Schuyler, D.D., the Rt. Rev. Bishop of the Diocese pronouncing the benediction, in Christ Church, St. Louis. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1875 TRIST T. J., of Philadelphia, and Maria Ellen D. S., youngest d. of the late Hon. J. H. Lyman of North- ampton, Mass., by the Rev. T. H. Gallaudet assisted by the Rev. P. P. Irving, in Christ Church, New Brighton, N.Y. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1858 TROTT Washington Parish is in Westmoreland County, Virginia (Journal of Virginia, Richmond, 1941) ... Diocese 254 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION John B., and Julia M., third d. of Mrs. Lucy D. Plummer of Fairfax Co., by the Rev. W. F. Lockwood, at Center- ville. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1848 TRUSLOW Mildred, d. of Mrs. Edward Truslow of Summit, N.J., and Dr. John Minor of Washington, D.C., s. of Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Minor of Asheville, N.C., by the Rev. W. 0. Kinsolving, rector of the church, and the Rev. Elmore McKee of Waterbury, Conn., brother-in-law of the bride, in Christ Church, Summit, N.J. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1922 TSONG Chang Mia, a puella Formosa, and the Rev. G. D. McKay formerly of the Valley of Virginia, Presbyterian Missionary, at Formosa, China. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 TUBMAN Mary, of Charles Co., and the Rev. Simon Wilmer, rector of Crist Church, Prince George's and Charles Count- ies, Md., by the Rt. Rev. Wm. H. Stone, D.D., at Mulberry Grove. So. Ch., Aug. 4, 1837 TUCKER Alfred B. (Dr.), of Winches- ter, and Eliza Taylor, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Springberry, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 29, 1856 Alonzo F., and Annie E. West, both of Hanover Cɔ., Va., by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, at Gethsemane (Campbellite) Church. So. Ch., May 15, 1890 Annie B., of Charlottesville, Va., and Prof. Lyon G. Ty- ler of Memphis, Tenn., by the Rev. G. H. Gilmer, at the residence of the minis- tér, in Pulaski Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 B. St. George (Dr.), and Eliza C., second d. of Dr. John Mercer, by the Rev. Mr. Ambler, at Williamsburg. So. Ch., Dec. 6, 1861 Beverly D. (The Rev.), of War- Saw, Va., and Anna Maria, d. of the late Col. John A. Washington of Mount Vernon, by the Rev. Mr. Leavell, in Zion Church, Charles Town, W.Va. So. Ch., July 31, 1873 Beverly Dandridge, Jr. (The Rev.), second s. of the officiating bishop, and Eleanor, d. of Prof. and Mrs. William Minor Lile of the University of Virginia, by the Rt. Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Southern Virginia, in St. Paul's Memorial Church, University of Virginia. So. Ch Ch.., May 8, 1915 Cassie D., and J. Thompson Brown, both of Virginia, by the Rev. Dallas Tucker, in St. James' Episcopal Church, Wooster, Ohio. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1882 Dallas (The Rev.), and Harriett E., d. of the late Alger- non E. Ashburner of Phila- delphia, by the Rev. L. S. Osborne, at Trinity Church, West Philadelphia. So. Ch., July 1, 1880 Emma Beverly, d. of the late 235 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION David H. Tucker of Richmond, Va., and Forrest W. Brown, Commonwealth's Attorney, Charles Town, W.Va., by the Rev. Dallas Tucker, in Zion Church, Charles Town, W.Va. So. Ch., June 25, 1885 J. Randolph, of Charleston, W.Va., and Fanny B., youngest d. of Judge Wil- liam W. Crump of Richmond, by the Rev. Dr. Minnigerode assisted by the Rev. Dallas Tucker, in Richmond. So. Ch., May 15, 1873 Thomas S. B. (Capt.), of Williamsburg, Va., and Julia, d. of the late Wil- liam L. Clark, Esq. of Winchester, Va., by the Rev. William C. Meredith, at Carysbrook, Frederick Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 20, 1866 Zettie, youngest d. of the late Judge Beverly Tucker of Williamsburg, and John P. Little, M.D. of Rich- mond, by the Rev. Chas. Minnigerode, D.D., at Williamsburg, Va. So. Ch., June 6, 1867 TUGGLE Florence Lacy, and Harry Stanard Beverly, by the Rev. T. P. Eppes assisted by the Rev. W. H. Milton, at "The Grove", the resi- dence of the bride's father, in Nottoway Co., Vɛ. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1893 TULLOSS Joseph D., and Annie Camp- bell, by the Rev. Jno. Mc- Gill, at the residence of S. Welsh, the bride's uncle. So. Ch., Dec. 9, 1869 William R. (Dr.), of Haymar- ket, Prince William Co., Va., and Fannie Walker, d. of Dr. E. P. Clark of The Plains, Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. David Barr, in Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Feb. 9, 1907 TUNSTALL John B., of Marshall Co., Miss., and Grace D., d. of the late Richard R. Watson, Esq. of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, at Coyners Spring, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1877 John L., of Lynchburg, Va., s. of W. P. Tunstall, and Florence L., d. of the late Wm. Massie of Nelson, by the Rev. Edward Withers, at Pharsalia, Nelson Co. So. Ch., Dec. 31, 1868 Mary E., and Joseph J. Dil- lard, by the Rev. H. L. Derby, at "Spring Hill", Sussex, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 4, 1873 Mary M., of Lynchburg, and Jas. G. Brooks of Rich- mond, by the Rev. W. H. Kinckle, in St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg. So. Ch., June 12, 1857 TUNSTILL Sallie, only d. of E. M. and Christine Tunstill, and E. M. Vandervort, both of Lewis Co., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, rector of St. Paul's Church, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Weston, W.Va. So. Ch., July 15, 1886 TUPPER Tullius C. (The Rev.), and Imogen H. Hicks of Panola Co., Miss., by the Rev. S. H. Green assisted by the Rev. G. White, D.D. of Memphis, in the Church of The Redeemer, Sardis, Miss. - 236- So. Ch., Sept. 17, 1874 TURBERVILLE MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Geo. Lee R., and Ada S., à. of W. H. Thornton, Esq., all of Fairfax Co., Va., by the Rev. Frank Page, in St. John's Church, Centreville. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1879 TURNBULL Helen, d. of Capt. Robert Turnbull, Lawrenceville, Va., and John Jackson of Lunenburg.Co., Va., by the Rev. Green Shackelford, in Lawrenceville, Va., at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1882 Mary M., d. of E. R. Turn- bull, Esq., and Yelverton Tabb of Amelia, by the Rev. Otis A. Glazebrook, at the residence of the bride's father, in Lawrence- ville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1871 Virginia, d. of R. D. Turn- bull, Esq., and George Claiborne, Esq., by the Rev. R. A. Castleman, in Lawrenceville, Brunswick Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 6, 1863 William Fillmore, and Eliza- beth Burcher Ost, by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt, in St. John's Church, Hampton, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1882 TURNER B. Thornton (The Rev.), of Gooch- land Co., Va., and Nanny Addison, fourth d. of George F. Harrison, at Longwood, Goochland Co. So. Ch., Jan. 30, 1879 Bettie S., eldest d. of Jos- eph H. Turner, Esq., and Lt. James E. Mason of Acco- mac Co., Va., by the Rev. R. R. Mason, at Columbia, Fluvanna Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 8, 1865 Carrie M., d. of Carolinus Turner, Esq., and Dr. Wm. N. Jett, all of King George Co., by the Rev. E. B. Mc- Guire, in Immanuel Church, King George Co. So. Ch., Sept. 10, 1874 Charles L., of Prince George's Co., Md., and Lillie, d. of A. P. Burns of Baltimore, by the Rev. J. B. Perry, in St. Andrew's Church, Wash- ington, D.C. So. Ch., July 30, 1885 Eliza H., d. of Richard Turner of King George Co., and William C. Pratt of Caro- line, by the Rev. J. E. Locke, at Woodlawn. So. Ch., May 18, 1860 Eliza R., d. of Edward C. Turner, Esq., and Jacque- line A. Marshall, by the Rev. W. H. H. Powers, in Grace Church, The Plains. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1878 Emma J., of Ricnmond, Va., and Prof. John C. Pettus late of Iuka, Miss., by the Rev. H. McDonald. So. Ch., July 28, 1881 George, and Jane C. W., d. of Austin Fitzhugh, Esq., all of King George Co., by the Rev. E. B. McGuire, at the residence of the bride's father, Mill Bank. So. Ch., May 30, 1872 George, of Belle Grove, and Janie M. McGuire, d. of the rector, by the Rev. Edward McGuire, in St. John's Church, King George C.H. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1876 Ida C., d. of Capt. John C. Turner, and Jos ph K. Irving, by the Rev. Thomas > 237 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION E. Locke, at Dunleith, Buckingham Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 10, 1881 Jeanie, and Capt. Edward Carter, by the Rev. John McGill. So. Ch., Sept. 26, 1867 John J., and Lizzie G., youngest d. of the late John V. Kean, Esq., by the Rev. H. Melville Jackson, in Grace Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 M. T. (The Rev.), of Washington, Ga., and Olivia M. Johnston, by the Rev. J. B. Newton, D.D. assisted by the Rev. B. T. Turner, at the resi- dence of A. Langstaff Johnston, Esq., Richmond, Va. So, Ch., Jan. 31, 1889 Mary Hamilton, d. of the late James Willett Turner, and the Rev. J. Gordon Maxwell, by the Rev. G. Emlen Hare, D.D., in Emmanuel Church, So. Ch., Sept. 10, 1858 Mary Welby, and Capt. I. H. Cochran, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S.A., in Grace Church, The Plains, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 27, 1917 Robert Hall, and Mary Keech, by the Rev. L. J. Sothoron, in Trinity Church, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., Md. So. Ch., Nov. 20, 1884 Sarah A., of Albemarle, and William E. Haden of Flu- vanna Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at the residence of Mr. Hopkins, near Glen- dower. So. Ch., Feb. 12, 1885 See also SHELTON, Hallie W. (Mrs.) TURNIPSEED Henry F., of Montgomery Co., Ala., and Mary Agnes Tomp- kins of Spotsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. J. E. Poindexter, at Ormsby, Caroline Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 28, 1882 TURPIN Jackson, Esq., and Susan Latane, d. of E. A. J. Clopton, Esq., by the Rev. Henry Wall, D.D., in St. John's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., June 1, 1871 Thos. J., and Mary G. Roy- all, both of Powhatan Co., Va., by the Rev. John D. Powell, at the residence of the bride's father, Joseph W. Royall, Esq. So. Ch., Dec. 2, 1859 win. C., of Macon, Ga., and Evelyn Willing, a. of Wm. N. and Mary A. Nelson, by the Rev. C. B. Bryan, in Christ Church, Millwood, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 10, 1884 TUTWILER Jonn McLellan, Esq. of Lexington, Va., and Julia, eldest d. of the late Gen. Albert Rust, former member of Congress from the State of Arkansas, by the Rev. John Ambler, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Nannie B. Rust, Luray, Page Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 9, 1874 TWING A. T., D.D. (The Rev.), of New York City, and Mary Abbot, d. of Charles Emery, Esq. of Dorchester, by the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of the Diocese, in St. Mary's Church, Dorchester, Mass. So. Ch., June 22, 1876 TILER Adele, and Dr. Wm. Armendt, by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, 258- MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION in Trinity Church, Owens- boro, Ky. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1884 Alice, d. of ex-President Tyler of Sherwood Forest, Charles City Co., and the Rev. Henry Mandeville Deni- son of Brooklyn, N.Y., by the Rev. W. T. Leavell, at Sherwood Forest, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., July 18, 1850 Bettie G., d. of Dr. Wat H. Tyler, and the Rev. John T. Points of New Kent Co., by the Rev. G. S. Carroway, at Tarwood, Hanover Co. So. Ch., Apr. 16, 1858 Cassie M., d. of Col. Nat. Tyler formerly of Richmond, Va., and Robert L. Armstrong of Baltimore, by the Rev. Wm. Kirkus, in the Church of Saint Michael and All Angels. So. Ch., July 8, 1880 Douglass, Esq., of Lees- burg, and Mary Virginia, d. of Jno. M. Harrison, Esq., by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving, at Windsor, Loudoun Co. So. Ch., July 1, 1869 Ellen, only d. of the late Rev. Joseph D. Tyler, Principal of the Institution for the Ed- ucation of the Deaf and Dumb, at Staunton, Va., and the Hon. Samuel J. Person of Wilmington, N.C., Judge of the Superior Court of that state, by the Rev. C. B. Dana of Alexandria, in Trinity Church, Staunton. So. Ch., June 25, 1858 Hortensia, of Front Royal, and Charles H. Leach, Esq. of Fauquier Co., by the Rev. R. T. Berry, at Front Royal. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1865 Letitia, d. of the Hon. John Tyler of Williams- burg, Va., and James A. Semple, by the Rev. Wm. Hodges. So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1839 Lucy Yates, youngest d. of the late Dr. Wat H. Ty- ler, and Edward Colston New- ton, by the Rev. John B. Newton, at Kelvin Grove, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 2, 1875* Lyon G. (Prof.), of Memphis, Tenn., and Annie B. Tucker of Charlottesville, Va., by the Rev. G. H. Gilmer, at the residence of the officiating minister, in Pulaski Co., Va. So. Ch. Nov. 28, 1878 9 Mary Armistead, second d. of Dr. Wat H. Tyler, and Col. Joseph Mayo, Jr., all of Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. Andrew Fisher, at Locust Farm, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 19 and 26, 1868 Mary E., d. of the late Edmund Tyler of Loudoun Co., and Jos. T. Watson, by the Rev. 0. A. Kin- solving, in the church at Aldie. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1869 Mary Lyon, d. of Judge and Mrs. David Gardiner Tyler, and George Peterkin Gamble, by the Rev. Cary Gamble of the Church of the Nativity, Huntsville, Ala., and the Rev. E. W. Gamble of St. Paul's Church, Selma, Ala., This seems to be a correction of a notice which appeared in the issue of Nov. 18, 1875 K 239 So. Ch., father and uncle of the groom, at "Sherwood Forest", Charles City Co., Va., the home of the bride's parents. Oct. 23, 1926 Mattie, youngest d. of the late William Tyler, Esq. of Virginia, and J. H. Smith, Esq. of the firm of Smith and Powzie, Phila- delphia, by the Rev. John Collins McCabe, D.D., rector of the Church of the Ascen- sion, Baltimore, at "Sherwood Forest", Charles City Co., Va., the county seat of the bride's uncle, the Hon. John Tyler, ex- President of the United States. So. Ch., So. Ch., June 1, 1860 Nannie C., youngest d. of Dr. Wm. Tyler, Sr. of Frederick, Md., and Wal- ker Y. Page formerly of Virginia, by the Rev. Chas. Seymour, in All Saints' Church, Frederick, Md. So. Ch., June 11, 1858 Richard Barnes, of Peters- MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION burg, Va., and Ellen Doug- lass, only d. of the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur P. Gray, Sr., by the Rev. Arthur P. Gray, Jr. of Lawrence- ville, Va. assisted by the Rev. Arthur P. Gray, Sr., in Trinity Church, Washington, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1913 Robert H. (Capt.), and Sal- lie S. Chinn, both of Prince William Co., Va., by the Rev. H. W. L. Tem- Cart ple, at Tappahannock, Essex Co. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1863 Sallie B., d. of Col. Henry B. Tyler, and Thomas R. Love, Esq., by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving, at Fairfax C.H. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1869 TYNG Susan C., d. of the late Hon. Dudley A. Tyng, and Edward A. Newton, Esq. of Pittsfield, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng of Philadelphia, in Grace Church, Boston. So. Ch., July 21, 1837 TYSUN Alex. H. (Dr.), of Balti- more Co., and Mrs. Rebecca A. Howard of Baltimore, by the Rev. Dr. Johns. So. Ch., Oct. 6, 1837 Isaac, 3rd of Baltimore, and Fannie Hawes, d. of Howard F. Thornton, Esq., by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Rosemont, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1854 James W., of Baltimore, Md., and Elizabeth Key, eldest d. of Maj. Charles Howard, by the Rev. H. Melville Jackson, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Churchill J. Gib- son, D.D., in Grace Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 1, 1891 Nannie Key, and Robert Mit- chell, both of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. C. Clif- ton Pennick, at Oakland, So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1872 Md. UHRIG Jacob, of Gallipolis, Ohio, and Mary Julick of Point Pleasant, W.Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, at Point Pleasant, W.Va. So. Ch., Feb. 19, 1874 UNDERWOOD ! Nannie M., d. of Wm. P. Underwood, Esq., Clerk of the Court of Surry Co., and Dr. J. W. Sessous of North Carolina, by the Rev. John C. McCabe, rec- tor of St. John's Church, Hampton, at Surry C.H. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1855 UNRUH Georgianna, and Bushrod E. Courtney, by the Rev. T. Grayson Dashiell, in Yeocomico Church. So. Ch., Dec. 17, 1858 UPHAM -UV- Benjamin N., of Vermont, and Fannie Scott, d. of George H, Dameron of Amherst Co., by the Rev. J. P. Lawrence, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1878 UP SHAW Mamie Heath, d. of Mrs. V. D. Upshaw, and Reuben B. Knox, by the Rev. K. S. Nelson, at River Edge, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1886 UPSHUR Abel B., Esq., and Columbia W., d. of the late Capt. W. G. Williams of the Corps of Topographical Engineers, U.S. Army, by the Rev. A. Stryker, in Baltimore. So. Ch., June 27, 1872 John N. (Dr.), and Lucy P., d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Bishop F. M. Whittle, in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov, 27, 1873 John.N. (Dr.), and Elizabeth Spencer, d. of William S. Peterkin of Baltimore, by the Rt. Rev. Geo. William Peterkin, D.D., in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1879 Sallie Parker, only d. of Mrs. Sarah A. P. Upshur, and Thomas C. Walston, Esq., by the Rev. Arthur Johns, in Christ Church, Eastville, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 12, 1877 URBAN Percy L. (The Rev.), assist- ant rector of St. Peter's Church, Germantown, and Mary Robinson, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bayard Hodge of 420 West Walnut Lane, Germantown. So. Ch., July 23, 1921 URQUHART Maggie Norfleet, youngest d. of Mrs. Louisa R. Urquhart, and the Hon. John W. Lawson, M.D. of Isle of Wight Co., Va., by the Rev. Edw. W. Wroth, at Warrique, the residence of the bride's mother, Southampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1877 Margaret Ada, and J. E. L. Delk, M.D., both of Isle of Wight Co., Va., by the Rev. E. W. Wroth, in the Church of our Saviour, Ivor, Va. So. Ch., May 10, 1877 Murdock M., of Southampton Co., and Henrietta E. Anthony, d. of George H. Dillard, Esq., of Sussex Co., Va., by the - 241 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Rev. C. J. Gibson, at "Inglewood." So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1875 Thomas H. (Dr.), and Sallie A., d. of the late Dr. William B. Goodwyn, by the Rev. P. G. Rob- ert, at the residence of Mrs. E. N. Goodwyn, in Southampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 11, 1856 Thomas N., and Mrs. Ann E. Delk, both of Isle of Wight Co., Va., by the Rev. David Barr assisted by the Rev. Mr. Pearson, at Smithfield, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1886 VALENTINE Benjamin Batchelder, s. of Mann S. Valentine, and Lila Hard- away, d. of the late Richard H. Meade, all of Richmond, by the Rev. Dr. Newton, in Monumental Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 4, 1886 Cary, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Mann S. Valentine, Jr., and Louis E., s. of Col. and Mrs. Sol. Cutchins of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Robert Williams. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1910 Edward Pleasants, of Richmond, Va., and Martha Dabney, d. of John Hampden Chamber- layne and gr.d. of the Rev. Churchill J. Gibson, D.D., by the Rev. Robert H. Gibson, rector of Christ Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, in Grace Church, Petersburg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1893 Edward V., and Kate Friend Mayo, in Monumental Church. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1892 Mann S., Jr., of Richmond, Va., and Sally Cary, d. of James M. Finch, Esq., by the Rev. Frank Stringfellow, at Belle Nemus, Powhatan Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 23, 1882 Mann S., and Elizabeth M., d. of Jas. M. Finch, Esq., by the Rev. Preston Nash, at Belle Nemus, Powhatan Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 8, 1887 Mary M., d. of the late Mann S. Valentine of Richmond, and J. Warwick Woods of Albemarle Co., by the Rev. J. Peterkin, D.D. So. Ch., June 28, 1866 William L., of Windsor, N.C., and Mary N., gr.d. of the late Bishop Wm. Meade, D.D. of the P. E. Church of Virginia, by the Rev. J. H. Kabler, in the Methodist Church, Windsor, N.C. So. Ch., Sept. 1, 1887 VALK Sarah A., d. of Jno. M. E. Valk, and Capt. J. E. Sud- ler of Maryland, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, at "Summer- field", Northumberland Co. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1867 VAN BENTHUYSEN J. D. (Capt.), of New Orleans, and Camelia C. Cosby of Hali- fax Co., Va., by the Rev. John Cosby, at "Woodside", the resi- dence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 19, 1867 Margaret, and the Rev. N. B. Harris of Jacksonville, Fla., by the Rev. Dr. Kin- solving, at Houston, Va. So. Ch., May 4, 1895 VANCE GO Isabelle Dudley, and John Her- bert Brotbeck, by the Rev. Joseph Baker, in Mapisco Church, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 28, 1914 Lalla M., d. of A. Vance, ►Gamy Esq. of Gallipolis, and the Rev. John Moncure, rector of the parish, by the Rev. Jacob Brittingham of Clarks- burg, W.Va. assisted by the Rev. J. Cowpland of Point Pleasant, W.Va., in St. 242 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Peter's Church, Gal- lipolis, Ohio. So. Ch., Mar. 6, 1884 VANDERVORT E. M., and Sallie, only d. of E. M. and Christine Tunstill, all of Lewis Co., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, rector of St. Paul's Church, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Weston, W.Va. So. Ch., July 15, 1886 VANDEVANTER Charles O., of Loudoun Co., Va., and Virginia, youngest d. of the late Alexander Kilgour, Esq. of Mont gomery Co., Md., by the Rev. Charles J. Kilgour, at the rosidonco of the bride. So. Ch., Oct. 28, 1875 VAN DEVANTER Mary N., d. of tho lato Cornelius Van Dovantor of Clarke Co., Va., and Ww. Bonton Crisp of Baltimoro, by the roctor, tho Rov. P. P. Phillips, in Gra.co Church, Borryville, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 5, 1886 VANDEVENTER " Jamos H., and Emolino M., d. of Col. Bonj. Morgan, all of Clarko Co., Va., by the Rev. James T. F. Martin, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1868 VAN DORAN Jacob, Jr., and Mary, d. of the late Robt. P. Bryarly, by the Rev. Wm. McGuire, at Federal Hill, Berkeley Co. So. Ch., Oct. 9, 1857 VAN DOREN Meverell L., of Blenheim, Albemarle Co., Va., and Lucy Minor, youngest d. of the late Com. M. F. Maury, by the Rev. Dr. Woodbridge, in Monumental Church. So. Ch., July 12, 1877 VAN-HOOK Charles Gordon, of Washing- ton, D.C., and Evelyn Byrd, d. of R. P. Page, M.D. of Berryville, Va., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, rector, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 29, 1892 VANN Josse John, of Monroe, Union Co., N.C., and Alice, eldest da of the late Honry and Elizabeth S. MacRae of Chuckatuck, Nansemond Co., Va., by tho Rov. Douglas Hooff, at the rosidence of the brido's mothor. So. Ch., Apr. 21, 1887 VAN RENSSELAER Cornelia, oldost d. of Cornolius G. Van Ronnso- laer of Greenbush, and Rov. Cornolius Winter Bolton, rector of Christ Church, Polham, by the Rev. Alox- andor Dickson, at Groen- bush. So. Ch., Sopt 26, 1856 VANWYCK John C. (Dr.), of Baltimore, and Rosalie T., d. of Henry Berry, Esq. of Shepherds- town, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Andrews. So. Ch., Apr. 23, 1858 VAN ZANDT Jeanie Cabell, youngest d. of Capt. and Mrs. N. H. Van Zandt of Virginia, and Francis J. O'Neill of Wash- ington, D.C., by the Rev. Dr. George H. Houghton, in the Church of the + VARN MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Transfiguration, New York. So. Ch., May 18, 1893 VASS Henry C., of South Carolina, and Mary L. Temple, by the Rev. Everard Meade, in St. Paul's Church. So. Ch., Oct. 1, 1885 Marion L., d. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Varn, and Lawrence B. Gray, at "Westwood", King and Queen Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 12, 1907 Henry F., and Minnie H. Franco, by the Rev. Goo. W. Dame, in the Church of the Epiphany, Danville. So. Ch., Fob. 13, 1879 Jamos, of Culpopor Co., Va., and Anna E. Diggos of Varronton, Va., by tho Rov. Goorgo W. Nolson, in St. James' Church, War- ronton, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1882 VAUGHAN Camilla, d. of the of- ficiating clergyman, and William I. Griffin, by the Rov. M. H. Vaughan, in Christ Church, Elizabeth City, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1882 243 Mary L., d. of Dr. John N., deceased, and Honriotta Vaughan, and Edwin D. Boll, Esq. of Staunton, by tho Rev. C. J. Gibson, at "Virginia Villa", tho residence of Mrs. Vaughan, near Potersburg. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1885 Thomas W. (Tho Rov.), (colored), deacon in charge of the colored work, and Mary Hondor son of Gordonsville, by tho Rev. VEAL F. G. Scott, in St. Paul's Colored Mission Chapel, Gordonsville. So. Ch., Jan. 14, 1892 Joseph, of Rome, Ga., and Roberta Pierce of New Kent. Co., Va., by the Rev. John P. Tyler assisted by the Rev. C. J. Gibson, at Peters- burg, Va... So. Ch., May 29, 1890 VEALE Caroline Cordelia, and the Rev. R. H. Weller, rector of St. John's Church, Jacksonville, by the Rev. 0. P. Thackara, in St. Poter's Church, Fornandina, Fla. So. Ch., Sept. 24 1874 VENABLE Arthur Orr, of Atlanta, Ga., and Blancho B., d. of tho lato Wm. Ronald Cocko, by the Rev. Edward Valentine Jones, at Rod Hills, in Flu- vanna Co., Va. So. Ch., Juno 18, 1890 Charles Woodson, formerly of Prince Edward Co., and Mary, second d. of Dr. N. H. and Susan". Wooding of Pittsyl- vania Co., by the Rov. C. 0. Prudon, in St. John's Church, at it. Airy, Pittsylvania Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 2, 1890 Edward C., of Potorsburg, Va., and Helon Skipwith Wilmer, by the Rt. Rov, J. P. B. Wilmer and tho Rov. Dr. Slaughtor, in Emmanuol Church, in Culpopor Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1878 J. Cowan, of Christiansburg, Ky., and Lizzio Loigh Gibson, by the Rov. Bishop C. C. Ponick, at Louisville, Ky. So. Ch., July 3, 1890 244 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mary McLowoll, oldost d. of Prof. Charles S. Venable of the University, and Charles Launcelot Minor, M.D. of New York, by the Rev. G. L. Petrie assisted by the Rev. J. S. Hanckel, D.D., in the chapel of the University of Virginia. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1890 William L., of Petersburg, Va., and Mary L., d. of Thomas Leiper Patterson of Cumberland, by the Rev. James W. Robins of Philadelphia, Pa., in Emanuel Church, at Cumber- land, Md. So. Ch., May 16, 1872 VEST Eliza Waller, eldest d. of W. W. Vest, Esq. of Williamsburg, and Edward S. Joynes, professor in William and Mary College, by the Rev. Dr. Minni- gerode, at Williamsburg. So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1860 Jennie (rs.), of Charles City Co., Va., and E. A. Hatcher of Liberty, Va., by the Rev. John P. Tyler, at Berkeley, Charles City Co., Va. Ch., Doc. 20, 1888 VILES · ** So, John, and Mrs. Sarah A. Bradley, by the Rev. H. Wall, D.D.. So. Ch., Mar. 16, 1871 VOSE Henry J., of New Orleans, and Fanny, d. of the late Littleton T. Waller of Williamsburg, Va., by the Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D.D., in Baltimore. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1880 VOSS Mary Thornton, second d. of Robert S. Voss, Esq., and Rev. Julius M. Dashiell, Vice-Rector of the College of St. James, Maryland, by the Rev. Dr. Kerfoot, at Hawthorne, the residence of the bride's father, in Rappahannock County, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 25, 1859 Robert S., Esq., and Mary, d. of Dr. Philip Thornton, at Montpellier, Rappahannock Co. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1835 Susan Fitzhugh, d. of the lato Robert S. Voss of Rappahannock Co., Va., and Keddor Mendo Hito, by the Rev. James Hanckel, in Christ Church, Charlottos- villo. So. Ch., June 17, 1869 WADDEY Eliza, and John T. W. Custis, both of North- ampton Co., Va., by the Rev. John M. Chevers, in Christ Church, Eastville. So. Ch., June 5, 1857 WADDY Frederick, and Maggie H. Downing, both of North- ampton Co., Va., by the Rev. J. B. Craighill, at Chatham, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1869 WADE Mattie R., d. of the officiating clergyman, and Capt. John Lamb of Charles City Co., by the Rev. Dr. A. Wade, in the rectory at Charles City Co. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1869 Walter L., of Lynchburg, Va., and Mrs. Sarah Stephenson, d. of Balton Brown of Southampton Co., Va., by the Rev. John Ridout, at Blandford, near Petersburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1893 WADLEY H. J., Esq., of Wayne Co., Ga., and Nannie Leftwich, d. of Richard M. Talia- ferro of New York, by the Rev. Robb White, in St. John's, Wytheville, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 21, 1876 WAGENER -W- Frances H., d. of the late Abraham N. Wagener, Esq. of Pen Yan, and the Rev. E. Folsom Baker, by the Rev. Dr. Mahan, in St. Stephen's Church, Olean, N.Y. 1858 WAGGENER WAILES Attarah Beall, d. of Col. Charles B. Waggener, and Edwin Lewis Neale, all of Mason Co., by the Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, at Edge Hill, Mason Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Jan. 12, 1871 Charles B. (Col.), and Mrs. Catharine M. Murdock, d. of the late Hon. J. M. H. Beale, all of Mason Co., by the Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, at the residence of Charles T. Beale, Mason Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1869 WAINWRIGHT So. Ch., Oct. 22, Mary Eggleston (Mrs.), and Julian Taylor of Alex- andria, Va., by the Rev. Charles White, D.D., at Hampden-Sydney, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1891 WALDEN S. D., and Mrs. Hattie S. Carter, both of Norwood, Nelson Co., Va., by the Rev. Davis M. Wood, at Norwood, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1888 } do que WALDHANER Mary Frances, d. of Wn. Walden, Esq., and D. B. Phillips, Surgeon U.S.N., all of Virginia, by the Rev. Wm. T. Leavell, at Glen Farm, Rappahannock Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 13, 1857 David (Capt.), of Savannah, Ga., (late Confederate service), and Janie P., second d. of Bickerton L. - *246 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Winston, Esq., by the Rev. B. E. Habersham, at Signal Hill, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 18, 1877 WALDRON Susan E., of Berryville, Va., d. of the late Francis Waldron, and Thomas P. Cooke of Gloucester Co., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, rector of Grace Church, in Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1891 WALKE Caroline L., and Francis M. Whittle, Jr., by the Rt. Rev. F. M. Whittle and the Rev. Lewis Walke, in St. Stephen's Church, Cecil Co., Md. So. Ch., Dec. 9, 1880 Elizabeth L., eldest d. of the Rev. Lewis Walke, and Capt. Thomas A. Brander, P.A.C.S., by the Rev. F. M. Baker, in St. Luke's Church, Powhatan Co. So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1865 Lewis (The Rev.), and Mary T., second d. of Roger B. Atkinson, Esq., by the Rev. F. M. Baker, at Sherwood, Lunenburg Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 8, 1858 Louisa Atkinson, d. of the officiating clergyman, and Edwin B. Snead of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Lewis Walke, in St. Stephen's Church, Cecil Co., Md. So. Ch., Jan. 24, 1884 Lucy H., d. of the Rev. Lewis Walke, and Thomas C. Cruikshank, Jr., by the Rev. Lewis Walke assisted by the Rev. F. M. Baker, in St. Stephen's Church, Cecil Co., Md. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1875 WALKER Avis, d. of Maj. D. N. Walker, and Percival Stuart Grant, by the Rev. Charles Minnigerode assisted by the Rev. Pike Powers, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. Ch., Oct. 29, 1885 B. F. (Dr.), of Augusta Co., Va., and Mattie Wright, by the Rev. G. H. Denny, at "The Forest", the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1876 Benedict, Jr., and Emma, d. of John T. Rice, Esq., by the Rev. T. Grayson Dashiell, at Laurel Spring, Westmoreland Co. So. Ch., Dec. 17, 1858 Bessie E. (Mrs.), d. of Charles Zogbaum, Esq., and the Rev. L. W. Rose of Boydton, Va., by the Rev. Richard Newton, D.D., at Germantown, Philadelphia. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1884 C. B. (The Rev.), rector of Trinity Church, Edgefield, S.C., and C. S. Jeter, in Trinity Church, Edgefield, S.C. So. Ch., Feb. 18, 1848 So. C. Baldwin, of Baltimore, and Belle T. Willis, by the Rev. E. J. Willis, father of the bride, at Clarksburg, W.Va. So. Ch., Apr. 24, 1884 Charles C., of Richmond, Va., and Lucy Shackelford of Charlottesville, by the Rev. Green Shackelford assisted by the Rev. Frank Stringfellow, in Christ Church, Charlottes- ville, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1883 Charles D. (The Rev.), of 24.7. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Virginia, and Bessie Edmondston, d. of C. Zog- baum, Esq. of Germantown, by the Rev. T. S. Rumney, D.D. assisted by the Rev. C. Walker, D.D., in St. Peter's Church, Germantown, Pa. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1875 Cornelius (The Rev.), and Margaret J., d. of James Fisher, Jr. of Richmond, by the Rev. Andrew Fisher. So. Ch., Dec. 24, 1847 Florence O., eldest d. of Thomas H. Walker, Esq., and William Ayre, Jr., all of Fairfax Co., by the Rev. John McGill, at the resi- dence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Feb. 7, 1878 Henry A., of Staunton, Va., and Emily Winslow, d. of James W. Sweet of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. Maltbie D. Babcock, at the resi- dence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1889 James Pickens, of Barbour Co., W.Va., and Amy Perry Fitzsimons, by the Rev. Thos. P. Baker, at Adams Run, S.C. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1908 James W., Jr., and Mary Jane, d. of Col. John A. Porter, all of Orange Co., by the Rev. John Cole. So. Ch., Sept. 5, 1856 Jane Middleton, and James Nutt, by the Rev. Ephraim Adams, at Level Fields, Lancaster Co. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1835 Laura M., and the Rev. Wm. Meade Clarke of Mecklen- burg Co., Va., by the Rev. John T. Clarke assisted KA by the Rev. C. Walker, D.D., in the Seminary Chapel, near Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., June 16, 1881 Lizzie M., and the Rev. S. S. Ware, by the Rev. C. Walker, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Nelson P. Dame, in the chapel of the Theological Seminary near Alexandria. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1879 Margaret P., d. of the late Judge Richard W. Walker, and John M. Bolling of New York City, by the Rev. J. M. Bannister, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother, at Hunts- ville, Ala. So. Ch., Nov. 24, 1881 Marshall, of Memphis, Tenn. and Cellie, d. of Wm. Garth, Esq. of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. D. C. T. Davis, at Bird- wood, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1856 > Mary L., and J. Otis Fitchette, by the Rev. T. W. Jones, in the Episcopal Rectory, Liberty, Va. So. Ch., May 24, 1888 Mary N., d. of the Rev. C. Walker, D.D. of the Theological Seminary of Virginia, and the Rev. Nelson P. Dame of Blacks- burg, Va., by the Rev. George W. Dame assisted by the Rev. W. W. Walker, in the chapel on Seminary Hill. So. Ch., July 4, 1878 Thomas L. (Dr.), and Kitty M., d. of Chiswell Dabney, Esq., all of Lynchburg, by the Rev. W. H. Kinckle, in St. Paul's Church. So. → - 248 GAY Ch., Aug. 22, 1856 W. H., of Ontario, Canada, and Miss M. D. Terrell of Hanover, Va., by the Rev. Robert R. Claiborne, at East View, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1880 W. Woodson (The Rev.), of MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mt. Jackson, Va., and Elizabeth P. G. Williams of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. W. T. Leavell assisted by the Rev. C. Walker, D.D., at "Smithfield", Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., July 8, 1880 Walter, and Mary Sydnor, youngest d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. E. T. Perkins, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Louisville. So. Ch., May 31, 1883 WALL A. Newton (Mrs.), and Daniel A. Brooks, Jr., by the Rev. Henry T. Sharp, in St. Paul's Church, Caseyville, Ky. So. Ch., Mar. 2, 1871 Edward (The Rev.), and Mary S., d. of E. H. Chamber- layne, all of Richmond, by the Rev. J. Peterkin, D.D. So. Ch., May 11, 1876 Henry (The Rev.), and Judith W. Hansford, by the Rev. J. W. Chesley, at Green Height, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 17, 1856 Henry (The Rev. ), and Julia, d. of the late Addison Hansford, Esq. of King George Co., Va., by the Rev. H. R. Scott, at Green Height. So. Ch., Apr. 19, 1866 Julia, d. and sister of the officiating clergymen, and George Bell, by the Rev. Dr. Wall assisted by his son, the Rev. Edward Wall, in St. Paul's Church, Kent Co., Md. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1884 Mary Chamberlayne, of Berryville, Va., and Willis Ray Gregg of Syracuse, N.Y., by the Rev. Edward Wall, father of the bride, assisted by the Rt. Rev. W. L. Gravatt, D.D., Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of West Virginia, in Grace Episcopal Church, Berry- ville, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1914 WALLACE So. Ch., Benjamin Lawrence, of Tarrytown, N.Y., and Ellen Douglass, d. of J. Wallace Hooff, by the Rev. Douglass Hooff, in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. June 18, 1890 Carrie, and Dr. C. G. Wilson, both of Clarks- ville, Tenn., by the Rev. J. T. Hargrave, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1887 Katharine Gordon, d. of the late Dr. J. Gordon Wallace, and the Rev. James Edward Poindexter, rector of St. Mary's Parish, Caroline Co., Va., by the Rev. E. C. Murdaugh, D.D., at the residence of the bride's nother, at Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1883 Lucille, d. of Dr. John H. Wallace of Freder- 249 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION icksburg, and James Carmichael, by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, in Freder- icksburg. So. Ch., Dec. 13, 1861 Lucille, d. of the late Dr. J. Gordon and Elizabeth G. Wallace, and Thomas Pratt Yerby, Jr. of Spotsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. John K. Mason, at the residence of the bride's mother, Fredericksburg, Va. Ch., May 26, 1887 Samuel, Esq. of Stafford Co., and Mary B., d. of the late Addison Hansford, Esq. of King George Co., Va., by the Rev. Henry Wall, brother-in-law of the bride, at Green Height. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1856 Thomas, Esq., and Hallie E., d. of Judge R. C. L. and Mrs. Moncure of Stafford Co., Va., by the Rev. Mr. McBryde, in Stafford Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 27, 1881 Wm. L., of New York, and Caroline, d. of Lewis Hooff, Esq. of Alexandria, Va., by the Rev. James T. Johnston, in St. Paul's Church. So. Ch., June 26, 1851 WALLER So. Caroline S., d. of Withers Waller, and J. North Caldwell of Greenbrier Co., W.Va., by the Rev. T. C. Page, in Clifton Chapel, Stafford Co., Va. So. Ch., May 5, 1887 Catherine, and John W. Speed, by the Rev. Wm. Hodges, at Williamsburg. So. Ch., May 24, 1839 Dabney J., of Caroline Co., and Alice C. Lee * Given as printed of Fredericksburg, by the Rev. J. G. Shackelford of Trinity Church, at A. H. Conway's, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1889 Eliza M., d. of Wm. M. Waller, Esq., and Alexander Duval, Esq., by the Rev. Mr. Sale, at Forest Hill, Amherst Co., Va. So. Ch., May 10, 1839 Fanny, d. of the late Littleton T. Waller of Williamsburg, Va., and Henry J. Vose of New Orleans, by the Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D.D., in Baltimore. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1880 G. C. (The Rev.), rector of Zion Church, Louisville, and Kate M., d. of Mrs. Elizabeth H. Blackburn of Bowling Green, by the Rev. E. T. Perkins, D.D., rector of St. Paul's Church, Louisville, in Christ Church, Bowling Green, Ky. So. Ch., So. Ch., Mar. 16, 1876 Mattie P., and Wm. B. Hart, both of Spotsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, at "Cedar Point", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1872 Olivia D., and Capt. Wm. D. Waller, buth of Spotsylvania Co., by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, at "Cedar Point", Spotsyl- vania Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1867 9 Robert Page, of Norfolk, and Virginia Pelham, only d, of Mrs. Gen. J. E, B. Stuart, by the Rev. W. Q. Hullihen assisted by the Rev. 0, S • 250 < MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Barten, in Staunton. So. Ch., Jan. 20, 1887 Thomas J., s. of Col. Thos. Waller of Stafford, and Alice Page, d. of Wm. A. Nelson, former surgeon of the U.S. Navy, by the Rev. T. C. Page assisted by the Rev. John Moncure, in Clifton Chapel, Stafford Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 7, 1889 Wm. D. (Capt.), and Olivia D. Waller, both of Spotsyl- vania Co., by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, at "Cedar Point", Spotsylvania Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1867 WALLIS Samuel A. (The Rev.), of Fairfax Co., and Mary, d. of the late Edgar Snowden, by the Rev. H. Suter, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Alex- andria. So. Ch., May 8, 1890 WALPOLE Clare H., and Nina Nelson Gardner, by the Rev. Mr. Clark, at Meadowbrook, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 18, 1884 WALSTON Thomas C., Esq., and Sallie Parker, only d. of Mrs. Sarah A. P. Upshur, by the Rev. Arthur Johns, in Christ Church, Eastville, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 12, 1877 WALTERS Margaret V., of Richmond, and Dr. Thomas S. Michaels of Henrico Co., by the Rev. Geo. C. Sutton, at Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., July 1, 1880 WALTHALL Ed. C., of Mississippi, and L Mary L. Jones of Meck- lenburg, Va., by the Rev. Jno. Cosby, at St. Leon. So. Ch., Feb. 10, 1860 Welson Q., Esq., of Ala- bama, and Bettie B., second d. of Dr. Geo. Semple, by the Rev. Wm. F. M. Jacobs, in St. John's Church, Hampton. Sc. Ch., June 15, 1860 WALTHOUR Robert H., and Anna Wilhel- mina, eldest d. of Wm. S. Bogart, all of Savannah, by the Rev. Charles H. Strong, in St. John's Church, Savannah, Ga. So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1883 WALTUN Florence, a ward of the Hon. S. A. Miller, and Governeur Morris of Huntington, W.Va., by the Rev. C. M. Callaway assisted by the Rev. Edward Valentine Jones, in St. John's Church, Charleston, W.Va. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1872 Richard Lee, of Norfolk, Va., and Laura Virginia de Lony, by the Rev. R. T. Davis, D.D., at the residence of the bride's uncle, Maj. Charles H. Lee of Leesburg, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 11, 1889 Willie (Miss), and Eppa Rixey, both of Culpeper Co., by the Rev. John McGill, in Christ Church, Brandy Station, Va. So. Ch., July 6, 1882 WANHOP Lizzie R., and Alexander R. Green, by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving, in St. John's Church, Halifax C.H. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 251 - H WARD MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION 1871 Eddie K., d. of the So. officiating minister, and Dr. Pearson Chapman of Maryland, by the Rev. Wm. N. Ward, at Bladensfield, Westmoreland Co., Va. Ch., Nov. 30, 1876 Elizabeth, of Northampton Co., Va., and Wm. R. W. Kennedy of Maryland, by the Rev. J. B. Craighill, at "Occa- hannock Neck." So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1870 ga Geo. W., Jr., of Abingdon, Va., and L. A. C. Preston, second d. of the late Hon. Walter Preston, by the Rev. Thos. W. Humes, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. Garnett Preston, in Knoxville, Tenn. So. Ch., Dec. 26, 1878 Henry M., and Mary Caroline Jennings, both of Lewis Co., W.Va., by the Rev. Andrew Fisher, at the residence of the bride's father, in Lewis Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Feb. 29, 1872 Julian F. (Dr.), of Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Nellie Wirt of Cecil Co., Md., by the Rev. J. R. Hubard, D.D., at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, R. T. Barton, Winchester, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 4, 1886 Martha, d. of the Rev. Wm. N. Ward, and James Cary, Jr. of Baltimore, Md., at Bladensfield, Richmond Co., Va. So. Ch., July 1, 1869 Mary A., and P. H. Bool, by the Rev. J. B. Craighill, at the residence of Mrs. Tabitha Ward, Northampton Co. So. Ch., Apr. 22, 1869 Mathias M., of New York, and Mary W., eldest d. of the late Rev. Thos. Smith, former rector of the Episcopal Church in Parkersburg, by the Rev. E. T. Perkins. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1848 William N. (The Rev.), of Bowling Green, Caroline Co., Va., and Mary Blincoe, by the Rev. George Adie, at Leesburg, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 26, 1836 WARDWELL Margaret, of New York, and Maxwell Wyeth of Philadel- phia, by the Rev. Dr. Neilson McVicar, at South Orange, N.J. So. Ch., Oct. 3, 1889 WARE J. Algie C., of Galveston, Tex., and Samuel H. Hardwick of Montgomery, Ala., by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, in St. Paul's Church, Henderson, Ky. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1883 J. W. (The Rev.), and Annie S., d. of John Nottingham, Esq. of Northampton Co., Va., by the Rev. S. S. Ware assisted by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt, in Christ Church, Eastville, Northampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1879 J. W., Jr., and Elizabeth H. T. Leavell, by the Rev. J. W. Ware and the Rev. P. N. McDonald, at "Media", Jefferson Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1916 Jaqueline, and Severn M. Nottingham, by the Rev. J. W. Ware, in St. Stephen's Church, bang 252 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Culpeper, Va. So. Ch., June 22, 1912 Lucy B., d. of Col. S. w. Ware, and Edward P. C. Lewis, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. H. Suter, at the residence of the bride's father, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 1, 1859 R. L., and Nannie R., d. of Dr. James H. Latane, all of Essex, by the Rev. H. W. L. Temple, at Mahockany. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1860 S. S. (The Rev.), and Lizzie M. Walker, by the Rev. C. Walker, D.D, assisted by the Rev. Nelson P. Dame, in the chapel of the Theo- logical Seminary near Alexandria. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1879 See also BRITTON, Elizabeth Alexander Ware (Mrs.) WARFIELD Evan W. (Dr.), of Maryland, and Julia Gilmer, youngest d. of Col. Wm. H. Anthony, by the Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph, at the home of the bride, 403 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. Ch., July 10, 1890 So. WARING Addie J., only d. of W. L. Waring of Bendour, Goochland Co., Va., and C. P. Smith, by the Rev. P. M. Boyden, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 4, 1886 Irene Bankhead, and Lucius Ashton Harrison, by the Rev. H. G. Lane of Newport News, in St. Mary's Chapel, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1920 John L., of Richmond, Va., and P. Blair, d. of Dr. John B. Harvie, by the Rev. Frank Stringfellow, in Immanuel Church, Powhatan Co., Va. So, Ch., May 18, 1882 Priscilla M., late of Prince George's Co., Md., and the Rev. David W. Tolford of Gambier, Ohio, by the Rev. Ethan Allen, Dayton, Ohio. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1839 William L., of Essex Co., and Rosalie V., d. of the late Charles Taylor of King George Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Oaken Brow. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1858 WARNER Loren D., and Lucie E. Jeffries, both of Richmond Co., by the Rev. Andrew Fisher, at the Glebe. So. Ch., Sept. 7, 1860 Virginia Craddock, of Portsmouth, Va., and Joseph Eager Caldwell of Wytheville, Va., by the Rev. Braxton Bryan, in Grace Church, Petersburg, Va. So. Ch., May 22, 1915 William A., and Lucy Phenix, by the Rev. Dr. Grammer assisted by the Rev. Mr. Kaze, at the home of Joseph A. Sprigg, Baltimore. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1877 WARRELL Eloise, of Richmond, Va., and Edward V. Sparhawk, editor of the Petersburg Intelligencer, by the Rev. Wm. H. Hart, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1837 WARREN ? 253 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Allen A., of Richmond, Va., and Mary M., eldest d. of M. W. Harrison, Esq. of Lewis Co., W.Va., by the Rev. W. H. H. Powers, in St. Paul's Church, Weston, W.Va. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1879 Harriet, d. of Dr. W. Warren formerly of Edenton, NC., and F. H. Harris, by the Rev. W. H. Pendleton, at Delecarlia, Bedford Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 8, 1870 James M. (Dr.), of New Hope, Augusta Co., Va., and Willett, d. of Charles A. Sprinkel of Harrisonburg, Va., by the Rev. 0. S. Bunting, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., June 14, 1883 John A. (Dr.), of Coahoma Co., Miss., and Mrs. Martha B. Washington, d. of the late Jona. Bliss, Esq. of Gainesville, by the Rev. A. A. Morse, in Gaines- ville, Ala. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1879 Sallie A., youngest d. of William R. Warren, Esq., and the Rev. Robb White of Wytheville, Va., by the Rev. A. W. Weddell assisted by the Rev. H. B. Lee, in Harrisonburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 2, 1875 WARRINER S.S., and James Bedsu of England, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, at Oaklevel, the residence of the bride in the county of Amelia. So. Ch., Mar. 25, 1880 WARROCK Sarah, d. of John Warrock, Esq., and William Miller, all of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. George Wood- bridge. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1837 WARWICK Eliza G., d. of James W. Warwick, Esq., and John W. Stephenson, Esq., all of Bath Co., by the Rev. George L. Brown, at "Warwickton", the residence of the bride's father, Bath Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1878 Elsie Florence, eldest à. of A. warwick, and Geo. A. Barksdale, all of Richmond, by the Rev. Chas. Minnigerode, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 27, 1860 L. Constance, d. of Wm. S. Warwick, and Thomas P. McDowell, by the Rev. Thomas Ambler, Powhatan Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1857 WASHINGTON Anna Maria, d. of the late Col. John A. Washington of Mount Vernon, and the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker of Warsaw, Va., by the Rev. Mr. Leavell, in Zion Church, Charles Town, W.Va. So. Ch., July 31, 1873 Anne Maria, d. of the late Thomas Blackburn Washington, Esq. of Claymont, Jefferson Co., W.Va., and James Alfred Ewing, by the Rev. John Piper assisted by the Rev. E. W. Syle, D.D., at the British Legation, Yedo, Japan, before Sir Harry Parkes, K.C.B. So. Ch., June 19, 1879 Betty, d. of John C. 254 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Washington, Esq. of Vernon, and John Lewis Peyton, Esq. of Staunton, Va., by the Rev. Frederick Fitzgerald, at Vernon, Lenoir Co., N.C. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1856 Bushrod C., Jr. of Charles Town, W.Va., and Emma, youngest d. of Wm. T. Allen of Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, rector of Grace Church, Berryville, Va., at Balclutha, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1887 Bushrod Corbin, Esq. of Jefferson Co., and Emma Edwards, youngest d. of Thos. H. Willis, Esq. of Charles Town, by the Rev. W. H. Meade, in Zion Church, Charles Town. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 Eleanor Love, d. of the late Col. John A. Washington of Mount Vernon, Va., and Julian Howard, by the Rev. Dr. Meade and the Rev. Mr. Tucker, in Zion Church, Charles Town, W.Va. So. Ch., May 20, 1880 Geo., and Emily Serena, d. of Col. Geo. A. Porter- field, all of Charles Town, Jefferson Co., W.Va., by the Rev. Dallaş Tucker, in Zion Church. So. Ch., Feb. 25, 1886 George, and Agnes W. Wirt, both of Westmoreland, Va., by the Rev. Wm. C. Latane, in St. Peter's Church, Oak Grove, Va. So. Ch., July 20, 1893 J. Augusta, and Dabney E. Wirt, by the Rev. J. W. So. Ch., Chesley, in St. Peter's Church, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1855 J. Boyd, of Caroline Co., and Anna Ratcliffe, d. of the late Maj. W. W. Thorn- ton of Brentsville, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in St. James' Church, Brentsville, Va. Aug. 21, 1890 John Augustine, and Jeannie K., d. of Mrs. Susan W. and the late Rev. Charles E. Ambler, by the Rev. Dallas Tucker, at the residence of the bride's mother, Charles Town, W.Va. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1890 John H., and Selina D., third d. of Maj. Richard H. Carter, all of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at "Glenn Welby", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1871 John P., and Annie, d. of Geo. E. Grymes, all of King George Co., by the Rev. Jas. W. Shields, at Mt. Stuart, King George Co. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1875 L. W. (Col.), of Jefferson Co., Va., and Ella M., d. of G. W. Bassett, Esq., by the Rev. G. S. Car- raway, at Clover Lea, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1860 Lawrence, of "Wareland", Fauquier Co., and Fanny, d. of the late Thomas Lackland of Jefferson Co., by the Rev. Wm. H. Meade, in Zion Church, Charles Town, Jefferson Co., Va. So. Ch,, Aug. 3, 1876 Lena, eldest d. of Col. Gde Game 255 Robert J. Washington, and Phillip C. Hungerford, all of Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. Alfred Harding, rector of St. Paul's Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Aug. 20, 1891 Louisa Fontaine, and Phil- ip Dawson of Lynchburg, s. of the late Nicholas Daw- son of Fairfax Co., Va., by the Rt. Rev. B. D. Tuck- er of Southern Virginia, uncle of the bride, and the Rev. William G. Pen- dleton, D.D., rector of the Virginia Episcopal School and brother-in- law of the groom, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Lawrence Washington, at Washington, D.C. So. Ch., July 9, 1921 Malcolm B., Esq., of War- renton, and Fannie W., d. of Charles H Hinton, Esq., by the Rev. W. A. Alrich, at "Cerro Gordo", Prince William Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 17, 1868 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WORS Martha B. (Mrs.), d. of the late Jona. Bliss, Esq. of Gainesville, and Dr. John A. Warren of Coahoma Co., Miss., by the Rev. W. A. Morse, in Gainsville, Ala. So. Ch., Dec. 25, 1879 Mary, d. of Lawrence Wash- ington, Esq. of Westmore- land, and Dr. Walker Wash- ington of Caroline Co. by the Rev. J. W. Ches- ley, at Blenham, Westmore- 9 land Co., Va. So. Ch. Jan. 9, 1857 G Mary A., and Andrew C. Fish- er, by the Rev. Wm. C. La- tane, in St. Peter's Church, Oak Grove, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 6, 1881 R. J., and Bettie P. Wirt, both of Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. Willisum C. Chesley, at Wirtland, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1867 Richard B., Jr.,now of Silver City, N.M., formerly of Jefferson Co., W.Va., and Nannie Sturgeon of Louisville, by the Rev. Dr. Perkins, in St. Paul's Church, Louis- ville, Ky. So. Ch., Dec. 4, 1884 Sallie Hay, and Dr. Soc- rates Maupin, by the Rt. Rev. Richard Chan- ning Moore. So. Ch., Dec. 22, 1837 Thomas B., of Jefferson Co., W.Va., and Ellen T., d. of the late Dr. R. S. Blackburn of . Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. Dr. G. H. Norton, D.D., in Alexandria. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1874 Walker (Dr.), of Caroline Co., and Mary, d. of Lawrence Washington, Esq. of Westmoreland, by the Rev. J. W. Chesley, at Elenham, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1857 WATKINS Agnes Tenable, of Richmond, Va., and Hugh Cabell Win- free of Drewry's Bluff, Va., by the Rev. G. Otis Mead, at the residence of Mr. Allen Harless, in Christiansburg, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 29, 1913 Anna A., of Louisa Co., and Thomas Wayant of Albemarle - 256 · : * MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Co., by the Rev. L. R. Combs, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., July 1, 1886 Anna E., only d. of the late Dr. Austin Watkins of Nottoway, and George W. Robertson of Rich- mond, by the Rev. C. J. Gibson, at Rosewood, Nottoway Co. So. Ch., Feb. 5, 1858 Basil Kirke, of Danville, Va., and Laura Cunning- ham, d. of B. F. Garrett of Danville, Va., by the Rev. W. M. Clark, at the home of the Rev. W. M. Clark, 1008 Park avenue, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1913 Claiborne, and Virginia T., d. of the late J. B. Ab- bott, all of Richmond, by the Rev. Joshua Peter- kin, in St. James' Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Mar. 14, 1856 Ivy, of London, England, and the Rev. Charles W. F. Smith, assistant minis- ter, St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, D.D., rector of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, assist- ed by the Rev. Vincent L. Bennett, rector of St. Mi- chael's, and by the Rev. James DeWolf Hubbard, in St. Michael's Church, Mil- ton, Mass. So. Ch., Dec. 22, 1934 < Jesse, and Sarah Ann, d. of Robert Morgan, deceased, by George Thomas, Esq., in Richmond Co. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1836 Mary L., d. of Edward 0. Watkins, Esq., and Capt. Paul A. Clay of Bedford Co., by the Rev. William H. Hart, at Presque Isle, Chesterfield Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1837 Mary N., d. of Capt. Hen- ry A. Watkins, all of Charlotte, Va., and Mar- shall L. Harris, by the Rev. Andrew Hart. So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1839 Nannie W., and George S. Hairston, both of Hen- ry Co., Va., by the Rev. Jno. R. Lee, at "Shawnee", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1870 Tillie, and Thomas L. Kyle of Lynchburg, Va., by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd, at "Scotland", the home of the bride's parents in Appomattox Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1883 WATSON Ann Virginia, d. of the late Dr. Geo. Watson, and Robert .S. Archer, all of Rich- mond, by the Rev. F. D. Goodwin, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1856 Frank C., of Jacksonville, Fla., and Margaret Chal- mers of Smithfield, by the Rev. David Barr, in Christ Church, Smithfield, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 2, 1886 Grace D., d. of the late Richard R. Watson, Esq. of Albemarle Co., Va., and John B. Tunstall of Mar- shall Co., Miss., by the Rev. Edward W. Ingle, at Coyners Spring, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1877 • ? J. Henry (The Rev.), rector of the Church of the Good Not recorded in the Vestry Minutes of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., as having any connection with that church U 257 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Shepherd, Hartford, Conn., and Susan M., eldest d. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Dr. E. A. Hoffman, dean of the General Theo- logical Seminary, in Trinity Chapel, New York. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1882 John T., Jr., and Mary V. Green, both of Danville, by the Rev. 0. S. Bunting of Trenton, N.J.. assisted by the Rev. G. W. Damo, D.D. and the Rev. Alox. Martin, D.D. of Danville, in Epiphany Church, Dan- ville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 24, 1891 Jos. T., and Mary E. Tyler, d. of the late Edmund Tyler of Loudoun Co., by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsol- ving, in the church at Aldie. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1869 Maggie L., and Richard N. Timberlake, both of Spotsylvania Co., by the Rev. J. Green Shackel- ford, rector of Trinity Church, Fredericksburg, in St. George's Chapel, Spotsylvania Co. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1888. Manie F., and Marcellus N. Barnes, both of Fair- mont, by the Rev. G. A. Gibbons, in Christ Church, Fairmont, W.Va. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1879 Margaret F., and Richard P. Williams of New York, by the Rov. Dr. Minnige- rode, at the residence of the bride's father, corner of Franklin and Adams Streets, Richmond, So. Ch., June 21, 1883 Marietta W., d. of Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, and Carleton B. Hazard, by the Rev. J. Green Shack- elford, at Chatham, Fred- ericksburg, Va. So. Ch., May 3, 1888 Mary, d. of Capt. John Wat- son of Warren, R.I., and the Rev. James Mulchahey, rector of St. Mary's Church, Portsmouth, by the Rev. Mr. Hathaway, in St. Mark's Church, War- ron, R.I. So. Ch., Dec. 17, 1847 Mary Jane, d. of Matthew Watson, Esq., and Dr. Al- fred Moore of Huntsville, Ala., by the Rt. Rev. Richard Channing Moore, at the residence of George L. Sampson. So. Ch., Sept. 30, 1836 Mary R., d. of Otis Wat son, Esq., of Marion Co., W.Va., and Conrad A. Sipe of Waynes- burg, Pa., by the Rev. G. A. Gibbons, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1878 Virginia M., d. of Thomas S. Watson, and Charles M. Barker of Clarksville, Tenn., by the Rev. J. M. Rawlings at Brackett's, Louisa Co., Va. So, Ch., Dec. 25, 1879 Walter D., s. of Garret F. Watson, Esq., and Vinna P. Seldon, d. of Maj. John A. Seldon, Esq., all of Richmond, by the Rev. J. Ge Armstrong, D.D., in Monument al Church. So. Ch., Apr. 24 1884 William V. R., of Houston, Tex, and Bettie Lane, d. of the late John F. Scott of Fredericksburg, Va., by the Rev, P. G. Robert, at the residence of Frank Carter, in. St. Louis. So. Ch., Mar.7, 258 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WATT 1878 Cornelia M., d. of George Watt, and John F. Glenn, all of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Chas. H. Read assisted by the Rev. Hen- ry Wall, at the residence of the bride's father, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 1, 1874 Norman Randolph, and Doro- thy, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cushing Dame of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Wm. M. Clark, D.D., in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1912 WATTERS S. Paxson (The Rev. :), rector of St. Ste- phen's Church, Culpeper, Va., and Lydia Gates, d. of the late David Hansborough of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. A, T. Steele, in St. Mark's Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Jan, 22, 1891 WATTLES Caroline, d. of Nathan- iel Wattles, Esq., and the Rev. Charles E. Pleasants of Phila- delphia, by the Rev. John T. Johnston. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1836 Caroline C., d. of H. S. Wattles of Alox- andria, Va., and Thomas A. Lee of Staunton, Va., by the Rev. Dr. George H. Norton assisted by the Rev. Reverdy Es- till and the Rov. Frank Stringfellow, in St. Paul's Church, Alex- andria, Va. So. Ch., July 7, 1881 WATTS Emma Gilmer, d. of the late Gen. Edward Watts, and Lt. Geo. Watson Carr, 9th Infantry, U.S.A., by the Rev. P. Tinsley, in St. John's Church, Roanoke Co. So. Ch., Dec. 7, 1860 Legh. R., Esq., and Mattie W. Peters, both of Ports- mouth, Va., by the Rev. R. H. McKim, at the res- idence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1868 Mary Reed, d. of Judge Legh R. Watts, and Goodrich Hatton, by the Rev. John D. Powell, at 202 Middle St., Portsmouth, Va., the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Nov 30, 1893 Sara Campbell, d. of Judge Frederick Watts of Car- lisle, and Samuel Rich- ards Johnston of Alexan- dria, Va., by the Rev. W. C. Leverett, in St. John's Church, Carlisle, Pa. So. Ch., Oct. 14 , 1886 Winifred Washington, d. of Judge Legh Richmond and Mrs. Mattie Peters Watts of Portsmouth, Va., and the Rt. Rev. William Am- brose Brown, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Southorn Virginia, by the Rt. Rov. Robert C. Jett, D.D., retired Bishop of Southwestern Virginia, assisted by Philip DuMond Davis, in St. John's Church, Portsmouth. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1939 See also MORRIS, Alico W. (Mrs.) Isabella J., only d. of Pom- WAUGH 259 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION broke E. Waugh of Amherst Co., and James Woods, s. of Col. Thomas D. Woods of Amherst Co., Va., by the Rev. J. P. Laurence, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 7. 1878 WAYANT Thomas, of Albemarle Co., and Anna A. Watkins of Louisa Co., by the Rev. L. R. Combs, at the res- idence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., July 1, 1886 WAYLAND J. F., of Albemarle Co., Va., and Lillie M., d. of Dr. A. T. Bledsoe of Baltimore, by the Rev. T. U. Dudley, in Baltimore. So. Ch., July 21, 1870 WEADON William Lee (Dr.), of Fau- quier Co., Va., and Mabel C. Faulconer of Low Moor, Va., by the Rev. P. N. McDonald, at it. Carbon, W.Va. So. Ch., June 5, 1909 WEATHERS William, of Kentucky, and Mary Ellen Douglass, young est d. of the lato Hon. Beverly Douglass of King William Co., by the Rov. S. S. Hepbron, at Coons, King William Co. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1891 WEAVER Janot Hondor son, d. of tho late Arel Weaver, and Norman Randolph, by the Rev. Charles K. Jenkins, at Warrenton, Fauquier Co. So. Ch, June 17, 1880 Robert C., of Warron Co., Va., and Nannie L. Dodd, by the Rev, Mr. Turbin, at the residence of the bride's father, near Bealton, Fau- quier Co., Va. Va. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1883 Virgil Gardner, of Selma, Ala., and Rosa Burnot Doans of Gloucester Co., Va., by the Rev. Y. Hundley, in Abing- don Church, Gloucester Co., Va. So. Ch., July 22, 1875 WEBB B. C. (The Rev.), of St. Luke's Parish, and Alison, d. of Joshua Lockwood, Esq. of Charleston, S.C., by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Bowen. So. Ch Mar. 11, 1836 Gordon, of New Kent Co., and Mary G. Harrison, d. of Col. Randolph Harrison, by the Rev. 7. C. Meredith as- sisted by the Rev. Lyman B. Wharton, in Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1877 Joseph P., and Annie J., eld- est d. of A. S. Darden, Esq. of Suffolk, Va., by the Rev. James Murray, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Feb. 10, 1881 · Louisa E., d. of the Rev Wellington E. Webb, and the Rev. T. Lewis Bannister, rector of St. Thomas' Church, Greenvillo, Ala., by the rector of St. Paul's Church, Borgon, N.J., in St. Paul's Church, Borgon, N.J. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1871 Mary G. (Mrs.), eldest d. of Col. R. Harrison of Williams- burg, and Wm. Hartwell Macon of Hanover Co., by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in the Protest- ant Episcopal Church, Mil- liamsburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 24 1885 • 260 WEBBER MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Mary Reynolds, eldest d. of the late Gen. F. C. Web- ber, U.S.Vol. and gr.d. of the late Maj. Wm. P. Bainbridge, U.S.A., and the Rev. Charles J. S. Mayo, by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt assisted by the Rev. J. B. Newton, in St. John's Church, Hamp- ton, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 12, 1892 WEBER Mary Rose, of Portland, Ore., and Capt. J. H. Townsend, Jr. of the American Red Cross, in St. George's Eng- lish Church, Paris, France. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1919 WEB STER Lizzie, and Hartwell Stone- ham, both of Lancaster, by the Rev. Henry L. Der- by, at Merry Point, Lan- caster, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1884 WECKHAM Georgianna, d. of the late George Weckham of U.S. Navy, and Lt. Wm. H. Fitzhugh Lee of U.S. Ar- my, by the Rev. Dr. Wade, at Shirley, in Charles City Co. So. Ch., Apr. 15, 1859 WEED Hannah Elizabeth, d. of Joseph A. Weed, and Dr. Richard D. Addington, all of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. J. Ambler Weed, in Monumental Church, Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1855 WEE DON J. B., and Mary Alice Sta- ples, by the Rev. A. J. Willis, at "Poplar Hill"; King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1888 Edna Vaulx, d. of Edgar V. and Eugènia A, Weir of Prince William Co., Va., and James W. Birkett of England, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in Trinity Church, Manassas, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 29, 1881 WEIR Emma B., d. of James V. Weir of Clarke Co., Va., and Dan- iel D. Martin of Cass Co., Mo., by the Rev. J. F. Hoff. So. Ch., June 11, 1858 Joan D. (Mrs.), nee Douglas, and Joseph D. Dixon of Lancastershire, England, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, at "Liberia", Prince William Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1879 Julia E., and Josiah 7ilcox- on, both of Prince William Co., Va., by the Rev. John Towles. So. Ch., Feb. 27 1857 Lizzie B., d. of R. C. and Mary Weir of Manassas, and Henderson F. Tompkins of Fauquier, by the Rev. A. P. Gray, in Trinity Church, Manassas. So. Ch., Feb. 1, 1883 Walter, of Prince William Co., and Elizabeth Joan Douglass of Williamsburg, by the Rov. Andrew Fisher, at Zóar, King William Co- So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1867 WEISIGER Bessie Abbott, eldest d. of Ryland R. Weisiger, Esq., and William, youngest #: of Maj. Charles Old, all of Powhatan Co., by the Rev. C. 0. Pruden, in Grace Church, Powhatan Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 17, 1893 Cary N., of Memphis, and 261 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Bettie H., d. of Mrs. M. W. and the late Judge Robert W. Humphreys of Clarksville, Tenn., by the Rev. P. A. Fitts, in Trinity Church, Clarks- ville, Tenn. 30. Ch., May 5, 1881 Lucy Page, youngest d. of Wm. B. and Sally N. Weis- iger, and Lee A. Coulter, by the Rev. Davis Scs- sums, in Calvary Church, Memphis, Tenn. So. Ch., June 25, 1885 Martha P., and W. C. H. lad- dox of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Jas. H. Williams, at Highland Lodge, Nel- son Co., the bride's home. So. Ch., Nov. 14 1908 Nannie M., second d. of W. B. and S. M. Weisiger formerly of Virginia, and E. F. Adams of Memphis, Tenn., by the rector, the Rev. D. Sessums, in Cal- vary Church, Memphis, Tenn. So. Ch., Sept. 10, 1885 Wm. B., Jr., recently of Virginia, and Annie, eld- est d. of John Brown, Esq. of Memphis, Tenn., by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, in Court Street Presbyterian Church. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1874 WELBOURN John Armstead (The Rev.), of Tokyo, Japan, and Mar- garet Lynn, d. of Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Fishburne, by the Rev. Hullihen Burk- hardt assisted by the Rev. Edwin B. Nivor, D.D., in St. James' Church, Lees- burg, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1915 John E., of Baltimore, and Lucy F. Armistead, by the Rev. Dr. A. Wade, at Tommahind, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 12, 1874 WELCH Ida B., and Chas. H. Ash- ton of King George Co., by the Reve Jio Moun Gill, at the rosidonce of the brido's father, S. Wolch, near Tho Plains", Tauquier Co. So. Chu, Dec. 13, 1869 Mattie B, and Prof. Jo Lewis Logan of the Ag- ricultural and Mechan- ical College, Dering→ ton, Ky., by the Rov. W. R. Laird, at the residence of the bride's father, Dr. S. D. Welch, near Nicholasville, Ky., So. Ch., Dec. 31, 1891 WELFARE Thomas S., and Mary J. Wilson, by the Rev. Geo W, Dame, in Lexing- ton, N.C. So. Ch., Mar. 16, 1876 WELLER R. H. (The Rev.), rector of St. John's Church, Jackson- ville, and Caroline Corde- lia Veale, by the Rev. 0. P. Thackara, in St. Paul's Church, Fernandina, Fla. So, Cha, Sept. 24, 1874 WELLFORD Beverly R., Esq., of Rich- mond, and Susan S., only d. of Warner T. Talie- ferro, Fsq., by the Rev. C. Marn, at Belleville, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Mar. 19. 1858 Eveliia S., late of Froder- icksburg, and Robort R. Tompkins formerly of - 262 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, in Spotsylvania Co., at the residence of the bride's uncle, C. C. Wellford. Ch., Feb. 19, 1864 J. Spotswood (Dr.), of Fred- ericksburg, and Emiline M., youngest d. of the late Capt. P. E. Tabb of Waverly, Gloucester Co., Va., by the Rev. Chas. Minnigerode, at tho`resi- dence of Judge. De Crump, in Richmond. So. Ch. Apr, 16 and 23, 1859 R. Carter, of Richmond Co., and Lizzie C. Harrison, d. of the late W. M. Harri- son of Charles City Co., by the Rev. Dr. A. Wade, at "Westover", the resi- dence of the bride's brothe er-in-law. So. Ch., May 23, and 30, 1878 WELLS So. Bessie Gardner, of Fair- fax Co., and Joseph A. Settle of Rappahannock Co., by the Rev. John McGill, in St. John's Church, Centreville, Fairfax Co. So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1877 Edward Livingston (The Rev.), and Mary Huder, d. of E. B. M. Hughes, both of New Haven, Ct., by the Rev. Edwin Harwood,Professor in the Berkely Divinity School, Middletown, at New Haven, Ct. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1858 James W., of Petersburg, Va., and Bessie J., d. of William H. Garrett of Blandford, by the Rev. W. R. Savage, at Bland- ford, near Petersburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1893 WELTY Mary E., and Edward L. Mor- gan, both of Fairmont, by the Rev. G. A. Gib- bons, at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Annie Turney. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1879 WERNE J. Harry, of Richmond, Va., and Kate Johnson of Con- cord, N.C., by the Rov. C. M. Payne, in the First Presbytèrian Church, Con- cord, N.C. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1890 WERNER Lucile, and the Rev. Charles E. Woodson, rector of Christ Church, Vicksburg, Miss., in Christ Church, Tuscaloosa, Ala. So. Ch., July 11, 1931 WERTH Annie Dunlap, and Col. David Stuart Hounshell, by the Rev. P. G. Robert, in the Church of the Holy Com- munion, St. Louis, Mo. So. Ch., Apr. 22, 1880 James R., and Mary Herndon, d. of the late Com. M F. Maury, by the Rev. Dr. Woodbridge, at the resi- dence of the bride's moth- er in Richmond. So. Ch., July 12, 1877 WERTZ John W., and Eliza A. Har- vey, d. of the late Lewis B. Harvey, all of Frank-- lin Co., Va., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, at the residence of Ira M. Hurst. Franklin Co., Va. So. Chag Dec. 23, 1875 WEST A. J., and Ann E. Campbell, both of Jefferson, by the Rev. J. D. Powell. So. Ch., 263 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Feb. 15, 1856 Annie E., and Alonzo F. Tuck- er, both of Hanover Co., Va., by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in the Campbell- ite Church, at Gethsemane. So. Ch., May 15, 1890 Bessie P., d. of Dr. W. G. West, and George M. Gray- son, both of Loudoun Co., by the Rev. S. S. Ware, in Christ Church, Lou- doun Co So. Ch., Jan. 1, 1880 Eugene, from Frederick Co., Md., of Company G, 7th Virginia Cavalry, Rosser's Brigade, and Annie L., đ. of J. N. Cowen of Rock- ingham Co., Va., by the Rev. J. C. Wheat, at Bel- mont Hall, the residence of the bride's father Ch,, Apr. 29, 1864 George W., of Richmond, and Susie G. Braxton, d. of the late Dr. W. P. Brax- ton of Hanover, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in Immanuel Church, Hanover Co. So. Ch., Oct. 16, 1890 So. Joanna T., of Accomac, and Thomas E. Leatherbury of Northampton, by the Rev. J. B. Craighill, in Northampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 11, 1869 * Lulie F., d. of Dr. Nel- son G. and Virginia T. West, and George F. Lew- is, by the Rev. Carter Page, at the residence of the bride's father in Goresville, Loudoun Co. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1885 Mary L., d. of Dr. W. G. West of Loudoun Co., Va., and J. Wilson Bowie, by the Rev. S. S. Waro, in Christ Church, Loudoun Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 8, 1880 WETHER ILL Rebecca G. d. of the late Samuel P. Wetherill, and the Rev. W. L. Suddards, by the Rev. E. Neville, in Grace Church, Phila- delphia. So. Ch., May 14 1847 WETMORE George Badger, D.D. (The Rev.), and Pattie Helen, d. of the late Lewis B. Banner, Esq. by the Rev. James A. Wes- ton, at Banner Elk, Watau- ga Co., N.C So. Ch., Apr. 16, 1885 WHALEY Fannie Fraser, d. of J. C. Whaley, Esq. of Edisto. and the Rev. Henry Tucker Lee of Winchester, Va., rector of Trinity Church, Society Hill, S.C., by the Rt. Rev. W. B. W. Howe, D.D. assisted by the Rev. John Johnson, rector of the church, in St. Philip's Church, Charles- ton, S.C. Sọ. Ch., Apr. 30, 1874 Laura, of Fairfax Co., Va., and the Rev. Geo. A. Gib- bons of Maryland, by the Rev. Wm. Sparrow, D.D. as- sisted by the Rev. John Ambler, in St. John's` Church, West End. So. Ch., July 17, 1873 WHARTON Bettie, of Mississippi, and the 'Rev. Heber 0. Crane, by the Rev. J. Francis Gi- rault, rector of St. Anne's Church, New Orleans, at the residence of Gen. J. Whar- ton, brother of the bride, in Now Orloans. So. Ch., Mar. 23, 1876 *This notice appears in the issuo of Fob. 4, 1869 oxcopt that "Loath- orbury" is writton "Loatherburt" 264 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Dabney M. (The Rov.), and Virginia Hungerford, d. of the late Col. John W. Hungerford of Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Twiford. So. Ch.s June 25, 1868 E. L. (Capt.), and Ella Lou- ise Fairfax, both of West- moreland, Va., by the Rev. D. M. Wharton. So. Ch. Jan. 13, 1881 John E., and Mattie C. Mc- Clintock, both of Liber- ty, by the Rev. John K. Mason, at the residence of the Rev. John A. Whar- ton. So. Ch., Jan. 25 1883 L. B. (The Rev.), of William and Mary College, Williams- burg, Va., and Paulina, d. of H. Porterfield Taylor of Richmond, by the Rev. J. A. Wharton, at the res- idence of the bride's par ents. So. Ch., Jan. 17, 1878 WHEAT J. J., and Emily E. Dixon, by the Rev. James T. John- ston, in St. Paul's Church. So. Ch., Nov. 4, 1842 James C. (The Rev.), and Elizabeth, eldest d. of Gon. S. H. Lowis of Rockingham, by the Rev. T. T. Castleman, Rock- ingham Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 9, 1855 Lewis (Dr.), and Ella W. Rutherford, d. of the late Samuel J. Ruther- ford, by the Rev. J. C. Wheat, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Charles Minnige- rode, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Nov 11, 1886 · Minnie A., d. of the late R. W. Whoat of Alexandria Va., and Lt. Henrich Herwig, U.S.N., by the Rev. Dr. G. H. Norton, in St. Paul's Church, Alex- andria, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 13. 1883 WHEATLY Elvira A., of Virginia, and Arthur H. Edey of South Carolina, by the Rev. C. Y. Steptoe, in Christ Church, Culpeper Co. So. Ch., Aug. 21, 1873 WHEDBIE Mary M., formerly of North Carolina, now of Prince William Co., Va., and Wm. H. Thornton of Fairfax Co., Va., by the Rev. Arthur P. Gray, in St. Paul's Church, Haymarket. So. Ch., Jan. 5, 1888 WHEELER Mary Bawman, d. of Charles Wheeler, Esq., and the Rev. Henry A. Coit of Con- cord, N.H., by the Rov. Dr. Bawman, in the Church of tho Epiphany, Philadelphia. So. Ch., Apr. 11, 1856 U. M. (The Rev.), and Mrs. S. È. M'Collough, d. of Maj. John DeWitt of So- cioty Hill, S.C. So. Ch., Nov. 11, 1836 WHEELEY Thomas, of Richmond, Va., and Mary Ann Minor of King William Co., by the Rev. G. W. Trice. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1836 WHITBY Katheryne E., and Randolph Harrison Macon, both of St. Louis, Mo. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1915 WHITCHER Benjamin W. (The Rev.), rec- tor of St. Peter's Church, www 265 Oriskany, and Francis * Miriam, d. of Lewis Berry, Esq. of Whitesborough, by the Rev. Mr. Hull, in St. Peter's Church, Oris- kany. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1847 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WHITE Agnes Almeda, of Isle of Wight Co., and Thomas Atkinson, Esq., by the Rev. James Chisholm, at Smithfield, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 19, 1854 Anne D., of Washington, D.C., and William B. Ev- erette, III of Marshall, Va., by Dean Powell and the Rev. B. D. Chambers, cousin of the bride, in Bethlehem Chapel of the National Cathedral. So. Ch., Apr. 27, 1940 Arabella, of Romney, and Judge Lucas P. Thompson' of Staunton, by the Rev T. T. Castleman, at Rom- ney. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1855 Charlotte C., of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Rev. Charles D. Snowden, rector of St. Margaret's Church, Me- nands, N.Y., in the Chapel of the Diocesan House. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1940 Ermet Nelson, formerly of Haymarket, Va., and Helen Robins, by the Rev. W. W. Wyckoff, in Christ Episcopal Church, Gary, Ind. So. Ch., July 5, 1913 Euphania W., d. of T. W. White, and Nathan A. Stedman, Esq., Comptroll- er of the State of North Carolina, by the Rev. William S. Plumer. Ch., Jan. 15, 1836 So. * Given as printed Fannie, eldest d. of Dr. J. W. White, and Geo. P. Ball formerly of Spot syl- vania Co., by the Rev. Geo, W. Dame, at the resi- dence of the bride's father, near Laurel Grove, Spot- sylvania Co. So. Ch So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1877 James G., of Albemarle Co., Va., and Mary, only d. of W. J. Carpenter of Ashland, Va., by the Rev. John Mc- Gill, at tho residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Dec. 15, 1887 James L., Esq., of Washington, D.C., and Fannie E. Gibson of Prince George's Co., Md., by the Rov. John Collins McCabe, D.D., in St. Luke's Church, Bladensburg, Md. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1866 James L., and Kate M. Robert- son, by the Rev. L. B. Whar- ton, at "The Meadows", the residence of the Hon. Wynd- ham Robertson. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1867 John G., of Fauquier, and Seignora C., d. of Winston Carter of Prince Wil- So. Ch., liam Co.,by the Rev. R. T. Brown, in St. Paul's Church, Haymarket. Nov. 21, 1872 John Goldsborough, of El Paso, Tex., formerly of Haymarket, Va., and Mary Sydnie, d. of the late Rev. James A. Mat- thews, by the Rev. Mr. Thomp son of Trinity Episcopal Church, Van Buren, Ark. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1909 Josiah R., of Loudoun Co., Va., and Frances Virginia, d. of John B. Taylor, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Clifton, Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 13, 1855 266 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Katherine Douglas, and Chiles. Mason Ferrell, by the Rev. D. A. Cunningham, D.D., in the First Pres- byterian Church, Wheel- ing, W.Va. So. Ch., Mar. 12, 1891 L. B., of Norfolk, and Miss C. H. Bell of Mathews, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, in Trinity Church, Mathews Co. So. Che, Jan, 13, 1870 Mansfield, of Maryland, and Ella R., d. of John H. and Elizabeth Whitmore, by the Rev. Carter Page, in Christ Church, Goresville, Loudoun Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 5, 1885 Nellie Smith, and Harry Mc- Gill Williams, by the rec- tor, the Rov. Walter P. Griggs, in St. Peter's Church, Poolesville, Md. So. Ch., Nov. 27, 1890 Rebecca H., d. of N. S. White, Esq., and Joseph Trapnoll, Esq., s. of the officiating clergyman, tho Rev. Jos. Trapnoll, Jr.: as- sisted by the Rov. Mr. Am- blor, at Charlos Town, W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1866 Robb (The Rev.), of Wytho- ville, Va., and Sallie A., youngest d. of William R. Warren, Esq., by the Rev. A. W. Wed- dell assisted by the Rev. H. B. Lee, at Har risonburg, Va. So, Ch., Dec. 2, 1875 late Samuel, of Roanoke, and Jennie D. Logan, d. of Jas. . Logan, Esq. of Goochland Co., by the Rev. Edward H. In- gle, in St. Paul's Chapel, Salem, Roanoke Co. So. Ch,, Jan. 6, 1870 Thos. Ward (The Rev.), and Alice Fleming, d. of Rich- ard K. Cralle, Esq., by the Rev. T. V. Moore, D.D., in the First Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va. Ch., Oct. 24, 1862 William Seymour, Common- wealth's Attorney of Staf- ford Co. and Secretary of the Frodericksburg Im- provomont Company, and Mrs. Helen Sibley Stokes, d. of the late General Sibley of the United States Army, by the rector, the Rev. W. M. Clark, in St. George's Church, Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Fob. 12, 1891 WHITEHEAD So. Anna Irvine, d. of Robert Whitehead, Esq. of Nelson Co., Va., and James Rector Smoot of Aloxandria, by the Rev. Paul Whitehoad, D.D., at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Aug. 26, 1880 Cabell, assistant assayer of the United States Mint, at Boise City, Ida., and Bena Ayros, d. of Col. E. W. Ayros, the well known Washington correspondent, by the Rev. Dr. Mott, as- sistant rector of Epiphany Church, Washington, D.C. So. Oct. 1888 John (Dr.), of Salisbury, N.C., and Rose Irving, d. of Edward W. Morris of Clazemont, Hanover Co., Va., by the Rev. Frank Page, in Zion Church, Fairfax C.H. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1889 Kitty M., d. of Robert White- head, Esq. of Nelson Co., Va., and Frederick H. Moss of Fauquier Co., Va., by the 267 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES. OF PUBLICATION Rev. B. T. Turner assist- ed by the Rev. Paul White- head, D.D., at Forkland. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1884 Robert Lee of Roanoke, Va., and Fanny Lea, d. of Carl Zogbaum, by the Rev. T. S. Rumney assisted by the Rev. Mr. Bryan, at German- town, Pa. So, Ch So. Ch.. Nov. 14. 1889 Stuart B., and Sue W. Màs- sie, by the Rev. J. W. Ware, in Grace Church, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1893 Valeria Berrien, youngest d. of the late Hon. Jn. Whitehead of Burke Co. and gr.d. of Maj. John Ber- rien of the Continental Army, and Augustas Ramon Silas of Savannah, former- ly of Charleston, S.C., by the Rev. William A. Leonard, in St. John's Church, Washington, DC. So. Ch., Jan. 1, 1885 Wm. E., and Mattie Cheadle, both of Appomattox Co., Va., by the Rev. A, S. Lloyd, at the home of the bride's fa- ther. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1882 WHITING Annie B., d, of Kennon Whit- ing, Esq., and James Bar- ron Hope, Esq., by the Rev. John C. McCabe, rector of the Church of the Ascension, Baltimore (and former rec- tor of the church in Hamp- ton), at Elmwood, near Hampton, Va. So. Ch., June 19, 1857 Fenton P., of Roanoke, Va., and Maude, d. of the late G. Washington Lewis of Clarke Co., Va., by the rector, the Rov. P. P. Phil- lips, in Grace Church, Ber- * Givon as printed ryville, Va❤ So. Ch., Sept. 10, 1891 Hannah B., of Hampton, and Richard M. Cary, Esq. of Petersburg, by the Rev. John C. McCabe, at Hampton. So. Ch., Aug. 30, 1855 Harriet P., formerly of Vir- ginia, and Chas. W. Irwin of New York, by the Rev. R. D. Brooke, in St. John's Church, Dubuque, Iowa. So. Ch., Aug. 14, 1851 Hugh, of Clarke Co., Va., and Bessie Douglas, d. of Dr. T. B. Montague, by the Rev. Mr. Meredith, at Rosedale, Stafford Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1889 Kate C., d. of H. C. Whit- ing, Esq. of Hampton, Va., and William Green Young, by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt, in St. John's Church, Hampton, Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1882 Lizzie, second d. of Kenon * Whiting, Esq., and John Critchler, Esq. of West- moreland Co., Va., by the Rev. E. H. Harlow, at Hamp- ton, Elizabeth City Co. So. Ch., Nov. 20, 1857 Neville Herbert, and Meta Herbert, d. of the late Charles Keith Hyde, by the Rev. George H. Norton, Ď.D., at the residence of Col. Arthur Herbert, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1881 William B., former midshipman of the U.S. Navy, and Mary Lee Nicholls of Louisville, Ky., by the Rev. Mr. Jack- son, at Louisville, Ky. So. Ch., Dec. 27, 1839 WHITLEY Joel Flournoy, of Surry, and Lellie Wingfield, second d. 268 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION of George W. Moody of Sur- ry, by the Rev. David Barr, near Surry C.H., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 13. 1887 WHITLOCK Ellen P., d. of Richard H. Whitlock of Richmond, and James W. Pedin of Suffolk, Va., by the Rev. H. S. Kepler. So. Ch., Apr. 25, 1856 John T., and Elizabeth Ger- trude Whitworth, by the Rev. J. E. Hammond, in Memorial Church, Manches- ter, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1871 William J. P., and Lucy Amelia Leigh, by the rec- tor, the Rev. John Lon- don, in St. James' Church, Louisa, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1911 WHITLOW J. H., and Nannie W. Smith, both of Campbell Co., by the Rev. W. E. Webb. Ch., July 1, 1859 So. WHIT MORE Ella R., d. of John H., and Elizabeth Whitmore, and Mansfield White of Mary- land, by the Rev. Car- ter Page, in Christ Church, Goresville, Lou- doun Cong Va. So. Chạy Feb. 5. 1885 WHITNEY Chas, B., of Campbell Court House, and Sarah Coles of Lancaster, by the Rev. Edmund Withers, at Lo- cust Green, Lancaster Co., Va. So. Ch., May 16, 1856 WHITRIDGE Ellen Ward, d. of John A. Whitridge, Esq., and Sam- uel M. Shoemaker, by the Rev. J. H. Eccleston, D.D., in Emmanuel Church, Balti- : moro. So. Ch., Nov. 27, 1884 WHITTEN Guy, of Goodson, Va., and Ella, d. of Thos. G. Godwin, Esq., of Fincastle, by the Rev Pendleton Brooke, in St. Mark's Church, Fincastle. So. Ch., May 14, 1874 WHITTINGHAM Edward T., M.D., and Martha, d. of Israel D. Condit, all of Milburn, by the Bishop of Maryland assisted by the Bishop of New Jersey, in St. Stephen's Church, Milburn, N.J. So. Ch., Jan. 21, 1859 WHITTINGTON Charles H., and Margaret L. Fewell, by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at Manassas. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1871 Minnie Frances, of Merrett's Island, and the Rev. p. L. Hargraves, rector of St. Mark's Church, Cocoa, Fla., in the church, at Cocoa. Ch., Mar. 4, 1939 So. WHITTLE Cloe Tyler, d. of Conway Whittle, Esq. of Norfolk, Va., and J. Newport Greene, Esq. formerly of Nowton House, County Kilkenney, Ireland, by the Rev. N. A. Okeson assisted by the Rev. Julius Sams, in St. Paul's Church, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 7, 1876 Elizabeth Sinclair, d. of Judge and Mrs. Stafford G. Whittle of Virginia, and James David Johnston of Roanoke, Va., by the rec- tor, the Rev. Alfred W. Anson, in Christ Church, Martinsville, Va. So. Ch., June 14, 1913 Francis M. (The Rev.), of Ka- 269 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION nawha Co., Va., and Emily C., eldest d. of W. M. C. Fairfax, Esq., by the Rev. C. M. Butler, D.D., at Wash- ington, D.C. So. Ch., June 23, 1848 Francis M., Jr., and Caroline L. Walke, by the Rt. Rev. F. M. Whittle and the Rev. Lewis Walke, in St. Stephen's Church, Cecil Co., Md. So. Ch., Dec. 9, 1880 Jeanie, d. of Com. Wm. C. Whittle of Buchanan, and the Rev. David Barr, rector of Meherrin Parish, Greons- ville Co., Va., by the Rev. Pendleton Brooko, in Trinity Church, Buchanan, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 13, 1873 Lizzic, d. of Com. W. Whit- tlo, and J. Coles Torry of Roanoke Co., Va., by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, in Trinity Church, Buchan- an. So. Ch., May 1, 1873 Lucy P., d. of the officiat- ing clergyman, and Dr. John N. Upshur, by Bishop F. M. Whittle, in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 27, 1873 Mary E., d. of Conway Whittle, Esq., and the Rev. F. Julius Sams, rector of Trinity Church, Black Oak, S.C., by the Rev. E. M. Rodman, rec- tor of Christ Church, Nor- folk, Va., at the residence of the bride's father, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 11, 1859 Wm. C. (Capt.), U.S. Navy, and Ann E. Hammer, d. of the late Samuel Anthony, Esq., by the Rev. T. M. Ambler, at the residence of the bride's uncle, at Buchanan. So. Ch. Aug. 12, 1859 William C., Jr. (Capt.), and Elizabeth Calvert, eldest d. of Gen. R. L. and Alex- ina Pago, by the Rev. Dr. 0. S. Barten, in Christ Church, Norfolk. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1872 Zillah M., d. of L. N. Whit- tle, Esq., and Ferdinand Emriel, Esq., by the Rev. Benjamin Johnson, in Christ Church, Macon, Ga. So. Ch., Apr. 23, 1874 WHITTLE SEY Walter, of Chelsea, Mass., and Ida, d. of Sterling J. Hubbard of London, Ohio, by the Rev. Wm. Stevens Campbell, at the residence of the bride's fathor. Ch., Sept. 23, 1886 WHITWORTH Elizabeth Gertrude, and John T. Whitlock, by the Rev. J. E. Hammond, in Memori- al Church, Manchester, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1871 WIATT So. So. Hannah More, of Spotsylvania. Co., Va., and J. T. Ash- ton of King George, by the Rev. A. M. Randolph, in Spotsylvania Co., Va. Ch., Nov. 25, 1859 Maria S., and Peter P. Burr of Fredericksburg, by the Rev. W. W. Green, at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, in Spot- sylvania Co. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1863 Thos. M., Esq., of Gloucos- ter, Va., and Sarah C. Se- gar of Middlesex, Va., by the Rev. G. S. Carraway, in the Urbanna Church. Ch., Feb. 15, 1855 WICKER So. Virginia L., d. of the late Col. Francis Wicker of Richmond, and Benj. 270 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION W. B. Blanton of Cumber- land Co., by the Rov. H. S. Kepler, rector of St. John's Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1856 WICKHAM Anne Carter, d. of Gen. Wm. C. Wickham, and Robert H. Renshaw of Baltimore, by the Rev. Charles Min- nigerodė, at Hickory Hill, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 17, 1881 Elizabeth, d. of L. E. Ì. Wickham of Henrico Co., Va., and Parke Fitzhugh of Pittsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. Green Shack- elford, at the residenco of the brido's father. Ch., Jan. 24, 1884 Francis, d. of the lato John Wickham, Esq. of Rich- mond, Va., and Lt. Col. Jamos D. Graham, U.S. Army, by the Rev. Dr. Minnige- rode, Richmond. So. Ch.g Feb. 20, 1857 So. George, s. of the late John Wickham, Esq., and Char- lotte F. Carter, d. of William Carter, Esq. of Hanover Co., by the Rt. Rev. R. C. Moore, in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 25, 1839 Honry T., of Hanover Co., Va., and Elise W., d. of George A. Barksdale, Esq. of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Charles Minnigerode, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 24, 1885 John, of Henrico, and Elizabeth Hill Carter, eldest d. of Hill Carter, Esq. of Charles City, by the Rev. Dr. Okesen, at Shirley. So. Ch., Dec. 9, 1859 Lucy Carter, d. of the late * Probably "Weise," but given as printed E. F. Wickham, and Geo. H. Byrd of Baltimore, by the Rov. Mr. Poterkin, at tho rosidonco of W. F. Wick- ham, Hanover Co. So. Ch., Feb. 6, 1857 Mary Fanning, d. of the late E. F. Wickham, and Julius T. Percher of South Car- olina, by the Rev. Mr. Pe- terkin, at the residence of W. F. Wickham, Hanover Co. So. Ch., Feb. 6, 1857 WIESE* George F. (Capt.), and M. Elizabeth Comer, by the Rev. J. Jacquelin Ambler Jr., in St. Mark's Church, Danto, Va. So. Ch., May 9, 1931 WIGGINS Jamos A., of Madison Co., Ala., and Mary A. Floyd, by the Rev. Goo. W. Dame, at Brookfield, Campbell Co. So. Ch., Sept. 24, 1858 WILBUR Pardon, of Providence, R.I., and Mrs. Cornelia Rives Harrison of Albemarle Coas Va., by the Rev. T. E Locke, at River Lawn. Ch., June 19, 1884 WILBURN James Clinton, of Alexandria, and Llora Corinė Marstel- ler, by the Rev. John Towles of Prince George's Co., Md., at Arelton, the residence of Arell Mars- teller, Esq. So. Ch., Jan. 23, 1868 WILCHEN SQ Sarah J., and Richard Witt, by the Rev. R. J. McBryde, in Amherst Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 10, 1870 WILCOX E. Sherred, d. of Col. James ! 271 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION M, Wilcox of Charles City Co., Va., and Wm. W. Adams of Petersburg, by the Rev. Dr. Wade, at Buckland, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov 14, 1872 Montgomery, and Mary McKen zie, eldest d. of John E. Graeff, all of Philadel phia, by the Rev. Theo- dore S. Rumney, D.D... assisted by the Rev. Ed- ward S. Watson, D.D., in Philadelphia. So. Ch., May 13, 1880 WILCOXON Josiah, and Julia E., both of Prince William Co., Va., by the Rev. John Towles. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1857 WILCOXSEN Hanson T. (The Rev.), and Mary K., d. of the late Richard Mason of George- town, Md., by the Rev J. Campbell White, in St Andrew's Church, Washing- ton Co., Md. So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1855 WILDMAN Thomas G., Esq., formerly of New York, and Mollie B. Kehler, d. of the of- ficiating clergyman, for- merly of Jefferson Co., Va., by the Rev. Mr. Keh- ler, in Denver City, J.T.* So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1860 WILEY ? Frederick S. (The Rov.), roc- tor of Grace Church, Hones- dale, and Frances Matilda, d. of the late H. B. Pierre- pont, by the Rev. Dr. Cut- ler, in St. Anne's Church, Brooklyn. So. Ch., Nov. 1, 1849 the Rev. T. H. Lacy, at the residence of the bride's father, C. C. Miller, Esq., near Point Pleasant, V.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 9, 1879 WILKERSON N. A., of Rockingham Co., N.C., and Malissa T. Copp- ridge of Pittsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. C. 0. O. Pruden, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Pittsylvania. So. Ch., Jan. 1, 1885 WILKINS Anna, d. of Dr. Benjamin Wilkins, and Dr. Henry M. Neblett of Virginia, at "Forest Home", Louisiana. So. Ch., Apr. 13, 1871 George F., M.D., and Lottie Y. Nottingham, d. of Dr Thomas J. L. L. Notting- ham, by the Rev. J. J. Clemens, at Mt. Lebanon, Northampton Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 27, 1870 Isabella of Drummondtown, Accomac Co., Va., and Robert F. Williams of Richmond, by the Rev. Wm. C. Williams of Georgia, in St. James' Church, Drum- mondtown, Accomac Co., Va So, Ch., Nov. 14, 1856 John (Dr.), C.S.A., and Lucia Cary Tabb, by the Rev. G. S. Carraway, at Auburn, Mathews Co. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1862 0. Edward, cashier of the Henrietta Mills, and Loula A., d. of the late John T. Ball of Meridian, Miss., by the Rev. E. A. Osborne of Charlotte, at the residence of Mr. Fred S. Mosher, Supt. of Hen- rietta Mills, Rutherford Rankin, Jr. (Capt.), and Blanche Cantrell Miller, by * Jefferson Territory became Colorado Territory in 1861 272 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Co., N.C. So. Ch., Oct. 2. 1890 Sarah Jane, d. of John Wil- kins, Esq. of Rutherford, N.C., and the Rev. John' Huske Tillinghast of St. Paul's, Clinton, by the Rev. J. D. McCullough of the Diocese of South Car- olina, in St. John's Church, Rutherford, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1865 William W., of Brunswick Co., and Rosa Clark of Halifax, by the Rev. John T. Clark, at Ban- nister Lodge. So. Ch.s Nov. 22, 1866 WILKINSON Claudia, and Richard Robert Prentiss, M.D., by the Rev. Thomas P. Baker, in Christ Church Chapel, Yonge's Island, S.C. So. Ch., Jan. 28, 1911 David M. (Dr.), of Chester- field, and Nannie Jane, d. of the late Alfred Wood, Esq. of Amelia, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at Old- enplace, Amelia Co. So. Ch., May 8, 1857 Ella A., superintendent of St. Luke's Hospital, a pa- rochial institution of Bellingham, Wash., and the Rev. R. Marshall Harrison of St. Paul's Church, Bell- ingham, Wash., by the Rev. Edgar M. Rodgers, in Trin- ity Church, Everett, Wash. So. Ch., Aug. 3, 1918 Jeanie B., of Brandon, Miss., and Dr. John W. Price of Mt . Airy, Pittsylvania Co., Va., by the Rev. C. 0. Pru- den, in Epiphany Church, Danville. So. Ch., May 31, 1888 John. (Lt.), U.S. Navy, and Mary Blair, d. of the late John Peachy of Florida, by the Rev. P. Berkeley, at Osmore, the residence of Mrs. Banister, in Amel- ia Co. So. Ch., Jan. 15 1858 Laura Doris, of Beaver, Pa., and the Rev. William Axford Benjamin Holmes, chaplain of Pennsylvania In- dustrial School, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wyatt Brown, in the Keferstein Chapel of the Holy Spir- it, Bishops Court, Har- risburg, Penn. So. Ch., July 17, 1938 Mary D., of William Wilkinson, Esq., and John W. Prickett, Esq., of Amelia Co., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard. So. Che, Dec. 17, 1858 Mary Hannah, d. of E. Wil- kinson, Esq., Mayor of West Point, and Chas. A. W. Barham formerly of Durham, N.C., by the Rev. Pendleton Brooke, in St. John's Church, West Point, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 7, 1889 Telia H., of Powhatan Co Va., and Charles J. Beat- tie of Marlboro", S.C., by tho Rev. R. N. Pratt, at "Belone", S.C. So. Ch., Mar. 17, 1885 WILLCOX Sue R., and E. C. Harrison, by the Rev. Edward Valen- tine Jones, in Westover Church, Charles City Co., Va. So. Ch., July 16, 1891 Thomas H., and Mary Cary Ambler, d. of the Rev. T. M. Ambler of Wilming- ton, N.C., by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd assisted by the 275 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WILLCOXEN ܙ Rev. R. R.. Claiborne, in St. Luke's Church, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1885 Thomas W., Esq., of Charles City Co., and Mattio A., d. of Dr. Th. S. Clai- borne, by the Rov. J. D. Powell, in Saint Mark's Church, New Glasgow. Ch., Dec. 17, 1858 ! WILLIAMS So. J. W., and Ida E. Marders, both of Prince William Co., Va., by the Rev. A. P. Gray, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 4. 1883 Albert, of Kansas City, and Mary Maxwell Porter, d. of Mrs. Caroline Por- ter and the late Charles B. Porter, at the family residence in St. Joseph, Mo. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1910 Alexander Watson (Dr.), U.S.A., and Florence H. Light, by the Ven. Rich- ard P. Williams, Canon of Washington, father of the groom, in the Bethle hem Chapel of the Nativ- ity, Washington, D.C. Ch., Aug. 21, 1915 Charles B., and Kate M. Daniel, both of Culpeper Co., by the Rev. John B. McGill, at the rosidonco of the brido's mothor. So. Ch., Doc. 28, 1882 Charles D. (The Rov.), and Lucy V. Benedict, by tho Rov. Dr. Benodict, father of the bride and roctor of St. Paul's, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Piso and the Roy. Dr. Jaoger form- orly of Gambier, in St. So. Paul's Church, Cincin- nati. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1886 Charlos Phelps, and Juliot Mario Riley, d. of tho lato Dr. John C. Riloy, all of Georgotown, by the Rev. John S. Lind- say, D.D., in St. John's Church, Georgetown, D.C. So. Ch., May 3, 1883 Chauncey C. (The Rev.), and Pattie, only d. of the late Joel W. Jones, Esq., of Mobile, by the Bishop of Alabama, in Christ Church, Mobile. So. Ch., Jan. 30, 1879 Columbin W., d. of the late Capt. ". G. Tilliams of the Corps of Topographic- al Engineers, Unitod States Army, and Abel B. Upshur Esq., by the Rev. A. Stryker, in Baltimore. So. Ch., June 27, 1872 Cyane Dandridge, of Alex- andria, Va., and Eli Lockert Bemis of New Or- leans, by the Rev. T. G. Dashiell assisted by the Rev. Joshua Peterkin, in St. James' Church, Rich- mond. So. Ch., Jan. 16, 1890 Elizabeth P. G., of Clarke Co., Va., and the Rev. W. Woodson Walker of Mt. Jack- son, Va., by the Rev. W. T. Loavell assisted by the Rev. C. Walker, D.D., at "Smithfield", Clarko Co., Va. So. Ch., July 8, 1880 F. S., of Baltimoro, and Kathloon M. Macmurdo of Ashland, Va., by the Rev. G.. Easter. So. Ch., Mar. 26, 1868 Francos B., d. of Dr. Wil'… $ 274 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION liams of Culpeper Co., Va., and Joseph B. Pannell, by the Rev. Mr. Woodville, near Culpeper C.H., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 22, 1837 G. Thurston, of London, England, and Sallie B. Nicolson, d. of Dr. G. Nicolson, by the Rev. J. Hervey Hund- ley, in Christ Church, Mid- dlesex Co., Va. So. Ch.,- May 11, 1876 George W., of Richmond, and Rebecca, d. of the late Judge William Leigh, by the Rev. William H. Laird, at the residence of Benjamin Watkins Leigh, Esq., in Mecklenburg Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 14, 1875 George W., of Prince George Co., and Anna Harrison, CO* d. of Dr. John R. Mason of Sussex Co., Va., by the Rev. C. J. Gibson, at "Oak Spring". So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1875 Goodwin H., and Nannie H., d. of the late Edward McCormick, all of Clarke Co., Va., by the rec- tor, the Rev. P. P. Phillips, assisted by the Rev. S. S. Moore, in Grace Church, Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 25, 1886 Hannah Maria, third d. of Allen Williams, Esq., and Henry Buchanan Bird of Delaware, by the Rev. F. M. Whittle, at Mount Hebron, Clarke Co,, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1855 Harry McGill, and Nellie So. Ch., Smith White, by the rector, the Rev. Walter P. Griggs, in St. Peter's Church, Poolesville, Md. Nov. 27, 1890 Hattie, d. of Allen Williams, Esq. of Clarke Co., Va., and Col. Wm. T. Dortch of Goldsborough, N.C., by the Rev. J. F. Martin, at the residence of the bride's father, So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1872 Hazeal (Dr.), and Julia C. Diggs, both of Virginia, by the Rev. H. M. Wharton. So. Ch., Apr. 13, 1882 Henry Horton (The Rev.), of Charlottesville, Va., formerly of Birkenhead, England, and Frances Cal- lender, youngest d. of the late Maj. William N. Berkeley of the Uni- versity of Virginia, formerly of Aldie, Lou- doun Co., by the Rev. W. R. Mason. So. Ch., Oct. 9, 1909 Harry S. (Lt.), of Mecklen- burg, and Susan Dabney, second d. of Col. R. Withers, by thế Rev. Geo. W. Dame, in the Church of the Epiphany, Danville. So. Ch., Jan, 4, 1866 Howe Allen, and Elizabeth Walter Kendrick, by the bride's father, the Bish- op of New Mexico and Ari- zona, in Grace Church, Oceanside, Calif. So. Chas Ch., Oct. 24, 1908 J. Peter, and Anna P., d. of the late Wm. H. Kinckle, all of Lynch- burg, by the Rev. T. M. Carson, in St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg. So. Ch., Dec. 19. 1872 James A. (The Rev.), rector of St. Mark's Church, Or- ange, N.J., and Elizabeth Ann, d. of Ichabod Condit also of Orange, N.J., by the Rov. Richard Cox, at Orango, N.J. So. Ch., Oct. 27, 1837 275 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION James H. (The Rev.), of Nash- ville, former rector of Grace Church, Lynchburg, and Mrs. Elizabeth Denison Allen, gr.d. of President Tyler and d. of the late Rev. Henry Denison, by the Rev. Fr. Hubard of Salem assisted by the Rev. Mr. Hullihen, in Trinity Church, Staunton. So. Ch., Apr. 27, 1893 James Henry (The Rev.), of New York City, and Indi- ana Fletcher of Amherst, Va., by the Rev. m. H. Kinckle, in St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Sopt. 14, 1865 Jessie Bryan, d. of the Rev. John B. Williams, rector of the parish, and John Elliot Bull, by the Rev. Dr. Ellison Capers, in Prince George's Win- jah Episcopal Church, Georgetown, S.C. So. Ch., Jan. 12, 1893 John L., of Richmond, and Maria W., eldest d. of John G. Skelton of Powha- tan Co., by the Rev. F. F. Berkeley, in Grace Church, Powhatan Co. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1864 Louis L. (The Rev.), and Kate M., d. of Maj. John and Fannie Green, by the Rev. G. H. Norton, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., July 24, 1890 Margaret S., d. of John Williams, Esq., and P. H. Gibson, Esq., all of Pe- tersburg, by the Rev. Churchill Gibson, in St. James' Church. So. Ch., Mar. 14, 1856 Mary L. D., d. of Philip * Given as printed Williams, Esq. of Win- chester, and the Rev. Jas. A. Averitt of Alabama, by the Rev. Mr. Meredith, in Christ Church, Winchester. So. Ch., Mar. 14, 1862 Mary Willoughby, and Fisher Howe of Princeton, N.J., at the home of her parents, Wilton, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch So. Ch., Mar. 13, 1909 May Beverley, and James Boyd Patton, by the Rev. Pres- ton Nash, in St. James Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1889. Merritt F. (The Rev.), priest- in-charge of St. Stephen's Mission, Fort Yukon, Alas- ka, s. of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 0. Williams of St. Louis, Mo., and Lucy Ogden Cornell, nurse in the Hudson Stuck Memorial Hospital at Fort Yukon, Alaska, d. of the late Dr. William P. Cornell of Charleston, S.C. and of Mrs. William P. Cornell, Executive Secretary of the Diocese of Florida, by the Rt. Rev. John Boyd Bentley, Bishop Suffra- gan of Alaska, at Fort Yu- kon, Alaska. So. Ch., Aug. 6, Dec. 3 and 10, 1932 Nannie E., d. of Dr. Thomas J. Williams. of Charlotte Co., Va., and Dr. Gran- ville R. Lewis of Frince Edward Co., by the Rev. James A. Mitchell, in Charlotte Co. So. Ch Nov. 8, 1866 Nannie Fassman, d. of the late J. Shelby Williams and gr.d. of Mrs. Judge * Pholan of "Fatherland" near Nashville, Tenn., and ontworth P. Johnson - 276 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION of Norfolk, Va., by the Rev. L. T. Martin, rec- tor, in St. Ann's Church, East Nashville, Tenn. So. Ch., Jan. 29, 1885 Nannie H., d. of Capt. E. Peachy Williams formerly of Clarke Co., Va., and Frank Dunklie of Giles Co., Va., by the Rev. Wood- son Walker of Mt. Jackson, Shenandoah Co., Va., in Grace Church, Berryville. So. Ch., May 19, 1881 Nannie Moore, of Baltimore, and the Rev. J. C. Koon of Hancock, Md., by the Rev. Irving McElroy, in St. Luke's Church, in Balti- more. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1888 Richard P., of New York, and Margaret F. Watson, by the Rev. Dr. Minnige- rode assisted by the Rev. Dr. Shackelford, at the residence of the bride's father, corner of Franklin and Adams stroots, Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Juno 21, 1883 Robert F., of Richmond, and Isabella Wilkins of Drum- mondtown, Accomac Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. C. Wil- liams of Georgia, in St. James' Church, Drummond- town, Accomac Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 14, 1856 Henrietta S., d. of Theodo- rick A. and Gertrude Wil- liams, and Thomas Howard Gilliam, by the Rev. Wal- ter Williams, D.D. of Christ Church, Baltimore, assisted by the Rev. Ar- thur S. Lloyd, in St. Luke's Protestant Episco- cal Church, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., June 18, 1891 Walter (The Rev.), of Lees- burg, Va., and Alice, young- est d. of Joseph H. Brad- ley, Esq. of Washington, by the Rev. George D. Cum- mins, D.D. of Baltimore, in Trinity Church. So. Ch., Mar. 4. 1859 Walter (The Rev.), rector of Grace Church, Georgo- town, and Anna Cost Poole, d. of Mrs. Richard Poolo, by the Rov. Bishop Alfred Har- ding assisted by the Rev. J. W. Blake, in Christ Church, Georgetown, D.C. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1909 Walter Armistead, and Alice Marshall, d. of James M. Taylor, Esq. of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rev. T. G. Dashiell assisted by the Rev. W. B. Williams, in St. James' Church. So. Ch., Fob. 24, 1887 Wm. C., Esq., and Roberta Hans- brough, both of Orange Co., by the Rev. Joseph Earnost, at Orange C.H. So. Ch., Sopt. 25, 1857 Wm. G., and Susan A., d. of R. R. Miller, all of Rich- mond, by the Rev. Wm. S. Plummer. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1836 WILLIAMSON James J., of Dinwiddie, and Agnes E., d. of the late John C. Goode of Mecklenburg, by the Rev. Mr. Steele. So. Ch., Nov. 24, 1837 Jos. A., and Eleanor W.; eldest d. of Dr. T. Jo McGill of Frederick, Md., by the Rev. Jno. McGill as- sisted by the rector of the parish, the Rev. 0. Ingle, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1871 277 • Susan Scott, d. of Mrs. E. J. Williamson, and Edward B. Meetze, Esq., by the Rev. W. Strother Jones, at "Greenhill", Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1876 ** MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION W. G. (Capt.), and Bettie M. Cralle, both of Vir- ginia, by the Rev. Ed- ward Valentine, at Hun- tington, W.Va. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1872 Wm. B., and Mary F. Shep- perd, both of Warrenton, Va., by the Rev. George W. Nelson, in St. James' Church, Warrenton, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 4, 1886 WILLIFORD Martha, and the Rt. Rev. John Payne, D.D., by the Rev. C. C. Hoffman, at Cavella, West Africa. So. Ch., Oct. 15, 1858 WILLIS A. J. (The Rev.), of King George, and Margaret W., d. of 7. L. G. and Ada- lina Mitchell, by the Rev. H. L. Derby assisted by the Rev. Mr. Johnson and the Rov. Mr. Mason, at Whito Chapel, Lancastor, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 26, 1885 Achille Murat, of Rappahan- nock, Va., and Sopha B, Dickinson of King Goorgo Co., Va., by the Rov. A. J. Willis, at Borry Plain, the residence of the brido's fathor, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Mar. 19, 1885 Belle T., and J. Baldwin Walker of Baltimore, by the Rev. E. J. Willis, father of the bride, in Clarksburg, W.Va. So. Ch., Apr. 24, 1884 : ! * Charles Edgar, of Vicks- burg, Miss., and Willi- etta Woodbridge Groene, d. of the officiating. clergyman, the Rov. Wm. W. Greene, in Cal- vary Church, Front Royal, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 23 1893 A Emma Edwards, youngest d. of Thos. H. Willis, Esq. of Charles Town, and Bushrod Corbin Washington, Esq. of Jefferson Co., by the Rev. . H. Heade, in Zion Church, Charles Town. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1978 Georgine, youngest d. of TAT the late Col. Geo. Wil- lis, and Joseph D. Logan of West Virginia, by the Rev. R. R. Claiborne, in Emmanuel Church, Rapidan, Va. So. Ch,, May 27, 1886 Henry G., of Orange Co., and Leah Seddon, d. of C. W. Chancellor, M.D. of Bal- timore and gr.d. of the late Gen. A. G. Taliaferro and Mrs. A. H. M. Talia- ferro of "Annandale" Cul- peper Co., Va., by the Rov. George Murray, the rector, in Emmanuel Church, Culpeper Co. So. Ch., Doc. 15, 1887 Isabella, d. of Col. Goo. Willis, and Alexander F. Hayward, Esq. of Florida, by tho Rov. J. Earnost, at Wood Park, the rosidonco of the bride's father, in Orange. So. Ch., June 10, 1859 John M., Esq., and Fannie C. Shield, both of Hampton, Va., by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt, in St. John's Church, Hampton, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 15, 1877 278 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION John Mitchell (Dr.), U.S. Army, and Anna Gibson, by the Rev. John S. Gib- son, D.D., father of the bride, and the Rev. An- drew J. Willis, father of the groom, in Trinity Church, Huntington, W.Va. So. Ch., July 15, 1911 Nellie C., and W. Byrd Willis, both of Orange Co., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at "Fairfield" the residence of Maj. John D. Richardson, in Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., May 9, 1878 Virginia C., d. of the late Col. George Willis, and Charles E. Cary of Glou- cester, Va., by the Rev. John S. Hansbrough, at Wood Park, Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., June 11, 1885 W. Byrd, and Nellio C. Wil- lis, both of Orange Co., Va., by the Rev. T. F. Martin, at "Fairfiold" the residence of Maj. John D. Richardson, in Clarke Co., Va. So. Ch., May 9, 1878 VILLITTS Merit, Esq., and Laura E. Naudain, both of New Castle Co., Del., by the Rev. Jno. Collins McCabe, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Jno. W. Brown of Philadelphia, in St. Ann's Church, Middletown, Del. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1869 WILLMETH W. A., and Dora Beck, both of Roanoke, by the Rev. D. M. Wood, in Roanoke, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1885 WILLS Annie M., d. of Thomas H. Wills, Esq., and R. J. Ambler, by the Rev. Charles E. Ambler, at Rock Hall, Jefferson Co. So. Ch., Aug. 21, 1857 Hallie G., d. of C. T. Wills, Esq., and R. M. Guy of Staunton, by the Rev. Mr. Suter, at Lynchburg. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1867 Jennie R., of Nelson Co., and Walter S. Sublett of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. D. M. Wood, in Trin- ity Church, Nelson Co. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1888 WILLSON Maria, d. of the late T. C. Willson of Amelia Co., Va., and Carthous Archer of Henrico, by the Rev P. F. Berkeley, at Sel- ma, the residence of Richard Anderson of Amol- ia Co. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1868 WILLER George T. (The Rev.), of Botetourt Co., Va., and Mary Poachy, d. of tho late Peachy R. Gilmer, by the Rev. Richard K. Meade, at Leigh, Albe- marle Co., Va. So. Ch., May 7, 1847 George T. (The Rev.), and Marianna Bog' eldest d. of Robert Saun- ders, Esq., all of Wil- liamsburg, Va., by the Rev. Richard H. Wilmer of Bedford Co., Va. Ch., Oct. 12, 1855 Helen Skipwith, and Edward C. Venable of Petersburg, Va., by the Rt. Rev. J. P. B. Wilmer and the Rev Dr. Slaughter, in Emmanuel Church, Culpeper Co., Va. So. • } 279- MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1878 Lucy Fage, sister of the Rev. Dr. C. B. Wilmer of Atlanta and d. of the late Rev. Dr. G. T. Wilmer, and William Bowyer Poindexter of Greenlee, Va., by the Rev. J. W. Cantey Johnson of St. John's Church, Roan- oke, at "Brier Hill", near Amsterdam, Va. So. Ch., July 12, 1913 Marion, d. of the officiat- ing Bishop, and Harvey E. Jones, by Bishop Wilmer, in St. Paul's Church, Spring Hill, Ala. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1869 Simon (The Rev.), roctor of Christ Church, Prince George's and Charles coun- ties, Md., and Mrs. Mary Tubman of Charlos Co., by tho Rt. Rev. Wm. M. Stono, D.D., at Mulberry Grove. So. Ch., Aug. 4, 1837 WILSHIRE Francis Haughton, and Iono Elizabeth, đe of the Rov. m. H. C. and Mary Long, by the Rev. H. L. Derby, in Christ Church, at Lancaster, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 24, 1874 WILSON Adella J., and Reuben A. Bellen, both of Nanse- mond Co., Va. but origin- ally from Schoharie Co., N.Y., by the Rev. J. B. Cráighill, in the rectory of St. Paul's Church, in Suffolk. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1877 Agnes H., d. of Samuel P. Wilson, Esq., and Wm. D. Macgill, all of Pittsyl- vania Co., by the Rev.. P. D. Thompson, in Fittsyl- vania Co. So. Ch., Oct 24, 1867 Alfred, of Bethesda, Md., and Minnie W. Poole of Poolesville, by the Rev. Walter P. Griggs, in St. Peter's Church, Pooles- ville, Md. So. Ch., June 30, 1892 Anna L., d, of the late John S. Wilson, and Rob- ert E. Allen, all of Bu- chanan, by the Rev. Ed- ward H. Ingle, in Trini- ty Church, Buchanan. So. Ch., Nov. 15, 1877 C. G. (Dr.), and Carrie Wallace, both of Clarks- villo, Tenn., by the Rev. J. T. Hargrave, at the residonce of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1887 Charles Bolling, and Mary Lucrotia Horbort, by the Rov. James M. Owons, in St. Paul's Church, Nor- folk, Va. So. Ch., May 11, 1912 Eliza G., youngest d. of the late Thos. C. Wilson, and G. T. Crallis, by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, at Selma, Amelia Co. Amelia Co. So. Ch., Mar. 29, 1866 Elizabeth W., youngest d. of Alexander Wilson, Esq., and Lt. William E. Stark of the U.S. Marine Corps, by the Rev. Mr. Atkinson, at Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 8, 1837 Elizabeth Wells, and John J. Prentiss, by the Rev Thomas P. Baker, in the Episcopal Church, Yonges Island, S.C. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1911 Emma S. B., d. of Maj. Jno. T. Wilson, and Dr. I. Rob- inson Godwin, all of Fin- 280 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION castle, by the Rev. Ed- ward H. Ingle of Roan- oke, in St. Mark's Church, Fincastle, Botetourt Co. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1867 George M., of Amelia Co., and Mary E., đ. of the late R. N. Thweatt, Esq. of Chesterfield, Va., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at Mount Ida. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1865 Helen Esther, eldest d. of Mrs. Jonnie Franklin Wil- son of Washington and the late Whit Wilson of Wash- ington, formerly of Augus- ta Co., Va., and Octavius Knight, Jr. of New York City, by the Rev. David Barr, in Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Feb. 9, 1907 Jessie, eldest d. of Dr. John R. Wilson, and John R. Wood of Danville, form- erly of Atlanta, Ga., by the Rev. George W. Dame, at Oak Ridge, the resi- dence of the bride's fa- ther in Pittsylvania Co. So. Ch., Feb. 3, 1876 John H., Esq., Commonwealth's Attorney of Greensville Co., and Lizzie, eldest d. of Maj. Wm. F. Avent of Oxford, Miss., by the Rev. David Barr, at the resi- dence of Tamlin Avent, the bride's grandfather, Greensville Co. So. Chs, Oct. 3. 1872 Joseph M., and latris C. Padgett, by the Rev. W. H. Pendleton, at the resi- dence of the bride's fa- ther, in Bedford Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 16, 1868 Julia A. (Irs.), and Charles B. Hayden, by the Rov. C. S. Roberts, at Smith- O 1 field, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1867 Julian Moseley, s. of Cal- vin Wilson, and Alys Landon, d. of Mrs. Annie Guy Clemmitt, by the Rev. G. Freeland Peter assisted by the Rev. J. Calvin Stewart, at the home of the bride's mother, in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 27, 1917 K. H. W. (Mrs.), d. of the late Col. R. W. Wyatt, and the Rov. John W. Lea, rector of St. Mark's Church, St. Albans, W.Va., and Trinity Church, Hun- tington, W.Va., by the Rev. J. S. Hanckel, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother, at Clifton, Va. So. Ch., June 5, 1884 Lizzie, d. of Dr. Thomas E. Wilson of Roanoke Co., Va., and alter A. Montgomery of Warrenton, N.C., by the Rev. Edward H. Ingle, in St. John's Church, Roan- oke Co. So. Ch., Oct. 5, 1871 Louise E., d. of Wm. H. Wil- son, and Alfred F. Thweatt, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, in Trinity Church, Ches- terfield Co. So. Ch., Apr. 4, 1867 Maria R., d. of James H. and Virginia Z. Wilson and gr.d. of the late Felix Zollicoffer, and William L. Hill of Balm, Ala., by the Rov. Mayo Cabell Martin, rector of Holy Trinity Church, Nashville, Tenn., at the residence of tho bride's paronts, Nashvillo, Tonn. So. Ch., Sopt. 13, 1888 1 - GRAN 281 Mary E., of Bototourt Co., Va., and J. J. Carper of Franklin Co., Va., by the Rev. E. V. Hubard, in St. lark's Church, Fincastle. So. Ch., Dec. 28, 1871 Mary J., and Thomas S. Wel- fare, by the Rev. Geo. W. Dame, at Lexington, N.C. So. Ch., Mar. 16, 1876 Minerva J., d. of John Wil- son, Esq., and Blair Po- gram, Esq., by tho Rov. John C. McCabe, at Wood- land, Surry Co. So. Ch., Juno 21, 1855 Minnio Pogram, and Richard MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Elliott Boykin, Esq. of Smithfield, Va., by the Rev. J. W. Keeble, at Man- tura, Surry Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1877 Minnie Thweatt, d. of G. M. Wilson and grid. of the late Hon. R. N. Thweatt of Chesterfield Co., Va., and J. D. Robert, M.D. of St. Louis, Mo., by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard assisted by the Rev. H. M. Jackson, D.D., in Grace Church, Rich- mond. So. Ch., Jan. 10, 1889 Richard H., and Margaret A., eldest d. of 0. M. Smith, Esq., by the Rev. Thomas W. White, at Glenbrook, Lun- enburg, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 27, 1863 Richard T., of Sussex Co., Va., and Hutoka, d. of the lato Wm. F. Hobbs. of Groonsvillo Co., Va., by the Rov. David Barr. So. Ch., Doc. 7, 1871 Robert T., M.D., and Mabel, only d. of the lato Dr. Jamos Chinn, all of Baltimoro, by the Rt. Rov. Alfred Randolph, D.D., in Emanuel Church, Balti- morc. So, Ch., Jan. 17, 1884 S. E., of Terrell, Tex., and Kate H. Wyatt of Albemarle Co., by the Rev. Wm. Paret, D.D.. assisted by the Rev. J. S. Lindsay, D.D., in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Oct. 14, 1880 Samuel H., Esq., of Norfolk Co., and Sallie B., d. of the late Gen. Philip St. Goorgo Cocko of Powhatan, by the Rov. J. D. Powoll, at "Bollmond", Fowhatan Co. So. Ch So. Ch., Mar. 1, 1866 Susan, d. of John E. Wilson, Esq. of "Wakofiold", Wost- moreland Co., Va., and the Rev. William C. Latane, rector of Washington Parish, by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, in St. Peter's Church, Oak Grove. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1876 Thos., and Mrs. Milly Moore,by the Rev. W. H. Pendleton, at the home of Mr. Bartee, in Bedford Co., Va. So. Ch.. Feb. 20, 1868 William H., and Mary E. Taylor, both of Bedford, by the Rev. N. Sale. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1856 William H., Jr., and Essie, youngest d. of Col. Levin Gayles, all of Portsmouth, by the Rev. Thos. A. Tidball, in Trinity Church, Portsmouth. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1877 See also EDWARDS, Elizabeth Wilmer Wilson WINCHESTER James R. (The Rov.), of Mary- land, and Eliza Atkinson, d. of Col. R. H. Loc of Clarko Co., Va., by the Rov. Wm. B. Loo and the Rev. Joseph R. Jonos, in Christ Church, Mill- wood, Clarko Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 26 and Oct. 10, 1878 232- MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WINDER Edward Lloyd, s. of the late Gen. Charles S. Winder, and Mary Dorsey, d. of the late Com. F. A. Parker, U.S. Navy, and gr.d. of the late Thomas Donaldson, by the Rev. W. D. Powers, in Grace Church, Elk Ridge, id. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1884 Rosina C., of lorthampton, and the Hon. George S. Guion of Louisiana, by the Rov. I. L. Chovors, at Eastvillo, Northampton Co. So. Ch., Oct. 16, 1857 WINFREE Hugh Caboll, of Drowry's Bluff, Va., and Agnos Tenable Wnt- kins of Richmond, Va., by the Rov. G. Otis Hond, at the residenco of Allon Har- loss, in Christiansburg, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 29, 1913 WINGFIELD J. H. D., D.D. (Tho Rov.), and Mrs. Anno Garland, in St. Paul's Church, Potorsburg. So. Ch., June 25, 1874 John H. D., and Mary J., d. of the late John R. Chandler, H.D., U.S.N., by the Rev John H. Wingfield, in Trinity Church, Portsmouth, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 2, 1859 Josephine, of Elizabeth City Co., and Frank T. Roche, Esq.. formerly of Hampton, Va., now of Aus- tin, Tex., by the Rov. J. J. Gravatt, at Back Rivor, Elizabeth City Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 12, 1882 Mary, d. of the officiating clergyman, and Jamos Ham- ilton Scott of Richmond, Va. by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wing- fiold, at Benicia, Cal. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1893 Sally C., d. of the late Lewis Wingfield, Esq.. of Bedford Co., and John P. Lovell of Frank- lin, by the Rev. N. Sale. So. Ch., Nov. 30, 1855 WINN [ D. Watson (The Rev.), of Richmond, Va., and Bet- tie Carter, d. of the late Josiah L. Deans of Gloucestor Co., Va., by the Rev. R. H. Paine, in It. Calvary Church, Balti- moro, lid. So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1887 Kato Ellorbo, socond d. of Dr. H. J. Winn of Birming- ham, and Jamos Bruco Mic- Clolland of Clarendon, Tox., formerly of Vir- ginin, by the Rev. T. J. Board, in the Church of the Advont, Birming- ham, Ala So. Ch., July 15, 1886 WINSTEAD E. D., of North Carolina, and Annie Macfarland Neb- lett, d. of Colin Neblett, by the Rev. E. B. Jones, at Greenock, Lunenburg Co., the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch. Jan. 24, 1884 WINSTON B. L., of Hanover, and Bet- tie, d. of Dr. m. Bank- head of Orange, by the Rov. Joseph Earnost, at Edgemont, Orange Co. So. Ch., June 11, 1858 Fendall G., of Minneapolis, Minn., and Lilian, d. of the lato Henry R. Jones of Richmond, Va., by the Rov. J. C. Paintor, at "Retreat", the rosidonco of rs. E. A. T. Jonos, in Orango Co. So. Ch., Oct. 23 and 30, 1884 285 T MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF FUBLICATION Janio P., sccond d. of Bick- erton L. Winston, Esq., and Capt. David Waldhaner of Savannah, Ga., by tho Rov. B. E. Haborsham, nt Signal Hill, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 18, 1877 Lizzie, of Caroline Co., Va., and Richmond T. Lacy, Jr. of New Kent Co., Va., by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, at Shepherd's Hill, the res- idence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Oct. 19, 1876 Lucian Dade, and Lucy Lewis Long, by the Rov. Parnell LeBas Cross of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Rapi- dan, in Winston Momorial Chapel, Winston, Va. Ch., Nov. 6, 1909 Maida W., eldest d. of 0. P. Winston formerly of Louisa Co., Va., and J. Thomas Black of Bastross Co., Tex., by the Rev. J. W. Phillips of Austin, in Bastross Co., Tex. So Ch., Feb. 18, 1875 Richard M., of Hanover, and Rosalie Stuart Bankhead, d. of Dr. Wm, Bankhead of Orange Co., by the Rev. Joseph Earnest, at Edge- mont. So. Ch. So. Ch., Nov. 20, 1857 So. Thomas B., and Fannie Good- win, both of Louisa Co., Va., by the Rev. L. R. Combs, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 15, 1885 WINTER STEIN Jacob Ashton (The Rev. roctor of Holy Trinity Church, Westchester, in the Diocese of Ponnsyl- vania, and Claudia Mar- guerite, d. of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hainos and sis-. tor of tho Rov. E. S. Hainos, missionary to Li- borin, now in this country on furlough, at Swodosboro, N.J. So. Ch., May 17, 1924 WINTHROP Edward (The Rev.), Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological Seminary, Ken- tucky, and Elizabeth, d. of John Andras, Esq. of Bath, England, by the Rev. John Ward, at Lexington. So Ch., June 28, 1839 Harriet R., d. of Henry R. Winthrop, Esq., and the Rev. Haslett McKim, all of Now York, by the Rev. Georgo S. Converso, at the rosidonce of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Sept. 22, 1870 WIRT Agnes 7., and George Washing- ton, both of Westmoreland, Va., by the Rev. Wm. C. Latane, in St. Peter's Church, Oak Grove, Va. So. Ch., July 20, 1893 Bettie P., and R. J. Wash- ington, both of Westmore- land Co., by the Rev. William C. Chesley, at Wirtland, the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1867 Dabney E., and J. Augusta Washington, by the Rev. J. W. Chesley, in St. Pe- ter's Church, Westmoreland Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov.. 30, 1855 Daniel P., of "estmoreland Co., and Kate A. Tayloe, by the Rov. Mr. Shields, at Chatterton, King George Co., Va. So. Ch., Doc, 6, 1877 Nollic (Mrs.), or Cecil Co., Míd., 284 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WISE and Dr. Julian F. Ward of Baltimore, Md., by tho Rov. J. R. Hubard, D.D., at the residonco of tho brido's brother-in-law, R. T. Barton, Winchost or Va. So. Ch., Fob. 4, 1886 Annio K., d. of the lato Tully R. Viso of North- ampton Co., and Dr. Sov- orn P. Nottingham, by tho Rev. J. D. Powell of Portsmouth, in Christ Church, Eastville, North- ampton Co. So. Ch., July 7, 1870 George D., Esq., of Accomac Co., and Marietta Atkin- son, d. of the Hon. Archi- bald of Smithfield, by the Rev. Henry A. Wise, at Smithfield, Isle of Wight Co. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1859 Henry A. (The Rev.), rector of the Church of The Sav- iour, Philadelphia, and Hattic, d. of R. Barton Haxall, Esq. of Richmond, Va., by the Rov. Goorgo Woodbridgo, D.D., in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1860 James Madison, and Ann Dent, d. of the lato Jamos and Ann Dont Dunlop, all of Richmond, by the Rev. Dr. Minnigorodo, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 2, 1880 John C.(Dr.), United States Navy, and Agnos T. Brooke form- orly of Fauquier Co., Va., by tho Rov. A. Y. Hundloy, in Abingdon Church, Glouces- tor Co., Va. So. Ch., May 15, 1879 WITHERS Flora Scott, d. of Col. Robert W. Withers, and Wm. M.. Murrell, all of Campbell Co., Va., by tho Rov. W, W. Kimball, in Trinity Church, Rust- burg. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1883 Ida, d, of Col. Robt. W. With- ors, and Frank Nelson, by tho Rov. G. W. Nolson as- sistod by the Rev. Frank Pago and the Rov. W. W. Kimball, in Trinity Church, Rustburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 23, 1880 Inez, d. of Dr. 7. M. Withers, and Percy Montague, all of Richmond, by the Rev. Moses D. Hoge assisted by the Rev. Dr. Peterkin, in the Second Presbyterian Church. So. Ch., Aug. 11, 1881 Janet C., d. of the late Rev. Edmund Withers, and Wm. B. Harrison of Staunton, by the Rev. F. G. Scott, in the rectory at Norwood, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 9, 1879 Jannot T., and Robert E. Garbec, both of Campbell Co., Va., by the Rov. W. W. Kimball, at the home of the brido. So. Ch.. Oct. 6, 1881 Louiso, youngost d. of tho lato Rov. Edmund Withors, and Richard H. Caboll of Lovingston, by tho Rov. B. T. Turnor, in Christ Church, Norwood. So. Ch.. July 3, 1884 Mattio B., d. of William A. and Alico Withers, and Parham F. Prico, by the Rov. W. W. Kimball, at the rosidoncc of the brido's fathor, in Compboll Co. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1882 Robert G., formerly of Nol- son Co., Va., and Grotta Hayos of Missouri, by tho 285 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Rev. J. W. Ohl, in Christ Church, at Aspen, Col. Ch., June 2, 1887 So.. Robert H., and Cornelia F. Tanner, both of Campbell Co., Va., by the Rev. W. W. Kimball. So. Ch., Nov 3, 1881 " Robert ., of Alabama, and Josephine P. Burks, by the Rev. John K. Mason, at the residence of 0. P. Bell, at Liberty, Va. So. Ch., June 15, 1882 Samuel T., and Nannio C. Blackford, only d. of Charlos M, Blackford, Esq., all of Lynchburg, Va., by the Rev. T. M. Carson, in St. Paul's Church, at Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 22, 1883 Susan C., youngest d. of Dr. Robt. W. Withers of Campbell Co., and Patrick Cabell Massie, Esq. of Nelson Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke, at Rock Cas- tle, Campbell Co. So. Ch., June 26, 1857 Susan Dabney, second d. of Col. R. Withers, and Lt. Henry S. Williams of Meck- lenburg, by the Rev. Goo W. Damo, in the Church of the Epiphany, at Danville. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1866 Thomas, acting chief on- ginoor of the Donvor and South Park Railroad, Col., and Eliza, d. of the lato Com. Matthew F. Maury, by the Rov. Edmund Tith- ors, in Richmond. So. Ch., Sept. 26, 1878 WITHROW Clara Boll, and Joseph D. Battle formerly of North Carolina, by tho Rov. Mr. Bird of Trinity Church, at WITT the residence of the bride's mother, in Gal- veston, Tex. So. Ch., Sept. 23, 1886 Richard, and Sarah J. Wilchen, by the Rev. R. J. McBryde, in Amherst Co., Va So. Ch, Feb. 10, 1870 WITTICHEN Otto, late of Germany, now of Trince William Co., Va., and Kate Ramsay, d. of John Murray Forbes, Esq. of Fauquior, by the Rov. Philip Slaugh- tor, D.D. assisted by the Rev. John S. Lind- say, in St. James* Church, Warrenton, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 WOLTZ E. Ann, d. of Ferdinand Woltz, Esq., Clerk of Botetourt County Court, and Woodville Bowyer of Fincastle, by the Rev. T. F. Martin of Nelson Co., at Fincastle. So Ch., Oct. 29, 1858 Juliet B., d. of Ferdinand Woltz, Esq., Clerk of Botetourt County Court, and Honry C. Middleton of Farmvillo, by tho Rov. T. F. Martin of Nelson Co., at Fincastle. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1858 WOMACK Ella C., d. of Thomas Wom- ack, Esq., and Evorott W. Rudd, by the Rov. A. B. Tizzard, at Epping- ton, Chostorfield Co., Va. So. Ch., Fob. 12, 1880 WOMBUELL L. B., Esq.9 of Florida, and J. L. Curd, by the 286 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WOOD Rev. Lewis W. Burton of St. John's Church, at the residence of the bride's parents, 1920 E. Broad St. Richmond. So. Ch., Dec. 27, 1888 Angus M., of Kentucky, and Ida, eldest d. of J. 7. Inskeep, Esq., by the Rev. G. A. Gibbons, at "Caledo- nia", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Jan. 17, 1889 Bettie B., of Roanoke, and W. D. Stuart of Hagerstown, Md., s. of Col. W. D. Stu- art of Virginia, by tho Rov. R. A. Goodwin, in St. John's Church, Roan- oko. So. Che, July 3, 1884 Edwin (Dr.), and Evy Allen, by the Rov. Pondlot on Brooko, at the rosidonco of tho brido's mothor, Botetourt Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 22, 1874 Elizabeth Clothildo, of Clarko Co., Va., and Jamos McCoy of Warron Co., Va., by tho Rov. John Lindsay, D. D., at Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1885 John R., of Danvillo, form- orly of Atlanta, Ga., and Josso, oldest d. of Dr. John R. Wilson, by tho Rev. George W. Damo, at Oak Ridgo, the rosidonco of the bride's father, in Pittsylvania Co., Va. Ch., Feb. 3, 1876 John Wilson (Dr.), and Regi- na B. Lustgarten, in the Church of the Transfigu- ration, New York. So. Ch., Aug. 26, 1939 Lucy Alfred, and F. H. Gra- ham of Hamilton, Canada, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, So. at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Henry Miller, in Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 18, 1880 Nannie Jane, d. of the late Alfred Wood, Esq. of Amel- ia, and Dr. David M. Wil- kinson of Chesterfield, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at Oldenplace, Amelia Co. So. Ch., May 8, 1857 Philip S., and Emma Pride, d. of the late John Prido, all of Amolia Co., Va., by the Rov. P. F. Berkeley, at Lucerne, the residence of the brido's mother, in Amelia Co. So. Chố, Mar. 9, 1876 Robocca Bonnoham, of Eden- ton, N.C., and the Rov. Frod- crick Blount Drano, Arch- doacon of Alaska, at Scat- tlo, Wash. So. Ch., Oct. 11, 1924 Richard S., of Goochland, and M. Spottswood Pollard of King William Co., bý the Rov. S. S. Hepbron, nt Octogon, King William Co. So. Ch., Oct. 27, 1892 Sarah Farrar, only d. of tho late Thomas Wood of Lindon, Ohio, and John R. Strieff of Cincinnati, Ohio, by tho Rov. m. S. Campboll, in Trinity Church, Lindon, Ohio. So. Ch., Mar. 11, 1886 Sparrol Asa, and India Davios Goodwyn, d. of the late Judgo Charlos F. Goodwyn, by the Rev. T. H. Lacy, D.D., at the home of her mother, in Nottoway, Va. Va. So. Ch., Feb. 6 and 13, 1909 Warner, of Farmington, and Margaret Lynn, d. of the late Dr. John R. Woods of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rev. Robb White, at Holk- ham, the residence of the 287 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 20, 1887 Wilhemina, and James E. Smith, both of Caroline Co., Va., by the Rev. m. W. Green, at "Rosehill" the residence of thè bride's father, Col. Flėm- ing Wood. So. Ch., Dec. 26, 1872 WOODBRIDGE Elizabeth Nicolson, second d. of the Rev. George Woodbridge, D.D., and J. Goodnow of Hartford, Conn., by the Rev. George Wood- bridge, D.D., at the res- idence of her father in Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 12, 1877 Goorge (The Rev.), rector of Christ Church, and Robocca Nicholson, d. of Androw Nicholson, Esq., doccased, by the Rt. Rev. Richard Channing Moore, D.D., at Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1835 Goo. N., and Martha A.› youngest d. of Robert Edmond, Esq., by the Rov. Goorgo Woodbridge, in the Monumental Church in Richmond. So. Ch., Doc. 15, 1970 d. J. Edwards, and Louisa, of John O. Doshong, by the Rov. Goo. Woodbridgo, D.D. of Richmond assist- ed by the Rev. Henry Brown, at Chester, Pa. So. Ch., June 8, 1876 Julia C., d. of the late Rev. Geo. Woodbridge, D.D., and W. Pierce Bell of Washing- ton, D.C., by the Rt. Rev. Wm. Pinckney assisted by the Rov. Dr. Elliott of Washington, D.C., at the residence of the brido's mother, in Richmond. Ch., Feb. 27, 1879 Sarah E., d. of the offici- ating clergyman, and Hor- ace P. Edwards, by the Rev. Geo. Toodbridge, D.D., in the Monumental Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1858 WOODHOUSE Minnie Lee, and William Avery, by the Rev. John C. Cornick, in Eastern Shore Chapel, Princess Anne Co., Va. Va. So. Ch., Sept. 17, 1891 Nellie L., and George L. Bonney, both of Prin- coss Anne, by the Rev. W. R. Savago, in East- ern Shoro Chapol, Prin- coss Anno Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 28, 1886 WOODING So. Mary, second d. of Dr. N. H. and Susan W. Wooding of Pittsylvania Co., and Charlos Woodson Venable formerly of Prince Edward Co., by tho Rev. C. 0. Prudon, in St. John's Church, Mt. Airy, Pitt- sylvania Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 2. 1890 WOODMAN Frank, and Nannio M., sec- ond d. of Dr. John T. Cot- ton, all of Charleston, by the Rov. R. A. Cobbs, at the residence of the bride. So. Ch., Oct. 30, 1884 WOODS Annie Meriwether, eldest d. of John J. Woods, Esq. of Ivy Depot, Albemarle Co., Va., and Melville Tali- aforro of Honrico Co., Va., by the Rev. J. A. Greaves, M. A., at tho residence of 288 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION the bride's parents. So. Ch., Oct. 13, 1881 Edgar, Jr., M.D., of the American Southern Pres- byterian Mission, and Frances Anne Smith of the Woman's Union Mission- ary Society of New York, d. of the Rev. Dudley D. Smith, rector of Emmanu- el Protestant Episcopal Church, Kensington, Phil- adelphia, by the Rev. E. H. Thomson of the Ameri- can Episcopal Mission, in Bridgman Memorial Home, Shanghai, China. So. Ch., June 2, 1892 Fanny, of Albemarle Co., Va., and the Rev. Wm. C. But- ler of Halifax C.H., Va., by the Rev. R. K. Meade, in Christ Church, Char- lottesville. So. Ch., Dec. 30, 1859 J. F. (The Rev.), and Ellen Gray of Moundsvillo, W. Va., by the Rev. Thos. G... Addison, in Trinity Church, Washington, D.C. So, Ch., May 21, 1868 J. Warwick, of Albomarlo Co., and Mary M., d. of tho lato Mann S. Valontino of Richmond, by the Rev. J. Peterkin, D.D. So. Ch., June 28, 1866 James, s. of Col. Thomas D. Woods of Amherst Co., Va., and Isabella J. Waugh, only d. of Pem- broke E. Waugh of Am- herst Co., by the Rev. J. P. Lawrence, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 7, 1878 Margaret Lynn, d. of the late Dr. John R. Woods of Albemarle Co., Va., and Warner Wood of Farming- ton, by the Rev. Robb White, at Holkham, the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Jan. 20, 1887 Robert Harris, of Albe- marle Co., Va., and Mar- garet Warfield, d. of Joshua W. Dorsey of El- licott City, Ild., by the Rev. R. A. Poole, in St. Stephen's Church, Ellicott City, Md. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1888 WOODSON Blake L. (Maj.), of Craig Co., and Leila W., d. of Col. W. E. M. Word of Fincastle, by the Rev. H. Ingle assisted by the Rev. E. W. Hubard, in St. Mark's Church, Fin- castle. So. Ch., Doc. 15, 1870 C. E. (The Rov.), of Frank- lin, Va., and Janot McG., d. of Col. T. W. Ashby, by the Rev. Dr. Sutor`as- sisted by tho Rov. Dr. Walkor, in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch.. Nov. 27, 1890 Charles E. (Tho Rov.), roc- tor of Christ Church, Vicksburg, Miss., and Lucile Werner, in Christ Church, Tuscaloosa, Ala. So. Ch., July 11, 1931 Richard S., and Jennie L. Morgan, both of Isle of Wight Co., by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, in Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., July 8, 1880 WOODWARD Harry Reamer, Esq., of New Albany, Ind., and Fanny Berkeley Cochran, d. of the Rt. Rev. Thomas 289 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Underwood Dudley, D.D., by the Rt. Revs. the Bishops of Kentucky and Louisiana, * in Calvary Church, Louis- villo, Ky. So. Ch., June 10, 1886 Sarah Nicoll, of New Jer soy, and Cameron Farquhar McRao of North Carolina, by the Rt. Rev. F. R. Gravos, D.D., in St. John's Church, Pro-Cathedral, Shanghai, China. So. Ch., Apr. 11, 1908 W. Minor, of Richmond, and Mary, d. of tho officiat- ing clergyman, the Rov. K. J. Stewart, at Gordons- ville, Va. So. Ch., Nov 4, 1869 WOOLDRIDGE Albert B., of Richmond, Va., and L. Hausbrough* of Or- ange Court House, by the Rev. John S. Hausbrough at Orange Court House. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1863 Henry C., and Alice W. King, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, in Manakin Church, Powhatan Co. Ch., Nov. 19, 1885 WOOLF Robt. D., and Mary K., eld- est d. of Wm. Ayre of Fair- fax Co., Va., by the Rev. Jno. McGill, at Buena Vis- ta. So. Ch., Feb. 12, 1874 WOOLFOLK So. John C., of Columbus, Ga., and Eliza A. Nelson, d. of Wm. N. and Mary A. Nelson of Clarko Co., Va., by the Rov. Jos. R. Jonos, in Christ Church, Millwood. So. Ch., Jan. 3, 1878 WOOLFORD Josoph E., and Margaret T. Yatos, both of Dorchos➡ tor Co., Md., by the Rov. * Givon as printod ** Possibly Irs. Wm. W. Groene, at Church Crock. So. Ch., Apr. 14, 1881 WOOLLS Stophon, of Richmond, and Kato M., oldost d. of Jamos A. S. Stoutonburgh of Aloxandria, by the Rov. Dennis O'Kane, in St. Mà- ry's Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Sopt. 16, 1880 WOOLSEY Emily, and tho Rov. Morgan Dix, S.T.D., rector of Trinity Church, by tho Rt. Rov. H. Potter, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother, in New York. So. Ch., June 11, 1874 WOOSTER Susan Nashd. of the Hon. Henry K. Nash, and Hill Burgwin, Esq. of Pittsburgh, by the Rev. Joseph W. Murphy, at Hillsboro, N.C. So. Ch. Nov. 1, 1888 WOOTEN Edward (The Rev.), rector of St. Thomas' Church, Windsor, and Eliza Yonge, d. of the late Stephen Jewett of Wilmington, by the Rev. George Patter- son, rector of St. John's Church, in St. James' Church, Wilmington, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 18, 1875 WOOTON Martha, d. of tho lato Dr. Turner Wooton and Irs. Carolino Wooton, and Thomas Anderson, Esq. (Vostryman), by the Rev. W. A. Avirott, in Christ Church, Rockville, Ilont- gomory Co., Ild. So. Ch., Fob. 20, 1873 290 ▼ MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WORD Loila W., d. of Col. W. E. M. Word of Fincastle, and Maj. Blako L. Woodson of Craig Co., by tho Rov. Ed- ward H. Inglo assisted by the Rov. E. W. Hubard, in St. Mark's Church, Fin- So. Ch., Doc. 15, castlo. 1870 Quin M., of Richmond, and Mary Scott McClanahan of Roanoke Co., Va., by tho Rov. W. H. Pondleton, at Locust Grove, Roanoke Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1856 Sallie T., of Roanoke, and P. V. Reynolds of Roanoke, by the Rev. D. M. Wood, in St. John's Church, Roan- oke, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1885 WORLMAN Wm. H. R., of South Carolina, and Maria W., d. of the late Warnor W. Minor, Esq., by the Rov. Jacob S. Scott, chaplain of the Universi- ty of Virginia, at Wert- land. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1848 WORMELY P. Lightfoot, and Lucy Wal- ler Duval, by the Rev. Dr. Peterkin, in St. James' Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 23, 1873 WORSHAM Alice, and Thomas H. Booker, both of Amelia Co., Va., by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, at the bride's rosidenco. So. Ch., Doc. 12, 1872 Emma, and Edmond Clarko, both of West Point, Va., by tho Rev. Pendleton Brooke, at the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Sopt. 6, 1888 M. R. (The Rov.), and Ethol Armstrong of Shelbyville, Ky., by tho Rov. Dr. John K. Mason, in St. Androw's Church, Louisville, Ky. So. Ch., Iny 9, 1908 largarot Winstond, and Honry Carl Oltroggo, by the Rev. Molvillo E. Johnson as- sistod by the Rov. C. A. Ashby, in the Church of tho Good Shepherd, Jack- sonvillo, Fla. So. Ch., Oct. 21, 1922 WORTHAM Samuel R., and Mary Jane Cox, both of Amherst, by the Rev. W. H. Kinckle. So. Ch., Nov. 9, 1855 WORTHINGTON Eugene, of Annapolis, and Evelyn Morton Jenkins, d. of G. Taylor Jen- kins, Esq. of Baltimore, by the Rev. John S. Lind- say, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Dr. Williams, in Christ Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., May 3, 1883 Geo. Y., Jr., of Fauquier Co., Va., and Nannie T.. d. of the late William E. Coleman of Virginia, by the Rev. W. C. Wil- liams, at Summerville, Ga. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1878 R. S., of Kansas, and Fan- ny N., d. of the Rev. C. R. Nelson, D.D.. of Rock- ville, Md., by the Rev. Kinloch Nelson of Penn- sylvania assisted by the rector, the Rev. A. Johns, in Christ Church, Rockville. So. Ch., July 11, 1889 WRAY Honriotta, and Mr. Horbort, both of Elizaboth City Co., Va., by the Rov. Dr. A. Vado, at Shorley, the res- 291 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION idence of John Selden, in Charles City Co. So. Ch., Feb. 9, 1871 Kate Mallory, and Richard Mann Page, by the Rev. A. Y. Hundley, in Abingdon Church, Gloucester Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 24, 1878 WREN • Mary W., youngest d. of the late Maj. John F. Wren, and Robert R. Field, by the Rev. Dr. Peterkin, in St. James' Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Dec. 17, 1885 Walter M., and Fannie M. youngest d. of the late Richard C. Hall, all of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Sprigg, at the resi- dence of the bride's sister, Irs. A. R. Yarbrough. So. Ch. Jan. 28, 1886 William D., of Richmond, and Fanny L. Dunn of Powhatan Co., Va., by the Rev. F. Stringfellow, in Emmanuel Church, Powhatan Co. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1876 WRENN Albert, and Hannah A. Harri- son, both of Fairfax, by the Rev. Frank Page, in Christ Church, Chantilly. So. Ch., May 24, 1883 WRIGHT (Tho Rov. Mr.), and Mildrod Woodward Cochran, by Bishop Jatt assist od by tho Rov. Dr. David Cady Wright of Christ Church, Savannah, and the Rev. John J. Gravatt, rector of Trinity Church, in Trinity Church, Staunton, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 23, 1933 Anne Cole, and the Rev. J. Andrew Harris, by the Rev. John Cole, in Philadelphin. So. Ch., Apr. 19, 1861 Botty C., second d. of the late Col. Robt. L. Wright of Loudoun Co., and R. N. Breckinridge of Staunton, by the Rev. J. R. Hubard, in Christ Church, Winches- ter, Va. So. Ch., June 15, 1876 Charlotte Barnes, d. of Judge and Mrs. T. R. B. Wright, and F. G. Scott, Jr., M.D. of Orange, Va., by the Rev. F. G. Scott, D.D. assisted by the Rev. m. Nelson Meade, in St. John's Church, Tappahannock, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1913 Edwin, of Ardmore, Pa., and Louise, d. of Mrs. John K. Mason and the late Dr. John K. Ihson, at Elkton, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 13, 1913 Ellen C., d. of James 1. Wright, Esq., and James S. Cowan of Baltimore, hy the Rev. Jno. Collins Mc- Cabe, D.D., rector of St. Luke's Church, Bladensburg, in Prince George's Co., Md. So. Ch., July 4, 1867 Frances Shepherd, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Wright of Centreville, Md., and Robert Brooks Hilleary of Washington, D.C., by the Ven. R. Bowden Shepherd, uncle of the brido, assistod by tho Rov. A. Chamber- laino, rector of tho church, in St. Paul's Church, Centreville, Md. So. Ch., Sept. 12, 1936 Henry Ennels, and Fanny Shepherd, only d. of Mrs. William B. Earle and the late William Brundige Earle, all of Queen Anne's Co., Md., by the Ven. R. Bowden Shepherd, Archdeacon 292- MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION of the Diocese of New Jersey, in St. Paul's Church, Centreville, Md. So. Ch., Jan. 25, 1913 John E., Jr., of Nansemond Co., Va., and Genevieve, d. of Dr. Thos. L. and Annie E. Scott, by the Rev. 7. B. Williams, at the rosidonco of the late Dr. Thos. L. Scott, Caroline Co., Va. So. Ch., July 19, 1888 Lalla R., and C. S. Smith, both of Essex Co., Va., by the Rev. Everard Mende, in St. Paul's Church, South Farnham Parish, Essex Co., Va. Va. So. Ch., Dec. 1, 1881 Margaret Della, d. of the late Judge T. R. B. Wright and Mrs. Della Preston Wright, and Everard Kidder, s. of Frances* Key Meade and the late Mrs. Sarah Manson Calloway Meade, by the Rev. William Nelson Meade, unclo of the groom, in St. John's Church, Tappahannock. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1915 Mary A., d. of James P. Wright, M.D., and W. Paul Tebault, M.D., all of Princess Anne Co., Va., by the Rev. Wm. R. Sav- age, in Eastern Shore Chapel, Princess Anne Co., Va. So. Ch., May 21, 1885 Mattio, and Dr. B. F. Talk- er of Augusta Co., Va., by the Rev. G. H. Denny, at "The Forest", the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 2, 1876 Robert Bradon, of Williams- port, Md., and Mrs. Anno Ambler Eyster, by her * Given as printed rector, the Rev. Conrad Goodwin, and the Rev. F. W. Ambler of Summerville, S.C., brother of the bride, at Charles Town, W.Va., at the home of the bride. So. Ch., Sept. 3, 1921 Sallio U., of Williamsburg and M. Dulany Ball, Esq. of Fairfax Co., Va., by the Rev. R. T. Brown, in the chapel of William and Mary College. So. Ch., Oct. 26, 1860 T. R. B., of Tappahannock, Essex Co., Va., and Da- vidella Přeston, by the Rev. G. H. Denny, at the residence of Dr. J. ` R. Woods, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 14, 1876 T. R. B., s. of the late Judge T. R. B. Wright and his wife, Della Pres- ton Wright of Tappahan-** nock, Va., and Dorothy, d. of George W. Mitchell of Williamsport, Pa., in Baltimore, Md., in the home of the Rev. James M. Wallace. So. Ch., Dec. 18, 1918 Wra Wesley (Dr.), and Ann Jane Swann, both of Caroline Co., by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, in Caroline Co., Va So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1861 William John (The Rov.), of Washington, D.C., and Lucy Hayden, d. of the late Wilfred Gaugh of Chap- tico, by the Bishop of Washington, at Chaptico, Md. So. Ch., Nov. 6, 1909 WRIGLEY Violet, and the Rev. W. W. Kimball, both of lacon, Ga., by the Rev. Jamos *293 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION R. Winchester assisted by the Rev. W. Dudley Fowers, in St. Barnabas' Chapel, Macon, Ga. So. Ch., June 13, 1889 WROTH Peregrine (The Rev.), rec- tor of the church, and Minnie, eldest d. of L. W. and M. A. Counselman of Baltimore, by the Rt. Rev. Wm. Pincknoy, D.D., in the Church of the Mos- siah, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., Feb. 26, 1880 WYANT Claudius N., formerly of Rockingham Co., Va., and Blanche A. Northam of Onancock, by the Rev. Henry L. Derby, in Trini- ty Church, Onancock, Ac- comack, Va. So. Ch., July 28, 1892 WYATT John J., of Sussex Co., Va., and Helen Heartwell, at Elmwood, the residence of H. J. Heartwell. Ch., Feb. 14, 1884 Kate H., of Albemarle Co., Va., and S. E. Wilson of Terrell, Tex., by the Rev. Wm. Paret, D.D. as- sisted by the Rev. J. S. Lindsay, D.D., at the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Oct. 14. 1880 Thos. J. (The Rev.), and Sophia L., d. of Jessie Hollinsworth of Car- roll Co., Md., by the Rev. Dr. Wyatt, in St. Paul's Church, Balti- more. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1858 So. Virginia Elligood, d. of Mr. and Mrs. William Wyatt of Belle Haven, Ac- comac Co., Va., and the Rev. Thomas Nevitt Law- rence, rector of Nottoway Parish, Southampton Co., Va., by the Rev. John Cornick, in the Presby- terian Church, Belle Ha- ven, Accomac Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 13, 1909 See also WILSON, K. H. W. (Mrs.) - WYETH Maxwell, of Philadelphia, and Margaret Wardwell of New York, by the Rev. Dr. Neilson McVicar, at South Orange, N.J. So. Ch., Octo 3. 1889 Parker C., of St. Joseph, Mo., and Ellen Ashton Horner, d. of R. L. Horn- er, Esq. of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. G. W. Nelson, the rector, in St. James' Church, ar- renton, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 2. 1890 WYLEY John B. (Dr.), of Amelia, and Nannio G., d. of Capt. William Murray of Powha- tàn tan Co., Va., by the Rev. P. F. Berkeley, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1859 WYLIE A. M. (The Rev.), and Marga- ret F., d. of Henry N. Conklin, Esq., all of Brooklyn, by the Rev. B. C. Cutler, D.D., at the residence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1860 WYMAN Alfred, and Mary R. Slack, d. of the officiating clergyman and formerly of Albemarle Co., Va., by 294 I MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION the Rev. Samuel R. Slack, in Trinity Church, at Wey- mouth, Mass. So. Ch., Nov. 3. 1881 WYNCOOP* C. Virginia, d. of Garrett Wyncoop*, of Hodgosville, and the Rov. Owon J. Dor- sey of Maryland, by the Rev. John W. Lea, at Hedges- ville, W.Va. So. Ch., Apr. 27, 1876 WYNKOOP Addie, d. of Garrett Wyn- koop*, of Hedgesville, W.Va., and Dr. D. D. Carter of Hancock, Md., by the Rev. W. D. Hanson, in Mount Zion Church, at Hedgesville. So. Ch., Oct. 28, 1869 Adrian G., of Woodstock, Va., and Mary Brooke Yates, d. of Col. Fran- cis Yates of Flowing Springs, Jefferson Co., W.Va., by the Rev. Dal- las Tucker assistod by the Rev. Frank Aglionby of London, England, the bride's cousin, and by the Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, at * Given as printed the home of the bride. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1891 Emma, d. of Garrett Wyn- koop*, Esq., of Hodgoġ- villo, and the Rev. 7. T. Leavell, by the Rov. J. Owon Dorsoy assist- od by the Rov. R. D. Roller, in Mt. Zion Church, at Hedgesville, Berkeley Co., W.Va. So. Ch., June 7, 1883 Pamelic. W., d. of Garrett Wynkoop*, Esq., and Dr. Lafayette H. Jordon, by the Rev. George S. May assisted by the Rev. W. D. Hanson, in Ift. Zion Church, at Hedgesville. Ch., Dec. 21, 1871 WYTH Frank H., of Philadelphia, and Henrietta B., d. of Richard B. Homor of Fru- quiòr Co., Va., by the Rev. John F. Hoff of Maryland, in the Church of the Holy Trinity, in Philadelphia. So. Ch., May 9, 1862 So. A YANCEY Julia 0., d. of the late Francis G. Yancey, Esq., and H. C. Robertson of Greensborough, Ala., by the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, ht Petersburg, Va.. So. Ch., Aug. 25, 1837. Wm. T., Jr. of Lynchburg, and Mary M., d. of Dr. Jno. B. Radford of Mont- gomery Co., Va., by tho Rev. Edward H. Ingle, at "Arnheim", the residence of the bride's father. So. Ch., Nov. 25, 1869 YARBROUGH -x XYZ= Ophelia, and Geo. Gilmer Minor, by the Rev. A. W. Weddell, D.D., in St. John's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 9, 1880 YARNALL M. (Prof.), U.S.N., and Eliza J. Hepburn of George- town, D.C., by the Rev. So. N. P. Tillinghast. Ch., Nov. 2, 1855 YARRINGTON Matthew W., and Sallie P., d. of John Lester, Esq., all of Richmond, Va., joy the Rev. Mr. Kepler, in St. John's Church, Rich- mond. So. Ch., Nov. 28, 1856 YATES Anne, d. of John Yates, Esq. of Jefferson Co., and the Rev. Wm. T. Leavell, rector of West- over Parish, Charles City Co., by the Rev. Richard T. Brown. So. Ch., Nov. 26, 1847 Elizabeth, d. of George E. Yates, Esq., and Joseph W. Kent, by the Rev. 0. A. Kinsolving, D.D., at Hali- fax C.H. So. Ch., Sept. lu, 1885 Frances Stuart, eldest d. of Mrs. Emma K. and the late. John Orfeur Yates of Jef- ferson Co., and Wayt Bell Timberlake of Staunton, Va., by the Rev. John S. Alfriend assisted by the Rev. P. N. McDonald, in Zion Episcopal Church, Charles Town, W.Va. So. Ch., Jan. 26, 1907 Jennie Estelle, d. of the late G. W. Yates, Esq., and the Rev. B. H. Latrobe, Jr., by the Rev. A. M, Randolph as- sisted by the Rev. J. E. Catnell, in the Church of Our Savior, Baltimore. So. Ch., Dec. 11, 1873 Margaret T., and Joseph E. Woolford, botal of Dor- chester Co., Md., by the Rev. Wm. W. Green, at Church Creek. So. Ch., Apr. 14, 1881 Mary brooke, d. of Col. Francis Yates of Flowing Springs, Jefferson Co., W.Va., and Adrian G. Wynkoop of Woodstock, Va., by the Rev. Dallas Tucker assisted by the bride's cousin, the Rev. Frank Aglionby of London, Eng- land, and the Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, at the home of the bride. So. Cul., Oct. 22, 1891 Compa ୨ Mary Ella, d. of Lewis A. Yates, and Archibald M. Aiken, all of Danville, by the Rev. Geo. W. Dame, at the residence of the bride's father, Danville, 296 - 4 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Va. So. Ch., Jan. 12, 1882 YEAKLE Virginia Vinton, of Balti- more, and Thomas Evans Greene of Brooklyn, N.Y., s. of the officiating clergyman, by the Rev. Wm. W. Greene, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, in Baltimore. Ch., July 25, 1889 YEATMAN So. Benjamin, and Mrs. Margaret Head, both of Westmore- land Co., by the Rev. T. E. Locke. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1861 Charles E., Esq. of Mathews Co., Va., and Harriet R. Royster of New Kent, Va., by the Rev. G. S. Carraway, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. Royster. So. Ch., Nov. 16, 1860 YEATON g J. Southgate, and Juliana Elizabeth Howard Ridgely, by the Rev. W. H. H. Powers, at Hampton, Balti- more Co., Md. So. Ch., Oct. 9, 1884 YERBY Affie F., and Wm. A. Holla- day of Orange Co., Va., by the Rev. S. S. Ware, in Grace Church, in Caroline Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1889 Alice D., d. of Thomas P. Yerby, Esq. of Spotsyl- vania Co., Va., and Samuel Gordon, Jr., of St. Louis, Mo., by the Rev. James E. Poindexter, at Belle Voir, in Spotsylvania Co. So. Ch., Feb. 2, 1882 Thomas I., and Jane H., d. of Wm. I. Dickinson, all of Spotsylvania, by the Rev. Mr. Friend, at "Notting→ ham", the residence of the bride's father in Spotsyl- vania Co. So. Ch., July 27, 1860 Thomas Pratt, Jr., of Spotsyl- vania Co., Va., and Lucille, d. of the late Dr. J. Gordon and Elizabeth G. Wallace, by the Rev. John K. Mason, at the residence of the bride's mother, at Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., May 26, 1887 YERGER Marie Louisa (Mrs.), and the Rev. William Porcher, S.T.D., Professor of Exegesis, Chaplain in the University of the South, by the it. Rev., the Assist. Bishop of Kentucky, at Moffat, Tenn. So. Ch., Jan. 30, 1879 William Arthur, s. of Gen. Alex. Yerger, and Kate Otey, gr.d. of the late Bishop Otey, by the Rev. Ralph H. Prosser, in Grace Church, Rosedale, Miss. So. Ch., Oct. 2, 1879 YOUNG Hayden M., of Louisville, and Susan H. Soaper, of Henderson, by the Rev. R. S. Barrett, in St. Paul's Church, at Hender- son, Ky. So. Ch., Feb. 21, 1884 Karl (Dr.), of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, and Frances Campbell, only d. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter Berkeley, by the Rev. G. McClaren Brydon, rector of Trinity Church, at Ellembrie, the residence of the bride's father, at Morgan- town, W.Va. So. Ch., • G 297 - * Aug. 26, 1911 Mary A., and Alonzo B. Jones, by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, on Bodkin Island (where tradition says no marriage was ever performed before.) So. Ch., Jan. 17, 1884 Mortimer M., Esq., of Rich- mond, and Nannie R., d. of the late Mrs. Martha Keech of Chesterfield, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, at Oakland, Chesterfield Co. So. Ch., Nov. 23, 1860 Vena C., and Samuel G. Knox of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, formerly of Fredericksburg, by the Rev. E. C. Murdough, D.D., at the residence of the bride's father, J. J. Young, at Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1875 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION William Green, and Kate C., d. of H. C. Whiting, Esq. of Hampton, Va., by the Rev. J. J. Gravatt, in St. John's Church, at Hamp- ton, Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1882 Nov. 13, 1863 Julia E. (Mrs.), d. of C. M. Nimmo, Esq., and S. P. Mitchell, all of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rev. F. M. Baker, in Grace Church. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1863 Win. J. (The Rev.), of At- lanta, Ga., and Julia Ellis Nimmo of Alexan- dria, Va., by the Rev. Mr. Woodbridge, in Monumental Church. So. Ch., Oct. 16, 1851 ZIMMER ZOGBAÜM Bessie Edmondston, d. of C. Zogbaum, Esq. of German- town, and the Rev. Charles Walker of Virginia, by the Rev. T. S. Rumney, D.D. assisted by the Rev. C. Walker, D.D., in St. Peter's Church, at Germantown, Pa. So. Ch., Sept. 16, 1875 Fanny Lea, d. of Carl Zogbaum, and Robert Lee Whitehead of Roanoke, Va., by the Rev. T. S. Rumney assisted by the Rev. Mr. Bryan, at Germantown, Pa. So. Ch., Nov. 14, 1889 See also WALKER, Bessie E. (Mrs.) Wm. J., and Rosa T., d. of Jos. P. Jones, by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, in Chesterfield Co. So. Ch., Bodkin Island is in Chesapeake Bay. It is included in Queen Anne Co., Md. : ADDENDA L-Z LAIDLEY Mary Louise, d. of the Hon. William Sydney Laidley, and Henry Brad- ford Clarkson, by the Rev. Robert Douglas Roller, D.D., in St. John's Church, Charleston, Kanawha, W.Va. So. Ch., Jan. 20, 1898 LAIRD Wilhemina Goldsborough, of Albemarle Co., Va., and Caleb Stabler of Mont- gomery Co., Md., by the Rev. Wm. H. Laird, in Christ Church, St. Ann's Parish, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 4, 1898 LAMARCH LAMOTHE -L-Z- mayang John Victor, of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Rose, d. of the late Rev. Robert Nelson, D.D., for many years missionary to China, by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Van DeVyer, Roman Catholic Bishop of Richmond, at Oakland, the residence of Maj. John Page, in Hanover Co. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1895 LANE John D. (The Rev.), and Margaret M., d. of the Rev. Cornelius Walker, D.D., by the Rev. Wil- liam M. Walker assisted by the Rev. Nelson P. Dame, in the Seminary chapel of Virginia. Ch., Sept. 20, 1894 So. Gardiner Martin, of Cam- bridge, Mass., and Emma Louise, d. of Prof. and Mrs. Basil L. Gildersleeve, S by the Rev. Edwin B. Niver, in Christ Church, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., June 16, 1898 LASSITER James Harrison, Jr., and Ellen Daniel Faucett, both of Henderson, N.C., by the Rev. Junius Horner, at the residence of the bride's mother. So. Ch., Aug. 20, 1896 LEE Baker P., Jr. (The Rev.), of Farmville, and Lulu Lee Skinner of Danville, by the Rt. Rev. Alfred M. Randolph, D.D., as- sisted by the Rev. George W. Nelson and the Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton, at the residence of Mrs. P. W. Charrington, near Warrenton, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 27, 1896 Bessie Winston, d. of John Lee of Stafford Co., and Charles Patteson Cardwell, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in St. Paul's Church. So. Ca., Dec. 15, 1900 John Penn, and Isabella Gilmer Walker, by the Rev. S. 0. Southall, at the residence of Edward Saunders. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1896 Robert E., and Sarah Eliza- beth, d. of Joseph Putten, Esq., by the Rev. R. A. Castleman, in Christ Church, Chantilly, Fairfax Co., Va. So. Ch., June 20, 1895 LEIGH Egbert G., of Richmond, Va., and Norvell Caskie, d. of Philip B. Jones, by the Rev. Le Bas Cross of Rapi- MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF FUBLICATION LEWIS dan, at "Piedmont", the home of the bride, in Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., July 26, 1902 - 302 - Jag Alice Page, d. of Thoma s Walker Lewis of Albe- marle Co., Va., and Blair Jones of Chicago, Ill., by the Rev. Valentine Jones, brother of the groom, assisted by the Rev. Mr Smoot, rector of Christ Ashton, in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 14, 1903 Howell Carr, of Charlottes- ville, Va., and Elizabeth Johnson, d. of the late R. Worthy Smith, Esq. of Norfolk, Va., by the Rev. William Rutherford Savago, rector of Enst Lynnhavon Parish, in Emmanuol Church, Kompsvillo, Princess Anno Co., Va. So. Ch., Doc. 8, 1898 Lucy Schoolfield, eldest d. of John Henry Lewis, Esq. of Lynchburg, Va., and William R. Abbot, Jr. of Bellevue, Bedford Co., Va., by the Rev. Albert M. Hil- liker, in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Aug. 9, 1894 Wm. H. T., of Jefferson Co., W.Va., and Katherine Stuart, d. of the late Dr. S. S. Noill of Berryvillo, by the Rev. Edward Wall, at the residenco of the brido, in Borryville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1898 LIGON Annotto Kimbrough, d. of Dr. John Ligon, and Luthor T. Coynor of Augusta Co., Va., by the Rov. T. H. Lacy LIPTRAP William Arthur, of Ramah, Col., and Mabel Frances, d. of Fielding Lewis and Nellie Stanley Jones, by the Rev. W. Strother Jones, D.D., at Woodside, near Fruita, Col. So. Ch., Sept. 12, 1903 of Lynchburg, Va., at the home of the bride's father, at Clover Lick, W.Va. So. Ch., June 29, 1899 LOGAN Sarah Strother, d. of Col. R. H. Logan of Salem, Va., and S. R. Mullorg Kennedy of New Orloans, by the Rev. Berryman Groon, rector of Christ Church, in Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., May 25, 1899 LONG Nanny Williams, of North Carolina, and Thomas Burks Yuille of Virginia, by the Rev. Julian Ingle, rector, assisted by the Rev. E, S. Gunn of Brandon, Va., in the Church of the Holy Innocents, Henderson, N.C. So. Ch., Nov 8, 1894 LOVE James Monroe, Jr., of Fair- fax C.H., Va., and Rebecca Fowle Dainger- field, by the Rev. P. P. Phillips assisted by the Rov. S. A. Walls, at the rosidonco of tho bride's paronts, Aloxandria, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 31, 1898 LYLES Alico, d. of 0. Mcp. Lylos, and Honry Hammond Carr of Baltimore, by the Rov. Alcxandor Galt, in St. *East Lynnhavon Parish is in Princess Anno County, Virginia, (Journal Diocese of Southorn Va., (Portsmouth, Va., 1941) } } : • Ca - 303 LYMAN MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Jamos' Parish Church, Anno Arundel Co., Md. So. Ch., Jan. 18, 1894 Alice, and William P. Trent of the University of the South, at the residence of the bride's mother, No. 101 Harrison St., East Orange, N.J. So. Ch., Dec. 17, 1896 Lillian Forbes, and James Fontaine Minor, both of Charlottesvillo, by tho Rov. H. B. Loc assistod by the Rev. R. C. Jott of Emmanuol Church, Staunton, Va., in Christ Church, Charlottesville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 17, 1906 McBEE Silas, and Louisa Jugger Post, by tho rector, tho Rov. Kirkland Husko, in All Saints' Church, Groat Nock, L.I. So. Ch., Dec. 29, 1900 MCCAULEY MCGUIRE Elizabeth Power, d. of Henry C. McCauley of Washington, and the Rev. John S. Douglas of Shenandoah, Va., by the Rev. T. J. Packard of West River, Md., in Christ Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Mar. 18, 1897 MCGUFFEY Charles Drake, and Mary Byrd, d. of Mrs, Glover and the late Dr. G. Perin, Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Army, and gr.d. of the late Charles H. Pago, in St. Paul's Church, St. Paul, Minn. So. Ch., July 9, 1896 John Poyton, Jr., and Richie Morris, d. of the lato Capt. Richard Morris Gravos and Susan Koan Graves his wife of "Linden", Orange Co., Va., by the Rev. Landon R. Mason, at "Forkfield", Louisa Co., Va., the residence of Dr. Lewis S. Pendleton. So. Ch., June 27, 1895 Muncey Mason, and Mary, d. of the late Capt. Jefferson Davis Van Benthuysen of Now Orleans, by the Rov. 0. A. Kinsolving, at Houston, Halifax Co., Va. So. Ch., Juno 21 and 28, 1894 MCILVA IN Charlotto V., of Little Rock, Ark., and tho Rov. Dr. A. Crawford, rector of St. Barnabas' Church, Tulla- homa, Tonn., by tho Rov. Charles H. Kucs of Hot Springs, Ark., at tho homo of the bride's mother, Little Rock, Ark. So. Ch. Sept. 9, 1905 MCKENNAN Anne, eldest d. of John T. and Katharine A. McKennan, and Frederick Louis Grammer,all of Pittsburgh, Pa., by the Rev. Dr. Julius E. Grammer, in Pittsburgh, Pa. So. Ch., May 31, 1894 Harriet Arnett, d, of the late John Thompson McKennan of Pittsburgh, and William S. Grammer formerly of Balti- more and now of Newfoundland, by the Rev. Dr. Carl E. Grammer, brother of the groom, at the homo of James Hancock, brother-in-law of the brido, at Wayno, Pa. So. Ch., Oct. 8, 1904 MCMURDO Susan Moore, d. of John R. McMurdo, and Austin Hart Burr, by tho Rev. J. W. 304 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Waro, in St. Jamos Church, Ashland, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1896 MACHEN Carrio, d. of Jamos P. Machen of Fairfax Co., Va., and tho Rov. Konsoy John Hammond of Wilmington, Dol., by tho Rt. Rov. Goorgo W. Petorkin assisted by tho Rov. R. A. Castloman of Bol Air, Md., in Emmanuol Church, Baltimoro, Md. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1896 MARLBOROUGH See also, CHURCHILL-SPENCER Charles R., Duke of Marl- borough * MARSHALL Caroline Stribling, d. of Mrs. Mildred P. Marshall, and the Rev. Frederick Goodwin Ribble of Lawrenceville, Va., by the Rev. J. F. Ribble, brother of the groom, assisted by the Rev. Charles Lee, rector of Leeds Parish*, and the Rev. Edwin L. Goodwin, uncle of the groom, at "Glendale", Fauquier Co., Va. So. Ch., July 12, 1894 Maria, youngest d. of Capt. James Marshall of Happy Creek, Warren Co., Va., and the Rev. Frank Pinckney Clark, minister-in-charge of tho P. E. Hospital Mission, Phila- delphia, Pa., by the Rov. Charles Buck, roctor of St. John's P. E. Church, at 3041 N Stroot, Wost Washing- ton, D.C. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1894 MARTIN Mayo Cabell Martin, rector of the parish, in St. Clomont's Church, El Paso, Tox. So. Ch., May 12, 1900 Kathorino Noill, d. of the Rov. T. F. Martin, rector of St. Ann's Church, Nash- villo, Tonn., and Frank H. Scamon of El Paso, by the Rev. Mayo Cabell Martin, rector of the parish and brother of the bride, in St. Clement's Church, El Paso, Tex. So. Ch., Sept. 22, 1900 Eleanor Love, youngest d. of the Rev. T. F. and Cornelia Mayo Martin of Nashville, Tenn. and sister of the offici- ating clergyman, and William Demont Greet, late of Hùnt s- ville, Ala., by the Rev. MATHEWES Edward Miles, of Laurens, S. C., and Mary Randolph, d. of Col. James L. Hubard of "Tye Brooke", Nelson Co., Va., by the Rev. Frank Stringfellow, in Trinity Church, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 19. 1896 MATHEWS Mary Miller. d. of Capt. Alexander F. Mathews, and Debney C. T. Davis, Jr., by the Rev. D. C. T. Davis assisted by the Rev. Wm. White, at Lewisburg, W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 19, 1896 MAUPIN Edward Watts, Jr., and Marjoric Potors, d. of Logh R. and Mattio P. Watts, by Bishop A. M. Randolph and the Rev. W. A. Brown, rector of St. John's Church, at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 202 Middle Street, Portsmouth, Va. So. Ch., May 12, 1906 Herbert J., of London, Leeds Parish is in Fauquier County, Virginia (Journal ... Diocese of Virginia, Richmond, Va., 1941) . MAYNARD be 305 MEAD MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION England, and Alfreda H., d. of the late Richard Eppes, M.D., by the Rev. W. R. Savage, at "Appo- mattox", the residence of the bride's mother, at City Point, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 13, 1896 George Otis (The Rev.), of Casanova, Va., and Lilian, fourth d. of Gen. and Mrs. R. H. G. Minty, by the Rev. A. B. Chinn, assistant rector of Grace Church, Chicago, Ill., assisted by the Rev. Charles Scadding rector of Emmanuel Church, La Grange, Ill. So. Ch., Dec. 2, 1897 MEADE MEARS Emily, and Dr. John Woodson Barksdale, by the Rt. Rev. Hugh Miller Thompson, in St. Clement's Church, Vaiden, Miss. So. Ch., Apr. 28, 1900 Eugenia, d. of J. W. Mears, and J. H. Tompkins of Roanoko, Va., s. of Frank Tompkins of Spotsylvania Co., Va., by the Rov. Charles H. Boggs, at tho rosidence of the brido's father, near Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., May 3, 1894 MEDLEY Granville C., and Lucy R. Booth, by the Rev. J. G. Shackelford, at Houston, Halifax Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 9, 1897 MEZICK Frank (The Rev.), rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Dinwiddie Co., and Lillie K. Corner, by tho Rev. John Ridout, roctor of Grace Church, Poters- burg, assisted by the Rev. Alexander Galt, rector of St. Margaret'sq in St. Margaret's Church, Anne Arundel Co., Md. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1900 MICHIE Lizzie, d. of Capt. H. C. Michie, and John Brecken- ridge, M.D. of Staunton, Va., by the Rev. D. C. T. Davis, at "The Meadows", near Charlottesville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 14, 1895 MILLS Ellis, and Cora Ritchie, d. of Benjamin Franklin Nalle, Esq., by the Rev. Parnell Le Bas Cross, at Bellvue, Rapidan, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1895 MINOR Anne Cazenove, youngest d. of Dr. Chas. L. C. Minor of Baltimoro, Md., and tho Rov. Andrew Glassoll Grinnan, rector of Christ Church, Point Pleasant, W.Va., by the Rov. R. C. Jott, roctor, assistod by the Rev. Wm. F. Gardner of Maryland, in Emmanuol Church, Staunton, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 24 and 31, 1895 Bossio Cartor, d, of the late Capt. Robert Dabnoy and Landonia Minor, and Oliver Herbert Funst en of Richmond, by the Rev. James B. Funsten assisted by the Rev. William Meade Clark, rector of the church, in St. James' Church, Richmond. So. Ch., Nov. 5, 1896 Fanny Ansley, d. of Dr. Charles L. C. Minor of Baltimore, Md., and the Rov. Jamos F. Plummor rector of St. Stophon's Oxford, N.C., by tho Rov. * } : 306 ge MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Wm. F. Gardner of Mary- land assisted by the Rev. R. C. Jett, in Emmanuel Church, Staunton, Va So. Ch., Oct. 24 and 31, 1895 James Fontaine, and Lillian Forbes Lyman, both of Charlottesville, by the Rev. H. B. Lee assisted by the Rev. R. C. Jott of Emmanuel Church, Staunton, Va., in Christ Church, Charlottesville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 17, 1906 MINTY Lilian, fourth d. of Gon. and Mrs. R. H. G. Minty, and the Rev. George Otis Mead of Casenove, Va., by the Rev. A. B. Chinn, as- sistant rector of Grace Church, Chicago, Ill., assisted by the Rev. Charles Scadding, rector of Emmanuel Church, La Grange, Ill., in Emmanuel Church, La Grange, Ill. So. Ch., Dec. 2, 1897 MOISE Letitier Field, d. of the late Capt. Edwin H. Moise of Louisville, Ky., and William Moade, s. of Thoo, Brown and great gr.s. of Bishop Meado, at tho resi- denco of William Loachman, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1894 MONCURE Anna Hull, of Fairfax, Va., and William Draper Brinckle of Wilmington, Del., by the Rev. Kensey J. Hammond, assisted by the Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton and the Rev. A. R. Walker, in Zion Church, Fairfax. So. Ch., July 13, 1901 Cassie, and Claiborne Barksdale Baker of the University of Virginia, by the Rev. James Nelson, at "Frascati", the home of Mrs. Wm. H. Lyne, in Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan. 13, 1900 John G., of Stafford, and Marie Louise Pollard of King William Co., Va., by the Rov. Dr. Hundley, the rector, in St. David's Church, Aylott, Va. So. Ch., July 26, 1894 MONTGOMERY Clarence Gordon, and Maude Robertson Cox, by the Rev. R. A. Good- win, rector of St. John's Church, in Monumental Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 25, 1905 MORRIS George Harrison, eldest s. of Janette Carter and W. A. P. Morris of Rich- mond, Va., and Ellen, youngest d. of the late Dr. Thos. Gregory of Hanover Co., Va., by the Rev. S. S. Hopbron, in St. Paul's Church, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1897 John W., of Virginia, and Louise Churchill, d. of the late Edward Armstrong of Philadelphia, by the Rev. Edward Valentine Jones, in St. John's Chapel, Louisa Co., Va. So. Ch., May 7, 1896 MOSELEY E. M. (Mrs.), of Richmond, Va., and Lewis Pickett Brown of Malden, Mass., by the Rev. Robert P. Kerr, at the residence 307 - S MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION of Dr. E. J. Moseley, in Richmond. So.Ch., Nov. 3, 1898 William Tample, and Mary Maben Cullon of Richmond, Va., by the Rov. Dr. J. A. Aspinwall, rector, in St. Thomas' Chapel, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Nov. 26, 1896 MOSS Lula Carloton, d. of Prof. James loss of the University of Mississippi, and Robert Thruston Hubard of "Tye Brook", Nelson Co., Va., by the Rev. Mr. Mc- Knight, in St. Philip's Church, Atlanta, Ga. So. Ch., Mar. 4. 1897 MUNFORD Annie Bland, and William S. Robertson, by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Go W. Munford, in Richmond. So. Ch., Aug. 27, 1896 Lucy Taylor, d. of the late Rev. William Munford, and Lt. William Potorkin, s.of Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Upshur of Richmond, by the Rt. Rov. George W. Potorkin, Bishop of Wost Virginia, assisted by the Rev. Joseph P. Mc- Comas, rector of St. Anne's, in St. Anne's Church, Annap- olis, id. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1905 MURRAY James H., of West River, Md., and Susie R. Harri- son of Hanover Co., Va., by the Rev. S. S. Hep- bron, at the residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Mary E. Noland, Jan. 9, 1896 So. Ch., NALLE Cora Ritchie, d. of Benja- min Franklin Nallo, Esq., and Ellis Mills, by the Rev. Parnell Lo Bas Cross, at Bellevue, Rapidan, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1895 William Camp, and Augusta Dabney, d. of Daniel Payno Wirt of Westmoreland Co., Va. and great gr.d. of Attornoy-Gonoral William Wirt, by the Rev. W. Page Dame, rector of St. Bartholomew's Church, Baltimore, Md., at the home of Dr. Edward M. L. Engle, at Merion, Pa. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1906 NEESON Lillian Word, d. of Henry Neeson, Esq., and Thomas Hutchinson Botts, by the Rev. C. C. Griffith, in the Church of the Ascension, Lafayette Squaro, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., Jan. 11, 1894 NEILL Katherine Stuart, d. of tho lato Dr. S. S. Neill of Borryville, and m. H. T. Lowis of Jofforson Co., W.Va., by tho Rov. Edward Wall, at tho residence of the bride, in Berryville, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1898 NELSON Rose, d. of the late Rev. Robert Nelson, D.D., for many years missionary to China, and John Victor Lamarch of Brooklyn, N.Y., by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Van DeVyver, Roman Catholic Bishop of Richmond, at Oakland, the residence of Maj. John Page, Hanover Co. So. Ch., Nov. 21, 1895 Ruth, d. of the late Rov. Robert Nolson, D.D., and and 308 - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Rosewell Page of Richmond, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, at "Oakland", Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 24, 1898 NEWPORT Elizabeth Eller son, of Wash- ington, D.C., and Charles Levin Hepburn*, s. of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. S. S. Hepburn, at the residence of William Hull. So. Ch., Apr. 27, 1899 NEWTON Betty Taylor (Mrs.), and Philip Alexander Bruce of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. B. D. Tucker, at Beechwood Place, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1896 NICOL NOLAND George M., of Morristowni, N.Y., and Annie P. P., d. of Mrs. M. C. F. and the late John C. F. Bennett of Charleston, S.C., by the Rt. Rev. J. B. Nowton, at the residence of the bride's mother, 104 W. Grace St., Richmond. So. Ch., July 19, 1894 Fenton, of Hanover, and Lucy Landon, eldest d. of J. Churchill Cooke, Esq of King William, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron assisted by the Rev. C. L. Price, in St. James' Church, King William C.H., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1897 NORMAN Attilla Cox, of Beattyville, Ky., and Henrietta Hender- son Daingerfiold, by Dean Baker P. Leo of Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington, assisted by the Rev. Alex- ander Pattor son of Beatty- villo, Ky., at Castleton, tho rosidonco of the brido's fathor, near Lexington, Ky. * Givon as printod OFFLEY Edward Murray (Lt.), of the Twelfth Cavalry, U.S.A., and Sallie Bland, d. of the late Edwin C. and Judith Newton Claybrook of West- moreland Co., Va., by the Rev. Willoughby Newton Claybrook, brother of the bride and rector of Christ Church, at the residence of Ernest Griffith, at Tyler, Tex. So. Ch., Feb. 8, 1902 OLD So. Ch., Feb. 15, 1904 ORR { Anne, eldest d. of Wm. W. and Alice Herbert Old, and Ensign Charles Webster, U.S. Navy, of Stockbridge, Mass., by the Rev. 0. S. Barten, D.D., rector of Christ Church, Norfolk, Va., at the residence of the bride's parents, 260 Froomson St., Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1897 Annie Carter Leigh, d. of Maj. Charles Old of Pow- hatan Co., and William Fanning Wickham, by the Rev. C. 0. Pruden, in Grace Church, Powhatan Co. So. Ch., May 14, 1896 OTT N. A., M.D., of Belmont, N.C., and Susie Cosby Hales of Fredericksburg, Va., by the Rev. F. Bouldin, at Houston, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 14, 1906 Mallie Hunter, d. of Luthor H. Ott of Harrisonburg, and Robin Saxon Best of Cartersville, Ga., by the Rov. Robert N. Brooking, roctor of Emmanuel Church, 1 H H 309 - PAGE MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION of the Ott residence, S. Main St., Harrison- burg, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1906 Frederick W., librarian of the University of Virginia, and Lucy White Bryan of Memphis, Tenn., at the University of Virginia. So. Ch., Sept. 27, 1902 Rosewell, of Richmond, and Ruth, d. of the late Rev Robert Nelson, D.D., by the Rov. S. S. Hopbron, at "Oakland", Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Feb. 24, 1898 PARKINSON Annio Dill, d. of W. C. Parkinson, and Paul Till- man Doswell, all of Hanover Co., Va., by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in Taylorsville Baptist Church. So. Ch., Dec. 15, 1900 PARRAN PASCOE William Seymour, and Sallie Fitzhugh Welch, by the Rev. Josiah R. Ellis, at "Burlington", the residence of James Barbour Newman, in Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1896 Virginia B., and Edward B. Ambler, by the Rov. A. P. Gray, at Shirley, Va. So. Ch., June 18, 1895 PATTEN PAYNE Sarah Elizaboth, d. of Josoph Patton, Esq., and Robert E. Loo, by the Rov. R. A. Castloman, in Christ Church, Chantilly, Fairfax Co. So. Ch., June 20, 1895 Sarah Louise, d. of Robert M. Payne of Danville, Va., and Philip St. John Duval of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. W. R. Laird, at the residence of the Hon. A. J. Montague, Danville, Va. So. Ch., Aug. 12, 1897 PENDLETON Garnet Payton, d. of the late Rev. Wm. .H. and Henrietta Randolph Pendle- ton of Fauquier Co., Va., and William Dabney Wirt of Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. E. S. Hinks assisted by the Rev. Chas. H. Loo and the Rev. G. W. Nolson, in St. James Church, Warrenton, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1894 W. H. K. (Tho Rov.), of Fairfax, Va., and Eliza- beth Power, d. of Col. and Mrs. Wm. H. Chapman, by the Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Josiah R. Ellis, at "Clif- ton", the home of the bride's parents, in Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 19, 1897 PERIN Mary Byrd, d. of Mrs. Glover and the late Dr. G. Perin, Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Army, and gr.d. of the late Charles H. Page, and Charles Drake McGuffey, in St. Paul's Church, St. Paul, Minn. So. Ch., July 9, 1896 PIERCE Mary Alice, d. of R. Tunstall Pierce, Esq., and the Rov. William Moado Clark, rector of St. Jamos' Church, Rich- mond, Va., by tho Rov. J. Y. Downman of All Saints' Church, Richmond, Va., assisted by the Rov. Pres- ton Nash of Christ Church, Richmond, Va., at the home of the bride's parents, in Lancaster Co., Va. So. Ch., 310 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Dec. 21, 1899 PINCKARD Lena K., d. of the late Dr. M. A. Pinckard of Virginia, and Wilmer Joyner of Dover N.J., by the Rev. J. R. Joyner, father of the groom, in St. Bartholomew's Church, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., Jan. 14. 1905 PLUMMER Jamos F. (The Rev.), rector of St. Stephen's, Oxford, N.C., and Fanny Ansley, d. of Dr. Charles L. C. Minor of Baltimore, Id., by the Rev. Wm. F. Gardner of Maryland assisted by the Rev. R. C. Jett, in Emmanuel Church, Staunton, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 24 and 31, 1895 POINDEXTER Elizabeth Wallace, d. of the Rov. James Edward and Katherine Gordon Poindex- ter, and Dr. William Wood- ruff Taylor of Warrenton, N.C., by the father of tho bride, in Emmanuel Church, Warrenton, N.C. So. Ch., July 22, 1905 POLLARD Marie Louise, of King William Co., Va., and John G. Mon- cure of Stafford, by the rector, the Rev. Dr. Hundley, in St. David's Church, Aylett, Va. So. Che, July 26, 1894 PORCHER POST Julia Wickham, d. of the late Dr. J. Peyre Porcher of Charleston, S.C., and Thomas Ashby Wickham, by the Rev. John Korshaw, in St. Mi- chael's Church, Charleston, S.C. So. Ch., Doç. 16, 1897 Louiso Jaggor, and Silas McBee, by the rector, the Rev. Kirkland Huske, in All Saints' Church, Great Neck, L.I. So. Ch., Dec. 29, 1900 POTTS Allen, and Gertrude, d. of Col. A. L. Rives of Castle Hill, Albemarle Co., Va., by tho Rov. E. Valontino Jonos assistod by the Rov. Hartley Carmichael, D.D. of St. Paul's Church, Rich- mond, Va., in Grace Church, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1896 POWELL Carrie Henderson, and Wil- liam Reid Williams, both of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. W. B. Williams, at the home of the bride's father, Richmond. So. Ch. Jan. 4, 1894 POWERS Edmonia Waro, d. of the lato Maj. Philip H. Powers of Clarke Co., Valos and Robert Frederick White- head of Washington, D.C., at "Auburn", the home of the bride. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1905 PRESTON Nella Allen, eldest d. of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Preston, and Dr. Alvis Kennedy, by the Bishop of Dallas assisted by the rector of the parish, the Rev. J. B. C. Beaubien, in Trinity Church, Bonham, Tox. So. Ch., Dec. 5, 1903 PRIDDY Willio Green, d. of Mrs. Angelina Bassott Priddy, and Jamos Gardner Floranco, by the Rov. L. B. Botty, at the homo of the bride's mother, 503 W. Clay St., Ka 311 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION PULLMAN Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 1, 1906 RAMSAY Mary G., of Washington, D.C., and the Rov. George C. Hunting, rector of St. Paul's Church, Virginia City, Nov., by tho Rov. Samucl Unsworth, in Trinity Church, Rono, Nov. So, Ch., Nov. 1, 1894 RANDALL * Lucy, d. of G. Wm. Ramsay, and T. Soddon Taliaforro, Jr., of Groon Rivor City, Wyo., by tho Rov. Borryman Groon assistod by tho Rov. J. Thompson Colo, in Christ Church, Àloxandria. So. Ch., Apr. 30, May 7, 1896 Wyatt William, Ph.D., and Eliza Pendleton, d. of Frederick M. Colston, Esq. of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. Percy F. Hall, in St. Timothy's Church, Catons- ville, Md. So. Ch., July 7. 1898 REID RAWLINGS Pattie Valentine, youngest d. of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Raw- lings of Winfall, Perquimans Co., N.C., and W. F. C. Edwards, by the Rev. R. B. Drane, rector of St. Paul's, Edenton, N.C., at the resi- dence of the bride's parents. So. Ch., July 26, 1894 Legh Wilber, of Alexandria, Va., and Eliza Griffith Hox- ton, also of Alexandria, Va., gr.d. of the late Rov. Dr. Charles Minnigerodo, by the Rt. Rev. Alfred M. Randolph, unclo of the bride, in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Doc. 6, 1894 Givon as printed RHETT Mario, d. of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rhott of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Thomas Gordon Coloman of Nows Forry, Halifax Co., Va., by the Rov. A. B. Kinsolving, rector, in Christ Church, Brooklyn, N.Y. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1894 RIBBLE Frodorick Goodwin (The Rov.), of Lawroncovillo, Va., and Carolino Stribling, d. of Mrs. Mildrod P. Marshall, by tho Rov. J. F. Ribblo, brother of the groom, as- sisted by tho Rov. Charlos Loo, roctor of Loods Parish, and tho Rov. Edward L. Good- win, uncle of the groom, at "Glandalo","Fauquior Co.. Va. So. Ch., July 12, 1894 J. F. (The Rev.), rector of RICH the church, and Mary Gordon Beale, by the Rev. Frederick Ribble, in St. Paul's Church, Newport News, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1896 Fannie Miller, and William Edward Wyatt, by the Reve E. R. and A. M. Rich, in St. Michael's Church, Balti- more Co., Md. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1896 RICHARDSON Edward Andrews, and Francis* Byrd Winston, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in St. Paul's Church, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 27, 1899 RIVES Gertrude, d. of Col. A. L. Rives of Castlo Hill, Albe- marle Co., Va., and Allon Potts, by the Rev. E. Valentino Jones assisted by the Rov. Hartloy Carmichael, D.D. of St. Paul's Church, Go 312 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION ROANE Richmond, Va., in Grace Church, Albemarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 29, 1896 James Keith, and Virginia McRae Waring, by the Rev. Everard Meade, in St. David's Church, Aylett, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 11, 1897 ROBERTSON SAMS Jaquelin Marshall, of Rich- mond, Va., and Jano D., youngost d. of Dr. I. T. Forbos, by tho Rov, H. B. Lee, at tho rosidonco of Capt. Harrison Robort son, Charlottòsville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 12, 1895 William S., and Annie Bland Munford, by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, D.D., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. G. W. Munford, in Richmond. So. Ch., Aug. 27. 1896 ROBINSON Clifford Cabell, and Lila C. Hubard, by the Rev. G. S. Sommerville assisted by the Rev. Frank String- fellow, in Christ Church, Norwood, Nelson Co., Va. So. Ch., July 8, 1897 Mary A., and William F. Curtis of Marietta, Ohio, by the Rev. G. P. Sommer- villo, at the home of tho brido, Willow Island, W.Va. So. Ch., Fob. 15, 1894 William Boo (Tho Rov.), rector of Trinity Church, Abbeville, S.C., and Bortha Stanyarne, d. of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hutson, by the Rev. A. E. Cornish assisted by the Rev. T. W. Clift, rector of the parish, at Aiken, S.C. So. Ch., June 24, 1905 SAUNDERS Eva S., d. of Capt. Fleming Saunders, and Dr. G. Sinkler Irvine, by the Rev, Chiswell Dabney, at the residence of the bride's paronts, So. Ch., Doc. 3, 1896 SAWTELLE Charlos Green (Lt.), U.S. Army, and Mary Borkoloy, socond d. of B. Lowis Blackford, Esq. of Washing- tón, D.C., by tho Rov. A. R. Stuart, D.D., roctor, in Christ Church, George- town. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1897 SCARBURGH Margaret Douglas, of Princess Anne, Md., and Robert Gibboney Hudson of Pulaski, Va., by the Rev. David Barr of Rock Creek Parish, D.C., in Grace Church, Baltimore. So, Ch., June 25, 1896 SCHLEY Mary, d. of George Schley, and J, Alex. Stouart, all of Baltimore, by the Rov. Peregrino Wroth, in Balti- more. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1896 SCOTT Janio, d. of Mrs. E. M. and the Into Edward Scott, and Goorgo S. Homingway of South Carolina, by tho Rov, A. B. Tizzard, at Manakin Farm, Powhatan Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 15, 1896 Marion Clarkson, and Frank Carter, by the Rev. William Short, rector, in St. Peter's Church, St. Louis, Mo. So. Ch., Feb. 28, 1895 SEAMON · 313 A - MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Frank H., of El Paso, and Katherine Neill, d. of the Rev. T. F. Martin, rector of St. Ann's Church, Nash- ville, Tonn., by the Rev. Mayo Cabell Martin, rector of the parish and brothor of the bride, in St. Clement's Church, El Paso, Tex. So. Ch., Sept. 22, 1900 SEARS Julia Winifred, eldest d. of Wm. G. and Stella B. Sears, and Dr. Charles Minor Black- ford, Jr. of Augusta, Ga.s by the Rev. Dr. Angell, in St. Stephen's Church, Harris- burg, Pa. So. Ch., Sept. 23, 1897 SETTLE Caroline, d. of the late Hon. Thomas Settle, and James Renwick Wilkes of Charlotte, N.C., by the Rt. Rev. Joseph Blunt Choshiro, Jr., Bishop of North Carolina, at Greens- boro, N.C. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1896 SHACKELFORD Annie B., of Richmond, Va., and R. B. Smithey of Ash- land, Va., by the Rov. J. Groon Shackelford. So. Ch., Aug. 20, 1896 SHANDS Aurelius Rivos, M.D. of Washington, D.C., and Agnos Hornor, d. of Richard Eppos, M.D., by tho Rov. C. R. Hains, D.D. assisted by the Rov. M. G. Cassoll, in St. John's Church, City Point, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 9, 1896 SHIFF Emily Oliver, d. of the late Gustave Shiff of New York, and C. Irwin SHOUP Dunn of Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. Dr. C. George Curri e assisted by the Rov. Dr. J. H. Eccleston, in Christ Church, Baltimore, Md. So. Ch., May 3, 1894 Francis Elliott, and Mary Eloise Howard of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rt. Rev Thomas F. Gailor, S.T.D., in St. Margaret's Chapel, Columbia Institute, Colum bia, Tenn. So. Ch., Jan. 6, 1898 SKINNER Lula Lee, of Danville, and the Rev. Baker P. Lee, Jr. of Farmville, by the Rt. Rev. Alfred M. Randolph, D.D. assisted by the Rev. George W. Nelson and the Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton, at the residence of Mrs. P. W. Charrington, near Warrenton, Va. So. Ch. Aug. 27, 1896 SMITH Bettie M., and Robert R. Smith, both of Wickliffe, Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. W. D. Smith, brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, at "Smithfield", the rosi- donco of tho brido. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1897 Edward Jaquelin, of Clarko Co., Va., and Mary Pago Thompson of Jefferson Co., W.Va., by tho Rov. P. D. Thompson, father of tho brido, assisted by the Rev. G. W. Dame, D.D. of Danville, Va., grandfa➡ ther of the bride, and the Rev. . D. Smith of Norfolk, Va., brother of the groom, in Wickliffe Church. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1894 314 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Elizabeth Johnson, d. of the late R. Worthy Smith, Esq. of Norfolk, Va., and Howell Carr Lewis of Charlottesville, Va., by the Rev. William Rutherford Savage, rector of East Lynnhaven Parish,* in Emmanuel Church, Kemps- ville, Princess Anne Co., Va. So. Ch., Dec. 8, 1898 Frances L., and Wm. L. Zimmer of Petersburg, Va., at the home of the bride, Waterford, Loudoun Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 4, 1897 Harwell R., of St. Louis, Mo., and Mary Brocken- brough, third d. of Capt. R. H. and Agnes M. Fitz- hugh formerly of Virginia, by the Rev. E. H. Ward, D.D., in Christ Church, Lexington, Ky. So. Ch., Nov. 15, 1894 Mattie, and Frank L. Fred, by the Rev. John D. Lamothe, at Locust Grove, Loudoun Co., Va. So. Ch. So. Ch., Apr. 14, 1900 Robert R., and Bettie M. Smith, both of Wickliffe, Clarke Co., Va., by the Rev. W. D. Smith, brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, at "Smithfield", the residence of the bride. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1897 William D. (The Rev.), rector of Christ Church, Winchester, Va., and Elizabeth Coalter Carmichael, by the Rev. R. J. McBryde, D.D., the Rev. C. Braxton Bryan, D.D., and the Rev. James Carmichael, D.D., in Fredericksburg, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1905 SMITHEY R. B., of Ashland, Va., and Annie B. Shackelford of " Richmond, Va., by the Rev. J. Green Shackelford. Ch., Aug. 20, 1896 So. SMOOT Bettie F., d. of William A. Smoot, Esq. of Alexandria, and Robert Waight Fuller of Atlanta, Ga., in Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., Feb. 16, 1899 SOUTHALL John Howard, of Richmond, Va., and Annie Josephine, d. of the late Judge Richard H. Coleman, by the Rev. S. S. Ware, in Trinity Church, Bowling Green, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 26 and Dec. 17, 1896 Martha C., d. of S. V. Southall, and the Rev. Jos. E. Dunn, by the Rev. H. B. Lee, in Charlottesville, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 19, 1895 Stephen 0. (The Rev.), of Rocky Mount, Va., rector of Frank- lin Parish,** and Julia Pride, d. of the late Philip S. and Emma P. Wood of Amelia C.H., Va., by the Rev. V. Wrenn, rector of Raleigh Parish,*** in Christ Church, Amelia C.H., Va. So. Ch., May 4, 1899 SPENCER Dean, d. of Dr. H. N. Spencer, and the Rev. William H. Du- Bose, M.A. of Sewanee, Tenn., by the Rev. W. P. DuBose, S.T.D., father of the groom and dean of the theological dep't of the University of the South, at 2725 Washing- ton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. So. Ch., Oct. 8, 1896 SPINDLER Edward H., of Washington, D.C., and Esther M. Chi- chester of Fairfax Co., Va., Diocese of *East Lynnhaven Parish is in Princess Anne County (Journal Southern Virginia, Portsmouth, Va., 1941) **Franklin Parish is in Franklin County (Journal Virginia, 1940) Diocese of Southwestern ***Raleigh Parish is in Amelia County (Journal ... Diocese of Southern Virginia Portsmouth, Va., 1941) - 315 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION by the Rev. Mr. Niver, in Baltimore, Md. Ch., Mar. 17, 1898 So. SPRATLEY Tazewell Taylor, of Smith- field, Va., and Helen Moore, d, of Maj. Everard Moore Todd of Smithfield, by the Rev. F. G. Scott, former rector of the parish, and the Rev. John M. Todd of Maryland, uncle of tho bride, in Christ Church, Smithfield, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 13, 1900 STABLER Calob, of Montgomery Co., Md., and Wilhemina Golds- borough Laird of Albemarle Co., Va., by the Rov. Wm. H. Laird, in Christ Church, St. Anne Parish, Albomarle Co., Va. So. Ch., Aug. 4, 1898 STEUART J. Alex., and Mary, d. of George Schley, all of Baltimore, by the Rev. Peregrine Wroth, in Balti- more. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1896 STEWART I. Calvin (The Rev.), and Avis, d. of the late Dr. Charles Barney, all of Richmond, Va., by the Rov. M. Gravatt assisted by the Rov. Dr. Hogo. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1894 Juliot Roy Bradford, of Washington, D.C., and John H. Windolor of Blonhoim, N.Y., by tho Rov. Alox. Mackay-Smith, D.D. assisted by the Rev. Konsey Johns Stowart, D.D., in St. John's Church, Washington, D.C. So. Ch., Juno 17, 1897 W. John Shoaff (Dr.), of Philadelphia, and Anno Page, d. of Dr. C. Shirley and Mary M. Carter, by the Rev, Berryman Green, in St. James' Church, Leesburg, Va. So. Ch., July 5, 1894 STOKES Sallie Bayly, d. of Mrs. W. B. Stokes, and Randolph Bolling, Esq. of Richmond, Va., by the Rev. Dr. Carson, rector of St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 2, 1899 STOTT Mary Ida, d. of the late William A. Scott of Isle of Wight Co., Va., and Jamos N. Gibbons of Wil- son, N.C., by the Rov. Virginius Wronn of Nor- folk, Va., at the residence of the bride's brother-in- law, Lofton J. Alley, Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 10, 1896 STUART Mary Bell, of Virginia, and W. A. Dabney of Barton´ Heights, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, at the resi- dence of Mr. A. Spot. Wingfield of Hanover Co. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1904 SUHLING Wilhelm Gerhard, and Mary Leigh, d. of Anna Page and the lato J. Poter Williams, by tho Rov. John J. Lloyd, in Graco Memorial Church, Lynch-` burg, Va. So. Ch., Oct 22. 1896 * SUTER Frank, of Washington, D.C., and Eloise 0. Carhart, by the Rev. Charlos Carhart, brother of the brido, at Dorset, Vt. So. Ch., Aug. 6. 1904 <> 316 TALIAFERRO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Chas. C., and Mary Si, di of the late Thomas M Wilkinson of Bedford Co., Va., by the Rev. John S. Hansborough, at Mount Sharon, Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1895 Philippa Ludwell, d. of Thomas S. Taliaferro of Gloucester Co. and gr.d. of the late Cassius F. Lee of Alexandria, Va., and Thomas J. Wyche of Wyoming by the Rt. Rev. Ethelbert Talbot, D.D., at Green River, Wyo. So. Ch., Dec. 27. 1894 T. Seddon, Jr., of Green River City, Wyo., and Lucy, d. of G. Wm. Ramsay, by the Rev. Berryman Green assisted by the Rev. J. Thompson Cole, in Christ Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Apr. 30 and May 7, 1896 Wm. Mayo, and Louise Brander, by the Rev. W. W. Brander, brother of the bride, assisted by the Revs. L. R. and R. P. Kerr, in Grace Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 22, 1894 TANNER Lizzie, d. of the late Maj. N. M. and Mrs. M. E. Tanner, and the Rev. Wm. A. R. Goodwin, rector of St. John's Church, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Randolph, D.D. assisted by the Rev. R. A. Goodwin and the Rev. C. R. Hains, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Petersburg. So. Ch., Feb. 28, 1895 TAYLOR Margaret Locke, youngest d. of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of Oak Grove, and Richard 2 Vivian Turner of King George Coi, Val, by the Revi Bi Ti Turner of King George Cos, in St. Peter's P. E. Church, Oak Grove, Va. So. Ch So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1906 Sara Purvis, eldest d. of Charles S. Taylor, Esq. of Alexandria, and Hoxton Archibald Robinson of the Episcopal High School, by the Rt. Rev. A. M. Ran- dolph, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Alexandria. So. Ch., Jan. 2, 1904 William Woodruff (Dr.), of Warrenton, N.C., and Eliza- beth Wallace, d. of the Rev. James Edward and Katherine Gordon Poin- dexter, the father of the bride officiating, in Emmanuel Church, Warren- ton, N.C. So. Ch., July 22, 1905 THACKER William C., Jr., and Ada Lena, only d. of Jamas S. Huffman, by the Rev. Thomas E. Locke, at Blenheim. So. Ch., Feb. 13, 1896 THOMPSON Mary Page, of Jefferson Co., W.Va., and Edward Jaque- lin Smith of Clarke Co.. Va., by the Rev. P. D. Thompson, father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. G. W. Dame, D.D. of Danville, Va., grandfather of the bride, and the Rev. W. D. Smith of Norfolk, Va., brother of the groom, in Wickliffe Church, So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1894 THOMSON Anne Leslie, d. of the Rev. Elliot H. Thomson of 317 - My 1 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Shanghai, China, and Arthur Presley Thornton of Port Royal, Va., by the Rey Arthur C Thomson, brother of the bride, at Tappahannock, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Jan, 31, 1895 THORNTON TILFORD Arthur Presley, of Port Royal, Va., and Anno Leslie, d. of the Rov. Elliot H. Thomson of Shanghai, China, by the Rey. Arthur C. Thomson, brother of the bride, at Tappahannock, Essex Co., Vane So. Ch., Jan. 31 1895 124 ** TILGHMAN ¿ : Elizabeth Taylor, d. of Mrs. John Boyle Tilford, and Carl B. Keferstein of Washington, D.Č., by the Rev. R. L. Howell, rector of St. Margaret's Church, assisted by the Rey W. Ha Milton, rector of Henshaw Memorial Church, Baltimore, at the résidénce of"the bride's mother, No. 1336 New Hampshire Ave,, Wash- ington, D.C. Sợ. Ch Só Feb. 20, 1896 TODD • Madeline Tasker, d. of the late Capt Richard Lloyd Tilghman, U.S.. Navy, of "Grosses", Talbot Co., Md., and Dr. Christopher Johnston, by the Rev. J. H. Eccles- ton assisted by the Rev. J. S. B. Hodges, in Emmanuel Church, Baltimore, Md. Ch., June 10, 1897 So. Helen Moore, d. of Maj. Everard Moore Todd of Smithfield, Va., and Tazewell Taylor Spratley t Lov 4/ TOMPKINS TRENT of Smithfield, Va., by the Rev. F. G. Scott, former rector of the parish, and the Rev. John M. Todd of Maryland, uncle of the bride, in Christ Church, Smithfield, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 13, 1900 J. H., of Roanoke, Va., s. of Frank Thompkins of Spotsylvania Co., Va., and Eugenia; d. of J. W. Mears, by the Rev. Charles H. Boggs, at the residence of the bride's father, near Norfolk, Va. So. Chr., May 3, 1894 William P., of the Univer- sity of the South, and Alice Lyman, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, No. 101 Harrison St., East Orange, N.J. So. Ch., Dec.17, 1896 TREVILLIAN " $ John Page, and Evelyn, d. of Wm. Duke of Hanover Co by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in Fork Church. So. Ch., Dec. 15, 1900 TUNSTALL • Belle Waller, and Dr. Frank Walke, by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd assisted by the Rov. B. D. Tucker at home, Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1896 TURNER · Beauregard, and Annie Wat- tington, both of King Wil- liam Co., by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron of Hanover, in the Baptist Church, at West Point. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1895 Richard Vivian, of King George Co., Va., and Margaret Locke, youngest 318 G MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION d. of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of Oak Grove, by the Rev. B. T. Turner of King George Co., in St. Peter's P. E. Church, Oak Grove, Va. So. Ch., Nov 3, 1906 TYLER * Bailey, of Haymarket, Prince William Co., Va., and Anner* Moss Alrich, by the Rev. W. A. Alrich, father of the bride, in Spesutiae Church, Perryman, Harford Co., Md. So. Ch., Oct. 14, 1897 Genevieve Louise, d. of Vernon A. Tyler, and the Rev. Robert Bootman Kimber, by the Rev. Joshua Kimber father of the groom, as- sisted by the Bishop of Long Island, in the Chur ch of the Resurrection, Rich- mond Hill, L.I. So. Ch., June 28, 1894 UPSHUR William Peterkin (Lt.), s. of Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Upshur of Richmond, and Lucy Taylor, d. of the late Rev. William Munford, by the Rt. Rev. George W. Feterkin, Bishop of West Virginia, assisted by the Rev. Joseph P. Mc- Comas, rector of St. Anne's, in St. Anne's Church, Annap- olis, Md. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1905 VALENTINE Granville Gray, and Elise Calvin, d. of Mrs. William Albert Bragg, all of Rich- mond, Va., by the Rev. Robert Strange, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 16, 1904 Richard Ronne, of Richmond, and Julia Elizabeth, only d. Given as printed of the late Walter Weir of Prince William Co., Va. and Mrs. J. D. Dixon of King William Co., Va., by the Rev. Dr. Hundley, at Canterbury, the home of the bride's mother, in King William Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1894 VAN BENTHUYSEN Mary, d. of the late Capt. Jefferson Davis Van Ben- thuysen of New Orleans, and Muncey Mason McGuiro, by the Rov. 0. A. Kinsolving, at Houston, Halifax Co., Va. So. Ch., June 21 and 28, 1894 VANDERBILT Consuelo, d. of William Kissam Vanderbilt, Esq., and Charles R. Churchill- Spencer, Duke of Marl- borough, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Long Island, the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Now York, and the Rev. John W. Brown, in St. Thomas' Church, N.Y. So. Ch., Nov. 14, 1895 VAN DEUSEN Mary F., and Richard Eppes of City Point, Va., by the Rev. George W. Davenport, rector, in St. James' Church, Danbury, Conn. So. Ch., Apr. 16, 1904 -- WADDELL Maude, d. of Legh R. Wad- dell, Esq., and L. Marsh Walker of "The Brook", Albemarle Co., Va., s. of the late Gen. Walker of Tennessee, by the Rov. G. Mosley Murray assisted by the Rev. J. C. Painter, at Chestnut Ridge, the home of the bride's father, in Albe- marle Co. So. Ch., Apr. 12, 319. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF FUBLICATION 1894 WAGNER Hancke Frederic (Dr.), of Charleston, S.C., and Lucia Chauncey Yeaton of Alexandria, Va., by tho Rov. H. H. Pholps, in Calvary Church, Flotcher, N.C. So. Ch., July 21, 1898 WALKE Frank Anthony (Dr.), and Bollo Waller Tunstall, by tho Rov. A. S. Lloyd assisted by the Rov. B. D. Tuckor, nt home, in Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 12, 1896 WALKER Albert Rhett, eldest s. of the officiating clergyman, and Phoebe Elliott, second d. of the late Rt. Rev. Bishop Boone of China, by the Rev. Albert Walker as- sisted by the Rt. Rev. Bish- op Coleman, in Calvary Church, Wilmington, Del. So. Ch., Apr. 25, 1895 Isabella Gilmer, and John Penn Loo, by the Rov. S.O. Southall, at tho rosidence of Edward Saunders. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1896 L. Marsh, of "The Brook", Albomarlo Co., Va., s. of the lato Gen. Walker of Tennessee, and Maude, d. of Legh R. Waddell, Esq., by tho Rov. G. Mosloy Murray assist od by tho Rev. J. C. Painter, at Chestnut Ridge, the home of the bride's father, Albemarle Co. So. Ch., Apr. 12, 1894 Lucy Dabney, and John Patton Gilmer of Kansas City, by the Rev. C. Breckinridgo Wilmer assisted by tho Rov. W. A. Barr, at tho residence of the Hon. E. W. Saunders of Rocky Mount, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 31, 1895 Margaret M., d. of the Rev. Cornelius Walker, D.D., and the Rov. John D. Lamothe, by the Rov. Wil- liam M. Walkor assistod by tho Rov. Nolson P. Damo, in the Seminary Chapol of Virginia. So. Ch., Sopt. 20, 1894 WARD Robert M., and Emily Ridgò- way, d. of tho lato Col. David Funsten of Alex- andria, by the Rev. Dr. Dame, in Memorial Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Apr. 20, 1899 WARE Jaquelin Smith, and Helen Glassell Grinnan, by the Rovs. S. S. and J. W. Ware, at "Brampton", Madison Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1900 WARFIELD Julia Anthony (Mrs.), d. of the late William Pleasants Anthony of Buchanan, Va., and Richard Alexander Dun- lap, by tho Rev. Julian E. Inglo asistod by the Rov. Robert Forsyth, in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., May 19 1906 WARING Virginia McRae, and James Keith Roane, by the Rov. Everard Meade, in St. David's Church, Aylett, Va. So. Ch., Mar. 11, 1897 WARREN George William, and Lilian Moore Yarbrough, both of Richmond, by the Rov. Fon- nor S. Sticknoy, in Monu- montal Church, Richmond, Cl · 320. Va. So. Ch., Jan. 28, 1897 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Lilly Archer, d. of Edward J. Warren of Richmond, and the Rev. Josiah R. Ellis of Gordonsville, Va., by the Rt. Rev. F. M. Whittle as- sisted by the Rev. Landon R. Mason, in Grace Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 13, 1894 WASHINGTON Samuel Walter, of Charles Town, W.Va., and Elizabeth Ryland, d. of N. H. Willis, by the Rev. Andrew Willis assisted by the Rev. Bovor- ly D. Tucker, at Rock Hall, Jefferson Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1900 WATKINS Rebekah Gustavia, and Robert Lancaster Williams, by the Rev. Donald Guthrie assisted by the Rev. W. B. Williams, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Charles Watkins. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1899 WATTINGTON Annie, and Beauregard Turner, both of King William Co., by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron of Hanover, in the Baptist Church at West Point. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1895 WATTLES Elizabeth Taylor, d. of Mrs. Henry Starr Wattles, and William Bowie of Anne Arundel Co., Md., by the Rev. P. P. Phillips, at the residence of the bride's mother, Alexandria, Va. So. Ch., July 6, 1899 WATTS Marjorie Peters, d. of Legh R. and Mattie P. Watts, and Edward Watts Maupin, Jr., by Bishop A. M. Randolph and the Rev. V. A. Brown, rector of St. John's Church, at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 202 Middle St., Portsmouth, Va. So. Ch., May 12, 1906 WEB STER Charles (Ensign), U.S.N., of Stockbridge, Mass. : .. and Anne, eldest d. of Wm. W. and Alice Herbert Old, by the Rev. 0. S. Barten, D.D., rector of Christ Church, Norfolk, Va., at the residence of the bride's parents, 260 Freemason St., Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., Apr. 29, 1897 WEIR Julia Elizabeth, only d. of the late Walter Weir of Prince William Co., Va. and Mrs. J. D. Dixon of King William Co., Va., and Richard Ronne Valentine of Richmond, by the Rev. Dr. Hundley, at Canterbury, the home of the bride's mother, King William Co., Va. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1894 WELCH Sallie Fitzhugh, and Wil- liam Seymour Parran, by the Rev. Josiah R. Ellis, at "Burlington", Orange Co., Va., the residence of James Barbour Nowman. So. Ch., Doc. 10, 1896 WHARTON Mary Fernando Fairfax, and Frederick Griffith Fair- fax, both of Westmoreland Co., Va., by the Rev. Rich- ard P. Williams, pastor of Trinity Episcopal Church, at the residence of tho bride's aunt, Mrs. Mittie KOVÝ 321 Musser, Vermont Ave., Northwest Washington. So. Ch., May 9, 1903 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION WHEELWRIGHT Juliet Wilson, youngest d. of the late Jeremiah Wheel- wright, Esq. of Baltimore, Md., and William Herbert Assheton of "Rock Spring", Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. J. S. B. Hodges, D.D. assisted by the Rev. W. F. Bland, D.D. and the Rev. George W. Nelson, in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Feb. 18, 1897 WHITEHEAD Cornella Wickham, d. of Harry C. Whitehead of Norfolk, Va., and the Rev. Robert Saunders Coup- land, rector of St. John's Church, Covington, Ky., by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd assist- ed by the Rev. Z. S. Farland, in St. Luke's Church, Nor- folk, Va. Sọ. Ch., Oct. 14. 1897 Emily Arnold, of Norfolk, and the Rev. Edward Watts Gamble of Florida, by the Rev. A. S. Lloyd, at the resi- dence of the bride's parents, No. 57 Boush St., Norfolk, Va. So. Ch., June 11, 1896 Robert Frederick, of Washing- ton, D.C., and Edmonia Ware, d. of the late Maj. Philip H. Powers of Clarke Co., Va., at "Auburn", the home of the bride. So. Ch., Jan. 7, 1905 WHITRIDGE Julia, d. of John A. Whit- ridge, and William S. Blackford, by the Rov. J. Houston Eccleston, D.D. as- sisted by the Rev. J. S. B. Hodges, D.D. of St. Paul's Church, in Emmanuel Church, Baltimore. So. Ch., Apr 27, 1899 WHITTLE Emily C., d. of the officia- ting minister, the Rev. Bishop F. M. Whittle, and Alexander T. Jones of Fred- erick Co., Va., at the home of the bride in Rich- mond. So. Ch., Oct. 20, 1898 WICKHAM Thomas Ashby, and Julia Wickham, d. of the late Dr. J. Peyre Porcher of Charleston, S.C., by the Rev. John Kershaw, in St. Michael's Church, Charlès- ton, S.C. So. Ch., Dec. 16, 1897 William Fanning, and Annie Carter Leigh, d. of Maj. Charles Old of Powhatan Co., by the Rev. C. 0. Pruden, in Grace Church, Powhatan Co.. So. Ch., May 14, 1896 WILCOX Jean Henry, and Edmund Jones, Jr. of Lenoir, N.C., by the Rev. William R. Savage of Blowing Rock, N.C., at Dresden, the home of the bride, in Ashe Co., N.C. So. Ch., June 23, 1906 WILKES James Penwick, of Charlotte, N.C., and Caroline, d. of the late Hon. Thomas Settle, by the Rt. Rev. Joseph Blunt Cheshire, Jr., Bish- op of North Carolina, at Greonsboro, N.C. So. Ch., Dec. 10, 1896 WILKINSON Mary S., d. of the lnto Thomas M. Wilkinson of Bedford Co., Va., and Chas. C. Taliaferro, by the Rev. John S. Hans- 322 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION borough, at Mount Sharon, Orange Co., Va. So. Ch., Oct. 10, 1895 WILLIAMS * Elsie, d. of the late Wil- liam Williams, Esq. of London, England, and Charles Edward Ambler of New York, by the Rev. J. W. Van Ingen, at St. Stephen's, Milburn, N.J. So. Ch., Oct. 15,..1904 Francis Deane, and Mary Mason Anderson, by the Rev. Hartley Carmichael, D.D., in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1896 Mary Leigh, d. of Anna Page and the late J. Peter Williams, and Wilhelm Gerhard Suhling, by the Rev. John J. Lloyd, in Grace Memorial Church, Lynchburg, Va. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1896 Robert Lancaster, and Ro- bokah Gustavia Watkins, by the Rev. Donald Guthrie assisted by the Rev. W. B. Williams, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Charles Watkins. So. Ch., Dec. 21, 1899 William Reid, and Carrie Henderson Powall, both of Richmond, Va., by the Rov. W. B. Williams, at tho homo of tho brido's fathor, Richmond. So. Ch., Jan. 4, 1894 WILLIS Elizabeth Ryland, d. of N. 9 H. Willis, and Samuel Walter Washington of Charles Town, W.Va., by the Rev. Andrew Willis assisted by the Rev. Beverly D. Tucker, at Rock Hall, Jefferson Co., W.Va. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1900 Given as printed WILSON Martha Allen (Mrs.), and Lewis Warrington Wise, at No. 805 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1896 WINDELER John H., of Blenheim, N.Y., and Juliet Rey Bradford Stewart of Washington, D.C., by the Rov. Alcx. Mackay-Smith, D.D. as- sisted by the Rev. Kensey Johns Stewart, D.D., in St. John's Church, Wash- ington, D.C. So. Ch., June 17, 1897 WINSTON Francis Byrd, and Edward Andrews Richardson, by the Rev. S. S. Hepbron, in St. Paul's Church, Hanover Co., Va. So. Ch., Apr. 27, 1899 WIRT Augusta Dabney, d. of Daniel Payne Wirt of Westmoreland Co., Va. and great gr.d. of Attor ney-General William Wirt, and William Camp Nalle, by the Rev. W. Page Dame, rec- tor of St. Bartholomew's Church, Baltimore, Md., at the home of Dr. Edward M. L. Englo at Morion, Pa. So. Ch., Nov. 3, 1906 William Dabnoy, of Westmoro- land Co., Va., and Gar- not Poyton, d. of the lato Rev. Wm. H. and Henrietta Randolph Pendleton of Fauquier Co., Va., by the Rev. E. S. Hinks assisted by the Rev. Chas. H. Lee and the Rev. G. W. Nelson, in St. James' Church, Warrenton, Va. So. Ch., Nov. 29, 1894 WISE 323 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Lewis Warrington, and Mrs. Martha Allen Wilson, at No. 805 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. So. Ch., Dec. 3, 1896 WOOD Julia Pride, d. of the late Philip S. and Emma P. Wood of Amelia C.H., Va., and the Rev. Stephen 0. South- all of Rocky Mount, Va., rector of Franklin Parish, by the Rev. V. renn, rec- tor of Raleigh Parish** in Christ Church, Amolia C.H., Va. So. Ch., May 4, 1899 Timothy Ward, and Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Ingram, both of Manchester, Va., by the Rev. Edgar N. Dickerson, in St. Luke's, Blackstone, Va. So. Ch., Sept. 26, 1903 WORMELEY ** P. Lightfoot, Jr., and Lucy Waller Duval, by the Rev. Landon R. Mason, in Grace Episcopal Church, Fluvanna Co. So. Ch., June 25, 1904 WRIGHT Eliza Clayborne, d. of the late B. E. and L. R. Wright of "Shelba", Essex Co., Va., and John R. Haile, by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, in St. Paul's Church, Essex Co., Va. So. Ch., Sept. 5, 1895 WYATT William Edward, and Fanniè Miller Rich, by the Rev. E. R. Rich and the Rev. A. M. Rich, in St. Michael's Church, Baltimore Co., Md. So. Ch., Oct. 22, 1896 Thomas J., of Wyoming, and Philippa Ludwell, d. of Thomas S. Taliaferro of Gloucester Co. and gr.d. of the late Cassius F. Lee of Alexandria, Va., by the Rt. Rev. Ethelbert Talbot, D.D., at Green River, yo. So. Ch., Doc. 27, 1894 WYCHE YARBROUGH Lilian Moore, and George William Warren, both of Richmond, by the Rev. Fenner S. Stickney, in Monumental Church, Rich- mond, Va. So. Ch., Jan. 28. 1897 YEATON Lucia Chauncey, of Alex- andria, Va., and Dr. Hancke Frederic Wagner of Charleston, S.C., by the Rev. H. H. Phelps, in Calvary Church, Fletcher, N.C. So. Ch., July 21, 1898 YUILLE Thomas Burks, of Virginia, and Nanny Williams Long of North Carolina, by the Rev. Julian Ingle, rector, assisted by the Rev. E. S. Gunn of Brandon, Va., in the Church of the Holy Innocents, Henderson, N.C. So. Ch., Nov. 8, 1894 ZIMMER Wm. L., of Petersburg, Va., and Frances L. Smith, at the home of the bride, Waterford, Loudoun Co., Va. So. Ch So. Ch., Nov. 4, 1897 (Journal Diocese of Franklin Parish is in Franklin County, Va. Southwestern Virginia, 1940) Raleigh Parish is in Amelia County, Va. Southern Virginia, Portsmouth, 1941) Journal Diocese of A ANNOUNCEMENTS OF APPROACHING MARRIAGES 1915 1940 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF APPROACHING MARRIAGES RECORDED IN THE SOUTHERN CHURCHMAN, 1915-1940 LAWRENCE Alfred Stratton, Jr. (The Rev.), of Durham, N.C., manager of Vade Mecum and minister-in-charge of St. Joseph's and St. Andrew's Church in Dur- ham, N.C., and of St. Mark's, Roxbury, N.C., and Alma Lee, diocesan Y.P.S.L. executive, d. of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Roney of Rocky Mount and Burlington, N.C., in the Church of the Holy Com- forter, Burlington. So. Ch., Sept. 24, 1938 LEWIS Arthur Machen (The Rev.), roctor of St. James' Church, Oskaloosa, Iowa, and Virginia Hayden Blandford, by the Rt. Rov. Harry Shorman Langloy, in the Church of the Atonoment, Phila- dolphia. So. Ch., Aug. 12, 1916 McCALLAM Janet, d. of the Rev. and Mrs. Arlington A. Mc- Callam of Washington, and the Rev. Robert C. Kell. So. Ch., July 20, 1940 PHILLIPS Ella Parr, d. of the Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Dishron Phillips, and Samuel Jordan Slate, at White Plains, N.Y. So. Ch., Mar. 11, 1939 RONEY Alma Lee, diocesan Y.P.S.L. executivo, d. of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Roney of Rocky Mount and Burling- ton, N.C., and Rov. Alfred Stratton Lawrence, Jr. of Durham, N.C., managor of Vade Hocum and ministor-in-chargo of St. Joseph's and St. Andrew's churches in Durham, N.C., and of St. Mark's, Roxbury, N.C., in the Church of the Holy Comforter, Burlington. So. Ch., Sopt. 24, 1938 SLATE Samuel Jordan, and Ella Parr, d. of the Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Disbron Phillips, at White Plains, N.Y. So. Ch., Mar. 11, 1939 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02778 1866