-- N TTTTTTVºs |\ſ +.§§ º LIBRARYºr | sººn C - º ‘Yi Tiº Til IºTT II : Cº. & Cº º 'º º Aº º ſº º ===E}: intrºlini IIIllum ...! * : *. ~ *. . ." • * jº * - ... * ºf . “, - } ... ".…' ...,’s.’ ” – - *- f , 7-? - - 77 CLASSIFICATION OF LITERATURE USED IN THE PSYCHOLOGICAL INDEX. O. I. GENERAL : O. I 1. Text-books and Systematic Treatises............ & sº e º e. .. ; O.2–0.5 2. General Problems, Methods,Terms, and Apparatus. o.6 3. History and Biography.................. • * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - o.7 4. Collections, Proceedings, Dictionaries, Bibliogra- phies............................. tº tº e º & tº sº e º is º is º ºs e º & & e g º º g º e º 'º º I. II. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVoUs SYSTEM : I.O I. General..................... tº e º 'º º e º 'º e s & e º 'º e º e º e º e o e º e º 'º e º 'º e is a e I. I 2. Nerve Elements..................................... * * * * * * ſe 4” I .2 3. Brain and its Functions: I. 2 I a. Anatomy of the Brain.............. * * * * * * * * g g º ºs e e g I .22 6. Physiology of the Brazm.................. § e s e e s s e e I .3 4. Spinal Cord, Nerves, and Sympathetic System..... I.6 5. Reflex and Automatic Functions.............. * wº tº $ tº gº tº º I.8 6. Pathological Anatomy........................... tº s e s • * * * * 2. III. SENSATION: 2. O I. General; Synaesthesia ....... tº e º e º ºs * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º • * * * * - - 2. I 2. Sense Organs (General) ........ * * * * * * * g g g g tº tº tº e º 'º gº © tº e g g g e. 2.2 3. Psychophysics (Weber's Law, etc.) ........ 4 & ſº tº º tº £ tº sº 3.6, (2.3) 4. Psychometry. (See Time Relations, IV: 6.) 2.4 5. Vision and Ocular Motor Functions: - 2.40 a. General.............. tº e º 'º e º e e º 'º e º ºs tº º e º ſº a tº gº º • * * * * * * * * * * * 2.4I 6. Anatomy and General Physiology of the Eye. 2.42 c. Physics and Special Physiology of Vision (Dioptrics, Adaptation, Æefraction, Ac- commodation, Acuteness of Vision, Perim- etry, etc.)........ * > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > * > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2.43 d. Visual Sensations........................ * A sº º ºs e g º ºs e ºs 2.44 e. Special Phenomena of Vision (After-images, Contrast, etc.)...................................... 2.46 f. Eye Movements and Binocular Vision........ 2.48 g. General Pathology of Vision.......... * * * * * * * ſº tº & 2.5 2.50 2.5I 2.52 2.53 2.58 2.7 2.71—2.72 2.73 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.8 3. 3.0 3. I 3.2 3.3-3.4 3.5 3.6 6. Hearing : 7. 8. 6. Anatomy of the Æar................................ - c. Physics and Physiology of Hearing........... d. Auditory Sensations................................ - e. General Pathology of Hearing.................. Other Senses: Zaste and Smell........ '• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cutaneous, Pressure, and Joint Senses........ -- Muscle Sense ared Muscles..................... ... . Static Senses (Position, Eguilibrium, and Z2&zzèness) ...... ................................... e. Organic, Pleasure and Pain Senses; Gen- eral Sezesłódźy .................................... f. Mºsce/Zaneous Senses............................... General Pathology of Sensation..................... , e º s : IV. CHARACTERs of ConsciousNEss: i General....................................................... Attention, Apperception, and Selection .............. Association .................................................. Habit, Accommodation, and Adaptation ............ Work and Fatigue ......................................... Time Relations of Consciousness; Mental Chro- nometry................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. CoGNITION: : I. . Memory and Imagination. (See also Dreams, IX: I.)..................................................... Judgment and Belief; Reasoning ................... Reflection and Self-consciousness...................... Normal Illusions and Normal Suggestion............ General Pathology of Cognition ....................... VI. AFFECTION (FEELING AND EMOTION) : General; Pleasantness and Unpleasantness.......... 2. Emotion and its Expression............................. 3. General Pathology of Feeling...................... ... tº e º ſe 6. y 6.o 2.74, (6.I) 6.2–6.4 6.5 6.5I 6.52 - 6.53 2.46, 6.57 6.6 6.7 6.8 7. I 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 8.57 8.6 8.60–8.6I 8.62 8.67 8.7 VII. ConATION AND Movement : I . 2. 3. General; Dynamogenesis and Inhibition............ Organs of Movement. (See Muscle Sense, III: 7, c.) Instinct and Impulse (Imitation, Play, etc.)........ . Special Motor F unctions: (Z . Zanguage and Song............................... 6. Aſandwriting and Drawing..................... c. Walking, Zocomotéore.............................. d. Other Motor Functions. (See also Eye Movements, III: 5, f.)................. ......... * > Volition and Effort........................................ Freedom of the Will...................................... VIII. HIGHER MANIFEs.TATIONS OF MIND : i : Logic and Science; Methodology..................... • Ideals and Values.......................................... . Theory of Knowledge.................................... 42sthetics..................................................... Ethics......................................................... . SLEEP, TRANCE AND PATHOLOGY.: Sleep and Dreams.......................................... Hypnosis and Trance States............................. Psychical Research........................................ Pathology, General Discussion.............. * … ſº ſº º ſº tº E gº tº 9 tº Nervous Disease: .......................................... a. General................................................ 3. Mezzrasthenia......................................... c. Epilepsy and Æysteria............................ d. Other Mezzroses................. * @ e º º ºs tº G & º e º & © tº gº º ſº e º ºs . Mental Disease ............................................ a. General (Zºsazāy)................................. 3. Idiocy, Imbecility and General Paralysis..... c. Other Special Psychoses........................... Medical Jurisprudence.................................... 9. X. GENETIC, INDIVIDUAL, AND SocIAL Psychology : 9. I 1. Evolution and Heredity........ tº e º ºs º ºs e e … 9.2 2. Comparative Psychology ............................. 9.3 3. Mental Development: ‘. 9.30 a. General, Adolescence and Senescence....... 9.31 3. Child Psychology................................... 9.32 c. Pedagogy............ * * * * s is e º e s - e º e • * * * * c e º e º ºs e º e º sº º º 9.4 4. Individual, Sex, and Class Psychology............. 9.5 5. Folk Psychology........................................... 9.6 6. Social Psychology........................... … 9.8 7. Race Pathology: - 9.81 a. Criminology.......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.82 6. /2egeneration............................ .......... SUGGESTIONS IN USING THE INDEX. (1) Titles on pathology, anatomy, etc., are included, so far as pog sible, under the special topics with which they deal. ; (2) Each title is placed under the most specific head; after cor; sulting any head, look under the more general topics for possible ge: eral works and under cognate subjects for works bearing on the groun: in common. i (3) Titles under each head are arranged alphabetically accord ing to author's name; prefixes which do not begin with a capitá (voN, DE, etc.), follow the name. (This rule applies also to t INDEx OF AUTHORs.) (4) Names of journals are given in italics, volume in roman an: pages in arabic; parts are given in parentheses, where necessary. ..? "º" |||||I|| Gaylord Bros. Makers 3 901 5 Syracuse, N. Y. PAI. JAN 21, 1908