ANALYSI OF THE OCCUPATIONS ་་་་་་་་་་་་་Lt-f.1{*་8**སྟ! GENERAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. THE Hagerman Collection OF BOOKS RELATING TO HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE BOUGHT WITH MONEY PLACED BY JAMES J. HAGERMAN OF CLASS OF '61 IN THE HANDS OF Professor Charles Kendall Adams IN THE YEAR 1883. HB 2.673 S73 AN ANALYSIS OF THE OCCUPATIONS OF THE PEOPLE, SHOWING THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE AGRICULTURAL, MANUFACTURING, SHIPPING, COLONIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND MINING INTERESTS, OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND ITS DEPENDENCIES, IN NUMBERS, CAPITAL, AND ANNUAL PRODUCTIONS; AND ALSO THE PROPORTION WHICH THE AGRICULTURAL AND MANUFACTURING INTERESTS RESPECTIVELY PAY OF THE DIRECT AND LOCAL TAXATION OF THE COUNTRY. COMPILED FROM THE CENSUS OF 1841 AND OTHER OFFICIAL RETURNS. BY WILLIAM FREDERICK SPACKMAN, AUTHOR OF AN ANNUAL PUBLICATION ON THE STATISTICS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. "In every country the FIRST CREDITOR is the PLOUGH. This original indefeasible claim supersedes every other demand." Edmund Burke. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY AND FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY RICHARDSON, CORNHILL.-OLLIVIER, PALL MALL. M.DCCC.XLVII. LONDON: PRINTED BY REYNELL AND WEIGHT, LITTLE PULTENEY STREET. Reclass, 10-28-29 ER PREFACE. THE greatness of a nation is not made up or dependent on any one particular section of the community, but is the result of the prosperity of the whole; and the object of the present work in ascertaining and defining the exact status of each interest in the body politic is not so much to give a triumph to any as to do justice to all. It is unnecessary to enlarge on the importance of pro- moting agriculture by all the means in our power, as it must be obvious to every one that it is the first duty of all go- vernments to provide food for the people. The nation must be fed, at whatever cost; and the only question at issue be- tween the two great parties is, whether you can produce at home the food necessary to sustain the population, or obtain it from abroad, with greater collateral advantages to the whole community. This is the all-important question that has so long en- gaged the attention of our people, and which our present cir- vi PREFACE. cumstances continue to impress on the public mind with greater force than ever. Its gravity, as compared with others, will, in all probability, render it an all-absorbing matter of interest, until the policy of free trade shall have been con- firmed or abandoned, as the results of our experience may dictate. The considerations which necessarily enter into so im- portant a subject are many; and so far as they bear on the interests of each class in society and the importance of the agricultural, as compared with the manufacturing in- terest, our labours will probably not be in vain in the present attempt to place them fully and fairly before the public. We have no intention to decry the importance of the mechanical arts or the value of our manufacturing indus- try. To do either would be as unworthy of the statician as it would be fatal to the statesman. No one can deny the great advantages of a constant source of employment for a large amount of our population, or the benefits derived from exchanging their productions for those of other nations. It were something too much, however, to expect that in a time of profound peace the rivalry of other nations and the interests of all mankind should be concentrated in furthering British industry; and it is therefore not less our duty than our interest to ascertain with some degree of certainty what have been the primary causes of our past success as well as the real character of the principles on which we are to rely for the future in meeting the competition of other nations. PREFACE. vii The times and events which gave to Great Britain a monopoly of the manufacturing and commercial trade of the world have long since passed away; and, from the year 1815, there has been a constant struggle going on between the statesmen of this and other countries as to the extent to which the exclusive privileges acquired by us up to that time shall be surrendered for the common benefit of all. On all hands we find this antagonistic principle in full operation. Nearly all the nations of Europe and the two Americas, without having any corresponding advantages to offer, have severally put in claims for the removal of those restrictions which have hitherto governed our intercourse with them, and, failing to obtain these, have, by countervailing duties, sought to exclude us from their own markets. It is not, therefore, so much reciprocity as a demand for the surrender of a principle,—a demand to be admitted to a participation of profits, to an equality of rights; and the only difficulty on our part in at once conceding all that is required of us is, that there is no equality in the circum- stances of the two parties. During the late war, it is true we enjoyed many advantages, and almost exclusive possession of the whole commerce of the seas, but this desperate struggle left us with a debt of 800 millions. It no doubt operated as a scourge on other nations. For a time it paralysed every interest, and swept off generations of their people: agriculture with them made no progress, their m. nufactures were abandoned, and the arts and sciences only followed the chariot-wheels of the viii PREFACE. conqueror to record his triumphs and to perpetuate his fame. The sacrifice on the part of those countries was, however, a present, not a prospective one; with us it has operated as a mortgage of the present possessions and future labour of the whole population down to the latest posterity. To dispute the validity of this mortgage we imagine to be altogether out of the question. It would entail individual ruin and national dishonour. The taxes necessary to dis- charge the obligation must therefore be paid, and the labour which does pay them, we contend, is entitled to protection against that which has neither part nor lot in the matter. Some men indeed are sanguine enough to imagine that even with such an incubus on our exertions, we can leave all competition far behind us. However highly one may estimate the energy and industry of our people, it is difficult to be satisfied with such a conclusion, and the pages of this work, we venture to say, afford abundant evidence, from the progress made by other countries, of its being a most unjust one. It is the same with nations as with indi- viduals-capital may do much, but not everything, and it is only indispensably necessary where taxation is high. Large farms prevail in England because the application of capital is essential to secure an increase of production on a given amount of land. In the United States, small arable farms are the rule throughout the Union, and both, in all countries, are determined by the presence or absence of taxation. Large factories may enable the manufacturers of one country to PREFACE. ix compete successfully with those of another, provided there be any parity in their circumstances; but if the one is heavily taxed and the other is comparatively untaxed, the cheaper labour of the latter will, in many cases, completely set all the multiplying powers of machinery at defiance. The national burdens of a people, inasmuch as they enter into everything that is conducive to their daily strength, must retard their progress in proportion as they are easy or otherwise, and it was just as reasonable to expect that the Israelites of old could make bricks without straw, as it would be that the labour of individuals in this country could compete with the untaxed labour of the Swiss, the Germans, and the Saxons in respect of manufactures, or with that of the provinces of the Baltic in respect of agricultural pro- ductions. A writer in one of the most distinguished of our period- icals, has, with peculiar felicity, enumerated the items of taxation which the labour of our people is made to contribute to the necessities of the State, and shown that it embraces everything within the compass of our wants and wishes, from our entrance into the world to our final exit from it. The beer, tea, coffee, sugar, and everything else that we either eat or drink, the hat which covers the head, the shoes that enclose the feet, the raiment wherewith we are clothed, nay, all that is necessary to support the strength and gratify the senses, must pay an enormous government toll before it can reach the individual who has nothing but his labour to sustain him. In health or in sickness he contributes to the taxation of the State, and after he has departed this life, should his virtues be chronicled at all, the knowledge of them must be handed X PREFACE. down to posterity on taxed marble, and then, but only then, can it be said that he is gathered to his fathers, to be taxed no more. Since, then, the taxation of a country is so unlimited in its operation and so imperative in its effects, the actual impor- tance of each class in the same community must be deter- mined by the amount which they severally contribute to the national burdens, and this we have endeavoured to ascertain and define. Of the number of persons actually employed by the agriculturists and manufacturers, no difference of opinion can exist, as we have adopted the government classification in every instance, and copied the figures given in the returns. We believe this classification to be correct in principle, and but slightly erroneous in details. Political economists may exercise their ingenuity by calling in question this classification, but we believe it is the only one that accurately traces the dependence of an individual on the one or the other interest, and as this is the primary object of all such matters, if it attains this end, it is sufficient for all purposes. By the Landed Interest, we mean not only the proprietors of the soil, but all that are engaged in its cultivation, and all the interests that are dependent on and supported by both landlord and tenant. An Agriculturist is one who grows the raw material. The Manufacturer changes the fabric from cotton into calico; flax into linen; wool into cloth; raw into manufactured silk; mineral ores into various combinations of metals; and the skin of an animal into leather. PREFACE. xi All besides the Agriculturists and the Manufacturers, are auxiliaries, not principals; thus the handicraftsman alters the form, but not the substance, and adapts the article to the use of the consumer,—so, the miller, baker, and butcher; the tailor, milliner, and shoemaker. There is also a very numerous class, who neither produce, manufacture, nor alter the shape or substance of an article, and these are called merchants, if they buy and sell in a wholesale manner, or shopkeepers and retail dealers, if they sell by retail. The business of these is to distribute all articles imported from abroad or produced at home, through every city, town, and village in the United Kingdom; and the Government definition of all these auxillaries is, "Engaged in Trade and Commerce." The dependence of any particular class engaged in trade and commerce, or in handicraft, is not upon the party who produces, alters, or supplies the article, but upon the indi- vidual who consumes it, and if there is any tax whatever on the raw material, or on any thing used in its manufacture, adaptation, or distribution, it is on him that all and every item of such tax, together with all profits and charges, must ultimately fall. Inasmuch, however, as there is no wealth in this country of any amount, but what has been derived either from Agricul- ture or Manufactures, nor any of which the value is not deter- mined by the success of these; so, again, this consumer, what- ever his rank or position in society may be, is mainly depen- dent on them. The rental of land, the income from houses, or investments in the public funds, are merely the represen- xii PREFACE. tatives of so much labour, and the means necessary to pay them are principally drawn from either Agriculture or Manu- factures. Our annual creation of wealth may be thus stated: Agriculture £250,000,000 Manufactures, deductingthe} 127,000,000 value of the raw material Mining Interest 37,000,000 Colonial Interest 18,000,000 Foreign Commerce (includ- ing the Shipping Interest), 10 per Cent. on the amount 15,000,000 of our Exports and Imports Fisheries 3,000,000 £450,000,000 The Peer And from one or the other of these does every individual in the land derive his income or means of support. of the realm, the landed proprietor, the Government annui- tant, the clergyman, the medical, and the legal adviser, with the banker, merchant, dealer, and handicraftsman of every class and kind, derive what is necessary to support their state and condition and their daily sustenance from these spring- heads of national wealth. This is the substance of the nation; and what we call money consists merely of the counters we use to denote and measure the value of this substance as it passes from one to another. To do equal justice to all classes, the legislation of a country ought therefore to keep steadily in view their rela- tive importance, not only as regards numbers, but also their powers of production and the proportion which they severally PREFACE. xiii bear of the national burdens. Unless this is the governing principle, it strikes at the root of their prosperity, and the injury inflicted on a class is evinced in the gradual decay of the whole community. We live in an age when mankind place but little reliance on opinions, however authoritatively expressed. The state- ments of a Prime Minister are subjected, as they ought to be, to the strictest scrutiny; and when opposed to the policy of a long political career, are received by all parties with suspi- cion. The opinions of men, almost gifted with the spirit of pro- phecy, who have grown gray in writing voluminous works on all conceivable subjects, are set at nought; for the present ge- neration is a matter of fact one, and nothing short of demon- stration will satisfy it. We submit the present work to its decision, in the full confidence that, however imperfectly we may have executed the task, in this particular it will be found to be in accordance with the public taste. We are also not without the hope that it will disabuse the public mind of much of the error which so generally prevails on this matter, and reconcile both parties to the maintenance in all their integrity of the most important interests of the British Empire. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Introduction.-Necessity for the present Inquiry Pages 1 to 7 CHAPTER II. Objections to the Form of the Government Returns.--Notice of the Fallacies of Public Writers thereon.-Examination of the terms Trade and Commerce. Pages 8 to 20 CHAPTER III. THE AGRICULTURAL INTEREST. Notice of Free Trade Fallacies in respect of the natural Laws governing the Production of Food.-Superiority of the Agricultural as compared with the Manufacturing, as regards Numbers, Sex, and Age.-Comparison of the Amount of Employment given to the Labouring Classes by each Interest.-Review of the Circumstances of each, and of the Numbers of all other Classes in the Population dependent on each Pages 21 to 29 CHAPTER IV. Erroneous Opinions of Mr Cobden and Mr Bright respecting the Farming Interest. -Inclosure of Land since 1800.-Improvement in Cultivation and increased Productions.-Mr Couling's Tables of the Land of the United Kingdom. - Average Price of Wheat, and Number of Inclosure Bills passed since 1760.- Import and Export of Grain from 1695.-Prices of Grain in Foreign Countries. -Rental of the United Kingdom.-Capital employed in Agriculture.-Estimate of the Annual Productions of Agriculture.—Conclusion Pages 30 to 52 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER V. THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST. Review of the Progress of Manufactures in Great Britain and Foreign Counties since the Peace.-Locality of the Manufacturing Interest in the United Kingdom.- Its numerical Strength.-Number of Persons employed in the most important Branches Number employed in Ireland.-Tendency of Mechanical Power to abridge Labour Pages 53 to 64 CHAPTER VI. The Manufacture of Cotton.-Review of the present Circumstances of this Trade.- Estimate of the Capital invested and employed in the Manufacture.-Amount of annual Productions.-Comparison of Home and Export Trade.-Number of Persons employed and dependent.-Tables of Import of Raw Cotton, and the Official and Declared Value of the Exports of Manufactured Goods from 1820 to 1846 Pages 64 to 75 CHAPTER VII. The Manufacture of Woollens. - Change of Fabric caused by the Mixture of Coarse with Fine Wools.-Numbers employed.-Capital invested.-Annual Produc- tions. Comparison of Home and Foreign Trade.-Table of Woollen Goods exported from 1815 to 1844. The Manufacture of Linen.-Distribution of the Trade.-Number of Persons em- ployed.-Capital invested.-Annual Productions.--Comparison of Home and Foreign Trade.-Table of Imports of Flax and Exports of Linen from 1834 to 1846. The Manufacture of Silk.-Notice of Mr Huskisson's Alteration of Duties in 1824, and Progress of the Silk Trade since that Time.-Quantity imported and smuggled into this Country.-Amount of Capital invested -Annual Produc- tions. Comparison of Home and Foreign Trade.-Table of Imports of Raw Silk and Exports of Manufactured Goods from 1820 to 1846. Summary of Manufactures.-The Amount of their Annual Productions.-Com- parison of the Home and Foreign Trade in the Consumption and Distribution of these Pages 76 to 95 CHAPTER VIII. THE MINING INTEREST. Its Antiquity.-Coal.-Iron.-Tin.-Lead.-Salt.-Summary of Persons employed. -Capital embarked.—Annual Productions.-Comparison of Home and Foreign Trade. Pages 96 to 100 CHAPTER IX. THE SHIPPING AND COLONIAI. INTERESTS AND FOREIGN TRADE. Notice of Commerce previous to the Rise of the Manufacturing Interest. The Shipping Interest.-Navigation Laws.-Origin and Intention of them.-Reci- procity Treaties.-Reduction of Protective Duties on Whale Oil, and its Effect on the Whale Fisheries.-Mistake of Sir Robert Peel as to the Cause of the xvi CONTENTS. Advance in Value of Lard.-Coasting Trade.-Foreign Trade. -Colonial Trade. Capital invested in Shipping.-Annual Profits. The Colonial Interests.-The Political Importance of our Colonies.—Opinions of Mr McCulloch and Mr Porter.-List of our Colonies. Shipping.-Exports. The Foreign Trade.-Comparative Tables of the Imports and Exports of England, France, and the United States from 1801 to 1844.-Exports of Great Britain to all Countries in 1844.-Official and Declared Value of the Exports and Imports of Great Britain from 1801 to 1846 Pages 101 to 120 Review of the whole subject CHAPTER X. CONCLUSION. APPENDIX. Pages 121 to 128 LIST of the AUTHORITIES referred to in the compilation of this Work. PAGE The Counties of England, in alphabetical order Summary of England The Counties of Wales, in alphabetical order Summary of Wales The Counties of Scotland, in alphabetical order Summary of Scotland The Islands in the British Seas The Counties of Ireland, in alphabetical order Summary of Ireland Summary of the United Kingdom Summary of Persons engaged in Agriculture Summary of their Age and Sex Summary of all the Persons engaged in Manufactures Summary of their Age and Sex Summary of Persons engaged in the Manufacture of the Textile Fabrics Summary of all persons engaged in Trade and Commerce Summary of all Persons employed in working the Mines Tabular statement of the Mining Interest Summary of the Mining Interest Tables of the Shipping Interest Professional Persons Other Educated Persons • Persons returned as Independent Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial Town and Church Officers Domestic Servants Labourers Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners Workhouses, Hospitals, Gaols, Lunatic Asylums Criminals Public Charities Rental of England and Wales دو of Scotland of Ireland A Synoptical Table embracing the whole. 1 to 45 46 48 to 59 60 62 to 93 94 96 97 to 137 138 140 142 144 147 • 148 to 151 152 155 to 160 163 164 and 165 · 166 168 to 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 ib. 182 183 184 and 185 • 186 187 ERRATA. PAGE 9, for "overwhelming number," read "overwhelming numbers." 14, for "six midland and northern counties," read “ eight.' "" "" 14, for "six out of the fifty-two counties," read "eight." 26, for "Mr M'Culloch estimates the capital employed in the cotton trade at thirty-four millions," read "forty-seven millions." 27, for "six midland and northern counties," read "eight." 28, for "produces annually three hundred millions," &c., read "two hun- dred and fifty millions." "" 38, for "if low prices out are," &c., read "for if low prices only.” "" 90, for "the returns in the census for 1811," read " 1841." tr IN THE APPENDIX :— PAGE 27, Northumberland, Property tax on land is omitted. Amount, £24,378. 28, Nottingham, Property tax on land is omitted. Amount, £20,641. "" "" 176, for "the rental of the land of the United Kingdom is about fifty-two millions," read fifty-eight millions, that of houses forty millions, government annuitants thirty millions, making together one hun. dred and twenty-eight millions," &c. AN ANALYSIS OF THE OCCUPATIONS OF THE PEOPLE. CHAPTER I. Introduction.-Necessity for the present Inquiry. It has been the subject of remark with writers in all ages, that many of the most important changes which have been wrought, whether for evil, or for good, in the social and political institutions of man- kind, have sprung from very inadequate causes in the first instance, and have often been carried out without the slightest reference to any deduction which could be drawn from the experience of the past, or which the facts relating to the present would justify. The passions of the multitude are easily influenced to this end. The long continuance in one line of policy or course of trade often- times produces a desire of change, and at such a moment the slightest pressure on the circumstances of a people is sufficient to turn the current, or direct the course, of public opinion which decides the fate of the question. If to this we add, that, should at any time popular agitation have for its object, the transfer of political power from the few to the many, the reduction of the price of food,—or an increase in the price of labour, the arguments in support of such propositions, however impracticable, however absurd in the abstract, or pernicious in their effects, are seldom examined by b 2 Occupations of the People. the masses in the first instance, because, prima facie, they them- selves appear to have a direct interest in bringing about such results, and thus a handful of demagogues agitating for their own selfish ends have not unfrequently overturned what the practical wisdom of ages had established. The same remark will apply not only to the masses, but to those who are entrusted with their government. Ministers of state in their struggles for political power,-senators whose adherence to a party, or an interest, is the condition of their election,—and even the public press, desirous of retaining its hold on the popular will, have all frequently exhibited the most remarkable conversions to opinions which, through a long political career, they had previously opposed. It is not within our province nor is it our intention in any such case to impute motives, but to deal with the data put forward in justification of such conversions, and, so far as the relative im- portance of the Agricultural and Manufacturing Interests is con- cerned, to show that they have no foundation in honesty or truth. With no better security, however, for the stability of any particular system than the popular will, it is nothing extraordinary that the most important interest of a country should for a time be decried, neglected, or sacrificed, or that, in such a state of things, some of the most time-honoured institutions of a country should disappear. If universal peace and good-will always prevailed among the nations of the earth, and the civil and political circumstances of every country were alike; or even if the relative importance of each class in the same community were so nicely balanced, that the trial of any new principle of national policy would equally affect all; the argument against violent changes, although still un- answered, would lose much of its force; but, unfortunately for this assumption, perfect equality is not a principle in nature. It is not to be found in the dispensations of Providence, in the civil or political condition of nations, or in the external or internal circum- stances of those several classes of mankind who collectively con- stitute the separate kingdoms of which the earth is composed. Introduction. 3 We have not the slightest wish to derogate from the importance of manufactures, the value of new inventions, or the use of ma- chinery, but it will be a part of our duty to ascertain how far these have been carried on respectively of the labour which some suppose they have a tendency to supplant, and, above all, we desire to estimate them at their real value. It has been often said that a purely agricultural country never could be a rich one; but, at all events, Britain exercised a great and powerful influence among the nations when manufactures were but yet in their infancy, and it is a matter of record that for the extension of her power over an empire which has no parallel in history, and for her dominion of the seas, she is indebted to which, "A bold peasantry, their country's pride," "When once destroyed, can never be supplied." On the other hand, were it possible to realize the most sanguine assertions of the free-traders, and to make these fair islands the workshop of the world, we should have but a very slight security for the continuance of any prosperity derived from such a source; for, independent of the competition of other countries with whom Cotton, Fine Wool, and Silk are natural productions-assisted as they are by recent discoveries of Coal and Minerals-the very principle of our success in the first instance, viz., the increase and perfection of our mechanical power, would be certain, by its multi- plication, to insure its own destruction; for, as we shall pre- sently demonstrate, the increase in the production of manufactured goods, and the employment of the population, proceed in an inverse ratio to each other. For these reasons a mixed community of agriculturists and manufacturers, and a system that under all circumstances shall induce the cultivation of the soil to the greatest possible extent, and that altogether irrespectively of other markets, we believe to be the best for any nation and people, the only security for the supply of their own wants, the only certain means of maintaining their own independence. 4 Occupations of the People. It is also our firm conviction that the one interest cannot suffer loss and depression for any length of time without reacting on the other, and in the end involving it in the same consequences. The two are therefore interested in mutual protection and support, and any false principle of legislation which shall endanger the security of agriculture will undoubtedly seal the fate of manufactures. It behoves us, then, to take especial care that we depart not from first principles, for, in national as well as individual instances, there is a moral retribution which never fails to exact a heavy penalty in all such cases: thus, the excess of public liberty is licentiousness, in the end producing a grinding despotism; and freedom of trade, although when carried out on just and equitable principles, may be considered the perfection of political economy, and perhaps of human wisdom; yet, if not based on this principle of justice to all classes, it may produce the very evils it was in- tended to check, and, by damaging the most important meinber of the body politic, may have the effect of laying every other prostrate in the dust. We propose to show that these remarks are applicable to the false estimate which has been made, and which very generally prevails, of the status of the agricultural interest of the United Kingdom. Much of the ignorance which exists on this matter may be ascribed to the very uninviting character of the Government pub- lications. To investigate and analyze the formidable array of figures which form the population returns of the census of 1841, and a host of others made by Church, Tithe, Poor-law, and Tax Commissioners, and to collate and concentrate the whole, is a task indeed which few will undertake for themselves, and which we believe is now for the first time attempted. The principles of division and sub-division, the incompleteness of the details, and the want of uniformity in the returns for Great Britain and those for the kingdom of Ireland, have been the subject of much doubt and difficulty to most persons who have ventured on the inquiry, and in some instances have only stultified it when made. Introduction. Hence men, well informed and intelligent on all other subjects, have been deplorably deficient in a knowledge of that which ought to be the foundation of all and every argument affecting the in- terests of those two great classes of mankind, the agriculturists and the manufacturers; viz., the exact proportion which they respectively bear to each other and to the whole population of the country. They have thus been led to adopt and argue on general assumptions as extravagant and absurd as they are fallacious and inconsequential. The Commissioners for taking the census of 1841 have in their "Abstract" departed from the practice of their predecessors. This has deceived many superficial readers, and furnished many designing men with an argument to depreciate the real strength and importance of the agricultural interest. The orators of the League, for instance, in all their speeches and writings, took especial care to exclude from consideration nearly one-third of the population of the United Kingdom living in Ireland, seven- eighths of whom are wholly dependent on agriculture. To correct these errors, whether of design or misconception, and to bring before the public the statistical facts which bear on the con- dition and circumstances of each interest, is the object of the present work. In the execution of the task, we shall confine ourselves to facts, and not to opinions,-to figures extracted from the govern- ment returns in every instance, and not to assertions,—leaving our readers to draw such inferences from these as the strict justice of the case may in each instance require. Our first duty will be to define the general principles on which this inquiry is to be conducted. Political economists may differ in their definitions of productive and unproductive labour, but it is quite clear that there are two great divisions of mankind-the producer and the non-producer; and also two great sources from which all mankind derive their wealth- the raw material and the manufactured one. The producers of the raw material are certainly the first and most important class in all communities, not only because, having no machinery to assist their labours, they must of necessity be the · 6 Occupations of the People. most numerous, but because they are in truth the root from whence all others derive their origin. In the condition assigned to this class by Providence, they realize the primeval curse inflicted on our first parents, that man should cultivate the soil by the sweat of his brow. They are, in every instance, the pioneers of human civilization, and compel the earth in many a barren and desolate wilderness to assume the appearance of an earthly paradise, and to yield up her countless stores of corn, wine, and oil, of fruits, vegetables, and flowers in endless variety to sustain the wants, to supply the necessities, and to gratify the senses of man. Machinery, as applied to the cultivation of the soil, is yet in its infancy, and contri- butes little or nothing to the saving of labour, or to the production of those great results which enable us in all seasons, except when it shall please Providence to afflict us in common with other countries with a deficient crop, to feed twice the amount of popu- lation which existed in the year 1800, this increased production giving at the same time a corresponding amount of employment to the working classes, and thus ministering to their wants, instead of supplanting their labour. The next in importance is the manufacturer, who by his skill can give additional lustre to the diamond, can not only transmute ores into precious metals, but form and fashion them into every variety of shape for the use, convenience, and luxury of mankind, and who also by the multitude of his inventions, can turn the pro- duction of a moth, and the gossamer of a cotton tree, into the most costly and useful fabrics that either minister to the comforts, or add to the substantial riches of society. The manufacturer, however, differs from the agriculturist in one very important particular. While, with the gigantic and unlimited power of machinery, he can almost realize the wonders of Alad- din's lamp, and produce goods to any extent which the demand of a world might require, he at the same time supersedes nearly an equal amount of human labour, so that, if this mighty power of production could be carried on ad infinitum, it would present the extraordinary anomaly of the accumulation of great wealth on Introduction. the part of the mill-owner, with the condition of the labouring classes in a course of gradual deterioration, hence, except in times when the opening up of new markets gave a great additional stimu- lus to trade, the destitution of the lower classes, with every return of adversity, would become deeper and deeper still, until at last it formed an aggregate of human misery that would dissolve the entire framework of society. These, then, are the two great sections into which a community necessarily and naturally divides itself; all others, by whatever name called, are not principals but auxiliaries to these, and therefore all persons engaged in Trade and Commerce-the Mining Interest, -the Shipping Interest, and all other classes, must be referred to these as to a common root, on which they are dependent for their means of support, and without which they could not exist. After noticing certain objections to the form of the Government returns, and the fallacies which have been adopted by many of our public writers in consequence thereof, we shall proceed to ascertain the relative strength and importance of each interest, and the exact degree of dependence, on the one or the other, of every other class of the community. In other words, we shall range each under their respective standards, and proceed to number the people. 8 Occupations of the People. CHAPTER II. Objections to the form of the Government Returns.-Notice of the Fallacies of public Writers thereon.-Examination of the terms Trade and Commerce. THE object of taking a Census of the people every ten years we imagine to be three-fold : 1st. In order to ascertain the numerical strength of the nation. as a whole, and the causes operating to an increase or decrease of the population. 2nd. To ascertain the progress of each separate interest in the community, so that, by the application of wise and judicious legis- lation, we may protect each according to its importance as com- pared with the whole. 3rd. To trace the relative degree of dependence of one class upon another. It is a little remarkable that in the accomplishment of this object any difficulty should arise. At first sight it would appear to be simple enough, and in truth it is as simple an affair as can well be to those who will take the trouble of examining the details for themselves; but the Commissioners for taking the Census and several of our public writers have so perverted the figures which they themselves have placed on record, that without this examina- tion the “most abstruse and fanciful theories" imaginable have been palmed off on the public as the most veritable of truths, and these form the foundation of nearly all the arguments which have been adduced in support of the new system of political economy. What a security for the realization of that millennium of pros- perity which free trade is to confer on mankind! But first in reference to the returns made by the Commissioners: Objections to the Government Returns. 9 The return of 1831 was made under three main heads, viz.— AGRICULTURE, ManufactuRES, ALL OTHER CLASSES; and the returns under these heads were as follows, viz.— GREAT. IRELAND. BRITAIN. AGRICULTURE. Agricultural Occupiers employing Labourers 187,075 95,339 Occupiers not employing Labourers 168.815 564,274 Labourers employed in Agriculture 887,167 567,441 Total employed in Agriculture 1,243,057 1,227,054 MANUFACTURES. Employed in Manufactures, or in making Manufacturing Machinery 404,317 25,746 ALL OTHER CLASSES. Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 1,159,867 298,838 Capitalists, Bankers, Professional and other educated Men Labourers employed in Labour not Agricultural, as Miners, Quarriers, Fishermen, Porters, &c. Other Males twenty years of Age except Servants Male Servants 214,390 61,514 - 608,712 89,876 235,499 110,595 78,669 54,142 3,944,511 1,867,765 Total number of Males of the age of 20 years and upwards in the United Kingdom 5,812,276 This was the state of things in 1831; but between this period and 1841 a new theory had been propounded, and much new light appears to have broken in upon gentlemen holding high official situations, and some others of our public writers. Many of these had sent forth publications assigning such overwhelming numb er to each branch of manufactures as to form a total perfectly irreconcilable with the above fact that only 430,063 males of all ages above that of twenty were engaged in their production. This was only about one-sixth of the number engaged in agriculture, and about one-thirteenth of the whole; and although these figures were perfectly correct and fully confirmed by the Census of 1841, yet the form in which the fact was presented to the public was fatal to any argument touching the numerical strength and impor- tance of the manufacturing interest. It was also fatal to any conclusion that it would be safe or politic 10 Occupations of the People. to legislate for so small an interest at the expense of one which preponderated to such an extent as it is here shown the agricul- tural interest did at this period. No course, therefore, was left but to quarrel with the returns themselves, and to show that, like other statistical returns, they con- tained many apparent fallacies, which it required no great stretch of ingenuity to use on the one or the other side of an argument at the will and pleasure of a writer; but, at the same time, although so used, and that with much subtlety, the said returns might still be perfectly correct. On this head the Commissioners report as follows, page 8:— + "In some cases the accuracy of returns of this kind has been impugned, in conse- quence of the small numbers returned as engaged in making or selling articles of very general consumption. Thus, the assertion that any large place contains but one spectacle-maker, two pork-butchers, three coffin-makers, or four hatters, has been quoted as incorrect or ridiculous; whereas it should be borne in mind, that only in places of such importance and commercial activity as to require and support great subdivision of trades, would any such occupations be separately carried on at all. In many small country towns, the spectacle-maker would merge in the optician, who would perhaps be also the watch-maker, the barometer-seller, and the bell-hanger of his neighbourhood. The coffin-maker would be doing the last offices to his former customers in the cabinet-making line; while the hatter would figure in the list as draper, grocer, bookseller, or shopkeeper, according as he might prefer one name to the other." And yet, notwithstanding this very proper explanatory remark of the Commissioners, which accounts for and embraces the whole argument, Mr Porter, in his "Progress of the Nation" for 1847, en- deavours to show that such a classification is perfectly useless be- cause it does not correspond in all instances with the number of Excise Licences granted for carrying on particular trades. Why, how can any return or classification do so, when as every body knows, many tradesmen in large towns, and all tradesmen in small towns, carry on half a dozen or a dozen trades, requiring for each a par- ticular licence from the Excise: thus, an individual may be a tea- dealer, tobacco-dealer, wine-dealer, spirit-dealer, soap-maker, tallow- chandler, vender of patent medicines, and brewer, and many other trades, all requiring a licence, and yet in the returns of the Census he may be called by that which in a country town includes the whole, a grocer. Objections to the Government Returns. 11 Had Mr Porter shown us that these were improperly classed as dealers, and that they were in truth manufacturers, there would have been something in the argument; but the objection that they are called by one of the trades in which they deal, instead of another, is puerile indeed, and in fact amounts to nothing. This, however, was only intended to raise a difficulty where none actually existed; a trader or dealer in an article, and a manufacturer of it, are two callings as distinct as any two things well can be, and about which there could be no mistake. But it had a far different object, and this will be found in Mr Porter's books, both of 1837 and 1847. In both editions we have the following paragraph: By adopting only two divisions or classes, this difficulty is removed, and a greater degree of certainty upon the subject is attained. The persons appointed to prepare the returns might easily fall into errors in classing traders and followers of profes- sions, but could hardly fail to distinguish from all others those families who drew their support from agricultural occupations." And so, because it was possible that the enumerator might have some doubt about the class to which a few trades or callings be- longed, whether they were dealers or manufacturers, Mr Porter in 1837 recommended that for the future the population should be divided into two divisions or classes, viz., Agriculturists, and those engaged in Trade, Commerce, and Manufactures ; and in the Census of 1841 the Government adopted the suggestion, and the re- turns have consequently been made in this form. Throughout the editions of the "Progress of the Nation," in 1837 and 1847, we have accordingly the occupations of the people treated in reference to two classes only, which for any practical purpose is as great an absurdity as if we were to call the Agriculturists themselves Manufacturers. One of the principal objects of taking the Census, as we have before said, is to trace the relative degree of dependence of one class upon another; but how can this be done if all the trade and commerce of the country is to be mixed up and classed with manufactures? The real object of this manœuvre was to conceal the weakness of the manufacturing interest, and at the same time to oust the agricultural interest from that precedence which, in all former times, had been accorded to it in the National Accounts, and which 12 Occupations of the People. it is the object of this work to show it is still pre-eminently enti- tled to hold in the Statistics of the British Empire. Mr Porter would have us to consider Trade and Commerce, and Manufactures as synonymous terms, and that together they only form one class; and he seems to be so thoroughly haunted with the numerical weakness of the manufacturing interest, that his fear of its being discovered peeps out in every paragraph, and by mixing them up, in every table in which they are mentioned in his book, with those engaged in trade and commerce, he has effectually succeeded in his object. The gross injustice of confounding all persons engaged in trade and commerce with the manufacturers, is very strikingly illustrated by the four first counties in the Government summary, which, in that document, stand thus:- Bedford Berks Bucks - Cambridge COUNTIES. Trade, Commerce, and Manufactures. 14,333 16,479 19,669 14,744 65,225 Agriculture. 14,933 21.249 21,897 22,918 80,997 This would lead us to the conclusion, that in these four counties. the two interests are nearly balanced, when in truth, if we separate those engaged in manufactures from those engaged in trade and commerce, and then divide all other classes between the agricul- turists and the manufacturers, in the proportion which these bear to each other, we arrive at the fact that five-sixths of the whole are dependent on agriculture, as will be seen by the following table :- AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. COUNTIES. Engaged in Dependent TOTAL. Engaged in: Dependent TOTAL. on : on: Bedford · 14,933 62,703 77,636 5,828 24,472 30,300 Berks 21,249 127,695 148,944 1,741 10,462 12,203 Bucks 21,897 92,989 114,886 7,833 33,264 41,097 Cambridge 22,918 135,981 158,899 802 4,758 5,560 80,997 419,368 500,365 16,204 72,956 89,160 Total engaged in, and dependent on, Agriculture Total engaged in, and dependent on, Manufactures Total of the four Counties 500,365 89.160 589,525 Objections to the Government Returns. 13 Could anything be more unreasonable, and in fact more absurd, than to tell us that the population of a county is dependent on manufactures where no manufactures exist, or that all the retail dealers and those engaged in handicraft in such a county are not dependent on the landed interest, and the numerous trades and occupations which the cultivation of the soil in the first instance, and the distribution of its productions in the second, necessarily give rise to in every class of which society is composed? The relative strength of these classes in each county will be treated of under their proper heads, but it will be sufficient for our present purpose to call the attention of the reader to the actual strength of these three classes, treated, as they ought to be, as se- parate and distinct interests :- AGRICULTURE see Appendix, page 144 TRADE and COMMERCE - see Appendix, page 160 MANUFACTURES see Appendix, page 152, Great Britain Ireland - 3,344,207 2,413,951 1,140,906 300,000 1,440,906 This leads us to the consideration of what constitutes TRADE AND COMMERCE. The number of persons engaged in Trade and Commerce, it will be seen, is 2,413,951. This is about two-thirds of the number actually employed in Agriculture, and nearly double the whole number employed in Manufactures. In this very numerous class are included the merchants, brokers, agents, wholesale and retail dealers, and all persons engaged in trade or in handicraft as masters or workmen. Our general propo- sition in respect of this class is, we imagine, a self-evident one- that all charges, whether of cost or profit, on the production, sale, conveyance, and distribution of every article, whether imported from abroad or manufactured at home, are paid by the consumer ; and ergo, that all and every one of the classes enumerated in the table given in the Appendix, at page 155, are supported by the Agriculturists and the Manufacturers in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other. 14 Occupations of the People. The tea, sugar, coffee, wine, and every other article of foreign production brought to these islands, are not consumed by any parti- cular class, or limited to any particular district, but diffused over the whole surface of the United Kingdom; and although there may be some slight inequalities in the distribution of luxuries, and even of necessaries, as in the case of Ireland, yet it will be seen that these are not of sufficient importance to affect the general argu- ment, but on the contrary, they prove that all the incidents of the condition of the agricultural population, and of those who draw their means of support from it, as retail dealers, or persons engaged in handicraft as masters or workmen, of necessity in- duce a greater amount of what is called Trade and Commerce than any other interest can possibly do. For instance, the agricultural population extends over the entire surface of the three kingdoms. The manufacturing population of England and Wales is represented by that of the six midland and northern counties (see Article on Manufactures), and more than two-thirds of the whole are resident in these six out of the fifty-two counties composing England and Wales. The same remark will apply to Scotland: the city of Glasgow, and the towns of Paisley, Dundee, Kilmarnock, and a very few others, comprise the total of their population engaged in manufactures, while the same amount of agricultural population is spread over thirty-two counties, extending from the Orkneys to Berwick-upon-Tweed. In Ireland, if we except those engaged in the linen trade in the town of Belfast and the immediate locality, there is little that is worthy of notice. It is also certain that a very large proportion of the manufactures exported are shipped in the immediate locality of the place in which they are produced; and the same remark will apply to all the foreign produce consumed by this interest, three-fourths of which is imported at Liverpool and Hull, and distributed through- out the immediate district at a trifling expense as compared with the larger proportion required by the agricultural population, and all the classes dependent on and supported by it, and which is sent to them by every conveyance that circulates throughout the United Kingdom. Objections to the Government Returns. 15 Again, large masses of population congregated in cities and towns do not support or maintain even pro ratâ the same number of Retail Tradesmen, Professional Persons (see Appendix, page 174), Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service (see Appendix, page 177), Parochial, Town, and Church Officers (see Appendix, page 178), or Domestic Servants (see Appendix, page 179), as the same amount of population would if spread over the agricul- tural districts, and for this very obvious reason, that one individual can supply the wants, superintend the affairs, or be the profes- sional adviser of a much greater number so situated than under any other circumstances whatever. But it may be said that although the manufacturers have these advantages in respect of their own productions, still the agricultural produce required for their consumption must be brought from a distance, and this is perfectly true to the extent of their numbers, but nothing more. For it must be taken into consideration, that the agricultural produce of their own localities nearly supplies their wants, and that the cost of conveying all that they may require from a distance is but an unit as compared with that of distributing 300 millions of agricultural produce, and 100 millions of manufactured goods throughout the three kingdoms: the cost or profit of the production, and the sale, conveyance, and ultimate distribution by the retail dealer, being in every instance, as we have already observed, paid by the consumers, and these consumers being the agriculturists and the manufacturers, and those dependent on them, in the exact proportion which they bear to each other in the whole population of the United Kingdom. Trade and Commerce are not, therefore, necessarily identified, or synonymous, with Manufactures, as Mr Porter and many other writers would have us believe. So far as the internal commerce of the country is concerned, they form a separate and distinct interest from either agriculture or manufactures, and are dependent on each in the exact proportion of their respective numbers, and the relative value of the contribution which each interest makes annually to the common stock of the community. If there is any one branch of our national interests in which 16 Occupations of the People. manufactures may be said to be predominant, it is in the external or foreign trade of the country; but this only forms about one-tenth of the whole, and into all particulars relating to its importance we shall inquire under the head of "Manufactures." We, therefore, contend that the classing of all persons engaged in trade and commerce with those engaged in manufactures is not warranted in any statistical or economical sense; and that, so far as regards the returns made by the Commissioners appointed to take the Census for Great Britain, whoever gave the directions for such a classification must have done so with the predetermination to perpetrate an act of great injustice to the agricultural interest, and with a view of preparing the public mind for a change in policy which the facts bearing on these two great interests would in no way justify. The returns for Ireland, like everything else in that unfortunate country, fairly defy analysis. The Commissioners for Ireland, instead of following the form appointed for Great Britain, appear to have acted without any definite instructions in the matter, and to have set up one of their own, of so arbitrary, fanciful, and peculiar a structure as to resemble nothing of the kind known among men. For the purpose of legislation, indeed, these returns are worse than useless, because they conceal the fact of the amount of indi- vidual dependence on the one interest or the other, the primary object of all such returns. It is also a remarkable fact, that they have made no return of any class as Independent, and thus, as to their dependence or independence we are left equally in the dark. The English Commissioners fixed twenty years of age as the period when dependence on the parent generally ceases, and sepa- ration takes place. The Commissioners for Ireland, without assign- ing any reason, have reduced this to fifteen years of age, which has so confounded the relative numbers of each class that it has made it next to impossible to make any comparison between the corresponding classes of the two countries. Again, instead of ranging the population under the respective heads of Agriculture, Manufactures, Trade and Commerce, and the Objections to the Government Returns. 17 several other divisions given in the returns for Great Britain, they have made use of a classification which confounds all the distinc- tions hitherto observed by political economists. According to it, we have the various occupations of the people defined as follows:- MINISTERING TO FOOD. MINISTERING TO CLOTHING. MINISTERING TO LODGING, FURNITURE, MACHINERY, &c. MINISTERING TO HEALTH. MINISTERING TO CHARITY. MINISTERING TO JUSTICE. MINISTERING TO EDUCATION. MINISTERING TO RELIGION. VARIOUS ARTS AND EMPLOYMENTS NOT INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING. RESIDUE OF POPULATION. To show the extreme fallacy of such a classification, it is only necessary to make the following extract from the Report of the Commissioners for Great Britain :- "We would willingly have given a classification of the occupations of the inhabitants of Great Britain into the various wants to which they respectively minister, but, in attempting this, we were stopped by the various anomalies and uncertainties to which such a classification seemed necessarily to lead, from the fact that many persons supply more than one want, though they can only be classed under one head. Thus to give but a single instance,-the farmer and grazier may be deemed to minister quite as much to clothing by the fleece and hides as he does to food by the flesh of his sheep and cattle." Mr Porter, at page 68 of his new edition, has adopted this Irish classification, and given us a table in which, under the head of 66 Ministering to Clothing," it is gravely stated that no less than 669,310 persons are engaged in the "manufacture of materials.” If this were true, it would be more than the number employed in the manufacture of the textile fabrics in the whole of England and Wales, and be equal to nearly seven-eighths of the whole number employed in Great Britain. (See Appendix, page 147.) It is hardly necessary to controvert such a statement, but under the head of Manufactures we shall endeavour to show, notwith- standing the deficiency in these returns, what is the extent of the manufacturing interest in the kingdom of Ireland, as also the number dependent on those actually employed. с 18 Occupations of the People. The division of the two interests of Agriculture and Manufac- tures in Ireland is so distinct, and the support and dependency of all other classes on the one or the other is so strongly marked, as to leave no doubt of our being able to get at a correct result. Our principal object in referring thus to the returns for Ireland has been to point out the fallacy of such a classification, the errors it has given rise to, and the necessity of adopting on future occasions one uniform system for the whole of the United Kingdom. Such are the returns we have to deal with on the present occasion, and we shall now proceed to analyse them in strict conformity with the Government definition of what constitutes Trade and Commerce, and what Manufactures. Dividing those engaged in Trade and Commerce between the Agriculturists and the Manufacturers in each county of the three kingdoms, on the rule we have laid down, we shall thus arrive at a complete knowledge of the local circumstances of the population of each county and be able to ascertain the precise numbers actually employed in, and actually dependent on, each interest. We shall adopt the same rule in reference to the local and direct taxation of the several counties, and although we believe that in nearly every instance it will materially underrate the actual propor- tion which is paid by the Agriculturists, yet it is the only general rule applicable to such an argument, and is the nearest approxi- mation to the truth which the nature of the subject will admit of. The tables which form the Appendix to this work have been com- piled from the Government returns with great care and fidelity. As regards the number of Agriculturists in each county no ques- tion or difficulty could arise, because they are strictly defined, and the precise numbers are copied. With respect to manufactures, the principal and leading branches carried on in each county have been extracted, and are given with great correctness, and the last line under this head includes all the miscellaneous branches of too small an amount to deserve a more particular enumeration. That we have done perfect justice to the manufacturing interest Objections to the Government Returns. 19 pro- will be admitted from the fact, that in the summary of all the counties in Great Britain we make the total number employed by this interest 42,780 more than the Government returns. It is bable that we may have included some particular class which the Commissioners rejected, but they have given no abstract of the number of persons employed in manufactures in the several counties, by which the mistake, if there is one, could be detected. The authorities from which the amount of taxation paid in each county have been taken are given at the commencement of the Appendix; and we believe they will be found to be the latest pub- lished by the Government on the several subjects to which they refer. The three metropolitan counties of Middlesex, Edinburgh, and Dublin, we consider to be the representatives of all the interests of each kingdom, and have so treated them. Thus, the popula- tion of Middlesex is divided between the Agriculturists and the Manufacturers, in the proportion which these bear to each other, in the whole population of England and Wales, and the same of Edinburgh, in reference to Scotland, and Dublin is treated in like manner, as representing the interests of all Ireland. Any other rule than this, we apprehend, would be perfect nonsense ; for instance, the nobility, landed gentry, and persons of indepen- dent means resident in London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, are drawn from all parts of the United Kingdom. As regards London it may be said, that these classes, with the members of the learned professions, have taken possession of all west of Temple Bar, and support the thousands of tradesmen living within this district. The learned professions are not the representatives of any par- ticular interest but of the whole community, and one thing is quite certain, that the conveyance and management of real pro- perty is the most lucrative and important branch of the legal pro- fession. The seat of Government and the Court of Appeal in the last resort being always held in the City of Westminster, it follows that it is the representative of the whole empire, and those of Edinburgh and Dublin, for the same reason, are the representatives of all the interests of their respective kingdoms. 20 Occupations of the People. The merchants and dealers of the City do not represent any particular interest, whether Agricultural or Manufacturing; but the entire trade and commerce of the country, foreign and domestic, and inasmuch as the merchant or dealer derives his profit not from the manufacturer but from the consumer of an article, it necessarily follows that he is dependent on each of these interests in the proportion which they bear to each other. Again, the east end of the metropolis is both occupied and sup- ported by the shipping interest, which derives its profits from three sources; first, in regard to a vast amount of external commerce which is carried on in making trading voyages from one port to another, all over the globe, and in conveying colonial produce to the Continent of Europe, without any reference to either Agri- culture or Manufactures. Secondly, as to the Manufactures ex- ported from this to all other countries; but, thirdly, and mainly, in reference to the return cargoes, or the imports into this country, which we shall show under its proper head, principally consists of articles of general consumption by all classes. The shipping interest is consequently the representative of all and every interest in the British Empire. On reference to page 22, in the Appendix, it will be seen that the county of Middlesex contains only 18,164 Agriculturists, and 48,435 Manufacturers, and if to these we add the county of Surrey, in order to include Southwark, the state of the case will not be much altered (see Appendix, page 36), so that any division based on a reference to the actual circumstances of these interests in the county of Middlesex, would be an absurdity, and the one we have adopted in respect of the metropolis of each kingdom is the only one that can do equal justice to both interests, and is the nearest in accordance with the fact. We shall thus have furnished the reader with the statistical details touching the population and taxation of the several districts into which the United Kingdom is divided, and enabled him to test the general accuracy of the work, and the application of the rule we have laid down, by a reference to the circumstances of the particular county in which he may happen to reside. The Agricultural Interest. 21 CHAPTER III. THE AGRICULTURAL INTEREST. Notice of Free Trade Fallacies in respect of the natural Laws governing the Production of Food.-Superiority of the Agri- cultural as compared with the Manufacturing Interest as regards Numbers, Sex, and Age.-Comparison of the Amount of Employ- ment given to the Labouring Classes by each Interest.-Review of the Circumstances of each and of the Numbers of all other Classes in the Population dependent on each. Ir requires no great insight into the affairs of mankind to arrive at the conclusion that the cultivation of the soil is at all times and under all circumstances a matter of primary importance. Calcu- lations, therefore, such as Mr Porter refers to in opening his Chapter on Agriculture, of the amount of shipping which would be required to convey the food of thirty millions of people from a foreign land to our own shores would only be the demonstration of an absurdity in itself impracticable. It has, however, been propounded as a maxim of the highest political wisdom that we should buy in the cheapest market, even that which nature has ordained every country should produce for itself, namely, the food of the people. In this respect, man is governed by the same natural laws as the lower animals, and every country brings forth different varieties of food suited to the in- habitants thereof; but, the governing principle of all is, that the productions of the soil shall sustain that which is born on its sur- face, and any system which in its results is opposed to this is a compact unnatural in its essence, and equally opposed to the laws of God and the ordinations of nature. 22 Occupations of the People. We belong not to that class who, to support an argument, would wish to connect the dispensations of an all-wise Providence with the legislation of man; but, if ever there was a practical commen- tary on his presumption and ignorance, it is to be found in the fact that in this, the first year of free trade, a whole nation should be placed in jeopardy by a calamity which, unless counteracted by a forced cultivation of the soil, and that too at any cost whatever, and altogether irrespective of cheaper markets, will be rendered perpetual, and sap the foundations of England's prosperity. Seasons of scarcity are common to all times, and to all people; and to suspend the laws which, in such an emergency, may inter- fere with the supply of food from foreign countries, is not less the duty than it has been the practice of all governments. Any deduction, therefore, from the fact that in such a state of things we are dependent on others, or that in the present crisis we have received supplies of the utmost importance from distant countries, does not touch the principle of protection, and is only an exception to the rule. The rule itself is incontrovertible, and is this: that it is the first and most important duty of all governments by wise legisla- tion to induce the cultivation of the soil to the greatest possible extent, so that under all and every contingency of human affairs, in seasons of plenty and of scarcity, in times of war and of peace, we may possess within our own borders enough to satisfy the wants of the people, and be as little dependent on others as possible for a supply of the first necessaries of life. Luxuries, the natural productions of more favoured climates, could be dispensed with, or taxed much more heavily than they are at present with but little detriment to the public interest. Mecha- nical inventions or productions may for a time be suspended or reduced without materially affecting the security of a country, but anything that shall endanger or render precarious a supply of food for the people would give a fluctuating and uncertain character to every other interest, endanger the manufacturing class itself, and place our very existence as a nation continually in jeopardy. The Agricultural Interest. 23 Mr Porter, with the certainty before him that, with the first good harvest throughout Europe and America, the prices of grain in this country will be depressed far below anything ever yet known, recommends the stimulus of low prices as the only one calculated to ensure an increase in the amount of our agricultural productions. Without intending any disrespect to so eminent an authority in these matters, we must be excused for saying that this looks very much like the prescription of a celebrated quack doctor, who, when his patients began to decline, commenced a system of counter irri- tation, which soon exhausted what little vitality was left, and worked off the unfortunate sufferer in a very short time. Discoveries of this kind, both on the part of the League and other political economists, are numerous and novel, and were it not that the property and safety of millions are at issue, they might be safely left to excite the risibility of the reader. We imagine, however, that we shall give the best refutation to such theories by destroying the premises on which they are based: by proving the paramount importance of the interest they seek to depreciate, and by reducing to its own proper standard the one they propose to exalt at its expense. We shall therefore proceed to demonstrate what is the actual status of the agricultural interest in the United Kingdom at the present time, and the inquiry will be conducted under two heads :- 1st. What is the numerical strength of the persons actually em- ployed in agriculture, as compared with those actually employed in manufactures? 2nd. To what extent are "All other Classes" dependent on the one or the other of these interests ? 1st.-EMPLOYMENT. How it could ever have entered into the heads of public men to conceive that there existed any interest in the three kingdoms that for its importance, either nationally or numerically, would bear a comparison with the agricultural, it is difficult to imagine; and yet 24 Occupations of the People. at Covent Garden Theatre, night after night, and at all the gather- ings of Messrs Cobden and Bright throughout the country, the superiority of the manufacturing in all these particulars was the burden of their song. In both Houses of Parliament the same assertions were made by those opposed to protection, and the form of the Government returns materially assisted all parties in giving currency to the delusion. To controvert these statements, the tables referring to each county in the United Kingdom, which form the Appendix to this work, have been carefully compiled from those returns, and agree with them in every instance except one, referred to at page 19; and we now present the result of the evidence collected from them on the several points of numbers, sex, and age, of the persons actually employed in agriculture and manufactures. MALES - "" FEMALES "" NUMBERS. AGRICULTURE, see Appendix, page 143 MANUFACTURES,,, SEX. 152 - "" 3,344,207 *1,865,927 AGRICULTURE, see Appendix, page 144 MANUFACTURES, "" "" "" 152 AGRICULTURE, see Appendix, page 144 MANUFACTURES, "" 3,118,557 886,744 - 225,650 152 *979,183 MALES above 20 MALES under 20 "" "" FEMALES above 20 "" "" "" FEMALES under 20 " - - - AGE. AGRICULTURE, see Appendix, page 144 MANUFACTURES,,, 2,810,384 152 "" 717,780 308,173 152 "" 168,964 - 152 "" "" 192,654 *788,246 AGRICULTURE, see Appendix, page 144 MANUFACTURES, AGRICULTURE, see Appendix, page 144 MANUFACTURES, AGRICULTURE, see Appendix, page 144 MANUFACTURES, "" 152 "" - 32,996 190,937 In order that full justice may be done to the Manufacturing Interest we have given the whole numbers returned, but from each of these items marked thus *, we imagine that 425,287 persons must be deducted, for the reasons given at page 152 of the Appendix. 1 The Agricultural Interest. 25 From these figures it will be seen that, taking the whole of the pers ons actually employed in the two occupations, the numbers are as follows- AGRICULTURE 3,344,207 MANUFACTURES, estimating those } 1,440,906 in Ireland at 300,000, or 33 as to 14 in favour of Agri- culture. It is, however, of the utmost importance that we should call the attention of our readers to the numerical strength of the male population actually employed in each interest, as we shall presently have occasion to speak of the circumstances of each, in reference to the degree of dependence of other interests on these two classes. The numbers are as follows:- AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. Farmers and Graziers 737,206 Agricultural Labourers 2,312,388 Above 20 Under 20 717,780 168,964 Gardeners, Nurserymen, &c. All other classes 60,767 9,196 Total males 3,118,557 Total males of all class es · 886, 744 (See Appendix, page 144.) (See Appendix, page 152.) It will thus be seen that the Farmers and Graziers alone, as a body, are more in number than all the males above twenty years of age employed in manufactures, and only 150,000 short of the whole number of males of all ages so employed. If we add the 24 millions of labourers which these farmers and graziers give employment to, the male population employed in agriculture are nearly as four to one compared with those employed in manufactures. The same remark will also apply as to age: those above twenty are four to one, those under twenty are nearly two to one. To sum up this division of our subject, it may be further said, that in nearly all instances the Agriculturists are the heads and fathers of thriving families following the most healthy of all occu- pations, are of full age and able-bodied, and, whether for security against foreign aggression or internal dissensions, they form the right arm of England's power. 26 Occupations of the People. 2nd.-DEPENDENCE. Our definition of what constitutes "Trade and Commerce" is given in the preceding chapter, and having ascertained the nume- rical strength of those actually employed in Agriculture and Manu- factures, we now proceed to trace the degree of dependence of those engaged in "Trade and Commerce," and of "All other Classes," on the one or the other of these two divisions of man- kind. To enable us to do this with any degree of certainty or justice, it is necessary in the first instance that we should inquire what are their respective circumstances, and we think the following will be found a correct review of the facts relating to each as they exist in society at the present moment. LANDED INTEREST. MANUFACTURING INTEREST. The Peerage. A large proportion of the Members of both Houses of Parliament. Those returned as of Independent means. The Endowments of the Church. Four-fifths of the property of all the Charitable Institutions in Great Britain. (See Appendix, page 183.) The first two classes are, of course, in- cluded in the last, in the returns of the census; and these, for Great Britain, are stated to be 511,540. If to these we add 50,000 for Ireland, we have a total of 561,540. These are in possession of the fee-simple of the land, which, at 25 years' purchase, is worth 1,500 millions, independent of their property in houses and in the funds. There is no return of the exact number of Mill Owners and Master Manufacturers given in the returns of the census; but the number of mills, including Cotton, Wool- len, Flax, and Silk, is given in 1839 at 5,281. If we average the number of part- ners at two to each, we have about 10,500 persons interested as principals in these, the principal branches of our manufactures. Birmingham and Sheffield undoubtedly abound with small manufacturers, many of them working at their own trade, but we are quite certain that we over-estimate the number, when we say that the master manufacturers of every class and kind in the United Kingdom do not exceed 25,000. Mr M'Culloch estimates the capital em- ployed in the cotton trade at 34 millions; and this employing the most expensive machinery of any, and being about one-fifth of the whole, we may estimate according to this rule, the actual capital employed in Manufactures at about 170 millions. We use these figures for the purpose of making a comparison in the present in- stance; but, under the head of Manufac- tures, we shall presently show there is no such an amount in existence among them. The Agricultural Interest. 27 Annual Income from the Rental of the Land, £58,753,615. (See Chapter iv.) Annual Income, say 10 per cent. on 170 millions, the amount of their annual pro- ductions, and about 2 millions, the rental of all the mills, factories, &c., making to- gether about 20 millions. It is impossible to state this precisely, because there is no distinction between the classes in the Re- turns of the Income Tax, but in a return made in April, 1815, the proportions were given as follows:- Land Dwelling-houses Mills, Factories, &c. Manorial Profits, &c. 68.8 26.1 3.7 - 1.4 100.0 Making a great allowance for increase since then, the amount we have given would be about the present amount. The Landed Interest occupies the entire surface of the three kingdoms. The Manufacturing Interest is located in the principal towns of the six Midland and Northern Counties, and in some other places, but the whole number in England and Wales, either employed or dependent on manufactures, is represented by the po- pulation of these counties. Supports 779,881 Farmers and Graziers, in possession of stock and capital amounting to 250 millions, and all the trades depend- ent on and supported by them. This item is, of course, included in the number given in the next paragraph, as employed; but they are here described as an Interest possessing an amount of capital for which there is nothing to set off or compare them with in the manufacturing interest. Employs 2,810,384 Males above 20. "" "" "" "" 308,173 under 20. 192,654 Females above 20. 32,996 under 20. " "" Employs 717,780 Males above 20. 168,964 under 20. *788,246 Females above 20. 190,937 under 20. Total - 3,344,207 Total 1,865,927 * Subject to the reduction of 425,287, as stated at p. 24, and in Appendix, p. 152. 28 Occupations of the People. : Produces annually 300 millions of Food, and materials for clothing the people. (See next Chapter.) Produces annually about 170 to 180 mil- lions, two-thirds of which is consumed at home, and one-third shipped to foreign parts. ¡ Pays, of the Direct and Local Taxation, £13,881,911. (See Appendix, p. 141.) Pays, of the Direct and Local Taxation, £4,432,997. (See Appendix, p. 141.) Such are the circumstances of the two interests as they appear on the surface of things; but let us examine these facts a little closer, and we shall find there is a still greater disparity. The nobility, resident gentry, and persons living in a state of independence, make use of all the superfluities and luxuries of this life in a much greater proportion than the manufacturers, who, however wealthy and respectable in society, do not, from their rank, station, connexions, habits, or business, either require or use them to the same extent, or in the same degree. Carriages, horses, servants, town and country residences, on which enormous sums are expended, are all necessary to the rank and station of a nobleman, a landed proprietor, or a gentleman living in indepen- dence, but would be a superfluity to, if not a positive drawback on the circumstances of, nineteen-twentieths of the Manufacturers. The same may be said in respect of the patronage of the Fine Arts. The painter, the sculptor, the engraver, and a host of others, draw their support principally from persons of independent means, and these are resident in the Agricultural and Manufacturing dis- 175. tricts in the proportions given in the Appendix, p. But without pursuing the inquiry farther as to the higher classes, about which there can be no doubt whatever, let us make a comparison of the middling and lower classes. The Farmers and Graziers, as we have shown, are 779,881, with a capital of at least 250 millions; and whether we consider their num- bers, strength, occupation, or wealth, they are unique, and there is no class in the United Kingdom will bear a comparison with them, in fact there is no corresponding class among the Manufacturers to compare them with. The Agricultural Interest. 29 We must, therefore, descend to those they give employment to, and these for the greater part are able-bodied men, in most in- stances with wives and families, and in number 2,810,384, spread over the whole kingdom. The same class engaged in manufactures, and living in towns, amount to 717,780, but all the rest, with the exception of 168,964 boys under twenty years of age, are females, for the most part unmarried, earning but small wages, and having no families dependent on their labour for support. These are the positive facts which bear on the condition and circumstances of the two interests, and it appears to us that we have done the Agriculturists a great injustice by the adoption of the rule we have laid down, that of dividing all other classes be- tween them and the Manufacturers in the proportion which these bear to each other in the whole population; for as we have already observed there is not a single incident in the condition of the Agricultural Interest, and those supported by and dependent on it, but what must of necessity give rise to a greater amount of Trade and Commerce than the corresponding class among the Manufacturers. The rank and position of the parties, their daily and hourly expenditure, their residence in every part of the United Kingdom, their annual income, numbers, and capital em- ployed, all point to one conclusion-that the land and its pro- ductions constitute an interest on which not only the comparative numbers here given are dependent, but on the prosperity of which the well being of the whole population of this country mainly, vitally, essentially depends. The inference, therefore, which the Government returns would have us to draw by mixing up those engaged in Trade and Com- merce with those engaged in Manufactures, namely, that the two interests are nearly balanced, or that the manufacturing prepon- derates, is a fiction which has not the slightest foundation in fact, and exists only in the political dishonesty of such a return. + 30 Occupations of the People. CHAPTER IV. THE AGRICULTURAL INTEREST.—(Continued.) Erroneous Opinions of Mr Cobden and Mr Bright respecting the Farming Interest.—Inclosure of Land since 1800.-Improvement in Cultivation and Increased Productions.-Mr Couling's Tables of the Land of the United Kingdom.—Average Price of Wheat and Number of Inclosure Bills passed since 1760.—Import and Export of Grain from 1695.-Prices of Grain in Foreign Countries.- Rental of the United Kingdom.—Capital employed in Agriculture. -Estimate of the Annual Productions of Agriculture.-Conclusion. WITH what degree of justice the Agricultural Interest is to be decried our readers will now be able to judge for themselves; but it has long been the practice of certain parties to hold it forth as one possessing neither intellect nor energy. The present race of farmers have been denounced by the orators of the League as little better than the serfs of the soil they cultivated, incapable of being excited to emulation or interested in the march of improve- ment. Mr Cobden would sometimes amuse his audience by comparing the ploughs now used in some parts of the country to that followed by Cincinnatus, and in his speech in the House of Commons so late as the 27th of February, 1846, he made the following statement in derogation of the numbers of the Agriculturists and their import- ance in the body politic:- "But I can give you some information on the subject. There are about 150,000 tenants who form the basis of your political power, and who are distributed throughout the counties of this country. You should bear in mind that less than one-half of the money invested in the Savings' Banks (£15,000,000) laid out at better interest in the purchase of freeholds, would give qualifications to more persons than your 150,000 tenant farmers.” The Agricultural Interest. 31 And all this of a class of men numbering more than 700,000, and in possession of 250 millions of capital of their own, and who, whether we consider their improvements in the breed of cattle, or in the cultivation of the soil for the production of grain, have made greater, more substantial, and more enduring progress than any other interest in the kingdom. Mr Bright, who occasionally talked of rolling the Crown and the aristocracy in the dust, has often indulged in vagaries of the same character, and would hardly give them credit for being any- thing except a mass of pauperism. "It was nothing but protec- tion which had damaged them. The farmers had been protected into a state of decrepitude, and this unfortunate system of legisla- tion had destroyed the vitality of agriculture.” Mr Porter also, strongly imbued with free-trade opinions, at the same time that he admits the vast increase in the amount of agri- cultural productions since the commencement of the present cen- tury, comes to the conclusion, in direct opposition to his own figures, as we shall presently show, that Protection is the bane of Agriculture, and that it is only by the stimulus of low prices that we can hope to keep pace with the wants of the people. Let us examine on what this hypothesis rests. In the year 1801 the population of Great Britain was 10,472,048. In the census of 1841 it was 18,664,761, and at the present moment it may be estimated in round numbers at twenty millions. The population has consequently doubled itself in the last forty- six years. The number of acres of land inclosed and brought under culti- vation in the same period is as follows:- 1801 to 1810 inclusive 1811 to 1820 1821 to 1830 1831 to 1840 1841 to 1844 "" 1 1 1 INCLOSURE BILLS. ACRES. ་ 906 1,657,980 771 1,410,930 186 340,380 129 236,070 52 95,160 2,044 3,740,520 32 Occupations of the People. This is about one-twelfth of the whole now under cultivation; so that evidence of the extent of improvement which has taken place in the cultivation of the soil, may at once be deduced from this fact: Thus in the year 1800 we had under cultivation forty-two millions of acres which produced food for ten millions of people; whereas by adding one-twelfth to this quantity in a period of forty-six years, we now produce food for twenty millions of people, and that too, as every one will admit, of a very superior quality. Nothing, indeed, can more clearly show the degree of improvement which has taken place in this respect than the fact that wheaten bread of the best quality is now common to all classes, and that the middling and lower orders during this period of protection have made greater progress than at any other period of our history. Mr Porter says in a note at page 159, "This calculation proceeds upon the supposition that not any of the land enclosed was pre- viously cultivated, which, however, is far from having been the case." So much the better for our argument, and we want nothing more conclusive than this to prove the extraordinary degree of im- provement that must have been carried into every branch of agri- culture to have enabled it to double its productions within the period referred to. We decline following Mr Porter through all his calculations of pecks and gallons more or less to each individual, and we also refuse to divide the period of time into sections to suit one argument or another, in the presence of so grand and important a fact as this, that the improved culture of eleven-twelfths of the land now under cultivation has been carried to such a degree of perfection, since the year 1800, as to have added annually at least 100 millions of produce to the common stock of the community. In order that the reader may judge of our capability to effect even much more than this under the same system of protection, we now present Mr Couling's statement of the land in the United Kingdom, delivered into a Committee of the House of Commons in the year 1827. The Agricultural Interest. 33 ENGLAND. COUNTIES. CULTIVATED. UNCULTIVATED. UNPROFITABLE. SUMMARY. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Bedford Berks Buckingham - 248,000 31,000 17,320 296,320 380,000 75,000 28,840 483,840 440,000 5,000 28,600 473,600 Cambridge 500,000 17,000 32,120 549,120 Chester 594,000 40,000 39,280 673,280 Cornwall 550,000 190,000 109,280 849,280 Cumberland 670,000 150,000 125,920 945,920 Derby 500,000 100,000 56,640 656.640 Devon 1,200,000 300,000 150.560 1,650,560 Dorset 573,000 25,000 45,200 643,200 Durham 500,000 100,000 79,040 679,040 Essex 900,000 10,000 70,480 980,480 Gloucester 750,000 6,000 47,840 803,840 Hants 900,000 80,000 61,920 1,041,920 Hereford - 495,000 24,000 31,400 550,400 Hertford 310,000 8,000 19,920 337,920 Huntingdon 220,000 3,000 13,800 236,800 Kent - 900,000 20,000 63,680 983,680 Lancaster 850,000 200,000 121,840 1,171,840 Leicester 480,000 5,000 29,560 514,560 Lincoln 1,465,000 180,000 113,720 1,758,720 Middlesex 155,000 17,000 8.480 180,480 Monmouth - 270,000 30,000 18,720 318,720 Norfolk 1,180,000 78.000 80,880 1,338,880 Northampton 555,000 50,000 45,880 650,880 Northumberland 900,000 160,000 137,440 1,197,440 Nottingham 470,000 28,000 37,680 535,680 Oxford 403,000 50,000 28,280 481,280 Rutland 89,000 1,000 5,360 95,360 Salop 790,000 20,000 48,240 858,240 Somerset 900,000 88,000 62,880 1,050,880 Stafford 560,000 85,000 89,720 734,720 Suffolk 820,000 88,000 59,680 967.680 Surrey 400,000 50,000 35,120 485,120 Sussex 625,000 170,000 141,320 936,320 Warwick 510,000 30,000 37,280 577,280 Westmoreland 180,000 110,000 198,320 488,320 Wilts 500,000 200.000 182,550 882,560 Worcester 400,000 30,000 36,560 $66,560 York 2,500,000 600,000 715,040 3,815,040 25,632,000 3,454,000 3,256,400 32,342,400 WALES. COUNTIES. CULTIVATED. Anglesea Brecknock Cardigan Carmarthen Carnarvon - Denbigh Flint Glamorgan Merioneth - Montgomery Pembroke Radnor 1 UNCULTIVATED. UNPROFITABLE. SUMMARY. 150,000 10,000 13,440 173,440 300,000 80,000 102,560 482,560 245,000 80,000 107,000 432,000 342,000 60,000 221,360 632,360 160.000 60,000 128,160 348,160 360,000 20,000 25,120 405,120 130,000 10,000 16,160 156,160 305,000 60,000 141,880 506,880 350,000 20,000 54,320 424,320 240.000 100,000 196 960 536.960 300,000 20,000 70,400 390,400 235,000 10,000 27,640 272,640 3,117,000 530,000 1,105,000 4,752,000 d 34 Occupations of the People. SCOTLAND. COUNTIES. CULTIVATED. UNCULTIVATED. UNPROFITABLE. SUMMARY. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Aberdeen 300,000 450,000 520,740 1,270,740 Argyle Ayr 308,000 600,000 1,524,000 2,432,000 292,000 300,000 432,000 1,024,000 Banff. Berwick 120,000 130,000 70,000 320,000 160,000 100,000 25,600 285,600 Bute - 60,000 40,000 65,000 165,000 Caithness 70,000 75,000 250,680 395,680 Clackmannan 22,000 5,000 3,720 30,720 Cromarty 20,000 5,000 14,690 39,690 Dumbarton 70,000 50,000 27,200 147,200 Dumfries 212,000 320,000 620,000 1,152,000 Edinburgh 181,000 20,000 29,400 230,400 Elgin 120,000 200,000 217,600 537,600 Fife - 200,000 85,000 37,560 322,560 Forfar 200,000 220,000 117,600 537,600 Haddington 100,000 30,000 30,000 160,000 Inverness 500,000 750,000 1,694,000 2,944.000 Kincardine 110,000 50,000 42,870 202,870 Kinross 30,000 10,000 13,120 53,120 Kirkcudbright - 110,000 200,000 254,480 564,480 Lanark 220,000 195,000 141,800 556,800 Linlithgow 50,000 10,000 11,680 71,680 Nairn 70,000 30,000 28,000 128,000 Peebles 104,000 80,000 46,400 230,400 Perth 500,000 550,000 606,320 1,656,320 Renfrew 100,000 20,000 34,240 154,240 Ross 301,000 545,000 929,830 1,775.830 Roxburgh 200,000 100,000 157,600 457,600 Selkirk 85,000 30,000 53,320 168,320 Stirling 200,000 50,000 62,960 312,960 Sutherland 150,000 600,000 372.560 1,122,560 Wigton 100,000 100,000 88,960 288,960 5,265,000 5,950.000 8,523,930 19,738,930 IRELAND. COUNTIES. CULTIVATED. UNCULTIVATED. UNPROFITABLE. SUMMARY. Antrim Armagh Carlow Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Down Dublin · East Meath Fermanagh Galway Kerry Kildare 336,400 218,870 119,136 674,406 4. 166.000 92,430 51,233 309,663 173,000 34,000 15.021 222,021 265,400 160;500 61,720 487,620 579,000 104,400 88.044 771,444 1,188,000 361,000 150,056 1,699.056 507,000 417,920 175,951 1,100,871 349,000 126,170 89,481 564,651 159,130 49,920 21,071 230,121 465,000 40,120 26,078 531,198 254,000 120,500 84,689 459,189 1 829,200 532,040 242,479 1,603,719 556,300 348,410 144,483 1,049,193 259,990 87,670 35,875 383,535 Kilkenny 403,100 58.100 25,367 486,567 King's County - 341,310 80.900 34.954 457,164 Leitrim 222,250 128,200 64,189 414,639 Limerick 460,000 114.110 52,425 626,535 Londonderry 279,400 172.070 80.214 531,684 Longford 121,900 41,460 53,963 217,323 The Agricultural Interest. 35 IRELAND~(Continued.) COUNTIES, CULTIVATED. UNCULTIVATED. UNPROFITABLE. SUMMARY. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Louth Mayo 157,000 12,000 10,415 179,415 502,900 565,570 212,302 1,280,772 Monaghan - 257,000 12,000 21,952 290,952 Queen's County 311,100 47,120 22,966 381,186 Roscommon 348,000 122,460 91,113 561,573 Sligo 143,500 189,930 66,953 400,383 Tipperary 693,200 113,490 92,329 899.019 Tyrone 539,900 135,020 91,988 766,908 Waterford 348,500 44,220 33,016 425,736 West Meath 287,330 51,200 36,581 375,111 Wexford 340,470 156,200 58,828 555,498 Wicklow 281,000 162,000 61,792 504,792 12,125,280 4,900,000 2,416,664 19,441,944 BRITISH ISLANDS. COUNTIES. CULTIVATED, UNCULTIVATED. UNPROFITABLE, SUMMARY. Man 95,000 23,000 22,800 140,800 Scilly, Jersey, Guern- sey, Alderney, 68,690 31,000 30,669 130,359 Sark, &c. Orkneys and Shetland 220,000 112,000 516,000 848,000 383,690 166,000 569,469 1,119,159 ENGLAND WALES SCOTLAND IRELAND BRITISH ISLES • RECAPITULATION. CULTIVATED. UNCULTIVATED. UNPROFITABLE. SUMMARY, 25,632,000 3,454,000 3,256,400 32,342,400 3,117,000 530,000 1,105,000 4,752,000 5,265,000 5,950,000 8.523,930 19,738,930 12,125.280 4,900,000 2,416,664 19,441,944 383,690 166,000 569,469 1,119,159 46,522,970 15,000,000 15,871,463 77,394,433 Arable and Gardens. Meadows, Pastures, Wastes capable Annual and Marshes. of Im- provement. Value of Wastes in Incapable of Im- their present provement. SUMMARY. state. Statute Acres. Statute Acres. Statute Acres. Pounds Sterling. Statute Acres. Statute Acres. ENGLAND WALES - SCOTLAND IRELAND · 10,252,800 15,379,200 890,570 2,226,430 2,493,950 2,771,050 5,950,000 5,389,040 6,736,240 4.900,000 BRITISH ISLES 109,630 274,060 3,256,400 32,342,400 200,000 1,105,000 4,752,000 1,680,000 | 8,523,930 |19,738,930 1,395,000 2,416,664 19,441,944 166,000 25,000 569,469 1,119,159 19,135,990 27,386,980 15,000,000 5,000,000 15,871,463 77,394,433 3.454,000 1,700,000 530,000 36 Occupations of the People. The following are Mr Porter's remarks on this statement :--- "This statement which was drawn up by Mr William Couling, a civil engineer and surveyor, was delivered in by him when examined before the Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed in that year to inquire into the subject of Emi- gration from the United Kingdom. It does not pretend to absolute accuracy, but considerable knowledge and industry having been employed in preparing it, the statement may be received as a near approximation to the truth, and as the best evidence that can be adduced on the subject. In support of his statement, Mr Couling told the Committee that his calculations were for the most part the re- sult of personal inspection, he having carefully examined the greater part of 106 counties, and partially travelled over the remaining 11, the aggregate length of his journeys, for the purpose, having exceeded 50,000 miles. Mr Couling further assured the Committee, that when he had not enjoyed the means of making personal inspection, he had consulted and availed himself of the very best authorities for completing his estimates." From these very valuable tables, it will be seen that we have still fifteen millions of land, waste and capable of improvement; and, dividing it between arable and pasture, in the proportion which at present exists, Mr Porter estimates that it would add six millions to the arable, capable of producing food for 8,726,000 people; but that if all England were as well cultivated as North- umberland and Lincoln, the quantity now produced would be more than doubled. We now present Mr Porter's table of the progress of inclosure, and the average prices of wheat since the year 1760, which we imagine disposes of his own conclusion, that protection has been the bane of agriculture, and that low prices are the only stimulus to increased production. The number of Inclosure Bills passed from 1801 to 1844 was 2,044; and the total number of acres inclosed was 3,740,520, as follows:- BILLS. ACRES. 1801 to 1810 inclusive 906 1,657,980 1811 to 1820 19 771 1,410,930 1821 to 1830 1831 to 1840 " 186 340,380 129 236,070 1841 to 1844 · 52 95,160 2,044 3,740,520 The Agricultural Interest. 37 TABLE of the NUMBER of INCLOSURE BILLS passed by Parliament, and of the AVERAGE PRICES of WHEAT in the several Years from 1760 to 1844. YEARS. Number of Inclosure Average Price of Wheat. YEARS. Number of Inclosure Average Price of Wheat. Bills. Bills. S. 1760 24 36 1761 21 30 863 d. 3. d. 1800 63 110 5 1801 80 115 11 1762 39 39 0 1802 122 67 9 1763 31 40 9 1803 96 57 1 1764 66 46 9 1804 104 60 5 1765 60 52 0 1805 52 87 1 1766 49 43 1 1806 71 76 9 1767 35 64 6 1807 76 73 1 1768 60 6 1808 91 78 11 60 1769 45 8 . 1809 92 94 5 385 45 10 847 82 2 1770 1771 67 1772 2283 63 41 47 == 70 50 1773 65 51 1774 62 52 4260∞ 1810 122 103 1811 107 92 8 1812 133 122 1813 119 106 8 1814 120 72 1775 42 48 4 1815 81 63 1776 58 38 1777 99 45 1778 66 42 1779 68 33 260∞ 1816 47 76 1817 34 1818 46 8 1819 44 660 45 0 853 1828 72 35061 ∞ 2 − ∞ ∞ 8 8 0 8 3 8 1780 45 35 8 1820 40 65 10 1781 25 44 8 1821 25 54 5 1782 15 47 10 1822 13 43 3 1783 18 52 8 1823 9 51 9 1784 15 48 10 1824 12 62 0 1785 23 51 10 1825 24 66 6 1786 25 38 10 1826 20 56 11 1787 22 41 2 1827 22 56 9 1788 34 45 0 1828 16 1789 24 57 2 1829 24 246 45 9 205 *88 60 5 66 3 58 5 1790 26 53 2 1830 21 64 3 1791 47 2 1831 9 66 4 38 1792 41 9 1832 12 58 8 1793 46 47 10 1833 15 52 11 1794 42 50 8 1834 16 46 2 1795 39 72 11 1835 4 39 4 1796 75 76 3 1836 10 48 6 1797 86 52 2 1837 1798 52 50 4 1838 1799 65 66 11 1839 222 10 55 10 19 64 7 20 70 8 469 55 11 136 56 9 YEARS. Number of Inclosure Bills. Average Price of Wheat. S. d. 1840 1841 22 1842 11 1843 11 1844 42HH- 14 66 64 57 50 8 51 4431 (~~) 3 38 Occupations of the People. It will be seen from this last table that, from the years 1800 to 1820, the high average prices of that period caused the inclosure of land to an extent never equalled before or since, and that, just in the proportion of the decline in prices, inclosure has also gradually declined, so that, at this moment, a man must be mad indeed to venture on the experiment of inclosing poor lands for the purpose of converting them into arable, in order to grow grain in competi- tion with the produce of other countries, if, for the future, it is to be admitted duty free. Applications for assistance to drain and improve waste lands may continue to be made, and the English yeoman will adopt whatever improvements can be suggested by experience, or by men of skill and science, so as to overcome all and every obstacle that may oppose his onward course; nay, he will struggle long against adverse circumstances; but if low prices out are to be the motive by which he is to be stimulated to action, the world will have grown old in the discovery of a principle in political economy, which, if true, and it had been propounded in past ages, would have made a philosopher immortal. Our reading of the foregoing table is this, that the high prices of produce from 1800 to 1820 gave rise to great improvements in the science of agriculture, both as regards the growth of grain and the breeding of cattle; and that the abundance of the last twenty-six years, and the lower average prices of produce, have been a natural.consequence of the high state of cultivation induced by the high prices of the preceding twenty years, and of nothing else. But it has been said, that, even with this increased production of our own soil, we are still dependent on other countries for a part of our supplies. On this head we present the following table of the imports and exports of grain for the last 150 years. In the compilation of this we have taken the returns made by the Custom-House authorities, dated Feb. 8, 1842, for the quantities imported and exported, deducting from these the quantities re- ceived from Ireland. There are some descrepancies between this statement and the quantities given in Mr Porter's book, but the whole difference is very trifling, and of not sufficient importance in any way to affect the argument. The Agricultural Interest. 39 IMPORT OF FOREIGN WHEAT AND FLOUR. STATEMENT of the TOTAL QUANTITIES of WHEAT and WHEAT FLOUR IMPORTED INTO and EXPORTED FROM GREAT BRITAIN in each Year, from 1697 to 1846. YEARS. IMPORTED. EXPORTED. YEARS. IMPORTED. EXPORTED. Quarters. Quarters. Quarters. Quarters. 1697 400 14,698 1749 382 631,007 1698 1,689 6,886 1750 280 950,483 1699 486 557 1751 3 662,957 1700 5 49,057 1752 1701 1 98,324 1753 11 430,117 300,754 1702 90,230 1754 201 356,781 1703 50 106,615 1755 237,466 1704 2 90,314 1756 5 102,752 1705 96,185 1757 141,562 11,545 1706 77 188,332 1758 20,353 9,234 1707 174,155 1759 162 227,641 1708 86 83,969 1760 3 393,614 1709 1,552 71,618 1761 441,956 1710 400 16,607 1762 56 295,385 1711 80,941 1763 72 429,538 1712 1713 11 148,539 1764 1 396,857 179,969 1765 104,547 167,126 1714 16 180,665 1766 11,020 164,939 1715 1716 1717 1718 1111 173,237 1767 497,905 5,071 75,876 1768 349,268 7,433 25,637 1769 4,378 49,892 74,381 1770 34 75,449 1719 20 130,533 1771 2,510 10,089 1720 84,343 1772 25,474 6,959 1721 82,748 1773 56,857 7,637 1722 178,915 1774 289,149 15,928 1723 158,082 1775 560,988 91,037 1724 148 247,162 1776 20,578 210,664 1725 12 211,175 1777 233,323 87,686 1726 143,626 1778 106,394 141,070 1727 31,030 1779 5,039 222,261 1728 74,574 3,935 1780 3,915 224,059 1729 40,315 18,993 1781 159,866 103,021 1730 76 94,530 1782 80,695 145,152 1731 4 130,650 1783 584,183 51,945 1732 202,612 1784 216,947 89,288 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 32 85 22 427,425 1785 110,863 132,685 498,747 1786 51,463 205,466 9 155,280 1787 59,339 120,536 1 18 118,218 1788 148,710 82,971 466,671 1789 112,656 140,014 1738 3 588,284 1790 222,577 30,892 1739 23 285,492 1791 469,056 70,626 1740 5,469 54,391 1792 22,417 300,278 1741 7,540 45,417 1793 490,398 76,869 1742 1 295,698 1794 327,902 155,048 1743 3 375,979 1795 313,793 18,836 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 200110 234,274 1796 879,200 24,679 8 325,340 1797 461,767 54,525 131,105 1798 396,721 59,782 270,491 1799 463,185 39,362 6 545,240 1800 1,264,520 22,013 40 Occupations of the People. YEARS. IMPORTED. EXPORTED. YEARS. IMPORTED. EXPORTED. Quarters. Quarters. Quarters. Quarters. 1801 1,424,765 28,406 1824 85,183 61,680 1802 647,663 149,304 1825 391,588 38,796 1803 373,725 76,580 1826 582,276 20,054 1804 461,140 63,073 1827 306,615 57,323 1805 920,834 77,955 1828 757,716 76,489 1806 310,342 29,566 1829 1,670,602 75,097 1807 404,946 25,113 1830 1,676,034 37,149 1808 84,889 98,005 1831 2,310,340 65,875 1809 455,987 31,278 1832 681,765 289,558 1810 1,567,126 75,785 1833 322,256 96,222 1811 336,131 97,765 1834 201,982 159,482 1812 290,710 46,325 1835 89,035 134,076 1813 559,000 133,441 1836 264,400 256,978 1814 852,567 111,477 1837 575,027 308,420 1815 194,931 227,947 1838 1,380,817 158,621 1816 210,861 121,611 1839 2,852,398 42,512 1817 1,030,830 317,534 1840 2,352,205 87,242 1818 1,586,031 58,668 1841 2,691,555 30,390 1819 471,607 44,689 1842 2,916,835 175,958 1820 591,732 94,657 1843 1,064,942 90,679 1821 137,684 199,846 1844 1,379,261 76,285 1822 47,598 160,499 1845 1,142,927 59,841 1823 23,951 145,751 1846 2,351,908 132,758 The best exposition of our opinions in respect of the above table may be given in Mr Porter's own words, applied to another period of time. At page 139 he says, "In the closing years of the last century there occurred a succession of deficient harvests, which caused a considerable importation of corn into this country; but previous to that time the production of wheat had been about adequate, taking one year with another, for the feeding of the in- habitants." Between the period referred to by Mr Porter and the years from 1838 to 1842, the parallel is complete. The import- ations in fact in all other years have been too unimportant to affect the general argument, that except in seasons of scarcity, the agri- culturists could, if their interests were protected, provide food for the people. In the years 1800 and 1801, we imported about 1,300,000 quarters in each year, and considering that the popula- tion at that period was only one half what it is at present, our deficiency in seasons of scarcity is not, pro rata, greater now than it was fifty years ago. The whole quantity taken for home consumption from 1800 to 1844, was 36,085,957 quarters or an average of 784,477 quarters per annum; but if we except the five years of scarcity from 1838 to 1842, the total number of quar- The Agricultural Interest. 41 ters imported is 24,386,870, giving an average for the thirty- nine years of only 625,304 quarters, which is very little indeed above that of the preceding twenty years, and as compared with the fifty millions of grain of all kinds which we annually pro- duce ourselves, is unworthy of an argument. But even supposing our deficiency much greater, and that it may be necessary to import a million or a million-and-a-half of quarters annually, still this sinks into utter insignificance when compared with other considerations of great and weighty importance. The rental of the land of the three kingdoms is estimated at 58,753,615l. (see Rental). The direct and local taxation amounts to 18,314,9087., of which 13,881,911. is paid by the landed interest, and 4,432,9971. by the manufacturing interest (see Appendix, page 141). Such being the preponderance of the landed interest and those dependent on it, we have a right to assume, for the reasons given in chap. 3, that the same proportion of the Government taxes on all articles of consumption, whether of excise or customs, direct or indirect, amounting in round numbers, independently of the income tax, to fifty millions per annum, is paid from profits derived from the cul- tivation of the soil in respect of its rental and productions. In addition to this, we have also to consider the amount of capital embarked in the cultivation of the soil, and this we estimate at 250 millions. The quantity of land under cultivation is stated to be 46,522,970 acres, and we estimate the average amount of capital employed at from 5l. to 67. per acre. In some counties it is very much more than this, while in others it is somewhat less. Some authors have made estimates of three times this amount, but there can be no foundation for such assertions. It is a matter much regretted by all who have written on the subject that we have no statistical information of the amount of the annual productions of the agricultural interest on which perfect reliance can be placed. We can therefore only collect the opinions of those most conversant with such matters, and we believe the following to be the nearest approximation to the quantities of the several crops and stock that can be made. The notes which we shall append to each article will contain the 42 Occupations of the People. authority for the statement, and show also the amount of supplies drawn from Ireland and foreign Countries, so that the reader will be able to embrace at a glance all the considerations which attach to the several articles enumerated:- ESTIMATE OF THE ANNUAL PRODUCE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. 22,000,000 quarters of WHEAT at 60s. £66,000,000 Quarters. England 18,000,000 Scotland 1,750,000 Ireland 2,250,000 Quarters. Average Imports from foreign countries since 1800 - 784,477 Average of the same period, deducting 5 years of scarcity from 1838 to 1842 - 625,304 Imports from Ireland in 1845 779,113 Ditto ditto 1846 186,730 Mr McCulloch estimates the quantity at 34,000,000 quarters of ALL OTHER GRAIN at 30s. 15,000,000 51,000,000 Barley. Oats & Rye. Beans & Peas England and Wales Scotland - Ireland Qrs. Qrs. 6,000,000 10,500,000 1,560,000 5,500,000 1,320,000 7,500,000 Qrs. 1,500,000 120,000 8,880,000 23,500,000 1,620,000 Total · 34,000,000 Mr McCulloch's estimate of these quantities amounts to 36,608,572 quarters. Imports from Ireland in 1845 "" "9 - 2,353,985 qrs. of Oats. 93,095 " Barley. 30,000,000 HAY, SEEDS, GARDEN and GREEN CROPS Mr McCulloch estimates Meadow and Grass, for work and pleasure horses, at 13,000,000l. To this must be added the value of all the seed crops grown. 2,000,000 head of CATTLE Mr McCulloch's estimate is not so high. He considers the number of Cattle of all kinds in Great Britain to be about 5,620,000, and in Ireland the returns of the census give the number at 1,863,116, making a total of 7,483,116 for the United Kingdom. Of these one-fourth are slaughtered annually. Carried forward 30,000,000 £177,000,000 The Agricultural Interest. 43 Brought forward Sent to Smithfield market in 1845 Imported from Ireland in 1846 foreign parts in 1842 "" 1843 1844 1845 "" " 1846 £177,000,000 · 192,180 - 186,483 4,264 1,521 4,889 16,870 42,562 £15,000,000 10,000,000 SHEEP and LAMBS Mr Luccock, in 1800, estimated the number of sheep in Eng- land and Wales at 19,007,601. Mr McCulloch is of opinion that this number has not mate- rially varied for nearly fifty years; a conclusion, we think, very much at variance with the fact. Mr Porter estimates the number at 25,343,476 In Scotland the number is estimated at 3,500,000 In Ireland the number returned in the census of 1841 2,106,189 Imported from Ireland in 1846 259,257 Imported from foreign parts in 1842 644 1843 217 1 1844 2,817 1845 15,958 1846 94,567 POTATOES 25,000,000 Mr Labouchere, in his speech in the House of Commons, on Irish distress, adopted an estimate of Mr Griffith, that the potato crop of Ireland was worth 15,000,0002, to which must be added at least 10,000,000l. for Great Britain. WOOL Mr M'Culloch estimates the quantity of British wool an- nually produced at 110,000,000 lb. ; Mr Porter' at 145,724,880lb., which, at present prices, would yield this amount Imported from foreign parts in 1846 8,000,000 63,117,668 lb. BUTTER 5,000,000 Mr McCulloch estimates the consumption of London annually at 1,410,000l. Imported from foreign parts in 1846 257,777 cwt. CHEESE 5,000,000 Imported from foreign parts in 1846 336,185 cwt. POULTRY, MILK, EGGS, FRUIT, and VEGETABLES - 3,000,000 Mr McCulloch estimates the consumption of milk in London at 800,000l. per annum. Mr Porter estimates the quantity of eggs imported from Ireland at 100,000l. per annum. Imported from foreign parts in 1846, Eggs Carried forward 72,299,632 £238,000,000 44 Occupations of the People. HORSES, 200,000 PIGS Brought forward The number of horses of all kinds kept in England and Wales in 1821, was 1,161,430, of which 832,726 were wholly em- ployed in husbandry, and 135,542 partially. Mr McCul- loch estimates the whole number at 1,500,000, of the aver- age value of 127. to 15l., or from 18,000,000l. to 22,500,000Z. In 1822 the duty on horses employed in husbandry was taken off, and since then no return has been made, but it is clear from the return we have given, that five-sixths of all the horses in the United Kingdom are employed by the Agri- cultural Interest. Mr McCulloch estimates the number annually produced in England and Wales at 555,000; but this must be much too low. Imported from Ireland in 1846 Imported from foreign parts in 1842 - £238,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 480,827 410 1843 361 1844 265 1845 "; 1,598 1846 "" 3,443 ALL OTHER ANIMALS 1,000,000 Including asses, mules, 386,063 dogs, deer, and game of all kinds. Hops 1,500,000 Duty at twopence per lb. in 1846, at 443,6577. Mr. McCulloch estimates the crop at 750,000%. TIMBER 2,500,000 Dr Beke estimates the timber of this country worth 80,000,000Z. which at 4 per cent. would produce 3,200,000l. per annum. Mr McCulloch says from 40,000,000l. to 50,000,000l. Imported in 1846 - 1,221,096 loads, colonial. 809,024 foreign. 2,030,120 loads VALUE OF UNCULTIVATED WASTES and WOODS Total 2,000,000 £250,000,000 The foregoing is an approximation to the probable quantities and value of the annual productions of our agricultural interest, but if the estimate had been made at the present prices of produce, it would of course have added some fifty millions to the amount. The Agricultural Interest. 45 Such has been the course, and such the results of British Agriculture, up to the time when the grand discovery was made that we had been progressing in the wrong direction, and pro- tection, which had been engrafted as a principle on our system, was surrendered on a plea of expediency to the clamour of a faction agitating for their own selfish interests. Had protection been continued to our home and colonial markets, and the extension of trade with our natural enemies and rivals been treated as of secondary importance, it is not improbable that in a few years Mr Porter's assertion, that these quantities might be doubled, would have been realised by the cultivation of the entire surface of the three kingdoms to a degree of perfection equal to that of Lincoln or any other county; but the stimulus of low prices will only effect this, when the natural order of things shall be reversed, and mankind have learnt the lesson of living by the loss rather than the profit of their occupations. Up to the present time our farmers have lived in a state of comfort, equally with other classes of the community; and none have a better title to do so, for, as we have shown at page 141 in the Appendix, they pay three-fourths of the direct and local taxa- tion of the country. They are now called upon, with what degree of justice it is impossible to perceive, to compete with men unac- quainted with the wants of a civilized life, who pay but a nominal rent for their land, and whose taxation, direct and indirect, is not one-twentieth of that paid by the English farmer. The serfs of the lords of Poland and Russia, and a class of men just emerging from a state of half civilization, the farmers in America, are for the future to be their competitors; not in foreign markets, but in our own; not in Germany, France, or Belgium, but in Mark lane, Liverpool, Wakefield, and Devizes; and writers who wish to conceal the truth tell us, that the distance of these countries and the expense of freight are a sufficient protection for the agricultural interests of this country. To show the degree of credit such assertions are entitled to, Mr Porter shall speak for himself, when writing on Foreign Commerce, and in support of the free-trade system: he thus proceeds :- 46 Occupations of the People. "The argument in favour of the greater comparative value to a country of its home than of its foreign trade, which has been founded upon the greater economy and celerity with which the operations of the former are conducted, is far from being always correct when applied to England. The trading communication between the south and east coast of Great Britain and the north and west shores of many European countries, is kept up with greater facility and economy than the traffic between some of our distant counties. The time and money expended in convey- ing a bale of goods from Manchester to London, by canal or by the ordinary road, are greater than are required for its conveyance from London to Rotterdam, and the charge made for the cartage of a puncheon of rum from the West India Docks to Westminster exceeds the charge that would be made for conveying the same puncheon of rum from those Docks to Hamburgh. Even in those branches of foreign commerce, when, from the length of the voyage, a considerable time must elapse between the shipment of goods, their reception and sale abroad, and the transmission of returns to the hands of the shipper, a remedy for the evil of delay has been found in the operation of commercial bankers, whose dealings consist in the purchase and sale of bills of exchange, and are founded upon the varying necessities of different individual traders.” The first year of free trade has falsified all the assertions of its advocates, that in times of scarcity the superabundance of other countries would keep down our own prices; and the first year of an abundant harvest throughout Europe will be sufficient to satisfy our farmers, that wheat, oats, and barley can be transported from the shores of the Baltic to any of our own markets, at nearly as small an expense as from Lincolnshire to Mark lane, or from Cork, Limerick, and Belfast, to the river Thames. The additional facilities for the transmission of produce by steam-boats, railroads, &c., which are every day springing up in all directions, will soon reduce the expenses far below even the pre- sent estimate, and make it a merely nominal consideration whether a cargo of grain is taken on board in the ports of the Baltic, or in those of Scotland, Ireland, or the North of England. And it only requires the suspension or abolition of the navigation laws, to enable the grower of agricultural produce to avail himself of the cheapest carrier, to give the coup de grâce to the argument, and confirm Mr Porter's statement, that the operation between these ports and some of our more distant counties may be conducted with equal economy and celerity. We have therefore to consider the probable degree of compe- tition which, under these circumstances, the English farmer will have to contend with; and this will be best seen by a reference The Agricultural Interest. 47 STATEMENT of the HIGHEST PRICES of CORN, per Winchester Quarter of 8 Bushels, in sterling, calculated at current rate of exchange, on the average of the first we k of each of the months of January, April, July, and October, in each year from 1834 to 1842, compiled from the Consular Returns presented to Parliament. 1836.1837. 1834. 1835. 1836. | 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. presented to Parliament :- foreign countries from 1834 to 1842, extracted from returns to the following table of the prices of wheat in England and in s. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. $ d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Average Price in England 46 2 39 4 48 6 55 10 64 7 70 8 66 4 64 4 57 3 " Antwerp 32 3 35 6 37 2 39 9 46 7 56 8 54 4 47 9 55 1 Amsterdam 28 11 27 3 27 1 32 9 35 1 55 6 46 2 37 9 40 3 " Hamburgh 26 11 24 6 25 10 33 0 40 1 53 9 Denmark 20 4 21 6 33 9 33 9 46 10 43 9 "1 Dantzic 30 7 27 5 30 1 31 8 37 8 52 2 11 I 49 3 41 4 50 0 43 10 48 2 Riga 25 11 24 11 25 1 28 3 34 9 42 4 42 9 48 5 1 "" " Naples 27 6 22 9 26 10 31 2 34 6 38 2 37 0 34 6 35 11 Venice 29 4 29 0 32 4 38 2 35 8 42 11 39 6 35 10 39 10 Trieste 33 2 31 33 5 34 2 37 4 42 11 40 2 40 8 38 6 Odessa 32 8 23 5 20 3 21 7 24 0 31 7 28 6 27 11 29 4 " New York 37 0 49 5 56 8 57 0 49 2 35 5 " Philadelphia 37 6 41 1 52 5 Norfolk 32 10 49 3 || 55 5 47 8 32 7 48 10 40 6 34 4 31 1 38 0 35 4 39 6 41 4 " Portsmouth (N. H.) 36 10 43 5 48 8 58 11 57 10 57 0 48 3 45 8 48 4 The average prices are about 10 to 15 per cent. under the above; and the lowest vary from 25 to 30 per cent. 48 Occupations of the People. M come. We e may flatter ourselves on our superior capital and skill, but so long as cause and effect have any relationship to each other, there can be but one deduction from the foregoing statement of facts, and it is this, — that, with a free trade in grain, all countries will be stimulated alike to increase their growth, and the countries nearest to our own shores will have so decided an advan- tage over those at a distance, as to leave them no chance of com- peting with them. The idea that America will ever supply us with any thing except flour, and with that only when prices are high, must be abandoned. Besides which, with a free trade in grain it matters not to our agriculturists from whence the supply may If from a great distance so much the worse, for it will only prove the superiority of such countries over ourselves to be of a more decided character; and for the farmer of this country there is no alternative but to descend to the level of those of other countries, or to raise them up to his own peculiar and hitherto superior stan- dard. There is no middle course-no counteracting cause; and the first two or three years of abundance will painfully establish the truth of this conclusion. What an inducement for the invest- ment of capital in the most uncertain and hazardous of all occu- pations! what a stimulus for exertion on the part of our farmers and landed gentry, is the social condition of the landed interests in the countries given in this list! But whatever may be the result of this experiment, as regards Great Britain, how can it be justified in reference to our sister kingdom of Ireland? Struck down to the earth as she has been by one of the most awful calamities that ever afflicted a nation, and labouring under many other evils of long standing, which her union with this country has neither ameliorated nor redressed, she was yet gradually progressing in agricultural pursuits; and it is worthy of especial notice, that her trade with us is twice in amount, and of much greater importance, than that with the United States of America. On this head we present the following tables, which will show the proportion that Ireland has contributed to the supply of Great Britain, and the gradual progress of her exports to this country, which has been of course balanced by her imports of colonial produce and manufactured goods from us :---- The Agricultural Interest. 49 STATEMENT of the QUANTITY of VARIOUS KINDS of GRAIN and MEAL brought into GREAT BRITAIN from IRELAND in each year from 1815 to 1845. Years. Wheat, and Barley, and Wheat Barley Rye. Oats and Indian Oatmeal. Corn. Beans. Peas. Flour. Meal. Total of Grain and Meal. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. 1815 189,544 27,108 207 597,537 6,796 821,192 1816 121,631 62,254 43 683,714 6,223 873,865 1817 59,025 26,766 614 611,117 2,287 699,809 1818 108,230 25,387 4 1,069,385 4,845 1,207,851 1819 154,031 20,311 2 789,613 3,904 967,861 1820 404,747 87,095 134 916,250 1 8,893 1,417,120 1821 569,700 82,884 550 1,162,249 7,433 1,822,816 1822 463,004 22,532 353 569.237 7,963 1,063,089 1823 400,068 19,274 198 1,102,487 6,126 1,528,153 1824 356,408 45,872 112 1,225,085 6,547 1,634,024 1825 396,018 165,082 220 1,629,856 12,786 2,203,962 1826 314,851 64,885 77 1,303.734 7,190 1,452 1,692,189 1827 405,255 67,791 256 1,343,267 1,765 10,037 1,372 1,829,743 1828 652,584 84,204 1,424 2,075,631 280 7,068 4.944 2,826,135 1829 519,493 97,140 568 1,673,628 39 10,444 4,503 2,305,806 1830 529,717 189,745 414 1,471,252 28 19,053 2,520 2,212,729 1831 557,520 185,409 515 1,655,934 1832 572,586 123,068 294 1,890,321 1833 844,201 107,519 1,762,519 1834 779,504 217,568 982 167 563 3,037 117 15,039 4,663 2,419,643 1,713,971 75 14,512 19,103 2,645 18,770 1,916 2,605,734 2,736,281 2,176 2,733,046 1835 661,773 156,176 614 1,813,101 24,234 3,447 2,659,345 1836 598,756 182,867 483 1837 534,465 187,473 1,016 1838 542,583 156,467 1839 258,331 61,675 2,331 2,126,693 Malt. 17,603 2,920 2,929,322 2,274,675 4,174 25,630 2,860 3,030,293 628 2,742,807 5,001 21,584 5,232 3,474,302 1,904,933 2,552 11,535 1,484 2.242,841 1840 174,440 95,954 122 2,037,836 1841 218,708 75,568 172 3,456 14,753 2,539,380 4,935 15,907 1,403 2,327,964 855 2,855,525 1842 201,998 50,286 76 2,261,434 3,046 19,931 1,550 2,538,221 1843 413,466 110,449 1844 440,153 1845 779,113 371 90,655 264 93,095 165 2,648,033 8,643 24,329 1,192 3,206,483 2,242,300 8,153 2,353,985 | 11,154 18,580 1,091 2,801,206 12,745 1,644 3,251,901 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. IMPORTS and EXPORTS from IRELAND to GREAT BRITAIN in the years 1845 and 1846. ! Imports into Ireland CORN, in 1845. from Great Britain. 779,113 Qrs. Wheat, at 50s. 93,095 Barley and Meal, 30s. 2,353,985 Oats, 20s. £1,942,782 139,642 2,353,985 Exports from Ireland to Great Britain. CATTLE, IN 1846. 186,483 Black Cattle, at £16 6,363 Calves 45s. 259,257 Sheep 40s. 2,983,728 14,316 518,514 1801 £3,270,350 £3,537,725 1805 S 4,067,717 4,288,167 480,827 Pigs 50s. 1,202,067 Horses and Mules, no return this year; 1809 · 5,316,557 4,588,305 but in 1837 they amounted to 70,8021., and, allowing for a small increase, we estimate them at 1813 - 6,746,353 5,410,326 80,000 1817 - 4,722,766 5,696,613 Total of Agricultural produce 9,235,034 1821 - LINEN MANUFACTURE, 12-13ths of which is sent to Great Britain Total Value 5,338,838 7,117,452 - 5,000,000 1825 - 7,048,936 8 531,355 - £14,235,034 e 50 Occupations of the People. SHIPPING. ENTERED INWARDS. ENTERED OUTWARDS. Years. Ships. Tonnage. Years. Ships. Tonnage. In 1801 1825 5,360 456,026 In 1801 6,816 582,033 8,922 741,182 1825 10,981 922,325 1844 10,147 1,349,273 1844 16,948 1,817,756 The Irish trade since 1825 has been assimilated to the coasting- trade, and no return of the exports and imports has been made; but it will be seen that the tonnage of the shipping employed between the two countries has nearly doubled since 1825; and that the trade now amounts to nearly fifteen millions per annum, or twice that carried on with the United States. The state of Ireland at the present time bears a strong analogy to that of England in the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth, when the land was overrun with beggars, and the most cruel enact- ments could not suppress the crime of mendicancy. By the 14th Elizabeth, cap. 5, it is declared, that "All persons whole and mighty in body, able to labour, not having land or master, nor using any lawful merchandise, craft, or mystery, and all common labourers able in body, loitering and refusing to work for such reasonable wages as are commonly given, shall for the first offence be grievously whipped and burned through the gristle of the right ear with a hot iron of the compass of an inch about, for the second shall be deemed felons, and for the third shall suffer death as felons, without benefit of clergy." The first law, however, which gave to the pauper a legal title to relief was the source from which have flowed nine-tenths of the improvements so favourably distinguishing this country from all others. Follow this example. Give to Ireland a sound and wholesome system of poor laws, and it will compel the landlord to reside on his estate, and dispense with the services and the tyranny of the middle man. It will also compel him to give employment to a long-neglected peasantry, by the application of capital and skill to the cultivation of the soil, and thus put an end to the worst of all evils, the sub-letting of the land, and the conse- quent degradation of the population. The Agricultural Interest. 51 And unless the minister, whoever he is, or may be, is powerful enough to carry out this great sovereign remedy for the social evils which afflict Ireland, he will do nothing for the salvation of the people. His feeding a whole nation on charity, however imperative as a duty, from the dire necessity of the case in the present instance, and however praiseworthy for the extent of its generosity, is calculated to leave the worst effect on the minds and habits of the people, and is, in truth, the most fearful remedy that could be applied to such a state of things, for it discloses an abyss of self-abandonment and degradation which it is fearful to contemplate. It is the duty of the statesman to look far beyond this temporary measure of expediency, and at once to apply an efficient remedy; for, if this is not done, the agrarian outrages, which have so long been a foul stain on the national character of Ireland, may prove to have been only the forerunner, the type, the foreshadowing of some great convulsion, that, operating on those struggling for existence, will involve all classes in one common ruin. "Better that a class should be ruined than that a nation should perish," said a writer in The Times, a few days ago, and we reiterate the sentiment; but better, far better, that, with im- proved institutions, and with protection for her productions, she should take her just rank by our side, and become a source of strength instead of weakness. Her capabilities are such, that she could increase the amount of her agricultural productions ten-fold. With great quantities of waste land unreclaimed, a fertile soil, a rapidly increasing population, noble harbours, easy of access from all parts of the island, Ireland ought to be, under good govern- ment, what Sicily was to the Romans,-an inexhaustible store- house of food for the people. 52 Occupations of the People. We have now presented a sketch of the Agricultural Interest in all its bearings, comparatively with the Manufacturing, and as an interest standing on its own individual importance. It is not necessary to repeat the exact figures here, as they will be found under the several heads of our division of the subject,—in the Tables of each of the counties given in the Appendix, and in the Summary of the whole at the conclusion of the work. But the results of this inquiry may be shortly re-stated thus: In the land of the United Kingdom is invested about two thousand millions of capital. It gives employment to three millions and a quarter of able-bodied persons, the mainstay and strength of our political power. Of the several classes who are dependent. on those employed in the cultivation of the soil, or on the rental of the land, or on the circulation of its productions, it supports eighteen millions and three quarters, making a total of twenty-two millions in all. It pays three-fourths of the entire taxation of the country. It feeds and supports the poor, maintains the Church, is the great bulwark of the throne, and in it are embodied all the elements of national strength, wealth, order, and tranquillity. The Manufacturing Interest. 53 CHAPTER V. THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST. Review of the Progress of Manufactures in Great Britain and Foreign Countries since the Peace.-Locality of the Manufac- turing Interest in the United Kingdom.-Its Numerical Strength.- Number of Persons employed in the most important Branches. Number employed in Ireland.- Tendency of Mechanical Power to abridge Labour. THE Manufacturing Interest of this country is undoubtedly one of great importance, but it derives this importance, not from any principle of strength within itself, for it is in truth the weakest of all the members of the body politic. However much we may pride ourselves on the possession of coal and minerals, recent discoveries have placed other nations on the same level in respect of these; and as for natural productions, which constitute the raw material of our factories, Britain is one of the poorest nations in the universe. It produces neither cotton, fine wool, nor silk; and for all the improvements which have latterly been made in the manufacture of our coarse wools, we are indebted to the ingenuity of our neigh- bours the French, who were the first to turn the long wools of this country to so good an account. The manufacture of hardware is also dependent on the superior quality of the iron imported from Sweden. Possessing therefore no natural advantages over other countries, and subject to the competition of nations equally ingenious, in- dustrious, and persevering as ourselves, and from many of whom we have borrowed the most important discoveries in the mechanical arts, we must trace the rise, the progress, and the present im- portance of the Manufacturing Interest to other causes than that of any inherent principle of originality or stability of its own. 54 Occupations of the People. The principal cause, undoubtedly, is the purely adventitious one of our having been the only nation in Europe whose territory was not involved in the horrors of a desolating war; and the fact, that during the night of adversity which afflicted other countries from 1790 to 1815, we enjoyed a monopoly of the trade of the world. If, during this period, and with these political advantages, our manufactures had made no progress, or the skill of the parties engaged in them had not developed itself, it would have been extraordinary indeed; but the assertion that the spinning-jenny and the steam-engine have been the moving powers of our fleets and armies, and the chief support of a long-continued agricultural prosperity; and the boast of Arkwright, that give him but these and he would pay the taxation of the country, however flattering to the vanity of a party, we are under the necessity of maintaining have neither the one nor the other the slightest foundation in fact. But whatever may have been the extent of their development during this period, let it be always remembered that it was, from first to last, under a system of protection that this took place. The productions of the soil, equally with those of the loom and the spindle, were protected by duties, which in almost all instances operated as a total prohibition of any competition from abroad. Independently of this, the kingdoms of Continental Europe, con- tinually overrun by the armies of Napoleon, could offer no resistance to our success, and the United States were in too infantine a state of both capital and mechanical knowledge to compete with us, or even to manufacture for themselves. With the return of peace in 1815, a new order of things arose, and the angry passions of mankind gave way to an earnest desire on the part of all to cultivate the arts of peace, and we were com- pelled by the force of circumstances to admit as competitors those whom we had hitherto regarded and treated as enemies. France, to whom we are indebted for the most valuable of mechanical inventions, the Jacquard loom, and the art of cotton printing, and who has far surpassed us in her discoveries of the chemical properties of things, being no longer dazzled by the false 1 The Manufacturing Interest. 55 glory of conquest, sat herself down to investigate the cause of our success, and to follow our example. And well has she succeeded. Her silks have sustained their ancient excellence, and her finer woollens and cambrics have a preference, and find a market, in every quarter of the globe; and even in the article of cotton, on the manufacture of which we so much pride ourselves, her progress during the last thirty years has been equal to our own. To show the degree of rivalry, and extent of the respective efforts, of the two nations in these important branches, we give the following table of their exports and imports at the conclusion of the war, and at the last period returned. Imports of Raw Cotton. Exports of Manufactured Exports of Woollens. Exports of Silks. Cotton. Ib. £ ENGLAND, in 1815 - 1844 92,525,951 554,196,602 20,620,956 25,805,348 £ 9,381,426 8,204,836 In 1820 - £ 371,755 G 1844 736,455 FRANCE 1815 1844 - 36,000,000 132,000,000 362,451 1,610,944 3,440,701 3,287,522 1820 2,700,000 1843 - 6,000,000 It will thus be seen, that although the import of raw cotton into France has not kept pace with that of England, yet her exports of manufactured cottons have increased ten-fold, while those of Eng- land in the same time have only increased one-fourth. The de- ficiency in the import of raw cotton is accounted for by the fact that an enormous amount of twist is every year smuggled from this country into France, with the connivance of the French Go- vernment.* Her exports of woollens have nearly doubled, while those of England have fallen off; and the export of silks from France has risen from three to six millions, while that of England has only struggled on from 371,755l. in 1820, to 736,455l. in 1844. But the unkindest cut of all remains to be told; and it is one which Mr Porter says could hardly have been anticipated. Our * The quantity so introduced is estimated by Messrs Villiers and Bowring at 12,000,000 lb. annually. 56 Occupations of the People. Government thought it "could be of no moment to the maker of machines, whether his customers reside in the United Kingdom, or in France or Germany," and therefore repealed the restrictions against the export of machinery made in England. The French Government, concluding that a drawing of any machine could be sent at a trifling expense by the post, and that their machinists were equal to our own, and that their labour required protection, in- stantly put on a heavy import duty, and thus rebuked the asser- tion made by many of our writers, that in the mechanical arts we excel all other countries. The people of Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and even Russia, excited by our example, have begun to develope their resources, and, benefiting by the experience of a few years, are now able to carry on a successful competition with us in every market in the world. On this subject, however, we prefer to use the language of Mr Porter himself, and therefore copy the entire passage from his volume, pages 246 and 247 :- "A considerable impulse has been given to manufacturing industry in different parts of Germany within the last twelve years, and especially since the formation of the Prussian commercial league. In Prussia itself, many cotton spinning-mills have been erected since 1833, and large capitals have been invested in machinery. In Saxony the manufacture of hosiery has become considerable in amount, and the goods produced are so low in price that exports have been made to England in the face of a consumption duty of 10 per cent. on the value. The cotton manufacture has also been successfully undertaken in Bavaria, in Würtemberg, and in some others of the states included within the league. These attempts, however, are for the most part of such recent origin, that it is hardly possible to form any certain estimate as to their ultimate results. At present it is only through the imposition of a considerable import duty in the German states, that their cotton goods gener- ally are able in any way to compete with English fabrics; but it is altogether im- possible to say how long this state of things may continue, and it may reasonably be expected, that the German artisans will in time acquire a degree of skill and experience which, aided by the lower cost of subsistence in Germany, as compared with England, will render their rivalry formidable to Manchester and Paisley, at least in neighbouring countries, if not in more distant parts of the world. "It has long been the policy of the Russian government to afford protection to its own manufacturers by prohibiting the goods of other countries. At present nearly the whole amount of the exports from this kingdom to Russia, consists of cotton yarn, which is there woven into all kinds of fabrics from the coarsest fustians to fine cambrics. The establishments for this purpose are under the immediate pa- tronage of the Russian government, and it is said that the goods produced are so good in quality as to equal those of English make, but in regard to the cost of pro- duction, the advantage is still greatly with us, and so it will probably remain so long as Russia still maintains the policy of protecting its artisans from the compe- tition of other countries. The Manufacturing Interest. 57 "In several of the cartons of Switzerland the manufacture of woven fabrics has been steadily and prosperously pursued of late years. So little of what is called pro- tection is accorded to the Swiss manufacturer, that there are not any custom houses in the cantons from which to obtain returns of imports and exports, whereby to ascertain the comparative progress of these branches of industry. Free trade, in the fullest extent of the term, has been tried in these cantons; and although, as already observed, we are unable to bring forward an array of figures in proof of its success, we know that in spite of the disadvantages of geographical position, and notwithstanding the comparative scarcity of capital, the cotton which is obtained by a tedious and expensive land carriage is converted into fabrics which compete successfully in every market with the products of our looms; and that the silk and linen goods of Switzerland which are excluded by fiscal regulations from neigh- bouring countries, find customers in a wider and more profitable field on the other side of the Atlantic. If we take into account the small natural resources of the Swiss manufacturers, it may with truth be asserted that no people have made greater, or even as great, progress as they have done during the last twenty years. Switzerland has been strongly urged to join the Prussian commercial league, and by that means to secure twenty-four millions of consumers for its cheap manufac- tures, but satisfied with their present condition and future prospects, and jealous as to the possible effect of permitting foreigners to interfere in any way with their concerns, the cantons have hitherto declined to accept the proffered advantage." America, too, although restrained for a time by the paucity of her numbers, spread over a great extent of territory, and naturally preferring agricultural pursuits, has been stimulated by the rapid increase in her population to turn her attention to the manufacture of that which is a natural production of her own soil. And not only has she made wonderful progress in the manufac- ture of cotton goods, but the determination of Congress to increase the import duties in preference to taxing tea and coffee, to pay the expenses of the war in Mexico, is indicative of her policy to protect and foster them by all the means in her power. In addition to this, her discoveries of coal and iron have opened up a new branch of industry to her people, which bids fair to interfere with a very important item of our exports to that country: "The first bar of American railroad iron was made in 1844, and an American paper now states that there are at present 16 or 18 mills, at which it is made at the rate of 120,000 tons per annum. "This amount is sufficient to lay 4 miles of railway per day, or 1,200 miles per year; and hence the prospect of any large exportation from Great Britain, at the prices to which our inordinate railway speculations have driven this commodity, can hardly be looked for. The Trenton ironworks (New York) alone have entered into a contract to furnish the New York and Michigan lines with 9,000 tons of rails during the current year; and the capacity of their works will enable them in addition to supply the market with 200 tons per month. 58 Occupations of the People. "In Pennsylvania the use of the anthracite coal, which abounds in that state, appears to have stimulated this branch of manufacture, since there are now 40 furnaces in blast-many of them of the largest class-where this kind of fuel is consumed, although in 1840 none existed in successful operation. There is one iron manufacturing company in Pennsylvania, which alone consumes 60,000 of anthracite, and 100,000 bushels of bituminous coal annually."-Extract from Times, March 9. It is thus that every day adds to her capital and knowledge, and brings us nearer to that crisis when she will demonstrate to the men of Lancashire that mechanical power and the skill to apply it are not the exclusive birthright of an Englishman, but the common property of all mankind. If to this we add, that should she, at the same time, discover that the operation of our free-trade system will make it more profitable to grow corn than cotton for the supply of the English market, it is not improbable that the glory of Manchester may depart, and the staple of this country be again represented by woollens, which some suppose we manufactured in the days when Cincinnatus followed his plough. Such are the external circumstances of the manufacturing in- terests, in which we are at a loss to perceive one single element of strength or stability. Dependent on other countries for the raw material in nearly every instance, a war with any of these would annihilate some branches and cripple others. Competition with countries also whose taxation is not to be compared with our own must be carried on with every advantage in favour of our rivals, and as it is impossible for us to call new worlds into existence to keep pace with the multiplication of our mechanical power, it behoves us to look well to the introduction of any new system of political economy, however speciously put forward, lest it should endanger the home and colonial markets, which have hitherto been the principal customers for our own productions. Having thus examined the external circumstances of the Manu- facturing Interest, let us now inquire into the facts which relate to its internal condition. The Manufacturing Interest. 59 And, first, as to its LOCALITY. The Manufacturing Interest of the United Kingdom is dis- tributed as follows:- Engaged in Dependent on Manufactures. Manufactures. Total. England, (see Appendix, p. 46) · Wales, 60 "" Scotland, 94 943,998 19,517 220,171 4,738,829 5,682,827 137,706 157,223 1,011,417 1,231,588 British Isles, 96 1,631 18,352 19,983 Ireland, 152 "" 300,000 700,000 1,000,000 1,485,317 6,606,304 8,091,621 8,091,621 Total of the Manufacturing Interest in the United Kingdom and, so far as concerns England and Wales, it is principally located in the eight midland counties; viz.— Engaged in Agriculture. Engaged in Manufactures. Population. Chester (see Appendix, p. 46) 26,804 58,293 395,560 Derby "" 19,333 27,968 272,217 Lancaster 49,567 " 292,129 1,667,054 Leicester " "" 17,072 22,029 215,867 Nottingham "" " 20,358 27,710 249,910 Stafford "" 29,120 53,249 510,504 Warwick 24,239 38,451 401,715 Yorkshire 93,159 176,249 1,591,480 279,674 696,078 5,304,407 In all other parts of England and Wales 247,920 Total 943,998 The number of persons actually employed in agriculture in the above eight counties being 279,674, or 31,754 more than are employed in every branch of manufactures throughout all other parts of England and Wales, it follows that the population of these eight counties more than represents the entire Manufacturing Interest of this kingdom. It is almost unnecessary to remark on the well-known fact, that in all other parts this interest is very thinly scattered; for instance: 60 Occupations of the People. In 8 Counties in the West there are only 3 "" South 9 "" East 7 99 Midland 14 4 "" North "" "" A Persons engaged in Manufactures. 61,096 22,434 34,869 51,971 29,115 Among the most important branches of manufactures are the following:- Number of Persons employed. Cotton (see Appendix, p. 147) - 377,662 Wool and Worsted - "" 167,296 Flax and Linen 85,213 Silk 83,773 Hose "" 50,955 Lace 35,347 Total of the Textile Fabrics 800,246 Iron Manufactures 29,496 Engineers 25,370 Pottery, China, and Earthenware 24,774 Factory Workers, manufactures not specified 22,478 Nail Makers 20,311 Brick and Tile Makers 18,363 Hatters and Hat Manufacturers 18,012 Printers (Cotton and Calico) - 15,303 Rope and Cord Spinners and Manufacturers 11,319 Straw Plait Manufacturers 11,217 196,643 All other branches of Manufactures 144,017 Total of Great Britain 1,140,906 We have extracted all the numbers in the list above 10,000; and there is no branch of manufactures in Great Britain giving employment to more than that number, except those we have here enumerated. But the returns for Ireland deserve a separate and distinct notice. There are only two branches of manufactures of any im- portance carried on in Ireland, and these are- Flax and Linen (all branches) giving employment to Woollen and Cloth (all branches) - - 135,303 persons. 77,650 212,953 The numbers given are described as including all branches of these trades, and of course spinners and weavers, and yet the same returns give- The Manufacturing Interest. 61 Spinners (branch not specified) Weavers "" 334,201 91,086 425,287 We confess that we are utterly unable to understand this, and there is nothing in the returns which will solve the difficulty. It must therefore remain for the reader to reject or admit, as he may think proper; but for the reasons given at page 152 of the Appendix, we estimate the numbers employed in manufactures in Ireland at 300,000, making the total of the United Kingdom 1,440,906. Subject to this correction, the number of each sex would stand thus :--- MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL. Great Britain Ireland 741,872 399,034 1,140,906 60,000 240,000 300,000 Total of the United Kingdom 791,872 639,034 1,440,906 and such is the numerical strength of the persons employed in manufactures. DEPENDENCE. It is unnecessary here to repeat the argument, that the incidents of the condition of our manufacturing population do not give rise to the same amount of trade and commerce as those of the agricultural, spread as it is over the entire surface of the country; but, assuming that there are the same number pro ratâ of all other classes dependent on them, this will give about five to one on the number employed, and confirm the correctness of the summary of manufactures, given at page 152 in the Appendix. UNITED KINGDOM. Total number employed in manufactures · Total number dependent on those employed in manufactures Total employed and dependent on the manufacturing interest of the United Kingdom 1,440,906 6,650,715 - 8,091,621 That there is a tendency in all improvements in mechanical power to abridge human labour is a conclusion that some have 62 Occupations of the People. doubted. In 1835, the Committee on Hand-loom Weaving reported that 840,000 persons were either engaged in, or dependent on it; and these, as a separate branch, whether as regards cotton, woollen, silk, or any of the coarser fabrics, were at that time by far the most numerous of any class engaged in manufactures. Since then the introduction of the power loom has been gradually superseding their labour, and little doubt is entertained that but a short time can elapse before all fabrics, except those of extreme fineness and of fancy patterns, will be made entirely by it. The labour of the thousands and tens of thousands of weavers who formerly lived in the villages of the west and the south, was first drawn into the large towns of the north by the application of the steam engine or mechanical power in its first stage. In course of time, one improvement has been superadded to another, until the labour of those who left these villages and sought for employment in the towns is now carried on by mechanical power alone. In fact, all im- provements point but to this one conclusion, that the whole manu- facturing process of any given article should be concentrated within the walls of a factory or mill, and be conducted at the least possible expense and by the smallest number of persons. The best illustration we can give is probably that of the making of paper; a bundle of rags is put in at one end of the mill, and at the other flows out an endless length of paper ready printed and fit for use in the next five minutes. We know that screws, nails, needles, and many other articles are made by a process similar in its operation and results; and in every department of manufactures the same principle is being acted upon and carried out to the fullest extent, having for its only object to economise the use of human labour, and to increase the production of goods. It has been asserted, that, in proportion as new machines are invented and put into operation, the same amount of human labour which they supersede is required in the making of machines, in keeping them at work, and in the manufacturing of new articles and things which would not be made, or made only on a small scale or at a dear rate, but for such new inventions. In the returns of the census there is nothing to justify such a conclusion, The Manufacturing Interest. 63 either as applicable to any one branch of manufactures or the whole collectively. We may differ as to the deductions to be made from these statistical facts, or on the principles which govern our present system of trade, but every well-wisher of his country must be desirous that the manufacturing interest should flourish, and that the produc- tions of our mechanical skill should still continue to go forth to the uttermost ends of the earth. We have, however, a sterner duty to perform than to follow Mr M'Culloch's example, and to read a homily on the comparative moral and physical circumstances of this over other countries, much of which is illusory, and the whole of which belongs rather to history than to the present time. The rapid progress which other nations are making in the manufacture of the same articles is, in our opinion, the best and most conclusive evidence that a thirty years' peace has placed us on a common level with the nations of the continent, and sufficient, at all events, to induce a suspicion that it is possible we may have overrated these moral and physical advantages, and by so doing have mistaken the shadow for the substance. Superiority in either mechanical skill or chemical knowledge we repudiate as an absurdity. In what, then, does it consist? The French surpass us in silks, cambrics, and woollens; and the best patterns of Mr Cobden's productions are only copies of foreign designs. The untaxed Swiss are beating us in our own markets in the article of watches; and these and the Germans undersell us in foreign markets in linen and hosiery, and are making great progress in many articles of hardware. That our inventions in the mechanical arts have been numerous and valuable no one will for an instant dispute, but the rapid com- munication of ideas, and the transit of commodities in the present day, makes any invention the common property of Europe in a month; and if any climax was wanting to the argument, it would be found in the permission given to export both our artisans and our machinery if required. With these facts fully before them, and with this competition to contend with, we should hope that our manufacturers will bestir 64 Occupations of the People. themselves, and, without any reliance on our moral and physical advantages, will, by still greater exertion, maintain their present proud position; but if the labour of our factories should fail, and the cottons of Manchester and the woollens of Leeds should meet with successful rivals in markets hitherto their own, it must be owing to some evil principle at work in our own system, which it is the duty of all who feel an interest in the welfare of this interest to detect, and correct, if possible, lest it should subvert the whole. We therefore propose to pass in review the several articles which form the staples of the Manufacturing Interest of this country, and in so doing we shall probably not only ascertain the actual status of this interest in the body politic, but also be able to trace the degree of its dependence on the home and foreign trade for the con- sumption of its productions. The Manufacturing Interest. 65 CHAPTER VI. THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST.-(Continued.) The Manufacture of Cotton.-Review of the present Circumstances of this Trade.—Estimate of Capital invested and employed in the Manufacture.-Amount of annual Productions.-Com- parison of Home and Export Trade.-Number of Persons employed and dependent.-Tables of Import of Raw Cotton, and the Official and Declared Value of the Exports of Manu- factured Goods from 1820 to 1846. It is quite true that "there is nothing in the history of industry to compare with the rapid growth of the American cotton trade, except that of the manufacture in this country." Notwithstand- ing, however, the rapid growth, and present importance of the manufacture of cotton, an incident has just occurred which shows how slight is the tenure by which we hold possession of it, how extremely sensitive it is of anything touching the source of its supplies; and how extensive is the suffering which, under present circumstances, any failure in these inevitably creates among those dependent on it for their means of subsistence. The manufacturers of cotton have, during the past year, been struck in their most vital part, and, like all men keenly alive to their own interests, they discern in the distance a cloud, although no bigger than a man's hand, which portends them no good. The quantity of raw cotton imported in 1845 reached the enormous amount of 721,523,712 lb., having doubled itself in the short space. of ten years. An unusually low price of the raw material, and an enormous increase in the production of manufactured goods, were the natural consequences. Had the supply of raw cotton gone on increasing, the same results would have followed, and a still further f 66 Occupations of the People. reduction in the value of both have taken place, until the rate of profit of the grower in America, and the manufacturer in England, had been estimated by the bale instead of the pound, and reduced to so small a fraction as to be scarcely discernible. The importation of the year 1846, however, fell off to 467,748,624 lb., or to about three-fifths of the preceding year; while the export at the same time increased from 42,916,384 lb., to 65,930,704 lb.; and the same consequences that we have so often witnessed in this trade again followed: first, an advance in raw cotton, then a partial suspension of business, and working short time, and, as a matter of course, a corresponding amount of distress among the working classes. It has been the practice of Mr Cobden and Mr Bright, and those entertaining their opinions, to assign as the primary cause of such a state of things the want of freedom of trade, the corn- laws, or the high price of food; but, as that excuse will no longer serve their purpose, the parties engaged in this trade have adopted a much more sensible course of proceeding, and, within a few days, we find that a meeting has been called in Manchester for the purpose of urging on Government the necessity of instituting an inquiry as to the extent to which the production of cotton in the East Indies could be profitably promoted. This would seem to imply a suspicion on their part, that the supply of cotton from America at extreme low prices had reached its maximum; and it is not improbable that they have been assisted in coming to this conclusion by a consideration that the facilities for introducing the bread stuffs of the Americans into this country may induce them to prefer the cultivation of corn to cotton. We should devoutly hope that none of these results will be realized; but it is incumbent on our manufacturers to watch the progress of the new system, lest it should produce effects which may, even in a year or two, endanger their own security. The real cause of the frequent depression in this business, we consider, has no connexion with or relation to the corn-laws, or the price of food, but may be clearly traced to our vast mechanical power, which can, with wonderful facility, exhaust a stock of raw The Manufacturing Interest. 67 cotton, however large, or glut the markets of the world with an amount of manufactured goods which, under other circumstances, would have found employment for the population for a long period of time. In 1843, Mr Bright, addressing the electors of Durham, dwelt with great pathos on the decay of trade, and the desolation of the loom and the spindle. The words were hardly spoken before the opening up of the trade with China gave an impetus to the industry of the country which has never been surpassed; and the years 1844 and 1845, with the corn-laws still unrepealed, were equal in prosperity to any in our history. It required not, however, the gift of prophecy to foretel that after such a state of things a period of great depression would follow, for great as our prosperity may be, our mechanical power is still greater; and, as a consequence, the desolation of the loom and the spindle is the same in 1847 as when Mr Bright uttered his lamentations in 1843. We shall now proceed to inquire into the capital embarked in the manufacture of COTTON. Mr McCulloch estimates it as follows:- Capital employed in the purchase of the raw material £4,000,000 Capital employed in the payment of wages 8,000,000 Capital invested in spinning mills, power and hand looms, work- shops, warehouses, and stock on hand 35,000,000 Total £47,000,000 That the capital employed is very large, there can be no doubt, but we consider this estimate to be much beyond the truth, and our reasons for this conclusion are the following: Capital employed in the purchase of the raw material, 4,000,000l.- This sum would represent at the current prices of raw cotton for some years past about one-half the whole quantity imported in twelve months. In very speculative times, it is possible that the manufacturers may hold a larger proportion than usual, say one- half the stock on hand, the whole amount of which at any one 68 Occupations of the People. time would not amount to more than about 4,000,000l. or 4,500,0007. It is, however, a well known fact that with the increase in trade, the credit given in dealing, both for the raw material and the manu- factured one, has been gradually curtailed until a very large pro- portion is now carried on for cash payment in fourteen days, and the remainder for bills at a very short date. The great bulk of manufactured goods are drawn for at two months, from the first of the month after the execution of the order. Hence there is no reason why the manufacturer should hold heavy stocks of the raw material on the one hand, while on the other there is every induce- ment for him to produce and send to market with all possible rapidity the manufactured article. And in truth it is this facility of buying and selling from hand to mouth that has caused small manufacturers to spring up in all di- rections, whose returns are almost weekly, and who, unless this system prevailed, could neither pay for the raw material, nor the wages of manufacturing it. We therefore estimate the amount of capital required to represent the value of the raw material held by our manufacturers, and in progress through their mills at any one time, at about 2,500,000l. Capital employed in the payment of wages, 8,000,000l.—This is an equally extravagant sum. A return was made in 1839 to the fac- tory commissioners of the monthly wages of 225 cotton mills in Lan- cashire. The amount given is 141,6357., and the number of persons employed 67,819, which being about one-fourth of the whole num- ber of persons employed in cotton factories, although the number of mills is only one-eighth, proves that this return embraces the largest and most important concerns in the kingdom. Esti- mating, however, the whole number at the same rate, this would give about 7,300,000l. per annum as the wages of those employed within the mills, the most skilled and the highest priced labour of all. If to this we add 5,000,000l. for those employed out of the mills, which is far beyond the mark, we have a total of 12,300,0007. for the year. The amount of capital actually employed in the payment of these The Manufacturing Interest. 6 wages must, however, depend on the system of credit which prevails in the sale of the goods, and this being so extremely short, it follows that a spinner of yarn, or a manufacturer of cloth, turns his capital four, five, and six times a year, and a very large proportion of them much oftener, so that we cannot estimate the amount of capital required to represent wages at more than 3,500,000%. Capital invested in spinning mills, stock in trade, &c., 35,000,000 -We cannot discover the slightest authority for this estimate. Mr McCulloch in his former edition estimated their value at 20,000,000l., but he has now advanced it to 37,000,000l. The number of cotton mills in the United Kingdom in 1839 was 1,819, of which 1,125 were situated in Lancashire. This would give an average of about 20,000l. to each; but the assessment to the poor rates of the rental of these mills and factories would not warrant any such conclusion. In 1844, 314 cotton mills in Manchester and the surrounding dis- tricts made a return of their assessment to the poor rates, which amounted to 179,7677. These employed 116,281 persons, or more than one-third of the whole number in the United Kingdom, and therefore, as in the former instance, embraced the largest and most extensive concerns in this trade. This is about the same propor- tion which they bore to other property in the year 1815; and our estimate founded on this return is the following:-Annual rental of 1,819 mills, 450,000%., which, at 6 per cent., would represent a capital of 7,500,000l. Allowing for every 1007. of rent 2,000l. for machinery, this would add 9,000,000l., making in all, for the buildings and machinery, a total of 16,500,000l. If we add these items together, the capital required to represent the cotton interest in the United Kingdom may be thus stated:- Capital employed in the purchase of the raw material Capital employed in the payment of wages Capital invested in spinning mills, power looms, &c. . Capital required to represent stock on hand. Total • • £2,500,000 3,500,000 16,500,000 2,000,000 £24,500,000 The manufacturers of cotton, it is well known, have amassed great wealth, and with the above means may easily produce forty, fifty, 70 Occupations of the People. or sixty millions' worth of goods per annum, according to the degree of fineness of the article manufactured; but this is no evidence that, with the present system of trade, a larger amount of capital than is here stated is required to effect it. As well might we consider the one thousand millions which pass through the London clearing house in the course of twelve months evidence of the amount of capital in trade, when, in fact, they have no relationship whatever to it. This large amount is merely evidence of the fact, that trans- actions in commerce are multiplied in proportion to the degree of briskness which prevails in trade, and which may arise equally from speculation or consumption. On these grounds we altogether object to the estimate of Mr M'Culloch, and contend that it is not formed on any practical knowledge of the subject, we also deny that there are any official returns in existence which would justify his conclusions. It is a well-known fact that when trade is active the manufacturers hold no permanent stock of any amount, and can hardly deliver fast enough to supply the demand. In ordinary times the productions of these mills pass into the hands of the dealer and the shipper in an incredibly short space of time; and it is only in dull times, when business is in a state of stagnation, that capitalists are compelled to hold stock. In this state of things, however, the small manu- facturer, whose weekly supplies are suspended immediately, ceases to work. The larger one, to keep his machinery in order, commences working short time, and thus nearly the whole pressure of the times is thrown back on the consignee of cotton at Liverpool, with whom the raw material rests until called into activity by a revival of trade. We have further to consider the amount of cotton goods annually produced. Mr M'Culloch estimates it thus:- Raw material, 500,000,000 lb. at 5d. Wages of 542,000 weavers, spinners, bleachers, &c., at 247. a year each. Wages of 80,000 engineers, machine-makers, smiths, masons, joiners, &c., at 50l. a year Profits of the manufacturers, wages of superintendance, sums to purchase the materials of machinery, coals, &c.. £10,000,000 } 13,000,000 4,000,000 $} 9,000,000 goods? £36,000,000 Total value of every description of cotton goods manufactured in Great Britain annually The Manufacturing Interest. 71 The data here given are certainly very loose and unsatisfactory, and throw but little light on a very important matter. Consider- ing that 10,000,000l. of raw cotton forms the base, and that there are very few fabrics in manufactured goods in which the increase in the value of the raw material would not be much greater than is here given, while a large proportion is worked up to every conceivable degree of fineness, we consider this estimate to be much too low; but there are so many considerations attached to this matter that any guesses of the kind on data so unsatisfactory are of very little worth. The reduced price of the raw material, the improved machinery and increased facilities of production, and the reduced rate of profit, as compared with former periods, render it next to impossible to make a comparison in point of value between the present and past times. There is one fact, however, which admits of no dispute, and that is, that the official value fixed in 1694, and continued down to the present time, measures the quantities exported, thus:- YEARS. Raw Cotton entered for Official Value of Cotton Home Consumption. As compared with 1815, Goods Exported. ought to have been 1815 lb. 92,525,951 £ £ 22,289,645 1820 152,829,633 22,331,079 36,000,000 1825 202,546,869 29,495,281 48,000,000 1830 269,616,640 41,050,969 64,000,000 1835 326,407,692 52,333,278 78,000,000 1840 528,142,743 73,152,251 126,000.000 1844 554,198,602 91,039,574 132,000,000 1845 721,523,712 It will be seen from these figures that the quantities exported have not kept pace with the quantities of raw cotton taken for home consumption, and that, with occasional fluctuations, the deficiency has gone on increasing, and consequently the home trade must have absorbed the difference. Whatever variety of opinion may exist as to the value of the manufacture, there can be no gainsaying this, that the home trade has increased in a greater proportion than the foreign. But it is said that this is not conclusive, inasmuch as the finer qualities of goods are retained for the home consumption; so that the 72 Occupations of the People. quantity exported as measured with any fixed price, and the amount of raw cotton imported, would not show the precise fact, because the heavier and coarser goods, those consuming more raw cotton, would form the principal part of our export trade. Whatever truth there may be in this, it only proves that the home trade is the most important in value as well as quantity, for it consumes goods of the most costly description, and on which a much larger amount of labour is bestowed than any other; while white and plain calico, on which it is comparatively small, constitute one half of the whole export trade of manufactured cottons. This we consider to be clearly proved by the following com- parative Table of the Exports of White or Plain and Printed or Dyed Cottons at different periods, compared with 1820:— Years. White or Plain Cotton Decrease in value Printed or exported. Declared Value. as com- pared with 1820. Dyed Cottons exported. Decrease in value Declared Value. as com- pared with 1820. Yards. 1820 113,682,486 £ 5,451,024 Per cent. Yards. £ Per cent. 1825 158 039,786 6,027,892 25 134,688,144 7,742,505 178,426,912 8,205,117 26 1830 244,799,032 6,562,397 81 199,799,466 7,557,373 50 1835 277,704,525 6,910,506 279,811,176 8,270,925 100 357,517,624 8,498,448 150 1840 433,114,273 7,803,772 170 1844 623,249,423 9,346,865 220 403,421,400 8,265,281 180 91 Again, with respect to our trade in twist, which, in 1846, amounted to 7,873,7271., inasmuch as Germany, Holland, and Russia, take two-thirds of the whole, it is only an evidence of the rapid progress which our rivals are making in manufacturing for themselves; and this is more clearly shown by the fact, that while in 1846 the export of manufactured goods, as compared with 1845 fell off 1,429,1307. the export of yarn increased 910,4927. Before parting with the manufacture of cotton, we cannot help noticing certain fallacies put forward as to the amount of employ- ment it gives, and the number of all classes it supports. Mr M'Culloch has treated the statistical works of Dr Colquhoun as something nearly allied to the "Arabian Nights' Entertain- ments;" but we shall show that his own works recently published The Manufacturing Interest. 73 are not altogether free from the same charge, and that they abound with calculations thrown off in a very ad captandum style, which will hardly bear the test of inquiry. Among others, in his account of the capital invested in the manu- facture of cotton, he gives us an estimate of the wages of 542,000 weavers, spinners, bleachers, &c., at 24/., and of 80,000 engineers, machine-makers, smiths, masons, joiners, &c. at 50l. a year each. We should look in vain for any figures in the returns of the census to corroborate this statement. The whole number of every age and sex, employed in the cotton trade, is 302,376; and if we include their proportion of those returned under the head of "Fabric not specified," it only amounts to 377,662. Of these, 259,336 are employed within the mills, and Mr Porter gives a return made to the Factory Commissioners of the payments to all the persons employed in 225 factories, averaging 10s. 6d. per week each. Considering that the labour within the mills is the most skilled of all, this is much lower than we expected; but it is admitted on all hands that the earnings of the hand-loom weaver, and most others outside the walls, do not amount to anything like this, and that their condition for years together has been one of unmitigated destitution. The whole number of engineers in the United Kingdom is 25,804, of whom only 4,505 are resident in the county of Lancaster; and as to machine-makers, the whole number in the three king- doms is no more than 8,513, of whom 2,058 reside in this county; and if we include the smiths, masons, and joiners, it will be very difficult to make the numbers amount to two-thirds of Mr McCulloch's estimate. Again, Mr McCulloch states that "allowance being made for old and infirm persons, children, &c. dependent upon those actually employed in the various departments of the cotton manu- facture, and in the construction, repairs, &c. of the machinery and buildings required to carry it on," the entire cotton manufacture must furnish, on the most moderate computation, subsistence for from 1,200,000 to 1,300,000 persons. Where is the evidence in support of such an assertion? Certainly not in the returns of the census. 74 Occupations of the People. The sense in which the term subsistence is here used by Mr McCulloch is, that the wages of the persons employed do directly support this number of 1,200,000. But the returns show that the number of males above twenty years of age is only 138,112, and that all the rest are either females, or under twenty years of age; and therefore not only not heads of families, but it is very improbable that their small earnings can support any but themselves. Our estimate founded on these facts is as follows: 138,112 MALES above 20 years of age.-Heads of Families, and representing three each, besides themselves 414,336 MALES under 20-not Heads of Families 59,171 FEMALES above 20-in most instances the wives of the males above mentioned, and their families, included in the same number 104,470 FEMALES under 20 years of age 75,909 653,886 Add for the proportion of Females married to persons other than those in- cluded in the number above-mentioned, and for the mechanics and other artisans dependent on this branch 50,000 703,886 Such is the number actually receiving wages or directly deriving support from the manufacture of cotton. In this branch of the textile fabrics mechanical power has acquired a greater ascendancy than in any other. The manufac- ture of linens and woollens are fast approximating the same state of things, but in the article of silk the difficulty of applying machinery is found to be much greater. Hence, in proportion to the amount of their productions, the manufacturers of cotton employ a less number of hands, and pay a smaller amount of wages, than any other interest in the kingdom; -a consideration of vast importance, when taken in reference to the employment of the population or the taxation of the country. The Manufacturing Interests. 75 TABLE of the IMPORTS and EXPORTS of KAW COTTON, and also of the MANUFACTURED GOODS EXPORTED, distinguishing YARN from other Manufactures, and giving the OFFICIAL and REAL VALUE of each in the several years from 1820 to 1846. RAW COTTON. MANUFACtured GOODS EXPORTED. YARN. MANUFACTURES. Official Value. Real Value. YEARS. IMPORTED. EXPORTED. Millions of Pounds. Real Value. Millions of Yards. Real Value. Including Hosiery and Small Wares. lb. lb. £ £ £ £ 1820 151,672,655 6,024,038 1821 132,536,620 14,589,477 22 23 2,826,639 2481 13,193,529 22,531,079 16,516.748 211 2,305,823 2694 13,167,965 22,541,615 16,093,787 1822 142,387,628 18,267,786 263 2,697,582 302 13 798,607 26,911,043 17.218 724 1823 191,402,503 9,318,402 27/1/1 2,625,946 3012 12 980,644 26.544,770 16.326,604 1824 149,380,122 13 299,505 33/2 3,135,396 344 14,448,249 30,155,901 18,452,987 1825 228,005,291 18,204,953 32 3 206,729 336/1/ 14,233,009 29,475,281 18,359,526 1826 177,607,401 24,474,920 42 3,491,338 267 9,866,534 25,194 270 14,093,369 1827 272,448,909 18,134,170 443 3,545.578 3651 12,947,035 33,182,898 17 637 165 1828 227,760,642 17,396,776 50% 3,595,405 3631 12,483,249 33,467,417 17,244 417 1829 222,767,411 30,289,115 61- 3,976,874 402 12,516,248 37,269,432 17,535,006 1830 263,961,452 8,534,976 64 4,133 741 444/ 14,119,770 41,050,969 19,428.664 1831 288,674,853 22,308 555 63 3.975,019 4211 1832 286,832.525 18,027,940 755 4,722,759 461 1833 303,656,837 17,363 882 70% 4,704,024 4964 12,163,513 39,357,075 11,500,630 12,451,060 46,337,210 17,257,204 43,786,255 17,398 392 18.486,400 1834 326,875,425 24,461,963 761 5,211,015 555 14,127,352 51,069,140 20,513 585 1835 363,702,963 32,779,734 83 5,706,589 557 15,181,431 52,333,278 22,128,304 1836 406,959,057 31.739,763 88 6,120,366 637 17,183,167 58,578,442 24,632,058 1837 407,286,783 39,722,031 1034 6,955 942 5311 12,727,989 51,130,290 20,597,123 1838 507,850,577 30,644,469 114 7,431,869 690 15,554,733 64,812 528 1839 389 396,559 38,738,238 105 6,858,193 7311 16,378,445 67,917,021 1840 592,488,010 38,673,229 1181 7,101,308 790 16,302,220 73,152,251 1841 487,992,355 37,673 585 123 7,266,968 751 14.985,810 69 798,131 1842 531,750,086 45,251,302 137 7,771,464 734 12,887,220 68.684,891 1843 673,193,116 39,619,979 1401 7.193,971 918 15,168,464 82,189.599 1844 646,111,304 47,222,541 1845 721,523,712 42.916,384 1846 467,748,624 65,930,704 138 6,988,504 1046 17,612,146 91,039,574 135 6,963,235 1091 18,029,808 7,873,727 16,600,678 24 147,726 24.550.376 24.668 618 23,499,478 21,674.598 23.447,971 25 805.348 26,119,331 25,600,693 76 Occupations of the People. CHAPTER VII. THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST.—(Continued.) The Manufacture of Woollens.-Change of Fabric caused by the Mixture of Coarse with Fine Wools.-Numbers employed.— Change of Locality.-Capital invested.—Annual Productions.- Comparison of Home and Foreign Trade.—Table of Woollen Goods exported from 1815 to 1844. The Manufacture of Linen.-Distribution of the Trade.-Number of Persons employed.—Capital invested.-Annual Productions.— Comparison of Home and Foreign Trade.—Table of Imports of Flax and Exports of Linen from 1834 to 1846. The Manufacture of Silk.-Notice of Mr Huskisson's Alteration in Duties in 1824, and Progress of the Silk Trade since that Time. - Quantity imported and smuggled into this Country.—Amount of Capital invested.-Annual Productions.—Comparison of Home and Foreign Trade.—Table of Imports of Raw Silk and Exports of Manufactured goods from 1820 to 1846. Summary of Manufactures.-The Amount of their Annual Pro- ductions. Comparison of the Home and Foreign Trade in the Consumption and Distribution of these. Ir was customary down to the sixteenth century for our mer- chants to carry large quantities of English wool to Flanders, whence were brought back woollen cloths and foreign productions for our consumption. From a very early period, however, the manufacture of wool was an object of the especial protection of the Government; and, until within a few years, this production of our own soil was the great staple of the manufacturing interest. The force of circumstances has compelled it to yield precedence to its more successful rival; and its ancient glory is somewhat obscured, not only by the competition of cotton, but by the in- creasing coarseness of the fabric, so that our finest woollens no The Manufacturing Interest. 77 longer command a preference in other countries, and even our own consumption is made up of a very inferior quality to that which prevailed in the earlier stages of its history. This has somewhat damaged the foreign trade in fine goods, but at the same time it has opened up a wide field for mixtures of every variety, and done great service to both the foreign and the home trade in this particular branch. The caprice of fashion, in respect of these mixtures, has in this instance not only adapted itself to our necessities, but also greatly encouraged the growth of wool both at home and in our colonies. Long may it continue to prevail and to flourish. For this great alteration in the manufacture we are, however, indebted to our neighbours the French, who were the first to dis- cover the value of our long wools, and to adapt them to their present use. Up to 1825 the exportation of British wool was prohibited, but as soon as the French manufacturers were able to procure the combing wool of England, they produced a great variety of new stuffs, not "superior to any that we had ever pro- duced in this country," but of a different texture, fabric, and pattern; and our manufacturers, stimulated by their example, have been able to copy, if not to improve on their discoveries. This is sufficient to account for the fact, that since 1825, although the quantities of foreign wool imported have fluctuated greatly in particular years; yet, on the average of twenty-one years from 1824 to 1845, the consumption has not increased above sixty per cent., while the wool imported from our colonies has increased in the same period from about half a million of pounds to thirty- one millions of pounds; and, collaterally with this, wool of British growth has increased from 6d. to its former value of 1s. 4d. per lb. Some have contended that the reduction of duty on foreign wool, which took place in December, 1824, at the same time that British wool was allowed to be exported, was the principal cause of this change in the fabric; but the facts we have given do not warrant any such conclusion. The ingenuity of the French, in the first instance, and the great influx of Colorial wools at low prices, have enabled our manufacturers to produce a great variety of articles, 78 Occupations of the People. which have supplanted the finer fabrics made from foreign wool; and whatever increase has taken place in the consumption of foreign wool is purely ascribable to the facilities of mixing it with the coarser wools of this country. The falling off in the manufacture of superfine cloths, both of the home and foreign trade, is conclusive on this head. As regards the amount of employment which this branch of trade gives rise to, much difference of opinion appears to exist. Dr Camp- bell, in his "Political Survey of Great Britain," 1774, estimated the number at 1,000,000. The manufacturers at the bar of the House of Lords in 1800, stated the number to be not less than 1,500,000. Mr Stevenson, whom Mr M'Culloch considers to be one of the few writers on statistics to whom deference is due, estimates the present number at 480,000, or perhaps 500,000, and Mr M'Culloch himself states it at 300,000. Our own estimate is that given in the returns of the Census; viz., for Great Britain, 167,296 (see Appendix, 147), being rather more than one-half the lowest estimate; and for Ireland, 77,650 (see Appendix, pp. 151 and 152); making together 244,946 in the United Kingdom. p. That there was much exaggeration in the estimates of Dr Campbell in 1774, and the manufacturers in 1800, none can doubt; but it would be difficult to find a better illustration of the tendency of machinery to supplant human labour than the history of the woollen trade. Up nearly to the close of the war even the steam- engine had made but little progress in the West of England, and the mills in operation along the Bottoms of Gloucestershire, and in the towns of Bradford, Trowbridge, Westbury, Melksham, Chippen- ham, and Frome, gave employment to large numbers of the popu- lation, earning good wages. What has been their condition for many years past? With very few exceptions the manufacturers in this part of the kingdom have failed, and three-fourths of the We much population in many towns are on the poor-rates. doubt if the whole number now employed in the woollen trade in Yorkshire is equal to that which before the introduction of this machinery found employment in Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, and Somersetshire. The Manufacturing Interest. 79 Mr Porter, Mr. M'Culloch, and many other writers, point in a tone of triumph to the increase in population, and enlargement of the towns of Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, and Huddersfield, when, in truth, this enlargement proceeds from no other cause than the decay of the same trades in other localities, and the concentration in large towns of the labour of the population, which had a much more fertilizing influence on society when it was spread over a greater extent of surface. The total number of woollen and worsted mills in the United Kingdom in 1839 was returned by the Commissioners as follows:- England, 1,494; Wales, 161; Scotland, 117; Ireland, 38- total, 1810. And estimating these on the same scale as those engaged in the cotton trade, we arrive at the conclusion that the amount of capital actually employed in this branch of manufactures is as follows:- Capital invested in 1,800 mills, producing an annual rental of about 360,000., which, at six per cent., would represent Capital invested in machinery, about two-thirds the value of that employed in the manufacture of cotton £6,000,000 4,500,000 Capital employed in the purchase of the raw material, and stock in trade, the credit on the sale of the manufactured goods being much longer than on cotton 4,000,000 Capital employed in the payment of wages, for the same reason 2,000,000 Total of capital employed - £16,500,000 Mr McCulloch and Mr Stevenson differ much in their estimate of the amount of manufactured goods annually produced; the several items are thus given by each:- Mr M'Culloch. Mr Stevenson. Raw material 110,000,000 lb. of British wool, at Is. 3d. per lb., and 50,000,000 lb. foreign, at 2s. per lb. - £11,875,000 6,000,000 Wages 7,000,000 9,600,000 Oil, dye-stuffs, soap, &c. 1,100,000 Profits, sums to replace, wear and tear, interest of capital, &c. 4,025,000 2,400,000 £24,000,000 18,000,000 Our estimate rather exceeds that of Mr M'Culloch, and the several items are differently distributed; thus- 80 Occupations of the People. RAW MATERIAL. Foreign wool, the average of twenty-one years, from 1825 to 1845 Colonial wool, average of the last five years, about British wools, according to Mr Porter Oil, dye-stuffs, soap, &c. 34,813,000 at 2s. 6d. £4,351,625 25,000,000 at 1s. 6d. 1,875,000 145,000,000 at ls. 3d. 9,062,500 £15,289,125 1,500,000 5,878,704 2,266,782 2,266,782 · £26,108,073 Wages of 241,946 persons, returned in the Census, at 24/. a year Manufacturers' profits, ten per cent. Wear and tear, and interest on capital, ten per cent. Total value of manufactured goods Having ascertained the amount of goods produced, we have further to consider in what manner they are disposed of. From the table with which this article concludes it will be seen, that with the exception of woollens mixed with cottons and stuffs, woollen or worsted, every other branch of our foreign trade has not only made no progress for the last thirty years, but has fallen off in an extra- ordinary degree. The export of cloths of all sorts, hitherto the most important branch of this trade, has declined from 638,369 pieces in 1815, to 161,675 in 1842, and to 317,073 in 1844. Napped coatings and duffels have nearly disappeared from the list. Kersey- meres, which formerly were the boast of the West of England, is only one-third, and flannels about one-fourth, what they were in 1815. A glance at the table will show that the falling off has not taken place suddenly, from any failure in the supply of the raw material, or from any increase of duties discouraging the production; but, on the contrary, in the face of duties repealed, and increased facilities, the foreign demand has greatly diminished. The fact is, the manu- facture of the fabrics, which now form the great bulk of our exports, namely, mixtures of cotton with wool, require no extra- ordinary machinery, nor any great degree of skill or ingenuity, to make them, and therefore they are made by all countries as well as ourselves. Goods of such qualities as these are not calculated to sustain the reputation of past years, or to challenge the competition of other countries in the manufacture of woollens. Compare the progress of the French exports with that of our own, and you have a solution of our present position in this trade in an instant. The Manufacturing Interest. 81 AN ACCOUNT of the QUANTITIES of BRITISH MANUFACTURED WOOLLEN GOODS EXPORTED in each Year from 1815 to 1844. Years. Cloths of all Napped Coatings, Kersey- Duffels, meres. sorts. Baises of all sorts. Stuffs, Woollen or Worsted. Blankets Carpets Flannels. and and Blanketing. Carpeting. Woollens mixed with Cotton. Hosiery. Sundries Total unenume- Declared rated. Value. &c. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Yards. Yards. 92,691 69,687 91,183 50,038 83,493 61.174 104,468 | 58,578 71,613 39,796 78,944 37,183 1823 94,344 41 539 108,012 | 47 105 1826 328,559 | 41,800 86,038 36 862 1827 371,965 51,690 1829 1828 335,042 40,646 363,075 | 16,186 1815 638.369 88,598 1816 467,222 | 90,481 1817 478.378 | 93,329 1818 | 446,872 | 78 525 | 1819 340,044 | 60,374 1820 | 288,700 | 59,644 | 1821 375.464 69,622 1822 420,497 67,757 356,027 | 54,225 1824 407 720 51,585 585,842 | 3.592,331 1 934,469 | 828.901 2,569,105 1,288,409 91,402 | 41,610 1,022,342 3,504,851 1,424,238 | | 95,870 43,447 1,078,428 4,503 612 1,926,711 | | | 1825 384,880 45,268 126,448 47,100 | | 122,049 47.574 1,258,667 2,518.887 1,899,600 1,195,939 | | 84,524 49,567 1,310,853 2,539,766 2,097.542 | 1,197,947 33,465 52,777 1,307,558 1,572,920 1,839,961 | 593,308 | 7,056,271 | 3,397,187 Yards. 793,793 Yards. Dozens. £ £ 820,038 683 448 2,814,101| 2,305,565 642 586 937 944 4,621,860 2,706,904 | 1,144,330 717,581 3,622,761 | 1,777,719 620,630 926,264 | 202,906 | 265,260 | 9,381,426 764,435 | 119,465 182,461 | 7.842,768 | 851,874 100,385 147,373 7,173,735 | 824,848 | 161,217 170,497 | 8,140,767 495,557 | 101,473 82,909 | 5,984,130- | 526,124 407 716 764,922 627 800 | 884,922 59,960 107,779 1,120,326 | 136,597 39,337 5,586,138 38 986 6,462,866 47,042 | 6,488,167 1,150,133 4.311,997 2,131,632 778,426 918,469 | 106,420 44,619 | 5,636,586 1,242,403 3,105,961 1,990 041 848,842 1.393,443 113,123 43,361 | 6,043,051 | 1,138,808 2,959,594 2,162,834 888,324 1,793,301 106,498 45,335 6 185,648 1,125,308 2,423,120 1,082,582 903,597 531,517 71,922 37,223 4,966,879 846,768 148,117 43,559 | 5,245,649 981,152 159,463 48,314 5.069,741 | 811,538 1,074,077 91,285 41,948 | 4,587,603 1830 389 269 22,377 1831 | 436,143 436,143 | 13,892 1832 396,661 | 23,453 1833 597,189 | 19,543 34,714 49,164 29,650 30,259 40,984 34,874 1,252.512 1,613,099 2,176,391 1,487,404 1.572,558 2,546,328 672,869 1,099,518 111,146 54,038 | 4,728,666 678,656 1 000,004 148,774 64,648 5,232,013 1,800,714 2,304,750 1,681,840 690,042 1,334,072 152,810 55,443 | 5,254,478 31,795 45,036 1834 521,214 | 22,868 1835 619,886 | 20,083 1836 720,587 | 22,814 1,690,559 2,055,072 3,128,106 | 23,891 43,338 1 298,775 1 821,394 2,537,772 29,203 47,854 1,673,069 2,067,620 3,122,341 | 29,610 45,555 1,406,000 2,190,008 4,333,876 22,930 | 43,477 | 1,041,636 | 1,685,457 667,377 1,605,056 232,766 606,912 1,723,069 | 173,073 78,236 6,294,432 75,841 5 736,870 938,848 1,778,389 207,014 110,686 | 6,840,511 1,008,013 1,467,927 163,182 142,533 7,639,353 03 1837 387,787 | 23,605 1838 587,908 | 26,847 1839 392,854 | 25,025 1810 215,746 | 16,091 1841 213,125 | 11,491 1842 161,675 8,433 1843 241,160 5,273 1844 317,073 4.616 1845 37,791 4,773 1846 | 36.428 41,813 1,358,984 1,779,525 2,558,806 32,572 27 749 1,665.596 1,727 025 3,148,846 27,122 36,044 1,718,617 1,613,477 2 162,653 22.131 37,160 2,007,366 1,820,244 2,187.329 | | | 22,467 24,877 1,979,492 1,619,496 | | | | 29,263 21,130 2,443,371 1,719,699 | | | 28,041 22,780 2,492,217 1 993,896 | | | 24,673 23,583 2,212,906 2,405,311 1,846,231 | 109,758 | 123,335 5,795,069 2,388,282 | 175,023 | 258,79 | 6,271,645 3,628,874 | 96,946 164,034 | 5,327,853 5 015 087135,909 163,900 | 5,748,673 6,950,010 | 137,062 152,629 5,185 045 11,199,975 147,507 192,966 6,790,232 724,326 20,661,259 284,390 | 156,093 | 8.204,836 2,479,478 | 1,006,970 23,831,017 | 174,061 178,995 7,693,117 | | | 6,334,298 2,431,683 753,764 1,051,972 74,947 92,617 | 4,655,977 727,539 906,489 758 639 809,315 1,892,591 1,765,970 3,360,690 763,762 747,346 82 Occupations of the Peopie. From the foregoing table, it is clear, that to the extent of two- thirds we are dependent on the home trade for the consumption of what is produced; and considering the very little progress we have made in the export trade, it is difficult to understand the policy that has opened the home market to the competition of the cheaper labour and finer wools of other countries. The Linen Manufacture. The next in importance is the manufacture of linen, which, as compared with other branches, made but little progress, until within a very few years. It is now distributed as follows: England and Wales.-The principal seat of this manufacture is the West Riding of Yorkshire, and the mill of Messrs Marshall, at Leeds, is not only the largest in the world, but for perfection of machinery may be said to rival every other in any branch of trade whatever. It is also carried on to a small extent in Lan- cashire. The whole number of persons employed is only 19,148. Scotland.-In this country the manufacture took root much earlier, and has been prosecuted with greater success than in England. Dundee, Aberdeen, and Dunfermline, are the chief places in which it is carried on to any great extent. The whole number of persons employed is 48,600. The wages of the hand- loom weaver are in general very low, seldom exceeding from 5s. to 8s. per week. Ireland. The woollen trade of Ireland, which had made some progress, was crushed by William III, and the linen manufacture established in its stead. Mr M'Culloch appears to agree with Mr Young and Mr Wake- field, in the opinion that the extension of this manufacture in the north of Ireland, has been prejudicial rather than advantageous to that country. We quote Mr M'Culloch's words that, "it cer- tainly contributed to that morbid increase of population, and that minute division of the land, which are the bane of Ireland, and which are carried to the greatest extent where the manufacture is and was most difficult. The manufacturers too, being not only spinners and weavers, but also little farmers, had their attention The Manufacturing Interest. 83 diverted from their proper business, and were neither sufficiently industrious nor inventive. As might be expected, their earnings were generally very low, and but few amongst them were ever able to emerge to a more elevated sphere. The introduction of the mill system, however, into Ireland, has nearly annihilated their former one, and the manufacture has consequently disappeared from several parts of the country, leaving those who were partially de- pendent on it for subsistence in a very depressed state." We think that most of our readers will differ from these gentle- men as to the effect of the linen manufacture on the population of the north of Ireland; but as regards the operation of the mill system, as it is called, we apprehend there can be no doubt what- ever, for it has had precisely the effect here described on every other branch of trade in which it has been introduced. The number of flax and linen factories in the United Kingdom in 1839 was 415, affording employment to 12,897 males, and 30,594 females. A table at page 147 in the Appendix gives the whole number employed in 1841 thus- England and Wales, and Isles in the British Seas Scotland. Add proportion of fabric not specified Total of Great Britain Ireland. See Appendix, page 149 Total of the United Kingdom 19,148 48,600 67,648 17,465 85,213 • 135,303 • 220,516 The capital invested in this business, if estimated on the same scale as that employed in the cotton manufacture, would not exceed 6,000,000l., or 7,000,000l. Dr Colquhoun makes the annual productions of the linen manufacture to amount to 15,000,0004-Mr M'Culloch to 10,000,000l. When, however, we consider that in 1824, now twenty-three years ago, the Linen Board in Ireland reported it to amount to 2,580,7091. 4s. 9d., and that since that period the mill system has taken root, and greatly increased the production; with the extraordinary extension of this trade in Scotland, we are inclined to think that they exceed Mr McCulloch's estimate, and may be stated thus:- 84 Occupations of the People. Ireland England Scotland £5,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 £12,000,000 The following table will show the imports of flax, and the ex- portation of manufactured linens from 1834 to 1846. LINEN EXPORTED. FOREIGN FLAX IMPORTED. By the Yard, Declared Value. LINEN YARN. Total declared Value, including small Wares. Millions Years. £ of Yards. £ Millions of lb. £ £ 1834 794,272 673 2,357,991 136,312 2,579,658 1835 742,765 773 2,893,139 216,635 3,208,778 1836 1,511.428 82 3,238.031 318,772 3,645,097 1837 933,654 5814 2,063,425 479,307 2,606,752 1838 1,615,905 77 2,717,979 14 746,163 3,566.435 1839 1,216,811 851 3,292,220 16 818,485 4,233,452 1840 1,256,322 891 3,194,827 17/1/ 822,876 4,128,964 1841 1,338,213 90- 3,200,467 25 972,466 4,320,021 1842 1,130,312 69 2,217,373 29/1 1,025,551 3,372,300 1843 1,422,992 84 2,615,566 23 898,829 3,702,052 1844 1,583,328 914 2,801,600 252 1,050 676 4,075,476 1845 1.418 323 1,060,566 4,096,936 1846 1,146,743 875,556 3,713,940 The home consumption of linen must consequently be about two-thirds of the whole quantity produced. Mr M'Culloch remarks that the exportation of yarns has been decreasing for a year or two past, from the circumstance of the French and other foreigners having greatly extended the use of spinning machinery in their own countries. A great portion of the linens exported are sent on consignment to agents in foreign countries for sale, and are sold by them on a credit of six to twelve months. The Silk Manufacture. The experiment of Mr Huskisson on the silk trade in 1824 is often referred to as a signal triumph of free-trade principles. The members of the League have quoted him continually in their debates, and claimed the honourable gentleman as a disciple of their school; and Sir Robert Peel, in the late debate on the Corn Laws. The Manufacturing Interest. 85 endeavoured to impress on the country the history of the experiment in justification of his removal of all protection from agriculture A more fallacious conclusion it would be difficult to imagine. Let us, therefore, trace its history. From 1815 to 1825 the manufacture of cotton goods had made most extraordinary strides. Not only were great improvements taking place almost daily in the fineness of the fabrics produced, but the art of printing cottons was carried to a degree of perfection hitherto unknown; and the very low price at which these could be produced enabled them not only to compete successfully with silk, but almost to extinguish the manufacture of that article altogether With such a competition there was nothing extraordinary in the fact that the manufacturers of silk goods were in a constant state of trouble and embarrassment. But to add to these difficulties the government of that day laid on heavy import duties, not for the protection of any particular interest, but for revenue; viz., on- Foreign Organzine Silk Raw Silk from Bengal • from other places. 8. d. 14 71 per lb. 4 0 5 71 Even, as Mr M'Culloch very properly remarks, "had the manu- facture been otherwise in a flourishing condition, such exorbitant duties on the raw material were enough to have destroyed it." On the 8th of March, 1824, Mr Huskisson therefore proposed to reduce them as follows: Foreign thrown, to 99 Raw Silk in 1826, to s. d. 7 6 per 5 0 0 3 lb. Foreign manufactured silks were up to this time prohibited, but a taste for the costly productions of France prevailed then, as it does at this hour, among the more wealthy classes; and notwith- standing the peril and risk attending his trade at that period the smuggler evaded the Coast Guard, and found opportunities of sup- plying the market with any amount of goods required. And even in 1810, when the smugglers' difficulties were rendered much greater by war, the quantity of contraband silks introduced increased to 86 Occupations of the People. such an extent that an association was formed among the manufac- turers to prevent smuggling. Again, in 1818 and 1819 the silk weavers of Spitalfields and Coventry petitioned Parliament against this illegal competition. In this state of things, Mr Huskisson foresaw that if the silk trade was to be continued in this country, it must be relieved of those enormous duties on the raw material which absorbed the capital of the manufacturer, increased the cost of the production not only to the extent of the duty paid, but to nearly as much more in respect of the loss on the waste of so costly an article, and thus raised the cost of manufactured goods to such an extent as to place them out of the reach of any but the upper classes. These remarks apply with equal force to organzine or thrown silks, for so long as the duty on the raw material prevented manufactured silk goods from competing with muslins and cottons, protection to the throw- ster, high as it was, was utterly valueless. But it is said that he threw open the trade to the competition of the foreigner at the same time, and that in consequence our manufacturers have been stimulated to greater exertion, and have succeeded in beating him. Mr Huskisson removed the prohibition, it is true, but he put on in its place a protecting duty of 30 per cent. ad valorem. Whether this duty has answered the purpose for which it was im- posed or not is quite another thing. It certainly was intended as a protection for our silk trade to the extent of 30 per cent., but the ingenuity and address of the smugglers have triumphed over all obstacles, and, since the year 1824 they have carried on their trade with more success than ever. These persons no longer run the risk of encountering in bodily strife the opposition of the Coast Guard, but, having first made their arrangements with the officers of the Custom-house, they send their packages through the Custom- house itself, and these are delivered with all the regularity of a regular trade to houses of the first eminence in the city, whose principals have figured as free traders on the boards of Covent Garden Theatre, and in the Court of Exchequer as freebooters on the revenue. The extent to which this has been carried on is The Manufacturing Interest. 87 shown in the following table, and it is incredible to suppose that it could have been done without the connivance of some of the officials of her Majesty's Government. The Commissioners of Customs are, or ought to be, men of business; and it is rather too much to conceive that the importation of one-half the silk goods for the last ten years should have been carried on in defiance of their regulations; and yet, if any reliance can be placed on the following statement, such is the fact:- AN ACCOUNT of SILK on which DUTIES have been PAID, and also of the QUANTITIES SMUGGLED from FRANCE into ENGLAND in the several years from 1827 to 1843. YEARS. Exported from France to England. Entered at Custom Houses in England. Quantity Shipped more than Entered. lb. lb. 1827 224,880 104,040 lb. 120,840 1828 335,051 156,216 178.835 1829 211,842 115,918 95,924 1830 289,034 119,826 169,208 1831 303,642 149,187 154,455 1832 312,877 146,665 166,212 1833 351,085 148,196 202,889 1834 317,508 175,562 141,946 1835 298,780 168,772 130,008 1836 283,646 179,977 103,669 1837 268,164 166,723 101,441 1838 393,085 244,626 148,459 1839 505,236 255,245 249,991 1840 625,317 267,477 357,840 1841 624,269 254,120 370,149 1842 503,278 250,306 252,972 1843 484,438 276,256 208.182 6,332,132 3,179,112 3,152,003 It is certainly something new to tell us that the greater the quantity of French silks imported and smuggled, the more our manufacturers are stimulated to competition. If such an argument be good for anything, this stimulant ought to have operated in like manner before 1825, and the sooner the remaining protection of 15 per cent. is taken off the better. Had the importation of French silks declined, or the trade of the smuggler become extinguished by the competition of our own manufacturers, there might have been something in the argument; 88 Occupations of the People. but until both of these events have occurred, the extension of the manufacture in this country must be traced to its real cause, the removal of duties on the raw material which affected the production of the article and the progress of the trade. Such is the history of the alterations proposed by Mr Huskisson, which have been the subject of much misrepresentation. His policy in respect of trade was one to which all may readily subscribe, for it was nothing more than this, that, compatibly with the protection of our home interests, every restriction ought to be removed, and every facility given to promote our intercourse with other nations. As regards the silk trade, his first step was to abolish the book of prices, which had become to a great extent obsolete, and, where acted upon, only served to embroil both master and man; and when Macclesfield and afterwards Manchester set this book at nought, it was high time that Spitalfields should surrender what then existed to their prejudice. He at the same time relieved the manufacturers of duties on the raw material, which had become extremely onerous both to them and the consumer. The instant, however, these revenue duties were taken off, the manufacturers began to make silks at a great reduction in price, and this has proceeded at such an extraordinary rate, that at the present moment the cheapest silks and the highest-priced cottons and muslins are of about the same value. We certainly have not yet arrived at the point of time antici- pated by Mr Huskisson when silk should prevail as an article of general wear among the humbler classes of society, but it would not much surprise us if the manufacture of cheap silks, and fabrics consisting of silk mixed with other materials, were to become a very important branch of trade, and the manufac- turers of this article should for the future be able to carry on a successful competition with those of cotton, and recover much of the ground lost up to the year 1824. Many of our leading men in and out of Parliament ascribe the improvement which has taken place in the silk manufacture solely to the removal of the prohibition against the importation of 13 The Manufacturing Interest. 89 foreign silks, and the consequent stimulus which they say has been thereby given to our manufacturers to produce articles in competi- tion with the French. A sufficient and a much more natural cause is to be found in the removal of the duties we have referred to, which puts us on the same footing as the foreigner in all respects but one—the price of labour; and to this and to nothing else is to be attributed our success in the manufacture of silks. The substi- tuting a duty of 30 per cent. in the place of prohibition has cer- tainly not checked the demand for French silks, or the trade of the smuggler, but, on the contrary, has increased both, for a reference to the foregoing table will prove that these have been, up to a late period, much more extensive and thriving than ever. The reduction of the duty to 15 per cent. will probably put an end to the smuggler's nefarious trade, and at the same time compel some of those large free-trade houses who have already received the attentions of her Majesty's Attorney-General to carry on their trade in silk goods on a more equitable and honourable footing in competition with persons in the same trade. It will also test the ability of our manufacturers to compete with those of France, and we shall rejoice at their success, inasmuch as it will pave the way for that perfect freedom of trade in manufactured. goods which in 1849 is to prevail in respect of agricultural pro- ductions. The number of silk mills in the United Kingdom, in 1839, was 291. These differ in several respects from those engaged in other branches of the textile fabrics. There are a few large estab- lishments in Lancashire, Cheshire, and Derbyshire, but the great bulk are comparatively small concerns, and spread over different parts of the kingdom. Mr Porter says that, with the exception of the preliminary branch-throwing, it has been found impracticable to apply machinery to the production of the finer kinds of silk goods. More depends, therefore, on individual effort to produce any improvement; and as the necessaries of life are much cheaper in France than England, it gives the French a decided advantage over us in this particular branch. For these reasons, the number of persons employed in the mills 90 Occupations of the People. M is comparatively small. In 1839 it only amounted to 10,863 males, and 23,370 females. The returns in the census for 1811 give the whole number employed in the trade as 83,773. (See Appendix, p. 147.) The amount of capital invested does not exceed 4,000,000%., and the value of the goods produced may be estimated at about 10,000,000/ It will be seen, on reference to the annexed Table of Imports and Exports, that our exports to all countries are more than coun- terbalanced by the imports from France, and that the home consumption has since 1820 amounted to 10,000,000l. more than the entire production of the silk trade in this country. A duty for the protection of an interest is as distinct from that of a duty for revenue as any two things possibly can be. For instance, if the Chancellor of the Exchequer could dispense with the revenue derived from malt and spirits, he would find that the increase in the consumption would far exceed not only his most sanguine expectations, but would throw into the shade that which has taken place in the articles of coffee, silk, wool, and lard, which gentlemen so often refer to in illustration of their arguments when speaking on the subject of free trade. On the contrary, let him continue the present high duties, and open the ports to the import- ation of beer and spirits, and in six months every brewery and distillery in the land would be closed. The continuance of these duties is, however, necessary to main- tain the good faith and pay the consequent taxation of the country, and it would be just as absurd to suppose that the heavily-taxed grower of barley in this country could compete with the untaxed and half-civilized farmer of other countries, as to have expected that the manufacturers of silk goods in the year 1824, with such heavy duties on the raw material, could compete with either the manufacturers of cotton, or the cheaper and comparatively untaxed labour of other countries in respect of silk. Were France to concede, what she never will concede, that our cheap cottons should compete with and extinguish her silk trade, we might perhaps be able to supply her with both silks. The Manufacturing Interest. 91 and cottons; but as this is much too extravagant a proposition to be entertained by either the French or English people, we will only further remark that we are utterly at a loss to conceive what advantage can accrue to us in opening up so rich a preserve of native industry to the competition of the foreigner, or what this foreigner can give us as an equivalent for it; and we belong not to that party who would incur the responsibility of making such an experiment on the credulity and common sense of mankind. IMPORTS OF RAW WASTE, THROWN SILK, and EXPORTS of SILK GOODS from 1820 to 1845. Years. Raw and Waste. Thrown. Total. Exports to all Countries. lb. lb. lb. £ 1820 1,717,682 309,953 2,027,635 371,755 1821 1,969,160 360,248 2,329,808 374,473 1822 2,058,685 382,878 2,441,563 381,703 1823 2,104,257 363,864 2,468,121 351,409 1824 3,547,777 463,271 4,011,048 442 596 1825 3,044,416 559,642 3,604,058 296,736 1826 1,964,188 289,325 2,253,513 168,801 1827 3,759,138 454,015 4,213,153 236,344 1828 4,162,550 385,262 4,547.812 255,870 1829 2,719,962 172,239 2,892,201 267,931 1830 4,256 982 1831 3,798,090 436,535 4,693,517 514,240 4,312,330 521 010 578,874 1832 4,643,315 329,732 4,373,247 529,990 1833 4,493,176 268,367 4,761,543 737,404 1834 4.356,683 165,768 4.522,451 636,419 1835 5,533,880 254,578 5,788,458 972,031 1836 5,764,222 294,201 6,058,423 917,822 1837 4,387,561 211,298 4,598,859 503,673 1838 4,548,121 242,135 4,790,256 777,280 1839 4,437,301 228,643 4,665,944 868,118 1840 4,531,115 288,147 1841 4,490,620 1842 5.281,059 4,819,262 792 648 266,651 4,757.171 788,894 363,524 5,644,583 590.189 1843 5,037.784 333,602 5,371,386 667.952 1844 5,679 706 405,927 6,085,633 736,455 1845 1846 5,816,296 5,285,672 511.832 6,328,128 766.405 431,681 5,717,353 837,577 The duty of 30 per cent. received on 3,173,676 lb. of silk goods imported from 1827 to 1843 amounted to 19s. 9d. per pound. Estimating the entire quantity both duty paid and smuggled, viz. 6,332,132 lb. at the same rate (see page 87), the value of French silks imported during this period was 20,843,2687., or 10,717,186l. more than the amount of all the silks exported by us to all countries. We have thus reviewed the past and present circumstances of the four principal branches of the manufacturing interest of this 92 Occupations of the People. country, which furnish employment to a large proportion of the whole number engaged in it. Of the others it is unnecessary to speak in detail, as the table in the Appendix, page 147, will give the several numbers, showing their individual and relative importance. Our estimate of the whole may be shortly restated thus:- Cotton Manufacture: Woollen ditto Great Britain 167,296 Ireland 77,650 Number of Persons Employed. Amount of Capital Annual Employed. Productions. Home Trade. Foreign Trade. ₤ £ 377,622 24,500,000 45,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 Linen • Great Britain 85,213 Ireland 135 303 Silk Hose Lace Hardware and Cutlery, including Brass, Cop- per, Iron, Steel, Tin, and Pewter Manufac.. tures Leather • Paper Furniture, Books, Printing, &c. China, Glass, Earthen- ware, &c. Jewellery, Plate, &c. Miscellaneous Total • • 244,946 16,500,000 26,000,000 18,000,000 8,000,000 220,516 7,000,000 12,000,000 8,000,000 4,000,000 83,773 4,000,000 10,000,000 9,300,000 700,000 50,955 1,000,000 2,500,000 35,347 2,000.000 3,000,000 3,000,000 4,300,000 1,200,000 18,000,000 11,000,000 7,000,000 500,000 427,747 23,000,000 13,000,000 12,500,000 14,000,000 13,500,000 500,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 3,300,000 3,000,000 300,000 35,384,292 25,000,000 10,384.292 1,440,906 78,000,000 187,184,292 118,600,000 58,584,292 This statement, of course, can be only a probable approximation to the annual value of the productions of the Manufacturing Interest of this country. It is, however, important, as showing the relative value of the home as compared with the foreign trade, the former being two-thirds and consequently double the latter. To arrive at a just conclusion as to the addition which the Manufacturing Interest makes annually to the common stock of the community, it will be necessary that from this amount of 187 millions we deduct the value of the raw material used in our The Manufacturing Interest. 93 manufactures, which in round numbers may be estimated at fifty millions; thus:- Cotton Wool Flax Silk Dye stuffs, oils, and all other articles used in manufactures Metals of all kinds Coals · Total £ 10,000,000 15,000,000 4,000,000 4,000 000 5,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 50,000,000 ! This would leave 137,000,000l. for the labour of those employed (1,440,906), and for the support of those deriving their subsistence from or dependent on those employed (6,650,715), being together 8,091,621 persons. (See Appendix, page 152.) It also includes the manufacturer's profits, the wear and tear of machinery, and tools, and the interest of capital. Having the assistance of machinery, the productions of this interest are of course much greater than the Agricultural, as com- pared with the capital and numbers employed by each, and this comes in confirmation of our conclusion as regards the degree of support which the Manufacturing Interest gives to the population. Before we dismiss this branch of our subject, there is one fact arising out of the manufacturing system as at present carried on which requires especial notice. In the table given in this work of the value of all goods exported from 1801 to 1846, it will be seen that the real as compared with the official value has varied at different periods in a most remarkable manner; thus— Years. Official Value. Real Value. Increase or Decrease on the Real as compared with the Official Value. £ 1801 24,927,684 1805 23,376,941 £ 29,730,659 38,077,144 Increase, 60 per Cent. 65 "" 1810 34,061,901 48,438,680 41 دو 1815 42,875,996 51,603,028 21 1820 38,395,625 36,424,652 Decrease, 6 39 1825 47,166,020 38,877,388 20 " "" 1830 61,140,864 38,271,597 38 "" "" 1835 78,376,731 47,372.270 40 "} 1840 102,714,060 51,406,430 50 1846 134,385,829 59,837,660 56 94 Occupations of the People. Now, if we were to estimate the 134,000,000l. exported in 1846 at the same rate as the 25,000,000l. in 1801, the real value would be 214,000,000l. ; but, producing only about 60,000,000l., it would appear to prove that the articles manufactured and exported at the present time are depreciated in value to the extent of 154,000,000l., or, as compared with 1801, 270 per cent.; but this is not exactly so. The reduced price of the raw material will certainly account for a portion, although a very small one, of this 154,000,000l. As we have already seen, the whole value of the raw materials used in our factories in any one year during the last twenty, would not reach to more than one-third of this amount. To what, then, are we to attribute this extraordinary fact? We answer, simply and solely to the extension of our mechanical power. It is not that the manufacturer does not realize a profit on his goods,—the very reverse is the truth. He never was in a more palmy condition or made larger profits than during this period of apparent depreciation; but the whole system has undergone a great revolution. In the best days of the late Sir Robert Peel it was usual to esti- mate profits in the cotton trade at probably twenty times the present rate; but then the quantity produced was comparatively small and wages proportionably high; whereas at the present time the manufac- turers calculate their profits by the fractional parts of a farthing, and counterbalance any deficiency in the rate of profit by pro- ducing every year of their existence almost enough to cover the entire circumference of the earth. There would be great cause for triumph at such a result, if all classes in the community shared the profits equally with the manufacturer; but, unfortunately, just in proportion as the mill owner acquires great wealth, the condition of the operative outside the walls of the mill verges to one of extreme destitution. An acre of land, if cultivated, must pay a tithe of its produc- tions to support the religion of the State, and an equal contribu- tion with any other property in respect of the poor, county, and church-rates; but mechanical power may exercise its productive The Manufacturing Interest. 95 faculty ad infinitum, with but a trifling reference or liability to either the one or the other. The building may be rated at 2007., 500l., or 1,000l. a year, but it has a power within it, which, as com- pared with landed property rated at the same amount, will produce a hundred fold as great a return: a principle in legislation as deteriorating in its operation on the masses as it is unjust to individuals. This is rendered every year more and more apparent by the fact that periods of stagnation are more frequent than ever, and the working classes, to check the operation of this system, have now combined for a ten hours bill. They are well aware that when trade is brisk they will be able to dictate the price of labour to their masters, and that in times of depression their condition could not be worse than it is at present. It will in all probability compel the manufacturers to keep larger stocks, and to equalize the labour of their factories by a more constant employment of those engaged, and thus raise not only the scale of wages, but also the rate of profits. It is the first blow that has been effectively struck at the over- whelming preponderance of mechanical power, but it will not be the last. The manufacturers may "fret and chafe under the infliction," to use the language of Sir James Graham, but they will have to submit; and the time is not far distant when this hitherto irre- sponsible power of production will be exercised only in the pro- portion that it may contribute to the taxation of the country and the necessities of the State. 96 Occupations of the People. CHAPTER VIII. THE MINING INTEREST. — Its Antiquity.-Coal.- Iron.-Tin.-Lead. - Salt. Summary of Persons employed.-Capital embarked.—Annual Productions.- Comparison of Home and Foreign Trade. THE Mining Interest of this country is one of great antiquity, and is separate and distinct from the manufacturing, or any other. It existed for centuries before the manufacturing interest acquired any degree of importance; and, as some of our writers assure us that our present stock of coal is likely to hold out for at least 2,000 years more, it is not improbable that the mines of this country may be an inexhaustible source of wealth, long after the manu- facture of the textile fabrics shall again have shifted its locality, and set out upon its travels to other countries. Coal.-Our coal mines date from the thirteenth century; and the present annual cousumption is estimated at about 38,000,000 tons. According to Mr M'Culloch, it is thus distributed: Domestic consumption and small manufactures Railway carriages, steamers, &c. Tons. 20,000,000 1,200,000 21,200,000 MANUFACTURES. Production of pig and bar iron Cotton manufacture Woollen, linen, silk, &c. • Copper, smelting, brass manufactures. Salt works • Lime works Tons. 9,125,000 • 1,000,000 1,000,000 • • 1,000,000 375,000 700,000 13,200,000 1,500,000 2,500,000 4 000,000 38,400,000 Total consumed in manufactures EXPORTS. To Ireland To colonies and foreign parts The Mining Interest. 97 The export trade is scarcely worthy of notice, and it will be seen from the above list that the quantity consumed in manu- factures is only one-third. We believe this to be much over- rated; but whether the calculation be true or not, there is very little doubt that the domestic consumption as here stated is equal to one half of the whole. Estimated at an average of 10s. per ton, the annual produce of our coal mines would amount to 19,200,000l., but when so large a proportion of the whole is carried coastwise, as well as by canals and railroads ramifying in all directions throughout the kingdom, we should say this estimate is much too low, and, provided the quantity stated be correct, we entertain no doubt that the cost to the consumer falls very little short of 25,000,000l. annually. The number of persons returned in the census as working in coal mines was 115,883 males and 2,350 females (see Appendix, p. 163). Other considerations, however, of vast importance attach not only to the coal trade, but to the mining interest generally; and among others is the great amount of shipping it gives employment to. The north country trade alone employs 1,500 vessels, and above 15,000 seamen and boys, thus acting as an excellent nursery for sea- men, and constituting a powerful arm of defence in the time of war. Iron.-There is, it is said, authentic evidence to show that iron works were established by the Romans in the Forest of Dean, in Gloucestershire, and in other parts of the kingdom. Owing, however, to complaints of the destruction of timber for the smelting of iron, it made but little progress, until Lord Dudley, in 1619, discovered a process and obtained a patent for smelting iron ore with pit coal. The manufacture was distributed in 1840 as follows: South Wales • Staffordshire Shropshire Yorkshire Derbyshire North Wales Forest of Dean Scotland • Various, including Northumberland • Total. • Furnaces. Tons. 163 producing 505,000 151 427 650 31 82,750 32 "" 56,000 18 "" 31,000 15 "" 26,500 4 15,500 70 6 490 241,000 11,000 1,396,400 h 98 Occupations of the People. The manufacture in Scotland, in 1846, was carried on at the rate of about 500,000 tons per annum; and assuming that the same rate of increase took place in the districts above-mentioned, the total make for the United Kingdom would be about 1,750,000 tons. The number of persons working in the iron mines is returned in the census as 10,949 (see Appendix, page 163), and in the manu- facture of iron, 30,342 (see Appendix, page 149). The latter are very properly classed as manufacturers, although closely allied to the mining interest. Mr McCulloch estimates the annual production of iron to be worth about 14,000,000l., but we think this is much over-rated. In years of great excitement and railway speculation, the price is unnaturally forced up, and the production probably much increased; but at other times it is not unusual to deduct 25 or 30 per cent. from the quantities here stated for reduced make, and the prices average 25 per cent. under those on which this estimate is formed. These deductions would, in ordinary times, make the annual value about 8,000,000l.; and this is more in accordance with the profits returned under the income tax. The foreign trade in 1846. amounted to about 500,000 tons of all sorts, leaving for the con- sumption of the home trade the remaining 1,000,000 or 1,250,000 tons, being about two-thirds of the whole. The United States of America, in 1844, took one-fifth of the whole quantity exported; but the reader will find, at page 57, a statement of their own progress in the manufacture of iron, not calculated to induce a hope that this branch of our trade with them will be either extended or continued. Tin.-The tin mines of Cornwall are the most ancient of all. Herodotus mentions the "Cassiterides, or Tin Islands," to which the Phœnicians traded, which are generally supposed to mean those of Britain. The number of persons actually working in the mines is very mall, only 6,101 in all. (See Appendix, page 163.) In addition to these, the manufacture of tin gives employment to 1,320 tin manufacturers (see Appendix, page 151), and 9,657 tin-plate workers, dealers, &c. (See Appendix, page 159.) The Mining Interest. 99 The quantity annually produced is about 4,500 tons, which at 70l. per ton amounts to 315,000l., of which the export trade takes about one-third, and the home trade two-thirds. Until 1817, the China market took about 800 tons annually, but since the restoration of the island of Borneo to the Dutch, its mines have been so pro- ductive, that they now not only supply the markets of India and China, but send a large quantity to the Continent of Europe. Mr Porter states that, inasmuch as our production of this metal is greater than our consumption, it would be absurd to suppose that any foreign produce could enter injuriously into competition with that of our own mines. A conclusion, we submit, that the history of no one article in commerce will justify. America may send us iron, and Borneo tin, if the price of their labour is less than ours; and the price of labour is governed not only by supply and demand, but by the amount of taxation, which enters into every element of which it is composed. Copper. The ores of copper and tin being frequently mixed, it follows that these mines are also of a very ancient date; but it was not till the beginning of the eighteenth century, that they acquired any great degree of importance. The annual produce is thus distributed :-Cornwall, 11,000 tons; Devon, 500; other parts of England, 260; Anglesey, 750; other parts of Wales, 150; Ireland, 1,400;—total, 14,060; which, at 1007. per ton, would produce 1,406,000. The export trade takes about one-half, and the re- mainder is consumed at home. The number of persons actually employed in the mines in Great Britain is 15,407; in addition to which there are copper manufacturers, 2,140; and copper-smiths, 1,319. (See Appendix, pages 155 and 148.) Mr McCulloch estimates the numbers employed in and on the copper and tin mines at 45,000; but the numbers we have given are the only ones that appear in the returns of the census. Lead.-The working of mines of this valuable mineral is also said to date from the time of the Romans. The total annual produce is estimated at 50,000 tons, which, at 207. per ton, would be worth 1,000,000l. About one-fifth of this is exported, and the remainder taken for home consumption. It gives employment to 11,419 persons. (See Appendix, page 163.) 100 Occupations of the People. Salt.—Mr M'Culloch estimates the production of our salt mines and works at 537,000 tons per annum, of which 200,000 tons are consumed at home, and 337,000 tons exported. Value, at 15s. per ton, about 400,0007. SUMMARY of the MINING INTEREST of the UNITED KINGDOM. Number of Persons Employed. Amount of Annual Productions. Home Trade. Foreign Trade. £ Coal. Iron • 118,233 25,000,000 £ 23,500,000 £ 1,500,000 · 10,949 8,000,000 5,500,000 2,500,000 Tin (exclusive of tin 6,101 315,000 plates) 210,000 105,000 Copper Lead Salt • 15,407 1,406,000 706,000 700,000 11,419 1,000,000 800,000 200,000 268 400,000 • Manganese 195,000 205,000 275 Minerals not specified. 34,269 196 921 36,121,000 30,911,000 5,210,000 It is difficult to form any estimate of the probable amount of capital embarked in this interest, but the assessment to the Property and Income Tax in 1842-3 was as follows: Profits of mines "" of iron works of quarries. £ 8. d. 2,081,387 1 5 550,435 5 6 240,483 9 6 2,872,305 16 5 which, reckoning the profits at 10 per cent., would make the capital employed in the Mining Interest amount to 28,723,0007. Maou The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 101 CHAPTER IX. THE SHIPPING AND COLONIAL INTERESTS. FOREIGN COMMERCE. Notice of Commerce previous to the Rise of the Manufacturing Interest. The Shipping Interest.—Navigation Laws.-Origin and Intention of them.-Reciprocity Treaties.-Reduction of Protective Duties on Whale Oil, and its Effect on the Whale Fisheries.-Mistake of Sir Robert Peel as to the Cause of the Advance in Value of Lard. -Coasting Trade.-Foreign Trade.-Colonial Trade.-Capital invested in Shipping.-Annual Profits. The Colonial Interests.—The Political Importance of our Colonies.- Opinions of Mr M'Culloch and Mr Porter.-List of our Colonies. -Shipping.-Exports. The Foreign Trade.-Comparative Tables of the Imports and Ex- ports of England, France, and the United States from 1801 to 1844.-Exports of Great Britain to all Countries in 1844.- Official and Declared Value of the Exports and Imports of Great Britain from 1801 to 1846. SHIPS, COLONIES, and COMMERCE, have long been considered the outward symbols of the greatness and power of the British empire. Long before Manchester and Birmingham had emerged from comparative obscurity as towns, or acquired any degree of im- portance either in trade or population, our mercantile fleets had circumnavigated the world, and the enterprise of our merchants had led them to traffic at all the ports and in all the productions of the most distant countries. Like the Venetians and the Dutch in times of old, they waited not for the labours of the spindle and the loom, but made our cities the depôts for the merchandise of the world; and, in bartering the 102 Occupations of the People. productions of one quarter of the globe for those of another, they acquired great wealth for themselves, and at the same time ex- tended and consolidated the power of the nation. It was this spirit of enterprise that first gave to Britain the dominion of the seas. It was this which enabled her to plant in the Western Hemisphere the germ of a great and mighty nation that bids fair to powerfully influence, if not to control, the destinies of the world for ages yet to come. It was this which enabled a handful of merchant adventurers, who first were humble suppliants. for a mercantile residence in Hindostan, to obtain and to hold pos- session of more than a million of square miles of the richest portion of the earth, and gave to the British Crown absolute dominion over a hundred and twenty millions of souls. It was this same spirit which planted the language, institutions, and interests of Britain in every portion of the globe, until it presents a combination of and wealth without a parallel in the history of the world. As mainly instrumental in producing these mighty results, we must first speak of The Shipping Interest. power The policy which governed this country in respect of its shipping for about 160 years originated with the Protectorate of Cromwell, and was afterwards perfected by the 12th Charles II, chap. 18. This act provided, that no merchandise of either Asia, Africa, or America should be imported into Great Britain in any but English built ships, navigated by an English commander, and having at least three-fourths of their crew English. Besides this exclusive right secured to British shipping, higher duties were levied on goods imported in foreign ships from Europe than if imported under the English flag. To provide for and sustain this mighty arm of defence, which alone can render our insular position impregnable, it was also con- sidered necessary that a well-ordered and extensive mercantile navy should co-exist, for without it that of the nation would soon be paralyzed; and not only during the late war, but in the most perilous times of our history, the recognition of this principle has done the state much service. The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 103 Were no other considerations to be attended to but that of cheapness, a nation's honour might become a matter of bargain or sale, and its independence would fall before the first aggressor. Our ancestors therefore considered a mercantile navy something more "than the mere tools with which the merchants work, Mr Porter expresses it, and they wisely concluded that both "the means and the end of commerce" should be subservient to the se- curity of the country. "" as In consequence of the Americans, immediately after obtaining their independence, having enacted navigation laws, the exact counterpart of our own, the first concession of reciprocal duties was made to them in 1815, and afterwards to nearly all nations, in virtue of the reciprocity acts passed in the 4th and 5th of George IV. It is not within the object of the present work to discuss the political considerations which belong to such a matter, but there were many which at that time induced the Earl of Liverpool's Government to make this concession, which only, however, affected the principle of the navigation laws to a certain extent. The preponderance of English shipping at the close of the war over that of all other nations, gave to our shipowners precedence and possession of the trade which a twenty years' war had conferred in like manner on our manufacturers, and left them little to fear on the score of competition. Furthermore, the Americans, up to this time, had been harassed and humbled by the expenses of the war just concluded. They had made no progress in manufactures, and very little in any thing else; and it was at this conjuncture of their affairs, when our exports at that moment exceeded in value any thing they have ever done since, and our merchants and manufacturers promised to themselves a rich harvest of trade, that this concession was made to them. In fact, it was to counteract the operation of their own law, which, if the expectations of our merchants had been realised, would have affected our shipping much more seriously than our own regulations could have affected theirs. A great depreciation in the value of British shipping, however, immediately took place, and a large portion of the capital invested in this interest at that period was wholly lost, That our shipping has increased since is nothing very remarkable. 104 Occupations of the People. There has been an increase of 75 per cent. in our own population, and of 300 per cent. in that of America. The consumption and productions of our colonies have been greatly extended, and the commerce of our merchants with the South American States, and the opening of the East India and China trades have all tended to one end-the increase of our shipping. It must also be re- membered that a very large proportion of our trade is carried on with countries either lying at a great distance, or having no com- mercial marine to compete with us, so that the actual value of the concession made to other countries by the reciprocity acts is not of the importance which some would imagine. The only effect that we can legitimately trace to these treaties is, that they have prematurely called into existence the latent energies of other countries; and although for some years after the commencement of this reciprocity system they made little or no progress, yet they have latterly mended their pace, and in the race of competition are now in some instances enabled to beat us out of the field in respect to trades hitherto peculiarly our own. Take, for instance, that of the whale fisheries. Up to 1824 a bounty was given, but in that year discontinued. A pro- tecting duty of 391. 18s. per tun on sperm oil was substituted from that time down to 1830, when it was reduced to 157. per tun. By the last alteration the duty is to cease altogether in 1848, and the markets of England for the sale of sperm oil to be opened to the foreigner. The result may be told in a few words. In the year 1820 it found employment for 137 vessels, averaging about 350 tuns each, or 48,000 tons of shipping, with 4,000 men; and the annual import of sperm and black whale oil was estimated at from 500,0007. to 600,000l. The price of the article to the public during this period varied from 50l. to 70l. per tun. The protection to the English fisherman being taken away, he knew that he could no longer compete with the American, whose outfit was so much cheaper than his own, and therefore withdrew from the trade. In the year 1845 not a single ship cleared out for this fishery, and it may be said to be all but extinct. THE AMERICANS, on the other hand, have increased the number of their ships to 720, giving employment to 20,000 men. The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 105 Our colonists of New Zealand and Van Diemen's Land have adopted the trade which the mother country has been compelled to abandon, and have prosecuted it with some considerable degree of success; but Great Britain is now principally supplied with spermaceti and black whale oil from the United States of America, and as a consequence the prices for many years past have ranged from 20 to 25 per cent. above those of the preceding years. It will be in the recollection of the public, that in the debate on the Corn Laws last session, Sir Robert Peel laid great stress on the fact of lard having increased in price since the reduction of duty. Now, what is the real state of the case? The slightest inquiry of any one conversant with the trade in this article would have satisfied Sir Robert that his reduction of the duty on lard had nothing whatever to do with the advance in its value. This was solely owing to the discovery of a process for extracting oil from it, which is now used in our spinning factories to a great extent, in consequence of the extravagant price of spermaceti oil; and this would have taken place, had no reduction of the duty ever been made. This practice of ascribing effects to causes which have no relationship whatever to them, may deceive the multitude, and suit party purposes, but it is unworthy of the statesman or the politician. The number of vessels in the British empire in 1844 consisted of 31,320, amounting to 3,637,231 tons, and giving employment to 216,350 men. From the number of times which each vessel enters and clears in the course of the year, it is impossible to ascertain with any degree of accuracy what proportion in point of numbers are engaged in the coasting and the foreign trade respectively, but it will be seen that the foreign trade conducted in British vessels is about one-fourth of the whole; thus:- ENTERED INWARDS. Coasting trade Foreign ENTERED OUTWARDS. Tons. 10,964,707 3,647,463 Coasting trade Foreign Tons. 11,694,861 3,852,822 14,612,170 15,547,683 Of the trade here described as foreign, more than one-third of 献 ​1 106 Occupations of the People. the whole is carried on with our colonies. The colonial shipping consists of 7,304 vessels, amounting to 592,839 tons, and employing 40,659 men. This is about one-fourth of the whole Shipping Interest of the British empire, and is altogether independent of a large amount of shipping belonging to the United Kingdom, em- ployed in the same trade. We are not aware of any return distin- guishing the entries of colonial ships from those of the United Kingdom; but it will be seen, on referring to pages 170 and 171 in the Appendix, that for the year 1844 the colonial trade gave employment to more than one-third in tonnage of the ships that entered inwards and cleared outwards during that year; thus- Ships. Tonnage. Crews. Entered Inwards from all parts during the year Of which, from British Dependencies Entered Outwards for all parts during the year. Of which, for British Dependencies 19,687 4.202 3,647,463 195,728 1,377,848 61,311 19,788 3,582,222 212,924 4,854 1,562,251 77,534 The capital invested in the Shipping Interest of Great Britain and her colonies may be estimated in round numbers at 10l. per ton, which, on 3,637,231 tons, would amount to 36,372,3107.; and if we average the profits at the rate of 10 per cent., it gives about 3,637,2317. as the aggregate annual profit derived by this all- important branch of our national industry. Repeal or suspend the navigation laws, and give the foreigner free access to our colonial and coasting trade, and it will be something new in the history of the world, if the same degree of competition which has driven us out of the whale fisheries should not be carried into every branch of our Shipping Interest. What the equivalent may be for this very extraordinary specula- tion we have yet to learn. The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 107 The Colonial Interest. When we consider the vast extent of the dependencies of Great Britain, and that they embrace every climate, and possess every natural advantage which the great Creator has bestowed on the human race, our interests would appear to be unbounded, and the space for the exertion of our population unlimited. In the East, the West, the North, and the South, our colonies are at once the evidence of our power and our wealth, and the possession of such mighty means, and at the same time the often recurring complaints of our own people, would seem to imply either an utter disregard of their importance, or the most absolute deficiency of ability to apply them for the general benefit of the commonwealth. Men but little acquainted with either the history or the require- ments of their country, but who nevertheless have been returned to Parliament as the representatives of the people, have talked of the baneful influence of this country over her colonies, and con- tributed to the mischievous delusion that they are a source of weakness instead of strength, and that their mismanagement was a sufficient justification for their separation from the parent state. It would be more easy to account for such opinions than to justify them. That many grievous errors have been committed in our colonial policy none can doubt, but more sound principles of government begin to prevail, and the time may not be far distant when our colonies will be considered and treated as integral parts of one great and mighty kingdom. CC In the East we have founded an empire of great extent, and almost boundless resources. Mr Porter estimates that India alone 'pours into the lap of Britain" three millions annually, but this we consider a very limited view of a very important fact. The dividends on East India Stock charged on the land revenues of India amount to 630,000l. per annum. The yearly revenue of India is 18,000,000l., and a large proportion of this is paid to natives of Great Britain employed in its government. Her trade 108 Occupations of the People. with us is now about 8,000,000l. a year. Coupling these, therefore, with the extraordinary fortunes made by individuals, and regu- larly transmitted home to increase our wealth and employ our artisans, we cannot help estimating the benefits which this country derives from her territorial and commercial connexion with India at not less than ten millions per annum. Independently of this, the contiguity of India to the most popu- lous nation on the face of the earth, and the means it affords us to influence and promote our interests in China, would seem to give to this acquisition a degree of importance which, either in a political or commercial sense, is incalculable. In the West, we have also an interest not so magnificent in its commercial prospects as regards the future, but the preservation of which is probably of more political importance than our empire of the East. It would be a folly to disguise from ourselves the truth, that a great and mighty nation, an offshoot from ourselves, is fast rising to maturity, and may soon be in a condition to dispute with us the empire of the seas and the trade of the world. The hope so beautifully expressed by the late Right Honourable George Canning, "that the mother and daughter might stand, united, a match for the world in arms," is not justified by the experience of the past, and cannot be relied upon with any degree of safety for the future, for our rival interests have on all occasions had the effect of forcing us into the most deadly contests, and that in the most perilous times of our existence. America will belie the truth of history if, when she shall have accumulated great wealth, and the arts and sciences shall have struck their roots deep in her institutions, she fails to become aristocratic, fond of distinctions and honours, and, as a natural consequence of her progress in civilization, to clothe herself in the imperial purple, put a royal diadem on her head, and set herself down among the nations of the earth as the Queen of the Western World. To counteract this influence, and to oppose to it a formidable barrier by raising up another nation great and powerful at her own door, even if not embued with British feelings, and sensibly alive to The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 109 the value and importance of British connexion, we imagine to be a duty on this country paramount to all others. Every encouragement should therefore be given to induce emi- gration in the first instance to the Canadas and our possessions in that quarter, and the emigration of our people to this or any other dependency of the British Crown, instead of being left to provide for itself, or as a matter of profit in the hands of unprincipled speculators, ought to be one of anxious solicitude on the part of the mother country. Independently of the misery and ruin which any failure necessarily entails on the poor emigrants themselves, it is sure to react on this country by preventing great numbers from adopting it as a remedy for the evils of their present condition. If our own population therefore is excessive-if the Malthusian theory is correct, and population increases faster than food, let them go forth, but let them go, as did the Greeks and Romans of old, with their institutions, their altars, and their gods. The facilities which steam navigation is every year placing within our reach are such as to give us a command of means for as frequent a communication with these parts as one hundred years ago existed between London and Edinburgh, and with such facilities, and such a mass of wealth, as exists at the present time in this country, there ought to be no want of employment for our people, and no complaining in our streets. The magnificent harbour of Halifax, and the numerous other ports, by which we can always keep in check and if necessary interfere with the trade of all the Atlantic cities in America, ought to be secured and maintained at any expense whatever; for in our hands they are a guarantee of peace, while in the hands of the Americans they would be certain to lead to the subjugation of all our interests in that part of the globe. The Sugar Islands of the West Indies are the next in importance, and whether we consider the value of their own productions, or the amount of our exports, they may be considered a mine of wealth, for the loss of which nothing would compensate us. Our possessions at the Cape of Good Hope, in the Mediterranean, 110 Occupations of the People. in Australia, and the different other places set forth in the annexed list, are all so many points of offence and defence for the protection, the security, and the promotion of our interests. Against this array of what has hitherto been considered the most important parts of our political system, the same antagonistic prin- ciple of no protection is, however, in full operation. Mr McCulloch says that "the advantages supposed peculiarly to belong to the colony trade are in a great degree imaginary." "The surplus derived from India is quite trifling indeed." "Canada is a costly and worthless possession," "and our trade a forced and factitious one.” "The Canadians would be better employed in cultivating the earth than in supplying us with timber, because it interferes with our trade in the Baltic, and prevents the Russians, Prussians, Norwegians, and Swedes from taking more of our manufactures.” "Our West Indian Colonies, because they supply articles on which a great revenue is raised, are only on a par with China and Virginia. " Mr Porter reiterates the same arguments in nearly the same language, and in addition says that he is at a loss for words to describe adequately our folly in supporting such a policy, and "that occasion is sometimes taken by the advocates of the protective system to point out the actual and comparative magnitude of our colonial trade in proof of the practical wisdom of their doctrine.” This is precisely the fact, and we know not what can so well represent the value of a thing as its "actual and comparative magnitude." Against Mr M'Culloch's estimate of India "as quite trifling indeed," we say that it "pours into the lap of Britain" ten millions annually. In opposition to his opinion that Canada is a costly and worthless possession, we contend that, with the facilities of steam communication, it may be made a field of profit for the exertions of our surplus population for ages yet to come, and coupled with our other possessions in that quarter, its political importance is above all price. With a balance of trade already in favour of the Baltic, and which will be fearfully increased when, as Mr Porter anticipates, we shall have become "habitually and increasingly” importers of The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 111 foreign grain, the Russians, Prussians, &c., &c., want no additional inducement to take our manufactures, nor any timber trade to rectify exchanges already so much against us. And as to our West Indian Islands, with what degree of fairness or honesty can our connexion with these be compared to that with China and Virginia. Until very recently their ports were closed against all manufacturers but our own, and the benefits were reciprocal. Both parties prospered by their mutual depen- dence on each other; but what security can we have that our interests will be regarded with equal favour by countries who owe to us no allegiance. Mr M'Culloch and Mr Porter both admit that "there are grave doubts whether, after the sugar duties are equalized, our planters can sustain the competition of the planters of Cuba or Brazil, who command the services of slaves." At the best, therefore, we are only exchanging a certainty for an uncer- tainty. Should the prices of sugar rise in Brazil and Cuba with the increased demand for our markets and the discouragement of its growth by our own planters, it will only serve as another illus- tration of the free-trade principle in respect of every article on which it has been tried; and it is not only possible, but extremely probable, that we shall ruin our planters without enriching our manufacturers. wants. We say nothing of the contradiction implied in giving 20,000,0001. to purchase the liberty of our own slaves, and then giving encou- ragement to the slave-grown productions of other countries, in respect of articles we can grow in sufficient abundance for our The advocates of the new light are men whose ideas take a wider range, and while they are almost unable to imagine the extent to which the prosperity of the country may be carried under the operation of the free-trade system, they are not unwilling in the furtherance of their object to sacrifice the most noble and exalted act of philanthropy ever chronicled in the history of nations, and at the same time every other consideration, national, political, and moral. We know of no authority for the amount of British capital invested in British colonies. But when it is considered that these 112 Occupations of the People. dependencies embrace a vast population, and that they carry on an extensive trade not only with ourselves, but with all the world; that they give employment to more than one-third of the shipping employed in the foreign trade, and absorb one-fourth of the whole exports of the United Kingdom, their "actual and comparative im- portance" can be no longer matter of doubt. Some authors esti- mate the fee simple and annual produce at about one-half that of the United Kingdom; thus:- Great Britain Dependencies in Europe Settlements in North America Ditto in the West Indies Empire in India Possessions in the Indian Ocean In Africa and its Coasts In Australia J Fee Simple. Annual Produce. £ 3,769,500,000 £ 514,823,059 27,115,094 2,146,198 62,100,466 17,620,629 131,052,424 22,196,674 1,611,977,354 313,200,000 27,500,781 4,201,332 6,114,308 1,057,065 7,000,000 2,100,000 5,642,360,427 877,344,957 Whether this is a close approximation to the truth or not, it is impossible to say, but at all events it is sufficient to show that the Colonial Interest is of such vast magnitude, that any event that shall separate Britain from her foreign possessions will not only lead to the dismemberment of the empire, but furnish materials to some future Gibbon for another work on the decline and fall of nations. Of the total exports and imports of our colonies to and from all parts, there is no official account published, nor is there any separate one of the colonial produce imported into this country, from which it can be ascertained by any but the Custom-house authorities. They have, however, been estimated as follows:- Total exports from the colonies to all parts, about Of which to Great Britain • £ 30,000,000 15,000,000 Total imports into the colonies from all parts, about . Of which from Great Britain in 1844 . 26,000,000 16,903,587 The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 113 LIST OF COLONIES BELONGING TO THE BRITISH EMPIRE. COLONIES. Europe. Gibraltar Date of Acqui- sition. POFULATION. COLONIES. Whites. Coloured. Date of Acqui- sition. POPULATION. Whites. Coloured. · 1704 15,008 787,957 97,443,724 Malta 1800 105,456 N.AMERICA. Gozo 1800 16,472 Canada, Lr. 1759 690,932 261 Corfu - Cephalonia Zanté Santa Maura Ithaca 1814 75,334 1809 64,636 1809 40,899 1810 17,450 1810 10,623 Upper 1759 481,888 4,167 New Bruns- wick 1630 156,162 Novia Scotia 1623 178,237 Cape Breton 1758 27,000 Cerigo 1810 9,447 Prince Ed- Paxo 1814 4,966 ward's Ild. 1763 47,033 Heligoland - 1807 2,200 Newfoundld. | 1583 74,405 Hudson's Bay ASIA. Territory 1670 4,066 4,867 Bengal 25,000 Agra 1696 1803 3,000 32,000,000 40,000,000 Ultra Gan- getic ter- ritory - 1825 Madras · 1639 500 10,000 1,000,000 S. AMERICA. 15,000,000 Brit. Guiana Bombay 1661 10,000 8,000,000 Demerara 1803 3,006 71,877 1796 Essequibo 1803 Ceylon and 9,121 1,232,704 Berbice 1803 570 20,971 1815 Honduras - 1650 235 7,700 Penang 1786 500 33,000 Falkland I. → Sincapore 1819 2,000 20,000 Soledad, New South AUSTRALIA. Wales, E. Australia- Van Diemn's 1787 128,718 W.Falkld. 1765 WEST INDIA Land - 1803 57,420 ISLANDS. Swan River, Jamaica 1655 37,152 336,253 West Au- The Cayman 1655 stralia 1829 4,350 Trinidad · 1797 3,621 35,707 So. Australia 1835 17,366 Tobago 1763 306 12,894 Norfolk Ild. 1787 1,500 Grenada - 1783 3,804 17,190 New Zealnd. 1839 3,000 St Vincent - 1783 1,301 25,821 Barbadoes ► 1625 15,959 86,616 - · AFRICA. CapeofGood Hope 1806 68,300 Mauritius 1810 81,967 Seychelles 1810 St Lucia • 1803 983 13,196 Dominica • 1783 720 17,940 98,108 St Kitt's - 1623 10,435 12,047 53,230 Montserrat - 1632 289 6,830 Antigua 1632 1,980 33,432 St Helena 1651 - 2,500 2,236 Barbuda 1632 50 1,540 Ascension Nevis 1628 500 9,500 Sierra Leone | 1787 175 4,446|| Anguilla 1650 365 3,301 1631 Tortola and The Gam and 49 bia Virgin I. 1666 - 730 7,000 1816 New Provi- Cape Coast dence - 1628 2,000 6,000 Castle 1661 The Bahamas 1628 2,000 10,000 Acera 1661 St George & Dix Cove Annamaboe the Ber- mudas 1611 4,000 5,000 FernandoPo 1827 Aden, Red Sea Mouth 1838 Total 1,828,686 98,193,864 787,957 | 97,443,724 To this must be added the population of those states in India possessing civil inde- pendence but no military force, about 30,000,000, making a total population of more than one hundred and thirty millions of souls. i 114 Occupations of the People. The Foreign Trade. We believe that there are not two opinions as to the great importance of the foreign trade of this country. This is derived, however, not so much from any actual profit we receive from the trade itself as from the collateral advantages which belong to it, and for which all nations fiercely compete with each other. Were we to estimate that our merchants made a profit of 10 per cent. on the amount of our exports and imports, this would not be more than about 15 millions a year. When, however, we consider the immense losses that are frequently sustained, as in 1836 with the Americans, this is certainly much above, rather than under the average of profit received from it. This trade is, however, the means by which we annually ex- change about 60 millions of the manufacturing and mineral pro- ductions of this country for those of others; and if we deduct this from the Manufacturing Interest, and consider it as represented by the foreign trade, it may be said to amount to about one- seventh of the whole trade of the country. In another sense its importance is still much greater than any that can be estimated as a matter of profit; and so long as the prin- ciple which governs it makes this foreign trade subservient to the protection and defence of the country, its extension is an evidence of our increasing strength; but if this principle is to be surrendered, it is possible that, with a very enlarged trade carried on in the vessels of other nations, we may some day make the discovery that, by inverting the policy of our ancestors, we have sacrificed both "the means and the end of commerce." To enable the reader to understand the full bearing of this important matter it is necessary that we direct his attention to what constitutes the foreign trade of this country, which will be found in the table on the opposite page. Following this we have given similar tables of the Import and Export trade of the three most important nations now competing with each other for the possession of it. It will be seen from the first of these tables, that the Colonies of which Mr M'Culloch and others speak so slightingly, take no inconsiderable portion of the manufactures shipped from this country, and of the cotton goods in particular, they take nearly one-half the whole quantity exported. The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 115 STATEMENT OF THE EXPORTS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES IN THE YEAR 1844. COUNTRIES. COLONIES. Cottons. Woollens. Linen. Silk. Sundries. Total Exports. East India Co.'s Territories & Ceylon British North American Colonies 4,793,192 £ 438,643 £ 42 £ £ £ 53,642 2,410,189 7,695,666 702,229 536,397 135,664 British West Indies 637,963 78,690 217,072 109,191 {; 1,709,187 3,083,477 1,517,752 2,451,477 Gibraltar 723,927 118,923 75,815 130,902 1,049,567 New So. Wales, Van Diemen's Land, and Swan River 135,985 60,758 30,110 517,629 744,482 New Zealand and South Sea Islands • 5,033 4,886 37,593 47,512 49,867 Western Coast of Africa 195,030 7,119 256,265 458,414 Cape of Good Hope 93,730 47,333 16,346 266,742 424,151 Mauritius 109,525 14,457 8,197 153,471 285,650 Malta 85,223 20,599 94,187 206,009 Ionian Islands 90,652 4,133 29,143 123,928 St Helena 1,458 743 783 18,022 21,006 Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Man 53,618 51,359 22,904 261,879 389,760 7,627,565 1,384,040 560,533 * FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Russia 1,383,795 57,385 Sweden 53,081 20,813 7,402,961 16,975,099 687,746 2,128,926 34,581 108,475 Norway 64,027 22,538 66,259 152,824 Denmark 46,865 1,778 238,036 286,679 Prussia 12,016 1,569 491,799 505,384 Germany 3,109,328 1,031,573 441,087 1,569,540 6,151,528 Holland 1,584,161 408,761 161,203 977,845 3,131,970 Belgium 387,002 220,461 52,837 810,951 1,471,251 France 215,065 187,890 675,898 159,680 1,577,406 2,656,259 Azores Madeira Canaries "" Portugal, Proper Spain and the Balearic Islands Italy and the Italian Islands 788,181 20,063 1,153,847 38,775186,039 195,623 56,839 13,741 31,736 13,134 193,811 85,122 28,318 235,143 { 509,207 • 1,359,525 331,996 134,485 743,234 46,321 2,569,240 Turkey and Continental Greece 1,992,296 85,320 10,616 203,172 2,291,404 Morea and Greek Islands 7.121 3,066 18.014 28,201 Syria and Palestine 563.572 3,438 10,818 577,828 Egypt (Ports in the Mediterranean) 287,528 4,600 109,973 402,101 Tripoli, Barbary, and Morocco 6,212 11.528 17.740 African Ports on the Red Sea 2.277 2,277 Ascension Island 104 2,100 2,204 Cape Verd Islands • 692 Arabia 139 988 76 1,219 1.987 86 10,784 11,009 Hong Kong 1,271,790 China 303,857 565,428 7,882 2,305,617 156,660 Sumatra, Java, and other Islands of the Indian Seas 283,934 11,126 5,091 76,717 376,918 Philippine Islands 75,427 3,272 3,218 10,600 92 517 Hayti 107,127 47,420 19.910 174,457 Cuba and other Foreign West Indies United States of America Mexico 405,767 77,245 275,814 240,648 999,474 • 1,052,908 2,444.789 938,392 189,698 3,501,990 195,457 92,524 142,593 7,938,079 63,521 494,095 Texas Columbia 1,759 134,848 2,147 3,906 28,697 101,143 264.688 Brazil 1,361,658 288,924 170,296 117,594 592,660 2,413,538 States of the Rio de la Plata Chili 411,115 184.957 31.697 361,923 206.341 69,699 156,795 784 564 169,870 806,633 Peru 250,573 263,248 37,197 107,362 Falkland Islands 93 658,380 93 All other Places +39,138 110,425 TOTAL 18,172,871 6,819,062 3,419,099 $736,455 13,198,161 41,609,190 Total Exports to all Countries † Amounts included in Sundries. • 58,584,292 116 Occupations of the People. IMPORT TRADE OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, AND THE UNITED STATES. COMPARATIVE TABLE of the IMPORTS of FOREIGN and COLONIAL MERCHAN- DISE into ENGLAND, FRANCE, and the UNITED STATES, in each year from 1801 to 1844. YEARS. ENGLAND. FRANCE. AMERICA. £ £ £ 1801 31,786,262 16,609,167 23,200,731 1802 29,826.210 18,597,986 15,902.777 1803 26,622,696 17,195.986 13,462,313 1804 27,819,552 17,616,681 17.708,333 1805 28,561,270 19,676,230 25,125,000 1806 26,899,658 19,073,481 26,978,416 1807 26,734,425 15,728,104 28,869 765 1808 26,795,540 1809 31,750,557 1810 39,301,612 12,804,756 11 469 964 13,466,536 11,872,916 12,375,000 17,791,666 1811 26,510 186 11,942,464 11,125,000 1812 26,163,431 8,319,480 16,047,916 1813 Records destroyed by fire 10 043,420 4,584.375 1814 33,755,264 9,558,236 2,701,041 1815 32,987,396 7,936,648 17,308,349 1816 27,431,604 10,462,766 32,354,729 1817 30,834,299 13,592,010 20,574,661 1818 36,885,182 14,276,558 25,364,583 1819 30,776,810 12,368,931 18,155,552 1820 32,438,650 14,525,575 15,510,416 1821 30.792,760 15,777,694 13,038,592 1822 30,500,094 17,047,168 17,341,988 1823 35 798,707 14,473,129 16,162,347 1824 37,552,935 18 194,464 16,781,043 1825 44,137.482 1826 37,686,113 1827 44,887,774 1828 45.028.805 24,307,172 21,344,896 22 589,144 22,632,169 20,070 849 17,703,016 16 559.180 18,439,546 1829 43.981,317 24,654,136 15,519,276 1830 46,245,241 25,533,537 14,766,025 1831 49,713,889 20,513,022 21,498.140 1832 44,586,741 26,114,893 21,047,764 1833 45,952 551 27,731,030 22,524,648 1834 49,362 811 28.807,773 26,358.610 1835 48,911,542 30,429,067 31,228,279 1836 57,023,867 36,223,014 39,579,174 1837 54,737,301 32,311,718 29.372,753 1838 61,268,320 37 482.179 23,689,042 1839 62,004,000 1840 67.432,964 37,878,857 42 091,440 33 769,202 22,321,149 1841 64,377,962 44,856,969 26,655,453 1842 65,204,729 45,681,328 20,867,101 1843 70,093.353 47,476,366 18,596 020 1844 85,441,555 47,717,635 22,590,632 1845 75,281,958 The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 117 EXPORT TRADE OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, AND THE UNITED STATES. COMPARATIVE TABLE of the EXPORTS OF MERCHANDISE, the PRODUCE and MANUFACTURE, of ENGLAND, FRANCE, and the UNITED STATES, and of the FOREIGN and COLONIAL PRODUCE in each year, from 1801 to 1844. ENGLAND. FRANCE. UNITED STATES. Foreign and Colonial. British and Irish Produce and Manufac- Produce, &c. of United States. Produce of Foreign Countries, tures. £ £ 1801 10 336,966 39,730,659 £ 12,177,240 £ 9,890,250 £ 9,717,233 1802 12,677,431 45,102,330 12,973,046 7,647,539 7,458,119 1803 8,032,643 36,127,787 13.835,118 8 792,908 2,832,098 - 1804 8,938,741 37,135 746 15,181,252 8,639,057 7,548,248 1805 7,643,120 38,077,144 14,985,375 8,830,625 11,078,964 1806 7,717,555 40,874,983 18,198,434 8,594,526 12,559,006 1807 7,624,312 37,245,877 15,022,963 10,145 747 12,425,741 1808 5,776,775 37,275,102 13,232,196 1,965,322 2,707,794 1809 12,750,358 47,371,393 13 273,824 6.542,854 4,332,818 1810 9,357.435 48,438,680 14.601,340 8,826,390 5,081,519 1811 6,117,720 32 890,712 13,116,232 9,436 258 3,338,081 1812 9,533,065 41,716.964 16.745.848 6,256,689 1,769,817 1813 Records destroyed by Fire. 14,170,292 5,220,031 593,301 1814 19,365,981 45,494,219 13,842 116 1,412,973 39,243 1815 15,748,554 51,603,028 15.908,174 9,578 000 1,381,531 1816 13,480,780 41,657.873 18,528,842 13,496,228 3,570,532 1817 10,292,684 41,761,132 15,791,494 14 231,979 4,032,931 1818 10,859,817 46,603,249 17,968.261 15,386,341 4,047,227 1819 9,904,813 35,208,321 16,619,177 10,620,174 3,992,840 1820 10,555,912 36,424,652 18,196,727 10,767,425 4,768,339 1821 9 629,689 36,659,6:30 16.190,583 9,098,310 4,446,351 1822 9.227,589 36 958,964 15,406,748 10,390,433 4,642,957 1823 8,603,904 35,458.048 15,638,177 9.824,042 5,738.254 1824 10,204,785 38.396,300 17,621,676 10,551,979 5,278,575 1825 9,169,494 38,877,388 26,691,764 13,946,822 6,789 717 1826 10,076,286 31,536,723 22,420,340 11,053,273 5,112,419 1827 9.830,728 37,181,335 24,096,071 11,275 352 4,875.653 1828 9,946,545 36,812,756 24,396,905 10,556,181 4,498,953 1829 10,622,402 35,842,623 24,312,746 11,604,206 3,470 515 1830 8,550.437 38,271,597 22,906,562 12.387,923 4,997,391 1831 10,745,071 37.164,372 24.726,796 12,766,052 4,173,651 1832 11,044,869 36.450,594 27,851,285 13,153,639 5,008,223 1833 9,833,753 39,667,347 30,652,652 14,649,519 4,129,736 1834 11,562,036 41,649,191 28,588 201 16,880,033 4.856,835 1835 12,797,724 47,372,270 33,376,545 21,081,052 4.271,770 1836 12,391,711 53,368,571 38,451,390 22,274,308 4,530,491 1837 13,233 622 42 069,245 30,323,698 19,909,252 4,553,116 1838 12,711,318 50,060,970 38,236,306 20,207,046 2,594,331 1839 12,795,990 53,233,580 40.133,271 21,569,560 3,644,692 1840 13,774,306 51,406,430 40,436,901 23,728,257 3,789,648 1841 14,723 151 51,634,623 42,614,304 22,163,066 3,222,725 1842 13,584.158 47,381,023 37,610,036 19,368,750 2,441,986 1843 13,956,113 52,278,449 39,678,488 16,207,038 1,365,145 1844 14,397,246 58,584,292 45,871,526 20,773,995 2,392,680 1845 16,280,870 60,111,081 118 Occupations of the People. The progress which France and the United States have made, as compared with ourselves, will be seen on reference to pages 116 and 117, from which we extract the following figures, as the result of a thirty years' trade since the close of the war:- IMPORTS. Average of five Years. England. France. America. £ £ £ 1816 to 1820 1840 to 1844 31,273,309 70,510,112 13,045,168 45,564,747 22,391,982 22,206,071 Increase - 120 per cent. 250 per cent. Nil. EXPORTS. 1816 to 1820 1840 to 1844 40,211,045 52,256,963 17,420,900 41,242,251 12,900,429 20,448,221 Increase - 30 per cent. 143 per cent. 622 per cent. The repeal of our Corn and Navigation Laws may give addi- tional facilities to those countries to extend their operations; but the above figures, we contend, clearly demonstrate that there is nothing in their present circumstances that can make it a matter of interest with them to reciprocate or adopt a similar course of policy. The whole of the evidence given before the Navigation Com- mittee goes to establish the fact, that the Baltic and the United States can successfully compete with us in both the building and manning of ships; and it was elicited from S. Browning, Esq., that at "Lloyd's," first-class Americans are insured for 4s. 9d. per cent. less than English ships of the same class. 66 The same gentleman, in answer to other questions, said, "My opinion is, that, owing to the repeal of the Corn Laws, we shall lower the price in this country of corn and provisions so much that we shall place foreigners at a great disadvantage in competing with us." Again, before the Navigation Laws were repealed it would be quite necessary to reduce the duty upon all materials used in the construction of ships, such as timber, copper ore, and all foreign copper sheeting for smelting, foreign ores and stamps upon marine instruments of all kinds, insurance policy and light duties." The Shipping and Colonial Interests. 119 In other words, with food at extreme low prices, and in the utter absenceof all taxation, duties, and dues, our ship-builders could pos- sibly compete with those of America and the Baltic. No doubt they could, but how the taxation of the country is to be paid, and who is to provide this food for the people at extreme low prices, so that the ship-builders may reduce the wages of the workmen to the level of other countries, are problems which neither Mr Browning nor any other witness examined by the committee has been able to solve. Inasmuch, however, as we are neither the cheapest in point of taxation, nor consequently of food, it follows that our compe- tition with these countries for the carrying trade will be conducted with everything in favour of our rivals. The fact of the exports from the United States being principally cotton and other raw produce, will account for the employment of a larger proportion of her shipping than her imports; but although she has not been able to keep pace with either France or England in respect to her imports, she has, like France, far surpassed us in her export trade, which has doubled itself in amount since 1815, notwithstanding cotton has undergone a greater reduction in value than almost any other article of merchandise. From the foregoing facts we draw the following conclusions: that France and other continental nations are carrying on a suc- cessful competition with us in manufactures; that the United States are manufacturing more extensively, or require, from the nature of their employments, less of foreign productions than other nations, or it would be evidenced by a greater increase in their imports; and consequently that neither the one nor the other has anything to give us as an equivalent for opening up the home markets of Great Britain to their competition. We now present a table of the Official and Declared Value of the Imports and Exports of this country since 1801, in illustration of our remarks at pages 93 and 94; and whether we regard the amount of our Imports so much in excess of our Exports or the slow progress of our Exports as compared with those of France and the United States, there is in this table much that requires the investigation and serious consideration of our rulers. 120 Occupations of the People. FOREIGN TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. STATEMENT of the AMOUNT of the FOREIGN and COLONIAL TRADE of the UNITED KINGDOM, in each year from 1801 to 1846. Official Value. Real or Declared Value of British and Irish Produce and Manufactures Exported. Imports of Exports of Years. Foreign and Foreign and Exports of British and Irish Produce Europe. Other Places. TOTAL. Colonial Merchandise. Colonial Merchandise. and Manufactures. £ £ £ £ £ £ 39,730.659 45,102,330 36.127,787 37,135,746 1801 31,786,262 10,336,966 24.927,684 1802 29,826,210 12,677,431 25,632,549 1803 26,622,696 8,032,643 20,467,531 1804 27,819,552 8,938,741 22,687,309 1805 28,561,270 7,643,120 23,376,941 13,625,676 | 24,451 468 | 38,077,144 11,363.635 | 29,511,348 | 40,S74,983 | 1806 26,899,658 7,717,555 1807 26,734,425 7,624,312 25,861,879 23,391,214 1808 26,795,540 5,776 775 24,611,215 1809 31.750,557 12,750,358 33,542,274 1810 39,301,612 9,357,435 34,061,901 1811 26 510,186 6,117,720 22,681,400 9,002,237 28,243,640 | 37 245,877 9,016.033 28,259,069 37 275,102 15,849,449 31,521,944 47,371,393 15,627.806 32,810,874 | 48,438,680 12,834,680 20,056,032 32 890 712 41,716,964 1813 Records destroyed by fire. 45,494,219 1812 26,163,431 9,533,065 29,508,508 1814 33,755,264 | 19,365,981 | 34,207,253 | 26,869,591 | 18,624.628 1815 32,987,396 15,748,554 | 42,875,996 | 13,480,780 | 35,717,070 | 20,736,244 30,866,784 | 51.603,028 18,653,555 23,004,318 41,657,873 19,093,574 | 22,667,558 | 41,761,132 19 439,382 27,163.867 46,603,249 尊 ​16,790,652 18,4 7,669 35,208 321 | | | 18,429,503 17,995,149 36,424,652 15,903,442 20,756,188 36.659,630 | | | 1816 27,431,604 1817 30,834,299 10,292,684 | 40,111,427 1818 36,885,182 10,859,817 | 42,700,521 1819 30,776,810 9,904.813 33,534,176 1820 | 32,438,650 | 10,555,912 38.395,625 1821 30,792,760 | 10,629,689 | 40,831,744 1822 30,500,094 9,227,589 44,236,533 16,601,562 20,367,402 | 36,968.964 1823 35,798,707 8,603,904 43,804,372 | 14,857,128 | 20,600 920 | 35,458,048 | 1824 37,552,935 10,204,785 48,735,551 | 15,698.940 24,697,360 38,396,300 9,169,494 47,166,020 | 14,646,358 24,231,030 | 38.877.388 13,893,270 | 17,643,453 | 31,536,723 9,830,728 52,219,280 14,478,964 22,702,371 37,181,335 9,946,545 | 52,797,455 | 13,775,870 | 23,036,886 | 36,812 756 14,545,474 | 21,297,149 35,842,623 15,610,638 | 22,660.959 38,271,597 1825 44,137,482 1826 37,686,113 10,076,286 40.965,735 | 1827 44,887,774 1828 45,028,80.5 1829 43,981,317 10,622,402 | 56,213,041 1830 46,245,241 | 1831 49,713.889 | 1832 44,586,741 8,550,437 | 61,140,864 13,550,440 23,613,932 | 37,164,372 15.584.006 20,866,588 | 36,450,594 15,011.789 24,055,558 | 89,667 347 11,562,036 | 73,831,550 12,797.724 78,376.731 | 10,745,071 60,683,933 | 11,044,869 65,026,702 1833 45,952,551 | 9,833,753 | 69,989,339 1834 49,362,811 1835 48,911,542 11,562,036 73,831,550 | 18,007,033 | 23,642 158 1836 57,023,867 12,391.711 | 18,464,433 28,907.837 12,391.711 85,229,837 19,011,066 34.357.505 1837 | 54,737,301 | 13,233,622 | 72,548,047 | 19,071,303 22.999,441 1838 61,268,320 12,711.318 92,459,231 1839 62,004,000 1840 67,432,964 41 649.191 47,372,270 53,368.571 42,067 245 21,711,295 | 28.349,675 | 50,060,970 12,795,990 97,402,726 20,414 520 | 32.819 060 | 53,233,580 13,774,306 102,705,060 | 21,491,245 | 29,915,185 | 51,406,4:30 1841 64,377,962 14,723,151 102,18,517 22.854,540 | 28,780,083 47,381,023 1342 65,204,729 | 13,584, 158 100,260,101 23,909,344 | 23,471,679 | 52,278,449 1843 70,093,353 | 13,956,113 117,877,278 | 24,971,457 | 27,306,992 | 58,584,292 1844 85,441,555 14,397,246 131,564,503 | 25,621,185 | 39,953.107 | 60,111,081 1845 75,281,958 | 16,280,870 134,599,116 1846 The rates by which the official value is computed were fixed in 1694, and con- sequently measure the quantities of all articles imported and exported. The real value is that which the merchant declares at the time of shipment. See remarks in explanation at pages 93 and 94. Review of the whole Subject. 121 CHAPTER X. CONCLUSION. Review of the whole Subject. THE object of the present inquiry has been to ascertain and define the sources of the greatness, power, and wealth of Britain; and it has been conducted on the assumption that a knowledge of such facts ought to form the basis of all legislation affecting the cir- cumstances of a people. In the execution of this task we have had to encounter assertions as vague as they are contradictory. Men holding high official situations have not hesitated, in order to give a colour to a theory, to do an injustice to a principle, and, in their zeal to work out a particular result, have confounded classes essentially distinct. Another difficulty we have had to contend with has arisen from the fact that many of our public writers, men of enlarged minds and great powers of mental vision, both as regards the past and the future, have been apt to take in too large a breadth of the political horizon in their views, and in doing so, have not unfrequently overlooked the most important objects within reach, for something very indistinct in the extreme distance, losing sight at the same time of their relative proportions, and actually mistaking effects for causes, and causes for effects. Thus it is we have been gravely told, that for a long agricultural prosperity we have been mainly dependent on an interest not one- third so large as the agricultural interest itself, whether we speak of numbers, capital, or annual productions; and that for the payment 122 Occupations of the People. of forty-six millions of taxation, the average amount annually raised by taxes from 1793 to 1815, to say nothing of 589 millions of our present debt borrowed during the same period, we are indebted to the same interest, although it has never paid more than one-fourth of this amount. To negative these assertions, made without the slightest attempt at demonstration, we have traced, in the present work, the degree of dependence of every other class of which society is composed on one or the other of these two great interests, and pointed out the difference in their respective circumstances. Their numbers, locality, capital, and annual productions, all lead to the inevitable conclusion that the means which support twenty-two millions of the population, and which pay three-fourths of the entire taxation of the state, are drawn from the several classes in the community who are dependent on and supported by the productions of the soil of the United Kingdom. To tell us, therefore, "that the spindle and the loom have been the moving powers of our armies and our fleets" may serve to round a period, but it is to assert that which has not the slightest founda- tion in fact. To arrive at the truth in such a case we must return to first principles, although in the present enlightened and speculative age a reference to them may be considered somewhat vulgar. The simple rules of arithmetic must still decide the question, and figures con- tinue to represent the actual and relative importance of an interest. With men who deny the authority of figures, and who, in opposi- tion to a demonstration however perfect, will set up some crude and ill-digested opinions of their own, it is of course useless to enter into discussion, but we nevertheless will place these on record, and rely with confidence that but a short time can elapse before their truth will be recognised and firmly established in the minds of a deliberate and thinking people. If this, then, is the basis of our political power, it follows that the whole question resolves itself into one of taxation, and the capability of the two interests to sustain it. Exemptions from sharing this burden have been claimed on all hands. The manufacturer has Review of the whole Subject. 123 insisted on the removal of all duties on the raw material, as opposed in his opinion, to the true principles of political economy, and this has been granted to such an extent that we look in vain through the ac- count of the revenue for any item worthy of notice representing the raw material of the manufacturing interest. Not content with their exemption in this instance, they now claim to eat the bread of foreign growth free from any tax, in the place of that which bears the whole burden of the taxation of this country, knowing full well, as Sir Robert Peel stated in 1839, that low prices of food invariably produce low wages. "Look over the whole world, and you will find that low prices of food lead to low rates of wages, and that where there is a low rate of wages, there is a great degra- dation in the character of the working classes. Look at the Hindoos or the Sicilians in their respective countries: food is cheap, but the rate of wages is also extremely low, and hence there are not, in Asia or Europe, more miserable and degraded races. The merchant and the ship-owner, as represented before the Navigation Committee by Mr Browning and Mr Houghton, put in claims for the repeal of the Navigation Laws and the removal of all duties on the materials for the building and the sailing of ships, in order that, by reducing wages, they may compete with other countries, or, failing in this, may employ foreign ships to carry their goods without regard to the ultimate security of the nation, or the sacrifice of its most important interests. The working classes are clamorous for the reduction of indirect taxation, and complain that the hand of the government is distinctly visible in every man's dish. On every side, therefore, we have proposals for a further reduction of duties, which puts out of the question all probability that even in the hour of need we can look for any further assistance from that quarter. To tax capital is always a doubtful and very injurious mode of proceeding; for capital is the most evanescent of all things. Make the tax both heavy and permanent, and it will seek for employment to your detriment in every portion of Europe-in every quarter of the globe. What course, then, is open to us? It would be useless to call 124 Occupations of the People. on the Manufacturing Interest to pay fifty millions a year, when they have never yet paid fifteen millions. It would be equally unjust to ask the Landed Interest to continue the payment of this enormous amount when you bring in competition with their pro- ductions those of countries who pay no part of our taxation; and yet this is the course of legislation at the present time, which a fatal blindness to every principle of political justice is fast hastening to its consummation. There is certainly one solution of the difficulty; but this is so much opposed to the prejudices of mankind, that we should look in vain for its adoption. It is this. If the foreign market is of that import- ance as compared with the home market (which we deny), and the cheap grain of other countries is necessary to enable our manu- facturers to extend their productions, we ought to put an export duty on our manufactured articles, so that by this process either the manufacturer or the foreigner would be made to contribute their fair proportion to our national burdens. The improvements in manufactures, by reducing the price and bringing them within the reach of larger numbers, we admit, faci- litates the circulation of particular articles, and gives rise to an increased consumption. But it is contended by the manufacturers themselves that, without an abundance of food and low prices, these improvements cannot proceed. To all of this we oppose a fact within the knowledge and experience of every one, that the won- derful progress which manufactures have made in point of quantity during the last forty years, affords the best possible evidence of food having been both cheap and abundant enough to have en- sured their success. To take the grain of the foreigner without reference to the taxation paid by our own, and to supply him with goods which—inasmuch as to the extent of nine-tenths they are the production of mechanical power,-supersede the labour of the people, and to the same extent, neither as regards the raw material nor the manufactured one, pay anything directly or indirectly to the taxation of the state, is not just in principle, and cannot be engrafted on our system without danger to the public interests. Review of the whole Subject. 125 Since, then, taxation is the primary cause of our not being able to compete with other countries, it will be necessary if free trade is to prevail that we revise the whole system, and by equalizing the burdens on land, to spread them, over the entire surface of society, and make all classes contribute according to the amount of their their production. To the manufacturing interest we would hold out the right hand of fellowship to forward, promote, and extend the commerce of Britain, but on the condition that they pay their just proportion of the taxation necessary to support the state and provide employment or the means of emigration for the people. On all sides there is not a tittle of evidence that it is either the interest or intention of other countries to imitate our example and to admit us to an equality in their markets. The idea that Ame- rica will take our manufactures in barter for corn is a fallacy which the painful experience of the present year too palpably exposes, and even if she would, the first year of plenty would demonstrate the absurdity of her being able to compete with the Baltic in the growth or supply of grain. Mr Cobden may extend his missionary labours for the propaga- tion of his free-trade principles to every capital in Europe, and be received with open arms and hospitality by the rulers of all, for the benefits he has conferred on their people by giving them access to our own markets, but the first instance of any government who has any standing in manufactures being induced by him to follow our example will afford better evidence of the value of his doctrines than all the speeches he has uttered since the commencement of his agitation for this object. But independently of this, we contend not only that the manu- facturing interest owes its present importance to the sustaining power of the agricultural, but also that its future progress is wholly dependent on the latter. The prosperity of the agricultural in- terest is, therefore, an essential ingredient in that of the manu- facturing, and without the power of consumption which "all other classes" derive from the successful prosecution of agriculture, the foreign trade for the sale of the productions of our manu- facturing industry would be but as dust in the balance. The cultivation of the soil and its increased production is there- 126 Occupations of the People. fore the root and not the branch-it is the primary cause and not the effect—and the awful condition of the starving masses in Ire- land, and the suffering of the working classes in the manufacturing districts, are the best illustrations of the absurdity of the converse proposition. Our armies are formed of men drawn from agri- cultural pursuits, and our fleets are manned by others of the same origin, and the power that has moved both the one and the other, and the spindle and the loom into the bargain, has been the success- ful cultivation of the soil of the United Kingdom. In support of these conclusions, we cannot help transcribing the address of Mr Huskisson to his constituents at Chichester. It is a faithful epitome not only of his own opinions, but of those of Mr Canning, the Earl of Liverpool, and all the great men that preceded him. For soundness of judgment and vigour of intellect their administration of the affairs of this country will bear a comparison with any in the best days of English history, and this chronicle of the political principle which governed them ought to be read and understood of all men. “The history of this country proves that cheapness produced by foreign import is the sure forerunner of scarcity; and a steady home supply is the only safe foun- dation of steady moderate prices. During upwards of one hundred years to 1765, when the import of foreign corn was sustained by very high duties, our own growth of corn was ample for our own consumption in ordinary seasons, redundant in abundant seasons, and in bad seasons occasioned no apprehension of, or actual want. The price of corn seldom varied more than a few shillings per quarter; if there was no inordinate gain to the farmer, there was no starvation to the con- sumer; prices instead of rising from year to year, gradually diminished; whereas, since 1765 the supply has been unsteady and precarious, our dependence on foreign supplies gradually increasing till the war came, when by the foreign supply being interrupted, the country became dependent on its rivals and its enemies for the food of its people. In the first eighteen years of this war, we were forced to pay sixty millions of money to nations, every one of which has, in the course of that war, been our enemy, for a scanty and inadequate supply of foreign corn; and when for this purpose we parted with all our gold and even our silver currency, combined Europe shut its ports against us, and America co-operating, first laid an embargo, and then went to war. Shall I then be deterred from using my honest endeavours in Parliament to prevent the recurrence of such sufferings? I admit that if unlimited foreign import, which the war had suspended, were now again allowed, bread might be a little, though a very little, cheaper than it now is, for a year or two; but what would follow? The small farmer would be ruined; im- provement would stand still; inferior lands now producing corn would return to a state of waste; the home consumption and brisk demands for all the various articles of the retail dealer would rapidly decline, to the great injury of our towns, especially those which are not connected with manufactures or commerce: farming servants, and all the trades which depend on agriculture, would be thrown out of work, and wages would fall even more rapidly than the price of corn. The Review of the whole Subject. 127 great farmers and large capitalists might for a time bear up against foreign import, and should they do so, will command extravagant prices to repay themselves; but in the mean time the poorer, but not less industrious small farmers, will have been ruined. To protect the small farmers is ultimately to protect the people. "It is the first and paramount law of every state to provide for its own safety and defence; we will never listen to a theory which, by withdrawing protection from the colonial trade, would render insecure those possessions on which essentially depends the power of Great Britain, to retain that high station in the rank of nations which she owes to her commercial and colonial ascendancy; and least of all shall we listen to the representation of states which evince boundless jealousy of our navigation in peace, and of our maritime ascendancy in case of war; and who tell us distinctly that they are steadily looking to the ulterior object, of one day disputing with us the dominion of the seas.” A short time, we imagine, will be sufficient to demonstrate that this is the true policy of our country, for the foundation whereon the prosperity of all has been hitherto based, has been the well- being of that class which in all times and seasons provides food for the people. Circumstances of a political and even a scientific character may cause the manufactures of a country to change their locality and make again the tour of the world, but agriculture is immoveably fixed to the soil, and our rulers will ever find that its prosperity constitutes one of their heaviest responsibilities. There are, doubtless, many other considerations of great import- ance arising out of or affecting "the occupations of the people," but such are not within the object of the present work, and therefore we forbear to do more than cursorily touch upon them in conclusion. The currency question, from its intricacy, would appear to have baffled all the calculations of our most experienced statesmen, and the practical results of Sir Robert Peel's measure of 1844, which was considered by its author to be a concentration of all previous experience on the subject, have only involved us in greater difficulties than ever. If, as some suppose, the presence or absence of three or four millions of the precious metals, more or less, can influence the value of our national securities to the extent of 100 millions, paralyze labour, and stop production, such a state of things necessarily implies that our statesmen must be lamentably deficient in the practical knowledge necessary to a right understanding of the true principles which ought to govern the currency. To eradicate these evils, and take from our national dealings the 128 Occupations of the People. elements of mistrust and dishonesty ;-to equalize taxation and make all interests in the state contribute their fair proportion to the sup- port of its institutions ;-to protect the native industry of the people by just and equitable laws, that shall yield to every man his meat in due season as the reward of his labour;-to raise the sinking artisan, by making that which has supplanted his labour minister to his wants;-to open up our vast colonial possessions to the enterprise and energy of the sons and daughters of Britain, so that they may go forth and plant in every quarter of the globe our religion, lan- guage, institutions, and interests, extending and consolidating our power, and at the same time making the country from whence they emanate to be the glory of all lands,—are doubtless among the most important duties which devolve on those entrusted with the Government of this country. To correct also the social misery which afflicts Ireland, and to raise her from her present degraded and desperate condition to one more compatible with the welfare of her people and our own security, is not less a matter of justice than one of imperious necessity. With what degree of ability these duties have been hitherto dis- charged is not within our province to inquire, as we have carefully avoided all reference to political considerations except such as have incidentally and unavoidably arisen out of the subject matter of this inquiry, satisfied that whatever deficiencies experience may discover in the political principles of a minister or a party, the resources and energy of our constitution are sufficient to correct them. To work out these great results, however, for the good of the people, and at the same time to give increased stability to existing institutions, is an object worthy of the loftiest ambition, and the minister that shall succeed in engrafting them on our political system will raise a monument to perpetuate his memory more enduring than the mightiest work of art, and in the page of history will stand out as a beacon to direct future statesmen "To be just and fear not." He will have based the government of a great and mighty nation on the eternal principles of truth and justice, and with such a government "the period to Britain's fame can be only the end of time." APPENDIX. AUTHORITIES. In the compilation of the Tables which form the Appendix to the present Work, the following authorities have been taken : FOR ALL MATTERS relating to the NUMBERS and OCCUPATIONS of the SEVERAL CLASSES- The Returns of the Census of 1841. POOR and COUNTY RATES-ENGLAND and WALES- A Return from the Poor Law Commissioners, dated Feb. 13th, 1846, made up Lady-day, 1845. POOR RELIEF-SCOTLAND- to Two Returns moved for by Mr Ellice, and ordered to be printed June 20th, 1843. POOR RATES—IRELAND— COUNTY CESS- The 11th Annual Report of the Poor Law Com- missioners. LAND TAX-ENGLAND and WALES- A Return from the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes, dated July 29th, 1844, made up to the 25th March, 1843. LAND TAX-SCOTLAND- The Act of 1797, Geo. III, cap. v, which fixes the amount for the whole kingdom at the sum given in the Summary (page 95 in the Appendix). TITHES- PROPERTY TAX on LAND, A Return of real Property moved for >> "" on DWELLING HOUSES, on other PROPERTY- "" دو HIGHWAY RATES and CHURCH RATES- by Mr Villiers, and ordered to be printed March 6, 1845. A Return relative to Local Taxation ordered to be reprinted Feb. 8, 1846, being No. 562 of 1839. TURNPIKE TRUSTS- A Return of the Income and Expenditure from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1843, ordered to be printed Aug. 5, 1845. CRIMINALS A Return from the Secretary of State's Office, dated April 4, 1846. ENGLAND.] 1 BEDFORD-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of age. of age and years of upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers 1,321 31 106 10,977 1,813 59 12 1458 12.861 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 557 40 17 614 12,855 1,884 182 12 14,933 MANUFACTURES: Lace Dealers Lace Makers 15 5 20 18 9 1,880 695 2,602 Straw-Plait Dealers Straw-Plait Manufacturers 98 1 21 5 125 83 63 1,032 575 1,753 Straw Bonnet and Hat Makers Miscellaneous 92 12 510 255 858 405 31 30 4 470 711 116 ! 3,478 1,523 5,828 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters 6,574 876 886 169 8,505 or Workmen Labourers 1,658 294 404 13 2,369 Military and Naval 45 1 46 Professional Persons 353 353 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits - Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 227 14 162 11 414 42 3 5 50 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 83 12 95 Domestic Servants 766 635 2,069 1,223 4,693 Persons returned as Independent 454 19 1,154 93 1,720 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 65.1 137 360 141 1,292 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: on Classes Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent} 1,822 $21,976 21,049 22,791 67,638 Total of all other Classes 12,678 23,955 26,101 24,441 87,175 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes - Property Tax-on Land, assessed at | 14,933 62,703 77,636 5,828 24,472 30,300 107,935 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ & 28,433 7,182 £377,994 11,024 Paid in the Proportion of 5-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church ", Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property Total of Taxation of the County £53,907 38,505 15,402 9,099 6,500 2,599 4,426 3,162 1,264 9,289 6,635 2.654 132,296 2,755 1,102 none 104,196 23,021 £127,217 B 2 [ENGLAND. BERKS-County of. MALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. FEMALES. 20 years Under 20 of age and years of upwards. age. TOTAL. AGRICULTURE : Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,728 13,997 682 32 116 3,005 1,329 318 31 11 1,876 18,649 724 16,407 3,068 1,456 318 21,249 Spinners MANUFACTURES: Carpet Weavers Cotton Spinners and Weavers Hemp Manufacturers Paper Makers Silk Manufacture Silk Weavers and Workers Straw-Plait Makers Weavers Wool Manufacture Miscellaneous 16 1 - 8 I 11 32 5 12 75 13 5 412 17 23 50 95 2 2 - 80 21 65 35 201 1 2 85 19 107 4 24 7 35 1 162 12 38 10 222 - 13 1 46 60 764 77 79 9 929 1,157 132 365 87 1,741 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 11,676 1,313 1,494 255 14,738 Labourers 3,504 443 1,147 36 5,130 Military and Naval 1,477 149 1,626 Professional Persons 563 563 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 578 61 339 26 1,004 88 2 19 109 158 21 1 180 Domestic Servants 2,217 1,171 5,047 3,103 11,538 Persons returned as Independent 1,473 49 3,104 153 4,779 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 786 508 696 434 2,424 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 2,958 30,300 30,740 32,068 96,066 Total of all other Classes 25,478 33,996 42,607 36,076 138,157 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total 21,249 127,675 148,944 Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on " 1,741 10,462 MANUFACTURES-Total 12,203 Total of the County 161,147 TAXATION. Paid by the LAND. Manufacturers. £ 40,197 £ 29,866 £594,903 17,351 Land Tax Tithes Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 12-13ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-13th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts - Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property " Total of Taxation of the County 1 1 £98,331 90,767 7,564 12,694 11,718 976 5,790 5,345 445 12,249 11,307 942 310,104 8,349 695 62,468 1,681 140 216,581 10.763 £227,343 ENGLAND.] 3 BUCKS-County of. ENGAGED IN MALES. FEMALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of 20 years of age and Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 2,256 40 169 Agricultural Labourers 15,681 2,702 341 136 2,465 18,860 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 545 20 6 1 572 18,482 2,762 516 137 21,897 MANUFACTURES: Chair Makers Lace Dealers and Makers Paper Makers Silk Manufacture Straw-Plait Dealers and Manufacturers Miscellaneous 398 62 7 1 468 61 45 3,454 903 4,463 274 22 29 S 333 28 36 29 51 144 51 133 689 589 1,460 818 91 38 18 965 1,630 389 4,246 1,568 7,833 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 9,558 1,033 1,064 176 11,831 Labourers 2,345 244 552 23 3,214 Military and Naval 236 13 249 Professional Persons 485 485 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 371 21 65 1- 237 J4 643 1 8 1 75 132 13 145 Domestic Servants 1,830 1,248 3,702 1,870 8,650 Persons returned as Independent 928 32 2,018 106 3,084 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 616 366 598 266 1,846 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 2,782 30,868 30,205 32,176 96,031 Total of all other Classes 19,348 33,876 38,397 34,632 96,253 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on - MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 21,897 92,989 114,886 7.833 33,264 41,097 155,983 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURErs, Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ 33 Land Tax 46,818 Tithes 16,807 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - £579,736 17,434 Paid in the Proportion of 11-15ths by the Landed Interest, and 4-15ths by the Manufacturers : Poor and County Rates Highway Rates "" Church Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property Total of Taxation of the County I - £94,260 69,124 25,136 17,567 12,877 4,684 7,954 5,930 2,024 13,488 9,892 3,596 211,580 5,726 444 18,574 397 144 185,005 36,028 £221,033 4 [ENGLAND. CAMBRIDGE COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of age. of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 3,136 29 176 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 15,990 2,068 619 239 3,341 18,916 612 24 25 661 19,738 2,121 820 239 22,918 MANUFACTURES: There is no leading Branch of Manufacture carried on in this County. The largest Number engaged in any one Branch is that of the Brick and Tile Makers 196 18 I 214 Miscellaneous 479 43 63 3 588 675 61 3 802 3 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 11,049 1,140 1,476 277 13,942 2,462 244 847 25 Military and Naval 3,578 488 25 513 Professional Persons 497 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Psursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 497 531 57 328 27 943 58 1 3 62 124 2 17 143 Domestic Servants 1,601 1,188 3,899 Persons returned as Independent 2,834 9,522 1,071 78 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 2,544 133 3,826 461 304 421 302 1,488 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 3,478 34,168 33,200 35,379 106,225 Total of all other Classes 21,820 37,207 42,735 38,977 140,739 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE—Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 22,918 135,981 158,899 802 4,758 5,560 164,459 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ 32,462 Land Tax 27,114 Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £774,657 22,594 Paid in the Proportion of 15-16ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-16th by the Manufacturers : Poor and County Rates £93,877 88,010 5,867 Highway Rates 20,850 19,547 1,303 Church 4,823 4,522 301 Turnpike Trusts 15,159 14,212 947 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 267,273 7,308 487 "" on other Property, "" 60,485 1,654 110 217,423 9,015 Total of Taxation of the County £226,438 ENGLAND.] 5 CHESTER-COUNTY OF.. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 years Under TOTAL. of age and 20 years upwards. of age and 20 years of age. upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 6,482 53 919 7,454 Agricultural Labourers - 14,795 2,675 542 443 18,455 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists - 847 35 11 2 895 22,124 2,763 1,472 445 26,804 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 8,937 5,122 9,424 6,866 30,349 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 4,530 2,924 3,812 3,948 15,214 Weavers (all branches - 2,120 760 625 539 4,044 Hatters and Hat Manufacture 1,457 194 113 47 1,811 Printers (all branches) 476 174 56 80 786 Engineers, Machine and Engine Worker 553 71 7 8 639 Woollen and Woollen Cloth Manufacture (all branches) - 382 61 47 36 526 Salt Makers and Boilers, and Salt Proprietors 472 20 492 Dyers (all branches) 567 143 13 13 736 Iron Founders and Moulders 180 35 1 Nailers 170 24 2 11 216 196 Fustian Cutters Rope and Twine Makers Tanners - Turners (all branches) - Miscellaneous 104 37 27 27 195 I 148 33 5 2 188 141 13 1 155 1 143 38 6 6 193 2,029 341 145 38 2,553 22,409 9,990 14,284 11,610 58,293 - ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen Labourers (including miners) Military and Naval Professional Persons Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service } 26,671 4,098 3,521 731 35,021 11,275 1,428 1,757 84 14,544 2,866 239 3,105 1 868 868 1,728 210 609 43 2,590 166 1 14 181 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 396 5 22 423 Domestic Servants 3,787 3,166 10,023 7,025 24,001 Persons returned as Independent 2,367 123 5,683 271 8,444 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 796 374 881 304 2,355 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 4,555 71,259 68,581 74,636 219,031 Total of all other Classes 55,475 80,903 91,091 83,094 310,563 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus: — Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on - AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 26,804 97,821 124,625 58,293 212.742 271,035 395,660 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTurers. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 27,476 Tithes 25,561 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - £962,857 28,083 Paid in the Proportion of 3-10ths by the Landed Interest, and 7-10ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church 19 Turnpike Trusts £113,880 34,164 79,716 27,729 8,316 19,413 8,372 2,511 5,861 41,706 12,510 29,196 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "} 780,102 6,825 15,927 "" 146,978 1,284 3,002 145,730 153,115 Total of Taxation of the County £299,845 (For those engaged in Mines, see " Mining Interest.") 6 [ENGLAND. CORNWALL-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 of age and upwards. years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers 7,668 128 405 14,279 2,752 795 177 8,201 18,003 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 595 25 35 3 658 22,542 2,905 1,235 180 26,862 MANUFACTURES: Tin Manufacture (all branches) Engine and Machine Makers - Engineer and Engine Workers Woollen Manufacture (all branches) Ore Dressers Copper Manufacture (all branches) Clay Manufacture (all branches) Lead Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous 657 301 118 146 1,222 4 1 5 427 70 2 1 500 285 28 99 33 445 37 69 117 204 427 42 23 99 133 297 150 39 23 33 225 t 41 8 3 2 54 1,174 243 363 96 1,876 2,817 7,82 814 638 5,051 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 18,163 3,678 3,824 1,007 26,672 Labourers (including Miners) 20,270 6,134 2,402 1,519 30,325 Military and Naval 3,609 312 3,921 Professional Persons 844 844 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 849 123 501 32 1,505 404 6 22 1 433 135 3 24 162 Domestic Servants - 2,658 4,141 8,159 5,214 20,172 Persons returned as Independent 2,033 76 6,768 200 9,077 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,182 347 1,495 347 3,371 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 4,675 6,6075 68,569 73,565 212,884 Total of all other Classes 54,822 80,895 91,764 81,885 309,366 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes 26,862 260,402 287,264 5,051 48.964 54,015 341,279 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS, £ £ 30,477 74,971 - £774,692 22,595 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 5-6ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-6th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £95,710 79,759 15,951 Highway Rates 29,679 24,733 4,946 Church "" 5,365 4,471 894 Turnpike Trusts 20,428 17,024 3,404 "" Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 277,108 6,735 1,347 301,461 7,536 1,256 268,301 27,798 Total of Taxation of the County £296,099 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") ENGLAND.] 7 CUMBERLAND-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 4,796 26 432 7,574 1,075 1,073 357 5,254 10,079 243 20 14 1 278 12,613 1,121 1,519 358 15,611 Weavers (all branches) - MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Woollen and Woollen Cloth Manufacture (all branches)- 1,499 433 1,075 599 3,606 1,511 267 216 110 2,104 195 41 19 16 271 Printers (all branches) Flax Manufacture (all branches) Dyers (all branches) Engine and Machine Makers Engineers and Engine Workers Miscellaneous 188 74 1 263 110 33 61 113 317 195 35 5 1 236 1 14 5 19 130 14 1 145 1,536 353 97 40 2,026 5,378 1,255 1,475 879 8,987 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 11,591 2,404 2,636 435 17,066 Labourers (including miners) 4,797 976 1,068 38 6,879 Military and Naval 1,034 184 1,218 Professional Persons 497 497 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 799 78 308 18 1,203 132 3 7 1 143 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 118 1 21 140 Domestic Servants 2,342 1,354 5,098 3,078 11,872 Persons returned as Independent 1,889 45 4,539 124 6,597 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,094 353 438 253 2,138 RESIDUE OF POPULATION; Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent 2,918 33,320 33,595 35,854 105,687 Total of all other Classes 27,211 38,718 47,710 39,801 153,440 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture : Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 15,611 97,379 112,990 8,987 56,061 65,048 178,038 Paid by the LAND. £ MANUFACTURERS. £ Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax - 3,727 Tithes 10,265 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £603,724 17,608 Paid in the Proportion of 3-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-5ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £44,926 26,956 17,970 Highway Rates 11,869 7,123 4,746 Church 2,389 1,433 956 Turnpike Trusts 15,507 9,303 6,204 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 220,549 3,860 2,572 "" on other Property "" 86,061 1,506 1,004 81,781 33,452 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") £115,233 8 [ENGLAND. DERBY-County of. AGRICULTURE : ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. Farmers and Graziers 6,182 53 756 Agricultural Labourers 10,019 1,447 188 122 6,991 11,776 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 514 42 10 566 16,715 1,542 954 122 19,333 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufactures (all branches) 2,173 1,412 2,411 2,525 8,521 Hose (Stocking) Manufacture (all branches) 3,689 540 1,027 530 5,786 Silk Manufacture. (all branches) 479 289 865 705 2,338 Lace (all branches) 544 165 796 447 Weavers (all branches) Nail Makers Pot Manufacture (all branches) Engine and Machine Makers Engineers and Engine Workers Iron Manufacture (all branches) Printers (Cotton and Calico) 1,952 6S3 198 188 104 1.173 758 240 17 . 16 1,031 441 172 26 50 689 83 21 1 1 105 419 81 2 2 504 410 98 3 2 513 238 99 29 57 423 Brick and Tile Makers 303 114 1 1 419 Glove Manufacture (all branches) 107 15 156 102 380 Hatter and Hat Makers (all branches) 308 14 5 2 329 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 230 51 25 14 320 Bleachers 103 111 20 64 298 Tape Manufacture (all branches) 110 41 66 47 264 Factory Workers 15 17 78 112 222 Dyers (all branches) 152 41 11 204 File Makers (all branches) 86 42 128 Miscellaneous 1,828 356 111 74 2,369 13,159 4,117 5,838 4,854 27,968 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 18,222 2,638 2,321 526 23,707 - Labourers (including miners) 12,173 2,353 915 36 15,477 Military and Naval 568 69 Professional Persons 692 11 637 692 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 967 115 423 23 1,528 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 99 1 10 110 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 192 2 12 206 Domestic Servants 2,755 2.729 5,295 4,456 15,235 Persons returned as Independent 1,454 37 3,541 161 5,193 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 636 207 556 186 1,585 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 3,582 50,615 52,288 54,061 160,546 - Total of all other Classes 41,340 58,766 65,361 59,449 224,916 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES," between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:-- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 19,333 91,928 111,261 27,968 132,988 160,956 272,217 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 23,403 16,896 Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £845,681 24,665 Paid in the Proportion of 2-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 3-5ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £83,229 33,292 49,936 Highway Rates 18,627 7,450 11.177 Church 4,605 1,842 2,763 "" Turnpike Trusts 35,653 14,060 21,593 "" Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 328,488 3,872 5,708 204,856 2,390 3,584 "" 127,870 94,761 Total of Taxation of the County £222,631 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") ENGLAND.] 9 DEVON-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of age. of age and years of upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 11,187 324 521 12,032 Agricultural Labourers 31,667 7,481 1,178 728 41,054 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,351 62 22 1 1,436 44,205 7,867 1,721 729 54,522 MANUFACTURES : Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 986 170 486 222 1,864 Lace Manufacture (all branches) Glove Makers and Glovers 138 99 1,068 516 1,821 73 6 492 192 763 Weavers (all branches) Rope and Cord Spinners and Manufacturers Silk Manufacture (all branches) Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Tanners Paper Manufacture (all branches) Spinners Coach Makers (all branches) Tinmen and Tin-plate Workers Basket Makers Hatters and Hat Makers Factory Workers Sail Makers Sail Cloth and Tarpaulin Makers Lime Burners and Manufacturers Miscellaneous 286 30 377 26 719 511 100 29 8 648 63 10 186 140 399 9 2 358 29 398 366 30 1 397 232 26 58 18 334 2 238 33 273 209 40 249 1 183 52 2 237 188 22 6 1 217 173 20 20 22 19 70 20 2 215 80 191 138 34 172 8 3 1 12 148 3 3 154 1,110 134 164 34 1,442 4,845 800 3,559 1,301 10,505 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen } 40,367 8,091 8,081 2,126 58,965 Labourers 7,691 705 3,248 124 11,768 Military and Naval 7,422 797 8,219 Professional Persons 1,814 1,814 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 1,892 189 1,099 74 3,254 561 4 35 2 602 372 3 55 430 Domestic Servants 6,567 6,411 18,122 10,755 41,855 Persons returned as Independent 5,062 206 14,429 656 20,353 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 2,957 959 2,807 725 7,448 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 8,296 94,689 105,759 104,981 313,725 Total of all other Classes S3,001 112,054 153,635 119,743 468,433 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total FACT Total of the County TAXATION. 54,522 392,759 447,281 10,505 75,674 86,179 533,460 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 77,772 Tithes 115.509 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £1,556,180 33,721 Paid in the Proportion of 5-6ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-6th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £218,532 182,111 36,421 Highway Rates - 37,356 31,130 6,226. Church "} 17,021 14,184 2,837 Turnpike Trusts 75,651 63,043 12,608 "" Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 766,745. 18,803 3,560 266,451 "} 6,476 1,295 542,749 62,947 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") £605,696 € 10 [ENGLAND. DORSET-County of. ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE : Farmers and Graziers 2,701 33 120 Agricultural Labourers 13,043 2,060 592 181 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 438 15 9 2,854 15,876 462 16,182 2,108 721 181 19,192 MANUFACTURES: Flax Manufacture (all branches) 186 53 67 57 363 Weavers (all branches) Woollen and Woollen Cloth Manufacture (all branches) - 139 37 104 39 319 - 193 30 69 17 309 Spinners 5 3 221 69 298 Glovers and Glove Makers 23 2 116 91 232 Rope, Twine, and Cord Spinners and Makers 100 19 75 18 212 Button Makers 2 149 54 205 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 13 9 69 68 159 Sail and Sail Cloth and Tarpaulin Weavers and Makers Miscellaneous - 84 17 35 8 144 - 648 100 174 39 961 1.393 270 1079 460 3,202 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 12,257 1,837 1,742 421 16,257 Labourers Military and Naval 3,009 412 896 65 4,382 1,324 134 Professional Persons 1,458 636 636 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 388 46 337 25 796 325 4 10 339 91 15 106 Domestic Servants 1,565 837 4,821 2,307 Persons returned as Independent 9,530 1,390 48 3,969 182 5,589 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 818 326 928 302 2,374 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 3,330 34,828 35,687 37,337 111,182 Total of all other Classes 25,133 38,472 48,405 40,639 152,649 Divide "" ALL OTHER CLASSES," between the AGRICULTURISTS and MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus: Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes 19,192 130,823 150,015 3,202 21,826 25,028 175,043 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ 32,026 56,971 £613,507 17,893 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 6-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-7th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £94,011 80,581 13,430 Highway Rates 12,251 10,501 1,750 Church "" 8,671 7,433 1,238 Turnpike Trusts 26,274 22,521 3,753 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 231,204 5,780 963 "" on other Property "" 72,366 1,809 301 235,515 21,435 Total of Taxation of the County £256,950 ENGLAND.] 11 DURHAM-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years FEMALES. Under TOTAL. 20 years of age. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 3,274 46 218 3,538 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 7,886 690 1,203 726 274 10,089 35 10 735 11,850 1,284 954 274 14,362 MANUFACTURES: Engineers and Engine Workers 1,117 195 Engine and Machine Makers 228 93 Iron Manufacture (all branches) 657 296 111 1,312 321 2 955 Glass and Glass Bottle Manufacture (all branches) 672 183 2 1 858 Woollen and Woollen Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 346 86 70 100 602 Weavers 521 44 23 8 596 Potters and Pot Makers 389 103 20 4 516 Rope and Cord Makers 303 121 2 1 427 Brick and Tile Makers 341 39 3 Carpet Makers and Weavers 313 63. 7 32 3 386 385 Anchor Smiths and Chain Makers 315 62 377 Nail and Nail Makers- 257 48 1 306 Sail and Sail Cloth and Tarpaulin Makers 209 84 5 1 299 Chemist Manufacture 234 24 4 262 - Factory Workers 100 29 55 61 245 - Linen Manufacture (all branches) 155 15 14 6 190 Hatters and Hat Makers 103 7 17 5 132 Paper Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous 192 18 16 9 235 1,472 279 193 89 2,033 7,924 1,789 432 292 10,437 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 25,767 6,026 2,626 323 34,742 Labourers 21,403 5,305 803 69 27,580 Military and Naval 4,782 472 5,254 Professional Persons 840 840 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 1,351 170 347 16 1,884 255 4 12 271 278 1 21 300 Domestic Servants 1,776 1,081 6,542 → Persons returned as Independent 5,712 15,111 - 1,627 40 6,331 233 8,231 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 748 248 835 212 2,043 RESIDUE OF POPULATION : Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? 3,912 61,158 68,802 69,357 203,229 on all Classes Total of all other Classes 62,739 74,505 86,319 75,922 9,485 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers enga ged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on 19 MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 1 1 14.362 173,443 187,805 10,437 126,042 136,479 324,284 TAXATION. Paid by the MANUFACTURERS. LAND. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 10,444 Tithes 34,262 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £538,781 15,714 Paid in the Proportion of 4-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 3-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property Total of Taxation of the County - £111,026 63,446 47,586 20,864 11,920 8,944 6,101 3,484 2,617 30,323 17,328 12,995 429,287 7,152 5,368 - 700,917 11,680 8,763 175,424 86,273 £261,697 (For those engaged in Mines, see Mining Interest.") 12 ESSEX-COUNTY OF. [ENGLAND. ENGAGED IN. 20 years MALES. Under FEMALES. 20 years Under TOTAL. of age and upwards. 20 years of age. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 4,575 120 415 5,110 Agricultural Labourers 36,272 6,541 1,074 321 44,208 Gardeners, Nurserymen and Florists 1,677 99 22 1,798 42,524 6.760 1,511 321 51,116 MANUFACTURES: Silk Manufacture (all branches) - 507 139 493 447 1,586 Brick and Tile Makers 431 79 Coach Makers (all branches) 201 26 72 7 5 522 2 229 Engine and Machine Makers 15 15 Engineer and Engine Workers 105 12 Straw-Plait Manufacture (all branches) 8 24 117 4 281 138 431 Weavers 114 17 49 26 206 Basket Makers 146 8 6 1 161 Miscellaneous 861 103 129 66 1,159 2,388 388 967 683 4,426 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or as Workmen 22,058 2,595 2,493 548 27,694 Labourers 6,540 1,007 1,851 119 9,517 Military and Naval 2,650 450 3,100 Professional Persons = 1,113 1,113 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 925 89 786 31 1,831 267 6 13 286 407 7 30 444 Domestic Servants 3,478 1,850 8,699 6,229 20,256 Persons returned as Independent 1,915 104 5,071 313 7,403 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,283 733 1,081 680 3,777 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 5,566 67,255 69,043 72,152 214,016 Total of all other Classes 46,202 74,096 89,067 80,072 289,437 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these - respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "} AGRICULTURE-Total - Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest. Land Tax Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - £1,289,645 Paid in the Proportion of 12-13ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-13th by the Manufacturers. 51,116 266,373 317,489 4.426 23,064 27,490 } 344,979 LAND. Paid by the £ 88 647 106,793 37,614 MANUFACTURERS. £ Poor and County Rates £212,776 196,486 16,290 Highway Rates Church - 31,669 29,233 2,436 16,075 14,739 "" 1,236 Turnpike Trusts - 32,906 30,375 2,531 " Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 517,446 13,855 1,237 "" 297,040 7,997 666 525,739 24,396 Total of Taxation of the County £550,135- ENGLAND.] 13 GLOUCESTER-COUNTY OF, ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and FEMALES. Under TOTAL. 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: 4,577 57 319 4,953 19,949 2,878 1,578 320 24,725 1,449 83 53 7 1,592 25,975 3,018 1,950 327 31,270 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (all branches) Hatters and Hat Manufacturers (all branches) Engineers and Engine Workers 2,192 568 2,118 654 5,532 833 53 165 25 1,076 1 858 67 49 10 984 656 81 1 7.38 - Turners Engine and Machine Makers Engine Turner Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Iron Manufacture (all branches) Pin Manufacture (all branches) Coach Makers (all branches) Nail Makers Basket Makers Tin-plate worker and Tinman Boiler Makers Brick and Tile Makers Pipe Makers Chair Makers Dyers Potters Rope and Twine Spinners Spinner Lace Manufactures (all branches) Tanners - Glass Manufacture (all branches) Paper Makers and Stainers - 74 9 2 85 1 - 1 64 60 278 384 786 438 83 10 531 125 30 251 118 524 323 40 3 366 = 241 43 5 289 217 32 19 20 288 221 39 14 9 283 | 1 1 233 45 278 193 38 4 2 237 70 22 109 33 234 152 28 2 182 157 14 6 | | 177 144 9 19 1 124 28 14 122 24 9 174 173 173 159 30 4 99 16 149 43 4 56 44 147 123 5 1 129 106 21 1 128 108 1 8 4 121 Silk Manufacture (all branches) - Miscellaneous 16 5 48 44 113 1,312 143 188 57 1,700 9,176 1,496 3,478 1,433 15,583 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters 35,956 4,421 7,633 1,423 49,433 or Workmen Labourers 14,734 2,590 4,022 257 21,603 Military and Naval 2,786 151 2,937 Professional Persons 1,539 1,539 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 2,354 316 1,121 66 3,857 379 6 19 404 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 628 7 97 732 Domestic Servants 4,736 2,976 15,462 7,920 31,094 Persons returned as Independent 3,862 232 11,164 744 16,002 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,577 833 1,651 786 4,847 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 6,311 79,512 80,838 85,421 252,082 Total of all other Classes 74,862 91,044 122,007 96,617 384,530 Divide " "" ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County ΤΑΧΑΤΙΟΝ. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 1 31,270 256,638 287,908 15,583 127,892 143,475 431,383 LAND. £ 46,657 39,990 - £1,121,124 32,699 Paid in the Proportion of 2-3rds by the Landed Interest, and 1-3rd by the Manufacturers: Paid by the MANUFACTURERS. 32 £ Poor and County Rates £194,249 129,500 64,749 Highway Rates 29,758 19,839 9,919 Church "" 12,275 8,184 4,091 Turnpike Trusts 62,487 41,658 20,829 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 839,689 16,327 8,163 "" 113,701 2,211 1,105 337,065 108,856 Total of Taxation of the County · · - - £445,921 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") 14 [ENGLAND. HEREFORD-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 Years of age and years of upwards. age. FEMALES. Under 20 20 Years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of TOTAL. age. Farmers and Graziers 3,194 27 292 Agricultural Labourers 10,664 1,474 603 90 3,513 12,831 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 257 11 4 272 14,115 1,512 899 90 16,616 MANUFACTURES: Glovers and Glove Makers Nailers Brick and Tile Makers Weavers Basket Makers Tanners Turners Miscellaneous 41 4 102 18 165 75 14 2 1 92 I 66 13 1 80 55 4 59 45 1 5 2 52 47 3 50 t 39 5 44 314 25 51 5 395 682 73 158 24 937 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 8,121 1,111 937 159 10,328 Labourers 2,134 220 667 31 3,052 Military and Naval 152 1 153 Professional Persons 499 499 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 284 31 182 13 510 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 52 1 53 89 14 103 Domestic Servants 2,272 2,312 3,617 2,992 11,193 Persons returned as Independent 981 53 2,135 107 3,276 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 395 203 265 173 1,036 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 2,135 19,557 23,208 21,222 66,122 Total of all other Classes 17,114 23,488 31,026 24,697 96,325 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Tithes Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £629,981 Paid in the Proportion of 18-19ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-19th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property "" Total of Taxation of the County 16,616 91,184 107,800 937 5,141 6,078 113,878 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 43 20,106 - 32,306 18,374 £55,442 52,998 13,138 12,447 2,944 691 4,928 4,668 259 21,795 20,648 1,147 128,572 3,553 197 46,766 1,293 71 166,393 5,309 £171,702 ENGLAND.] 15 HERTFORD-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers 1,628 14,110 3,066 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 776 2888 22 130 1,780 297 889 68 17,541 38 10 824 16,514 3,126 437 68 20,145 MANUFACTURES: Straw-Plait Workers (all branches) 97 239 2,840 1,575 4,751 Straw-Plait Dealers 81 8 21 9 119 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 71 175 85 169 500 Paper Makers 193 29 29 5 256 Paper Stainers 1 1 Brick and Tile Makers 107 17 124 Coach Makers (all branches) 64 16 80 Type Founders 35 25 60 Engineers and Engine Workers 52 3 55 Engine and Machine Maker 1 1 Weavers 42 11 1 54 Canvas Makers and Weavers 46 5 51 Miscellaneous 449 34 37 7 527 1,238 563 3,012 1,766 6,579 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 10,666 1,217 1,509 210 13,602 Labourers 3,689 625 879 25 5,218 Military and Naval 390 38 Professional Persons 499 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 504 34 365 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 110 3 S 1191 428 499 16 919 121 141 1 24 166 Domestic Servants 2,257 1,228 4,426 2,282 10,193 Persons returned as Independent 1,117 38 2,420 121 3,696 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 737 335 606 349 2,027 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 2,323 30,229 29,384 31,678 93,614 Total of all other Classes 22,433 33,748 39,621 34,681 130,483 "" Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes 20,145 98,361 118,506 6,579 32,122 38,701 157,207 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 43 41,783 56,136 £438,225 12,781 "Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 3-4ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-4th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £86,281 64,711 Highway Rates 21,570 11,862 8,897 2,965 Church "" 9,393 7,045 2,348 Turnpike Trusts 21,676 16,257 5,419 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 340,267 7,443 2,481 " on other Property "" 71,301 1,559 520 216,612 35,303 Total of Taxation of the County £251,915 16 [ENGLAND. HUNTINGDON-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 years Under TOTAL. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Brick and Tile Makers 1,027 22 72 1,121 6,004 866 183 59 7,112 206 13 28 247 7,237 901 283 59 8.480 175 27 202 Paper Makers Lace Makers Coach Makers (all branches) Basket Makers 1 29 2 14 7 52 3 33 9 45 37 10 47 24 4 28 Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: 181 17 19 1 218 449 60 66 17 592 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 3,755 483 443 92 4,773 Labourers 807 67 282 LO 5 1,161 Military and Naval 184 6 190 Professional Persons 233 I 233 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 103 9 129 14 255 19 2 21 33 4 37 Domestic Servants 559 471 1,359 1,135 3,524 Persons returned as Independent 301 17 797 42 1,157 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 179 100 165 57 501 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 1,138 11,961 11,956 12,570 37,625 Total of all other Classes 7,311 13,114 15,137 13,915 49,477 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each Interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 8,480 46,249 54,729 592 3,228 3,820 58,549 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 15,278 7,842 £312,082 9,107 Paid in the Proportion of 14-15ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-15th by the Manufacturers: 43 Poor and County Rates £36,076 33,671 2,405 Highway Rates 6,226 5,811 4 15 Church 2,596 2,423 172 "" Turnpike Trusts 8,726 8,145 581 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 71,852 1,955 140 "" on other Property "" 17,749 483 34 84,715 3,747 Total of Taxation of the County - £88,462 ENGLAND.] 17 KENT-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. FEMALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 5,123 57 297 | 5,477 33,504 5,502 521 84 39,611 2,337 113 44 3 2,497 40,964 5,672 862 87 47,585 MANUFACTURES: Paper Makers (all branches) "" Stainers Engine and Machine Makers Engineers and Engine Workers Brick and Tile Makers Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers Coach Makers (all branches) Basket Makers Sail Makers Tanners Printers (all branches) Tin Plate Workers and Tinmen 539 75 244 76 934 11 1 1 1 19 3 562 60 531 75 411 40 1 1 458. 12 22 1 627 1 612 3 462 235 29 1 265 195 9 8 212 170 21 1 192 1 167 8 175 112 19 7 2 140 120 18 1 139 Iron Manufacturers (all branches) Hatters 122 15 137 112 2 18 2 134 Turners Boiler Makers 118 14 2 134 110 10 120 Pipe Makers Weavers (all branches) Miscellaneous 1 86 21 7 114 83 6 15 1 105 970 85 138 36 1,229 4,673 511 459 122 5,765 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 39,511 4,463 5,263 686 49,923 Labourers 14,198 1,516 4,469 110 20,293 Military and Naval 16,864 3,717 20,581 Professional Persons 1,855 1,855 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 2,377 160 1,313 77 3,927 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 1,071 25 15 1 1,112 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 687 9 66 36 762 Domestic Servants 5,935 2,581 - 18,309 9,567 18,392 Persons returned as Independent 5,156 164 12,718 591 1,629 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 7,013 1,901 2,621 1,512 3,047 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: on all Classes Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent ent} 7,026 104,502 106,634 110,304 328,466 - Total of all other Classes 101,693 119,038 151,408 122,848 494,987 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependert on, each interest will stand thus :-- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. - 47,585 441,499 489,084 5,765 53,488 59,253 548,337 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes £ £ 80,495 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 114,349 £1,327,490 38,718 Paid in the Proportion of 8-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-9th by the Manufacturers : Poor and County Rates £258,166 Highway Rates 231,481 26,685 48,634 Church 43,230 5,404 26,201 Turnpike Trusts 56,727 23,290 2,911 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 50,424 6,303 1,372,881 "} on other property 35,593 207,234 4,449 5,373 671 622,953 46,423 Total of Taxation of the County £669,376 D 18 [ENGLAND. LANCASTER-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. years of upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 14,740 139 1,767 16,646 Agricultural Labourers 24,761 5,194 442 188 30,585 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 2,195 121 22 2,338 41,696 5,454 2,231 188 49,569 MANUFACTURES : Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 45,920 24,363 45,271 34,119 149,673 Weavers (all branches) 21,190 5,197 8,787 5,125 40,299 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 5,748 1,427 5,209 2,949 15,333 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 6,758 1,733 2,099 1,440 12,030 Printers (all branches) Cotton, Silk, &c. &c. 5,715 1,666 146 535 8,062 Factory Workers (branch not specified) 2,064 1,092 2,129 1,372 6,657 Engine and Machine Makers 1,682 376 2,058 Engineers and Engine Workers 3,810 663 12 20 4,505 Dyers (all branches) 4,720 1,489 72 25 6,306 Sail Makers Hatters and Hat Makers Spinners (branch not specified) Fustian Manufacture (all branches) Bleachers (branch not specified) Iron Manufacture (all branches) Nailers and Nail Makers Rope and Cord Spinners Brick and Tile Makers Glass Manufacture (all branches) Flax Manufacture (all branches) Tin Plate Workers and Tinmen Coach Makers (all branches) Linen Manufacture (all branches) Block and Print Cutters Moulders (branch not specified) Boiler Makers Fullers - Paper Manufacture (all branches) "" Stainers Turners Turners (Brass) Knitters Worsted Manufacture Small Ware Manufacture Chair Makers File Cutters and Makers Sail Cloth Manufacture Potters Pin Manufacture (all branches) Roller Makers and Coverers - Basket Makers Pattern Designers and Makers Tanners Bobbin Makers and Turners Card (Machine) Makers Pipe Makers Brass Founders and Moulders Brass Finishers and Workers Reed Makers Tool Makers Colour Manufacture Flannel Manufacture (all branches) Copper Manufacture (all branches) Grinders Hinge Makers Straw Plait Workers Hat and Band Box Makers Shuttle Makers Comb Makers Skinners - Fringe and Tassel Manufacture Hoopers and Hoop Makers Wire Workers Anchor Smiths and Chain Makers Quilt Makers Soap Manufacture Marble Masons Thread Manufacture Muslin Manufacture (all branches) Wire Drawers Gun and Pistol Makers Slate Manufacture Bolt Makers 4,078 672 562 234 5,546 1,725 289 1,107 701 3,822 - 1,661 388 877 325 3,251 1,868 487 142 97 2,594 1,945 479 16 8 2,448 1,283 504 25 13 1,825 1,174 493 36 14 1,717 1,153 223 35 8 1,419 706 268 70 29 1,073 426 215 198 225 1 I 1,064 814 214 11 2 1,041 800 181 7 988 195 114 325 317 951 743 176 ++ 4 3 926 637 234 4 1 876 686 187 873 1 638 170 2 810 388 121 100 68 75 45 3 8+ 677 4 127 601 140 3 748 2 2 58 64 339 207 668 159 87 206 180 632 320 55 116 67 558 464 59 23 1 547 393 149 4 546 t 358 112 1 2 539 56 3 7 413 87 18 3 521 73 86 132 178 469 286 43 103 23 455 1 1 356 60 18 353 77 4 +2 4 438 436 400 20 420 264 133 2 4 I 403 187 85 47 59 378 254 72 30 9 365 266 84 4 354 80 28 3 111 285 43 9 2 339 221 75 4 300 222 1 1 - 228 10 25 17 275 270 213 54 267 216 1 47 1 143 1 68 14 1 14 112 6 113 74 226+ 266 213 205 193 142 36 1 179 131 27 11 4 173 140 30 2 172 1 4 60 6 62 38. 166 131 14 1 146 116 23 5 2 146 125 14 139 60 19 51 6 136 124 10 1 1 136 106 25 1 132 t 27 4 59 28 118 74 13 18 9 114 91 18 109 94 12 1 107 96 11 107 1 81 21 1 103 Miscellaneous 1,525 249 224 81 2,079 128,616 45,806 69,012 48,695 292,129 ENGLAND.] 19 LANCASTER-COUNTY OF.—(Continued.) MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and years of of age and years of upwards. age. upwards. age. ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters 128,921 21,157 21,378 4,199 175,655 or Workmen Labourers - 56,861 10,195 7,969 1,054 · 76,079 Military and Naval 9,598 1,026 10,624 Professional Persons 3,495 3,495 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 10,078 1,578 2,012 136 13,804 1,195 16 23 1,234 2,408 19 113 1 2,541 Domestic Servants 8,375 3,371 40,887 20,365 72,998 Persons returned as Independent 8,127 491 23,343 1,246 33,207 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 4,838 2,325 4,060 1,494 12,717 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Classes Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? 21,992 297,294 287,085 316,631 923,002 Total of all other Classes 255,888 337,472 386,870 345,126 1,325,356 66 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus: Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total - Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 49,569 192,265 241,834 292,129 1,133,091 1,425,220 1,667,054 LAND. £ 19,406 39,728 - £1,636,416 47,728 Paid in the proportion of 1-7th by the Landed Interest, and Paid by the MANUFACTurers. 4 6-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £530,490 75,784 454,706 Highway Rates 73,870 10,552 63,318 Church 22,068 3,152 18,916 Turnpike Trusts 121,885 17,412 104,473 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 4,777,536 19,906 119,438 "" on other Property "} 1,342,276 5,878 33,271 239,546 794,122 Total of Taxation of the County £1,033,668 20 [ENGLAND. LEICESTER-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 3,358 26 285 3,669 Agricultural Labourers - 11,259 1,353 133 25 12,770 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 604 38 10 1 653 15,221 1,417 428 26 17,092 MANUFACTURES: Hose (Stocking) Manufacture (all branches) 8,753 1,328 2,059 775 12,915 Woollen (Stocking) Manufacture (all branches) 1,265 198 493 212 2,168 Lace Manufacture (all branches) < 369 95 688 385 1,537 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers 768 86 72 64 990 348 100 1 1 450 Glovers and Glove Manufacture (all branches) 91 6 212 130 439 Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 84 85 172 Worsted Manufacture (all branches) 59 25 174 283 82 423 77 335 Trimmers 144 41 4 Needle Makers 146 32 4 11 189 182 Factory Workers (branch not specified) 15 46 57 56 174 Dyers (all branches) 151 11 10 Potters and Pot Manufacture (all branches) 106 25 12 Weavers (all branches) 115 15 13 142 173 147 2 145 Engine and Machine Makers 36 5 1 Engineers and Engine Workers 99 3 | | 42 102 Brace Makers (all branches) 32 8 69 带 ​Turners "" Basket Makers Miscellaneous 108 19 82 27 136 129 (Ivory) 1 1 101 17 3 121 871 195 134 31 1,231 13,662 2,340 4,180 1,847 22,029 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 14,402 2,143 2,501 479 19,525 Labourers 2,511 361 784 20 3,676 Military and Naval 506 75 581 Professional Persons 734 734 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 531 98 404 18 1,051 79 1 3 83 173 20 193 Domestic Servants 2,386 2,266 5,006 3,889 13,547 Persons returned as Independent 1,278 34 2,952 113 4,377 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 753 418 609 354 2,134 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 3,285 40,956 42,685 43,919 130,845 Total of all other Classes 26,638 46,352 54,964 48,792 176,746 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes 17,092 77,221 94,313 22,029 99,525 121,554 215,867 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 43 £ 34,238 19,474 £899,063 25,931 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 4-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 5-9ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £103,718 46,996 Highway Rates 57,622 23,816 10,628 13,188 Church 5,898 2,620 3,278 Turnpike Trusts 22,243 9,884 12,339 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 314,966 4,080 5,106 on other Property "" 162,355 2,204 2,531 155,155 94,064 Total of Taxation of the County £249,219 ENGLAND.] 21 LINCOLN-County of. 1 ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years Under of age and 20 years upwards. of age. FEMALES, 20 years Under TOTAL. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 10,579 78 631 11,288 Agricultural Labourers 36,917 7,712 643 122 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 830 35 14 45,394 879 48,326 7,825 1,288 122 57,561 MANUFACTURES: Brick and Tile Makers 698 106 Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers 239 39 Engine and Machine Makers 109 19 Engineers and Engine Workers 74 6 1301 1 5 809 281 129 80 Coachmakers (all branches) 120 49 Tanners 116 25 32 172 2 143 Nail Makers 115 14 129 } Basket Makers 114 13 1 128 Weavers (branch not specified) - Miscellaneous 103 4 1 108 810 102 154 H 21 1,087 2,498 377 170 21 3,066 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 24,240 4,126 3,135 573 32,074 Labourers 4,276 271 1,567 33 6.147 Military and Naval 2,297 108 2,405 Professional Persons 1,431 1,431 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 814 121 750 46 1,731 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 169 3 12 184 234 3 33 1 271 Domestic Servants 3,025 2,646 10,460 10,403 26,534 Persons returned as Independent 2,390 45 6,443 221 9,099 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,013 564 1,118 574 3,269 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 6,113 68,849 71,837 72,031 218,830 Total of all other Classes 46,002 76,736 95,355 83,882 301,975 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES " between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County - TAXATION. 57,561 286,704 344,265 3,066 15,271 18,337 362,602 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 70,548 Tithes 44,877 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £2,340,624 68,268 Paid in the Proportion of 19-20ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-20th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "5 Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property "" Total of Taxation of the County £151,999 144,399 7,600 80,664 76,628 4,036 12,698 12,059 639 35,957 34,165 1,792 - 420,978 11,665 613 - 106,737 2,958 155 465,567 14,835 £480,402 22 [ENGLAND. MIDDLESEX-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Silk Manufacture (all branches) - Weavers (branch not specified) Coach Makers (all branches) Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Dyers (all branches) Hat Makers (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers Turners "" (Brass) Chair Makers Tin-plate Workers and Tinmen Cotton Manufacture (all branches) . Gun Makers (all branches) Paper Manufacture (all branches) Glass Manufacture (all branches) Rope and Cord Makers Brass Finishers and Workers Brass Founders and Moulders Lace Manufacture (all branches) Sugar Bakers, Boilers, and Refiners Basket Makers Glovers and Glove Makers Wire Drawers and Workers - Iron Manufacture (all branches) Type Founders Pipe Makers Copper Manufacture (all branches) Sail Makers Sail Cloth and Tarpaulin Makers Trimming Makers Fringe Manufacturers Carpet Manufacturers Gold Beaters Gold Workers (all branches) Japanners Comb Makers Wool Manufacture (all branches) Musical Instrument Makers Ivory Turners and Workers Boiler Makers Straw-Plait Manufacture Brace Makers Skin Dressers Pewterers Willow Weavers and Workers Soap Boilers Organ Builders Crape Manufacturers Card Makers Mat Makers Pencil Makers Marble Masons Horse Hair Manufacturers and Weavers Tool Dealers and Makers Tanners - Distillers Hair Manufacturers and Weavers Button Makers Looking Glass Makers and Silverers Lamp Makers Tobacco Pipe Makers Potters Floor Cloth Manufacturers Hot Pressers Spring Makers Moulders (branch not specified) Founders (branch not specified) Lint Makers and Dealers Pen Makers and Dealers Zinc Manufacturers and Workers Instrument Makers Spinners (branch not specified) Miscellaneous 1 1 1 F 1 1 1 រ I 1 1 1 MALES. FEMALES. 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. 1,118 32 55 9,627 1,437 522 4,761 185 275 283 1,205 11,668 70 5,291 15,506 1,654 852 152 18,164 3,728 450 2,440 530 7,148 3,241 369 1,148 203 4,961 3,408 327 68 8 3,811 2,114 299 2,413 193 22 5 220 1,172 102 85 13 1,372 1,020 100 171 39 1,330 1,068 204 23 13 1,308 1,059 145 29 4 1,237 75 14 1 90 937 147 85 10 1,179 1,004 122 8 1,134 98 29 832 163 1,122 955 120 27 2 1,104 791 264 37 10 1,102 744 79 33 6 862 614 132 60 5 811 674 73 15 762 607 80 6 693 249 18 327 83 677 604 22 3 629 488 34 43 6 571 229 20 240 35 524 356 50 18 3 427 381 36 5 422 353 58 1 1 413 318 45 35 C 6 404 311 78 8 348 = 397 34 1 383 55 5 6 136 21 146 66 160 32 109 57 271 49 19 NON~ 2 68 369 358 2 341 249 67 6 322 141 16 29 14 244 31 39 48 200 322 273 29 15 317 232 21 46 6 305 236 30 229 30 සය 3 269 3 1 263 213 45 258 81 9 132 19 241 52 10 120 19 201 167 14 12 4 197 175 8 11 194 104 20 49 20 193 176 8 3 1 188 153 25 2 | 180 40 23 71 32 166 105 27 18 8 158 116 10 25 2 153 116 22 9 2 149 126 14 4 144 105 11 17 1 134 109 19 2 130 111 14 1 126 122 1 1 124 54 8 48 14 124 85 11 21 4 121 105 6 6 117 108 5 2 115 74 15 14 2 105 93 7 2 102 85 11 1 97 81 15 1 97 72 10 15 97 80 11 1 1 93 80 10 1 91 6 63 20 89 57 6 23 1 87 73 12 1 86 68 9 7 84 31 4 34 9 78 2,505 221 453 97 3,276 35,093 4,445 7,339 1,558 48,435 ENGLAND.] 23 MIDDLESEX-COUNTY OF.-( Continued.) ALL OTHER CLASSES: MALES. ENGAGED IN FEMALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years age. years of of age and upwards. Under 20 years of TOTAL. age. Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 195,830 21,660 42,344 6,990 266,824 Labourers 53,472 5,958 22,171 639 82,240 Military and Naval 13,289 868 14,157 Professional Persons 10,389 10,389 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 21,465 2,892 5,029 286 29,672 2,119 41 15 2,175 5,200 171 387 4 5,762 Domestic Servants 31,975 9,331 86,870 28,555 156,731 Persons returned as Independent 22,260 960 50,707 2,442 76,369 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 8,378 3,171 9,910 2,624 24,083 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 19,699 253,199 289,943 278,794 841,635 Total of all other Classes 384,076 298,251 507,376 320,334 1,510,037 The Metropolis being the representative of every other interest in the Kingdom, the same rule of dividing "ALL OTHER CLASSES" and the Taxation of the County between the AGRICULTURISTS and MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which those resident in the County hear to each other will not apply in the instance of Middlesex. We therefore adopt the result given in the Summary of the proportion which each bears to the other in the whole popu- lation of the three Kingdoms, irrespective of the Metropolis, and this gives 2-3rds to the Agriculturists, and 1-3rd to the Manufacturers:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 18,164 w - 1,006,692 1,024,856 48,435 503,345 551,780 1,576,636 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax £ 236,249 43 Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £387,861 54,698 11,312 Paid in the Proportion of 2-3rds by the Landed Interest, and 1-3rd by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £758,160 505,440 252,720 Highway Rates 33,055 22,037 11,018 Church 94,287 99 62,858 31,429 Turnpike Trusts 74,818 49,879 24,939 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 9,223,475 179,346 89,672 "3 on other Property 1,724,514 33,530 16,768 1,155,349 426,546 Total of Taxation of the County £1,581,895 24 [ENGLAND. MONMOUTH-COUNTY of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. years of upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 2,263 56 278 2,597 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 4,472 1,172 126 83 5,853 222 11 2 235 6,957 1,239 406 83 8,685 Weavers MANUFACTURES: Iron Manufacture (all branches) Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Nail Makers Tin Manufacture (all branches) Coke Burners and Dealers Brick and Tile Makers - Hoop Makers and Shavers 2,491 532 19 12 3,054 294 27 48 5 125 26 120 23 99 6 1 125❤ 321 54 153 9 76 9 6 220 150 116 8 99 - 66 17 83 68 11 79 Paper Makers and Stainers Miscellaneous - 62 10 4 1 426 62 40 37 79 535 3,875 728 86 34 4,723 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 9,973 1,555 1,132 258 12,918 Labourers 13,061 2,739 710 278 16,788 Military and Naval 914 83 997 Professional Persons 431 431 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 411 64 106 10 591 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 62 3 3 68 79 8 87 Domestic Servants 1,117 757 2,975 2,707 7,556 Persons returned as Independent 676 36 1,759 151 2,622 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 303 120 207 107 737 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 2,025 23,407 26,875 25,845 78,152 Total of all other Classes 29,052 28,764 33,775 29,356 120,947 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :--- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 8,685 78,344 87,029 4,723 - 42,603 47,326 134,355 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 9,612 Tithes 18,103 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 5-8ths by the Landed Interest, and £290,334 8,468 3-8ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £44,598 27,810 16,788 Highway Rates 7,881 4,925 2,956 Church "" 2,821 1,760 1,061 Turnpike Trusts 14,498 9,060 5,438 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 158,420 2,885 1,735 "" on other Property " 142,407 2,598 1,557 84,591 29,535 Total of Taxation of the County £114,126 ENGLAND.] 25 NORFOLK-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 6,960 73 414 7 447 Agricultural Labourers 34,592 5,784 735 164 41,275 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,534 67 39 3 1,643 43,086 5,924 1,188 167 50,365 MANUFACTURES: Weavers 1,735 117 817 177 2,846 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 621 74 686 360 1,741 Brick and Tile Makers 462 59 521 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 352 64 20 13 449 Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers 289 74 1 364 Coach Makers (all branches) 239 54 2 295 - Factory Workers (branch not specified) Dyers 21 22 88 110 241 210 17 7 1 235 Basket Makers Braziers, Brass Workers and Tinkers Worsted Manufacture (all branches) Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Glovers and Glove Makers Engineers and Engine Workers 193 23 12 228 171 21 192 134 6 33 10 183 31 12 87 36 166 93 6 43 14 156 1 114 12 126 Engine and Machine Makers Turners 63 8 71 - 99 24 1 124 Miscellaneous 1,099 164 244 75 1,582 5,926 757 2,041 796 9,520 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters 29,726 4,079 4,533 963 39,301 or Workmen 65 Labourers 5,537 760 1,929 8,291 Military and Naval 3,010 307 3,317 Professional Persons 1,552 1,552 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 945 179 842 47 2,013 271 3 24 1 299 472 7 56 1 536 Domestic Servants 3,139 1,902 10,999 7,078 23,118 Persons returned as Independent 2.556 69 7,432 301 10,358 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,594 789 1,739 718 4,840 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 6,368 80,166 86,790 85,830 259,154 Total of all other Classes 55,170 88,261 114,344 95,004 352,779 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total - Total of the County TAXATION. 50,365 296,698 347,063 9,520 56,081 65,601 1 412,664 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ 42 £ Land Tax 81,819 Tithes 70,417 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £1,644,933 47,977 Paid in the Proportion of 5-6ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-6th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £228,377 190,314 38,063 Highway Rates 25,853 21,545 4,308 Church 15,108 12,590 2,518 Turnpike Trusts 15,588 12,990 2,598 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 589,768 14,304 2,860 "" on other Property 92,669 2,252 450 454,208 50,797 Total of Taxation of the County £505,005 E 26 [ENGEAND. NORTHAMPTON-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers 3,069 41 205 18,538 3,045 186 23 3,315 21,792 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 586 26 12 624 22,193 3,112 403 23 25,731 MANUFACTURES: Boot and Shoe Makers Lace Makers Weavers Silk Manufacture (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers Mat Makers Coach Makers (all branches) Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous 5,237 1,215 355 214 7,021 25 13 1,854 839 2,731 235 45 17 9 306 198 54 16 32 300 177 20 197 84 87 79 780 12208 3 107 1 100 9 9 3 100 96 101 14 991 6,902 1,484 2,356 1,111 11,853 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Ketail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 11,817 1,509 1,439 241 15,006 Labourers 2,234 213 767 14 3,228 Military and Naval 886 190 1,076 Professional Persons 694 694 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 448 57 336 24 865 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 98 9 107 179 1 19 199 Domestic Servants 1,675 1,048 4,556 3,289 10,568 Persons returned as Independent 1,084 20 2,575 109 3,788 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 757 414 886 332 2,389 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 3,423 38,542 40,907 40,852 123,724 Total of all other Classes 23,295 41,994 51,494 44,861 161,644 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:-- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total 25,731 110,666 136,397 11,853 Dependent on 50,978 MANUFACTURES-Total 62,831 Total of the County 199,228 TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ 47,159 10,879 £973,144 28,383 Paid in the Proportion of 2-3rds by the Landed Interest, and 1-3rd by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £113,725 75,817 37,908 Highway Rates 25,055 16,704 8,351 Church "" 8,612 5,742 2,870 Turnpike Trusts 29,984 19,990 9,994 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 263,516 5,124 2,561 on other Property "} 33 15,440 300 150 210,098 61,834 Total of Taxation of the County £271,932 ENGLAND.] 27 NORTHUMBERLAND-County of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 years Under TOTAL. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 2,817 26 222 · 10,669 550 1,817 883 290 3,065 13,659 57 8 615 14,036 1,900 1,113 290 17,339 - Spinners MANUFACTURES: Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Turners Iron Manufacture (all branches) Glass Manufacture (all branches) Lead Manufacture Weavers (branch not specified) Potters and Pot Makers Pottery; Painters and Printers Brick and Tile Makers Rope and Card Spinners and Makers Tanners Hatters and Hat Makers Glovers and Glove Makers Coach Makers (all branches) Paper Makers, Rulers, and Stainers Flax Manufacture (all branches) Nailers and Nail Makers Moulders (branch not specified) Sail, Sail Cloth, and Tarpaulin Makers Miscellaneous 566 173 739 196 61 257 1 1 - 415 144 559 374 95 16 3 488 1 253 118 5 1 377 326 11 337 244 61 17 9 331 12 2 1 212 61 12 1 15 2 2 277 187 71 4 262 201 44 245 1 158 19 20 42 1 134 15 45 201 192 137 41 1 1 179 96 22 18 13 149 101 9 10 14 134 100 19 119 58 56 114 5 84 25 114 "" 87 24 111 1,311 252 126 .33 1,722 5,082 1,284 438 119 6,923 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 22.369 4,485 3,119 402 30,375 Labourers 11,382 3,206 982 45 15,615 Military and Naval 3,137 282 3,419 Professional Persons 747 747 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 1,127 202 277 13 1,619 290 1 4 295 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 371 10 31 412 Domestic Servants 1,265 497 7,346 f 4,810 13,918 Persons returned as Independent 1,315 30 5,367 163 6,875 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 551 226 876 205 1,858 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes - 2,950 44,545 52,481 50,907 150,883 Total of all other Classes 45,504 53,484 70.483 56,545 226,016 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:--- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 17,339 161,524 178,863 6,923 64,492 71.415 250,278 Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest; Land Tax Tithes Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS £ £ 13,460 58,866 £835,856 Paid in the Proportion of 5-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "" £84,402 60,285 24,117 15,484 11,060 4,424 4,396 3,210 1,186 17,285 12,345 4,940 - 431,877 8,995 3,601 274,700 5,720 2,292 173,941 30,560 £204,501 Total Taxation of the County (For those engaged tn Mines, sec "Mining Interest.") 28 [ENGLAND. NOTTINGHAM-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 of age and upwards. years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 3,444 49 294 12,769 2,923 220 14 3,787 15,926 595 34 15 1 645 16,808 3,006 529 15 20,358 MANUFACTURES: Hose (Stocking) Manufacture (all branches) 9,383 1,550 1,809 671 13,413 Lace Manufacture (all branches) 3,528 455 2 763 1,139 7,885 Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 439 197 456 332 1,424 Factory Workers (branch not specified) 164 89 206 141 600 Brick and Tile Makers 335 87 3 425 Bleachers Engineers and Engine Workers 231 85 5 3 324 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 241 52 10 3 306 66 41 128 69 69 304 Engine and Machine Makers 184 19 Hatters and Hat Makers 113 19 11 203 132 Brass Founders and Moulders 110 10 36 21 177 Braziers, Brass Workers, and Tinkers 128 37 3 168 Needle Makers 135 29 3 167 Turners 126 33 159 Coach Makers (all branches) 111 20 131 Weavers 113 7 5 1 126 Spinners (branch not specified) 1 2 109 11 123 Rope and Cord Makers, and Spinners 96 18 6 120 Chair Makers 93 Basket Makers 97 Miscellaneous 971 156 9363 19 4 116 13 2 112 135 33 1,295 16,665 2.938 5,683 2,424 27,710 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 17,116 2,947 3,076 524 23,663 Labourers 3,855 541 1,020 44 5,460 Military and Naval 1,107 63 1,170 Professional Persons 664 664 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 740 121 420 21 1,302 91 4 95 - 218 16 234 Domestic Servants 1,617 1,188 5,715 4,763 13,283 Persons returned as Independent 1,325 22 3,383 88 4,818 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 723 373 589 238 1,923 RESIDUE OF POPULATION : Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 3,241 46,385 48,685 50,919 149,230 Total of all other Classes 30,697 51,640 62,908 56,597 201,842 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest, will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURERS-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 20,358 85,486 105,844 27.710 116,356 144,066 249,910 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ Land Tax Tithes 26,733 12,469 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £707,756 Paid in the Proportion of 2-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 3-5ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "" £87,770 35,108 52,662 23,091 9,236 13,855 4,311 1,724 2,587 14,959 5,982 8,977 380,744 4,442 6,663 53,867 628 943 96,322 85,687 £182,009 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see " Mining Interest.") ENGLAND.] 29 OXFORD-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE; Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 2,178 23 164 14,483 2,350 870 206 2,365 17,909 486 22 6 1 515 17,147 2,395 1,040 207 20,789 MANUFACTURES: Lace Makers Weavers (all branches) Woollen and Woollen Cloth Manufacture Chair Makers Brick and Tile Makers Coachmakers (all branches) 1 3 452 108 Plush Manufacture Glovers and Glove Makers Miscellaneous 1 1 297 24 11 165 12 17 1♡ 564 333 3 197 128 14 120 10 43 146 3 133 109 14 123 103 13 116 87 1 140 653 75 60 33333333 53 281 821 1,663 166 687 198 2,714 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen' 11,637 1,438 1,344 236 14,655 Labourers 2,636 376 825 41 3,878 Military and Naval 340 16 356 Professional Persons 661 661 Other Educated Persons, following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 508 53 326 23 910 89 3 6 98 160 1 13 174 Domestic Servants 1,635 716 4,210 3,012 9,573 Persons returned as Independent 1,338 62 2,336 121 3,857 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 628 351 573 368 1,920 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 4,069 32,353 32,117 33,519 102,058 Total of all other Classes 23,701 35,369 41,750 37,320 138,140 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURES in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 20,789 122,189 142,978 2,714 15,951 18,665 161,643 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ ₤ Land Tax 38,127 Tithes 22,193 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £602,395 17,569 Paid in the Proportion of S-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-9th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £91,065 79,836 11,229 Highway Rates 13,246 11,774 1,472 Church "" 6,069 5,385 674 Turnpike Trusts 18,797 16,709 2,088 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 285,849 7,411 926 "" on other Property 137,176 3,556 444 202,560 16,833 Total of Taxation of the County £219,393 30 [ENGLAND. RUTLAND-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE : Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1 MANUFACTURES: There is no leading branch of Manufacture carried on in this County Miscellaneous MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. FEMALES. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. TOTAL. 567 2 47 2,169 420 39 1 616 2,629 64 6 1 71 2,800 428 87 1 3,316 118 7 14 15 154 118 7 14 15 154 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 1,423 185 165 28 1,801 Labourers 301 12 116 1 430 Military and Naval 25 25 Professional Persons 90 90 Other educated Persons following Miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 38 50 2 90 7 1 8 11 3 14 Domestic Servants 242 165 564 464 1,435 Persons returned as Independent 112 1 297 6 416 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 65 42 121 31 259 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 420 4,230 4,339 4,27 5 13,264 Total of all other Classes 2,734 4,635 5,656 4,807 17,832 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. - 3,316 17,041 20,357 154 791 945 21,302 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 5,473 Tithes 3,518 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £130,935 3,818 Paid in the Proportion of 21-22ndths by the Landed Interest: and 1-22ndth by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property "" Total of Taxation of the County £9,763 9,320 443 4,694 4,481 213 874 839 35 3,319 3,169 150 21,632 602 28 4,420 123 5 31,343 874 £32,217 ENGLAND.] 31 SALOP-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 4,487 43 494 5,024 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 17,075 4,929 297 60 22,361 584 23 11 618 22,146 4,995 802 60 28,003 MANUFACTURES: Nail Manufacture (all branches) Iron Manufacture (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers 846 128 222 78 699 347 4 1 386 68 9 Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Factory Workers (branch not specified) Potters 315 58 c=8 1,274 10 1,060 13 476 376 38 13 51 30 64 109 114 317 112 18 48 27 205 China Painters and Stainers Weavers (branch not specified) Thread Manufacture (all branches) Hatters and Hat Makers Flax Manufacture (all branches 74 11 50 27 162 132 5 14 6 157 1 20 30 19 54 123 94 4 12 110 43 26 12 22 103 Coach Makers (all branches) Tanners Miscellaneous 80 22 I 102 95 4 2 101 969 175 179 88 1,411 3,933 973 680 442 6,028 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 17,253 2,950 1,916 338 22,457 Labourers 9,939 2,677 994 318 13,928 Military and Naval 655 57 712 Professional Persons - 744 744 Other educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 878 100 394 16 1,388 129 17 1 147 200 1 32 233 Domestic Servants 2,096 1,133 7.636 6,616 17,481 Persons returned as Independent 1,447 56 3,686 127 5,316 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 708 397 636 316 2,057 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 3,617 42,277 48,270 46,390 140,554 Total of all other Classes 37,666 49,648 63,581 54,122 205,017 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on 29 AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "J MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 28,003 168,702 196,705 6,028 36,315 42,343 239,048 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 28,684 Tithes 31,366 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £1,050,131 30,628 Paid in the Proportion of 9-11ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-11ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £95,684 78,288 17,396 Highway Rates 12,362 10,116 2,246 Church "" 8,595 7,033 1,562 Turnpike Trusts 26,885 21,997 4,888 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 254,353 6,070 1,348 11 on other Property 170,845 4,076 906 "" 218,258 28,346 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") £246,604 32 [ENGLAND SOMERSET-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 of age and upwards. years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 8,196 84 407 Agricultural Labourers 26,949 5,693 1,382 314 8,687 34,338 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,340 68 33 1 1,442 36,485 5,845 1,822 315 44,467 MANUFACTURES: Glovers and Glove Makers Woollen and Cloth Manufacture 614 170 1,365 707 2,856 998 248 604 177 2,027 Weavers (all branches) Silk Manufacture (all branches) Lace Manufacture (all branches) Coach Makers Brick and Tile Makers Tanners Brass Founders and Moulders, Braziers and Brass Workers, and Tinkers Stocking Makers Rope, Cord, and Twine Makers Knitters Basket Makers Spinners (branch not specified) Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 904 79 433 105 1,521 92 87 451 390 1,020 178 136 125 116 555 263 53 2 318 216 20 4 ما 5 245 1 227 16 2 245 205 32 237 5 151 37 21 2 158 23 1 183 2583 62 227 216 29 213 1 167 19 16 202 10 2 145 16 173 31 66 51 11 159 Flax Manufacture (all branches) Factory Workers (branch not specified) Paper Makers and Stainers Tool Makers · 87 11 29 24 151 23 33 26 62 144 107 10 11 4 132 117 14 131 Miscellaneous 1,480 202 325 116 2,123 5,876 1,237 3,953 1,829 12,895 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters ? or Workmen 31,738 4,618 5,952 1,328 43,636 Labourers 13,561 2,932 3,723 258 20,474 Military and Naval 1,428 118 1.546 Professional Persons 1,616 1,616 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 1,845 189 1,013 60 3,107 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 254 2 24 280 350 2 46 398 Domestic Servants 3,527 1,987 14,875 8,636 29,025 Persons returned as Independent 3,958 163 10,340 446 14,907 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,827 1,030 2,063 776 5,696 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 7,536 81,283 $2,999 86,117 257,935 Total of all other Classes 67,640 92,324 121,035 97,621 378,620 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES," between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :-- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on - MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 44,467 293,507 337,974 12,895 85,113 98,008 435.982 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest. £ £ Land Tax Tithes 69,902 59,812 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £1,715,497 50,035 Paid in the Proportion of 7-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-9ths by the Manufacturers. Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property "} Total of Taxation of the County £203,622 158,374 45,248 37,889 33,471 4,418 16,780 13,052 3,728 57,288 44,558 12,730 - 1,025,297 23,243 6,640 250,952 5,693 1,626 458,140 74,390 £532,530 (For those engaged in Mines, see Mining Interest.”) ENGLAND.] 33 SOUTHAMPTON-COUNTY of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 3,420 47 147 3,614 Agricultural Labourers 24,898 4,948 514 175 30,535 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,320 61 11 1,392 29,638 5,056 672 175 35,541 MANUFACTURES: Brick and Tile Makers Coachmakers (all branches) Rope and Cord Spinners Lace Makers 334 25 206 58 442 363 1 267 241 18 2 2 263 I 86 8 82 30 206 Silk Manufacture (all branches) Paper Makers Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers 21 9 114 59 203 102 26 32 11 171 t 138 12 150 15 2 17 Tanners Miscellaneous 118 6 2 126 1,299 156 140 51 1,646 2,560 320 378 154 3,412 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 26,241 3,186 3,896 731 34,054 Labourers 9,235 1,176 2,207 97 12,715 Military and Naval 7,158 1,082 8,240 Professional Persons 1,158 1,158 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 1,364 161 790 44 2,359 669 5 17 691 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 421 3 54 478 Domestic Servants 3,692 1,589 ✔ · 11,403 6,014 22,698 Persons returned as Independent 2,989 161 8,175 437 11,762 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 3,616 1,208 1,510 S74 7,208 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 5,234 67,122 70,611 71,721 214,688 Total of all other Classes 61,777 75,693 98,663 79,918 316,051 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total 35,541 288,368 323,909 Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on 3,412 27,683 "" MANUFACTURES-Total 31,095 Total of the County 355,064 TAXATION. Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ 43 Land Tax 52,596 Tithes 114,169 £777,636 22,681 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 10-11ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-11th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £179,195 162,905 16,290 Highway Rates 20,714 18,831 1,883 Church >> 9,628 8,753 875 Turnpike Trusts 24,611 22,374 2,237 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 730,959 19,390 1,929 "} 152,852 4,053 405 415,762 23,619 Total of Taxation of the County £439,371 F 34 [ENGLAND. STAFFORD-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 5,791 39 685 6,515 17,484 3,847 194 43 21,568 989 38 10 1,037 24,264 3,924 889 43 29,120 MANUFACTURES: Pottery Manufacture (all branches) - 7,690 3,757 3,397 2,981 17,825 Iron and Steel Manufacture (all branches) 4,744 1,607 70 26 6,447 Lock and Key Smiths and Bell Hangers 3,278 959 25 6 4,268 Nailers and Nail Makers Silk Manufacture (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Glass Manufacture (all branches) Gun and Pistol Makers (all branches) Hatters and Hat Makers Bit Makers Moulders (branch not specified) Brass Founders, Braziers, and Brass Workers Tin-Plate Workers and Tinmen Screw Makers 2,462 395 771 364 3,992 546 353 548 578 2,025 1,304 323 69 81 1,777 1,503 243 5 1 1,752 257 48 2 307 193 108 481 361 1,143 678 224 25 9 936 613 112 1 3 729 572 48 61 29 710 477 170. 11 4 662 468 180 1 3 652 - 487 137 8 1 633 420 160 15 17 612 291 44 87 74 496 Japanners 207 105 77 85 474 Coach Makers (all branches) 397 72 4 1 474 Tape Manufacture (all branches) 222 53 132 39 446 Crate Makers 347 $6 5 1 439 Chain Makers 284 99 6 8 397 Hinge Makers 307 79 7 1 394 Platers 269 66 3 338 Factory Workers (branch not specified) 185 85 13 27 310 Boiler Makers 250 41 291 Weavers 189 18 39 8 254 Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers 172 37 8 217 Buckle Makers 147 34 27 File Makers 157 46 2 82 216 207 Turners - 169 32 201 Miscellaneous 2,557 484 419 165 3,625 31,842 10,205 6,319 4,883 53,249 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 32,361 5,207 3,822 942 42,332 Labourers 26,799 6,172 1,722 224 34,917 Military and Naval 1,657 174 1,831 Professional Persons 954 954 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 2,157 263 749 38 3,207 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 207 3 28 238 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 338 6 32 376 Domestic Servants 2,778 1,473 9,642 9,438 23,331 Persons returned as Independent 2,271 75 5,594 233 8,173 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,461 611 1,048 549 3,669 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 6,719 96,964 98,988 106,436 309,107 Total of all other Classes 77,702 110,948 121,625 117,860 428,135 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture "" Dependent on AGRICULTURE—Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total- Total of the County TAXATION. - 29,120 151,360 180,480 53,249 276,775 330,024 510,504 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 48 Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest : Land Tax Tithes 26,140 33,074 £1,104,150 32,204 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 4-11ths by the Landed Interest, and 7-11th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" - £172,965 62,896 110,069 23,908 8,692 15,216 12,614 4,584 8,030 Turnpike Trusts 59,027 21,464 37,563 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 818,993 8,684 15,193 "} on other Property 518,410 5,496 9,624 203,234 195,695 Total of Taxation of the County £398,929 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") ENGLAND.] 35 SUFFOLK COUNTY OF. MALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years 20 years FEMALES. 20 years Under of age and 20 years TOTAL. of age. upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 4,957 44 381 5,382 Agricultural Labourers 31,700 4,952 567 132 37,351 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,059 57 9 1,125 37,716 5,053 957 132 43,858 MANUFACTURES: Silk Manufacture (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers Weavers (branch not specified) Coach Makers (all branches) 216 89 240 329 874 350 42 5 397 - 233 29 61 9 332 197 53 2 252 Basket Makers and Sellers 142 14 13 6 175 Glovers and Glove Makers 84 3 61 7 155 Rope and Cord Spinners 125 27 2 1 155 Brass Finishers and Workers, Brass Founders, and Braziers and Tinkers 114 16 4 134 Iron Manufacture (all branches) 110 21 131 Woollen Manufacture (all branches) 86 3 20 10 119 Miscellaneous 807 103 209 59 1,178 2,464 400 617 421 3,902 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 21,476 2,988 2,608 598 27,670 Labourers 3,235 488 1,445 44 5,212 Military and Naval 1,779 148 1,927 Professional Persons 1,159 1,159 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 652 81 656 47 1,436 249 4 12 265 - 257 4 35 296 Domestic Servants 2,330 1,225 8,350 5,912 17,817 Persons returned as Independent - 2,007 76 5,157 259 7,499 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,332 636 1,331 602 3,901 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? on all Classes 4,951 63,397 65,553 66,230 200,131 Total of all other Classes 39,427 69,047 85.147 73,692 267,313 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus: Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 43,858 245,474 289,332 3,902 21.839 25,741 315,073 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ CH Land Tax 72,499 Tithes 65,714 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £1,147,535 33,469 Paid in the Proportion of 11-12ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-12ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church " Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at " on other Property "" Total of Taxation of the County £173,829 159,344 14,485 26,304 24,112 14,443 13,240 2, 192 1,203 9,983 9,151 479,407 12,817 832 1,165 90,883 2,430 220 392,776 20,097 - £412,873 36 [ENGLAND. SURREY-County of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and years of of age and years of upwards. age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 1,892 27 111 2,030 Agricultural Labourers 15,865 3,140 207 70 19,282 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 3,734 176 118 12 4,040 21,491 3,343 436 82 25,352 MANUFACTURES: Hatters and Hat Manufacturers 1,565 117 368 89 2,139 Engineers and Engine Workers 1,308 172 1 1,481 Engine and Machine Makers 82 6 88 Turners 1 [ ] 1 Tanners 797 73 7 877 Coach Makers (all branches) 711 81 8 800 Chair Makers - 431 69 53 Paper Makers (all branches) 253 51 26 Brick and Tile Makers 430 62 Brass Finishers and Workers, Brass Founders, and 359 52 Braziers and Tinkers - Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers 284 57 32 - Turners Glass Manufacture (all branches) Dyers Tin Plate Workers and Tinmen Basket Makers Silk Manufacture (all branches) Iron Manufacture (all branches) Potters 298 46 294 31 284 28 14 274 29 232 39 19 147 19 47 802 + 2724 17 15 568 9 339 494 4 415 373 351 327 326 19 129 304 292 232 202 21 2 225 1 181 34 1 1 217 Glovers and Glove Makers Miscellaneous 86 5 93 18 202 3,527 465 521 154 4,667 11,746 1,457 1,207 308 14,718 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 60,517 6,419 11,282 1,453 79,671 Labourers 21,852 2,509 7,473 245 32,079 Military and Naval 3,599 518 4,117 Professional Persons 2,386 2,386 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 6,939 903 1,926 103 9,871 841 17 10 868 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 1,565 9 117 4 1,695 Domestic Servants 6,737 2,625 24,168 10,672 44,202 Persons returned as Independent 7,310 293 16,250 677 24,530 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 2,880 2,240 3,162 1,935 10,217 RESIDUE OF POPULATION; Classes Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 6,906 103,137 112,024 110,905 332,972 Total of all other Classes 121,532 118,670 176,412 125,994 542,608 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 25,352 478,720 504,072 14,718 63,888 78,606 582,678 TAXATION. Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 4+3 £ Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes - Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 65,110 43,692 ww £433,504 12,643 Paid in the Proportion of 11-13ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-13ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £299,718 253,608 46,110 Highway Rates 29,430 24,810 4,620 Church "" 19,772 18,251 1,521 Turnpike Trusts 56,951 48,191 8,760 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 2,158,725 53,276 9,686 on other Property 346,838 8,560 1,556 528,141 72,253 Total of Taxation of the County £600,394 ENGLAND.] 37 SUSSEX-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years years of of age and age. upwards. Under 20 years of TOTAL. age. AGRICULTURE : Farmers and Graziers 3,805 31 206 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 24,845 5,264 323 90 4,042 30,522 1,069 58 16 1 1,144 29,719 5,353 545 91 35,708 MANUFACTURES: There is no leading branch of Manufactures carried on in this County. The largest numbers employed in any one branch are the- Brick and Tile Makers 299 47 1 347 Coach Makers (all branches) Miscellaneous 147 28 1 1 176 1,178 129 101 20 1,428 1,624 204 103 20 1,951 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 21,122 2,579 2,774 708 27,183 Labourers 7,242 796 2,052 59 10,149 Military and Naval 2,498 232 2,730 Professional Persons 1,002 1,002 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 1,042 107 693 57 1,899 612 8 9 629 313 2 51 1 367 Domestic Servants 3,499 1,361 10,829 6,519 22,208 Persons returned as Independent 2,580 117 5,922 296 8,915 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,319 1,016 990 912 4,237 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 4,169 59,100 56,949 62,557 182,775 Total of all other Classes 45,398 65.318 80,269 71,109 262,094 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures 99 AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 35,708 248,516 284,224 1,951 13,578 15,529 299,753 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest : ន £ Land Tax 58,399 Tithes 88,509 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £855,373 24,948 Paid in the Proportion of 19-20ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-20ths by the Manufacturers : Poor and County Rates £174,984 166,235 8,749 Highway Rates 25,053 23,801 1,252 Church "" 9,192 8,733 459 Turnpike Trusts 36,526 34,700 1,826 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 697,771 19,341 1,010 " on other Property 123,855 3,427 185 428,093 13,481 Total of Taxation of the County £441,574 38 [ENGLAND. WARWICK-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: 3,461 45 293 3,799 15,914 3,009 328 3833 19,284 1,105 46 5 1,156 20,480 3,100 626 33 24,239 Ribbon Manufacture (all branches) 2,914 441 2,298 611 6,264 Weavers (all branches) 1,947 326 1,250 356 Brass Founders and Moulders, Finishers, and Workers Braziers and Tinkers 3,879 2,504 845 32 7 3,388 226 44 5 3 278 Button Manufacture (all branches) 1,323 432 699 459 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 2,913 419 106 1,914 464 Gun and Pistol Makers (all branches) Glass Manufacture (all branches) Platers Needle Manufacture (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers - Japanners and Lacquerers Wire Drawers and Workers Iron Manufacture (all branches) Founders (branch not specified) Nailers and Nail Makers 2,903 1,708 401 47 9 2,165 668 264 57 21 1,010 740 146 13 3 902 348 138 156 88 730 1 600 120 8 283 98 199 467 132 21 438 111 7 338 174 5 302 127 64 ~ ALL 729 70 650 7 627 4 560 517 23 516 Coach Makers (all branches) 447 53 11 511 Hatters and Hat Makers 384 24 38 4 450 Tool Makers (all branches) 385 61 2 1 449 Engineers and Engine Workers 387 51 5 2 445 Engine and Machine Makers, and Engine Turners 253 45 5 1 304 Screw Makers 106 30 248 87 471 Turners 326 76 5 1 408 Spoon Makers 210 68 53 21 352 Pen (Steel) Makers 37 41 125 104 307 Dyers (all branches) 229 33 23 1 286 Tin Plate Workers and Tinmen 222 60 4 286 Lamp Makers 190 59 7 256 Comb Makers 197 17 13 7 234 Miscellaneous 3,759 742 804 356 5,661 22,357 5,265 8,118 2,711 38,451 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 36,122 5,448 6,535 1,391 49,496 Labourers 8,553 927 2,232 92 Military and Naval 11,804 1,443 117 1,560 Professional Persons 1,077 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 1,077 2,681 358 932 60 4,031 193 3 13 209 617 4 40 661 Domestic Servants 3,089 1,578 10,962 8,296 23,925 Persons returned as Independent 2,267 87 6,354 268 8,976 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,289 623 1,148 439 3,499 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 4,708 73,322 76,116 79,641 233,787 Total of all other Classes 62,039 82,467 104,332 90,187 339,025 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 24,239 131,083 155,322 38,451 207,942 246,393 401,715 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ 43 Land Tax Tithes 39,106 32,261 £905,868 26,421 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 4-10ths by the Landed Interest, and 6-10ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £170,412 68,164 102,248 Highway Rates 36,353 14,540 21,813 Church 9,824 3,928 5,896 Turnpike Trusts 28,011 11,204 16,807 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 1,122,126 13,088 19,640 " on other Property, 336,495 3,716 5,571 212,428 171,975 Total of Taxation of the County £384,405 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") ENGLAND.] 39 WESTMORELAND-County of. AGRICULTURE: MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 of age and years of upwards. age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. Farmers and Graziers 2,293 12 173 Agricultural Labourers 3,085 708 122 60 2,478 3,975 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 103 8 2 113 5,481 728 297 60 6,566 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (all branches) 544 122 27 2 695 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 220 56 90 51 417 Bobbin Makers 168 98 16 2 284 Flax Manufacture (all branches) 56 37 75 80 248 Worsted Manufacture (all branches) 9 11 55 33 108 Miscellaneous 721 151 118 26 1,016 1,718 475 381 194 2,768 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 3,541 677 686 99 5,003 Labourers 763 87 420 7 1,277 Military and Naval 76 5 81 Professional Persons 206 206 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 264 21 119 3 407 25 1 4 30 34 12 46 Domestic Servants 734 404 1,832 1,359 4,329 Persons returned as Independent 749 20 1,444 62 2,275 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 164 128 254 129 675 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? on all Classes 1,219 10,694 9,746 11,132 32,791 Total of all other Classes 7,775 12,037 14,517 12,791 47,120 " Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:-- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 1 6,566 33,147 39,713 2,768 13,973 16,741 56,454 Paid by the LAND. Manufacturers. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ 43 Land Tax 3,030 Tithes 4.999 - £269,417 7,857 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 5-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property "" Total of Taxation of the County 1 £21,538 15,384 6,154 3,510 2,508 1,002 1,033 739 6,070 3,468 294 2,602 52,056 1,124 444 13,028 271 108 39,380 10,604 £49,984 40 [ENGLAND. WILTS-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE : MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and and upwards. years years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists • 4,149 22,965 133 174 5,133 2,308 693 4,456 31,099 773 36 20 6 835 27,887 5,302 2,502 699 36,390 MANUFACTURES: Woollen and Woollen Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 1,509 416 1,310 409 3,644 Weavers (all branches) 1,407 118 608 86 2,219 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 28 25 153 123 329 Lace Makers 167 81 248 Spinners (branch not specified) 89 4 131 18 242 Brick and Tile Makers 171 32 3 206 Miscellaneous 1,244 191 273 111 1,819 4,448 786 2,645 828 8,707 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 14,875 2,137 1,917 391 19,320 Labourers 6,919 1,096 1,121 116 9,252 Military and Naval 442 39 481 Professional Persons 798 798 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 584 100 445 25 1,154 137 2 8 147 317 35 352 Domestic Servants 1,869 848 6,329 4,050 13,096 Persons returned as Independent 1,665 100 4,031 200 5,996 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,515 658 1,828 658 4,659 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? on all Classes nt} 5,443 50,284 49,427 53,227 158,381 Total of all other Classes 34,564 55,264 65,141 58,667 213,636 Divide “ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. t 36,390 172,389 208,779 8,707 41,247 49,954 258,733 Paid by the MANUFACTURERS. LAND. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: お ​43 £ Land Tax 50,987 Tithes 78,830 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £1,021,706 29,799 Paid in the Proportion of 4-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 1 5th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £167,249 133,800 33,449 Highway Rates 20,135 16,108 4,027 Church 7,544 "1 6,035 1,509 Turnpike Trusts 31,331 25,065 6,266 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 291,185 6,794 1,698 "" on other Property "" 111,667 2,605 651 344,023 47,600 Total of Taxation of the County £391,623 ENGLAND.] 41 WORCESTER-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1 MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. 2,991 13,577 Under 20 years of age. FEMALES. 20 years of age and Under TOTAL. 20 years upwards. of age. 42 323 3,356 2,904 1,820 942 19,243 849 64 33 4 950 17,417 3,010 2,176 946 23,549 MANUFACTURES: Nailers and Nail Makers Glovers and Glove Makers Carpet and Rug Manufacture Iron Manufacture (all branches) Needle Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (all branches) 3,034 871 1,482 839 6,226 642 55 898 253 1,848 964 329 24 109 1 1,426 903 273 3 1 1,180 549 166 307 140 1,162 927 184 12 30 1,153 Brick and Tile Makers 311 44 26 18 399 Glass Manufacture (all branches) 312 75 1 388 Chain Makers 253 70 15. 11 349 Woollen Manufacture (all branches) 160 22 79 58 319 Engineers and Engine Workers 215 37 252 Engine and Machine Makers 45 4 49 Factory Workers (branch not specified) 49 17 50 54 170 Fish Hook Makers 76 37 36 11 160 Tanners - 147 5 6 158 Miscellaneous 1,881 319 318 126 2,644 10,468 2,508 3,257 1,650 17,883 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 16,257 2,142 2,287 458 21,144 Labourers 6,506 1,146 1,289 79 9,020 Military and Naval 1,028 88 1,116 Professional Persons 648 648 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 931 115 517 52 1,615 122 7 1 130 210 23 233 Domestic Servants 1,727 851 4,911 3,542 11,031 Persons returned as Independent 1,469 51 3,572 139 5,231 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 681 318 642 294 1,935 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: - Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 3,543 43,437 45,404 47,417 139,801 Total of all other Classes 33,122 48,148 58,652 51,982 191,904 Divide “ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on " AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 23,549 109,074 132,623 17,883 82,830 100,713 233,336 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ ₤ 32,411 28,934 £716,497 20,897 Land Tax Tithes Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - Paid in the Proportion of 5-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 4-9ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church - £101,311 56,287 45,024 15,359 6,979 6,380 >> Turnpike Trusts 8,800 4,892 3,908 33,860 18,812 15,048 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 514,734 8,341 6,672 "" on other Property 101,306 1,642 1,312 96,953 78,344 Total of Taxation of the County £175,297 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") G 42 [ENGLAND. YORK-EAST RIDING. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years | Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of age. of age and years of upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1 4,165 39 271 13,824 593 4,110 324 120 4,475 18,378 26 32 2 653 18,582 4,175 627 122 23,506 MANUFACTURES: Brick and Tile Makers Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Engineer and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers Weavers (branch not specified) Tanners 355 44 6 1 406 - 99 31 63 57 250 190 45 235 62 16 || 78 147 18 2 167 126 17 18 5 166 121 23 144 Spinners (branch not specified) Hatters and Hat Makers Miscellaneous 1 1 104 20 126 97 5 8 4 114 1,215 170 107 21 1,513 2,413 370 308 108 3,199 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen } 16,421 2,849 2,496 332 22,098 Labourers 3,818 221 1,214 51 5,304 Military and Naval 2,981 338 3,319 Professional Persons 660 660 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 965 188 378 19 1,550 273 3 9 285 170 2 21 193 Domestic Servants 1,320 728 5,917 5,110 13,075 Persons returned as Independent 1,850 40 4,042 106 6,038 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 650 232 688 147 1,717 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 2,856 33,918 39,935 37,283 113,992 Total of all other Classes 31,964 38,519 54,700 43,048 168,231 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on - 19 £23,506 148,079 AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures 171,585 3,199 Dependent on 20,152 "" MANUFACTURES-Total 23,351 Total of the East Riding 194,936 ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Coach Makers (all branches) Comb Makers (all branches) Linen Manufacture (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers Glass Manufacture (all branches) Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Weavers (all branches) Braziers, Brass Workers, and Tinkers Brass Founders Flax Manufacture Miscellaneous CITY AND AINSTY. I • MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of years of age. FEMALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. TOTAL. 449 4 42 495 - 1,180 284 49 6 1,519 159 6 165 1,788 294 91 6 2,179 84 30 1 115 101 5 1 107 59 6 10 11 86 61 8 69 52 3 55 39 9 48 6 2 8 42 3 45 29 7 1 37 1 1 28 3 - 2 33 383 40 60 19 502 885 113 76 32 1,106 ENGLAND.] 43 YORK-CITY AND AINSTY.—(Continued.) ALL OTHER CLASSES: ENGAGED IN MALES. FEMALES. 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 4,297 788 695 108 5,888 Labourers 933 59 210 1,202 Military and Naval 230 18 248 Professional Persons 227 227 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 310 50 86 ~J 453 24 24 37 1 9 47 Domestic Servants 471 131 1,681 1,062 3,345 Persons returned as Independent 389 9 1,155 43 1,596 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 356 11 134 12 513 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes ent} 452 6,304 7,730 7,007 21,493 Total of all other Classes - 7,726 7,371 11,700 8,239 35,036 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Dependent on Engaged in Agriculture "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the City and Ainsty ENGAGED IN 2,179 23,241 25,420 1,106 11,795 12,901 38,321 NORTH RIDING. MALES. FEMALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 7,265 13,982 68 613 3,984 1,343 443 7,946 19,752 446 27 6 479 21,693 4,079 1,962 443 28,177 Brick and Tile Makers MANUFACTURES: Linen Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (all branches) Potters and Pot Makers Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Alum Works Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers Flax Manufacture (all branches) Tanners Miscellaneous 1 J 462 60 24 418 17 316 32 10 160 50 45 201 22 184 31 | 114 21 16 69 12 #NORT O2 14 560 7 442 1 359 43 298 4 4 231 215 3 154 24 14 119 88 12 1 101 972 163 222 24 1,381 2,984 420 353 103 3,860 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 14,679 2,915 1,922 249 19,765 Labourers 3,386 305 857 8 4,556 Military and Naval 1,307 96 1,403 Professional Persons 711 711 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 736 68 310 14 1,128 162 3 9 174 103 22 125 Domestic Servants - 1,601 1,013 6,036 5,127 13.777 Persons returned as Independent 1,962 46 4,270 111 6,389 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 526 180 654 155 1,515 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 4,332 37,180 41,668 39,362 122,542 Total of all other Classes 29,505 41.806 55,748 45,026 172,085 44 [ENGLAND. YORK-NORTH RIDING.-(Continued.) Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the North Riding WEST RIDING. 28,177 151,352 179,529 3,860 20,733 24,593 204,122 ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age an of age. 20 years FEMALES. Under TOTAL. 20 years upwards of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 15,327 164 1,247 16,738 Agricultural Labourers 24,615 4,941 613 152 30,321 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 2,038 163 33 4 2,238 41,980 5,268 1,893 156 49,297 MANUFACTURES: Woollen and Cloth Manufacture Worsted Manufacture (all branches) Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (all branches) Stuff Manufacture (all branches) Factory Workers (branch not specified) Flax Manufacture (all branches) Linen Manufacture (all branches) Fancy Goods Manufacture 35,632 9,378 5,140 4,300 54,450 5,604 2,515 5,445 5,776 19,340 4,306 2,510 4,570 3,940 15,326 1 8,634 1,526 2,795 1,612 14,567 2,921 458 2,020 1,141 6,540 1,563 1,456 1,347 2,135 6,501 1,376 1,162 1,229 2,257 6,024 2,590 459 431 363 3,843 2,572 366 354 197 3,489 Dyers (all branches) File Makers - 2,457 540 44 11 3,052 2,033 712 81 28 2,854 Iron Manufacture (all branches) Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Grinders - Spinners (branch not specified) Card Makers Nail Makers and Nailers Potters Scissor Makers Silk Manufacture (all branches) Brick and Tile Makers Moulders (branch not specified) Haft and Scale Makers Tool Makers (all branches) Wire Drawers and Workers Razor Makers Fork Makers (all branches) White Metal Smiths and Workers Carpet Manufacture (all branches) Paper Manufacture (all branches) Hatters and Hat Makers Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers Turners Miscellaneous 1,653 531 20 4 2,208 1,596 272 6 19 1,893 891 281 13 3 1,188 1,350 515 10 4 1,879 217 188 363 773 1,541 596 171 399 288 1,454 925 238 68 31 1,262 696 210 71 62 1,039 647 150 101 47 945 385 120 172 191 868 655 159 8 822 496 242 4 742 599 105 17 2 723 - 557 121 3 681 I I 524 69 21 25 639 462 116 3 581 388 138 32 10 568 449 106 4 5 564 412 91 22 12 537 302 124 61 20 507 390 48 44 6 488 399 66 7 9 481 383 88 6 477 7,124 1,513 892 482 10,011 91,784 26,744 25,800 23,756 168,084 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 87,822 15,145 11,269 2,126 116,362 Labourers 29,389 6,952 4,007 333 40,681 Military and Naval 4,818 307 5,125 Professional Persons 2,283 2,283 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 4,474 593 1,331 74 6,472 388 14 16 4 422 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers - 846 10 90 946 Domestic Servants 5,179 2,627 19,090 15,504 42,400 Persons returned as Independent 5,282 251 15,432 585 21,550 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 2,959 999 2,468 724 7,150 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent 14,080 223,949 216,383 238,917 693,329 Total of all other Classes 157,520 250,847 270,086 258,267 936,720 ENGLAND.] 45 YORK-WEST RIDING.—(Continued.) "J Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- EAST RIDING CITY AND AINSTY NORTH RIDING WEST RIDING Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the West Riding YORK-COUNTY OF. POPULATION. 49,297 212,426 261,723 168,084 724,294 892,378 1,154,101 AGRICULTURAL. MANUFACTURING. 171,585 23,351 25,420 12,901 179,529 24,593 261,723 892,378 658,257 958,223 Total of Population of the County - 1,591,480 TAXATION. Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 88,405 Tithes 77,491 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £3,989,936 116,373 Paid in the Proportion of 2-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 3-5ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £574,883 229,952 344,831 Highway Rates 190,186 76,074 114,112 Church "" 24,690 9,876 14,814 Turnpike Trusts 153,134 61,252 91,882 "" Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 2,707,513 31,586 47,383 797,579 9,304 13,958 418,044 626,980 Total of Taxation of the County £1,045,024 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") 46 ENGLAND-SUMMARY OF POPULATION, COUNTIES. AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL OF THE Engaged Dependent TOTAL. Engaged Dependent Dependent COUNTY. TOTAL. in : on : in: on: BEDFORD 14,933 62,703 77,636 5,828 24,472 30,300 107,936 BERKS - 21,249 127,695 148,944 1,741 10,462 12,203 161,147 BUCKS CAMBRIDGE *CHESTER CORNWALL 21,897 92,989 22,918 135,981 158,899 26,804 97,821 124,625 114,886 7,833 33,264 41,097 155,983 802 4,758 5,560 164,459 58,293 212,742 271,035 395,660 -26,852 260,402 287,264 5,051 48,964 54,015 341,279 CUMBERLAND 15,611 97,379 112,990 8,987 56,061 65,048 178,038 *DERBY - 19,333 91,928 111,261 27,968 132,988 160,956 272,217 DEVON 54,522 392,759 447,281 10,505 75,674 86,179 533,460 DORSET - 19,192 130,823 150,015 3,202 21,826 25,028 175,043 DURHAM 14,362 173,443 187,805 10,437 126,042 136,479 324,284 ESSEX - GLOUCESTER 51,116 266,373 317,489 4,426 31,270 256,638 287,908 23,064 27,490 344,979 15,583 127,892 143,475 431,383 HEREFORD 16,616 91,184 107,800 937 5,141 6,078 143,878 HERTFORD 20,145 98,361 118,506 6,579 32,122 38,701 157,207 HUNTINGDON 8,480 46,249 54,729 592 3,228 3,820 58,549 KENT 47,585 441,499 489,084 5,765 53,488 59,253 548,337 *LANCASTER *LEICESTER LINCOLN MIDDLESEX 49,569 192,265 241,834 292,129 17,092 77,221 94,313 22,029 57,561 286,704 344,265 3,066 18,164 1,006,692 1,024,856 | 1,133,091 1,425,220 1,667,054 99,525 121,554 215,867 15,271 18,337 362,602 48,435 503,345 551,780 1,576,636 MONMOUTH 8,685 78,344 87,029 4,723 42,603 47,326 134,355 NORFOLK 50,365 296,698 347,063 9,520 56,081 65,601 412,664 NORTHAMPTON - 25,731 110,666 136,397 11,853 50,978 62,831 199,228 NORTHUMBERLAND *NOTTINGHAM OXFORD RUTLAND SALOP SOMERSET SOUTHAMPTON *STAFFORD SUFFOLK SURREY SUSSEX *WARWICK WESTMORELAND WILTS 36,390 17,339 161,524 178,863 20,358 85,486 105,844 27,710 20,789 122,189 142,978 2,714 3,316 17,041 20,357 28,003 168,702 196,705 6,028 44,467 293,507 337,974 12,895 35,541 288,368 323,909 3,412 29,120 151,360 180,480 53,249 43,858 245,474 289,332 3,902 25,352 478,720 504,072 14,718 35,708 248,516 284,224 1,951 24,239 131,083 155,322 38,451 6,556 33,147 39,713 2,768 172,389 208,779 8,707 6,923 64,492 71,415 250,278 116,356 144,066 249,910 15,951 18,665 161,643 154 791 945 21,302 36,315 42,343 239,048 85,113 98,008 435,982 27,683 31,095 355,004 276,775 330,024 510,504 21,839 25,741 315,073 63,886 78,606 582,678 13,578 15,529 299,753 207,942 246,393 13,973 41,247 49,954 401,715 16,741 56,454 258,733 WORCESTER 23 549 109,074 132,623 17,883 82,830 100,713 233,336 YORK (EAST RIDING) 23,506 YORK (CITY AND AINSTY) 2,179 YORK (NORTH RIDING) *YORK (WEST RIDING) 148,079 171,585 3,199 23,241 25,420 1,106 28,177 151,352 179,529 3,860 49,297 212,426 261,723 168,084 20,152 23,351 11,795 12,901 20,733 24,593 204,122 724,294 892,378 1,154,101 194,936 38,321 TRAVELLING on the night of the Census of} 5,016 1,157,816 8,154,495 9,312,311 943,998 4,738,829 5,682,827 15,000,154 * It will be seen from the above Table that the Agricultural Interest preponderates in 35 Counties, and Divisions of Counties, and the Manufacturing Interest in 7 Counties, and 1 Division of the County of York, marked thus.* ENGLAND-SUMMARY OF DIRECT AND LOCAL TAXATION. 47 COUNTIES. Paid by the Landed Interest and those dependent on it. Paid by the Manufacturing Interest and those dependent on it. Total Taxation of the County. £ £ £ BEDFORD BERKS 104,196 23,021 127,217 216,581 10,763 227,343 BUCKS CAMBRIDGE CHESTER CORNWALL CUMBERLAND 185,005 36,028 221,033 217,423 9,015 226,438 146,730 153,115 299,845 268,301 27,798 296,099 81,781 33,452 115,233 DERBY 127,870 94,761 222,631 DEVON 542,749 62,947 605,596 DORSET 235,515 21,435 256,950 DURHAM 175,424 86,273 261,697 ESSEX 525,739 24,396 550,135 GLOUCESTER - 337,065 108,856 445,921 HEREFORD 166,393 5,309 171,702 HERTFORD HUNTINGDON KENT - LANCASTER LEICESTER 216,612 35,303 251,915 84,715 3,747 88,462 622,953 46,423 669,376 239,546 794,122 1,033,668 155,155 94,064 249,219 LINCOLN - 465,567 14,835 480,402 MIDDLESEX 1,155,349 426,546 1,581,895 MONMOUTH 84,591 29,535 114,126 NORFOLK 454,208 50,797 505,005 NORTHAMPTON 210,098 61,834 271,932 NORTHUMBERLAND 173,941 30,560 204,501 NOTTINGHAM 96,322 85,687 182,009 OXFORD 202,560 16,833 219,393 RUTLAND - 31,343 874 32,217 SALOP 218,258 28,346 246,604 SOMERSET 458.140 74,390 532,530 SOUTHAMPTON 415,752 23,619 439,371 STAFFORD 203,234 195,695 398,929 SUFFOLK 392,776 20,097 412,873 SURREY 528,141 72,253 600,394 SUSSEX 428,093 13,481 441,574 WARWICK 212,428 171,975 384,405 WESTMORELAND 39,380 10,604 49,984 WILTS 344,023 47,600 391,623 WORCESTER 96,953 78,344 175,297 YORKSHIRE 418,044 626,980 1,045,024 11,278,954 3,751,713 15,030,667 Total of Direct and Local Taxation paid by the Landed Interest "" "" Total of Direct and Local Taxation of England Manufacturing - £11,278,954 3,751,713 15,030,667 48 [WALES. ANGLESEA-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: ENGAGED IN Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: There is no leading branch of Manufacture carried on MALES. FEMALES. 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. years of upwards. age. 2,068 19 261 2,348 3,706 1,222 227 144 5,299 69 4 73 5,843 1,245 488 144 7,720 in this County. The largest number employed in any one branch is Weavers (all branches) 137 10 Smelters (branch not specified) 41 4 21 149 46 Nailers and Nail Makers 27 11 1 1 40 Miscellaneous 203 28 66 6 303 408 53 70 7 538 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 2,680 339 426 117 3,562 Labourers 1,123 135 70 8 1,336 Military and Naval 3,816 24 410 Professional Persons 142 142 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 58 8 24 2 92 41 2 5 1 49 31 31 Domestic Servants 233 237 1,446 1,070 2,986 Persons returned as Independent 166 9 887 32 1,094 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 137 40 501 40 718 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 1,179 9,860 10,857 10,317 32,213 Total of all other Classes 6,176 10,654 14,216 11,587 42,633 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 7,720 39,856 47,576 538 2,777 3,315 50,899 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ +3 1,535 15,114 £129,063 3,764 Land Tax Tithes Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - Paid in the Proportion of 14-15ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-15th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates 21,476 20,045 1,431 Highway Rates 2,447 2,284 163 Church 1,980 "" 1,848 132 Turnpike Trusts 6,392 5,966 426 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 15,231 405 29 on other Property 21,029 373 "" 40 51,334 2,221 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") £53,555 WALES.] 49 BRECON COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 years Under TOTAL. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 1,941 6 160 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 2,358 949 64 39 2,107 3,410 69 2 1 I 72 4,368 957 225 39 5,589 MANUFACTURES: Iron Manufacture (all branches) 414 84 17 6 521 Weavers (all branches) Coke Burners Nailers and Nail Makers Miscellaneous 101 11 112 56 5 8 13 82 · 46 5 51 225 31 44 8 308 842 136 69 27 1,074 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 3,608 636 404 67 4,715 Labourers 4,102 899 270 147 5,418 Military and Naval 221 43 264 Professional Persons 206 206 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 126 13 31 3 173 20 20 40 5 45 Domestic Servants 321 185 1,700 1,500 3,706 Persons returned as Independent 382 16 850 57 1,305 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 139 41 175 38 393 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? on all Classes 1,261 9,517 11,343 10,574 32,695 Total of all other Classes 10,426 11,350 14,778 12,386 48,940 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 5,589 41,052 46,641 1,074 7,888 8,962 55,603 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ 43 Land Tax 2,954 Tithes 12,558 £139,224 4,060 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 5-6ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-6th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property "} Total of Taxation of the County - £24,887 2,787 20,740 4,147 2,323 464 922 762 153 31,401 763 153 27,847 668 133 44,834 5,050 £19,884 H 50 [WALES. CARDIGAN-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: ENGAGED IN Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES : Weavers (all branches) Spinners (branch not specified) - Woollen Manufacture (all branches) Hatters and Hat Makers Miscellaneous - of age. MALES. 20 years Under of age and 20 years upwards. FEMALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years TOTAL. of age. 3,072 24 371 3,467 3,560 1,687 129 102 5,478 50 1 51 6,682 1,711 501 102 8,996 258 16 54 112 159 12223 2 1 272 159 10 58 14 ** 187 138 3 117 96 17 285 599 40 318 42 999 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 3,740 496 373 49 4,658 Labourers Military and Naval 1,384 102 105 5 1,596 360 38 398 Professional Persons Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 213 213 117 6 18 2 143 1 38 1 2 11 33 1 4 38 Domestic Servants 534 678 2,339 Persons returned as Independent 2,314 5,865 385 46 1,699 63 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 2,193 222 19 413 11 665 RESIDUE OF POPULATION : Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 1,770 13,003 14,456 13,732 42,961 Total of all other Classes 8,796 14,390 19,409 16,176 58,771 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 8,996 52,897 61,893 999 5,874 6,873 68,766 Paid by the. 1; LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 1,278 Tithes 13,086 £159,948 4,665 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 8-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-9th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £21,947 19,620 2,327 Highway Rates 3,449 3,066 383 Church 882 784 98 Turnpike Trusts 2,006 1,784 222 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 23,081 599 74 on other Property 22,298 578 72 45,460 3,176 Total of Taxation of the County - £48,636 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Intcrest.") WALES.] 51 CARMARTHEN-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. of age anu upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 4,817 26 660 5,503 Agricultural Labourers 5,787 2,568 384 197 8,936 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 67 2 3 72 10,671 2,596 1,047 197 14,511 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (all branches) Copper Manufacture (all branches) Woollen Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous 293 32 21 2 348 229 28 257 58 18 26 4 106 503 75 124 10 712 1,083 153 171 16 1,423 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 5,962 873 710 102 7,647 - Labourers - 2,615 425 365 24 3,429 Military and Naval 313 28 341 Professional Persons 321 321 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 277 27 69 11 384 44 1 2 47 60 1 8 69 Domestic Servants 559 509 3,548 3,462 8,078 Persons returned as Independent 586 72 2,807 137 3,602 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 235 105 558 133 1,031 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent 2,247 20,919 20,577 21,700 65,443 Total of all other Classes 13,219 22,960 28,644 25,569 90,392 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes 14,511 82,320 96,831 1,423 8,072 9,495 106,326 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ 4,148 - £315,761 26,177 9,209 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 10-11ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-11th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £43,230 Highway Rates 39,300 3,930 7,108 6,462 646 Church "" 1,288 1,171 117 Turnpike Trusts 10,373 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 9,430 943 37,720 1,000 100 43,473 11,527 1,152 108,424 6,888 Total of Taxation of the County £115,312 (For those engaged in Mines, see " Mining Interest.") 52 [WALES. CARNARVON-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 Years of age and upwards. upwards. Under 20 | 20 Years Under 20 years of of age and years of age. TOTAL. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Weavers (branch not specified) Nailers Woollen Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: 3,064 12 420 3,496 4,708 1,428 44 15 6,195 107 11 3 1 122 7,879 1,451 467 16 9,813 190 12 44 28 320 47 2767 213 204 52 37 47 7 421 582 72 53 7 714 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 4,360 663 481 60 5,564 Labourers 4,482 1,231 83 3 5,799 Military and Naval 747 76 Professional Persons 220 | | 823 220 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 147 20 30 3 200 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 47 1 35 3 2 | | 48 40 Domestic Servants 309 181 2,638 1,994 5,122 Persons returned as Independent 377 24 1,800 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 120 29 243 80 9 2,281 401 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 1,466 15,110 16,760 16,732 50,068 Total of all other Classes 12,310 17,337 22,038 18,881 70,566 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on >> AGRICULTURE-Total 9,813 65,780 75,593 Engaged in Manufactures 714 Dependent on 4,786 "" MANUFACTURES-Total 5,500 Total of the County 81,093 TAXATION. Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS, Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest : £ £ Land Tax 2,272 Tithes 12,318 £150,046 4,376 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 14-15ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-15th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £29,812 Highway Rates 2,661 27.825 2.484 1,987 177 Church "" 443 414 29 Turnpike Trusts 2,892 2,700 192 " Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 32,979 897 64 68,018 1,851 132 55,137 2,581 Total of Taxation of the County £57,718 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") WALES.] 53 DENBIGH-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Fariners and Graziers 3,022 13 432 3,467 Agricultural Labourers 5,758 1,937 48 24 7,767 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 194 10 3 207 8,977 1,960 483 24 11,441 MANUFACTURES: Iron Manufacture (all branches) 165 51 1 217 Woollen Manufacture (all branches) 116 35 18 5 174 Weavers (all branches) 134 21 5 160 Nailors and Nail Makers 114 32 1 147 Engineers and Engine Workers 115 19 134 Engine and Machine Makers 3 3 Miscellaneous 452 93 95 21 661 1,099 251 120 26 1,496 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 5,267 846 616 109 6,838 Labourers 3,716 684 224 15 4,636 Military and Naval 66 S 74 Professional Persons 223 223 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 252 18 70 5 345 38 1 2 41 72 4 76 Domestic Servants 740 552 2,729 2,647 6,668 Persons returned as Independent 481 31 1,374 82 1,968 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 201 85 568 77 931 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 2,093 16,777 17,779 17,477 54,126 Total of all other Classes 13,149 19,002 23,366 20,412 75,929 Divide "" " ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on - AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 11,441 67,149 78,590 1,496 8,780 10,276 86,866 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 6,717 Tithes 17,966 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £284,345 8,293 Paid in the Proportion of 7-8ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-8th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £41,827 Highway Rates 36,599 5,228 4,365 Church 3,820 545 "" 1,603 Turnpike Trusts 1,403 200 5,079 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 4,445 634 53,936 13 on other Property 1,377 196 33,068 844 120 81,464 6,923 Total of Taxation of the County £88,387 UorM 54 [WALES. FLINT-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: MALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. FEMALES. 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and years of upwards. age. Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,499 13 259 1,771 2,742 822 18 4 3,586 130 4 134 4.371 839 277 4 5,491 Engine and Machine Makers Brick and Tile Makers Nailers Miscellaneous MANUFACTURES: Lead Manufacture (all branches) Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Engineers and Engine Workers 259 21 4 1 285 63 45 59 79 246 1 170 34 2 206 17 3 1 21 121 21 142 62 22 2 86 465 98 38 8 609 1,157 244 106 88 1,595 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 3,782 559 380 71 4,792 Labourers 4,754 807 126 14 5,701 Military and Naval 441 12 453 Professional Persons 170 170 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 226 25 65 2 318 25 3 28 44 3 47 Domestic Servants 629 497 1,679 1,465 4,270 Persons returned as Independent 265 16 913 58 1,252 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 143 2 248 2 395 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 1,480 13,326 13,738 13,863 42,407 Total of all other Classes 11,959 15,244 17,155 15,475 59,833 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus — Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on ,, MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County - TAXATION. 5,491 46,366 51,857 1,595 13,467 15,062 66,919 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ 2,246 9,835 £193,505 5,643 Land Tax Tithes - Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 7-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-9ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at t "" on other Property "" £26,123 2,827 20,319 2,199 5,804 628 723 563 160 15,346 11,936 3,410 27,617 627 178 53,348 1,211 344 54,579 10,524 £65,103 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") WALES.] 55 GLAMORGAN-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 2,957 26 208 3,191 4,825 1,699 89 30 6,643 233 17 1 1 252 8,015 1,742 298 31 10,086 MANUFACTURES: Iron Manufacture (all branches) Copper Manufacture (all branches) Tin Manufacture (all branches) Tin Plate Workers and Tinmen Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Weavers (all branches) Spinners (branch not specified) Nailors - Coke Burners 2,456 513 91 66 3,126 1,137 273 6 5 1,421 t t 234 115 71 71 491 + 88 29 117 395 66 2 1 464 97 26 123 245 31 14 1 291 8 150 29 187 148 19 3 1 170 123 11 1 3 138 Potters Woollen Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous 89 29 16 1 135 88 9 16 6 119 626 102 44 8 780 5,734 1,223 414 191 7,562 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 12,076 2,193 1,689 419 16,377 Labourers 14,881 3,526 795 167 19,369 Military and Naval 1,501 225 1,726 Professional Persons 481 481 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 572 85 132 4 793 108 7 3 118 114 1 8 123 Domestic Servants 835 529 4,218 3,561 9,143 Persons returned as Independent 808 87 2,943 233 4,071 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 251 102 407 94 854 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes nt} 2,553 Total of all other Classes 30,233 33,661 34,180 36,988 43,856 34,038 100,485 38,516 153,540 Divide" ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Tithes 10,086 87,750 97,836 7,562 65,790 73,352 171,188 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 43 7,671 12,351 £258,470 7,538 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 7-12ths by the Landed Interest, and 5-12ths by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates £60,057 35,034 Highway Rates 25,023 5,715 3,334 2,381 Church "" 2,115 1,234 881 Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other property 13,358 7,793 5,565 219,165 3,729 2,663 "" 139,762 2,378 1,698 81,062 38,211 Total of Taxation of the County £119,273 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") 56 [WALES. MERIONETH-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. TOTAL. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Weavers (all branches) Spinners (branch not specified) Woollen Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous - ALL OTHER CLASSES: 2,110 11 246 2,324 856 58 24 46 1 1 2,367 3,262 48 4,480 868 305 24 175 7 10 21 16 33 23 4 34 142 14 51 236– 24 5,677 194 73 67 1 208 361 41 128 12 542 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen - 2,045 238 310 41 2,634 Labourers - 1,479 230 88 ++ 4 1,801 Military and Naval - 149 22 171 Professional Persons 102 102 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 88 7 19 2 116 17 2 19 27 3 30 Domestic Servants 237 156 1,433 1,197 3,023 Persons returned as Independent 264 21 725 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 90 32 311 323 33 1,043 22 455 Residue oF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 1,103 7,225 8,110 7,281 23,719 Total of all other Classes 5,601 7,931 11,001 8,580 33,113 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 5,677 30,228 35,905 542 2,885 3,427 39,332 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. お ​£ 2,423 3,188 - £108,237 3,156 Land Tax Tithes Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 21-23rds by the Landed Interest, and 2-23rds by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property Total of Taxation of the County << £17,284 15,781 1,503 648 592 56 236 215 21 2,921 2,667 254 31,231 831 79 14,197 378 36 29,231 1,949 £31,180 WALES.] 57 MONTGOMERY-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 3,143 15 325 3,483 Agricultural Labourers 4,600 1,928 81 60 6,669 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 74 3 77 7,817 1,946 406 60 10,229 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (branch not specified) 537 110 169 59 875 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 527 111 192 36 866 Flannel Manufacture 228 37 59 26 350 Spinners (branch not specified) 141 20 153 6 320 Miscellaneous 325 37 66 14 442 1,758 315 639 141 2,853 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 3,593 500 525 79 4,697 Labourers 1,052 51 154 9 1,266 Military and Naval 157 15 172 Professional Persons 202 = 202 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 155 14 31 1 201 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 27 2 29 62 3 65 Domestic Servants 459 328 2,024 2,199 5,010 Persons returned as Independent 391 23 727 36 1,177 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 239 148 413 64 864 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 1,901 13,133 13,482 13,938 42,454 Total of all other Classes 8,238 14,212 17,361 16,326 56,137 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 10,229 43,902 54,131 2,853 12,235 15,088 69,219 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ £ Land Tax 5,805 Tithes 20,313 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 7-9ths by the Landed Interest, and £258,067 7,526 2-9ths by the Manufacturers : Poor and County Rates £39,756 30,922 8,834 Highway Rates 2,557 1,989 568 Church 1,003 781 222 Turnpike Trusts 11,297 8,787 2,510 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 54,091 1,227 350 "" 28,928 656 187 78,006 12,671 Total of Taxation of the County £90,677 I 58 [WALES. PEMBROKE-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 2,632 22 339 2,993 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 5,003 1,300 66 15 6,384 85 5 3 93 7,720 1,327 408 15 9,470 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (all branches) 126 11 3. 140 Spinners (branch not specified) 1 71 6 78 Stocking Knitters 40 40 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous 17 4 11 1 33 243 29 29 1 302 386 45 154 8 593 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 5,408 946 789 147 7,290 Labourers 1,932 290 459 89 2,770 Military and Naval 864 48 912 Professional Persons 327 327 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 163 26 83 2 274 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 81 1 1 83 69 18 6 93 Domestic Servants 745 668 3,642 2,360 7,415 Persons returned as Independent 571 56 2,399 121 3,147 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 293 107 439 104 943 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent - } 1,453 16,707 18,100 18,467 54,727 Total of all other Classes 11,906 18,867 25,918 21,290 77,981 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County - 9,470 73,386 82,856 593 4,595 5,188 88,044 TAXATION. Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: £ 48 Land Tax 2,902 Tithes 24,438 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £266,864 7,783 Paid in the Proportion of 16-17ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-17th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Kates £28,636 26,952 1,684 Highway Rates 5,833 5,490 343 Church 1,682 "" 1,583 99 Turnpike Trusts 2,397 2,256 141 Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 57,731 1,584 99 on other Property " 37,047 1,017 63 74,105 2,429 Total of Taxation of the County £76,534 WALES.] 59 RADNOR-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: ENGAGED IN Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: There is no leading branch of Manufactures carried on in this County; the largest number employed in any one branch, is- Weavers (branch not specified) Woollen Manufacture Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: 1 MALES. FEMALES. 20 years Under of age and 20 years 20 years of age and Under TOTAL. upwards. of age. upwards. 20 years of age. 1,482 3 99 2,076 759 92 386 81 1,584 3,008 17 17 | 3,575 762 191 81 4,609 31 27 65 296 247 2263 4 19 78 94 13 17 4 128 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 1,460 202 153 27 1,842 Labourers 218 14 74 306 Military and Naval 13 1 14 Professional Persons 90 90 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 36 3 11 1 51 6 2 8 21 4 25 Domestic Servants 203 165 787 775 1,930 Persons returned as Independent 276 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 36 22 15 534 20 845 27 95 22 180 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent7 on all Classes 762 4,834 4,636 5,096 15,328 Total of all other Classes - 3,121 5,261 6,296 5,941 20,619 Divide " "" ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 4,609 20,062 24,671 128 557 685 25,356 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 43 £ 2,653 6,039 £107,647 3,139 Land Tax Tithes Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax--on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 36-37ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-37th by the Manufacturers: Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property " Total of Taxation of the County - £13,034 12,682 352 1,980 1,927 53 665 647 18 2,187 2,128 59 14,863 422 11 6,476 183 5 29,820 498 £30,318 WALES-SUMMARY OF POPULATION. AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL OF COUNTIES. THE COUNTY. Engaged Dependent TOTAL. in: on : Engaged Dependent in: TOTAL. on: ANGLESEA BRECON CARDIGAN CARMARTHEN CARNARVON DENBIGH FLINT GLAMORGAN MERIONETH MONTGOMERY PEMBROKE RADNOR - A 1 1 7,720 39,856 47,576 538 2,777 3,315 50,891 5,589 41,052 46,641 1,074 7,888 8,962 55,603 8,996 52,897 61,893 999 5,874 6,873 68,766 14,511 82,320 96,831 1,423 8,072 9,495 106,326 9,813 65,780 75,593 714 4,786 5,500 81,093 11,441 67,149 78,599 1,496 8,780 10,276 88,866 5,491 46,366 51,857 1,595 13,467 15,062 66,919 10,086 5,677 10,229 87,750 97,836 30,228 35,905 43,902 54,131 7,562 65,790 73,352 171,188 542 2,885 3,427 39,332 2,853 12,235 15,088 69,219 9,470 73,386 82,855 593 4,595 5,188 88,044 4,609 20,062 24,671 128 557 685 25,356 103,632 650,748 754,380 19,517 137,706 157,223 911,603 Total of the Agricultural Interest "" Manufacturing Interest 734,380 157,223 Total of the Principality - 911,603 WALES-SUMMARY OF DIRECT AND LOCAL TAXATION. ANGLESEA BRECON CARDIGAN CARMARTHEN CARNARVON DENBIGH FLINT GLAMORGAN - MERIONETH MONTGOMERY PEMBROKE RADNOR COUNTIES. 1 1 Paid by the Landed Interest and those dependent on it. Paid by the Manufacturing Interest and those dependent on it. Total Taxation of the County. £ £ £ 51,334 2,221 53,555 44,834 5,050 49,884 45,460 3,176 48,636 108,424 6,888 115,312 55,137 2,581 57,718 81,464 6,923 88,387 54,579 10,524 65,103 81,062 38,211 119,273 29,231 1,949 31,180 78,006 12,671 90,677 74,105 2,429 76,534 29,820 498 30,318 733,456 93,121 826,577 Total of Direct and Local Taxation paid by the Landed Interest Manufacturing "" Total of Direct and Local Taxation of Wales £733,456 93,121 £826,577 62 [SCOTLAND. ABERDEEN-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and age. years of upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 8,052 39 586 8,677 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 9,134 5,896 517 427 15,974 496 77 573 17,682 6,012 1,103 427 25,224 MANUFACTURES: Linen Manufacture (all branches) 875 275 549 376 2,075 Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Flax Manufacture (all branches) 252 73 608 512 1,445 314 284 430 386 1,414 Stocking Knitters and Weavers Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Spinners (branch not specified) Factory Workers (branch not specified) Lint Manufacture (all branches) Comb Makers (all branches) Carpet Manufacture (all branches) Paper Manufacture (all branches) Iron Founders and Moulders Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Miscellaneous 12 1 1,290 27 1,330 293 87 221 204 805 2 2 332 89 425 Weavers (branch not specified) Rope, Cord, and Twine Manufacture (all branches) 273 34 71 29 407 81 36 93 105 315 115 91 16 2 224 10 15 80 118 223 - 58 127 14 21 220 142 34 10 186 73 12 58 30 173 118 35 153 99 41 140 31 8 39 803 248 209 73 1,333 3,551 1,403 3,981 1,972 10,907 ALL OTHER CLASSES : Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 12,838 2,236 1,752 204 17,030 Labourers 2,965 170 407 17 3,559 Military and Naval 1,936 324 2,260 Professional Persons 735 735 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 776 148 235 12 1,171 229 1 16 246 155 1 7 163 Domestic Servants 838 496 7,727 5,650 14,711 Persons returned as Independent 1,027 47 5,593 170 6,837 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 660 88 1,112 87 1,947 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 2,466 33,042 36,178 35,911 107,597 Total of all other Classes 24,625 36,553 53,027 42,051 156,256 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture 25,224 Dependent on 109,087 AGRICULTURE-Total 134,311 Engaged in Manufactures 10,907 Dependent on 47,169 MANUFACTURES-Total 58,076 Total of the County 192,387 TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ (See Summary.) £ £423,388 12,348 Paid in the Proportion of 5-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief - Highway Rates, Church } No Return. Turnpike Trusts, Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property ,, Total of Taxation of the County £17,471 12,481 4,990 145,365 3,029 1,210 37,049 772 308 28,630 6,508 £35,138 SCOTLAND.] ; ARGYLL-COUNTY OF. 63 MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of 20 years of age and Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 3,811 28 707 4,546 5,951 2,097 364 110 8,522 111 6 2 119 9,873 2,131 1,073 110 13,187 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (all branches) 554 13 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 109 Spinners - 1 142 ཚུལ 64 3 634 7 116 12 155 Miscellaneous 356 37 50 1 444 1,020 50 263 16 1,349 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 3,953 405 446 41 4,845 Labourers 1,313 135 92 5 1,545 Military and Naval 1,841 188 2,029 Professional Persons 236 236 Other Educated Persons following Miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 326 44 166 44 35 3 408 5 175 68 1 69 Domestic Servants 625 523 2,827 2,096 6,071 Persons returned as Independent 319 23 1,006 53 1,401 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 426 18 588 7 1,039 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes ent} 3,163 20,969 20,033 20,852 65,017 Total of all other Classes 12,436 22,309 25,033 23,057 82,835 "" Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on " MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at · - 13,187 75,148 88,335 1,349 7,687 9,036 97,371 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 43 £ £232,441 (See Summary.) 6,779 Paid in the Proportion of 9-10ths by the Landed Interest, and Poor Relief Highway Rates, 1-10th by the Manufacturers: £3,139 2,826 813 Church No Return. "" Turnpike Trusts, Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 25,361 666 78 "" on other Property "" 4,471 117 30 10,388 416 Total of Taxation of the County £10,804 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") 64 [SCOTLAND. AYR-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 2,839 28 161 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 3,028 5,665 1,869 234 61 7,829 284 14 5 303 8,788 1,911 400 61 11,160 5,201 1,633 1,377 664 Weavers (all branches) Muslin Embroiderers and Workers Muslin Manufacture (all branches) Silk Manufacture (all branches) Carpet and Rug Manufacture (all branches) Printers (Cotton, Carpet, and Muslin) Flax Manufacture (all branches) 8,875 1,403 504 89 78 2,074 6 4 1,207 498 1,715 144 46 58 22 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 270 346 74 110 67 597 434 85 23 8 550 431 60 18 6 515 263 90 3 5 361 46 28 100 84 258 Spinners (branch not specified) Engineers and Engine Workers 2 198 37 237 160 44 204 Engine and Machine Makers 7 7 Bleachers - 119 29 26 Brick and Tile Makers 104 50 5 43 4 178 3 162 Thread Manufacture (all branches) 31 Nailers and Nail Makers 123 12 82 6 91 32 160 135 Stocking Makers and Knitters 55 68 2 125 Snuff Box Maker 107 5 10 1 123 Linen Manufacture (all branches) 63 4 32 17 116 Miscellaneous 747 176 116 35 1,074 9,792 2,850 3,531 1,563 17,736 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 9,155 1,919 3,411 916 15,401 Labourers 4,917 859 400 13 Military and Naval 6,189 841 177 1,018 Professional Persons 459 459 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 476 72 81 5 634 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 80 2 82 78 3 1 82 Domestic Servants 839 511 4,071 3,059 8,480 Persons returned as Independent 672 16 1,746 76 2,510 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 262 50 367 41 720 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 2,018 32,258 31,170 34,439 99,885 Total of all other Classes 19,797 35,864 41,249 38,550 135,460 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES "between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:-- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on - MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - - £390,277 11,160 52,316 63,476 17,736 83,144 100,880 164,356 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ (See Summary.) 11,383 - £11,639 4,656 6,983 Paid in the Proportion of 2-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 3-5ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates, Church "" Turnpike Trusts, No Return. on other Property Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 86,429 1,008 1,512 54,612 636 856 17,683 9,351 £27,034 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") SCOTLAND.] 65 BANFF-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE : ENGAGED IN Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Spinners (branch not specified) Weaver (all branches) Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: - 1 1 MALES. FEMALES. 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. 2,301 10 242 2,553 2,562 1,824 303 236 4,925 87 16 103 4,950 1,850 545 236 7,581 176 7 183 153 8 3 164 159 22 79 1 261 312 30 258 8 608 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 2,807 425 375 21 3,628 Labourers 485 12 116 2 615 Military and Naval 928 114 1,042 Professional Persons 196 196 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 141 30 89 I 261 57 1 5 63 33 1 34 Domestic Servants 191 118 1,727 1,679 3,715 Persons returned as Independent 238 14 1,288 41 1,581 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 197 9 349 18 573 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent 1,003 9,150 9,971 9,658 29,782 Total of all other Classes 6,276 9,873 13,921 11,420 41,490 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - 7,581 38,410 45,991 608 3,080 3,688 49,679 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ (See Summary.) £ £110,608 3,226 £2,372 2,190 182 Paid in the Proportion of 12-13ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-13th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates, Church "" Turnpike Trusts, } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "J on other Property - Total of Taxation of the County 8,402 227 18 - 5,327 133 12 5,776 212 £5,988 K 66 [SCOTLAND. BERWICK-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Linen Manufacture Paper Makers Woollen Manufacture Weavers (branch not specified) Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: MALES. 20 years Under of age and 20 years upwards. of age. FEMALES. 20 years Under of age and 20 years upwards. TOTAL. of age. 560 9 10 579 3,443 80 1.117 623 318 5,501 13 93 4,083 1,139 633 318 6,173 88 78 37 21 3227 22 LO 5 128 80 23 12 76 7 69 46 32 32 82 1-6 47 145 338 40 104 18 500 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 2,257 517 309 25 3,108 Labourers 360 30 49 Military and Naval 294 42 Professional Persons 135 1 111 439 336 135 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 100 15 20 52 38 5 158 2 2 24 22 1 23 Domestic Servants 258 148 1,253 765 2,424 Persons returned as Independent 170 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 126 CO LO 6 542 16 734 5 203 6 340 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? on all Classes - 313 6,144 6,835 6,752 20,044 Total of all other Classes 4,055 6,909 9,232 7,569 27,765 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total 6,173 25,685 31,858 Engaged in Manufactures 500 Dependent on "", 2,080 MANUFACTURES-Total 2,580 Total of the County 34,438 TAXATION. Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £237,041 £ (See Summary.) 6,913 Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 12-13ths by the Landed Interest, and Poor Relief Highway Rates "" 1-13th by the Manufacturers: £6,428 5,934 494 Church Turnpike Trusts } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 16,743 451 37 on other Property 384 "" 175 13,308 706 Total of Taxation of the County £14,014 SCOTLAND.] 67 BUTE-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: ENGAGED IN Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (branch not specified) Spinners (branch not specified) Miscellaneous 1 MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. of age and upwards. years of age. 592 1 19 612 442 291 16 15 764 40 3 43 1,074 295 35 15 1,419 120 69 100 68 357 79 2 11 19 111 38 38 84 11 3 1 99 283 82 152 88 605 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters } or Workmen Labourers 891 131 195 26 1,243 127 7 22 156 Military and Naval 460 38 498 Professional Persons 67 67 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 63 21 7 1 92 28 28 7 7 Domestic Servants 68 61 613 347 1,089 Persons returned as Independent 136 3 360 12 511 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 42 1 24 67 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 337 2,943 3,558 3,120 9,958 Total of all other Classes 2,226 3,205 4,779 3,506 13,716 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on در AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "} MANUFACTURES-Total - Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - 1,419 9,617 11,036 605 4,099 4,704 15,740 Paid by the LAND. £ MANUFACTURERS. 43 £20,597 (See Summary.) 600 "" } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 5-7ths by the Landed Interest, and Poor Relief Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts 2-7ths by the Manufacturers: on other Property £567 405 162 9,835 206 80 728 15 6 "" 1,226 248 Total of Taxation of the County £1,474 68 [SCOTLAND. CAITHNESS-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: ENGAGED IN Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Hemp Spinners Spinners (branch not specified) Net Makers and Weavers Weavers (branch not specified) Rope and Cord Makers Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: 2 MALES. FEMALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. 1,768 3 144 1,915 1,610 1,012 397 145 3,164 33 2 1 1 37 3,411 1,017 542 146 5,116 | | 150 1 151 99 3 102 2 1 51 15 69 57 3 1 61 31 58 223 29 60 9 69 148 35 310 19 512 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 2,150 324 156 24 2,654 Labourers 313 34 71 4 422 Military and Naval 1,004 51 1,055 Professional Persons 56 56 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 112 19 19 3 153 32 21 | │ 2 1 | | 34 22 Domestic Servants 136 102 1,006 691 1,935 Persons returned as Independent 98 7 527 16 648 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 167 2 154 323 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 757 7,149 7,927 7,580 23,413 Total of all other Classes 4,846 7,688 9,863 8,318 30,715 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Dependent on Engaged in Agriculture "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 5,116 27,921 33,037 512 2,794 3,306 36,343 Paid by the · £57,981 LAND. £ (See Summary.) 1,691 MANUFACTURERS. £ Paid in the Proportion of 10-11ths by the Landed Interest, and Poor Relief 1-11th by the Manufacturers: Church Rates Highway Rates No Return, Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property Total of Taxation of the County £658 598 59 6,870 163 18 - 1,721 46 Aão 4 2,498 81 £2,579 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.”) SCOTLAND.] 69 CLACKMANNAN-COUNTY of. ENGAGED IN MALES. FEMALES. 20 years Under 20 of age and upwards. years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 113 6 7 126 Agricultural Labourers 581 166 12 12 771 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 46 8 1 55 740 180 20 12 952 MANUFACTURES: Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 559 183 86 120 948 Engineers and Engine Workers 67 19 86 55 9 1 4 69 Cotton Weaver Glass and Glass Bottle Manufacture 34 20 54 254 82 36 20 392 Miscellaneous 969 313 123 144 1,549 ALL OTHER CLASSES: - Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 1,180 242 156 17 1,595 Labourers 1,032 191 35 16 1,274 Military and Naval 106 1 107 Professional Persons 56 56 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 88 17 9 114 30 30 - 14 14 Domestic Servants 65 35 293 281 674 Persons returned as Independent 72 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 19 22 1 311 4 387 13 1 34 RESIDUE OF POPULATION : Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes Total of all other Classes 207 3,830 4,212 4,120 12,369 -- 2,869 4,317 5,029 4,439 16,654 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on " MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 952 6,339 7,291 1,549 10,315 11,864 19,155 Paid by the LAND. £ MANUFACTURERS. ₤ £35,249 (See Summary.) 1,028 Paid in the Proportion of 2-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 3-5ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church 19 No Return. £1,061 424 637 Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property }} "" 7,608 88 133 10,066 116 177 1,656 947 Total of Taxation of the County £2,603 (For those engaged in Mines, see " Mining Interest.") 70 [SCOTLAND. DUMBARTON-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and years of ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 500 2 19 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,468 367 81 25 128 9 2 1223 521 1,941 141 2,096 378 102 27 2,603 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 805 641 710 903 3,059 Printers (Calico and Cotton) Weavers (all branches) Paper Makers Dyers (all branches) Block and Print Cutters Miscellaneous 1,024 651 119 352 2,146 360 247 176 263 1,046 36 14 46 34 130 78 24 4 23 129 83 25 108 456 151 130 62 799 2,842 1,753 1,185 1,637 7,417 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 2,898 578 459 Labourers 2,392 312 93 329 65 4,000 20 2,817 Military and Naval 434 20 454 Professional Persons 154 154 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 175 40 24 1 240 37 1 6 14 46 46 Domestic Servants -- 259 156 1,228 737 2,380 Persons returned as Independent 190 11 638 13 852 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 53 47 100 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 310 7,413 7,725 7,741 23,189 Total of all other Classes 6,948 8,531 10,220 8,577 34,276 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus: Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE—Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on 12 MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 2,603 8,905 11,508 7,417 25,371 32,788 44,296 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ 48 - £72,041 (See Summary.) 2,101 Paid in the Proportion of 1-4th by the Landed Interest, and 3-4ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief £2,837 709 2,128 Highway Rates, Church "" Turnpike Trust, } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 61,321 447 1,341 on other Property 7,390 54 161 3,311 3,680 Total of Taxation of the County £6,941 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.”) SCOTLAND.] 71 DUMFRIES-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of 20 years of age and Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE : Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,708 17 133 1,858 4,650 1,632 1,736 901 8,919 139 22 161 6,497 1,671 1,869 901 10,938 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 727 177 193 92 22 1,189 Stocking Makers 253 89 30 3 375 - Weavers (all branches) 257 37 4 298 Woollen and Woollen Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Muslin Flowerers 134 32 36 21 223 1 98 76 175 Miscellaneous 408 57 77 5 547 1,779 393 438 197 2,807 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters 4,425 993 871 133 or Workmen 6,422 Labourers - 1,075 123 294 23 1,515 Military and Naval 177 18 195 Professional Persons 252 252 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 316 333335 43 80 . 6 445 42 8 63 4 1 1 50 67 Domestic Servants 329 169 1,938 1,276 3,712 Persons returned as Independent 384 9 1,267 23 1,683 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 255 9 464 15 743 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent} 1,009 14,114 14,182 14,696 44,001 Total of all other Classes 8,327 15,478 19,108 16,172 59,085 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total 10,938 47,019 57,957 2,807 Dependent on 12,066 MANUFACTURES-Total 14,873 Total of the County 72,830 TAXATION, Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. む ​£ (See Summary.) £266,547 7,774 Paid in the Proportion of 4-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-5th by the Manufacturers : Poor Relief Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property " £S,134 6,507 1,627 46,131 1,076 269 7,072 165 41 15,522 1,937 £17,459 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") 72 [SCOTLAND. EDINBURGH-COUNTY OF. MALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under of age and 20 years upwards. of age. FEMALES. 20 years Under of age and 20 years upwards. TOTAL. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers 632 8 17 657 4,012 1,102 635 116 5,865 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,074 134 22 4 1,234 5,718 1,244 674 120 7,756 MANUFACTURES: Paper Manufacture (all branches) Coach Makers (all branches) Brass Founders Engineers and Engine Workers 303 99 266 126 794 281 91 1 373 203 167 370 260 88 348 Silk Manufacture (all branches) Tin Plate Workers and Tinmen Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers Type Founders Hair Manufacture (all branches) Flax Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (branch not specified) Glass Manufacture (all branches) Iron Manufacture (all branches) Tanners Chair Makers Skinners Stocking Manufacture (all branches) Nailors Potters Linen Manufacture (all branches) Turners - "" Ivory Cotton Manufacture (all branches) - Dyers Worsted Weavers Miscellaneous I $ 1 132 28 49 55 264 167 83 3 253 141 102 8 1 252 149 97 246 128 35 51 29 243 60 14 88 70 232 204 16 127 70 149 32 w cr 5 225 4 201 3 1 185 134 20 154 141 10 151 100 37 1 138 83 10 38 4 135 110 17 127 89 120 93 220 24 8 4 125 1 123 26 119 3 3 100 6 90 21 00 LO 8 5 من اسر 3 117 1 117 88 18 1 107 1,193 309 278 84 1,864 4,648 1,422 818 378 7,266 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 23,649 6,007 6,405 1,152 37,213 Labourers 6,365 749 1,863 149 9,126 Military and Naval 2,235 409 2,644 Professional Persons 2,492 2,492 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 2,673 404 463 45 3,585 390 9 5 404 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 553 4 *35 1 593 Domestic Servants 1,881 575 12,426 5,782 20,664 Persons returned as Independent 1,442 104 6,752 336 8,634 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 984 429 1,809 316 3,538 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 1,140 37,192 41,516 41,691 121,539 Total of all other Classes 43,804 45,882 71,274 49,472 210,432 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 7,756 108,649 116,405 7,266 101,783 109,049 225,454 TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid by the LAND. £ £239,189 (See Summary,) 6,976 Paid in the Proportion of One-half by the Landed Interest, and One-half by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates, Church " Turnpike Trusts, } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "" " Total of Taxation of the County MANUFACTURERS. 43 £33,090 16,545 16,545 781,235 11,398 11,398 54,567 795 795 35,714 28,738 - £64,452 (For those engaged in Mines, see Mining Interest.") SCOTLAND.] 73 ELGIN OR MORAY-County of. ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Spinners (branch not specified) Weavers (all branches) Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: MALES. FEMALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. 1,390 1 92 1,483 1,780 112 1,287 321 83 3,471 14 126 3,282 1,302 413 83 5,080 1 91 2 94 77 2 79 1 42 2 10 54 - 101 16 18 135 221 20 119 2 362 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 2,465 452 259 9 3,185 Labourers 484 8 244 3 739 Military and Naval 334 24 358 Professional Persons = 106 106 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 129 39 65 3 236 52 2 33 2 1 1 54 35 Domestic Servants 186 105 1,609 1,247 3,147 Persons returned as Independent 147 5 1,084 23 1,259 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 151 3 221 4 379 RESIDUE OF POPULATION; Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 563 6,004 6,812 6,693 20,072 Total of all other Classes 4,650 6,640 10,298 7,982 29,570 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "} MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 5,080 27,604 32,681 362 1,966 2,328 35,012 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ £84,082 (See Summary.) 2,452 Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 14-15ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-15th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief £1,653 1,542 110 Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts } No Returns. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 7,350 200 14 "J on other Property "" 6,682 181 13 4,385 137 Total of Taxation of the County £4,522 L 74 [SCOTLAND. FIFE-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 1,137 16 42 1,195 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 6,019 1,730 555 181 8,485 318 41 ས 2 361 7,474 1,787 599 181 10,041 MANUFACTURES: Linen Manufacture (all branches) 5,173 1,755 1,619 1,075 9,622 Flax Manufacture (all branches) 775 257 712 657 2,401 Weavers (all branches) 1,319 424 304 203 2,250 Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 353 166 172 73 764 Yarn Manufacture (all branches) 70 13 510 66 659 Spinners (branch not specified) 21 12 325 246 604 Factory Workers (branch not specified) 104 22 314 85 525 Bleachers 125 12 160 154 451 Damask Manufacture 148 54 6 208 Engineers and Engine Workers 156 45 201 Engine and Machine Makers 41 13 4 58 Miscellaneous 733 197 201 105 1,236 9,018 2,970 4,327 2,664 18,979 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 8,265 2,034 1,296 117 11,712 Labourers 2,797 661 424 153 4,035 Military and Naval - 1,372 214 1,586 Professional Persons 428 428 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 457 126 122 10 715 107 1 13 121 120 12 3 135 Domestic Servants 489 259 2,914 1,846 5,508 Persons returned as Independent 608 13 2,229 61 2,911 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 273 13 355 9 650 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 736 25,519 28,678 28,386 83,319 Total of all other Classes 15,652 28,852 36,034 30,582 111,120 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 10,041 38,447 48,488 18,979 72,673 91,652 140,140 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £381,572 £ (See Summary.) 11,129 £ Paid in the Proportion of 5-14ths by the Landed Interest, and 9-14ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief £10,562 3,770 6,792 Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "" 74,654 52,696 775 545 1,402 991 16,219 9,185 Total of Taxation of the County £25,404 (For those engaged in Mines, see " Mining Interest.") SCOTLAND.] 75 FORFAR-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 1,665 14 92 1,771 Agricultural Labourers 5,193 2,072 483 157 7,905 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 380 20 2 402 7,238 2,106 577 157 10,078 MANUFACTURES: Linen and Flax Manufacture (all branches) 9,498 2,728 6,921 3,925 23,072 Weavers (all branches) 497 100 378 J37 1,112 Yarn Manufacture (all branches) 110 16 400 29 555 Engine and Machine Makers 259 93 1 353 Engineers and Engine Workers 130 30 1 161 Canvass Manufacture (all branches) 288 53 6 Factory Workers (branch not specified) 79 11 228 17 1 348 7 325 Bleachers 152 65 50 24 291 Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers 129 79 3 3 214 Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Lint Manufacture (all branches) 11 108 46 165 7 7 83 57 154 Spinners (branch not specified) Tin-Plate Workers and Tinmen Miscellaneous 20 14 63 19 116 88 27 1 116 889 250 118 21 1,278 12,157 3,473 8,361 4,269 28,260 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 11,576 2,657 1,987 229 16,449 Labourers 2,948 169 610 20 3,747 Military and Naval 630 323 1,953 Professional Persons 528 528 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 802 221 170 9 1,202 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 154 5 1 160 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 201 1 5 207 Domestic Servants 593 385 4,401 3,317 8,696 Persons returned as Independent 636 26 2,849 88 3,599 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 456 40 405 27 928 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes ر Total of all other Classes 1,180 29,895 32,225 31,413 94,713 20,704 33,722 42,653 35,103 132,182 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :--- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on 99 MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 10,078 34,747 44,825 28,260 97,435 125,695 170,520 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ (See Summary.) £ £312,200 9,105 Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 14th by the Landed Interest, and 3-4ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief - Highway Rates Church No Return. Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property Total of Taxation of the County · £18,494 4,623 13,871 - 180,495 10,146 1,316 78 3,948 222 15,122 18,041 £33,163 76 [SCOTLAND. HADDINGTON-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE : MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. age. years of of age and years of upwards. age. Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: There is no leading branch of Manufactures in this C county. The largest number employed in any one branch is Brick and Tile Makers Weavers Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: 308 8 5 3,610 976 694 434 123 7 3 321 5,714 133 4,041 991 702 434 6,168 51 9 55 2 208 26 14 314 37 14 60 57 248 365 Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 2,312 558 313 16 3,199 Labourers 487 123 108 34 752 Military and Naval 363 50 413 Professional Persons 121 121 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous pursuits 138 21 34 193 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 48 1 49 27 3 30 Domestic Servants 354 148 Persons returned as Independent 1,040 588 2,130 158 8 618 26 810 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 68 5 102 1 176 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 270 6,644 7,330 7,236 21,480 Total of all other Classes 4,346 7,557 9,549 7,901 29,353 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - 6,168 27,714 33,882 365 1,639 2,004 35,886 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £221,713 £ (See Summary.) 6,466 £ Paid in the Proportion of 15-16ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-16th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church } No Return. " Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "" £4,958 4,649 309 31,558 863 57 5,472 150 10 12,128 376 £12,504 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, sce Mining Interest.") SCOTLAND.] 77 INVERNESS-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and years of upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 3,495 22 249 3,766 Agricultural Labourers 7,088 1,411 1,138 163 9,800 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 164 13 3 180 10,747 1,446 1,390 163 13,746 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (branch not specified) 261 15 198 15 489 Spinners (branch not specified) 112 3 115 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 72 2 27 1 102 Hemp Manufacture (all branches) 21 5 24 50 Miscellaneous 166 29 19 2 216 520 51 380 21 972 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 3,977 505 361 32 4,875 Labourers 927 49 314 19 1,309 Military and Naval 887 170 1,057 Professional Persons 223 223 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government.Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 336 སྐྱག 62 56 4 458 96 3 3 102 81 2 83 Domestic Servants 631 529 3,579 2,251 6,990 Persons returned as Independent 337 18 1,645 44 2,044 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 559 7 626 28 1,220 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 3,446 19,954 20,790 20,530 64,720 Total of all other Classes 11,500 21,297 27,376 22,908 83,081 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures " AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 13,746 77,595 91,341 972 5,486 6,458 97,799 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTUrers. - £161,499 £ (See Summary.) 4,710 £ Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest; Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 14-15ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-15th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief - Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at " on other Property "" Total of Taxation of the County £1,827 1,706 121 17,894 487 34 2,671 72 5 6,975 160 £7,135 78 [SCOTLAND. KINCARDINE-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE : ENGAGED IN MALES. FEMALES. Under 20 years of age. TOTAL. 20 years Under 20 20 years of age and years of of age and upwards. age. upwards. Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,234 1 97 1,332 2,615 1,345 350 109 4,419 81 14 2 97 3,930 1,360 449 109 5,848 MANUFACTURES: Linen Manufacture (all branches) Flax Manufacture 676 144 255 40 1,115 41 19 120 49 229 Stocking Knitters and Weavers 140 1 141 Weavers (all branches) Miscellaneous 18 7 23 3 51 76 11 74 9 170 811 181 612 102 1,706 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 1,728 283 323 21 2,355 Labourers 237 6 56 8 307 Military and Naval 607 55 662 Professional Persons 93 93 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 97 3833 45 5 180 42 19 Domestic Servants 135 Persons returned as Independent 146 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 91 623 | | 2 44 1 20 65 1,381 1,233 2,814 540 11 699 399 10 503 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 248 5,674 5,844 6,078 17,844 Total of all other Classes 3,443 6,121 8,591 7,366 25,521 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 5,848 19,758 25,606 1,706 5,763 7,469 33,075 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £128,468 ₤ (See Summary.) 3,7 46 ₤ Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest : Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - Paid in the Proportion of 7-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-9ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church } No Return. Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "" "" Total of Taxation of the County - £2,774 2,158 616 - 2,014 45 13 - 3,859 87 25 6,036 654 £6,690 SCOTLAND.] 79 KINROSS-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years age. years of of age and upwards. Under 20 years of TOTAL. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers → Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 157 1 2 160 585 209 54 9 857 14 1 I 15 756 211 56 9 1,032 Linen Manufacture (all branches) MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous - 1 260 112 89 30 491 209 42 48 15 314 92 27 34 29 182 40 3 41 10 94 601 184 212 84 1,081 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 487 109 108 13 717 Labourers 92 9 22 6 129. Military and Naval 4 4 Professional Persons 33 33 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 33 4 7 44 5 5 5 5 Domestic Servants 33 Persons returned as Independent 53 220 204 154 411 201 10 266 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 22 3 25 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? 43 1,490 1,831 1,647 5,011 Total of all other Classes 810 1,634 2,376 1,830 6,650 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 1,032 3,247 4,279 1,081 3,403 4,484 8,763 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACturers. £38,892 ₤ (See Summary.) 1,134 ន 4? Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of One-half by the Landed Interest, and One-half by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief £340 170 170 Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property 4,375 63 63 742 "" 11 11 1,388 244 Total of Taxation of the County (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.”) £1,632 80 KIRKCUDBRIGHT-COUNTY OF. [SCOTLAND. MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. FEMALES. 20 years Under of age and upwards. 20 years ENGAGED IN. TOTAL. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,046 5 72 1,123 2,864 709 379 55 4.007 116 16 4 126 4,016 730 455 55 5,256 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 158 22 50 12 242 Weavers (all branches) 112 1 1 1 115 Spinners (branch not specified) - 1 80 81 Stocking Makers and Knitters 52 10 5 1 68 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 44 3 4 1 52 Linen Spinners and Weavers 48 Miscellaneous 183 49 12 22 50 4 248 598 85 154 19 856 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 2,220 408 479 62 3,169 Labourers 552 36 124 3 715 Military and Naval 179 14 193 Professional Persons - 122 122 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 143 20 38 3 204 29 1 3 33 26 1 27 Domestic Servants 293 140 1,603 1,045 3,081 Persons returned as Independent 310 5 838 22 1,175 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 96 9 200 4 309 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent } 731 8,096 8,496 8,656 25,979 Total of all other Classes 4,701 8,729 11,782 9,795 35,007 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on " AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £182,926 Paid in the Proportion of 6-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-7th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church } No Return. }} Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "} "" Total of Taxation of the County 5,256 30,105 35,361 856 4,902 5,758 41,119 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS.. 43 £ £ (See Summary.) 5,355 £4,289 3,677 612 9,444 236 39 1,431 36 6 9,304 657 £9,961 SCOTLAND.] 81 LANARK-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. MALES. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and FEMALES. Under TOTAL. 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers 2,395 30 127 2,552 7,126 2,109 422 372 10,029 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 542 37 7 2 588 10,063 2,176 556 374 13,169 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (all branches) Factory Workers (branch not specified) Iron Manufacture (all branches) Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers Turners 11,616 3,748 7,734 6,070 29,168 3,545 850 1,916 1,690 8,001 697 369 1,994 682 3,742 - 1,756 493 21 6 2,276 1,541 431 3 1,975 232 66 6 304 3 1 4 "" Printers (Cotton, Calico, &c.) 870 309 81 150 1,410 " Copperplate 20 12 1 33 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 811 305 125 116 1,357 Dyers (all branches) - 750 275 124 65 1,214 Silk Manufacture (all branches) 267 79 316 365 1,027 11 Rope and Cord Spinners and Maker Muslin Embroiderers and Workers Potters Manufacture (all branches) Yarn Manufacture (all branches) Moulders (branch not specified) Boiler Makers Bleachers Nailers and Nail Makers Brick and Tile Makers Tin Plate Workers and Tinmen Flax Manufacture (all branches) Lace Makers Turners - Glass and Glass Bottle Manufacture Hatters and Hat Makers Brass Founders and Moulders Workers - Spinners (branch not specified) Block and Print Cutters and Makers Pattern Designers and Makers - Carpet and Rug Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous 6 2 576 171 755 159 22 109 33 323 266 183 55 38 542 22 1 447 64 534 240 182 14 10 446 245 190 2 437 328 107 || 435 1 110 25 154 92 381 270 86 2 257 75 7 12 359 341 224 91 5 320 97 34 107 63 21 3 177 92 • 226 60 4 182 91 7 183 32 46 82133 301 293 291 283 274 151 110 261 17 11 1 || 29 - 26 4 144 73 247 190 46 1 1 237 164 54 8 3 229 157 55 7 9 228 1,904 552 509 356 3.321 27,553 8,954 14,703 10,168 61,378 ALL OTHER CLASSES: - Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 35,554 7,831 9,075 2,283 54,743 Labourers Military and Naval 21,100 4,372 1,338 126 26,936 2,458 403 2,861 Professional Persons 1,244 1,244 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 3,049 783 204 30 4,066 310 10 8 328 677 7 29 1 714 Domestic Servants Persons returned as Independent 1,781 879 10,680 7,370 20,710 1,388 87 5,043 361 6,879 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 1,017 246 1,614 222 3,099 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 3,607 72,806 74,674 79,758 230,845 Total of all other Classes 72,185 87,424 102,665 90,151 352,425 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 13,169 62,257 75,426 61,378 290,168 351,546 426,972 M 82 [SCOTLAND. LANARK COUNTY OF.-(Continued.) Land Tax - TAXATION, - Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ £341,121 (See Summary.) 9,950 Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 1-6th by the Landed Interest, and 5-6ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief £33,977 5,663 28,314 Highway Rates Turnpike Trusts. Church Trusts} No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 902,992 4,389 21,948 "" on other Property " 590,805 2,872 14,359 22,874 64,621 Total of Taxation of the County £87,495 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") LINLITHGOW-COUNTY OF. MALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 years FEMALES. Under TOTAL. of age and 20 years upwards. of age and of age. upwards. 20 years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Tambour Workers 354 3 15 1,423 438* 107 39 372 2,007 61 16 77 1,838 457 122 39 2,456 363 109 120 57 649 2 184 30 216 Printers (Calico and Cotton) Weavers (all branches) 50 46 1 4 101 t 20 3 33 32 88 Miscellaneous 195 34 78 4 311 628 194 416 127 1,365 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 1,945 359 328 41 2,673 Labourers 2,250 345 85 27 2,707 Military and Naval 90 4 94 Professional Persons 78 78 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 74 12 24 4 114 32 1 33 42 9 1 52 Domestic Servants 170 122 609 486 1,387 Persons returned as Independent 105 1 376 5 487 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 42 1 54 1 98 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 248 4,756 4,954 5,370 15,328 Total of all other Classes 5,076 5,610 6,431 5,934 23,051 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 2,456 14,817 17,273 1,365 8,234 9,599 26,872 LAND. Paid by the MANUFACTURERS. £ £82,841 (See Summary.) 2,416 Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 2-3rds by the Landed Interest, and 1-3rd by the Manufacturers: 43 £ Poor Relief £1,984 1,223 661 Highway Rates, Church & rics No Return. Turnpike Trusts, Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 21,149 411 205 on other Property 5,331 104 51 4,154 917 Total of Taxation of the County £5,071 SCOTLAND.] 83 NAIRN-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and 20 years upwards. of age. Under 20 years Under TOTAL. of age and 20 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 386 7 393 Agricultural Labourers 577 360 209 37 1,183 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 13 2 15 976 362 216 37 1,591 MANUFACTURES: There is no leading branch of Manufacture carried on in this County. The largest number engaged in any one branch is that of the Hand Loom Weavers 27 Miscellaneous 13 1 17 40 1 17 2233 27 31 58 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 577 101 43 3 724 Labourers 88 Military and Naval 138 ♡ co 3 45 136 6 Professional Persons 27 | | 144 27 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 28 8 4 - 7 11 ♡ 2 3 40 2 6 7 Domestic Servants 31 37 402 318 788 Persons returned as Independent 27 186 6 219 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 69 1 11 81 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 186 1,521 2,035 1,654 5,396 Total of all other Classes 1,182 1,677 2,727 1,982 7,568 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 1,591 7,302 8,893 58 266 324 9,217 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £15,201 £ (See Summary.) 443 £ Paid in the Proportion of 27-28ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-28th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief £170 142 28 Highway Rates Church No Return. Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 1,043 29 on other Property "" 551 200 1 16 1 630 29 Total of Taxation of the County £659 84 [SCOTLAND. ORKNEY AND SHETLAND-COUNty of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 3,656 14 343 4,013 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists MANUFACTURES: Straw-Plait Manufacture (all branches) 1,119 761 286 63 2,229 9 9 4,784 775 629 63 6,251 10 1,030 286 1,326 Spinners (branch not specified) Stocking Knitters and Makers Woollen Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (all branches) Hemp Manufacture (all branches) Miscellaneous 211 2 171 GO LO 3 214 5 178 45 71 116 91 91 1 49 50 65 14 58 5 142 214 14 1,590 299 2,117 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 1,926 290 264 30 2,510 Labourers - 253 5 93 1 352 Military and Naval 3,017 156 Professional Persons 165 11 3,173 165 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 129 16 34 4 183 55 53 25 1 26 Domestic Servants 154 350 2,150 1,169 3,823 Persons returned as Independent 202 9 801 11 1,023 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 252 5 486 5 748 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes - 1,551 12,694 14,041 12,355 40,641 Total of all other Classes 7,727 13,525 17,870 13,575 52,697 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on - AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 6,251 39,366 45,617 2,117 13,331 15,448 61,065 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. - £38,887 ₤ (See Summary.) 1,134 ₤ 1 Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid in the Proportion of 3-4ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-4th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church 19 } No Return. Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property " Total of Taxation of the County £689 517 172 3,137 762 69 69 17 22 5 1,737 199 £1,936 SCOTLAND.] 85 PEEBLES-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 Years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 Years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 245 3 4 252 825 395 89 65 41 2 1 1,374 43 1,111 400 93 65 1,669 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 93 9 5 107 Woollen Manufacture (all branches) 21 13 4 2 40 - Weavers (all branches) 19 3 22 Spinners (branch not specified) Miscellaneous 18 18 30 11 5 46 163 36 32 2 233 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters 588 99 76 8 771 or Workmen Labourers 221 26 21 18 286 5 Military and Naval 5 53 Professional Persons 53 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 47 5 11 2 65 7 1 8 16 1 17 Domestic Servants 103 42 451 388 984 Persons returned as Independent 82 4 147 9 242 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 33 1 55 89 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 134 1,945 1,895 2,103 6,077 Total of all other Classes 1,289 2,122 2,658 2,528 8,597 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES " between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total 1,669 7,544 9,213 Dependent on 233 1,053 "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 1,286 10,499 TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £67,675 £ (See Summary.) 1,973 £ 1 Paid in the Proportion of 7-8ths by the Landed Interest, and Poor Relief - Highway Rates Church 1-8th by the Manufacturers: No Return. "" Turnpike Trusts Property Tax--on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property Total of Taxation of the County - £1,370 1,200 170 6,247 160 22 888 22 23 3,355 195 £3,550 86 [SCOTLAND. PERTH-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers. Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 3,690 13 176 3,879 7,489 3,534 729 228 11,980 388 51 4 443 11,567 3,598 909 228 16,302 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Linen Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (branch not specified) Factory Workers (branch not specified) Flax Manufacture (all branches) Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Spinners (branch not specified) 1,701 755 765 577 3,798 T J 1,358 269 814 302 2,743 991 187 274 183 1,635 48 13 361 80 502 - 185 61 144 90 480 363 57 42 17 479 6 26 326 69 427 Bleachers Printers (Cotton and Calico) Printers (Silk) 113 24 61 37 235 103 31 9 11 154 1 1 Miscellaneous 616 170 211 58 1,055 5,485 1,593 3,007 1,424 11,509 ALL OTHER CLASSES : Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 8,798 1,624 1,346 123 11,891 Labourers - 2,203 131 284 6 2,624 Military and Naval 448 47 495 Professional Persons 558 558 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 580 94 83 10 767 135 1 6 142 - 146 4 150 Domestic Servants - 988 528 4,644 3,323 9,483 Persons returned as Independent 711 22 2,333 81 3,147 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 403 11 510 20 944 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent 2,279 23,066 28,887 Total of all other Classes 17,249 25,524 25,146 38,097❘ 28,709 79,378 109,579 33 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County ΤΑΧΑΤΙΟΝ. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 16,302 64,233 80,535 11,509 45,346 56,855 137,390 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £551,077 £ (See Summary.) 16,073 ₤ Paid in the Proportion of 3-5ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-5ths by the Manufacturers : Poor Relief Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts } No Return Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at " on other Property "" Total of Taxation of the County £11,164 6,700 4,464 54,610 7,479 954 142 638 76 23,869 5,178 £29,047 SCOTLAND.] 87 RENFREW-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN 20 years MALES. Under 20 FEMALES. 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,054 18 56 1,128 3,432 753 167 58 4,410 304 22 2 328 4,790 793 225 58 5,866 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) Silk Manufacture (all branches) - Weavers (all branches) Bleachers Printers (Calico and Cotton) Silk Shawl Manufacture (all branches) Engineers and Engine Workers Engine and Machine Makers - Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) Dyers (all branches) Thread Manufacture (all branches) Flax Manufacture (all branches) Canvass Manufacture (all branches) Factory Workers (branch not specified) Pattern Makers Muslin Embroiderers and Workers Manufacture (all branches) "" Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers Miscellaneous 5,107 2,595 3,550 3,095 14,347 1,260 311 336 309 2,216 1,023 282 102 149 1,556 1 J 187 108 605 338 1,238 660 293 44 136 1,133 3 3 99 4 449 283 835 - # 396 90 1 487 54 20 74 210 71 50 43 374 261 84 6 3 354 22 8 176 141 347 53 1 153 90 297 213 39 8 6 266 70 35 74 86 265 171 72 2 2 247 1 40 11 139 53 243 20 10 63 25 118 152 50 17 12 231 1,516 499 335 61 2,411 11,517 4,583 6,110 4,832 27,042 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters 10,971 2,234 or Workmen 2,999 871 17,075 Labourers 4,123 512 328 11 4,974 Military and Naval 1,109 219 1,328 Professional Persons 396 396 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 756 216 64 6 1,042 160 4 164 238 2 8 248 Domestic Servants 441 225 3,305 2,034 6,005 Persons returned as Independent 423 20 1,974 100 2,517 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 346 68 404 65 883 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 1,110 27,632 28,696 30,094 87,532 Total of all other Classes 20,073 31,132 37,778 33,181 122,164 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "} MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Land Tax Property Tax-on Land, assessed at - 5,866 21,776 27,642 27,042 100,388 127,430 155,072 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. - £152,923 £ (See Summary.) £ 4,460 £18,779 3,129 15,650 Paid in the Proportion of 1-6th by the Landed Interest, and 5-6ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church "" Turnpike Trusts No Return. on other property Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "} "" Total of Taxation of the County 265,774 1,292 6,459 55,869 271 1,358 9,152 23,467 £32,619 88 [SCOTLAND. ROSS AND CROMARTY-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 2,169 18 153 2,340 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 5,822 1,007 858 139 7,826 109 6 115 8,100 1,031 1,011 139 10,281 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (all branches) 235 2 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 137 Hemp Manufacture (all branches) 34 1 84 Spinners (branch not specified) 212 11 18 4 75 250 156 121 75 Miscellaneous 93 13 32 1 139 499 16 220 6 741 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters 3,191 290 179 10 3,670 or Workmen - Labourers 491 32 102 6 631 Military and Naval 1,784 116 1,900 Professional Persons 133 133 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 250 42 32 2 326 69 4 6 78 71 71 Domestic Servants 459 506 - Persons returned as Independent 2,572 1,430 4,967 153 5 802 23 983 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 322 5 408 7 741 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes } 3,084 16,145 18,873 16,061 54,163 Total of all other Classes 10,007 17,143 22,974 17,539 67,663 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on - "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION, Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 10,281 63,115 73,396 741 4,548 5,289 78,685 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £126,681 £ (See Summary.) 3,694 £ Paid in the Proportion of 14-15ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-15th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church No Return. Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property Total of Taxation of the County £1,500 1,400 100 7,072 193 13 9,461 258 18 5,545 131 £5,676 SCOTLAND.] 89 ROXBURGH-COUNTY OF. : MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 664 14 20 698 Agricultural Labourers 3,402 985 807 440 5,634 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 179 18 1 198 4,245 1,017 828 440 6,530 MANUFACTURES: Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 625 244 204 244 1,317 Stocking Manufacture (all branches) 623 262 47 32 964 Weavers (all branches) 105 13 5 2 125 Dyers (all branches) 48 14 4 66 Miscellaneous 230 52 42 22 346 1,631 585 302 300 2,818 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters } or Workmen 3,240 736 562 90 4,628 Labourers - 636 47 134 1 818 Military and Naval 35 3 38 Professional Persons 160 160 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 178 45 51 5 279 18 1 1 20 27 2 29 Domestic Servants 327 173 1,549 852 2,901 Persons returned as Independent 286 8 784 24 1,102 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 119 20 331 24 494 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 360 8,059 8,702 9,087 26,208 Total of all other Classes 5,386 9,092 12,116 10,083 36,677 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total ← Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on 199 MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 6,530 25,621 32,151 2,818 11,056 13,874 46,025 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. - £235,040 ₤ (See Summary.) 6,855 £ Paid in the Proportion of 5-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church "" }NO N -No Return. Turnpike Trusts Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at "" on other Property Total of Taxation of the County £8,458 6,040 2,418 48,684 1,015 405 480 10 4 13,920 2,827 £16,747 N Z 90 [SCOTLAND. SELKIRK-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. Farmers and Graziers 90 2 1 93 Agricultural Labourers 601 160 18 6 785 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 21 3 24 712 165 19 6 902 MANUFACTURES: Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 149 94 79 $9 411 Weavers (all branches) 111 40 151 Stocking Makers and Weavers 67 23 90 Miscellaneous 53 20 8 81 380 177 87 89 733 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 466 97 68 8 639 Labourers 123 23 4 150 Military and Naval 4 4 Professional Persons 28 28 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 36 1 Co 8 45 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service 1 6 6 Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 4 4 Domestic Servants 58 32 Persons returned as Independent 35 22 249 207 546 106 6 149 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 12 7 34 6 59 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes - 88 1,516 1,544 1,577 4,725 - Total of all other Classes 860 1,678 2,013 1,804 6,355 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures " AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at £38,713 902 3,506 4,408 733 2,849 3,582 7,990 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURErs. £ £ (See Summary.) 1,129 £1,000 568 432 Paid in the Proportion of 4-7ths by the. Landed Interest, and 3-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church 17 Turnpike Trusts } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property Total of Taxation of the County 11,052 184 138 1,881 570 - £2,451 SCOTLAND.] 91 STIRLING-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTURE: ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL, of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. Farmers and Graziers 1,194 15 57 Agricultural Labourers 3,393 1,349 150 53 1,266 4,945 Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1 178 22 2 2 204 4,765 1,386 209 55 6,415 MANUFACTURES: Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 832 226 440 231 1,729 Printers (Calico) 570 330 35 122 1,057 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 673 182 53 44 952 Nailers and Nail Makers 343 180 6 1 530 Weavers (all branches) 404 71 13 18 506 Factory Workers (branch not specified) 108 81 94 45 328 Iron Manufacture (all branches) 193 120 3 1 317 Tartan Manufacture (all branches) 113 48 41 21 223 Bleachers 72 17 84 34 207 Moulders (branch not specified) 96 77 Founders (branch not specified) 80 70 | | 173 150 Worsted Manufacture (all branches) 48 19 34 Miscellaneous 813 133 312 25 23 22 123 35 1,293 4,345 1,554 1,115 574 7,588 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 5,165 1,065 994 137 7,361 Labourers 4,006 581 316 49 4,952 Military and Naval 393 34 427 Professional Persons 241 241 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits 299 57 66 7 429 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 77 1 4 82 56 56 Domestic Servants 476 264 1,909 1,649 4,298 Persons returned as Independent 351 15 1,380 74 1,820 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 180 12 · 130 24 346 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 1,148 14,542 15,929 16,423 48,042 Total of all other Classes 12,392 16,571 20,728 18,363 68,054 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion,which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture 6,415 Dependent on 31,176 AGRICULTURE-Total 37,591 Engaged in Manufactures 7,588 Dependent on 36,878 MANUFACTURES-Total 44,466 Total of the County 82,057 TAXATION. Land Tax - Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ £181,147 (See Summary.) 5,283 Paid in the Proportion of 3-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 4-7ths by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates £4,015 1,719 2,296 Church "" Turnpike Trusts } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at 63,559 792 on other Property 34,999 438 1,061 585 8,229 3,942 Total of Taxation of the County £12,171 (For those engaged in Mines, see "Mining Interest.") 92 [SCOTLAND. SUTHERLAND-COUNTY OF. AGRICULTUKE: ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. years of age. FEMALES. Under 20 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Fiorists 399 4 47 450 - 2,115 241 577 11 2,914 16 16 2,530 215 624 11 3,380 MANUFACTURES: Woollen Manufacture (all branches) Weavers (all branches) Miscellaneous 37 1 21 59 49 I 50 26 3 29 112 1 25 138 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen 900 85 40 3 1,028 Labourers 142 13 16 1 172 Military and Naval 361 19 380 Professional Persons 31 31 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 69 12 7 1 89 51 51 15 15 Domestic Servants 172 223 798 442 Persons returned as Independent 71 3 344 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 198 1 185 252 1,635 423 386 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 971 5,192 5,654 5,237 17,054 Total of all other Classes - 2,981 5,548 7,044 5,691 21,264 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES " between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the number engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on - AGRICULTURE-Total - Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 3,380 20,430 23,810 138 834 972 24,782 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ £ (See Summary.) 48 1 £33,688 982 £556 534 22 Paid in the Proportion of 24-25ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-25th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church "1 Turnpike Trusts No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "} - Total of Taxation of the County 860 564 295 24 1 16 1,556 23 £1,579 SCOTLAND.] 93 WIGTOWN-County of. ENGAGED IN MALES. 20 years of age and upwards. FEMALES. Under 20 20 years Under 20 TOTAL. years of age. of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 1,128 1 85 1,214 2,954 680 217 46 50 6 1 3,897 56 4,132 687 302 46 5,167 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (all branches) 160 4 2 166 Cotton Manufacture (all branches) 68 15 8 1 92 Woollen and Cloth Manufacture (all branches) 46 1 9 1 57 Muslin Flowerers and Workers 37 13 50 Spinners (branch not specified) 1 36 37 Miscellaneous 144 21 46 1 212 419 41 138 16 614 ALL OTHER CLASSES: or Workmen Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters? 2,045 343 450 59 2,897 Labourers 361 28 53 3 445 Military and Naval 255 22 277 Professional Persons 103 103 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 112 17 32 161 55 3 58 31 2 1 34 Domestic Servants 289 189 1,147 866 2,471 Persons returned as Independent 190 4 549 16 759 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 63 4 37 4 108 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent? 763 8,147 8,607 8,564 26,081 Total of all other Classes 4,267 8,754 10,880 9,513 33,414 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES " between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on 19 MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. Land Tax Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest: Property Tax-on Land, assessed at 5,167 29,803 34,970 614 3,611 4,225 39,195 Paid by the LAND. MANUFACTURERS. £ (See Summary.) £ £124,807 3,640 Paid in the Proportion of 8-9ths by the Landed Interest, and 1-9th by the Manufacturers: Poor Relief Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts } No Return. Property Tax-on Dwelling Houses, assessed at on other Property "" Total of Taxation of the County £2,408 2,141 267 10,062 261 32 537 14 1 6,056 300 - £6,356 SCOTLAND-SUMMARY OF POPULATION. COUNTIES. AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL OF THE COUNTY. Engaged Dependent TOTAL. Engaged Dependent TOTAL. in : on : in : on : ABERDEEN ARGYLL - AYR ► BANFF - 25,224 109,087 134,311 10,907 47,169 58,076 192,387 13,187 75,148 88,335 1,349 7,687 9,036 97,371 11,160 52,316 63,476 17,736 83,144 100,880 164,356 7,581 38,410 45,991 608 3,080 3,688 49,679 BERWICK 6,173 25,685 31,858 500 2,080 2,580 34,438 BUTE I,419 9,617 11,036 605 4,099 4,704 15,740 CAITHNESS 5,116 27,921 33,037 512 2,794 3,306 36,343 CLACKMANNAN - 952 6,339 7,291 1,549 10,315 11,864 19,155 DUMBARTON 2,603 8,905 11,508 7,417 25,371 32,788 44,296 DUMFRIES 10,938 47,019 57,957 2,807 12,066 14,873 72,830 EDINBURGH 7,756 108,649 116,405 7,266 101,783 109,049 225,454 ELGIN OR MORAY 5,080 27,604 32,684 362 1,966 2,328 35,012 FIFE - 10,041 38,447 48,488 18,979 72,673 91,652 140,140 FORFAR 10,078 34,747 44,825 28,260 97,435 125,695 170,520 HADDINGTON INVERNESS KINCARDINE KINROSS 6,168 27,714 33,882 365 1,639 2,004 35,886 13,746 77,595 91,341 972 5,486 6,458 97,799 5,848 19,758 25,606 1,706 5,763 7,469 33,075 1,032 3,247 4,279 1,081 3,403 4,484 8,763 KIRKCUDBRIGHT 5,256 30,105 35,361 856 4,902 5,758 41,119 LANARK 13,169 62,257 75,426 61,378 290,168 351,546 426,972 LINLITHGOW 2,456 14,817 17,273 1,365 8,234 9,599 26,872 NAIRN 1,591 7,302 8,893 58 266 324 9,217 ORKNEY AND SHETLAND 6,251 39,366 45,617 2,117 13,331 15,448 61,065 PEEBLES 1,669 7,544 9,213 233 1,053 1,286 10,499 PERTH 16,302 64,233 80,535 11,509 45,346 56,855 137,390 RENFREW 5,866 21,776 27,642 27,042 100,388 127,430 155,072 ROSS AND CROMARTY 10,281 63,115 73,396 741 4,548 5,289 78,685 ROXBURGH 6,530 25,621 32,151 2,818 11,056 13,874 46,025 SELKIRK 902 3,506 4,408 733 2,849 3,582 7,990 STIRLING SUTHERLAND WIGTOWN 6,415 31,176 37,591 7,588 36,878 44,466 82,057 3,380 20,430 23,810 138 5,167 29,803 34,970 614 834 3,611 972 24,782 4,225 39,195 229,337 1,159,259 1,388,596 220,171 1,011,417 1,231,588 2,620,184 Total of the Agricultural Interest Manufacturing Interest Total Population of Scotland - - 1,388,596 1,231,588 2,620,184 SCOTLAND-SUMMARY OF DIRECT AND LOCAL TAXATION. COUNTIES. Paid by the Landed Interest and those dependent on it. Paid by the Manufacturing Interest and those dependent Total Taxation of the County. on it. £ £ £ ABERDEEN 28,630 6,508 35,138 ARGYLL AYR BANFF BERWICK BUTE 10,388 416 10,804 17,683 9,351 27,034 5,776 212 5,988 13,308 706 14,014 1,226 248 1,474 CAITHNESS CLACKMANNAN DUMBARTON - DUMFRIES EDINBURGH ELGIN OR MORAY FIFE - FORFAR 2,498 81 2,579 1,656 - 947 2,603 3,311 3,630 6,941 15,522 1,937 17,459 - 35,714 28,738 64,452 4,385. 137 4,522 16,219 9,185 25,404 15,122 18,041 33,163 HADDINGTON 12,128 376 12,504 INVERNESS 6,975 160 7,135 KINCARDINE - 6,036 654 6,690 KINROSS 1,388 244 1,632 KIRKCUDBRIGHT 9,304 657 9,961 LANARK - 22,874 64,621 87,495 LINLITHGOW - 4,154 917 5,071 NAIRN 630 - 29 659 ORKNEY AND SHETLAND 1,737 199 1,936 PEEBLES - 3,355 195 3,550 PERTH 23,869 5,178 29,047 RENFREW ROSS AND CROMARTY ROXBURGH 9,152 23,467 32,619 5,545 131 5,676 13,920 2,827 16,747 SELKIRK STIRLING 1,881 570 2,451 8,229 3,942 12,171 SUTHERLAND 1 1,556 23 1,579 WIGTOWN Land Tax of the Kingdom (no Return of separate Counties) 6,056 300 6,356 47,954 47,954 358,181 184,627 542,808 Total of Direct and Local Taxation paid by the Landed Interest Manufacturing Total of Direct and Local Taxation of Scotland £358,181 184,627 £542,808 96 ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS. [BRITISH ISLAnds. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 20 years Under 20 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 TOTAL. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers and Graziers 3,752 44 164 Agricultural Labourers Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists 3,960 3,247 626 335 38 4,246 276 11 287 7,275 681 499 38 8,493 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (all branches) 325 9 5 339 Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers 106 40 1 147 Dyers 43 7 35 11 96 Hatters 71 5 3 3 82 Sail Makers 54 27 81 Spinners (branch not specified) 4 73 1 78 Miscellaneous 575 103 107 23 808 1,178 191 224 38 1,631 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft, as Masters? or Workmen 10,596 2,257 2,343 762 15,958 Labourers 1,995 152 1,151 75 3,373 Military and Naval 2,738 381 3,119 Professional Persons 434 434 Other Educated Persons following miscellaneous Pursuits Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 480 54 292 33 859 1 88 5 1 94 60 5 65 Domestic Servants 727 385 4,348 2,075 7,535 Persons returned as Independent 2,263 98 4,596 219 7,176 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 652 131 319 71 1,173 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent 1,838 22,911 24,509 24,872 74,130 Total of all other Classes 21,871 26,369 37,568 28,108 113,916 Divide (( ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Agriculture Dependent on " AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County TAXATION. 8,493 95,564 104,057 1,631 18,352 19,983 124,040 There is no Return of the Direct and Local Taxation of the several Islands in the British Seas, but it is very trifling in Amount. IRELAND:] 97 ANTRIM-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 years of 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. age. of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE : Farmers - Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers 17,020 26,773 844 17,864 3,207 873 122 30,975 256 2 2 1 260 4 4 Herdsmen 1 162 371 18 81 632 Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Gamekeepers Dairy Keepers 53 1 2 56 94 94 · 19 19 4 7 11 44,385 3,581 1,746 203 49,915 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax, Wool, and Cotton) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Cotton, Woollen, and Silk) "" (Unspecified) Factory Workers Winders and Warpers Bleachers Flax Dressers Knitters Coopers Nailers Cloth Finishers Paper Makers Manufacturers (Thread, Linen, and Cotton) Calico Printers Turners 54 23 5,950 498 9 18,093 1,463 ( 26,090 4,034 374 590 86 } 1 t 1 9,646 805 1,854 221 17,610 410 134 1,059 236 1,839 30 185 846 387 1,448 828 48 84 7 967 350 25 67 12 454 223 33 256 237 2 1 239 t 211 17 228 121 - 68 53 73 ·723 2 1 131 49 9 126 27 6 88 4 80 49 4 53 Dyers Reed Makers Rope Makers 40 10 50 39 1 40 27 10 37 Chandlers and Soap Boilers 32 2 34 Basket Makers Tanners Mat Makers 27 2 1 2 2 31 1 18 1 4 17 18 7 4 16 Miscellaneous 123 6 25 1 155 16,480 1,654 28,892 2,964 49,990 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen. in the production of— Food Clothing 1,459 25 224 1,708 3,123 161 4,891 630 8,805 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 4,295 66 16 4,377 Ministering to Health - 123 35 158 "" Charity 3 3 6 Justice - 413 1 414 "" Education 439 184 1 624 "" " Religion 242 3 - 245 Unclassified 3,361 565 8,216 1,065 13,207 13,458 817 13,573 1,696 29,544 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 146,739 Total of all other Classes 176,283 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on " MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 49,915 88,076 137,991 49,990 88,207 138, 197 276,188 O 98 [IRELAND. ARMAGH-COUNTY OF. MALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years FEMALES. Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers 14,839 1,408 421 110 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen - 21,085 1 831 Gardeners Grazier Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 158 16,778 21,917 158 1 1 63 366 17 83 529 13 1 13 60 1 60 10 10 2 2 36,228 1,775 1,272 193 39,468 MANUFACTURES: Bleachers Knitters Coopers + Spinners (Flax and Wool) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Cotton, and Woollen) (Unspecified) Winders and Warpers Flax Dressers - Factory Workers Nailers Reed Makers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Cloth Finishers Brick Makers Basket Makers Turners Net Makers Lace Workers Rope Makers - Tanners - Lime Burners Miscellaneous - 2,719 907 16,506 537 19,852 2,674 10,463 76 508 297 16,361 306 2,213 92 - 14 30 510 93 647 - 317 1 13 330 238 5 243 185 9 194 52 12 105 19 188 1 1 t 149 2 151 142 2 1 145 73 2 75 43 30 12 43 2 2 34 26 1 27 26 26 23 1 24 2 22 24 18 5 23 21 21 15 15 . 15 15 122 1 22 1 146 14,445 439 22,825 875 38,584 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing 1,155 48 82 7 1,292 - 2,202 45 2,643 83 4,973 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,331 30 11 3,372 Ministering to Health 89 40 "" Charity 4 2 129 6 Justice 290 " Education 266 126 I t 290 392 "" "} Religion 166 2 4 168 Unclassified 2,516 255 5,304 627 8,702 10,019 378 8,210 717 19,324 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 135,017 Total of all other Classes 154,341 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES "between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 39,468 78,045 117,513 38,584 76,296 114,880 232.393 IRELAND.] 99 BELFAST-Town of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTA L. of age and upwards. years of age. of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Fariners 93 9 102 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 851 24 17 1 893 Gardeners Herdsmen Caretakers 62 2 64 3 2 12 7 2 2 Land Agents and Stewards 10 · 10 Dairy Keepers 20 6 26 1,041 28 34 1 1,104 MANUFACTURES : "" (Unspecified) Factory Workers Weavers (Cotton, Linen, and Silk) (Unspecified) Spinners (Flax, Cotton, and Wool) "" Winders and Warpers Flax Dressers Coopers Bleachers Iron Founders Rope Makers Nailers 651 294 1,661 344 2,950 390 25 66 5 2,079 1,427 49 94 23 62 14 496 63 778 1,467 54 45 50 724 106 925 369 15 384 309 1 310 115 10 12 12 139 126 8 1 134 120 13 133 104 8 J 112 Braziers and Coppersmiths 89 4 93 Chandlers and Soap Boilers 84 1 84 Cloth Finishers 75 3 78 Glass Makers 51 24 75 Hatters 53 12 65 Brick Makers 38 10 3 52 Turners 48 3 51 Manufacturers of Cotton and Thread 42 1 3 46 Paper Makers 19 I 21 40 Basket Makers 31 4 1 35 Dyers 21 9 30 Miscellaneous 253 12 46 5 " । 316 4,522 517 3,956 603 9,598 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing 1,376 1,754 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,676 109 220 213 1,612 72 2,993 251 5,070 58 5 3,848 Ministering to Health 112 1 24 137 "" Charity 14 14 Justice - 292 2 1 295 "} Education 133 1 122 256 "" "" Religion 71 1 72 Unclassified 5,905 245 3,435 194 9,779 13,319 453 6,861 450 21,083 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 43,523 Total of all other Classes 64,606 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on ". 1,104 6,664 AGRICULTURE-Total 7,768 Engaged in Manufactures 9,598 Dependent on "" 57,942 MANUFACTURES-Total 67,540 Total of the Town 75,308 100 [IRELAND. CARLOW-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 1 4,432 250 12,569 622 2,994 214 116 4,682 16,399 116 212 81 3 3 299 35 2 3 J 40 1 89 89 4 4 7 24 31 17,464 705 3,274 217 21,660 "" MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool and Flax) (Unspecified) 2 1,061 27 814 40 S 1,944 Knitters 1 279 10 290 Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) (Unspecified) 68 234 157 2 7 t Nailers 95 6 J 101 Hatters 46 Carders Braziers and Coppersmiths 10 Clothiers 9 2223 1 48 2 24 10 9 Lime Burners 9 9 Flax Dressers 6 2 8 Skinners - 7 7 Rope Makers Potters - Basket Makers Winders and Warpers Sieve Makers - Straw Workers 7 7 67 7 7 5 6 6 1 Dyers Mat Makers Comb Makers Wire Workers Iron Founders Miscellaneous 1213222 1623 6 5 5 4 4 3 1 32 2 12 C 1 13 458 8 2,205 80 2,751 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing Lodging, Furniture, and Machinery, &c. Ministering to Health 1 "" Charity Justice Education "" "" Religion Unclassified I 628 10 118 2 1,094 36 1,014 21 758 2,165 2,62 17 15 2,094 43 62 1 5 18 105 23 194 1 J 195 141 1 87 T 229 80 60 140 1,876 169 3,755 271 6,071 6,123 233 5,130 294 11,780 50,037 61,817 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes Total of all other Classes - ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Divide Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" 21,660 54,851 AGRICULTURE-Total 76,511 Engaged in Manufactures 2,751 Dependent on "} 6,966 MANUFACTURES-Total 9,717 Total of the County 86,228 IRELAND.] 101 CARRICKFERGUS-Town of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 of age and upwards. years of age. 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 years of age. TOTAL. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Herdsmen Land Steward Dairy Keeper MANUFACTURES: Factory Workers Weavers (Cotton, Linen, and Woollen) "" (Unspecified) Spinners (Cotton, Flax, and Wool) "" (Unspecified) Flax Dressers Nailers Winders and Warpers Calico Printers Coopers Knitters Chandlers and Soap Boilers Dyers Manufacturers of Cotton Bleachers Brick Makers Turners Braziers and Coppersmiths Distiller Cloth Finisher Hatter Reed Maker Ironfounder Gunsmith - ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— 350 26 376 706 72 23 2 803 11 11 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1,071 73 49 2 1,195 76 44 230 68 418 30 206 22 9 277 28 31 34 17 180 110 4 17 1 18 12 1 1 13 10 2 12 9 6 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 417 8 t 1 I I 1 1 5 3 3 3 ✪✪66 LO ES VS A22 9 9 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 432 75 974 Food Clothing 155 135 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. - 175 193 23 179 9 432 56 632 3 2 180 Ministering to Health 10 1 1 11 Justice "" 36 2 38 Education "" 16 13 29 Religion 19 1 1 19 1 Unclassified 252 37 404 42 735 798 50 877 98 1,823 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 5,387 Total of all other Classes 7,210 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the Town 1,195 3,973 5,168 974 3,237 4,211 9,397 102 [IRELAND. CAVAN-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE : Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 19,571 3 463 20,037 31,787 3,534 1,008 300 36,629 Gardeners Grazier Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 116 116 1 1 222 394 30 165 811 31 31 69 69 8 8 2 1 3 51,807 3,931 1,502 465 57,705 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax, Wool, and Cotton) (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, Cotton, Silk) "" Knitters Coopers (Unspecified) Flax Dressers Nailers Hatters Winders and Warpers Dyers Basket Makers Carders Reed Makers Bleachers Clothiers - 6,363 412 20,899 1,746 29,420 792 5 11 2,183 17 20 2 3,030 312 -5 372 21 393 5 317 143 1 163 3 64 1 1 CO and CO | 23 166 166 3 20 20 157 66 25 3 32 27 1 1 19 18 16 12 3 22 20 21 Braziers and Coppersmiths Chandlers and Soap Boilers 10 *020 18 16 12 1 11 I 11 11 Sieve Makers - 7 1 8 Harness Makers Potters 7 7 4 5 5 Turners 4 1 1 5 Brick Makers Miscellaneous 4 18 12 I 4 2 2 23 3,809 37 27,748 2,186 33.780 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food 830 12 143 1 986 Clothing 2,086 64 1,792 125 4,067 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,475 30 19 2,524 Ministering to Health 98 40 139 Justice 278 278 " Education 311 122 433 Religion 141 7 148 Unclassified 2,293 401 5,813 768 9,275 8,512 507 7,936 895 17,850 Residue oF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 133,823 Total of all other Classes 151,673 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on 57,705 84,180 AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" 141,885 · 33,780 67,493 MANUFACTURES-Total 101,273 Total of the County 243,158 IRELAND.] 103 CLARE-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and unwards. Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers • Herdsmen Caretakers Land Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool and Flax) Knitters (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) (Unspecified) "" Carders Coopers Nailers Manufacturers (Lace and Cotton) Haircloth Makers Hatters Winders and Warpers Net Makers Flax Dressers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Dyers Clothiers - Cloth Finishers Lime Burners Wool Dressers Skinners - Brick Makers Miscellaneous • 1 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- 20,124 23 45,243 3,645 619 4,129 1 860 20,767 53,877 138 1 139 2 2 950 87 14 4 1,055 36 1 37 149 149 2 2 4 82 1 87 66,648 3,756 4,845 866 76,115 CO LO 6 1 8,358 4027 16,511 5 7,206 534 300 791 209 145 Ala227 1 1,110 23 1,134 9 4 1,121 9 8 292 18 312 211 152 23 2 40 49 91 54 3 60 46 2 7 55 2 1 3 17 2 11 231 42 4 49 33 1 37 1 31 22 15 9 10 9 5 122 I 22 17 11 10 12 9 7 7 7 4 49 1 135 7 5 3 58 1,659 27 17,184 1,042 19,912 Food Clothing 962 9 154 2,484 72 2,135 99 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,098 37 21 283 1,127 4,790 3,159 Ministering to Health 74 131 205 Charity - 4 4 Justice 448 " 3 451 Education 376 107 483 "" Religion 152 4 156 Unclassified 3,419 401 8,983 1,279 14,082 11,017 519 11,538 1,383 24,457 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 165,910 Total of all other Classes 190,367 Divide “ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 76,115 150,893 227,008 19,912 39,474 59,386 286,394 104 [IRELAND. CORK CITY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 years of age. FEMALES. 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants and Labourers 157 2 1,502 16 28 159 1,546 Gardeners 128 128 Grazier 1 1 Herdsmen 4 4 Land Stewards Game Keeper Dairy Keepers 21 21 1 1 1 19 20 1,811 20 49 1 · 1,880 "" Tanners Nailers Hatters MANUFACTURES: Coopers Weavers (Cotton, Woollen, and Linen) (Unspecified) Glovers Spinners (Wool, Flax, and Cotton) (Unspecified) - Rope Makers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Wool Dressers Clothiers Braziers and Coppersmiths Basket Makers Ironfounders - Paper Stainers Turners Glass Makers Winders and Warpers Comb Makers Skinners 712 13 725. 150 1 5 329 171 2 31 235 6 272 1 45 252 206 I 151 151 131 131 97 1 23 121 109 1 110 A 69 15 84 79 1 1 81 30 48 78 J 54 54 1 52 } 1 53 51 1 52 43 2 45 41 41 35 4 39 38 38 31 4 35 Dyers Manufacturers (Lace and Thread) Miscellaneous 19 14 33 1 32 32 4 26 30 207 3 43 253 2,300 20 713 6 CO 3,039 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of Food - 1,512 12 Clothing 2,555 43 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,339 25 2323 821 2,345 2,721 23 22 5,341 130 3,494 Ministering to Health 121 65 186 Charity 12 6 18 "" 372 372 Justice "" Education 173 126 299 "} "" Religion 80 66 146 Unclassified 7,218 87 6,577 127 14,009 15,382 167 10,512 149 26,210 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 49,591 Total of all other Classes 75,801 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the City 1,880 28,970 30,850 3,039 46,831 49,870 80,720 IRELAND.] 105 CORK-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers 38,400 2 126,064 6,918 1,907 11,154 1,494 40,309 145,630 752 5 2 759 2 2 Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards - 1,415 959 34 47 2,455 1 120 1 5 126 778 778 Game Keepers 36 36 Dairy Keepers t 432 244 676 167,999 7,885 13,346 1,541 190,771 "" Corduroy) Knitters Nailers Coopers Carders Net Makers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool, Flax, and Cotton) (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, Cotton, Lace, Tape, and (Unspecified) 16 11,268 375 4 1 10,089 813 22,566 923 On 5 31 18 3,384 2,368 13 23 3 3 1,490 68 1,561 498 24 522 417 7 2 1 318 1 167 19 769 424 327 187 Paper Makers Straw Workers Hatters = 103 3 24 130 105 16 121 102 1 4 1 108 Wool Dressers 101 4 · 105 - Dyers Flax Dressers Winders and Warpers Manufacturers of Lace, Woollen, Cotton, and Thread Rope Makers Tanners Basket Makers 40 60 3 103 3 100 103 - 7 85 92 69 69 47 6 53 44 44 43 1 44 Skinners Miscellaneous Chandlers and Soap Boilers Factory Workers Lime Burners 44 44 7 2 28 4 41 1 38 1 I 39 38 38 242 4 34 1 281 5,160 62 23,837 1,327 30,386 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food 4,513 43 1,081 4 5,641 Clothing 8,782 216 4,930 146 14,074 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 11,802 90 55 Ministering to Health 11,947 286 287 573 >> Charity 10 4 14 Justice "" 1,275 1,275 Education 1,090 1 436 1 1,528 " Religion 511 88 599 Unclassified 12,564 1,364 29,174 3,639 46,741 40,833 1,714 36,055 3,790 82,392 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 469,849 Total of all other Classes 552,241 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" 190,771 476,366 AGRICULTURE-Total 667,137 Engaged in Manufactures 30,386 Dependent on 19 75,875 MANUFACTURES-Total 106,261 Total of the County 773,398 P 106 [IRELAND. DONEGAL-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. 15 years Under of age and 15 years upwards. of age. FEMALES. 15 years of age and of age and upwards. Under 15 years TOTAL. of age. AGRICULTURE: Barmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners 26,181 1 468 26,650 37,075 4,181 490 89 41,835 88 88 Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards 4 4 281 1,589 117 636 2,623 17 1 18 55 55 Game Keepers 5 5 Dairy Keeper 1 1 63,707 5,771 1,076 725 71,279 (Unspecified) Knitters "" (Unspecified) Coopers Carders MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) Weavers (Linen, Wool, Cotton, and Silk) Flax Dressers I 12,782 741 1 27,058 1,639 42,221 3,144 515 3,659 854 4 71 4 3,374 2,421 9 11 313 32 217 1 1 346 217 112 11 123 Dyers Nailers Bleachers Winders and Warpers Hatters Rope Makers - Clothiers - Basket Makers Reed Makers - Braziers and Coppersmiths Chandlers and Soap Boilers Net Makers Brick Makers 115 ગા 5 120 39 39 1 1 1 30 31 30 30 19 20 18 18 11 1 1 8 184 3 14 12 11 11 1 1 9 1 10 10 10 3 7 10 8 1 9 Turners Miscellaneous 9 9 46 1 5 £ 10 52 4,143 22 43,260 2,910 50,335 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing 1,702 13 257 2 1,974 2,732 57 1,839 44 4,672 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,700 24 14 2,738 Ministering to Health 65 1 4-5 110 "" "" "" Justice Education Religion 736 1 737 - 351 107 458 193 5 198 Unclassified 2,202 370 5,575 727 8,874 10,681 464 7,843 773 19,761 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes - 155,073 Total of all other Classes 174,834 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on 71,279 102,472 AGRICULTURE-Total 173,751 Engaged in Manufactures 50,335 Dependent on ," 72,362 MANUFACTURES-Total 122,697 Total of the County 296,448 IRELAND.] 107 DOWN_COUNTY DOWN-County of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers 20,966 2 1,014 21,982 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 35,197 3,159 714 73 39,143 Gardeners 326 2 328 Herdsmen 90 550 16 155 811 Caretakers 18 3 21 Land Agents and Stewards 133 5 138 Game Keepers 15 Dairy Keepers 3 6 I CO 15 9 56,748 3,718 1,753 228 62,447 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax, Wool, and Cotton) 57 9 3,876 1557 (Unspecified) 24,005 716 28,818 Weavers (Linen, Cotton, Woollen, Silk, Fringe) 4,194 254 554 54 (Unspecified) 13,429 1,122 2,590 332 22,529 Winders and Warpers 120 160 1,981 274 2.535 Factory Workers 175 129 527 171 1,002 Bleachers 517 24 42 10 593 Flax Dressers 486 6 32 524 Nailers - 356 33 389 Knitters 344 16 360 Coopers 288 Manufacturers (Thread, Cotton, Linen, Silk, and Tabinet) 118 Straw Workers SNA | 4 292 2 45 8 173 102 110 Chandlers and Soap Boilers 87 1 $7 Cloth Finishers 75 Reed Makers 82 Rope Makers Tanners Dyers Hatters Turners Basket Makers 55 14 124 Co 84 84 70 J 68 68 37 J 1 11 48 40 1 38 32 3 46 2 40 35 1 1 1 38 Brick Makers 29 29 Miscellaneous 156 11 52 3 222 20,442 1,785 34,071 1,843 58,141 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food 2,516 42 438 Clothing 4,542 214 18,250 3,893 2,996 26,899 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 6,318 101 41 2 6,462 Ministering to Health 177 11 29 206 Charity 4 7 11 Justice 585 585 21 Education "" 466 2 "" Religion 340 259 22 727 1 362 Unclassified 5,447 854 11,013 1,316 18,630 20,395 1,213 30,059 5,211 56,878 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 183,980 Total of all other Classes 240,858 Divide “ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 62,447 124,730 187,177 58,141 - 116,128. 174,269 361,446 108 [IRELAND. DROGHEDA_Town of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 years of 15 years of of age and Under 15 TOTAL. age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Herdsmen Caretakers Land Stewards Dairy Keepers MANUFACTURES: Weavers (Linen and Cotton) (Unspecified) Spinners (Flax, Cotton, and Wool) "" (Unspecified) Winders and Warpers Machine Makers Flax Dressers Nailers Hatters Chandlers and Soap Boilers Farmers Iron Founders Knitters Basket Makers, Rope Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Overseers in Factories Mat Makers Caiders Brick Makers Reed Makers Sail Makers Dyers Lace Makers Miscellaneous 1 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Engaged in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— 44 266 29 2 46 2 281 14 1 NT 1 14 2 3 2 2 4 4 10 5 15 341 6 16 2 365 111 11 4 4 931 753 5 2 6 1 4 COL 43 48 13 1 3 243 163 16 5 119 5 130 49 49 32 29 2 15 1 IN 32 31 7 22 11 1 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 8 6 7 6 6 6 T 1 8 + 1 1 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 4 1 5 f · 4 4 32 1 1 31 1,121 29 406 29 1,585 Food 283 57 340 Clothing 395 6 293 2 696 Lodging, Furniture, and Machinery, &c. 600 1 1 602 Ministering to Health 18 6 24 Justice 44 1 45 "" Education 19 23 42 "1 "" Religion 19 I 36 55 Unclassified 1,277 36 793 31 2,137 2,655 43 1,210 33 3,941 RESIDUE OF POFULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 10,370 Total of all other Classes 14,311 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 365 2,678 3,043 1,585 11,633 13,218 16,261 IRELAND.] 109 DUBLIN CITY OF. ENGAGED IN. MALES. FEMALES. 15 years of age and Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. years of of age and upwards. age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers - 171 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 792 Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keeper Dairy Keepers 331 5 37 1 4 3 32 44 1 176 829 332 4 3 6 38 44 } 522 3 176 1,900 3 225 1 701 2,128 MANUFACTURES: Hatters 389 3 158 550 Weavers (Silk, Ribbon, Lace, Cotton, Woollen, Linen, 620 19 470 11 Fringe, Tabinet, Tape, and Corduroy) 1,593 (unspecified) - 365 4 103 1 Winders and Warpers 10 368 11 389 - Chandlers and Soap Boilers Tanners Braziers and Coppersmiths Pin Makers Tin Plate Workers Paper Stainers Nailers Dyers 307 1 13 321 311 7 1 319 245 7 252 40 10 160 18 Co 228 214 3 3 220 189 14 4 207 190 166 Rope Makers Glass Makers Brush Makers 150 844 1 198 14 184 150 134 91 9 6 3 146 6 44 3 144 Spinners (Wool, Cotton, and Flax) 20 "" (unspecified) Turners Comb Makers Iron Founders 5 132 106 CLOTH LO 43 201 5 108 20 4 · 136 24 135 132 132 Basket Makers Corduroy Cutters Gunsmiths Miscellaneous 114 1 9 125 64 1 45 1 109 100 4 104 1,183 47 341 18 1,589 5,277 161 1,911 83 7,432 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food 4,000 64 1,480 6 5,550 Clothing 7,819 171 10,939 476 19,405 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. - 12,590 231 572 14 13,407 Ministering to Health - 837 374 1,211 "" Charity 12 15 27 Justice - 3,001 1 "" 3,002 Education 460 583 "" 1,043 "" Religion 305 180 485 Unclassified 22,892 486 22,954 675 47,007 51,916 952 37,098 1,171 91,137 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 132,029 Total of all other Classes 223,166 The City of Dublin being the representative of every other interest in the Kingdom of Ireland, we divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES " between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these bear to each other in the entire population of the Kingdom irrespective of the City of Dublin, and this gives 4-5 ths to the Agriculturists and i-5th to the Manufacturers. Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on 59 AGRICULTURE-Total - Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the City 2,128 178,532 180,660 7,432 44,634 52,066 232,726 110 [IRELAND. DUBLIN COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Floughmen - Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 1 1 t MALES. 15 years of age and upwards. 2,055 Under 15 years of age. FEMALES. Under of age and 15 years 15 years upwards. TOTAL. of age. 163 2,218 15,943 882 1,538 147 18,510 1,054 12 2 1,068 4 229 89 99 1 121 47 4 2 324 108 281 281 10 287 100 10 3 127 3 420 19,962 987 1,841 153 22,943 238 3 co 82 2 756 334 14 80 3 27 1 415 4 710 3 234 26 76 50 215 66 407 151 7 102 6 266 1 158 4 163 146 12 1 159 109 2 38 3 152 71 18 89 1 4 37 1 2 44 109 LO 5 11 1 125 33 3 36 19 2 12 13 1 35 22 8 30 24 5 29 23 1 23 20 3 23 21 21 6 14 20 19 1 20 17 2 19 18 18 168 100 3 16 1 188 1,656 106 1,453 118 3,333 MANUFACTURES: Weavers (Woollen, Cotton, Linen, Lace, Corduroy, Ribbon, Fringe, and Tape) "" Spinners (Wool, Flax, and Cotton) "" (Unspecified) (Unspecified) - Factory Workers Paper Makers Knitters Nailers Calico Printers Hatters Winders and Warpers Flax Dressers Manufacturers (Cotton, Silk Tabinet, Cloth, Glass, and Rope) Pin Makers Button Makers Wool Dressers Bleachers Dyers Brick Makers Carders- - Iron Founders Tin-plate Workers Gunsmiths Miscellaneous → ALL OTHER CLASSES: · 1 1 - Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food - 1,671 Clothing 1,251 39 28 28 333 2 2,034 1,976 157 3,423 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,752 61 20 1 3,834 Ministering to Health 226 53 279 " Charity 4 2 6 Justice "" 1,289 2 1,291 Education "" 290 350 2 642 "" Religion - 222 156 378 Unclassified 5,314 345 9,988 476 16,123 14,019 473 12,880 638 28,010 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 85,761 Total of all other Classes 113,771 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:-- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County . 22,943 99,340 122,283 3,333 14,431 17,764 140,047 IRELAND.] 111 FERMANAGH-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 13,058 2 240 19,575 2,002 249 46 13,300 21,872 Gardeners 75 75 Graziers 5 5 Herdsmen Caretakers Land Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 324 62 17 31 434 31 3 34 30 30 8 8 14 14 33,106 2,066 523 77 35,772 "" "" Knitters Coopers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) (Unspecified) 4,834 1557 15,507 1,100 S 21,596 370 2 1,281 2 6 :} 1,661 512 22 534 271 - Flax Dressers Nailers Hatters 106 67 Coco 274 22 128 3 70 23 23 Basket Makers Clothiers 12 12 112 2 15 1 14 Gunsmiths Dyers Straw Workers Turners 12 12 4 7 1 11 1 10 10 9 10 Potters - J 9 9 Reed Makers - 1 1 8 1 9 Sieve Makers Carders 1 9 7 Block Makers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: 4 3 7 งง 7 41 6 47 2,245 9 20,910 1,289 24,453 Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing 488 4 117 1,445 40 1,840 69 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 1,822 24 16 283 611 3,394 1,865 Ministering to Health - 41 33 74 Charity 1 1 Justice 217 1 218 "" Education 245 1 70 316 "" Religion $8 3 91 Unclassified 1,430 283 4,101 413 6,227 5,776 352 6,182 487 12,797 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 83,459 Total of all other Classes 96,256 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on 35,772 57,174 AGRICULTURE-Total 92,946 Engaged in Manufactures 24,453 Dependent on "" 39,082 MANUFACTURES-Total 63,535 Total of the County 156,481 112 [IRELAND. GALWAY_Town of. ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants and Labourers Gardeners Herdsmen Caretakers Land Stewards MANUFACTURES: Net Makers Spinners (Flax and Wool) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen) "" Nailers Coopers (Unspecified) Rope Makers Hatters - Chandlers and Soap Boilers Knitters - Braziers and Coppersmiths Clothiers - Tanners Sail Makers Paper Makers Lime Burners Comb Makers Carders Dyers Block Makers Card Makers Iron Founders Starch Manufacturers Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: 4 1 MALES. 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 years of age. FEMALES. 15 years Under of age and upwards. 15 years of age. TOTAL. Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of~ I 20 263 9 5 12 1 4 3 1 8 1 307 13 10 2 1 279 2225 12 3 • 8 5 2 327 490 8 498 51 18 2 8 155 63 21 48 40 - 41 1 42 32 32 30 30 24 2 26 15 15 9 3 12 8 8 6 6 6 6 5 5 10 438 112222O 4 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 10 246 1 617 52 916 Food 807 15 Clothing 420 Ministering to Health Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 592 is as a 136 958 6 365 1 792 4 3 599 24 18 42 Justice - "" 110 110 Education "" 35 21 56 "" Religion 26 48 74 Unclassified 1,522 49 1,102 68 2,741 3,536 74 1,693 69 5,372 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 10,660 Total of all other Classes 16,032 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total 327 4,217 4,544 Engaged in Manufactures 916 Dependent on "" 11,815 MANUFACTURES-Total 12,731 Total of the Town 17,275 IRELAND.] 113 GALWAY-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN 15 years AGRICULTURE: Farmers - Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners, Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool, Cotton, and Flax) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) (Unspecified) "" Knitters Carders Nailers Coopers Net Makers Flax Dressers Hatters Winders and Warpers Dyers Braziers and Coppersmiths Chandlers and Soap Boilers Clothiers Turners - Gunsmiths Sieve Makers Skinners Basket Makers Straw Workers Rope Makers - Reed Makers Bleachers Glovers Tanners Brick Makers Lime Burners Cutlers Hair Cloth Makers Distillers - Miscellaneous 1 1 1 I 1 MALES. Under of age and 15 years upwards. 15 years of age and FEMALES. Under TOTAL. of age. upwards. 15 years of age. 21,197 3 73,211 7,080 632 7,633 1,455 21,832 89,379 286 286 3 1,745 92 30 27 3 1,894 35 1 1 245 36 245 23 23 4 1 5 96,745 7,176 8,299 1,483 113,703 6 16,935 742 3 6 12,044 30,555 819 554 8 1,531 4 22 } 2,119 1 4 1,808 106 1,919 477 53 530 229 11 240 223 223 1 80 45 126 53 16 t 69 51 3 54 2 1 40 3 46 15 10 25 17 20 17 15 16 211 19 16 16 13 13 12 1 13 11 I 11 8 1 9 7 7 6 1 6 5 5 2 2 4 3 1 4 33 3 3 3 t 33229 3 3 1 3 2 1 10 2,819 29 31,460 1,768 36,076 1 · 1 1 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. Ministering to Health - "" Justice Education Unclassified - Religion RESIDUE OF POPULATION: 1 1,211 3,274 4,450 22 562 51 67 290 2,335 4 1,556 77 5,753 20 4 4,496 74 135 209 749 1 750 398 153 551 206 45 251 5,009 601 10,356 1,224 17,190 15,371 741 13,335 1,309 30,756 242,388 273,144 Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes Total of all other Classes " "" Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "J MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 113,703 207,355 321,058 36,076 65,789 101,865 422,923 Q 114 [IRELAND. KERRY-County of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers - 19,131 1 542 19,674 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 45,803 3,011 1,977 419 51,210 Gardeners Herdsmen Caretakers Gamekeepers Dairykeepers 122 122 901 682 47 114 1,744 35 35 Land Agents and Stewards 156 156 6 29 86 I co 6 1 116 66,183 3,694 2,652 534 73,063 "" Knitters Carders MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax, Wool, and Cotton) (Unspecified) - Weavers (Woollen, Linen, and Cotton) (Unspecified) - 4 1 2 33 3 7,532 363 15,308 1 6,830 573 253 15 1,092 3 6 1 1,370 567 36 603 256 21 277 Coopers Nailers 229 1 230 1 144 11 155 Hatters 64 1 - 65 Net Makers Dyers Flax Dressers Turners - Basket Makers Winders and Warpers Cloth Finishers Salt Manufacturers Lace Manufacturers Clothiers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Wool Dressers Glovers Reed Makers Tanners Brick Makers Cutlers Gun Smiths Rope Makers - Sieve Makers Distillers Bleachers Comb Makers Iron Founders Lamp Makers Miscellaneous 1 1 22 1 25 21 1 23 9 12 21 1 17 11. 17 100 11 8 1 9 1 1 9 1 1 I 1 8 7 3 5 - 6 718 7 1 7 8 8 1 1 8 13 I 3 7 + 6 6 5 5 1 5 4 4 4 I 222226 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 1 1 2222∞ 2 8 1,936 21 15,264 996 18,217 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing 1,048 23 189 4 1,264 2,630 96 1,732 45 4,503 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,096 22 9 1 3,128 Ministering to Health 94 135 229 Charity i 1 2 "5 Justice - 450 2 452 "} "} Education Religion 403 92 495 167 23 190 Unclassified 3,703 637 10,275 1,292 15,907 11,592 778 12,458 1,342 26,170 Residue OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 176,430 Total of all other Classes 202,600 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County - 73,063 162,167 235,230 18,217 40,433 58,650 293,880 IRELAND.] 115 KILDARE-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers 3,857 235 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 20,247 1,164 2,692 265 4,092 24,368 Gardeners 179 180 Graziers - 2 2 Herdsmen 606 119 2 2 729 Caretakers 20 1 1 · 22 Land Agents and Stewards 143 I 143 Game Keepers 18 18 Dairy Keepers 11 1 4 3 19 25,083 1,286 2,934 270 29.573 (Unspecified) Knitters (Unspecified) - Factory Workers Nailers Flax Dressers Hatters MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool, Flax, and Cotton) Weavers (Linen, Cotton, Woollen, and Lace) 14 32 909 307 2 1,509 56 $ 2,523 1 560 28 588 89 1 4 27 328 209 1 22 61 9 120 24 214 106 4 1 110 39 5 7 2 53 36 1 Straw Workers Carders Braziers and Coppersmiths Chandlers and Soap Boilers Winders and Warpers Iron Founders Brick Makers Basket Makers Sickle Makers Sieve Makers - Glovers Lime Burners Distillers - Skinners 1 33 + 14 - 12 742 17 1 1 1 37 33 17 1 15 12 - 1 9 1 10 # 8 2 1 10 9 1 9 8 9 9 - 8 I 5 6 2 12 Turners - 5 4 4 2 I 1 1 2 2 122 9 9 7 6 5 4 4 4 3 Mat Makers Dyers - Manufacturers (Cotton and Woollen) Clothiers - Tanners Comb Makers Button Makers Glass Makers Miscellaneous 1 1 1 3 13 222222 1 1 1 1 322222 5 1 6 667 29 3,199 143 4.038 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing 806 124 1,349 44 1,186 48 930 2,627 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,188 33 13 2,234 Ministering to Health 50 Charity 2 1 1 44 94 11 1 13 Justice 306 2 308 Education Religion 167 98 Unclassified 2,673 328 111 19 5,314 278 117 450 8,765 7,639 405 6,824 498 15,366 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 65,511 Total of all other Classes 80,877 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 29,573 71,161 100,734 4,038 9,716 13,754 114,488 116 [IRELAND. KILKENNY-CITY OF. MALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants and Labourers Gardeners Herdsmen Caretaker Land Agents and Stewards Game Keeper Dairy Keepers 1 J · 1 FEMALES. 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 TOTAL. years of age. 59 4 356 28 63 11 45 458 45 4583 1 1 2 1 1 7 7 1 1 3 9 12 473 29 76 11 589 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool and Flax) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Woollen, Linen, Cotton, and Silk) Knitters Nailers Hatters (Unspecified) - Braziers and Coppersmiths Cloth Finishers Rope Makers Glovers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Harness Makers Wool Dressers Skinners 1 Manufacturers (Woollen, Lace, and Starch) Dyers Flax Dressers Clothiers 1 1 Turners Carders Winders and Warpers Card Makers 1 Wire Workers Brush Makers Distillers 1 t Factory Workers Tanners Leather Dressers Brick Makers Basket Makers Iron Founders Comb Makers Gun Smiths Miscellaneous 5 4 4 18 515 11 146 9 2 19 70 8 1 32 68 184 115 1 39 42 38 3 33 12 41 2 35 27 27 22 J 22 18 1 19 3 1 13 17 I w 1 18 1 18 16 16 11 15 14 14 17 5 1 6 ∞∞ 8 25 4 10 3 9 9 9 8 4 1962 9 7 7 1 7 1 7 6 1 7 5 1 6 5 | 5 1 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 4 1 4 18 6 Co 678 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing 326 6 80 1 413 732 29 534 16 1,311 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 709 6 8 723 Ministering to Health - 27 12 39 "" Charity 1 6 7 Justice 103 1 104 - " Education 38 22 60 "} "" Religion 32 14 46 Unclassified 1,811 20 1,327 77 3,235 3,779 61 2,004 94 5,938 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 11,866 Total of all other Classes 17,804 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "} MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the City 589 8,232 8,821 678 9,572 10,250 19,071 IRELAND.] 117 KILKENNY-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers 10,787 920 27,983 1,381 9,992 731 11,707 40,087 134 1 1 136 2 2 Herdsmen Caretakers 301 87 35 1 Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 108 05 1 8 396 41 108 13 13 1 8 82 1 91 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool and Flax) "" (Unspecified) - Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) (Unspecified). Knitters Nailers Manufacturers (Lace and Woollen) Hatters Carders Chandlers and Soap Boilers Basket Makers Straw Workers Lime Burners Braziers and Coppersmiths Winders and Warpers Sieve Makers - 1 - 39,371 2 1 135 359 1,470 11,008 732 52,581 31 937 16 1,769 788 21 3 3 }} 500 330 12 342 189 189 3 30 33 14 1 7 1 23 { 2 16 1 19 18 18 17 I ་ 1 - 16 I co 17 16 16 16 15 15 1 1 1 9 1 12 7 2 3 12 Flax Dressers F 10 1 11 Wool Dressers Turners Distillers Brick Makers Musical Instrument Makers Dyers Iron Founders Factory Workers Skinners Tanners 10 1 11 9 1 9 8 8 1 Clothiers - Bleacher Glover Rope Maker Mat Maker - Starch Manufacturer 1 4 5 3 4 3 3 3 Potters 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 851 9 2,145 52 3,057 ALL OTHER CLASSES : Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing 769 4 185 958 1,878 28 1,321 24 3,251 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,795 10 8 3,813 "" ") "" Ministering to Health Justice Education Religion 42 92 134 441 441 - 272 101 373 - 130 5 135 Unclassified - 2,939 214 6,219 479 9,851 ** 10,266 256 7,931 503 18,956 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 108,755 Total of all other Classes 127,711 5 I 1 1 1 1 LOLO SHEH CD CD CD co 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on 19 MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 52.581 120,694 173,275 3,057 7,017 10,074 183,349 118 [IRELAND. KING'S COUNTY. AGRICULTURE: Farmers ENGAGED IN Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards · Game Keepers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool, Flax, and Cotton) (Unspecified) - Weavers (Linen, Woollen, Cotton, Corduroy, Lace, Silk, and Stuff) "" (Unspecified) - Knitters Coopers Nailers Carders Hatters Brick Makers - Chandlers and Soap Boilers Flax Dressers Wool Dressers Dyers Distillers - Braziers and Coppersmiths Tanners - Lime Burners Turners - Gunsmiths Glovers Rope Makers - Winders and Warpers Reed Makers - Basket Makers Mat Makers 1 Manufacturers (Lace and Woollen) Tobacco Pipe Makers Wire Workers Comb Makers Iron Founders Corduroy Cutter Starch Manufacturer Pin Maker - 1 MALES. FEMALES. 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. 8,806 22,546 2,431 374 3,506 671 9,180 29,154 123 123 2 2 314 100 8 7 1 330 1 1 2 143 143 6 6 31,941 2,439 3,888 672 38,940 1 1 1,896 36 4 2,385 232 4,555 220 4 705 479 1 125 98 132 513 47 560 128 100 31 སྣུམ 26 64 2 6 H 68 33 32 21 I 21 12 1 13 13 13 7 11 11 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 5 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 5 3 8 7 1 7 4 2 6 6 6 6 4 5 1 6 1 2 6 5 542 5 4 2 2 1 2 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— 1 1 1 217 p 1 1 • 1 1,144 14 4,880 323 6,361 Food 796 6 239 1 1,042 Clothing 1,598 37 1,491 55 3,181 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,371 31 16 2,418 Ministering to Health 64 53 117 "" Charity 1 1 Justice 489 2 491 "" Education 249 119 368 "" " Religion 126 24 150 Unclassified 3,065 256 5,361 487 9,169 8,758 330 7,306 543 16,937 RESIDUE OF POPULATION; Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 84,619 Total of all other Classes 101,556 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:--- Dependent on Engaged in Agriculture "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 38,940 87,296 126,236 6,361 14,260 20,621 146,857 IRELAND.] 119 LEITRIM-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL, age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers - Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers 13,326 1 179 1 21,924 48 2,585 470 154 13,506 25,133 48 2 2 Herdsmen 163 40 12 13 218 Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers I - 3228 1 21 1 1 25 3 35 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen and Woollen) Knitters (Unspecified) Coopers Nailers Flax Dressers Carders Bleachers - Winders and Warpers Dyers Hatters Basket Makers Lime Burners Potters Clothiers Braziers and Coppersmiths Tanners Reed Makers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Turners - Card Makers Cutlers - Sieve Makers Skinner Rope Maker Brick Maker 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- 3 2 100 3 1 35,513 2,626 655 167 38,961 7,583 505 11,850 1,364 21,302 274 1 2 986 707 1 1 521 22 243 119 61 12 1 33 543 246 122 13 74 14 7 21 12 5 36 1795 9 9 2 1 9 9 1 7 6 5 6- 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1,476 со 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 19,996 1,899 23,379 Food Clothing 353 1 113 1,164 38 929 31 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 1,128 11 5 Ministering to Health 37 27 "" Charity 1 Justice 297 1 Education 205 1 61 t 1 467 2,162 1,144 64 1 297 267 19 Religion 71 2 73 Unclassified 1,239 3,134 225 443 5,041 4,495 3,185 1,362 474 9,516 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 83,441 Total of all other Classes 92,957 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on - AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 38,961 58,096 97,057 23,379 34,861 58,240 155,297 120 [IRELAND. LIMERICK-CITY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. FEMALES. 15 years of age and Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Herdsmen Caretakers Land Stewards Dairy Keepers 119 5 124 1 1,011 23 28 4 1,066 73 73 2 1 3 2 1 2 23 23 2 # 11 1,232 24 42 4 1,302 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool, Flax, and Cotton) 1 49 1 19 (Unspecified) - 1 342 278 12 Factory Workers - Coopers 240 Weavers (Linen, Cotton, and Woollen) 36 Nailers (Unspecified) 163 86 Rope Makers 66 1212 +3 207 72 279 113 242 206 4 1 Chandlers and Soap Boilers 58 Hatters 40 1217 90 71 59 47 Wool Dressers 38 1 38 Glovers 2 1 29 Knitters 20 31 30 30 Iron Founders 25 4 29 Dyers 14 12 26 Tobacco Pipe Makers Basket Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Cutlers - Straw Workers Sail Makers Turners Comb Makers Gunsmiths Clothiers - Salt Manufacturers Cloth Finishers Paper Makers Mat Makers Paper Stainers Block Makers 15 15 3 74 22 4 22 21 1 21 19 18 17 15 12 10 - 8 Manufacturers (Lace and Thread) Skinners 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 19 17 1 18 1 18 17 15 1 13 1 11 1 9 9 9 8 1 8 8 4 4 77 1 1 8877 Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the 46 10 56 1,018 20 663 86 1,787 production of— Food - 891 15 286 4 1,196 Clothing 1,158 27 2,234 198 3,617 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 1,865 42 50 1,957 Ministering to Health 77 + 44 121 "} Charity 5 7 12 Justice 192 1 193 Education 104 63 167 "" Religion Unclassified 60 13 73 5,119 116 3,652 147 9,034 9,471 200 6,350 349 16,370 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 28,932 Total of all other Classes • 45,302 " "" Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the City 1,302 19,241 20,543 1,787 26,061 27,848 48,391 IRELAND.] 121 LIMERICK-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 14,489 567 15,056 47,300 2,237 3,630 521 53,688 217 217 688 86 10 784 75 3 78 241 241 "" Knitters Coopers Nailers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool and Flax) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, Corduroy, and Cotton) (Unspecified) J 1 13 13 188 477 6 CO 671 63,211 2,323 4,687 527 70,748 - 1 145 1 5,713 183) 5 7,235 653 13,791 363 15 886 2 10 1,276 637 22 659 360 5 366 135 4 1 t Carders Winders and Warpers Paper Makers Flax Dressers Wool Dressers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Lime Burners Hatters Dyers Bleachers Brick Makers Manufacturers (Thread and Worsted) Cloth Finishers Skinners Glovers 1 61 2 24 127 23 112 139 63 29 25 4 · 13 15 1 33 18 1 1 17 1 17 17 14 14 13 9 9 10 8 7 121 13 11 10 10 6 1 1 3 9 7 7 1 7 Turners Basket Makers Factory Workers Clothiers Gunsmiths Salt Manufacturers Tanners - 1 1 Reed Makers Cutlers Tool Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Miscellaneous 4 7 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 · 13 3 NI 2 27 1 7654TH CD CD C~~~∞ 3 3 3 2 2 2 8 1,935 16 13,721 865 16,537 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing 766 3 122 2,800 52 2,090 32 92 892 5,034 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,413 22 17 3,452 Ministering to Health 63 96 159 Charity 2 2 4 Justice 459 459 Education 407 109 516 " "" Religion 179 7 186 Unclassified 3,945 407 11,288 1,236 16,876 12,034 484 13,731 1,329 27,578 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 166,775 Total of all other Classes 194,353 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS, in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in and dependent on each interest will stand thus:— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on " AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 70,748 157,531 228,279 16,537 36,822 53,359 281,638 R 122 [IRELAND. LONDONDERRY-COUNTY of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTUKE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Grazier Herdsmen Caretakers - Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 1 15,023 665 15,688 22,339 2,518 442 75 25,374 138 1 139 1 1 156 953 38 251 1,398 34 1 35 80 80 4 4 1 3 4 37,776 3,472 1,149 326 42,723 "" "" MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) (Unspecified) - Weavers (Linen, Cotton, and Woollen) (Unspecified) Flax Dressers Winders and Warpers ― 1 6,939 466 2 19,661 1,488 27,556 1,869 93 74 18 8,847 - 5,915 208 634 36 349 52 1 402 16 35 138 78 267 Bleachers 229 8 237 Coopers 222 6 228 Knitters Nailers 181 18 I co 178 39 217 199 Factory Workers 16 Rope Makers 53 Mat Makers 8 1 00 00 68 84 3 1 57 8 19 4 39 Chandlers and Soap Boilers 38 t 38 Reed Makers 34 34 Braziers and Coppersmiths 28 1 29 Hatters - 28 28 Cloth Finishers Dyers Iron Founders 26 26 12 I co 20 17 1 17 Turners - 9 5 14 Basket Makers Paper Makers Distillers Tanners Potters Tobacco Pipe Makers Carders Gunsmiths Sail Makers 12 12 22 14 14 1 13 13 12 12 12 12 16 1 10 11 10 9 9 - 8 8 Cutlers - 6 Manufacturers (Linen, Cotton, Silk, and Tabinet) Miscellaneous 3 1 40 113 1 1 3 2 NII 6 5 46 9,189 387 27,791 2,132 39,499 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food 1,277 13 160 1,450 Clothing 2,442 101 2,783 177 5,503 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,561 52 16 3,629 Ministering to Health 113 18 131 "" Charity 2 3 5 Justice 282 2 284 " Education 340 1 169 510 33 Religion 200 3 203 Unclassified 3,295 408 6,225 712 10,640 11,512 575 9,379 889 22,355 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 117,597 Total of all other Classes 139,952 " Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on 42,723 72,720 AGRICULTURE-Total - 115,443 Engaged in Manufactures 39,499 Dependent on "" 67,232 MANUFACTURES-Total 106,731 Total of the County 222,174 IRELAND.] 123 LONGFORD-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 of age and upwards. years of age. 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 TOTAL. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers 6,922 269 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 18,911 1,927 930 182 7,191 21,950 Gardeners 58 58 Graziers - 6 6 Herdsmen 123 Caretakers 12 2 1 125 13 Land Agents and Stewards 40 40 Gamekeepers 3 3 Dairykeepers 1 13 14 1 26,076 1,927 1,215 182 29,400 "" Knitters Nailers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) "" (Unspecified) - Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Silk) (Unspecified) - Flax Dressers 3,937 256 7 4,788 380 9,368 347 2 989 638 1 1 274 35 309 88 4 1 92 34 6 1 1 24 8 1 00 Carders Hatters 1 31 40 32 31 1 Dyers Winders and Warpers Braziers and Coppersmiths Reed Makers Distillers Manufacturers of Lace Tanners Turners - Card Makers Basket Makers Sieve Makers Gunsmiths Bleachers Brick Makers Potters Net Makers Wool Dresser Skinner Glover Lime Burner Iron Founder Tool Maker Miscellaneous 12 5 8 9 1 1 9 7 I I 1 6 5 2333Ŋ W UINO ccra Į 3 2 1 5 3 1 122 5 5 5 1 t COCO CHA UT 5 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1,219 14 9.059 683 10.975 LIN 7 . 1 1 17 3 11 10 9 7 1 6 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing 390 4 99 493 1,108 32 $55 17 2,012 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 1,555 14 8 1,577 Ministering to Health - 47 32 79 Charity 1 1 Justice 232 2 234 - "} "" "" Religion Unclassified Education 157 55 212 ST 3 90 1,287 73 3,420 272 5,052 4,864 123 ! 4,474 289 9,750 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 65,366 Total of all other Classes 75,116 Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES "between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on 11 MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 29,400 54,698 $4,098 10,975 20,418 31,393 115,491 124 [IRELAND. LOUTH-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE: Farmers - Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) 29 Knitters (Unspecified) Winders and Warpers Pin Makers Nailers Coopers Flax Dressers Factory Workers Basket Makers Net Makers Bleachers Rope Makers Chandlers and Soap Boilers - Dyers Hatters Iron Founders Tanners Brick Makers • Carders • Tool Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Sieve Makers Distillers Potters Turners Wire Drawers Salt Manufacturers Lace Manufacturers Lime Burners Gunsmiths Miscellaneous - I 1 MALES. FEMALES. 15 years of age and Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. upwards. years of of age and age. upwards. years of age. 4,560 14,218 325 831 1,280 176 169 4,885 16,505 169 2 177 147 4 30 2 358 22 J 139 22 139 16 16 5 6 11 19,308 978 1,615 206 22,107 - 1 351 26 2 2,300 30 2,522 181 } 5,042 | 6 4 1,522 1 t 11 33 1,927 I 303 12 315 4 69 60 38 28885 20 2++ 2 93 16 115 4 61 24 109 2 1 71 60 6 5 1 50 7 3 34 1 45 37 2 39 1 4 22 12 12 39 32 3 1 35 24 · 24 17 1 18 12 4 1 16 15 1 16 14 1 15 12 1 13 13 1 13 2 8 10 10 10 8 1 9 7 1 8 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 1438 ++ 4 4 4. I 3 3 11 2,315 45 5,405 282 8,047 t ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing - 1,393 19 215 4 1,631 1,292 24 1,052 45 2,413 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,063 20 19 2 2,104 Ministering to Health 54 34 88 "" Charity 1 1 " Justice 331 1 332 " "" Education Religion 131 87 218 88 2 90 Unclassified - 2,908 243 4,513 452 8,116 8,260 306 5,924 503 14,993 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 66,832 Total of all other Classes 81,825 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total - Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County - 22,107 59,989 82,096 8,047 21,836 29,883 111,979 IRELAND.] 125 MAYO-County of. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 22,049 2 426 67,172 8,941 6,215 1,777 22,477 84,105 Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers 161 161 9 9 677 297 67 234 1,275 7 1 8 Land Agents and Stewards - 101 101 Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 12 12 + 3 1 4 90,188 9,240 6,712 2,012 108,152 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) - 1 15,480 919 (Unspecified) - Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Ribbon) "" Knitters (Unspecified) - 1 13,766 1,030 31,196 601 26 2,684 10 108 12 J 3,441 1,883 164 2,047 Carders 442 52 494 Coopers 277 1 278 Nailers Flax Dressers Hatters Winders and Warpers Clothiers Turners - Braziers and Coppersmiths Chandlers and Soap Boilers Bleachers Straw Workers Dyers Reed Makers - Rope Makers - Gunsmiths Brick Makers - Potters - Net Makers Sieve Makers Distillers Glovers 143 11 154 53 54 107 92 1 5 66 2 NI 93 73 28 1 28 27 1 • 27 25 22 14 122 25 24 16 13 2 15 5 6 11 10 10 9 10 8 8 1 6 6 5 5 25 2 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 Tanners 3 3 3 Comb Makers Basket Makers Salt Manufacturers Skinners Cutlers Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: I Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- 3 3 2 2 2 7 1 4,052 22 31,853 2,181 32227 38,108 Food 995 3 328 2 1,328 Clothing 2,710 96 2,044 80 4,930 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,925 26 8 2,959 Ministering to Health 82 1 58 140 "" Charity 2 1 3 Justice 725 725 "" Education 334 3 107 444 "" Religion 191 1 2 194 Unclassified 3,446 497 7,580 1,158 12,681 11,410 626 10,128 1,240 23,404 RESIDUE OF POPULATION : Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes - 219,223 Total of all other Classes 242,627 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Dependent on Engaged in Agriculture "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 108,152 179,411 287,563 38,108 63,216 101,324 388,887 126 [IRELAND. MEATH-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN MALES. 15 years FEMALES. Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers 7,084 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners 31,104 1,901 501 1,830 295 302 Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers 39 1,355 201 11 1 100 7,585 35,130 302 39 8 1,575 108 1 5 114 Land Agents and Stewards 276 276 Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 34 1 34 31 26 57 40,333 2,103 2,373 303 45,112 MANUFACTURES: "" Spinners (Wool, Flax, and Cotton) (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Lace, Woollen, and Cotton) (Unspecified) - 4 1 2,877 61 9 4,272 315 7,539 326 95 1. 1,003 Flax Dressers Knitters Nailers Coopers Factory Workers 1 116 42 20 4 1,453 652 60 713 118 109 - 50 1 32 3 Carders Winders and Warpers Hatters Basket Makers Turners Chandlers and Soap Boilers Tanners Dyers Mat Makers Paper Makers Sieve Makers Lime Burners Brick Makers Potters Bleachers 5 33 1212 58 2 58 5 22 1275 CO 3 1 36 33 + 21 1 109 85 68 65 40 38 36 33 22 19. 1 17 1 9 I 13 32 6 1 12 19 18 2 18 2 · 15 1 14 14 12 12 11 11 9 t 9 Wool Dressers 3 Straw Workers Iron Founders 6 Manufacturers (Lace and Woollen) Cloth Finishers ယယယ တ 8 1 8 4 7 5 1 6 6 3 1 4 Rope Makers Gunsmiths Braziers and Coppersmiths Glovers 3 +3 32 1 1 4 4 4 3 3 2 Miscellaneous 10 10 1,889 27 8,110 466 10,492 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing 990 12 139 1 1,713 27 1,277 38 1.142 3,055 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,152 22 7 1 Ministering to Health 73 46 3,182 119 Charity 4 1 5 Justice 404 1 • 405 Education 253 125 378 "" "" Religion Unclassified 155 10 165 3,430 394 7,711 791 12,326 10,174 455 9,317 831 20,777 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 107,447 Total of all other Classes 128,224 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 45,112 104,030 149,142 10,492 24,194 34,686 183,828 IRELAND.] 127 MONAGHAN-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers 16,127 25,399 1 448 3,010 1,181 208 16,576 29,798 74 1 75 2 Herdsmen Caretakers 74 236 18 145 - 15 t t Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 71 2 473 15 71 9 t 12 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) "2 (Unspecified) - Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) "" Knitters Coopers (Unspecified) Flax Dressers Nailers Winders and Warpers Bleachers Brick Makers Basket Makers Hatters Dyers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Reed Makers 1 Tool Makers Gunsmiths Cloth Finishers Turners Carders Manufacturers (Linen and Cotton) Lime Burners Rope Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Tanners Quill Manufacturer Sieve Makers Distillers Skinners Straw Workers Glovers - Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- 9 2 1 1 2 41,771 3,248 1,649 353 47,021 1 3,990 165 3 522 1 00 19,921 1,479 25,559 8 14 2,655 26 90 6 3,321 11 209 16 236 198 3 201 169 22 120 10 35 35 35 100372- 191 8 128 29 11 53 1 43 30 25 1 3 I 1 1 37 36 31 28 19 1 1 1 . 20 17 1 18 10 1 10 9 1 1 10 10 9 8 8 7 1 1 7 7 6 1 6 66 4 1 4 3 1 2 1 3 3 1322 127 3 2 2 NOT 2 2 1 2 12 2 10 3,966 61 24,291 1,678 29,996 Food Clothing 808 1,818 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,511 =233 11 70 108 2,080 93 33 Ministering to Health 73 23 40 732 927 4,061 1 Charity 1 2,569 113 1 Justice 253 - 2 "" "" Religion Education 254 1 74 12 255 2 331 116 1 117 Unclassified 1,949 4,835 472 749 8,005 7,782 4,950 2,801 846 16,379 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 107,046 Total of all other Classes 123,425 (C Divide ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 47,021 75,355 122,376 29.996 48,070 78,066 200,442 128 [IRELAND. QUEEN'S COUNTY. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers 7,985 678 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 24,470 1,912 5,675 663 8,663 32,720 Gardeners 143 1 144 Grazier 1 1 Herdsmen 299 53 6 2 360 Caretakers 56 7 I 63 Land Agents and Stewards 128 128 Game Keepers 13 13 Dairy Keepers 5 23 28 33,100 1,965 6,390 665 42,120 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool and Flax) 16 "" (Unspecified) 5 Weavers (Cotton, Woollen, Linen, Lace, and Silk) 697 "" (Unspecified) 570 4 Knitters 3 Wool Dressers 269 4 Coopers 181 Nailers 140 1 Factory Workers 21 1 Winders and Warpers 3 6 Carders -8688 2164 m co 1,469 45 846 51 S 2,435 216 2 159 1,657 3 682 58 743 5 1 279 181 1 1 142 103 11 87 22 69 122 136 118 71 Iron Founders 23 I 23 Braziers and Coppersmiths 19 1 20 Hatters 15 - 4 19 Potters 14 1 1 16 Chandlers and Soap Boilers 14 14 Dyers 11 12 Basket Makers 10 Turners 9 Flax Dressers Manufacturers (Woollen) Lime Burners Sieve Makers - Cutlers Tanners Straw Workers Glovers Brick Makers Comb Makers Wire Workers Rope Makers Cloth Finishers Miscellaneous 3 6 8 90 6 5 8 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 1552 10 9 8 8 8 8 6 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 ILOLO 3 3225 сл 5 5 5 1 5 5 3 1 5 1 4 I 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 16 30 3,651 202 5,971 15 2,088 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing 666 2 145 813 1,549 36 1,579 65 3,229 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,775 24 18 2,817 Ministering to Health 50 61 111 "" Charity - 8 12 20 Justice 417 3 420 "" Education 210 144 354 " Religion 95 26 121 Unclassified 2,620 320 5,137 501 8,578 8,390 382 7,125 566 16,463 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 89,376 Total of all other Classes 105,839 "" Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 42,120 92,698 134,818 5,971 13,141 19,112 153,930 IRELAND.] 129 ROSCOMMON-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Floughmen Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax, Wool, and Cotton) "" (Unspecified) - Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) (Unspecified) "" Knitters Coopers Nailers Carders Hatters 1 1 1 1 1 Tobacco Pipe Makers Flax Dressers Potters Winders and Warpers Braziers and Coppersmiths Dyers Turners Card Makers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Glovers - Cloth Finishers Sieve Makers Skinners Clothiers - Basket Makers Gunsmiths Distillers << Comb Makers Cutlers Lime Burners Reed Makers Rope Makers Tanners Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: . 1 1 Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- MALES. 15 years Under FEMALES. 15 years Under of age and 15 years of age and 15 years TOTAL. upwards. of age. upwards. of age. 10,529 46,363 1 3,583 333 3,023 568 115 10,863 53,537 115 13 973 34 16 1 13 1,024 6 1 6 94 94 14 14 3 34 37 58,110 3,618 3,406 569 65,703 7,131 283 320 1 I 7,327 510 15,251 10 953 8 5 1,296 1 375 9 384 197 1 198 168 4 1 172 1 100 8 108 72 1 73 49 4 5 58 47 J I 47 23 15 6 13 6 I co 3 I co 23 16 15 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 8 2 10 4 3 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 5 5 4 1 J 5 4 4 4 333 4 3 2 324 2 1,949 17 14,981 813 17,760 << < 50 CM 26 4 4 3 3 3 Food - 620 3 202 825 Clothing 1,890 44 1,167 10 3,111 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,339 17 12 2,368 Ministering to Health 62 39 101 "" Charity • 1 1 Justice 393 2 "" 395 Education 295 96 "" 391 Religion 119 2 121 Unclassified << 2,464 380 5,444 701 8,989 8, 183 444 6,964 711 16,302 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 153,826 Total of all other Classes 170,128 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES "between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 65,703 133,927 199,630 17,760 36,201 53,961 253,591 S 130 [IRELAND. SLIGO-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 years Under TOTAL. of age and 15 years upwards. of age. of age and 15 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 12,975 1 25,283 3,236 194 1,192 375 13,170 30,086 Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers 111 111 7 7 376 107 16 39 538 19 3 22 Land Stewards 58 58 Game Keepers 4 4 38,833 3,344 1,405 414 43,996 "" Knitters Coopers Carders MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen and Woollen) (Unspecified) 2 6,624 266 1 1 1 7,952 15,539 693 337 2 1,110 t 765 1 5 419 29 448 361 362 Nailers Flax Dressers Winders and Warpers Hatters Clothiers - Cutlers Chandlers and Soap Boilers - Rope Makers - Bleachers Dyers Braziers and Coppersmiths Tobacco Pipe Makers Sieve Makers Cloth Finishers Gunsmiths Comb Makers Glovers Turners Lime Burners Net Makers Sail Makers Block Makers Reed Makers Card Makers Distiller Miscellaneous 91 41 88 9 97 95 50 2 2006 1 52 28 12 32 1 31 17 WI 31 3 20 16 16 14 14 1 - 13 13 12 12 9 3 12 12 12 11 11 9 9 5 5 5 4 1 - 443 1322215 4 1 5 4 4 4 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 t 2 2 1 1 1 1 1,791 9 15,130 6 999 17,929 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing 612 5 сл 180 1 1,733 42 1,344 77 798 3,196 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 1,709 9 6 1 1,725 Ministering to Health 49 33 82 Charity 5 5 Justice 346 3 349 "} "" Education Religion 244 76 320 116 2 118 Unclassified 2,427 277 4,790 680 8,174 7,236 333 6,439 759 14,767 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 104,194 Total of all other Classes 118,961 "" Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" AGRICULTURE-Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 43,996 84,519 128,515 17,929 34,442 52,371 180,886 IRELAND.] 131 TIPPERARY-COUNTY OFf. ENGAGED IN MALES. 15 years upwards. of age. FEMALES. Under 15 years Under TOTAL. of age and and 15 years of age and 15 years upwards. of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers - Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Graziers 25,630 122 1,585 7 27,344 1 64,830 3,654 9,963 1,135 79,582 397 1 398 15 3 18 Herdsmen 963 253 8 Co 3 1,227 Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 138 2 10 150 412 1 413 - 24 24 39 1 260 299 92,448 4,033 11,829 1,145 109,455 "" MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) (Unspecified) - 2 3,505 93 1 4 3,969 313 ( 7,886 276 1 826 17 Knitters Coopers Nailers 1 5280 37 1 1,186 26 2 690 26 717 585 10 427 850 595 30 457 1 Hatters Carders - Chandlers and Soap Boilers Braziers and Coppersmiths Basket Makers Lime Burners 118 13 131 1 1 1 87 1 ❤ 94 $5 2 87 55 1 5 61 < 4+ 3 3 50 47 1 48 1 Flax Dressers 27 20 47 Dyers Wool Dressers Factory Workers 42 42 29 9 38 3 31 1 35 Turners 22 1 24 Tanners Cutlers Rope Makers Clothiers Skinners Winders and Warpers Straw Workers Brick Makers 20 20 I 20 20 1 16 13 214 18 I 17 ་ 1 15 15 1 12 12 1221 2 14 1 14 1 14 14 Comb Makers 13 13 - Gunsmiths Distillers - Glovers Sieve Makers 12 1 13 1 11 11 + 6 4 10 1 9 1 10 1 Wire Workers 8 1 9 Miscellaneous 42 6 48 2,794 65 8,440 445 11,744 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing 1,900 15 352 3 2,270 5,195 153 3,425 101 8,874 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 7,561 95 53 1 7,710 Ministering to Health 181 209 390 39 Charity 5 4 9 Justice "" 1,062 5 1,067 Education 666 235 901 "" Religion 280 50 330 Unclassified 8,030 664 18,401 1,879 28,974 24,880 927 22,734 1,984 50,525 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 263,829 Total of all other Classes 314,354 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "} MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 109,455 283,894 393,349 11,744 30,460 42,204 435,553 132 [IRELAND. TYRONE-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers 23,799 3 503 24,305 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 34,697 ว 4,027 784 104 Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 148 1 39,612 149 2 2 314 1,936 118 887 3,255 30 6 5 41 75 75 18 18 3 1 14 17 59,086 5,972 1,425 991 67,474 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) 10,145 525 (Unspecified) Weavers (Linen, Woollen, Cotton, and Fringe) 33,360 2,706 S 46,736 2472 47 250 18 > "" (Unspecified) Flax Dressers Knitters Coopers Nailers Factory Workers 7587 141 11,373 842 16 541 10 51 4 606 378 24 402 259 6 265 206 9 215 21 20 109 Winders and Warpers Bleachers Reed Makers Carders Hatters Chandlers and Soap Boilers Potters Cloth Finishers Basket Makers 9 19 104 73 23 27 33 177 165 83 1 84 1 80 3 83 1 67 1 69 47 1 3 1 51 35 I 1 36 27 3 I 30 26 2 28 20 1 28 Rope Makers Brick Makers Dyers Paper Makers Lime Burners Turners Clothiers Gunsmiths 19 3 22 20 20 15 3 18 18 18 17 17 17 1 17 16 16 Manufacturers (Linen and Cotton) Braziers and Coppersmiths 11 11 - 11 I 11 10 1 11 Skinners Net Makers Tanners Button Makers 10 1 1 • 10 - 1 3 4 2 10 - 9 I 9 2 Miscellaneous 22 1 10 10 5 7 5 28 11,612 264 45,341 3,356 60,573 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food 1,306 10 Clothing 2,826 111 203 2,787 1,519 128 5,852 Lodging, Furniture, and Machinery, &c. 4,001 34 22 2 Ministering to Health 4,059 120 30 150 "" Charity 1 1 1 2 Justice 322 2 324 Education "" - 431 1 131 563 "" Religion - 238 5 243 Unclassified 2,643 699 6,854 1,023 11,219 11,888 855 10,035 1,153 23,931 RESIDUE OF POFULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 160,978 Total of all other Classes 184,909 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 67,474 97,438 164,912 60,573 87,471 148,044 312,956 IRELAND.] 133 WATERFORD-CITY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants and Labourers Gardeners Caretakers Land Agent and Stewards Game Keeper Dairy-Keepers MANUFACTURES: 1 18 2 362 17 87 28 I 21 2999 20 468 28 3 2 5 15 15 1 1 1 15 16 428 17 106 2 553 1 132 111 1 56 "" Nailers - Chandlers and Soap Boilers Coopers Weavers (Linen, Cotton, Woollen, Lace) (Unspecified) Spinners (Flax and Wool) Knitters (Unspecified) Assistants in Factories Glass Makers Rope Makers Iron Founders Tanners 130 1 1 10 23 - 51 26 53 3 0 14 26 46 1 4 31 1712 47 47 38 35 3 38 32 2 34 19 4 23 20 1 1 22 19 19 Sail Makers 17 Basket Makers 16 Manufacturers of Sundries 5 214 19 17 7 16 Tobacco Pipe Makers 9 6 15 Braziers and Coppersmiths 14 14 1 Wool Dressers Hatters Glovers Turners Lime Burners Winders and Warpers Dyers · Glue and Size Makers Blockmakers Cutlers Gunsmiths Skinners Starch Manufacturers 9 1 3 12 2 7 1 10 8 } 1 10 • 8 8 } 4 1 6 5 1 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 1 3 3 1 3 Musical Instrument Makers Manufacturers (Thread and Woollen) Flax Dressers Paper Stainers Miscellaneous 3 2 2 2 6 1 1 O LO CO DE C~2~26 5 3 3 3 3 509 24 199 13 745 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food 622 Clothing 736 18 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 1,014 12 692 191 1 820 797 27 1,578 19 1,045 Ministering to Health 42 14 56 "" Charity 1 2 3 Justice 142 3 145 Education 33 1 54 87 "" "" Religion Unclassified 35 2,378 55 90 94 2,203 75 4,750 5,003 130 3,338 103 8,574 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 13,344 Total of all other Classes 21,918 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus :— Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE—Total Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the City 553 9,337 9,890 745 - 12,581 13,326 23,216 134 [IRELAND. WATERFORD-COUNTY OF. ENGAGED IN 15 years MALES. Under 15 FEMALES. 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. years of of age and years of age. upwards. age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen Gardeners Herdsmen 7,071 352 7,423 29,809 2,066 9349 936 42,160 165 1 1 167 316 305 9 630 Caretakers 47 3 50 Land Agent and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 172 172 19 19 1 25 95 120 37,624 2,372 9,800 945 50,741 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax, Wool, and Cotton) "" (Unspecified) Weavers (Cotton, Woollen, and Linen) "" Knitters Coopers (Unspecified) 54 1 1 1 198 344 7672 1,340 39 528 32 2,000 327 14 908 14 25 1 311 11 323 190 193 Nailers 121 4 t 125 Assistants in Factories Carders Winders and Warpers Rope Makers 9 25 29 39 17 45 8 2 44 Lime Burners Flax Dressers Turners Bleachers Hatters 23 20 19 16 11 Wool Dressers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Basket Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Dyers Manufacturers of Sundries Tanners Sail Makers Iron Founders 9 163 122 22 8824 102 64 42 1 53 + 46 2 f I I I 23 22 21 19 6 1 18 2 14 14 1 14 13 13 12 1 13 9 3 12 - - 5 3 1 1 10 8 8 8 8 6 6 Skinners Straw Workers 5 5 5 5 Brick Makers Gunsmiths Sieve Makers Cloth Finishers Glovers Paper Makers Net Makers Miscellaneous 4 4 J 4 4 1 3 4 3 1 3 3 t 3 1 3 t 3 1 2 6 2 21 3 8 1,189 58 2,664 146 4,057 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— Food Clothing 1,511 8 211 1,730 1,759 65 1,423 68 3,315 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. - 3,159 37 9 2 3,207 Ministering to Health 41 67 108 Charity 8 15 23 Justice 346 "" 1 347 Education 203 102 305 "" Religion 192 98 290 Unclassified - 3,127 322 7,366 923 11,738 10,346 432 9,292 993 21,063 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 97,110 Total of all other Classes 118,173 Divide " ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on "" 50,741 109,424 AGRICULTURE-Total 160,165 Engaged in Manufactures 4,057 Dependent on "" 8,749 MANUFACTURES-Total 12,806 Total of the County 172,971 IRELAND.] 135 WESTMEATH-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 6,251 398 23,453 2,245 2,892 526 6,649 29,116 Gardeners 136 136 Graziers 16 16 Herdsmen 595 82 12 6 695 Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 45 1 1 46 4 117 117 - 30 4 30 2 1 14 16 30,645 2,327 3317 532 36,821 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax and Wool) 1 "" (Unspecified) 3 18 Weavers (Linen, Woollen, Cotton, and Corduroy) 296 (Unspecified) 615 Knitters Coopers 213 Nailers 105 - - Carders Winders and Warpers Flax Dressers Hatters Dyers Wool Dressers Turners Chandlers and Soap Boilers Basket Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Japanners Lime Burners 1 3 4817 1276 4 3,206 103 4,407 379 8,121 4 1 933 9 1 376 16 392 215 2 114 54 7 62 31 9 49 t 20 7 1 28 24 1 1 26 19 I 5 1 24 6 2 7 15 13 13 1 1 1 13 13 8 4 12 12 1 12 12 12 11 11 Bleachers Rope Makers Distillers Cutlers Manufacturers (Lace and Cotton) Cloth Finishers Tanners 7 - 6 6 5 1 1 7 1 7 6 5 1 3 4 1 1 Skinners Comb Makers Brick Makers Iron Founders Wire Workers Sieve Makers Miscellaneous ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of— 44323 1 1 3 3 3 10 3 44B ∞ en að að ∞ ∞ 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 1,435 49 8,120 516 10,120 Food Clothing 605 4 144 2 755 1,378 41 1,128 49 2,596 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 2,175 37 18 2,230 Ministering to Health 60 38 1 98 Justice 350 2 "" 352 "" "" Education Religion 198 93 291 109 14 123 Unclassified - 2,391 349 5,743 669 9,152 7,266 431 7,180 720 15,597 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 78,762 Total of all other Classes 94,359 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE—Total Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 36,821 74,017 110,838 10,120 20,342 30,462 141,300 136 [IRELAND. WEXFORD-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years Under 15 15 years Under 15 TOTAL. of age and upwards. age. years of of age and upwards. years of age. AGRICULTURE: Farmers 11,903 1,103 13,006 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 27,700 1,561 6,225 512 35,998 Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers Land Agents and Stewards Game Keepers Dairy Keepers 193 193 3 3 83 56 4 7 150 66 1 11 78 166 166 19 19 26 89 2 117 40,159 1,618 7,432 521 49,730 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Flax, Wool, and Cotton) "" Knitters (Unspecified) - Weavers (Linen, Woollen, and Cotton) "" Coopers (Unspecified) Straw Workers - 26 3 3,452 103 5 2,938 113 6,622 905 58 963 208 3 4 509 27 755 318 3 1 321 - 3 227 35 265 Nailers Carders 214 10 2 226 3 76 1 80 Hatters Net Makers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Rope Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Flax Dressers Factory Workers Manufacturers (Lace) Basket Makers Clothiers - Glovers Lime Burners Brick Makers Winders and Warpers Sieve Makers Tanners Mat Makers Skinners - Potters Dyers Turners 61 1 I 10 71 1 54 1 56 52 33 34 131 1 53 1 36 I 35 24 1 15 10 5 11 28 26 2230 1 ] 7 1 20 23 19 17 18 1202 I 1 1 8 11 1 2 11 1 n 1 Block Makers Miscellaneous 32 t J 32 28 t 27 24 22 20 19 18 13 15 1 12 12 1 12 7 4 11 9 I 9 7 I 7 33 1 34 1,706 51 7,797 318 9,872 1241 34 33 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food 1,701 14 353 2 2,070 Clothing 3,234 103 3,241 122 6,700 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 4,544 43 37 1 Ministering to Health 4,625 95 134. 229 " Charity 2 2 Justice 483 2 "" 485 Education 347 162 509 "" Religion Unclassified 188 25 213 4,291 430 9,030 714 14,465 14,885 590 12,984 839 29,298 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes 113,133 Total of all other Classes 142,431 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on AGRICULTURE-Total - Engaged in Manufactures Dependent on "" MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 49,730 118,840 168,570 9,872 23,591 33,463 202,033 IRELAND,] 137 WICKLOW-COUNTY OF. MALES. FEMALES. ENGAGED IN 15 years of age and upwards. Under 15 15 years age. years of of age and upwards. Under 15 years of TOTAL. age. AGRICULTURE : Farmers 5,762 449 Servants, Labourers, and Ploughmen 18,443 1,130 2,210 259 6,211 22,042 Gardeners Graziers Herdsmen Caretakers 177 1 1 1 179 2 2 265 197 7 8 477 110 12 122 Land Agents and Stewards 142 142 Game Keepers 17 17 41 1 50 3 95 Dairy Keepers 24,959 1,329 2,729 270 29,287 MANUFACTURES: Spinners (Wool, Flax, and Cotton) Knitters (Unspecified) Weavers (Cotton, Woollen, and Linen) "" Nailers Coopers (Unspecified) 2 1 I 1 76 138 12125 1,213 367 2,086 788 45 709 71 782 71 7 8 13 S 320 142 5 147 91 1 Carders 64 Net Makers Hatters Straw Workers Chandlers and Soap Boilers Winders and Warpers Basket Makers Braziers and Coppersmiths Flax Dressers Turners Mat Makers Bleachers Lime Burners Wool Dressers Clothiers - Glovers Calico Printers Brick Makers Factory Workers Iron Founders Sieve Makers Manufacturers (Lace) Dyers Skinners Cutlers - Gunsmiths 1 1 50 46 1 4 162 I 92 70 54 51 30 34 24 1 25 4 15 19 15 15 15 15 • 3 1 7 7 7 4 3 7 6 6 1 4 5 - 4 1 6 6 5 5 5 1 Miscellaneous 44MM IN2227 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 9 616 23 2,967 188 3,794 ALL OTHER CLASSES: Employed in Handicraft, as Masters or Workmen, in the production of- Food Clothing 1,312 14 183 1,509 1,414 49 1,370 61 2,894 Lodging, Furniture, Machinery, &c. 3,216 45 14 2 3,277 Ministering to Health 67 54 121 99 Charity 1 1 2 Justice - 319 2 321 " Education 231 137 368 Religion 121 1 6 127 Unclassified 2,662 367 5,640 492 9,161 9,343 475 7,407 555 17,780 RESIDUE OF POPULATION: Consisting of the Wives, Children, and others dependent on all Classes · - 75,282 Total of all other Classes 93,062 Divide "ALL OTHER CLASSES" between the AGRICULTURISTS and the MANUFACTURERS in the proportion which these respectively bear to each other, and the numbers engaged in, and dependent on, each interest will stand thus:- Engaged in Agriculture Dependent on Engaged in Manufactures "" AGRICULTURE-Total Dependent on 99 MANUFACTURES-Total Total of the County 29,287 82,389 111,676 3,794 10,673 14,467 126,143 સ T 138 IRELAND-SUMMARY OF POPULATION. AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL OF THE COUNTIES. COUNTY. Engaged Dependent TOTAL. Engaged Dependent TOTAL. in: on : in: on : ANTRIM 49,915 88,076 137,991 49,990 88,207 138,197 276,188 ARMAGH 39,468 78,045 117,513 38,584 76,296 114,880 232,393 BELFAST (Town) 1,104 6,664 7,768 9,598 57,942 67,540 75,308 CARLOW 21,660 54,851 76,511 2,751 6,966 9,717 86,228 CARRICKFERGUS (Town) 1,195 3,973 5,168 974 3,237 4,211 9,379 CAVAN 57,705 84,180 141,885 33,780 67,493 101,273 243,158 CLARE 76,115 150,893 227,008 19,912 39,474 59,386 286,394 CORK (CITY) 1,880 28,970 30,850 3,039 46,831 49,870 80,720 CORK (COUNTY) 190,771 DONEGAL DOWN DUBLIN (CITY) 476,366 667,137 71,279 102,472 173,751 50,335 62,447 2,128 30,386 75,875 106,261 773,398 72,362 122,697 296,448 124,730 187,177 178,532 58,141 116,128 174,269 361,446 180,660 7,432 44,634 52,066 232,726 DUBLIN (COUNTY) 22,943 99,340 122,283 3,333 14,431 17,764 140,047 DROGHEDA 365 2,678 3,043 1,585 11,633 13,218 16,261 FERMANAGH 35,772 57,174 92,946 24,453 39,082 63,535 156,481 GALWAY (COUNTY) 113,703 207,355- 321,058 36,076 65,789 101,865 422,923 GALWAY (TOWN) 327 4,217 4,544 916 11,815 12,731 17,275 KERRY 73,063 162,167 235,230 18,217 40,433 58,650 293,880 KILDARE 29,573 71,161 100,734 4,038 9,716 13,754 114,488 KILKENNY (CITY) 589 8,232 8,821 678 9,572 10,250 19,071 KILKENNY (COUNTY) - 52,581 120,694 KING'S COUNTY 38,940 LEITRIM 38,961 173,275 87,296 1-26,236 6,361 58,096 97,057 23,379 3,057 7,017 10,074 183,349 14,260 20,621 146,857 34,861 58,240 155,297 LIMERICK (CITY) 1,302 19,241 20,543 1,787 26,061 27,848 48,391 LIMERICK (COUNTY) 70,748 157,531 228,279 16,537 36,822 53,359 281,638 LONDONDERRY LONGFORD LOUTH ΜΑΥΟ MEATH MONAGHAN - 42,723 72,720 29,400 54,698 84,098 10,975 22,107 59,989 $2,096 108,152 179,411 287,563 45,112 104,030 47,021 75,355 115,443 39,499 67,232 106,731 222,174 20,418 31,393 115,491 8,047 21,836 29,883 111,979 38,108 63,216 101,324 388,887 149,142 10,492 24,194 34,686 183,828 122,376 29,996 48,070 78,066 200,442 QUEEN'S COUNTY ROSCOMMON SLIGO TIPPERARY TYRONE 283,894 67,474 97,438 42,120 92,698 65,703 133,927 199,630 17,760 43,996 84,519 128,515 109,455 393,349 134,818 5,971 13,141 19,112 153,930 36,201 53,961 253,591 17,929 34,442 52,371 180,886 11,744 30,460 42,204 435,553 164,912 60,573 87,471 148,044 312,956 WATERFORD (CITY) WATERFORD (COUNTY) WESTMEATH WEXFORD WICKLOW 553 9,337 50,741 109,424 160,165 4,057 36,821 74,017 110,838 10,120 49,730 118,840 168,570 9,872 29,287 82,389 111,676 3,794 9,890 745 12,581 13,326 23,216 8,749 12,806 172,971 20,342 30,462 141,300 23,591 33,463 202,033 10,673 14,467 126,143 1,844,929 4,065,620 5,910,549 *725,021 1,539,554 2,264,575 8,175,124 Total of the Agricultural Interest Manufacturing Interest "" Total Population of Ireland * See note at page 150. 5,910,549 2,264,575 8,175,124 139 IRELAND-SUMMARY OF DIRECT AND LOCAL TAXATION. Paid exclusively by the Landed Interest. TITHES - * Paid in the Proportion of 5-7ths by the Landed Interest, and 2-7ths by the Manufacturing Interest. Paid by the Landed Interest and those dependent on it. Paid by the Manufacturing Interest and those dependent on it. £ 500,000 48 COUNTY CESS £1,158,198 827,995 330,203 Annual average amount ordered to be levied in the years 1841, 1842, 1843. POOR RATES £256,658 183,325 73,333 Collected in the year ended 29th Sept. 1844. 1,511,320 403,536 £ Total paid by the Landed Interest 1,511,320 "" Manufacturing Interest 403,536 Total of Direct and Local Taxation paid in Ireland £1,914,856 * There is no return of the assessment of the separate counties, and it is therefore impossible to ascertain the exact proportion of the Direct and Local Taxation paid by each after the manner of the Counties in Great Britain. Nor does there appear to be any return of the exact amount collected as Tithe; but it is generally estimated at about £500,000, the whole revenue of the Church of Ireland being £854,129. The proportion which the Landed and Manufacturing Interests bear to each other in the entire population, as shown on the other side, is consequently the only division that can be made of these items. : 140 * UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF POPULATION. AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL. Engaged Dependent TOTAL. in: on : Engaged Dependent in? TOTAL. on: ENGLAND See Page 46 WALES SCOTLAND 60 94 1,157,816 8,154,495 9,312,311 103,632 650,748 754,880 229,337 1,159,259 1,388,596 943,998 4,738,829 5,682, 827 | 14,995,138 19,517 137,706 157,223 BRITISH ISLANDS + 96 IRELAND 8,493 95,564 104,057 138 1,844,929 4,065,620 5,910,549 220,171 1,011,417 | 1,231,588 | 1,631 18,352 19,983 124,040 725,021 1,539,554 2,264,575 8,175,124 911,603 2,620,184 3,344,207 14,125,686 17,469,893 1,910,338 7,445,858 9,356,196 26,826,089 | | | Total of the Agricultural Interest Manufacturing Interest Travelling on the right of the Census Total of the United Kingdom 17,469,893 9,356,196 5,016 26,831,105 141 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF DIRECT AND LOCAL TAXATION. ENGLAND WALES SCOTLAND BRITISH ISLES IRELAND Paid by the Landed Interest and those dependent on it. Paid by the Manufacturing Interest and those dependent on it. TOTAL. See Page 46 £ 11,278,954 £ 3,751,713 15,030,667 60 733,456 93,121 826,577 95 358,181 184,627 542,808 96 (No Return.) 139 1,511,320 403,536 1,954,856 13,881,911 4,432,997 18,314,908 Total of Direct and Local Taxation paid by the Agricultural Interest £13,881,917 Manufacturing Interest 4,432,997 Total paid by the United Kingdom £18,314,908 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE. COUNTIES. Farmers and Graziers. Agricultural Labourers, Servants, and Ploughmen. Gardeners, Nurserymen, TOTAL. and Florists. ENGLAND. BEDFORD See Page 1 BERKS BUCKS CAMBRIDGE CHESTER CORNWALL CUMBERLAND DERBY DEVON DORSET DURHAM ESSEX GLOUCESTER HEREFORD HERTFORD HUNTINGDON KENT LANCASTER LEICESTER 123 + LO CO 78 1,458 12,861 614 14,933 1,876 18,649 724 21,249 2,465 18,860 572 21,897 4 3,341 18,916 661 22,918 5 7,454 18,455 895 26,804 6 8,201 18,003 658 26,862 5,254 10,079 278 15,611 6,991 11,776 566 19,333 9 12,032 41,054 1,436 54,522 10 2,854 15,876 462 19,192 11 3,538 10,089 735 14,362 12 5,110 44,208 1,798 51,116 13 4,953 24,725 1,592 31,270 14 3,513 12,831 272 16,616 15 1,780 17,541 824 20,145 1 1 16 1,121 7,112 247 8,480 17 5,477 39,611 2,497 47,585 18 16,646 30,585 2,338 49,569 20 3,669 12,770 653 17,092 LINCOLN 21 11,288 45,394 879 57,561 MIDDLESEX MONMOUTH NORFOLK NORTHAMPTON NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTINGHAM OXFORD RUTLAND SALOP SOMERSET SOUTHAMPTON STAFFORD SUFFOLK 22 1,205 11,668 5,291 18,164 24 2,597 5,853 235 8,685 25 7,447 41,275 1,643 50,365 26 3,315 21,792 624 25,731 27 3,065 13,659 615 17,339 28 3,787 15,926 645 20,358 - 29 2,365 17,909 515 20,789 30 616 2,629 71 3,316 31 5,024 22,361 618 28,003 1 32 8,687 34,338 1,442 44,467 33 3,614 30,535 1,392 35,541 34 6,515 21,568 1,037 29,120 35 5,382 37,351 1,125 43,858 SURREY SUSSEX WARWICK ND 36 2,030 19,282 4,040 25,352 37 4,012 30,522 1,144 35,708 38 3,799 19,284 1,156 24,239 WESTMORELAND WILTS WORCESTER YORK (EAST RIDING) YORK (CITY AND AINSTY) YORK (NORTH RIDING) YORK (WEST RIDING) WALES. 39 2,478 3,975 113 6,566 40 4,456 31,099 $35 36,390 41 3,356 19,243 950 23,549 - 42 4,475 18,378 653 23,506 42 495 1,519 165 2,179 43 7,946 19,752 479 28,177 1 - 44 16,738 30,321 2,238 49,297 212,355 899,734 45,727 1,157,816 ANGLESEY BRECON CARDIGAN CARMARTHEN CARNARVON 48 2,348 5,299 73 7,720 49 2,107 3,410 72 5,589 50 3,467 5,478 51 8,996 51 5,503 8,936 72 14,611 52 - 3,496 6,195 122 9,813 FLINT DENBIGH GLAMORGAN MERIONETH MONTGOMERY PEMBROKE RADNOR 53 3,467 7,767 207 11,441 54 1,771 3,586 134 5,491 55 3,191 6,643 252 10,086 56 2,367 3,262 48 5,677 57 3,483 6,669 77 10,229 58 2,993 6,384 93 9,470 59 1,584 3,008 17 4,609 35,777 66,637 1,218 103,632 SCOTLAND. ABERDEEN 62 8,677 15,974 573 25,224 ARGYLE 63 4,546 8,522 119 13,187 AYR 64 3,028 7,829 303 11,160 BANFF 65 2,553 4,925 103 7,581 BERWICK 66 579 5,501 93 6,173 1 BUTE 67 612 764 43 CAITHNESS 68 1,915 3,164 37 1,419 5,116 CLACKMANNAN 69 126 771 55 952 DUMBARTON - 70 521 1,941 141 2,603 DUMFRIES 71 1,858 8,919 161 10,938 EDINBURGH - 72 657 5,865 1,234 7,756 ELGIN OR MORAY FIFE FORFAR HADDINGTON INVERNESS 73 1,483 3,471 126 5,080 74 1,195 8,485 361 10,041 1 75 1,771 7,905 402 10,078 76 321 5,714 133 6,168 77 3,766 9,800 180 13,746 KINCARDINE KINROSS KIRKCUDBRIGHT GHT 78 1,332 4,419 97 5,848 79 160 857 15 1,032 80 1,123 4,007 126 5,257 LANARK LINLITHGOW NAIRN ORKNEY AND SHETLAND PEEBLES PERTH RENFREW ROSS AND CROMARTY ROXBURGH SELKIRK 81 2,552 10,029 588 13,169 82 372 2,007 77 2,456 83 393 1,183 15 1,591 $4 4,013 2,229 9 6,251 85 252 1,374 43 1,669 86 3,879 11,980 443 16,302 87 1,128 4,410 328 5,866 ARTY $$ 2,340 7,826 115 10,281 4 89 698 5,634 198 6,530 90 93 785 24 902 STIRLING SUTHERLAND WIGTOWN 91 1,266 4,945 204 6,415 92 450 2,914 16 3,380 93 1,214 3,897 56 5,167 54,873 168,046 6,418 229,337 ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS 96 3,960 4,246 287 8,193 143 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE. (Continued.) COUNTIES. Farmers and Graziers. Agricultural Labourers, Servants, and Ploughmen. Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists. Herdsmen, Caretakers, Land Agents and Stewards, Gamekeepers, Dairykeepers. TOTAL. IRELAND. See Page ANTRIM ARMAGH 97 17,868 30,975 260 812 49,915 98 16,779 21,917 158 614 39,468 CARLOW CLARE · DOWN BELFAST (Town) CARRICKFERGUS (Town) CAVAN CORK (CITY) CORK (COUNTY) ! DONEGAL DROGHEDA (Town) 99 102 893 64 45 1,104 100 4,682 16,399 116 463 21,660 101 376 803 [1 5 1,195 102 20,038 36,629 116 922 57,705 < 103 20,769 53,877 139 1,330 76,115 104 160 1,546 128 46 1,880 - 105 40,311 145,630 759 4,071 190,771 106 26,654 41,835 88 2,702 71,279 107 21,982 39,143 328 994 62,447 108 46 281 14 24 365 DUBLIN (CITY) - 109 180 829 332 787 2,128 DUBLIN (COUNTY) 110 2,222 18,510 1,068 1,143 22,943 FERMANAGH 111 13,305 21,872 75 520 35,772 GALWAY (Town) 112 20 279 12 16 327 GALWAY (COUNTY) 113 21,835 89,379 286 2,203 113,703 KERRY - 114 19,674 51,210 122 2,057 73,063 KILDARE - 115 4,094 24,368 180 931 29,573 KILKENNY (CITY) - 116 63 458 45 23 589 KILKENNY (COUNTY) - 117 11,709 40,087 136 649 52,581 LEITRIM KING'S COUNTY LIMERICK (CITY) LIMERICK (COUNTY) LONDONDERRY LONGFORD 118 9,182 29,154 123 481 38,940 119 13,508 25,133 48 272 38,961 - 120 124 1,066 73 39 1,302 · 121 15,056 53,688 217 17,87 70,748 - 122 15,689 25,374 139 1,521 42,723 123 7,197 21,950 58 195 29,400 LOUTH - 124 4,887 16,505 169 546 22,107 - MAYO MEATH MONAGHAN QUEEN'S COUNTY ROSCOMMON SLIGO TIPPERARY TYRONE WATERFORD (CITY) WATERFORD (County) WESTMEATH WEXFORD WICKLOW 125 22,486 84,105 161 1,400 108,152 126 7,624 35,130 302 2,056 45,112 127 16,578 29,798 75 570 47,021 128 8,664 32,720 144 592 42,120 129 10,876 53,537 115 1,175 65,703 130 13,177 30,086 111 622 43,996 · - 131 27,362 79,582 398 2,113 109,455 132 24,307 39,612 149 3,406 67,474 133 20 468 28 37 553 134 7,423 42,160 165 991 50,741 - 135 6,665 29,116 136 904 36,821 136 13,009 35,998 193 530 49,730 137 6,213 22,042 179 853 29,287 472,916 1,324,144 7,422 40,447 1,844,929 ENGLAND WALES SCOTLAND ISLANDS IN THE BRITISH SEAS IRELAND TOTAL 1 GENERAL SUMMARY. Farmers and Graziers. Agricultural Labourers, Servants, and Ploughmen. Gardeners, Nurserymen, and Florists. Herdsmen, Caretakers, Land Agents and Stewards, Gamekeepers, Dairykeepers. TOTAL. 212,355 899,734 45,727 1,157,816 35,777 66,637 1,218 103,632 54,873 168,046 6,418 229,337 3,960 4,246 287 8,493 472,916 1,324,144 7,422 40,447 1,844,929 779,881 2,462,807 61,072 40,447 3,344,207 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 3,344,207 144 UNITED KINGDOM-AGRICULTURE-AGE AND SEX. SUMMARY OF THE AGE AND SEX OF ALL PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE. MALES. OCCUPATIONS. 20 years of age and upwards in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland. Under 20 years of age in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS: FEMALES. 20 years of age Under 20 years and upwards in Great Britain, Britain, and 15 age in Great and 15 in Ireland, of in Ireland. TOTAL. ENGLAND 194,596 2,467 15,392 WALES 31,807 190 3,780 212,455 35,777 ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS 3,752 44 164 3,960 SCOTLAND 50,732 354 3,787 54,873 IRELAND 453,096 168 18,126 8 471,398 733,983 3,223 41,249 8 778,463 AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS : ENGLAND 724,625 139,661 26,888 8,460 899,634 WALES 47,447 ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS 17,155 1,300 735 66,637 3,247 626 335 38 4,246 SCOTLAND - 109,550 39,854 13,528 5,114 IRELAND 1,127,484 102,739 108,173 18,481 168,046 1,356,877 2,012,353 300,035 150,224 32,828 2,495,440 GARDENERS, NURSERYMEN, AND FLORISTS: ENGLAND WALES ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND - IRELAND ALL OTHER CLASSES; more particu- larly enumerated in the Irish Abstract, viz. : LAND AGENTS "" STEWARDS GAME KEEPERS DAIRY KEEPERS 1 42,364 2,165 1,074 124 1,141 59 16 2 45,727 1,218 276 11 287 5,727 615 65 11 6,418 7,378 31 12 7,421 57,886 2,881 1,167 137 61,071 174 4,829 439 1,720 2,034 8 160 100 6 174 4,835 439 23 3,785 7,162 2,034 14 23 9,233 2,810,384 308,173 192,654 32,996 3,344,207 RECAPITULATION. MALES.-20 years of age and upwards in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland Under 20 years of age in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland TOTAL-MALES FEMALES.-20 years of age and upwards in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland Under 20 years of age in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland "" TOTAL-FEMALES TOTAL-MALES and FEMALES of all ages employed in AGRICULTURE · 2,810,384 308,173 3,118,557 192,654 32,996 225,650 3,344,207 UNITED KINGDOM-MANUFACTURES. THE MANUFACTURING INTEREST OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. $ Ü : 147 GREAT BRITAIN-MANUFACTURES. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF PERSONS IN GREAT BRITAIN ENGAGED IN THE SIX MOST IMPORTANT BRANCHES OF THE TEXTILE FABRICS, viz. : THE MANUFACTURE OF COTTON, HOSE, LACE, WOOL AND WORSTED, SILK, AND FLAX AND LINEN. COTTON. MALES. FEMALES. 20 years of Under 20 age and upwards. years of age. 20 years of Under 20 age and upwards. TOTAL. years of age. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE British SEAS SCOTLAND Total Add proportion of Fabric not specified 73,819 36,727 67,182 50,440 228,168 31,991 12,241 16,648 13,328 74,208 105,810 48,968 83,830 63,768 302,376 32,302 10,203 20,640 12,141 75,286 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 138,112 59,171 104,470 75,909 377,662 HOSE. Total - ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND Add proportion of Fabric not specified - 23,820 3,726 6,071 2,371 35,988 1,632 416 2,066 99 3,943 25,182 4,142 8,137 2,470 39.931 7,688 863 2,003 470 11,024 TOTAL OF GREAT BRITAIN 32,870 5,005 10,140 2,940 50,955 LACE. Total ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND Add proportion of Fabric not specified 5,330 1,072 14,425 5,655 26,482 43 10 1,451 429 1,933 5,373 1,082 15,876 6,084 28,415 1,640 225 3,909 1,158 6,932 TOTAL OF GREAT BRITAIN 7,013 1,307 19,785 7,242 35,347 WOOL AND WORSTED. Total - ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND Add proportion of Fabric not specified TOTAL OF GREAT BRITAIN 66,092 17,758 21,819 15,580 121,249 6,508 1,753 1,510 1,123 10,894 72,600 19,511 23,329 16,703 132,143 22,164 4,065 5,744 3,180 35,153 94,764 23,576 29,073 19,SS3 167,296 SILK. Total ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND Add proportion of Fabric not specified 22,267 2,191 7,170 521 20,723 767 12,509 743 62,669 4,222 24,458 7,691 7,466 1,602 21,490 5,291 13,252 66,891 2,523 16,882 TOTAL OF GREAT BRITAIN - 31,924 9,293 26,781 15,775 83,773 FLAX AND LINEN. Total - ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH ISLES SCOTLAND Add proportion of Fabric not specified 8,819 2 S17 3,504 4,008 19,148 21,395 6,211 13,203 7,791 48,600 30,214 9,028 16,707 11,799 67,748 9,224 1,880 4,114 2,247 17,465 TOTAL OF GREAT BRITAIN 39,438 10,908 20,821 14,846 85,213 FABRIC NOT SPECIFIED. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND 65,462 15,022 14,932 28,483 15,927 124,804 TOTAL OF GREAT BRITAIN 3,906 80,484 18,838 41,701 13,218 5,792 37,938 21,719 162,742 TOTAL OF TEXTILE FABRICS. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND - TOTAL OF GREAT BRITAIN 265,609 78,512 344,121 $4,202 162,207 106,490 25,058 48,863 29,305 618,508 181,738 109,260 211,070 135,795 800,246 148 UNITED KINGDOM-MANUFACTURES. SUMMARY OF PERSONS OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURES, SHOWING THE NUMBER ENGAGED IN EACH SEPARATE BRANCH. ENGLAND, WALES, OCCUPATIONS. and ISLES IN SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. THE BRITISH SEAS. Alkali Manufacture 118 5 123 Alum "" 220 2 222 Annatto Makers Anchor Smiths and Chain Makers Anti-dry-rot Works Anvil Makers Asphalte Manufactures Basket Makers Bayonet Forgers and Makers Bead Makers Bell Founders Bit Makers (all branches) Blacklead Manufactures Blade Makers and Forgers Bleachers (branch not specified) Block and Print Cutters Blue Manufacturers 1,737 115 1,852 4 4 1 t 1 1 119 119 5 5 5,726 297 849 6,872 28 55 28 1 55 27 843 23 28 4 847 23 333 333 4,070 3,126 2,547 9,743 1,195 539 88 1,522 61 1 10 72 Bobbin Makers and Turners 1,010 26 1,036 Boiler Makers 2,752 727 3,479 Bolt Makers 253 6 259 Bombazine Manufacturers - 41 1 41 Bone Crushers and Millers 34 11 45 Bone Turners, Cutlers, and Workers 206 7 213 Bow-string Makers 17 2 19 Brace and Belt Makers 622 16 42 680 Braid Makers 78 4 82 Brass Founders and Moulders 5,459 933 1 6,392 Brick and Tile Makers 17,221 1,142 426 18,789 Brimstone Manufacturers 7 7 Buckle Makers 252 252 Buhl Cutters and Workers 26 26 " "" (Silk) Button Makers (all branches) Candlestick Makers Candle-wick and Lamp-wick Makers Cane Dressers and Workers Canvas Makers and Weavers Card Makers Card (Paper) Makers Carpet and Rug Manufacturers Castor Makers Catgut Makers and Gut Blowers and Spinners Cement Grinders Chain (Curb) Makers Chair Makers Charcoal Burners Chemists (Manufacturing) Chocolate Manufactures Clasp Makers Clay Workers Coach-lace Makers and Weavers Coach-lamp Makers Cock Founders Coke Burners Colour Manufacturers Comb Makers Composition Makers Copper Manufacturers Copperplate Makers and Workers Copper Smiths Copperas Manufacturers Corduroy Cutters and Weavers Cork screw Makers Cotton-band Makers Cotton Manufactures (all branches) Cover Makers Cover (Table) Makers Coverlet Makers Crape Manufacturers (all branches) Crate Makers Crucible and Casting Pot Makers Curry Comb Makers Distillers and Rectifiers Drug Grinders and Manufacturers Dye Manufacturers (al! branches) Dyers (Calico and Cotton) (Fur) (Fustian) (Leather) ") (Linen) (Wool and Woollen) Engine and Machine Makers Engine Turners 3,915 40 156 4,111 64 1 65 48 15 63 I 192 1 193 329 748 3 1,080 2,052 103 3,249 5,404 164 3,023 1,094 16 164 4,133 54 54 9 1 10 I 100 6 106 76 76 4,905 218 5,123 216 63 279 544 140 684 37 37 17 17 365 10 375 1 133 12 145 I 36 36 1 162 162 930 7 937 473 165 638 1,752 369 277 2,398 34 1 2,126 14 34 2,140 26 7 1,100 219 33 1,319 33 19 52 150 150 - 70 70 40 40 213,944 66,945 6,033 286,922 19 19 12 12 17 1 323 550 177 17 330 7 557 36 36 1 80 1 80 313 400 204 917 21 9 30 123 142 265 1,451 201 22 104 167 2 899 4,930 24 8 1,072 91 772 117 6,264 925 1,324 8,513 1 104 4 108 149 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF MANUFACTURES. OCCUPATIONS. (Continued.) ENGLAND, WALES, and ISLES IN SCOTLAND. IRELAND. THE BRITISH SEAS. TOTAL. Engineers - Eye (Artificial) Makers Factory Workers (Manufactures not specified) Fancy Goods Manufacturers Felt Makers Fence and Hurdle Makers Fender Makers Fent (Cotton) Makers File Makers (all branches) Filter Makers Fire-iron Makers 31 130 1 Fire-work Makers 96 Flask Makers - Fullers Fish-hook Makers Flannel Manufacturers (all branches) Flask (Powder) Makers Flax and Linen Manufacturers (all branches) Flint Millers Flock Manufacturers Floor Cloth Manufacturers Fork Makers Founders (branch not specified) Fringe Manufacturers Fustian Manufacturers Gauze Manufacturers 192 628 21 2 21,419 3,951 434 25,804 9 9 16,245 6,233 8,193 30,671 3,573 52 3,625 201 6 256 16 462 1 38 4,267 16 1 1 1 207 272 462 38 4,298 16 130 96 213 630 5 5 50 50 15,917 45,837 135,303 197,057 85 10 95 70 70 299 7 306 571 571 958 351 1,309 643 87 64 794 1,219 12 1,231 3,554 4 3,558 49 4 1 53 Gimp Spinners and Weavers 10 10 Girth Web Makers and Weavers 77 16 93 Glass and Emery Paper Makers 69 4 73 Glass and Glass Bottle Manufacturers 6,745 662 358 7,765 Glass Painters and Stainers 100 8 108 Glass Plate Makers 57 57 Glove Makers 8,835 72 777 9,684 Glove (Silk) Makers 318 Glue and Size Makers 198 25 110 318 24 247 Gold Beater's Skin Makers 2 2 Gold Lace Makers 94 4 98 Grate, Range, and Stove Makers 212 5 217 Grease Makers 46 2 48 Grinders 2,841 33 2,874 Guard-chain Makers 26 Gun Makers 4,868 183 362 26 5,413 Gun (Air) Makers 2 2 Gun (Barrel) Makers 307 307 Gun Flint Makers 76 76 Gun Implement and Cartridge Makers 42 42 Gunpowder Makers 153 49 · 202 Hackle Makers 55 44 28 127 Haft and Scale Makers and Turners 760 760 Hair Manufacturers (all branches) - 854 257 103 1,214 Hat Box Makers 271 43 314 Hinge Makers Hoop Makers - Hat Block Makers Hatters and Hat Manufacturers (all branches) Heald Makers Hemp Manufacturers (all branches) Hook and Eye Makers Horn Turners and Workers Hose (Stockings) Manufacturers (all branches) Hot Pressers India Rubber and Mackintosh Manufacturers Ink Makers Ink-stand Makers Instrument Makers Iron Box Makers Iron Manufacturers Iron Masters Isinglass Makers Ivory Cutters and Workers 25 7 32 17,194 818 2,310 20,322 199 142 6 347 353 518 871 769 31 800 114 1 115 726 30 756 $2 15 97 35,988 3,943 39.931 + 142 5 147 157 3 160 87 18 105 60 60 154 1 154 8 8 25,878 3,618 546 30,042 202 24 16 486 4 Jack Makers Jack (Bottle) Makers Jack (Coach) Makers Japanners 47 1 34 1 2 1 226 16 490 47 34 2 1,649 84 13 1,746 Jet Carvers and Workers Kelp Manufacturers (all branches) Knife Makers (all branches) Knitters Knitters (Frame Work) Label Makers Lace Manufacturers Lamp, Lantern, and Chandelier Makers Lamp Black Makers Lead Manufacturers (all branches) Leather Embossers and Gilders 36 26 J 1,878 1,441 142 23,019 312 9 36 26 1,878 24,602 321 2 26,482 1,933 1,862 423 13 1 1,178 115 42 } 12 2 30,277 435 13 1,293 42 150 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF MANUFACTURES. (Continued.) OCCUPATIONS. ENGLAND, WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS. SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. Letter Cutters and Makers Lime Burners 41 41 1,801 310 360 Lint Manufacturers Looking Glass Makers Mangle Makers Marble Turners and Workers Mat Makers - and Britannia Metal and German Silver) 2,471 125 504 629 183 12 15 210 31 31 15 18 33 833 39 245 Platers Metal Manufacturers (all branches, including White Millstone Makers Miscellaneous Manufacturers Morocco Leather Manufacturers Mould Makers Moulders (branch not specified) Musical Instrument Makers Musical String Makers Muslin Embroiderers Muslin Manufacturers Mustard Manufacturers Nail Makers Needle Makers Net Makers Oil Miliers Organ Builders Ormolu Maker Oven Makers Pan Makers Pan Smiths (Salt) Paper Manufacturers Paper Stainers Papier-maché and Tray Manufacturers Parchment Makers Pasteboard Makers Pattern Designer and Makers Pattern Card Makers Peg Makers Pen and Penholder Makers Pen (Steel) Makers Pencil Makers Pencil-case Makers Percussion and Metal Cap Maker Pewterers and Pewter Pot Makers Pin Manufacturers (all branches) Pipe Makers Pipe (Tobacco) Makers Plaister and Strapping Makers Plaster Manufacturers Plated Ware Manufacturers Plush and Shag Manufacturers Polishing Paste Makers Pottery, China, and Earthenware Manufacturers Press Makers Press Workers Printers (Cotton and Calico) Print Cutters Printers (Silk) 1,117 1,583 13 1,596 45 9 1 55 107 107 13 13 171 5 176 3,465 893 4,358 1,929 180 105 2,214 48 1 49 3,326 3,326 139 735 874 118 1 2 121 18,691 1,620 6,276 26,587 2,509 15 5 2,529 236 355 1,147 1,738 283 2 285 378 16 394 1 1 8 t 8 1 36 36 ( 26 26 5,690 1,470 713 7,873 1,335 32 296 1,663 194 194 337 44 23 33 372 3 47 1, 47 625 23 1,795 91 1 91 20 t 20 234 2 236 • 327 327 250 4 254 45 1 46 46 46 311 10 321 1,306 24 385 1,715 1 2,721 111 1 2,832 174 35 234 443 5 5 26 3 29 56 56 1,583 9 10 1,602 260 6 266 4 4 23,811 963 218 24,992 42 42 65 65 8,976 6,327 345 15,648 48 48 Printers (Woollen) Purse Makers - Quill Cutters Quilter and Quilt Makers Rack Makers Razor Makers Razor-case Makers Red Lead Makers Reed Makers Reel Makers Refiners Ribbon Manufacturers (all branches) Ring Makers and Turners Rivet Makers I I 171 6 177 940 940 23 23 104 37 58 199 204 6 210 3 3 581 581 23 1 23 8 1 9 515 144 472 1,131 13 5 18 184 5 189 6,826 5 168 6,999 44 44 25 11 36 Roller Makers and Turners 602 27 629 Rope and Cord Spinners and Makers 9,485 1,834 1,081 12,400 Sail, Sail-cloth, and Tarpaulin Manufacturers 3,384 499 205 4,088 Salt Manufacturers 604 32 52 Scagliola Makers 18 688 18 Scissors Makers 1,042 1,042 Screw Cutter and Makers 1,242 7 1,249 Scum Boilers Scuttle Makers Sealing-wax Makers Shawl Manufacturers Shot Makers Shovel Makers Shuttle Makers Sickle Makers 5 5 5 5 1 55 8 63 204 1,055 1 1,260 23 23 67 1 68 1 365 43 I 2008 10 418 26 26 151 Sieve Makers Silk Manufacturers Sinker Makers UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF MANUFACTURES. (Continued.) OCCUPATIONS. Skate Makers Skewer Makers Skin Dressers and Skinners Slate Manufacturers Small-ware Manufacturers Smelters (ore not specified) Snuff and Tobacco Box Makers Snuffer Makers K Soap Boilers and Makers Soda Manufacturers Spile Makers Spindle Makers Spinners (branch not specified) Spoon Makers Spring Makers Spring (Door) Makers Spring (Secret) Makers Spur Makers Stamp Makers Starch Manufacturers Steel Workers Steelyard Makers Stereotype Founders Stirrup Makers Straw Plait Manufacturers Stuff Manufacturers Sugar Bakers and Boilers Swivel Makers - Sword Cutlers and Makers Tag Makers and Dealers Tambour Workers Tank Makers Tanners Tape Manufacturers (all branches) Tar and Rosin Makers Tartan Manufacturers Tassel Makers Tea and Coffee Pot Makers Thimble Makers Thread Manufacturers Thread (Shoe) Makers and Winders Tin Manufacturers (all branches) Tinfoil Makers Tip Makers Tonbridge Ware Manufacturers Tool Dealers and Makers Treenail Makers Trimming Makers Turners Turpentine Distillers and Makers Type Founders Urn Makers Varnish Makers Vinegar Makers Vitriol Manufacturers Wadding Makers Wafer Makers Weavers (Tabinet) Weavers (branch not specified) Weighing Machine Makers Whalebone Workers White-lead Makers Whiting Manufacturers Willow Weavers and Workers Winders and Warpers 1 . 1 1 t 1 1 ENGLAND, WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS. SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. 360 63 234 657 54,144 4,101 602 58,847 207 207 3 3 15 1 1,604 437 304 16 2,345 271 22 1 293 600 11 611 664 664 6 130 136 180 180 680 58 1,416 2,154 36 3 39 14 14 240 16 256 9,350 3,630 *334,201 347,181 487 51 538 331 4 335 13 13 64 64 136 10 146 6 1 7 141 18 70 229 147 2 149 50 50 15 8 23 158 1 159 9,800 1,417 704 11,921 6,574 1 6,575 912 170 1,082 4 4 116 116 13 13 882 882 13 13 5,826 775 852 937 59 63992 7,453 21 1,017 23 1 23 241 241 87 9 25 121 19 19 97 97 757 800 166 1,723 57 1 1 57 1,320 1,320 18 1 18 39 39 23 23 4,685 233 108 5,026 21 399 3 21 402 6,117 1,042 722 7,881 24 2 635 292 35 、, 57 26 962 , 1 1 140 54 106 1269 57 142 1 61 3 118 67 35 INI 67 2 37 19 19 88,415 21,616 *91,086 201,117 12 12 82 82 1 47 47 84 84 208 208 Wire Drawers and Makers 1,324 35 7,564 32 7,564 1,391 Wire Rope Makers 4 4 Wire Workers and Weavers 1,480 Woollen and Cloth Manufacturers (all branches) 88,436 63 8,917 101 77,650 1,644 175,003 Worsted Manufactures (all branches) 20,835 523 11 21,369 Yarn Manufactures - Zinc Manufacturers and Workers 334 230 2,058 2 2,392 232 Unclassified TOTAL 5,682 924,096 216,810 *725,021 1,865,927 * See note at page 152. 152 UNITED KINGDOM-MANUFACTURES-AGE AND SEX. SUMMARY OF THE AGE AND SEX OF ALL PERSONS ENGAGED. IN MANUFACTURES. MALES. FEMALES. 20 years of age Under 20 years 20 years of age Under 20 years and upwards in and upwards in Great Britain, Britain, and 15 of age in Great Great Britain, Britain, and 15 of age in Great and 15 in Ireland. in Ireland. and 15 in Ireland. in Ireland. TOTAL. ENGLAND AND WALES, AND ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND GREAT BRITAIN IRELAND 479,774 130,443 191,968 121,911 924,096 99,672 31,983 53,894 31,261 216,810 579,446 162,426 245,862 153,172 1,140,906 138,334 6,538 542,384 37,765 *725,021 TOTAL - 717,780 168,964 788,246 190,937 1,865,927 RECAPITULATION. MALES-20 years of age and upwards in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland Under 20 years of age in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland FEMALES-20 years of age and upwards in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland Under 20 years of age in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland "} 717,780 168,964 788,246 - 190,937 1,865,927 * From the above statement, which is corroborated by the Summaries of the several Counties given in this work, and by the Summary of Manufactures at page 151, the number of persons employed in the Manufactures of Ireland is stated at 725,021. Of these, 699,485 are returned as "Ministering to Clothing," of whom no less than 573,860 are stated to be females. This item, however, requires further explanation. The only branches of Manufactures of any importance in Ireland employ about 215,000 persons, viz.: Flax and Linen Woollen Silk, Tabbinet, Ribbon, Fringe, &c. 135,303 77,650 1,776 214,729 Miscellaneous Manufactures of every kind $5,005 299,734 To this is added, in the Government Summary,— Spinners (branch not specified) Weavers 334,201 >> 91,086 425,287 725,021 In what branch of Manufactures these 425,287 persons are engaged does not appear, and it is clear that the produce of their labour does not form the staple of any important branch of Manufactures carried on in Ireland. The only solution of the difficulty is, that, after the fashion of the English Counties in the olden time, there is a large amount of spinning and weaving done in private houses for the consumption of the particular individual or family, and these do in truth belong to the Agricultural Interest, and are supported by it. Instead, therefore, of estimating the number of persons engaged in Manufactures in Ireland at 725,021, according to the Government return, we estimate it in round numbers at 300,000, and the number of persons dependent on these at 700,000, leaving to be supported by and dependent on the Agricultural Interest in Ireland, 7,175,124 persons; and with this correction the Agricultural and Manufacturing Population of the United Kingdom will stand thus: AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. See Page ENGLAND WALES - - 46 9,312,311 5,682,827 60 SCOTLAND - - 94 754,380 1,388,596 157,223 1,231,588 BRITISH ISLES IRELAND, corrected as above stated 96 104,057 7,175,124 19,983 1,00,000 18,714,468 8,091,621 Persons travelling on the night of the Census TOTAL POPULATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM 26,826,089 5,016 26,831,105 UNITED KINGDOM-ALL OTHER CLASSES DEPENDENT ON, AND SUPPORTED BY, AGRICULTURE AND MANUFACTURES, IN THE PROPORTION WHICH THESE RESPECTIVELY BEAR TO EACH OTHER, IN THE WHOLE POPULATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM; VIZ., TRADE AND COMMERCE-ALL PERSONS EMPLOYED IN RETAIL TRADE OR IN HANDICRAFT, AS MASTERS OR WORKMEN. THE MINING INTEREST. THE SHIPPING INTEREST. PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. OTHER EDUCATED PERSONS, FOLLOWING MISCELLANEOUS PURSUITS. PERSONS RETURNED AS INDEPENDENT. PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE. PAROCHIAL, TOWN, AND CHURCH OFFICERS. DOMESTIC SERVANTS. LABOURERS. ALMSPEOPLE, PENSIONERS, PAUPERS, LUNATICS, AND PRISONERS. X 155 UNITED KINGDOM-TRADE AND COMMERCE. SUMMARY OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN TRADE AND COMMERCE, DEPENDENT ON AGRICULTURE AND MANUFACTURES IN THE PROPORTION WHICH THESE RESPECTIVELY BEAR TO EACH OTHER. OCCUPATIONS. ENGLAND, WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS. SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. Keepers Accoutrement Makers Agents and Factors Agricultural Implement Makers Animal and Bird Dealers Animal and Bird Freservers Archery Goods Dealers and Makers Armourers Army Agents Army Clothiers Army Contractors Articulators (Anatomical Instrument Makers) Assay Masters Assayers Auctioneers, Appraisers, and House Agents Axletree Makers Baby Linen Dealers and Makers Bacon and Ham Dealers and Factors Bakers Ball Makers Bark Dealers Barm Makers Barometer and Thermometer Makers Bat Makers Bath Keepers "" Makers Bazaar Keepers Bed and Mattress Makers Bedstead Makers Bee Dealer Bee Hive Makers Bellows Makers Billiard Table Makers Bird Stuffers Dealers Blacking Makers and Dealers Blacksmiths Bladder Dealers and Merchants Blind Makers Block, Oar, and Mast Makers Boat Builders 133 5,030 7 140 557 895 6,482 1,048 32 1,080 83 18 101 77 77 44 19 63 14 14 23 on 26 37 87 1 11 11 1 1 2 4 4 66 2 68 3,061 242 241 3,544 34 34 77 16 93 287 45 11 343 37,143 7,334 6,698 51,175 1 54 7 61 5 5 • 1 125 35 195 17 INH1 10 10 7 132 36 33 245 7 7 44 1 45 363 18 381 396 396 I 1 1 49 1 50 234 1 93 328 11 1 12 100 10 110 4 4 1 1 379 82,180 23 44 446 15,160 25,185 122,525 5 5 341 13 1,247 241 2,444 480 354 1,488 2,925 ور and Barge Owners 185 2 1 Bone Merchants Bonnet Makers Booksellers, Bookbinders, and Publishers 182 10 } 5,007 611 5,669 187 192 11,287 10,908 Boot and Shoe Makers 187,943 2,447 26,837 1,028 50,334 14,383 265,114 Bottle Dealers and Merchants 136 136 Braziers, Brass Finishers and Workers, and Tinkers Brewers 6,332 340 1,764 8,436 9,357 1,085 367 10,809 Bricklayers 39,411 395 1,331 41,137 Bridge and Canal Contractors 6 6 Brogue Makers 5,394 5,394 Brokers (all branches) 3,945 677 857 5,479 Bronzers 20 20 Brush (Artists') and Hair Pencil Makers 13 13 Brush and Broom Makers 5,945 332 834 7,111 Builders - 8,555 633 792 9,980 Building Material Dealers 6 Bullion Brokers and Merchants 10 10 "" Burnishers Butchers "" (Pork) Inspectors 255 255 44,683 3,194 5,332 53,209 812 8 820 Butter Dealers, Merchants, and Factors Button Dealers and Merchants Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers Cage Makers Canal Agents Cane Merchants Cap Makers and Dealers Carpenters and Joiners 311 15 81 407 3 3 46 46 26,387 4,325 71 3,086 8 33,798 79 26 1 27 в 1 7 1,499 154 138,515 24,462 456 38,891 2,109 201,868 Carpet Dealers and Warehousemen 558 1 559 Carpet Bag Makers 17 Carriers, Carters, and Waggoners 26,494 7,802 8,318 17 42,614 Cart Makers 722 722 Carvers and Gilders 4,098 533 258 4,889 Case Makers 256 2 258 Cattle and Sheep Dealers and Salesmen 2,263 703 919 3,885 Cellarmen 427 33 460 Chaff Cutters 67 67 156 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN TRADE, &c. (Continued.) ENGLAND, WALES, OCCUPATIONS. and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS. SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. Chair Letters 113 15 128 Chasers 449 11 460 (Herald) 32 - 32 Cheesemongers and Factors 2,426 81 3 Chemists and Druggists 2,460 10,122 731 177 11,030 Chimney Sweepers 4,697 331 642 5,670 China, Earthenware, and Glass Dealers 2,643 451 179 3,273 Cider Merchants and Dealers 56 2 9 67 Clay Agents and Merchants 40 5 45 Clerks of Works 5 5 Clock and Watch Makers 13,577 1,202 885 15,664 "" }} "" Owners "" "" "" "" "9 - Setters and Workers Cloth Merchants and Salesmen Clothes Dealers and Outfitters Clothiers Coach Makers (all branches) Coach, Cab, and Omnibus Owners Coal and Colliery Agents and Bailiffs Fitters Labourers, Heavers, and Porters Merchants and Dealers Meters Coffee Dealers and Merchants and Cocoa Roasters House Keepers Coffin Makers Collar (Dog) Makers Colonial Agents and Brokers Colourmen (Artists') Compass Makers Commission Agents and Factors Contractors of Public Works Cooks Coopers Cooper (Back) Makers Copper Agents "" Merchants Coral Carvers and Workers Cordial Makers Cork Cutters Merchants Corn Agents Meters Cornice Makers - - Cotton Agents and Brokers "" Merchants and Dealers Curiosity Dealers Curriers and Leather Sellers Custom House Agents Cutlers Diamond Merchants " Die Engravers and Sinkers Dog Breakers and Dealers Drapers "" (Linen) Draughtsmen Dress Makers and Milliners Dressing and Writing Case Makers Drysalters Drug Brokers and Merchants Dulse Dealers Dyers, Callenderers, and Scourers East India Agents, Brokers, and Merchants Eating House Keepers Egg Merchants and Dealers Embossers 47 144 191 518 62 580 11,022 562 11,584 11,802 801 1,425 14,028 1,520 55 122 1,697 1. 635 302 937 120 120 8,752 472 132 9,356 6,346 634 316 7,296 282 10 292 338 85 423 1 44 44 1 135 9 144 809 26 1 1 4 835 8 4 52 1 . 52 37 37 14 2 16 J 496 154 650 8 8 40 40 1 1 1 14,554 3 825 18,379 41 41 48 17 1 1 48 17 5 5 14 14 1,459 451 1,910 10 10 50 11 61 Merchants, Dealers, and Factors 3,148 452 728 4,328 172 25 197 5 5 161 24 185 412 81 493 40 40 9,629 1,024 877 11,530 28 28 6,089 229 6,318 10 10 62 62 266 15 281 18 6 24 21,167 1,800 185 5,421 125 733 4 1 94,349 12,452 45,745 23,152 6,279 4 152,546 58 3 61 281 38 319 37 + 37 3 3 11,839 2,138 13,977 15 15 733 86 819 213 70 1,768 2,051 78 Embroiderers Enamellers 843 507 78 1,350 74 74 - Engravers (all branches) Exhibition (Show) Keepers Fan Makers Fancy Goods Warehousemen and Dealers Farriers and Cattle Doctors Feather Makers, Dealers, and Dressers Fellmongers Figure and Image Makers Firemen Fish Contractors Curers Fishermen Fishing Rod and Tackle Makers Fishmongers and Dealers Flannel Agents and Merchants 4,540 681 249 5,470 119 13 132 41 41 199 199 . 5,180 316 206 16 465 39995 92 5,588 687 1,461 20 1,481 • • 1 266 21 7 294 125 125 47 47 38 858 896 9,211 9,211 182 47 229 5,070 765 672 6,507 20 20 157 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN TRADE, &c. (Continued.) ENGLAND, WALES, OCCUPATIONS. and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS. SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. Flax Merchants and Staplers Flock Dealers and Merchants Flour Dealers and Mealmen Flower (Artificial) Makers Frame Makers 21 13 54 SS 18 18 1,675 316 30 2,021 1,112 26 11 1,149 1,150 33 29 1,212 French Polishers 1,362 52 1,414 Fruit Brokers and Merchants 130 130 Furriers 1,818 Gas Fitters 831 71 73 143 2,034 12 51 894 Gas Meter Makers 19 19 Ginger Beer, Soda, and Mineral Water Makers 541 55 65 661 Glass Merchants 30 3 4 37 Globe Makers 12 5 17 Gold Beaters 539 31 570 Golf Ball Makers j0 10 Club Makers "" 2 2 "" (Saddler's) Mark Makers Mask Makers Measurers (Unspecified) - Green Grocers and Fruiterers Grindery Dealers Grocers and Tea Dealers Haberdashers and Hosiers Hair Dealers and Merchants Hair (Artists in) Hair Dressers and Barbers Hardwaremen and Dealers Hawkers, Hucksters, and Pedlars Hay and Straw Dealers Hemp Dealers and Merchants Herb Distillers Herbalists Hop Dealers Horse Dealers and Trainers Ice Dealers India Rubber Merchants Indigo Brokers and Merchants Instrument Case Makers Insurance Agents and Brokers Iron Agents - Dealers and Merchants Ironmongers " Jewel Case Makers Jewellers, Goldsmiths, and Silversmiths Knackers Lace Agents Lace Dealers and Lacemen Lamp Contractors Lapidaries Last Makers Lath Makers and Renders Lead Agents Lead Merchants Leather Case Makers "" Dealers Leather Pipe Makers Leech Bleeders and Dealers Librarians Limb (Artificial) Makers Lime Dealers and Merchants Linen Agents and Merchants Lithographers and Lithographic Printers Livery Stable Keepers Locksmiths and Bellhangers Lodging and Boarding House Keepers Maltsters Manchester Warehousemen Manure Dealers Map Makers and Publishers Marble Merchants and Dealers Marine Store Dealers Masons (Marble) Masons (Paviors and Stone Cutters), Match Sellers Mathematical Instrument Makers Measure Makers Measuring Tape Makers Medalists and Medal Makers Medicine Venders Merchants (General) Mercury Dealers Metal Agents, Merchants, and Dealers Meters (branch not specified) 7,908 466 433 8,807 14 14 41,929 7,277 3,434 52,640 3,536 527 1,260 5,323 53 33 86 1 17 17 9,543 770 691 11,004 454 84 538 14,709 2,561 6,022 23,292 447 23 12 482 79 2 81 6 78 199 2,238 125 7 2 80 5 • 204 125 427 2,790 5 5 3 3 11 11 1 7 7 81 24 296 5,658 766 45 1888-8 114 25 379 574 6,998 45 50 7 57 8,463 644 431 9,538 - 48 48 67 454 15 15 68 469 15 15 278 58 3 339 • 401 50 60 511 1,246 137 94 1,477 42 1 43 6 6 37 1 37 334 334 30 J 30 74 3 2 79 253 39 1 292 · 5 5 216 25 241 40 39 $7 166 220 201 20 441 1,099 39 3 1,141 5,429 92 55 5,576 7,557 2,693 1,411 11,661 7,965 498 104 8,567 27 J 29 1 27 30 132 17 7 156 12 465 46 1 17 471 18 18 10 10 547 147 694 1 64,068 18,585 20,473 103,126 236 43 279 310 8 318 1 130 3 133 1 83 83 6 1 7 26 1 27 115 9 124 12,315 6,472 3,257 18,787 3,257 4. 1 45 4 50 45 1 45 158 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN TRADE, &c. (Continued.) ENGLAND, WALES. OCCUPATIONS. and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS. SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. Milk Sellers and Cow Keepers 8,112 1,215 9,327 Millers 22,599 3,143 4,309 30,051 Millwrights 6,869 2,030 968 Mine Agents 343 2 9,867 345 Mineralogists and Mineral Dealers 43 3 Miscellaneous Dealers Modellers 379 Mop Makers 125 100 120 46 15 15 381 8 133 Music Copyists 7 J 7 Music Engravers and Printers Music Sellers and Publishers Muslin Agents and Dealers Naturalists Nautical Instrument Makers Navy Agents News Agents and Venders Oil and Colourmen Oil Merchants Old Clothes Dealers 61 2 63 258 33 291 47 47 64 • 64 25 26 35 35 609 15 156 780 1,506 15 1,521 100 14 114 318 318 Opticians 1,009 86 33 1,128 Ornament Makers 83 7 90 Outfitters 104 t 104 Packers and Pressers 1,584 65 1,649 Painters, Plumbers, and Glaziers, and Varnishers 44,144 4,056 5,389 53,589 Painters (Herald) 101 3 104 Paper Hangers 1,077 22 1,099 Paper Merchants and Dealers 77 9 14 100 Paper Rulers 139 69 208 Paper Box Makers 141 3 144 Pastry Cooks and Confectioners 6,270 706 1,312 8,288 Patten and Clog Makers 3,327 158 3,485 Pawnbrokers 2,584 109 2,693 Pearl Workers 266 266 Peat Dealers 20 67 87 Peel Makers 4 4 Perfumers 657 54 19 730 Philosophical Instrument Makers 16 7 23 Picture Cleaners and Dealers 169 5 174 Frame Makers 108 9 117 Pig Dealers 662 9 949 1,620 Pitch and Tar Merchants 7 7 Plasterers 12,038 1,403 1,425 14,866 Pocket Book and Card Case Makers 312 30 342 Pole Dealers and Makers 10 10 Polishers 575 78 1 653 "" "" Porter and Ale Merchants Potato Dealers and Merchants Poulterers and Game Dealers Print Colourers Sellers Printers "" (Copperplate) Provision Curers Dealers Pump Makers Quarry Agents Owners Quarrymen Quill Merchants Rag Cutters, Dealers, and Gatherers Railway Agents and Contractors Reed Merchants Register Office (Servants) Keepers Respirator Makers Ribbon Merchants and Dealers Rice Millers Road Contractors Robe Makers Rocket Makers Rule Makers Rush Dealers Russia Merchants and Brokers Sack and Bag Dealers and Makers Saddlers and Harness and Collar Makers Saddletree Makers Salesmen and Saleswomen Salt Agents - Salt Dealers and Merchants Salt Proprietors Salters Sand Merchants Sauce and Pickle Makers Sawyers Scale Makers 1 168 8 176 368 28 416 1,395 127 221 1,743 175 1 176 158 14 12 184 15,846 2,467 1,717 20,030 460 34 18 512 7 13 20 1,034 755 1,789 1 548 6 173 727 6 6 34 2 36 1 549 549 15 3 18 1,316 108 881 2,305 196 49 245 3 3 21 21 4 4 11 1 11 2 3 5 1 133 278 412 823 47 7 320 1 39 21 781 ་ 1 1 1 66 1 321 39 21 124 905 14,091 171 1,632 15 3,135 18,858 7 1,667 148 121 193 1,936 6 6 115 46 161 15 15 230 230 192 7 199 35 35 25,043 4,550 3,866 33,459 433 4 437 12 21 159 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN TRADE, &c. (Continued.) ENGLAND, WALES, OCCUPATIONS. and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS. SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. Screen Makers Screw (Wood) Makers "" Scavengers and Nightmen Seal Makers and Polishers Seamstresses and Seamsters Seedsmen and Seed Merchants Shawl Merchants and Dealers Shell Dealers Ship Agents and Brokers Builders, Carpenters, and Wrights Breakers 526 6 83 609 6 85 85 23 1 14 38 18,780 9,531 47,283 75,594 771 135 88 994 42 15 57 44 1 45 682 100 68 850 17,198 2,926 1,768 22,192 10 10 Caulkers "} Chandlers "} "" Riggers and Smack Owners "" Smiths 612 2 614 T 197 14 211 701 26 727 938 215 1,153 177 3 180 Assistants Shroud Makers "" Shoe (Carpet and List) Makers Shop Keepers and General Dealers Shot Dealers and Factors Silk Agents and Brokers Silk Mercers Silk Merchants Skylight and Sash Makers Slate Agents and Merchants Slaters - Slop Makers and Sellers Small Wire Dealers Smelting Agents Snuff Grinders Spanish Leather Makers Spar Cutters and Turners Spectacle Makers - Spice Merchants Sponge Dealers and Merchants Stationers Statuaries (Law) Stay and Corset Makers Steel Merchants Stevedores Stencillers Stewards and Stewardesses (Ship) Stock Makers (Men's) Makers Store Agents Merchants and Dealers Store Keepers Straw Bonnet and Hat Makers Straw Plait Dealers and Merchants Strop Makers Surgical Instrument Maker Tailors and Breeches Makers Tallow and Wax Chandlers 17 5 22 - 25,394 1,412 31,693 7,672 58,499 7,672 2 1 3 18 18 59 4 63 1,670 228 115 2,013 103 6 109 22 22 123 7 6 136 3,329 2,247 3,285 8,861 519 7 I 526 173 109 282 5 5 20 20 3 3 32 32 200 3 203 1 6 1 6 1 12 12 3,092 228 153 3,473 726 726 23 23 5,758 812 1,152 7,722 4 4 6 t 6 113 113 1 91 35 126 17 13 21 529 4 51 533 11 1 255 29 11 284 159 147 8,977 1,589 553 306 11,119 354 354 37 1 38 D 224 12 236 108,945 17,192 36,866 163,003 3,239 426 3,665 Tavern Keepers viz. :- Beer Shop Keepers 5,629 13 5,642 Hotel and Innkeepers 15,441 1,612 Publicans and Victuallers Spirit Merchants 37,805 2,556 1,736 10,914 18,789 51,275 904 4,365 2 5,271 Tea Brokers and Merchants 91 42 133 Benders J} "" Tea Dealers Teazle Merchants Tennis Court Keepers Thatchers Theatrical Property Makers Tilers Tilt Makers Timber Agents and Brokers Merchants and Dealers Tin Dealers and Agents Tin Plate Workers and Tinmen Tobacconists Tobacco Twisters Toll Contractors Tortoiseshell Dealers and Workers Toy Dealers and Makers Trap Makers Travellers (Commercial) Trimming Dealers Tripe Dealers and Dressers Trunk and Box Makers Truss Makers 74 74 6 6 3,777 262 1,018 5,057 8 S 667 111 1 778 62 7 69 39 39 - 22 22 1,706 97 67 1,870 25 6,946 25 1,404 1,282 9,632 5,003 972 536 6,511 548 548 49 3 52 44 44 1,823 43 2 1,891 74 74 1,252 276 41 1,569 63 2 18 $3 334 2 336 Tube Makers 1 1 1,627 80 105 1,812 I 125 8 134 31 7 38 160 UNITED KINGDOM-SUMMARY OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN TRADE, &c. OCCUPATIONS. (Continued.) ENGLAND, WALES, and ISLES IN THE SCOTLAND. IRELAND. TOTAL. BRITISH SEAS. Turf Cutters, Dealers, and Merchants Umbrella, Parasol, and Walking-stick Makers 171 1,749 204 +8 34 205 88 2,041 Undertakers Vellum Binders Venders of Soft Goods Waiters (Hotel and Tavern) 918 33 21 972 134 134 905 905 100 100 Warehousemen and Women Waste Dealers Water Carriers and Dealers Water Gilders Wax Merchants 11,690 1,184 12,874 254 4 258 29 157 186 50 50 3 3 "" Modellers and Workers 21 Weaving Agents Well Sinkers West India Agents and Merchants 316 ಡಿಜ 13 34 63 63 318 9 9 Whalebone Merchants Wharfingers Wheelwrights 2 2 730 1 731 25,219 1,055 1,973 28,247 "" Coopers "" Whetstone Cutters and Makers Whip Makers Whitesmiths Willow Merchants Wine Agents and Merchants Merchants Wood Merchants Polishers Wool Agents, Merchants, and Staplers "" (Berlin) Dealers and Workers Woollen Agents and Factors Drapers Worsted Dealers and Merchants Yarn Agents 76 4 80 1,353 62 1,415 6,507 22 1,240 7,769 2 2 2,590 244 184 3,018 I 573 3 5 581 3 3 6 310 230 540 54 54 1,684 34 17 1,735 33 33 42 5 47 1,419 330 1,086 2,835 73 12 85 13 13 Dealers 12 13 71 96 "" Yeast Dealers and Merchants 179 2 181 Zinc Agents and Merchants 5 5 Other Persons engaged in Trade (branch not specified) - 50,976 6,136 527 57,636 TOTAL 1,712,699 256,771 443,981 2,413,951 UNITED KINGDOM. THE MINING INTEREST. Y 163 UNITED KINGDOM-THE MINING INTEREST. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN WORKING THE MINES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. COAL. MALES. FEMALES. years of age. 20 years of Under 20 20 years of Under 20 age and upwards. TOTAL. age and upwards. years of age. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND 72,090 27,641 789 794 11,318 4,834 396 371 101,314 16,919 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 83,408 32,475 1,185 1,165 118,233 COPPER. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND - 9,852 3,428 913 1,200 15,393 14 14 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 9,866 3,428 913 1,200 15,407 LEAD. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND - 9,006 421 1,875 145 40 20 10,941 57 478 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 9,427 1,932 40 20 11,419 IRON. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND - 5,933 2,174 399 1,840 505 25 30 53 8,559 20 2,390 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 7,773 2,679 424 73 10,949 TIN. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND 4,601 1,349 68 82 6,100 1 1 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 4,602 1,349 68 82 6,101 MANGANESE. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND - 224 43 4 1 272 2 1 1 3 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 226 44 4 1 275 SALT. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND 242 24 2 268 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 242 24 2 268 MINERAL NOT SPECIFIED. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND 23,111 6,385 417 583 138 19 478 12 30,421 752 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 23,691 6,523 466 490 31,173 IRELAND TOTAL of the UNITED KINGDOM 3,096 23,694 6,523 466 490 24,269 TOTAL OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN MINES. ENGLAND and WALES, and ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND 125,059 42,919 2,662 14,179 5,535 440 2,628 403 173,268 20,557 TOTAL of GREAT BRITAIN 139,238 48,454 3,102 IRELAND 3,031 193,825 3,096 TOTAL of the UNITED KINGDOM - 139,238 48,454 3,102 3,031 196,921 164 COUNTIES. ENGLAND. CHESTER CORNWALL CUMBERLAND DERBY DEVON DURHAM GLOUCESTER HEREFORD LANCASTER LEICESTER MONMOUTH I 1 1 1 NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTINGHAM SALOP SOMERSET STAFFORD SURREY SUSSEX I I 1 WARWICK WESTMORELAND WILTS WORCESTER YORK (NORTH RIDING) YORK (WEST RIDING) TOTAL-ENGLAND WALES. ANGLESEY BRECON CARDIGAN CARMARTHEN CARNARVON DENBIGH FLINT GLAMORGAN MERIONETH MONTGOMERY UNITED KINGDOM-THE MINING INTEREST. TOTAL OF THE COUNTY. COAL. COPPER. LEAD. IRON. TIN. MANGANESE. SALT. MINERAL NOT SPECIFIED. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. 1 1,932 18 5 1 1 263 2 192 1 1,823 4,467 6 11,639 27 2,098 419 21 85 5,706 130 69 I 533 27 2,413 20,727 1,420 6 59 1 t 297 2 3,640 19 15 2 456 Com 1,455 187 15,156 46 4 1,458 623 591 1 233 13 6,784 17 145 5 197 291 14 1,339 7 } 1,319 5 17,998 2,748 8 1 33 3 1 15,218 762 246 2 15 702 3 2 5,037 68 121 2 262 1,134 27 292 7 3,177 27 65 547 50 17,111 1 28 1 736 22 14 3,133 149 9,584 7,527 20 940 49 1 277 6 8,821 1,074 5 } 3,780 46 6 486 451 2 3,321 73 - 51 6 1 I 1,079 1,512 42 6,325 1 143 2 3,596 9,827 110 37 52 2,549 21 1 6,070 68 18,736 9 2 172 184 15 } 4.7 1 782 2 4.2 ~ 178 57 I 199 16 62 1,006 272 11 48 1 5.9 908 4. 52 1,058 8 2,030 254 1 } 1,046 2 11,441 125 J 569 2 22 45 91 1,439 1,152 339 4 670 7 14,310 $6,137 1,321 ! 12,419 2,103 8,304 43 6,624 399 5,879 150 266 5 265 2 17,174 402 141,493 } PEMBROKE ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS 1 I 1 } 1 # 327 I 699 1,952 145 3,315 216 8 774 46 4 1,637 114 581 344 2,439 785 8 3,941 3,407 58 11,450 111 212 76 167 23 874 104 3 501 1 4,817 296 5,248 266 2 29,496 925 173,331 113 I 256 1 1,071 22 81 44. 5 534 11 1 1,490 9 1 71 3 13 5 432 11 10 1,981 10 7 S4. 13 t 1,684 14 6,498 39 97 1 J 1,437 11 4. 1,340 47 2 52 3 5 83 684 167 15 364 I 14 1 60 2 1 71 1 1 1 99,731 1,583 13,280 2,113 10,944 60 8,107 452 5,950 150 267 5 10 TOTAL-ENGLAND AND WALES, AND ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS MISCELLANEOUS 165 ARGYLL AYR COUNTIES. SCOTLAND. CLACKMANNAN DUMBARTON DUMFRIES EDINBURGH FIFE HADDINGTON KIRKCUDBRIGHT LANARK LINLITHGOW PEEBLES PERTH RENFREW STIRLING MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL-SCOTLAND IRELAND. ANTRIM ARMAGH CARLOW CLARE CORK (CITY) CORK (COUNTY) DONEGAL DOWN C DUBLIN FERMANAGH GALWAY KERRY KILKENNY KING'S COUNTY LEITRIM LIMERICK MEATH MONAGHAN QUEEN'S COUNTY ROSCOMMON TIPPERARY TYRONE WATERFORD WEXFORD WICKLOW 1 1 1 TOTAL-IRELAND 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 COAL. COPPER. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. LEAD. IRON. TIN. MANGANESE. SALT. MINERAL NOT SPECIFIED. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES, FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. 1 1 I 51 - 3 172 115 31 76 1 2,318 2 581 39 202 3 113 1,180 187 1,809 259 J 1 155 352 46 1 ᏭᏎ 7,226 165 10 143 261 12 31 26 26 907 3 រ 1,050 225 2 # 1 1 t 1 [ 20 16,152 767 1 1 1 > 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 14 - 1 1 1 រ I 1 រ 1 1 51 1 13 1,671 142 1 J 31 12 29 29 5 3 478 t - - 1 1 112 4 2,345 1 ་ 45 1 1 1 t 1 I 3 3 t I " 1 I · 1 5 ခ 33 22 15 2253 528 9 • TOTAL OF THE COUNTY. 133 1 2,529 757 251 268 1,443 2,090 398 108 13 9,788 436 1 57 6 90 9 1 925 27 17 1,234 20 50 721 31 20,557 1 5 5 25 25 17 17 13 13 3 1 3 310 11 321 1 1 72 72 14 14 4 1 1 I 4 21 3 24 416 1 416 1 I 1 12 12 18 18 2 2 87 37 298 298 55 55 426 13 439 171 171 381 39 42 385 41 721 721 3,063 3833 3,096 166 AND TH ENGLAND AND WALES, AND ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS SCOTLAND IRELAND COAL. UNITED KINGDOM-THE MINING INTEREST. GENERAL SUMMARY. COPPER. LEAD. IRON. TIN. MANGANESE. SALT. MINERAL NOT SPECIFIED. TOTAL. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. MALES. FEMALES. 99,731 16,152 13,280 1,583 2,113 10,944 60 8,107 452 5,950 150 267 5 266 2 29,496 925 173,331 767 14 478 2,345 45 1 3 721 31 20,557 3,063 33 3,096 TOTAL-UNITED KINGDOM 115,883 2,350 13,294 2,113 11,422 60 10,452 497 5,951 150 270 5 266 2 33,280 989 196,984 UNITED KINGDOM. THE SHIPPING INTEREST. 168 UNITED KINGDOM-SHIPPING. VESSELS BELONGING TO THE BRITISH EMPIRE. STATEMENT of the NUMBER, TONNAGE, and CREWS of VESSELS belonging to the BRITISH EMPIRE, on the 31st December, 1844. ON 31ST DECEMBER, 1844. Vessels. Tons. Men. UNITED KINGDOM 23,253 2,994,166 170,162 ISLES OF GUERNSEY, JERSEY, and MAN BRITISH PLANTATIONS 763 50,226 5,529 7,304 592,839 40,659 Total 31,320 3,637,231 216,350 VESSELS EMPLOYED IN THE COASTING TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. STATEMENT of the NUMBER and TONNAGE of VESSELS which ENTERED INWARDS and CLEARED OUTWARDS with CARGOES, at the several Ports of the UNITED KINGDOM, during the Year ending 5th January, 1845; distinguishing the Vessels employed in the Intercourse between GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND from other Coasters. ENTERED INWARDS. CLEARED OUTWARDS. COASTING TRADE. YEAR ENDING 5TH JAN. 1845. YEAR ENDING 5TH JAN. 1845. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. Employed in the Intercourse between GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND 10,147 1,349,273 Other Coasting Vessels 123,751 9,615,434 16,948 128,294 1,817,756 9,877,105 Total 133,898 10,964,707 145,242 11,694,861 VESSELS EMPLOYED IN THE FOREIGN TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. STATEMENT of the NUMBER and TONNAGE of VESSELS, distinguishing the Countries to which they belonged, which ENTERED INWARDS and CLEARED OUTWARDS, in the Year ending 5th January, 1845; stated exclusively of Vessels in Ballast, and of those employed in the Coasting Trade between GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. ENTERED INWARDS. CLEARED OUTWARDS. COUNTRIES TO WHICH THE VESSELS BELONGED. YEAR ENDING 5TH JAN. 1845. YEAR ENDING 5TH JAN. 1845. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. United Kingdom and its Dependencies 14,681 3,087,437 13,842 2,604,243 Russia 199 53,272 136 37,426 Sweden 267 35,346 237 33,960 Norway - 871 147,959 386 45,949 Denmark Prussia Other German States 1,559 115,287 1,527 115,307 1,104 207,490 821 145,725 1,003 85,535 1,132 107,264 Holland - 565 46,199 641 59,319 Belgium France Spain Portugal - Italian States 1 280 41,479 350 51,865 631 34,570 1,206 102,387 1 75 9,722 98 13,089 31 3,105 27 2,898 56 14,324 63 17,715 Other European States 1 196 United States of America Other States in America, Africa, or Asia 600 348,548 572 6 865 4 342,254 665 Total 21,929 4,231,334 21,042 3,680,066 169 UNITED KINGDOM-SHIPPING. BRITISH PLANTATIONS. STATEMENT of the NUMBER, TONNAGE, and CREWS of VESSELS that belonged to the several BRITISH PLANTATIONS in the Year 1844. COUNTRIES. VESSELS. TONS. CREWS. EUROPE: Malta AFRICA: Bathurst Sierra Leone Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town 19 Mauritius ASIA: Port Elizabeth - Bombay Cochin Tanjore Madras Malacca - Coringa Calcutta Singapore Ceylon Prince of Wales Island NEW HOLLAND: Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Hobart Town Launceston NEW ZEALAND: Auckland Wellington AMERICA: Canada, Quebec "" Montreal Cape Breton, Sydney Arichat New Brunswick, Miramichi " St. Andrew's St. John's Newfoundland, St. John's Nova Scotia, Halifax Liverpool • 1 1 • 1 1 1 0 85 15,326 892 124 2722 25 1,169 215 17 1,148 111 27 3,090 265 201 19 12,079 1,413 113 50,767 3,393 15 5;67+ 275 33 5,070 257 32 5,474 248 2 288 13 17 3,384 136 186 51,779 2,604 13 2,543 674 30,076 289 2,696 7 996 51 293 28,051 2,128 29 1,240 147 17 864 60 103 7,152 724 42 3,150 257 13 305 32 12 262 42 509 45,361 2,590 60 10,097 556 360 15,048 1,296 96 4,614 335 81 10,143 509 193 18,391 918 398 63,676 2,480 847 53,944 4,576 1,657 82,890 5,292 31 2,641 163 Pictou 60 6,929 354 Yarmouth "" 146 11,724 637 Prince Edward's Island 237 13,861 856 West Indies, Antigua 55 833 220 Bahamas " Barbadoes "" Berbice "" Bermuda 140 3,252 686 87 1,640 305 18 854 89 54 3,623 323 Demerara 54 2,353 250 Dominica " 14 502 85 Grenada "J 48 812 198 Jamaica, Antonio 5 95 22 "" "" Annotto Bay 2 79 13 Falmouth " "" 5 107 29 "" Kingston 68 2,659 359 "" > Montego Bay 18 849 105 " Morant Bay 9 251 51 " Port Maria 3 86 18 St. Ann's "" 1 20 4 "" "" Savannah la Mar 3 153 22 " "" St. Lucea 2 64 10 " Montserrat 4 100 19 Nevis "" 11 178 45 St. Kitt's " 35 546 114 St. Lucia " 19 913 132 St. Vincent's 27 1,164 180 Tobago Tortola Trinidad 7 189 46 48 278 127 61 1,832 378 Total 7,304 592,839 40,659 2 170 UNITED KINGDOM-SHIPPING. FOREIGN TRADE-INWARDS. STATEMENT of the SHIPPING employed in the TRADE of the UNITED KINGDOM, exhibiting the NUMBER, TONNAGE, and CREWS of VESSELS that ENTERED INWARDS (including their repeated Voyages), separating BRITISH from FOREIGN VESSELS, and distinguishing the Trade with each Country, in the year 1844. COUNTRIES. BRITISH. INWARDS. FOREIGN. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. EUROPE, viz.: Russia Sweden Norway Denmark Prussia Germany Holland Belgium France Portugal, Proper 1,799 351,215 15,361 212 53,667 2,417 78 12,806 581 344 59,835 2,941 16 1,315 89 779 125,011 6.339 1 59 7,423 350 1,667 123,674 8,250 786 108,626 5,047 1,286 220,202 10,539 900 181,322 9,845 1,123 113,209 6,924 1,239 173,247 9,796 843 80,217 5,226 656 76,690 6,772 484 72,207 4,524 4,177 463,548 35,792 1,988 163,869 14,777 448 43,271 2,650 27 2,746 233 "" Azores Madeira 218 17,458 1,254 5 444 44 24 5,196 348 1 123 10 Spain and Balearic Islands 447 45,994 2,669 87 9,512 773 Canaries "" 6 590 34 5 487 50 Gibraltar 84 19,856 1,554 1 218 13 Italy and Italian Islands 497 76,602 3,819 56 14,866 697 Malta - 39 5,365 282 Ionian Islands 51 6,250 356 Turkey and Continental Greece 177 29,708 1,717 14 2,843 141 Morea and Greek Islands 51 7,339 387 AFRICA. viz.: Egypt - - 115 31,354 1,652 Tripoli, Barbary, and Morocco 47 6,155 330 Senegal and Coast from Morocco to the River 1 56 5 Gambia Sierra Leone and Coast from the Gambia to 43 the Mesurado 9,686 475 Windward Coast 1 190 14 Cape Coast Castle 31 4,864 291 Coast from Rio Volta to Cape of Good Hope 269 78,162 4,274 Cape of Good Hope 35 7,269 379 Eastern Coast 15 3,024 188 Ports in the Red Sea Madagascar Bourbon Mauritius Cape Verd Islands St Helena and Ascension 82 1 23,593 84 1,115 8 1 196 9 ∞ ∞ ASIA, viz.: Arabia East India Company's Territories, Singapore, and Ceylon 440 197,979 9,634 1 Java 16 5,597 220 1 387 Philippine Islands 21 7,891 351 1 250 12 2222 Other Islands of the Indian Seas China 104 45,605 2,174 Japan - 1 New Holland } 103 34,779 1,698 1 New Zealand 6 2 1,348 327 77 19 1 South Sea Islands AMERICA, viz. : British Northern Colonies 2,284 789,410 30,222 West Indies - 714 195,440 10,716 1 "J Hayti 36 6,810 355 Cuba and other Foreign West Indies United States 135 39,993 2,010 41 373 206, 183 8,170 575 10,243 338,737 470 11,157 Mexico 70 25,011 1,641 2 408 22 Columbia 72 13,698 633 2 334 22 Brazil 200 45,649 2,333 14: Rio de la Plata - Chili 100 Peru 68888 2,589 128 13.134 621 29,343 1,421 16,279 747 2- 2 367 31 1 407 20 Falkland Isles Whale Fisheries 49 Guernsey, Jersey, and Man 2,454 14,781 159,752 1,940 13,303 47 5,286 309 Total 19,687 3,647,463 195,728 9,608 1,402,138 76,091 171 UNITED KINGDOM-SHIPPING. FOREIGN TRADE-OUTWARDS. STATEMENT of the SHIPPING employed in the TRADE of the UNITED KINGDOM, exhibiting the NUMBER, TONNAGE, and CREWS of VESSELS that CLEARED OUTWARDS (including their repeated Voyages), separating BRITISH from FOREIGN VESSELS, and distinguishing the Trade with each Country, in the Year 1844. COUNTRIES. BRITISH. OUTWARDS. FOREIGN. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. EUROPE, viz. : Russia 1,310 261,780 11,560 216 48,775 2,212 Sweden 72 13,366 598 239 28,841 1,676 Norway 13 1,230 83 757 129,990 6,370 Denmark 476 78,753 3,699 2,326 212,621 12,410 - Prussia 584 75,226 3,920 1,039 198,016 8,693 Germany Holland 902 180,815 9,478 1,191 98.297 6,269 1,154 157,708 9,058 742 60,979 4,287 Belgium 628 65,829 6,396 397 54,847 3,639 "" France Portugal, Proper Azores Madeira Spain and Balearic Islands Gibraltar Canaries Italy and Italian Islands Malta Ionian Islands Turkey and Continental Greece Morea and Greek Islands 4,226 494,762 36,990 1,651 127,096 12,956 381 38,598 2,544 59 7,468 484 186 16,076 1,177 3 295 22 36 7,869 523 582 84,424 4,577 142 21,429 1,086 1 6 793 54 7 741 70 256 44,118 3,534 4 1,233 50 535 85,411 4,445 122 25,337 1,249 143 28,101 1,364 67 12,349 638 68 9,418 536 1 150 S 237 44,571 2,537 37 10,285 453 23 3,812 200 1 252 11 AFRICA, viz. : Egypt - 91 25,859 1,561 14 3,150 147 Tripoli, Barbary, and Morocco 58 12,605 545 6 1,935 75 Senegal and Coast from Morocco to the River 1 85 8 Gambia Sierra Leone and Coast from the Gambia to 49 11,563 594 0 the Mesurado Windward Coast 1 240 11 1 Cape Coast Castle 35 6,424 406 Coast from Rio Volta to Cape of Good Hope 579 165,345 9,432 1 310 11 Cape of Good Hope 289 76,249 4,272 - Eastern Coast 14 2,515 165 187 12 Ports in the Red Sea 2 630 30 1 Madagascar Bourbon Mauritius - Cape Verd Islands St Helena and Ascension 4 1,061 54 2 1 73 26 1292 571 21,206 36 1,106 4 1 1,514 93 1 161 11 6,318 $39 1 ASIA, viz.: Arabia 22 9,817 437 East India Company's Territories, Singapore, and Ceylon 469 219,640 12,127 1 710 24 L Philippine Islands Java Other Islands of the Indian Seas 21 7,273 352 4 1,477 4 1,347 66 1 589 35 90 24 2 1,242 83 China Japan New Holland New Zealand 78 32,534 1,691 5 2,110 98 1 South Sea Islands • 1 180 107 43,037 6 2,212 12 2,265 105 M 6 2,113 95 AMERICA, viz. : British Northern Colonies 2,060 722,299 West Indies "1 822 231,667 29,333 12,949 Hayti - 32 5,169 304 24 882 27 940 Cuba and other Foreign West Indies 137 38,633 1,561 92 22,494 49 1,121 United States 428 238,889 9,229 621 355,344 12,117 Mexico 46 15,222 1,081 1 104 8 Columbia 39 9,521 524 6 1,180 64 Brazil 255 60,521 3,143 47 12,574 559 Rio de la Plata 42 10,177 500 3 389 26 Chili 100 25,915 1,370 3 637 49 Peru 39 9,782 532 Falkland Isles 1 Whale Fisheries 49 208 14,513 13 Guernsey, Jersey, and Man 1,972 126,051 2,019 11,216 1 87 6 Total 19,788 3,582,822 212,924 9,816 1,444,346 77,109 172 UNITED KINGDOM-SHIPPING. ENTRIES AND CLEARANCES. STATEMENT of the NUMBER, TONNAGE, and CREWS of VESSELS (including their repeated Voyages) that ENTERED INWARDS and CLEARED OUTWARDS, at the several PORTS of the UNITED KINGDOM, from and to FOREIGN PARTS, during each of the three years ending 5th January, 1845. YEARS. BRITISH and IRISH VESSELS. FOREIGN VESSELS. TOTAL. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. Vessels. Tons. Crews. INWARDS - 1842 18,987 3,294,725 178,884 1843 19,500 3,545,346 191,326 1844 19,687 3,647,463 195,728 8,054 1,205,303 65,952 27,041 8,541 1,301,950 69,791 28,041 9,608 | 1,402,138 76,091 29,295 4,500,028 244,836 4.847,296 | 261,117 5,049,601 271,819 OUTWARDS 1842 18,785 3,375,270 186,816 1843 19,334 3,635,833 197,976 | 1844 19,788 3,852,822 212,924 8,375 1,252,176 68,493 27,160 4,627,446 | 255,309 8,709 1,341,433 71,718 28,043 4,977,266 269,694 9,816 | 1,444,346 77,109 29,604 5,297,168 | 290,033 STATEMENT of the NUMBER and TONNAGE of VESSELS which ENTERED the undermentioned PORTS in the Year ending 5th January, 1845. London - Liverpool Bristol Hull - Newcastle Plymouth Leith Glasgow Greenock Cork Belfast Dublin PORTS. BRITISH. FOREIGN. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. 4,741 1,008,463 2,144 353,346 2,671 760,597 939 367,918 347 72,847 56 9,382 1,085 234,361 1,388 156,308 1,229 184,413 945 109,862 340 40,110 47 8,508 250 38,458 489 42,455 238 44,938 46 9,942 209 67,353 3 963 165 30,444 17 1,807 177 41,119 40 5,489 243 43,062 43 5,644 STEAM VESSELS (BRITISH AND FOREIGN). STATEMENT of the NUMBER and TONNAGE of STEAM VESSELS which ENTERED and CLEARED at PORTS in each division of the UNITED KINGDOM; distinguishing the FOREIGN from the COASTING TRADE, and the COUNTRIES to which the VESSELS belonged in the year 1844. COUNTRIES TO WHICH THE VESSELS BELONGED. COASTING TRADE. ENTERED. CLEARED. FOREIGN TRADE. ENTERED. CLEARED. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. UNITED KINGDOM: ENGLAND SCOTLAND IRELAND 9,611 1,887,846 2,827 716,353 3,115 783,961 9,656 1,821,946 2,523 617,741 3,321 830,812 2 3,122 507,271 278 3,061 490,837 2 278 15,553 3,388,160 15,500 | 3,270,499 3,124 507,549 3,063 491,115 FRANCE HOLLAND BELGIUM GERMANY To and from ENGLAND. 398 40,078 406 40,663 35 7,846 38 8,626 78 23,007 78 20,782 - - 47 14,986 47 15,105 173 UNITED KINGDOM-SHIPPING. SUMMARY OF THE SHIPPING INTEREST OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. VESSELS. TONS. MEN. VESSELS BELONGING TO THE BRITISH EMPIRE on the 31st December, 1844 31,320 3,637,231 216,350 COASTING TRADE. VESSELS ENTERED INWARDS during the year ending Jan. 5, 1845 VESSELS CLEARED OUTWARDS 133,898 10,964,707 145,242 11,694,861 "" "" COLONIES. VESSELS BELONGING TO THE BRITISH PLANTATIONS in the year 1844 7,304 592,839 40,659 FOREIGN TRADE. VESSELS ENTERED INWARDS in the year 1844: BRITISH 19,687 3,647,463 195,728 FOREIGN 9,608 1,402,138 76,091 29,295 5,049,601 271,819 VESSELS CLEARED OUTWARDS in the year 1844: BRITISH 19,788 3,852,822 212,924 FOREIGN 9,816 1,444,346 77,109 29,604 5,297,168 29,033 STEAM VESSELS. COASTING TRADE: ENTERED in the year 1844 CLEARED 39 15,553 15,500 3,388,160 3,270,499 FOREIGN TRADE: ENTERED " 3,124 507,549 CLEARED "" 3,063 491,115 174 UNITED KINGDOM-PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. THE NUMBER of PROFESSIONAL PERSONS in the UNITED KINGDOM is returned as follows:- CLERICAL. LEGAL. MEDICAL. TOTAL. ENGLAND 18,840 13,759 17,745 50,344 WALES 1,610 396 691 2,697 SCOTLAND 2,956 3,185 3,568 9,709 ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS 137 114 183 434 IRELAND - 7,192 *3,852 6,871 17,915 30,735 21,306 29,058 81,099 And these are supported by, and derive their incomes from, the AGRICULTURAL and MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS, in the following proportions :- MANUFACTURING COUNTIES. CLERICAL. LEGAL. MEDICAL. TOTAL. CHESTER 321 221 326 868 DERBY LANCASTER LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD 331 136 225 692 1,082 959 1,454 3,495 419 105 210 734 332 118 214 664 355 227 372 954 WARWICK YORKSHIRE 351 288 438 1,077 1,632 860 1,389 3,881 4,823 2,914 4,628 12,365 Leaving to be supported by the AGRI- CULTURAL INTEREST of ENGLAND and WALES 15,627 11,241 13,808 40,676 20,450 14,155 18,436 53,041 And inasmuch as the AGRICULTURAL INTEREST of these Counties is numerically much greater than that of the MANU- FACTURING in every other County of England and Wales, it follows that the MANUFACTURING INTEREST supports about 1-4th of the CLERICAL, LEGAL, and MEDICAL PROFESSIONS, in England and Wales, and that the remaining 3-4ths are resident in, and dependent on, the AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS and INTERESTS for their support. In SCOTLAND the population is equally divided between AGRICULTURE and MANUFACTURES. (See Page 94.) In IRELAND the proportion which MANUFACTURES bear to AGRICULTURE is as 1 to 8. (See Page 152.) This rule, although not quite conclusive, is sufficient for our present purpose; and we shall therefore adopt it in all instances where a more minute investigation is rendered impossible by the defective returns of the Census. We have therefore the following results :- AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL. ENGLAND AND WALES 40,676 12,365 53,041 SCOTLAND 4,854 4,855 9,709 ISLES IN THE BRITISH SEAS IRELAND 354 80 434 15,675 2,240 17,915 61,559 19,540 81,099 There is nothing connected with or arising out of Statistics, that could better illustrate the relative importance of the two interests than this, that the number of PROFESSIONAL PERSONS resident in and supported by our Manufacturing Towns and Counties are but one-fourth of the whole number spread throughout the length and breadth of the United Kingdom. * This number is returned as Ministering to Justice, independent of those engaged in the Government and Civil Service; but if the classification had been carried out on the same rule as the English, this item would no doubt have been much greater. 175 UNITED KINGDOM-OTHER EDUCATED PERSONS, &c. OTHER EDUCATED PERSONS FOLLOWING MISCELLANEOUS PURSUITS. Under this head are classed- BANKERS, MERCHANTS, BROKERS, AGENTS, CLERKS, SHOPMEN, THE FINE ARTS, LITERATURE, SCIENCE, and, in fact, every class that ministers to the wants of the community by any profession or calling requiring an education, and not otherwise specifically enumerated. These are distributed as follows:- In ENGLAND WALES - SCOTLAND BRITISH ISLES IRELAND Total • 120,788 3,090 18,099 859 32,660 - 175,496 It must of course be obvious to every one that these classes would be principally located in our Cities and Towns, and in the Metropolis of each Kingdom; and thus we find that- MIDDLESEX contains 29,672; or 1-4th of the number returned for all ENGLAND. EDINBURGH contains 3,585; or 1-5th of the number returned for all SCOTLAND. contains 5,524; or 1-6th of the number returned for all IRELAND. DUBLIN The numbers returned in the eight Manufacturing Counties stand thus:- CHESTER DERBY LANCASTER LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD WARWICK YORKSHIRE 2,590 1,528 13,804 1,051 1,302 3,207 4,031 9,603 37,116 And if to these we add one-half of those returned for Scotland, and one-eighth of those returned for Ireland, we arrive at the following conclusion:- AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL. ENGLAND AND WALES SCOTLAND 86,762 37,116 123,878 9,049 9,050 BRITISH ISLES 687 172 IRELAND 28,578 4,082 18,099 859 32,660 125,076 50,420 175,496 It will thus be seen that of "Other Educated Persons following Miscellaneous Pursuits," 5-7ths of the whole number in the United Kingdom are supported by the AGRICULTURISTS, and 2-7ths by the MANUFACTURERS. 176 UNITED KINGDOM-PERSONS RETURNED AS INDEPENDENT. PERSONS RETURNED AS INDEPENDENT. The COMMISSIONERS for taking the CENSUS, in their Report, say that, "With respect to the term 'INDEPENDENT,' we should premise that the numbers included under that head are not merely the wealthy, or even those in easy circum- stances, but all who support themselves upon their own means without any occupation. It will, therefore, afford no test of the relative amount of wealthy persons in different localities, or throughout Great Britain, as while it includes in the more rural districts many poor widows or aged men living upon their savings, it omits many large capitalists, who are returned under their proper heads in the list of 'OCCUPATIONS.'" The numbers returned are as follows:- In ENGLAND WALES BRITISH ISLES SCOTLAND Total of GREAT BRITAIN 421,995 23,978 7,176 58,291 511,440 "" With respect to Ireland, it is an extraordinary fact, that the Commissioners do not recognise or enumerate any class as INDEPENDENT," and we are therefore left in utter darkness of the number of persons of independent means living in the Kingdom of Ireland. That they are a very large number there can be no doubt, as the resident Nobility and Gentry form a very influential and important section of society. Independent of Ireland, however, it will be seen that the number for Great Britain is no less than 511,440, and if to these we add the large number of DOMESTIC SERVANTS, supported by persons of independent means (see page 179), we have a class which, in number, exceeds that of the whole number of persons of all ages employed in the Manufacture of the Textile Fabrics (see page 147), and but little inferior to the whole number employed by the Manufacturing Interest of the United Kingdom (see page 152.) For the eight Manufacturing Counties the return is as follows:- CHESTER DERBY LANCASTER LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD WARWICK YORKSHIRE Total 8,444 5,193 33,207 4,377 4,818 8,173 8,976 35,573 · 108,761 These amount to one-fourth of the whole number returned for England and Wales, but inasmuch as the population of the eight counties is 4,867,028, or nearly one-third of the population of England and Wales, it follows that, in proportion to population, the amount of resident independence is below the average of the other parts of the kingdom. Of the sources from whence this important class derive their incomes, we have no statistical knowledge to guide us. The Rental of the Land of the United Kingdom is about 52 millions; that of Houses, 40 millions; Government Annuitants, 30 millions;-making together 122 millions per annum: and there can be no question but that these are the principal sources of income. On the other hand, but very few persons living in a state of independence draw their supplies from any branch of Trade or Manufactures; for in nearly all cases, an individual, after spending a long life in business, on his retiring from it takes the precaution to withdraw his capital, and invests it in one or the other of the interests above-mentioned. Notwithstanding the deficiency of the Government Statistics in this particular, there is, however, a rule which may be applied with great fairness to test not only the relative importance of each interest, but also to fix with some degree of cer- tainty the proportion which each contributes to the support of the "INDEPENDENCE" resident in the United Kingdom. We refer to the value of the annual productions of each, or, in other words, the amount of contribution which each Interest makes to the common stock, as shown at pages 183 and 184, from which it will be seen that the productions of our Manufacturers do not constitute more than about one-third of the whole. And if to this we add, that the effect of machinery is to give almost unlimited power to one individual to produce great results, it comes in confirmation of the fact, that the Master Manufacturers, as a class, are, numerically speaking, the smallest of any in the Kingdom, not amounting to 1-50 th of those living in independence within the United Kingdom. Indirectly, Manufactures of course contribute to the taxation of the country and the support of the population, in the proportions which are shown at pages 140 and 141; but, for the foregoing reasons, we apprehend that in about the same proportion do "Persons returned as Independent," draw their respective incomes or means of support directly from the Manufacturing Interest, and those of course only in respect of capital not withdrawn from, or monies lent to, the Manufacturers. 177 : PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE. The numbers returned in the Census are as follows: ENGLAND WALES BRITISH ISLES SCOTLAND IRELAND 13,557 531 94 2,777 4,990 21,949 These, for the greater part, consist of persons employed by the Government in the departments of the Customs, Excise, Post Office, and the collection of the Stamps and Taxes; and it might reasonably be expected that the great marts for Manufactures in the eight Manufacturing Counties would find employment for a large proportion of the whole. The return for these counties is, however, as follows:- CHESTER DERBY LANCASTER LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD WARWICK YORKSHIRE 181 110 1,234 83 95 238 209 905 3,055 Add to these one-half the number returned for Scotland, and one-eighth of those returned for Ireland, and we have the following result: ENGLAND AND WALES SCOTLAND - BRITISH ISLES - IRELAND - AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES TOTAL. 11,033 3,055 14,088 1,388 1,389 2,777 94 94 4,366 624 4,990 16,811 5,068 21,949 So far, therefore, as the Civil Service of the Government is concerned, it is apparent that not more than one-fourth is employed in or supported by the Manufacturing Interests, and that the remaining three-fourths are supported by Interests other than the Manufacturing, and arise out of the necessity of keeping up establishments of the Customs, Excise, and Post Office, for the transaction and despatch of business in all the cities, towns, and villages of the United Kingdom. 2 A 178 PAROCHIAL, TOWN, AND CHURCH OFFICERS, INCLUDING POLICE AND LAW OFFICERS. Of these the total number returned is 38,208, and they are thus distributed :- ENGLAND WALES BRITISH ISLES SCOTLAND IRELAND The eight Manufacturing Counties are returned as follows:- CHESTER DERBY LANCASTER LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD - WARWICK YORKSHIRE 1 1 1 21,443 682 65 3,085 12,933 38,208 423 206 2,541 193 234 376 661 1,311 5,945 If to these we add one-half the number returned for Scotland, and one-eighth of those in Ireland, we have the following result:- AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL. ENGLAND AND WALES SCOTLAND 16,180 5,945 22,125 1,540 1,545 3,085 BRITISH ISLES IRELAND 65 65 11,317 1,616 12,933 29,102 9,106 38,208 From the above it will be seen that the Agricultural Districts support about 3-4ths, and the Manufacturing 1-4th of the whole. It is necessary, however, here to draw a distinction which marks in a very decided manner the peculiar character of each pursuit. Agriculture supports a larger number of Parochial and Church Officers, because large masses of mankind congregated in cities and towns do not require the same number to manage their Parochial and Church affairs as when the same amount of population is spread throughout the small towns and villages in agricultural districts. For instance, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, and Halifax, have a population of 812,267; and the number of Parochial and Church Officers returned for these places is only 154, while the County of Norfolk, with a population of 412,664, has 147, or, as compared with the Manufacturing districts, 2 to 1. On the other hand, the same towns of Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, and Halifax find employment for 1,163 persons, returned as Police Officers, Constables, and Watchmen. The Agricultural Counties of Devon and Suffolk, with a population of 36,000 mere, return only 305, or, as compared with the Manufacturing districts, as 1 is to 4. It follows that for Parochial and Church Government the Agricultural Districts support a very large proportion of the whole number returned under that head; and for the protection of property, the detection, suppression, and punishment of crime, the Manufacturing Districts find employment for 3-4ths, and the Agricultural 1-4th of the Police and Law Officers, as compared with their respective populations. 179 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. For the United Kingdom, this class may be estimated in round numbers at one million and a half. As a class, nume- rically speaking, they rank next to the number of persons employed in Manufactures (see page 152;; but inasmuch as they only represent themselves, and have no wives, children, servants, or tradespeople dependant on them for support, they are, in truth, the weakest of all classes in the body politic. They are thus distributed :- MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL. ENGLAND WALES 223,040 712,792 935,832 10,489 5:,727 63,216 BRITISH ISLES. SCOTLAND IRELAND 1,112 6,423 7,535 - 21,767 136,SS3 158,650 328,889 1,494,122 For the eight Manufacturing Counties the return is as follows:- - CHESTER DERBY LANCASTER LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD WARWICK YORKSHIRE MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL. 6,953 17,048 24,001 5,484 9,751 15,235 11,746 61,252 72,998 4,652 8,895 13,547 2,805 10,478 13,283 4, 51 19,080 23,331 4,667 19,258 23,925 13,070 59,527 72,597 53,628 205,289 258,917 Add to these one-half the number returned for Scotland, and one-eighth those returned for Ireland, and the account stands thus: - AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL. ENGLAND AND WALES SCOTLAND - 740,131 258,917 999,018 79,325 79,325 158,650 BRITISH ISLES IRELAND 7,535 7,535 287,778 41,111 328,889 1,114,769 379,353 1,494,122 The Commissioners observe that "We have reason to believe that, in some instances, servants kept in farm houses and employed generally about the premises have been returned as Domestic Servants, whereas, in 1831, such per- sons were included as Agricultural Labourers. Our directions were very precise on this point, as all Farm Servants were to be returned as Agricultural Labourers." If this be true that the Domestic Servants employed at all the farm houses, with the exceptions the Commissioners here refer to, are returned as Agricultural Labourers, it is a very remarkable fact, that the Agricultural Counties, inde- pendent of Agriculture, give employment to a much larger number of Domestic Servants than the Manufacturing Coun- ties, if we compare the respective amount of their populations thus:- LANCASTER DEVON NORFOLK SUFFOLK LINCOLN 1 POPULATION. DOMESTIC SERVANTS. 1,667,054 72,998 533,460 41,585 412,664 23,118 315,073 17,817 362,602 26,534 1,623,799 109,054 This gives a more unfavourable result to the Manufacturing Interest than the statement above, but when we consider that Domestic Servants are principally supported by the resident gentry or by persons in easy circumstances, and that the great mass of a manufacturing population are servants themselves of another kind, it proves most conclusively that the estimate here given, as regards the amount of employment afforded to this class by the Manufacturers, is much overstated. Whether this conclusion be correct or not, one fact is evident enough, that the Manufacturing Counties do not give employment to more than one-fourth of the persons returned as " Domestic Servants." 180 LABOURERS. Under this head are included Labourers whose employment is not otherwise specified, also Miners, Quarriers, Porters, Messengers, and other persons engaged in laborious occupations. These are returned as follows:- ENGLAND WALES - BRITISH ISLES SCOTLAND IRELAND 620,492 53,430 3,373 84,573 31,252 793,120 It will be necessary, however, to deduct from these the number engaged in the working of our mines, as in this work we treat them as a separate and distinct interest, and these amount to 196,984 (see page 166), leaving 596,136 to be ac- counted for. The return for the eight Manufacturing Counties is as follows:- CHESTER DERBY LANCASTER LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD - WARWICK YORKSHIRE 14,544 15,477 76,079 3,676 5,460 34,917 11,804 51,743 213,700 Add to these one-half the number returned for Scotland, and one-eighth those returned for Ireland, and the numbers supported by each interest will stand thus:- ENGLAND AND WALES BRITISH IS LES SCOTLAND IRELAND - AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL. } 290,264 213,700 503,964 32,008 32,008 64,016 24,637 3,519 28,156 346,909 249,227 596,136 From this it will be seen that the Manufacturing Interest, in proportion to its population, gives employment to a much larger amount of the labour classed under this particular head than the Agricultural, and for this very obvious reason— that Porters, Messengers, Carmen, and Boatmen, are principally required in Manufacturing localities. 181 20 years of ALMSPEOPLE, PENSIONERS, PAUPERS, LUNATICS, AND PRISONERS. In the Government abstract these several classes are included under one head, and the return for the United Kingdom is as follows:- ENGLAND WALES 168,376 7,830 BRITISH ISLES SCOTLAND 1,173 21,690 IRELAND 36,032 235,101 The eight Manufacturing Counties supply the following numbers :- CHESTER 2,355 DERBY 1,585 LANCASTER 12,717 LEICESTER 2,134 NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD WARWICK YORKSHIRE 1,923 3,669 t 3,499 10,896 38,778 If to these we add one-half the number returned for Scotland, and one-eighth of tuose returned for Ireland, we have the following results:- AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. TOTAL. ENGLAND AND WALES 137,428 38,778 176,206 BRITISH ISLANDS 1,173 1,173 SCOTLAND 10,845 10,8 5 21,690 IRELAND 31,528 4,504 36,032 180,974 54,127 235,101 It is impossible for us to draw any general conclusion from the above figures, but the Commissioners have furnished us with another table that will enable us to form some idea of the relative contribution which each interest makes to the in- mates of the following institutions. PERSONS ENGAGED IN COMMERCE, TRADE, AND MANUFACTURE. MALES. FEMALES. PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE. FEMALES. MALES. TO EVERY 10,000 PERSONS ENGAGED IN age and upwards. Under 20 years of age. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of age TOTAL. 20 years of age and upwards. Under 20 years of 20 years of age. age and upwards. Under 20 years of Workhouses Hospitals 5,492 1,603 479 2,532 404 8,907 3,466 137 252 18 3,873 33.7 30.4 Gaols Lunatic Asylums 312 451 4,928 1,227 569 1,759 13 457 185 2,551 573 146 22 5 746 8.2 5.0 148 6,872 1,634 316 15 4 1,969 22.0 11-1 8 2,237 620 5 43 668 7.2 4.5 age. TOTAL. COMMERCE, TRADE, & MA- NUFACTURES. AGRICULTURE. 182 CRIMINALS. COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the NUMBER OF PERSONS COMMITTED FOR TRIAL or BAILED in each of the last Ten Years, and the numbers in each County separately. COUNTIES. 1838. 1836. 1837.1838.1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843 1844. 1845. BEDFORD BERKS BUCKS CAMBRIDGE CHESTER CORNWALL DERBY 246 220 1,042 162 123 134 108 175 191 229 202 188 155 205 270 290 324 193 258 237 251 279 260 237 219 554 616 645 775 347 306 333 328 287 260 287 277 313 280 286 240 241 257 297 239 9431,086 1,018 777 688 198 281 264 289 339 295 282 301 269 272 CUMBERLAND 143 154 155 146 131 151 115 109 138 118 192 228 262 239 247 277 322 322 279 186 DEVON 527 671 578 658 717 687 716 740 715 720 DORSET 193 256 255 294 274 284 241 252 203 218 DURHAM 164 202 164 206 171 215 266 300 76 203 ESSEX 619 747 636 542 683 647 758 710 596 554 GLOUCESTER (including BRISTOL) 823 9061,021 935 1,045 1,236 1,236 1,252 1,186 1,071 929 HEREFORD 154 186 190 214 237 245 259 238 230 226 HERTFORD 324 335 343 258 303 319 338 265 271 244 HUNTINGDON 68 67 97 53 83 62 68 68 79 88 KENT - 872 896 1,024 956 903 962 1,155 977 911 831 LANCASTER 2,265 2,809 2,585 2,901 3,5063,987 4,497 3,677 2,893 2,852 LEICESTER LINCOLN MIDDLESEX (including LONDON) MONMOUTH NORFOLK 310 432 365 412 466 466 492 509 481 328 411 412 383 388 409 349 507 563 542 389 3,350 3,2733,488 3,649 3,577 3,586 | 4,094 4,260 4,027 4,440 120 154 197 230 330 364 264 261 278 196 739 659 588 732 693 666 808 782 788 642 NORTHAMPTON 187 298 268 250 290 342 346 270 294 302 NORTHUMBERLAND NOTTINGHAM 170 189 159 139 196 226 245 290 294 189 302 307 250 314 356 329 374 353 348 267 OXFORD 244 272 286 369 359 323 334 328 296 309 SALOP RUTLAND SOMERSET SOUTHAMPTON STAFFORD - SUFFOLK - 24 27 13 13 9 14 48 39 23 28 I 228 252 271 310 387 416 470 534 449 308 796 | 1,028 858 S43 1,128 991 1,148 9671,039 873 545 622 632 642 735 677 702 676 517 619 SURREY SUSSEX WARWICK " 1 636 999 768 930 9231,059 1.485 1,175 885 717 528 493 505 527 484 482 527 585 630 407 984 950 898 1,016 I 381 420 529 988 504 543 923 1,017 539 550 493 $67 941 942 409 409 ↑ 728 880 884 7781,001 1,0161,003 | 1,045 894 769 WESTMORELAND WILTS WORCESTER YORK ANGLESEY 20 25 36 37 38 33 39 44 24 46 ! 354 482 407 428 462 506 548 464 432 379 328 409 427 460 627 1,252 1,3761,3241,621 1,621 | 1,867 566 609 1,895 | 2,598 2,304 679 603 563 1,691 |1,417 19 16 9 16 16 13 21 20 7 23 BRECON 27 29 21 43 58 48 56 62 58 37 CARDIGAN CARMARTHEN 5 13 16 27 13 17 14 26 31 47 19 49 61 36 67 32 49 171 117 87 FLINT CARNARVON DENBIGH GLAMORGAN MERIONETH MONTGOMERY PEMBROKE 32 22 45 47 66 33 33 21 32 39 55 76 62 48 55 81 79 89 $9 66 31 39 18 25 36 44 61 49 50 62 82 103 94 126 184 189 197 174 225 159 12 5 6 7 11 5 12 21 9 12 48 54 48 93 85 75 73 94 96 67 67 54 46 44 44 58 48 88 54 66 RADNOR - 15 18 15 31 15 33 23 25 29 30 TOTAL 20,SS± 23,612 23,094 24,443 27,18727,760 31,309 29,591 26,542 24,303 From the foregoing table we extract the following figures in reference to the eight Manufacturing Counties:- 1836 1837.1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 837 338.1839 1840. CHESTER DERBY LANCASTER LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM STAFFORD WARWICK YORKSHIRE TOTAL 1 • , } 1 1 554 616 645 775 1.042 228 262 239 217 943 1,086 277 1,018 322 322 192 2,265 2,809 2.585 2,901 3,506 3,987 4,497 3,677 2,893 | | | | 310 432 365 302 636 728 412 466 466 307 250 314 909 769 930 880 884 778 492 509 777 688 279 186 2,852 481 328 348 267 $85 717 356 329 874 353 923 1,059 1,485 1,175 | 1,001 1,046 1,003 1,045 | 894 769 1,895 2,598 2,304 | |1,691 1,691 |1,417 7,224 10,002 11,857 10,403|| 8,248 1,232 1,3761,324 1,621 1,867 6,219 7,557 7,083 7,970 9,408 183 CRIMINALS-( Continued.) It will be seen from this, that in the 10 years from 1836 to 1845, these Counties with a population of 4,857,028, out of 15,906,741 have produced one-third of the Criminals in England and Wales. In seasons of distress it will also be seen that crime increases in a much greater degree in a Manufacturing than in an agricultural population; thus in the years 1841, 1842, and 1843, the proportion was nearly three-eighths of the whole, or 32,262 out of 88,680. TOTAL. EIGHT MANUFACTURING COUNTIES. 1841 27,780 10,00? 1842 31,309 11,857 1843 29,591 10,403 88,680 32,262 PUBLIC CHARITIES. SUMMARY OF CHARITIES reported upon by the Commissioners, and included in the two Digests of 1832 and 1835. From which it appears that there is held in trust, for various charitable purposes, the following property :- A. R. P. 279,497 2 11 Land, producing an Annual Rental of 15,797 Houses and Cottages £3,060,684 17 154,247 5 ] 291,981 2 0 81,031 13 0 63,041 13 4 6 Three per Cent. Stock Three and a half ditto Four ditto Five ditto Bank and India Stock 782,611 19 7 £4,433,598 10 6 Mortgage, Personal, and Turnpike Total Annual Income £ s. d. 540,565 14 9 56,963 1 0 producing annually 150,649 9 3 £784,178 50 which, valued at 4 per cent., would make the Fee Simple of the Property held in trust for Charitable £19,604,150 Purposes, amount to APPLICATION OF THE ABOVE. To Endowed Schools For Education not in Endowed Schools Total for Education "" " other purposes Chartered Companies Total 1 00 £ s. d. 180,309 12 5 16,938 17 5 197,248 916 491,536 3 4 59,293 11 10 748,178 5 0 184 RENTAL OF LAND. ENGLAND AND WALES. ACCOUNT showing the AREA of the different COUNTIES of ENGLAND and WALES; the GROSS RENTALS of each in 1814-15 and in 1842-43, as determined by the Assessments under the Property and Income Tax Acts, with the RENT PER ACRE of each in 1814-15 and in 1842-43. COUNTIES. Acres. Gross Rental for 1814-15. Rent per Acre in 1814-15. Gross Rental for 1842-43. Rent per Acre in 1842-43. Increase of Rent per Acre in 1842-43 over Rent per Acre in 1814-15. Decrease of Rent 1842-43 below Rent per Acre in 1814-15. per Acre in £ £ s. d. Bedford 296,320 Berks 481,280 Bucks 472,320 Cambridge 548 480 Chester 673 280 Cornwall 851,200 Cumberland 974,720 316,595 1 1 41/2 502,096 1 0 101 548,630 1 3 23 541,325 0 19 8 805,141 1 3 11 629,259 0 14 91/ 561,468 0 11 6 377,995 594,903 1 4 81/ 597,736 1 5 31 774,658 1 8 8 23 962,857 1 8 7 774,692 £ s. d. 1 5 5 £ s. d. 0 4 102 £ s. d. 0 3 10 02 03 08 6 0 4 8 0 18 21 0 3 4 603,725 0 12 4 0 0 101 Derby 657,920 707,250 1 1 53234 845,681 1 5 81 0 4 21/0 Devon 1,654,400 1,360,812 0 16 5 1,556,181 0 18 92 0 2 41 Dorset 643,840 564,377 0 17 61 613.507 0 19 0 0 1 61 Durham 702,080 543,411 0 15 53 Essex 981,120 1,109,829 1 2 7 538,781 1,289,645 0 15 4 0 0 12 1 6 34 0 3 73 Gloucester 805,120 971,410 Hereford - 552,320 524,781 Hertford 403,200 397,539 1 4 14/ 0 19 0 0 19 81 1,121,125 1 7 10 0 3 3 8/1/20 629,981 438,226 1 2 9/1 0 3 3 9/1/1 1 1 1 83 0 2 2 0 Huntingdon Kent - Lancaster Leicester 238,080 277,463 1 3 33 312,083 1 6 6 21/1 0 2 10 996,480 961,368 0 19 31/ 1,327,491 1 6 6 7/1/ 0 7 4 1,130,240 1,463,183 1 5 10/1/ 1,636,416 515,840 807,558 1 11 33 899,063 Lincoln 1,671,040 Middlesex 180,480 Monmouth - 317,440 Norfolk 1,295,360 1,865,086 1 2 4 517,669 2 17 4 231,113 1,102,352 2,340,625 1 8 11/1/20 1 14 104 1 8 0 0 3 1 0 3 3 6/1/2 0 5 8 387,861 2 2 11 0 14 51/2 Northampton 650,240 Northumberland 1,197,440 Nottingham 535,680 Oxford 483,840 Rutland 95,360 Salop 859,520 Somerset 1,052,800 0 14 63 0 17 0 846 172 1 6 01 999,951 0 16 8/1/ 604.220 1 2 61 589,594 1 4 4/1/2 123,296 1 5 104 823,845 0 19 2 1,491,734 1 8 4 290,334 0 18 31 1,644,994 1 5 5 42 973,144 1 9 1 835,856 0 13 11/12/20 707,756 1 6 5 602,396 1 4 4 13 130,935 1 7 5/1/2 0 3 83 0 8 0 3 ∞40 111 I 0 2 9 0 3 10/1/20 0 0 23 1,050,132 1 4 5 0 1 71 05 3 1,715,497 1 12 7 04 3 Southampton 1,040,000 707,127 0 13 71 777,636 0 14 11 Stafford Suffolk Surrey Sussex Warwick Westmoreland Wilts Worcester 462,720 gy York 757,760 862,973 1 2 91 969,600 826,228 0 17 01/ 485,760 437,958 0 18 01 938,240 641,736 0 13 8 574,080 838,993 1 9 23 487,680 260,945 0 10 8/1/0 874,880 964,611 1 2 0 609,746 1 6 41 3,735,040 3,563,980 0 19 1 716,498 3,989,937 1,104,151 1 9 1/1/2 1,147,536 1 3 8 433,505 0 17 10 855,373 0 18 23 905,869 1 11 6/1/20 269,418 0 11 02 1,021,706 1 3 44 1 10 11 1 1 44 0 1 0 6 4 0 6 6 7/1/ 1 0 4 63 0 2 33 0 0 4 | | | | | | | | | 0 0 24 0 1 41 0 4 4 71 0 2 341 · Totals for England 32,243,200 32,502,824 37,795,905 Average Rent per Statute Acre of 1 0 2 - 1 3 5/1/ 0 3 3/1/2 England - 158 RENTAL OF LAND. ENGLAND AND WALES.-( Continued.) COUNTIES. Acres. Gross Rental for 1814-15. Rent per Acre in 1814-15. Gross Rental for 1842-43. Rent per Acre in 1812-43. Increase of Rent per Acre in 1842-43 over Rent per Acre in 1814-15. Decrease of Rent 1842-43 below Rent per Acre in 1814-15. per Acre in WALES. £ Anglesea 173.440 Brecon 482,560 76,105 135,191 £ s. d. 08 91 £ 129,063 £ s. d. 0 14 10/ 0 5 5 71 139,225 059 0 0 1 13 £ s. d. 06 14 £ s. d. is | | Cardigan - 432,000 Carmarthen 623,360 Carnarvon - 348,160 Denbigh 405,120 126,399 0 5 10 240,714 0 7 7 832323 105,852 0 6 1 224,678 0 11 1 159,949 0 7 42 0 1 6 315,761 0 10 13 0 2 2 43 150,047 0 8 73 0 261 284,346 0 14 01 0 2 114 Flint 156,160 139,753 Glamorgan Merioneth Montgomery 506,880 229,013 0 17 103 090 193,505 1 4 9 258,470 0 6 1021/ 0 10 24 0 1 21 424,320 96,343 0 4 6/ 108,237 0 5 1 0 0 61/ 536 960 181,881 0 6 94 258,068 097 0 2 93 Pembroke 390,400 Radnor 272,640 181,057 093 90,652 266,865 0 11 11 0 1 101 06 73 107,648 0 7 12 0 0 6 Totals for Wales 4,752,200 1,827,638 2,371,184 Average Rent per Statute Acre of Wales 0 7 81 0 9 112 0 2 31 Add for England as before as 32,243,200 32,502,824 Totals for England 36,995,000 34,330,462 and Wales 37,795,905 - 40,167,088 Average Rent per` Statute Acre of England and Wales 0 18 63 1 1 81/ SUMMARY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Acres. Average per Acre. Gross kental. £ s. d. ₤ England and Wales 36,995,000 1 1 8/1/20 40,167,088 Scotland (See page 186) 18,944,000 0 5 103 5.586,628 Ireland (See page 187) 20,177,446 0 13 51 13,562,946 76,116,446 59,316,662 Deductions Net Rental 563,047 58,753,615 2 R 186 RENTAL OF LAND.-(Continued.) SCOTLAND. ACCOUNT, showing the AREA of the different COUNTIES of SCOTLAND, the RENT PER ACRE of each in 1810-11, and GROSS RENTAL and RENT per Acre of each in 1842-43, as determined by the Assessments under the Property and Income Tax Acts, showing the INCREASE OF DIMINUTION of the RENT per Acre in 1842-43, as compared with that for 1810-11. COUNTIES. Imperial Acres. Rent per Acre Acre in 1810-11. Gross Rental Rent per Acre in 1842-3. in 1842-43. Increase of Rent per Acre in 1842-3 over Rent per Acre in 1810-11. Decrease of Rent per Acre in 1842-3 below Rent per Acre in 1810-11. £ S. d. Aberdeen 1,254,400 0 3 83 £ 423,389 £ S. d. 0 6 9 £ S. d. 0 3 04 £ s. d. Argyle and Isles 2,002,560 0 1 11 232,441 0 2 2 33 0 0 0 42 Ayr 664,960 0 10 11/0 390,278 0 11 83 0 1 7/ Banff 412,800 0 3 104 110,608 0 5 5 41 0 1 6 Berwick 282,880 0 16 5 237,042 0 16 93 0 0 43 Caithness 439,680 0 1 5 57,982 0 2 2 7/ Clackmannan Cromarty Dumfries 30,720 1 0 104 35,249 1 2 11/1/ 163,840 0 1 4 5,857 0 08/0 Dumbarton Edinburgh - Elgin Fife Forfar (Angus) 801,920 0 6 6 145,920 0 7 9 93 226,560 1 4 4 302,720 0 4 298,880 1 2 568,320 0 9 1 13 1/1/ 266,547 0 6 72/1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 64 72,041 0 9 102/ 0 2 03 ° | 10 || 0 0 73 61 239 189 1 1 7 0 2 103 4 14/ 84.082 0 5 5 6/1/20 0 1 52 381 572 1 5 561 0 3 3 1 312,201 0 10 11 0 1 10 Kinross Lanark Nairn Peebles Perth Haddington Inverness and Isles Kincardine Kirkcudbright Linlithgow 174,080 1 09 221,714 1 5 5 5/1/ 0 4 8 2,594,560 0 1 14 · 161,499 0 1 231 0 0 14 243,200 0 13 13 128,469 0 10 63 0 2 7 46,080 0 9 10/ 38,892 0 16 101/20 070 525.760 0 7 33 182,926 0 6 111 0 0 4 602,880 0 9 10/ 341,122 0 11 33 0 1 51 76,800 1 1 7 124,800 0 1 10/ 82,842 15.202 1 2 1 0 0 53 0 2 5 0 0 0 6/1/20 - 204,160 0 5 7/1/ 67,675 0 6 6 71 1,656,320 05 63 551,078 Renfrew Ross and Isles Roxburgh 144,000 0 17 7 152,924 1,682,560 0 1 1 120,824 457,600 0 10 1 235,041 Selkirk Stirling Sutherland Wigtown 168,320 0 4 4 83 38,714 312,960 0 11 44 181,147 1,122,560 006 288,960 0862 33,689 124,807 0 6 7 1 1 0 1 5 0 10 31 047 0 11 63 0 0 7 0 8 7/ 19-am 0 1 0 0 1 03 0 3 7 0 0 4 0 0 24 0 0 21/20 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 03 | | | 18,021,760 5,527,043 ISLANDS. Bute, Arran, &c. (Isles of Argyle, Inver- ness, and Cromarty, included in Counties.) Orkney Isles Shetland Average Rent per Imperial Acre in Scotland 103,040 0 3 74 20,597 0 3 113 0 0 42 272,000 0 0 8/2/2 547,200 0 0 3 21,431 0 1 1 63 0 0 104 17,457 0 0 0 7/ 7호 ​0 0 41/2 18,944,000 5,586,628 0 5 13 05103 0 0 94 187 RENTAL OF LAND.-(Continued.) IRELAND. TABLE of the EXTENT of the Several COUNTIES and PROVINCES of IRELAND, exclusive of Lakes, dis- tinguishing the CULTIVATED LAND from the UNIMPROVED MOUNTAIN and BoG; showing also the PROPORTION of CULTIVATED LAND in each COUNTY, assuming 1,000 to represent the total extent of Cultivated Land in Ireland; with the estimated GROSS RENTAL of the LAND in the several Counties and Provinces, and the AVERAGE RENT per Statute Acre. PROVINCES AND COUNTIES. Cultivated Acres, includ- ing Towns and Plantations. Unimproved Mountain and Bog. Total Extent of Acres, exclusive of Lakes. Proportion of Cultivated Acres, assuming 1000 as the whole cultivatedLand of Ireland. Gross Annual Average Rent Value of Land. per Acre. LEINSTER. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. ₤ Carlow 189,588 31,249 220,837 13,657 222,319 £ S. d. 1 0 11 Dublin 207,102 19,312 226,414 14,919 250,201 1 2 1 Kildare 365,565 51,854 417,419 26,334 387,401 0 18 7 Kilkenny 485,550 21,126 506,676 34,978 393,280 0 15 6 King's County 346,416 145,836 492,252 24,955 354,131 0 14 5 Longford 196.797 58,937 255,734 14,177 201,061 0 15 8 Louth. 185,490 15,603 201,093 13,362 280,650 1 7 11 Meath 560,622 16,033 576,655 40,386 703,458 1 14 5 Queen's County 355,169 69,289 424,458 25,585 202,500 0 11 11 Westmeath 374,649 56,392 431,041 26,989 387,597 0 18 0 Wexford 527,419 45,501 572,920 37,994 531,916 0 18 7 Wicklow 298,334 200,754 499,088 21,491 310,305 0 12 5 4.092.701 731,886 4,824,587 294,827 4,224.819 Average Rent per Statute Acre in 0 17 6 Leinster MUNSTER. Clare 464,041 296,033 760,074 33,428 351,582 0 9 3 Cork 1,367,577 465,889 1,833,466 98,517 1,203,936 0 13 1 Kerry 426,590 726,775 1,153,365 30,731 421,759 0 7 21 Limerick 541.210 121,101 662,311 38,987 777,386 1 3 5 Tipperary 870,025 178,183 1,048,208 62,674 1,041,214 0 19 101 Waterford 350,278 105,496 455,774 25,233 346,949 0 15 2 4,019,721 1,893,477 5 913,198 289,570 4,142,826 Average Rent per) Statute Acre in 0 14 0 Munster ULSTER. Antrim 528,166 180,423 708,589 38,048 650,509 0 18 41 Arinagh 275,017 35,117 310.134 19,812 322,673 1 0 0 9/1/20 Cavan 383,300 71,918 455,218 27,611 334,699 0 14 82/ Donegal 400,749 769,587 1,170,336 28,869 300,065 0 5 5 1 Down 530,746 78,317 609,063 38,233 607,619 0 19 11 Fermanagh 295,593 114,847 410,440 21,294 228,195 0 11 11 Londonderry 327,559 180,709 508,268 23,596 293,907 0 11 62 Monaghan 292,005 21,585 313,590 21,035 271,147 0 17 3/ Tyrone 462,977 311 867 774,844 33,352 370,075 0 9 61 3,496,112 1,764,370 5,260,482 251,850 3,378,889 Average Rent per Statute Acre in 0 12 10 Ulster CONNAUGHT. Galway 768,324 708,000 1,476.324 55,348 Leitrim 252,746 115,869 368,615 18,207 614,208 161,338 0 8 33 0 8 9 Mayo 506,795 800,111 1,306,906 36,508 400,412 0 6 13 Roscommon 448,022 130,299 578,321 $2.274 385,818 0 13 4 Sligo 297,290 151,723 449,013 21,416 254,336 0 11 4 2,273,177 1,906,002 4,179,179 163,753 1,816,112 Average Rent per Statute Acre in 0 8 81 Connaught GRAND TOTAL 13,881,711 6,295,735 20,177,446 1,000,000 13,562,646 Average Rent per Statute Acre in the Whole Kingdom - 0 13 51 A SYNOPTICAL TABLE, Showing the STATUS of the LANDED and MANUFACTURING INTERESTS in respect of the numbers Employed by and Dependent on each in the whole Population-the Relative Amount which they pay of the Direct and Local Taxation of the United Kingdom-their Capital and Annual Productions—the proportion which each supports of the remaining Classes of which Society is composed, and the numbers which they respectively contribute to the Workhouses, Hospitals, Gaols, and Lunatic Asylums of the Country. POPULATION. LANDED INTEREST. MANUFACTURERS. : CAPITAL. LANDED INTEREST. £ NUMBERS. Total of numbers em- ployed, and of all classes on them. dependent England-See Appendix, page 46 Wales 9,312,311 60 754,380 Scotland 94 1,388,596 British Isles 96 104,057 " 11,559,344 5,682,827 157,223 1,231,588 19,983 *7,091,621 18,734,468 8,091,621 +26,826,089 Scotland Ireland England-See App., p. 144 & 152 Wales 144 & 152 British Isles 144 & 152 144 & 152 144 & 152 961,585 80,395 7,275 166,009 1,595,120 479,774 99,672 138,334 2,810,384 717,780 England-See App., p. 144 & 152 Wales 144 & 152 British Isles 144 & 152 " Scotland "" Ireland 144 & 152 144 & 152 144,293 17,404 681 40,823 104,972 130,443 31,983 6,538 Ireland " 152 7,175,124 1,000,000 18,734,468 8,091,621 8,091,621 Value of the Land, at 25 years' purchase, of the annual rental of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, £58,753,615 (see Appendix, page 185), about • Farmers' Capital employed in the cultivation of the soil, independent of the stock on hand at all times of cattle, grain, &c., £5 : ị £6 per acre on 46,522,970 acres (see page 35), about Stock in hand- About 7,500,000 head of Cattle 31,000,000 Sheep and Lambs TOTAL +26,826,089 1,500,000 Horses £50,000,000 value of Timber (See pages 42 to 44) 250,000,000 • England-See Appendix, page 46 1,157,816 EMPLOYMENT. See also Summary, page 143.) Wales Scotland British Isles 60 103,632 943,998 19,517 94 96 229,337 8,493 220,171 On an average, three months' stock of Grain, Seeds, Hay and other produce always on hand 1,631 1,499.278 1185.317 Ireland 143 & 152 1,844,929 300,000 3,344,207 1,485,317 England-See Appendix, page 46 ALL OTHER Wales 60 81,54,495 650,748 "> CLASSES DEPENDENT ON THE FOREGOING. Scotland 94 British Isles Ireland 96 140 & 152 1,159,259 95,564 5,310,195 4,738,829 137,706 1,011,417 CAPITAL. 18,352 700,000 MANUFACTURING INTEREST. 15,390,261 6,606,304 *8,091,621 Cotton Woollen See page 69 £ 24,500,000 79 16,500,000 Total number dependent on those employed Linen 83 "" 7,000,000 Silk 90 "" 4,000,000 Lace 92 2,000,000 SEX AND AGE. Males (employed). Above 20 in Great Britain, and 15 in Ireland. Males (employed). Under 20 in Great Britain and 15 in Ireland. TOTAL EMPLOYED AND DEPENDENT Hose 92 1,000,000 All other articles 92 པ 23,000,000 دو £78,000,000 1500,000,000 250,000,000 2000,000,000 MINING INTEREST. Number of Males and Females employed in Mines 308,173 168,964 Capital invested See Appendix, page 163 196,921 See page 100 £28,723,000 3,118,557 886,744 886,744 Annual Profits £ 2,872,000 Females (employed). 20 years of age and upwards in Great Britain and 15 in Ireland. Females (employed). Under 20 years of age in Gt. Britain, and 15 in Ireland. Total males actually employed England Wales British Isles Scotland 4,005,301 " 99 England-See App., p. 144 & 152 Wales 144 & 152 British Isles Scotland Ireland 144 & 152 144 & 152 144 & 152 43,264 5,096 499 17,380 126,325 191,968 53,894 *542,384 192,654 788,246 144 & 152 دو 144 & 152 144 & 152 8,584 737 38 121,911 SHIPPING INTEREST. Number of Vessels belonging to the British Empire on the 31st December, 1844 Total Tonnage of the Vessels Number of Men and Boys employed Capital invested • པ 144 & 152 Ireland 144 & 152 5,125 18,512 99 31,261 37,765 Annual profits "" 31,320 3,637,231 See Appendix, page 168 See page 106 216,350 £36,372,310 £ 3,637,231 32,996 225,650 190,937 979,183 979,183 1,204,833 425,021 779,812 Deduct for reasons given at page 152 in the Appendix Total of Females actually employed TOTAL OF BOTH SEXES EMPLOYED 4,785,113 * This is 44,411 more than is given in the Government Abstract. + Exclusive of 5,016 travelling on the night of the Census. TAXATION. DIRECT AND LOCAL-(PAID BY THE LAND). From which deduct the value of the raw material Annual value of the productions of the Mining Interest Annual value of the profits of the Shipping Interest Annual Income from Colonies, about Annual Income from Foreign Trade Annual Income from Fisheries, about Total. ANNUAL PRODUCTIONS. Annual value of Agricultural productions Annual value of Manufacturing productions • See pages 42 and 44 £ 250,000,000 See page 92 £177,184,292 £50,000,000 See page 100 127,184,292 36,121,000 106 "" 3,637,231 108 15,000,000 15,000,000 3,000,000 £449,942,523 ENGLAND. WALES. SCOTLAND. BRITISH ISLES. IRELAND. TOTAL. INTERESTS SUPPORTED. Land Tax Tithes Property Tax on Land Poor and County Rates Highway Rates Church Turnpike Trusts • Property Tax on Dwelling Houses on other Property £ 1,816,312 1,786,942 173,388 1,102,380 69,160 4,291,002 305.819 £ 42,612 £ 47,954 £ No return. £ 162,948 106,546 £ 1,906,878 500,000 2,460,330 1,334,488 1,011,320 5,714,687 The considerations which attach to each of the undermentioned will be seen on reference to the Appendix. • See Appendix 730,884 35,970 325,721 11,405 879,163 59,892 618,405 13,461 32,517 166,349 21,664 8,199 *11,717,158 733,371 358,164 page 47. page 61. page 95. No return. 766,854 337,126 "" "" 939,055 BY THE BY THE MANUFACTURING LANDED INTEREST. 664,383 INTEREST. 196,212 "" 1,511,329 14,320,013 Professional Persons See Appendix, page 174 61,559 19,540 Other Educated Persons 175 " 125,076 page 96. 50,420 page 139. page 141. Persons returned as Independent 176 402,679 Persons engaged in the Government Civil Service Parochial, Town, and Church Officers 108,709 177 16,811 5,068 178 29,102 9,106 DIRECT AND LOCAL—(PAID BY THE MANUFACTURERS). Domestic Servants 179 1,114 769 379,353 Labourers 180 346,909 249,227 Almspeople, Pensioners, Paupers, Lunatics, and Prisoners 181 180,974 34,127 ENGLAND. WALES. SCOTLAND. BRITISH ISLES. IRELAND. TOTAL. And respectively contribute to the inmates of the following Insti- tutions in the following proportions:- £ £ Poor and County Rate. 2,183,534 62,250 £ 111,715 £ No return. £ 403,536 £ 2,761,035 every 10,000 Out of engaged in AGRICULTURE. Out of every 10,000 Out of every 10,000 Highway Rate engaged in MANUFACtures. • 394,894 6,407 No return. 401,301 Church Turnpike Trusts 141,209 2,130 "" "" 143,339 Workhouses 513,871 14,356 See Appendix, page 181 30.4 33.7 "" 99 528,227 Property Tax on Dwelling Houses 400,851 "" on other Property 117,354 Total 3,751,713 3,996 3,982 20,308 93,121 184,627 Hospitals 5:0 52,604 "" 8.2 457,451 " Gaols 11.1 " 141,644 "" 22.0 "" Lunatic Asylums 4.5 7.2 403,536 | 4,432,997 See Appendix page 47. page 61. page 95. page 96. page 139. page 141. * This is the actual amount paid by the Landed Interest; but it differs from that given in the pages to which reference is made, in consequence of the omission of the Property Tax on Land in the tables for the counties of Northumberland and Nottingham, and the omission of the fractional parts of £1 in the divisions and subdivisions of the numerous calculations given in the tables. The Endowments of the Church INVESTMENTS IN LAND. Three-fourths of the property belonging to all the Charitable Institutions of the empire. (See Appendix, page 183) ? ! } t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY DATE DUE DAUS 2.25 M12 1973 DAGE 22% 1933 MODD H 8 1974- JUL 2 5 1974 1974 JUL 7 1975 [ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN } ***** མ་་ } - 3 9015 03046 5192 | TYPE BOOK CARD DO NOT REMOVE A Charge will be made if this card is mutilated or not returned with the book GRADUATE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN AUTHOR NOWMORd GL DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD M-811634