$1.QUARIS PENINSULAM.AMCNAM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARY VERITAS , 1837 ARTES SCIENTIA OF THE TUEROR CIRCUMSTIGE htt nated 이 ​: 이 ​QB 42 •S 635 - - :: :: น * *- MISCELLANEOUS T R A C T S ON Some curious, and very intereſting SUBJECTS IN MECHANICS, PHYSICAL-ASTRONOMY, and SPECULA- TIVE MATHEMATICS; : WHERE IN de la part The Preceſfion of the Equinox, the Nutation of the EARTH's Axis, and the Motion of the Moon in her Orbit, are determined. 1710 - 176 By THOMAS SIMPSON, F. R. S. And Member of the ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES at STOCKHOLM. --- L 0 N D 0 N, Printed for J. Nourse over-againſt Katherine-Street in the Strand MDCCLVII. * : . : " - * : * : ೨. . 1........... ..... ..... : 44s * ಅಟ್ಟಸ -- ಪಾಕ ಏನ ” ... ** . *** ** TO THE math, Barya yang 10-14-23 RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF MACCLESFIELD, &c, PRESIDENT of the ROYAL SOCIETY. : W MY LORD, HATEVER Luſtre, to the pub- lic Eye, Works of Learning may derive from the Patronage of the Great, it is to your Lordſhip's perſonal Acquirements, and extenſive Knowledge in the Mathemati- cal Sciences, that my Ambition of deſiring leave to prefix your Name to this Perform- ance, is to be imputed: And indeed, My Lord, an Author's natural Partiality permits me not to hope, or wiſh, that any thing theſe ſheets contain, will meet with a more general Ap- probation, than what is due to the Propri- ety of their being infcribed to the Earl of MACCLESFIELD, Were A 2 DEDICATION. . > Were your Character, My Lord, leſs conſpicuous and diſtinguiſh'd, the Obligati- ons I have to your Lordſhip’s Goodneſs, would, alone, be Motives ſufficient to make me gladly embrace this opportunity of pub- licly expreſſing my warmeſt Gratitude, and of teſtifying the perfect Eſteem, and pro- foundeſt Deference, with which I am, 3 3 MY LORD, - . : Your Lordſhip's moſt Obliged, ": and ever Obedient Humble Servant Thomas Simpſon bangsajt nu. PRE FACE. THE TRACTS, or Papers compoſing the Work here offered to the Publick, were drawn up at ſeveral,, diſtant times, and upon different occaſions ; either, with a view to clear up, or ſettle ſome dif- ficult or controverted point in Aſtronomy, to shew the conformity of Theory with Obſervations; or to extend and facilitate the analytic- method of computation, by ſome improvements and applications, that have not at all, or but ſlightly, been touched upon, at leaſt by any Eng- liſh Author. The firſt of theſe Papers, which is one of the moſt conſiderable in the whole work, is concerned in determining the Preceſſion of the Equinox, tation of the Earth's Axis, ariſing from the attraction of the fun and moon ; wherein the late important diſcovery of Dr. Bradley, relating to an apparent motion of the Fix'd Stars, unknown to former Aſtrono- mers, is hewn to be intirely conſiſtent with the Theory of Gravitation. This piece was drawn up about five years ago, in conſequence of another on the ſame ſubject, by M. Silvabelle (a French Gentleman) then delivered to me, for my opinion, fince printed in the Philoſophical Tranſactions. -Tho I have particular reaſons for mentioning this cir- cumſtance, I would not be thought to infinuate here, that my opinion had any weight with Thoſe to whom the publication of that paper was owing: I have, indeed, no reaſon to believe it.-Tho' the author thereof bad gone through one part of the ſubject with ſucceſs and perſpicuity, and though his concluſions were found perfe&tly conformable to Dr. Bradley's obſer- vations, He nevertheleſs appeared (and ſtill appears) to me : to have greatly failed in a very material, and indeed the only very difficult part, that is, in the determination of the momentary alteration of the poſition of the earth's axis, cauſed by the forces of the Sun and Moon; of which forces, the quantities, but not the effects, are truly inveſtigated. The Second Paper, contains the inveſtigation of an eaſy, and very exact method, or rule, for finding the place of a Planet in its Orbit, from a correction of Dr. Ward's circular hypotheſis; by means of cer- tain Equations applied to the motion about the upper focus of the ellip- fis. From whence that table of Dr. Halley's, entitled, Tabula pro expediendo calculo Æquationis centri Lunæ, may be very readily con- ftru&cd. . PRE FACE. The Simon het een en ſtructed.-By,this method, the reſult, even in the orbit of Mercury, may be found within a ſecond of the truth, without repeating the operation. The Third, Shews the manner of transferring the motion of a Co- met from a parabolic, to an elliptic Orbit; being of great uſè, when the obſerved Places of a (new) Comet, are found to differ ſenſibly from thoſe computed on the hypotheſis of a parabolic orbit. The Fourth, is an attempt to hew, from mathematical principles, the advantage ariſng by taking the mean of a number of obſervati- ons, in practical Aſtronomy; wherein the odds that the reſult, this way, is more exact, than from one ſingle obſervation, is evinced, and the utility of the method in practice, clearly made to appear.--A part of this, and of the 7th paper, is inſerted in the XL IX volume of the Philoſo- phical Tranſactions ; but the farther improvements here added, will (1 bope) be a fufficient apology for my printing the whole again, in this work. The Fifth, contains the determination of certain Fluents, and the reſolution of ſome very uſeful Equations, in the higher orders of fluxions, by means of the meaſures of angles and ratios, and the right fines, and verſed fines of circular arcs. method of furd-divifors; wherein the grounds of that, method, as laid down by Sir Iſaac Newton, are inveſtigated and explained. The Seventh, exhibits the inveſtigation of a general rule for the reſolution of Iſoperimetrical Problems of all orders, together with fome examples of the uſe and application of the ſaid rule. The Eighth (and laſt) Part, comprehends the reſolution of fome ge- neral, and very intereſting problems, in mechanics and phyſical Aſtro- nomy; wherein, among other particulars, the principal parts of the third, and ninth ſections of the firſt Book of Sir Iſaac Newton's Prin- cipia,are demonſtrated, in a new, and very conciſe manner. But what, I apprehend, may beſt recommend this part of the work, is the applica- tion of the general equations therein derived, to the determination of the lunar Orbit: In which I have exerted my utmoſt endeavours to render the whole intelligible even to Thoſe who have arrived but to a tolerable proficiency in the bigher geometry. The greater part of what is bere delivered on this ſubject, was drawn up in the year 1750, agreeably to what is intimated at the concluſion of my Doctrine of Fluxions, where the general equations are alſo given. The famous objection, about that time made to Sir Iſaac Newton's gene- 3 1 of P R EF A CE. of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, was a motive ſufficient to induce me (among many Others) to endeavour to diſcover, whether the motion of the moon's apogee, on which that objection had its whole weight and foundation, could not be truly accounted for, without fuppofing a change in the received law of gravitation, from the inverſe ratio of the Squares of the diſtances. The ſucceſs was anſwerable to my hopes, and ſuch as induced me to look farther into other parts of the theory of the moon's motion, than I firſt intended: but, before I had completed my dehgn, I received the honour of a viſit from M. Clairaut (juſt then arrived in England) of whom I learned, that he had a little before printed a piece on that ſubject ; a copy of which I afterwards received, as a preſent at his hands; wherein I found moſt of the ſame things demonſtrated, beſides ſeveral others, to which I had not then extended my enquiry. Upon this, I at that time defifted from a farther proſecution of the ſubject; being chiefly diverted therefrom by a call then ſubſiſting for a new edition of another work, in which ſome additions ſeemed wanting. But I cannot omit to obſerve here, in juſtice to M. Clairaut, that, tho' be indeed fell into a miſtake, by too haſtily inferring a defect in the received law of at- traction, from the inſufficiency of the known methods for determining the effect of that attraction, in the motion of the moon's apogee, yet be was bimſelf, the firſt who diſcovered the true fource, of that miſtake, and who placed the matter in a proper light: Though there are ſome * wko have, both before and fince, undertaken to give the true quantity of that motion, from ſuch principles, only, as are laid down in the ninth ſection of the firſt Book of the Principia : but that theſe Gentlemen, however they may have made their numbers to agree, have been greatly deceived in their calculations, is very certain; ſince a conſiderable part of the ſaid motion depends on that part of the ſolar force ačting in the direction perpendicu- lar to the Radius-vector, which is by them, either intirely diſregarded, or the effect thereof, not made one twentieth part of what it really ought to be. There are others indeed, who have explained the matter, upon true principles , and with better ſucceſs . Since M. Clairaut's piece firſt made its appearance, the moſt eminent mathematicians, in different parts of Europe, have turned their thoughts that way. But tho' what I now offer on the ſame ſubject, may, perhaps, appear of leſs value, after what has been already done by theſe great men, yet I am not very ſolicitous upon that account, as it will be found, that I have neither copied from * Vid. Walmſley's Theorie du mouvement des apſides (tranſlated into Engliſh) and Vol. 47. N° 11. of the Philoſophical Tranſactions, their www P R E F A C E. . : their thoughts, nor detracted from their merit. The facility of the me thod I have fallen upon, will, I flatter myſelf, be allowed by all, who are appriz'd of the real difficulty of the ſubječt; and the extenſiveneſs thereof will , in ſome meaſure, appear from this, that it not only determines the motion of the apogee in the ſame manner, and with the ſame eaſe, as the other equations, but utterly excludes, at the ſame time, all terms of that dangerous ſpecies (if I may to expreſs myſelf that have hitherto embar- raſed the greateſt Mathematicians, and that would, after a great num- ber of revolutions, intirely change the figure of the orbit. It thereby appears, that all the terms, or equations in general, will be expreſſed by fines and co-fines, barely, without any multiplication into the arcs correſponding. From whence this important conſequence is derived, that the mean motion, and the greateſt quantities of the ſeveral equations will remain unchanged; unleſs diſturbed by the intervention of ſome foreign, or accidental caule. In treating of this ſubject, as well as in moſt of the other parts of the enſuing work, I have chiefly adhered to the analytic method of Inveſ- tigation, as being the moſt direct and extenhve, and beſt adapted to theſe abſtruſe kinds of ſpeculations. Where a geometrical demonftration could be introduced, and ſeemed preferable, I have given one: but, tho' a pro- blem, ſometimes, by this laſt method, acquires a degree of perſpicuity and elegance, not eaſy to be arrived at any othcr way, yet I cannot be of the opinion of Thoſe who affe&t to Shew a diſike to every thing performed by means of fymbols and an algebraical Proceſs; fince, ſo far is the fyn- thetic method from having the advantage in all caſės, that there are innumerable enquiries into nature, as well as in abſtracted ſcience, where it cannot be at all applied, to any purpoſe. Sir Iſaac Newton kimſelf (who perhaps extended it as far as any man could) has even in the moſt fimple caſe of the lunar orbit (Princip. B.3. prop.28) been obliged to call in the aſiſtance of algebra; which he has alſo done, in treating of the motion of bodies in renting mediums, and in various other places. And it appears clear to me, that, it is by a diligent cultivation of the Mo- dern Analyſis, that Foreign Mathematicians have, of late, been able to puſh their Reſearches farther, in many particulars, than Sir Iſaac New- ton and bis Followers bere, have done : tho’ it muſt be allowed, on the other hand, that the fame Neatneſs, and Accuracy of Demonſtration, is not every-where to be found in thoſe Authors; owing in ſome meaſure, perhaps, to too great a diſregard for the Geometry of the Antients. A D E I pppppTIAP Pppapa 636 papiromenamoro DO D E T E R MINATION OF THE PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOX, And the different Motions of the EARTH's Axis, Ariſing from the ATTRACTION of the Sun and Moon. *HE PRECESSION of the Equinox, whereby the fix'd ST ſtars appear to have changed their places by more than a whole hign, ſince the time of the moſt ancient Aſtronomers, is phyſically accounted for, from the at- traction of the ſun and moon on the protuberant matter about the earth's equator ; whereby the poſition of the ſaid equator with reſpect to the plane of the ecliptic is ſubjected to a per- petual variation. Were the earth to be perfectly ſpherical and of an uniform denſity, no change in the poſition of the terre- ſtrial equator could be produced, from the attraction of any re- mote body; becauſe the force of each particle of matter in the earth, to turn the whole earth about its center, in conſequence of ſuch attraction, would then be exactly counterbalanced by an equal, and contrary force. But as the earth, by reaſon of the centrifugal force of the parts thereof, ariſing from the di- urnal rotation, muſt, to preſerve an equilibrium, put on an ob- late figure, and riſe higher about the equatoreal parts than at the poles, the action of the fun on the ſaid equatoreal parts will have an effect to make the plane of the terreſtrial equator to coincide with that of the ecliptic: which would actually be B brought :: 2 Of the Preceffion of the Equinox, $ ?" srt on, brought to paſs (neglecting other cauſes) was the ſun, or earth, to remain fix'd in either of the folſtices, and the diurnal rotation at the ſame time to ceaſe. But, though both the motions of the earth contribute to prevent an effect of that fort, yet, in conſequence of this action of the ſun, a new motion of rotati- about that diameter of the equator lying in the circle of the ſun's declination, is produced ; from which the preceſſion of the equinox and the nutation of the earth's axis have their riſe. The effect of the moon, as it is much more conſiderable than that of the ſun, ſo is it likewiſe liable to ſome inequalities to which that of the ſun is not ſubject. Were the inclination of the lunar orbit to the plane of the equator to remain, always, nearly the ſame, like that of the earth, the fame calculations that anſwer'd in the one caſe would alſo anſwer in the other ; but that inclination is continually varying, and, when the aſcending node is in the beginning of Aries, is greater by above {th part than the mean value; and therefore, as the force of the moon to turn the earth about its center (other circum- ftances remaining the ſame) is found, hereafter, to be as the ſine of the double of the inclination, it is manifeſt, that, in the ſaid poſition of the node, the motion of preceſſion will much quicker than at the mean rate ; and conſequently that an equation, depending on the place of the node, will neceſſarily ariſe. The determination of which, as well as of the o her motions of preceſſion and nutation ariſing from the attraction both of the ſun and moon, I ſhall now proceed to ſhew: but in order to pave the way thereto, it will be proper to begin. with premiſing the ſubſequent Lemmasa Here imprese con scrito yo he him for this page ease the site om alebo na da se ne time to watch more than 4* * per **** RET MEER go on LEMMA F. Suppoſing all the particles of a given ſpheroid A'Pápo to be ſollicited parallel to the axis Pp, by forces proportional to the di- fances from a plane PAOpa paſſing by the ſaid axis, in ſuch fort that the two oppoſite ſemi-ſpheroids, A'Pp, ápp, may thereby be equally urged in contrary directions; it is propoſed to determine the whole effect of all the forces to turn the ſpheroid about its center, Let and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 3 2 aa a=ſemi-diam. OA' (perpend. to the plane PAOpa), Fig. 1. A= area of the ellipſe PAOpa, Let g=force acting on a particle at the remoteſt point A', ON, the diſt. of any ſection DONEQ from PAOpa: Then, this ſection being alſo an ellipſe, ſimilar to Papa, we ſhall have, by the property of the ellipſis, as A'O (aa) : A'O ON*(aa—xx) :: PO’ : DN :: the area PAOpa (A) to the area DONEC (by the property of ſimilar figures). Hence it is evident that Ax ***g will be the ſum of all the forces whereby the particles in the ellipſe DQEQ are urged parallel to the axis Pp of the ſpheroid; which quantity, drawn into (x) the length of the lever ON, will, conſequently, expreſs the effect of all the ſaid forces to turn the ſpheroid about its center : and ſo the fluent of AX xx x xx xy, which is Ax xg (when x=a) will truly expreſs one half of the quantity ſought. = Ах aa aa 2aa aa ** ad 15 .. 4аа COROLLAR Y. If the maſs, or content of the ſpheroid, which is A x 2ax man be denoted by S; then the force Ax xy, whereby the ſpheroid tends to turn about its center, will be truly defined by ķS xaxy, which therefore is juſt th part of what it would be, if all the particles were to act at the diſtance of the remoteſt point A'. IS LEMMA II. Suppoſe a body to revolve in the circumference of a circle AFAF, Fig. 2. whilſt the circle itſelf turns uniformly about one of its diameters Aa, as an axis, with a very ſlow motion ; it is propoſed to deter- mine the law of the force, ačting on the body in a direction per- pendicular to the plane of the circle, neceſary to the continuation of a motion thus compounded. B 2 Let 4 of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, Fig. 2. Let AFaF and Afaf be two poſitions of the circle, indefinitely near to each other, and let R and r be the two correſpond- ing poſitions of the body; let alſo the planes RDn and mdc be perpendicular to AF&F and to the axis AOa; in which planes let there be drawn Rn and muc perpendicular to DR and dm, meeting the plane Araf (produced out) in n and c; and let there be drawn nv, parallel to the tangent Rtm, meeting mc in V. If the velocity of the body along the circumference be ex- preſſed by Rm, the velocity in the perpendicular direction Rn, ariſing from the motion of the circle about the axis Aa, will be repreſented by Rn. And, if the body were to be ſuffered to purſue its own direction from the point R, it would, by the compoſition of thoſe motions, arrive at the oppoſite angle v of the parallelogram Rnum, in the ſame time that it might move through Rm by the motion Rm alone ; and ſo would fall ſhort of the plane by the diſtance cu*. It therefore appears that the required force, neceſſary to keep the body in the plane, muſt be ſuch as is ſufficient to cauſe a body to move over the diſtance cu in the aforeſaid time; and that this force muſt, therefore, be to the centrifugal force of the body in the circumference (whoſe meaſure is et) as cv to et ; ſince the ſpaces deſcribed in equal times, are directly as the accelerating forces. Let now the ratio of the angular celerity of the circle about its axis to that of the body in the circumference, be ſuppoſed as r to unity; then, the latter of theſe celerities being repreſented by Rm, the former will be defined by r x Rm; and conſe- quently the celerity (Rn) in the direction Rn, by rx Rmx OF Moreover, becauſe of the ſimilarity of the triangles DRn and dmc, it will be, as DR : Rn (rx Rmx DF) :: dm (DR+sm) Rmx DR tox Rmxsm: from whence, taking away Rm sm DR *}. I am not sur : mc Ү Х OF OF Rm X SM the value of my or Rn, we get cv=rX : which is OF * The lineola cr, lying in the plane of the circle, muſt be anſwered by a force tending to the center of the circle; with which we have nothing to do in the preſent conſideration. in } -": :*****... Fw:- > i and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 5 in proportion to the meaſure of the centrifugal force et, or it's Rml" equal as r x sm to Rm, or, becauſe of the ſimilar tri- 2OR angles ORD and Rsm, as ar X OD to OR or OA. Hence it is evident that the body, to continue in the plane of the circle, muſt be conſtantly acted on, in a direction per- pendicular to the plane, by a force varying according to the co- fine of the diſtance AR of the body from the extremity of the axis; whoſe greateſt value, at A, is to the centrifugal force in the circle, as ar to unity. 2. E. I. COROLLARY I. If, inſtead of one, a great number of bodies or corpuſcles, ſo as to touch one another and thereby form a continued ring AFaF, were to revolve at the ſame time, and to be acted on in the ſame manner (tut is to ſay, by forces in the ratio of the diſtances from the diameter FF perpendicular to the axis Aa), it is evident that they would all continue in the ſame plane. And this will alſo be the caſe, when a number of con- Fig. 3. centric rings ERGEG, &c. are ſuppoſed to perform their revo- lutions together about the common axis AEea. For, aſſuming B to denote the centrifugal force of a corpuſcle in the outer- moſt ring AR'FaF, the centrifugal force of an equal corpuſcle (R') in the ring ERPEG, will be equal to BXOA : whence, by the foregoing proportions, 2r XBXOA will be the force act- ing perpendicular to the plane at E: and 2r x B x OA" OR (=2r.xBxD) will be the true meaſure of the force acting on a corpuſcle at R'; which, as r, B, and OA are all of them conſtant, is evidently as the diſtance from the diameter FF. Whence it follows, becauſe the diſtance below FF becomes negative, that the forces above and below that diameter muſt have contrary directions. COROLLARY II, Whatever hath been ſaid in the preceding Corollary holds equally, OE OE 1 OE OD X + c • • • • • trữ » * * 6 of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, equally, when the line or axis Aa, about which the plane is ſuppoſed to turn, hath a progreſſive motion, or is carried uni- formly forward, parallel to itſelf; provided the angular celerity about that axis continues the ſame; as is evident from the re- Fig. 4. folution of forces. Hence it follows, that, if a circle E'ECée, conſidered as compoſed of an indefinite number of concentric rings, be ſuppoſed to revolve uniformly about its center C, whilſt the center itſelf and the right-line OC (which, to help the imagination, may be taken as the axis of a cone E'Oé, whoſe baſe is E’Eeé) move uniformly in the plane PápA' about the point (); I ſay, it follows that the forces neceſſary to keep the particles in the plane, under ſuch a compound motion, will be the very fame as if the circle was to turn about the line Ee (perpendicular to the plane PápA') at reſt, with an angular celerity equal to that of the center Cabout the point O: becauſe, the angle OCE' being always a right oile, the angular celerity of the moveable circle about the line ECe (which remains every-where parallel to itſelf) will, evidently, be equal to the angular celerity of the center of the circle about the point O. From whence and the preceding Corollary it is manifeft, that the forces which, acting parallel to PCO, are neceſſary to retain the particles in the plane E'Eée, will be, every-where, as the diſtances from the diameter E'Cé, or the plane PápA', let the diſtance of the plane E Eee from the center O be what it will. } * COROLLARY III. Conceive now OĄPapa'á to be an homogenous Auid, re- volving uniformly about the axis POp, under the form of an oblate ſpheroid *; whilſt the axis itſelf is ſuppoſed to turn about the center O, in the manner explained above: then it will appear, from what is there delivered, that the particles of the fluid, to continue in equilibrio among themſelves, muſt be ſo- licited parallel to the axis, by forces that are as the diſtances from the plane PápA'; ſuch, that the force acting at the re- moteſt point A may be defined by 2rß; where B (by Corol. I.) * That the particles will remain in equilibrio, under the form of an ob- late ſpheroid (when the axis is at reſt), is demonſtrated in Part II. Sect. 9. 'of my Doctrine and Application of Fluxions. repreſents A and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 7. repreſents the centrifugal force in the circumference AdaA' of the greateſt circle, and r the meaſure of the angular motion of the axis itſelf, that of the rotation, about the axis, being denoted by unity. But it appears further, from Lemma 1, that the efficacy of all the ſaid forces to turn the ſpheroid about its center (making here=2rB) is truly defined by 2rßxSxOA. Whence it is plain, that all the particles of the body will remain in equilibrio among themſelves, under the two different moti- ons above explained, when the whole force producing the mo- Fig. 4. tion of the axis, is expreſſed by 2rß x S x OA. And, when the forces reſpecting the ſeveral particles are ſuppoſed to act ac- cording to a different law, the effect produced by them will be the ſame, provided their joint efficacy, to turn the body about its center, be the ſame : ſince the ſame force must be anſwer- ed, or ſatisfied with the ſame kind and degree of motion in the whole body; if we except only, the exceeding ſmall diffe- rence that will ariſe from the alteration of the figure; which figure will not be accurately a ſpheroid, in this caſe, but nearly luch, as the motion of the axis and, conſequently, the forces pro- ducing it, are ſuppoſed very ſmall. Neither will the axis con- tinue to move in the ſame plane, when the direction of the forces is not every-where parallel to the axis ; the motion pro- duced in the body being always about that diameter (Aa) wherein the whole perturbating force may be conceived to act, as by a lever, to turn the body about its center. Laſtly, it may be obſerved here, that the time of revolution about the axis will not, in this caſe, continue accurately the ſame ; ſince a change of the figure muſt neceſſarily be attended with a change in the time of revolution. But this change of motion about the axis, when we regard the effect of the perturbating forces of the ſun and moon upon the earth, is ſo extremely ſmall, as to be quite inconſiderable, even in compariſon of the very flow motion of the axis above ſpoken of. LEMMA III. Suppofing all the particles of a given ellipſe MFNf to be urged from a right-line GG coinciding with a given diameter MN, by forces 8 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, ! forces proportional to the diſtances from the ſaid line, ſuch that the force acting at a given diſtance a, may be expreſſed by a given quantity x; it is required to find the whole efficacy of all theſë forces, to turn the ellipſe about its center 0. If BC be ſuppoſed parallel to GG, interſecting OT, perpen- dicular thereto, in D, then the force with which a particle, at any place V in that line, is urged in the direction wV parallel to OD, will be expreſſed by < x Vw, or 7 x OD; and con- ſequently it's efficacy to turn the ellipſe about its center by 2 x D x Ow, or 7X OD X DV. Let there be taken Cu= DV; and the efficacy of a particle at v will, in like manner, be had equal to ? x OD x Dv: which, added to that of the Fig. 5. former particle at V, gives 2x OD x DC. Therefore, ſeeing the joint action of any two particles in DC, equally diſtant from the middle one I, is expreſſed by the ſame quantity OD DC, the efficacy of all the particles muſt conſe- quently be equal to that quantity drawn into half the number of the particles; and ſo is truly expounded by 2x ODxDC*. By the ſame argument, the force of all the particles in the line BD to turn the ellipſe about its center, the contrary way, will be * ' OD x BD’. Therefore the difference of theſe two values, * * ;0D BD —CD”, is the whole force of all the particles in the line BC, to turn the ellipfe about its center (downwards), which expreſſion, if Ff the conjugate dia- meter to MN be drawn, biſecting BC in E, will become zxz0D x BD + CD x BD-CD = * OD BC DE. Put, now, OF=1, OM=d, FH (perpendicular to MN)=f, 8; and let OE and OD, conſidered as variable; be de- noted by x and y, reſpectively. Then, by the property of the al OH and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 9 dd XCC CC ya c a Eiga X CC ex $ х the ellipſis, it will be, cc : dd :: cc-- XX : BEI'= 2d V cc ** and conſequently BC = Alſo (by fimilar trian- gles) c:f::*:y=f; and c:8::* : DE Hence our expreſſion 2xOD DE BC, derived above, by ſubſtitut- infg theſe values, becomes 2 x 2dje xcc— xx]xx*: and there- fore the whole fluent of 2 x 20 xxl*xxxy, or of its equal 2dfg xic— xx/xx* xfi, will be the force of all the parti- cles in the ſemi-ellipſe MFN. In order to the finding of this fluent, let A be taken to denote the area of the ſemi-ellipſe, or, which is the ſame, the fluent of 2d xcc xx}" x få; then, by compariſon, the whole fluent of 20 xcc— *x*xx* xf, when x=0, will be found to be Ax 1c*: whence that of our given xcc— xx*xx*xri, muſt conſequently be XEXc*A=*x ifgA = ** FH X OH A; the double of which, or FHxOH x area MFNfM, is there- fore the true meaſure of the whole force whereby the ellipſe tends to move about its center. 2. E. I. C C $ TE expreſſion, 2x2df * COROLLARY I. If the fame value be required by means of the angle AOM included between the diameter MN and the principal axis AOa (ſuppoſed to be given); then let Pop and FR be drawn per- pendicular to Ox, and TF to OT, meeting OA produced, in Qį ſuppoſe L to be the interſection of AO and FH; and let Fig. 6. the fine and co-ſine of the ſaid given angle AOM (to the ra- dius 1) be denoted by m and n, reſpectively. Becauſe FL is perpendicular to the tangent TQ, we have, by the property of C the e IO Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, ; the ellipſis, as AO’: AOʻ-OP:: OR: OL :: OR ⓇOQ (AO): OLXOQ; and conſequently AO-OP=OLXOQ. But, I : 1:; OL : OH and, 1:m:: OQ: OT (FH); whence, by compoſition, 1 : mn:: OL ⓇOO(=AOʻ— OP”) : FHXOH = mn x AO - OPP: and ſo, by ſubſtituting this value above, we get xmax AO-OPx area of the ellipſe, for another expreſſion of the required force. a 4 COROLLARY II. Hence may be eaſily deduced the force by which the fphe- rojd, generated by the rotation of the ellipfe about its lefſer axe Pp, tends to turn about its center, when all the particles are urged from a plane GG paſſing through the center, by forces proportional to the diſtances from the ſaid plane. For, as any ſection of the ſpheroid, parallel to the middle one Apap, is alſo an ellipſe, ſimilar to it, the area of that ſection will be in pro- portion to the area of ApaP (which I ſhall denote by 2.) as the ſquare of its greater ſemi-axe, to the ſquare of the greater ſemi-axe OA of the given ellipſe PApa: ſo that, if OA be denoted by a, PO by b, and the diſtance of the ſaid ſection from the center of the ſpheroid by t, we ſhall have, aa : aa- uu (= fq. greater ſemi-axis of that ſection, by the property of the circle) :: 2:2x the area of the fec- tion. Moreover, by reaſon of the ſimilar figures, we have x aa - Uu, the difference of the ſquares of the greater and lefſer femi-axes of the ſection. Therefore, by ſubſtituting theſe values in the above general expreſſion, we get ии х , x = 2X x2x a* — 2a*u* + **) for the force of all the particles in that ſection to turn the body about the common axis of motion ſtanding at right-angles to the plane PApa. This quan- tity, drawn into i, will, therefore, be the fluxion of force of the ſemia aatu aa ca : aa bb :: aa аа bb 44: aa aa uu aa 7 inn aa bb х Х хаа 4 ad mn na bb X 4 na aa and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. II bb 8a3 aa X d 4 15 15 40 X 3 1 ſemi-ſpheroid in which that ſection is; whoſe fluent, when u=a, will be found 2x x x : the double where. of, or 2 x mn x aa bbx 44Q, muſt conſequently be the re- quired force of the whole ſpheroid : which force, as is known to expreſs the content, or maſs of the ſpheroid, will alſo be truly defined by Ž x 1 x aa — bbxS; S being put (as in the preceding Lemmas) to repreſent the ſaid content or maſs. PROBLEM I. To determine the efficacy of the ſun's attračtion, on a corpuſcle, any where in the body of the earth, to turn the earth about it's center. SC ; Let CDHE repreſent the earth, C the center thereof, S that Fig. 7. of the ſun, and GCG a plane perpendicular to the line CS joining the centers of the earth and fun; let D be the place of the corpuſcle, and upon the diagonal SD let the parallelogram QCSD be conſtituted; producing QD to meet GCG in K. If F be taken to denote the ſun's abſolute force on a particle at the center C, his force on a particle at D will be FX SDA which may be reſolved into two others, the one in the di- rection DC (which has no effect at all to turn the earth about its ter); and the other in the direction DQ, expreſſed by SC XDQ: from which the force F, in the parallel di- SD rection CS, being deducted, the remainder Fx will be the true meaſure of that part of the force in the direction DQ, whereby the particle at D tends to change its poſition with reſpect to the plane GCG. But this value is reducible to FX SC-SD X SC + SC X SD SD2 ; which, as SC SD (by reaſon of the great diſtance of the ſun) is nearly equal to DK, Fx SD SC_SD3 SD3 ز SD3 C 2 1 2 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, DK X 3SD? DK, will become = FX 3F x €, nearly: which, drawn into CK, will be as the required efficacy of that force to turn the body about its center. 2. E. I. SD3 ****!--:; **. a ť DK COROLLARY J. A= (SC) the diſtance of the ſun and earth, the ſemi-equatoreal diameter of the earth, If there be T=the time of the annual revolution, taken the time of the diurnal revolution, and B the centrifugal force of a particle at the equa- tor, ariſing from the diurnal revolution; A ABtt then, ſince: 11 ::B: F, or F= (by the known laws ATT of central forces) it is evident that the force 3Fx with SC" which a particle at D tends fro. the plane GCG, will alſo be truly defined by B x 3 x Hence it appears that the ſaid force is directly as the diſtance from the plane ; and that the value thereof, at the diſtance of the earth's ſemi-equatoreal diameter, is truly defined by Bx; being in proportion to the centrifugal force at the equator, ariſing from the diurnal rota- tion, as thrice the ſquare of the time of the diurnal revoluti- on, to once the ſquare of the time of the annual revolution, 1 DK Fig. 7. COROLLARY II. Moreover, from hence the perturbating force of the moon, or any other planet, will be given : for, fuppoſing S to repre- ſent the planet, it's abſolute force (F) at the center C, will be as its quantity of matter, applied to the ſquare of the diſtance SC: and ſo our general expreſſion 3Fx Ds will here become 3DK XS ; which, becauſe the quantities of matter in bodies SC of the ſame denſity, are as the cubes of their ſemi-diameters, will alſo (ſuppoſing the poſition of D to remain the fame) be and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 13 :.'. W be as the cube of the ſemi-diameter of the planet directly, and the cube of its diſtance SC, inverlly; or, which is the ſame, as the cube of the fine of the apparent ſemi-diameter directly, and the cube of the radius inverlly. Hence it is manifeſt, that the perturbation forces of planets, of the fame denſity, are in proportion directly as the cui es of the fines of their apparent ſemi-diameters, or as the cibes of the ſemi-diameters, them- ſelves, very near Therefore the ſun and moon, appearing under cqual vin -diameters, have their perturbating forces in the ſame ratio with their denſities. PROBLEM II. To determine the change of the poſition of the terreſtrial equator, ariſing from the action of the fun on the whole maſs of the earth, during any very ſmall interval of time. Let OAPap be the earth, under the form of an oblate Fig. 8. ſpheroid ; let AlaL be the plane of its equator, and HICL a plane paſſing through S'the center of the fun, and making right-angles with the plane of the meridian HAPCp. It appears, by Corol. I. to Prop. I. that the relative force whereby a particle of matter, any where in the earth, tends, through the action of the fun, to recede from the plane GG, perpendicular to HICL, is directly as the diſtance from the ſaid plane ; and that the ſaid force, at the diſtance (a) of the ſemi- equátoreal diameter from the plane, is truly defined by B x *. It appears moreover, from Corol. II . to Lem. III. that a ſphe- roid, acted on in this manner, tends, through the joint force of all the particles, to turn about its center with a force ex- preſſed by 2x XS; y being the force wherewith a particle, at the diſtance a, is urged from the plane GG. There- fore, expounding y by Box XS, for the true meaſure of the force whereby the whole earth tends to turn about its center, through the ſun's attraction. mn X aa bb 5 3tt TT: We have BX x 34 3tt mn X aa_bb х TT 5a But 14 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, 3 But it is proved, in Corol. III. to Lem. II. that, if a ſphe- roid OAPap revolving about its axis Pp, be at the ſame time acted on by forces tending to generate a new motion, at right angles to the former, it will, in conſequence of ſuch action, have another motion, about the line Aa; whereof the celerity will be in proportion to that of the former motion about the axis (Pp), as r to l; the whole force with which the ſpheroid tends to turn about its center, whereby this motion is produ- ced, being expreſſed by zrßxSxa. Let this force, there- fore, be made equal to that found above, by which the earth tends to turn about its center : by which means we have and therefore r = TT From whence it appears that the earth, in conſequence of the ſun's attraction, has a motion about the line Aa (lying in the plane of the ſun's declination) whereof the celerity will be in proportion to that of the diurnal motion about the axis Pp, as to unity: where t and T expreſs the re- 2TT ſpective times of the diurnal, and annual revolutions, a and b the greateſt, and leaſt ſemi-diameters of the earth, and and n the fines of the ſun's declination and polar diſtance. ara 311 та хаа ble x 3tt mn X aa - bb x 2TT aa 4 5 *5a 3tt bb mn X aa X аа PROBLEM III. Fig. 9. To determine the preceſſion of the equinox, and the nutation of the earth’s axis, cauſed by the ſun, during any very ſmall interval of time ; on the ſuppoßtion of an uniform denſity of all the parts of the earth. Let Do be the ecliptic, on the ſurface of the ſphere ; and let ACQP be the poſition of the equator, when S is the fun's place in the ecliptic, and SA his declination. It is evident, from the laſt propoſition, that the angle Aa, or pAb, deſcribed by the equator about the point Ā, in any very ſmall time ť, by means of the ſun's attraction, is in pro- portion to (x 360°) the angle deſcribed in the ſame time, by meana and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 15 mn X aan -bb х is to U- aa пn Xaa - bb X 2TT 378' bb as 3tt means of the diurnal motion, as 3tt 2TT nity; and therefore is truly defined by 360°x_386 or 360° x x kmn; fuppofing (for the ſake of bre- 2TT vity) to be denoted by k. But it will be (p. Spherics) fine of a (or): ſin. A (:: ſin. Aa : ſin. a) :: angle Aa : 0 360° * x kmn x the quantity of 2TT the preceſſion required. Again, if aD and ac be taken as arcs of 90 degrees each ; ſo that Dc may be the meaſure of the angle a; we ſhall alſo have (p. Spherics) as Rad. ; ſin. AC (co-lin. A) :: ſin. CAC 3tt (Aa): fin.Cc:: angle Aa:Cc=360°x xkmnx Rad. the required nutation, or the decreaſe of the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic. & E. I. fin. A fin. co-f. A 2ТТ Хkmnx. COROLLARY. If we be made perpendicular to aA, it will be, as we : Cc (:: ſin. A: fin.CA):: tang. A: Radius ; alſo, a : :: Rad. : fin. a: whence, by compound- ing theſe proportions, we have a: Cc :: tang. A: fin. a. From which it appears, that the quantity of the pre- ceſſion, for any very ſmall time, is to that of the nutation correſponding, as the tangent of the ſun's right aſcenſion to the fine of the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic. ;܀ PROBLEM IV. To determine the preceſion of the equinox, and the nutation of the earth's axis, cauſed by the fun, from the time of his appearing in the equinoctial point, to his arrival at any given diſtance therefrom. Every thing being ſuppoſed as in the preceding Problem, put Fig. 9. the fine of the angle =p, its co-fine =9, the arch S=2, its 16 Of the Preceffion of the Equinox, 1:1), per a **** } px Rad. 3tt' 2TT ܀ XX, and its fine =x, its coſine = y, and the length of the ſemi- periphery DP=e: then, p. ſpherics, it will be, co-fin. . AS X co-fin..A(=yx Rad.) =y; and fin. AS (= ) px : whence, by multiplying theſe two equations together, we have fin. AS x co-fin. AS X Co-fin. -A(= mn x co-ſin. A) =pxy: and ſo, by ſubſtituting this value for its equal, our expreſſion for the nutation, during the time ť (given by the laſt Problem) will here be reduced to 360° x x kpxy. But the time wherein the ſun's longitude -S is augmented by the particle ż will be Tx; which being wrote in the room of t, we thence have 360°x x x xyż: and this, by ſubſtituting ✓ 1 inſtead of their equals y and ż, will be farther transformed to 360° x x kp x xx. Whoſe Auent, 360°x** kpxs, is conſequently the true quan- tity of the nutation that was to be determined. Again, with regard to the preceſſion of the equinox, the in- creaſe thereof (by the Corol. to the precedent) being in proporti- on to the correſponding decrement of the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic, as the tangent of A to the fine of 2, or, in ſpecies, as to p, it therefore appears (by multi- 9x plying the fluxion of the nutation by that 360° x pv 1- xx 3t x kqx will be the fluxion of the quantity under con- VI kq fideration ; whoſe fluent, which is 360°x x is therefore the preceſſion itſelf. 2. E. I. NI 37 4T e 2e ..................... qx NI 4T 2 XX -XV 1- ** Х 2 COROL. 현 ​and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 17 kq, whoſe quadruple, X 4 ; 47 COROLLARY I. When the ſun arrives at the ſolſtitial point D, the value of x being =1, and that of z=e, the quantity of the preceffi- on becomes barely equal to 360° x 3t 360°xampfx kq, will be the whole of the annual preceffion, depending on the fun; which, in numbers (by making t=1, T= 366 9 3665, q=.91723 = co-line of 23° 28', a = 231, b=230, and k (= aa--b6 comes out 21" 7'". But it will appear from what follows hereafter, that this quantity, derived on the hypotheſis of an uniform denſity of all the parts of the earth, ought to be reduced to about 143", to agree with obſervations. aa 230 1 :. > ett ką 4 3t X 4T COROLLARY II. Since the preceſſion during 4th of the annual revolution is found to be 360° x kq e next we have as je: z:: 360°x I : (360°xi xxxthe mean preceſſion during the time of deſcribing the arch : which being taken from the true preceſſion, 360° x hxz—XVI—xx, the remainder, 360° x x—* kqx1 I -- xx, will conſequently be the equa- tion of the preceſſion ; which therefore is to the mean pre- ceſſion, as - XV i 2xv 1 - xx : 22; that is, as - fin. 22 : 22. But the mean preceſſion, in the time of deſcribing the arch 2, is 21" 21" (or rather 14;" by Corol. I. Therefore the equation correſponding will be x fin. 22 = 1" 42" x ſin. 22, when the denſity is taken as uniform; but when taken to correſpond with the obfer- vation, it will be x ſine 27 =-1"10" x fine 2z. Hence XX : %, or as Z 2€ 2e 21"7" 4e 143 40 D it 18 Of the Preceſion of the Equinox, ***FUME it appears, that the greateſt equation of the preceſſion (when the ſun is in the mid-way between the equinox and ſolſtice) is 1" 10"; and that the general equation (which is ſubtractive in the firſt and third quadrants of the ecliptic) will be in pro- portion to the ſaid greateſt equation, as the fine of twice the fun's diſtance from the equinoctial point is to the radius. 7 ve 3t Х 2e * That it was the then you would like to be a comment px² as COROLLARY III. Furthermore, becauſe the quantity of the nutation is, univer- ſally, equal to 360°x kpx?, it will therefore be the greateſt 4T poſſible, when the ſun is in the ſolſtice and x is the greateſt poſ- fible : after which it will decreaſe, according to the ſame law whereby it before increaſed ; 'till, on the ſun's arrival at the other equinoctial point, it intirely vaniſhes, and the inclination is thereby reſtored to its firſt quantity. It is alſo evident that the quantity of the nutation will, in all circumſtances, be in proportion to the preceſſion, during 4th of the ſun's revolution, 2 px" to, that is, as the product under the ſquare of the fine of the ſun's longitude and the tangent of the inclination of the two planes of the equator and ecliptic, is to the length of an arch of 90 degrees. According to which pro- portion (taking the ſaid preceſſion th of 141") the greateſt nutation comes out one ſecond, very near; the inclination of the two planes decreaſing from the time of the ſun's leaving the equinoctial points, to his arrival at the ſolſtices, and that in the duplicate ratio of the fine of his diſtance from the ſaid equi- noctial points. It may be obſerved that, in order to avoid trouble, the quantities p and q are taken as conſtant ; the error, or difference thence ariſing ſcarcely amounting to co booth part of the whole value. to 9 2 or as *THE W * 9.: :... I ... SCHOLIU M. Sir ISAAC Newton, in finding the preceſſion of the equi- nox, conſiders the protuberant matter about the earth's equator, as a ring of moons, revolving uniformly round the center of the and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 19 en is ve O le may be it C V e n t n the earth in 24 hours ; and by virtue of that aſſumption, from the motion of the lunar nodes, before determined, he infers the motion of the nodes of the ſaid ring, and from thence the preceſſion of the equinox. We have proceeded upon other principles, and by a very different method ; and it worth while to remark here, that, as the preceſſion of the equinox is deducible from the motion of the nodes of a ſatel- lite, ſo, on the contrary, the motion of the nodes of a fatellite may be very eaſily deduced, as a Corollary, from our general formula, for the preceſſion of the equinox. Thus if the value of b be ſuppoſed indefinitely ſmall (fo that the figure of the earth, or ſpheroid, may be conceived as flat as poſſible) we ſhall have k (= abb) )=; and the ex- preſſion in Corol. I. will then become 360 x 31 xq, exhibit- ing the motion of the node of a ring, or of a number of con- centric rings, during the time (T) of one whole revolution of the body about the fun (vid. Corol. I. to Lem. II.) But it will alſo appear, from the articles here referred to, that the place of a ſatellite, moving in a circular orbit, will always be found in a ring or plane revolving in the manner there ſpecified. Hence 360°xx 1 xq will likewiſe expreſs the motion of the node of a ſingle moon, or ſatellite, in the time (T) of one whole revo- lution of the primary planet: which value, when the inclination to the ecliptic is but ſmall, will be equal to 360° x1 nearly. Hence the mean motion of the node of a ſatellite, in a circular or- bit, is in proportion to the mean motion of the primary planet about the ſun, as ths of the periodic time of the ſatellite, is to the whole periodic time of the primary planet. It follows moreover, that, let a planet have ever ſo many ſatellites, the mean motions of the nodes of them all will be in proportion, directly as the times of revolution of the ſatellites themſelves ; and, conſequently , the periodic times of the nodes, inverſly, as the periodic times of the reſpective fatellites. D 2 The 2 * 20 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, ...... The proportions uſed by Sir Isaac Newton, in inferring the preceition of the equinox from the motion of the lunar node, agree exactly with thoſe above determined; it may, therefore, ſeem the more ſtrange that there ſhould be ſo wide a difference between the conclufion derived, in Corol. I. of the laſt Problem, and that brought out by that celebrated Author ; who makes the quantity of the annual preceſſion, depending on the ſun, to be no more than 6" 7" 20^: which is not the half of what it is here found to be. But to give the Readet what ſatisfaction I can in this particular, and to diſcover the error (if any ſuch ſhould have crept into my calculations) I ſhall now attempt the ſolution by a different method: in order to which it will be requiſite to premiſe the two following Lemmas. L EMMA IV. If every particle in the circumference Alal of a given circle tends to turn the circle about one of its diameters IL, as an axis, by a force proportional to the ſquare of the diſtance therefrom ; it is propoſed to find the whole force of all the particles, to turn the circle about that diameter. If, from any point E in the circumference, there be drawn EH perpendicular to the given diameter IL, the force of a Fig. 10. particle at E will, by hypotheſis, be defined by EH'; which quantity, drawn into (Em) the Auxion of the arch IE, will therefore be the fluxion of the quantity to be determined. But Em, becauſe of the ſimilar triangles Emn, EOH, will be equal ; and therefore the fluxion fought=OAXEHxEn. But EH x En is the fluxion of the area IHE: whence it is evident, that the force of all the particles in the whole cir- cumference, will be truly defined by OA x area of the circle, or OAXOA x the ſemi-circumference, or OA’x the number of para ticles. 2. E. I. COROLLAR Y. Since the force of a particle at A is expreſſed by OA', it fol- lows that the force of all the particles in the whole circumfe- rence will be equal to half the force of an equal number of particles acting at the diſtance of the higheſt point A. LEMMA SEK tomu OE x En to EH Forma and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 21 i g ir 7, le te 000 e I r $ L EMMA V. To determine the momentum of rotation of a given Spheroid APaOp, revolving uniformly about its axis Pp, with a given angular celerity. Let ENF be an ordinate to the generating ellipſis APap, parallel to the axis of rotation Pp: make AO (perpendicular to Pp)=a; OP (=Op)=b; ON=x; EN=y; and let p denote the ſemi-periphery of the circle whoſe radius is unity. Then it will be, as 1 : 2p :: x : 2px, the periphery of the Fig. 11. circle generated by the point N. Therefore 2px x 2y will be the meaſure of the ſurface generated by the ordinate EF, in the revolution of the ellipſis about its axis Pp: which, drawn into the ſquare of the diſtance ON, gives 4pyx3 for the momentum of rotation of all the particles in the ſaid ſurface : ſo that the fluent of 4pyx3x will be the true meaſure of the force to be determined. Now, by the property of the ellipfis, we have x*=*x bb-yy: and conſequently va = -aayi: whence, by ſubſtituting De * b*yj — ysj in the room of its equal -- *3x, our fluxion is transformed to 4 g * x b*y*j—ytj: whoſe fluent, when y=b, 8pa+b is found equal to 15 COROLLAR Y. is known to expreſs the maſs or content of the ſpheroid, the momentum of rotation of any ſpheroid about its axis appears, therefore, to be juſt the ſame as would ariſe, if şths of the whole maſs was to revolve at the diſtance of the higheſt point (A) from the axis of motion. K bb at Since 4pa 3 PROBLEM V. To determine the alteration of the poſition of the terreſtrial equator, ariſing from the action of the fun on the whole maſs of the earth, during an inſtant of time. Let 22 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, } Fig. 12. Let OAPap be the earth, under the form of an oblate ſphe- roid ; let AlaL be the plane of its equator, and HICL a plane paſſing thro' S the center of the ſun, making right-angles with the plane of the meridian HAPCp and with the plane GG. It is found, in Prob. I. that the force whereby a particle, at any point E in the equator AELa, tends from the plane GG, is in proportion to that reſpecting the higheſt point A, as the di- Itance EF to the diſtance AK, or as ED to AO (ſuppoſing EF parallel to AK, and ED to AO); whence it is evident that the force on the particle at E, in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the equator, muſt be to the force on a particle at A, in the like direction, in the very fame ratio of ED to AO, that is, in the ratio of the coſine of the arch AE to the radius. But this, by Corol. I. Lem. II. appears to be the law of the forces under which a ring of particles AELal, detached from the earth, may continue in equilibrio, in the ſame plane, under a twofold motion about the center 0, and about the line Aa as an axis. Imagine now this ring to be exceeding denſe, ſo that its momentum of rotation about its center 0, may be equal to that of the earth itſelf, or ſo that the two bodies may equally en- deavour to perfevere in the ſame ſtate and direction of motion, in oppoſition to any new force impreſſed. Then it is evident, that, were the forces whereby the two bodies tend to turn about the line LI, through the ſun's attraction, to be alſo equal, the ſame effect, or alteration of motion, would be produced in both; and conſequently, that the effects produced, when the forces applied are unequal, will be in proportion directly as the forces. Now the force whereby a particle at A is urged from the plane GG, is found to be B x 3tt ( by Prop. I. Co- rol. I.); which, in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the 3tt equator or ring, will be B x - B x TT^AO^AO T'T Therefore, the force acting on a particle at E, in a like di- rection, being expreſſed by B x 3 xmn x the effect thereof to turn the ring about the line IL will be expreſſed by AK X TT AO AK OK Х Х 3tt X mn. ED AO and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. . 23 3tt ED2 X mn X TT AO; 1 t L 3tt TT . 3tt 2TT Tix mn be- 2TT B which being as the ſquare of the di- ftance ED, it follows (from the Corol. to Lem. IV.) that, if Mbe taken to denote the maſs of the ring, the whole force by which the ring tends to move about the line LI, as an axe, through the action of the ſun on all the particles, will be truly defined by B x 3tt X mna x M. Again, becauſe Bx TT X mn is the force acting on a particle at A, in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the ring, it is evident, from Corol. I. to Lem. II. that the ring will, in conſequence of that force, have a motion about the line Aa as an axe; whoſe celerity will be to the ce- lerity of the other motion about the center, in the proportion of r to 1, or of 301 X mn to I; becauſe, BX ing=Bx2r, r will here be = 3tt x mn. Therefore, if N be aſſumed to denote the ſun's force to turn the earth about its center, we ſhall (from the above obſervation) have, x mna x M (the force of the ring):N:: 3tt xmn (the 2TT motion of the ring) the required motion of the BAM earth itſelf, about the ſame line Aa. But it appears, by the Corol. to Lem.V. that the maſs (M) of the ring (to have an equal momentum) muſt be juſt ths of the maſs (S) of the earth: theref.our laſtexpreſſion is equal to which by ſubſtituting B x x S, in the room of its equal N, at laſt becomes _ 31t į being exactly the ſame as 2 TT was before found in Prop. II. The aſcertaining of which is the only real difficulty in the ſubject; ſince, that being once known, every thing that follows after is purely mathematical ; nothing more being required than to take the ſum, or fluent of thoſe inſtantaneous alterations, in order to have the whole alteration, for any finite time propoſed ; as is actually done in Prop. IV. which therefore it will be needleſs to repeat. SCHO Bx. 3tt TT N N Baxşšiwhich, bb 3t+ mn Xaa x TT 5a bb mn X ad- хаа x aa * mingi 24 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, N ** martwy SCHOLIU M. Fig. 12. From this laſt method it will not be very difficult to deter- mine what the reſult ought to be, when the denſity, inſtead of being every-where the ſame, is ſuppoſed to increaſe or decreaſe from the ſurface to the center, according to a given law. For, let N, as above, be taken to denote the force whereby the earth tends to turn about its center, by the action of the ſun (the determination of which will be given by-and-by); and let M, alſo as before, expreſs the quantity of matter in an exceed- ing denſe ring, at the equator, having the ſame time of revo- lution, and momentum of rotation, with the earth itſelf; then it will appear, from the laſt Problem, that, let the figure and denſity of the earth be what they will, the celerity of the an- gular motion about the aforeſaid line Aa, will be to that about the axis, in the ratio of to 1. Now, if the momentum BAM of the earth about its axis (which I ſhall denote by R) be com- puted (by taking the ſum of the products of all the particles by the ſquares of their, reſpective, diſtances from the axis) the value of M will be known; becauſe the momentum of the ring (by the fame rule) being Mxa', we have Mxaº =R; and conſequently ſo that, the general proportion BAM between the celerities of the two motions, about the line Aa, and the axe Pp, will be that of to unity. BR But now, in order to find theſe values of N and R, accord- ing to any hypotheſis of denſity, we muſt look back to the third and fifth Lemmas; from the latter of which it appears, that the value of the momentum (R), when the denſity is uniform, will 8pab be truly defined by ; a being the ſemi-equatoreal diame- ter, and b the ſemi-axis of the ſpheroid, and p the meaſure of the periphery of the circle whoſe radius is unity. Now let us ſuppoſe the ſpheroid, inſtead of being every- where of the ſame denſiiy, to be compoſed of elliptical ſtrata, whoſe denſities vary according to any given law of the diſtances of ſuch ſtrata from the center of the ſpheroid. Then, N aN ; BR aN # >* 15 and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 25 a 1 banyo 15 I 15 Then, putting z = the ſemi-equatoreal diameter of any ſuch ftratum, and ſuppoſing the correſponding ſemi-axis to be in pro- portion thereto, as w to i which proportion may be aſſumed, either, as conſtant or variable), we ſhall, by writing in the room of a, and wz in the room of b, have 8 x wzb; whoſe Auxion, or indefinitely ſmall increment, will, therefore be the momentum of the ſtratum or ſhell, whereof the ſemi-equatoreal diameter is z, and thickneſs (at that diameter) z; on the for- mer ſuppoſition, that the ſpheroid is every-where of the ſame denſity. But in the preſent caſe this momentum muſt be drawn into the quantity, which, according to hypotheſis, expreſſeth the meaſure of the denſity anſwering to the value of 2; which quantity we will repreſent by D; then will the product 8pD x flux. wx5 be the general fluxion of the momentum, when the denſity is variable: and therefore the fluent of this laſt expreſſion, when z = a, and w= =, will be the true value of the required momentum (R) in the preſent caſe. After the ſame manner, the correſponding value of N (from Lem. III.) may be determined : for, retaining the above no- tation and ſuppoſitions, it is evident (from thence) that the ſaid value of N (which is there expreſſed by xa– x s, xa" — b* x 48ąb) will here, by ſubſtitution, become W375; and conſequently that Х XDX, flux. wzs — W3z5 will be the required fluxion of the value of N: where is a conſtant quantity (by hypotheſis), the force being proportional to the diſtance, and the meaſure thereof (y) at the given diſtance a, equal to Bx : as has been before ſhewn, in Prop. II. Now from the whole of what is above laid down, it will appear evident, that the angular celerity of the motion about the line Aa (ſuppoſing that about the axis to be denoted by E unity) 7 mn Х X 5 2x mn or х 5 3 ay 4mnp X Xwzi - W325 15 y 4mnp 15 a a 1 a 3tt . 2 26 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, 2TT Auent of D x flux. wzs A unity) will be truly defined by zmntf x Auent of D.x Aux.wz:—w23 which, therefore, will be known, when the relation of %, w, and D is aſſigned. If w be ſuppoſed conſtant, or, which is the ſame, if all the ſtrata are conceived to be ſimilar to one another, then our ex- preſſion will become 3mntt w X 2TT W3 x fluent of D X Aux. x5 w x fluent of D x Aux. 5 II 3mntt x W W3 bb 3tt mn X aa Х 2TT аа 2TT w b 3mntt XiW2 (becauſe 2 TT w - ): which concluſion appears to be the very fame with that found when the denſity was ſuppoſed uniform. From whence it is evident that an increaſe or decreaſe of denſity, in going towards the center, makes no ſort of difference bere '; provided the ſurfaces of the ſeveral ſtrata are all ſimilar to one another and to the ſurface of the earth. If indeed the ſtrata are diſſimilar, the caſe will be otherwiſe ; as will be ſeen by the following example : which ought not be looked upon as a matter of mere ſpeculation ; ſince it will appear, in the ſequel, that the preceſſion of the equinox cannot be accounted for, fo as to agree with the phenomenon, upon the ſuppoſition of an uniform denſity of all the parts of the earth; the reſult, this way, coming out about d part greater than the real quantity, determined by obſervation. Let then, as before, the greateſt ſemi-diameter of tum be denoted by %, and let the leaſt ſemi-diameter (lying in the axe of the earth) be in proportion thereto as I -- 22° to unity; alſo let the denſity be ſuppoſed to increaſe, in approach- zo ing the center of the earth, in the ratio of 7-5-IX ; fo as to vary according to ſome power (zu) of the diſtance, and that the meaſure thereof at the center, may be to that at the ſur-. face, in any given ratio of 7 to 1. Then, by taking , Q, and v, as conſtant quantities, and writing i -12°, and 7—7IX inſtead of their equals w and D, we ſhall here have D any ſtra- 4 *** . a 4 and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 27 125 ixen W, the X- vn +0+5 x 2narts. TE X 2124ti. uſe z -1 X ETTT-IX momentiralaman mente ith a 7 om in re; ne zta by a. D x flux. wz5 - W135 = 7 - - 1***+5* 2929+4ż, nearly (becauſe, to render the calculus leſs laborious, the terms involving a’ and 23 may be here neglected as inconſiderable); the fluent of which expreſſion, when z = a, will be found 7-1X0+5 x 200 4+5 oto+5 0 +9+ 5 Moreover we have, in this caſe, D x fluxion of wz5 * 5242 — 5+ 0x22p+uz x 524ź, nearly (becauſe 5+ 0 xazott, as the earth is nearly ſpherical, is inconſiderable in reſpect of 52+); whereof the fluent, when z=a, will be had = 405 -- 7. -1x52_v2 + 5xas. ut 5 v + 5 Now let theſe two values be ſubſtituted in the general expreſſi- 3mntt fluent of D x flux. wz5w3zs ; by which means it be- fluent of D x flux. wzs comes 3mntt Un tp + 5x 0-to 5 x 21am. But, when % = 2, 2TT v+o+5XUF + 5 => ) will be = 1 - sa*, and w= 1 — 28a*, nearly ; whence we have 220 w? - 1 ſo, by ſubſtitution, our laſt formula becomes 3mntt x VA + 0 + 5xv + 5 2TT Whence it appears that the v to + 5 x UT + 5 required motion, in this caſe, is to the motion, when the den- ſity is ſuppoſed uniform, in the proportion of Uno+5xv+5 oto +5X Un + 5 to unity.–From this proportion a great number of Corollaries may be drawn; but theſe will be, more properly, conſidered hereafter. on 2TT el, X fo an w nis. ys bb aa bb I ; and aa aa aa bb X аа a- in to h- fo nd Ý as ). + D E 2 PRO- Bahagia 28 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, Fig. 13. 1 4 } PROBLEM VI. To find the quantity of the preceſſion of the equinox, and alſo that of the nutation of the earth's axis, cauſed by the moon, dur- ing the time of half a revolution in ber orbit. Let fFNeЕ be the orbit of the moon (on the ſurface of the ſphere) interſecting the ecliptic vs p in N; and ſuppoſe F_DEP to be the poſition of the equator, on the moon's paſſing it at F, and fbDea the poſition thereof when ſhe re- pafſeth it again at e: let moreover the quantity of the annuat preceſſion ariſing from the ſun (given by Prob. IV.) be denoted by A; and let the ratio of the denſities of the moon and fun be expreſſed by that of m to unity: then, taking to repreſent the given time in which the moon is moving from F to e, the mean quantity of the preceſſion, ariſing from the fun, in that time, will be x A: and therefore, ſince the perturbating forces of the ſun and moon are as the denſities (by . Prob. I. Corol. II.) it is evident that the preceffion (Ee) caufed by the moon, in the ſame time, with reſpect to the plane of her own orbit, would be truly expreſſed by mxx 4, were the or- bit's inclination to the equator to be always the ſame as that of the ecliptic to the equator : but, ſince the magnitude, as well as the poſition, of the angle E varies, with the place of the node, the ſaid quantity'm x 5 x A muſt therefore be dimi- niſhed in the ratio of the co-fine of E to the co-fine of q (as ap- co-fin. E pears by the ſaid Prob. IV.) and then we ſhall get r? for the true value of the preceſſion Ee, cauſed by the moon, with reſpect to her own orbit. But now, in order to refer this to the ecliptic, it will be re- quiſite to obſerve firſt of all, that, as the inclination of the earth's axis, at the end of every half revolution, on the return of the ſun or moon again into the plane of the equator, is re- ſtored to its former quantity (by Corol . III. to Prob. IV.) it fol- lows, ſeeing the angles E, e, F, f are thus equal, that the triangles MTA T Х co-fin.gr and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 29 allo ur co-fin. E Х X T ; co-f, g x rad. triangles DEe and DfF will alſo be equal and alike, in all reſpects ; and fo, DE + De being = DE + DF = a ſemi- circle, both DE and De may be taken as quadrantal, or arcs of 90° each : whence, if ve R, the meaſure of the angler, be ſuppoſed to meet aED in r, it will be, as fin. ED (radius) MTA ſin. E Xco-f. E : fin. e (E) :: Ee (MFA ) : EDe co-fin.r alſo, as fin. a (p): fin. PD (co-fin. PE) :: EDe : pa the required quantity of the preceſſion : And, as fin.r (radius) : fin. DR (PE) :: EDe (RDr): Rp т the correſponding quantity of co-fin. r x rad. .] the nutation, or the decreaſe of the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic. 2. E. I. MTA T X Х of oſë n's e- lat ed in nt he at fin. E x co-fin. E x co-fin. rE fin. r x co-fin. or x rad. MTA fin. E x co-fin. E x ſin. E X ig 1. ne n rad. fin. r COROLLAR Y. It is evident from hence that the quantity of the nutation is fin. E co-fin. rE to that of the preceſſion, as to or as fin. p to rad. x co-fin.nE ; that is, as the fine of op to the co-tangent of fin. rE PE. It appears moreover (becauſe fin. E : fin.ON :: fin. N : fin. PE, P. ſpherics) that the former of theſe quantities is MTA fin. N x fin. NX co-fin. E alſo truly explicable by т : which co-fin. r x rad.) expreſſion will be of uſe in the following Problem. of 11 e е Х *** PROBLEM VII. To determine the preceſſion of the equinox, and the quantity of the nutation of the earth's axis, cauſed by the moon, during the time of half a revolution of the node of the moon's orbit. Things being ſuppoſed as in the preceding Problem, let the Fig. 14. diſtance PN of the node from the equinoctial point be denot- ed by %, its fine by x, and its co-fine by. y; let alſo the fine of the angle NepE be put = a, its coſine :b, the fine of N 1 3 30 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, N=1, its co-fine its co-fine =d, the ſemi-periphery Y 2 =, and the time of half a revolution of the node = R. су b I hb- ha + bb b у > d If QQ be ſuppoſed perpendicular to NE, it will be, p-fphe- rics, as co-fin. Nop (v) : radius (1) : : co-tang. N () : tang. NYQ= ; let this be denoted by h, then the ſecant of the ſame angle will be = Vi+bb, its fine = and its vithh co-fine = : whence, by the known rules for finding Vithh the fine and co-line of the difference of two angles, the fine of EQQ will alſo be had = and its cofine Vithh VI+ bb Whence, again, p. ſpherics, we have, as fin. NopQ: fin. EpQ :: co-fin. N:co-fin. E hb — axd bd — ad=bd_acy; alfo, as co-in. NQ: co-fin. EQ:: co-tang. Nm (2) : cotang. PE =b+tax ad + bcy, becauſe h But, by the Corol. to the laſt Problem, the quantity of the nu- tation for the time t, is expreſſed by co-fin. NrEx rad. which, in algebraic terms (by ſubſtituting the above values), will become But the time t, during which the longitude (2) of the node is increaſed by ż, being to R the time of half a revolution of the node, as ž to e, its value will therefore be expounded by Rxč, or its equal Rx and ſo by ſubſtituting this value, and writing v 1 - xx in the room of y, our laſt expreſſion will be reduced to T á * acxä; whoſe fluent mAR x bd - bdV 1 - XX - acxx (= су ſin. Nxfin.r Nxco-f. E Bu expreſſed by mTA Х T cx xhd MTA Х T acy b i EV I e MAR X Х bdxx X VI-** T eb and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 31 nd be- g. he its ig де b асх oh Q I abd * + bb v; abe .) (=maRx x bd x verſed fine 2 — ac X verſed ſine 2%) is. conſequently the meaſure of the nutation, or the decreaſe of the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic, cauſed by the moon, from the time of the node's coinciding with the equinoctial point P, to its arrival at the poſition N. Again, with regard to the preceſſion of the equinox, the in- creaſe thereof being in proportion to the decrement of the in- clination, as the co-tangent of PE to the fine of NPE (by ad + bcy the Corollary to the precedent) or, in ſpecies, as (or ad + bcV 1 --X* to a, its fluxion will therefore be had by mul- tiplying that of the nutation, given above, into ad + bcv T- and fo is found to be MAR Х X —aa x cdi — abc áv 1 — XX; T vi whoſe fluent, which is x abdéz+bb-aax cdx - abc+z- abcʻxv 1 (= arex dd – cc xabz+bb – aaxcdxf.z-abccxſ.2%), muſt confequently be the preceſſion itſelf. But, at the end of half a revolution, when the node N ar- rives at the other equinoctial, point, both this, and the ex- preſſion for the nutation, will become much more ſimple, x being then = 0, and z=e; whence the nutation will be = MAR X X and the precefſion equal to T x dd - = MAR XI - C (becauſe cc + dd =1). T Q. E. I. COROLLA RY I. It appears from hence, that the mean preceſſion of the equi- nox, ariſing from the action of the moon, is in proportion to what it would otherwiſe be, if the moon's orbit was to coin- cide with the ecliptic, as I zac to unity : whence the true value XX T MAR I Х abe MAR Х T - Boy ; ), h 2cd MAR т MAR j e Il MAR T : e ܟ 32 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, " 1 2cd to dd d C 1 value thereof is to that depending on the ſun, in a 'ratio com- pounded of the ratio of the denſity of the moon to the denſity of the fun, and the aforeſaid ratio of 1-{cc (or 0,988) to unity. CORO L L AR Y II. It appears likewiſe, that the whole quantity of the nutation, in half a revolution of the node, is to the correſponding quan- tity of the preceſſion, as cc, or as unity to The one that is, as the radius to the exceſs of the co- tangent, above half the tangent of the orbit's inclination, drawn into (1.5708) the meaſure of half the periphery of the circle whoſe diameter is unity. This proportion, in numbers, ſup- poſing the mean inclination of the orbit to be 5° 8', will be found to be as 10 to 174, very near. COROLLARY III. Moreover, ſeeing the preceſſion in half a revolution of the node is xdd — cc, we have, as e : 7:: x dd -CC MAR Ex xdd — cc, the quantity of the mean preceſſion during the time in which the node moves over the arch , or PN. This being ſubtracted from the true preceſſion, found above, the remainder - aa x cdx abc+xv 1 — XX will conſe- quently be the equation of the preceſſion, or the exceſs of the true above the mean: which equation or exceſs, if we neglect the term abcºx/ T — xx (whoſe value, by reaſon of the ſmallneſs of c, never amounts to th of a ſecond) will evi- dently be at its greateſt value at the end of th of a revolu- tion, on the node's arrival at the folſtice ; when it becomes MAR x bb - aa x cd; and, is therefore, in proportion to Τ' MAR the whole, or greateſt quantity of the nutation, during half a revolution of the node, as bb aa : 2ab, or MAR T MAR T T : T I MAR X T x bb abe 3 I X abe 2cd Х T as and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 33 1 n- ty to as I : that is, as the radius to the tangent of double the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic. 2ab bb aa n, n- to O- ed X - -V1- in le D- be COROLLARY IV. Furthermore, ſince the value of c (the fine of the orbit's inclination) is but ſmall, the laſt term of the general ex- preſſion for the nutation, as well as that for the exceſs of the true preceſſion above the mean, may be rejected, without producing any conſiderable error ; whence the nutation is re- MAR duced to XI - xx, and the preceſſion to T MAR x ma x bb—aa x cdx. Hence it appears that the de- creaſe of the inclination, from the time of the node's leav- ing the equinoctial point P, will be as the verſed ſine ( (i-Vi=xx) of the node's true longitude ; and that the exceſs of the true preceſſion above the mean, will be always as the-line (x) of the ſame longitude. T ne CC in or d le t le I. SCHOLIU M. The quantity of the annual preceſſion of the equinox arif- ing from the force of the ſun, is found in Prob. IV, to be 21"7""; upon the ſuppoſition of all the parts of the earth be- ing homogenous, and in a ſtate of fluidity. If, therefore, this quantity be taken from (50%) the whole, obſerved, annual pre- ceſfion, ariſing from the ſun and moon conjunctly, the remain- der 28" 53"" will conſequently be the mean annual preceſſion depending on the moon; which being increaſed in the ratio of 1000 to 988 (according to Prob.VII. Corol. I.) gives 2914", for the quartity of the preceſſion, if the orbit of the moon were to coincide with the plane of the ecliptic. Hence it will be (by the fame Corol.) as 21"7"' is to 29"14", ſo is the denſity of the fun to the denſity of the moon, according to this hypotheſis . But it is evident from experience (whether we regard the proporti- on of the tides, or the accurate obſervations of Dr. BRADLEY) that the denſity of the moon in reſpect to that of the ſun, cannot be ſo ſmall as it is here aſſigned. F It c T o 1, S 34 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, had to It is true, there is no way of knowing the exat ratio of the denſities of the two luminaries ; ſince theory, for want of fuffi- cient data, fails us here. And as to the method, by obſerving and comparing the ſpring and neap tides * (whether we regard the quantities or times of them) it cannot be otherwiſe than very precarious ; conſidering the many obſtacles and intervening cauſes by which they are perpetually, more or leſs, influenced and diſturbed. Upon the whole it therefore ſeems to me, that the beſt method to ſettle this point (as far as the nature of the ſubject will allow of) is from the obſerved quantity of the nu- tation itſelf; agreeable to what has been hinted on this head by that celebrated Aſtronomer, to whoſe accurate obſervations we owe this important diſcovery. x at xg X g is the IO 93 31 X Joco to 31 31 Let us, therefore, take g to denote the greateſt nutation of the carth’s axis, as given by obſervation ; and then, 'if f be taken to repreſent the mean annual preceſſion, given in like manner, it will appear (by Prob. VII. Corol. II.) that 174 978 part of the ſaid annual preceſſion depending on the moon ; whence the remaining part, owing to the ſun, muſt neceffarily be f -- 74 x8 (=31f7-589). Therefore we have (by Pro- blem VII. Corol. I.) as 58g 58g 58g 988 3if - 588 to 1, fo is the denſity of the moon to the denſity of the fun; which, in numbers (making g= 18"), will come out as 2,09 to I. But if the value of g be ſuppoſed only a ſecond or two greater or leſs than 18", the reſult will be ſenſi- bly different, as may be ſeen in the annexed Table ; wherein, beſides the ratio of the denſities, are alſo exhibited the mean quantities of the annual preceffion, depending on the forces of the ſun and moon, reſpectively; together with the greateſt equation of the ſaid precefſion, as given by Problem VII. Co- rollary III. 1000 988 } * Sir Isaac Newton, by this method, makes the proportion to be as 45 to l; and M. DANIEL BERNOULLI, only as 2 to 1. Greateſt and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 35 he ffi- ing ird Ratio of the Annual preceſ- Mean annual Greateſt equa- Greateſt denfities of fion cauſed by preceffion cauſ- tion of the pre- outation. the fun and the fun. ed by the moon.cellion cauſed by the moon. moon, ery Seconds 16 I : 1,51 I : 1,77 I : 2,09 1 : 2,50 1 : 3,01 ng ed jat he U- ad 16 19 Seconds Tliirds Seconds Thirds Seconds Thirds 1 1 1 20 3 29 57 14 58 18 II 31 49 15 54 33 41 14 27 35 33 1746 I 2 35 37 25 18 4.2 17 18 19 20 16 50 ns he to it he 1; lý James g of Were I to deliver my opinion which of the different caſes here put down anſwers beſt to the phenomenon, and the gene- ral law of gravitation, I ſhould, without heſitating, fix upon that preceding the laſt; which, upon the whole, will be found to agree better with Dr. BRADLEY's obſervations than any of the others : beſides, though the obſervations on the tides cannot be relied on to any great degree of exactneſs, yet, by them, it is ſufficiently evident, that the perturbating force of the moon cannot be to that of the ſun in a leſs proporti- on than of about 2. to 1. From the greateſt nutation, and the greateſt equation of the preceſſion, given above, the quantity of the nutation and the equation of the preceſſion, correſponding to any given poſition of the lunar node, may be very eaſily determined : for, firſt, it will be, by Corol. IV. As the radius is to the fine of the nodė's diſtance from the neareſt equinoctial point, ſo is the greateſt equation of the preceffion to the equation fought. Which muſt be added to the mean preceſſion when the node (viz. the aſcending one) is in any of the fix ſouthern ſigns ; but ſubtracted, when in any of the fix northern ones. Secondly, it will appear, by the ſame Corollary, that the de- creaſe of the inclination of the equator to the ecliptic, from the time of the node's coinciding with the equinoctial point qp is proportional to the verſed ſine' of the node's preſent diſtance from that point : whence it follows, that the ſaid inclination will be at its mean value when the node is in the folſtice ; and conſequently, that the difference between the mean; and true values, e f F 2 . 36 Of the Preceffion of the Equinox, 5 Ecliptic. D's co Sii, o Sig. 1 sig. di Aud Add : O 8,2 4,7 values, will be as the difference between the verſed ſine of the node's preſent diſtance from P, and the verſed fine of go de- grees, that is, as the co-line of the node's diſtance from p. Therefore, to find the nutation at any given time, it will be, As the radius is to the co-fine of the node's diſtance from the neareſt equinoctial point, ſo is the greateſt nutation to the nutation fought Which, to have the true obliquity of the equator to the ecliptic, muſt be added, when the node is in any of the fix aſcending ſigns 18, H, 9,8, II; but, otherwiſe, ſubtracted. The following Table, ſhewing by inſpection, as well the equation of the preceſſion, as that of the obliquity of the eclip- tic, is computed from the proportions here laid down ; upon ſuppoſition that the greateſt quantity of the nutation is 19 ſeconds. The Equation of the Precellion of the 'The Equation of the Obliquity of the Equinox. D's 8 Siq, o Sig. I Sig. II | Subtr. from v Sig. V? Sig VII Sig. VII from or Sig. Vi Sig. Vo Sig. VII Subtr. Deg. Seconds Seconds Seconds Deg. veg. Seconds Seconds Seconds Deg. 0,0 8,8 15,3 30 5 1,5 10,1 16,1 25 IO 3,0 1,1,4 16,7 20 7,3 15 4,5 12,5 17,2 15 20 6,0 13,6 17,5 6,1 25 7,4 14-5 17,7 25 5,5 0,9 5 30 8,8 15,3 17,7 30 8,2 4,7 0,0 Subtr. Sig. V Sig. IV|Sig. IJ!D's 8 Subtr. Sig. V Sig. IV Sig. 111 's 88 Add sig. Xi] Sig. X Sig. IX | from n Add Sig. XI Sig. X Sig IX from a Fig. 15. To place what has been delivered above in another view, ſuppoſe PE to be equal to the mean diſtance of the pole of the equator from the pole E of the ecliptic; in which (produced) let there be taken PA and PB equal, each, to half the greateſt nutation ; and about AB, as an axis, conceive an ellipſe ACBF to be deſcribed; whoſe other axe CF is to AB in the ratio of the co-fine of 2EP to the co-fine of EP (that is, in numbers, as 7444 to 10000, or as 3 to 4, nearly); then, if the point P repreſents the mean place of the pole of the equator, the true place will always be found in the circumference of the ſaid ellipſe. And if, on the diameter AB, a circle ADBG be alſo deſcribed, and the angle APS be made equal to the diſtance of the node from the equinoctial point ; then, I ſay, a perpen- dicular SRy, falling from the point S upon the diameter AB, SR will ono 7,8 4,0 IO 9,5 9,4 9,3 9,2 9,0 3,3 30 25 20 15 IO 6,7 15 20 2,4 1,7 IO on õr 8,7 > and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 37 he le- P. rest t. he ſix d. he the co- bb--aa 2 P- on is. bb- аа ene bb aa : 2 id tr. g. 5 will interſect the circumference of the ellipſe in the point where the pole of the equator (p) is, at that time, polited. For, firſt, it is clear, from what has been already remarked, that AE and BE will be the greateſt and leaſt diſtances of the two poles, as being equivalent to the reſpective inclinations of the two planes, the equator and the ecliptic : from whence and Corol. ĪV. it is manifeſt, that ER or Ep will be the true diſtance of the ſaid poles, when the verſed fine of the node's diſtance (APS) from pis AR. Moreover, by conſtruction, CP : AB :: | ſine 2EP : co-fin. EP; that is, in ſpecies, CP : AB : : b. And, p. ſpherics, tang. PEC : tang. PC (:: PEC : PC, nearly) :: rad. (1): a. Therefore, by compounding theſe two proportions, we have PEC : AB :: : ab :: bb 2ab: which proportion, for finding the angle PEC, is the very fame with that determining the greateſt difference of the mean, and true longitudes, as given by Corol. III. Whence it eaſily follows, that the angle ŘEp will expreſs the difference of the mean and true longitudes, at the given poſition of the node; ſince, as the radius : fine APS (:: PD : RS :: PF : Rp) :: the angle PEC : the angle REp, as it ought to be, by Corol. IV. The ratio of CF to AB is here determined to a geometrical exactneſs, as no-ways depending, either, on the denſity of the moon, or on any other phyſical hypotheſis. Having now laid down the general proportions for the nu- tation of the earth's axis, and the preceffion of the equinox, I ſhall here ſubjoin the neceſſary rules for determining how much the declinations and right-aſcenſions of the ſtars are af- fected by thoſe inequalities. 1°. For the alteration of a ſtar's declination, and right-aſcen- fion, ariſing from the nutation of the earth's axis ; it will be As the radius is to the fine of the ſtar's right-aſcenſion, ſo is the nutation (or the given alteration of the equator's inclination to the ecliptic) to the alteration of the ſtar's declination, cauſed by the nutation ; And, as the co-tangent of the ſtar's declination is to the co-kne of its right-afcenfon, ſo is the nutation to the alteration of the ftar's right-aſcenſion, correſponding. 2°. For . 8 ท V, le 1) ſt F of ܕܕ P e d 0 f 1 38 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, 2°. For the alteration of the ſtar's declination and right-af- cenſion, ariſing from the preceſſion of the equinox; it will be As the co-fecant of the obliquity of the ecliptic is to the co-fine of the ſtar's right-aſcenſion, ſo is the preceſſion of the equinox (or the alteration of the ſtar's longitude) to the alteration of the ſtar's declination, cauſed by the preceſſion ; And as the co-fine of the ſtar's declination is to the co-tangent of its angle of poſition, ſo is the alteration of declination, found by the laſt proportion, to the alteration of right-afcenfion, anſwering thereto. Any one, but little acquainted with the ſphere, will eaſily ſee when theſe equations are additive, and when ſubtractive : nor will it be at all difficult to comprehend the reaſons upon which they are founded ; they being nothing more than fo many particular caſes of the general relation ſubſiſting between the fluxions of the ſides and angles of a ſpherical triangle *. It will not, however, be improper to remark here, that, when the quantity of the preceſſion, in the ſecond of the preceding caſes, amounts to ſome minutes, it will be neceſſary, in order to have the conclufion ſufficiently exact, to make uſe of the mean right-aſcenſion, at the middle of the given interval; which, from the given right-aſcenſion at the beginning of the interval, may be eſtimated near enough for the purpoſe, in moſt caſes, without the trouble of a calculation: but in other caſes, and when the utmoſt exactneſs is required, it will be neceſſary to repeat the operation. It may not be improper to obſerve likewiſe, that, beſides the equations depending on the poſition of the lunar nodes, com- puted above, there is a ſmall motion of nutation and preceſſion ariſing from the moon's declination; whereof the greateſt quan- tity is to the greateſt quantity of that depending on the ſun, in a ratio compounded of the ratio of the denſities of the two bodies, that of their periodic times, and that of the fines of the inclinations of their reſpective orbits to the plane of the equa- tor, nearly (as appears by Prob. IV. and VI.) Whence it is evident, that this part of the nutation, depending on the moon's declination, cannot, in any circumſtance, amount to more than about th of a ſecond; a quantity too ſmall to merit attention in the practice of Aſtronomy. * See my Doctrine of Fluxions, Part II. Se&. I. Remarks and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 39 s IT . Remarks on fome Particulars in the preceding Theory and Calculations; in order to explain and obviate certain difficulties and objections that may thence arife. T may be obſerved, in the firſt place, that we have, all along, conſidered the effects of the ſun and moon ſepa- rately; and, conſequently, have ſuppoſed them to be no-ways influenced or diſturbed by each other. This may ſeem too . bold an affumption ; eſpecially, as it is known that the tides, which are produced by the very ſame forces, depend upon, and are greatly varied by, the different poſitions of the two lu- minaries. To remove this objection, let PPSM repreſent the plane Fig. 16. of the earth's equator po-, its interſection with the plane of the ecliptic, PS the right-afcenſion of the ſun, and PM the right-aſcenſion of the moon; and let the forces of the two bodies to turn the earth about its center, in thoſe poſitions, be repreſented by f and F, reſpectively. Theſe forces may be conſidered as acting perpendicular to the plane of the equator in the points S and M, and will be equivalent to, and have the ſame effect with, one ſingle force, equal to them both, acting in their center of gravity N. But, by mechanics, the force f+F, acting at N, will (if the radius OP be drawn through N) be equivalent to another force, act- ing at P, expreffed by f+Fx Op, or f+Fx MR (ſuppor- ing NQ, PR, as alſo SB and MC, to be perpendicular to po). But the quantity of the preceſſion, during a given moment of time, is known to be as the force, and as the fine of the right-aſcenfion, conjunctly (by Prob. III.); from whence the two quantities ariſing from the ſun and moon, conſidered ſepa- rately, are expounded by fx SB, and Fx MC, reſpectively. But, fuppofing both bodies to act together, or, which is the fame, fuppofing one ſingle force, expreſſed by F+Fx NQ PR to 40 Of the Preceffion of the Equinox, 1 PR to act at P, the quantity of the preceſſion will then (by the very ſame rule) be truly defined by f+Fx NO X PR, or its equal f+Fx NQ; which quantity, by the property of the center of gravity, is known to be equal to f x SB +Fx MC. Hence it is manifeſt that, whether the forces of the lumina- ries be joined together, or treated apart, the reſult will be the ſame. The next difficulty, relates to the excentricity of the lunar orbit, and the inequality of the motion in that orbit; which may be thought ſufficient to occaſion a ſenſible deviation from rules founded on a ſuppoſition that pays no regard to them. Fig. 17. In order to clear up this point alſo, imagine ADBE to be an ellipfe, in which the moon is ſuppoſed to revolve, about the center of the earth, placed in the lower focus F. of the ellipſe : let AB be the tranſverſe axis of the ellipſe, perpendicular to which, through F, draw the ordinate IH; moreover let there be drawn any two other lines DE, de, through the focus F, to make a very ſmall (given) angle DFd with each other. The perturbating force of the moon, at the diſtance DF, will (by Prop. I. Corol. II.) be, inverſly, as the cube of that di- ſtance; and the time of deſcribing the given angle DFd will, it is well known, be directly as the ſquare of the ſame diſtance. Therefore, by compoſition, the quantity of the moon's action, during the time of deſcribing this angle, will be in the ſimple ratio of the ſaid diſtance, inverſly . Hence it appears, that the ſum of the forces employed, during the times of deſcribing the oppoſite angles DFd, EFe, will be truly defined by FO + Fe FE + FD or its equal FEXFD Upon AB let fall the perpendiculars DN and EM; fo Thall FE - FH : FI (FH) - FD :: FM: FN (p. ellipſe) :: FE : FD (p. fim. triang.) : conſequently FE XFD-FHXFD FH X FE FDX FE, or 2FE XFD = FHX FE + FD: FE + FD therefore, as it appears from hence that the meaſure FEXFDS of the ſaid forces, is, every-where, equal to the conſtant quan- tity and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 4.I e ES e е 1 e r 2 2 tity F it is evident that the excentricity of the orbit and the poſition of the apogee have no effect on the motion of the earth's axis. An objection may, perhaps, ariſe, with regard to the addi- tion of the forces employed by the moon in oppoſite parts of her orbit ; which ſtep may be looked upon as arbitrary: but the reaſon upon which it is founded will be clear, by conſider- ing that the moon's inclination to the plane of the equator, in oppoſite points of her orbit, is always the ſame ; and that, therefore, the very fame effect in the alteration of the poſition of the equator will be produced, whether the whole force employed during the deſcription of the correſponding oppoſite angles, be equally, or unequally, divided, with reſpect to the ſaid angles; ſince the ſaid force acts with the ſame advantage, or under the ſame circumſtance of declination, in both caſes. Another difficulty that may ariſe, is in relation to our having made the effect of the ſun's force to be about part leſs than the quantity reſulting from calculations founded on hydroſtatical principles and the hypotheſis of an uniform denſity of all the parts of the earth. But, that the phenomenon cannot be truly accounted for, upon this hypotheſis, appears from the concurrence of all experiments in general: for, whether we regard the menfura- tion of the degrees of the earth, the accurate obſervations of Dr. • Bradley, or the proportions and times of the tides, the caſe is the ſame, and requires a much leſs effect from the action of the ſun than reſults from, or can conſiſt with, the ſaid hypotheſis. But if the denſity of the earth, inſtead of being uniform, is ſuppoſed to increaſe from the ſurface to the center (as there is the greateſt reaſon to imagine it does), then the phænomenon may be eaſily made to quadrate with the principles of gravitation ; and that according to innumerable ſuppoſitions, reſpecting the law whereby the denſity may be conceived to increaſe. Thus, conformable to the hypotheſis laid down in the Scho- lium after Prob. V. the motion of the equinoctial points will be in proportion to the motion of the ſame points, when the denſity is ſuppoſed uniform, as VT +®+ 5*v + to r, that is; v tot 5 XUT + 5 G * as 42 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, υφΧ π -1 as I I 3 VO XI I 1 VO I 3 V 1 ll near- 3 is to 1 : therefore, by making 1 - v+o+ 5X VA + 5 υφΧ π - I (agreeable to what has been above uto+ 5 Xun+ 5 obſerved), we ſhall have : by means v++ 5 X VA + 5 3 of which equation, the relation of T, Q, and v may be ſo af- ſigned, as to give the true quantity of the preceſſion, and that innumerable ways. As one inſtance hereof, let us ſuppoſe a=2, or that the denſity at the center is juſt double to that at the ſurface; and let the value of Q be ſuppoſed very great, or, which comes to the fame, let the ſtrata in the lower parts of the earth, be ſuppoſed very nearly ſpherical, or orbicular : then our equation will become ; which, uto+ 5 x 20 + 5 becauſe o is ſuppoſed very great, will be 20 + 5 ly; whence v is given = 5: ſo that, according to this hypo- theſis, the decreaſe of denſity, in going from the center of the earth to the ſurface, will be in the quintuplicate ratio of the diſtances from the center. No One can imagine that we pretend here to aſcertain the ſtructure and denſity of the interior parts of the earth : all that is attempted, is to Thew (which indeed is all that can be done). that the preceffion of the equinox may be truly accounted for upon the principles of gravitation, though not in the hypotheſis of an uniform denſity of all the parts of the earth, unleſs by aſſuming the difference of the leaſt and greateſt diameters much ſmaller than it is found to be, either, from hydroſtatical principles, or by an actual menſuration of the degrees of the earth's meridian. There remains yet another particular that I cannot avoid tak- ing ſome further notice of; which is the wide difference to be found between our concluſion, in Prob. IV. Corol. I. and that brought out by Sir Isaac Newton (in Prop. 39. Book III. of kis Principia) from the very fame data. A I am 3 and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. . 43 upon; but ve ns af- nat oſe at at, rts I am ſenſible that this is a delicate point to touch then I know likewiſe, that I might leave my Readers diſſatisfied, were not I to endeavour to point out the cauſes of the ſaid dif- ference. At firſt I had, myſelf, a ſtrong ſuſpicion that I had, ſomewhere, fallen into an error ; which put me upon attempt- ing the ſolution by different methods, as the moſt proper way to arrive at certainty, and to diſcover the miſtake, if any ſuch had crept into my calculations. Two of theſe methods í have given; the others ſeemed unneceſſary. The exact concurrence of them all, firſt made me think, that it was not impoſſible but there might be a fault in that Author's ſolution; and occaſion- ed my looking into his method with a more particular attenti- on than I had before regarded it with. What, at firſt, ſeemed moſt doubtful to me was his hypo- theſis, that the motion of the nodes of a ring would be the ſame, whether the ring were fluid, or whether it conſiſted of a hard rigid matter * : this, I ſay, did not ſeem at all clear, at firſt; but upon recollecting the demonſtration of my ſecond Lemma (wherein this point is fully, though not directly, proved) I was foon convinced that the fault (if ſuch there was) muſt be owing to ſomething elſe. In the next place, his third Lemma did not appear to me ſo well grounded as the two preceding ones. In this Lemma r: h, ro O- ne ie le at -). 20 is [s. 'S 11 e * The celebrated mathematician M. D'ALEMBERT, who has with great fubtlety expatiated on Sir ISAAC NEWTON's ſolution of this Problem, repre- ſents the above hypotheſis, as ill founded ; and ſays, that, when the ring is in a fluid ſtate, the particles, or detached moons will not have their centers in one and the ſame plane (il eſt certain que des lunes iſolées n'auroient pas toujours leurs centres placés dans un même plan). Now if, by this, we are to underſtand, that the deviation from a plane is fomething ſenſible in compariſon of the nutation in queſtion, what is advanced is repugnant to what is demonſtrated in our ſecond Lemma. But if an exceeding ſmall deviation (depending on the ſecond term of a ſeries) be only intended (and ſuch it muſt be, if any thing at all), ſuch a ſup- poſition will make nothing againſt our Author's aſſumption; as, in phyſical ſubjects, a perfect accuracy is not to be expected. This learned gentleman him- ſelf allows, that, the conſidering of all the particles (or the ring of moons) as being in the ſame plane, produces no error in the conclufion : from whence it might, with ſome reaſon, be imagined, that the hypotheſis itſelf, could not be otherwiſe than true. And it ſeems farther plain to me, that, whatever lights that Author's overſights in the ſolution of this problem are capable of being placed, his real miſtakes are two only, he t f G2 44 Of the Preceſſion of the Equinox, This propor- -- he determines, that the motion of the whole earth about its axe, ariſing from the motion of all the particles, will be to the motion of a ring about the ſame axe, in a proportion compounded of the proportion of the matter in the earth to the matter in the ring, and of the number 925725 to the number 1000000. tion is, indiſputably, true, in the ſenſe of the Author : but there is a difference between the quantity of motion, fo con- fidered, and the momentum whereby a body, revolving round an axis, endeavours to perſevere in its preſent ſtate of motion, in oppoſition to any new force impreſſed. Now it ſeems clear to me, that it is this laſt kind of momentum that ought to be re- garded, in computing the alteration of the body's motion, in conſequence of any ſuch force. And here every particle is to be conſidered as acting by a lever terminating in the axis of motion: ſo that, to have the whole momentum ſought, the moving force of each particle muſt be multiplied into the length of the lever by which it ſuppoſed to act: whence the momen- tum of each particle will be proportional to the ſquare of the diſtance from the axis of motion; as it is known to be in find- ing the centers of percuſſion of bodies, which depend on the very ſame principles. Now, according to this way of proceeding, it will be found, that the momentum of the whole earth (taken as a ſphere) will be to the momentum of a very ſlender ring, of the ſame dia- meter, revolving in the ſame time, about the ſame axe, in a proportion compounded of the proportion of the matter in the earth to the matter in the ring, and of the number 800ooo to the number 1000000. Which proportion, therefore, differs from that of Sir Isaac Newton, given above, in the ratio of 800000 to 925725: ſo that, if his reſult, which is 9" 7'"20, be increaſed in this ratio, we ſhall then have 10" 33", for the quantity of the annual preceſſion of the equinox, ariſing from the force of the ſun; allowing for the above-mentioned dif- ference. It appears further, by peruſing his 39th Propoſition, that he there aſſumes it as a principle, that, if a ring, encompaſſing the earth, at its equator AlaL (but detached therefrom) was to tend, or begin, to move about its diameter LI with the ſame accelera- tive and the different Motions of the Earth's Axis. 45 e, 22 be ed r- it I- d ), ir it. n 0 f e tive force, or angular celerity, as that whereby the earth itſelf tends to move about the fame diameter, through the action of the ſun (at S); that then the motion of the nodes of the ring and of the equator would be exactly the ſame. Now this Fig. 8. would indeed be the caſe, were not the effects of theſe forces whereby the two bodies tend to move about the diameter LI, to be influenced and interrupted by the other motions about the axe of rotation Pp, and that according to a different ratio, depending on the different figures of the earth and ring. A ſphere, let the direction of its rotation be which way will, that is, let it move about what diameter it will, has al- ways the ſame momentum, provided it has the fame angular ce- lerity: but the momentum of a very flender ring, revolving about one of its diameters, appears (by Lem. IV.) to be only the half of what it would be, if the revolution was to be per- formed in a plane, about the center of the ring. Whence it is evident, that the ring Alal, to acquire the ſame motion of preceſſion and nutation with the earth's equator, ought to tend to move about the diameter LI with an accelerative force double to that whereby the earth itſelf tends to move about the ſame diameter, through the action of the ſun: fince, in this caſe, the quantities of motion, or the momenta, generated in the two bodies, during any very ſmall particle of time, would be exactly proportional to the reſpective momenta of rotation, whereby the bodies endeavour to perſevere in their preſent ſtate and direction of motion, in oppoſition to any new force im- preſſed. Hence it follows that all concluſions, relating to the change of the poſition of the earth’s axe, drawn from the prin- ciple above ſpecified, muſt be too little by juſt one half; and conſequently that the quantity of the annual preceſſion of the equinox, ariſing from the action of the ſun, ought to be the double of 10" 33"; which is 21" 6", and agrees, to a third, with what we before found it to be, by two different methods. 1 e : A * 1 C T A very exact Method for finding the Place of a Planet in its orbit, froin a Correction of Ward's hypotheſis, by means of One, or more Equations, applied to the motion about the upper focus. T 1 t Fig. 18. L 1 one per Sa sh sh ( 2. a t le fi ***ET ABPC be the ellipſes in which the planet revolves about the ſun in the lower focus S; let F be the up- per focus, and M and m any two places of the pla- net indefinitely near to each other; and let FM, Fm, SM, Sm be drawn, as likewiſe MN, perpendicular to the greater axis AP: from the center F, with the radius FD=1, let the circumference of a circle DEe be deſcribed, and from its inter- ſection with FM draw EH perpendicular to AP: put AO (=OP)=a, OB(=OC)=b, OF (=OS)=1, FM=u, FH=%, EH=y, DE = %, and Ee=, then SM being (= AP-FM) = 2a -- u, by the nature of the ellipſes, and FM FN (=FH * FE xu, we have, by a known property of triangles, SM+FMXSM-FM (2ax 2a-2u)=2SFX ON (4cxc + xu): from which equation u (FM) is found (becauſe bb = aa--cc): whence SM (= 2a atex a to cx aa + 16 + 2acx - u) is alſo had in terms of x, being a + 6x Now the area Efe being expreſſed by ż (=FEX Ee), we have FE (1): FM’ :: : the area MFm zŻ X FM". Therefore, the angle SMm being equal to FMA,.or FmA (by the nature of the curve) we alſo have FMxMm : SmxmM (or FM : SM) :: the area ( 3 x FM') of the triangle FMm : the area of the triangle SMm= 2 x FM x SM (Elem. 23. 6.) 16?ż X aa tocc+20cm 162cż X I = 6*+ bż t a to cx atal 1 b*c*yaż the fluxion of the area ASM. In order to find the 2 + cz]" fluent a? bb f f V a t t A very exact Method for finding, &c. 47 1 20* boste a 3 a² az; 6²c² - ; 2a? a3 6²c² 2a? 3a3 323 2 4aa 2 6 bedp b²dz 62cxy as fluent hereof, let be reſolved into the ſeries at call &c. (whereof the two firſt terms will, here, be ſufficient) by b2c3xży? which means our fluxion will become bʻz + *f*c*y*z which, becauſe yż=-*, and xż=ý, will be reduced to bcy?; *b*ż + x - Ky whoſe fluent will therefore be 6%c3y8 truly expreſſed by béz + x area DHE -, or bz bºc%y3 + x xy (becauſe the area DHE = : DE X DF - HF ⓇEH = 2 exy). This expreſſion, when M coincides with P, and z is the ſemi-circumference DEK b²p b2cp b_dp (=p), will become + (ſuppoſing d =it c) = the area of the ſemi-ellipfis ABP. Therefore we have, b2c3y3 (= the area ASM) :: p= 208y3 the length of an arch of 180°) : %- the 3a3d length of an arch (A) expreſſing the planet's mean anomaly : с*xy 2cy3 from which equation, z = A +; + 4a2d x ſin. 2) (becauſe xy, or co-lin. 2 x ſin. 2 = 3ad ; ſin.2z): where the two laſt terms being very ſmall in com- pariſon of the others (and, therefore, z nearly = A), we may, inſtead of fin. Z and ſin. 22, ſubſtitute ſin. A and fin. 2A; by which means we have z=A+ d * ſin. 2A+ x ſin. A. From whence it appears, that, in order to have the angle AFM upper focus, the mean anomaly (A) of the planet at the time given, muſt be increaſed by the quantity, or correc- tion x ſin. 2A + x fin. A. But to expreſs the value of this correction in ſeconds of a degree (which in practice is the moſt commodious) it will 2 2 4aa 303 (²x) 2a’d c? =A+ · X 2ad 3a'd 203 fin. 2x+ 203 3a3d at the cc 203 4ad 3a'd 48 A very exact Method for finding he 1 rec] the rect CC 203 3a3d c² ad 40%d or 137513 xx fin. Al will be, as 3,1416 (the length of an arch of 180 degrees) is to 648000 (the number of ſeconds in that arch) ſo is x ſin. 2A + x ſin. Al to 51567 x x ſin. 2A + the number of ſeconds in the ſaid correction : the logarithm of the latter term of which will, therefore, be = 5,1383 — log.d + 3 log 5 + 3 log. fin. A ; and that of the former = 4,7123 — log.d + 2 log.. + log. fin. 2A. But, to render theſe expreſſions ſtill more convenient for practice, the log. of d, by reaſon of its ſmallneſs, may be, either, intirely neglected, or elſe fo aſſumed, to be nearly a mean of what it is known to be in the planetary orbits. Ac- cordingly, by aſſuming the excentricity c= of the mean diſtance (which is a ſmall matter leſs than the excentricity of Mars, but ſomething greater than thoſe of the Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter), the value of d (=it and ) will be = 1,0032, and its logarithm = 0,0014. = 0,0014. Whence the log. of the former part of our correction, by ſubſtituting this value, will be 5,1369 + 3 log. 5 + 3 log. fin. A = 3 X 1,7123+log. +log.f. A; and that of the latter = 4,7109 + 2 log.. + log. fin. 2A : which, expreſſed in words at length, give the following proj heli thu: A let ſign mea The Vs 8 1 100 CC f F ſu 2aa th ac fa who quir T be, The lo fi H Practical Rules. 1°. To the ſum of the conſtant logarithm 1,7123 and the log. of the excentricity in parts of the mean diſtance, add the log. ſine of the mean anomaly; the ſum (rejecting the ra- dius) being tripled, will give the log. of the firſt equation in ſeconds) to be added to the mean anomaly. 2°. To the ſum of the conſtant log. 4,7109 and twice the log. of the excentricity, add the log. ſine of twice the mean anomaly; the fum (rejecting the radius) will be the log. of the ſecond equation ; to be added or ſubtracted, according as the mean anomaly is leſs, or greater than go degrees. Here anor T the Place of a Planet in its Orbit. 49 Here, and in what follows, the anomaly is to be always reckoned from, or to the aphelion, the neareſt way ; in which the ſeconds may be omitted, in computing the propoſed cor- rections. Which corrections being made, the true anomaly, or angle at the lower focus, will be had from the common proportion, by ſaying, as the aphelion-diſtance is to the peri- helion-diſtance, ſo is the tangent of half the mean anomaly, thus corrected, to the tangent of half the true anomaly ſought. As an example of the uſe of the method here laid down, let the excentricity be ſuppoſed = 0,048219 (being that af- ſigned, by Dr. HALLEY, to the orbit of Jupiter) and let the mean anomaly be 45°. Then, log. excent. . . 2,6832 2 log. excent. 3,3664 + conſt. log. 1,7 123 + conſt. log. 4,7109 log. for iſt equ. 0,3955 log. for ad cqu. 2,0773 log. ſin. anom. 9,8494 log. fin. 2 anom. 10,0000 0,2449 2d equ. = 1191" 2,0773 firſt 51" 0,7347 From 7,978537 log. of perihelion-diſt. 0,951781, ſubtr. 0,020452 log. of the aphelion-diſt. 1,048219; the rem. 1,958085, will be a (3d) conſt. log. for this orbit: to which add 9,617596 = log, tang. log. tang. cor. anom. 22° 31' 2", ſo ſhall 9,575681 = log. tang true anomaly 20° 37' 40": whoſe double, 41° 15' 20", is therefore the true anomaly re- quired. The ſame excentricity being retained ; let the mean anomaly be, now, ſuppoſed 120 degrees. Then, log. ſin. anom. 9,9375 log. ſin. 2 anom. 9,9375 log. for firſt equat. 0,3955 log. for ad equation 2,0773 0,3330 ed equat. = 103 1031" 2,0148 equ. = N firſt equat. equat. = 10" 10" 0,9990 Hence 120° + 10" - 1'43" = 119° 58' 26" = the cor. anomaly. Therf. log. tang. cor. anom. 59° 59' 13" 10,238331 + third conſt. log. for this orbit 1,958085 log. tang: 1 true anom. 57° 32' 10" 10,196416 H Whence 50 A very exaćt Method for finding 4 fin. 2 alfo 1 I ftitut 203 > 4 and, e²x 4 It 2 ſuch difre: Whence the anomaly itſelf is given = 3* 25° 4' 20". If the excentricity be aſſumed 0,066777 (being the greateſt that Dr. HALLEY gives to the lunar orbit) the two conſtant logarithms, to be added to the fines of the mean ano- maly and of its double, will be 0,5369 and 2,3601: whence if the ſaid anomaly be taken = 50° (at which, according to the Doctor's Table, pro expediendo calculo æquationis centri luna, the whole correction is a maximum), the former part of the ſaid correction will be found = 18", and the latter part = 225;": therefore the ſum of both is 244", or 4' 4"; agreeing, exactly, with the quantity given in the Table. And in the And in the very ſame manner, the proper corrections correſponding to other anoma- lies and excentricities may be computed ; the error never amounting to above a ſingle ſecond in any of the planets, ex- cept Mars and Mercury : in the place of Mars, the greateſt error will be two or three ſeconds; and in that of Mercury, about as many minutes. As to the Earth and Venus, the fe- cond equation, alone, will be fufficient to give their places to leſs than a ſecond. To obtain a farther correction, which will be necef- ſary when the orbit is very eccentrical, we may (inſtead of the two firft only) make uſe of a greater number of terms of the ſeries - Home 36**2 + 1b2c%y? which means the fluxion (byż + of the area MSA a + cx deſcribed about the focus S, which is proportional to the time, will be here repreſented by ib*z tib* xe*y*2e3y* x2 + 3ety*x*3- 4eSyaxiž &c. (fup- poſing e' = á). But it is well known that yü (fin. Zl") co-fin. 22'; whence yºx (= y* Xco-fin. z) co- co-fin. 22.X co-fin. % co-fin. % - co-fin. % co-fin. 32* I co-fin. z - co-fin. 32;, and therefore y*** * This, and all that follows to the ſame purpoſe, is nothing more than the application of the THEOREM, That the rectangle of the co-fines of any two angles (the radius being unity) is equal to half the ſum of the co-fines of the ſum and difference of thoſe angles. cum: bap 463x3 30. = at "); by at as of ti АВР (area b -X arch ſubfi fe" 1 1 2 I fin. z - I 7, I 4 4 5%. N the affur it whi the Place of a Planet in its Orbit. 51 4 fin.2% ) 1 8 I f co-fin.3% T6 1 8 fine 3% . 3e4 42 + 32 20 co-fin.z Xco-fin.x-co-fin. 32 x co-fin. z= + co- ģ co-ſin.2x-co-fin.42=;- co-fin. 43: whence alſo y*x3 = 'co-fin. co-ſin. 4Xco-ſin.x = co-fin.z o co-ſin.5%. Which values being now ſub- ftituted for their equals, our fluxion, above given, will become b*to be into x x 2g CO-fin. 22 - 2e3 xżco-l.z-ix 3žco-f.32+364 x - x 43c0-1.42 40x200-1.2 n's x 3žco-f.32 X 5200-1.5% t&c. and, conſequently, the fluent thereof = bʻz tibi into e*xx-fin. 22.-243 x 1f.z-tſ32+3e4xx- fin.4% 445 x ffinez As 5. ſine 52 & C. =into item + e4 x 2 e3 + Les x ſin.z e* fin. 2% + Les + zes x ſin. 32 fin. thfin. 52 (ſuppoſing al all ſuch terms wherein e riſes to more than five dimenſions, to be diſregarded). This expreſſion, when z=p=the ſemi-cir- cumference AEK) becomes b'xit fe + fet &c. xp • 26² p *рха b*px Tee? abp = the area ✓ W a² (² of the ſemi-ellipſe ABP. Hence it will be, as abp (area ABP) : abz-16?x23 + les x ſin.x—16" x te* fin. 22 &c. (area ASM) :: P (the length of an arch of 180°) : % xestes x ſin.z bxéfin. zz &c. = the length of the arch A, expreſſing the planet's mean anomaly : whence, by ſubſtituting f= ba we have A=%-ite*x fesſin.z. a fe* fin. 2z+ite x+fe3fin. 32 3fe* x fin.42 + x fine 5%. Now, to find from hence the value of z, in terms of A and the fines of its multiples, we may, for a firſt approximation, aſſume ite x fe3 ſin. % + fe* fin. 2z &c. as equal to itex fe3fin. A + +fe'fin. 2A -Ite* x_fe3 ſin. 3A &c. which laſt quantity being denoted by 2, we ſhall have A = Q, and conſequently x= Q H2 But CC I aa b a 4 32 20 At 1. 2 52 A very exact Method for finding pro + 180 wil ano oft ded ] by hal hal ſqu ܐ But ſin. % (=ſin. A +Q)=ſin. A x co-ſin.Q+ ſin. Qx co-fin. A =lin. A + Qx co-fin. A, nearly (becauſe Q being very ſmall, its co-line will differ inſenſibly from the radius, and the fine very little from the arch itſelf). In the ſame manner, f. 22(=f.2A +2Q)=f.2A +2Q x co-f. 2A, ſin. 32 f.3A+3Qxco-f.3A, &c. Which values being therefore ſub- ſtituted in the given equation, it will become A=%–2–2x i tex+fe:co-f.A+ fe co-f. 2A itex fe3co-f.3A&c. But the firſt term of the ſeries, ite xfe3 co-ſin. A, drawn into Q (if all terms having more than five dimenſions of e be neglected) will be barely 2fe3 x co-ſin. A x afe' fin. 2A = fes x co-ſin. A x fin. 2 A afles x fin. 3A + ſin. A. In the ſame manner fe co-ſin. 2A X-Q=-fe*co-fin. 2A xfe3 fin. A +fe ſin. 2A 5fe3 ſin. 3A f%e5 x fin. 3A — fin. A-tófe4x ſin.4A +fres x ſin.5A+ſin. A: And, laſtly, it be x fe co-ſin. 3A X Q_equal to fe3 co-fin. 3A XQ fe3 x co-fin. 3A x istė“ ſin. 2A of es x ſin. 5A fin. A. The ſum of all which will be fºesſin. A - Mofes fin.3A Folf etſin.4A + sf*es ſin. 5A ; which added to %- Q (or its equal, % - i te* x fez fin. A - fe' ſin. 2A, &c.) gives A=% cite-fe* xe3f ſin. A heffin. 2A +ite - fe*f x ze3ffin. 3A 35+26* * -fin. 4A ++of+mif*es x fin. 5A. From whence we have x = A + i + 12x5e3ffin. A+effin. 2A xte?fſin.3A + 5e** fin. 4A — 37effin.5A, very near ; becauſe in all terms having more than three dimenſions of e, the quantities J and f may be uſed indifferently, for each other, without producing any errors but ſuch as conſiſt of more than five dimenſions of the converging quantity e. But, fince it is known that ſin. 3A = 3S S3, and ſin. 5A = 5S -- 2053 + 1655 (S being the fine of A) we ſhall, by ſubſtituting theſe values in the 2d, 4th, and 6th terms (after proper the I pli I 24 0 32 co ſu 21 5ee 8 32 240 ; g la ir F ti 1 ta 0 the Place of a Planet in its Orbit. 53 15 팅 ​32 180 x 60 x 60 15 32 upper focus Q proper reduction) have x= A +i+ 4eexe3f53 - 370'Lgs 5ef? + fx ſin. 2A + x fin.4A. Hence it appears that xi+ 4eex;cfS:_370495 ++eff.2A+ 50*f*f. 4A 3,1416 will expreſs the number of ſeconds, to be added to the mean anomaly, in order to have the angle AFM at the of the ellipſis, correſponding to that anomaly. From whence is deduced the following method of calculation. Let F denote the logarithm of half the leſſer axis divided by half the greater, E the log. of the eccentricity divided by half the greater axis, G the log. of the ſum of the ſquares of half the greater axis and twice the eccentricity divided by the ſquare of half the greater axis. Take P 1,71277 + E +F+G, = 1,14130 + E + F, R = 4,71236 + 2E + F, S = 4,50824 + 4E + 2F; then the logarithms of four equations in ſeconds), to be ap- plied to the mean anomaly (A), will be 3 x P + log. fin. A - log. rad. 5xQ + log. fin. A - log. . R + log. ſin. 2A - log. rad. S + log. fin. 4.A - log. rad. Of which equations the firſt is always to be added, and the ſe- cond always ſubtracted; the other two being to be added, or ſubtracted, according as the fines of their reſpective arguments, 2A and 4A, are poſitive, or negative. The two principal of theſe equations agree with thoſe before given ; and are the ſame, in effect, with the two equations laid down (without demonſtration) by Sir Isaac Newton, in the Scholium to the 31ſt Propoſition of the firſt book of his Principia. The latter of which, in the Laws of the Moon's Mo- tion, prefixed to that Work, ſeems to be repreſented, as defec- tive ; it being there aſſerted, that, the inequality in the motion of a planet about the upper focus, conſiſts of three parts; as if the nature of the ſubject admitted of juſt that number, and no more A 54 A very exact Method for finding whi WH Of 61 ing for wh Х more; whereas the parts, or equations ariſing in the confide- ration, are without number, being the terms of an infinite feries, wherein the eccentricity is the converging quantity. Sir ISAAC NEWTON has given two terms of this ſeries, which are right; but the new equation added by his Commentator, is not fo; the ſign thereof, the coefficient, and the law by which it increaſes and decreaſes, being all different from what they ought to be. This equation (expreſſed according to the above notation, where i repreſents half the greater axis, f half the leſſer axis, e the eccentricity, and A the mean anomaly) he makes to be Lift x ſin. Al'x co-fin. A. But it ought to be + 3ft2f² 32 et ſin.4A (= 5e4 x fin.4A, nearly), as is ſhewn above; this 32 being the 3d term of the general ſeries, and the next in order after thoſe given by Sir ISAAC NEWTON ; who appears, more than once*, to have been diſadvantageouſly (I might ſay, un- fairly) repreſented, and that, under the covers of his own book: a circumſtance that cannot be attended to without ſome con- cern and diſlike, by thoſe who entertain a due regard for the merit of an Author to whom the mathematical world is ſo much indebted. I ſhall now put down one ſingle example of the uſe of the equations above derived; wherein I ſhall ſuppoſe the eccentri- city to be 100% 8% parts of the ſemi-tranſverſe axis (the ſame as is aſſigned by Dr. Halley to the orbit of Mercury). Here, then, we have E= 1,313635; F (= log. V 1-ee = log. I-ee)=-0,009406; G(=log. It fee)=0,068024; whence P=1,046; Q=0,453; R = 3,3302; 3,3302 ; S= 1,744: W any thi fin th uſo tri an fir th I ga fu ас w if a li td * In the 28th Propoſition of his third book, it is found that the moon's diſtance from the earth in the fyzigies is to the diſtance in the quadratures (ſet- ting aſide the confideration of eccentricity) as 69 to 70; which is confirmed by what is demonſtrated in a ſubſequent part of this our Work, as well as by the calculations of others; nevertheleſs the truth of this proportion is called in que- ſtion, and a new one is laid down, which makes the faid diſtances to be in the proportion of 59 to 60. See Laws of the Moon's Motion, p. II and 12. which V the Place of a Planet in its Orbit. 55 upper focus which values will ſerve in all caſes belonging to this orbit. Whence, ſuppoſing the given anomaly to be 50°, we have 1,0460 0,4530 3,3302 1,744 9,8842 9,8842 9,9933 9,534 0,9302 0,3372 3,3235 1,278. 3 5 2,7906 1,6860 Of which reſulting logarithms, the numbers correſponding are 617, 48, 2106, and 19; whereof the firſt and third be- ing added, and the other two ſubtracted, we have 50° 44' 16" for the corrected anomaly, or the angle at the whereof the half is 25° 22' 8": Therefore log. tang. 25°22' 8" 9,6759338 to log. of the ratio of the gr. and leaſt diſt. 1,8185730 log. tang. 1 true anomaly 17° 20' 28" 9,4945068. Which concluſion is true to a ſecond. Nor will the error, in any part of this orbit, amount to more than about two or three ſeconds. - If you would have the reſult depended on to a fingle ſecond, or if the orbit be ſuppoſed ſtill more eccentrical than that of Mercury, then the following method may be of uſe. Say, as half the greater axis of the ellipfis is to the eccen- tricity, fo is the ſine of the mean anomaly to the fine of an angle; which ſubtract from the mean anomaly, and to the log. fine of the remainder (which I call the eccentric anomaly) add the ſum of the log. of the eccentricity and the conſtant log. 1,758123: the aggregate (rejecting the radius) will be the lo- garithm of an angle, in degrees and decimal parts ; which, fubtracted from the angle firſt found, leaves a correction to be added (under its proper ſign) to the mean anomaly: with which corrected anomaly, let the whole operation be repeated, if needful, by always adding the laſt correction to the mean anomaly. Then it will be, as the greater ſemi-axis of the el- lipfis is to the lefſer, fo is the tangent of the corrected anomaly to the tangent of the angle at the upper focus of the ellipſis : whence the angle at the lower focus, or the true anomaly, may alfa 56 M have ty 9,2866211; A very exact Method for finding alſo be known by the common proportion, and that to any aſſigned degree of exactneſs. This method, in all the planets, except Mars and Mercury, anſwers to a ſecond, at one operation. In the former of theſe two, the error, when greateſt, will amount to about three or four ſeconds; and in the latter, to nearly as many minutes ; in which caſe, three operations will be neceſſary: but in order to avoid that trouble, the following calculation may be uſed; which is ſo exact as to anſwer, even in the orbit of Mercury, to leſs than half a ſecond, without repeating the operation. Add together twice the log. of the eccentricity, the log. ſecant of the angle firſt found (as above), and the log. co-line of the ſum of the eccentric anomaly and mean anomaly once cor- rected (in all of which angles the ſeconds may be neglected). The aggregate (ſubtracting twice the radius) will be the log. of a fraction to be added to unity, when the ſaid ſum of anoma- lies is between 90 and 270°; but otherwiſe, ſubtracted there- from: then the log. of this ſum, or remainder being ſubtracted from the log. of the firſt correction, you will have the log. of the true correction to be added (under its proper fign) to the mean anomaly given. Thus, for example, let the mean anomaly be 70; and let the eccentricity be = 0,20589 (as in the preceding exam- ple). Here, fin. mean anom. 70° 9,9729858 log. eccent. 1,3136353 whence 58° 50',67 = the eccentric anomaly : whoſe fine 9,9323552 + the log. proper for the orbit . 1,0717583 = log. of 10°,0952 1,0041135: which angle, or its equal, 10° 5',71, being ſubtracted from 11°9',33, leaves the firſt correction 1° 3,62 = 63,62. Moreover, Ai + who quir the Place of a Planet in its Orbit. 57 Moreover, by adding together 70°, 1° 3', and 58° go', we have 129° 53', whoſe co-fine 9,8070 + ſec. 11° 9' ang. firſt found 10,0083 + twice log. eccent. log. of 0,0272 2,4425 Log. firſt cor. 63',62 1,80359 · log. 1,0272 0,01187 log. true cor. 61,9 1,79172 2,6272. Now the mean anom. +true cor.=71°1',9, 01:9;}10,4638087 whoſe log. tang. + log. of the ſemi-conjugate axis 1,9905940 log. tang, of 70° 38',82 10,4544027 And the log.tang. of the half hereof, 35° 19,41 9,8504350 + log. of the ratio of the gr. and leaſt diſtances 1,8185730 log. tang. of 25° 1',02 9,6690080 whoſe double 50° 2',04, or 50° 2' 2", is the true anomaly re- quired. UI sic .....: I A DE- telustersdecreencestostcardులుతcracted that ତିଙ୍କ ಧರ್ಮಾಜ್ಯದಾದ್ಯ is the А or CO D Ε Τ Ε R ΜΙ Ν Α Τ Ι Ο Ν c? OF THE whic Difference between the Motion of a Comet in an Elliptic, and a Parabolic Orbit. th L LE meet equa ſeque (to tl I: 2 Whi II C. - 4ac - 400 video ac - CC X ax ** 019 аа I - radit Fig. 19. ***ET PNG be a parabola, and PBH a very excentrica ellipſis, having the ſame focus S, and vertex P with * the parabola ; let moreover N and n be conſidered as cotemporary poſitions of two bodies, in theſe orbits, moving from the perihelion P at the ſame time, about the ſun in the focus S. Make NBC perpendicular to PSO, and call PC, X; PS, c; and the greater axis of the ellipfis,, a : then the lefſer axis will be=2Vixã; the parameter and the ordinate BC = 2 21 (by the proper- ty of the ellipſis) = 2c*x} x 1- 2c*? nearly. This laſt taken from CN (= 2c*x*, by the nature of the parabola) leaves c*x* x. + which being multiplied by i and the fluent found, we thence have cm x trener for the meaſure of the area NPB, or NPv, very near : which ſubtracted from the area NSP CNX CS = + 20*x* x x — 2c*x* x*- cix}x+x), leaves c*x* xc+ *- = the area: VPS. Moreover, the parameter of the parabola being 46, and that min C I } 1 2a 2a it is BN; ang SN 20% 2x² gor 3a * CNX PC 20* 2** 3a 50 wi ܀ Of the Difference of Motion of a Comet, &c. 59 4ac 4CC 4ac 400 fo > a that of the ellipſis we have v 40 to ✓ is the parabolic area NSP (c*x* xc + x) to the correſponding, or cotemporary elliptical area nSP = 1-xcxxc+ x c*x* x1-xct** (nearly) = c*x* xc+; which fubducted from the area vPS, leaves cix? x CC 2a ба 8 CC CX 2** 2a 2a 52 the area usn. cm. c²z² 26224 6374 CC CZX 24 2a ga 2a I NI 3z X 2a "...siin........... I 2² w Let now NM be ſuppoſed perpendicular to the tangent NA, meeting the axis in M; then SM, SN, and SA will be all equal to each other, by the nature of the parabola ; and con- ſequently the angle PMN equal to half PSN; whoſe tangent (to the radius. I) let be denoted by % : whence it will be, as 1: 2 :: MC(20) : CN (2c***); and conſequently x = Which value being ſubſtituted in the area vSn, it will become XIX 24; and this di- vided by 1 Svº (=ixc+ x c* X1 + zz ), gives for the meaſure of the angle vSn, in parts of the I + ZZ radius (1). Therefore, if m be put - 3437 = the number of minutes in an arch equal to the radius, and u = I + 2z it is evident that X mu will expreſs the meaſure of the faid angle in minutes of a degree. To find now the ratio Sn to SN, which ſtill remains to be determined, we have (by Tri- gonometry) No ſin.ByF co-fin. M c+* xcix? x BN = tang. M ~ BN ct czz Xitzz. Alſo (ſuppoſing nb perpendicular to Sv) it will be, as 1 (radius): (the arch meaſuring the angle nSo) ? m.in. . ... ZXI-Z 5 · *...*.. · W. WAV. V... fin.B ſin. M X BN ſin. AFC fin. AFS X BN = 2 X CX2 X un X X X X a CCZZ 60 Of the Difference of Motion of a Comet ccu fun ::cxi+ zz (=Sn, nearly): nb xi+zz: whence, again, by ſimilar triangles, 1: 2 :: CM : CN):: xitzz сси Cezu CCZZ (nb): bv = xit zz: this added to No XI+38, a ing log thir will beit lon 49 fun CCZ gives Nb = xu +2x1 + xz: which therefore is to SN a (cx1 + xz) as cm xut x to unity; and conſequently the re- quired proportion of Sn (or Sb) to SN, as I - xu + z to unity. cz duc par ſon ſcri ſibl of From this laſt concluſion, and that derived above, exhibit- ing the value of the angle NSn, the following Table is com- puted ; whoſe uſe is thus : Find, in the firſt column, the co- met's longitude from the perihelion, as given from the hypo- theſis of a parabolic orbit (either by Dr. HALLEY's Table, or any other of the like kind); againſt which, in the third co- lumn, you have the logarithm of a number of minutes (ex- preſſed in the ſecond column); from which fubtracting the logarithm of the ratio of the greater axe of the ellipſe divided by the perihelion diſtance, the remainder will be the logarithm of a number of minutes to be added to, or ſubtracted from the aforeſaid longitude, as the Table directs: whereby the comet's longitude, for the ſame time, in the elliptic orbit will be given. And if, from the logarithm found in the fourth column, the logarithm of the ſame ratio be alſo ſubtracted, the remainder, abating 10, will be the logarithm of a quantity to be taken from the logarithm of the comet's diſtance from the ſun, com- puted according to the aforeſaid hypotheſis. Thus, for example, let the greater axis of the ellipſis be ſuppoſed = 35,727, and the perihelion diſtance — 0,5825 (anſwering to the orbit of the comet of the year eighty-two); and let the longitude from the perihelion, according to Dr. HALLEY's Table, computed for a parabolic orbit, be 44 3' 20"; correſponding to which, the logarithm of the diſtance from the fun in an elliptic and a parabolic Orbit. 61 ſun is given = 0,065838. Here, then, the log. of 35,727 be- 0,5825 ing = 1,7877, this value is to be ſubtracted from both the logarithms 2,9228 and 9,0555, ſtanding againſt 44°, in the third and fourth columns of the annexed Table : from whence will be found the two quantities 13',65 and 0,001853 ; which being ſubtracted from 44° 3' 20", and 0,065838, the required longitude from the perihelion is given from thence = 43° 49' 41", and the logarithm of the comet's diſtance from the fun 0,063985. The ſame Table, not only furniſhes an eaſy way, for de- ducing the motion in an elliptic orbit, from the motion in a parabolic one, but may be farther uſeful in determining, in ſome degree, the ſpecies of the ellipſis which a new comet de- ſcribes, when the obſervations thereon are found to differ fen- fibly from the places computed according to the hypotheſis of a parabolic orbit. To ..... 1 62 Of the Difference of Motion of a Comet ſubtr. fubtract ſubtract fubtr. fubtract ſubtract 2 19 30 1,4770 5,8200 ||4198362,9220 9,0006 60 1,7770|6,4220||428362,92299,0195 31 901,9533 6,773543 836 2,92329,0378 4 1192,0778 7,0242 44 836 2,9228 9,0555 5.149 2,1740 7,2178 45 835 2,9217 9,0727 6179 2,2521 7,2759 46 832 2,9200 9,0894 7 208 2,31787,5095 || 47 827 2,91769,1056 8 237 2,3745 7,6250 ||488212,91459,12 15 9266 2,4242 7,7269 49 814 2,9107 9,1369 10294 2,468317,8178 50 806 2,9061 9,1520 11 322 2,50747,8998 51 796 2,9007 9,1666 12 349 2,5431 7,9747 52 784 2,8945 9,1808 133762,57608,0437 53 772 2,88749,1947 14 4032,6058 8,1074 ||54 758 2,8795 9,2083 15 430 2,63318,1666 55 743 2,87089,2215 164551 2,6583 8,2217 156 726 2,8610 9,2344 17 480 2,68168,2735571708/2,8500 9,2469 18 505 2,7032 8,3222 58 6882,83789,2592 195292,7233 8,3682 159 6572,8243 9,2712 20 552 2,74208,4116160 645 2,8095 9,2829 21 575 2,7594 8,4528 || 61 | 621 2,79329,2943 22 596 2,7755 8,4921|62 596 2,7754 9,3055 23 617 2,79068,5295 1163 570 2,75579,3163 24 637 2,80468,5652 ||64 542 2,7338 9,3270 25 1657 2,817618,599465 512 2,70959.3374 26 676 2,8297 8,632066 482 2,68279,3477 27 16942,8410 8,6634 67 450 2,65269,3576 28 710 2,8514 8,6934 68 416 2,61879,3674 29 1726 2,8610 8,7224 ||693812,58059,3769 30 741 2,8698 8,7502 ||70344 2,5363 9,3862 31 755 2,87798,7770 1171 30612,4857 9,3954 32 17682,8853 8,8030 172 267 2,42589,4044 33 780 2,8920 8,8280 173 2262,35379,4132 34 7912,89808,8521 174 184 2,26399,4218 3580112,9034 8,8755 175 1402,1458 9,4303 36809 2,9081 8,8980761 95 1,97679,4386 378172,9122 8,9198 77 481,68409,4468 388232,9156 8,9409178 add add 39 8292,91848,96141179| 491,6910 9,4624 40183312,920518,9813 180/100 2,0006 } : 9,4546 in an elliptic and a parabolic Orbit. 63 add add ſubtract add ſubtraét I 22 9,7602 + 9,8866 add 810 152 2,182719,4777 121° 3547 3,5499 9,7516 82 206 2,3139 9,4851 3675 3,5653 83 261 2,41709,4924 || 123 3806 3,5805 9,7690 84) 318 2,50219,4996 || 124 3941 3,5956 9,7781 85 376 2,5750 9,5067 || 125 4078 3,6105 9,7874 86 435 2,63869,5138 126 4220 3,62539,7971 871 496 2,69519,5207 || 127 4364 3,6399 9,8070 88 558 2,74709,5275 128 4513 3,6545 9,8172 89 622 2,7936995342 || 129 46673,66909,8278 90 688 2,8373 9,5409 | 130 4825 3,6835 9,8387 91 754 2,87769,5475 || 131 4989 3,6980 9,8500 92 8232,91529,5540 || 132 5158 3,7125 9,8618 93 892 2,95069,5605 || 133 5332 3,7269 9,8740 94 963 2,98379,5670 || 134 55123,7413 95 1036 3,0154 9,5734|| 135 5698 3,7557 9,8997 96 11103,04559,5797 || 136 5890 3,7701 9,9132 97 11863,0742 9,5860 || 137 6088 3,7845 9,9273 9812643,1016 9,5923 | 138 6297 3,7991 9,9419 99 1343 3,12799,5986 || 139 6513 3,8138 9,9571 100 14233,1531 9,6050 || 140 67393,82869,9729 101 1505 3,1774 9,6113 || 141 6974 3,8435 9,9893 102 1588 3,2008 9,6176 || 142 7219 3,8585 10,0064 103 1673 3522369,6239 || 143 7475 3,8736 10,0242 104 1761 3,24579,6302144 7743 3,8889 10,0427 105 18:50 3,2671 | 9,6366145 80243,9044 10,0620 106. 1941 3,2879 9,6430 || 146 8316 3,9199 10,0822 107 2033 3,3081 9,6495 || 147 86303,9360 10,1032 108 2127 3,3278 9,6560148 8962 3,9524 10,1251 10922233,3469 9,6627 || 149 9312 3,9690 10,1481 110 2321 | 3,3656 9,66941509681 3,9859 10,1720 2421 3,3840 9,6763 | 151 10072 4,0031 10,1970 112 2523 3,4019 9,6831 | 152 10491 4,0208 10,2231 113 2627 3,4195 9,6901 153 10940 4,0390 10,2504 114 2734 3,4368 9,6972 || 154 11416 4,0575 10,2792 115 2843 3,453819,7044 155 11929 | 4,0766 10,3094 116 29543,4704 9,7119 156 12483 4,0963 10,3412 117 3068 3,4868 9,7195 | 157 18086 4,1168 10,3746 118, 3184 3,5030 9,7272 || 1.58 13740 4,1380 10,4098 119 3302 3,5188 9,7352 || 159 14455 4,1600 10,4469 120 3422 13,5345 19,7433 160 | 15223 I 4,1825 | 10,4861 III N An * An Attempt to Thew the Advantage ariſing by Taking the Mean of a Number of Obſervations, in practical Aſtronomy. T 2 IR SIL SR 1 HOUGH the method practiſed by Aſtronomers, in order to diminiſh the errors ariſing from the imper- fection of inſtruments and of the organs of ſenſe, by taking the mean of ſeveral obſervations, is of very great utility, and almoſt univerſally followed, yet has it not, that I know of, been hitherto ſubjected to any kind of demon- ſtration. In this Eſſay, ſome light is attempted to be thrown on the ſubject, from mathematical principles : in order to the appli- cation of which, it ſeemed neceſſary to lay down the following fuppoſitions. 1. That there is nothing in the conſtruction, or poſition of the inſtrument whereby the errors are conſtantly made to tend the ſame way, but that the reſpective chances for their hap- pening in exceſs, and in defect, are either accurately, or nearly, the ſame. 2. That there are certain aſſignable limits between which all theſe errors may be ſuppoſed to fall; which limits depend on the goodneſs of the inſtrument and the ſkill of the obſerver. Theſe particulars being premiſed, I ſhall deliver what I have to offer on the ſubject, in the following Propoſitions. goo ; PROPOSITION I. Suppoſing that the ſeveral chances for the different errors that any ſingle obſervation can admit of, are expreſſed by the terms of the ſeries yan.....4-3, 7-2, rus, pi, gº, go, goz, ps3 where the exponents denote the quantities and qualities of the re- Spective errors, and the terms themſelves, the reſpective chances for their happening ; it is propoſed to determine the probability, or odds, Of the Advantage ariſing, &c. 65 m n gov I (by the X I NI n ņI n NU you are nrw. I 2 3 2 N N nt 2 2 2 3 I 2 3 odds, that the error, by taking the mean of a given number (n) of obfervations, exceeds not a given quantity ( It is evident from the laws of chance, that, if the given ſeries +7-379-2+r-stritrityl tr} .+ gius expreſſing all the chances in one obſervation, be raiſed to the nth power, the terms of the ſeries thence ariſing will truly ex- hibit all the different chances in all the propoſed (n) obſerva- tions. But in order to raiſe this power, with the greateſt faci- g 2011 lity, our given ſeries may be reduced to y-vx known rule for ſumming up the terms of a geometrical pro- greſſion); whereof the nth power (making w = 20 +1) will be gav gezo)" x 1 -r1-*; which expanded, becomes + - Ign2w- 22 300- j320-*+&c. x into it nr + n+In+ 2 nntun n+ 2 g3 + n+374 + &c. Now, to find from hence the ſum of all the chances, where- by the exceſs of the poſitive errors above the negative ones, can amount to a given number m preciſely, it will be ſufficient (in- ſtead of multiplying the former ſeries by the whole of the lat- ter) to multiply by ſuch terms of the latter only, as are ne- ceſſary to the production of the given exponent m, in queſtion. Thus the firſt term (rv) of the former ſeries, is to be mul- tiplied by that term of the ſecond whoſe exponent is nv +.m, in order that the power of r, in the product, may be gom : but it is plain, from the law of the ſeries, that the coefficient of this term (putting nv +m=9) will be ".n+1.nt2.n+3 (9), q being the number of factors; and, conſequently, that the pro- duct under conſideration will be monts.n+2.n+3 (9) x gott. Again, the ſecond term of the former ſeries being the exponent of the correſponding term of the latter muſt therefore be --w+nutm9-w), and the term it- K ſelf, 4 I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 * Nr-no 66 Of the Advantage ariſing by Taking the Mean I 2 N - gon. I 2 3 I 2 n+in+2.n+3 (9) x yama I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 N N + I yum 2 3 4 I 2 n nI n2 gon 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 felf n n+in+2 (9 w) x 79 ; which, drawn into 3 --- ---<, gives ********? (9—2v) nu.+2 (9—W) x npm for the ſecond term required. In like manner the third term of the product whoſe expo- nent is m, will be found, Fn2(9–2w)* And the ſum of all the terms, having the ſame, given expo- nent, will conſequently be n + guma n ntin+2.n+3 (9-W) x nur n+in+2.n+3 (9 2w) n ntin+2.n+3 (9–3w) &c. &c. From which general expreſſion, by expounding m by 0, +1, 1, +2, 2 &c. ſucceſſively, the ſum of the ſeveral chances whereby the difference of the poſitive and negative errors can fall within the propoſed limits (+ m, – m) will be found: which divided by the total of all the chances, or gou no x 1 — gozel" x 17", will be the true meaſure of the probability fought. From whence the advantage, by taking the mean of ſeveral obſervations, might be made to appear : but this will be ſhewn more properly in the next Propoſition; which is better adapted, and to which this is premiſed, as a Lemma. REMAR K. If r be taken =1, or the chances for the poſitive, and the negative errors be ſuppoſed accurately the ſame; then our ex- preſſion, by expunging the r, will be the with that ſhewing the chances for throwing n t 9 points, preciſely, with n dice, each die having as many faces. (w) as the reſult of any one ſingle obſervation can come out different ways. Which may be made to appear, independent of aniy kind i powers of very fame of a Number of Obſervations in practical Affronomy. 67 V... 2, I, kind of calculation, from the bare confideration, that the chances for throwing, preciſely, the number m, with n dice, whereof the faces, of each, are numbered 32 -0, +1, +2, +3.... tv, muſt be the very fame as the chances whereby the poſitive errors can ex- ceed the negative ones by that preciſe number: but the former are, evidently, the ſame as the chances for throwing preciſely the number 0 + 1X1 + m (or n +9) with the ſame n dice, when they are numbered in the common way, with the terms of the natural progreſſion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and ſo on; becauſe the number upon each face being, bere, increaſed by vt1, the whole increaſe upon all the (n) faces will be expreſſed by V+Ixn; ſo that there will be, now, the very fame chances for the number otixntm, as there was before for the number m; ſince the chances for throwing any faces aſſigned will continue the ſame, however thoſe faces are numbered. 3ru- PROPOSITION II. Suppoſing the reſpective chances for the different errors, which any fingle obſervation can admit of, to be exprefſed by the terms of the ſeries go + 2r?~ + 3r2 to +1.00 + 2q + goo (Whereof the coefficients, from the middle one (0+1) decreaſe both ways, according to the terms of an arithmetical pro- greffion); it is propoſed to find the probability, or odds, that the error, by taking the mean of a given number' (t) of obſervations, exceeds not a given quantity (75). Following the method laid down in the preceding propoſiti- on, the ſum, or value of the ſeries here propoſed will appear to be gut (being the ſame with the ſquare of the geometrical progreſſion ratoxitr+r+r3..... tro). And the power thereof whoſe exponent is t (by making n = 2t, and w =°+) will therefore be you to X 7 - foru" x 1g ngo-to + n.7** to &c. into i + nr + XIT I ri ܕ݁ܬܳܟ *** p2ro intro I 2 I K 2 . Of the Advantage ariſing by Taking the Mean 68 n+Iga t 2 2 3 nin +1.n+243 +&c. Which two ſeries's being the fame with thoſe in the preceding Problem (excepting only, that the exponents in the former of them are expreſſed in terms of t, inſtead of n) it is plain, that, if q be here put = tvtm (inſtead of nv + m) the concluſion there brought out will an- ſwer equally here; and conſequently that the ſum of all the chances, whereby the exceſs of the poſitive errors, above the negative ones, can amount to the given number m, preciſely, will here, alſo, be truly defined by +mtan2 (9) * om n.n+1.n+(9—w) x nr I 2 + n nume I ym I 2 I 2 n nI n 2 ym I 2 3 I 2 3 nn+in+2 + (q-2w) x 1. 3 n 3 &c. &c. But this general expreſſion, as ſeveral of the factors in the nu- merators and denominators mutually deſtroy each other, may be transformed to another more commodious. Thus the quantity n.n+1.642 (q), in the firſt line, by breaking the numerator and denominator, each into two parts, will become nti.nt2.9+3......9.9+19+2.9+ 3......9+nI n.nti.nt2.1+3... which, by equal diviſion, is reduced to 9 +1.9+ 2.9 + 3 •n- q+nI 3 9 to 1.9+n-2.9+1-3....q+r I 2 3 2 3 I, 2 3 4 9 I 2 new I I 2 3 fuppoſing p=9+n=tv m + n. In the very fame manner, by making g=-w, and p=+n(=p-w) it appears that "..n +1.n+2 (2-w) I 2 3 home of a Number of Obſervations in practical Aſtronomy 69 I 2 3 I 2 3 2 3 I -3 (n— 1) * n n-1.1-2 gues I . rx 2 I 2 3 1 I 2 3 I 2 3 P-1.2-2.5-3 (n-1) 8c. Conſequently our whole given expreſſion (making p" =p-20, $" =p - 3w, &c.) will be transformed to + p-1.2-2.8-3 (n − 1) * gente " _Þ-1.8-2.0-3 (n − 1) * nome +8"-1.0" "_ID"—2 D-3 p"— IP" 2 '- - &c. &c. Which expreſſion is to be continued till ſome of the factors be- come nothing, or negative ; and which, when r=1, is the very fame with that exhibiting the number of chances for P points, preciſely, on n dice, having each w faces. And, in this caſe, where the chances for the errors in ex- ceſs and in defect are the ſame, the ſolution is the moſt ſimple it can be ; fince, from the chances above determined, anſwer- ing to the number p preciſely, the ſum of the chances for all the inferior numbers to p, may be readily obtained, being given (from the method of increments) equal to 1.5-2.93 (n) p=1 p_2.p—3(n) x n +6" (n) x n +$"1.0"52.93 (n) *** p"— 1.0 p"-2.p""-3 +&c. The dif- ference between which and half (60*) the ſum of all the chances (which difference I ſhall denote by D) will conſe- quently be the true number of the chances whereby the errors in exceſs (or in defect) can fall within the given limit (m): fo that will be the true meaſure of the required probability, that the error, by taking the mean of t obſervations, exceeds not the quantity * propoſed. 5 3 n n-I I 2 3 3 2 (n) *.*7 n In 2 I 2 3 3 D w w But 70 Of the Advantage ariſing by Taking the Mean But now, to illuſtrate this by an example, from whence the utility of the method in practice may clearly appear, it will be neceſſary, in the firſt place, to aſſign ſome number for v, ex- preſſing the limits of the errors to which any obſervation is ſubject. Theſe limits indeed (as has been before obſerved) depend on the goodneſs of the inſtrument, and the ſkill of the obſerver : but I ſhall here ſuppoſe, that every obſervation may be relied on, to five ſeconds; and that the chances for the ſea veral errors — 5", - 4", - 3", -2", -1", ", +1", + 2", + 3", +4", + 5", included within the limits thus affigned, are reſpectively proportional to the terms of the ſeries 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Which ſeries is much better adapted, than if all the terms were to be equal ; ſince it is highly rea-. ſonable to ſuppoſe, that the chances for the reſpective errors de- creaſe, in proportion as the errors themſelves increaſe. Theſe particulars being premiſed, let it be now required to find what the probability, or chance for an error of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 ſeconds will be, when, inſtead of relying on one, the mean of ſix obſervations is taken. Here, v being = 5, and t = 6, we ſhall have n(at) =12, w(=UTI)=6, and pl= tu+n+m) 42 + m : but the value of mi, if we firſt ſeek the chances whereby the error exceeds not one ſecond, will be had from the equation +1; where either ſign may be uſed (the chances being the ſame) but the negative one is the moſt commodious: from whence we have m(=-t) -t) = 6; and therefore p=36, Þ=30, p= 24, &c. Which' values being ſubſtituted in the general expreſſion above determined, it will become 35. 34. 33 (12) — 29 28 27 (12) × 12 + 13.22.210 (12) x 66 2 3 299576368: ánd this ſubtracted from 1088391168 (=x614), leaves 78881480, for the value of D correſponding: therefore the required probability that the error, by taking the mean of fix obſervations, exceeds not a ſingle ſecond, will be truly mea- ſured by the fraction 788814800 1988391168 ; and conſequently the odds will 2 3 3 17.16.15 (12) x 220 I I 2 3 of a Number of Obſervations in practical Afronomy. 71 8 to l. IO 2; fo Ihall m will be as 788814800 to 299576368, or nearly as 2 to 1. But the odds, or proportion, when one ſingle obſervation is taken, is only as 16 to 20, or as To determine, now, the probability that the reſult comes within two ſeconds of the truth, let me be made =~2; - 2t) =-12: therefore p=30, Þ 30, p=242 p" =18, &c. and our general expreſſion will here come out 36079407 ; whence D = 1052311761. Conſequently 1052311761 will be the true meaſure of the probability ſought: 1088391168 and the odds, or proportion of the chances, will therefore be that of 1052311761 to 36079407, or as 29 to 1, nearly. But the proportion, or odds, when a ſingle obſervation is taken, is only as 2 to 1: ſo that the chance for an error exceeding two ſeconds, is not -- th part ſo great, from the mean of lix, as from one ſingle obſervation. And it will be found in the ſame manner, that the chance for an error exceeding three ſeconds is not here do part ſo great as it will be from one obſervation only. Upon the whole of which it appears, that, the taking of the mean of a number of obſervations, greatly diminiſhes the chances for all the ſmaller errors, and cuts off almoſt all poſſibility of any large ones: which laſt conſideration alone is ſufficient to recommend the ufe of the method, not only to Aſtronomers, but to all Others concerned in making experiments, or obſervations of any kind, which will allow of being re-. peated under the fame circumſtances. In the preceding calculations, the different errors to which any obſervation is ſuppoſed ſubject, are reſtrained to whole quantities, or a certain, preciſe, number of feconds; it being impoſſible, from the moſt exact inſtruments, to take off the quantity of an angle to a geometrical exactnefs. But I ſhall tow ſhew how the chances may be computed, when the error ad- mits of any value whatever, whole or broken, within the pro- poſed limits, or when the reſult of each obfervation is fup- poſed to be accurately known. Let ? ** 7 2 Of the Advantage ariſing by Taking the Mean , Fig. 20. Let, then, the line AB repreſent the whole extent of the given interval, within which all the obſervations are ſuppoſed to fall; and conceive the ſame to be divided into an exceeding great number of very ſmall, equal particles, by perpendiculars terminating in the ſides AD, BD of an iſoſceles triangle ABD, formed upon the baſe AB: and let the probability or chance whereby the reſult of any obſervation tends to fall within any of theſe very ſmall intervals Nn, be proportional to the corre- ſponding area NMmn, or to the perpendicular NM; then, ſince theſe chances (or areas) reckoning from the extremes A and B, increaſe according to the terms of the arithmetical progreſſion 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. it is evident that the caſe is here the ſame with that in the latter part of Prop. II.; only, as the number v (expreſſing the particles in AC or BC) is indefinitely great, all (finite) quantities joined to v, or its multiples, with the ſigns of addition or ſubtraction, will here vaniſh, as being no- thing in compariſon of v. By which means the general ex- prefion (F2 1:272.933 (n) — 1. P2.83 (n) x n + po 21.842,8"–3 (n)xn.". , &c.) there determined, will bere become L. 2. § () - BB.B & xp- npa + n. - p"'", $c. (wherein p = tv 7 m, p=p-v, p=p2v, p"=p-30, &c.) and therefore, the value of D in the preſent caſe, being sun x p" - n.pl" + n. 1 --.- 201", &c. it is 1.2.3() evident that the probability probability () of the error's not exceed- ing the quantity (in taking the mean of t obſervations) will be truly defined by x 1 x &c. 1.2.3(n) which may be repreſented by the curvilineal area CNFE, cor- reſponding I 3 I I 2 3 I 2 3 na Illy n In 2 n. 2 3 2 I N 2 1 of a Number of Obſervations in practical Aſtronomy. 7-3 t n NI there not 2 I 11 n I 7 m 2 I 2 reſponding to the given value or abſciſla CN (=). Now, though the numbers v, P, and m are, all of them, here ſup- poſed to be indefinitely great, yet they may be exterminated, and the value of the expreſſion determined, from their known relation to each other. For if the given ratio of to v, or of CN to CA, be expreſſed by that of x to 1, or, which is the fame, if the error in queſtion be ſuppoſed the x part of the greateſt error ; then, m being tux, p (=tv I m) will be tv I tux, and therefore P =txitx; which let be de- noted by y: then, by ſubſtitution, our laſt general expreſſion will become Syn noy - 1+ Y у 21" 1.2.3(n) 2.7-3 y - 31", &c. which ſeries is to be continued till the quantities y, y - 1, y — 2, &c. become negative. As an example of what is above delivered, let it be now required to find the probability, or odds that the error, by taking the mean of ſix obſervations, exceeds not a ſingle ſe- cond; fuppofing (as in the former example) that the greateſt error, that any obſervation can admit of, is limited to five ſeconds. Here t being = 6, n (= 2t) = 12, and x = 5 y (=txi-x) = 4,8; and therefore the meaſure of the probability fought will be equal to 1pm 1.2.3 (12) 12x3,81 +66 2,8) 220 x 1,812 + 495*0,81"* 0,7668, nearly: ſo that the odds, that the error exceeds not a ſingle ſecond, will be as 0,7668 to 0,2332; which is more than three to one. But the proportion, when one ſingle obſervation is relied on, is only as 36 to 64, or as 9 to 16. In the ſame manner, taking x = § it will be found, that L the we have > 2 X I I 2 4,872 5 74 Of the Advantage ariſing from Taking the Mean 5', the odds, of the error's not exceeding two ſeconds, when the mean of ſix obſervations is taken, will be as 0,985 to 0,015, nearly, or as 65; to 1; whereas the odds on one ſingle ob- ſervation, is only as 64 to 36, or as it to 1: ſo that the chance for an error of two ſeconds is not th part ſo great, from the mean of fix, as from one ſingle obſervation. And it will farther appear, by making x = 3, that the probability of an error of three ſeconds, here, is not doth part ſo great as from one ſingle obſervation : ſo that in this, as well as in the former hypotheſis, almoſt all poſſibility of any large error is cut off. And the caſe will be found the fame, whatever hy- potheſis is aſſumed to expreſs the chances for the errors to which any ſingle obſervation is ſubject. From the ſame general expreſſion by which the foregoing proportions are derived, it will be eaſy to determine the odds, that the mean of a given number of obſervations is nearer to the truth than one ſingle obſervation, taken indifferently. For, if x be put (=1-x) = , and s= , then, y being = tz, the quantity 1.2.3(7) Xy_n.y—11°+n."". y-21", &c. (expreffing the probability that the reſult falls within the diſtance z of the greateſt limit) will here, by ſubſtitution, become nx% - $*+n. xz— 231", &c. which, 1.2.3 (n) in caſe of one ſingle obſervation (when t=1, and n=2) is barely z“, and its fluxion 2zż: therefore, if we now multiply by 2zż, the product Xuntz-1.2 Sl".zż tn. -.-25)". zż,&c. 1.2.3 (n) will give the fluxion of the probability that the reſult of t ob- fervations is farther from the truth, or nearer to the limits, than one ſingle obſervation taken indifferently. And con- ſequently the fluent thereof, which is into 1.2.3(n) n+2 2 24" 1 X2 2 { n 41" n I 2 ntz Z of a Number of Obſervations in practical Aſtronomy. 75 11 N I + 2-25Trafos 25.7-232*** + X I 2 5.737271 spate 25.% - 25 x" nt I nt a nt i n + 2 &c. will, when z=1, be the true meaſure of the proba- bility itſelf. Which, in the caſe above propoſed, where t=6, and n = 12, will be found = 0,245, and, conſequently, the odds that the mean of fix, is nearer to the truth than one ſingle obſervation, as 755 to 245, or as 151 to 49. & Å L2 A DE Et Deer $30etagetAgorta Sport Doetsetan K SKY12265 22 Doe V 26 Vastastygaofskygas 42 A DET ERMINATION OF Certain Fluents, and the RESOLUTION of ſome very uſeful EQUATIONS in the higher Orders of Fluxions ; by means of the Meaſures of Angles . and Ratios, and the Right-lines and Verſed- fines of circular Arcs. I N order to treat the matter here propoſed with due perſpicuity, it will be neceſſary, previous thereto, to give a demonſtration of the two ſubſequent Lemmas. LEMMA I. The double of the rectangle contained under the co-fines of any two arcs, fuppoſing the radius to be unity, is equal to the ſum of the co-fines of the ſum, and difference of thoſe arcs. Fig. 21. For, let AB and BD (= BE) be the two arcs, and CG and Cn their reſpective co-ſines; likewiſe let CH be the co-fine of their ſum AE, and CF that of their difference AD; making nm parallel to BG. Then, Dn being En, it follows that Fm =Hm; and conſequently that 2Cm= CH +CF: but, by ſimilar triangles, CB : CG :: Cn: Cm; whence CG X 2Cn CB x 2Cm CB X CH + CF. 2. E. D. L EMMA II. If A be any arch of a circle whoſe radius is unity, and n any whole poſitive number ; then will " . . co-fin. 14.A+n co-fin. 1 -6.A+&c.continued 2 n I n- 2 2 3 to The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, &c. 77 to "t1, or in + 1 terms, according as n is an odd, or even num- ber; in the latter of which caſes the half, only, of the laſt term is to be taken. For, by the preceding Lemma, 2 cof. Al = coſ. A + A + coſ. A — A = coſ. 2A +1; A = cof. 2A +1; which equation multiplied by 2 cof. A, gives 2” x coſ. Als cof. 2A X2 coſ. A + 2 cof. A = coſ. 3A + 2 cot . A (by Lem. I.) =coſ. 3A+3 cof. A. Start 4 Multiply, again, by 2 cof. A ; fo ſhall 23 x coſ. A coſ. 3A X 2 cof. A + 3 coſ. A x 2 coſ. A = = cof. 4A cof. 2A + + 3 cof. o (by Lemma I.) = coſ. 4A + 4 cor. cof. 2A 2A + 3. In the ſame manner we have, 24 x coſ. A 5=cof. 5A + 5 coſ. 3A + 10 cof. A, 25 x cof. A' =cof.6A +6 col.4A +15 cof. 2A +10, 26 x coſ. Al' =cof.7A +7 cof. 5A +21 coſ. 3A +35 coſ. A, &c. &c. where the law of continuation is manifeſt; the numeral co- efficients being the ſame, and generated in the very fame man- ner, with thoſe of a binomial raiſed to the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, &c. powers, ſuceefſively ; except in the laſt term, when the ex- ponent n is even, in which caſe one half only of the corre- fpondent (or middle) term of the involved binomial is con- cerned. Hence the propoſition is manifeft. . ; NI - The ſame otherwiſe. If the co-fine of A be denoted by x, it is well known that À - Multiply the whole equation by V-1, ſo -V ſhall ÅVI VI — XXXVI whence, by taking the fluent, we have AV I hyp. log. *+XX — I. 1. Let N be the number whoſe hyperbolical lo- garithm I XI ร . I NI+xx 78 The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, garithm is 1; then, ſince hyp. log. NAVIG=AV-I) = hyp. log. x + xx — ī, it is evident that NAVGI=x+vxx -1, or M4 = x +Vxx – I (by making M=NV-). From MA+M-A which equation * (the co-fine of A) is found = (and from thence (V 1- xx) the fine of A=V-IX ; but this laſt by the bye). 2 MA - M-A 2 AR 2 Now ſeeing that 2 coſ. A = MA + M-A, we there- fore have 2 cof. A = MA + M-A MA+M-+ nx M»~n A+M-72.4 +1.1-1 x MM-4.A +M+4.A +&c. by expanding MA +MA" and uniting, in pairs, the corre- ſpondent terms (viz. the firſt and laſt, the ſecond and laſt but one, and ſo on). But MrA + M-A, the firſt of theſe pairs, is the double of the co-fine of 11A; for the very fame reaſon that MA+M-A was found to expreſs the double of the co-line of A. And thus, A-2.A + A=42. A will appear to expreſs the dou- ble of the co-fine of n — 2.A, &c. And our equation will therefore be reduced to 2* x col. A 2 cof. nA + 2n coſ. n - 2. A + 2n cof. n 4.A + &c. or to cof. A)" པ་ of. nA + n cof. 1—2. A + n cof. n - 4. A X tn. cof. 1-6.A +8C. where, when the exponent n is even (the number of terms in MA +M-A", expanded, being odd) there will be a middle term (no-ways effected by M or A) which being an abſolute number, muſt be taken ſingly, and conſequently, only the half thereof when the whole ſeries is divided by 2, as is the caſe in the concluſion, & E. D. NI 2 no I 2 N I N 2 2 3 COROL- by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 79 COROLLARY. I I 2 If Q be taken to repreſent an arch of 90 degrees, and the complement (Q - A) of the arch A be put =B; then, by ſubſtituting ſin. B for cof. A, and QB for A in our ge- neral equation, we ſhall have ſin. B11 into cof. nQ-1B + n coſ. n --- 2.Q—n—2.B+w."... coſ. n-4.Q-1-4.B +&c. being a general expreſſion for any power of the fine of an arch (as the former was of the co-fine). But this ex- preſſion may be reduced to a form ſomewhat more commodi- ous, regard being had to the different interpretations of n, with reſpect to even, and odd numbers. Thus, if n be ex- pounded by any term of the ſeries 4, 8, 12, 16, &c. it is evi- dent that nQ (in the firſt term) will be an even multiple of the ſemi-periphery; and that n-2.Q (in the ſecond term) will be an odd one, and ſo on, alternately. But it is well known, that ſubtracting, or caſting off any multiple of the ſemi-periphery no-ways affects the value of the ſine, or co-fine ; except, that ſuch value, when the multiple is an odd one, will be changed from poſitive to negative (and vice verſa). Hence our laſt equa- tion will be reduced to fin. B into cof. nB 2 N I n cof. 12. . B + 7 &c. 2 4.B cof. 14.B into cof. nB — n coloñ ñ— 2.B.+n." coſ. n—4. &c. And, for the ſame reaſons, the equation, when n is in- terpreted by any term of the ſeries 2, 6, 10, 14, &c. will ap- pear to be fin. B cof. nB + n cof. n - 2.B 1 to be fin. Blº= into N -I cofon in 2 4.B + &c. But, when n is expounded by any of the odd numbers 1, 5, 9, 13, &c. we ſhall then (by rejecting the multiples of the ſemi- 80 The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, 11 I 2 1 I اللهم 2 n-4.B ſemi-periphery, &c.) have ſin. Bl"= 1 into cof. Q - nB n cof. 'Q-n — 2.B + n. col. Q-n4. &C. into fin.nB - n fin.n-2.B + n. fin. 4.B-&c. Laſtly, if n be expounded by any term of the ſeries 3, 7, II, 15, &c. the reſult, or ſeries, will be the ſame as in the preceding caſe, only the ſigns of all the terms muſt be changed to their contrary. But all theſe different caſes may be otherwiſe, more directly, inveſtigated, by means of the two following Theorems; where- of the Demonſtration is obvious, from that of Lemma I* 1°. The double of the rectangle contained under the fines of any two arcs, ſuppoſing the radius to be unity, is equal to the difference of the co-fines of the fum, and difference of thoſe arcs. 2º. And the double of the rectangle under the co-fone of the one and the fine of the other, is equal to the difference of the fines of the ſum, and difference of the ſaid arcs. Hence it follows, that ſin. B x 2 ſin. B cof. B+B + cof. B-B (by Theor. I.) = - cof. 2B + 1: whence, multiplying the whole equation by 2 ſin.B, we have 2'xſin. B fin.B cof. 2B x 2 ſin.B + 2 ſin. B : ſin. 3B + zfin.B (by Theor. II.) = fin. 3B + 3 fin. B. Whence, again, by equal multiplication, 23 x ſin. Bl4 fin. 3B x 2 ſin. B + 3 fin. B cof. 2B x 2 ſin. B = + coſ. 4B 3 cof. 2B + 3 coſ.o (by Theo- rem I.) = cof. 4B cof. 43 - 4 cof. 2B + 3. In like manner, 24 x ſin. BS = fin.5B- 5 fin.3B+10ſin.B; and 25 x ſin. BIE - coſ.6B+6 col.4B-15 cof. 2B+10,&c. BA 3 Fig. 21. By ſim. A's, BC(1): BG :: DE (2Dn) : DP(CF-CH)=2Dnx BG: And BC (1):CĞ :: DE (2Dn) : Ep(ÉH-DF) = 2CG x Dn. Whence, 3 ३ by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 8L -I Whence, univerſally, ſin. B1* Х 2 + ſin. nB # n fin. 1 -2.B + n. fin.n 4. BF &C. 2 I when n is an odd number ; and ſin. B" X 2 2 2 n I n In 2 n n. 2 2 3 I + cof. nB 7 ncoſ.n - 2.B + n. cof. n— 4.B I &C. when n is an even number: where the number of terms, in the former caſe, will be us, and in the latter in tI; in which caſe the half, only, of the laſt term is to be taken ; and is always poſitive, as well as the laſt term in the former caſe: whereby the ſigns of all the other terms (as they change alternately) will be known. If a, b, y, 8 d.. M be aſſumed to expreſs the terms (1, n, &c.) of 1 + 1 raiſed to the nth power (M being the middle, or greateſt term) it is evident that the fe- cond caſe of our general equation (wherein n is even) will ſtand thus, Gn. B)* 7 into + a cof. nA F B cof. 1—2. A + y cof. 1-4. A I 8 cof. ñ -- 6.A..... + M. By the ſame method of proceeding, an expreſſion exhibiting the continual product of the co-lines, or fines of any number of unequal arches, may be derived. For · (by Lemma I.) coſ. A x 2 cof. B = cof. A + B + coſ. AB; whence cof. A x 2 cof.B x 2 cof. C = coſ. A +B X 2 col.C + coſ. A - B x 2 cof. C (by equal multiplication) cof. A +B-C = coſ. A +B+C + cof. A-B+C (by the Lemma); cof. — A+B+C whence, again (by. equal multiplication and the Lemma) we M have 2 1 82 The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, have cof. A x 2 cof. B x 2 cof. C x 2 cof. D cof. cof. A+B+C-D cof. A+B-C-D cof. A+B-C+D A+B+C+D+ cof. A—B+C+D+coſ. A-B+C-D cof. —A+B+C+D cof. —A+B+C-D from which the law of continuation is manifeft. I nel I 2 NI 2 M. I X VI PROBLEM I. *** To determine the fluent of n being any odd affirmative Vi number. If A be aſſumed to denote the arch of a circle, whoſe ſine is x and radius 1, it is well known that Å VIS si and, by the Corol. to Lem. II, it alſo appears that ** = to x fin. nA - n fin. n - 2.A tn. fin.n—4.A 4.A(). Hence we have (= x*A)=+ Axf. nA -- Axl.n— 2.A+n." SÅ x 1.n— 4.A (+-). But the fluxion of any arch, multiplied by the fine (the radius being unity) is equal to the fluxion of the verſed-ſine : therefore the fluxions of the verſed-fines of the arches nA, n — 2.A, n - 4.A, &c. will be nÅ xſin. nA, ñ - 2. Ax fin. ñ — 2. A, n—4. Å x fin. n — 4.A, &c. reſpectively ; and conſequently the ſaid verſed-fines, the true fluents of theſe fluxions : whence it is manifeft that the true fluent of our whole expreſſion will be + T into Ix verf. fin.na x verſed-fin. 1 - 2. x verſed-ſin.n- 4.A x verſed-fin. 1 — 6.A(*1). Wherein, of the I n 2 2 I 2.A + n4 2 N nn 2 6 2 3 B hy Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 83 the ſigns to and before, the former, or latter ob- tains, according as "+", expreſſing the number of terms, is .2 odd or even. PROBLEM II. S *" I 4 NI I x 2 I Х I To find the fluent of ; n being any even affirmative number. By the preceding Problem Å; and, by the Corol. to Lem. II, *=+ a cof. nA – Rx cofin-2.A ty x cof. n 4.A..... #M. Therefore (= x^^)=+ +7 aA x coſ.nA BAXcoſ.n–2.A tyA * cof. 1-4. A...+MA. But the fluxion of any arch, multiplied by the co-fine, is equal to the fluxion of the fine, drawn into the radius: whence it follows that nÅ x cof. na, n-2. Å x coſ. ñ 1 - 2.A, n— 4. Å x coſ. n— 4.A, &c. are the fluxions of the fines of the arches nA, 7 — 2.A, n— 4.A, &c. reſpectively; and, conſequently that x fin. nA x ſin.1-2.At ; n-4.A x fin. n-6.A..+ MA will be the true fluent fought : where a = 1, B=n, y Bx"7', =*"??, &c. and wherein the ſign + or -- before , obtains according as in +1, expreſſing the number of terms, is odd, or even. + a B y X fin. NI I N n man 2 n 4 It 2 N 6 M 2 COROL- 84 The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, м х m m- x 1 , m 2 MX х I m x m m m mempen I Х X х COROLLARY I. Since the value (M) of the middle term of the binomial it 17", expanded in a ſeries, is known to be "x"="x">? in #1, by the law of the ſeries, it is evident that the 들기 ​term next adjacent to it (on either ſide) will be expreſſed by 11/22 or by Mx ; making m= n. And, in the inti m+. ſame manner, it will appear that the next term to this laſt will be expreſſed by Mx and the next to that, by m+1 m +2 ; and ſo on. Therefore, by ſubſtitut- mti m + 2m +3 ing theſe values above, and inverting the order of the terms, the general fluent, there given, will here be transformed to SA x ſin. 2A + M x-fin.4A m of I m+I m+-2 m+I x1.6A+ m=-3x11.8A m + 2 m+3 m+im+2 m +3m +4 &c. where the ſeries is to be continued till it terminates; and M where the value of the general multiplicator will be truly (and I moſt commodiouſly) expreſſed by 3 5 Х Х x*-1. For 2 4 6 2.1-3. · I. 2 3 4 들기 ​hereof be multiplied by in.in-1.in. — 2.0 - 3...3. 2.1, and the denominator, at the ſame time, by its equal 1.2 •3.4. 11 / 들기 ​2.n-I 1.n, we ſhall then have M n.nIn ņ3......3.2.1 M which divided by 2* gives 2.4., 6.8....nx I.3.5.7.. 2" m I m2 Х m-1 m2 Х Х Х 2 N n.72 I. M being in+I. if the numerator ll 1 2.11 22 2 NI n COROL- 1 by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 85 COROLLARY II. n ; 1 - I Х 2 3 ex 2 M in M I X ty NI n'I X Х 4 2 Hence may the fluent of way 1 - xx be likewiſe deduced; x"* XIXX for this expreſſion may be changed to or to ✓ I **+27 whereof the fluent of the firſt term is ŅI VI already found X 4 A x ſin. 2A + xzfin.4A, &c. And, by m+I mt im + 2 making n=n+2, and mi n' (=m+1), the fluent of .nt2 the ſecond term in the ſame vi 3 Ix 5 manner is given equal to 6 n' m' A 3 nto x ſin. 2A, &C. xung m ti 4 n+ 2 A m+I x ſin. 2A + m +I х x; fin.4A, &c. Whence, m + 2 m + 2 m + 3 by adding the fluents of both terms together, we have, after 1. 3.5.7.... proper reduction non t2 m. m-7 1. M-17 A—M --Ixf.2AH x 1.4A m + 2 m + 2 m+ 3 m+2.m +3m +4 X 2.m31 x ſin. 6A + x fin. 8A, &C. m +2.m + 3.m + 4.m + 5 where the law of continuation is manifeſt, the differences (6, 10, 14, &c.) of the numbers 1, 7, 17, 31, &c. being in arith- metical progreſſion. I --- 1 X X 2 m n I m. m- m. M- m-I. m - 2 I ti COROLLARY III. Moreover, from hence the fluent of XetfxTgx++bx6 WI 3c. may be eaſily deduced : for, putting = xx N I 2 n 86 The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, *** =9, the fluent of the firſt term ŅI xe, is given, by Co- m fx")=**1*9f* NI m M eXA m - I X in X fxA х m+2x ſ.2A + gxA- m rol.I, = qexA x ſin. 2A+ Х xį fin.4A &C. mti mtim + 2 and that of the ſecond term X n+2 А mti m ti x ſin. 2A + X xşſin.4A&c. There- m + 2 m + 2 m + 3 fore the fluent of the whole expreſſion will be found 9 x ſin. 2A + x} fin.4A &C. m+I m to 1 m + 2 nt in + I x ſin. 2A + m + 1 x fin.4A&C nt m + 2 m+2 m+ 3 nti n +3 m + 2 x X m+1x1f.4A&C. n + 2 n+4 m+3 m+3 m + 4 &c. &c. rt I n which, by making r= Xq, s xr, t Sa n+2 n+4 n+6 &c. will be reduced to + en + fr + gs + &c. * A to I m + 2 .fr + gs + &c. x ſin. 2A m ti m + 2 m+3 m ti m+2 m toi .fr+ m to I'm +2 m+2'm +3 m +3m +4 m-I m 2 m+I F.fr +&c.x;1.6A m+im+2 m+3 m+2'm +3 m +4 &c. nt 5 xs, s=1+3 M m 1 egt M m-I M + •egt m mn I .eq+ &c. SCHOLIU M. V a From the fluents determined in the preceding Propoſition, mp+-In zmp + p- thoſe of abze x xmp+1p-iż, and • ba? bz? xe + f + gz2P + b23P &c. (where m denotes any whole po- fitive number, and p any poſitive number whatever, whole or broken) may be eaſily deduced, by means of a proper transfor- mation : an by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 87 99- $ b a b ...... a = b a 2a" pbm the ll 2a n - I x n pbm the m m 1 mation : for, va — bzł being ad 1 _ bz? let there ba? mta be made =x*, orz?=x*; then zap+! = xx2m+1; and conſequently, by taking the fluxion on both ſides, *+1 mp + p.xmp+ip-= x 2m + Tixama, orxmp+ {p-IŽ + mp + - * xz.x2mě. Therefore our firſt expreſſion, - bz” stehen will be transformed to X (ſuppoſing n= 2m) VI-XX whoſe fluent (by Problem II. Corollary I.) will be given I.3.5.7 X. A f.2A+. mm - 2 x-1.4A m-I m+I'm +2 mti'm +2 m+ 3 bz? +&c. where A repreſents the arch whoſe line is the radius being unity. In the ſame manner the fluent of our ſecond expreſſion, va 2- bz® x xmp+Ip-'ż, will be given (by Corol. II.) equal to ti I:3.5.7... X n+2 m.m7 I.M-17 + x_ſin.4A m+2 m+2.m+3 m+2.m+3.m +4 x_fin. 6A + 31 xu fin. 8A ESC. m+2.m+3.mt4.m+5 mp+ 1p-1 Laſtly, xetfz + gz2P + b&IP &c. will be trans- • ba? formed to Х Xe+++ ga ga? x4 + &c. and the VI I — ** fuent thereof (by Corol. III.) will therefore be given equal to +eq + frx+gs x + &c. * A 十三 ​egx +gsxmxm2&c.xf.ZA mti mt2 6² m+ 3 .. n I 20" to pbm + 2 m-I fin. 2A + m. 11 - A Х m. m1.m2.m a 12 211 a SC pom +1 20 pbm + 7 m+1+gs* a² x 88 The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, 2a M x eqx mti Bbm the . n I N When / а z mp + že z mtot X + fr x 2 응 ​X Х &c. *}f.4A m tim +2 b m + 2 m + 3 &c. &c. I.3.5.7 nti n + 3 wherein 9 r = 9X Se qe X n+2 nt 4 esx n+ 5 t SX &c. n +6 bz becomes equal to the radius, or unity, A will be an arch of 90 degrees ; and therefore, the fines of all the arches 2A, 4A, 6A, &c. being then equal to nothing, the fluent of will, in that circumſtance, be barely ✓ -ban I.3.5.7. X X A. Moreover, the fluent of n-2 a - bx® x zimp + ip-'z 'will then become 1:3:5.7. n +2 XA; and that of xe +f2b+cº++ bx3P a - bz? c Iti fa n+In+3 ga? +*+1.n+3.n+5 ba &c. nt2b n+2'n+4' b n+2'n + 4n+6° 73 3.5......n-I XA; where q and where, if 2.4.6... m= 0, q muſt be taken = 1. ..n 20% pom+] ..n I va m+I 2a z mp + ip- X 4 P6m + etiam et 29a" X pbm 2 & PROBLEM III. To determine the fluent of 2 x coſ. mz X cof. nz X col.pz &c, in which mz, nz, pz, &c. are any given multiples of the arch 2; the radius of the circle being unity. Make A mz, B = nz, C = nz, C = pz, &c. and find (by the method on p. 81) a ſeries of co-ſines of the multiples of z, to expreſs the continual product (coſ. A x cof.B x coſ.C, &c.) of the co-fines propounded; which ſeries, let be denoted by a x cof.az + cof. Bz+coſ.yx+coſ.dz &c. (a, a, b, &c. being conftant quantities) : then will our given expreſſion become až by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 89 aż x coſ.az + col. Bz+coſ. yx cof.dz &c. and its fluent will therefore (by proceeding as in Prob. II.) appear to be = a into + + fin. az fin. BZ ſin.yZ + fin.dz o &c. a B ? I I 2 2 Thus, for example, let the fluent of ź x coſ.mz x coſ.nz be required; then will coſ. A x cof.B (= coſ. mm x coſ.nz) = x cof. A+B + cof. A-B — x cof.m tn.z+m-1.2: + - therefore, in this caſe, a= 17 들 ​a=m+n, and B=m-1; ſin and conſequently the fluent fought + mti 2 1 into fin.m+n.2 2 fin.m n. m n I 4 In like manner, if the fluent of < x cof. mz x cof. nz X col.pz were to be required ; then would cof. mz x coſ. nz x cor. pz (= coſ. A x cof. B x cof. C) I into coſ. m +n+po+ cof.m + np.z + cof.mn+pix + coſ. --m+n+p.x; fin. m ton + p. z and therefore the fluent fought into + mtnte ſin.m +1piz fin. m m n + poz fin. ntmtp.% + + mtn nt to ntmtp I 4 m 2 By the very fame method the fluent may be determined when ſome, or all of the factors are ſines (inſtead of co-fines). Thus, if there be given z x coſ. mz x ſin.nz, it may be wrote Ż x cof. mz x coſ. 90° nz; which is = into coſ. 90° + n.z + cof.mt-n. 90° = into fin. 1 — m. + fin. n + m.z; and ſo the fluent (by proceeding as in verled-fin. na Problem 1.) will come out into + verled-fin. n tm.z n + m m ន m. 2 I m.z 22 12 m N PRO- k go The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, 24 ! PROBLEM IV. From the equation ay + b3 + + + + &c. =0 (wherein a, b, c, d, &c. denote conſtant quantities); it is pro- poſed to find the value of y in terms of z. Afſume y = aMmm + BM"* + 3Mp% + 8Mqz &c. in which M denotes the number whoſe hyperbolical logarithm is unity : then will j mżaMmz f nzßM" + pżyMp% 30. ☺ = mºž’aMm2 to nºz*BMm2 + przʻyMp2 &c. j = m3ž3&Mmz to n3z33M™2 + p3ž39Mp4 &c. &c. &c. Which values being ſubſtituted in the given equation, we have aqMmx + aßM+ ayMp4 &c. bmaMmx + bn@Mn2 + bpyMpx & C. cm” Mm2 + cn RM12 to cp Mp2 &c. dm3cMmx + dn32M*2 +-dp3gMp3 &c. &c. &c. From whence, by equating the homologous terms, we have a + bm + cm + dm3 &c. = 0, a + bn + en + dn3 &c. =0, a + bp + cp + dp3 &c. = 0, &c. that is, the re- quired values of m, n, p, &c. will always be the roots of an equation, a + bx + cãoz + dx3 @c.= 0, wherein the given quantities are the ſame, in every term, with thoſe in the flu- xional equation propounded. Therefore, when theſe roots are known, the value of y will alſo be known: in which the coef- ficients dis B, , d, &c. may denote any conſtant quantities at pleaſure; as is evident from the proceſs. When ſome of the roots of the equation a + bx + cx? + dx3 + ex4 &c. = 0, happen to be impoſſible, the values of the correſponding terms of the ſeries am2 + BMW% + gMp3 +8M* &c. will then be expreſſed by means of the lines and co-fines of circular arcs. Thus, for example, let the fuxio- nary equation propounded be y =0; then we ſhall have I — x=0; whereof the four roots are 1, -1, +VI, and -VI; and, theſe being ſubſtituted for m, n, p, and q al 4 by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. gr 21 VI we have 9, reſpectively, y will here become = «M* + BM- + qM+v1 + $M-25. Now, to take Now, to take away the imaginary terms yMxv + $M_V=T, we may write k +1=y, and k -1=d; whereby the ſum of the ſaid terms will be = k x MxVG + M-- + 1x Mxv +1xMV5 – M-V= 2k x cof. zt x fin. (vid. p. 78): whence (putting h = / 는 ​y = = AM + BM- + 2k x cof. % + 2h x ſin, z; where a, b, b, and k denote any conſtant quantities, at pleaſure. dj In like manner, ſuppoſing the equation given to be y + = 0, we ſhall have 1 + dx3 =0; whereof the three roots -d-, d-x+ V and di ✓ which, if s be put=d-1, and t = d-*x 1a, will be more commodiouſly expreſſed by ---ss is tt-1, and samt s-T: And theſe values being ſubſtituted in the room of m, n, and po we ſhall have g =&M-* + BM2+izv=; «M-* + M* x BMIZVS+ 3M-2V= ; which, by reaſon- ing as in the preceding caſe, is reduced to y =~M~ + M** x 25 x ſin.tx + 2k x coſ, tz. 23 3 I are + Alw 4 2 +9M}~zvoj 3 * PROBLEM V. dj From the equation ay + + + &c. - AMP% + BM9% + CM"* &c. to determine the value of y; ſuppoſing M to denote the number whoſe hyperbolical logarithm is unity, and a, b, c, &c. A, B, C, &c. any conſtant quantities. Aſſuming y = PM1px + OM47 + RM!% &c. we have $ = p2PM2% + q2QM + rzRM= 3c. j = p*z*BMp2 + q*ż’QM9+ rʻz RMX &c. &c. &c which N2 7 92 The Reſolution of certain fuxionary Equations, A B с which values being ſubſtituted in the given equation, it becomes APM1px + aQMax + AQMq2 + aRM &C. bpPMP2 + bqQM+ brRM” &c. = AMP% + BM9% + cp PMp% + cq Max + crʻRM* &c. CMr &c. &c. EC. From whence, 'by comparing the homologous terms, we have P. R at bp + cf* + dp&c. = atbą +593 + do? Ecc. &c. whereby one value of y is known. at brot cr² to dr3 &c.' But the value or fluent thus found, in order to render it general, muſt be corrected by the value of y found in the preceding Problem, that is, by the quantity «Mm'z +- BM«z +Mpz &c. wherein m', n, p, &c. denote the roots of the equation a t- bx + cx* + dx3 &0.30, and a, b, y, &c. any conſtant quantities. For, ſince all the terms ariſing from this laſt part of the value of y, by ſubſtituting in the given equa- tion, do mutually deſtroy one another, the other terms affected with P, Q, R, &c, will be no-ways influenced thereby, but remain exactly the ſame as above determined. A B Q= BM9% + COROLL AR Y. If the equation given be mºy + = AMp2 + BM92 + CM* + DM* &c. then (a being m”, c=1, and b, d, e, &c. each = 0) we have P &c. mm + PP mm to 99 and x + md=1; and conſequently y = «Mmzv=i+ AMPz. BM-mV+ &c. = 2h x ſin.mz + 2k mm + PP mm + 99 AMP x cof. mz + &c. (fee Ex. I. to Prob. V.) mm + PP mm + 99 Hence it follows, that, if the equation given be mạy + (= AMuzv=I + AM-mv-T + A'Mpv = i + A'M-PZW=&c.) = 2A X coſ. 7x + 2A'x cof.ez &c. the value of y (by ſubſti- tuting - * = P, q", -g=r gi s”, A=B, A'=C, A=D, &c.) will come out = 2h x ſin.mz + BM92 + : 2 > by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 93 + 2k x coſ.mz + AMπαν-, AM-rxv= + &C. 25 x ſin, inz mm TTT mm -- NIT 2A 2A' mint 77 mm ያያ + 2k x coſ, mz + x coſ. 7% + x cof. pz &c. . Which equation (wherein h and k may denote any conſtant quantities) is of ſingular uſe in determining the figure of the lunar orbit. A B- UbP In like manner, when the general equation propounded is of this form, ay + + 3 + 8c. = AX +B2- +Cco-3 + Dxu-3 &c. the value of y may be determined, by affum- ing Pão + Qzo- + Rzu-2&c. = y; from whence, by ſub- ſtituting in the given equation, and comparing the homologous terms, there will be had P Q= R C-V-1.6Q-V.V-I.CP D-U-2.bR-V-1.0-2.cQ-0.0-1.0-2.dP SS &c. where the ſeries will always terminate, provided v is any poſitive integer ; and where, if to the value of y thus deter- mined, the correction or ſeries (aMm2 + BM™+ MP4 &c.) found by Prob. IV. be added, the general value of y will be obtained > > a a 24 ܀ PROBLEM VI. To determine the value of y in any fluxionary equation of this ay bj . form, ++ ++ dy A ; ſuppoſing A to repre- ſent any quantity expreſſed in terms of z and known coefficients. 1°. Make y = Mpx x flu. 2PM-pz (wherein P denotes a variable quantity, and p a conſtant one, to be determined): ſo ſhall y x M-p% = Alu. ¿PM–px, or (by taking the fuxions) jx M-px - y x pżM-px = 2PM-px; whence, dividing the whole by żM->, we have - py=P. 2°. Make P = M12 x flu. żOM-qz; then our laſt equa- tion will be transformed to - py x M-z flu. ¿QM–; whence, و 94 The Reſolution of certain fuxionary Equations, { ... Ý 23 whence, by taking the fluxions, - pý ~ M-*+ * -py x— qżM–4* = żOM-,, or 3-p+.+ pqy = 2 by dividing the whole by żM7%. 3º. Make, now, R= M* x flu. ŹRM-%; then will -p+9. + pgy x M- fluent of 2RM-, or -p+2...+paj x M-" + 3-p+q..+pgy x- rżM-2 = żRM-r, or, laſtly, -p+9+rost pq + pr+qr. - pory=R. 4°. Make, again, R= M* x flu. ¿SM-sz, and proceed in the fame manner; fo ſhall-p+9+rts. pq+pr+ps+ar+astrs.a- par + pas +prs+grs.... + pqrsy = S: from whence the law of continuation is manifeſt. Let, now, the ſeveral terms of the equation p+etrts &c.=S be compared with the correſponding terms of the given one, + &c. =A: ſo ſhall p+a+r &c. = - a, pa + pr t ps + gr &c. = - b, pqr + pqs &c. , &c. &c. Whence, from the geneſis of equations, it is evident, that p, q, r, &c. are the roots of an equation 44 ax3 + bx2 + cx+d=0(or, xe taxams + bxn--2&c. = o) wherein the given quantities are the very fame with thoſe in the equation propounded. Therefore, when the values of theſe roots are found (by any of the known methods) the values of R, Q, P, and y may alſo be found, one from another, ſucceſſively. Q: É. 1. y 23 24 2:!: 24 23 The by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 95 . $ $ Mule:: Rile::Re: 2.14. +&c. 3 Ai &c. ż ż 222 I, The ſame otherwiſe. Let (if poſſible) y = AMp2 x flu. žAM-pz +- BM24 x flu. ŻAM–9% + CM" x flu. ŻAM-* &c. (A, B, C, &c. p, q, r, &c. being conſtant quantities to be determined): then, by taking the fluxions, we ſhall have = PAM**xflu. ŻAM-+AA+gBMr* x flu. ŽAM–9+&c. Ep*AMPxx A.ŽAM-x+pAa+40+q*BM?zxA.ŽAM-97&c. AÄ P3AM1px x Alu.ŻAM-p% +pAa+ + =p+AMPzx flu. ŽAM–2x+p+AA+PAA+PAG+ Which values being ſubſtituted in the given equation, and the homologous terms being compared, we ſhall thereby get p4 +ap3 + bp2 + cp + d=0,q+ aq + bg* + cqtd = 0, &c. also \p3+ap: + bp+cXA +-q3+ aq? + bq-tcxB 173 -+-ar* +br tax C +53 + asi + bs toxD pa tap+bxA+a+aq+bxB+ya +ar+bxc+stastbxD=0 p+ax A +9+a x B tortax C otstaxD A + B + C +D Now, from the former of theſe equations, pt + ap3 + bp? + cp + d = 0,94 + aq3 + ba+ cq +d=0,&c. it ap- pears evident, that p, q, r, &c. are the roots of the equation 24 t- ax3 + bx2 + cx + d= 0 (or, more generally, of 2cm + axn- + bxn-2&c. o, n denoting the order to which the Auxions aſcend in the given equation); which roots being therefore found (by any of the known methods) the values of po q, r, &c. will be obtained. But to find from thence and the remaining equations, the values of A, B, C, &c. let the laſt of theſe equations multiplied by a, be ſubtracted from the preceding one, ſo ſhall pa t qB + rC+. sD=0: moreover, let this new equation multiplied by a, be ſubtracted from the laſt but two, and from the remainder let b + bB +6C + bĐ=o be again ſubtracted, whence will be had pA + q*B + 0. 96 The Reſolution of certain fluxionary Equations, O, Þ.SD 0, r х tqPC + 5D=0: and, in the ſame manner, from the firſt equation, will be had p3A + q3B -f- oC + s3D= I (be- cauſe 1, and not o, forms the latter part of that equation). Now, from each of the equations (A + B +C+D=0, PA + qBtr + sD=0, p’A + 9B + C + s-D = 0, p3A + q3B +r3C + s3D=1) thus derived, let the preced- ing one multiplied by p, be ſubtracted : fo ſhall q- p.B +r-p.cts-p.D 9- p.qB + por tos 9 -p.qB +r-p.ricts-p.sD=I. Moreover, from each of theſe laſt equations, let the preced- ing one multiplied by q, be in like manner ſubtracted; whence will be had r-por-9.0 to sp.s-9.D= 0, por-q.rCts-pis 9.sD=1. Again, from the laſt of theſe, let the preceding one multi- plied by r, be ſubtracted ; then will s then will s-post p.s-9.5-1.D =1, and conſequently D= -: whence it is manifeſt by inſpection (becauſe p is the ſame with reſpect to A, as s is to D, &c.) that A= B: P-9.-r.&c. 9-pigt.&c. C- &c. From whence the value of y( I-por AM*xflu.ŻAM-p7+BMx*x flu.ŻAM–9* &c.) will be known, let the orders of fluxions in the equation aſcend to what height they will. --Thus, for example, let the equation propounded be + mºy = M*: in which caſe, a being = 0, b=m*, c=0,&c. our general equation, *"* + ax"-ı + bx*–2 + 2x3 &c. = 0, will therefore become x + m = 0; whereof the two roots (p and 9) are mv and - mv -I; from whence A = B P-9 2mv - I alſo, becauſe A is here = Muz, we have y = AMP* 2mv I S pis q.sg I I I 9. &c. I, and I I I I I X $ by Means of the Meaſures of Angles and Ratios. 97 BMT2 TT 9 M" AM2 x flu. ¿Mm-px + BM92 x flu. ¿M-z-q* = + • (by ſubſtituting the values of p, q, A, and B). But T²tp² in order to render the ſolution general, 'the value of y thus found muſt, always, be corrected, or augmented by the quan- tity Mp3 + BM9% +9Mr &c. (given by Prob. IV.) where a B, y, d, &c. may denote any conſtant quantities whatever, poſitive, or negative.--Other inſtances of the uſe of exponential quantities, and of the meaſures of angles and ratios, in the reſolution of fluxionary equations of different kinds, might be given; but I ſhall conclude here, with obſerving, that a, in this laſt ſolution, may denote any quantity wherein both y and z enter, as well as one in which is alone concerned in- dependent of y. 국 ​} A O Α Ν okortgetectores store cotonetietouto Recente reaction to start to start stockisto Focal An INVESTIGATION of a GENERAL RUL e for the Reſolution of Iſoperimetrical Problems of all Orders. L E M M A. UP POSING a, b, y, d, e, &c. to be a ſeries of in- determinate quantities, S and given in la i &c. R, S, T R', S, T B R", S", T" and that are any quanti- y R", S", T" ties compoſed of quantities; 2", R"', s'", Tun &c. It is propoſed to find an equation for the relation of a, b, y, d, &c. ſo that the quantity 2+2+2"+2" + qilm &c. ſhall be a maximum or minimum, at the ſame time that the other quan- tities R+R+R" + R" + R" &c. S+S' + S + S" + s'" + s' &c. and T+T' + I" + T"" + T'" &c. are all of them given, or ſuppoſed to remain invariable. Let 2, R, S, T denote any correſponding terms of the ſe- ries's 2+2+2"+2"+2" &c. R+R + R" + R" + R"" &c. S + S + S” + $"' + '" &c. T+T' + I" +T" +T" &c. reſpectively, expreſſed in terms of u, any one of the propoſed quantities a, b, y, d, e &c. moreover let the fuxion of Q.la being variable) be denoted by qà; that of R by ră; that of Q' by GB; that R' by vß, &c. &c. It is evident that the quantity 2+%+2"+2" +2." &c. cannot be a maximum or minimam, when RR+R" + R" + R" &c. S+S + S" + $"" + s'" &c. and T + 1 + I" +T" + T'' &c. are given quantities, unleſs the part 2+2+2+ " is a maximum or minimum, when the parts : ; An Inveſtigation of a general Rule, &c. 99 q O -O O parts R +RER + R", S+S+s' + s", and T + T + I + I" are given quantities ; becauſe the terms in theſe parts may be alone made variable, while the other terms are ſuppoſed to remain the ſame, whereby the whole ſums, R+R+R" + R" + R" &c. S + $' +S" + " t shi &c. will remain the ſame, and the quantity 2+2+2 +2" + " &c. will be a maximum or minimum, when the part + 2+ % + 2" is ſo. But when 2+2+ + 2" is a maximum or minimum, and R+R+R + R", 5 + 5 + 5 + s", and T+T + T'+I" are given (or conſtant) quantities, their fluxions will be, all of them, equal to nothing; whence we have theſe equations, que t që tas to's ri tra trêt ru sit to see +58 - s'n tir ttà + t'B + t" In order now to exterminate the fluxions i, è, , j, let theſe equations be reſpectively multiplied by 1, e, f, g, (yet unknown) and let all the products thence ariſing be added together; whence will be had gt er tfs + gtxut ater+fs+gtxä ta' ter' tfö' +8t'x8+"ter" +-f5"+gt" xje Make, now, 9. ter +fs + gt = 0, ster' + fs' + gt' 9"+er" tfs" to gt" From whence, there being as many equations as quantities, e, f, g, to be determined, the values of thoſe quantities will always be given from thence, in terms of the quantities q, r, s, t, 6, r, s, t, q", 1", s", ť" (excluſive of q, r, s, t,). Now, ſee- ing all the terms of the equation 9 tert.fs togexit ater+fs+gtxå ta' ter'+fś+sť' xß++er" +f;" +gt™xģ o, after the firſt (@ter tfst gtxu) do thus actually vaniſh (by their coefficients being taken equal to nothing), it is evident, therefore, that a ter+f5+ gťmuſt alſo be =0 (or flux. 2te flux. R + fx flux. S+gx flux. T=0); where 0. 0, O, 02 By ***.""** *********YWITTEET HS," B IOO An Inveſtigation of a general Rule e, f, g being quantities depending intirely upon q, r, s, t, &c. (excluſive of q, r, s, t), they muſt neceſſarily be invaria- ble, or continue of the ſame value, let q, r, s, t, ſtand for which terms you will of the correſponding ſeries's , "ta"&c. p!' &c. becauſe the quantities q, r, s, t; 5,5, 5, 7, 9" go", s", t", (on which e, f, g, depend) have themſelves a deter- minate value each, in the required circumſtance, when 2+2+29&c. is a maximum, or minimum. gi رک PROPOSITION. Sufpoſing y and u to be two flowing quantities, and that Q R, S, T &c. are quantities expreſſed in terms of y, u, and given coefficients ; 'tis propoſed to find an equation, expreſſing the relation of y and u (or of , R, S, T, &c.) ſo that the flu- ent of Qj, correſponding to a given value of y, Mall be a maximum or minimum, and the fluents of Ry, Sý, Tj, 30. all of them, at the ſame time, equal to given quantities. Let Q, Q', 2", 2", &c. be the different values of Q, that will ariſe, when y is, ſucceſſively, expounded by the terms of a given arithmetical progreſſion whoſe common difference is the indefinitely ſmall quantity ý (a, b, y, 8; &c. denoting the re- fpective values of u), and let R, R', R", R", &c. be the correſponding values of Ř, &c. &c. Then it is well known that the ſum of all the quantities Quý + Q'y to Q'y' +"y"+""y'&c. will be=fluent of ; and the fum of all the quantities ky' + Ryt-R"y"+R"y' + R'''y' &c.= fluent of Rý, &c. But, by the Lemma, it appears, that .Q+&+?. +2+ &c. or Qy' + Qý + 2"1" + " +- &c. (becauſe j' is conſtant) will be a maximum or minimum, and the quan- tities Ry' + Ř'y' +- R"y' + R"'y', &c. Sy' + S'y' + S'y' + 'S"ly &c. at the ſame time equal to given ones, when the relation of y and u (or of Z, R, S, T, &c.) is expreſſed by the equa- tion, flux. &texflux. R+fx flux.S+gxflux.T=o: where e, f, g, &c. denote (unknown) conſtant quantities; and where, in taking the fluxions of Q, R, S, T, &c. the quantity u is alone, for the Reſolution of Iſoperimetrical Problems. IOI. * alone, to be conſidered as variable; becauſe the ſucceſſive va- lues of y, entering reſpectively into Q, V, 2", 2", &c. are conſtant quantities, being (by hypotheſis) ſuch as ſucceſſively ariſe from the terms of a given arithmetical progreſſion. Hence we have the following GENERAL RULE for the Reſolution of Iſoperimetrical Problems of all orders. Take the fluxions of all the propoſed expreſions (as well that re- Specting the maximum or minimum, as of the others whoſe fluents are to be given quantities, making that quantity, and likewiſe its 'fluxion, invariable, whereof the fluxion (as well as the quantity itſelf) enters into the ſaid expreſſions; and, having divided every- where by the fluxion of the other quantity made variable, let the quantities hence ariſing, joined to general coefficients 1, e, f, g, &c. be united into one Jum, and the whole be made equal to nothing : from which equation (wherein the values of e, f, g, &c. may be ei- ther poſitive, or negative, or nothing, as the caſe requires), the re- quired relation of the two variable quantities will be truly exhibited. To illuſtrate the uſe of the rule here laid down by an example, Fig. 22. let x and y be ſuppoſed to repreſent the ordinate (PQ) and ab- ſciffa (AP) of a curve ADQE; and ſuppoſe AFRG to be an- other curve, having the fame abſciſſa, whoſe ordinate PR is, every-where, axmyon ; 'tis required to find the relation of x and y, ſo that the area BFGC, anſwering to a given value of BC, ſhall be a maximum or minimum, at the ſame time that the cor- · reſponding area BDEC is equal to a given quantity. Here, by hypotheſis, the fluent of ax"y"ý is to be a maximum or minimum, and that of xy equal to a given quantity: taking, therefore, the Auxions of both expreſſions, &c. (inaking x alone variable, according to the rule), we thence get maxm-'yj-ej =0: ha; ax" and conſequently axmyn (=PR) Therefore, ſeeing PR is in a conſtant ratio to P& it is evident, that both the curves will be of the ſame kind; and that they will be both byperbolas, or both parabolas, according as the values of the exponents m-1, and n (in the general equa- tion whence xm-004 11 102 An Inveſtigation of a general Rule ma yx3 yy yy tion to them guna =) are like, or unlike, with regard to poſitive and negative. If m-- I be poſitive, the equation gives a mini- mum; if negative, a maximum; but when m-Io, or when m = 0, the equation fails; in which caſes there will be neither a maximum, nor a minimum. For another example, let the fluxions given be and X; the fluent of the former (anſwering to a given value of y) being to be a minimum, and that of the latter, at the ſame time, equal to a given quantity. Here (3 being concerned independently, either, of its fluent x or fluxion ä) let the fluxions of both ex- preſſions be taken, making * alone variable; whence, after 3yäx Зухх dividing by š, we have and 1: therefore, in this caſe te=o: whence å=al y- j (ſuppoſing a= e); and con- ſequently x=2ałył ; being an equation anſwering to the com- mon parabola. The ſame concluſion may be otherwiſe derived (without ſecond-fluxions) by aſſuming =V; whereby our two given expreſſions will be transformed to yjo' and jv: from whence, by the rule, we get 3vịyj + ej=0; and therefore v al yet; whence a ały-ij, and conſequently x = za{y, the ſame as before. Fig. 23. If the abſciſa (AP) of a curve AQC be denoted by x, and the ordinate PQ. by y, and p be taken to expreſs the meaſure of the circumference of a circle whoſe diameter is unity; it is well known that the ſeveral fluxions, of the abſciſla AP, curve- line AQ, area APQ, ſuperficies of the generated ſolid (by a ro- tation about the axis AP), and of the ſolid itſelf, will be, re- ſpectively, repreſented by x, Väx+jy, yx, 2py Vää+jj, and py's: if therefore, the fluxions of theſe different expreſſions be taken, as before (making : alone variable) we ſhall get 1 + +fy + + hy’ = 0; being a general equa- √xxtiy xx+jj tion for determining the relation of x and y, when any one of thoſe five quantities (viz. the abſciſſa, curve-line, area, ſuperficies; or "folid ) is a maximum or minimum, and all, * j ( )= y; ež or į for the Reſolution of Ifoperimetrical Problems. IO3 f ex Vaa - y V **+ jö or any number of the others, at the ſame time, equal to given quantities ; wherein the coefficients e, f, g, and b, may be po- fitive, negative, or nothing, as the caſe propoſed may require. Thus, for inſtance, if the length of the curve only be given, and the area correſponding is required to be a maximum, our equation will then become +fy = SO, or a mi? Väst jä yj y* x *x + jj (by making ş); whence == and conſequently x=a-V aa-yy, or 2ax - x=y'; an- fwering to a circle ; which figure is, therefore, more capacious than any other under equal bounds. If, together with the ordinate (which, here, is always ſup- poſed given) the abſciſſa, at the end of the fluent, be given likewiſe, and the ſuperficies generated by the rotation of the curve about its axis be a minimum; then, from the ſame equa- gyx tion, we ſhall have it = 0, whence (making a = ау is found = and from thence x = ax hyp. vyy-aa log. i which equation, by being impoſſible when is leſs than a, ſhews that the curve (which is here the cate- naria) cannot poſſibly meet the axis about which the ſolid is generated; and conſequently, that the caſe will not admit of any minimum, unleſs the firſt, or leaſt given value of y, exceeds a certain affignable magnitude. When any, or all of the above-ſpecified quantities are given, and the contemporary fluent of ſome other expreſſion, as 2x +jj)" xymi luz, is required to be a maximum or minimum, , our equation (by taking the fluxion of this laſt expreſſion, and joining it to the former) will then be x3 + jj)*-? x 2nxiy"js- + fy + + by = 0: which, when Vice + jj m=1, and n=-1; will be that defining the ſolid of the leaft reſiſtance; and this, when the length of the axis, only, is fuppoſed to be given (without farther reſtrictions) will be ex- preſſed I ytv yy-maa a -28 eë gyi +d+vää tij 104 An Inveſtigation of a general Rule O; but O. I 2 you ex we have + fyt Tixt V xx + y V Xx + yg tyy Växtuj preſſed by **+-jy!" x 2x+yj' + d=0, or 2yj?k=dx iš + jjl ; being the caſe firſt conſidered by Sir Isaac New- TON.-If both the length and the ſolid content be given, the equation will be - 2xyj' x *x + jj!-- + d + hy )= 0; if, beſides theſe, the ſuperficies is given likewiſe, it will then be- 2xyypx ** +jj-+++ Time to s gyä thy Thus, in like manner, by aſſuming m=-- 5, and n= +d+ + hy* = 0; being the general equation of the curve of the ſwifteſt deſcent ; which, when e, f, g, and h are all of them taken equal to juli nothing, will become +d; which is the caſe confi- dered by many Others, anſwering to the cycloid. When the length of the arch deſcribed in the whole deſcent (along with the values of x and y) is given, the equation will then be tega = 0, or e ty-Hi*xx'=dºxxx +jj. √xx tij ✓ xxt jy And thus may the relation of x and y be determined in any other caſe, and under any number of reſtrictions; provided that one of theſe quantities, only, enters into the ſeveral expreſſions given.-When both x and y are concerned, as well as their fluxions, the conſideration becomes more compli- cated; nor does it ſeem practicable to arrive at a General Rule, to anſwer equally in ſuch caſes. Nevertheleſs, if the ultimate values of x and y are ſuppoſed given, or the required curve is to paſs through two given points, without being con- fined to farther limitations, except that of the maximum or minimum (which caſe is the chief, and the moſt uſeful that can occur); then the method of ſolution may be as follows: Take the fluxion of the given expreſſion (whoſe fluent is to be a maximum or minimum) making s alone variable; and, having di- vided by ä, let the quotient be denoted by u. Take, again, the fluxion of the ſame expreſſion, making x, alone, variable; which divide by *: then will this laſt quotient From } у es +d++ u. for the Reſolution of Iloperimetrical Problems. 10:5 From which equation the value of u, and the relation of x and y will be determined. .: ", " hii , *: 1'7',' yx? ; j . > yy yy = U, and gyis it ; u f+gx 4 U 3yä? yy Thus, for example, if the expreſſion propounded (whoſe fluent, correſponding to any given values of x and y, is to be a minimum) were to be f + gxx then the fluxion thereof, when x alone is made variable, being f+gxx 3yxkä and, when x alone is made variable, equal to syt* we here havef+gxx.3842 =i; the latter of which, divided by the former, gives whence hyp. log.u=hyp. log. F +381 + hyp. log. d (d being any conſtant quantity). Conſequently dxf+gx14; which value being ſubſtituted in the equati- on f + gx x U, we thence have f + g****** dy-j", or f +8x1* x* = cy-bj (making c = and conſequently by taking the fluent again, we have 3xf+8x13–35* 2cy}; expreſſing the general relation of x and y, ſuppoſing them both to begin to be generated together. If f= 1 and g=0, the fluxion propounded will become yx" (the ſame as in the firſt of the former examples);- and here, á being cy-lj, x will be 2cy, anſwering (as before) to the com- mon parabola.-But if f =o and g = 1, then our given fluxion will become xy:, and the reſulting equation will be of ); which alſo anſwers to a parabola, but of an higher order.-The very fame concluſions will, in like manner, be brought out by making j and y, ſucceſſively, variable (inſtead of s' and x). For, here, the two fluxions reſulting (after having divided by P and 48 1 yy j ! 106 An Inveſtigation of a general Rule, &c. 13 ; u y and j) appear to be f +8* *— 2443 = 1, and (+3^**? =u: whence, dividing the latter by the former, we have = and therefore hyp. log. ył + hyp. log. a = hyp. log. u (a being any conſtant quantity). Conſequently, ay-t=ů= ft gx x - 2y3:3 and f+ gx* * E cy-j (c' being put -a). Hence, by taking the fluent again, we have 3xf+gali - 3fi = 2cy}, the very ſame as before. > 48 + ! Of At Of the Reduction of Algebraic Equations, by the Method of Surd Divisors; containing an Ex- planation of the Grounds of that Method, as it is laid down by Sir Isaac Newton in his Uni- verſal Arithmetick. T 3 *HE reduction of equations by furd diviſors, which is looked upon, by many, as a very intricate kind of ſpeculation, is founded on the ſame principles with the method of extracting the roots of common qua- dratic equations, by compleating of the ſquare, with this diffe- rence only, that the ſquares on both ſides of the equation are, bere, affected by the unknown quantity; whereas, in the com- mon method, the ſquare on the right-hand ſide is a quantity intirely known. What we, therefore, have to do, is, to Separate, and ſo order the terms of the equation given, that both fides thereof may (if poſſible) be complete ſquares. Case I. If the given equation be a biquadratic one, let it be ** + px' + 9x2 + rx +'s=o, and let there be aſſumed xx+1px+2) - Ax+Bi =x* +px' +qxº +rx+s(=0); that is, let the values of the quantities 2, A and B be ſuppoſed ſuch, that the coefficients of the powers of x, when xx+ px+2. and Ax + B are ſquared, ſhall agree, or be the ſame, in every term, with thoſe of the equation given. Then, the ſaid quan- tities being actually ſquared, our equation will become ** + px' + 22** tip*x* + pQx +23 =x*+px?+qx2 +rxts. - A Ax? - 2 ABx - B From whence, by equating the coefficients of the homologous powers, and putting a =9 App, we have, 1. 22+ ip - A = 9, or, 22= A t«; 2. pQ- or, p2= 2 AB +r; 3. - B* = S, or, 2= B' +'s. Now, ** 2 ಸು 2 AB 1, ری P 2 108 Of the Redu&tion of Algebraic Equations, ap, and 2 Now, if the value of Q, as given by the firſt equation, be ſubſtituted in the other two, we ſhall get PA 2 AB = B, and A + A B’ = %, ſuppoſing B=r- S ='s-. In which equations the unknown quantities appertaining to the latter of the two aſſumed ſquares are only concerned, and from which their values might be found. But as the reſulting equation, when one of the quantities is exter- minated, riſes to the ſixth dimenſion, and would, perhaps, re- quire more trouble to reduce it than, even, the original one propounded, little advantage would be reaped therefrom. In- ſtead, therefore, of proceeding farther in a direct manner, it may be of uſe to try, whether ſome property, or relation of theſe quantities cannot from hence be diſcovered, whereby we may be enabled to gueſs at their values; which may be after- wards tried by means of the equations here exhibited. Firſt, then, it is evident, if both A and B are either integers or rational quantities, that the equation ** +1px + 0 Ax+B1 (= ** + px' +9x2 +rx) =0 will, even after it is reduced to x* + px + = Ax + B, be intirely free from radical quantities. In which caſe, the method of rational di- viſors taking place, a reduction by means of ſurd quantities, or diviſors, as they do not naturally ariſe in the conſideration, cannot be of uſe. But the relation of the given quantities p, q, r, s (which we ſhall always, hereafter, conſider as inte- gers) may be ſuch, that the values of A and B ſhall be radical quantities, commenſurate to each other ; in which caſe, where the method of rational diviſors fails, we may aſſume vn for the common radical diviſor, and expreſs the quantities them- ſelves by k/ n, and I'm; that is, we may make A=kv'n, and B=Wn; by which means our two equations, derived above, will be changed to 'pk’n — 2kln = B, and k*n + ak*n — In = {, or to pk’ — akl and k*n tak 21=, reſpectively. Now, ſince n is ſuppoſed to be an integer, it is plain from hence (conſidering k and I alſo as integers, or the halves of fuch B 2 n by the Method of Surd Diviſors. Iog n n fuch) that and 25 muſt be integers likewiſe, or, at leaſt, the halves of integers ; and conſequently that n (whoſe value we are here ſeeking) ought to be ſome common integral diviſor of B and 21 Moreover, with regard to k and l, it is evident from the firſt of thoſe equations (pk — 2l = that the former (k) 21 = =) B ought to be ſome diviſor of e n ; and that, if the quotient be -1) 2 at nk² > 2 N taken from 7pk, the remainder (pk will be the dou- ble of 1. It farther appears, from the equations Q=4*+a, and Q= B' + s, by ſubſtituting for A and B’ their equals nka and nl”, that 2 will be = and l? ! = QQ- From the former of which 2. will be known, when n and k are known; by means whereof and the other equation, I may be, a ſecond time, found ; and the agreement, or coincidence of this value with that before determined for l, will prove the ſolution in all reſpects ; becauſe then the conditions of three original equations (2Q = A' + a, p= 2AB +r, O=B’ 7 s) will be all compleatly fulfilled. It is true indeed, that no immediate regard, in the concluſion, is had to the ſecond of thoſe equations; but then it ought to be obſerved, that the equation 1pk k whereby 1 is, the firſt time, found, is a conſequence thereof, being derived from that, and the firſt equation, conjunctly: and it is known, that, whatever values are diſcovered for unknown quantities, by means of equati- ons derived from others, ſuch values do equally anſwer the conditions of the original equations propounded. Seeing the method of ſolution, above traced out, depends upon the affuming proper diviſors of B, 25, and, for the values B II Of the Reduction of Algebraic Equations, at nk² 22 } 2 values of n and k, it may therefore be expedient, firſt of all, in order to bring the work into leſs compaſs, to reject ſuch diviſors of thoſe quantities (if we can by any means diſcover them) which we know are not for our purpoſe. And this inay, in ſome meaſure, be effected, from the confideration of the properties of even and odd numbers. In order to which Q= being previouſly trans- formed to nk* (= 20-a) = 2Q-9+p=pl-f (by putting a 2Q=f), it is evident, from thence, that if p be an odd number, pa — 4f, and conſequently its equal 4nk”, will likewiſe be an odd number ; becauſe an even number (48) ſubtracted from the ſquare of an odd one, always, leaves cdd. Therefore, ſeeing 4k+ x n is here an odd number, both n and 4k' muſt be odd (for the product of two even numbers, or of an odd one and an even one, is even, and not odd). Whence it follows, becauſe 2k) is odd, that 2k muſt be odd too; and conſequently k the half of an odd number. Now, ſeeing P, n, and 2k are all of them odd numbers (when p is ſuch) they may, therefore, be expreſſed by 2a +1, 26+1, and 2c + 1, reſpectively; a, b, and c being integers : in conſequence of which affumption the equation 4nk” = p? 4f, will, by ſubſtitution, be changed to 8bc* + 8bc + 2b + 40 + 46+1= 4a+ 4a + 1 - 4f, or 2bc2 + 2bc + b + c +c= ata-f. From whence it is mani- feſt, as all the terms, but b, are known to be integers, that. b muſt be an integer likewiſe: and ſo, b being an even num- ber, it follows that 11, or 2b -+ 1, muſt be the double of an even number (or a multiple of 4) increaſed by unity. There- fore all the diviſors of 8 and 23 that have not this property may be ſafely rejected, as not for the purpoſe. In like manner, if p be even, the ſame limitations will take place, provided that r is odd; which will be the caſe when Q is the half of an odd number (For, when Q_is an integer, A=pl - f) and B'(=Q - s) being integers, their product A'B' will be an integer, and conſequently the ſquare Foot thereof AB (being rational) will likewiſe be an integer ; and Sorter w by the Method of Surd Diviſors. III and fo, pQ_and 2AB being both even numbers, their diffe- rence r, as given by the equation p= 2AB + r, would be even, and not odd). Therefore, ſeeing Bº, or its equal nl”, is here equal to the ſquare of half of an odd number (Q) joined to an integer (-s), in the ſame manner as nk" was in the preceding cale; it is evident, from the reaſoning there laid down, that the value of n is ſubject to the very fame reſtricti- ons here, as there.-Other limitations might be pointed out, from the properties of even and odd numbers, were the thing worth purſuing farther. What is already delivered on this head is ſufficient for the purpoſe, and for the underſtanding of Sir Isaac Newton: I ſhall therefore, from the ſeveral concluſions above derived, now lay down the ſubſequent R U L E for the reduction of an equation (x* + px' +9x2 +rx+s=o) of four dimenſions. Make a=9- p", B=r ap, and {=s so- put for n ſome common integral diviſor of B and 28, that is neither a ſquare, nor diviſible by a ſquare, and which being divided by 4, ſhall leave unity, if either p or r be odd. Put alſo for k fomé di- viſor of, if p be even, or half of the odd diviſor if p be odd : take the quotient from pk, and call half the remainder I. Make Q= try if n divides 22- s, and the root of the quotient be equal to l; if it ſo happen, then the propoſed equa- tion, by means of the values thus determined, will be reduced to xx + px +2=+V nx kx +1. That the diviſor n ought not here to be a ſquare, is evident from what has been already remarked, ſince both A and B would then be rational quantities ; and that it ought not to be diviſible by a ſquare, will alſo appear, if it be conſidered that k and I in the equations ky n = A, and I n=B, are to be taken the greateſt, and n the leaſt, that the caſe will ad- mit of. 1 ao; then 4 8 n at nkk and 2 No 7 II 2 Of the Reſolution of Algebraic Equations, 1 αα No regard in this Rule is had to that circumſtance, in which B happens to be nothing. Sir Isaac Newton here directs, to take k alſo equal to nothing. The reaſon of which depends on the equation pk akl = , which in this caſe becomes pk --- 2kl = 0; where one root, or value of k muſt, necef- farily, be nothing. Therefore Q being a, we have Wn(=Ve- s) Va — S; ſo that, by a direct pro- ceſs, our given equation is here reduced to x2 + px ta s, wherein a is given =9— *pp. The celebrated mathematician MACLAURIN, who, in his Treatiſe of Algebra, has commented largely on the diſcoveries of our Author, ſeems to repreſent this part of the General Rule, as not well grounded; laying down, at the ſame time, two new Rules, in order to ſupply the defect. Which Rules, I muſt confeſs, to me appear unneceſſary; ſince it is certain, that the method of ſolution, as laid down by Sir Isaac NEWTON, is more direct and eligible in this particular caſe than in any other. It muſt be allowed, indeed, that the manner of applying the Rule, in this caſe, is left fomewhat obſcure ; but as to his di- recting, to take k=0, when B=0, it cannot, I am fully perſuaded, admit of any well-grounded objection. For, though “ it does not neceſſarily follow that k muſt be = 0, when B=0," yet the taking of k thus o, involves no abſurdity; ſeeing one value of k (at leaſt) will be nothing. The truth is, there are three different values that k may admit of (as ap- pears by the ſubſequent note *); all of which will, equally, fulfil the ſeveral conditions required, and bring out the very ſame concluſion. Thus the value of k, in the equation * If the ſquare of half the ſecond of the original equations, 2Q-a= AA, PQ-r= =2AB, QQ-s=BB, be ſubtracted from the product of the other two, there will be obtained the equation Q - R + pr-sxQ+ 2 2 X xas - Ir=0; wherein the unknown quantity Q is alone concerned ; which equation being of three dimenſions, the root Q, and conſequently k Q- - appears, that Q muſt always be a diviſor of the quantity as - rr; which is a circumſtance taken notice of by our Author. X4 (22 72 by the Method of Surd Diviſors. 113 } 7 2 22 ** +2x' - 37x*— 38x+1=o (propoſed by this gentleman) may be o, 3 or 4; or, which comes to the fame, the equation itſelf may be reduced to ** ** - 19=+6V 10, *2 + x + = IV 5* 3x +}, or to x* +*—3=+V 2x4x + 2. All which are, in effect, but one and the ſame equation, as will appear by ſquaring both ſides of each, and properly tranf- poſing; from whence the given equation ** + 2x - 37**- 38x + i=0, will in every caſe emerge. The ſecond of theſe equations is that brought out by Mr. MACLAURIN; but the firſt, which is that found by our Author's Rule, is not only more commodious, but eaſier to be determined, being derived by a direct, and very ſhort proceſs. — And ſo much for equations of four dimenſions. CASE. II. If the equation to be reduced is of ſix dimenſions, let it be 46 + px' + ax* + rx' + 3x2 + tx+v=0; and let there be aſſumed x + xpx+0x + R) Ax? + Bx +C" 46 +px' +9x* trx tsx* + tx tol=0); which, by in- volution and tranſpoſition, will give +2Qx+ + 2Rx +- p*x* +pQx' +pRx" A*x* + 2ABx' + to'x' +2QRx+R' 2 ACx2 +B’x2 + -qx+ -rx? 2BCx+c. From whence, by equating the coefficients of the homologous powers, and writing a=9- PP, we have, 1. 2Q- a= A'; 2. 2R + PQ-1= 2AB ; 3. pR + Q - ś= 2AC + B’; t = 2BC; 5. R? —V= C. If now the value of Q(=A+) as given by the firſt of theſe equations, be ſubſtituted for Q, in the ſecond, we ſhall get 2R +pA' + pa-r= r=2AB; and conſequently R=AB - PA +iB (by putting po) : which value, together with that of Q, being ſubſtituted in the three remaining equations, we ſhall have, Q 3 Q+ sx² tx . V 4. 2QR r I. I14 Of the Reduction of Algebraic Equations, 1.PAB -*p*A++B+4A*+&A’+-s=2AC+B”, 2. A'B - ipAt +BA+AB paa+al-t=2BC, 3. A'B'- PA'B+BAB TopA - PBA+iB-v=C': which, by putting y=s - PB, ?=y, n=t-1«ß, and @ ABB, will be reduced to PAB — *pA+ A+ + «A? + A + QA’ - S=2AC + B’, A'B - PA* +¿BA’+ aAB paA-9=2BC, and A'B'- PA'B + BAB + +p*A*- PRAP-0=C, reſpec- tively. Now, if the values of A, B and C are ſuch, as to admit of ſome common ſurd-diviſor, let that diviſor (as in the preceding Caſe) be denoted by vn, and the quantities themſelves by kV ñ, W n, and mv n, reſpectively: then, ſubſtitution being made and every equation divided by n, we ſhall have, I. pkl - p*ktink*-+ ak" } = 2km + %, 2. nk'l — pnk* tilk-+ akl - pak — = 2lm, 3. nkºl— pnk'l+ Bkl + rapºnk* – plk— . From whence it appears (ſince k, l, and m are here conſidered as integers, or as the halves of ſuch) that 2, , and 0 ought to be all of them diviſible by n; or, which is the ſame, that n ought to be ſome common integral diviſor of the quantities šo no and A* Furthermore, with reſpect to the limitations to which k is ſubject, let the ſeveral terms in the former part of the firſt of our three equations, in which k is found in order to abbrevi- ate the work) be denoted by Fk; then will the equation itſelf be changed to Fk 2km + 1. And, in the very fame 0 m. n § * Sir Isaac Newton directs to take n, fome common diviſor of 25, 4, and 20 (inſtead of S, M, and 6); but this makes no difference, becauſe all diviſors of & and are alſo diviſors of 28 and 20; nor are there any divifors of 28 and 24, but what will likewiſe be diviſors of & and 0,. if we (as Sir ISAAC has done) admit into the confideration fuch fractions as have the powers 2 for their denominator ; which ariſe from the value of p, in the aſſumed equation, being a fraction of this kind, when p is an odd number. manner, A 115 by the Method of Surd Diviſors. n Fko Hks 80 Gkn 2km ; n n 2n nn 2nn a 2nn manner, our other two equations will be changed to Gk = 2lm, and Hk - = m*, reſpectively. Let now the ſquare of half the ſecond of theſe equations be ſubtracted from the product of the firſt and third, then will FHk? + 2G*k* + *** which, by dividing the whole by 2k, and putting a=3-**, will, at length, become FHk — G*k – 1Hx+1Gx-Fx+=m": where ?, n, and being all diviſible by their common diviſor n (as is ſhewn above) it is manifeſt that in order that m may be an integer, or the half of an integer) ought alſo to be diviſible by its diviſor k, that is, k ought to be ſome diviſor of the quantity Again, with regard to I, let the value of R (= AB - - PQ + r), as given by the ſecond of the five original equations, be ſubſtituted in the fourth; by which means we have 2QAB potrQ_t=2BC, or ¿Qnkl — potrQ-t=2nlm (becauſe A = k/n, B=Wn, C=m/n), and conſe- rQ-pQ² -t quently = 2m --- 2kQ; where 2m -- 2kQ_being an integer, it is evident that e-pill- muſt be an integer alſo, rQ-PQ-t and, conſequently, I fome diviſor of the quantity From whence l being found in numbers, the value of R(=AB iPQ+r=nk] PQ+r) will be had likewiſe ; and then, by means of the three laſt of the five original equations, the value of m may be alſo found, three ſeveral ways, and the truth of the ſolution thereby confirmed : for theſe equati- ons, by ſubſtituting for A, B; and C, their equals kyn, n, and my n, do become R’ V == nm", 2QR ”-t 2nlm, and pR +0-5= 2nkm + nll; from the firſt of which Q_2 nd nl n M * 116 Of the Reduktion of Algebraic Equations, RPU & 전 ​m ; n nl 2nk ✓ from the fecond, m = QR- *'; and from the third, m= QQ to PR - nll — nll - $; which values, therefore, when Q, R, &c. are rightly aſſumed, will be all found equal among themſelves; and our given equation, x6 + px' + q** + rx' + sx* + tx+0=0, or x + 1px* + Qx. + RI* Ax? + Bx+01 = 0, will then be reduced to x + px' + Ox+R=+ Ax+ Bx +C) =+vnxkx* +- lx + m. As to the limitations in the diviſors to be tried, with reſpect to even and odd numbers, the reaſoning thereon is the very ſame as in the preceding Caſe; which, therefore, it will be unneceſſary to repeat.-One circumſtance there is, indeed, that merits a particular regard, and that is, when a=0; in which caſe k (or one value of k at leaſt) will alſo be = 0, and the reduction will be performed by a direct proceſs. For, k being nothing, the three equations wherein k, l, and m are firſt in- troduced, will become — =l, -=2lm, and — =mº; whence W n=v, mon=V-6, and conſequently a (= Cô - x) = 19*) = 0, as it ought to be. Therefore, by ſubſtitut- ing theſe values, and writing alſo inſtead of Q and R their equals a and B, the equation given, is here reduced to x' + px* + ax +iB=+*V—5V= 0. 1 0: 1 CASE III. If the equation is of eight dimenfions, let it be 48 + px? + qx6 + rx + 5** + tx' t vx' + wx + % Then, by aſſuming ** + px' + 0x2 + Rx + S Ax + Bx2 + 2x +D = 48 + px? + 9x6 + rx' + sait + tx' + vx' + wx + 2(= o) and proceeding as in the two former Caſes, we ſhall have here, ]. 2Q-a. A', 2. 2R + por 3. 2S + PR + QR-s=2AC + BB, 4. ps + 2QR - 7 2AD + 2BC, 5. 2QS + RR-V = 2BD + CC, 6. 2AB, t. V. by the Method of Surd Diviſors. 117 7. SS 6. 2RS 2CD, DD. Put now (as before) A = kvn, B=ln, C = myn, D n'ſ n; put alſo (to ſhorten the work) R= O'n tja, R= R'n + B, S = S'n tir; that is, let the quotients of Q, R, and 'S, when divided by the common diviſor n, be Qi R', and S, and the remainders-, , and -->, reſpectively: then, to determine theſe laſt, which muſt be firſt known, before n can be known, let ſubſtitution be made in the ſecond and third equations, every-where diſregarding ſuch terms wherein n and its powers are involved. Thus, ſubſtitution being made in the ſecond equation, we have 2kn +B+POʻn + por= r=2kln; where the homologous terms, in which n enters not, are B, ipa, and — r: the others, therefore, being here diſregarded, we have B tipo r = 0, or B po. In the very fame manner, from the third equation, yt pltiacS=0, and conſequently y=s.- PB - PB - 1a. Let ſubſtitution be now made in the fourth, fifth, fixth, and ſeventh equations (ſtill diſregarding all ſuch terms as would involve the powers of n), and there will come out, I. ipy + al 2. ar + ABB r T t 3. By 2 2, 4. 477 Now, as all the other terms, that would ariſe in theſe equati- ons (beſides thoſe put down) are affected with n, and are there fore diviſible thereby, it is manifeſt that the four quantities ipy taß-t, ary + ABB-V, By - W, and cry here brought out, muſt likewiſe be, all of them, diviſible by the ſame common diviſor n, when the equation given is capa- ble of being reduced. If, therefore, no ſuch common diviſor (under the reſtrictions ſpecified in the preceding Caſes, depend- ing on p, r, t, or w being an odd number) can be diſcovered (which will moſt commonly happen) the work will then be at an end. } From the ſame method of operation, which may be looked upon as a ſort of examination, whether the equation be redu- cible: 118 Of the Reſolution of Algebraic Equations, & cible or not, we may find all the quantities to which n ought to be a common diviſor, when the equation given is of 10, 12, or a greater number of dimenſions. Thus, let there be given x2 + pxzemi + 9x21–2 +- rx2-3 + sx2–4 + tx2cm5&c. = 0, and let there be aſſumed *+1px-torta x xemz+R'n+1 Bxx-3+Sintiyxxenec -nxkxes +- lxe+ mx-3&c.) = 42€ + pxzemi +qxae- &c. then, by ſquaring me to premat O'nt a X x-&c. and tranſpoſing x2 + pxse-1 + 9x2e? &c. it will appear, that the terms of this equation, in which n enters not, will be B д & **24-2+ipa ***20-3 1 +i pa Xx24-47 -9 al tay xx.2-6 ABR a E PBT 1/4 pod >X 322-5 r a² ¿ t U S &c. From the former half of which terms, all the quantities a, B, %, &c. will be determined, by aſſuming the coefficients equal to nothing: thus we have a =9- PP, B=r- - pa, g PB Lac, d=t -paß, &c. And then, theſe quantities being known, the coefficients of the remaining terms will likewiſe be known; which ought, all of them, to be diviſible by n, in order that the reduction may ſucceed ; that is, they ought to be ſuch, as to admit of a common diviſor (n) under the reſtrictions before ſpecified. For example, if the equation given were to be of twelve di- menſions, as x2 +px" +qx1° +7x9 +s48 +tx? + vxo + axs + bx*+cx' + dx* + éx+f=o, we ſhould have a=9- PP, B pes, yes-PB -PB-Q, =t-py-B, and v- po po ay - iBB; and the coefficients of the other ſix terms (whereof n ought to be a common diviſor) would be ipe tad tiBy-a, ae tiba tiryb, Be tyd 6, Age + 188 d, de é, and we — f. Theſe operations, for finding of n, as this fort of reduction is ſeldom poſſible in high equations, will moſt commonly end the work. If ſuch a value, however, ſhould be found for ny as to anſwer all the conditions above ſpecified, it is not by pur- ſuing the ſame method of diviſors, laid down in the reſolution of r r EV by the Method of Surd Diviſors. 119 of the preceding Caſes, that the values of k, l, &c. can from thence be determined, without a prodigious deal of trouble. There are indeed various other means of trying theſe quantities, by aſſuming ſome of them, and finding the others from thence; and ſo proceeding on, changing the values continually, till all the conditions of the ſeveral equations, ariſing from the com- pariſon of the homologous terms, are fulfilled. But as this is exceedingly laborious, and ſeeing after all, the uſe of ſo great reductions (as the ſagacious Author himſelf obſerves) is very little, there not being, perhaps, one caſe in a thouſand in which they can ſucceed; I ſhall, therefore, defiſt here. 1 THE een BCH 580CM HOCETHGCOETSEE 3 gocen getrocent ** * SVOssola V30 VOLV22065036812ae j THE R Ε S Ο L U Τ Ι Ο Ν OF Some GENERAL PROBLEMS in Mechanics, and PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. Fig. 24. I desk ck AP BP A AP2 X PROBLEM I. Suppoſe a ſyſtem of bodies A, B, C (connected together) to re- volve about a center, or axis (P), with a given angular celerity; it is propoſed to find the momentum (k) which, acting at a given diſtance QP from the center, ſhall be juſt ſufficient to ſtop, or take away the whole motion of the ſyſtem. F the given angular celerity of the ſyſtem, at any di- ſtance PG from the axis, be denoted by v, the cele- rities of the ſeveral bodies A, B, and C will be truly CP expreſſed by PGxv, PGxv, and PG xv, reſpectively. Hence (by the property of the Lever) it will be, as PQ is to AP, fo is (AC xº x A) the momentum of the body A, to QPX PG VX A, the momentum, which acting at Q, is a juſt counter- poiſe to the action of A. And, in the very ſame manner, the momentum, acting at Q, ſufficient to take away the motion of B, appears to be Whence it is manifeſt, that the ſum of all theſe, muſt be the true momen- tum required; or that k=uX A XAP? + B x BP + C x CP2 PG X QP 2. E. I. COROLLARY I. If the motion of the ſyſtem is that which might be pro- duced by any given momentums a, b, c (or forces capable of producing thoſe momentums) acting on the bodies A, B, C, in directions BP2 QP xPG XUXB; and ſo on. The Reſolution of fome General Problems. I 21 AP AP BP CP directions perpendicular to AP, BP, and CP; then (by the property of the lever) the force a x @P acting at Q, having the ſame effect to turn the ſyſtem about its axis, as the force a, acting at the diſtance AP, &c. it follows that the force, which, by acting at Q, is ſufficient to deſtroy the whole moti- on of the ſyſtem, will here be a x QP which being ſubſtituted in the room of k, our general equation, in the laſt article, will become v=PGx axAP+ bxBP +exCP AXAP? +BxBP:+CxCpzi ſhewing the angular celerity at the diſtance PG, produced in the ſyſtem by the action of the given forces; which celerity is, therefore, in proportion to the celerity ) that the given force (or momentum) a is capable of producing in the ſingle body A, as ax AP + bx BP + cx CP to unity. AxAP? + Bx BP2 +- Cx CP2 op +by tcx op 響 ​3 AxPG х COROLLARY II. If the momentum k be given equal to that of the whole ſyſtem (A, B, C) in a direction perpendicular to the line PGQ paſſing through the common center of gravity G; then the length of the lever (PQ) by which k acts, may be determin- ed from hence. For, the celerity of the point G being repre- ſented by v, the momentum laſt named will, by the property of the center of gravity, be rightly defined by vxA+B+C; which being ſubſtituted in the room of k, we thence get AXAP? + B X BP + CXCP ; exhibiting the diſtance of A + B +CxGP the center of percuſſion (Q) at which an immovable obſtacle receives the whole force of the ſtroke. QP COROLL ARY III. If a ſingle body S, equal to the ſum of all the bodies A, B, C, be ſuppoſed to revolve (independent of the others) about the ſame center, with the common angular celerity of R the I 22 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems SP SP the ſyſtem, its momentum páxvxS, or pe xvxA+B+C, will be in proportion to the momentum k (given by the Pro- AXAP? + B x BP2 + Cx CP2 poſition) as QP x SP to By mak- A + B + c ing theſe two quantities equal to each other, we have SP = AX APP + B X BP2 +Cx CP2 for the diſtance of the body S from A + B + CxQP the axis of motion, when its momentum is equal to the mo- mentum k, or when equal forces, applied to the ſingle body at S, and to the ſyſtem at Q, can take away, or produce equal angular celerities in both, about the common axis of motion P. COROLLARY IV: Hence, if the point Q be ſuppoſed to coincide with S, our AXAPto B x BP? + C x CP2 laſt equation will become SP A +B+C Thewing the diſtance of the center of gyration, or the place of the body S, where the ſame force can take away, or pro- duce the whole motion of the ſyſtem A, B, C, as can take away, or produce the motion of the ſingle body S, equal to the ſum of all the former, and revolving with the ſame angular celerity. COROLLARY V. But if the point Q be taken in the common center of gravity G of the ſyſtem, and Gg and Ss be drawn perpendicular to the horizontal line TP; then, the force of gravity by which the whole ſyſtem is urged in the direction Gg perpendicular to the horizon, being the ſum of all the weights (A +B+C) it is plain that the part of it acting in a direction perpendicular to PS, whereby the motion about the center is accelerated, will be A+B+Cx Ps. But the force whereby the weight S, in PG a direction perpendicular to the fame PS, is accelerated, is Pg equal to S x - A+B+C * (becauſe S = A +B PG Ps + C, and PC). Therefore, ſecing the forces acting at S and Ps PS PS in Mechanics and Phyſical Aftronomy. 123 1 and Q are here equal, it is evident, from Corol. III. that the diſtance SP, ſo that the fame angular celerity may be produced in the ſingle body as in the ſyſtem, will be truly exhibited by AXAP2 + B x BP+CxCP> the general equation SP there A to B +CxQP derived; the point S thus determined being the center of oſcil- lation, and the ſame with the center of percuſſion, found in Cor. II, having its diſtance from the axis, equal to a third pro- portional to the diſtance of the center of gravity and that of gyration, determined in Corol. IV. Pg Ps and S x > PG 1 only the GS COROLLARY VI. Hence, alſo, the preſſure on the axis of ſuſpenſion P may be deduced : for, ſince the angular celerities, produced in the ſyſtem, and in the ſingle body S, by the equal forces A+B+CX are the ſame, it is manifeſt PG PS that the abſolute celerity produced in G, during any given time, will be but the of that produced in S; ſo that part PS PG Ps part of the gravity of the ſyſtem is employed in accelerating its motion, the other part is being loſt on the axis of ſuſpenſion; which axis will therefore, in a direction perpendicular to PG, ſuſtain a force expreſſed by A+B+C Pg But this is not the only force by which the axis is affected; ſince, beſides the other part of the force of gravity (A+B+C x Core in the direction GP, the centrifugal force, acting in the ſame direction, is to be taken into the conſidera- tion; whereof the quantity will be the ſame, as if the whole maſs of the ſyſtem was to be placed in its common center of gravity G. For, if upon PS the perpendiculars Aa, Bb, Cc be Fig. 25. let fall; then, the centrifugal forces of the ſeveral bodies A, B, C being as the maſſes drawn into the reſpective diſtances from the center P, the effect of thoſe forces in the direction PG, will GS X Х PG PS R 2 I 24 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems UX PG? ; will therefore be expreſſed by Ax Pa + BxPb + C x Pc, which (by the property of the center of gravity) is known to be equal to A +B+C XPG. But the preſſure on the axis may be otherwiſe deduced, in- dependent of the center of oſcillation : for the angular celerity generated in the ſyſtem about its center of gravity G (which is the ſame with the angular celerity about the point of ſuſpenſi- on P) is intirely the effect of the action on the point of ſuf- penſion ; and the momentum, or force, ſufficient to produce that celerity, is found (by the Propoſition) to be A x AG* + BxBG’+CxCG”, which is to the abſolute mo- mentum vx A + B + C, generated in the ſyſtem, as A XAG’ + Bx BG? + Cx CG2 to PG. Therefore the force act- A+B+CxPG ing on the axis of ſuſpenſion, in a direction perpendicular to PG, muſt be to the force employed in accelerating the motion of the ſyſtem (in the like direction), in the ſame proportion above ſpecified ; ſo that, to have the true meaſure of each, the force of gravity muſt be divided in that ratio : whence (taking GS A XAG? + B x BG? + Cx CG2 it will be, as GS +PG AB+CxPG (PS) is to GS, ſo is the force of gravity, in a direction perpen- dicular to PG, to the force acting on the axis of ſuſpenſion, in the like direction. That the proportion here determined is the ſame with that found above, and the point S, the center of oſcillation, is thus CXC6") made to appear. 2 Since AP? GP + GA 2GP x Ga, BP = GP' + GB’ + 2GP x Gb, CP = GP: + GC 2GP x GC, it is evident that A X AP + B x BP + CxCP' (as given above) will be A+B+CxGP' +AXGA' + B x GB* + C X GC 2GP X A X Ga B x Gb + C x GC A+B+CxGP +AXGA+B x GB’+CXGC”, barely; becauſe (from the property of the center of gravity) all the quan- tities AxGa-BxGb + CxGc deſtroy one another. Hence, by 1 in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 1 25 : GP + ; by ſubſtituting the quantity here found, inſtead of its equal (inCor. A + B + CxGP+ AⓇGA? + Bx GB+ Cx GCS V.) we get SP= A + B + C x GP A X GA + Bx GBP + CX GC2 ; and conſequently A + B + C X GP (SG) the diſtance of the center of oſcillation, or percuſſion from the center of gravity A X GA + B x GBP + C x GC? the A+B+CX GP very ſame as above. Hence it alſo appears, that, if the plane of the motion remains unchanged, the rectangle under SG and GP will be a conſtant quantity; and that, if S be made the point of ſuſpenſion, then P will become the center of oſcil- lation ; and, laſtly, that the oſcillations will be performed in the ſhorteſt time poſſible, when SG and GP are equal to one another, and equal, each, to JAxGA’+BxGB?++ x GC? it A +B+C being well known, that the ſum of two lines, whoſe rectangle is given, will be a minimum when the lines themſelves are equal to each other. The ſame method laid down above, for finding the preſſure upon the axis of ſuſpenſion at reſt, anſwers equally when that axis is ſuppoſed to have a motion, or when the ſyſtem, or body, has a progreſſive motion, as well as an angular one (as is the caſe of a cylinder, which, in its deſcent, is made to re- volve about its axis, by means of a rope wrapped about it, whereof one end is made faſt at the place from whence the ·motion commences): the momentum of the rotation about the center of gravity, generated in a given particle of time, being always as the force producing it, drawn into the diſtance of the point where the force acts, from the center of gra- vity, as well when that point is in motion, as when it is at reſt. Another thing it may be proper to take notice of, which is, that in the foregoing conſiderations the bodies A, B, C are ſup- poſed to be very ſmall; ſo as to have all their parts, nearly, at the ſame diſtance from the axis of motion. But, to have the con- cluſion accurately true, every particle of matter in the ſyſtem ought I 26 The Reſolution of fome General Problems ought to be conſidered, and treated, as a diſtinct body: from whence, by means of the method of fluxions, the ſum of all the momenta will be truly found : but this relating merely to mat- ters of calculation, I have no deſign to touch upon it here. I thall only add, that the center of oſcillation may be otherwiſe, very readily, computed, from Corol. I. even in caſes where the forces acting on the bodies A, B, C have any given relation to each other. For, if a, b, c be taken to repreſent the, reſpec- tive, meaſures of the ſaid forces (or the momenta they would produce in a given time) it is evident, from thence, that the an- gular celerity that would be generated in the ſyſtem (at the dif- tance !, from the center, during the ſame time) will be truly ex- аҲАР -- bx BP + cx CP preſſed by :; which, in caſe of a A X AP + B x BP + Cx CP ſingle ' body S, acted on by the force s, becomes (or SxSP" SSP). Therefore, by putting this laſt value equal to the former, we have SP A x AP+. B x BP + C x CP š a X AP + b X BP + cx CP ſhewing at what diſtance from the point of ſuſpenſion the ſingle body S muſt be placed, to acquire, by means of the foree s, the ſame angular celerity as the ſyſtem itſelf acquires, from the action of all the other forces given. SX SP Х ; wan L E M M A. If a given angle AOB be divided into two parts AOC, BOC, the product (or ſolid) contained under the ſquare of the fine (CD) of the one part AOC, and the fine (CE) of the other BOC, will be a maximum, when the tangent FC of the former part is double the tangent GC of the latter, or when the fine of the difference of the parts, is one-third of the fine of the whole given angle . Fig. 26. For, if the fine (CD) of the former part be denoted by x, and that (CE) of the latter by y, it is well known that (m.) the celerity of x's increaſe (ſuppoſing C to move from A to B) will be in proportion to the celerity (– j) of y's decreaſe, as the co-fine in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 127 O, and co-fine of FCD to the co-fine of GCE; that is, as pe to cc But, when x*y is a maximum, we have 2xxy + x^j conſequently * : - j :: : 2y. Hence, by equality, tc: GC :: x: 2y; and therefore FC=2GC. Let, now, OH be drawn to biſect FC in H, and let HM and GN be perpendicular to FO; then, ſince it is proved that FC = 2GC, it follows that FH FG, and that HM, by ſimilar triangles, muſt likewiſe be = {GN: but HM and GN are fines of the angles HOM and AGO, to the equal radii OH and OG; whence the latter part of the Lemma is alſo manifeft. + PROBLEM II. Suppoſe that a plane ABC, moving with a velocity and direction repreſented by bB, is acted on by a medium, or fluid, whoſe particles move with a velocity repreſented by DB, and in directions parallel thereto; to determine the efféet of the fluid on the plane, in the direction of its motion BH, and alſo what the angle of inclination ABD muſt be, that the effect may be the greateſt poſſible. Becauſe a particle, impinging on the plane at B, moves thro’ Fig. 27. the ſpace DB in the time that the plane itſelf, from abc, arrives at the poſition ABC, it is evident that the diſtance (De) of the faid particle from the plane (produced), at the beginning of that time, will be the meaſure of the relative celerity where- with the particles of the fluid approach the plane in a direction perpendicular thereto ; and, conſequently, that the force of the ſtream in that direction, will be as Del (it being well known that the force of a ſtream upon any plane-ſurface, is always as the ſquare of the relative celerity with which the particles ap- proach it; in a perpendicular direction). Hence, by the reſolu- tion of forces, it will be, as the radius, is to the fine of the an- gle ABH (or abH), fo is the force Del', to its required efficacy in the propoſed direction BH. 1 More I 28 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems 3 Moreover, with regard to the latter part of the Problem, the angle bBD, which the directions of the two motions make with each other, being given, as well as the ſides Bb, BD con- taining it, the remaining angle BbD will from thence be known, as likewiſe Db: and ſo De being the fine of the angle Dbe, to the given radius Db, the effect (Del' x ſin. abH) will therefore be a maximum, when fin. Dbel x ſin. abH is a maxi- mum ; that is (by the Lemma), when the fine of the difference of the angles Dbe, abH, is equal to part of the fine of the whole given angle BbD: from whence the difference being given, the angles themſelves will be known.—The geometri- cal conſtruction from hence, is extremely eaſy; for, having from the center b, with any radius, deſcribed the arch mr, on rb produced (if neceſſary) let fall the perpendicular mp; take PI=of mp, and draw qs parallel to pr, cutting the circle in s; then biſect the arch ms by the line bae, and the thing is done : for the ſine su of Sr (or of the difference of the angles Dbe, abH) is by conſtruction (=pq) of mp the fine of the whole given angle BbD; as it ought to be, by the Lemma. But, if you had rather have a general Theorem expreſſed in algebraic terms, then let the velocity (6B) of the plane be put = a, and that (DB) of the fluid=b; and let the fine, and co-line of the given angle DBb (to the radius 1) be denoted by m, and n, reſpectively; alſo, having drawn BFL perpendicular to bFe, put bF = x, and BF =y; then, fince FB and FL are tangents of the angles FbB and FbL, to the common radius bF, it appears, by the Lemma, that FL is (= 2BF) = 2y; whence (ſuppoſing LR and DQ to be perpendicular to BbQ, we have (by ſimilar triangles) as Bb (a) : BF (y) :: BL (34) : BR 3yy , and therefore bR (BL — Bb) = Al- fo, Bb (a) : 6F (*) :: BL (3y) : LR = 3*y. But the value of DQ being mb, and that of bQ=nb a, we have again, by ſim. triang.) mb : nb-a :: 3xy : 39y --- aa and conſequently 3yy X 3xy, or 3yyyy ! x 3x7 (be- Зуу a nb nb aan mb mb } in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 129 nb d 3* X 2, (becauſe yy + xx = aa); whence + and from thence, by completing the ſquare and extracting 9 2+ 3 x nb -- a, equal to the tangent of the angle bBF, the complement of the re- quired angle abH, or ABH. 2. E. I. the root, nb x у 4 mb 2 mb COROLLARY I. gaa 466 1 If the given angle DBb be a right-one (which is the caſe when regard is had to the wind ſtriking againſt the fails of a windmill); then, m being =1, and n=0, our expreſſion for the tangent of bBF (which here is equal to the angle of inclination ABD) will become 12+ +3; and this, if a be taken = 0, or the plane be ſuppoſed at reſt, will be V2, barely; anſwering to an angle of 54° 44'. But if the velocity of the plane be ſuppoſed , , or of the velocity of the medium or ſtream, then the angle of inclination ABD will be found from hence equal to 58° 14', 61° 27', or 66° 58', reſpectively; ſo that, the greater the velocity of the plane is, the greater alſo will be the angle of inclination. Hence it ap- pears that the fails of a windmill, that the effect may be the greateſt, ought to be more turned towards the wind in the ex- tream parts where the motion is ſwifteſt, than in the parts nearer to the axis of motion ; in ſuch fort, that the tan- gent of the angle formed by the direction of the wind and the fail, may be, every-where, equal to 12 + gaa + 466 the velocity a being proportional to the diſtance from the axis of motion. za 223 COROL S COROL- 130 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems COROLLARY II. If, inſtead of the angle DBH (or DBb), the angle DBA, which the direction of the ſtream makes with the plane, be given; then it will appear, that the effect will, in this caſe, be a maximum, when the fine of the angle ABH, made by the plane and the direction of its motion, is to the fine of the ſaid given angle DBA, in the given proportion of BD to Bb. For, the force in the perpendicular direction FB being expreſſed by Del', its effect in the direction BH will, therefore, be defined or its equal (ſuppoſing BA produced to meet DeE in E). Now DB and the angle DBE (as well as Bb) being ſuppoſed given, DE is given from thence. But it is well known, that the ſquare of one part of a given line, drawn into the other part, will be a maximum, when the former part is the double of the latter. Conſequently De muſt here be the double of Ee; which laſt, or its equal BF, will therefore be BF De* x Dalix Ee by De BOS Bb {DE. > But, fin. B6F : radius :: BF (DE) : Bb; And, radius : fin. DBA :: BD : DE; by compounding of which, we have the proportion above laid down. "But that proportion, it may be obſerved, can only take place when Bb is equal to, or greater than of DE: for, when Bb is leſs than of DE, Ee (which is always leſs than Bb) cannot be equal to of DE ; but will approach the neareſt to it, when BF coincides with Bb, that is, when the angle FbH, or ABH is a right-one; and in this caſe, the effect will be a maximum, when the direction of the inotion is per- pendicular to the plane.--If the given angle DBA be a right- one (which poſition appears from hence to be the moſt ad- vantageous, becauſe DE then becomes = DB) it follows that the ſine of the angle ABH, which the required direction makes with the plane, will be to the radius, as part of the velocity of the ſtream is to the velocity of the plane (or fail).—Hence, if the force of the wind be capable of pro- ducing a degree of celerity in a ſhip, greater than part of its own celerity, it is evident that the ſhip may run ſwifter up- on in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 131 on an oblique courſe, than when ſhe fails directly before the wind *. PROBLEM III. . Suppoſe that a thread ACnCA, having two equal weights A, A, Jufpended at the ends thereof, is hung over two tacks C, C, inz the ſame horizontal line ; and that to the middle point of the thread (n) equally diſtant from the tacks, another given weight B is fixed, which is permitted to deſcend by its own gravity, ſo as to cauſe the other two weights, at the ſame time, to aſcend : it is propoſed to find the law of the velocity by which the ſaid weights aſcend and deſcend; abſtračting from the reſiſtance of the air, the weight of the thread, and the friction on the tacks. Let v denote the velocity of B (meaſured by the diſtance Fig. 28. that might be uniformly gone over in one ſecond of time), and let b (=.32 feet) the meaſure of the velocity which gravity can generate in a falling body, in one ſecond; putting CE =a, En = x, Cnry, and the tenſion of the thread : =w: then being the time in which B would, uni- formly, deſcribe the diſtance x, we ſhall have, as I (ſecond) is to , fo is b (the velocity generated by gravity in one ſecond) the velocity generated (or deſtroyed) by gravity in the bi to, v' * time 0 N уу — аа Y у :): yjnyy aa уух Moreover it will be, as BC (y) : En (yy-aa) :: 0 : the velocity with which the weights A, A aſcend; whoſe fluxion yy — aa x yu + aav; ( Jy --- aa x yu + aavy is there- yy fore the increaſe of that velocity, in the time but were * In the above confiderations the velocity of the plane (or fail) is, all along, treated as a given quantity ; becauſe the ſame direction that gives the effective force the greateſt, when the velocity is given, muſt neceſſarily give the velocity the greateſt poſſible, when the force, alone, is given. not ܀ S 2 132 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems bx V bi bi to уух уу - aN X YUU + aavvy : 2WX y 2wx y 2W* not the ſtring to act on the ſaid weights, their velocity (inſtead of being increaſed) would be diminiſhed, and that by the quan- tity o* (as is found above). Therefore the whole alteration of motion ariſing from the tenſion of the ſtring is to that ariſing from the action of gravity, in the proportion of yy - aa x yü + aavi + ; and, conſequently, the tenſion of the ſtring (w) will be to the weight of the body A, in the ſame proportion: whence we have w=Axit byyxx Again, it will be (hy the reſolution of forces) as Cn (y) is to En (), ſo is 2w (the double of the tenſion of the thread) to the effect of that tenſion to retard the deſcent of the weight B; which being ſubtracted from the gravity (B), the remainder B - will be the force by which B's motion is accelerated. Hence we have, as B is to B fo is a lot. ) the velocity that would be generated by the gravity in the time to that (0) generated in the ſame time, by the force o' B- From whence, by multiplying extreams and means, =bx we get vi=bi— 25xiw - 2Ax aa x yvui + apoy By By Вуз (by ſubſtituting the value of w) = bi 2b Ay 2 Avv + 208AX you vaj (becauſe yý = xx) = bx — 2543 2 Avu + 2y?ve - 20°yy : and, conſequently, by taking the fluent, bx 2bAy + 4A * + d (d being the necef- ſary correction); which equation, if be put =m, will be 2by + 2dm - ; Thewing the true ve- mt 1. yy - ABS locity y time 2wX у = 2bAxi a rendere 2014, B edhe yš B a?A Х B g² y4 | Αυ? B 2 B VU yy B. 2A 2bmx = reduced to v=YT in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 133 . locity of the body B ; whence that of the body'A ( 2by + 2dm will alſo be known. X. E. I. m+ 1. yy - aa 2bmx ✓ lue of v will be y/2bmx = 2by – 2bmf + 2bg mt1.yy 2 COROLLARY I. If the firſt values of w and y, when the motion commences, be expreſſed by f and g, reſpectively; then, v being O, when x=f, and y=g, we ſhall have o=2bmf - abg + zdm, and conſequently adm = abmf + 2bg ; ſo that the general va- - 2hm x x-f-2b xy-g y mt 1. yy From whence the greateſt diſtance through which the weight B can deſcend, before its whole motion is deſtroyed by the other weights A, A, may be eaſily determined: fór, ſince the velocity, at the loweſt point of the deſcent, vaniſhes, or be- comes equal to nothing, we ſhall, in that circumſtance, have 2bm x 2 -- f --- 2b xyg=0, or mx o, or m x'x-f+8(=y= ✓ xx taa ✓ xx+88 - ff; which, ſquared, gives m* x*— F1° + 2mg xx-f= xx — ff: whence, dividing by x — f, we have m* x x - f + 2mg =x *+f; and con- ſequently x = 1 + mm. f; exhibiting the diſtance of the point n below the horizontal line CC, when the whole motion is deſtroyed, and all the weights begin to move the contrary way. But it muſt be obſerved, that this can only happen when m is leſs than unity, or when the weight B is leſs than the ſum of the other two : for, if m be equal to unity, x will be infinite; and, if m be greater than unity, the value of x will come out negative; which thews the thing to be impoſſible, or that the weight B muſt continually deſcend; except when m is leſs than unity, or B leſs than 2A: in which laſt caſe, it appears that the bodies will oſcillate; backwards and forwards, continu- ally; in ſuch fort, that the two extream diſtances from the horizontal line CC will be expreſſed by f and 2mg — 17 mm.f whereof the latter, when f= 0, will become 2mg I mm I mm 2ma 1 mim 134 일 ​The Reſolution of ſome General Problems She ha 712 I m112 ing f and 2ing — 1+mm. f I mm B 2A xCC; ſhewing the loweſt deſcent of n, from the line CC, when the motion commences from that line.—By mak- 1+ mm.f equal to each other, we get f=mg xg, or f:g :: B : 2A. From which it appears, that, if the firſt poſition of the weight B be ſuch, that En is to Cn in the given proportion of B to 2A, no motion at all will en- fue, but the weights remain in equilibrio. Whence it is evi- dent, that, if the motion commences from any point below that here determined, the weight B will firſt of all aſcend, till the diſtance from CC is 2mg - 1+mm It mm.f; after which it will again deſcend, to its firſt diſtance f; and ſo on, backwards and forwards, continually. I mm COROLLARY II. 2bmx (v=y maa aa If Cnc, in the firſt poſition of B, be ſuppoſed to coincide with the horizontal-line CEC, and the body B be impelled from thence with any given celerity c (meaſured, as above, by the ſpace that would be uniformly gone over in one ſecond of time); then, v being C, when x = 0 and y = a, we ſhall, by ſubſtituting theſe values in the general equation 2by + 2dm =yJ2 2ba + 2dm obtain c = a ad m + I. yy ✓ 2dm — 2ba and conſequently 2dm = mc + zba; ſo that v 2bmx is here W 2by + 2ba to mo? ya which, when b=0, or, m + I. yy when the bodies are not acted on by gravity, will become v= And in this caſe, the time of moving thro’En m+Iyy m +1.gy-- aa m+1.*x + ma? (whereof the fluxion is may be readily found, by means of an hyperbola, whoſe tranſ- verſe aa 1 mªcy аа I V incy micv xx + ac 1 in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 135 2a ز za 3 2 3 를 ​; verſe and conjugate axes are and 2a; it being in propor- ✓m tion to the time of moving uniformly over the fame diſtance (x) with the given celerity at E, as the arch of the byperbola is to its ordinate x. PROBLEM IV. Suppoſing a ſpherical body of ice, or any other matter, revolving about its axis, to be reduced to a fate of fluidity; to determine the change of figure thence ariſing. It is demonſtrable, that the figure of an homogeneous fluid, Fig. 29. revolving about an axis (PS), having all its particles qui- eſcent with regard to each other, muſt be that of an oblate ſpheroid OAPES (ſee Art. 395 of my Doctrine of Fluxions); and that the particular ſpecies of ſuch ſpheroid, anſwering to any gi- ven tiine of revolution p, will be truly defined by the equation p=9/ where 1 : 1+tt :: PS’ : AE”; PS be- 3 + tt A-37 ing the axis; and AE the equatoreal diameter; alſo A the circular arch, whoſe radius iš unity, and tangent t; and 9 the time wherein a ſolid fphere, of the fame magnitude and denſity with the ſpheroid, muſt revolve, ſo that the centrifugal force at the equator thereof, may be exactly equal to the at- traction, or gravity. Now it is evident, that, whatſoever figure a fluid, revolving about an axis, at any time hath, the momentum of rotation about the axis will be no-ways changed, with the figure, by the action of the particles on each other : ſo that the momentum of our propoſed fluid, ariſing from the ſphere of ice, will, at all times, be the very fame with that of the ſphere itſelf. From whence it may be eaſily proved, that the time wherein one intire revolution of the fluid, con- ſidered as a ſpheroid, might be uniformly performed, muſt be always as AE”: therefore, if we make e = AE, and put d the diameter of the ſphere (or of the fluid, when AE PS) it follows that the ſaid time * will be truly expreſſed * At Art. 399. of my Fluxions, this time is, by miſtake, put down -Źx xs (inſtead of a xs); whereby the remaining part of that Article is by , } rendered erroneous. 4 ::::..........! 136 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems WX+ 3 ttt X A 372 dt X 13 35² AE vittt I + it €3 Vitott d4 I ex 73 by axs (ſuppoſing s to denote the given time of revolu- tion of the body, when under the form of a ſphere) : 113 which being put (= 9 ad the time where- in the revolution is performed, when the particles are in 292 equilibrio, we ſhall thence have 3+ tt x A – 30 But, becauſe PS (= :) the maſs of the ſphe- roid will therefore be as (= AE* x PS); and that of the ſphere, as d': which two quantities being made equal to each other, we have And, this value being it tt 3 + tt X A - 3t wrote in the room of its equal, we have 3+ * XA 293 3 ttt xA - 3t 292 xit tti From the reſolution of which equation the value of t, and the ſpheroid itſelf, will be known. The ſpheroid thus determined, is that under which the fluid might remain in equilibrio, were the par- ticles to be, once, quieſcent with reſpect to each other: but the particles, in their receſs from the axis, do, through the cen- trifugal force, acquire a motion from the axis, which is not immediately deſtroyed, on the fluid's aſſuming the figure, or | degree of oblateneſs above determined; the equatoreal parts ſtill continuing to recede from the axis, till the gravitati- on, by degrees, prevails, and in the end quite overcomes the ſaid motion. After which the equatoreal parts will begin to ſubſide, and again approach the axis, in the very fame manner they before receded therefrom: and ſo will continue oſcillating, backwards and forwards, ad infinitum. But if the fluid is fup- poſed to have ſome degree of tenacity, the oſcillations will be, every time, contracted, and the parts of the fluid will then converge to an equilibrium, under the form above deter- mined. L E M or I Х 3 I + tt 23 352, 13 353 in Mechanics and Phyſical Afronomy. 137 C CX cami 3 2 ca²* : C 3 c²a² 2 L EMMA. Suppoſing a body to move with an uniform celerity, in a right- line AD; to determine the rate of increaſe of the relative celerity by which it recedes from a given point C, out of that line. Make CA (perpendicular to AD) = a, and AB = x; and Fig 30. let the meaſure of the body's celerity, or the ſpace gone over in a given time g, be denoted by c: then will &* expreſs the time of deſcribing : (or Bb); and it is well known, that (=cx AB) will be the true meaſure of the cele- ✓ xx taa rity with which CB increaſes; whoſe fluxion, is ** + aal therefore the (uniform) increaſe of that celerity, in the time gx : hence it will be, as gi :g (the time given) :: xx+aa 2 *Х АС (= the required increaſe, that would uni- СВІ formly ariſe in the given time g: which increaſe, ſince repreſents the paracentric velocity of the body (in a direction perpendicular to CB) will be, always, expreſſed by the ſquare of the meaſure of the body's paracentric velocity, ap- plied to the diſtance (BC) from the given point, or center. & E. I. COROLLA RY. It is evident from hence, that if a force, which in the given time 8 is ſufficient to generate the ſaid increaſe of velocity, be ſuppoſed to urge the body towards the center C, and there- by deflect it from its rectilineal motion, the celerity with which CB increaſes will then be uniform ; becauſe the force applied, each moment of time, is juſt fufficient to deſtroy the increaſe that would ariſe, in the ſame moment, from the body's being ſuffered to continue its motion uniformly in a right-line. If the direction (Bb) of the motion is perpendicular to CB, the body, thus acted on (as no celerity is generated in the direction CB), will move in the circumference of a circle. Conſequently T thc 2010) 3 2 **+ aal CXAC CB 138 The Reſolution of ſome General Probleriss C 2 Eb ED* > or 2CB 2 2CE VCB 1 BỘ the force above determined is the fame with the centrifugal force in a circle, when the diſtance from the center, and the angular celerity are the fame. But all this may be made to appear in a different manner, by ſuppoſing Bb exceeding ſmall: for, if BE be made perpen- dicular to ČB (produced), BE will then expreſs the length whereby CB would be uniformly augmented, in the time (2 x Bb ) of deſcribing Bb; and therefore eb, the exceſs of Cb above CE, will be the ſpace through which the force muſt cauſe the body to deſcend, in order that the increaſe of the diſtance from the center C may be the ſame as would uniformly ariſe with the firſt celerity, at B. But it is evident that this excefs eb (which, by the property of the circle, is ? alſo expreſſes the effect of the force, neceſſary to cauſe a body to revolve in the circumference of a circle Eef, with the ſame angular celerity. To determine, from hence, the velocity which this force would generate in the given time g, we have, (the ſquare of the time of deſcribing Bb, or Be) is to E61 *ХЕВ g", ſo is the ſpace through which the ball might fall, by means of the ſaid force, in the given c? XED XĀCI time g; the double of which, (or its equal CB X Bb CB X CB is, therefore, the true meaſure of the velocity ſought; becauſe the diſtance gone over by a falling body is but the half of that which might be deſcribed in the ſame time, with the velocity ac- quired at the end of the deſcent. The quantity here determin- ed (as has been before obſerved) is the meaſure of the force by which the body is made to recede from C with an uniform ce- terity: if a force, leſs or greater than this, be ſuppoſed to act, the difference will cauſe an increaſe or decreaſe of celerity in the line CB, proportional to the ſaid difference. gºx BẠas CC 2 to 2CB A # } PRO- 3 in Mechanics and Phyſical Apronomy. 139 a, X, 2 ť, V, Share all, PROBLEM V. Suppoſe that a body, let go from a given place A, in a given direction, with a given celerity, is continually ſolicited towards a given point C, by a given centripetal force ; to determine the path ABP in which the body will move. From the center C, through A, let the circumference of a Fig. 35. circle ADK be deſcribed ; and, ſuppoſing B to repreſent the place of the body, (the radius CD of the circle, the radius vector CB .. the arch AD, meaſuring the angle ACB put the time of deſcribing the angle ACB the meaſ.of the celerity with which the line CB incr. the meaf.of the celer, with which the area ACB incr. the meaſure of the centripetal force 23 where, by the meaſure of a celerity, I mean the ſpace that would be uniformly deſcribed with that celerity in a given time g; and by the meaſure of a force, I underſtand the meaſure of the celerity that might be uniformly generated by the force, in the ſame given time. Since the celerity with which the area ACB increaſes is ex- preſſed by au, it is evident that the paracentric velocity of the radius vector CB, at the middle point (b), will be expreſſed by and that of the body itſelf by the ſquare of which laſt, divided by x, will give for the true meaſure of the centrifugal force (by the Lemma); whence it appears that (tamine -Q) the exceſs thereof above the centripetal force 2, is that force whereby the celerity v is accelerated : therefore we have g:t:: Q (the meaſure of the celerity gene- rated in the given time g): 0. But, becauſe the paracentric velocity of the body is that of the point D (deſcribing the T 2 circular 1 를 ​au 2au 4a´u? ges 40*u x3 2 au 2 140 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems 2au Х 2a24 circular arch AD) will be or ; and ſo we have (the diſtance deſcribed in the time g) : ž (the di- ſtance deſcribed in the time i): whence, by equality, Q 29?u 8 8:t:: 4a?u x3 2au 4a´u x3 x?ż 2a4 : 0 :: : 2; and conſequently v = QX Again, the ſpaces ż and (deſcribed in the ſame time) be- ing in the ſame proportion as the celerities and v, with 2a2u 2aaux xxż To ex- aň 2auri > zauw to 201 2uż 2użXI-W : 0 -4au ܀ x3 2ału 2a2u 2U XI w I w W W I uw 2, ZZ aa aa uzz 4au’xi-w which they are deſcribed, we alſo have v= terminate w and ☺ out of this, and the preceding equation, make W, (or w at1); then v and 2auw * ох Qx?z z Qż (by writing for its equal x); which equation may be reduced to e + expreſſing the general relation of w and z, or of x and z, ac- cording to any value of u. But in the caſe propounded, where- in no force is ſuppoſed to act, beſides that tending to the center C, the celerity au with which the area ACB increaſes, will be a conſtant quantity ; and therefore, i being here = 0, our equation becomes aQ : from whence, 44% XI-W when Q is given in terms of x (or w), the relation of w and z may be determined. COROLLARY I. Hence, if the centripetal force, by which a body deſcribes a given orbit at reſt, be known, the increaſe of that force, when the orbit itſelf is ſuppoſed to have a motion round the center of force, may be eaſily deduced : for, let the angular motion of the orbit, be to that of the body in the orbit, in the conſtant ratio of m to l; then, the whole angular celerity of the a²w : I-W in Mechanics and Phyſical Apronomy. 141 x3 x3 ز the body, here, being in proportion to the angular celerity when the orbit is quieſcent, as m + 1 to 1, the centrifugal force here, will therefore be to that (40*) in the quieſcent or- bit, in the duplicate ratio of m + 1 to I (by the Lemma), and ſo will be truly expreſſed by m tilx 4a´u From whence it 42?u appears, that mm + 2m x is the increaſe of the centri- fugal force ariſing from the motion of the orbit: which quan- tity, therefore, muſt be that whereby the centripetal force ought to be likewiſe increaſed, in the moveable orbit ; ſo that the difference of the two forces, whereby the motion of the body in the line CB is accelerated, may be the ſame here, as in the quieſcent orbit; in which caſe the value of CB itſelf, in all contemporay poſitions, muſt neceffarily be the ſame. Hence it appears, that the increaſe of the centripetal force, in order to the deſcription of a moveable orbit, will be always inverſely as the cube of the diſtance ; and will, moreover, be to the centrifugal force in the quieſcent orbit (in all contemporary po- ſitions), in the conſtant ratio of mm + 2m to 1. COROLLA RY II. If the centripetal force (Q) be ſuppoſed, inverſely, as the ſquare of the diſtance, and the given value thereof, at the lower apſe A, be to the centrifugal force there, in any given ratio of 1 me to 1; then, as the general value (4*) of the centrifugal force, will, at A, become = the centripetal force there will be expreſſed by XI-e; and conſequently that at B I-eX 4u I-eX 4x2 by xong or its equal Tel'. Which value being ſubſtituted for Q, our equation here becomes aw =e-w: whence, multiplying by w and taking the aw? fuent, we get (where, the angle CAB being ſuppoſed 4u? a 4u2 X 1- a ܀܀ w? w? ете 2zz 2 142 The Reſolution of fome General Problems ari ez or ✓ zew Home WW ✓ zew WWV BC =ex AF AC AF AC AC-CF AC I CF CD I CE CB Fig. 32. ſuppoſed a right-one, no correction is neceſſary); ſo that we eriv have ź : but the laſt of theſe quantities is known to expreſs the fluxion of a circular arch (A), whoſe verſed-fine is w and radius e ; therefore i be- ing=Ă, or a :e::%: A, it follows that the arches x and A (which are in the ſame proportion with their radii a, e) muſt be ſimilar, and conſequently their verſed-fines, AF and 'w, in the ſame proportion above ſpecified, or as a tu e: whence we have AC w== x AF, that is, 1– But (ſuppoſing BE perpendicular to AC); therefore I - AC and conſequently BC - AC BC =BD) = exCB -- CE; from which equal quantities take away e x BD, ſo ſhall BD-ex BD=ex AE, and therefore Ime:e:: AE : BD; which is a known property of the conic ſections, with reſpect to lines drawn from the focii. Hence it appears, that the trajectory will be an ellipſe, parabola, or hy- perbola, according as the antecedent 1 -e is greater, equal to, or leſs than the conſequent e; or according, as the centripetal force at A, is greater, equal to, or leſs than half the force fuffi- cient to retain the body in the circular orbit ADK.- As to the particular ſpecies of the curve, correſponding to any given va- lue of e, it is, from hence, very eaſily determined : for, if AO be made to repreſent the ſemi-tranſverſe axis, then will AO: 0C (:: AE : BD, p. conics) ::1-e:e; therefore, by diviſion, AO: AC:11--e:1-21; whence AO is known. ex I CE CB COROLL ARY III. If to the foregoing force, varying in the inverſe ratio of the ſquare of the diſtance, another force, which is inverſely as the cube of the diſtance, be joined (which, at A, is to the former part in any given ratio of s to i-e), the place of a body, thus acted on, may be found in the ſame conic ſection Fig. 33. A'PRS, above determined, fuppofing it to have a motion about in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 143 about the focus C, which is to that of the body in the ſection (referred to the fame point C) in the conſtant ratio of m to 1; the value of m being =Vits - I, of fuch that mm +2m:1::3 : 1 (by Corol. I.) – If the centripetal force be barely as the cube of the diſtance inverſely, the curve A'B will degenerate to a right-line ; in which the body will continue to move with an uniform velocity, while the line itſelf BA' (al- ways touching the circle in A') is ſo carried along by the mo- tion of the radius CA', that the angle ACA ſhall be to the angle A'CB, in the conſtant proportion above ſpecified; the ra- tio of the centripetal, and centrifugal forces at A (and conſe- quently in every other poſition) being expreſſed by that of s to its. COROLLARY IV. If the centripetal force to be as any power of the dif- tance, whoſe exponent is n, and the given value thereof, at A, be in proportion to the centrifugal force 44 * as r to I; a 4ru? 4ru I X- X I a a a a²w I w I 2% a²w² wa w 2żż 2 W we ſhall then have Q= ; and here -wl aQ our equation, will become 4u2X I w wl a-ü : which being multiplied by w, ol nota and the fluent taken, we thence get + in te nti and conſequently aw Ž ; from whence the ✓ + nti value of %, by infinite ſeries, or the quadrature of curves, may be found. But when r differs but little from unity, and the orbit is nearly circular, (becauſe of the ſmallneſs of w) -71- I 2r. I w ar 2w W² nto I 7 - n 42 1 W will 144 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems I r r r %% I - W. will be nearly equal to rxi+n+2.w; and there- a” w fore . W n + 2 .rw = I aาพ n+3.w, nearly; and conſequently 7 + 3. 22 nt3 Fig. 33. Put f = tand A = Vn+3 x %, that is, let A re- preſent an arch A'Dof the circle ADK, which is always to the arch AD (or %), in the conſtant ratio of Vn+ 3 to 1: then À À being = n+3 x żż, our equation, by ſubſtituting a²w theſe values, will become f-w; which differs in no- A A a w Carti ie 2.2 - n +3 thing from that w) reſolved in Corol. II, excepting only, that A and f are here uſed, inſtead of z and e: whence it is manifeſt, that the value of w (there repreſented by ex verf- ed-fine of z) will here be truly expreſſed by fx verſed-fine of A: from whence and what is there demonſtrated, it alſo ap- pears, that the place of the body will be in the periphery of a given ellipſe A'BR, revolving about its focus C, with an angular celerity, which is to that of the body in the ellipſe, in the con- ſtant ratio of the arch AA' to the arch A'D, or as I to vn +3. And it is evident, that the motion of the apſides will be to the motion of the body in the ellipſe, referred to the focus C, in the ſame given ratio ; and that the angle deſcribed by the body in moving from one apſide to the other (becauſe AD is always will be = 1800 x n3 180° All which concluſions, as well as thoſe derived in the preceding Corollaries, exactly agree with what Sir ISAAC Newton has demonſtrated, by a very different method, in the third and ninth Se&tions of the firſt book of his Principia.-As to the motion of the apſides of the lunar orbit, with the other inequalities depending on the ſun's action, theſe require the uſe of other principles, and the ſolution of the following PRO- I I A'DX Int3 int3 V x + 3 in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 145 Rt g PROBLEM VI. The fame being ſuppoſed as in the laſt Problem, and that, beſides the force tending to the center C, another force, whoſe meaſure is R, acts continually on the body, in a direction perpendicular to the radius-vector BC; it is propoſed to determine the curve ABP which the body, ſo acted on, will deſcribe. Everything in the preceding Problem being retained, Fig. 31 we have nothing more to do here, than to get an equa- tion for u, by means of the new force, whereon, the increaſe or decreaſe of u intirely depends. In order to this, we have, as g (the given time) is to t, ſo is R, the velocity gene- rated in the time g, to the velocity generated in the time t; in a direction perpendicular to BC: whence the cor- reſponding increaſe of the celerity au, with which the area Ri Ri ACB is generated, will be expreſſed by xş, that is, will be rai. But, as it has been proved that g: 1 :: ż, i ; and therefore ai = Rx 3 (becauſe x=7 . Hence, by taking the Rz fluent, we have u = c +flu. (c? being put for the neceſſary correction, or the value of 'u' when z=o). From uw e which equation, and that 4au-XIwl derived by the preceding Problem, the relation of u, w, and % may be determined, when the law of the forces Q and R is aſſigned. 2. E. I. 8 Х 8 2 2aºu xaż Rx3z we have or 2uii 2aau 4aau g IR 2 a a3 I w I W I W w I someone аа aa uzz U CO- 146 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems 을 ​> 201 2 w I aa w X 2Σ 22 qa aa ; w axi-W 2 II a? Exi А w w X 2Σ I 2% 2 II ż COROLLARY If the forces Q and R are ſuppoſed to be in proportion to (4) the centrifugal force at A, as A to 1, and 11 to 1, re- ſpectively (4 and 11 being any variable quantities whatever), and if the celerity (au) with which the area ACB increaſes be ſuppoſed in proportion to (ac) the firſt value thereof at A, as 4cc II 1 / £' to 1; then, Q being = 464, R = our two equations, by ſubſtituting theſe values, will become w and " + ¿ I=It-flu. or £=1+flu. and +w=1- ΣχI making AC unity; which laſt equation will be rendered ſtill more commodious, by writing for its equal 3; whence Ilw will be had +w=1 ΣΧΙ--μ into A X A X 1W xi-W13: from which the values of w and £ may be found, when thoſe of A and I are aſſigned: by means whereof the time (t) of deſcribing the an- gle z, will alſo be known, from the equation (a- bove derived): which by ſubſtituting c £? and ū for their equals u and gives i = & To exemplify the uſe of the equations here derived, by the reſolution of a caſe on which the determination of the lunar or- bit depends, let the force A, whereby the body is folicited towards the center, be conſidered, as compoſed of two parts; whereof the principal (6 x 1—201) is in the inverſe duplicate-ratio of the diſtance; the other part, which is ſuppoſed ſmall in compariſon of the former, being as the diſtance directly, drawn in- A)=5 22 EzX I MW w Пх 32 g 20au I I-W 2 Х 20 x1 XI-W I ) I-W to in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 147 I 1- II: W 3 IMU to a ſeries (P'xcof.pz+Qxcof.qx + R'xcof.rz, &c.) of co- fines of multiples of the arch >, joined to ſmall, given, coeffi- cients P, Q, R', &c. and let the force i, acting in the per- pendicular direction, be alſo ſuppoſed, as the diſtance directly, drawn into a ſeries (Pxſin.pz + xſin.qz+Rxſin.rz * &c.) of fines of multiples of the ſame arch, joined to ſmall, given, coefficients P, Q, R, &c. According to theſe aſſumptions, by ſubſtituting bx i 2013 * P'coſ.pz+coſ. qz &c. and FxPfin. pz+Qfin.qz &c. for their equals A and II, our two equations, E=I+ 2 fluent and + w = **£-Axi—21 - Axxi—1?, will here become £=i+2 fluent Pż fin.p% +Qž fin. qz &c. x 1—2014, and W +w= into 2-6-P'coſ.pz + cof.qz £. XP fin.pz+Q fin. qz &c. X I-wi Now, the orbit being ſuppoſed nearly circular, we may, in order to a firſt approximation, neglect w in both the factors I-201–3 and 14, as being very ſmall in reſpect of unity; by which means £ will become = it2 flu. på ſin. pz+Qż 2P fin. 9% &c. itd- * cof. qz &c. (ſee p. 82:) whered, repreſenting the neceſſary correction to the flu- ent, muſt be taken = + &c. fo that £ may be =1, when z=0. This value of £ being now ſubſtituted in the ſe- cond equation +w=x2-6~P'coſ. px-Q_coſ. qz &c. (where * P fin. px+Q fin. qz &c. on account of the ſmall . -3 I Σ &c. XI-W ZZ W -4 1 x cof. pz- 2Q 9 2P 2Q P 9 w * This aſſumption is not the lefs general by the multiples of z being taken the ſame here as in the value of A; becauſe, if any multiple of 2, in the one value, enters not into the other, it is but fuppoſing the correſponding coefficient in this laſt, to va- niſh or become equal to nothing. U 2 neſs 148 The Reſolution of fome General Problems neſs of ż of ) there cometh out บ 2P 2Q 22 9 P' cor. pz Q cof.qz &c. where P" 2P J-99 P 9 P I -99 4 I W S +w=x+d-6-*+P'xcoſ.pz +Qxcof.qz&c. P where the general multiplicator may be alſo omitted, as differ- ing very little from unity: this being done, and the fluent being taken, according to the method on p. 92,we thence find w=itd -6ta cof.z- +P; IPP Q"= 2Q + O', &c. and where the term a cof.%, by which , the fluent is corrected, muſt have its coefficient ſo taken, that w and x may have their origin together, that is, a muſt be made =+ " + &c. I-PP Having thus found a value nearly equal to w, we may by help thereof, proceed now to a ſecond approximation, by ſub- ſtituting that value for w, in the factors 1-27-3 and wherein it was before neglected; and, to facilitate the computation, the terms in the value of 1-w (whoſe reciprocal is the diſtance of the body from the center of force) may be expreſſed by the general ſeries of cofines, ex i-Bcol.lz-Ccof.y—Dcof.oz &c. (as it appears from above, that the value of w will conſiſt of ſuch): by which means the ſame terms before determined will be again brought out, together with a number of others, ſerving as a farther correction. But, ſince the former opera- tion is made, more with a view to diſcover the form of the feri- es, than to be regarded for its exactneſs, I ſhall have no far- ther reference thereto, but proceed to determine the value of the ſeveral quantities e, B, C &c. de novo, by a method fome- thing different from that uſed above. Firſt, then, from the equation 1-w=ex-Bcof. Bz-C cof. yz- &c. will be had =+xB coſ.Bz+C cof. yz &c. + &c. and w wt3 } 'in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 149 I and i 4 €4 출 ​Pż 2P 24 24 e4 P Ccol.pty.Z &c. I x col. px - X + * pet + x B cof. Bz+C coſ. yz &c. + &c. which laſt value being multiplied by Pź x fin. pz (accord- ing to the purport of our firſt equation, £=i+2 fluent Pž fin. pz+Qž fin.qz &c. x122-4), and a proper regard being, at the ſame time, had to the Theorems on p. 80, the product will ſtand thus, xſin.pz+ X-Bfin.6—p.z+Bſin.B+p.z &c. or thus, Pż 2Pż x ſin.pz + xB1.P-B.z+B1.p+B. z+Cl.p-y.z+ Cl.pty.z&c. whereof the fluent will be 2P Bcol.p-B.Z Bcorpt.z Ccoſ.pag.z e4 . + P-B pats ptr In the very fame manner, the terms ariſing from the multi- plication of Oz x ſin. qx will be exhibited; and we ſhall there- fore have itd- x cof. pz +ş -x cof.qz + x cof. rz &c. 4P Bcor. p-B.Z Bcol. 7-+-B.z C cof.pty. + + + paß AB p- pty 40 Bcof.qß.z Bcor.9+B.Z Ccor.q-2 C col.q+yz + + +B at? L In which the quantity d, aſſumed to denote the neceſſary cor- rection, muſt be ſo taken, that may be P that is, d muſt be equal to X ++ 9 B B С C * + &c. + pams p+B p- pty B С + + &c. * &c. Proceeding q 9+ aty now to ſubſtitute in our other equation (+ wx 2 – - Et b + P' coſ.pz+Q_cof. qz8tc. x1 +2013+ 2 P R х 24 Ccor. payz na &c. e4 X + et I-B qon &c. &c. I, when z=0 2 R &c. + 4P X + + 40 x B С + €4 qruary 150 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems w x Plin.pz+Qfin. qz &c. x i7-4=0) we ſhall, in the firſt place, by taking the fluxion of w=Icetex Bcof.Bz+Ccof.yz&c. have ex® B fin. BätyClin.yz &c. (vid.p. 82 and 83.) whereof the fluxion being, again, taken, we get w =>x3B fin. Bxty Clin.ym &c. and conſequently w t-w=1metex I-BB x B cof. Bz+Imrx Ccof. yz &c. 22 Hence 7.7 w x£ - £=-et B P IBB. х 9 ex1 —PBxBcof. Bæti-myyxCcof.yz &c. X 14 dana x cof.pz+ 9x col.gz &c. which (by an actual multiplication of terms of the two ſeries's into each other, and a proper application of Lem. 1, on p. 76, neg- lecting at the ſame time, all terms wherein two, or more di- menſions of the quantities B, C, D &c. would ariſe) will be reduced to -£+i+d.IBB.eBcof.Bz+5+d. 1-yy.eCcoſ.yz+itd.1-1.6Dcof.dz &c. xcof.pzz.z+cof.B. 48.2+ x cof.q=2.24.cof.qp.z &c. -Imqayo 2x x col.fy.zt.cof.pty.z+ xcol.Ex.3tcof.pt.7.2+ xcof. x col.q-yzf-cof.aty.z &c. &c. &c. In like manner we have P'col.pz+Qcof.qx&c. XI-W P'coſ.pz+Qcoſ.qz &c. x + x B cof. Bz+Ccof. zz &c. ex P' coſ.pz+Q coſ. qz+R' cof.rz &c. 3P xBcol. B.z+B col.p+B. 34Ccoſ.py.z+C cor.P+y.z &c. С P I + +3 x Bcof.q—B.%+Bcol.q+B.z+Ccof.qmayoz+Ccof.q+y.z &c. 2e3 Ľ &c. &c. Laſtly becauſe exlBſin.czty Clin. yx &c. it fol- lows in Mechanics and Phyfical Aſtronomy. 151 W P 1 23 1 dlo &c. lows that x Pfin.pz + Q fin. qz &c. XI-W ex 3Bſin.Bz+yCſin.yz &c. x Plin.pz+Qfin.qz &c. x x x B col.fz+Ccof.yz&c. whence, by proceeding as a- bove (neglecting the latter part, 4x Broſ. Bz+Ccoſ.yz &c. of the laſt factor, as producing terms involving two dimenſions of the quantities B, C, D, &c.) will be had X BBx cof.DB.z-BB col.ptB.z+yCcol.pyzamy Ccoſ.ptv.z &c. X BB coſ.q--ß.z-BB coſ. 9+B.ztyCcof.q-y.z~yCcof.q+y.z&c. =. z &c. Now let the three values, thus determined, be collected to- gether, taking inſtead of E, its equal, as given by the firſt equa- tion, putting f=itd, and dividing the whole by itd.e; by which means our equation is, at length, reduced to 1-BB. B coſ.Bz+I-oy. Ccof.yz+1-08. Dcof. dz &c. า I+ + +Pixcol.pz+22+Q'x coſ.gz&c. ef eff 4P 3P BP 2. PB e*f* 4P 3P, BP + I-8. col. Ptk.z PAB etf 4P 3P'yP + etf 3P yP Р IYY. col.pty. 4f &c. &c. But as the coefficients of the terms in this equation are much compounded, it will be proper to make a ſubſtitution for them: P Thus, let P=+ @= e4f e*f PBT=4 paß 2P 4 3P X Pts 2P c4f? PC b I 2P X 9 B. + t P X p cor. -.Z 2 2 B + x ll 2 2 С + Iyy. Х cof. powy. ? 2 2 4P с + + % Part 2 X P 2 pi 2 Х + Extreme &c. р 9 3P B I-BB PB X 2 P + + eff" PB2= PB + 1 IBB P 2 152 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems 4 y 2 3P y 2P 2 etf * 6 b O 3P I-YY PC PC, + X 2P P Af? 4 I BB PC PC2 + + + X &c. ptg ſuppoſing theſe ſubſtitutions to be continued on, to take in the terms affected by the other given quantities Q, Q, R, r, &c. (which are had from thoſe above, by barely writing Q and q &c. in the place of P and p&c.) This being done, our equation will ſtand thus 1-BB. Bcof.ßz-+-1-yy.C coſ. yu+1-88. D cof.dz &c. -it +Pxcoſ. pz HỌx cot, qẽ đc. ef +PBi x cor.p-B.: +PB2x cor.p-t-B. + Bixcuſ. q-B.2 + QB2 x cof.q+-B.z &c. +PC I x cof.p-y.% + PC2 x coſ.pty.z +QC1xcof.qy.c + QC2 xcof.qty.z &c. &c. &c. From whence, by comparing the multiples of the arch 2, in the firſt and ſecond lines, we have y=p, d=1, and ſo on, to as many values (n) as there are quantities p, q, r, &c. And, by equating the correſponding coefficients of thoſe ē equi-multiples, we alſo have C= D-- I-pp E- and ſo on, ton terms. Then, the value of the firſt n terms of the ſeries B cof. Bx + C coſ. yz + D cof. d % &c. (excluſive of B coſ. Bz, of which more hereafter) being thus known, the terms in the 3d, 4th, 5th, &c. lines of our equa- tion, being compounded of them and the given quantities P, P, Q q, &c. will alſo become known; from whence, by continuing the compariſon with the terms of the upper line, after thoſe already taken, a new ſet of terms, involving two dimenſions of the quantities B, C, D, &c. P, P, Q, Ï &c. will be determined: by means whereof, ſtill continuing the operation in the ſame manner, a third ſet of terms may be ob- tained; and ſo on, at pleaſure. As Р of . I-99 R Irr pi in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 153 b As to the firſt term 1-BB. B cof. Bz, whereof no uſe has been yet made, it is reſerved to take off, or deſtroy any other term, or terms, of the ſame ſpecies, that may ariſe in the ge- neral equation. If no ſuch term ſhould occur, it is but making the coefficient 1-BB. B=0, and every thing will be right: But that ſuch terms do actually ariſe, will appear in the fol- lowing illuſtration of the general method of proceeding, applied to a particular caſe, whereon the determination of the lunar or- bit depends. Let P=P, Q=P, and Q, R &c. all equal to nothing *; then our equation will become 1-BB.B col.ßz +1-47. Ccoſ.yz+1-08.D cof. dz+1-et. E cof.ez &c. -1+ +Px col.pz+@+PB ixcol.p–B.z+PB2xcol.ptB.z +QB1 +QB2x cof.Bz+PCIxcol.p. z+PC2xcol.pty.z + Qui+QC2 x coſ. yz + PDI Xcof. D-.% + PD2 xcor.p+8 . + QDi+QD2x cof. dz+PET xcor. pe. Z + PE2x cor.pt-% + QET QE2 x cof. εzt &c. Make now, y=p, d=p-B, and e=p+B; then the equation will ſtand thus 1-BB. B coſ. Bztiryy. C coſ. y + 1-0. D cof. :z* &c. It +Pxcol.pz + + PB1xcof. DB.Z+PB2xcol.p+B.z ef + B1 +QB2 x cof.B2+PC1 +PC2 xcof.2pz+QC++ QC2 x col.pz +PDix coſ.B2+ PD2xcol. 2p-B.z+QDI+QD2 xcol.p-B.Z, &c. Put B'=QB1 +QB2 + PDI + &c. C'=P+QCT+QC2 + &c. D' =PB1 + QD1 + QD2 + &c. E = PB2+ &c. F = PC2 + &c. G'=PD2 + &c. Then, expunging the terms which have no multiple-coſine in them (as alſo deſtroying each other) we, at length have * That theſe aſſumptions are ſo made, as to expreſs (nearly) the forces whereby the ſun diſturbs the moon's motion about the earth, will be ſhewn b hereafter, X I * The Reſolution of fome General Problems 154 C D' D I DP E? 23 14PP 2 сех F cof. 2p% + &c. T-BB. Bcol.But I myy.Ccoſ.yztiadd. D cof.dz + 1ES. E coſ.cz &c. + B'cof. B2 to C'coſ.pzt. D'cof.D-B.2+ E'col.p+B.z =0 +F'coſ. 2px + G'cof.2p-B.zt H'coſ.2p+B.zt &c. whence 1-BBxB=B', C= I---el F G E F H I-EB1 1-2p-pl &c. and conſequently I-20-4-B) 1-w=ext =exi-B cof. B2-C cof. y z &c.) C'xcol.pz D'coſ.B.Z E' coſ.pt Boz 1-B cof. But + + 1-PP I-31 Imptoß Gʻcof. 2paß.z H'cor.2p+B.z + + + I-4PP I--2-maß I-2p+81 In deriving the equation here brought out, all terms involving two, or more dimenſions of the quantities B, C, D, &c. are neglected; it will, therefore, be neceſſary to ſhew now, how the effect of thoſe terms may be computed, and the approxi- mation carried on, to any farther degree of exactneſs deſired. Previous to which, it will be proper to obſerve, that, in the preceding calculations, the quantity 1-21-3 was taken + x B cof. Bx +C coſ. yz &c. barely, and 1-2 + * B cof. B+C cof. y % &c. whereas the true value of wi or ex I-B cof. B C cof. zz&c. is 6 e + 2 x Bcoſ.Bz+Ccof. yz&c. t • * Bcula Az+Ccof.yz&c. *+& and that of 1-W 4 B cof. Bx + C coſ. yz &c. +xBcof. Bz+Ccoſ.yz&c.! Now Broſ.Bz+ Ccof.;z&c.* (before neglected) is evidently equal to B' x coſ. B21+ 2 B C x col. B x x C cof. y z &c. Bºx1 + coſ2x + BCxco.z-B.z+col.7+2.2 + &c. all which cofines, to- gether with their coefficients, will be known, ſeeing B, B, Y, C &c. 1 I 4 -3 3 I- I 4 I I in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 155 &c. are given (or nearly fo) by the preceding operation. And, in the ſaine manner, a ſeries of cofines expreſſing the value of B cot.B +-C cof. yz &c.' (or of the moſt conſiderable terins thereof) may be found, ſhould it be neceſſary to continue the approximation ſo far. To find what alteration theſe quantities will produce in the value of 1-W (before found) let any new term thus ariſing in the value of 1-2-3, be denoted by x cof. æz, and the term M e3 4 -101 N N xcoſ, az= 3 II N e3 + €3 anſwering to it in the value of 1-w by - xcof.az: then the correſponding increaſe in the value of — e£(= €-2ex flu. P żfin. pz+Q z fin.qz. &c. * 124,) will be 21 x Au P zſin.pz + Q ż ſin. 92. &c. X into flu. Pixſin.pma.x+fin.pta.z+Qxſin.q-az+fin.q+-a.z&c. Pcof. Panima. Z Pcoſ.pta.z Qcof.quaz, Qcof. 9+a.z into + pa to pta qator ata &c. In like manner, the increaſe of the ſecond member (P'coſ.pz + O'coſ. qz &c. * I-W &c. x 1 W1-3) of our general equati- on (ſee p.147.) appears to be P' coſ.px+Q'col.qz&c.xx cof.az M xP'col.pa.z+P'col.pta.% +Q'cof.qa.ZtQ'cor.q ta.% &c. And the increaſe of the laſt term, or member, P fin.pz + Qlin. qz &c. *x flux. 2201, is had = Maz P fin. px + Q fin.qz &c. X Х x fin.az 3z Ma P ſin. px + Q fin.qz &c. *• x ſin. az aM 643 xPcoſ. Daz-P cof. ptazt Q.col.q-az-Qcof.qta.z &c. Let theſe three quantities be now collected together; from whence the new terms entering into the general equation, when the whole is divided by ef, will ſtand thus P 2e3 I e3 3e3 X2 156 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems N MP aM N MP ? + + aM 6 M N e4 MP P X + 6 P N MP X aM x 6 MO? aM X 6 1 N X quæ N X q-a x I-atal Р P X ZP -- 6 xcol.p-a.ztcafita + etf p-o a xcol. Ptaz 2P + &c. So that, from the general method of operation before laid down, it appears that the proper correction for the value of 1-W, ariſing from the terms, xcof.azand x cof.az, be- fore neglected in the reſpective values of ī and 1-w-4, N aM cof. p-d. % will be expreſſed by e into + X enfp-a 2P 1-pai cof. pta.z + + 十 ​eff pa 2P 1- pta cof. 1-2. er + etf 2Q ΜQ'. aM cof. q-ta. + + + &c. e4f ata 2Q 6 In reſpect to which it may be obſerved, that no regard has been had to ſuch quantities as would ariſe from the multiplica- tion of the new terms in E, by the ſeries 1BB. B cof . Bz +1-uy. C cof. yx +&c.(as ought, in ſtrictneſs, to have been done); becauſe theſe terms being very ſmall, they will, after multiplication into the ſmall quantities 1-BBxB, 1–27xC &c. be ſo far reduced, as to become quite inconſiderable. And it may be obſerved farther, that even the whole product ariſing from the multiplication of the value of £. into the ſaid ſeries, except the terms-e8+1-BB.efBcof.Bz+1-78.ef Ccof.yx &c. might be alſo rejected, without producing an error of more than a few ſeconds, in finding the place of the moon in her orbit. Having ſhewn what alteration will be cauſed in the value of 1-w (the reciprocal of the diſtance of the body from the cen- ter of force) from the taking in of any ſmall, aſſigned terms in the values of 1–2013 and 1–201-4, it may be a pro- per place here to ſhew (as it is of great importance to be known) what change will ariſe in the ſaid value of 1-2 from the addition of any ſmall, new terms, and A fin.az, 1 in Mechanics and Phyſical Affronomy. 157 1 en- A' A 2 X 4 B I-BB AB X More 78 2 4 +3 I-BB 100 AB X 2A 2 T A cor.az A 2 х T IT 4 3A' B 1-BB X AB X 9-3 2A 2 and A' coſ. 7 %, to the reſpective forces P ſin. px + Q fin. qz &c. and P' coſ. pz + O'coſ. qz &c. whereby the motion of the body is diſturbed. What this alteration, or correction ought to be, is eaſily diſcovered from the general equation on p. 151; from whence, by ſubſtituting 7, Ā, and A'inſtead of P, P, and P', reſpectively, the new terms affected by , tering into the ſaid equation, will appear to be +Ā * x coſ. 7 % etf 3A' + + x cof.-ß.x 2A enf 3A + + + x cof. + +B.z. &c. eff and conſequently the increaſe in the value of 1—w ariſing therefrom=e into + Äx enf + coſ.T-B.Z + enf --- 1 3A cof. +B.% + a +8 eff to &c. I+B) where, in many caſes, the firſt term alone, will be ſufficient. In making the different corrections above pointed out, it will be found neceſſary to have a particular regard to ſuch multiples of the arch 2, as are, either, very ſmall, or nearly equal to unity. (of which two kinds, thoſe whoſe exponents are p-26, and p-B, will be found the moſt conſiderable.) For, though the coefficients of ſuch terms ſhould appear, at firſt, to be ſmall, they ought not, therefore, to be immediately rejected; becauſe the diviſors which they afterwards receive (the former in obtaining the value of 14w, and the latter, in finding the anomaly from thence) are ſuch as may render the effect, or quotient, too conſiderable to be intirely diſregarded. And it may be eaſily conceived, without the help of cal- culation, that a term, or force of the former kind, expreſfed by the fine or co-fine of a very ſmall multiple of the longitude %, muſt neceſſarily have a much greater effect, than another (having the ſame coefficient) which is proportional to the fine or co-fine of a large multiple of the fame angle : becauſe, when the ++ 4 B 1-23 AB x х 7T 1 2A 2 ļ 1 158 The Reſolution of fome General Problems ܀ 20 the index, or multiple is a very ſmall one, the term itſelf, while z increaſes, will continue, for a conſiderable time, nearly of the ſame value; and confequently, will have its whole effect exerted in the ſame direction; but when the multiple is a large one, the changes from poſitive to negative, and from thence to poſitive again, are ſo quick, that ſufficient time is not allowed for producing any conſiderable inequality in the body's motion, before that effect is again deſtroyed by the ſame force, acting equally in the oppoſite direction. The value of iw (the reciprocal of the body's diſtance from the center of force) being, by the formulæ laid down above, approximated to a ſufficient degree of exactneſs, we may from thence, and the equation i * El xir* (given at page 146.) proceed to compute the time (t) of deſcribing the angle z; whereby the difference between the true and mean anoma- lies will alſo be known; which, in the lunar theory, is the great point in queſtion, and is beſides, abſolutely neceſſary in or- der to introduce the proper quantities of the forces whereby the moon's motion is diſturbed. Let, therefore, the value of £ (as given by the firſt equa- tion, at p. 149,) be here repreſented by fxi-Bcoſ.ßz-Ccof. y - Dcof.dz&c. fo ſhall xi-Bcol.fz-Ecof.yz &c.) Xemx 7 - B cof. BZ &c. But 1 - Bcof.B2-Ccoſ.yz&c. =1+x B coſ. Bz &c. + **Bcof. Bz+Ccof.yz &c.] =1+xBcol.Bz+Ccoſ.y &c. + { x BB x1 +cof. 2Bz+BĆ x cof.gob.z + cof. + B.z&c. Andı-Bcor.Bz-Ccof.yz&c. -=+2 x B cof. Bx &c. + 3*, BBxit.cof.28z + BC x coſ.y-B.z+coftBiz &c. Which values being multiplied together, we thence get i t = 2 x Bcof. Bz+Ccof.yz &c. it XB cof. Bz+C cof. jy z &c. X 20 x 1 that gz 2cceft into 1 +{ + in Mechanics and Phyſical Afronomy. 159 Х 2cef} 3x, BBxit.col.2ßx+BCxcof.yR.z+coſ.t-B. &c. +XBBxi +cof. 2B%+BČxcol.z-Biz+coſy-tB.z &c xBBxit-cof. 2ßz+B+-Bēxcol.zBzt-c.7+1.2 &c. Put h=i+xBB+CCT-DD &c. + XBB+CC+DD &c. +xBB+CC+DD &c. (B)=2B+B, (BB)={BB+ in BB+BB, (BC) =3BC+ BC+BC+1BC, &c. conti- nuing on theſe ſubſtitutions, ſo as to take in the terms affected by the other quantities D, E, F, &c. (which are had from thoſe above, by barely writing one letter for another);, by means whereof our equation is reduced to 5+(B) xcof.Bz+(C)xcoſ.yz+(D)xcol.dz &c. gż i (BB) x coſ. 232+(BC)xcoſ.g-B.z+coſ.y+B.z (CC) x cof. 2yz+(CD)xcoſy-dzcol.ytd.z &c. &c. From whence, by taking the fluent &c. we have (B) xſın.Bz (C)xſin.y% (D) x fin.dz z+ he + + hy gh (BB)xſin.23%, (BC): ſin.y-B.z Х + + 2ceºft 258 b —В rts (CC) xſin.zyz (CD) fin.gd.Z fin.y to.z + * &c. + zby h y+ In reſpect to which it will be needful to obſerve, that the firſt . term, x, will, when z = the whole circumference, 2ceºf? be the true meaſure of the mean periodic time; becauſe all the other terms being compoſed of the lines of multiples of the arch %, they will, while z keeps increaſing, change from poſitive to nega- tive, and from thence to poſitive again, and ſo on continually; and therefore can have nothing to do in the mean motion; being themſelves no other than the proper equations whereby the mean and true motions differ from each other; ſo that, the true motion being defined by 2, the mean motion will be expreſſed (B) fin.bz (C)fin.y% by % + &c. as above determined. he From bos + &c. fin. y+B.Z Х X + &c. X gh + by 160 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems , Fig. 31. gh From the expreſſion xz, here found, the proportion 2ceft between the mean periodic time of the body in its orbit ABP &c. and the periodic time in the circular orbit ADK, that might be deſcribed, independent of the perturbating forces, by means of a centripetal force ſufficient to cauſe the body to move there- in, will be known: for the quantities e, f, and h being here, each, equal to unity, the ſaid expreſſion will, in this caſe, be- xz: whence it is evident, that the periodic time in the circle, will be in proportion to the periodic time in the orbit ABP &c. as unity is to eft: conie 8 20 b APPLICATION to the Lunar Orbit. Fig. 34 In order to apply the concluſions derived in the preceding pages, to the determination of the lunar orbit and the different inequalities of the motion therein, it will be neceſſary, firſt of all, to inveſtigate the ſun's force to diſturb the motion of the moon about the center of the earth; from whence all thoſe ine- qualities, except that ariſing from the excentricity, are pro- duced. Let C, S, and B repreſent any three cotemporary places of the earth, ſun, and moon, reſpectively; and, upon the dia- gonal BS, let the párallelogram BCSH be conſtituted; mak- ing BF perpendicular to CS. If k be aſſumed to denote accelerative force of the earth to the ſun, the accelerative force of the moon to the ſun will be truly repreſented by k x which force may be reſolved into two others, the one in the direction BC, expreſſed by kx and the other in the direction BH, expreſſed SB) SC SC by k x X from which laſt, let the force k in the pa- SB) rallel direction CS be ſubtracted; fo ſhall the remainder k x SC2 SB)? ; SC? BC x . 2 SC? SB; in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 161 3 SC, acting in the CB SC x 2 CF SC-SB kx be that part of the force, acting in the direction SB3 BH, whereby the motion of the moon about the earth is dif- SC-SB turbed: But this quantity, kx is evidently equal to SB SC? +SCxSB+SB” kx SC-SB X ; which, as SB (by reaſon of the SBY great diſtance of the ſun) is nearly equal to SF, will be alſo SC+SCxSB+SB CF equal to k x CF x or to 3kx sc, very near ; SB3 becauſe SC being nearly equal to SB, it may be here ſubſti- CF tuted inſtead thereof. Now this force 3k x direction BH, parallel to SC, may be, again, reſolved into two others; the one in a direction perpendicular to BC, expreſſed CF by 3k x x ſin. SCB=3kx x ſin. SCB x cof. SCB= SC 3k CS x ſin. 2SCB; and the other in the direction of CB, ex- CB preſſed by 3 K x SC X cof. SCB=3k x 5c x cof.SCB+= 3k CB XI cof. 2SCB: from which laſt, let the force SC BC kx x (orkx BC ) above found, acting in the oppoſite SBT direction BC, be ſubtracted, ſo ſhall the remainder k x sex. + 1 cof. 2SCB be the diminution of the centri- petal force to the earth, ariſing from the action of the ſun. . To exterminate k and CS from theſe expreſſions, let the given quantity 0,0748, expreſſing the mean periodic time of the moon, in parts of an year (as found by obſervation) be de- noted by m; then (by the proportion on p. 160,) as 277 is to 1, ſo is m to meafi -) the periodic time in the circular orbit ADK, that might be deſcribed, independent of the perturbating forces, by means of a centripetal force ſufficient to cauſe the moon to revolve therein. But in circles the centripetal forces are Y known 2 X SC SB CB 3 b b : 162 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems CA CS pro- bh CB CS ed by 3m'ctf x CB 2hh X fin. X CA 2bb known to be as the radii directly, and the ſquares of the perio- dic times inverſely; whence we have, as 1 (the force in the circle ADK) is to k, the mean force whereby the earth is retained in its orbit about the ſun, fo is mefni to : from which k portion merf*:And the forces kx C9 * +1 coſ.2SCB, CS hhxCA kxCB and x} fin. 2 SCB, whereby the motion of the moon about the earth is diſturbed, will therefore be truly defin- 3m²e4f CB CA X coſ.2SCB+, and 2 SCB. If the fun and moon be ſuppoſed to move from the line CA at the fame time, ſo that the angle ACS may be the ſun's ap- parent motion about the earth, whilſt the moon in her orbit moves from A to B, it will be, as I:m::2(=the angle ACB): mz = the angle ACS, nearly; which would be ſtrictly true, were the true motions of the ſun and moon to be exactly in the fame proportion with the mean motions. Hence SCB (=ACB -ACS) will be had =%-mz, nearly; and conſequently 2SCB=pz (by making p=1-m X 2): and ſo the forces found above, by ſubſtituting this value, and writing in the room of its equal will, by means thereof, be reduced to СА? 3m%e4f m*e*f and 3m*ety ſin. pz: which quantities, with contrary ſigns (becauſe they diminiſh the centri- petal force to the earth, and the area deſcribed, inſtead of in- creaſing them) being compared with the two general ex- preſſions P' coſ. pate cof. qz+R' cof. rz &c. and P fin.pz+Q fin.qxR fin rx &c. as given on p. 147, * In deriving this concluſion, regard is had to the moon's relative motion about the earth's center; but if we conſider the motion, as performed about the common center of gravity of the earth and moon, the reſult will be exa&tly the ſame. CB I I x col.pzt has X x Х 2bb 2bb I X I we in Mechanics and Phyſical Apronomy. 163 X bb X 2 2 bh' bh we ſhall, in this caſe, have q=0, r=0, &c. P 3m² ,etf etf m2e4f etf -0,0084 x =–0,0028 x Q (=P'), P= 37* X (=P), Q=0, R=0 &c. But here, inſtead of h, or its equal, it1 BB+CC+DD &c. (given at p. 159,) it will be ſufficient to make uſe of the firſt term of the ſeries only (till a more exact value, by means of the ſubſequent calculations, can be known); becauſe alf the quan- tities B, C, D, &c. being ſmafi in compariſon of unity, the ſquares of them, which are here neglected, will be ſtill ſmaller, and of leſs conſequence. If, now, the caſe under conſideration be compared with that laid down, and reſolved, at p. 153, they will appear to be the fame; ſo that we have nothing more to do here, than to compute, in numbers, the different values of the algebraic quantities there brought out. But one thing previous there- to muſt be taken notice of, reſpecting the principal (B cor. B2) of thoſe values, on which the great elliptical equation, ariſing from the eccentricity, depends, which cannot be known but from the obſervations of Aſtronomers; ſince it is owing to the projectile-velocity which the moon, firſt, received, more than to the perturbating force of the ſun, whoſe effect we are about to calculate. But, though the term B x cof. Bz, cannot be deter- mined by theory alone, yet the value of its exponent B, on which the motion of the apogee depends, may from hence be deduced. This value, in a former operation (ſee page 148,) was found to be an unit (as the circumſtance of the problem, when the apogee is at reſt, abſolutely requires); the true value cannot, therefore, differ much from an unit, which may be uſed inſtead of B, till a more exact value, by means of a ſecond operation, is known. Making, therefore, B=I; 0,0084; P=P; Q=0; Q=P=P; m= -0,0748, (=1-mx2) = 1,8504 y=p, =pB, Esp+B, &c. (as before determined) and ſubſtituting in the equations on p. 151, 152, 153, we have ż P P eff Y 2 164 The Reſolution of fome General Problems PE eP petf P e4f + 2x—0,0084 -0,0843–0,001748 ; 2Q 0,0084 ēc 0,0028; PB1(= + 0,048B; e*f tit 0,0285B; a ଧା t getf euf 3 Q 4 I-BB P PB Х 1 Donß 2 4 I-BB PB Х PB2(=p7B + + 7 1 ololololololol 1 I-do 1 E eff 4 + 2 + 2 7 4 PC2= Iy PC 十​三十 ​X Ptr 0,0404C; e4f PD PDI(++ 0,0414D; P 4 -do PD PD2(= x 0,0273 D; pti ctf 4Q BO +39 OBI (= PB BBx ex q-ß 220f 0,0042 B (becauſe Q=0, and Q=P); and in the very ſame manner, QB2=-0,0042B; QCI=-0,0042C; QC2=- 0,0042 C; QDi= 0,0042 D, QD2 QD2 = 0,0042 D, &c. &c. * Whence. * )= 2 2 9 * In theſe calculations, all terms whoſe diviſors are found equal to no- thing, will themſelves be nothing, and not infinite, as might at firit be ima- coſpj.Z gined: thus the term by having its diviſor p =0, intirely va- nilhes. The reaſon whereof will appear evident, if it be conſidered, that this term, cof p—4.2, ariſes by taking the Auent of —¿X fin.py..,, orixo: which is, manifeſtly, equal to nothing. But an objection may, perhaps, be brought from hence, againſt the truth and univerſality of the fluxionary calculus; ſeeing thereby an expreſſion is here derived, which, though actually equal to nothing, appears nevertheleſs under the form of an infinite quantity. cof.pammy. Z To clear up this point, it muſt be obferved, that is not the complete fluent of -zx fin. py, but the variable part of it only; the corrected Au- cof.py.Z ent being X-Itcof.py.z. But, whatever panny value pay is ſuppoſed to have, the cofine of my.Z will, it is known, be ex- I I + Or - 4 preſſed in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 165 Whence it is evident, that B'(=QBI+QB2+PDI &c.) =-0,0084B-0,0414D, C'(=P+QC1 + QC2 &c.) ==-0,01748—0,0084C, D'(=PB1 +QDit QD2 &e.) =-0,048B-0,0084D, E(= PB2 &c.) = -0,0285B, F'(=PC2 &c.) =-0,0404C, G'(=PD2 &c.) = -0,0273D, &c. But B'being=-1BR.B, C=-my.c, D'=-1SD.D, &c. the ſecond and third of theſe equations, will by ſubſti- tution, be changed to i-y.C=0,01748+0,0084C, and 1-8. D = 0,048 B +0,0084D; whence C is given 0,01748 0,01748 -0,007186; and D= lyga0,0084 I-1,85047-0,0084 = 0,178 B: which values being ſub- 1-0,85041-0,0084 ſtituted in the other equations, they will become B=-0,0158B, E=-0,0285 B, FP = 0,0003, Gʻ= 0,005 B; whence E(=- - 0,004B, F(= -p+B! 0,000023, G= 122) 0,0008B; and conſe- 1-2-310 quently 1-w= fex i-Bcoſ.Bz~Ccof.yz-D cof.dz &c.) = e into 1-B cof. Bz+0,007186 cof.pz-0,178 B cof.Biz +0,004Bcof. +3.z—0,000023coſ.2pz+-0,0008Bcoſ.2p-Biz &c. expreſſing the reciprocal of the moon's diſtance from the earth. As to the quantity B, which enters into the greater part of the terms of the ſeries here found, it cannot, as has been al- 0,048 B E F 2 1-4PP G' preſledby1_277*** +3.)*** &c. So that, the Auent in queſtion will be I. 2 1. 2. 3. 4 I pomy. 7+z4 1.2 truly repreſented by X + &c. or its equal -- + px?z* &c. which entirely vaniſhes, as it ought to do, wher 1. 2. 3.4 -7.22 1. 2 1. 2. 3. 4 ready 166 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems ready intimated, be otherwiſe determined than from the ob- fervations of Aſtronomers: nor will the equation above expreſſing the relation of B' and B, afford us the leaſt help therein: For, by ſubſtituting -0,0158 B inſtead of its equal B', that equation will become -0,0158 B -1-BB.B, or 1-BB=0,0158; where, Bintirely vaniſhing, nothing in relation to it can, therefore, be determined. We have here, indeed, an equa- tion for finding the valuc of B; which from thence is given ✓ 1-0,015850,99206; by means whereof the motion of the apogee will be known: for it will appear, by cor. i and 3 to prob.VI.) that i-w=exI--B cof.Bz is the equation correſponding to a moveable ellipſe, turning about the focus, or center of force, with an angular celerity which is to thatof the body in the ellipſe, every-where in the conſtant proportion of 1-B to B : whence it follows, that the mean motion of the apogee, ought to be in proportion to the mean motion of the moon, as 0,00794 to unity: which differs from the real proportion (of 0,008455 to 1) as given from obfervation, by about is part of the whole value: nor ought this to ſeem ſtrange, as a number of (ſmall) terms yet remain to be introduced into the value of 1-2, the corrections pointed out on p.156 and 157: beſides which, the difference ariſing in the co-efficients of the terms already found, by ſubſtituting this, new, value for B, will amount to fomething conſiderable, from whence, alone, near half the error would be taken away. But, to avoid the trouble of repeating the ſame operation, again and again, with the new values of B, thus found, I shall here, at once, take ß equal to the true value (0,991545) as given from obfervation; but if the eccentricity B, be ſuppoſed to vaniſh, i-w will then become = ex 1+0,007186 cof.pz0,000023C08: 2pz &c. which, when pz=0, or the moon is the fyzigy, will be rexi +0,007186~0,000023=1,007163 Xe; but when 2pz=90 degrees, or the moon is in the quadrature, it will then be = ex 1-0,007786–0,000023=0,992791xe. Therefore, when the orbit is with- out excentricity, the diſtance of the moon from the earth, in the fyzigy is in pro- portion to the diſtance in the quadrature, as ---- or as 1,067163 xe 0:992791 00 -1,207163, that is, as 69 to 70, vary near; the ſame as is found bye Sir Ifaac Newton in his Princip. B. III. prop. 28. fhall, 1 I to 2 O992791 x in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 167 ſhall, at the ſame time, put down the ſeveral terms ariſing in the equation for the value of B; by means whereof it will ap- pear, in caſe both ſides are found to be equal, that the va- lue of the root B has been rightly aſſumed; and that the mo- tion of the moon's apogee (which has been the ſubject of ſo much ſpeculation and controverſy) is intirely conſiſtent with the general laws of gravitation. Now, of the quantities above determined, PB1 and PDI are thoſe that are the moſt affected by altering the value of B: theſe being, therefore, computed a-new (making B equal to 0,991545, inſtead of unity) the former will here come out 0,04747 B, and the latter = 0,04168 D: from whence, by proceeding as before, we have D=0,1869 B, and 1-BB(=-1) =0,01619. As to the values of E, F, G, &c. they are ſo ſmall, in themſelves, and fu little affected by B, that to compute them a-new, would be quite unnecef- ſary; the difference not producing an error of a ſingle ſecond, in the place of the moon. To apply, now, the obſervations laid down at page 156, in order to obtain from thence a farther correction of the value (ex Si-Bcoſ.Bz+0,007186c0f.px0,1869Bcoſ.p-B.2 x{ +0,004Bcor.p+3.2-0,000023 cof.2pz +0,0008 Bcof.2p-B.z) above found, the ſeveral powers of the ſeries B cof. Bz 0,007186 col.pz+0,1869 B coſ. pmb.z &c. (before omitted) muſt be now taken, or ſuch terms thereof, at leaſt, as are of conſequence enough to merit regard. Thus, in the ſquare, or ſecond power, the terms which appear conſiderable enough to merit an examination, at leaſt, will be thoſe ariſing from the ſquares and the double rectangles of the three firſt terms of the root, which are vaſtly larger than the others. Theſe will be B + Bcof. 2ßz - ,007186 B cof. P-Box-,007186 cof.p+B.z+0,1869 B* col. 2B.z +0,1869 B* col. pz + ,000025 +,000025 cofine 2px - ,00135 B coſine ße ,00135 B cof. 2p-B.2+,0175 B'+,0175 B* cof. 2p-2ß.z. But, in the value of 1-W13, theſe terms are affected with the common multiplicator (vide p. 154); and, in the value of ܀ 6 There 168 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems IO: IMWI 6 10 N 84 P N cof. p. X x 2P 6 P N X + + x , by the common multiplicator ſo that, in order to find the effect of the firſt of them (Bº) from the formula at M p. 156, we muſt compare - Bºx: and 1 Bºx, with 23 X cof. az, and x coſ. az, reſpectively; whence M=3B', N=5B’, and a=o: and conſequently, MP aM eff + + pa Impomat MP aM col.pta.z eff 2P pta 6 &c.=,029 B’ coſ. pz. Iptal In the ſame manner, with reſpect to the ſecond term, i B' cof. 2Bz, we have M=3B", N=5B’ (as before), and a=2B; from whence the correction, anſwering thereto (excluſive of the general factor e) will come out, 0,3178 B' cor.p2B.: + ,0023 B'cof.p+28.2 +0,0028 cof. 2ßz. Again, in relation to –,007186 B coſ. p-B.2, we have M=~,431B, N=4,0718 B, and a=p-B; from which will be found ,000735 B x ,000073 B coſ. 2p-B.z +,000464Bcoſ.p-B.z; where the firſt term is of that ſpecies on which the motion of the apogee depends, and where the ſe- cond is too ſmall to be farther regarded. In like fort, from 4,007186 B cof.p+Biz, we ſhall get 50ообо Вх beſides two other terms; which, on ac- 1-BBY count of their extreme ſmallneſs, may be intirely neglected. By proceeding on, in this manner, two, or three ſmall terms, more, (producing equations of a few ſeconds, each) will be found; which being joined to thoſe above, we ſhall from thence have, +,03 B’ cof. pz + ,00055 B col. p-B.z + 0,3028B'col.p—2B.z+,0072B'coſ.2Bz+,0070B'coſ.zp—2B.Z +,ooo16 Bx ; which, drawn into the general multiplica- 1-BB tor e, will give the whole increaſe of I-w, by taking in the ſquare of the ſeries aforeſaid. As to the increaſe ariſing from the cof. BZ IPB cor.bz i cof. 8% in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 났 ​169 coſ.cz I-318 the cube thereof, few of the terms will be found conſiderable enough to deſerve notice, the only ones of any conſequence to be collected from thence, being-,00004B+0,7B'x col.p. 1.2 -0, 11B'x coſine p-3.8.2 —,08 B' x cof. 2p-3B.z --,055B' x : But, from the biquadrate, we ſhall only have one term (1,1B*coſ.p-2B.z) that can produce an equation of more than a ſecond, or two; though the effect of this one term will, alone, amount to near a minute; which is owing to the ſmallneſs of the exponent p-2B, conſonant to what has been before inculcated (at page 157). And it may be worth while to take farther notice here, that all the terms hitherto deter- mined, except two or three, belong to one, or the other of the two kinds there ſpecified. If, now, the ſeveral quantities above brought out, be collected into one fum, we ſhall have 0,03B” cof.pz+,00051B-0,7B' x cofine p-B.z +0,3028B' 7 1,1B* x coſine P-2B.x +0,0072B'coſ.zßz+,0070B'coſ.25—23.2-0,11B'col.p-38.2 -,08B'cof. 2p-3B.z+,000163—,055B'x of all which terms, 0,3028B* +1,1B* x cof.D—2B.z is by far the greateſt, and ſo conſiderable as to produce other terms, or correcti- ons, of conſequence enough to be regarded here. The new terms ariſing from the entering of this term into the firſt power of the ſeries, for the value of 1-w, will appear to be --,0032B*cof.222--0047B’coſ.mp—23.3+,0026B'coſ.p—2B.% (which are found as above, by making M=3* -0,3028B”, N=4x=0,3028B", a=p-23, and neglecting 1,1 B*) : And by the entering thereof into the ſquare of that fe- ries, from the double rectangle under it and the firſt term, there will be had +,088 B'coſ. 2p-3B.z ,019B'coſ.p—3B.z+,03B' x which, together with the quantities before found, being joined to the former value of I-W, we have at length cor.Bz I-B cof. Bz I -BB N 170 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems > I - Wex 1s 138 1-38 1 كردم 1 I--Bcof.sz+.007186+,03B"xcol.pz-0,1864B+0,7B'xcol.priz 1,004Bcoſ.p+Bezt0,3054B²+1,1B4xcoſ.p-2B.Z-,000023coſ.2p% t.coo8B cof. 2pmb.z+,004B? cof. 262 +0,0023B” cof. 2p - 27.2 [+0,13B:cof 1-3B.z In which equation the terms of the ſpecies, cof.Ez, are not put down; becauſe the original term-B cof. (ez, which is equivalent to them, is ſtill retained. Thoſe terms, however, though of no uſe in this equation, are not to be intirely diſregarded; ſince on them the motion of the apogee depends. By collecting them, and the former value of —B, into one ſum, we get the equation - B=_2016193 ,00016B-,055B3 ,03B3 201603B+,025B3 + + : from whence, when B is aſſigned, the value of B will be found, but fill ſome- thing ſhort of the true value, as given from obſervation. But it ought to be now remembered, that all the equations, hitherto brought out, are derived on the hypotheſis, that the true motion of the ſun is to that of the moon, in a conſtant pro- portion: which is near the truth, only; fince the diſtance of the ſun from the moon, whereon the perturbating forces de- pend, is ſometimes greater, or leſs by two degrees, than ac- cording to that hypotheſis: which difference muſt, of conſe- quence, render other corrections neceffary. How theſe may be introduced I ſhall here inſtance, by firſt conſidering the noti- on of the earth about the ſun, as uniformly performed in a cir- cular orbit; leaving, to be determined by a future operation, the other equations ariſing from the eccentricity and parallax, which will be obtained in the ſame manner. It is found at page 159, that the moon's mean motion, an- ſwering to the true motion %, is rightly repreſented by % + (B) xlin.Az (C)xſin.yz (D) xſin.dz + + &c; from whence the mean, hy or true motion of the fun (for, in a circular orbit, they are the (B) xſin.Ez (C)xſin goz fame) will be had = mx zt &c. by (B) x fin.cz =mz+mz, ſuppoſing z'. --- the 13 ho + be (C)Xſn.7Z &c. Hence ba br in Mechanics and Phyſical Aflronomy. 171 3 tot ha &c. = the true diſtance of the moon from the ſun, will be mz', and the double thereof equal to 1-mx2z_2mz', or to pz_2mz': of which the ſine is =fin.px x coſ. 2mg-col.pz x fin. 2mz';. but the arch 2mz' being exceeding ſmall, the fine thereof will be nearly equal to the arch itſelf, and the co- ſine very nearly equal to the radius, or unity; and conſe quently the fine of the double diſtance of the moon from thę 201(B) x fin.bz ſun ſin. pz.col.px x 2mz'=fin.pz-cor.pxx m(B) ſin.px + x fin. p-R.2 fin.pt-B.z + " Tony (C) hß x ſin. --7.2-ſin.ptr. z &c. In like manner, the co-line thereof will be had (= col.pz x coſ: 2mz'+fin. pz x ſin. 2mz'=cof.pzt-fin.pz x 2mZ m(B) nearly) = col.pz + x cof. P-2.2 col. pt.3.2 + be m (C) X col.p-.2 -- col.ptv.z8oc. by Which two quantities being multiplied by P, it will ap- pear, that the new terms ariſing in the two expreſſions of the forces (beſides thoſe, P ſin.pz and P cof.pz. in the former MP (B) mP (C) hypotheſis) are x ſin. 0-B.z-ſin.pt-b.xt mP (B) x ſin.p-y.z-pty.z&c. and x cof.p-3.2col.p+2.7 be mP(C) + x coſ.p.ptyiz &c. Now it will appear, by a compariſon with the formula on p. 157, that the effect of the two firſt, correſponding terms here mP (B) exhibited, making a=p-B, will be + 1x b Betf mPB (B) + to hzetf 7 mPB (B) cofint +Z g +++ - x &c. which, be. ats bisexf I cauſe m=,0748, , =--,0084, and h=1, will be equal to 14f Z 2 h3 hy by cof. #7 2 X ITT i B 4 IM3B cof. 2x X x + 7T 2 77 I am 4 I-33 X P 172 The Reſolution of some General Problems sa col. az Z 4 B IPB B IT TB 2 Bcor. 7 4 X 1-33 X titi Ccof.y.Z 2 I 4 7 1 Iyy Х T 2 I- B y > B ,00063(B) into + 1x + +1- 4 B cof. tom.z + + TAB 1-4+3,1 ti + &c. =-,0081 (B) x coſine p-Box +,0187B (B) x coſ.p-2B.z +,0011 B(B) x cof.pz&c. where all the terms, after the two firſt, may, on account of their extreme ſmallneſs, be intirely neglected. In the very fame manner, expounding # by p+3, pg (=o), pty (=2p), p-(=B), and p+8=20—3,) ſúcceſ- ,00063(B) ,00063(C) ,00063(C) ſively, and ſubſtituting + ( ,00063(D), and +300063(D), reſpectively, in the room of ,00063(B) (B); there will, in the firſt caſe, be found the term -,00015 (B) x cof.p+B.z; being the only one producing an equation of more than a ſingle ſecond; in the ſecond and third caſes, no term at all , worth notice, will be found: but, in the fourth (where =) two pretty conſiderable ones ,00222 (D) * cor, 8% and 0,0233 D(D) x coſ. p2B.z, do ariſe ; whereof the former is of that ſpecies on which the motion of the apogee depends, and gives, an increaſe of that motion, of about part . By purſuing the ſame method, the effect of the ſecond order (BB) x fin. 282 (BC)xſin. 7-B.z &c. may &c. may alſo be comput- but here it will be ſufficient to make uſe of the firſt term of the general formula alone: from whence are obtained the quantities +,0045 (BB) x cof. p-2B.z, and — ,0059 (DD) x cof. P~2B.z; which are both of that kind, ſpecified at p. 157, rendered confiderable by the ſmallneſs of their expo- nents, and are the only ones bere, that merit regard. Theſe being, therefore, joined to thoſe found above, the whole correction fought will be, -0,0081(B)x col.paß.2-0,00015(B)xcoſ.P+B.2 + 1-BB of terms, h.28 5.B ed; I 1 in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 173 I-Wex I-BB I-BB I-BB +0,0187B(B) -0,233D (D) +0,0045 (BB) –0,0059 (DD) X coſ.p—2B.z. But (B)being =2B, (D)=2D (BB)={B”, and (DD)=_D’, nearly, vid. p. 159 (B, C, D, &c. being neglected, as too inconſiderable to be regarded here) our expreſſi- on may therefore be changed to 0,0162 B col.p-B.z -0,0003 Bcoſ.pt B.z+0,0441B' -0,0554Dºxcol.p-28.2 which being added to the value of 1-W, before found, we thence have --Bcof.Bz+0,007186 +0,03B* xcol.pz-0,20263 +0,7Bsxcol.p- Boz +0,0037Bcof.p+boz+0,03495B2-0,0554D +1,1Bxcor.p-2B.% --,000023 cof. 2pz + ,0008 B cof. 2--B.z +,004B2 coſ. 2B z + 20023Bạcof. 2p28.340,13B3 col.p-38.2 0,00222(D)xcor.bz And, by writing the coefficient of the term in the equation for the motion of the apogee, it will here be- 0,01603B+0,025B3 0,00222(D) come - B 0,01693B+0,028B3 becauſe (D)=2D=2x0,2026B+0,7B': 1-BB whence 1-BB = 0,01693+00028Bº=0,017015 (ſuppoſing B=0,05505); and conſequently 1-B=0,00854; which value is, now, about tó part greater than the true value, giv- en from obſervation, and is near enough to ſhew, that the force of the ſun is ſufficient to produce all the motion of the moon's apogee, without ſuppoſing a change in the general law of gravitation, from the inverſe ratio of the ſquares of the di- ſtances. Several Several very ſmall terms belonging to this equation, - have been omitted, beſides thoſe ariſing from the ſun's excentri- city, and the inclination of the lunar orbit; which together, may very well be ſuppoſed, fufficient to cauſe a difference equal to that abovementioned. If, now, the value of, B expreſſing the mean excentricity, in Sir Iſaac Newton's lunar theory, be expounded by 0,05505, according to that author, the general equation of the orbit, found above, will here become 3 7 I - 174 The Reſolution of fome General Problems 1 -Uex 1-0,05505coſ.B2-49,007276col.pz0,01127 col. D--B.z 1-wex} +0,000204 col.p+B.z+0,0010623c0f.p—23.2-0,000023 col. 2px 40,000044cof. 2p-B.z+0,000012cof. 282 +0,000007cor. 2p-22.7 40,00002) coſ. p3k.z But this value muſt now be corrected by the difference ariſing from our having, in all the preceding calculations, taken the di- viſor bh=1, inſtead of the true value it xBB+CCFDD&c.? (vid. p. 159.) which value, becauſe B==0,05505, C=- 0,007276 &c. is given =1,0097. From whence and the equa- tions, on p. 153 and 163, it appears, that all the terms above exhibited, in whoſe exponents the quantity p is, fingly, concerned, ought to be diminiſhed in the ratio of 1 to 1,0097 ; and that ll thoſe, where 2p is in like manner concerned, ought to be di- ininiſhed, in the duplicate of that ratio: by which means our equation is, at length, reduced to 1-0,05505 cof.Bz-+0,007206coſ. p2--0,01116 col.paß.z 0.co0202c01.p+3.7 +0,001092 col. pn-2B.2-0,000022 cor.2px 40,000043coſ.2p-B.z+0,00001 2cuſ.232 +0,000007cof. 22-28.7 +0,00002 i col.38.2. From whence all the great equations of the moon's motion, and all the ſmaller ones, except thoſe depending on the ſun's excentricity &c. are obtained, within leſs than half a minute of the truth ; fuppoſing the mean excentricity (B) to be here truly aſſigned. If it ſhould be found neceffary to augment, or diminiſh the value thereof, then the term -0,01116col.pß.2 (producing the equation, called the evection) muſt be alſo aug- mented or diininiſhed, in the ſame ratio; and the term +0,001052c0f.pm-22.2(which is the next conſiderable of thoſe wherein B enters) muſt be augmented or diminiſhed in the duplicate of that ratio. As to the reſt of the terms, they are ſo ſmall, that a little alteration in the value of B will produce no difference in them worth notice. In the fame manner, the inequalities cauſed in the moon's motion by the ſun's excentricity, may be computed. For the mean motion of the moon being given, very nearly, by the pre- ceding calculations, the mean motion of the ſun, being in pro- portion thereto as m to 1, will be alſo known; from whence, and the excentricity, the ſun's true anomaly, and diſtance from the 1 1 in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 175 izen X 20 the earth will be had, in a ſeries of fines and co-fines of the multiples of the arch 2; whoſe exponents and coefficients are all intirely known: by, means of which, the ſun's true diſtance from the moon being (nearly) obtained, the new terms ariſing from the eccentricity, in the general expreſſions for the perturbating forces, will be had, in conſequence thereof; and, laſtly, the effects themſelves, produced thereby in the general equation of the orbit. When the equation of the orbit, or the value of 1 --w (the reciprocal of the moon's diſtance from the earth) is thus deter- mined to a ſufficient degree of exactneſs (by repeating the ope- ration if neceſſary), the difference between the true, and mean motions of the moon, muſt, from thence, be found, in terms of the latter: this may be done by firſt finding the mean mo- tion in terms of the true (as is fhewn at p. 159) and then reverting the ſeries; or, otherwiſe, without finding the mean motion at all, by the reſolution of the fuxionary equation ETXE ; according to the method made uſe of of in a former paper, in this collection. The proceſs (which is more laborious than difficult) I ſhall not inſert here, as my deſign, in this miſcellaneous work, is not to exhibit every opera- tion neceſſary to the forming of a complete theory of the moon's motion; which, for its importance, and the great variety and intricacy of calculations ariſing therein, may very well merit to be the ſubject of a volume, by itſelf. It may fuffice, in this place, to have pointed out (by a me- thod not very perplexed) how the different inequalities of that motion may be determined, and the moon's true place, acccrd- ing to gravity, aſcertained. At another time, if health permits, I may, not only give, at large, the application of the equations and precepts here delivered, but alſo a new ſet of lunar tables, deduced therefrom; which (though a work of much labour) I ſhall the more chearfully undertake, as Dr. Bradley has very obligingly offered to affiſt me with any obſervations, that may be wanting in order to the compleating of the deſign, and eſtabliſhing the theory on a proper baſis. And I have ſome reaſon to hope, that, when that part of the data, which can be only known from obſervations, is truly ſettled, the 2 176 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems the place of the moon may be always obtained, within about a minute of the truth, even, without the uſe of a multitude of ta- bles, by means of proper contrivances, reſpecting the ſmaller equations, or the leſs conſiderable terms of the general ſeries. I ſhall conclude what I have to ſay on this ſubject, at preſent, with obviating a difficulty in the application of the equations abovementioned, when the effect in the moon's motion, de- pending on the ſun's eccentricity and parallax *, are computed thereby. In this caſe, a new ſpecies of (very ſmall) terms, af- fected with the co-fine of the arch 2, will be found to enter into the general equation (on page 151) whereof the effect can- not be determined in the fame manner with that of the other terms, affected with the co-lines of the multiples of that arch: For if, according to the method of proceeding there laid down, we aſſume a term (as I-77. II cof. nm) in the upper line, 1-B2.B cof. Bztimyy. Ccoſ. 7z+1-dd. Dcof. dz &c. in or- der to compare it with a term, g cof., of the aforeſaid ſpecies, we * To determine the perturbating forces, ſo as to take in the effect of the ſun's eccentricity and parallax ; let a=CS, x=CB, and y=CF; then BS be- CS2 x CB ing=V aa-2ay+*x, the force k x in the direction CB (vid. p. BSI kx 2y kx 39 CS3 160) will be = aximă + Xit &c. and that (kx SBI aa a 2y -k) in the direction BH, equal to k XI- + k=kX aa 3y 15 yy 3** + 2aa &c. which, becauſe y=*X cor. BCS, will be reduced to a 2aa a AL kx 3.x Xit x cof.BCS &c. and kx 3 x cof. BCS + x9+15coſ. 2BCS&c. 4aa reſpectively. But the laſt of theſe forces may, again, be reſolved into two o- thers; the one in the direction BC, expreſſed by k cof. BCS X 3* 3kx x cof. BCS + x9+ 15 col. 2BCS, (= x1 + cof. 2BCS+ 4aa 3kxx 8aa X II coſ. BCS+ 5 coſ. 3BCS); and the other, in a direction perpendicular 3x thereto, expreſſed by kſin. BCS X Xcoſ, BCS + 4aa X9+ 15 col. 2BCS (= a 2a in Mechanics and Phyſical Aſtronomy. 177 we ſhall then have a=1, and conſequently 1-1=0; and fo, the whole (1-77. col. Tz) intirely vaniſhing, we have nothing left to compare with the term propoſed (8 col.z) where- by its effect can be known. Nevertheleſs , it is by means of a term (II cof 7%) of the ſame ſpecies, entering into the ſeries for the value of 1-W, that the effect in queſtion muſt be exhibit- ed: for, though indeed the term II cof. (or I cof. z), by re- ceiving the co-efficient 1–7 (=o) intirely vaniſhes, in the firſt line of the general equation, yet, that will not be the caſe in the other parts of the equation; wherein it will be found, affected in the ſame manner with the term B cof. B2 (whereof the determination hath been given, in computing the motion of the apogee); which muſt neceffarily appear to be the caſe, if it be conſidered, that the terms 1 cof. 72 and B cof. Bz are alike concerned in the original ſeries 1 - Il coſ.nz-B cof. Bz-C cof. 72 &c. from whence the equation itſelf is derived. Hence we not only have a proper term to compare with the given one (8 cof.z), but alſo an eaſy way to diſcover what the reſult will 34* 2a ܨܐ 2a 3** Xfin. 2BCS + Saa x fin. BCS + 5 fin. 3BCS). From the former Rix 3* of which, let the force XIt X cof. BCS, in the oppoſite direction be 3txx fubtracted, and the remainder, xi+3cof.2BCS + х 8aa 3 cof. BCS+5 col. 3BCS, will be the force whereby the gravity of the moon to the earth, is diminiſhed. But the quantity k (which muſt be exterminated) is, at the mean diſtance (d) of the ſun and earth, found to be equal to d x m²e4f mºe4fd3 metf (vid. p. 162 ); whence, a?:d2::dx ThxTA: aa X the bhxCA hhxCA general value of k; which being ſubſtituted inſtead thereof, the force in the di- rection of the radius vector will become m2e4f. d3 CB CB 15 *23*CA X1+3coſ.2BCS + CS *coſ. BCS + cur. 3BCS; and 4 that in the perpendicular direction, m²e4fd3 CB CB 15 26" ** CA * 3 fin. 2BCS + T5 x fin. BCS + fin. 3 BCS: 4 Where m-=0,005595, and hh=1,0097, nearly (vid. p. 174); and where no regard need be had to the value of c4f, as this quantity, when ſubſtitution is made in the general formula (on p. 157.) intirely vaniſhes. 2564 Аа bes 178 The Reſolution of ſome General Problems to be I g I--B3 be; for ſeeing that II cof. and B cof. Bz have there the ſame coefficients, and that the ſum of thoſe belonging to Bcof. Bz has been already found, in computing the motion of the apogee, =-1-BB, it follows, that -1-BB. 17 cof. z (or BB.11 cof.z) will expreſs the value cf all the terms of this ſpecies, ariſing in the equation from the introduction of II cof. into the original, or aſſumed ſeries :. whence, by compar- ing this quantity with the given one, g coſ.z (that is, by making-1-B2.II coſ. % + g coſ. z =o) we get 11 = Ses; and conſequently Il coſ. z= x cof. z; whereby the required effect of the quantity g cof.z, is known. Tis true, indeed, that the new term II cof. z, thus deter- mined, will introduce an infinity of others; but, of theſe, none will be conſiderable enough to merit the leaſt degree of atten- tion, except (perhaps) ſuch as are expreſſed by the co-fine of 1- -B.z; which, becauſe of the ſmallneſs of 1-B, may, for reaſons before ſpecified, produce an effect not to be neglected without a proper examination. To give here the quantity of this effect, it will be neceſſary to obſerve, that, of all the terms in the values of 1 --W1–3 and 1—27-4, that which ariſes by the multiplication of 4 x coſ.z into 2DxCof. dz, and comes from the part a xrīcoſ. 2+Bcoſ.Bz+C coſ. yz+D cof. dz &c. will ſo much exceed, in its effect, the others wherein II is con- cerned, as to render them, in a manner, inconſiderable. But this cof. zx2Dcof.dz (or cof. 2 X 2 col.-B.x) is IOTID reſolved into x cof.p-B+1.2,and xcof.D-B-1.2; whereof the former part only, in which the difference of B and 1 is concerned, is for our purpoſe: from whence (as appears by the obſervations at p. 156) a new term expreſſed by 10IID cor.B1.% c*f* 1- x col.B-1.2, nearly) will ariſe in the required value of 1-. Of the two terms here found, the former gives a very ſmall equation depend- ing IONI IOII 1οΠD term IONID eP ер IND ett X Х BI 577(or px IS in Mechanics and Phyſical Apronomy. 179 ing on the moon's diſtance from the ſun's apogee; and the latter, an equation ſomething more conſiderable, whoſe ara gument is the diſtance of the moon's apogee from that of the ſun. By having ſhewn above, that the effect of ſuch terms, or forces, as are proportional to the co-fine of the arch 2, is expli- cable by means of the co-fines of that arch, and of its multiples, (no leſs than the effects of the other terms that are proportio- nal to the co-fines of the multiples thereof) a very important point is determined: For, ſince it appears thereby, that no terms enter into the equation of the orbit but what by a regular increaſe and decreaſe, do after a certain time return again to their former values, it is evident from thence, that the mean motion, and the greateſt quantities of the ſeveral equations, undergo no change from gravity. THE END. c3z r. 2a 3 A E RR A T A. Page 5 line 18, for R read R'; 1. 21, for R' r. R; p. 30. 1.9, for ha tbh r. ha+b; 1. 13, for tr. h; p. 39. 1. 14, put the comma before ros; p. 58. 1. 11, for PSO r. PŚC; p. 59. l. 15, for 1. 22, for Fr. N; p. 114, 1. 32. r. powers of; p. 127, 1. 9, for AGO r. AOG ; p. 128. 1. 30, for BL. BR; p. 131. 1. 23, for BC r. nC; p. 138. I. 15, for Eef r. Ee; p. 143, 1. 15 dele to; p. 152, l. 2, for BB, s. yy; p. 160. l. 27, for SC S In fig. 18, at the interſection of the circumference of the circle and the right- line Fm, place an e. BC BC 1. So ! I. f % * Printed for J. Nourse the following Books, all written by Mr. THOMAS SIMPSON, F. R. S. SSAYS ON SEVERAL CURIOUS AND USEFUL SUBJects, in E ſpeculative and mixed Mathematicks; in which are explain- ed the moſt difficult Problems of the firſt and ſecond Books of Sir Iſaac Newton's Principia ; being an uſeful Introduction to Learners for the Underſtanding that illuſtrious Author ; Quarto, 1740. Price 6s. ſew’d. II. MATHEMATICAL DISSERTATIONs on a variety of phyſical and analytical Subjects, the whole in a general and perſpicuous man- ner. Quarto. III. The DocTRINE OF ANNUITIES AND REVERSIONS, deduced from general and evident Principles, with uſeful Tables, ſhewing the Values of ſingle and joint Lives, &c. at different Rates of Intereſt. To which is added, a Method of inveſtigating the Va- lues of Annuities by Approximation, without the Help of the Tables. The whole explained in a plain and ſimple manner, and illuſtrated by a great Variety of Examples; Oétavo, 1742. IV. AN APPENDIX, containing ſome Remarks on a late Book on the ſame Subject, with Anſwers to ſome perſonal and malignant Miſrepreſentations in the Preface thereof; Octavo, 1742. V. A TREATISE OF ALGEBRA, wherein the Principles are demon- ſtrated and applied in many uſeful and intereſting Inquiries, and in the Solution of a great Variety of Problems of different Kinds. To which is added, The Geometrical Conſtruction of a great Number of linear and plane Problems, with the Method of reſolving the ſame numerically. The Second Edition, with large Additions ; Octavo, 1755; VI. Elements of Plane Geometry. To which are added, an Efſay on the Maxima and Minimna of Geometrical Quantities, and a brief Treatiſe of regular Solids; alſo the Menſuration of both Superficies and Solids, together with a Conſtruction of a large Variety of Geometrical Problems; deſigned for the Uſe of Schools. Octavo, 1747. VII. The DoctRINE AND APPLICATION OF FLUXIONS, containing (beſides what is common on the Subject) a Number of new Im- provements in the Theory, and the Solution of a Variety of new and very intereſting Problems in different Branches of the Mathema- ticks; 2 Vols. Octavo, 1750. VIII. TRIGONOMETRY PLAIN AND SPHERICAL, with the Conſtruc- tion and Application of Logarithms, Octavo, 1749. IX. Select Exercises for young Proficients in the Mathematics, Octavo. Α. A А Fig.1 Fig.2 2. Fig. 3. P D D R ALA R \R 72 А. G 0 G F F O a FH F a e E P GM a Fig.6. Fig. 4. R Fig. 5. GM P P VEC B FK H E E T4 FI H O 10 Vh W a I NG NG Fig.9 C Fig. 8. GI G Fig. 7. P Q< K D C HL a E S or S O G S HN C Fig.12. G Fig.10 K Α. m Fig.11. P E E G E S. H O D IL HI A N a G F p ***** 字音​字 ​当​。 臺 ​PHP。 * 要 ​fi 出 ​當 ​等等 ​i 5 : 11 Fig.13. D Fig.14 R H R Fig.16. r B N V N F F N M Fig.17 Fig.15, M NB O QR B В P D AB F IR H Fig.19. Tabl IN A B Fig.18. A А P C M A M m H Н Fig.20. : Fra 21 D K M NI \T M B B C C D 12 S N no M N AF Gm H C P B E C D Fig. 23 P Fig.22. A AL y F R G AL UD P . 홈 ​Fig. 24. Ô E A Fig.25. Fig. 26. G AB T- T_S T. H Q * MA D N 0 OA bu DA B B Fig.27. Fig.28 E H R C Fig.29. ? 90 Q E. 12 0 E А. A А B А S D A Fig.31. Fig.30. A Fig.32. В. ED A B D/ 6 B C D F IC P P 0 K к e A Fig.33 S R Fig.34. Bk DI S A K F ВУ P P K 3 * f ༔ f- ''' པ t ༴ > རྒྱ པའི་ i སཾཨཱ་ } ཨ ༩༽ #༤ . ཙ S # ཚན་ ་ དྷི » ནི (32 ༔ ནང་ ***** གི ; fv- VE 譯 ​** - 2 ' $ . x + 379 AUG 13 7. 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