► C 455,520 Aeronautical Systems Division AEROSPACE STRUCTURAL METALS HANDBOOK VOLUME I FERROUS ALLOYS Syracuse University Press Syracuse University Research Institute. AEROSPACE STRUCTURAL METALS HANDBOOK VOLUME I FERROUS ALLOYS MARCH 1963 DIRECTORATE OF MATERIALS AND PROCESSES AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS DIVISION AIR FORCE SYSTEMS COMMAND WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OHIO PROJECT NO. 7381, TASK NO. 73810 DOCUMENTS SECTION (PREPARED UNDER CONTRACT NO. AF 33(616)-7792 BY SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY. RESEARCH INSTITUTE, SYRACUSE, NEW YORK, V. WEISS AND J.G.SESSLER,EDITORS) SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY PRESS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES Engin. Library UC 6 3 3 SUNS vil , NOTICES When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely related Government procurement operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data, is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. Certain portions of this Handbook are reproduced from copyrighted publications with permission of the respective copyright owners. Certain alloy identifying names used are trademarked. No repro~ duction of copyrighted material and no use of trademarked names may be made without the express permission of the copyright or trademark owners. Copies of this Handbook may be purchased on order from Syracuse University Press, Box 87 University Station, Syracuse 10, New York. This document has not been released to the Office of Technical Services in stock quantities for sale to the general public. Po AEROSPACE STRUCTURAL METALS HANDBOOK Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp. G. N. Aggen A. G. Cook T. T. Magel J. R. Miller J. L. Nock Alloy Casting Institute E. A. Schoefer Aluminum Association D. M. White Aluminum Co. of America D. M. Guy H. J. Morales American Iron and Steel Institute J. W. Sullivan Armco Steel Corp. J. N. Barnett Babcock and Wilcox Co. R. C. Angell EDITORIAL FERROUS ALLOYS R.V. JELINEK V. G. KOROLENKO B. A.WASIL V. WEISS, EDITOR J. G. SESSLER, ASSOCIATE EDITOR The Bendix Corp. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL R. D. ZIEMER, TECHNICAL COORDINATOR Boeing Co. J. A. Grodrian Beryllium Corp. J. R. Steele VOLUME I CONTRIBUTORS CONSULTING E. E. Bauer R. E. Regan Brush Beryllium Co. B. King COOPERATING ORGANIZATIONS Carpenter Steel Co. G. Brumbach D. Enkerud Chance-Vought Corp. R. F. Ringham W. F. BROWN, JR. S. S. MANSON Climax Molybdenum Co. J. Z. Briggs EDITORS Cobalt Information Center F. R. Morral DRAFTING G.F. HAVER B.S. HOWDEN J.W.PATCHEN U.TEWARI Curtiss-Wright Corp. S. Morykwas SECRETARIAL Crucible Steel Co. of America R. C. Durstein J. P. Jones R. T. Morelli L. BISHOP J. HAWKINS 1. SCHEVEN C. STUART Defense Metals Information Center Battelle Memorial Institute F. J. Barone H. Brown Dow Chemical Co. H. Baker M. E. Brooks Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc. Aircraft Division J. S. Dunning Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. A. B. Michael General Electric Co. W. G. Baxter B. D. Bowen H. G. Popp E. W. Ross G. J. Wile General Motors Corp. D. K. Hanink Great Lakes Steel Corp. C. L. Altenburger A. J. Block Haynes Stellite Co. Division of Union Carbide Corp. S. J. McCracken K. F. Tupper International Nickel Co., Inc. C. C. Clark T. E. Kihlgren K. D. Millis B. B. Payne iii International Nickel Co., Inc. Huntington Alloy Products Division M. P. Buck Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. R. T. Myer Kaiser Fleetwings, Inc. W. J. Wilson Ladish Co. C. K. David C. A. Furgason Lockheed Aircraft Corp. J. E. Baumrucker V. E. Dress E. A. Green F. Rosenthal G. G. Wald S. M. Weiman Mellon Institute G. K. Bhat Misco Precision Casting Co. R. J. Wilcox Nitralloy Corp. C. F. Floe North American Aviation, Inc. P. S. Maynard Nuclear Metals, Inc. S. H. Gelles Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division of United Aircraft Corp. R. L. Tribelhorn Republic Steel Corp. E. S. Bower J. E. Fogarty G. W. Hinkle S. J. Matas H. P. Munger D. H. Ruhnke J. Savas Reynolds Metals Co. W. E. Kelly Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. R. G. Glass Southern Research Institute J. D. Morrison Special Metals, Inc. I. S. Servi Standard Pressed Steel Co. A. C. Hood Thiokol Chemical Co. W. Hughes Timken Roller Bearing Co. E. S. Rowland C. P. Weigel Titanium Metals Corp. of America E. F. Erbin H. D. Kessler W. W. Minkler United States Steel Corp. J. R. Hamilton D. W. Kinsey A. W. MacLaren Universal-Cyclops Steel Corp. R. W. Koffler G. A. Liadis C. P. Mueller A. Nagy Vanadium-Alloys Steel Co. J. C. Hamaker, Jr. Vanadium Corp. of America T. W. Merrill WaiMet Alloys Co. R. J. Dvorak G. J. Grott G. D. Haley Watertown Arsenal J. I. Bluhm N. L. Reed Westinghouse Electric Corp. V. J. Lazar J. R. Schenck iv FOREWORD The "Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook" was prepared by Syracuse University under USAF Contract No. AF 33(616)‑7792. The contract was initiated under Project No. 7381, Task No. 738103 and was administered under the direction of the Directorate of Materials and Processes, Deputy for Technology, Aeronautical Systems Division, with Mr. George C. Young acting as project engineer. V ABSTRACT This revised edition entitled "Aerospace Structural Metals Hand- book," contains physical, chemical and mechanical property informa- tion on 138 metals and alloys of interest for aerospace structural applications. The Handbook appears in two volumes; Volume I, 'Fer- rous Alloys' and Volume II, 'Non-Ferrous Alloys,' each volume self- contained in a loose-leaf, standard 3 post binder. Volume I contains 56 ferrous alloys and Volume II contains 82 non-ferrous alloys. Format and content have been improved by the addition of source references and the establishment of alloy and property code systems. Periodic revision and updating of alloy chapters are planned for the future. General discussion of properties, abbreviations, a glossary of heating and heat treating terms, a definition of fracture toughness and a cross index of alloys are included. This document supercedes ARDC-TR-59-66 and its Supplement. PUBLICATION REVIEW This report has been reviewed and is approved. FOR THE COMMANDER: → C C D. A. SHINN Chief, Materials Information Branch Applications Laboratory Directorate of Materials & Processes vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The information assembled in this Handbook has been obtained primarily from metal alloy producers' printed and unprinted data sheets, Air Force and other government agency technical reports and reports issued by information centers such as the Defense Metals Information Center (DMIC). In addition, data was acquired from professional society publications, aircraft companies, airengine manufacturers and fabricators of components. The sources of data for each alloy are referenced at the end of each alloy chapter. The Handbook is the result of cooperative efforts of Syracuse University personnel, the Consulting Editors Messrs. W. F. Brown, Jr. and S. S. Manson, a number of individuals from various companies and representatives of the Materials Information Branch, Aeronautical Systems Division of the United States Air Force. The editorial staff is indebted to the many persons who have contributed to the generation of the Handbook. Contributions to the present edition are acknowledged on the contributors' page. Acknowledgement is also made to the many individuals and organizations that participated in generating the first edition of the Handbook, entitled "Air Weapons Materials Application Handbook, Metals and Alloys" (ARDC-TR-59-66), and its supplement (AFSC Supplement I to ARDC-TR-59-66). Their names appear on the contributors' page of the respective editions. VII CONTRIBUTORS FOREWORD ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES O. INTRODUCTION I. GENERAL FERROUS ALLOYS 2. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 3. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 4. FABRICATION Volume I - Ferrous Alloys 1. 2. CARBON AND LOW ALLOY STEELS (FeC) 3. (Alloys in numerical sequence by Alloy Code number) ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEELS (FeUH) 1. 2. Fe-(0.1C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn-0.3 Ni-0. 11P CONTENTS Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0. 2Mo-0.1Zr. Fe-(0.39C)-1. 1Cr-1Co-1Si-0.7Mn-0. 25Mo-0.15V Fe-(0.4C) -1Cr-0.2Mo..... 4. Fe-(0.3C) -1. 8Ni-0.8Cr-0.4Mo-0.07V 5. Fe-(0.35C) -1.8Ni-0. 8Cr-0.35Mo-0. 2V 6. Fe-(0.4C) -1.8Ni-0.8Cr-0. 25Mo 7. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fe-(0.30C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 8. 9. Fe-(0.1C)-3. 25 Ni-1. 2Cr-0.1Mo Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V.. Fe-(1C)-1.45Cr. Fe-(0.3C)-0.55 Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo • 1. Fe-18Cr-8Ni 2. 10. 11. Fe-(0.28C) -1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-MoTiAl 21. Fe-9Ni-4Co-CrMoV.. Fe-(0.43C)-0.9Cr-0.75 Ni-0.5Mo+V+B Fe-(0.46C) -1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55 Ni Fe-(0.25C)-1. 8Ni-1.5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo Fe-(0.4C)-1.6Cr-1.1Al-0.6Mn-0.35Mo Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1.6Si-0.5Mo-0.05V... AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEELS (Fe A) Fe-18Cr-9Ni+S or Se Fe-(Low C) -19Cr-10Ni Fe-18Cr-12Ni Fe-25Cr-20Ni · Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si 7. Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo 8. Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 9. Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Ch 10. 11. Fe-(0.43C)-1.8Ni-1.6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. Mo-0.4V Fe-(0.5C)-CrMoWV • ·· • • • • Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1.5Mo-1.5W • . • Fe-(0.1C)-17Cr-15Mn-5Ni-2Mo-0.75V-0.35N • .. Page iii V vi vii ALLOY NAME ·· I 3 .. CorTen NAX AC 9115 • • 34 ·· 4 5 8 4140 4330 V Mod 4335 V Mod 4340(4337) 4130 4137 Co 52100 8630 E 9310 17-22 A(S) 17-22 A(V) USS Strux D-6-A HY-Tuf Nitralloy 135 mod X-200 300-M 5Cr-Ultra High Strength Steel Vasco MA 18 Ni Maraging 9Ni-4Co Types 301 and 302 Types 303, 303Se Types 304, 304L Type 305 Types 310, 310 S Type 314 Types 316 and 317 Type 321 Types 347 and 348 . 17-5 MnV 19-9 DL and 19-9 DX • • ALLOY CODE 1101 1102 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 ix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MARTENSITIC STAINLESS STEELS (Fe M) Fe-(Low C)-12Cr Fe-(Med C)-13Cr Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0.8Ni-0.25V. Fe-(High C)-17Cr-0.5Mo 7. 8. 6. 1. 2. Fe-17Cr-7 Ni-1 Al 3. 4. 5. Volume I Ferrous Alloys - GOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ö • • Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni Fe-12Cr-1Mo-0.65 Ni-0.3V Fe-13Cr-3W-2Ni Fe-17Cr-7 Ni.. Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu AGE HARDENING STEEL (FeAH) • • • Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo · • • CONTENTS • • • NICKEL CHROMIUM STEELS (FeNC) • • • Fe-15.5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo Fe-(0.3C) -18.5Cr-9.5 Ni-3. 5Mn Fe-25 Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn-1.3Mo-0.3V Fe-20Ni-20Cr-20Co-3Mo-2.5W-1Cb Fe-20Ni-20Cr-20Co-4Cb-4Mo-4W Fe-25 Ni-14Cr-3M-1.77i Fe-16Cr-15 Ni-7.5Mn-6Mo-0.35N Fe-25 Ni-16Cr-6Mo Fe-34Ni-20Cr..... • • • 7. 8. Fe-25.5 Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.3V -0.25 AI APPENDICES ABBREVIATIONS GLOSSARY OF HEATING AND HEAT TREATING TERMS FRACTURE TOUGHNESS CROSS INDEX OF ALLOYS • ALLOY NAME Types 403, 410, 416 Type 420 Type 422 431 + Type 440 A, B and C USS-12MOV Greek Ascaloy Stainless W ... · 17-4 PH 17-7 PH PH 15-7 Mo • • • AM-350 AM-355 HNM •• • • A-286 N-155 S-590 Discaloy 16-15-6 16-25-6 Incoloy V-57 ALLOY CODE 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 APPENDIX ABCO с X INTRODUCTION The first edition of the "Air Weapons Materials Application Handbook, Metals and Alloys" was completed in December 1959 and identified as ARDC-TR-59-66. This document contained information on the properties of 93 metals and alloys considered to be of primary importance for the design and production of air weapons systems. The first edition of the Handbook was produced under the direction of the late Dr. George Sachs, Editor, assisted by Professor R. Ford Pray, Associate Editor. The development of the format and the successful completion of the first edition were due primarily to their unceasing interest and efforts. Dr. Sachs clearly recognized the urgent need for the type of information Handbook that was developed, to the extent that he devoted all of his comprehensive knowledge of the field of metallurgy almost exclusively to this task. The editors of the present edition sincerely acknowledge the many contributions of Dr. Sachs and Professor Pray which continue to reflect their wisdom and foresight. In August 1962, AFSC Supplement I to ARDC-TR-59-66 was completed. The Supplement contained information on 39 additional metals and alloys with primary emphasis on refractory metals. The present revised version of the Handbook replaces the first edition and its supplement. The title has been changed to "Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook" in recognition of the increasing demand on metals and alloys for critical aerospace applications. Information on 6 additional alloys has been added to the Handbook, resulting in a total of 138 alloys; 56 ferrous and 82 non-ferrous. A number of the existing alloys have been revised and updated. The Handbook is presented in two volumes: Volume I Volume II - - Ferrous Alloys Non-Ferrous Alloys Each volume is self-contained in a loose-leaf, hard cover, standard 3 post binder. The use of a loose-leaf binder was chosen to allow the insertion of new or revised alloy chapters at periodic intervals in the future. The format and content of the Handbook have been improved by the addition of original source references at the end of each alloy chapter, the establishment of alloy and property code systems to aid in the consistent presentation of property data in the Handbook, the addition 1 of a new category (fracture toughness) of current interest and impor- tance and the use of alloy code numbers and index tabs for ease of indexing and accessibility to contents. WP In addition, the features of the first edition and its supplement considered to be helpful to users of the Handbook are retained. These include a General Discussion of Properties, List of Abbreviations, Glossary of Heating and Heat Treating Terms, a Discussion of Frac- ture Toughness and a Cross Index of Alloys. 2 0. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 0.01 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 0.02 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this section is to introduce to the reader the systems used in the classification and identification of the alloys listed herein and the organization of data on these alloys as presented in this Handbook. The pertinent facts regarding reliability and significance of these data as well as the definitions for certain terms and processes are also included in this discussion. Alloy Classification The alloys are listed in the Handbook according to specific alloy groups, and each group is assigned an alloy code series. For example, in Volume I (Ferrous Alloys), the first alloy group listed in the Table of Contents is Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (FeC), alloy code series 1100. Within each group individual alloys are assigned an alloy code number starting with the first number of the series. Thus, "Corten," the first low alloy steel listed is assigned alloy code number 1101, "NAX AC 9115" is assigned alloy code 1102, etc: The code number appears at the bottom of each page of every alloy chapter along with the page number. Alloy chapters are inserted into the handbook binder in numerical sequence (according to alloy code number) thus providing a rapid means of locating a desired alloy. An outline of the alloy code series sequence is given below. FERROUS ALLOYS Category Carbon and Low Alloy Steels (FeC) Ultra High Strength Steels (FeUH) Austenitic Stainless Steels (FeA) Martensitic Stainless Steels (FeM) Age Hardening Steels (FeAH) Nickel Chromium Steels (FeNC) Future Expansion (Ferrous Alloys) NON-FERROUS ALLOYS Aluminum Alloys (AIC) Aluminum Alloys (AIWT) Aluminum Alloys (AlWN) Magnesium Alloys (MgC) Magnesium Alloys (MgWT) Magnesium Alloys (MgWN) Titanium Alloys (Ti) Future Expansion (Low Density Alloys) Nickel Base Alloys (<5% Co)(Ni) Nickel Base Alloys (>5% Co)(NiCo) Cobalt Base Alloys (Co) Future Expansion (Ni, Co, Cr Alloys) Beryllium Alloys (Be) Columbium (Niobium) Alloys (Cb) Molybdenum Alloys (Mo) Tantalum Alloys (Ta) Tungsten Alloys (W) Vanadium Alloys (V) Zirconium Alloys (Zr) Code Series 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 to 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 to 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 to 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5700 Alloy Identification Alloys are identified primarily by chemical composition, and each particular alloy is designated by its major element followed by the minor elements in decreasing order of percentage by weight. When two or more elements are present in equal quantity they are listed alphabetically. Impurities are neglected. Minor elements are given only when intentionally introduced and when their percentage is not definitely established they appear at the end of the designation without a percentage figure. When this system is applied to steels certain problems arise. Where carbon has a paramount influence on the mechanical properties it is listed immediately after iron. Otherwise, ferritic steels are designated as low carbon (Low C), medium carbon (Med C) and high carbon (High C) grades. Minor elements in steels such as silicon, manganese, sulfur, 0.021 0.022 0.03 etc. are not given unless their addition is particularly designed to yield special mechanical properties. In addition to the above system of identification the common- ly used systems such as AISI and the most widely used trade name are indicated on each page. Additional desig- nations and trade names are listed in the data sheets under Commercial Designations (Section 1.01) and Alternate Designations (Section 1.02). To further facilitate the location of a particular alloy a cross-index is given as Appendix D which provides a cross reference of major designations and trade names. Data Organization The data for each alloy are presented according to a definite alloy property code system designed for the pur- pose of this Handbook. A topical outline of the property code is given below: 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.024 2.025 2.03 2.04 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 3.0211 3.022 3.0221 3.023 3.024 3.025 3.026 3.027 3.0271 3.0272 3.028 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.032 3.0321 GENERAL Commercial Designation Alternate Designations Specifications Composition Heat Treatment Hardness (Formerly Hardenability) Forms and Conditions Available Melting and Casting Practice Special Considerations PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes Time-temperature-transformation diagrams Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion Specific heat Thermal diffusivity Other Physical Properties Density Electrical properties Magnetic properties Emissivity Damping capacity Chemical Properties Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Tem- perature Tension Stress strain diagrams Compression Stress strain diagrams Impact Bending Torsion and shear Bearing Stress concentration Notch properties Fracture toughness (See Appendix C) Combined properties Mechanical Properties at Various Tem- peratures Tension Stress strain diagrams Compression Stress strain diagrams The property code data classification system described above has recently been revised. It is planned that all alloy chapters will eventually be arranged in accordance with this system. However, a number of alloy chapters in this volume do not as yet conform to the above property code system except with respect to the major headings. 3 1. 1.01 1.011 1.012 1.02 1.021 1.022 1.03 1.031 1.032 1.033 1.04 1.041 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 3.033 3.034 Impact Bending 3.035 Torsion and shear 3.036 3.037 3.0371 3.0372 3.038 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 4. 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 Bearing Stress concentration Notch properties Fracture toughness (See Appendix C) Combined properties Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Poisson's ratio Modulus of elasticity Modulus of rigidity FABRICATION Formability Machining and Grinding Welding Heat Treatment Surface Treatment GENERAL A brief description of the alloy as well as various informa- tion of general interest is reported under this heading. Commercial Designation The preferred commercial designation for an alloy may come from one of many different sources and they may be altered from time to time. Generally, the most pertinent name is given. Wherever possible, this name is the same as used in other reference publications such as the Aero- nautical Materials Specifications (AMS). In the case of some proprietary alloys, an abbreviation of the actual name is in common usage. It should be noted that the identifying names used may be trademark names with all rights thereto retained by the appropriate company. In this case, the names have been used for cross reference and identifying purposes only. The reader should be governed by trademark rules in his usage of such names, and should contact the appropriate company owning the trademark if there be any question concerning their use. Alternate Designations The alternate designations include proprietary names and other frequently encountered names. Since it is impossi- ble to list all designations, only those which are frequently encountered in literature and various reports are used. A complete cross index of all alloy names used is presented in Appendix D. Specifications The basic specifications used in this handbook are the Aeronautical Material Specifications (AMS) of the Society of Automotive Engineers since these are the most complete in regard to new alloys. In addition, Military Specifica- tions and, occasionally, Federal Specifications are included. It is not possible here to refer to all the numerous speci- fications in existence. Producers also frequently supply limited lists of specifi- cations on request and these are reported in certain instances. A cross index of specifications included is available in Appendix D. Composition The chemical compositions reported are primarily those given in AMS, and are complemented by those specified by the producers and other sources whenever it appeared necessary. The allowable variations in chemical composition of an alloy are one of the major stipulations of a specification. However, for any given alloy, the chemistry may differ slightly in different specifications and considerable over- lapping may occur either in specifications for different C 1.042 1.05 1.051 1.06 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.07 1.08 1.081 1.082 1.09 2. forms or those of different agencies. Certain elements normally listed in specifications may include other elements which have a similar effect on the properties but which are difficult to isolate. Outstanding examples are nickel, which usually includes cobalt, and columbium (niobium) which usually includes tantalum. The practice of separately reporting such elements is not yet in general use and is not employed in this handbook. Heat Treatment The general meaning of this term as it is used in this hand- book includes both hardening and softening treatments. A given heat treatment may be designated in several ways. In some cases the designation refers to the process and in others to the result produced by the process. Since a clear understanding of heat treating terms is important, a Glossary of Heating and Heat Treating Terms is given in Appendix B. Hardness The term hardness is used here as a measure of the ability of an alloy to resist indentation or permanent deformation. In general, hardness is related to alloy strength character- istics and, therefore, a scale of hardness can be utilized to describe an alloy's response to strengthening by heat treat- ment and/or cold work. Data on the effect of any given parameter on hardness is given in this section. The depth to which an alloy will harden under definite cool ing conditions is considered to be as important as the actual hardness value. The property that determines the depth and distribution of hardness is called "hardenability." High hardenability indicates hardening through the section. Although this term is normally applied to quenched ferritic steels, it appears well suited for general usage. For measuring the hardenability of heat treated ferritic steels two methods are generally used. Hardenability curves relate to the hardness distribution along the axis of a cylinder which has been water quenched on one end face only, (e.g. Jominy end-quench test for steels). More complete information is obtained by quenching cylinders of various diameters and determining the resulting hardness variation across their diameters. The more common method of hardening alloys is by heat treatment, although cold work or combinations of cold work and heat treatment are also employed. The response of different alloys to hardening by heat treatment and/or cold work is dependent upon a number of factors such as chemical composition, thermal treatments, cooling rates (and time delays), microstructure, simul- taneous transformations or aging and others. Forms and Conditions Available Only very condensed information is given regarding the availability of an alloy in its various forms, section sizes and conditions. Complete availability information may be obtained from the Producer or Supplier. Melting and Casting Practice Brief statements regarding the melting and casting practices normally employed for the alloy are included here. Further information may be obtained from the Producer or Supplier. Melting. Melting techniques used by the producers of the alloy are given, when available, to call attention to the effect of melting procedures on physical or mechanical properties. - Casting. Casting techniques and castability ratings for cast alloys are discussed where they appear to be of interest for the selection of an alloy. If available, pertinent miscellaneous information is added. Special Considerations This section of each alloy chapter includes a few remarks regarding particular problems encountered which require special consideration. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES In reporting physical properties of metals and alloys the common British units are generally used by the Armed 4 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.013 2.014 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES Forces and industry in this country and this system is followed here. Where several such units exist, those standardized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers have been preferred, and their abbreviations have been used. A Symbols and Technical Abbreviations list is given in Appendix A. Unfortunately, most reports of physical properties do not give the form and condition of the material. This may explain part of the differences between the published values for certain properties. When values of physical properties are given without mentioning the test temperature, the values apply to room temperature. In some cases the determination of this property requires measurements at two or more tempera- tures (e. g. thermal expansion). These temperatures, unless otherwise indicated, are room temperature and 212 F, or in the range from room temperature to 212 F. Usually, the difference in values for any one temperature in this range is less than the uncertainty of the value itself. Thermal Properties Thermal properties of metals include the melting range, phase changes, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, specific heat, and where available, diffusivity, emis- sivity and dimensional changes on heat treating. Melting range of many alloys is not well known and the values given are generally only approximate. The upper value as a rule relates to full melting (liquidus) and the lower value to the beginning of melting (solidus). The actual beginning of melting may be important, as it deter- mines the maximum temperature to which the alloy may be heated without damage. However, it is frequently not well known because of the great influence of small changes in composition. Co Phase changes occur in nearly all commercial alloys. The phase change reported under this heading is transfor- mation of the matrix, i. e. of the major phase of the alloy, from one crystal structure into another. The most common and significant transformation is that of all ferritic steels and also of many so called austenitic steels, from the high temperature phase, austenite, to the low temperature phase. The critical temperatures for the beginning and the end of the phase change are designated respectively as A A3 and A A₁. Because the reaction is sluggish these tempera- tures may differ on heating and cooling. A3 and Arl refer to transformations during cooling and Ac1 and Ac3 refer to transformations during heating. On fast cooling the reaction also may be suppressed and martensitic fer- rite may form at relatively low temperatures, between M and M. Also, in stainless steels, martensite may not form during cooling, but may result from plastic 1 deformation. Similar transformations occur in other alloys, particularly that from the alpha to the beta phase in titanium alloys. Isothermal transformation diagrams (also called time- temperature-transformation diagrams, T-T-T diagrams, or S curves) enable the user to estimate how an alloy will respond to cooling from the austenite (or solution treat) temperature range. Where available these diagrams are included in this handbook. Thermal conductivity values are reported in the literature in a variety of units. The following units are used here, Btu ft per (hr sq ft F). Thermal expansion is usually reported for the temperature range which excludes dimensional changes associated with matrix transformations. It is also reported in a variety of ways, and the system selected here is that used most frequently. The mean coefficient of linear expansion is given for the range from room temperature to another temperature, and plotted as a function of this latter temper- ature. To obtain the total expansion from room to a par- ticular temperature the value at this temperature is mul- tiplied by the difference between the temperature in ques- tion and room temperature. This procedure answers automatically the frequently raised question of how the curve is used at temperatures below room temperature. The value of expansion in the curves is always positive, but the temperature difference is then negative, and, hence, the total expansion becomes, correctly, negative. 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Specific heat. The English units used in this document are Btu per (lb F). Thermal diffusivity is defined as thermal conductivity divided by density and heat capacity, where heat capacity is usually taken as the value of specific heat at constant pressure. The units employed here for thermal diffusivity are ft²/hr. Other Physical Properties Under this heading all properties are assembled except thermal, chemical, nuclear and mechanical, Density is given, as the only exception, in both British units and in metric units, since both are widely used. Electrical resistivity is another property reported in a large variety of units. The unit used here is microhm-in. Magnetic properties. Only limited information on the magnetic properties of the various forms and conditions, is presented here. Chemical Properties These include the resistance to various types of environ- ments, except those encountered in nuclear reactors. Chemical properties are, arbitrarily, assembled under two subheadings, Corrosion resistance and Oxidation resistance. Corrosion resistance. The discussion of corrosion re- sistance in this handbook is by necessity very short and primarily concerned with phenomena adverse to struc- tural applications. Among these are: (a) the general corrosion resistance in certain liquid media at low and elevated temperatures; (b) special types of corrosion, such as galvanic and intergranular corrosion; (c) the deterioration and resulting brittle behavior induced by stresses in corrosive environments, called variously stress corrosion, stress corrosion cracking and stress cracking, depending on the resulting effect rather than on any real physical difference; and, (d) hydrogen embrittle- ment of steels and titanium alloys. Oxidation resistance. The term oxidation resistance is used here not only for the effect of oxidizing atmosphere, but also of any other kind of gaseous environment at comparatively high temperatures and particularly at service temperatures. Nuclear Properties This general term is used as a heading for any property or property change which is significant for the use of the particular alloy in nuclear reactor construction. These include: (a) the nuclear cross section, (b) various effects of irradiation, (c) corrosion phenomena in reactors, and (d) the application of grades having different chemistry, etc. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES The properties presented in this chapter include all mechanical properties, including elastic constants and tangent and secant moduli. The chapter is subdivided into 6 sections. All strength quantities are given in ksi, i. e. thousand pounds per square inch. This is already established practice in design, except for elastic properties. Most of the data reported apply to the various forms commer- cially available and to standardized processing conditions. No attempt has been made to describe the results of ex- perimental processes and heat treatments. However, because preference is given to alloys of current interest and to their elevated temperature performance, many current heat treatments may undergo changes in the near future. In addition, the necessity for forming and welding many structural parts has led to special processing con- ditions and these will probably increase in the future. Problems of this nature are also discussed to some extent under FABRICATION (See Section 4). Specified Mechanical Properties Although this document is primarily a source of information and not a design handbook, an attempt has been made to include specified properties from certain sources. These 5 3.012 3.02 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES sources are the AMS, the producers' data sheets and occasionally consumers' specifications. In addition, many specified properties will be subject to future changes, particularly in regard to the effect of testing temperature. Although some specifications involve other than room tem- perature properties, room temperature mechanical properties are the core of acceptance specifications. These are of two types, (a) minimum and, occasionally, maximum values for design purposes, and (b) limiting values for forming purposes. It is beyond the scope of this handbook to describe the test methods used to deter- mine these properties. Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures are specified in a number of instances and are given in this section. AMS, in particular, frequently specifies a special creep rupture test for smooth and notched specimens. Smooth specimens are sometimes required to withstand a specified stress and temperature for a minimum time. If rupture does not occur within this time the test is continued until rupture occurs either maintaining the same stress or increasing the stress. In either case the specimen must exhibit a specified mini- mum elongation at rupture. In certain cases a combination notch and, smooth specimen is used having equal notched and smooth areas. Such specimens are required to with- stand a specified stress and temperature for a minimum time. If rupture does not occur within this time the test is continued either maintaining the same stress or increas- ing the stress, according to a specified schedule. Rupture is required to occur in the smooth section and minimum values of rupture elongation are specified. Bending properties sometimes specified by AMS are omitted in this document. The procedure now generally established is different from that used by the AMS and the resulting values cannot be converted (see 4.011 also). Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature These properties are most significant for certain classes of alloys, used primarily within a temperature range where they are structurally stable and not susceptible to creep. In such instances, most of the data on typical mech- anical properties will be found in this section, with the exception of those for fatigue strength and elastic properties which are discussed separately. For alloys used predom- inantly at elevated temperatures the room temperature value of any specific property is only one of a series of values at different temperatures. Therefore, for these alloys information on typical room temperature properties is included in the data for various temperatures, see 3.03. The room temperature data are typical values. They are presumably representative of material in present commer- cial production. There exists no yardstick to completely evaluate the reliability of reported typical values. How- ever, several criteria are useful in this respect, namely (a) comparison of similar data from different sources, (b) the extent of scattering, (c) the volume of data, and (d) (in the case of very limited data) a comparison with some other property, such as that of compressive to tensile yield strength. In this instance, the expectation is that compressive yield strength is equal to or slightly higher than tensile yield strength. However, reported values of compressive yield strength may in some cases be too high because of friction at the anvil surfaces. Primary interest in room temperature data relates to a number of variables. These variables are the following: (a) Effects of fabricating and service conditions. These include exposure to elevated temperature with and without load and plastic deformations inserted between various steps of heat treating.. W (b) Effects of testing variables. Particularly signifi- cant are the effects of the size of the material from which the specimens were taken, the dimensions of these specimens, and whether these specimens were taken before or after the final heat treatment. The need for defining the material condition and the testing conditions is fully recognized in this document. However, discretion is necessary in reporting these, partly because of space limitations and partly because of the confusion which may be caused by reporting details of little or no significance when considering the end product. Unfor- S 3.021 3.0211 3.022 3.0221 3.023 3.024 3.025 3.026 3.027 3.0271 3.0272 tunately, in the majority of instances, even some of the pertinent processing and testing data are not completely available. Specimen types and test methods are omitted if they are conventional. The respective American Society for Testing Material specifications should be consulted in this case. The following static room temperature mechanical proper- ties are presented in tabular or graphical form, and in most cases are given as functions of the major parameters that influence the particular property, (e.g. carbon content in steels, heat treat conditions, etc.). Tension. Tensile ultimate strength, tensile yield strength and ductility (elongation and reduction of area) as measured in a conventional tensile test. Yield strength test data (F) are based on the 0.2 percent offset method unless otherwise indicated. Stress strain diagrams. Curves of tensile stress versus tensile strain. Compression. Compressive yield strength as measured by conventional techniques. Stress strain diagrams. Curves of compressive stress versus compressive strain. Impact. Impact energy values as measured by the Charpy (notch or keyhole), Izod, tension impact or drop weight (NDT) test. Bending. Maximum bend strength in outer fiber as mea- sured in pure bending, concentrated load bending or cantilever bending. Torsion and shear. Well defined standards have not been established. Included here are torque-twist tests, tear- tests, etc. Bearing. Bearing strength is defined as the maximum bearing load at failure divided by the effective bearing area. In a pinned or riveted joint, the effective area is the product of the hole diameter and the thickness of the bearing member, (see Metals Handbook, Vol. I, 8th Edition, page 4). Specimen geometry must be considered in evaluating bearing test results. The important dimen- sions of the test specimen, hole diameter (D) and the distance from the center of the hole to the end of the C specimen (e) are usually expressed by the ratio, e/D. Stress concentration. The behavior of materials in the presence of stress concentration (localized stress values greater than the nominal stress) is of concern to the design engineer, particularly if the use of high strength alloys is being considered for critical service applications. The information required is usually obtained from tests designed to measure the loss in load carrying capacity of a material within a certain area of test conditions. A large variety of types of tests have been used for this purpose. However, the majority fall into one of two categories; notch tests or fracture toughness tests. Notch properties. These include the results of test on round and flat specimens containing notches of various dimensions. The specimen geometry, elastic stress concentration factor (K) and material condition are generally included with the data presented since these factors are known to influence notch strength. Notch tests are recognized as being particularly important for the evaluation of material embrittlement as may be caused by such factors as heat treatment, low temperatures, cold work, etc. Recently the need for a reliable and reproducible measurement of a materials' resistance to the catastrophic propagation of sharp cracks under stress became apparent. This characteristic can be suitably expressed in terms of fracture toughness, i. e. the stress intensity factor K at the onset of rapid crack growth. Often the critical energy release rate has been used in the literature for the same purpose. However, for the sake of uniformity and since C and K are related by K-E,the term fracture tough- ness as used in this handbook always refers to K values. Sections 3.0272 and 3.0372 list such fracture toughness data wherever available. A more detailed description of the definition of K values, the equations for their determ- ination, the differentiation for plane stress and plane 6 3.028 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.034 3.035 3.036 3.037 3.0371. 3.0372 3.04 3.041 3.042 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES strain conditions and the selection criteria used for the data included are given in Appendix C. Combined properties. This section is reserved for data obtained by test methods involving combined load applications, (e.g. internal pressure in a thin-walled tube plus axial tension). Also included here are data on multi- ple processes (e. g. tension test subsequent to prestrain in compression). Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures In this section only the so called short time properties are discussed. These are obtained by first raising or lowering the temperature of the specimen to the desired level, holding it at this temperature for a certain time, and then testing in much the same manner as at room temperature. Only deviations from standard methods are indicated. It should be noted that yield strength test data (F) are ty based on the 0.2 percent offset method unless otherwise indicated. Tension. The bulk of short time mechanical test data is obtained by means of tension tests. In general, good agreement is noted for data from different sources up to a certain temperature. However, for the highest tempera- tures the values obtained from conventional short time tests frequently vary widely. It appears, that test condi- tions are generally not sufficiently controlled to yield consistent results at temperatures exceeding the usual range of application. For high temperatures, therefore, more closely controlled tension testing techniques are find- ing increasing application. These are indicated in the respective graphs where available. Stress strain diagrams, see 3.0211. Compression, see 3.022. Stress strain diagrams, see 3.0221. Impact, see 3.023. Bending, see 3.024. Torsion and shear, see 3.025. Beating, see 3.026. Stress concentration, see 3.027. Notch properties, see 3.0271. Fracture toughness, see 3.0272. ** Creep and Creep Rupture Properties These properties are increasing in importance because of the continuously increasing service temperatures which aerospace systems must withstand. At such temperatures alloys generally deform or creep slowly under load and eventually rupture. As a rule, tests are performed with temperature and load kept constant and the deformation measured as a function of time. Frequently, only the rupture time is observed. For evaluating materials regard- ing their resistance to creep, various criteria are used. For some applications, the stress required to obtain a certain total strain (composed of the sum of elastic and plastic strains) at a particular temperature and time is used. For other applications, only the plastic strain or "creep" is considered. The strains of interest range primarily from 0.2 to 1 percent. Creep rupture strength (also called stress rupture strength) is simply the applied stress value which causes rupture, said stress being a function of the rupture time and tem- perature. The significance of creep rupture strength is frequently minimized, but a continuous and voluminous stream of such data is being demanded and supplied for alloys which serve at elevated temperatures. Although elongation and reduction of area in creep rupture tests are significant for service performance, they are reported only infrequently. These data, therefore, are not included in this document. The creep rupture strength of notched specimens is used to reveal the presence and magnitude of embrittlement which occurs in many high temperature alloys within a certain range of temperature and time. The life of turbine disks and buckets in some cases appears to be related more closely to the rupture time of notched specimens, than to that of smooth ones. A number of Air Material Specifications require such tests and the considerable amount of information available in this respect is included in this document. 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.0451 3.0452 3.05 3.051 3.0511 The many variables considered for creep and creep rup- ture have led to the use of different methods of graphical and tabular representation. In this Handbook, stress is used as the ordinate and time as the abscissa, usually with one other variable as parameter. The log-log rep- resentation is preferred over semi-log coordinates, because it allows reading stresses at any level with equal percentage of accuracy. Creep and total strain data, however, are best reported in the form of isochronous stress-strain curves. To obtain such a curve, the total strain at a particular time is plotted as the abscissa with the stress necessary to obtain this strain as the ordinate. Time is then the parameter. The creep is obtained by deducting from the total strain the elastic component. This procedure is somewhat indefinite because of the uncertainty regarding the modulus of elasticity, indicated by the tangent at the origin of the isochronous curve. A number of attempts have been made to assemble infor- mation on creep, and particularly on creep rupture strength, for a given alloy condition in a single master curve While it is not yet established that the effects of temper~ ature and time can be thus substituted for each other, master curves greatly assist in the first selection of materials and the planning of more specific tests. Master curves are generally plotted on semi-log coordinates, with the stress as the ordinate and the so called "Parame- ter," (i. e. a function of temperature and time), as the abscissa. The most accurate master curves are the Linear Parame- ter Curves developed for many alloys by Manson, et al. (1)(2). The abscissa for this system is a function of the following form: M (T-T¸)/(log t - log t₂) where T is the temperature, "F, t is the time in hr, and Ta and log ta are constants depending on the material. Another parameter representation, that of Larson and Miller (3), is also frequently used. It has the advantage that it can be derived from a limited amount of experimen- tation, but the disadvantage of reduced accuracy. In this system the abscissa is usually: (T +460) (log t+20) However, in some instances a different value than 20, such as 25, may be substituted in this equation. Fatigue Properties These properties depend not only on the metal condition, form and test temperature, but also on a number of other test variables. The most important of these are: (a) the type of loading, (b) the limiting stress values, (c) the number of cycles to failure, and (d) the geometry of the test specimen. In addition the frequency of cycling becomes an important variable at elevated temperatures. The basic types of tests used are: (a) rotating beam, where a circular specimen rotates under an applied sta- tionary bending moment, (b) reverse bending, in which the specimen is subjected to alternating bending, (c) axial load in which the alternating stresses are tension or compression, parallel to the specimen axis. These tests are generally performed with the load fluctuating between two definite limits until failure occurs (stress controlled fatigue). The nominal stresses at these limits are cal- culated by conventional elastic methods and are called the maximum stress, F and the minimum stress, F, max' min' In recent years, fatigue tests performed by cycling be- tween two definite strain limits (strain controlled fatigue) have gained considerable prominence, particularly in the low cycle fatigue range. Such information is of special importance to the design of pressure vessels for nuclear and other applications. The terminology for strain cycling is analogous to that for stress cycling if the term "strain" is substituted for "stress" in the equations (4). In order to define a series of fatigue tests common prac- tice uses stress ratio, R, which is described by the fol- lowing expression: m Im 7 3.0512 3.0513 3.0514 3.052 3.053 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 3.064 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES R = F. /F An alternative definition of the stress ratio is the function: - min' max A = F/F Where F 1/2 (F. F ) is the alternating stress and F1/2 (F max the mean stress. min is mf max min F alt mf max Where only one stress ratio is involved, it is common to report this ratio and the fatigue strength in tabular form for various cycles to failure. Where series of data involve more than one stress ratio, use is made preferably of a stress range diagram. Each curve in this diagram gives the alternating stress as a function of the mean stress for a given number of cycles to failure. The fatigue strength is derived from this curve by means of the relation: - = F + F mf alt At elevated temperatures, creep phenomena are super- imposed on fatigue. If the temperature is very high and the mean stress is also high, creep rupture rather than fatigue becomes the dominant factor. Under such conditions, the time to failure, rather than the numbers of cycles, is frequently reported. In order to utilize data of this type to its full extent the frequency of the loading should be reported. If stress range diagrams are used to present such information, creep data obtained during the fatigue tests may also be included. A number of stress range diagrams for elevated temperatures have been made available to this handbook by the Design Criteria Unit of the General Electric Co. These are based on rotating = 0 and direct stress tests for F beam tests for F mf mf In order to apply this data to the service performance, the values obtained from direct stress tests have been increased by a factor of 1. 15. >0. Additional significant variables are geometry of the speci- men and its surface condition. The tests reported common- ly relate to two types of specimens, the smooth specimen with the surface carefully polished in the direction paral- lel to the axis, and the notched specimen. Notched spe~ cimens usually have a circular cross section provided with a circumferential groove. The fatigue strength of such specimens depends on the stress concentration factor, K, for this notch. dub Elastic Properties Under this heading not only the classical elastic constants but also the tangent modulus and secant modulus are re- ported. Values for Poisson's ratio, μ, are reported only for room temperature. The value may be measured or calculated from E and G. The modulus of elasticity is the most important elastic constant. It may be determined either from static tests or using vibration (dynamic) techniques. Static values represent the slope of the stress strain curve at the origin. They are difficult to determine at elevated temperatures and are affected by variations in the testing techniques. Dynamic moduli are generally more consistent than static values and may be considered to represent the true elas- tic constants. In this Handbook static moduli are given only if reasonably consistent. The static compression modulus, E E is theoretically equal to the tensile value, E. However, particularly in cold rolled materials residual stresses may cause con- siderable differences between these two values. The above discussed factors also apply to the modulus of rigidity, G. The tangent modulus is the slope of the stress strain curve at each stress value considered. Reported values are subject to considerable variations because of the basic difficulty of determining accurately the slope of any curve. The tangent modulus may be reported either for tension or compression. Preference has been given in 3.065 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.02 4.03 this report to the compressive values which are signifi- cant in regard to buckling and crippling of structures. Values of the secant modulus, i. e. of the slope of a line from the origin to the stress value considered, are re- ported only infrequently, but are presented here if avail- able. FABRICATION t - The term "fabrication" is used here comprehensively to mean all of the processes which may normally be employed in the manufacture of parts or components from materials as supplied by commercial producers. The processes include formability (forging, rolling, drawing, forming, etc.), material removal (machining, grinding, etc.), joining (welding, brazing, etc.) and the corresponding post-operational treatments that may be required (heat treatment, surface treatment etc.). A limited amount of information on fabrication is presented in this Handbook. The information presented is intended to convey, first, a picture of the relative fabricability of the alloy, and second, to pinpoint areas in which material proper- ties may be adversely affected by fabrication techniques. Formability This section assembles for wrought alloys some pertinent information on their formability. The term "formability,' as used here, is an indication of a material's ability to be permanently deformed from a given shape to a different shape by means of the practices presently employed (e.g. forging, rolling, drawing, forming, dimpling, etc.). The temperature ranges involved, the mechanical power required and the resulting material properties are all important factors to be considered in the evaluation of formability. - General information on formability relates primarily to the forming of sheet, strip and plate in various conditions. Where available, more specific instructions for the forming of the different conditions have been added. Bending properties are reported in terms of the bend factor, which is the ratio of minimum bend radius to thickness. Forging temperatures are reported as the maximum start- ing temperature and the minimum finishing temperature, and apply to closed die forgings or blacksmith forgings in the weight range of 5 to about 1000 pounds. Forging temperatures for small parts, such as turbine blades or buckets, are approximately the same. However, for these forgings, a great deal of care must be exercised to avoid critical strains which will induce grain growth on reheating for a subsequent operation or during heat treating. Control of grain size is usually obtained by doing only a limited amount of forging after each heating operation. Forging temperatures and the amount of mechanical work per- formed at a given temperature are interrelated; and, hence, a forging temperature cannot be specified without also specifying the amount of mechanical work performed at that temperature. Detailed information on forging has been added where supplied by the producers (Wyman Gordon). Information on rolling, extruding, drawing, various types of forming, dimpling, joggling, stamping, shearing and riveting is included when available in a form suitable for Handbook presentation. … Machining and Grinding A very limited amount of information on machining is presented here, and this is given to illustrate primarily the performance of different alloy conditions in various machining operations. Welding The information on welding assembled in this handbook serves primarily to call attention to areas where the mechanical or physical properties are affected. Weld- ability of an alloy is an important factor for its selection and has been discussed where information is available. 8 4.04 4.05 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF ALLOYS AND THEIR PROPERTIES Heat Treatment This section complements 1.05 and assembles specific details of the techniques which should be followed by fabricators and users of the alloy. Surface Treating From this large topic, only a few items, which appear to be of particular interest in connection with the general purpose of the handbook, have been included. 1 2 3 4 REFERENCES Manson, S. S. and Haferd, A. M., "A Linear Time Tempera- ture Relation for Extrapolation of Creep and Stress-Rupture Data," NACA TN 2890, (March 1953) Manson, S. S. and Brown, W. F., Jr., "Time-Temperature Relations for the Correlation and Extrapolation of Stress- Rupture Data," Proceedings, ASTM, Vol. 53, p. 693, (1953) Larson, F. R. and Miller, J., "A Time-Temperature Relation- ship for Rupture and Creep Stress," Trans. ASME, Vol. 74, p. 765, (1952) Sachs, G., Gerberich, W. W., Weiss, V. and La Torre, J. V., "Low Cycle Fatigue of Pressure Vessel Materials," Proceedings, ASTM, Vol. 60, p. 512, (1960) 9 FeC-1100 FeC-1100 FeC REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.06 1.061 1.07 1.071 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.03 2.031 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.04 2.0311 3. Source 3.01 3.011 Carbon Chromium Copper Manganese Nickel Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Iron GENERAL This low carbon low alloy steel is typical of those having a total alloy content less than about 2.5 percent. It is not heat treatable but in the annealed or normalized condition it is significantly stronger than plain carbon steel and has superior corrosion resistance. It is easily formed and welded, (1, p. 2, 3) (4). Commercial Designation. USS CorTen. Alternate Designation. None. Specification. MIL-S-7809, (1, p. 2). Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1.04 USS (2, p.12) Percent Min 0.30 0.25 0.20 Thermal Properties Melting point Phase changes 0.25 0.07 Balance Max 0.12 1.25 0.55 0.50 0.65 0.75 0.15 0.05 Heat Treatment Normalize. 1650 F, air cool, (2, p.51). Anneal. 1550 F, furnace cool, (2, p. 51). Stress relief. 1150 F, 1 hr per in of maximum section thickness, (2, p.51). Hardenability This alloy cannot be hardened by heat treatment, (4). Forms and Conditions Available General. This steel is available in all products and most of the sizes and sections which are supplied in carbon steel, (2, p. 19). Melting and Casting Practice Special Considerations PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES FERROUS ALLOYS Thermal conductivity -6 Thermal expansion at 70 to 200 F, 6.3 x 10 per F, (2, p. 13). Other Physical Properties Density Electrical properties Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES in per in Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. This alloy is 4 to 6 times more resistant to atmospheric corrosion than plain carbon steel and 2 to 3 times more than copper steel because of formation of a denser, more adherent protective oxide coating, (2, p.9). Time-corrosion curves in industrial and marine atmos- pheres at ambient temperature, Fig. 2.0311. Nuclear Properties. Specified Mechanical Properties Producer's minimum mechanical properties, Table 3.011. Source Alloy Condition Thickness in 2 [I I I I F min-ksi min-ksi min-ksi min-ksi 2 in) min-percent e( 8 in) min-percent ery Alu F ty' F Fcy, 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form Condition Dia in F typ - ksi F ty' typ - ksi e(8 in)typ-percent e(2 in)typ-percent RA -percent Hardness, BHN tu' 3.0211 3.0212 3.022 Source Alloy Form Dia F su F SY 3.023 - G 3.04 3.03 3.031 3.0311 in 3.05 3.051 in Source Alloy Form Dia Ft-lb e (2 in)-percent * Avg of two tests ksi ksi ≤0.5 Fe USS (2, p. 12, 13) Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn-0.3Ni-0.11F O.I O.I_C 0.8 Cr 0.5 Si 0.4 Cu 0.35 Mn 70 50 50 52.5 22 18 TABLE 3.011 HR 0.500 85.5 39.8 >0.5 to 1.5 67 47 19 0.25 > 1.5 to 3 . 63 43 24 19 0.2 smooth 129.1 28.2 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties of bar and sheet at room temperature, Table 3.021. 60 Galvanized, CR or Coils Ann or Norm > 1.5 to 3 TABLE 3.02.1 (3, p. 160) Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn-0.3Ni-0.11P 26.6 40.2 72.0 156 ≤0.5 Round bar HR 0.75 78.4 60.6 Stress strain curve at room temperature for sheet in ten- sion, Fig. 3.0211. Stress strain curves at room temperature for welded and unwelded sheet, Fig. 3.0212. Typical static torsion values of bar and tube at room tem- perature, Table 3.022. 65 45 TABLE 3.022 (3, p.160) Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn-0.3Ni-0.11P HR bar > 0.5 tol.5 62 42 1 J5 58 38 Tension impact properties of bar at room temperature, Table 3.023. I TABLE 3.023 (3, p.162) Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn-0.3Ni-0.11P HR bar r = 0.01 1 0.20 0.538, 0.050 in wall thickness 59.0 31.9 notched as shown 42.0* 7.7 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of short-time exposure to elevated temperature on tensile properties, Fig. 3.0311 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Typical fatigue properties of bar, Table 3.051. C 0.3 Ni 0.11 P Cor Ten CODE 1101 PAGE 1 FeC Fe Source Alloy Form O.I 0.8 Cr 0.5 Si 0.4 Cu 0.35 Mn 0.3 Ni 0.11 P CODE ㅇ ​Cor Ten PAGE Dia Rot beam ksi in air in water 3.052 3.06 3.061 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.0131 4.0132 4.02 4.021 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.033 1101 2 in F Source Alloy Form tu 0.75 Source Thickness in Min bend radii TABLE 3.051 (3, p.163) Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn-0.3Ni-0.11P Smooth specimen Specimen A Specimen B 0.25, 0.75 long, 0.02 radius hole 0.500 0.400 0.25 Condition 0.02 r Specimen A FABRICATION 0.300 - - 54.0 29.0 Thickness in k 0.500 Axial tension fatigue (R =∞). Endurance limit 60 ksi for 15 x 10 cycles, (3, p.175). Elastic Properties 3 Modulus of elasticity, 28 to 30 x 10° ksi, (2, p.13). Forming and Casting Hot forming between 1500 and 1650 F, (2, p.48). Forging temperature 2100 F preceded by soak at 1850 F, (2, p.50). This steel is readily cold formed if provisions are made for liberal bend radii and for spring-back, (2, p.49). This material does not have directional properties. For deep drawing temper rolled material (about 1 percent reduction) should be used, (1, p.11). Minimum bend radii, Table 4.0131. ksi ksi F e (2 in) - percent 24.5 13.0 TABLE 4.0131 (2, p. 12) ≤ 0.063 1 t Hot forming is recommended for angle bending material over 0.5 in thick, (2, p. 12). Machining Machinability is superior to plain carbon steels of the same strength levels, (4). Welding The alloy can be welded readily by the usual gas and arc methods with complete freedom from air-hardening, (4). To avoid toughness reduction in heavier sections, 0.5 in is recommended as the maximum thickness in welded ap- plications, (2, p. 52). ASTM A 233 or E 60 electrodes are recommended for shielded arc welding. Welds made with these electrodes will have yield strengths in excess or equal to that of the base metals, (2, p. 52)(4). Mechanical properties of welded and unwelded sheet, Table 4.033. 0.048 FERROUS ALLOYS L 72.8 53.3 26 0.400 0.02 dia hole Specimen B 25.0 18.0 Unwelded T 72.7 54 25 >0.063 to 0.25 >0.25 to 0.50 2 t 3 t 0.070 L 74.5 55.4 28 Τ 74. 4 57 27 0.048 L 4.034 74.6 53.8 20 4.035 4.036 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.05 4.051 TABLE 4.033 (1, p.4) Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn-0. 3Ni-0.11P Sheet Welded (Oxweld # 32 filler) No HT 1500 F, 1 hr 0.070 L 76.1 62 21 0.070 L 76.6 59.8 20 For gas welding, high strength welding rods (such as ASTM A 251, CA-65) are recommended, (2, p.53). Carbon arc welding is not recommended, (2, p.53X4). This steel may be resistance welded to itself or other resistance-weldable ferrous alloys, using the same methods applied to plain carbon steel, (2, p.53). Maxi- mum thickness 0.125 in recommended for spot welding, (4). Heating and Heat Treating After forging, either normalizing or annealing may be desirable, (2, p.51). (See 1.051 and 1.052). REVISED: MARCH 1963 After welding or cold forming, heat treatment usually is not required, but stress relief may be desirable in appli- cations requiring maximum ductility, (2, p. 51). (See 1.053). Surface Treating This steel may be satisfactorily galvanized in either the formed or flat condition by standard procedures, (2, p. 51). 0.048 L 75.7 56.8 20 Welded (AISI 410 SS Filler) 1150 F, 15 min, AC+700 F, 1 hr 0.070 L 74 57.5 20 700 F, 1 hr 77.6 62.7 18 1150 F, 1hr C 74.7 60 20 FeC REVISED: MARCH 1963 -4 LOSS OF WT - LB PER SQ IN 10 12 8 KSI 0 100 80 60 40 20 Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn- 0 FIG. 2.0311 TIME-CORROSION CURVES IN IN- DUSTRIAL AND MARINE ATMOS- PHERES AT AMBIENT TEMPERA- TURE (2, p.10) 4 0 INDUSTRIAL ATMOSPHERE ▲ MARINE ATMOSPHERE 0.3Ni-0.11P 8 YEARS 0.080 Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-0.35Mn- 12 TENSION 0.3Ni-0.11P 0.070 IN SHEET RT. TENSION 0.160 0.240 STRAIN - IN PER IN 16 0.320 FIG. 3.0211 STRESS STRAIN CURVE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE FOR SHEET IN (1, p.15) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 NOT WELDED AS WELDED WELDED + STRESS RELIEF, 1150 F,1 HR (INERT GAS ARC WELDING WITH OX- WELD # 32 FILLER) 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0212 STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT ROOM TEMPERATURE FOR WELDED AND UNWELDED SHEET (1, p. 14-22) KSI - 0 Fe-(0.12C)-0.8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu-b.35Mn- 0.070 IN SHEET, L 100 A.L 80 60 40 20 0 0.002 0 FTU - Fe-(0.12C)-0. 8Cr-0.5Si-0.4Cu- 0.35Mn-0.3Ni-0.11P CR 0.3Ni-0.11P SCR F TY RT ANN TEMP TIME AT TEST TEMP 1. HR 60 SEC 200 400 F CR 600 100 80 KSI 60 40 10 20 F - FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF SHORT-TIME EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON TEN- SILE PROPERTIES (5, p. 38) TU O.I C 0.8 Cr 0.5 Si 0.4 Cu 0.35 Mn 0.3 Ni 0.11 P CODE Fe Cor Ten ΠΟΙ PAGE 3 Fec Fe O.I C 0.8 Cr 0.5 Si 0.4 Cu 0.35 Mn 0.3 Ni 0.11 P Cor Ten CODE 1101 1 2 3 4 5 REFERENCES FERROUS ALLOYS Dolega, E. A., "Investigation of Low Alloy, High Strength Steel as a Missile Fuel Tank", Bell Aircraft Corp. Rep. No. BLR 53-56 (March 31, 1953) United States Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, "USS CorTen, High Strength Low Alloy Steel", (1960) Collins, W. L. and Dolan, T. J., "Physical Properties of Four Low Alloy High Strength Steels", Proc. ASTM, Vol. 38, Pt. II (1938) Alloy Digest, "USS CorTen", Filing Code SA-17, Steel Alloy (April 1954) Steurer, W. H., "Metals for Structures Exposed to Aero- dynamic Heating", Chapter 2 in "Metals for Supersonic Aircraft and Missiles", (Grobecker, D. W., Tech. Ed.), ASM, Cleveland (1958) REVISED: MARCH 1963 PAGE 4 FeC REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.06 1.061 Source 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.07 · 1.071 1.0531 1.08 1.081 1.09 1.054 2. GENERAL This low carbon low alloy steel is normally used in the stress relieved condition after hot or cold rolling. Moder- ate strength is maintained up to about 800 F combined with high toughness. Corrosion and oxidation resistance are superior to plain carbon grades. Weldability is excellent. Commercial Designation. NAX AC 9115. Alternate Designation. None. Specification. Table 1.03. AMS 6354 6460 Carbon Chromium Copper Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Silicon 2.02 2.021 Zirconium Phosphorus Sulfur Iron 2.01 2.011 2.012 Composition. Table 1.04. Form Sheet, strip and plate Wire Min 0.10 0.50 TABLE 1.03 TABLE 1.04 AMS (1) Percent 0.50 0.15 0.60 0.05 Max 0.17 0.75 0.35 0.80 0.25 0.25 0.90 0.15 0.040 0.040 A Balance A = 1390 F cl c3 Melting and Casting Practice Basic open hearth, (4). Special Considerations Thermal Properties Melting point Critical temperatures, (2, p.5). National Steel (2) Percent = 1570 F (0.17C) Α = 1600 F (0.10C) c3 Min 0.10 0.50 G 2.013 Thermal conductivity 2.014 Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. 2.015 Specific heat 0.50 Heat Treatment Anneal. 1625 to 1650 F, furnace cool, (3). Normalize. 1650 to 1675 F, air cool, (3). Stress relief anneal. 900 to 1150 F, air cool, 30 min to 6 hr, (2, p. 2). Military 0.60 0.05 Effect of stress relief temperature and holding time on ten- sile properties of hot and cold rolled sheet, Fig. 1.0531. For optimum physical properties, normalizing above Ac3 (see 2.012) is preferred to either annealing or spheroidize anneal, (2, p.5). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Hardenability End quench hardenability at various carbon levels, Fig. 1.061. Forms and Conditions Available This steel is available as cold drawn wire, hot or cold rolled sheet or strip, hot rolled light plate, bar, billet and bloom, (1). Balance A rl A r3 Α FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.17 0.75 r3 0.80 0.15 0.90 0.15 0.04 0.04 = 1300 F = 1490 F (0.17C) = 1530 F (0.10C). Other Physical Properties Density. 0.284 lb per cu in. 7.84 gr per cu cm. 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form [I LI F F tu F ty e (2 in) - percent - F e R tu Condition Thickness - in ksi ksi percent percent ty RA 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 - 3.032 3.0321 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.05 3.051 3.06 3.061 3.062 4. Electrical properties Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. 4.01 4.011 Chemical Properties Considerably superior to plain carbon steel when exposed to rural, marine or industrial atmosphere, (4). Oxidation resistance is superior to that of plain carbon steels at all temperatures, (4). Nuclear Properties 4.012 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS design mechanical properties for sheet, strip and plate, Table 3.011. Ove in ksi ksi TABLE 3.011 AMS (1) Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0. 2Mo-0.1Zr ≤ 0.5 70 50 22 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical room temperature tensile properties of bar and sheet, Table 3.021. Bar Sheet, strip and plate HR or CR + ann > 0.5 to 1 65 > 1 to 2 63 43 40 22 22 TABLE 3.021 (2) Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0. 2Mo-0.1Zr Sheet Plate HR 0.1875 76.5 53 25 (8 in) 1.0 dia 76 52 40 (2 in) 7.4 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties > 2 to 4 60 38 22 0.078 78 56 25 (8 in) Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of hot rolled bar, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of test temperature and stress relief on tensile properties of cold rolled sheet, Fig. 3.0312. Short time properties other than tension Effect of low and elevated temperatures on impact strength of welded plate, Fig. 3.0321. Modulus of rigidity. 11.8 ksi x 10 103 FABRICATION CR 0.0375 75.3 50.5 25 (8 in) Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves at 800 to 1100 F for as hot rolled and for spheroidized bar, Fig. 3.041. Creep curves at 800 to 1100 F for spheroidized bar, Fig. 3.042. Fatigue Properties Endurance limit at room temperature by both cantilever bending and rotating beam is 46 to 50 ksi, (4). Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Forming and Casting This steel can be cold formed by standard procedures used for ordinary carbon steels if provisions are made for the higher strength of the alloy, (3). Intermediate anneals are recommended for heavy reductions. Spring-back is about the same as annealed AISI 304 stainless steel. Forging. Starting temperature 2150 to 2250 F, finishing CODE 0.14 C 0.75 Si 0.6 Cr 0.2 Mo O.I Zr NAX AC 9115 Fe S 1102 PAGE < FeC Fe 0.14 C ů o üs ü 0.75 Si CODE Cr 4.02 4.021 0.6 0.2 Mo 4.03 4.031 0.1 Zr 4.032 NAX AC 9115 4.033 4.04 4.05 KSI 100 PERCENT 80 60 40 20 20 0 1102 temperature 1700 F minimum. Finishing at 1700 F produces better properties than higher finishing temperatures, (3). Machining General. The alloy machines better than carbon steels of approximately the same tensile strength, (3). The cold worked condition has the best machinability. 0 Welding For arc welding, low hydrogen electrodes recommended are; E 6015 (thin gages) and E 7015 (multipass welds), (2, p.6). For heliarc welding,a filler wire of NAX AC 9115 may be used. Spot welding should be performed by pulsation methods for heavier gauges and by post heat cycles for the lighter gauges, (2, p.6). Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0.2Mo- 0. 100 IN HR 0.1Zr O 6 HR o 0.060 IN CR FTU HOLDING TIME 1/2 HR FTY 400 e (2 IN) }} good - SHEET 800 TEMP F FIG 1.0531 EFFECT OF STRESS RELIEF TEMPERATURE AND HOLDING TIME ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HOT AND COLD ROLLED SHEET Bozc FERROUS ALLOYS 1200 (2, p. 2-3) IN PER IN PER F Z 7 9.01 ROCKWELL HARDNESS - C SCALE 6 200 O 40 48 FIG. 2.014 32 KSI 24 16 PERCENT MEAN COEF LINEAR 8 THERMAL EXPANSION 100 Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0. 6Cr-0. 2Mo-0.1Zr 80 60 FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY AT VARIOUS CARBON LEVELS (2, p. 11) 40 20 0 80 Fe-(0.10-0.16C)-0.74Si-0.6Cr-0. 2Mo- 0.1Zr 40 0 0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 400 2 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END SIXTEENTH IN -200 FTY FIG. 3.0311 0.16 C 0.13 C 0.10 C 4 600 800 TEMP F THERMAL EXPANSION RA 200 J 6 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0. 2Mo-0.1Zr 0.0875 IN HR BAR e (2 IN) 1000 8 FTU 1000 1200 (3) 600 TEMP F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HOT ROLLED BAR (2, p. 4) 1400 PAGE 2 FeC REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT 80 FT - LB 60 40 20 0 40 20 0 0 60 Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0.2Mo-0.1Zr 40 20 0.062 IN 0.050 INJ 0 -100 200 FTU FIG 3.0321 FTY SHEET CR EET STRESS RELIEF 1150 F ANN FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND STRESS RELIEF ON TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF COLD ROLLED SHEET (2, p.4) 0.500 IN PLATE 80 Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0.2Mo-0.1Zr e (2 IN) 400 TEMP - F 600 800 # IE CHARPY KEYHOLE AS ROLLED WELD METAL LINE OF FUSION HEAT AFFECTED ZONE -50 L ΟΤ 50 0 TEMP - F EFFECT OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF WELDED PLATE (2, p.7) 100 - FERROUS ALLOYS I 2 KSI 3 1000 KSI KSI 100 36 28 20 12 80 60 0 40 20 FIG. 3.041 10 8 6 10 20 10 8 6 2 Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0.2Mo-0.1Zr 1 10 HR HR + SPHEROIDIZE 100 0.1% CREEP FIG. 3.061 TIME 100 O 400 E (STATIC) Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0. 2Mo-0.1Zr HR BAR 800 F 1000 HR de HR BAR 1000 F CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 800 TO 1100 F FOR AS HOT ROLLED AND FOR SPHEROIDIZED BAR (2, p. 5) 800 F 1100 F TIME HR FIG. 3.042 CREEP CURVES AT 800 TO 1100 F FOR SPHEROIDIZED BAR (2, p.5) 900 F 1000 900 F 1000 F 1100 F Fe-(0.14C)-0.75Si-0.6Cr-0. 2Mo-0.1Zr HR BAR 1200 10,000 800 TEMP - F MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 10,000 REFERENCES AMS 6354 and 6460, (May 1, 1954) "N-A-X AC 9115 Alloy Steel", Great Lakes Steel Corp. (National Steel) Alloy Digest, "N-A-X AC 9115", Filing Code: SA - 11, Steel Alloy, (Aug. 1953) 4 Data on NAX AC 9115 (letter), Great Lakes Steel Corp., (Jan. 2, 1959) 1600 (2, p.5) Fe 0.14 C vis 0.75 Si CODE 0.6 Cr 0.2 Mo 0.1 Zr NAX AC 9115 1102 PAGE 3 FeUH-1200 FeUH-1200 FeUH 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 AMS 6351 6360D 16361 6362 6370D 6371C 1.04 Source Alloy Form 1.05 1.051 1.0511 1.0512 1.0513 1.052 1.0521 1.0522 1.0523 GENERAL This heat-treatable chromium-molybdenum alloy has good tensile strength and resistance to fatigue and impact up to 700 F. Due to its relatively high strength in the normalized condition, it is frequently used in this condition for applications requiring higher tensile strength than can be obtained from the low carbon steels. If hardening is required, consideration must be given to thickness of section, since the hardenabili- ty characteristics of the alloy are low. Care must also be taken in applying the alloy at very low temperatures (-320 F) because of poor impact resis- tance at such temperatures. If corrosion resistance is required, a protective coating or plating must be applied. Machining characteristics of the alloy, and formability in sheet form are good. It is readily fusion welded, but resistance welding is not recommended. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus 1.0524 Commercial Designation. 4130. Alternate Designations. AISI 4130, SAE 4130. 4130 H indicates that the steel is supplied to harden- ability specifications rather than to chemistry spec- ifications. Specifications. Table 1.03. TABLE 1.03 Sulfur Chromium Molybdenum 1.0525 Sheet, strip Seamless tubing Seamless tubing Seamless tubing Bars, forgings and forging stock Heavy wall tubing Composition. Table 1.04. Form TABLE 1.04 AMS (1)(3)(5)(6) Wrought Percent Iron * AMS 6361 and 6362 give 0.27. 0.80 0.15 Min' Max 0.28* 0.33 0.40 0.60 0.20 Q.35 0.040 0.040 1.10 0.25 Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Military MIL-S-18729 MIL-T-6736, Cond. N MIL-T-6736, Cond. HT-125 MIL-T-6736, Cond. HT-150 MIL-S-6758 Alloy Digest (4) Fe-(0.30-0.95Cr-0, 20Mo Min 0.28 0.60 0.75 0.15 Cast Percent Max 0.33 1.00 0.60 0.06 0.05 1.10 0.30 Balance Heat Treatment Castings, (12). Normalize. 1900 F, 1 hour, air cool. Austenitize. 1600 to 1650 F, 1 hour, oil quench. Temper. 800 to 1350 F. Wrought, (11). Normalize. 1600 to 1700 F, air cool. Anneal.1525 to 1575 F, furnace cool. Austenitize. 1550 to 1600 F, water quench or 1575 to 1625 F, oil quench. Temper. 400 to 1200 F depending on desired strength level: F 100 to 160 ksi, temper 800 to 900 F, 4 hours; tu F 150 to 170 ksi, temper 850 to 950 F, 4 hours; tu F 125 to 145 ksi, temper 1050 to 1150 F, 4 tu hours, (8). Spheroidize. 1400 to 1425 F, 6 to 12 hours, furnace cool. 1.053 1.06 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.064 1.065 1.07 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.01211 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.024 2.025 2.03 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Critical temperatures (approximate, depending on heating and cooling rates), (11)(24). A 1380 F cl c3 1250 F 1475 F 1350 F r3 A rl A A Hardness Effect of bar size on surface hardness of quenched and tempered specimens, Fig. 1.061. End-quench hardenability, Fig. 1.062. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of quenched and tempered rod, Fig. 1.063. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of casting, Fig. 1.064. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of tubing, Fig. 1.065. Forms and Conditions Available Billets, bars, rods, forgings, sheets, plates, strip, tubing and castings. Melting and Casting Practice Open hearth or electric furnace air melt, induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts. Special Considerations Because of low hardenability section thickness must be considered when heat treating to high strength. It is not subject to temper-embrittlement and responds to nitriding, (11). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range.2795 F, (24). Phase changes, See 1.053. Time-temperature-transformation diagrams Time-temperature-transformation diagram for alloy austenitized at 1550 F, Fig. 2.01211. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat, Fig. 2.015. Thermal diffusivity Other Physical Properties Density 0.283 lb per cu in, 7.83 gr per cu cm, (11). Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022. Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. Emissivity Damping capacity Chemical Properties. See 4340 Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 CODE Fe 1201 PAGE I FeUH 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 Fe CODE Source Alloy Form Condition Size in min-ksi F min-ksi e(2 in) -percent a) Full tube F. tu' b) Strip Grain size, ASTM No 3.012 3.013 Ftu 3.02 3.021 3.0211 3.0212 Source Alloy Form Condition 3.0213 3.0214 1201 3.022 3.023 3.0231 Fty, e(2 in)-percent RA percent Hardness, BHN Surface 3.024 3.025 3.026 3.027 3.0271 3.028 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.03111 3.0312 3.0313 3.0314 3.0315 - 3.0316 AMS(4) 0.188 Maximum wall thickness 150 135 10 6 HR AMS(3) 125 100 12 7 min 5 5 5* 5* A heat of steel of grain size predominantly 5 or less, with grains as large as 3 is permissible. Compression 3.032 3.0321 3.03211 Stress strain diagrams Stress strain curves for sheet at room and elevated temperatures in compression, Fig. 3.03211. Effect of room and elevated temperatures on yield strength of sheet in compression, Fig. 3.0322. Impact Effect of low and elevated temperatures on Charpy V impact properties at various strength levels, Fig. 3.0331. CD FERROUS ALLOYS Grain size specifications on bars, forgings and forging stock (5), on heavy wall tubing for machining (6), and on sheet, strip and plate (1) same as on footnote, Table 3.011. Typical room temperature properties of wrought and cast alloy, Table 3.013. AR Norm Ann Unann Ann -ksi 116 108 88 122 -ksi 70 65 60 105 22 30 16 98 82 20 27 53 45 53 57 65 207179 229 248* 201 TABLE 3.0134) Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0, 20Mo Wrought, rod Cast Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Co Seamless tubing Norm 1650F +1600F, WQİ +1150F, AC 137 109 Bearing Stress concentration Notch properties, see section 3, 0326. Combined properties OD<0.500 Wall≤0. 188 TABLE 3.011 13.5 31.2 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Tension Stress strain diagrams Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of casting, Fig. 3.0212. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0213. Effect of size of quenched bar on tensile properties of specimens cut from inside of bar, Fig. 3.0214. Compression Impact Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature impact properties of extruded bar, Fig. 3.0231. Bending Torsion and shear Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Tension Stress strain diagrams Stress strain curves for sheet at room and elevated temperatures in tension, Fig. 3.03111. Effect of low and elevated temperatures on tensile properties of normalized and heat treated bar, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of room and elevated temperatures on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of room and elevated temperatures, strain rate and holding time on tensile properties of normal- ized sheet, Fig. 3.0314. Effect of room and elevated temperatures, strain rate and holding time on tensile properties of heat treated sheet, Fig. 3.0315. Effect of test temperature and strain rate on tensile properties of high strength sheet in range exhibiting strain aging, Fig. 3.0316. 95 75 ENG 10 3.0322 3.033 3.0331 3.034 3.035 3.0351 3.036 3.0361 3.037 3.0371 3.03711 3.03712 3.03713 3.03714 3.0372 3.038 3.039 3.04 3.041 3.05 3.051 3.052 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.0621 3.063 3.064 4. OD<0.500 Wall≥0.188 4.01 4.011 90 70 10 AMS(2) OD≥0.500 Wall≤0. 188 Bending Torsion and shear 95 75 12 7 5* OD≥0.500 Wall>0. 188 90 70 15 10 Formability General 5* Effect of room and elevated temperatures on shear strength of normalized and heat treated alloy, Fig. 3.0351. Bearing Effect of room and elevated temperatures on bearing strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0361. Stress concentration Notch properties Effect of low and elevated temperatures on net frac- ture stress and percent shear area on fracture surface of shear cracked sheet specimens heat treated to 200 Ftu ksi at room temperature, Fig. 3.03711. Comparison between two methods of determining frac- ture stress and fracture appearance, Fig. 3.03712. Effect of low and elevated temperatures on tensile properties of smooth specimens and on net fracture stress and percent shear area on fracture surface for shear cracked sheet specimens heat treated to 240 F ksi at room temperature, Fig. 3.03713. Effect of low and elevated temperatures and load rate on net fracture stress and fracture appearance on fatigue cracked sheet specimens heat treated to 250 F ksi at room temperature, Fig. 3.03714. Fracture toughness Combined properties Other static properties Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves from 700 to 1100 F, Fig. 3.041. Fatigue Properties S-N curve at room temperature in rotating bending, Fig. 3.051. Effect of weld configuration and surface grinding on fatigue life of sheet in axial loading at room tempera- ture, Fig. 3.052. Elastic Properties Poisson's ratio 0. 23, (18), 0.288, (24). Modulus of elasticity Effect of room and elevated temperatures on elastic modulus in tension and compression as determined from static stress strain curves, Fig. 3.0621. Modulus of rigidity Effect of stress and temperature on tangent modulus in compression, Fig. 3.064. FABRICATION PAGE 2 FeUH 4.012 4.02 4.021 4.03 4.031 4.04 4.05 SURFACE HARDNESS - BHN SCALE 320 280 240 200 0 Forging. Starting temperature 2300 F maximum, finishing temperature 1650 F minimum, (9). Recom- mended forging temperature range 2000 to 2200 F, air or slow cool after forging with finishing tempera- ture preferably above 1800 F, (11). Machining and Grinding General. Cold drawn material has machinability rating of 60 percent of AISI B1112 Bessemer screw stock. If annealed prior to cold drawing the machin- ability can be advanced 10 percent for most machining operations, (11). Welding tu General. The alloy is readily welded by either oxy- acetylene or electric arc process. For oxyacetylene welding, a soft neutral flame is used, with a welding rod of same composition. For arc welding dc-equip- ment with shielded arc carbon-molybdenum electrodes or other recommended electrodes are used, (11). Both A-613 and Oxweld 71 filler wires show good compatibility with this steel when heated to F between 150 to 200 ksi, although ductility is better for the A-613 filler when measured in tensile specimens containing a welded cross-section or in tensile speci- mens machined entirely from the welded region, (16). Heliarc filler wires MW and U-515 and electrode AW-4 are satisfactory for welding material at all strength levels between F 125 to 200 ksi. They also have the best handling characteristics, (13). Brazing Type 304 stainless steel to 4130 steel with Oxweld 26 braze alloy produces metallurgically sound joints, which do not appear to be excessively susceptible to corro- sion, (19). The alloy can be satisfactorily vacuum metallized with aluminum coatings of thickness at least up to 0.0003 inch, (20). tu Heat Treatment Surface Treatment Fe-(0.'3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo BAR, FORGING 1550 F, OQ, +TEMPER 1000 F FERROUS ALLOYS 1 2 3 4 DIAMETER OF QUENCHED BAR IN FIG. 1.061 EFFECT OF BAR SIZE ON SURFACE HARDNESS OF QUENCHED AND TEMPERED SPECIMENS (4, TBL. 5) -C SCALE ROCKWELL HARDNESS BHN SCALE www 60 HARDNESS 40 20 0 8 16 24 32 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END - SIXTEENTH INCH FIG. 1.062 END-QUENCH HARDENABILITY (22, p. 211) 500 450 400 350 300 250 400 C SCALE - ROCKWELL HARDNESS 1550 TO 1600 F, WQ + TEMPER ▲ 1575 F, OQ + TEMPER 600 50 40 Fe-(0.3C 0.95Cr-0. 20Mo 4130H FIG. 1.063 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON HARDNESS OF QUENCHED AND TEMPERED ROD (4) 330 20 RC 500 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo 1 IN DIA BAR 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 800 BHN RC Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo AS CAST + 1900 F, I HR, AC + 1650 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER 1200 TEMPERING TEMP F 1200 1000 1400 FIG. 1.054 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON HARDNESS OF CASTING (5) Fe 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 CODE 1201 PAGE 3 FeUH 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 Fe CODE C SCALE ROCKWELL HARDNESS F - TEMP 40 20 1201 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 0 400 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo TUBING AS QUENCHED + TEMPER,1 HR. 1 0 A FIG. 1.065 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON HARDNESS OF TUBING (14) A e3 el 200 M* S A+ F M50 M90* 400 10 A TEMPERING TEMP A+F+C RC -50% 1 MIN I 600 102 T 4.0 in - TIME SECONDS * Calculated Temperature. 800 ww ALLOY AUSTENITIZED AT 1550 F O FERROUS ALLOYS F Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Co AUSTENITIZED AT 1550F T 3.25 in 1000 103 F+C - A F - FERRITE C - CARBIDE M - MARTENSITE 1200 AUST ENITE GS: 9-10 1 HR T FIG. 2.01211 TIME-TEMPERATURE-TRANSFORMATION DIAGRAM FOR (30, p. 101) 104 12 18 24 24 28 37 44 R HARDNESS с 9- IN PER IN PER F ΟΙ 10 ∞ ❤ 4 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 2 -400 30 26 22 18 14 0 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo 0 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 400 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 800 TEMP - F FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY LINEAR MEAN COEF THERMAL EXPANSION 400 TEMP 800 F FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 1200 - 1600 1200 (17) FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1600 (17) PAGE 4 FeUH BTU PER (LB F) IN - 0.40 MICROHM 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 FIG. 2.015 SPECIFIC HEAT 40 30 20 0 10 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0 400 SPECIFIC HEAT 800 1200 TEMP - F Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 400 800 TEMP - F 1200 FIG. 2.022 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY (17) 1600 FERROUS ALLOYS 2000 2400 (17) KSI PERCENT 240 FTY 200 160 120 - KSI 40 PERCENT 240 200 FTY 160 120 80 40 800 0 Fe-(0.30C)-0.95Cr-0. 2Mo AS CAST 1900 F, 1 HR, AC +1650 F, 1 HR, OQ TEMPER, 1HR FTY TEMPERING TEMP FIG. 3.0212 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF CASTING (5) 1000 FTY 400 RA F RA < TU e(1 IN) 1200 F Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo ! IN BAR QUENCHED + TEMPER FTU •-1575 F + WQ 0-1575 F + OQ+ TEMPER, 1 HR e(2 IN) 800 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F 1400 240 -160 200 120 G 80 240 200 160 120 1400 80 FIG. 3.0213 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (4) KSI - FTU [I KSI TU F 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 CODE Fe 1201 PAGE 5 FeUH 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 Fe CODE KSI PERCENT LB - FT 160 120 1201 80 120 80 40 120 80 0 40 0 0 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20 Mo 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER 1000 F 200 FTY 0.505 IN TENSILE SPECIMENS CUT FROM CENTER (1 IN DIA) OR AT MIDRADIUS (2 AND 3 IN DIA) FIG. 3.0214 EFFECT OF SIZE OF QUENCHED BAR ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SPECIMENS CUT FROM INSIDE OF BAR FTU 400 RA e2 IN) 1 3 DIAMETER OF QUENCHED BAR 2 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 1 IN BAR 1550-1600 F, WQ+TEMPER IE CHARPY V 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP Get - IN F 4 FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 (4) 1200 FIG. 3.0231 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT PROPERTIES OF EXTRUDED BAR (4, TBL. 3) KSI PERCENT 200 160 120 80 40 0 20 0 -400 KSI 100 P 80 50 40 20 0 0 0 NORMALIZED F TU F TY Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo 0.004 IN SHEET HT TO 125 KSI FTU AT RT 100 10 400 F 0.004, STRAIN RT - NORMALIZED EXPOSURE 1/2 TO 10 HR FIG. 3.03111 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES IN TENSION (18, FIG. 43, 49, 57) 1200 F TENSION, T 0.008 IN PER IN Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo 400 800 TEMP F 0.012 BAR HT 180 FTU KSI AT RT e(2 IN) Zi N /HT 180 FTU / KSI AT RT 1200 1600 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF NORMAL- IZED AND HEAT TREATED BAR (17)(18) PAGE 6 FeUH KSI - TY 200 160 120 80 40 0 0 O. FTY FTU Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo b. 125 IN SHEET HT TO 170 KSI F. AT RT TU 0.064 IN SHEET HT TO 125 KSI FTU AT RT 200 400 600 TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (18) KSI 200 160 PERCENT 120 1200 80 40 FTY- 0 120 80 40 0 40 0 KSI TU F 0 HOLDING TIME, SEC ΔΕ Ο 10 A 1800 STRAIN RATE, IN/IN/SEC Δ 0.00005 0.01 200 F 400 • O 1.0 HEATING TIME 10 SEC e(2 IN) Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.040 IN SHEET NORMALIZED TU FTY 500 TEMP - F 800 1000 FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES, STRAIN RATE AND HOLDING TIME ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF NORMALIZED SHEET (21) 120 1200 80 FTU - KSI 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 CODE Fe 1201 PAGE 7 FeUH 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 Fe CODE FTY - KSI PERCENT 1201 200 160 120 80 40 0 40 HOLDING TIME, SEC ΔΕ Ο 10 1800 STRAIN RATE, IN/IN/SEC Δ 0.00005 ☐ 0.01 O 1.0 HEATING TIME 10 SEC 200 FTY 400 e(2 IN) Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.040 IN SHEET 1570, OQ, + 1000 F, 2 HR FTU 600 TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 FIG. 3.0315 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES, STRAIN RATE AND HOLDING TIME ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HEAT TREATED SHEET - 1200 160 120 80 40 0 (21) KSI TU F KSI PERCENT 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 40 20 0 -200 'Fe-(0.3C)-0,95Cr-0.20Mo 0.040 IN SHEET 1570 F, 30 MIN (ARGON), OQ + 400 F, 2 HR, AC FTU FTY STRAIN RATE/SEC 0.5 0.005 0.00001 RA WII WIIKKA 0 200 400 TEMP F (e(2 IN) 600 FIG. 3.0316 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND STRAIN RATE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HIGH STRENGTH SHEET IN RANGE EXHIBITING STRAIN AGING (16) PAGE 8 FeUH KSI KSI 100 120 FT 80 60 40 40 FIG. 3.03211 20 80 0 0 40 30 20 0 10 0 0 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo 0.064 IN SHEET -400 100 HT TO 125 KSI RT FTÚ RT 400 F 10 HR 200 1/2 HR 800 F /2 TO 10 HR 1/2 HR 0.004 600 F 1000 COMPRESSION (T) STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES IN COMPRESSION -200 0.008 0.012 IE CHARPY V 400 500 TEMP FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES ON YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET IN COMPRESSION (18, FIG. 40) (18, FIG. 54-58) 0 TEMP Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo 0.064 IN SHEET HT TO 1235 KSI F AT RT TU A F Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0. 20Mo F HT TO FTU AT RT 150-160 KSI FERROUS ALLOYS 800 100 - 120 KSI 83 - 95 KSI 200 400 F CY 1000 FTY FIG. 3.0331 EFFECT OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEM - PERATURES ON CHARPY V IMPACT PRO- PERTIES AT VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (17, FIG. 77) 120 1200 KSI 80 40 0 FIG. 3.0351 KSI 0 200 169 120 80 40 0 200 NORMALIZED 010 e 9 =0 d 400 200 = 1.5 400 HT 160 TO 180 KSI F, Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-9. 20Mo F F 600 TEMP - F BRY SU EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF NORMALIZED AND HEAT TREATED ALLOY (17), (18) 600 TEMP 800 F BRU F TU Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.064 IN SHEET HT TO 123 KSI FTU AT RT AT RT 800 1000 1200 1000 1200 FIG. 3.0361 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON BEARING STRENGTH OF SHEET (18, FIG. 42, 44) 4130 Fe 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo CODE 1201 PAGE 9 FeUH 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 CODE Fe KSI AND PERCENT SHEAR KSI AND PERCENT SHEAR 240 200 1201 160 120 80 40 0 -200 200 160 120 80 40 ვე fa -200 0 ว [L NET FRACTURE STRESS FIG. 3.03711 EFFECT OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON NET FRACTURE STRESS AND PERCENT SHEAR AREA ON FRACTURE SURFACE OF SHEAR CRACKED SHEET SPECIMENS HEAT TREATED TO 200 F. KSI TU AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (15, FIG. 11, TBL. 14, 15) 1700 F, 68 MIN, OQ + 825 F, 1 HR FTU Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.100 IN SHEET TY O FRACTURE APPEARANCE - % SHEAR STANDARD SPECIMENS, STRAIN RATE.0001 IN/SEC 200 FERROUS ALLOYS SHEAR CRACKED SPECIMENS, CROSSHEAD RATE.01 IN/MIN 3 1/2 ti 0.581 I * B SHEAR CRACKED SPECIMEN 600 400 TEMP- F NET FRACTURE STRESS Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20 Mo 0.100 IN SHEET 1700 F,63 MIN, OQ, +825 F, 1 HR FRACTURE APPEARANCE - % SHEAR 11/2 200 400 TEMP F FATIGUE CRACKED SPECIMENS SHEAR CRACKED SPECIMENS - 600 800 800 FIG. 3.03712 COMPARISON BETWEEN TWO METHODS OF DETERMINING FRACTURE STRESS AND FRACTURE APPEARANCE. (15, FIG. 39, 11, TBL. 42, 14, 15) KSI AND PERCENT SHEAR 280 240 200 100 120 80 40 0 NET FRACTURE STRESS -200 FIG. 3.03713 OA STANDARD SPECIMENS, STRAIN RATE 0.0001/SEC SHEAR CRACKED SPECIMENS, CROSSHEAD RATE 0.01 IN/MIN 0 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.040 IN SHEET 1570 F, 30 MIN (ARGON), OQ + 400, F, 2 HR FRACTURE APPEARANCE - % SHEAR 0.58 FTU - 400 F 3 1/2 ]. SHEAR CRACKED SPECIMEŅ 200 TEMP 1 1/2 600 800 EFFECT OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SMOOTH SPECIMENS, AND ON NET FRACTURE STRESS AND PERCENT SHEAR AREA ON FRACTURE SURFACE FOR SHEAR- CRACKED SHEET SPECIMENS HEAT TREATED TO 240 F KSI AT ROOM TEMPERATURE TU (15, FIG. 8, TBL. 8, 9) PAGE 10 FeUH - KSI NET FRACTURE STRESS SHEAR - PERCENT 260 KSI 220 180 140 100 60 - 100 200 100 80 60 0 40 20 10 -400 0.50 1.5 I I CENTER FATIGUE CRACK 1 -200 FRACTURE APPEARANCE FIG. 3.03714 EFFECT OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEMP- ERATURES AND LOAD RATE ON NET FRACTURE STRESS AND FRACTURE APPEARANCE ON FATIGUE CRACKED SHEET SPECIMENS HEAT TREATED TO 250 FTU KSI AT ROOM TEMPERA- (16, TBL. 3A-5A) TURE 1 HR AT 110 KSI 10 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.040 IN SHEET 1570 F, 30 MIN (ARGON), OQ, 1+ 400 F, 3 HR, AC TIME 0 K Ô Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 1650 F, OQ +1100, HR LOAD RATE LB/SEC O'200,000 Δ 2,000 4 D A 200 TEMP - F 100 HR 700 F 900 F 1100 F FERROUS ALLOYS 400 EQUIV- STRAIN RATE IN/IN/SEC 0.5 0.005 0.00001 1000 FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FROM 700 TO 1100 F (14) 600 MAXIMUM - KSI 200 100 80 60 40 20 120 100 103 80 60 40 5 1/4 IN ROD 0.255 103 R=2.75 3.0 15 116 10 10 Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.5 IN BAR + 1700 F, 30 MIN, WQ +1200 F, 30 MIN, AC 4 4 FIG. 3.051 S-N CURVE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE IN ROTATING BENDING (20, FIG. 4) O MEDIAN OF 11 TESTS SINGLE SPECIMEN TESTS 0.48 ROT BEAM R=-1 5 6 10 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES UNWELDED FISHMOUTH WELD, GROUND SCARF WELD, GROUND BUTT WELD, UNGROUND BUTT WELD, GROUND Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.125 IN SHEET -KSI AT RT t=0.125 inHT 180 TO 200 FTU CURVES FAIRED THROUGH MEANS OF APPROX 8 TESTS, EACH AT 0.6 FTU, 0.4 FTU, 0.3 FTU 106 107 107 5 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIG. 3.052 EFFECT OF WELD CONFIGURATION AND SURFACĖ GRINDING ON FATIGUE LIFE OF SHEET IN AXIAL LOADING AT ROOM TEMP- ERATURE (8, FIG. 2 TO 5) CODE 4130 Fe 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 1201 PAGE "1 FeUH Fe 0.3 C 0.95 Cr 0.2 Mo 4130 1000 KSI KSI 100 80 CODE 1201 60 40 20 32 0 24 FIG. 3.0621 16 8 0 0 8 FIG. 3.064 OE U Ec STATIC STRAIN RATE 0.01 IN PER MIN 200 400 STRAIN RATE 0.01 IN PER MIN COMPRESSION 800 F Τ 600 F Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.0625 IN SHEET HT TO 125 FTU KSI AT RT 30 MIN AT TEMP PRIOR TO TEST 400 F 1000 F 600 TEMP F EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON ELASTIC MODULUS IN TENSION AND COMPRESSION AS DETERMINED FROM STATIC STRESS STRAIN CURVES (18, FIG. 48-58) 10 20 TANGENT MODULUS P Fe-(0.3C)-0.95Cr-0.20Mo 0.054 IN SHEET HT TO 125 F. AT RT TU 30 KSI 800 40 FERROUS ALLOYS EFFECT OF STRESS AND TEMPERA- TURE ON TANGENT MODULUS IN COMPRESSION (19, FIG. 75) 1000 1200 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 REFERENCES AMS 6351, (Dec. 1, 1953) AMS 6360D, (Feb. 15, 1953) AMS 6361, (June 1, 1942) AMS 6362, (June 1, 1942) AMS 6370D, (Oct. 1, 1951) AMS 6371C, (Oct. 1, 1951) AMS 5336, (July 1, 1957) Bendix Aviation Corp., "Process Specification 4130 Steel," No. P. S. 2101-4130, (March 18, 1958) Wyman-Gordon, "Forging Temperature Specifications on Carbon Steels," (Jan. 19, 1959) Sachs, George, "Survey of Low Alloy Aircraft Steels Heat Treated to High Strength Levels, " WADC TR 53-254, Part 4, (Aug. 1954) Alloy Digest AISI 4130 Filing Code SA 23 Steel-Alloy, (Nov. 1954) Haynes Stellite Co., "Haynes Low Alloy Steels, " (1959) General Dynamics Corp., "Determination of Mechanical Properties of Material 4130 Steel Welding," Rep. No. FTDM- 1626, (April 6, 1962) General Dynamics Corp., "Effect of Incomplete Root Pene- tration on Mechanical Properties of Wing-Inboard Pylon Box and Outboard Pylon Plate Welds," Rep. No. FGT-1997, (April 9, 1962) McDonnell Aircraft, "Tensile Fatigue Test of Welds on 4130 Steel," Rep. No. 8875, (July 10, 1962) General Dynamics Corp., "Evaluation of Filler Metals (Electrodes and Welding Rods) for Low Alloy Steels," Rep. No. FTDM-2776, (Jan. 30, 1962) McDonnell Aircraft Co., First Quarterly Progress Report on Unpublished Materials Research and Development Programs, Rep. No. 8743, Vol. 11, Serial 1, (April 10, 1962) O'Keefe, D. P., "Development of Methods for the Determina- tion of Elastic Constants for Sheet Metal at Elevated Tempera- ture, "General Dynamics Rep. No. ERR-FW-053, (March 7, 1962) McDonnell Aircraft Co., "Brazing of 304 to 4130 and Oxidation Protection of Vascojet 1000," Rep. No. 8877, Serial No. 1, (July 10, 1962) McDonnell Aircraft Co., First Semi-Annual Summary Report on Unpublished Materials Research and Development Programs, Report 8938, Serial 1, (July 10, 1962) Babcock and Wilcox Co., Data Sheet on 4140, 4130 and 410 Steels, (1962) Morrison, J. D., and Kattus, J. R., Summary Technical Report on "An Investigation of Methods for Determining the Crack-Propagation Resistance of High Strength Alloys, Southern Research Inst. Prepared under Bu. Naval Weapons Contract NO as 60-6040-c, (Oct. 14, 1959 through Jan. 14, 1961) W My • B 11 Southern Research Institute, "An Investigation of the Crack Propagation Resistance of High Strength Alloys and Heat- Resistant Alloys," Prepared under Bu. Naval Weapons Contract NO as 61-0392-d. Bimonthly Progress Rep. No. 5, (Nov. 23, 1961) North American Aviation Data Sheet on Alloy Steel-AISI 4130, Al-2604 Favor, Ronald J., Acnoach, William P., and Hyler, Walter S., Materials Property Design Criteria for Metals, Part 7, "The Conventional Short-Time Elevated Temperature Proper- ties of Selected Low and Medium Alloy Steels," WADCTR-55- 150, Part 7 11 Miller, Donald E., "Determination of the Tensile Compres- sive and Bearing Properties of Ferrous and Nonferrous Structural Sheet Material at Elevated Temperatures, AF TR 6517, Part 5, ASTIA No. AD142218. Manson, S. S., Nachtigall, A. J., and Freche, J. C., "A Proposed New Relation for Cumulative Fatigue Damage in Bending," Proc. ASTM, (1961) WADC, "Tensile Properties of Aircraft-Structural Metals at Various Rates of Loading After Rapid Heating," Rep. No. 55-199, Pt. 2, ASTIA No. AD 110540, (Nov. 1956) Metals Handbook, ASM, Vol. 1, 8th Edition, (1961) United States Steel Co., "Atlas of Isothermal Transformation Diagrams," (1951) PAGE 12 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.0521 1.053 Source 1.054 Carbon Chromium Cobalt 1.055 1.09 Manganese Molybdenum 1.056 2. Silicon Vanadium Phosphorus Sulfur Iron 1.06 1.061 1.062 1.07 1.071 2.01 2.011 2.012 GENERAL This ultra-high strength steel has yield strengths in the range of 230 to 240 ksi. The forming characteristics are excellent and the weldability good. This steel was developed for use in high performance solid rocket motor cases. When properly heat treated, this steel develops high strength to- gether with fair ductility and toughness, (1)(2)(3). Commercial Designation. 4137 Co. 1.08 1.081 1.082 Alternate Designations. Unimach UCX 2, MX-2, Rocoloy. Specifications. Mellon XMDR -2, steel sheet for high strength, thin wall, missile motor cases and pressure vessels, (8). Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1.04 Min 0.39 0.95 0.98 0.60 0.22 0.97 0.14 AWS (7, p. 10) Percent Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Heat Treatment fast cool to Resulting hard- Normalize. 1750 F, 30 min, air cool, (7, p. 10). Spheroidize anneal. 1420 to 1460 F, 2 hr, 1235 to 1265 F, hold 14 to 24 hr, air cool. ness RB 95. maximum, (1, p. 3). Alternate spheroidize anneal. 1525 F, 6 hr, cool 20 F per 1 hr to 1300 F, hold 30 hr, cool 20 F per 1 hr to 900 F, air cool. Resulting hardness RB 90, (7, p.10). Intermediate anneal to restore ductility of formed parts, 1250 F for 10 min minimum, air cool, (1, p. 5). Stress relief after welding. 1250 F, 30 min minimum, (1, p.37). Max 0.40 1.20 1.23 0.79 0.35 1.19 0.16 0.015 0.012 Austenitize. 1700 F for sections < 1/2 in, 1725 F for sections 1/2 in, 20 min minimum to 1 hr maximum per in thickness, oil or salt quench at 400 F. Maximum time in salt, 12 min, (1, p.5). Double temper 540 to 560 F for two consecutive 2 hr periods with intermediate cooling to room temperature, (7, p.10). Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. Effect of austenitizing and tempering temperature on hard- ness, Fig. 1.062. Forms and Conditions Available The steel is available in all standard mill forms including forging billet, bar, wire, plate, sheet and strip. Rolled rings are also available, (3, p.2). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Melting and Casting Practice Electric arc furnace or arc air melt, (1, p. 2). For high cleanliness, consumable electrode vacuum re- melting or inert atmosphere induction melting is recom- mended, (1, p. 2). Special Considerations Thermal Properties Melting point Phase changes. A. = 1420 F, M S = 540 F. 2.0121 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.04 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 3.0211 3.0212 3.0213 3.0214 3.0215 3.022 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.051 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.014 4.02 4.021 4.022 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.033 4.034 Time temperature transformation diagram, Fig. 2.0121. Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion. At 80 to 600 F, 5.68 x 10 -6 per F,(1, p. 2). Specific heat Other Physical Properties Density. 0.276 lb per cu in. 7.684 gr per cu cm, (1, p. 2). Electrical resistivity Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. Chemical Properties Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties in per in Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Tension properties Stress strain curve at room temperature, Fig. 3.0211. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature ten- sile properties of cross rolled sheet, Fig. 3.0212. Effect of thickness on room temperature tensile properties of sheet tempered at 550 F, Fig. 3.0213. Effect of thickness on room temperature tensile properties of wide sandwich rolled sheet tempered at 650 F, Fig. 3.0214. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature notch tensile strength of sandwich rolled sheet, Fig. 3.0215. Effect of tempering temperature on impact strength for various melting practices, Fig. 3.022. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0311. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity of sheet at various temperatures, Fig. 3.061. FABRICATION Forming and Casting Can be deep drawn, rolled into rings, Hydrospun and coined readily, (1, p. 24). Can be cold drawn and reduced as much as 40 percent in one operation, (1, p. 25). Optimum recrystallization procedure is to heat the cold reduced part to 1250 F for at least 10 min, (1, p. 25). Forging. Starting temperature 1950 F maximum, finishing temperature 1650 F minimum. Machining The machinability characteristics are similar to AISI 4140 steel and better than 4340, (1, p.25). For best machinability of forged parts, normalize and temper at 1250 F, 2 hr minimum, (7, p.10). Welding General. This steel has good weldability characteristics using the tungsten-arc-inert-gas process, (1, p. 25). Generally pre-heat and post-heat treatment are not re- quired, (1, p. 25). Stress relief anneal is recommended (see 1.055), (1, p. 25, 37). Weld wire chemical analysis for optimum results, Table 4.034. CODE | 1 Fe 0.39 C 1.1 Cr Co Si § 0.25 Mo 0.15 V 4137 Co 0.7 Mn 1202 PAGE FeUH ů o ù ů üs - Fe 0.39 C I.I 1 Cr Co Si 0.7 Mn 0.25 Mo 0.15 V 4137 Co C SCALE Source Alloy Form ROCKWELL HARDNESS Carbon Chromium Cobalt 4.04 Manganese Molybdenum 4.05 CODE 1202 Silicon Vanadium Sulfur Phosphorus 64 56 48 40 32 0 TABLE 4.034 (1, p. 38) MXW-2 FIG. 1.061 Weld filler wire Percent 0.35 1.00 1.00 0.65 0.25 0.90 0.15 0.010 max 0.010 max Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating (5, p.7) WCX-2 Fe-(0.39C) -1.1Cr-1 Co-1Si-0.7Mn-0. 25Mo-0.15V AUST 1700 F 24 Percent 0.38 1.10 1.00 0.70 0.25 1.00 0.20 8 16 DISTANCE FROM END QUENCHED SIXTEENTHS IN END QUENCH HARDENABILITY FERROUS ALLOYS 32 TEMP - F 40 (1, p.9) 1600 1200 800 400 1 1420 F A1 540 F Ms A - AUSTENITE C - CARBIDE F FERRITE P PEARLITE - 10 C SCALE ad ROCKWELL HARDNESS 60 A 56 52 48 44 Fe-(0.39C) -1.1Cr-1Co-1Si-0.7Mn-0.25Mo-0.15V 40 200 FIG. 1.0652 W 1600 F 1650 F 1700 F 1750 F 400 102 A+F+C 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP EFFECT OF AUSTENITIZING AND TEMPER - ING TEMPERATURE ON HARDNESS REVISED MARCH 1963 AUST TIME SEC Fe-(0.39C)-1.1Ċr-1Co-1Si-0.7Mn-0. 25Mo-0.15V AUST 1700 F IN SALT FOR 10 MIN A+ P 103 - 14.5 RC F 1000 104 1200 (1, p.6) 10 RC 21 RC 42 RC F+C 105 FIG. 2.0121 TIME TEMPERATURE TRANSFORMATION DIAGRAM FOR MX-2 (1, p.7) PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI 230 KSI 240 200 160 120 80 40 PERCENT 0 320 FIG. 3.0211 280 240 200 160 16 12 Fe-(0.39C)-1.1Cr-1Co-1Si-0.7Mn- ∞o 0 0.25Mo-0.15V 4 500 FIG. 3.0212 0.004 AUST, 1700 F + DOUBLE TEMPER 600 F 0.008 0.012 STRAIN - IN PER IN STRESS-STRAIN CURVE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (4) RT Fe-(0.39C)-1.1Cr-1Co-1Si-0.7Mn-0.25Mo-0.15V 0.227 IN SHEET ▲ 0.150 IN SHEET 0.090 IN SHEET 600 L e (1 IN) FTU F TY 0.016 e (2 IN) 1700 F, 30 MIN, OQ + TEMPER, 2x2 HR FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 700 800 900 TEMPERING TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF CROSS ROLLED SHEET (1, p. 11) KSI PERCENT 300 280 250 240 220 200 16 12 8 4 0 Fe-(0.39C)-1.1Cr-1Co-1Si-0.7 Mn-0.25Mo-0.15V FTY 1700 F, 30 MIN, OQ + 550 F, 2x2 HR (L & T) | SHEET 1700 F, 25 MIN, OQ + 550 F, 2x2 HR 1700 F, 25 MIN, SQ TO 400 F, 10 MIN, AC + 550 F, 2x2 HR FIG. 3.0213 0.04 280 0.08 260 KSI 240 220 12 PERCENT je (1 IN) 8 FTU CROSS ROLLED SANDWICH ROLLED WIDE SHEET THICKNESS EFFECT OF THICKNESS ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET TEMPERED AT 550 F (1, p. 11-14) e (1 IN) 0.12 0.16 IN Fe-(0.39C)-1.1Cr-1 Co-1Si-0.7Mn- 0.25Mo-0.15V FTU 0.20 FTY e (1 IN) e (2 IN) 0.24 1700 F, 25 MIN, SQ TO 400 F, 10 MIN, AC +650 F, 2x2 HR 0 1700 F, 25 MIN, OQ +650 F,, 2 x 2 HR 0.06 0.08 0.14 0.10 0.12 THICKNESS - IN FIG. 3.0214 EFFECT OF THICKNESS ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPER - TIES OF WIDE SANDWICH ROLLED SHEET TEMPERED AT 650 F (1, p.14) 1 0.39 C 1.1 Cr | Fe CODE E is Co 0.7 Mn 0.25 Mo 0.15 V 4137 Co 1202 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe 0.39 C 1.1 1 1 ŏ ů is CODE Cr Co 0.7 Mn 0.25 Mo 0.15 V 4137 Co Si 240 320 FT LB 280 1202 200 160 241 20 16 400 12 0.07 IN SHEET 0.125 IN SHEET ■SMOOTH FTU AVG 0.07 AND 0.125 ÎN SHEET 500 600 FIG. 3.0215 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE NOTCH TENSILE STRENGTH OF SANDWICH ROLLED SHEET (1, p.15) 8 200 Fe-(0.39℃)-1.1 Cr-1Co-1Si-0.7Mn-0.25Mo-0.15V 1700 F, 30 MIN, OQ + TEMPER 2x2 HR FIG. 3.022 NOTCHED K = 5 IE CHARPY V 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F Fe-(0.39C)-1.1Cr-1Co-lSi-0.7Mn-0.25Mo-0.15V 1700 F, 25 MIN, OQ +TEMPER 2 x 2 HR 700 AIR MELT CONSUMABLE ARC REMELT DBL CONSUMABLE ARC REMELT 400 600 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH FOR VARIOUS MELTING PRACTICES - FERROUS ALLOYS F (6) 900 1000 1 2 3 4 Сл 5 6 7 8 KSI PERCENT 300 1000 KSI 280 260 240 220 200 20 10 0 100 32 30 28 Fe-(0.39C) -1.1Cr-1Co-1Si-07 Mn-0.25Mo-0.15 V 0.090 IN SHEET 1710 F, OQ 550 F, 2x2 HR 26 300 400 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (6) 200 100 FIG. 3.061 REVISED: MARCH 1963 FTU 200 Fry Fe-(0.39C)-1.1 Cr-Co-lSi-07Mn-0.25Mo-015V 0.090 IN SHEET 1710 F, OQ 550 F, 2x2 HR E e (2IN) 300 TEMP - F MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF SHEET AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (6) REFERENCES 500 400 500 Mellon Institute, "MX-2 Ultra High Strength Steel for High Performance Solid Propellant Missile Motor Case Applica- tion", Technical Brochure Bhat, G. K., "A New Ultra High Strength Steel for High Performance Rocket Motor Cases", ASM 1960, Golden Gate Metals Conference, (Feb. 4, 1960) Universal Cyclops Steel Corp., "Ultra High Strength Steel- Unimach UCX-2" Universal Cyclops Steel Corp., "Tensile Stress Strain Curve for Duomelt-Unimach UCX-2" Kaiser Fleetwings, Inc., "Effect of a Stress Relief Versus, a Normalize and Temper Treatment on the Final Mechanical Properties of AMS-6434, Ladish D6A, X-2 (Modified 4137)", Final Report No. 167 (Nov. 1960) Bhat, G. K., Mellon Institute, Personal Communications, (Oct. 6, 1961) "Fabrication of Welded Rocket Motor Cases", AWS, Missiles and Rockets Welded Fabrication Committee, American Welding Society (1961) Mellon Institute, "Experimental Material Description and Requirements (tentative)", Mellon XMDR-2, Revised (March 24, 1960) B PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 5336 5338 16378 16379 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 AMS 1.054 1.055 GENERAL This is a medium carbon chromium-molybdenum steel widely used where the higher strength capability and higher hardenability of 4340 is not required. It is available in all commercial wrought forms and is used for high strength castings, (1) (2, p.3) (3) (7). Tensile strengths up to 240 ksi are readily achieved through conventional heat treatment, (8). It can be nitrided successfully. Commercial Designation. 4140. Alternate Designations. SAE 4140, AISI 4140. The designation 4140 H denotes the steel is supplied to hardenability limits. Specifications. Table 1.03. Source 1.0551 1.0552 1.0553 1.0554 F cy 6381 A Heavy wall tubing 6382 D Bars, forgings and forging stock MIL-S-5626 Carbon Chromium Manganese Molybdenum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Iron TABLE 1.03 Form Precision investment castings Precision investment castings Bars, die drawn and temper F = 130 ksi ty Bars, die drawn and temper 165 ksi Composition. Table 1.04. * AMS 6378 specifies 0.38 to 0.45C (26) AMS 5379 specifies 0.40 to 0.53C (27) AMS 5336 specifies 0.25 to 0.35C (22) TABLE 1.04 AMS (22) (24) (25) (26) (27) Percent Min 0.38* 0.80 0.75 0.15 0.20 Max 0.43* 1.10 1.00 0.25 0.35 0.040 0.040 Balance Military FERROUS ALLOYS AMS (23) Percent Min 0.35* 0.80 0.75 0.15 Max 0.45* 1.10 1.00 0.25 1.00 0.040 0.040 Balance Heat Treatment Normalize. 1600 to 1650 F, air cool, (1). AMS 5336 spec- ifies 1700 to 1750 F, 1 hr minimum, air cool, (22); AMS 5338 specifies 1650 to 1700 F, 1 hr minimum, air cool, (23); AMS 6382 D and 6381 A specify 1690 to 1710 F, (24) (25). Anneal. 1550 to 1600 F, furnace cool, (1). Harden. 1550 to 1600 F, oil quench, (1). AMS 5336 speci- fies 1590 to 1610 F, 30 min, oil quench; AMS 5338 specifies 1540 to 1560 F, 30 min, oil quench; AMS 6381 A and 6382 D specify 1540 to 1560 F. Spheroidize. 1400 to 1425 F, furnace cool, (1). Specified heat treatment process for ultimate tensile strength up to 220 ksi, (3). Anneal. 1525 to 1575 F, furnace, ash or lime cool. Normalize. 1575 to 1700 F, air cool. Temper 1250 F maximum draw for machinability. Austenitize. 1500 to 1575 F, oil quench (75 to 140 F) cool to 160 F maximum, or salt quench 390 to 410 F, 10 min minimum, air cool to 160 F maximum. Temper. Temper for 4 hr to required strength, see Table 1.0554. 1.06 1.061 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 F F Source Alloy F tu e tu' 200 - 220 180 - 200 160 180 ty' P sunda ksi J Source Alloy Form Condition Min tempering temp Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. TABLE 1.0554 (3) Fe-(0.4C) -1Cr-0. 2Mo F Melting and Casting Practice. Open hearth or electric furnace air melt. Forms and Conditions Available This steel is available in full commercial range of sizes and forms for wrought products. Hot rolled or cold finished stock is furnished in the annealed, normalized or spheroidized condition, (1) (7). Die drawn and tempered bars are available to minimum ten- sile property specifications, (26) (27). Investment castings furnished in normalized and tempered condition, unless otherwise specified (AMS 5336 and 5338), (22) (23). Special Considerations. When heat treated to high strength levels special precautions must be taken to avoid hydrogen embrittlement and reduce stress concentrations. See 4340. 700 800 950 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES A MI S Thermal Properties Melting point. A cl A = 1460 F c3 Critical temperatures, (1): 1380 F = 1280 F Ar3 = 1370 F 650 F 500 F f Thermal conductivity. 22 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F), (9). Thermal expansion at 0 to 200 F, 6.3 x M 10-6 in per in per F, (9). Specific heat. 0.107 Btu per (lb F), (9). tam min -ksi min -ksi percent - MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Recommended tempering range - F 750 - 850 850 - 950 950 - 1100 Other Physical Properties Density. 0.283 lb per cu in. 7.83 gr per cu cm, (9). Electrical properties Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. Chemical Properties. See 4340. Nuclear Properties Norm Specified Mechanical Properties Minimum guaranteed properties for heat treated bar and forgings, Table 3.011. 90 70 15 = 140 120 14 TABLE 3.011 ASM (10) Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo Bar, forgings Temper to Temper to Temper to Ftu = 140 ksi Ftu=160 ksi Ftu=180 ksi 160 145 12 180 165 10 0.2 4140 CODE Fe 0.4 C Cr Mo 1203 PAGE FeUH Fe 0.4 с 1 Cr 0.2 Mo 4140 3.012 Source Alloy Form Condition [I [I F 3.013 F CODE 1203 e (4 D), min R min RA, Hardness BHN, 3.014 3.023 3.0231 3.0232 3.0233 FF Source Alloy Form Condition 3.02 3.021 3.0211 3.0212 tu 3.0213 FF 3.022 3.0221 3.0223 3.0224 ty e percent RA- percent Hardness BHN RC 3.0222 tu F tu AMS specified properties, Table 3.012. Source Alloy Form Condition ksi - ksi Mak tv e (2 in)-percent RA percent Hardness BHN min - ksi min - ksi - - ksi - ksi M percent percent min max Typical room temperature properties of unhardened cast- ings, Table 3.013. Prec invest casting Norm + 1590 to 1610 F, 30 min, OQ + 800 F min 150 125 5 10 TABLE 3.013 (2, p. 25) As-cast 131.3 100.8 33.5 AMS (22) (1) Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0. 2Mo Cast 6.0(1 in) 8.0 As-rolled 110 to 130 65 to 95 15 to 20 40 to 45 Ann 90 60 229 to 270 25 (2 in) 45 220 TABLE 3.014 (1) Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo Wrought Ann 90 to 100 65 to 70 25 to 27 50 to 55 Typical room temperature properties of unhardened wrought steel, Table 3.014. FERROUS ALLOYS 185 to 200 Norm 135 100 Prec invest casting Norm +1540 to 1560 F, 30 min, OQ + 900 F min 175 160 16 (2 in) 28 275 Norm 120 to 138 95 to 100 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Hardness 18 to 22 44 to 55 TABLE 3.012 AMS (23) 241 to 280 Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature hardness of castings and wrought bar, Fig. 3.0211. Effect of elevated temperature on room temperature hard- ness of annealed and cold rolled bar, Fig. 3.0212. Effect of elevated temperature on room temperature hard- ness of heat treated and cold rolled bar, Fig. 3.0213. Tension properties Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature ten- sile properties of cast steel, Fig. 3.0221. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature ten- sile properties of wrought bar, Fig. 3.0222. Effect of bar diameter on room temperature tensile proper- ties of quenched and tempered bar, Fig. 3.0223. Effect of cold rolling on room temperature tensile proper- ties of bar, Fig. 3.0224. Properties other than tension 3 6 - Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature torsional properties of bar, Fig. 3.0231. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature im- pact properties of bar, Fig. 3.0232. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature im- pact properties of extruded bar, Table 3.0233. T AMS (25) Fe-(0.4C) -1Cr-0.2Mo Bars, forgings and forging stock 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.05 3.051 Source Alloy Form Thickness - in Condition 3.052 3.053 4. As-extruded Norm, 1650 F, OQ + temper 2 hr, 600 F Norm, 1650 F, OQ + temper 2 hr, 900 F Each value average of 4 tests 4.01 4.011 HF 229 CF 241 REVISED: MARCH 1963 AMS (26) 23.0 Die drawn FABRICATION tempered 150 130 10 35 TABLE 3.0233 302 ■ AMS (27) 10.5 Die drawn tempered 180 165 (12) Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr -0.2Mo Extruded bar 3/4 x 3 1/8 Charpy Keyhole impact Rockwell strength (ft lb) hardness Long Trans 24.5 16.3 14.5 8.5 5 20 360 B-90 C-48 C-40 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of heat treated bar and forging at various strength levels, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of alloy tempered at various temperatures, Fig. 3.0312. Short time properties other than tension Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of bar and forgings, heat treated to various strength levels, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of test temperature on shear strength of bar and forgings,heat treated to various strength levels, Fig. 3.0322. Effect of test temperature on bearing strength of bar and forgings, heat treated to various strength levels, Fig. 3.0323. Effect of test temperature and various heat treatments on impact properties, Fig. 3.0324. Static stress concentration effects Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep curves at 1000 and 1200 F for sheet in various heat treated conditions, Fig. 3.041. Creep curves at 600 F for steel, heat treated 180 to 200 F-ksi, Fig. 3.042. tu Effect of cold rolling on rupture time of quenched and tem- pered rod at various temperatures, Fig. 3.043. Effect of cold rolling on minimum creep rate of quenched and tempered rod at various test temperatures, Fig. 3.044. Fatigue Properties S-N curves at room temperature for smooth and notched bar in the longitudinal and transverse direction, Fig. 3.051. S-N curves at room temperature for smooth bar, tempered to various strength levels, Fig. 3.052. S-N curves at room temperature for notched bar, tem- pered to various strength levels, Fig. 3.053. G Forming and Casting Forge at 2000 to 2200 F with 1800 F minimum finishing temperature, (1). PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.051 4.052 C SCALE mich ROCKWELL HARDNESS 64 56 48 40 32 24 C SCALE 0 ROCKWELL HARDNESS FIG. 1.061 56 46 AMS 6381A +6382D MINIMUM REQUIREMENT 40 32 Machining. See 4340. Welding. See 4340. Heating and Heat Treating. See 4340. Surface Treating This alloy may be nitrided to improve wear and abrasion resistance, (1). Effect of tempering temperature on case hardness of nitrided alloy, Fig. 4.052. 24 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo 8 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END SIXTEENTH IN END QUENCH HARDENABILITY CAST (2) NORM, 1900 F, 1 HR, AC + HARD 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER 1/2 IN DIA BAR NORM 1600 F 16 + HARD 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER (1) ▲ 1 IN DIA BAR OIL HARDEN + TEMPER (1) 16 400 600 FIG. 3.0211 4140 H 24 32 (21) FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr -0.2Mo 1200 1400 1000 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE HARDNESS OF CASTINGS AND WROUGHT BAR (1) (2, p. 30) BRINELL HARDNESS SCALE 280 260 - 240 220 200 C SCALE 0 40 336 ROCKWELL HARDNESS 32 28 0% 0 200 FIG. 3.0213 COLD WORK (RA) ▲ 6% 400 ANN 1600 F, 1 HR +CR, +HEAT 1 HR FIG. 3.0212 EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE HARDNESS OF ANNEALED AND COLD ROLLED BAR (14, p. 828) AT INDICATED TEMP 200 Fe-(0.4C)-1Ċr-0.2Mo 3/4 IN DIA BAR 12% 600 TEMP - F 0% 6% 12% 400 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo 3/4 IN DIA BAR, 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ +1170 F, 2 HR + CR + HEAT 1 HR AT INDICATED TEMP 800 1000 COLD ROLLED 1 ▼ 20% O 40% 600 TEMP - F EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE HARDNESS OF HEAT TREATED AND COLD ROLLED BAR (14, p. 827) 1200 HARDNESS CONVERTED FROM VPN 800 1000 1200 0.4 C I 0.2 4140 CODE Fe Cr Mo 1203 PAGE: 3 FeUH Fe 0.4 C Cr 0.2 Mo - CODE 4140 KSI PERCENT 280 1203 240 200 160 120 80 40 20 0 Fe-(0. 4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo PREC INVEST CASTING NORM 1900 F, 1 HR, AC +1600 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 1 HR 600 FIG. 3.0221 800 FTY FTU RA e (1 IN) 1000 1400 1200 TEMPERING TEMP F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF CAST STEEL (2, p.30) FERROUS ALLOYS FTY - KSI 280 240 200 160 120 PERCENT 80 60 40 20 0 400 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0. 2Mo | 320 1/2 IN DIA BAR, NORM 1600 F +REHEAT 1550 F, OQ +TEMP (1) 1 IN DIA BAR, OIL HARDEN +TEMP (1) BAR, ANN 1550 F, OQ +TEMP (11) O11/2 IN NORM 1650 F +TEMP (13) AIDIA BAR. Q 1525 F +TEMP (13) 0} REVISED: MARCH 1963 F TY 600 RA FTU e (2 IN) 280 240 1200 200 KINAINTAINEDAN. 160 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP F FIG. 3.0222 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF WROUGHT BAR (1) (11) (13, p. 982) 120 80 KSI 1400 - TU F PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT 180 160 140 120 100 880 60 40 20 0 0 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo 1550 F, OQ + 1000 F TEMPER 1000 F FIG. 3.0223 F SPECIMEN POSITION BAR CENTER 1/2 RADIUS 1 BAR TU FTY RA 0.505 e (2 IN) 2 BAR BAR DIAMETER EFFECT OF BAR DIAMETER ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF QUENCHED AND TEMPERED (1) 3 IN FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 180 PERCENT 160 5140 120 100 80 40 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo 3/4 IN DIA BAR 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ +1170 F, 2 HR + CR FTU 0 KSI 160 30 10 20 PERCENT COLD ROLL FIG. 3.0224 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (14, p. 820) 140 120 100 80 F FIG. 3.0231 TY 600 RA - e TORSION ULTIMATE Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo 1 IN DIA BAR OQ + TEMPER 40 TORSION ELASTIC LIMIT 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEM- PERATURE ON ROOM TEMPER- ATURE TORSIONAL PROPER- TIES OF BAR 1200 (1) - 4140 0.4 C | 0.2 CODE Fe c Cr Mo 1203 PAGE 5 FeUH 0.4 1 0.2 CODE Fe C Cr Mo 4140 KSI - 120 PERCENT 80 TY 40 FIG. 3.0232 1203 0 240 400 160 [ 80 Fe-(0.4C) -1Cr-0.2Mo 1/2 IN DIA BAR NORM 1600 F +1550 F, OQ + TEMPER 1 IN ROD 0 40 20 OIL HARDEN + TEMPER 600 Fe-(0.4C)'-1Cr-0.2Mo BAR, FORGINGS FIG. 3.0311 NORM, HT TO INDICATEDRTF ▲ 140 ☐ 160 ▼ 180 O 200 FTU FTY 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT PROPERTIES OF BAR 400 TEMP A 800 F IE IZOD KSI 1200 TU240 1200 160 80 0 KSI - TU F FERROUS ALLOYS EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HEAT TREATED BAR AND FORGINGS AT VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (10, p. 219) (16, p.113) 1400 (1) KSI - 200 F 160 120 TY 80 40 0 $ 0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 FIG. 3.0312 Fe-(0.4C)-1Ċr-0.2Mo CASTINGS Q + TEMPER TEMPER 900 F O 950 F ▲ 1100 TO 1265 F 400 FTY TEMP 800 F - FTU 240 1200 200 160 120 80 40 0 KSI - ETU EFFECT OF TEST TEMPER - ATURE ON TENSILE PROPER - TIES OF ALLOY TEMPERED AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (28, p. 497) PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 TOY 200 160 120 80 40 0 120 KSI 80 40 400 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF BAR AND FORGINGS, HEAT TREATED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (10) 0 0 ▲ 140 200 ■160 F ▼ 180 CY 200 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr -0.2Mo BAR, FORGINGS •NORM, HT TO INDICATED RT FTU 140- 160 KSI 180- • } + F SU NORM, HT TO INDICATED RT FTU 160 > KSI } 600 800 Fe-(0.4C) -1Cr-0.2Mo BAR, FORGINGS 400 TEMP - F 600 800 FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF BAR AND FORGINGS,HEAT TREATED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (10) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI dj BRY F 320 240 160 80 0 0 FT - LB 160 ▼180 140 120 NORM HT TO INDICATED RT F. ▲ 140 100 80 60 40 } 20 F F 0 -100 KSI 400 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING STRENGTH OF BAR AND FORGINGS, HEAT TREATED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (10) BRU 200 BRY Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo BAR, FORGINGS e/D= 1.5 TO 2.0 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-(), 2 Mo TU 0 600 320 IE CHARPY V 240 160 200 80 0 1575 F, OQ TEMPER 1240 F TO 288 BHN -1575 F, OQ TEMPER 1075 F TO 286 BHN 1650 F, AC TO 255 BHN 800 KSI BRU 100 TEMP F FIG. 3.0324 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND VARIOUS HEAT TREATMENTS ON IMPACT PROPERTIES F 300 (1) 0.4 C 1 4140 CODE Fe 0.2 Mo Cr & 1203 PAGE 7 FeUH >> 0.4 C 0.2 CODE Fe Cr Mo 4140 100 80 KSI PERCENT 60 ELONGATION 40 20 10 80 60 40 20 10 8 60 40 20 10 8 FIG. 3.041 Fe-(0.4C)- 1Cr-0.2Mo 0.050 IN SHEET 0.001 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 1203 1% ▲ 2% ☐ 5% ▼ 10% 0 9% 1 CREEP 0.01 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo 0.1 4 600 F 1200 F 10 20 1575 F, OQ AND TEMPERED AT TEST TEMP 1 FERROUS ALLOYS 64 HR IN NITRATE BATH AT 1000 F - 40 10 TIME HR CREEP CURVES AT 1000 AND 1200 F FOR SHEET IN VARIOUS HEAT TREATED CONDITIONS 1000 F 1000 F 100 1200 F ANN (1550 F) 1000 F 1200 F 100 (17, p.36) CREEP STRESS 1507 ▲ 143 KSI 200 TIME HR FIG. 3.042 CREEP CURVES AT 600 F FOR STEEL, HEAT TREATED TO 180 TO 200 F -KSI TU (16, p.117) 400 - HR RUPTURE TIME PERCENT PER HR - MINIMUM CREEP RATE 2000 1000 800 600 400 200 100 80 600 40 20 10 0 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.008 10 REVISED: MARCH 1963 PERCENT COLD ROLL FIG. 3.043 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING ON RUPTURE TIME OF QUENCHED AND TEMPERED ROD AT VARIOUS TEST TEMPERATURES (14. p. 822) TEST TEMP-F ▲ 700 ☐ 800 ▼ 900 O 1000 Δ 1100 0 TEST TEMP F STRESS KSI 120 100 600 700 · 800 ▼ 900 O 1000 ▲ 1100 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo 0.75 IN ROD 20 STRESS KSI 100 80 60 35 13 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0. 2Mo U. 75 IN ROD, 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ +1170 F, +CR 2 HR - 80 60 35 13 - 30 40 AUST 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ! +1170 F, 2 HR + CR PERCENT 10 20 COLD ROLL FIG. 3.044 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING ON MINIMUM CREEP RATE OF QUENCHED AND TEMPERED ROD AT VARIOUS TEST TEMPERATURES (14, p.823) 30 40 PAGE 8 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 80 60 40 KSI 20 0 10 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 4. NOTCHED L T NO FAILURE 10 104 5 FIG. 3.051 SMOOTH 10 105 0.215 OR 0.270 F TU F Fe-(0.4C) -1Cr-0. 2Mo BAR TU 1500 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER 550 F, 1 HR 1500 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER 1150 F, 1 HR ■NORM 1650 F + TEMPER 1200 F -3 716 | Fe-(0.4C) -1Cr-0.2Mo T 0.29- 7 10 CYCLES TO FAILURE S-N CURVES AT ROOM TEMPERATURE FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR IN THE LONGI- TUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE DIRECTION (13, p.993) LONGITUDINAL K = 2.2 0.485 ROT BEAM NORM 1650 F +1200 F TEMPER F = 110 KSI TU FTU-110 KSI =237 KSI =140 KSI. 10 60 ROT BEAM NO FAILURE 106 107 CYCLES TO FAILURE FIG. 3.052 S-N CURVES AT ROOM TEMPERA- TURE FOR SMOOTH BAR, TEM- PERED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (13, p.993X18, p.52-54) 8 FERROUS ALLOYS 0.22 108 r = 0.015 109 C SCALE → ROCKWELL HARDNESS 64 60 56 KSI 52 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 10 Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo D1 D2 I LONGITUDINAL 0.40 0.215 0.025 ▲ 0.40 0.27 0.025 ■0.29 0.22 0.015 FTU 1050 = 237 KSI FTU=110 KSI 105 1100 F CONVERTED FROM ROCKWELL 15 N D TU 106 10 CYCLES TO FAILURE FIG. 3.053 S-N CURVES AT ROOM TEMPERA- TURE FOR NOTCHED BAR, TEM- PERED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS -60 = 237 KSI FTU NOTCHED ROT BEAM NO FAILURE 1150 = 140 KSI Fe-(0.4C)-1Cr-0.2Mo 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER + NITRIDE IN NH3 (FLOE PROCESS) 60 HR AT 975 F 2 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F FIG. 4.052 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON CASE HARDNESS OF NITRIDED ALLOY (19, p. 16) 108 (13)(18) 1250 Fe 0.4 C 1 Cr 0.2 Mo 4140 CODE 1203 PAGE 9 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 1 0.2 GRENAD 8 ر Cr Mo 4140 1 23 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 CODE 1203 18 19 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 222222 FERROUS ALLOYS REFERENCES Alloy Digest, "AISI 4140", Filing Code: SA-18, Steel Alloy, (May 1954) Haunes Stellite Co., "Haynes Low Alloy Steels" (1959) Bendix Products Div., Data Sheet on 4140, No. P. S. 2101- 4140, (March 18, 1958) Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc., "Ryerson Aircraft Steels", Bulletin No. RM-8-8-8, (1958) Fiorentino, R.J., Roach, D. B. and Hall, A. M., "Heat Treatment of High-Strength Steels for Airframe Applica- tions", DMIC Rep. 119, (Nov. 27, 1959) "Strength of Metal Aircraft Elements", MIL-HDBK-5, (Dec. 30, 1958) Grobecker, D. W. (Techn. Editor), "Metals for Supersonic Aircraft and Missiles", Proc. of the Conference "Heat Tolerant Metals for Aerodynamic Applications", (Jan. 1957, publ. 1958) Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc., "Guide to Steel Selection", Bulletin No. R-8-6-2 - Fiorentino, R. J. and Sabroff, A. M., "Availability and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Steel Extrusions", DMIC Rep. 138, (Oct. 26, 1960) Evans, E. B., Ebert, L. J. and Briggs, C. W., "Fatigue Properties of Comparable Cast and Wrought Steels", Proc. ASTM, Vol. 56 (1956) Shahinian, P., Achter, M. R. and Pennington, W. A., "The Effect of Cold Work and Temperature on Strength and Structure of Steel", Trans. ASM, Vol. 53, (1961) Sachs, G., "Survey of Low-Alloy Aircraft Steels Heat Treated to High-Strength Levels", (High-Strength Steels and Their General Static Properties) WADC TR- 53-254, Pt. 4 (Dec. 1953) S G Miller, J., Smith, L. W. and Porter, P. K., "Utilization of Low Alloy Materials for High Temperature Service Applications", United States Air Force, AF TR 5929, (June 1949) Jackson, L. R. and Pochapsky, T. E., "The Effect of Composition on the Fatigue Strength of Decarburized Steel", Trans. ASM, Vol. 39, (1947) The Nitralloy Corp., "Nitralloy and Nitriding" (including The New Floe Process), (1954) AMS 5336, (July 1, 1957) AMS 5338, (July 1, 1957) AMS 6381 A, (June 15, 1953) AMS 6382 D, (June 1, 1951) AMS 6378, (July 15, 1961) AMS 6379, (July 15, 1961) Metals Handbook, 8th Edition, ASM Vol. 1 (1961) "Alloy Steel; Semifinished; Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars", AISI Steel Products Manual, (July 1955) REVISED: MARCH 1963 PAGE 10 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1.02 1.03 1. 04 AMS 6427B 1.05 1.051 1.052 1. 053 1.055 GENERAL This steel is a development of 4330 steel with harden- ability and other properties improved by the addition of vanadium. It is available in form of bar, forgings and tubing, and it is primarily used heat treated to a tensile strength between 220 and 240 ksi, (7). Due to its compara- tively low carbon content, this ultra high strength steel is particularly resistant to shock loading and stress concentra- tion effects. It possesses welding and general fabrication characteristics superior to those of higher carbon steels. For applications where higher strength is desired, another modification of 4330 and 4340 with a higher carbon and vanadium content than 4330 Mod is used which is discussed separately under 4335 Mod. Many of the properties of these two steels are nearly identical. Commercial Designation. 1.054 Specifications. Table 1. 03. Alternate Designations. AMS 6427B, 4330 V Mod, 4330 Modified. Source Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Vanadium Iron Bar, forgings, tubing Composition. Table 1. 04. TABLE 1.03 Form Source Alloy Condition Ftu - ksi 150 to 160 min 180 to 200 200 to 220 220 to 240* TABLE 1,04 Min 0.28 0.75 0.20 4330 Mod. 0.75 1.65 0.35 0.05 Military MIL-S-8699 >850 AMS (1) Percent Heat Treatment Normalize. 1600 to 1700 F, air cool, (7, p. 7). Temper normalized condition for machinability. 1250 F maximum, (7, p. 7). Balance Full anneal. 1525 to 1575 F, furnace cool or cool in ash or lime, (7, p. 7). Stress relief of parts after straightening etc., Table 1. 054, (5). <400 Max 0.33 1.00 0.35 0.040 0.040 1.00 2,00 0,50 0.10 TABLE 1, 05:4 (7, p. 3, 8) 4330 Mod Tempering Temp F Stress Relief Temp-F Time-hr 700 800 700 3 1 3 FERROUS ALLOYS I сл на с 3 700 or 650 or 550 275 Carburized parts 275 Stress relief temperature limited by tempering temperature and strength requirements 4 5 12 12 Austenitize. 1550 to 1600 F, 15 min per inch thickness, 15 min minimum. Normalize welded or brazed parts be- fore austenitizing. 1.056 1.0561 1.0562 1.057 1. 0571 1.0572 1.0573 1.06 1. 061 1. 062 1.07 1.071 1. 072 1.08 1.09 1.091 2. 3. 3.01 3. 011 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.024 3.025 Source Alloy Form 3.026 3.027 3.028 Cooling after austenitizing Oil quench. Oil temperature 75 to 140 F, cool to 160 F maximum, (7, p. 7). 3.029 Salt quench. Salt temperature 390 to 410 F, hold 10 min, air cool to 160 F maximum, (7, p. 7). Temper. 600 to 1100 F, depending on desired strength. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 1.057. To Ftu = 180 to 200 ksi. 950 to 1100 F, 4 hr, (7, p. 8). To Ftu 200 to 220 ksi. 750 to 950 F, 4 hr, (7, p. 8). To Ftu = 220 to 240 ksi. .625 to 750 F, 2 x 2 hr, (6)(7, p. 8). Condition Thickness in Hardness RC, min ft lb Impact Izod, min Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. = Hardness distribution in oil quenched bars of different diameters, Fig. 1.062. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for low alloy steels in form of bar, forgings and tubing. All products are available in the annealed or normalized condition, forgings also in heat treated conditions. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts. Special Considerations Decarburization, although less pronounced than in the higher carbon steels, should not exceed a very small amount, particularly for applications involving repeated stresses. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. See 4335 Mod. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. - TABLE 3.011 AMS (1) 4330 Mod Bar, forgings 1540 to 1560 F, 0+600 F minimum 2 45 15 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Effects of specimen location and tempering temperature on tensile properties of a large forging, Fig. 3.021. Effects of as quenched section size and tempering tempera- ture on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.022. Effects of carbon content and tempering temperature on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.023. Effects of specimen location and tempering temperature on impact strength of bar and forgings, Fig. 3.024. Effects of as quenched section size and tempering tempera- ture on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.025. Effects of carbon content and tempering temperature on notch strength of bar, Fig. 3.026. Effects of specimen location and tempering temperature on notch strength of a large forging, Fig. 3.027. Effects of specimen size and test direction on notch strength of bar at various strength levels, Fig. 3.028. Effects of stress concentration, tempering temperature, specimen size and test direction on notch strength ratio of bar, Fig. 3.029. CODE Fe 0.3 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo 0.07 V 4330 V MOD 1204 PAGE 1 FeUH 0.3 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo 0.07 V Fe 4330 V MOD CODE 3.03 3.031 3. 0311 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.04 3.05 3. 051 4. 1204 201 222 236 250 263 3.052 201 250 263 Source Form Condition Ftu- ksi Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effects of cyclic exposure and test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3. 0311. Short time properties other than tension Effects of test temperature, section size and test direction on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3. 0321. Static stress concentration effects Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Room temperature fatigue properties of heat treated bar, Table 3.051. Method Rot Beam FABRICATION. TABLE 3,051 (4, p. 92-98) 4 in bar 1600F +Temper 1 hr to Fru below Stres s Stress Fatigue strength-ksi at Cycles Ratio 105 106 107 Concer tration Smooth K = 1 105 85 85 105 90 90 115 95 90 120 95 130 95 40 90 80 50 65 A R -1 8 FERROUS ALLOYS Notched K = 8 50 60 65 See 4340. Effect of double tempering on S-N curves for smooth and notched bar, Fig. 3.052. 40 50 65 KSI Tak 240 PERCENT 200 FTY 160 120 80 40 0 40 0 0 FTY 0. 305C, 11/4 IN, (13) O 0.30C, 3/4 IN, (9) H} 0.32C, 4 IN, (10) A Δ 200 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE Fe-(0. 3 C)-1. 8Ni-0.'8Cr-0. 4Mb-0. 07 V BAR 1550 TO 1600 F, OQ + TEMPER 60 50 40 RA 400 Д. е F REVISED: MARCH 1963 TU A- 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP F FIG. 1.057 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (9, p. 11)(10, p. 30)(13) 1000 Fe-(0.3C)-1. 8N1-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo-Q07V AMS 6427 MINIMA 320 (8) 280 240 200 160 1200 30 0 8 16 24 32 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END - SIXTEENTHS IN FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY KSI TU F PAGE 2 Fe UH REVISED: MARCH 1963 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 59 60 KSI PERCENT 40 280 240 200 160 40 20 2 0 Fe-(0. 3 C) -1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo-0.07 V BAR 1550 F. OQ (0.305C) 0 FIG. 1.062 HARDNESS DISTRIBUTION IN OIL QUENCHED BARS OF DIFFERENT DIAMETERS DIA, IN 0 1 DISTANCE FROM CENTER L от ▲ T, FLASH LINE 200 1 C 2 FTU F TY RA e 1 - IN Fe-(0.3 C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0.4Mo-0. 07 V 0. 32C 12 IN DIA FORGING 3 1625 F, 4 HR, AC +1600 F, 4 HR, OQ + TEMPER 2x3 HR A 400 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F 4 FERROUS ALLOYS 2 800 (14) QUENCHED AS TUBE WITH 9 IN ID 1000 · KSI = [I 240 TY PERCENT 200 160 40 DIA OF QUENCHED BAR: 4 IN 3 IN 0.505 IN DIA MIDWAY L SPECIMENS 2 IN 120 O 0. 53 IN 80 0 600 FIG. 3.021 EFFECTS OF SPECIMEN LOCATION AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A LARGE FORGING (12, p. 20) 700 FT LB 60 40 Fe-(0. 3 ℃)-1, 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo-0. 07V 0.305C - 1 1/8 TO 4 1/4 IN BAR 1600 F, AC + 1550 F, OQ 20 F 500 TY RA e (2 IN) 800 900 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F FTU 600 Fe-(0.3 C)-i. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo-0. 07 V 1 1/4 IN BAR 0.25C 0.30C 1550 |F, OQ FIG. 3.022 EFFECTS OF AS QUENCHED SECTION SIZE AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (14) 2 HEATS EACH 1100 IZOD V 700 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F IE 240 900 200 160 120 1200 KSI 1000 TU F FIG. 3.023 EFFECTS OF CARBON CONTENT AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (13, FIG. 126) CODE 0.3 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo 0.07 V Fe 4330 V MOD 1204 PAGE 3 FeUH 0.3 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo 0.07 V Fe 4330 V MOD CODE FT LB B FT LB 40 I 20 0 40 20 0 80 60 = 40 1204 20 0 0 L ΟΙ T, FLASH LINE RIM L CENTER L Δ RIM T ▼ CENTER T N 0 200 Fe-(0.3C) -1.8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo-0.07V SNI. BAR, FORGING 1600 F, OQ +TEMPER 0.30C, 3/4 IN BAR, (9) FIG. 3.024 EFFECTS OF SPECIMEN LOCATION AND TEMPER- ING TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR AND FORGINGS (4, p. 88-92)(9, p. 11)(12, p. 20) 400 IE 0.32C, 12 IN DIA FORGING (12) 0.32C, 4 IN BAR (4) 900 F TEMPER TEMP, 1200 F 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F 2 Fe-(0. 3 C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo-0.07V 0. 305C - 1 1/8 TO 4 1/4 IN BAR 1550 F, OQ 1100 F I 1000 F IE CHARPY V 800 F LAZ 1 AS QUENCHED DIA IZOD V (L, MIDWAY) I 800 3 IN - FERROUS ALLOYS 4 FIG. 3.025 EFFECTS OF AS QUENCHED SECTION SIZE AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (14) 1000 KSI KSI 360 320 280 240 200 320 FIG. 3.026 280 240 200 0 160 0,305C.'5/8 IN (15) 0.30C, 3/4 IN (9) 0. 32C, 4 IN (10) Fe-(0. 3 C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo-0. 07V BAR 1550 TO 1600 F, OQ FTU T 0.300 K = 9 0 200 NOTCH STRENGTH REVISED: MARCH 1963 400 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F prox IS 200 NOTCH STRENGTH 0.300 - r=0.001 Fe-(0.3C)-1.8Ni-0.'8Cr-0.4M0-0.07V 0.32C 12 IN DIA FORGING 1625 F, 4 HR, AC + 1600 F, 4 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 2 x 3 HR EFFECTS OF CARBON CONTENT AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF BAR (9)(10, p. 35)(15, p. 102) QUENCHED AS 212TUBE, 9 IN ID J 800 L OT AT, FLASH LINE 400 600 TEMPERING TEMP F 60 800 r = 0.001 K = 10 212 1000 FTU 1000 FIG. 3.027 EFFECTS OF SPECIMEN LOCATION AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF A LARGE FORGING (12, p. 21) PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 NOTCH STRENGTH - KSI 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO 160 1.8 FIG. 3. 028 1. 4 1.0 1. 4 t 1. 0 0.6 Fe-(0.3 C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo-0. 07V 4 IN BAR 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 1 HR y JE I 60 0.71 D L T r = 0.001 AL AT 200 D= 0.3 IN 240 FTU - KSI 7- TOR D 60 ミン ​EFFECTS OF SPECIMEN SIZE AND TEST DIRECTION ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF BAR AT VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (10) L D, IN 0.3 Fe-(0.3 C)-1. 8N1-0. 8Cr-0. 4M0-0. b7v 4 IN BAR 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 1 HR T 0.5 0,71 D 280 320 D= 0.5 IN TEMPER TEMP - F 350 500 A 400 L r = VAR 3 5 10 1 3 STRESS CONCENTRATION, K T DUCTILE COND 5 FERROUS ALLOYS 10 FIG. 3.029 EFFECTS OF STRESS CONCENTRATION, TEMPER- ING TEMPERATURE, SPECIMEN SIZE AND TEST DIRECTION ON NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO OF BAR (4) G PERCENT 220 200 180 160 140 180 160 140 120 80 40 0 0 Fe-(0.3 C)-1. 8Ni-0. SCr-0. 4Mo-0.07₺ 4 IN BAR 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER TEMPER EXPOSURE 1000 F, 8 HR 800 F, 4 HR 1000 F, 8 HR 1/2 HR 720 HR (250 CYCLES @ 5 MIN) ○ 80 HR (1000 CYCLES) 800 F, 4 HR RA e (2 IN) 200 400 TEMP F F 600 TU FTY 800 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECTS OF CYCLIC EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (11, p. 36) CODE Fe 0.3 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo 0.07 V 4330 V MOD 1204 PAGE 5 FeUH Fe 0.3 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo 0.07 V 4330 V MOD CODE FT LB 40 1204 20 0 40 20 0 40 20 0 40 20 0 40 20 11 Fe-(0.3C)-1, 8Ni-0, 8Cr-0, 4Mo-0.07V BAR 1600 F, QQ +TEMPER 400 F 500 F 650 F 800 F 1000 F -400 IE CHARPY V 3/4 IN, WADC TR 53-205 (9) :} -200 4 IN, WADC TR 55-103 (4) 0 TEMP F 200 400 FIG. 3.0321 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, SECTION SIZE AND TEST DIRECTION ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (4, p. 77)(9, p. 57) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 160 120 80 40 0 104 123 + 2 4 5 6 7 Co FIG. 3.052 S-N CURVES FOR EFFECT OF DOUBLE TEMPERING ON SMOOTH AND NOT CHED BAR (13, p. 14, 16)(14) 8 9 NOTCHED (0.300 IN DIA, r = O 0.305C, 650 F SINGLE TEMPER 0.305C, 650 F DOUBLE TEMPER ▲ 0.30C, 570 F SINGLE TEMPER 0.30C, 570 F DOUBLE TEMPER 105 10 11 12 13 3 AMS 2253 C, (June 15, 1950) Muvdi, B. B., Klier, E. P. and Sachs, G., "Design Proper- ties of High-Strength Steels in the Presence of Stress-Concen- tration, WADC TR 55-103, (Jan. 1956) Bendix Aviation, "Personal Communication," Trodrian, J., (Oct. 12, 1959) Brown, W. F., Jr., "Personal Communication," (Oct. 25, 1959) Bendix Products Division, "Heat Treatment Low Alloy Steel, (March 18, 1958) 14 15 Fe-(0.3C)-1. 8Ni-0.8Cr-0.4Mo-0.07V 1 1/8 TO 1 1/4 IN BAR 1550 TO 1600F, OQ+ TEMPER, 46 TO 47 RC_ REVISED: MARCH 1963 11 AMS 6427 B, (July 1, 1956) AMS 2251 C, (Nov. 1, 1952) ROT BEAM SMOOTH 106 NUMBER OF CYCLES ་་ 0.035 IN) (14) (13) REFERENCES !! 107 qe 108 MacLaren, A. W., "Personal Communication," United States Steel Corporation Data Sheet, (June 26, 1959) Klingler, L. J., Barnett, W. J., Frohmberg, R. P. and Troiano, A. R., "The Embrittlement of Alloy Steel at High Strength Levels, WADC TR 53-205, (July 1953) Muvdi, B. B., Sachs, G. and Klier, E. P., "Design Proper- ties of High Strength Steels in the Presence of Stress Concen- tration," WADC TR 56-395, Pt. 1, (Dec. 1956) Sachs, G., Muvdi, B. and Klier, E. P., WADC TR 55-103, Suppl. 2, (1956) Ragland, F. J., Jr. and Barrett, G. N., Jr., "Evaluation of Forging of 4330 Modified, 4340, and 9840 Steels at High- Strength Levels, WADC TR 54-89, (March 1954) Bendix Aviation Corporation, "A Comparison of Two High Strength Low Alloy Steels," (May 6, 1953) Republic Steel Corporation, "Experimental Testing of a Heat of High Tensile Alloy Steel," (Sept. 22, 1949) www Sachs, G. and Klier, E. P., "Survey of Low-Alloy Aircraft Steels Heat Treated to High-Strength Levels, " WADC TR 53- 254, Pt. 5, (Sept. 1954) PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 Source 1.053 1.055 1. 057 Molybdenum Vanadium 1. 054 1.056 AMS 6428 6434 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel GENERAL This steel is a development of 4330 and 4330 V Mod. The higher carbon content appreciably increases the tensile and yield strengths at low tempering temperatures. The alloy is used primarily in a condition heat treated to Fty = 210 ksi minimum. It is available in the form of sheet, strip, plate, bar, forgings and tubing. It possesses good welding characteristics and the formability of the steel, if spheroidized, is also good. Commercial Designation. 4335 V Modified. Alternate Designation. 4335 Modified. Specifications. Table 1. 03. 1.058 Composition. Table 1. 04. Iron * AMS 6434 gives 0.31 TABLE 1. 03 Form Bar, forgings,mechanical tubing Sheet, strip, plate TABLE 1. 04 (1) (2) F ty Min 0.32* 0.60 0.20 1 T 0.65 1.65 0.30 0.17 Percent Max 0.38 0.80 0.35 0.040 0.040 Q.90 2.00 0.40 0.23 Balance Min 0.33 0.60 0.40 Percent 0.65 1.65 0.30 0.17 Military (4) FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.38 0.85 0.60 0.015 0.015 0.90 2.00 0.40 0.23 Balance Heat Treatment Normalize. 1600 to 1750 F, air cool. Normalizing temperature is frequently kept low, e. g., 1585 to 1615 F, 20 min (Kaiser Products 1958). AMS 6428 gives 1690 to 1710 F. Full anneal. 1585 to 1615 F, 1 hr per inch thickness, furnace cool to 1400 F, continue furnace cool at 30 F per hr maximum to 1000 F maximum. Spheroidize anneal sheet and plate for maximum formability. 1435 to 1465 F, 10 hr, furnace cool 20 F per hr maximum to 800 F maximum. Intermediate anneal to remove strain hardening of cold worked spheroidized sheet. 1200 to 1250 F, 2 to 8 hr. Stress relief welded material. 1025 to 1075 F, 30 min, furnace cool to 500 F. Austenitize. 1600 to 1650 F, 20 min per inch thickness, 30 min minimum, air cool or oil quench. AMS 6428 gives 1640 to 1660 F. Below 1600 F, the properties may be irregular. Tensile properties decrease slightly with increasing austenitizing temperature. Normalizing should precede austenitizing if steel has been previously spheroidized. Effects of austenitizing and tempering temperatures on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 1.056. Temper. 400 to 500 F, 2 hr minimum, to obtain = 210 ksi minimum. Alternate heat treatment for sheet. 1635 to 1665 F, 20 min, quench in salt bath at 375 to 415 F until metal reaches temperature + 400 to 500 F, 2 hr minimum. This treatment produces less distortion than oil quenching. 1.06 1.07 1. 071 1.072 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form Condition min 'ty' Ft 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.024 3.03 3.031 3.04 3.05 Hardenability. End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.06. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, forgings and tubing. Bar and forgings are available in the normalized condition, sheet and plate in various annealed conditions. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts. Special Considerations. See 4340. K PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2645 to 2845 F. Phase changes. Transformation temperatures from ferrite to austenite, Acl 1310 F, Ac3 = 1480 F, Mg e (2 in), min-percent point = 575 F, Mf point near 360 F. Determined on specimens with 0.35C (Republic Steel 1958) Thermal conductivity. 29.2 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F). Thermal expansion, Fig. 2. 014. Specific heat. 0.16 Btu per lb F. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.283 lb per cu in, 7.83 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. Chemical Properties. Similar to 4340. Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties Fabricators' specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. -ksi L T ۔ L T TABLE 3.011 Aerojet (4) Fe-(0.35C)-1, 8Ni-0, 8Cг-0,35Mo-0, 2V Sheet, Strip, Plate Bar Billet 1625 F, 00+400 to 500 F. 2 hr minimum 210 210 210 16 6 10 7 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Effects of melung practice and tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.021 Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties and notch strength of plate, Fig. 3.022. Effects of tempering temperature, melting practice and sheet thickness on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.023. Effect of stress concentration on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.024. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Effect of test temperature on impact strength of plate, Fig. 3.031. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties. See 4330 V Mod. CODE Fe 0.35 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.35 Mo 0.2 V 4335 V MOD 1205 PAGE FeUH Fe 3.06 3.061 0.35 C 3.062 3.063 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.35 Mo 0.2 V 4335 V MOD CODE 4. 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.031 4.032 - KSI PERCENT 240 FTY 200 1205 160 10 0 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity, 30,000 ksi. Modulus of rigidity, 11, 000 ksi. Poisson's ratio. Dynamic bending, 0.303. Static tension, 0.293. FABRICATION. Similar to 4330 V Mod. Additional information is given below. Forming and Casting. Severe forming of sheet and strip is performed in the spheroidize condition, with the hardness limited to 95 RB maximum. Machining. Bar and forgings can be machined in the normalized condition, with additional tempering at 1275 F recommended for best machinability. Welding Flash welding of air melted plate results in reduced joint efficiency when heat treated to maximum strength. Effects of flash welding and tempering temperature on tensile properties and endurance limit of air melted plate, Fig. 4.031. Flash welding of vacuum melted plate results in better joint efficiency and considerably increased endurance limit. Effects of flash welding and tempering temperature on tensile properties and endurance limit of vacuum melted plate, Fig. 4.032. AUSTEN TEMP 1550 F 1600 F 1650 F Fe~(0.35C)~1. 8N1-0. 8Cr-0. 35Mo-0. 2v SHEET, 0.36C 1550 TO 1650 F, OQ + TEMPER, 2 HR 200 FERROUS ALLOYS 400 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F SHEET FTU FTY e (2 IN) 800 280 240 200 160 FIG. 1.056 EFFECTS OF AUSTENITIZING AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF (6) 1000 KSI → FTU 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 8 7 6 -200 F PERCENT 240 - KSI TY 200 160 120 80 10 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 0 60 40 20 (13) (7) 0 MAX 0 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 400 Fe-(0.35C)-1, 8Ni-0.8Cr-0. 35Mo-0.2V -LIMITS OF 6'HEATS, 0.34 TO 0, 36C-0,25 TO 0.32S1, (11) (12) NORM 1700 F £1650 F 8 MIN 200 32 40 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END-SIXTEENTH IN FIG. 1.06 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY FTY 600 16 400 TEMP - F Į e (2 IN) (4) Fe-(0. 35C)-1. 8N1-0. 8Cr-0. 35Mo-0. 2V (1) FTU 0.'095 IN AIR MELT, 0. 36C 0.063 IN AIR MELT, 0.35 C O 0.063 IN CONSUME ELECTRODE VACUUM MELT, 0.35 C 800 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 600 Fe-(0.35C)~1. 8N1-0. 8Cr-0. 35Mo-0. 2V SHEET 1620 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + TEMPER 2 HR REVISED: MARCH 1963 TEMPERING TEMP 24 1000 F Ba (1)(4)(11)(12) 800 1200 1000 (7)(13) 280 240 200 160 120 1400 FIG. 3.021 EFFECTS OF MELTING PRACTICE AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (8, p. 844-846) FTU - KSI PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI 320 KSI 280 240 200 240 200 160 120 240 200 FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES AND NOTCH STRENGTH OF PLATE 160 120 240 200 160 Fe-(0.35C)−1. 8N1-0. 8Cr-b. 35Mo-0.2V 0.500 IN PLATE, 0.38C, T 1575 F, OQ + TEMPER, 2 HR 120 NOTCH STRENGTH K = 5(0.300D) O SMOOTH NOTCHED 400 500 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F 0.095 IN 0.036C AIR MELT 0.063 IN, AIR MELT 400 0.035C 0.063 IN, 0.035C CONS EL VACUUM MELT FTY 600 FTU 800 700 Fe-(0.35C)-1.8N1-0.8Cr-0. 35Mo-0. 2V SHEET 1620 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 2 HR L }}} T ETU (3) NOTCH STRENGTH 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 60 FERROUS ALLOYS 0.700 1.000 r<0.001 K~17 1200 1400 FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE, MELTING PRACTICE AND SHEET THICKNESS ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET (8, p. 844-846) KSI - NOTCH STRENGTH 280 240 200 160 80 gal 1 607 0.700 1.000 0.045 3 I FT LB 16 12 5 7 9 STRESS CONCENTRATION - K 8 Fe-(0.35C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 35Mo-0. 2V 0.063 IN SHEET, (33C 1600 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + 500 F, 2 HR FTU 4 0.014 0 FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF STRESS CONCENTRATION ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET 0.007 I IN NOTCH STRENGTH T L TEMPER 400 F O 500 F ▲ 600 F -400 0.004 -200 Fe-(0.35C)-L 8N1-0.8Cr-0. 35Mo-0.2V 0.500 IN PLATE OA 0.32C, 1650 F, AC ▲ 0.38C. 1575 F, OQ + TEMPER, 2 HR 0.0027 0.0019 11 0 TEMP - F IE CHARPY V 200 13 (9) 400 FIG. 3.031 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF PLATE (5) CODE 0.35 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.35 Mo 0.2 V Fe 4335 V MOD 1205 PAGE 3 FeUH 0.35 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.35 Mo 0.2 V Fe 4335 V MOD CODE KSI 5240 PERCENT 280 KSI 200 20 120 80 40 PERCENT སྒྱུ 240 KSI 1205 0 280 20020 O 160 120 80 0 L T :} OL AT HE OL AT FIG. 4.031 EFFECTS OF FLASH WELDING AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES AND ENDURANCE LIMIT OF AIR MELTED PLATE (10, p. 6-7) PARENT METAL Fe-(0.35C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0.'35Mo-0. 2√ 3/8 IN PLATE (0. 34C)-AIR MELTED 1650 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 4 TO 18 HR FLASH WELDED 200 ENDURANCE LIMIT PROT METHOD, ROT BEAM so FTU e (2 IN) 400 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F PARENT METAL FLASH WELDED FTU 800 e (2 IN) FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-(0.35C)-1. 8N1-0. 8Cr‑0. 35Mo-0. 2V 3/8 IN PLATE,`0. 31C VACUUM MELTED Ο 1650 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 4 20 400 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F 1000 800 ENDURANCE LIMIT-PROT METHOD, ROT BEAM VACUUM MELT 200 TO 18 HR 1000 FIG. 4.032 EFFECTS OF FLASH WELDING AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES AND ENDURANCE LIMIT OF AIR MELTED PLATE (10) 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 REFERENCES REVISED MARCH I AMS 6428, (June 15, 1953) AMS 6434, (June 15, 1953) Aerojet-General Corporation, Material Data Sheet No. P2101, (Jan. 17, 1959) Aerojet-General Corporation, "Steel Plates, Sheets and Strips; Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum-Vanadium", Development Material Specification, AMS-M255a, (July 14, 1958) Aerojet-General Corporation, List of Data Sheets and Reports on AMS 6434 Alloy Steel, (1959) Warga, J. J., "Mechanical Properties of AMS 6434 Steel", Aerojet-General Corporation, Report No. SRP 121 (Special), (June 19, 1958) Gable, G. W., "Critical Points and Heat Treatment of 1-3/4 Ni-Cr-Mo-Va Steel, Heat 654550", Republic Steel Corporation, Y.S. 625, (Dec. 12, 1958) Espey, G. B., Jones, M. H., and Brown, W. F., Jr., "The Sharp Edge Notch Tensile Strength of Several High-Strength Steel Sheet Alloys", ASTM Proceedings, Vol. 59, (1959) Sachs, G. and Sessler, J. G., "Effect of Stress Concentration on Tensile Strength of a Titanium Steel Alloy Sheet at Various Temperatures", Symposium on Low-Temperature Properties of High-Strength Aircraft and Missile Materials, ASTM STP No. 287, p. 122-135, (June 30, 1960) Kreger, J., and Mayer, H., "Comparative Properties of Air Melt and Vacuum Melt AMS 6434 Steel in the Ultra High Strength Tensile Range", A. O. Smith Corporation, Aeronautical Divi- sion, Report No. AD-282, (Dec. 4, 1956) Mac Laren, A. W.," Personal Communication," United States Steel Corporation, (June 26, 1959) Republic Steel Corporation, 4335 V Mod, Data Sheet, (May 28, 1959) Aerojet General, (1958) PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 1. 054 GENERAL 4340, including its variety 4337 which has a slightly lower carbon content, is the preferred common low alloy steel for air weapons where good strength, high hardenability and uniformity are desired. It can be heat treated to strength values within a wide range. At strength values up to about Ftu = 200 ksi other low alloy steels which have sufficient hardenability possess nearly the same mechani- cal and other properties as 4340. At Ftu 200 to 220 ksi, and F 260 to 280 ksi this steel has been found to be tu superior to other common low alloy steels and also to some of the recently developed more complex low alloy steels. (The term ultra high strength steels is applied to such steels that are used at various values of F above tu 200 ksi and up to about 300 ksi.) 4340 is available in all wrought forms and castings in this steel are under develop- ment. It possesses a fair formability when properly an- nealed and can be welded by various methods. Forgings in this alloy, heat treated to F 260 to 280 ksi, require special measures in design and fabricating. tu Commercial Designations. 4340 and 4337. Alternate Designations. AISI 4337 and AISI 4340, SAE 4337 and SAE 4340. Additional letters in the name indicate spe- cial characteristics or specifications, e. g. 4340 H and E 4340. H means that the steel is supplied to hardenability rather than to chemistry specifications and E indicates electric furnace melted steel. Specifications. Table 1. 03. AMS TYPE 6359 A 4340 6415 E 4340 6412 D 4337 6413 C 4337 Source Alloy 1.055 1.0551 Composition. Table 1. 04. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur TABLE 1.03 Form Sheet, strip, plate Bar, forgings, tubing Bar, forgings Tubing Chromium Nickel Molybdenum TABLE 1.04 AMS (1), (2) 4340 Percent Min Min Max 0.38 0.43 0.35 0.65* 0.85* 0.65 0.20 0.20 0.35 0.040 0.040 0.70 0.90 1.65 2.00 0.20 0.30 Balance Iron * AMS 6359A gives 0.60 Min, 0.80 Max * រ Military MIL-S-5000 A MIL-S-5000 A (3)(4) 4337 Percent AMS * 0.70 1.65 0.20 FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.40 0.85 0.35 0.040 0.040 0.90 2.00 0.30 Balance Heat Treatment Normalize. 1575 to 1700 F, 1 hr per in of maximum thick- ness, air cool, (5, p. 9). Temper normalized condition for machinability. 1250 F maximum, (5, p. 9). Full anneal. 1525 to 1650 F, furnace cool or cool in ash or lime, (5, p. 9). Spheroidizing anneal. 1425 F, 2 hr, furnace cool to 1210 F, hold 8 hr, furnace cool or air cool. Stress relief parts after straightening, machining, etc. Parts heat treated up to Ftu=220 to 240 ksi, Table 1.0551. 1.0552 1.056 1.057 1. 0571 1.0572 1.058 1.0581 1.0582 1. 0583 1. 0584 1.059 1.0591 1.0592 1.06 1.061 1.062 1.07 1.071 Source Alloy Condition Ftu - ksi 150 to 160 min 180 to 200 and 200 to 220 220 to 240* TABLE 1, 0551 (5, p. 3) 4340 Tempering Temp F >850 = Stress Relief Temp-F Time-hr 700 800 700 <400 700 or 650 or 550 275 275 3 1 4 5 12 Carburized parts 12 Stress relief temperature limited by tempering temperature and strength requirements 34 Parts heat treated to Ftu = 260 to 280 ksi and subsequently subjected to grinding, machining, proof testing or straightening. 350 to 400 F, 4 hr minimum. Temperature should not exceed tempering temperature or reduce F below 260 ksi (34, p. 1). tu Austenitize. 1475 to 1575 F, 15 min per inch thickness, 15 min minimum. Normalize welded or brazed parts be- fore austenitizing. Cool after austenitizing Oil quench. Oil temperature 75 to 140 F, cool to 150 F maximum, (7, p. 2). Salt quench. Salt temperature 390 to 410 F, hold 10 min, air cool to 160 F maximum. Alternatively, 525 to 575 F, hold until uniform temperature is reached, (7, p. 2). Temper. 400 to 1200 F depending on desired strength. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 1.058. To Ftu 160 to 180 ksi. = 180 to 200 ksi. = 200 to 220 ksi. 950 to 1100 F, 4 hr. 850 to 950 F, 4 hr. To F tu To Ftu 750 to 850 F, 4 hr. To F = 260 to 280 ksi. 400 to 500 F, 2 hr per in thick- tu ness, 6 hr minimum. Double tempering, which is some- times recommended, does not appear necessary. The exact tempering temperature depends on as quenched hardness, as follows. 390 to 410 F, for 53 to 56 RC, 440 to 460 F for 57 to 58 RC and 490 to 510 F for 59 RC or higher. Tempering below 390 F or above 510 F is not permissible. Austenite stabilization Austenite stabilization at 250 F, 24 hr should follow any final heating of material heat treated to F. 260 to 280 ksi. This also applies to the baking operation at 365 to 385 F, tu 8 hr, which relieves hydrogen embrittlement after plating, (6, p. 3). Refrigeration at -110 to -130 F, 3 hr, is an alternative method which eliminates untempered martensite. It is applicable only to thicknesses up to 2 in and simple shapes, to avoid cracking, and it should be followed by retemper- ing. Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. 4337 is used only up to 7/8 in diameter. 4340 through hardens on oil quenching up to 3 in diameter. 4 1/2 in dia- meter bar, when water quenched, will contain more than 95 percent martensite plus austenite and will develop near- ly full hardness. Forms and Conditions Available The steel is available in the full commercial range of B CODE Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 1206 PAGE 1 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 1.072 1.08 1.09 1.091 1.092 1.093 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 CODE 1206 sizes for all forms. All products are available in the hot rolled or forged, normalized, annealed or spheroidized condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts are also available. FERROUS ALLOYS Special Considerations Low alloy steels decarburize under normal heating and heat treating conditions and this is detrimental to the fa- tigue strength of the higher strength levels. Decarburi- zation must be either carefully removed by machining or, in the case of sheet, an inert atmosphere must be used to avoid either decarburizing or carburizing. Material heat treated to F. 260 to 280 ksi requires careful designing to keep stress concentrations at a mini- mum and special measures during fabrication as follows. (a) Decarburization must be completely removed. tu (b) Straightening of heat treated parts should be limited to 1/4 degree and performed at temperatures between 70 to 200 F followed by retempering at 390 to 410 F, 4 hr. Straightened sections must be shot peened. (c) Grinding of heat treated parts must be performed with extreme caution and must be followed by baking at 365 to 385 F and shot peening. = (d) Scale and rust removal should be by machining, sand blasting, or wet blasting. (e) Vapor or solvent degreasing must be used. Pickling and cathodic cleaning are prohibited because of the sus- ceptibility of inducing hydrogen embrittlement. (f) Plating must be followed by baking at 365 to 385 F, 8 hr, minimum. If parts are plated for oxidation protection be- fore austenitizing, this must be followed by baking at 350 to 400 F, 3 hr. (g) A final baking at 250 F, 24 hr is required to stabilize austenite. Alternatively, refrigeration can be used. (Cleveland Pneumatic Tool 1958). Honing to a depth not exceeding 0.010 in may follow shot peening, but grinding after peening is not permissible, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Hydrogen embrittlement is a problem if the steel is heat treated to F above 200 ksi. tu W = Thermal Properties Melting point. 2740 F, approximately, (8, p. 5-4-3.2). Phase changes. This steel transforms from austenite to ferrite and carbides on slow cooling and to martensite on fast cooling. Critical temperatures, Acl 1350F, Ac3 = 1425 F, Arl = 725 F+, Ar3 = 900 to 1200 F, (8, p. 2). Thermal conductivity. 21.7 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F), F), (8, p. 2). Thermal expansion. At 0 to 200 F, 6. 3 x 10-6 in per in per F and at 0 to 1200 F, 8.1 x 10-6 in per in per F, (8, p. 2). Specific heat. 0.107 Btu per (lb F), (8, p. 2). Other Physical Properties Density. 0.283 lb per cu in. 7.83 gr per cu cm. (8, p. 5-4-3. 1). Electrical resistance. At 120 F, 11.7 microhm in and at 570 F, 18.7 microhm in, (8, p. 2). Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic, (8, p. 2). Chemical Properties 1 tu The general corrosion resistance of all low alloy steels is poor and they need corrosion protection. Hydrogen embrittlement becomes pronounced in material heat treated to F above 200 ksi, when exposed to hy- drogenating conditions, such as pickling, cathodic clean- ing or eletroplating. The steel may then fail at a very low strength and in a brittle manner at locations of high stress concentrations and during slow rates of loading or sus- tained loads. The absence of hydrogen embrittlement should be demonstrated by means of notched tensile spe- cimens, see 4.053. Effects of tempering temperature, hydrogen content, stress concentration and rate of loading 2.04. 2.041 3. 3.01 3. 011 Source Alloy Form Condition Ftu' II I II 3.012 min-ksi Fty, min-ksi Fcy, min-ksi Fsu, min-ksi Fbru, min-ksi (e/D=1.5) (e/D=2.0) Fbry, min-ksi (e/D=1,5) (e/D=2.0) e, percent 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.0221 3.0222 3.0223 3. 0224 3,0225 3.023 3.0226 3,024 3.025 Source Alloy Form Condition 3.026 3.027 on the tensile strength of notched bar, Fig. 2.032. Nuclear Properties Irradiation effects on the mechanical properties of low alloy steels depend upon their heat treatment and grain structure. They consist of an increase in hardness and yield strength, a slight increase in tensile strength, a large decrease in elongation and a reduction in impact strength. The quenched and tempered conditions are most resistant to irradiation. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties ANC-5 design mechanical properties for wrought forms, Table 3. 011. 3.028 3.0281 Cross section sq in RA, min-percent single value average of heat 90 70 70 55 140 23.0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 TABLE 3.011 95 75 All wrought forms Heat treated (quenched and tempered) to obtain the Ftu indicated 75 55 140 (10, p. 2.25) 4340 125 103 113 82 95 194 219 251 287 151 180 23.0 150 132 145 TABLE 3,012 Boeing additional design properties for F. mum condition, Table 3. 012. tu 6 15 180 200 260 163 176 217 179 198 242 109 119 149 250 272 347 326 355 440 189 230 255 218 256 280 18,5 15,0 13.5 (34, p. 2) 4340 Bar, forgings, tubing = 260 to 280 ksi Over 100 Fru 100 or less = 260 ksi mini- 312 346 6 10 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Hardness Tension properties Typical stress strain curves for various strength levels, Fig. 3.0221. Effects of tempering temperature and test direction on tensile properties of bar and forgings, Fig. 3.0222. Effects of tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0223. Effects of tempering temperature and specimen location on tensile properties and notch strength of a forging, Fig. 3.0224. Effect of strain rate on tensile strength and elongation of bar, Fig. 3.0225. Effect of strain rate on upper and lower yield strength of bar, Fig. 3, 0226. Relation between compressive yield strength and tensile strength, Fig. 3.023. Relation between bearing properties and tensile strength, Fig. 3.024. Relation between torsion strength and tensile strength, Fig. 3.025. tu Bend strength of tubing heat treated to F = 260 to 280 ksi, Fig. 3.026. Torsion strength of tubing heat treated to Ftu = 260 to 280 ksi, Fig. 3.027. Stress concentration effects Relation between notch strength for different test bar sizes, PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 3.0282 3.0283 3.03 3.031 3. 0311 3.0312 3.0313 3.0314 3. 0315 3.032 3. 0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.05 3.051 3.052 3.053 3.054 3.055 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 3.064 4. 4. 01 4.011 4. 012 4.013 4.02 4.021 stress concentrations and test directions and tensile strength, Fig. 3.0281. Effect of tempering temperature on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0282. Effects of specimen cross section, notch radius and notch depth on notch strength ratio of bar, Fig. 3.0283. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties FERROUS ALLOYS Stress strain curves at room and elevated temperatures for sheet heat treated to Ftu =200 ksi, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar and sheet heat treated to various strength levels, Fig. 3. 0312. Stress strain curves at room and low temperatures for bar heat treated to Ftu = 270 ksi, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of low test temperature on tensile properties of bar heat treated to Ftu 270 ksi, Fig. 3. 0314. Relation between tensile strengths at -320 F, -100 F and at room temperature, Fig. 3.0315. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression at room and elevated temperatures for sheet heat treated to F = 200 ksi, Fig. 3.0321. tu tu Effect of test temperature on the compressive yield strength of sheet heat treated to F. = 200 ksi, Fig. 3. 0322. Effect of tempering and test temperatures on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.0323. Static stress concentration effects. Effect of test tempera- = 270 ksi, ture on notch strength of bar heat treated to F Fig. 3.033. tu Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep curves for sheet at 1000 and 1200 F, Fig. 3.041. Short time total strain curves for sheet at 1000 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.042. Fatigue Properties S-N curves for smooth and notched specimens in rotating beam and direct stress of heat treated bar, Fig. 3.051. Relation between endurance limit and tensile strength for smooth and notched bar, Fig. 3.052. Effect of specimen size on endurance limit for smooth and notched specimens, Fig. 3.053. Stress range diagrams for bar heat treated to various strength levels, Fig. 3. 054. Stress range diagrams for smooth and notched bar at room temperature to 1000 F, Fig. 3.055. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at various temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Tangent modulus curves in tension for different strength levels, Fig. 3.062. Tangent modulus curves in compression at room and ele- vated temperatures, Fig. 3.063. Secant modulus curves in compression at room and ele- vated temperatures, Fig. 3.064. FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. The formability of 4340, particularly in sheet form, is not well known. Because of its carbon content and its air hardening characteristics severe forming should require full or spheroidizing annealing, and it should form in a manner inferior to 4335 mod. Straightening of parts should be performed cold. If heat treated parts are straightened, this operation should be followed by stress relief, see 1.05. Forging. Starting temperature 2250 F maximum, finishing temperature 1950 F minimum. Like all ultra high strength steels having air hardening capability preheating and fur- nace cooling or cooling in ash or lime after forging is re- commended. Machining For rough machining the steel should be normalized and G 4.022 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.033 4.034 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.043 4. 044 4.05 4. 051 4.052 4.053 4. 054 tempered at 1250 F maximum. tu Finishing can be performed on material heat treated to = 260 all strength levels. If material heat treated to F to 280 ksi is machined, this operation should be followed by a stress relief, see 1. 0552. Welding General. This steel has good welding characteristics and parts can be joined by gas or arc fusion methods and by resistance flash welding. (28). For fusion welding use rod of same composition and for arc welding use coated electrodes, (28). Spot and seam welding of sheet is not recommended be- cause of air hardening, (28). Fusion or resistance flash welding of bar, forgings and tubing to be heat treated to Ftu = 260 to 280 ksi is not per- missible, because of embrittlement of the joint area. Heating and Heat Treating Decarburization should be avoided or eliminated, as it has an adverse effect on the fatigue strength, particularly of the high strength levels. Specifications generally permit a decarburization of 0.003 in maximum on the finished part. The decarburized layer present in processed bar should be removed. That resulting from heat treating plate, bar, forgings and tubing, should be controlled or removed to the 0.003 in maximum specified or even less from critical sections subject to stress concentration or repeated loading. Sheet should be supplied practically free from decarburi- zation and heat treated in a low humidity inert gas atmos- phere. Heating and austenitizing times for various thicknesses, Fig. 4. 043. Plating prior to austenitizing is not permitted because of diffusion and decrease in fatigue strength. Surface Treating Cleaning of parts heat treated to various strength levels, up to and including Ftu = 220 to 240 ksi, should be per- formed preferably by mechanical means, such as shot, grit or sand blasting or wire bushing, etc. Pickling should be followed by baking (embrittlement relief) at 375 F, 3 hr. (5, p. 2) Hydrogenating treatments of parts heat treated to Ftu 260 to 280 ksi, should be followed by baking according to Table 4.052. Hydrogenating treatments other than those listed in Table 4. 052, should be performed, as the result- ing hydrogen embrittlement cannot be fully removed. TABLE 4, 052 Source Alloy Condition Treatment \ Phosphatizing Chromium plating Surface temper etch (34, p. 2) 4340 Ftu = 260 to 280 ksi Embrittlement Relief Time, min-hr 1 24 3 Temp - F 210 to 220 350 to 400 350 to 400 * = tu Hard chromium plating of parts heat treated to F, 260 to 280 ksi should be preceded by vapor decreasing, sand blasting and chromic acid anodic etching. Anodic pickling is also permissible. Cathodic pickling and non-electro- lytic pickling should not be used. Cleaning should be followed by a stress relief at 375 F, 4 hr minimum and plating should be followed by baking at 375 F, 24 hr. Chrome plated specimens, with a cylindrical diameter of 0.357 in and a 50 percent, 60 degree notch with a radius of 0.025 in, should not rupture within 200 hr at 75 percent of the notch strength of unplated specimens, (5). Cadmium plating suitable for parts heat treated up to 300 ksi can be obtained in a bath containing 3 to 4 oz per gal cadmium, 8.5 to 9.5 oz per gal free sodium cyanide, 2.5 to 3 oz per gal sodium hydroxide, 8 oz per gal maxi- mum sodium carbonate, 0.5 to 0.7 oz per gal cadalyte brightener at 70 to 90 F and 20 to 40 amps per sq ft. It should be preceded by a stress relief and, if the part had been cold worked, prooftested or ground, cleaning should G CODE Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 už 1206 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe 0.4 C CODE ož 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 4.055 4.056 TY KSI F PERCENT 240 200 1206 160 120 80 40 0 0 be as before chromium plating and plating should be followed by a chromic acid rinse and an embrittlement relief. tu Stripping of plating on parts heat treated to F ≈ 260 to 280 ksi should be by mechanical or anodic alkaline means. Shotpeening is used to improve the fatigue resistance of the high strength levels. For material heat treated to Ftu 260 to 280 ksi it follows the stress relief before cleaning and plating. The only operation permissible after shotpeening is honing to a depth of 0.010 in maximum. Zo 77222 200 FTY SCATTER BAND OF DATA FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES 400 Z RA e 600 Fe-(0.4C)-1, 8Ni-0, 8Cr-Q 25Mo BAR 1500 TO 1600F, OQ + TEMPER, 1 TO 2 HR FTU FERROUS ALLOYS TEMPERING TEMP 800 F - 1000 FIG. 1.058 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (13, p. 78) 1200 320 280 240 200 160 120 KSI TU F KSI 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 200 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE P 60 50 40 K = 3 10 AISI E4340H AISI 4340H --AISI 4337H 4340 (2) 4337 (3)(4) 30 0 8 16 24 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY 3 10 10 3 10 REVISED: MARCH 1963 FTU Fe-(0.4C)-1, 8Ni-0, 8Cr-0, 25Mo 400 MAX MIN HIGH H2, SLOW LOADING HIGH H₂, FAST LOADING -LOW H₂, FAST LOADING 300 -NO H₂ - 32 SIXTEENTHS IN Fe-(0.4C)-1.8Ni-0. 8Ċr-0.25Mo 9/16 IN BAR. 1600F, OQ +TEMPER, 1 HR M роду क्रि 0.212 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP F FIG. 2.032 EFFECTS OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE, HYDRO- GEN CONTENT, STRESS CONCENTRATION AND RATE OF LOADING ON THE TENSILE STRENGTH OF NOTCHED BAR (19, p. 34-42) (2)(3)(4) r = VAR 1000 1200 PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 240 200 150 120 80 40 0 KSI PERCENT 320 280 240 200 160 80 0.006 0.004 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3. 0221 TYPICAL STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS 0 400 0 40 0.002 Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo I FTU 280 KSI 400 RA FTU OT2 3/4 IN BAR 45 DEG. TO FIBER, FORGING FTY e 200 KSI 260 KSI 180 KSI Fe (0.4C)-L 8Ni-0, 8Cr-0, 25Mo BAR, FORGINGS 1550F, OQ + TEMPER 600 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 140 KSI TENSION 0.008 FERROUS ALLOYS (31)(35) 1200 0.010 FIG. 3.0222 EFFECTS OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND TEST DIRECTION ON TENSILE PROP- ERTIES OF BAR AND FORGINGS (13, p. 92) KSI ܝ 240 PERCENT 200 FTV 160 120 80 20 0.36C, 0.063'IN (22) L от 400 FTY 600 0.35C, 0.095 IN 1520F, 1/2 HR, OQ +TEMPER, 2 HR (29) Fe-(0.4C)-L8Ni-0,8Cr-0. 25Mo SHEET e FTU 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 1200 280 240 1400 200 160 120 FIG. 3.0223 EFFECTS OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (22, p. 55-57)(29) KSI - TU CODE Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 1206 PAGE 5 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 KSI CODE 1206 - PERCENT 240 FTY KSI 200 160 40 20 0 280 240 200 160 120 Fe-(0.4C)-L8Ni-0.8Cr-Q, 25 Mo 12 IN OD FORGING, MACH, 9 IN ID 1625F, 3HR +1575F, 4HR TEMPER 2x3HR F A TY A 숭 ​400 ●OA RTİY OV -65F 0,300 IN L OOT Δ VI THRU FLASH LINE RA e FTU NOTCH STRENGTH 0.212 £ r = 0,001 K~ 10 280 240 200 160 KSI P [L TU 600 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F FIG. 3.0224 EFFECTS OF TEMPERING TEMPER- ATURE AND SPECIMEN LOCATION ON TENSILE PROPERTIES AND NOTCH STRENGTH OF A FORGING (17, p. 26, 27) • FERROUS ALLOYS KSI PERCENT 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 20 10 0 1575 F, QQ +800 F +925 F 0.01 +1125 F+ + 1300 TO 1200 F, FC + 1200 F ✩ REVISED: Fe-(04C)-1, 8Ni-Q8Cr-0,25Mo 11/8 IN BAR 1575 TO 1200 F,2 HR, FC +1200 F, 2 HR- 0.1 1 STRAIN RATE M FTU e (2 IN) MARCH 1963 10 100 IN PER.IN PER MIN 1000 FIG. 3.0225 EFFECT OF STRAIN RATE ON TENSILE STRENGTH AND ELONGATION OF BAR (16, p. 7-25) PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI KSI 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 280 240 200 160 120 1575 F, OQ + 800 F Z 0.001 +925 F 120 +1125 F +1300 TO 1200 F, FC+1200 F, 2 HR 10 0.01 STRAIN RATE IN PER IN PER MIN FIG. 3.0226 EFFECT OF STRAIN RATE ON UPPER AND LOWER YIELD STRENGTH OF BAR 1575 TO 1200 F, 2 HR, FC + 1200 F, 2 HR 160 FCY 0.1 Fe-(0. 4C)-1, 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0.25Mo 1 1/8 IN BAR LOWER 200 A FTY UPPER 1 Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo · KSI FTY 240 FERROUS ALLOYS 280 100 (10, p. 7-12) 320 FIG. 3.023 RELATION BETWEEN COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH AND TENSILE STRENGTH (13, p. 122) KSI 480 400 320 240 160 KSI Fe-(0.4C)-1,8Ni-0,8Ċr-0.25Mo KSI 120 160 120 80 40 480 440 400 FIG. 3.024 RELATION BETWEEN BEARING PROPERTIES AND TENSILE STRENGTH (13, p. 126) 360 320 280 240 80 e/D = 20 2 160 BAR 200 120 FBRU Fe-(0.4C)-L8Ni-0.8Cr-0.25Mo 1 IN BAR 1515 F, OQ + TEMPER - FTU - KSI 10 240 160 FST FBRY CALCULATED FB 200 FTU - KSI FIG. 3.025 RELATION BETWEEN TORSION STRENGTH AND TENSILE STRENGTH (22) Fe-(0. 4C)-1, 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo 1 3/8 TO 2 7/8 IN TUBING FTU = 260 TO 280 KSI 280 о (31) (32) ADJUSTED TO 260 KSI 240 30 320 20 RATIO OF DIAMETER TO WALL THICKNESS 40 280 50 Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 FIG. 3.026 BEND STRENGTH OF TUBING HEAT TREATED TO FTU = 260 TO 280 KSI (31)(32) CODE 1206 PAGE 7 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 CODE KSI 200 160 120 80 40 0 NOTCH STRENGTH - KSI 0 350 300 1206 250 350 300 120 160 RATIO OF DIAMETER TO WALL THICKNESS FIG. 3.027 TORSION STRENGTH OF TUBING HEAT TREATED TO FTU = 260 TO 280 KSI (31, p. 7) 250 200 300 250 200 150 Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo TUBING FTU = 260 TO 280 KSI L/D = 07 40 K = 3 K = 5 CALCULATED 100 TESTS L/D ≈ 6.67 80 D-IN T D 0.3 O 0.5 Δ0.9 150 20 K = 10 200 0.5 0 1.0 250 10 5 60 L L त्रिव 0.71D FST L r = VAR Fe-(0.4C)-18Ni-Q8C-Q25Mo 41/4 IN BAR 1525F,OQ+TEMPER, 1 TO 4HR K = 3 K = 5 K = 10 T 300 150 F - KSI TU - FERROUS ALLOYS 200 250 T T 300 FIG. 3.0281 RELATION BETWEEN NOTCH STRENGTH FOR DIF- FERENT TEST BAR SIZES, STRESS CONCENTRATIONS AND TEST DIRECTIONS AND TENSILE STRENGTH (15, p. 23) - KSI 280 240 200 160 120 NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO 1.6 1.4 L. 2 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 ㅏ​용이 ​0.8 0700 1.000 0.6 400 r <0.001 K = 15 FIG. 3.0282 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET REVISED: 600 Fe-(0.4C)-1, 8Ni-0, 8Cr-0.25Mo 0.095 IN SHEET 1520F, 1/2HR, OQ +TEMPER, 2 HR FTU ONOTCH STRENGTH L T 1.0 1.6 165 KSI 270 KSI r - IN 0.002 0.005 0.020 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 800 MARCH 1963 B Fe-(0. 4C)-1, 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0, 25Mo 4 1/4 IN BAR D= 0.300 1200 B=0250 (29) B = 1.000 A=0.250 T 22 A = 0.0625 IN 12a +1 0 20 40 60 80 NOTCH DEPTH (1 - d²/D² OR 1 - 2a/B)- PERCENT 100 FIG. 3.0283 EFFECTS OF SPECIMEN CROSS SECTION, NOTCH RADIUS AND NOTCH DEPTH ON NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO OF BAR (25) PAGE 8 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 200 160 120 ISXI 80 40 0 Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET 1525 F, 10 MIN, AC + 800 F, 1 HR FTU = 200 KSI 0 0.002 RT 600 F 800 F 1000 F TENSION FERROUS ALLOYS 0.008 0.010 0.004 0.006 STRAIN - IN PER IN FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET HEAT TREATED TO FT = 200 KSI (20, p. 15) KSI - F 240 PERCENT 200 TY 160 120 80 40 80 40 0 0 1 BAR F. TU Fe-(0.4C)-1. 8Ni-0.8Cr-0.25Mo BAR. SHEET = 270 KSI (27) F TU FTU = 200 KSI = 160 KSI SHEET, 0.064 IN = 200 KSI OF TU 200 FTY (13) (20) e BAR 400 600 TEMP F FTU 800 RA BAR 1000 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AND SHEET HEAT TREATED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (13, p. 112)(20)(27) FTU - KSI CODE Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 1206 PAGE 9 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 CODE KSI KSI PERCENT 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 1206 40 0 0 360 320 280 240 200 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0313 STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT ROOM AND LOW TEMPERATURES FOR BAR HEAT TREATED TO FTU = 270 KSI (9, p. 41) 40 0 0.002 400 FIG. 3.0314 Fe-(0. 4C)-1, 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo 1 IN BAR 1575 F, 4 HR, OQ + 450 F, 2 x 4 HR FTU = 270 KSI 0.004 -300 FTU FTY -200 RA e (2 IN) TEMP F FERROUS ALLOYS 0.008 -100 -423 F Fe-(0.4C)- 1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo 1 IN BAR 1575 F, 4 HR, OQ +450F. 2x4 HR - 108 F RT TENSION 321 F 0 0.010 0.012 100 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR HEAT TREATED TO F 270 KSI (9, p. 33) TU AT RT TU PERCENT OF F 160 KSI KSI 140 120 100 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 120 200 160 FIG. 3.0315 RELATION BETWEEN TENSILE STRENGTH AT - 320 F, 100 F AND AT ROOM TEMPER- ATURES (30, p. 559) 120 80 40 -320 F 0 160 0 +800 F, 1 HR F = 200 KSI TU REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-(0.4C)-1. 8Ni -0. 8Cr-0). 25Mo 7/8 IN BAR 0.002 200 FTU AT RT 200 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ +212 TO 1200F, 1 HR -100 F Fe-(0.4C)- 1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-C. 25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET ! 1525 F, 10 MIN, AC FTY G 240 KSI 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET HEATED TO FTU = 200 KSI (20) 280 320 400 600 TEMP - F RT 400 F 600 F COMPRESSION 800 800 F 1000 F 0.008 0.010 Fe-(0.4C)-1, 8Ni-0.8Cr-0. 25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET FCY 1525F, 10 MIN, AC +800F, 1 HR FTU = 200 KSI 1000 FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET HEAT TREATED TO F. = 200 KSI TU (20, p. 23) PAGE 10 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 FT LB 80 KSI 60 40 20 0 200 400 360 320 280 240 200 100 1.4 TEST TEMP 300 F -200 F 80 F -100 F -200 F 1.0 0.6 TEMPERING TEMP FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF TEMPERING AND TEST TEM- PERATURES ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF (14, p. 61) 400 -400 BAR Fe-(0. 4C)-1.8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo BAR 1550 F, OQ -320 F 600 0.714 -300 IE CHARPY V 800 60 - F 1000 -200 Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo 1 IN BAR 1575 F, 4 HR, OQ + 450 F, 2 x 4 HR FTU NOTCH STRENGTH 0.,505 FERROUS ALLOYS r = 0.027 NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO 1200 -100 TEMP - F FIG. 3.033 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF BAR HEAT TREATED TO FTU (9, p. 24) 270 KSI 0 1 K = 3.2 100 = KSI 60 40 30 20 15 10 6 0.1 NORM + 1200 F NORM + 1300 F 1% 2% CREEP 5% FIG. 3.041 KSI 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 1 1000F 1200F 1500F 0.001 : 10 2% 03% TOTAL A 5% STRAIN 77% Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo 0.050 IN SHEET 1/2 HR LOAD 0.01 OCREEP TIME MIN CREEP CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1000 AND 1200 F (26, p. 31) 100 1600 F, AC + TEMPER 1000 F 0.1 TIME-HR 1200 F CREEP 1000 Fe-(0.4C)-1, 8Ni-0.8Cr-0. 25 Mo (0.385C) 0,060 IN SHEET 1550F, OQ +750F, 1H FTU = 207 KSI 1 0.73 % THERMAL EXP. INCLUDED 0.85% 0.81% 10 FIG. 3.042 SHORT TIME TOTAL STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1000 TO 1500 F (33, p. 37) Fe 0.4 C CODE 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 1206 PAGE || FeUH Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 KSI 600 400 200 0 600 400 200 0 CODE 1206 Δ ΔΙ 0.1 1 10 Fe-(0, 4C)-1, 8Ni-0, 8Cr-9. 25Mo 9/16 TU 4 1/4 IN BAR R = 1 Гост ΟΔ NOTCHED FTU SMOOTH K = 1 FDD FERROUS ALLOYS حد = 210 KSI A ROT BEAM O DIRECT STRESS K = 7 TO 8 FTU Sams = 290 KSI 102 103 104 105 106 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIG. 3.051 S-N CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED SPECIMENS IN ROTATING BEAM AND DIRECT STRESS OF HEAT TREATED BAR (11) KSI 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 120 160 AIR MELT O VACUUM MELT KSI 100 80 NOTCHED K = 2.5 TO 8 280 240 FTU - KSI FIG. 3.052 RELATION BETWEEN ENDURANCE LIMIT AND TENSILE STRENGTH FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR 60 40 20 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-(0. 4C)-1, 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0, 25Mo BAR 0 SMOOTH K = 1 200 ENDURANCE LIMIT ROT BEAM AND DIRECT STRESS R = 0.5 G SMOOTH Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0.25Mo BAR 1 1 ENDURANCE LIMIT NOTCHED K = 2.2 ROT BEAM A = ∞, R = -1 K = 1 FTU 165 KSI = 1. 5 320 w (21) IN SPECIMEN DIAMETER FIG. 3.053 EFFECT OF SPECIMEN SIZE ON ENDURANCE LIMIT FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED SPECIMENS (12, p. 98) 2 PAGE 12 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 TU F RATIO ALTERNATING STRESS TO ALTERNATING STRESS AT 15 x 106 CYCLES - KSI 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 80 60 40 20 40 0 20 FTU = 180 KSI 0 -0.8 DIRECT STRESS FTU 1000 F -0.4 FIG. 3.054 STRESS RANGE DIAGRAMS FOR BAR HEAT TREATED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (36, p. 92) 40 = 270 KSI Fe-(0.4C) -1.8Ni-Q8Cr-0.25Mo QA 1000 F 0 0.4 0.8 RATIO MEAN STRESS TO FTU F TU 800 F 800 F Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0, 25Mo 1 1/8 IN BAR 120 = 140 KSI 600F SMOOTH K = 1 1575 F, 11/2 HR, OQ +1150 F, 11/2 HR FTU = 160 KSI 600 F FERROUS ALLOYS NOTCHED K = 3.3 80 MEAN STRESS KSI BAR RT 160 1.2 RT 200 FIG. 3.055 STRESS RANGE DIAGRAMS FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR AT ROOM TEMPERA- TURE TO 1000 F (18, p. 37, 38) 1000 KSI 32 28 24 20 DYNAMIC (24) I 16 STATIC 12 KSI -400 0.064 IN SHEET, FTU=200 KSI (20) I O 1 IN BAR, FTU = 270 KSI (9) | 1 0.064 IN SHEET, FTU=220KSI(Ec) (23) 280 240 200 160 120 FIG. 3,061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES 80 Fe-(0.4C)-1. 8Ni-0.8Cr-0.25Mo 40 0 0 0 [1] E FTU= 270 KSI- 400 TEMP - F 8 200KSI Fe-(Q4C)-L8Ni-0.8Cr-0.25Mo 180 KSI 140 KSI FTU=140 TO 200 KSİ- (10) FTU - 270 KSI (35) 800 NORMALIZED TENSION 16 1000 KSI 1200 (9)(20)(23)(24) 24 BAR 32 FIG. 3.062 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN TENSION FOR DIFFERENT STRENGTH LEVELS (10, p. 29)(35) CODE Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 1206 PAGE 13 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 CODE KSI KSI 200 160 120 20 40 0 240 200 1206 160 120 80 40 0 0 Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0. 25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET 1525 F, 10 MIN, AC +800 F, 1 HR FTU = 200 KSI 0 8 RT FIG. 3.063 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (20, p. 29) 600 F 800 F COMPRESSION 1000 F 8 400 F 16 1000 KSI 400 F- 1000 F COMPRESSION Fe-(0. 4C)-1. 8Ni-0. 8Cr-0, 25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET 1525 F, 10 MIN, AC+ 800 F. I HR FTU 200 KSI 600 F 24 800 F 16 1000 KSI 32 24 RT 32 FIG. 3.064 SECANT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (20, p. 29) FERROUS ALLOYS 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 HR 3 2 1 0 Fe-(0.4C)-1, 8Ni-0, 8Cr-0.25Mo REVISED MARCH 1963. 0 REFERENCES AMS 6359A, (Dec. 1, 1950) AMS 6415E, (May 1, 1954) AMS 6413C, (May 1, 1954) AMS 6412D, (June 1, 1951) SALT KAIR 1 2 3 THICKNESS ( DIAMETER ) · IN FIG. 4.043 HEATING AND AUSTENITIZING TIMES FOR VARIOUS THICK- NESSES (5, p. 6) TOTAL TIME HOLDING TIME - Lockheed Aircraft Corp., "Process Bulletin", No. 220-M, Rev. #5, (Oct. 15, 1958) 4 Bendix Products Division, "Process Specification", P. S. 2101, (Mar. 18, 1958) The Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., "Heat Treatment and Processing of Steel Parts in the 260, 000 - 230, 000 PSI Ultimate Tensile Strength Range", CPT Spec. No. 6205, Rev. 1, (Apr. 23, 1956) North American Aviation, Inc., "Alloy Steel AISI 4340", AL- 2604, (Dec. 1954) McGee, R. L., Campbell, J. E., Carlson, L. R. and Manning, G. K., "The Mechanical Properties of Certain Aircraft Struc- tural Metals at Very Low Temperature", WADC TR 58-386, (Nov. 1958) Mil-Hdbk-5, "Strength of Metal Aircraft Elements", Battelle Memorial Institute, (Dec. 30, 1958) Sachs, G. and Scheven, G., "Relation Between Direct-Stress and Bending Fatigue of High-Strength Steels," ASTM, Vol. 57, p. 667-581, (1957) S Sachs, G., "Survey of Low-Alloy Aircraft Steels Heat Treated to High Strength Levels", WADC TR 53-254, Pt. 2, (Aug. 1954) Sachs, G., "Survey of Low-Alloy Aircraft Steels Heat Treated to High Strength Levels", WADC TR 53-254, Pt. 4, (Dec. 1953) Sachs, G. and Klier, E. P., "Survey of Low-Alloy Aircraft Steels Heat Treated to High Strength Levels, WADC TR 53- 254, Pt. 5, (Sept. 1954) ti Muvdi, B. B., Sachs, G. and Klier, E. P., "Design Properties of High Strength Sreels in the Presence of Stress Concentrations" WADC TR 56-395, Pt. I, (Dec. 1956) SHE Klinger, F. R., "Effect of Strain Rate on the Tensile Proper- ties of SAE 4340 Steel", WADC TR 53-507, (Feb. 1955) Ragland, F. J., jr., and Barret, G. N., jr., "Evaluation of Forging of 4340 Modified, 4340, and 98B40 Steels at High- Strength Levels", WADC TR 54-89, (Mar. 1954) Trapp, W. J., "Elevated Temperature Fatigue Properties of SAE 4340 Steel", WADC TR 52-325, Pt. 1, (Dec. 1952) Klier, E. P., Muvdi, B. B., and Sachs, G., "Design Properties of High-Strength Steels in the Presence of Stress-Concentra- tions and Hydrogen Embrittlement", WADC TR 55-18, Pt. 1, (Nov. 1954) NACA TN 3315, (1954) SURI Collected Data Lodge, J. W. and Manning, G. K., "The Mechanical Proper- ties of Quenched and Tempered Medium-Carbon Alloy Steels," American Iron and Steel Institute, (March 1955) PAGE 14 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 2323 24 12273 25 25 28 29 30 31 32 33 3.4 NACA Techn. Note 2975, p. 8, (1953) Arnessen, J. E., "Personal Communication", Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, (May 7, 1959) Sachs, G., Sessler, J. and Yeh, SURI, (1958) FERROUS ALLOYS AF 5929, p. 31, (1949) Glenn L. Martin Co., "Elevated Temperature Tensile Proper- ties of SAE 4340 Steel Heat Treated to 250,000-280,000 psi Ultimate Tensile Strength, ER 9145-4, (May 3, 1957) Alloy Digest, "AISI-4340", Filing Code: SA-14, (Feb. 1954) NACA, (1959) Sachs, G., Weiss, V. and Klier, E. P., "Effects of a Number of Heat and Testing Variables on the Notch Strength of 4340 Steel", ASTM, Vol. 56, p. 559, (1956) Melcon, M. A., "Ultra High Strength Steel for Aircraft Struc- tures", Lockheed Aircraft Corp., p. 7, (Oct. 1953) Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., "Design Data for High Strength Steel", Bulletin No. 501, (June 1954) 11 Van Echo, John A., Wirth, W. F. and Simmons, Ward F., "Short -Time Creep Properties of Structural Sheet Materials for Aircraft and Missiles, AF TR 6731, Part III, (May IT 1955) Bendix Products Division, "Process Specifications-Special Process for Parts Heat Treated to 260, 000-280,000 psi UTS, P. S. 6001, (December 9, 1958) 19 CODE Fe 0.4 C 1.8 Ni 0.8 Cr 0.25 Mo 4340,4337 1206 PAGE 15 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 G AMS Form 6440 D Bar, forgings 6441 B 1.031 Source Alloy Form 1.04 - Source 1.05 1.051 1.052 GENERAL This alloy is a high carbon, high chromium alloy bearing steel for anti-friction bearings and parts requiring high heat treated hardness of approximately Rockwell C 60, combined with excellent wear resistance, medium tough- ness and high fatigue strength. It can be furnished as air or vacuum melted forgings, bars and tubing. The alloy is best machined in the spheroidized annealed condition. It has low resistance to softening at high temperatures and shows much greater dimensional changes than carbon steels of corresponding carbon content under all conditions of heat treatment. Generally, properties vary with the spe- cific melting practice, composition, heat treatment, forg- ing reductions, section size and form, (1, p. 1). Commercial Designation. 52100. Alternate Designations. SAE 52100, AISI E 52100, AISI 52100. Specifications. Table 1.03. Condition Size in ≤0.250 > 0.250 to ≤0.500 > 0.500 to ≤0.750 > 0.750 to ≤1.000 < 1.000 > 1.000 to ≤2.000 > 2.000 to ≤3.000 > 3.000 to ≤4.000 > 4.000 to ≤5.000 * For balls and rollers 1.053 1.054 Tubing, mechanical Billets for rolling, forging, ball and roller bearings Carbon Chromium Copper Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Silicon Sulfur Phosphorus Iron Coils, bars* TABLE 1.03 Decarburization specifications for coils, bars and tubes, Table 1.031. 1 TABLE 1.031 HR Ann HR Ann Depth of decarburization 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.010 ASTM (10, p. 1159) Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr Tubes 0.012 0.015 0.012 0.017 0.022 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.030 Bars 0.035 0.045 0.035 0.055 0.065 0.040 Composition. Table 1.04. Military Federal ASTM MIL-S-7420 QQ-S-611 TABLE 1.04 AMS (3, p. 1) Percent Gard Min Max 0.95 1.10 1.30 1.60 0.25 0.45 Balance 0.20 0.35 0.025 0.025 Min 0.95 1.30 0.25 Coils, bars* 0.20 FERROUS ALLOYS - CF in maximum 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 1 Balance Max 1.10 1.60 0.25 0.45 0.08 0.35 0.35 0.025 0.025 A-295-61 - - Bars Tubes ASTM (10, p. 1158) Crucible (1,p.l)| Percent G 1 0.012 0.010 0.015 0.014 0.025 0.019 0.024 10.028 1.00 1.50 Percent Nominal 0.35 0.25 0.025 0.025 Balance Heat Treatment Normalize. 1650 to 1700 F, air cool, (2). Anneal. Heat to 1250 to 1340 F, hold 5 hr. Heat to 1430 to 1460 F at 10 F per hr, hold 8 hr. Cool to 1320 F at 10 F per hr. Cool to 1250 F at furnace rate and air cool, (4). Spheroidize. Slow cool (about 5 F per hr) following austen- itizing by extended heating at a temperature near the Acm point or by isothermal transformation at 1275 F following austenitizing, (1). Harden. Quench in water from 1425 to 1475 F or quench in oil from 1500 to 1600 F, then temper to desired hardness, (1). (See 1.061). 1.055 1.06 1.061 1.0611 1.062 1.063 1.064 1.055 1.07 1.071 1.08 1.081 1.09 1.091 1.092 1.093 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.013 2.014 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01. Martemper. Heat to 1550 F, quench in salt bath at 500 F, hold at 500 F about 5 min per in cross section, cool in air, temper at 350 F to obtain 60 to 53 RC, (2). Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. End quench hardenability as a function of quenching tem- perature and initial condition, Fig. 1.0611. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness after oil quench, Fig. 1.062. Effect of mass and tempering temperature on surface hard- ness, Fig. 1.063. Effect of tempering temperature and exposure time on room temperature hardness, Fig. 1.064. Effect of test temperature on hot hardness, Fig. 1.065. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in hot and cold rolled bars, forgings or forging stock, and cold finished heavy walled tubing. Bars and tubing are normally supplied in a machinable condition with micro-structure of spheroidized cementite in a ferrite matrix with hot rolled bars having a maximum hardness of Brinell 207; cold rolled bars, a maximum of Brinell 248;hot finished tubing, a maximum of Rockwell B 95; and cold fin- ished tubing, a maximum of Rockwell C 24, (3). Melting and Casting Practice Electric furnace air melt, induction vacuum melt, consum- able electrode vacuum melt. Special Considerations AMS 6440 D and 6441 B specify that protection by suitable means, including controlled atmospheres, should be used to minimize scaling and prevent either carburization or de- carburization during heat treatment, (3). The fatigue impact and notch-tensile strength of this alloy, at hardness between Rockwell C 50 and C 65,are improved by induction vacuum melting as compared with conventional air melt,while no effect is observed in static tensile strength, (5, p.652). Retained austenite above approximately 4 percent causes increased rolling friction and local yielding at lower con- tact stresses than those for material containing no re- tained austenite, (9, p. 1). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. Phase changes. Critical temperatures: Source Condition Temp - F = 1400 F, Acl A = 1440 F, c2 = 1385 F, = 1310 F. A See Fig. 2.0121. c3 Time temperature transformation diagram, Fig. 2.0121. Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion, Table 2.014. TABLE 2.014 - 148 to 32 32 to 212 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Oxidation resistance Nuclear Properties Ann (1, p.1) Harden 10-6 in per in per F 5.88 7.00 = A 1300 F, ri A r3 5.61 6.62 Other Physical Properties Density. 0.28 lb per cu in. 7.74 gr per cu cm, (1). Electrical resistivity Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Bad Specified Mechanical Properties I C 1.45 Cr 52 100 CODE Fe 1207 PAGE ... I FeUH Fe I C 1.45 Cr 52100 CODE 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form Condition [I [I F - ksi - ksi e (2 in)-percent RA -percent Hardness BHN tu Fty 3.022 3.023 3.024 3.025 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.04 3.05 3.051 3.0511 3.0512 3.06 4. 4.01 4.011 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties, Table 3.021. TABLE 3.021 1207 1 in bar Spheroidized Ann turned and CD polished 94.4 62.0 27.0 62.5 179 (2) Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr 7/16 in bar Spheroidized Ann CD 1/32 in 1/16 in draft draft. 107.0 87.5 17.0 54.9 229 104.8 91.2 25.0 57.0 229 FABRICATION 124 105 16 50 FERROUS ALLOYS 262 1 in round Ann Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties 100 81 Heating and Heat Treating. See 1.05. Surface Treat ing 25 57 (1) Room temperature compression properties, Fig. 3.022. Room temperature tension properties, Fig. 3.023. Effect of hardness on room temperature torsion impact properties, Fig. 3.024. Norm 13 20 192 353 Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature ten- sile properties, Fig. 3.025. See also Figs. 1.062, 3.022 and 3.023. 185 139 Comparison of room temperature and 350 F tension and compression properties, Fig. 3.0311. Room temperature S-N curves in rotating bending at several hardness levels, Fig. 3.0512. Elastic Properties Short time properties other than tension Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength, Fig. 3.0321. Static stress concentration effects Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Fatigue properties at room temperature Comparison of room temperature and 350 F rotating bend- ing fatigue strength at 108 cycles for electric furnace and induction vacuum heats, Fig. 3.0511. Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 1850 to 1050 F, finishing temperature 1550 F minimum, (1, p.1). Machining Spheroidize annealed cold drawn bars have a machinability rating of 37 percent of AISI B 1112 steel and cuts at a speed of 63 sfpm. Hot rolled, annealed bars have a machinability rating of 45 percent of AISI B 1112 steel. The character of its chip is continuous and stringy, (2). Welding C SCALE - ROCKWELL HARDNESS 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 FIG. 1.0511 C SCALE - ROCKWELL HARDNESS 80 60 40 20 0 i- 0.5 1550 F 8 1450 F (2) (4) 24 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END OF SPECIMEN SIXTEENTHS INCH FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY REVISED: MARCH 1963 16 Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr -1700 F -1650 F 32 Fe-(1C)-1.45Cr SPHEROIDIZED NORMALIZED 1.0 1.5 2.0 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END - IN END QUENCH HARDENABILITY AS A FUCTION OF QUENCH- ING TEMPERATURE AND INITIAL CONDITION (8) 2.5 40 (2) (4) 3.0 PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 ROCKWELL HARDNESS - C SCALE 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 ROCKWELL HARDNESS - C SCALE FIG. 1.062 70 60 50 40 OREF (2) REF (3) 3 IN CUBE 1550 F, OQ 30 0 O Δ 0 ▼ 200 FIG. 1.063 1/2 IN 1 IN 1 1/2 IN 2 IN 1/2 IN 1 IN 1 1/2 IN 2 IN 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMPERATURE - F 1 AS QUENCHED RT 100 400 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON HARDNESS AFTER OIL QUENCH (1, p. 3) (2) 1525 F, WQ 1550 F, OQ 600 200 300 400 FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr TEMPERING TEMPERATURE F Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr 500 EFFECT OF MASS AND TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON SURFACE HARDNESS 1200 (1, p.3) F - 1400 TEMP 1600 1400 1000 A 600 400 200 0 -A el 1 C SCALE FIG. 2.0121 . ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE wd ROCKWELL HARDNESS 70 60 M S M50 M90 50 40 800 F TEMPERING TEMPERATURE FIG. 1.064 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND EXPOSURE TIME ON ROOM TEMPERATURE HARDNESS 70 60 50 400 40 0 A **** F = FERRITE AUSTENITE 1000 HR I 10 ELECTRIC FURNACE INDUCTION VACUUM 200 A* 600 ELECTRIC FURNACE INDUCTION VACUUM A+F+C 1 MIN 400 Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr 5/8 OR 3/4 SQ IN BAR 1550 F, 1 HR, OQ 10 HR C = CARBIDE M = MARTENSITE TEMP FIG. 1.065 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON HOT HARDNESS (7, Fig. 40-41) - - 100 HR 600 F Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr 5/8 OR 3/4 SQ IN BAR 1550 F, 1 HR, OQ + 400 F, 2 HR F+C *- (7, tbl. III) 800 10 Fe-(1C)-1.45Cr 1000 1 HR *AUSTENITE + UN- DISSOLVED CARBIDES 104 TIME SEC TIME TEMPERATURE TRANSFORMATION DIAGRAM 104 (6) Fe I C 1.45 Cr 52 100 CODE 1207 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe I C 1.45 Cr 52 100 CODE KSI KSI 500 - LB 400 FT 300 200 400 300 200 48 400 300 300 200 200 100 FIG. 3.022 ROOM TEMPERATURE COMPRESSION PROPER· TIES (5, p. 643) 0 Fe-(1C)-1.45Cr 0.500 IN DIA ROD 1535 F, OQ +320 F, 30 MIN + TEMPER TO INDICATED RC 1207 200+ TEMPER TO INDICATED RC 400 48 80 60 • INDUCTION VACUUM 。 ELECTRIC FURNACE, AVG OF SEVERAL 40 Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr 0.500 IN DIA ROD 1535 F, OQ +320 F, 30 MIN 52 ELASTIC LIMIT I 60 64 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 58 56 100 TEMP INDICATED 400 F 550 F 600 F 52 60 ROCKWELL HARDNESS - C SCALE FIG. 3.023 ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSION PROPERTIES (5, p. 643) Fe-(1C)-1.45Cr WQ+TEMPERED AT INDUCTION VACUUM O ELECTRIC FURNACE, AVG OF SEVERAL HEATS F CY FTU ELASTIC LIMIT 56 500 F 450 F FTY - 350 F 300 F HEATS 200 F 100 F 0000 + FERROUS ALLOYS 64 250 F 64 60 62 ROCKWELL HARDNESS - C SCALE FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF HARDNESS ON ROOM TEM- PERATURE TORSION IMPACT PROPERTIES 66 68 RT (2) 68 - KSI 300 200 500 400 300 200 48 KSI 240 FIG. 3.0311 200 PERCENT 160 400 Fe-(1C)-1.45Cr 1535 F, OQ +320 F, 30 MIN + TEMPER TO INDI- CATED RC 120 80 40 0 800 REVISED: MARCH 1963 FTY 52 900 1100 TEMPERING TEMPERATURE 1200 F FIG. 3.025 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PRO- PERTIES (4) 56 FTU FTU F TY 1000 RA e 60 Fe-(1C)-1.45Cr TUBING AUST 1525 F, OQ 64 C SCALE COMPARISON OF ROOM TEMPERATURE AND 350 F TENSION AND COMPRESSION PROPERTIES (5, p. 650) ROCKWELL HARDNESS F CY RT 350 F ELECTRIC FURNACE - - 68 PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 260 KSI 220 180 140 100 160 140 120 100 80 Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr 5/8 OR 3/4 SQ IN BAR 1550 F, 2 HR, OQ +400 F, 2 HR 40 FCY 400 48 TEST TEMPERATURE - F FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH (7, tbl. VI) -0.1% OFFSET (0+) (-2) (+10) (-0) 500 Fe-(1C) -1.45Cr 0.500 IN DIA BAR 1535 F, OQ +320 F, 30 MIN • + TEMPER TO INDICATED RC (+0) FIG. 3.0511 -FCY -0.2% OFFSET OFFSE (+4) 52 600 (-2) (+10) (-5) ELECTRIC FURNACE(61 RC) INDUCTION VACUUM(62 RC) ) EXPERIMENTAL SCATTER 60% CURVE VALUE ELECTRIC FURNACE INDUCTION VACUUM EXTRAPOLATED DATA RT 56 700 (+4) 5) (+2) (-0) {+3} 60 (+5) (-14) 800 (+0) (+3) (-1) FERROUS ALLOYS (+14) (-3) 900 64 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE COMPARISON OF ROOM TEMPERATURE AND 350 F ROTATING BENDING FATIGUE STRENGTH AT 108 CYCLES FOR ELECTRIC FURNACE AND INDUCTION VACUUM HEATS (APPROXIMATE) (5, p. 646-647) 350 F 68 2 3 4 Сл 5 6 7 8 9 KSI 10 200 Fe-(1C)~1.45Cr 0.500 IN DIA BAR 1325 F, OQ +320 F, 30 MIN 180 + TEMPER TO INDICATED RC↓ 160 140 120 100 80 (+6) 10 (-12) +7 {{+3} -3 (±7) (±12) 52 RC 10 INDUCTION VACUUM ELECTRIC FURNACE (±14) (+5) (-4) 62 RC (+13) 50 RC ( ) EXPERIMENTAL SCATTER % CURVE VALUE (APPROX) REFERENCES 1 Crucible Steel Co. of America, "Preliminary Data Sheet · AISI 52100", (Received March 16, 1961) (+0) 62 RC (H7) (+25) (-0) (-18) (+4) (-16) 10 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIG. 3.0512 ROOM TEMPERATURE S-N CURVES IN ROTATING BENDING AT SEVERAL HARD- NESS LEVELS (APPROXIMATE) (5, p.646) (+3 (+10) -0) (+4) (-3) 108 Alloy Digest, "AISI E 52100", Filing Code: SA-16, Steel Alloy, (April 1954) AMS 6440 D and AMS 6441 B, (June 1, 1951 and Dec. 1, 1950) Rowland, E. S., Timken Roller Bearing Co., Personal Letter, (May 20, 1959) Sachs, G., Sell, R. and Brown, W. F., Jr., "Tension, Compression and Fatigue Properties of Several Steels for Aircraft Bearing Applications", Proc. ASTM, Vol. 59 (1959) United States Steel Corp., "Atlas of Isothermal Diagrams", (1951) Bhat, G. K. and Nehrenberg, A. E., "A Study of the Metallurgical Properties of Bearing Materials at Temper- atures in the Range Room Temperature to 1000 F for Air- craft Service", WADC TR 57-343, (April 1957) C Fe | с 1.45 Cr 52 100 Rowland, E. S., Welchner, J. and Marshall, R. H. "Chromium in Steel", ASM, Metals Handbook, (1948) Drutowski, R. C. and Mikus, E. B., General Motors Corp.. "The Effect of Ball Bearing Steel Structure on Rolling Friction and Contact Plastic Deformation", (Nov. 23, 1959) "Standard Specification for Carbon-Chromium Ball- and Roller-Bearing Steel", ASTM Designation: A 295-61, Pt. 1, (1961) CODE 1207 PAGE 5 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 Source AMS 6280 C 6281 B 6355 F 6530 D 6550 D 5334 A 5335 A 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 Min 0.28 Carbon Chromium 0.40 Manganese 0.70 Molybdenum 0.15 0.40 0.20 Nickel Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Iron 1.054 1.06 1.061 1.062 1.07 1.071 1.072 GENERAL This steel has moderately high hardenability and is general- ly heat treated to 160 to 180 ksi tensile strength level. At strength levels of 180 ksi or below, 8630 has good toughness. The alloy is produced in most wrought forms and castings. It is metallurgically similar to 4130 and other low alloy steels of similar carbon content, (1) (2, p.64). Commercial Designation. 8630. Alternate Designation. AISI 8630 and SAE 8630. 8630 H indicates the steel is supplied to hardenability specifica- tions rather than to chemistry specifications. Specifications. Table 1.03. TABLE 1.03 Form Bar, forging, forging stock Heavy wall, mechanical tubing Sheet, strip, plate Source Alloy Form Tubing, seamless Tubing, welded Investment casting Sand casting Composition. Table 1.04. F ptu' AMS(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Percent Condition Thickness - in TABLE 1.04 Max 0.33 0.60 0.90 0.25 Balance 0.70 0.35 0.040 0.040 typ - ksi typ - ksi - AMS(8) Percent Min 0.25 0.35 0.60 0.15 0.35 119 111 13 48 Unannealed Balance 241 Heat Treatment Anneal. 1475 to 1525 F, furnace cool, (1). Normalize. 1575 to 1625 F, air cool, (1). AMS specifies 1690 to 1710 F, (3) (4) and 1700 to 1750 F, 1 hr minimum, (8) (9). Harden. 1500 to 1575 F, oil or water quench, (1). AMS specifies 1515 to 1535 F, (3) (4) (5) and 1590 to 1610 F, (8). Temper. Not lower than 900 F for 30 min, (5). Not lower than 800 F, (8). Not lower than 1150 F for at least 1 hr, (9). Bar CD Hardenability AISI-SAE end quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. Effect of time at 1000 F on room temperature hardness for various heat treatments, Fig. 1.062. Forms and Conditions Available 2 in) typ e percent RA, typ - percent Hardness surface BHN * Converted from Vicker's hardness The alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for bar, rod, plate, sheet, strip, tubing, forging and cast- ing. Products are available in hot rolled or forged, normalized, annealed and tempered conditions to a variety of desired strengths. This steel is also used for sand and investment castings. 1 round Max Min 0.35 0.25 0.65 0.40 0.95 0.60 0.30 0.15 0.75 0.40 1.00 0.30 0.040 0.040 FERROUS ALLOYS Military MIL-S-6050 Ann AN-S-12 MIL-T-6732 MIL-T-6734 95 86 16 52 AMS(9) Percent 197 Max 0.33 0.90 0.95 0.25 1.10 0.60 Balance 0.040 0.040 114 82.6 23.8 As received 245* 4. 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.013 2.014 262* 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.04 2.041 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form Condition 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.0221 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 1650 F Thermal Properties Melting point, (1). 2740 F approximately. Phase changes 114.1 61.5 22. 2 Critical temperatures: 1350 F cl = 1480 F c3 = 1210 F rl A = 1340 F r3 Diameter in Thickness - in A A A - F tu' F ty' e (2 in)-percent full tube e (2 in)-percent strip MECHANICAL PROPERTIES = Chemical Properties See 4340, 4337 ARDC TR 59-66. Thermal conductivity. 21.7 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F). Thermal expansion, (1). At 0 to 200 F, 6.3 x 10-6 in per in per F. 0 to 1200 F, 8.1 x 10-6 in per in per F. Specific heat. 0.107 Btu per (lb F). Nuclear Properties See 4340, 4337 ARDC TR 59-66. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.283 lb per cu in. 7.83 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, (1). At 120 F, 11.8 microhm-in. 570 F, 18.9 microhm-in. Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. min - ksi min ksi Normalized TABLE 3.0221 (1) Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cx-0. 25Mo 3C) Tubing. 262* A Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. = 1330 F el A = 1450 F e3 700 F (50%) 600 F (90%) 540 F, (1). M S Mf Mf 95 75 10 * TABLE 3.011 AMS (6), (7) Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 90 70 10 1700 F 1 OD x 1/16 wall 118.5 133.2 63.4 126.4 21.5 17.0 = Steel tubing, seamless and welded, full tube and strip Norm and temper, stress relieved or otherwise heat treated after the last cold drawing operation = OD < 0.5 OD > 0.5 Wall <0.188Wall >0.188 Wall < 0.188 (Wall > 0.188 286* Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Relationship of hardness and room temperature tensile strength of 100 percent martensite quenched bar and sheet, Fig. 3.021. Tension properties Typical tension properties of bar and tube, Table 3.0221. 163.4 160.2 16.5 360* 95 75 12 Q 1550 F and temper 1100 F 900 F 7 700 F 90 70 15 196.4 184.2 8.7 10 425* Fe 0.3 C 0.55 Ni c 8630 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo CODE 1208 PAGE 1 FeUH Fe ☺ 0.3 C 0.55 Ni 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo 3.0222 Source Alloy Form Condition Diameter in F F ksi - ksi 8630e (2 in) - percent RA - percent Hardness BHN tu 3.0223 3.0224 3.023 3.024 3.025 3.026 3.027 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.0313 3.0314 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.0325 3.0326 3.04 3.041 3.05 3.051 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 3.064 4. 4.01 4.011 Tension properties of cast bar, Table 3.0222. TABLE 3.0222 CODE 1208 - (13, p. 4) Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25 Mo Cast bar standard tensile specimens Normalized 1650 F, Q 1550 F, tempered 1200 F tempered 1200 F - FERROUS ALLOYS 0.50 110.5 85.6 19.0 53.7 223 0.22 137.5 125.8 14.8 34.5 286 Stress strain curves for two strength levels, Fig. 3.0223. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature ten- sile properties of bar and sheet, Fig. 3.0224. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature compressive yield strength of bar, Fig. 3.023. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature torsion properties of bar, Fig. 3.024. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature bearing properties of sheet, Fig. 3.025. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature im- pact strength, Fig. 3.026. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature notch tensile strength and ductility, Fig. 3.027. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves from room temperature to 1200 F for sheet at 125 ksi room temperature Ftu Fig. 3.0311. Stress strain curves from room temperature to 1200 F for sheet at 160 ksi room temperature Ftu, Fig. 3.0312. Effects of exposure and test temperature on tensile proper- ties of sheet, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of low temperature on tensile properties for two heat treatments, Fig. 3.0314. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression at room and elevated temperatures for sheet at 120 ksi room temperature F Fig. 3.0321. tu' Stress strain curves in compression at room and elevated temperatures for sheet at 160 ksi room temperature F tu' Fig. 3.0322. Effects of low and elevated temperatures on impact strength for various heat treatments, Fig. 3.0323. Effects of exposure and test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0324. Effects of exposure and test temperature on bearing proper- ties of sheet, Fig. 3.0325. Effects of exposure and test temperature on shear proper - ties of sheet, Fig. 3.0326. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep curves for sheet at 1000 and 1200 F, Fig. 3.041. Fatigue Properties S-N curves for smooth and notched cast bars, Fig. 3.051. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity in compression at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of elasticity in tension at room and elevated tem- peratures, Fig. 3.062. Tangent modulus curves in compression at room and ele- vated temperatures for sheet at 120 ksi room temperature Ftu Fig. 3.063. Tangent modulus curves in compression at room and ele- vated temperatures for sheet at 160 ksi room temperature Ftu Fig. 3.064. FABRICATION Forming and Casting Forging. Hot forge between 2000 to 2200 F, (1). 4.02 4.021 4.022 4.023 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.033 4.04 4.05 C SCALE ROCKWELL HARDNESS Machining Machinability is similar to other low alloy steels (see 4340 and 4337). Best machinability is obtained using material annealed and cold drawn, (1). The use of sulfurized or chlorinated oils containing sulfur as cutting lubricants is recommended, (1). Welding General. This steel has good weldability by any of the standard welding methods, (1). Shielded-arc carbon-molybdenum electrodes are recom· mended. Bare type electrodes produce brittle welds, (1). A pre-heat from 300 to 500 F followed by stress relief at 1100 to 1200 F are recommended, (1). Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating 45 40 35 30 C SCALE 60 O 50 0.01 ROCKWELL HARDNESS 390 40 REVISED: MARCH 1963 20 0 ZERO-TIME 55 ▲ 44 41 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 8 16 8630 H DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END SIXTEENTH IN FIG. 1.061 AISI-SAE END QUENCH HARDENABILITY 24 32 W Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 1600 F, WC I 1600 F, WC+700 F, 1 HR 1600 F, Q TO 700 F, 15 MIN 0.1 10 TIME - HR FIG. 1.062 EFFECT OF TIME AT 1000 F ON ROOM TEMPER - ATURE HARDNESS FOR VARIOUS HEAT TREAT- MENTS (11, p.9) 100 (10) 1000 PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 280 KSI 240 200 160 120 80 16 FIG. 3.021 160 120 80 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 40 0 200 Fe-(03C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET 0 FIG. 3.0223 24 40 ROCKWELL HARDNESS F TU FTU 32 RELATIONSHIP OF HARDNESS AND ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE STRENGTH OF 100 PERCENT MARTENSITE QUENCHED BAR AND SHEET (12, p.6) - = 162 KSI = FTU 119 KSI 0.505 IN BAR ▲ 0.061 IN SHEET 48 C SCALE 0.004 0.008 STRAIN IN PER IN STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR TWO STRENGTH LEVELS (2, p. 79, 85) FERROUS ALLOYS 0.012 56 KSI - TY F PERCENT 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 400 KSI F TY (CANNE STEINURES FIG. 3.0224 0.530 IN (1) 0.530 IN BAR 0.505 IN ET} 0.0625 IN SHEET 240 200 160 120 80 400 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr -0.25Mo 1550 F, OQ NORM 1600 F 600 600 RA (12, p. 14, 51) e W FTU TT W +1550 F, WQ 240 + 1575 F, OQ F 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AND SHEET 1200 F 280 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP CY 200 160 F 120 (1) (12, p. 14, 51) 1200 80 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 40 1400 0.505 IN BAR 1575 F, OQ KSI g TU F 1400 FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF BAR (12, p. 28) CODE Fe 8630 0.3 с 0.55 Ni ن 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo 1208 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe ㅇ ​0.3 C 0.55 Ni 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo CODE 8630 KSI 160 KSI 120 80 40 FIG. 3.024 400 320 280 FT-LB 240 200 160 400 120 100 1208 80 60 40 20 600 0 400 FIG. 3.026 600 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni -0.5Cr-0. 25Mo 0.505 IN DIA BAR 1575 F, OQ [I F 600 [I F SU SY 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TORSION PROPERTIES OF BAR F V BRU FIG. 3.025 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE BEARING PROPERTIES OF SHEET (12, p. 60) F e/D = 1.5 BRY Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.050 IN SHEET 1575 F, OQ Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo STANDARD 0.394 IN SQ 1550 F, OQ 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 1200 FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP F 1200 IZOD V 1400 (12, p. 37) 1200 1400 1400 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT STRENGTH (1, p. 2) PERCENT 360 320 280 240 200 16 12 8 4 0.300 0 400 FIG. 3.027 KSI 120 100 80 69 40 20 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni -0.5Ċr-0. 25Mo NORM 1650 F + 1600 F, WQ + TEMPER 1 HR 60. 1/ REVISED: MARCH 1963 600 NOTCH STRENGTH 0.212 r = 0.001 K = 8.8 t NOTCH DUCTILITY 800 TEMPERING TEMP 0.002 KO 1000 F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE NOTCH TENSILE STRENGTH AND DUCTILITY Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET RT F TU 1200 1200 F (14, Fig. 27) RT 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F = 125 KSI TENSION 0.004 0.006 0.008 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FROM ROOM TEMPERATURE TO 1200 F FOR SHEET AT 125 KSI ROOM TEMPERATURE F TU (15, p. 148-153) PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55 Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET 0 RT F = 160 KSI TU 1200 F 0.002 RT 400 F 600 F 1800 F 1000 F 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0312 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FROM ROOM TEMPERATURE TO 1200 F FOR SHEET AT 160 KSI ROOM TEMPERATURE F. TU (15, p. 165-170) TENSION 0.008 FERROUS ALLOYS KSI KSI 200 160 120 80 40 0 160 120 80 40 0 0 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET EXPOSURE 1/2 HR O 10 HR ▲ 100 HR FIG. 3.0313 RT FTU 160 KSI FTU F TU 400 FTY FTY RT F = 120 KSI TU RT F TU = 120 KSI RT F TU - = 160 KSI 1200 120 80 40 0 120 80 800 TEMP F EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROP- ERTIES OF SHEET (15, p. 40, 46) 40 0 1600 KSI KSI Fe 0.3 C 0.55 Ni 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo 8630 CODE už 1208 PAGE 5 FeUH Fe 0.3 C 0.55 Ni 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo 8630 CODE KSI PERCENT 200 KSI 160 120 80 60 40 20 0 FIG. 3.0314 -400 120 100 80 60 40 1208 20 0 0 FIG. 3.0321 FTU FTY RA -300 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr -0. 25Mo -200 -100 TEMP F 0.002 - Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0. 25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET RT F + e (2 IN) NORMALIZED 1500 F, OQ+850 F EFFECT OF LOW TEMPERATURE ON TEN- SILE PROPERTIES FOR TWO HEAT TREAT- MENTS (1) TU RT 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F = 120 KSI 0 COMPRESSION FERROUS ALLOYS 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COM- PRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET AT 120 KSI ROOM TEMPERATURE F. TU (15, p. 154-158) 0.008 100 FT - LB 100 80 60 40 20 0 180 160 140 -400 120 100 KSI 80 60 40 20 0 0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0. 25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET RT F -200 TU 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0322 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COM- PRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET AT 160 KSI ROOM TEMPERATURE F, TU (15, p. 171-175) 1000 F RT 800 F 600 F Fe-(0.3C)-0,55Ni-0.5Cr -0. 25Mo 1600 F, WQ + TEMP, 1 HR (14, Figs. 13-15) ▲ 1500 F, OQ + TEMP 850 F O NORM (1) 500 F 400 F 800 F 1000 F = 160 KSI 200 TEMP F FIG. 3.0323 EFFECTS OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES ON IMPACT STRENGTH FOR VARIOUS HEAT TREATMENTS (1) (14, Figs. 13-15) 1. E. CHARPY V 400 600 - PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI 200 160 120 80 40 0 0 RT F Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0. 25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET = 120 KSI TU RT F FCY EXPOSURE ● 1/2 HR O 10 HR ▲ 100 HR 400 FCY = 160 KSI TU 1200 120 KSI 100 F 80 60 40 20 0 1600 800 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0324 EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE 120 YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET (15, p. 40, 46) KSI BRU 200 160 80 40 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 FERROUS ALLOYS ດ Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET RT F = 120 KSI TU e/D= 1.5 FBRU EXPOSURE 1/2 HR O 10 HR ▲ 100 HR 400 FBRU 800 RT FTU= 160 KSI 1200 RT 400 F TU = 120 KSI e/D=1.5 RT F., 160 KSI TU F "BRY 800 F BRY 1200 200 160 120 80 40 240 200 1600 O TEMP F FIG. 3.0325 EFFECTSOF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING PROPER - TIES OF SHEET 160 120 80 40 10 1600 (15, p. 40, 46) KSI - BRY F 0.3 C 0.55 Ni 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo 8630 Fe CODE 1208 PAGE 7 FeUH Fe 0.3 C 0.55 Ni 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo CODE 8630 KSI 120 80 1208 40 0 RT F. Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo TU RT F F EXPOSURE ● 1/2 HR O 10 HR ▲ 100 HR 400 SU = 175 KSI TU = 800 0.187 IN SHEET-120 w 125 KSI F SU 1200 80 40 0 TEMP F FIG. 3.0326 EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR PROPER· TIES OF SHEET (15, p. 40, 46) 1600 KSI - FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 40 20 10 8 6 4 0.1 1% 2% 5% 10% CREEP 1 10 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.050 IN SHEET 1600 F, OQ S 100 + 1000 F 1000 F 1200 F ANN 1000 F 1200 F 1000 TIME HR FIG. 3.041 CREEP CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1000 AND 1200 F 10,000 (11, p. 29) PAGE 8 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1000 KSI KSI 1000 KSI 40 32 24 16 36 28 20 80 12 70 60 0 50 40 30 0 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni -0.5Cr-0. 25Mo CAST BAR NUMBER OF CYCLES FIG. 3.051 S-N CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED CAST BARS ROT BEAM R = · 1 10 O = - RT F = 120 KSI TU O RT F = 160 KSI TU NORM 1650 F + 1200 F FTU = 110 KSI ▲ ▲ 1550 F, OQ + 1200 F, FTU = 138 KSI 106 105 200 RT F TU ORT F. TU 400 = 120 KSI 0.290 = 160 KSI 200 400 F 600 TEMP FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (15, p. 40-46) 60 E - r = 0.015 SMOOTH K = 1.0 NOTCHED K = 2,2 с E 0.220 Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET FERROUS ALLOYS 800 107 (13, p.6, 7) 800 1000 Fe-(0.3)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET 1200 1000 1200 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY IN TENSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (15, p. 40-46). KSI 120 KSI 100 80 60 40 20 0 200 160 120 80 40 0 0 0 400 F Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET RT F 120 KSI RT F FIG. 3.064 8 FIG. 3.063 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COM- PRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET AT 120 KSI ROOM TEMPERATURE F. TU15, p.246-250) RT 600 F COMPRESSION 800 F 1000 F 16 1000 KSI COMPRESSION 8 1000 F TU = 160 KSI TU Fe-(0.3C)-0.55Ni-0.5Cr-0.25Mo 0.064 IN SHEET 600 F = 400 F 24 800 F 32 RT 24 16 1000 KSI TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COM- PRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET AT 160 KSI ROOM TEMPERATURE F TU (15, p. 251-255) 32 Fe 0.3 C 0.55 Ni 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo 8630 CODE 1208 PAGE 9 FeUH Fe 0.3 C 0.55 Ni 0.5 Cr 0.25 Mo 8630 CODE 345 1 Alloy Digest, "AISI 8630", Filing Code SA-49, (Oct. 1956) 2 Favor, R. J., Achbach, W. P. and Hyler, W. S., "Materials-Property-Design Criteria for Metals", Pt. 7, The Conventional Short-Time, Elevated-Temperature Properties of Selected Low- and Medium-Alloy Steels, WADC TR 55-150, (Oct. 1957) AMS 6280 C, (Oct. 1, 1951) AMS 6281 B, (Oct. 1, 1951) AMS 6355 F, (June 30, 1960) AMS 6530 D, (Feb. 15, 1953) (Feb. 15, 1953) (July 1, 1957) AMS 6550 D, AMS 5334 A, AMS 5335 A, (March 1, 1951) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 REFERENCES 1208 FERROUS ALLOYS "Alloy Steel: Semifinished; Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars", AISI, Steel Products Manual, (July 1955) Miller, J., Smith, L. W. and Porter, P. K., "Utilization of Low Alloy Materials for High Temperature Service Applications", United States Air Force, Air Materiel Command, AF TR 5929, (June 1949) Lodge, J. W. and Manning, G. K., "The Mechanical Pro- perties of Quenched and Tempered Medium-Carbon Alloy Steels", AISI (Contributions to the Metallurgy of Steel No. 49) (March 1956) Evans, E. B., Ebert, L. J. and Briggs, C. W., "Fatigue Properties of Comparable Cast and Wrought Steels", Proc. ASTM, Vol. 56 (1956) "The High Strength Characteristics of Alloy Steels", Metals Research Lab., Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, Case Institute of Technology, (June 1952) Doerr, D. D., "Determination of Physical Properties of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Structural Sheet Materials at Elevated Temperatures", Armour Research Foundation, WADC, AF TR 6517, Pt. 2, (April 1954) REVISED: MARCH 1963 PAGE 10 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 AMS 6260 E Source Alloy 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 Nickel Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Iron 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.0561 Min Max Carbon 0.07 0.13 Chromium 1.00 1.40 Manganese 0.40 0.70 Molybdenum 0.08 0.15 3.00 3.50 0.20 0.35 0.040 0.040 1.0562 1.0563 1.0564 1.06 1.061 1.062 GENERAL This is a relatively high hardenability case hardening steel. It is recommended for its high core strength and toughness, (1). The "H" designated steel (9310 H) is guaranteed by the supplier to meet established AISI-SAE hardenability limits, otherwise its properties and nominal compositions are identical to E 9310, (5). Commercial Designation. AISI E 9310. Alternate Designations. SAE 9310, AISI E 9310 H. AMS 6260 E. Specifications. Table 1.03. 1.063 1.064 1.065 1.066 TABLE 1.03 Form Bars, forgings, forging stock and mechanical tubing Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1.04 AMS (4) SAE 9310 Percent Balance Alloy Digest (1) SAE 9310 Percent Min Max 0.08 0.13 1.00 1.40 0.45 0.65 0.08 0.15 3.00 3.50 0.20 0.35 0.025 0.025 Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Military AISI E 9310 H Percent - Min Max 0.07 0.13 1.00 1.45 0.40 0.70 0.08 0.15 2.95 3.55 0.20 0.35 Balance Heat Treatment Anneal. 1475 to 1575 F, furnace cool, (1). Normalize. 1600 to 1700 F, air cool, (1). AMS 6260 E specifies 1690 to 1710 F, (4). Austenitize. 1450 to 1550 F, oil quench,(1)(5). AMS 6260 E specifies 1490 to 1510 F, (4). Temper. 275 to 450 F for case hardened parts, (1). Spheroidize. Temper, 1175 F maximum, 8 to 10 hr or austenitize at 1400 F and transform isothermally at 1100 F, 12 hr, (1). Typical case hardening procedures Direct quench from pot. Carburize at 1700 F, 8 hr, cir- culating oil quench and temper, (1). Single quench and temper. Carburize at 1700 F, 8 hr, pot cool, austenitize, circulating oil quench and temper, (1). Double quench and temper. Carburize at 1700 F, 8 hr, pot cool, austenitize, circulating oil quench, repeat previous austenitizing treatment and temper. This treat- ment yields higher grain refinement in both case and core, (1). For maximum core toughness temper at 450 F, see Fig. 3.022. Hardenability End quench hardenability for 9310 H, Fig. 1.061. For SAE 9310 AMS 6260 E specifies J 41 maximum and J 32 6 minimum, (4). Effect of carbon content on hardness of bar, Fig. 1.063. Effect of thickness on as-quenched hardness of bar, Fig. 1.064. Effect of bar diameter on quenched and tempered hardness of bar, given simulated carburizing cycle, Fig. 1.065. Effect of bar diameter on room temperature ten- sile properties of bar, given simulated carburizing cy- cle, Fig. 1.066. 1.07 1.071 1.08 [L 1.081 1.09 2. ·2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.03 2.04 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.03 3.031 3.032 3.033 3.04 3.05 3.06 4. 4.01 4.011 Forms and Conditions Available This steel is available as billets, bars, forgings and annealed hot and cold finished rounds, (2, p.3), (1); as centerless ground bars, as hot and cold drawn wire and hot and cold rolled strip, (1). 4.02 4.021 Melting and Casting Practice. Open hearth, electric fur- nace, air and vacuum melt, (3, p.25).. Vacuum melting produces improved impact properties, (3, p. 25). Special Considerations PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting point. Critical temperatures: Acl= 1315 F = 1490 F Ac3 Axl 830 F Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion Specific Heat Other Physical Properties Chemical Properties Nuclear Properties Source Alloy Form Condition Dia in F tu' F As rolled 1 4 typ-ksi 131 117.5 typ-ksi 88 84 ty' e(2in)-percent 19 18.8 RA -percent 61.5 59.2 Hardness, BHN 269 241 * Tests were taken from center of 1 in rounds and from 1/2 radius of 4 in rounds 200 269 255 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES = Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical properties of bar stock, Table 3.021. TABLE 3.02! (1) Fe-(0.1C)-3.25 Ni-1.2Cr-0.1Mo Bar* Ann 4 100 80 25 60 1 131.5 FABRICATION Ax3 Дез 82.75 r3 18.8 58.1 Ael Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties = 1305 F = 1240 F = 1480 F,(1). Norm 4 125.25 81.75 Effect of carbon content on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.022. 19.5 61.7 Effect of bar diameter and tempering temperature on room temperature impact strength of bar, given simulated car- burizing cycle, Fig. 3.23. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Short time properties other than tension Static stress concentration effects Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 2200 F maximum, finish- ing temperature 1950 F minimum, (1). Machining General. Similar to other grades of low carbon low alloy E 9310 O.I C 3.25 Ni 1.2 Cr 0.1 Mo CODE Fe 1209 PAGE - FeUH Fe 0.1 C 3.25 Ni 1.2 Cr 0.1 Mo E 9310 CODE 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.04 4.05 4.051 C SCALE - ROCKWELL HARDNESS 50 40 30 20 0 C SCALE ROCKWELL HARDNESS - C SCALE ROCKWELL HARDNESS 40 36 32 FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY FOR 9310 H (5) 28 16 24 32 40 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END SIXTEENTH IN 48 40 0.06 32 24 steels. Cold drawn bars have better machinibility than annealed stock. General practice for machining gears is to normalize and temper or quench and temper (1200 F,8 to 10 hr) for best machinibility, (1). High speed steel tools. and sulphurized cutting fluids are recommended, (1). 1209 Welding G The steel can be readily welded by oxyacetylene or me- tallic arc methods. The use of bare type electrodes re- sults in low strength and low ductility welds, (1). Stress relief after welding. 1150 to 1200 F is recom- mended to increase impact properties, (1). RC HARDNESS 8 Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating General. This steel is especially suited for case harden- ing by carburizing. See 1.056. It is recommended that the maximum carbon in the case be limited to 0.90 per- cent and some specifications limit the carbon to 0.80 per- cent, (1). 0 1675 F, OQ +TEMPER 300 F Fe-(0.1C)-3. 25Ni-1, 2Cr-0. 1 Mo 1 IN BAR Fe-(0.1C)-3. 25Ni-1. 2Ċr-0. 1Mo HR BAR CARBON-PERCENT FIG. 1.063 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT ON HARDNESS OF BAR FIG. 1.064 0.08 NORM 1700 F, AC AUST 1550 F - 0.10 SURFACE MIDWAY CENTER 1 RC HARDNESS 0.12 0.14 FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-(0.1C)-3.25Ni-1. 2Cr-0.1 Mo BAR 1700 F, 8 HR, FC +1450 F, OQ RC HARDNESS 2 3 DIAMETER - IN EFFECT OF THICKNESS ON AS QUENCHED HARDNESS OF BAR 4 (1) (1, p.14) C SCALE - 40 36 332 ROCKWELL HARDNESS 28 24 200 KSI SPECIMEN TAKEN FROM: CENTER OF 0 160 PERCENT 120 1 2 3 BAR DIAMETER -IN FIG. 1.065 EFFECT OF BAR DIAMETER ON QUENCHED AND TEMPERED HARD- NESS OF BAR, GIVEN SIMULATED CARBURIZING CYCLE 1/2 RADIUS OF 2 IN 4 IN 80 40 0 80 REVISED MARCH 1963 40 Fe-(0. 1C)-3.25Ni-1. 2Cr-0. 1Mo 1700 F, FC +1450 F, OQ + TEMPER 0 O 300 F TEMPER 450 F TEMPER FIG. 1.056 1/2 IN 1 IN BAR • 300 F TEMPER O 450 F TEMPER SPECIMEN TAKEN FROM: CENTER OF 1/2 IN 1 IN 1/2 RADIUS OF 2 IN 4 IN Fe-(0.1C)-3. 25Ni-1. 2Cr-0.1 Mo 1700 F, FC +1450 F, OQ + TEMPER FTU BAR RA e 1 2 3 BAR DIAMETER IN 4 FTY (1) 4 EFFECT OF BAR DIAMETER ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR, GIVEN SIMULATED CARBURIZING CYCLE (1) PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT 200 160 120 FT LB 80 40 0 0.06 120 100 80 60 40 0 0.10 CARBON FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT ON TEN- SILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (1) 1 Fe-(0.1C)-3.25Ni-1. 2Cr-0.1Mo 1 IN BAR 1675 F, OQ + TEMPER 300 F 2 FIG. 3.023 3 45 0.08 FTU IE CHARPY V F TY RA e (2 iN) - Fe-(0.1C)-3. 25Ni-1. 2Cr-0. 1Mo 1700 F, FC +1450 F, OQ + TEMPER 0.12 PERCENT 0.14 300 F TEMPER O 450 F TEMPER 1 SPECIMEN TAKEN FROM: CENTER OF 1/2 IN) 1 IN 1/2 RADIUS OF 2 IN 4 IN 2 3 BAR DIAMETER IN EFFECT OF BAR DIAMETER AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR, GIVEN SIM- ULATED CARBURIZING CYCLE (1) BAR 4 FERROUS ALLOYS REFERENCES Alloy Digest, "AISI E 9310", Filing Code: SA-43, Steel Alloy, (May 1956) Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc., "Ryerson Aircraft Steels", Issue (1958) Ludwigson, D. C. and Morral, F. R., "A Summary of Comparative Properties of Air-Melted and Vacuum-Melted Steels and Superalloys", DMIC Rep. 128, (March 28, 1960) AMS 6260 E, (June 1, 1951) "Alloy Steel: Semi-finished Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Bars, Steel Products Manual, AISI (July 1955), Supplemert July 1958 E 9310 CODE Fe 0.1 C 3.25 Ni 1.2 Cr 0.1 Mo ㅇ ​ 1209 PAGE 3 FeUH REVISED' MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 AMS 6302 1.04 1.05 1.051 Source 1.052 1.053 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Molybdenum Vanadium Iron 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.06 1.061 1.062 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.08 GENERAL This low alloy steel was originally developed as a high strength, high temperature bolting material for service up to 1000 F, but it is also finding application in all other wrought forms and in various conditions of heat treatment for elevated temperature applications. It needs protection against corrosion and, at temperatures above 800 F, against oxidation. The general properties of this steel are essentially the same as those of any other low alloy steel. It is readily fabricated by forming, machining and welding. Commercial Designation. 17-22A(S). Alternate Designations. "17-22 A" S Steel. Specifications. Table 1.03. 1.09 1.091 Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1.03 Form Bar, forgings TABLE 1.04 Min 0.28 0.45 0.55 1.00 0.40 0.20 Military FERROUS ALLOYS AMS (1) (2, p. 73) Percent Balance Max 0.33 0.65 0.75 0.040 0.040 1.50 0.60 0.30 Heat Treatment Normalize. 1650 to 1850 F, preferably 1725 F, 1 hr per in thickness, air cool. AMS specifies 1735 to 1765 F, 1 hr, AC. High normalizing temperatures lead to increased strength at room and elevated temperature but also to higher notch sensitivity. Effect of normalizing temperature on impact strength, Fig. 1.051. Isothermal anneal. 1700 to 1750 F, 1 hr per in thickness, cool to 1300 to 1320 F, hold 4 hr. Hardness should be about 210 BHN. Full anneal. 1450 F, 1 hr per in thickness, cool 20 F per hr maximum to 1100 F maximum, then air cool. Hardness should be 160 to 190 BHN. Intermediate anneals during forming fully or isothermally annealed condition. 1250 F, 30 minutes. Austenitize. 1600 to 1800 F, preferably 1650 F, 1 hr per in thickness, oil quench. Temper. 800 to 1350 F, preferably 1100 to 1300 F, 6 hr minimum. AMS gives 1090 to 1110 F, 6 hr. Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. AMS 6302 specifies that center hardness of sections having a thickness of 2 in or less shall be 331 BHN minimum, and those over 2 in shall be 302 BHN minimum, after normalizing at 1750 F, 1 hr, air cooling + 1100 F, 6 hr. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, forgings and seamless tubing. Alloy is generally supplied in the hot rolled, fully annealed or normalized condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Special Considerations The steel is subject to decarburization on heat treating as any other low alloy steel. 1.092 The high strength conditions of this steel become notch sensitive when exposed to temperatures between 900 and 1300 F for certain times under load. Reheat treatment restores initial properties. 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 3.02 3.012 3.021 3.022 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Source Alloy Form Condition 3.023 Thermal Properties Melting range. 2800 to 2900 F. Phase changes. Steel transforms on cooling from austenite to ferrite and carbide. Critical temperatures: A-1440F, Ac3 = 1600 F, Arl = 1280 F, Ar3 1460 F. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. Thickness Hardness, BHN, 3.024 3.03 3.031 3.0311 Other Physical Properties Density. 0.284 lb per cu in. 7.85 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity. Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance of this steel is low and protection against corrosion, such as by chrome plating, may be required. Oxidation resistance for continuous service is good up to 1025 F, and for intermittent service up to 975 F. Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. TABLE 3.011 Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness Ftu - ksi Fty - ksi - e percent Hardness G in 4 min max At center of specimen. in AMS (1) Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V Bar, forgings Norm + 1100 F, 6 hr <2 Rc = 331* >2 302* Producer's typical mechanical properties, Table 3.012. TABLE 3.012 Ann (HW) 241 Bar Ann (CW) 248 (7, p. 24) Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V Sheet, plate 0.160 0.190 0.250 0.500 750 F, 2 HR, AC +1165 F, 6 HR, AC 0.125 180.3 164.7 9.0 40.3 181.4 183.9 165.7 165.4 174.6 167.8 155.3 148.5 6.5 10.0 12.5 15.5 40.1 40.1 41.1 37.9 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of the nor- malized and oil quenched conditions, Fig. 3.021. Effects of exposure temperature and time of heat cycling (5 minute cycles) on tensile properties, Fig. 3.022. Effect of normalizing and time on hardness and grain size of subsequently tempered alloy, Fig. 3.023. Effect of tempering temperatures on room temperature tensile properties of normalized alloy, Fig. 3.024. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar Fe 0.3 C 1.3 Cr 0.5 Mo 0.25 V 17-22 A(S) CODE 1210 PAGE 1 FeUH Fe 0.3 C 3.032 3.0321 1.3' Cr 0.5 Mo 0.25 V 3.041 3.04 3.0312 3.042 17-22 A(S) 3.043 CODE 3.044 3.045 3.046 3.047 3.048 3.049 3.0491 3.05 3.06 3.061 3.062 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.02 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.04 4.05 4.051 4.052 1210 FERROUS ALLOYS subjected to various heat treatments, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile proper- ties of oil quenched and tempered bar, Fig. 3.0312. Short time properties other than tension. Impact strength of bar in various conditions of heat treat- ment, Fig. 3.0321. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Short time total strain curves at 1000 to 1500 F for nor- malized and tempered sheet, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves at 600 to 1350 F for normalized and tempered bar, Fig. 3.042. Creep rupture curves at 800 to 1100 F for various normal- ized and tempered products, Fig. 3.043. Linear parameter master curve for creep rupture of normal- ized and tempered bar, Fig. 3.044. Creep rupture curves at 600 to 1350 F for normalized and tempered notched bar, Fig. 3.045. Effects of test temperature and rupture time on notch strength ratio and on ductility of normalized and tempered smooth bar, Fig. 3.046. Effects of normalizing and tempering temperatures on rup- ture strength of smooth and notched bar at 1000 F, Fig. 3.047. Creep rupture curve in shear at 1100 F for normalized and tempered bar, Fig. 3.048. Creep rupture curve for two different heat treatments, Fig. 3.049. Creep rupture curves at 900 F for notched and unnotched bar for two heat conditions, Fig. 3.0491. Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. The formability of this steel is best in the fully or isothermally annealed condition, where it is similar to that of other annealed, 0.30 percent carbon low alloy steels. Forging. Starting temperature 2250 F maximum, finish- ing recommended at 1900 F. The steel has a low resis- tance to deformation and can be forged down to tempera- tures as low as 1500 F. Slow cooling after forging is recommended as for any air hardening steel. Casting. This steel can also be produced in form of castings which possess properties similar to those of the wrought products. Machining. Machining of this steel is comparable to that of any low alloy steel of equal hardness. Although the annealed condition has the best machinability, it has a tendency to tear. C Welding General. This steel can be welded by all accepted welding techniques. Fusion welding must take into account the air hardening characteristics of steel. Preheating at 600 F and post- heating or stress relieving after welding are recommended, particularly for heavy sections. Welding rod of the same composition should be used. Heating and Heat Treating. Should be in neutral or slightly reducing atmosphere to minimize decarburization and scaling. Surface Treating Cleaning of this steel can be affected by all accepted methods for low alloy steels. Corrosion and oxidation of the steel can be prevented by hot dip aluminizing or chrome plating. BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 20 18 16 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 60 50 40 30 IN PER IN PER F 200 .ΟΙ 9 28 FT LB 7 60 6 40 20 0 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 1600 FIG. 1.061 END- QUENCH HARDENABILITY REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-(0.3C) -1.3Cr.-0.5Mo-0.25V FIG. 2.014 400 1650 1700 NORMALIZING TEMP - F FIG. 1.051 EFFECT OF NORMALIZING TEMPER - ATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH (2, p. 92) FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 8 24 32 16 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END OF SPECIMEN SIXTEENTHS INCH IE CHARPY V 400 Fe-(0.3C) -1. 3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V - BAK NORM H200 F, 6 HR +1300 F, 6 HR 600 TEMP - F Fe-(0.30)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V Fe-(0.3C) -1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V 800 800 1725 F, AC +1200 F, 6 HR 1650 F, OQ +1200 F, 6 HR (2) (3) 1750 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1200 TEMP F THERMAL EXPANSION 1000 (2, p. 115) 40 1600 1200 (3, p. 6) 2000 ·(2, p. 96)(3, p. 6) PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 BRINELL HARDNESS SCALE 500 KSI PERCENT 400 300 200 FIG. 3.021 400 220 200 180 200 180 160 80 40 0 600 о 0 Fe-(0. 3C)-1. 3Cr-0. 5Mo-0.25V 4 IN BAR 1 + 800 F, 4 HR Vi + 1100 R. 8 HR O☐ 1/2 HR AV4 HR 800 1000 1200 TEMPERING TEMP(6 HR) - F 20 HR ▲▲80 HR 200 Fe-(0.3C) -1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V 1 IN BAR 1650 F, 0Q} (2) 1725 F, AC EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURES ON HARDNESS OF THE NORMALIZED AND OIL QUENCHED CONDITIONS CYCLING FROM RT TO TEMP 5 MIN AT TEMP TOTAL EXPOSURE RA e BHN 400 о ·FTY FERROUS ALLOYS 1850 F, 15 MIN (6) -FTU TESTED AT RT 600 TEMP - F 1400 1650 F, 1 HR, OQ 800 (2, p. 96) (6, Fig. 9) 1000 FIG. 3.022 EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TEMPERATURE AND TIME OF HEAT CYCLING (5 MINUTE CYCLES) ON TENSILE PROPERTIES (4) ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 36 34 32 30 28 8 1600 ASTM GRAIN SIZE 1700 8 KSI PERCENT 1800 1900 NORMALIZING TEMP 200 160 Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0. 5Mo-0. 25 V TEMPER, 1200 F, 6HR 40 7 0 FTY FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF NORMALIZING AND TIME ON HARDNESS AND GRAIN SIZE OF SUBSEQUENTLY TEMPERED ALLOY (6, Fig. 8) F RA - 5 СЛ TU NORM TIME, HR 1 TO 24 F RAPID COARSENING 0.50 Q.25 2000 Fe-(0.3C) -1.3C-0. 5Mo-0.25V NORM 1850 F, 15 MIN +TEMPER, 6 HR 3 120 60 50 NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO= 1.45 2100 400 800 TEMPERING TEMP F - 1200 FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEM- PERATURES ON ROOM TEMPER- ATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF NORMALIZED ALLOY (6, Fig.9) 1 G Fe 0.3 C 1.3 Cr 0.5 Mo 0.25 V CODE 17-22 A(S) 1210 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe 0.3 C 1.3 Cr 0.5 Mo 0.25 V 17-22 A(S) CODE KSI PERCENT 200 1210 160 120 ▼ 1650 F, 80 A 1725 F, 40 200 160 120 80 80 40 0 OQ+ 1725 F, 6 HR AC + 1225 F, 6 HR 1750 F, AC + 1350 F, 6 HR 1750 F, AC + 1200 F, 6 HR 1650 F, OQ + 1100 F, 8 HR 1650 F, OQ + 800 F, 4 HR 200 400 RA Fe-(0.3C) -1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V e(2 IN) (3) (2) (4) 600 TEMP F - FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 BAR FTU FTY 1200 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR SUBJECTED TO VARIOUS HEAT TREATMENTS (2, p. 84)(3)(4) FT LB 60 40 20 0 -200 KSI ထ PERCENT 240 200 0 160 120 200 160 120 80 40 REVISED: MARCH 1963 0 Fe-(0.3C)-1. 3Cr-0. 5Mo-0.25V 4 IN BAR 1650 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER 800 F, 4 HR 1100 F, 8 HR 1100 F, 8 HR TOTAL EXPOSURE 1/2 HR O 20 HR 80 HR 200 800 F, 4 HR RA Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V BAR 1750 F, AC +1225 F, 6 HR) ◇ 1650 F, OQ +1225 F, 6 HR ▲ 1650 F, OQ +1100 F, 8 HR ▲ 1650 F, OQ + 800 F, 4 HR CYCLING FROM RT TO TEMP 5 MIN AT TEMP FTU (2) (4) FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF OIL QUENCHED AND TEMPERED BAR IE CHARPY V 800 F, 4 HR 800 F. 4 HR AND 1100 F. 8 HR 200 400 600 800 TEMP - F 400 TEMP - F FTY 1100 F.8 HR 600 e || 11 800 (4) 1000 FIG. 3.0321 IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR IN VARIOUS CONDITIONS OF HEAT TREATMENT (2, p. 92)(4, p. 91) PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI KSI 8888 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 200 FIG. 3.041 100 80 60 40 20 10 2 8 6 4 2% 03% 5% 7 0.001 1000 F 0.1 RUPTURE (5) (8) TOTAL STRAIN 0.01 1 Fe-(0.3C) -1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V 0.065 IN SHEET 1725 F, 30 MIN, AC+1200 F, 6 HR 0.1 TIME HR THERMAL EXPANSION 10 INCL 0,70% 1 1200 F 90% FERROUS ALLOYS 1500 F 1.02% SHORT TIME TOTAL STRAIN CURVES AT 1000, TO 1500 F FOR NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED SHEET (9, p. 51, 52) 10 100 TIME HR Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0. 5Mo-025V 1 IN BAR 1725 F, 30 MIN, AC +1200 F. 6 HR 1275 F 1350 F 1000 FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 600 F TO 1350 F FOR NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED BAR 600 F 700 F 800 F 900 F 1000 F 1050 F 1100 F 1200 F 10,000 (5, p. 30)(8, p. 53) KSI 200 KSI 100 80 60 40 20 0.1 100 80 60 40 20 10 8 RUPTURE BAR 20 1 FIG. 3.043 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 800 TO100 F FOR VARIOUS NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED PRODUCTS (5)(11) PLATE FORGED DISKS TUBING (11) Fe-(0.3C) -1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V 1725 F, AC +1200 F, 6 HR 40 T = TEST TEMP t = RUPTURE TIME -HR - >(5) 10 TIME HR F RUPTURE 100 60 (T-700)/(8-LOG t) 800 F 1000 F Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0. 25V BAR 1725 F, 1 HR, AC + 1200 F, 6 HR 80 1000 1100 F 17-22 A(S) Ghiglia 100 FIG. 3.044 LINEAR PARAMETER MASTER CURVE FOR CREEP RUPTURE OF NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED BAR (10) Fe 0.3 C 1.3 Cr 0.5 Mo 0.25 V CODE 1210 PAGE 5 FeUH Fe 0.3 C 1.3 Cr 0.5 Mo 0.25 V 17-22 A(S) CODE KSI NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO PERCENT 400 200 1210 100 80 60 40 20 10 1 8 6 1.8 1.4 10 1.0 0.6 100 0.01 RUPTURE 0.300" + 60° 600 F1 10. 425" 0.1 600 r = 0.001" RUPTURE TIME NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO RA (DUCTILITY) 800 1 FIG. 3.045 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 600 TO 1350 F FOR NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED NOTCHED BAR (5, p. 30) 900 700 F 1000 TIME - HR Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V 1 IN BAR 1725 F, 30 MIN, AC +1200 F, 6 HR -1000 10 100 FERROUS ALLOYS 100 10 100 1100 1 HR 10 800 F 900 F Fe-(0,3C)-1, 3Cr-0.5Mo-0, 25V 1 IN BAR 1725 F, 30 MIN, AC + 1200 F,, 6 HR 1000 F 1200 1100 F 1200 F 1000 TEMP - F FIG. 3.046 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND RUPTURE TIME ON NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO AND ON DUCTILITY OF NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED BAR (5, p. 31) 1275 F 1350 F 1 HR 1000 1300 KSI KSI 140 120 100 80 60 40 KSI 100 80 1600 60 40 20 200 Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.250 BAR NORM + 1200F, 6 HR RUPTURE TIME: 100 80 2000 NORMALIZING TEMP-F SMOOTH NOTCHED, K = 10 1800 100 HR SHEAR 10 HR RUPTURE 0.01 .01 FIG. 3.047 EFFECTS OF NORMALIZING AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURES ON RUPTURE STRENGTH OF SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR AT 1000 F (5, p. 44, 45) TEST TEMP, 1100 F 0.1 REVISED: MARCH 1963 .1 0.300 I TENSION TREATMENTS 0.425 1725 F, 30MIN, AC + TEMP, 6 HR r = 0.001 710 HR 1 800 100 HR RUPTURE 1 TIME HR FIG. 3.048 CREEP RUPTURE CURVE IN SHEAR AT 1100 F FOR NORMALIZED AND TEMPERED BAR (12, p. 1254) 1000 TEMPERING TEMP-F Fe-(0.3C) -1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V DISK FORGINGS [1725 F, AC 1200 F, 6 HR 1200 10 TIME HR Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V 1850 F, 15 MIN + 1100 F, 6 HR CONVENTIONAL HT 10 100 900 F 100 FIG. 3.049 CREEP RUPTURE CURVE FOR TWO DIFFERENT HEAT (6, Fig. 10) PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1000 KSI 1000 KSI KSI 28 32 24 20 12 10 8 200 100 0 80 60 UNNOTCHED 0 200 200 Fe-(0.43C)-1.3Cr-0. 5Mo-0.25V 1850 F, 15 MIN + 1100 F, 6 HR CONVENTIONAL HT NOTCHED FIG. 3.0491 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 900 F FOR NOTCHED AND UNNOTCHED BAR FOR TWO HEAT CONDITIONS (6, Fig. 11) 10 400 400 TIME - E DYNAMIC .425" 900 F HR 600 TEMP - F G DYNAMIC 5' 100 600 TEMP-F 300 60 FERROUS ALLOYS 800 FIG. 3.051 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2, p. 93) 800 r-.001' MAX Fe-(0.3C)-1.3Cr-0, 5Mo-0.25V BAR 11 1000 1000 Fe-(0.3C) -1.3Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V BAR 1000 1200 1200 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2, p. 93) 6 7 8 5 9 10 11 12 12 3 4 REFERENCES AMS 6302, (June 15, 1953) Timken, "Resume of High Temperature Investigations Conduc- ted During 1955-1956" Universal Cyclops Steel Corp., "High Temperature Metals," (1959) Manzari, N. J. and Sachs, G., "Tension and Impact Proper- ties of Steels Heat-Treated to 160, 000-190, 000 psi Yield Strength at Temperatures Between Minus 40°F (Impact) and 800°F (Tension)," SURI Rep. No. Met 348-572 F, (Aug. 1956) Brown, W. F., Jr., Manson, S. S., Sachs, G. and Sessler, J. G., "Literature Surveys on Influence on Stress Concentra- tions at Elevated Temperatures and the Effects of Non-steady Load and Temperature Conditions on the Creep of Metals, ASTM STP No. 260, (Dec. 1959) Brown, W. F., Jr., "Strength Limitations of High Strength Steels at Moderately High Temperatures," Lewis Flight Propulsion Lab., NACA No. 4025 - ་་ Jones, R. L., "Determination of Mechanical Properties of 17-22 A S Steel Welding," General Dynamics, Rep. No. FGT-1961, (April 12, 1962) Timken Roller Bearing Co., "Digest of Steels for High Tem- perature Service, " 6th Ed., (1957) Van Echo, J. A., Page, L. C., Simmons, W. F. and Cross, H. C., "Short-Time Creep Properties of Structural Sheet Materials for Aircraft," AF TR No. 6731, Pt. 1, (Dec. 1951) "Personal Communication" with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1958) ASTM STP No. 260, (1959) Holms, A. G. and Repko, A. J., "Correlation of Fir-Tree- Type-Turbine-Blade - Fastening Strength with Mechanical Properties of Materials," Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 78, (1956) Fe 0.3 C 1.3 Cr 0.5 Mo 0.25 V 17-22 A(S) CODE 1210 PAGE 7 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.06 1.061 1.062 1.0511 1.0512 1.07 1.071 1.08 1.09 2. AMS 6303 GENERAL This construction steel alloy is very similar to 17-22 A(S), differing in vanadium and slightly in carbon content. It is a high strength, heat resistant steel similar to the 17-22 A steel series. The basic mechanical variation of this steel to 17-22 A(S) is the higher strength at service tempera- tures above 1100 F. This steel has the highest 1000 hr rupture strength at 1100 F of any of the commercial low alloy steels, (30 ksi). It is used as turbine rotors, and for components in guided missiles in which high skin tempera- tures are encountered for short periods, (4, p. 38). Commercial Designation. 17-22 A (V). Alternate Deisgnation. "17-22 A"V Steel. Specifications. Table 1.03. Source Composition. Table 1.04. Carbon Chromium Copper Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Silicon TABLE 1.03 Form Bar, forging, forging stock Vanadium Phosphorus Sulfur Iron TABLE 1.04 AMS (5) Percent Min 0.25 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.55 0.75 Max 0.30 1.50 0.50 0.90 0.60 0.50 0.75 0.95 0.040 0.040 Balance Min 0.25 1.00 Timken (1, p. 1) Percent 0.60 0.40 0.55 0.75 FERROUS ALLOYS Military Balance Max 0.30 1.50 - 0.90 0.60 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 0.75 0.95 0.040 0.040 Heat Treatment Normalize. 1800 to 1850 F, hold for 1 hr per in thickness, air cool. Larger sections can be fan-cooled in order to accelerate cooling, and sections should be so placed as to provide access of air to all surfaces, (1, p.3). Effect of normalizing temperature on hardness, Fig. 1.0511. Effect of normalizing temperature on impact strength, Fig. 1.0512. Anneal. 1450 F for 1 hr per in thickness, followed by cooling at 20 F per hr to 1100 F, air cool, (1, p. 2). Oil quenching. 1750 F, prior heating for 1 hr per in thick- ness is necessary, (1, p. 3). Temper. Proper temperature depends upon desired hard- ness. See section 3.02. - Hardenability The end quench hardenability properties are similar to 17-22 A(S) except that the maximum hardness is somewhat lower near the quenched end. Also a higher quenching temperature 1800 to 1850 F should be used, (1, p.7). AMS 6303 specifies that the center of sections having a thickness of < 2 in shall be 293 BHN minimum and 277 BHN minimum for larger sections after normalizing at 1785 to 1815 F for 1 hr, air cool and 1190 to 1210 F for 2 hr, air cool, (5). Forms and Conditions Available It is supplied as rolled, cold drawn bars, heat treated or hardened bars, hot rolled billets and seamless tubes, (6). Melting and Casting Practice Special Considerations 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.04 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.024 F 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.04 3.041 Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness - in 3.042 - ksi - ksi F - ty e (2 in)percent RA Hardness BHN percent 3.043 3.05 tu 3.044 Thermal Properties Melting range Critical temperatures: * See 1.052. 3.06 3.061 Heating rate, 400 F per hr; cooling rate, 50 F per hr to 1000 F, (1, p.2). Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat Other Physical Properties Density Electrical resistivity Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. A = 1435 F cl A = 1700 F c3 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance of this alloy is low and protection against corrosion, such as hot dip aluminizing, nickel plating or cermet coatings may be required, (1, p.3). Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.021. Effect of tempering temperature and time on hardness of bar, Fig. 3.022. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of bar, Fig. 3.023. Mechanical properties at room temperature of annealed bar and pancake forging, Table 3.024. min max A = 1230 F rl Α = 1525 F. r3 TABLE 3.024 (1, p. 11) Fe-(0.28C)-1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si- 0. 5Mo Bar Pancake forging Ann* Norm 1800 F + temper 1225 F, 6 hr 22 dia x 2 1 dia 87.8 67.5 27 59 197 radial 142.0 126.5 18 52 311 321 tangential 146.5 132.0 18 53 311 321 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of alloy, Fig. 3.0311. Short time properties other than tension Effect of test temperature on impact strength, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of test temperature on hardness, Fig. 3.0322. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves at 1000 to 1100 F for alloy, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for smooth and notched specimens, Fig. 3.042. Creep rupture curves at 1100 F for normalized and oil quenched bar, Fig. 3.043. Creep rate versus stress, Fig. 3.044. Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperature s, Fig. 3.061. CODE Fe 0.28 C 1.25 Cr 0.85 V 0.65 Si 0.5 Mo 17-22 A(V) 1211 PAGE 1 FeUH Fe 0.28 C 1.25 Cr 4. CODE 4.01 4.011 0.85 V 0.65 Si 0.5 Mo 17-22 A(V) 4.031 4.02 4.021 4.032 4.04 4.041 4.05 4.051 BRINELL HARDNESS SCALE FT - LB 340 1211 320- 300 360 Fe-(0.28C)- 1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo 28 241 20 16 FABRICATION 12 Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 2300 F, maximum. This steel can be readily forged or hot worked at temperatures up to 2300 F and pierced into seamless tubing, (6). Machining The machinability rating in the annealed condition is about 57 percent of B 1112 screw machine stock. A sulfurized cutting fluid is recommended, (6). Welding General. This alloy can be welded by any of the commer- cial methods in use. A welding rod corresponding to 17-22 A(S) is available, (1, p.7). When preheating is required depending on the size of sec- tion and type of welding procedure, a temperature of 600 F is generally used, (1, p.6). Heating and Heat Treating For maximum uniformity of properties normalizing heat treatment at 1750 F followed by tempering at 1100 to 1200 F is recommended subsequent to welding, (1, p.7). 1700 1700 NORMALIZING TEMP FIG. 1.0511 EFFECT OF NORMALIZING TEMPERA- TURE ON HARDNESS (1, p. 20) Surface Treating Hot dip aluminizing is used to prevent rusting or scaling. While the process involves temperatures at 1300 F the hardness is only slightly affected because of the short exposure period, (1, p. 3). 1750 FIG. 1.0512 NORM + TEMPER 1200 F, 6 HR 1800 1750 1850 F Fe-(0.28C)-1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si−0.5Mo NORM + TEMPER 1200 F, 6 HR - 1800 IE IZOD (AVG OF 3 TESTS) 1850 NORMALIZING TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS 1900 1900 - EFFECT OF NORMALIZING TEMPERA- TURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH (1, p. 20) IN PER IN PER F 9- 7.6 Z 6.8 ΟΙ 7.2 6.4 Fe-(0.28C)-1. 25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FIG. 2.014 200 KSI PERCENT 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 80 40 400 REVISED: MARCH 1963 600 TEMP - F THERMAL EXPANSION RA Fe-(0.28C)-1.25Cr -0.85V-0.65Si-0.5 Mo 1 IN BAR F 0 e (2 IN) 800 1800 F, AC AC ▲ 1750 F, OQ) TU F TY FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1000 F 800 LI RA F TY TU + TEMPER 6 HR 1000 e (2 IN) 1200 1400 TEMPERING TE MP - F FIG. 3.021 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (1, p. 11) 1200 (1, p. 21) 1600 PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 BRINELL HARDNESS SCALE 480 BRINELL HARDNESS SCALE 400 320 240 160 80 FIG. 3.022 360 320 280 240 Fe-(0.28C) -1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo 200 1850 F, AC; 1750 F, OQ O 1200 FIG. 3.023 4 1 1400 F 8 12 TEMPERING TIME - HR Fe-(0.28C) -1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo 1 IN BAR NORM 1800 F, AC 1 IN BAR 1000 F 1100 F 1200 F TEMPER 1300 F 1250 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND TIME ON HARDNESS OF BAR (1, p. 26) 1300 + TEMPER, 6 HR 16 - 1350 TEMPERING TEMP F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON HARDNESS OF BAR (1, p.11) 1400 FERROUS ALLOYS KSI - A.L F 200 160 PERCENT 120 80 40 0 80 40 0 0 Fe-(0.28C) -1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo 240 FT NORM 1800 F + TEMPER 1200 F, 6 HR OQ 1750 F + TEMPER 1000 Fl + TEMPER 800 F FIG. 3.0311 e (2 IN) 40 32 巴 ​24 FTY 16 8 400 0 - 100 RA FTU FIG. 3.0321 6 HR -50 1200 IE CHARPY 200 160 800 TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ALLOY (1, p.13) - 120 Fe-(0.28C)-1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo 180 50 40 10 1600 1750 F, OQ + TEMPER NORM 1800 F 1200 F, 6 HR KSI ՈԼ F 0 TEMP F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH (1, p. 20) 100 Fe 0.28 C 1.25 Cr 0.85 V 0.65 Si 0.5 Mo 17-22 A(V) CODE 1211 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe 0.28 C 1.25 Cr 0.85 V 0.65 Si 0.5 CODE Mo 17-22 A(V) BRINELL HARDNESS SCALE 360 KSI 320 280 240 200 160 80 60 40 1211 100 80 60 40 NORM1800 F 20+ TEMPER + 1200 F 1250 F 1300 F 1400 F 20 100 80 60 FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON HARDNESS (1, p. 42) 40 0 20 10 200 NORM 1850 F + TEMPER 10 1225 F 1300 F 1400 F NORM 1900 F + TEMPER Fe-(0,28C)-1. 25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo 1225 F 1300 F 1400 F Fe-(0.28C)-1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo NORM 1825 F + TEMPER 1200 F, 6 HR 400 100 6 HR 600 TEMP F 6 HR 6 HR 800 1100 F FERROUS ALLOYS 1100 F 1000 F 1050 F 1100 F 10,000 1000 1000 TIME - HR FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 1000 TO 1100 F FOR ALLOY (1, p.16) 100,000 1200 100 KSI 80 60 40 20 0.425 SMOOTH NOTCHED 0.01 + 60 Fe-(0.28C)-1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo NORM 1800 F +TEMPER 1200 F, 6 HR K = 1.0 K = 10 0.1 -0.300 r< 0.001 REVISED MARCH 1963 1 TIME HR FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED SPECIMENS (2, p.663) 1100 F 10 100 1000 PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI KSI 100 80 60 1000 KSI 40 20 10 10 60 40 20 10 TIME FIG. 3.043 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 1100 F FOR NORMALIZED AND OIL QUENCHED BAR (3, p.60) 6 0.01 32 Fe-(0.28C) -1.25 Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo 0.8 IN DIA BAR NORM 1850 F, 1 HR+TEMPER 28 24 20 0 1850 F, 1 HR, OQ+TEMPER ● 1300 F, 1 HR O 1250 F, 2 HR 100 ▲ 1300 F, 1.3 HR Δ 1250 F, 2 HR 1000 F 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.20 CREEP - PERCENT PER 1000 HR FIG. 3.044 CREEP RATE VERSUS STRESS 0.02 P 200 1000 HR Fe-(0.28C)-1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo NORM 1800 F + TEMPER 1200 F, 6 HR E (DYNAMIC) 1100 F 400 10,000 600 1100 F 800 FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-(0.28C)-1.25Cr-0.85V-0.65Si-0.5Mo TEMP - F 0.40 (1, p. 31) 1000 1200 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 1400 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES (1, p. 21) REFERENCES Timken Roller Bearing Co., Steel and Tube Div., "17-22-A" Type Steels for High Temperature Applications, Techn. Bulletin # 36 B, (1956) Brown, W. F., Jr. Jones, M. H., Newman, D. P., "In- fluence of Sharp Notches on the Stress Rupture Character- istics of Heat Resisting Alloy, Part II", Proc. ASTM (1953) Coldren, A. P., Freeman, J. W., "An Investigation of Three Ferritic Steels for High-Temperature Application", WADC TR 57-40, (April 1957) Nekervis, R. J., Lund, C. H. and Hall, A. M., "Status of High-Strength Steels for the Aircraft Industry", TML Rep. 91, (Jan. 3, 1958) AMS 6303, (March 1, 1955) Alloy Digest, "Timken 17-22 AV, Filing Code SA-82, Steel Alloy, (April 1959) - CODE Fe 0.28 C 1.25 Cr 0.85 V 0.65 Si 0.5 Mo 17-22 A (V) |2|| PAGE 5 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1. 02 1.03 1. 04 Source 1.05 1. 051 L. 052 1. 053 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1. 054 Molybdenum Vanadium Boron Iron 1.055 1.06 AMS (4) 1. 0551 1. 0552 1. 056 1. 08 GENERAL This ultra high strength low alloy steel was designed to develop a tensile strength of 280 to 300 ksi with adequate ductility, (1, p. 1). It is the last link of a development lead- ing from 4340 to a leaner variety of this steel, 9840, and improvements of this steel first to 98 B 37 (AMS 6421) by addition of boron, subsequently to 98 BV 40 (AMS 6422) by addition of vanadium, and finally to slight increases in car- bon, silicon and molybdenum to 98 BV 40 mod or USS Strux. These modifications improve the hardenability and make this steel one of the highest ultra high strength steels developed for applications in form of bar, tubing and forging. The steel is readily forged and machined in the annealed condi- tion, but special fabricating techniques are required in the heat treated condition, (4)(5)(6). Commercial Designation. USS Strux. Alternate Designations. 98 BV 40 mod, 98 BV 40 modified steel, (1, p. 1). Specifications. Table 1. 03. 1.07 1. 071 1.072 Composition. Table 1. 04. Bar, Forging, Tubing TABLE 1:03 TABLE 1.04 Min 0.40 0.75 0.50 0.80 0.60 0.45 0.01 Present AMS (4) Percent Balance Military Max FERROUS ALLOYS 0.46 1.00 0.80 0.025 0.025 1.05 0.90 0.60 0.06 0.007 Heat Treatment Normalize. 1550 to 1650 F, 1 hr per inch maximum thickness, air cool to 200 F maximum, (7, p. 5). Temper normalized condition for machinability. 1100 to 1250 F, (7, p.5). Full anneal. 1525 to 1575 F, furnace cool or cool in ash or lime. Stress relief after grinding, machining, prooftesting or straightening. 350 to 500 F, 4 hr minimum. Temperature should not exceed tempering temperature or reduce F below 280 ksi, (7, p. 1). Austenitize. 1540 to 1560 F,30 min per inch thickness, 15 min minimum. Cool as follows, (7, p. 5). Oil quench. Oil temperature 75 to 140 F, cool to 160 F maximum. Salt quench. Salt temperature 390 to 410 F, hold 8 min, air cool to 160 F maximum, (7, p.5). tu Temper. 450 to 550 F, 4 hr minimum, to F = 280 to 300 ksi. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 1.056, (7, p. 5). Hardenability. End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.06. - Forms and Conditions Available Bar is available in sizes up to 15 3/4 in square. Alloy is available in the hot rolled condition or annealed to 248 BHN maximum, (3, p. 4)(8). Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Consumable electrode vacuum melt. 1.09 1. 091 1.092 1.093 2. 2.01 2.012 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3. 011 3. 012 Special Considerations Decarburization is similar to other high strength low alloy steels, See 4340. Special design measures are required. See 4340. Hydrogen embrittlement. See 4340. 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.024 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. See 4340. Only complementary or different information is listed below. Thermal Properties Phase changes. The steel transforms on slow cooling from high temperatures from austenite to ferrite + carbides. Critical temperatures on isothermal heating. A₁ = 1340 F, A3 = 1420 F approximately. Martensite temperature, Ms = 570 F, (3, p.6). Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. The general corrosion resistance of all low alloy steels is poor and they need corrosion protection. Hydrogen embrittlement of heat treated parts having very high strength is very pronounced if they are subjected to acid or cathodic cleaning, plating or other surface treat- ments. To avoid hydrogen embrittlement special process restrictions and controls are necessary and baking at 375 F, 24 hr should follow the processing. The absence of hydrogen embrittlement should be demonstrated by means of notched tensile specimens which should be loaded to 75 percent of the notch strength of non-hydrogenated ma- terial for 200 hr, (7, p. 2). [ [ [ [ [ Nuclear Properties. This boron containing steel, which has a high nuclear cross section, is subject to radiation effects to a greater extent than boron free steels. Source Alloy Form Condition MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Hardness BHN, max RB, max RC, max Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 01. Source Alloy Form Condition Ftu' min min min min bru min (e/D = 1.5) (e/D - 2.0) Fty' Fcy' su' TABLE 3. 011 AMS (4) USS Strux Forgings Machin- Cold Machin- Machin- able Finished able able Fbru 241 Fabricators' specified mechanical properties, Table 3.012. Bar -ksi -ksi -ksi -ksi -ksi 248 269 TABLE 3. 012 (1, p. 8) 98BV40 25 Tubing 354 463 Hot Finished Bar, forgings 1550 F, WQ or SQ + 450 to 500 F 280 230 255 162 99 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Effect of carbon content on tensile properties, Fig. 3. 021. Stress strain curve in compression for bar, Fig. 3.022. Bending modulus of rupture for tubing, Fig. 3.023. Effect of stress concentration on notch strength of bar and forgings, Fig. 3.024. Fe 0.43 C 0.9 Cr 0.75 Ni 0.5 Mo CODE + + > B V USS STRUX 1212 PAGE FeUH Fe 0.43 C 0.9 Cr 0.75 Ni 0.5 Mo ++ V + B USS STRUX CODE 3.03 3.031 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.04 3.05 Source Form Condition Temp F 4. RT 4.01 4. 011 4. 012 4. 02 4.021 4. 022 4.03 4.031 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.05 1212 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Short time properties other than tension Effects of test temperature and carbon content on impact strength, Fig. 3.0321. Static stress concentration effects Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties. Table 3. 05. Method Rot beam Stress Ratio A 8 FABRICATION TABLE 3.05 (1, p. 5) Bar, forgings Ftu = 280 to 300 ksi Stress Concen- tration R -1 K = 1 Notched K = 1.45 FERROUS ALLOYS Fatigue Strength - ksi at Cycles 105 | 106 107 108 135 122 122 122 106 93 90 90 Forming and Casting Straightening of parts should be performed cold. If heat treated parts are straightened, this operation should be followed by stress relief, see 1.054. Forging. Starting temperature 2250 F maximum, finishing temperature 1950 F minimum. Like all ultra high strength steels having air hardening capability preheating and furnace cooling in ash or lime after forging is recom- mended. Machining For rough machining the steel should be normalized and tempered at 1250 F maximum. Finishing can be performed on material heat treated to all strength levels. If material heat treated to F = 280 to 300 ksi is machined, this operation should be followed by a stress relief, see 1. 054. tu Welding Fusion or resistance flash welding of bar, forgings and tubing to be heat treated to Ftu = 280 to 300 ksi is not permissible, because of embrittlement of the joint area. Heating and Heat Treating. See 4340 also. This alloy has a higher carbon content and higher hardenability than 4340. It requires, therefore, par- ticular attention to quenching practices to minimize quench cracking and distortion. Complex geometries can be salt quenched successfully. Measures which reduce distortions during heating and quenching should be applied, to allow rough machining as close as possible to finish dimensions. Accurate atmospheric control during austenitizing in air or neutral salt is required for keeping scaling and decarburization at a minimum. To facilitate selecting the proper tempering temperature it is recommended that tensile specimens be included with each heat treat lot. tak Surface Treating. Practices for this steel are identical with those for 4340, heat treated to Ftu = 260 to 280 ksi, although 98 BV 40 mod has a higher strength. ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE *TY - KSI F PERCENT 70 60 50 280 260 240 220 180 40 200 0.41 20 0 0 Fry Fe-(0. 43C)0.9Cr-0. 75N1-0. 5M0+V+B 1550 F. 00 + TEMPER CARBON CONTENT 400 0.42 O 0.45 0.46 RA e REVISED MARCH 1963 FTU 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F TYPICAL TET 1000 H AMS MINIMA 24 1200 300 FIG. 1.06 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY 280 260 240 FIG. 1.056 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (1, p. 2-3) Fe-(0.43C) -u. 9Cr-0, 75N1-0. 5Mo+V+B· NORMALIZED 1660 F AUSTENITIZED 1550 F 220 200 KSI 8 16 32 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END - SIXTEENTHS F 40 (3, p. 5) (7, p. 5) PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 320 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER 280 240 200 Fe-(0.43C)-0. 9Cr-0.75Ni-0. 5Mo+V+B KSI KSI 320 240 160 80 600 520 FIG. 3.021 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT ON TENSILE PROPERTIES (1, p. 2) 440 0.35 360 280 FTU 0 FTY 0.40 2 CARBON CONTENT 1 IN BAR F = 280 TU 0.008 0.012 0.016 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.022 STRESS STRAIN CURVE IN COMPRESSION FOR BAR (1, p. 7) TEMPER TEMP-F- A 400 F 450 F 550 F O 600 F BAR 0.45 Fe-(0.43C)-0.9Cr-0.75Ni-0. 5Mo+V+B 0.004 - 0.50 - PERCENT COMPRESSION Fe-(0.43C)-0. 9Cr-0. 75Ni-0.5 Mo+V+B 1 IN TUBING FTU 280 TO 300 KSI = O CHROME PLATED MODULUS OF RUPTURE IN BENDING THEORETICAL CURVE FOR O FERROUS ALLOYS CANTILEVER LOADING 40 FTU =280 KSI 10 20 30 RATIO OF DIAMETER TO WALL THICKNESS-D/t 50 FIG. 3.023 BENDING MODULUS OF RUPTURE FOR TUBING (1, p.9) 1 2 3 4 сл на 5 6 ง ∞ a 8 9 FT LB 20 16 12 8 4 480 400 320 240 160 1 I Fe-(0.43C)-0. 9Cr-0.75Ní-0.˚5Mo+V+B FORGINGS (2) (3) FIG. 3.024 -200 2 IE CHARPY V KO+ -100 H 4 TEMP REFERENCES O 1 IN BAR NOTCH STRENGTH D 0.357 O 0.505 - K Fe-(0.43C)-0. 9Cr-0.75Ni-0. 5Mo+V+B 1550 F, OQ + 450 TO 550 F FTU = 280 TO 300 KSI | 1 EFFECT OF STRESS CONCENTRA- TION ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF BAR AND FORGINGS 0 F 6 8 10 CARBON 0.42 O 0.46 .0.51 'd I 0.225 VAR 0.347<0.00 a (2, p. 4)(3, p. 11) 100 20 200 FIG. 3.0321 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND CARBON CONTENT ON IMPACT STRENGTH (1, p. 4) Bendix Aviation Corporation, Bendix Products Division, "280,000 PSI High Strength Steel," (Nov. 1957) Bendix Aviation Corporation, Bendix Products Division, "Personal Communication", (1959) United Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa., "USS Strux, an Alloy Steel for Forged or Machined Aircraft and Missile Parts", (1958) AMS 6423, (Aug. 15, 1958) AMS 6421, (Nov. 1, 1951) AMS 6422, (Nov. 1, 1952) Bendix Aviation Corporation, Bendix Products Division, "Special Process for Parts Heat Treated to 280,000 -300, 000 PSI U. T. S. ", P. S. 6002, (Dec. 9, 1958) Climax Molybdenum Company, "Ultra Strength Steels", (1957) Sands, J. W., and Miller, O., "Ultra High Strength Steels", International Nickel Company, Inc., (March 1956) Fe 0.43 C 0.9 Cr 0.75 Ni 0.5 Mo + + CODE V B USS STRUX 1212 PAGE 3 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 Source Carbon Chromium Manganese Molybdenum 1.05 1.051 Nickel Silicon Vanadium Iron 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 1.06 1.061 1.052 1.063 1.07 1.08 1.081 1.09 2. GENERAL This low alloy high strength steel originally developed for hot work die applications has found considerable use as a structural material in the aircraft and missile industry. It may be heat treated to strength levels up to 300 ksi and at strength levels up to about 240 ksi it has excellent tough- At strength levels below approximately 220 ksi it is suitable for elevated temperature applications below 900 F. The alloy may be readily welded and cold formed in the annealed or spheroidized condition, (3, p. 3) (4, p. 1). ness. Commercial Designation. Ladish D-6-A. Alternate Designations. D-6-A V- Vacuum degassed. D-6-A C- Electric furnace air melted and remelted by vacuum consumable electrode process. Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1.04. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 TABLE 1.04 Ladish (4, p. 2) Percent Nominal 0.46 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.55 0.22 Balance BMI (5, p.3) Percent Min 0.42 0.90 0.60 0.90 0.40 0.15 0.05 Special Considerations Heat Treatment Anneal. 1500 to 1550 F, cool at 50 F per hr to 1000 F, (4, p. 3). Normalize. 1600 to 1650 F, 30 min, air cool, (9). Austenitize. 1550 to 1575 F, 30 min, oil quench. Sections one inch or less in cross section may be air cooled. Alter- nately quench into 410 F salt, hold 7 minutes, air cool. Austenitize welded parts at 1650 F, 30 min, (9). Temper. 300 to 1275 F, time and temperature depend on hardness desired, (4, p. 3). Stress relief. 1000 to 1250 F, 1 to 2 hr, air cool, (9). Max 0.48 1.20 0.90 1.10 0.70 0.30 0.10 Balance Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.051. Effect of stress relief on hardness of cold worked sheet, Fig. 1.062. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness, Fig. 1.053 Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes FERROUS ALLOYS Forms and Conditions Available Available in most wrought forms and as forging billets. Melting and Casting Practice Air and consumable electrode vacuum melting process. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion, Table 2.014. 2.015 2.02 2.02.1 Source Alloy 2.022 2.023 Temp-F 0 - 100 200 100 200 - 300 300 - 400 400 - 500 500 - 600 600 - 700 700 - 800 800 - 900 2.03 2.031 2.032 3. 2.04 3.01 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form Condition tu - - 3.022 Test direction Avg of 9 heats F. - ksi - ksi 3.023 3.024 F ty е percent RA percent 3.025 3.026 3.027 3.028 3.03 3.031 3.0311 - 3.0312 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 TABLE 2.014 (4, p. 2) Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni Mean coef thermal expansion 10 in per in per F Specific heat Other Physical Properties Density. 0.284 lb per cu in. 7.87 gr per cu cm, (4, p. 2). Electrical properties Magnetic properties. Ferromagnetic. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. See 4340. Oxidation resistance. See 4340. Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 7.38 7.31 7.25 7.37 7.85 8.70 9.70 8.68 8.31 Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Producer's average mechanical properties for consuma- ble vacuum remelted bar, Table 3.021. TABLE 3.021 (4, p.8) Fe-(0.46C) -1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni Bar Vacuum remelt by consumable electrode process Norm 1650 + 1550 F, AC + 600 F temper L T 282 255 8.9 34.6 280 252 6.1 18.7 Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.022. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of strain aged bar, Fig. 3.023. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.024. Effect of tempering temperature on impact properties, Fig. 3.025. Effect of tempering temperature on notched and unnotch- ed tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.026. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile strength of notched bar, Fig. 3.027. Effect of tempering temperature on sharp notch proper- ties of sheet, Fig. 3.028. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar at two strength levels, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties, Fig. 3.0312. Short time properties other than tension Low temperature Charpy V impact properties, Fig. 3.0321. Elevated temperature Charpy V notch impact properties, Fig. 3.0322. Fe 0.46 C 1.0 Cr 1.0 Mo 0.55 Ni CODE D-6-A 1213 PAGE 1 FeUH Fe CODE 3.0323 0.46 C 1.0 Cr 1.0 Mo 0.55 Ni 3.051 3.05 3.033 D-6-A 3.06 3.061 3.04 3.041 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.02 4.03 4.031 4.0311 Source Alloy Form Condition F Etu Hardness RC 4.032 4.04 Thickness - in ksi ksi 4.041 4.042 Elevated temperature charpy U notch impact properties for various strength levels, Fig. 3.0323. Static stress concentration effects 4.043 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves at 900 and 1000 F, Fig. 3.041. Fty e(1 in)-percent 1213 Fatigue Properties S-Ncurves for smooth and notched specimens, Fig. 3.051. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. FABRICATION Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 2250 F, maximum, finish- ing temperature 1800 F minimum. Slow cool after finish- ing. Alternately hold at 1200 F, 12 hr immediately follow- ing forging, raise temperature to 1650 F and then cool to 1200 F, holding 10 hr and air cool. Parts subjected to severe cold forming operations are usually spheroidized before working. (See 1.09). Machining. See 4340. Welding General. This alloy is weldable in heavy sections em- ploying techniques normally used for welding high hard- enability medium carbon low alloy steel, (4, p. 3). Producer's properties of spheroidized sheet weld joints, Table 4.0311. FERROUS ALLOYS TABLE 4.0311 (2) Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni 0.100 282 247 6 +Harden*** 0.100 Spheroidize + weld Stress relief Norm** + + + Harden*** stress relief*+ Harden*** stress relief* + Harden*** 0.090 245 221 6 281 244 5 Weld + spheroidize + hydrospin 50% red Stress relief*Norm 0.090 253 228 7 51 52.5 52 Stress relief, 1200 F, 2 hr, air cool ** Normalize, 1650 F, 30 min, air cool *** Harden, 1550 F, 30 min, 410 salt quench, 7 minutes + 600 F, 2 hr, air cool - 50 Sections less than approximately 0. 125 inch with little restraint in some cases may be welded by the tungsten- inert gas process without recourse to pre-heating. Pre- heat and interpass temperature 450 to 550 F. Post heat highly restrained welds 575 to 625 F, 1 1/2 hr cool in still air to 300 F, followed by immediate stress relief, (4, p. 3). Alternate post heat treatment, weldments may betransferred to furnace at preheat temperature and heated to some higher temperature required for normal- izing, austenitizing, etc, (4, p. 3). Heating and Heat Treating Decarburizing should be avoided by use of suitable furnace atmospheres. See 4340. Special heat treatments for Hy- drospun parts, (8). Normalize preform. 1725 to 1775 F, 30 min, air cool. Spheroidize preceding spinning. 1350 F, 5 hr; raise to 1400 F, 1 hr; furnace cool to 1275 F, 10 hr; furnace cool to 1200 F, 8 hr; air cool to below 200 F. Resulting hard- ness should be 229 BHN. 4.044 Within 8 hr after spinning. 1625 to 1675 F, 1 hr (in con- trolled atmosphere) furnace cool to below 400 F, air cool. Temper, 400 F, 2 hr, air cool. 4.05 Hardening. 1650 F, 30 min, (in controlled atmosphere) quench into 500 F salt. Temper, 1000 to 1075 F, air cool. Surface Treating Hydrogen embrittlement should be avoided. See 4340. - C SCALE ROCKWELL HARDNESS 64 60 56 52 FIG. 1.061 - C SCALE ROCKWELL HARDNESS 32 24 8 24 16 32 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END SIXTEENTH IN END QUENCH HARDENABILITY 16 8 0 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni 0.050 IN SHEET 50% RED BY HYDROSPIN 1050 Fe-(0.46C) -1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55 Ni 1550 TO 1700 F,Q 1550 REVISED: MARCH 1963 1800 F, Q OPART RECRYS ▲AFULLY RECRYS C SCALE AS SPUN HARDNESS = 25,5 RC ► ROCKWELL HARDNESS 2 HR 1100 56 1150 1200 STRESS RELIEF TEMP - F FIG. 1.062 EFFECT OF STRESS RELIEF ON HARDNESS OF COLD WORKED SHEET (2, p. 8) 48 40 64 Fe-(0.46C)-1,0Cr-1.0Mo- NORM 1650 F 32 0.55Ni - 0 (4, Fig. 1) 1 HR NESS 40 - 1250 RC + 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER 400 800 TEMPERING TEMP-F FIG. 1.063 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON HARD-- (4, p. 4) 1200 PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT KSI 320 - 240 FTY 160 80 0 FIG. 3.022 TY 40 400 0 0 320 PERCENT 240 160 80 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni BAR 0 40 0 RA NORM 1650 F FTY 450 F O 550 F FTU 400 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F F 400 + 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER F TY די RA TU e (2 IN) EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEM- PERATURE ON TENSILE PROPER - TIES OF BAR (4, p. 4, 9) Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Si BAR STRESS RELIEF, 4 HR 250 F ▲ 350 F 1200 NORM 1650 F +1550 F, OQ e(2 IN) 320 800 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F 240 160 + TEMPER + 2% STRAIN + STRESS RELIEF 80 KSI FTU 400 320 240 160 80 0 1600 FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF STRAIN AGED BAR (4, p. 20) KSI - TU F FERROUS ALLOYS FT - LB - KSI PERCENT .60 40 20 • 160 320 0 240 FTY 0 80 0 20 FIG. 3.024 0 0 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni 0.100 IN SHEET* NORM 1650 F + 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER L OT FIG. 3.025 F F TU e 2660 + 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER IE CHARPY V ΤΥ Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni |NORM 1650 F 320 1200 K 240 (*AFTER SURFACE REMOVAL) (4, p.6) 1200 F 160 400 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPER - ATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET - 80 0 KSI 1600 TU LI 400 800 TEMPERING TEMP EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT PROPERTIES (4, p. 4) F Fe 0.46 C 1.0 Cr 1.0 Mo 0.55 Ni CODE D-6-A 1213 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe 0.46 C 1.0 Cr 1.0 Mo 0.55 Ni D-6-A CODE KSI 400 KSI 320 240 160 80 1213 0 400 320 FIG 3.026 240 0 160 80 Fe~(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni 0 BAR 0 \^ NORM 1650 F SMOOTH K = 1.0 NORM 1700 F FIG 3.027 Kt 5 400 +1550 F, OQ DIA (D) IN O 0.300 A 0.500 0.900 O [I + 1575 F, OQ· Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni F D, in d, in | r, 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F tu F ty EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON NOTCHED AND UNNOTCHED TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR, (4, p. 16) 1 200 800 r, in Kt 0.300 0.212 0.011 3.0 0.0035 5.0 0.500 0.353 0.018 3.0 0.006 5. 0 0.900 0.636 0.0342 3.0 NOTCHED K = 4.2 D 1600 0.0100 5.0 400 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F 60 JB FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE STRENGTH OF NOTCHED BAR (4, p. 18) KSI 400 320 240 160 80 0 K > 20 t KSI - FTY 200 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni 0.063 IN SHEET NORM 1650 F, 1/2 HR r=0.0007 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F FIG. 3.028 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF SHEET (6) 160 120 TY PERCENT Jaden 80 40 0 0.55Ni 80 NOTCH 40 REVISED: MARCH 1963 400 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0MO- 1 IN BAR 1550 F, OQ + TEMPER 0 F TU + 1550 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 2 HR FTU F TY TEMPER 0.7 O 1050 F A 1150 F 800 60 RA e (2 IN) 1600 200 160 120 80 40 0 1200 KSI TU 400 800 TEMP F FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERA- TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AT TWO STRENGTH LEVELS (4, p. 10) PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT LB - FT 320 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni LB 240 FT 160 80 12 ∞ 40 16 80 4 800 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERA- TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES (4, p. 9) 0 -400 36 28 20 50 F ABOVE TEST TEMP 400 0 RA e ( 2 IN) -300 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni HEAT TREATED TO F 260 TO 270 KSI TU -200 200 BAR NORM 1650 F +1550 F, OQ + TEMPER F FIG. 3.0321 LOW TEMPERATURE CHARPY V IMPACT PROPERTIES (4, p. 12) + 1550 F, OQ + 950 F TU FTY 400 1200 -100 TEMP - F Fe-(0.46C) -1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni NORM 1650 F IE CHARPY V 0 IE CHARPY V 600 800 100 FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 TEMP F FIG. 3.0322 ELEVATED TEMPERATURE CHARPY V NOTCH IMPACT PROPERTIES (4, p. 12) KSI 200 150 100 80 60 1 FIG. 3.041 LB FT F TU 40 32 24 KSI 8 FIG. 3.0323 16 TEMPER Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni HEAT TREATED TO 200 TO 220 KSI 160 120 80 IE CHARPY U 40 10 0 10 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55 Ni NORM1650 F+1550 F, OQ HEAT TREATED TO F 140 TO 160 KSI TU 0.250 4 FIG. 3.051 950 F 1050 F 1150 F 800 1000 F 100 TIME HR CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 900 AND 1000 F (4, p. 15) 900 TEMP F ELEVATED TEMPERATURE CHARPY U NOTCH IMPACT PROPERTIES FOR VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (4, p. 12-13) F J TU 180 TO 60 5 10 F 200 KSI 200 TO TU 220 KSI 1000 1000 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni TENSION-COMPRESSION R = -1 0.177 900 F 1200 10,000 SMOOTH K = 1.0 HT TO FTU='260 KSI NOTCHED K = 3.0 Y r=0.009 7 6 10 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES S-N CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED SPECIMENS (4, Fig. 4, 5)(9) 108 CODE Fe 0.46 C 1.0 Cr 1.0 Mo 0.55 Ni D-6-A 1213 PAGE 5 FeUH Fe 0.46 C 1.0 Cr 1.0 Mo 0.55 Ni D-6-A CODE 1000 KSI 32 1213 24 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (4, p.2) 8 8 9 Fe-(0.46C)-1.0Cr-1.0Mo-0.55Ni 0 200 400 E 800 FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 REFERENCES Henning, H. J. and Boulger, F. W., "High Strength Steel Forgings", DMIC Rep. 143, (Jan. 5, 1961) Kaiser Fleetwings, Inc., "Final Report on the Effect of Stress Relief Versus a Normalize and Temper Treat- ment on the Final Mechanical Properties of AMS 6434, Ladish D-6-A, X 2 (Modified 4137)", (Nov. 1960) 1200 Kennedy, E. M., Jr., "The Status of Research and Develop- ment for High Strength Aircraft Steels", WADC TN 59-326, (July 1960) Ladish Co., "Ladish D-6-A, High Strength Steel", (Oct. 4, 1957) "Welded Fabrication of Steel Solid Propellant Rocket Motor Cases", DMIC Memo 56, (May 31, 1960) Brown, W. F., Jr., Personal Communication, NASA un- published Data (1960) Chek, S. V., "Progress Report on Slow Crack Extension and Low Cycle Fatigue of Ladish D-6-AC at 240, 000 psi Yield Strength Level", U. S. Naval Weapons Plant, Techn. Memo 169, (Sept. 26, 1961) Hanink, D. K., Personal Communication, General Motors- Allison Div., (Nov. 1961) David, C. K., Personal Communication, Ladish Co., (Jan. 15, 1962) REVISED MARCH 1963 PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 AMS 6418 B 1. 04 1.05 1. 051 1.052 Source Iron 1.053 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum 1. 054 1.055 1.056 1.06 1.061 1.062 1. 08 1. 07 1.071 1.072 2. 1.09 1.091 1.092 GENERAL Hy-Tuf is a low alloy ultra high strength steel. It is one of the first developed to exceed a strength of 200 ksi. The alloy is used in the range of 220 to 240 ksi ultimate tensile strength. In this range it combines relatively high impact strength and low notch sensitivity with good ductility. Commercial Designation. HY-Tuf. Alternate Designations. Crucible HY-Tuf. Specifications. Table 1. 03. Form Bar, forgings and mechanical tubing Composition. Table 1. 04. TABLE 1.03 TABLE 1 04 Min 0.23 1.20 1.30 0.20 1.65 0.35 Military MIL-S-7108 AMS (1) Percent Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.28 1.50 1.70 0.040 0.040 0.40 2.00 0.45 Heat Treatment Normalize. 1690 to 1710 F, air cool. Subcritical anneal for shearing and sawing. 1200 F, 15 to 20 hr. Resulting hardness should be about 260 BHN. Isothermal anneal for best machinability. 1360 to 1380 F, cool at 50 F per hr maximum to 1100 F, then air cool + 1175 to 1225 F, 15 to 20 hr. Resulting hardness should be about 230 BHN. Alternatively anneal 1360 to 1380 F, place in furnace and hold at 1175 to 1225 F, 24 hr. Heat treat for regular machining. Normalize or austenitize + 1200 F (1250 maximum), 15 to 20 hr. Resulting hardness should be 229 to 248 BHN. Austenitize. 1575 to 1625 F, oil quench. AMS gives 1565 to 1585 F. Temper. 400 to 600 F, preferably 550 F. Tempering outside of this range is not recommended. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 1.056. Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. Effect of as quenched section size on tensile properties of heat treated bar, Fig. 1. 062. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, plate, bar and forgings. Alloy is available in the annealed or hot rolled conditions. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts. Special Considerations Tempering on either side of the 500 to 600 F range is not recommended. Center soundness is not guaranteed in sizes over 100 sq in cross sectional area for rolled bar or in sizes over 196 sq in for forged products. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. Nearly the same as those of other low alloy steels (see 4340), 2.01 2.012 2.0121 2.02 2.021 3. 3.01 3.011 3.012 Source Alloy Form 3.02 3.021 Condition Hardness RC, min BHN, max IB, Izod,min-ft lb 3.022 3.023 3. 024 3.025 Source Alloy Form Condition . Temper Temp - F 3.03 3.031 3. 0311 except for the data given below. Thermal Properties Phase changes. Transformation from austenite to ferrite. Critical temperatures. Acl 1300 F, Ac3 = 1550 F. Time-temperature-transformation curve for alloy, Ftu, typ Fty, typ ksi - ksi je(2 in), typ - percent RA, typ percent Hardness, RC, typ IE, Izod, typ-ft lb -40 F RT 3.0312 3.032 3.0321 Fig. 2.0121. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.281 lb per cu in, 7.77 gr per cu cm. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 3.0322 3.0323 Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. TABLE 3.011 3.033 AMS (1) Fe-(0.25C)-1, 8Ni-1. 5Si-1, 3Mn-0, 4Mo Bar, Forgings - 1565 to 1585 F, OQ + 525 to 550 F w 45 400 239 183 20 Detailed specified properties are not available. This alloy is used at present almost exclusively for parts designed to Ftu = 230 ksi minimum. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties, Table 3.021 14. 3 46.6 48 29 33 Machinable TABLE 3. 021 (2) Fe-(0.25C)-1, 8Ni−1, 5S1-1, 3Mn-0, 4Mo 1 in Bar 1600 F, OQ + Temper 500 550 235 191 241 13. 9 49.7 47 27 33 Cold Finished 234 193 13.1 49.7 46.5 248 25 31 600 230 194 14.0 51.7 46 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties 26 29 Stress strain curves in tension for heat treated tubing, Fig. 3.022. Effect of wall thickness on modulus of rupture in bending for heat treated tubing, Fig. 3.023. Typical torsion strength of heat treated bar, Fst = 193, 5 ksi. Effects of specimen size, test direction and stress concentration factor on notch strength ratio for bar, Fig. 3.025. Stress strain curves for plate at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3. 0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile and yield strength of plate, Fig. 3.0312. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression for plate at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of plate, Fig. 3.0322. Effect of test temperature on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.0323. Static stress concentration effects. Effect of low test temperature on notch strength of bar, Table 3. 033. CODE Fe 0.25 C 1.8 Ni 1.5 Si 1.3 Mr 0.4 Mo HY-TUF 1214 - PAGE FeUH Fe 0.25 C 1.8 Ni 1.5 Si 1.3 Mn 0.4 Mo HY-TUF CODE Source Form Test Temp - F Ftu, smooth Notch strength 3.04 3.05 Notch strength ratio 4. 3.06 3.061 Source Form Condition 3.062 3.063 4.01 4.011 4.02 1.03 1214 4.04 4,05 4. 051 -ksi -ksi RT K = 9.5 Temp Method Stress F -320 TABLE 3.033 (2) 1/2 in Bar Rot Beam ∞ RT -40 210 220 230 210 220 230 285 296 305 280 296 310 1.36 1.34 |1. 32 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties. Fatigue strength of smooth and notched bar, Table 3.05. TABLE 3. 05 (2) Bar Ftu - 230 ksi Stress Ratio Concen- A Rtration 1 -1 Smooth Notched K = 2.5 FERROUS ALLOYS M 1 Fatigue Strength -ksi at Cycles 104 105 106 107 190 132 103 88 140 55 50 46 90| 75 | 60 47 FABRICATION. See 4330 Mod. also. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Tangent modulus curves in compression at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Secant modulus curves in compression at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.063. Forming and Casting Forging. Forging. Starting temperature between 2100 and 2175 F, finishing temperature 1650 F minimum. When closed die forgings are made, temperature should be maintained on the high side. Machining. Machinability is comparable to other alloy steels of similar miscrostructure and hardness. Annealed conditions are preferred, see 1.05. Machining of heat treated material having a hardness of 48 to 50 RC is possible with heavy and rigid tool supports. Welding. Alloy is easily welded by conventional methods using low hydrogen electrodes of similar composition. Joint efficiencies are 92 to 95 percent. Heating and Heat Treating. See 4330 Mod. Surface Treating Carburizing. At 1600 F, 8 hr, produces carburizing to a depth of 0.015 in. Carburizing is followed by oil quench and tempering at 400 to 600 F. KSI PERCENT 240 220 200 180 160 140 60 40 20 0 Fe-(0.25C)-1.8Ni-1.5Si-1. 3Mn-0, 4Mo BAR 1575 F, TO 1600 F, OQ + TEMPER,1 HR ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 1 IN, DIA (2) OA3 IN, DIA (3) OL AT 400 60 50 FTU FTY 40 0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 FIG. 1.056 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR RA e(2 IN) 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F FIG. 1.061 1000 Fe-(0, 25C)-1, 8 Ni-1, 5S1-1, 3Mn-0, 4Mo 1700 F +AUSTENITIZE 1575 F RANGE SPREAD OF 75 HEATS (2)(3) 24 AMS 6418 8 16 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END SIXTEENTHS INCH END QUENCH HARDENABILITY 32 ada (2) PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT F 240 TEMP 200 160 200 160 120 60 40 20 0 0 1600 1200 800 400 0 2 1 DIAMETER OF QUENCHED BAR-IN FIG. 1.062 EFFECT OF AS QUENCHED SECTION SIZE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HEAT TREATED BAR (4) Fe-(0.25C)-1. 8Ni-1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo BAR 1600 F OQ + 550 F, 2 HR HEAT O NO 1 NO 2 NO 3 NO.4 SURFACE CORE 4c1 = 1300 F M FERRITE START S 0.001 FTU FTY 0.01 RA e BAINITE START 11 3 4 0.1 TIME FERROUS ALLOYS - VIRTUAL END OF TRANSFORMATION HR 1 KSI 10 240 FIG. 2.0121 TIME-TEMPERATURE-TRANSFORMATION CURVE FOR ALLOY 200 160 120 80 40 Fe-(0.25C) -1.8Ni-1.5Si-1.3Mn-0.4Mo AUSTEN 1600 F PEARLITE PRIOR COND, ANN START 0 0 Fe-(0.25C) -1. 8Ni-1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo 2 1/8 DIA HOLLOW SECTION D/t = 5 TO 40 FTU = 217 TO 247 KSI (30 TESTS) PEARLITE END 13 RC 13 RC FIG. 3.022 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN TENSION FOR HEAT TREATED TUBING (7, p. 27-32) 36 RC 32 RC 39 RC 100 0.002 (4, p. 4) TENSION 0.004 0.006 STRAIN - IN PER IN 0.008 0.010 CODE Fe 0.25 C 1.8 Ni 1.5 Si 1.3 Mn 0.4 Mo HY-TUF 1214 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe 0.25 C 1.8 1.5 Si 1.3 Mn 0.4 Mo CODE Ni HY-TUF KSI 350 300 250 200 NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO 0 2 1.8 1. 4 1214 1.0 0.6 1.4 1.0 2BAR 0.6 10 RATIO OF DIAMETER TO WALL THICKNESS-D/t Fig. 3.023 EFFECT OF WALL THICKNESS ON MODULUS OF RUPTURE IN BENDING FOR HEAT TREATED TUBING (7, p. 27-32) 1 TEMPER 400 F O 500 F FIG. 3.025 Hooy 60 D = 0,300 ADJUSTED TO FTU Cr=VAR 3 Fe-(0.25C) -1. 8Ni -1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo 2 1/8 IN OD TUBING 0.7 D 5 20 L FB T = 220 KSI 30 Fe-(0.25C)-1, 8N1 -1, 5Sİ -1, 3Mп-0. 4Mo 3 IN BAR 1575 F, HR, OQ +TEMPER, 1 HR FTU = 230, TO 240 KSI FERROUS ALLOYS 10 1 40 D = 0.500 L 3 5 STRESS CONCENTRATION FACTOR - K EFFECTS OF SPECIMEN SIZE, TEST DIRECTION AND STRESS CONCENTRATION FACTOR ON NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO FOR BAR (6, p. 210) T 10 KSI 200 160 120 80 40 0 Fe-(0.25C) -1. 8Ni -1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo 0.250 IN PLATE 1600 F, 25 MIN, OQ +600 F, 1/2 HR FTU = 220 KSI 0 0.002 KSI 240 200 160 120 80 FIG. 3.031 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR PLATE AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (5) 0 FIG. 3. 0312 AT L REVISED MARCH 1963 Τ 0.004 0.006 0.008 STRAIN IN PER IN 200 400 FTU RT FTY 600 F Fe-(0.25C)-1, 8N1-1, 5Si-1, 3Mn-0, 4Mo 0.250 IN PLATE 1600 F, 25 MIN, OQ +600 F, 1/2 HR 1000 F TENSION 0.010 0.012 800 600 TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TEN- SILE AND YIELD STRENGTH OF PLATE (5) 1000 PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 200 160 120 Fe-(0.25C)-1. 8Ni -1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo 0.250 IN PLATE İ 1600 F, 25 MIN, OQ + 600 F, 1/2 HR FTU = 220 KSI 80 0 0 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 STRAIN - IN PER IN FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR PLATE AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (5) L T 0.002 FTY 0.004 Fe-(0.25C)-1. 8Ni-1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo 0.250 IN PLATE 1600 F, 25 MIN, OQ + 600 F. 1/2 HR = 220 KSI 200 400 FTU 600 TEMP F [Id FERROUS ALLOYS F CY COMPRESSION RT 400 F 800 1000 600 F 1000 F FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF PLATE (5) 800 F 1000 KSI 34 30 26 22 18 0 FT LB BAR 4046.5 TO 47 RE 30 20 10 Fe-(0.25C)-1. 8Ni - 1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo 50 A T 0 TEMP F FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (6, p. 211)(8, p. 6) 0 -400 OL AT 200 [I] -200 E IE CHARPY V STATIC - 0.250 IN PLATE Fe-(0.25C)-1. 8Ni-1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo 1600 F,, 25 MIN, OQ + 600 F, 1/2 HR = 220 KSI FTU Ec (8) 3 IN DIA (6) 400 600 TEMP - F 200 400 800 1000 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (5) CODE Fe 0.25 C 1.8 Ni 1.5 Si 1.3 Mn 0.4 Mo HY-TUF 1214 PAGE 5 FeUH 0.25 C 1.8 Ni 1.5 Si 1.3 Mn 0.4 Mo Fe HY-TUF CODE KSI KSI 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 240 200 1214 160 120 80 FIG. 3.062 40 0 0 0 Fe-(0.25C) -1. 8Ni-1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0.4 Mo 0.25 IN PLATE 1600 F, 25 MIN, OQ + 600 F, 1/2 HR = 220 KSI KT 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F COMPRESSION 1000 F 8 8 16 1000 KSI TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELE- VATED TEMPERATURES (5) Fe-(0.25C )-1. 8Ni-1. 5Si-1. 3Mn-0. 4Mo 0.25 IN PLATE 1600 F, 25 MIN, OQ + 600 F, 1/2 HR FTU = 220 KSI 600 F COMPRESSION 400 F 800 F FTU 24 RT 16 1000 KSI 32 24 32 FIG. 3.063 SECANT MODULUS CURVES IN COM- PRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (5) FERROUS ALLOYS 12 2 3 4 LO 5 6 7 8 REVISED: MARCH 1963 MARCH 1963 REFERENCES AMS 6418 B, (Nov. 1, 1954) Crucible Steel Company of America, "Hy-Tuf Alloy Steel", Data Sheet, (Nov. 1957) Muvdi, B. B., Sachs, G. and Klier, E. P., "Design Prop- erties of High Strength in the Presence of Stress Concen- trations", WADC TR 56-395, Pt. 1, (Dec. 1956) Sachs, G., "Survey of Low-Alloy Aircraft Steels Heat Treated to High-Strength Levels", WADC TR 53-254, Pt. 4, (Dec. 1953) Hughes, P. J., Inge, J. E. and Prosser, S. B., "Tensile and Compressive Stress-Strain Properties of Some High- Strength Sheet Alloys at Elevated Temperatures", NACA TN 3315, (Nov. 1954) Muvdi, B. B., Klier, E. P. and Sachs, G., "Design Prop- erties of High-Strength Steels in the Presence of Stress- Concentrations and Hydrogen Embrittlement", WADC TR 55-103, Supp. 1, (Jan. 1956) The Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., "Stress-Strain Curves for High-Strength Alloy Steel", Rep. No. 732, (Feb. 25, 1955) Crucible Steel Company of America, "Data Sheet", Rev. No. 2, (Nov. 1957) PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 Source 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 AMS 6470 E 1.056 Min Aluminum 0.95 Carbon 0.38 1.40 Chromium Manganese Molybdenum 0.30 0.50 0.20 Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Iron 1.06 1.061 1.0611 1.062 1.063 2. 1.07 1.071 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 GENERAL The composition of this steel is optimized for case harden- ing by the nitriding process. This process produces a case of extreme hardness without appreciable changing the core tensile or yield strength. The alloy is readily machinable. After parts are nitrided they may be used where high re- sistance to abrasion and mild corrosion resistance are re- quired, (1) (2, p.6) (3) (4, p.12). Commercial Designation. Nitralloy 135 modified. Alternate Designations. Nitralloy Type G modified, AMS 6470 Nitriding Steel. Specifications. Table 1.03. 2.02 2.021 Form Bar, forging, forging stock Bars TABLE 1.03 Military MIL-S-6709 Comp. A Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1.04 AMS (4) Percent Balance Max 1.30 0.43 1.80 0.70 0.40 0.40 0.040 0.040 A 355-57T, ASTM Min 0.85 0.38 1.35 0.40 0.30 0.20 FERROUS ALLOYS ASTM (Class A) (5) Percent (Class A) Max 1.20 0.45 1.85 0.70 0.45 0.40 0.040 0.040 Balance Heat Treatment Anneal. 1450 F, 6 hr, furnace cool, (3). Normalize. Slowly heat to 1790 to 1810 F, air cool, (3) (4). Austenitize. 1700 to 1750 F, (3). Quench. Less than 2 in diameter or thickness, oil quench. Larger than 2 in diameter or thickness, water quench, (3). Temper. 1000 to 1300 F, 1 hr minimum per inch of thickness. Temper 50 F minimum above nitriding tem- peratures, (2, p.7). Nitriding. 930 to 1050 F, (1) (2, p. 7-9) (3). Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. AMS 6470 E specifies J50 = 8 and J45 = 12 minimum. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of bar, Fig. 1.062. Depth-hardness for several nitriding times, Fig. 1.063. Forms and Conditions Available This steel is available in most wrought forms such as rods, bars, plates, tubing and forgings, (1). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting point Phase changes. Critical temperature. Acl = 1435 F, (3). Thermal conductivity. 30.0 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F) at 212 F, (1). Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.11 to 0. 12 Btu per (lb F), (1). Other Physical Properties Density. 0.283 lb per cu in. 7.83 gr per cu cm, (1). 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form * Condition Size dia Ftu F - ty, e (2 in) min min RA, Hardness BHN 3.02 3.021 3.0211 3.0212 3.0213 3.03 3.04 3.041 3.05 3.051 Electrical resistivity. 10.6 to 11. 4 microhm-in, (1). Magnetic properties. Steel is ferromagnetic. 3.06 3.061 Chemical Properties The presence of the outer skin or white layer of the ni- trided alloy increases its corrosion resistance compared with conventionally heat treated low alloy steels. How- ever, the case is corroded by mineral acids, (1) (2, p. 37, 38). Smooth Notched MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties Typical producer's specified properties, Table 3.011. min ksi min ksi 280 - min max 340 Specimen taken at 1/2 radius - - percent percent TABLE 3.011 Nitralloy Corp. (2, p.14) Fe-(0.4C)-1.6Cr-1.1AI-0.6Mn-0.35Mo Bar* 1725 F, OQ < 3 in WQ> 3 in temper 1200 F (min)5 hr < 1 1/2 11/2 to 3 3 to 5 135 125 110 100 90 85 Source Alloy Form Condition Reverse bending (Rayflex) 16 50 K = 1.0 K = 3.3 15 40 269 321 L 0.50 45 24 .60 15 40 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Tension properties Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0211. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature tensile properties of as tempered and nitrided alloy, Fig. 3.0212. Fatigue Properties Endurance limits of as tempered and nitrided steel, Table 3.051. 240 300 Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature impact properties of as tempered and nitrided alloy, Fig. 3.0213. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Nitrided Nitralloy tested at 1000 F at 10 ksi stress creeps 0.2 percent in 4000 hr with no further extension during an additional 5000 hr, (2, p. 37). AMS (4) TABLE 3.051 (2, p. 34) Fe-(0.4C) -1.6Cr-1.1Al-0.6Mn -0.35Mo Bar HT and nitrided 975 F, 40 hr Endurance limit, ksi as tempered nitrided 90 80 to BHN 269 -0.48 r = 0.005 HR CR 229 Bar 248 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity in tension at room temperature 29- 30 x 103 ksi, (1). S CODE 0.4 1.6 Fe C Cr 1.1 Al 0.6 Mn 0.35 Mo Nitralloy 135 mod. 1215 PAGE 1 FeUH 0.4 C 1.6 Fe 1.1 AI 0.6 Mn 0.35 Mo CODE Cr Nitralloy 135 mod. A. 4.01 4.011 4.02 4.021 4.03 4.031 4.04 4.05 4.051 4.0511 4.0512 4.0513 4.0514 1215 FABRICATION 4.0515 Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 1950 to 2200 F, finishing temperature 1650) F, minimum, (3). Machining Rough machining prior to heat treatment is recommend- ed particularly for large parts. If large amounts of stock must be removed, normalizing or annealing should precede machining. Residual stresses should be avoided as these may cause warping during nitriding. For this reason heat treated material must be machined with light cuts and be stress relieved after machining at a temper- ature not less than 100 F above the nitriding temperature. In any case sufficient material must be removed to elim- inate any decarburized surface, (2, p.6, 7). Source Alloy Stage Temp Welding The major problem is to avoid loss in chromium and alu- minium in the weld area which would prevent subsequent nitriding. The most successful method employs 2.5% Cr, medium carbon rods with the atomic hydrogen process. If the weld area does not require nitriding,conventional welding methods may be employed. Welded parts should be heat treated before any machining, (1) (2, p.38). Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating Nitriding of heat treated parts. Sufficient material should be removed to eliminate any decarburized surface area before nitriding. A typical method of nitriding is the two-stage Floe Proc- ess, using ammonia as the source of nitrogen. At ni- triding temperature ammonia decomposes into atomic nitrogen and hydrogen. Gas circulation, flow rate and temperature must be controlled carefully to insure prop- er degree of ammonia dissociation, (2, p. 2, 3). Case depth using the Floe Process on Nitralloy 135 mod, Table 4.0513. % ammonia dissociation Case depth, in 0.005-0.008 0.008-0.012 0.011 -0.015 0.013-0.018 0.017-0.022 TABLE 4.0513 (2, p.3) Fe-(0.4C) -1.6Cr-1.1Al-0.6Mn-0.35Mo FERROUS ALLOYS First 975 F 15-25 Time, hr 5 O SI VIUI 5 5 6 S Second 1050 F 83-86 Time, hr 0 5 20 26 42 Areas of parts that do not require nitriding may be pro- tected by tin, bronze or copper plating, (2, p. 32). Size increase due to nitriding is approximately 0.001 to 0.002 inch depending on the time and temperature of ni- triding. Dimensions may be restored by careful grinding or lapping, (3). 15 N SCALE - ROCKWELL HARDNESS 96 92 88 84 80 76 0 C SCALE 64 O 56 ROCKWELL HARDNESS 48 40 32 0 Fe-(0.4C) -1.6Cr-1.1Al-0.6Mn-0.35Mo C SCALE 24 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END- SIXTEENTH IN FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY - ROCKWELL HARDNESS 481 44 40 TIMES 36 32 REVISED: MARCH 1963 8 1000 FIG. 1.062 0.35Mo Fe-(0.4C)-1.6Cr-1. l'Al-0.6Mn 1 IN DIA BAR 1700 F, OQ + TEMPER 16 BAR 1100 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEM- PERATURE ON HARDNESS OF (1) Fe-(0.4C) -1.6Cr-1.1 Al -0.6Mn -0.35Mo 60 HR 48 HR 24 HR 12 HR 16 24 8 DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (2, p. 11) 1725 F, OQ +1250 F, 5 HR + NITRIDING 975 F, (2) -332 1300 10 IN 32 - 40 FIG. 1.063 DEPTH-HARDNESS FOR SEVERAL NITRIDING (2, p. 22) PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 J IN PER IN PER F 9-01 8 KSI PERCENT 6 сл 5 Fe-(0.4C)-1.6Cr-1.l'Al-0.6Mn-0.35Mo 0 FIG. 2.014 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 240 200 160 120 60 40 20 200 0.35Mo 0 1000 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION Fe-(0.4C)-1.6Cr-1.1A1-0.6Mn- 1 IN DIA BAR 1700 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + TEMPER. 1 HR FIG. 3.0211 600 TEMP - F THERMAL EXPANSION 400 FTY RA FTU e (2 IN) 1100 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F 1300 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (1) (2, p.12) 800 1000 (3) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI PERCENT LB P 200 FT 160 120 60 40 20 20 0 1000 56 48 40 1100 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F FIG. 3.0212 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AS TEM- PERED AND NITRIDED ALLOY 32 Fe-(0.4C) -1.6Cr-1.1Al-0.6Mr. 24 16 FTY ● AS TEMPERED O NITRIDED, 900 F, 90 HR RA e (2 IN) 8 1000 0.35Mo Fe-(0.4C)-1.6Cr-1.1Al- 0.6Mn-0.35Mo AS TEMPERED NITRIDED 900 F, 90 HR IE CHARPY V FTU 1300 1100 1200 TEMPERING TEMP F - - (1) 1300 FIG. 3.0213 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT PROPERTIES OF AS TEM- PERED AND NITRIDED ALLOY (1) Fe 0.4 с 1.6 Cr 1.1 Al 0.6 Mn 0.35 Mo Nitralloy 135 mod. CODE 1215 PAGE 3 Fe UH Fe 0.4 C 1.6 Cr 1.1 AI 0.6 Mn 0.35 Mo Nitralloy 135 mod. 1 2 3 45 CODE 1215 REFERENCES Alloy Digest, "Nitralloy 135 Modified, " Filing Code: SA-24, Steel-Alloy, (Dec. 1954) Homerberg, V. O. and Floe, C. F., "Nitralloy and Nitriding Including the New Floe Process," The Nitralloy Corp., (1954) Crucible Steel Co. of America, "Nitriding Steel # 135 Modi- #1 fied, Data Sheet, Issue, (July 1949) AMS 6470 E, (March 1, 1955) FERROUS ALLOYS "Alloy Steel Bars for Nitriding," ASTM Designation: A 355- 57 T, Class A, Pt. 1, (1961) • REVISED: MARCH 1963 PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1. 052 1.053 1.054 1. 055 1.056 1.057 1.06 1.061 1.062 1. 07 1. 071 1.072 1.08 1.09 Source GENERAL This recently developed air hardening steel is one of the ultra high strength steels used primarily when heat treat- ed to Fty = 230 ksi minimum, or Ftu = 270 ksi minimum. Its composition is adjusted to obtain the desired strength at a relatively high tempering temperature. It is available in forms of sheet, strip, plate, bar and forgings. If properly annealed it possesses good form- ability and it is also readily weldable. Commercial Designation. X-200. Alternate Designations. USS Airs teel X-200, CWS-102, (1). Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1. 04. TABLE 1. 04 Carbon Manganese Phosphorus 1.073 Sulfur Silicon Chromium Molybdenum Vanadium Iron Min 0.41 0.75 } 1.40 1.90 0.45 0.03 (2) Percent Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.46 1.00 0.025 0.025 1.75 2.25 0.60 0.08 Heat Treatment Normalize. 1725 to 1775 F, 1/2 hr, air cool. Spheroidizing anneal sheet and plate for maximum form- ability. 1330 to 1380 F, 20 to 30 hr, depending on structure prior to anneal, (1). Recommended for hydrospinning is 1360 to 1390 F, 80 nr, furnace cool to 1000 F maximum. The hardness should be 97 RB maximum (Kaiser Products 1959). Subcritical anneal for mild forming, etc., 1330 to 1380 F, 4 to 20 hr. Hardness should be about 250 BHN maximum, (1). Subcritical anneal for machining hot worked bar and forgings. 1300 to 1350 F, 6 to 8 hr, (1). Stress relief after welding material heat treated to F = 270 ksi (Fty = 230 ksi). 650 to 675 F, 1/2 hr minimum, (1). tu Austenitize. Normalize + 1700 to 1750 F (45 min if structure was spheroidized), air cool 0.375 in maximum thickness, oil quench over 0.375 in thickness. Temper. 600 to 750 F, 1/2 to 2 hr minimum to obtain Ftu = 270 ksi minimum, Fty = 230 ksi minimum. The actual tempering temperature depends on the as quenched hardness. Other tempering temperatures, e. g., 900 F, lead to various strength levels which may be of practical interest also, (6). Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1. 061. Oil quenching is required for full hardening of sections above 0.500 in thickness, (1). Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, wire and forgings. If forgings are over 100 sq in, the chemical composition must be negotiated with producer. Sheet over 0.030 inch thick is also available sandwich rolled up to 140 inches wide. All forms are available in annealed Conditions. Forging stock is also available in the hot finished Condition, and forgings in either the annealed, the normalized or the heat treated condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Consumable electrode vacuum melt. Special Considerations. Finished surfaces must be free from decarburization and carburization. 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Condition 100 oersteds 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.024 Source Allov Form 3.03 3.031 3.0311 Maximum * Flux density of 10, 200 gausses. ** Flux density of 9, 470 gausses. Chemical Properties. Same as other low alloy steels. Nuclear Properties Thickness Condition Ftu, min ksi Fty, min ksi e(2 in), min-percent 3.0312 3.0313 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 3.0314 Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes. Transformation from austenite to ferrite under isothermal conditions: A₁ = 1400 F, A3 = 1575 F approximately. Ms temperature approximately 500 F, (2, Fig. 4). Thermal conductivity 3.0315 Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat 3.0316 Other Physical Properties Density. 0.280 lb per cu in, 7.79 gr per cu cm, (3, p.7). Electrical resistivity. Annealed condition, 15 microhm in. Austenitized and tempered 700 F, 20 microhm in, (3, p.7). Magnetic properties. Permeability, Table 2. 023. 3.0317 3.032 TABLE 2.023 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Annealed Ad 169 680* in Specified Mechanical Properties Producers' tentative minimum mechanical properties, Table 3.011. (3, p.7) TABLE 3. 011 Aust. +700 F 30 min, AC 120 148** 270 230 5 (2) Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1. 6Si-0. 5Mo-0.05V Sheet, Plate 0.375 Plate, Bar > 0.375 Heat Treated 270 230 5 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.021. Effects of melting practice and tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet and plate, Fig. 3.022. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3. 023. Effect of tempering temperature on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.024. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time properties in tension Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet tempered at 700 and 900 F, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of strength level on notch strength ratio of sheet, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of decarburization on the burst stress and tensile strength of pressure vessels, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of tempering temperature on notched tensile strength and KI values of bar, Fig. 3.0314. Effect of carbon content and depth of decarburization on notch properties of alloy tempered at 700 and 1050 F, Fig. 3.0315. Effect of carbon content and depth of decarburization on net section stress of alloy tempered at 700 and 1050 F, Fig. 3.0316. - Effect of carbon content, depth of decarburization and in- strumented bend test factor on sheet, Fig. 3.0317. Short time properties other than tension Fe 0.43 C 2 Cr 1.6 Si 0.5 Mo 0.05 V CODE X-200 1216 PAGE | FeUH 0.43 C 2 Cr 1.6 Si 0.5 Mo 0.05 V Fe X-200 CODE 3. 0321 3. 0322 3.04 3.041 3.05 3.06 3.061 4. 4.01 4.011 4.02 Strength ksi 1% Creep kai ( ) Extrapolated values. Fatigue Properties 4.012 Source Condition 4.03 4. 031 4. 04 Form Time hr Test Temp - F Rupture 032 4.05 1216 70 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 50 Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet tempered at 700 F, Fig. 3. 0321. Effect of test temperature on impact strength of plate tempered at 700 F, Fig. 3.0322. 60 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep and creep rupture properties for sheet at 700 and 900 F, Table 3.041. 40 FABRICATION - TABLE 3.041 0 (3, p. 7) 1750 F, 6 min, AC + 900 F, 4 hr 0.100 in Sheet 1000 900 700 900 100 700 Δ MIN 190 115 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. 180 88 175 75 FERROUS ALLOYS Forming and Casting General. For severe forming operations, sheet should be spheroidize annealed and its structure free from any banding. The hardness should not exceed 97 RB. For light forming operations a subcritical anneal is frequently satisfactory. Intermediate subcritical anneals may not completely remove cold work. Forging. Starting temperature 2250 F maximum, finishing temperature 2000 F minimum. Forging stock should be preheated at 1200 to 1600 F and the forging should be cooled slowly. Machining. The machinability of this steel in various conditions is the same as that of any other low alloy steel, see 4340. 10, 000 700 900 Welding Welding of sheet may be done by the inert gas shielded fusion method, using either a nonconsumable tungsten electrode with a separate filler wire or a consumable electrode, and by electron beam welding process, (11, p.15). Joint efficiency of assemblies welded in the annealed condition and heat treated to Ftu = 270 ksi is over 95 percent. When welded in the heat treated condition material should be stress relieved at 675 F, 1/2 hr to reach a joint efficiency over 70 percent. Without stress relieving the joint efficiency may be as low as 40 percent. Heating and Heat Treating. See 4340. Surface Treating. See 4340. (168) (66) (165) (56) 4 8 20 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY 12 Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1. 6Si-0. 5Mo-0.05v NORMALIZE 1725 TO 1775 F AUSTENITIZE 1700 TO 1750 F 16 C 24 28 SIXTEENTHS IN 32 (3, p. 8) - KSI FTY PERCENT 280 240 200 160 10 0 IN PER IN PER F 400 9- x 97 0 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1, 6Si-0. 5Mo-0.05V 400 F TY 600 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION -0.063 IN OTS (4) 0.060 IN 0.076 INJ (3) SAIR VACUUM (5) 0 063 IN 800 TEMP F Fe-(0. 43C)-2Cr-1. 6Si-0. 5Mo-0. 05V 360 800 SHEET 1700 TO 1750 F + TEMPER Z 1200 F TU 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F e (2 IN) 1600 (3, p.7) 1200 320 280 240 200 TU - KSI Lind મેં 160 FIG. 3.021 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (3, p. 5)(4)(5, p. 4, 5) PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 ISA 덤 ​240 add 280 XL H PERCENT 200 ❤ 10 KSI 280 PERCENT 240 FTY 200 Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1. 6Sí-0. 5Mo-0.05V SHEET, PLATE 1725 F, AC + TEMPER 010 O 0. 112 IN AIR 1/4 IN MELT ▼ 1/4 IN VACUUM MELT 400 FTY THIS 600 TEMPERING TEMP e 400 2 1/2 IN DIA 7x7 IN RC 1 1/2x8 1/2 IN 800 F FIG. 3.022 EFFECTS OF MELTING PRACTICE AND TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET AND PLATE (5, p.6-9) e-(0. 43C)-2Cr-1. 6Si-0.5Mo-0.05V BAR 1725 F. OQ e www FTU + TEMPER FREMS FTY 600 TEMPERING TEMP 800 F 1000 G FTU 320 280 240 1000 320 280 FIG. 3. 023 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPER- 240 200 FTU - KSI KSI Kat TU F ATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (5, p. 1-3) FERROUS ALLOYS "TY - KSI F 280 PER CENT 240 · 200 160 120 20 200 160 0 120 80 40 e-(0.43C)-2Cr-1. 6Si-0. 5Mo-0.05V 0.063 IN SHEET 1750 F, 1/4 HR, OQ + TEMPER, 1 HR L OT 400 STRAIN RATE 0.003 O 18 200 600 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F FTY FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET (4, p. 1-3) Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1. ¿Si-0. 5Mo-0.05V 0.045 TO 0. 050 IN SHEET 1750 F, 6 TO 15 MIN, AC +700 F, 30 MIN +900 F, 4 HR IN PER IN PER MIN 11/2 MIN | EXPOSURE e (2 IN) FTU 800 400 TEMP - 0.700 1.000 Cr=0.001 1200 600 F FTUA 607 800 320 280 240 200 160 1000 KSI G FTU FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET TEMPERED AT 700 AND 900 F (2, Tbl. IV)(3, p.9) CODE 0.43 C 2 Cr 1.6 Si 0.5 Mo 0.05 V Fe X-200 1216 PAGE 3 FeUH 0.43 C 2 1.6 Si 0.5 Mo 0.05 V Fe CODE X-200 Cr NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO BURST STRESS - KSI KSI 1.6 1.2 1216 0.8 0.4 280 240 200 160 120 160 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF STRENGTH LEVEL ON NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO OF SHEET 80 320 280 UNNOTCHED TENSILE 240 200 Fe-0.43C)-2Cr-1.6Si-9. 5Mọ-9. 95V 0.095 IN SHEET 200 O O 240 G FTU 280 Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1.6Si-0.5Mo-0.05V YIELD STRENGTH 320 0.005 0.010 0.015 DEPTH OF DECARBURIZATION 0.020 010 FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 0.025 IN PER SIDE FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF DECARBURIZATION ON THE BURST STRESS AND TENSILE STRENGTH OF PRESSURE VESSELS (10, p. 13) KIĆ (KSI √IN) KSI 120 80 40 320 240p 160 Fe-(0.43C)-2.10Cr-1.48Si-0. 47Mo- 0.94Mn-0.07V-0.008P-0.015S BAR 0 505 -0.750 8010750 + 0.002 450 работу K REVISED MARCH 1963 - 650 FTU 0.5308 0.5050 土 ​0.0010 2002 r=0.0015max -NOTCH STRENGTH ·60· 850 F TY 1050 TEMPERING TEMP - F 351 0.001 r=00015max FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON NOTCHED TENSILE STRENGTH AND KI VALUES OF BAR (8, p. 4) 1250 STRESS FIELD PARAMETER DESCRIB- ING THE LOCAL ELEVATION OF ELAS- TIC STRESS FIELD AHEAD OF THE CRACK I = OPENING MODE OF FRACTURE C = CRITICAL VALUE OF THE PARAMETERS PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 1 TU F [Ind TY' UNAXIAL F. PERCENT 400 300 200 100 300 OS 400 TEMPER 700 F 200 Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1.6Si-0.5Mo-0.05V TEMPER 1050 F 0.080 IN SHEET 100 FTU FTU FTY 10 10 .20 SLOT SIZE: 1 INx Q750 IN SLOT LENGTH .30 e 3.02 IN A 0.01 IN DEPTH OF DO IN e LTO L SPECIMEN 3" . 40 CARBON K 0+ · DECARB .50 PERCENT .60 FIG. 3.0315 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT AND DEPTH OF DECARBURIZATION ON NOTCH PROPERTIES OF ALLOY TEM- PERED AT 700 AND 1050 F (12, p. 22, 23) FERROUS ALLOYS KSIVIN Kc x 400 300 200 100 0 400 TEMPER 700 F 300 200 Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1.6Si-0. 5Mo-0.05V TEMPER 1050 F 0.080 IN SHEET 100 FINE FILE .20 r = 0.001 .30 DECARBURIZATION 0.03 IN 0.01 IN IN .40 50 CARBON PERCENT .60 FIG. 3.0316 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT AND DEPTH OF DECARBURIZATION ON NET SECTION STRESS OF ALLOY TEM- PERED AT 700 AND 1050 F (12. p. 32, 33) But CODE 0.43 C 2 1.6 Si 0.5 Mo 0.05 V Fe Cr X-200 1216 PAGE 5 FeUH 0.43 C 2 Cr 1.6 Si 0.5 Mo 0.05 V Fe X-200 CODE BEND FACTOR (Ơ MAX - Ơ MIN) KSI KSI 100 80 1216 60 40 20 40 20 0 TEMPER 700 F 60 280 DECARB 240 0 TEMPER 1050 F .10 .20 200 160 Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1.6Si-0.5Mo-005V • 0.02 IN ▲ 0.01 IN 0 IN 0 .40 CARBON - PERCENT FIG. 3.0317 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT AND DEPTH OF DECARBURIZATION ON BEND TEST FACTOR OF SHEET (12, p. 38, 39) F CY INSTRUMENTED BEND TEST 1/8 • 200 w/t=14" 1.052" 30 1 1/2 MIN EXPOSURE + 3.080 IN SHEET 400 TEMP - F 1 Je-(0.43C)-2Cr-1. 6Si-0. 5Mo-0. 05V 0.095 IN SHEET 1750 F, 15 MIN, AC + 700 F, 1/2 HR 11 600 1/4" .50 800 FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET TEMPERED AT 700 F (2, Tbl. II) FERROUS ALLOYS 1 23 4567 8 9 10 11 12 FT LB 1000 KSI 36 32 228 24 20 20 10 0 Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1. 6Si-0. 5Mo-0. 05V 0.450 IN PLATE 1750 F, 15 MIN, AC +700 F, 30 MIN -200 0 FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF PLATE TEMPERED AT 700 F (3, p.6) REVISED: MARCH 1963 -100 STRAIN RATE 18.0 O 0.003 0 005 200 IE Ec 0.45 IN SQ SPECIMEN V NOTCH 0 TEMP - F Fe-(0.43C)-2Cr-1. 6Si-0. 5Mo-0. 05V O 0.045 IN SHEET 0.095 IN SHEET 1750 F, 15 MIN, AC +700 F, 30 MIN E 100 IN PER IN PER MIN 400 TEMP - F REFERENCES 600 200 800 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2, Tbl. 2, 3, IV) MacLaren, A. W., "Personal Communication", United States Steel Corporation, (Oct. 23, 1959) United States Steel Corp., "Data Sheet", (Oct. 23, 1959) United States Steel Corp., "USS Air steel X-200 an Air Hardening Alloy Steel for Solid Propellant Missile Motor Cases", (Nov. 1958) NASA E-422. Kaiser Metal Products, Inc., Fleetwings Div., (1959) Kaiser Metal Products, Inc., Fleetwings Div., (1958-1959) United States Steel Corp., Applied Research Lab., "Sim- ulated Service Evaluations of Steels for Solid-Propellant Missile Motor Cases", Proj. No. 40, 02-070(2) TD-263, (May 6, 1960) Carmen, C. M., Armiento, D. F. and Markus, H., "Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Measurements of High Strength Steels", ASME Paper No. 62-Met-8, (May 14, 1962) Marshall, C. W., "The Factors Influencing the Fracture Characteristics of High-Strength Steel", DMIC Rep. 147, OTS PB 151106, (Feb. 6, 1961) Battelle Memorial Institute, "The Effects of Decarburization on the Properties of Ultra-High-Strength Steels", DMIC Memo 154, (June 18, 1962) Battelle Memorial Institute, "New Developments in Welded Fabrication of Large Solid-Fuel Rocket-Motor Cases", DMIC Rep. 173, (Aug. 6, 1962) Armour Research Foundation, "Evaluation of Effects of Decarburization on Mechanical Properties of X-200 Steel at Various Carbon Levels", ARF 2815-3-281603, (Sept. 25, 1961) PAGE 6 FeÜH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1. 02 1.03 1. 04 1.05 1.051 1.052 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Vanadium Aluminum 1.053 Source 1. 054 1.06 1.055 1.0551 1.0552 1.056 GENERAL tu 300-M is an ultra high strength low alloy steel which combines high hardenability with relatively good impact strength and ductility. It is being used primarily in the form of bar, tubing and forgings, heat treated to F 270 to 300 ksi. The steel is also available in other wrought forms and, experimentally, in form of sand castings also. Originally this steel was made with 0. 40 percent carbon, but to obtain the high strength the carbon content has been raised to 0.43 percent. The alloy can be formed, but welding is not generally recommended. Commercial Designation. 300-M. Alternate Designation. Inco Ultra High Strength Steel, Tricent (obsolete). Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1. 04. Iron Balance * Fine grain must be insured 1.057 1.07 1.071 TABLE 1. 04 Inco (1) Old Comp Percent Min Max 0.38 0.43 0.60 0.90 1.50 1.70 0.04 0.04 0.70 0.95 1.80 2.00 0.30 0.50 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.08 Inco (2, p. 2) Min 0.40 0.65 1.45 1 New Comp Percent FERROUS ALLOYS 0.65 1.65 0.30 0.05 Max 0.45 0.90 1.80 0.025 0.025 0.90 2.00 0.45 Balance = Heat Treatment Normalize. 1675 to 1725 F, for times see Fig. 4.042, air cool to 250 F maximum, (8, p. p. 1). Temper normalized condition for machinability. 1250 F maximum, (8, p. 1). Spheroidize anneal. 1430 F, cool 10 F per hr to 1200 F and 20 F per hr to 900 F, air cool to room temperature. Hardness should be about 17 RC, (6, p. 21). Austenitize. 1525 to 1625 F, preferably 1575 to 1625 F, for times see Fig. 4.042. Normalizing should precede austenitizing. Cool after austenitizing, Oil quench. Oil temperature 75 to 140 F, (8, p. 2). Salt quench. Salt temperature 390 to 410 F, hold 10 min, air cool to 160 F maximum, (8, p. 2). Temper. 500 to 600 F, 1 to 4 hr, preferably 550 to 600 F 2 x 2 hr. Tempering outside of this range is not recom- mended. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile prop- erties of sheet, Fig. 1.056, (8, p. 2). Experiments on heat treating by air cooling from austenitizing temperature of 0. 080 in sheet and of 1 in diameter bar resulted in tension properties identical to those of material hardened by oil quenching, except for slightly lower reduction of area for the air cooled bar. Hardenability. End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.06. Forms and Conditions Available This steel is available in all forms and sizes common for low alloy steels. 1.072 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.02 2.03 2.031 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 3.012 3.02 3.021 3.022 Source Alloy Form Condition 3.023 Test bar Ftu' RA, 3.024 3.025 Bar, tubing and forgings are usually supplied in the nor- malized and tempered condition, (8, p. 1). Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts are also available. Special Considerations. See 4340. min min min av PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes. This steel transforms from austenite to ferrite. Critical temperatures: Ac1 = 1400 F, Ac3 1480 F. Arl = 650 F, Ar3 = 785 F, (6, p. 19). Other Physical Properties. See 4340. Chemical Properties. Similar to 4340. At its high strength level this steel is very susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement and the introduction of hydrogen cannot be tolerated. See 4340. Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Ftu [I Specified Mechanical Properties Fabricator's specified transverse tensile properties for short transverse specimens from bar, tubing and forgings, Table 3.011. Fty e RA Source Form Condition Test bar - - J ksi percent percent TABLE 3. 011 Specified hardness for normalized and tempered material. Bar, 241 BHN maximum, if cold finished 269 BHN maximum. Tubing, hot finished 99 RB maximum, cold finished 25 RC maximum, (3, p. 1). Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Hardness of heat treated material, 53 to 55 RC, (3, p. 2). Effect of carbon content on mechanical properties of bar, Fig. 3.022. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar heat treated in full size, Fig. 3.02 3. Effect of as quenched section size on mechanical properties of bar, Fig. 3.024. Transverse tensile properties of test bars from a flashless forging, Table 3.025. ksi ksi Bendix (3, Tbl. 1) 300-M Bar, forgings, tubing 1700 F, 1 hr, AC + 1600 F, 1hr, OQ or SQ + 575 F, 2 x 2 hr (Short) T, Midway TABLE 3. 025 270 10 15 (4) Forgings with tabular section. 8 3/4 in OD, 5 11/16 in ID (5 heats, 19 test bars) Min 274 242 1700 F + 1525F, 30 min OQ +575, 2x2 hr T- Heat treated as test bars 2 below av⭑ 274 239 4. 4 11.6 percent 97.5 percent above this value. = Max 297 268 10.9 41 4.7 12.8 CODE Fe 0.43 C 1.8 Ni 1.6 Si 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo + V 300-M 1217 PAGE 1 FeUH Fe 0.43 C 1.8 Ni 1.6 Si 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo + V 300-M 3.026 Source Form Condition Test bar Ftu Fty FILL U e percent RA percent IE Charpy V - ft lb Hardness, RC 3.027 3.0271 3.0272 3.03 3.031 3.0311 Notch strength, K~10 ksi ksi 3.0312 4. 3.0313 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 Room temp -65F * Heat treated full size 3.033 3.0331 3.0332 CODE 1217 3.04 3.05 3.051 3.06 3.061 Mechanical properties of a forging, Table 3.026. 4.01 4.011 4.012 G 4.013 - ksi ksi Stress concentration effects Effect of tempering temperature on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3. 0271. Effects of stress concentration and melting practice on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0272. 3.0273. Effects of stress concentration, size of test specimen and test direction on notch strength ratio of bar tested at room temperature, Fig. 3.0273. G TABLE 3. 026 12 in D forging. 9 in ID machined* 1700 F, 4 hr + 1600 F, 4 hr, OQ +500 F, 4 hr L 296.6 241.7 8 23.0 18 54.5 (5, Tbl. 7, 8, 9) 303 287 FERROUS ALLOYS T 295.6 238.5 4 9.4 9 54.5 262 256 T thru Flash line 271 236.7 1 4.8 7 54.5 264.5 247 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves at low test temperatures, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3. 0312, Effects of test temperature, holding time and strain rate on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0313. Short time properties other than tension Effect of low test temperature on impact strength of bar with two different carbon contents, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of test temperature on impact strength of heavy sections in the longitudinal and transverse directions, Fig. 3.0322. Static stress concentration effects Effect of low test temperature on notch strength of bar, Fig. 3.0331. Effects of test temperature and stress concentration on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0332. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties. S-N curves for smooth and notched bar specimens in longitudinal and transverse directions, Fig. 3.051. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at low temperatures, Fig. 3.061. FABRICATION. Similar to that of other ultra high strength steels, see 4340. Forming and Casting General. Sheet has best formability in the sphereodized condition. Forging. Starting temperature 2250 F maximum, finishing temperature 1700 F minimum. Casting. 300-M appears suitable for casting provided 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.05 KSI PERCENT that the carbon content is reduced. Laboratory tests on sand cast specimens have shown that after oil quenching and tempering at 600 F the following strength values can be obtained, about 200 ksi for 0.18 percent carbon and 265 ksi for 0. 35 percent carbon. To reduce quench cracking some tests suggest a procedure consisting of normalizing at 2250 F, austenitizing for 1650 F, 1 hr, cooling to 1350 F, oil quenching and tempering at 600 F, two times for 6 hr. Machining. Machining is best performed in the sphereodized condition. Machining of material heat treated to 52 to 54 RC is possible, using heavy equipment, very rigid tool supports and suitable cutting fluids. Welding. All the usual methods which are applied to ultra high strength steels can be used with this steel. Heating and Heat Treating Heating and cooling can be performed at any desired rate, although preheating before and slow cooling after forging is generally indicated for air hardening steels. Times recommended for normalizing and austenitizing, Fig. 4,042. Surface Treating. This steel is recommended for carbur- izing. A case of about 0.025 in is obtained on pack car- burizing at 1650 F, 12 hr. 320 280 240 200 160 20 REVISED MARCH 1963 0 L от 400 FIG. 1. 056 Fe-(0.43C)-1. 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V FTU 0.063 IN SHEET 1700 F, 1/2 HR, FC TO 1600 F, 1/2HR, OQ + TEMPER, 1.HR 0.40C 600 FTY e (2 IN) 800 ooo 1000 F - 1200 TEMPERING TEMP EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (11, p. 848) ( PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 ROCKWELL HARDNESS SCALE KSI PERCENT 70 FT LB 00 50 8 16 24 32 40 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END - SIXTEENTH INCH FIG. 1.06 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY 320 280 240 200 40 20 Fe-(0.43C) -1.8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V NORM 1700 F+ AUST 1650 F 0 20 10 0 0. 46C 0.40C 0.36 Fe-(0.43C) -1.8NI-1. 651-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V BAR 1725 F,AC + 1600 TO 1650 F, OQ + 500 TO 600 F RA e (2 IN) -100 F FTY 0.44 0.40 CARBON CONTENT IE CHARPY V FTU Co RT -50F 0.48 PERCENT FERROUS ALLOYS (12) FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BAR 0.52 (1) KSI PERCENT KSI PERCENT LB - 360 FT 320 280 240 200 160 40 20 0 20 0 320 280 240 40 20 0 20 200 0 FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR HEAT TREATED IN FULL SIZE (6, FIG. 2) 0 300 OL T Fe-(0.43C)-1. 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V BAR 1650 F +1575 F, OQ + TEMPER, 2x3 HR 5 3/4 IN TEST BARS MIDWAY O 3 IN A1 IN 1 400 600 TEMPERING TEMP – F e (2 IN) MIDWAY TEST BARS FOR 3 AND 5 3/4 IN RA 500 IE CHARPY V 70 F F 3 4 2 AS QUENCHED SECTION DIA TU Fe -(0.43C)-1.8Ni-1.6Si-0.8Cr-0. 4Mo+V BAR 1650 F + 1575 F, OQ + 600 F, 2x3 HR FTY G FTU FTY RA e -50 F 700 IN 800 5 -100 F 6 FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF AS QUENCHED SECTION SIZE ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BAR (6, TBL. 2) Fe 0.43 C 1.8 Ni 1.6 Si 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo info DA> + V 300-M CODE 1217 PAGE CN 3 FeUH Fe 0.43 C 1.8 Ni 1.6 Si 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo + V 300-M CODE ISXXX KSI 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 1217 360 320 280 G 240 200 160 120 1 ∞ 60 400 0.700 1.000 Fe-(0.43C)-1.8Ni-1.6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V 0.063 IN SHEET 1700 F, 1/2 HR, FC TO 1600 F, 1/2 HR, OQ +TEMPER, 1 HR 0.40C R<0.001 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP F FIG. 3.0271 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET (11, p. 848) LT от K~17 600 NOTCH STRENGTH F Δ 0.045 TU Гу 5 FTU Fe-(0. 43C) 1. 8Ni-1. 65i-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V 0.063 IN SHEET 1700 F, 30 MIN, FC TO 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ + 500 F, 1 HR +60* 0.014 FERROUS ALLOYS L от 1200 L ΔΤ 7 0.700 1.000 r = VAR 3 .9 STRESS CONCENTRATION FACTOR K AIR MELT 0.44C CONS ELECTR VACUUM MELT 10. 44C NOTCH STRENGTH о 0.007 0.004 NOTCH RADIUS, r - IN 11 13 0.0027 0.0019 FIG. 3.0272 EFFECTS OF STRESS CONCENTRATION AND MELTING PRACTICE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET (13, p. 126) 320 280 240 200 160 KSI 120 80 40 0 NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO 0 1.8 1. 4 10 0.6 1. 4 1.0 0.6 Fe-(0.43C)-1. 8Ni-1.6 Si-0, 8Cr‑0, 4Mo+V 0.39C 41/4 IN BAR 1600 F, 1 HR, OQ+TEMPER 1 HR 607 0.002 FIG. 3.0311 B D = 0.300 IN 1 r = VAR REVISED: MARCH 1963 0.71 D L 5 T TEMPER TEMP 500 F, O 600 F, NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO Fe-(0. 43C)-1. 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V 1 IN BAR 1600 F, 4 HR, OQ + 600 F, 2 x 4 HR 0.40C 2 10,1 STRESS CONCENTRATION FACTOR ་ 2 0.500 IN 5 K-- FIG. 3.0273 EFFECTS OF STRESS CONCENTRATION SIZE OF TEST SPECIMEN AND TEST DIRECTION ON NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO OF BAR TESTED AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (10, p. 165) F TU 284 KSI 272 KSI 423 F TENSION 0.008 L Ra T 10 321 F -108F 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT LOW TEST TEMPERATURE (7, FIG. 15) 80 F 0.010 0.012 PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT 360 320 280 240 200 160 40 PERCENT FTY - KSI 160 120 80 40 20 '0. 38C, 3/4 IN, TEMPER 2 HR (6) 0.40C, 1 IN, TEMPER 2x4 HR (7) -400 -200 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (6, Fig. 9)(7, Fig. 8) HEATED TO TEST TEMP WITHIN 20 SEC HOLDING TIME 30 MIN OA 10 SEC STRAIN RATE 800 e Fe-(0.43C) -1. 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V BAR 1600 F, OQ + 600 F 900 0 TEMP - F O0.0030) IN PER IN A6 PER MIN e 200 Fe-(0.43C) -1. 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V 0.063 IN SHEET 1650 F, OQ + 600 F, 2x3 HR 1000 TEMP - F FTU FTY FTU FTY RA 400 1100 FERROUS ALLOYS 1200 600 200 160 120 80 40 KSI TU F FIG. 3.0313 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, HOLDING TIME AND STRAIN RATE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (1) FT LB 20 10 0 FT LB 20 16 12 8 4 -400 FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR WITH TWO DIFFERENT CARBON CONTENTS (1)(7, Fig. 23) ༣ ༠ 200 F 20 16 12 8 (1) 0.40C 0. 46C 0.40C, (7) 4 Fe-(0.43C)-1. 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V BAR 1600 F, OQ + 600 F, 2 TO 4 HR -300 -200 Fe-(0.43C)-1. 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cг-0. 4Mo+V BAR, FORGINGS 1600 TO 1650 F, OQ + 600 F os O 15 IN SQ ▲ 5 3/4 IN D -200 -100 TEMP - F IE CHARPY V 12 IN FORGING 1600 F, 4 HR, OQ + 500 F, 4 HR (6, p. 9) -100 0 MIDWAY TEST BARS (1) ▼ 4 1/4 IN SQ, TEST BARS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS, (6) 0 Δ IE CHARPY V AVL OAVT 100 TEMP - F 100 HEAT TREATED AS TUBE, 12 IN OD 9 IN ID L O' T AT THRU FLASH LINE 200 300 FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF HEAVY SECTIONS IN THE LON- GITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE DIRECTIONS (1)(6, Tbl. 4) CODE Fe 0.43 C 1.8 Ni 1.6 Si 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo + V 300-M 1217 PAGE 5 FeUH Fe 0.43 C 1.8 Ni 1.6 Si 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo + V 300-M CODE KSI 400 360 320 280 240 200 160 1217 KSI 400 320 240 160 Fe-(0.43C)-1, 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V + 1 IN BAR 1600 F, 4 HR, OQ +600 F, 2x4 HR 80 0.40C -400 NOTCH STRENGTH K~ 3 -400 -300 0.714 -200 TEMP F 0 r=VAR~ (0.063) OK=1 1600F (ARGON), 1 HR, OQ K = 12 + 500 F1 HR Fe-(0.43C)-1.8№i-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+ V 0.063 -0.083 IN SHEET tharoot Re 1.000 (13) 400 TEMP - F 0.500 FTU مین *60* -100 800 IN (0.083) (14) A K=11700F (SALT), 30MIN, AC ▲ K≈17 1600F (SALT), OQ + 600F, 2 X 2 HR 60 FERROUS ALLOYS FIG. 3.0332 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND STRESS CONCENTRATION ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET (13, p. 126) (14, p. 17) 0.505 r = 0.027 0 100 KSI L 400 300 200 100 0 Fe-(0.43C)-1,8 Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V 4 1/4 IN SQ BAR (0.39C) 1600 F, OQ + 550 F, 8 HR O SMOOTH NOTCHED, K K 3 in ∞ TENSION 10 5 8 TEST BARS FROM VARIOUS LOCATIONS FIG. 3.0331 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH FIG. 3.051 S-N CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR SPECIMENS STRENGTH OF BAR (7, Fig. 8) IN LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE DIRECTIONS (9, FIG. 6, 7) 102 L AXIAL LOAD A = ∞∞ R = 1 1000 KSI 103 104 NUMBER OF CYCLES REVISED: MARCH 1963 32 B 28 24 Τ O 105 -400 = FTU 283 KSI E STATIC 500 -200 TEMP F 400 J 300 Fe-(0.43C)-1. 8N1-1. 6S1-0. 8Cr -0.4Mo+V 200 1 IN BAR 1600 F, 4 HR, OQ + 600 F, 2x4 HR 0 100 0 106 KSI T FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT LOW TEMPERATURES (7, FIG. 8) PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 HR TIME 4 3 2 1 0 Fe-(0.43C)-1. 8Ni-1. 6Si-0. 8Cr-0. 4Mo+V NORMALIZING AND AUSTENITIZING TIME 0 AIR OR ATMOSPHERE SALT BATH 2 3 1 SECTION THICKNESS IN 4 FIG. 4.042 TIMES RECOMMENDED FOR NOR- MALIZING AND AUSTENITIZING (8, FIG. 1) - FERROUS ALLOYS 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 REFERENCES International Nickel Co., Inc., (1958) International Nickel Co., Inc., "300-M Ultra High Strength Steel, Bull. 10M 3-59 3722 A-258, (March 1959) Bendix Aviation Corp. (Products Div.), "Steel Low Alloy(Tricent), " Engineering Specification ES-0897, (June 5, 1958) Cameron Iron Works, Inc., "Transverse Tensile Property Summary of C/W Part 50445, "Technical Memorandum 100, (June 19, 1959) Matta, F. A., Ragland, F. J., Jr., Barrett, G. N., Jr., "Evaluation of Forgings of Inco and TM-2 Steels at High Strength Levels," WADC TR 54-587, (Dec. 1954) Sands, J. W., "300-M Ultra High Strength Steel, International Nickel Co., Inc., (Nov. 1958) ti 11 McGee, R. L., Campbell, J. E., Carlson, R. L., Manning, G. K., "The Mechanical Properties of Certain Aircraft Structural Metals at Very Low Temperatures, " WADC TR 58-386, (June 1958) Bendix Aviation Corp. (Products Div.), "Heat Treatment of Tricent Steel to 270,000-300, 000 PSI," Process Specification P. S. 6004, (Sept. 10, 1958) Muvdi, B. B., Sachs, G., Klier, E. P., "Design Properties of High Strength Steels in the Presence of Stress Concentrations," WADC TR 56-395, Pt. 2, (Aug. 1956) Muvdi, B. B., Klier, E. P., Sachs, G., "Design Properties of High Strength Steels in the Presence of Stress-Concentrations and Hydrogen Embrittlement, WADC TR 55-103, Supplement 1, (Jan. 1956) 11 Espey, G. B., Jones, M. H., Brown, W. F.Jr., "The Sharp Edge Notch Tensile Strength of Several High-Strength Steel Alloys, " Proc. ASTM, Vol. 59, (1959) ASTM, "Eng Quench Test for Hardenability of Steel," Data Sheet CR 6892. 1, (May 31, 1956) Sachs, G. and Sessler, J. G., "Effect of Stress Concentration on Tensile Strength of Titanium and Steel Alloy Sheet at Various Temperatures, "ASTM STP No. 287, (1960) 1 • " Srawly, J. E. and Reachem C. D. Crack Propagation Tests of Some High-Strength Sheet Steels," Naval Research Laboratory Rep. 5263, (Jan. 10, 1959) 0.43 C 1.8 Ni 1.6 Si 0.8 Cr 0.4 Mo + V CODE Fe 300-M 1217 PAGE 7 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.0511 Source 1. 0512 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur 1.052 Chromium Molybdenum Vanadium Iron 1.053 1. 054 GENERAL tu This steel is a development of the martensitic hot work die steel Type H-11 with the carbon content slightly increased to 0.40 percent. This composition permits heat treating the steel to strength values up to F = 280 to 300 ksi. It is used extensively in the form of sheet, bar and forgings at various strength levels in excess of Ftu = 200 ksi at room temperature. In addition, due to its high chromium content, this steel is of the secondary hardening type and requires tempering temperatures in excess of 900 F. Therefore, it is suitable for high strength applications at temperatures up to 1000 F when protected from corrosion and oxidation by appropriate surface treatments. The steel has good formability in the annealed condition, is readily welded and exhibits little distortion when heat treated. 1.055 Commercial Designations. 5 CRMOV Aircraft Steel (Modified AISI Type H-11 steel. 5Cr-Ultra High Strength Steel). 1.06 1.061 1. 062 Alternate Designations. Alcodie, Crucible 218 (Halcomb 218), Dynaflex, Eureka 1000-Welding Rod, Firedie, HWD 2, Magal, 822 Mil-Trol, Potomac A, Pressurdie 3-L, Unimach 1 (Thermold A), Vascojet 1000 (Mod Hot- form No 2). () Designate obselete names Specifications. For sheet, strip, bars, plate, forgings, forging stock and electrodes, see AMS 6437, 6485A and 6487, (1). Composition. Table 1. 04. Heat Treatment Anneal TABLE 1. 04 ada Min 0.38 0.20 0.80 1 1 FERROUS ALLOYS 4.75 1.20 0.40 AMS (1) Percent Balance Max 0.43 0.40 1.00 0.020 0.020 5.25 1. 40 0.60 Full anneal. 1500 to 1600 F, cool at 50 F per hr maximum to below 1000 F. Intermediate anneal. 1200 to 1350 F, 4 hr, air cool, to restore ductility of formed parts. Stress relief. 875 to 950 F, 2 to 4 hr, for finished parts after grinding, machining or straightening. Austenitize. Preheat at 1150 to 1600 F, 1/2 hr + 1800 to 1900 F, 1 hr per in thickness, air cool up to 10 in thickness, oil quench heavier sections. Double or triple temper at 950 to 1200 F, depending upon strength desired, 1 to 4 hr each time, cool to 150 F maximum each time. Because of the steep slope of the tempering curve, tempering temperatures should be held + within 10 F, but the second temper can be about 50 F lower or slightly higher than the first to obtain desired strength. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet and bar, Fig. 1.054. Interrupted quench in salt bath at 800 F, hold for 20 to 30 min, followed by air cool to below 150 F. This treatment may be used for parts with abrupt section changes. Hardenability End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. This steel is air hardening and hardens fully on air cooling in sections up to 10 in square. However, heavy sections require 10 to 15 degrees lower tempering temperature in order to assume the same hardness as light sections. 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.08 1.09 1.091 1.092 1.093 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2 022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 2.032 3. 3.01 3.011 3. 02 3.021 3. 0211 3.0212 3.022 3. 0221 3.0222 3.0223 3.0224 Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, wire, forgings, forging stock (up to 24 in sq or 17,000 lb) and extrusions. Bar, wire, forgings and extrusions are available in the annealed condition only. Sheet is available in various finishes. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt, induction vacuum and consumable electrode vacuum melts. Special Considerations Decarburization and oxidation of this alloy becomes a problem above approximately 1400 F. Close temperature control must be maintained during tempering. Care must be taken to avoid hydrogen embrittlement of finished parts heat treated to Ftu higher than 200 ksi. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes. Steel transforms on cooling from austen- ite to ferrite. Ac1 on heating, start 1505 F, end 1580 F. On cooling, start 1490 F, end 1445 F. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.11 Btu per (lb F). Distortion during heat treating is much less than that for low alloy steels. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.280 lb per cu in. 7.75 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity Magnetic properties. This steel is highly magnetic, but becomes nonmagnetic at temperatures above 1400 to 1500 F. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance General corrosion resistance of this steel is low and surface protection is required. Hydrogen embrittlement may occur after hydrogenating treatments of the high strength conditions. Certain surface treatments, such as acid or alkaline pickling, cathodic cleaning and phosphatizing are not permissible. Approved plating methods should be followed by baking at temperatures ranging from 375 F for 23 hr to 950 F for short times. Oxidation resistance at the upper end of the temperature range within which this steel can be used is low and surface protection is required. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties Consumers' design mechanical properties, Table 3.011. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3. 03 also. Hardness. See 3.0222 also. Effects of tempering temperature and multiple tempering on hardness of bar, Fig. 3. 0211. Relation between hardness and tensile properties, Fig. 3.0212. Tension properties Stress strain curves for bar tempered to various strength levels, Fig. 3. 0221. Typical tension and hardness values for annealed sheet and bar, Table 3.0222. Typical transverse tensile properties of bar, Table 3.0223. Typical transverse tensile properties of forgings, Table 3.0224. 0.4 C 5 Cr Fe 1.3 Mo 0.4 V 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL CODE 1218 PAGE - I FeUH Fe 0.4 C 5 Cr 1.3 Mo 0.4 V 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH CODE Source Alloy Form Condition Ftu, max min Fty, at RT at 1000 F after exposure max min STRENGTH|e(2 in), min-percent L STEEL T ST RA, min-percent Ε Fcy. min - ksi ksi Fsu, min F ksi bru' min 1218 Source Form Condition Thickness A - C (e/D=2.0) Fbry min ksi (e/D=2.0) Source Form Condition Melt Size ܝ 000 MARY 3. 0225 ksi ksi Ma ksi 100 ksi - Ftu Fty e, percent RA, percent Hardness, RB ksi -ksi Source Form Condition Size in x in No of specimens Ftu* min max RA* min max in - ksi - ksi Ann 125 Gang - } in x in 17 Specimen location* TABLE 3.011 North Am Republic Av Columbus (10) (2), (3) Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4Cr Sheet Bar Sheet Bar Heat Treated to Ftu Given Below 240 1 $ 8x8 16 200 210 6 5 IE, Charpy V-ft lb E, typ G. tvp 29,000 11.000 0.281 w, lb per cu in 100 hr exposure at 1000 F +10 hr at 1100 F, tested at RT 260 280 280 180 110 160 Sheet 1 89 to 93 1 242 156 440 TABLE 3.0222 (5) 346 0.046 to 0. 082 93. 5 to 105.5 55 to 67.5 21.5 to 26.5 Center (2)(3) • 220 230 4 10 TABLE 3, 0223 (4) Bar Ftu = 260 to 280 ksi 9x9 12x12 13x7 18x5 7 22 14 14 280 281 275 281 ksi 297 299 309 301 305 ksi 60 45 39 49 40 210 17.4 162 ksi 282 ksi 259 14.0 * Short T midway specimens 8x8, 12x12, 5x18 and 7x13 1 260 168 Ann 468 368 1 ↓ Midway 280 to 296 252 to 262 2.6 to 3.6 6. 1 to 145 FERROUS ALLOYS 1 Bar Ftu Fty -ksi T -ksi T e (4 D)-percent Τ RA -percent T 17 to 27 47 to 66 * Short T specimens, 4 to 8 at each location 93.5 51 34 65.5 97 1 155 7 7 1 200 120 160 170 28x8 8 261 291 14 6.0 Center 277 to 298 1 Air 10 7 5 30 1 1 1 · 10 6 1/2x6 1/2 Midway 280 to 298 3.023 Effect of tempering temperature on transverse tensile properties of bar and extrusions, Fig. 3.0224. Maximum temperatures for stability of mechanical properties for various exposure times, Fig. 3. 0225. B 3.024 3.0241 Source Form Condition ksi Ftu Fbry' F su Source Form FEL FF Alloy Thickness in -ksi bru (e/D=1, 5) L F Fsu/Ftu, Fcy Fcy/Ftu, avg 3.0242 3,025 3.026 3.0261 6. 5 to 17 6.5 to 19. 5 5 3.0262 (e/D=2.0) L 512 509 T -ksi (e/D=1, 5) L (e/D=2.0) L 3.0263 TABLE 3. 0224 3.03 3.031 3.0311 ސ Wh Compression properties. Typical compression yield strength, Table 3.023. - to 8.5 3.0312 - 3.0313 ksi ksi L T Forgings Ftu 260 to 280 ksi 12x12 Bearing and shear properties Typical bearing and shear properties, Table 3. 0241. 1 364 371 T -ksi L 170 T 171 avg 0.631 I 260 to 280 Vascojet 1000 Unimach l 0.063 0.063 0.078 TABLE 3, 023 (2) 6 to 9 REVISED: MARCH 1963 0.090 in Sheet 260 to 280 254 to 264 248 to 255 0.95 (5) TABLE 3.0241 (2) 477 338 378 Sheet 316 166.5 170 169 171 0.635 0.642 6x6 280 to 300 273 to 275 263 to 269 0.96 280 to 300 Vascojet 1000 0.063 0.063 1 547 525 529 Unimach 1 0.078 388 380 392 178 184 183 186 0.634 | 0.635 = 220 ksi Shear strength of bolts heat treated to Ftu minimum is not affected by 100 hr exposure at 900 F. Impact strength. Effect of tempering temperature on impact strength, Fig. 3.025. Notch strength Effect of tempering temperature on notch strength of sharply notched sheet, Fig. 3. 0261. Effect of stress concentration on notch strength of heat treated sheet, Fig. 3.0262 Effect of multiple tempering on notch strength of mildly notched bar, Fig. 3. 0263. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves at room and elevated temperatures of material heat treated to F = 260 ksi, Fig. 3.0311. tu Cons electrode vacuum 432 Center Midway Center Midway Center Midway 270 to 285 281 to 289 284 to 287 |2855 to 291 286 to 293 291 to 295 11.5to21.5 18.5 to 30 8 to 20 200 12x12 369 1 186 187.5 0.635 14 to 235 Stress strain curves at room and elevated temperatures for sheet heat treated to F. =280 ksi. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet heat treated to F = 260 and 280 ksi minimum, Fig. 3.0313 tu tu PAGE 2 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 3.0314 3. 0315 3.0316 3. 032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.0325 3.033 3. 0331 3. 0332 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.05 3.051 RT RT 900 RT(a) Source Form Condition Temp F RT 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar heat treated to Ftu 260 to 290 ksi, Fig. 3.0314. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bolts heat treated to Ftu 220 ksi minimum, Fig. 3.0315. Effects of test temperature, holding time and strain rate on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0316. Short time properties other than tension Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0321. Source Form Condition Temp Source Method Stress F Ratio AR 3.064 Effect of test temperature on shear strength of heat treated bolts, Fig. 3. 0322. Effect of test temperature on impact strength of bar at various hardness levels, Fig. 3.0323. Effect of test temperature on impact strength of alloy heat treated to 51 RC, Fig. 3.0324. Effect of test temperature and carbon content on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3. 0325. Static stress concentration effects Effect of test temperature on tensile strength of precracked heat treated sheet, Fig. 3. 0331. Effect of test temperature on notch strength of heat treated sheet, Fig. 3. 0332. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for alloy at various strength levels at 700 to 1000 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves at 800 to 1000 F for sheet heat treated to Ftu 190 ksi, Fig. 3.042. Short time creep and creep rupture curves at 1000 and 1200 F for sheet heat treated to Ftu = 290 ksi, Fig. 3.043. (7) (6) (10) (6) (6) Fatigue Properties Fatigue properties of bar and bolts, Table 3.051. TABLE 3.051 Dia in = (b) 3/8 = = 1/2 3/8 Rot bend (6), (7), (10) Bar Heat Treated to Ftu = 260 ksi Stress Concen- tration Smooth K = 1 8. FERROUS ALLOYS -1 Direct 0.82 0.1 stress (8) Threaded Bolts Heat Treated to Ftu Method Stress Stress Ratio Concen- A Rtration Direct 0.82 | 0.1 stress Fatigue Strength-ksi 900 RT (a) 3/8 (a) Tested at RT after exposure at 900 F, 100 hr (b) Bolt types: 3/8in, 24 EWB; 1/2in, 20 EWB 3.052 at Cycles 105 106 107 108 155 135 130 130 155 135 130 130 173 150 140 95 82 80 100 60 53 = 260 ksi Fatigue Strength-ksi at Cycles 105 106 107 108 112 84 80 118 94 90 91 81 80 95 60 55 S-N curves for heat treated bar, Fig. 3.052. 1 I 1 1 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of elasticity for alloy heat treated to various hardness levels, Fig. 3.052. Tangent modulus curves at room and elevated temperatures for bar heat treated to F. = 260 ksi, Fig. 3.063. tu Poisson's ratio. 0.281. 4. 4. 01 4.011 4. 012 4. 013 4. 014 4. 015 4.02 4.021 4.022 4. 023 4.03 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.043 4.05 4. 051 4. 052 FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. This alloy, in the fully annealed condition, can be readily formed by all common methods. Bending. Sheet with thickness less than 0.090 inch has a room temperature production bend factor of 2 in the annealed condition and 6 when heat treated to Ftu = = 260 to 280 ksi. Straightening can be performed either during cooling from austenitizing or during heating for tempering. Forging. Starting temperature 2000 F maximum, finishing temperature 1700 F minimum. Heating above 2200 F causes excessive scaling and induces grain growth. Recommended forging procedures include pre- heating at 1400 F, forging at 2150 F, cooling under an insulating medium or furnace cooling to 300 F maximum. Casting. The use of this alloy for casting purposes is under development. Machining General. Rough machining is generally performed on material in the fully annealed condition in much the same manner as on any 0.4 percent carbon low alloy steel. Practically no dimensional changes occur on final heat treatment when finish machining is performed on material having an intermediate heat treatment at 1700 F, air cool + temper at 1200 F. Drilling and broaching may be performed on material heat treated to 50 to 55 RC. Grinding of parts heat treated to F is very critical tu = 260 ksi or above Welding. Fusion welding is generally accomplished with inert gas shielding or coated electrodes. Since this steel is air hardening, it requires preheating to 600 to 1200 F. The welded part is usually allowed to air cool to about 600 F and then immediately stress relieved at 1250 to 1400 F in order to minimize dimensional changes and to allow straightening and sizing without cracking. Weld efficiencies of nearly 100 percent are obtained in welded specimens after heat treatment to all strength levels. However, maximum strength in welded tanks is obtained at an intermediable temper. Effect of tempering temperature on strength of welded sheet and pressure vessels, Fig. 4. 03. Heating and Heat Treating Furnace atmosphere for solution treating and annealing should be controlled, inert gas or vacuum to prevent decarburizing and scaling. Salt baths are also suitable. For less stringent requirements regarding surface condition an endothermic atmosphere with a dew point of 45 to 50 F with spray coatings as additional protection can be used. Bar may also be packed in spent pitch coke. Copper and other metallic coatings should not be used as they lead to embrittlement. Discoloration on air cooling may be prevented by cooling within a protective atmosphere or using interrupted salt bath quenching. Preheating at 1200 to 1500 F is recommended for heat treating this steel. Surface Treating tu Cleaning of material heat treated to F below 200 ksi. However, conditions having higher strength should be cleaned by mechanical methods or by anodic pickling. Acid or alkaline pickling and cathodic cleaning are not permissible. Corrosion and oxidation resistance of this steel is obtained by a variety of surface coatings. One preferred method is plating with nickel cadmium (AMS 2416). Aluminizing, chromizing, vapor deposition of metal coatings and silicone paints are also successfully used in production. Special plating methods are used for the high strength conditions, usually followed by baking at 375 F minimum, for 23 hr. 0.4 C 5 Cr Fe 1.3 Mo 0.4 V 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL CODE 1218 PAGE 3 FeUH % 0.4 C Fe 5 Cr 1.3 Mo 0.4 V 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL CODE 4.053 FTY - KSI PERCENT ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 240 1218 200 160 120 40 20 0 FIG. 1. 054 70 60 50 Chemical milling may be accomplished in either the annealed or heat treated conditions. Baking of heat treated parts after chemical milling is recommended. The mechanical properties of sheet heat treated to = 280 ksi minimum and milled from 0. 200 to 0. 100 in thickness were found to be unchanged. tu F 0 LIA 900 0.040 IN SHEET (6) 0.063 IN 0. 100 INJ O BAR (7) Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V SHEET, BAR 1800 TO 1850 F, AC + TEMPER 2x(2 TO 3) HR ரிவீர் Lo 1000 FTU SHEET (11)(15) 1100 HT QUENCHED FROM TEMP INDICATED RA e 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS LIITITO LIIT -1850 F EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET AND BAR (6) (7) (11) (15) 1300 1800 F 320 1900 F 280 240 200 Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V 160 120 KSI 40 10 20 30 50 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END - SIXTEENTH IN FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY TU F (7) 60 10-6 IN PER IN PER F BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 8 7 ❤ 18 17 16 0 0 FIG. 2. 013 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE FIG. 2.014 60 56 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1, 3Mo-0. 4V 52 48 44 950 200 ANN HARDENED (9) 200 FIG. 3.0211 975 400 RC 400 (5) REVISED: MARCH 1963 TEMP F THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1, 3Mo-0.4V 1000 600 - 600 TEMP - F THERMAL EXPANSION 800 800 SECOND 1025 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION TEMPER 1000 Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1, 3Mo-0, 4V 7/8 IN BAR 1875 F, 5 MIN, AC +TEMPER 1 TO 3 HR 1050 TEMPERING TEMP - F FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED, 1000 THIRD 1200 (9) 1075 1200 EFFECTS OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND MULTIPLE TEMPERING ON HARDNESS OF BAR (5) (5) (9) FIRST 1100 PAGE 4 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 300 ISXI 250 200 150 100 200 300 200 100 0 FIG. 3.0212 RELATION BETWEEN HARDNESS AND TENSILE PROPERTIES (7) Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0.4V 900 F 300 400 500 BRINELL HARDNESS NUMBER 950 F 0.05 FTU FTY STRAIN Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V BAR 1000 F 1050 F 1100 F 0.10 IN PER IN 1200 F 1300 F TEMPERING TEMP 0.15 TENSION RT FERROUS ALLOYS FIG. 3.0221 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR BAR TEMPERED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS 600 0.20 (7) K SI PERCENT 320 280 240 200 40 20 0 20 0 1000 FTY T. 6 IN BAR, TEMPER 2xì HR T】 10 IN OD, 11/2 IN WALL OLJEXTRUSION, TEMPER 2x2 1/2 HR FTU - F TEMP 1200 1100 AND EXTRUSION 1000 FIG. 3.0224 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TRANSVERSE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (14) 900 800 1 1025 1050 TEMPERING TEMP 1150 е 1100 Fé-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-b. 5V 1625 F, AC + 1800 TO 1850 F, AC + TEMPER 1050 1000 TEMPERING TEMP'- F RA FIG. 3.0225 STABILITY 1 100 - 1075 F Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0, 4V TEMPER, 3 x2 HR 1000 F TU 1100 - - KSI 175 220 260 290 10,000 HR EXPOSURE TIME MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES FOR STABILITY OF MECHANICAL PRO- PERTIES FOR VARIOUS EXPOSURE TIMES (4) CODE Fe 0.4 C 5 Cr 1.3 Mo 0.4 V 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL 1218 PAGE 5 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 5 ن Cr 1.3 Mo 0.4 V CODE 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL FT LB Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0.4V 60 1850 F, 1/2 HR, AC +TEMPER 2x2 1/2 HR 40 20 KSI 0 FIG. 3.025 0 1218 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 900 200 *60 IE CHARPY V 400 950 600 TEMPERING TEMP F 0.700 1,000 800 ´r <0,001 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH F - TU 1000 1050 TEMPERING TEMP F FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V 0. 063 IN SHEET 1850 F, 1/2 HR, AC + TEMPER 3x1 HR 1100 1200 L NOTCH Į T (4) 1150 STRENGTH FIG. 3.0261 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHARPLY NOTCHED SHEET (11) 1200 KSI 400 320 240 PERCENT 160 80 0 8 FIG. 3.0262 440 400 360 320 280 240 40 (13) 0 (11) REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0.4V 0.040 TO 0.063 IN SHEET 1850 F(ARGON), 30 MIN, AC. +1000 F, 3 x 1 HR S BAR 5 9 17 STRESS CONCENTRATION FACTOR -|K 0.025 0.005 0.001 0.700 1.000 60% Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1, 3Mo¬0, 4V 1/2 IN BAR 1850 F, 1/2 HR, AC + ○ NEUTRAPAK} ▲ VACUUM r - IN EFFECT OF STRESS CONCENTRATION ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF HEAT TREATED SHEET (11)(13, p. 126) 0.250 13 FTU FTY RA r = VAR +10101 F PAK AUSTENITIZED e (4 D) 0.002 NOTCH STRENGTH K=3.5 Rooy 60 HR 10.,177 业 ​1 3 4 2 NO OF TEMPERS (3 HR EACH) r=0.006 FIG. 3.0263 EFFECT OF MULTIPLE TEMPERING ON NOTCH STRENGTH AND TENSILE PROPERTIES OF MILDLY NOTCHED (16) PAGE 6 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI KSI 240 PERCENT 200 160 120 80 40 0 280 240 200 160 240 200 0 160 10 0.002 0 от +} FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES OF MATERIAL HEAT TREATED TO F. = 260 KSI TU 500, 650 F 800 F FTU = 280 TO 300 KSI FTU 260 TO 280 KSI L 0.078 IN 200 Fe-(0.40C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V 50 RC (FTU 300 F 0.062 IN FTY e 0.004 0.006 STRAIN, IN PER IN = 400 TEMP F 260 KSI) RT 900 F Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V SHEET 1150 F, 1/2 HR + 1850 F, 1/2 HR, AC + TEMPER 2x3 HR FTU 600 1000 F 1100 F 1200 F TENSION 0.008 800 FERROUS ALLOYS FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET HEAT TREATED TO FTU = 260 AND 280 KSI (2) (3) MINIMUM 0.010 (7) FTY - KSI PERCENT 280 240 200 160 120 60 40 20 0 0 (17) ◇ (7) ▼ 5/8 IN (2) 7/8 IN (5) 200 & 400 FTY RA e Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V BAR 600 TEMP - F + O 51 RC V 54 RC 55 RC 56 RC 800 FTU 1000 320 280 240 200 160 120 1200 KSI - FTU FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR HEAT TREATED TO FTU = 260 TO 290 KSI (2) (5) (7) (17) CODE Fe 0.4 C 5 Cr Mo 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL 1.3 0.4 V 1218 PAGE 7 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 5 Cr 1.3 Mo 0.4 V 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL KSI PERCENT - KSI PERCENT 240 200 FTY, CODE 1218 160 200 160 120 40 200 160 120 80 0 40 10 O TEST SPECIMENS 1/2 - 20 EWB 3/8 - 24 EWB Oba O 200 FTU FTY HOLDING TIME 10 SEC ▲ 30 MIN FIG. 3.0315 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BOLTS HEAT TREATED TO = 220 KSI MINIMUM FTU *00 Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V BOLTS FTU = 220 KSI MIÑ 900 BOLTS e FTY RA e 400 TEMP — F FTU STRAIN RATE ▲ 0.0003 IN PER IN OA6 PER MIN HEATED TO TEMP WITHIN 20 SEC 9- 600 1000 TEMP F FERROUS ALLOYS 00 Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. 3M0-0. 4V 0.063 IN SHEET 1850 F, AC + 1000 F, 2x3 HR 1100 1000 1200 (8) 200 160 120 80 FIG. 3.0316 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, HOLDING TIME AND STRAIN RATE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (18) KSI Bed FTU KSI 280 240 200 160 KSI 160 140 120 100 0 FT LB 0 80 60 FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET (5) 40 L T 20 0 200 FIG. 3.0323 3/$ - 24 EWB 1/2 - 20 EWB 200 IE CHARPY V REVISED MARCH 1963 Fe-(0.4)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V 0.033 IN SHEET 1900 F, 30 SEC AC + 1025 F, 2x2 HR 200 FCY 400 TEMP INNO F FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF HEAT TREATED BOLTS (8) 600 F SU Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V BOLTS F = 220 KSI MIN TU 400 600 TEMP F 800 800 34 RC 37 RC Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V BAR 44 RC 1000 48 RC 1000 600 400 TEST TEMP F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IM- PACT STRENGTH OF BAR AT VARIOUS HARDNESS LEVELS 800 1000 (6) PAGE 8 FeUH REVISED: MARCH 1963 FT LB FT LB 60 1850 TO 1875 F, AC 40 20 0 FIG. 3.0324 320 60 160 40 280 120 20 240 80 -400 200 Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1.3Mo-0.4V FIG. 3.0325 0 +1060 F. 2x2 1/2 HR (9) 1 (5) +1025 F, 2x FTU 0.20 0 Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1, 3Mo-0.4V BAR = 260 TO 280 KSI EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF ALLOY HEAT TREATED TO 51 RC (5) (9) 300 F -200 RT 400 TEMP F FTU NOTCH STRENGTH 【NET FRACTURE STRENGTH) 0 < 0.30 800 IE CHARPY V CARBON CONTENT PERCENT EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND CARBON CONTENT ON IM- PACT STRENGTH OF BAR -100 F -320 F 0.40 1200 0.50 (7) Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-i. 3Mo-0. 4V 200 400 TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS SHEET 1850 F (SALT), 1/2 HR, AC + TEMPER 2x2 1/2 HR 0.50 L.0.25 APPROX CENTER CRACK O0.090 IN, TEMPER 1060 F 0.043 IN 0.063 IN TEMPER 1000 F 0.100 IN 600 800 FIG. 3.0331 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE STRENGTH OF PRECRACKED HEAT TREATED SHEET (12) 300 200 150 250 200 150 100 250 200 150 100 80 100 80 60 40 KSI 400 320 240 160 80 0 0.1 FIG. 3.0332 700 F 800 F 900 F -400 800 F 950 F 800 F 1000 F 900 F RUPTURE 1 0 Fe-(0.4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0.4V 0.040 IN SHEET 1850 F(ARGON) 30 MIN, AC +1000, F, 3 x 1 HR 1000 F 800 F 900 F OK = 1 K = 6 K = 8 K = 12 TEMP C 400 F 10 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF HEAT TREATED SHEET (13) Fe-(0.40C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V FTU 0.700 1,000 FTU FTU = 290 KSI F 60. = Cr= VAR 800 TU 260 KSI = 220 KSI 100 = 175 KSI 1000 TIME HR FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR ALLOY AT VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS AT 700 TO 1000 F (6) CODE Fe 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL 0.4 C 5 Cr 1.3 Mo 0.4 V 1218 PAGE 9 FeUH Fe 0.4 C 5 Cr 1.3 Mo 0.4 V 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL CODE KSI KSI 200 100 80 60 1218 200 100 80 60 220 200 180 160 140 0. J. FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 800 TO 1000 F FOR = 190 KSI SHEET HEAT TREATED TO FTU (6) 120 100 1000 F 900 F 0.001 104 1000 F 1200 F - 1 FIG. 3.043 SHORT TIME CREEP AND CREEP Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-i. 3M0-0. 4V 0.040 IN SHEET FTU = 190 KSI 800 F TIME RUPTURE 1% CREEP 0.5 % CREEP 10 HR Fe--(0.4C)-5Cr'-1. 3Mo-0. 4V 0.040 IN SHEET FTU = 290 KSI 0.01 TIME HR MINIMUM- H DIRECT STRESS 0. 1 100 RUPTURE CURVES AT 1000 AND 1200 F FOR SHEET HEAT TREATED TO FTU = 290 KSI FTU HEAT TREATED IN 1xl AND 2x2 SECTIONS AVERAGE 1 ASCOFET VASCOJET 1000, 6x6 IN, 253' KSI CRUCIBLE 218, 2x2 IN, 250 KSI UNIMACH 1, 2x2 IN, 250 KSI Fe-(0. 4C)--5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4v BAR = 235 TO 261 KSI 260 KSI HWD NO 2. i 1/4 x 1 1/4 IN 250 KSI 235 KSI 106 105 NUMBER OF CYCLES FERROUS ALLOYS (18) FIG. 3.052 S-N CURVES FOR HEAT TREATED BAR Lin 1000 107 (10) 1000 KSI 1000 KSI 36 32 32 28 28 24 20 16 0 30 (7) 7/8 IN BAR, 55 RC (5) 200 400 REVISED: MARCH 1963 E STATIC Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (5) (7) E 800 35 40 45 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 1000 Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-b. 4V HEAT TREATED 50 1200 55 60 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY FOR ALLOY HEAT TREATED TO VARIOUS HARDNESS LEVELS (7) PAGE 10 FeUH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI KSI PERCENT 240 200 160 120 80 40 320 280 10 0 240 200 160 120 5 300 F 800F 900 F 10 FTY 950 RT £500 F 1000 F 1100 F 1200 F 650 F 15 FTU Fe-(0.40C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V, BAR FTU = 260 KSI 20 FIG. 3.063 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR BAR HEAT TREATED TO FTU = 260 KSI e (2 IN) 1000 25 1000 KSI HOOP STRESS OF WELDED VESSEL Fe-(0. 4C)-5Cr-1. 3Mo-0. 4V 1850 F, 1/2 HR, AC + TEMPER 3 x 2 HR Olo. 024 IN (PARENT METAL A SHEET BUTT WELDED 1050 TEMPERING TEMP FERROUS ALLOYS TEST SPECIMENS WELDED VESSELS +1325 F, 2HR 12 IN 30 1100 F Kat (9) 1150 J DIN 7 IN T MANUAL WELDS INERT GAS SHIELDED TUNGSTEN ARC METHOD 1200 FIG. 4,03 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON STRENGTH OF WELDED SHEET AND PRESSURE VESSELS (19) 1 2 3 4 5 Сл 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 REFERENCES AMS-6437, (Nov. 1, 1959) AMS-6486A, (June 30, 1962) AMS-6487, (June 30, 1962) North American Aviation, Inc., Columbus Div., "Thermold A, Thermold J, and Vascojet 1000 Steel Sheet Evaluation," Rep. No. NA 58 H-302, (July 22, 1958) North American Aviation, Inc., Columbus Div., "Thermold J and Vascojet 1000 Bar and Billet Evaluation, " Rep. No. NA 58 H-416, (Oct. 9, 1958) Vanadium Alloys Steel Co., "Inspection Results on Vascojet 1000 Billets for North American Aviation, " Data Sheet, (Sept. 1959) " Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "AISI H-11 or Potomac A, Data Sheet, (Sept. 1959) Crucible Steel Co. of America, "Crucible 218, Type High Temperature Steel, " (May 1958) Vanadium Alloys Steel Co., "Vascojet 1000 for Ultra High Strength Structural Requirements," (1959) Baumgartner, T., Standard Pressing Steel Co., Rep. No. 86, (May 1957) Martensitic Vanadium Alloys Steel Co., "Mechanical and Physical Proper- ties of Vascojet 1000," Data Sheet, (Nov. 4, 1958) Boder, N. and Simkovich, E. A., "Tension-Tension Fatigue Properties of 5 Cr-Mo-V Steel Bar Heat-Treated to the 220-270 ksi Ultimate Tensile Strength Range," Republic Aviation Corp., ERMR 3875G, (May 19, 1958) Espey, G. B., Jones, M. H. and Brown, W. F., Jr., "The Sharp Edge Notch Tensile Strengths of Several High-Strength Steel Sheet Alloys," Proceedings of the ASTM, Vol. 59, (1959) Srawley, J. E. and Beachem, C. D., "Crack Propagation Tests of Some High Strength Sheet Steels," NRL Rep. 5263, (Jan. 10, 1959) Sachs, G. and Sessler, J. G., "Effect of Stress Concentration on Tensile Strength of Titanium and Steel Alloy Sheet at Various Temperatures, Amer. Soc. for Testing Material, STP No. 287, (1960) Cameron Iron Works, Inc., Houston, Texas, "Report on Evaluation of the Forgeability and Mechanical Properties of Vasco-Jet 1000 Alloy, " Project ZAX-14, ZCLR-154 (1958) Shannon, J. L., Jr., Espey, G. B., Repko, A. J. and Brown, W. F., Jr., "Effect of Carbon Content and Melting Practice on Room Temperature Sharp Edge Notch Tensile Characteristics of H-11 Modified and 300 M Sheet Steels," Proceedings of the ASTM, Vol. 60, (1960) AiResearch, (1958) Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., (1958) International Nickel Co., (1958) Baloga, M., "Effect of Heat Treatment Variations on the Bursting Strength of Thin Walled Pressure Vessels Fabricated from Vascojet 1000 Steel," Martin Co., Rep. No. ER-10121-5, (Sept. 1958) CODE 0.4 5 Fe C Cr Mo 1.3 0.4 V 5 Cr ULTRA HIGH STRENGTH STEEL 1218 PAGE || FeUH 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.0511 1.0512 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.06 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.07 1.071 1.08 1.081 1.09 1.091 1.092 1.093 GENERAL This medium alloy, secondary hardening steel achieves tensile strengths up to 350 ksi with corresponding yield strengths of 290 ksi by multiple tempering at 975 to 1025 F. Due to its high tempering temperature, it maintains stable properties up to 1000 F. The steel has good formability in the annealed condition and can be welded and heat treated with minimum distortion. Commercial Designation. Vascojet M-A Ultra High Strength Steel. Alternate Designations. Matrix 2 Steel, Vasco Y-2 (obsolete). Specifications. None. FERROUS ALLOYS Composition. Alloy contains 0.55C plus 12 percent alloying elements (Cr-Mo-W, V). Specific chemical composition available on request from producer. Heat Treatment, (1). Anneal. Full anneal. 1600 F to 1650 F, cool at 50 F per hour .maximum to below 1000 F. Intermediate anneal. 1200 F to 1300 F, 1 to 4 hours, air cool, to restore ductility to machined or formed parts. Stress relief, 875 to 950 F, 2 to 4 hours, for finished heat treated parts after grinding, machining or straightening. Austenitize. Preheat at 1350 to 1650 F, 30 minutes, plus 2025 to 2050 F in molten salt or protective atmosphere, hold 5 to 10 minutes at temperature. Quench in molten salt (750 to 1150 F) or air cool in moderate sections; oil quench heavier sections, see also 1.09. Double or triple temper at 975 to 1200 F, depending upon strength desired, 1 to 4 hours each temper, cool to 150 F maximum each temper. Tempering tempera- tures should be held within ± 10 F, but the second temper can be 50 F lower or slightly higher than the first to obtain desired strength. For effect of temper- ing temperature on tensile properties of bar, see Figs. 3.0213 and 3.0214. Hardness. End quench hardenability, Fig. 1.061. This steel hardens fully in large sections. However, heavy sections may require 10 to 15 F lower tempering temperature to acquire the same hardness as light sections. Effect of tempering temperature and multiple tempering on hardness of bar, Fig. 1.063. Forms and Conditions Available. Alloy is available in the commercial range of sizes for bar, wire, forgings, forging stock (up to 16 in square or 7500 lbs), and sheet. Normally furnished in the annealed condition. Various finishes are available including hot rolled, cold drawn, turned or ground. Melting and Casting Practice. Melting. Consumable electrode vacuum melts; recom - mended for high strength levels. Electric furnace air melts; available for less critically stressed applica- tions, (1). Special Considerations. Neutral salt or protective atmosphere must be used to prevent decarburization or oxidation above 1400 F, (1). Close temperature control must be maintained during tempering, see also 1.054, (1). At strength levels above F 200 ksi, care must be tu 1.094 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.024 2.025 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.033 2.034 2.04 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form taken to avoid hydrogen embrittlement, stress corro- sion, grinding damage and similar embrittling influences, (1). - Alloy can be baked at 875 F to 950 F, after plating, grinding or similar stress or hydrogen inducing opera- tion, provided that the plating material can withstand the temperature, (1). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties. Melting range. Phase changes. Transforms on slow cooling from aus- tenite to spheroidite: A1 1380 to 1430 F Al A3 1530 to 1610 F, approx. Mg 430 F, (1). Time-temperature-transformation curve, Fig. 2.0121. Thermal conductivity. Thermal expansion. Specific heat. Thermal diffusivity. Other Physical Properties. Density. 0.285 lb per cubic inch, 7.92 gr per cubic centimeters, (1). Electrical properties. Magnetic properties. Alloy is highly magnetic but becomes nonmagnetic at temperatures above 1400 to 1500 F. Emissivity. Damping capacity. Logarithmic decrement 1.3 x 10"4, (1). Chemical Properties, (1). General. The general corrosion resistance is low and surface protection is required. Corrosion by gases. Hydrogen embrittlement may occur after hydrogenating treatments at the high strength conditions. Approved plating methods should be followed by baking at temperatures from 375 F, for 23 hours (for low heat resistant plating) to 950 F, for heat resistant plating. Oxidation. Slight oxidation resulting in a tight scale occurs at the upper end of the operating temperature range. Protective measures. For room temperature applica- tions, paint, plating, vapor deposition and other coat- ings may be used. At elevated temperatures, aluminum silicone paint, nickel-cadmium diffusion plating (ASM 2416), nickel-zinc plate (ASM 2417) may be used. Nuclear Properties. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Condition Size in dia Ftu, min Fty, min 95 48 e(2 in)min-percent 25 RA, min - percent 55 Hardness, Specified Mechanical Properties. None. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. Tension. Typical tensile properties. Table 3.021. TABLE 3.021 (1) Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V (a) -ksi -ksi Ann Bar 89-93 HT to Ftu as shown 250 300 320 340 350 360 215 265 275 280 290 290 7 6 6 5 5 5 20 20 20 20 20 15 RB RC 50 56 57 58 (a) Consumable vacuum melted. 60 61 Base Fabr Material Belts 0.113 325 285 (2) - - HT 7.4 31 1/4 316 260 1 • Fe 0.5 C CODE Cr Mo W > Vasco MA 1219 << PAGE < FeUH Fe 0.5 C CODE Cr Mo W V Vasco MA 3.0211 3.0212 3.0213 3.0214 3.0215 3.022 3.0221 3.023 3.0231 3.024 3.025 3.0251 3.026 3.027 3.0271 3.0272 3.028 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.0313 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.0331 3.034 3.035 3.036 3.037 3.0371 3.0372 3.038 3.04 3.05 3.051 3.052 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 3.064 3.065 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.013 1219 Stress strain curves for bar tempered to various strength levels, Fig. 3.0211. True stress-true strain curves for bar tempered to various strength levels, Fig. 3.0212. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar austenitized at 2050 F, Fig. 3.0213. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar austenitized at 2025 F, Fig. 3.0214. Relation between tensile properties and hardness, Fig. 3.0215. Compression. Stress-strain diagrams. Impact. Effect of tempering temperature on Charpy V notch impact strength, Fig. 3.0231. Bending. Torsion and shear. Double shear strength of heat treated bolts 1/4-28 NF bolt, 204 ksi, 1/2-20 NF bolt, 191 ksi, = 316 ksi, (2). F tu Bearing. Stress concentration. Notch properties. FERROUS ALLOYS Fracture toughness. Combined properties. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures. Tension. Stress-strain curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for 320 ksi tensile strength level, Fig. 3.0311. Stress-strain curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for 350 ksi tensile strength level, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of room and elevated temperature on tensile strength of bar at 350 ksi tensile strength level, Fig. 3.0313. Compression. Stress-strain diagrams. Impact. Effect of room and elevated temperature on Charpy V notch impact strength, Fig. 3.0331. Bending. Torsion and shear. Bearing. Stress concentration. Notch properties. Fracture toughness. Combined properties. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties. Fatigue Properties. S-N curve for heat treated bar, Fig. 3.051. S-N curves for heat treated bolt and nut assemblies, Fig. 3.052. Elastic Properties. Poisson's ratio. 0.266. Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Modulus of rigidity. Tangent modulus curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for heat treated bar, Fig. 3.064. Secant modulus curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for heat treated bar, Fig. 3.065. FABRICATION Formability, (1). General. This alloy, in the fully annealed condition, can be formed by all common methods. Forging. Starting temperature 1950 F maximum, finishing temperature 1650 F minimum. Recommended forging practice includes preheating at 1300 F, forging at 1925 F, and continuous cooling in furnace to 300 F maximum. Straightening can be performed either during cooling from austenitizing or during heating for tempering. 4 02 4.021 4.022 4.03 4.031 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.043 4.05 4.051 4.052 ROCKWELL HARDNESS с SCALE Machining and Grinding, (1). General. Rough machining is generally performed on the alloy in the fully annealed condition. Grinding of heat treated parts must be conducted with care, using etchants to check for damage. Stress relief tempers should be employed whenever possible. Welding, (1). General. Fusion welding may be accomplished with inert gas shielding or coated electrodes. Since this steel is air hardening, preheating to 500 to 1000 F is recommended. The welded part is usually cooled slowly to 200 F, followed by immediate tempering to 1250 to 1400 F for softening to permit final straighten- ing and sizing without cracking. Heat Treatment, (1). Furnace atmosphere for annealing and austenitizing should be controlled, inert gas or vacuum to prevent decarburization and scaling. Salt baths are recommend- ed for austenitizing and quenching. Neutral packing compounds may also be used. Protective surface coatings may be employed to minimize surface chemistry changes during heat treatment. Removal of high temperature salt or discoloration on air cooling may be prevented by using a salt quench bath or cooling within a protective atmosphere. Preheating at 1350 F to 1650 F is recommended. Surface Treatment, (1). High strength parts should be cleaned by mechanical methods. Pickling or cathodic cleaning are not permissible. Corrosion and oxidation protection are provided by a variety of surface coatings, see 2.034. 710 60 50 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V 2000 F 2025 F 2050 F J 10 20 30 40 50 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END - SIXTEENTH IN (1, p. 5) 0 QUENCHED FROM TEMP INDICATED FIG. 1.061 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY PAGE 2 FeUH ROCKWELL HARDNESS C - SCALE - F 64 TEMP 60 56 52 48900 1600 1200 TEMPER 800 400 ● SINGLE DOUBLE TRIPLE 950 FIG. 1.063 EFFECTS OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND MULTIPLE TEMPERING ON HARDNESS OF BAR (1, p. 7) 0 0.01 1000 1050 TEMPERING TEMP - F Ms M 0.1 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V 7/8 IN CVM BAR 2050F, 5 MIN, 1050F, SALT Q, AC + 2 HR TEMPER 5% 50% 5% 1100 FERROUS ALLOYS M 1 TIME HR 50% 1150 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V 10 90% FIG. 2.0121 TIME-TEMPERATURE-TRANSFORMATION CURVE 100 (1, p. 5) 480 400 320 240 160 80 0 KSI 0 480 400 320 240 160 80 0 0 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V CVM BAR FIG. 3.0211 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR BAR TEMPERED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (1, p. 12) FIG. 3.0212 TEMPERING TEMP - 975 F 975 F 0.20 TRUE STRAIN 1000 F 1025 F 1050 F 1075 F 0.040 0.080 0.120 STRAIN IN PER IN 1100 F 1150 F G 1200 F 1300 F Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V CVM BAR 1000 F 1025 F 1050 F 1075 F 1100 F 1150 F 1200 F 1300 F 0.160 0.40 IN PER IN 0.60 TRUE STRESS-TRUE STRAIN CURVES FOR BAR TEMPERED TO VARIOUS STRENGTH LEVELS (1, p. 12) Fe 0.5 C CODE Cr Mo W V Vasco MA 1219 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe 0.5 C Cr Mo W V CODE Vasco MA 240 PERCENT 480 400 1219 320 160 80 0 40 0 O 950 O TRUE FRACTURE STRESS F FTY F. TƯ TY 1050 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V. CVM BAR 2050 F, 5 MIN, 1050 F, SQ, TEMPER 2+2 + 2 HR TRUE FRACTURE STRESS 1150 RA e FTU 1250 TEMPERING TEMP - F 1350 FIG. 3.0213 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AUSTENITIZED AT 2050 F (1, p. 10) FERROUS ALLOYS PERCENT 480 400 豆 ​240 KSI 320 160 80 0 40 0 950 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 FTU FTY OTRUE FRACTURE STRESS 30 F F TU' TY FIG. 3.0214 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AUSTENITIZED AT 2025 F (1, p. 11) Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V CVM BAR AUST 2025 F, 5 MIN 1050 F, SQ + TEMPER 2 + 2 + 2 HR CVM RA 1050 e TRUE FRACTURE 1150 1250 TEMPERING TEMP F Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V STRESS FTU 1350 FTY 40 50 60 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 70 FIG. 3.0215 RELATION BETWEEN TENSILE PRO- PERTIES AND HARDNESS (1, p. 7) PAGE 4 FeUH LB · FT 40 KSI 30 20 10 0 400 950 FIG. 3.0231 320 240 160 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V 80 CVM 0 AUSTENITIZED • 2050 F O 2025 F F TU CVM 1050 0 IE CHARPY V 1150 1250 TEMPERING TEMP - F Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V = 320 KSI EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON CHARPY V NOTCH IMPACT STRENGTH (1, p. 14) ma RT 500F 600F 800F 900F 1000F 0.004 0.008 STRAIN IN PER IN 0.012 1350 FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT FERROUS ALLOYS ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR 320 KSI TENSILE STRENGTH LEVEL (1, p. 15) KSI KSI 400 PERCENT 320 240 160 80 0 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V = 350 KSI F TU CVM 0 400 320 240 160 40 FIG. 3.0312 STRESS STRAIN CURVE FOR 350 KSI TENSILE STRENGTH LEVEL (1, p. 15) 20 0 0.004 STRAIN 0 - 0.008 IN PER IN FTU FTY RA Fe-0,5C-Cr-Mo-W-V CVM BAR HT F = 350 KSI TU 400 TEMP RT - 500F 600F 800F 900F 1000F 800 F 0.012 1200 FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE STRENGTH OF BAR AT 350 KSI TENSILE STRENGTH LEVEL (1, p. 16) 0.5 C CODE Fe Vasco MA Cr Mo W V 1219 PAGE 5 FeUH 0.5 C Fe CODE Vasco MA Cr Mo W V LB - FT KSI 20 KSI 16 12 1219 8 4 0 240 200 160 120 0 80 FIG. 3.0331 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON CHARPY V NOTCH IMPACT STRENGTH (1, p. 17) 104 240 200 160 FTU O FTU 120 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V 80 = 300 KSI = 345 KSI 400 103 TEMP - F 5 IE CHARPY V 10 CVM BAR FIG. 3.051 S-N CURVE FOR HEAT TREATED BAR (1, p. 17) FTU = 316 KSI 800 Ooo! 1/2 IN DIA 1/4 IN DIA 1200 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V 107 NUMBER OF CYCLES 106 TU CVM BAR =350 TO 360 KSI C ALL FAILURES IN THREADS CYCLE RATE: 1050 1200 CPM 104 108 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V BOLT AND NUT ASSEMBLIES [CVM R = 0.1 O 106 5 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES FERROUS ALLOYS 107 FIG. 3.052 S-N CURVES FOR HEAT TREATED BOLT AND NUT ASSEMBLIES (2) 108 1000 KSI KSI 32 KSI 28 24 20 400 320 240 160 0 80 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (1, p. 18) 400 320 240 160 80 0 0 RT 0 600 F 500 F 800 F 400 900 F 1000 F 0 10 600F 900F 800F Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V 10 [1] E 800 TEMP - F 1000 F FIG. 3.064 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURES FOR HEAT TREATED BAR (1, p. 18) 20 1000 KSI 1200 Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V 20 1000 KSI CVM CVM BAR FTU = 350 KSI 500F 1600 30 FTU RT Fe-0.5C-Cr-Mo-W-V CVM BAR = 350 KSI 30 40 40 FIG. 3.065 SECANT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR HEAT TREATED BAR (1, p. 19) PAGE 6 FeUH FERROUS ALLOYS 1 2 REFERENCES Vanadium Alloys Steel Co., "Vascojet M-A, A New Ultra High Strength Steel for Structural Requirements, " (1961) Gowen, E. T., Jr. and Waeltz, R., "A 300,000 psi Minimum Tensile Strength Fastener Assembly for Use to 550 F," Standard Pressed Steel Co., Rep. No. 659, (July 1961) 0.5 C Fe CODE Vasco MA Cr Mo W V 1219 PAGE 7 FeUH 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.06 1.061 1.062 GENERAL This steel is one of a class of "maraging" types which can develop yield strengths somewhat over 300 ksi pri- marily as a result of a complex precipitation reaction in a very low carbon martensite. The maraging steels were designed specifically to have superior resistance to unstable crack propagation at high strength levels. For this particular composition the nickel content is ad- justed so that transformation occurs above room tem- perature. High strength is then developed by simple aging or cold work followed by aging. Three composi- tion ranges are available corresponding to typical yield strength grades of 200, 250 and 280 ksi, the latter grade being frequently referred to as 300 ksi. It is important to note that the actual strength level will vary with the composition limits in a given grade. Formability is good in the annealed condition and welding characteristics appear very satisfactory providing proper techniques are used. Corrosion and oxidation resistance are somewhat better than 4340. It should be noted that the maraging steels were developed recently and therefore the composition ranges, heat treatments and fabrication practices described are subject to modification. Source Alloy Grade Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1.04. Commercial Designations 18Ni Maraging Steel, 18NiCoMo, 18-7-5, VascoMax 250 AM, VascoMax 250 CVM, VascoMax 300 CVM, RSM 200, RSM 250, RSM 300, ALMAR 18. Alternate Designation Max 0.03 Carbon Manganese Silicon 0.10 0.10 0.01 Phosphorus Sulfur 0.01 Nickel 17.0 19.0 Cobalt 8.0 9.0 Molybdenum 3.0 3.5 Titanium 0.15 0.25 Aluminum 0.05 0.15 Boron 0.003* Zirconium 0.02* Calcium 0.05* Iron Balance * Added 200 ksi Percent Min TABLE 1.04 Inco (1) Fe-18N1-8,5Co-Mo-TI-Al 250 ksi Percent FERROUS ALLOYS Min 280 ksi Percent Max 0.03 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.01 17.0 19.0 18.0 7.0 8.5 8.5 4.6 5.2 4.6 0.3 0.5 0.05 0.15 0.003* 0.02* 0.05* Balance Min Max 0.03 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.01 19.0 9.5 5.2 0.5 0.8 0.05 0.15 0.003* 0.02* 0.05* Balance Heat Treatment Anneal. 1450 to 1550 F, 1 hour, air cool, is generally recommended for sheet, (1)(2)(3). 1450 to 1550 F, 1 hour per inch thickness for heavier sections, (2). In some cases high annealing temperature should be employed, see 1.09. Age. 700 to 950 F, air cool. Full age is generally recommended, 875 to 925 F, 3 hours, air cool. Aging may follow hot working, annealing or cold working, (1) (2), see 3.0214 and 3.02714. Hardness Typical hardness for annealed condition, 250 ksi grade, 28-30 RC. 280 ksi grade, 30 to 32 RC, (1)(2). Typical hardness for fully aged material, 250 ksi grade, 50-52 RC. 280 ksi grade, 53-55 RC, (1)(2). 1.063 1.064 1.07 1.08 1.081 1.082 1.09 1.091 1.092 1.093 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.024 2.025 2.03 2.031 Effect of annealing temperature and aging on hardness of 250 and 280 ksi grades, Fig. 1.063. Hardenability. Air cooling from anneal followed by aging produces full hardness in heavy sections, (1)(2). Forms and Conditions Available This steel is available in bar, sheet, plate, tubing and forging stock in the hot worked or annealed condition. Sheet is also available in the annealed and cold worked condition. Melting and Casting Practice Electric furnace air melting with and without vacuum degassing, induction vacuum melting, consumable electrode vacuum remelting. Low carbon content and residual element content requires high quality raw materials. Vacuum melting is recommended for 280 ksi grade, (2). Room temperature tensile properties of air and vacuum melted slab, see Table 3.0217. Effect of sulfur content on room temperature impact strength of 250 ksi grade, see Fig. 3.0231. Special Considerations The yield strength and toughness of fully aged material will vary within the composition limits for a particular grade and also with the amount of cold work present in the annealed or hot rolled product. Generally, the toughness will decrease with an increase in yield strength. Particularly in the case of large forgings and heavy hot rolled products special attention must be given to the annealing temperature in order to produce the desired aging response and achieve grain size control. Temperatures above 1500 F in some cases will be necessary to remove retained cold work and tend to improve elevated temperature stability. However, care must be taken to avoid large grain which will reduce the toughness. While no specific rules can be stated, annealing above 1800 F is to be avoided. Room temperature tensile and sharp notch properties for high and low chemistry 280 ksi grade, see Table 3.02711. Effect of titanium on room temperature tensile proper- ties of annealed and aged sheet from laboratory heats, see Fig. 3.0218. Influence of annealing temperature on room temperature tensile properties of annealed and aged 280 ksi forging, see Fig. 3.02131. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range approximately 2600 to 2650 F. S Phase changes. Alloy transforms to martensite on slow cooling from annealing temperature. M = 310 F and ME = 210 F approximately. Austenite reversion occurs f at approximately 1000 F, (1). Length change from maraging approximately 0.04 percent, (2). Time-temperature-transformation diagrams. Thermal conductivity. -6 Thermal expansion. 70 to 900 F, 5.6 x 10 inch per F, (1). - Specific heat. Thermal diffusivity. inch per Other Physical Properties 8.0 gr per cu cm, (1). Density. 0.289 lbs per cu in. Electrical resistivity. As annealed, 23.8 microhm-in. Aged, 15.2 microhm-in, (1). Magnetic properties. Permeability at 200 oersteds = 77.5. Saturation induction equals 21. 2 kilogauss at 1300 oersteds, (1). Emissivity. Damping capacity. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. This steel rusts under normal Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 1 FeUH Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co 2.04 Mo 3. Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging 3.01 F. 3.02 3.021 3.0211 Source Alloy Grade Condition Form Size Position 3.0212 3.02121 Source Alloy Grade Form Condition tu Fty e(2 in) - percent RA - percent CODE 1220 atmospheric conditions but is more resistant to atmo- spheric corrosion and salt stress cracking than commonly used ultra-high strength stell of the quenched and tempered type, (1). Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties. None. 3.0213 3.02131 Source Alloy Grade Form 3.02132. 3.0214 3.02141 Source Alloy Form Grade Condition 3.02142 Feyksi ksi ksi Condition Ftu typ Fty typ e(1 in) typ-percent Hardness RC - typ L 284 274 200 ksi Plate 206 198 12 53 11.5 57 Air Melt Age 900F 3 hr Edge ksi -ksi 282 270 Τ TABLE 3.02121 7.5 32 ksi Ftu typ Ftv typ - ksi e( in) typ-percent RA, typ-percent Hardness RC typ Producers typical tensile properties for sheet, Table 3.02122. 3.02122 140 95 250 ksi Bar Air Melt Ann Age 1500 F 900F, 3 hr 17 75 28-30 (1)(5) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al L 284 271 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Tension, see also 3.027. Stress strain diagrams, see also 3.0311, Stress strain curves for annealed and aged 250 and 280 ksi bar, Fig. 3.0311. 3.02152 Typical tensile properties. Producers typical tensile properties for bar and plate, Table 3.02121. 250 ksi 8.5 29 4 in x 4 in Mid Rad Τ 283 272 11.1 57 FERROUS ALLOYS Sheet 280ksi CVM Ann 1500 F1 hr +900 F, 3hr 340 257 250 12 55 50-52 7.5 36 TABLE 3.02122 02122 (9) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 4.5 1 Sheet Ann 1500 F Aged900F. 1-4hr Aged 1 -4hr 150 262 290 115 252 280 2 280 ksi Bar Vac Melt Ann Age 1500 F 900F, 3hr 150 110 18 72 30-32 280 ksi L 286 270 I 11.5 56 286 280 11 55 53-55 TABLE 3.02146 (2) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 280 ksi CVM 1500 F. 30 min. AC + 900 F. 3 hr Billet 3.02143 3.02144 3.02145 3.02146 Center Effect of annealing on tensile properties. Influence of annealing temperature on room temperature tensile properties of annealed and aged 280 ksi forging, Fig. 3.02131. Effect of annealing temperature on the tensile properties of 250 and 280 ksi annealed and aged sheet. Fig. 3.02132. Effect of aging on tensile properties. Effect of aging temperature on the tensile properties of 250 ksi and 280 ksi annealed bar, Fig. 3.02141. Effect of aging time on tensile properties of annealed 250 and 280 ksi bar, Fig. 3.02142. T 283 273 8.0 34 3.0215 3.02151 3.0216 3.02161 3.02162 3.02163 3.0217 FF 250 ksi Air Melt Ann 1500 F Ann 1500 F, 1/2 hr 1/2hr + 900F, 3hr 150 283 Source Alloy Form Condition tu' 3.0218 3.022 3.0221 3.0222 Effect of aging temperature and time on the tensile pro- perties of annealed 250 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.02143. Effect of aging temperature and time on the tensile pro- perties of annealed 280 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.02144. Effect of aging temperature and maximum forging temper- ature on tensile properties of forgings, Fig. 3.02145. Room temperature tensile properties of 280 ksi annealed and aged billets, Table 3.02146. 3.0223 3.023 3.0231 L 286 276 3.024 3.025 3.0251 3.026 Edge 9.3 49 TABLE 3.0222 (2)(23) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al Bar Fty' e(2 in)-percent -percent 25 RA T 284 276 7.5 33 Air Melt -ksi 232 -ksi 220 8 6 in x 6 in Mid Rad T 250 ksi CVM Ann 1500 F, 1/2 hr 149 L 285 272 10.4 50 Effect of cold work on tensile properties. Effect of cold work prior to aging on the tensile proper- ties of annealed 250 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.02151. Effect of cold work prior to aging on the tensile proper- ties of annealed 280 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.02152. Effect of rolling and ;sheet thickness on tensile proper- ties. 285 275 Effect of rolling temperature on the tensile properties of annealed, rolled and aged sheet, Fig. 3.02161. Effect of warm rolling temperature (ausforming) on the tensile properties of aged sheet, Fig. 3.02162. Effect of sheet thickness on tensile properties of annealed and aged 280 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.02163. Room temperature tensile properties of air and vacuum melted slab, Table 3.0217. 7.5 33 CVM 243 233 8 30 L 284 270 10 48 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 in thick slab, short trans. 200 ksi 250 ksi Air Melt 275 260 3 25 TABLE 3. 0217 (4) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al Center Ann 1500 F, 1/2hr +900F, 3hr 280 CVM 280 268 10 35 T 284 273 7.0 28 Effect of titanium on room temperature tensile proper- ties of annealed and aged sheet from laboratory heats, Fig. 3.0218. Compression. Stress-strain diagrams. 280 ksi Air Melt 290 280 3 7.0 Room temperature compression yield strength of annealed and aged bar, Table 3.0222. 280 ksi CVM Ann 1500 F, 1/2 hr 150 CVM 290 273 10 25 Ann 1500 F, 1/2hr +900 F, 3hr 318 Effect of stress rate on compressive yield strength of cold rolled and aged sheet, Fig. 3.0223. Impact, see also 3.033. Effect of sulfur content on room temperature impact strength of 250 ksi grade, Fig. 3.0231. Bending. Torsion and shear. Shear strength for 280 ksi grade 0.036 in sheet, 1500 F, (L and T) = 172 ksi, (23). 12 minutes + 900 F, 3 hr, F Bearing. Su PAGE 2 FeUH 3.0261 3.027 3.0271 3.02711 Source Alloy Condition Form Ftu e(4D) Fty e(2 in) RA - Sharp notch strength - ksi KC1-ksi Vin 3.02713 3.027131 (a) 8.57 Co, 4.67 Mo, (b) 9.40 Co, 5.17 Mo, 3.02712 3.027132 3.02714 3.027141 3.027142 3.027143 3.027144 3.02715 3.027151 3.027152 3.027153 3.02716 3.02717 3.027171 3.027172 3.027173 3.0272 3.02721 Bearing strength for 280 ksi grade sheet, 1500 F, 12 minutes + 900 F, 3 hr, Longitudinal F Transverse bru bru Stress concentration. Notch properties, see also 3.0272, 3.0371 and 3.0372. Room temperature tensile and sharp notch properties for high and low chemistry heats of 280 ksi grade, Table 3.02711. 3.02722 - - Source Alloy Form Condition www = 408 ksi 505 ksi, F, = 479 ksi, Foy = 384 ksi, (23). bry bry -ksi -ksi Size in Ftv -ksi KICksi-Vin -percent -percent -percent ;(c) HR + 3 hr 900 F Bar 270 267 10 59 FERROUS ALLOYS 0.50 Ti, 0.12 AI 0.81Ti, 0.071 Al Sheet 272 264 TABLE 3.02722 (14)(18)(19) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al Low Chemistry(a) - 6 205 195 Effect of titanium on sharp notch properties of annealed and aged sheet from laboratory heats, Fig. 3.02712. Effect of annealing temperature on sharp notch proper- ties. 1500 F, 30 min +900 F, 3 hr Effect of annealing temperature on the sharp notch properties of 0.035 in aged sheet, Fig. 3.027131. Effect of annealing temperature on the sharp notch properties of 0.115 in sheet, Fig. 3.027132. Effect of aging on sharp notch properties. Effect of aging temperature on sharp notch properties of forged 280 ksi grade slab, Fig. 3.027141. Effect of aging temperature on sharp notch properties of air and consumable electrode vacuum melted plate, Fig. 3.027142. Effect of aging time on sharp notch properties of 250 ksi annealed sheet, Fig. 3.027143. Effect of aging time on sharp notch properties of anneal- ed 280 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.027144. Effect of cold work on sharp notch properties. Effect of cold and warm rolling prior to aging on sharp notch properties of 250 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.027151. Effect of cold rolling prior to aging on sharp notch properties of 280 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.027152. Effect of warm rolling temperature (ausforming) on sharp notch properties of aged sheet, Fig. 3.027153. Effect of yield strength level on the sharp notch proper- ties of cold rolled and aged sheet from laboratory heats, Fig. 3.02716. Effect of surface cracks on sharp notch properties. Effect of surface crack length on sharp notch properties of 280 ksi CVM plate, Fig. 3.027171. Effect of surface crack length on sharp notch properties of 250 ksi air melt plate, Fig. 3.027172. Effect of crack tip stress intensity rate on sharp notch properties of cold rolled and aged sheet, Fig. 3.027173. Fracture toughness, see also 3.0271, 3.0371 and 3.0372. Plate CVM Plate Air Melt 1500 F, 30 min, AC + 900 F, 3 hr 0.375 0.5 to 0.75 300 250 87 110 (6) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al (280 ksi) 60lb Vac Melts. - 1500 F, 15 min + 900F, 3hr TABLE 3.02711 Bar* 275 270 14 General. Fracture toughness values given below and in 3.0372 were obtained using presently accepted experi- mental and analytical methods. Since only a small amount of the reported data conforms to these requirements, the values given do not necessarily represent typical behavior. Tentative plane-strain fracture toughness for plate, Table 3.02722. C 3.028 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.03111 62 3.03112 Sheet 266 262 6 209 230 3.03113 3.0312 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.0331 3.0332 3.034 3.035 (c) For specimen see Fig. 3.02721. (d) Slow crack extension estimated. Fig. 3.03112. 3.036 3.037 3.0371 3.03711 Combined properties. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Tension. Stress strain diagrams. Stress strain curves at room and elevated temperatures for 250 ksi air melt annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.03111. Stress strain curves at room and elevated temperatures for 250 ksi vacuum melt annealed and aged bar, Source Alloy Form Condition Grade C HR + 3 hr 900 F Bar Sheet 312 317 314 305 11 56 - High Chemistry(b) 5 30 159 147 RT Ftu Fty percent e(rin) Sharp notch (a) strength -ksi 250 KC2 - ksi Vin - Stress strain curves at room and elevated temperatures for 280 ksi vacuum melt annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.03113. Bearing. Stress concentration. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.0312. Compression. 1500F, 15min +900F, 3hr Bar* Sheet 318 314 314 308 11 Stress strain diagrams. Impact. Effect of test temperature on the impact strength of annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.0331. Effect of low test temperature on impact strength of annealed and aged 200 ksi plate, Fig. 3.0332. Bending. Torsion and Shear. Notch properties, see also 3.0372. Room and low temperature smooth and sharp notch tensile properties of annealed and aged sheet, Table 3.03711. TABLE 3.03711 (2) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.063 in Sheet 1500 F, 15 min + 900 F, 3 hr 250 ksi AirMelt | 250 ksi CVM T L L T -ksi 267 278 -ksi 262 273 4 3 56 247 -ksi 336 348 -ksi 322 336 3 1.5 273 267 3.5 257 5 28 138 119 -320 F Ftu F ty er in) percent (a) Sharp notch strength -ksi 229 238 234 225 (a) NASA-ASTM Edge Notch Specimen NR<0.0006 Slow crack extension by ink stain. 250 333 339 322 334 280 ksi CVM L T 300 293 4 244 169 306 300 3 215 227 164 374 362 352 362 0.5 0.5 210 Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe Ni 18 8.5 Co 8 Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging 3.03712 3.0372 3.03721 3.03722 3.038 3.04 3.041 3.05 3.051 Source Alloy Form Source Alloy Form Grade Condition Temp Stress ksi Time to rupture-hr e(2 in) - percent RA percent Condition Grade CODE 1220 - - 3.06 3.061 3.052 3.0621 Effect of test temperature and strain rate on the sharp notch properties of annealed and aged 250 ksi sheet, Fig. 3.03712. - Fracture toughness, see also 3.0272 and 3.0371. Effect of test temperature on plane-strain fracture toughness, sharp notch and tensile properties of 250 ksi grade sheet, Fig. 3.03721. Effect of test temperature on plane-strain fracture tough- ness, sharp notch and tensile properties of 300 ksi grade sheet, Fig. 3.03722. Combined properties. 250 ksi AirMelt 250 ksi CVM 280 ksi - CVM Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture properties of 250 ksi air melt bar, Table 3.041. 250 ksi - Air Melt (a) Smooth bar (b) Notched bar estimated TABLE 3.041 Rot Beam (2) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al Bar 800 F 175 150 561 38 13 13 51 59 250 ksi Air Melt 1500 E. 1 hr + 900 E, 3 hr 900 F 1000 F 100 75 5 32 71 150 125 7 38 Fatigue Properties Smooth and notched fatigue strength of annealed and aged bar, Table 3.051. ∞ 17 63 TABLE 3.051 (1)b (2)a Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al Bar 1500 F, 30 min+900 F, 3 hr Method Stress Stress Ratio Conc A R -1 24 70 Smooth K = 1 FERROUS ALLOYS 145° Notched 230- NR=0.010 in 48 31 80 • 27070 50 45* 45* Elastic Properties Poisson's ratio. All grades 0.30, (7)(1). Modulus of elasticity. Fatigue strength-ksi at cycles 105 106 107 108 130 117 115 115 137 120 115 115 146 130 122 122 Static and dynamic moduli at room and elevated tempera- ture, Fig. 3.0621. 3.063 3.064 3.0641 3.0642 3.0643 3.065 3.0651 3.0652 3.0653 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.0131 4.014 4.015 4.0151 4.02 4.03 4.031 4.032 Modulus of rigidity. 250 ksi air melt, 10.2 x 10° ksi, (2). Tangent modulus. Tangent modulus curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for 250 ksi air melt annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.0641 Tangent modulus curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for 250 ksi vacuum melt annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.0642. Tangent modulus curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for 280 ksi vacuum melt annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.0643. Secant modulus. Secant modulus curves at room and elevated temperatures for 250 ksi air melt annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.0651. Secant modulus curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for 250 ksi vacuum melt annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.0652. Secant modulus curves at room and elevated tempera- tures for 280 ksi vacuum melt annealed and aged bar, Fig. 3.0653. FABRICATION Formability General. This alloy is easily hot and cold worked by conventional procedures in the annealed condition. How- ever, cold work will increase strength after aging and reduce the toughness. Severly cold worked parts should be reannealed. Forging Preheat for sections greater than 6 inch square. 1700 to 1800 F, 15 minutes per inch. Starting temperature 2300 F maximum. Lower starting temperatures may be employed if equipment is sufficiently strong. Finishing temperature 1500 to 1700 F. Reheating temperature 1800 F, (2). Rolling Hot rolling. Soak for homogenization 2200 to 2300 F. Finish with about 25 percent reduction at 1500 to 1700 F. Reheat temperature to 1800 F if necessary for final reduction, (2). Extruding Drawing Deep drawing. Generally 40 percent reduction in diameter of cylindrical shapes may be made initially, followed by 30 percent redraw with 1500 to 1600 F, intermediate anneals, (2). Machining and Grinding. Comparable to 4340 steel. Welding General. Optimum techniques for welding this alloy have not yet been developed for all commercial pro- To be satisfactory a given welding procedure should produce high weld strength while preserving the toughness of the parent metal. Generally, weldability is very good using MIG, TIG and coated electrode processes without preheat. Welds produced by these processes will have from 90 to 100 percent joint efficiency in sheet on heavy sections with both joint efficiency and toughness depending on the core or filler wire composition. Sub- merged arc welding has produced cracking and is not recommended at this time. Welds made with the parent metal in the annealed or aged condition are strengthened by normal aging after welding. Segregation in the weld metal may occur and result in some retained austenite or austenite reversion during normal aging. This generally prevents attainment of 100 percent joint efficiency in the 250 and 280 ksi grades. Vacuum melted filler wire is recommended to eliminate the possibility of hydrogen pickup. The residual element content of the wire should be as low as possible with the following maximum percentages recommended: 0.03 C, 0.05 Si and 0.05 Mn. Argon is recommended for use with either the TIG or MIG processes, (16), (17). Recommended wire compositions and typical weld mechanical properties for 200 ksi plate, Table 4.032. PAGE 4 FeUH Source Alloy Form Condition Process Wire Weld Properties (b) Ftu Fty e(1.4 in) RA RT Charpy V(c)-ft-lbs 4.033 Source Alloy Form Condition Process ty e(1.4 in) (a) Coating Calcium carbonate and cryolite bonded with sodium silicate. (b) Specimen transverse to weld. (c) Notch at weld centerline and perpendicular to plate surface. Wire Weld Properties (b) Ftu F 4.034 Source Alloy Form - RA RT Charpy VC)-ft-lbs -ksi -ksi -percent -percent Condition Process 4.04 4.041 Wire Weld Properties(a) Ftu 4.05 4.051 Recommended wire compositions and typical weld mechanical properties for 250 ksi plate and sheet, Table 4.033. -ksi -ksi -percent -percent 218 210 9 15 14 -ksi -ksi 18Ni-7.6Co‑2. 2Mo-2. 32Ti-0. 2Al 18Ni-1. 2Co-3.5Mo-2.3Ti-0.2A1 FERROUS ALLOYS 242 228 (a) Coating - Calcium carbonate and cryolite bonded with sodium silicate. (b) Specimen transverse to weld. (c) Notch at weld center and perpendicular to plate surface. (16)(17) Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 1/2 in Plate 1500 F, 1 hr AC + 900 F. 3 hr + Weld + 900 F. 3 hr Coated Electrode(a) Coated Electrode(a) 18Ni-8Co-4.5Mo-2. 2Ti-0. 2A1 9.3 39 10 Recommended wire compositions and typical weld mechanical properties for 280 ksi sheet, Table 4.034. TABLE 4.032 TABLE 4.033 (16)(17) 262 260 1.5 200 18Ni-10C0-5. 25Mo-0. 80Ti-0.07AL Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al (250 ksi) 1/2 in Plate 0.070 Sheet 1500 F, 1 hr, AC +900 F, 3 hr + Weld + 900 F. 3 hr 1500F, 1hr,AC+Weld+900 F. 3 hr MIG TIG. 18Ni-8Co-4. 5Mo-0. 5Ti-0. 2A1 18.5Ni-7.5Co-4.9Mo-0.50Ti 195 189 TABLE 4.034 (16)(17) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.050 Sheet 1500 F, 1 hr, AC + 900 F, 3 hr + Weld + 900 F, 3 hr TIG Heat Treatment General. Before heating remove grease and oil (See 4.05). Furnace fuel oil should not contain more than 0.75 percent sulfur by weight. Fuel gas not more than 100 grains sulfur per 100 cu ft. Furnace atmosphere of about 5 percent CO₂ is recommended, (2). Maraging may be done in air. 40 20 Surface Treatment General. Sand blasting removes oxide scale effectively. Pickling solution 18 percent H₂SO at 150 to 160 F is recommended. Sodium hydride and other high tempera- ture (>700 F) descaling treatments should be avoided. 4 235 220 6 24 13 7.1 269 265 (200 ksi) 18Ni-11Co-6Mo-0.90Ti-0. 15Al 1.2 185 (280 ksi) TIG 18Ni-6Co-3. 4Mo-0.5Ti-0. 2Al 198 196 10.7 55 29 Fty e(2 in) - percent (b) Kc2 - ksi - Vin - (a) Specimen transverse to weld. (b) NASA-ASTM Type edge Notch (see Fig. 3.02716) 2 in wide, notch at weld center, slow crack extension by ink stain. 241 232 (11) 3.6 (2 in) (11) 0.070 Sheet 1500F, 1hr, AC + Weld + 900 F, 3hr 18Ni-9Co-4. 9Mo-0. 7Ti 263 261 2.8 Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti AI 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 5 FeUH Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE SCALE Go ROCKWELL HARDNESS C 60 50 1220 40 30 20 1400 400 300 200 100 1600 0 Fe-18Ni-8. 5Cc-Mo-Ti-Al 1800 2000 ANNEALING TEMP - F FIG. 1.063 EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPERATURE AND AGING ON HARDNESS OF 250 AND 280 KSI GRADES (10) CVM ANN, 1/4-4 HR, AC AGE, 900 F, 3 HR Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.04 BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC +900F, 3HR ANNEALED 2200 0.08 0.12 STRAIN-IN PER IN FERROUS ALLOYS 280 KSI CVM 250 KSI AIR MELT AND CVM 280 KSI 250 KSI FIG. 3.0211 STRESS-STRAIN CURVES FOR AN- NEALED AND AGED 250 AND 280 KSI BAR (2) 0.16 2400 KSI PERCENT KSI 340 PERCENT 300 280 240 300 280 240 40 20 0 1400 340 300 260 220 340 300 260 2200 RADIAL O TANGENTIAL 10 FIG. 3.02131 INFLUENCE OF ANNEALING TEMPER- ATURE ON THE ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED (8) AND AGED 280 KSI FORGING 1600 1400 Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 19 IN DIA FORGING |280 KSI CVM ANN + 900 F, 3 HR 1500 F 1800 RA TU FTY L T e(1 IN) 2000 ANNEALING TEMP - F Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al CVM 0.115 IN SHEET ANN, 1 HR, AC + 900 F, 3 HR e(2 IN) 1600 2200 FTU 250 KSI 280 KSI 1700 ANNEALING TEMP F FTY 1800 FIG. 3.02132 EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPER- ATURE ON THE TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF 250 AND 280 KSI ANNEALED AND AGED SHEET (10)(22) PAGE 6 FeUH KSI - F PERCENT TU - KSI 340 PERCENT 300 260 220 180 80 40 FIG. 0 700 340 FTU 300 260 220 80 40 0 Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN + 3 HR AGE govor 0 280 KSI CVM O 250 KSI CVM ▲ 250 KSI AIR MELT 800 FIG. 3.02141 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF 250 AND 280 KSI ANNEALED BAR (2) Fe-18Ni-8, 5Co-Mo-Ti-AlI BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F AGE e(2 IN) doso RA 900 AGING TEMP FTY RA F e(2 IN) 1000 FTU FTU 승 ​280 KSI CVM O 250 KSI CVM A 250 KSI AIR MELT 10 20 AGING TIME - HR FTY 340 300 30 260 220 180 1100 300 260 220 180 3.02142 EFFECT OF AGING TIME ON TEN- SILE PROPERTIES OF 250 AND 280 KSI ANNEALED BAR (2) - KSI FERROUS ALLOYS F - KSI TY TY F KSI KSI PERCENT 320 280 240 200 320 280 240 200 10 0 340 300 260 220 340 300 260 220 10 0 800 FTU FTY 800 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-AI 0.155 IN SHEET CVM 250 KSI 1500 F, 1 HR, AC+3 HR AGE 850 L T [I FIG. 3.02143 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE AND TIME ON THE TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF ANNEALED 250 KSI SHEET (11) F TU AGE TIME, HR 1 3 10 O FTY e(2 IN) 900 AGING TEMP ܝ L T. O Δ 950 F Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0. 155 IN SHEET, 1500F, 1 HR, AC+3HR, AGE, CVM 280 KSI 280 AGING TIME, HR 1 3 10 e(2 IN) 900 AGING TEMP - F 1000 1000 FIG. 3.02144 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE AND TIME ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED 280 KSI SHEET (11) Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 7 FeUH Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti CODE ব 18 Ni Maraging Al KSI TU F PERCENT 1220 360 320 280 240 60 40 20 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al CVM 280 KSI 6 IN DIA FORGINGS (APPROX.) ANN, 1500 F, 4 HR + AGE, 3 HR L e(4 D) 0 800 FIG. 3.02145 850 MAX FORGING TEMP-F O 1950 2350 RA 900 950 AGING TEMP - F FTU FTY FERROUS ALLOYS 320 280 240 1000 KSI Byte ALA EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE AND MAXIMUM FORGING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF FORGINGS (12) KSI PERCENT 360 320 280 240 360 320 280 240 200 10 0 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.155 IN SHEET CVM 250 KSI 1500 F, 1 HR, AC +CR+AGE, 3HR 3HR F TU F LI TY LT 40 AGE 850F 900F TA e(2 IN) 10 20 COLD REDUCTION-PERCENT 600 O a 80 FIG. 3.02151 EFFECT OF COLD WORK PRIOR TO AGING ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED 250 KSI SHEET (11) PAGE 8 Fe UH KSI - KSI - TU FTY PERCENT 400 360 320 280 240 360 320 280 240 10 0 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al CVM 280 KSI 1500 F, 1 HR, AC + CR + 3 HR AGE FTU 0 FTY e(2 IN) 20 40 COLD REDUCTION - AGE F 850 900 Τ Δ 60 PERCENT O 80 FIG. 3.02152 EFFECT OF COLD WORK PRIOR TO AGING ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED 280 KSI SHEET (11) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI PERCENT 340 300 260 220 180 20 10 0 1000 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.115 IN CVM SHEET ANN+ 20% HR + 900 F, 3 HR 1200 F TU FTY 250KSI 280KSI L TA e(2 IN) 1400 1600 ROLLING TEMP - F 300 260 220 180 140 1800 KSI - FIG. 3.02161 EFFECT OF ROLLING TEMPERATURE ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED, ROLLED AND AGED SHEET FTY (11) Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 9 FeUH Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE KSI TU F - KSI TU F PERCENT 260 220 1220 10 0 380 340 300 900 F, 3 HR HR + 260 10 0 Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.080 IN SHEET 0 18.6Ni-(0.03C-7.0Co-4.6Mo-0.22Ti) 1500 F, 1 HR COOL TO ROLLING TEMP +75% WARM ROLL +900 F, 3 HR 600 FIG. 3.02162 EFFECT OF WARM ROLLING TEMPERATURE (AUSFORMING) ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AGED SHEET (13) FTU FTY 0.08 e(2 IN) 800 1000 WARM ROLLING TEMP - F Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al CVM 280 KSI 1500 F, 15 MIN + 900 F, 3 HR L FTU FTY e(1 IN) T O L 0.16 THICKNESS - IN 0.24 340 300 260 FIG. 3.02163 EFFECT OF SHEET THICKNESS ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED AND AGED 280 KSI SHEET (2) 1200 KSI - FERROUS ALLOYS KSI o FTY 380 340 300 260 260 220 1400 1.0 KSI TY F 10 F CY - FTU - KSI PERCENT 380 340 300 260 10 0 - LB Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.062 IN SHEET (0.2%), L FT IND VAC 35 LB HEATS 50% CR + 1500 F, 15 MIN + 900 F, 3 HR L 0.2 Co Mo ● 9.02-9.11 4.90-5.01 I 8.46-9.46 4.70-5.30 30 20 10 0.4 Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al AIR MELT 18. 3Ni-7.4Co-5. 3Mo-0. 24Ti 0.160 IN SHEET 50 % CR + 900 F, 3 HR, AC 102 103 STRESS RATE - KSI PER SECOND 0 0.8 TITANIUM, PERCENT FIG. 3.0218 EFFECT OF TITANIUM ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED AND AGED SHEET FROM LABORATORY HEATS (7) e(1 IN) 0.6 0 IE CHARPY V T 0.25 0.375 + 0.010 P FIG. 3.0223 EFFECT OF STRESS RATE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF COLD ROLLED AND AGED SHEET (21) F FTY 104 SULFUR TU Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 250 KSI LAB HEATS 1500 F, 1 HR + 900 F, 3 HR Mag 0.020 0.030 PERCENT 340 300' 260 1.0 KSI FIG. 3.0231 EFFECT OF SULFUR CONTENT ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT STRENGTH OF 250 KSI GRADE (5) FTY 105 0.040 PAGE 10 FeUH KSI ... ՈԼ NOTCH TENSILE STRENGTH RATIO 380 340 300 260 220 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 340 300 260 220 180 0.2 140 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.062 IN SHEET IND VAC MELT 35 LB HEATS 50% CR + 1500 F, 1/4 HR + 900, F, 3 HR 1500 L 100 Co Mo ● 9.02-9.11 4. 90-5.01 I 8.46-9.46 4.70-5.30 рбозу 0.7 NOTCH RAD<0.001 1200 1.0 NOTCHED AFTER AGE 0.4 0.6 1400 TITANIUM, PERCENT NOTCH STRENGTH FTU L OT F 0.8 FIG. 3.02712 EFFECT OF TITANIUM ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED AND AGED SHEET FROM LABORATORY HEATS (7) roog 0.7 TY T I NOTCH RAD < 0.001 IN 1600 1800 ANNEALING TEMP 340 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.035 IN SHEET CVM 280 KSI ANN 10 MIN, AC+900 F, 3 HR - FERROUS ALLOYS 300 F 260 1.0 AGE BEFORE (NOTCHING - KSI TY 2000 F FTY 2200 FIG. 3.027131 EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPERATURE ON THE SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF 0.035 IN AGED SHEET (24) KSI KSI OR KSI - VIN 340 300 260 220 260 220 180 140 100 60 20 FTY 1400 Fe-1'8Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al CVM 0.115 IN SHEET ANN 1 HR, AC+ 900 F, 3 HR -- KCI' 280 KSI, AV L AND T NOTCH STR KSIVIN 1500 250 KSI, L CENTER FATIGUE CRACK, HEAT TREAT AFTER CRACKING, SLOW CRACK EXTEN- SION ESTIMATED 2 250KSI 0 $~0.75 T O L 1700 ANNEALING TEMP F 1600 280KSI LTLT Τ Τ 1800 FIG. 3.027132 EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPERA- TURE ON THE SHARP NOTCH PRO- PERTIES OF 0.115 IN AGED SHEET (10) Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 11 FeUH Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE KSI - KSI OR KSI - VIN PERCENT 1220 F TY 300 260 220 200 160 120 80 40 80 40 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 4 x 12 IN FORGED SLAB CVM 280 KSI 1500F, IHR, +AGE, 3HR 800 3 12- F RT FATIGUE CRACK 1.0 850 TY -65F KC1, KSI - VIN A NOTCH STR. 0.18 IN THICK CENTER FATIGUE CRACK, (HEAT TREAT BEFORE CRACKING, SLOW CRACK EXTENSION BY INK STAIN FRACTURE APPEARANCE PERCENT SHEAR 900 950 AGING TEMP - F 1000 FIG. 3.027141 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF FORGED 280 KSI GRADE SLAB (12)(13) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI KSI OR KSI - VIN KSI KSI OR KSI - VIN PERCENT 320 280 240 200 280 240 200 340 160 300 260 220 160 120 80 40 80 40 0 0 F 800 TY A HEAT A, CVM E, CVM F. AIR HEAT L T Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.5 IN PLATE 250 TO 280 KSI HR +3,HR AGE 850 E FIG. 3.027142 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF AIR AND CONSUMABLE ELECTRODE VACUUM MELTED PLATE (14) F NOTCH R 2 K KSI C2' VIN AND SHEAR Δ EDGE NOTCH FATIGUE CRACK, HEAT TREAT AFTER CRACKING, SLOW CRACK EXTENSION BY INK STAIN 900 950 AGING TEMP - F L Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.115 IN SHEET CVM 250 KSI 1500 F, 1 HR, AC + 900 F AGE прабра O SHEAR 2 F AV L AND T TY + OKC1, KSI - VIN Δ NOTCH STRENGTH 2 1000 4 6 AGING TIME - HR FATIGUE CENTER CRACK, HEAT TREAT AFTER CRACKING, SLOW CRACK EXTENSION ESTIMATED 8 10 FIG. 3.027143 EFFECT OF AGING TIME ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED 250 KSI SHEET (10) PAGE 12 FeUH KSI TY F KSI OR KSI - VIN KSI TY F KSI OR KSI - VIN 340 300 260 280 240 200 160 120 80 360 320 280 240 280 240 200 160 120 80 0 40 L'T J 2 FIG. 3.027144 EFFECT OF AGING TIME ON SHARP NOTCH PROP- ERTIES OF ANNEALED 280 KSI SHEET (10) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.115 IN SHEET CVM 280 KSI 1500 F, 1 HR, ‚AC + AGE, 900 F L T Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0. 115 IN SHEET CVM 250 KSI CR +900 F, 3 HR OKCI KSI - VIN A NOTCH STRENGTH 4 AGING TIME ~.75 AFTER FTY - 2 SLOW CRACK EXTENSION ESTIMATED -8- FATIGUE CENTER CRACK, HEAT TREAT 6 HR CRACKING, CENTER FATIGUE CRACK, HEAT TREAT AFTER CRACKING, SLOW CRACK EXTENSION ESTIMATED 60 +~75 FTY 2 -8 ANOTCH STRENGTH OKCP KSI - VIN 20 40 COLD REDUCTION-PERCENT FERROUS ALLOYS AVERAGE OF L AND T T L 8 80 10 FIG. 3.027151 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING PRIOR TO AGING ON SHARP NOTCH PROPER- TIES OF 250 KSI SHEET (11) KSI KSI OR KSI - VIN - KSI KSI OR KSI - VIN 340 300 260 220 240 200 160 TY 120 80 400 HR + 900 F 3 HR 360 320 280 220 180 140 100 60 20 0 L Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.115 IN SHEET 600 FIG. 3.027152 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING PRIOR TO AGING ON SHARP NOTCH PROPER- TIES OF 280 KSI SHEET (11) CVM 280 KSI CR +900 F, 3 HR CENTER FATIGUE CRACK, HEAT TREAT AFTER CRACKING, SLOW CRACK EXTENSION ESTIMATED. FTY T A NOTCH STR. OK KSI - VIN CI 1 20 40 COLD REDUCTION L 2 800 Kad 2 ~|~75k wwww Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.080 IN SHEET (0.03C-7.0Co-4. 6Mo-0.22Ti) 1500 F, 1 HR, COOL TO ROLLING TEMP + 75 % WARM ROLL + 900 F, 3 HR ~.75 60 PERCENT FTY Τ Δ OK ०५ T L CENTER FATIGUE CRACK, AGE BEFORE CRACKING, SLOW CRACK EXTENSION BY INK STAIN 1000 WARM ROLLING TEMP - F 80 O NOTCH STRENGTH Kc₁, KSI KSI - VIN 1200 1400 FIG. 3.027153 EFFECT OF WARM ROLLING TEMPERATURE (AUSFORMING) ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF AGED SHEET (13) Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 13 FeUH Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging KSI OR KSI - VIN KSI VIN - KSI FIG. 340 CODE 1220 300 260 220 180 140 100 320 280 240 200 160 120 180 120 FIG. 3.02716 EFFECT OF YIELD STRENGTH 80 40 260 0 K Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.039 -0.078 IN SHEET IND VAC 30 LB HEAT 1500 F, 1 HR + CR + 900 F, 3 HR 1.4 20 - рбозу NOTCH RAD < 0.0006 HEAT TREAT BEFORE NOTCHING, SLOW CRACK EXTENSION BY INK STAIN 320 IC' 280 1.0 2 50%CR 70%CR 2a 0.1 Co Mo Ti 300 Δ O - FTY KSI LEVEL ON THE SHARP NOTCH PROPER- TIES OF COLD ROLLED AND AGED SHEET FROM LABORATORY HEATS (15) L, 0.1 IN THICK, F. =297KSI TY L, 0.2 IN THICK, F. =300KSI TY AT, 0.2 IN THICK, F =307KSI ▲- SURFACE CRACKY Δ THRU CRACK 7.5 -9.0 4.8 - 4.9 0.4 -0.6 Δ NOTCH STR. O KC2, KSI- VIN L 0.2 340 PLANE STRAIN FRACTURE TOUGHNESS Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.375 IN PLATE CVM 280 KSI 1500F, 1HR, AC+900F, 3 HR NOTCH STRENGTH FERROUS ALLOYS CENTER THRU OR SURFACE FATIGUE CRACK, HEAT TREAT BEFORE CRACKING 0.3 0.4 CRACK LENGTH (2a) - IN 3.027171 EFFECT OF SURFACE CRACK LENGTH ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF 280 KSI CVM PLATE (18) 0.5 KSI OR KSI - VIN 200 160 120 80 40 0 KSI 300 ●K 260 220 10-1 180 140 100 140 100 60 0 日本 ​4 2a Ο 0.2 Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.75 IN PLATE KC' KSI - VIN NOTCH STRENGTH CRACK INITIATION STRESS AIR MELT 250 KSI 1500F, 1HR, AC+900F, 3HR, AC KIC PLANE STRAIN FRACTURE TOUGHNESS 0.6 0.4 CRACK LENGTH 2a NOTCH STRENGTH CENTER SURFACE CRACK, HEAT TREAT BEFORE 3CRACKING FIG. 3.027172 EFFECT OF SURFACE CRACK LENGTH ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF 250 KSI AIR MELT PLATE (19) Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.160 IN SHEET AIR MELT (7.4Co-5. 3Mo-0. 24Ti) 50% CR +, 900 F, 3 HR, AC L 18.5 0.8 1 - 1.0 100 4 10¹ 102 103 10 CRACK TIP STRESS INTENSITY RATE KSI -VIN/SEC 0.002 10.37 183 LOAD RATE-1000 LB/SEC FIG. 3.027173 EFFECT OF CRACK TIP STRESS INTENSITY RATE ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF COLD ROLLED AND AGED SHEET (21) t=0.126 ~ 0.33 105 1300 PAGE 14 FeUH 400 KSI 300 200 100 0 0 400 300 200 100 0 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 250 KSI AIR MELT BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR 0 0.004 0.008 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.03111 STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATUR ES FOR 250 KSI AIR MELT ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) m 0.012 RT 600F 800F STRAIN 900F -950F 1000F TENSION - Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 250 KSI CVM BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC +900 F, 3 HR 0.016 0.004 0.008 0.012 IN PER IN RT .600F 800F 900F -950F 1000F TENSION 0.016 FIG. 3.03112 STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATUR ES FOR 250 KSI VACUUM MELT AN- NEALED AND AGED BAR (2) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI - F TU PERCENT 340 300 260 220 180 140 80 40 0 0 KSI 400 300 200 100 0 0 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 280 KSI CVM BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR 200 0.004 0.008 0.012 STRAIN - IN PER IN FIG. 3.03113 STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR 280 KSI VACUUM MELT AN- NEALED AND AGED BAR (2) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR FTU FTY ● 280 KSI CVM O 250 KSI CVM ▲ 250 KSI AIR MELT RA TENSION e(1 IN) 400 600 TEST TEMP - F 800 0.016 300 260 220 180 140 1000 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) FTY - KSI Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 15 FeUH Fe Ni 18 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE LB - FT FIG. LB FT - 100 1220 80 60 40 20 0 50 -400 40 30 Fe-18Ni-8. 5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 20 BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR 10 280 KSI CVM O 250 KSI CVM ▲250 KSI AIR MELT 3.0331 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON THE IMPACT STRENGTH OF ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) 5~0. OT -400 0 Fe-18Ni-8.5 Ni-Mo-Ti-Al 200 KSI AIR MELT 1 IN PLATE 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR FIG. 3.0332 IE CHARPY V 400 800 TEMP F ~0.014 % S -200 0.006 % S,CROSS ROLLED PLATE (EACH POINT AVG OF 5,TESTS) 0 TEMP IE CHARPY V 1200 F 200 400 FERROUS ALLOYS EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERA - TURE ON THE IMPACT STRENGTH OF ANNEALED AND AGED 200 KSI PLATE (5) KSI FTY - KSI KSI VIN 300 PERCENT 260 220 180 140 280 240 200 240 200 160 160 120 FIG. 3.03712 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND STRAIN RATE ON THE SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF AN- NEALED AND AGED 250 KSI SHEET (20) 80 10 0.05 IN/IN/MIN FTY 0 STRAIN RATE IN PER IN PER MIN O 0.5 ⚫ 0.05 Δ 0.005 200 1.75 -100 L T ~ 0.78 1.75 I HEAT TREAT BEFORE CRACKING Fe-18N-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 250 KSI CVM 0.080 IN SHEET 1500 F, 1 HR +900 F, 3 HR + FATIGUE CENTER CRACK NOTCH STRENGTH 400 TEMP 0 A 20375 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.070 IN SHEET, CVM 1500 F, 1 HR + 900 F, 3 HR 600 F AV OF 2 TO 4 TESTS e(1 IN) SLOW CRACK EXTENSION MEASURED BY ELECTRIC RESISTANCE CHANGE KIC 800 F SHARP NOTCH STRENGTH 100 TEMP - F TU FTY 200 A-SAWCUT EXTENDED BY FATIGUE PRE- CRACK TO 0.700 IN 1000 300 280 240 200 FIG. 3.03721 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON PLANE- STRAIN FRACTURE TOUGHNESS, SHARP NOTCH AND TENSILE PROPERTIES OF 250 KSI GRADE SHEET (25) KSI - TU F PAGE 16 FeUH KSI - TY F KSI √IN PERCENT 1000 KSI 320 280 240 240 200 160 160 120 80 10 30 26 22 0 18 0 L T ▲ HEAT NO.1 (0.063 IN) O A HEAT NO. 2 (0.070)IN) Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 0.063-0.070 IN SHEET, CVM 1500 F, 1 HR + 900 F, 3 HR FTU -100 O Δ 0 O A- SAWCUT EXTENDED 10379 0,375 1.75 BY FATIGUE PRECRACK TO 0.700 IN KIC AV OF 2 TO 4 TESTS FTY SHARP NOTCH STRENGTH 100 TEMP - F BAR FIG. 3.03722 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON PLANE- STRAIN FRACTURE TOUGHNESS, SHARP NOTCH AND TENSILE PROPERTIES OF 300 KSI GRADE SHEET (25) e(1 IN) TEMP - FERROUS ALLOYS 200 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 280' KSI CVM O 250 KSI CVM A 250 KSI AIR MELT Δ ZZ 250 - 280 KSI, INCO DYNAMIC (5) 200 400 800 600 F STATIC (2) 1 300 FIG. 3.0621 STATIC AND DYNAMIC MODULI AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2)(5) 320 1000 280 240 KSI - FTU KSI 400 300 200 100 400 FIG. 300 200 100 0 0 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 250 KSI AIR MELT BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC +900 F, 3 HR 0 0 TENSION 900F 800F 1900F 1000F 950F FIG. 3.0641 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES FOR 250 KSI AIR MELT ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) 1000 F 10 TENSION 950F 10 600F 1000 KSI Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 250 KSI CVM BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F; 3 HR 20 1000 KSI RT 800F 20 RT 30 600F 30 3.0642 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURE FOR 250 KSI VACUUM MELT ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE 1220 PAGE 17 FeUH Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE KSI 400 300 1220 200 100 0 400 300 200 100 0 0 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 280 KSI CVM BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR 0 800F 950F FIG. 3.0643 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURE FOR 280 KSI VACUUM MELT ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) 10 900 F 950F 1000F TENSION 600F 1800F 900 F 10 RT 1000 KSI Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 250 KSI AIR MELT BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR 600F RT 20 1000 KSI 30 20 - 30 FIG. 3.0651 SECANT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER - ATURES FOR 250 KSI AIR MELT ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 400 300 200 100 0 400 300 52200 100 Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 250 KSI CVM BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR 0 800F 950F 1000F TENSION FIG. 3.0652 SECANT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER - ATURES FOR 250 KSI VACUUM MELT ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) 800F 900F 900F 10 TENSION 600F 1000 KSI Fe-18Ni-8.5Co-Mo-Ti-Al 280 KSI CVM BAR 1500 F, 30 MIN, AC + 900 F, 3 HR 10 RT RT 600F 950F 20 1000 KSI 30 20 30 FIG. 3.0653 SECANT MODULUS CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES FOR 280 KSI VACUUM MELT ANNEALED AND AGED BAR (2) Kateg PAGE 18 FeUH 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 REFERENCES FERROUS ALLOYS International Nickel Co., "Preliminary Data Sheet, " (1962) Vanadium Alloy Steel Co., "VascoMax 250 and VascoMax 300 CVM Ultra High Strength Maraging Steel," (1962) Yates, D. H. and Hamaker, J. C., "Ultra High Strength 18 Nickel Maraging Steel," Metal Progress, ASM, (Sept. 1962) De Vries, R. P., "Effect of Processing Factors and Size on the Properties of Commercially Produced 18Ni-Co-Mo Maraging Steel," Symposium on Maraging Steels at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, (May 14, 1962) Clark, C. C., International Nickel Co., "Personal Communi- cation, Brown, W. F., Jr., (1962) 11 Curtiss-Wright Corp., Wright Aeronautical Div., "Research on Binary Iron-Nickel Alloys with 20-25% Nickel, Contract AF 33(616)-8018, Progress Rep. No. 3, (Nov. 30, 1962) Aggen, G. N., Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp., "Personal Communication," Brown, W. F., Jr., (1962) " Hamaker, J. C., Vanadium Alloys Steel Corp., "Personal Communication, " Brown, W. F., Jr., (1962) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Maraging Steels, Preliminary Data," (1961) 警​量 ​Curtiss-Wright Corp., Wright Aeronautical Div., "Research on Binary Iron-Nickel Alloys with 20-25% Nickel, "Contract AF 33(616)-8018, Progress Rep. No. 4, (Feb. 28, 1962) Curtiss-Wright Corp., Wright Aeronautical Div., "Research on Binary Iron-Nickel Alloys with 20-25% Nickel, Contract AF 33(616)-8018, Progress Rep. No. 5, May 30, 1962) Nordquist, F. C., "An Investigation of 18NiCoMo (300) Maraging Steel Forgings," General Dynamics, Rep. No. FZM 2608, (May 10, 1962) Matas, S., Republic Steel Research Center, "Personal Com- munication," Brown, W. F., Jr., (1962) Hughes, W., Thiokol Chemical Co., "Personal Communication," Brown, W. F., Jr., (1962) Decker, R. F., Eosh, J. T. and Goldman, A. J., "Maraging Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenum Steels," ASM Transactions Quarterly, (1962) Witherell, C. E. and Fragetta, W. A., "Weldability of 18 Percent Nickel Steel," (1962) 11 Witherell, C. E. and Corrigan, D., International Nickel Co., "Personal Communication," Brown, W. F., Jr., (1962) Sipple, G. R. and Vonnegut, G. L., "Partial Thickness Crack Fracture Toughness of 18% Ni Steel, D6 Steel and Ti-6Al-4V Alloy, Allison Materials Research Laboratory Report, Alli- son Div. General Motors Corp., (Nov. 7, 1962) Zaperstein, Z. P., Douglas Aircraft, Inc., Missile and Space Systems Div., "Pers onal Communication, " Brown, W. F., Jr., (1962) Steigerwald, E. A., TAPCO Group, Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge, Inc, "Personal Communication, " Brown, W. F., Jr., (Sept. 24, 1962) Krafft, J. M., "Personal Communication," Brown, W. F., Jr., (1962) Mehra, V. J., "Personal Communication," Brown, W. F., Jr., (Sept. 1962) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Co., "Research Center Data Sheet 零零 ​166-73062-BB, (1963) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Co., "Research Center Data Sheet 163-73062AA," (1963) Hanna, G. L. and Steigerwald, E. A., "Fracture Character- istics of Structural Metals," Second Quarterly Progress Report to Bur. of Naval Weapons under Contract N600(19)58831 by TAPCO Group, Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge, Inc., (Dec. 1962) Fe 18 Ni 8.5 Co Mo Ti Al 18 Ni Maraging CODE: 1220 PAGE 19 FeUH 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.057 1.058 1.06 1.061 Molybdenum Chromium Vanadium Iron Source Grade GENERAL This steel was developed specifically to have high harden- ability and fracture toughness. A low and a high carbon grade are produced. The low carbon grade is primarily designed for use in heavy sections requiring high tough- ness at yield strength levels up to about 200 ksi. The high carbon grade appears to have good toughness in thin sections heat treated to a yield strength level of 250 ksi. The alloy requires quenching and tempering and in certain respects is similar to 4340. Special melting practices are employed to minimize inclusions and thereby reduce directionality and improve the transverse properties. However, at this time both melting proce- dures and heat treatments are still under investigation. It should be recognized that this alloy is a new develop- ment and that only a limited amount of data, primarily from a single source, are available at present. The alloy is included in anticipation of future improved processing techniques and a corresponding increase in utilization of the alloy in certain service applications. Commercial Designation. 9 Ni-4Co. Alternate Designation. Republic AP-9-4-25, HP-9-4-45, HP-9-4-XX, (XX digits denote carbon level). Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1.04. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorous Sulfur Nickel Cobalt TABLE 1.04 High Carbon Percent Min 0.42 0.10 1 I 7.50 3.50 0.20 Republic (12) 0.20 0.06 Max 0.48 0.25 0.35 0.010 0.010 FERROUS ALLOYS Low Carbon Percent Min 0.24 0.15 9.00 7.50 4.50 3.50 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.12 0.06 Balance Max 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.010 0.010 9.00 4.50 0.55 0.55 0.12 Balance Heat Treatment General. Alloy is normally quenched and tempered. Austempering, ausforming and hot-cold working proce- dures are under development. Normalize. For carbon contents up to 0.48 percent, 1600 F, 1 hour, air cool. Spheroidize anneal. 1150 F, 48 hours, air cool, (1). Austenitize. 1450 to 1550 F, 30 minutes to 1 hour, oil quench. Sheet may be air cooled. Refrigeration. For alloys containing greater than 0.30 carbon refrigeration for 2 hours at -100 F minimum should follow quenching for best properties. Temper. Double temper; 2 + 2 hours, air cool. Generally tempering at 400 to 600 F is recommended for high carton grade and 800 to 1050 F, 2 + 2 hours, air cool, for the low carbon grade. Stress relief. 50 to 100 F below tempering temperature 1 hour, air cool. Ausforming and hot-cold working. Details depend on composition and section size. Generally the alloy may be continuously deformed 50 to 90 percent starting at 1600 F and finishing at 1200 F followed by quenching and tempering. Hardness. Typical hardness of annealed high carbon grade, 32-35 RC. Typical hardness of annealed low carbon grade, 21-26 RC. 1.052 1.063 1.054 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.08 1.081 1.082 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.01211 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.01212 2.02 2.021 2.022 Effect of austenitizing time on hardness at 0.42 carbon level, Fig. 1.052. End quench hardenability for a low and high carbon grade Fig. 1.063. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness at two carbon levels, Fig. 1.064. Forms and Conditions Available. Forms. Forging stock, bar, sheet, plate and wire rod. Conditions. Alloy is available in the 0.25 and 0.45 carbon grades. Source Alloy Grade Form Melting Practice Melting and Casting Practice Melting. Optimum melting procedures are not yet esta- blished. Electric furnace air melt and/or consumable electrode vacuum remelt have been used. In addition, a special melting practice has been employed. This involves basic electric arc melting of an unkilled heat having excess carbon. Remelting by the consumable electrode vacuum process (using cold walled crucible) results in carbon deoxidation. This process has the advantage of eliminating non-metallic inclusions associated with the silicon and aluminum normally used to kill the air melt. However, as with any other vacuum arc remelting process, careful control of the melting practice is necessary to pre- vent excessive carbon segregation. Carbon segregation if present may be reduced by further consumable electrode remelting or by other special procedures, (3)(5). Chemistry variation in a 12 x 12 inch billet melted by improved practices, Table 1.082. TABLE 1.082 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Nickel Cobalt Republic (21) Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co Low Carbon 12 x 12 in Billet* Carbon Deoxidized Top 0.31 0.26 0.02 0.005 0.007 8.60 4.10 0.33 0.44 Molybdenum Chromium Iron *Forged from 8000 lb ingot Special Considerations The absence of significant amounts of aluminum in carbon deoxidized material can result in rapid grain growth at excessively high heat treating or working tem- peratures. The alloy may be subject to hydrogen embrit- tlement at high strength levels, (see 4340), (5). Percent Bottom 0.28 Balance 0.20 0.02 0.007 0.007 8.70 4. 15 0.37 0.42 Other Physical Properties Density, 0.28 lb per cu in. Electrical properties PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties. Melting range. Phase changes, (see Fig. 2.0121). Time-temperature-transformation diagrams. S Tentative time-temperature-transformation diagram for high carbon, high chemistry heat, Fig. 2.01211. Time transformation diagram for low carbon grade similar to Fig. 2.01211 but with M, approximately 540 F and B = 840 F, Fig. 2.01212. Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion, 0.25 C, 68-800 F, 6.4 x 10 in per in per F, 0.45 C, 68-800 F, 6.2 x 10 in per in per F, (12). Specific heat -6 Thermal diffusivity 9 4 CODE Fe Ni 9 Ni - 4 Co Co Cr Mo V 1221 PAGE 1 FeUH 9 4 2.023 Fe 2.024 2.025 Ni Co Cr Mo V 9 Ni - 4 Co 2.03 2.031 2.04 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 3.0211 3.02111 3.0212 FF 3.0213 3.0214 3.02141 Source Allov Grade Form 3.02142 Temper(1) Ftuksi 3.0215 3.02151 3.02152 Fty ksi e(2 in) - percent RA percent IE Charpy V, -ft lb 3.02153 3.02154 CODE 1221 RT -80 F 3.02155 3.02156 Magnetic properties Emissivity Damping capacity 3.02157 3.0216 Chemical Properties General. Corrosion and oxidation resistance are some- what superior to 4340. Coatings are necessary for protection against atmospheric exposure. Nuclear Properties. - 3.022 3.0221 3.023 3.0231 3.024 3.025 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties. None. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. Tension. Stress-strain diagrams. Stress-strain curve for high carbon sheet tempered at 400 F, Fig. 3.02111. Producers tentative mechanical properties. Table 3.0212. TABLE 3.0212 (12) Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 1/2 in plate Low Carbon(~. 25C) High Carbon(~. 45C) 1000 F 190 180 400 F 250 210 12 55 (1) Austenitize 1500 F, 1/2 hr,OQ + 2 hr,- 120 F (High carbon only) + temper 2 + 2 hr. (2) Laboratory heats. 30(2) - 15 65 50-60 45(2) FERROUS ALLOYS 400 F 290 250 7 30 Compression. Stress-strain diagrams. 20 20 600 F 250 230 Impact. Charpy notch, (see 3.0331). Bending. Torsion and shear. 9 40 23 22 Effect of carbon content on tensile properties of forgings, Fig. 3.0213. Effect of austenitizing temperature on tensile properties. Effect of austenitizing temperature on the tensile properties of a 0.38 C forging, (see Fig. 3.02155). Effect of austenitizing temperature and carbon content on tensile properties of plate from laboratory heats, Fig. 3.02142. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of high carbon sheet, Fig. 3.02151. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of high and low carbon plate, Fig. 3.02152. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of 0.38 and 0.42 C forgings, Fig. 3.02153. Effect of tempering temperature and testing direction on tensile properties of a 0.42 and 0.38 C forging, Fig. 3.02154. Effect of tempering and austenitizing temperature on tensile properties of a 0.38 C forging, Fig. 3 02155. Effect of tempering temperature and carbon content on longitudinal tensile properties of plate from laboratory heats, Fig. 3.02156. Effect of tempering temperature and carbon content on transverse tensile properties of plate from laboratory heats, Fig. 3.02157. Effect of austempering temperature on the tensile properties of 0.38 C sheet, Fig. 3.0216. 3.025 3.027 3.0271 3.02711 3.02712 3.02713 3.02714 3.02715 3.0272 3.028 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.0313 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.0331 3.03311 3.03312 3.03313 3.03314 3.03315 3.034 3.035 3.036 3.037 3.0371 3.03711 3.03712 3.03713 3.0372 3.03721 Bearing. Stress concentration. Notch properties. Effect of carbon content on sharp notch properties of sheet from laboratory heats tempered to F = 240-250 Fty ksi, Fig. 3.02711. Effect of tempering temperature on sharp notch strength of killed air melt and carbon deoxidized sheet at two thicknesses, Fig. 3.02712. Effect of surface crack length on sharp notch strength of 0.38 C sheet, Fig. 3.02713. Effect of austempering temperature on sharp notch properties of 0.38 C sheet, Fig. 3.02714. Effect of tempering temperature on notch properties of 0.38 C forging, Fig. 3.02715. Fracture toughness, (see 3.0372). Combined properties. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures. Tension. Stress-strain diagrams. Effect of tempering temperature on low temperature transverse tensile properties of high carbon sheet, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of elevated temperature on tensile properties of 0.38 C bar, Fig. 3.0313. Compression. Stress-strain diagrams. Impact. Charpy V notch. Effect of test temperature, carbon content and melting practice on impact strength of forgings, Fig. 3.03311. Effect of test temperature and carbon content on impact strength of plate from laboratory heats, Fig. 3.03312 Effect of tempering temperature and test temperature on impact strength of 0.26 C plate, Fig. 3.03313. Effect of test and tempering temperatures on impact strength of high carbon forgings and plate, Fig. 3.03314. Effect of test temperature on the impact strength of 0.42 C bainite plate, Fig. 3.03315. Bending. Torsion and shear. Bearing. Stress concentration. Notch properties. Effect of tempering temperature on sharp notch strength of high carbon sheet at room and low temperatures, Fig. 3.03711. Effect of tempering temperature on room and low temperature sharp notch strength of high carbon plate, Fig. 3.03712. Effect of tempering temperature on sharp notch strength of 0.38 C forging at room and low temperatures, Fig. 3.03713. Fracture toughness. General. The values given below were obtained using accepted experimental and analytical methods. Only a limited amount of data is available and the values given do not necessarily represent typical behavior for this alloy. Fracture toughness values for high carbon sheet and forgings, Table 3.03721. Source Alloy Grade From TABLE 3.03721 (9)(13)(17) Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co. 0.42C(9) 0.38C(17) 0.180 4 x 12 in Sheet Forging 400 F Specimen A Temper* 400 F Direction Fty-ksi 245 K-ksiin 177 Shear percent 73 5.0 25 48 Austenitize 1500 F, 1/2 hr + 2 hr¸ - 120 F + temper 2 + 2 hr. 240 140 0.42C(13) 1/2 in plate 400 F L 268 47 B 600 F 218 64 800 F 215 122 PAGE 2 FeUH 3.038 3.04 3.05 3.051 Source Alloy Form Condition Direction LTL 4 Τ 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.0621 3.063 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.0121 4.013 4.02 4.021 4.03 4.031 4.04 4.05 Combined properties. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties. Fatigue Properties. Fatigue properties for a 0.38 C forging tempered at 425 F, Table 3.051. Axial load Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 3 x 4 in forging (0.38C) 1500 F, 1/2 hr, OQ, + 2 hr,- 120 F + 425 F,2 + 2 hr Method Stress Ratio Stress Fatigue Strength - ksi A R at Cycles Conc. Smooth K=1 1 106 107 1 Elastic Properties. Poisson's ratio. TABLE 3.051 (3) FABRICATION ∞ ∞o K=2 Modulus of elasticity. Modulus of elasticity at RT, 29.5 x 10° ksi. × 103 Modulus of rigidity. 105 FERROUS ALLOYS 120 115 110 Machining and Grinding General. Similar to 4340. Surface Treatment. (See 4340). 86 82 93 Formability. General. The fabrication practices for this alloy are generally similar to 4340. Hot forming is somewhat more difficult due to the relatively high cobalt content, (see also 1.09). 70 88 Forging. Starting temperature 2100 F maximum. Finishing temperature 1500 F minimum with slow cool. Aim for 25 percent minimum reduction under 1800 F for carbon deoxidized grades. Recommended initial working temperature for forgings, 2050 F, (21). Effect of finish forging temperature on tensile properties and grain size of a high carbon grade, Fig. 4.0121. Rolling. Recommended initial working temperature for rolling plate, 1650 F, (21). Welding General. Welding procedures are under development. Preliminary data indicate good weldability for the low carbon grade in the 1000 F temper condition without post- treatment. High carbon grades must be welded in the annealed condition, (see 4340). Heat Treatment. Heavy sections should be preheated at about 1150 F, 1 hour before austenitizing. Refrigeration when required, (see 1.054) should follow quenching as soon as possible and may be carried out at any temperature below -100 F, (2)(5). SCALE - ROCKWELL HARDNESS C 65 60 55 0 20 40 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co 0.42 C AUSTENITIZE 1460 TO 1550 F, OQ 80 AUSTENITIZING TIME-MIN 60 100 FIG. 1.062 EFFECT OF AUSTENITIZING TIME ON HARDNESS AT 0.42.CARBON LEVEL (2) 120 Fe Ni 9 4 Co Cr Mo V 9 Ni - 4 Co CODE 1221 PAGE 3 FeUH Fe Ni 9 4 Co Cr Mo V 9 Ni - 4 Co SCALE . ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE w ROCKWELL HARDNESS C 64 60 CODE 1221 56 52 48 44 60 50 40 0 30 FIG. 1.063 END QUENCH HARDENABILITY FOR A LOW AND HIGH CARBON GRADE (3) (4) WQ+ 2HR, 120F 4 400 0.41 C SHEET A0. 42 C FORGINGS 00.26 C PLATE Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 1500F, 1/2HR, OQ + 2HR, -120F + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR 600 0.26C 8 12 16 20 24 DISTANCE FROM QUENCHED END - SIXTEENTHS IN 800 RC 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 1200 FIG. 1.064 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON HARDNESS AT TWO CARBON LEVELS (3)(10)(11) F FERROUS ALLOYS - Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 1500 F, 1 HR, WQ ~0.42C TEMP 1400 1000 600 200 101 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co 10.42C-8. 84 Ni-3.82Co-0.32Cr-0.32Mo 1500 F, 1/2 HR, AUSTENITIZE A₁ M S 28 A 102 32 103 TIME S A+F+C 104 SECOND F+C 105 A+F+C + A+ F 106 FIG. 2.01211 TENTATIVE TIME-TEMPERATURE-TRANSFORMATION DIAGRAM FOR HIGH CARBON, HIGH CHEMISTRY HEAT (3) PAGE 4 FeUH KSI 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 0 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 0.120 SHEET (~0.42C) 1500 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + 2 HR,- 120 F + 400 F, 2+2 HR 0.002 0.004 0.006 L 0.008 STRAIN IN PER IN - FERROUS ALLOYS TENSION 0.010 0.012 FIG. 3.02111 STRESS-STRAIN CURVE FOR HIGH CARBON SHEET TEM- PERED AT 400 F (22) KSI - ՈԼ 320 [上​]]] F 280 240 200 60 40 20 0 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co FORGINGS 1500 F, OQ + 2 hr, -120 F + 400 F, 2 + 2 hr L T ▲ ▲ CVM (C DEOX), 5 IN SQ, (3) ▼KILLED AIR MELT + CVM, 4 IN SQ, (11) ✓ CVM (C DEOX) + CVM, 4 x 12 IN, (16) □ CVM (C DEOX) + CVM 1 5/8 x 5 IN, (3) CVM (C DEOX), 4 x 12 IN, (19) ♡ O KILLED AIR MELT, 5 IN SQ, (3) 0.20 ZA 0.25 FTU FTY e(2 IN) 0.30 0.35 CARBON CONTENT 0.40 PERCENT 0.45 320 280 240 200 160 0.50 KSI - FTY FIG. 3.0213 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF FORGINGS (3)(11)(16)(19) 9 • 4 4 CODE Fe Ni Co Cr Mo 9 Ni - 4 Co > 1221 PAGE 5 FeUH 9 4 Fe Ni Co Cr Mo V 9 Ni - 4 Co - FTU - KSI PERCENT KSI - F PERCENT 320 280 CODE 1221 240 200 160 60 40 20 340 300 260 220 180 20 0 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 350 LB CVM (C DEOX) 1/2 IN PLATE AUST 1/2HR, OQ + 2HR, - 120F, + 400F,, 2 x 2 HR 1400 O Δ 400 F % C 0.18 0.24 0.26 0.31 1450 FIG. 3.02142 EFFECT OF AUSTENITIZING TEMPERATURE AND CARBON CONTENT ON TENSILE PRO- PERTIES OF PLATE FROM LABORATORY HEATS (1) TU 600 1500 1550 1600 AUSTENITIZING TEMP F Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co 0.080 IN SHEET 1500 F, 1 HR, OQ, +2 HR, - 120 F + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR FTU FTY FTY RA e(2 IN) e(1 IN) □ (~.42C)CVM(C, DEOX)+CVM(14) (~. 41C)AIR MELT(10) 800 - T - · AV L AND T 1000 TEMPERING TEMP F 340 300 260 220 FERROUS ALLOYS 180 1200 KSI · TY F FIG. 3.02151 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HIGH CARBON SHEET 320 (10)(14) 280 240 200 160 1650 KSI - TY F KSI - TU F PERCENT KSI 300 F 260 PERCENT 220 180 140 TU 80 40 20 0 400 340 300 260 220 180 60 220 40 0 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co PLATE 1500F, 1HR, OQ + 2HR, - 120 F + TEMPER, 2 + 2 HR F 400 TU □ (~0.42C)CVM(C, DEOX) + CVM, 0.2 IN THICK, L(11) LO(~0. 26C)CVM(C, DEOX) 0.3 IN THICK, L(3) F TY FIG. 3.02152 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HIGH AND LOW CARBON PLATE (3)(6)(11) (~ 0.26)CVM(C, DEOX) 1 IN THICK, AV LANDT (6) RA ⚫e(1 IN) O☐е(2 IN) 600 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co FORGINGS 1500F, 1HR, OQ + 2HR,- 120F + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR. FTY ● (~ 0.38C)CVM(C, DEOX) + CVM, 4x12 IN (16) (~0.42C)CVM(C, DEOX) + CVM, 1 5/8 x 5 IN (1) 600 FTU e(2 IN) 800 RA L 300 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 260 220 180 140 100 1200 340 300 260 220 180 140 KSI 1200 - TY F KSI TY F FIG. 3.02153 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF 0.38 AND 0.42 C FORGINGS (1) (16) PAGE 6 FeUH FTU - KSI PERCENT 340 300 260 220 180 60 40 20 0 400 Fé-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co CVM (C, DEOX) + CVM FORGINGS 1500 F, 1HR, OQ + 2HR,- 120F, + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR 600 F TU L TST ▲ (0.38C)4 x 12 IN ~0.42C)21/2x51/4 IN FTY 800 RA OA e(2 IN) ☐e(1 IN) 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 340 300 260 "TY - KSI F 220 180 1200 FERROUS ALLOYS FIG. 3.02154 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND TESTING DIRECTION ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A 0.42 AND 0.38 C FORGING (16) (18) FTU - KSI PERCENT 320 280 240 200 60 40 20 0 400 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co CVM(C, DEOX) + CVM 5 1/2 IN DIA FORGING (~0.38C) AUSTENITIZE, 1HR, OQ + 2HR,-120F + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR FIG. 3.02155 e(IN) AUSTENITIZE 1450 F 1500 F 1550 F RA O Δ 450 500 TEMPERING TEMP - F 320 280 240 200 160 550 EFFECT OF TEMPERING AND AUS- TENITIZING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A 0.38 C FORGING (17) KSI - TY F 9 4 CODE Fe Ni 9 Ni 4 Co - Co Cr Mo V 1221 PAGE 7 FeUH 9 4 Fe Ni Co Cr Mo V 9 Ni - 4 Co KSI A TU PERCENT 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 CODE 1221 0 400 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 350 LB CVM (C, DEOX) 1/2 IN PLATE 1500F, 1/2 HR, OQ + 2HR-120F, + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR %C 0.18 O 0.24 Δ 0.26 ▲ 0.31 600 FTY 800 FTU RA e(1 IN) 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F L FERROUS ALLOYS 320 280 240 200 160 120 1200 KSI TY FIG. 3.02156 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND CARBON CONTENT ON LONGITUDINAL TENSILE PROPERTIES OF PLATE FROM LABORATORY HEATS (1) FTU - KSI 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 400 Fe-(0.15-0 50C)-9 Ni-4Co 350 LB CVM (C, DEOX) 1/2 IN PLATE 1500F, 1/2HR, OQ + 2HR,- 120F + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR %C ● 0.18 O 0.24 A 0.26+ 0.31 e1 IN) 600 800 FTY F TU RA T 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F 320 280 240 FTY - KSI 200 160 120 1200 FIG. 3.02157 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND CARBON CONTENT ON TRANSVERSE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF PLATE FROM LABORATORY HEATS (1) PAGE 8 FeUH KSI PERCENT KSI 320 SHARP NOTCH YIELD STRENGTH RATIO 280 240 200 160 10 0 400 320 280 240 200 1.0 0.8 0.6 FIG. 3.0216 EFFECT OF AUSTEMPERING TEMPERA - TURE ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF 0.38C SHEET (8) 0.4 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co 0.080 IN SHEET~0.38C 1500F, 1 HR 8 HR AUST EMPER 0.2 e(2 IN) 0.30 450 FTY 550 AUSTEMPER TEMP - F 500 0.35 L Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9N1-4Co 150 TO 350 LB CVM (C, DEOX) HEATS 0.080 IN SHEET 1500F, 1/2 HR, OQ + 2HR, - 120F + TEMPER TO INDICATED F, TY FTU 2 0.40 CARBON CONTENT 0.45 600 God F £ ~. 75 T CENTER FATIGUE CRACK, HEAT TREAT BEFORE CRACKING FERROUS ALLOYS TY 0.50 PERCENT 0.55 FIG. 3.02711 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT ON THE SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF SHEET FROM LABORA- TORY HEATS TEMPERED TO F =240 TO 250 KSI TY (23) KSI KSI 320 280 240 180 200 140 260 300 220 160 120 80 40 0 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co SHEET 1500 F, 1/2 HR, OQ, +2 HR +TEMPER, 2 + 2 HR AV L AND T, F (~.0.41C) TY FTY' 400 L(~ 0.42C) 0.020 NOTCH STRENGTH 0.080 IN 0.180 IN L T L T O B CENTER FATIGUE CRACK, HEAT TREAT BEFORE CRACKING W=2 IN 0.080 IN 2a =0.75 IN THICK O 500 FIG. 3.02712 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON SHARP NOTCH STRENGTH OF KILLED AIR MELT CARBON DEOXIDIZED SHEET AT TWO THICKNESSES (7)(21) - 14 2a CENTER SURFACE CRACK HEAT TREAT AFTER CRACKING 120 F ▲ ▲(~0.41C), KILLED,AIR MELT | (~0.42C), CVM(C,DEOX)+CVM 600 700 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F W=3 IN 10. 180 IN 2a =1.0 IN THICK Fe-(0.15-0.50Č)-9 Ni-4Co CVM (C, DEOX) (~0.38C) 0. 140 IN SHEET 1500F, 1/2HR, OQ + 2HR, - 120F, +600F, 2+2 HR 0.080 0.140 CRACK LENGTH F = 240 KSI TU NOTCH STRENGTH 2a 900 0.200 FIG. 3.02713 EFFECT OF SURFACE CRACK LENGTH ON SHARP NOTCH STRENGTH OF 0.38C SHEET (3) 9 4 CODE Fe Ni Co Cr 9 Ni - 4 Co Mo V 1221 PAGE 9 FeUH 9 4 CODE Fe Ni 9 Ni - 4 Co Co Cr Mo V KSI KSI NOTCH TENSILE STRENGTH RATIO 280 240 1221 200 160 120 80 300 220 400 180 1.6 1.4 1.2 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co CVM (C, DEOX) + CVM (~~.038C) 0.180 IN SHEET 1500 F, 1 HR 1.0 FIG. 3.02714 EFFECT OF AUSTEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON SHARP NOTCH PROPERTIES OF 0.38C SHEET (8) 0.8 FTY 400 Fe-(0.15-0. 50C)-9Ni-4Co CVM (C, DEOX) + CVM 4 x 12 IN FORGING (~0.38C) 260 500 F, 1 HR, OQ + 1 HR, -100 F + TEMPER 2 + 2 Hr NOTCH 3 8 HR AUST EMPER L }~1,0 CENTER FATIGUE CRACK HEAT TREAT BEFORE CRACKING 500 600 AUSTEMPER TEMP - F 505 рбад FTY ●L OLT A ST L 1.357 r=0.010 K~4.0 t NOTCH AFTER HEAT TREAT 500 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F 700 700 FIG. 3.02715 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON NOTCH PROPERTIES OF 0.38 C FORGING (16) FERROUS ALLOYS PERCENT KSI 340 PERCENT 300 250 220 180 10 0 400 280 240 200 160 120 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEM- PERATURE ON LOW TEMPERA- TURE TRANSVERSE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HIGH CARBON SHEET 80 100 75 50 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co CVM(C DEOX) + CVM 0.075 IN SHEET (~0.42 C) 1500F, 1HR, OQ. +1HR -320F + TEMPER 1 + 1 HR 25 0 -65 F F TU 600 FTY e(2 IN) 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co CVM (C, DEOX) 1 1/4 IN DIA BAR (~. 038C) 1450F, 11/4HR, OQH HR,-320F ✈ TEMPER 2 + 2 HR AT 100 F ABOVE TEST TEMP RA e(1 IN) 800 T FTU 1000 1000 TEMP - F (14) 1200 FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEM - PERATURE ON TENSILE PRO- PERTIES OF 0.38 C BAR (15) PAGE 10 FeUH LB - FT 40 FT - LB 30 20 10 0 -400 100 80 60 40 AV HEAT C MELT PRACTICE PERCENT • 0.42 ▲ 0.26 20 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 5 IN SQ BILLETS 1500F, 1/2HR, OQ + 2HR, -120F +400F, 2+ 2 HR -400 -200 FIG. 3.03311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE, CARBON CONTENT AND MELTING PRACTICE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF FORGINGS (3) % C 0.18 O 0,24 Δ 0,26 ▲ 0.31 KILLED AIR + CVM CVM (C DEOX) IE CHARPY V -200 0 200 TEMP - F Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co 350 LB CVM(C, DEOX) 1/2 IN PLATE 1500F, 1/2HR, OQ+ 2HR, - 120F +TEMPER TO F = 190KSI TY IE CHARPY V 400 0 TEMP - F 200 400 FIG. 3.03312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND CARBON CONTENT ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF PLATE FROM LABORATORY HEATS FERROUS ALLOYS (1) 600 FT - LB 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 KSI LB - FT 200 160 140 c ch ca 100 70 -400 60 50 40 30 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co CVM(C DEOX) 1 IN PLATE ~0.26C 1500F, 1,2HR, OQ+TEMPER 2 + 2 HR AV L AND T, FTY 950 Δ ΔΥ · 0 RT RT L T TEMPER-F OV 400 600 800 + 1/2 IN PLATE 1050 -200 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co CVM(C, DEOX) + CVM (~0.42C) 1500F, 1/2HR, OQ + 2HR,- 120F + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR 2 1/2 x 5 IN FORGING O°F FIG. 3.03313 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA - TURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF 0.26 C PLATE (6) AV L AND T, F LT TEST TEMP F ORT ΔΟ° 1150 TEMPERING TEMP - F ▼ 1100 INITIAL WORKING TEMPERATURE 1650 F 2150 F IE CHARPY V 0 200 TEMP - F TU 400 1200 600 FIG. 3.03314 EFFECT OF TEST AND TEMPERING TEMPERA - TURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF HIGH CARBON FORGINGS AND PLATE (5) 9 4 CODE Fe Ni Co Cr Mo V 9 Ni 4 Co 1221 PAGE 11 FeUH 9 4 Fe Ni Co Cr Mo V LB CODE - 9 Ni - 4 Co E KSI 70 60 1221 50 40 30 20 10 -400 340 300 260 220 180 140 100 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co CVM(C DEOX)+CVM 1/2 IN PLATE~0.42C 1500 F, 1/2 HR FTY T 400 -200 FIG. 3.03315 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF 0.42C BAINITE PLATE (7) F = 250 KSI TU F = 200 KSI TY 0 TEMP 125 0.7 O NOTCH 500 F, 8 HR - O IE CHARHY V Fe-(0.15-0. 50C)-9Ni-4Co CVM(C DEOX)+CVM 0.075 IN SHEET ( 0.42C) 1500F, IHR, OQ+1 HR- 320F + TEMPER 1+1 HR - • L OT F RT -65 F 60 r<0.001 IN 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP 200 - F 400 1000 FIG. 3.03711 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEM- PERATURE ON SHARP NOTCH STRENGTH OF HIGH CARBON SHEET AT ROOM AND LOW TEM- PERATURE (14) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 300 260 220 180 140 100 60 KSI 400 PERCENT 280 240 200 160 120 80 100 50 Fe-(0.15-0. 50C)-9Ni-4Co CVM(C DEOX)+CVM (~ 0. 42C) 0.220 IN PLATE 1500F, 1/2 HR, OQ + 2 HR,-120F + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR FIG. 3.03712 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON ROOM AND LOW TEMPERA- TURE SHARP NOTCH STRENGTH OF HIGH CARBON PLATE (21) RT -100 F RT 400 450 FTY 500 550 TEMPERING TEMP F 0.180 IN SPECIMEN (SEE FIG. 3.03713) NOTCH Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9Ni-4Co CVM(C DEOX)+CVM 4 x 12 IN FORGING (~0.38C) 1500F, 1HR, OQ +1 HR,- 108 F + TEMPER 2 + 2 HR F FTY -65F NOTCH STRENGTH о 0.18 IN THICK, CENTER FA- TIGUE CRACK, HEAT TREAT BEFORE CRACKING, SHEAR L L 500 600 TEMPERING TEMP - F 3 $1.0 un 600 100 FIG. 3.03713 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEM- PERATURE ON SHARP NOTCH STRENGTH OF 0.38C FORGING AT ROOM AND LOW TEMPERATURE (17) G PAGE 12 FeUH KSI PERCENT 380 340 300 260 2200 40 20 0 10 0 Fe-(0.15-0.50C)-9 Ni-4Co 1450 F, 1 HR, OQ + 2 HR,- 120 F + 400 F, 2+ 2HR 1300 FTU 1500 ASTM GRAIN SIZE F 1700 TY e(1 IN) RA 1900 FINISH FORGING TEMP - FERROUS ALLOYS 2100 F 2300 FIG. 4.0121 EFFECT OF FINISH FORGING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES AND GRAIN SIZE OF A HIGH CARBON GRADE (18) 1 لسعر 2 3 CA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 REFERENCES "Republics 9Ni-4Co Alloy Steels," Republic Steel Corp., Metallurgical Dept., (1962) Matas, S. J., Republic Steel Research Center, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Rinebolt, J. A., "Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of the 9Ni-4Co Alloy Steel Composition in Various Section Sizes from Various Vacuum Melt Heats," TR 693, Republic Steel Corp., (Nov. 8, 1962) Republic Steel Corp., "End Quench Hardenability Tests,' Reports 157 and 250, (1962) Matas, S. J., Republic Steel Research Center, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Pascover, S., Republic Steel Research Center, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Matas, S. J., Republic Steel Research Center, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Pascover, S., Republic Steel Research Center, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Matas, S. J., Republic Steel Research Center, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Pascover, J., Republic Steel Research Center, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Matas, S. J., Republic Steel Metallurgical Laboratory Test Results, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Republic Steel Research Center, "Preliminary Technical Data Sheet on the Republic Hi-Performance Steels," (as revised by Matas, S. J.), (1963) Hughes, W., Thiokol Chemical Corp., Personal communi- cation with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1962) Sliney, J. L., Watertown Arsenal Laboratories, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Rinebolt, J. A., "Hot Tensile Properties of 9Ni-4Co Steel, Republic Steel Lab. Rep. 7943-8, (June 11, 1962) Shimmin, J. T., "Development of Notch Property Data for Heat Treated 9Ni-4Co VM, 4340 AM, 4340 VM and 18Ni-7Co-5Mo VM Steels by General Dynamics Corp., Dallas, Texas," Republic Steel Lab. Rep. No. 637, (Oct. 26, 1962) Matas, S. J. and Munger, H. P., "Notch Sensitivity of Candidate Materials for the B-58 Landing Gear Program, Republic Steel Research Center, (Nov. 1962) Matas, S. J., Republic Steel Research Center, Personal communication with W. F. Brown, Jr., (1963) Matas, S. J., Republic Steel Research Center, Letter to E. O. Woellner to Republic Steel Corp., (June 6, 1962) Nordquist, F. C., "18NiCoMo(300) Maraging Steel Forgings," General Dynamics, Fort Worth, Rep. FZM 2731, (Nov. 8, 1962) 11 11 Matas, S. J., Republic Steel Research Center, "Personai communication with V. Weiss," (Feb. 1963) Fe 9 Ni 4 Co Cr CODE Mo V 9 Ni - 4 Co 1221 PAGE 13 FeA-1300 FeA-1300 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. GENERAL The austenitic stainless steels Type 301 and Type 302 are members of a large family of steels which combine ex- ceptional corrosion and oxidation resistance with excellent formability in the annealed condition. These steels con- tain a minimum of 16 percent chromium and 6 percent nickel. Type 301 is the lowest alloyed and Type 302 the next lowest alloyed member of this family. They also be- long to the subfamily of "straight 18-8 steels", which vary only slightly in chromium and nickel and contain no other metallic alloying element. In general the corrosion and oxidation resistance improve as the chromium and nickel content increase. Another important element which affects the corrosion resistance is carbon. As the carbon content increases, the tendency of the austenitic steels to pre- cipitate carbides at temperatures between about 800 and 1600 F increases and the resulting structure is subject to intergranular corrosion. The most important combina tion of such conditions is encountered in welded assem- blies which are subjected to certain corrosive environ- ments. In such applications low carbon grades of the straight 18-8 steels may be satisfactory. Frequently, however, it will be necessary to use a member of another subfamily, namely one of the two stabilized 18-8 steels, Type 321 and Type 347, in which other elements combine with the carbon. The mechanical properties of the straight and special 18-8 steels differ only slightly. However, at the low composition end the properties are considerably influenced by relatively small difference in the nickel content. The austenite stabilization by nickel becomes com- Source Type Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Copper Iron (10, p. 22) 301 Percent Min 16.00 6.00 Balance (a) AMS 5358 gives 0.25 percent. (b) AMS 5515 only. Max 0.15 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 FERROUS ALLOYS 18.00 8.00 Min S 17.00 8.00 TABLE 1.04 (10, p. 23) 302 Percent Balance 1. 01 - plete only at high nickel contents and austenitic stainless steels transform on cold work to an extent determined primarily by the nickel content. From this instability Type 301 derives the capacity to be strengthened by cold work to an exceptional extent, and it is used primarily in various cold worked conditions. To utilize this capacity, to its fullest extent, cold work should be followed by stress relieving at 400 to 800 F. This stress relief particularly increases the compressive yield strength in the longitudi- nal direction, and results in reduced directionality and im- proved elastic behavior. In the cold worked condition Type 301 is also somewhat superior to other grades in re- gard to formability at any given strength level. Type 301 and Type 302 are combined in this writeup because they differ only slightly and complement each other. Type 302 is inferior to Type 301 in strength, but exhibits slightly better corrosion resistance. However, it is inferior in the latter respect to the low carbon grades Type 304 and Type 304 L. Type 302, used primarily in the annealed condition, is the most popular austenitic steel for general purposes and for corrosion and heat resistance applications. The family of straight 18-8 steels also includes Type 303 and Type 305. This distinction of types by AISI is rather arbitrary and not followed by the AMS Specifications which also establish different com- position limits for different products and conditions. De- . 1.02 1.03 1. 04 Max 0.15 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 19.00 10.00 1.05 1. 051 1.052 1.053 1. 0531 1. 0532 1.06 1.061 1.062 sired strength properties for the harder tempers of this alloy can be met only by compositions within the Type 301 range and possibly only by narrowing the limits. Both Type 301 and Type 302 are available in all wrought forms. Castings are also produced in similar compositions. 1. 07 Commercial Designation. Wrought: Type 301 and Type 302. 20. Cast: CF Alternate Designations. 18-8 Steels, 17-7 Steel (Type 301), 18-8 Austenitic Stainless Steels, AISI Type 301 and Type 302 Stainless Steels. Specifications. Table 1.03. Form AMS 5358 Casting, prec, invest, (ST) 5515C Sheet, strip, plate (ST) 5516E Sheet, strip, plate (ST) 5517D Sheet, strip, (1/4 H) 5518C Sheet, strip, (1/2 H) 5519E Sheet, strip, (Full H) 5636A Bar (CD to 100 ksi) 5637A Bar (CD to 125 ksi) Bar, forgings 5688C Wire (spring temper) Composition. Min 0.08 (b) TABLE 1.03 AMS (1)(2)(3)(4)(6)(7)(8)(9) 301 and 302 Percent 17.00 7.00 (e) (c) Not given in AMS 5517, 5518, 5519. (d) Not given in AMS 5636, 5637, 5688. (e) AMS 5516 and 5358 give 8.0. Balance Table 1. 04. Max 0.15 (a) 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 19.00 (c) 10.00 (c) 0.50 (d) 0.50 (d) Min 1 18 8 Military MIL-S-5059 A MIL-S-5059 A MIL-S-5059 A MIL-S-5059 A MIL-S-5059 A MIL-S-7720 (302) Forms and Conditions Available (13) 20 CF G Percent Balance Max 0.20 1.50 2.00 0.04 0.04 21 11 Heat Treatment Anneal. Type 301, 1950 to 2050 F, Type 302, 1925 to 2075 F, 1 hr per in thickness, water quench. Cooling to 800 F should occur within 3 min maximum. Solution treat. Same as anneal. Stress relief To improve the elastic characteristics and to increase the compressive yield strength of cold worked conditions, 400 to 800 F, 36 to 8 hr maximum respectively. After forming to prevent stress cracking. Full anneal, or, alternatively, 600 F, 1/2 to 2 hr. Full anneal is mandatory where certain corrosive media, such as hot chloride, may lead to stress corrosion cracking. Hardenability Alloy can be hardened only by cold work. The strength of sheet obtained by cold rolling depends largely upon the chemical composition, particularly the nickel and carbon contents. Effects of rolling reduction and composi- tion on tensile properties of 300 Series Steels, Fig. 1.061. Further increase in strength, particularly in the longitu- dinal compressive yield strength, is obtained by stress relief. 18 Cr 8 Ni TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE Fe 1301 PAGE 1 FeA 18 8 Fe Cr Ni TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE 1. 071 1. 0711 1. 0712 1.0713 1.08 1.09 1. 091 1.092 1.093 1. 094 1.095 1. 096 Zo 2 2.01 2.01 2. 012 Source Alloy Form Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes and conditions for various forms as follows. Type 301 sheet and strip, annealed, 1/4 H, 1/2 H, 3/4 H, full H, extra H and stress relieved tempers. Type 302 bar, annealed and two standard tempers. Type 302 wire, annealed and three standard tempers. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts and remelts are also available. Special Considerations The effect of cold work on the properties of these steels, particularly of Type 301, depends to a considerable extent on the contents of nickel, carbon and possibly other ele- ments, as well as on not well recognized processing con- ditions, such as speed and temperature of rolling. Materi- al can be obtained for special requirements to closer composition limits than those listed in specifications in order to secure higher uniformity in properties or per- formance on fabricating. 2.013 2.014 1301 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Condition Cold rolled sheet in these alloys exhibits a very pro- nounced directionality. While the tensile strength and tensile yield strengths are nearly the same in both direc- tions, the compressive yield strength and compressive stress strain curves are much higher in the transverse than in the longitudinal direction. This condition is only partly improved by stress relief, Small amounts of cold work during straightening and handling can raise considerably the low yield strength of annealed material. Heating for long times at 800 F and for short times at 1600 F or slow cooling through this range must be avoided. Carburizing conditions at high temperatures reduce corro~ sion resistance. Adhering zinc and lead particles, which lead to em- brittlement at elevated temperatures, must be removed prior to heating. Thickness Fr, min max Fty, min max Thermal Properties Melting range. 2550 to 2650 F. Phase changes occuring in these steels are very complex. Heating or cold work may result in some transformation Hardness - e (2 in), min-percent e (4 D), min-percent RA, min-percent in BHN, max RC, min max -kai -ksi -ksi -ksi AMS (1) Sheet, strip, plate HR + ST CR + ST > 0.025 0.025 50 - 120 AMS (2) 55 1 75 100 36 (a) FERROUS ALLOYS 60 (a) O 40 1 } 11 1 AMS (3 1/4 H 125 150 75 25 1 1 1 1 1 (a) F for thicknesses ≤0.176 in. ty (b) For straight lengths, reduce values given by 10 percent. Ta 1/2 H 15 1 of austenite to ferrite (mai tensite) simultaneously with precipitation of carbides. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. 150 110 J11 2.015 2.016 TABLE 3. 011 AMS (4) AMS (5) Types 301 and 302 Sheet, strip 18 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 } 2.03 2.031 2. 0311 2.0312 2.0313 2.0314 2.0315 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3. 011 Full H 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 185 8 - 140 3. 012 !!! Specific heat, Fig. 2. 015. Diffusivity, Fig. 2.016. 9 Other Physical Properties Density. 0.286 lb per cu in, 7.83 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022. Magnetic properties. These alloys are nonmagnetic in the annealed condition but become magnetic on cold work. The magnetization increases with decreasing nickel content. Effects of composition and reduction on magnetic permea- bility and tensile strength of 300 series sheet, Fig. 2.023. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance General corrosion resistance of Type 301, like that of all austenitic stainless steels, is very high, but it is at the lower end of the corrosion scale for 18-8 steels. Type 302 is slightly superior to Type 301. Intergranular attack in corrosive media is pronounced if these steels are sensitized by slow cooling through, or by exposure at temperatures between 800 and 1600 F. An- nealing will eliminate this sensitized condition. Effects of exposure temperature and time on average corrosion rate in boiling nitric acid of cold rolled sheet, Fig. 20312. Stress cracking may be pronounced in these steels in the formed condition if high residual stresses are present. The tendency of stress cracking depends primarily on the value of tensile strength developed. Severely formed parts, par- ticularly in the harder tempers of Type 301, should be immediately annealed or stress relieved to prevent cracking. Stress corrosion cracking may occur in certain media, primarily in hot chlorides, if residual stresses are present. Under normal atmospheric conditions no stress corrosion is observed, even in extra hard sheet. These steels are not subject to hydrogen embrittlement. Oxidation resistance is high up to 1700 F for continuous service and up to 1600 F for intermittent service. Nuclear Properties. See Type 304. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. AMS (6) ST + CD J 100 1 60 1 1 200 50 #11 Bar AMS (7) REVISED: MARCH 1963 ST + CD +700 F 125 100 I 1 17 45 1 2265 34 AMS (8) Wire, coil(b) Spring temper ≤ 0.009 to 0.375 355 to 170 325 to 140 1 1 I AMS (9) Casting, prec, invest. ST { * 175 AISI guaranteed mechanical properties, Table 3. 012. PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 Source Alloy Form Condition Ftu, min -ksi min -ksi Ety e, min -percent ≤0.015 in 0.016 to 0.024in > 0.25 in 3. 013 3. 014 3.02 3.021 Source Form Condition Hardness * Type 302, ann, has same properties as Type 301, ann. **Maximum Form Type 301 Type 302 3.022 Condition Hardness Type 301 Type 302 3.023 3.024 3.025 3.03 3.031 3. 0311 3. 0312 3.0313 3. 0314 3. 0315 3. 0316 50 50 55 TABLE 3. 012 (10) Cold Rolled Ann* 1/4 H 1/2 H 110*** 125 40** 150 75 110 Type 301 Sheet, strip 25 25 25 Ann Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. also. AISI typical values for hardness, Table 3. 021. 15 18 18 TABLE 3.021 Ann 85 RB 25 RC 85 RB 25 RC Tentative producers' guarantees for extra hard, stress relieved teniper. F tu’ min = 270 ksi, Fty, min = 255 ksi. Design mechanical properties of sheet cold rolled and stress relieved to various tempers, see MIL-HDBK-5. Bar CD 3/4 H |Full H 175 185 140 135 (10) Sheet, strip 1/4 H 1/2 H 32 RC 10 12 12 Hi- Tension 150 BHN 212 BHN 240 to 277 BHN 8 9 9 3/4 H Full H Ann Wire FERROUS ALLOYS Type 302 Cold Rolled 1/4 H Soft 125 75 See 3.03 83 RB 95 RB 222 37 RC 41 RC 165 BHN 80 RB plate Ann Hard 33 RC Stress strain curves for sheet and strip cold rolled to different tempers, Fig. 3.022. = Stress strain curves for sheet and strip cold rolled to full hard and extra hard tempers, Fig. 3.023. Extra hard stress relieved sheet maintains its tensile properties of Ftu 286 ksi, Fty = 252 ksi, and e(2 in) 0.3 percent on 1600 hr exposure at 700 F with 112 ksi load. However, exposure at 800 F with 43 to 65 ksi load = 205 ksi, = changes these properties to F, = 243 ksi, Fty tu and e(2 in) = 2 2 percent. Effects of cold rolling and test direction on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.025. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effects of test temperature, strain rate and holding time on tensile properties of Type 301 1/2 hard sheet, Fig. 3. 0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of Type 301 1/2 hard sheet, Fig. 3.0312. Effects of test temperature, strain rate and holding time on tensile properties of Type 301 3/4 hard sheet, Fig. 3. 0313. Stress strain curves for Type 301 full hard and full hard stress relieved sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0314. Effects of test temperature, test direction and stress relief on tensile properties of Type 301 full hard sheet, Fig. 3.0315. Stress strain curves for Type 301 extra hard and extra hard stress relieved sheet at room and elevated tempera- tures, Fig. 3. 0316. 3. 0317 3.0318 3. 0319 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.0325 3.0326 3. 0327 3.0328 3.033 3.0331 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 3,064 3.065 4. 4.01 4. 011 Effects of test temperature, test direction and stress relief on tensile properties of Type 301 extra hard sheet, Fig. 3.0317. Effect of cold rolling on tensile properties of Type 301 sheet at room temperature and -320 F, Fig. 3.0318. Effects of stress relief and test temperature on tensile properties of cold rolled sheet, Fig. 3.0319. Short time properties other than tension - Stress strain curves in compression for Type 302 an- nealed sheet at elevated temperatures, Fig. 3. 0321. Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of Type 302 annealed sheet, Fig. 3. 0322. Effects of test temperature and test direction on com- pressive yield strength of Type 301 1/2 hard sheet, Fig. 3.0323. Stress strain curves in compression for Type 301 full hard and full hard stress relieved sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0324. Stress strain curves in compression for Type 301 extra hard and extra hard stress relieved sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0325. Effects of test temperature, test direction and stress relief on compressive yield strength of Type 301 full hard and extra hard sheet, Fig. 3.0326. Effect of test temperature on bearing properties of Types 301 and 302 sheet, Fig. 3.0327. Effect of test temperature on shear strength of Types 301 and 302, Fig. 3. 0328. Static stress concentration effects Effects of stress relief and low test temperature on notch strength of Type 301 sheet, Fig. 3. 0331. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep curves for Type 302 annealed sheet at 1200 to 1600 F, Fig. 3, 041. Short time total strain for annealed Type 302 at 1200 to 1800 F, Fig. 3.042. Creep and creep rupture curves for Type 302 1/2 hard sheet at 1200 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.043. Creep rupture curves for Type 301 full hard and stress relieved sheet at 800 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.044. Creep rupture curves for Type 301 extra hard and stress relieved sheet at 800 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.045. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity for Type 301 1/2 hard and Type 302 annealed sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of elasticity in tension for Type 301 full hard and extra hard sheet, Fig. 3.062. Modulus of elasticity in compression for Type 301 full hard and extra hard sheet, Fig. 3.063. Effect of temper on modulus of elasticity in tension and compression for Type 301 sheet, Fig. 3.064. Tangent modulus curves in compression for Type 301 sheet in various conditions, Fig. 3.065. FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. Although Types 301 and 302 in the annealed con- dition possess a tensile strength relatively high compared to that of other ductile metals, they are readily formable because of their low yield strength. In fact, the high elongation of Type 301 permits particularly severe forming in certain operations, such as bending, stretch forming and deep drawing. On the other hand, their high rate of strain hardening leads to a large springback, to a pro- nounced tendency to buckle and wrinkle under compressive strains, and to considerable difficulties in removing distortions. These characteristics call for forming tech- niques which differ slightly from those used for other metals. The forming of sheet becomes necessarily more difficult with increasing temper. 1/4 hard sheet can still be fabricated readily by many forming techniques, while the forming of 3/4 hard and full hard sheet is restricted primarily to straight bending. CODE Fe Cr 8 Ni 18 ܣ TYPE 301, TYPE 302 1301 PAGE 3 FeA 18 8 Fe Cr Ni PAGE CODE 4. 012 4. 0121 TYPE 301, TYPE 302 4.0122 4. 013 Temper Bend factor 4. 014 4.02 4.03 4. 031 4,032 4.04 4.041 4. 042 4,043 4.044 4.045 4.05 4.051 4. 052 1301 Bending Practical bend factors for sheet, Table 4. 0121. FERROUS ALLOYS Ann 1/2 to 1 1/4 TABLE 4.01.21 1/4 H 1/2 H 3/4 H 1 to 2 1/4 2 1/2 to 4 3 to 4 Full H 4 to 6 Springback greatly increases with increasing temper. Stress cracking of deep drawn and spun sheet parts occurs if the resulting local hardening and residual stresses are high. Such parts require immediate stress relief by full annealing. Forging. Starting temperature 2300 F maximum, fin- ishing temperature 1500 F, minimum. Machining Because of their high rate of strain hardening 18-8 stainless steels require maximum feed at relatively low surface speeds during machining operations. Their high strength necessitates the use of rigid supports of both the tools and the work and very sharp tools. Their turning speeds are approximately 50 percent of those for mild carbon steels. A highly concentrated sulphur base oil in ample quantity should be used as a coolant. Welding These steels can be readily welded by all techniques, but the weld and heat affected zones become. susceptible to intergranular corrosion, unless annealed after welding. For fusion welding, Type 308 electrodes or filler rod are generally used. Hard tempers of Type 301 sheet are unsuitable for fusion welding and brazing. Heating and Heat Treating Oxidizing atmospheres during annealing yield an easily removable scale. Reducing atmospheres during annealing result in a very thin scale which is difficult to remove. Carburizing conditions should be avoided. Bright annealing is fundamentally possible in very dry hydrogen or forming gas, but difficult to obtain in prac- tice. Zinc and lead particles must be removed before heating to avoid embrittlement. Surface Treating Cleaning. These steels exhibit maximum corrosion resist ance only when thoroughly clean, as the corrosion resist- ance depends on maintaining a thin dense film of chromi- umoxide. Both preventive measures and removal of all foreign matter from the surfaces by conventional cleaning methods prior to any heating are particularly important. Descaling is generally done in solutions of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. Molten caustic soda baths are also widely used for descaling. For removing heavy scale, sand or vapor blasting should precede pickling. Se BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 16 12 FTU - KSI 8 PERCENT 280 240 200 160 120 80 80 -400 40 In Fe-18Cr-8Ni SHEET 0 FIG. 2.013 FTU 0 FIG. 1.061 Fe-18Cr-8Ni R 301 REVISED: MARCH 1963 20 301 301 0.11C-17.6Cr-6. 9Ni 302 0.11C-19.0Cr-9. ONi 0304 0.08C-19. 1Cr-9. 2Ni A305 0.06C-16, 6Cr-Ul. ONi THO 0.13C-17.1Cr-6, 4Ni 0.10C-17.7Cr-6, 9Ni 400 FTY 40 e(2IN) THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY TYPE 301, ANN (14)(21) -TYPE 302 (21) 800 TEMP - F 1200 240 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 200 Ov 60 REDUCTION - PERCENT EFFECTS OF ROLLING REDUCTION AND COMPOSITION ON TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF 300 SERIES STEELS (11) 160 120 1 80 40 0 80 KSI TY F 1600 * (14, p. 20) (21, p. II-D-2) PAGE 4 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 10-6 IN PER IN PER F BTU PER (LB F) 12 10 SQ FT PER HR 8 6 FIG. 2.014 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 -400 ASTM STP NO 227 1958 0.22 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP, INDICATED -400 0 400 800 FIG. 2.015 0. 20 0.18 0.16 -400 0 FIG. 2.016 ANN- 0 400 TEMP - F THERMAL EXPANSION Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) ANN Fe-18Cr-8Ni(TYPE 301) 400 800 TEMP - F SPECIFIC HEAT SPECIFIC HEAT ANN EXTRA HARD SHEET (CR 65%)| +750 F, 8 HR 1200 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 800 TEMP - F DIFFUSIVITY 1200 FERROUS ALLOYS DIFFUSIVITY 1200 1600 (14, p. 20) (11) 1600 (14, p. 20) 1600 MICROHM IN 48 KSI 44 40 36 32 28 FIG. 2.022 240 200 160 120 200 80 10 0 0 Fe-18Cr-8Ni 0 - - FIG. 2.023 400 < +750 F,8 HR, (11) 800 20 TYPES 301. 302. ANN (12) TYPE 301, EXTRA HARD (CR 65%) PERMEABILITY AT H = 200 OERSTEDS ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY FTU 1200 TEMP - F 40 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY (11)(12, p. 6-1-1.2) 1600 Fe-18Cr-8Ni SHEET 301 17.6Cr-7.8Ni O 302 18. 4Cr-9. ONi 304 19.0Cr-10. 7Ni 308 17.9Cr-11. 7Ni 310 24. 3Cr-20, 7Ni 2000 60 REDUCTION PERCENT EFFECTS OF COMPOSITION AND REDUCTION ON MAGNETIC PERMEABILITY AND TENSILE STRENGTH OF 300 SERIES SHEET 80 (22) 18 TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE Fe Cr 8 Ni 1301 PAGE 5 FeA Fe 18 Cr 8 Ni TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE PAGE AVERAGE CORROSION RATE - MILS PER MONTH KSI 1274 ∞ ◄ O 160 1301 6 FIG. 2.0312 140 120 100 80 60 40 0 20 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) .0.063 IN SHEET. CR 60 % EXPOSURE O 24 HR 72 HR 400 FULL HARD 600 1000 EXPOSURE TEMP F 800 ACCORDING TO ASTM A 262-55T L EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TEMPERATURE AND TIME ON AVERAGE CORROSION RATE IN BOILING NITRIC ACID OF COLD ROLLED SHEET (18) FERROUS ALLOYS 3/4 H 1200 1/2 H 1/4 H KSI 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 0 7 زیری EXTRA HARD FIG. 3.023 0.004 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) SHEET, STRIP Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) SHEET, STRIP L, TENSION 1, L, COMPRESSION T, TENSION T. COMPRESSION ANN L, TENSION L, COMPRESSION T, TENSION T. COMPRESSION 0.008 0 0.004 STRAIN IN PER IN STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AND STRIP COLD ROLLED TO FULL HARD AND EXTRA HARD TEMPERS. (11) 0.002 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.022 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AND STRIP COLD ROLLED TO DIFFERENT TEMPER (20) 1 FULL HARD 0.008 MA FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI KSI PERCENT Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 240 0.063 IN SHEET 60 200 FTY 160 120 80 160 120 80 40 40 40 REDUCTION - PERCENT FIG. 3.025 EFFECTS OF COLD ROLLING AND 0.700 FTU 0 (r = 0.001 1.'000 FIG. 3.0311 20 200 NOTCH L от 0.003 10.06 O 60 AT TEMP WITHIN 10 SEC STRENGTH K~17 400 TEST DIRECTION ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET. 60 HOLDING TIME A010 SEC AO0. 5 HR ΔΙ STRAIN RATE, IN PER IN PER MIN FTU TEMP FTY 600 e 80 tane (18) 800 FERROUS ALLOYS KSI FTY PERCENT 160 Fe-18Cr-8N1 (TYPE 301) 0.040 IN SHEET 1/2 HARD 120 1000 80 40 1200 160 (17) 120 F EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, STRAIN RATE AND HOLDING TIME ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TYPE 301 1/2 HARD SHEET 80 200 FTU - KSI 160 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TYPE 301 1/2 HARD SHEET 120 FTY - KSI PERCENT 80 40 0 400 40 600 0 FIG. 3.0313 FTU FTY 400 e(2 IN) FTY Fe-18Cr-8Ni (Type 301) 0.052 IN SHEET 1/2 HARD 800 HOLDING TIME ADO 10 SEC 0.5 HR STRAIN RATE, IN PER IN PER ΔΔ0. 003 MIN 0.06 60 AT TEMP WITHIN 10 SEC 800 1000 1200 TEMP ▼L VT - · F 1200 FTU Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.040 IN SHEET 3/4 HARD e 1600 (11) 160 120 1400 2000 80 40 FTU - KSI 200 160 1205 80 40 0 TYPE 301, TYPE 302 FTU - KS EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, STRAIN RATE AND HOLDING TIME ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TYPE 301 3/4 HARD SHEET (17) CODE Fe 18 Cr 8 Ni 1301 PAGE 7 FeA Fe 18 Cr 8 Ni TYPE 301, TYPE 302 KSI 200 160 120 80 40 CODE 1301 0 200 160 120 80 40 0 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0,020 IN SHEET FULL HARD |(40% RED) |(40% AVERAGES OF L & T 0.032 IN SHEET FULL HARD STRESS RELIEVED 800 F, 8 HR 0 0.002 FIG. 3. 0314 TEST TEMP RT 600 F 1200 F RT FERROUS ALLOYS 400 F 800 F 1000 F 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F TENSION 1200 F 0.004 0.006 STRAIN - IN PER IN STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR TYPE 301 FULL HARD AND FULL HARD STRESS RELIEVED SHEET AT ROOM AND ELE- VATED TEMPERATURES. (11) 0.008 0.010 200 KSI PERCENT 160 120 FTY 80 40 20 0 ō 성 ​T OL FIG. 3.0315 T +800 F, 8 HR 200 AS ROLLED, 40% 320 240 160 KSI 80 0 240 160 80 0 F. 0 400 600 TEMP F EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, TEST DIRECTION AND STRESS RELIEF ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TYPE 301 FULL HARD SHEET (11, TU FTY e(2 IN) FIG. 3.0316 AVERAGES OF L AND T G Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.020 IN SHEET | EXTRA HARD (65% RED) EXTRA HARD STRESS RELIEVED 750 F, 8 HR REVISED: MARCH 1963 0.002 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.020 TO 0.062 IN SHEET- 200 FULL HARD 0.004 STRAIN Jugla 800 1000 1200 F 400 F- 1200 F 0.006 IN PER IN TEST TEMP RT 1200 1000 F TENSION 0.008 400 F RT 600 F 160 600 F 800 F 800 F 120 11000 F 40 80 0.010 KSI M - FTU STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR TYPE 301 EXTRA HARD AND EXTRA HARD STRESS RELIEVED SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES (11) PAGE 8 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 MARCH 1963 280 240 200 FTY - KSI 2160 120 PERCENT 80 40 20 KSI 0 PERCENT DC 320 240 160 80 LE 40 } 0 AS ROLLED, 65% +750 F, 8 HR 10 200 FTY TEST TEMP RT -320 F e(2 IN) 400 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.063 IN SHEET 20 600 F. TEMP F FIG. 3.0317 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, TEST DIRECTION AND STRESS RELIEF ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TYPE 301 EXTRA HARD SHEET (11) TU AVR 40 REDUCTION BY ROLLING e(2 IN) - Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.020 AND 0.027 IN SHEET 280 EXTRA HARD 800 60 FTY L & T PERCENT FTU 80 FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 1200 FIG. 3.0318 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TYPE 301 SHEET AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AND 320 F (18) 240 200 FTU -KSI 160 120 80 40 FTY - KSI PERCENT 240 200 160 20 0 0 KSI 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 FTU F TY e(2 IN) FIG. 3.0321 -320 F TEST TEMP 0.002 RT 400 -320 F 24 TO 72 HR AT TEMP RT -320 F Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.063 IN SHEET CR 60 % RT STRESS RELIEF TEMP FIG. 3.0319 EFFECTS OF STRESS RELIEF AND TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD ROLLED SHEET (18) 1000 F 600 400 F 800 J 800 F F Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.063 IN SHEET ANNEALED 1000 600 F 360 COMPRESSION 320 240 280 TYPE 301, TYPE 302 200 160 FTU - KSI 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR TYPE 302 ANNEALED SHEET AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES Cada 0.008 0.010 (19, p. 57) CODE Fe Cr 8 Ni 18 1301 PAGE 9 Fe A ∞ ∞ 18 8 Ni Fe Cr TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE KSI 60 40 20 160 FIG. 3.0322 120 KSI 0 80 1301 40 200 L OT FCY 200 400 600 TEMP F Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 1 0.063 IN SHEET ANN 400 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF TYPE 302 ANNEALED SHEET (19, p. 28) FCY 600 TEMP F Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.052 IN SHEET 1/2 HARD 160 80 0 240 KSI FIG. 3.0323 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND TEST DIRECTION ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF TYPE 301 1/2 HARD SHEET (11) 160 80 0 800 L FERROUS ALLOYS T 1000 800 FIG. 3.0324 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.032 IN SHEET FULL HARD 1000 0.002 0.004 600 F 0.006 0.008 RT -400F 800F 1000F RT 400F 600F -800F 1000F -FULL HARD STRESS RELIEVED 800 F, 8 HR 0.010 0 STRAIN G L T 0.002 IN PER IN REVISED: MARCH 1963 0.004 0.006 -RT 400F 600F 800F 1000F 160 80 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR TYPE 301 FULL HARD AND FULL HARD STRESS RELIEVED SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (11) 0 240 RT 400F 600F -800F 160 TOOOF 80 COMPRESSION 0 0.008 0.010 KSI PAGE 10 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 240 160 80 0 320 240 160 80 0 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.020 IN SHEET EXTRA HARD 0 FIG. 3.0325 0.002 L T 0.004 0.006 TEST TEMP RT -400 F 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F RT 600 F 800 F FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 F EXTRA HARD STRESS RELIEVED 750 F, 8 HR 0.008 0.010 0 0.002 STRAIN IN PER IN W L T 0.004 0.006 TEST TEMP RT 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F RT 400F 600F 800 F 1000 F COMPRESSION 240 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR TYPE 301 EXTRA HARD AND EXTRA HARD STRESS RELIEVED SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (11) 160 80 0 320 240 KSI 160 80 0 0.008 0.010 18 Fe Cr 8 Ni ܣ ܣ TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE 1301 PAGE || FeA 18 8 Fe Cr Ni TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE 200 1301 160 120 80 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 Δ 1} FIG. 3.0326 / AS ROLLED Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.020 TO 0. 062 IN SHEET FULL HARD (CR 40 %) F EXTRA HARD (CR 65%) CY FERROUS ALLOYS OL FULL HARD +800 F, 8 HR HEXTR AT EXTRA HARD +750 F, 8 HR 0 200 400 600 TEMP - F EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, TEST DIRECTION AND STRESS RELIEF ON COM- PRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF TYPE 301 FULL HARD AND EXTRA HARD SHEET (11) 800 1000 FBRY - KSI 200 160 120 80 40 100 KSI 80 60 40 0 20 e/d ▲ 1.5 Ο Δ 2.0 80. 0 •A• 0.061 IN TYPE 301, 1/2 HARD (19) 0. 183 IN 0.063 IN 200 (15) 400 TYPE 302 ANN (12) I 200 FBRY FIG. 3.0327 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF TYPES 301 AND 302 SHEET TYPE 301, 1/2 HARD TYPE 302, ANN S 400 REVISED: MARCH 1963 600 TEMP - F 600 TEMP (15) 800 1/2 HARD TYPE 301 - Fe-18Cr-8Ni 240 SHEET F BRU 1000 800 Fe-18Cr-8 Ni TYPE 302 1200 FSU 1000 200 (15, p. 23)(19, p. 26) 160 120 80 1200 KSI - F FIG. 3.0328 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF TYPES 301 AND 302 (12, FIG. 90) (15, p. 24, FIG. 20) FBRU PAGE 12 FeA REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI 320 KSI 280 240 200 160 120 20 15 10 8 6 0 4 FTU AT Δε 0.001 + RT - FIG. 3.041 320 F =19% } 2% 320 F 200 STRESS RELIEF TEMP(24 TO 72 HR)-F FIG. 3.0331 EFFECTS OF STRESS RELIEF AND LOW TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF TYPE 301 SHEET (18) NOTCH STRENGTH 0.700 1.000 60 0.01 CREEP r<0.001 K~ 17 400 600 0.1 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.063 IN SHEET CR 60% 800 1 TEST TEMP 1200 F FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 302) 0,050 IN SHEET ANNEALED 1400 F FTU AT RT 1600 F 1000 10 1200 TIME - HR CREEP CURVES FOR TYPE 302 ANNEALED SHEET AT 1200 TO 1600 F (16, FIG. 20) KSI 40 KSI 20 10 8 6 4 2 0.001 FIG. 3.042 60 40 30 20 15 10 8 TOTAL STRAIN 2% O 3% ✓ 5% A7% 6 4 0.01 0.01 RUPTURE 1% 2% TIME CREEP 0.1 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 302) ANN 0.1 1200 F THERM EXP = 1.17% INCL 1800 F THERMAL EXP = 1.91% INCL Jum 1500 F THERM EXP =1, 54%| INCL HR SHORT TIME TOTAL STRAIN CURVES FOR ANNEALED TYPE 302 AT 1200 TO 1800 F (12, p. 6-1-2.6) 1 1.0 TIME - HR Fe-18Cr-8Ni(TYPE 301) 0.050 IN SHEET 1/2 HARD 10 10 1200 F TEST TEMP 1400 F 1600 F 100 FIG. 3.043 CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR TYPE 302 1/2 HARD SHEET AT 1200 F TO 1500 F (16, FIG. 21) CODE 18 Fe Cr 8 Ni ∞ TYPE 301, TYPE 302 1301 PAGE 13 Fe A Fe Cr 8 Ni 18 TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE KSI 200 100 80 60 40 20 KSI 100 200 80 60 40 20 10 1301 RUPTURE 0.1 RUPTURE 0.1 FIG. 3.045 1 HR TIME FIG. 3.044 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR TYPE 301 EXTRA HARD AND STRESS RELIEVED SHEET AT 800 TO 1200 F. (11) 10 1 - 10 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.032 IN SHEET FULL HARD +800 F, 8 HR FERROUS ALLOYS TEST TEMP 100 800 F 900 F 100 1000 F 1200 F Fe-18Cr-8Nİ (TYPE 301) 0.0285 IN SHEET EXTRA HARD +750 F, 8HR 800 F TEST TEMP 900 F 1000 1000 F 1200 F TIME HR CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR TYPE 301 EXTRA HARD AND STRESS RELIEVED SHEET AT 800 TO 1200 F (11) 1000 32 28 24 20 16 0 O FIG. 3.061 200 REVISED: MARCH 1963 400 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) E STATIC 600 TEMP - F MODULUS OF ELASTICITY FOR TYPE 301 1/2 HARD AND TYPE 302 ANNEALED SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (11) SHEET 1/2 HARD 800 1. OT 1000 1200 PAGE 14 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1000 KSI 32 28 24 20 16 12 0 L T AS ROLLED +800F, SHR 200 FIG. 3.062 400 600 1000 KSI 32 28 BS 24 20 FULL HARD 16 E STATIC 0 800 8- •1}AS Ll AT FIG. 3.063 FERROUS ALLOYS TEMP F MODULUS OF ELASTICITY IN TENSION FOR TYPE 301 FULL HARD AND EXTRA HARD SHEET (11) a L OTAS ROLLED 200 ΔΥ 0 AS ROLLED +800F, 8HR +750F, 8HR 400 200 400 600 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) FULL HARD EC STATIC 800 600 0 L OT SHEET- EXTRA HARD AT 800 1000 AS ROLLED +750F, 8HR 200 400 Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) SHEET 600 EXTRA HARD EC STATIC 800 1000 TEMP - F MODULUS OF ELASTICITY IN COMPRESSION FOR TYPE 301 FULL HARD AND EXTRA HARD SHEET (11) 18 Fe Cr 8 Ni TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE 1301 PAGE 15 FeA Fe Cr 8 Ni ∞ ∞ 18 TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE 1000 KSI 36 1301 32 28 24 32 28 24 20 L T ANN (20) (11) 1/4 E STATIC Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) 0.010 TO 0. 060 IN SHEET EC STATIC 1/2 TEMPER J 3/4 HARD FERROUS ALLOYS FULL EXTRA FIG. 3,064 EFFECT OF TEMPER ON MODULUS OF ELASTICITY IN TENSION AND COMPRESSION FOR TYPE 301 SHEET (11) (20, p. 15) 200 KSI 160 KSI 120 80 40 0 200 160 120 80 40 0 0 FIG. 3.065 5 3/4 H- -1/2 H 1/4 H 10 FULL HARD 3/4 H 1/2 H 1/4 H REVISED: MARCH 1963 FULL HARD ANN Fe-18Cr-8Ni (TYPE 301) ANN 20 T COMPRESSION L 25 30 15 1000 KSI TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR TYPE 301 SHEET IN VARIOUS CONDITIONS (20) PAGE 16 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 123 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 AMS 5515 C, (June 1, 1951) AMS 5516 E, (Feb. 1, 1956) AMS 5517 D, (Feb. 15, 1952) AMS 5519 C, (Feb. 15, 1932) AMS 5519 E, (Feb. 15, 1952) AMS 5636 A, (Feb. 15, 1952) (Feb. 15, 1952) AMS 5637 A, AMS 5688 C, (Feb. 15, 1952) AMS 5358, (Nov. 1, 1952) REFERENCES American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", Steel Products Manual, p. 22-23, (June 1957) FERROUS ALLOYS Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, "High Strength Cold Rolled Stainless Steels", Data Sheet, (1958) North American Aviation, Inc., "Stainless Steel - Type 301", Data Sheet AL-2604, (1957) American Casting Institute, "Corrosion Resistant Type CF-20", Data Sheet, (June 1954) Lucks, C. F. and Deem, H. W., "Thermal Properties of Thir- teen Metals", ASTM STP No. 227, (Feb. 1958) Favor, R. J., Achbach, W. P. and Hyler, W. S., "Materials Property Design Criteria for Metals, The Conventional Short- Time, Elevated-Temperature Properties of Selected Stainless Steels and Super Alloys", WADC TR 55-150, Pt. 5, ASTIA Doc. No. AD 142069, (Oct. 1957) P Miller, J., Smith, L. W. and Porter, P. K., "Utilization of Low Alloy Materials for High Temperature Service Applications", AF TR No. 5929, (June 1959) Roe, W. P. and Kattus, J. R., "Tensile Properties of Aircraft- Structural Metals at Various Rates of Loading After Rapid Heat- ing", WADC TR 55-199, P. III, ASTIA Doc. No. AD 142003, (Sept. 1957) NASA, E-502, (1959) · 21 Goldsmith, Alexander; Hirschhorn, Harry J. and Waterman, Thomas E., "Thermophysical Properties of Solid Materials, " Vol. II Alloys, WADC TR 58-476, (Nov. 1960) International Nickel Co., (1949) Miller, D. E., "Determination of the Tensile, Compressive and Bearing Properties of Ferrous and Non Ferrous Structural Sheet Materials at Elevated Temperatures", Armour Research Foun- dation, AF TR No. 6517, Pt. V, (Dec. 1957) Watter, M. and Lincoln, R. A., "Strength of Stainless Steel Structural Members as Function of Design", Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, (1950) -- Fe 18 Cr 8 Ni TYPE 301, TYPE 302 CODE 1301 PAGE 17 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.041 Source Alloy AMS 5640 E 5641 A 5738 5642 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Copper Columbium Iron Source Alloy GENERAL These varieties of the 18-8 austenitic stainless steel fam- ily contain additions of sulfur or selenium for the purpose of improving machining characteristics. Because of the presence of these elements they are inferior to the basic Type 302 in formability and corrosion resistance. Type 303 Se is superior to Type 303 in these respects, and its form- ability can be further improved by keeping the nickel con- tent between 10 and 12 percent and reducing the selenium content to 0.07 percent minimum (also called Type 303A). In addition, low carbon, columbium stabilized types (AMS 5542) have been produced. They are available in the form of sheet, bar, wire, tubing and forgings. The cast form of Type 303 Se is also known: under the designation CF-16F. Most properties of these alloys are nearly identical with those of the basic Types 302 and 304 and are reported here only as far as they differ from those of Type 304. Commercial Designation. Wrought: Type 303 and Type 303Se. Cast: CF-16F. Alternate Designations. Free machining 18-8 stainless steels, 18-8-S and 18-8-Se. AISI Type 303 and 303 Se austenitic stainless steels, Specifications. Table 1.03. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel TABLE 1. 03 Form Bar, forgings (ST) Billets Bar,forgings(swaging) forging stock Composition Type 303 composition, Table 1.041. Bar (CD) Bar, forgings (Cb stab) Molybdenum Selenium Copper Columbium AMS (1) Min Percent - TABLE 1. 041 Max 0.15 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.18 0.35 17.00 19.00 8.00 10.00 0.75 0.50 Balance Type 303 Min 0.12 17.00 8.00 (5)(11)(13, p.21) (a) Zirconium may be substituted for molybdenum AISI only. 1.042 Type 303 Se composition, Table 1.042. 0.15 Percent Min Balance AMS (1) Percent Military 0.15 0.18 17.00 19.00 17.00 8.00 10.00 9.00 0,60(a) Max 0.15 Max 0.15 2.00 1.00 0.20* 2.00 1.00 0.17 0.040 19.00 10.00 0.50 0.35 0,50 AMS (3) [Type 303 +Cb Percent Min FERROUS ALLOYS Min 10xC 0.11 Iron Balance (a) Zirconium may be substituted for molybdenum 0.15 0.040 0.35 19.00 12.00 0.75 0.50 1.10(Cb Balance + Ta) Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 AMS (2) Percent 17.00 20.00 8.00 12.00 0,50 0.30 Type 303 Se Max 0.12 2.00 0.70 0.17 0.040 Balance TABLE 1. Ü42 Min Cus 1.043 1.05 1.051 1.0511 1.0512 0.15 0.20 1.06 1.07 1.071 1.0513 1.072 1.073 2. 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.01 2.011 2.012 2. 0121 2.0122 2.02 2.021 17.00 8.00 2.016 Percent Source AMS (4) Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Selenium Iron Type CF-16 F (303 Se), Table 1.043 Balance Max 0.12 2.00 1.00 0.17 0.10 19.00 10.00 TABLE 1.043 0.75(a) 0,35 0.50 Heat Treatment Anneal or solution treat. 1900 to 2050 F, air cool or quench, depending on section thickness, cooling to 800 F maximum should be within 3 min. Bar and forgings. 1900 to 1950 F, 1/2 hr per in thickness, water quench. Sheet and tubing. 1900 to 1950 F, 10 min, air cool up to 0.054 in thickness, water quench 0.055 in and thicker. Castings. 2000 to 2100 F, 30 min minimum. (13, p. 40). Emissivity, Fig. 2.016. Min 18 .9 Hardenability. Alloy can be hardened only by cold work, which increases both strength and hardness. The extent of possible cold working is less than for the other 18-8 grades because of the embrittlement by the sulfur or selenium content, (13, p. 116). Min 0.20 Forms and Conditions Available The steel is available in the full commercial range of sizes for bar, wire, forgings, sheet and tubing, (13, p.8). All wrought products are available in the annealed condi- tion. Sheet, bar and wire are also available cold worked to various reductions. Castings are available in the annealed condition. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Get AMS(5)(13, p.21) Thermal Properties Melting range. 2550 to 2590 F, (11, p.3)(12, p. 22)(13, p. 43). Phase changes The steels are subject to carbide precipitation at 800 to 1600 F. Cold work will transform a small amount of austenite to ferrite (martensite). Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014 Specific heat. 0.118 Btu per (lb F), (11, p.3)(12, p.22) 17.00 8.00 Percent 0.15 1 Other Physical Properties Density. 0.286 lb per cu in. 7.93 gr per cu cm, (12, p. 22) (13, p. 40). (6) Percent Balance Balance Max 0.15 2.00 1.00 0.20 0.06 19.00 10.00 HO Max 0.16 1.50 2.00 0.17 0.04 21 12 1.50 0.35 Min 0.11 AMS (3) Type 303 Se + Cb Percent - 17.00 9.00 0.15 10xC Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.17 Q. 030 19.00 12.00 0.50 0.35 0.50 1.10CE Balance +Ta) CODE Fe 18 Cr 9 Ni + or S TYPES 303, 303 Se Se 1302 PAGE 1 Fe A Fe Cr 9 Ni + refer S or Se 18 TYPES 303, 303 Se CODE 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.032 2,033 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness t Ftu 3.02 3.021 Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022. Magnetic properties. This steel is nonmagnetic in the an- nealed condition, (12, p. 22). Permeability of annealed material is less than 1.02. It becomes slightly magnetic when severely cold worked. ksi min max ksi Ftv, min ksi e(4 D), min-percent RA, min-percent Hardness BHN, >1.50 in Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance 1302 General corrosion resistance in mildly corrosive atmos- pheres is slightly inferior and under severe corrosive con- ditions greatly inferior to that of Type 302. This steel resists nitric acid well, halogen acids poorly and sulfuric acid moderately, (13, p. 116). Type 303 is susceptible to stress cracking if cold worked. Type 303 Se, therefore, is preferred for applications involv- ing cold forming. Oxidation resistance is similar to that of Type 302, but nonuniform scaling may be encountered in strongly oxidiz- ing atmospheres above 1400 F. Nuclear Properties. Similar to Type 304. ≤0.75 in 3.022 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES min max min max 075 in to 1,50 Source Alloy Form 3.03 3.031 Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. - Condition Diameter - AMS (1) (3) Types 303 303 Se Bar ST in I 1 I 170 255 min 163 max 255 min 140 max 241 Ftu typ Fty, typ e(2 in), min-percent RA percent Hardness, BHN Impact Strength Izod ft lb Charpy Keyhole - ft lb TABLE 3. 011 AMS (2) ksi ksi Bar Forgings ST 75 115 I 35 G Ann 90 35 50 55 160 80 - 1 149 229 } Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties, Table 3.021. 200 Bar 125 W ≤0.75 0.75 >1.00 >1, 25 to 100 to 125 to 175 AMS (4) Type 303 Se 100 12 35 #1 FERROUS ALLOYS Bar ST+CD 35 Ca CD High tensile 1 7/8 1 1/2 100 125 110 75 60 95 40 20 30 53 50 50 228 277 240 115 105 95 80 65 15 20 35 1 1 - 45 28 35 45 4 II 105 35 50 60 I (5) 1 } Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of Types 303 and 304, Fig. 3.031. Effect of cold drawing on tensile properties of wire, Fig. 3.022. 35880 60 3.0311 1 3.04 - 3.05 3.06 3.061 4. 4.01 4.011 4.0111 TABLE 3.021 4.012 4.02 4.03 Fe-18Cr-9Ni+S or Se Wire Ann Soft temper Hard temper 0.0620,500 0.062 0.500 0.062 0,500 125 100 160 90 140 105 90 60 125 30 40 15 20 55 45 50 55555555 - … Effect of room and elevated temperature on tensile properties of annealed round, Fig. 3.0311. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity, 28.0 x 103 ksi, (11, p.3)(12, p.22) (13, p. 40). FABRICATION Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 2200 F maximum, finishing temperature 1700 F minimum. These steels will take only light reductions below 1800 F. Scaling. Starting temperature 1600 F maximum, finishing temperature 1900 F maximum for continuous service, (13, p. 116). Cold forming of these types is possible to a limited extent with Type 303 Se being superior to Type 303 in this respect. Type 303 should be annealed after severe forming to pre- vent stress cracking. A special high nickel, low selenium composition is recommended for more severe cold forming. Machining. These steels are the most readily machinable of all austenitic stainless steels. Type 303 permits heavy feeds and deep cuts, while the use of Type 303 Se is indi- cated where a high finish is desired. As with other austen- itic steels very sharp tools, low speeds and feeds, deep cuts and heavy equipment are required. Machining speeds between 60 and 75 percent of those used for mild carbon steels are suitable. Welding. Welding of these steels is not generally recom- mended. Fusion welding with Type 310 electrodes is pos- sible to a very limited extent and post weld annealing is necessary. The columbium bearing types need no post weld annealing. I REVISED MARCH 1963 I - (6) Cast test bars 77 40 52 152 75 (11) Bar and plate Ann 85 35 55 150 85 I T (13) Bar Ann 1 90 35 50 55 160 80 1 PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 BTU FT PER(HR SQ FT F) 10-6 IN PER IN 1.0 0.8 16 0.6 12 MICROHM IN 11 8 10 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 8. 7 60 40 20 Fe-18Cr-9Ni+S or Se 0 0 (10) (11)(12)(13) 400 -400 0 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Fe-18Cr-9Ni+S or Se FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 400 Fe-18Cr-9Ni+S or Se OXIDIZED 2000 F, 60 MIN FIG. 2.016 EMISSIVITY 800 0 400 (10)(11, p.3)(12, p. 22)(13, p. 40) 1200 TEMP F 800 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED (11)(13) Fe-18Cr-9Ni+S or Se ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY J (7)| MEAN COEF · LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION (9) (7) (6)(12) 400 800 TEMP - F 1200 TEMP - F (6)(7)(9)(11, p. 3)(12, p. 22)(13, p. 40) EMISSIVITY (10)(11)(12) TOTAL HEMISPHERICAL 1600 800 TEMP - F 1200 FIG. 2.022 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 1600 1200 1600 1600 FERROUS ALLOYS 2000 (7)(10)(11, p. 3)(12, p. 22) (8) KSI PERCENT 200 160 120 80 40 0 80 40 KSI FIG. 3.022 PERCENT 0 80 60 Fe-18Cr-9Ni+S or Se 0.198 IN WIRE CD 40 20 0 80 40 0 0 10 TYPE 303 TYPE 304 e (2 IN) FTU 400 FTY (0.02%) RA 20 REDUCTION PERCENT EFFECT OF COLD DRAWING ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF WIRE e (2 IN) 800 30 - FTU TEMP - 40 1200 F Fe-18Cr-9Ni+S or Se BOTH TYPES RA 50 (7) 1600 2000 FIG. 3.031 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TYPES 303 AND 304 (14) 18 CODE + 9 Ni or ůóźnů TYPES 303, 303 Se 1302 PAGE 3 FeA Fe Cr 9 Ni 18 ∞ + or že CODE Se TYPES 303, 303 Se KSI PERCENT 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 100 1302 80 40 0 80 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPER - TIES OF ANNEALED ROUND (13, p.117) 40 400 F Fe-18Cr-9Ni+ S or Sel 1 IN ROUND ANN 1900 F TI FTY RA e(2 IN) 800 TEMP - F 1200 REFERENCES AMS 5640 E, (Oct. 1, 1950) AMS 5541 A, (Oct, 1, 1950) AMS 5642 C, (Aug. 15, 1955) AMS 5738, (Feb. 1, 1955) 1600 FERROUS. ALLOYS American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", Steel Products Manual, (June 1957) Schoefer, E. A., "Corrosion Resistant Type CF-16 F", Data Sheet, Alloy Casting Institute, (June 1954) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, "Allegheny Free Machin- ing Stainless Steels, Types 303, 416, 430 F", Allegheny Ludlum Blue Sheet, (1957) Wade, W. R., "Measurements of Total Hemispherical Emissiv - ity of Various Oxidized Metals at High Temperature", NACA TN 4205, (Mar. 1958) North American Aviation, "Stainless Steel Type 303", Data Sheet, (1957) Hogan, C. L. and Sawyer, R. B., "Thermal Conductivity of Metals at High Temperature", Journal of Applied Physics, Am- erican Institute of Physics, Vol. 23, (Jan. -Dec. 1952) Republic Steel Corp., "Products for Design Engineers", ADV 1168 R2-6m-862 Superior Tube Co., "Stainless Steel Tubing", Catalog Section 22, (1957) The Carpenter Steel Co., "Carpenter Stainless and Heat Resist- ing Steels - Selection, Description, Fabrication", Working Data, (1962) ASTM STP No. 52-A, (1950) REVISED MARCH 1963 PAGE 4 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1.02 1.03 1. 04 1. 041 Type Source GENERAL The low carbon members of the straight 18-8 austenitic stainless steel family are produced in two grades, Type 304 with 0.08 and Type 304 L with 0. 03 percent maximum carbon. They have properties similar to those of Type 302, but their general corrosion resistance is slightly higher because of the lower carbon and the increased chromium and nickel contents. The susceptibility of these steels to intergranular corrosion decreases considerably with de- creasing carbon content, although long exposure to elevated temperatures may even sensitize Type 304 L. These steels are available in all common wrought forms, and also as castings under the designations CF-8 and CF-3, respec- tively. The wrought forms possess very good formability and the steels can be readily welded by all common meth- ods. Type 5370 304 5371 304 5513 304 5560D 304 5565D 304 5566C 304 5639A 5697 304 304 304 L 304 L 1. 042 Commercial Designations. Wrought: Type 304 and Type 304 L. Cast : CF-8 and CF -3. Alternate Designations. Low carbon 18-8S stainless steels. AISI Type 304 and Type 304 L austenitic stainless steels. Specifications. Table 1. 03. AMS 5511A 5647 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Copper Iron TABLE 1.03 Form Castings, prec. invest. Castings, sand Sheet, strip, plate (ST) Tubing, Seamless (ST) Tubing, welded (ST) Tubing, hydraulic (CD) Bar, forgings, tubing (ST) MIL-S-7720 MIL-S-5059 MIL-T-8506 MIL-T-8506 MIL-T-6845 Wire (ST) Sheet, strip, plate (ST) Bar, forging stock, forg- ings, tubing (ST) Composition AMS compositions, Table 1. 041. TABLE 1.041 AMS (1)(2) 304 Percent Min Max 0.050 1.00 2.00 0.75(a) 1.50(a) 0.04 0.03 (b) J 18.0 21.0 8.0 11.0 0.5 0.5 Balance FERROUS ALLOYS AMS (3)(4)(5) (6)(7)(8) 304 Percent Min - MIL-S-4043 Military Max Min 0.08 2.00 Max 0.030 2.00 1. 00 (c) 0. 50 (e) 1.00 0.040 0.040 0.030 0.030 18.00 20.00 18.00 20.00 8.00 11.00(d) 8.00 11.00 0.50 10.50 Balance AMS (9)(10) 304 L Percent (a) AMS 5371 only, AMS 5370 specifies 1.0 % maximum only (b) AMS 5371 gives 0.04 (c) AMS 5566 gives 0.75 AISI and ACI compositions, Table 1. 042. 1 1 Balance (d) AMS 5560 and 5566 give 12.0 (e) AMS 5647 only Source Type Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Iron 1.05 1.051 1.0511 1.0512 1.052 1.0521 1. 0522 1.06 1.07 1. 071 1.072 1.073 1.08 1.09 1. 091 1. 092 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2. 0121 2.0122 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2. 021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 TABLE 1. 042 AISI (11) 304 L Percent Min Max Min Max 0.08 0.03 CF 8 Percent Max 0.08 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.045 0.045 0.04 0.04 21. 0.030 0.030 18.00 20.00 18,00 20,00] 18. 8.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 8. 11. Balance Balance Balance 304 Percent Min Min ACI (12) CF 3 Percent Heat Treatment Anneal or solution treat. 1800 to 1950 F, 1/2 to 1 hr per in thickness, 2 hr minimum for plate, air cool or quench depending on section size. Cooling to 800 F maximum should be within 3 min. 18. 8. Sheet and tubing. 1900 to 1950 F, 10 min, air cool up to 0.064 in thickness, water quench 0. 065 and thicker. Castings (AMS 5370, 5371). 1950 to 2050 F, 30 min mini- mum, air cool. Stress relief To improve elastic characteristics of cold rolled sheet or cold drawn bar. 650 to 800 F, 4 to 8 hr. To prevent stress cracking after severe forming use anneal Hardenability. Steel can be hardened only by cold work. Forms and Conditions Available The steel is available in the full commercial range of sizes for all wrought forms common for stainless steels. These forms are generally available in the annealed, cold worked or cold worked and stress relieved condition. Sand and centrifugal castings are available up to 6000 lb in the annealed condition. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Min Max 19 Cr 0.03 1.50 10 Ni 2.00 0.04 0.04 TYPES 304, 21. 304 L 11. Balance Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction vacuum melt. Special Considerations Intergranular corrosion after welding or heating may occur in Type 304, but usually not in Type 304 L. Stress corrosion cracking may occur in hot dilute chloride solutions. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Thermal Properties Melting range. 2550 to 2650 F Phase changes These steels are subject to carbide precipitation at 800 to 1600 F. Cold work will transform a small amount of austenite to ferrite (martensite). Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat, Fig. 2.015. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.287 to 0.292 lb per cu in. 7.94 to 8.07 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022. 1 Magnetic properties. This steel is nonmagnetic in the an- nealed condition. Permeability of annealed material is less than 1.02. It becomes slightly magnetic when severely cold worked, but to a lesser extent than Type 302 and par- ticularly Type 301. General corrosion resistance of these steels to various atmospheres, most acids, hot petroleum products and steam and combustion gases is very good. Intergranular corrosion of Type 304 may occur in certain Fe Low C CODE 1303 PAGE I FeA Fe Low C 19 Cr 10 Ni TYPES 304, 304 L CODE 2.0313 2.0314 2.032 2.04 Source Alloy Form Condition corrosive media after it is welded or otherwise heated to temperatures between 800 and 1600 F. Type 304 L will be- come sensitized only after prolonged heating in this tem- perature range, but its use over 800 F is not recommended because of its relatively low strength. Complete immunity from intergranular corrosion is obtained only in the sta- bilized types 321 and 347. Effect of carbon content on cor- rosion rate, Fig. 2. 0312. Thickness Ftu, min max 2.041 2. 0411 1303 Stress corrosion of these steels is observed in hot dilute chloride solutions. The presence of oxygen in the solu- tion increases the tendency to stress corrosion. Making the steel anode accelerates stress cracking, while catho- dic currents prevent it. Passivating is necessary to develop best corrosion resist- e (2 in), min Hardness BHN, 2.0412 RB, Source Alloy Form 2. 0413 ance. Oxidation resistance of the steels is good up to 1700 F for continuous service and up to 1600 F for intermittent ser- vice. Nuclear Properties. Austenitic stainless steels, particu- larly 304L, 304, and 347 are used extensively in nuclear power reactor construction. - in Condition Outside dia – in Wall thickness Ftu, min max Fty' min max e(2 in), min-percent Tube Strip Hardness RB, C ksi - ksi percent - G in min max min max - ksi - ksi - ksi - ksi min max Sheet, strip, plate ST 115 AMS (3) 35 1 1 1 1 100 40 ▬▬▬▬▬I 0.188 ≤0.016 >0.016 100 FERROUS ALLOYS = 0.75 40 170 255 1 1 AMS (7) - - Bar ST >0.75 > to 1.50 0.75 110 Bra 33 33 AMS (4)(5) Tubing, seamless or welded ST 0.188 to 0.500 <<0.010 >0.010 37 32 Bod 140 241 100 399 35 35 35 40 GRA TABLE 3. 011 AMS (8) Type 304 Irradiation effects on austenitic stainless steels are gen- erally the following. Magnetic susceptibility is increased depending on condi- tion of material, irradiation variables, such as total flux and temperature, and method of measurement. At nvt = 1019 and 400 to 500 F the susceptibility of Type 304 shows an increase in the order of 500 percent, if measured by the Guoy method. Changes in mechanical properties consist of increases in tensile strength, yield strength and hardness, decrease in elongation, development of a yield point jog and high strain rate dependance. At room temperature and about 5 x 1019 nvt the tensile strength of annealed Type 304 is found to increase by approximately 20 percent and the yield strength by 200 percent. At 400 to 500 F and 1019 nvt effects of irradiation are small. Austenitic stainless steels retain their high impact strength after irradiation, in contrast to ferritic steels which may become extremely brittle because of an in- crease in the transition temperature. 1 90 125 35 2.042 Wire ST I 1 2.043 2.044 3. TABLE 3.012 3.01 3. 011 3.012 Type 304 ≤0.010 100 222223 27 1 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.024 3.025 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 0,500 3.0313 Austenitic steels exhibit good resistance to intergranular corrosion in high purity water containing oxygen at 500 to 600 F. This also applies to welded parts, including such between different types of the 300 series. Sensitizing of the steels does not effect this corrosion resistance. The use of 304 L or of the stabilized grades in contact with molten sodium is indicated to reduce mass transfer of carbon. per- Type 304 is used with an additional content of up to 2 cent boron for such applications as control rods and thermoshields because of the high nuclear cross section of boron. However, boron increases the susceptibility of the alloy to irradiation damage. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties for all products except tubing, Table 3. 011. AMS specified mechanical properties for tubing, Table 3.012. AMS (1) Castings, invest. ST រ 1 } 1 [#1 86 0.010 100 I 35 30 AMS (2) Castings sand ST REVISED: MARCH 1963 I 170 AMS (6) Tubing, hydraulic CD 25 1 AMS (9) AMS (10) Type 304 L Sheet, strip, plate ST 0,188 20.250 0.016 All 95 130 60 90 105 140 75 110 20 រ 100 40 I VI ≤90 Bar ST 0.75 0.75 170 255 ST AMS (7) | AMS (10) Type 304L Tubing, mechanical 1 I 140 241 75 90 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties, Table 3.021. Effect of cold rolling on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.022. Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures on tensile properties of hard rolled sheet, Fig. 3.023. Effects of annealing temperature and exposure to elevated temperatures on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3. 024. Effects of cold rolling and test direction on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.025. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves to failure at room and elevated tem- peratures, Fig. 3.0311. Stress strain curves at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0312. Effects of annealing and test temperature on tensile pro- perties of cold drawn bar, Fig. 3. 0313. Ba PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness - in Ftu 3. 0314 Fty e(2 in) - percent 3.0315 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 4. 3.05 RA Hardness, BHN RB RC Impact strength 1 zod ft lb Source Alloy Form Condition Temp F RT 800 1000 1200 3.06 3.061 3.062 4. 01 4. Oll 4. 012 - 4. 013 - ksi - ksi percent Sheet, Strip Ann Rot 1 85 beam 35 50 } I 80 1 1 Plate, Bar Method Stress Ratio Ann 85 30 60 A R -1 ∞ 70 150 110 TABLE 3.05 (27) Type 304 1 in Bar Annealed Ann + CD 1 Stress Concen- tration Smooth K = 1 100 60 FABRICATION. See Type 301 also. 45 212 1 1 FERROUS ALLOYS Bar CD to high tensile 7/8 Effect of low test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0314. 125 95 25 277 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for bar at 1000 to 1800 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for bar at 1200 to 1800 F, Fig. 3.042. Linear parameter master curve for creep rupture of an- nealed material, Fig. 3.043. Fatigue Properties. Table 3.05. TABLE 3. 021 (11) Type 304 t Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of castings, Fig. 3.0315. 1 1/2 105 106 45 107 41 40 32 31 31 34 32 31 31 29 29 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. 110 240 Fatigue strength-ksi at Cycles 75 Forming and Casting General. This steel has excellent formability in the an- nealed condition, although other straight 18-8 grades may be preferred for certain operations. It has a low yield strength and high strain hardening capacity and requires considerably more power than carbon steels. Severe forming operations may require intermediate anneals, and a final anneal immediately after forming should be applied to prevent stress cracking. Forging. Starting forging temperature 2300 F maximum, finishing temperature 1500 F minimum. Severe reductions below 1700 F should be avoided. Castability of the austenitic stainless steels is excellent. 60 90 1 Ann 105 to 90 35 555385 55 to 60 65 83 4.02 4. 021 4.022 4.03 4.031 1 4.032 4.04 4.041 4.033 I 4.042 4.05 4. 051 4.052 Soft temper 0.062 to 0.500 125 to 100 Wire 90 to 60 40 to 45 65 1 95 1 Hard temper 160 to 140 125 to 105 20 to 25 55 1 33 Spring temper 0.062 to 0.307 260 to 170 1 I 1 Type 304 L Sheet, Strip Ann } 75 28 50 1 70 I Plate Ann 75 28 50 140 I Machining General. Because of their high strain hardening, machining of austenitic stainless steels requires positive feeds, cor- rectly contoured and sharp tools and an ample supply of coolant. While comparison with other material varies with the operation, Type 304 is generally rated as possessing 35 to 45 percent of the machinability of Bessemer steel screw stock. Special measures, such as chip curlers, are required to handle the very long chips formed by these steels. Welding General. This steel can be welded readily by any of the common welding methods. Fusion welding of sheet up to 1/8 in thick is generally done by the inert gas tungsten arc method. The shielded metal arc welding process is preferred for sheet over 1/8 in thick and other products. Type 308 filler rod and electrodes are used. Some sensitization on welding may occur in Type 304, par- ticularly if the metal is over 1/8 in thick. Type 304 L will become susceptible to intergranular corrosion only if sub- jected to heating at about 1200 F for a long time. Heating and Heat Treating Furnace atmosphere should be neutral or slightly oxidizing to produce a readily removable scale and to avoid carbu- rization. Heating with high sulfur fuels should be avoided. Bright annealing is done in a dry hydrogen, cracked am- monia or argon atmosphere with a dew point of -80 F maxi• mum. G Surface Treating Cleaning prior to heating and welding should include thor- ough removal of carbonaceous material and of any pickup of zinc or lead from dies. Contamination from these sources may reduce the corrosion resistance, cause em- brittlement and susceptibility to intergranular attack during service or processing. Passivating in nitric acid is required to establish highest corrosion resistance. * G Low C 19 Cr 10 Ni CODE Fe TYPES 304, 304 L 1303 PAGE 3 FeA Fe Low C 19 Cr 10 Ni TYPES 304, 304 L CODE BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 10-6 IN PER IN PER F BTU PER (LB F) 16 12 MICROHM IN ∞ FIG. 2.013 *** 11 10 1303 a 8 FIG. 2.014 -400 -400 Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni 0.14 0.13 0.12 50 40 30 FIG. 2.015 Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni 0 0 0 FIG. 2.022 0 (13) (18) 400 200 400 TEMP - F THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (24) (15) (16) ·(21) 400 Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 800 TEMP - F THERMAL EXPANSION Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 400 TEMP F 800 - 800 SPECIFIC HEAT - SPECIFIC HEAT TEMP F 1200 (15, p. 6)(16)(21, p. 22)(24) 600 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 1200 1200 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1600 1600 (13)(18) (13) 1600 (18) IN PER MIN 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0 Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni SENSITIZED 1200 F, 1 HR FTU - KSI PERCENT 200 160 120 80 80 40 0 0.02 FIG. 2.0312 EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT ON CORROSION RATE (15, p. 273) 0 SHEET CR REVISED MARCH 1963 CARBON CONTENT CORROSION RATE IN BOILING 65% HNO3 FTU L AT 20 FAILURE IN 500 HR 0.04 Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni - PERCENT 40 FTY 0.06 (14) 0.063 IN, TYPE 304 L (23) e(2 IN) 60 80 0.08 200 160 120 80 40 0 *TY - KSI REDUCTION - PERCENT FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (14, p. 6)(23) PAGE 4 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT KSI 240 PERCENT 200 160 120 80 40 100 80 60 40 20 80 40 80 0 40 Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-f0Ni (Type 304 L) 0.063 IN SHEET 600 TEMP · F FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HARD ROLLED SHEET 0 CR 70% AVG 24 TO 72 HR L T & FIG. 3.024 200 800 400 TESTED AT RT FTY e(2 IN) FTY FTU 2000 F, WQ, GS 2 TO 5 1700 F, AC, GS 8 1000 e (2 IN) RA Fe-(Low C)-19Ċr-10Ni 1 IN BAR 1200 800 EXPOSURE TEMP God F FERROUS ALLOYS 1400 F 1000 TU 1600 1200 EFFECTS OF ANNEALING TEMPERATURE AND EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (16) (23) KSI KSI 60 40 20 80 0 60 40 20 0 0 KSI 0 200 160 FIG. 3.0312 120 80 Fe(LOW C)-19Cr-10Ni TYPE 0.053 IN SHEET 0 3607 0.700 1.000 0.20 0.004 r = 0.001 20 REDUCTION 40 G 800 F 600 F FTU L T FIG. 3.025 EFFECTS OF COLD ROLLING AND TEST DIRECTION ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET (23) 0.40 0.60 STRAIN-IN PER IN FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES TO FAILURE AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (18) NOTCH STRENGTH 400 F 304 L 60 PERCENT Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni¸ 400 F 600 F 800 F RT 0.80 RT 80 0.008 0.012 STRAIN-IN PER IN STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (18) 0.016 Low C 19 Cr 10 Ni CODE Fe TYPES 304, 304 L 1303 PAGE 5 FeA Fe Low C 19 Cr 10 Ni TYPES 304, 304 L CODE KSI PERCENT 80 60 40 20 0 80 40 40 KSI PERCENT 0 240 200 160 120 600 TEMP FIG. 3.0313 EFFECTS OF ANNEALING AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD DRAWN BAR 80 40 80 1303 40 FTU ANN TEMP 1750 2050 2200 -400 200 FTY -300 RA GR SIZE 8/9 3/5 2/1 400 FTU FTY RA -200 e (2 IN) - -100 TEMP - F F Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni 1 IN BAR CD 13% BEFORE ANN FERROUS ALLOYS 800 Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni BAR ANN e(2 IN) 0 1000 100 FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (22, p. 66) 1200 (25) KSI KSI PERCENT 60 40 20 10 8 6 2 4 80 0 60 40 20 0 80 40 FIG. 3.0315 0 0 100 400 REVISED: MARCH 1963 FTY RA e(2 IN) Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni CASTINGS ANN RUPTURE 800 TEMP - F FTU EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF CASTINGS (14) 1800 F 1000 1200 Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni BAR 1600 TEST TEMP 1000 F 1200 F 1350 F 1500 F 100,000 10,000 TIME - HR FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1000 F TO 1800 F (19, p. 5) PAGE 6 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 40 20 80 10 8 100 60 40 20 * KSI 8 6 10 4 4 2 2 1 0.1 1 40 RUPTURE RUPTURE T = TEMP, F t = TIME, HR 60 TIME FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1200 TO 1800 F (16)' 10 80 - 100 HR O 100 15. Fe(LOW C)-19Cr-10Ni BAR 2000 F, WQ, GS 3 O 1700 F, AC,GS 6T08 TEST TEMP FERROUS ALLOYS 0--00 1800 F 1000 1200 F ANN 1300 F 120 1400 F 1500 F 1600 F 10,000 Fe(LOW C)--19Cr-10Ni 2000 F 140 (T-100)/ Log t- FIG. 3.043 LINEAR PARAMETER MASTER CURVE FOR CREEP RUPTURE OF ANNEALED MATERIAL (26) 1000 KSI 32 288 24 20 15 1000 KSI 12 DYNAMIC - (17) O STATIC - (20) 400 0 10 8 0 Fe(LOW C)-19Cr-10Ni FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (17, p. 82)(20, p. 17) FIG. 3.062 400 800 TEMP - F BAR 800 1200 E Fe-(Low C)-19Cr-10Ni TEMP - F G DYNAMIC 1600 1200 1600 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (18) Low C 19 Cr 10 Ni CODE Fe TYPES 304, 304 L 1303 PAGE 7 FeA Fe Low C 19 Cr 10 Ni 123 HIN CODE 4 5 6 7 TYPES 304, 8 304 L 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22227 23 24 25 26 REFERENCES AMS 5370, (March 1, 1955) AMS 5371, (March 1, 1955) AMS 5513, (June 15, 1953) AMS 5560 D, (Jan. 15, 1958) (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5565 D, AMS 5566 C, (Aug. 15, 1955) AMS 5639 A, (June 15, 1959) AMS 5697, (Nov. 1, 1954) AMS 5511 A, (June 15, 1952) AMS 5647, (Dec. 1, 1953) FERROUS ALLOYS American Iron and Steel Institute, "Type 304 and 304 L, Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", (June 1957) American Casting Institute, "Corrosion Resistant Type CF-8", Data Sheet, (June 1954) North American Aviation, Inc., "Stainless Steel - Type 304", Data Sheet, (1957) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, "Allegheny Metal 18-8"; Allegheny Ludlum Blue Sheet, (1958) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, "Stainless Steel Fabrica- tion", p. 273, (1958) The Timken Roller Bearing Company, Steel and Tube Division, "Digest of Steels", p. 56-57, (1957) The Timken Roller Bearing Company, Steel and Tube Division, "Resume of High Temperature Investigations Conducted During 1948 to 1950", p. 82, (1950) Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Standards Engineering Section, "Bettis Plant Materials Manual", (May 1957) Simmons, W. F. and Cross, H. C., "The Elevated-Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels", ASTM STP No. 124, p. 5, (1952) Garofalo, F., Malenock, P. R., and Smith, G. V., "The Influ- ence of Temperature on the Elastic Constants of Some Commercial Steels", Symposium on Determination of Elastic Constant, ASTM STP No. 129, p. 17, (June 25, 1952) 1303 Universal Cyclops Steel Corporation, "High Temperature Metals, Uniloy 18-8S (AISI Type 304)", p. 22, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, "Stainless Steel Handbook", p. 66, (1956) NASĄ (E-502), (1959) Furman TAIME, (1950) Timken, (1959) NACA TN 2890, (1953) Cross, TASME, (1934) REVISED MARCH 1963 PAGE 8 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1.01 1. 1.02 1.03 1.04 Source 1.05 1.051 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1.05 2. Molybdenum Copper Iron 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.02 2.021 3. GENERAL Type 305 stainless steel is the member of the 18-8 steel family having the highest nickel content considered to be within this classification. It is, therefore, the stainless steel with the lowest rate of strain hardening. It is used in sheet, strip and plate form for difficult drawing, spinning and other forming operations and in wire form for severe up- setting. It also becomes less magnetic on cold work than the other 18-8 steels, particularly Type 301. This steel has a higher carbon content than Type 304 and, therefore, a greater susceptibility to intergranular corrosion after exposure at 800 to 1500 F. The properties of this alloy are otherwise nearly identical with those of Type 304 and are reported here only as far as they differ from those of Type 304. There exists also a free machining grade of the 18-12 composition. Commercial Designation. Type 305. Altemate Designations. 18-8FS stainless steel, AISI - Type 305 austenitic stainless steel, Specifications. Table 1.03, AMS 5514A Sheet, strip, plate 5685C Wire, safety 5686 A Wire, riveting 3.01 3.011 Composition. Table 1.04. Min ## TABLE 1.03 Form AMS (1) Percent 17.00 10.00 A TABLE 1,04 Max 0.12 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 Balance AMS (2)(3) Percent Min Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 19.00 17.00 19.00 17.00 13.00 10.00 13.00 10.00 0.50 0.50 and Military 0.50 Balance AISI (4) Percent FERROUS ALLOYS Min PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Max 0.12 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 19.00 13.00 Balance Heat Treatment in Anneal or solution treat. 1850 to 2000 F, 1/2 to 1 hr per thickness, 2 hr minimum for plate, air cool or quench, de- pending on section size. Cooling to 800 F maximum should be within 3 min. D Hardenability. Steel can be hardened only by cold work and this to a lesser degree than the other steels of the 18-8 fam- ily. Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. Physical Properties Melting range. 2550 to 2650 F. Magnetic properties. This steel is nonmagnetic in the an- nealed condition. It becomes slightly magnetic when se- verely cold worked, because of transformation of austenite to ferrite this effect is less pronounced than for the other 18-8 grades. Chemical Properties General corrosion resistance of this steel is similar to that of Type 304. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness 3.02 3.021 4. Fru max e(2 in), min-percent 45 * Plate only. Source Alloy Form 3.022 4.01 4.011 J 4.012 4.013 in Condition Ftu' typ Fty, typ e(2 in), typ-percent RA percent Hardness, RB w - Sheet, strip, plate ST CR, HR <0.025 0.025 ksi 100 100 50 T TABLE 3.011 AMS (1) ksi ksi Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties, Table 3.021. FABRICATION AMS (2) Type 305 Wire, safety TABLE 3.021 85 38 50 Sheet, strip Plate 80 110 AISI (4) Type 305 Ann 555555 85 35 - ST 120 85 47 60 77 78 AMS (3) Wire, riveting ST 100 54 58 74 82 110 Wire Soft Temper Effect of cold rolling on tensile properties of strip, Fig. 3.022. Forming and Casting General. Forming of this steel differs in various respects from that of Types 301 and 302, but it is similar to that of Type 304. Because of its lower strain hardening, Type 305 requires less power and requires fewer intermediate anneals in multistage forming. Its stretch forming ability, however, is lower than that of Types 301 and 302, because of its low- er elongation. Deep drawing of this steel is usually performed with the same or less reduction in the first draw than that of Types 301 and 302, but without intermediate anneals before the second and possibly further draws. The reductions in these draws should be considerably lower than those possible for Type 301 which needs annealing after each draw. Type 305 also has a greater tendency to become thin at sharp radii than Types 301 and 302. Annealing is necessary if the hardness exceeds 35 to 40 RC. Effect of cold rolling on hardness of the various straight 18-8 stainless steels, Fig. 4.012. Spinning operations are preferably performed in Type 305. The surface should be kept clean and free from foreign particles during spinning. CODE Fe 18 Cr 12 Ni TYPE 305 1304 PAGE Gy FeA Fe 18 Cr 12 Ni TYPE 305 CODE KSI PERCENT 160 STRIP CR 120 ROCKWELL HARDNESS 80 40 1304 80 40 80 60 Fe-18Cr-12Ni 40 20 0 301 FIG. 4.012 10 FTU 20 REDUCTION FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF STRIP (5, p. 7) ANN CR 40% FTY e (2 IN) 302 TYPE - 30 304 PERCENT RB 40 Fe-18Cr-12Ni SHEET RC -20% 305 FERROUS ALLOYS 50 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING ON HARD- NESS OF THE VARIOUS STRAIGHT 18-8 STAINLESS STEELS (6) 60 123 + 4 5 6 REVISED MARCH 1963 REFERENCES AMS 5514 A, (Feb. 15, 1952) AMS 5685 C, (Feb. 15, 1952) AMS 5686 A, (Feb. 15, 1952) American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels - Type 305, "Steel Products Manual, (June 1957) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, "Allegheny Metal 18-8," Allegheny Ludlum Blue Sheets, (1948) Allegheny Ludlum, (1959) PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.041 AMS Type 5365A 310 5366A 310 Source Type GENERAL These austenitic stainless steels contain considerably more chromium and nickel than steels of the 18-8 family. These increase their resistance to high temperature oxidation. Like most of the unstabilized 18-8 steels, they are subject to intergranular carbide precipitation in the temperature range of 800 to 1600 F which may make them vulnerable to attack by condensates or other corrosive media. Wrought products are available with two carbon contents; AISI Type 310 with 0.25 and AISI Type 310 S with 0, 08 percent max carbon. Castings are also produced in two grades, CK-20 with 0.20 percent carbon maximum and HK with 0, 20 to 0.60 percent carbon. The lower carbon varieties are used where corrosion resistance to liquid media is of prime im- portance. The formability of the wrought forms is infer- ior to that of Type 302 but the Type 310 steels possess good weldability. Commercial Designation. Wrought Types 310 and 310S. Cast CK-20 and HK. Alternate Designations. Wrought: 25-20 stainless steel, AISI Type 310 and 310 S austenitic stainless steels. Specifications. Table 1.03. 5521B 310 S Sheet, strip, plate 5572B 310 S❘ Tubing, seamless 5577A 310 S❘ Tubing, welded 5651D 310 S 15694B 310 5695A 310 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Source Type Iron TABLE 1.03 Form Castings, sand Castings, prec. invest.. Bar, forgings. tubing Wire, welding Electrode, coated welding Composition AMS compositions, Table 1.041. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Min 1 (c) 1 Molybdenum Copper Iron (a) AMS 5365A only (b) AMS 5366A gives 0.030 (c) AMS 5651D gives 0.30 to 0.80 1.042 24.0 19.0 AMS (3)(4)(5)(6) 310 S Percent Min 1 1 MIL-R-5031, Class 3 MIL-E-6844, Class 3 24.00 19.00 Max 0.08 2.00 AISI and ACI compositions, Table 1.042. Military 0.75(c) 0.040 0.030 26.0 22.0 0.50 0.50 Balance 310 S Percent FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.08 2.00 1.50 0.045 0.030 26.00 22.00 Balance (9) TABLE 1.041 AMS (1)(2) 310 Percent Min 0.10(a) 0.50 23.0 19.0 Min TABLE 1,042 24.00 19.00 Balance 1.05 1.051 1,0511 1.0512 310 Percent 1.052 1.053 Balance 1.05 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 Max 0.18 2.00 1.50 0.040 0.040(b) 26.0 22.0 2.02 2.021 2.022 2. 0221 0.50 0.50 Max 0.25 2.00 1.50 0.045 0.030 26.00 22.00 da Heat Treatment Anneal or solution treat 2000 to 2150 F, 1/2 to 1 hr per in thickness, plate 2 hr minimum, water quench or water spray. This treatment is also recommended to restore ductility after each 1000 hr of service at 1200 to 1950 F. Sand castings, Type CK-20 (AMS 5365). 2000 to 2100 F, 1/2 hr minimum, air cool. Stress relief. 400 to 750 F, 36 to 8 hr. Type HK castings are not usually subjected to heat treatment. Hardenability. Alloy can only be hardened by cold work. Forms and Conditions Available The steel is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, forgings, tubing, wire and cast- ings. All wrought products are available in the annealed condition. Castings are available in the as cast or annealed condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace melt. Special Considerations PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2550 to 2650 F. Phase changes. This steel is subject to precipitation of carbides at 800 to 1600 F. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.12 Btu per (lb F). Emissivity, Fig. 2.016. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.29 lb per cu in. 8.02 gr per cu cm. 0.280 lb per cu in. Electrical resistivity Electrical resistivity for wrought material, Fig. 2.0221. Min 1.25 0.25 26.0 20.50 Min 23 19 I AMS (7) 310 Percent Balance (10) CK-20 Percent 28.0 22.50 0.50 0.50 Max 0.15 2.50 0.60 0.030 0.025 Balance Max 0.20 1.50 2.00 0.040 0.040 27 22 Min 0.09 1.25 25.0 20.0 Min 0.20 24 18 AMS (8) 310 Percent Max 0.20 2.50 0.75 0.040 0.030 27.0 22.0 Cast, 0.50 0.50 Balance (11) HK Percent Balance Max 0.60 2.00 2.00 0.040 0.040 28 22. 0.50 Fe 25 Cr 20 Ni TYPES 310, 310 S CODE 1305 PAGE | FeA Fe 25 Cr 20 Ni TYPES 310, 310 S 2.0222 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form P tu' 3.02 Condition Outside dia - in 3.021 Source Alloy Form Cast electrical resistivity, cast 35.5 microhm-in. Magnetic properties. This steel is nonmagnetic. Permea- bility is about 1.01. Type HK castings may be slightly ferromagnetic. F Chemical Properties - Corrosion resistance. This alloy has good corrosion resis - tance to many media but is used almost exclusively for el- evated temperature applications because other stainless steels are more economical for equipment in which resis tance to corrosion by liquid media is necessary. Because of its high chromium content it has good resistance to oxidiz- ing and carburizing atmospheres. It is widely used in sulfur bearing gases at elevated temperatures. It is subject to intergranular carbide precipitation and loss or intergranular corrosion resistance in a manner similar to the 18-8 stain- less steels when sensitized in the temperature range of 800- 1590 F. min max ksi ksi e(2 in), min-percent Tube Strip Hardness BHN, RB, 90 (a) Hot finished. Bars<0,25 in and cold finished, 229 Oxidation resistance. Alloy is good for continuous service up to 2100 F maximum and for intermittent service up to 1900 F. At1500 F or higner in air or combustion atmos - pheres, this alloy is superior to Type 18-8 steel. Nuclear Properties. Similar to Type 304. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES CODE 1305 Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. - Condition Thickness - in max max - - percent TABLE 3.011 AMS (3) | AMS (6) | AMS (4)(5) Type 310 S Sheet,strip plate Sheet, Strip I 1 85 100 40 1 1 Bar tu ksi 95 ksi 45 95 95 45 45 Fty e(2 in) - percent❘ 45 50 50 e(4 D) - percent 65 RA Hardness BHN RB Impact strength Izod - Ft lb 187(a) Ann TABLE 3.021 170 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. Typical mechanical properties, Table 3. 021. (9) Ann Types 310 and 310S Plate Bar 65 Tubing, welded and seamless 1185 89 <0, 3120,312 105 wy FERROUS ALLOYS Wire I 60 60 40 35 I 98 100 (10) Type CK-20 As Soft Temper Ann Cast Aged 0.06210. 500 125 105 76 75 90 75 38 50 20 30 37 17 144 90 90 3.03 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures 3.031 Short time tension properties - AMS (1) Type 310 Casting, sand 170 170 (11) Type HK Castings 21.5 85 50 10 1 190 I 1 3.0311 3. 0312 3.0313 3.032 3. 0321 3.0322 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.05 3.06 3.061 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.02 4.03 4,031 4.032 4.033 . 4.04 4.05 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Scatter bands for tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3. 0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of casting Fig. 3.0313. Short time properties other than tension Effect of exposure and test temperature on impact strengh of bar, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of low test temperatures on impact strength of castings, Fig. 3.0322. Static stress concentration effects Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves at 1000 to 1800 F for bar annealed at 1700 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves at 1000 to 1800 F for bar annealed at 2150 F, Fig. 3.042. Creep curves for sheet at 1200 and 1600 F, Fig. 3.043. Creep rupture curves for castings at 1400 to 2000 F, Fig. 3.044. Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. This alloy can be formed into most desired shapes but it is generally accepted as being more difficult to form than Type 302. More frequent annealing is usual- ly necessary than with 18-8 steels because of its slightly lower ductility. Forging. Starting temperature 2150 F maximum, finish- ing temperature 1700 F minimum. No heavy reductions should be made below 1800 F. Machining. In general, this alloy machines in a manner similar to Type 302 and the other 18-8 types of stainless steel which do not contain sulfur or selenium as free ma- chining additions. Correctly contoured tools and main- tenance of speeds and feeds are requisites for good pro- duction, C Welding General. The steel can be readily welded by either electric or gas fusion methods. No preheating is required, Fusion welding of Types 310, 310 S and CK-20 is prefer- ably performed by the metal arc or inert gas arc methods. Oxyacetylene welding is not recommended because of pos - sible adverse effect on corrosion resistance by carbon, pickup. Type 310 welding rod should be used. Post anneal- ing is recommended, unless the welded joint is not exposed to highly corrosive environments. Fusion welding of HK castings for high temperature service is preferably done by metal arc welding in the downhand position using lime coated Type 310 electrodes. Neither preweld nor postweld heating is required. Heating and Heat Treating. See Type 304. Surface Treating See Type 304. PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 20 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 16 12 8 11 10 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 9 0.6 0.8 0.4 8 7 0.2 Fe-25Cr-20Ni 0 (12) 400 -400 Fe-25Cr-20Ni 0 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 1.0 Fe-25Cr-20Ni HEATED 2100 F, 15 MIN IN AIR (9) (16) (11) [WROUGHT TYPE 310 0 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 800 TEMP - F TOTAL HEMISPHERICAL 400 400 EMISSIVITY AS RECEIVED FIG. 2.016 EMISSIVITY 1200 800 TEMP - F 800 1200 TEMP - F 1600 (12) FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1200 FERROUS ALLOYS 1600 2000 1 (9)(11)(16) AS ROLLED SAND BLASTED 1600 2000 (19) FTY - KSI PERCENT 60 40 20 0 80 40 0 80 40 0 0 NI Z - MICROHM 60 40 20 M 0 400 Fe-25Cr-20Ni FTU T FIG. 2.0221 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY FOR WROUGHT MATERIAL RA CD 7 е 400 800 800 FTY ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY TEMP - F 1200 TEMP - F 1200 1600 1600 (12) Fe-25Cr-20Ni |100 BAR ANN 2000 2400 80 60 FTU - KSI 40 20 0 FIG. 3.0311 SCATTER BANDS FOR TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (15, p. 40-48) Fe 25 Cr 20 Ni TYPES 310, 310 S CODE 1305 PAGE 3 FeA Fe 25 Cr 20 Ni TYPES 310, 310 S CODE FTY - KSI PERCENT 60 1305 40 20 0 80 40 0 80 40 0 400 FTY RA е 800 TEMP O 1200 F - Fe-25Cr-20N1 + 1 IN BAR 2150 F, WQ (GS4 106) 1700 F, AC (GS 8) FERROUS ALLOYS FTU 1600 2000 100 80 60 40 20 0 KSI - FTU FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (13, p. 80) KSI PERCENT 80 60 40 20 0 60 40 20 0 FT LB 80 960 400 FTU 20 100 Fe-25Cr-10Ni 1 IN BAR 0 40 EXPOSURE O 1 HR REVISED: 800 2150 F, WQ GS 4/6 FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF CASTING (17) 400 IE CHARPY V 1000 HR e (1 IN) FT LB 60 TEMP 40 20 1200 F - Fe-25Cr-20Ni PREC INVEST CAST -400 800 TEMP - F MARCH 1963 RA FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (13, p. 80) 1600 1200 -200 1600 2000 Fe-25Cr-20Ni CASTINGS (TYPE CK-20) ANN IE IZOD V 0 TEMP F FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURES ON IM- PACT STRENGTH OF CAST- INGS (10) Dow 200 - PAGE 4 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 ISHI 80 KSI 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 1 FIG. 3.041 60 40 20 10 ∞ 1 8 6 4 2 RUPTURE 1 RUPTURE FIG. 3.042 10 10 Fe-25Cr-20Ni 1 IN BAR 1700 F, AC, (GS 8) Grad 1600 F 1800 F 100 HR 1000 F 100 TIME HR 1100 F 1200 F 1300 F TIME CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 1000 TO 1800 F FOR BAR ANNEALED AT 1700 F (13) 1400 F 1500 F 1000 Fe-25Cr-20Ni 1 IN BAR 2150 F, WQ, (GS 1 TO 4) 1000 F 1100 F 1200 F 1300 F 1400 F 1500 F 1600 F 1800 F 1000 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 1000 TO 1800 F FOR BAR ANNEALED AT 2150 F (13) FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 KSI 288 24 20 16 KSI 40 0 20 10 8 6 4 FIG. 3.043 1 5% O 2% 1% KSI G DYNAMIC STATIC 400 10 B 20 10 8 TIME CREEP CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1200 AND 600 F (14, FIG. 24, p. 43) 6 CREEP 4 2 10 (13) (18) Fe-25Cr-20Ni 0.050 IN SHEET- 2000 F, AC C RUPTURE 100 HR E 1200 F 800 TEMP - F 1600 F Fe-25Cr-20Ni CASTINGS (TYPE HK) AS CAST 1000 1400 F 1600 F 2000 F 100 TIME - HR FIG. 3.044 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR CASTINGS AT 1400 TO 2000 F 1800 F 1200 1000 Fe-25Cr-20Ni BAR 1600 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (13)(18, p. 17) Fe 25 Cr 20 Ni TYPES 310, 310 S (11) CODE 1305 PAGE 5 Fe A Fe 25 Cr 20 Ni TYPES 310, 310 S CODE 1305 FERROUS ALLOYS 123 +57 ∞ ∞ 4 6 9 8 AMS 5695 A, (June 1, 1951) 11 12 13 10 Alloy Casting Institute, "Corrosion Resistant Type CK-20", Data Sheet, (June 1954) Alloy Casting Institute, "Heat Resistant Type HK", Data Sheet, (March 1957) Hogan, C. L. and Sawyer, R. B., "Thermal Conductivity of Metals at High Temperature", Journal of Applied Physics, Am- erican Institute of Physics, Vol. 23, (Jan. -Dec. 1952) 14 15 16 17 18 REVISED MARCH 1963 REFERENCES 19 AMS 5365 A. (June 1, 1951) AMS 5366 A, (Dec. 1, 1951) AMS 5521 B. (March 1, 1955) AMS 5572 B, (March 1, 1955) AMS 5577 A, (March 1, 1955) AMS 5551 D, (Jan. 15, 1960) AMS 5694 B, (Jan. 15, 1959) American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", Steel Products Manual, (June 1957) Timken Roller Bearing Company, "Digest of Steels for High Temperature Service", (1957) Miller, J., Smith, L. M. and Porter, P. K., "Utilization of Low Alloy Materials for High Temperature Service Applications", AFTR No. 5929, (June 1949) Simmons, W. R. and Cross, H. C., "The Elevated-Tempera- ture Properties of Stainless Steels", ASTM STP No. 124, (1952) Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, "Stainless Steel, J. and L. Type 310 Stainless Steel", Data Sheet, (July 25, 1958) Haynes Stellite Company, "Haynes Type 310 Stainless Steel", Data Sheet, (1958) Garofalo, F., Malenock, P. R. and Smith, G. V., "The Influ- ence of Temperature on the Elastic Constants of Some Commer- cial Steels", Symposium on Determination of Elastic Constants, ASTM STP No. 129, (June 25, 1952) DeCorso, S. M. and Coit, R. L., "Measurement of Total Emis- sivities of Gas-Turbine Combustion Materials", ASME, Vol. 77, (1955) PAGE 6 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 AMS 5652 B 1.05 1.051 5522 B 1.052 Source 1.06 1.061 1.08 2. 1.07 1.071 Carbon Chromium Copper Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Iron GENERAL This non-heat treatable stainless steel is generally used in the annealed condition. In this condition it possesses excellent general corrosion resistance and has the high- est resistance to scaling and carburization of any of the austenitic Cr-Ni alloys. It is used primarily for parts and welded assemblies requiring both corrosion and oxi- dation resistance up to 2000 F. Its high silicon content improves corrosion resistance over other austenitic Cr-Ni steels, but with some sacrifice in ductility and weldability. This alloy is subject to embrittlement after long-time ex- posure at 1200 to 1600 F, (2) (5) (7). Commercial Designation.. Type 314. Alternate Designation. SAE 30314. Specifications. Table 1.03. 1.09 1.091 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 TABLE 1.03 Form Bar, forgings, flash welded rings, mechanical tubing Plate, sheet, strip Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1.04 AMS (2) Percent 1.00 2.00 0.50 19.00 22.00 1.50 2.30 0.040 0.030 AMS (1) Percent Balance Min Max Min Max Min Max 0.18 0.12 0.25 23.00 25.00 23.00 25.00 23.0 26.0 0.50 1.00 2.00 0.50 19.00| 22.00 19.0 22.0 1.70 2.30 1.50 3.00 0.04 0.040 0.030 0.03 G Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Military Alloy Digest Percent 2.00 Balance Heat Treatment Anneal (solution treat). 1900 to 2100 F, rapid air cooling (sheet and light plates) or water quench (heavier sections), (5) (7). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2500 to 2600 F, (5). Phase changes. None. Thermal conductivity, Table 2.013. Final anneal at 1900 F, minimum, is recommended to re- lieve strain and achieve best corrosion resistance and high temperature properties, (5). Hardenability Alloy can be hardened only by cold work. See 3.022. - Forms and Conditions Available The alloy is available in bar, sheet, strip, plate, tubing and wire, (7). Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace melt. Special Considerations Prolonged exposure at 1200 to 1600 F may cause embrittle- ment through carbide precipitation and sigma phase forma - tion. Ductility may be restored by annealing at 1900 to 1950 F for 10 to 60 min. This treatment is recommended after 1000 hr exposure at 1400 to 1600 F, (5) (7). See also 3.023. Source Alloy. 2.014 2.015 Temp 212 932 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 2.032 2.0321 2.04 2.033 2.0331 3. 3.01 3.011 - F 3.02 3.021 - Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.12 Btu per (lb F), 32 to 212 F, (5) (7). Other Physical Properties Density. 0.279 lb per cu in. 7.72 gr per cu cm, (5) (7). Electrical resistivity. 30.31 microhm-in at 68 F, (7). Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic. Source Alloy Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. This alloy has excellent general corrosion resistance, comparable to 18 Cr-8 Ni austenitic stainless steels. It is slightly inferior to Type 310 under wet corrosion conditions, (7). Form Type 314 exhibits good resistance to fuming nitric acid at room temperature and to fused nitrates up to 800 F, (7). This alloy is particularly recommended for handling SO, gas, but is inferior to Type 311 where a high percentage of SO3 is present, (5). 2 Oxidation resistance. Type 314 has the highest scale re- sistance of any of the austenitic Cr-Ni stainless steels, be- cause of its high silicon content and lower coefficient of expansion, tending to form a more tightly adherent film, particularly in the range 1200 to 1600 F, (5) (7). Recommended maximum operating temperatures are 1900 F for intermittent service and 2100 F for continuous service, (7). Other chemical properties This alloy has outstanding carburization resistance, higher than Type 310 because of its greater silicon content. Car- burization susceptibility, Fig. 2.0331. Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties for bar, forgings, flash-welded rings, mechanical tubing, plate, sheet and strip, Table 3.011. Condition Hardness BHN, max RB, min max TABLE 2.013 (7) Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si Btu ft per (hr sq ft F) 10.1 12.1 Bar, forgings, flash-welded rings HR + ST 187 Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness in 1 dia F ksi 100 tu' F ksi 50 ty' e (2 in)-percent 45 RA 60 -percent Hardness RB TABLE 3.011 AMS (2) 89 (5) 100 50 45 60 89 Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si Mechanical Sheet, tubing strip CR + ST HR+ST CW + ST Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties for bar, plate, sheet and wire, Table 3.021. Bar Plate Sheet Ann TABLE 3.021 90 100 50 40 Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si AMS (1) 85 (4) 70 95 Wire 0.002 to 0.010 95 to 130 35 to 70 60 max Plate Hard drawn 0.002 to 0.010 245 to 275 230 to 260 1 to 2 Fe 25 Cr 20 Ni 2 Si TYPE 314 CODE 1306 PAGE I FeA 25 20 2 Fe Cr Ni Si 3.022 3.023 3.03 3.031 TYPE 314 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.05 3.06 3.061 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.02 4.021 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.04 4.05 IN PER IN PER F 9- ΟΙ 14 CODE 1306 12 10 со 6 0 Effect of cold work on room temperature properties of bar, Fig. 3.022. Effect of long-time exposure at elevated temperatures on room temperature ductility of annealed alloy, Fig. 3.023. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties of annealed bar and sheet at elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.031. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture strength at 1200 to 1800 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep curves for annealed sheet at 1200 to 1800 F, Fig. 3.042. Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room temperature, 29, 000 ksi, (4) (5). FABRICATION Forming and Casting An anneal prior to forming operations is recommended, since the alloy is susceptible to work hardening. Forging. Starting temperature at 1900 to 2050 F, maxi- mum, finishing temperature at 1700 F, minimum. For upset forgings, work should be finished between 1700 and 1850 F, (5) (6). Machining General. Because of work hardening the feed should be as heavy as possible in order to obtain a high metal re- moval at a relatively low surface speed. Sharp tools at all times are necessary. Sulfurized cutting oils diluted with paraffin oil are recommended, (5) (7). Welding General. The alloy can be welded by gas or arc methods without the use of pre- or postheat. However, annealing is recommended after welding for maximum corrosion re- sistance, (7). Type 310 electrodes are recommended, (5). Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating Fe-25Cr-20Ni - 2Si (5) (7) MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FIG. 2.014 FERROUS ALLOYS 400 800 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1200 TEMP - F THERMAL EXPANSION 1600 2000 (7)(5) KSI ROCKWELL HARDNESS - C SCALE 240 160 80 40 20 PERCENT 0 60 FIG. 3.022 40 F 20 TU PERCENT Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si 0.375 IN CW DIA ܝ 0 1000 CARBON CONTENT REVISED: MARCH 1963 1.2 FIG. 3.023 0.8 0.4 0 60 DEPTH BELOW SURFACE IN x 10-3 FIG. 2.0331 CARBURIZATION SUSCEPTI- Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si 0.5 IN DIA PACK CARB 20 FTY RA e (2 IN) BILITY 20 CONV FROM RB-SCALE Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si 40 1200 ANN +1000 HR AT TEMP SHOWN 40 The 60 COLD REDUCTION PERCENT EFFECT OF COLD WORK ON ROOM TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF BAR (5) 1400 G TEST AT RT e (NO EXPOSURE) = 58% e (2 IN) 180 (5) 40 0 80 1600 EXPOSURE TEMP - F EFFECT OF LONG-TIME EXPOSURE AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON ROOM TEMPERATURE DUCTILITY OF ANNEALED ALLOY (5) PERCENT 1800 PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT 120 - KSI 80 RUPTURE STRESS 40 0 80 @ 40 60 20 0 20 10 8 4 Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si WROUGHT BAR STOCK FIG. 3.031 2 O Δ BAR, ANN 1950 F, 30 MIN, WQ 0.035 IN SHEET, ANN ▼▼0.040 IN SHEET, ANN 1900 F FTU 8 Q A O 1 1200 400 FIY RA 1000 HR e (2 IN) O Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si ANN (7) 1 IN DIA, 2100 F, WQ(3) O 0.04 IN SHEET. ANN 1900 F (3) 100 HR 다 ​O F 1400 1600 TEST TEMP - F 800 TEST TEMP SHORT TIME TENSION PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED BAR AND SHEET AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (3, p. 109-110) 1200 1800 60 FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE STRENGTH AT 1200 TO 1800 F (3, p. 109, 110) (7) 40 20 1600 PERCENT - RA FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 40 20 10 8 6 4 Fe-25Cr-20Ni-2Si CREEP -1% 2% O 2 0.01 2% 5% 123 4 5 Сл 6 Δ 7 0.047 IN, 2000 F, 30 MIN, AC (7) 0.035 IN, ANN (3) 1200 F 0.1 1400 F 1600 F TIME HR FIG. 3.042 CREEP CURVES FOR ANNEALED SHEET AT 1200 TO 1800 F (3, p. 109-110) (7) 1 1800 F 10 REFERENCES 100 AMS 5522 B, (June 1, 1951) AMS 5652 B, (Jan. 15, 1960) 1000 "Elevated Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels", ASTM S. T. P. No. 124, (Jan, 1952) "Physical and Mechanical Properties of Some High-Strength Fine Wires", DMIC Memo 80, (Jan. 20, 1961) Crucible Steel Co. of America, "Crucible 314 Stainless Steel", Data Sheet, 4th Revision, (Feb. 1959) Wyman-Gordon Co., "Forging Temperature for Stainless Steels and High Temperature Alloys", Data Sheets, (Jan. 19, 1959) Alloy Digest, "AISI Type 314, Filing Code: SS-100, Stain- less Steel, (Feb. 1960) - Fe 25 Cr 20 Ni 2 Si TYPE 314 CODE 1306 PAGE 3 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1. 011 1. 012 1. 02 1.03 AMS Type 5360B 5361B 1.04 1. 041 J GENERAL The addition of molybdenum to 18-8 type stainless steel imparts a corrosion resistance superior to that of other austenitic steel grades when exposed to many types of corrodents. Several varieties of 18-8+Mo are available. The most widely used wrought product is Type 316 which contains 0.08 percent maximum carbon and 2. 5 percent molybdenum. Type 317 contains 3. 5 molybdenum. In Type 316 L the carbon content is 0.03 percent maximum. A free machining grade containing sulfur and phosphorous, as well as a columbium stabilized grade (Type 318) are also produced. Cast alloys are CF 3 M (similar to Type 316 L) and CF 8 M (similar to Type 316) and, for higher temperature applications, CF 12 M with about 0.12 percent carbon. 18-8+Mo is generally used in the annealed condition, and, for high temperature service, it may be given a stabilizing heat treatment. Wrought products are readily formable and weldable. Castings are also weldable and the metal arc method is most often used. Form Castings, investment Castings, sand and centrifugal 5524B 316 Sheet, strip, plate 5573B 316 Tubing, seamless 5648C 316 Bar, forgings, forging stock and mechanical tubing K 5690E 316 Wire, screen and welding 5691B 316 Electrode, coated welding 5649 Bar, forgings(free machining), forging stock 316 Spring wire Commercial Designation Wrought alloys. AISI Types 316, 316 L, 317. Cast alloys. CF 3 M, CF 8 M, CF 12 M (A. C. I. desig- nations). Source 1. 042 Alternate Designations. 18-8 Mo stainless steels, 18-8 + Mo. Specifications. Table 1. 03 TABLE 1.03 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Copper Iron Min 16.0 12.0 1. 5 Composition AMS specified compositions for Type 316, Table 1. 041. MIL-S-867(Ships)Class III Loc Percent MIL-S-5059 A(ASG)Comp316 AMS (1) Castings, invest. MIL-S-7720 Comp MCR QQ-W-428 Military Max 0. 15 2.0 0.75 0.04 0.03 18.0 14.0 FERROUS ALLOYS 2.25 0.50 Balance (a) AMS 5648C and 5691B gives 1.50 - 2.00 (b) AMS 5648C and 5691B give 2.50 Min 0.15 AMS (2) Castings Percent 17.0 12.0 1.75 Ap AISI and ACI specified compositions, Table 1. 042. Max 0.25 2.0 1.0 0.04 0.04 Balance 20.0 15.0 2.5 1.05 1.051 1. 0511 1. 0512 1.052 1.053 1.06 1. 07 1. 071 1.072 1.073 1. 08 1.09 1. 091 1.092 TABLE 1.041 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.0122 Min (a) Heat Treatment Anneal Wrought products. 1850 to 2150 F, air cool or quench depending on section size. 1950 F minimum for sheet alloys. Castings. 1950 to 2100 F, water or oil quench or air cool. Low side of temperature range is used for CF-8M, but CF 12M should be quenched from above 2000 F. Stabilize for high temperature service. 1625 to 1675 F, 2 to 4 hrs, furnace or air cool. Stress relief. 400 to 750 F, 1/2 to 2 hr. Hardenability. Alloy can be hardened only by cold work. 17.00 12.00 2.00 Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for all forms in the annealed condition. Sheet, strip and wire are also available in cold worked conditions having various strengths. 2.0123 Sand, centrifugal and precision investment castings are available in the as cast or annealed conditions. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Consumable electrode vacuum melt. AMS (3) (5) (6) (7) Balance Special Considerations Prolonged heating at temperatures from 800 to 1600 F may result in embrittlement and stress corrosion sensitivity. Because of its reduced stress corrosion sensitivity, Type 316 L is recommended when heavy cross sections cannot be annealed after welding or where low temper- ature stress relieving is desired. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2500 to 2550 F. Phase changes Percent This steel is subject to precipitation of carbides, for- mation of territe and sigma phase on heating at 800 to 1600 F. This "sensitization" increases with the carbon content. It is associated with embrittlement and suscep- tibility to stress corrosion. Although this steel may transform on severe cold working to a slight extent to ferrite (martensite), the resulting increase in magnetic permeability is usually very small and the steel can be used under certain conditions which require a nonmagnetic material. Max 0.08 2.00(a) 1.00(d) 0.040 0.030 19.00(c) 14.00 AMS (4) Percent Min 1.25 16.00 11.00 3.00(b) 2.00 0.50 B (c) AMS 5690E gives 20.0 (d) AMS 5691B gives 0.75 Balance Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 19.00 14.00 2.50 0.50 AMS (8) Min Percent 1.00 0.11 0.10 17.00 12.00 1.75 Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.17 0.20 19.00 14.00 2.50 0.50 Balance 200 Castings, Type CF-8M are susceptible to embrittlement on exposure to 1200 F or higher, due to formation of sigma phase. Fe 18 Cr 13 Ni CODE Mo TYPE 316, TYPE 317 1307 PAGE 1 FeA 18 13 + Fe Cr Ni Mo TYPE 316, TYPE 317 Source Alloy Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorous Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Iron 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.0231 2.0232 2.03 2.031 2.0311 Source Alloy Form Condition OD - in CODE 1307 RB RC Thickness in Strip Hardness BHN Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 16.00 18.00 10.00 14.00 2.00 3.00 Balance Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat, Fig. 2.015. Diffusivity, Fig. 2.016. Ftu' max e(2 in), min-percent Full section (9, p. 33) Type 316 Percent Min Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Other Physical Properties Density. 0.288 lb per cu in. 7.98 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity. At RT, 29.1 microhm in and at 1200 F, 45.7 microhm in. -ksi -min -max -min -max -min -max (9, p. 34) Type 316 L Percent Min Magnetic properties. Wrought types are essentially nonmagnetic. Permeability of annealed condition is 1.02 maximum. Cast types are usually slightly magnetic. Permeability usually ranges between 1.5 and 2. 5. Nonmagnetic castings may be obtained by balancing the composition. 18.00 16.00 10.00 14.00 2.00 3.00 1 The general corrosion resistance of 18-8 + Mo is superior to that of other stainless steels when exposed to many types of chemical corrodents, as well as to marine atmospheres. They are less susceptible to pitting attack in sea water and under conditions where particles are deposited on the metal surface. ││ Balance AMS (2) I FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.03 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 Casting, sand and centrifugal As cast 211 TABLE 1. 042 (9, p. 35) Type 317 Percent Min 18.00 11.00 3.00 AMS (3) I T Sheet, strip, plate 1 100 100 40 45 1 Balance > 0.025 0.025 0.75 1 1 TABLE 3.011 < Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.045 0.030 1 20.00 17 15.00 9 4.00 2.0 1 - 2. 0312 2.032 2.04 3. 3. 01 3. 011 Bar I I Min 1 170 163 140 255 255 241 I G t (20) CF 3 M Percent A AMSAMS AMS (5) (8) (5) Fe-18Cr-13Ni + Mo (Type 316) Fough J I Balance >0.75 to 1.50 1.25 1.50 Max 0.03 1.50 2.00 0.04 0.04 21 13 3.0 Bar, Mech free Tubing mach G VI I 20 28 ST MECHANICAL PROPERTIES CF 8 M Percent Min A 18 9 20 1 75 90 1 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Intergranular corrosion of Types 316 and 317 may occur in certain media if these alloys are sensitized between 800 and 1600 F. Type 316 L is not subject to formation of a continuous network of precipitated carbides and it is recommended for parts which are to be fabricated by welding and to be used without post weld annealing in media which may cause intergranular corrosion in the higher carbon grades. Max 0.08 1.50 2.00 0.04 0.04 Oxidation resistance. Good for continuous service up to 1600 F and for intermittent service up to 1500 F. Type 316 scales severely at approximately 1650 F, the temper- ature varying with type of atmosphere and cycle of operation. Nuclear Properties. 21 12 3.0 Balance Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. W G (10) 35 40 Similar to Type 304. Min 18 AMS (4) CF 12 M Percent 2222222 9 2.0 37 32 I I Tubing, seamless < 0.188 > 0.188 to 0.500 > < > 0.016 0.016 [0. 010 0.010 0.010 0.010 < く ​11 1 115 100 110 100 100 100 Balance 21 12 Max 0.12 1.50 2.00 0.04 0.04 3.0 22222 40 32 35 1 27 I 1 0.500 1 35 30 I 1 1 G PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Types Form Condition Thickness Ftu, typ Fty, typ e(2 in), typ-percent typ-percent RA, Hardness 3.022 3.023 3.024 3.03 3.031 3. 0311 3.0312 Source Alloy Form Condition Exposure at 3.0313 3.032 3.033 3.04 3.041 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. Typical mechanical properties for Types 316, 316 L and 317, Table 3.021. 3.042 3.05 ་་ 3.06 3.061 in RB, typ BHN, typ 150 * AISI specifies spring temper as: 0.062 in, F = 230 ksi tu 0 250 in, F = 160 ksi tu 0.307 in, F = 150 ksi tu 3.062 FEL Temp Load Time F ksi hr ksi RT 0 0 103.9 1000 22.5 1220 88.5 11 00 20.0 1290 92.9 10.0 1170 94.3 1200 1300 6.5 1540 97.3 3.0 1175 97.0 1500 -ksi -ksi Sheet, strip G 90 40 50 I 85 Plate Ann 5555555 85 35 Ann All 80 30 60 70 TABLE 3.023 (11, p. 71) Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo (Type 316) EtY 78 150 ksi 1 in har 2000 F, WQ Room temperature properties after exposure 36.8 41.5 42.5 42.5 40.0 36.0 Bar FERROUS ALLOYS = Typical properties of sand cast blocks of CF 12M, annealed 1950 to 2100 F and water quenched, Ftu 80 ksi, Fty 42 ksi, e(2 in) = 50 percent, BHN = 156 to 170, IE Charpy Keyhole = 70 ft lbs. Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures with load on tensile properties of bar, Table 3. 023. e(2 in) percent 59.5 57.0 51.0 41.0 42.0 31.5 TABLE 3.021 Short time properties other than tension Static stress concentration effects 316 CD 1 90 60 45 65 1 190 48.6 52.2 52.5 RA percent 77.0 72.7 67.5 Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures on impact strength, Fig. 3.024. = Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Scatter bands of tensile properties of bar at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0311. Effects of annealing and testing temperatures on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3. 0312. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of castings, Fig. 3.0313. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for bar at 1200 to 2000 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for castings at 1200 to 1650 F, Fig. 3.042. (9, p. 33, 34 35) Fe-18Cr-13Ni + Mo Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity. 11,900 ksi. 4. Ann 0.062 0.500 90 80 30 30 55 60 65 70 } 4. 01 4. 011 1 Wire* 78 4. 012 4.03 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.05 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 14 12 Soft temper 0.062 0.500 100 90 75 60 40 50 65 65 10 ∞ 6 FABRICATION. The fabrication characteristics of the 18-8 +Mo steels are similar to those of Type 302 except as noted below. Forming and Casting Forming operations should be performed at room tem- 83 Sheet, strip Ann 75 32 50 316 L 75 -400 Plate Ann 0 75 32 50 I I 145 400 Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo(Type 316) BAR 2000 F, 1 HR, WQ Sheet, strip Ann THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 90 40 45 85 317 Plate Ann 85 40 50 perature or at forging temperatures, but not at temper- atures in the carbide precipitation range. Casting. The good castability of casting alloys of this type permits designs involving intricate shapes. However, uniform thickness should be maintained wherever possible. Welding. Wrought and cast products are weldable by conventional techniques. The metal arc process is most frequently used for castings. Oxyacetylene welding is not advisable for castings because of possible impairment of corrosion resistance due to carbon pickup. Lime coated Type 316 electrodes are recommended. 800 TEMP - F 160 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Heating and Heat Treating Avoid prolonged heating at temperatures from 800 to 1600 F, see 1. 09. All heating should be conducted in air or inert atmosphere such as helium, argon or dissociated ammonia. The parts must be free from any carbonaceous material. Surface Treating. Scale may be removed by a solution of 15 to 20 percent nitric acid and 1 to 3 percent hydro- fluoric acid at 120 to 140 F, for 20 to 30 min. Scale removal is more easily accomplished when parts have been heated in air. Bar Ann 85 40 50 160 1200 1600 TYPE 316, TYPE 317 (12, p. 23) Fe 18 Cr 13 Ni + Mo CODE 1307 PAGE 3 FeA Fe 18 Cr 13 Ni Mo TYPE 316, TYPE 317 10-6 IN PER IN PER F BTU PER(LB F) 11 10 a 8 7 SQ FT PER HR FIG. 2.014 Q. 16 -400 0.12 0.08 0.20 FIG. 2.015 0.18 Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo (Type 316) MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 0.16 0.14 CODE 1307 -400 0 G -400 0 Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo(Type 316) BAR 2000 F, 1 HR, WQ BAR, 2000 F, 1HR, WQ 400 0 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED THR, WO t (12) 1950 F, 1/2 HR, WQ I (13) 800 TEMP - F THERMAL EXPANSION 400 FIG. 2.016 DIFFUSIVITY SPECIFIC HEAT Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo(Type 316) BAR 2000 F, 1 HR, WQ 800 TEMP - F SPECIFIC HEAT + 400 1200 800 TEMP F (12, p. 23)(13, p. 689) FERROUS ALLOYS 1200 1600 1200 1600 (12, p. 23) DIFFUSIVITY 1600 (12, p. 23) FTY - KSI PERCENT 60 40 20 0 80 40 80 40 0 0 400 FTY RA 800 FT LB 120 80 40 0 1200 TEMP Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo(Type 316) BAR ANN 0 EXPOSURE 01 HR 1000 HR REVISED: MARCH 1963 < 400 F Fe-18Cr-13Ni + Mo 1 IN BAR 2000 F, AC FTU FIG. 3.0311 SCATTER BANDS OF TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (14, p. 29-31) IE TESTED AT RT 1600 2000 800 TEMP - F 1200 100 80 1600 60 40 20 0 2400 KSI TU F FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON IMPACT STRENGTH (11, p. 70) PAGE 4 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT KSI 80 PERCENT 60 40 20 0 80 40 40 0 80 60 40 20 0 40 0 0 ANN TEMP 1700 F 2050 F 200 0 FTY FIG. 3.0313 - - F FIG. 3.0312 EFFECTS OF ANNEALING AND TESTING TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR 400 FTU RA e (1 IN) GR SIZE 10 6/5 400 Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo (Type 316) 600 800 TEMP - F TEMP FTU FTY Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo(Type 316) PREC. INVEST. CASTING AS CAST 1200 RA e(2 IN) 800 FERROUS ALLOYS 1600 1 IN BAR CW 13% BEFORE ANN 1000 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF CASTINGS (16, p. 8) 1200 (19) KSI 60 40 20 10 8 6 2 1 RUPTURE 1 10 2000 F () KSI 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo(Type 316) 1 IN BAR 2000 F. WO GS - 5/7 100 TIME - HR FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1200 TO 2000 F (ll, p. 72) 10 1500 F RUPTURE 1000 1200 F 1300 F 1400 F 1800 F TIME 1500 F 1600 F Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo(Type 316) AS CAST PREC INVEST,CASTINGS HAYNES (16) 6 IN OD CENTRIF CAST PIPE (15) 100 1350 F 10,000 1200 F 1650 F HR 1000 FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR CASTINGS AT 1200 TO 1650 F (15, p. 74)(16, p. 10) Fe 18 Cr 13 Ni Mo + TYPE 316, TYPE 317 CODE 1307 PAGE 5 FeA Fe 18 Cr 13 Ni + Mo CODE 1000 KSI TYPE 316, 8 TYPE 317 28 24 20 16 1307 DYNAMIC (17) OSTATIC (18) 0 Fe-18Cr-13Ni+Mo(Type 316); BAR 400 E WILDE & GRANT 800 TEMP - F 1200 1600 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (17, p. 920)(18, p. 17) FERROUS ALLOYS 12345 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 REVISED: MARCH 1963 REFERENCES AMS 5350 B, (Jan. 15, 1959) AMS 5351 B, (Dec. 1, 1953) AMS 5524 B. (Aug. 15, 1955) AMS 5573 B, (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5648 C, (Jan. 15, 1950) AMS 5590 E, (Feb. 1, 1956) AMS 5591 B, (June 15, 1953) AMS 5649, (Dec. 1, 1951) American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", Steel Products Manual, (June 1957) Schoefer, E. A., "Corrosion Resistant Types CF-8M and CF- 12M", Alloy Casting Institute Data Sheet, (June 1954) Timken Roller Bearing Co., "Digest of Steels for High Temper- ature Service", Sixth Edition, (1958) Lucks, C. F. and Deem, H. W., "Thermal Properties of Thir- teen Metals", ASTM STP No. 227, (Feb. 1958) Furman, D. E., "Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Stain- less Steels Between -300° and 1000°F", Journal of Metals, Vol. 188, (Apr. 1950) Simmons, Ward F. and Cross, Howard C., "Report on the Elevated-Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels", ASTM STP No. 124, (Jan. 1952) Sessler, J. G., "The Creep Rupture and Low-Strain Creep Properties of Several Heat-Resisting Alloys Tested in Air at Elevated Temperatures", SURI, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Dpt., Rp. No. MET 383-581 F1, (June 1957) Haynes Stellite Company, "Haynes Investment-Cast Steels", Haynes Data Booklet, (Apr. 1958) Wilde, Robert F. and Grant, Nicholas J., "Dynamic Elastic Modulus Values at High Temperatures for Nickel-Base, Alumi- num-Base and Metal-Metal Oxide Alloys", Proceedings ASTM Vol. 57, (1957) Garofalo, F., Malenock, P. R. and Smith, G. V., "The Influ- ence of Temperature on the Elastic Constants of Some Commer- cial Steels", ASTM STP No. 129, (June 25, 1952) Timken, (1959) Alloy Casting Institute, (1959) PAGE 6 FeA REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1. 02 1.03 AMS 5510G 5557 A 5689 1. 04 Source 5559 Tubing, welded thin wall 5570G Tubing, seamless 5576B Tubing, welded 5645G Bar, forgings, mech tubing, flash welded rings Wire, screen 1. 05 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.06 1. 07 1. 071 1.072 1. 08 GENERAL This austenitic stainless steel is one of the two stabilized 18-8 steels. Because titanium forms a carbide of low solid solubility, the possibility of intergranular precipitation and of the associated intergranular corrosion is reduced. Therefore, Type 321 is used primarily either for parts fabricated by welding without postweld annealing or for service at 800 to 1500 F. This steel is available in all wrought forms. Its properties are very similar to those of the columbium stabilized 18-8 steel, Type 347. It differs from Type 347 in that the stability of the carbides is lower and in that titanium has a tendency to burn out in the liquid state. Welding rod and castings, therefore, are not produced in Type 321. Commercial Designation. 1.09 Type 321. Alternate Designations. 18-8 Ti stainless steel. Titanium stabilized 18-8 steel. AISI Type 321 austenitic stainless steel. Specifications. Table 1. 03. TABLE 1.03 Form Sheet, strip, plate Tubing, hydraulic, seamless or welded Composition. Min Table 1. 04. AMS (1)(3)(5)(6)(7) Percent Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Titanium Copper Iron (a) AMS 5645 and 5689 do not give minimum value (b) AMS 5645 gives for tubing, 20 Cr and 12 Ni (c) AMS 5570 gives 9.0 Max 0.08 2.00 0.40(a) | 1.00 0.040 TABLE 1. 04 1 Military MIL-S-6721 Type Ti MIL-T-8606, Comp G321 MIL-T-6737, Comp 321 QQ-S-763 Class 321 Cond A AMS (2)(4) Percent Min FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 0.030 0.030 17.00 19.00(b) 17.00 20.00 17.00 19.00 8.00 11.00(b) 8.00(c) 13.00 9.00 12.00 0.50 6xC 0.70 6xC 0.50 Balance 0.50 0.70 5xC 0.50 0.40 I Balance AISI (8, p. 36) Percent Min Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.045 Balance Heat Treatment Full anneal. 1750 to 1900 F, preferably 1750 to 1850 F, see 2.0312, 1 hr per in thickness, 2 hr minimum for plate, furnace cool or air cool. Stabilizing anneal for service at 800 to 1500 F. 1500 to 1650 F, 1 hr per in thickness, 2 hr minimum for plate. Stress relief after fabrication. 1300 F. Hardenability. Alloy can be hardened only cold work. Forms and Conditions Available The steel is available in the full commercial range of sizes for all forms common for stainless steels. All products are available in the annealed condition. Bar and wire are also available in slightly cold worked condi- tions. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric arc and induction furnace air melts. Special Considerations G 1.091 1.092 1.093 2. 2.01 2.011 2. 012 2. 0121 2. 0122 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 2.0313 3. 2.0314 2.032 2.04 3.01 3. Oll 3.02 3, 021 Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness 3.022 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Heating above 1900 F followed by heating at about 1200 F, may sensitize this steel. Use Type 347 welding wire for arc welding Type 321, to prevent loss of stabilization. Cold work greatly reduces the creep ductility at 1100 and 1200 F, particularly if grain size is less than 5. Anneal- ing is recommended to restore the ductility. Thermal Properties Melting range. 2550 to 2600 F. Phase changes This steel is subject to carbide precipitation after heating abové 1900 F, followed by heating at 800 to 1500 F. Cold work will transform a small amount of austenite to ferrite (martensite). Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2. 013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.12 Btu per (lb F). Other Physical Properties Density. 0.285 to 0.29 lb per cu in. 7.9 to 8.0 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022. Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic in the annealed condition. Permeability of annealed material is less than 1. 02. It becomes slightly magnetic when severely cold worked to an extent similar to Type 302. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance General corrosion resistance of Type 321 is similar to that of Type 302. Intergranular corrosion is absent in this steel, unless it is overheated to above 1900 F. At this temperature titanium carbides are going into solid solution and subsequent rapid cooling, followed by heating at about 1200 F will cause pre- cipitation and reduce the resistance to intergranular attack. Full annealing or a stabilizing anneal will eliminate the sensitized condition. Stress cracking may occur in water containing small amounts of chlorides. Passivating improves the corrosion resistance. Oxidation resistance. Same as Type 304. Nuclear Properties. Similar to Type 304 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. Typical mechanical properties, Table 3.021. Ftu' Ft ty, in ksi ksi e(2 in) - percent RA, Hardness, BHN RB percent - - Sheet, strip Plate Ann 90 35 50 1 I TABLE 3.021 80 (8, p. 36) Type 321 Bar All 85 85 30 35 55 55 65 160 150 Wire Ann+CD Soft temper 1 0.062 0.500 95 115 95 60 85 65 40 40 30 60 60 60 185 1 I 1 89 Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures with load on mechanical properties of bar, Table 3.022. CODE Fe 18 Cr 10 Ni Ti + TYPE 321 1308 PAGE 1 FeA 18 10 + Fe Cr Ni Ti TYPE 321 CODE Source Alloy Form Condition OD - in Thickness in Ftu, min max Fty' e(2 in), RB, (b) (c) Hardness BHN, RT 1100 1200 1300 1500 3.03 Source Form Condition Exposure at Temp Load F ksi min 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.0313 3.0314 3. 0315 3. 0316 3.032 3. 0321 3. 0322 3.0323 3.033 3.0324 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 Coil straight 1308 M Tube Strip AMS 5557 only AMS 5570 and 5576 only 4 min-percent 521 ksi ksi ksi 12.5 1679 7 2750 7 1367 2753 1656 2612 1601 min max min max Time hr AMS (1) I > 0.004 Sheet, Mech. tubing, strip, bar, forgings, plate flashwelded rings 100 1 93 96.5 } 96.3 95.5 } 40 1 < 0.75 TABLE 3. 022 67 61 1 I 1 I (9, p. 60) 1 in bar 1900 F, WQ (GS 8) 170 140 255 241 59.7 1 AMS (6) } >0.75 54.5 } Fty Room temperature properties after exposure IE. Ftu e(2 in) RA Izod-V percent percent Ft lb 49 75.3 92 69.9 ksi ksi 48 41. 5 FERROUS ALLOYS } 39 56.4 1 Tubing mech 52.1 I 1 1 90 54 49 TABLE 3.011 AMS (7) 46 41 0.010 to 0.021 to 0.126 to 0.020 0.125 0.250 125 135 1 Creep rupture curves for sheet at 1000 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.043. 1 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures. See Type 347 also. Short time tension properties Stress strain curves for sheet at room and elevated tem- peratures, Fig. 3.0311. Scatter bands for tensile properties of bar at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile proper- ties of sheet, Fig. 3.0314. Effects of test temperature, holding time and strain rate on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3. 0315. Effects of annealing and test temperatures on tensile pro- perties of bar, Fig. 3. 0316. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression for sheet at room and elevated temperatures. Fig. 3.0321. Effect of exposure and test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0322. Effect of exposure and test temperature on bearing pro- perties of sheet, Fig. 3. 0323. Effect of exposure and test temperature on shear strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0324. Static stress concentration effects Wire, screen Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep and creep rupture curves for sheet at 1200 and 1500 F, Fig. 3.041. Short time total strain curves for sheet at 1500 and 1800 F, Fig. 3.042. 11.5 125 Type 321 1 1 1 1 ST 3.044 3.045 3.05 3.06 3.061 4. 3.062 3.063 3.064 4. 01 4. Oll 105 115 4.012 4. 013 4.03 4.04 !! I 1 AMS (3) Tubing welded thin wall * 75 105 1 } 35 • 40 35 1 Tubing, hydraulic seamless and welded <0.188 0.188 to 0,500 > 0, 500 < > < > 0.016 0.016 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 75(b) 75(b) 75(b) 75(b) | 120 105 115 | 105 · REVISED MARCH 1963 AMS (2)(4)(5) 30(b) 30(b) 30(b) | 30(b) | 33 35 I 11 1 1 35 30 1! { 1 } agak 35 30 … 120(c) 105 I 75(b) I 4 30(b) 35 30(c) 30 25(c) Creep rupture curves for bar at 1100 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.044. Master curves for 0.2 percent creep and creep rupture of sheet, Fig. 3.045. Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio. 0,285. Tangent modulus curves in compression for sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.064. FABRICATION. Similar to Types 302 and 347. Only com- plementary and different information is listed below. Forming and Casting General. The formability of this steel varies with the nickel content in much the same manner as that of the straight 18-8 steels, see Types 301, 302 and 305. For severe deep drawing and spinning operations the nickel content of this steel should be kept about 2 percent higher than that of Type 302. Casting of this steel is not recommended, because of the difficulty of maintaining the specified titanium to carbon ratio throughout the melt. Welding. Fusion welding this alloy without impairing the stabilization is obtained only if Type 347 welding rod is used. G Heating and Heat Treating. Surface must be clean and free from oil to avoid nonuniform scaling and pitting on pickling. PAGE 2 FeA REVISED MARCH 1963 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 10-6 IN PER IN PER F IN 14 - 124 MICROHM 10 8 11 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 10 a 8 50 40 0 30 Fe-13Cr-10Ni+Ti 0 200 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 0 400 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 400 600 TEMP - F 400 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 800 TEMP - F 1200 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 800 TEMP - F 1200 FIG. 2.022 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 800 1600 (19) 1600 (10) FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 (10) - KSI ETY PERCENT 80 60 40 20 0 80 40 80 40 0 0 Z ZZ 400 KSI 50 H 40 30 20 10 0 0 FTU FTY RA (D Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 10. 063 IN SHEET, T ANN 0.002 RT 800 1200 TEMP - F H 600 F 890 F 400 F 1/2 TO 100 HR EXPOSURE FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEM- 11000 F PERATURES 0.004 STRAIN IN PER IN TENSION 1600 0.006 (11, p. 157-159) 100 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti BAR ANN 80 60 40 20 10 2000 KSI G - TU મેં FIG. 3.0312 SCATTER BANDS FOR TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES (12, p. 16-17) Fe 18 Cr 10 Ni + Ti TYPE 321 CODE 1308 PAGE 3 Fe A Fe 18 Cr 10 Ni + Ti TYPE 321 KSI FTY PERCENT KSI PERCENT 60 40 20 80 CODE 1308 60 40 40 FIG. 3. 0313 20 80 60 40 20 0 40 0 0 RT 0 1100 0.063 IN} 0.188 1/2 HR O▲ 100 HR 200 FTU FTY e(2 in) RA FTU SHEET FTY 1200 TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (9, p. 60) EXPOSURE e Fe-18Cr-IONI+Ti 1 IN BAR CD + 1900 F, WQ (GS_8) 1300 400 600 TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS 1400 800 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti SHEET ANN 1500 1000 FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF SHEET (11, p. 36) S 100 80 60 40 20 KSI TU F PERCENT KSI 100 PERCENT 80 60 40 60 6 40 20 40 O 80 60 40 0 20 0 80 40 HOLDING TIME ADO 10 SEC ΔΕ ● 1/2 HR 40 0 200 ANN TEMP GS 1750 F 8/9 2050 F 6/8 2200 F 2/4 200 FIG. 3.0316 400 FIG. 3.0315 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, HOLDING TIME AND STRAIN RATE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (13, p. 129-131) STRAIN RATE ▲ 0.003 O 0.60 60 1 e (2 IN) 400 REVISED: MARCH 1963 FTU FTY FTU FTY 600 TEMP 600 IN PER IN PER MIN G F Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 0.040 IN SHEET ANN RA TEMP - F 800 e(2 IN) 1000 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 1 IN BAR CW 13% BEFORE ANNEAL 800 1200 1000 1200 EFFECTS OF ANNEALING AND TEST TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (9) PAGE 4 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI KSI 50 KSI 40 30 20 10 60 40 20 160 FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES 120 0 80 0 40 EXPOSURE 1/2 HR O 100 HR 0 0.002 0.004 STRAIN IN PER IN 200 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 0.063 IN SHEET ANN RT e/D= 1.5 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F 1/2 TO 100 HR EXPOSURE IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (11, p. 160-162) EXPOSURE 1/2 HR O 100 HR 0 COMPRESSION 200 400 FCY FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET (11, p. 36) 600 TEMP - F 0.006 F BRU 400 TEMP Q Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 0.063 IN SHEET ANN FTY 600 F 800 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 0.063 IN SHEET ANN F BRY FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 800 1000 S FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF SHEET (11, p. 36) C KSI 80 KSI 60 EXPOSURE 1/2 HR 40100 HR 0 40 20 10 8 6 FIG. 3.0324 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF SHEET (11, p. 124) 4 2 0.1 200 1500 F (14) RUPTURE } 1% 0.5% CREEP FSU 1 400 600 TEMP - F Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 0.063 IN SHEET ANN 10 TIME - HR 800 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 0.045 IN SHEET ANN 100 1200 F (15) 1000 TYPE 321 1000 FIG. 3.041 CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1200 AND 1500 F (14, p. 33-34) (15, p. 42) 18 10 + C Fe Cr Ni Ti CODE 1308 PAGE 5 Fe A 18 10 + Fe Cr Ni Ti TYPE 321 KSI 30 20 10 8 6 4 2 1 KSI FIG. 3.042 60 HEATING RATE 150 TO 180 F PER SEC 2% 3% 5% 77% 0.001 40 20 CODE 1308 10 8 4 2 1500 F 1 100 1800 F TOTAL STRAIN 0.01 RUPTURE 1000 TIME 0.1 TIME K - Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 0.043 IN SHEET 2050 F THERMAL EXPANSION HR HR SHORT TIME TOTAL STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1500 AND 1800 F (16, p. 39) Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti INCLUDED 1.62% 2.00% 10,000 0.045 IN SHEET ANN 1000 F 1 1200 F 1500 F 1300 F FERROUS ALLOYS 100, 000 FIG. 3.043 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1000 TO 1500 F (12, p. 5) 10 KSI 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 1 KSI FIG. 3.044 80 RUPTURE 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 10 24 0.2% CREEP T, TEMP t, TIME-HR F REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 1 IN BAR 1900 F, WQ (GS 8) 100 TIME - HR 1000 1100 F CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1100 TO 1500 F (9, p. 61) 1200 F 1300 F 32 40 (T + 460)(20 + LOG t) x 10-3 1500 F Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti SHEET 1850.F, 20 MIN RUPTURE 10,000 48 FIG. 3.045 MASTER CURVE FOR 0. 2 PERCENT CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE OF SHEET (17) PAGE 6 FeA REVISED MARCH 1963 1000 KSI 1000 KSI 12 10 8 KSI FIG. 3.062 28 24 10. 20 16 40 30 20 0 10 0 G DYNAMIC 0 0 400 O STATIC DYNAMIC (9) (18) 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F RT 400 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 800 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (9, p. 127) (18, p. 17) 1/2 TO 100 HR EXPOSURE COMPRESSION TEMP - F 10 Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti BAR [2] 20 1000 KSI 1200 E 800 TEMP - F. Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti BAR Fe-18Cr-10Ni+Ti 0.062 IN SHEET ANN 1200 1600 (9, p. 127) 30 FIG. 3.064 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (11, p. 213-216) 1600 FERROUS ALLOYS 123 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 REFERENCES AMS 5510 G, (Jan. 15, 1950) AMS 5557 A, (July 1, 1957) AMS 5559, (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5570 G, (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5576 B. (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5545 G, (Jan. 15, 1960) AMS 5689, (Nov. 1, 1952) American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", Steel Products Manual, (June 1957) Timken Roller Bearing Co., "Digest of Steels for High Temper- ature Service", Sixth Edition, (1957) North American Aviation, "Stainless Steel Type 321", Mater- ials Property Manual and Summary Rp., AL-2504, (Oct. 30, 1957) Miller, D. E., "Determination of the Physical Properties of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Structural Sheet Materials at Elevated Temperatures", AFTR 6517, Pt. 4, (Dec. 1954) Simmons, W. F. and Cross, H. C., "Report on the Elevated- Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels", ASTM STP No. 124, (Jan. 1952) Dotson, C. L. and Kattus, R. J., "Tensile Properties of Air- Craft Structural Metals at Various Rates of Loading After Rapid Heating", WADC TR 55-199, Pt. I, (Aug. 1955) Perlmutter, I., "Stress Rupture Tests on Sheet Alloys for High Temperature Applications", AFTR No. 6188, (July 1950) Perlmutter, I. and Rector, W. H., "Investigation of Sheet Ma- terials for Application at High Temperatures", AFTR No. 5712, (July 13, 1948) Van Echo, J. A., Wirth, W. F. and Simmons, W. F., "Short- Time Creep Properties of Structural Sheet Materials for Air- craft and Missiles", AFTR No. 6731, Pt. III, (May 1955) Best, G. E., "321 Stainless Steel", General Electric Data Sheet, (Aug. 27, 1958) 18 10 + Allegheny Ludlum, "Blue Sheet, Allegheny Metal 18- 8C and 18-8T," (Aug. 1948) TYPE 321 Garofalo, F., Malenock, P. R. and Smith, G. V., "The Influence of Temperature on the Elastic Constants of Some Commercial Steels", Symposium on Determination of Elastic Constants, ASTM STP No. 129, (June 25, 1952) CODE Fe Cr Ni Ti 1308 PAGE 7 FeA REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 AMS 5362C 5363B 5512B 5556A 5558 5571B 5575 5646D 5680B 5681 A 1. 04 1. 041 1. 042 1.05 1.051 1. 0511 GENERAL This austenitic stainless steel is one of the two stabilized 18-8 steels. Because columbium forms a carbide of very low solubility, the possibility of intergranular precipita- tion and of the associated intergranular corrosion are practically eliminated. Therefore, Type 347 is used pri- marily either for parts fabricated by welding without post- weld annealing or for long time service between 800 and 1500 F. Columbium is usually associated with the similar element tantalum which is included in the columbium ana- lysis, specifying only the total of both elements. However, tantalum is undersirable for nuclear applications and in the variety Type 348, tantalum is limited, therefore, to a maximum of 0.1 percent. Types 347 and 348 are available in all wrought forms and Type 347 castings are also pro- duced under the designation CF-8C. 1.0512 Source 1. 052 Commercial Designation. Wrought: Type 347 and Type 348, Cast: CF-8C. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1.053 Alternate Designations. 18-8 Cb stainless steel, colum- bium stabilized 18-8 steel. AISI Type 347 and 348 austen- itic stainless steels. Specifications. Type 347, Table 1. 03. Form Castings, prec. invest. Castings, sand and centrifugal Molybdenum Columbium Sheet, strip, plate Tubing, hydraulic Tubing, welded thin wall Tubing, seamless Tubing, welded Copper Iron Bar, forgings, mech. tubing Wire, welding Electrode, coated welding TABLE 1.03 Composition AMS compositions for Type 347, Table 1. 041. min 1 1 AMS (1) Percent C Heat Treatment Full anneal max 18.0 19.5 10.0 14.0 0.50 10xC 1.50 0.50 0.12 2.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 Military Balance MIL-S-6721, Type Cb-Ta FERROUS ALLOYS MIL-T-8606, Comp G 347 MIL-T-6737, Comp G 347 QQ-S-763, CL 8(Federal) MIL-R-5031, Comp 3 MIL-E-6844. Class 5 AMS (2) Percent min 17.0 9.00 10xC deta max 0.10 2.0 1.5 0.04 0.04 Balance min 0.50 20.0 17.00 12.0 9.00 0.50 1.35 10xC 0.50 AISI and ACI specified compositions for Types 347, 348, Table 1. 042. Percent Wrought products. 1800 to 2000 F, preferably 1800 to 1900 F, 1 hr per inch thickness, 2 hr minimum for plate, furnace cool or air cool. Castings. 1950 to 2050 F, quench or air cool. AMS 5363 specifies 1900 to 2000 F, 30 min minimum. Stabilizing anneal for service at 800 to 1500 F, 1500 to 1650 F, 1 hr per inch thickness, 2 hr minimum for plate. Stress relief after fabrication. 1300 F. Source Type TABLE 1.041 AMS (3) (5) (7) (8) 1.06 1. 07 1.071 1.072 Balance Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Columbium (a) Tantalum Copper Iron (a) Tantalum included (b) Cb alone, 8xC min and 1.0 max 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 19.00 12.00 0.50 1.10 0.50 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.017 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 min min 347 Percent 0.50 AMS (4) (6) Percent 17.00 9.00 • TABLE 1.042 AISI (11, p. 37) 10xC 10xC max 0.08 2.00 1.00 Balance 0.045 0.045 0.030 0.030 17.00 19.00 17.00 19.00 18 9.00 13.00 9.00 13.00 9 max Balance 348 Percent minmax min 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.040 0.030 10xC Hardenability. Alloy can be hardened only by cold work. Forms and Conditions Available The steel is available in the full commercial range of sizes for all forms of stainless steel products. - All products are available in the annealed condition. Bar and wire are available also in slightly cold worked condi- tions. 19.00 17.00 13.00 9.00 0.50 1.10 0.50 Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts. Special Considerations AMS (9) Percent Balance 12xC PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. Types 347 and 348, 2550 to 2650 F. Type CF-8C, approx 2600. Phase changes. This steel is subject to carbide precipi- tation after heating above 2150 F, followed by heating at about 1200 F. 0.08 2.00 1.00 max 0.10 0.07 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 20.00 13.00 1 1 Balance min ACI(12) CF-8C Percent min 1.25 18.00 9.00 10 xC AMS (10) Percent max 10xC(b) 1.35(b) Balance 0.08 1.50 2.00 0.040 0.040 TYPES 347, 21 348 12 max 0.08 2.50 0.80 Balance 0.040 0.030 21.00 12.00 0.50 1.00 0.50 C - Fe 18 Cr 12 Ni Cb Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat, Fig. 2.015. Emissivity, Fig. 2.016. Diffusivity, Fig. 2.017. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.287 to 0.292 lb per cu in. 7.95 to 8.26 gr per + cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022. Magnetic properties. This steel is nonmagnetic in the annealed condition. Permeability of annealed material is less than 1. 02. It becomes slightly magnetic when severely CODE 1309 PAGE FeA Fe 18 Cr 12 + 2.03 Ni 2.031 2.0311 Cb TYPES 347, 348 CODE 2.0312 2.0313 2.0314 2.032 2.04 2.041 2.042 3. 3.01 3. 011 Source Alloy Ftu, 3.02 1309 3.021 3.022 cold worked to an extent similar to Type 302. After 20% cold work, permeability is 1. 5. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Form Condition OD - in Thickness min max min RB 3.03 3.031 3.0311 General corrosion resistance of this steel is similar to that of Type 302, but it has a greater tendency to pitting corrosion and attack in streaks. 3. 0312 Intergranular corrosion is absent in this steel, unless it is overheated to above 2150 F. At this temperature colum- bium carbides are going into solid solution and subsequent rapid cooling, followed by heating to 1200 F, will cause precipitations and reduce the resistance to intergranular attack. A stabilizing anneal will restore the corrosion resistance. Effect of annealing temperature on corrosion rate, Fig. 2.0312. Stress cracking may occur in water containing small amounts of chlorides. 3.0313 Passivating will improve the corrosion resistance. Oxidation resistance. Same as Type 304. Nuclear Properties. See Type 304 also. Thermal neutron cross section is 2.72 barns at a minimum content of nickel, chromium and manganese, and 2. 96 barns at a maximum content of these elements. Irradiation causes tantalum and cobalt to form the most active long lived isotopes. For nuclear application use Type 348, with tantalum reduced to 0. 10 percent maximum. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES BHN, max ≤0.75 Fry, e (2 in),min-percent Tube Strip Hardness Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. >1.50 - -min -max >0.75 to 150-min in ksi ksi ksi - AMS (1) AMS (2) -max -min Castings, Castings, Sheet, Sand, Strip, Centrif, Plate Invest. SA I AMS (2) AMS (3 -max -min -max 88 1 FERROUS ALLOYS 180 I JI (a) Values for tubing only, all other values for bar (b) Values for hydraulic tubing only 100 40 TABLE 3.011 AMS (8) AMS (5) Bar, Tubing ST A 1 1 170 255 163 255 140 241 75(a) 90(a) Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also, Mechanical properties of various products, Table 3. 021. Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures on mechanical properties, Fig. 3.022. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves to failure at room and elevated tem- peratures, Fig. 3.011. Stress strain curves for sheet at room and elevated tem- peratures, Fig. 3.0312. Scatter band of tensile properties of bar at room and ele- đ 75 105 35 40 35 Source Alloy Form I Condition Thickness in Fru Fty' e(2 in), - percent RA, percent Hardness, BHN Type 347 Tubing, Welded Thin Wall 3. 0314 3.0315 3. 0316 Impact strength Izod Charpy keyhole Ft lb - Ft lb 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 33 <0.016 75(b) 120 30(b) ……… - 1 G Source Alloy Form - ksi ksi ≤0.188 RB 85 336 >0.016 75(b) 105 30(b) 35 E Sheet, Plate Strip Pe 95 40 {{ 45 Condition Test Temp - F Fcy, Fsu, typ - ksi typ - ksi Fbru, typ - ksi (é/D = 1.5) Fbry, typ - ksi (e/D = 1.5) 1 Ann AMS 90 90 35 35 50 50 65 160 11.60 G 3338 TABLE 3.021 (11) Type 347 and 348 Bar 1 35 30 I REVISED: Tubing Seamless or welded All 1110 (4) (6) (7) ≥0. 188 to 0,500 0.010 75(b) 115 30(b) I RT 54.2 75.3 vated temperatures, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of low test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0314. Effects of annealing and test temperatures on tensile pro- perties of cold worked bar, Fig. 3. 0315. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of castings, Fig. 3.0316. 157.1 Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression for sheet at room temperature and 1000 F, Fig. 3.0321. Typical mechanical properties of sheet, Table 3. 0322. 82.3 W 3333 35 30 3 1 I TABLE 3.0322 Ann+ CD 1 1 60 212 1 100 65 90 40 30 60 >0.500 0.010 ≤0.010 0.010 75(b) 75(b) 105 30(b) 105 30(b) # 38.2 39.9 0,062 0,500 120 100 70 I 91.2 60.8 MARCH 1963 Wire Soft Temper ៖ 120 30 25 1 1 J J 77 38 40 39 60 I 97 61.5 (12) CF-8C Castings Ann 35 30 149 || (13) Type 347 0.063 in Sheet Ann (Ftu = 86.8 ksi) 1000 F 1000 F 100 hr exposure 38.7 39.7 30 PAGE 2 FeA REVISED MARCH 1963 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.05 RT 4. Source Form Condition 1000 3.06 3.061 Temp Method Stress F Ratio A R 3.062 3.063 4. 01 4. 011 Static stress concentration effects 4. 012 4.03 4.031 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep and creep rupture data for sheet from various sources exhibit descrepancies and large scattering. Total strain curves for sheet at 1200 to 1600 F, Fig. 3.042. Short time total strain curves at 1200 to 1800 F, Fig. 3.043. Creep rupture curves for bar at 800 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.044. Creep rupture curves for bar and tubing in different an- nealed conditions at 1000 to 1300 F, Fig. 3.045. - Fatigue Properties. Table 3. 05. TABLE 3.05 (14, p 8) Not given Not given Stress Concen- tration Smooth Notched, q=1.0 FERROUS ALLOYS Smooth Notched, q=1.0 Fatigue Strength - ksi at cycles 108 43 17 35 12.5 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Tangent modulus curves in compression for sheet at room temperature and 1000 F, Fig. 3.063. FABRICATION. Similar to Type 302. Only complementary and different information is listed below. Forming and Casting General. For severe forming operations the nickel content of this steel should be kept preferably on the high side. Interstage annealing can be performed within a compara- tively wide range of temperatures. After fabrication a stress relief or stabilizing anneal is recommended. Casting. This steel is the only stabilized 18-8 grade used in form of castings, as Type 321 is difficult to melt and cast because of loss of titanium. Castings may be used in the as cast condition but are usually supplied in the an- nealed condition. Welding Fusion welding of this alloy is more difficult than that of other 18-8 grades and Type 304 L has a considerably better weldability. Heavy sections may crack during welding or subsequent heating. Postweld annealing is not required, al- though a stress relief is recommended. t BTU PER (LB F) BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 20 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 16 12 8 FIG. 2.013 11 Z10 a 8 0.160 Fe-18Cr-12Ni+ Cb ANN 0.12 -400 0.08 BAR ANN -400 0 Fe-18Cr-12Mo +Cb -400 400 0 0 (16) (30) Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb BAR 2000 F, 1 HR, WQ TEMP F THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 400 K 400 (15) FIG. 2.015 SPECIFIC HEAT (16) 800 1200 800 TEMP - F FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 800 TEMP - F MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 1200 SPECIFIC HEAT 1600 (15) (16) 1200 1600 (16)(30) 1600 (16) 18 12 + Fe Cr Ni Cb TYPES 347, 348 CODE 1309 PAGE 3 FeA ∞ + 18 12 Fe Cr Ni CODE Cb TYPES 347, 348 1.0 0.9 0.8 SQ FT PER HR MICROHM IN 0.20 0.18 Fe-18Cr-12Ni + Cb 0.032 IN SHEET OXIDIZED 2000F, 30 MIN IN AIR 0.16 60 0 FIG. 2.016 EMISSIVITY 40 20 IN PER MONTH FIG. 2. 017 -400 1309 0 0.01 0.005 0.001 400 0.0005 0.0001 Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb BAR 2000 F, 1 HR, WQ Fe-18Cr-12Ni +Cb ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY # TOTAL HEMISPHERICAL 0 I 400 EMISSIVITY 800 1200 TEMP - F DIFFUSIVITY 主 ​(15) 1000 (18) 400 FIG. 2,022 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 800 TEMP -F Fe-18Cr-12Ni +Cb 800 TEMP - F CORROSION RATE IN BOILING 65% HNO3 1200 1600 1200 1400 ANNEALING TEMP - F DIFFUSIVITY 1200 1600 FERROUS ALLOYS 2000 (15)(18) 1600 (17) 1600 (16) FIG. 2. 0312 EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPERATURE ON CORROSION RATE (19, p 27) KSI KSI PERCENT FT LB 100 80 60 40 80 60 40 80 40 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 TESTED AT RT Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb EXPOSURE 1000 TO, 2000 HR d 10 REVISED: MARCH 1963 0 RT IE IZOD 2250 F, WQ 1900 F, WQ O 1750 F, AC 1100 FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES (21, p. 65) 0.20 FTU Fe-18Cr-12Ni + Cb 1200 TEMP - F 600F 800F FTY RA e (2 IN) 400F TENSION 1300 0.40 STRAIN-IN PER IN RT 0.60 FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES TO FAILURE AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (WESTINGHOUSE, BETTIS 1957) (22) PAGE 4 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 40 30 20 10 0 KSI FTY 140 PERCENT 0 60 20 0 80 40 O 80 FIG. 3.0312 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (25, p. 70-74) 40 0 Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb 0.063 IN SHEET ANN 0.001 0 FTY Z 400 RA e RT 0.002 0.003 0.004 STRAIN IN PER IN 800 TEMP m 300 F 200 F Fe-18Cr-12Ni + Cb 1 IN BAR ANN FTU F TENSION 1200 400 F 500 F FIG. 3.0313 SCATTER BAND OF TENSILE 100 80 60 1600 40 20 0.005 KSI - TU FERROUS ALLOYS F PROPERTIES OF BAR AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (26, p. 21-24) ISX PERCENT 80 60 40 20 0 80 40 40 0 0 KSI PERCENT 200 160 120 80 40 80 40 ANN TEMP GS 1750F 8/9 7/8 2050F 2200F 200 il 0 400 F -400 FTY FTU RA TU FTY RA FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON TEN - SILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (20, p. 66) 600 Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb ANN BAR e(2 IN) Judg -200 0 TEMP F TEMP F e(2 IN) Fe-18Cr-12Ni+ Cb 1 IN BAR CW 13% BEFORE, ANNEAL 200 800 1000 1200 FIG. 3.0315 EFFECTS OF ANNEALING AND TEST TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD WORKED BAR (29) Fe 18 Cr 12 Ni + Cb TYPES 347, 348 CODE 1309 PAGE 5 FeA ∞ 18 12 + Fe Cr Ni Cb TYPES 347, 348 CODE KSI PERCENT 80 KSI 60 40 20 0 40 O 40 0 FIG. 3.0316 40 30 20 10 0 Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Ch 50 0.063 IN SHEET ANN 0 FTY 1309 0 400 AS CAST +1950 TO 1975 F, 1 HR, RAC 0.001 FTU 800 RT- RA e (1 IN) 1200 TEMP F Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Ch INVEST CASTING EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF CASTINGS 0.002 STRAIN 1000 F 1/2 TO 100 HR EXPOSURE - FERROUS ALLOYS 1600 COMPRESSION 0.003 IN PER IN 2000 (23) 0.004 0.005 FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AND 1000 F (13, p. 155) KSI 40 20 10 8 6 0.01 2 KSI 40 30 20 10 8 6 4 2 1 -^-^- % TOTAL STRAIN 0.1 FIG. 3.042 TOTAL STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1200 TO 1600 F ◇ 2% 2.5% 1.0 TIME ☐ 7% 0.001 - ▲ 3% 4% TOTAL ✓ 5% STRAIN 6% 0.01 REVISED: MARCH 1963 HR Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb 0.050 IN SHEET ANN -A- 0.1 TIME 10 J 1200 F 1400 F 1600 F HR 100 1500 F Fe-18Cr-12Ni +Cb 1800F TO 2000 F ANN 1200 F THERMAL EXPANSION INCL 1 1.30% (24) 1.68% 1800 F 2.11% 10 FIG. 3.043 SHORT TIME TOTAL STRAIN CURVES AT 1200 TO 1800 F (18) PAGE 6 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 100 80 60 40 20 10 8 \ 4 2 1 100 RUPTURE 1000 TIME - 10 000 HR Fe-18Cr-12Ni-Ch BAR ANN 800 F FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 F 1200 F 1350 F 1500 F 100 000 FIG. 3.044 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 800 TO 1500 F (26) KSI 60 40 20 10 8 6 60 40 20 10 1 IN BAR O 1700 F, AC - GS 8 1 RUPTURE 1900 F, WQ - GS 2 TO 4 < 2250 F, WQ - GS 1 TO 3 TUBING, 1750 F, WQ GS 3 TO 5 FIG. 3.045 1000 KSI 10 1000 KSI 12 10 28 16 24 20 8 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AND TUBING IN DIFFERENT ANNEALED CONDITIONS AT 1000 TO 1300 F (21, p. 67) 0 0 100 TIME HR G DYNAMIC (28) (27) 200 Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb BAR, TUBING 400 400 TEMP 1000 - J ANN 1300 F 1200 F 1100 F TEST TEMP F FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (22) 1000 F E 800 TEMP F Fe-18Cr-12Ni + Cb 10,000 Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb BAR 600 1200 800 1600 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (27, p. 17) (28, p. 82) Fe 18 Cr 12 Ni Cb + TYPES 347, 348 CODE 1309 PAGE 7 FeA Fe 18 Cr 12 Ni + Cb TYPES 347, 348 KSI 50 40 30 20 10 0 CODE 1309 1000 F 1/2 TO 100 HR EXPOSURE COMPRESSION 8 FIG. 3.063 Fe-18Cr-12Ni+Cb 0.063 IN SHEET ANN RT 16 1000 KSI 24 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURE AND 1000 F 32 (13, p. 212) FERROUS ALLOYS 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 REVISED: MARCH 1963 REFERENCES AMS 5362 C, (March 1, 1955) AMS 5363 B, (Apr. 15, 1958) AMS 5512 B. (Dec. 1, 1950) AMS 5555 A, (July 1, 1957) AMS 5558, (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5571 B, (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5575 F, (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5546 D, (March 1, 1955) AMS 5680 B, (June 1, 1951) AMS 5581 A, (June 1, 1951) American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", Steel Products Manual, p. 37, (June 1957) Alloy Casting Institute, "Corrosion Resistant Type CF-8C", Data Sheet, (June 1954) Miller, Donald E., "Determination of the Physical Properties of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Structural Sheet Materials at Ele- vated Temperatures", WADC AFTR No. 6517. Pt. 4, (Dec. 1954) General Electric Co., "Type 347 Stainless Steel", ME-1, (1954) Hogan, C. L. and Sawyer, R. B., "Thermal Conductivity of Metals at High Temperature". Journal of Applied Physics, Am- erican Institute of Physics, Vol. 23, p. 177-180, (Jan. Dec. 1952) Lucks. C. F. and Deem, H. W., "Thermal Properties of Thir- teen Metals", ASTM STP No. 227, (1958) Wade, W. R., "Measurements of Total Hemispherical Emissiv- ity of Several Stably Oxidized Metals and Some Refractory Oxide Coatings". NASA Memo. 1-20-59 L., (Jan. 1959) North American Aviation Inc., "Materials Property Manual and Summary Report", (Oct. 30, 1957) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Stainless Steel Fabrication", (1958) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Stainless Steel Handbook", p. 66, (1956) Timken Roller Bearing Co., "Digest of Steels for High Temper- ature Service, Timken 18-12 and Columbium Stainless Steel (AISI 347)", (1957) Westinghouse Electric Corp., "Bettis Plant Materials Manual, Properties of AISI Type 347 and 348 Stainless Steel", (May 1957) Haynes Stellite Co., "Haynes Investment-Cast Steels", (April 1958) Miller, J., Smith, L. M. and Porter, P. K., "Utilization of Low Alloy Materials for High Temperature Service Application", AFTR No. 5929, (June 1949) Bell Aircraft Corp., "Short-Time High-Temperature Data", Rp. No. BLR 53-195, (July 16, 1954) Simmons, W. F. and Cross, H. C., "The Elevated-Tempera- ture Properties of Stainless Steels", ASTM STP No. 124, (1952) Garofalo, F., Malenock, P. R. and Smith, G. V., "The Influ- ence of Temperature on the Elastic Constants of Some Commer- cial Steels", Symposium on Determination of Elastic Constants, ASTM STP No. 129, (June 25, 1952) Timken Roller Bearing Co., "Resume of High Temperature Investigations Conducted During 1948-50", (1950) Timken, "Resume' of High Temperature Investigations Conduc- ted During 1957-59," (1959) PAGE 8 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 Source 2.02 2.021 Carbon Chromium Manganese Molybdenum 2.022 2.04 Nickel Silicon 2.023 3. Vanadium Nitrogen Sulfur Phosphorus Iron 2.03 2.031 3.01 2.032 3.02 3.021 3.022 GENERAL This austenitic stainless steel in the cold rolled, or cold rolled and stress relieved condition has high yield and ten- sile strength as well as an excellent resistance to atmos- pheric stress corrosion cracking, (3). Commercial Designation. USS 17-5 MnV. Alternate Designation. None. Specifications Composition. Table 1.04. 3.023 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 Heat Treatment TABLE 1.04 DMIC (1, p.5) Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes Nominal Composition Percent 0.10 17.0 15.0 2.00 5.00 0.50 0.75 0.35 Balance Nuclear Properties Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Lockheed (2, p. 46) Percent 0.11 16.19 13.50 2.00 4.61 0.70 0.92 0.36 FERROUS ALLOYS 0.012 0.019 Balance Other Physical Properties Density. 0.280 lb per cu in. 7.79 gr per cu cm, (1, p. E 9, E10). Electrical properties. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 31.3 microhm-in, annealed 32.2 microhm-in, cold reduced 40 percent (0.065 in) 32.3 microhm-in, cold reduced 60 percent (0.065 in), (1, p. E9, E10). Magnetic permeability. 1.022 annealed, 1.040 cold rolled 40 percent, 1.035 cold rolled 60 percent, (1, p. E9, E10). Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. The alloy has an excellent resist- ance to stress corrosion, (2, p.49). Oxidation resistance Kak Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Effect of stress relief temperature on transverse room temperature tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.021. Effect of stress relief temperature on longitudinal room temperature tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.022. Effect of stress relief temperature on room temperature tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.023. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of stress relief and test temperature on tensile properties of sheet, cold reduced 40 percent, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of stress relief and test temperature on tensile properties of sheet, cold reduced 60 percent, Fig. 3.0312. 3.04 3.05 3.06 4. 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties FABRICATION Forming and Casting Machining Welding Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating - KSI IN PER IN PER F ALJ PERCENT 9- 10 280 1240 200 160 20 12 11 10 Fe-(0.1C)-17 Cr-15Mn-5Ni-2Mo-0.75V- 0.35N SHEET 9 600 FIG. 2.014 ORT FIG. 3.021 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1000 1400 TEMP - F THERMAL EXPANSION (1, p. E-9, E-10) Fe-(0.1C)-17 Cr-15Mn-5Ni-2Mo-0.75V .1c)-17 Cr FTU FTY 1800 -0.35N STRESS RELIEF, 2 HR AT TEMP INDICATED 40% CR, 0.020 IN AO 60% CR, 0.014 IN 1} e (2 IN) SHEET, T 2200 320 280 240 200 160 120 1400 800 1000 1200 STRESS RELIEF TEMP - F EFFECT OF STRESS RELIEF TEMPER- ATURE ON TRANSVERSE ROOM TEM- PERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (1, p. E-4) KSI - → FTU 17 15 CODE Fe 0.1 C Cr Mn 5 2 0.75 V 0.35 N 17-5 MnV 2 Ni Mo 1310 PAGE I FeA Fe O.I C 17 15 5 2 Cr Mn Ni Mo F 0.75 V 0.35 N 17-5 MnV 200 PERCENT KSI ل عليكم 280 PERCENT 240 CODE 1310 16530 20 280 240 200 160 20 Fe-(0.1C)-17 Cr-15Mn-5Ni-2Mo-0.75V-0.35N 수 ​800 1000 STRESS RELIEF TEMP FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF STRESS RELIEF TEMPERATURE ON LONGITUDINAL ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (1, p. E-1) 40% CR, 0.065 IN SHEET, L A O 60% CR, 0.040 IN STRESS RELIEF, 2HR AT TEMP INDICATED RT 600 FTU FTY FTU 40% AO 60% FTY e (2 IN) Fe-(0.1C) -17Cr-15Mn-5Ni-2Mo-0.75V- 0.35N ! 0.020 TO 0.050 IN SHEET - STRESS RELIEF, 2 HR, AT TEMP CR SHEET e (2 IN) 800 900 STRESS RELIEF TEMP F INDICATED 1000 .. 1200 F 280 240 200 160 FERROUS ALLOYS 1100 FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF STRESS RELIEF TEM- PERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (2, p. 41, 47) 280 240 200 160 KSI TU F KSI TU FTY - KSI PERCENT 240 200 160 120 80 40 20 0 && Fe-(0.1C) -17Cr-15Mn-5Ni-2Mo- 0.75V-0.35N в STRESS RELIEF FIG. 3.0311 REVISED: MARCH 1963 F TY 400 40% COLD RED F TU O 1100 F, 2 HR 1200 F, 2 HR ▲ 900 F, 2 HR ● ▲ L 0.065 IN O AT 0.020 IN SHEET e (2 IN) 240 1200 200 120 80 40 10 800 TEMP - F EFFECT OF STRESS RELIEF AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET, COLD RE- DUCED 40 PERCENT (1, p. E-2, E-5) 1600 -KSI ՈԼ F PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI - TY F PERCENT 280 240 200 160 120 80 2 40 20 3 10 FIG. 3.0312 0 1 Fe-(0.1C)-17Cr-15Mn-5Ni-2Mo- STRESS RELIEF 0.75V-0.35N FTY O 900 F, 2 HR- ▲ 1100 F, 2 HR AL 0.040 IN O AT 0.014 IN e (2 IN) 400 60% COLD RED FTU SHEET -8-4 1200 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 10 800 TEMP - F EFFECT OF STRESS RELIEF AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET, COLD RE- DUCED 60 PERCENT (1, p. E-3, E-6) 1600 KSI TU F FERROUS ALLOYS REFERENCES Mangone, R. J., Roach, D. B. and Hall, A. M., "Proper- ties of Certain Cold-Rolled Austenitic Stainless Steels", DMIC Rep. No. 113, (May 15, 1959) Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Missiles and Space Div., "High Strength Steels for the Missile Industry", Symposium, Golden Gate Metals Conference, Sponsored by Golden Gate Chapter of the ASM, LMSD-703057, (July 1960) Bower, E. S., Fogarty, J. E. and Ruhnke, D. H., Re- public Steel Corp., Personal Communication, (Nov. 7, 1961) CODE Fe O.I C 17 15 5 2 0.75 V 0.35 N 17-5 MnV Cr Mn Ni Mo 1310 PAGE 3 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 Alloy AMS 19-9 DL5369A 1,04 19-9 DX 5538 5539 GENERAL These two austenitic stainless steels contain molybdenum, tungsten, and other elements which increase their high temperature strength properties. They are not heat treat- able, but can be hardened to a limited extent by cold work- ing or hot cold working. They are available in all wrought forms. In chemical composition 19-9 DL contains colum- bium which has been eliminated and replaced by a higher molybdenum and titanium content in 19-9 DX. The proper- ties of 19-9 DL and 19-9 DX are practically identical. For welding these alloys, wire and coated electrodes of slightly different compositions, designated as 19-9 WX or 19-9 WMo, are used. Commercial Designations. 19-9 DL, 19-9DX, 19-9W (welding wire, coated electrodes). Altemate Designations. 19-9 WMo (coated electrodes). Specifications. Table 1.03. TABLE 1.03 Form ST+ age Castings, sand 5526B Sheet, strip, plate (ST) 5527A Sheet, strip, plate (stress relieved) 19-9 WX 5782 19-9WMD5783 5720A 5721B Bar, to 1.5 inch(str rel) Bar, 1 inch(str rel) 5722A Bar, forgings(str rel)and billets Source Alloy 1.05 1.051 1.0511 1.0512 5723 5724 5729 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur 1.0513 Chromium Nickel 1.052 Molybdenum Tungsten Columbium + Tantalum Titanium Copper Iron Composition. Table 1.04. Sheet, strip, plate (ann) Sheet, strip, plate (stress relieved) Bar, forgings(str rel)forging stock Bar, 1 inch (str rel) Bar, 1.5 inch(str rel) Wire, welding Wire, coated electrodes Heat Treatment Anneal Min 0.28 0.75 18.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.15 AMS (1) Casting Percent Max 0.35 1.50 1.00 19-9 DL 0.04 0.04 21.00 11.00 1.75 1.75 0.70 0.50 0.50 Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Military MIL-R-5031, Comp 6 MIL-E-6844, Cl 6 Min 0.28 0.75 0.30 AMS (2)(3)(4) (5)(6) 18.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.10 Percent Max 0.35 1.50 0.80 0.040 0.030 21.00 11.00 Balance 1.75 1.75 0.60 0.35 0.50 Bar and forgings. 1800 to 2150 F, rapid air cool, oil or water quench depending on section size. Sheet and strip. 1650 to 1800 F, rapid air cool. AMS 5526B and 5538 give 1775 to 1825 F, air cool. Higher tempera- tures should be avoided to prevent resolution and precipi- tation of carbides. 1.053 1.0531 Castings. AMS 5369A gives 1950 to 2050 F, 1/2 hr, min- imum, air cool. Solution treat. Same as anneal, 1.0532 1.054 1.0541 1.0542 1.05 1.07 1.071 TABLE 1.04 1.072 1.08 1.09 1.091 1.092 1.093 2. Min 0.28 0.75 0.30 I 0.40 Stress relief 1175 to 1225 F, air cool. This treatment is applied to hot worked or hot cold worked material for service up to 1300F AMS 5527A and 5539 state for high strength to 1000 F and oxidation resistance to 1600 F. It is also applied to cold worked materials immediately after working to prevent stress cracking. AMS 5720A, 5721B, 5722A, 5723, 5724 and 5729 give 1200 F minimum, 4 hr minimum. This treatment is applied to bar after final rolling and to forgings. Age Bar and forgings. 1200 to 1400 F. Castings. AMS 5369A gives 1575 to 1625 F, 8 hr mini- mum, air cool. This treatment yields best properties for service above 1300 F. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 Hardenability. This alloy can be hardened only by cold work or, to a limited extent, by hot working at relatively low temperatures, i. e., hot cold working. AMS (7)(8)(9) (10)(11) 19-9 DX Percent 2.02 2.021 2.022 Forms and Conditions Available The alloy is available in the full range of commercial sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, wire, forgings and tubing. The alloy is also available in form of sand cast- ings. All products are available in the annealed, hot worked, hot cold worked, or cold worked and stress relieved con- ditions. Bar is also available in the solution treated and stress relieved condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric arc furnace melt. Special Considerations Alloy is susceptible to stress cracking after forming unless stress relieved or annealed. Heating at temperatures in the vicinity of 1100 to 1200 F sensitizes the alloy, i. e., develops susceptibility to intergranular attack, Alloy may crack after cold work or welding unless annealed or stress relieved. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 18.00 21.00 8.00 11.00 2.00 1.25 1.00 1.75 Max 0.35 1.50 0.80 0.040 0.030 Balance 1 0.75 0.50 AMS (12) Min 0.07 1.00 19.00 8.00 0.35 1.25 1.00 0.10 19-9 WX Percent Max 0.13 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 22.00 9.50 0.65 1.75 1.40 0.30 0.50 Balance AMS (13) Min 0.07 1.0 18.0 8.0 0.35 1.25 0.75 Thermal Properties Melting range. 2590 to 2615 F. Transformation temperature. None. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.10 Btu per (lb F). 19-9 WMo Percent Max 0.13 2.5 1.0 0.04 0.03 21.0 9.5 0.65 1.75 1.2 0.15 0.5 Balance Other Physical Properties Density. 0.287 lb per cu in. 7.94 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity. 30.6 microhm in. Fe 20 Cr 10 Ni 1.5 Mo 1.5 W 19-9 DL & 19-9 DX CODE 1311 PAGE 1 FeA Fe Cr 20 10 Ni 1.5 Mo 1.5 W 19-9 DL & 19-9 DX CODE 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 Source Condition ST(1800F), AC ST(1800F), WQ ST + 1500 F HW+1200 F 2.0313 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Form Source Alloy 3.012 3. 0121 3. 0122 1311 3.02 3.021 Condition Thickness 3.022 Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic. Permeabil- ity, Table 2.023. 3.03 3.031 3.0311 Ftu min -ksi max -ksi Ftv, min -ksi e (2 in), min percent e (4 D), min - percent RA, min - percent Hardness, BHN, min max 3.0312 3.032 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance General corrosion resistance is very similar to that of austenitic stainless steels with a correspondingly high carbon content. Intergranular corrosion may occur in certain environments unless annealed at 1800 F, followed by rapid cooling. Heating to temperatures between 1100 and 1200 F will again sensitize this steel. To avoid stress cracking after cold working or welding the steel should be immediately stress relieved or annealed Oxidation resistance is good up to 1750 F for continuous service and up to 1450 F for intermittent service. Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES TABLE 2.023 (14, p. 6) Magnetic Permeability at 20. Oersteds 1.005 1.030 1.014 to 1.018 1.090 Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. in B AMS 5526B gives ST condition. Sheet, strip, plate Ann* All 95 120 AMS (2)(7) | AMS (3)(8) | AMS (5)(10) 45 30 1 FERROUS ALLOYS Stress Relieved 0.25 125 2220 90 12 } I│ TABLE 3,011 1 to 1.5 100 80 AMS (4)(11) Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1,5 Mo-1.5W 18 35 269 321 RT 1000. 1200 4. Source Form Condition Temp F 4.01 4.011 Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of test temperature on bearing properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0322. Effect of test temperature on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.0323. Static stress concentration effects 4.012 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for bar at 1000 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.041. 4.02 4.021 Fatigue Properties Fatigue properties of bar, Table 3. 051. Method Stress Ratio AR Rot beam Bar 100 70 - Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.051. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio. 0.286. 2000 8 40 228 277 TABLE 3.051 -1 Stress Relieved REVISED: MARCH 1963 AMS (6)(9) FABRICATION (14, p. 10) 7/8 in Bar HW +1200 F, AC Stress Concen- tration Smooth K = 1 Forging 228 ·269 Fatigue Strength-ksi AMS (1) Casting, sand Ann + Age All ▬▬▬│ I I - 81 62 52 229 AMS (12) Wire, welding CD 110 150 ་ J Forming and Casting General forming properties of sheet, strip and plate, an- nealed at 1800 F, are similar to those of the austenitic stainless steels. The alloys consume greater power, strain harden more rapidly and require more frequent inter- mediate anneals when forming parts in several operations. Severe cold forming should be followed immediately by a full anneal or a stress relief at 1200 F, to avoid stress cracking. Forging. Starting temperature for parts ranging from 5 to 1000 lb, 2050 F maximum, finishing temperature 1500F minimum. When the hot cold worked condition is desired, forging temperature may be as low as 1200 F effecting 20 to 40 percent reductions between 1500 and 1200 F. Machining Recommendations for obtaining the best machinability of bar include annealing, 15 to 20 percent cold drawing, and stress relieving at 1200 F with a hardness of 200 to 240 BHN. Hot cold worked and stress relieved material pos- sesses similar machining characteristics. Where such material is not available, annealing at 1650 F to a hard- Mad PAGE 2 FeA REVISED: MARCH 1963 4.022 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.04 4.05 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 12 010 8 0 FIG. 2.013 ness of 185 to 200 BHN is recommended. Alloy can be machined by all common techniques used for austenitic stainless steels. The tool wear will be higher than with the 300 series steels. Heavy sulfur base lubri- cants are recommended. Welding The alloy is readily weldable by all common techniques. For fusion welding 19-9 DL and 19-9 DX, special grades of bare wire and coated electrodes have been developed and are available under the trade names 19-9 WX and 19-9 WMo. Stress relieving of welded parts at 1200 F minimum and, preferably, full annealing at 1800 F, followed by air cooling, are recommended. Heating and Heat Treating. Heating should be accomplish- ed in a neutral or slightly oxidizing atmosphere, preferably. Surface Treating. Pickling of this alloy should be per- formed in a molten salt bath, such as sodium hydride. This should be followed by pickling for a few minutes in an 8 to 15 percent sulfuric acid solution at 130 to 140 F, rinsing and dipping in 8 to 12 percent nitric acid, 1 percent hydrofluoric acid at 110 F. If acid pickling is to be per- formed, the material should be first annealed at 1650 F or higher. 200 FERROUS ALLOYS 400 Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1. 5Mo-1. 5W 600 TEMP - F THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 800 1000 1200 (14, p. 5) - KSI F متا PERCENT 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 120 80 40 TY FIG. 2.014 80 40 80 40 11 0 10 8 0 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION -400 F TY 0 SHEET BAR 0. 100 IN SHEET 0.250 IN PLATE -A. Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1. 5Mo-1. 5W THERMAL EXPANSION ▲ BAR 19-9DL 400 400 800 TEMP - F 19-9 DX 19-9 DL (15) 19-9 DX RA Δ -^-^-^-^ Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1. 5Mo-1.5W SHEET, PLATE, BAR HW + 1200 F e 800 TEMP - FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1200 } 1200 F F TU (14) 1600 1600 (14, p. 5) 120 80 40 0 2000 KSI TU F FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF STRESS RELIEVED SHEET, PLATE AND BAR (14, p. 8, 18)(15) Fe 20 Cr 10 Ni CODE 1.5 Mo 1.5 W 19-9 DL & 19-9 DX 1311 PAGE 3 FeA Fe 20 Cr 10 Ni 1.5 Mo 1.5 W 19-9 DL & 19-9 DX CODE KSI FTY PERCENT KSI 80 40 131.1 0 80 40 80 40 0 120 80 40 0 0 0 0.100 IN 0.250 IN 400 FTY 400 F RA e TY 19-9 DX Fe-19Cr-10Ni-1. 5Mo-1, 5W (19-9 DX) SHEET O HW +1200 F FTU = 134 KSI A ANN 1800 F FTU 93 KSI FCY FCY SHEET FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ANNEALED SHEET AND PLATE (14, p. 18, 19) Fe-20Cr-10N1~1. 5Mo-1. 5W SHEET, PLATE ANN 1800 F 800 1200 TEMP - F 800 TEMP Th F E TU FTY ロー​△ F 1200 FERROUS ALLOYS 1600 2000 FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF (15, p. 6-3-4. 10) 1600 120 80 40 0 KSI TU F KSI FT LB 280 240 200 160 120 80 60 40 20 0 0 200 -400 FIG. 3.0323 0 REVISED MARCH 1963 Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1. 5Mo-1. 5W BAR FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF SHEET (16) Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1. 5Mo-1. 5W F F 10 BRU ♡ 400 BRY 400 600 TEMP F 19-9 DL SHEET HW + 1200 F ANN 1800 F e/D = 2.0 TEMP ANN 1800 F, AC HR+1200 F HCW + 1200 F CD + 1200 F Bristo 800 IE CHARPY V 800 F 1000 1200 1600 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (14, p. 9) PAGE 4 FeA REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI 100 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 777 11 Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1. 5Mo-1. 5W(19-9DL) Z 47 1000 TIME BAR B 1000 F 1200 F 1500 F RUPTURE BELOW 1300 F MAX VALUES FOR HW + STRESS RELIEF ABOVE 1300 F MAX VALUES FOR ST +AGED 10 100 1350 F HR 10,000 FERROUS ALLOYS FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1000 TO 1500 F 100,000 (14, p. 12) 23 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 1000 KSI 16 28 24 20 0 1000 KSI 12 10 8 6 - FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (14, p. 6)(15, p. 6-3-4.3) 0 Fe-20Cr-10N1-1. 5Mo-1. 5W DYNAMIC (14) 19-9 DL (15)| 400 800 TEMP - F 1 AMS 5369 A, (June 15, 1950) AMS 5526 B. (June 15, 1950) AMS 5527 A. (Nov. 1, 1954) ་ 4 AMS 5720 A, (Feb. 15, 1952) 5 AMS 5721 B, (Feb. 15, 1952) 6 AMS 5722 A, (June 15, 1950) AMS 5538, (Dec. 1, 1953) AMS 5539, (Dec. 1, 1953) 9 AMS 5723, (Nov. 1, 1952) 10 AMS 5724, (Dec. 1, 1953) AMS 5729, (Dec. 1, 1953) AMS 5782 A, (June 1, 1951) AMS 5783 B. (June 15, 1953) E DYNAMIC (14) -19-9 DL (15) 400 Fe-20Cr-10Ni-1. 5Mo-1. 5W REFERENCES 800 TEMP F 1200 G B 1600 1200 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (14, p. 6)(15, p. 6-3-4.3) 1600 Universal Cyclops Steel Corporation, "Uniloy 19-9DL and Uniloy 19-9DX", Technical Bulletin, (July 1956) North American Aviation, Inc., Materials Research, "Materials Property Manual and Summary Report", (Oct. 30, 1957) Favor, Ronald J., Achbach, William P. and Hyler, Walter S., "Materials-Property -Design Criteria for Metals". WADC TR 55-150, Pt. 5, (Oct. 1957) Fe 20 Cr 10 Ni 1.5 Mo 1.5 W 19-9 DL & 19-9 DX CODE 1311 PAGE 5 FeM-1400 FeM-1400 FeM REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 Source AMS Type 5350C 410 Castings (prec. investment) 5351B 410 Castings(sand) 5504D 410 Sheet, strip and plate 5591C 410 Tubing, seamless 5613C 410 Bar, forgings, tubing, forging stock 5776 410 Wire, welding Type 5777 410 Electrode, coated welding 5610E 416 Bar, forgings (free machining) 1. 04 Composition. Table 1.04. GENERAL The low carbon varieties of the martensitic 12 percent chromium steel 'have been used for a long time in various forms as the most economical stainless steels. They combine high corrosion resistance and considerable strength up to 900 F. The low silicon Type 403 is used primarily in form of forgings for turbine parts, while the high silicon Type 410 finds application in all wrought forms and as sand and investment castings. In addition, free machining Types 416 and 416 Se are used in form of bar and forgings where their slightly reduced corrosion resistance and formability can be tolerated. Commercial Designations. Wrought: AISI Types 403, 410 416 and 416 Se. Cast: CA-15. Alternate Designations. None generally used. Specifications. Table 1. 03. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Selenium Aluminum Copper Tin Iron 1.05 1.051 1.052 TABLE 1.03 Form 1.053 1.054 ASTM (11)(13)(23) 403 Percent Min 1 11.5 Max 0.15 1.00 0.50 0.040 0.030 13.5 Balance AMS (1) 410 Casting, Prec. Invest, Min 0.05 1 11.5 } G FERROUS ALLOYS Percent + Military Max 0.15 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 13.5 0.50 0.50 # 0.50 Balance (a) Molybdenum and Zirconium (b) (4) gives 0.60 (c) Selenium 0. 18 to 0.35 and Sulfur 0.030 maximum for Type 416 Se (d) (8) gives 0.03 (e) ASTM lists no Al, Cu, Mo, Ni or Sn Min (f) (7)(8) gives 0. 12 (g) Selenium 0. 15 minimum and sulfur 0.06 maximum for Type 416Se 1 Austenitize. 1750 to 1850 F, air cool or oil quench depend- ing on section size and shape. Users prefer generally oil quenching. AMS specified austenitizing treatments, Table 1.054. 11.5 TABLE 1.04 ASTM (12)(14) 410 Casting, Sand Percent 1 TABLE 1.054 Form AMS Type 5350C, 5351B 410 Bar, forgings, tub- 5591C, 5613C 410 ing, castings 5504D 410 Sheet, strip, plate 5776, 5777 410 Deposited weld 5610E 416 Bar, forgings (free machining) Heat Treatment Normalize sand castings. 1825 to 1875 F, 1 hr per in of thickness, 30 min minimum, Type 410, air cool, (2). Fully anneal for maximum formability. 1450 to 1650 F, usually 1550 to 1650 F, furnace cool at 50 F per hr maximum to 1100 F. Hardness should be about 155 BHN. Subcritical anneal for machining. 1200 to 1400 F. Hardness should be about 185 BHN. 1.055 1.0551 1.0552 1.06 Max 0.15 1.00 1.50 0.040 0.040 14.0 1.00 0.50 ? 0.50 Balance 1.07 1.071 Temper. 400 to 1400 F, 1 to 4 hr. Tempering at tempera- tures between 800 and 1075 F is not generally recommended, because of reduced resistance to corrosion, to stress cor- rosion and to impact, (10). AMS 5350C and 5351B specify 1100 F, minimum. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet and bar, Fig. 1.0551. AMS (3)(4)(6)(7)(8) ASTM(9)(11)(13) Effect of tempering temperature on mechanical properties of sand castings, Fig. 1.0552. Hardenability. This steel is air hardening. AMS 5351B, 5504D and 5613C require that sections less than 3/8 in thick or slices 3/8 in thick taken from heavier sections, when austenitized, shall have a hardness of 35 to 45 RC. AMS 5610E requires 35 RC minimum under the same conditions. AMS 5591C requires that specimen cut from tubing, when austenitized, shall have a strength of F = 150 ks, minimum. AMS 5776 and 5777 require that deposited weld metal about 1/4 in thick, when austenitized, shall have a hardness of 35 to 45 RC. tu Min 1 410 Percent 11,5 1 Max 0.15 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 13.5 0.75 0.50(b) 0.050 0.50 0.050 Balance Min AMS (5) 416 Free Machining Percent 0.15(c) 11.50 1 1740 to 1760 F, 30 min, AC 1740 to 1760 F, 15 to 30 min, AC 1735 to 1765 F, 15 to 30 min, AC (c) 1815 to 1835 F. 25 min. AC 1 I 1 Austenitize Max 0.15 1.25 1.00 0.040 0.35(c) 13.50 0.50 0. (α(a) (c) 0.50 Balance ASTM(9)(10)(11) (13) 416 Percent Min 1 Max 0.15 12.00 14.00 (g) 0.15 1.25 1.00 0.040 (g) • 0.60 Falance Forms and Conditions Available Type 403 is available in form of bar and forgings in all commercial sizes. 1.072 Type 410 is available in full range of forms and sizes regularly produced in stainless steels. 1.073 Type 410 sand and precision investment castings are available in various conditions as desired. 1.074 Type 410 sheet, strip, bar and wire are available in the annealed condition. Bar and wire are also available in the cold drawn condition and wire and forgings in various heat treated conditions. 1.075 Types 416 and 416 Se are available in form of bar and forgings in all commercial sizes. CODE Fe Low C 12 Cr TYPES 403, 410, 416 1401 PAGE 1 FeM Fe Low C 12 Cr 1.08 CODE 1.09 1.091 Special Considerations Avoid tempering at 700 to 1075 F, because of reduced corrosion resistance, stress corrosion resistance and impact strength. TYPES 403, 1.092 Corrosion resistance of Type 410 castings may not be sat- 410, 416 is factory for many applications. Cadmium plating is rec- ommended for use up to 700 F (Lockheed 1959). 1.093 Casting quality should be evaluated by penetrant inspection rather than by magnetic inspection, because of inconsistency of the latter method (Lockheed 1959). 2. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode melts and remelts are also available, as well as vacuum degassed materials. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 2.01 Thermal Properties 2.011 Melting range, 2700 to 2790 F. 2.012 Phase changes. Transformation temperatures from 2.013 Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. 2.014 Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. 2.015 Specific heat, Fig. 2.015. austenite to ferrite are above 1450 F, but depend on chemis- try. Heating to about 1750 F is necessary to insure completely martensitic structure on quenching. 2.02 Other Physical Properties 2.021 Density. 0.280 lb per cu in, 7.75 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022. 2.022 2.023 Magnetic properties 2.0231 Steel is ferromagnetic. Magnetization curves, Fig. 2.0231. 2.0232 Residual induction and coercive force after magnetizing at 1200 oersteds, and maximum permeability, Table 2.0232. Source Condition Max Permeability Residual Induction -gausses Coercive Force -oersteds Source Alloy Form Condition Ftu, min max Fty, min e (2 in), min 2.03 2.031 2.0311 1401 <0.030 in >0.030 in e (4 D) min RA, min Hardness, RB, Full section Test bar BHN, TABLE 2. 02 32 1350 F, 4 hr, FC 850 12,000 - ksi - ksi - ksi percent percent - - percent min max min 33 AMS(3) Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Sheet, Strip, Plate ܝ 95 FERROUS ALLOYS 15 20 1 max (a) 150 ksi, minimum, when austenitized (b) 1100 F, minimum [ 1} (13) 1850 F, AC + 500 F,2 hr 82 6000 AMS(4) Type 410 Tubing, Seamless (a) 100 1 48 25 20 1 I 31 I Ann These steels are resistant to atmospheric and fresh water corrosion and to a variety of mild acids and alkalines. They are inferior to the 300 Series of I I 11 $1 2.0312 I I 2.032 C 2.04 2.041 2.042 2.0421 TABLE 3.011 2.0422 2.0423 2.0424 AMS(6) 2.043 Bar, Forging, Tubing 3. 241* 3.01 3.011 3.02 3.021 stainless steels and usually require corrosion protection. Maximum corrosion resistance is developed in the hardened condition, but the corrosion resistance is reduced by tempering between 700 and 1075 F. The surface must be free from scale and foreign particles to prevent galvanic corrosion. Type 416 is slightly less corrosion resistant that Types 403 and 410. The chromium stainless steels are susceptible to both stress corrosion and to hydrogen embrittlement if heat treated to high strength. Oxidation resistance of these alloys is good up to 1200 F for continuous service and 1400 F for intermittent service. Nuclear Properties Type 410 is used for high strength parts in reactors. Irradiation effects on these and other martensitic stain- less steels are as follows. The hardness increases, as the total flux and the tempera- ture of irradiation is increased. This effect also appears to be greater for a higher initial hardness, but independent of the carbon content. Tensile strength and yield strength increase and the duc- tility decreases, if saturation point appears to be reached below the point of complete embrittlement. The impact strength in the ductile range is only slightly reduced. The transition temperature from ductile to brittle behavior, however, may be raised by 50 to 75 F. Density is not changed beyond the limits of experimental error. Types 403 and 410 exhibit poor and erratic corrosion re- sistance at 500 to 600 F in high purity water containing oxygen. They are considerably inferior to austenitic stainless steels in this respect. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. AMS(5) Type 416 Bar, Forging ! 1 ! 181111 I រ 187* 241* 1 REVISED: MARCH 1963 AMS(1) 95 ^^ ; Casting, Prec. Invest. Aust.+ Temper(b) Norm.+ Temper(b) 75 ~ ∞ ! ! ! ! 20 94 100 K 1 AMS(2) Type 410 Casting, Sand I 11111 1 217 248 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See also 3.03. Typical mechanical properties, Table 3.021 PAGE 2 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 Source Type Form Condition Thickness in 3.022 Ftu, typ Fty, typ e (2 in), typ e (4 D), typ RA, typ Hardness RB, typ RC, typ BHN, typ 3.023 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.032 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.05 3.051 3.052 3.053 4. 3.06 3.061 + 3.062 3.063 4.01 4.011 4. 012 4:02 4.021 -ksi -ksi -percent -percent -percent Sheet, Strip Plate Ann Ann 65 35 25 1 80 I FABRICATION 70 35 30 80 - Ann All 75 40 35 1 70 82 155 110 85 23 65 Bar Temp- Cold ered Drawn Ann 1 All 97 FERROUS ALLOYS 225 403 and 410 Effect of rolling reduction on tensile properties of annealed sheet, Fig. 3. 022. Effect of tempering temperature on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.023. TABLE 3.021 (15) 100 85 17 1 60 94 205 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of Types 403 and 410, Fig. 3. 0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of precision investment castings in different conditions, Fig. 3.0312. Short time properties other than tension Static stress concentration effects Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Short time total strain curves for normalized Type 410 sheet at 1200 to 2000 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for bar at 600 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.042. Master creep and creep rupture curves, Fig. 3.043. Creep rupture curves for smooth and notched bar at 600 to 800 F, Fig. 3.044. Fatigue Properties Stress range diagrams at room temperature to 900 F for material heat treated to RC 20 to 26, Fig. 3.051. Stress range diagrams at room temperature to 900 F for material heat treated to RC 26 to 32, Fig. 3.052. Stress range diagrams at 700 and 900 F for rupture, 1 and 0.5 percent total strain for heat treated bar, Fig. 3.053. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio, 0.27 to 0.29. Forming and Casting General. Type 410 is generally formed in the fully annealed condition. Its formability is inferior to that of annealed 18-8 steels and comparable to that of 1/4 hard 18-8 steels. Forging. Starting temperature 2200 F maximum, finishing temperature 1700 F minimum. Hot upsetting operations on Type 403 and Type 410 can be performed at temperatures down to 1300 F. Heavy sections must be preheated at 1200 to 1500 F and both heavy sections and complicated shapes should be equalized after forging at about 1300 F and furnace cooled or cooled slowly in an insulating material. Type 416 can be forged to a limited extent but should be annealed after forging. Machining Best machinability in Types 403 and 410 is obtained if they 75 40 30 70 82 155 Wire Cold Heat Drawn Treated Ann 0.250 All 95 80 15 60 92 4,022 4.03 4.04 4.041 4.05 135 105 10 50 29 75 40 30 J 60 CT I 155 Bar Temp- Cold ered Drawn Ann 1 All 110 85 18 55 1 230 100 85 13 50 I 1 416 205 75 40 tod 20 60 82 I Wire Cold Heat Drawn Treated 0.250 95 135 80 105 G 10 50 92 C I 5 40 1 29 In are heat treated or annealed and cold worked to 200 to 260 BHN for light fast cuts, or to 180 to 220 BHN for heavy cuts, drilling or sawing. Machinability rating in this condition is 50 to 55 percent of that of mild steels. the annealed condition these steels have a tendency to tear and to seize. Types 416 and 416 Se possess the highest machinability of all stainless steels. The best performance is obtained if heat treated or cold worked to 180 to 240 BHN. A satisfactory lubricant for most operations is a low concentration sulfur base oil. The machinability rating of this steel is about 85 percent of that of mild steel. Welding. For fusion welding of Type 403 and Type 410, electrodes of the same composition can be used when material is to be subsequently heat treated, and Type 309 or 310 electrodes can be used if the material is to be used in the as welded condition. Preheating to 300 F minimum and postheating at 1300 F, followed by cooling' at a rate of 100 F per hour maximum to 1100 F, is necessary to prevent cracking. Type 416 is weldable to a very limited extent. Alloy should be annealed at 1450 F after welding to improve both ductility and corrosion resistance. Heating and Heat Treating. See 5Cr Ultra High Strength Steel. A neutral or slightly reducing atmosphere must be main- tained when austenitizing or annealing to minimize de- carburization and scaling. Surface Treating. See 5 Cr Ultra High Strength Steel Fe Low C 12 Cr TYPES 403, 410, 416 CODE 1401 PAGE 3 FeM Fe Low C 12 Cr TYPES 403, 410, 416 FTY - KSI · 120 PERCENT 160 KSI 80 FT LB 40 80 40 0 PERCENT 200 160 120 80 40 0 40 20 0 FTY 1 IN BAR (27) L10.063 IN SHEET Δ OTJ (28) CODE 1401 AQ 400 FIG. 1.0551 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET AND BAR (27)(28) e (2 IN) 600 600 RA 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F e (2 IN) FTY IE CHARPY V 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP ·A- C Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr 1800 F, OQ + TEMPER Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 410) SAND CAST BLOCKS 1800 F, AC + TEMPER FERROUS ALLOYS 1200 F FTU Δ FTU 1200 TYPE 410 TYPE 416 1400 FIG. 1.0552 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SAND CASTINGS (17) 1400 200 160 KSI 80 1 FTU 120 L FL 7 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 25 0 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 17 BTU PER LB F 16 15 14 MICROHM MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 0.14 0.12 0.10 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 44 Z36 Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr 0 28 20 400 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION REVISED MARCH 1963 0 (19) (TYPE 410) (16) (TYPE 416) 0 200 FIG. 2.022 FIG. 2.015 SPECIFIC HEAT 800 TEMP F Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE_410) 200 - 400 TEMP F 400 THERMAL Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 410) J TYPE 403, (18) TYPE 410 -TYPE 416) (27) CONDUCTIVITY 1200 400 TEMP - F 600 (16, p. 6-2-2. 4) (19) Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr SPECIFIC HEAT 800 TEMP - F 1600 600 800 1200 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 2000 (18)(27) ANN, (27) 1750 F, ACH375F, 2HR (19) 800 (19) 1600 (19)(27) PAGE 4 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 GAUSSES INDUCTION KSI 20 PERCENT 15 10 S 0 0 160 Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 410) 120 80 FIG. 2.0231 MAGNETIZATION CURVES 120 80 40 20 MAGNETIC ANNEALED 0 1350 F,' 4 HR, FC TO 1100 F ~ 90 RB 50 100 0 400 MAGNETIZING FORCE 10 FTU HEAT TREATED 1850 F, AC + 500 F, 2 HR ~ 40 RC FTY e (2 IN) 800 - · OERSTEDS 20 30 ROLLING REDUCTION 40 FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-(LOW˚C)-12Cr (TYPE 410) 0.040 IN SHEET JANN + CR; A 1200 (19) 50 PERCENT 60 FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF ROLLING REDUCTION ON TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF ANNEALED SHEET (27) - KSI 160 PERCENT 120 80 FTY 40 0 80 40 0 KSI 200 0 160 120 80 40 77 400 FTU Fe-(LOW C)-13Cr (TYPE 403) 0.063 IN SHEET 1800 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + TEMPER 3 HR 0.70 400 60 600 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA TURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET (28) RA L }} TNOTCH STRENGTH K~17 TYPE 403 1800 F, 1/2 HR, OQ +1000 F, 2 HR (18) 1.00 r<0.001 26 TO 32 RC TYPE 20 TO 26 RC 403 TYPE 410, ANN (20) Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr 800 TEMP - F FTU FTY (24) e(2 IN) 1200 160 1200 120 80 40 0 1600 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TYPES 403 AND 410 (18)(20, p. 71)(24) - KSI F TU Fe Low C 12 Cr TYPES 403, 410, 416 CODE 1401 PAGE 5 FeM Fe Low C 12 Cr TYPES 403, 410, 416 CODE KSI 200 KSI 160 120 80 40 40 20 10100 8 AS CAST + TEMP 1 HR 0 ○ 1800 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + TEMP 1 HR 200 400 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3. 0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF PRECISION INVESTMENT CASTINGS IN DIFFER- ENT CONDITIONS (26, p. 15, 17) 6 4 2 1 10 8 6 *** 1401 4 2 1 2% O3% ▲ 5% 77% AS CAST 0.001 TEMPERING TEMP 1000 F TOTAL STRAIN 0.01 Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 403) PREC. INVEST CAST 1100 F 0.1 TIME HR 1400 F 800 FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 410) 0.042 IN SHEET NORM 1750 F 1200 F 1 1000 0.8% THERMAL EXPANSION INCLUDED 1500 F 1.08 % 2000 F 1.38 % 1800 F 1.31 % 10 FIG. 3.041 SHORT TIME TOTAL STRAIN CURVES FOR NOR- MALIZED TYPE 410 SHEET AT 1200 TO 2000 F (25, p. 45, 46) 1200 KSI 60 KSI 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 100 80 60 40 10 20 1500 F 100 CREEP 28 1400 F { TIME FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 600 TO 1500 F (18, p. 8, 9) T = TEMP, F t = TIME, HR th 0.1% 0.2% Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr BAR TYPE 403 1800 F, 30 MIN, OQ + 1000 F, 2 HR 1000 F 1000 HR 1100 F 1200 F 1300 F 10,000 Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 403) RC 26 TO 32 RUPTURE 32 36 40 (T + 460)(25 + LOG t) x 10-3 FIG. 3.043 MASTER CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES (30) PAGE 6 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 200 - 100 80 60 200 60 100 T 0.425 80 60 40 20 O ALTERNATING STRESS 4+0 60 20 0 SMOOTH NOTCHED 0.1 Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 410) +3/4 IN BAR 1800 F,1/2 HR, AC+1050 F,2 HR (30 TO 35 RC) 0 * 60 * 1 0.300 r = 0.002 FATIGUE STRENGTH 10 HR 500 HR 20 TIME K~5 J FIG. 3.044 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR AT 600 TO 800 F (31) RUPTURE 10 900 F HR 900 F 700 F 100 40 60 MEAN STRESS 600 F 700 F -- 700 F 800 F 600 F 80 KSI 700 F Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 403) = 112 KSI 20 TO 26 RC 800 F FERROUS ALLOYS 1 HR = 1. 1. 08x105 CYCLES FOR FMF > O 1 HR = 6x105 CYCLES FOR F 500 F 1000 FTU MF RT - = 0 100 500 F 120 KSI 80 FIG. 3.051 STRESS RANGE DIAGRAMS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE TO 900 F FOR MATERIAL HEAT TREATED 20 TO 26 RC (30) 60 40 20 O ALTERNATING STRESS 80 60 40 20 0 0 RTY 200 F FATIGUE STRENGTH 20 HR 20 1000 HR RT 400 F 400 F- 300 F 40 -200 F 500 F 500 F 900 F 300 F 600 F Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 403) FTU = 138 KSI 26 TO 32 RC 600 F 900 F 60 MEAN STRESS G RUPTURE 700 800 F F 1 HR = 1.08x105 CYCLES FOR FMF > 0 1 HR = 6x105 CYCLES FOR FMF = 0 800 F 80 KSI 700 F 100 120 FIG. 3.052 STRESS RANGE DIAGRAMS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE TO 900 F FOR MATERIAL HEAT TREATED 26 TO 32 RC (30) Fe Low C 12 Cr CODE TYPES 403, 410, 416 1401 PAGE 7 FeM Fe Low C 12 Cr TYPES 403, 410, 416 KSI d ALTERNATING STRESS 60 40 20 O 40 20 O 40 20 1000 KSI 0 0 32 FIG. 3.053 28 24 20 16 CODE 1401 RUPTURE 1% TOTAL STRAIN + 1 HR = 2.16x105 CYCLES 0 0.5% TOTAL STRAIN 20 400 Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr (TYPE 403) 1 IN BAR 1750 F, 15 MIN, OQ +1000 F, 1 1/2 HR FTU = 141 KSI E DYNAMIC (32) STATIC (21) 900 F 900 F 900 F 40 60 MEAN STRESS - KSI STRESS RANGE DIAGRAMS AT 700 TO 900 F FOR RUPTURE AND 0. 5 PERCENT TOTAL STRAIN FOR HEAT TREATED BAR (22, p. 181) 800 TEMP - F Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr(TYPE 410) 1200 700 F 500 HR 100 HR 10 HR FERROUS ALLOYS 700 F 700 F 80 1600 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (21, p. 17)(32) 100 - 2 1 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 AMS 5350C, (March 1, 1955) AMS 5351B, (June 15, 1953) AMS 5504D, (Jan. 15, 1959) 4 AMS 5591C, (Feb. 1, 1956) 5 AMS 5610E, (June 15, 1952) 6 AMS 5613C, (May 1, 1954) 7 AMS 5776, (Jan. 15, 1957) 8 AMS 5777, (Jan. 15, 1957) 9 ASTM A 193-61T, Book of Standards, American Society for 26 27 28 29 30 31 1000 KSI 32 12 10 8 6 0 TI REVISED: MARCH 1963 G DYNAMIC 400 REFERENCES Fe-(LOW C)-12Cr 800 TEMP P FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (32) Testing Materials, Pt. 1, p. 97-104, (1961) ASTM A 194-59T, Ibid., p. 105-11 ASTM A 276-60T, Ibid., p. 711-17 ASTM A 296-60T, Ibid., p. 1163-68 - 1200 1600 ASTM A 314-58, Ibid., p. 753-56 ASTM A 351-61T, Ibid., p. 244-49 Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp., Jones and Laughlin Stainless Steel Data Sheet, (July 25, 1958) North American Aviation, Inc., "Materials Property Manual and Summary Report," Materials Research Rep. No. AL-2604, Appendix 6, (Oct. 30, 1957) Schoefer, E. A., "Corrosion Resistant Type CA-15, " Alloy Casting Institute Data Sheet, (June 1954) Universal Cyclops Steel Corp., "High Temperature Metals, (Oct. 1958) Westinghouse Electric Corp., 'Properties of AISI Type 410 Stainless Steel, Bettis Plant Materials Manual (May 1957) #1 11 Miller, R. F., Heger, J. J., "Report on the Strength of Wrought Steels at Elevated Temperatures, " ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 100, (March 1950) Garofalo, F., Malenock, P. R. and Smith, G. V., "The Influence of Temperature on the Elastic Constants of Some Commercial Steels, " ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 129, (June 25, 1952) Vitovec, F. H. and Lazan, B. J., "Fatigue, Creep and Rupture Properties of Heat Resistant Materials, WADC TR 56-181, (Aug. 1956) American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels, " Steel Products Manual, p. 38, (June 1957) Best, G. E., "403 Stainless Steel, "General Electric Data Sheets, (June 2, 1958) Van Echo, J. A., Gullotti, D. V., Bibler, J. R. and Simmons, W. F., "Short-Time Creep Properties of Structural Sheet Materials for Aircraft and Missiles," AFTR 6731, Pt. 4, (Jan. 1956) Haynes Stellite Co., "Haynes Investment-Cast Steels," Haynes Type 410 Stainless Steel, (April 1958) Allegheny Ludlum, (1958) Espey, G. B., Jones, M. H. and Brown, W. F., Jr., Proc. ASTM, Vol. 59, p. 837, (1959) NASA, (1958) General Electric, (1957) Sessler, J. and Brown, W. F., Jr., Proc. ASTM, Vol. 56, p. 738, (1956) Timken, "Resume of High Temperature Investigations During 1948-50," (1950) PAGE 8 FeM REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 Source Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel TABLE 1.03 Form Sheet, strip, plate AMS Type 5506A 420 5621 420 Bar, forgings, forging stock 5620B 420 F Bar, forgings (free machining) 1.05 1.051 1.052 Molybdenum Selenium Iron 1.053 1. 054 1.06 1.07 1.0/1 GENERAL This medium carbon variety of the martensitic 12 to 13 percent chromium steels has been used for many years by the cutlery industry. More recently, it has been considered for air weapon applications in form of sheet, strip, plate, bar and forgings, heat treated to various strengths up to about Ftu = 240 ksi. Like in many other martensitic high alloy steels, its high strength is retained up to relatively high temperatures. Besides the common grade, there also exist free machining varieties, Type 420 F. The alloy is also used in form of sand and centrifugal castings under the trade name, CA-40. 1.072 Commercial Designations. Wrought: Types 420, 420 F. Cast: CA-40. 1.073 Alternate Designations. Type 420 stainless steels. Specifications. Table 1. 03. Composition. Table 1. 04. Min 0.30 AMS (1)(2) Percent 12.00 1 TABLE 1. 04 14.00 0.50 0.50 T Max Min 0.40 0.30 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 Balance AMS (3) Percent 12.00 0.18** Max 0.40 1.25 1.00 0.040 0.030 14.00 0.50 0.60* 0.35** Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Military QQ-S-763 ACI d Or zirconium ** Selenium may be absent, but in such case sulfur must be 0.15 to 0. 0.35 (4) Percent Min 0.20 11.5 Max 0.40 1.00 1.50 0.04 0.04 14.0 1.0 0.5 Balance Heat Treatment Full anneal. 1550 to 1650 F, 1 hr per in thickness, furnace cool to 1100 F, (4). Subcritical anneal. 1300 to 1350 F, 3 hr minimum, air cool. Austenitize. 1800 to 1850 F, air cool or oil quench, depending on section size. Heavy sections should be preheated at 1250 F, (4). AMS specify 1815 to 1835 F, 25 min minimum. Temper. 400 to 1500 F, 3 hr minimum. Tempering between 600 F and 1000 F is not generally recommended, because of reduced ductility and corrosion resistance. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of bar and cast test bars, Fig. 1.054. Hardenability. This steel is air hardening up to a certain thickness. AMS specify that thicknesses up to 1/2 in and 1/2 in slices taken from thicker sections, if austenitized at 1815 to 1835 F and air cooled, should have a hardness of 50 RC minimum. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in sheet, strip, plate, bar, forgings, and forging stock. Sheet, strip and plate are available in the annealed condition, bar in the hot rolled or cold drawn conditions and forgings in various conditions, as desired, (1)(2)(3). Sand and centrifugal castings are available in the full commercial range of sizes and various conditions, as desired. 1.08 1.09 1.091 2. 2.01 2. 011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2. 031 2.0311 2.0312 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3. 011 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form Condition [L L F F tu Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. All types of vacuum melts are also available, as well as vacuum degassed material. ty } Thermal Properties (5, 6-2-3.1). Melting range. 2650 to 2750 F. Phase changes. This alloy transforms from the austenitic to the ferritic condition, see Type 410. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat, Fig. 2.015. Special Considerations. See also Type 410. Stress corrosion may occur if the steel is exposed at 700 to 800 F. It should not be used for heavily stressed parts that will operate at sub-zero temperatures, (9, p. 80). TYPE 420 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Other Physical Properties, (5, 6-2-3.1).. Density. 0.28 lb per cu in. 7.76 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, 21.6 microhm in. Magnetic properties. The alloy is ferromagnetic. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance This steel, when heat treated to high strength, has a good corrosion resistance to atmospheres, fresh water, mild acids and alkalies. Polishing the surface increases its corrosion resistance. Type 420 is superior to Type 410. Type 420 becomes susceptible to stress corrosion caused by intergranular carbide precipitation when exposed to certain combinations of temperature and time, such as long time exposure at 700 to 800 F. Oxidation resistance is good up to 1200 F for continuous service, and up to 1400 F for intermittent service. A light oxide coat forms and protects the surface from further oxidation. Nuclear Properties. See Type 410. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness in Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. Ftu, max - ksi e (2 in), min-percent <0.030 in > 0.030 in Hardness, BHN, max -ksi -ksi e(2 in)-percent RA, percent Hardness, BHN RB Ann All 95 50 25 55 TABLE 3. 011 ASM (1) 195 92 AMS (3)(2) Type 420 Sheet, Strip, Plate Ann Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3,03 also. Typical mechanical properties, Table 3.021. 100 12 15 CD 1 105 85 17 50 215 95 Bar TABLE 3.021 (6, p.43)(9, p.81) Type 420 (Fe-Med C-13Cr) Bar Wire Bright Soft 0.250 110 85 15 55 Ann 0.250 95 50 20 65 1 1 92 241 I 97 Round 1900F,OQ DRAWN 400F 1 250 215 8 25 512 Fe Med C 13 Cr CODE 1402 PAGE I FeM Fe Med C 13 Cr 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.0313 TYPE 420 3.032 3.0321 3. 0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.0325 3.0326 3.0327 3.033 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 4. 4.01 4. 011 4.012 4.013 4, 014 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 CODE Ce 1408 FERROUS ALLOYS Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves in tension at room and elevated tem- peratures for sheet tempered at 900 F, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile Effect of room and elevated temperature on tensile proper- ties of alloy, Fig. 3.0313. properties of sheet tempered at 900 F, Fig. 3.0312. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression at room and elevated temperatures for sheet tempered at 900 F, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of exposure and test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet tempered at 900 F, Fig. 3. 0322. Effect of exposure and test temperature on bearing properties of sheet tempered at 900 F, Fig. 3. 0323. Effect of exposure and test temperature on shear strength of sheet tempered at 900 F, Fig. 3. 0324. Effect of elevated temperatures on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.0325. Effect of elevated temperature on hot hardness of alloy, Fig. 3.0326. Effect of elevated temperature on hot hardness of alloy, Fig. 3.0327. Static stress concentration effects Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity, 29, 000 ksi. Modulus of rigidity, 17,700 ksi. Tangent modulus curves in compression at room and elevated temperatures for sheet tempered at 900 F, Fig. 3.063. FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. The formability of sheet in this alloy in the fully annealed condition is nearly equivalent to that of 1/4 hard austenitic stainless steels. Shearing type operations on Type 420, such as blanking and punching, are not recommended. Forging. Starting temperature 2200 F maximum, finishing temperature 1750 F minimum. Stress relieve at 1250 to 1350 F after forging. Do not forge below 1650 F; reheat if necessary, (9, p. 81). Casting. The casting properties of this steel are inferior to those of other stainless steels. Unless high strength is a primary consideration its use in form of casting is not recommended. Castings should have section thicknesses of 3/16 in or greater and designs involving section differences should be avoided. Machining. The alloy machines best in conditions having a hardness of about 225 BHN. Powerful and rigid machinery, sharp tools, low speeds, slow feeds, deep cuts and ample cooling with a sulfo-chlorinated petroleum oil should be used. The chips are abrasive to the tool and have a tendency to gall. Welding. Alloy can be welded by the various fusion welding methods, except the oxyacetylene process, preferably with coated Type 420 electrodes. Parts should be preheated at 400 to 600 F and postheated at 1125 to 1400 F, if possible before cooling to below 300 F. Austenitic electrodes, Types 309 and 310, can be used, if high strength is not required. Oxyacetylene welding should be avoided because of the danger of carburizing and the resulting loss in corrosion resistance. Heating and Heat Treating. Heat treating of long slender parts made of this steel results in severe distortions unless they are rigidly supported by fixtures or suspended vertically during heating and quenching. The high strength conditions cannot be satisfactorily straightened by stretching. Surface Treating. See Type 410. FTY - KSI PERCENT 240 BTU FT PER(HR SQ FT F) 160 80 0 80 40 0 17 16 9-OT 15 IN PER IN PER F 14 [ 7 6 Сл 0 0 BAR 1 IN DIA 1800 TO 1900 F, OQ (8) O CAST TEST BARS 1800 F, AC (4) 400 0 REVISED MARCH 1963 e (2 IN) FIG. 1.054 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AND CAST TEST BARS (4)(8) 400 TEMPERING TEMP THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Fe-(Med C) -13Cr ANN Fe-(MED C)-13Cr 800 400 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 800 G 800 - 1200 F 1200 TEMP F FTU FTY 1200 TEMP - F RA FIG. 2,014 THERMAL EXPANSION 1600 320 1600 240 160F 80 Fe- (Med C) -13Cr ANN MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 1600 (5, p.6-2-3.3) FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED KSI TU 2000 2000 (5, p.6-2-3.3) PAGE 2 FeM REVISED MARCH 1963 BTU PER LB F 0.24 KSI 0.20 0.16 0.12 160 120 FIG. 2.015 SPECIFIC HEAT 80 40 0 0 0 SPECIFIC HEAT 400 0.004 STRAIN 800 TEMP < TRANSFORMATION POINT Fe-(Med C)-13Cr 0.062 IN SHEET 1800 F, 1/4 HR, OQ +900 F, 3 HR F RT 400 F 800 F 1/2 TO 1000 HR EXPOSURE 1000 F 1/2 TO 10 HR 100 TO 1000 HR EXPOSURE TENSION 0.008 IN PER IN Fe-(Med C-13Cr 1200 0,010 FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN TENSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEM- PERATURES FOR SHEET TEMPERED AT 900 F (7, p. 163) 1600 (5, p. 6-2-3.4) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 160 PERCENT 120 FTY 80 40 0 Δ FIG. 3.0312 0.062 IN 0.187 IN 1/2 HR ▲ 1000 HR 200 - KS! ΓΥ F F F TU FTY PERCENT 400 600 TEMP F EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET TEMPERED AT 900 F (7, p. 174-179) ¿} 240 160 8༡ EXPOSURE 0 80 e (2 IN) อ 400 F Fe-(Med C)-13Cr SHEET 1800 F, 15 MIN, OQ +900 F, 3 HR етту LI F TU TY 800 RA 800 TEMP F 240 Fe-Med C)-13Cr HARDENED 1900 F, 1 HR +DRAWN,50F, IHR AT TEST TEMP 200 1200 160 120 80 1000 e(2 IN) KSI TU F 1600 FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROP- ERTIES OF ALLOY (9, p. 81) Fe Med C 13 Cr TYPE 420 CODE 1402 PAGE 3 FeM Fe Med C 13 Cr TYPE 420 KSI CODE KSI 200 1402 160 120 80 40 0 200 160 120 80 Fe-(Med C)-13Cr 0.062 IN SHEET 1800 F, 15 MIN, OQ +900 F, 3 HR 40 0 0.004 0.008 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER - ATURES FOR SHEET TEM - PERED AT 900 F (7, p. 166) 0 1000 F 1/2 HR O 1000 HR 200 1/2 TO 1000 HR EXPOSURE } RT 400 F 600 F 800 F 1/2 HR 10 HR 100 HR 1000 HR EXPOSURE COMPRESSION - F CY 0.010 FTY EXPOSURE Fe-(Med C)-13Cr 10. 062 IN SHEET 1800 F, 15 MIN, OQ +900 F, 3 HR 400 600 TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET TEMPERED AT 900 F (7, p. 180-181) KSI 320 • 240 BRY F 160 80 0 KSI 160 120 1/2 HR O 1000 HR 80 40 e/D=2,0 0 e/D=15 e/D=20 e/D = 1.5 O 200 400 1/2 HR 1000 HR F EXPOSURE 200 F R} BRU BRY 600 TEMP F FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF SHEET TEMPERED AT 900 F (7, p. 184-187) REVISED MARCH 1963 - Fe-(Med C)-13Cr 0.062 IN SHEET 1800 F, 15 MIN, OQ +900 F. 3 HR 400 FSU EXPOSURE 800 1000 600 TEMP F 480 400 800 320 240 160 80 Fe-(Med C)-13Cr 0.187 IN SHEET 1800 F, 15 MIN, OQ + 900 F, 3 HR KSI BRU F 1000 FIG. 3.0324 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF SHEET TEMPERED AT 900 F (7, p. 182-183) PAGE 4 FeM REVISED MARCH 1963 LB www FT BRINELL HARDNESS SCALE 80 49 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 0 Fe-Med C-13Cr 1 IN DIA BAR 400 500 400 300 200 100 FIG. 3.0325 EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (8) 56 200 48 40 32 24 6:00 16 0 400 IE ROD 800 200 TEMPERING TEMP - F FIG. 3.0326 EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEMPERA- TURE ON HOT HARDNESS OF ALLOY (9, p. 81) Fe-(Med C)-13Cr HARDENED FROM 1850 F, + DRAWN 50 F, 1 HR ABOVE TEST TEMP BHN 600 TEMP 1000 - 1 IN ROUND BAR TEMPERED 400 F HARDENED 1850 F, + DRAWN 50 F, 1 HR ABOVE TEST TEMP 1900 F, OQ + DRAWN 1 HR AT TEST TEMP "} 800 (8) 600 1200 TEMP G (9) F 1000 FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1400 Fe-(Med C)-13Cr 1000 1200 FIG. 3.0327 EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON HOT HARD- NESS OF ALLOY (8)(9, p. 81) 123 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 KSI 200 160 120 80 40 0 400 F 600 F 800 F 1/2 TO 1000 HR EXPOSURE. 0 1000 F 100 TO 1000 HR COMPRESSION 8 1/2 TO 10 HR Fe-(Med C)-13Cr 0.062 IN SHEET RT 1800 F, 1/4 HR, OQ +900 F, 3 HR AMS 5506 A, (Nov. 1, 1952) AMS 5621, (Nov. 1, 1952) AMS 5620 B, (June 15, 1952) 16 1000 KSI REFERENCES 24 FIG. 3.063 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET TEMPERED AT 900 F (7, p. 171-173) 32 Alloy Casting Institute, "Corrosion Resistant Type CA-40", Data Sheet, (June 1954) North American Aviation, Inc., "Materials Property Manual and Summary Report", Contract AF 33(600)-28469, (Oct. 30, 1957) American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resis- ting Steels", Steel Products Manual, (June 1957) Kattus, J. R., Preston, J. B., and Lessley, H. L., "Determin- ation of Tensile, Compressive, Bearing and Shear Properties of Sheet Steels at Elevated Temperatures", Southern Research Institute, WADC TR 58-365, ASTIA Document No. 206075, (Nov. 1958) Universal-Cyclops Steel Corporation, "Uniloy" (Uniloy 1435), Data Sheets, (1958) The Carpenter Steel Co., "Carpenter Stainless and Heat Resis- - ting Steels - Selection, Description, Fabrication", Working Data, (1962) Fe Med C 13 TYPE 420 Cr CODE 1402 PAGE 5 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1. 04 AMS 5655 1.06 Source 1.05 1. 051 Carbon Manganese Silicon Sulfur 1.052 Phosphorus Chromium Nickel 1. 053 1. 054 Molybdenum Tungsten Vanadium 1.055 GENERAL This martensitic stainless steel is a development of the 12 percent chromium steels, Types 410 and 420, with additions of various elements. It can be heat treated to various strength levels, up to about F 250,000 psi. tu Somewhat lower strength material possesses good strengt? at temperatures up to 1200 F, combined with the good corrosion and oxidation resistance of these types. The steel is available in all wrought forms. If properly annealed it possesses good formability and it can be welded by various methods. Commercial Designation, Type 422 Stainless Steel. Alternate Designation, Crucible 422. Specifications. Table 1. 03 1.07 1.071 1.072 Form Bar, forgings, forging stock Composition. Table 1.04 1.073 TABLE 1. 03 Iron * Crucible gives 0.20 to 0. 40 TABLE 1. 04 Min 0.20 Jag 0.20 11.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 0.17* Military AMS (1) Percent Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0,25 1.00 0.60 0.030 0.040 13.50 1.00 1.25 1.25 0.27* Heat Treatment Full anneal for maximum formability. 1525 to 1600 F, 1 1/2 hr per inch thickness, cool at 25 F per hr maxi- mum to 1300 F, hold 6 hr, cool at 50 F per hr maximum to 1000 F maximum. Sections over 12 inch thickness should be slowly cooled to 150 F maximum in an in- sulating material to prevent cracking. Subcritical anneal for machinability or repeated forming. 1400 to 1425 F, 6 to 8 hr, furnace cool to 1200 F maxi- mum. Stress relief after welding. 1200 to 1300 F, 8 hr, air cool. Austenitize. 1875 to 1950 F, 15 min minimum, air cool or oil quench, depending on section size and shape. AMS specifies 1900 to 1950 F, 1 hr minimum. Temper. 800 to 1275 F. 2 hr minimum, preferably double temper, particularly heavy sections. AMS specifies double temper at 1100 F minimum, 4 hr minimum, air cool + 1000 F minimum, 4 hr minimum, air cool. Hardenability. This steel is air hardening and sections up to 4 inch thickness develop full strength on air cooling. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of forms and sizes for martensitic stainless steels. These products are available in the hot worked or annealed condition. Forgings can be also supplied in heat treated conditions. 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.0121 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2. €22 2.023 2.03 2.031 Temp F RT 800 1200 2.032 2.04 3. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. All types of vacuum melts and vacuum degassed material are also available. Special Considerations. See Type 420. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 3.01 3. 011 3.02 Thermal Properties Melting range. 2675 to 2700 F, (8, p. 39). Pase changes. See Type 420. Time temperature transformation diagram for alloy, Fig. 2.0121. Thermal conductivity. Table 2,013. Supe TABLE 2.013 Thermal Conductivity, Btu ft per (hr sq ft F) Tempering Temp Electrical resistivity microhm-in Magnetic permeability at 100 oersteds maximum Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.11 Btu per (lb F). Diffusivity. 0.27 sq ft per hr. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.280 to 0. 281 lb per cu in, 7.78 to 7.80 gr per cu cra, (8, p.39). Electrical resistivity, Table 2. 022. Magnetic properties. Alloy is ferromagnetic. Magnetic permeability, see Table 2.022. - F Source Alloy Form Condition Fru, min Fry: min e (4 D), min RA, min Hardness BHN TABLE 2. 22 700 13.8 15.8 16.3 -ksi -ksi 24. 3 ∞ ∞ -percent -percent 85 min max Impact Strength Izod V, min - ft lb MECHANICAL PROPERTIES сл сл 85 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance of this alloy is best in the hardened and tempered conditions where it is similar to that of Type 403. 800 Oxidation resistance. Alloy is good up to about 1450 F for continuous service and up to 1300 F for intermittent service. It is also resistant to sulphurous gases at these temperatures. Nuclear Properties 23.9 75 92 Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. TABLE 3.011 900 23.7 140 115 13 25 93 100 293 341 AMS (1) Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0.25V Bar, Forgings Double Tempered 8 CODE TYPE 422 Fe 12 Cr | Mo | W 0.8 Ni 0.25 V 1403 PAGE 1 FeM 12 Fe Cr Mo | 1 W 0.8 Ni 0.25 V TYPE 422 CODE 3.021 3.022 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.0313 3.0314 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3,033 3.0331 3. 04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.05 3.051 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 3.064 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.02 4.03 1403 FERROUS ALLOYS Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet and bar, Fig. 3.021. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness and impact strength, Fig. 3. 022. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar and forgings, Fig. 3. 0311. Tensile stress strain curves for sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3. 0313. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0314. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression for sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of exposure and test temperature on compressive and tensile yield strengths of sheet, Fig. 3.0322. Effect of exposure and test temperature on bearing properties of sheet, Fig. 3. 0323. Effect of exposure and test temperature on shear strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0324. Static stress concentration effects Effect of low and elevated temperature on impact proper- ties of bar, Fig. 3.0331. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Total strain and creep rupture curves for forgings at 1000 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for bar at 1000 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.042. Creep rupture curves for sheet at 800 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.043. Creep rupture curves for smooth and notched bar at 1000 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.044. Isochronous stress strain curves at 800 to 1200 F for various tempers, Fig. 3.045. Fatigue Properties Stress range diagram for bar at 900 and 1100 F, Fig. 3.051. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatu es, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio. 0.23. Tangent modulus curves in compression for sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.064. FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. This alloy can be cold formed in the fully annealed condition in a manner similar to Type 420. Intermediate anneals at 1400 to 1425 F should be used in multiple stage forming operations. Some experimental results indicate that warm pre- stressing of notch sensitive steels effect the notch bend fracture strength up to 150 per cent, (10, p. 5). Sheet up to 0.050 inch thickness requires a bend factor of 2 and sheet 0.050 to 0.126 inch thickness a bend factor of 3. Forging. Starting temperature 2025 F maximum, finishing temperature 1550 F minimum. Heavy sections should be preheated at 1200 to 1400 F. To avoid cracking of heavy and complicated sections on cooling, forgings should be equalized at 1300 F before air cooling, or cooled under an insulating material. Machining. Machinability of this alloy is very similar to that of Type 420. It machines best after subcritical annealing. Welding. The alloy may be satisfactorily welded by either the metal arc process or the inert gas process. Special composition electrodes are recommended for 4.04 4.05 REVISED: MARCH 1963 use with the metal arc process and 422 filler rods should be used with the inert gas welding process. Because Crucible 422 is air hardening, it is essential to use a preheat at 350 to 400 F. After welding the steel should be postheated at 1200 to 1300 F, 8 hr and air cooled. Heating and Heat Treating. See Type 410. Surface Treating. See Type 410. PAGE 2 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 F 9-01 - TEMP IN PER IN PER F 7 6 2000 5 1600 1200 800 400 1 Ms 25% 75% 0 VIRTUALLY COMPLETE 10 Fe-12Cr-Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0.25V (4) (8) MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 200 FIG. 2.0121 TIME TEMPERATURE TRANSFORMATION DIAGRAM FOR ALLOY 400 102 600 TEMP - F FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION TIME SEC FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-12Cr-IM。-1W-0.8Ni-0.25V 800 AUSTENITIZING TEMP 1900 F CARBIDE PRECIPITATION 103 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED - CRITICAL TEMP Ac1 - 1475 F PRIOR COND - TEMPERED 1000 1200 (4)(8, p.39) FTY - KSI PERCENT 200 160 120 104 40 C 0 RT } (8) (4) 12 RC 20Rc Fe-12Cr-Mo-1W-0.8Ni-0.25V 1900 TO 1925 F + TEMPER, 1 TO 2 HR 105 (11, p. 2) 200 BAR, OQ 0.025 IN SHEET, AC 400 600 FTU FTY RA e TEMPERING TEMP w ×00 F 1000 280 FIG. 3.021 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET AND BAR (4)(8) 240 200 160 120 1200 KSI TU F Fe Cr Mo | W 0.8 Ni 0.25 V 12 | TYPE 422 CODE 1403 PAGE 3 FeM Fe 12 Cr t Mo And 1 W 0.8 Ni 0.25 V TYPE 422 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE KSI - FT LB FTY PERCENT 60 CODE 1403 40 20 40 20 200 160 120 FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON HARDNESS AND IMPACT STRENGTH (3, p. 3) Fe-12Cr-Mo-1W-0, 8Ni-0, 25V BAR, FORGINGS 1900 TO 1925 F, 1 TO 2 HR + TEMPER, 2 HR 80 0 40 80 40 40 600 0 Fe-12Cr-Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0.25V 1900 F. 1 HR, OÇ + TEMPER 2 HR BAR 800 1200 TEMPERING TEMP - F RC IE CHARPY V 200 e 1000 RA OQ+800 F (3) OQ + 1200 F O OQ + 800 F (4) ▲ OQ + 1200 F FORGINGS OQ +1200 F. 2x2 HR, (5) [L 400 F TY FTU 1400 600 TEMP F FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 240 200 160 120 80 40 1200 FTU - KSI FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AND FORGINGS (3, p. 4)(4)(5, p.32) FTY - KSI PERCENT 160 120 80 40 KSI 0 160 120 80 40 0 0.188 IN O 0.062 IN) 1/2 HR OA 1000,HR 200 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0. 8Ni--0.25V 0.062 IN SHEET 1900 F, 15 MIN, OQ +1000 F. 2 HR EXPOSURE 1/2 TO 1000 HR 0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 0.002 FTU SHEET F TY EXPOSURE FIG. 3.0312 TENSILE STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (6, p.197) e (2 IN) 400 0.004 STRAIN 1000 HR 600 TEMP F - Fe-12Cr-1Mo-IW-0. 8Ni-0.25V SHEET 1900 F, 15 MIN, OQ + 1000 F, 2 HR RT 400 F 1000 F 1/2 TO 100 HR 600 F 800 F 0.006 IN PER IN 800 0.008 200 160 120 80 1000 KSI - TU F FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (6, p. 208, 212-213) PAGE 4 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT KSI 280 KSI 240 200 160 120 0 160 80 40 120 80 40 160 0 120 80 ● 30 MIN O 400 HR ▲ VENDOR 30 MIN 0 EXPOSURE 200 VIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERA - TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (9, p. 158-159) 0 EXPOSURE 1/2 TO 1000 HR 0.002 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0.8Ni-0.25V 0.020 IN SHEET 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC + 900 F., 4 HR 400 O 1000 HR 200 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0.25V 0.062 IN SHEET 1900 F, 15 MIN, OQ +1000 F, 2 HR FTY 1/2 TO 100 HR FTU F 600 TEMP F 0.004 STRAIN TY e - 1/2 TO 1000 HR 1000 HR 400 - FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (6, p.200) RT 0.006 IN PER IN F CY EXPOSURE 800 600 F 400 F 600 F 800 F 1000 F COMPRESSION FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0.25V 0.062 IN SHEET 1900 F, 15 MIN, OQ + 1000 F, 2 HR 1000 0.008 0.010 800 1000 TEMP FIG 3.0322 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON COMPRESSIVE AND TENSILE YIELD STRENGTHS OF SHEET (6, p. 190) FBRY - KSI 240 200 160 120 0 ▲ e/D = 2.0 e/D = 1.5 1/2 HR CA 1000 HR 200 KSI 120 100 80 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0.25V 0.062 IN SHEET 1900 F, 15 MIN, OQ + 1000 F, 2 HR 0 F F BRU 1/2 TO 100 HR 1000 HR 200 BRY EXPOSURE 400 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF SHEET (6, p. 218-219) FSU EXPOSURE 400 800 TEMP 1000 600 F 320 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0.25V 0.188 IN SHEET 1900 F, 15 MIN, OQ +1000 F, 2 HR 280 800 240 200 160 BRU - KSI 1000 FIG. 3.0324 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF SHEET (6, p. 217) Fe Cr Mo 12 1 1 W 0.8 Ni 0.25 V TYPE 422 CODE 1403 PAGE 5 FeM Fe Cr 12 I Mo | W 0.8 Ni 0.25 V CODE - TYPE 422 20 FT KSI 60 40 86 20 60 10 40 100 80 1403 0 40 20 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0.8Ni-0.25V BAR, AUST 1900 F, 1 HR, OQ + TEMPER O Δ EXPOSURE, TIME - HR n 23 100 300 Δ 500 ♡ 700 1000 ם -200 0.1 1200 F, 2 HR (RC 34) FIG. 3.0331 EFFECT OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEM- PERATURE ON IMPACT PROPERTIES OF (11, p. 5) IE CHARPY V -100 BAR 1400 F, 2 HR (RC 26) TEMP - F RUPTURE 1.0% TOTAL 0.5% STRAIN 100 10 200 Fe-12Cr-lMo-1W-0. 8Ni-0. 25V FORGINGS 1900 F, OQ + 1200 F, 2 x 2 HR 1200 F FERROUS ALLOYS TIME - HR 100 1000 F 1100 F 1000 FIG. 3.041 TOTAL STRAIN AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR FORGINGS AT 1000 TO 1200 F (5, p.62) 100 KSI KSI 80 60 40 20 10 400 200 100 80 60 1000 TIME - HR FIG. 3.042 CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1000 TO 1200 F (3)(4)(8, p. 40) 40 20 10 1 RUPTURE (3) (4) (8) 1% CREEP (8) 10 100 TEMPER + 800 F, 2 HR + 900 F, 1 HR + 1000 F, 1 HR ▼ + 1200 F, 1 HR REVISED: MARCH 1963 RUPTURE 10 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0.8Ni-0 25VI BAR 1900 F, OQ + 1200 F, 2 HR 1000 F 900 F 1100 F 100 TIME - HR 1200 F Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0. 25V 0.025 IN SHEET 1900 F, 15 MIN, AC + TEMPER 10, 000 800 F 1000 F 1200 F 1000 10,000 FIG. 3.043 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SHEET AT 800 TO 1200 F (3) PAGE 6 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 100 KSI 80 60 40 20 10 8 100 80 60 40 120 80 0.424 40 0 году RUPTURE 0 0.1 1900 F, 1 HR, OQ 160 +850 F, 2 HR 47 RC Lo r<0.001 10. 300 SHORT TIME TENSILE 0.004 1 10 HR 100 HR 800 F FIG. 3.044 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR AT 1000 TO 1200 F (2, p. 665) 500 HR TIME 0.008 0 O SMOOTH Fe-12Cr-1Mo-lW-0. 8Ni-0.′25V 1 IN BAR 1900 F, 1/2 HR, OQ +1200 F, 2 HR 33 RC 1200 F NOTCHED, K~11 A 10 HR FERROUS ALLOYS 100 1100 F 1000 F SHORT TIME TENSILE 1000 F 10 HR 100 HR 500 HR 0.008 IN PER IN O- 1000 1900 F, 1 HR, OQ Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0.8Ni-0.25V +1000 F, 2 HR 47 RC 0 0.004 STRAIN FIG. 3.045 ISOCHRONOUS STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT 800 TO 1200 F FOR VARIOUS TEMPERS (3) 1200 F 1900 F, 1 HR, OQ + 1200 F, 2 HR, 32 RC SHORT TIME TENSILE 10 HR 0.004 KSI - ALTERNATING STRESS 100 HR 60 500 HR 0.008 40 20 0 DIRECT LOAD 0 1100 F 20 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0.8Ni-0.25V 1 IN BAR 1900 F, 1 HR, OQ +1300 F, 4 HR 900 F RUPTURE 100 HR 10 HR 1 HR Ge = 2.16x105 CYCLES FIG. 3.051 STRESS RANGE DIAGRAM FOR BAR AT 900 AND 1100 F (7, p. 54-55) 1 HR = 40 60 MEAN STRESS KSI 80 100 Fe 12 Cr 1 Mo 1 W 0.8 Ni 0.25 V TYPE 422 CODE 1403 PAGE 7 FeM Fe 12 Cr I Mo 1 W 0.8 Ni 0.25 V TYPE 422 CODE 1000 KSI 1000 KSI KSI 12 1403 32 10 8 28 20 24 160 120 80 0 0 40 0 O (11) (3)(8) (6) FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (3)(6, p. 208-21C)(8, p. 39)(11) 1/2 TO 1000 HR 1000 F 200 0 E E STATIC C 200 400 400 1/2 TO 100 HR G FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATE D TEMPERATURES (6) TEMP F RT 400 F Te-12Cr-1Mo-IW-ʊ. 8NI-6, 25V 600 - 600 TEMP 600 F 1000 HR EXPOSURE Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0. 8Ni-0 25V - SHEET 1900 F, 15 MIN, OQ +1000 F, 2 HR Fe-12Cr-1Mo-1W-0.8Ni-0.25V F 800 F 800 COMPRESSION 8 16 24 TANGENT MODULUS 1000 KSI FIG. 3.054 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES (6, p. 206) FERROUS ALLOYS 800 P 1000 32 1200 1000 1200 1 pand 2 در 3 4 10 5 6 7 در 9 10 11 REVISED: MARCH 1963 REFERENCES AMS 5655, (Jan. 15, 1959) Brown, W. F., Jr., Jones, M. H. and Newman, D. P., "Influence of Sharp Notches on the Stress-Rupture Char- acteristics of Heat-Resisting Alloys: Part II", ASTM Proc., Vol. 53, p. 665, (1953) Crucible Steel Co. of America, "Curcible 422 Stainless Steel", Data Sheet, Rev. No. 3, (Aug. 1958) Universal Steel Corp., "High Temperature Metals", Properties and Processing Data, p. 19, (1958) Zonder, A., Rush, I. A. and Freeman, J. W., "High Temperature Properties of Four Low-Alloy Steels for Jet- Engine Turbine Wheels", WADC TR 53-277, Part 1, p.62, (Nov. 1953) Kattus, J. R., Preston, J. B. and Lessley, H. L., South- ern Research Institute, Wright Air Development Center, WADC TR 58-365, ASTIA Doc. No. 206075, (Nov. 1958) Vitovec, F. H. and Lazan, B. J., "Fatigue, Creep and Rupture Properties of Heat Resistant Materials", WADC TR 56-181, (Aug. 1955) The Carpenter Steel Co., "Carpenter High Temperature Alloys", (Jan. 1962) Chance Vought Corp., "Mechanical Properties of Some Engineering Materials - Unpublished Data from Company Sponsored Programs", Fourth Quarterly Rep., Vol. I, Phase I, (Dec. 1, 1961 to Feb. 28, 1962) Brothers, A. J. and Yukawa, S., "The Effect of Warm Prestressing on Notch Fracture Strength", ASME, J. of Basic Engineering, Paper No. 62-Met-1, (May 14, 1962) Crucible Steel Co. of America, "Crucible 422 Stainless Steel", Data Sheet, Rev. No. 4, (June 1959) PAGE 8 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 AMS Form 5628 B Bar, forgings and forging stock 5353 Investment castings 5372 Sand castings 1.65 1.051 Source 1.052 Carbon Chromium Copper Manganese Molybdenum 1.053 1.054 GENERAL This alloy is a modification of type 410 with increased chromium and carbon content and an addition of about Nickel Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Nitrogen Carbon +Nitrogen Iron 1.0541 2 percent nickel. It is on the borderline of a heat treat- able stainless and, due to the rather broad composition lim- its,may require special considerations regarding heat treat- ment, (see 1.09). It is normally used at temperatures up to 900 F where moderate strength is required and provides corrosion resistance superior to other hardenable chro- mium stainless grades. Its main applications are in air- craft fittings, marine fittings, pump shafts and valve parts, (1, p. 3, 4) (8) (11, p.1) (17). Commercial Designation 1.0542 Alternate Designations: Type 431; SAE 51431 (wrought); SAE 60442 (cast); ACI CB 30 (cast); ASTM A296-49T, 55, 60T (cast). Specifications. Table 1.03. 1.055 Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1.03 Percent Min 0.12 15.5 0.30 1.50 0.20 Max 0.17 17.0 0.80 2.50 0.60 0.040 0.030 Balance Min 0.08 AMS (2) Percent 15.0 1.50 - 0.03 FERROUS ALLOYS Military MIL-S-18732 Max 0.15 17.0 1.00 - Balance 2.20 1.00 0.040 0.040 0.12 0.22 C Percent Min 0.12 14.5 1.50 TABLE 1.04 Heat Treatment Anneal. Full anneal is impractical because of the long cooling time required. Semi-anneal for bars and forgings, 1500 to 1600 F, 30 min, air cool. Reheat to 1250 F, 4 hr minimum, air cool, (7). Semi-anneal for castings, 1450 F, minimum furnace cool to 1000 F, air cool, (9, p. 1). Balance Normalize for castings. AMS 5372 (sand cast) specifies 1800 to 1850 F, 1 hr per inch of section, 30 min minimum, air cool. AMS 5353 (investment) specifies 1850 to 1900 F, 1 hr per inch of section, 30 min minimum, air cool and -90 F, 1 hr minimum, (2). Stress relief. 1200 F, air cool, (3, p. 40). Austenitize. 1800 to 1950 F, 15 to 30 min, oil quench or air cool depending on size. Depending on composition it may be necessary to follow quenching by slowly cooling to -90 F and holding 2 hr, so as to minimize retained austenite, (7, p.53) (11, p.1). Preheat. For large parts or those already hardened pre- heat before austenitizing. Heat slowly from 1000 to 1450 Ę soak at 1450 F, 1 hr and raise to austenitizing temperature, (7, p.54). Effect of austenitizing temperature on the room tempera- ture tensile properties of as-quenched bar, Fig. 1.0542. Temper. To avoid embrittlement do not temper in range 1.06 1.061 1.062 < 1.07 1.071 1.08 1.09 Max 0.20 17.0 0.50 1.00 0.50 2.50 1.00 0.040 0.040 1.091 2. 2.01 2.011 between 700 and 1100 F. Double temper. 1175 F, 1 hr per inch, 2 hr minimum (252 to 295 BHN), (7, p.53). Sand castings, 1100 F, 2 hr minimum, air cool following nor- malizing (AMS 5372). Investment castings, 1100 F, 2 to 4 hr, following normalizing (AMS 5353), (2). Hardenability The steel is air hardening in thin sections. Oil quenching is required in large sections. Castings. AMS 5353 specifies 38 to 49 RC, (2). Bars and forgings. AMS 5628 B specifies 40 RC minimum in 1 inch sections after 1790 to 1810 F, 25 minutes minimum, oil quench, (2). Maximum attainable hardness varies with composition limits from 375 to 444 BHN, (11, p. 2). Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of investment castings, Fig. 1.062. Forms and Conditions Available The alloy is available in bars, rods, plates, forgings and castings, (13). Melting and Casting Practice Electric furnace air melt (primarily), induction vacuum melt and consumable electrode vacuum melt, (12, p. 5). Special Considerations The composition of this steel is such that difficulties are sometimes encountered in obtaining the expected mechani- cal properties. The high chromium content tends to keep the structure ferritic during austenitizing. This tendency AISI (12, p. 46) Percent Min 15.0 1.25 Max 0.20 17.0 - 1.00 2.50 1.00 0.040 0.030 Balance Alloy Casting Inst. Haynes (10, p.19) (9) Percent Percent Min 18.0 f 1 I │ Max 0.30 22.0 < 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.040 Balance Min 0.06 15.0 1.50 Balance PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Max 0.12 17.0 Thermal Properties Melting range. 2600 to 2700 F, (4, p. 18). G 1.00 1 2.25 1.00 0.040 0.030 is overcome by the addition of nickel which tends to pro- mote austenite formation. However, the composition limits are rather broad and significant variations in re- sponse to heat treatment and mechanical properties can be expected within the normal ranges of chemistry. If the chromium is high and the nickel low the quenched steel may contain ferrite and not develop full strength. If the chromium is low and the nickel high, retained austenite may be a problem and sub-cooling after quenching will be required. In such cases it is not recommended to water quench, rather than refrigerate, as cracking may be en- countered. Carbon contents on the high side tend to in- crease tensile strength but lower the corrosion resistance. Castings are available in more than one range of carbon contents. Stress relief or tempering in the range between 700 to 1100 F is not recommended since embrittlement in this range may be encountered, (17). Hydrogen embrittlement may be a problem with this steel at high hardness and strength levels. Susceptibility of 0.06 inch diameter wire to embrittlement as a function of pickling time in 7 percent HCl, Fig. 1.091. 0.2 16 2 431 CODE Fe C Cr Ni 1404 PAGE I FeM Fe ㅇ ​0.2 C 16 2 Cr Ni 431 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form Condition LI F tu' BHN Thickness - in 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form Condition F e (4D) min-percent Hardness, RC 3.022 Phase changes, (15). A = 1500 F cl A = 1380 F c3 3.023 3.024 Arl 80 F A+3 500 F. r3 Thermal conductivity. 11.7 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F) at 200 F, (11, p.3). 3.025 CODE 1404 - Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 32 to 212 F, 0.11 Btu per (lb F), (4, p.18). MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Other Physical Properties Density. 0.28 lb per cu in. 7.74 gr per cu cm, (4, p.18). Electrical resistivity. 28.35 microhm-in at room temper- ature, (11, p. 3). Magnetic properties. The alloy is ferromagnetic, (4, p.18). Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of type 431 is superior to other hardenable chromium stainless steels, but generally inferior to the 18-8 types. However, for certain applications involving steam, food products and salt spray the alloy compares very favorably with type 18-8 stainless steel, (11, p.2). Oxidation resistance. Scales at about 1600 F, (8, p.3). min - ksi min - ksi Thickness - in ksi ksi Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. * Test specimen ** Castings and test specimen Ftu Fty e (2 in) - percent RA Hardness percent BHN RC min max min max - Bar HF CF 2.75 C 229 229 277 285 TABLE 3.011 AMS (2) Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni Forg Sand castings ings Bar Ann 229 277 TABLE 3.021 (12, p. 46) 260 270 24 26 Wire Ann Soft HCD temper All 1 0.250 125 130 135 95 110 115 20 15 55 35 10 50 = 255 311 = 29 Prec invest castings Norm + Harden+Norm + Harden + TemperTemper Temper Temper Sand cast 75 50 5 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties for bar, wire, sand cast- ings and precision castings, Table 3.021. (13) Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni 170 180* 140* 8* FERROUS ALLOYS 38* Ann Ann - T I T 24 34 1 | Prec cast Hardened LD HD 120 180 140 90 130 100 15 10 15 20 15 30 I 170* 130* 2* 38** 49** T 1 Cast 109 85 3 1 |(10, p. 20,21) As cast - 26 42 30 46.5 Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.025. - Effect of size on room temperature tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.022. Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature tensile strength of bar, Fig. 3.023. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of investment castings, Fig. 3.024. 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.032 3.04 3.041 3.05 3.06 3.061 .3.062 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.02 4.021 4.03 4.031 4.04 4.05 4.051 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0311. Short time properties other than tension Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep and creep rupture curves at 900 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.041. Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity in tension at room temperature. 29.0 x 103 ksi, (11, p.3). Modulus of rigidity at room temperature. 10.5 x 103 ksi, (4, p. 18). FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. Forming in the semi-annealed condition is re- commended. In this condition forming is similar to 18-8 grades except the work hardening is less and the ductility is lower, (8, p. 2). Forging. Starting temperature 2100 to 2250 F maximum, finishing temperature, 1500 F minimum, (12, p. 2). Slow cooling or stress relief at 1200 F is recommended, (8, p. 2). The alloy should not be overheated in order not to lose toughness and ductility. Machining General. Because of the relatively high hardness of the semi-annealed condition, machinability is poorer than other 400 grades but superior to 18-8 stainless types. Best machinability is obtained for cold drawn stock. Slow feeds, deep cuts and rigid equipment are recommended. Both carbide and high speed tools may be used with sulphurized cutting oils, (13). Welding Welding is only recommended for parts used at elevated temperatures. Welds show grain growth which causes em- brittlement at room temperature. Carbon arc or oxyacety- lene methods should not be used since they cause carbon- pick-up and consequently reduce corrosion resistance and ductility. For metal arc or inert gas arc welding,lime coated type 431 electrodes may be used. In cases where high weld stresses are expected 18-8 electrodes are re- commended. Resistance welding is readily accomplished, (9, p. 2) (11, p. 2). Preheating before fusion welding is necessary, 300 to 400 F for wrought products and 600 to 800 F for castings. Stress relief after welding at 1200 F minimum is essen- tial. For improved weld ductility a semi-anneal may be employed, (9, p. 2) (13, p. 2). Heating and Heat Treating. See 1.05. Surface Treating For scale removal pickle in a bath of 20 percent by weight hydrochloric acid at 120 to 140 F or in hot solution of C 10 percent sulphuric acid and 6 to 12 percent rock salt by weight. Rinsing in a warm solution of 15 to 30 percent ni- tric acid by weight and wash in water, (13, p. 2). See 1.091. PAGE 2 FeM REVISED MARCH 1963 240 KSI 200 C SCALE - PERCENT 160 ROCKWELL HARDNESS 120 80 40 0 1500 60 40 BEND ANGLE 1700 1600 AUSTENITIZING TEMP FIG. 1.0542 EFFECT OF AUSTENITIZING TEMP- 20 0 300 200 100 FTU 0 0 Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni 1 IN BAR FTY ΤΥ RA e INVEST CAST HARDEN 1825 F, 1 HR, RAC 400 800 1200 TEMPERING TEMP F FIG. 1.062 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON HARDNESS OF INVEST- MENT CASTINGS (10, p. 21) 1800 F O ANN AHARDEN AHARDEN + CW 20 - ERATURE ON THE ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AS-QUENCHED BAR Fe-(0. 2C)-16Cr-2Ni 1900 Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni 40 60 PICKLING TIME - MIN (AT 150 F) FIG. 1.091 SUSCEPTIBILITY OF 0.05 IN DIAMETER WIRE TO EMBRIT- TLEMENT AS A FUNCTION OF PICKLING TIME IN 7% HCI (14, p.429) (15) 1600 FERROUS ALLOYS 10 10º IN PER IN PER F ∞ 4 0 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FIG. 2.014 KSI PERCENT 280 240 200 160 120 20 10 400 0 2.5 800 FIG. 3.022 TEMP F THERMAL EXPANSION F Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni FROM RT TO TEMP | INDICATED TU - 1200 Fe-(0. 2C)-16Cr-2Ni 10.505 IN DIA BAR 1850 F, 30 MIN, OQI + TEMPER 450 F, 1 HR, ac FTY 1600 e (2 IN) 2000 (4, p.18) AS TEMPERED 1/2 HR EXPOSURE 700 F 400 HR, EXPOSURE 700 F 3.0 3.5 4.0 BAR DIAMETER - IN EFFECT OF SIZE ON ROOM TEMPER- ATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (16) - 4.5 2 431 0.2 C 16 CODE Fe Cr Ni 1404 PAGE 3 FeM Fe 0.2 с 16 2 Cr ž Ni 431 KSI · 120 In Ind F 200 TY 160 PERCENT 80 CODE 1404 40 80 40 0 0 O (12)) Δ (14) FTY (15), 1800 F, OQ 1900 F, OQ 400 Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni 800 RA [I F TU e (2 IN) 1 IN BAR240 1200 F - 200 160 120 80 TEMPERING TEMP FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TEN- SILE STRENGTH OF BAR (12, p.19) (14, p.414) (15) 1600 - FERROUS ALLOYS KSI - TU F KSI - TY F PERCENT 200 160 120 80 40 20 20 0 FT - LB 0 FIG. 3.024 LE 100 1825 F, 1 HR, RAC+TEMPER (0.12-0.20C) (0.06-0.12C) 80 60 40 20 0 0 REVISED MARCH 1963 FIG. 3.025 FTY 400 e (1 IN) Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni INVEST CAST IE IZOD V RA Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni 1800 F, OQ + TEMPER 400 800 800 FTU 1200 . TEMPERING TEMP EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF INVESTMENT CASTINGS (10, p. 19, 21) F 200 1200 F 160 120 80 1600 1600 KSI - TU F TEMPERING TEMP EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (15) PAGE 4 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI TY F PERCENT 200 KSI 160 120 80 40 0 80 40 0 FIG. 3.0311 40 20 10 8 Fe-(0. 2C)-16Cr-2Ni 5/8 IN SQ BAR 1800 F, 30 MIN, OQ 1225 F, 4 HR. OQ 6 0 4 60 Fe-(0.2C)-16Cr-2Ni OQ + TEMPER 1200 F 3 100 FIG. 3.041 400 NORMAL NITROGEN HIGH NITROGEN (0.063%) FTU 900 F FTY 1100 F 1200 F 800 TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (13) १ NORM O 1000 O NITROGEN 1200 RA e (2 IN) HIGH (0.063%) 10,000 TIME HR Δ RUPTURE 1% CREEP 200 160 120 80 40 0 1600 100,000 CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 900 TO 1200 F (13) KSI TU F FERROUS ALLOYS 1 23 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 REFERENCES Dieter, G. E., "Effect of Microstructure and Heat Treat- ment on the Mechanical Properties of AISI Type 431 Stain- less Steel", ASM Trans. Vol. 50, Preprint No. 18, (Nov. 10, 1957) AMS 5628 B, (1953); AMS 5353, (1957); AMS 5372, (1955) Mishler, H. W., Monroe, R. E. and Rieppel, P. J., "Welding of High-Strength Steels for Aircraft and Missile Applications", DMIC Rep. 118, (Oct. 12, 1959) 'Some Physical Properties of Martensitic Stainless Steels", DMIC Memo 68, (Sept. 28, 1960) Fiorentino, R. J., Roach, D. B. and Hall, A. M., "Heat Treatment of High-Strength Steels for Airframe Applica- tions", DMIC Rep. 119, (Nov. 27, 1959) Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp., "J & L Type 431, Stain- less Steel", Data Sheet DS-458-8,(July 1958) Alloy Casting Institute, Corrosion Resistance Type CB-30', Data Sheet 4-54-75CI, (June 1954) Haynes Stellite Co., "Haynes Investment-Cast Steels", (April 1958) Crucible Steel Co., "Crucible 431 Stainless Steel", Data Sheet DS 163-5M-11/60, Issue # 4 and "Rezistal 431 Stain- less Steel", Data Sheet DS 163-10M-2/57, Issue Date Aug. 1947, Revision # 3, (Sept, 1954) "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", Steel Products Manual, AISI (June 1957) Alloy Digest, "AISI Type 431", Filing Code SS-88, (May, 1959) ASM Metals Handbook, Vol. 1, 8th Edition, "Properties and Selection of Metals", (1961) Allegheny Ludlum, "Blue Sheet for Allegheny Metal 12-2, 16-1, Stainless Steel" Republic Aviation, "Compilation of Unpublished Materials Information", First Quarterly Rep. No. RAC 767-251(357), (July 14, 1961) Brown, W. F., Jr., Personal Communication, (Oct. 2, 1961) CODE Fe 0.2 C 16 2 431 o Cr Ni 1404 PAGE 5 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1. 03 AMS 15352A 5630C 5631 [5632B 1.04 Type 440 C 440 C 440 A 440 F Free machining Source Type Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Copper Iron 1. 05 1.051 1. 0511 1. 0512 1.052 1.053 GENERAL These 17 percent chromium martensitic stainless steels are produced with various carbon contents. Type 440 A contains about 0.70 percent carbon, Type 440 B about 0.85 percent carbon and Type 440 C about 1.1 percent carbon. Types 440 F are free machining varieties of Type 440 C which contain either sulfur or selenium. All these steel types are used in the hardened condition where a combination of high wear and corrosion resistance is re- quired. Their hardness and wear resistance increase with increasing carbon content, while their shock resistance and ductility decrease. They are available in form of bar and wire forgings and Type 440 C also as precision investment castings. Commercial Designation. Type 440 A, B, and F. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. Table 1. 03. 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.06 Composition. Table 1.04. J 1 TABLE 1.03 1 Form Castings, prec. invest. Bar, forgings, forging stock Bar, forgings, forging stock Bar, forgings, forging stock' 1 TABLE 1. 04 AISI (5, p. 47) 440 B Percent AMS (3) 440 A Percent Min Max Min Max Min Max 0.60 0.75 0.75 0.95 0.95 |1, 20 -1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.030 0.030 0.05 0.15 0.030 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 16.00 18.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.35(a) 0.75(a) 0.40 0.60 0.50 Balance 1 G > Balance FERROUS ALLOYS AMS (1)(2) 440 C Percent Military QQ-S-763| QQ-S-763 QQ-S-763 Balance (a) AMS 5630 gives 0. 40 to 0.60 (b) Alternate composition, Sulfur 0,030 max and Selenium 0.10 to 0.20 Balance AMS (4) (b) 440 F Percent Min Max 0.951.20 1.25 1.00 - Heat Treatment (5, p. 47). Full anneal Bar, wire and forgings. 1550 to 1650 F, furnace cool. Precision investment castings. 1625 to 1675 F, 1 hr, minimum, furnace cool at 25 F per hr maximum to 1200 F maximum. Subcritical anneal. 1250 to 1450 F. Spheroidizing anneal for best machinability of precision investment castings. 1875 F, 1 hr, air cool +1350 F, 32 hr Stress relief after forging Type 440 C. 1200 F. Austenitize. 1850 to 1950 F, rapid air cool or oil quench. Heavy sections of Type 440 A should be preheated at 1200 F. Types 440 B and 440 C should be preheated' at 1450 to 1500 F. Temper. 300 to 800 F, preferably 400 to 500 F. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness, Fig. 1.056. Hardenability. These steels are air hardening. AMS require that material up to 0. 375 in thickness, and 0.375 in specimens from thicker material, austenitized at 1865 to 1885 F, 25 min, air cooled, have a minimum hardness as follows: AMS 5352, 5630 and 5632, 58 RC. AMS 5631, 55 RC. 1.061 1.062 1. 07 1.07 1 1.072 1.073 1.08 1.09 1.091 1.092 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy 3.02 3.021 Effect of drawing temperature on hardness of round, Fig. 1.061. Effect of elevated temperature on room temperature hard ness, Fig. 1.062. Forms and Conditions Available 3.03 3.031 Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts and remelts are also available, as well as vacuum degassed material. Special Considerations Cracking may occur on heating, cooling, pickling or after welding. Steels are particularly subject to decarburization because of high carbon content. The various types are available in the full commercial range of sizes for bar, wire and forgings. Bar and wire are available in the annealed or cold drawn condition and forgings in the annealed or heat treated condition. TYPE 440A, Precision investment castings are supplied in the as cast, B AND C heat treated or spheroidize annealed condition. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties, (5, p. 47). Melting range. Types 440 A and B, 2500 to 2750 F. Type 440 C, 2500 to 2700 F. Phase changes. Alloy transforms from austenite to ferrite. Thermal conductivity at 212 F. 14. 0 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F). Thermal expansion from 32 to 212 F. 5. 6x10-6 in per in per F, (7, p.90). Specific heat. 0.11 Btu per lb F, (7, p.90). Other Physical Properties, (5, p. 47)(7, p. 90). Density. 0.28 lb per cu in. 7.75 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity. 23. 6 microhm-in. Magnetic properties. Ferromagnetic. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance of these steels is similar to that of Type 410. It is best in the fully hardened condition with a polished surface. Oxidation resistance is good up to 1400 F for continuous service and up to 1500 F for intermittent service. Nuclear Properties. See Type 410. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Form Condition Hardness BHN, max RC, max Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties. Table 3.011. See also 1.06. AMS (3) Type 440 A 241 GWE TABLE 3.011 AMS (2) Type 440 C Bar Machinable 255 AMS (4) Type 440 F 286 AMS (1) Type 440 C Prec. Invest. Castings Ann 30 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Typical mechanical properties of bar and wire, Table 3.021. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Fe High C 17 Cr 0.5 Mo CODE 1405 PAGE 1 FeM Fe High C 17 Cr Source Alloy Form Condition 0.5 Mo Thickness-in CODE Ftu TYPE 440A, Fty B AND C e (2 in) -percent IRA Hardness -percent BHN RC RB * 1900 F, OQ + 600 F 3.032 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.061 4. 4.01 4. 011 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.041 4.05 4.051 4.0511 4.0512 4.0513 4.052 -ksi -ksi 4.053 Ann All 105 60 20 45 1405 215 95 Bar Ann + CD FABRICATION 115 90 12 20 240 99 Type 440 A 1 Temp* Ann 260 105 240 60 5 18 20 510 51 555 3.0311 Effect of elevated temperature on tensile properties of alloy, Fig. 3.0311. Short time properties other than tension Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity. 29, 000 ksi, (5, p. 47). 1 Wire 95 FERROUS ALLOYS Soft Temper Ann All 115 107 85 62 10 18 35 35 0.250 1 TABLE 3.021 (5, p. 19, 47-49)(7, p. 86, 88, 90) * Type 440 B a 99 220 96 Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 2100 F maximum for Type 440 A and B, and 2050 F maximum for Type 440 C, finishing temperature 1700 F minimum. Heating time is about twice that for carbon steels. Preheating at 1400 to 1500 F is recommended. Furnace cool after forging to 1200 F or cool under insulating cover. Alternatively, stress relieve Type 440 C by placing, after forging, in furnace held at 1200 F. Machining. These alloys are difficult to machine. Machining is generally performed in the fully annealed condition for bar and forgings, and in the sphereodized condition for castings. Their machinability rating is about 40 percent of that of mild steel. Welding. For fusion welding these alloys, electrodes of similar compostion can be used. If a softer weld can be tolerated, austenitic stainless steel electrodes, Types 309 or 310, can be used. Preheat at 450 F and postheat at 1300 F, air cool. Heating and Heat Treating. See Type 410 also. Neutral atmospheres or salt baths should be used for heating and heat treating this steel because of high carbon. content and correspondingly a high tendency of decarburi - zation. Surface Treating. Pickling is performed as follows. 8 to 12 percent H2S04 at 150 to 170 F. 6 to 10 percent HCl + 10 percent H2S04 at 130 to 140 F. 10 percent HNO3 +2 percent HF at 120 to 130 F. The material should be annealed or stress relieved to prevent cracking on pickling (Timken, 1959). Cleaning by sand blasting or mechanical scale braking of heavy scale is recommended prior to pickling to avoid localized overpickling. Bar Ann + CD 120 95 9 20 250 23 - ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 1 280 107 270 62 3 16 15 40 60 50 40 30 Soft Temp* Ann Temper Ann 0,250 All 115 110 90 65 8 14 25 25 555 55 0 } Wire 96 TYPE 440 A TYPE 440 B TYPE 440 C 200 99 230 97 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Type 440 C Bar Ann + CD Temp* 125 100 7 20 1 285 275 2 10 260 580 24 57 t 400 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP - F Wire Soft Ann Temper 0,250 110 125 65 100 13 6 30 20 97 Fe-(High C)-17 Cr-0. 5Mo 24 1000 1200 FIG. 1. 056 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON HARDNESS (6) PAGE 2 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 62 ROCKWELL HARDNESS C SCALE 58 54 преди 50 44 ปี 80 60 40 A B A C 30 ! 20 I 1000 440 FIG. 1.061 FFFECT OF DRAWING TEMPERATURE ON HARDNESS OF ROUND 430 600 DRAWING TEMP Fe-(High C)-17Cr-3.5Mc 1 IN ROUND 1900 F, OQ + DRAWN, 1 HR 1050 Ch F 1100 TEMP - F 800 1150 FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 Fe-High C-17Cr-3.5Mo HARDENED 1900 F, + DRAWN 50 F, 1 HR ABOVE TEST TEMP (7, p. 86-91) 1200 FIG. 1.062 EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE HARDNESS (7, p.90) 123 +5 4 6 7 KSI PERCENT 120 80 40 0 40 900 1000 [I F Fe-(High C)-17Cr-0.5Mo HARDENED 1900 F, + DRAWN 50 F, 1 HR ABOVE TEST TEMP TY 1100 TEMP REFERENCES FTÜ e(2 IN) - RA F 1200 1300 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ALLOY (7, p.90) Q AMS 5352 A, (Dec. 1, 1953) AMS 5630 C, (Dec. 1, 1953) AMS 5631, (Nov. 1, 1952) AMS 5632 B, (July 1, 1957) American Iron and Steel Institute, "Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels", Steel Products Manual, (June, 1957) Universal-Cyclops Steel Corp., "Stainless Steels, Tool Steels, Specialty Steels", Data Sheet 2M-7'51, (Dec. 1951) The Carpenter Steel Co., "Carpenter Stainless and Heat Resisting Steels - Selection, Description, Fabrication", Working Data, (1962) Fe High C 17 Cr 0.5 Mo TYPE 440A, B AND C CODE 1405 PAGE 3 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.06 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 Molybdenum Vanadium Iron 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 GENERAL This martensitic steel is a development of the 12 percent chromium stainless steels, Types 410 and 420. It has the corrosion resistance of these steels, combined with a strength of about 240 ksi up to 600 F and it retains a high strength up to 900 F. It is available primarily in the form of sheet and plate. Its fabrication is similar to that of Type 420. Commercial Designation. USS-12MoV. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1. 04. Source Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel TABLE 1. 04 Min 0.20 1 11.5 U. S. Steel (1) Percent 0.50 0.90 0.25 Balance Max 0.27 1.00 1.00 0.035 0.030 13.0 1. 00 1.10 0.35 Heat Treatment. Similar to Types 410 and 420, except for the following, (2, p. 3, 8). Austenitize. 1825 to 1875 F, 15 min, air cool. 2.013 2.014 Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. 2.015 Specific heat. FERROUS ALLOYS Temper. 700 to 900 F, 4 hr. In this range of tempering temperatures, approximately the same strength at room temperature, Ftu = 240 ksi, is obtained. For service at temperatures above 800 F tempering at 900 F or higher is recommended. Effect of tempering temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 1. 052. Hardenability. Alloy is air hardening, (2, p. 3). Forms and Conditions Available, (2, p. 3). Sheet and plate are available in the full range of sizes for stainless steels. Strip, bar, wire and extrusions can be supplied on special order. The various forms are available in the annealed condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts are also available, as well as vacuum degassed material. Special Considerations. See Types 410 and 420. This material is susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking when stressed and simultaneously exposed to some corro- sive environment, (6, p. 1). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. Phase changes. Transformation temperatures from austenite to ferrite, Acl = 1525 F and Ac3 = 1640 F. Thermal conductivity. Other Physical Properties, (2, p. 7)(3, p. A-22). Density. 0.279 lb per cu in, 7.75 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Table 2.022. Magnetic properties. Ferromagnetic. Magnetic permeability, Table 2.023. Chemical Properties Source Tempering Temp - F 3. Source Magnetic Permeability 2.031 2.032 At 100 oersteds Maximum 2.04 3.01 3.02 3.021 Source Form Condition Tempering Temp F 700 800 900 3.0312 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 700 800 900 3.033 3.0331 3.04 3.041 3.05 3.051 TABLE 2.022 Corrosion resistance Oxidation resistance TABLE 2.023 Nuclear Properties RT 600 600 700 700* RT 700 700 800 800 RT 800 800 900 900 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 1500 hr Exposure at Temp Load ksi F 0 0 700 85 85 Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See also 3.03. Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures with load on tensile properties of sheet tempered at various temperatures, Table 3. 021. 83 0 79 (2, p.7)(3, p. A-22) 0 0 84 (2, p.7)(3, p. A −22) Resistivity Microhm - in TABLE 3.021 0 84 (2, p. 13, 14) 0.050 in Sheet 1850 F, AC + Temper, 4 hr 0 0 84 0 84 Tempering Temp F 24.4 24.0 23.7 800 75 92 Ftu ksi Room Temperature Properties after Exposure Ety 251.4 251.6 256.0 259. 1 258.2 252.8 255.0 263.5 236.4 213.5 - 252.7 191.2 191.5 193.6 185.5 ksi 197.6 204.7 209.2 214.0 221. 1 900 93 100 204.0 205.2 215.8 169.9 174. 1 * 500 hr exposure 3.03 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties 3. 031 3.0311 Stress strain curves for sheet at various tempering and test temperatures, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of heat treated sheet, Fig. 3. 0312. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression for sheet at various tempering and test temperatures, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of heat treated sheet, Fig. 3.0322. Static stress concentration effects 205. 1 159.4 161.9 171.2 166.0 e (2 in) percent 9.0 9.5 10.0 9.0 10.5 9.0 9.0 11.5 4.0 6.0 10.5 7.0 7.Q 2.0 2.0 Effect of tempering temperature on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.0331. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for heat treated sheet at 700 to 900 F, Fig. 3.041. Fatigue Properties Fatigue strength of sheet at room temperature and 900 F, Table 3.051. CODE Fe Cr | Mo 12 0.65 Ni 0.3 V USS- 12 MOV 1406 G PAGE I FeM Fe Cr Mo 0.65 Ni 0.3 V 12 1 USS- 12 MOV Source Form Condition Tempering Test Method Temp. Temp F F 700 900 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 4. KSI 280 240 · 200 KSI FTU 160 200 PERCENT 160 TY 120 20 IN PER IN PER F -6 10 CODE 1406 700 RT 900 900 200 8 AT 7 L T L Direct | 0.9 0.052 Smooth Stress 0.9 0.052 K = 1 0.9 0.052 0.3 10.54 TABLE 3. 051 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. (3, p. A-18 to 21) 0.050 in sheet 1850 F, 15 min, AC + Temper, 4 hr Stress Stress Ratio Concen- A R tration Poisson's ratio at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.063. J (4) 5 400 FABRICATION. Similar to Type 420. TESTED AT RT 400 0.100 IN, AC (2) 0.063 IN, OQ *A ATM 600 FTU Fe-12 Cr-1 Mo-0.65 Ni-0.3 V SHEET 1850 F, 15 MIN * +TEMPER, 4 HR FIG. 1.052 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (2, p. 8)(4) FTY e (2 IN) FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 600 800 TEMPERING TEMP-F Fe-12Cr-1Mo-0.65 Ni-0. 3 V 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC +900 F, 4 HR Fatigue Strength-ksi at Cycles 105 | 106 106 107 5x107 150 122 133 153 143 (135) 140 230 116 100 155 (102) 165 165 J 800 FERROUS ALLOYS FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 1000 TEMP - F 1000 1200 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 1200 1400 200 160 120 8 KSI 80 40 0 1600 0 (2, p. 7)(5, p. 35) TEMPER 700 F 0.004 TEST TEMP KSI PERCENT 280 240 200 160 200 160 20 200 F 400 F 600 F FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN TENSION FOR SHEET AT VARIOUS TEMPERING AND TEST TEMPERATURES (2, p. 19-23) 800 F 0 REVISED MARCH 1963 Fe-12Cr-IMo-0. 65Ni-0. 3V 0. 100 IN SHEET 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC +TEMPER, 4 HR 200 F 200 FY 400 F 600 F 400 F 700 F 0.008 0 0.004 0.008 0 STRAIN IN PER IN 200 FTU 900 F TEMPER + 700 F + 800 F + 900 F 0.004 e (2 IN) 600 F 800 F Fe-12 Cr-1 Mo-0.65 Ni-0.3 V 0.100 IN SHEET 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC +TEMPER, 4 HR FTY TENSION 0.008 400 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HEAT TREATED SHEET (2, p. 8, 9)(5, p. 21, 22) 800 1000 PAGE 2 FeM 200 160 REVISED: MARCH 1963 120 80 40 • KSI 0 200 160 120 80 40 0 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-0.65Ni-0. 3V 0.100 IN SHEET 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC + TEMPER, 4 HR RT 0 TEMPER 700 F TEMPER 700 Fl 0.004 0.008 0 300 F 500 F 700 F 800 F RT 300 F 500F 700 F 800 F RT - -300 F 300F 500 R 600F 700 R 800 F 900 F FERROUS ALLOYS 900 F RT -300 F 300 F -500 F 500 F 700 F 800 F T 0.004 L RT 1800F 0.004 0.008 0 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0321 STRESS-STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT VARIOUS TEMPERING AND TEST TEMPERATURES (2, p. 27-32) 1900F ᎡᏆ / 800 F 900 F 0.008 KSI 200 160 240 200 160 240 200 160 0 KSI 240 200 160 120 80 TEMPER 40 700 F 800 F 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF HEAT TREATED SHEET 900 F 400 200 L T Fe-12Cr-IMO-0. 65Ni-0. 3V 0.100 IN SHEET 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC+TEMPER, 4 HR 60 0.700 1.000 C 400 F CY Fe-12Cr-1Mo-0. 65Ni-0. 3V 0.063 IN SHEET 1850 F, 15 MIN, OQ + TEMPER, 4 HR 600 <0.001 NOTCH STRENGTH FTU 800 800 1000 TEMPERING TEMP - F от LT (2, p. 11, 12) 1200 1000 FIG. 3.0331 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET 12. 1 (4) Fe Cr Mo 0.65 Ni 0.3 V USS - 12 MOV CODE 1406 PAGE ไม่ 3 FeM 12 | Fe Cr Mo 0.65 Ni 0.3 V USS- 12 MOV CODE 400 200 KSI 100 80 60 1000 KSI 0.1 FIG. 3.041 32 30 28 26 24 RUPTURE 1406 TEST TEMP 700 F 0 TEMPER 800 F 900 F 1 200 Fe-12Cr-1Mo-0. 65Ni-0. 3V 0. 050 TO 0.100 IN SHEET 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC +TEMPER, 4 HR 10 TIME HR E 100 400 600 TEMP F FERROUS ALLOYS CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR HEAT TREATED SHEET AT 700 TU 900 F (2, p. 15, 16) Fe-12Cr-Mo-0. 65Ni-0. 3V 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC + 900 F, 4 HR - 800 800 F 1900 F 1000 1000 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2, p.7)(5, p. 35) 1 2 3 CA 5 1000 KSI 6 12 11 10 9 0.44 0.40 0.36 0 0.32 200 4 NACA, (1959) REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-12Cr-IMÓ-0. 65N1-0. 3V 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC + 900 F, 4 HR FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2, p. 7) 200 G 400 600 TEMP F Fe-12Cr-1Mo-0.65 Ni-0.3V 1850 F, 15 MIN, AC +900 F, 4 HR 400 TEMP - F 800 REFERENCES POISSON'S RATIO 600 1000 800 FIG. 3.063 POISSON'S RATIO AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2, p.7) 1000 MacLaren. A. W., "Personal Communication", United States Stee! Corporation, (June 3, 1959) United States Steel Corporation. "USS-12MOV- A Stainless Steel for High Speed Aircraft and Missiles", (Sept. 1958) Defense Metals Information Center, Battelle Memorial Institute, "Mechanical and Physical - Property Data on Modified 12 Per Cent Chromium Martensitic Stainless Sheet Steels for Airframe Application", DMIC Memo. 15, (Apr. 18, 1959) Johnson, R. E., "Elevated Temperature Metals for Future High Speed Vehicles", General Dynamics, Convair Div., Rep. No. ERR-FW-046, (March 1962) Bhatt, H. J. and Phelps, E. H., "The Mechanism of Stress- Corrosion Cracking of USS 12MoV Stainless Steel", United States Steel Corp., Applied Research Lab., Tech. Rep. Proj. 44.01-034(1), (Aug. 1960) PAGE 4 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 Source Tin Iron 1.05 1.051 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1.052 1.053 Molybdenum Tungsten Aluminum Copper 1.054 1.055 1.06 1.061 1.07 1.071 Alternate Designations. 418 Special. Specifications. Table 1. 03. AMS 5354 A 1.072 GENERAL This steel is one of the martensitic 12 to 13 percent chromium steels which has been improved for service up to 1000 F and higher by the addition of tungsten and nickel. It is also found to be superior to Type 410, etc., in regard to stress cracking, when heat treated to Ftu 150 to 200 ksi. It is available in all wrought forms and also as precision castings. It is more difficult to form than Type 410 and welding of this steel is not generally recommended. = Commercial Designation. Greek Ascaloy. 5508 5616 C Casting, prec invest. Composition. Table 1. 04. TABLE 1, 03 Form Sheet, strip, plate Bars, forgings, tubing TABLE 1.04 AMS (1) Percent 12.0 1.80 - Min Max Min 0.12 0.15 0.20 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 2.50 3.50 14.0 12.0 2.20 1.80 0.50 A MS(2)(3) Percent 0.50 Balance Max 2.50 0.20 0.50 0.50 0.040 0.030 Military FERROUS ALLOYS Carpenter (7) Percent Max Min 0.15 14.0 2.20 0.50 2.20 0.50 3.50 2.50 3.50 0.15 0.50 0.05 Balance 12.0 1.80 0.20 0.50 0.50 0.030 0.030 14.0 !! Balance Heat Treatment Full anneal. 1425 to 1475 F, furnace cool to 800 F maximum + 1250 F, 12 hr minimum. Hardness should be about 250 BHN. Effect of tempering temperature on hardness of alloy, Fig. 1.061, (7, p. 37) Subcritical anneal. 1290 to 1310 F, air cool. Hardness should be about 270 BHN (AMS 5354). Stress relief after straightening by retempering at same temperature as used before. Austenitize. 1750 to 1900 F, air cool or oil quench depending on section size. Preheat heavy sections at 1200 to 1400 F. AMS 5508 specifies 1790 to 1810 F, 15 to 30 min, air cool and AMS 5616 specifies 1740 to 1760 F, 25 min minimum, oil quench. Temper. 1000 to 1250 F. Double temper is recommended for heavy sections. Hardenability. This steel is air hardening up to a certain thickness. AMS 5508 specifies that sections up to 0.375 in thickness and 0. 375 in specimens from thicker material shall, when austenitized and air cooled, have a hardness of 42 RC minimum. AMS 5616 specifies that sections up to 0.375 in thickness and 0. 375 in specimens from thicker material shall, when austenitized and oil quenched, have a hardness of 45 RC minimum. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for all forms. Alloy is available in the hot worked or annealed condition. 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 3. 2.032 2.04 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy 700 800 900 Form Condition 3.02 Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. All types of vacuum melts, as well as vacuum degassed material are also available. Special Considerations. See Type 410. Tempering Temp - F 3.021 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2600 to 2700, (7). Phase changes. This alloy transforms from austenite to ferrite on cooling. Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.11 Btu per lb F, (7). Hardness, Other Physical Properties Density. 0.286 lb per cu in. 7.86 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Table 2.022. Tempering Temp 700 800 900 Magnetic properties. Alloy is ferromagnetic. Magnetic permeability, Table 2. 023. w 2.03 Chemical Properties 2.031 Corrosion resistance of this steel in the heat treated conditions is similar to that of Type 410. Heating at temperatures between 700 and 1000 F reduces corrosion resistance. K F Ftu, min max min Fty, e 1 in), min-percent e (2 in), min-percent <0.062 in, min 0.062 in, min BHN, max RC, max MECHANICAL PROPERTIES - ksi - ksi ksi - TABLE 2. 022 Oxidation resistance is good for continuous service up to 1450 F and for intermittent service up to 1300 F. Nuclear Properties Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. 145 Electrical Resistivity Microhm in 24.3 23.9 23.7 TABLE 2.023 G Sheet, Strip, Plate Ann 10 12 Magnetic Permeability at 100 oersteds II TABLE 3.011 AMS (2) 200 85 75 93 AMS (3) Greek Ascaloy Bar, Tubing Ann maximum 85 92 100 I 1 311 AMS (1) Castings, Prec. Invest. Subcritical Ann 90 65 3 1 1 # 36 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. Effect of tempering temperature on mechanical properties of bar, forgings and tubing, Fig. 3.021. CODE 13 3 2 Fe Cr W Ni GREEK ASCALOY 1407 PAGE - FeM 13 3 2 Fe Cr W Ni GREEK ASCALOY 3.022 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.05 4. Source Tempering Temp - F Fcy, typ 3.032 Short time properties other than tension 3.033 Static stress concentration effects 4.01 4.011 4.02 4. 012 4.03 4.04 4.05 Effect of tempering temperature on compressive yield strength, Table 3,022. CODE 1407 - Fatigue Properties 3.06 Elastic Properties 3.061 Modulus of elasticity, Table 3.061. ksi Source Temp F RT 1000 1100 TABLE 3,022 700 195 (8) G 800 207 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar, forgings and tubing, Fig. 3.0311. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for alloy at 900 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.041. FABRICATION 900 216 Creep rupture curves for bar at 600 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.042. FERROUS ALLOYS Creep rupture curves for notched bar at 600 to 1200 F, Fig. 3.043. TABLE 3.061 (7) Modulus of Elasticity, E - ksi 29,000 21, 500 17,000 Forming and Casting General. Forming of annealed sheet requires considerably greater forces and more frequent intermediate anneals than those used for Type 410. Forging. Starting temperature 2200 F maximum, finishing temperature 1700 F minimum. Alloy tends to crack below 1700 F. Heavy sections must be preheated at 1200 to 1400 F prior to heating for forging. After forging, parts should be held at 1300 F, 2 to 6 hr, depending on section size. Alternatively, parts can be cooled slowly from forging temperature by imbedding in insulating material. Machining. Machining characteristics are inferior to those of Type 410. Best machinability is obtained in the fully annealed condition. Welding. Alloy can be welded by various methods, but welding is not generally recommended. Heating and Heat Treating. Preheating at 1200 to 1400 F is generally recommended for heavy or complicated sections. Surface Treating. See Type 410. ICH PERCENT LB - FT 240 200 160 i 20 80 40 O 80 40 400 BHN SCALE ww BRINELL HARDNESS IN PER IN PER F 480 9-01 400 320 [I+7 240 $7 6 800 СЛ FIG. 1.061 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERA- TURE ON HARDNESS OF ALLOY *Depending upon section size. (7, p. 37) 0 GO 1190 (4) (7) ECO Fe-13Cr-3W-2Ni REVISED: MARCH 1963 TU Fc-13Cr-3W-2Ni ACST 1750 F, OQ OR AÇ * FTY BHN den alardan tag, 1 m/ 1300 TEMPERING TEMP - F FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 800 TEMP - F 400 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 1200 300 RA e(2 IN) IE CHARPY V MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 1900 F, OQ + TEMPER, 4 HR (5) BAR 1750 F TO 1900 F, OQ + TEMPER 2 HR (4) ▲ 1750 F, ∞ +TEMPER. 4 HR(7) (3) BAR, FORGINGS, TUBING 1200 1400 (4)(7, p.37) Fe-13Cr-3W-2Ni 1000 TEMPERING TEMP F 1200 1600 1400 FIG. 3.021 EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BAR, FORGINGS AND TUBING (3)(4)(5)(7, p.58) PAGE 2 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 - KOI {4 ford PERCENT 160 KSI 120 80 40 80 40 80 0 60 40 20 10 8 6 1800 F, 30 MIN, CO + 1050 F, 2 HR O 1200 P. 2 HR 10 200 1750 F, OQ + AC ▲ 1030 F, AUT BAR, FORGINGS AND TUBING (3)(7) ▲ 1200 F. AC RUPTURE 400 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR, FORGINGS AND TUBING (3) (47, p. 38) 100 900 F BAR (4) Fe-13Ct-3W-2Ni 1800 F, 1/2 HR, AC 1000 F 1200 F 1100 F RA TIME fr TEMP - F + 1260 F, 11/2 HR M 1000 HR 800 10,000 FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR AL- LOY AT 900 TO 1200 F FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-13C1 -3W-2Ni (4) 1000 160 020 40 1200 KSI FTUJ KSI 200 KSI 100 80 60 40 20 10 400 200 100 80 60 40 20 0.1 10 0.425 0.1 RUPTURE (6) 1% CREEP (7) 1 600 F 700 F Fe-13Cr-3W-2Ni BAR 1800 F, 2 HR, AC 1050, 2 HR FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 600 TO 1200 F (6)(7, p.38) 1 RUPTURE 460 607 JU } 10 TEMP 800 F 0.300 r = 0.002 Re F 800 F pa Fe-13Cr-3W-2Ni BAR 1800 F, 2 HR, AC + 1050 F, 2 HR 1200 F 1000 F 10 TIME- HR 1100 F 1200 F 100 1000 100 700 F 1100 F 1000 F 1000 FIG. 3.043 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR NOTCHED BAR AT 600 TO 1200 F (6) Fe 13 Cr W MM N 3 2 Ni GREEK ASCALOY CODE 1407 PAGE 3 FeM 13 3 2 Fe Cr W Ni GREEK ASCALOY CODE 1 2 3 4 AMS 5354 A. (Jan. 15, 1959) ་ AMS 5503. (Jan. 15, 1957) AMS 5616 C, (July 1, 1957) Universal-Cyclops Steel Corporation, "High Temperature Metals", (1958) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation. "Allegheny Metal Stainless Steels", Allegheny Blue Sheet, (1957) Sessler, J. G. and Brown, W. F., Jr., "Notch and Smooth Bar Stress-Rupture Characteristics of Several Heat-Resistant Alloys in the Temperature Range Between 600 and 1000F", ASTM Vo!. 55, p. 738-752, (1956) The Carpenter Steel Co., "Carpenter High Temperature Alloys", (Jan. 1962) 8 Bell, (1959) 5 6 7 REFERENCES 1407 FERROUS ALLOYS REVISED MARCH 1963 PAGE 4 FeM REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.0511 1.052 1.07 1.08 1.06 1.061 1.09 Source 1.062 2. Aluminum Carbon Chromium Manganese 2.01 Nickel Silicon Titanium Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur Iron GENERAL This alloy is one of the first precipitation-hardening, ferritic (martensitic) stainless steels. Precipitation hardening after solution annealing is primarily due to the presence of titanium and also influenced by the bal- ance of other elements. The alloy can be aged to strengths up to about 220 ksi and possesses good oxi- dation and corrosion resistance. It can be machined and formed in its annealed condition and is available in most wrought forms, (6, p.3). Commercial Designation. Alternate Designation. None. Specification. None. Composition. Table 1.04. 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 Min TABLE 1.04 DMIC (1, p.58) US STEEL (6, p.6) Percent Percent 16.0 6.00 1 I Stainless "W" Max 1.00 0.12 18.0 Balance 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 0.2 Min 16.0 6.00 Thermal Properties FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.50 0.10 18.0 1.00 8.00 1.50 1.20 Balance 0.045 0.030 Heat Treatment Solution anneal. 1850 to 1950 F, 15 min, air cool, (3, p. 24). Effect of solution annealing temperature on room tempera- ture tensile properties of aged sheet, Fig. 1.0511. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Age. 950 to 1150 F, 30 min, air cool. Exact treatment depends on properties' desired, see Fig. 1.062 and 3.021. Melting range Phase changes. Ac3 approx. 1050 F. Arz approx. 250 F. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat - Hardenability Transformation to martensite after air cooling from so- lution anneal temperature requires 2 to 4 hr. Resulting hardness RC 22 to 28, (6, p.9). Effect of aging temperature and time on hardness, Fig. 1.062. Forms and Conditions Available The alloy is available in the forms of strip, sheet, plate, bar, variety of forged shapes, forging billets, extrusions and wire, (6, p. 6). Melting and Casting Practice Conventional arc or induction electric furnace practices employed for producing standard stainless steels can be used. However, attention must be given to holding the aluminum, titanium and nitrogen within specification to avoid entrapment of aluminum and titanium oxide inclu- sions, (7, p. 19). Special Considerations. None. 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.0231 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form Thickness 3.022 3.023 Heat treatment 3.024 - 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 Other Physical Properties Density. 0.28 lb per cu in. 7.56 gr per cu cm (7, A-1). Electrical resistivity. 39.37 microhm-in, annealed (6, p.15). 33. 46 microhm-in, aged, (2, p.8). Magnetic properties Magnetic permeability. At H = 100 oersteds: Annealed 81 Aged 101, (6, p. 15). 3.0313 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. This steel is not susceptible to intergranular corrosion and satisfactorily resists corro- sion when subjected to salt spray or sea water immer- sion tests. Resistance to corrosion from boiling nitric acid is inferior to other stainless steels, especially in the precipitation hardened condition. Resistance to at- mospheric corrosion and corrosion resistance to hydro- gen sulphide gas, sulphur dioxide gas and hot milk are equivalent to 18-8 stainless steel, (8, p. 27-28). Oxidation resistance Nuclear Properties SA 1850 to 1950 F, AC SA + aged at 950 F, 210 200 1/2 hr, AC SA + aged at 1000 F 200| 190 1/2 hr, AC 3.0314 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES SA + aged at 1050 F 190 170 1/2 hr, AC 3.04 3.041 Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Effect of aging temperature on room temperature tensile properties, see Table 3.021. in F F tu ty -ksi-ksi 135 95 TABLE 3.021 (6, p.7) Fe-17Cr-7Ni Sheet, strip Bar, plate <0.030>0.030 0.060 1/2 >1/2 <0050 e (2 in) percent min for thick- ness indicated 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 сл сл 5 5 сл 5 сл 7 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 - 10 RC 26 44 42 39 Effects of exposure time and temperature on room tem- perature tensile properties of solution annealed sheet, Fig. 3.022. Effects of exposure time and temperature on room tem- perature tensile properties of aged sheet, Fig. 3.023. Effects of exposure time and temperature on room tem- perature impact strength of solution annealed and aged alloy, Fig. 3.024. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves in compression at room and elevat- ed temperatures for sheet, Fig. 3.0311. Stress strain curves in tension at room and elevated temperatures for sheet, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of aged, forged bar, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of test temperature on tensile and compressive yield strength of aged sheet, Fig. 3.0314. G Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep and creep rupture properties of aged bar, Table 3.041. 17 7 Fe Cr Ni Stainless W CODE 1408 PAGE 1 FeM 17 7. Ni 요​ㅎㅎ ​Stainless W CODE 3.05 3.051 3.052 Source Alloy Condition 3.06 3.061 4. in F Form Thickness Test temp Stress for 0.2% plastic deformation in 500 hr, ksi Rupture stress ksi, in 100 hr 3.062 3.063 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.02 4.021 4.03 4.031 4.05 4.051 4.04 4.041 1408 TABLE 3.041 600 FABRICATION (8, p. 24-25) Fe-17Cr-7Ni SA, 1650 F, 40 min +1000 F, 1 hr 125 Bar 1 800 40 1000 FERROUS ALLOYS 32 1200 12.5 Fatigue Properties S-N curves for smooth and notched specimen of aged bar stock, Fig. 3.051. Torsional endurance limit (20, 000, 000 cycles) solution treated 1950 F, air cool and aged 925 F, 2 hr; 58 ksi (8, p. 22). Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at various temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Poisson's ratio at various temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Modulus of rigidity at various temperatures, Fig. 3.063. Forming and Casting. May be hot rolled, cold rolled or extruded by conventional process. Maximum formability is obtained in the solution annealed or overaged condition. However, the rather low elongations limit the amount of deformation during forming, (3, p. 24)(7, p. 19). Forging temperature 2200 to 2300 F, maximum, (3, p. 28). Machining In the solution annealed condition machinability is superior to the soft austenitic stainless steels, (3, p. 26). Welding Stainless W can be welded in either the solution annealed or aged condition by using techniques conventional for austenitic stainless steels. When welded in the solution treated condition, 100 percent joint efficiency is obtained. Aged material welded and reheat treated, exhibits about 90 percent joint efficiency. Specially coated electrodes hav- ing composition similar to that of the parent metal are re- commended, (8, p. 28). Heating and Heat Treating Close temperature control is necessary during aging due to the rapid response to precipitation hardening. Surface Treating Cleaning methods for this alloy are similar to type 302 stainless steel. C SCALE .. ROCKWELL HARDNESS - 50 45 40 35 30 25 Fe-17Cr-7Ni 0 KSI 20 PERCENT 240 200 160 120 20 0 Fe-17Cr-7Ni 0.063 IN SHEET SA, 1/2 HR, AC + 950 F, 1/2 HR, AC F 1200 TU REVISED: MARCH 1963 FIG. 1.0511 F TY 1400 SA, 1850 TO 1950 F, 15 MIN, AC 40 1600 TEMP F EFFECT OF SOLUTION ANNEALING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERA- TURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AGED SHEET (6, p. 8) RT TESTS 60 80 AGING TIME e (2 IN) 100 1800 2000 900 F 950 F 1000 F 800 F 1050 F 700 F 500 F 600 F 120 - 140 MIN FIG. 1.062 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE AND TIME ON HARDNESS (6, p. 8-9) PAGE 2 FeM REVISED MARCH 1963 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) IN PER IN PER F 9- ΟΙ 16 14 PERCENT 12 FIG. 2.013 10 8 0 T 5 240 0 FIG. 2.014 200 160 120 200 Fe-17Cr-7Ni 160 120 3820 ANN AGED, 950 F, 1 HR, AC RT 200 900 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL 400 200 EXPANSION Δ (2) EXPERIMENTAL O ESTIMATED FROM 【(6) SIMILAR STEELS 800 600 TEMP - F THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 400 600 F THERMAL EXPANSION O Fe-17Cr-7 Ni AGED 950 F, 1 HR, AC FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED TEMP - Fe-17Cr-7Ni 1/8 IN SHEET SA 1900 F, 30 MIN, AC TEST AT RT FTU EXPOSURE TIME 500 HR 1000 HR 4 10000 HR ∞ F e (2 IN) 1000 1100 EXPOSURE TEMP - F TY (2, p. 8) (6, p. 15) 1200 d FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TIME AND TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PRO- PERTIES OF SOLUTION AN- NEALED SHEET (6, p. 13) FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 800 1000 (2, p. 8) FT - LB 50 40 30 20 10 240 PERCENT 200 160 120 X 200 160 120 2820 RT 900 FIG. 3.024 FIG. 3.023 RT 300 Fe-17Cr-7Ni 1/8 IN SHEET SA 1900 F, 30 MIN, AC +1000 F, 30 MIN, AC TEST AT RT EXPOSURE TIME HR 100 1000 10000 O EXPOSURE TIME 500 HR 1000 HR A 10000 HR O e (2 IN) 1000 1100 EXPOSURE TEMP - F IE IZOD 400 FTU EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TIME AND TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AGED SHEET ▲ 1900 F, 1/2 HRAC 1900 F, 1/2 HR, AC + 950 F, 1/2 HR, AC FTY 500 1200 (6, p. 13) Fe-17Cr-7Ni TEST AT RT 600 EXPOSURE TEMP - F EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TIME AND TEM- PERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT STRENGTH OF SOLUTION AN- NEALED AND AGED ALLOY (6, p. 12) 700 17 7 Fe Cr Ni Stainless W CODE 1408 PAGE 3 FeM 17 7 Stainless W CODE Fe Cr Ni Fe-17Cr-7Ni 240 0.064 IN SHEET SA +1000 F, 1/2 HR 200 KSI 160 120 80 40 0 KSI 0 L+T FIG. 3.0311 1408 200 160 Fe-17Cr-7Ni 240 0.064 IN SHEET 120 80 0.004 STRAIN 40 0 L+T SA +1000 F, 1/2 HR 80 F 0.008 IN PER IN 400 F 600 F 800, F 1200 F 1000 F COMPRESSION STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET (9, p. 20) 0.012 80 F TENSION 600 F 1000 F 0.004 0.008 0.012 STRAIN - IN PER IN FIG. 3.0312 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN TENSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET (9, p. 19) FERROUS ALLOYS 200 KSI 160 KSI 120 PERCENT 80 40 80 40 0 0 240 160 80 0 0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 0 Fe-17Cr-7 Ni 1 IN. FORGED BAR SA 1650 F, 40 MIN +1000 F, 1 HR 400 800 TEMP F FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF AGED, FORGED BAR (8 p. 24) L+T F 400 TY RA Fe-17Cr-7Ni 0.064 IN SHEET F e TY Ka FTU SA F 1200 CY 1200 - 800 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE AND COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF AGED SHEET (9, p. 10) PAGE 4 FeM REVISED: MARCH 1963 120 KSI 1000 KSI 80 40 1000 KSI 0 40 104 30 20 10 K = 1.0 107 108 NUMBER OF CYCLES FIG. 3.051 S-N CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED SPECIMEN OF AGED BAR STOCK (8, p. 22) 0 K=8.0 12 0.40 11 0.20 10 0 ROT BEAM Fe-17Cr-7Ni SA OR SA +AGE 105 METTIESTIE 200 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (7, A-6) (6, p. 16) Fe-17Cr-7Ni SA OR SA +AGE 200 200 106 G 400 400 (STATIC) E 400 600 F - 0.270 600 F - Fe-17Cr-7Ni 3/4 IN BAR SA 1600 F, AC +1000 F, 30 MIN 800 TEMP FIG. 3.062 POISSON'S RATIO AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (6, p.16) 800 60 800 FERROUS ALLOYS 109 -r=0.010 Fe-17Cr-7Ni SA OR SA +AGE 1000 1000 0.22 1000 TEMP FIG. 3.063 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT VARIOUS TEM- PERATURES (6, p.16) 1010 1200 1 2 3 4 5 сп 67 8 9 REFERENCES Fiorentino, R. J., Roach, D. B. and Hall, A. M., "Heat Treatment of High-Strength Steels for Airframe Applica- tions", DMIC Rep. 119, (Nov. 27, 1959) 17 Roberts, D. A., Roach, D. B. and Hall, A. M., "Physical 7 and Mechanical Properties of Nine: Commercial Precipita- tion-Hardenable Stainless Steels", DMIC Rep. 112, (May 1, - 1959) Ludwigson, D. C. and Hall, A. M., "The Physical Metal- lurgy of Precipitation-Hardenable Stainless Steels", DMIC Rep. 111, (Apr. 20, 1959) Hughes, P. J., Inge, J. E. and Prosser, S. B., "Tensile and Compressive Stress-Strain Properties of Some High- Strength Sheet Alloys at Elevated Temperatures", NACA TN 3315, (Nov. 1954) Favor, R. J., Achbach, W. P. and Hyler, W. S., "Materi- als-Property-Design Criteria for Metals", WADC TR 55- 150, Pt. 5, (Oct. 1957) M Lena, A. J. and Reynolds, E. E., "High Strength Steels for Aircraft Applications", Preprint AISI Meeting New York (May 21, 1958) United States Steel Corp., "USS Stainless W", (May 1958) Roach, D. B. and Hall, A. M., "The Engineering Proper- ties of Precipitation-Hardenable Stainless Steels", TML Rep. No. 48, (July 20, 1956) Smith, R., Wyche, E. H. and Gove, W., "A New Precipi- tation Hardening Stainless Steel", Metals Technology T. P. 2006, (Feb. 1946) J Fe Cr Ni Stainless W CODE 1408 PAGE 5 FeAH-1500 FeAH-1500 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1.02 1.03 1. 04 Source Form AMS 5355 Castings, precision investment 5398A Castings, sand and centrifugal 5643E Bar, forgings Carbon Manganese Phosphorus 1.05 1.051 1.0511 Sulfur Silicon Chromium Nickel Copper Columbium+ Tantalum Nitrogen Iron 1. 0512 GENERAL This alloy is one of a series of age hardening steels which combine high strength at temperatures up to 800 F with the corrosion resistance of stainless steels. It is available in form of bar, wire and forgings and also as sand and precision investment castings. Commercial Designation. 17-4 PH. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. Table 1. 03. 1.052 1.0521 Source Form Wire Bar and Forgings Composition. Table 1. 04. Source TABLE 1.03 Form Min Condition H 900 H 925 H 1025 H 1075 H 1150 AMS (3) Bar, Forgings Percent Balance TABLE 1.04 Max 0.07 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 15.50 17.50 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 0.15 0.45 Thickness - AMS (1) Castings Percent in Min < 3 3 to 6 > 6 15.50 3.00 3.00 Balance TABLE 1.0511 (4) Max 0.08 1.00 0.040 0.040 1.00 0.50 17.50 15.5 5.00 3.6 5.00 2.5 0.45 0.10 Heat Treatment Solution treat to Condition A. Bar, forgings and wire. 1875 to 1925 F, 30 min., cool to 90 F maximum according to Table 1. 0511. TABLE 1, 0521 Military MIL-S-862 (5, p. 2, 3) Aging Temp - F 890 to 910 915 to 935 1015 to 1035 1065 to 1085 1140 to 1160 FERROUS ALLOYS Time 1 4 44 AMS (2) Min Cooling Oil or water quench Oil quench Air cool Retarded air cool under sheet cover Castings. 1900 to 1950 F, 1 hr per inch of thickness (30 min. minimum), oil quench for precision investment castings and cool as required for sand castings. Age Condition A to H Conditions. Bar, forgings and wire to various H Conditions, Table 1. 0521. 4 4 Percent - Max 0.06 0.70 0.040 0.030 1.0 16.7 4.6 3.2 0.35 0.05 Balance hr 1.0522 1. 0523 1. 0524 1.06 1.07 1. 071 1.072 1.073 1.074 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 2.022 Effect of aging temperature and time on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 1.0522. Sand castings to Condition H 900. 875 to 925 F, 1 hr (AMS 5398). Other conditions are also used. Precision investment castings to Condition H 900. 850 to 900 F, 1 hr (AMS 5355). For further information on precision investment castings and their heat treatment, see 4.012. 2.023 Hardenability. Alloy develops full hardening in all section sizes on air cooling. Forms and Conditions Available Bar, forgings and wire are commercially available over a wide range of sizes, up to 11 in round. Plate is available on special order. Wrought products are available in Condition A and various H Conditions. Sand and precision investment castings are available in Condition A and various H Conditions. Melting and Casting Practice. Generally electric furnace air melt. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts are also available. Special Considerations. No special precautions are necessary for this alloy except the need for cleanliness as for any stainless steel. The alloy also has a wide allowance in compositional range. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2560 to 2625 F. Phase changes. This alloy is austenitic at elevated temperatures but transforms to martensite on cooling. Ms point on cooling from 1900 F is 300 F approximately and the martensite is practically completely transformed below 90 F. Aging causes precipitation of intermetallic compounds which further harden the low carbon martensite. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. Condition H 900, 0. 11 Btu per lb F. Effect of aging temperature on dimensional changes of solution treated bar, Fig. 2.016. Source Condition lb per cu in gr per cu cm Other Physical Properties Density. Table 2. 021. Source Condition Microhm in TABLE 2.021 Electrical resistivity, Table 2. 022. TABLE 2.022 (5, p. 10) Source Condition Permeability A 0.280 7.78 At 100 oersteds At 200 oersteds Maximum A 38.6 (5, p. 10) Magnetic properties. Magnetic permeability, Table 2.023. TABLE 2.023 A 74 48 95 H 900 0.282 7.80 (5, p. 10) H 900 30.3 H 900 100 60 151 17 4 4 Fe Cr Ni Cu 17-4 PH CODE 1501 PAGE I FeAH 17 4 Ni 4 Cu Fe Cr 17-4 PH CODE 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 2.0313 2.04 2.041 2.0411 2.0412 2.0413 3. LA IH 900 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Source General corrosion resistance to atmospheric and acid attacks is considerably superior to that of martensitic stainless steels and compares favorably with that of austenitic stainless steels. Condition Alloy is not susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. Stress corrosion of the high strength conditions may occur in certain media. 1501 Nuclear Properties Effects of irradiation on physical and mechanical properties under the following exposure conditions (GE): Water loop at 540 F, 3 months at 4x1019 and 3x1019 (Thermal). NVT Source Alloy Density and dimensional properties. No significant changes. Magnetic susceptibility. 4 percent increase on hardened alloy. Hardness. Table 2. 0413. Form Condition Ftu, min max Fty min e(4D), RA, min -percent up to 3 in inci > 3 in to 8 in incl Hardness MECHANICAL PROPERTIES BHN, min max RC, min max Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. TABLE 3,011 AMS (3) AMS (1)* Precision Investment Castings A H 900 180 Form Condition Ftu min 1/8 in.< max min-percent Pre-Exposure Hardness, RC 33 to 35 43 to 44 T - BHN, min - W up to 3 in >3 in to 8 in ksi ksi · ksi — ksi - ksi Fty min e (2 in), min-percent RA, min -percent Hardness RC, min max > 1/8 in,max - ksi A Bar, Forgings H 900 190 215(a) Armco (5, p. 3) Bar, Wire A 375 363* 461 B 175 Gal TABLE 2.0413 (6, p. 41) 1 * Bar only ** Values under revision 3.012 Producers' specified mechanical properties, Table 3.012. 1 NVT 4 x 1019 4 x 1019 I 388 [ 170 10 341 363 40 35 170 10 40 35 AMS (2) Fe-17 Cr-4Ni-4Cu 40 47 Sand Castings A H 900 180 388 448 | 363 TABLE 3.012 max 1/2 to 3 in,max > 3 in,max Up to 8 in unless otherwise specified 1 1 Post-Exposure Hardness, RC 48 to 52 44 to 48 155 10 44 38 150 6 12 388 198 B · 36 (a) Round bars < 1/2 in = 240 ksi max 45 375 Armco (5, p. 4) Fe-17Cr-4N1-4Cu I FERROUS ALLOYS 37 Bar * H 900 H 925 H 1025 H 1075 H 1100 190 170 155 145 135 145 12 45 45 1332295 42 375 438 401 1 1 125 13 45 45 31 39 I 150 6 A | k 15 40 105 16 331 302 277 375 352 5050 28 37 * I 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.024 3.03 3.031 Source Condition typ - ksi cy' Fsu, typ - ksi F su/Ftu typ F 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.05 4. H 900 H 1000 H 1050 H 1100 H 1200 H 1050 H 1000* 3.06 3.061 3.062 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See also 3.03. Hardness. See Table 3.012. Effect of exposure to elevated temperature on tensile properties of wire in Condition H 900, Fig. 3.022. Compressive yield strength and shear strength, Table 3.023. 4.01 4. 011 Source Form Condition Temp F Impact properties. Impact strength of bar in various H Conditions, Fig. 3. 024. TABLE 3.023 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar in Condition H 900, Fig. 3.031. * Armco only REVISED MARCH 1963 Short time properties other than tension Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of bar in Condition H 900, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of test temperature on bearing properties of alloy in Condition H 900, Fig. 3.0322. RT Effect of test temperature on shear strength of alloy in Condition H 900, Fig. 3. 0323. Effect of low test temperature on impact strength of bar in various H Conditions, Fig. 3.0324. Static stress concentration effects 700 RT 700 A 110 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Total strain and creep rupture curves at 600 to 900 F for bar in Condition H 900, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves at 600 to 800 F for smooth and notched bar in Condition H 1000, Fig. 3.042. Creep rupture curves at 300 to 800 F for smooth and notched bar in Condition H 1100, Fig. 3.043. Effects of test temperature and rupture time on notch strength ratio of bar in Conditions H 1000 and H 1100, Fig. 3.044. Fatigue Properties. Fatigue properties of bar in various H Conditions, Table 3.05. Method Rot beam Smooth K = 1 FABRICATION (5, p. 2, 6) TABLE 3. 05 (12, p. 2-8-1) Bar Stress Ratio Rot beam A 8 Co Co H 900 178 130 0.63 R -1 -1 Fatigue Strength ksi at Cycles 106 107 90 87.5 85 82 77 79 - 91 84 85 78 108 80 - 71,5 71 109 - G Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 2150 F maximum, finishing temperature 1850 F minimum. Thicknesses over 3 inch PAGE 2 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 4. 012 4.0121 4. 0122 4.02 4.021 4.022 4.03 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.043 4.044 4.05 4.051 4.052 4.053 FERROUS ALLOYS must be inserted into furnace at reduced temperature, such as 1200 F, heated to forging temperature, held at this temperature for 1/2 hr per inch of thickness plus 1 hr. After forging and before cooling, insert into furnace and equalize at some temperature between 1900 F and forging temperature. Casting Sand castings with properties similar to those of the wrought product can be readily produced. Investment castings of the composition given in AMS 5355 have given high rejection rates, while a slightly different composition has proven to be satisfactory. In this variety, manganese is reduced to 0.70 percent maximum, copper to 4.25 percent maximum, columbium limited to 0.20 to 0.45 percent and 0.08 percent maximum nitrogen is added. The castings should be homogenized at 2050 F, 60 min in an inert or dry hydrogen atmosphere, cooled in still air, then solution treated to Condition A at 1950 F, 60 min, oil quench to room temperature, further cooled to -100 F, and held for 2 hr, with a delay between quench- ing and refrigerating of 1/2 hr maximum. Aging to Con- dition H 925 at 925 F, 1 1/2 hr minimum, should yield Ety tu the following properties: Ft = 180 ksi minimum, 150 ksi minimum, e (1 in) = 4 percent minimum (Martin 1959). AMS 5355 is under revision at present. Machining General. Tool life in machining this alloy is approximately the same as that for Type 416 stainless steel of equal hardness. For obtaining close tolerances on machining Condition A, the contraction on aging may have to be considered, see Fig. 2.016.. - Cutting. Cold sawing is recommended, as hot cutting or wheel cutting may cause cracking. Torch cutting is possible with methods suitable for austenitic stainless steels. Welding. Any of the arc and resistance welding processes used on austenitic stainless steels may be used on this alloy. Sound joints with properties comparable to those of the parent metal can be obtained by using weld metal of same composition and post weld annealing or heat treating. Preheating is not required. Because of its high strength, stress concentrations should be minimized. Heating and Heat Treating Recommended practice for heating and heat treating is to use electric muffle type furnace, either of the convection or the radiant heat type. Bright heat treating is possible in hydrogen with a dew point below -50 F. Dissociated ammonia annealing may contaminate the metal. On either heating or cooling thicknesses over 4 inch, avoid slow temperature changes between 1750 to 1850 F. Heavy sections should be preheated, such as at 1200 F. Surface Treating Pickling after solution treating or forging is performed by the same methods as for standard steels. Wet pickling may leave a smut which can be removed with high pressure water or by brush scrubbing. Descaling by salt bath methods results in an aged condition. Passivating is done in a 10 percent nitric, 2 percent hydrofluoric acid solution at 110 to 140 F, for a few minutes. This treatment also removes the heat tint re- sulting from aging. Alternatively the heat tint may be removed by electropolishing. - Fe 17 Cr 4 Ni 4 Cu 17-4 PH CODE 1501 PAGE 3 FeAH 17 4 4 Fe Cr Ni Cu 17-4 PH CODE } KSI 160 · 120 FTY PERCENT 80 40 0 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 14 1501 12 Fe-17Cr-4N1-4Cu BAR COND A+ AGE (H COND) 10 0 AGING TIME 1 HR 4 HR 200 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu COND H 900 0 FIG. 1.0522 EFFECTS OF AGING TEMPERATURE AND TIME ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (5) 200 400 600 800 AGING TEMP - F e (2 IN) RA 400 600 TEMP - F FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY FERROUS ALLOYS THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 800 FTY FTU (5, p. 10) 1000 1000 200 160 120 1200 IN PER IN 10~3 KSI - FTU -2.0 -1. 5 -1.0 0 -0.5 0 [ 7 200 IN PER IN PER F 9-01 6 5 сл 0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 COND H 900. DIMENSIONAL CHANGE (CONTRACTION)| Fe-17Cr-4N1-4Cu MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 200 600 400 TEMP GA F FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION (5, p. 10) Fe-17Cr-4N1-4Cu BAR, WIRE COND A 400 600 800 AGING TEMP (1 HR) - F 1000 800 1200 FIG. 2.016 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON DIMENSIONAL CHANGES OF SOLUTION TREATED BAR (12, p. 3-2-2) PAGE 4 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT FT LB 240 220 200 240 220 200 180 60 40 20 0 0 80 60 40 20 0 TESTED AT RT 800 FTY 200 e (1 IN) RA IE CHARPY V FTU 400 TEMP - F 900 1000 AGING TEMP \\\\/ / }}\ XXXII \\// LIB 600 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu 1/4 IN WIRE COND II 900 EXPOSURE HR 5000 BAR COND H Fe-17 Cr-4Ni-4Cu AGING TIME 01 HR 4 HR 1100 1200 FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEM- PERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF WIRE IN CONDITION H 900 (7) F FIG. 3.024 IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR IN VARIOUS H CONDITIONS 5000 1000 100 10 (6, FIG. 19) I 15000 1000 100 10 1 1 10 100 1000 -1 -10 +100 1000 5000 800 FERROUS ALLOYS KSI FTY PERCENT 240 2001 160 120 80 40 80 40 0 -400 KSI 200 160 120 80 0 0 FIG. 3.0321 FTY 200 FTU RA e (2 IN) 400 800 TEMP F Fe-17Cr-4Ni -4Cu BAR FCY 400 TEMP دارار ((()) 1200 600 - F S FIG. 3.031 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TEN - SILE PROPERTIES OF BAR IN CONDITION H 900 (5) Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu BAR COND H 900 240) 800 200 160 120 80 40 1600 KSI - F 1000 TU EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COM- PRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF BAR IN CON- DITION H 900 (8) 17 CODE Fe Cr 4 Ni 4 Cu 17-4 PH 1501 PAGE 5 FeAH 17 4 4 CODE Fe Cr 17-4 PH Ni Cu KSI - FSU FIG. 3.0322 - LB 320 FT 240 160 1501 120 80 40 0 100 80 60 40 0 20 0 e/D=2.0 0 200 F 200 -400 F BRU BRY Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu COND H 925 COND H 1025 ▼COND H 1150 IE CHARPY V -300 400 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF ALLOY IN CONDITION H 900 (9, p. 147) EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF ALLOY IN CONDITION H 900 (9, p. 149, 151) 400 FSU -200 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu COND H 900 600 TEMP - F 800 -100 FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 0 Fe-17Cr-4Ni -4Cu COND H 900 1000 100 TEMP F FIG. 3.0324 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR IN VARIOUS H CONDITIONS 1200 (12, p. 2-10-1) ISX 200 150 100 80 60 300 200 150 100 80 60 KSI 0.1 TEST TEMP O 600 F 700 F ▲ 800 F 1 300 200 150 100 80 60 40 20 10 SMOOTH T 0.425 NOTCHED K = 7.5 10 REVISED MARCH 1963 TIME RUPTURE 1. 5% TOTAL STRAIN FIG. 3.041 TOTAL STRAIN AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 600 TO 900 F FOR BAR IN CONDITION H 900 (7, p. 2-4-6 *GOXY 100 fo 1000 TIME HR Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu BAR, WIRE COND H 900 HR 10.300 r = 0.002 600 F 700 F 100 800 F 900 F RUPTURE 10,000 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu 3/4 IN BAR COND H 1000 1000 FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 600 TO 800 F FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR IN CONDITION H 1000 (10, FIG. 8) G K 2-4-9) PAGE 6 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 200 NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO 150 100 80 60 300 200 150 100 1.4 1.0 0.6 1.6 1.4 1.0 1000 KSI 28 26 TEST TEMP 300 F 600 F 0.1 FIG. 3.044 24 0 700 F ▲ 800 F 0 200 1 SMOOTH FIG. 3.043 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 300 TO 800 F FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR IN CONDITION H 1100 (10, FIG. 9) 200 NOTCHED K = 7.5 1000 E 400 T 0.425 25 J 10 TIME - 100 1000 400 TEMP F 60 HR 10 100 0.,300 Cr = 0.002 = 0.1 HR 600 TEMP - F 600 0.1 HR Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu 3/4 IN BAR- COND H 1100 100 Fe-17Cr-4N1-4Cu COND H 900 RUPTURE FERROUS ALLOYS 800 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-4Cu 3/4 IN BAR EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND RUPTURE TIME ON NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO OF BAR IN CON- DITIONS H 1000 AND H 1100 (11, FIG. III-11) 1000 800 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (6, p. 9) COND H 1000 COND H 1100 1000 1200 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1000 KSI 1 AMS 5355, (March 1, 1955) AMS 5398 A, (July 15, 1961) AMS 5643 E, (Jan. 15, 1960) 12 11 10 9 0 G (ESTIMATED) 200 Fe-17 Cr-4Ni-4Cu COND H 900 400 TEMP - F REFERENCES 600 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (6, p. 9) 800 Armco Steel Corporation, "Armco Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels, Armco 17-4PH and Armco 17-7 PH Forging and Annealing of Billets, Bars and Forgings", Armco Fabricating Data Bulletin, (Jan. 3, 1956) Armco Steel Corporation, "Armco Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels, Armco 17-4PH Bar and Wire", Armco Product Data Bulletin, (Nov. 3, 1958) Suss, Henry, "Type 17-4PH Steel", Knolls Atomic Power Lab- oratory Manual by General Electric Co., Section XVIII, (Aug. 1, 1956) Armco Steel Corporation, "Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels", Armco Data Bulletin, (Aug. 11, 1958) North American Aviation, Inc., "Materials Property Manua! and Summary Report", (Oct. 30, 1957) Favor, Ronald J., Achbach, William P. and Hyler, Walter S., "Materials-Property-Design Criteria for Metals", WADC TR 55-150, Pt. 5, (Oct. 1957) Sessler, John G. and Manzari, Nicholas J., "Summary and General Evaluation of Stress-Rupture Test Data on Various High-Temperature Alloys at 600 to 800°F", SURI Final Rp. No.9, Acct. No. 1620.81. 2018, (July 1954) Sachs, G. and Brown, W. F., Jr., "The Notch Sensitivity of High Temperature Alloys", SURI, Lit. Survey, (June 1957) Armco Steel Corporation, "Armco Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels", Armco Technical Data Manual, (Aug. 1, 1960) Fe 17 Cr 4 Ni 4 Cu 17-4 PH CODE 1501 PAGE 7 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 AMS 5528 A 5529 A 5644 A 5568 5573 A 1.06 1.05 1.051 1.0511 1.053 1.0512 1.052 1.054 1.055 GENERAL This alloy is one of the age hardenable nearly austenitic stainless steels which can be heat treated to various strengths up to 240 ksi, (6). It possesses a corrosion resistance superior to that of the chromium stainless steels and it is used at temperatures up to 800 F. It is primarily available in form of sheet, strip, plate and bar, but it is also used in form of tubing and wire. It can be formed readily in the annealed condition and easily welded by various methods. Commercial Designation. 17-7 PH. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. Table 1.03. Source Chromium Nickel Aluminum Iron Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur 1. 07 1.071 1.072 Sheet, strip, plate (Cond A and TH 1050) Sheet, strip, plate (Cond A and CH 900) Bar, forgings (Cond A and TH 1050) Tubing, welded Wire (spring temper) Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1. 03 Form TABLE 1.04 AMS (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Percent Min 16.00 6.50 0.75 Balance Military MIL-S-25043 FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.09 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 18.00 7.75 1.50 Heat Treatment Solution treat to Condition A. Sheet and strip. 1925 to 1975 F, 30 minutes per inch thickness, air cool, (6). Bar and forgings. 1875 to 1925 F, water quench, (3). Age Condition A to Condition TH 1050. 1375 to 1425 F. 1 1/2 hr (austenite conditioning), air cool to 50 to 60 F within 1 hr, hold at 50 to 60 F, 1/2 hr (Condition T) + 1040 to 1060 F, 1 1/2 hr, (6). Age Condition A to Condition RH 950. 1735 to 1765 F, 10 min (austenite conditioning), air cool (Condition A 1750) +-90 to -110 F, 8 hr (Condition R-100) + 940 to 960 F, 1 hr, (6). Age Condition C of sheet (cold rolled) or wire (cold drawn) to Condition CH 900. 890 to 910 F, 1 hr, (6). TH and RH Conditions are also used with different final age hardening temperatures, e. g., TH 1150, RH 1050, Effect of aging temperature on tensile properties of sheet in various RH Conditions, Fig. 1.055. etc. Hardenability. All commercial products develop speci- fied minimum properties when hardened to one of the standard Conditions, TH 1050, RH 950, CH 900, (6). Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, wire, welded tubing and forgings. Alloy is available in Condition A for the full range of products. Strip up to 0. 050 inch thick and wire up to 0. 440 inch diameter are also available in Condition C. 1.08 1.09 1.091 1.092 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2. 0141 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 Source Condition 25 oersteds 50 oersteds 100 oersteds 200 oersteds Maximum Source Condition lb per cu in gr per cu cm 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 2.032 Source Condition Microhm in 2.04 Melting and Casting Practice. Conventional stainless steel melting and casting practices. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts. 3. Special Considerations Dimensional changes during heat treating to Conditions TH 1050 or RH 950 need consideration and special provisions must be made when machining and tooling. Thorough cleaning prior to thermal treatments is recommended in order to avoid carburization and to minimize difficulties when descaling. 3.01 3.011 3.012 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2580 to 2640 F. Transformation temperature. In Condition A this alloy is mostly austenitic, containing 5 to 20 percent ferrite. Austenite conditioning causes carbides to precipitate. Mg point is 55 F, if austenite is conditioned at 1750 F, S 200 F if austenite is conditioned at 1400 F. Heat treated conditions are martensitic with some austenite. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Dimensional changes on heat treating. Heat treating to Condition RH 950 or TH 1050 increases dimensions by 0.004 to 0. 005 in per in. Specific heat. 0. 11 Btu per lb F. Other Physical Properties Density, Table 2. 021. A 0.282 7.81 A 31.5 TABLE 2.021 Electrical resistivity, Table 2. 022. TABLE 2.022 A 1.4 to 3.4 1.4 to 3.6 1.4 to 3.5 1.4 to 3.2 1.4 to 3.6 (6, 3-1-1) TH 1050 0.276 7.65 RH 950 0.276 7.65 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance (6, 3-1-1) TH 1050 RH 950 32.5 32.7 Magnetic properties. Permeability, Table 2. 023. TABLE 2.023 (6, 3-1-1) TH 1050 132 to 194 120 to 167 80 to 99 46 to 55 134 to 208 Nuclear Properties CH 900 0.277 7.67 RH 950 82 to 88 113 to 130 75 to 87 44 to 52 119 to 135 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES CH 900 33.0 CH 900 General corrosion resistance is superior to that of mar- tensitic stainless steels. 70 43.5 125 Stress corrosion cracking. Results of sustained load tests on sheet at Kure Beach, Table 2. 0312. Oxidation resistance is comparable to that of austenitic stainless steels. Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. Producers' guaranteed mechanical properties for sheet, strip and plate, Table 3. 012. Fe 17 Cr 7 Ni I AI 17-7 PH CODE 1502 PAGE - FeAH Fe 17 Cr 7 Ni I AI 17-7 PH Source Form Condition TH 1050 RH 950 RH 1000 Source Alloy Form CODE 1502 F tu ksi 199.6 178.8 199.6 178.8 216.9 217.5 216.9 217.5 Size Condition Ftu, min ksi max ksi Fty, min ksi ksi max Source Alloy Hardness e, min percent 0.005 to 0.010 >0.010 to 0.019 >0.019 RA, min-percent 3.013 3.02 3.021 Akadem BHN, max min 215.9 107.8 205.8 103.4 215.9 205.8 161.8 155.1 - RB, max RC, min Form Condition Ftu min Fty, min e(2 in), min-percent 0. 1875 to 0. 5000 in 0.036 to 0. 1874 in 0.020 to 0. 359 in 0.010 to 0. 0199 in 0.005 to 0.0099 in 0.0015 to 0. 0049 in Hardness, RC, min Stress ksi 100 89 TABLE 2.0312 (6, 7-3-4) Sheet, Strip, Plate Specimens Tested 151 133 -ksi -ksi 111.6 110.2 167.5 165.4 A 229(a) No 5 5 5 in 5 Plate RH 950 200 180 IS IN IS IN CH 900 269.6 269.6 142.8 214.2 * No failures in 600 days for remainder of specimens. 6 5 44 5 5 5 AMS (3) 555 I Bar, Forgings 5 55 TH 1050 170 140 | 1 25 1 6 363 I TABLE 3. 012 1 54 Specimens Failed* Within days (avg) No 0 0 3 20 2 515 5 1 44 5 0 5 4 0 0 82 to 118 (100) Sheet, strip RH 950 210 190 16 to 49 (30.2) 116 FERROUS ALLOYS 6 to 10 (7.4) 26 to 71 (51.6) 14 to 16 (15.6) 2 to 6 (4.8) 16 to 68 (36) AMS (1) Sheet, Strip. Plate 0.005 to 10.010 150 65 20 92 (6, 1-3-1) Fe-17Cr-7 Ni-lAl (a) Forgings only. 225 for hexagon bars. (b) Values between these limits for diameters of 0.440 to 0.030 in. >0.010 A 150 335 1 55 20 92 7 6 6 5 43 38 ≤0.005 TH 1050 180 Sheet, strip, plate TH 1050 180 150 Design mechanical properties. See MIL-HDBK-5. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Hardness, Table 3. 021. 150 4 5 6 38 3.022 3.0221 TABLE 3.011 AMS (2) Fe-17Cr-7 Ni-1A1 Sheet, Strip 3.0222 3.0223 3.0224 C 200 175 Source Condition A TH 1050 Hardness RB, max RC, min 38 44 46 * Values apply to material with thickness 0.010 in. 11 I 1 41 CH 900 240 RT 600 700 800 900 RT 600 700 800 230 900 # Tension properties Stress strain curves for sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950, Fig. 3.0221. Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures on tensile properties of sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and CH 900, Fig. 3.0222. Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures on tensile properties of sheet in various RH Conditions, Fig. 3.0223. 11 Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures with load on tensile properties of sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950, Table 3. 0224. 1 92 1 46 AMS (4) Tubing Welded J A 150 Source Form Condition 1000 hr Exposure at 40 170 40 115 30 70 10 35356 30 1 I 1 1 1 20 92 80.0 120.0 50.0 90.0 50.0 80.0 15.0 35.0 G TABLE 3,021 (6, 2A-1-1) RH 950 TH 1050 180 150 I II REVISED: MARCH 1963 6 38 (6, 2A-13-4) 0.050 in Sheet, T TH 1050 Room Temp Properties after Exposure Ftu ksi e (2 in)-percent Temp-F Load-ksi Heat A Heat A Heat B J - TABLE 3.0224 Heat B 201.5 188.8 206.2 190.0 209.8 192.6 221.0 207.0 228.4 210.0 235.7 220.0 245.0 227.0 208.0 190.6 210.0 192.8 232.6 236.0 C 270.1 253.0 263.2 255.7 263.0 224.5 227.0 41 $1!11 Wire (spring temper) 11 C CH 900 192 to 260(b) 235 to 320(b) 222 to 290(b) 265 to 350(b) AMS (5) Condition (6, 2B-12-1) 1000 hr Exposure at Room Temp Properties after Exposure Temp-FLoad-ksi Ftu ksi e (2 in) - percent CH 900 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 5.5 5.0 I 7.5 7.5 2.3 5.5 3.0 2.0 1.0 5.5 4.5 111 11.0 10.0 7.5 7.5 7.0 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.0 PAGE 2 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 3.023 Source Form Condition Test Direction Ftu typ -ksi typ -ksi Fcy, typ -ksi -ksi -ksi E, typ Ec, typ Fty' 3.024 Source Form Condition Test Direction (e/D = 1.5) Fbru Fbry Fbru/Ftu Fbry/Ftu |(e/D = 2.0) 3.025 F Fbru bry Fbru/F tu Fbry/Ftu 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3. 0312 3.0313 3.0314 3. 0315 3.0316 3.0317 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 Tensile and compressive properties for Conditions CH 900 and C, Table 3. 023. 3.0324 3.0325 3.0326 3,033 3. 0331 Qud Bearing properties, Table 3.024. - .. ksi ksi TABLE 3, 023 - ksi CH 900 L 277 276 255 29,000 32,000 31,000 32,500 (6) Sheet, strip (19) 111 TABLE 3.024 T 286 279 300 ksi 313 273 1.60 1. 42 L 231 230 183 355 270 1.93 1.47 28,000 27,000 (8) 0.048 to 0. 063 in Sheet TH 1050 RH 950 T - 463 379 FERROUS ALLOYS 32,000 31,000 T 235 217 250 358 300 1.62 (7, p. 12) T 358 296 1.63 1. 47 1.45 Effect of aging temperature on notch strength of sheet in various RH Conditions, Fig. 3.025. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves for sheet in Condition TH 1050 at various temperatures, Fig. 3.0311. Stress strain curves for sheet in Condition RH 950 at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of low test temperatures on tensile properties of sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3. 0314. Effects of test temperature, strain rate and holding time on tensile properties of sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3.0315. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile properties of sheet and bar in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950, Fig. 3.0316. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile properties of sheet in Condition CH 900, Fig. 3.0317. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression at room and ele- vated temperatures for sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of exposure and test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950, Fig. 3.0322. Effect of exposure and test temperature on bearing properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0323. Effect of test temperature on shear strength of sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950, Fig. 3. 0324. Effect of exposure and test temperature on shear strength of sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3.0325. Effect of test temperature on impact strength of bar in various conditions, Fig. 3.0326. Static stress concentration effects Effect of low test temperature on notch strength of sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3. 0331. 3.04 3.041 Source Form Condition Time- hr Temp - F 600 700 800 900 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.046 3.05 3.051 Source Form Condition Method Rev Bend Source Form Condition Method Rev Bend Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture strength for sheet, strip and plate in various conditions at 600 to 1000 F, Table 3.041. Direct Stress 3.06 3.061 Total strain curves at 600 to 900 F for sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3.042. Master creep rupture curve for sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3.043. Isochronous stress strain curves at 600 to 900 F for sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3.044. Isochronous stress strain curves at 600 to 900 F for sheet Stress Ratio in Condition RH 950, Fig. 3.045. Creep rupture curves at 600 to 900 F for smooth and notched sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3.046, Fatigue Properties Room temperature fatigue properties of smooth and notched sheet, Table 3. 051. A R -1 ∞ TABLE 3.041 (6) Sheet, Strip, Plate TH 1050 RH 950 CH 900 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 Creep Rupture Strength ksi 170 158 188 180 220 122 169 146 194 90 113 92 135 52 61 44 53 130 110 78 Stress Ratio AR -1 ∞ 0.8 10 *With scale ( ) Extrapolated. TABLE 3. 051 (6, 2A-12-1 to 5) 0.062 in Sheet TH 1050 Stress Concen- tration polished vapor blasted pickled with scale notched* K = 1, 33 K = 2.00 K = 2.62 K K 4.94 with holes 2.28 K = 2,68 K = 3.65 = - Stress Concen- tration vapor blasted with scale Test Direc- tion L notched K = 2,37 K = 4,5 L 100 88 (5, 2B-11-1 to 3) 0.048 to 0.050 in Sheet RH 950 M Test Direc- tion L T T T } Fatigue Strength - ksi 105 at Cycles 106 107 104 103 74 65 60 68 (132) 83 93 103 I t 1 216 180 73 36 355555 75 46 36 30 74 54 114 80.5 Fatigue Strength - ksi at Cycles 106 105 75 55 58 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at various temperatures, Fig. 3.061. 75 55 46 36 30 74 54 107 106 114 108 82 79.5 79.5 75.5 75.5 Fe 17 Cr 7 Ni I AI 17-7 PH CODE 1502 PAGE 3 FeAH Fe Cr Ni 17 7 I AI 17-7 PH 3.062 3.063 3.064 3.065 3.066 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 4.013 4.014 4. 02 4.03 4.031 4.032 4,033 4.034 CODE 1502 4.035 FERROUS ALLOYS Modulus of elasticity for Conditions C and CH 900, see Table 3.023. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.063. Poisson's ratio. 0.28. Tangent modulus curves for sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950, Fig. 3.065. Tangent modulus curves in compression for sheet in Condition TH 1050 at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.066. FABRICATION Forming and Casting General. Sheet parts are normally formed in the annealed Condition A which possesses forming characteristics similar to annealed austenitic stainless steels. In drawing and severe forming operations, considerable cold work hardening will occur in localized areas. This causes a nonuniform condition which may not be completely eliminated by heat treat- ment, however, this has not been found objectionable by most users. If complete uniformity is required in critical parts which have been severely cold worked, annealing to Condition A after fabricating and before heat treatment to Condition TH 1050 is recommended. When the RH 950 heat treatment is used, the 1750 F austenite conditioning acts like a full anneal. In laying out dimensions of parts to be fabricated n Condition A and subsequently hardened by heat treatment, allowance should be made for the dimensional changes that occur in the heat treating operations. Dies and fixtures must be undersize for parts formed in the annealed condition. Parts formed in Condition A will frequently require sizing in the full or partly age hardened condition. Sizing during cooling from 1400 F is also found to be useful. Where dimensional or other requirements can- not be met after full heat treatment, forming can be performed in some intermediate condition followed by special age hardening treatments with allowance for reduced strength. Forging. Starting temperature 2200 F maximum, finishing temperature 1700 F minimum. Machining. Material is usually machined in Condition T or R-100 by techniques suitable for annealed austenitic stainless steels, (6). In these conditions dimensional changes are minimized on heat treating. Condition A is also machined by the same techniques. Large cuts should be taken. Welding Both fusion welding and spot welding of 17-7 PH is readily performed. The surfaces subject to welding must be cleaned by sand or vapor blasting to avoid porous weld metal. Inert gas tungsten arc fusion welding of annealed and subsequently heat treated metal yields a weld efficiency of 95 to 100 percent. Welding of Condition TH 1050 yields a weld efficiency of about 65 percent. Helium or copper chill blocks with grooves for the gas may be used to back up the weld. Excessive temperatures leading to loss of aluminum must be avoided. tu Fusion welded joints of 17-7 PH in Condition A with 17-4 PH electrodes can be heat treated to F = 170 ksi minimum by austenite conditioning at 1400 F followed by age hardening at 950 F. Slightly higher strength may be obtained by austenite conditioning at 1600 F and age hardening at 900 F. Spot welding and seam welding are readily performed by techniques similar to those used for austenitic stainless steels. Best results are obtained by welding in partly or fully heat treated conditions. Resistance butt welding presents difficulties which have not yet been resolved (1959). 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.043 4.044 4.05 4.051 4.052 4.053 KSI - F TY [I 240 PERCENT 200 160 120 10 900 Heating and Heat Treating For heating this alloy either electric or radiant tube gas furnace should be used to prevent contact with the flame and combustion products. Salt baths are not recommend- ed for heating within the range of 1375 to 1975 F because carburizing and intergranular attack will occur. Salts of the hydride or nitride type may be used for heating to 900 to 1200 F. Furnace atmospheres suitable for heating and heat treat- ing at 1725 to 1975 F are air, dry hydrogen, argon or helium. At 1400 F a scale free product can be obtained only in vacuum. Temperature control must be adequate to avoid major variations in final mechanical properties. REVISED: MARCH 1963 Material to be heat treated must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent carburizing and an uneven scale. Where such cleaning is impractical special coatings may be used to reduce scaling. Surface Treating Cleaning prior to heating consists first of removal of oil, etc., by vapor or solvent degreasers, and second of removal of dirt by scrubbing with mild abrasive cleaners and rinsing with warm water. Scale removal is preferably achieved by wet or dry grit blasting or vapor blasting. Acid pickling may cause intergranular attack except in Conditions A and CH 900. O FTY 0.050 IN, L (10) L + } (10) 950 Fe-17Ċr-7Ni-1A1 SHEET COND RH e (2 IN) 1000 1050 AGING TEMP - F FTU 1100 240 200 160 1150 KSI >> E TU FIG. 1.055 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN VARIOUS RH CONDITIONS (10)(16) PAGE 4 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 14 1274 KSI 10 8 10 9 8 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY t 6 5 0 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 0 COND CH 900 200 0 Fe-17 Cr-7Ni-lAl SHEET, STRIP, PLATE COND RH 950 200 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 400 600 TEMP F 0.002 FIG. 3.0221 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl SHEET, STRIP, PLATE 400 COND A CH 900 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 0.004 (TH 1050 RH 950 600 TEMP - F THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY TH 1050 800 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED COND RH 950 (6, p.3-1-1) 800 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.050 IN SHEET 1000 TENSION T (6, p. 3-1-1) 0.008 FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 TH 1050 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND RH 950 (6) 0.010 KSI PERCENT 280 260 240 220 200 180 260 240 220 200 180 10 0 0 TESTED AT RT 500 HR EXPOSURE T 0.050 IN TH 1050 AT 0.065 IN TH 1050 CT 0.042 IN CH 900 FIG. 3.0222 FTU 200 FTY e (2 IN) 400 Fe-17Cr-7NI-1A1 SHEET 600 TEMP-F 800 1000 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND CH 900 (6) CODE 17 7 1 Fe Cr Ni Al 17-7 PH 1502 PAGE 5 FeAH Fe 17 Cr 7 Ni 1 Al 17-7 PH CODE KSI PERCENT Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 260 -0.050 IN SHEET RH COND 240 220 200 180 260 220 10 HR 240 AO -100 HR ▲ OV-1000 HR TESTED AT RT 200 180 160 10 0 1502 ARH 950 O RH 1050 RH 1125 FTU C 200 FTY EXPOSURE 400 Z e (2 IN) 600 800 FERROUS ALLOYS TEMP F FIG. 3.0223 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN VARIOUS RH CONDITIONS (10, TBL. 1) KSI 280 KSI 240 200 160 120 80 240 200 160 120 80 40 L OT 0 900 FTU 950 REVISED: MARCH 1963 FIG. 3.025 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET IN VARIOUS RH CONDITIONS (16) 0 0.002 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.063 IN SHEET COND, RH 60 0.700 1.000 NOTCH Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl r<0.001 K-15 STRENGTH 1000 1050 AGING TEMP - F 1100 SHEET COND TH 1050 ↓ TEST TEMP - 425 TO RT, 0.080 IN. L (11) I TEST TEMP RT TO 1000F, 0.050 IN (6) 400 E 1150 -425 F -320 -110 F RT 200 F 600 F 800 F 0.008 F 1000 F TENSION -900 F 0.010 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (6)(11, p. 40) PAGE 6 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI KSI 200 160 120 80 FTY 40 240 0 200 PERCENT 120 80 0 160 COND о 40 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.050 IN SHEET COND RH 950 0.002 0 ΟΔ FIG. 3. 0313 ΤΗ 1050 RH 950 L T 0.004 0.006 STRAIN - IN PER IN FIG. 3.0312 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR CONDITION RH 950 400 F 200 200 F. FTU e (2 IN) RT 600 F L800 F FTY 1000 F TENSION 0.008 900 F 800 FERROUS ALLOYS 0.010 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.050 IN SHEET (6) 240 1000 200 160 120 Дома 600 400 TEST TEMP F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND RH 950 80 FTU - KSI (6) KSI - KSI F PERCENT TY 280 PERCENT 240 200 FTY 160 40 200 160 120 80 40 20 0 -400 0 -300 HOLDING TIME ADO 10 SEC ▲ 1/2 HR -200 -100 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (11, p. 31) 200 FTU S 400 FTY STRAIN RATE, IN PER IN PER MIN Δ 0. 003 ☐ 0.6 060 HEATED TO TEST TEMP WITHIN 10 SEC RA е 600 TEMP F Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.080 IN SHEET, L COND TH 1050 - FTU FTY e 0 800 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.063 IN SHEET COND TH 1050 100 1000 280 240 7 | 200 160 FTU - KSI Fe 17 Cr Ni AI 200 160 17-7 PH 120 80 1200 40 FIG. 3. 0315 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE, STRAIN RATE AND HOLDING TIME ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (12, p. 75-80) - KSI CODE FTU 1502 PAGE 7 FeAH Fe Cr 7 Ni | Al 17 17-7 PH FTY - KSI PERCENT CODE 1502 240 200 160 120 80 010 0 F TU □ COND RH 950 O COND TH 1050 1 1/2 HR 10 HR 500 HR OA 1000 HR 200 EXPOSURE O 0. 050 IN SHEET, (10) 0: 050, 0.065 IN SHEET | (6) BAR RA e (2 IN) Fe-17Cr-7 Ni-lAl SHEET, BAR FTY 400 600 TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS 800 240 200 160 120 80 80 40 0 1000 KS! - FTU PERCENT FIG. 3.0316 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET AND BAR IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND RH 950 (6)(10, TBL. 1) KSI → 280 1 200 240 PERCENT FTY 160 120 80 20 0 KSI FIG. 3.0317 200 O 160 80 40 120 0 SHORT TIME EXPOSURE L. 0.050 IN 0.044 IN C T 500 HR EXPOSURE T. 0.042 IN די 0 F 200 TY e (2 IN) REVISED MARCH 1963 400 600 TEMP - F EXPOSURE 1/2 TO 100 HR 0.004 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAi SHEET COND CH 900 RT 400 F 600 F 800 F 800 900 F F TU 280 240 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.063 IN SHEET. COND TH 1050 200 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITION CH 900 160 120 1000 80 800 F 900 F KSI EXPOSURE 1000 HR T, COMPRESSION 0.008 0 0.004 0.008 STRAIN - IN PER IN TU F (6) FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (15, p. 187-195) PAGE 8 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 240 FBRY - KSI 200 160 120 80 0 400 320 240 160 0 FIG. 3.0323 200 FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND RH 950 (6)(15, p. 133) T, 0.050 IN, (6) (1/2 HR 0.063 IN 100 HR (15) 1000 HR 400 e/d = 1.5 F CY 200 Fe-17 Cr-7 Ni-lAl 0.050 TO 0.063 IN SHEET 1 COND RH. 950 TH 1050 600 TEMP - F 400 (14) (17) FBRU FBRY 600 TEMP 800 F FERROUS ALLOYS Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 1000 800 320 240 160 1000 80 KSI - F BRU EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER- ATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF SHEET (14, p. 78-81) (17) KSI 160 140 120 100 KSI 80 60 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 FIG. 3.0324 120 100 80 60 L ΔΙ 0 200 FTU 193 KSI 1/2 HR ▲ 100 HR } O 1000 HR 200 FT LB 30 20 10 400 0 FSU TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND RH 950 (6) -400 FSU/FTU FSU EXPOSURE 600 400 600 TEMP F λ FIG. 3.0325 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (15, p. 136) 0 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-1A1 0.050 IN SHEET O COND TH 1050, COND TH, 950 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.063 IN SHEET COND TH 1050 800 400 TEMP Δ 800 A Fe-17 Cr-Ni-lAl 3/4 IN BAR TH 1050 RH 950 ▲ RH 1050 RH 1150 F IE CHARPY V 1000 1000 800 1200 FIG. 3.0326 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR IN VARIOUS CONDITIONS (5, 2A-11-1) 17 CODE 7 1 17-7 PH Fe Cr Ni Al 1502 PAGE 9 FeAH 17 7 I AI Fe Cr Ni 17-7 PH CODE NOTCH STRENGTH KSI KSI KSI RATIO 280 240 200 160 1.4 1502 1.0 0.6 200 100 80 60 40 200 100 8 60 -400 40 900 F 800 F 600 F FIG. 3.0331 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 0.001 NOTCH STRENGTH ● 2% O 3% ▲ 5% 7% ¥60 21.00 0.500 HEATING RATE 85 TO 115 F PER SEC TOTAL STRAIN 0.01 -300 RUPTURE T, TEMP F t, TIME 24 Cr K ~ 3 r = 0.040 -200 TEMP - F NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.080 IN SHEET COND TH 1050 -100 M 0.1 TIME - HR FIG. 3.042 TOTAL STRAIN CURVES AT 600 TO 900 F FOR SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (18) FTU Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.043 IN SHEET COND TH 1050 FERROUS ALLOYS 1 26 28 (T + 460)(20 + LOG t) x 10-3 0 0.5 0.51% THERMAL EXP INCLUDED 0.43% 0.29% (11, p. 31) Fe-17Cr-7Ni-1A1 SHEET COND TH 1050 30 10 FIG. 3.043 MASTER CREEP RUPTURE CURVE FOR SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (9) 100 KSI 160 120 80 40 0 120 80 40 0 0 160 120 80 40 0 120 80 40 0 0 1 FIG. 3.045 600 F 0.004 2 MIN 100 100 1000 HR 1000 HR 700 F 1 REVISED MARCH 1963 0.004 0.008 0 STRAIN FIG. 3.044 ISOCHRONOUS STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT 600 TO 900 F FOR SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (6, 2A-7-7) 600 F 100 - 2 MIN 100 IN PER IN Fe-17Cr-7 Ni-lAl 0.050 IN SHEET COND TH 1050 1000 HR 1000 HR 100¬ 0.004 1000 HR 800 F 900 F 2 MIN 2 MIN 1 1000 HR Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl SHEET COND RH 950 0.008 2 MIN J 100 100 100 800 F 2 MIN 1000 HR 1000 HR 700 F 0.008 0 0.004 STRAIN - IN PER IN ISOCHRONOUS STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT 600 TO 900 F FOR SHEET IN CONDITION RH 950 (6) 900 F 0.008 PAGE 10 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 200 KSI 100 80 60 40 1000 KSI 0.600 0.300 1+ 0.1 SMOOTH TH ○ NOTCHED, K×3.1 FIG. 3.046 · 32 28 24 20 28 24 20 32 28 24 60 20 RUPTURE -0.024 FIG. 3.061 DYNAMIC O STATIC ASTATIC (11) -400 1 E ·(6) DYNAMIC (6) STATIC (6) 10 0 100 10 TIME HR CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 600 TO 900 F FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (13, p. 33) Fe-17Cr-7 Ni-lAl 0.063 IN SHEET (T) COND TH 1050 600 F 800 F 900 F Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl SHEET COND TH 1050 800 COND RH 950 COND CH 900 400 TEMP - F MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (6)(11, p. 31) OT FERROUS ALLOYS 1200 1000 10,000 1000 KSI 12 10 8 KSI 240 200 160 120 80 40 O(6) -(9) 0 FIG. 3.063 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES (6, 2A-5-2)(9) 200 COND RH 950 0 TENSION FIG. 3.065 сл 400 5 200 160 120 'KSI 80 G DYNAMIC 40 600 TEMP F 0 10 15 20 TANGENT MODULUS - 1000 KSI TH 1050 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES FOR SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND RH 950 (6) 0 400 F 600 F 800 F 900 F W – M 800 FIG. 3.066 COMPRESSION 1/2 HR -10 HR -1000 HR Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl SHEET ∙COND TH 1050 COND RH 950 8 RT 1000 Fe-17Cr-7Ni-lAl 0.050 IN SHEET, T 1/2 TO100 HR 1200 25 Fe-17€r-7Ni-lAl 0.063 IN SHEET COND TH 1050 EXPOSURE 1/2 TO1000 HR 101000 EXPOSURE 30 16 1000 KSI TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET IN CON- DITION TH 1050 AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 24 32 (19) Fe 17 Cr 7 Ni I AI 17-7 PH CODE 1502 PAGE 11 FeAH Fe Cr 7 Ni I AI 17 17-7 PH CODE 1502 FERROUS ALLOYS 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 REVISED: MARCH 1963 REFERENCES AMS 5528 A, (Apr. 15, 1958) AMS 5529 A, (Sept. 15, 1957) AMS 5644 A, (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5568, (May 1, 1954) AMS 5673 A, (July 1, 1957) Armco Steel Corp., "Armco Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels Technical Data Manual," (Nov. 1, 1957) Brisbane, A. W., "Mechanical Properties of 17-7 PH and PH 15-7 Mo Stainless Steel", WADC TR 58-400, (Jan. 1959) Armco Steel Corp., "Comments on ARDC Materials Handbook", (Apr. 9, 1959) General Electric Co., "G. E. Spec.", (Dec. 17, 1957) The Martin Co., "Stability of Armco 17-7 PH Steel in the RH Condition on Exposure to Elevated Temperatures", ER-9582-5, (Oct. 10, 1957) McGee, R. L., Campbell, J. E., Carlson, R. L. and Manning, G. K., "The Mechanical Properties of Certain Aircraft Structur- al Metals at Very Low Temperatures", WADC TR 58-386, (Nov. 1958) Morrison, D. J. and Kattus, J. R., "Tensile Properties of Aircraft-Structural Metals at Various Rates of Loading After Rapid Heating", WADC TR 55-199, Pt. 2, (Nov. 1956) Voorhees, H. R. and Freeman, W. J., "Notch Sensitivity of Aircraft Structural and Engine Alloys", WADC TR 57-58, Pt. 1, (May 1957) Favor, R. J., Achbach, W. P. and Hyler, W. S., "Materials- Property-Design Criteria for Materials", WADC TR 55-150, Pt. 5, (Oct. 1957) Miller, E. D., "Determination of the Physical Properties of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Structural Sheet Materials at Ele- vated Temperatures", AF TR No. 6517, Pt. 4, (Dec. 1954) NASA, (1959) North American Aviation, Inc., (1954) AFTR 6731, Pt. 3, (1955) WADC TR 6517, Pt. 4, (1954) PAGE 12 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.06 1.05 1.051 1.08 1.07 1.071 1.072 Source 2. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1.09 1.091 Molybdenum Aluminum Iron 1.092 GENERAL This age hardenable stainless steel is a further develop- ment of the 17-7 PH alloy. Due to its molybdenum content, it can be heat treated to higher strength values at room and elevated temperatures than 17-7 PH, and it is finding use at temperatures up to 1000 F. The alloy is available in sheet, strip, plate, bar and wire forms. It can be formed readily in the annealed condition and easily welded by various methods. Its heat treatment is identical with that of 17-7 PH and much of the information available for the latter alloy also applies to PH 15-7 Mo. Commercial Designation. PH 15-7 Mo. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. Table 1.03. AMS 5520 2.01 2.011 2.012 Composition. Table 1. 04. TABLE 1.03 Form Sheet, strip, plate TABLE 1. 04 ? Min 1 14.00 6.50 2.00 0.75 AMS (1) Percent Balance Military Max 0.09 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.03 16.00 7.75 3.00 1.50 Heat Treatment. Same as for 17-7 PH. Effect of aging temperature on tensile properties of sheet in various RH Conditions, Fig. 1.051, (2, 1-1-1 to 2) te FERROUS ALLOYS Hardenability. All commercial products develop specified properties when hardened to one of the standard conditions (TH 1050, RH 950, CH 900). Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, wire and welded tubing, (2). Alloy is available in the Condition A for the full range of products. Strip up to 0. 050 inch thick and wire up to 0.440 inch diameter are also available in the Condition C (2). Melting and Casting Practice. Conventional stainless steel melting and casting practices are used. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts are also available. Special Considerations Dimensional changes during heat treating to Conditions TH 1050 or RH 950 need consideration and special provisions must be made for machining and tooling. Thorough cleaning prior to thermal treatments is recommended in order to avoid carburization and to minimize difficulties when descaling. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2580 to 2640 F. Phase changes. Similar to those in 17-7 PH. 2.013 2. 014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 Source Condition lb per cu in gr per cu cm Source Condition microhm-in Source Condition 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.022 Electrical resistivity, Table 2. 022. 25 oersteds 50 oersteds 100 oersteds 200 oersteds Maximum 2.0312 2.0313 Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.11 Btu per lb F. Dimensional changes on heat treating. See 17-7 PH. Source Form Condition Other Physical Properties Density, Table 2. 021. TH 1050 RH 950 RH 1000 CH 900 2.023 Magnetic properties. Permeability, Table 2. 023. 2.0315 Ftu ksi TABLE 2.021 A 0.282 7.80 204.6 208.6 204.6 107.4 109.2 161.2 208.6 163.9 219.8 115.8 220.8 116.8 219.8 173.7 220.8 175.2 226.2 227.1 226.2 227.1 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Stress ksi 251.6 251.6 A 31.5 118.2 118.4 177.4 177.6 TABLE 2.022 131. 0 196.6 A 5.1 5.2 5.1 4.7 5.3 TABLE 2.023 General corrosion resistance of this alloy is superior to that of martensitic stainless steels and, in Condition CH 900, it is comparable to that of austenitic stainless steels, (2). Salt spray tests on 0.051 in thick sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950 indicate no loss in strength and longitudinal elongation, but show reduction in transverse elongation to about one percent after 250 and 1000 hr exposure, (4). Stress corrosion cracking. Results of sustained load tests on sheet in various conditions at Kure Beach, Table 2. 0313. сл спел сл 5 5 5 TABLE 2,0313 (2) Sheet Spec Tested No 5 сл сл ел сл 5 5 (2)(3, p. 6) 5 TH 1050 0.277 7.69 след слел спл 5 5 (2)(3, p. 6) TH 1050 32.3 5 5 5 (2)(3, p. 6) TH 1050 5 142 147 94 55 150 No 0 0 3 5 Specimens Failed* Сл сл спел сл 5 RH 950 0.277 7.68 5 5 RH 950 32.7 5 112 to 385 (169. 4) 0 4 5 сл сл RH 950 65 118 87 53 119 5 0 0 Within days (avg) 75 to 118 (103) 20 to 70 (39.8) * No failure in 600 days for remainder of specimens. 2.0314 10 to 116 (98.8) 67 to 70 (68.8) 7 to 24 (14.2) 112 to 385 (166) 7 to 465 (195. 4) 7 to 70 (33.8) Intergranular corrosion may occur during acid pickling, except in Conditions A and CH 900. Hydrogen embrittlement may occur during plating and recommended procedures for preventing same must be followed, (2). Fe 15 Cr 7 Ni 2.5 Mo PH 15-7 Mo CODE 1503 PAGE I FeAH Fe Cr 7 Ni 2.5 Mo 15 PHI5-7 Mo CODE 2,032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 3. 012 1503 Source Alloy Form Condition Thickness Ftu, max min Fty, max min 3.013 3.02 3.021 Oxidation resistance. See 17-7 PH. 3.022 Nuclear Properties e(2 in), min-percent Hardness, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 600 Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties for sheet, strip and plate, Table 3.011. RB, max RC, min For thicknesses 0.010 only. 700 Source Alloy Form Condition Ftu, min max Fty, min max e (2 in), min-percent 0.0015 to 0. 0049 0.005 to 0.0099 0.010 to 0.0199 0.187 to 0.20 Hardness* 800 - 900 in ksi ksi ksi ksi G m Source Form Condition 1000 hr exposure Temp - F Load-ksi RT ksi ksi ksi ksi A 0.0015 to 0.0015 to 0.500 0.004 150 90 200 40 190 40 170 20 70 100* God TABLE 3.012 Producers' guaranteed mechanical properties for sheet, strip and plate, Table 3.012. A 150 65 255 65 25 25 25 100 276.2 302.1 282.4 308.3 249.8 262.4 2 170 234 10 5 RB, max RC, min 40 Rockwell hardness not guaranteed for thicknesses under 0.030 in. Design mechanical properties. See MIL-HDBK-5. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures on tensile properties of sheet in Conditions CH 900, RH 950 and TH 1050, Fig. 3. 021. Effect of exposure to elevated temperature with load on tensile properties of sheet in Condition RH 950, Table 3.022. TABLE 3.022 (2) 0.050 in Sheet RH 950 FERROUS ALLOYS (3, p. 5) Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2, 5Mo Sheet, Strip, Plate TH 1050 190 RH 950 225 God 0.005 to 0.009 3 6.5 6.5 3.5 4.25 2.25 4.5 1.75 1 5.5 4.0 1 200 G 1234 4 Room Temp Properties after Exposure Ftu ksi e (2 in)-percent, T 248 252 283 TH 1050 0.010 to 0.019 46 3.023 3.024 3.03 3.031 3.0311 TABLE 3.011 3.0312 1 190 170 ERR 4 5 6 40 40 AMS (1) Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2,5Mo Sheet, strip. plate 0.020 to 0.01875 to 0.0015 to 0.005 to 0.187 0.004 0,500 0.009 Source Form Condition Thickness (e/D = 1.5) Fbru - ksi Fty - ksi Fbru/Ftu Fbry/Fty (e/D = 2.0) Fbru ksi Fbry Fbru/Ftu Fbry/Fty 3.0313 ksi 3.0314 40 3. 0315 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.04 3.041 Bearing properties, Table 3.023. Effect of aging temperatures on notch strength of sheet in various RH Conditions, Fig. 3.024. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves for sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950 at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0311 Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet in Condition TH 1050, Fig. 3.0312. in -BARJFAB L T L T L T L T L T L T LELE T Τ 1 d (4) 326 316 278 27 1 1.50 1. 46 1.33 1.39 2 429 418 305 303 1.98 1.93 1.46 L 45 REVISED MARCH 1963 ! I RH 950 0.010 to 0.020 to 0.1875 to 0.019 0.187 0.500 418 427 3.16 343 1.98 1.99 1.52 1.62 225 200 3 TABLE 3. 023 46 (3) TH 1050 0.051 10.050 0.064 Sheet 4 I 501 504 342 345 342 378 2.42 2.45 2.31 2.23 1.64 1.72 1.62 1.88 46 (4) 402 359 410 364 330 314 325 323 1.98 1.46 1.44 1. 97 1.69 1.39 1.62 1.39 497 476 463 479 361 365 1. 94 1.89 1.60 1. 56 5 I 46 RH 950 0.051 0.050 10.064 (3) 455 470 476 471 344 350 346 366 2.00 1.95 1.97 1.96 1.52 1. 64 1.48 1.62 564 489 405 349 2.40 2.01 1.79 1. 49 543 507 390 372 2.33 2.11 1.83 1.69 Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet in Condition RH 950, Fig. 3.0313. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet, strip and plate in Condition CH 900, Fig. 3.0314. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile properties of sheet in Conditions TH 1050, RH 950 and CH 900, Fig. 3.0315. Short time properties other than tension Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet in Conditions TH 1050, RH 950 and CH 900, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of test temperature on shear strength of sheet in Conditions TH 1050 and RH 950, Fig. 3. 0322. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep properties for sheet, strip and plate in Condition RH 950 at 600 to 1000 F, Table 3.041. PAGE 2 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 3.042 Source Form Condition Time- hr Creep - percent Temp - F 3.043 3.05 3.06 3. 061 4. 3.062 Source Form Condition Time - hr Temp - F 3.063 KSI PERCENT 4.03 280 240 200 600 700 800 900 160 20 600 700 800 900 FIG. 1.051 TABLE 3.041 130 120 FTU 900 95 40 FTY L От Creep rupture properties for sheet, strip and plate in Conditions TH 1050, RH 950 and CH 900 at 600 to 900 F, Table 3.042. 100 (3, p. 4) Sheet, Strip, Plate RH 950 1000 179 161 139 108 0. 1 Stress ksi TABLE 3.042 (2) 0.050 IN SHEET TH 1050 1000 100 Creep Rupture Strength – ksi 178 1000 202 200 159 193 191 137 174 171 98 125 108 Isochronous stress strain curves for sheet in Condition RH 950 at 600 to 900 F, Fig. 3.043. Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. e (2 IN) 0.2 Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio. Condition RH 950, 0.30. 150 143 108 44 FABRICATION. See 17-7 PH except as follows. Welding. Inert gas tungsten arc fusion welding of annealed and subsequently heat treated metal yields a weld efficiency of 80 to 100 percent. RH 950 950 1000 AGING TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS 1050 Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo 0.063 IN SHEET COND RH 1100 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN VARIOUS RH CONDITIONS (5) 10 PER IN PER F 9-01 PERCENT 36 4 280 260 240 220 240 0 200 260 220 200 180 10 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 0 FIG. 2.013 12 10 ∞ 0 0 Fe-15Cr-7Ni‑2. 5Mo COND TH 1050 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo 200 200 TH 1050 200 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY TESTED AT RT TH 1050 RH 950 CH 900 } COND A- THERMAL 400 TEMP - F 400 600 TEMP - F MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION CONDUCTIVITY RH 950 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 800 FTU Fe -15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo 0.050 IN SHEET F 500 HR EXPOSURE TY 600 e (2 IN) - (3, p. 6) 800 (3, p. 6) 400 600 TEMP F FIG. 3.021 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS CH 900, RH 950 AND TH 1050 (2, 2A-2-1B) 800 1000 1000 15 Fe Cr Ni PH 15-7 Mo 7 2.5 Mo CODE 1503 PAGE 3 FeAH Fe 15 Cr 7 Ni 2.5 Mo CODE PHI5-7 Mo 200 KSI 280 240 - 160 120 80 KSI PERCENT 240 200 1503 160 FTY 80 40 900 0 L FIG. 3.0312 T L OT SHEET 0.016 IN Δ 0.026 IN 0.032 IN 120 L 0:036 IN 0,052 IN 0.056 IN BAR 1. J IN 950 FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET IN VARIOUS RH CONDITIONS (5) TYPICAL 200 FTU 1959 FTY Fe-15Cr-7Ni‑2. 5Mo 0.063 IN SHEET COND RH NOTCH 1000 TEMP - F STRENGTH 400 e (2 IN) 60Y 0.700 1.000 1050 600 TEMP - F r<0.001 K = 17 FERROUS ALLOYS 1100 Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo SHEET, BAR COND TH 1050 800 FTU 1000 240 200 160 120 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITION TH 1050 (2) T FTU - KSI 200 KSI 160 120 80 40 0 =200 160 120 80 40 0 TH 1050 COND Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo 0.050 IN SHEET RH 950 COND 0 REVISED: MARCH 1963 0.002 200 F 400 F-2 200 E 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN 600 F RT 800 F 900 F 1000 F TENSION RT 0.008 400 F 600 F 800 F 900 F 1000 F TENSION 0.010 FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET IN CON- DITIONS TH 1050 AND RH 950 AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2) PAGE 4 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 FTY - KSI PERCENT KSI 240 200 160 120 80 40 O 280 240 ERCENT 200 160 120 20 0 Δ SHEET ▲0,016 IN Δ 0.026 IN 0:032 IN 0.036 IN 0.052 IN O0.056 IN BAR 1.0 IN ● L OT 200 200 FTY TYPICAL 1959 FTY e (2 IN) 400 Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2.5 Mo SHEET, BAR COND RH 950 400 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPER TIES OF SHEET IN CONDITION RH 950 (2) e(2 IN) 600 TEMP - F 800 800 FERROUS ALLOYS FTU 1000 Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2 5Mo 0.041 IN SHEET CQND CH 900 FTU 1000 210 FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET, STRIP AND PLATE IN CONDITION CH 900 (3, p. 4) 200 160 FTU - KSI 120 FTU - KSI KSI - TY LI 240 200 160 120 EXPOSURE OAV1/2 HR 7500 HR KSI COND OTH 1050 A ✓ FIG. 3. 0315 280 240 200 160 120 0 RH 950 0.050 IN CH 900˚ 0. 041 IN i 200 400 200 F CY Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo SHEET, T 600 TEMP - F EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER - ATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND CH 900 (2) RH 950 0.052 IN COND CH 900 0.034 IN 400 TEMP TH 1050 0.052 IN G 800 240 600 F 2005 160 120 Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2.5 Mo SHEET, T 1000 FTU- 800 1000 FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COM- PRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050, RH 950 AND CH 900 (2) CODE PH 15–7 Mo Fe 15 Cr 7 Ni 2.5 Mo 1503 PAGE 5 FeAH Fe Cr 7 Ni 2.5 Mo 15 7 PHI5-7 Mo CODE KSI FSU/FTU KSI 1000 KSI 160 120 40 0.8 1503 80 0.6 200 160 120 0 80 40 20 32 28 24 0 FIG. 3.0322 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS TH 1050 AND RH 950 (2, 2A-9-1) COND TH 1050 RH 950 0 200 600 F 0.004 + FSU AVG L, T 200 700 F E STATIC FSU/FTU 400 TEMP 400 1 HR 100 1000 800 F Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo Q. 49 IN SHEET - TEMP 600 F J 2 MIN 2 MIN 100 1000 1 HR 600 F Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo 0.050 IN SHEET, COND RH 950 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.043 ISOCHRONOUS STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET IN CONDITION RH 950 AT 600 TO 900 F (2, 2B-6-2) 800 1 HR 900 F 100 1000 FERROUS ALLOYS 2 MIN 1 HR 800 1000 2 MIN 100 Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo SHEET,STRIP, PLATE COND TH 1050 COND RH 950 1000 FIG. 3,061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2, 2B-4-1) 1000 12 2 34 сл 5 1000 KSI 124 10 8 0 G DYNAMIC 200 REVISED MARCH 1963 400 600 TEMP - F Fe-15Cr-7Ni-2. 5Mo SHEET, STRIP, PLATE COND RH 950 REFERENCES 800 1000 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND EL- EVATED TEMPERATURES (2, 2A-4-1) AMS 5520, (May 15, 1959) Armco Steel Corp., "Armco Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels Technical Data Manual", (Mar. 1, 1958) Armco, (Feb. 1, 1959) Brisbane, A. W., "Mechanical Properties of 17-7 PH and PH 15-7 Mo Stainless Steel", WADC TR 58-400, (Jan. 1959) NASA, (1959) PAGE 6 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1. 02 1.03 5548A 5554 5745 5774 15775 1. 04 AMS* Source 1.05 1.051 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1.0511 Molybdenum Nitrogen Iron 1.0512 1.0513 1. 052 1.0521 1. 0522 1.053 1.054 ling AMS are pending for bar, forgings (57 AM) and wire, welding (57 AP) Composition. Table 1. 04. 1.06 1.0541 1. 0542 1.055 1.07 GENERAL This alloy is one of a series of age hardening steels which combines high strength at temperatures up to 800 F and higher with the corrosion resistance of stainless steels. The alloy is available in the form of sheet, strip, bar, wire, forgings and tubing. It possesses good formability in the high temperature annealed condition and good weldability in all conditions. Commercial Designation. AM-350. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. Table 1. 03. TABLE 1.03 Sheet, strip Tubing, seamless Bars, forgings Wire, welding Electrode, coated weld- Form TABLE 1. 04 Min 0.08 0.50 1 1 Military MIL-S-8840 AMS (1)(2)(3) Percent 16.00 4.00 2.50 0.07 Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Max 0.12 1.25 0.50 0.040 0.030 17.00 5.00 3.25 0.13 Heat Treatment Anneal to Condition H for maximum formability and sta- bility. 1900 to 1950, (4). Sheet and strip. 3/4 hr minimum per in thickness, rapid air cool to 80 F maximum. Forging stock. 1 hr minimum per in thickness, oil or water quench to 80 F maximum. Bar and forgings should not be annealed to Condition H, because of resulting lack of response to heat treatment in larger sizes. Anneal to Condition L for maximum response to hardening. 1685 to 1735 F. Sheet and strip. 3/4 hr minimum per in thickness, rapid air cool to 80 F maximum. Bar and forgings. 1 hr minimum per in thickness, oil.or water quench to 80 F maximum. Equalize and age bar for best machining. 1350 to 1450 F, 3 hr, air cool to 80 F maximum + 1000 to 1050 F, 3 hr. Hardness should be about 38 RC. Subzero cool and age Condition L to Conditions SCT. Cool to -100 F, hold 3 hr minimum + 850 to 1050 F, 3 hr mini- mum. Effect of aging temperature on tensile properties of sheet in SCT Conditions, Fig. 1.054, (4). Age to Condition SCT 850. 825 to 875 F. Age to Condition SCT 1000. 975 to 1025 F. Double age either Condition H or Condition L to Condition DA. 1350 to 1400 F, 2 hr, air cool to 80 F maximum + 825 to 875 F, 3 hr. Condition L yields slightly higher tensile properties than Condition H, (4). Hardenability. Alloy hardens fully in all section sizes after heat treating to either Condition SCT or DA. Forms and Conditions Available 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.08 1.09 1.091 1.092 1.093 1.094 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 Source Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, foil, bar, forgings and wire. AM-350 plate is not commercially available at present since AM-355 is the preferred plate product. Sheet, strip, foil forging stock and wire are available in the Condition H. Bars and wire are also available in the equalized and tempered conditions. 2.02 2.021 Melting and Casting Practice. Electric arc furnace melt and consumable electrode remelt. Special Considerations Heating to temperatures above those specified for Condition H should be avoided because of grain coarsening and loss of response to hardening. Annealing of heavy bar and forgings to Condition H may result in loss of response to heat treating. Forging of heavy sections should be finished at about 1750 F to insure adequate response to heat treating. Dimensional changes on heat treating require special consideration. 2.022 2.0221 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2500 to 2550 F. Phase changes. Material heated to above 1325 F is essentially austenitic but transforms to martensite on cooling. On rapid cooling from 1710 F the Ms point is between 80 and 200 F and the Mf point is above -110 F. On rapid cooling from 1375 F the Ms point is between 250 and 400 F and the Mf point is near room temperature. Form Condition or Treatment Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.12 Btu per lb F. Dimensional changes during various heat treatments, Table 2. 016. H+1375 F, 2 hr, AC + 850 F, 3 hr, AC H to DA H to L L+1375 F, 2 hr, AC + 850 F, 3 hr, AC L to DA H to L to DA L+-100 F, 3 hr L to SCT H to L to SCT + 850 F, 3 hr, AC Source TABLE 2.016 (6) 0.039 to 0.062 in Sheet, L and T, (Average of 4 Heats) Dimensional change in per in Condition H SCT DA + 0.0045 -0.0002 + 0.0043 + 0.0015 Other Physical Properties Density. SCT Condition, 0.282 lb per sq in. 7.81 gr per cu cm. Electrical properties + 0.0036 - 0.0002 + 0.0034 +0.0049 + 0.0034 - 0.0002 + 0.003 +0.0047 Electrical resistivity at room temperature for various conditions, Table 2. 0221. TABLE 2.0221 (5, p. 17) Electrical Resistivity Microhm-in 28.0 31.9 32.7 17 CODE 4 3 Fe Cr Ni Mo AM-350 1504 PAGE 1 FeAH Fe 17 Cr 4 Ni 3 Mo AM-350 CODE 2.0222 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 2.032 Condition Induction at 200 oersteds Permeability 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form Condition Ftu, min max Fty, min RC, Sheet Thickness in 0.043 (b) 0.046 (a) ksi ksi ksi max - ksi (2 in), min-percent percentercent RA, Hardness RA, 0.052 (b) Electrical resistivity for bar in SCT Condition, Fig. 2.0222. Magnetic properties. Alloy is ferromagnetic. Typical magnetic properties, Table 2. 023. 0.062 (a) 0.065 (a) 1504 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance ܚ Source Form Condition Exposure Temp Exposure Load (Approx) MECHANICAL PROPERTIES - · General corrosion resistance approaches that of austenitic stainless steels. min max min Intergranular attack may occur in Condition DA. Oxidation resistance. Comparable to that of austenitic stainless steels. Nuclear Properties max Specified Mechanical Properties AMS and producers' specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. Ftu [LIO II [ [ O BBC 2 B B BO Allegheny Ludlum gives ** Allegheny Ludlum gives 8 - F ksi Fty e (2 in) Ftu Ftv [ILI U G F tu Fitu FF gausses max initial 2 ty e (2 in) FEL H Fty We 180* TABLE 2.023 H 75* 20 - 58 62 1 1 Sheet, Strip TABLE 3.011 AMS (1) e (2 in) (a) 1001 to 1067 hr exposure 135 FEY e (2 in) -percent DA SCT 165 185 Property 1700 14 .12 I J 1 10** 10 37 47 e (2 in) -percent G ksi - - ksi percent - ksi •ksi - M ksi - ksi J AMS Allegheny (2) Ludlum (5) Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo Tubing, Seam- less - ksi · ksi -percent Bud 150 ksi - ksi SCT 8600 76 18 I } I 42 52 DA 165 130 10 RT Kata JJ 185 and 75 ksi respectively (foil excluded) 203 170 13 199 156 12 222 184 12.5 FERROUS ALLOYS 201 158 12 - 216 175 11.5 DA 9980 115 18 1 1 II SCT DA 185 165 150 10 20 I 34 48 + 3.5 +10 0 Bar - 2 + 4.5 +2 1 135 ww 60 to 70 110 10 20 36 46 +2 +16 - 4 - 1 I 1 1 1 600 1 11 - 1 3.012 1 3.02 3.021 3.022 3.023 3.024 3.025 + 3 + 44 0 TABLE 3. 023 (10) Sheet SCT 3.026 3.03 3.031 3.0311 140 to 150 3.0312 3.0313 3 +38 -4.5 3. 0314 Source Form Condition (e/D = 1.5) Fbru Fbry Fbru/Ftu Fbry/Fty Fbrv/Ftu F su Fsu/Ftu 3.0315 160 [1 I 1 1 រ Design mechanical properties. See MIL-HDBK-5. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3. 03 also. Average values of tensile properties for present production of sheet in SCT Condition (July to November 1958), Ftu = 212 ksi, Fty = 177 ksi, e (2 in) = 11 percent. Effect of exposure to elevated temperature on tensile properties of sheet in Conditions SCT and DA, Fig. 3.022. Change from RT Value, Tested at RT +7 +47 - 5 Effect of exposure to elevated temperature with load on tensile properties of sheet in Condition SCT, Table 3.023. Effects of stretching and subsequent aging to Condition SCT 850 on tensile properties of sheet in Condition L, Fig. 3.024. Typical bearing and shear properties, Table 3. 025. ksi - ksi - ksi -percent (b) 2015 to 2353 hr exposure (c) Broke outside gage marks 60 C 1 S +13 +30 -3.5 TABLE 3. 025 Effects of tempering temperature and test direction on notch strength of sheet, Fig. 3.026. +3 +11 - 1 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Stress strain curves for sheet in SCT Condition at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3. 0311. Stress strain curves for sheet in DA Condition at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3. 0312. Stress strain curves for sheet in SCT Condition at low temperatures, Fig. 3. 0313. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet in DA and SCT Conditions, Fig. 3.0314. Effect of low test temperature on tensile properties of sheet in SCT Condition, Fig. 3.0315. Į 700 REVISED: MARCH 1963 (8)(9) 0.060 to 0,065 in Sheet SCT 850 DA 90 J 410 295 +5 +24 - 1 I · 1.96 1.70 1.41 138 0.66 150 # 1 11 [I G +12 + 52 -6.5 285.5 216 1 1 1.59 1.45 1.20 +24 + 44 0 +19 +33 - 5 122 0.68 45 to 60 !! 800 133 1 C dig +19 +55 -7.5(c) 1 I PAGE 2 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.0325 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.05 3.051 3.06 3.061 4. 3.062 4.01 4.011 4.012 Source Form Condition Method 4.013 4. 014 4.015 Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression for sheet in SCT Condition at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0321. 4.02 Stress strain curves in compression for sheet in DA Condition at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0322. SCT DA* *From Condition H Effect of test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet in DA and SCT Conditions, Fig. 3.0323. Effect of test temperature on bearing properties of sheet in Condition SCT 850, Fig. 3.0324. Effect of test temperature on shear strength of sheet in Condition SCT 850, Fig. 3. 0325. Static stress concentration effects. Effect of low test temperature on notch strength and notch strength ratio of sheet in SCT Condition, Fig. 3. 033. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curve for sheet in SCT Condition at 800 F, Fig. 3.041. Isochronous stress strain curves for sheet in Condition SCT at 600 to 800 F, Fig. 3.042. Fatigue Properties Room temperature fatigue properties of sheet, Table 3. 051. Rev bend Stress Stress Ratio Concen- A Rtration 8 FERROUS ALLOYS TABLE 3.051 (12) 0.40 in Sheet, L FABRICATION -1 Machining Smooth K = 1 Fatigue Strength-ksi at, Cycles 106 107 105 95.5 95.0 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at various temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. 87.5 86.0 85.0 84.0 Forming and Casting General. Condition H has a formability similar to that of austenitic steels except for a higher rate of strain hardening due to martensite formation. Condition L is even less stable. It strain hardens more rapidly and therefore possesses inferior forming characteristics. Alloy in Conditions H and L can be formed with advantage at 300 F or higher due to absence of martensite formation and correspondingly decreased rate of strain hardening. The heat treated Condition SCT permits minor forming operations, including bending, straightening and dimpling, while Condition DA is still more difficult to form. 3, for Bending. Bend factor for Condition SCT Condition DA = 5. Sheet formed in Condition H needs subsequent full heat treatment. If it is possible to form the alloy in Condition L, subsequent aging to Condition SCT will produce about the same properties as obtained without the strain hardening due to forming. Straightening of parts to be heat treated to Condition SCT is performed preferably after cooling to -100 F to reduce the dimensional changes occuring during heat treating. Stretched parts show little dimensional changes. Forging. Starting temperature 2100 F maximum. Finish- ing temperature should be about 1750 F to insure adequate response to heat treating. Before heat treating forgings should be equalized at 1375 F. 4.021 4. 022 4.023 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.033 4.04 4.041 4.042 4.043 4.05 4.051 4. 052 4.053 General. Machining properties of AM-350 are similar to those of austenitic stainless steels. Rigid supports, positive cuts and adequate cooling are required. Conditions H and L do not machine well because of their initial softness and their high rate of strain hardening. For best machining, it is recommended that the alloy be subjected to an equalizing treatment consisting of 1375 F, 3 hrs, air cool to room temperature plus temper at 1000 to 1050 F, 3 hrs, with a resulting hardness of about 35 RC. Allowance must be made for growth on subsequent heat treatment. For extreme dimensional accuracy, finish machining should be done on material in Condition SCT or DA, which machine in a manner similar to low alloy steels of equal hardness. Welding General. Welding of AM-350 can be performed by using the same welding techniques as those used on austenitic stainless steels. It is easier to weld than ferritic or martensitic steels and does not require either preheating or postheating to minimize cracking. This is explained by the fact that the alloy remains ductile during cooling although its structure changes from austenite to a structure containing upwards of 15 percent martensite. Welding can be performed in all conditions. To weld the principle forms available (sheet, strip, bar and wire), electric resistance, tungsten electrode and consumable electrode inert gas welding techniques are recommended. Fusion welding can be performed by all conventional methods. Any austenitic steel filler rod or electrode may be used, unless high strength in the joint is required. Heat treated welds having 90 to 100 percent joint efficiency in light gage material can be obtained without filler metal. AM-350 or AM-355 welding wire and coated AM-355 electrodes should be used for heavier gages. In order to heat treat to Condition SCT, the same full heat treatments as for unwelded material are used. Age hardening to Condition DA requires no anneal to Condition L, if AM-350 weld metal is used. If AM-355 filler is used however, such an anneal should precede the DA aging treatment. Spot welding of age hardened sheet can be performed by proper selection of current and electrode size to give tension shear values equal to and tension impact and fatigue strength values higher than those of welded and subsequently age hardened material. Heating and Heat Treating. Prior to annealing material should be thoroughly decreased and cleaned to avoid harmful surface reactions and to facilitate subsequent pickling. Annealing atmosphere should be such that surface reactions resulting in decarburization, carburization or nitriding which affect the stability of austenite are avoided. Growth occurs in heat treating and allowance must be made for it in machining and forming. The expansion on aging Condition H to Conditions SCT amount to about 0.004 in per in. If Condition H is cold worked 5 percent the growth reduces to about 0. 002 in per in. Surface Treating Degreasing and cleaning should be thorough to avoid harmful surface effects on heating such as carburization, and to facilitate pickling. Iron particles from finishing operations should be removed by a final cleaning in a 20 percent nitric acid solution to prevent a reduction in corrosion resistance. Pickling to remove scale aiter annealing is best effected by using a 15 percent nitric acid, 2 to 4 percent hydrofluoric acid solution at 130 F. If the scale is very heavy, a solution with a slightly increased hydrofluoric acid content or an increased bath temperature, 140 F maximum, can be used. Acid pickling of heat treated material should be avoided. Mechanical descaling followed by cleaning with warm 20 to 40 percent nitric acid is suggested. If acid pickling must be used, the nitric hydrofluoric acid solution noted above is satisfactory for material in Condition SCT. The Fe Cr 4 Ni 3 Mo 17 AM-350 CODE 1504 PAGE 3 FeAH 17 4 3 Fe Cr Ni Mo AM-350 CODE 4. 054 KSI PERCENT 200 180 160 140 120 20 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 14 1504 12 10 850 8 0 light oxide formed during the tempering treatment can be removed in this bath at slightly lower temperatures and concentrations than previously stated. The DA and Equalized Conditions which contain precipitated carbide can be pickled in a 50 percent 950 1000 AGING TEMP - F FIG. 1.054 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN SCT CONDITION The DA and Equalized Conditions which contain precipi- tated carbide can be pickled in a 50 percent hydrochloric acid solution at 160 F maximum. L T 900 FTU Fe-17Cr-4N1-3Mo COND SCT 200 FTY e (2 IN) Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.063 IN SHEET COND SCT 400 FERROUS ALLOYS 600 TEMP - F THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 1050 800 1100 (17) 1000 (16) 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 8 7 6 0 MICROHM IN 44 40 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo COND SCT 36 32 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 400 0 REVISED MARCH 1963 400 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 1 IN BAR COND SCT MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 800 TEMP - F 850 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED. 1200 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 800 TEMP - F 1200 1600 1600 FIG. 2.0222 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY FOR BAR IN SCT CONDITION (16) (7) PAGE 4 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT KSI PERCENT 240 200 200 160 120 20 0 200 160 200 160 120 20 0 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo SHEET COND SCT 850 FTU ▲▲ 0.062 IN ●00.050 IN ▼▼0.040 IN TESTED AT RT AV 1000 HR OAV 100 HR COND DA AND FIG. 3.022 200 FTY EXPOSURE е FTU FTY e 400 600 TEMP - F $ 800 FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS SCT AND DA (18) FTU - KSI KSI PERCENT 220 200 180 $160 240 140 200 160 20 O 0 FTU 4 900 F Ge 950 FTY TU CONDITION L + STRETCH· e +AGE TO SCT 850 60% 0.700 1.000 Fe-17Cr-4Ńi-3Mo 0.042 IN SHEET STRETCH PERCENT FIG. 3.024 EFFECTS OF STRETCHING AND SUBSE- QUENT AGING TO CONDITION SCT 850 ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITION L 0,001 8 K17 12 1000 1050 TEMPERING TEMP - F 16 L T NOTCH STRENGTH 200 160 120 80 40 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.063 IN SHEET COND SCT FTY - KSI (16) 1100 FIG. 3026 EFFECTS OF TEMPERING TEMPERATURE AND TEST DIRECTION ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF SHEET (17) Fe 17 Cr 4 Ni 3 Mo CODE AM-350 1504 PAGE 5 FeAH Fe 17 Cr 4 Ni 3 Mo AM-350 CODE KSI 200 KSI 160 120 80 40 0 200 160 120 80 40 0 0 1504 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.042 IN SHEET COND SCT 0.002 FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET IN SCT CONDITION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES (10) 0 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.064 IN SHEET COND DA 0.002 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN 800 F 800 F - 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN RT TENSION 600 F 700 F 400 F 0.008 700 F FERROUS ALLOYS 0.008 0.010 RT 400 F TENSION 600 F 0.010 FIG. 3.0312 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET IN DA CONDITION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPER - ATURES (10) 320 280 240 200 160 KSI 120 80 40 0 0.002 REVISED MARCH 1963 0.004 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.064 IN SHEET -423 B 0.006 0.008 STRAIN - IN PER IN COND SCT 850 RT -108 F -321 F TENSION 0.010 0.012 FIG. 3.0313 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET IN SCT CON- DITION AT LOW TEMPERATURES (14) PAGE 6 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 200 180 FTY - KSI 160 140 120 100 80 0 0.051 IN 0.047 IN ▼▼ 0.064 IN 0. 042 IN 200 F TU 400 FTY Fe-17Cr 4N1-3Mo SHEET COND SCT 850 ▼COND DA 600 TEMP F 800 FERROUS ALLOYS 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 1000 FTU FIG. 3.0314 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN SCT AND DA CONDITIONS (10) FTY - KSI PERCENT 280 240 200 160 30 20 10 0 -400 200 160 120 KSI 80 40 -300 0 FTY -200 TEMP - F 0 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.042 IN SHEET COND SCT 850 0.002 Fe-17Cr-4N1-3Mo 0.064 IN SHEET COND SCT 850 -100 FIG. 3.0315 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN SCT CONDITION (14) FTU RA - e 0 100 800 F 280 700 F 240 200 160 400 F FTU - KSI RT 600 F COMPRESSION 0.004 STRAIN FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET IN SCT CONDITION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES. (10) 0.006 0.008 0.010 IN PER IN Fe Cr 4 Ni 3 Mo 17 AM-350 CODE 1504 PAGE 7 FeAH 17 4 3 Fe Cr Ni Mo AM-350 CODE 200 KSI 160 120 80 40 0 KSI 0 Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.064 IN SHEET COND DA 200 1504 180 160 140 0.002 0 FIG. 3.0322 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET IN DA CONDITION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FCY 200 800 F 0.004 0.006 STRAIN IN PER IN 400 RT 400 F COMPRESSION 600 TEMP - F 600 F 00 F FERROUS ALLOYS 0.008 0.010 Fe-17Cr-4N1-3Mo SHEET 0.064 IN 1 0.042 IN O 0.064 IN COND SCT 850 COND DA 800 1000 FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET IN SCT AND DA CONDITIONS (11) (10) KSI 400 KSI 360 320 280 240 200 140 120 0 100 (15) 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0324 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITION SCT 850 ▲ (9) 80 0 e/d 1.5 FIG. 3.0325 200 - 200 REVISED MARCH 1963 400 FBRU FBRY 400 800 1000 (9) Fe-17Cr-4N1-3Mo SHEET COND SCT 850 600 TEMP F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF SHEET IN CONDITION SCT 850 (9)(15) 800 1000 PAGE 8 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO KSI KSI KSI 260 240 200 160 120 1.2 0.8 0.4 300 200 150 100 。4 0 160 120 FIG. 3.041 80 40 -400 FTU 0 NOTCH STRENGTH FIG. 3.033 EFFECT OF LOW TEST TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH AND NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO OF SHEET IN SCT CONDITION VARIOUS HEATS -300 10 0.004 60 r = 0.040 - 1.0 -200 TEMP - F NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.042 TO 0. 051. IN SHEET COND SCT 850 RUPTURE 100 HR 0.008 MON 1.TO 1000 HR SHORT TIME 600 F Fe-17Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.064 IN SHEET COND SCT 850 TIME CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SHEET IN SCT CONDITION AT 800 F K~~~3 800 F -100 0 FTU 1000 (16) 0 FERROUS ALLOYS 0.004 STRAIN G 100 (14) 1 TO 10 HR 100 HR 1000 HR 700 F 0.008 0 IN PER IN 1000 KSI 32 28 24 20 -400 1000 KSI 12 10 8 1 IN BAR, DYNAMIC ΔΕ E 0.042 AND 0.064 IN, STATIC OA Ect (11) 0.064 IN, STATIC (14) -200 0 200 TEMP - F FIG. 3,061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES (11)(14) G DYNAMIC 0.004 0 200 Fe-17 Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.040 TO 0.065 IN SHEET COND SCT 850 TO 10 HR -100 HR -1000 HR 800 F 0.008 400 Fe-17Cr-4N1-3Mo 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.042 ISOCHRONOUS STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET IN CONDITION SCT AT 600 TO 800 F (11) VOO■COND SCT ▲ COND DA Δ 400 600 Fe-17Cr-4NI-3Mo 1 IN BAR COND SCT 850 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 800 Fe 850 17 Cr 1000 800 (13) 4 Ni 3 CODE Mo AM-350 1504 PAGE 9 FeAH Fe 17 Cr 4 Ni 3 Mo AM-350 CODE 1504 FERROUS ALLOYS 123 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 REFERENCES AMS 5548 A, (June 15, 1959) AMS 5554, (Jan. 15, 1958) AMS 5745, (Jan. 15, 1959) REVISED MARCH 1963 Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Room Temperature Tensile Properties of AM-350 (SCT and DA Conditions)", Data Sheet, 74-72357-350, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Engineering Properties of Precipitation Hardening Alloys AM-350 and AM-355", Technical Data Sheet, (1958) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Growth of AM-350 Sheet and Strip During Heat Treatment", Data Sheet 116-102258-350,(1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Thermal Expansion of AM-350 and AM-355", Data Sheet 46-11557-G, (1958) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Room Temperature Shear and Bearing Strength of AM-350", Memo., (Dec. 5, 1957) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Shear and Bearing Strength of AM-350 at Room and Elevated Temperatures", Data Sheet 125- 71659-350, (1957) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Room and Elevated Tempera- ture Tensile and Compressive Properties of Type AM-350", Data Sheet 86-111457-350, (1958) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Creep Data -AM-350 and AM- 355 Alloys", Data Sheet 119-121658-S, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Flexure Fatigue Strength of AM-350", Data Sheet 115-92358-350, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Elastic Constants of AM-350 and AM-355", Data Sheet 90-1758-R, (1959) McGee, R. L., Campbell, J. E., Carlson, R. L. and Manning, G. K., "The Mechanical Properties of Certain Aircraft Struc- tural Metal'at Very Low Temperatures", WADC TR 58-386, (June 1958) North American Aviation, Inc., "Stainless Steel AM-350", Data Sheet AL-2604, (1957) Allegheny Ludlum, (1958) NASA, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum, (1956) PAGE 10 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1. 02 1.03 1. 04 Source 5359 5368 5547 A 5549 5743 A 5780 5781 Form Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1.05 1.051 Molybdenum Nitrogen Carbon + Nitrogen Iron 1.0511 1. 0512 1.0513 1. 052 AMS 1.0521 1.0522 Commercial Designation, AM-355. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. Table 1. 03. 1. 0523 GENERAL This alloy is one of a series of age hardening steels. It combines high strength at temperatures up to 850 F with the corrosion resistance of stainless steels. This alloy is a development of AM-350 and differs from AM-350 by a lower chromium and a higher carbon content. It has been designed primarily to meet the demand for heavier sections, including plate, bar and forgings. This alloy is now also being used in the form of thin sheet and strip, which have very high strength resulting from a combination of cold work and heat treating. This alloy possesses good formability in the high temperature annealed condition and good weldability. The corrosion resistance of this alloy is slightly lower than that of AM-350. TABLE 1.03 Form Castings (sand) Castings (investment) Sheet, strip Plate Bars, forgings Wire, welding Electrode, coated welding Composition. Table 1. 04. TABLE 1. 04 AMS (3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Min 0.10 0.50 15.00 4.00 2.50 0.07* Percent Max 0.15 1.25 0.50 0.040 0.030 16.00 5.00 3.25 0. 13 Military Allegheny Ludlum, (8)(9) Sand and Shell Mold Castings Percent Min 0.50 0.45 14.5 FERROUS ALLOYS 3.50 2.00 0.05 0.15 Balance Balance * Tentative specification for consumable electrode melted material is 0. 05 (Allegheny Ludlum 1959) Max 0.15 1.50 0.75 0.040 0.030 15.5 4.50 2.60 0.11 0.25 Heat Treatment Anneal to Condition H for maximum formability and stability. Plate, forging stock and forgings. 1925 to 1975 F, 1 hr minimum per inch thickness, water quench. Sheet, strip and welded tubing. 1850 to 1900 F, 3/4 hr minimum per inch thickness, rapid air cool. Bar should not be annealed to Condition H unless subse- quently subjected to forging. Anneal to Condition L for maximum response to hardening. 1685 to 1735 F, time and cooling depending on form. Sheet and strip. 3/4 hr per in thickness, air cool. Plate. 3/4 hr per in thickness, oil or water quench. Plate in Condition H, if not subsequently severely cold formed, should be equalized before annealing to Condition L and aging to Condition SCT. Bar, forgings and tubing. 1 hr minimum per inch thickness, oil or water quench. 1.053 1.054 1.0541 1.0542 1.055 1.0551 1.0552 1.056 1.0561 1.0562 1. 0563 1.0564 1.06 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.074 1.08 1.09 1. 091 1.092 1.093 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.02 2.021 Equalize and age bar for best machining. 1350 to 1400 F, 3 hr, air cool or quench to 80 F maximum +1000 to 1050 F, 3 hr. Resulting hardness should be about 38 RC. Subzero cool and age Condition L to Conditions SCT. Cool to -100 F, hold 3 hr minimum +850 to 1050 F, 3 hr mini- mum. Effect of aging temperature on tensile properties of various forms, Fig. 1.054. Age to Condition SCT 850, 825 to 875 F. Age to Condition SCT 1000. 975 to 1025 F. Double age Condition L to Condition DA. 1300 to 1450 F, 1 to 2 hr, air cool to 80 F maximum +825 to 875 F, 3 hr minimum. Condition CRT for sheet and strip is obtained by cold rolling and subsequent aging at mill. Condition SCCRT for sheet, strip and foil is obtained by subzero cooling, followed by cold rolling and aging at mill. Heat treatment of castings Homogenize sand and shell mold castings. 2000 F, 2 to 4 hr, air cool up to I in thickness, oil or water quench sections above 1 in. Equalize for improved machinability. 1375 to 1475 F, 3 hr, air cool to 80 F maximum + 1000 to 1150 F, 3 hr, air cool, after homogenizing. Condition anneal. 1750 to 1850 F, 1 hr per inch thickness, water quench. Age to Conditions SCT and DA. Same as wrought products. Hardenability. Alloy hardens fully in all section sizes after heat treating to either Condition SCT or DA. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for the following products: Plate, bar, forgings and strip (foil in thicknesses to 0.010 inch maximum). These products are produced in the following conditions: Plate, bar and forgings in equalized condition. Plate and forging billets also in Condition H. Available on an experimental basis are sheet and strip in Conditions H, DA, SCT, CR and SCCRT and welded tubing in Conditions H, DA and SCT. Sand, shell mold and investment castings are available in various conditions, see 1, 055. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric arc furnace melt. Consumable electrode remelt is employed for superior transverse properties in heavy sections. Special Considerations Heating to temperatures above those specified for Condition H should be avoided because of grain coarsening and loss of response to hardening. Dimensional changes on heat treating require special consideration. Susceptibility to stress corrosion of this alloy is not yet clarified (1959). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES << Thermal Properties Melting range. 2500 to 2550 F. Phase changes. Transformation temperatures. On cooling from 1710 F the Ms point is about 250 F and the Mf point is slightly below room temperature on rapid cooling. On cooling from 1375 F the M point is between 700 and 400 F and the martensite trans formation is complete at room temperature. S Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0. 12 Btu per lb F. Dimensional changes. Equalized and aged material to Condition SCT, about 0.0015 in per in growth. Condition CRT to Condition SCT, about 0. 00275 in per in growth, (8). Other Physical Properties Density. Table 2. 021. CODE Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo AM-355 1505 PAGE | FeAH Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo AM-355 Source Condition H (1875 F) Equalized and aged SCT 850 CRT SCCRT 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 Condition Max permeability Induction at 200 oersteds 2.0312 3. 2.022 Electrical resistivity of alloy in Condition SCT 850, Fig. 2.022 Magnetic properties, Table. 2.023. 2.0313 2.032 2.04 CODE 1505 3.01 3.011 3,012 Source Allov Form Condition Ftu, min Fty, min e (2 in), min-percent percent RA, min - Hardness RC Form Melt Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance RA BHN Z 3 in >3 in MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Source Alloy - ksi ksi J General corrosion resistance of this alloy is between that of Type 410 and Type 302. Intergranular corrosion may occur in Condition DA, while SCT Conditions appear to be relatively free from such attack. min max max The susceptibility of this alloy to stress corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement is not yet clarified. Oxidation resistance up to 850 F and higher is comparable to that of austenitic stainless steels. Nuclear Properties max max TABLE 2.021 Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. Condition Ftu, min Fty, min e, min-percent RA, min percent Hardness, RC 11 1 min max lb per cu in 0.286 0.283 0.281 0.284 0.2805 TABLE 2.023 SCT 850 87 62 9660 -ksi L T -ksi L T L JHJH L T Sheet, Strip, Plate Bar, Forgings, Tubing H H SCT 850 190 165 10 20 T TABLE 3,011 AMS (3)(4) (8) Density Depends on thickness AMS (5) Fe-15, 5Cr-4, 5N1-3Mo SCT 850 190 165 10 Producers' guaranteed mechanical properties, Table 3.012. H 1 1 ♡ 1 Sheet, Strip** 40 50 35 gr per cu cm 7.91 7.82 7.79 7.86 7.76 SCT 1000 150 11508 FERROUS ALLOYS 33333333 43 SCT 850 190 190 165 165 53 11 1 321 363 40 50 H Plate 3.02 SCT 850 190 190 165 165 10 10 3.021 3.022 Source Form Condition Ftu [FO ដី ឯ Ftv RA H 186 55 219 178 160 181160 | 57 e (2 in) - percent 29.5 13 13 26 percent 3.023 3.024 3.025 Source Form Source Form Condition Melt Ftu Fty RA FFO FIL Fty e (2 in) 3.03 3.031 1000 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See also 3.03. Hardness. Condition SCT, 477 BHN. Condition DA, 402 BHN. Typical tensile properties of alloy in various conditions, Table 3.022. Condition Exposure Temp - F Exposure Load - ksi Property 165 ksi - - ksi ksi T ksi T -percent T e (2 in)-percent T No. of tests* No. of heats * Specimens taken from center 10 20 TABLE 3,012 (17) Fe-15, 5Cr-4, 5Ni-3Mo 40 50 Bar, Forgings Air SCT 850 190 Effect of consumable electrode melting on transverse properties of bar, Table 3.023. A ksi ksi percent ܝ . SCT 1000 160 12,2, Sheet T 150 336 SCT |SCT 850 1000 | H REVISED MARCH 1963 TABLE 3.022 (17) Plate Bar, Cast Avg L, T Forgings Test Bars 35 45 RT Air 208 168.5 7.6 5.3 Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures on tensile properties of bar in Conditions SCT 850 and SCT 1000, Fig. 3.024. Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures with load on tensile properties of sheet in Condition SCT 850, Table 3. 025. TABLE 3.023 14 2 40 50 (17) 4 to 10 in sq Bar SCT 850 SCT SCT SCT SCT SCT SCT 850 1000 850 1000 850 1000 210175 174 158 14 17 40 48 TABLE 3. 025 40 35 50 Commercial to 0.010 in thickness, experimental to 0.1875 in thickness Cons. EL 220 185 211. 4+2 +2 169.4 +10 +31 11.5 +0.5 -4 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties 150 150 12 (17) 0,050 in sheet SCT 850 Bar Cons. Electrode SCT 850 SCT 1000 200 160 200 160 165 165 10 5 20 5 10 25 15 20.5 11.5 35 45 40 18 600 700 800 66 148.5 64.6 145. 4 62. 1 139. 8 Change from RT Value, in 1000 hr Tested at RT +7 +48 -6 216 186 218 | 175 182 171 173 159 19 19 16 14 38.5 57 35 40 +6 SCT 1000 Cons. El. +8 - 1 200 185 169 150 39.5 14.8 40 25 Castings*** Sand, Shell Mold 1 8 15 +16 +16 +305 +51 +1 -2.5 *** Experimental PAGE 2 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 3.0311 3. 0312 3.0313 3.0314 3.0315 3.0316 3.0317 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.05 Source Form Condition Temp F (1) RT 800 (2) RT 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 4. 4.01 4.011 4.03 4.031 Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet in Condition SCT 850, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar and forged disks in Conditions SCT 850 and SCT 1000, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar in Conditions SCT 850 and DA, Fig. 3.0313. Effects of test temperature and test direction on tensile properties of sheet in Condition CRT, Fig. 3.0314. Stress strain curves at room and elevated temperatures for sheet in SCCRT Condition, Fig. 3.0315. Effects of test temperature and test direction on tensile properties of sheet in Condition SCCRT, Fig. 3.0316. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sand cast keel blocks in Condition SCT 850, Fig. 3. 0317. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression at room and elevated temperatures for sheet in SCCRT Condition, Fig. 3.0321. Effects of test temperature and test direction on compressive yield strength of sheet in Conditions SCT, CRT and SCCRT, Fig. 3. 0322. Effect of test temperature on impact strength for bar in SCT and DA Conditions, Fig. 3.0323. Effect of test temperature on impact strength for bar in various SCT Conditions, Fig. 3.0324. Static stress concentration effects. Effect of test temperature on notch strength of bar in Conditions SCT 850 and DA, Fig. 3. 033. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for sheet in various conditions, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for bar and castings in various condi- tions, Fig. 3.042. Isochronous stress strain curves at 600 to 800 F for sheet in Condition SCT 850, Fig. 3.043. Fatigue Properties, Table 3.05. TABLE 3,05 (17) Bar (1) SCT 850 Method Stress Stress Ratio Concen- Rtration 8 -1 Smooth K = 1 FERROUS ALLOYS (2) SCT 1000 Fatigue Strength at. Cycles 105 106 107 108 116 98 90 79 68 57 106 104 · 120 - G Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity for bar in Condition SCT 850 at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of elasticity for sheet in Condition SCCRT at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Modulus of rigidity for bar in Condition SCT 850 at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.063. ksi FABRICATION. See AM -350 also. Only different and complementary information given below. Forming and Casting. Alloy can be formed in much the same manner as AM 350. Forming properties of Conditions CRT and SCCRT have not yet been established (1959). - Welding Bar, plate and forgings in all conditions are normally fusion welded with the addition of filler rod. The alloy remains ductile during cooling although its structure changes from austenite to one containing about 5 percent ferrite. Any austenitic steel filler rod or electrode may be used unless high strength in the joint is required. Welds heat treated to Conditions SCT or DA approaching 100 percent efficiency can be obtained with AM 355 4.032 4.033 welding wire or coated electrodes. Alloy is highly resis- tant to weld cracking. Consequently preheating, control of interpass temperature and postheating are not required. Heat treating to Condition SCT must be preceded by equal- izing at 1375 to 1475 F, 3 hr. Heat treating to Condition DA is the same for the welded as for the unwelded condi- tion. BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) Fusion welding of sheet in Conditions CRT and SCCRT destroys the effects of cold rolling in any section heated above 900 F. Resistance welding of sheet is possible in all conditions. 200 FTY - KSI 160 PERCENT +40 ∞ 12 10 BAR, FORGINGS O PLATE SHEET 0.088 IN SHEET 700 0 F 200 TY (17) (19) Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo COND SCT 800 Fe-15, 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo 3 1/2 IN BAR COND SCT 850 RA e 900 1000 AGING TEMP - F FIG. 1.054 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS FORMS FTU 400 600 TEMP - F FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 240 1100 200 160 800 (17)(19) THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY KSI O.L F 1000 (10) CODE Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo AM-355 1505 PAGE 3 FeAH Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo AM-355 CODE 106 IN PER IN PER F MICROHM IN 8 7 1505 5 FIG. 2.014 44 40 36 32 |Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5N1-3Mo 3 1/2 IN BAR 28 -400 0 FIG. 2.022 0 Fe-15, 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo COND SCT 850 400 400 THERMAL EXPANSION MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1200 800 TEMP 800 TEMP - F Ga ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY F 1200 COND SCT 1000 SCT 850 FERROUS ALLOYS 1600 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY OF ALLOY IN CONDITION SCT 850 (14) 1600 2000 (11) KSI 200 2401- PERCENT 160 160 80 EXPOSURE 200A1000 HR 100 HR 40 0 KSI PERCENT 240 200 Fe-15. Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo BAR 160 120 40 COND SCT 850 O COND SCT 1000 TESTED AT RT 0 FTU 200 1 IN 4 IN 5 1/4 IN REVISED: MARCH 1963 FTY 200 TEMP-F FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELEVATED TEM- PERATURES ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR IN CONDITIONS SCT 850 AND SCT 1000 (17) RA e(4D) 400 FTU FTY 400 CONS EL MELT e(2 IN) 600 800 600 TEMP - F Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo SHEET COND SCT 850 1000 800 1000 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TEN- SILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN CONDITION SCT 850 (13) PAGE 4 FeAH REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI - FTY PERCENT 200 160 PERCENT 120 80 40 0 FTY - KSI FIG. 3. 0312 200 0 160 120 80 40 0 BAR: LONG DISKS: RÁD, TANG 0 200 Fe-15.5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo BAR, FORGED DISKS COND SCT 850 COND SCT 1000 AVERAGE OF SEVERAL HEATS 5 TO 44 TESTS PER POINT FTU FTY FTY 200 RA e (2 IN) 400 600 TEMP - F Fe-15. 5Cr-4, 5Ni-3Mo 13/4 IN BAR FTU RA 800 e (2 IN) EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR AND FORGED DISKS IN CONDITIONS SCT 850 AND SCT 1000 (17) 400 600 TEMP - F FERROUS ALLOYS COND SCT 850 OCOND DA 800 240 200 160 120 1000 240 200 160 120 KSI 1000 FTU KSI TU FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR IN CONDITIONS SCT 850 AND DA (17) FTY - KSI PERCENT 240 200 160 120 20 0 L OT 200 FTY Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5N1-3Mo 10. 056 IN SHEET. COND CRT FTU e (2 IN) 400 600 TEMP - F 800 240 200 160 120 1000 FIG. 3.0314 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND TEST DIRECTION ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF. (15) SHEET IN CONDITION CRT KSI FTU Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo CODE AM-355 1505 PAGE 5 FeAH Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo AM-355 KSI KSI CODE 1505 280 240 FTY 200 160 PERCENT 120 80 40 0 320 280 240 FIG. 3.0315 200 160 20 Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo 0.018 IN SHEET COND SCCRT 0 0 0.002 L OT FTY 0.004 0.006 0.008 e (2 IN) 200 FTU FERROUS ALLOYS 400 600 TEMP - F RT 800 Fe-15. 5Cr-4, 5Ni-3Mo 0.018 IN SHEET COND SCCRT 200 F TENSION 600 F 800 F 900 F 0.010 0.012 0 0.002 STRAIN - IN PER IN 1000 F L FIG. 3.0316 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND TEST DIRECTION ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET IN SCCRT CONDITION 320 280 1000 400 F 2405 200 (13) 160 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN TENSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET IN SCCRT CON- DITION (13) 1 FTU KSI PERCENT 240 200 160 120 40 20 0 0.004 0 600 F 0.006 FTY REVISED: MARCH 1963 400 F e (2 IN) 200 0.008 200 F FTU RA RT 900 F TENSION 400 600 TEMP F 1000 F 800 F T 0.010 280 240 800 200 160 KSI 120 0 0.012 Fe-15. 5Cr-4.'5N1-3Mo SAND CAST KEEL BLOCKS COND SCT 850 180 40 1000 FIG. 3. 0317 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SAND CAST KEEL BLOCKS IN CONDITION SCT 850 (12) PAGE 6 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 280 240 200 160 KSI 120 80 40 0 320 280 240 200 160 120 Fe-15, 5Cr-4Ni-3Mo 0.018 IN SHEET COND SCCRT 0 0 0.002 FIG. 3.0322 0.004 200 0.006 600 F 0.008 0.018 IN, COND SCCRT (14) COND SCT 950, (19) F CY 400 600 TEMP F FERROUS ALLOYS 800 400 F Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5N1-3Mo SHEET T 0.063 AND 0. 112 IN, COND SCT 850 L 0.056 IN, COND CRT } RT 800 F 1000 F 900 F COMPRESSION 0.010 0.012 0 0.002 STRAIN IN PER IN 1000 L 0.004 FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR SHEET IN SCCRT CONDITION EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND TEST DIRECTION ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET IN CONDITIONS SCT, CRT AND SCCRT (14)(19) FT LB 40 20 0 FT LB -100 60 40 0.006 20 0 600 F Fe-15, 5Cr-4. 5N1-3Mo 3/4 IN BAR COND SCT 850 COND SCT 950 O COND DA 0 400 F -400 IE CHARPY V -200 COMPRESSION Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo 3/4 TO 4 IN BAR COND SCT 850 A COND SCT 1000 100 TEMP F RT TEMP 800 F - 900 F 1000 F T IE CHARPY V 0 F 0.008 0.010 0.012 280 200 240 FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH FOR BAR IN SCT AND DA CONDITIONS 200 160 KSI 120 80 40 0 (13) 300 ΟΔ 1 IN BAR CONS EL MELT 200 400 (18) FIG. 3.0324 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH FOR BAR IN VARIOUS SCT CONDITIONS (17) Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo AM-355 CODE 1505 PAGE 7 FeAH Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo AM-355 CODE NOTCH STRENGTH KSI 280 $200 240 KSI 160 120 1. 4 RATIO Ja sa 0 400 200 100 80 60 40 0 1505 0.357 10 NOTCH STRENGTH - —— 900 F 800 F 4007 200 FTU COND SCT 850 COND DA RUPTURE FIG. 3.033 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON NOTCH STRENGTH OF BAR IN CONDITIONS SCT 850 AND DA (16) I = 0.252 Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo SHEET 0.010 400 TEMP - COND SCT 850 CRT SCCRT 1000 F 100 TIME HR FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE 1000 Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5N1-3Mo 3/4 IN BAR CURVES FOR SHEET IN VAR- IOUS CONDITIONS (14) - NOTCH STRENGTH RATIO 600 F KSI K = 3.75 800 1000 160 120 FERROUS ALLOYS 80 40 0 0 0.004 1 TO 1000 HR 600 F 0.008 0 0.004 STRAIN V 400 0.008 IN PER IN REVISED MARCH 1963 200 KSI 100 80 60 40 700 F 1 TO 100 HR 1000 HR Fe-15. 5c-4. 5Ni-3Mo COND SCT 850 SCT 1000 CASTINGS SCT 850 10 0 BAR 900 F RUPTURE 100 TIME A 800 F 1000 F FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AND CASTINGS IN VARIOUS CONDITIONS HR 0.004 1000 Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo SHEET COND SCT 1 TO 10 HR 100 HR 1000 HR TENSION SHORT TIME 800 F (14) 0.008 FIG. 3.043 ISOCHRONOUS STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT 600 TO 800 F FOR SHEET IN CONDITION SCT 850 (16) PAGE 8 FeAH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1000 KSI 1000 KSI 1000 KSI 32 24 28 32 28 24 20 12 10 8 0 0 E [1] 0 DYNAMIC FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY FOR BAR IN CONDITION SCT 850 AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 200 E STATIC [I ATEC 400 200 200 P TEMP G DYNAMIC Que 400 Fe-15. 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo 1 IN BAR COND SCT 850 600 F FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY FOR SHEET IN CONDITION SCCRT AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 400 600 TEMP - F 800 Fé-15. 5Cr-4. 5Ni-3Mo 0.018 IN SHEET COND SCCRT 800 600 TEMP - F 1000 FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 Fe-15. 5Cr-4, 5Ni-3Mo 1 IN BAR COND SCT 850 (13) 1000 (14) FIG. 3.063 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY FOR BAR IN CONDITION SCT 850 AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (14) 12345678 9 10 11 1233243 14 15 16 17 18 19 REFERENCES AMS 5359, (Jan. 15, 1961) AMS 5368, (Jan. 15, 1961) AMS 5547A, (June 15, 1959) AMS 5549, (Nov. 1, 1959) AMS 5743A, (Jan. 15, 1961) AMS 5780, (Sept. 15, 1957) AMS 5781, (Sept. 15, 1957) Miller, J. R., "Personal Communication," Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., (Aug. 19, 1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "AM-355," (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Thermal Conductivity of AM- 350 and AM-355," Data Sheet 83-11557-P, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Thermal Expansion of AM-350 and AM-355," Data Sheet 46-11557-G, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Data Sheet, Table IX, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Room and Elevated Tempera- ture Tensile and Compressive Properties of SCCRT AM-355, " Data Sheet 114-82158-355, " (1958) C Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Electrical Resistivity of AM- 350 and AM-355 Alloys Versus Temperature," Data Sheet 88- 121657-Q, (1959) "" Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Room and Elevated Tempera- ture Tensile and Compressive Properties of CRT AM-355, ' (1959) G Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Creep Data AM-350 and AM- 355 Alloys," Data Sheet 119-121658-5, (1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Data Sheet, (1959) Brisbane, A. W., "Mechanical Properties of AM350 and AM- 355 Stainless Steel, "WADC TR 58-672, ASTIA Doc. No. 208664, (Feb. 1959) North American Aviation, Inc., (1957) G CODE Fe 15.5 Cr 4.5 Ni 3 Mo AM-355 1505 PAGE 9 Fe AH REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.08 Source 1.06 1.061 1.09 Carbon Chromium Manganese Nickel 1.07 1.071 2. Phosphorus Silicon Sulfur Iron 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 GENERAL HNM is a precipitation hardening austenitic steel, specifi- cally developed for high stress rupture and creep proper- ties in the range of 1000 to 1400 F and is not prone to over- aging in this temperature range. It has very low magnetic permeability, and is normally supplied in the solution trea- ted condition, to a hardness of Brinell 201 maximum. Typi- cal applications include, transformer parts, nonmagnetic balls, aircraft structural and engine components, shafts and gears, (1, p. 1, 2). Commercial Designation. Crucible HNM. Alternate Designation. None. Specifications. MIL-S-17759-D (ships). Composition. Table 1.04. Source Alloy TABLE 1.04 Crucible (1, p.1) Percent Nominal Heat Treatment Anneal. 2000 to 2150 F, 30 min, water quench. Sections < 5/8 in thick may be air cooled. The optimum solution treatment for best properties after aging is approximately 2050 F, (1, p.1). Age. 1300 F, 16 hr, air cool. Hardenability The alloy is hardenable by precipitation treatment, see 1.052, (1, p. 2). Melting and Casting Practice Special Considerations 0.30 18.5 3.5 9.5 0.25 0.50 0.025 Balance Forms and Conditions Available The alloy is available in the form of bar, sheet and strip in the solution treated condition (BHN 201 maximum), (1, p.1). Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes. None. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat Condition Induction, oersteds Maximum permeability 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.0231 Magnetic permeability, Table 2.0231. Other Physical Properties Density. 0.284 lb per cu in. 7.85 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022, (1, p.1). Magnetic properties FERROUS ALLOYS H = 200 1.003 TABLE 2.0231 (1, p.3) Fe-(0.3C) -18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn ST +age H = 500 1.003 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 Source Alloy Form Condition Lind LI F tu 3.022 3.023 3.024 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.032 3.0321 F ty' . e (2 in)- percent RA, · percent Hardness, BHN RB RC 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.05 3.051 3.05 3.061 3.062 4. 4.01 4.011 4.012 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. This alloy satisfactorily resists rust- ing and pitting under normal atmospheric conditions. It is, however, inferior to the regular 18Cr-8Ni stainless steel types, but superior to the straight chromium stainless steel types, (1, p. 3). Oxidation resistance. See 2.031. 4.02 4.021 Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 1.05. Producer's typical mechanical properties for bar and sheet, Table 3.021. ksi - ksi - ST 2050 F, ST 2050 F, 30 MIN WQ + age 1300 F, 16 hr 145 OQ 116 56 92 23 38 192 TABLE 3.021 (1, p.4) Fe-(0.3C) -18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn Bar 57.5 60 1 302 Sheet ST 2050 F, ST 2050 F, 15 MIN AC + age AC 1300 F, 16 hr 106 55 48 1 Fig. 3.0321. Static stress concentration effects 1 FABRICATION 87.5 Fatigue Properties S-N curves for bar, Fig. 3.051. 133.5 90.4 11 Effect of solution temperature on room temperature ten- sile properties of aged alloy, Fig. 3.022. Effect of solution temperature on room temperature impact properties of aged alloy, Fig. 3.023. Effect of aging temperature and time on room temperature tensile properties, Fig. 3.024. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties, Fig. 3.0311. 33 1 I Short time properties other than tension Effect of low and elevated temperatures on impart strength, Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves at 1000 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.041. Isochronous stress strain curves at 900 and 1200 F for sheet, Fig. 3.042. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room temperature. 29 x 103 ksi, (1, p.3). Modulus of rigidity at room temperature. 12.3 x 10° ksi, (1, p.5). Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 1850 to 1950 F, finishing temperature 1700 F, minimum, (1, p.1). Since the alloy is very susceptible to work hardening re- solution treatment should precede and follow each drastic forming operation, (1, p. 1). Machining Similar to the 18-8 types of austenitic steel requiring, heavy positive feed, rigid equipment and sharp tools, (1, p. 2). CODE HNM Fe 0.3 C 18.5 Cr 9.5 Ni 3.5 Mn 1506 PAGE Į Fe AH Fe où 0.3 C 18.5 Cr 9.5 Ni 3.5 Mn HNM 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.04 4.05 IN PER IN PER F 9- 10 NI - MICROHM 14 12 CODE 1506 10 8 -100 FIG. 2.014 60 40 20 0 Welding General. The alloy is difficult to weld and is not recom- mended where welding is required. Heats with lower phosphorus content are slightly more weldable and the use of ferritic weld metal reduces the extent of weld cracking, (1, p. 2). Brazing. HNM can be successfully brazed by oxyacetylene torch and furnace methods using an alloy conforming to AMS-Specification 4775. Furnace brazing and solution treating can be performed simultaneously at 2150 F, 30 min in argon gas. The tensile strength of the brazed joint is 74 ksi at 1300 F, (1, p.3). Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 0 FIG. 2.022 Fe-(0.3C)-18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn 100 400 800 TEMP. F THERMAL EXPANSION 0.505 IN BAR FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 200 TEMP Fe-(0.3C) -18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3. 5Mn A 1200 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY F 300 (1, p. 3) ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 400 FERROUS ALLOYS (1, p. 3) 1600 FT - LB KSI PERCENT 30 20 200 10 160 120 80 40 20 0 2000 0 2000 Fe-(0.3C) -18. 5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn |ST, OQ + 1300 F, 16 HR, AGE FTU FIG. 3.023 FIG. 3.022 EFFECT OF SOLUTION TEMPER ATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPER TIES OF AGED ALLOY (2, p. 3) Fe-(0.3C)-18.5Cr-9. 5Ni-3.5Mn ST, OQ + 1300 F, 16 HR, age 200 160 KSI REVISED: MARCH 1963 IE IZOD 120 PERCENT 40 0 RA 2050 2100 SOLUTION TEMP - F EFFECT OF SOLUTION TEMPER - ATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE IMPACT PROPERTIES OF AGED ALLOY (2, p. 3) e (1.4 IN) 2050 2100 SOLUTION TEMP - F O 1200 80-AGING TIME 16 HR Fe-(0.30C 185Cr-9.5Ni-3,5Mn ST 2050 F, 1/2 HR, OQ+AGE RA F 8 HR 4 HR TU FTV TY FTY e (1.4 IN) 1300 AGING K 2150 1400 TEMP 2150 - 1500 FIG. 3.024 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPER- ATURE AND TIME ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PRO- PERTIES (2, p. 4) PAGE 2 Fe AH REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI PERCENT - LB 200 FT 160 120 80 40 0 40 20 FIG. 3.0311 16 12 8 0 4 O G 0 -200 Fe-(0.3C) -18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn FIG. 3.0321 FTY ·ST 2050 F, OQ, + 1.350 F, 16 HR, AC HIGH P CONTENT (9.32%) -ST 2050 F, OQ + 1350 F, 16 HR, AC 400 RA -100 F TU 800 TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES Fe-(0.3C)-18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn 2050 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + 1350 F, 16 HR, AC 0 e (1.4 IN) 1200 IE CHARPY V 1600 (1, p. 5, 6) FERROUS ALLOYS 100 TEMP - F EFFECT OF LOW AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ON IMPACT STRENGTH 200 300 (2, p. 5) KSI 100 80 60 40 20 C 0 FIG. 3.042 1 2 - KSI NOMINAL STRESS 0.004 120 80 40 0 KSI 103 200 100 80 60 FIG. 3.051 40 20 900 F 10 Fe-(0.3C) -18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn ST 2050 F, 1/2 HR, OQ + AGE 1400 F, 16 HR FIG. 3.041 0 100 HR 200 HR 300 HR 400 HR 0.008 100 10 1500 F 0 0.004 STRAIN IN PER IN ISOCHRONOUS STRESS STRAIN CURVES AT 900 AND 1200 F FOR SHEET (1, Fig. 3, 4) SMOOTH NOTCHED (0.010 IN RADIUS) 5 4 K 1000 F 1100 F TIME CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 1000 TO 1500 F (1, p.6) REFERENCES 1200 F 1000 HR 1350 F Fe-(0.3C) -18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn SHEET ST 2050 F, 1/4 HR, OQ + AGE 1350 F, 16 HR 106 10 NUMBER OF CYCLES S-N CURVES FOR BAR 1200 F • 10,000 Fe-(0.3C) -18.5Cr-9.5Ni-3.5Mn BAR ST 2050 F, OQ +1350 F, 16 HR 0.008 0.012 107 108 (1, Fig. 2) "Crucible HNM", Preliminary Data Sheet, Crucible Steel Co., Issue # 2, (June 1960) "Crucible HNM (Hardenable Non-Magnetic Steel)", Ten- tative Data Sheet, Crucible Steel Co. (Aug. 31, 1954) Fe 0.3 C 18.5 Cr 9.5 Ni 3.5 Mn HNM CODE 1506 PAGE 3 FeNC-1600 FeNC-1600 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1. 02 1.03 1. 04 AMS Form 5525A Sheet, strip, plate 5735 E Bar, forgings, tubing (ST + aged) 5736B Bar, forgings, tubing (ST and ST+aged) 5737B Bar, forgings, tubing (ST + aged) (Cons elect melt) Source Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1.05 1. 051 1.051 Molybdenum Vanadium Titanium Aluminum 1.0512 1.0513 1. 0514 1.052 GENERAL This alloy is one of the first and most popular age harden- able austenitic nickel chromium steels which has pioneered the successful application of this type of super alloys for high temperatures. It is similar to and a development of the German alloy Tinidur. It is used primarily at tempera- tures up to 1300 F. The alloy is available in form of sheet, plate, bar, tubing, wire, extrusions and forgings. Invest- ment castings are also produced in this alloy. It can be formed and welded. Commercial Designation. A-286. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. Table 1. 03. 1.0521 1.0522 1.0523 1.053 1.0531 1.0532 Composition. 1.0533 Boron Iron (a) AMS 5737 B specifies 2.35. TABLE 1.03 Table 1. 04. AMS (1)(2)(3)(4)Boeing(18) Percent Min 1.00 0.40 13.50 24.00 1.00 0.10 1.90 0.0010 Balance Max 0.08 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 16.00 27.00 1.50 0.50 2.30(a) 0.35 0.010 FERROUS ALLOYS (b) Tubing. Military Min 13.50 24.00 1.00 .10 1.75 th (19Xb) Percent Balance Heat Treatment Anneal or solution treat. 1650 to 1800 F, (22, p.6). 1650 F yields higher tensile properties, while 1800 F pro- duces superior creep and creep rupture properties. Effect of solution temperature on tensile properties of aged bar, Fig. 1.0511. Sheet, strip, plate (AMS 5525 A). 1775 to 1825 F, 1 hr mini- mum per inch thickness, air blast or oil quench. Bar, forgings, tubing (AMS 5735 E and 5736 B). 1775 to 1825 F, 1 hr, oil or water quench. Bar, forgings, tubing (consumable electrode melt, AMS 5737 B). 1625 to 1675 F, 2 hr, oil or water quench. Age solution treated condition. 1300 to 1400 F, 16 hr minimum. Sheet, strip, plate AMS (1). 1310 to 1340 F, 16 hr. Bar, forgings, tubing AMS (2) and AMS (3). 1300 to 1400 F, 16 hr, or preferably AMS (3), 1310 to 1340 F, 16 hr. Bar, forgings, tubing (consumable electrode melt, AMS (4) 1300 to 1350 F, 16 hr. Cold working 1.0534 Cold work and age solution treated condition. After cold working sheet, it need not be solution treated again, but can be aged directly. The resulting hardness and strength after regular aging will increase by the cold work. Effects of cold rolling subsequent aging on hardness. of sheet, Fig. 1.0532. A more uniform condition can be obtained by double aging at 1400 F, 16 hr + 1300 F, 16 hr. This condition is slight-. ly more ductile but possesses lower creep rupture strength than the conventionally heat treated condition. 1.06 1.061 1.062 TABLE 1.04 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.08 1.081 1.0811 1.0812 1.082 1.0821 Max 0.08 16.00 27.00 1.50 .50 2.25 0.35 1.083 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 Bar and wire cold drawn 80 percent and aged at 1100 to 1200 F, 16 hr develop F = 240 to 250 ksi. tu Hardenability Alloy should be rapidly cooled from solution treating to insure full aging response in all section sizes. Alloy can also be hardened by cold work and by combinations. of heat treating and cold work. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for stainless steels in form of sheet, strip, plate, bar, wire forgings, seamless tubing and extrusions. All wrought forms available in the solution treated condi- tion. Vacuum melted investment castings are also available. Melting and Casting Practice Air melted Electric furnace air melt Other furnace Induction vacuum melted Vacuum melting improves homogeneity and increases the effective titanium for hardening. A decreased scatter band of properties at the high end of the composition range Min 1.00 0.40 13.50 24.00 1.00 0.10 1.90 .003 (20) Percent Max Balance 0.08 2,00 1.00 16.00 27.00 1.75 0.50 2.30 0.35 0.010 (22) Percent 0.05 1.4 0.4 15.0 26.0 1.25 0.20 2. 15 0.20 0.003 Balance and better forgeability are typical advantages of the vacuum melting product. Vacuum melting also improves room and elevated temperature properties. Effects of titanium content and melting practice on creep rupture time of smooth and notched bar at 1200 F, Fig. 1.0821. Consumable electrode melted. Special Consideration PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2500 to 2600 F, (22)(8, p. 5)(20). Phase changes. Precipitation of NiTi occurs between 1200 and 1500 F. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. At 70 to 1300 F, 0.11 Btu per(lb F), (8, p.5X20) (22). Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. This alloy is basically an austenitic Other Physical Properties Density. Solution treated, 0.286 lb per cu in. 7.92 gr per cu cm, (20). Solution treated and aged, 0.287 lb per cu in,. 7.94 gr per cu cm, (22). Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2.022. Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic. Permeability, solution treated at 1800 F, 1 hr, oil quenched = 1.01. Solu- tion treated and aged 1325 F, 16 hr = 1.007, (20). A-286 Fe 25 Ni 15 Cr 2 Ti 1.5 Mn 1.3 Mo CODE 0.3 V 1601 PAGE 1 FeNC Fe 25 Ni 15 Cr 2 Ti 1.5 Mn 1.3 Mo 0.3 V A-286 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 Source Alloy Form F tu' Condition min F ty' Hardness 3.012 3.0121 3.0123 nickel chromium steel and possesses a corrosion resist- ance comparable to that of these steels. It has excellent resistance against all atmospheres encountered in jet engine applications at temperatures up to 1300 F, (2). Oxidation resistance is high for continuous service up to 1800 F and intermittent service up to 1500 F. It performs in a manner similar to Type 310 stainless steel, (20). Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES e(2 in), min-percett e(4D), min-percent RA, min -percent 3.02 3.021 max min max CODE 1601 Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. TABLE 3.011 BHN, min 3.022 3.03 max RB, max RC, min - - C tu Size F Condition Hot rolled S'T, OQ Aged AMS (1) Source Alloy Form Condition - Sheet, strip, plate ksl ksi 105 ksi ksi ST Aged ST 140 1 in $ 25 1 1 BHN 1 90 ANG 95 15 J 1 -ksi -ksi AMS AMS (2) (3) (3) A-286 Bar, forgings tubing F ty e(2. 25 in)-percent RA -percent Hardness, 24 max 35 (a) If machined from the center of large disc forgings, e, min = 10 and RA, min = 12 1 BHN 170 to 250 130 to 160 248 to 321 1 201 3.0122 AMS 5735 E and 5735 B. Rupture time for combined smooth and notched test specimen at 1197 to 1203 F, 65 ksi shall be 23 hr minimum. Elongation in 4 D after rupture in smooth section within 23 to 48 hr shall be percent minimum, after more than 48 hr shall be 3 percent minimum. Alternatively, separate smooth and notched specimens may be used. For tubing from which a solid round specimen cannot be cut, a full section of tubing shall be cut and tested to meet smooth bar test above. I Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Hardness. Table 3.021. TABLE 3.021 Aged 130 AMS 5737 B. Rupture time under conditions given in 3.0122 shall be 30 hr minimum. 85 Additional AMS specifications. AMS 5525 A. Rupture time at 1197 to 1203 F, 62.5 ksi, shall be 23 hr minimum. 1 146 100.5 25 36.8 293 15 (a) 18 (a) 248 341 FERROUS ALLOYS RB 80 to 100 70 to 85 AMS (4) A-286(consel) Bar, forgings, tubing Aged 140 Producer's typical mechanical properties, Table 3.022. TABLE 3.022 146.6 101.4 25 39.3 RC I 95 277 363 24 to 32 12 (a) 15 (a) 146.4 97.8 25 41.9 (23, p. 5) Fe-25 Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0.3V Bar Stock ST+Age(1800F, 1hr, OQ+1325F, 16hr, AC) 3/4 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures 3. J31 3. 0311 3. 0312 3.0313 3. 0314 3.0315 3.032 3.0321 3.0322 3.0323 3.0324 3.0325 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.046 3.05 3.051 3.052 3.06 3.061 3.062 4. 3.063 3.064 4.01 4.011 4.012 Source Alloy Form Exposure Temp - F 1000 1100 1200 1300 Short time tension properties Stress strain curves for sheet at room and elevated tem- peratures, Fig. 3.0311. Stress strain curves to failure for sheet at room and ele- vated temperatures, Fig. 3. 0312. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of alloy, Fig. 3.0313. Effects of test temperature and melting practice on tensile properties of sheet and bar, Fig. 3.0314. Effect of exposure and test temperature on tensile proper- ties of sheet, Fig. 3.0315. Short time properties other than tension Stress strain curves in compression for sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0321. Effect of exposure and test temperature on compressive yield strength of sheet and bar, Fig. 3.0322. Effect of exposure and test temperature on shear strength of sheet and bar, Fig. 3. 0323. Effect of exposure and test temperature on bearing proper- ties of sheet, Fig. 3. 0324. Effect of test temperature on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.0325. REVISED: MARCH 1963 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for bar at 600 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.041. Short time total strain curves for sheet at 1200 to 1700 F, Fig. 3.042. Effects of solution treat temperature and stress concen- tration on creep rupture strength of bar at 1200 F, Fig. 3.043. Master curves for creep and creep rupture of air and vacuum melted bar and forgings, Fig. 3.044. The creep rupture time for sharply notched bar specimens at 1200 F with 110 ksi load has been found to be nearly three times as high for test specimens ground after aging as for specimens prepared by other finishing procedures. Effect of elevated temperature, exposure and total strain on tensile properties of bar, Table 3.046. TABLE 3.046 (20) Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn-1.3Mo-0.3V 7/8 in Bar Stock 0.5% 82 76 53 30 100 hr, ksi Total Strain 1% 92 80 60 35.5 FABRICATION 1000 hr. ksi 0.5% 78 68 35 1 G 1% 85 70 41 Fatigue Properties Stress range diagrams for bar and forgings at room tem- perature to 1200 F, Fig. 3.051. Fatigue data for 1350 F, although not consistant, indicate only a slight reduction from 1200 F values. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio, 0.305. Tangent modulus curves in compression for sheet at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.054. Forming and Casting General. Formability of sheet in the annealed condition is similar to that of austenitic stainless steels although A-286 is stronger and somewhat less ductile. Forging characteristics are similar to those of austenitic stainless steels, however, this alloy requires more power and more frequent reheating. Reductions of at least 15 percent must be used under 1800 F to prevent formation of coarse grains on solution treating. PAGE 2 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 4.013 4.02 4.03 4.031 4.032 4.033 4.034 4.0 4.04 4.05 160 KSI 12 206 PERCENT 140 120 100 80 40 20 0 Investment castings are made by vacuum melting. The castability of the chromium stainless steels is inferior to that of the austenitic types. Machining. This alloy does not machine well in the solu- tion treated condition, since it is gummy like all soft austenitic steels. It can be machined either in the fully heat treated condition or in a condition which is partly aged at 1325 F, 1 hr, or overaged at 1500 F, several hours, to a hardness of about 210 BHN. Material cold worked after solution treating also exhibits good machin- ing characteristics. Welding Welding of this alloy is preferably performed in the solu- tion treated condition. The alloy is susceptible to hot cracking, particularly in the aged condition. Cracking can be minimized by keeping welding conditions closely controlled, avoiding restraints and keeping the weld affected zone to a minimum. Fusion welding is performed by the inert gas shielding method or by the arc method using coated electrodes. Austenitic welding wire and coated electrodes of various compositions, preferably nickel base, can be used. A-236 wire and electrodes are available for high weld strength which is obtained by aging after welding. The inert gas method must be used to prevent loss of titanium and hardenability. Heavy sections are particular- ly difficult to fusion weld because of the hot short phase which is responsible for cracking. Flash welding can be successfully performed on nearly all section sizes for which equipment exists. Resistance seam and spot welds can be made using high current and high electrode pressures, A-286 may be joined to other austenitic or martensitic alloys by welding. Brazing may be performed in vacuum or dry hydrogen. When the brazing cycle goes above 1800 F, it is necessary to resolution treat at p550 necessary to resolution treat at 1650 F to improve ductility. 1600 Heating and Heat Treating Use neutral or slightly oxidizing atmosphere to prevent carburizing. Surface Treating Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0 3V 7/8 IN BAR ST, IHR OQ +1325 F, 16HR FTU FTY RA e (2 IN) FERROUS ALLOYS 1700 TESTED AT RT 1800 1900 SOLUTION TEMP - F FIG. 1.0511 EFFECT OF SOLUTION TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AGED BAR (5, p.9) 2000 2100 aphy DPH (10 KG) UNITS 500 400 300 200 100 0 REDUCTION % FIG. 1.0532 0 21 50 81 TIME - HR VICKERS HARDNESS 800 1200 AGING TEMP - F EFFECTS OF COLD ROLLING AND SUBSEQUENT AGING ON HARDNESS OF SHEET 5000 1000 400 500 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V SHEET 1800 F, 1 HR, OQ + CR + AGED, 16 HR| 100 50 10 1. 6 1600 O AIR MELT A VACUUM MELT O SMOOTH Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V BAR 1650 F, 1 HR, QQ +1325 F, 16 HR CONS. ELECTRODE 0.275 60 NOTCHED 10/ 2000 (6, No.9x36) 2.8 0.195 r = 0.005 RUPTURE AT 65 KSI TEST TEMP 1200 F 2.0 2.4 TITANIUM CONTENT PERCENT FIG. 1.03 EFFECTS OF TITANIUM CONTENT AND MELTING PRACTICE ON CREEP RUPTURE TIME OF SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR AT 1200 F (7) 3.2 25 CODE Fe Ni 15 Cr 2 Ti 1.5 Mn 1.3 Mo 0.3 V A-286 1601 PAGE 3 FeNC Fe Ni 25 15 Cr 2 Ti 1.5 Mn 1.3 Mo 0.3 V A-286 CODE BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 10-6 IN PER IN PER F NI - 14 MICROHM 12 10 1601 11 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 10 9 8 48 44 40 0 36 0 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn-1.3Mo-0.3V (8) (9) 0 400 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 800 TEMP - F (8) (9) 400 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn- 1. 3Mo-0. 3V 400 1200 800 TEMP F (8, p. 5)(9, p. 28) FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1600 800 TEMP - F 1200 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0.3V 1600 (8, p. 5)(9, p. 28) ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 1200 1600 FIG. 2.022 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY (8, p. 5) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI KSI 160 120 80 40 0 100 0 80 50 40 20 0 RT 0.002 600 FIG. 3.0311 STRESS STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TERMPERATUR ES (13, p. 58) 0.05 REVISED: MARCH 1963 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn-1.3Mo-0.3V 0.062 IN SHEET. 1800 F, 1 HR, A ATM, OQ +1325, F, 16 HR,,AC 800 1100 1200 F 0.10 STRAIN - IN PER IN Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V 0.052 IN SHEET) 1800 F, 1 HR, A ATM, OQ. + 1325 F, 16 HR 1/2 TO 1000 HR EXPOSURE 0.15 0.20 STRAIN IN PER IN - TENSION RT 1000 F 600 F 800 F 1100 F 1200 F 0.25 TENSION 0.30 FIG. 3.0312 STRESS STRAIN CURVES TO FAILURE FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (13, p. 60, 61) PAGE 4 FeNC FTY - KSI PERCENT RA REVISED: MARCH 1963 200 160 120 80 40 0 80 40 0 FTY - KSI -400 Δ Δ 80 • 40 120 0 Δ 0 AO SHEET O FORGING (15) 7/8 IN BAR (1800 F, 1 HR, OQ 0 Fe-25 Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn-1.3Mo-0.3V + 1325 F, 16 HR, AC) (8) FTY AIR MELT FTU (23) TU FTY 400 400 RA e(2 IN) 800 TEMP - Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V ST +1300 F, 16 HR, AC O BAR, FORGINGS ST 1650 F, 1 HR, WQ F SHEET,ST 1800 F,1 HR, ACI BAR,ST 1650 F, 1 HR, OQ VACUUM (CONS. ELECTR.) 800 TEMP - F 1200 1200 1600 200 FIG. 3.0313 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ALLOY (8, p. 7)(15, p. 70-77)(23, p. 6) 160 120 80 1600 KSI ST + AGE - FERROUS ALLOYS FTU FIG. 3.0314 EFFECTS OF TEST TEMPERATURE AND MELTING PRACTICE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET AND BAR (11, p. 309, 311, 322, 323, 370-371 RI) 2000 200 160 120 80 40 0 80 40 0 KSI PERCENT - อ TU KSI PERCENT KSI 160 140 120 100 80 40 KSI 120 100 80 Δ 60 0 100 80 60 40 0 20 FIG. 3.0315 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (13, p. 70-74) Fe-25 Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn-1. 3Mo-0.3V 0.062 IN SHEET 1800F, 1 HR, A ATM, OQ 1325 F, 16HR 0 0.062 IN, 1/2 HR 1000 HR 0.188 IN, 1/2 HR 1000 HR 200 -102 TO -106 FTU RT e (2 IN) FIG. 3.0322 FTY RT SHORT TIME 1/2 HR 1000 HR 200 400 FR} Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V SHEET 1800 F, 1 HR, A ATM, OQ7 + 1325 F, 16 HR EXPOSURE 0.002 STRAIN IN PER IN FIG. 3.0321 STRESS STRAIN CURVES IN COMPRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (13, p. 62) 600/800 1100/1200 F 600 TEMP - F FCY 7/8 IN BAR, (12) 0.062 IN SHEET,(13) 400 800 EXPOSURE 1000 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V 1800 F. 1 HR, A ATM, OQ + 1325 F, 16 HR A ATM 1/2 TO 1000 HR EXPOSURE 800 COMPRESSION 1200 600 TEMP - F EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON COMPRESSIVE YIELD STRENGTH OF SHEET AND BAR, (12, p. 8)(13, p. 77,78) 1000 1200 CODE Fe NT 25 Ni 15 Cr 2. Ti 1.5 Mn 1.3 Mo 0.3 V A-286 1601 PAGE 5 FeNC Fe Ni Cr 2 Ti 1.5 Mn 1.3 Mo 25 15 0.3 V A-286 CODE KSI KSI 120 100 1601 80 FT. LB 60 0 320 280 240 200 160 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.0323 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON SHEAR STRENGTH OF SHEET AND BAR (12, p. 8)(13, p. 79-80) 120 80 60 40 SHORT TIME 1/2 HR 1000 HR 7/8 IN BAR, (12) 00. 062 IN SHEET, (13) 200 400 20 1/2 HR O A 1000 HR EXPOSURE -400 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1, 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V 1800 F, 1 HR, A ATM, OQ + 1325 F, 16 HR A e/D = 2.0 O ǝ/D = 1.5 200 0 FBRY EXPOSURE 400 FSU FIG. 3.0324 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON BEARING PROPERTIES OF SHEET (13, p. 81-84) 600 TEMP F Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2T1-1.5Mn-1. 3Mo-0.3V 0.062 IN SHEET 1800 F, 1 HR, OQ +1325 F. 16 HR IE CHARPY V 400 800 800 TEMP F - FERROUS ALLOYS 800 1000 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V 7/8 IN BAR 1800 F, 1 HR, OQ +1325 F, 16 HR 1200 FBRU 1000 1200 1600 FIG. 3.0325 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (5, p.9, 12)(8, p.7)(20) 1200 KSI 100 KSI 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 200 100 4 80 60 20 40 10 8 1 RUPTURE (14) (5) ΔΟ (16) 1700 F 0.001 10 2% 3% 5% FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 600 TO 1500 F (5, p. 13, Fig. 2, 3)(14, p. 33)(16) Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1 3Mo-0. 3V BAR $600 F 1800 F, 1 HR, OQ 1700 F + 1325 F, 16 HR 800 F 1200 F 1500 F 0.01 REVISED MARCH 1963 TOTAL STRAIN 100 TIME 0.1 < HR 1100 F - 1000 F Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V 0.045 IN SHEET 1800 F +1325 F 1200 F 1300 F 1 1000 1350 F 1500 F 1.17% THERMAL EXP INCLUDED 10,000 1.53% 1.56% 10 TIME HR FIG. 3.042 SHORT TIME TOTAL STRAIN CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1200 TO 1700 F (17, p. 43) PAGE 6 FeNC REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI 100 KSI 80 60 40 100 80 60 40 100 80 60 40 100 80 60 40 20 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn-1.3Mo-0.3V 3/4 IN BAR ST, 1 HR, OQ + 1325 F, 16 HR 10 1 60 r D 0.350 to 0.400 O 0.600 0.460 0.500 30 TEST TEMP 1200 F B 10 d 0.424 0.325 0.350 ST 1650 F 0.2% CREEP ·AIR MELT 100 TIME HR r - FIG. 3.043 EFFECTS OF SOLUTION TREAT TEMPERATURE AND STRESS CONCENTRATION ON CREEP RUP- TURE STRENGTH OF BAR AT 1200 F (14, p. 33) ∞ ▼ ST 2225 F 0.081 0.017 0.009 CONSUMABLE ELECTRODE VACUUM MELT 1000 FERROUS ALLOYS ST 1800 F K Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3M0-0. 3V BAR, FORGINGS ST + AGED 1 1.8 3.0 4. 1 T = TEMP-F t = TIME-HR 38 34 (T + 460)(20 + LOG t) x 10° 42 3 10,000 RUPTURE 46 FIG. 3.044 MASTER CURVES FOR CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE OF AIR AND VACUUM MELTED BAR AND FORGINGS (11) 1000 KSI KSI ALTERNATING STRESS 60 40 20 O 60 40 20 0 36 32 28 24 20 16 M 0 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1. 3Mo-0. 3V BAR, FORGINGS RT₂ -400 1200 F 40 -(10) 1200 F 1000 F 80 MEAN STRESS FIG. 3.051 STRESS RANGE DIAGRAMS FOR BAR AND FORGINGS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE TO 1200 F (11) RT (8)(5)(20) O (23) ST + AGE ▲ (13) Δ 0 1650 F, 1 HR, OQ+1300 F, 16 HR VACUUM MELT 1000 F 400 800 F TEMP RUPTURE - 400 F 600 F A 800 F 1 HR=1.08x105 CYCLES FOR F > 0 MF 1 HR=6x105 CYCLES FOR F = 0 MF 600 F 120 KSI 400 F. 800 F Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1.5Mn-1.3Mo-0.3V 30 HR 1000 HR ● DYNAMIC (5)(8)(20) STATIC (13) 160 1200 200 1400 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT LOW AND ELE- VATED TEMPERATURES (5, p.7)(8, p. 5)(10, p. 43-R2) (13, p.72-74)(20)(23, p.6) Fe 25 Ni 15 Cr 2 Ti 1.5 Mn 1.3 Mo 0.3 V CODE A-286 1601 PAGE 7 FeNC Fe 25 Ni 15 Cr 2 Ti 1.5 Mn 1.3 Mo 0.3 V A-286 CODE KSI 12 1000 KSI 1601 80 60 100 40 10 20 0 ∞ 6 0 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (5. p.7)(10) Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn-1, 3Mo-0. 3V 0 DYNAMIC (5) -- (10) G 400 8 800 TEMP - F 1/2 TO 1000 HR EXPOSURE 1 COMPRESSION 1200 Fe-25Ni-15Cr-2Ti-1. 5Mn- 1. 3M0-0. 3V 0.062 IN SHEET 1800 F, 1 HR, OG 1325 F, 16 HR 1100 F 16 1000 KSI FIG. 3.064 TANGENT MODULUS CURVES IN COM- PRESSION FOR SHEET AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 1600 75 F 600 F -1000 F 800 F 1200 F 24 32 (13, p. 67) FERROUS ALLOYS 1 23 450 5 67 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22222 21 23 24 25 26 27 REVISED MARCH 1963 REFERENCES AMS 5525 A, (Aug. 15, 1958) AMS 5735 E, (June 15, 1959) AMS 5736 B, (Jan. 15, 1960) AMS 5737 B, (Nov. 1, 1959) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Technical Data, p. 17-18, (1952) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., 0111-52, 1055-37, (1955) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Technical Information, (1956) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "A-286", SS 67-Ed-1-15M- 361, (1961) Universal-Cyclops Steel Corp., "High Temperature Metals, Properties and Processing Data", HTM 300, (1957) General Electric Co., (1955-56) General Electric Co., "Specification Sheets", A4012220, -309, -311, -322, -323, -370RI, -371RI, (1958) North American Aviation, Inc., "Technical Information on Al 2504", p. 6-3-7.11, (1957) Kattus, J. Robert, Preston, James B. and Lessley, Herman L., "Determination of Tensile, Compressive, Bearing and Shear Properties at Elevated Temperatures", WADC TR 58-355, (Nov. 1958) Voorhees, Howard R. and Freeman, James W., "Notch. Sensitivity of Aircraft Structural and Engine Alloys, Part II, Further Studies with A-286 Alloy", WADC TR, (Jan. 1959) ASTM STP No. 160, p. 69-77, (Aug. 1954) Sessler, J. G. and Brown, W. F., Jr., Proc. ASTM, Vol. 56, p. 738, (1956) Van Echo, J. A., Gullotti, D. V., Bibler, J. R. and Sim- mons, W. F., AFTR Rep. 6731, Pt. 4, (Jan. 1956) Carpenter Steel Corp., "Carpenter High Temperature Alloys," (1962) Deleted 零件 ​Boeing Airplane Co., "Manufacturing Research, "Allegheny Ludlum A-286 Alloy, Final Report, " (Jan. 22, 1959) Superior Tube Co., "Super Alloy Tubing, "Bulletin 71,(1960) The Carpenter Steel Corp., "Carpenter High Temperature Alloys, " (1962) General Dynamics, "Compilation of Materials Research Data, Second Quartl. Prog. Rep. -Phase I, Cont. AF 33 (616)-7984, Task No. 73812, (Sept. 1961) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "High Temperature Alloys, (1961) Bell Aerosystems Co., "Phase II Cryogenic Properties of 2014 T6 and A-286," Rev. A, (June 29, 1962) Superior Tube Co., "Super Alloy Tubing, " Bulletin 71, (1960) Southern Research Institute, "An Investigation of the Crack- Propagation Resistance of High-Strength Alloys and Heat Resistant Alloys, " Bim. Prog. Rep. No. 1, (March 17, 1961) 11 PAGE 8 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 AMS 5376B 5531 5532B 5585 5768E 5769 5794A 5795B Source 1.05 1.051 1.0311 GENERAL This alloy is a member of the 20Co-20Cr-20Ni super alloy group which was considered outstanding for high temper- ature service a decade ago. It is essentially austenitic and the elevated temperature properties are only slightly sensitive to variations in processing and heat treating. It is available in all wrought forms, except seamless tubing, and as sand and investment castings. It can be formed and welded with relative ease. The low columbium variety of this alloy (AMS 5531) is obsolete. Commercial Designation. Multimet Alloy. Alternate Designations. 1. 04 Composition. Table 1. 04. Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Cobalt Copper 1.0512 Molybdenum Tungsten Columbium +Tantalum Nitrogen 1.052 1.053 1.0531 Specifications. Table 1. 03. 1.0532 1.054 1.06 1.07 N-155 Form Casting, prec. invest. Sheet (low Cb) Sheet Tubing, welded Bar, forgings Bar,forgings, flash welded TABLE 1.03 rings Wire, welding Electrode, coated welding Min AMS (2)(3)(4)(6)(7) Percent 0.03 (c) 1.00 20.00 19.00 18.50 Iron (a) AMS 5585 gives 0.030 (b) AMS 5531 gives 0.50 to 0.85 (c) AMS 5794 A gives 0. 10 max only (d) AMS 5795 B gives 0. 10 max C and 1.0 to 2.5 Mn (e) AMS 5376 B only Heat Treatment 2.50 2.00 0.75 (b) 0.10 Military MIL-R-5031 Comp 9 MIL-E-6844 Cl 10 Max 0.16 (c) 2.00 1.00 0.040 (a) 0.030 22.50 21.00 21.00 3.50 3.00 1.25 (b) 0.20 Balance FERROUS ALLOYS Forms and Conditions Available Min 1.0 20.0 19.0 18.5 B 2.5 2.0 0.75 0. 10 (e) Anneal or solution treat. 2000 to 2300 F, air cool, oil or water quench depending on section size. Bar and forgings. AMS 5768 E specifies 2125 to 2175 F, 1 hr, water quench. Welded tubing. AMS 5585 specifies 2130 to 2170 F, air cool. Stress relief for forgings. 1200 F, 2 to 4 hr. Age. 1200 to 1650 F, 4 to 24 hr, air cool. Bar and forgings. AMS 5768 E specifies 1475 to 1525 F, 4 hr, air cool. Precision investment castings. AMS 5376 B specifies 1465 to 1485 F, 50 hr. Hot cold work forgings. 15 to 20 percent at 1400 to 1650 F, followed by stress relief. This treatment improves strength at temperatures up to 1200 F. Hardenability. Alloy can be hardened only by cold work. and hot cold work. Effect of cold rolling on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 1.05. 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.08 TABLE 1.04 AMS (1)(8) Percent 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.0:4 2.015 2.02 2.021 Max 22.5 21.0 21.0 0.20 (c) 2.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 3.5 3.0 Balance 2.022 2.023 1.25 0.20 (e) 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for all forms except seamless tubing. All forms are available in the annealed condition. Forgings are also available in the hot cold worked condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. All types of vacuum melts, as well as vacuum degassed material are also available. Source Alloy Condition lb per cu in gr per cu cm 3.01 3.011 Special Considerations. Unless stress relieved, hot cold worked forgings may warp during machining. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Other Physical Properties Density, Table 2.201. Thermal Properties Melting range. 2325 to 2475 F. (10, p. 30) (16, p. 2). Phase changes. Although the alloy is subject to precipitat- ions, these are of little significance to the properties. Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.103 to 0. 104 Btu per lb F. (10, p. 30) (16, p. 4). Min .08 1.00 20.0 19.0 18.5 2.50 2.0 Carpenter (17) Percent Max .16 2.00 .75 10 • TABLE 2.021 (17, p. 63) Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-3.5W-1Cb ST+ Age 0.300 8.3 1.00 max .04 max .03 max 22.5 21.0 21.0 Balance .50 max 3.50 3.0 1.25 .20 0.298 8.2 Anegheny Ludlum (16) Percent Nominal 0.15 1.50 0.50 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 21.0 20.0 20.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 30.0 Electrical resistivity. 36.6 microhm in. Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance of the alloy, in the annealed condition, to nitric acid is equal to that of austenitic stainless steels. Its resistance to weak hydrochloric and sulphuric acids is superior to that of stainless steels. The hot worked, cold worked and aged conditions are slightly inferior to the annealed condition. Alloy exhibits high resistance to oxidation and to all atmospheres occuring in engines up to 1900 F for continuous service and up to 1600 F for intermittent service. Nuclear Properties Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. Fe 20 Co 20 Cr CODE 20 Ni 3 Mo 2.5 W I Cb N-155 1602 PAGE 1 FeNC Fe 20 Co 20 Cr 20 Ni 3 Mo 25 W I Cb N-155 CODE Source Alloy Form Condition F min tu' max e(2 in), min-percent Full Section, OD < 0.625 in > 0.625 in Strip Hardness BHN, min *e(1 IN) 3.012 3. 0121 RC, max 3.0122 3.0123 3.02 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.0313 3.032 3. 0321 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.05 1602 Source Form 1200 1500 3.06 3.061 3.062 max 3.063 -ksi -ksi AMS (2) (3) Sheet Ann 100 140 40 TABLE 3.011 AMS (5) (6) Condition Temp Method F Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-3. 5W-1Cb Bar, Forgings Ann 1 157 207 Rot beam 1 AMS (4) 192 241 Welded Prec. Invest. Tubing Castings Aged Ann 100 140 - Stress Ratio A 00 30 40 35 FERROUS ALLOYS } } R -1 AMS (1) As Cast Aged 45 15* 1 21 Additional AMS requirements AMS 5531 and 5532 B specify for sheet, that rupture time at 1495 to 1505 F, 18 ksi shall be 24 hr minimum and elongation (2 in) at 18 to 25 ksi shall be 10 percent minimum. AMS 5768 C specifies for bar and forgings, that rupture time at 1340 to 1360 F, 24 ksi, shall be 100 hr minimum and elongation (4 D) at 24 to 40 ksi, shall be 10 percent minimum. 1 AMS 5376 B specifies for precision investment castings that tensile strength at 1490 to 1510 F shall be 45 ksi minimum and elongation (1 in) shall be 15 percent minimum. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties 66 33 I Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0311. រ Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of cast. test bars, Fig. 3.0312. Effect of room and elevated temperature on tensile properties of alloy, Fig. 3.0313. Short time properties other than tension Effect of exposure and test temperature on impact strength of bar and plate, Fig. 3.0321. Static stress concentration effects 1 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture and total strain curves for bar at 1200 to 1650 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for bar and forgings at 1200 to 1800 F, Fig. 3.042. 28 Creep rupture curves for precision investment castings at 950 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.043. Master creep rupture curves for sheet, Fig. 3.044. Creep rupture curve at 1200 to 1600 F for alloy, Fig. 3.045. Fatigue Properties. Table 3. 05. TABLE 3.05 (9, p. 13)(16, p.4) 1 to 1 1/2 in Bar Ann+1200 F, 50 hr Fatigue Strength - ksi at Cycles 108 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio, Table 3.063.3. 4. 4.01 4. 011 4.012 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 Source Alloy Temp-F 70 800 1200 1500 FABRICATION TABLE 3.063 (16, p. 2) Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-3.5W-1Cb Poisson's Ratio 0.298 0.315 0.325 0.339 Forming and Casting General. Sheet can be formed by stainless steel practices, but requires more force and more frequent intermediate anneals. Forging. Starting temperature 2250 F maximum, finishing temperature 1750 F minimum. At temperatures below 1800 F reductions should exceed 10 percent. This temperature range should be used to assure a soft condition and to avoid grain growth during service at high temperature. Hot cold working may be accomplished down to 1400 F. Thorough soaking on reheating is recommended. Machining. This alloy is more difficult to machine than the common austenitic stainless steels. The aged condition machines better than other conditions. Ample cooling with a sulphur base cutting fluid is required. Welding. Alloy can be fusion and resistance welded. Fusion welding is performed by either the metallic arc or the inert gas shielded methods. Inert gas welding is not recommended for plate over 3/8 in thick. The submerged melting and sigma welding processes are unsuitable because of the resulting low weld ductility. Thorough cleaning and minimizing of restraint is necessary. For maximum corrosion resistance welded assemblies should be solution treated, Heating and Heat Treating. Use neutral or mildly oxidizing atmospheres. Material must be clean from cutting fluid. KSI Surface Treating. Alloy can be pickled only in a molten caustic bath at 970 F for 2 to 3 min, followed by water quenching, dipping in a 12 percent nitric and 4 percent hydrofluoric acid solution at 120 to 160 F, 3 to 30 min, and water rinsing. PERCENT REVISED MARCH 1963 200 160 120 80 40 O 0 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2. 5W-1Cb BAR 2150 F, RAC FTU 10 30 REDUCTION PERCENT FIG. 1.06 EFFECT OF COLD ROLLING ON TEN- SILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (9, p.6) 20 FTY - e 40 PAGE 2 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 12 - KSI 10 ∞ PERCENT 10 a FTY 8 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 80 40 0 0 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2, 5W-1Cb 40 1 (8) (9, p. 3)(16, p. 4) 0 200 0 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION (9)(17) (11)(16) Fe-20C0-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2. 5W-1Cb 400 400 о 0.032 İN (15) ▲ 0.063 IN (9) ◇ 0.062 IN 0.123 IN 400 - 800 } (14). 600 TEMP - F 800 F. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY TY e (2 IN) 800 FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1200 1600 TEMP F FERROUS ALLOYS MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 1000 (8)(9, p.3)(16, p.4) Fe-20C0-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2, 5W-1Cb 1200 TEMP - F (9, p. 4)(11)(16, p. 8)(17, p. 63) SHEET 2030 TO 2150 F,RAC F TU 1600 2000 1200 2000 120 80 40 0 2400 KSI - TU F FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPER- TIES OF SHEET (9, p. 6)(14)(15, p. 88) Ging KSI PERCENT 100 80 60 40 20 80 40 0 40 0 0 SAND CAST + 2140 F, 2 HR O PREC INVEST CAST AS CAST KSI 400 PERCENT 120 80 40 0 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TEN- SILE PROPERTIES OF CAST TEST BARS (9, p. 7) 40 Fe-20C0-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2. $W-1Cb CAST TEST BARS 0 FTU 0 800 FIG. 3.0313 RA e 1200 TEMP - F 400 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2.5W-1Cb FTU FTY RA 1600 2000 e(2 IN) 800 TEMP-F S'T + Aged 1200 1600 EFFECT OF ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ALLOY (16, p. 4) Fe 20 Co 20 Cr 20 Ni 3 Mo 2.5 W | Cb N-155 CODE 1602 PAGE 3 FeNC Fe 20 Co 20 Cr Ni 3 Mo 2.5 W I 20 Cb N-155 CODE FT LB 100 80 60 40 20 KSI -400 80 60 40 20 10 40 20 10 8 6 4 1602 IE CHARRY HAR FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPER - ATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR AND PLATE (9, p.5) Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2.5W-1Cb A 2 HR J 10 V 0 168 HR EXPOSURE BAR + 2000 F, 2 HR, AC BAR + 2200 F, 1 HR, AC PLATE +2165 F, WQ RUPTURE IE CHARPY KEYHOLE 1200 F FORGING + 1200 F, 4 HR 1500 F کے 1350 F 400 800 TEMP F Fe-20C0-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2. 5W-1Cb ST + AGE 1% TOTAL 0.5% STRAIN 100 m 1650 F BAR, PLATE 1200 FERROUS ALLOYS 1000 TIME - HR BAR 2150 F, RAC 1600 10,000 FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE AND TOTAL STRAIN CURVES FOR BAR AT 1200 TO 1650 F (9, p. 15, 16)(16, p.4) KSI KSI 80 60 40 20 100 8 6 4 2 1 100 80 60 40 20 REVISED: MARCH 1963 10 Fe-20C0-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-3. 5W-1Cb BAR, FORGINGS RUPTURE BAR Ca 10 1800 F` AGED FIG. 3,042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AND FORGINGS AT 1200 TO 1800 F (8)(9, p.10) 1200 F 10 1350 F 2280 F, 1 HR, WQ +1500 F, 4 HR, AC FORGINGS 1200 F, 2 HR 1500 F 1500 F 1650 F 1650 F AS FORGED 2280 F, 1/2 HR, AC 1700 F 100 TIME HR - Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2. 5W-1Cb PREC INV CASTINGS AGED, 2 HR 950 F 1100 F 1200 F 1350 F 100 TIME HR 1000 1500 F RUPTURE 1000 FIG. 3.043 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR PRE- CISION INVESTMENT CASTINGS AT 950 TO 1500 F (9, p. 11) shangh PAGE 4 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 KSI 36 T, TEMP - F t, TIME-HR 100 80 60 40 20 10 FIG. 3.044 MASTER CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SHEET (11) 8 Fe-20C0-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2. 5W-1Cb 6 RUPTURE FIG. 3.045 40 44 (T + 460)(20+ LOG t) x 10 10 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-3.5W-1Cb +2200 F, 1HR, WQ + 1400 F, 16HR, AC 1200 F 1350 F SHEET ANN 1500 F 1600 F 100 48 TIME HR - 1000 CREEP RUPTURE CURVE AT 1200 TO 1600 F FOR ALLOY FERROUS ALLOYS (17, p.64) 52 1000 KSI 30 1000 KSI 28 26 24 22 20 12 11 10 9 0 8 Fe-20C0-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2. 5W-1Cb FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (10, p.30)(13, Fig. 136)(16, p. 1-4)(17, p.63) 0 (13) (10)(16)(17) 400 E 400 800 TEMP - F Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-3Mo-2, 5W-1Cb G 1200 ANN 800 TEMP F 1600 1200 1600 FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (12, Fig. 136) Fe 20 Co 20 Cr 20 Ni CODE 3 Mo 2.5 W I Cb N-155 1602 PAGE 5 FeNC 20 20 Fe Co Cr 20 3 2.5 W I Cb CODE Ni Mo N-155 123 + in O 7∞ 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1602 REFERENCES FERROUS ALLOYS AMS 5376 B, (Mar. 1, 1955) AMS 5531, (Feb. 15, 1953) AMS 5532 B, (June 15, 1950) AMS 5585, (Oct. 1, 1950) AMS 5769 (June 30, 1960) AMS 5768 E, (Jan. 15, 1950) AMS 5794 A, (June 1, 1951) AMS 5795 B, (June 15, 1953) Haynes Stellite Co., "Multimet Alloy", (1958) Universal-Cyclops Steel Corp., "High Temperature Metals", (1957) General Electric Co., "Data Sheet", A 4012220, (Feb. 28, 1957) General Electric Co., "Data Sheet", A 4012220, (Oct. 31, 1956) North American Aviation Inc., "Material Property Manual and Summary Report", p. 19, (Oct. 30, 1957) Curtiss Wright Corp., "Data and Publications Panel Data Sheet", (1958) Simmons, Ward F. and Cross, Howard C., "Report on the Elevated-Temperature Properties of Selected Super-Strength Alloys", ASTM STP No. 160, p. 80-88, (Aug. 1954) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "N-155 Cr-Ni-Co-Fe-Base Alloy for High Temperatures", SS73-Ed-1-15M-361J, p. 1-4 (1961) The Carpenter Steel Co., "Carpenter High Temperature Alloys", Carpenter N-155, p. 63, (1962) REVISED: MARCH 1963 PAGE 6 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1. 02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1. 051 Form AMS 15533 A Sheet, strip, plate 5770 B Bar, forgings ... 052 1.0511 1.0512 1. 0513 1.06 Source Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Cobalt 1.0521 1.07 1. 071 1.0522 1. 072 Molybdenum Tungsten Columbium 1.053 GENERAL This alloy is a member of the famous 20Co~20Cr-20Ni group of super alloys which were considered outstanding for high temperature service a decade ago. It is the strongest of these iron base alloys. It is distinguished by its long time stability at high temperatures and has good strength up to 1400 F and good oxidation resistance up to 1800 F. The alloy is heat treatable to a limited extent. It is produced primarily in form of bar and forgings although flat products and castings are also available. Commercial Designation. S-590. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. Table 1. 03. Copper Iron 1.073 Composition. Table 1. 04. TABLE 1,03 TABLE 1.04 AMS__(1)(2) Min 0.38 19.00 18.5 18.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Military Percent Balance Max 0.48 2.00 1.00 0,040 0.030 FERROUS ALLOYS 22.00 21.5) 21.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 0.50 Heat Treatment Solution treat. 2150 to 2250 F, 1 hr, air cool or water quench, depending on section size. Sheet, strip and plate (AMS 5533 A) 2130 to 2170 F, air cool Bar and forgings (AMS 5770 B) 2180 to 2220 F, 1 hr mini- mum, water quench. High solution temperatures result in lower tensile strength but higher creep rupture strength than low solu- tion temperatures. Effects of solution treat and aging temperatures and cooling method on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 1.0513. Age. 1350 to 1500 F, 10 hr minimum, preferably 1375 to 1425 F, 16 hr. Bar and forgings (AMS 5770 B) 1390 to 1410 F, 10 hr mini- mum, air cool, (2). - Higher aging temperatures are recommended for stability at service temperatures above 1400 F. Castings are generally not heat treated. Hardenability. Alloy hardens fully in all section sizes when water quenched and aged. Forms and Conditions Available All wrought forms except tubing are available in the full range of sizes common for stainless steel. Sheet, strip, and bar are available in the solution treated condition. Bar and forgings are available in the solution treated or aged conditions. 1.08 1.09 1.091 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2,022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3. 011 Source Alloy Form Condition Source From RT to Temp. F 3. 012 3.0121 3.02 Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Special Considerations Large grains in forgings should be avoided, (3). 3.0122 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2400 to 2500 F, (7, p. 4). Phase changes. Alloy is subject to precipitation. 3.021 Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2. 014. Specific heat, Table 2. 015. 572 932 1292 max F ksi tu' e(2 in), min-percent Hardness RB, max BHN, min max Other Physical Properties Density. 0.301 lb per cu in. 8.34 gr per cu cm, (7, p.5). Electrical resistivity Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic. TABLE 2.015 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance of this alloy is similar to that of austenitic stainless steels. Oxidation resistance is excellent up to 1500 F and slightly inferior to Type 310 stainless steel up to 1800 F, (7, p.6). Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanicai Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 011. (7, p. 4) Specific heat Btu per (lb F) 0.10 Source Condition TABLE 3.011 AMS (1) Sheet, strip, plate 2130 to 2170 F, AC 130 25 Hot worked Solution treated Aged 105 0.10 0.11 TABLE 3. 021 AMS (2) Bar, forgings 2180 to 2220 F, WQ + 1390 to 1410 F, 10hr, AC Additional AMS requirements. AMS 5770 A specifies that rupture time at 1345 to 1355 F, 30 ksi shall be 100 hr minimum and elongation in 4D at 30 to 40 ksi shall be 8 percent minimum. AMS 5770 B specifies that the grain size shall be an average of 1 or finer in accordance with the grain size chart in ASTM E 19-46. Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. also. Hardness. Table 3.021. BHN 241 to 285 197 to 229 269 to 341 S-590 K 248 331 (7, p. 20) See 3.03 RC 25 to 35 17 to 25 24 to 36 Fe Co 20 20 Cr CODE j 20 Ni 4 Cb 4 Mo 4 W S-590 1603 PAGE 1 FeNC Fe 20 Co 20 Cr Ni 4 Cb 20 4 Mo 4 W S-590 CODE 13.022 Source Form Condition ST Cooling Aging 3.03 3.031 3.0311 IE, Charpy V Ft lb. 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.04 3.041 3,042 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.05 3.06 3.061 3.062 4. 3.063 4.01 4. 011 4. 012 4.013 4.02 4.03 1603 Impact strength of various conditions, Table 3. 022. 1200 1350 AC 54 Source Form TABLE 3. 022 2150 F WQ Direct load 4 9 x 10 cycles per hr (7. p. 20) AC | WQ AC +1400F, 16hr 79.5 | 29.5 | 27.5 52.5 FABRICATION TABLE 3.05 (7, p. 13) Bar Condition 2250 TO 2300 F, WQ +1400 F, 16 hr Temp Method Stress Mean Stress, F, mr ksi Concen- at Cycles tration 108 10 Smooth 51 (40) K = 1 mf F 7 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0311. Short time properties other than tension Effect of test temperature on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.0321. Static stress concentration effects Alt Stres s KSI ± 15 FERROUS ALLOYS Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves for bar at 1000 to 1600 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for bar at 1200 to 1900 F, Fig. 3.042. Total strain and creep rupture curves for bar at 1000 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.043. 2250 F WQ Creep rupture curves for sheet at 1200 and 1500 F, Fig. 3.044. Master curve for creep rupture of bar, Fig. 3.045. Fatigue Properties. Table 3.05. 106 60 AC | WQ +1400F, 16hr 70.5 20 40 31 14 (23) Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio, 0.310, (7, p. 12). Forming and Casting General. Sheet can be formed by using stainless steel practices. However, this requires more force and more intermediate anneals. Forging. Starting temperature 2250 F maximum, finishing temperature 2100 F minimum. Frequent reheating with thorough soaking is recommended because strain hardening occurs even at high temperatures, (7, p. 15). The castability of the chromium stainless steels is interior to that of the austenitic types. Machining. This alloy is more difficult to machine than the common austenitic stainless steels and requires slow speeds, low feeds and positive cuts, (7, p. 15). Welding. Alloy can be welded by the electric arc, atomic hydrogen and resistance methods. Restraint must be minimized to prevent cracking. 4.04 4.05 Heating and Heat Treating. Neutral or mildly oxidizing atmospheres must be used. The surface must be cleaned from cutting fluid. Surface Treating. Alloy cannot be pickled in normal commercial pickling solutions. DuPont's sodium hydride descaling works very well. Blasting with mild abrasives may be used as an altemate cleaning method. BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) 12 10 ∞ 0 KSI PERCENT 160 120 80 REVISED: MARCH 1963 40 0 40 20 0 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo 3/4 IN BAR FTU THERMAL FTY AGED, 16 HR 1400 FWQ AC A1450 FWQ 1500 F AC WQ AC 400 2150 2200 2250 SOLUTION TREAT TEMP - F FIG. 1.0513 EFFECT OF SOLUTION TREAT AND AGING TEMPERATURES AND COOLING METHODS ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (7, p. 2) Fe-20Cr-20C0-20Ni-4Cb-4M0-4W e CONDUCTIVITY 800 TEMP F 1200 -4W FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 1600 (7, p. 4) PAGE 2 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 IN PER IN PER F 9-01 FTY - KSI PERCENT 10 FT LB a 8 7 120 80 40 40 40 30 0 10 20 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 0 Fe-20Co -20Cr-20Nt-4Cb-4. Mo-4W MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 2150F, 1HR, WQ +1400 F, 16HR 0 0 400 400 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo-4W 1/2 IN BAR 2250F, 1HR, W.Q +1400F, 16HR FTU 800 1200 TEMP - F FTY FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 400 800 TEMP -F RA Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo-4W 800 e(2IN) 1200 BAR 2250 F, 1 HR, WQ +1400 F, 16 HR 1200 TEMP - F 1600 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (4, p. 101-103) 160 2000 120 1600 (7, p. 4) 80 40 IE CHARPY V 2000 KSI - TU FERROUS ALLOYS F 2000 FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (7, p. 7) KSI 100 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 I RUPTURE 10 Fe-20C0-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4M0-4W BAR 2250 TO 2325 F, WQ +1400 F, 16 HR 102 103 TIME - HR 1000 F 1100 F 104 1200 F 1350 F 1500 F 1600 F 105 FIG. 3.041 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1000 TO 1600 F (7, p. 11) CODE Fe Co 20 20 Cr 20 Ni 4 Cb 4 Mo 4 W S-590 1603 PAGE 3 FeNC Fe 20 Co 20 Cr 20 Ni 4 Cb 4 Mo 4 W S-590 KSI 100 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 CODE 1603 AGED 1400 F, 20 HR 0.001 1500 F, 20 HR 1350 F, 20 HR 0.01 1 TIME HR FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1200 TO 1900 F FERROUS ALLOYS 0.1 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo-4W 1/2 IN BAR 2275 F. 1 HR, WQ + 1350 TO 1500 F. 20 HR RUPTURE 10 TEST TEMP 100 1200 F ୫ 1350 F 1500 F 1600 F 1700 F 1900 F 1000 (5, p. 723-724) KSI 100 KSI 80 60 40 20 1000 8 6 60 40 20 10 8 6 100 80 60 40 20 15 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo-4W BAR 1000 F 1200 F 1500 F 1100 R 1350 F 1000 TIME - HR FIG. 3.043 TOTAL STRAIN AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1000 TO 1500 F REVISED MARCH 1963 1 RUPTURE TOTAL 1% 0.5% STRAIN 100 2250 F, WQ + AGED +1400 F, 16 HR RUPTURE (8) O(9) Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo-4W 10 10,000 0.060 IN SHEET 2200F, 20 MIN, STEAM Q +1400F, 16 HR TIME - (7, p. 8-9) 100 HR 1200 F 1500 F 1000 FIG. 3.044 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1200 AND 1500 F (8, p. 14)(9, p. 32) PAGE 4 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI 1000 KSI 100 80 1ÛÛÛ KSI 60 40 20 10 8 6 4 2 32 28 8 24 20 12 RUPTURE T, TEMP - F t, TIME - HR. 10 -40 FIG. 3.045 MASTER CURVE FOR CREEP RUPTURE OF BAR (6, p. 29) 8 0 -60 0 400 Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo-4W 1/2 IN BAR 2275 F, 1HR, WQ +1350 TO 1500 F, 20 HR -80 T/(LOGt - 21) Fe-20C6-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo- 4W [n]] E DYNAMIC FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES 400 800 TEMP -F G DYNAMIC -100 1200 800 TEMP - F Fe-20Co-20Cr-20Ni-4Cb-4Mo-4W 1600 1200 (7, p. 12) 1600 FERROUS ALLOYS FIG. 3.062 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (7, p. 12) -120 123 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 REFERENCES AMS 5533 A, (June 15, 1950) AMS 5770 B, (June 1, 1951) AMS 2808 A, (June 15, 1952) Simmons, Ward F., and Cross, Howard C., "Report on the Elevated-Temperature Properties of Selected Super- Strength Alloys", ASTM STP No. 160, p. 101-103, (Aug. 1954) Grant, Nicholas J. and Bucklin, Albert G., "On the Extra- polation of Short-Time Stress-Rupture Data", TASM, Vol. 42, p. 723-724, (1950) Manson, S. S. and Haferd, A. M., "A Linear Time-Temp- erature Relation for Extrapolation of Creep and Stress- Rupture Data", NACA TN 2890, p. 29, (March 1953) Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp., "Technical Data on Alle- gheny-Ludlum Alloy S-590", (1950) Perlmutter, I. and Rector, W. H., "Investigation of Sheet Materials for Application at High Temperatures", AF TR No. 5712, p. 14, (July 13, 1948) Perlmutter, I., "Stress Rupture Tests on Sheet Alloy for High Temperature Applications", AF TR No. 6188, p. 32, (July 1950) CODE Fe Co 20 20 Cr 20 Ni 4 Cb 4 4 W Mo S-590 1603 PAGE 5 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.0511 1.052 1.0512 1.0521 1.0522 1.06 1.07 1.071 L. 072 1.08 1.09 GENERAL This alloy is an age hardenable austenitic alloy based on the 25Ni-15Cr composition with a minimum of additional hardening elements. It is used primarily for turbine forg- ings at temperatures up to 1350 F. It is also available in sheet, strip and wire form. Commercial Designation. Discaloy. Altemate Designations. Discaloy 24 (obsolete). Specifications. Table 1.03. AMS 5733 B Source Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel Molybdenum Titanium Aluminum Copper Boron Iron Bar, forgings, forging stock, and heading stock Composition. Table 1. 04. Form TABLE 1.03 Min G AMS (1) 0.60 0.40 TABLE 1.04 Percent 12.00 24.00 2.50 1.55 0.0010 Max 0.08 1.50 1.00 0.040 0.030 15.00 28.00 3.50 2.00 0.35 0.50 0.010 Balance Min 0.60 0.40 12.0 24.0 2.50 1.45 (2, p. 2) Percent FERROUS ALLOYS Military Max 0.08 1.50 1.00 0.040 0.030 15.0 28.0 3.50 2.0 0.35 0.50 Balance Heat Treatment Solution treat or anneal. 1650 to 2100 F, 1/2 to 5 hr, cool within 2 1/2 sec maximum to 1200 F maximum. Ef- fect of solution treat temperature on tensile properties of aged bar, Fig. 1.051. Common practice for turbine forgings. 1800 to 1850 F, 2 hr, oil quench. AMS 5733 B specifies 1750 to 1900 F, 1 hr minimum, oil or water quench. Double age solution treated condition, 1250 to 1400 F, 5 to 30 hour, cool slowly within 5 hr minimum to 1200 F maximum +1200 F, 20 hr minimum. Common practice for turbine forgings. 1325 to 1375 F, 20 hr +1175 to 1225 F, 20 nr. The resulting hardnes s should be 250 to 300 BHN. AMS 5733 B specifies 1250 to 1400 F, 5 hr minimum, cool slowly within 5 hr minimum to 1185 to 1215 F +1185 to 1215 F, 20 hr minimum. Hardenability. Alloy fully hardens on slow cooling from solution treating temperature, Quenching is necessary to obtain soft condition. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for stainless steels in form of sheet, strip, plate, bar, wire and forgings. The various forms are available in the solution treated condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Induction and consumable electrode vacuum melts. St. Mark M Special Considerations 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3.011 3.012 3.02 3.021 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Source Condition Thermal Properties Melting range. 2516 to 2673 F, (2, p. 3). Phase changes. Alloy is subject to precipitation, Thermal conductivity, Fig. 2.013. Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0. 113 Btu per (1bF). Other Physical Properties Density. 0.287 Ib per cu in. 7.97 gr per cu cm. Electrical resistivity, Fig. 2,022. Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic. Permeability at 200 oersteds, 1.05, at 10, 000 oersteds, 1.01, (2, p. 4). Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. This alloy is basically an aus ten- itic nickel chromium steel and possesses a corrosion re- sistance comparable to that of these steels. It has excel- lent resistance against all atmospheres encountered in jet engine applications up to 1300 F. Oxidation resistance is high up to 1800 F and equals that of Type 310 stainless steel. Nuclear Properties Source Allov Form Condition ksi Fiu, min Fty, min ksi e(4 D), min-percent RA, min-percent Hardness BHN, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3.011. - min max TABLE 3,011 As forged, AC ST 1825 to 1925 F, OQ Full heat treatment Bar 130 85 15 18 248 321 TABLE 3.021 AMS (1) Discaloy Aged Forgings 125 80 10 12 Additional AMS 5733 B requirements. Rupture time for combined smooth and notched test specimen at 1197 to 1203 F, 60 ksi shall be 15 hr minimum. Elongation in 4D after rupture in smooth section within 15 to 48 hr shall be 5 percent minimum, within more than 48 hr, shall be 3 percent minimum. Alternatively, separate smooth and notched specimen may be used. 248 321 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03. Hardness, Table 3.021. (2, p. 4) Hardness, BHN 170 to 200 140 to 170 248 to 350 CODE DISCALOY Fe 25 Ni 14 Cr 3 Mo 1.7 Ti 1604 PAGE FeNC Fe Ni 14 Cr 3 Mo 1.7 Ti 25 DISCALOY 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.0312 3.032 3.0321 3.033 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.043 3.05 3.051 Source Form Condition Grain size ASTM # (a) 7 (b) 3 to 8 (a) 7 (b) 3 to 8 (b) 3 to 8 (a) 7 3.052 Source Form Condition Grain size Temp F RT 1200 1300 RT 3.06 3.061 4. 4.01 4.011 4.02 CODE 1604 Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet, Fig. 3.0311. Effect of low temperature on tensile properties of alloy, Fig. 3.0312. Short time properties other than tension Effect of test temperature on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.0321. Static stress concentration effects Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep and creep rupture curves for forgings at 1000 to 1350 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for sheet at 1000 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.042. Effect of hardness or titanium content on 100 hr rupture strength and elongation of bar at 1200 F, Fig. 3.043. Fatigue Properties Fatigue strength of disk forgings at room temperature to 1300 F, Table 3.051. TABLE 3.051 (2, p. 5) Disk forgings (a) 3 in x 13 1/2 in D (b) contoured (a) 1825 F, 2 hr OQ+Aged (b) 1875 F, 3 hr OQ+Aged Temp Method Stress Stress Fatigue Strength-ksi Ratio Concen- tration Smooth K = 1 F at Cycles 106 107 RT 1200 1300 RT 1200 Method Rev bend Rev bend A R -1 8 TABLE 3.052 (2, p. 5) ASTM # ∞ -1 FABRICATION Stress Stress Ratio Concen- tration AR Notched 70 43 K not given Smooth 27 36 Notched K not given 105 84 - Effect of grain size on fatigue strength of bar at room temperature to 1300 F, Table 3., 052. 1 FERROUS ALLOYS 62 - 1 41 < 5/8 in Rolled bar ST at different temperatures + Aged 67 56 55 45 58 37 1 55 40.546.5 37.541,5 41 0.31,5 3 5. 5 7 8 10.5 1 36 Fatigue Strength at 10 cycles ksi - 108 4548 50 41.5 51 46 42 41 36 65 28 28 32.5 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 2050 F maximum, finish- ing temperature 1750 F minimum. Forging up to 2200 F and down to 1600 F will not damage material. Forging below 1800 F permits the retention of cold work which in turn controls the recrystallization during solution treat- ment. It is recommended that 15 to 25 percent reduction be applied before annealing or solution treating. Machining. All conditions can be machined using stan- deve 4.03 4.04 4.05 BTU FT PER (HR SQ FT F) KSI PERCENT 80 40 00 160 140 120 100 20 0 16 12 4 0 dard high speed and stellite cutting tools. Finish ma- chining in the aged condition is recommended to obtain a smooth finish. Welding. Welding experience with this alloy is very limited. Sheets have been joined by both the inert gas shielded arc method and by resistance welding. Bar has been flash butt welded to 4130 steel. Heating and Heat Treating. Use neutral or slightly oxi- dizing atmosphere to prevent carburizing. Surface Treating REVISED: MARCH 1963 FULL HT WORKED + AGED Fe-25Ni-14Cr-3Mo-1. 7Ti 7 1/2 IN SQ BAR ST, 2 HR, WQ + 1350 F, 10 HR +1200 F, 40 HR -400 FTU FIG. 1.051 EFFECT OF SOLUTION TREAT TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AGED BAR (2, p.9) 0 FTY 0 RT 1600 1700 1800 SOLUTION TREAT TEMP F RA e (2 IN) Fe-25Ni-14Cr-2.35Mo-1.95Ti (2) (5) 400 TEMP - THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 800 F 1900 FIG. 2.013 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY 2000 1200 1600 (2, p.6)(5, p. 2) PAGE 2 FeNC REVISED MARCH 1963 IN PER IN PER F 9-01 NI - 11 MICROHM 10 8 56 52 48 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 44 40 36 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 0 0 Fe-25Ni-14Cr-3Mo-1. 7Ti FULL HT BAR 400 FIG. 2.022 Fe-25Ni-14Cr-3Mo-1. 7Ti FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 800 TEMP - F 50% CW 400 HT! 1200 800 TEMP - F ST, 1825F, 1 HR 1200 (2, p.3) 1600 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY 1400 (2, p.3) FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 120 . 80 下山 ​PERCENT 40 0 40 KSI 0 PERCENT 240 200 160 120 ÷0 0.062 IN SHEET, ST 1800F, HR, OQ 0.105 IN SHEET, ST 1825F, IHR, OQ FORGINGS, ST 1750 TO 190JF, OQ (3) (2) 400 FTU 0 -400 e Fe-25Ni - 14Cr-3Mo-1, 7Ti ST H350F, 20 IR +1200F, 201R 800 -300 FTY TEMP FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET (2, p.5)(3, p. 63, 64) Fe-25Ni-14Cr-2. 35Mo-1.95Ti WORKED + AGED 1200 · F K -200 F TU LL F TY RA 0 1600 -100 TEMP - F 160 0 120 80 40 0 2000 FTU - KSI 100 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF LOW TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF ALLOY (5, p. 1) Fe 25 Ni 14 Cr 3 Mo 1.7 Ti DISCALOY CODE 1604 PAGE 3 FeNC Fe 25 Ni 14 Cr 3 Mo 1.7 Ti DISCALOY KSI 50 409 FT LB CODE 1604 30 400 TEMP F FIG. 3.0321 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (2, p. 4) 100 80 60 40 20 10 Fe-25Ni-14Cr-3Mo-1, 7Ti 9/16 IN BAR 1825 F, WQ + 1350 F, 20 HR + 1200 F, 20 HR -400 1 IE CHARPY V 0 1350 F RUPTURE 1 % 0.5% 10 Fe-25Ni-14Cr-3Mo-1. 7Ti CREEP 800 de FORGINGS FULL HT 100 TIME HR FIG. 3.041 CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR FORGINGS AT 1000 TO 1350 F (2, p. 6, 7) 1000 F 1200 F 1200 1000 FERROUS ALLOYS KSI PERCENT 100 80 60 40 20 10 0 200 KSI 1. 4 100 80 60 40 20 000 10 8 6 4 0.500 RUPTURE 1 Fe-25Ni-14Cr-3Mo-1, 7Ti 60 REVISED: MARCH 1963 280 100 TIME HR FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SHEET AT 1000 TO 1500 F (2, p. 8) Y 10 C MAT 0.357 0.062 IN SHEET 1825 F,, OQ + 1350 F, 20 HR+1200F, 20HR 1000 F T= 0.010 Fe-25Ni-14Cr-3Mo-1. 7TI O SMOOTH O 320 1200 F 1350 F 1500 F e 240 DIAMOND (VICKERS) HARDNESS BAR 1950F, 1HR, OQ +1350F, 20HR +1200F, 20HR NOTCHED, K = 7 TEST TEMP 1200 F 100 HR RUPTURE 360 400 1000 1. 5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 TITANIUM CONTENT, PERCENT FIG. 3.043 EFFECT OF HARDNESS OR TITANIUM CONTENT ON 100 HOUR RUPTURE STRENGTH AND ELONGA- TION OF BAR AT 1200F (4, p. 56) PAGE 4 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1000 KSI 1 2 3 4 28 5 26 24 22 20 0 600 TEMP - F FIG. 3.051 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (2, p.) 200 [1] 400 E Fe-25Ni-14Cr-3Mo-ł. 7Ti FORGINGS FULL HT FERROUS ALLOYS REFERENCES 800 1000 1200 AMS 5733 B, (Jan. 15, 1959) Westinghouse Electric Corp., Technical Data 52-251, (Nov. 1957) Simmons, Ward F. and Cross, Howard C., "Report on the Ele- vated Temperature Properties of Selected Super Strength Alloys"," ASTM STP No. 160, p. 61-68, (1954) Hull, F. C., Hann, E. K. and Scott, H., "Effect of a Notch and of Hardness on the Rupture Strength of Discaloy", ASTM STP No. 128, p. 49-58, (Jan. 23, 1952) Westinghouse Electric Corp., "Data Sheet", (1962) Fe 25 Ni 14 Cr 3 Mo 1.7 Ti DISCALOY CODE 1604 PAGE 5 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 2. Source 1.05 1.051 1.052 Carbon Chromium Manganese Molybdenum 1.053 Nickel Silicon 1.054 Nitrogen Phosphorus 1.055 3. Sulfur Iron 3.01 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 GENERAL 16-15-6 alloy was developed primarily as a replacement for the 16-25-6 alloy and involves a composition of con- siderably less nickel. The lower nickel is balanced by additional manganese which allows an increase in the ni- trogen content that can be retained by the metal during melting. The high nitrogen content assures a fully austen- itic structure and adds to the high temperature properties. Fabrication, weldability and hardening of the alloy is greatly improved over 16-25-6. It was developed primari- ly as a turbine wheel material, but is suitable for blading in the later stages of high performance of axial flow com- pressors and for missile applications. Commercial Designation. 16-15-6. Alternate Designation. Formerly 16-25-6 M. Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1.04. 2.03 2.031 2.032 3.02 3.021 3.0211 TABLE 1.04 Min 15.0 6.50 5.00 Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes 14.0 Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion Specific heat 0.30 Timken (1) Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Oxidation resistance Percent Balance PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Max 0.07 17.5 Heat Treatment. (Also see 3.02). Anneal. 1700 to 2300 F, (4). Solution treat. 2125 to 2175 F, air coo!, water or oil 8.50 7.00 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 17.0 quench depending on section size, (4). Cold work (about 20 percent reduction) and age bar up to 1 1/2 in. 1200 to 1300 F, 2 to 8 hr. AMS 5725 specifies 1200 F, 2 hr minimum, (4). FERROUS ALLOYS 1.00 0.40 0.03 0.03 Hot cold work (15 to 30 percent reduction) and age bar and forgings at 1200 to 1500 F, 2 hr minimum, (4). AMS 5727 and 5728 specify forging between 2000 and 1780 F, and heating prior to hot cold work at 1225 to 1260 F, 4 to 6 hr and subsequent aging at 1200 to 1220 F, 4 to 10 hr in still air, (4). Other Physical Properties Density Electrical properties Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic, (1) (2). - ཟ Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Tension properties Effect of tempering temperature on room temperature ten- sile strength of bar, Fig. 3.0211. 3.0212 3.0213 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.04 3.041 3.042 3.0421 3.05 3.06 4. 4.01 4.011 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 Effect of tempering for. 15 hr at various temperatures on room temperature tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0212. Effect of quenching temperature on room temperature ten- sile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0213. Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of elevated temperature on tensile properties of hot rolled and solution treated bar, Fig. 3.0311. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Creep rupture curves at 1200 to 1400 F for disc forging, Fig. 3.041. Fatigue Properties Elastic Properties FABRICATION Rupture time t at temperature T and stress given by re- 16-15-6 S lation log t = 9 111.3 (T-750) (5.060 - log ☎ )-0.650. Comparison of calculated creep rupture curves with ex- perimental data for bar at elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.0421. Forming and Casting Forging. Finishing temperature 2100 F, (2). Machining Welding. Alloy has good welding characteristics, (2, p.2). Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating KSI PERCENT 160 120 80 A 40 0 1000 100 HR 15 HR A RA O e (2 IN) FIG. 3.0211 1100 Fe-16Cr-15Ni-7.5Mn-6Mo 1 IN HR BAR F TU FTY TEMPERED 1200 1300 F 1400 TEMPERING TEMP EFFECT OF TEMPERING TEMPER - ATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE STRENGTH OF BAR - 16 15 (1) 7.5 Mn 6 Mo 0.35 N CODE Fe Cr Ni 1605 PAGE | Fe NC Fe Cr Ni 7.5 Mn 6 Mo 16 15 0.35 N 16-15-6 160 KSI KSI PERCENT PERCENT 160 120 120 CODE 1605 80 40 FIG. 3.0212 0 80 40 80 0 40 0 80 40 0 e(2 IN) Fe-16Cr-15Ni-7.5Mn-'6Mo FTU TEMPERED 15 HR HR O 2100 F,, WQ AS 1200 ROLLED F AS ROLLED TY RA TEMPERING TEMP - F EFFECT OF TEMPERING FOR 15 HR AT VARIOUS TEMPERA- TURES ON ROOM TEMPERA- TURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (2, p. 2, 3) 1400 Fe-16Cr-15Ni-7.5Mn-6Mo 1800 FTU FTY RA e (2 IN) 1 IN BAR 1600 2000 1 IN BAR QUENCHING TEMP FIG. 3.0213 EFFECT OF QUENCHING TEMPERATURE ON ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (2, p.2) J 2200 F B FERROUS ALLOYS KSI 100 80 60 40 20 10 10 FIG. 3.041 KS! PERCENT 100 80 60 40 20 0 120 80 40 0 1000 FIG. 3.0311 100 REVISED: MARCH 1963 F 1200 Fe-16Cr-15Ni-7.5Mn-6 Mo 1 IN BAR HR O 2100 F, WQ TU -- 1000 TIME FTY RA K =8= 1400 e (2 IN) TEMP - F EFFECT OF ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF HOT ROLLED AND SOLUTION TREATED BAR Fe-16Cr-15Ni-7.5Mn-6 Mo FORGINGS TEMPERED 1200 F 1400 F 1600 1200 F 1300 F 10,000 1800 (1) 100,000 HR CREEP RUPTURE CURVES AT 1200 TO 1400 F FOR DISC FORGING (2, p. 3) PAGE 2 Fe NC REVISED: MARCH 1963 10,000 1000 100 HR - TIME 10 0.1 0.01 1 1 2 3 4 8 KSI ▲ 12.5 KSI 20 KSI KSI KSI KSI -CALCULATED FROM: O 30 Δ 40 60 Fe-16Cr-15Ni-7.5Mn-6 Mo 1 IN HR BAR STOCK WQ FROM 2150 F 800 EXPERIMENTAL LOGt=9-111.3(T-750)(5.060-LOG6) 1600 TEMP - F 1200 POINTS FIG. 3.0421 COMPARISON OF CALCULATED CREEP RUPTURE CURVES WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA FOR BAR AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (3, p. 708) -0.650 2000 2400 REFERENCES FERROUS ALLOYS Timken Roller Bearing Co., "Properties of 16-15-6", Data Sheets, (1958) Fleischmann, M., Timken Roller Bearing Co., "16-15-6 Alloy Fills a Need", Reprint J. Steel, (March 25, 1957) Manson, S. S. and Brown, W. F., Jr., "Time-Tempera- ture-Stress Relations for the Correlation and Extrapola- tion of Stress-Rupture Data", Proc. ASTM, Vol. 53, (1953) "Air Weapons Materials Application Handbook, Metals and Alloys", ARDC TR 59-66 (1959) 16 15 CODE Fe Cr Ni 16-15-6 7.5 Mn 6 Mo 0.35 N 1605 PAGE 3 FeNC REVISED MARCH 1963 1. 1. 01 1.02 1. 03 1.04 Source AMS Form 5725 A Bar (1.5 in) (Aged) 5727 B Forgings 5728 A Forgings, ingots 1.05 1. 051 1.052 Carbon Manganese Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chromium Nickel 1.053 Molybdenum Nitrogen Copper Iron 1. 054 1.055 1. 06 1. 07 1.071 1. 072 1.073 1.08 GENERAL This steel is an austenitic stainless steel with increased nickel content and additional molybdenum. It combines high strength at temperatures up to 1350 F with good corro- sion resistance. Improved strength at elevated tempera- tures is obtained by a controlled amount of strain harden- ing by cold work or, in the case of forgings, by 'hot cold work" at 1200 to 1500 F. The alloy is primarily a forging alloy. 1. 09 21. Commercial Designation. 16-25-6. Alternate Designations. Timken 16-25-6, 16-25-6 Alloy. Specifications. Table 1. 03. Composition. Min 1 TABLE 1.03 - Table 1. 04. TABLE 1.04 AMS (1) Percent Max 0.12 2.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 15.00 17.50 24.00 27.00 5.50 7.00 0.10 0.20 0.50 Balance Military AMS (2)(3) Percent Min FERROUS ALLOYS 0.030 0.030 15.00 17.50 24.00 27.00 5.50 7.00 0.10 0.20 0.50 Balance Max Min 0.08 2.00 i.00 (10) Percent Max 0.12 2.00 1.00 1 15.00 17.50 24.00 27.00 5.50 7.00 0.10 0.20 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Balance Heat Treatment Anneal. 1700 to 2300 F. Solution treat. 2125 to 2175 F, air cool, water or oil quench depending on section size. Cold work (about 20 percent reduction) and age bar up to 1 1/2 in. 1200 to 1300 F, 2 to 8 hr. AMS 5725 A specifies 1200 F, 2 hr minimum, (1). Hot cold work (15 to 30 percent reduction) and age bar and forgings at 1200 to 1500 F, 2 hr minimum. AMS 5727 B and 5728 A specify forging between 2000 and 1780 F, and heating prior to hot cold work at 1225 to 1260 F, 4 to 6 hr and subsequent aging at 1200 to 1220 F, 4 to 10 hr in still air, (2)(3). Hardenability. This alloy is used primarily in a strain hardened condition. It is also subject to precipitations, but these, as in other austenitic steels, reduce the ductility. Forms and Conditions Available This alloy is available in form of bar or forgings. Forgings and bar are available in the solution treated and in the hot cold worked conditions. Bar is also available in the solution treated, cold worked and stress relieved condition. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Special Considerations. Avoid heating alloy to high tem- peratures in stagnant oxidizing atmospheres, because of molybdenum reactions. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.03 2.031 2.0311 2.0312 2.032 2.04 3. 3.01 3. 011 Source Alloy Form Condition Hot worked HW + age ST ST + age 3.012 3.02 3.021 Thermal Properties Melting range. 2550 to 2650 F, (10, p. 57). Incipient melting begins at 2350 F. Phase changes. Alloy is subject to precipitation and forma- tion of sigma phase. Thermal conductivity. Room temperature, 9 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F). 1100 F, 15 Btu ft per (hr sq ft F). Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014, (5)(10, p. 57). Specific heat. 0.105 Btu per (lb F), (5). 3.022 Other Physical Properties Density. 0.291 lb per cu in. 8.07 gr per cu cm, (5). Electrical resistivity Magnetic properties. Alloy is nonmagnetic. Permeability, Table 2. 023. Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance Condition Thickness Ftu, min Fty' min e(4 D), min-percent RA, min-percent Hardness BHN, min max General corrosion resistance is similar in most respects to that of 18-8 steels. Alloy is exceptionally resistant to the attack of sulfuric acid and salt water. Intergranular corrosion may occur especially after solu- tion treating and subsequent exposure to temperatures above 1100 F. TABLE 2.023 Magnetic permeability at 20 oersteds 1.0050 1.0045 1.013 1.004 to 1.025 Oxidation resistance is high up to 1350 F. Above 1400 F oxidation of molybdenum occurs and it may become catas- trophic under certain oxidizing conditions. Stagnant air should be avoided and a rapid gas flow which prevents de- position of oxides is favorable. Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties AMS specified mechanical properties, Table 3. 01. G in -ksi -ksi TABLE 3. 011 AMS (1) Bar CW + 1200 F, 2 hr, AC ≤1.5 120 100 18 35 248 321 16-25-6 AMS (2)(3) Forgings HCW + 1210 F, 4 to 10 hr, still AC D 100 80 10 15 235 293 Additional AMS 5727 B and 5728 A requirements. Rupture time at 1195 to 1205 F, 40 ksi shall be 100 hr minimum and elongation in 4D at 40 to 45 ksi shall be 5 percent minimum Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. Effect of test direction on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3. 021. Effect of exposure to elevated temperature with and with- out load on tensile properties of bar, Table 3.022. Fe Ni 16 Cr 6 Mo 25 CODE 16-25-6 1606 PAGE FeNC Fe 25 Ni 16 Cr 6 Mo 16-25-6 CODE Source Form Condition Exposure at Temp Load | Time hr F❘ ksi 5 RT 0 1100 20 1200 12. 1200 12.5 1200 20 1300 10 1300 10 1300 12.5 1500 4.5 3.023 3.03 3.031 3. 0311 3. 0312 3.0313 * ** 3.032 3. 0321 3.04 3.041 3.042 *** 3.043 3.044 3.045 3.046 3.05 3. 051 3.052 1606 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 Ftu ksi J Source Alloy Form Condition 74 108.8 51 1015 117.5 59 1075 127.5 65 12, 358 | 137.2 11, 260 1080 133 68.5 12, 373 112.5 11, 873 66 985 112.8 50.5 TABLE 3. 022 HCW (1550 F) 15 to 20% +1275 F, 6 hr Room temperature properties after exposure Fty |e(2in) RA | F tu Fty je(2 in) RA percent ksi ksi ksi percent 46 64.81143. 3 121.8 17 34.4 27 14 33.4 18 14 17 Test Temp-F F tu' Fty, e(2in)-percent 39.5 RA -percent 51.0 Hardness ST 1 - Ann* RT -ksi 120 -ksi 58 (4) Home 13 17 4.5 4.5 Bar - 29 33.4 279 TABLE 3.0313 (10, p. 58) Fe-25Ni-16Cu-6Mo Bars, Forgings CW** J Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties FERROUS ALLOYS 1 137. 598.5 1 Effect of exposure to elevated temperatures on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3. 023. Hand 131.4 100 10 Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of sheet and bar in various conditions, Fig. 3. 0312. Tensile properties of bar and forgings in various condi- tions at RT and 1200 F, Table 3.0313. Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of solution treated bar, Fig. 3.0311. 326 8 Modulus of rigidity, 11, 000 ksi. Poisson's ratio, 0.286. 1 HCW *** 1200 RT 1200 RT 82.5 138 95.5162 36 111.5 76 143.5 21.5 19 21 15.5 20 36 36 34 1200 106.5 93 Gu 13.5 28 BHN 207 2100 F, 1 hr, AC Forged 2100 F, reduced 25% at 1700 F finish temperature, stress relief 1200 F. Hot rolled bar, reduced 23% at 1200 F, stress relief 1200 F. Short time properties other than tension Effect of exposure and test temperature on impact strength of bar, Fig. 3.0321. Creep rupture curves for smooth and notched bar at 1200 F, Fig. 3.045. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Total strain curves for bar at 1200 to 1400 F, Fig. 3.041. Creep rupture curves for bar and forgings at 1200 and 1350 F, Fig. 3.042. Creep rupture curves for bar and forgings at 1000 to 1500 F, Fig. 3.043. Master curve for creep rupture of bar and forgings, Fig. 3.044. Shear rupture curves for hot cold worked forgings at 1200 F, Fig. 3.046. 12 17 Fatigue Properties Stress range diagram for smooth and notched bar at 1200 F, Fig. 3.051. Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.061. A small amount of stretching at room temperature or creep slightly reduces the fatigue strength of smooth specimens at 1200 F. Stretching of notched bars at elevated tempera- tures raises the fatigue strength, while compressing them reduces the fatigue strength. (WADC TR 58-214). 4. 4. 01 4. 011 4. 012 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 9- IN PER IN PER F 10 KSI PERCENT FABRICATION. This alloy is essentially an austenitic stainless steel containing molybdenum and its fabrication, therefore, is in many respects similar to that of Type 316 and other steels of the 18-8 type. Forming and Casting For this alloy the general forging procedure should be distinguished from the specific hot cold working technique which aims at establishing improved properties. General forging practice uses a starting temperature of 2100 F maximum and a finishing temperature of 1775 F minimum. AMS 5727 A and 5728 B specify preforging between 2000 and 1780 F minimum. Hot cold forging, 15 to 30 percent, improves high temperature properties. Hot cold forging can be performed at temperatures rang- ing from 1200 to 1500 F, preferably between 1200 and 1300 F. AMS 5727 A and 5728 B specify heating for 4 to 6 hr at 1225 to 1260 F prior to hot cold forging. Machining. This alloy machines in a manner similar to that of austenitic stainless steels, see Type 304. Welding. This alloy possesses good fusion and resistance weldability, (10, p.57). Heating and Heat Treating is similar to that of austenitic stainless steels, see Type 316. 14 Surface Treating. Descaling is preferably performed by mechanical methods, such as sand blasting. Molten alkali baths are also effective, 12 10 160 120 80 40 REVISED: MARCH 1963 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION 400 FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 0 800 FIG. 3.021 FTU FTY 20 е 1200 Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED 1600 TEMP F 40 ANGLE TO AXIS - (5) -(10) - 2000 60 DEG (5, p. 86)(10, p. 58) Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6M9 4 3/8 IN BAR HCW(1200 F), 22% +1200 F, 4 HR 2200 80 100 EFFECT OF TEST DIRECTION ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR (7, p. 24) PAGE 2 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 FT LB KSI 80 PERCENT 60 40 20 0 100 80 60 40 20 FIG. 3.023 EFFECT OF EXPOSURE TO ELE- VATED TEMPERATURES ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (4, p. 86) 0 0 80 0 40 IE CHARPY V 0 TESTED AT RT EXPOSURE 1 HR 1000 HR 400 & (8) (5) 400 800 TEMP - F Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo - 1 IN BAR 2150 F, WQ FTU FTY e (2 IN) 1200 800 1600 Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo 1 IN BAR 2150 F, WQ 121872 RA 1200 TEMP - F 1600 FERROUS ALLOYS 2000 80 40 30 PERCENT FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SOLUTION TREATED BAR (5, p. 88)(8, p. 43-54) KSI GnD TY F PERCENT 120 100 80 60 40 20 40 40 0 0 Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo 1 IN BAR, HCW (1500 F) + 1250 F, 4 HR 1 IN BAR, HCW + 1275 F, 6 HR 1 IN BAR, 2150 F +20 % CW + 1250 F, 4 HR 140 BAR, 22% CW + 1200 F, 4 HR O 0. 062 IN SHEET, 1950 F + CW (8) (5) FT LB e (2 IN) 400 80 60 40 20 FTY 0 RA 0 FTU 800 1200 TEMP F IE CHARPY V FIG. 3.0321 EXPOSURE 1 HR 1000 HR G 400 1600 FIG. 3.0312 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF SHEET AND BAR IN VARIOUS CONDITIONS (5, p. 86)(8, p. 43-84) 800 180 Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo 1 IN BAR- 2150 F, WQ 1200 120 100 80 60 40 20 2000 KSI 1600 - FTU TEMP F EFFECT OF EXPOSURE AND TEST TEMPERATURE ON IMPACT STRENGTH OF BAR (4, p. 86) CODE Fe 25 Ni 16 Cr 6 Mo 16-25-6 1606 PAGE 3 FeNC Fe 25 Ni 16 Cr 6 Mo 16-25-6 CODE KSI KSI 40 20 1606 10 8 6 4 20 10 8 6 100 100 80 60 40 20 2150 WQ 1 1200 F 1000 1350 F 1200 F 1400 F 1300 F 10,000 100 TIME Wh Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo 1 IN BAR 2150 F, WQ +HCW FIG. 3.041 TOTAL STRAIN CURVES FOR BAR AT 1200 TO 1400 F (5, p. 88) 1% 0.5% -0.2% HR TIME HR Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo BAR AND FORGINGS RUPTURE ANN 2100 F, 1 HR, AC HW 2100 F, RED 25 % AT 1700 F + 1200 F O HCW RED 23% AT 1200 F +1200 F 10 10 100 1000 TOTAL STRAIN FERROUS ALLOYS 1200 F FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AND FORGINGS AT 1200 AND 1350F (10, p. 58) 1400 F 1300 F 1000 10,000 KSI 100 80 60 40 20 10 8 6 28 KSI TITLE RUPTURE T, TEMP - F t, TIME HR FIG. 3.043 100 80 32 60 40 20 10 8 6 60 40 20 10 8 10 FIG. 3.042 im RUPTURE BAR (5) BAR (10) A FORGINGS (11) 100 REVISED MARCH 1963 הד Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo 1 IN BAR 2150 F, WQ 1000 F 1500 F 1000 1100 F 1400 F HCW(1500 F) 15 TO 20% +1275F, 6 HR 1400 F 36 40 (T + 460) (20 + LOG t ) x 10−3 1200 F 1300 F 44 1200 F TIME HR CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AND FORGINGS AT 1000 TO 1500 F (5, p. 88)(10, p. 35-37)(11, p. 57) 1300 F 10, 000 Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo BAR, ST OR HCW 8 IN FORGINGS, ANN 48 MASTER CURVE FOR CREEP RUPTURE OF BAR AND FORGINGS (6, Fig. 11) PAGE 4 FeNC REVISED MARCH 1963 KSI KSI 200 100 80 ALTERNATING STRESS - KSI 60 40 20 FIG 3.044 60 40 20 60 40 20 FIG. 3.045 20 0 1 1 Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo 1950 F, 15 MIN + HCW (1200 F) 18% +1200 F, 8 HR, AC 0.37.5 RUPTURE 0 FIG. 3.051 60. 10 10 20 O SMOOTH, K = 1 NOTCHED. K = 2.4, r=0.022 K = 3. 4. r=0,010 0.250 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR AT (12, p. 55, 89, 180) 1200 F 100 TIME HR -∞a SHEAR 1200 F 1200 F RUPTURE 40 1000 Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo BAR HCW 100 TIME HR 1000 TENSION SHEAR RUPTURE CURVES FOR HOT COLD WORKED FORGINGS AT 1200 F (9, p. 25-40) 1200 F Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo 3/4 IN BAR HCW (1200 F), 18% +1200 F, 8 HR RUPTURE 1% CREEP 100 HR 10 HR 10,000 ▼1 HR 1HR = 2.16x105 NOTCHED FERROUS ALLOYS CYCLES SMOOTH 80 K = 3.4 60 MEAN STRESS - KSI STRESS RANGE DIAGRAMS FOR SMOOTH AND NOTCHED BAR AT 1200 F 100 (12, p. 180) 123 + 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1000 KSI 28 24 20 0 E DYNAMIC 400 REFERENCES Fe-25Ni-16Cr-6Mo BAR AMS 5725 A, (Feb. 15, 1952) AMS 5727 B, (July 1, 1956) AMS 5728 A, (July 1, 1956) 800 TEMP - F 1200 FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (4, p. 127) 1600 Timken Roller Bearing Co., Steel and Tube Division, "Digest of Steels for High Temperature Service", Sixth Edition, p. 85-88, (1957) Timken Roller Bearing Co., "Digest of Steels", p. 88, (1958) Fleischmann, M., "Recent Developments in the Use of the 16-25-6 Alloy", Timken Roller Bearing Co., Iron Age, Fig. 11, (Nov. 20, 1952) Brown, W. F., Jr., Schwartzbart, H. and Jones, M. H., "Tensile-Fracturing Characteristics of Several Alloys as Influenced by Orientation in Respect to Forging Direction", NACA RM E 50 L28, p. 22, (Feb. 12, 1951) Simmons, Ward F. and Cross, Howard C., "Report on Elevated Temperature Properties of Selected Super Strength Alloys", ASTM STP No. 160, p. 43-54, (Aug. 1954) Meyer, Andre J., Jr., Kaufman, Albert and Caywood, W. C., "Investigation of Mechanical Fastenings for Solid Turbine Blades Made from Ductile Materials", p. 25-40, (Aug. 2, 1954) The Carpenter Steel Co., "Carpenter High Temperature Alloys", p. 57-60, (Jan. 1962) Voorhees, Howard R. and Freeman, James W., "Notch Sensitivity of Heat-Resistant Alloys at Elevated Tempera- tures", WADC TR 54-175, Pt. 1, p. 57, (Aug. 1954) Vitovec, F. H. and Lazan, B. J., "Fatigue, Creep, and Rupture Properties of Heat Resistant Materials", WADC TR 56-181, p. 55, 89, 180, (Aug. 1956) Fe 25 Ni 16 Cr 6 Mo 16-25-6 CODE 1606 PAGE 5 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.051 1.052 1.05 1.07 1.071 1.072 1.08 1.09 2. 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 Iron 2.02 2.021 GENERAL Source Carbon Manganese Sulfur Silicon Copper Nickel + Cobalt Chromium 2.03 2.031 2.032 This non-heat treatable nickel-chromium iron base alloy has a nickel content between that of austenitic stainless steels and that of nickel base chromium containing alloys. Its properties are intermediate between these two types of alloys. The alloy possesses good oxidation resistance and strength properties at temperatures up to 1800 F. It is a- vailable in all wrought forms. Forming and welding char- acteristics of Incoloy are goɔd. Commercial Designation, Incoloy. Alternate Designations. None. Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1.04. TABLE 1.04 Min ……… 30.0 19.0 (3, p. 2) Percent Balance Max 0.10 1.50 0.030 1.00 0.50 34.0 22.0 FERROUS ALLOYS Heat Treatment Anneal. 1900 to 2150 F, 2 to 5 min, rate of cooling has no effect on properties. Anneal to coarse grain condition. 2050 F, 2 hr. This ma- terial has superior creep strength, (1, p. 6). Hardenability. Can be hardened only by cold work. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Thermal Properties Melting range. 2550 to 2600 F. Phase changes. None. Forms and Conditions Available Alloy is available in the full commercial range of sizes for sheet, strip, plate, bar, wire and tubing. All forms are available in the annealed condition. Bar is also available in the hot worked condition, and sheet, strip and wire in cold worked conditions. Sheet and strip are also available in extra soft, deep drawing and spinning quality. Melting and Casting Practice. Electric furnace air melt. Special Considerations. At 1800 F, the scaling resistance of Incoloy is comparable to that of the high nickel alloys such as Inconel and Nimonic 75, (1, p. 6)(3, p.6). Thermal conductivity. 7.1 Bu ft per (hr sq ft F). Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat. 0.12 Btu per (lb F). Other Physical Properties Density. 0.24 lb per sq in. 8.02 gr per cu cm, (4, p. 14) Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. Alloy possesses high corrosion re- sistance under oxidizing conditions, such as against nitric acid, mixtures of nitric and sulfuric acids, solutions con- taining peroxides, chromates and cupric or ferric sulfates. Good corrosion resistance against many organic acids, and neutral and alkaline solutions. The corrosion resistance is limited under reducing conditions. Oxidation resistance. Approaching that of nickel base chromium containing alloys on intermittent heating up to 1800 F and against fused neutral salts. Alloy is superior 3. 3.01 3.02 3.021 Source Form Condition Fitu Hardness, RB 3.03 3.031 3.0311 Fry e(2 in) percent 3.032 3.04 3.041 3.042 BHN (3000Kg) 3.05 3.051 HW Ann CD Source Form Cond 3.05 3.061 3.052 - — 16 to nickel base alloys in sulfur containing atmosphere and molten cyanide salts. Alloy is inferior to Inconel in re- sistance to nitriding atmospheres, halogen gases and mol- ten caustic.(1, p.7). 1 5 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature. See 3.03 also. Typical mechanical properties, Tabie 3.021. TABLE 3.021 (3, p. 2) ksi ksi Sheet, Sheet, strip tubing Strip Deep Draw Qual 75 to 100 30 to 45 55 to 35 Source Form Condition Total strain-percent 75 to 1.00 30 to 55 50 to 30 80 max 88 max 84 max) Method 75 to 100 30 to 50 50 to 30 Rot beam A Plate Bar Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties 8 Ann 75 to 105 30 to 55 50 to 30 TABLE 3.041 1400 5 6 R -1 Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of bar, Fig. 3.0311. Short time properties other than tension - 120 to 120 to 180 170 66 to 86 Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Stress for 1 and 5 percent total strain at 1400 to 1800 F, Table 3.041. 75 to 100 30 to 55 53090 TABLE 3, 051 Stress Stress Ratio Concen- tration Smooth K = 1 50 to (1, p. 2) BAR Ann 2050 F, 2hr, AC Stress ksi at Temp F (5, p. 3) Bar Wire 1600 1.8 1.9 HR 75 to 80 to 105 120 25 to 35 to 55 90 50 to 50 to 25 25 Creep rupture curves for bar at 1400 to 2000 F, Fig. 3.042. Fatigue Properties Room temperature fatigue properties of bar, Table 3.051. 65 I Plate, bar 1800 135 to 220 0.4 0.65 Fatigue Strength-ksi at Cycles 105 106 107 108 53.5 52.5 52 51 43.5 38.5 to 345 to 31 to 39.5 35.5 32 48.5 36.5 33 Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity at room and elevated temperatures, Fig. 3.051. Poisson's Ratio. 0.29, (4, p. 14) Fe 34 Ni 20 Cr INCOLOY CODE 1607 PAGE 1 FeNC Fe 34 Ni 20 Cr INCOLOY CODE 4. 4. 01 4.011 4.02 4.03 4.04 4,041 4.042 4.05 10-6 IN PER IN PER F 10 CC 1607 FABRICATION 11 Fe-34Ni-20Ct 0 Forming and Casting Forging. Starting temperature 2200 F maximum. Heavy work can be done between 2200 and 1850 F, and normal forging operations are usually started from 2150 F. Light forging can be done down to 1600 F. The alloy should not be worked between 1600 F and 1200 F. It is recommended that forgings with nonuniform cross sections be cooled in air. The rate of cooling has no effect on the hardness. Machining. The alloy is machined most readily in the an- nealed condition with hot rolled, cold rolled and forged ma- terial exhibiting the next best machinability. Since con- siderable heat is generated, high speed steel, cast non- ferrous or carbide tools with positive rake angles should be used. Sulfur base oil may be used as lubricant but should be removed completely before the part is exposed to ele- vated temperatures. Welding. Fusion welding by the metal arc method using Inco Weld "A" electrodes is the preferred method. Inert gas tungsten arc welding of sheet up to 1/8 in thickness without filler wire can be successfully done provided that the sheets are closely butted and securely clamped togeth- er. Heating and Heat Treating The furnace atmosphere should be slightly reducing with approximately 2 percent of carbon monoxide. Gas should not contain more than 30 grains of sulfur per 100 cu ft of gas. Oil should not contain more than 0.5 percent sulfur. The metal must be cleaned of all oil, grease, paint and shopsoil before subjecting it to elevated temperatures. Bright annealing requires a dry reducing atmosphere having a minimum dew point of minus 60 F. The alloy must be cooled in this atmosphere to accomplish bright annealing. Surface Treating. Unless bright annealed, the alloy will be covered with a tenacious oxide. The oxide color is dark when annealed in a slightly oxdizing atmosphere, or greenish when annealed in a partially reducing atmosphere. Both the dark and the greenish oxide can be removed by pickling. MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FERROUS ALLOYS 400 ANN 2050 F, 2 HR, AC HW FROM 100 F TO TEMP INDICATED d 1.200 TEMP - F 800 saman da Spo FIG. 2.014 THERMAL EXPANSION 1600 2000 (1, p. 4)(4, p. 14) KSI FTY - KSI PERCENT 10 8 6 4 2 1 0.8 0.6 80 0.4 60 40 20 80 40 80 40 0 0 FTY 800 TEMP FIC. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF BAR RUPTURE 100 HR (CD) MILL ANN (CD) ANN 2050 F, 2 HR 400 RA REVISED: MARCH 1963 e G 1000 F 1400 F 1600 F 1800 F Fe-34Ni-20Cr 2000 F 1200 L BAR COARSE GRAIN, 2050 F, 2 HR, AC FINE GRAIN, MILL ANN 10,000 TIME HR FTU 100 1600 80 60 40 20 KSI - 100,000 ՈԼ (5, p. 2) Fe-34Ni-20Cr F BAR FIG. 3.042 CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR AT 1400 TO 2000 F (1, p. 2) PAGE 2 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1000 KSI 1 2 3 4 28 5 24 20 0 400 E 800 TEMP C 1200 F FIG. 3.061 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (4, p. 14) Fe-34Ni-20Cr REFERENCES 1600 FERROUS ALLOYS 2000 The International Nickel Co., Inc., "Progress Report on Incoloy," (Oct. 1953) The International Nickel Co., Inc., " Technical Forum on Nickel-Chrome-Containing Alloys in High Temperature Appli- cations", (Nov. 1953) The International Nickel Co., Inc., "Properties of Incoloy, A Heat Resisting Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy, "(Feb. 1955) The International Nickel Co., Inc., "Physical Constants of Nickel and Some Nickel-Base Alloys", (Aug. 1958) The International Nickel Co., Inc., "Technical Data", (Aug. 28, 1959) Fe 34 Ni 20 Cr INCOLOY CODE 1607 PAGE 3 FeNC REVISED: MARCH 1963 1. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.05 1.051 1.052 2. 2.04 Source 2.01 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 3. Aluminum Boron Carbon Chromium Manganese Molybdenum 2.02 2.021 2.022 2.023 3.01 Nickel Silicon 2.03 2.031 2.032 Titanium Vanadium Sulfur Phosphorus Iron GENERAL This austenitic stainless steel alloy has a good combination of tensile and creep rupture properties up to 1500 F at high stresses. It is a higher titanium and boron modifica - tion of A-286 stainless steel and is primarily used for some parts of aircraft gas turbines, (3, p. 1) (4) (5). Commercial Designation. V-57. Alternate Designation Specifications. None. Composition. Table 1.04. 3.02 3.021 GE (2, p.1 Min 0.10 0.005 13.0 Percent 1.00 25.50 TABLE 1.04 2.70 1 Max 0.35 0.025 0.08 16.0 0.35 1.50 28.50 0.75 3.20 0.50 0.025 0.025 Balance Thermal Properties Melting range Phase changes Forms and Conditions Available Allegheny Ludlum (3, p.1) Percent Nominal Thermal conductivity Thermal expansion, Fig. 2.014. Specific heat 0.25 0.008 Heat Treatment Solution treat. 1800 F, 2 to 4 hr, oil quench, (1, p. 14). Age. 1350 F, 16 hr, air cool, (1, p. 14). Hardenability 0.06 15.00 0.25 1.25 Chemical Properties Corrosion resistance. See A-286. Oxidation resistance. See A-286. Nuclear Properties MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 25.50 0.55 3.00 0.25 Melting and Casting Practice Consumable electrode vacuum remelting of air-melted electrodes, (3, p.1). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES FERROUS ALLOYS Balance Other Physical Properties Density. 0.287 lb per cu in. 7.9 gr per cu cm, (2, p. 1). Electrical properties Magnetic properties Specified Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature Producer's average mechanical properties for rolled bar, Table 3.021. 3.03 3.031 3.0311 3.04 3.041 Source Alloy Form 3.032 3.033 Condition 4. 3.042 4.01 F 3.05 3.051 4.02 F 3.052 4.03 3.06 3.061 3.062 3.063 4.04 eD)-percent RA -percent Hardness, BHN 4.05 tu ksi ksi TABLE 3.021 (3, p. 2) Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.3V-0.25Al Rolled bar FABRICATION IN PER IN PER F 9- 10 1800 F, 2 hr, OQ Mechanical Properties at Various Temperatures Short time tension properties Effect of test temperature on tensile properties of forg- ings and rolled bar, Fig. 3.0311. Short time properties other than tension Static stress concentration effects Elastic Properties Modulus of elasticity, Fig. 3.061. Modulus of rigidity, Fig. 3.062. Poisson's ratio, Fig. 3.063. Creep and Creep Rupture Properties Master curve for 0.2 percent creep and creep rupture of forgings, Fig. 3.041. Creep and creep rupture curves for bar, Fig. 3.042. Forming and Casting Machining Welding Heating and Heat Treating Surface Treating 11 Fatigue Properties S-N curves for unnotched bar at room and elevated tem- peratures for various "A ratios, Fig. 3.051. Stress range diagram for unnotched bar at 1100 and 1300 F, Fig. 3.052. 10 93.4 33.7 Co 52.4 75.5 7 149 0 . 1800 F, 2 HR, OQ +1350 F, 16 HR, AC FIG. 2.014 0.3V-0.25Al 172.1 119.0 23.9 43.1 321 Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo- 400 MEAN COEF LINEAR THERMAL EXPANSION FROM RT TO TEMP INDICATED - 1800 F, 2 HR, OQ +1350 F, 16 HR, AC 1800 F, 2 HR, OQ 800 TEMP 1200 F THERMAL EXPANSION 1600 (3, p. 2) Fe 25.5 Ni CODE 15 Cr 3 Ti V-57 1.25 Mo 0.3 V 0.25 AI 7 1608 PAGE I Fe NC 15 Fe 25.5 Ni Ź F CODE Cr 3 Ti 1.25 Mo 0.3 V 0.25 AI Al V-57 KSI PERCENT KSI 200 160 120 80 1608 40 80 40 200 100 80 60 40 0 20 Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.3V-0.25Al 0 FIG. 3.0311 EFFECT OF TEST TEMPERATURE ON TENSILE PROPERTIES OF FORG- INGS AND ROLLED BAR (2, p.6) (3, p.3) 0.25 Al 32 400 p 1800 F, 2 HR, OQ + 1350 F, 16 HR, AC FTU FTY FORGINGS (2) ROLLED BAR (3) 0.025 IN PER MIN TO F 0.05 IN PER MIN TO F, RA e (5 D) 80C TEMP - F Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.3Ti- TY TU 1200 RUPTURE 0.2% PLASTIC STRAIN FORGINGS 1800 F, 2 HR, OQ +1350 F, 16 HR, AC . 36 40 -3 P = (T+460) (20 + LOG t) x 10 FIG. 3.041 1600 44 MASTER CURVE FOR 0.2 PERCENT CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE OF FORGINGS (2, p.7) FERROUS ALLOYS MAXIMUM STRESS - KSI KSI 200 100 80 40 60 200 FIG. 3.042 100 80 100 80 20 60 40 200 10 8 60 40 200 100 80 40 100 80 60 60 40 0.1 104 RUPTURE ▲ 0.5% ■ 1.0% ▼ 2.0% FIG. 3.051 Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.3V -0.25 Al CREEP REVISED MARCH 1963 1800 F, 4 HR, OQ +1350 F, 16 HR, AC 1800 F, 2HR, OQI Day + 1350 F, 16 HR, ACS 1 3/4 IN DIA BAR (1) BAR (3) 105 RT 10 TIME HR CREEP AND CREEP RUPTURE CURVES FOR BAR (1, p. 67) (3, p.3) 800 F 1100 F 100 1300 F Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1. 25Mo-0.3V -0.25A1 3/4 IN BAR 1800 F, 4 HR, OQ + 1350 F, 16 HR, AC 107 1100 F 48öö 1200 F A 1300 F 1350 F 1500 F 1000 0.67 0.25 0 108 106 NUMBER OF CYCLES S-N CURVES FOR UNNOTCHED BAR AT ROOM AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES FOR VARIOUS "A" RATIOS (1, p.18-20) PAGE 2 Fe NC REVISED: MARCH 1963 KSI - ALTERNATING STRESS 1000 KSI 60 40 ISX 0001 20 0 60 40 20 0 FIG. 3.052 30 26 2:2 18 0 12 0 FIG. 3.061 10 8 6 UNNOTCHED K = 1.0 UNNOTCHED K = 1.0 0 FIG. 3.062 20 400 40 E 80 MEAN STRESS STRESS RANGE DIAGRAM FOR UNNOTCHED BAR AT 1100 F AND 1300 F (1, p.52) 400 60 800 1200 TEMP F MODULUS OF ELASTICITY Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.3V-0.25Al - Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.25 Al 3/4 IN BAR 1800 F, 4 HR, OQ +1350 F, 16 HR, AC 1200 800 TEMP F MODULUS OF RIGIDITY 1600 Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.3V-0.25 Al - FERROUS ALLOYS 1600 1 HR 10 HR 100 HR 5 1 HR = 2.16 x 10 CYCLES 1300 F 100 KSI 2000 (2, p. 2) 1100 F 2000 (2, p. 3) 120 140 1 2 3 4 FIG. 3.063 5 0.40 сл 0.36 0.32 0.28 0 Fe-25.5Ni-15Cr-3Ti-1.25Mo-0.3V-0.25AI 400 1200 TEMP - F POISSON'S RATIO 800 1600 2000 (2, p.4) REFERENCES Cers, A. E. and Blatherwick, A. A., "Fatigue and Stress Rupture Properties of Inconel 713 C, V-57 and Titanium Alloys 7 Al-3Mo-Ti and MST 821 (8A1-2Cb-1Ta-Ti)", WADD TR 60-426, (July 1960) General Electric Co., "V-57", Specification C50T58, (April 9, 1959), revised (June 1961) Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., "Allegheny Ludlum Iron- Base High Temperature Alloy V-57", (April 14, 1960) • Miller, J. R., Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Personal Communication, (July 24, 1959) Bowen, B. D., General Electric Co., Personal Communica- tion, (Feb. 23, 1959) Bed Fe 25.5 Ni 15 Cr 3 Ti 1.25 Mo 0.3 V 0.25 AI V-57 CODE 1608 PAGE 3 APPENDICES APPENDICES a << Å A. Аз A cl Ac3 Ael' Ae3' Ae4 a-c AC A Alt Ann a A rl Approx A r3 Ar4 F -F max min F +F ATM AUST Av or Avg C b(subscript) BHN Bns max min br(subscript) Btu Btu per (lb F) Btu ft per (hr sq ft F) cgs & cm c(subscript) C Red C Swag Carb CD Coef Comm Cond cpm cps cph CR cu cu cm cu ft cu in CW CVM D Dia Dbl d-c deg Deox DPH Diff One half notch section dimension, one half of notch length at instability (See Appendix C) Area of cross section Angstrom unit Temperature of the eutectoid transforma- tion of austenite to ferrite plus cementite (1) Temperature of transformation of ferrite to austenite (1) Temperature at which austenite begins to form during heating (1) Temperature at which transformation of ferrite to austenite is completed during heating (1) Temperature of phase changes at equilibrium (3) Alternating current Air cool Ratio of alternating stress to mean stress in fatigue Alternating Annealed Initial half notch length (See Appendix C) Approximate Temperature at which transformation of austenite to ferrite or to ferrite plus cementite is completed during cooling (2) Temperature at which austenite begins to transform to ferrite during cooling (2) Temperature at which austenite transforms to delta ferrite during heating; the reverse process occurs during cooling (2) Atmosphere Austenitize Average Bending Brinell hardness number Barns Bearing British thermal unit(s) British thermal units per pound per degree Fahrenheit British thermal units feet per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit Degree(s) Centigrade Compression, compressive Cold reduced Cold swaged Carburized Cold drawn Centimeter-gram-second (system) Center line Centimeter Coefficient Commercially Condition(s) APPENDIX A Cycles per minute Cycles per second Cycles per hour Cold rolled Cubic Cubic centimeter(s) Cubic foot (feet) Cubic inch(es) Cold worked Consumable vacuum melt Diameter Diameter Double Direct current Degree(s) Deoxidized Diamond pyramidal hardness (Vickers) Different, difference E e e/D E C Ε E or ET Elev eV Exp F f(subscript) [I FIFI [I [In [I [I I I I II [ [ [ [ [ [I F Falt Fbf Fbry FC F bru Fcy Amf F min F F b F max Asty F st K Κ Ftu tf stf ft Ib Full harden tv G G GS gr per cu cm su Hard HeC hr HR KT Et No HW K K IACS ID IE in in lb Incomp Ind Invest Kc K. cl Ic K c2 Kc3 K с c4 f t Modulus of elasticity in tension Elongation in percent gage length given in () following e Ratio of edge distance to hole diameter (bearing test) Modulus of elasticity in compression Secant modulus Tangent modulus Elevated Electron volt the energy required to transfer an electron through a one volt potential difference Exposure, expansion - Degree(s) Fahrenheit Fatigue Fatigue alternating stress Bending modulus of rupture, bend strength Bending fatigue strength Bearing ultimate strength Bearing yield stress Furnace cool Compressive yield stress Fatigue mean stress Fatigue maximum stress Fatigue minimum stress Torsion modulus of rupture Torsion fatigue strength Torsion yield strength Shear ultimate stress, shear strength Tensile fatigue strength Tensile ultimate stress, tensile strength Tensile yield stress, tensile yield strength Foot pound(s) Fully hardened Strain energy release rate (critical) Modulus of rigidity Grain size Grams per cubic centimeter Harden Helium cooled Hour Hot rolled, hour Heat treat Heat number Hot worked, hot rolled International annealed copper standards Inside diameter Impact energy, impact strength Inch(es) Inch pound(s) Incomplete Induction Investment Stress intensity factor (see Appendix C); stress concentration factor Measure of fracture toughness at point of crack growth instability (see Appendix C) Plane strain fracture toughness Value of K for center notch specimen based upon computations with measured crack length a Value of K for edge-notch specimen based upon computations with measured crack length a Value of K for center notch specimen based upon computations with estimated crack length from a and percent shear 0 Value of K for edge-notch specimen based upon computations with estimated crack length from a and percent shear Fatigue notch factor Theoretical elastic stress concentration factor APPENDIX A PAGE | < KHN ksi Kw L lb lb per cu in LT M Max Min MeV M M S m(subscript) MIL A (mu) Nom Norm nvt OD OQ Perm PMC ppm p H Prec Pt q == K.-1 f Q QMV r RA K-1 t R = F. /F RAC RB RC rd RE Reann Recrys Red Rev RMS Rot rpm RT r/t APPENDIX A min' max s(subscript) Knoop hardness number Thousand pounds per square inch Kilowatt Longitudinal Pound Pounds per cubic inch Long transverse (same as transverse) Bending moment Maximum Minimum, minute One million electron volts Temperature at which transformation of austenite to martensite is completed during cooling (2) Temperature at which transformation of austenite to martensite starts during cooling (2) Mean Military Poisson's Ratio APPENDIX A Nominal Normalize, normal Integrated neutron flux (neutrons/cm²/sec /time) Outside diameter Oil quench Permanent Permanent mold cast Parts per million The negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion activity. It denotes the degree of acidity or basicity of a solution at 25 e, seven is the neutral value. Acidity increases with decreasing values below seven; basicity increases with increasing values above seven. Precision Point Notch sensitivity index Quench Powder made from Q. T. pebble with an intermediate vacuum annealing Ratio of minimum stress to maximum scale Rapid air cool Rockwell hardness B Scale Rockwell hardness C Scale 2 stress in fatigue Radius Reduction in area, Rockwell hardness A Round Rare earths (used in chemical compositions), Rockwell hardness E scale Reannealed Recrystallized Reduction, reduced Reverse(d) Room temperature Bend factor material Secant, shear Surface finish (Root-mean-square deviation from mean surface, expressed in micro- inches (0.000001 in) or square root of mean surface) Rotating Revolutions per minute - radius of bend/thickness of SA SC sec Sect S-N Spec SQ sq cm sq ft sq in ST Sym T t (subscript) t Tang Temp typ u (subscript) UNIDIR V Vac Vac Ann Var VHN VPN W W WQ y (subscript) Yr λ 1 23 Solution anneal Sand cast Second Section S = Stress, N = Number of cycles Specifications, specimen Salt quench Square centimeter(s) Square foot (feet) Square inch(es) Solution treat, short transverse Symmetry Transverse, Temp - F Tangent, tensile Thickness, time-hr Tangential Temperature Typical Ultimate Unidirectional V shaped notch Vacuum Vacuum annealed Variable Vickers hardness number Vickers diamond pyramid hardness number Width Density, specific weight Water quench Yield Year(s) Light wave length REFERENCES Definition taken from "Engineering Metallurgy" by L. F. Mondolfo and O. Zmeskal, (1955) Definition taken from "Metals Handbook, " (1948 and 1961) United States Steel Co., "Atlas of Isothermal Transformation Diagrams," (1951) PAGE 2 Age hardening Aging Air cooling Air cooling, rapid Air quenching Air hardening steel Anneal (annealing) Anneal, full Anneal, isothermal Anneal, process Anneal, spheroidizing Anneal, stabilizing Anneal, stress relief Anneal, subcritical Anneal, vacuum Artificial aging APPENDIX B Same as precipitation hardening. (a) General. Any change in properties with time at room or elevated tempera- tures. (b) Specific. Same as precipitation hardening. (a) General. Cooling from an elevated temperature in air. (b) Specific (used here). Cooling from an elevated temperature in still air, or in moving air, if necessary for the purpose of developing desired proper- ties. Cooling in air moved by means of fans. Same as air cool, rapid (not used here). A ferritic steel that becomes fully or partly martensitic and correspondingly hard on air cooling from a temperature above the transformation range. Any heating cycle which serves to soft- en the alloy or to eliminate or reduce the effects of cold work, or previous heating cycles. (a) General. A heating procedure which leads to maximum softness, ductility and formability. (b) Specific. Heating of ferritic steels above the critical temperature range followed by sufficiently slow cooling to produce the softest pearlitic condition. Heating of a ferritic steel to a partly or fully austenitic structure, followed by cooling to and holding at a temperature that causes transformation of the aus- tenite to a relatively soft ferrite and carbide structure. Same as anneal, subcritical. A heating cycle which produces in a ferritic steel a spheroidized structure characterized by maximum softness and ductility. Heating at a temperature which results in a structure less liable to be affected by other heating and cooling cycles. (a) General. An anneal which removes or reduces residual stresses retained after forming, heat treating, welding or machining. (b) Specific. An anneal at rather low temperatures for the primary purpose of reducing residual stresses, without materially affecting other properties. Heating of a ferritic steel at a tempera- ture close to but below the lower trans- formation temperature in order to soft- en the steel. Inert gas annealing in vacuum or inert gas. This procedure is generally re- quired for successful annealing of tita- nium and refractory metals and alloys. Aging at elevated temperatures. Austempering Austenite conditioning Austenitizing Burning Cold treating Cooling Equalizing Exposure Full anneal Fully hardened Hardenability Hardening Heat treating (heat treatment) Homogenizing Isothermal anneal Heat treating a ferritic steel by aus- tenitizing, cooling sufficiently fast to retain the austenite to a temperature above the martensite range and holding at this temperature until the transforma- tion is complete, resulting in so called intermediate transformation products, e.g. Bainite. Heating steel at such a temperature that relatively stable austenite is de- pleted of carbon and thereby rendered susceptible to transformation at some lower temperature. Forming austenite from ferrite and carbide by heating a steel above the upper (alpha-gamma) transformation temperature, A3 (This term as used here also includes the cooling method required for full hardening of the steel). (a) General. Causing permanent damage by overheating an alloy. (b) Specific. Overheating to a tempera- ture which produces incipient melting of one or more phases leading to embrittlement. Cooling to subzero temperature, used for various purposes, but primarily to promote transformation of austenite. (a) General. Any decrease in tempera- ture. (b) Specific. Reducing the temperature of the metal in a gaseous environment, rather than quenching. Special intermediate heat treatment which assists in developing desired properties. -- Heating to an elevated temperature for a certain period of time. See anneal, full. Applies generally to the maximum hard- ness obtainable (in particular, applies to materials that are hardened by a strain and/or age hardening process). The ability of an alloy to harden fully throughout the entire section thickness. The maximum thickness at which this may be accomplished can be used as a measure of hardenability. It is a func- tion of the alloy content. General. Increasing the hardness of a product or a part by a suitable process. Increasing the hardness by austenitizing, suitable cooling and, if necessary, tempering. (a) General. Any combination of heat- ing and cooling operations aimed at changing the properties of an alloy. (b) Specific. A combination of heating and cooling cycles, other than annealing, in order to improve certain properties. Annealing or soaking at very high temperatures in order to reduce alloy segregation by diffusion. See anneal, isothermal. APPENDIX B PAGE 1 Hot cold working Maraging (process) Maraging (steel) Martempering * Natural aging Normalizing Overheating Precipitation Precipitation hardening Process anneal Quenching Recrystallized Refrigerating Sensitizing Soaking Solution treating (solution heat treating) Spheroidizing anneal APPENDIX B APPENDIX B Working at elevated temperatures such that limited strain hardening will result. A thermal treatment which causes a complex precipitation hardening reaction to occur in the very low carbon marten- sitic matrix of 18-25 percent nickel steels containing cobalt and molybdenum. The reaction occurs upon reheating the matrix in the vicinity of 900 F. A class of steels which respond to the maraging treatment. Quenching an austenitized ferrous alloy in a medium at a temperature in the upper part of the martensite range, or slightly above that range, and holding it in the medium until the temperature throughout the alloy is substantially uniform. The alloy is then allowed to cool in air through the martensite range. Precipitation hardening at room tem- perature. Heating of a ferritic steel above the transformation range, followed by cooling in still air. G Heating to a temperature that causes undesired changes in an alloy, which may be removed by reheat treating and/or working. The formation of a new phase by cool- ing a solid solution to the supersaturat- ed state and allowing the supersaturat- ed solution to partially return to equil - ibrium by the formation of a less con- centrated solid solution and a new phase. Hardening of an alloy by precipitation. See anneal, process. Rapid cooling by immersion or spraying with a liquid medium or contact with a solid. A large grain structure obtained by heating above the recrystallization temperature of previously cold worked metals. Same as cold treating, or holding solution treated alloy at a low tempera- ture, in order to prevent natural aging. Developing a condition, in stainless steels, which is susceptible to inter- granular corrosion. The condition is usually formed by heating the steel above 800 F and cooling slowly, e.g. welding. Extended heating at a high temperature which serves either to insure uniform temperature distribution or to produce homogenizing. See anneal, spheroidizing. Heating an alloy to a suitable tempera ture, holding at that temperature long enough to allow one or more constituents to enter into solid solution, and then cooling rapidly enough to hold the con- stituents in the supersaturated, unstable state. SE Stabilizing, stabilizing anneal Stress relief Stress relief anneal Subcritical anneal Supersaturated solid solution Tempering See anneal, stabilizing. Stress relief either by annealing or by mechanical methods. See anneal, stress relief. See anneal, subcritical. An unstable solid solution containing a solute in excess of its equilibrium solubility. It is usually obtained by fast cooling from a temperature where the solid solution was stable into a phase region where the excess solute tends to form another phase (see precipitation). Part of the heat treatment of a steel, usually following hardening or normal- izing, that consists of heating at a temperature below the eutectoid trans- formation temperature. * Definition taken from "Metals Handbook," Vol. I, 8th Ed., (1961) - G PAGE 2 FRACTURE TOUGHNESS By W. F. Brown, Jr. Definition As commonly defined a tough metal is one which absorbs consider- able energy by plastic deformation before fracture. In the more restricted sense, used here, the term fracture toughness relates to the resistance to unstable crack propagation in situations where appreciable plastic deformation is confined to a zone surrounding the tip of a propagating crack and only elastic strains occur in the bulk of the material. This mode of failure characterizes many high strength alloys when the fracture starts from a crack-like flaw. The resulting fracture is brittle in the sense that no gross deformation of the body takes place. Under these circumstances the crack extension process should depend primarily upon the local conditions in the immediate vicinity of the crack tip. Irwin (1) assumes that these local conditions may be satisfactorily described in terms of a linear elastic stress analysis which relates the principle stresses associat- ed with the crack to a stress intensity factor K. Fracture instability is assumed to occur when K. reaches a critical value (characteristic. of the material) designated as the fracture toughness, Kc.* The stress intensity K depends on the crack length, geometry of the body containing the crack and the manner in which external loads are applied. For practical purposes two limiting crack tip stress situa- tions may be considered; namely, plane stress corresponding to through-the-thickness cracks in thin sheet and plane strain corres- ponding to cracks embedded in thick sections. Suitable sharp-notch tensile tests and associated analytical expressions are available which permit determination of Kc for these limiting cases. The specimens employed contain either extremely sharp machined notches or fatigue-produced cracks. ** K² = σ²w Tan Та 2 2 W W Plane Stress Both center-notch or symmetrical edge-notch specimens are used. The following expressions for Keapply to these specimens (2): · ? Q = αo K² = o² W Tan T + 0.1 Sin 20 2 εσ W W (Symmetrical edge-notch) Eq. 2 Where is the maximum load per unit gross cross sectional area, ɑis one-half the total notch length at fracture instability (as defined below) and W is the specimen width. Under conditions of plane stress a plastic zone will frequently form ahead of the crack tip and result in a deviation of the stress state from that described by the elastic analysis. The elastic stress field beyond the plastic zone is modified roughly as though the crack length were increased by a fraction of the plastic zone size (15). As a first approximation the plastic zone is considered equivalent to an added crack length ỵ, where > с K2 Κ 2π Fty The in Eq. (1) and (2) is then related to the initial half-notch length ao as follows: у + % (Center-notch) + ΔΟ sa + APPENDIX C 2 - 20 KC 2 Fty 2 Eq. I Eq. 3 Eq. 4 where A is the stable crack extension during rising load. The value of ▲ Ɑhas been determined using staining fluids (2) but preferably should be established by use of a compliance gage, (10). Suitable charts are available (2) which permit the graphical determi- nation of Kc for center and edge-notch specimens using Eq. (1) or Eq. (2) in combination with Eq. (4). In some cases▲ɑin Eq. (4) is not determined and the calculation of fracture toughness is based on ao + ry The value so calculated is designated as the nominal fracture toughness Ken and may be lower than the true value. Plane Strain As the thickness of the above mentioned sheet specimens is increased the conditions at the crack boundary change from plane stress to plane strain and crack tip plasticity is suppressed. The result is a decrease in fracture toughness within a rather narrow range of thick- ness. The thickness transition range depends on the material and other variables influencing the toughness. For sufficiently thick specimens further increase in thickness would produce no further decrease in toughness. The limiting value reached is designated as the plane strain fracture toughness K While through-the-thickness crack specimens may be used to determine Kc, special tests have been proposed for this purpose which provide the maximum degree of constraint within a minimum volume of metal, or have the advantage that they closely represent the configuration of cracks found in actual thick section parts. These tests include round bars with sharp cir- cumferential notches (4), surface-crack specimens (5) and special testing techniques applied to other types of specimens (10)(12). Analytical expressions for Kapplying to tests on notched cylindrical specimens have been provided by both Bueckner (6) and Irwin (7). The following equation by Bueckner is in close agreement with the results of Irwin: 2 KIC 2 KIC = 2 2 Ons d (1-μ) f (d/D) where d is the diameter at the base of the notch, D is the unnotched diameter, is Poisson's ratio and Ons is the conventional notch strength (based on d). A curve of f (d/D) is given by Wundt (8). For the commonly used notched cylindrical bar (d/D = 0.707), the following expression gives the plane strain fracture toughness, corrected for crack tip plasticity: KIC 11 [20] 0.414 Ons VD ng KIC 2D F Surface cracks generated by fatigue stressing are essentially semi- elliptical in shape and Irwin (9) has derived the following expression for the plane strain fracture toughness, corrected for crack tip plasticity: 020 1.2 TT/21 2 2 a √." [--² = b² Sin² 8]" a 2 1/2 Eq. 5 d8-0.212 Eq. 6 02 2 Fty Eq. 7 where is one-half the surface crack length, b is the crack depth. and ☛ the maximum load per unit gross cross-sectional area. This equation does not apply to cracks which penetrate more than one-half the thickness. The specimen must be sufficiently thick so that crack instability at maximum load will correspond to plane strain conditions at the crack tip. Special testing techniques have been applied to edge or center-notch K. specimens which may permit the determination of IC even though the specimen is thin enough to be considered as providing plane stress fracture conditions. These methods make use of detection of the initial portion of crack extension which occurs at mid thickness under conditions of plane strain. This initial movement of the crack is often accompanied by an audible click which has been referred to as "pop-in. Using suitable detection methods (10) (11) (19) (20) the load at"pop-in"can be determined and used to calculate the KIC value from the appropriate equations for Kc (e.g., Eq. (1) or Eq. (2) divided by (|-μ²)). Other types of specimens, for which analytical expressions for K are not available, have been used to determine the plane strain frac- ture toughness. An example is the single-edge-notch specimen pro- posed by Krafft (12). In such cases the necessary relationships for K may be determined by careful strain energy release rate experi- ments described by Kies (16) and applied by others (13) (14). The results of such tests are included in this handbook only when a reasonable degree of confidence may be placed in the experimental procedures. APPENDIX C PAGE 1 APPENDIX Selection and Representation of the Data Ideally the following requirements should be placed on notch specimen data in order to qualify them for calculation of Kc values: (1) The specimen must contain either a fatigue crack or a machined notch that has been shown by suitable tests to be sufficiently sharp to re- present the stress situation produced by a fatigue crack. Such mach- ined notches generally have root radii of less than 0.001 inch. (2) At fracture instability the average stress across the uncracked area should be less than the tensile yield strength (Fty). (3) Center notch specimens having relatively large ratios of width to thickness should be restrained from buckling in the notch region by use of suitable face plates. (4) Slow crack extension under rising load (see Eq. (4) should be determined using compliance gages (10) or by other methods shown to give equivalent results. APPENDIX C In selecting fracture toughness data for this handbook it would ideally be desirable to include only those values conforming to the above listed requirements. However, this field of metal evaluation is still under development and experimental difficulties are frequently en- countered. It is therefore necessary to balance the urgent need for information regarding fracture toughness against the requirements for the most rigorous interpretation of the test results. In all cases where fracture toughness data is given, an effort is made to identify its conformance to these requirements. The fracture toughness data included under 3.0272 and 3.0372 have been specially selected and do conform with the presently known proper testing techniques and methods of analysis. Where fracture toughness values are reported they are supplemented by the nominal notch strength, which is the most familiar way of representing notch data. Fracture Appearance The appearance of the fracture surface of a broken notched specimen frequently provides valuable qualitative information regarding the degree of brittleness produced by the testing conditions. Methods of characterizing the fracture appearance in sheet specimens containing through-the-thickness notches have been discussed by Srawley (2). In most cases, it is possible to measure the percentage of thickness occupied by shear borders at each face of the specimen. This measurement is referred to as the percent shear. When it is zero, the fracture is flat and normal to the specimen surface. The Kc value computed in such cases is essentially equal to the K¶c value. If the full thickness is occupied by the shear fracture mode, crack propagation has taken place under conditions of plane stress. Full shear fractures often represent highly tough metal conditions. The strain energy release rate for unstable crack propagation, G which appears frequently in the literature, may be directly expressed in terms of K by the relationship, (2): с Kε = Eyc ** A special Committee of the ASTM on Fracture Testing of High Strength Materials is active in formulation of test procedures and analytical methods for fracture toughness evaluation. Reference should be made to their publications for more detailed information than is given here, (2) (4) (17) (18). с 3 5 6 7 4 1 8 9 2 10 12 14 11 13 20 16 18 19 15. 17 REFERENCES Irwin, G. R., "Fracture Mechanics," Structural Mechanics, Pergamon Press, New York, pp. 577-594, (1960) "Fracture Testing of High Strength Sheet Materials, A Report of the ASTM Special Committee on Fracture Testing of High Strength Materials, ASTM Bulletin, p. 29, (1960) Irwin, G. R., "Plastic Zone Near a Crack and Fracture Tough- The Sagamore Ordnance Materials Research Con- ference, (Aug. 1960) ness, 11 #1 "Screening Tests for High Strength Alloys Using Sharply Notched Specimens," Fourth Report of the Special ASTM Committee on Fracture Testing of High Strength Materials, Materials Research and Standards, Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 196, (March 1962) Srawley, J. E. and Beachem, C. D., "Fracture of High Strength Sheet Steel Specimens Containing Small Cracks, ASTM STP No. 302, p. 69, (1961) > Bueckner H. F., "The Stress Concentration of a Notched Bar in Bending, " General Electric Co., Data Folder 51T G135, (June 29, 1957) Irwin, G. R., "Onset of Fast Crack Propagation in High Strength Steel and Aluminum Alloys, " NRL Rep. No. 4763, (May 24, 1956) Wundt, B. M., "A Unified Interpretation of Room Temperature Strength of Notched Specimens as Influenced by Their Size, ASME Paper No. 59 Met-9, (1959) #t Irwin, G. R., "Crack Extension Force for a Part Through Crack in a Plate, ASME Paper No. 62-WA-13, (1962) Boyle, R. W., "A Method for Determining Crack Growth in Notched Sheet Specimens," Materials Research and Standards, Vol. 2, No. 8, p. 646, (Aug. 1962) Jones, M. H. and Brown, W. F., Jr., "An Acoustic Method for Determining the Onset of Crack Propagation in Sharply Notched Specimens," To be published ASTM,(1963) Irwin, G. R. and Krafft, J. M. and Sullivan, A. M., "Notes on the December 17, 1962 Meeting of the ASTM Special Committee on Fracture Testing of High Strength Materials. Irwin, G. R., Kies, J. A. and Smith, H. L., "Fracture Strengths Relative to Onset and Arrest of Crack Propagation, " Proc. ASTM, Vol. 58, p. 640, (1958) Lubahn, J. D., "Experimental Determination of Energy Release Rate for Notch Bending and Notch Tension," Proc. ASTM, Vol. 59, p. 885, (1959) 曾​寶 ​1 #1 Irwin, G. R. and Srawley, J. E., "Progress in the Develop- ment of Crack Toughness Fracture Tests," Materialprüfung, Vol. 4, No. 1, (June 20, 1962) Irwin, G. R. and Kies, J. A., "Fracturing and Fracture Dynamics," Welding Journal, Vol. 31, Res. Supp., p. 95-S, (1952) "The Slow Growth and Rapid Propagation of Cracks, Second Report of a Special ASTM Committee, Materials Research and Standards, Vol. 1, No. 5, p. 389, (May 1961) "Fracture Testing of High Strength Sheet Materials, Third Report of a Special ASTM Committee, "Materials Research and Standards, Vol. 1, No. 11, p. 877, (Nov. 1961) Hanna, G. L. and Steigerwald, E. A., "Initiation of Slow Crack Propagation in High Strength Materials," ASTM Pre- print No. 74, (1962) Romine, H. E., "Determination of the Driving Force for Crack Initiation from Acoustic Records of tests on High Strength Metals for Rocket Motor Casings, Naval Weapons Laboratory Rep. No. 1779, (Oct. 4, 1961) ## PAGE 2 DESIGNATION 0.5 percent Ti-Molybdenum Alloy 2Cr-2Fe-2Mo Titanium Alloy 4A1-4Mn Titanium Alloy 4A1-3Mo-1V Titanium Alloy 5A1-1.5Cr-1.5Fe-1Mo Titanium Alloy 5Al-2.75Cr-1. 25Fe Titanium Alloy 5Al-2.5Sn Titanium Alloy 5Cr-Ultra High Strength Steel 6Al-4V Titanium Alloy 7 Al-4Mo Titanium Alloy 8A1-1Mo-1V-Ti 8A1-2Cb-1Ta Titanium Alloy 8Mn Titanium Alloy 9 Ni-4Co 14S 16-15-6 16-25-6 16-25-6 Alloy 16-25-6-M 16V-2.5Al Titanium Alloy 17-4 PH 17-5MnV 17-7 PH 17-7 Steel 17-22A (S) "17-22A"S Steel 17-22A (V) "17-22A" V Steel 18Ni - Maraging 18NiCoMo 18-7-5 18-8 Austenitic Stainless Steel 18-8 Cb Stainless Steel 18-8 Mo Stainless Steels 18-8+Mo 18-8-S, 18-8-Se 18-8 Steels 18-8 Ti Stainless Steel 18-12 Stainless Steel 19-9 DL 19-9 DL and 19-9 DX 19-9 DX 19-9 W (welding wire coated electrodes) 19-9 WMo (coated electrodes) 24S 25-20 Stainless Steel 75S 79S 98 BV 40 mod 98 BV 40 modified steel 99 Ti 99 + Ti 195 195, B195 220 250 AM 300-M 355 355, C355 356 356, A356 418 Special 713 C 713 C Alloy 822 Mil-Trol 2014 2014, Clad 2014 2024 2219 2219 and Clad 2219 4130 4137 Co 4140 431 4330 Mod 4330 Modified 4330 V Mod VOLUME II II II II II II II I II II II II II I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I II II I I II II II II II I I I II II II I II II I II II II II II I I I I I I I APPENDIX D CODE 5302 3711 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 1218 3707 3708 3709 3710 3712 1221 3201 1605 1606 1606 1605 3714 1501 1310 1502 1301 1210 1210 1211 1211 1220 1220 1220 1301 1309 1307 1307 1302 1301, 1303 1308 1304 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 3203 1305 3207 3209 1212 1212 3701 3701 3102 3102 3103 1220 1217 3104 3104 3105 3105 1407 4108 4108 1218 3201 3201 3203 3205 3205 1201 1202 1203 1404 1204 1204 1204 DESIGNATION 4335 Modified 4335 V Mod 4335 V Modified 4337 4340 (4337) 4340 52100 6061 6061, 6062 6062 SAE 211 7075 7079 7178 7178, Clad 7178 8630 8630 H A-40 A-55 A-70 A 78 S A-110 AT A140 A-286 A 356 ACI CB 30 (Cast) ACI CF-3, etc. AISI 301 Steels AISI 4130 AISI 4140 AISI 4337 AISI 4340 AISI 8630 AISI E 9310 AISI E 9310 H, AISI 52100 AISI Type 301 AISI Type 301 and Type 302 Stainless Steels AISI Type 303 and 303 Se Austenitic Stainless Steels AISI Type 304 and Type 304 L Austenitic Stainless Steels AISI Type 305 Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI Type 310 and 310 S Stainless Steels AISI Types 316, 316 L, 317 AISI Type 321 Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI Type 347 and 348 Austenitic Stainless Steels AISI Type 403, 416 and 416 Se Alclad 14 S Alclad 75 S Alclad 2014 Alclad 2024 Alclad 7075 Alclad 7178 Alcodie Alloy 718 C Almar 18 AM 350 AM - 355 AMS (Aluminum) 4021B 4022B 4023B 4025C 4026C 4027C 4028A 4029 A 4031 4033 4034 VOLUME I I 4035D 4036 4037 E 4038 4039 4040 E 4041F I I I I I II II II II II II II I I II II II II II II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Jumal I I II II II II II II I II I I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II CODE 1205 1205 1205 1206 1206 1206 1207 3206 3206 3206 3207 3209 3210 3210 1208 1208 3701 3701 3701 3210 3706 3101 1601 3105 1404 1303 1301 1201 1203 1206 1206 1208 1209 1209 1207 1301 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1307 1308 1309 1401 3201 3208 3201 3204 3208 3210 1218 4103 1220 1504 1505 3206 3206 3206 3206 3206 3206 3201 3201 3205 3203 3203 3203 3203 3203 3207 3207 3204 3204 APPENDIX D PAGE 1 DESIGNATION 4042E 4044B 4045B 4046 4047B 4048C 4049C 4051A 4052A 4079 4080 E 4081A 4082 E 4083D 4086 F 4087B 4088E 4091 4092 4093 4115 4116A 4117A 4119 A 4120E 4121B 4122C 4123 A 4127B 4134A 4135J 4136 4138 4139F 4146 4150C 4152F 4153B 4154F 4155 4158 4160 4161 4164A 4165A 4168 4169A 4170 4171A 4210F 4212E 4214D 4215A 4217D 4218A 4227 A 4230C 4231C 4240C 4260 4280 E 4281C 4282E 4283D 4284D 4285 4286A AMS (Magnesium) 4352A 4360C 4362 4375D 4376A 4377 A 4384A 4385B 4388 4389 APPENDIX D VOLUME II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II APPENDIX D CODE 3204 3207 3207 3208 3208 3208 3208 3210 3210 3206 3206 3206 3206 3206 3203 3203 3203 3206 3206 3206 3206 3206 3206 3203 3203 3201 3207 3207 3206 3201 3201 3209 3209 3207 3206 3206 3203 3201 3207 3206 3210 3206 3206 3203 3203 3207 3207 3207 3209 3104 3104 3104 3104 3105 3105 3101 3102 3102 3103 3105 3104 3104 3102 3102 3105 3105 3105 3506 3501 3506 3601 3601 3601 3503 3503 3505 3505 DESIGNATION 4390A 4395 4420G 4422H 4424F 4434F 4437 4442A 4443A 4445 A 4453 4484 E 4490D AMS (Titanium) 4900A 4901B 4902 4908A 4910 4911 4921A 4923 4925 A 4926 4928A 4929 4935 4941 4953 4966 4969 AMS (Steel) 5350D 5351B 5352A 5353 5354B 5355A 5358 5359 5360B 5361B 5362D 5363B 5365A 5366 A 5368 5369 A 5370 5371 5372 5373A 5376B 5382B 5384 5387 5388B 5389 A 5390 5391 5398A 5504D 5505 5506 5508 5509 5510Ii 5511A 5512B 5513 5514A 5515D 5516E 5517D 5518C 5519 E 5520A 5521B VOLUME II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I II II II II II II II I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I 1 I I CODE 3504 3403 3401 3401 3401 3403 3402 3404 3405 3503 3403 3403 3402 3701 3701 3701 3712 3706 3707 3701 3711 3702 3706 3702 3705 3702 3701 3706 3706 3701 1401 1401 1405 1404 1407 1501 1301 1505 1307 1307 1309 1309 1305 1305 1505 1311 1303 1303 1404 4304 1602 4305 4206 4304 4110 4110 4112 4108 1501 1401 1401 1402 1407 4109 1308 1303 1309 1303 1304 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1503 1305 PAGE 2 DESIGNATION 5522B 5524B 5525B 5526C 5527 A 5528A 5529 A 5530C 5531 5532B 5533A 5534A 5536C 5537B 5538 5539 5541A 5542G 5545 5547 A 5548A 5549 5550A 5551 5554 5556 A 5557 A 5558 5559 A 5560D 5565D 5566C 5568 5570G 5571B 5572B 5573C 5575F 5576C 5577A 5579 5580C 5582 5585 5591D 5610E 5612 5613E 5614 5616C 5620B 5621 5628B 5630C 5631 5632B 5636A 5637 A 5639 A 5640F 5641A 5642C 5643 E 5644A 5645G 5646 E 5647 A 5648C 5649 5651D 5652B 5657 5660A 5665 F 5667 F 5668D 5673A 5680B VOLUME I I I I I I I II I I I II II II I I II II II I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II I HH I APPENDIX D CODE 1306 1307 1601 1311 1311 1502 1502 4110 1602 1602 1603 4303 4112 4302 1311 1311 4104 4105 4205 1505 1504 1505 4102 4202 1504 1309 1308 1309 1308 1303 1303 1303 1502 1308 1309 1305 1307 1309 1308 1305 1311 4101 4105 1602 1401 1401 1401 1401 1401 1407 1402 1402 1404 1405 1405 1405 1301 1301 1303 1302 1302 1302 1501 1502 1308 1309 1303 1307 1307 1305 1306 1503 4107 4101 4105 4105 1502 1309 DESIGNATION 5681 A 5685C 5686 A 5687C 5688C 5689 5690E 5691B 5694B 5695A 5697 5698A 5699 A 5712 5713 5720A 5721B 5722A 5723 5724 5725A 5727B 5728B 5729 5733B 5734 5735 E 5736B 5737 B 5738 5742 5743 A 5745 5746 5750 5751 5753 5754D 5756 5757 5759B 5765A 5768E 5769 5770B 5774 5775 577-6 5777 5780 5781 5788 5794A 5795B 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5804 5805 5812A 5813 5817 5821 5825 5827 6260F 6265A 6280C 6281B 6302 6303 6350C 6351 6354 6355F 6359 A VOLUME I I I II I I I I I I I II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I II II II II II II II II II I I I I I I I I I II I I II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CODE 1309 1304 1304 4101 1301 1308 1307 1307 1305 1305 1303 4105 4105 4205 5713 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 1606 1606 1606 1311 1605 1601 1601 1601 1601 1302 4107 1505 1504 4109 4110 4206 4206 4112 4202 4202 4302 4303 1602 1602 1603 1504 1504 1401 1401 1505 1505 4304 1602 1602 4302 4302 4112 4112 4205 1601 1601 1503 1503 1407 1401 1501 1401 1209 1209 1208 1208 1210 1211 1201 1201 1102 1208 1206 APPENDIX D PAGE 3 DESIGNATION 6360D 6361 6362 6370D 6371C 6378 6379 6381A 6382D 6385 6390 6412D 6413C 6415E 6418B 6422A 6436 6437 6440D 6441B 6444A 6458A 6460 6485A 6530D 6550D 7223 7235 ASTM A 296-49F, 55, 60T (Cast) AZ 31 A AZ 31 B AZ 31 X AZ 63 A AZ 80 A AZ 80 X ᎪᏃ 91 AZ 91 (A, B and C) AZ 92 A B 120 VCA Titanium Alloy B 195 Beryllium, commercially pure C-105 A C-110M C-115MOV C-120 AV C-130 AM(RC-130B) C-135 AMo C 355 CA-15 CA-40 CF-3 CF-8 CF-20 CF-3M CF-8C CF-8M CF-12M CF-16F CF-130AM(RC-130B) CF-239 CK-20 Clad 14S Clad 24S Clad 75S Clad 2014 Clad 2024 Clad 2219 Clad 7075 Clad 7178 Clad X-2020 Columbium, commercially pure Columbium stabilized 18-8 Steel Commercially Pure Titanium Cor Ten Crucible 218 (Halcomb 218) Crucible 422 Crucible B 120 VCA Crucible HNM APPENDIX D VOLUME I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I II II I II II II II II II II II II II I II I I I II I APPENDIX D CODE 1201 1201 1201 1201 1201 1203 1203 1203 1203 1210 1203 1205 1205 1206 1214 1212 1211 1218 1207 1207 1207 1210 1102 1218 1208 1208 3203 1601 1404 3601 3601 3601 3401 3501 3501 3402 3402 3403 3713 3102 5101 3714 3712 3703 3707 3702 3708 1505 1401 1402 1303 1303 1301 1307 1309 1307 1307 1302 3702 4308 1305 3201 3204 3208 3201 3204 3205 3208 3210 3202 5201 1309 3701 1101 1218 1214 3713 1506 DESIGNATION Crucible HY-Tuf CWS-102 D-6-A C Electric furnace D-6-A V Vacuum degassed D-979 Discaloy Discaloy 24 Dow Metal FSI Dow Metal H Dow Metal 0-1 Dow Metal R Dural Duralumin Dynaflex E 9310 EK 31 XA Eureka 1000-Welding Rod EZ 33 A Firedie Free Machining 18-8 Stainless Steels GMR-235 GMR-235 and GMR-235 D Greek Ascaloy Hastelloy Alloy C Hastelloy Alloy R-235 Hastelloy Alloy X Hastelloy C Hastelloy X Haynes Alloy No. 25 Haynes Alloy No. 36 Haynes Alloy No. 151 Haynes Alloy No. 152 Haynes Alloy No. 713 C (Vacuum cast) Haynes Stellite Alloy No. 6 Haynes Stellite Alloy No. 21 Haynes Stellite Alloy No. 31 HK HK 31 A HM 21 A HM 31 A HM 31 XA HNM HY-Tuf ICI-314 A ICI-317 ICI-318A Inco 702 Incoloy Incoloy 901 Inconel Inconel Alloy Inconel 700 Inconel 700 Alloy Inconel 702 "Inconel 713 C" Alloy (argon or vacuum cast) Inconel Alloy 718 Inconel W Inconel "W" Alloy Inconel X Inconel X Alloy Inconel X-550 ་་ Inconel "X" 550 Alloy Inco Ultra High Strength Steel J-1500 L-605 Ladish D-6-A Low Carbon 18-8 Stainless Steels M-252 Magal Matrix 2 Steel Mazlo Am 263 Mazlo AM-265 Mazlo AMC 52 S Mazlo AMC 58 S Mellon XMDR-2 VOLUME Mo-0.5Ti Modified AISI Type H-11 Steel Mod Holform No. 2 I I I I II I I II II II II II II I I II I II I I II II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II I II II II II I I II II II II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I II II I I II I I II II II II I II I I CODE 1214 1216 1213 1213 4109 1604 1604 3601 3401 3501 3402 3203 3203 1218 1209 3502 1218 3404 1218 1302 4114 4114 1407 4110 4111 4112 4110 4112 4302 4302 4301 4308 4108 4304 4305 4305 1305 3503 3504 3505 3505 1506 1214 3702 3706 3707 4102 1607 4107 4101 4101 4201 4201 4102 4108 4103 4104 4104 4105 4105 4106 4106 1217 4202 4302 1213 1303 4202 1218 1219 3402 3401 3601 3501 1202 5302 1218 1218 PAGE 4 DESIGNATION Molybdenum -0.5 percent Ti Alloy Molybdenum, commercially pure Molybdenum base alloy MST-4A1-4Mn MST-5A1-2.5Sn MST-6Al-4V MST-7A1-4Mo MST-8Mn MST-2.5A1-16V MST-40 MST-55 MST-70 MST-431 MST-821 Multimet alloy MX-2 N-155 NAX AC 9115 NiCr 550 Nicrotung Nimonic 80 A Nimonic 105 Nitralloy 135 mod Nitralloy Type C mod PH 15-7 Mo Potomac A Pressurdie 3-L (P) 2K 60 B PWA 653 Rene 41 Republic AP-9-4-25 Republic HP-9-4-45 Republic HP-9-4-XX Republic RS 121 B Rocoloy RS-40 RS-55 RS-70 RS-110A RS-110C RS-115 RS-120A RS-130 RS-135 RS 140 RSM 200 RSM 250 RSM 300 S-590 S-816 SAE 281 SAE 4130 SAE 4140 SAE 4337 SAE 4340 SAE 51431 SAE 52100 SAE E 52100- SAE 60442 (Cast) SAE 8630 SAE 9310 Stainless W Stainless "W" Stellite 6 Stellite 21 Stellite 31 Ta-10W Tantalum, commercially pure Ti-6(Cr, Fe, Mo) Ti-5A1-4(Cr, Fe, Mo) Ti-(6 to 7) Al-(3 to 4) Mo Ti-5Al-4FeCr Ti-5A1-1.5Fe-1. 4Cr-1. 2Mo Ti-5. 4A1-1. 4Cr-1. 3Fe-1. 25Mo Ti, commercially pure Ti-8A1-2Cb-1Ta Ti-5Al-2.75Cr-1. 25Fe Ti-5A1-1.5Cr-1. 5Fe-1 Mo VOLUME II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I I I II II II II I I I I I II II II I I I II I II II II II II II II II II II I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II APPENDIX D CODE 5302 5301 5303 3702 3706 3707 3708 3712 3714 3701 3701 3701 3703 3710 1602 1202 1602 1102 4106 4203 4113 4204 1215 1215 1503 1218 1218 3506 4308 4205 1221 1221 1221 3713 1202 3701 3701 3701 3712 3706 3703 3707 3702 3708 3705 1220 1220 1220 1603 4303 3206 1201 1203 1206 1206 1209 1207 1207 1204 1208 1209 1408 1408 4304 4306 4305 5402 5401 3711 3704 3708 3705 3704 3704 3701 3710 3705 3704 DESIGNATION Ti-4Al-4Mn Ti-7Al-4Mo Ti-4Al-3M0-1V Ti-5A1-2.5Sn Ti-6Al-4V Ti-2Cr-2Fe-2Mo Ti-8Mn Ti-16V-2.5AI Ti-40 Ti-55 Ti-55A Ti-65A Ti-70 Ti-75A Ti-100A Ti-140A Ti-153A Ti(40,000 psi) Ti(55, 000 psi) Ti(70,000 psi) Timken 16-25-6 Titanium Stabilized 18-8 Steel Tricent Tungsten, commercially pure Type 301 Type 301 and Type 302 Type 302 Type 303 Types 303, 303 Se Type 303 Se Type 304 Types 304, 304 L Type 304 L Type 305 Type 310 Types 310, 310 S Type 310 S Type 314 Type 316 Type 316 and Type 317 Type 317 Type 321 Type 347 Types 347 and 348 Type 348 Type 403 Types 403, 410, 416 Type 410 Type 416 Type 420 Types 420, 420 F Type 420 Stainless Steels Type 422 Stainless Steel Type 431 Type 440 A, B and C Type 440 A, B, C and F Udimet 500 Udimet 700 Unimach 1 (Thermold A) Unimach UCX 2 Unitemp 500 USS-12MOV USS 17-5 MnV USS Airsteel X-200 USS CorTen USS Strux V-36 V-57 Vanadium, commercially pure Vacojet 1000 Vasco MA VascoMax VascoMax 250 CVM VascoMax 300 CVM Vasco Y-2 (Obsolete) Vitallium Waspaloy WI-52 VOLUME II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I I II I I I I I II I II I I I I I I II II [I CODE 3702 3708 3703 3706 3707 3711 3712 3714 3701 3701 3701 3701 3701 3701 3701 3711 3704 3701 3701 3701 1606 1308 1217 5501 1301 1301 1301 1302 1302 1302 1303 1303 1303 1304 1305 1305 1305 1306 1307 1307 1307 1308 1309 1309 1309 1401 1401 1401 1401 1402 1402 1402 1403 1404 1405 1405 4206 4207 1218 1202 4206 1406 1310 1216 1101 1212 4307 1608 5601 1218 1219 1220 1220 1220 1219 4306 4208 4308 APPENDIX D PAGE 5 DESIGNATION X 40 X 75 S X-200 X 2020 E X 2020 and Clad X 2020 ZE 10 A Zircaloy-2 ZK 51 A ZK 60 ZK 60 A ZK 60B and (T) APPENDIX D VOLUME II II I II II II II II II II II APPENDIX D CODE 4305 3207 1216 3202 3202 3602 5701 3405 3506 3506 3506 PAGE 6 Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio AEROSPACE STRUCTURAL METALS HANDBOOK, March 1963, 925 p. incl illus and tables. Unclassified Document This revised edition of the Handbook contains physical, chemical and mechanical property information on 138 metals and alloys of interest for aerospace structural applications. It appears in two volumes; Vol. I - "Ferrous Alloys" and Vol. II - "Non-Ferrous Alloys," each self- contained in a loose leaf binder. Vol. I contains 56 ferrous alloys and Vol. II contains 82 non- ferrous alloys. Format and content have been · ( over ) improved by the addition of source references, alloy and property code systems, six new alloys and revision of a number of existing alloys. General discussion of properties, abbreviations, a glossary of heating and heat treating terms, a discussion of fracture toughness and a cross index of alloys are included. This document supercedes ARDC-TR-59-66 and its Supplement. UNCLASSIFIED 1. Metal Alloy Handbook 2. 3. 138 Metals and Alloys Physical, chemical, mechanical property data AFSC Project 7381, Task 738103 Contract AF 33(616) -7792 Syracuse University V. Weiss, editor J. Sessler, assoc. editor Not aval fr OTS Aval fr Syracuse University Press UNCLASSIFIED I. II. III. IV. V. VI. UNCLASSIFIED पे UNCLASSIFIED b + Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio AEROSPACE STRUCTURAL METALS HANDBOOK, March 1963, 925 p. incl illus and tables. Unclassified Document This revised edition of the Handbook contains physical, chemical and mechanical property information on 138 metals and alloys of interest for aerospace structural applications. It appears in two volumes; Vol. I - "Ferrous Alloys" and Vol. II - "Non-Ferrous Alloys," each self- contained in a loose leaf binder. Vol. I contains 56 ferrous alloys and Vol. II contains 82 non- ferrous alloys. Format and content have been - over) improved by the addition of source references, alloy and property code systems, six new alloys and revision of a number of existing alloys. General discussion of properties, abbreviations, a glossary of heating and heat treating terms, a discussion of fracture toughness and a cross index of alloys are included. This document supercedes ARDC-TR-59-66 and its Supplement. UNCLASSIFIED Metal Alloy Handbook 138 Metals and Alloys Physical, chemical, mechanical property data I. AFSC Project 7381, Task 738103 Contract AF 33(616) -7792 Syracuse University V. Weiss, editor J. Sessler, assoc. editor 1. 2. 3. II. III. IV. V. VI. Not aval fr OTS Aval fr Syracuse University Press UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Ф UNCLASSIFIED 中 ​+ + & Þ Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio AEROSPACE STRUCTURAL METALS HANDBOOK, March 1963, 925 p. incl illus and tables. Unclassified Document This revised edition of the Handbook contains physical, chemical and mechanical property information on 138 metals and alloys of interest for aerospace structural applications. It appears in two volumes; Vol. I - "Ferrous Alloys" and Vol. II "Non-Ferrous Alloys, " each self- contained in a loose leaf binder. Vol. I contains 56 ferrous alloys and Vol. II contains 82 non- ferrous alloys. Format and content have been . - - over ) improved by the addition of source references, alloy and property code systems, six new alloys and revision of a number of existing alloys. General discussion of properties, abbreviations, a glossary of heating and heat treating terms, a discussion of fracture toughness and a cross index of alloys are included. This document supercedes ARDC-TR-59-66 and its Supplement. UNCLASSIFIED 3. 1. Metal Alloy Handbook 2. 138 Metals and Alloys Physical, chemical, mechanical property data AFSC Project 7381, Task 738103 Contract AF 33(616) -7792 ÷ I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Syracuse University V. Weiss, editor J. Sessler, assoc. editor Not aval fr OTS Aval fr Syracuse University Press UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED पे UNCLASSIFIED + पे Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio AEROSPACE STRUCTURAL METALS HANDBOOK, March 1963, 925 p. incl illus and tables. Unclassified Document This revised edition of the Handbook contains physical, chemical and mechanical property information on 138 metals and alloys of interest for aerospace structural applications. It appears in two volumes; Vol. I "Ferrous Alloys" and Vol. II - "Non-Ferrous Alloys," each self- contained in a loose leaf binder. Vol. I contains 56 ferrous alloys and Vol. II contains 82 non- ferrous alloys. Format and content have been - - ( over ) improved by the addition of source references, alloy and property code systems, six new alloys and revision of a number of existing alloys. General discussion of properties, abbreviations, a glossary of heating and heat treating terms, a discussion of fracture toughness and a cross index of alloys are included. This document supercedes ARDC-TR-59-66 and its Supplement. UNCLASSIFIED Metal Alloy Handbook 138 Metals and Alloys Physical, chemical, mechanical property data I. AFSC Project 7381, Task 738103 Contract AF 33(616) -7792 Syracuse University V. Weiss, editor J. Sessler, assoc. editor 1. 2. 3. II. III. IV. V. VI. Not aval fr OTS Aval fr Syracuse University Press UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Đ UNCLASSIFIED + + p 申 ​pov / 19: DATE DUE Genuine BESOVIN Virgin Vinyl BEAVERITE BEAVER FALLS, N. Y. MADE IN U.S.A. 3C3-285 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03068 3539 } wikille since it is mutagut img tag agregán ند و با