+ Tadpana nak kahdÊN C- wbijakan : GRAD BV 4510 .T951 BUHR The You Assume. THE VOW ASSUMED. A PASTOR'S ADDRESS TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED BY STEPHEN H. TING, D.D., SECZOW OF ST. GEORGE'S CHURCHÝ THE CITY OF NEW-YO EK COPYRIGHT SECURED. PUBLISHED BY T. WHITTAKER, 2 Bible House, New-York. At a CONFIRMation held in St Andrew's Church Tren Tiber on the 27 day of thril 1877 by the Right Rer. J. A. Mc Cookry ID. L.LD. Bishop of Michigan Victoria I Morris was admitted by that appointed Rite to all the privileges belonging to a Communicant in the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Wyllys Hace Rector of. It Andreus church BV 4510 T951 O LORD, my God, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, I thank thee that thon hast admitted me into the fellowship of Christ's religion, and called me to a knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee. Increase this know. ledge and confirm this faith in me evermore. Enlighten mine understanding by the illumina- tion of thy Holy Spirit. Make all the desires of my heart to unite in the performance of thy commands. Increase in me true religion. Nourish me with all goodness. Keep me ever- more by thy most gracious and ready help, that I may embrace, and ever hold fast, that blessea hope of everlasting life which thou hast given e in thy dear Son. Enable me, through thy grace, by faithfully following in the steps of his example, to avoid all those things which are contrary to my profession, and in every good word and work to glorify thee, through the merits and death of thy blessed Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen. い ​| Buhr Che 5 MY DEAR FRIEND : I give you here a certificate of your confirmation. Before receiving you to this sacred ordinance of Christian profession, you will bear me witness, that I faithfully endeavored to teach you its nature, its obligations, and its advantages. I described to you as simply and as ac- curately as I knew how, the state of mind and character, with which you would be expected to engage in it; the sclemn promises yo' made by it; 1* 6 and the new and holy life to which, with the Lord's help, you thus sul emly bound yourself. I look back upon this course of in struction, feeling that I have earnestly made the effort, to teach you truly, what has seemed to me to be the will and the truth of God, in this connec- tion. Depending on his divine teach- ing by his own Holy Spirit, it has been my great object to lead you really in the renewing of your mind to Christ; to persuade you to come with a deep sense of your own guilt, and trust in that Gracious Saviour, without a doubt or a fear. In him the Gospel reveals to you entire forgiveness, and complete acceptance with God. To 7 him the Holy Spirit must unite you in a living faith, by his new creating power, as the only hope of your salva- tion. That I might bring you truly to him, with a free acknowledgment of your own sinfulness, and lead you to accept him with an affectionate trust and hope as your only possible Saviour, whose obedience and death for you are your complete salvation, have been the earnest effort and purpose of my heart and labors. I have endeavored to speak to you on this great subject with much distinctness, pressing you, as the first great qualification for a Christian profession, to have this Blessed Saviour really dwelling in 8 your heart by faith, your chosen Mas. ter, and your cherished and beloved Friend. I have urged you to choose him as your everlasting portion, with cheerfulness and gratitude; and to trust yourself entirely to him, for all you need, with perfect confidence, that he is both able and willing to make all grace abound upon you as you may require it. This is the great distinguishing fact of true religion; the affectionate choice of the Lord Jesus Christ in the heart, as the Saviour, the Ruler, the Example, and the Portion of the Soul. The first real step in a new and spiritual life, is this receiving of Jesus Christ the Lord, in our poverty and helplessness, our 9 guilt and ignorance, as the one great Friend, who alone can enlighten, par- don, comfort, and sanctify our sinful souls. You have nothing to bring him, but a penitent and thankful heart. You can add nothing to the great work of mercy which he has done for you. You can make him no return for his love, but to love him, to trust him, and to follow him, with the sincere effort to honor him in every relation of life, and to confess him in all your walk on earth, as your all-suf ficient Ruler and Guide. This has been the subject of my earnest and repeated teaching to you in the instructions which you have nabitually received from me, and espe 10 cially in those which have immediately preceded your Confirmation. If the Holy Spirit has brought you truly to Jesus, it has been as a consciously guilty creature, seeking his forgive ness; as a feeble and helpless creature trusting to his promise; and as a grate- ful, willing servant, praising him for all his mercy. You have thus been SAVED by grace; grace which triumphs over your unrighteousness, blots out your innumerable sins, heals all your infir- mities and defects, and makes you trust in God, who is all your salva tion, and not to be afraid in your pur- pose and effort to follow and obey him. 11 If the Holy Spirit has thus really led you to Jesus as your Saviour, you have been also CONVERTED; brought back from your rebellious and sinful course of life; and have a new desire and purpose to serve and follow your glorious Lord alone. Thus "old things have passed away." "All things are become new." You are no longer a child of the world, and a child of Satan, but a child of God, and God dwelleth in you. "In this the children of God are manifest, and the children. of the devil." "Hereby, we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us." This is your NEW stand, and your now relation. And as you have thus 12 received Christ Jesus the Lord, with a self-renouncing, trusting, affectionate, and grateful heart; with no excellence of your own, and no confidence in any worth of your own works to meet his favor; as you have received him, with a sincere desire to find your shelter only in him; and with an earnest purpose, to try in every thing to be like him, and to glorify him, to trust him, to confess him, and to praise him for his abounding grace, so are you to walk in him to the end. This mind and purpose are the pro- fession you have now made in the pre- sence of God and of the congregation, in whose sight and hearing you have registered your vows and confirmed 13 your covenant with your gracious Master and Lord. Never was there a point in your life more solemn or more important; never an act upon which so much depended, or from which so much was to be expected. This solemn profession you have now made; and you stand here a follower, a soldier, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the midst of a world which lieth in wickedness, and in the bosom of a church which is to be edified by your influence and your example. And now I am permitted to address you as A CHRISTIAN, as a servant of the Lord Jesus, on the ground of your own voluntary and chosen profession. I would remind you, that your con 2 14 firmation opens to you all the privi leges which belong to that relation in the earthly Church, and you are invited and urged always to improve them. For you THE TABLE OF THE LORD is spread, and you are called with his children to come there to renew your dedication to him, and to unite in the communion, both of the outward ordinance, and of the inward affection- ate and grateful remembrance of him, which marks his chosen flock, and the living members of his family. Do not neglect it. Never allow yourself to become indifferent or unmoved upon this subject. Feel it to be a great privilege thus to meet in affectionate commemoration, a Saviour who has 15 promised to meet you there, and strive to maintain and to exercise in relation to it, a lively faith, a thankful spirit, a penitent and a loving heart. Let your blessed Master always find you there. Let your fellow-disciples rejoice in your steadfast and unwavering profes sion there maintained. LOVE THE TABLE OF THE LORD. Let your own heart enjoy the freedom and the hap- piness which this gracious relation is intended to give you; and seek the constant guidance and blessing of the Holy Spirit to give you both the pre- paration and the improvement which are desirable and adequate for such a meeting and such a connection. For you THE THRONE OF GRACE, the 16 mercy seat of God, is especially pro pared. Rejoice to seek it, in every method of approach in humble prayer by which God has promised you it may be found. Forsake not the as- sembling of yourself with the people of God in their united public worship. Ever realize the gladness of heart with which an invitation to the privilege of united prayer and praise should awak- en your attention and quicken your diligence. In all the worship of the sanctuary, be not a listener merely, but a partaker. Let your voice en- gage in prayer and praise, in your ap- propriate place. Let your heart de- light to join in its secret fellowship, where your voice is not called to speak. 17 But never allow yourself to be irre verent or listless in the solemn offerings of united worship. Avoid the inroads of a trifling temper, and the wander- ings of a vain and wanton eye, and the levity of a giddy or an indolent heart, when you come before God. Be seri- ous; be earnest; be real; and shun the approach of every temptation that would lead you there astray. LOVE YOUR CHURCH.-Cultivate a delight in its peculiar worship, its ha bits of ordinances, its style and sys tem of ministry. I do not wish to see you bigoted in your spirit, or in- tolerant in your temper; self-righteous. ly saying, "The temple of the Lord are we,” or contemptuously or bitterly 2* 18 calling down fire to consume others who do not agree with you. But I do wish to see you feeling that your own Church is the Church of your choice; that its prayers and praise are the real language of your heart; and that all its privileges and appointed methods grow more dear to you, as you press onward in your course to glory. Be assured it is worthy of all your love and esteem. And if you feel indifferent to it, it can only be because your heart grows cold to the spirit which pervades its worship, or your mind is ignorant of the real value of the privileges which it brings you. Whenever, therefore, its courts aro open and invite you there, hasten 1 19 to ascend to the hill of the Lord, and to lift up your heart with the whole multitude of his saints in the simple and affecting offerings of worship which are there provided for you. LOVE YOUR PASTOR.-Whoever he may be, strive to bear with his in- firmities, to edify him in his work, to encourage his efforts, and to reverence his name and character. He may not be great, and yet he may be a great blessing to you. He may be poor, and yet he may make you truly rich. He may have no outward worldly at- tractions for the trifling, and yet he may be really a man of God, and grace may be poured upon his lips. He may be endued with no wonder 20 ful wisdom in human eyes, and yet hə may come to you with a message of divine mercy which shall encourage your heart with gladness, and be a great helper of your joy. At any rate you will not help his infirmities by magnifying them; nor forget his defects by dwelling upon them. En courage him by a thankful attention to his ministry. Uphold him by 3 grateful listening to his message Cheer him by the smile of affection ate confidence and welcome. Let him feel that he may trust you, as a faithful friend; and have your heart open to hear what God the Lord will speak by him concerning you. Be assured the blessing of his ministry 21 will mainly depend upon yourself. God can make the feeblest one like David. And your affectionate and carnest prayer may draw down bless- ings of priceless worth upon him, and through him upon you. Let me en- treat you then, cultivate always a tender, respectful, affectionate spirit. in public and in private, toward the pastor whom the Lord has been pleased to set over you. LOVE YOUR FELLOW-CHRISTIANS. Try to be useful, friendly, patient to- wards all. They will not all be appro- priate companions. You may not be able to get benefits from them all. But you can be useful to them all in your measure and degree, as God 22 shall be pleased to bless you. En gage cheerfully in every effort of be nevolence to the household of faith, as you find yourself able to be helpful to any. Teach the ignorant. Relieve the distressed. Comfort the weary and the sorrowing. Be kind and gentle in your manners towards all. Culti- vate a tender sympathy for others. Bear with and hide their infirmities. Avoid a censorious spirit, and the in- dulgence of a habit of unkind or un just thought, in relation to them. Feel that it is your privilege and duty to love all whom Christ loves, and who love him. In your different relations to them, envy not their prosperity, despise not their poverty. 23 Be respectful to their claims. Be contented with your own inferior po- sition. Be humble in the enjoyment of any advantages which they do not possess. Remember that it is an ever- lasting bond which unites you to all the members of the Lord's ransomed flock; while they are very temporary circumstances which make up any distinctions or separations between you and them, in whatever condition they may be. For you the WORD OF GOD is filled with instructions, promises, and con olations. God has prepared his sa- cred testimonies for your guidance, and given you the promise of his Spirit to enable you to understand 24 and employ them. Feel assured that all its promises are yours. Whenever you need them in special applicatiɔn, they are already laid up for you. Ac- custom yourself to appropriate them in simple faith to yourself and to your own condition; and learn to be happy in the assurance that God has thus been pleased to speak for you. As you read these blessed promises, "ONLY BELIEVE." Faith in the cer- tainty of the Word imparts the bless- ing. Unbelief in the divine assurance annihilates the comfort. You can never be beyond the reach of the promises of God. Cling to them, and love them as your Father's voice in the day of trial. They will cheer 1 25 you, and encourage you, and hold you up, when your steps are 'ike to slip. The divine instructions are all for you. The blessed testimonies of a Saviour's fullness and grace, of the freeness of his pardoning love, and the abiding extent of his redeeming power; of the sufficiency of his Spirit as your Comforter, and the certainty of His presence with you as a guide and a defender: all are designed for you, and you may read them and en- joy them all, as God's special mes- sages to yourself. The divine com- mands and warnings are all for you. Listen to their watchful voice. Re- verence their authority. Trifle not with their sacredness and solemnity. 3 26 Carry them into your innost soul, to search and sanctify your spirit, and to show you your secret faults. Make them the rule of your life, and the chosen monitor whose voice you will never refuse to hear. Take your Bible, as your own Bible, as God's special communication and message to you, as if yours were the only copy, and all that it contains were especially designed for you. Thus you may derive the teaching which your Heavenly Father desires to give. Seek his Spirit. Seek his power freely, confidently, as your guide in understanding his Word. Never for get that this is his promise. He will guide you into all truth. He will 27 He will shine make the truth effective and sanctify. ing to your heart. upon your conscience, and your un derstanding, to apply the word to your improvement and comfort. LOVE YOUR BIBLE.-The more you ove it, and study it, still the more will you find your love for it increase. Its beauties and its blessedness will open themselves only to your seeking earnest purpose to understand them. "Incline thine ear to wisdom, and apply thy heart to understanding: If thou seekest it as silver, and searchest for it as for hid treasures; then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and the knowledge of thy God." Pass no day without it. Become 28 familiar with its contents. Read it through regularly, at least once in every year of your life; and read it with a praying, earnest heart; never doubting its authority or its truth; always longing to comprehend more perfectly, the length and breadth and height and depth of that love which passeth knowledge which it reveals. Thus will your mind be filled with di- vine knowledge, and grow up to un- derstand the loving kindness of the Lord. These great privileges of divine communion, divine fellowship, and di- vine teaching, are all yours. They are the portion and the inheritance of the flock of Christ to whom you have 29 now united yourself. Thus all His people are blessed continually by that Great Saviour whe hath chosen them for himself. And all these are your right by his gift. Enjoy them. Im prove them. Calculate upon them. Live and walk in the light and com fort of them. But beyond all these, the PROVI DENCE OF GOD is on your side. You are under divine guardianship. Es- pecially so now, because under the shadow of His wings you have been led by his Spirit to place your trust. How beautiful and appropriate is that language of prayer which you have heard at your Confirmation: "Let thy fatherly hand ever be over them. Let 80 thy Holy Spirit ever be with then.' God without to be your constant guardian; God within to be your con- stant guide: how can you be more richly favored than with an arrange ment like this? Try to realize the blessedness of this. All your ways are ordered by the Lord; and even when you fall, you may be made to rise again. Trust in God, your own God. Doubt not that he orders all things concerning you, and all for your good. He has prepared the way and the place in which you are to honor him. He will guide you by his counsel, and afterward receive you to glory. Be anxious only to fill up your dispensation, and to meet the 31 calls of your personal duty, whatever they may be. They may not be al- ways agreeable to your present tastes and feelings; but never doubt that your Father's infinite wisdom and goodness has ordered them, and there- fore they must be well; nay, the best for you that can be. You are not nercly under his care as a creature ; but guarded by him as a child-" a dear child." Having given yourself up to him, he will do what he will with his own. But he can only do you good; and no good thing will he withhold from you, while you lead a godly life. Be contented with his provision. Be thankful for his care. Be satisfied with his promises. LOVE 32 THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD. Delight in the shelter of your Father's love; and never forget that it is your peculiar privilege to abide beneath the shadow of his wings. For you the EVERLASTING COVE NANT has been prepared. It is in all things well ordered and sure. It in- cludes all blessings for time and for eternity. God has established this covenant for you in his own dear Son. That divine Saviour is himself the pledge of its fidelity, and the surety for its fulfillment. This gracious covenant offers you every thing that you can need freely in Christ. It es tablishes every gift surely in him. In him all the promises are yea and 33 amen-confirmed for you by God, in Christ. Nothing that God can do for you shall be withheld from you when your happiness requires it. He will cause all grace to abound upon you. He will never fail you nor forsake you. He has bound himself to be a GOD to you forever. Realize the pri- vilege and blessedness of this rela tion. Under this covenant you were brought in your Baptism. Then were you dedicated to God, and acknow- ledged and owned as his. This cove rant with God you have now con firmed by your own act and choice. You have taken upon you all its obli- gations, and God has bestowed upon you all its privileges. It covers all 34 the wants of the present life, and pro. vides all the glories of the future. It secures them all as your possession, and your right; given to you in Christ Jesus your Lord, and secured to you by the unchangeable faithful ness of God. Realize this great pri vilege. Never forget the blessings and security of your covenant rela- tion to God. LOVE THE COVENANT OF YOUR GOD. Love it in its promises for you. Love it in its obligations upon you. Strive to live in the en- joyment of the hopes and blessings which it is intended to give you. Rest your confidence on the founda- tion which it has laid for you; a sure foundation established and confirined 35 in all the glorious and sufficient work of your precious Saviour; and learn to draw from it all your consolations and your hopes. Like David rejoice. to say, "Although my house be not so with God, yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, in all things well ordered and sure; and this is all my salvation and all my de- sire." "In this I do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." All these are the privileges of your condition as a CHRISTIAN, a child of God, a member of Christ, and an in- heritor of the kingdom of Heaven. God has made them over to you in the promises cf his Gospel; applied them to you by the power of his 36 Spirit; and sealed them to you in the ordinances of his own appoint- ment. "All things are yours, for ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's." You have received and accepted them all, in your own solemn profession and vow, of faith in his word, of obedience to his commands, and of renunciation of all that is opposed to his will. You have thus taken the covenant of God upon yourself, and set your own seal to its acceptance as your chosen privilege and your voluntary and hap py stand. Be grateful; be happy; be determined in your choice; and feel always, that the lines are fallen to you in pleasant places, and you have a goodly heritage. Let your 37 heart always rejoice to say: "Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honor dwelleth." "I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of ungodliness." With these precious privileges of your new condition, let me remind you now, of some of your OBLIGA- TIONS. These obligations arise from this new condition in which your own choice has placed you. Your profes sion is of a new mind, a new heart; to be dead to the world, and alive to God; to be crucified with Christ, so that your life is hid with Christ in God; that when he shall appear, you may 38 1 also appear with him in glory. You are in the world, but are not of the world; and the life which you now live in the flesh, you are to live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved you and gave himself for you. Let this great separating principle of a Christ- ian profession mark and govern your whole course of life; so that in every thing you may adorn the doctrine. of God your Saviour, and glorify the great name by which you are called. Remember that righteousness hath no fellowship with unrighteousness; that light hath no communion with dark- ness; that Christ hath no concord with Belial; that he that believeth hath no part with an infidel; that the 39 temple of God hath no agreement with idols. Remember that by your own solemn act of offering and dedi- cation, you are the temple of the Living God, and God dwelleth in you by his own gracious acceptance and acknow- ledgment of you in his Son, and by the presence and power with you of his own Holy Spirit. Therefore come out from all that is opposed to the will of God, and to the example of Christ, and be separate; touching not an unclean thing; and God will receive you and will be a Father to you, and you shall be his son or his daughter, in the free and unchanging adoption. of his grace. Live in the world in all your relations to men, in this one cha- 40 racter of a child and servant of the Living God BE PRAYERFUL. LOVE YOUR CLOSET. There God has promised to meet you with special manifestations of his grace and presence. Enter into it with delight. Employ its privi- leges with thankfulness. The mercy- seat is there open to you, and your Father who there seeth in secret, has promised to reward you openly. Maintain the habit as well as the spirit of prayer. Morning, evening, and at noonday, accustom yourself to call upon God, and he will hear your voice. Go to him with a sincere and grateful heart, feeling how great is the privilege of thus worshipping 41 him, and truly desiring to deal af fectionately as well as reverently with him. But maintain the spirit also as well as the habit of prayer. Think of your private prayer, and employ it. as an actua. communion with a re- conciled God. Tell him freely of your wants and trials. Ask in faith the mercies you need, expecting to receive them. Ask in your own words, in the actual expressions of your own feelings and wishes. Be very careful not to degenerate into a mere form of words in secret prayer. But seek God truly, earnestly; his pardoning love, his sanctifying power, his sup- porting grace; because you feel your need of all his mercy, and realize tha 42 value and blessedness of his gifts Let me urge this upon you. Much of your comfort and happiness in 2 religious walk will depend upon the reality, the simplicity, and constancy of your private prayer. Faithfulness there brings down great blessings from a Gracious God. LOVE YOUR CLOSET. Few are the troubles that you will not leave behind you there. Great are the mercies you will bring thence to crown and comfort your upward life. BE CHEERFUL.-Adopt the prin ciple, that the Gospel can furnish you abundant happiness. Agree to be happy with its provisions. Look upon your salvation as now accomplished 43 your guilt forgiven; your soul ac cepted; in the work of merit which your glorious Saviour has finished for you. God is your salvation. What have you to do, but to trust and not be afraid? You can not trust him too entirely. You can not lean upon him with too much confidence. Nor have you any thing to prevent your con- stantly taking the cup of salvation, and calling affectionately upon his name. As a pardoned and saved sinner, as an accepted and beloved child, offer him constantly your free-will offerings with an holy worship. Your present position is an eminence of blessedness. You look back to see that you have escaped a raging sea. You look 44 around to see yourself placed upon a rock, secure and protected. Yon look forward, to see a bright and hopeful prospect laid out before you in the love of Christ. Amidst such mercies maintain a cheerful, happy spirit. Seek to glorify your God even in the fires, by cheerfulness in duty, confidence in trust, assurance in hope, and earnestness and fidelity in every appointed labor. Be truly alive to God; and honor him in an earnest and constant effort to show how adequate are the provisions of his grace for all you need, and how full are his pro- mises of comfort and rest to your soul. Much of your strength and success will depend upon this. The God of 45 hope will fill you with all joy and peace in believing. Maintain a believ ing heart, and receive and enjoy the peace which it is designed to give. Learn and love therefore, to cultivate a happy, hopeful walk in your whole religious course. "In every thing give thanks. This is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." BE WATCHFUL. -Your Christian course is to be maintained in the midst of temptations. Though truly a child of God, you still carry with you an heart far from sanctified, and a remain ing sinfulness of nature in its appetites and propensities, which demands un ceasing vigilance. Tempers, propen sities, desires of varied evil shapes and S 46 aspects you will find within yeu, de manding indulgence, excusing their own gratification, and pleading neces- sity, or custom, or overruling conven- ience continually in their behalf. You can not afford to relax your vigilance over these outgoings of your own sin- ful nature; "keep thy heart with all diligence, for thence are the issues of life." Be watchful against the mirth and giddiness of a sinful world. Vain and unsettling amusements, theatres, operas, balls, and dances; extrava- gance and vanity in dress; the un- scasonable hours and empty display of fashionable indulgence; all these are utterly destructive of a spiritual mind, and quite inconsistent with the sepa 47 rate and simple habits demanded of a follower of Christ. You do not need such trifling joys if you really love the Saviour whom you profess to follow. You will not submit to such a debas- ing and undermining influence, if your heart is really engaged in the desire to glorify Him, and your affec- tions are truly fixed on the things which are above. Great is the peace of those who love his commandments. And your happiness and your success In Christian effort and duty will much depend upon the fixed and cheerful determination with which you watch against this sinful conformity to the world. Be watchful in your transaction of 48 the daily business of your life; and while you are not slothful therein, strive at the same time, to be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Guard against the encroachings of a covetous and earthly temper. "They that will be rich, fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurt- ful lusts, which drown men in destruc- tion and perdition." Learn to con- sider the world a place of duty, not a mere source of pleasure or gain. Seek a spirit of contentment and thankful- ness in the condition in which your heavenly Father is pleased to place you. Realize that his blessing maketh rich, and addeth no sorrow therewith; and that all things work together £9 for good, to those who love God. Strive to carry out completely the spirit of your divine Master in every station, and in the losses and gains of life, whatever they may be. These are but selected illustrations of the tempting power of the world around you. You meet them at home and abroad, and in every station of human life. Be watchful to maintain a walk of actual holiness and positive Christian decision and influence in every relation. Thus only can you honor Him who has called you to his service. After all your vigilance you will still find yourself compassed with infirmities, and be compelled to mourn over your remaining secret faults. 50 But resist the advancing influence of sin. Give no place to the tempter or the temptation. Strive to walk in all your connections in life, holily, un- blamably, and exemplarily, among your fellow-Christians, and in the face of a sinful world watching your course, and seeking occasion for re- proach from your unfaithfulness, o that holy name by which you are called. BE USEFUL.-No man liveth for himself. You are set in the world for a light to guide, and a servant of the Lord to minister to the wants and the happiness of others. Take this view of life, as the plan upon which you go Accustom yourself to acts of kindness and works of benevolence; make your 51 own tempers, comforts, and conven ience, give way to the happiness and welfare of others. Your gracious Master pleased not himself; he went about doing good; and you are te gain his mind and to walk in his steps. This may often require a contest, and involve great determination on your own part. But every victory over your sinful self-indulgence in such a contest, will be a far greater gain to you than it can bring to any other Let words of kindness dwell upon your tongue; let a gentle and sympa thizing spirit rule within your heart; let tenderness and patience control your actions. Be disinterested, ear nest, and sincere in your purposes and 52 efforts to do good to all, as God shall give you ability. Seek no happiness for yourself, but that which follows as the shadow of duty. And ever feel, and resolve to feel, that in thus doing good, you are gaining far more than you possibly impart. A life of earnest, active usefulness eminently becomes. your Christian profession; and its blessed fruits will be gathered by your fellow-men for their advantage, that they may bless you; and by your Glorious Lord for his honor, that he may acknowledge and accept you as faithful servants, who, in your ap pointed place in life, have done what you could for him. BE FAITHFUL.-Faithful for Christ 53 in a world which you are sent to bless. Confess him openly; confess him constantly. Be not ashamed of him, or of his words, however they may be despised. Be ready to warn, to admonish, to guide, and to comfort the souls for which he died, as he shall give you opportunity. Strive to gather wanderers into his fold; to make known the unsearchable riches of his grace; and to lead the hearts of the sinful and the ignorant to the knowledge of his truth. Get clear views of his great salvation, and bo not afraid to speak of them, when he opens to you a door for usefulness. Maintain the reality and ardor of your spiritual life, the sincerity and earnest- 54 ness of your walk of faith, and be thankful for every opportunity to show to the erring the way of peace, which the Lord has thus been pleased to open for you. Be faithful to THE END. The Lord may gather you to an early home, or he may assign for you a long and weary pilgrimage on earth. Have no anxiety about this; your times are in his hands. Be content and thankful to have them there. But whether life is to be long or short, "be faith ful unto death." Let nothing separate you from that love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, that when he cometh, you may appear before him with joy, and not be ashamed be 55 : fore him at his coming. Then shall you receive the glorious end of your faith, and rejoice in your full salvation. Then will you look back upon your early solemn profession of love for his name, and glorify him who plucked your feet out of the pit, who has kept your eyes from tears, and your feet from falling, and has permitted you to come and walk before him in the land of the living. Thus, my dear friend, have I en deavored to give you, in a few and simple words, some pastoral counsel, to guide you in your Christian course. Your vow is now ASSUMED. Soon it "will be accounted for at the judgment- seat of HIM to whom you made it 56 There we shall meet to render our united account, of our reciprocal-rela tions. May we so faithfully accom. plish our separate work through the constant guidance and support of hist Holy Spirit, that in the all-sufficient mediation of the Divine Saviour, we may find a gracious acceptance, and appear before him in that great day with joy, and not with grief. While we live let us pray for each other, that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. That the Lord may fill you with all joy and peace and holiness through the faith that is in him, is the earnest prayer of your affectionate and faith- PASTOR. fnl UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02971 1721 i