BAYLEY CHEMISTS POOKST. FOOK QD 65 B36 A 914,118 ***** 4·1) LIBRARY VITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GASTENGA (SCRAPARATE (STREETSUZ } 65 B36 1 S M RED. 1 SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. (For Index, see page 409.) Atomic Weights and Factors, Useful Data, Chemi- cal Calculations, Rules for Indirect Analysis.. Weights and Measures Thermometers and Barometers • · ·· .. • ·· Chemical Physics Boiling Points, &c. Solubility of Substances Specific Gravity, Methods of Obtaining, Conver- sion of Hydrometers, Strength of Solutions by Specific Gravity Analysis, Gas Analysis, Water Analysis, Quali- tative Analysis and Reactions, Volumetric Analysis, Manipulation Mineralogy. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· Assaying ·· Alcohol, Beer, Sugar Miscellaneous Technological Matter relating to Potash, Soda, Sulphuric Acid, Chlorine, Tar Products, Petroleum, Milk, Tallow, Photo- graphy, Prices, Wages, &c., &c. .. • • PAGE 1 to 22 23 to 42 43 to 58 59 to 70 71 to 111 112 to 172 173 to 228 229 to 303 304 to 309 310 to 316 317 to 388 389 to 408 100% 1520 15:30 1500 1550 1860 1070 180 190 +35 620 220 880 930 1500 110 1 25 બ 50 180 230 330 POD 06 The small figures indicive up. Gr. the large ones Degrees Iwada 100 7J 60 30 20 09 20 (all) Ala 10 Fore Quallar 15 k cohol by Kab စား -765 -770 -795 730 -735 -730 795 -800 -805 -810 1816 -830 STAR 190 ·895 |-850 855 860 598- -870 -873 -830 988. 630 -895 -900 500 -810 -903 .928 -925 -930 -93 940 -945 -950 953 -960 965 929 925 980 385 -9.95 1000 50 80 70 30 30 100 7090 You The arrows poort to the figures corresponding to the curves 1 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE OF THE SYMBOLS, ATOMIC WEIGHTS, AND ATOMICITIES OF THE ELEMENTS. Element. Aluminium.. Antimony Arsenic Barium Bismuth Boron Bromine Cadmium Cæsium Calcium Carbon.. Cerium.. Chlorine .. ·· : .. ·· ·· .. ·· ·· Symbol Atomic Weight. and Atomicity. IV AllY Sb Τ V As II Ba Biv BIII REAL ES Cal C's CaII CIV VI Ce CII 27.5 Chromium Cobalt Copper.. Didymium Fluorine Glucinum 122 75 137 208 11 80 112 133 40 12 Element. 92 Gold • Hydrogen Indium Iodine .. ¦ Iridium Iron 35 5 Lanthanum ·· ·· -- +4 ·· •• •• Symbol Atomic and Atomicity. Weight. Crv VI Co VI Cu II DII FI Вед AuIII H InII Ir III Fe VI LII AQ B 52.5 58.8 63.5 96 19 9.2 196.7 1 113.4 127 198 56 92 2 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Element. Lead Lithium TABLE OF THE SYMBOLS, &c.-continued. ·· ·· .. ·· Magnesium.. Manganese .. Mn Mercury Molybdenum Nickel .. Niobium Nitrogen Osmium Oxygen Palladium IV Palv Phosphorus.. p❞ Platinum Ptiv Potassium KI Rhodium Rb VI Rh Rubidium Rb¹ Ruthenium. RUVI Ru .. .. ·· .. .. Symbol Atomic and Atomicity. Weight. Pbrv Lit II Mg¹I VI HgII MOVI NiVI Nbv NV OS VI 0II 207 7 24 55 200 Sodium.. Strontium Sulphur 58.8 Tantalum 97.6 Tellurium Thallium Thorium 92 14 199 16 39 Element. 104 Selenium Silicon . Silver 106.5 Titanium 31 Tungsten 197.4 Uranium Vanadium Yttrium 104 Tin • 85.5 Zinc ·· Zirconium .. •• .. ·· ·· • .. .. ·· Symbol Atomic and Atomicity. Weight. VI Se .IV Agr Na¹ Sr." SVI Talv VI Te III ᎢᏂᏙ IV Sn Tilv WVI Urvi V" YII ZnII IV Zriv 79 28.5 108 23 87.5 32 137.5 128 204 231.5 118 50 184 120 51.2 68 65 90 3 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE GIVING THE ATOMIC WEIGHT OF THE ELEMENTS, ACCORDING TO THE LATEST DETERMINATIONS. Name. Aluminium Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bismuth ·· .. Boron Bromine Cadmium Casium Calcium Carbon.. Chlorine Cerium Chromium Cobalt Copper.. Didymium Erbium Fluorine Gold Hydrogen Indium Iodine.. Iridium Iron Lanthanum Lead Lithium Magnesium Manganese.. Mercury ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· •• ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· •• ·· • ·· ·· • ·· • .. • .. .. • ·· • ·· .. ·· ·· Atomic Weight. ܢ 111.6 133.0 39.9 11.97 35.37 27.3 122.0 Nickel.. 74.9 136.8 Niobium Nitrogen Osmium 9.0 210.0 11.0 79.75 Oxygen Palladium Phosphorus Platinum Potassium Rhodium Rubidium Ruthenium Silenium 141.2 52.4 58.6 63.0 147.0 169.0 19.1 196.2 1 113.4 126.53 196.7 55.9 139.0 206.4 Name. 7.01 23.94 54.8 199.8 Molybdenum Silicon Silver .. Sodium Strontium Sulphur Tantallum Tellurium Thallium Thorium Tin Titanium Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Yttrium Zinc Zirconium ·· ·· ·· • .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· • ·· .. ·· • .. .. ·· .. ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· • •• • .. .. ·· . Atomic Weight. 95.6 58.6 94.0 14.01 198.6 15.96 106.2 30.96 196.7 39.04 104.1 85.2 103.5 78.0 107.66 28.0 22.96 87.2 31.98 182.0 128.0 203.6 231.5 117.8 48 184.0 240.0 51.2 93.0 64.9 90.0 B 2 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. F The TABLE SHOWING THE GROUPING OF THE ELEMENTS. Chlorine. Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Bromine. Arsenic. Iodine. Fluorine. Antimony. Oxygen. Sulphur. Selenium. Tellurium. Silicon. Titanium. Tantalum. Niobium. Cadmium. Zinc. Barium. Strontium. Calcium. Magnesium. Cerium. Lanthanum. Didymium. Potassium. Sodium. Lithium. Cæsium. Rubidium. Chromium. Vanadium. Molybdenum. Tungsten. Iron. Cobalt. Nickel. Manganese. Platinum. Palladium. Rhodium. Iridium. Ruthenium. Osmium. 5 LO CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. ATOM, VOLUME, AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF THE ELEMENTS KNOWN IN THE STATE Of Vapour. (After A. W. Hofmann.) Name. Hydrogen Arsenic Bromine Cadmium Chlorine Iodine Mercury Nitrogen Oxygen Phosphorus Selenium Sulphur ·· .. .. ·· ·· ·· .. .. • • • • ·· .. .. • .. .. Substance. .. ·· ·· .. ·· •• ·· ·· • · ·· ·· ·· Symbol of Atom. Sodium carbonate (crystallized). Potassium carbonate Manganese peroxide Acetic acid.. Nitric anhydride Hydrochloric acid Sulphuric anhydride H ¤ZÃÕ˜-EZORO As Br Cd CL I H Se S Symbol of Volume Molecular Molecule. Weight. Weight. AS4 Sought. NaCO3 +10H 20 K2CO3 MnO2 C2H402 Ń 205 HCI SO 8 Br2 Ca Hg N2 02 P 4 Sez S2 1 150 80 56 35.5 127 100 TABLE FOR THE ESTIMATION OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES BY WEIGHING THE CO₂ EVOLVED. Factor. 6.5000 3.1409 ⚫9886 1.364 1.228 14 16 62 79 32 • 830 1.1137 2 300 160 112 71 254 200 28 32 124 158 64 Logarithm. 0, 81291 0,49705 T, 99502 0.13481 0,08920 > I, 91908 0, 05576 6 CO CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Iron FACTORS FOR USE IN BIOLOGICAL ANALYSES. Found. Platinum Ammonium chlo- roplatinate. Barium carbonate Double chloride zinc and of creatinine. ·· 123TH LO ·· 4 C. c. of N. at 0° C. and 760 mm. derived from 1 c. c. of Urine. 5 .. Formula. Pt 2NH4Cl, PtCl4 BaCO3 (C4H7N30)2, ZnCl2 Fe PROCESS. TABLE FOR ESTIMATION OF UREA BY YVON'S Grams of Urea per Litre of Urine. Sought. Goefficient. Urea Urea 2.7 5.4 8.2 10.8 13.5 Urea Creatinine Hæmoglobine C. c. of N. at 0° C. and 760 mm. derived from 1 c. c. of Urine. 67809 ⚫3030 •1365 10 •4041 • 6244 238.1 Grams of Urea per Litre of Urine. 16.2 18.9 21.6 24.3 27.0 7 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TRANSFORMATION OF COLUMNS OF WATER INTO COLUMNS OF MERCURY. Millim. Millim. Millim. Millim. Millim. Millim. Millim. Millim. of of of of of Mer- Water. Mercury. Water. Mercury. Water. of of of Mer- Water. cury. cury. 1 2 3 6 7 ⚫074 •15 • 22 ⚫30 ⚫37 ⚫44 ⚫52 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 ⚫59 ⚫66 •74 1.12 1.48 1.84 2.21 35 40 45 50 55 60 VARIOUS Useful Data. To reduce specific gravity with regard to air to specific gravity with regard to hydrogen, multiply by 14.438. To reduce specific gravity with regard to hydrogen to specific gravity compared to air, multiply by 06926. To reduce weight in air to weight in vacuo : P weight required in vacuo. qweight in air. a= area. π3.1415926. 2.58 65 2.95 70 3.32 75 3.69 80 4.06 85 4.43 90 To find the contents of a sphere V = volume of body weighed. v=volume of the weights. s = specific gravity of air (weight of one cubic unit). P = q xs (V – v) To find the area of a circle: r = radius. a =π r2. = C: c = 4·1888 1-3. To find the contents of a cylinder =c: c = area of base × height. 4.80 5.17 5.54 5.90 6.27 6.64 To find the contents of a rectangular vessel=c: a = length of one side. b= length of other side. hheight. c = a x b xh. To convert the degrees of Twaddle's hydrometer into specific gravity, multiply by 5, and add 1000; this gives the specific gravity with reference to water as 1000. 8 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. USEFUL DATA-continued. To convert lbs. per square inch into kilograms per square centimetre, multiply by ·0703. • To convert kilograms per square centimetre into lbs. per square inch, multiply by 14 2247. To reduce inches to metres, multiply by 02540. To reduce inches to centimetres, multiply by 2.540. To reduce centimetres to inches, multiply by ·3937. To reduce kilograms to pounds, multiply by 2.2046. To reduce litres to gallons, multiply by ·22. To reduce gallons to litres, multiply by 4.548. To reduce pints to cubic centimetres, multiply by 567.936. To reduce grams to grains, multiply by 15.432. To reduce grains to grams, multiply by 0648. To reduce ounces to grams, multiply by 28.349. The following data are useful in calculations relating to air :— To find the quantity of nitrogen by volume corresponding to 1 volume of oxygen, multiply by 3.770992. To find the quantity of oxygen by volume corresponding to 1 volume of nitrogen, multiply by 265182. • • 1 To find the quantity of nitrogen by weight corresponding to 1 part by weight of oxygen, multiply by 3·313022. To find the quantity of oxygen by weight corresponding to 1 part by weight of nitrogen, multiply by 301839. To find the quantity of nitrogen by volume corresponding to 1 part by weight of oxygen, PODK411 • • 9 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. USEFUL DATA-continued. To find the quantity of oxygen by volume corresponding to 1 part by weight of nitrogen, multiply by 2730071. To find the quantity of nitrogen by weight corresponding to 1 part by volume of oxygen, multiply by 3.6629154. To find the quantity of oxygen by weight cor- responding to 1 part by volume of nitrogen, mul- tiply by 3792848. • FACTORS USED IN ORGANIC ANALYSIS. Weight of H₂O divided by 9 or multiplied by •1111 = Hydrogen. Weight of CO₂ multiplied by carbon. FORMULA FOR THE ESTIMATION OF NITROGEN BY VOLUME. W = weight of Nitrogen. v = volume of Nitrogen. P W = = pressure corrected for tension of aque- ous vapour. t = temperature in degrees C. ·0012562 × v x p (1 + .00367 t) 760 ° For value of log. ⚫0012562 (1 + ·00367 t) 760' see Table. 10 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS GIVING THE AMOUNT OF THE CONSTITUENT SOUGHT BY SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION. Element. Aluminium Ammonium Antimony Arsenic ·· Found. Alumina Ammonic chloride. Ammonio pla- tinic chloride. Antimonious oxide. Antimonious sulphide. Antimonious sulphide. Diantimonic tetroxide. Arsenious anhydride. Arsenic sulphide. Arsenious Form. sulphide. Ammonic A1203 Aluminium Al2 NHẠC Ammonia NH3 2NH4Cl, PtCl Ammonia 2NH3 2NH307614 Sb2O3 Sb2S3 Sb2S3 Sb204 anhydride. Arsenic anhydride. Arsenious AS2S3 As203 A$205 A$205 Sought. Form. Coeffic. Antimo- nious oxide. Antimo- nious oxide. • * 53398 Antimony Sb2 ⚫83562 Antimony Sb2 71765 Sb2O3 85882 Sb2O3 94805 • 31804 • magnesic AsO4)2, anhydride. arseniate, OH2. • • Arsenic AS2 Arsenic As2 • 65217 Arsenious AsO 86087 anhydride. Arsenious As203 80488 ⚫75758 • • anhydride. As2S3 Arsenic As20593496 anhydride. (MgNH. Arsenic As20560526 magnesic AsO4)2, anhydride. arseniate. OH2. Ammonic (MgNH4 Arsenious As203 52105 D 11 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Element. Barium Bismuth.. Boron Bromine.. .. Carbon ·· Chlorine.. Cobalt TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS, &c.-continued. Cadmium Cadmic oxide Calcium.. Lime (calcic oxide). Calcic sulphate Calciccarbonate Carbonic anhydride. Calcic carbonate. Found. .. Baryta Baric sulphate Bariccarbonate Baric silico- fluoride. Bismuthous oxide. Boracic anhydride. Argentic bromide. Argentic chloride. Chromium Chromic oxide Chromic oxide Argentic chloride. Plumbic chromate. Cobalt Form. Ba0 BaSO4 BaCO3 BaF2, SiF4 Bi203 B203 AgBr CaO CaO CaSO4 CaCO3 CO2 CaCO3 AgCl AgCl Cr₂03 Cr₂03 Sought. Co Cobaltic inter- Co12019 mediate oxide. Barium Baryta Baryta Baryta Bismuth Boron Bromine Cadmium Calcium Lime Lime Carbon Carbonic anhydride. Chlorine Hydro- chloric acid. Form. Pa BaO BaO BaO Bi2 B2 Br Cd Ca CaO CaO с CO2 CI HCI Coeffic. ⚫89542 .65665 77665 ⚫54839 •89655 • •42560 31429 ⚫87500 71429 ·41176 ⚫56000 •27273 • ·44000 • 24724 •25421 Chromium Chromic anhydride. PbCrO4 Chromic CrO3 31062 anhydride. Cr2 •68619 2CrO3 1·31381 Cobaltous Coo 1.27119. oxide. Cobalt C012 •69991 12 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Element. Cobalt (con- tinued). Copper ·· Hydrogen Iodine Iron Lead .. TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS, &c.—continued. ·· Found. Fluorine.. Calcic fluoride Silicic fluoride Water Argentic iodide Palladious iodide. Tricobaltic pentoxide. Cobaltous sulphate. Tricobaltic tetroxide. Cobaltic potas- sic nitrite. Cobaltous po- tassic sulphate. Cobaltous po- tassic sulphate. Cupric oxide Cuprous sulphide. Ferric oxide Ferric oxide Ferrous sulphide. Plumbic oxide Plumbic sulphate. Plumbic sulphate. Plumbic chloride. Form. Sought. Form. Coeffic. Co305 Cobalt Cog .68871 COSO4 Cobaltous Coo •48387 oxide. C0304 Cobalt C03 ⚫73444 2C00 •17348 Co203, 3K20 5N203, 20H2. 2CoSO4+ 3K2SO4. 2CoŠO4+ 3K2SO4. Cuo Cu₂S CaF 2 SiF4 H20 AgI Pdl2 Fe203 Fe203 FeS Pbo PbS04 PbSO4 PbCl 2 Cobaltons oxide. Cobaltous oxide. Cobalt Copper Copper Fluorine Fluorine Iron Ferrous oxide. Iron Lead Plumbic 2Co0·18015 oxide. Lead Lead Co2 Cu ·79849 Cu2 ⚫79849 F2 FF Hydrogen Iodine I Iodine I2 2 + F 4 H2 14171 Pb PbO Pb Pb *48718 *73077 •11111 ⚫54049 •70556 Fe2 ⚫70000 2FeO ⚫90000 Fe ⚫63636 ⚫92825 ⚫73597 ⚫68317 ⚫74482 13 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Element. Lead (con- tinued). Lithium.. TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS, &c.-continued. Magnesium Magnesic oxide Magnesic sulphate. Magnesic pyrophosphate. Mercury.. Found. Plumbic chloride. Plumbic sulphide. Lithiccarbonate Li2CO3 Lithic sulphate Lithic Li2SO4 LigPO4 phosphate. .. Manganic oxide Manganous sulphate. Manganous sulphide. Manganous sulphide. Mercury Mercury Mercurous chloride. Mercuric sulphide. Nickelous oxide Nickel Nitrogen.. Ammonic pla- tinic chloride. Form. PbCl 2 PbS MgO MgSO4 Manganese Manganous MnO Manganese oxide. Trimanganic tetroxide. Sought. Form. Coeffic Plumbic PbO ⚫80239 oxide. Plumbic PbO ⚫93305 oxide. Lithic oxide Lithic oxide Lithic oxide Mn301 Mn2O3 MnSO4 MnS MnS Mg Magnesium Magnesic MgO oxide. Mg2P207 Magnesic 2MgO oxide. Li₂0 Li20 Li20 Mn Manganese Mn3 Manganese Mn2 Manganous Mnб oxide. 2Hg Hg oxide. Hg2Cl2 Mercury HgS •40541 •27273 ⚫38793 Z ⚫60000 ⚫33350 Nio Nickel 2NH4Cl, Nitrogen N2 PtCl4. ⚫36036 •77465 72052 • Manganous MnO ⚫81609 oxide. Manganese Mn • 63218 69620 •47020 Mercurous Hg20 1.04000 oxide. Mercuric HgO 1.08000 2Hg • 84940 Mercury Hg • 86207 • •78667 ⚫06271 14 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Element. Oxygen TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS, &c.—continued. Platinum Nitrogen (continued). Baric sulphate +4 Found. Argentic cyanide. Argentic cyanide. oxide. Arsenious anhydride. Arsenic anhydride. Baric oxide Bismuthous oxide. Cadmic oxide Chromic oxide Cobaltous oxide Cupric oxide Ferrous oxide Ferric oxide Plumbic oxide Calcic oxide Magnesic oxide Manganous oxide. Trimanganic tetroxide. Manganic oxide Mercurous oxide. Form. Alumina Al203 Oxygen Oxygen Antimonious Sb203 As203 Oxygen As205 Oxygen BaO Bi203 Mercuric oxide Nickelous oxide Potassic oxide Pt BaSO4 AgCN AgCN Cao Cr2 03 CoO CuO FeO Fe203 PbO CaO MgO MnO Sought. Nitrogen Nitric HgO Nio K20 Hydro- cyanic acid. anhydride. Cyanogen CN •19410 HCN • 20156 Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Mn304 Oxygen Mn203 Oxygen Hg20 Oxygen Form. Coeffic, No •14155 NŎ546352 03 03 03 05 •* •*•••*•.•. ** * 03 03 Oxygen 0 Oxygen 0 Oxygen •46602 16438 • 24242 •34783 • 10458 •10345 • 12500 •31381 ⚫21333 • 20151 • 22222 ⚫30000 ⚫07175 •28571 ⚫39970 *22535 •27947 ⚫30380 ⚫03846 ⚫07407 • 21333 ⚫ 16982 15 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Element. Oxygen (continued). TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS, &c.—continued. Found. Silicic anhydride. Argentic oxide Sodic oxide Strontic oxide Stannic oxide Water Zincic oxide Phosphorus Phosphoric anhydride. ·06898 • 25810 • 15459 •21333 *85889 •19740 P2 ·43662 63964 2PO4 ⚫85585 pyrophosphate. Ferric Fe2P208 Phosphoric P205 •47020 phosphate. anhydride. Phosphoric P205 anhydride. 2PO4 1.33802 Argentic phosphate. •19910 Uranylic UP2011 pyrophosphate. Ag3PO4 Phosphoric (P205) 16949 anhydride. Phosphoric P205 anhydride. Phosphoric anhydride. Argentic Ag P207 pyrophosphate. P205 Potassium Potassic oxide Potassic sulphate. Potassic nitrate Form. SiO 2 Ag20 Na20 Sro Potassic chloride. Potassic chloride. Potassic pla- tinic chloride. Potassic pla- tinic chloride. Sought. Form. Coeffic. Oxygen 02 ⚫53333 Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen P205 Phosphorus SnO2 H₂O ZnO Magnesic Mg2P207 Phosphoric P205 pyrophosphate. anhydride. Magnesic MgP207 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ K20 K2SO4 KNO3 KCI KCI 2KCl, PtCl4. 2KCI, PtC14. · • • 23437 Potassium K2 Potassic K20 oxide. Potassic (K20) 46590 oxide. Potassium K ·52145 • 83018 •54080 * Potassic (K20) 63173 (K₂0) oxide. Potassic K20 •19272 oxide. Potassic 2KCI ⚫30507 chloride. • 16 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Element. Silicon Silver Sodium .. Tin.. .. Strontium Zinc .. TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS, &c.-continued. .. Found. Silicic anhydride. Argentic chloride. Argentic chloride. Sodic oxide Sodic sulphate Sodic nitrate Sodic chloride Sulphur.. Baric sulphate Arsenious sulphide. Baric sulphate Sodic chloride Sodic carbonate Strontic oxide Strontic sulphate. Strontic carbonate. Sulphuric anhydride. Stannic oxide Stannic oxide Zincic oxide Zincic sulphide Zincic sulphide Form. SiO 2 AgCI AgCl Na₂0 Na2SO4 NaNO3 NaCl NaCl Na2C03 Sro SrSO4 SrCO 3 BaSO4 AsqSg BaSO 4 SO3 SnO2 SnO2 ZnO ZnS ZnS Sought. Form. Coeffic. Silicon Silver Ag •7527 Argentic (Ag20) 8085 oxide. Sodium Sodic oxide Strontium Strontic oxide. Strontic oxide. Na2 Sodium Sodic oxide Na,O Sodic oxide (Na2O) Sodic oxide (Na2O)1 5302 Sulphur Sulphur Sulphuric anhydride. Si Tin Stannous oxide. Zinc Zincic oxide Zinc Na Na₂O Sr Sro Sro • Sn Sno Zn ZnO Zn ⚫7419 4365 3646 • 4666 3933 •5848 S •1373 S3 ⚫3902 SO3 ⚫3433 SO4 1.2000 ⚫8454 ⚫5640 •7016 • 7866 ⚫8933 · 8026 .8351 67031 • 17 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. STOCHIOMETRY, OR CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS. Conversion of Thermometer Degrees. °C to °R, multiply by 4 and divide by 5. °C to °F, multiply by 9, divide by 5, then add 32. °R to °C, multiply by 5 and divide by 4. °R to °F, multiply by 9, divide by 4, then add 32. °F to °R, first subtract 32, then multiply by 4, and divide by 9. °F to °C, first subtract 32, then multiply by 5, and divide by 9. To find the Percentage Composition having the Formula given. Find the molecular weight from the formula; then Molecular weight Weight of constituent in a molecule. Percentage of constituent. 100 Or we may proceed thus: Multiply the atomic weight of the element by 1, 2, 3, &c., according to the number of atoms of the element there are in the molecule; multiply the number thus obtained by 100, and divide by the molecular weight. To find the Weight of any Element contained in any given Weight of a Compound Substance. Molecular weight Weight of constituent in a molecule. Given weight Required weight. Or, Multiply the atomic weight of the element by 1, 2, 3, &c., according to the number of atoms of the element there are in the molecule; mul- tiply the number thus obtained by the given weight, and divide by the molecular weight. C 18 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. To find the Empirical Formula of a Body from its Percentage Composition. Divide the percentage of each element by the atomic weight of that element to three places of decimals, and divide all the numbers thus ob- tained by the lowest; if the quotients are not whole numbers reduce them to their simplest relation in whole numbers, and to these whole numbers prefix the symbol to which each refers. To find the Weight of a Substance required to yield, liberate, or produce, a given Weight of a Substance. Write the equation expressing the chemical change; then Molecular weight Quantity of resulting sub- of stance x Number: resulting :: of molecules substance given. involved 87 To solve Problems involving Volumes of Gases. Write the equation expressing the chemical change, and underneath the gaseous product write the sign for each molecule (if there are more than one), thus: MnO2 + 4HCl = MnCl2 + Cl2 + 20H2 888 Molecular weight Weight of original sub- of origi- stance X Number: nal sub- of molecules involved 126 stance required. 4 volumes of hydrochloric acid gas yield 1 volume of chlorine and 2 volumes of water vapour. Any problem is readily solved by this method with the aid of simple proportion. The following data must be borne in mind. An atomic weight of an element taken in grams 19 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. occupies 11.2 litres, at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure, but As and P occupy 5 6 litres, and Hg occupies 22.4 litres. A molecular weight of a compound taken in grams occupies 22.4 litres, unless the vapour density of the compound is abnormal. 0896 gram. 1 litre of hydrogen weighs 1 crith FORMULA FOR CORRECTING THE VOLUME OF GASES FOR TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. original volume. corrected volume. V = V' t = original temperature Co. t' = final temperature Co. ་ P P' V V' - t V original pressure. final pressure. (273 +t) P' 273+ t'P' FORMULA FOR REDUCING GASEOUS VOLUMES IN THE ANALYSIS OF GASES. - ← • V' correct volume. V volume found in the table, and corresponding to the observed height of the mercury in the eu- diometer, the meniscus error being included. B = height of barometer. B' difference of level between the two surfaces of mercury. temperature in °C. tension of aqueous vapour in mm. of mercury. V × (B - B' — V) Then V'= where 760 " 760 × (1+ ·003665 t) mm. is taken as the normal pressure; if 1000 mm. is taken, substitute 1000 for the 760 in the above formula. c 2 20 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. RULES FOR INDIRECT ANALYSIS. Indirect determination of K and Na as sul- phates:- Multiply the sulphuric anhydride (SO3) found by 2.17775, deduct from the product the sum of the sulphates, and multiply the remainder by 4.4072; the product expresses the quantity of the sodium sulphate. Indirect determination of K and Na as chlo- rides: Multiply the quantity of chlorine in the mixture, by 2.1029, deduct from the product the sum of the chlorides, and multiply the remainder by 3.6288; the product expresses the quantity of sodium chloride present in the mixture. Indirect determination of Sr and Ca as car- bonates:- Multiply the carbonic anhydride (CO2) found by 3.3523, deduct from the product the sum of the carbonates, and multiply the difference by 2.10526; the product gives the weight of the calcium carbonate. Indirect determination of Cl and Br, as AgBr +AgCl, and then as AgCl:- Multiply the decrease of weight by 4.22025 to find the amount of silver bromide present in the mixture. Indirect determination of Ba and Ca as sul- phates Let w = substance taken; then ≈ = BaSO4 present in the substance; = CaSO₁ У "" "" x + y = v. "" [1] 21 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 3 When the whole of SO, is converted into BaSO4, x will remain unaltered, but y will be 233 increased in the proportion 233 136 [2] where w' is the weight of the resulting BaSO. Now, subtracting equation [1] from [2], we get y - y = w' hence and Y J x + 233 233 143 136 Y 233 142 233 136 w; that is, Multiplying [1] by Y 20° 233 136 x + · 1) = w' 136 G 233 142 233 174 20 from which the percentage of y can be found. When the mixture consists of K₂SO, and Na₂SO4, x = Na₂SO, y = K₂SO,; therefore x + y = w, [1] [2] ; therefore 20' 1 233 x + y = 142 CON " y = w'. we get год 233 142 W. [3] 22 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Now, subtracting [3] from [2], 233 142 and therefore by 233 174 Y S Y w' 233 174 Y 233 142 y = 20' พ 233 142 w' K 233 174 Subtracting [3] from [2], w' 233 142 - • W 233 142 233 142 Generally, when a = coefficient of x, efficient of y. 233 142 ax + by = w' [2]; ax + ay = aw [3]. ay = w' aw, and y = w, w; w' b Fo b: = CO- αυ a The principle is applicable to any mixture of two substances containing one radical, either positive or negative, common to both, and capable of easy estimation. 23 CHEMISTS' PECKET-Beek. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF THE METRICAL SYSTEM. 1 milligram 1 centigram 1 decigram 1 gram 1 decagram 1 hectogram 1 kilogram 1 millilitre 1 centilitre decilitre 1 litre 1 millimetre 1 centimetre 1 decimetre 1 metre Weights. ·001 gram. ·01 gram. •1 gram. weight of a cubic centimetre of water at 4° C. 10.000 grams. 100.000 grams. = 1000·000 grams. Measures of Capacity. 1 cubic centimetre, or the measure of 1 gram of water. 10 cubic cent. 100 cubic cent. = 1000 cubic cent. Measures of Length. = .001 metre. •01 metre. • = 1 metre. = the ten millionth part of a quarter of the earth's meridian. 24 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Millimetre Centimetre Decimetre Metre Decametre Hectometre Kilometre Myriametre .. •• .. • • .. ·· In English Inches. ⚫03937 •39371 3.93708 39.37079 393.70790 METRICAL MEASURES OF LENGTH. In English Yard. • 3937 07900 39370-7900 393707.9000 In English Feet. Centiare, or square metre Are, or 100 square metres ⚫003281 032809 ⚫328090 3.280899 32.808992 • 328 089917 3280 899167 32808 991667 • • 1 inch 2.539954 centimetres. 1 foot 3.0179449 decimetres. In English Square Feet. 10 764299 1076 429934 ⚫0010936 ⚫0109363 • 1093633 1.0936331 10.9363306 109 3633056 1093 6330556 10936.3305556 METRICAL MEASURES Of Surface. • • 1 square inch = 6.4513669 square centimetres. 1 square foot = 9.2899683 square decimetres. 1 square mile mm In English Fathoms. .0005468 ⚫0054682 • 0546816 ⚫5468165 5.4681653 • 54 6816528 546 8165278 5468 1652778 1 yard 0.9143835 metre. 1 mile 1.6093149 kilometre. 1.196033 ·0395383 0009885 •0002471 3.9538290 0988457 0247114 119 603326 [] Hectare, or 10,000 square metres 107642-993419 11960 332602 395 3828959 9 8845724 2.4711431 T In English Miles. ⚫0000006 ⚫0000062 ⚫0000621 ⚫0006214 .0062138 ⚫0621382 ⚫6213824 6.2138242 In English In English In English In English Square Yards. Poles. Acres. Roods. • • 1 square yard =83609715 square metre. =40467102 hectare. 1 acre 2.58989451. 25 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Millilitre or cub. cent. Litre or cub. decim. Milligram Centigram Decigram Gram ·· ·· .. ·· METRICAL MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 1 grain 1 lb. avoir. .. - ·· 1 cub. inch = 16·386176 cub. cent. 1 cub. foot 28.315312 cubic decim. 1 gallon = 4·543458 litres. METRICAL MEASURES OF WEIGHT. In Troy Ounces. In Avoirdu- pois Pounds. In Cubic In Cubic Inches. Feet. ·06103 000035 ·00176.0002201 0000275 61 02705035317 1.76077 2200967 0275121 ! In English Grains. • ⚫01543 •15432 1.54323 15.43235 In Pints. In Gallons. ⚫000032 ⚫0000022 ⚫0000220 ⚫000322 ⚫003215 .0002205 ⚫032151 In Cwts. ⚫0000000 ⚫0000002 ⚫0000020 ⚫0022046 · 0000197 • · • In Bushels. 31 103496 grams. In Tons. ·0000000 0000000 0000001 ·0000010 = '064799 gram. 1 troy ounce ≈ 31·103496 • ·453593 kilogram. 1 cwt. = 50 802377 kilograms. 26 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF THE BRITISH PHARMACOPIA OF 1867. Weights. 1 grain, gr. 1 ounce, oz. 1 pound, lb. = 16 oz. 7000 Measures of Capacity. min. 1 minim, 1 fluid drachm, fl. drm. = 60 minims. 1 fluid ounce, fl. oz. 1 pint 1 gallon 0. 1 line = 1 inch = 437.5 grains. "" "" 12 39·1393 Measures of Length. inch. 1 8 fluid drachms. - 20 fluid ounces. 8 pints. 12 = 1 foot. 36 = 3 feet = 1 yard. seconds-pendulum. 99 (1 cubic inch of distilled water at 62° F. and 30 inch Barom. = 252·458 grains.) Relations of Measures to Weights. 1 minim is the measure of 0.91 grain of water. 1 fluid drachm is the measure of 54 68 grains of water. 1 fluid ounce is the measure of 1 ounce or 437.5 grains of water. 1 pint is the measure of 1.25 pound or 8750·0 grains of water. 1 gallon is the measure of 10 pounds or 70,000.0 grains of water. 27 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. drachms. ozs. lbs. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. cwts. 106250039000139-000035-00000174=1·771846 16= 1=·0625='00223 256- 16- 10357 7168= 448- 28=1 28672= 1792= 112 =4 573440 35840=2240 =80 grains. dwts. 1=*04167= 24=1 480-20 5760-240 qrs. 1 =12 ·· TROY WEIGHT. 000558—·000028 :·00893 =·000447 = 25 :.0125 :⚫05 =1 =20 OZS. · ⚫05 ton. =1 lb. ·00208·0001736= French grammes. • ⚫ 0648 ·004167 = 1.555 ⚫0833 31.1035 =373.242 1 = French grammes. -28.34954 =453.59 =12,700 =50,802 =1,016,048 175 lbs. troy = 144 lbs. avoirdupois. lbs. avoirdupois X •82286 lbs. troy. lbs. troy X 1.2153 lbs. avoirdupois. LONG MEASURE. ins. feet. yards. fath. poles. furl. = 1=083 =*027780139=005 =*000126=0000158= 12= 13331667060600151 0001894 36= 3 1 = ·5 =182 ='00454 =000568 = 72= 6 = 2 = 1=364 0091 198 16: 53= 23= 1025 7920= 660 220 110 40 =1 63360=5280 = 1760 = 880 = 320 =8 =001136 = =.003125 ='125 =1 mile. French mètres. ⚫0254 *3048 •9144 1.8287 5.0291 201-16 1609-315 28 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES―continued. WINE MEAsure. pints 2 8 336 504 672 1008 2016 pints 2 8 72 144 * 1 quart. 4 288144 432216 1 quart. 4 36 72 1 gallon. 421 tierce. 63 1 1 hogshead. 84 = 2=1= 1 puncheon. 3 = 2 = 1 1 pipe. 6 168 = 252 = 336 = 504 126 = 1008 = 252 ܝ ALE AND BEER MEASURE. 1 gallon. 9 = 18 36 4 2 1 barrel. = 54 6 = 3 = 14= 1 hogshead. 72 = 576 288 8 = 4 = 2 = 1= 1 puncheon. 864 = 432 = 108 = 12 = 6 = 3 2 = 11 = 1 butt. 3 = 2 = 1 tun. 1 firkin. 21 kilderkin. MEASURE of Capacity. pints. gall. peck. bushel. quarter. wey. last. cub. ft. 1=125=•0625=⋅01562=•00195=*00039=*000195= .02 '5676 8= 1=5 = =125 DAPPA 0156 00312=·00156 = 1604= 4*541 16= 2= 125 =03125=*00625='00312 = ·3208= 9-082 64- 8= 4 1 = 125 ='025 ='0125 =1·283 =36'32816 1 =2 512 64 32 = 8 256032016040 5 =1 =10 =2 5120 640 32080 1 gallon in wine, ale, or dry measure 2774 cubic inches 16 cubic foot • 10 lbs. of distilled water — Cube feet X 6·2355 = gallons. Cube ins. X·003607 = gallons. 1 bushel • Cube feet X 78 bushels. Cube ins. X 5 =1 00045 bushels. litres. 2218-19 cube inches 1.28 cube foot. =10.264-290-625 51.319 1453·126 102.64 2906.25 29 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWing a ComPARISON OF THE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF THE METRIC SYSTEM WITH THOSE OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. Measures of Length. Name. Metre Foot Foot Ell Foot Elle Foot D Value in Metres. ⚫30479 ⚫316103 2.465 A. ft. ⚫30479 ⚫71119 ⚫30000 Measures of Surface. Name. Sq. metre Sq. foot Value in Sq. Metres. Sq. foot • Sq. foot 092894] Cub. foot Gallon Cub. foot ⚫0999 Measures of Capacity. ⚫0900 Name. Cub. metre Litre My Wedro Value. S 12.299 litres Measures of Weight. Malter 150 litres Cub. foot 0270 cub. metrel Name. Gram ⚫02831 cub. metre 4.543458 litres 0309 cub. metre l'ound 560 012 Pound 409.52 Pound 500.00 Value in Grams. Pound 453 592| Where used. One gram equals- 20.05 Spanish grains. 16.16 Swedish grains. 20.373 Portuguese grains. 20.815 Italian grains. 16.419 Old Prussian grains. France, Germany, Italy, (England), Holland. England, United States. Austria. Russia. Switzerland. COMPARISON OF THE GRAM WITH THE MEDICINE-GRAINS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES. One gram equals- 15.432 English grains. 16 116 Danish grains. 15.36 Dutch and Belgic grains. 13.71 Austrian grains. 16.103 Russian and Swiss grains. 30 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. THE POLAR SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. This system has been devised and introduced by Prof. H. Hennessey, F.R.S.; it is a decimal system, resembling the ordinary metrical system in many respects; but it has this advantage, that it is derived from the length of the earth's axis, which is a fixed quantity, while the French me- trical system is derived from the circumference of the earth, which varies with longitude. The Polar inch, also, is a more convenient unit than the centimetre. 1 Polar link = 50000000 of earth's axis of} 1 Polar inch M 1 Polar quart = ½ link cubed the weight of the 1 stat water contained by 2·0539 grams. link cubed England America Austria Denmark France · Holland Portugal Prussia Russia Spain.. Sweden ·· FOREIGN MONEY, WEIGHTS and MeasuRES, COMPARED WITH ENGLISH. .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· Money. Name of Coin. %/20 Number in £1 English. Shilling 20 Dollar Florin Dollar Franc Florin Milreis Dollar Rouble Dollar Ducat 4.84 9.83 4.897 25.57 11.97 = 10·00967 inches. 4.285 6.9 6.4 4.8 2.182 Name of Measure. Foot " "" "" Metre Foot 13 "" "" 1.000967 inch. 2.0539 litres. " "" Length. Number Length =100 feet in inches, English. English. 100. 100 96.4 97.2 30.47 107.7 92.7 97.1 87.2 108.0 102.7 12 12 12.45 12.35 39.37 11.14 12.96 12.36 13.75 11.03 11.69 31 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. • Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. O |1.000 15 432 960 14 815 920 14.197 ⚫999 15 416959 14.799919 14 182 880 13 580 840 12.963 879 13.565839 12.947 87813-549 838 12.932 998 15.401.958 14.784 918 14.166 957 14 768 917 14 151 956 14 753 836 12.901 916 14 136 915 14 120 877 13 534 837 12.916 876 13 518 875 13 503 874 13 487 955 14 737 835 12.886 954 14.722 914 14 105 834 873 13 472 833 872 13 457 871 13.441 | 870 13-426 830 12.808 869 13 410 829 12.793 868 13 395 828 12.778 867 13 379 ·827 12-762 | 906 13.981 86613 364826 12.747 905 13.966 865 13.349 825 12·731 · 984 15 185 824 12.716 | 983 15 169 943 14.552 903 13.935 982 15 154 942 14.537902 863 13.318 823 12.700 13.920 862 13.302 822 12.685 · | • 981 15.138941 14.521901 13.904861 13.287821 12.670 ปี • 997 15 386 ⚫996 15.370 995 15 355 994 15.339 • • • • •993 15·324|| ·953 14·707 992 15.308 952 14.691 • • · TABLE FOR THE CONVersion of GRAMS INTO GRAINS. (Contributed by Mr. W. Dawson.) ⚫986 15 216 985 15 200 • • • ► ► J · • → • •96514-892 .96414.876 991 15 293 951 14.676 990 15 278 ❤ 950 14 660 989 15 262 949 14 645 988 15 247 948 14 629 987 15 231 947 14.614907 • · • • ⚫980 15.123 940 14.506 • 979 15 108939 14.491 •97815.092| ·93814·475 977 15 077 937 14 460 •976 15.061 ·936 14.444 • 935 14.429 934 14.413 93314.398 • · • • • • 946 14 599 945 14.583 • • • • D L ·913 14.089 913 14.089 912 14.074 • · • • 911 14.058 910 14 043 909 14.028 908 14.012 13.997 • · ▸ · 944 14 568 904 13.950 864 13.333 • . • 900 13.889 •860 13.271820 12.654 899 13.873 859 13 256 ·898 13·858|| ·858 |13·241 897 13 842 • 857 13 225 896 13.827 856 13.210 •975 15.046 .895 13.812) 855 13 194 974 15 031 ► 894 13-796 854 13 179 893 13.781853 13 163 973 15.015 •972 15.000 932 14.383 892 13 765 852 13.148 891 13.750 851 13 133 .971 14.984 931 14.367 ⚫970 14.969 930 14 352 ⚫969 14.954 929 14.336 890 13 734850 13 117 810 12.500. 889 13.719849 13.102 809 12-484 ⚫968 14.938 928 14·321 888 13.704848 13.086808 12.469, 96714-923 927 14.305 887 13 688 847 13.071 807 12.453 | •966 14.907|| ·926 14.290|| ·886 13.673 846 13 055 ·806 12 438 D D 925 14.275 885 13.657845 13 040 805 12.423 844 13·025]] ·804 | 12·407 924 14.259]| ·884 13.642 ⚫884 13 642 963 14.861 ·923 14.244 883 13.626 .843 13.009803 12.391 -962 14.845 922 14.228 882 13 611 •961 14.830|| ·921 14-213 881 13.595 • • • • O • • • • • • • · • • • · · • • D • • • • C · • 832 ·831 • · • • | 819 12·639 ·818 12·623 817 12.608 816 12.592 ·815 12·577. [3 • • • • • • 12 870 · 12.855 12·839 12.824 • 814 12 562 813 12.546 812 12.531 811 12.515 842 12.994 802 12-376 841 12.978|| 801 12.361 | 32 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF GRAMS INTO GRAINS-continued. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains.|| Grms. Grains.|| Grms. Grains, • • .800 12.346 760 11 728 720 11.111 719 11.096 •719 11 096|| 799 12 330 759 11 712 680 10 494 ·679|10·478| 678 10.463 798 12 315 758 11 697 718 11.080 O 797 12.299 757 11 682 717 11 065 677 10 447 O •796 12.284 756 11 666716 11.049 676 10 432 • · • • O 795 12.268 794 12 253 755 11 651 ●• 754 11 636 • • 793 12 237 753 11 620 D • · • • .792 12.222 791 12.207751 11 589 •790 12.191 750 11.574 789 12.176 788 12.160 748 11 543 787 12-145 747 11 528 786 12.129 785 12 114 • 784 12.099 .783 12.083 • 752 11.605 ·752 11·605 • • • • • D • • • • • • 749 11 559709 10 941 ⚫709 10 941|| 708 10 926 707 10.910 • 782 12.068742 11 450 781 12.052 741 11 435 780 12.037 74011 419 • 779 12.021|| 739 11 404 778 12.006738 11.389698 • 777 11.991737 11 373 697 10 756 • 776 11.975 736 11 358 696 10 741 [ · • 775 11.960 735 11 34269510 725 774 11.944 734 11 327 694 10.710 694 10.710 · 773 11·929|| ·733 11·312|| ·693 10 694 772 11.913 732 11.296692 10 679 771 11.898 731 11 280 691 10.663 770 11.883 730 11.265 690 10 648 *690 10 648|| 769 11.867729 11.250 689 10 633 768 11.852 72811·234|| ·688 10 617 • · · • 767 11.836 727 11 219 687 10 602 •766 11.821] •72611·203 726 11 203686 10 586 765 11.805 725 11.188 685 10.571 •76.4 11.790|| ·72411·172 72411 172684 10.555 .763 11.774 723 11 157 683 10 540 •762 11.759 722 722 11 142 682 10 525 • [ 761 11 744|| •721 11∙126 721.11.126681 10.509 • • 746 11.512 706 10 895 745 11.496 705 10.879 744 11 481704 10 864 743 11 466 703 10 849 O • • · •702 10.833 702 10.833 • • • 715 11 034 714 11.018 713 11 003 • 712 10·987 711 10 972 710 10.957 • • • • · • • 701 10.818 •701 10.818|| ·661 10·200 • • 675 10.417 • 674 10 401 673 10 386 672 10.370 · 671 10 355 67010 339 669 10 324 668 10.308 667 10.293.627 666 10.278 626 665 10 262 625 · 664 10 247 624 .663 10.231.623 ·662 10 216 D • ► • • • • 700 10 802 660 10*185 • 699 10·787|| ·659 10 170 10.771 658 10 154 657 10.139 656 10 123 • • • • • · · • • · • • · • Grms. Grains. 640 9.876 9.861 • .644 9.938 ·644 643 9.923 642 9.907 • 641 9.892 • · • 639 638 9.846 637 9.830 636 636 9.815 635 9.799 634 9.784 633 9.768 • • • 632 9.753 631 9.737 630 ·630 | 9.722 9.707 9.691 9.676 9.660 9.645 9.629 • • • ⚫629 628 • • • • *622 622 65510.108 654 10 092 '614 9.475 9.460 9.444 653 10 078 613 652 10.061612 •651|10⋅046 ·650 [10·030 611 9.429 ⚫610 9.413 649 10.015 609 9.398 ⚫621 9.583 620 9.568 9.552 9.537 • *619 | 619 618 617 *617 616 615 • • • · · • 648 10 000 608 9.383 647 9.984·607 ·607| 9·367 646 9.969 606 9.352 6459.954 605 9.336 9.321 9.305 9.290 9.275 • 9.614 9.599 604 603 •602 601 • 9.521 9.506 9.490 • 33 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Table for the ConverSION OF GRAMS INTO GRAINS—continued. • D Grms. Grains.]] Grms. Grains.]] Grms.] Grains. || Grms.] Grains.]] Grms. Grains. *600 9.259 || ·560 | 8*642 520 8.025 *480 | 7.407 • 440 6.790 6.775 ⚫599 9 244 559 8.636 519 8.009 479 7.392 ⚫439 598 9.228 558 8 621 478 7.376 *438 6.759 5979.213 557 8.606 5187.994 5177.978 7.963 477 7.361 ⚫437 6.744 5969 197 556 8.590 516 *436 6.728 595 9.182 555 8.574 515 7.947 *435 6.713 594 9 167 554 8.559 7.932 474 7.315 ⚫434 6.698 ⚫514 *5137-917 593 9.151 553 8.543 • 473 | 7.300 433 6.682 • 592 | 9·136 5528 518 ⚫472 7.284 *432 6.667 5919 120 551 8.503 5127.901 .5117.886 5107.870 *471 7.268 *431 6.651 590 9.105 ⚫550 8.488 ⚫430 6.636 • .589 9.089 549 8.472 8.472 * 429 6.620 588 9.074 548 * 428 6.605 509 | 7·855 ⚫5087.839 *5077·824 •506 7.808 587 9.058 547 ⚫427 6.589 586 9 043546 426 6.574 ⚫505 7.793 ⚫425 6.559 424 6.543 423 6.528 •422 6.512 421 6.497 *420 6.481 419 6.466 418 6.450 417 6.435 416 6.420 415 6.404 414 6.389 413 6.373 412 6.358 *411 6.342 410 6.327 • • • • • • • • • 7 • • • • • D • 8.441 8.426 ⚫585 9.028 || ·545 | 8.410 584 9 012 544 8.395 • 583 8.997 543 8 379 •582 8.981 || ·542 | 8·361 581 8.965 541 8.349 8.333 • 540 580 8.950 579 8.935 539 8.318 538 8.302 578 8.920 *5778.904 ⚫537 8.287 576 8.889 536 8.271 575 8.873 535 8.256 574 8.858 · 534 8.241 533 8-225 *573 8.842 || 572 8.827 ⚫532 8*210 571 8.812 || ·531 | 8·194 670 8.796 5308.179 569 529 8 163 • 8.781 5688.765 ·5288 148 • • • • D • • • • • D • • · 567 8.7505278·133 566 8.734 526 8.117 565 8.719 ⚫525 8.102 8.086 564 8.704 ⚫52.1 :563 | 8.688 5238.071 562 8.673 5228.055 5618.657 521 8.040 • • 8 457 • • • · • • *5047.778 5037.762 • •502 7.746 501 7.731 500 7.716 •4997-700 4987.685 · • .497 7.670 •496 | 7·654 495 7.639 494 7 623 *4937.608 .4927.592 • • • • 4897.546 *488 | 7·531 491 7.577 4907 561 • • 4877.515 *4867.500 ·485 | 7,484 4847 469 •4837.454 *482 | 7·436 • 481 | 7·423 • · • • • • 4707 253 .4697 238 468 7.222 • • • • · • 465 7.176 * 464 | 7·160 463 7.145 • 462 | 7·130 461 7 114 • 4607.099 7.083 459 *458 7.068 4577 052 *456 7·037 • · • • • *4557.021 4547.006 • • · 476 7.346 475 7.330 • • • • • • 4677 207 4667 191 // 453 6.991 4526.975 6.960 6.944 • 4426 821 4416 805 • • • • • → 451 450 • 449 6 929 *409 6.312 4486.913 ·408 6.296 4476.898 ⚫407 6.281 · 446 6 883 406 445 6.867 •405 4446 852 ⚫404 443 6.836 ⚫403 ⚫402 *401 · • • • • 6.265 6.250 6.234 6.219 6.204 6.188 1) 34 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF GRAMS INTO GRAINS~continued. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. • 360 | 5·555 || •320 | 4·938 3595 540 319 4.922 •280 4.321 240 3.704 318 4.907 3585 525 •3575.509 356 5.494 279 4.305 .2784.290 •277 4.275 317 4.892 •316 | 4·876 || ·276 | 4·259 315 4.861 3555.478 3545 462 314 4.846 •239 3.688 •238 3.673 •237 3.657 •236 | 3.642 •235 3.626 •234 3.611 •233 3.596 •232 3.580 • 231 •230 3535.447 313 4 830 •275 4.244 •274 4.228 273 4.213 2724-197 •271 4·182 .270 4.167 .269 4.151 312 4.815 3114.800 310 4.784 3.565 3.549 •229 3.534 ⚫228 268 4.136 3.518 •227 3.503 309 4.768 308 | 4·753 307 4.738 ⚫3064.722 || •266 ·305 | 4·707 ⚫3044 691 267 4.120 266 4 105 •226 3.488 • 265 4.089 •225 3.472 264 4.074 ·303 | 4·676 || ·263 | 4.059 224 3.457 •223 3.441 ·222| 3·426 302 4.660 301 4.645 • 221 3.410 300 4.630 •220 3.395 262 4.043 •261 | 4·028 •2604.012 259 3.997 •2583.981 •297 4.583 || ·257 257 3.966 •219 3.380 299 4.614 •298 4.599 *218 3.364 •217 3.349 •216 3.333 •296 4.568 2954-552 •256 13.950 ⚫2553.935 ⚫254 3.920 294 4.537 293 4.521 •253 3 904 292 4.506 •252 3.889 291 4.491 •2513.873 250 250 3.858 249 3.842 •288 4.444 || ·248 | 3·827 •287 4.429 247 3.812 •2463-796 245 3.781 •2443.765 2433.750 •242 3.734 241 3.719 400 6.173 399 6.157 ⚫398 6.142 397 6:126 396 6 111 • ⚫395 6 096 394 6.080 ⚫393 6.065 392 6.049 .391 6.034 ⚫390 6.018 389 6.003 •388 5.987 387 5:972 3865.957 385 5.941 3845 926 383 5 910 ⚫382 5.895 381 5.879 3805 864 .3795.849 • • • • O • ► 378 5.833 377 5.818 376 5.802 375 5.787 374 5.771 •373 5.756 372 5.741 371 5.725 370 5.710 369 5.694 3685.679 367 5.663, 3665.648 .3655.633 3645.617 363 5.602 -3625.586 3615.571 ► • 1 • • · · 352 5.432 351 5.417 ⚫350 5.401 349 5.386 348 5.370 || 347 5 355 3465 340 •345 5.324 || ⚫344 5.309 •343 5 293 || 3425.278 • 3415.262 3405.247 3395.231 338 5 216 3375.200 3365.185 • • • • • • • • • • • · D • • • . - • 335 5.170 ⚫3345.154 333 5.139 .3325.123 3315.108 •3305.092 || ·290 | 4·475 || •289 4.460 · · D • ⚫329 5.077 .328 5.062 ⚫3275.046 3265.031 3255.015 3245.000 2844.383 3234.984 ⚫3224.969 • · • 283 4.367 282 4.352 321 4.953 || ·281 | 4·336 • 286 4.413 285 4.398 • · • • · • •215 | 3.318 •214 | 3.302 213 3.287 212 3.271 •211 3.256 •210 3.241 ⚫209 3.225 208 3.210 •207 3.194 •206 3.179 •205 3.163 •204) 3·148 •203 3.133 •202 3.117 ·201 | 3·102 • • 35 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF GRAMS INTO GRAINS continued. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. Grms. Grains. 160 2.470 .080 1.234 040 0.617 159 2.454 079 1.219 ⚫039 0.602 078 1.204 ⚫038 0.586 200 3.086 1993 071 1983 055 1973 040 .196 3.025 1953.009 •168 2.438 157 2.423 156 2.407 077 1.188 ⚫037 0.571 076 1.173 ⚫036 0.555 0751.157 ⚫035 0.540 155 2.392 154 2.376 074 1.142 ⚫034 0.525 • 073 1.126 '033 0.509 072 1.111 ⚫032 0.494 .071 1.096 ⚫031 0.478 153 2 361 •152 2.346 •151 2.330 •150 2.315 149 2.299 .148 2.284 •147 2.268 070 1.080 ⚫030 0.463 *069 1.065 ⚫029 0.447 ⚫068 1.049 ⚫028 0.432 067 1.034 ·027 0.417 146 2.253 066 1.018 ⚫026 0.401 145 2.238 065 1.003 ⚫025 0.386 064 0.987 .024 0.370 ⚫063 0.972 ⚫023 0.355 .022 0.339 062 0.957 • U 194 2.994 193 2.978 192 2.963 •1912 947 190 2.932 •189 2-917 188 2.901 187 2.886 186 2.870 185 2.855 184 2.839 •144 2.222 183 2824 •143 2.207 || 182 2.809 •142 2.191 181 2.793 *180 | 2-778 179 2.762 178 2.747 .177 2.731 176 2.716 175 2.701 || 135 1742.685 •134 • • • 141 2.175 •140 2.160 139 2.145 138 2.130 137 2.114 136 2.099 2·083 2.063 • • 1.620 1041 605 ·103 | 1·589 102 1.574 1.574 101 1.559 1.543 100 .099 1.528 1.512 098 ⚫097 1.497 096 1.481 095 1.466 094 1.451 173 2.670 133 2.052 093 1.435 •132 2.037 || ·092 | 1·420 172 2.654 171 2.639 .131 2.021 .170 2.623 091 1.404 .130 2.006 090 1.389 • 129 1.991 ⚫089 1.373 128 1.975 .088 1.358 127 1.960 087 1.342 169 2.608 1682.592 167 2.577 •1662.562 165 2 546 164 2.531 163 2.515 126 1.944 .086 1.327 •125 1.929 ⚫085 1.312 124 1.913 084 1.296 123 1.898 083 1.281 082 1.265 162 2.500 •122 1.883 1612.484 •121 1.867 .0811 250 • • • 120 1.852 119 1.836 118 1.821 117 1.805 116 1.790 .115 1.775 114 1.759 113 1.744 112 1.728 • • • 106 1.636 105 · • • • • • • · 111 1.713 110 1.697 109 1.682 108 1.667 107 1.651 · • • • • • • · • • • · • • • • · • • · 058 0.895 ⚫018 0.278 057 0.880 .017 0.262 ·056 0.862 .016 0.247 0.231 .055 0.849 054 0.833 ⚫053 0.818 .015 .014 0.216 0.200 0.185 ⚫013 ·052 0.802 .012 .051 050 0.772 ⚫010 0.787 || ⚫011 0.170 0.154 049 0.756 048 0.741 ⚫009 0.139 .008 0.123 047 0.725 ⚫007 .046 0.710 .006 ·045 0·694 || ⚫005 044 0.679 004 043 0.663 ► · · 061 0.941 ⚫021 0.324 060 0.926 || ⚫020 0.309 059 0.910 ⚫019 0·293 042 041 0.108 0.092 0.077 0.062 ⚫003 0.046 0.648 ⚫002 0.031 0 633 ·001 0.015 D 2 36 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF GRAMS INTO GRAINS- continued. Grams. Grains. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1234 30.865 46.297 61.729 77.162 92.594 1.0648 21296 3 1944 • 5 Grams. Grains. 108.026 123.459 138.891 154.323 231.485 308.647 385.809 100 462.970 110 540.132 617-294 4.2592 ⚫3240 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF GRAINS INTO GRAMS. 63888 1543.235 1697.558 120 1851.882 130 2006.205 • Grns. Grams. Grns. Grams. Grns. Grams. Grns. Grams. 7 4536 11 7128| 16 |1·0368 127776 17 1.1016 13 138424 12 8 5184 181.1664 9 5832 14.9072 19 1.2312 10 6480 159720 20 1.2960 694.456 771-617 848-779 · 925 941 1003.103 1080.264 1157.426 • 1234.588 1311.750 • 1388 911 1466 073 Grams. Grains. 140 2160.523 150 2314.852 160 2469.176 170 2623.499 180 2777.823 190 2932.146 200 3086.470 300 4629.705 400 6172.940 500 7716.174 600 700 800 900 1000 • 9259 409 10802.644 12345 879 13889.114 15432.349 37 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION, &c.—continued. Grains. Grams. Grains. Grams. Grains. 21 1.3608 51 3.3017 22 1.4256 52 3.3695 23 1.4904 53 3.4343 24 1.5552 54 25 1.6200 55 26 1.6848 56 3.4991 3.5639 3.6287 1.7496 57 3.6935 58 29 1.8792 59 3.8231 89 30 1.9440 60 ~2~2。 72 27 28 1.8144 31 * F******RD 2.0088 61 3.9527 91 32 2.0736 62 4.0175 92 33 2.1384 63 4.0823 93 31 2.2032 64 4.1471 94 35 2.2680 65 4.2119 95 36 2.3328 66 4.2767 96 37 2.3976 67 4.3415 97 38 98 2.4624 68 4.4063 39 2.5272 69 4.4711 99 40 2.5920 70 4.5359 100 42 43 46 41 2.6568 4.6007 101 71 2.7216 72 4.6655 102 2.7863 73 4.7303 103 44 2.8511 74 4.7951 104 45 2.9159 105 75 4.8599 2.9807 76 4.9247 106 3.0155 77 4.9895 107 5.0543 108 49 3.1751 79 5.1191 109 3.2399 SO 5.1839 110 47 5882 F2** 81 5.2487 82 5.3135 83 5.3783 84 5.4431 85 5.5079 86 5.5727 87 5.6375 3.7583 88 5.7023 48 3.1103 78 50 8888 3.8879 90 Grams. 5.7671 5.8319 5.8967 5.9615 6.0263 6.0911 6.1559 6.2207 6.2855 6.3503 6.4151 6.4799 6.5447 6.6095 6.6743 6.7391 6.8039 6.8687 6.9335 6.9983 7.0631 7.1279 38 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION, &C.-continued. Grains, Grams. Grains. Grams. Grains. Grams. 111 7.1927 141 9.1366 171 11.0806 112 7.2575 142 9.2101 11.1454 113 143 11.2102 7.3223 7.3871 144 172 9.2662 173 9.3310 174 9.3958 175 114 11.2750 115 7.4519 145 11.3398 9.4606 11.4046 116 7.5177 146 117 7.5815 147 118 7.6463 148 176 9.5254 177 11.4694 9.5902 178 11.5342 11.5990 119 7.7111 149 120 7.7759 150 9.6550 179 9.7198 180 11.6638 121 7.8407 151 122 7.9055 152 123 7.9703 153 124 8.0351 125 8.0999 126 8.1647 127 8.2295 128 8.2943 129 8.3591 130 8.4239 8.4887 8.5536 9.7846 181 9.8494 182 9.9142 183 154 9.9790 184 15510·0438 185 186 187 188 189 190 156 10.1086 15710 1734 15810-2382 10.3030 10 3678 159 160 • • 131 161 10 4326 • 200 132 250 162 10.4974 16310.5622 133 8.6183 300 134 8.6831 164 10.6270 400 135 8.7479 165 10 6918|| 500 136 8.8127 166 10.7566 600 10 8214|| 700 137 8.8775 167 138 8.9422 168 139 9.0070 169 10.9510 900 140 9.0718 17011.0158 1000 11.7286 11.7934 11.8582 11.9230 11.9878 12.0526 12.1174 12.1822 12.2470 12.3118 12.9598 16.1997 19.4397 25.9196 32.3995 38.8794 45.3593 10.8862 800 51.8392 58.3190 64.7989 39 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Per lb. Per cwt. d. mj ta ka cole d. AAA12 HERMIE TABLE SHOWING EQUIVALENT RATES PER LB., CWT., AND TON. 14 11 122 2 2+ 24 3 34 3 31 4 24 21 44 (for exter 44B LO LO LO E 42 5 5 5 5 6 3冬 ​4 •• .. 3. 2 4 4 8 7 9 4 11 8 14 16 ·· 24∞0 ·· 18 8 ·· ·· 0 4 0 23 4 25 8 28 0 30 4 32 8 35 0 37 4 39 8 42 0 44 4 46 8 51 49 0 53 ..04166 ='08333 1 14 ='125 2 480 56 0 Pence. Shillings. Pence. 4.. 5 5 6 .16666 24 =20832 3 ⚫25 Per ton. 42 .29166 =.33333 3. 6 d. 8 4 13 4 7 0 0 9 6 8 11 13 4 14 0 0 16 6 8 18 13 4 21 0 0 23 6 8 25 13 4 28 0 0 30 6 8 32 13 4 35 0 0 37 6 8 39 13 4 42 0 0 44 6 8 46 13 4 49 0 0 51 6 8 53 13 4 56 0 0 .. •• .. DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF PENCE AND SHILLINGS. Shillings. ⚫3750 6. 7 ·· 7.. 8 Per lb. Per cwt. ·· d. 61 6/1/20 d. 4 60 8 63 0 65 4 67 8 70 0 72 4 74 8 77 0 79 4 81 8 84 0 86 4 88 8 91 0 93 4 95 8 98 0 100 4 102 8 114 105 0 111 107 4 114 12 112 0 109 8 7 74 7+ *ki tiga ka 73 8 81 8+ 83 9 91 91 93/ 10 101 10全 ​10 11 41666 •45833 •5 .54166 .58333 :.6250 S. 58 .66666 Pence. 81 9 91 10 10全 ​11 111 12 .. .. ·· .. ·· ·· Per ton. .. S. d. £ 58 6 8 60 13 4 63 0 0 65 6 8 67 13 4 70 0 72 6 0 8 4 74 13 77 0 79 6 81 13 84 0 86 6 88 13 4 91 0 0 93 6 8 95 13 4 98 0 0 100 6 8 102 13 4 105 0 0 107 6 8 109 13 4 112 0 0 0 8 4 0 8 Shillings. ⚫70832 .75 ⚫79166 ⚫83333 .8750 ⚫91666 ⚫95833 = 1.0000 40 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. qrs. lbs. 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 OZS. 1 DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF LBS., QKS., AND CWTS. qrs. lbs. cwts. qrs. lbs. cwts. 2 0='5 3 0='75 3 1 7589 3 2 3 3 3 4 cwts. qrs. lbs. cwts. 04.0045 1 0='25 1 1 ⚫2589 1 2 ⚫2679 1 3 •2768 1 4 •2857 1 5 1 6 1 7 • ⚫0089 ⚫0179 .0268 ⚫0357 ⚫0446 ⚫0536 ⚫0625 .0714 *0803 ⚫0893 1 10 ⚫0982 1 11 1 12 •1071 11611 13 • 125 1 14 • 1339 1 15 •1429 1 16 • 1518 1 17 • 1607 1 18 •1696 1 19 •1786 1 20 •1875 1 21 • 1964 1 22 •2054 1 23 •2143 1 24 1 25 • 2232 • 2322 1 26 •2411 1 27 · 1 1 8 1 9 ⚫2946 ⚫3036 ⚫3125 ⚫3214 • ⚫3303 ⚫3393 ⚫3482 •3571 ⚫3661 ⚫375 ⚫3839 ⚫3929 •4018 ⚫4107 .4196 • 4286 ⚫4375 .4464 ⚫4554 •4643 .4732 • 4822 • 4911 2 1 ⚫5089 2 2 3 22222222 2 4 2 5 6 7 2 8 9 2 10 2 11 2 12 2 13 2 14 2 15 2 16 2 17 2 18 2 19 2 20 2 21 2 22 2 23 2 24 2 25 2 26 2 27 •5179 ⚫5268 ⚫5357 ⚫5446 ⚫5536 ⚫5625 ⚫5714 ⚫5803 ⚫5893 ⚫5982 6071 •6161 • 625 ⚫6339 ⚫6429 .6518 •6607 .6696 .6786 .6875 ⚫6964 ⚫7054 7143 ► • ⚫7232 .7322 7411 • 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 3 10 3 11 3 12 3 13 3 14 3 15 3 16 3 17 3 18 3 19 3 20 3 21 3 22 3 23 3 24 3 25 3 26 3 27 DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF POUNDS AND OUNCES. OZS. OZS. 7 Ibs, Oz8. lbs. OZS. lbs. lbs. lbs. 1875 015625 3 640625 10 • 625 13 84375 ⚫03125 321875 •4375 10 65625 14 .875 •046875 4 • 25 746875 11 687514.90625 ⚫0625 4281258 .5 1.09375 2·125 5 .3125 853125 534375 9 •5625 24.15625 6 ⚫375 9.59375 1171875 15 .9375 12 75 1596875 1278125 16 1.0 13 8125 •7679 7768 •7857 ⚫7946 ⚫8036 ⚫8125 ► ⚫8214 ⚫8303 ⚫8393 ⚫8482 *8571 • 8661 .875 ⚫8839 *8929 •9018 ⚫9107 ⚫9196 .9286 .9375 ⚫9464 ⚫9554 ⚫9643 ⚫9732 ⚫ 9822 ⚫9911 • 41 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Table for THE CONVERSION OF PERCENTAGE INTO CWTS. AND LBS. PER TON, AND INTO LBS. PER CWT. Per Cent. 123H 8 9 12 13 14 29 30 31 32 33 34 10 35 11 2 22.4 12.32 36 15 16 17 18 Per Ton. Per Cwt. Cwts. Lbs. Lbs. 19 20 21 1 0 1 22.4 1 44.8 1 67.2 1 89.6 10.08 0 11.20 NNNN ∞ ∞ ∞ að ∞ ∞ *** HL 2 2 2 67.2 14.56 3 22.4 1.12 44.8 2.24 67.2 3.36 89.6 4.48 5.60 3 2 44.8 13.44 37 38 89.6 15.68 39 0 16.8 40 22.4 17.92 41 44.8 19.04 42 3 67.2 20.16 43 3 89.6 21.28 44 0 22.40 45 9 4 22.4 23.52 46 4 44.8 24 64 47 4 67.2 25.76 48 89.6 26.88 49 0 28.00 50 3 4 22 23 24 4 25 5 6.72 7.84 8.96 • Per Cent. · Per Ton. Per Cwt. Cwts. Lbs. Lbs. 26 5 22.4 29.12 5 44.8 30.24 27 28 5 67.2 31.36 5 89.6 32.48 6 0 33.60 6 22 4 6 44.8 35.84 6 67.2 36.96 6 89.6 38.08 7 0 39.20 7 22.4 40.32 7 44.8 41·44 • 7 67 2 42.56 7 89.6 43.68 8 0 44.80 8 22.4 45.92 8 44.8 47.04 8 67.2 48.16 8 89.6 49.28 34 72 • 0 50.40 9 22.4 51.52 9 44.8 52.64 9 67.2 53.76 9 89.6 54.88 10 0 56.00 42 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF PERCENTAGE INTO CWTS. AND LBS., &c.—continued. Per Cent. Per Ton. Per Cwt. Cwts. Lbs. Lbs. • 51 10 22 4 57·12 ANGHOLF 52 10 44.8 58.24 • 53 10 67 2 59.36 • • 54 10 89.6 60.48 55 11 0 61.60 56 11 22.4 62.72 57 11 44 8 63.84 58 11 67 2 64.96 59 11 89.6 66·08 60 12 0 67.20 61 12 22.4 68.32 62 12 44.8 69.44 63 12 67.2 70.56 64 12 89.6 71.68 65 13 0 72.80 66 13 22.4 73.92 67 13 44 8 75.04 68 13 67.2 76.16 69 13 89.6 77.28 70 14 0 78.40 71 14 22.4 79.52 72 14 44.8 80.64 73 14 67.2 81.76 74 14 89.6 82.88 75 15 0 84.00 Per Cent. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Per Ton. Per Cwt. Cwts. Lbs. Lbs. 15 15 22.4 85.12 • 44 S 86.24 • 67 2 87.36 89.6 88.48 16 0 89.60 16 22.4 90.72 16 44.8 91.81 • 83 16 67 2 92.96 84 16 94.08 85 95.20 86 96.32 87 97.44 88 17 67.2 98.56 89 17 89.6 99.68 15 15 • 89 6 17 0 17 22 4 17 44 8 90 91 92 93 18 0 100.80 18 22.4101.92 18 44 8103·04 18 67 2104·16 18 89.6105.28 19 0 106.40 96 19 22 4107.52 97 94 95 98 19 44 8108.64 19 67-2109.76 19 89.6110.88 20 0 112.00 99 100 • • 43 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. +260 259 258 257 256 Centigrade Réaumur. or Celsius. 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT THERMOMETERS. +208 207.20 498-20 206 40 496.40 • 205.60 204 80 204 203.20 202.40 201.60 200 80 200 199-20 198.40 197.60 196.80 196 195 20 194 40 193 60 192.80 192 191-20 190.40 189 60 188 80 188 187.20 186 40 185.60 184.80 184 183.20 182.40 181 60 180.80 Fahren- Centigrade Réaumur. heit. or Celsius. D +500 494.60 492·80 491 489.20 487·40 485.60 483.80 482 480.20 478.40 476.60 474.80 473 471.20 469.40 467.60 465 SO 464 462.20 460.40 458.60 456.80 455 453.20 451 40 449 60 447 80 446 444.20 442.40 440.60 438.80 +225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 +180 179.20 178.40 177.60 176.80 176 175 201 174.40 173.60 172.80 172 171.20 170.40 169.60 168.80 168 167.20 166.40 165.60 164 SO 164 163 20 162.40 161.60 160.80 160 159.20 158 40 157.60 156 80 156 155 20 154.40 153.60 152.80 Fahren- heit. +437 435 20 433.40 431.60 429.80 428 426.20 424.40 422.60 420.80 419 417.20 415.40 413.60 411.80 410 403.20 406 40 404.60 402.80 401 399.20 397.40 395.60 393.80 392 390.20 388.40 386.60 384.80 383 351.20 379.40 377.60 375.80 44 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT THERMOMETERS-continued. Centigrade Réaumur. Fahren- or Celsius. heit. +190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 +152 151.20 ▸ 150 40 149-60 148 80 148 147.20 146.40 145 60 144.80 144 143.20 142.40 141 60 140.80 140 139.20 138.40 137.60 136.80 +374 132 131.20 130.40 129 60 128.80 372.20 370.40 368.60 366.80 365 363.20 361.40 359.60 357.80 356 354.20 352.40 350.60 348.80 347 345.20 343.40 341.60 339.80 136 338 135.20 336.20 134.40 334.40 133.60 332.60 132.80 330.80 329 327.20 325⚫40 323.60 321.80 128 320 127.20 318.20 126.40 316.40 125.60 314.60 124.80 312.80 Centigrade Réaumur. or Celsius. +155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 +124 +311 123.20 309.20 122.40 307.40 121.60 305.60 120.80 303.80 120 119.20 118.40 117.60 116.80 116 115.20 114.40 113 60 112.80 112 111 20 110.40 109.60 108.80 108 107.20 106 40 105 60 104.80 104 103.20 102.40 101.60 100.80 100 Fahren- heit. 99.20 98.40 97.60 96.80 302 300.20 298.40 296.60 294.80 293 291.20 289.40 287.60 285.80 284 282.20 280.40 278.60 276.80 275 273.20 271.40 269.60 267.80 266 264.20 262.40 260.60 258.80 257 255.20 253.40 251.60 249.80 45 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT THERMOMETERS—continued. Centigrade Réaumur. Fahren- or Celsius. heit. +120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 +96 95.20 94.40 93.60 92.80 92 91.20 90.40 89.60 88.80 88 87.20 86.40 85-60 84.80 84 83.20 $2.40 81.60 80.80 80 79.20 78.40 77.60 76.80 76 75.20 74.40 73.60 72.80 +248 246.20 244.40 242.60 240.80 239 237.20 235.40 233.60 231.80 230 228.20 226.40 224.60 222.80 221 219.20 217.40 215.60 213.80 212 210.20 208.40 206.60 204.80 203 201.20 199.40 197.60 195.80 72 194 71.20 192.20 70.40 190.40 69.60 188.60 68.80 186.80 Centigrade Réaumur. or Celsius. +85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 INF 28858 608 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 +68 67.20 66.40 65.60 64.80 64 63.20 62.40 61.60 60.80 60 59.20 58.40 57.60 56.80 56 55.20 54.40 53.60 52.80 52 51.20 50.40 49.60 48.80 48 47.20 46.40 45.60 44.80 44 43.20 42.40 41.60 40.80 Fabren- heit. +185 183.20 181.40 179.60 177.80 176 174.20 172.40 170.60 168.80 167 165.20 163.40 161.60 159.80 158 156.20 154.40 152.60 150.80 149 147.20 145.40 143.60 141.80 140 138.20 136.40 134.60 132.80 131 129.20 127.40 125.60 123 SO 46 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT THERMOMETERS-Continued. Centigrade Réaumur. Fahren- or Celsius. heit. +50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 12058 3*≈≈♫ 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 22*** ***22 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 21 +40 39.20 38.40 37.60 36.80 36 35.20 34.40 33.60 32.80 32 31.20 30.40 29.60 28.80 28 27.20 26.40 25.60 24.80 24 23.20 22.40 21.60 20.80 20 19.20 18.40 17.60 16.80 +122 120.20 118.40 116.60 114.80 113 111.20 109 40 107.60 105.80 104 102.20 100.40 98.60 96.80 95 93.20 91.40 89.60 87.80 86 84.20 82.40 80.60 78.80 77 75.20 73.40 71.60 69.80 Centigrade Réaumur. or Celsius. +20 19 18 17 16 HERE AR∞ = 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 54321 0 Awnto 5 6 7 8 9 10 +16 15.20 14.40 13.60 12.80 12 11.20 10.40 9.60 8.80 8 7.20 6.40 5.60 4.80 4 3.20 2.40 1.60 0.80 0 0.80 1.60 2.40 3.20 4 4.80 5.60 6.40 7.20 8 Fahren- heit. +68 66.20 64.40 62.60 60.80 59 57.20 55.40 53.60 51.80 50 48.20 46.40 44.60 42.80 41 39.20 37.40 35.60 33.80 32 30.20 23.40 26.60 24.80 23 21.20 19.40 17.60 15.80 14 47 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Walker's List of FRIGORIFIC MIXTURES. Ammonium Nitrate Water Ammonium Chloride Potassium Nitrate.. Water • Ammonium Chloride Potassium Nitrate Sodium Sulphate Water ·· Sodium Nitrate Nitric acid, diluted Ammonium Nitrate Sodium Carbonate.. Water Sodium Phosphate Nitric acid, diluted .. Sodium Sulphate Ammonium Chloride Potassium Nitrate.. Nitric acid, diluted ·· Sodium Sulphate Ammonium Nitrate Nitric acid, diluted .. ·· ·· ·· : Sodium Sulphate Sulphuric acid, diluted.. •• : ·· : •• .. .. • .. •• ·· ·· ·· ·· •• ·· •• .. << : : .. ·· .. 1 part 1 5 parts 5 16 "1 8 16 "" 5 parts 5 "} "" "" 4 " 1 part 1 1 3 parts } From + 50° to 2 "9 "" "" 9 parts 4 "" 6 parts 4 2 " Thermometer sinks Degrees F. } From + 40° to +4° "" i, 5 parts} 4 19 6 parts 5 4 "" From +50° to +10° 19 From +50° to + 4° From +50° to — 7º } - 30 From 50° to - 120 From +50° to + 3º 30 From +50° to - 100 From + 50° to 400 48 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. WALKER'S LIST OF Frigorific MIXTURES—Continued. Thermometer sinks Degrees F. to 50 Snow, or pounded ice Sodium Chloride Snow, or pounded ice Sodium Chloride Ammonium Chloride Snow, or pounded ice Sodium Chloride Ammonium Chloride Potassium Nitrate Snow .. Hydrochloric acid .. Snow, or pounded ice Sodium Chloride Ammonium Nitrate Snow Calcium Chloride ·· Snow Sulphuric acid, diluted Snow Nitric acid, diluted ·· Snow Potash • ·· • •• ·· ·· •• :: ·· • ·· .. :: : : ·· :: • ·· ·· .. • ·· :: •• ·· :: .. ·· ·· ·· 2 parts 1 ·· 5 parts 2 1 er 5 5 21 parts 10 " 5 Its} Snow Calcium Chloride, crystallized 3 "" 19 "" " 12 parts 5 19 " " to -12° 3 parts } From + 32° to G 2 "" to 180 to "9 syddad - 8 parts } From + 32° to - 27° 5 99 2 parts } From + 32° to " 7 parts } From + 32° to — 30° 4 "" 25 4 parts From + 32° to — 40° } 5 23° 3 parts } From + 32° to J 4 S 50° 510 49 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING A COMPARISON WEDGEWOOD'S PYROMETER DEGREES R. Wedge- wood. 0123 + 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 °B. 460 518 576 634 692 750 808 866 924 982 1040 1098 1156 1214 1272 1330 1388 1446 1504 1562 1620 1678 1736 1794 1852 1910 1968 2026 2084 2142 2200 °C. 578 648 720 793 865 938 1010 1083 1155 1228 1300 1373 1445 1518 1590 1663 1735 1808 1880 1953 2023 2098 2170 2243 2315 2388 2460 2533 2605 2678 2750 OF THE DEGREES OF WITH DEGREES C. AND Incipient glowing. Incipient cherry red. Red. Orange. Yellow. White. Steel melts, 1350° C. Strong white. Dazzling white. Wrought iron melts, 1600° C. Platinum melts, 2534° C. Indium melts, 2700° C. E 50 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. The following table affords a somewhat rough method of estimating high temperatures:- °C. 525 700 908 Just glowing in the dark Dark red Cherry red Degrees of the Mercurial Thermometer. °C. Bright cherry red 1000 1150 Orange White Dazzling white 100 150 200 250 300 330 ·· TABLE SHOWING A COMPARISON OF THE DEGREES OF THE MERCURIAL THERMOMETER WITH THOSE OF THE AIR THERMOMETER. (According to Magnus.) Degrees of the Air Thermometer. 1300 1500 100.00 148.74 197.49 245.39 294.51 320.92 51 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF THERMOMETERS. T being the temperature indicated by the thermometer. N the number of degrees occupying the length of the mercurial column projecting out of the apparatus, &c. t the temperature of the column taken as the point T-IN, then the following corrections must be added to T. N 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1234 LOCO 1 ∞ ∞ 5 6 7 8 9 T-t 20° 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.31 0.37 0.43 0.49 0.56 0.62 50° 0.15 0.31 0.46 0.62 0.77 0.92 1.08 1.23 1.39 1.54 COEFFICIENTS OF EXPANSION (Linear) of Brass. Glass. 80° ⚫000007567 ⚫000015133 ⚫000022700 ⚫000030267 ⚫000037833 :000045400 ⚫000052967 ⚫000060533 ⚫000068100 0.25 0.50 0.74 0.99 1.23 1.48 1.72 1.97 2.22 2.46 100° 0.31 0.62 0.92 1.23 1.54 1.85 2.16 2.46 2.77 3.08 120° 0.37 0.74 1.11 1.48 1.85 2.26 2.59 2.96 3.33 3.70 ⚫000018782 ⚫000037564 ⚫000056346 ⚫000075128 ⚫000093910 ⚫000112692 •000131474 ⚫000150256 ⚫000169038 E 2 52 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK, COMPARISON OF THE BRITISH AND METRICAL BAROMETERS. Inches. Milli- metres. • • • 487 28.00 711.187 995 28.02 711 695 27.00 685 788 27.50 698 27.02 686 296 27.52 698 27.04 686 804 27 54 699 503 28.04 712.203 27.06 687 312 27 56700 011 28.06 712-711 27.08 687 820 27-58,700 519 28.08 713.219 27.10 688 328 27 60 701 027 28.10 713-727 • 714-235 • • • · 27.12 688 835 27 27.14 689 343 27 27.16 689 851 27 27.18 690 359 27 • • • • • U ♦ • • • Inches. • Milli- metres. • • • 27.20 690 867 27 70 703 567 28.20 716.267 , · 27 22 691 375 27 72 704 075 28 22 716-775 27.24 691·883 27·74704·583 28 24 717·283 27.26 692 391 27 76705 091 28.26 717.791 27.28 692 899 27 78705 599 28.28 718.299 27.30 693 407 27.80 706-107 28.30 718.807 27.32 693 915 27 82 706 615 28 32 719-315 27.34 694 423 27 84 707-123 28.34 719-823 27 36 694 931 27.86 707 631 28 36 720-331 27.38 695 439 27 88708.139 28.38 720.839 • • • • • • • 62701-535 28 12 · 64 702-043 28 14 714 743 715.251 • 66 702.551 28 16 • 68 703 059 28 18 715.759 • • • • • • • • Inches. • • 27.40 695 947 27.90 708 647 28.40 721-347 27.42 696 455 27 92709 • 155 28.42 721-855 • 27 44 696 963 27.94 709 ? • 663 28 44 722.363 27.46 697 471 27.96710 171 28 46 722.871 27.48 697 979 27-98710 679 28 48 723-379 • • → • Milli- metres. • • · • 53 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. COMPARISON OF THE BRITISH AND METRICAL BAROMETERS continued. Inches. Milli- metres. • 00 736 • 28.50 723 887 29 28.52 724 395 29 02 737 28.54 724.903 29 04737 28.56 725 411 29.06 738 28.58 725 919 29.08 738 · • • • • • Inches. • 1: • • • 1 28.60 726 427 29 10 739 127 29 60 28.62 726 935 29 12739 635 29 62 28.64 727·443 29·14740·143 29 64 28.66 727-951 29 16 740 651 29 66 • • • 18741 159 29 68 • 28 68 728 439 29 28.70 728 967 29 20741 667 29 70 28.72 729 475 29 22742.175 29 72 28.74 729.983 29 24742 683 29.74 28.76 730 491 29 26743 191 29 76 28.78 730 999 29 ii · • 28743 699 29 78 • • • • • • • Milli- metres. · • • • 30 744 32744 34 745 • • • • • • • · • • • 206 29 80 756.906 714 29 82 757-414 222 29 84 757.922 36745 730 29.86 758.430 758.938 28.80 731 507 29 28.82 732 015 29 28.81 732 523 29 28.86 733 031 29 28.88 733 539 29 38746 228 29 88 28.90 734 047 29 40746-746 29.90 28.92 734 551 29 42 747 251 29 92 28.94 735 063 29 44747-762 29.91 760.462 28.96 735 571 29 46 748 270 29 96 760.970 28.98 736 079 29 48 748 778 29.98 761 478 a 759 446 759.954 • • • • • • Inches. • • 587 29.50 749.286 095 29.52 749-794 603 29 54 750·302 111 29 56 619 29 750 810 751.318 58 • • Milli- metres. • • • 751 826 • 752.334 752 842 753.350 753 858 754.366 754-874 755-382 755 890 756.398 • • • • 54 CHEMISTS POCKET-BOOK. COMPARISON OF THE BRITISH AND METRICAL BAROMETERS—continued. Inches. Milli- Inches. metres. h H • · • · • 30.00 761.986 30 34770·622 30·68 779.258 36 771 130 30 70 779.766 38771 638 30.72 780-274 40 772.146 30 74 780.782 42 772 654 30 76 781.290 44773 162 30 78 781-798 46 773-670 30 80 782-306 48774 178 30.82 782.814 30.02 762.494 30 30.04 763 002 30 30.06 763 510 30 30.08 764 018 30 30.10 764 526 30 30.12 765 034 30 30.14 765 542 30 • • • • • · · • • • • • • 30.16 766 050 30 30 18 766 558 30 30.20 767 066 30 30.22 767 574 30 30.24 768 082 30.58 776 783 830 784 338 718 30.92 226 30 94 784 846 785.354 785.862 30.26 768 590 30 60 777 30.28 769 098 30 • 62 777 734 30.96 786-370 • • 30 30 769 606 30 30.32 770 114 30 64 778 242 30.98 786-878 66 778.750 • • • · ❤ • · · • Milli- metres. Inches. • O 50 774 52 775 54 775 56 776 • (1• + kt). • Milli- metres. • • 686 30 84 194 30.86 702 30 88 210 30.90 783.322 • • REDUCTION OF BAROMETERS TO 0° C. (Exact Formula), 5550 5550 + t h = corrected heights. H = observed height, corrected for capillarity. t temperature at time of observation. kcoef. of linear expansion of scale (see page 51). • 55 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CORRECTION TO BE APPLIED TO BAROMETERS, THE SCALES OF WHICH ARE ENGRAVED ON GLASS, TO REDUCE THE OBSERVATIONS TO 32° F. (0° C.). Temp. ° C. °F. 28.5 31.0 31.5 Temp. Inches, Inches, Inches, Inches, Inches, Inches, Inches, Inches, 28.0 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 +017+017+017+018 +018 +018 +019 +019 +005+005+005+005+005·005+·005 +·005 - 3.88 25 - 1.11 30 1.66 35 4.44 40 7.22 45 10.00 50 12.77 55 15.55 60 18.33 65 21.11 70 23.88 75 -·007-007-007-008-008-008-008-008 -.019-·020·020·020 — ·021 021-021 - 022 -·031-032-032-033-033-034035-036 ~·043·044 -·055 -·056 057 058-059-060-061 C -·091·093 -·103 G Cop • • Categ 045 046 046 ··047018 - 019 062 • Magn • • -·067068-069-071-072-074-075-076 -·079-081-082-083-085-086-088-089 • M 105 106-109-111 Gary • 094 096 —·098 — 100-101|-·103 114-116-118 • 56 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CORRECTIONS TO BE APPLIED TO BAROMETERS TO REDUCE THEM TO 0° C The correction is additive for negative degrees, and subtrac- tive for positive degrees. With Scales engraved on Glass. 705 710 715 mm. mm. mm. Height observed= t=1°C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Height observed= t=1° C. 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 Height observed t=1°C. 2 3 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 700 nım. •120 •240 ⚫359 ⚫479 ⚫599 ⚫719 ⚫838 ⚫958 1.078 1.198 730 mm. ⚫125 •250 •375 •500 • 625 ⚫749 760 mm. • 130 ⚫260 ⚫390 ⚫520 ⚫650 ⚫780 • 810 • 121 •241 .362 • 483 ⚫603 • 724 • 844 ⚫965 1.086 1.206 1.040 1-170 1.300 735 mm. 765 mm. • 126 •127 •127 •252 •258 •255 •377 ⚫380 ⚫382 •503 •506 •510 .629 ⚫633 ⚫637 ⚫755 ⚫760 •765 .874 ⚫886 ⚫892 • 880 1.006 1.013 ⚫999 1.124 1.132 1.140 1.249 1.258 1.266 •131 ⚫262 ⚫393 •524 ⚫654 .785 ⚫916 •121 •243 .364 1.047 1.178 1.309 • 486 ⚫607 *729 ⚫850 ⚫972 1:093 1.215 740 mm. 1.101 1.223 •122 ⚫245 ⚫367 ⚫489 •612 •734 •856 •979 745 mm. 770 mm. •132 ⚫263 ⚫395 •527 -659 ⚫790 ⚫922 1.054 1.186 1.317 720 nim. •123 ⚫246 ⚫370 ⚫493 .616 ⚫739 • 862 ⚫868 ⚫986 ⚫992 1.109 1.232 ⚫642 •770 ⚫898 1.020 1.027 1·147 1.155 1.275 1.283 750 mm. •128 •257 ⚫385 •513 775 mm. 725 mm. •133 •265 ⚫398 ⚫530 .663 .796 ⚫928 1.061 1.193 1.326 • 124 •248 ⚫372 ⚫496 ⚫620 •744 1.116 1.240 755 mm. • 129 ⚫258 ⚫388 •517 •646 •775 ⚫904 1.033 1.163 1.292 780 mm. •133 •267 ⚫400 ⚫534 • 667 ⚫801 ⚫934 1.068 1.201 1.335 57 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CORRECTIONS TO BE APPLIED TO BAROMETERS—Continued. The correction is additive for negative degrees, and subtrac- tive for positive degrees. With Scales engraved on Brass. Height observed= t=1°C. 2 3 4 5 6 7 ∞ ∞ 8 9 Height observed= t = 1° C. 2345 CO 1 ∞0 → 6 7 8 9 Height observed= t-1° C. 23HLO 2 3 4 5 6 7 689 700 mm. •1130 • 226 1.017 •1138 •1146 • 228 • 229 •231 ⚫339 • 341 ⚫344 ⚫346 ⚫452 •455 •458 ⚫462 •565 ⚫569 •573 •577 •678 • 683 •688 ⚫692 •791 .797 ⚫802 .808 ⚫904 •910 ⚫917 ⚫923 1.024 1.039 730 mm. 760 mm. 705 mm. •1128 .1186 • 236 •237 • 353 .356 •471 ⚫474 ⚫589 ⚫593 ⚫707 .712 .825 ⚫830 ⚫942 ⚫949 1·060 1.067 • 1227 •245 ⚫368 ⚫491 ⚫613 ⚫736 ⚫859 ⚫982 1.104 735 mm. 765 mm. 710 mm. • 1235 •247 ⚫370 ⚫494 617 •741 .864 •988 1.111 1.031 740 mm. •1194 ⚫ 239 ⚫358 •478 ⚫597 •716 ⚫ $36 ⚫955 1.075 715 mm. 770 mm. 745 mm. 1154 •1202 ⚫240 ⚫361 481 ⚫601 •721 • • 841 •962 1.082 • 1243 •249 ⚫373 ⚫497 • 621 ⚫746 .870 ⚫994 1.119 720 mm. 1162 ⚫232 •349 ⚫465 •581 .697 ⚫813 ⚫930 1.046 750 mm. •1210 • 242 ⚫363 • 484 ⚫605 ⚫726 •847 ⚫968 1.089 775 mm. ⚫1251 • 250 ⚫375 •500 .625 •751 ⚫876 1·001 1.126 725 mm. •1170 ⚫ 234 ⚫351 •468 •585 •702 ⚫819 ⚫936 1.053 755 mm. •1218 •244 ⚫365 *487 ⚫609 •731 ⚫853 ⚫974 1.096 780 mm. • 1259 •252 ⚫378 ⚫504 .629 .755 • 881 1.007 1.133 89 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CORRECTION TO BE ADDED TO BAROMETERS TO CORRECT THEM FOR CAPILLARITY. Fheight of meniscus in mm. Correction is in mm. Radius T2 of Tube. mm. 2 ⚫29 ⚫24 có • ག་ • • .5 • .60 89 1.16 1.41 1.65 1.86 2.05 2.21 2.35 2.2 -49 .72 95 1.16 1.36 1.54 1.71 1.83 1.98 20.9 2.4 ⚫40 .60 ⚫79 97 1.14 1.29 1.44 1.57 1.68 1.78 1.87 2.6 ⚫34 ⚫50 66 •81 •96 1.09 2.8 ⚫43 56 ⚫69 ⚫82 3 ⚫36 •48 ⚫59 ⚫70 3.2 • 21 •31 •41 ⚫51 ⚫60 3.4 •18 •27 ⚫36 •44 ⚫52 3.6 •16 ⚫23 .31 ⚫38 ⚫46 3.8 •14 •21 27 34 40 4. • 12 •18 •24 ⚫30 .35 4.2 •11 •16 •21 • 26 •31 4.4 ⚫09 •14 •19 •23 •27 4.6 ⚫08 •12 •16 •20 • 24 4.8 ⚫07 •11 •15 •18 ⚫22 5 •07 •10 •13 •16 5.2 .06 ⚫09 27 •12 •14 5.4 ⚫05 ⚫08 •10 13 5.6 .05.07 ⚫09 •12 5.8 .04.06 ·04 .08 •10 6 .04 .06 ⚫07 · 09 • • ä F • .7 •19 •17 • 15 •14 •12 •11 .8 ம் 1.22 • 93 1.04 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1·33 1.44 1.53 1.61 1.68 • 1.14 1 24 1·32 1·39 | 1·46 1.51 · .80 ⚫90 99 1.07 1.14 1.21 1.27 1.32 1.37 | | | | • 69 ⚫78 .86 93 1.00 1.06 1.11 •60 .68 .75 ⚫81 .87 ⚫93 .711 .76 ⚫52 ⚫59 ⚫65 •81 ⚫46 ⚫52 +57 62 .67 .72 ⚫40 •46 •50 ⚫55 ⚫59 ⚫64 ⚫36 ⚫40 •45 ⚫49 ⚫53 ⚫56 ⚫32 .36 •40 •45 •47 •50 • 28 ⚫32 .35 .38 ⚫42 •45 • 25 •28 ⚫31 ⚫34 .37 •40 • 22 ⚫25 • 28 ⚫31 ⚫33 ⚫35 ⚫20 ⚫22 •25 •27 ⚫30 ⚫32 •18 • 20 • 22 •24 •26 •28 •16 •18 •20 ⚫ 22 • 24 •26 •14 •16 •18 .20 •21 •23 •13 •14 •16 •18 •19 •21 • 1.6 • 1.16 1.20 1.24 98 1.02 1.06 1.10 ⚫86 *90 ⚫94 ⚫97 • 76 ⚫80 .83 .86 • 67 •71 .74 •77 .60 .63 .66 .68 ⚫53 •56 ⚫59 .47 ⚫50 ⚫52 .42 +45 .47 ⚫38 •40 ⚫34 ⚫36 ⚫30 ⚫32 ·27 ⚫29 ⚫24 •26 • 22 • 23 61 •54 ⚫49 • ⚫42 ⚫44 .37 ⚫39 ⚫34 .35 .30 ⚫32 •27 •28 • 24 +25 59 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. SPECIFIC AND ATOMIC HEAT OF ELEMENTS. Elements. 33 Diamond ..0.1468 6 Graphite 10.2018 6 Wood char- 10.2415 6 coal Silicon, fused 0.1750 14 crystal. 0.1767 Boron, crystal 0.250 10.9 2.725 Sulphur, native }/0 16.0 2.8416 0.0837 39.7 3.3145 86.47 Selenium Tellurium ..0.04737 64.5 3.0553 129 6.1107 139.02 12.0 2.9988 24 5.9976 26.35 0.09555 32.5 3.1054| 65 6.2108 68.92 ..0.05669 56.0 3.1741 112 6·3482 116·17 13.7 2.9359 27.55.8730 30.73 Iron 0.11379 28.0 3.861 56 6.3722 57.87 59 6.4090 59.44 59 61.23 Nickel 10.10863 29-5 3.2045 Cobalt.. ..0.10696 29.5 3.1553 Manganese 0.1217 27.5 3.3467 0.05623 59.0 3.3178 118 55 6.3106 6.6934 51.11 6.6356 117.12 Tin 6.1492 197.06 6.931 91.24 Tungsten ..0.03343 92.0 3.0746 184 Molybdenum 0.07218 48.0 3.465 96 Copper.. 0.09515 31.7 3.0162 Lead 66.21 0.03140 103.5 3.2499 207 6.4999 209.73 Zinc Cadmium • ·· ·· ·· Magnesium..0.2499 .. ·· .. Aluminium..0.2143 ·· ·· Specific Heat of Equal Weights. ·· ·· 0.1776 .. Specific Specific Weights Equi-Heat X Atomic Heat X containing valent. Equi- Weight. Atomic Equal Weight. Quantities valent. of Heat. ·· 0.8808 1.2108 1.4490 2.450 ·· 48? 6-0464 44.84 33? 6.6594 32.79 27.27 ·· 35? 6.125 ·· : ·· 32 5.6832 79.5 6.6541 63.5 6 0419 37.63 37.12 26.34 32.51 60 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Elements. SPECIFIC AND ATOMIC HEAT, &C.-continued. "" Silver Gold Mercury, solid 0.03192 100.0 3.1920 200 liquid 0 03332 100.0 3.3320 200 Platinum ..0.03243 98.6 3.1976 197-26-3952 203.07 Potassium 10.16956 39 6.6128 38.84 Sodium.. 0.29340 23 6.7480 22.40 31 5.8497 34.90 108 6.1570 115.52 • 196 6 6 3777 203-01 .. .. Specific Heat of Equal Weights. ·· Phosphorus..0.18870 Specific Equi-Heat X Atomic valent. Equi- Weight. valent. 0.05701 0.03244] .. ·· •• • Specific Weights Heat X containing Atomic Equal Weight. Quantities of Heat. : 6.3840 206.32 6.6640 TABLE SHOWING THE PHYSICAL STATE OF THE METALS. Hard and Brittle Metals. Antimony, Arsenic, Chromium, Iridium, Co- balt (?), Manganese (?), Molybdenum, Ruthenium, Bismuth, Tungsten. Hard but Ductile Metals. Aluminium, Cadmium, Copper, Magnesium, Nickel, Palladium, Platinum, Rhodium, Silver, Uranium, Zinc (only between 100° and 150°). Soft Metals. Lead, Calcium, Cerium, Iron (chemically pure), Gold, Indium, Potassium, Lithium, Sodium, Rubidium, Strontium, Thallium, Tin. 61 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. ATOMIC HEAT OF COMPOUNDS. General Specific Heat X Atomic Class of Compounds. Formula. Atomic Weight. Heat. Protoxides Sesquioxides.. Dioxides Trioxides Sulphides Disulphides Chlorides ·· • Sesquisulphides M,S, MIS₂ MCI .. ·· ·· Dichlorides M¤C12 Trichlorides MшCI3 Bromides MBr Dibromides • .. .. Iodides Biniodides M¹¹I2 Nitrates MNO3 MCIO3 Chlorates Sulphates Carbonates M₂SO, M₂CO3 Phosphates M₂H2PO₁ 3 .. : MIO M₂шО3 III 2 MIVO₂ MVIO3 MUS .. .. .. м"Bг₂ MI 4 11.30 27.15 13.84 18.98 18.88 29.77 20.8 12.69 18.72 30.36 13.70 19.36 13.46 19.35 24.137 25.68 33.04 29.48 63.66 5.65 5.43 4.61 4.74 6.29 5.95 6.93 6.34 6.24 7.59 6.85 6.45 6.73 6.45 4.82 5.13 4.72 4.91 4.89 62 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Compound. Wood spirit Formic acid Sulphide of carbon Alcohol Acetic acid Acetone Methyl Acetate Formic ether Ether Acetic ether Butyric acid Ethyl Amylic alcohol Benzol Nitro-benzol Naphthaline Oil of turpentine Terebenthine ·· •• • ·· ·· .. SPECIFIC AND ATOMIC HEAT OF ORGANIC LIQUIDS. ·· • ·· ·· ·· • • ·· ·· .. ·· .. •• •• • • • ·· ·· ·· · ·· • • • ·· ·· Empirical Formula. CH O CH202 CS2 C₂HGO C₂HO₂ CHO 2 CgH6O2 C3H6O2 C4H100 C₁H8O2 C4H8O2 C4H8O2 CH120 C6H6 C6H5 NO₂ C10H8 C10H16 C10H16 Molecular Weight. 32 46 76 46 60 58 74 74 74 88 88 88 88 78 123 123 138 136 Specific Heat of Equivalent Weights. .613 ⚫536 •2206 ⚫615 ⚫508 ⚫530 ⚫513 •485 •517 •474 .503 .496 •564 •450 ⚫3499 •4159 • 467 •4267 Atomic Heat. 20.64 24.65 16.77 28.29 30.54 30.74 37.96 35.89 37.22 41.71 45.30 43.65 49.63 35.10 43.04 53.20 63.51 57.93 63 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. SPECIFIC HEATS OF GASES AND VAPours. For Equal Weights. Air Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Chlorine Bromine Nitrous oxide Nitric oxide Carbonic oxide .. ·· .. ·· •• .. ·· ·· ·· : Carbonic anhydride Carbonic disulphide .. Ammonia ·· : Water Alcohol Ether Chloroform Benzol Acetone Spirits of turpentine ·· .. ·· ·· ·· Marsh gas Ethylene Sulphurous anhydride Hydrochloric acid Sulphuretted hydrogen ·· : ·· : .. : • ·· ·· .. • •• • .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· .. For Equal Volumes. S 0.2374 0.2389 0.2405 0.2368 0.2359 0.2964 0.3040 0.3447 0·3014 0.2406 0.2370 0.2346 0.3307 0.2985 0.4122 0.2996 0.2952 0.3277 0.4160 0.3414 0.2333 0.2857 0.2989 0.7171 1.2266 0.6461 1·0114 0.8244 2.3776 0.2374 0.2175 0.2438 3.4090 0.1210 0 0555 0.2262 0.2317 0.2450 0.20246 0.1569 0.5083 0.5929 0.4040 0.1553 0.1852 0.2432 0.4805 0.4534 0.4796 0.1567 0.3754 0.4125 0.5061 64 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE RELATIONS EXISTING BETWEEN THE VOLUME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT COMBUSTIBLE GASES AND THE PRODUCTS OF THE EXPLOSION. Name of Gas. 1 1 1 Hydrogen, H Carbonic oxide, CO Methylic hydride, CH3H Acetylene, C2H2 Olefiant gas, C2H4 Methyl, CH3, CH3 Ethylic hydride, C2H5H Propylene, C3H6 Propylic hydride,C3H-H Butylene, C4H8 Ethyl, C2H5, C2H5 Butylic hydride, C4H9H 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name. ·· Ammonia.. Hydrochloric acid Sulphurous anhydride Hydrogen sulphide Nitrous oxide.. Carbonic anhydride ·· Volume Volume of of Com- Oxygen bustible Con- sumed. Gas. .. AAA 1 90 85 65 55 40 35 1 1 Gas. 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 Contrac- tion after Volume of Carbonic Explosion. Anhydride produced. Name. 1.5 0.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 .. 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 TABLE SHOWING THE VOLUMES OF VARIOUS GASES ABSORBED BY WOOD CHARCOAL, Ethylene Carbon oxide.. Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen .. .. .. ·· ·· .. 0 ·· 1122~~~~++ 3 3 4 4 4 Gas. 35 9.42 9.25 7.5 1.75 65 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. KOPP'S TABLE, SHOWING THE EXPANSION OF WATER FROM 0° C. TO 100° C. (32° F. To 212° F.). Temp. Temp. Cent. Fabr. 21° 33.8 ⚫999947 22 35.6 •999908 23 37.4 ⚫999885 24 39.2 •999877 25 41.0 •999883 30 42.8 •999903 35 44.6 40 46.4 45 48.2 1.000018 50 10 50.0 1.000124) 55 11 51.8 1.000213! 60 12 53.6 1.000314 65 13 55.4 1.000429 70 14 57.2 1.000556 75 15 59.0 1.000695 80 16 60.8 1.000846 85 62.6 1.001010 90 17 18 64.4 1.001184 95 19 66.2 1.001370|| 100 68.0 1.001567 20 0° 32 1.000000 1 23 +5 Temp. Temp. Volume. Cent. Fahr. 4 6 7 • · 999938 • · 999986 Volume. 69.8 1.001776 71.6 1.001995 73.4 1.002225 75.2 1.002465 77.0 1.002715 86.0 1·001064 95.0 1.005697 101·0 1.007531 113.0 1.009541 122.0 1.011766 131.0 1.014100 140 0 1 016590 • 149.0 1.019302 158.0 1.022246) 3 167 0 1.025410 176.0 1.028581 185.0 1.031894 194.0 1.035397 203 0 1.039091 • 212.0 1.042986 F 66 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. MULTIPLES OF THE COEFFICIENT OF DILATION (CUBICAL) OF ORDINARY GLASS. T. 0000276 ⚫0000552 3 .0000828 4 12 5 6 7 8 From 0° C. to 100° C. OC. 0 50 · .0000284 ⚫0000291 ⚫0000582 0000568 ⚫0000852 .0000873 0001104 0001136 ⚫0001164 ⚫0001445 .0001704 .0001746 0001656 ·0001932 •0001988 ⚫0002037 •0002208 •0002277 ⚫0002328 9 ·0002484 ⚫0002556 .0002619 .0002682 • From 0° C. to 150° C. ·0001380·0001420 ⚫02 ► " •113 • From 0° C. to 200° C. Millim. °C. Millim. TABLE SHOWING THE TENSION OF MERCURY VApour. 200 " "" 90 •514 210 100 ⚫746 220 110 1.073 230 120 1.534 240 130 2.175 140 3.059 1.50 4.266 160 5.900 From 0° C. to 250° C. 170 8.091 290 180 11.000 300 310 190 14.84 19.90 26.35 34.70 45.35 58.82 250 75.75 260 96.73 270 123.01 280 155.17 ⚫0000298 ⚫0000596 ⚫0000894 ⚫0001194 .0001490 .0001788 ⚫0002086 ⚫0002384 O C. From 0° C. to 300° C. ⚫0000306 ⚫0000612 ⚫0000918 .0001224 ⚫0001530 ⚫0001836 ⚫0002142 0002448 ⚫0002754 • Millim. O C. Millim. 194·46| 410 1864 242.15 420 2178 299.69 430 2533 320 368.73 440 2934 330 450.91 450 3384-35 340 548 35 460 3888 350 663.18 470 4450 360 797-74 480 5062 954.65 490 5761 500 6520.25 370 380 1195.65 390 1346 71 400 1587.96 510 7354 520 8265 67 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Pla TABLE SHOWING THE TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOUR IN MILLIMETRES OF MERCURY, FROM 30° C. TO 230° C. Temp. -30 - 25 Ten- sion. ⚫39 ⚫61 ⚫9 Degrees C Atmospheres ·· Temp. Tension. Temp. Tension. || Temp. 21 22 23 24 -10 -15 1.4 10 2.1 5 3.1 25.0 2 4.0 26.6 1 4.3 28.1 0 4.6 29.8 1 4.95 31.6 2 5.3 41.9 3 5.7 55.0 4 6.1 71.5 5 6.5 50 92.0 6 7.0 55 117.5 7 7.5 60 148.0 8 8.0 65 186.0 9 8.6 70 232.0 10 9.1 75 287.0 11 9.7 80 354.0 12 10.4 85 432.0 13 11.1 90 525, 4 14 11.9 90.5 535.5 15 12.7 91 545.8 16 13.5 17 14.4 18 15.3 91.5 556.2 92 566.8 101 92.5 577.3 102 93 588.4 103 93.5 599.5 104 19 16.3 20 17.4 25 26 27 28 29 30 35 18.5 19.7 20.9 22.7 23.6 40 45 94 94.5 95 95.5 96 96.5 97 97.5 98 98.5 99 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.8 99.9 100 100.1 100.2 100 4 100.6 610.4 105 907 622.2 107 972 633.8 110 1077 645.7 115 1273 657.5 120 1491 669.7 125 1744 682.0 130 2030 694.6 135 2354 707.3 140 2717 721.2 145 3125 732.2 3581 735.9 4088 738.5 160 4551 741.2 165 5274 743.8 170 5961 746.5 175 6717 749.2 130 7547 751.9 185 8453 754.6 190 9443 757.3 195 10520 760 200 11689 762.7 205 12956 765.5 210 14325 772.0 776.5 787.0 816 845 876 150 155 Ten- sion. 215 15801 220 17390 225 19097 230 | 20926 120 134 144 152 159 171 180 199 213 225 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20 25 F 2 68 r CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TENSIONS OF THE VAPOURS OF SOME LIQUIFIABLE GASES IN CENTIMETRES OF MERCURY AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES C. Temperature. - 30 - 20 -10 0 10 30 50 100 120 150 Boiling point °C under 760 mm. Temperature. - 30 1 1 1 -20 10 0 10 30 .50 100 120 150 Boiling point °C under 760 mm. - Sulphurous Anhydride. 28.7 48. 76.3 116.5 180. 343. 622. Ammonia. Alcohol. 86 140 215 318 457 870 1516 -10.08 -38.5 Ether. Carbonic Anhydride. 1515 2035 2700 3500 5610 -78.2 Chloroform. ⚫34 6.9 11.5 • 64 1.27 18.4 2.42 28.7 7.85 63.5 22.0 126.5 169.7 495. 311 232.2 772. 488 731.8 1873 16 37 75.5 Benzine. 58 -87.9 12 27.1 Nitrous Oxide. 1570 2200 2740 3420 5170 134 223.5 1433 78.26 34.97 60 16 80.36 Ethyl Chloride. Cyanogen. 11. 18.8 1.3 30.2 2.5 46.5 4.2 4.5 69.1 6.9 139.9 16.9 257.9 36.4 872.3 79 140 204 290 -20.7 Ethyl Iodide. 12.5 72.2 69 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE OF THE PROPERTIES OF Saturated STEAM. (Taken from 'Molesworth's Pocket-Book.') Atmosphere included. Lbs. per Inches of Sq. In. Mercury. 12344 Tem- perature Specific of Steam. Vol. F. No. of Atmo- spheres. 2.0355 102.1 20582 4.0701 126.3 10721 6.1065 141.6 7322 153.1 5583 8-142 10.178 162.3 4527 5 6 12.213 170.2 3813 7 3298 8 14.249 176.9 16.284 18.320 188.3 182.9 2909 9 2604 10 20.355 193.3 2358 11 22.391 197.8 2157 12 24.426 202.0 1986 13 26.462 205.9 1842 14 28.497 209.6 1720 14.706 29.922 212.0 1642 15 1610 30.533 213.1 32.568 16 216.3 1515 17 34.604 219.6 1431 18 36.639 222.4 1357 19 20 38.675 225.3 40.710 228.0 1229 42.746 230.6 1174 1.360 21 1.428 22 1.496 23 1.564 24 1.632 44.781 233.1 1123 46.817 235.5 1075 48.852 237.8 1036 50.888 240.1 996 61.065 250.4 $38 71.243 259.3 726 25 1.700 30 2.040 35 2.380 40 81.420 267.3 640 2.720 45 572 3.060 91.598 274.4 50 101.776 281.0 518 3.400 *063 •136 •204 •272 ⚫340 •408 .476 •544 .612 .680 •748 .816 .884 ⚫952 1.000 1.020 1.0SS 1.156 1.224 1290 1.292 Inches of Mercury. -27.886 -25.851 -23.815 -21.780 -19.744 -17.709 -15.673 13.638 -11.602 — Atmosphere excluded. + M 9.7 8.7 7.7 6.7 5.7 9.567 7.531 4.7 3.7 5.496 - 2.7 3.460 1.425 F 0·000 0.611 2.646 4.682 6.717 8.753 10.788 12.842 14.859 16.895 18.930 20.966 31.143 41.321 Lbs. per Sq. Inch. 51.498 61.676 71.854 -13.7 -12.7 -11.7 -10.7 — M 1.7 0.7 F 0.0 0.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3 9.3 10.3 15.3 20.3 25.3 - 30.3 35.3 70 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE OF THE PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM- continued. Atmosphere included. Lbs. per Inches of Sq. In. Mercury. 100 110 55 60 122.131 292-7 65 132.308 298.0 70 142.486 302.9 75 152 663 307.5 80 162 841 312.0 85 173 018 316.1 90 183 196 320.2 95 193 373 324.1 203 551 327.9 223.906 334.6 244 261 341.1 120 130 264 616 347.2 140 284 971 352.9 150 305 327 358.3 160 325 682 363.4 170 346 037 363.2 180 366 392 372.9 190 386 747 377.5 200 407 102 381.7 250 300 508 878 401·1 610 653 417.5 350 712-429 430.1 400 814 204 444.9 450 915 980 456.7 500 1017.755 467.5 600 1221 306 487.0 700 1424 857 504.1 800 1628 408 519.5 900 1831.959 533.6 1000 2035 510 546 5 111.953 287.1 474 437 405 378 353 333 314 298 283 270 247 227 211 197 184 174 • • • • • · Tem- perature Specific of Steam. Vol. F. • No. of Atmo- spheres. 164 155 148 141 114 3.740 4.080 4.420 4.760 5.100 5.440 5 780 6.120 6.460 6.800 7.480 8.160 8.840 9.520 10.200 10.880 11.560 12.240 12.920 13.600 17.000 96 20.400 83 23.800 73 27.200 66 130.600 59 34.000 50 40.800 43 47.600 38 54.400 34 [61.200 31 168.000 Atmosphere excluded. Inches of Lbs. per Mercury. Sq. Inch. 40.3 45.3 50.3 55.3 60.3 65.3 70.3 75.3 82.031 92.209 102.386 112.563 122.741 132.919 143 096 153.274 163 451 173.629 193.984 214.339 105.3 234.694 115.3 255.049 125.3 275.405 135.3 295.760 145.3 316.115 155.3 336.470 165.3 356.825 175.3 377.180 185.3 478.956 235.3 580 731 285.3 682.507 335.3 784.282 385.3 886.058 435.3 987.833 485.3 1191.384 585.3 1394.935 685.3 1598.486 785.3 1802.037 885.3 2005.588 985.3 80*3 85.3 95.3 71 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, SPECIFIC GRAVITY, OBSERVED VAPOUR DENSITY, AND SOLUBILITY OF VARIOUS LIQUIDS. C6H1402 C₂HNO C2H402 C4H6O3 C5H8O C-H1402 C9H1002 C4H8O2 CgH6O2 C5H1004 CH1205 C9H1406 CgH6O CHO C3H402 C2H6O C2H4O C3H5 Name. Acetal Acetamide Acetic acid, liquid Acetic anhydride Acetate of allyl 19 29 "2 "" Acetin of amyl of benzyl of ethyl of methyl Diacetin 'I'riacetin Acetone Acrolein .. Acrylic acid Alcohol Aldehyde.. Allyl .. ·· •• ·· • .. • • ·· .. .. ·· .. .. ·· ·· .. .. .. •• •• •• Boiling Point, °C. 1050 221 119 137.5 98-100 133.3 210 74.3 56.3 C 280 56 52.4 S 78.4 20.8 59 Specific Gravity, Density. Vapour Water=1. ⚫821 1.063 1.073 ⚫857 ⚫910 ⚫956 1.20 1.85 1.174 .792 ⚫8095 • 8000 ⚫684 4.141 2.00 3.47 4.458 3.06 2.563 2.0025 1.897 1.613 1.532 2.92 Water. 1 in 18 Soluble "" "" "" Nearly Alcohol, ether. insoluble Insoluble "" "" Alcohol. Soluble Alcohol, ether. Insoluble Soluble 1 in 40 Soluble Solubility. >> در Other Solvents. | Ether, alcohol. Alcohol, ether. Alcohol. "" "" Ether. Ether, benzol. Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. Ether. "" "" Alcohol, ether. 72 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C3H6O Cg H¿Br C3H5Br3 CHI C6H100 C6H10S C3H6S C3H4 C5H11 C5H12 C5H111 C10H220 C5H12S C5H1N C10H23N C15H33N Name. Allyl alcohol " "" "" " "" "" " TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. · "" sulphide.. Allyl-mercaptan Allylene Amyl "" ·· iodide oxide bromide, mono- bromide, tri- ·· •• bydride.. iodide oxide .. mercaptan Amylamine Diamylamine Triamy lamine .. .. ·· ·· .. .. •• ·· ·· .. .. .. •• ·· Boiling Point, °C. 103 62 217 101 82-87 140 90 84.4 155-159 30 146 180 120 94 170 257 Specific Gravity, Water 1. 1·47 2.432 1.789 S 1.170 .77 ⚫638 1.51 ⚫845 .75 1 Vapour Density. 2.382 6.675 3.63 Water. Soluble Insoluble "" Nearly insoluble Soluble Ad Solubility. Insoluble >> Soluble Nearly insoluble "" Other Solvents. Alcohol, ether. Alcohol, Alcohol, ether. 95 "" Nearly insoluble Insoluble Concentrated Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. "" >> "" " H2SO4. Alcohol, ether. Acids. 73 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C5H10 C5H1202 C5H100 C7H8O C8H802 SbC6H15 SbC6H15Cl2 SbCcH15 Br2 AsBrg AsClg Name. Amylene .. "" 19 Anisol TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. " >> hydrate oxide ·· Stibethyl. ·· Anisyl hydride Antimonides. ·· 44 "" Arsenic bromide chloride ·· ·· As(C2H5)3 Arsentriethyl .. .. ·· chlor. .. bromide .. ·· .. .. .. .. Boiling Specific Gravity, Density. Vapour Point, °C. Water=1. 35 177 95 152 255 158.5 22 132 140 •987 • 824 •991 1.09 1.324 S 1.953 1.51 2.42 Categ 2.982 K 1 7.44 5.278 Water. Insoluble Fuming Soluble Insoluble "" K "" Solubility. Insoluble "> " 6.3006 Soluble in large quantity of water Insoluble Other Solvents. sul- phuric acid, bromine. Alcohol, ether. "" "" Alcohol, ether, fuming sul- phuric acid. Alcohol, ether. "" "" "" 228 "" "" "" Alcohol, oil of turpentine. Olive oil, ether. Absolute alco- hol, spirit, ether. 74 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. As(CII) As(CH3)2 As(CH3)2CN AS2C4 H120 As2C1H12S C&Ho CH&Br C&H4 Br₂ C&H NO 2 Č7H6O2 CgH8O2 CyH1002 Name. Arsenmethyl Arsendimethyl (cacodyl). "" Cacodyl cyanide oxide .. sulphide "" TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.—continued, Benzol .. "" ·· .. •• ·· Bromobenzine.. Dibromobenzine Nitrobenzine Benzoic acid Benzoate of methyl cthyl • ·· .. ·· • •• Boiling Point, °0. 133 170 140 120 above 100 80.4 150 198.5 Specific Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. 219 213-220 1.186 249.2 212.9 ⚫85 1.10 1.055 7.101 4.63 7.72 2.77 5.631 4.4 4.27 4.714 5.406 Water. K Soluble "" ** Solubility. " "" Nearly insoluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether, Soluble Nearly insoluble Other Solvents, Slightly soluble Alcohol, ether, of chloride ethyl. Alcohol, ether. Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. acetone. Concentrated sulphuric acid. Ether. Alcohol, ether. Alcohol, ether, oils. Alcohol, ether. "" "" 75 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C14H1008 C10H1204 Namo. C16H1404 Benzoate of ethylene C12H1602 C10H1002 C14H1202 C18H1002 CHBrO2 C7H¿CIO2 1 C7H5NO Cg H, NO 4 C14H1202 C13H100 CHAN C7H5OCI C&H NO amyl allyl benzyl.. phenyl Bromo-benzoic acid. "" Chlorobenzoic acid .. of Nitrobenzoic acid Nitrobenzoate ethyl. Benzoic anhydride Benzoate of glycyl.. "" " TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. "" Benzoin Benzone ·· •• .. .. ·· ·· •• ·· Benzonitrile Chloride of benzoyl Cyanide of benzoyl .. Boiling Specific Point, °0. 260.7 230-240 345 I 298 310 320 315 190.6 196 206-208 Vapour Gravity, Dousity. Water=1. ( ⚫9925 1.228 1.196 1.0230 1 Water. Soluble Insoluble "" Insoluble ." Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Sparingly soluble Insoluble in cold " Solubility. "" "" Soluble 3.7 4.987 Insoluble "" Other Solvents.· Ether. Alcohol, ether. Ether. " * >> "" "" "" "" CS2 "" : : "" "" Alcohol, ether, benzine. Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. • "" 76 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C7H6O C-H CI Č7H8 C7H,N C4H4O BBrg BCI 13 (C5H11)3BO3 C2H2BrO2 C3H5BrO2 Name. C4H7BrO2 C2H2Bг202 CgH7Br40 C3H6Bг₂O TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. 179.1 170-176 Hydride of benzoyl Chloride of benzyl. Hydride of benzyl.. 103.7-114 Benzylamine 198 C7H6C12 C7H80 Benzylic alcohol ·· Di Chloride of benzylene | 206–208 206.5 .. "" "" ether Bromide of boron Chloride of boron Borate of amyl Bromacetic acid Bromacetate of methyl. Bromacetate of ethyl Dibromacetic acid.. Mono-bromhydrin .. ·· .. ·· ·· Boiling Specific Vapour Point, Gravity, Density. °C. Water=1. ·· .. 300-315 90 17 270-275 208 144 * 159 225-230 219 1.0499 1.117 .87 1.051 2.69 1.35 •87 2.25 2.11 3.27 5.595 3.85 M 8.78 4.06-4.08 10.55 Water. Soluble Alcohol, ether. Insoluble 195 Solubility. "" "" Other Solvents. "" "" Sparingly Alcohol, ether, soluble acetone, CS2- Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Soluble Insoluble "" "" Alcohol, ether, CS2. Soluble Alcohol, ether. Ether. Insoluble Ether, absolute alcohol. 77 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C3H5Bг3 Br2 CHBrg C4H8O C4H8O2 C4H6Br₂O2 C4H6C1202 CgH1403 C7H1202 C9H1802 C6H1202 C10H1804 CH1002 C7H1404 Name. Tribromhydrin Bromine Bromoform TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &o.-continued. "" 19 •• "" Butyraldehyde Butyric acid Dibromo-butyric acid •• Dichloro-butyric acid Butyric anhydride.. Butyrate of allyl amyl ethyl "" Monobutyrin ·· C11H2005 Dibutyrin.. C7H140 Butyrone.. ·· .. ·· ·· • .. ·· .. Boiling Specific Point, °C. ·· 175-180 45-63 ethylene 239-241 methyl.. 102 S 68-75 157 K 190 140 17.6 119 320 144 Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. 3.1872 2.13 ⚫80 ⚫9886 •978 ⚫852 · 90193 1.024 1.0293 1.081 ⚫83 5.54 I I 3.7 } 5.38 4.04 Magd 3.52 4.0 Water. Sp Soluble Alcohol, ether. Nearly insoluble Solubility. Other Solvents. " Soluble Alcohol. "" Slightly soluble Insoluble Alcohol, Ether. Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble "" "" Alcohol, ether. Ether. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Sparingly Ether. soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Alcohol. 78 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CHOCI C₁₁H₂OI C10H16 C20H32 C10H18 or C9H16 C10H16 C6H1202 C8H1602 C11 H220 C8H1602 C8H160 C16H3003 C10H2002 Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. Chloride of butyryl Iodide of butyryl Cajputene "} 59 Camphin iso-.. para- Caoutchin.. Caproic acid .. •• •• ·· ·· : .. Caproate of ethyl Caprone Caprylic acid Caprylic aldehyde Caprylic anhydride Caprylate of ethyl .. ·· • ·· ·· Boiling Point, °C. 95 146-148 160-165 176-178 ⚫857 310-316 167-170 ⚫827 175.5 198 Specific Vapour Gravity, Deusity. Water=1. 162 165 236-238 171 280 214 ⚫8423 .931 .882 ⚫911 ⚫818 P .8738 4.5 7.96 54.4617 24.65 S 4.97 5.31 6.1 Water. Solubility. >> Other Solvents. Insoluble Strong alcohol, rock oil, ether, oil of turpen- tine. "" "" Ether, oil of turpentine. 1 in 2000 Alcohol, ether. Sparingly Alcohol. soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether. "" "" Ether. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. 79 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Caprylone C2H5N20 Carbamate of methyl C3H7NO2 ethyl.. C5H11NO2 CCL C2C16 C2Cl4 CS2 CSCI2 C11H2203 C5H1003 C16H33C1 (C16H33)20 " .. Ethyl-carbamate of ethyl Carbonic chloride Carbonic sesqui- chloride.. Carbonic proto- chloride. Carbonic disulphide ·· ·· ·· Carbonic sulpho- chloride. ·· Carbonate of amyl . Carbonate of ethyl .. Chloride of cetyl Cetyl oxide .. • Boiling Point, °C. 178 177 180 174-175 77 182 (122 116.7 46.6 70 224-225 125 200 300 Specific Vapour Gravity, Donsity. Water=1. •9862 1.56 2.0 (solid) 1.619 1.293 1.46 •914 •975 • 8412 HỘNG 2.62 3.14 Water. 4.09-4 24 Soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether, oils. Alcohol, ether. Alcohol, ether, spirit. Concentrated sulphuric acid. Alcohol, ether. "" 4.071 5 24-5 33 Insoluble 8.157 Sparingly soluble Insoluble 5.82 2.67 " - Solubility. 39 ཆི། Other Solvents. "" "" Alcohol, ether, oils. Alcohol, oils, ether. Alcohol, ether. Ether. Alcohol, ether. 08 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C₂H7N C₂H&CIO C₂HC1302 C₂HCI O C₂CI3OCI CH2C1603 C3H7CIO2 C3H4Cl 20 Cg HCl 2 C3H,CIÓ C3H4Cl₂ CyH5Br₂C1 C3H5BrCl 2 C14H11 CIO 2 C3H5CiO 2 2 CHC13 Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Chinoline.. Chloracetic acid Trichloracetic acid Chloral ·· Chloraldehyde.. Chloralide ·· · .. ·· •• .. ·· Monochlorhydrin Dichlorhydrin.. Trichlorhydrin Epichlorhydrin Epidichlorhydrin Dibromochlorhydrin Bromodichlorhydrin Chlorobenzil Chlorocarbonate of ethyl. Chloroform .. ·· .. .. ·· Boiling Specific Gravity, Density. Vapour Point, °C. Water=1. 238 185-187.8 195-200 94.4-98.6 118 227 178 155 120-130 120 200 176 270 9-1 61 1.366 1.617 1.502 1.603 1.31 1.37 1.081 4.519 Sparingly Alcohol, ether, soluble Soluble acetone, CS2. 1.139 1.491 5.3 5.13 6.32 mga g Water. 3.832 " Solubility. "" Alcohol, ether. Insoluble Alcohol (hot), ether. Ether. Soluble Insoluble "" Other Solvents. 4.199 Sparingly soluble >> Insoluble Alcohol (cold). Insoluble in cold Alcohol, con- centrated sul- phuric acid. Alcohol, ether. 81 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. C8H1002 C-H8O C4H6 C15H24 TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. CC13 NO 2 C16H1402 C8H8 C11 H1202 C10H1002 C18H1602 C₁HI7(NO2)02 C10H9NO1 C9H7OCI C10H16 Citrene (C6H501)03 Citrate of ethyl C8H15N Conine Chloropicrin Cinnamein Cinnamene Cinnamate of ethyl "" .. .. ·· ·· Nitrocinnamic acid.. ·· Nitrocinnamate methyl. Chloride of cinnamyl Creosol Cresylic alcohol Crotonylene Cubebs, oil of ·· 262 methyl 241 cinnyl .. of ·· ·· ·· ·· .. Boiling Point, °C. ·· 120 305 145.75 180? 270 with decom. 200 262 165 280 168-212 218 203 18 250-260 Specific Gravity, Density. Vapour Water=1. 1.665 1.098 ⚫924 1.3 1.106 M 1.207 ⚫8569 1.142 1.0894 ⚫929 6.537 1 4.73 4.98 1.936 { Water. Other Solvents. Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Insoluble Soluble Insoluble Solubility. 99 "" ཟབ། ། "" >> Slightly Slightly soluble soluble in alcohol. Alcohol, ether. "" Insoluble Ether, fatty oils. Sparingly soluble " "" " Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. Alcohol, ether, oils, acetone. Alcohol, ether. " G 82 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C9H12. C₂H13N C10H1202 C12H1602 CHiN C10H110 C10H120 C10H11ŎCI C10H12C12 CAH NO 5 C3H5NO C₂H NO C7H5NO C₁H5N Name. Cumene Cumenylamine TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. "" .. "" ·· •• •• Cuminic acid Cuminate of ethyl . Cumonitrile •• ·· .. • " ·· Cumyl Hydride of cumyl Chloride of cumyl. Cumylene chloride Cyanate of allyl Cyanide of allyl ·· •• ·· •• ethyl methyl phenyl. .. ·· Boiling Specific Vapour Point, Gravity, Density. °C. Water=1. 144 225 250 240 239 60 90 178-180 •87 ⚫9526 95-106 •765 300 ⚫9727 220-236 1.070 256-258 255-260 82 11 .8989 || ⚫794 6.65 40-4.3 Insoluble) Alcohol, ether. Sparingly Alcohol, ether, CS2. soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether. "" Alcohol. Slightly Alcohol, ether. soluble 5.24 3.045 2.475 Water. 1 with decom. Solubility. Insoluble Alcohol. " Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Soluble Ammonia- water. "" Other Solvents. "" Hot alcohol. Soluble Alcohol, wood- spirit, fusel-oil, carbolic acid. Alcohol, ether. 83 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CHUN C3H5N CAHAN 2 HON C₂Hg N CHON C3H3 NO2 CN Br C₂H2Cl2 CoNgH150g CeN3 H903 C10H14 CoHuoN C10H140 C12H18 Name. Cyanide of amyl "> "" ethyl ethylene hydrogen methyl.. butyl Acetate of cyanogen Bromide of cyanogen Chloride of cyanogen (liquid). Cyanurate of ethyl.. methyl "" "" TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &0.-continued. "" Cymene Cymylamine Cymylic alcohol Cynene Delphin .. ·· ·· •• ·· • .. ·· ·· •• .. ·· Boiling Specific Point, °C. 146 82 26.5 77 125-128 80-85 15.5 235 274 171.5 250 243 173-175 258 Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. •8061 .78 J •7058 2111 .81 | ( ⚫857 .825 •954 3.335 ⚫947 1.45 2.892 M 3.607 7.4 5.98 4.59-470 Contended Water. Soluble "" " "" "" 19 Soluble Insoluble Slightly soluble Insoluble "" Solubility. Slightly soluble Insoluble "" "" Other Solvents. Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. "" "" "" "" Ether. Alcohol. "" "" Alcohol. Alcohol, ether, oils. Alcohol, ether. "" طع 84 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C2H5, C6H11 C2H5, C4H9 C6H15B C₂H¿Br C₂H¿CI C3H6N C2H6I (C2H5)2O C₂H5LO CH (C2H5)2S (C₂H)S C₂HGS Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. Etherin Etherol Ethyl-amyl Ethyl-tetryl Boride of ethyl Bromide of ethyl ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Chloride of ethyl Cyanide of ethyl Iodide of ethyl Oxide of ethyl (ether) ·· ·· .. Ethylate of methyl Sulphide of ethyl Disulphide of ethyl Sulphydrate of ethyl • Boiling Specific Point, Gravity, Density. Vapour °C. Water=1. 260 280 88 62 95 40.7 11 ⚫920 1.431 104-107 70-72.2 1.946 723 35.6 • 921 ⚫7069 •7011 .6961 1.47 11 73 151 61-63 • 825 • 832 Water. 2.158 { "" 3.522 3.053 3.4006 Insoluble 3.754 Sparingly soluble Solubility, Insoluble Alcohol, ether. 2.219 4.26 Insoluble 5.475 Sparingly soluble 2.586 "" Other Solvents. 3.00 4.270 2.11 Sparingly soluble "" "" "" "" "> "" " >> "1 "" * Alcohol, chloro- form, acetone. Slightly soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether. "" "" " 85 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CH, NO C₂H N CAH11N CHiN CHS Sulphethylate of amyl. Cg HgS Sulphethylate of methyl. CH10Te Telluride of ethyl .. C9H21 N C4H8O3 C&H1004 C2H4Br2 C10H1804 C6H11CIO2 C2H4C12 Name. + TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. Ethylacetamide Ethylamine Diethylamine Triethylamine • .. Boiling Specific Gravity, Density. Vapour Point, °C. Water=1. 132-133.5 58.8 below 100 200 18.7 57 Diethylamylamine.. Monacetate of ethy- lene. Diacetate of ethylene 186-187 Bromide of ethylene 129 Butyrate of ethylene Butyroxychloride of ethylene. Chloride of ethylene 154 182 240 190 ⚫696 1.128 2.16 1.024 1.085 82.5-85 1.25 4.49 2.609 1.576 1 Water. Insoluble Alcohol. Sparingly soluble Slightly soluble Soluble "" Solubility. "" Sparingly soluble Soluble 4.744 6.845 Insoluble "" "" " Other Solvents. Nearly insoluble * "" 19 " Alcohol, ether. "" "} "9 Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. 86 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. C2 HgClg C2H2Cl2 C2H2C14 TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Chloride of chlor- ethylene. Dichlorethylene Chloride of dichlor- ethylene. C₂HC15 Chloride of trichlor- 153.8 ethylene. C2H4CII Chloriodide of ethylene 145-147 C6H1402 123.5 C2H6O2 Ethylenic alcohol 197.5 (glycol). C4H1003 CH14O. C8H1805 Diethylenic alcohol.. Triethylenic alcohol Tetrethylenic alcohol C2H5CIO C2H412 ·· Diethylate of ethy- lene. Boiling Point, °C. Hydroxychloride of ethylene. Iodide of ethylene .. 115 35-40 135 245 290 above 300 128 Specific Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. 1.25 1.576 1.662 2.151 1.42 4.72-4.67 Insoluble Alcohol, ether. ⚫799 1.125 II 3.321 5.796 7.087 4.095 Water. 3.78 "" "" "" Solubility. Slightly soluble "> Other Solvents. Soluble Insoluble "" >> Soluble Alcohol. 29 * 8 " " "> "" Alcohol, ether. 3 >> 87 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C2H4CII C2H4O C4H8O2 Br₂ C10H1202 CH202 C6H1202 CgH6O2 C2H402 C4H203 C4H2б2Č¹2 C5H102 CH&S Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Iodo chloride of ethy- lene. Oxide of ethylene Oxybromide of ethy- lene. Eugenic acid Eupione Formic acid Formate of amyl "" .. ·· ·· • •* ethyl methyl.. 19 Fumaric anhydride.. Chloride of fumaryl Furfurol Disulphide of fusyl .. ·· Boiling Specific Vapour Point, Gravity, Density. °C. Water=1. 147 13.5 95 242 47 98.57 105.3) 116 54 36-38 176 160 162.8- 166 112 T ⚫65 1.2352 ⚫8809 •9184 1.1648 .880 1.422 6.4 2.12 2.14S 2.593 2.08 3.334 1 Water. Solubility. Other Solvents. Slightly soluble Soluble Alcohol. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Sparingly Alcohol, ether, soluble aikalies. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Soluble Alcohol. Slightly soluble Soluble Insoluble Ether, alcohol. Soluble Alcohol. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. 88 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. C4H8Os C9H1803 C6H1004 CH1403 C9H1803 CH1203 Ethylin Amylin C5H11C102 CH1803 C8H17CIO2 C13H2803 C10H2203 C8H1602 C5H1002 C3H5Bro Cg H¿CIO TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Glycerides. Ethylchlorhydrin Amylchlorhydrin Diamylin.. Ethylamylin Amylglycide Ethylglycide Epibromhydrin Epichlorhydrin .. ·· .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· .. Boiling Specific Point, °C. • 225-230 180 260-262 235 272-274 238-240 188 128-129 138-140 118-119 200 Ethyl-glycolic acid Ethyl-glycollate of 180-190 amyl. Acetoglycollate of 179 ethyl. Amyl-glycollic acid 235 Amyl-glycollate of ethyl 212 Vapour Gravity, Density. Water-1 || ⚫98 1.0 1.009 1.003 | | 1 Water. 1] [ Solubility. "" "" Soluble Insoluble Soluble Ether. Insoluble Other Solvents. Soluble 3.21 Insoluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Sparingly soluble. "" 13 "" >> 89 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. C9H200 C8H180 C12H26 TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Guaicol C9H1802 Acetate of heptyl C7H15CI Chloride C7H14Cl2 C7H160 C7H16 C7H15I C-H16S C7H17N C12H260 CH14 C7H14C12 C7H18C1 C7H15I ·· "" "" ·· .. Monochlorinated chloride of heptyl Heptyl alcohol Hydride of heptyl Iodide "1 .. .. .. ·· Sulphydrate Heptylamine. Heptylamylic ether Heptylene Chloride of heptylene Chlorheptylene Hydriodate of hepty- lene. Heptyl-ethylic ether Heptyl-methylic ether Hexyl Boiling 'Specific Point, °C. 205-210 180 a 150 B 175 190 155-179 92-99 190 155-158 145-147 220-221 95-99 191 155 170 177 161 202 Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. 1.125 Categ ⚫891 ⚫819 .712 •608 .718 ⚫791 ⚫830 .754 4.019 3.49 6.57 3.320 5.095 4.2 5.983 Water. Other Solvents. Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Insoluble Soluble Solubility. "" "" "} Alcohol. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. "" "" >> "" "" 90 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. C6H140 C6H120 C6H13CI C6H14 C&H18I C6H13 C&H13 C9H12 } C2H300 Acetate of hexyl O a β Hexyl alcohol a B .. ẞ Hexyl aldehyde (?) B Chloride of hexyl Hydride of hexyl α B .. a B • • Iodide of hexyl 802 a β TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. ·· .. ·· B Hexyl oxide Hexylene ·· .. ·· .. ·· ·· Boiling Specific Point, °C. 145 156 150 137 127 120 68 172-175 167.5 203-208 71 68-70 Vapour Gravity, Deusity. Water=1. .877 • 8327 ⚫829 .678 • 6645 1.447 S HEIT || [] Water. P Solubility. Insoluble "" Sparingly soluble Insoluble Other Solvents. 91 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C5H11NO2 C9H1604 C5H1003 C5H1003 C7H1103 C8H1405 C₁HOg C14H2802 PbCgH 20 PhCH12 C10HON C20H32N2 CgH6O3 CHON CHO. Namo. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. •• Lactethylamide Butyrolactate of ethyl Lactate of ethyl Ethyl-lactic acid Ethyl- lactate of ethyl. Dilactate of ethyl Lactate of methyl Laurate of ethyl Plumbotetrethyl Plumbotetramethyl Lepidine Diamyline-lepidine Leucate of ethyl Lutidine ·· a β Maleic acid .. Bromomaleic anhydride. .. .. •• ·· • • ·· • ·· .. ·· •• Boiling Specific Point, °0. 260 208 156 195-198 156.5 235 J 269 above 200 160 266-271 175 175 154 163-168 160 with decom. 212 Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. / 1.042 ⚫9203 1.134 S .86 1.62 1.072 G .9613 [ M 6.73 4.14 8.4 A Soluble 5.052 Insoluble. 5.14 10.40 5.241 Water. 3.839 Ho S M Solubility. Soluble Other Solvents. "" Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. Soluble. Insoluble Ether. "" "" "" Insoluble Alcohol, ether. = Insoluble >> "" "" "} "" "> "" 92 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C30H60 C10H18 C10H19 C14H26O2 C10H19C1 Hg C9H12 C6H100 Al2C6H18 CH&Br CH40 CHI CH3 CH C₂H6S C2H6S2 .0 CH.S C₂H&To Name. Melene 370-380 Menthene 163 222-224 .. Menthyl Butyrate of mentbyl 230-240 Chloride 204 346-360 13.55 155-160 84 130 13 60-66.5 42.2 oxide.. -20 41 sulphide disulphide.. 116 118 Mercury Mesitylene Metacetone " TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. "" ""> "" ·· "" "" ·· .. >> ·· ·· Methide aluminic Bromide of methyl Methyl alcohol iodide of • ·· ·· ·· .. sulphydrate telluride • Boiling Specific Point, °0. ·· Vapour Gravity, Density. Water-1. 21 82 ⚫89 • 851 pay •8142 2.199 .845 1.046 4.93 6.7 4.282 10.0-11 8 Insoluble Alcohol (hot), ether. Alcohol, ether. 4.4 4.88 Water. 2.115 "" د. Solubility. Soluble Alcohol. Insoluble "" Other Solvents. p Alcohol, ether. Insoluble Soluble Insoluble Soluble "" Insoluble Alcohol. Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Soluble Insoluble *** " >> "" >> "" 93 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. C5H1100 CHO CH2Cl2 CH₂12 C10H C10HON C5H11 NO2 CHNO2 CH NO2 C4H10N20 C9H20 C9H19CI CH21N C9H18 C3H8O2 Methylal. C₂H7N CgH,N C₁H1002 TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &o.-continued. • Dimethylamine Trimethylamine Methylate of ethy- lene. >> "" Methyl-butyral Methyl-camphrene Chloride of methylene Iodide of methylene Naphthalene Naphthylamine Nitrite of amyl ethyl methyl .. .. ·· ·· ·· •• ·· ·· Nitrosethylin.. Nonyl, hydride of.. Chloride of nonyl Nonylamine Nony lene · ·· ·· ·· Boiling Specific Point, °C. 42 8-9 9 63-64 111 225-230 40 218 300 96 18 -12 176.8 134-137 196 190-192 110-140 Ga Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. ⚫8551 2.625 ⚫8787 3.165 ⚫827 3.342 1.153 •877 ⚫951 .889 Pat 3.13 4.528 4.50 Water. >> Soluble Alcohol, ether. Alcohol. " Insoluble K Solubility. Insoluble " "" Soluble Other Solvents. Soluble 4.071 Insoluble 4.54 Alcohol, ether. "" "" 145 "" "" "" 94 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C8H17Cl C8H17HO C8H18 C8H171 C8H19N CgH16 C16H32 C12H22O4* CH1802 C8H17CIÓ C7H140 C7H140 C7H1402 C13H260 C7H802 C6H6O2 C8H1004 Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Chloride of octyl Octylic alcohol Hydride of octyl Iodide "" ·· Octylamine Octylene Meta-octylene.. Acetate of octylene Hydrate ·· "" ·· .. Metonanthol Enanthylic acid Enanthylone Orcin.. Resorcin ·· Oxalate of allyl .. ·· •• Hydratochloride of octylene. Enanthic ether Enanthol ·· .. .. .. .. .. •• .. ·· Boiling Specific Vapour Point, Gravity, Density. °0. Water=1. 168-175 180 119 193-211 164-175 115-125 250 240-250 235-240 204-208 225-230 151-158 230 148-218 264 290 271 206-207 • 892 ⚫823 • 728 1.31 ⚫786 ⚫814 ⚫932 .862 .827 .9167 ⚫825 Sta Agladan kald 1.055 4.55 4.01 13.86–4·17 9.8 4.08 111581 5.7 4.1 Water. "" Insoluble Alcohol. "" " Insoluble Alcohol. "" Solubility. Insoluble Insoluble Sparingly soluble G Other Solvents. Soluble ,, Alcohol, ether. Alcohol, ether. "" "" "" "" "" " رو = Alcohol (hot). Insoluble Alcohol, ether. "" 135 "" " "" "" 95 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. C12H22O4 Oxalate of amyl CHO. ethyl CH801 C6H6 CGHGO C6H5 NO3 C6H5 TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. "" Parabenzene Phenol Oxalate of ethyl- 160-170 methyl. C₁₁ H604 C₁H8O3 C9H1803 C14H2803 C₁H NO C6H11 NO3 Oxalate of methyl .. Dimethoxalic acid' Ethamoxalic acid Diamoxalate of ethyl Oxamate ·· Dimethyloxamate of ethyl. C14H12N202 Diphenyloxamide ·· "" ·· ·· Nitrophenic acid Phenyl .. ·· ·· .. .. Boiling Specific Point, °0. ·· 262 183-184 161 212 224-225 262 220 250-260 320 97.5 187-188 216 239-240 Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. 8.4 1.0824 5.087 4.677 Add 1.27 ⚫939 ⚫9137 | | Karamang gang malay 6.29 8.4 I }] Water. Solubility. Other Solvents. Sparingly Alcohol. soluble Soluble Alcohol, ether. Soluble Alcohol. Insoluble Sparingly ور soluble in benzine. Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Benzine, CS2. Alcohol. 96 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CHAN C6H5Br C6H4Br₂ CoH CI C12H10S C6H6S C6H7N C6H4 BraN C&H&CIN C6H6N202 C₁ H5Nx04 C11H17N Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. Cyanide of phenyl.. Monobromobenzene Dibromobenzene Monochlorobenzene Sulphide of phenyl Sulphydrate of phenyl Phenylamine (aniline). Tribromaniline Chloraniline Nitraniline α. .. Dinitraniline Amylaniline ·· •• .. ·· ·· ·· • Boiling Specific Vapour Gravity, Density. Point, °C. Water=1. 182.5- 187.5 152-154 219 136 292.5 165 182 300 above 200 285 185 285 1.09 1.078 1.020 TI 3.210 1 Water. Other Solvents. Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Insoluble Strong " Solubility. >> Insoluble Alcohol, ether, CS2. Alcohol, ether, Slightly soluble sul- phuric acid. Ether. Soluble Sparingly soluble CS2: Alcohol, ether, oils, CS2. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Sparingly soluble " "" " 39 "" "" Ether, bromide of amyl. 97 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C13H13N C11H6 C13H100 C26 H22O Name. C16H27N Diamylaniline CSHIIN Ethylaniline C10HN CHIN C13H21N CHAN C12H11N C18H 15N C15H160 C16H1102 C8H10 C7H8 TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.—continued. Tolylaniline Phenyl-amyl Phenyl-benzoyl Benzydrol Diethylaniline Ethyl-allyl-anlline.. Ethyl-amyl-aniline Methylaniline Diphenylamine Triphenylamine ·· ·· ·· ·· Phenyl-ethyl .. Phenyl-methyl ·· .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· .. Boiling Specific Vapour Point, Gravity, Density. Water=1. °C. ·· 275-280 204 213.5 220-225 262 192 310 140-150 Benzhydrolic ethy- 183 late. Benzydrolic acetate 301-302 334.5 195 315 297-298 133 111 ⚫954 *936 *859 1.029 •881 | Water. Solubility. Other Solvents. Alcohol. "" Insoluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Sparingly "". soluble "" Insoluble Sparingly soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether, benzene. Alcohol, ether, benzene. "" "" "" "" H 98 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C8H100 P4 PC13 PC15 POCIS C3H15PO4 POBг3 PSC13 CHısP C6H15PO CH4Os C&H-N Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.—continued. Phloretol.. 190-200 Phosphorus 250-290 Trichloride of phos- 73-78.5 phorus. Picoline ·· Pentachloride of phosphorus. Oxychloride of phos- phorus. Triethylic phosphate Oxybromide of phos- phorus. Sulphochloride of phosphorus. Triethyl-phosphine Oxide of triethyl- phosphine. Photosantonin .. .. •• Boiling Specific Point, Gravity, Water=1. °C. 1.0374 4.22 •• above 148 110 215 195 124-127 127.5 210 305 135 1.45- 1.61 1.7 1.072 2.822 •812 Vapour Density. ⚫9613 4.35 4.79 1.631 5.963 3.656 4.6 Solubility. Soluble Water. Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Insoluble CS2, PC13 Other Solvents. Alcohol, ether. Insoluble 19 Soluble Alcohol. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. (cold) Soluble 3.290 "" "" "" 99 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C5H100 C3H6O2 C3H5 Bro2 C3H6O C5Н9C102 C5H9102 CgHgCl₂N C5H5N C₁HEN C10H18 C7H7NO2 ĆgH8Og C9H1003 C10H1203 Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. Propione.. Propionic acid Bromopropionic acid Propionic aldehyde. Ethylic chloropro- pionate. Ethylic iodopropion- 180-200 ate. Pyridine Pyrrol .. ·· Dichloropropionitrile 104-107 117 133 .. Boiling Specific Gravity, Density. Vapour Point, °C. Water=1. Rutylene.. Salicylamic acid Methylsalicylic acid • 101 140 205.5 55-65 150 150 270 222 248 Methylsalicylate of methyl. Methylsalicylate of 262 ethyl. .79 ⚫985 1.077 Kaptant 1.18 2.04 4.9 2.91 2.40 4.843 5.42 I Water. 19 Solubility. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Soluble "" Other Solvents. " "" "" " "" Soluble Alcohol. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Soluble Oils. "" "" Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Insoluble Soluble Sparingly soluble "" در MICHIGAN University of ,, "" >> 7 H MICHIGAN * aiversity c чууд 100 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. •• C₁H1003 Ethylsalicylic acid 221-229 Amylsalicylic acid.. Salicylol 285 308 "" C12H1603 C7H6O2 C12H22O+ Sebate of methyl C14H2604 ethyl C20H44SiO4 Tetramylic silicate.. C&H20SiO4 Tetrethylic C4H10SiO3 Diethylic C12H30Si207 Hexethyllc disilicate about 240 C6H16CISIO3 Ethylsilicic mono- chlorhydrin. 322-325 165-166 350 15 157 15 ·· ·· .. Specific Boiling Vapour Point, Gravity, Density. Water=1. °0. C4H10Cl2SiO2 Ethylsilicic dichlor- hydrin. C2HCl3SiO Ethylsilicic tri- chlorhydrin. C11H26SiO4 Triethylamylic silicate. C14H32SiO4 Diethyldiamylic silicate. 270 182-196.5 1.173 137 104 216-225 1.097 245-250 • 868 ⚫933 1.079 1.012 1.048 1.44 1.291 ⚫915 4.276 15.2 7.32 12.025 7.05 6.76 6.378 I Water. "" Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Insoluble Soluble Insoluble Alcohol. "" در " Solubility. I │││ Other Solvents. " "" Alcohol, ether. 101 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Name. C17H38SIO C8H18SiO5 C5H14SiO4 C6H16SiO.1 C7H18SiO.1 C12H28SiO4 C20H4602 CH12 Stilbene C12H2204 C₁H4O2C12 C6H1004 C8H1404 4 Ethytriamylic silicate. Tehethyl-acetyl- silicic ether. Ethyltrimethyl silicate. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Diethyldimethylic silicate. Triethylmethylic silicate. Dimethyldiamyl silicate. Stearate of ethyl "2 .. Suberate of ethyl Succinic chloride Succinate of methyl ethyl .. JAMA Boiling Point, °0. ·280-285 224 (F.?) 292 230-260 190 198 Specific Gravity, Water=1. 214 ⚫913 190 133-135 143-146 1.004 6.178 155-157 ⚫981 225-235 1.003 1.179 Vapour Density. 1.036 I 8.4 5.29 6.22 Water. I │ Solubility. Insoluble Alcohol, ether. "" Nearly insoluble Slightly soluble Other Solvents. "} "2 19 Ether. Alcohol, ether. 102 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C7H10S3 C11H22S C6H1002S C6H10OS2 C5H10S9 C3H6OS2 C3H6S3 C4H6NS C6H11 NS C3H¿NS Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. Boiling Point, °C. Trisulphocarbonate 170-175 ⚫943 of allyl. Trisulphocarbonate of amyl. 245-218 .877 Monosulphocarbonate of ethyl. Disulphocarbonate of ethyl. 200 Trisulphocarbonate of 237-240 ethyl. Disulphocarbonate of 170-172 200-205 methyl. Trisulphocarbonate of methyl. Sulphocyanate of allyl ** 162 148 Specific Gravity, Water=1. 197 amyl ethyl 146 1.032 1.070 1.143 1.159 1.009 ⚫905 1.020 Vapour Density. Water. 3.018 139 Insoluble Alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzol. Alcohol, ether. "" "" Solubility. 4.266 4.652 3.54 Sparingly soluble Insoluble Other Solvents. Sparingly soluble Insoluble "" Nearly insoluble "" 115 " 333 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " "" 103 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C7H13NS C2H3NS Cl₂S2 C10H22SO3 C4H10SO3 C7H16S03 C2H6SO 3 C3H8SO 3 S205C12 H2SO4 C4H10S04 C2H6SO4 Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. ·· 215-220 Sulphocyanate of hexyl. Sulphocyanate of 132-133 methyl. Disulphide of chlorine 136-139 Sulphite of amyl ethyl 230-250 160 " ·· Sulphite of ethyl and 210-225 amyl. Sulphite of methyl.. .. Boiling Point, °0. Sulphite of methyl 140-141.5 and ethyl. Chlorosulphuric oxide 145-150 Sulphuric acid Sulphate of ethyl 110-120(?) 327 .. Sulphate of methyl 121.5 188 Specific Gravity, Water=1. ⚫992 1.115 1.687 1.085 Vapour Density. 1.385 2.57- 2.549 4.77 M 1.045 3.703 1.067 4.304 1.762 1.842 1.120 Water. Solubility. 4.78 Insoluble Sparingly Alcohol, ether. soluble Other Solvents. Sparingly soluble " "" 35 " " "" CS Soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether, fuming nitric acid. 104 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C4H9 CoH 20 C6H11 C10H22 C6H1202 C4H100 C4H100 C4H9Br CHCI C4H10 CHI C₁HgI C₁H11N C4H8 C8H1404 C4H1002 Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Tetryl (Butyl) Tetryl-amyl Tetryl-ethyl Tetryl-hexyl Acetate of tetryl Tetryl alcohol, a Secondary alcohol. Hydride Iodide ·· "" .. Bromide of tetryl Chloride "" •• ·· tetryl .. •• ·· ·· .. • ·· ·· .. ·· a. "" ·· Secondary iodide of tetryl. Tetrylamine Tetrylene.. .. .. Acetate of tetrylene Tetrylenic alcohol.. Boiling Specific Point, °C. 106-108.5 132 62 155-160 114 110 95-98 89 70 121 118 69-70 below 0 4 200 183-184 - Vapour Gravity, Density. Water-1. ⚫694- • 724 •701 • 844 ⚫803 •85 1.274 •88 ⚫60 1.604 1.632 | | 3.88 4.46 3.053 4.917 4.073 2.589 .2.11 6.217 6.597 1.933 Water. 3.19 4.72 Insoluble Soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether. >> "" "" " Solubility. >> Soluble >> Other Solvents. Insoluble Soluble >> A "" " " "" "" >> "" "> "" 1) "" در བ བ 105 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 8 C₁IIg Br₂ CH&Cl2 C_HO,S SnC4H10Br2 SuC4H10Cl2 SnCH1012 SuC&H16 Br SnC6H15Cl SnC6H15I SnC8H20 SnC2H6 Br₂ SnC2H6Cl2 SnC3 H₁I Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.—continued. Bromide of tetrylene "" Chloride Thiacetic anhydride Stannethyl bromide "" chloride iodide "" Stannotriethyl bromide. .. Boiling Specific Point, °C. A 158 123 121 232 220 245 223 181 Stannic ethide.. Bromide of stannodi- | 208-210 Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. 209 1.428 Stannotriethyl chloride. Stannotriethyl lodide 235-238 1.833 1.87 methyl. Chloride of Stannodi- 188-190 methyl. Iodide of stannotri- 188-190 methyl. 1.112 1.630 2.153 4.426 11.64 8.62 8.02 7.73 Water. 10.325 "" 9.924 Sparingly soluble 8.43 "" Insoluble Alcohol, ether. Soluble Solubility. Sparingly soluble >> Soluble "" Other Solvents. "" **** "" " " "" "" **** "" "" "> "1 "" Alcohol. Alcohol, ether. "" 106 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. SnCH12 SnCH11 SnCH16 SnC7 H18 C10H16 C7Hg C7 H7 Br CH-Br C₂H-CI C7H6C12 C7H6C12 C7H5Cl3 C7H5Clg C7H4C14 Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.—continued. Stannic methide Stannic ethotri- 140-145 123-128 144-146 Stannic triethomethide 162-163 Tolene 154-170 .. Toluol (toluene) 110.3 ·· methide. Stannic diethodime- thide. ·· ·· ·· Monobromotoluene Benzylic bromide Monochlorotoluene Chlorobenzylic chloride. Chlorobenzol Dichlorobenzylic chloride. •• Benzotrichloride Tetrachlorotoluene.. Boiling Specific Vapour Point, Gravity, Density. °C. Water=1. ·· 179-183 198-202 157-164 below 200 206 240 215 276 1.243 1.232 •858 .872 1.409 G 1.08 1.295 1.44 6.715 6.838 G 5.1 || Water. Solubility. Insoluble || Insoluble Alcohol, ether, oils. Other Solvents. Insoluble 107 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C9H12 C&H10 C7H7NO2 C8H8O2 CgH8O C&H₂OCI C10H1202 C7H₁N C13H13N C14H 15N CH,N C18H18 N C16H18 CgH100 CgHgCl C7H7 A&H Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. Ethylotluene Methyltoluene.. Mononitrotoluene Alphatoluic acid Toluic aldehyde chloride Ethylic toluate Toluidine.. .. Toluyl Toluylic alcohol chloride Tolyl (benzyl) ·· ** • • .. •• •• Phenyltoluidine Benzyltoluidine Benzylamine Phenylbenzylamine ·· • • ·· ·· .. •• ·· Boiling Specific Point, °C. 159-160 139-140 238 265.5 204. 214-216 228 205-206 330 355-360 182-183 above 310 296 217 193 284 Vapour Gravity, Density. Water=1. .865 • 862 1.077 1.175 Water. Soluble Sparingly soluble Solubility. Slightly soluble. Soluble Other Solvents. Soluble Insoluble Alcohol, ether. M Alcohol. " "" Insoluble Alcohol, ether, CS 2. 108 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C9H11 NO2 C14H13N C7H10N2 C9 H 2003 C6H1403 CgH&O CgHg O CgH7Br CgH Cl C3H71 C3H,N C3H8O2 C7H1204 CgH6 Br₂ C3H6 Br₂ Name. Tolylacetamide Tolylbenzamide Tolylene diamine TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Triethylin Trimethylin "" .. >> "" .. 186 148 83-84 Trityl alcohol (nor.) 96-97 (?) Isopropyl alcohol (or Isotrytyl alcohol). Bromide of isopropyl Chloride Iodide .. (Propylglycol). Trytylenic acetate.. bromid chloride Boiling Specific Gravity, Density. Vapour Point, °C. Water=1. 310-350 232 280 60-63 36-38 89-90 50 ⚫895 ⚫943 Tritylamine (propy- lamine.) Tritylenic alcohol 188-189 1.051 186 144 103 M •791 1.320 874 1.70 1.109 1.974 1.151 Water. in hot Soluble Soluble Alcoho, ether. Insoluble Soluble *** "" "" Solubility. Insoluble Soluble "" ,, Other Solvents. Insoluble "} د. "" Ether. "" "" ور 109 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CgH6Cy 2 C10H16 C6H100 C5H1002 CH, BrO 2 C10H1803 CH9OBr CH₂OCI CH₂OI C6H1202 C-H1402 C10H2002 C8H1603 C9H180 Č5H8 Hg Name. Tritylenic cyanide Turpentine oil, or terebenthene. .. Valeral Valeric acid TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &c.-continued. "" " 22 ·· ·· Valeric anhydride bromide chloride 11 iodide.. Valerate of methyl.. ethyl amyl Valerone.. Valerylene Bromovaleric acid .. 226-230 215 "" Valeroglyceral .. .. •• ·· ·· .. ·· ·· .. .. ·· Boiling Specific Gravity, Density. Vapour Point, °C. Water-1. •• 277-290 161 96-97 175 108 116 133 .864 187-196 224-228 165 44-46 • 805 ⚫955 143 115-120 1.005 ⚫934 • 886 ⚫894 .864 1.027 3.66 181 6.23 Water. Solubility. Soluble Alcohol, ether. Insoluble "" "" "" Soluble Alcohol, ether, strong acetic acid. Other Solvents, Sparingly Alcohol, soluble 6.1 5.526 Insoluble 2.356 " "" "" Alcohol, ether. 110 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CH&Br₂ CH7Br C5H6 C8H1002 C12H11 N C8H10 CgHg Br CgHgCl C10H4 C9H12 C₂H,NO₂ C8H10S Cy H1002 TnC10H22 TnC H10 TnC2H6 Name. TABLE OF BOILING POINTS, &C.-continued. Valerylene dibromide 166–172 Bromovalerylene 125-130 50 202-205 320 139 ⚫86 203-212 1.335 Valylene Veratrol Xenylamine Xylene (or Xylol) Bromo-xylene Toluylic chloride 190-195 with isomeric chloroxylene. Ethylxylene Methylxylene. Nitroxylene Xylene sulphyrate Xylylic acid Zincamyl. Zincethyl Zincmethyl ·· ·· .. .. ·· .. ·· ·· .. ·· •• ·· •• ·· ·· ·· Boiling Specific Vapour Point, Gravity, Density. Water=1. °C. .. •• 183-184 165-166 24.0 213 273 220 118 46 •878 1.022 1.189 1.386 6.95 4.259 3.291 Water. Solubility. Soluble Alcohol, ether. Insoluble "" Other Solvents. ≈ 33 "" ☺ ☺ "" "" 111 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE MELTING POINTS AND BOILING POINTS OF THE METALS AND SOME OTHER ELEMENTS. Aluminium Antimony Arsenic Bismuth Bromine Cadmium Calcium Chlorine Cobalt.. Copper Gold Indium Iodine Iron- "" " Element. "" Lead Tin Zinc · • .. • • ·· ·· •• ·· • • ·· cast steel wrought Lithium Magnesium Mercury Nickel Phosphorus Potassium. Platinum Silver.. Selenium Sodium Sulphur Tellurium Thallium • .. • • U .. .. ·· .. · ·· • • ·· .. • •• .. ·· .. • .. •• ·· ·· .. • · : Melting Point. 700° C. 4250 4120 270° -70 3209 8 (?) 1050 1200° 1050° 1250° 1760 1070 1050°-1200° 1300-1400° 1500°-1600° 330° 1800 230°-235° -40° 1500-1600° 440 62°.5 2600° 1000° 2170 960 1150 380° 290° 2350 4120 Boiling Point. 412° C. 5.90 860° 1040° -500 1870 1040° 350° 700° 4400 ·· 1040° Diff. between Melting and Boiling Point. ·· 0° 66° 540° ·· 800 7100 390° 4730 325° 6280 112 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. KLEVER'S TABLE SHOWING THE SOLUBILITY OF SALTS IN GLYCERINE. 100 parts of Glyceriue dissolve at 15.5° C. Parts by Weight. Alums 40 Ammonium Carbonate 20 Ammonium Chloride 20 Arsenious acid 20 Arsenic Oxide 20 Atropine 3 Sulphate 33 10 10 10 "" "" "" ·· 97 Barium Chloride Benzoic acid Boric acid Brucine Calcium Sulphide Cinchonine Sulphate ·· Copper Acetate Sulphate Morphine ·· ·· • .. .. •• ·· ·· ·· • ·· .. •• Iodine Lead Acetate .. Mercuricum Chloride .. ·· .. •• ·· .. Acetate "} Morphine Hydrochlo- ride Oxalic acid .. Cyanide 27 ·· 2.2 5 6.7 0.5 ·· 10 30 1.9 20 7.5 20 20 15 ⚫45 Phosphorus.. Potassium Arsenate 50 Bromide 25 Chlorate 3.5 Cyanide 32 Iodide 40 "} Quinine.. "" "" 353 "" " "" 19 "> Tartrate.. Sodium Arsenate.. 50 Biborate.. 60 Bicarbonate 8 Carbonate 98 Chlorate.. 20 19 "3 Sulphur Strychnine " ·· "" .. Tannic acid.. Tartar emetic Urea Veratrine Zinc Chloride Iodide .. Sulphate .. ·· ·· Nitrate 4 Sulphate 22.50 50 .. Parts by Weight. 0.20 ·· .. •5 • 25 ·· •10 • 25 5.5 50. 1 50 40 35 113 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWing the SOLUBILITY OF LEAD IN WATER IN THE PRESENCE OF VARIOUS Salts. Name of Salt in Solution. Ammonium Nitrate "" "" "" Potassium Nitrate Sodium Sul- phate Potassium Nitrate .. Sodium Sul- "" ·· phate Potassium Nitrate.. Sodium Car- bonate Potassium Nitrate Potassium Carbonate Calcium Sulphate "" ·· "" .. "" Potassium Carbonate ·· "" · "" Calcium Chloride.. "1 Sodium Sul- phate ·· "" Ammonium Nitrate Calcium Nitrate Grams Grains per per Litre. Gallon. 02. ⚫04 ⚫08 ⚫02 ⚫05 ⚫04 1.4 2.8 5.6 1 4 • 3.5 •212 14.7 ·045 3.1 .308 21.5 • 2.8 078 5.4 ⚫504 35.2 •252 17.5 .458 28.5 .31 21.7 516 36.1 •25 17.5 51 35.7 20 14.0 ⚫40 28.0 .02 06 1.47 4.25 Lead Dissolved. Milligrams per Litre. Grains per Gallon. 24 48 72 24 48 72 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. 13 15 15 2 ⚫8 4 ⚫4 : 5 02 .. 15 •• 2 •5 ·· 35 ⚫91 32 1 1.2 : ·· .. ♡ ⚫3 сл ⚫8 1.0 •2 1.75 1.05 1.05 2.24 1.05 1.8 •14 ⚫05 ·· ⚫02 .02 ⚫2 •5 •4 028 .8 •5 .. • ·· : ·· : .. .. 14 ⚫07 ⚫04 .04 .. •• •• •• ·· ·· ⚫08 ⚫021 ⚫035 • ⚫05 .07 ⚫014 014 ⚫04 ·028 ⚫05 .03 126 I 114 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE SOLUBILITY OF LEAD-continued. Name of Salt in Solution. Ammonium Chloride Potassium Carbonate Sodium Sul- phite Sodium Sul- ·· phate Potassium Carbonate Calcium Chloride Loch Katrine Distilled water 0 OHNMO HILO CO 1 .. 2 3 6 Grams Grains per per Litre. Gallon. ⚫02 1.4 •10 7.0 •2014.0 1 Vol. of Water dissolves under a pressure of 760 mm. and at t. °C. Temp. •2014.0 .04 2.8 • 10 7.0 .. Volume of Air. Milligrams per Litre. Grains per Gallon. 48 24 48 72 24 72 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. | Temp. ⚫02471 7 ⚫02406 ⚫02345 9 ⚫02287 10 • 02237 11 • 02179 12 • 02128 13 12 ·· 12 Lead Dissolved. SOLUBILITY OF AIR IN WATER. 1 Vol. of Water dissolves under a pressure of 760 mm. and at t. °C. Volume of Air. • 02080 ⚫02034 ⚫01992 ⚫01953 .01916 ⚫01882 ⚫01851 .4 •1 1.5 3 ⚫07 • 15 Temp. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .07 •15 ⚫028 ⚫007 1 Vol. of Water dissolves under a pressure of 760 mm. and at t. °C. •105 • 21 Volume of Air. ⚫01822 ⚫01795 • 01771 • 01750 • 01732 • 01717 •01704 115 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. COEFFICIENTS OF SOLUBILITY OF SOME GASES IN WATER AND IN ALCOHOL, 4° 0. Nitrogen Hydrogen Olefiant gas >> .. •• • ·· "" Oxygen Carbonic anhydride Carbonic oxide 19 Nitrous oxide "" Nitric oxide.. Marsh gas • ·· •• ·· Gas, " ·· "" Butane Ethane.. Hydrogen sulphide .. ·· ·· ·· .. "2 ·· ·· .. ·· .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· • ·· ·· ·· Sulphurous anhydride Ammonia Air .. ·· in .. **** "" "" "" "" "" ******** "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "i "" ·· "" "" "" " "" "" "" "" "" water alcohol water alcohol water alcohol water alcohol water alcohol water alcohol water water alcohol water alcohol water water water alcohol water alcohol 0° C. ⚫02035 • 12634 ⚫01930 ⚫06925 04114 ⚫28397 • 1.7987 4.3295 ⚫03287 •20443 1.3052 4.1780 ⚫31606 ⚫05449 ⚫52259 ⚫2568 3.5950 ⚫03147 ⚫0874 4.3706 17.891 79.789 328.62 water 1049.6 water ⚫02471 01838 •12476 01930 ⚫06867 ⚫03717 ⚫28397 • 1.5126 3.9736 ⚫02987 ⚫20443 1.1346 3.9085 ⚫30290 ⚫04993 •51135 • 2227 3.3750 ·02770 ⚫0748 4.0442 15.373 69.828 265.81 941.9 • * 02237 10° C. ⚫01607 •12276 ⚫01930 ⚫06786 • 03250 ⚫28397 1.1847 3.5140 ⚫02635 •20443 .9196 3.5408 •28609. 04372 • ⚫49535 • 1837 3.0859 ⚫02355 ⚫0599 3.5858 11.992 56.647 190.31 812.8 ⚫01953 15° 0. • 01478 • 12142 ⚫01930 ⚫00725 ⚫02989 ⚫28397 1.0020 3.1993 ⚫02432 ⚫20443 .7778 3.2678 • • 20° C. •27478 ⚫26592 03909 ⚫03499 48280 ⚫47096 •1488 2.7131 •1615 2.8825 ⚫01403 • 12038 ⚫01930 .066668 ⚫02838 ⚫28397 ⚫9014 2.9465 ⚫02312 •20443 •6700 3.0253 ⚫02147 ⚫02065 ⚫0508 ⚫0447 3.2326 2.9053 9.539 7.415 47.276 39.374 144.55 114.48 727.2 654.0 ⚫01795 ⚫01704 ~ 116 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. L Temperature. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35. 40 4.5 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 100 Volumes, reduced to 0° C. and 760 mm., dis. by 1 Vol. Aq. 600 1 1.43.825 3.6 425 3.0772 3.327 .747 3.226 .721 3.208 111 P 1.61 Kontak M P ·71 · 1.19.596 15) by 1 gram Aq. .633 673 3.126 Br. • 561 M KNO 3. 3.167 38.4 13.32 70.94 16.7 74.6 85 NaNO3. | | | TABLE SHOWING THE PROPORTIONS OF VARIOUS DUBSTANCE 78.57 — 87.97 98.26 109.01 S 120 9.8 131.11 My p 170 153.72 6.8 3.6 1 21 13.73 2.83 8.95 28.40 5.73 71.00 58.9 4.65 10.04 32.84 6.57 73 65 60.92 7.4 138.2] M P 7.88 11.15 37.28 7.39 76 30 62.94 12.4 161.5 D — M M 76.19 • 11.90 12 24 41.72 8 43 78.95 64 96 18 4 190.9 P S 116.66 246 178 18 34 21.09 201·43 100 Parts of Water dissolve ( 17.90 13 35 46.16 9 62 81.60 66.98 25.9 M C 6.61 27.41 14 45 50 60 11 34 84.25 69.0 35.0 263.8 • • ― - 40.43 15.57 55 04 13 86 86.90 71.02 45.0 · - 4.6 M 57.85 16.69 59 48 17 29 89.55 73.04 56.7 | ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ M J 1 P S 63.92 24 30 92.20 75.06 68.6 Men M Pag · • 68 36 37 05 94 85 77 08 81·1 533.0 • · • 72.80.53 96 97.5 79 10 94 1 653.6 + DISSOLVED BY Water at DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES (Centigrade). Parts of the Salt- 3.90 9.16 9.52 36 5.52 36.9 42.3 13.66 15 13 J 19.29 22.01. M M 56.9 27.27 30.92 M Sý 36 51 44 11 Mag 51.29 66 65 Temp. 0° el 10 40 14.95 8.18 ⚫32 15 17.9 19.5 20 24.1 25 30 1.81 35 41 ⚫57 *90 S 1.31 2.40 49 22 17.07 50 71.97 90 67 3.20 54 85 118 0 103.08 134·47 4.50 86 99 187.82 209.31 5.70 104.6 • 203 3 421.90 357 48 77.5 6.90 104.78 5.0 · 23.33 7.08 3.3 26 37.82 40 94 16 66] 92.82 25.93) M S 149 13 30.83 273·64 35·90 539 63 48.5 — C G 6 12 19 60 T 33.28 35.98 20 •14 M 44 M p 480 M - 1 Part of the Salt requires Parts of Water- 468 G 1.87 1.29 2.27 4.38 1.88 1.55 1.13 2.70 G 1.18 S 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 .901.18 1.29 38 60 65 70 75 80 85 ⚫27 90 .98 87 98, 79 30 100 • — G Mag 1.34 961.54 1.92 M B K 528 1.07 ·89 1.08 1.02 571 S •87 • Temperature. °° 5 1.64 10 1.43 15 20 118 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES OF SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SUBSTANCES. Formula. C4H6O3 C2H402 BaC₁HoO4+ Aq CG H₂ BIOG C₁H&CdO4+зAq P C12H18Cr2012 C20H24 N2O. C2H402 C4H6CoO 4 +4 Aq Al2C12H18012 Acetate of aluminium.. C6H40 ammonium antimony barium C4H6Cu204 C4H6CuO4+ Aq Acetic anhydride .. " *** "" "9 "" "" "" " >> "" * "1 Name. "" "" acid ·· bismuth cadmium cerium .. ·· •• chromium cinchonidin cinchonin .. ·· cobalt (ous) "" (ic) copper (ous) (ic).. " ·· Solubility. Dissolves in water after a time, or on the appli- cation of heat to form the acid. Soluble in water, alcohol, hydrochloric, sulphuric, and nitric acids. The presence of water renders it insoluble in ether, Soluble in water to 10.6 per cent. at 12.5. Soluble in water and in alcohol, Soluble in water. Soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Soluble in water. "" "" Soluble in water, sparingly in alcohol. Soluble in water. Very sparingly soluble in cold water. Decomposed into a soluble acid and insoluble basic salt; soluble in acetic acid. Very soluble in water. Soluble in water; decomposed by boiling. Insoluble in water; partially soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water and in alcohol; insoluble in ether. 119 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. C12H18Fe2012 C4H6 PbO4 C₁H&CаO4+xAq C₂Hg LiO2+2Aq C₁H&MgO4+4Aq CH6MnO4+4Aq C₁H&Hg204 C₁H6 HgO C17H19NO3. C2H402 C4H6NiO₁+5Aq C₂H3KO₂ C20H24N202. C2H402 C₂Hg AgO2 2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Name. Acetate of iron (ic) lead calcium lithium "" "" "" "" "" "" * "" " "" "" "" "" 19 ·· "" morphine ·· nickel nicotin potassium quinine silver.. .. magnesium manganese.. mercury (ous) (ic) .. .. .. .. .. Solubility. Soluble in water and in alcohol; insoluble in chloroform and in ether. Soluble in water and in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Soluble in water, less soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water and in alcohol; sparingly soluble in ether. Soluble in water and in alcohol. د. Sparingly soluble in cold, soluble in hot, water (with decom.); insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water; decomposed by alcohol and by ether. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in chloroform. ور Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Soluble in water, alcohol, acetic acid, but in- soluble in ether. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water, readily soluble in cyanide of potassium. 120 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Name. C2H3NaO2+3 Aq Acetate of sodium C4H6SrO4+xAq strontium C21 H22N202. C2H402 C4H6SnO C8H12SnO8 C2H3O2(U20) C₁Н ¿ZnŐ+зÁq 4 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. C2H6O NH3 " " " "" "" "" strychnine .. tin (ous) (ic) titanium uranium "" Alcohol Ammonia Antimoniates ·· ·· .. ·· zinc "" Albumen (soluble mo dification). Albumen (insoluble mo- dification). :: • •• :: Solubility. Soluble in water, alcohol, and boiling creosote; insoluble in ether. Soluble in water and in alcohol; insoluble in creosote. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water. >> Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in alcohol, in water, and in creosote. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol and in ether. Insoluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether; soluble in warm acetic, tartaric, and phos- phoric acids. Soluble in wood-spirit, chloroform, ether, naphtha, benzin, water, &c. (see Alcohol Tables). Soluble in water (see Sp. Gr. Tables). Nearly all insoluble, or very slightly soluble in water. 121 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. 1 BH3Og M 6 HBrO3 Al2 Br6018 (NÍI4) Brog BaBr₂Of + Aq Cd Br206+Aq CaBr₂06 + Aq Cr2 Br6018 CoBrO6+6Aq CuBr206 +5Aq Fe2 Br6018 PbBr₂06 + Aq A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Arseniates Benzoates Boric acid Borates " 21 "" "" "" Name. " " Bromic acid Bromate of aluminium ammonium barium cadmium calcium chromium. " "" ·· ·· : :: cobalt copper iron (ic) lead •• ·· ·· .. .. .. • ·· ·· ·· Solubility. Nearly all insoluble, or nearly insoluble, in water. Arseniates of potassium and sodium are soluble. Nearly all soluble in water; benzoate of silver is sparingly soluble. Soluble in water (especially if hot) and in alcohol. All the borates, except those of the alkali metals and ammonium, are difficultly soluble in water, and insoluble, or nearly insoluble, in alcohol; soluble in boric acid. Soluble in water, decomposed by alcohol and ether. Soluble in water. "" "" "" "" "} "" Soluble in 1·1 part of cold water. Soluble in water. Soluble in water and in ammonia water. Soluble in water. "> "" "" "" 122 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. LiBrO3 MgBr206+6Aq Hg2 Br206 Hg Br206+2Aq NiBr206+6Aq KBrO 3 AgBrog NaBrog SrBr₂06+Aq ZnBr206+6 Aq Br2 Al2Br6 NH4Br SbBrg AsBrg A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Bromate of lithium "" "" "" "" "" 19 " " "" Bromine .. Name. "" "" "" magnesium mercury (ous) (ic) "" nickel potassium.. silver sodium strontium zinc ·· Bromide of aluminium ammonium ·· antimony arsenic ·· • ·· ·· Solubility. Soluble in water. Soluble in 1.4 part water at 15º. Insoluble in water, but decomposed when boiled with it. Soluble in 650 parts of cold and in 64 parts of boiling water. Soluble in 3 58 parts of cold water. Soluble in 15.2 parts of water at 15°; much more soluble at 100°; insoluble in absolute alcohol. Insoluble in water and in nitric acid; soluble in ammonia. Soluble in 2.7 parts of water at 15°. Soluble in 3 parts of cold water. Soluble in water. Soluble in 33.3 parts of water at 15°, in alcohol, in ether, in CS2; insoluble in benzine. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol. Decomposed by water. "" "" 123 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. BaBr₂+2Aq BiBrg BBrg Cd Br2 CaBr2 CoBr2 Cu2Br2 CuBr₂+5Aq AuBrз Fe2 Br6 PbBr2 LiBr MgBr₂+6Aq MnBr2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Bromide of barium bismuth boron .. cadmium calcium cobalt copper (ous) "" "" " 1*35 "" "" "" **** "" "} 19 "" "" Name. "" gold fron (ic) lead .. ·· ·· ·· (ic) •• •• .. lithium magnesium manganese Solubility. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Decomposed by water. "" Soluble in water, in alcohol, in ether, and in wood-spirit. Soluble in 80 part of water at 0°; in 32 part at 105°. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Soluble in bydrochloric and hydrobromic acids; insoluble in water and in sulphuric acid; soluble in ammonia. Soluble in water. Soluble in water and in ether. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Sparingly soluble in boiling water; soluble in hydrochloric, nitric, and acetic acids, and in solutions of ammonium chloride or nitrate. Soluble in 70 part of water at 0°, and in 37 • part at 103°. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water. 124 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Hg2 Br2 HgBr2 NiBr₂+3Aq KBr AgBr NaBr SrBr2 SnBr2 SnBri Zn Br₂ C4H8O2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Bromide of mercury (ous) (ic) "" * A 39 "" "" "" " Name. "" " nickel potassium.. silver sodium strontium tin (ous) (ic) >> zinc Butyric acid Butyrates.. .. : ·· • ·· ·· .. .. ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water and in alcohol; soluble in mercurous nitrate. Soluble in 250 parts of cold, and in 25 parts of boiling, water; soluble in alcohol and in ether. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Soluble in 4 parts of cold, and in 1 part of boiling, water; soluble in alcohol. Insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in am- monia; sparingly soluble in KI, KBr, and some other solutions. Soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water, and somewhat soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water. 99 Soluble in water, in alcohol, in ether, in ammonia, in hydrochloric and acetic acids. Soluble in alcohol, in water, and in wood-spirit; soluble in ether. All the butyrates are soluble in water. 125 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. I C8H10N402 Caffein C10H10O Camphor C6H1202 CO2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. BaCOg Bi203.CO2 CaCO3 Soluble in hot water, in alcohol, and sparingly soluble in ether; soluble in chloroform. Soluble in 1000 parts of water; soluble in alcohol, in ether, in acetone, and in benzine. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Caproates of Ba, Mg, K, Ag (sparingly), Na, Sr, soluble in water. Carbamates of amyl, butyl, ethyl, methyl; soluble in alcohol. Carbonic anhydride (li- | Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, quid). CS2, oil of turpentine. Carbonates of ammonium Carbonate of barium Name. "1 Caproic acid Caproates.. Carbamates "" · ·· :: ·· • ·· .. ·· .. Solubility. bismuth .. cadmium.. Soluble in water; decomposed in boiling. Soluble in 12027 parts of water at 15°; soluble in a solution of carbonic acid; soluble in ammonic nitrate and choloride, Insoluble in water; soluble in ammonic car- bonate. Insoluble in water; soluble in solutions of al- kaline carbonates and in some ammonium salts. 126 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. CuCO3 PbCO3 CaCO3 Li2CO3 MgCO3+xAq MnCO3 Hg2CO3 HgCOg NiCOg+xAq K2CO3 KHCO3 Na2CO3 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Carbonate of copper "" "" 19 "" કર >> "" Name. 93 lead ·· ·· calcium lithium magnesium Bicarbonate of Carbonate of sodium ·· در .. manganese mercury (ous). mercury (ic) nickel potassium •• Solubility. Insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in car- bonic acid water; soluble in many ammonium salts, and in ammonia. Slightly soluble in water; soluble in ammonium salts. Slightly soluble in carbonic acid, in ammonium chloride, and in some potash and soda salts. Difficultly soluble in cold, soluble in hot, water. Slightly soluble in water; soluble in some am- monium salts. Insoluble in water; soluble in ammonium chloride. Decomposed by hot water; soluble in ammonium chloride. Soluble in ammonium chloride. Soluble in carbonate and in chloride of ammonium. Soluble in about 1 part of water at ordinary tem- perature; soluble in spirit. Soluble in 3.5 parts of water at 15°; insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in about 6 parts of water at 15°; in- soluble in alcohol. 127 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. SrCO g ZnCOg + Aq C18H30015 HCIO3 (NH4)CIO 3 BaCl2O6+ Aq CaCl206+2Aq CoCl2O6+6Aq CaCl206+6Aq Fe₂CI6018 Pbcí 206+ö MgCl206+6Aq Hg2Cl206 HgCl206 NiCl206+6Aq KCIO 3 AgCIO3 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Carbonate of strontium strychnine zinc "" Cellulose .. "" "" "" Chloric acid Chlorate of ammonium "" "" ""> "" "" "" Name. "" "" "" • • barium calcium cobalt •• copper.. iron (ic) lead ·· "J nickel.. potassium silver ·· ·· ·· magnesium mercury (ous) (ic) ·· .. • ·· Soluble in ammonium chloride. Soluble in carbonic acid water. Soluble in ammonium chloride. Insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, or oils; soluble in solution of ammonio-cupric oxide. Soluble in water. Solubility. (Explosive if kept); soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in 4 parts of cold and less warm water; insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water and in alcohol. "" » "" " "1 "" Soluble in water; the basic salt is insoluble. Soluble in water and in alcohol. "" There is a soluble and an insoluble modification. Soluble in about 4 parts of cold water. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Almost the least soluble of all chlorates. Soluble in water and in alcohol. 128 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. NaClO3 SrCl206+5Aq ZnCl2O6+6Aq HCI Al2C16 NHẠC A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Chlorate of sodium strontium zinc Hydrochloric acid " Chloride of aluminum " Name. " ·· .. ammonium .. .. ·· ·· Solubility. Soluble in water; somewhat soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water, alcohol, ether (see Sp. Gr. Table of HCI). Soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Sp. Gr. at 150. 1.0072 1.0360 1.0733 1.1125 1.1537 ·· Sp. Gr. at 15°. 1.0032 1.0158 1.0308 •• •• ·· .. A12C16 per cent. 1 5 ·· 10 15 20 Sp. Gr. at 15º. 1.1967 1.2422 1.2905 1.3415. ·· ·· • • •• A12C16 per cent. ·· ·· ·· 25 30 35 40 Soluble in about 2.8 parts of water at ordinary temperature; soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether and in CS2. NHẠC Sp. Gr. MMT per cent. 1 at 15°. 1.0452 1.0593 1.0730 5 10 NH4CI per cent. 15 20 25 129 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. SbC13 AsClg BaCl2+2Aq BiCl3 CdCl2+2Aq CaCl2 + 6Aq A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES &c.-continued. Chloride of antimony arsenic barium "" "" "" " Name. "" 13 bismuth cadmium calcium .. .. .. .. ·· Decomposed by water; soluble in alcohol and in sodium chloride. Decomposed by much water; soluble in alcohol and in ether. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Sp. Gr. at 15° 1.0092 1.0458 1.0951 ·· Sp. Gr. at 15°. ·· 1.0085 1.0426 1.0869 1.1336 .. ·· Ba Cl2 per cent. 1 5 10 ·· ·· ·· Solubility. CaCl2 per cent. 1 5 10 15 ·· Decomposed by water; soluble in hydrochloric acid. Soluble in 7 part of water at 20°; soluble in alcohol. .. Sp. Gr. at 15°. 1.1485 1.2061 1.2702 Soluble in about 1.5 part of water at ordinary temperature; soluble in alcohol. ·· ·· Sp. Gr. at 15°. •• 1.1822 1.2336 1.2879 1.3443 ·· BaCl2 per cent. ·· .. ·· •• ·· 15 20 25 CaCl2 per cent. 20 25 30 35 .. K 130 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Cr₂C16 CoCl2 Cu¿CI 2 CuCl2+Aq AuCl3 ICI FeCl2 Fe2C16 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Solubility. Chloride of chromium (ic) Soluble in water and in alcohol; violet chloride of chromium is insoluble in water. cobalt.. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and sparingly in ether. copper (ous) Insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in ether; soluble in strong hydrochloric acid, in am- monia, and in sodium chloride. (ic).. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. >> "" "" "} "" "" * "" Name. "" gold iodine (ous) iron (ous) (ic) "" ·· Sp. Gr. at 12.5° 1.054 1.111 Per cent. 10 20 •• Sp. Gr. at 12.5° 1.176 1.247 .. .. • - Per cent. 30 38 ·· Soluble in water, in alcohol, in ether, and in hydrochloric acid. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Soluble in water and in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. 131 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. PbCl 2 LiCl MgCl2 MnCl2 Hg2Cl2 HgCl2 NiCl2 PtC14 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Chloride of lead "" "" 995 "" "" "" "" Name. 343 ·· lithium ·· .. magnesium nickel.. platinum manganese mercury (ous) (ic) Sparingly soluble in cold (in 135 parts at 12.5° C.), soluble in hot, water; insoluble in alcohol. Intensely deliquescent; soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Soluble in water (in 1.8 at 15° C.); soluble in alcohol. Sp. Gr. at 15°. 1.0084 1.0422 1.0859 1.1310 ·· MgCl2 per cent. 20 25 30 35 Soluble in water (in 1.6 at 10° C.) and in alcohol. Insoluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether; soluble, with decomposition, in warm hydro- chloric acid or sodium chloride; soluble in warm nitrate or chloride of ammonium. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Freshly sublimed, it is difficultly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. .. MgCl2 per cent. 1 5 10 15 Solubility. • .. .. Sp. Gr. at 15º. 1.1780 1.2274 1.2794 1.3340 .. .. ·· ·· .. K 2 132 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. KCI AgCl NaCl SrCl2 + 6Aq SnCl2+2Aq SnCl4 ZnCl2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Chloride of potassium.. "" "" **** Name. "" silver.. sodium strontium tin (ous). (ic) "" zinc ·· •• .. .. ·· ·· .. Solubility. Soluble in water (in 3 parts at 15° C.). KCI Sp. Gr. at 15°. 1.1004 1.1361 1.1723 Sp. Gr. at 15º. 1.0065 1.0325 1.0658 Sp. Gr. at 19.5°. .. 1.011 1.115 1.236 .. •• 24.9 Soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether and in CS2. Insoluble in water; soluble in ammonia, in alkaline chlorides and hyposulphites; soluble in strong hydrochloric acid,(spar.) in glycerine. 100 parts of water dissolve about 36 parts of it at all temperatures; soluble in alcohol; in- soluble in ether and in hydrochloric acid. Soluble in water; soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water, alcohol, and hydrochloric acid. Soluble in water; soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water. .. .. .. ZnCl2? per cent. ·· per cent. 1 5 10 ·· .. 2 20 40 Sp. Gr. at 19.5°. 1.307 1.425 1.598 ·· ·· KCI per cent. 15 20 ·· .. .. .. ZnCl2? per cent. 50 64 78 133 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. H2CrO4 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Name. Chloroplatinates (double chlorides of platinum). Chromic acid.. Chromates .. ·· ·· ·· Solubility. Chloroplatinates of allylamine, tetrallylamin, aluminium, ammonium, amylamine, diamy- lamine, anilin, atropin, barium, bromanilin, butylamin, caffein, chloranilin, cinchonin, codein, collidin, coniin, creatinin, cyananilin, ethylamin, diethylamin, triethylamin, ethyl- anilin, ethylnicotin, ethylquinine, ethylstrych- nine, guanine, lithium, Tutidin, magnesium, methylamine, dimethylamine, methylanilin, methylethylanilin, methylnicotin, naphthyl- amine, nicotine, nitraniline, octylamine, picolin, piperidin, potassium, propylamine, pyridin, quinine, sodium, zinc, silver, are soluble, or sparingly soluble, in water. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. The following are soluble in water:-Chromates of Am, Co, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn, Hg" (sparingly), Ni, K, Na, Sr (sparingly), Zn. The following are insoluble in water:-Chrom- ates of Al, Sb, Ba, Bi, Cr, Be, Felv, Pb, Hg', Ag, &c. 134 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. C20H24N20 CgH802 C6H604 C&H8O7 CgH15N C8H1002 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Name. Cinchonidine .. Cinchonine Cinnamic acid Cinnamates • Citraconic acid Citraconates • ·· ·· Citric acid Citrates Conlin or Conine Creosol ·· •• ·· ·· : .. ·· .. ·· .. ·· ·· ** Solubility. Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol and in ether. Sparingly soluble in boiling water; soluble in hot alcohol, in chloroform (sparingly), and in acids; insoluble in ether. Sparingly soluble in cold; soluble in hot water; soluble in alcohol and in ether. Cinnamates of Al, Am, Ba, Ca, K, Na, Zn, Mn, Mg are soluble in hot water. The following are insoluble:-Cinnamates of Cd, Co, Ni, Pb, Ag, Cu (decomposed). Many cinnamates are soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. The following are soluble in water:-Citraco- nates of Ba, Pb, Ca, Ni, Mg, K, Ag, Na, Sr. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Most of the citrates are soluble in water. Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, oils. Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, and alkalies. 135 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. C9H6O2 KCyO CN C6H1005 C21H24013 (C2H5)2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Name. Creosote.. Cumarin.. Cyanate of potassium.. Cyanides Cyanogen Dextrin Digitalin.. Elaidates .. ·· .. ·· •• ·· Esculin Essential oils.. ·· ** •• ·· ·· ·· Solubility. Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether. Soluble in hot water and in alcohol. Soluble in water; insoluble in cold absolute alcohol; soluble in hot spirit of 82 per cent. The cyanides of the alkalies are soluble in water; the cyanides of the alkaline earths and of Hg" are soluble; all others are in- soluble (Gerhardt). Absorbed by water, alcohol, and ether. Soluble in hot water; insoluble in alcohol. Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol. The metallic elaidates, except those of the alkalies, are insoluble in water, but decom- posed by excess. Soluble in hot water and hot alcohol. Are generally a little soluble in water, and soluble in alcohol and in ether. Ethyl Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol. Ethylamine (mono-, di-, Soluble in water and acids. and tri-). 136 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. CgHN C2H4 C2H7PO4 C2H6SO4 | | | H6 Fe2Cy12 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Name. Ethylanilin Ethylene Ethyl-phosphoric acid.. Ethyl phosphates.. Fats.. ·· Ethylsulphuric acid Ethylsulphate of barium Ethylsulphates ·· Ferrates.. Ferricyanhydric acid Ferricyanides ·· ·· ·· .. ·· •• .. Solubility. Soluble in alcohol. Sparingly soluble in water, alcohol, ether. Soluble in water, alcohol, ether. Soluble: Am, Ba, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pt, K, Na. Insoluble: Pb, Ca (sparingly soluble), Ag. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water; insoluble in cold absolute alcohol. Soluble in water, especially if hot. Only the Am. salt is soluble in ether. A trace only of natural fats dissolves in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol; soluble in ether, naphtha, benzin. All the ferrates, except those of the alkalies, are insoluble in water. Soluble in water and in alcohol. The ferricyanides of metals, the oxides of which are soluble in ammonia, are themselves soluble in solutions of ammonia and potash (Reynoso). The following are soluble in water:-Ferri- cyanides of quinine, Am, Ba, Ca, Pb (slightly), Mg, K, Na. 137 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. H&FeCy6 HFI Al2F16 NÍ FI Ball2 BiFlg CaFl2 Cr₂ FIG CoFl₂+2Aq Cu2 Fl2 CuFl2 FeFl2+xAq A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Ferrocyanhydric acid Ferrocyanides "" "" " Fluoborates Fluorhydric acid Fluoride of aluminium ammonium barium bismuth calcium chromium "" "" "" "" Name. "" " ·· •• .. ·· ·· .. .. .. cobalt copper (ous) (ic) iron (ous).. Solubility. Soluble in water and in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Ferrocyanides of Am, Ba, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Sr are soluble. Those of Al, Bi, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni, Ag, Sn, Zn are insoluble; many of the latter are soluble in ammonia. Fluoborates of K, Na, Am, Mg, Cu, Ba are soluble in water. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Insoluble in water and in acids. Soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol. Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in acids. Soluble in water; decomposed by evaporation. Slightly soluble in water (1 in 26923). Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in water; more soluble in HFl. Insoluble in water or in HFI. Difficultly soluble in a small quantity of water. Very difficultly soluble in water; soluble in HFI. 138 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Fe2Fl6 PbFl2 LiFl MgFl2 Mn Fl6 Hg2Fl2 Hgrl2 NIFI2 PtFl KFI SiFl AgFl NaFl SnF12 ZnFl2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Fluoride of iron (ic) lead "" " "" "" "" ***** "" " "" "" ง "" "" Name. "" >> .. lithium magnesium manganese (ic). .. silver.. sodium mercury (ous). mercury (ic) nickel platinum (ic) potassium silicon tin (ous) zinc .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· Solubility. Soluble in water. Very slightly soluble in water; soluble in hydro- chloric and nitric acids. Sparingly soluble in water. Insoluble in water; nearly insoluble in acids. Soluble in small quantity of water. Insoluble in water. Soluble in water (decomposed ?). Slightly soluble in water; soluble in HF. Soluble in water; decomposed if hot. Soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water, with decomposition; soluble in alcohol and in ether. Soluble in water. Soluble in water (equally in cold as in hot); insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water. Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in acids and in ammonia. 139 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. B C7H605 C6H1206 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Fumarates Gallic acid Gallates. C27H22017 Gallotannic acid Gallotannates C3H8O3 C12H22O11 Name. Fluosilicates.. .. .. ·· ·· ·· : : : Glucose Gluten Glycerine Gum arabic (arabin) .. : : ·· ·· ·· ... •• Solubility. The fluosilicates of Al, Am, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Pb, Cu, Mn, Mg, Na (sparingly), Zn, are soluble; those of Li, K, Hg, Ba, Ca, are insoluble, or sparingly soluble. Many are soluble in water, none in strong alcohol. Soluble in water (1 in 100 cold-1 in 3 hot); soluble in alcohol; less soluble in ether. Insoluble, except those of the alkalies; soluble in alcohol; sparingly soluble in ether. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Those of Am, aniline, Ca, K, Na, are soluble in water; those of Sb, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe¹, Pb, Zn, are insoluble or sparingly soluble. Soluble in hot water and in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in hot alcohol. Soluble in water and in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol and in ether. 140 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. I H2 11 C8H¿NO HIOS A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Name. Hippurates Hydrates Hydrogen ·· ·· ·· Indigo (blue).. Iodic acid Iodates :: Hypophosphites Hyposulphates (thiosul- phates). •• ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· •• Solubility. } The acid is soluble in hot water and in alcohol, insoluble in ether. All the hippurates (except of ferricum) are soluble in hot water, many of them in hot alcohol. Vide oxides. 100 volumes of water at 18° absorb 4.6 volumes of it; 100 volumes of alcohol (84 sp. gr.) absorb 5.1 volumes of it at 180. The acid is soluble in water and in alcohol; all the salts are soluble in water. The acid is soluble in water; decomposed by boiling. All the normal salts are soluble in water, but insoluble or sparingly soluble in alcohol. Insoluble in water, alcohol, ether; soluble in fuming sulphuric acid. Soluble in alcohol. in water; insoluble in absolute The metallic iodates, except those of the alkalies, are insoluble in water, and all are insoluble in alcohol. 141 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. HI A1216 NHI Sblg Aslg Balz Bilg Cal2 Cal2 Cral6 Col2 Cu2l2 Cul2 Aul Fel2+4Aq Fe216 Pbl2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Hydriodic acid Iodide of aluminium ammonium antimony arsenic "" "" * "" "" **** "" "" "" "" "" "" " *** "" Name. "" ·· • (ic) gold (ous) "" lead ·· barium bismuth. cadmium calcium chromium (ic) iron (ous) (ic) ·· ·· ·· • • cobalt copper (ous).. ·· ·· ·· .. Solubility. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Decomposed by water. Soluble in a large quantity of water (a small quantity decomposes it); soluble in hot alcohol. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Decomposed by water. Soluble in water, alcohol, in boiling ether (spar.). Soluble in water and in absolute alcohol. Soluble in water. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Insoluble in water and in alcohol; soluble in KI. Soluble in water. Insoluble in cold, decomposed by hot water and by alcohol. Soluble in water, in alcohol, and in glycerine. Soluble in water. Soluble in water, especially if hot. 142 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Lil MgI2 MnL2 Hg2l2 Hg12 NiI2+6Aq Pdl2 PtI2 PtI4 KI AgI NaI Sr12 SnI2 Sn14 Zul2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Name. Iodide of lithium "" "" "5 " 1353 "" AAA 33 " >> "" "" "" 235 "" .. magnesium manganese mercury (ous) (ic) "" "" potassium silver sodium strontium sulphur.. tin (ous) (ic) "" zinc ·· .. nickel palladium.. platinum (ous) (ic) .. ·· ·· .. ·· ·· .. ·· Solubility. Soluble in water. Soluble in water; partially decomposed in eva- poration. Soluble in water. Insoluble in water; soluble in ether. Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, glycerine, KI, and many other salts. Soluble in water. Insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, or KI; soluble in ammonia (with decomposition). Insoluble in water; decomposed by HI, KI. Insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water (1 in 7 at 16° C.), alcohol, glycerine. Insoluble in water and nearly insoluble in NH HO; soluble in KCI, NaCl (conc.). Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water. Insoluble in water; decomposed by alcohol. Sparingly soluble in water. Decomposed by water; soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water and in alcohol. 143 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Fe C4H606 CgH603 C12H2402 Pb A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Iron.. Name. Isotartaric acid Itaconates .. Lauric acid Lead .. ·· Kinates, or Quinates Lactic acid Lactates.. ·· +4 .. .. .. ·· ·· .. .. • ·· 4. ·· Solubility. Unacted on by cold concentrated nitric acid; dissolved by the dilute acid, as by dilute sulphuric and hydrochloric acids; soluble in CuSO4 with precipitate of Cu; soluble in strong solutions of the alkaline bicarbonates. Soluble in water and in alcohol. The acid is soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether, in which the salts are in general soluble. Most of the metallic quinates are soluble in water, but insoluble in absolute alcohol. Very soluble in water; soluble in alcohol and in ether. Most of the lactates are difficultly soluble in cold water and in alcohol; a few of them are soluble in hot alcohol; but in general boiling water dissolves them readily; they are all absolutely insoluble in ether. Soluble in alcohol and in ether. Soluble in dilute nitric acid; feebly attacked by HCI or H2SO4. 144 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Mg C4H605 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. C6H1406 Name. Magnesium Malic acid Malates .. C₁H404 Maleic acid Maleates Mannite.. Margarates ·· .. ·· : :: .. : : ·· ·· ·· ·· Solubility. Soluble in dilute acids; difficultly soluble in concentrated H2SO4. Most of its salts are soluble. Soluble in water, spirit, and ether. Most malates are soluble in water; only a few are soluble in alcohol; the latter dissolve in nitric acid. Soluble in water, alcohol, ether. The metallic maleates, except those of Pb, Ag, and Cu, are generally soluble in water; the alkaline maleates are soluble in water, in- soluble in alcohol. Soluble in hot water and hot alcohol; insoluble in ether. The normal alkaline margarates are soluble in warm water and in warm alcohol; they are almost insoluble in ether. The alkaline earthy and earthy salts are insoluble in water or ether, and many of them are insoluble in alcohol. 145 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Hg I│ C10H8 C10H14N2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Name. Mercury. .. Molybdates Molybdophosphate of ammonium. .. •• Naphtha (mineral) Naphthalin Nicotin .. •• ·· : ·· •• ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water; scarcely acted on by HCl (even if hot and concentrated); attacked by warm dilute nitric acid, and by the concen- trated acid in the cold. Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in hot solu- tions of many salts (NH4)2SO4, KCl, MgSO4, NaCl, alkalies, &c.). The presence of excess of ammonic molybdate renders it insoluble even in acids. Except the Am. salt, all are insoluble, or diffi- cultly soluble, in water. The alkaline molyb- dates and magnesic molybdate are soluble. Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, or oils. Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, CS2, &c. Soluble in all proportions in water, alcohol, or ether; it forms salts generally soluble in water and in alcohol, insoluble in ether. L 146 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. N2 C6H5ÑO 2 C18H3402 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Name. Nitrates.. Nitrites .. Nitrogen Nitrobenzine.. Oleic acid ·· Nitroprussides ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· .. Solubility. All nitrates, except some basic salts, are soluble in water. The following are among those soluble in alcohol: -Nitrates of Al, Am, Cd, Co, Cu, Be, Ca, Li, Mg, Mn, Ag, Ur, Zn. The following are insoluble in absolute alcohol:-Nitrates of Pb, Ni, K, Na, Sr. All the normal nitrites, except nitrite of silver, are soluble in water, but as a rule less soluble than the nitrates. Nearly insoluble in all known solvents. Almost insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol and ether; soluble in warm concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids. The following are soluble:-The acid, nitro- prussides of Am, Ba, Ca, Pb, K, Na. The following are insoluble:-Nitroprussides of Cu, Ni, Co, Fe', Ag, Zn (in cold). Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, oils, and creosote. ↓ 147 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. BaC2O4+ Aq Bi2C6012+15Aq CdC2O4+2Aq Cr₂C6012 CoC2O4+2Aq Oleates C2H2O4+2Aq Oxalic acid Al2C6012 (NH4)2C2O4+ Aq " >> 1:35 Oxalate of aluminium .. ammonium aniline barium bismuth cadmium chromium cobalt 39 "" Name. "" "" .. ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· .. Solubility. The normal alkaline oleates are soluble in water, but the other metallic oleates, and the acid salts of the alkalies, are insoluble. As a general rule the oleates are soluble in cold absolute alcohol, and ether. Soluble in water and in alcohol; difficultly soluble in ether. All its salts are soluble in acids. Insoluble in water; slightly soluble in alcohol; soluble in dilute acids. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water; difficultly soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Sparingly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol or ether. Insoluble in water; soluble in oxalic acid and other acids. Insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether; soluble in ammonia and in acids. Soluble in water. Insoluble in water; soluble in ammonia and in ammonium salts. L 2 148 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. CuC2O4+Aq FeC204+2Aq. Fe2C6012 PbC204 CaC204 Li2C204 MgC204+2Aq MnC204 Hg2C2O4+ Aq HgC2O4+Aq NiC204+2Aq C10H14N2* H2C2O4 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Oxalate of copper (ous) "" "" "" "" "" 888 "" "" A "" * "" "" Name. "9 " iron (ous) (ic) "" lead ·· calcium lithium magnesium manganese.. "" ·· nickel.. nicotine mercury (ous) (ic) ·· .. .. Solubility. Soluble in ammonia and in ammonium carbonate. Insoluble in water; soluble in ammonia and in some ammonium salts. Insoluble in water. Insoluble in water, soluble in oxalic acid, and in other acids. Insoluble in water, in alcohol, and in hot oxalic acid. Insoluble in water, in oxalic and acetic acids; soluble in other acids. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Very sparingly soluble in water and in alcohol. Insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether; soluble in the mineral acids and in some ammonium salts. Insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether; sparingly soluble in ammonium salts. Insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether; soluble in ammonium salts. Insoluble in water; soluble in ammonia and in ammonium salts. Soluble in water and in alcohol; insoluble in ether. 149 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. K2C2O4+ Aq KHC204+Aq 2C20H24N202* H2C2O4 Na2C2O4 SrC204. SnC204 ZnC2O4+2Aq A1203 Al2O3, 2Aq Al2O3, зAq A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Oxalate of potassium potassium (acid). quinine sodium strontium .. tin (ous) zinc "" = "" 135 12 " Name. "" Oxide of aluminium ·· ·· ·· .. .. Solubility. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in hot alcohol. Very difficultly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol or ether. Insoluble in water; moderately soluble in am- monium salts. Very sparingly soluble in water and in cold dilute acids; soluble in caustic potash. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids, in am- monia, and sparingly soluble in ammonium salts. Corundum is unacted upon by acids. The ignited oxide is not soluble in dilute acids, but soluble in warm fuming HCI. Soluble form. The solution is coagulated by mineral acids and by most organic acids, also by many salts. Insoluble in water; soluble in potassic and sodic hydrates; slightly soluble in ammonia, espe- cially in the absence of ammonium salts. 150 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Sb2O3 BaO BaH2O2+8Aq A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Name. Oxide of antimony " barium .. .. ·· Sparingly soluble in water, best in boiling; soluble in cold solutions of (NH4)Cl, (NH4)NO3; soluble in tartaric and acetic acids and in HCl; insoluble in nitric acid; insoluble in dilute, but soluble in concentrated, alkaline solutions. The hydrate is soluble in dilutę alkaline solu- tions. Sparingly soluble in water. Sp. Gr. 1.6 1.3 1.03 1.02 1.01 Solubility. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· • Per cent. of BaO, 30 19 2.6 1.8 ⚫9 Soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether. The hydrate is very soluble, especially in hot water. Most of the salts of barium are in- soluble; but all, except the sulphate, are soluble in dilute HCl and HNO3. 151 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Bi203 Cao CaO Cr₂08 Cr₂H606 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Oxide of bismuth.. "" "" Name. "" cadmium calcium.. chromium ·· ·· .. ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water; easily soluble in those acids with which it forms soluble salts. Most of its salts are decomposed by water with precipi- tation of an insoluble basic salt, which is, however, soluble in HNO3 or HCI. Insoluble in water; very soluble in ammonia. The cadmium salts are for the most part soluble in water; the insoluble salts dissolve in dilute acids. Soluble in about 750 parts of water at ordinary temperature; less soluble in hot than in cold. water; nearly insoluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether; soluble in sugar solution and in glycerine. Insoluble in water; insoluble in HCI after strong ignition. The hydrate is insoluble in water, soluble in caustic alkalies, but separated on boiling. When well washed it is insoluble in am- monia. 152 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Coo CoH202 I Cu 20 CuO Au20 Au203 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. Oxide of cobalt Name. "" C0304, C0203, Coз05, Co12019. Oxide of copper (ous) (ic) "" " ·· "" gold (ous) "" ·· (ic) .. ·· ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids ; soluble in NH4Cl (?) The hydrate is insoluble in water and in caustic alkalies; soluble in ammonia and in some ammonia salts. Co304 is insoluble in water and in HC1; soluble in H2SO4. Cog05 and C012019 when by- drated are soluble in dilute HCl with evolution of Cl; C020g (anhydrous) is soluble in boiling concentrated HCl. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids. The hydrate is soluble in acids, in ammonia, and in ammonium salts. When dried the bydrate is insoluble in water; the hydrate sometimes dissolves; soluble in aqua regia. Insoluble in water and in most acids; soluble in HCl and in aqua regia; when precipitated it is soluble in boiling alkalies. 153 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. FeO Fe 203 PbO Pb203 PbO2 Li20 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Oxide of iron (ous) 19 "" "" Name. " "" lead "" " (ic) (per) lithium ·· .. 04 •• .. Solubility. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids, but with difficulty, after ignition. The hydrate is soluble in ammonia, (NH4)Cl, and (NH4) NO3. After ignition it is difficultly soluble in acids, but most freely in HCI. The hydrate is nearly insoluble in caustic alkalies and in ammonia or ammonium salts. Not entirely insoluble in water; soluble in acids -best in nitric and acetic acids; soluble in glycerine to some extent, in warm solutions of (NH4)Cl or (NH4)NO3; and in hot caustic alkalies; soluble in sugar. Insoluble in water; dilute acids dissolve out PbO. Insoluble in water; decomposed by cold, HC1; insoluble in moderately strong nitric, sul- phuric, or acetic acids. Soluble in water, but to a less extent than potash and soda; sparingly soluble in alcohol. 154 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. MgO MnO Hg20 HgO Nio I A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Oxide of magnesium "" Name. "" "" manganese Mn2O3, Mng04, MnO2 Oxide of mercury (ous) "" nickel .. Ni203, Ni305 ·· (lc).. .. Solubility. Nearly insoluble in water. The hydrate is soluble in ammonia water, but not in potash. Oxides on exposure to air. Insoluble in water; easily soluble in acids; soluble in a boiling solution of NHCl. The oxides dissolve in HCl on heating with evolution of Cl. Insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether; insoluble in dilute HCI or dilute HNO3; soluble in (NH4)Cl. Insoluble in water. The hydrate is insoluble in water and in ammonia. Insoluble in water; slowly soluble in acids, even after ignition. The hydrate is insoluble in water, but soluble in acids, ammonia, or am- monium carbonate, also in boiling (NH4)Cl. Ni₂Og is not known in the hydrated state; it is soluble in acids and in ammonia with reduc- tion to protoxide. NigOg is unstable, and dissolves in acids with evolution of Cl. 155 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Pto K20 Ag20 Na20 Sro Sno SnO2 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Oxide of platinum (ous) potassium " "" "" " "" Name. >> silver sodium ·· strontium tin (ous).. tin (ic) ·· .. Solubility. Soluble in sulphurous and in concentrated sul- phuric acids, also in cold HCl. Soluble in water. The hydrate is soluble in water and in alcohol; sparingly soluble in ether. The compounds of K are in general less soluble than those of Na. Slightly soluble in water; soluble in ammonia. and in alkaline hyposulphites, chlorides, and cyanides; soluble in nitric acid. Soluble in water. The hydrate is soluble in water and in alcohol, and sparingly soluble in ether. Sparingly soluble in water; very sparingly soluble in alcohol; and insoluble in ether. The hydrate is also soluble in water. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids; insoluble in dilute alkaline solutions. The hydrate is soluble in dilute alkalies, but insoluble in ammonia. Insoluble in water, acids, or alkalies. The ordinary hydrate is soluble in acids and in alkalies. Metastannic acid is insoluble or sparingly soluble in acids. 156 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. ZnO || │ C6H6HO A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Name. Oxide of zinc.. Oxychlorides.. Oxybromides and oxy- iodides. Paratartrates.. ·· .. ·· Perchlorates. Periodates Phenic acid (carbolic (carbolic acid). ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids even after ignition. The hydrate is soluble in alkalies and in ammonia. Are in general insoluble in water. Many of them are insoluble in water. Paratartrates of Am, Cr, Co (sparingly), Cu', Cu", Fe' Felv, Mg (sparingly), Ni (sparingly), K, Na are soluble in water. The salts of Ba, Cd, Pb, Ca, Ag, Sr, Zn are insoluble. Many of the latter are sparingly soluble in boiling water, and many of those soluble in water are in- soluble in alcohol. Potassium perchlorate is the least soluble; it is soluble in 15 parts of water at 15º C. These are for the most part insoluble in water; the salts of the alkalies are soluble. Soluble in alcohol, ether, &c.; sparingly soluble in water. It forms salts with the alkalies and alkaline earths soluble in water. 157 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. HPOg H4P207 H3PO4 Al2P208 H(NH4)2PO4 BaHPO4 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Name. Phosphoric acids: Metaphosphoric (and its salts). Pyrophosphoric (and its salts). acid "" acid Orthophosphoric acid Phosphate of aluminum .. ammonium (NH4)3PO4 and H2(NH4) PO4⋅ Phosphate of antimony barium (ordinary). Solubility. Soluble in water, especially when free from carthy impurities. The salts it forms with the alkalies are soluble, those with the alkaline earths and metallic oxides are, for the most part, precipitates. Soluble in water. The alkaline pyrophosphates are soluble in water; most of the other salts are precipitates, but soluble in solutions of alkaline pyrophosphates. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Insoluble in water or in (NH4)Cl; soluble in acids, even in acetic (?) and in caustic potash, not precipitated by ammonia in presence of citric acid. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. These salts are soluble in water. Insoluble in cold, decomposed by boiling water. Very sparingly soluble in water; soluble in (NH4)Cl, and in dilute HCI, H3PO4, HNO3. 158 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Cdg P208 CaHP208 Ca2H2P 208 + 4Aq Cag P208 Cr2 P208 Co3 P20g+8Aq CuHPO4 Fe2P208 Pbg P208 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Name. Phosphate of cadmium Phosphates of calcium: mono- di- tri- ·· "" 19 ·· "" ·· •• Phosphate of chromium cobalt copper iron (ic) ·· lead.. .. ·· ·· • ·· Solubility, Insoluble in water; soluble in cold (NH4)Cl. Soluble in water, precipitated with decomposition by alcohol. Insoluble in water and in alcohol; nearly in- soluble in acetic, but soluble in nitric and hydrochloric acids. Insoluble in water, alcohol, ether. Easily soluble in nitric and hydrochloric acids; less easily in acetic acid. Insoluble in water; easily soluble in acids. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids and in ammonia. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids, even in acetic. Insoluble in water; nearly insoluble in acetic acid; slightly soluble in a solution of CO2. Soluble in acids, but reprecipitated by alkalies, alkaline, carbonates, and acetates. Insoluble in water, acetic acid, or ammonia; soluble in nitric acid. 159 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. PbHPO4 LiH2PO4 LigPO4 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. H4MgP208 MgHPO4+7Aq Name. Phosphate of lead "" tri- "" >> mono- di- .. MnHPO4+3Aq di-. Mn3P208+7Aq tri- ·· .. ·· Soluble in water; tolerably soluble in spirit. Soluble in water, and with more facility in dilute acids, even in acetic acid; insoluble in alcohol. Insoluble in water; difficultly soluble in acetic; soluble in dilute acids. (NH4)2 Mg2P208 Phosphate of magnesium Very sparingly soluble in water; a little more + 12Aq Mgg P208 and ammonium. soluble in presence of (NH₁₁)Cl; nearly in- soluble in presence of ammonia. lithium .. .. 19 magnesium •• : ·· Phosphate of manganese ·· ·· .. •• ·· •• ·· ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water or acetic acid; soluble in nitric acid and in potash or soda. Soluble in water. ·· Sparingly soluble (1 in 833 at 120) in water; soluble in water containing CO2 and in very dilute acids. Difficultly soluble in water or acetic acid; in- soluble in alcohol. insoluble in Sparingly soluble alcohol; soluble in some ammonium salts and in acids. in water; 160 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. H2KPO4 HK2PO4 K3PO4 HAg2PO4 Ag3PO4 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. NaH2PO4+ Aq Na2HPO4+12Aq NagPo4+12Aq Hg6P208 Hg3P208 (ic). NigP208+7Aq Phosphate of nickel Phosphate of mercury (ous). Phosphate of mercury "" mono- di-.. tri- Name. di- tri- ·· •• ·· ·· ·· potassium : ·· Phosphate of silver: di- tri- •• ·· ·· .. .. Phosphate of sodium: mono- ·· •• ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water, decomposed by HCl. Insoluble in water; soluble in ammonium salts and in acids, including phosphoric. Insoluble in water; soluble in sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric, and phosphoric acids. Soluble in water: insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Decomposed by water; insoluble in absolute alcohol or ether; soluble in phosphoric acid. Insoluble in in water; soluble in nitric and phosphoric acids, also in acetic acid; soluble in ammonia, ammonium chloride, alkaline hyposulphites. Soluble in water; nearly insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water. 161 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. SrHPO4 Sng P208 2SnO2, P205, 10Aq (U2O2)2H2P208 +x Aq Zng P208, 2Aq P 4 C20H24N2O2 B A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Phosphate of strontium tin (ous) "" " "9 " Name. Phosphorus Quinine Silicates.. (ic).. uranium.. "" zinc ·· •• .. ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water; soluble in water con- taining ammonium salts or free acids. Insoluble in water; soluble in mineral acids, in (NH4)Cl and in caustic potash. Insoluble in nitric acid. Insoluble in water or acetic acid; soluble in mineral acids. Insoluble in water; soluble in acids, in ammonia, in some ammonium salts, and in potash. Ordinary phosphorus is insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, more soluble in ether, freely soluble in CS2 and in SC12. Amorphous phosphorus is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, CS2; very soluble in strong nitric acid. Slightly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol and ether, also in chloroform; soluble in dilute acids. Artificial silica (ignited) is soluble in alkalies. Artificial silicates are decomposed by acids, of natural silicates some are decomposed by acids and some unacted upon. The latter are de- composed by HF1. M 162 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Ag A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Silver Name. .. C18H30015 Starch C18H3602 Stearic acid Stearates.. ·· C21 H22N2021 Strychnine CgHg Styrol Suberates ·· .. ·· : .. : : ·· ·· ·· : •• ·· Solubility. Unacted upon by water and by vegetable acids. Slightly attacked by boiling hydrochloric acid; soluble in nitric acid and in hydriodic acid. Insoluble in cold water, alcohol, or ether. forms a kind of solution in hot water. It Insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol and in • ether, benzine, and CS2. The normal alkaline stearates are soluble in small quantities of pure water, but decomposed by larger portions. All other stearates are insoluble in water. All of them are insoluble in ether, and all, except those of the alkalies, are insoluble in alcohol. Almost insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether; soluble in acids. Most of its salts are soluble in water. Slightly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol and in ether. The acid is sparingly soluble in cold, more soluble in hot, water; soluble in alcohol, ether, fatty and volatile oils. The alkaline suberates and those of the alkaline earths are soluble in water. 163 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. CaSO4+4Aq CaSO4 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Cr2(SO4)3+15Aq COSO4 Succinates C12H22O11 Sugar (cane).. H2SO4 Sulphuric acid Al2(SO4)3+18Aq Sulphate of aluminium (NH4)2SO4 ammonium (NH2C6H6)HSO4 BaSO4 "" "" 19 "" " Name. 39 "9 ·· anilin barium cadmium calcium •• ·· ·· ·· chromium.. cobalt.. .. Solubility. The acid is soluble in water, in alcohol, and in ether. Most succinates are soluble in water; all are soluble in potassic acetate. Soluble in water and in alcohol (sparingly); insoluble in ether. Soluble in water. (See Tables.) Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water; sparingly soluble in absolute alcohol; more soluble in dilute alcohol. Very soluble in water; soluble in alcohol; in- soluble in ether. Insoluble in water; a little soluble in cold dilute acids; boiling hydrochloric acid dissolves a considerable amount of it. Insoluble in alcohol and in ether. Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in water; insoluble in water at 140-150° C. More soluble in presence of NaCl and some other salts than in water. Soluble in water; less soluble in spirit. Difficultly soluble in cold, more soluble in hot, water; insoluble in alcohol. M 2 164 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Cu2SO4 CuSO4+5Aq FeSO4+7Aq Fe2(SO4)3 PbS04 Li2SO4+ Aq MgSO4+7Aq MnSO4 Mn2(SO4)3 Hg2SO4 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Sulphate of copper (ous) (ic) "" *** "" "" "" " "J "" Name. 16 "" iron (ous). (ic) "" lead •• ·· lithium magnesium manganese (ous). manganese (ic). of mereury (ous). ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water or in concentrated sulphuric acid. Soluble in water; soluble in dilute alcohol. (See Solubility Tables.) Soluble in water. (See Tables.) Soluble in water; soluble in alcohol. Insoluble in water; more soluble in presence of ammonium salts; insoluble in alcohol; soluble in hot concentrated hydrochloric acid and in nitric acid if warm and concentrated; soluble in hot potash or soda-lye, and in warm am- monia; sparingly soluble in strong sulphuric acid, precipitated on dilution. Soluble in water; sparingly (?) soluble in alcohol. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol and in ether. Decomposed by water, by dilute acids, and by alcohol. Sparingly soluble in water. 165 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. HgSO4 NiSO4+7Aq K2SO4 2C20H24N202. H2SO4 Ag2SO4 Na2SO4 SrSO4 ZnSO4 Al2S3 (NH4)2S A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.—continued. "" 15 Sulphate of mercury (ic) | Decomposed by water. nickel potassium. "" "" "" " Name. "} quinine (normal). silver.. sodium strontium .. .. ·· zinc "" Sulphide of aluminium ammonium .. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol or ether. Soluble in water; insoluble in absolute alcohol. Sp. Gr. 12.5 C. 1.00795 1.03050 •• Solubility. .. K2SO4 per cent. 1 4 ·· Sp. Gr. 12.5 C. 1.05240 1.07350 ·· K2SO4 per cent. 7 10 ·· ·· Soluble in water; soluble in hot alcohol; soluble in glycerine; very soluble in dilute sulphuric acid. Sparingly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol; soluble in dilute acids to a greater extent than in water. Soluble in water (see Tables); soluble in glycerine; very sparingly soluble in alcohol. Insoluble in water (more soluble than BaSO4), almost absolutely insoluble in alcohol. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Decomposed by water. Soluble in water. 166 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Sb2S3 Sb2S3 BaS BigSg CdS CaS Cr2 S3 CoS A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Sulphide of antimony (precipitated). Sulphide of arsenic (pre- cipitated). Sulphide of barium bismuth "" " Name. "" د. "" cadmium ·· cobalt ·· calcium chromium.. Solubility. Insoluble in water or dilute acids; soluble in concentrated acids and in caustic alkalies, and in alkaline sulphides. Sparingly soluble in hot water (?); insoluble in acids; soluble in aqua regia and in caustic alkalies and alkaline sulphides. Soluble in water with decomposition. Insoluble in water, dilute acids, solutions of alkalies, alkaline sulphides, or cyanide of potassium. Insoluble in water, dilute acids, alkalies, alkaline sulphides, or cyanide of potassium; soluble in concentrated HCl or HNO3. Insoluble in water (?). Insoluble in water; soluble in nitric acid, and more easily in aqua regia; insoluble in caustic potash or in potassic sulphide. Obtained by precipitation; it is insoluble in water and in caustic or carbonated alkalies; sparingly soluble in dilute mineral acids; more readily soluble in strong acids; soluble in aqua regia. 167 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. Cu2S CuS Au 2S3 FeS PbS Li₂S MgS A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Sulphide of copper (ous) "" "" " " "" Name. "> " gold iron lead (ic) ·· ·· •• ·· ·· lithium magnesium ·· Solubility. Insoluble in solution of ammonium sulphide; difficultly soluble in strong boiling hydro- chloric and nitric acids. Insoluble in water; slightly soluble in am- monium sulphide; insoluble in caustic alkalies or in alkaline sulphides; soluble in strong hydrochloric and nitric acids and in aqua regia; soluble, with decomposition, in solution of potassium cyanide. Insoluble in water or hydrochloric or nitric acid; soluble in aqua regia; soluble in yellow sulphide of ammonium, in caustic alkalies, and in alkaline sulphides. Insoluble or slightly soluble in water; insoluble in ammonium sulphide; soluble in cold dilute mineral acids. Insoluble in water, dilute acids, solutions of alkalies, or of alkaline sulphides; soluble in hot concentrated hydrochloric or nitric acid. Soluble in water. Very sparingly soluble in cold water; soluble in acids with decomposition. 168 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. MnS Hg2S HgS NiS K2S Ag₂S Na S SrS SnS A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &c.-continued. Sulphide of manganese mercury (ous). mercury (ic) "9 "" "} "" "" "" Name. "" "" nickel potassium silver.. sodium strontium tin (ous) ·· ·· .. ·· .. .. Solubility. Insoluble in water or in ammonium sulphide; soluble in dilute acids, even in acetic. Insoluble in cold water or dilute nitric acid, or in hot solutions of caustic ammonia, or of ammonium sulphide. Obtained by precipitation; it is insoluble in water and in hot acids; soluble in aqua regia; insoluble in caustic alkalies, in potassium cyanide, and in ammonium sulphide. Insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in am- monia and in a mixture of ammonia and ammonium sulphide; insoluble in dilute mineral acids, soluble in aqua regia. Soluble in water and in alcohol. Insoluble in water, dilute acids, caustic alkalies or alkaline sulphides; soluble in aqua regia. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol or ether. Soluble in water, with decomposition. Insoluble in water or dilute acids; soluble in the stronger acids, and in solutions of yellow ammonium or potassium sulphide. 169 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. SnS2 ZnS (NH4)2SO3 BaSOg CdSO g CaSOg CaSO g *PbSO3 Li₂SO3+6Aq MgSO g MnSOg NiSO3+6Aq A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Sulphide of tin (ic) "" 1:3 19 Sulphite of ammonia barium "" "" "" "" "" در Namo. 34 "" zinc ·· cadmium calcium cobalt lead ·· ·· .. .. .. ·· ·· lithium magnesium manganese nickel.. .. ·· Solubility. Insoluble in water; soluble in caustic alkalies, and in alkaline sulphides; also in hot, strong hydrochloric acid. Insoluble in water, in caustic alkalies or alkaline sulphides; soluble in dilute acids. Soluble in water; sparingly soluble in absolute alcohol. Scarcely at all soluble in water; soluble in sul- phurous acid. Difficultly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Slightly soluble in water; soluble in sulphurous acid. Almost insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Insoluble in water; sparingly soluble in sul- phurous acid. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Difficultly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol; soluble in sulphurous acid. Insoluble in water, alcohol, or ether; soluble in sulphurous acid. Insoluble in water; soluble in sulphurous acid. OLT. CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. K2SO3+2Aq Ag₂SO3 Na2SO3+7Aq SrSO3 ZnSOg $2 I A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Sulphite of potassium.. silver.. sodium strontium.. " 99 Name. "" zinc "" Sulphocyanides ·· Sulphur (ordinary) Sulphydrates.. .. .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· Solubility. Soluble in water; very sparingly soluble in alcobol. Very slightly soluble in water; almost insoluble in sulphurous acid. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Scarcely at all soluble in water; soluble in sulphurous acid. Sparingly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. The following are soluble in water: sulpho- cyanides of allyl, Al, Ba, Ca, Co, Cu, Felv, Mg, Mn, Hg", Ni, K, Na, Sr, Ur, Zn, Sn. These are insoluble: sulphocyanides of amyl, Bi, Cd, ethyl, Pb, methyl. Insoluble in water; slightly soluble in alcohol, ether, benzine, oil of turpentine, and in general in the fatty and essential oils, especially when these liquids are warm; soluble in CS2. The following are soluble: sulphydrates of Am, Ba, Ca, K, Na, Sr. 171 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. C4H6O C7H8N402 11 A DICTIONARY OF THE SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Name. Tartaric acid.. Tartrates Theobromin Titanic acid .. ·· ·· : ·· A : Solubility. Soluble in water; soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether or in oil of turpentine. The nominal tartrates, excepting those of the alkalies, are but sparingly soluble or in- soluble in water; the acid salts, on the other hand, are mostly soluble, except those of the alkalies. All the metallic tartrates which are insoluble in water are soluble in hydro- chloric and nitric acids, and, excepting those of silver and mercury, in caustic alkalies; also in ammonia, excepting tartrate of mercury. Sparingly soluble in boiling water, and still less soluble in alcohol and ether; easily soluble in ammonia, acetic acid, and caustic alkalies. Ignited (TiO2); insoluble in water, acids (ex- cepting HF, or solutions of caustic or car- bonated alkalies. }); Hydrated; insoluble in water; soluble in acids; slightly soluble in alkaline carbonates. 172 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Formula. | | 11 Zn A DICTIONARY of the SOLUBILITIES, &C.-continued. Tungstates Urates Name. Vanadiates Wax Zinc.. .. ·· ·· •• : •• : : ·· ·· ·· Solubility. The alkaline tungstates are soluble in water, but the others, with the exception of the Mg salt, appear to be all insoluble in water. The acid is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether; the urates of the fixed alkalies and alkaline earths are difficultly soluble in cold, more easily soluble in hot, water; those of the other metallic oxides, and the ammonium salt, are insoluble. All the urates are decomposed by acids, even by acetic acid. Most of the bivanadiates are readily soluble in water, the other vanadiates are but sparingly soluble in water, and insoluble in alcohol. Waxes are insoluble in water, rather difficultly soluble in alcohol and in alkaline solutions. Easily soluble in ether and oils; soluble in benzin or chloroform, and in oils both fixed and essential. Easily soluble in dilute hydrochloric, nitric or sulphuric acids. 173 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Solids. 1. Solids heavier than, and insoluble in, water. a. By weighing in air and water. Sp.. gr. = (weight in air) (loss of weight in water) b. By Nicholson's hydrometer. Let w₁ be the weight required to sink the instrument to the mark on the stem, the weight of the instrument being W; to take the specific gravity of any solid sub- stance, place a portion of it weighing less than w₁ in the upper pan, with such additional weight, say wз, as will cause the instrument to sink to the zero mark. The weight of the substance is then wi w3. Next transfer the substance to the lower pan, and again adjust with weight w4 to the zero mark. W1 - w3 Sp. gr. W4 W3 c. By the specific gravity bottle (applicable to powders). Weigh the flask filled to the mark with water, then place the substance, of known weight, in the flask, fill to the mark with water, and weigh again. Sp. gr. = · - (weight of substance in air) + (weight of flask and water) — (weight of flask and water and substance) (weight of substance in air) 2. Solids lighter than, and insoluble in, water. Sp. gr. = • The solid is weighted by a piece of lead of known specific gravity, and weighed in water. (weight of substance in air) (weight of lead in water) — (weight of lead and sub- stance in water) + (weight of substance in air) 3. Solids heavier than, and soluble in, water. (weight of bulk of water equal to substance) Sp. gr. = Proceed as in 1 a, using instead of water some liquid without action on the solid, (weight of bulk of liquid equal to substance) — (weight of substance in air) - (weight of substance in liquid). (weight of bulk of liquid equal to substance) X (sp. gr. of water) (sp. gr. of liquid) (weight of substance in air) (weight of bulk of water equal to substance) 174 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Liquids. 1. By the hydrometer. 2. By the specific gravity bottle. Weigh the bottle filled to the mark with water, and again when filled to the mark with liquid. Sp. gr. = (weight of liquid and bottle) - (weight of bottle) (weight of water and bottle) - (weight of bottle) Gases. For the description of the processes used in determining the specific gravity of gases, consult some standard work. 1. The method of Gay-Lussac. We first determine the volume (V) occupied by a weight (W) of the substance at the temperature T, under a pressure P. The weight (W₁) of the same volume (V) of air, at the same temperature and pres- sure, is then found by the following formula: 1 P W₁ =·0012932 gram . V • 1 + .00367 T 760 W W Sp. gr. = For the Table by which to calculate page 181. 2. The method of Dumas. Sp. gr. = · • (1+00367 T), s P + Vnt (V — v) Nt! see Pthe difference in weight between the globe filled with air and filled with vapour. capacity of balloon in cub. cent. n = weight of 1 c. c. of air at the temperature of weighing the balloon filled with air. n = weight of 1 c. c. of air at the temperature of sealing the globe. For more exact formulæ, see Watts' 'Dictionary,' vol. v. 371, and Brown (Chem. Soc. J.' [2], iv. 72). For Tables by which to calculate n, and n,,, see page 179. 175 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF THE ELEMENTS. " Antimony Aluminium (cast) (hammered) "" Arsenic 19 Boron Bromine Cadmium 39 Calcium "" Barium Bismuth (quickly cooled) (slowly cooled). Name. "" Indium Iodine.. Iridium Iron "" Lead ·· Carbon (diamond) (graphite) ·· ·· .. (as foil) .. Glucinum Gold (cast).. (hammered) .. "" Lithium Magnesíum "" Cerlum Chlorine (liquid) Chromium Cobalt.. "" • Copper (hammered). (reduced by gal- vanism). .. (steel) .. .. .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· .. •• ·· ·· .. • • ·· •• .. • ·· ·· •• #4 • 4 • 4 •• ·· ·· Specific Gravity. 2.56 2.67 6.7 6.697 5.63 5.96 4.0 7.677 9.935 2.68 2.966 8.45 8.69 1.58 1.6-1.8 3.52 2.33 5.5 1.38 6.2 7.01 8.43-8.9 8.957 8.958 8.952 11.33 11.39 ⚫594 1.70 Observer. Wöhler and Deville. 99 Karsten. Marchand, Scheerer. Karsten. Guibourt. Clarke. Deville. Wöhler and Deville. Balard. Kopp. R. Wagner. Bunsen. Caron. Brisson. Karsten. Wöhler. Faraday. Wöhler. Bunsen & Frankland. Rammelsberg. Schröder. "" 2.1 19.26 19.55-19.6 G. Rose. 7.36 Winckler. 4.948 21.15 Gay-Lussac. 7.79 7.62-7.81 "" Debray. Brisson, Matthiessen. Deville and Debray. Karsten. Kopp. Karsten. Bunsen. Корр. 176 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY, &c.-continued. Magnesium Manganese.. Mercury Molybdenum Nickel.. Niobium Osmium Palladium Phosphorus Name. ·· (red) 19 Platinum (cast) Potassium .. .. Rhodium (cast).. Rubidium " Tin Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Zinc ·· "" Silicon.. Silver (cast) Sodium ·· .. Zirconium Ruthenium (cast) Selenium (amorphous) (crystalline) "" Strontium Sulphur (rhombic) "" Tantalum Tellurium Thallium (cast).. Thorium ·· (amorphous) .. •• .. .. •• ·· .. ·· ·· .. • .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· •• ·· ·· • ·· ·· • • •• ·· Specific Gravity. 1.870 8.03 13.60 8.56 21.35 11.40 8.4-9.5 6.67-7.37 Hermann, Marignac. Deville and Debray. 1.840 2.106 21.15 ⚫865 12.1 1.516 11.0-11.4 4.28 4.80 2.49 10.53 ⚫9722 •985 2.542 2.07 1.975 10.78 6.180 11.81 7.657- 7.795 7.29-7.37 17.1-18.3 Observer. 18.4 5.5 7.13 7.15 4.15 Wöhler. Bachmann. Regnault, Kopp. Loughlin. "" Schrötter. "" Deville and Debray. Gay-Lussac and Thenard. Deville and Debray. Bunsen. Deville and Debray. Count Schaffgotsch. "" Wöhler. G. Rose. Gay-Lussac Thenard. "" Schröder. Bunsen. Marchand and Scheerer, R. Hermann. Löwe. Crookes. Chydenius. Kopp. Bolley. Troost. and Bernouilli, Wöhler. Peligot. Roscoe. TABLE SHOWING A COMPARISON OF THE DEGREES OF BAUMÉ, CARTIER, AND BECK'S AREOMETERS, WITH SPECIFIC GRAVITY DEGREES. A.-For Liquids lighter than Water. Degs. of Baumé Cartier. Beck. Baumé, Cartier, Beck. Sp. Gr. Sp. Gr. Sp. Gr. 0 1.000 0.9941 0.9883 38 39 0.9826 0.9770 40 0.9714 41 0.9659 42 0.9604 43 0.9550 44 0.9497 45 36 0.848 0.837 0.8252 37 0.843 0.831 0.8212 0.838 0.826 0.8173 0.833 0·820 : 0·8133 0.829.0 8150 8095 0.824 0.810 0.8061 0.8190.805 0.8018 0.815 0.800 0.7981 0.810 I 7 8 0.7944 9 0.806 0.7907 10 1.000 0.9444 46 0.801 0.7871 11 0.993 1.000 0.9392 47 0.797 0.783+ 12 0.7799 1 13 0.7763 14 0-7727 0.986 0.992, 0·9340 0.979 0.985 · 0·9289 0.973 0.977.0.9239 0.967 0.9690.9189 0.960 0.962 0·9139 17 0.954 0.955 0.9090 15 0.7692 16 0.948 0.948 0.9042 21 0.942 0.941 0.8994 20 0.935 0.934 0.8947 0.929 0.927 0.8900 0.924 0.920 0.8854 0.918 0.9140.8808 0.912 0.908 0.8762 i 22 23 | 24 25 0.906 0.901 9.8717 26 0·901 0·895 0·8673 62 27 0.895 0.889 0.8629 63 28 64 65 66 67 0.889 0.883 0.8585 29 0.884 0.877 0.8542 30 0.879 0.871 0.8500 31 0.873 0.865 0.8457 0.868 0.859 0.8415 0.863 0.853 0.8374 0.858 0.848 0.8333 35 0.853 0.842 0.8292 32 68 1234 18 19 33 34 L ·· Degs. of Baumé Cartier. Beck. Baumé, Cartier, Beck. Sp. Gr. Sp. Gr. Sp. Gr. J 48 0.792 49 0.788 50 0.784 51 0.781 52 0.776 53 0-771 54 0.769 55 0.763 56 0.759 57 0.755 58 0.751 59 0.748 60 0.744 61 0.740 0.736 69 70 .. ► • 0.7658 0.7623 0.7589 0.7556 0.7522 0.7489 0.7456 0.7423 0.7391 0.7359 0.7328 0.7296 0.7265 0.7234 0.7203 0.7173 0.7142 0.7112 0.7083 N 178 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING COMPARISON OF DEGREES-Continued. B.-For Liquids heavier than Water. Degs. of Baumé, Beck. 0123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29. 30 31 32 33 34 2888888 35 36 Baumé. Sp. Gr. 1.000 1.007 1.014 1.020 1.028 1.034 1.041 1.049 1.057 1.064 1.072 1.080 1.088 1.096 1.104 1.113 1.121 1.130 1.138 1.147 1.157 1.166 Beck. Sp. Gr. 1.000 1.0059 1.0119 1.0180 1.0241 1.0303 1.0366 1.0429 1.0494 1.0559 1.0625 1.0692 1.0759 1.0828 1.0897 1.0968 1.1039 1.1111 1.1184 1.1258 1.1333 1.1409 1.1486 1.1565 1.1644 1.1724 1.1806 1.1888 1.1972 1.2057 1.2143 1.2230 1.2319 1.2409 1.176 1.185 1.195 1.205 1.215 1.225 1.235 1.245 1.256 1.267 1.278 1.289 1.300 1.2500 1.312 1.2593 1.324 1.2680 Degs. of Baumé, Beck. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Baumé. Sp. Gr. 1.337 1.349 1.361 1.375 1.388 1.401 1.414 1.428 1.442 1'456 1.470 1.485 1.500 1.515 1.531 1.546 1.562 1.578 1.596 1.615 1.634 1.653 1.671 1.690 1.709 1.729 1.750 1.771 1.793 1.815 1.839 1.864 1.885 1.909 1.935 1.960 Beck. Sp. Gr. 1.2782 1.2879 1.2977 1.3077 1.3178 1.3281 1.3386 1.3492 1.3600 1.3710 1.3821 1.3934 1.4050 1.4167 1.4286 1.4407 1.4530 1.4655 1.4783 1.4912 1.5044 1.5179 1.5315 1.5454 1.5596 1.5741 1.5888 1.6038 1.6190 1.6346 1.6505 1.6667 1.6832 1.7000 179 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. WEIGHT OF ONE C. C. OF AIR AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES, FROM 0° C. To 300° C. AT 760 MM. Temp. C. 0 1234H LO 5 30 31 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ⚫001221 54 17 ⚫001217 55 18 ⚫001213 56 19 ⚫001209 57 20 ⚫001205 58 ·001201 || 59 21 22 ⚫001197 60 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 Grams. 1188855 35 Temp. C. ⚫001293 38 ⚫001288 39 ⚫001284 40 ⚫001279 41 ⚫001275 42 '001270 43 ⚫001266 44 *001261 45 ⚫001257 46 ⚫001252 47 ⚫001248 48 ⚫001243 49 ⚫001239 50 ⚫001234 51 ⚫001230 52 ⚫001225 53 37 ⚫001138 ⚫001193 61 ·001189 62 .001185 63 .001181 64 001053 100 ⚫001050 101 ⚫001047 102 ⚫001044 ⚫001177 65 ⚫001173 66 ⚫001041 ⚫001169 67 ⚫001038 ⚫001165 68 :001035 ·001161 69 ⚫001032 ·001157 70 ⚫001029 ⚫001026 ⚫001154 71 ⚫001150 72 ⚫001023 •001146 73 ·001020 36 ⚫001142 74 .001017 75 •001014 Grams. ⚫001134 ⚫001131 *001128 ⚫001124 ⚫001121 ⚫001118 ⚫001114 ⚫001111 ⚫001108 '001105 ⚫001102 ⚫001098 ⚫001095 ⚫001091 •001088 ·001084 ⚫001081 ⚫001077 Temp. Grams. C. • 76 ⚫001011 114 .000911 77 ⚫001008 115 ⚫000909 78 ·001005 116 ⚫000907 79 ⚫001002 117 ⚫000905 80 ⚫001000 118 ⚫000903 ⚫000900 ⚫000898 83 81 ⚫000997 119 82.000994 120 ⚫000992 121 .000896 84 000989 122 ⚫000894 '000986 123 86 ⚫000983 124 85 *000891 ⚫000889 87 ⚫000980 125 ⚫000887 88 ·000977 126 ⚫000884 89 *000974 127 000882 ⚫000880 90 ⚫000972 128 ⚫000969 91 129 000878 ⚫000876 92 000967 130 93 ·000961 131 ⚫000874 94 *000962 132 ·000871 ⚫000869 ⚫000867 ⚫000865 ⚫000863 000860 ⚫000858 .000856 .000854 ⚫000852 ⚫000850 •000848 •000846 ⚫000844 ⚫000842 • • ⚫001074 ⚫001070 95 ⚫001067 96 ⚫001063 *000959 133 ⚫000956 134 97 ⚫000953 135 ⚫001060 98 ⚫000951 136 ⚫001057 99 137 ⚫000948 ⚫000946 138 •000943 139 ⚫000941 140 103 ⚫000938 141 104000936 142 105 ⚫000933 143 106 ⚫000931 144 107 ⚫000928 145 ⚫000926 146 108 ⚫000923 147 148 149 ⚫000916 150 · • 000914 151 Temp. C. 109 110 .000921 111. ⚫000919 112 113 • • Grams. • ⚫000840 ⚫000838 ⚫000836 ⚫000834 ⚫000832 N 2 180 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. C. WEIGHT OF ONE C. C. OF AIR, &c.-continued. Grams. Temp. C. ⚫000830 190 ⚫000828 191 Grams. • 152 153 154 ⚫000826 192 ⚫000758 155 ⚫000824 193 156 157 ⚫000822 194 ⚫000821 195 ⚫000819 196 158 159 •000817 197 160 •000815 198 161 ⚫000813 199 162 ⚫000811 200 163 ⚫000809 201 164 ⚫000807 202 165 .000806 203 166 ⚫000804 204 167 ⚫000802 205 168 ⚫000800 206 ⚫000736 Temp. C. ⚫000762 227 ⚫000760 Grams. ⚫000705 264 228 000703 265 229000702 266 • • Temp. C. 245 ⚫000681 ⚫000654 ⚫000701 267 ⚫000653 ⚫000699 268 ⚫000652 ⚫000757 230 ⚫000755 231 ⚫000754 232 ⚫000752 233 ⚫000751 ⚫000650 ⚫000648 000698 269 ⚫000651 ⚫000697 270 234 *000695 271 235 ⚫000694 272 236 ⚫000692 273 237 ⚫000691 ⚫000749 ⚫000646 ·000748 ⚫000645 ⚫000746 274 ⚫000644 ⚫000744 238 ⚫000690 275 ⚫000643 ⚫000743 239 ⚫000689 000642 276 .000688 277 ⚫000740 240 ⚫000641 241 ⚫000686 278 .000640 ⚫000739 ⚫000737 242 ⚫000685 279 ⚫000639 000638 243 .000798 207 ⚫000734 244 ⚫000683 280 ⚫000682 281 169 ⚫000636 ⚫000635 170 ⚫000733 000796 208 ⚫000794 209 172 ⚫000793 210 282 ⚫000679 283 171 ⚫000731 ⚫000634 ⚫000730 ⚫000633 246 247 173 ⚫000791 248 174 ⚫000789 212 ⚫000727 249 175 .000788 213 ⚫000725 211 ⚫000728 ⚫000629 ⚫000628 ⚫000627 250 176 •000786 214 ⚫000724 251 177 ⚫000784 215 ⚫000722 252 178 ⚫000782 216 ⚫000721 253 179 ⚫000781 217 180 .000779 218 181 •000777 219 182 ⚫000776 220 ⚫000678 284 .000677 285 ⚫000675 286 .000674 287 ⚫000673 288 ⚫000672 289 .000670 290 ⚫000626 ⚫000719 254 ⚫000669 291 ⚫000625 ⚫000718 255 .000668 292 ⚫000624 ⚫000716 256 ⚫000666 293 257 ⚫000665 294 .000622 258 :000664 295 ⚫000621 259 ⚫000663 296 ⚫000623 ⚫000715 183 ⚫000774 221 ⚫000713 ⚫000772 222 ⚫000712 184 ⚫000620 260 ⚫000662 297 ⚫000619 185 ⚫000770 223 ⚫000710 ⚫000769 224 ⚫000709 186 261 ⚫000660 298 ⚫000618 187 262 225 000767 •000708 188 ⚫000765 226 ⚫000706 263 189 ⚫000763 000659 299 .000617 .000658 300 ⚫000616 • Grams, ⚫000657 ⚫000655 • • ⚫000631 .000630 181 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. T. TABLE FOR THE CALCULATION OF 199634 2.99271 398911 498553 10 9 96803 96803 96460 98198 35 ⚫97845 36 37 797495 897148 97148 38 • 91 92 93 74554 123 6281464 63.81221 64.80979 94 6580740 95 ; 34 34 88906! 74351 124 886171 74148 125 68552 660501 96 73947 126 68380 67·80264 97 73747 127 68209 88330 *88044 3887761 39 39 874791 4087199 4186921 42.86645 1196120 J 6880028 98 73548 128 68038 6979794 99 73350129 ·67869 7079561 100·73153||130·67700 7179329 101 72957 131 67532 1295782 72 79099 10272762 132 67365 1395446 43863701 ⚫86370 73 78870103 ·72568 133 67199 1495113 4486097 74 78642 104 72376 134 67034 1594782 4585826) 85826 7578416 105 ·72184135 ·66870 1694454 94454 46 85556 76 78191 10671993 136 66706 17 94127 47 '85289 77 77967 107 71803 137 66543 1893803|| 48 4885022 7877745 108 71615 138 66380 1993482 49 .84758 79 77523|109 ·71427||139 ·66219 93162|| 50 •84495 80 77304|11071240 140·66059 8177085 111 71055 141 65899 76867 112 70870 142 65740] 76651 11370686 143 65582 8476436 114·70503||144 •65424 85 76222115 70321 145 65268 8676010116 70140 146 65112 87.75798117·69960147·64957 887558811869781148 ·64802 8975379 119 69603 149 64648] 90 75171120 ·69425 150·64495 92844 51 84234) 52 83974 53.83716 5483460 • T. • · 3189785 61 81708 3289490 3389197: • • · 20 21 22 92529] 2392216 2491905 2591596 91596 55 55 83205 26.91289 5682952 90984 | 57 •82700 27 28 ·90682 | 58 58.82450 29 90381 3090082 60 59 •82201 81954 · • • T. • • 82 83 88 • • 4 (1+ • T. • • · • • · • • • • 1 00367 T · T. 74964121 ·69249 74758 122 69073 68899 68725 • • · • · • • • • • • • • · • WNDING Azisjəaṛun GENER 182 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOME COMMON SUBSTANCES. Aluminium bronze Brass Cork Fir Glass Gypsum Guttapercha Gun-metal. Ivory Limestone.. 123HLO CON∞∞ 7 8 ·· 9 • 10 .. .. • ·· .. ·· • •• ·· .. ·· •• Specific Gravity. 7.68 7.3-8.5 • 240 • 512 3.2 2.28 ⚫996 8.5 1.82 2.6 Oak Oil, linseed Oil, olive Slate Tallow.. • ·· Tar Tile Water (sea) Indiarubber Porcelain .. • ·· • TABLE SHOWING THE DENSITY OF WATER AT ORDINARY TEMPERATURE. ·· Temp. Density. Temp. Density. Temp. Density. 0°C. 999871 11° C. 999655 22°C. •999549 23 997826 • 997601 ⚫999928 12 •999430 24 .999969 13 •999991 14 1.000000 15 999299 25 .999990 16 •999970 17 .999933. 18 .999886 19 •999824 20 .999747 21 •999160 26 999002 27 ·998841 28 •998654 29 •998460 30 .998259 100 •998047 ·· • ·· ·· •• ·· Specific Gravity. •77-98 ⚫94 ⚫915 2.5-2.8 ⚫94 1.016 1.8 1.027 .925 2.3 • ⚫997367 .997120 ⚫996866 ·996603 •996331 •996051 ⚫995765 •958650 • 183 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Alum (potassium) (ammonium) Bichromate of potassium Borax (cryst.) Bromide of silver "" of potassium Carbonate of barium lead " "" "" "" "" " " "" "" "" Chlorate of potassium Chloride of ammonium "9 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ". Chromate of lead "" AVTEV ·· potassium Sodium (crys.) mercurosum "" ,, mercuricum ,, potassium sodium .. silver barium (crys.) calcium (fus.) calcium (crys.) "" ,, potassium .. · .. potassium Ferrocyanide of potassium Iodide of silver lead ·· •• ·· .. ·· ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· • ART DE ·· • • ·· •• .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· .. .. ·· ·· Specific Gravity. 1.73 1.63 2.60 1.69 6.35 2.42 4.3 6.4 2.27 1.45 2.35 1.5 5.5 3.05 2.21 1.61 7.0 5.42 1.95 2.16 6.1 2.64 1.83 5.61 6.38 3.06 VITY Nitrate of silver "" "" "" "" 19 Oxalate of silver "" "" "" "} "" Phosphate of calcium "" 140 "" OF IMPORTANT SALTS. *** "" ,, Sulphate of barium " "" ,, potassium "" sodium ,, strontium 99 "" "" barium " lead. potassium (acid) ·· "" "" "" ,, zinc (crys.) Sulphide of antimony silver "1 رو " sodium (crys.) ammonium .. calcium (gyp.) "" ,, copper (crys.) iron "" "" magnesium », potassium sodium (crys.) "" ,, cupricum stannosum stannicum ferrosum ·· ·· .. "" ,, mercury .. ·· ·· ·· ·· A ·· .. .. • ·· • ·· •• •• ·· .. ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. · ·· .. .. Specific Gravity. 4.36 3.2 2.12 2.26 2.8 5.61 6.38 3.06 3.18 1.52 1.5 4.5 2.33 2.3 1.97 1.75 2.66 1.5 2.04 4.62 6.85 4.16 4.97 4.6 4.4 8.13 184 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. OTTO'S TABLE OF THE STRENGTH OF SULPHURIC ACID (OIL OF VITRIOL) OF DIFFERENT DEN- SITIES AT THE TEMPERATURE OF 15° C. Percent. of H2SO4. Specific Per cent. Gravity. of SO3. 100 1.8426 81.63 99 1.8420 80 81 98 1.8406 80·00 1.8400 79.18 1.8384 78.36 1.8376 77.55 1.8356 76.73 97 96 95 91 93 92 91 90 1.8220 73·47 89 1.8160 72.65 88 1.8090 71.83 87 1.8020 71·02 86 1.7940 70.10 85 1.7860 69.38 84 1.7770 68.57 83 1.7670 67.75 82 1.7560 66.94 81 1.7150 66.12 80 1.7340 65 30 79 1.7220 64·48 78 1.7100 63.67 1.6980 62·85 1.6860 62.04 77 76 1.8340 75.91 1.8310 75.10 1.8270 74.28 Per cent. of H2SO4. 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 Specific Per cent. Gravity. of SO3. 1.6750 61.22 1.6630 60·40 1.6510 59.59 1.6390 58.77 1.6270 57.95 1.6150 57.14 1.6040 56.32 1.5920 55.59 1.5800 54.69 1.5860 53.87 1.5570 53.05 1.5450 52.24 1.5340 51·42 1.5230 50.61 1.5120 49.79 1.5010 48.98 1.4900 48.16 1.4800 47.34 1.4690 46.53 1.4586 45.71 1.4480 44.89 1.4380 44·07 1.4280 43.26 1.4180 42.45 1.4080 41·63 185 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. OTTO'S TABLE OF STRENGTH OF SULPHURIC ACID OF DIFFERENT DENSITIES-continued. Per cent. of H2SO4. Specific Per cent. Gravity. of SO3. 50 1.3980 40.81 49 1.3866 40.00 48 1.3790 39.18 47 1.3700 38.36 46 1.3610 37.55 45 1.3510 36.73 44 1.3420 35.82 43 1.3330 35·10 42 1.3240 34·28 41 1·3150 33·47 40 1.3060 32.65 39 1.2976 31.83 38 1.2890 31.02 37 1.2810 30.20 36 1.2720 29.38 35 1.2640 28.57 34 1.2560 27.75 33 1.2476 26.94 32 1.2390 26.12 31 1.2310 25.30 30 1.2230 24·49 29 1.2150 23.67 28 1.2066 22.85 27 1.1980 22.03 26 1.1900 21·22 Per cent. of H2SO4. 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 1.1820 20.40 1.1740 19.58 1.1670 18.77 1.1590 17.95 1.1516 17.14 1:1440 16.32 1.1360 15.51 1.1290 14.69 1.1210 13.87 1.1136 13.06 1.1060 12.24 1.0980 11.42 117 1.0910 10·61 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1.0830 9.790 11 1.0756 8.980 10 1.0680 8.160 9 1.0610 7.340 8 1.0536 6.530 7 1.0464 5.710 1.0390 4.890 6 5 1.0320 4.080 4 1.0256 3.260 3 1.0190 2.445 2 1.0130 1.630 1.0064 0.816 CLOTH MQT Specific Per cent. Gravity. of SO3. 1 186 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. ANTHON'S TABLE BY WHICH TO PREPARE SULPHURIC ACID (OIL OF VITRIOL) OF ANY STRENGTH BY MIXING THE ACID OF 1.86 SPECIFIC GRAVITY WITH WATER. 100 parts of Water at 150 to Give an |200 being mixed] Acid of with parts of Specific Sulphuric Acid Gravity. | of 1·86 sp. gr. 1 2 LO 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 110 120 1.009 1.015 1.035 1.060 1.090 1.113 1.140 1.165 1·187 1.210 1.229 1.248 1.265 1.280 1.297 1.312 1.326 1.340 1.357 1.372 1.386 1.398 1.420 1.438 100 parts of Water at 150 to | Give an ||20° being mixed Acid of with parts of Specific Sulphuric Acid Gravity. | || of 1·86 sp. gr. 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 1.456 1.473 1.490 1.510 1.530 1.543 1.556 1.568 1.580 1.593 1.606 1.620 1.630 1.640 1.648 1.654 1.667 1.678 1.689 1.700 1.705 1.710 1.714 1.719 100 parts of Water at 150 to 200 being mixed] with parts of Sulphuric Acid of 1·86 sp. gr. 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 580 590 600 Give an Acid of Specific Gravity. 1.723 1.727 1.730 1.733 1.737 1.740 1.743 1.746 1.750 1.754 1.757 1.760 1.763 1.766 1.768 1.770 1.772 1.774 1.776 1.777 1.778 1.780 1.782 187 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. انه TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF NITRIC ACID (AQUA- FORTIS) (HNO3) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Per cent. 100.00 99.84 99.72 1.559 1.559 1.558 99.52 1.557 97.89 1.551 97.100 1.548 96.00 1.544 95.27 1.542 94.00 1:537 93.01 1.533 Specific Gravity. At 0° C. 80.96 80.00 79.00 77.66 92.00 1.529 91.00 1.526 90.00 1.522 89.56 1.521 88.00 1.514 87.45 1.513 86.17 1.507 85.00 1.503 84.00 1.499 83.00 1.495 82.00 1.492 1.488 1.484 1.481 1.476 76.00 1.469 75.00 1.465 74.01 1.462 73.00 1.457 72.39 1.455 71.24 1.450 69.96 1.444 69.20 1.441 68.00 1.435 Specific Gravity. At 15° C. 1.530 1.530 1.530 1.529 1.523 1.520 1.516 1.514 1.509 1.506 1.503 1.499 1.495 1.494 1.488 1.486 1.482 1.478 1.474 1.470 1.467 1.463 1.460 1.456 1.451 1.445 1.442 1.438 1.435 1.432 1.429 1.423 1.419 1.414 Per cent. 67.00 66.00 65.07 64.00 63.59 62.00 61.21 60.00 59.59 58.88 58.00 57.00 56.10 55.00 54.00 53.81 53.00 52.33 50.99 49.97 49.00 48.00 47.18 46.64 45.00 43.53 42.00 41.00 40.00 39.00 37.95 36.00 35.00 33.86 Specific Gravity. At 0° C. 1.430 1.425 1.420 1.415 1.413 1.404 1.400 1.393 1.391 1.387 1.382 1.376 1.371 1.365 1.359 1.358 1.353 1.349 1.341 1.334 1.328 1.321 1.315 1.312 1.300 1.291 1.280 1.274 1.267 1.260 1.253 1.248 1.234 1.226 Specific Gravity. At 15° C. 1.410 1.405 1.400 1.395 1.393 1.386 1.381 1.374 1.372 1.368 1.363 1.358 1.353 1.346 1.341 1.339 1.335 1.331 1.323 1.317 1.312 1.304 1.298 1.295 1.284 1.274 1.264 1.257 1.251 1.244 1.237 1.225 1.218 1.211 188 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK, TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF NITRIC ACID (HNO3) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY-continued. Per cent. 32.00 31.00 30.00 29.00 28.00 27.00 25.71 23.00 20.00 Specific Gravity. At 0° C. 123456 1.214 1.207 1.200 1.194 1.187 1.180 1.171 1.153 1.132 Specific Gravity, At 150 C. 1.198 1.192 1.185 1.179 1.172 1.166 1.157 1.138 1.120 Per cent. C2H204, Specific Gravity. 2H20. Per cent. 1.0032 1.0064 1.0096 1.0128 1.0160 1.0182 17.47 15.00 13.00 11.41 7.22 4.00 2.00 0.00 Specific Gravity. At 0° C. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF OXALIC ACID BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 17.5° C. 1.115 1.099 1.085 1.075 1.050 1.026 1.013 1.000 7 8 9 10 11 12 Specific Gravity. At 150 C. 1.105 1.089 1.077 1.067 1.045 1.022 1.010 1.000 Per cent. C2H204, Specific Gravity. 2H20. 1·0204 1.0226 1.0248 1.0271 1.0289 1.0309 1 189 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF NITRIC ACID (AQUA-FORTIS) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Liquid Acid Specific ( Gravity. in 100 100 parts. Dry Acid in parts. 79.700 1.4189 1.5000 100 1.4980 99 78.903 1.4147 1·4107 1·4065 1.4960 98 78.106 1.4940 97 77.309 1.4910 96 76.512 1.4880 95 75.715 1.4850 94 74.918 1.4820 93 74.121 1.4790 92 73.324 1.4760 91 72.527 1.4730 90 1.4700 89 1.4670 88 1.4640 87 1.4600 86 66.1551·3376 65 3541.3323 64.557 1.3270 1.4570 85 1.4530 84 1.4500 83 1.4460 82 1.4424 81 1.4385 80 63.760 1.4346 79 62.963 1.4306 78 62.166 1.4269 77 61.369 1.4228 76 60.572 1.3001 1.3216 1.3163 1.3110 1·3056 Specific Gravity. ( in 100 parts. Liquid Acid 70.1361.·3630 68.5421.3529 · 1·4023 71 1.3978 70 1·3945 69 1·3882 68 1.3833 67 1.3783 66 1.3732 65 71.730 70.933 1.3681 64 63 69.339 1.3579 62 61 67.745 1.3477 60 66.948 1·3427 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 75 74 73 72 Dry Acid in 100 parts. 59.775 58.978 58.181 57.384 56.557 55.790 54.993 54.196 53.339 52.602 51.805 51.068 50.211 49.414 48.617 47.820 47.023 46.226 45.429 44.632 43.836 43.038 42.241 41.444 40.647 190 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF NITRIC ACID-continued. Specific Gravity. Liquid Acid Dry Acid ( in in 100 100 parts. parts. Specific Gravity. • Liquid Acid Dry Acid in in 100 100 parts. parts. ( 1.2947 50 39.850 1.1403 25 1.2887 49 39.053 1.1345 24 1.1286 23 1.1227 22 1.1168 21 1.1109 20 1.2826 48 38.256 1.2765 47 37.459 1.2705 46 36.662 1.2644 45 35.865 1.2583 44 35.068 1.2523 43 34.271 1.2462 42 33.474 1.2402 41 32 677 1.1051 19 1.0993 18 1.0935 17 1.0878 16 1.2341 40 31.8801·0821 15 1.2277 39 31.083 1.0764 14 1.0708 13 1.0651 12 1.2212 38 30.286 1.2148 37 29.489 1.2084 36 28.692 1.2019 35 27.895 1.1958 34 27.098 1.0485 1.0595 11 1.0540 10 1.1895 33 26.301 1.0430 1.1833 32 25.504 1.0375 1.1770 31 24.707 1.0320 1.1709 30 23.900 1.0267 1.1648 29 23.113 1·0212 1.1587 28 22.316 1.0159 1.1515 1.1467 26 27 21.517 1.0106 20.722 1.0053 9876O LO HS21 5 4 3 19.925 19.128 18.331 17.534 16.737 15.940 15.143 14.346 13.549 12.752 11.955 11.158 10.368 9.564 8.767 7.970 7.173 6.376 5.579 4.782 3.985 3.138 2.391 1.594 0.797 191 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID (SPIRIT OF SALT) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Specific Per cent. Gravity. of HCl. Per cent. of Acid Specific Per cent. of 1·20|| Gravity. of HCl. sp. gr. 1.2000 40.777 100 1.1982 40.369 99 1.1964 39.961 98 1.1946 39.554 97 1.1928 39.146 96 1.1910 38:738 95 1.1893 38.330 91 1.1875 37.923 93 1.1857 37.516 92 1.1846 37.108 91 1.1822 36.700 90 1.1802 36.292 89 1.1782 35.884 88 1.1762 35.476 1.1741 35 068 1.1721 34.660 1.1701 34.252 84 1.1681 33.845 83 1.1661 33.437 82 1.1641 33.029 81 1.1620 32.621 80 1.1599 32.213 79 1.1578 31.805 78 1.1557 31.398 77 1.1536 30.990 76 87 86 85 • Per cent. of Acid of 1.20 sp. gr. 75 74 73 72 71 70 1.1515 30.582 1.1494 30.174 1.1473 29.767 1.1452 29 359 1.1431 28.951 1.1410 28.544 1.1389 28.136 69 1.1369 27.728 68 1.1349 27.321 67 1.1328 26.913 1.1308 26.505 1.1287 26·098 1.1267 25.690 1.1247 25.282 62 1.1226 24.847 66 65 61 63 61 1.1206 24·466 60 1.1185 24.058 59 1.1164 23.650 58 1.1143 23·242 57 1.1123 22.834 56 1·1102 22·426 55 1.1082 22·019 54 1.1061 21.611 53 1.1041 21·203 52 1.1020 20.796 51 192 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID (SPIRIT OF SALT)-continued. Specific Per cent. Gravity. of HCL. Per cent. of Acid of 1.20 sp. gr. · Specific Per cent. Gravity. of HCl. 1.0497 10·194 1.0477 1.0457 1.0437 1.0117 1·0397 1.0377 1.0357 1.0337 1.0318 1.0298 1·0279 1.0259 1.0239 1.0220 1.0200 1.0180 1.0160 1.0140 1 0120 25 9.786 21 9.379 23 8.971 22 8.563 21 8.155 20 7.747 19 7.340 18 6.932 17 6-524 16 6.116 15 5.709 14 5-301 13 4.893 12 4.486 11 4.078 10 3.670 9 3.262 S 2.854 7 2.447 6 1.1000 20.388 50 1.0980 19·980 49 1.0960 19-572 48 1.0939 19·165 47 1.0919 18-757 46 1.08991 18.349 45 1.0879 17.941 44 1.0859 17.534 43 1.0838 17·126 42 1.0818 16.718 41 1.0798 16.310 40 1.0778 15·902 39 38 1.0758 15 494 1.0738 15.087 37 1.0718 14.679 36 1.0697 14.271 35 31 1.0677 13.863 1.0657 13.456 33 1.0637 13·049 32 1.0617 12.641 1.0597 12.233 1.0577 11·825 31 30 1.0100 29 1·0080 1.631 28 1·0060 1·224 1.0557 11·418 1·0537 11·010 1.0517 10.602 27 1·0040 .816 •408 26 1·0020 Per cent. of Acid of 1.20 sp. gr. COLO TH CNT 2.039 5 4 3 2 1 193 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. OUDEMANN'S TABLE, SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF ACETIC ACID (VINEGAR) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Acetic Acid, C2H402 per cent. Density. ma 6700 26 CÓ E CÓ C Acetic Acid, C2H4O2, per cent. 15° C. 40° C. 1 1.0007 0.9936 26 2 1.0022 0.9948 27 3 1.0037 0.9960 28 ·4 1.0052 0.9972 29 5 1.0067 0.9984 30 6 1.0083 0.9996 31 7 1.0098 1.0008 32 8 1.0113 1.0020 33 9 1·0127 1·0032 34 10 1.0142 1.0044 35 11 1.0157 1.0056 36 1.0171 1.0067 12 37 13 1.0185 1.0079 38 14 1.0200 1.0090 39 15 1.0214 1.0101 40 16 1.0228 1.0112 41 17 1.0242 1.0123 42 18 1.0256 1.0134 43 44 19 1.0270 1.0144 20 1.0284 1.0155 45 21 1.0298 1.0166 46 22 1.0311 1.0176 47 23 1.0324 1.0187 48 24 1.0337 1.0197 49 25 1.0350 1.0207 50 Density. 15° C. 40° C. 1.0363 1.0217 1.0375 1.0227 1.0388 1.0236 1.0100 1.0246 1·04121·0255 1.0424 1·0264 1·0436 1·0274 1·0447 1·0283 1.0459 1.0291 1.0470 1.0300 1.0481 1.0308 1.0492 1.0316 1·0502 1·0324 1·05131·0332 1·05231·0340 1·05331·0348 1.0543 1.0355 1.0552 1.0363 1·0562 1·0370 1.0571 1.0377 1.0580 1.0384 1.0589 1·0391 1·05981·0397 1.0607 1.0404 1.0615 1.0110 0 194 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. OUDEMANN'S TABLE, SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF ACETIC ACID-continued. Acetic Acid, C2H4O2, per cent. LO LO LO 10 LO Density. 76 77 78 51 1.0623 1.0116 52 1.0631 1 0423 53 1.0638 1.0429 54 1.0646 1.0434 55 1.0653 1.0440 80 56 1.0660 1.0445 81 1.0666 1.0450 79 57 82 58 1.0673 1.0455 83 59 1.0679 1.0460 84 60 1.0685 1.0464 61 1.0691 1.0468 85 86 62 1.0697 1.0472 87 88 63 1.0702 1.0475 1.0707 1.0479 64 89 65 66 1.0712 1.0482 90 1.0717 1.0485 91 67 1.0721 1.0488 92 68 1.0725 1.0491 93 69 1.0729 1.0193 91 1.0733 1.0495 95 1.0737 1.0497 72 73 96 1.0740 1.0498 97 1.0742 1.0499 98 74 1.0744 1.0500 99 75 1.0746 1.0501 100 B2E2220 15° C. 40° C. Acetic Acid, C2H402, per cent. Density. 15° C. 40° C. 1.0747 1.0501 1.0748 1.0501 1.0748 1.0500 1.0748 1.0499 1.0748 1.0497 1.0747 1.0495 1.0746 1.0192 1.0744 1.0489 1.0742 1.0485 1.0739 1.0481 1.07361 0475 1.0731 1.0469 1.0726 1.0462 1.0720 1.0455 1.0713 1.0447 1.0705 1.0438 1.0696 1.0428 1.0686 1.0416 1.0674 1.0403 1.0660 1·0388 1.0644 1.0370 1.0625 1.0350 1.0601 1.0327 1.0580 1.0301 1.0553 1.0273 1 • 195 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. ! MOHR'S TABLE, SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF ACETIC ACID (VINEGAR) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Specific Gravity. 1.000 1.001 1.002 1.004 1.0055 1.0067 1.008 1.010 1.012 1.013 1.015 1.016 1.017 1.018 1.020 1.022 1.023 1.024 1.025 1.026 1.027 1.029 1.031 1.032 1.033 1.034 1.035 1.036 1.038 1.039 1.040 1.041 1.0424 1.044 Per cent. of C₂H402. 01234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Specific Gravity. 1.045 1.046 1.047 1.048 1.049 1.050 1.0513 1.0515 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 1.055 1.056 1.058 1.059 1.060 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.063 1.064 1.064 1.065 1.066 1.066 1.067 1.067 1.067 1.068 1.068 1.068 1.069 1.069 Per cent. of C2H402. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Specific Gravity. 1.0700 1.0700 1.0700 1.0710 1.0710 1.0720 1.0720 1.0720 1.0730 1.0732 1.0732 1.0735 1.0735 1.0732 1·0730 1.0730 1.0730 1.0730 1.0730 1.0730 1.0730 1.0730 1.0730 1.0721 1.0716 1.0708 1.0706 1.0700 1.0690 1.0680 1.0670 1.0655 1.0635 Per cent. of C₂H402. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 o 2 196 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF PHOSPHORIC ACID BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Per cent. Per cent. Gravity. of H3PO4. of P205. 123HL 4 Specific Per cent. Per cent. Gravity. of H3PO4. of P205. 1.0054 1.0109 1·0164 1.0220 1.0276 1.0333 6 1·0390 7 1.0449 8 1.0508 9 1.0567 10 1.0627 11 1.0688 12 1.0749 13 1.0811 14 1.0874 15 1.0937 16 1.1001 17 1.1065 18 1.1130 19 1.1196 20 1.1262 21 1.1329 22 1.1397 23 1.1465 24 17.424 1.3840 54 1.1534 25 18.150 1.3931 55 1.1604 26 56 18.876 1.4022 19.602 1.4114 1.1674 27 57 1.1745 28 20.328 1.4207 58 1.1817 29 21.054 1.4301 59 1.1889 30 21.780 1.4395 60 5 .7261 1962 31 1.452 1.2036 32 • 2.178 1 2111 33 34 2.904 1.2186 3.630 1.2262 4.356 1 2338 5.082 1.2415 • 37 5.808 1.2493 38 6.534 1.2572 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 7.260 1.2651 7.986 1.2731 8.712 1.2812 9.438 1.2894 10.164 1.2976 10.890 1·3059 11.616 1.3143 12.342 1.3227 13.068 1.3313 48 13.794 1.3399 14.520 1 3486 15.246 1.3573 15.972 1.3661 16.698 1.3750 53 47 49 · 50 51 52 • 35 36 22.506 23.232 23.958 24.684 25.410 26.136 26.862 27.588 28.314 29.040 29.766 30.492 31.218 31.944 32.670 33.496 34.222 34.948 35.674 36.400 37.126 37.852 38.578 39.304 40.030 40.756 41.482 42.208 42.934 43.660 197 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF TARTARIC ACID BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0045 1.0090 1.0136 1.0179 1.0224 1.0273 1.0322 1.0371 1.0420 1.0469 1.0517 1.0565 1.0613 1.0661 1.0709 1.0761 1.0813 1.0865 1.0917 1.0969 Per cent. of C₁HOOG. 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Specific Gravity. 1.1020 1.1072 1.1124 1.1175 1.1227 1.1282 1.1338 1.1393 1.1449 1.1505 1.1560 1.1615 1.1670 1.1726 1.1781 1.1840 1.1900 1.1959 1.2019 Per cent. of C₁HOG. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 8888888 38 39 Specific Gravity. · Per cent. of C₂HGOO. 1.2078 40 1.2138 41 1.2198 42 1.2259 43 1.2317 44 1.2377 45 1.2441 46 1.2504 47 1.2568 48 1.2632 49 1.2696 50 1.2762 51 1.2828 52 1.2394 53 1.2961 54 1.3027 55 1.3093 56 1.3159 57 1.3220 57.9 Many tables are compared to water at 15° C.; to reduce them so as to compare with water at 4° C. (maximum den- sity), multiply the given densities by 99916. For most purposes, however, the difference may be disregarded. 198 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF TANNIC ACID BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0004 1.0008 1.0012 1.0016 1.0020 1.0024 1.0028 1.0032 1.0036 1.0040 1.0044 1.0048 1.0052 1.0056 1.0060 1·0064 1.0068 1.0072 1.0076 1.0080 1.0081 1.0088 1.0092 1.0096 1.0100 Per cent. of Tannic Acid. •1 •2 23 ⚫3 ·4 ·5 .6 •7 .8 ⚫9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Specific Gravity. 1.0104 1.0108 1.0112 1.0116 1.0120 1.0124 1.0128 1.0132 1.0136 1.0140 1.0144 1.0148 1.0152 1.0156 1.0160 1.0164 1.0168 1.0172 1.0176 1.0180 1.0184 1.0188 1.0192 1.0196 1.0200 Per cent. of Tannic Acid. 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 199 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF POTASSIUM OXIDE, POTASSIUM HYDRATE (CAUSTIC POTASH), IN SOLUTIONS AT 15° C. The first part of the Table is Tünnerman's; the second is taken from that constructed by Richter. Per cent. Per cent. Specific of K20. of KHO. Gravity. • 0.7381 0050 5658 1.697 2.0211 0153 3.3691.0260 23.764 28 3031 2648 24 895 29.6501·2805 26.027 30.998 1.2966 2.829 3.961 4.7171 0369 27.158 32.345 1.3131 5.002 5.9571 0478 28-290 33.6931 3300 6.224 29.34 7.355 30.74 32.14 7.4121 0589 8.7601.0703 8.487 10.108 1.0819 9.619 11 4561 0938 10.750 12.8031-1059 11.882 14 1511·1182 13.013 15.4981.1308 37.97 33.46 34.74 35·99 · 40.17 42.31 44.40 • 14.145 16 846 1.1437 15.277 18.1951.1568 16.408 19.542 1.1702 17.540 20 890 1 1839 18.671 22 2371 1979 19.803 23.5851.2122 20.935 24 9331 2268 51.58 46.45 48.46 50.09 • • • • • • • • Per cent. of K20. 21.500 25.6061 2342 53.06 22.632 26.954 1.2493 • Per cent. Specific of KHO. Gravity. • · 34.94 1.30 36.91 1·32 38.28 1.34 39.85 1.36 41.37 1.38 42.86 1.40 45·22 1·42 47.84 1.44 50.39 1·46 52.88 1.48 55.32 1.50 57.71 1.52 59.65 1.54 61.43 1.56 63.19 1.58 200 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF SODIUM AND OF POTASSIUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. HYDRATE BY Per cent. LO Specific Gravity. 1.58 1.56 1.54 1.52 1.50 Specific Specific Gravity, Gravity, KHO. NaHO. 1.48 1.46 1.44 5 1.036 1.059 40 10 1.077 1.115 45 15 1.124 1.170 50 1.540 20 1·175 1.225 55 1.604 1.591 25 1.230 1.279 60 1.667 1.643 30 1.288 1.332 65 1.729 1.695 35 1.349 1.384 70 1.790 1.748 TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF FUSED POTASSA IN CAUSTIC LYE OF DIFFERENT DENSITIES. K20 per cent. 53.06 51.58 50.09 48.46 46.45 44 40 1 42.31 40.17 -!|- Specific Gravity. 1.42 1.40 Per cent. 1.38 1.36 1.34 1.32 1.30 1.28 Specific Specific Gravity, Gravity, кно. NaHO. K20 per cent. 37.97 35.99 34.74 33.46 32.14 30.74 29.34 27.86 1.411 1.437 1.475 1.488 1.539 Specific Gravity. 1.26 1.24 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.00 K20 per cent. 26.34 24.77 11.28 9.20 7.02 4.77 2.44 0.00 201 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE CONSTRUCTED BY DALTON, CONFIRMED BY MEHRENS, SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASH. KHO Specific Gravity. per cent. 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.88 1.78 1.68 1.60 1.52 1.47 1.44 100.5 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 1.12 86.22 75.74 67.65 60.98 55.62 51.09 47.16 43.83 Specific Na 20 Gravity. per cent. K20 per cent. 0.00 2.07 4.02 5.89 7.69 9.43 11.10 100.0 84.0 72.4 63.6 56.8 51.2 46.7 42.9 39.6 36.8 Specific Gravity. Specific Gravity. RICHTER'S TABLE, SHOWING THE QUANTITY of CaustIC SODA CONTAINED IN LYES OF DIFFERENT DENSITIES. 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.26 1.42 1.39 1.36 1.33 1.28 1.23 1.19 1.15 1.11 1.06 Na2O per cent. KHO K₂O per cent. per cent. 12.81 14.73 16.73 18.71 20.66 22.58 24.47 40.97 38.59 35.01 31.32 27.87 23.22 19.29 15.48 11.31 5.59 : Specific Gravity. 1.28 1.30 1.32 1.34 34.4 32.4 29.4 26.3 23.4 19.5 16.2 13.0 9.5 4.7 1.35 1.36 1.38 Na₂O per cent. 26.33 28.16 29.96 31.67 32.40 33.08 34.41 202 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TÜNNERMAN'S TABLE, SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF SODIUM OXIDE IN SOLUTIONS AT 15° C. Per cent. of Na20. ⚫302 • 601 1.209 1.813 2.418 3.022 3.626 4.231 4.835 5.440 6.044 6.648 7.253 7.857 8.462 9.066 9.670 10.275 10.879 11.484 12.088 12.692 13.297 13.901 14.506 15.110 Specific Gravity. 1·0040 1.0081 1.0163 1.0246 1.0330 1.0414 1·0500 1.0587 1.0675 1.0764 1.0855 1.0948 1.1042 1.1137 1.1233 1.1330 1.1428 1.1528 1.1630 1.1734 1·1841 1.1948 1.2058 1.2178 1.2280 1.2392 Per cent. of Na20. 15.714 16.319 16.923 17.528 18.132 18.730 19.341 19.954 20.550 21.154 21.758 21.894 22.363 22.967 23.572 24.176 24.780 25.385 25 989 26.594 27.200 27.802 28.407 29.011 29.616 30.220 Specific Gravity. 1.2453 1.2515 1.2578 1·2642 1.2708 1.2775 1.2843 1.2912 1.2982 1.3053 1.3125 1.3143 1.3198 1.3273 1.3349 1.3426 1.3505 1.3586 1.3668 1.3751 1.3836 1.3923 1.4011 1.4101 1.4193 1.4285 203 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. DAVY'S TABLE, SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF AMMONIA. Specific Per cent. of Gravity. Ammonia. •8750 ⚫8875 ⚫9000 •9054 .9166 ⚫9255 ⚫9959 •9915 ⚫9873 ·9831 ⚫9790 9749 ·9709 9670 9631 ⚫9593 •9556 9520 • O • Specific Per cent. Specific Per cent. Gravity. of NH3. || Gravity. of NH3. • TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF AMMONIA BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 14° (? C.). • 32.30 29.25 26.00 25.37 22.07 19.54 • 123+ Specific Per cent. of Specific Per cent. of Gravity. Ammonia. Gravity. Ammonia. 4 ⚫9326 .9385 ⚫ 9435 .9476 ⚫9513 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 • 9484 13 •9449 14 •9114 15 ⚫9380 16 ⚫9347 •9314 17:52 15.88 14.53 13.46 12.40 ⚫9283 ⚫9251 •9221 9191 .9162 ⚫9133 • 17 18 19 ⚫9545 ⚫9573 ⚫9597 ⚫9619 ⚫9692 20 21 22 23 24 Specific Per cent. Gravity. of NH3. 11.56 10.82 10.17 9.60 9.50 •9106 25 •9078 26 •9052 27 •9026 28 .9001 29 8976 30 ⚫8953 31 ⚫8929 32 ⚫8907 8885 • 8864 8844 • • · 33 34 35 36 204 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. DALTON'S TABLE, SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF AMMONIA. Specific Gravity. ⚫850 ⚫860 ⚫870 ⚫880 .890 .900 •910 ⚫920 ⚫930 ⚫940 •950 ⚫960 •970 •980 ⚫990 Grains of Ammonia in a Hundred of the Liquid. ⚫8914 ⚫8937 ⚫8967 ⚫8983 •9000 ⚫9045 •9090 ⚫9133 35.3 32.6 29.9 27.3 24.7 22.2 19.8 17.4 15.1 12.8 10.5 Specific Per cent. of Gravity. 8.3 6.2 4.1 2.0 Boiling Point. F.° •9177 ⚫9227 ⚫9275 ⚫9320 ⚫9363 26 38 50 62 74 86 98 27.940 27.633 27.038 26.751 26.500 25.175 ⚫9410 23.850 ⚫9455 22.525 ⚫9510 110 122 134 146 158 173 187 196 URE'S TABLE, SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF AMMONIA. Volumes of Gas in One Volume of the Solution. Specific Per cent. of Specific Per cent. of Ammonia. Gravity. Ammonia. Ammonia. Gravity. 21.200 19.875 18.550 17.225 15.900 14.575 13.250 11.925 494 456 419 382 346 311 277 244 211 180 147 116 87 57 28 ⚫9564 •9614 ⚫9662 ⚫9716 ⚫9768 ⚫9828 •9887 ⚫9945 10.600 9.275 7.950 6.625 5.300 3.975 2.650 1.325 205 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM CARBONATE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Gravity. 1.00914 1.01829 1.02743 1.03658 1.04572 1.05513 1.06451 1.07396 1.08337 1.09278 1.10258 1.11238 1.12219 1·13199 1.14179 1.15200 1.16222 1.17243 1.18265 1.19286 1.20344 1.21402 1.22459 1.23517 1.24575 1.25681 1.26787 Per cent. of K2CO3. 123HLO CONSO 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Specific Gravity. 1.27893 1.28999 1.30105 1.31261 1.32117 1.33573 1.34729 1.35885 1.37082 1.38279 1.39476 1.40673 1.41870 1·43104 1.44338 1.45573 1.46807 1·48011 1·49314 1·50588 1.51861 1.53135 1.54108 1.55728 1.57018 1.57079 Per cent. of K2CO3. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 52.024 206 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF SODIUM CARBONATE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 23° C. Per cent. Per cent. of Specific of Gravity. Na2CO3 Na2CO3. +10 Aq. 1.0038 1.0076 1.0114 1.0153 1234567∞∞ • 370 •741 1.1035 26 9.635 1.1076 27 10.005 1.1117 28 10.376 1.1158 29 10.746 1.853 1.1200 30 11.118 11.488 2.223 1.1242 31 2.594 1·1284 32 11.859 1.1326 33 12.230 1.1368 34 12.600 1.1410 35 12.971 1.1452 36 13.341 1.1494 37 13.712 1.1536 38 14.082 1.1578 39 14.453 1.1620 40 14.824 1.1662 41 15.195 1.1704 42 15.566 1.1746 43 15.936 1.1788 44 1.1830 45 1.1873 46 1.1916 47 1·1959 48 1.2002 49 1.2045 50 1.112 1.482 Specific Gravity. 1.0192 1.0231 1.0270 1.0309 8 2.965 1.0348 9 3.335 1.0388 10 3.706 1.0428 11 4.076 1.0468 12 4.447 1·0508 13 4.817 1.0548 14 5.188 1.0588 15 5.558 1.0628 16 5.929 1.0668 17 6.299 1.0708 18 6.670 1.0718 19 7·041 1.0789 20 7·412 1.0830 21 7.782 1.0871 22 8.153 1.0912 23 8.523 1.0953 24 8.894 1.0994 25 9.264 Per cent. Per cent. of of Na2CO3 Na2CO3. +10 Aq. 16.307 16.677 17.048 17.418 17.789 18.159 18.530 207 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF SODIUM SULPHATE AT 19° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0040 1.0079 1.0118 1.0158 1.0198 1.0238 1.0278 1.0318 1.0358 1.0398 1.0439 1.0479 1.0520 1.0560 1.0601 Per cent. of Na2SO4+10 Aq. 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Cry 15 Per cent, of Na2SO4. • 441 ⚫882 1.323 1.764 2.205 2.646 3.087 3.528 3.969 4.410 4.851 5.292 5.773 6.174 6.615 Specific Gravity. 1.0642 1.0683 1.0725 1.0766 1.0807 1.0849 1.0890 1.0931 1.0973 1.1015 1.1057 1.1100 1.1142 1.1184 1.1226 Per cent. of Na2SO4+10 Aq. बुझे 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Per cent. of Na2SO4. 7.056 7.497 7.938 8.379 8.820 9.261 9.702 10.143 10.584 11.025 11.466 11.907 12.348 12.789 13.230 208 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF SULPHATE OF AMMONIUM BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 19° C. Specific Per- Specific Per- Specific Per- Gravity. centage. Gravity. centage. Gravity. centage. 1.0057 1.1035 18 1 2004 1.0115 1·1092 19 1.0172 1.1149 20 1.0230 4 1.1207 21 1·0287 5 1.1265 22 1·0345 6 1.1323 23 1.0403 1.1381 24 1.0460 1.1439 25 1.0518 1.1496 26 1.1554 27 1.0575 10 1.0632 11 1.1612 28 1.0690 12 1.1670 29 1.1724 30 31 1.0747 13 1.0805 14 1.1780 1.0862 15 1.1836 32 1·0920 16 1.1892 33 1.0977 17 1.1948 34 123H 1.024 1.051 1.075 1.105 1.117 1.127 789 Specific Per cent. of Gravity. Glycerin. 10 20 30 40 45 50 TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF GLY- CERIN BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 17.5° C. Freezes at OC. - 1.25 2.5 6.25 -17.5 -26.25 -32. 35 1.2060 36 1.2116 37 1.2172 38 1.2228 39 1.2284 40 1.2343 41 1.2402 42 1.2462 43 1.2522 44 1.2583 45 1.2644 46 1.2705 47 1.2766 48 1.2828 49 1.2890 50 1.159 1.179 1.204 1.232 1.241 Gravity. Specific Per cent. of Glycerin. 60 70 80 90 100 Freezes at OC. Not freezing at 35 209 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF MAGNESIUM SULPHATE (EPSOM SALTS) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Per cent, of Specific MgSO4+7Aq. Gravity. Gravity. 1.006 1.010 1.016 1.020 1·024 1.029 1.034 1.039 1.043 1.046 1.050 1.055 1.059 1.064 1.068 1.072 1.075 1.080 1.084 1.088 1.091 1.095 1.098 1.101 1.104 1·107 1.111 1·114 1.117 .99 1.96 2.91 3.84 4.76 5.66 6.54 7.41 8.25 9.09 9.91 10.71 11.50 12.28 13.04 13.79 14.52 15.25 15.96 16.66 17.35 18.03 18.69 19.35 20.00 20.63 21.26 21.87 22.48 1·120 1.124 1.128 1.131 1.134 1.137 1.140 1.143 1.145 1.147 1.150 1.153 1.155 1.158 1.161 1.164 1.166 1.168 1.170 1.172 1.174 1.207 1.230 1.250 1.270 1.282 1.294 1.304 Per cent. of MgSO4+7Aq. 23.07 23.66 24.24 24.81 25.37 25.92 26.47 27.01 27.53 28.05 28.57 29.07 29.57 30.06 30.55 31.03 31.51 31.97 32.43 32.88 33.33 37.50 41.17 44.44 47.36 50.00 52.38 54.54 P 210 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF ZINC SULPHATE (WHITE VITRIOL) AT 20·5° C. 1.0057 1.0115 Specific of ZnSO4 Gravity. Per cent. Per cent. of +70H2. ZnSO4. 1.0173 1.0231 1.0289 1.0348 1.0407 123HL CO 561 1842 1.1914 1.68 1.1987 2.24 1.2060 2.801.2134 3.36 1 2209 • 3.92 1.2285 1.0467 4.48 1.2362 5.04 1.2439 1.0527 1.0588 10 5.60 1.2517 1.0649 11 6.16 1.2595 1.0710 12 6.72 1.2674 1.0772 13 7.28 1.2754 1.0835 14 1.0899 15 1.0962 16 1.1026 17 1.1091 18 1.1156 19 1.1222 20 1.1288 21 1.1355 22 12.32 1.3511 1.1423 23 12.88 1.3599 1.3688 1.1491 24 13.44 1.1560 25 14.00 1.3779 1.1629 26 14.56 1.3871 1.1699 27 15.12 1.3964 1.1770 28 15 68 1.4057 • 5 6 7 8 9 Specific Gravity. 1.12 7.841.2834 8.401.2917 8.961.3000 9.521.3083 10.08 1.3167 10.64 1.3252 11.201.3338 11.761.3424 Per cent. Percent. of ZnSO4 +70H2. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 of ZnSO4. 16.24 16.80 17.36 17.92 18.48 19.04 19.60 20.16 20.72 21.28 21.84 22.40 22.96 23.52 24.08 24.64 25.20 25.76 26.32 26.88 27.44 28.00 28.56 29.12 29.68 30.24 30.80 31.36 211 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF FERROSUM SULPHATE (GREEN VITRIOL, PROTO- SULPHATE OF IRON) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 17.2° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0052 1.0105 1.0158 1.0212 1.0266 1.0321 1.0377 Per cent. Per cent. of FeSO4 of FeSO4. +7Aq. ⚫547 1.1214 1.094 1.1278 22 1.641 1.1343 23 2.188 1.1408 24 2.735 1.1473 25 3.282 1.1539 26 3.829 1.1606 27 1.0433 4.376 1.1673! 28 1.1740 29 1.1808 30 1.1876 31 1.1945 32 1.2014 33 1.2084 34 1.0490 9 4.923 1.0547 10 5.470 1.0605 11 6.017 1.0664 12 6.564 1.0723 13 7.111 1.0782 14 7.658 1.0842 15 8.205 1.0903 16 8.752 1.0964 17 9.299 1.1026 18 9.846 1.1088 19 10.393 1.1157 20 1.2154 35 1.2225 36 1.2296 37 1.2368 38 1.2440 39 10.940 1.2513 40 S 1234567 Per cent. Per cent. Specific Gravity. of FeSO4 of FeSO4- +7Aq. ¡ 21 11.487 12.034 12.581 13.128 13.675 14.222 14.769 15.316 15.863 16.410 16.957 17.504 18.051 18.598 19.145 19.692 20.239 20.786 21.333 21.880 P 2 212 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF COPPER SULPHATE (BLUE STONE, BLUE VITRIOL) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 18° C. Per cent. Per cent. Specific of Gravity. CuSO4 of CuSO4. +50H2. Percent. Specific of Per cent. Gravity. CuSO4 of CuSO4. +50H2. 1.0063 1 .637 1.1063 16 1.0126 2 1.275 1.1135 17 1.0190 3 1.912 1 1208 • 18 1.0254 2.550 1.1281 19 1.0319 3.187 1.1354 20 1.0384 6 3.825 1.1427 21 22 1.0450 7 4.462 1.1501 1.0516 8 5.100 1.1585 1.0582 9 5.737 1.1659 23 24 1.0649 10 6.375 1.1738 25 1.0716 11 7.012 1.1817 26 1.0785 12 7.650 1.1898 27 1.0854 13 8.287 1.1980 28 ५ 1.0923 14 8.925 1 2063 29 1.0993 15 9.562 1.2146 30 4 5 10.200 10.837 11.474 12.111 12.750 13.387 14.025 14.662 15.300 15.938 16.574 17.211 17.848 18.486 19.125 213 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM AND AMMONIUM ALUM BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 17.5° C, Per cent. 1234+∞∞ 5 6 Specific Gravity. 1.0080 1.0161 1.0243 1.0325 1.0408 1.0492 1.0576 1.0663 1.0750 1.0837 1.0925 1.1014 1.1104 1.1195 K2A12(SO4)4 + 24 Aq. Density. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM CHROMATE (YELLOW CHROMATE) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 19.5° C. Per cent. of K2CrO4. 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.0065 1.0110 1.0166 1.0218 1.0269 1.0320 Specific Gravity. 1.1287 1.1380 1.1474 1.1570 1.1667 1.1765 1.1864 1.1964 1.2066 1.2169 1.2274 1.2379 1.2485 (NH4)2Al2(SO4)4 + 24 Aq. Density. Per cent. of K2CrO4. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1.0060 1.0109 1.0156 1.0200 1.0255 1.0305 Specific Gravity. 1.2592 1.2700 1.2808 1.2921 1.3035 1.3151 1.3268 1.3386 1.3505 1.3625 1.3746 1.3868 1.3991 Per cent. of K2CrO4. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 3 214 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM NITRATE (NITRE, SALTPETRE) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 21° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0058 1.0118 1.0178 1.0239 1.0300 1.0363 1.0425 1.0490 Specific Gravity. 1.0065 1.0131 1.0197 1.0264 1.0332 1.0399 1.0468 1.0537 1.0606 1.0676 1.0746 1.0817 Per cent. of KNO 3. 1.0889 1.0962 1.1035 1.1109 1.1184 123456 7 8 Per cent. of NaNO3. 123456 7 8 9 Specific Gravity. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.0555 1.0621 1.0686 1.0752 1.0819 1.0887 1.0956 1.1026 TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF SODIUM NITRATE (CHILI NITRE, CHILI SALTPETRE) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 20.2° C. Specific Gravity. 1.1260 1.1338 1.1418 1.1498 1.1578 1.1659 1.1740 1.1822 1.1904 Per cent. of KNO 3. 1.1987 1.2070 1.2154 1.2239 1.2325 1.2412 1.2500 1.2589 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Per cent. of NaNO,. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23*3 Specific Gravity. 34 1.1097 1.1169 1.1242 1.1316 1.1390 1.1464 1.1538 1.1613 1.2679 1.2770 1.2863 1.2958 1.3055 Specific Per cent. Gravity. 1.3155 1.3255 1.3355 1.3456 Per cent. of KNO 3. 1.3557 1.3659 1.3761 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1.3864 1.3968 1.4074 1.4180 of NaNO3. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 215 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF BARIUM NITRATE (NITRATE OF BARYTA) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 12·5° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0062 1.0123 1.0185 Specific Gravity. 1.0052 1.0104 1.0156 1.0208 1.0260 1.0310 1.0361 1.0411 1.0481 1.0510 1.0601 Per cent. of Ba(NO3)2. 123 Per cent. of (Crystal- lized?) Salt. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF CALCIUM NITRATE (NITRATE OF LIME) BY SPE- CIFIC GRAVITY AT 12.5° C. 1234567 Specific Gravity. 8 9 10 12 1.0250 1.0320 1.0409 Specific Gravity. Per cent. of Ba(NO3)2. 1.0690 1.0777 1.0864 1.0950 1·1044 1.1112 1.1185 1.1257 1.1320 1.1383 4 5 6 Per cent. of (Crystallized?) Salt. 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 216 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF COPPER NITRATE AT 12.5° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0059 1.0119 1.0192 1.0252 1.0320 1.0390 1.0457 1.0526 1.0592 1.0655 1.0778 1.0918 1.1060 1·1201 1.1350 1.1521 1.1716 Specific Gravity. 1.0041 1.0083 1.0125 1.0166 1.0208 1.ne50 Per cent. of Cu(NO3)2. 123 TLC 123456 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Per cent. of Per cent. Na₂HPO4+ of 12Aq. Na₂HPO4. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF DISODIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE BY SPECIFIc Gravity AT 19° C. Gravity. Specific Per cent. of Cu(NO3)2. .397 ⚫794 1.1915 1.2117 1.2320 1.2513 1.2712 1.2912 1:3113 1.3320 1.3533 1.3749 1.3978 1.4206 1·4440 1.4686 1.4944 1.5205 Specific Gravity. 1.0292 1.0332 1.0376 1.191 1.588 1.0418 1-985 1.0460 2.382 1.0503 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 39596 7 8 9 10 11 12 Per cent. of Per cent. Na₂HPO4+ of 12Aq. Na₂HPO. 4. 2.779 3.176 3.573 3.970 4.367 4.764 217 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF LEAD NITRATE AT 17.5° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0080 1.0163 1.0247 1.0331 1.0416 1.0502 1.0591 1.0682 1.0775 1.0869 1.0963 1.1059 Per cent. of Pb(NO3)2. 123 HLO 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Specific Gravity. 1.1157 1.1257 1.1359 1.1463 1.1569 1.1677 1.1788 1.1902 1.2016 1.2132 1.2251 1.2372 Per cent. of Pb(NO3)2. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Specific Gravity. 1.2495 1.2620 1.2747 1.2876 1.3007 1.3140 1.3276 1.3416 1.3558 1.3702 1.3848 1.3996 Per cent. of Pb(NO3)2. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 218 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM CHLORIDE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15º C. Water at 15° C, = 1. Per cent. Specific Gravity. of KCl. 1.00650 1.01300 1.01950 1.02600 1.03250 1.03916 1.04582 1.05248 1.05914 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Specific Per cent. Gravity. of NaCl. 1.00725 1.01450 1.02174 1.02899 1.03624 1.04366 1.05108 1.05851 1.06593 1 2 3 Specific Gravity. 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.06580 1.07271 1.07962 1.08652 1.09345 1.10036 1.10750 1.11465 Per cent. of KCl. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF SODIUM CHLORIDE (COMMON SALT) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1.07335 1.08097 1.08859 1.09622 1.10384 1.11146 1.11938 1.12730 1.13523 Specific Per cent. Gravity. of NaCl. Specific Gravity. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.12179 1.12894 1.13608 1.14348 1.15088 1.15828 1.16568 1.17234 Per cent. of KCl. Specific Gravity. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24.9 Per cent. of NaCl. 1.14315 19 1.15107 20 1.15931 21 1.16755 22 1.17580 23 1.18404 24 1.19228 25 1.20098 26 1.20433 26.395 219 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF AMMONIUM CHLORIDE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Per cent. Specific Gravity. of NH4Cl. 1.00316 1.00632 1·00948 1.01264 1.01580 1.01880 1.02180 1.02481 1.02781 Specific Gravity. 1.00844 1.01689 1.02533 1.03378 1.04222 1.05096 1.05970 1.06844 1.07718 1·08592 1.09495 1.10398 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Per cent. of MgCl2. 123HLO CO 4 5 6 Per cent. Specific Gravity. of NH4Cl. 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.03081 1.03370 1.03658 1·03947 1.04325 1.04524 1.04805 1.05086 1.05367 TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF MAGNE- SIUM CHLORIDE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Gravity. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.11300 1.12203 1.13106 1.14045 1.14984 1.15922 1.16861 1.17800 1.18787 1.19775 1.20762 1.21750 Per cent. of MgCl2. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Specific Gravity. 21 22 23 24 Per cent. of NH4Cl. 1·05648 19 1.05929 20 222222 1.06204 21 1·06479 22 1.06754 23 1.07029 24 1.07304 25 1.07575 26 1.07658 Specific Gravity. 26.297 Per cent. of MgCl2. 1.22737 25 1-23777 26 1.24817 27 1.25857 28 1.26897 29 1.27937 30 1.29029 31 1.30121 32 1.31213 33 1.32305 34 1.33397 35 1.33406 35.008 220 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF BARIUM CHLORIDE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 21·5° C. Specific Per cent. of Per cent. Gravity. BaCl2+2Aq. of BaCl2. 1.0073 1.0147 1.0222 1.0298 1.0374 1.0452 1.0530 1.0610 1.0692 1.0776 1.0861 1.0947 1.1034 1.1122 1.1211 Specific Gravity. 123456 1.00852 1.01704 1.02555 1.03407 1.04259 1.05146 1.06033 1.06921 1.07808 1.08695 1.09628 1.10561 1.11494 1.12427 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Per cent. Specific of CaCl2. Gravity. 123 2 ⚫853 1.705 2.558 3.410 4.263 5.115 5.968 6.821 7.673 8.526 9.379 10.231 11.084 11.936 12.789 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Per cent. of Per cent. Gravity. BaCl2+2Aq. of BaCl2. 1.13360 1.14332 1.15305 1.16277 1.17250 1.18222 1.19251 1.20279 1.21308 1.22336 1.23365 1.24450 1.25535 1.26619 1.1302 1.1394 1.1488 1.1584 1.1683 1.1783 1·1884 1.1986 1.2090 1.2197 1.2304 1.2413 1.2523 1.2636 1.2750 Per cent. of CaCl2. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 13.641 14.494 15.346 Specific Gravity. 16.199 17.051 17.904 18.756 19.609 20.461 21.314 22.166 23 019 23.871 24.724 25.577 Per cent. of CaCl2. 1.27704 29 1.28789 30 1.29917 31 1.31045 32 1.32174 33 1.33302 34 1.34430 35 1.35610 36 1.36790 37 1.37970 38 1.39150 39 1.40330 1.41104 40 40.66 221 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Gravity. 1.00721 1.01443 1.02164 1.02885 1.03603 1.04353 1.05099 1.05845 1.06591 1.07337 1.08120 1.08902 1.09684 1.10466 1.11248 1.12073 1.12897 1.13721 1.14545 1.15370 1.16231 Per cent. of Al2C16. 123 LO CO← ∞ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 222222 21 Specific Gravity. 1.17092 1.17953 1.18815 1.19676 1.20584 1.21493 1.22406 1.23310 1.24219 1.25184 1.26149 1.27115 1.28080 1.29046 1·30066 1.31086 1.32106 1.33126 1.34146 1.35224 1.35359 Per cent. of Al2C16. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41.126 222 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF ZINC CHLORIDE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 12.5° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0144 1.0228 1.0342 1.0458 1.0573 1.0687 1.0802 1.0966 1.1033 1.1150 1·1267 1.1382 1.1498 Per cent. of the Crystal- lized Salt. 24 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Specific Gravity. 1.1614 1.1730 1.1864 1.1967 1.2106 1.2228 1.2360 1.2497 1.2639 1.2783 1.2927 1.3070 1.3244 S 10 1.024 1° C. 20 1.051 2.5 30 1.075 · 6 40 50 Per cent. of the Crystal- lized Salt. 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 1.105 -17.5 1.127-31.34 Specific Gravity. 1.3402 1.3567 1.3733 1.3900 1.4071 60 70 80 90 100 1.4253 1.4457 1.4675 1.4900 1.5164 1.5427 1.5700 1.5987 TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF GLYCERINE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Per cent. of the Crystal- lized Salt. Glycerine Specific Freezing Glycerine Specific Freezing per cent. Gravity. Point. per cent. Gravity. Point. 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 1.159 1.179 below 1.204 -35 1.232 1.241 223 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM IODIDE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 21° C. Specific Per cent. Gravity. of Kl. 1 2 3 Specific Gravity. Per cent. of KI. 1.0075 1.1807 21 1.0151 1.1911 22 1.0227 1.2016 23 1.0305 4 1.2122 24 1·0384 5 1.2229 25 1.0464 6 1.2336 26 1.0545 7 1.2445 27 1.0627 8 1.2556 28 1.0710 9 1.2699 29 1.0793 10 1.2784 30 1.0877 11 1.2899 31 1.0962 12 1.3017 32 1.1048 13 1.3138 33 1.1136 14 1.3262 34 1.1226 15 1.3389 35 1.1318 16 1.3519 36 1.1412 17 1.3653 37 1.1508 18 1.3791 38 1.1605 19 1.3933 39 1.1705 20 1.4079 40 Specific Gravity. Per cent. of KI. 1.4224 41 1.4371 42 1.4520 43 1.4671 44 1.4825 45 1.4982 46 1.5142 47 1.5305 48 1.5471 49 1.5640 50 1.5810 51 1.5984 52 1.6162 53 1·6343 54 1.6528 55 1.6717 56 1.6911 57 1.7109 58 1.7311 59 1.7517 60 224 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF SODIUM THIOSULPHATE (HYPOSULPHITE OF SODA) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 19° C. Specific Per cent. of Per cent. Specific Per cent. of Per cent. Gravity. Na2S2O3 + of Na2S2 Gravity. Na2S2O3 + of Na2S2 5Aq. 03. 5Aq. 03. 1.0052 1.0105 1.0158 1.0211 1·0264 1.0317 1.0370 1234H LO CON∞9 7 0.637 1·1440 26 1.274 1.1499 27 1.911 1·1558 2.584 1.1617 28 29 3.185 1.1676 30 6 3.822 1.1738 31 4.459 1.1800 32 • 1.0423 33 5.096 1 1862 5.733 1.1924 34 1.0476 1·0529 10 1·0584 11 6.371 1.1986 35 36 7.008 1.2048 7.645 1.2110 1·0639 12 37 23.572 38 24.209 · 39 24.846 40 25.484 1.0695 13 1.0751 14 1.0807 15 1.0863 16 1.0919 17 1.0975 18 41 • 42 43 8.282 1.2172 8.919 1 2234 9.556 1.2297 10.193 1.2362 10.830 1 2427 11.467 1.2492 12.105 1.2558 12.742 1 2624 13.379 1 2690 14.016 1 2756 14.653 1.2822 15.290 1·2888 1.1031 19 44 • 45 • 1.1087 20 1.1145 21 1.1204 22 • 1.1263 23 1·1322 24 1.1381 25 15.927 1.2954 8 16.564 17.201 17.838 18.475 19.113 19.750 20.387 21.024 21.661 22.298 22.935 46 47 48 49 50 26.121 26.758 27.395 28.032 28.669 29 306 • 29.943 30.580 31.218 31.855 225 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF SODIUM ACETATE BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 12.5° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0028 1.0058 2 1.0087 1.0117 1.0146 1.0176 1.0206 1.0237 1.0267 1.0299 10 Per cent. of the Salt. Specific Gravity. 1.0070 1.0140 1.0211 1.0283 1.0366 1.0430 193H 4 Per cent. of the Salt. 123H LOC 5 6 7 8 9 1.0883 TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF LEAD ACETATE (SUGAR OF LEAD) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 12.5° C. 4 Specific Gravity. 5 6 Per cent. of the Salt. 1.0361 12 1.1018 32 1.0424 14 1.1090 34 1.0488 16 1.1165 36 1.0553 18 1.1242 38 1.0619 20 1.0685 22 1.0751 24 1.1320 40 1.1399 42 1.1482 44 1.1567 46 1.0817 26 1.1656 48 28 1.0955 30 1.1755 50 Specific Gravity. 1.0505 1.0580 1.0655 1.0731 Specific Gravity. Per cent. of the Salt. 789 Per cent. of the Salt. Specific Gravity. Q Per cent. of the Salt. 16 1.1221 1.1330 18 1.1560 20 22 10 1.1740 1.0891 12 1.1928 24 1.1055 14 226 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK, TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM FERROCYANIDE (YELLOW PRUSSIATE OF POTASH) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 15° C. Specific Per cent. of Gravity. K4 FeCу6+3Aq. 1.0058 1.0116 1.0175 1.0234 1.0295 1.0356 1.0417 1.0479 1.0542 1.0605 1 2 3 4 LO 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per cent. of K₁ FeCу6. 0.872 1.744 2.616 3.488 4.360 5.232 6.104 6.976 7.848 8.720 Specific Gravity. 1.0669 1.0734 1.0800 1.0866 1.0932 1.0999 1.1067 1.1136 1.1205 1.1275 Per cent. of Per cent. of K4FeCу6+3Aq. K₁FeCy 6. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9.592 10.464 11.336 12.208 13.080 13.952 14.824 15.696 16.568 17.440 227 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM FERRICYANIDE (RED PRUSSIATE OF POTASH) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 13° C. Specific Gravity. 1.0051 1.0103 1.0155 1.0208 1.0261 1.0315 1.0370 1.0426 1.0482 1.0538 Specific Gravity. ⚫9570 ⚫9768 •9815 ⚫9840 ⚫9870 ·9890 ⚫9900 ⚫9914 ⚫9923 ⚫9930 ⚫9940 Per cent. of K, Fe2Cy12- 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per cent. of HCy. 16.0 10.6 9.1 8.0 7.3 Specific Gravity. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SOLUTIONS OF HYDRO- CYANIC ACID (PRUSSIC ACID) BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 6.4 5.8 5.3 5.0 4.6 4.0 1.0653 1.0771 1.0891 1.1014 1.1139 1.1266 1.1396 1.1529 1.1664 1.1802 Specific Gravity. Per cent. of K, Fe, Cy12- 6 ⚫9945 ⚫9952 ⚫9958 ⚫9964 ⚫9967 ⚫9970 ⚫9973 ⚫9974 ⚫9975 ⚫9978 ⚫9979 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Per cent. of HCy. 3.6 3.2 $3.0 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.77 1.68 1.60 Q 2 228 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF ALCOHOLIC SOLU- TIONS OF ETHER BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Specific Gravity. •720 ⚫732 •744 ⚫756 Per cent. 5 10 Sugar in 100 parts of Water. Ether, per cent. 40 35 30 25 20 100 90 80 70 15 10 5 TABLE SHOWING THE STRength of Solutions of ALBUMIN. Specific Gravity. 1.013 1.026 Ether, Specific Gravity. per cent. •768 •780 •792 .804 Density of Syrup. 1.122 1.110 1.096 1.082 1.068 1.052 1.036 1.018 Per cent. 20 30 60 50 40 30 Specific Gravity. 1.052 1.078 Specific Ether, Gravity. per cent. SOLUBILITY OF LIME IN SOLUTIONS of Sugar. Density after saturation with Lime. 1.179 1.166 1.148 1.128 1.104 1.080 1.053 1.026 •816 • 828 ⚫830 Per cent. 40 · 60 Lime. 20 10 0 Specific Gravity. 21 20.5 20.1 19.8 18.8 18.5 18.1 15.3 1.106 1.135 100 Parts of the Residue dried at 120° C. contain Sugar. 79 79.5 79.9 80.2 81.2 81.5 81.9 84.7 229 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES FOR TEMPERATURE ACCORDING TO THE FORMULA Vx B O t V₁ = * 760 × (1+dt) 1st from 0° to 30°. &= 0·003665. 1 + St. Log. (1+8t). t 0.0 1.0000000 0.0000000 2.6 1.0095290 0.0041188 71.0098955 .81.0102620 •11.0003665 21.0007330 31.0010995 •41·0014660 0.51.0018325 • 1591 3182 4772 2.9 1.0106285 6362 3.0 1.0109950 0.0047490 7951 •11.0113615 9063 9519 •2 1.0117280 0 0050636 31.0120945 2714 •4 1.0124610 4301 3.5 1.0128275 61 0131940 71.0135605 81.0139270 0·0060067 1636 2227 4.01.0146600 0·0063205 1.5 1.0054975 3810 61.0058640 5393 6974 .3 1.0157595 •7 1.0062305 .81.0065970 8556 •4 1.0161260 1.9 1.0069635 0.0030137 4.5 1.0164925 0·0071042 2.0 1.0073300 0.0031718 •6 1.0168590 •1 1.0076965 •21.0080630 .3 1.0084295 •41.0087960 3298 •7 1.0172255 4877 .8 1.0175920 6455 4.9 1.0179585 8033 5.01.0183250 0.0078864 11.0186915 0.0080427 2.5 1.0091625 9611 .6 1.0021990 .7 1.0025655 0.0011127 •S 1.0029320 .9 1.0032985 1.0 1.0036650 0.0015888 1+ St. Log. (1+8 t). • 7474 9059 · •11.0040315 21.0043980 31.0047645 0.0020643 3.9 1.0142935 •41.0051310 •11·0150265 •21.0153930 2765 4341 5916 2210 3782 5354 6926 8497 4773 6341 7909 9476 2607 4172 5736 7300 230 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES--continued. t When 5.2 1.0190580 0.0081989 .3 1.0194245 •4 1.0197910 5.5 1.0201575 .6 1.0205240 1 + St. Log. (1+8t). t • 71·0208905 .8 1.0212570 0·0091350 5.9 1.0216235 2908 6.0 1.0219900 0.0094466 •11·0223565 21·0227230 31.0230895 41.0234560 0 0100692 - · 6023 7580 9136 4551 5112 8.5 1.0311525 6672 •6 1.0315190 8232 .7 1.0318855 • 9791 8 1·0322520 8.9 1.0326185 9.0 1.0329850 0·0140940 6.5 1.0238225 .6 1.0241890 •7 1.0245555 .8 1.0249220 •911.0252885 7.01.0256550 0.0110013 •11.0260215 O .2 1.0263880 31.0267545 .4 1.0271210 7.5 1.0274875 .6 1.0278540 •7 1.0282205 0.0120862 .8 1.0285870 7.9 1.0289535 8.01.0293200 0·0125504 7050 •1 1.0296865 •2 1·0300530 8596 1+ St. Log. (1+8t). 8.3 1.0304195 0.0130141 •4 1.0307860 •11.0333515 •21.0337180 .3 1.0340845 • 4 1.0344510 9.5 1.0318175 2247 •6 1·0351840 0·0150175 ·7 1·0355505 3802 5356 .8 1.0359170 6909 9.9 1.0362835 8461 10 0 1·0366500 0·0156321 • 11.0370165 •21.0373830 1685 3229 4772 6315 7857 9399 2481 4021 5561 7100 8638 • ∙1 1·0406815 •2 1.0410480 •3 1·0414145 1712 3249 4785 1565 3116 4666 •4 1.0381160 6216 10.5 1.0384825 7765 9314 .6 1.0388490 •71·0392155 ·8 1·0395820 • 2410 10 9 1·0399485 0·0170118 3957 11 7857 9392 .3 1.0377495 0.0160926 2459 3992 5524 7056 8587 · 0 1·0403150 0·0171648 3178 4707 6236 231 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES-continued. t 1 + St. Log. (1+8t). t •11.0480115 2 1·0483780 .3 1.0487445 •4 1.0491110 13.5 1.0494775 11.4 1.0417810 0 0177764 14.5 1.0531425 0.0224871 11.5 1.0421475 9292 •6 1.0425140 0.0180819 •7 1·0428805 .6 1.0535090 •71·0538755 2346 ·8 1·0542420 3872 14.9 1·0546085 0·0230193 5397 15.0 1.0549750 0·0232422 •8 1.0432470 11.9 1.0436135 12.0 1.0439800 0.0186922 •1 1.0443465 •2 1.0447130 11.0553415 •2 1.0557080 31.0560745 4 1·0564410 .3 1.0450795 0.0191493 .4 1.0454460 12.5 1.0458125 • 3016 15.5 1.0568075 4538 .6 1.0571740 0 0241465 6060 7 1·0575405 8 1.0579070 • .6 1.0461790 .7 1.0465455 .8 1.0469120 7581 9102 15.9 1.0582735 12.9 1.0472785 0·0200622 16.0 1.0586400 0.0247483 13.0 1.0476450 0 0202141 • 11.0590065 8986 3660 ·2 1·0593730 0·0250489 5179 31.0597395 ! • 6697 4 1.0601060 8214 16.5 1·0604725 9731 •6 1.0608390 • ·7 1·0612055 2764 .8 1.0615720 4279 16.9 1.0619385 0.0260993 5794 17 0 1.0623050 0.0262492 • 11.0626715 •2 1·0630380 • 3 1.0634045 1847 ·4 1·0637710 3359 17.5 1.0641375 8446 9970 •6 1.0498440 0.0211248 •7 1.0502105 .8 1.0505770 13.9 1.0509435 14.0 1.0513100 0·0217308) •11.0516765 8821 •2 1.0520430 0 0220334 • •3 1.0524095 •4 1.0527760 • · 1+ St. • Log. (1+8t). 6382 7893 9403 3930 5438 6945 8452 9959 2970 4475 5979 1991 3492 4993 6494 7994 9494 3990 5488 6985 8482 9978 232 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES-continued. 1 + St. Log. (1+8t). t t • O 17.6 1.0645040 0 0271474 20 7 1.0758655 0.0317580 2968 .8 1.0762320 9058 ·7 1.0648705 •8 1.0652370 • 4462 20 9 1.0765985 0.0320538 5956 21 0 1.0769650 0·0322016 17.9 1.0656035 • 18.0 1.0659700 0.0277450 11.0663365 8943 •2 1.0667030 0·0280435 31.0670695 .4 1.0674360 18.5 1.0678025 .6 1.0681690 .7 1.0685355 · •11.0773315 •21.0776980 •31.0780645 •4 1.0781310 1927 3418 21.5 1.0787975 1909 6399 7889 •S 1.0798970 9379 21.9 1.0802635 •8 1·0689020 18.9 1.0692685 0.0290868 22.0 1.0806300 0 0336771 19.0 1.0696350 0 0292356 • 11.0700015 • ·2 1·0703680 .3 1.0707345 41.0711010 19.5 1.0714675 • • 1 + St. •6 1.0718340 0.0301275 •7 1·0722005 •8 1.0725670 19.9 1.0729335 20.0 1.0730000 0 0307211 •1 1·0736665 8694 •2 1·0740330 0·0310176 •3 1.0743995 4 1.0747660 20.5 1.0751325 .6 1.0751990 Log. (1+8t). 3493 4971 6447 7924 9399 • .6 1.0791640 0 0330874 •71·0795305 2349 3824 5298 •11.0809965 •21·0813630 •31.0817295 0.0341187 41.0820960 •11.0846615 •21·0850280 ·31·0853945 1658 •4 1.0857610 3139 23 5 1.0861275 4620 6100 3844 5331 6818 8304 22.5 1·0824625 9790 .6 1.0828290 71.0831955 2760 .8 1.0835620 4244 22.9 1.0839285 0.0350007 5728 23 0 1.0842950 0.0351475 • 8244 9716 2658 4129 5599 7069 8538 2943 4410 5877 7343 8809 6 1.0864940 0.0360274 •7 1.0868605 1739 233 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES-continued 1 + St. Log. (1+8t). t t •11.0956565 •21.0960230 O 23.8 1.0872270 0 0363203 27.01.0989550 0·0109800 • 11.0993215 0.0411248 23.9 1.0875935 4666 24.0 1.0879600 0.0366129 •2 1.0996880 .3 1.1000545 •1 1.0883265 21.0886930 .4 1.1004210 •3 1.0890595 0.0370516 27 5 1 1007875 • • •4 1.0894260 61 1011540 24.5 1.0897925 .6 1.0901590 •7 1.0905255 .8 1.0908920 24.9 1.0912585 25·0 1·0916250 0·0380734 2192 •1 1·0919915 •2 1·0923580 •3 1.0927245 3649 5106 28 5 1.1044525 • ·4 1·0930910 6563 25·5 1·0934575 .6 1.1048190 8019 71.1051855 9474 ·6 1·0938240 81.1055520 7 1.0941905 0.0390929 28.9 1.1059185 ·S 1.0945570 25.9 1.0949235 26.0 1.0952900 0·0395291 26.5 1.0971225 .6 1.0974890 .7 1.0978555 81·0982220 26.9 1.0985885 7592 9054 • ⚫3 1.0963895 •4 1.0967560 0.0401101 • 1978 3439 .7 1.1015205 4899 8 1 1018870 0.0421371 • 6359 27.9 1.1022535 2815 7818 28.0 1.1026200 0.0424259 9276 11.1029865 •21.1033530 • 1 + St. • • Log. (1+8t). • .3 1.1037195 •4 1.1040860 0.0430029. • 2696 4143 5589 7035 8481 9926 2384 29.01.1062850 0.0438671 11.1066515 0.0440110 3838 21.1070180 6744 •3 1.1073845 8197 41.1077510 9649 29.5 1.1081175 .6 1.1081840 71·1088505 2552 4003 .8 1.1092170 0.0450165 5453 29.9 1.1095835 1600 6902 8351 30.01.1099500 0.0453035 5702 7145 8587 1470 2911 4352 5792 7232 1548 2986 4423 5859 7295 8730 234 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES FOR TEMPERATURE, GIVING THE DIVISOR FOR THE FORMULA Vx B 760 × (1+dt) t • 760 X (1 + st). • 0.0 760 0000 2 8808136 •1 760 2785 9727 •2760 5571 2.8811318 3760 8356 4 761 1142 0.5761.3927 6 761.6712 7 761.9498 .8 762 2283 2.8820850 ⚫9 762 5069 1.0762 7854 2 8824024 •1 763 0639 •2 763 3425 ⚫3763 6210 4763 8996 2 8830363 1.5764 1781 6764 4566 ⚫7 764.7352 .8765 0137 9 765 2923 2.0 765 5708 2.8839854 •1 765 8493 2·8841434 2766 1279 ⚫3 766 4064 ·4 766.6850 2.5766*9635 • • • • · • • • • • √¹ = Log. [760 X (1 + 8 t)]. t 5610 7195 8779 2.6 767 24202 8849324 •7 767·5206 | 2·8850901 ⚫8767 7991 2908 9768 0777 4498 3.0768 3562 2.8855626 6087 1768 6347 7675 2768 9133 9263 • 3013 4591 24373.5 • · 760 X (1 + 8 t). • · • • · 3769-1918 2.8860345 •4 769.4704 769-7489 •6 770.0274 • • • 1946 3528 •3 771.9772 5111 6692 •4 772-2558 8273 4.5 772.5343 7770.3060 .8 770.5845 .9770-8631 4.0 771 1416 2.8871341 • 1 771 4201 2771 6987 · • Log. [760 X (1+8t)]. • 2477 4052 7199 8772 • · 1918 3490 .6772.8128 2.8880743 ·7773·0914 8773.3699 5062 6633 8203 9772 2909 4477 6045 7612 9178 9773 6485 61695-0773·9270 2.8887000 • 7747 1 774 2055 8563 2308 3872 5436 235 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 'I'ABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES-continued. t 760 X (1 + 8t). • O 5.2 774-4841 2.8890125 3774-7626 • 4 775 0412 5.5775.3197 •6775.5982 •7 775.8768 .8776 1553 • .9 776 4339 2 8901044 6.0 776.7124 2.8902602 •1776.9909 • • •2 777.2695 •3 777-5480 • · • • .4777 8266 6.5 778 1051 2.8910383 ·6778.3836 ⚫7 778.6622 •8778.9407 ·9 779-2193 7.0 779-4978 2 8918149 9701 · I • Log. [760 X (1 + dt)]. 1 1 782 5617 •2 782 8403 1 779 7763 •2 780 0549 2.8921252 .3 780 3334 •4 780 6120 7.5 780 8905 ··6781·1690 • 1687 3248 4808 6368 7927 9186 4159 5716 7272 8828 1938 3492 5045 6597 7781 4476 · 8 781 7261 2 8930546 ·9 782.0047 2093 80/ 782.2832 2.8933640 2802 4352 5901 7450 8998 5186 6732 t 760 X (1 + St). 8.3 783.1188 2.8938277 •4783.3974 9821 8.5 783-6959 2.8941365 ·6783.9544 • • ·7784 2330 8 784 5115 •9 784 7901 9.0 785 0686 2 8949076 • •1785 3471 2.8950617 •2785.6257 2157 •3 785 9042 3697 4786 1828 5236 9.5 786 4613 6774 .6 786.7398 8311 •7787 0184 9848 .8 787.2969 2.8961385 •9787-5755 2921 10 0 787 8540 2.8964457 • 1788 1325 · · • Log. [760 X (1+dt)]. • •2 788-4111 .3788.6896 4 788 9682 2.8970595 · 2908 4451 5993 7535 10.5 789-2467 ⚫6789.5252 ⚫7 789 8038 .8790 0823 .9790.3609 11.0 790 6394 2.8979784 •1790-9179 2 8981314 • • •2 791-1965 •3 791.4750 5993 7528 9062 2128 3660 5192 6723 8254 2843 4372 236 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES-continued. • • 760 X (1+dt). • · 1.4 791 7536 2.8985900 14.5 800 3883 11.5 792 0321 .6792.3106 · DE • · Log. [760 X (1 + 8t)]. ·7 792·5892 2·8990482 ⚫8 792-8677 ⚫9 793.1463 12·0 793·4248 2·8995058 •1793.7033 •2 793.9819 .3802.6166 .4 802.8952 3 794 2604 • 4 794:5390 2.9001152 15.5 803 1737 12.5 794 8175 6795.0960 ⚫7 795 3746 8795 6531 •9795.9317 13.0 796 2102 2.9010277 •1796.4887 •2796.7673 •3797.0458 ⚫4 797 3244 13.5 797 6029 6 797.8814 7798 1600 2.9020900 · 7428 8955 6582 8106 9629 t .6 800.6668 •7 800.9454 • 8 801 2239 2008 .9801·5025 353315.0 801-7810 2.9040558 •1802.0595 2674 4196 5717 7238 8758 760 X (1 + dt). 2415 3930 •215 6957 8470 9983 1796 3315 4833 •4 805.6806 6350 16.5 805 9591 7867 .6 806.2376 7 806.5162 9384 Log. [760 X (1 + dt)]. 8798.4385 •9 798.7171 14.0 798-9956 2.9025444 1807.6303 •1 799.2741 •2 807.9089 •2 799.5527 •3 808.1874 ⚫3 799-8312 •4 808-4660 •4 800 1098 2.9031495 17.5 808-7445 2.9033007 4518 6029 7539 9049 .6 803.4522 ..7 803.7308 2.9051106 •8 804.0093 •9804-2879 • 16 0 804 5664 2.9055619 •1804.8449 2066 3574 5081 6588 8095 9601 2611 4115 •2805 1235 •3 805-4020 2.9060127 1628 2·9063129 4630 6130 7630 9129 7122 8625 .8806.7947 ⚫9807.0733 17.0 807 3518 2.9070628 2126 3624 5121 6618 8114 237 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES-continued t 760 X (1 + dt). 17.6 809 0230 2.9079609 20 7 809.3016 2.9081101 •8 809.5801 ⚫9 809.8587 18.0 810:13722.9085586 •1 810 4175 2810 6943 • • • 18.5 811 5299 • 6 811 8084 • ⚫3 810.9728 2.9090063 •4 811.2514 • 7 812.0870 .8 812.3655 • • • • 1813 2011 •2 813 4797 • 3 813.7582 •4 814.0368 19.5 814 3153 • 9812 6441 19.0 812-9226 2.9100492 · · · Log. [760 X (1 + 8t)]. • • 7079 8571 6 814.5938 · 7 814 8724 2.9110896 ⚫8815.1500 • 20.5 817.1007 ⚫6 817.3792 2598 ~ 018 • 2149 4092 21.0 818.4934 2·9130152 •1 818.7719 •2 819.0505 ⚫3 819.3290 •4 819.6076 .9 815.4925 20.0 815.7080 2.9115347 •1815.9865 1980 3467 4954 1554 21 5 819.8861 • 3045 .6 820.1646 4535 7 820 4432 2.9140485 6025 .8 820.7217 7515 • 9 821·0003 9004 22.0 821-2788 2.9144907 .1821.5573 •2 821 8859 ⚫3 822.1144 •4 822 3930 2.9150794 2380 3864 t 760 X 6830 8312 9794 2816 2651 ⚫3 816 5436 4816 8922 2.9121275 23 5 825 4569 ⚫6 825.7354 •7 826.0140 2756 4236 • 6440 22.5 822.6715 7926 ⚫6 822 9500 9411 ⚫7823.2286 .8 823.5071 .9823.7857 • 23 0 824 0642 2.9159611 1824 3427 2.9161079 • • • 7195 8674 ·2 824·6213 ⚫3 824.8998 •4 825 1781 1630 3107 4583 6059 7535 9010 • 1960 3434 6380 7852 9323 2265 3735 5205 6674 8143 2546 4013 5479 6945 8410 9875 238 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR CORRECTION OF VOLUMES OF GASES-continued. t • 760 X (1+8t). • O 23.8 826 2925 2.9171339 27.0 835 2058 2.9217936 1 835 4843 •9 826-5711 2802 9384 $21·0 826·8496 2·9174265 •2 835 7629 2.9220832 •1 827.1281 • 3 836 0114 · 2 827 4067 •4836.3200 •3 827 6852 27.5 836·5985 4 827 9638 2.9180114 ⚫6 836.8770 • · Log. [760 X (1+dt)]. • 5728 7190 8652 • • 24.5 828.2423 ⚫6 828 5208 •7 828 7994 •8 829-0779 •9 829.3565 25.0 829-6350 2.9188870 •1 829-9135 2.9190328 2830 1921 •3 830.4706 •4 830.7492 25.5 831.0277 2.9196155 •7 839.9410 .6 831.3062 •8 840.2195 .7 831.5848 •9 840.4981 • • 8 831-8633 2.9200520 29 0 840 7766 2.9246807 •9 832.1419 1974 •1 841·0551 •2841.3337 • 3 841-6122 2.9251122 26.0 832 42042-9203427 • 1832.6989 1785 3242 4699 t 7610 9065 •2 832-9775 ⚫3 833 2560 • 4 833 5346 26.5 833.81312·9210688 6 834.0916 .7 834.3702 ·8 834·6487 ⚫9 834.9273 760 X (1 + 8 t). • • • 1575 3035 4495 9 837-7127 | 2·9230951 5954 28 0 837.9912 2.9232395 7412 · ⚫1838.2697 •2 838-5483 3838.8268 •4 839.1054 28.5 839-3839 2·9239606 .6839 6624 2.9241047 • ⚫7 837.1556 ⚫8 837.4341 • 4880 6333 ·4 841·8908 7785 29.5 842 1693 9237 ·6842·4478 Log. [760 X (1 + dt)]. · 2279 3725 5171 6617 8062 9507 •7 842·7264 ·8 843·0049 2139 3589 ⚫9 843:2835 5038 3838 5281 6723 8165 2488 3928 5368 8246 9684 2559 3995 5431 6866 8301 9736 648730 0 843-5620 2.9261171 • 239 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOUR IN MILLIMETRES OF MERCURY, FROM - 9.9° TO + 35° C. .. C O pgeda • 9-92-096 -7.32·603 •6 5 • 7 132 150 168 9.4 186 201 •2 223 •1 243 -9.0 261 -8.92.280 1 • 299 7 318 • • 6 •5 m 8 114 • 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · KANAN • · · • M - 7·4 •582 K • 2 •624 1645 7.0 666 6 M • CO 6.92.688 8 710 732 min. •7 •6 •5 • 356-5.9 • -8.4 376 • · 3 ·396 416 2 •1 436 -8.0 456 -7.92.477 8 498 •7 519 •6 540-5.0 5561-4.93.156) • • 776 •4 798 • • 337 6.0 890 914 .8 .938 • • · 3 ·821 2844 1867 • • • 53.010 5.43.034 3 .058 2 082 •1 106 131 • 754-4.0 • • A · 6 986-3.0 • .8 181 G 4.73 206-2.13.925 · 6 231-2.0 ·955 • 5257 -1.93.985 .84.016 •7 047 078 109 387-14 ·140 171 3.93.414 ⚫8 441 203 •7 468 1 .235 ·6 495 -1.0 ·267 5 522 -0.94·299 3.4 550 .8 .331 • 4.4 283 3 .309 •2 .335 ⚫6 1361 5 3 578 •2 ·606 7.962 •1 634 664 mm. ⚫8 •7 6 •5 2.4 • O 3 •2 • · • • • • • • -2.93.691 i • • • • • • • Ma 865 895 mm. •3 •2 daddy • • • • •7 364 ·6' ·397 •5 430 0.4 463 ⚫3: ·497 720 •2 531 749 •1 565 0·04.600 778 807 +0.04·600 836 1 *633 •2 667 •3.700 · · • 240 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. O mm. mm. +4 4.733 3.3 5.807 0.5 •767 •4 •848 801 *889 •836 6 930 6.5 •871 •7 ⚫972 .6 •905 •8 6.014 .7 .8 • • 6 •7 ·8 0.9 1.0 •940 3.9 •975 4.0 1 31 4 1.5 25.011 ∞ THI LO CO 7 .8 • ON MOTH 1O CO T∞ TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOUR-continued. 1.9 2.0 5.302 •1 •2 •3 • 2.5 6 •7 3.5 ⚫047 • 082 3 •118 ·4. •155 4.5 · 191 • 228 265 • • • 416 •454 • 491 •530 5 5.5 .6 .569 • 608 ·7 2.9 ·647 3.0 5.687 1 •2 • 4.9 ·340 5.0 ⚫378 • 6 7 · • • 3 4567∞ • ·055 6.097 8 140 •183 •226 •270 6.534 .8 .665 •1 ·580 8.0 8.017 10.9 -728 .625 •1 •2 072 11.0 9.792 • 671 126 mm. mm. 6:2 7.095 9.1 8.632 •3 •4 6.9 7.0 •1 •2 .3 •313 ·357 7.5 ·401 .6 ⚫445 •490 .8 • •6 •904 •7 5.9 •951 .8 727 6.0 6.998 8.9 767 17.047 9.0 •717 •3 763 ·4 .810 8.5 • • 857 144 2 ⚫690 •193 3 ⚫748 •242 4 • 807 •292 .865 ⚫342 • 392 • 442· • 9.5 6 ⚫925 •7 •985 .8 9.045 7.492 9.9 •105 .544 10.0 9.165 • 595 •1 •227 ⚫647 •2 •288 ⚫699 .3 •350 7.751 ·4 •412 .804 10.5 •474 .857 .6 • 537 •910 7601 ·964 •181 236 291 347 11.5 •404 • 461 • 517 8.574 11.9 • C •1 .2 • • 857 ⚫923 •989 •3 •4 10.054 • 120 •187 •255 · 322 ⚫389 6 .7 •8 241 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. - Kadang wala k orqal a TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOUR-continued. · mm. mm. • • +12.0 10.457 14 912 619 17 S 15 167 20 7 18 159 .8 •271 9 262 383 •1 •2 •3 ·4 •526 15·0 12·699 ⚫596 .665 •734 12.5 10.804 ·6 *7 1 2 .3 ·4 13.5 ·6 •7 .8 13.9 •6 .7 .811.019 ⚫9 ·090 .8 13.011·162 15·9 i .875 15.5 947 · • 781 18.0 15.357 20.9 864 .947 •413·029 •112 •197 18.5 •281 6 •366 716.045 .6 •451 .8 •145 .7 235 16.013·536 18.9 •246 .81 309 •1 ·623 19 0.16.346 21.9 383 • 2 •710 1 456 ⚫797 •2 530 .885 605 16.5 •972 .681 • • 14·5 12 29 •1 •2 •3 ⚫757 •7 ⚫832 .8 1.908 16.9 • 061 142 220 • ⚫3 •4 mm. · • · 986 17 0 14 1 •2 .6 378 17.5 ·7 •458 .8 538 • :3 ·4 • •614.062 19.5 •6 • • ⚫3 •4 •1! 454 21 018-495 2 •552 •1 ·650 •2 .3 •4 • •3 4 mm. • • •1 •2 •151 •241 · 331 •8] 421 19.9 513 20 017-391 22.9 605 •697 •790 • · 882 ·6 .977 20. •715·072 • •655 758 • 861 • •747 • 845 945 21 519.069 • 187 ⚫305 ⚫423 •541 • • ·449 22.019 659 •552 1 •780 •2 •901 •717.073 •179 •7 •285 .8 • 4 967 22 5 6 •320-022 2 • · 500 23·0 20·888 • 608 717 826 -935 3 GO HLOU .610 •724 ⚫839 ⚫954 121 016 •144 272 :400 • 528 4 618·047 23·5 AM R 143 265 ⚫389 •514 ⚫639 •763 • • • 2 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Ε TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOUR-continued. Lo mm. mm. 59 26.5.25 738 29 430 479 32-335·96 90 .6 ·891 29.5 654 •436.16! 21 833 32.51 WN 2 3 4 •1 21 ·3 5.5 • 61 •7 E ·S 35.9 • • • 2 2MH 3 4 • 153 S ·726.045 198 184 26.9 351 •8 319 27.0 26.505 29.9 • 453 • 588 •288 ·438 588 • •723 1·5 •858 ·6 •996 27.5 723.135 .8 ⚫273 •7 •617 *778 .9 •411 ・8 5.023.550 27.9 ⚫939 · ·692 28.0 28 101 30.9 •834 ⚫976 •2 •433 •4.24.119 •3 ⚫599 •261 •4 765 .406 28.528.931 •6 29·101 31.5 ⚫552 ⚫697 •7 • 271 .842 8 441 •612 28.9 ∙125·138 29 0 29 782 31·935·159 • •18 •230 131 •3 305 . mm. · •1 •2 .3 • •4.27.136 •294 • • • • • 190 ⚫369 663 30 031 548 32.9 37.200 •820 •1 ·729 33.037·410; •978 ⚫911 •1 • 62: 2 •3.32.094 •2 • 839 •4 •278 ·3.38.04 6 455.30.5 463 ·4 650 33.5 .6 •7 - 6 • • ·731·011 •6] ·7 1 •2 •3 · • • • • •6 .7 81 • .837 .833.026 • •1 •2 • 215 ⚫839.12 7 •267 31.0.33 405 33.9 ⚫34 596 34 039 56.. •787 •1 78. •980 434 174 •368 ·564 34.5 • • • • 8 .956 32 035 359 34.9 • 559 35.0 •370 •570 ⚫783 ·8 •99] • • • mm. ⚫760 •31 •4 •258 •47: .761 ⚫959 741.13 • 689 -90 •240.00 •23 • 45 •68 .6 •907 ·36+ 59 • 82 243 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. No. 0 1 LOGARITHM OF NUMBERS FROM 0 TO 1000. 1 + "" 2 >> 3 I Indices of Logarithms:- Log. 4030 403 4 1 0 0 [00000 30103 47712 60206 69897 77815 84510:90309 95424 10 00000 00432 00860 01284 01703 02119 02530 02938 03342 03743 415 11 04139 04532 04922 05307 05690 06070 06446 06819 07188 07555 379 1207918 08279 08637 08990 09342 09691 10037 10380 10721 11059 344 131139411727|12057 12385 12710 13033 1335413672 13988 14301 323 14 14613 14922 15229 15533 15836 16137 16435 1673217026 17319 298 1517609 17898 18184 18469 18752 19033 19312 19590 19866 20140 281 16 20412 20683 20952 21219 21484 21748 22011 22272 22531 22789 264 17 23045 23300 23553 23805 24055 24304 24551 24797 25042 25285 249 18 25527 25768 26007 26245 26482 26717 26951 27184 27416 27646 234 19 27875 28103 28330 28556 28780 29003 29226 29447 29667 29885 222 20 30103 30320 30535 30749 30963 31175 31386 31597 31806 32015 212 =3.60530 =2.60530 40.31.60530 5 [ 1 |21 32222 32428 32633 32838 33041 33244 33445 33646 33846 34044 202 22 34242 34439 34635 34830 35025 35218 35411 3560335793 35984 193 23 36173 36361 36549 36736 36922 37107 37291 37475 37658 37840185 24 38021 38202 38382 38561 38739 38916 39094 39270 39445 39619 177 25 39794 39967 40140 40312 40483 40654 40824 40993 41162 41330 170 26 41497 41664 41830 41996 42160 42325 42488 42651 42813 42975164 27 43136 43297 43457 43616 43775 43933 44091 44248 44404 44560 158 28 44716 44871 45025 45179 45332 45484 45637 45788 45939 46090 153 29 46240 46389 46538 46687 46835 46982 47129 47276 47422 47567:148 304771247857 48001 48144 48287 48430 48572 4871448855 48996 143 F I I 6 31 49136 49276 49415 49554 49693 49831 49969 50106 50243 50379138 32 50515 50651 50786 50920 51055 51189 51322 51455 51587 51720 134 33 51851 51983 52114 52244 52375 52504 52634 52763 52892 53020 130 3453148 53275 53403 53529 53656 53782 53908 54033 54158:54283126 35 54407 54531 546545477754900 55022 55145 55267 55388 55509 122 36 55630 55751 55871 55991 56110 56229 5634856467 56585,56703 119 3756820/56937 57054 57171 57287 57403 57519 57634 57749 57863 116 38 57978 58093 58206 58320 58433 58546 58659 58771 58883, 58995 113 39 59106 5921859328 59439 59550 59660 59770 59879,59989 60097 110 |4060206‍60314 60423 60531 60638 60745 60853 60959 61066 61172107 "" >> 7 Log. 4.03 >> ↓ 00 # • 8 # 9 * } Prop. ⚫60530 =I·60530 •403 0403 2.60530 ⚫004033.60530 R 2 244 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. No. LOGARITHM OF NUMBERS FROM 0 TO 1000-continued. 0 1 2 1 Find Log. of 5065 Log. of 5060 Prop. 86 X Diff. 5 3 ·· 1 I ·· 4 41 61278 61384 61490 61595 61700 61805 61909 62014 62118 62221 104 42 62325 62428 62531 62634 62737 62839 62941 63043 63144 63246 102 43 63347 63448 63548 63649 63749 63849 63949 64048 64147 64246 99 44 64345 64444 64542 64640 64738 64836 64933 65031 65128 65225 98 45 65321 65418 65514 65609 65706 65801 65896 65992 66087 66181 96 46 66276 66370 66464 66558 66652 66745 66839 66932 67025 67117 95 47 67210 67302 67394 67486 67578 67669 67761 67352 67943 68034 92 48 68124 69215 68305 68395 68485 68574 63664 68753 68842 68931 90 149 69020 69108 69197 69285 69373 69461 69548 69636 69723 69810 88 50 69897 69984 70070 70157 70243 70329 70415 70501 70586 70672 86 : -3.70415 10 ! 51 70757 70842 70927 71012 71096 71181 71265 71349 71433 71517 84 52 71600 71684 71767 71850 71933 72016 72099 72181 72263 72346 82 53 72428 72509 72591 72673 72754 72835 72916 72997 73078 73159 81 54 73239 73320 73399 73480 73560 73639 73719 73799 73878 73957 80 55 74036 74115 74194 74273 74351 74429 74507 74586 74663 74741 78 56 74819 74896 74974 75051 75128 75205 75282 75358 75435 75511 77 57 75587 75664 75740 75815 75891 75967 76042 7611876193 76268 75 58 76343 76418 76492 76567 76611 76716 76790 76864 76938 77012 74 59 77085 77159 77232 77305 77379 77452 77525 77597 77670 77743 73 60 77815 77887 77960 78032 78104 78176 78247 78319 78390 78462 72 430 5 Log. required = 3·704580 6 1 61 78533 78604 78675 78746 78817 78888 78958 79029 79099 79169 71 62 79239 79309 79379 79449 79518 79588 79657 79727 79796 79865 70 63 79934 80003 80072 80140 80209 80277 80346 80414 80482 80550 69 64 8061880686 80754 80821 80889 30956 81023 81090 81158 81224 68 65 81291 81358 81425 81491 81558 81624 81690 81757 81823 81889 67 66 81954 82020 82086 82151 82217 82282 82347 82413 82478 82543 66 67 82607 82672 82737 82802 82866 82930 S2995 83059 83123 83187 64 68 83251 83315 83378 83442 83506 83569 83632 83696 83759 83822 63 69 83885 8394884011 8407384136 84198 84261 84323 84386 84448 63 70 84510 84572 84634 84696 84757.84819 84880 84942 85003 85065 62 1 7 8 9 .. Prop. 1 Find number of Log. .. 3.771442 Log. of 59003.770850 Diff. 592 Prop. 73-8. Diff. 592 No. required 5908 245 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. No. LOGARITHM OF NUMBERS FROM 0 TO 1000-continued. 0 1 : 2 : 3 1 J 4 I ما 5 6 71 85126 85187 85248 85309 8537085431 85491 85552 85612'85673 61 72.85733 85794 85854 85914 8597486034 86094 86153 8621386273 60 73 86332 86392 86451 86510 86570 86629 86688 86747 86806 86864 59 74 86923 86982 87040 87099,87157 87216 87274 87332 87390 87448 58 75 87506 87564 87622 87680 87737 87795 87852 87910 87967 88024 57 76 88081 88138 88196 88252 88309 8836688423 88480 88536 88593 57 77 88649 88705 88762 88818 88874 88930 88986 89042 89098 89154 56 78 89209 89265 89321 89376 89432 89487 89542 89597 89653 89708 55 79 89763 89818 89873 89927 89982.90037 90091 90146 90200 90255 54 80 90309 90363 90417 90472 90526 90580 90634 90687 90741 90795 54 1 81 90848 90902 90956 91009 91062 91116 91169 91222 91275 91328 53 82.91381 91434 91487 91540 91593 91645 91698 91751 91803,91855 53 83 91908 91960 92012 92065 92117 92169 92221 92273 92324 92376 52 84 92428 92480 92531 92583 92634 92686 92737 92789 92840.92891 51 85 92942 92993 93044 93095 93146 93197 93247 93298 93349 93399 51 86 93450 93500 93551 93601 93651 93702 93752 93802 93852.93902 50 87 93952 94002 94052 94101 94151 94201 94250 94300 94349 94398 49 88 94448.94498 94547 94596 94645 91694 94743 94792 94841 94890 49 89 94939 94988 95036 95085 95134 95182 95231 95279 95328 95376 48 90 95424 95472 95521 95569 95617 95665 95713:95761 95809 95856 48 -J 7 8 9 i I } 91 95904 95952 95999 96047 96095 96142 96190 96237 96284 96332 48 92 96379 96426 96473 96520 96567,96614 96661 96708 96755 96802 47 93 96848 96895 96942 96988 97035 97081 97128.97174 97220 97267 47 94 97313 97359 97405 97451 97497 9754397589 97635 97681 97727 46 95 97772 97818 97864 97909 97955 98000 98046 98091 98137 981×2 46 96 98227 98272 98318 98363 98408 98453 98498 98543 98588 98632 45 97 98677 98722.98767,98811 98856 98900 98945 98989 99034 99078 45 98 99123 99167 99211 99255 99300 99344 99388 99432 99476 99520 44 199 99564 99607 99651 99695 99739 99782 99826 99870 99913 99957 44 i To multiply by logarithms, add the logarithms together and find the corresponding number. To divide by logarithms, subtract one from the other. To extract the root, divide the logarithm by the index of the root and find the number corresponding to it. To raise a number to any power, multiply the logarithm by the index of the power and find the corresponding number. 246 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. RULES FOR CONVERTING PARTS PER 100,000 INTO GRAINS PER GALLON, OR THE REVERSE. To convert parts per 100,000 into grains per gallon, multiply by 0·7. To convert grains per gallon into parts per 100,000, divide by 0·7. To convert grains per litre into grains per gallon, multiply by 70. 1 grain per gallon = .01425 gram per litre. Log. 30° C. O TH tC. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 olo LO REDUCTION OF CUBIC CENTIMETRES OF NITROGEN TO GRAMS. 0 6.21824 1 2 3 4 5 -J 0.0012562 (1+00367 t) 760 8 6 16.20879 7 507 808 793 777 761 745 729 713 697 681 665 649 633 617 601 586 570 554 538 522 491 475 459 443 427 412 396 380 364 333 318 302 286 270 255 239 223 208 177 161 145 130; 114 098 083 067 051 098 020 004 *989 *973 *957 *942 *926 *911 *895 349 192 035 for each tenth of a degree from 0° to 723 567 864 848 833 817 801 786 770 755 739 T 708 692 676 661 645 629 614 598 583 } 552 536 521 505 490 427 459 443 428 247 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. O REDUCTION OF CUBIC CENTIMETRES, &C.-continued. tC. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 9 10 11 12 6.19953 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 19 6.18897 21 22 23 24 25 413 259 106 28 800 648 497 346 196 046 29 397 382 366 351 335 320 304 289 274 244 228 213 198 182 167 151 136 121 090 075 060 045 029 014 *999*984 *969 938 923 907 892 877 862 846 831 816 785 770 755 740 724 709 694 679 664 633 618 603 588 573 558 543 528 513 482 467 452 437 422 407 392 377 362 331 316 301 286 271 256 241 226 211 181 166 157 136 121 106 091 076 061 031 016 001*986 *971 *956 *941*926*911 26 6 17866 851 837 822 S08 27 882 867 852 837 822 807 792 777 762 748 733 718 703 688 673 659 644 629 614 600 452 585 570 555 540 526 511 496 481 466 437 422 408 393 378 363 349 334 319 305 290 275 261 246 231 216 202 187 172 158 143 128 114 099 012 *997 *982 *968*953 084 070 055 041 026 938 *924*909 *895 *880 793 779 764 750 735 721 706 692 677 663 648 631 619 605 590 576 561 547 532 518 503 489 475 460 446 432 417 403 388 374 360 345 331 316 302 Pi 248 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CLARK'S TABLE OF HARDNESS OF WATER. Degrees of Hard- ness (Pure Water). ၅၁ 1 ∞ ∞ 4 2 3 ગ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Measures of Soap Solution. 1.4 3.2 5.4 7.6 9.6 11.6 13.6 15.6 17.5 19.4 21.3 23.1 24.9 26.7 28.5 30.3 32.0 Differences for the next 1° of Hardness.' 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 Each measure equals 10 grains, the quantity of water operated upon equals 1000 grains, and each "degree of hardness" indi- cates 1 grain of calcium carbonate per gallon. 249 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Volume of Soap Solution. c. c. 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1 ⚫2 ⚫3 .4 ⚫9 2.0 •1 •2 ⚫3 •4 .5 .6 •7 ⚫8 ⚫9 3.0 •1 ⚫2 •3 •4 .5 6 .7 ⚫8 .9 4.0 •1 • TABLE OF HARDNESS, PARTS IN 100,000. sose operated upon CaCO 3 per 100,000. ⚫00 •16 • 32 .48 ⚫63 ⚫79 ⚫95 1.11 ⚫27 ⚫43 •56 ⚫69 ⚫82 ⚫95 2.08 •21 ⚫34 .47 ⚫60 .73 •86 ⚫99 3.12 • 25 ⚫38 •51 •64 •77 ⚫90 4.03 · 16 ⚫29 ⚫43 •57 ·71 Volume of Soap Solution. C. C. 4.2 •3 •4 •5 .6 די .8 ⚫9 5.0 •1 ⚫2 ⚫3 4 ⚫5 .6 •7 .8 .9 6.0 •1 •2 ⚫3 •4 .5 •6 .7 •8 ⚫9 7.0 •1 .2 ⚫3 ·4 •5 • 6 CaCO 3 per 100,000. 4.86 5.00 •14 ⚫29 43 ⚫57 71 ⚫86 6.00 •14 ⚫29 ⚫43 ⚫57 •71 ⚫86 7.00 • • ·14 • 29 ⚫43 ⚫57 71 ⚫86 8.00 ·14 ⚫29 ⚫43 •57 71 .86 9.00 14 ⚫29 •43 •57 ⚫71 Volume of Soap Solution. C. C. 7.7 .8 8.0 •1 ⚫2 ⚫3 • 4 5 .6 •7 •8 .9 9.0 •1 ⚫2 .6 .7 ⚫8 ⚫9 10.0 •1 .2 3 4 .6 •7 .8 ⚫9 11.0 •1 CaCO 3 per 100,000. 9.86 10.00 •15 ⚫30 *45 ⚫60 ⚫75 ⚫90 11.05 · 20 ⚫35 •50 ⚫65 .80 ⚫95 12.11 •26 •41 •56 •71 .86 13.01 •16 ⚫31 ⚫46 ⚫61 76 •91 14.06 •21 ⚫37 •52 .68 • 84 15.00 • 250 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Volume of Soap Solution. C. C. 11.2 ⚫3 ⚫4 •5 .6 •7 ⚫8 ⚫9 12.0 •1 •2 ⚫3 •4 .5 ⚫6 .7 .8 Form. TABLE OF HARDNESS—Continued. CaCO 3 per 100,000. 15.16 ⚫32 • 48 ⚫63 ⚫79 ⚫95 16.11 •27 ⚫43 ⚫59 ⚫75 ⚫90 17.06 • 22 3 ⚫38 •54 ⚫70 Volume of Soap Solution. C. C. 12.9 13.0 •1 •2 •3 -5 .6 .7 .8 ⚫9 14.0 •1 •2 .3 •4 Grams. CaO. CaCl2 4 CaCO3 CaSO MgO MgCl2 Mg₂CO •0088 ⚫0090 CaCO 3 per 100,000. ⚫0057 •0114 ⚫0103 ⚫0140 .0042 17.86 18.02 •17 ⚫33 ⚫49 *65 ⚫81 ⚫97 19.13 ⚫29 ⚫44 ⚫60 .76 ⚫92 20.08 • 24 Volume of Soap Solution. Form. C. C. 14.5 '6 .7 ⚫8 ⚫9 15.0 · 1 ⚫2 ⚫3 ⚫4 •5 ⚫6 זי ⚫8 .9 16.0 TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES OF THE FOL- LOWING BODIES REQUIRED TO PRODUCE ONE DEGREE OF HARDNESS (DEGRÉ HYDROTIMÉTRIQUE) WHEN DISSOLVED IN A LITRE OF WAter. MgSO4 NaCI CaCO 3 per 100,000. Na₂SO SO 3 Cl CO₂ (gas) 20.40 •56 71 .87 21.03 • •19 ⚫35 ⚫51 *68 ⚫85 22.02 •18 ⚫35 ⚫52 ⚫69 ⚫86 Grams. ⚫0125 ⚫0120 ⚫0146 ·0082 ⚫0073 5 c. c. 251 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE I.-FOR DEW POINT. To obtain the dew point, multiply the difference of reading of the thermometers by the factor opposite the dry-bulb reading and subtract the product from the dry-bulb reading. Dry- bulb Ther. F. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 * 2 *=* 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Factor, Dry- bulb Ther. F. Factor. 8.78 33 3.01 8.78 34 2.77 8.78 35 2.60 8.77 36 2.50 8.76 37 2.42 8.75 38 2.36 8.70 39 2.32 8.62 40 2.29 8.50 41 2.26 8.34 42 2.23 8.14 43 2.20 7.88 44 2.18 7.60 45 2.16 7.23 46 2.14 6.92 47 2.12 6.53 48 2.10 6.08 49 2.08 5.61 50 2.06 5.12 51 2.04 4.63 52 2.02 4.15 53 2.00 3.70 54 1.98 3.32 55 1.96 Dry- bulb Ther. F. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Factor. 1.94 1.92 1.90 1.89 1.88 1.87 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.82 1.81 1.80 1.79 1.78 1.77 1.76 1.75 1.74 1.73 1.72 1.71 1.70 Dry- bulb Ther. F. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Factor. 1.69 1.69 1.68 1.68 1.67 1.67 1.66 1.65 1.65 1.64 1.64 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.62 1.61 1.60 1.60 1.59 1.59 1.58 1.58 252 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE II., SHOWING THE MAXIMUM ELASTIC FORCE OF AQUEOUS VAPOUR IN INCHES OF MERCURY FOR EVERY DEGREE FAHR., FROM 0° TO 100°. Force of Temp. Vapour. Fahr. Inch. of Mercury. 0 1 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ⚫044 ⚫046 ⚫048 ⚫050 ⚫052 ⚫054 ⚫057 ⚫060 ⚫062 ⚫065 .068 ·071 ⚫074 ⚫078 ⚫082 086 ⚫090 ⚫094 ⚫098 •103 •108 •113 •118 • 123 •129 •135 • 25 26 •141 27 •147 28 •153 29 •160 30 •167 31 •174 32 •181 33 • 188 Force of Vapour. Diff. Inch. of Mercury. 2222233233 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 18 8 Temp. Fahr. •196 •204 •212 • 220 • 229 • 238 • 247 •257 • 267 •277 •288 ⚫299 ⚫311 ⚫323 ⚫335 ⚫348 ⚫361 ⚫374 ⚫388 •403 •418 ⚫433 ⚫449 •465 •482 •500 •518 •537 ⚫556 ⚫576 ⚫596 617 ⚫639 67 .661 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 • Diff. ∞ ∞ ∞ 8. 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 2223 Force of Temp. Vapour. Fabr. Inch, of Mercury. 69 69 70 71 72. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ST 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ⚫684 •708 ⚫733 ⚫759 ⚫785 •812 ⚫840 ⚫868 ⚫897 ⚫927 •958 ⚫990 1.023 1.057 1.092 1.128 1.165 1.203 1.242 1.282 1.323 1.366 1.410 1.455 1.501 1.548 1.596 1.646 1.697 1.751 1.806 1.862 1.918 Dift. 24 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 54 55 56 56 253 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK, Temperature, 414243495 TABLE III.-FOR DEW POINT. Grains. Grains. Grains. 606.03 0 0.55 606.37 5 0.68 1599 83 599 40 • 10 0.84 593 44 592.94 15 1.04 587.18 586 55 20 1.30 581.05 580*26 25 1.61 575 05 574.08 30 1.97 569 17 567.99 32 2.13 566 85 565.58 35 2.39 563 42 561·99 40 • 2.86 557 77 556.03 41 2.97 556 66 554.86 42 3.08 555 55 553 69 43 3.20 544 44 552.52 3.32 553.34 551.35 3.44 552 24 550.19 46 3.56 551 15 549 02 47 3.69 550 06 547.85 48 3.82 548 97 546.69 3.96 547 89 545.53 49 50 4.10 546 81 544.37 51 52 4 24 545 74 543.21 4.39 544 67 542.06 4.55 543 61 540.89 53 54 4.71 542 55 539.75 55 4.87 541-50 538.60 · 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 80 85 90 95 100 Grains. 5.04 5 21 539 40 536.30 5.39 538 36 535.15 5.58 537.32 534.00 5.77 536 28 532.84 5.97 535 25 531.69 6.17 534 22 530.55 6.38 533 20 529.42 6.59 532 18 528.28 6.81 531 17 527 14 7.04 530 16 526.01 7.27 529 15 524.86 7.51 528 14 7.76 527 14 • 522.56 S 01 526 521.41 8.27 525 16 520-27 • 8 54 524 17 519.12 8.82 523 18 517.98 9.10 522.20 516.83 9.39 521 22 515.69 10.98 516.39 509 97 12.78 511 65 504 19 14.85 506.99 498 43 17 18 502 41 492.56 19.84 497.93 486.65 Grains. 540 45 • · • • • · · 15 Grains. 537 45 D 523 71 • 254 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Metal. Aluminium .. Antimony Arsenic Bismuth Cadmium Casium Calcium Cerium. Chromium Cobalt Copper ·· .. .. ·· .. ·· •• .. .. .. ·· Colour. White "} Grey-white Reddish- white. White BEHAVIOUR OF METALS WITH AIR. Behaviour at Ordinary Temperatures. It remains bright "" "" ·· It gradually tarnishes. It is unaltered in dry air, tar- nished by moist air. It remains bright in air free from CO2. It behaves like K. It remains bright for some time in dry air, oxidizes in moist. It becomes covered with a blue tarnish. It remains bright Light- yellow. Grey-white Steel-grey Grey-white It is unacted on by dry air, Red slowly oxidized by moist. It is unacted upon by dry air, in the presence of water va- pour and CO2 it tarnishes. ·· Behaviour at High Temperatures. Heated to redness it burns with a white light to Al2O3. It oxidizes at the melting point, forming Sb2O3. It oxidizes to As203. It burns to Bi203 when strongly heated. It burns to Cuo. It burns to CaO. It burns to Ce3O4, if further heated it sparkles. It oxidizes on the surface to Cr₂03. Strongly heated it burns with a red light, forming Co07. It burns at high temperatures with a green light, forming CuO. 255 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Metal. Gold Indium. Iridium ·· Iron Lead Lithium • ·· ·· Platinum ·· Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Osmium Palladium · • ·· .. • ·· • Colour. Yellow Tin-white White " BEHAVIOUR OF METALS WITH AIR-continued. White "" "" " Bluish- white. White 19 Behaviour at Ordinary Temperatures. It does not oxidize It remains bright It does not oxidize .. It tarnishes It forms PbO(Pb304 If continued). "" Silver-white It tarnishes, becoming slightly Heated above 180° C. it burns yellow. to Li20, said to be mixed with peroxide. It oxidizes to Mn304. It forms HgO. It forms Mo03. It forms NiO. It forms OsO4, which volatilizes. It forms Mng01 Unacted on It does not tarnish It is unoxidized "9 It remains bright in dry air, but rusts in moist air. "" It is unacted on >> ·· "" ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· :: .. • ·· ·· ·· • ·· Behaviour at High Temperatures. It does not oxidize. It melts, and colours the flame blue. • If it has been reduced by by- drogen at a low temperature it oxidizes slowly. It forms Fe3O4. At low red heat it forms Pao, which is reduced on further ignition. It is unacted on. 256 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Metal. Potassium Rhodium Rubidium Silver Sodium.. Strontium Thallium .. Tin Titanium ·· Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Zinc • • • · ·· .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· .. .. Zirconium (amorphous) BEHAVIOUR OF METALS WITH AIR-continued. Colour. White "" Yellowish- white. White "" White Grey- powder. Steel-grey White " Bluish- Behaviour at Ordinary Temperatures. It instantly tarnishes It is not oxidized It instantly oxidizes white. Greyish- white. ·· It is unoxidized It tarnishes It is unoxidized It slightly tarnishes.. It tarnishes .. Gold-yellow It tarnishes in moist air, but not in dry air. Tin-white It rapidly tarnishes, forming T120 and a little T1203. It is unacted on It is not oxidized ·· ·· It is unacted upon, it is black- ened if SH2 be present. It oxidizes .. ·· ·· •• ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· •• ·· ·· • · ·· 4. Behaviour at High Temperatures. It forms K204 mixed with K20. It oxidizes. It burns to oxide. It is not oxidized. It burns, forming a mixture of Na2O and Na2O2. It forms Sr0. It forms T120g mixed with a little T120. It forms SnO2 mixed with SnO. It forms TiO2. It forms WO3 if pulverulent. It forms U3O4 if pulverulent. It forms V20 (probably). It forms ZnO. It forms ZrO2. 257 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. BEHAVIOUR OF THE METALS WITH ACIDS. With Sulphuric Acid. Not attacked (by (Gold, iridium, osmium, pla- strong or dilute) tinum, rhodium, ruthenium. With Dilute Sulphuric Acid. Not attacked at ordinary tem- peratures. Soluble with evolution of hydrogen at ordinary temperatures- Easily Soluble. Glucinum. Cerium. Iron. Antimony, arsenic, lead, chro- mium, copper, molybdenum, mercury, silver, titanium, uranium, bismuth, tin, zir- conium; palladium is slightly attacked. Magnesium. Manganese. Thallium. Zinc. Cadmium. Calcium Superficially Strontium attacked. Barium Casium. Rubidium. Potassium. Sodium. Lithium. Slowly Soluble. Aluminium. Indium. Cobalt. Nickel. Chromium Soluble on heating. Tin S · 258 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. With Strong Sulphuric Acid. Insoluble in cold concentrated acid Slowly soluble in cold concentra- ted acid (easily Cadmium, iron, cobalt, man- soluble on heat- ganese, nickel, zinc. ing). Easily soluble in cold concentrated acid. (Antimony, arsenic, lead, chromium, gold, iridium, copper, osmium, mercury, palladium, platinum, rho- dium, ruthenium, silver, titanium, bismuth, zir- conium. Glucinum, indium. Soluble in hot con- (Antimony, centrated acid, with evolution of SO2. Not attacked by hot or cold acid. With Nitric Acid. molybdenum, arsenic, lead, copper, palladium (diff.), mercury, silver, bismuth, zirconium. Chromium, gold, iridium, osmium, platinum, rho- dium, ruthenium. With Dilute Nitric Acid. (Aluminium, Insoluble. Slightly soluble-Glucinum, indium. arsenic, dium, titanium, zirconium. palla- 259 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Easily soluble. Not attacked- Aluminium Arsenic Palladium Titanium state). Calcium. Chromium. Gold. Lead, cadmium, calcium, iron, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, nickel, mercury, silver, strontium, thallium, uranium, bismuth, zinc, the alkali metals; antimony and tin are oxidized, but not dis- solved. With Strong Acid. in the cold. Ruthenium. Iron (in the passive Strontium. Zirconium. Soluble in strong acid, but not soluble (or only slightly soluble) in dilute acid. Not attacked. Iridium. Platinum. Rhodium. Aluminium (on digesting), arsenic (on heating), glu- cinum, indium, osmium (only as powder), palla- dium (on heating), tita- nium. With Hydrochloric Acid. Antimony, gold, iridium, copper (air being excluded), molybdenum, osmium, mer- cury, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, vanadium. s 2 260 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Slightly attacked. Soluble. Insoluble. Soluble. Arsenic, lead, palladium, silver (on the surface), bis- muth and zirconium (slowly on digesting). BEHAVIOUR OF METALS WITH SODA AND POTASH. Antimony, iron, indium, gold, copper, molybdenum, mer- cury, nickel, silver, bismuth, vanadium. The following are attacked by fused alkali, but not by solutions: Pla- tinum, osmium, iridium, ruthenium, rhodium, palla- dium. Aluminium, cadmium, cal- cium, cerium, chromium, cobalt, glucinum, iron, indium, magnesium, man- ganese, nickel, strontium, thallium, titanium, tin, zinc, alkali metals. { Aluminium, glucinum, zinc, tin (on warming). 261 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE METALS (COMMON AND RARE) WITH A BORAX BEAD. Colour of Bead. Grey and opaque. Colourless Si, Al, Sn, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Zr, Th, La, Te, Ta, Nb, W, Mo, Ti. Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, in s. q., if not yellow. Reddish yellow. Red. Dark red. In Oxidizing Flame when Cold. Ag, Cd, Zn, in Pale yellow. 1.q. Yellow. Ti, W, Pb, St, Mo, in l. q. U in 8. q. Brownish red. Violet. Blue. Hot. Green. Cr, Fe, in s. q. Bi in l. q. Ce Fe in 1. q. Cr, U Mn, Ni, Di Co Si, Al, Sn, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Gl. Y, Zr, Th, La, Te, Ta, Nb, Ti, W, Mo, Zn, Cd. Ca Pb, Bi, Sb, Ag. Fe in s. q. Ag Va, Fe; Ce; U. Mn (viola- ceous). Ni Di Co; Cu (green- ish while cool- In Reducing Flame when Cold. Hot. Si, Al, Sn, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Zr, Th, La, Di, Mn. Nb in s. q. Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Bi, Sb, Te, on long heat.; if not grey and opaque. Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb, Sb, Ni, Fe, on short heat.; if not colourless. Nb in 1. q. Ti in s. q., if not violet-blue. Mo in s. q.; if in l. q., brown. W, Va. U 11 8 18 Cu | Si, Al, Sn, Di, Mn; Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Zr, Th, La, Ce, Ta. Nb in s. q. Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb. Br, Sb, Ni, Te, on long heat.; if not grey and opaque. Fe in 8. q. Ag, Zn, Ca, Pb, Bi, Sb, Ni, Fe, on short heat.; if not colour- less. Nb in 1. q. Co Mo, in 1. q. opaque and brown. W, in 1. q. brown. ing. Cr (yellowish Fe. Cr (brown- while cooling). fish), Cu, nearly colourless on long heat. Contractions: 1. q. means large quantity, and s. q. small quantity. Cu Ti Co; Cu nearly colourless on long heat. Fe, U, Cr, Va 262 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE METALS (COMMON AND RARE) WITH A BEAD OF MICROCOSMIC SALT. Colour of Bead. Grey and opaque. Colour- less, with a floating "ske- leton." Colourless Al, Sn, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Zr, Th, La, Nb, Te, in all pro- portions. Ta, Ti, W, Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, in s. q., if not yel- low. Pale yellow. Yellow. In Oxidizing Flame when In Reducing Flame when Cold, Reddish yellow. Red. Hot. Si Sb, Zn in 1. q. Pb in very l. q. Bi, Cd, Ta, Ti, W, in l. q. Ag, Ce, Ni, U, Va; Cr, Fe, in s. q. Cr, Fe, in 1. q. Dark red. Brownish Ni; Fe, Cr, in red, Violet. Blue. very 1. q. Mn, Di Co Green. Cu; Mo (yel- lowish). Cold. Si Al, Sn; Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, GI, Y, Zr, Th, La, Te. Ce, Nb, Ta, Ti, W, Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb. Fe in s. q. Ag, Fe Fe in 1. q. Ni in s. q. U (greenish). Va Ni in 1. q. Mn, Di Co, Cu, green- ish while cooling. Mo, U (greenish). Cr (emerald. Hot. Si Al, Sn, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Zr, Th, La. Ce, Di, Mn; Ta, Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, Ni, Te,onstrong ignition; if not grey and opaque. Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, Te, Ni. 13 Ti Fe in s. q.; Va Fe (brown) Or, Fe Nb in l. q. Co, W; Nb in very L. q. U, Mo, Cu Si Al, Sn; Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Gl, Y, Zr, Th, La; Ce, Di, Mn, Ta; Ag, Zn, Cd, Pb, Bi, Sb, Ni, Te, on strong igni- tion; if not grey and opaque. Fe in s. q. Ag, Zn, Ca, Pb, Bi, Sl, Te, Ni. Fe Fe (greenish) in 1. q. Fe while cooling. Cu, opaque Cu, opaque Nb, Ti Co. W; Nb in very 1. q. Cr, U, Mo, Va Contractions: 1. q. means large quantity, and s. q. small quantity. 263 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. EXAMINATION OF SOLIDS IN THE DRY WAY. Experiment. Heat in a piece The substance- of hard glass tube, closed at one end. blackens becomes- •• •• Observation. yellow when hot white when cold $03 42 •• yellowish brown when hot yellow when cold white to yellowish brown when hot dirty light yellow when cold white to orange when hot pale yellow when cold brownish red to black when hot brownish red when cold .. ·· ·· ·· • ·· ·· •• 4, test by colour and odour ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· •• yellow to dark orange when hot gives off water, which, if alkaline, indicates Am., if acid, Indicates volatile acids. gives off gas or fumes- O2, test by splint SO2, test by odour Peroxides, chlorates, nitrates. Sulphates, &c. N& Nitrates of heavy metals. CO2, test by drop of lime water on watch-glass Carbonates, oxalates. CO2 and CO, test by blue flame CO, with marked charring Cl2, Br2, 12, test by colour and odour Oxalates. Formates. Chlorides, bromides, (CN)2, test by odour and crimson flame iodides. Cyanides. ·· ·· Presence of ·· Organic matter. Zn. Pb. Sn. Bi. Fe. K&CrO4. Water of crystallization, of hydration; or moisture. or 264 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Experiment. Heat in a piece of hard glass tube, closed at one end. Heat by the re- ducing flame in a cavity on charcoal. EXAMINATION OF SOLIDS IN THE Dry Way-continued. Observation. The substance- gives off gas or fumes- SH2, test by odour and formation of PbS NHg, test by odour and turmeric paper S2. ·· forms a sublimate of- reddish brown drops when hot S2 { solid and yellow when cold I2 violet vapour, black sublimate White matter •• ·· .. •• .. ·· which, moistened with cobalt nitrate, and again heated, becomes deflagrates ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· AS4. Hg. Hg. As4 black mirror Hg mirror and globules HgS black (turns red if rubbed) Sb20g yellow liquid before subliming, then Sb. a sublimate of crystalline needles. fuses and is absorbed by the charcoal leaves an infusible white residue (if alkaline, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg). "" ·· .. ·· ·· blue.. green. Presence of Sulphides containing water. Ammonium salts, also cyanides and other nitro- genized matters. Persulphides. Persulphides. Io. Ammonium salts, HgCl2 (yellow-hot), Hg2Cl2, As203 crystals), oxalic acid. Alkaline salts. Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Al, Zn, SiO2. Ş Al, SiO2, alkaline earthy > phosphates. Zn. Nitrates, chlorates. 265 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Experiment. Heat by the re- ducing flame in a cavity on charcoal. ▬▬▬ mixed with KCy and Na2CO3. Heat a frag- ment in a bead of microcos- mic salt, or of borax. (See Table for beads.) EXAMINATION OF SOLIDS IN THE DRY WAY-continued. The substance- forms an incrustation-s Observation. white, distant from flame, garlic odour.. white nearer to flame ·· above- malleable bead .. yellow when hot, white when cold faint yellow when hot, white when cold, close | Sn. .. ·· to flame. yellow dark orange yellow while hot lemon yellow when cold brownish red or yellow dark red (slight) Ag. • forms metallic beads or scales without incrus- Ag, Au, Cu (beads), Fe, Co, tation. Ni (magnetic scales). forms metallic scales, with incrustation, as ·· .. ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· .. A$4. Sb4. Zn. .. Pb. } Bi4. Cd. brittle bead.. forms a coloured bead when hot- blue Co. ·· green; on cooling, blue; in reducing flame, red | Cu. green, unaltered in reducing flame.. Cr. Ni. ·· reddish; yellow or colourless on cooling amethyst red, colourless in reducing flame Mn. brownish red; light yellow, on cooling; in in Fe. reducing flame: yellow, hot; green, cold. Sn, Pb. Bi4, Sb4. Presence of 266 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Experiment. Heat on a pla- tinum wire with HCl. EXAMINATION OF SOLIDS IN THE DRY WAY-continued. The substance- colours the outer flame- yellow violet •• crimson brick red green blue ·· •• Residue is black, indi- cating Hg. Confirm. ·· ·· Observation. ·· ·· :: :: ·· ·· ·· :: ·· ·· .. • ·· ·· ·· Residue-treat on the filter with warm dilute AmHO, after well washing with hot water in presence of lead. • Presence of EXAMINATION OF THE NEUTRAL OR ACID SOLUTION IN THE WET WAY. If the solution is alkaline, the addition of hydrochloric acid may produce a precipitate consisting of, a salt of lead or silver insoluble in hydrochloric acid, SiH404, As2S3, Sb2S3, SnS2, S2, Ap2S3, PtS2, HgS, CuS, NIS, &c., this must be examined separately. Filtrate, reacidulate with HNO3. white, curdy precipitate indicates Ag. A Na2. K2 (observe through cobalt glass). A. Add moderate excess of HCl, filter. Wash the precipitate twice with cold water, and add the washings to the filtrate. Examine the filtrate by B. Treat the precipitate on the filter with hot water. Sr. Ca. Cu, B. As4, Sb4, Pb, Cu. The filtrate from the wash- ing with hot water may con- tain PbCl2. Test for Pb by SH2, H2SO4 and alcohol, or by K2CrO4. ·་་་- 267 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. B.—Examination of the Filtrate from A. (A small quantity of this filtrate should be treated with SH2, if no precipitate forms, proceed to examine the bulk of the solution by C.) Dilute the filtrate from A if very acid, and pass excess of SHI₂, filter and wash. Examine the filtrate by C. The residue is gontly heated in a test tube with water and a little yellow ammonium sulphide (in presence of Cu and absence of Hg use sodium sulphide), filter, treat the residue once more with a little ammonium sulphide, and mix the two filtrates. Residue-wash, then boil with dilute HNO3 (neglect sul- phur clot which forms), and filter off a few drops, to which add H2SO4 and alcohol. If lead is present, a white preci- pitate forms. In the absence of lead, filter the whole of the liquid, and examine for Bi, Cu, and Cd by addition of AmHO, as below. In presence of lead add H2SO4 and alcohol, and filter. Residue-boil in (NH4)Hg C202, and filter when cool. Residue dis- solve in HCl by the aid of KClOg, and test for Hg by a strip of copper. Or dry and heat in a bulb tube with Na2CO3 when metallic beads indicate Hg. ― Filtrate add K2CrO4, a yellow pre- cipitate in- dicates Pb. Filtrate-boil off the alco- hol, if any is present, and add excess of AmHO; boil and filter. if Precip.- Filtrate dissolve in blue, Cu is pre- dilute HCl, sent; add KCy evaporate till the blue dis- nearly to appears, and dryness,and then pass SH2, add much a yellow precip. water; a ind. Cd. In the milkiness absence of blue indicates Bi. colour pass SH at once. Filtrate-acidulate with HCl, filter, and wash the precipitate, which then digest with (NH4)HCO; filter. (If the pre- cipitate caused by HCl is brown or black, Au and Pt and Sn" may be present.) Residue-dissolve in boil- Solution- ing HCl. Introduce into a acidulate small flask containing a strip of pure zinc and fitted with a delivery tube, SbHg is evolved if Sb is present. The mirror formed on porcelain is insoluble in cold sodic hypo- chlorite. The residue on the zinc must be detached by scraping, and boiled with HCI and a piece of platinum foil. The solution, diluted with water and mixed with HgCl2, gives a precipitate of Hg2Cl2, at first white, but changing afterwards to grey Hg. This indicates presence of Sn. with HCl, a yellow pre- cipitate in- dicates As. Confirm. * Place a large drop of the ammoniacal liquid, if blue, on Swedish filter paper, and, after the drop has spread, expose to SH. A bright yellow ring fringing the black patch is formed, if Cd be present in sufficient quantity. 268 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. C.—Examination of the Filtrate from B. Evaporate till free from SH2, add a little nitric acid and take down to dryness; ignite to redness if organic matter (or oxalates) be suspected. Treat with a little strong HCl, and then add water. SiO2 is left insoluble if present. Test* this solution for phos- phoric acid with ammonic molybdate. In the absence of phosphoric acid examine by Ca, if phosphoric acid is present, by Cb. Ca. Add AmHO in excess, warm and filter. (If Mn is present, part of it often precipitates with the iron, and is best tested for by fusing some of the Fe₂BO, with Na2CO3 and KNO3.) The precipitate, after being washed, is dissolved in HCl, and excess of pure NaHO added. The liquid is boiled and filtered. Residue-dissolve in HCl and boil with NaClO in excess. Filter. Residue-dis- Filtrate is yellow, solve in HCl and add acetic acid and add K4FeCy6. lead acetate. A blue precipi- yellow precipitate tateindicates Fe. indicates Cr. A Or, Residue-fuse with Na2CO3 and KNOg, treat with hot water, and filter. Residue-treat Filtrate is yellow, as above for Fe. treat as above for Cr.. Filtrate add excess of dilute HCl, and then add slight excess of AmHO; a white gela- tinous pre- cipitate in- dicates Al. Filtrate―acidulate with HCl, add excess of NaHO, boil and filter. Precipitate-wash, dissolve in HCI, add slight excess of AmHO and then excess of H4C202. Pass SH2. Filtrate-" add SH2. A white precipitate Precipitate-dissolve in HC | Solution- and KCIO, nearly neutralize add AmHO, indicates Solution Zn. with NaCO3, add KCy till the AmCl, and precipitate at first formed re- SAm2. dissolves (filter here if not A flesh-co- clear). Boil till HCy disap-loured pre- pears, cool, add NaCIO, warm, cipitate in- and allow to stand until a dicates Mn. black precipitate forms. Preci- Solution-evaporate pitate is a few drops to dryness, black. and heat the residue Presence in a borax bead. Blue of Ni. bead indicates Co. This is best effected by mixing the liquid with molybdate solution and nitric acid in a test tube, and adding a quantity of fairly strong ammonia, so as to cause the latter to float. Somewhere between the two the conditions will be most favourable for the formation of the precipitate, and there a yellow ring will form in presence of a mere trace of phosphoric acid. { """) 1 ERRATA. Page 268, for "Residue-dissolve in HCl and boil with NaCIO in excess. Filter." read "Residue-dissolve in HCI and boil with NaHO and NaCIO in excess. Filter." for "Filtrate-acidulate with HCl, add excess of NaHO, boil and filter." To face p. 268. read "Filtrate-add SAm2, filter and examine fil- trate by D. Precipitate-wash, dissolve in HCI, add excess of NaHO, boil and filter." 申 ​NYCIHOM Διι5ΙΘΔιαρ ・O אנער ר8vggi A 269 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Add AmHO in excess and filter. To the filtrate add SAm, and filter; examine this filtrate by D. Wash the two precipi- tates separately, transfer them to the same dish, and digest with SAm 2. Filter. Precipitate-wash, dissolve in HCl, add a few drops of strong HNO3 (if the precipitate is black and also requires the addition of KCIOs to dissolve it, Ni and Co are present), and test a small portion for phosphoric acid by molybdate. The presence of this acid indicates Cr, Al, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, as phosphates. (In the absence of phosphoric acid, proceed to ex- a mine the solution by Table Cu.) Add excess of NaH3C202 and H4C2O2, warm and filter. Filtrate-add Fe2Cle (if no white or reddish preci- pitate forms on testing a small portion, proceed to add AmHO and Am,COs to the remainder), as long as a precipitate forms, boil, and filter hot. Precipitate-wash, dissolve in HCl, add excess of NaHO in the cold, and filter. Preci- Filtrate-boil for some time, pitate, and if a precipitate forms, filter. reddish Precipitate, Solution-add ex- brown, indi- green, indi-cess of acetic acid. Precip.- cates Cr as A white precipitate examine NaHPO4. A white Co, Al, Cr, by cates phosp. indicates Al as by D for precipitate indicates Table Ca. Fe. Confirm. phosp. Confirm. Ba, Sr, Ca. Mg as phos. Confirm. Residue-dissolve in water and add K2CrO4. A yellow precipitate indicates Ba. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Filtrate- test for phosphoric acid by Mg mixture, Filtrate-add AmCl, AmHO, and SAm2; filter. Preci- phosphates. pitate, Filtrate-Add Am2CO3. Precipitate- neg- examine for lect. Filtrate-add Zn, Mn, Ni, its pre- sence indi- cates Fe, Ni, Co, Zn, Mn, as • D.-Examination of the Filtrate from C. Add AmCI and Am2CO3, digest and filter. Examine the filtrate by E. Wash the precipitate and dissolve in HCl, evaporate the solution to dryness, pulverize the residue, and digest it with absolute alcohol; filter. Residue indicates Sr. Confirm by flame. Filtrate-add dilute H2SO4, allow to stand, and filter. Digest the precipitate with strong Am2SO4 and a little AmHO, and filter. Filtrate-dilute well, and add ammonium oxalate. A white precipitate indicates Ca. E.—Examination of the Filtrate from D. Divide it into two portions. To one add Na₂HPO4 in the cold, a white crystalline precipitate indicates Mg. Evaporate a portion of the remainder and test by the flame for K and Na. Confirm K by PtC14. 270 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Metal. Na K Am Mg Ba Sr Ca Zn Mn Ni Co Felv Cr Al AsIII sbur SnIV Snд Cd Cu Bi Pb Hgl Hg Ag A line KHO, or NaHO. 2 W MgH₂O₂ W BaH₂O₂ W SrH202 W CaH202 W ZnH202 W MnH202 G NIH202 B1 CoH202+xCoO R Fe₂HoOo BIG Cr₂H200 W Al₂HoOo G W Sb2O3 W SnH203 W SnH202 W CаH202 B1 CuH202 W BiH 303 W PbH202 Y Hgo B Hg20 Br Ag20 K2CO3, or Na2CO3. K TABLE SHOWING THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE The vertical columns give the W MgCO3+ MgO W BaCO3 W SrCO3 W CaCO 3 W Zuco,+rZnO W MnCO3 G NICO,+NiO 3 P COCO 3+*CoO R Fe, HoOo C Basic carbonate W Basic carbonate W Sb2O3 W SnH,Os 2 3 W Cacos GB1 CuCO3 + CuO AmHO. 2 W MgH₂O₂ No precipitate No precipitate No precipitate W ZUH₂O₂ W MaH₂O₂ 2 2 2 Bl CoH₂O₂+xCoO R Fe HoOo BC Cr₂H₂O W Al₂H600 W Sb2O3 W SnH203 2 W SnH,O. W Cdн202 GB1 Basic W Bi202CO3 W PbCO+PbO RB HgCO3+HgO W AgaCO3 indicates that the precipitate is soluble in excess. The colour of the precipitate BB = brownish black; W BiH,03 W W 2(NH₂HgⱭl) B Basic Br Ag₂0 ! METALS WITH THE COMMON REAGENTS. formulæ of the precipitates. AmaCO3. W BaCO 3 W SrCO3 W CaCO 3 W ZnCo,+ZnO 3 W MnCO CNICO,+NiO P COCO3+xCoO R Fe, H.O. C Basic carbonate W Basic carbonate W Sb2O3 W SuH203 W SnH,O, W cacos CB1 Basic W Bi202CO3 W PbCO,+zPbO W " SH2. No precipitate "". >> • 724 "" "" " " No pr. if acid " No precipitate " "" Y AS2S3 O Sh₂Os Y SnS Br SnS Y Cas BB Cus BB Bi2S3 B PbS B HgS B Hg₂S B Ag₂S SAM2. No precipitate "" " "" >> "} 17 W ZnS F MDS B Nis B COS B FeS BIG Cг₂H200 W Al₂HO Y A$283 O Sb₂O 2 Y SnS2 Br Sns Y Cas BB Cus BB Bi₂S B PbS B HgS B Hg₂S B Ag₂S 0 Name of Reagent. KSbO3 PtCl PtCl ↑ 2 2 4 Na, HPO 4 H₂SO H2804 Am2C2O4 NaOIO NACIO K₁FeCy8 Other Reagents. K₁ FeCy & H2SO4 ΚΙ HCI HCI Precipitate. W NaSbO3 Y 2KCl, PtOI Y 2Am01, PtĆI W MgHPO4 W BaSO4 W SrSO W CaC201 B Ni305, 4H30 B Co30s, 4F20 Bl 3FeOy 2, 2Fe, Cyo RBr Cu₂ FeCyc p W PbSo R HgI₂ W Hg,Cl₂ W AgCl is indicated by capitals:-W-white; G green; Blblue; Y= yellow; P= peach; B black: Br=brown: = C Ada R— rod. Fl- flock-onlowad 272 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Acid. H2SO4 HSiO₁ 4 H₁ FeCys "" 2HF, SIF HOL HBr HBrOs HI HIO 3 HOy HF HoFe, Cy12 Br Colora- Colora R HCyS H2C2O4 H₂Oro H3PO4 TABLE SHOWING THE CHARACTERISTIC REACTIONS OF THE COMMON ACIDS. The vertical columns give the formulæ of the precipitates. TH202 JiH 303 Fe₂ Clo. Bd SFeCy 2, 12Fe, Cya tion Wg Bar2, Sir {YW Fo₂P₂ 8 BaCl2. W BaSO AgNO3. These form PP. with AgNO 3 insol. in HNO 3 W AgCI YW AgBr W AgBrO3 Y AgI W AGIO 3 W AgCy CaCl2. W CaFa WT CAO, W Ci₂ Ca300* Pb(H3 C₂O2)2. C P Y PbCro₁ Other Reagents. Name. AmCl FeSO4 CuSO4 CuSO4 FeSO The acid etches glass CaSO4 Nature of Solu- Precipitate, &c. tion. Forms Ag Mirror Ag Mirror g H.SiO4 Bl K Fell Oy RBr (u FeC) 6 W Cu₂I2 W Câ¤₂O 1 Acidulated with HCI. Acidulated Acetic Acid, with HNO3. Neutral Acid. with The capitals indicate the colour of the precipitate: - B = blue; Br= brown; Y yellow; W white; Bred; d= dark; 1= light; g gelatinous. * On boiling with CaH2O2. 273 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING THE ORDINARY REAGENTS USED IN LABORATORIES. ACIDS. Im- Sulphuric Acid (H₂SO₁), oil of vitriol. purities, Pb, As, Fe, Ca, HNO3, N2O4. Dilute Sulphuric Acid. Pour 1 part by mea- sure of the pure concentrated acid into 5 parts of distilled water contained in a porcelain dish. Nitric Acid (HNO3), common. H₂SO₁, HCI. Impurities, • Dilute Nitric Acid. Dilute 1 part of the strong pure acid with 2 parts of water. The im- Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), common. purities are Cl, Fe₂Cl, H₂SO, SO2, As. Dilute Hydrochloric Acid. Dilute I part of pure concentrated acid with 3 parts of water. Nitro-hydrochloric Acid (Aqua regia). Prepare when required by adding 4 parts of strong hydro- chloric acid to 1 part of strong nitric acid. Acetic Acid (HC₂O₂). Impurities, H₂SO, HCI, Cu, Pb, Fe, Ca. Dilute Acetic Acid. Mix 1 part of pure com- mercial acid of specific gravity 1·04 with 1 part of water. Carbonic Acid (H₂CO,). Make a solution of CO₂ by passing it into cold water. Sulphurous Acid (H₂SO3). Make a solution of SO, in water and preserve in well-stoppered bottles. Chlorine (Cl2). Pass the gas into cold water, and preserve in well-stoppered bottles in a dark place. Oxalic Acid (H₂C204). Impurities, Fe, K, Na, Ca. Dissolve 1 part of crystallized acid in 10 parts by measure of water. T 274 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 6 Tartaric Acid (C,H,O). Impurities, Ca, H₂SO. Make a solution when required by dissolving 1 part of acid in 3 parts of water. Hydrofluoric Acid (HF). This acid is best purchased. It should be kept in a guttapercha bottle. Hydrofluosilicic Acid (H₂SiF。). Place in a capacious flask 1 part of sand, 1 part of CaF2, 6 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid, and heat on a sand bath. A wide delivery tube, dipping into a beaker of water containing enough mercury at the bottom to cover the end of the tube, should convey the evolved gas. Filter the solution thus obtained. Sulphuretted Hydrogen (SH₂). It is best to use this reagent in the gaseous state; it should in all cases be previously washed. A solution may be made and preserved for some time in stoppered bottles rendered opaque by varnish. ALKALIES. Sodic Hydrate (NaHO), or Potassic Hydrate (KHO). For most purposes of the laboratory sodic hydrate should be used. Dissolve the stick soda in 20 parts of water. Impurities, Al, SiO2, phosphates, sulphates, and chlorides. Pure sodic hydrate for the separation of alumina can be bought. For organic analysis potash (not soda) of specific gravity 1.27 should be used. Ammonic Hydrate (NH,HO). Impurities, sul- phate, chloride, carbonate, tarry matter. • Dilute Ammonic Hydrate. A solution of specific gravity 95 should be used. Baric Hydrate (BaH₂O₂). Dissolve 1 part of 275 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. the crystals (BaH2O2 + 8Aq) in 20 parts of water. Filter, and preserve in well-stoppered bottle. Calcic Hydrate (CaH₂O₂). Dissolve lime in water, filter, and preserve in stoppered bottle. SALTS. Salts of Alkalies. Sodic Hydric Sulphite. Dissolve 1 part of the salt in 5 parts of water. Disodic Hydric Phosphate. Impurities, sulphate, chloride, alkaline earthy phosphates. Dissolve the recrystallized salt in 10 parts of water. Sodic Hypochlorite (NaClO). Obtained by passing chlorine into a cold dilute solution of soda, or by treating 1 part of fresh bleaching powder with 8 parts of water, and precipitating the solution with strong sodic carbonate solution. Filter for use. Sodic Thiosulphate (Na2S2O3). Dissolve 1 part of the salt in 30 parts of water. Sodic Acetute (NaC₂H₂O₂). Impurities, sulphates. Dissolve 1 part of the commercial salt (if pure) in in 10 parts of water. The pure salt may be made by neutralizing sodic carbonate with pure acetic acid. Sodic Acetate and Acetic Acid solution. Prepare by dissolving 25 grains of crystallized sodic acetate in 200 c. c. of water, and adding 50 c. c. of strong acetic acid. Sodic Ammonic Hydric Phosphate (Microcosmic salt) (Na(NH)HPO4). The salt must be dried and powdered. It can be made as follows: 'dissolve 7 parts of disodic hydric phosphate and 1 part of ammonic chloride in 2 parts of boiling T 2 276 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. water and allow to cool, when the salt forms. It is purified by recrystallizing from hot water containing a little ammonia. Sodic Borate (Na2B4O7). Heat the crystals to expel water of crystallization, powder, and preserve in bottles. Sodic Carbonate (Na2CO3). Impurities, chlorides, phosphates, sulphates, silicates. A purer product can be obtained by heating the bicarbonate or by repeated recrystallization of the commercial salt. Dissolve the anhydrous salt in 5 parts of water. Ammonic Sulphate ((NH),SO,). Recrystallize the commercial salt after the addition of ammonia, and make a strong solution. Ammonic Chloride (NH,C1). Impurity, iron. Purify the commercial salt by the addition of ammonia, filter, neutralize the filtrate with hydrochloric acid and crystallize. Dissolve in 5 parts of water. Ammonic Nitrate ((NH)NO₂). A saturated solution is made when required. Ammonic Oxalate ((NH4)2C2O4). Recrystallized ammonic oxalate is dissolved in 20 parts of water. Ammonic Carbonate ((NH4)2CO3). Impurities, Pb, Fe, sulphates, chlorides. Scrape the ordinary commercial salt, and then dissolve in 4 parts of water, and add 1 part of ammonia of specific gravity ⚫880. Ammonic Hydric Carbonate ((NH¸)HCO3). Pass CO, into strong ammonia, dissolve the crystals thus obtained when required. 2 Ammonic Molybdate ((NH,),MO). The salt is 277 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. dissolved in strong ammonia, and the clear fluid decanted into strong nitric acid till the pre- cipitate redissolves. A very delicate reagent for the detection of phosphoric acid is made by taking the following proportions. 60 grams ammonic molybdate 500 c. c. nitric acid (specific gravity 1·4) 400 c. c. ammonia (specific gravity ·96) 400 c. c. water. Ammonic Sulphide ((NH¸),S). Saturate 3 parts of ammonia with SH2, and then add 2 parts of ammonia. Yellow Ammonic Sulphide ((NH),S2). Digest the neutral SAm, with flowers of sulphur, and filter. Ammonic Arseniate is prepared by neutralizing arsenic acid with ammonic carbonate and evapo- rating to dryness. Dissolve in water. Potassic Sulphate (K₂SO4). Dissolve 1 part of the salt in 10 parts of water. Potassic Nitrite (KNO2). Dissolve 1 part of the commercial salt in 2 parts of water when required. Potassic Iodide (KI). The commercial salt is dissolved in 50 parts of water. Impurities, iodate, carbonate. Potassic Chromate (K2CrO4). Impurities, sul- phates. Dissolve in 10 parts of water. 2 Potassic Bichromate (K₂CrО,). Dissolve in 10 parts of water. Impurities, sulphates. Potassic Metantimoniate (KSbŌ3 +5Aq). Heat 1 part of Sb with 4 parts of nitre in a crucible; boil the powdered mass with 12 parts of water for some hours, then filter. 278 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Potassic Ferrocyanide (K,FeCys). Dissolve the commercial salt in 12 parts of water. Dissolve Potassic Ferricyanide (K.Fe₂Cy 12). 1 part of the salt in 12 parts of water when required. Potassic Sulphocyanate (KCyS). Dissolve 1 part of the salt in 10 of water. Salts of Alkaline Earths. Baric Chloride (BaCl2). Purify the commercial salt by first passing SH, and then crystallizing. Dissolve in 10 parts of water. Baric Nitrate (BaN206). Dissolve in 15 parts of water. Baric Carbonate (BaCO3). To a solution of BaCl, add ammonia and then excess of ammonic carbonate, and wash the precipitate, which must then be preserved moist in wide-mouthed stoppered bottles. Calcic Chloride (CaCl2). solve in 5 parts of water. Impurity, Fe. Dis- Calcic Sulphate (CaSO). Make the solution by shaking up gypsum with water and then filtering. Magnesic Sulphate (MgSO). Dissolve in 10 parts of water. Magnesia Mixture (see page 408). Salts of Heavy Metals. Ferrous Sulphate (FeSO4). Dissolve in 10 parts of cold water. 6 6 Ferric Chloride (Fe₂Cl). Dissolve pure Fe₂HO in pure HCl. Leave an excess of Fe₂HO, and filter. When cool dilute with 2 volumes of water. 6 Cobaltous Nitrate (CoN₂06). Dissolve in 10 parts of water. Impurities, Fe, Ni, &c. 279 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Plumbic Acetate (PbCHO₁). parts of water. Dissolve in 10 Lead free from silver is prepared by precipitat- ing pure plumbic acetate with metallic zinc. Plumbic Peroxide (PbO2). Digest red lead in hot dilute nitric acid, filter, and wash. Cupric Sulphate (CuSO4). Impurities, Fe, Zn. Dissolve the recrystallized salt in 10 parts of water. Cupric Chloride (CuCl₂). Dissolve CuO in HCI, keeping the former in excess; filter. Cuprous Chloride (Cu₂Cl₂). Prepared by digest- ing CuCl₂ with Cu and HCl. Mercuric Chloride (HgCl₂). Dissolve corrosive sublimate in 20 parts of water with the aid of heat. Mercurous Nitrate (Hg₂N₂06). Dissolve the commercial salt in 20 parts of water acidulated with 1.2 part of nitric acid. Put some metallic mercury into the filtered solution. Auric Chloride (AuCl,). Dissolve gold in aqua regia, evaporate on the water bath, add water, and filter. Platinic Chloride (PtCl). Dissolve scrap plat- inum in aqua regia, add ammonic chloride, and evaporate on the water bath. Wash the residue with alcohol; decompose it by ignition. Dissolve the resulting platinum in aqua regia; evaporate to dryness with HCl, and dissolve in 10 parts of water. Argentic Nitrate (AgNO3). Dissolve the com- mercial salt in 20 parts of water. Stannous Chloride (SnCl2). Dissolve pure tin in strong HCl in presence of platinum foil. Dilute with four volumes of dilute hydrochloric acid. 280 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Keep in a stoppered bottle containing some pieces of granulated tin. Hydric Peroxide (H₂O2). Suspend baric per- oxide in water, kept cool, and pass a current of CO2. Filter off the precipitate from the solution, which should be dilute. Nessler's Solution. Take 7 grams of KI and 3.2 grams of HgCl2; dissolve the former in 20 c. c. of water, and then the latter in 60 c. c. of water; add the mercury solution to the other with constant shaking until the precipitate ceases to redissolve. Then add 120 c. c. of potash, and filter. Indigo Solution. Take 1 part of powdered in- digo and 4 to 6 parts of fuming sulphuric acid; add the indigo in small portions to the acid with constant stirring, at the same time preventing rise of temperature. After the solution has stood a day or two, pour it into 20 times its volume of water, and filter. Litmus Solution. Boil powdered litmus with distilled water. Litmus Papers. Take Swedish filter paper, cut it into strips, and soak these in hot water. After they are well drained, soak them in the above litmus solution, which, if red papers are required, has been previously treated with a few drops of H₂SO, and if blue papers are required, with a few drops of potash. Dry and cut up, then preserve in stoppered bottles. Turmeric Papers. Steep 1 part of bruised turmeric in 5 parts of weak alcohol. Make the papers with this solution as directed for litmus papers. 281 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Normal nitric acid x 063 × ⚫051 "" 1 c.c. "" "" Metallic iron "" 1 c. c. "" VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. Factors useful in Volumetric Analysis. N permanganate, 10 bichromate, or thio- sulphate دو رو "" "" N 10 Iron × 1·1314 × 1·4171 x 4.453 Double iron salt × 16163 = X ⚫2024 X .6351 "" "" "" solution ·· N 1 c. c. 10 Metallic iron ܪܕ܂ • solution × ⚫101 X .375 = × ·6018 = ·· .. Copper = 63·5. .. • ·· = .. = .. = HNO3. N₂05. KNŎ3. HNO3. KNO3. 0056 gram Fe. 0072 gram FeO. 0080 gram Fe₂03. 0392 double iron salt. Zinc = 65. ⚫00635 gram Cu. Copper. CuO. (Crystallized copper sulphate, CuSO4, 50H₂. Copper. CuO. CuSO4, 50H₂. × ⚫5809 = Zn. X ⚫724 ZnO. "" "" Double iron salt × ・08298 — Zn. X ⚫1034 = ZnO. = .00325 gram zinc. 282 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 1 c. c. Mn = = 55, MnO 71, Potassium ferrocyanide x Double iron salt × X ⚫7768 Metallic iron Crystallized oxalic acid x 6916 Double iron salt X 111 N 1 c.c. solution 00355 gram MnO 10 gram MnO₂. 1 c. c. دو N 10 33 N 10 solution "" Mn • permanganate 1 c. c. normal oxalic acid .. Metallic iron × 1.848 X •264 ·· Double iron salt Crystallized oxalic acid x 1.643 Mercury "" G .. MnO₂ = 87. 0842 = MnO. ⚫0911 = MnO. Cl₂. Mn2O3 O Mn₂O+ 0 Cl₂. MnO2 O MnO3 O₂ = 2C12. Mn2O7 = 50=5C12. Cl2. Lead 207. .. • · "" Double iron salt × 5104 × ·6914= = • = MnO2. MnO2 MuO₂. = .004357 • ·01035 gram lead. •1035 gram lead. Lead. "" "" = 20. = .0200 gram Hg. = .0208 gram Hg₂O. = .0271 gram HgCl₂. Hg. HgCl2. 1 283 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Metallic iron "" "" 55 "" X × "9 "" Double iron salt x X X × solution = ·003349 gram Cro¸. = .00492 gram K¿Cr₂O,. "" 1 c. c. " 1 c. c. N 10 1 c. c. N 10 "" N 1 c. c. 10 "" "" N "" 10 "" "" "" Chromium = 52·5. · 3123 = •5981 = • 8784 = "" "" "" X X thiosulphate 99 "3 1·926 iodine ·0446 = •0854 ·0854 = •1255 = Cr. CrO3. Potassium bichro- mate. Iodine = 127. Lead chromate. Cr. CrO3. (Potassium bichro- mate. •275 = Lead chromate. ·275 Cyanogen, CN silver solution = .0052 gram CN. ⚫0127 gram iodine. = .0166 gram KI. Metallic iron Double iron salt x 1.077 = = 26. = .0054 gram HCN. = '01302 gram KCN. = •003255 gram KCN. Potassium Ferrocyanide. K¸FeCу+3H₂O = 422. 6 × 7·541 = Crystallized salt. "" "" 284 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 1 c. c. Metallic iron Double iron salt N thiosulphate 10 N 10 "" "" K₂CO3. Na2CO3. Grams. 1.0000 require 14.47 14.69 14.92 15.14 15.35 ·95 + 05 ·90 + ·10 ·85 + 15 ·80 + 20 •75 + 25 ⚫70 + 30 ·65 +35 .60 +40 •55 + 15.57 15.79 16.01 16.23 16.45 45 •50 + 50 16.67 "" "} "" Sulphuretted Hydrogen. H₂S = 34. arsenious solution 00255 gram H₂S. "" Potassic Ferricyanide. K₁Fe₂Cy12 = 658. "" TABLE FOR THE ESTIMATION OF MIXTURES OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CARBONATES BY TITRATION WITH NORMAL NITRIC ACID. >> × 5.88 = × 1·68 X "" "" ·0329 = C. C. of Normal Acid. (Potassium ferri- cyanide. = "" د, K2CO3. Na2CO3. Grams. •45 + ⚫55 require •40 + ⚫60 ·35 + ⚫65 •30 + •70 •25 + .75 •20 + •80 ∙15 + ⚫85 .10 + ⚫90 ·05 + ⚫95 00 + 1.00 "" " در "" "" "" "> "" 35 "" "" C. C. of Normal Acid. 16.89 17.11 17.33 17.55 17.76 17.97 18.19 18.40 18.62 18.84 285 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS OF ALKALIES, ALKALINE EARTHS, AND ACIDS. Sodium oxide "" "" " Potassium oxide "5 "" Substance. "" "" Ammonia "" hydrate carbonate bicarbonate 33 Barium hydrate 19 hydrate carbonate bicarbonate "" Strontium oxide ·· Ammonium carbonate. Calcium oxide (lime) hydrate carbonate ·· "" carbonate .. .. ·· .. .. Nitric acid Hydrochloric acid.. Sulphuric acid Oxalic acid Acetic acid Tartaric acid. Citric acid • • • ·· .. ·· • ·· (cry.).. carbonate "" Magnesium oxide.. carbonate.. • ·· ·· ·· .. .. ·· .. .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Formula. Na20 NaHO Na2CO3 NaHCO3 K20 KHO 62 40 106 84 94 56 138 100 17 96 56 74 100 CaH202 CaCO3 BaH202 171 BaH202,8H20 315 BaCO 3 Sro 197 K2CO3 KHCO3 NH3 (NH4)2CO3 CaO SrCO3 MgO Mole- cular Weight. MgCO3 HNO3 HCI 103.5 147.5 40 84 63 Quantity to be weighed so that 1 c. c. of Normal Solution= 1 per cent. of Sub- stance. 98 126 H2SO4 H2C2O4 H4C202 H6C406 С6O7H8+ H2O 210 60 150 Grams.* 3.1 4.0 5.3 Normal Factor. ⚫031* ⚫040 ⚫053 8.4 4.7 5.6 6.9 10.0 1.7 4.8 2.8 3.7 5.0 8.55 15.75 9.85 0985 5.175 0575 7.37507375 2.00 020 4.20 ⚫042 6.3 36.5! 3.65 ⚫084 1·047 056 069 •100 ⚫017 ⚫048 ⚫028 *037 ⚫050 ⚫0855 •1575 ⚫063 ⚫0365 4.9 ⚫049 6.3 ⚫063 6'0 7.5 7·0 060 ⚫075 ⚫070 In order to find the amount of pure substance present in the mate- rial examined, multiply the number of c. c. by the "normal factor." * In using grain weights, move the decimal place one figure to the right in both columns. 286 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR APPROXIMATELY DETERMINING THE PROPORTION OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM IN MIXED CHLORIDES. 2.71 grams of the pure, dry, mixed chlorides are dissolved in water and the solution made up to 100 c. c. The chlorine in 10 c. c. of this N solution is then estimated by silver nitrate 10 solution and chromate indicator. N C. c. Silver Per cent. of NaCl. 10 used. 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 37.3 37.8 38.3 38.8 0 1 pred 2 2 3 3 4 + 5 10 15 20 22293 25 C.c. N 10 used. Silver 39.3 39.8 40.3 40.8 41.3 41.8 42.3 42.8 43.3 43.8 Per cent. of NaCl. 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 287 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE ALTERATION OF THE VOLUME OF GLASS VESSELS BY HEAT, THE VOLUME AT 150 C. BEING TAKEN AS UNITY. Temp. °C. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 to X to 20 to સે Volume. .99961210 .99963796 .99966382 *99968968 ⚫99971554 ⚫99974140 ⚫99976726 ⚫99979313 ⚫99981898 ⚫99984484 •99987070 ⚫99989656 •99992242 •99994828 •99997414 Ka THE WEIGHT OF 1000 C. C. OF PURE WATER AT to C. WHEN DETERMINED BY MEANS OF BRASS WEIGHTS, IN AIR OF 0° C., AND OF A 76 M., IS EQUAL TENSION TO 1000 GRAMS. Z Temp °C. 20 Volume. 15 1.00000000 30 16 1.00002586 35 17 1.00005172 40 18 1.00007758 45 19 1.00010344 20 1.00012930 21 1.00015516 22 1.00018102 23 1.00020688 24 1.00023274 25 Temp. °C. 1.00038790 1.00051720 1.0006 650 1.00077580 50 1.00090510 55 1·00103440 60 1.00116370 65 1.00129300 70 1.00142230 75 1.00155160 1.00025860 80 1.00168090 85 1.00181020 90 1.00193950 95 1.00206880 26 1.00028446 27 1.00031032 28 1.00033618 29 1.00036204 100 1.00219810 Volume. 4 012 3 6 7 8 9 1.25 1 201· 1.12 1.27 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1.34 1.431.52 1.63 1.76 1.89 2.042.20 2.37 2.55 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2.74 2.953-17 3.39 3.63 3.88 4.134 39 4.67 4.94 10 5 29 288 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. PREPARATION OF THE SOLUTIONS USED IN VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. (In all cases distilled water is meant, unless otherwise stated). Indicators used in Alkalimetry. Litmus Solution. Digest 10 grams of solid litmus with 500 c. c. of water for some hours, decant the clear liquid, add a few drops of dilute nitric acid to produce a violet colour, and pre- serve in an open bottle. Or, better, boil the powdered litmus twice with 80 per cent. spirit, rejecting the liquid; then digest the litmus with cold water till all soluble colouring matter is dis- solved; allow the decoction to settle. Next add a few drops of sulphuric acid until the liquid becomes quite red, boil, then add baryta water until the neutral tint appears. Cochineal Solution. Boil 3 grams of the powder in 250 cub. cent. of 20 per cent. spirit. Turmeric Paper. Digest the root in small pieces, first several times with water, and then with alcohol. Strips of Swedish paper dipped into the solution and dried are sometimes used in volumetric analysis. Normal Acid and Alkaline Solutions. Normal Sodium Carbonate. Dissolve 53 grams of pure, dry monocarbonate, prepared by igniting the bicarbonate to redness, in water, and make up to 1 litre. 289 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. N Sulphuric Acid. Dilute about 30 c.c. of pure sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1·840) to 1 litre; then determine the strength of this solution by titra- tion with normal alkali or alkaline carbonate, and dilute so as to make 1 c. c. of the sulphuric acid neutralize 1 c. c. of the alkali; after dilution check the strength by further titration. N Oxalic Acid. Ďissolve 63 grams of pure (recrystallized) oxalic acid, dried between paper, in 1 litre of water. N Hydrochloric Acid. Dilute 181 grams of the pure acid, of sp. gr. 1.10, to 1 litre; check by N titration with silver solution or by sodium 10 carbonate. N Nitric Acid. Take pure nitric acid and dilute to 1 litre. The strength of this solution must be ascertained, and the acid diluted accord- ingly. The most exact method of checking the nitric acid is by pure calcium carbonate, 1 gram of which requires 20 c. c. of normal acid. N Caustic Alkali, Take about 42 Take about 42 grams of pure sodium hydrate and dissolve in 800 c. c. of water; titrate with normal acid and dilute until it corre- sponds with the acid volume for volume. Normal potassium hydrate may be made in a similar manner. N Ammonium Hydrate is made by diluting strong ammonia to the required strength, and checking by titration with standard acid. The following Table gives the strengths of the above solutions:- N KISJeAG WAND CREATE A wort GENERAL etter to the end of thr 290 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 1 c. c. of Normal sodium carbonate, 053 gram Na2CO3 030 gram COg=022 gram CO2. Normal sulphuric acid, = '049 gram H2SO4 =048 gram SO4 = ·040 gram SO3 · · • • • Normal oxalic acid, = *063 gram H2C2O4, 2H2O 045 gram H2C2O4 = 044 gram C204. Normal hydrochloric acid, =·0365 gram HCI 0355 gram Cl. Normal nitric acid, 063 gram HNO3 =⚫062 gram NO3 = ·054 gram N205. Normal sodium hydrate, = ·040 gram NaHO 031 gram Na20023 gram Na. Normal potassium hydrate, = 056 gram KHO 047 gram K20039 gram K. Normal ammonium hydrate, = '017 gram NH3 =•018 gram NH = ·035 gram (NH4)HO. N Ammonio-copper Solution for Acids. Dissolve pure recrystallized copper sulphate, or nitrate, in water, and add ammonia till the precipitate which first forms is nearly dissolved; now filter the liquid, and titrate by normal sulphuric or nitric acid. As soon as the neutral point is reached, a permanent precipitate forms. Dilute till the solutions correspond to normal acid. N Potassium Permanganate Solution. Dissolve 10 3.16 grams of the pure salt to 1 litre. 1 c. c. ⚫00316 gram K,Mn,08 0056 gram Fe. •1 gram Fe. 17.85 c. c. = 291 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. This solution should always be titrated before use. Titration by Fe(NH4)2S₂O„, 6H₂O, •1 gram Fe. •7 gram = Titration by oxalic acid, •1125 gram gram = '1 •1 gram Fe. N Potassium Bichromate Solution. Dissolve 10 4.917 grams to 1 litre; the salt is dried by gentle ignition. 1 c. c. =·004917 gram K₂Cr₂O, ⚫0056 gram Fe = 0127 gram I. N Iodine Solution. Dissolve 12.7 grams of 10 sublimed iodine in water containing about 18 grams KI, and dilute to 1 litre. N 10 Sodium Thiosulphate Solution. Dissolve 24.8 grams of crystallized salt, Na2S2O3, 5H₂O, in litre, and check with decinormal iodine. Starch Solution. Pour 200 parts of boiling water upon 1 part of powdered starch, allow to settle, and decant the clear liquid. The strength of the last two standard solutions is as follows: 1 c. c. = .0127 gram I Na2S2O3 = .0158 gram Na₂S₂03 = 0248 gram Na2S2O3, 5H₂O -·00495 gram A$203. U 2 292 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. N Sodium Arsenite Solution. 10 Dissolve 4.95 of the purest sublimed arsenious anhydride in 250 c. c. of water in which about 25 grams of the purest sodium monocarbonate has previously been dissolved. The solution is effected by boiling and shaking for some time. Finally, dilute to 1 litre. Test this solution by standard iodine. 1 c. c. = .0127 gram I · 00355 gram Cl. N Silver Nitrate Solution. Dissolve 10 8 grams 10 of pure silver in pure dilute nitric acid, gently heated, and dilute to 1 litre; or, if a neutral solution is required, take 17 grams of pure silver nitrate and dissolve in water to 1 litre. 1 c. c. 0108 gram Ag = .00355 gram Cl. = ⚫017 AgNO3 N Sodium Chloride Solution. Dissolve 5·85 10 grams of pure sodium chloride, dried by gentle ignition, to 1 litre. 1 c. c. 00585 gram NaCl ·00355 gram Cl = ·0108 gram Ag. N Barium Chloride Solution. Dissolve 122.00 grams of barium chloride, dried between paper, to 1 litre. 293 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. + 1 c. c. 049 gram H₂SO = •048 gram SỐ =⚫040 gram SO3 =1220 gram BaCl₂, 20H₂ = 104 gram BaCl2 =0685 gram Ba. · • Stannosum Chloride Solution. Dissolve about 6 grams of pure tin, in thin pieces, in about 200 c. c. of strong hydrochloric acid, by the aid of pieces of platinum foil; dilute to 1 litre, and preserve in stoppered bottles. This solution must be titrated with iodine solution every day N 10 when used. • Standard Iron Solution for Colorimetric Estima- tion of Iron. Dissolve 1 004 gram of pianoforte wire in aqua regia, precipitate as hydrate with ammonia, wash, dissolve in a little hydrochloric acid, and dilute to 1 litre. 1 c. c. 001 Fe. • A more dilute solution is made by diluting the above solution with nine times its bulk of water; then 1 c. c. 0001 gram I. Standard Copper Sulphate Solution. Dissolve 39.291 grams of crystallized salt, dried between paper (CuSO4, 50Н,), to 1 litre. 1 c. c.01 gram Cu. 294 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Standard Copper Sulphate Solution for Colorimetric Estimation of Copper. Dissolve 3929 gram of the salt to 1 litre. ● 1 c. c. 0001 gram Cu. The Ammonium Nitrate solution, which is used in this process, is made by dissolving 100 grams to 1 litre; and the Potassium Ferrocyanide solu- tion, by dissolving 1 part in 25 parts of water. Standard Zinc Sulphate Solution. Dissolve 44·12 grams of pure crystallized zinc sulphate to 1 litre. The salt should be dried between paper. 1 c. c. 01 gram Zu. "Standard Salt Solution." Dissolve 5.4145 grams of pure NaCl to 1 litre. 1 c. c. 01 gram Ag. = "Decimal Salt Solution." Dilute 100 c. c. of the "Standard Salt Solution" to 1 litre. 1 c. c. = .001 gram Ag. “Decimal Silver Solution." Dissolve 1 gram of pure silver in warm nitric acid, and dilute to 1 litre. • 1 c. c. 001 gram Ag. Standard Zinc Solution for Alkaline Sulphides. Dissolve 3.253 grams of pure zinc in hydrochloric 295 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. acid, supersaturate with ammonia, and dilute to 1 litre. 1 c. c. = 0016 gram sulphur = .0039 gram sodium sulphide = .00551 gram potassium sulphide = .0034 gram ammonium sulphide. STANDARD SOLUTIONS FOR ESTIMATION OF PHOSPHATES. Standard Uranium Solution. Take about 40 grams of uranium acetate, dissolve in water, add about 25 c. c. of glacial acetic acid, and make up to 1 litre. This solution is then titrated against the sodium phosphate and diluted until 20 c. c. are equivalent to 50 c. c. of the latter. 1 c. c. = .005 gram P₂O, = .00669 gram PO· Standard Sodium Phosphate Solution. Take 10 085 grams of pure, crystallized, non-effloresced, diso- dium hydrogen phosphate, dried between paper, and dissolve to 1 litre. Check this solution by evaporating 50 c. c. to dryness and igniting. The residue should weigh 1874 gram. 1 c. c. = •1 gram P₂05. • Sodium Acetate Solution. Dissolve 100 grams of the salt in water, add 100 c. c. of pure acetic acid (sp. gr. 1.04), and dilute to 1 litre. Exact quan- tities are not necessary.. 296 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Standard Tannin Solution. Dissolve 2 grams of pure tannin to 1 litre. 1 c. c. = .002 gram tannin. Standard Copper Solution (Fehling). Dissolve 34.64 grams of pure crystallized copper sulphate in water; in another vessel dissolve 173 grams of Rochelle salt in 480 c. c. of soda (sp. gr. 1∙14); mix the two solutions, and make up to 1 litre. 1 c. c. 005 gram C6H12O6. Standard Mercuricum Cyanide Solution (for Sugar). Dissolve 10 grams of mercuricum cyanide in 600 c. c. of water, add 100 c. c. of soda (sp. gr. 1·145), and dilute to 1 litre. 1 c. c. = '04 CH12O6• Standard Mercuricum Nitrate Solution (for Cl in Urine). Dissolve 18.42 grams of the purest red oxide in nitric acid (1·20), evaporate off excess of acid, and dilute to 1 litre. 1 c. c. = ·01 gram NaCl 006065 gram Cl. Standard Mercuricum Nitrate (for Urea). Dis- solve 77.2 grams of red oxide, as before, and dilute to 1 litre. 1 c. c.01 gram urea. Standard Barium Chloride (for Sulphates in Urine). Dissolve 30.5 grams of barium chloride, dried between paper, and dilute to 1 litre. 1 c. c. = '01 gram SO3. 297 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. REAGENTS USED IN WATER ANALYSIS. Nessler's Solution. Take 62.5 grams of KI and dissolve in 250 c. c. of water, reserve about 10 c. c., and then add to the larger portion a solution of HgCl₂ until the precipitate ceases to be dissolved. Now add the 10 c. c. of KI solution, and continue the cautious addition of HgCl, solution until a slight permanent precipitate forms. Then dissolve 150 grams of stick potash in 150 c. c. of distilled water, and when cool add it gradually to the above solution, and dilute the mixture to 1 litre. Standard Ammonium Chloride. Dissolve 1.9107 gram of dry ammonium chloride to 1 litre, then take 100 c. c. of this solution and dilute to 1 litre. 1 c. c. = = ⚫00005 gram N. Or, dissolve 1.5735 gram to 1 litre, and treat as above. 1 c. c. 00005 gram NH¸. · Standard Water for Hardness. Dissolve 2 gram of pure CaCO3 in HCl without loss, and drive off excess of HCI by one or two evaporations. Dissolve to 1 litre. Standard Soap Solution. Take 150 parts of lead plaster (emplast. plumbi) and 40 parts of dry po- tassic carbonate, mix well in a mortar, and then add spirit (methylated) to form a cream; allow to stand for some hours, then throw the mass on to a filter and wash with spirit. The soap solu- tion thus obtained must be diluted with a mixture of one volume of distilled water and two of spirit (considering the soap solution as spirit), until 14.25 c. c. are required to form a permanent lather with 50 c. c. of "Standard Water for Hardness.' >> 298 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CHEMICAL MANIPULATION. To bend Glass Tube.-Heat the tube in the broad flame of an ordinary fish-tail or bat's-wing burner until it begins to bend by its own weight. Then it may easily be bent to the required shape without creasing if removed from the flame. În bending wide tubes (say 5 inch diameter), it is better either to heat a considerable length of them to redness in a charcoal or combustion furnace, and then make the required bend, or to heat succes- sive portions in the large blow-pipe flame, and bend each portion, and so make the bend by degrees. To draw a Piece of Tube out to a Jet.-Heat the glass in the blow-pipe flame, at the point where the jet is required, while slowly turning it round, until it thickens. When it is heated equally all round, withdraw it from the flame and draw it out to the required jet. Next cut off at the middle of the narrow part, and heat the end in the flame for a moment to fuse the sharp edges. To mend a Test-tube.-Test- tubes frequently break at the bottom, and may then be mended as follows:-Fasten a piece of scrap tube on to the broken end by making both soft in the flame, and immediately draw off the test-tube as near as pos- sible to the broken end. The fine point of the blow-pipe flame must then be directed upon the narrowed portion so as to produce an extremely narrowed neck as shown, and the two portions must then be severed by drawing off at the nar- rowed point. This leaves a small lump of glass; to remove this, heat the lump in the flame until 299 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. it is soft, and blow it out to a small bubble at the end of the tube. Now heat the whole end in a large blow-pipe flame, or in the flame of a good Bunsen burner, keeping it turning all the time, until it shrinks-in regularly to a flattened hemisphere. Then blow gently into the tube, when the end expands into a uniformly thin hemi- spherical bottom. The small tubes of hard glass for use in blow-pipe analysis are made in the same way. To cut Glass Tube.-To cut off ordinary quill tubing, nick the tube with the edge of a sharp three-cornered file (if the file is sharp, one stroke across the glass is sufficient), and then placing the thumbs one on each side of the nick give the hands a quick movement as if to bend the tube, which then easily snaps off. Thick, wide tubing is cut by filing a deeper nick into it some distance round, and wrapping it in a towel before attempt- ing to break it. The end of a combustion tube is trimmed by the pincers. The tube is held in the left hand, and the pincers in the right; one of the handles being between the thumb and forefinger, and the other between the two last fingers. By moving the latter handle and at the same time smartly turning the wrist, a nibbling motion is given to the points of the pincers, easily enabling the operator to level the end of the tube, which must afterwards be fused for a moment in the blow- pipe flame. Thin tubes cannot be cut by the file, it is better to lead a crack round them by a hot glass rod. Broken flasks and bottles may often be put to valuable use by cutting them in the same way. A crack is started by the pincers, or by pressing a hot rod upon them, and then touching the heated 300 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. part with the wet finger; this is then led round the vessel in any direction by keeping the end of the hot rod a little in advance of the crack. To grind Glass.-The ends of thick tubes may be ground level upon a stone with turpentine, the addition of sand, or, still better, emery powder increases the action. To fuse a Platinum Wire into a Tube.-Draw out the tube to a narrow jet and insert the clean end of the wire, then heat the end in the flame until the glass shrinks and clasps the wire. Cool slowly. To make a T piece.-The glass for this purpose must be soft; lead glass, however, is not the best. Cut two pieces of the same tube into convenient lengths, and close the end of one. Then heat the closed piece at one point near the middle by the point of the flame. When the spot is well heated, blow out a bubble, and break this by a tap upon the table. This should leave a hole about as large as the diameter of the tube. Now heat the projecting edges of this hole and the end of the second piece of tube in the same flame, keeping the unclosed end of the first tube stopped by the finger. When the glass is hot, bring the end of the second tube and the sides of the hole together, withdraw the glass from the flame and blow gently into the tube. This gives an imper- fectly made joint. Now direct the point of a hot flame upon the joint until the two portions forming the juncture fuse together and shrink in. While the tube is hot, blow in gently to expand the shrunken part; go round the juncture in this way until the line of division disappears. Cool slowly. In the same way two pieces of tube are joined in a straight line, by heating the two ends, bring- 301 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. ing them together, and then going round the joint till it disappears. To clean Vessels.-A mop made by fixing a bit of sponge to the end of a thick wire is very useful in cleaning test-tubes. Care must be taken that no projecting portion of the wire is left to break the bottom of the tube. According to the solu- bility of the substance defiling the vessel to be cleaned, a little common acid or alkali may be used: but in very many cases water alone suffices. Vessels contaminated with substances of the nature of pitch, tar, &c., are cleaned by heating a little strong sulphuric acid in them. To clean evaporating basins, beakers, &c., a little sea sand (which has no sharp edges) or furnace ashes may be used to scour them. Platinum cru- cibles are cleansed by gentle scouring with sea sand and the finger. Sometimes a little acid sulphate of potassium fused in them, will remove obstinate impurities. Aqua regia should never be used to clean platinum. All vessels must finally be rinsed with distilled water. To remove Stoppers that have become fixed.-Heat the neck of the bottle by pouring hot water round it, or by rotating it once quickly in a flame; this expands the neck and allows the stopper to be withdrawn; or tap the stopper gently with some wooden object until it is loose. Sometimes a stopper may be extracted by holding the bottle in the hand, inserting the flat part of the stopper into a crevice of a door, &c., and turning the bottle. Stoppers may often be removed by soaking in hot water or by placing a little oil round them, which after a time sinks in and loosens them. To cleanse Mercury.-Leave the mercury in a flat 302 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. dish with dilute nitric acid, containing nitrate of mercury, and stir occasionally for some hours. Sulphuric acid diluted with twice its weight of water may also be used. For gas analysis, mercury is cleansed and dried by placing it in a funnel tube, stoppered at top and bottom, together with strong sulphuric acid. The mercury is introduced at the top and drawn off at the bottom. It is often advisable to filter mercury through a filter, made by bending a piece of writing paper in the usual way and making a small pin hole at the bottom. Faraday recommends that before being filtered, the mercury should be shaken in a bottle with a little powdered lump sugar, previously slightly damped by breathing several times into the bottle containing it. This removes scum. Faraday's Cap Cement. -This is of great use in a laboratory. It is made by melting together five parts of resin, and one part of yellow beeswax, and then adding one part of venetiau red or red ochre. The cement should be stirred as long as possible while cooling. A soft Cement is made by taking yellow beeswax one part, turpentine one part, and a little venetian red to colour. Linseed Meal is useful as a lute in some cases. Mix up the meal to a paste with water, and apply to the joint. The use of milk, lime water, or weak glue in the preparation of this lute, increases its strength. Cements. A useful cement is made by dissolving the best glue in acetic acid; and for mending glass articles, a good cement is made by mixing white of egg with quick lime into a paste. 303 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. LIST OF NAMES GIVEN IN THE OLDER LANGUAGE OF CHEMISTRY TO VARIOUS COMPOUNDS. Old Name. .. Salt (ammoniacal, fixed) (ammoniacal, secret) of Glauber. (arsenical, neutral) of Macqueer. (bitter, cathartic).. (common) (digestive) of Sylvius (diuretic) (Epsom).. (febrifuge) of Sylvius.. (fusible).. (fusible) of urine Glauber's) (marine).. (marine, argillaceous) (microcosmic) (nitrous ammoniacal) "" "" ******** "" "" " "" "" >> " "" "" " "" "" ور "" " "" "" "" 19 "" "" "" 99 " "" "" 39 " "" "" of amber.. of benzoin of canal. "" ·· .. .. ·· of tartar of vitriol.. of wisdom .. ·· ·· of colcothar of egra of lemons (essential) of saturn of sedlitz of seignette of soda of sorrel ·· • ·· (perlate).. "" ,, (polychrest) of Glaser "" ·· ·· ·· ·· • .. •• •• ·· •• .. •• ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· (sedative) (spirit of) (sulphureous) of Stahl.. (wonderful) (wonderful, perlate) .. ·· .. ·· .. Modern Name. Calcium chloride. Ammonium sulphate. Potassium hydrogen arsenate. Magnesium sulphate. Sodium chloride. Potassium acetate. Potassium acetate. Magnesium sulphate. Potassium chloride. Ammonium phosphate. Sodium ammonium phosphate. Sodium sulphate. Sodium chloride. Aluminium chloride. Sodium ammonium phosphate. Ammonium nitrate. Succinic acid. Benzoic acid. Magnesium sulphate. Ferrosum sulphate. Magnesium sulphate. Potassium hydrogen oxalate. Lead acetate. Magnesium sulphate. Sodium potassium tartrate. Sodium carbonate. Potassium hydrogen oxalate. Potassium carbonate. Zinc sulphate. Ammonio-mercury chloride. Disodium phosphate. Potassium sulphate. Boric acid. Hydrochloric acid. Potassium sulphite. Sodium sulphate. Disodium phosphate. 304 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. GLOSSARY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MINERALS, GIVING THE FORMULÆ, HARDNESS, SPECIFIC Gravity, and BEHAVIOUR WITH ACIDS. I insoluble in or unaffected by acids; S soluble in or decomposed by acids. * Formula, Name. I Albite Al2O3.3SiO2+ Na20.3SiO2 RO.R2O3.4SOg.24H2O C10H8O S Alum S Amber I Andalusite Al2O3.3SiO2 + Na2O.SiO2+2H20 S Analcime.. Al2O3.SiO2 PbO.S03 CaO.SO3 Al2O3.SiO2+CaO.SiO2 C, H, N, O, &c. Ag₂S CaO CO, C, H, N, O, &c. (Ca.Mg.Fe) O.SiO2 (A1.B)203 +2(Ca. Fe)0.SiO2 3Cu0.2CO2 + H2O BaO.SOg S Azurite 1 Barytes I Beryl.. Al2O3.3SiO2+3(G10.SiO2) Al2O3. SiO2+3(Mg. K2. Fe)0.SiO2 S Biotite Bitumen CH2 Na20.2B203+10H20 S Borax S Anglesite.. I Anhydrite S Anorthite. Anthracite S Argentite.. S Arragonite - Asphaltum Calga 1 Augite I Axinite ·· ·· .. • • •• .. ·· .. ·· .. · .. .. ·· .. .. ·· Hard- ness. 6 2-2.5 2-2.5 Specific Gravity. 5.5 7-7.5 3 2.6-2.67 Triclin. 1.75-1.9 Tess. 1.0-1.1 Irreg. 2.1-2.25 Tess. 3.1-3.2 Rhomb. 6.2-6.35 Rhomb. 2.8-3.0 Rhomb. 2.7-2.76 Triclin. 1.4-1.7 Irreg. 2-2.5 7.0-7.4 Tess. 3-3.5 6 2-2.5 3.5-4.0 2.9-3.0 2 1·1−1·2 3.0-3.5 5-6 6.5-7 3.2-3.3 3.5-4.2 3.7-3.8 3-3.5 4.3-4.7 7.5-8 2.6-2.8 2.5-3 2.85-2.9 Crystalline System. Rhomb. Irreg. Monoclin. Triclin. Monoclin. Rhomb. Hexag. Hexag. ⚫7-'9 Liquid. 2-2.5 1.7-1.8 Monoclin. GLOSSARY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MINERALS-continued. I insoluble in or unaffected by acids; S soluble in or decomposed by acids. ** Formula. 3Cu2S. Fe2S3 C, H, N, O, &c. 2A1208.P205+5H2O CaO.CO SnO2 Sr0.S03 PbO.CO₂ 2(2RO.SiO2)+Al2O3.3H20 (Fe.Mg)0.(Cr. Al)203 2(Mg. Fe)0.SiO2 K2O, Al2O3. H,O, Fe,Ös, CaO, SiO2, &c. COS + CoAs 2Al2O3.3SiO2+2(MgO.SiO2) Al203 Cu 20 Al2O3.SiO2 CuO.SO3+5H20 CaAO.B,Os+CaO.2SiO2+H20 с CaO.CO,+MgO.CO, Name. S Bornite Brown coal S Calaite S Calcite I Cassiterite I Celestine S Cerussite S Chlorite I Chromite S Chrysolite Clay ·· • S Cuprite I Cyanite S Cyanose S Datholite I Diamond S Dolomite .. ·· .. ·· S Cobaltinė I Cordierite. I Corundum ·· ·· ·· .. .. •• ·· .. .. ·· .. ·· •• • • .. ·· Hard- ness. .. 3 Specific Gravity. 4.9-5.1 •5-1.5 6 2.6-2.8 3 2.6-2.8 6-7 Tetrag. 6.8-7.0 3.9-4.0 Rhomb. 3-3.5 3-3.5 6.4-6.6 Rhomb. 1-1.5 2.78-2.96 Hexag. 5.5 4.4-4.5 T'esseral. Rhombic. 6.5-7 3.3-3.5 1.8-2.7 Irreg. Crystalline System, 5.5 7-7.5 9 3.5-4 -5-7 T'ess. Irreg. Irreg. Hexag., Rhombo. 6.0-6.3 2.5-2.7 3.9-4.2 5.7-6.0 3.5-3.7 2.5 2.2-2.3 5-5.5 2.9-3.0 10 3.5-3.6 Tess. 3.5-4.5 2·85-2.95 Hex., Rhombo. Tess. Rhomb. Hex., Rhombo. Tess. Triclin. Triclin. Monoclin. X 306 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. GLOSSARY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MINERALS-continued. I insoluble in or unaffected by acids; S-soluble in or decomposed by acids. - Formula. Al2O3.3SiO2+3(G10.SiO2) MgO(FeO).SiO2 3(Al2O3.SiO2+CaO.SiO2)+ CuO.H2O 3C00.As20g+8H2O CaF2 Al2O3, (Fe, Mg, Ca, H,)O, SiO2, &c. PbS 2ZnO.SiO2+H2O 3(Mg.Ca)0.2SiO2 + (Al. Fe)2 Og.SiO2 ZnO.SO3+7H20 Fe2O3. H2O (Mg. Fe, Ca)O.SiO2 6(2RO.SiO2)+2A1203.3SiO2 FeO.TiO2+xFe2O3 Name. I Emerald I Enstatite S Epidote - ·· ·· S Erythrine.. S Fluorite S Galena S Galmei S Garnet .. ·· Fullers' earth ·· S Goslarite S Götheite I Graphite S Harmotome BaO. Al2O3+5(H20.SiO2) 2(Al2O3.SiO2 + Na2O.SiO2)+ S Hauyne CaO.SO3 Al2O3.3SiO2+CaO.3SiO2+5H20 S Heulandite I Hornblende S Idocrase S llmenite .. ·· ·· ·· ·· .. • •• • .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· .. ·· .. Hard- Specific ness. Gravity. 7·5-8·0 2·6-2·8 Hexag. 4.5-5.5 3.1-3.3 Rhomb. Monoclin. 6-7 3.2-3.5 Crystalline System. Monoclin. 4 1.5-2.5 2.9-3.0 3.1-3.2 T'ess. 1-1.5 1.8-2.0 Irreg. 7.2-7.6 Tess. 3.3-3.5 Rhomb. 2.5 5 6.5-7.5 3.5-4.3 Tess. 2-2.5 2-2.1 5-5.5 3.8-4.4 •5-1 1.9-2.2 4.5 2.3-2.5 5-5.5 2.4-2.5 3.5-4 .5-6 6.5 5-6 Rhomb. Rhomb. Hexag. or Monocl. Rhomb. Tess. 2.1-2.2 Monoclin. 2.9-3.4 Monoclin. 3.35-3.45 Tetrag. 4.3-5.0 Hex., Rhombo. 307 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. GLOSSARY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MINERALS-continued. I insoluble in or unaffected by acids; S soluble in or decomposed by acids. =*** Formula, Name. S Kaolin H2O. Al2O3+H20.2SiO2 A1203.2SiO2+RO.SiO2 S Labradorite SiO2, SO3,CaO, Al2O3, Na₂Ő, &c. S Lapis-lazuli Al2O3.SiO2+Li20.SiO2 Al2O3.3SiO2+K₂O.SiO2 FeAs S Lepidolite.. S Leucite ·· S Leucopyrite Fe2O3.SiO2+3(2RO.SiO2)+ H2O S Lievrite FeO.Fe203 (CuO.H2O+CuO.CO₂) FeO.SOg+7H20 3(3PbO. As205)+PbCl2 FeS2+FeAs2 MOS S Magnetite S Malachite.. S Melanterite S Mimetesite Al2O3.SiO2+K20.SiO2 Na2O.CO2+10H20 Al2O3.2SiO2 + RO.SiO2 K20.Ñ205 Al2O3, MgO, K20, Na2O, SiO2, &c. 2(Al2O3.3SiO2)+2(Na20. CaO). 3SiO 2 S Mispickel.. S Molybdenite I Muscovite A1203.2SiO2+ Na20.SiO2+2H20 S Natrolite. S Natron S Nepheline S Nitre I Obsidian I Oligoclase.. .. .. .. .. •• ·· ·· ·· ·· •• .. ·· •• • • ·· .. • ·· ·· ·· Hard- ness. 1 6 Specific Gravity. 2.2 Irreg. 2.6-2.74 Triclin. 2.3-2.42 Tess. 5.5 2-3 2.5-3.0 Monocl., Rhomb. 5.5-6 2.4-2.5 5-5.5 7.0~7.4 5.5-6 3.9-4.2 5.5-6.5 4.9-5.2 3.5-4 3.6-4.0 Monoclin. 2 1.8-1.9 Monoclin. 3.5-4.07.19-7.25 Hexag. 5.5-6.0 6.0-6.2 Rhomb. 1-1.5 4.6-4.9 Hexag. 2-3 2.8-3.1 Rhomb. 5-5.5 2.17-2.26 Rhomb. 1-1.5 1.4-1.5 Monoclin. 5.5-6 2.58-2.64 Hexag. 2 1.9-2.0 Rhomb. 2.2-2.6 Irreg. 2.64-2.68 Triclin. 6-7 6 Crystalline System. Tess. Rhomb. Rhomb. Tess. x 2 308 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. GLOSSARY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MINERALS—continued. I insoluble in or unaffected by acids; S soluble in or decomposed by acids. Formula. 3 Ag2S. As2Sg Al2O3, MgO, K20, Na2O, SiO2, &c. FeS2 3(3PbO.P205)+PbCl 2 5 FeS.Fe2S3 SiO 2 AsS Name. TiO2 NHẠC B2O3 + 3H20 ČaŎ.WO3 Al2O3.2SiO2+CaO.SiO2+3H20 3Mg0.2SiO2+2H20 FeO.CO₂ CoAs2 2 S Olivenite •• I Opal I Orthoclase I Pitchstone ·· 4CuO. As205+H2O SiO2.3H20 Al2O3.3SiO2+K20.3SiO2 Al2O3, (Ca.Fe. Mg. Na2)O, Fe2O3, SiO2, &c. Al2O3.SiO2+2(CaO.SiO2)+H20 S Prehnite S Proustite I Pumice 5 S Pyrites 2.2 Irreg. 6-6.5 4.9-5.2 S Pyromorphite 3.5-4.0 6.9-7.0 S Pyrrhotine 13.5-4.5 4.5-4.6 I Quartz Tess. Hexag. Hexag. 2.5-2.8 7 1.5-2 3.4-3.6 Hexag. Monoclin. S Realgar I Rutile 6-6.5 4.2-4.3 1.5-1.6 S Sal-ammoniac 1.5-2 1 1.4-1.5 S Sassoline S Scheelite 4-4.5 5.9-6.2 S Scolezite 5-5.5 2.2-2.3 S Serpentine 3-3.5 2.5-2.7 S Siderite S Smaltine 13.5-4.5 3.7-3.9 Hex., Rhombo. 5.5 6.4-7.3 Tess. •• ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· •• ·· .. ·· .. ·· • ·· Hard- Specific ness. Gravity. ·· Crystalline System. 3 4.1-4.6 Rhomb. 5.5-6.5 2-2.2 Irreg. 6 2.53-2.58 Monoclin. 5.5-6.0 2.2-2.3 Irreg. 6-7 2.8-3.0 5.5-5.6 Rhomb. Rhombo. Tetrag. Tess. Triclin. Tetrag. Monoclin. 309 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. GLOSSARY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MINERALS-continued. I insoluble in or unaffected by acids; S soluble in or decomposed by acids. Sport Formula. ZnO.CO2 ZnS S Smithsonite S Sphalerite.. CaO.2SiO,+CaO.2TiO2 MgÖ. A120g S Sphene I Spinel (AL. Fe)20g.SiO2+(Fe. Mg)0.SiO2 S Staurolite Al2O3.3SiO2+CaO.3SiO2+6H20 S Stilbite SrO.CO2 S S Strontianite S Sulphur I Talc .. S Tetrahedrite S Thenardite S Thomsonite I Topaz I Tourmaline 3(MgO.SiO2)+H2O.SiO2 4(Cu2. Ag, Fe, Zn, Hg)S.Sb2S3 Na2O.S03 RAI2S208+5H20 5(Al2O3.SiO2)+Al2F6.SiF. B2O3, MgO, CaO, (Na. K) 20, SiO2, Name. &c. 3FeO.P205+8H₂O Mn(Ca. Ba. K2)0. Mn2O3 + 3H20 3A1208.2P20+12H20 BaO.CO, FeO.MnO.WO3 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· S Vivianite.. S Wad.. S Wavellite.. S Witherite.. S Wolfram .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· •• .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. .. Hard- Specific ness. Gravity. 5 3.3-3.5 3.5-4 3.9-4.2 5-5.5 3.4-3.6 8 3.4-4.1 7 3.5-3.8 3.5-4 2.1-2.2 3.5 3.6-3.8 1.5-2.5 1.9-2.1 1 2.6-2.8 3-4 2.5 5-5.5 8 6.5-7.5 2 23 4.5-5.2 2.6-2.7 2.3-2.4 3.4-3.6 3-3.3 3 Crystalline System. Rhomb. 'Tess. and Tetra. Monoclin. Tess. Rhomb. Rhomb. Monoclin. 2.6-2.7 2·3-3·7 Irreg. 3.5-4 2.3-2.5 Rhomb. 3-3.5 4.2-4.3 5-5.5 7.1-7.5 Rhomb. Monoclin. Rhomb. Rhomb. Rhomb. or Monocl. Tess. and Tetrahed. Rhomb. Rhomb. Rhomb. Rhombo. 310 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 400 grains of Ore give Grains of Metal. Weight of Metal in a Ton of Ore. cwts. qrs. lbs. 60 3 0 0 61 3 0 5 62 3 0 63 3 0 64 3 0 65 3 1 0 66 3 1 5 67 3 1 11 68 3 1 16 69 3 1 22 70 3 2 0 5 71 3 2 72 3 2 11 73 3 2 16 74 3 2 22 2 75 3 3 0 5 11 16 76 3 3 77 3 3 78 3 3 79 3 3 22 80 4 0 0 81 4 0 82 4 0 83 4 0 16 84 4 0 22 85 4 1 5 11 86 4 1 87 4 1 88 4 1 89 4 1 90 4 2 91 4 2 92 4 2 11 16 22 0 5 11 16 22 0 5 11 ASSAY TABLE FOR LEAD Ores. 400 grains of Ore give Grains of Metal. Weight of Metal in a Ton of Ore. 11 16 22 cwts. qrs. lbs. cwts. qrs. lbs. 126 6 1 93 4 2 16 94 4 2 22 127 6 1 95 4 3 0 128 6 1 96 4 3 5129 6 1 97 4 3 130 6 2 98 4 3 131 6 2 99 4 3 132 6 2. 100 5 0 133 6 2 101 5 0 134 6 2 102 5 0 11 135 6 3 103 5 0 16 136 6 3 104 5 0 22 137 6 3 0 138 6 3 5139 6 3 105 5 1 106 5 1 107 5 1 108 5 1 11 140 7 0 16 141 7 0 5 109 5 1 22 142 7 0 11 110 5 2 0 0 16 111 5 2 5 0 0 22 112 5 2 11 1 0 113 5 2 16 1 5 22 1 11 114 5 2 115 5 3 0 116 5 3 5 16 22 117 5 3 11 118 5 3 16 119 5 3 22 120 6 0 0 121 6 0 5 122 6 0 123 6 0 124 6 0 125 6 1 0 5 400 grains of Ore give Grains of Metal. 11 16 22 0 Weight of Metal in a Ton of Ore. 143 7 144 7 145 7 146 7 147 148 7 149 7 150 7 1 1 2 151 7 2 152 7 2 153 7 2 154 7 155 7 3 156 7 3 157 7 3 158 7 3 or a 11 16 22 0 5 11 16 22 22 0 5 11 16 22 5159 7 0 5 11 16 2 22 400 grains of Ore give Grains of Metal. Weight of Metal in a Ton of Ore. cwts. qrs. lbs. 3 22 0 0 11 16 160 8 161 8 162 8 163 8 164 8 165 8 166 8 0 0 0 1 1 0 188 9 5189 9 190 9 178 8 3 179 8 3 0 0 0 5 11 ONOPHON 16 167 8 167 8 1 168 8 1 169 8 1 170 8 2 0 171 8 2 5 172 8 2 2 0173 8 174 8 2 175 8 3 176 8 3 177 8 3 22 0 5 11 16 22 11 16 22 0 5 11 16 22 0 5 180 9 181 9 182 9 0 11 183) 9 0 16 184 9 0 22 185 9 1 0 1 5 186 9 187 9 1 1 1 1 2 191 9 2 11 16 22 0 5 311 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. 400 grains of Ore give Grains of Metal. Weight of Metal in a Ton of Ore. ASSAY TABLE FOR LEAD ORES-Continued. cwts. qrs. lbs. 9 9 2223 ཊྛའུ; 192 193 194 9 2 22 195 9 196 9 3 197 9 3 11 198 9 3 16 199 9 3 22 200 10 0 0 201 10 0 5 202 10 0 11 203 10 0 16 204 10 0 22 205 10 1 0 206 10 1 5 207 10 1 208 10 1 209 10 1 210 10 211 10 212 10 21310 214 10 215 10 216 10 16 0 5 11 16 22 0 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 217 10 3 11 218 10 3 16 219 10 3 22 220 11 0 0 221 11 0 5 222 11 0 11 223 11 0 16 0 22 224 (11 11 16 22 0 5 400 grains of Ore give Grains of Metal. Weight of Metal in a Ton of Ore. cwts. qrs. lbs. 225 11 1 226 11 1 227 11 1 228 11 1 229 11 1 230 11 2 231 11 2 232 11 2 233 11 2 234 11 2 235 11 3 236 11 3 237 11 3 238 11 3 239 11 3 240 12 0 241 12 0 242 12 0 243 12 0 244 12 0 245 12 1 246 12 1 247 12 1 248 12 1 249 12 1 250 12 2 251 12 2 252 12 2 2 253 12 2 254 12 2 255 12 3 256 12 3 257 12 3 5 11 16 025812 259 12 260 13 261 13 2226213 0 26313 526413 11 265 13 16266 13 2226713 268 13 269 13 270 13 0 5 11 16 400 grains of Ore give Grains of Metal. 0 Weight of Metal in a Ton of Ore. 11 16 22 0 5 11 cwis. qrs. lbs. 3 16 3 0 0 0 276 13 2227713 278 13 527913 280 14 281 14 28214 283 14 28414 285 14 1628614 22287 14 028814 289 14 290 14 5 11 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 27113 2 5 2227213 2 11 027313 2 16 5 27413 2 27513 3 22 22 11 16 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 11 1 16 1 22 2 0 0 5 11 16 22 0 291/14 22292|14 293 14 294 14 295 14 11 16 22 400 grains of Ore give Grains of Metal. Weight of Metal in a Ton of Ore. 296 14 297 14 298 14 5299 14 300 15 301 15 302 15 030315 |304|15 305 15 306 15 307 15 0308 15 5309 15 cwts. qrs. lbs. 2 5 2 11 2 16 2 22 3 3 3 11 3 16 11 16 22 1 1 2 0 310 15 31115 2 5 2 16 31215 2 11 0313 15 531415 315 15 2 22 11 3 0 16 316 15 3 5 22 2231715 3 11 3 16 3 22 0 0 0 5 0 11 0 16 0 31815 0 5 531915 320 16 32116 322 16 323 16 3 22 0 0 0 5 0 11 0 16 0 22 1 0 1 5 1 11 16 22 312 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE WEIGHT OF SILVER TO THE TON OF ORE, CORRESPONDING TO THE WEIGHT IN GRAINS OBTAINED FROM 400 GRAINS OF MINERAL. If 400 grains of Ore give Fine Metal. ·001 ⚫002 ⚫003 ⚫004 ⚫005 ·006 ⚫007 ⚫008 ⚫009 ⚫010 ⚫020 ⚫030 ⚫040 ·050 ⚫060 • 070 ·080 ·090 •100 1 Ton of Ore will Yield. oz. dwts. grs. 0 1 15 036 0 4 21 0 6 12 084 0 9 19 0 11 10 0 13 1 0 14 16 0 16 8 1 12 16 29 0 3 5 8 4 1 16 4 18 0 5 14 8 6 10 16 7 8 7 7 0 838 If 400 grains of Ore give Fine Metal. • 200 • 300 •400 • 500 • 600 ⚫700 ⚫800 ⚫900 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 1 Ton of Ore will Yield. oz. dwts. grs. 16 6 16 24 10 0 32 13 8 40 16 16 49 0 0 57 3 8 65 6 16 73 10 0 81 13 8 163 6 16 245 0 0 326 13 8 408 6 16 490 0 0 571 13 8 653 6 16 735 0 0 816 13 8 313 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. WEIGHT OF SILVER TO THE TON OF LEAD ORE CORRESPONDING TO THE WEIGHT THE WEIGHT IN GRAINS OBTAINED FROM AN ASSAY ON 1 oz. OF MINERAL. Grs. Oz. Dwts. Grains. • ·001 ·002 ·003 · • 004 005 ⚫006 ·007 ·008 ⚫009 •010 ·020 1 9 ·030 2 4 ·040 2 19 050 3 14 060 4 9 ·070 5 4 080 5 19 ·090 6 14 ·100 7 9 · 200 14 18 .300 22 8 ·400 29 17 •500 37 6 • • .. ·· • ·· 1 11.840 2 23.680 4 11 520 5 23.360 7 11.200 8 23.040 • 600 44 16 ⚫700 52 5 •800 59 14 ⚫900 67 4 1.000 74 13 2.000 149 6 0 3.000 224 4.000 298 13 5.000 373 6 6.000 448 0 7.000 522 13 8.000 597 6 9.000 672 0 10.000 746 13 6 20.000 1493 30.000 2240 40.000 2986 13 0 11.200 9.600 50 000 3733 6 • 8.000 60.000 4480 0 16.000 70·000 5226 13 0.000 80.000 5973 6 90.000 6720 0 8.000 16 000 100 000 7466 13 • 10 10.880 11 22.720 13 10.560 14 22 400 • 20 800 • 19.200 17.600 16.000 14 400 12 800 · • Grs. Oz. Dwts. Grains. [ • 0.000 8.000 16.000 0.000 8.000 16.000 0.000 8.000 16.000 0.000 8.000 16.000 0.000 8.000 16.000 0.000 8.000 16.000 0.000 8.000 16.000 0.000 8.000 314 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CONVERSION OF CARATS INTO DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS. Carats. Decimal Equivalent. Carat Grains. Decimal Equivalent. 1234 LOGO∞ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 41.667 88.333 125.000 166.667 208.333 250.000 291.667 333.333 375.000 416.667 458.222 500.000 541.667 583.333 625.000 666.667 708.333 750.000 791.667 833.333 875.000 916.667 958.222 1000.000 1234 Eighths. 1234 BOT∞ 5 6 7 8 1234O77 5 Excess Grains. Decimal Equivalent. 6 10.417 20.833 31.250 41.667 7.5 Decimal Equivalent. 1.302 2.604 3.906 5.208 6.510 7.812 9.115 10.417 0.174 0.347 0.521 0.694 0.868 1.042 1.215 1.302 315 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF LEAD NECES- SARY FOR THE FOR THE CUPELLATION OF ALLOYS OF SILVER AND COPPER. Silver in Thou- sandths. 1000 950 900 800 700 600 Lead to be added to 1 gram of Alloy. True Value. 0.3 gram 3 grams 7 10 12 14 "" Value by Cupella- tion. "" 39 10 Differ- ences. Silver in Thou- sandths. TABLE SHOWING THE CORRECTIONS TO BE APPLIED IN DETERMINATIONS OF SILVER BY CUPELLA- TION OF ALLOYS OF SILVER AND COPPER. 1000 998.97 1.03 950 947.50 2.50 900 896.60 4.00 850 845.85 4.15 800 795.70 4.30 750 745.48 4.52 700 695.25 4.75 650 645.29 4.71 500 400 300 200 100 True Value. Lead to be added to 1 gram of Alloy. 600 550 500 400 300 200 100 16 to 17 grams. Value by Cupella- tion. Differ- ences. 595.32 4.68 545.32 4.68 495.32 4.68 396.05 3.95 297.40 2.60 197.47 2.53 99.12 .88 316 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE CORRECTIONS TO BE APPLIED IN DETERMINATIONS OF GOLD BY CUPELLATION. Gold Gold (True Value in (Value Thou- sandths). Found). 900 900 900 25 800.50 800 700 700.00 600 600.00 500 499.50 Value in Gold in Thou- sandths. 1000 900 800 700 600 Differ- ences. + - TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF LEAD NECES- SARY FOR THE CUPELLATION OF ALLOYS OF GOLD AND COPPER. Quantity of Lead necessary to remove the Copper. 25 400 399.50 ⚫50 300 299.50 ·00 200 199.50 ⚫00 100 99.50 •50 1 part 10 parts 16 "" 22 24 "" Gold (True Gold Value in (Value Thou- Found). sandths). "" Value in Gold in Thou- sandths. 500 400 300 200 100 Differ- ences. - ·50 •50 •50 •50 34 Quantity of Lead necessary to remove the Copper. 26 parts "" 317 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. URE'S TABLE, SHOWING THE PERCENTAGE AMOUNTS OF METHYL ALCOHOL (WOOD SPIRIT) OF SPE- CIFIC GRAVITY 8136 IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS AT 15.5° C. Specific Gravity. • 8136 100.00 .8216 98.00 8256 96 11 8320 • • • 64.10 61.10 94.34 58.00 .8384 92.22 55.50 ·8418 90.90 52.50 ·8470 89.30 49.70 .8514 87.72 47.40 8561 86.20 46.60 .8596 81.75 42.20 8642 83.33 39.90 8674 82.00 37.10 .8712 80.64 35.00 •8742 79.36 32.70 8784 78.13 30.00 ·8820 77.00 27.90 ·8842 75.76 26.00 8876 74.63 24.30 .8918 73.53 22.20 ·8930 72.46 20.60 8950 71·43 18.30 16.16 •8984 70.42 ·9008 69.44 15.30 • • • • Real Spirit per cent. • • Over Excise Proof. Specific Gravity. • •9032 68.50 13.10 9060 67.56 11.40 ⚫9070 66.66 9.30 9116 65.00 7.10 9154 63.30 4.20 9184 61 73 2.10 • • ·9218 60.24 9248 58.82 .9266 57.73 9296 56.18 9344 53.70 9386 51 84 50.00 9414 .9448 47.62 9484 46.00 9518 43.48 .9540 41.66 9564 40.00 9584 38.46 9600 37 11 •9620 35 71 • • • • • • Real Spirit per cent. • • Over Excise Proof. · Under Proof. .60 2.50 4.00 7.00 11.00 15.30 17.80 20.80 25.10 28.80 31.90 31.20 35.60 38.10 40.60 318 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. DEVILLE'S TABLE, SHOWING THE PERCENTAGE AMOUNTS OF METHYL ALCOHOL (WOOD SPIRIT) IN SOLUTIONS AT 10° C. Methyl Alcohol. 100 90 80 70 60 50 Volume of Alcohol. Specific Gravity. 100 Volumes of Spirit contain at 59° Fahr. (15° C.). 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 • 8070 • 8371 ⚫8619 ⚫8873 •9072 •9232 65 60 55 50 TABLE SHOWING THE VOLUMES OF ALCOHOL AND WATER REQUIRED TO MAKE 100 VOLUMES. Volume of Water. 0.00 6.18 11.94 17.47 22.87 28.19 33.14 Methyl Alcohol. 38.615 43.73 48.77 53.745 40 30 20 10 5 Volume of Alcohol. Specific Gravity. 100 Volumes of Spirit contain at 59° Fahr. (15° C.). 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 • 9429 ⚫9576 ⚫9709 ⚫9751 •9857 5 0 Volume of Water. 58.64 63.44 68.14 72.72 77.24 81.72 86.20 90.72 95.31 100.00 319 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE BY LOWITZ, GIVING THE PER CENT. OF ABSOLUTE ALCOHOL BY WEIGHT, FROM THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 68° FAHR. (20° C.). Per cent. of Alcohol by Weight. 100 - 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 28898 Specific Gravity at 68°. 791 794 797 800 803 805 808 811 813 816 818 821 823 826 828 831 834 836 839 842 844 847 849 851 853 856 859 861 863 866 868 870 872 875 Per cent. of Alcohol by Weight. 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 83333 35 34 Specific Gravity at 68°. 877 880 882 885 887 889 892 894 896 899 901 903 905 907 909 912 914 917 919 921 923 925 927 930 932 934 936 938 940 942 944 946 948 950 Per cent. Specific Gravity at 68°. of Alcohol by Weight. 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 6 5 4321O 0 952 954 956 957 959 961 963 965 966 968 970 971 973 974 976 977 978 980 981 983 985 986 987 988 989 991 992 994 995 997 998 999 1000 320 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE OF THE PROPORTION BY WEIGHT OF REAL OR ABSO- LUTE ALCOHOL CONTAINED IN 100 PARTS OF SPIRITS OF DIFFERENT SPECIFIC GRAVITIES, AT THE TEMPERATURE OF 60° FAHR. Specific Gravity. .9991 •9981 ⚫9965 •9947 •9930 ⚫9914 •9898 .9884 .9869 •9855 ⚫9841 ⚫9828 .9815 •9802 .9789 •9778 .9766 ⚫9753 ⚫9741 •9728 .9716 •9704 .9691 .9678 ⚫9665 .9652 ⚫9638 .9623 •9609 ⚫9593 .9578 ⚫9560 ⚫9544 ⚫9528 Per Cent- age of Alcohol. 01234 0.5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Specific Gravity. ⚫9511 ⚫9490 ⚫9470 ⚫9452 ⚫9434 ⚫9416 ⚫9396 •9376 ⚫9356 ⚫9335 ⚫9314 ⚫9292 •9270 ⚫9249 .9223 ⚫9206 .9184 ⚫9160 ⚫9135 ⚫9113 ⚫9090 ⚫9069 ⚫9047 ⚫9025 ⚫9001 ⚫8979 ⚫8956 ⚫8932 •8908 • 8886 ⚫8863 ⚫8840 • 8816 ⚫8793 Per Cent- age of Alcohol. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Specific Gravity. .8769 .8745 • 8721 ⚫8696 .8672 • 8649 • 8625 ⚫8603 •8581 ⚫8557 • 8533 •8508 ⚫8483 *8459 • 8434 • 8408 • 8382 ⚫8357 • 8331 ⚫8305 ⚫8279 • 8254 • 8228 ⚫8199 •8172 ⚫8145 •8118 .8089 ·8061 • 8031 • 8001 .7969 ⚫7938 Per Cent- age of Alcohol. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 $9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 321 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE OF COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PER CENT. OF ALCOHOL BY VOLUME AT 60° FAHR.- TRALLES'-AND PER CENT. BY WEIGHT. Per cent. By Volume. By Weight. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 SO 85 90 95 100 0. 4.00 8.05 12.15 16.28 20.46 21.69 28.99 33.39 37.90 42.52 47.29 52.20 57.25 62.51 67.93 73.59 79.50 85.75 92.46 100.00 Per cent. By Weight. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 By Volume. 0. 6.25 14·42 18.52 24.57 30.55 36.45 42.25 47.92 53.43 58.79 63.97 68.97 73.79 78.40 82.80 86.97 90.88 94.46 97.61 100.00 Y 322 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Desired Strength in per cent. HAKKORINO& 85 80 75 70 65 90 TABLE FOR THE DILUTION OF ALCOHOL. 85 • 100 volumes of Alcohol of per cent. by vol. • 80 • 75 6.56 13.79 6.83 21.89 14.48 *7.20 31.05 23.14 15.35 7.64 41.53 33.03 24.66 16.37 8.15 53 65 44.48 35 44 26.47 17.58 • • 8.76 67.87 57.90 48 07 38.32 28.63 19.02 70 • require volumes of water. 65 60 55 9.47 50 84.71 73.90 63 04 52.43 41.73 31.25 20 47 10.35 · 45 105.34 93.30 81.38 • 40 • · 35 • • 30 69 54 57.78 46.09 34.46 22.90 11·41 130 80 117 34 104.01 90-76 77-58 64.48 51.43 38.46 25.55 163.28 148.01 132.88 117 82 102 84 87.93 73.08 58.31 43.59 206 22 188 57 171·05 153·61 136·04 118 94 101.71 84.54 84.54 67.45 266 12 245 15 224 30 203 53 182 83 162 21 141 65 121 16 100.73 355·80,329 84 304 01 278 26 252·58 226.98 201·43 175·96 150.55 505 27 471.00 436·85,402 81 368 83 334 91 301 07 267·29 233.64 804 54 753 65 702·89 652.21 601 • • • 25 1 • 20 • • · 15 • • • • 10 60 551 06500 59,450 19 399.85 • • • 60 • • 55 • 50 323 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AND PER CENTS. OF ALCOHOL OVER PROOF at 60° Fahr. J 8160 66.8 8163 66 6 8167 66.5 8170 66.3 8174 66.1 8178 65.9 8181 65 8 8185 65 6 8188 65.5 8192 65.3. 8196 65.1 8199 65.0 1 8203 64.8 8206 64 7 8210 64.5 8214 64.3 8218 64.1 8221 64.0 8224 63.8 8227.63.6 I 0.8156 67 0 0.8273 61.3 0.8390 55.3 0.8503 48.9 8506 48.7 8510 48.5 8513 48.3 8516 48.0 8520 47.8 852347.6 8527 47.4 853047-2 8533 47.0 853746.8 8540 46 6 8543 46 4 8547 46.2 8550 46.0 8553 45.8 8556 45.6 • 8560 45 4 856345.2 8566 45.0 8570 44.8 8573 44.6 8577 44.4 • 8581 44.2 8583 43 91 8587 43-7 8590 43.5 8594 43.3 8597 43.1 8601 42.8 8604 42.6 8608 42.4 8611 42.2 I 8231 63.4 8234 63.2 8238 63.1 8242 62.9 8245 62.7 8249 62.5 8252 62.3 8256 62.2 8259 62.0 8263 61.8: 8266 61.6 8270 61.4 I 8277 61 1 8280 60 9! 8284 60 7 8287 60.5 8291.60 4 • 8294 60.2 8298 60.0 8301 59 8 • 8305 59 6 8308 59.5 8312 59 3 8315 59.1 8319 58.9 8322 58.7 8326 58.6 • 8329 58.4 8333 58 2 8336 58.0 8340 57.8 8344 57.7 8347 57.5 8351 57.3 8354 57.1 8358 56.9 8362 56.8] 8365 56 6 8369 56.4 8372 56 2 8376 56.0 8379'55.9 8383 55.7 8386 55 5 ! 8393 55 1: 8396 55.0' 8400 54 8! 8403 54.6 8407 54.4 8410 54.2 8413 54 1 8417 53.9 8420 53.7 8424 53 5 8427 53.3! 8431 53 1 8434 52.9 8438 52.7 8441 52.5 8445 52.3 8448 52.1 8452 51.9 8455 51 7 8459 51.5 8462 51.3 8465 51.1 8469 50.9 847250 7 8476 50.5 8480 50 3 8482 50.1 8486 49 9 8490 49.7 8493 49 5 8496 49 3 8499 49.1 Per cent. over Proof. ! Specific Gravity. Per cent. over Proof. 0.8615 42.0 8618 41.7 8622 41.5 8625 41.3 8629 41.1 8632 40.9 8636 40.6 • 8639 40 4 8643 40.2 8646 40.0 8650 39.8 8653 39.6 8657 39.3 8660 39.1 8664 38.9 8667 38.7 8671 38.4 8674 38.2 8678 38.0 8681 37.8 8685 37.6 868837.3 8692 37.1 8695 36.9 8699.36.7 8702 36.4 8706 36.2 8709:35.9 8713 35.7 8716 35.5 872035.2 8723 35.0 8727: 34.7 Y 2 324 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE SPECIFIC GRAVITIES, &C.- continued. 0.8730 34.5 0.8850 26 3 0.8974 17.5 0.9100 8.0 0.9222 · 8734 34.3 8977 17-2 9104 7.7 9107 7.4 9111 7.1 8981 16.9 8985/16.6 8989 16 4 8992 16.1 8996 15.9 9115 6.8 9118 6.5 9122 6.2 9000 15.6' 9126 5.9 9130 5.6 9134 5.3 9137 5.0 8737 34 1 8741 33.8 8744 33 6 8748 33 4 8751 33 21 8755 32.9 8758 32.7 8762 32.4 8765 32.2 8769 32.0 8772 31.7 8776 31.5 8779 31.2 8783 31.0 8786 30 8 8790 30.5 8793 30.3 8797 30 0. 8800 29.8 8804 29.5 8807 29 3 8811 29.0 8814 28 81 8818 28.5 8822 28 3 8825:28.0 8829.27.8 8854 26.0 8858 25.8 8861 25.5 8865 25.3 8869 25.0 8872 24.8 8876 24.5 8879,24.3 8883 24.0 8886 23.8 8890 23.5 8894 23.2 8897 23.0 8901 22.7 8904 22.5 8908 22.2 8912 21.9 8915 21.7 8919 21·4 8922 21.2 8926 20.9 8930 20.6 8933 20.4 8937 20 1 8940 19.9 8944 19 6 8948.19.3 8951 19.1 8955 18.8 8959 18.6 8962 18.3! 8966 18.0 8970 17.7 9004 15-3 9008 15.0 901114 8: 9015 14.5 9019 14.2 9023 13.9 9026 13.6 9030 13.4 9034 13.1 9038 12.8 9041 12.5 9045 12.2 9049 12.0 9052 11.7 9056 11 4 9060 11-1 9064 10.8 9067 10.6 9071 10.3. 9075 10.0 9079 9-7 9082 9.4 9085 9.2 9089 8.9 9093 8.6 9097 8.3 8832 27.5 8836 27.31 8840 27.0 8843 26.8 8847,26.5 1 " 9141 4.8 9145 4.5 9148 4.2 9152 3.9 9156 3.6 9159 3.3 9163 3.0 9167 2.7 9170 2.4 9174 2.1 9178 1.9 9182 1.6 9185 1.3 1.0 9189 9192 0.7 9196 0.3 9200 Proof Under Proof 9204 0.3 9207 0.6 9210 0.9 9214 1.3 9218 1.6 Per cent. under Proof. 1.9 9226 2.2 9229 2.5 9233 2.8 9237 3.1 9241 3.4 9244 3.7 9248 4.0 9252 4.4 9255 4.7 9259 5.0 9263 5.3 9267 5.7 6.0 9270 9274 6.4 9278 6.7 9282 7·0 9286 7.3 9291 7.7 9295 8.0 9299 8.3 9302 8.6 9306 9.0 9310 9.3 9314 9.7 1 9318 10.0 9322 10.3 9326 10.7 9329 11.0 9332 11.4 9337 11.7 9341 12.1 9345 12.4 9349 12.8 325 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE SPECIFIC GRAVITIES, &c.- continued. 9357 13.5 9360 13-9 9364 14 2 9368 14.6 9372 14.9 9376 15.3 9380 15.7 9384 16.0 9388 16.4 9392 16.7 9396 17.1 9399 17.5 9403 17 8 9407 18.2 9411 18.5 9415 18.9 9419 19.3 9422 19.7 9426 20.0 9430 20 4 9434 20 8 9437 21.2 9441 21.6 9445 21.9 9448 22-2 9452 22.7 9456 23.1 9460 23.5 9464/23.9 9468 24.3 9472 24.7 9476 25.1 9480 25.5 0.9353 13 10.9484 25.9 0.961141.10·9742 61.80.9874 83.5 9878 84.0 9882 84.6 9886 85.2 9890 85.8 9894 86-3 9898 86.9 9902 87.4 9906 88.0 9910 88.5 9914 89 1 9918 89-6 9922 90.2. • 9488 26.3 9492 26.7 9496 27.1 9499 27.5 9503 28.0 9507 28.4. 9511 28.8 9515 29.2 9519 29.7 9522 30.1 9526 30 6 9530 31.1 9534 31 4 9539 31.9 9542 32.3 9546 32.8 9550 33.2 9553 33.7: 9557 34.2 9561 34.7. 9565 35 1 9569 35.6 9573 36.1 9577 36.6 9580 37.1 9584 37.6 9588 38.1. 9592.38.6 9596 39.1 9599 39.6 9603 40 1 9607 40.6 9615 41.7 961942 2Į 9623 42 81 9627 43 3 9631 43 9 9635 44 4 9638 45 01 9642 45.5 9646 46 1 9650 46.7 9654 47 3 9657 47.9 9661 48 5 9665 49 1 966949.7 9674 50 3! 9677 51 0! 9681 51.6 9685 52.21 9689 52.9 9693 53.3 9697 54 2 9701 54 8 9705 55 5 9709:56.2 971356-91 • 9718 57 61 9722 58.3 9726 59.0 9730 59.7 9734 60.4 9738 61 1 Specific Gravity. 9746 62.5 9750 63.2 9754 63.9 9758 64.6 9762 65.3 9766 66.0 9770 66.7 9774 67.4 9778 68.0 9782 68.7 9786 69.4 9790 70.1 9794 70.8 9798 71.4 980272.1 9806 72.8 9810 73.5 9814 74.1 9818 74.8 9822 75.4 982676.1 9830 76.7 9834 77.3 9838 78.0 9842 78.6 9846 79.2 9850 79.8 Per cent. under Proof. 9926 90.7 9930 91.2 9934 91.7 9938 92.3 9942 92.8 9946 93.3 9950 93 8 9954 94.31 9958 94.9 9962 95.4 9966 95.9 9970 96.4 9974 96.8 9978 97.3 9982 97.7 9854 80.4 9986 98.2 9990 98.7 9858 81.1 9862 81.7 9993 99.1 9866 82.3 9997 99.6 9870 82.91·0000 100*0. 326 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE BOILING POINTS OF MIXTURES OF ALCOHOL AND WATER. Alcohol Alcohol Temp. per cent. 770770 per cent. by vol. of by vol. Vapour in the °C. in the Distillate. Alcohol Temp. per cent. by vol. of Vapour in the Boiling Liquid. °C. 92 77.2 77.5 90 77.8 85 78.2 80 78.7 75 79.4 70 80.0 65 81.2 50 82.5 40 83.7 35 85.0 30 86.2 25 93 92 91.5 90.5 90 89 87 85 82 80 78 76 87.5 20 88.7 18 90.0 15 91.2 12 ¡ Boiling Liquid. 93.7 95.0 92.5 10 96.2 97.5 98.7 100.0 20753QTO 1 Alcohol per cent. by vol. in the Distillate. 71 68 66 61 55 50 42 36 18 13 1 Tralles' Table 1. gives the strength of mixtures of alcohol and water at 60° F., water at its maximum density being taken as 1. Tralles' Table II. gives the necessary data for obtaining the percentage of alcohol when the temperature at the time of experiment is above or below 60° F. Tralles' Table III. gives the densities as given by a glass in- strument between 300 and 85°, while Table IV. gives the cor- rections by means of which the readings of Table III. can be made to correspond with the readings of a brass instrument. Tralles' Table V. gives the percentage of absolute alcohol by volume, reference being had to the volume of the liquid at the temperature of the experiment. Table VI. gives the corrections to reduce the readings of Table V. to those of a brass instrument. Tralles' Table VII. is for use with Tralles' alcoholometer; it is graduated for 60° F. 327 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Per cent. of Alco- hol, by Volume. OH2M HILO CO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Specific Gravity of the Liquid at 60° F. TRALLES' TABLE I. Difference of the Specific Gravities. Per cent. of Alco- hol, by Volume. 10.9991 34 9976 15 35 9961 15 36 9947 14 37 9933 14 38 9919 14 39 9906 13 40 9893 13 41 9881 12 42 9869 12 43 9857 12 44 9845 12 45 9834 11 46 9823 11 47 9812 11 48 49 50 51 9802 10 9791 11 9781 10 9771 10 9761 10 9751 10 9741 10 9731 10 9720 11 9710 10 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 9700 10 59 9689 11 60 9679 10 61 9668 11 62 9657 11 63 9646 11 64 9634 12 9622 12 9609 13 15:55 65 66 67 Specific Gravity of the Liquid at 60° F. Difference of the Specific Gravities. Per cent. of Alco- hol, by Volume. 0.9596 9583 9570 9556 9541 15 9526 15 9510 16 9494 16 9478 16 9461 17 9444 17 9427 17 9409 18 9391 18 9373 18 9354 19 9335 19 9315 20 9295 20 9275 20 9254 21 9234 20 89 9213 21 90 9192 21 91 9170 22 92 9148 22 93 9126 22 94 9104 22 95 9082 22 96 9059 23 97 9036 23 98 9013 23 99 8989 24 100 8965 24 13 13 13 14 Specific Gravity of the Liquid at 60° F. 68 0.8941 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Difference of the Specific Gravities. 24 8917 24 8892 25 8867 25 8842 25 8817 25 8791 26 8765 26 8739 26 8712 27 8685 27 8658 27 8631 27 8603 28 8575 28 8547 28 8518 29 8488 30 8458 30 8428 30 8397 31 8365 32 8332 33 8299 33 8265 34 8230 35 8194 36 8157 37 8118 39 8077 41 8034 43 7988 46 7939 49 328 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Per cent., by Volume, of absolute Alcohol. 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Specific Gravity of the Liquid at 60° F. 0.9991 9919 9857 9802 9751 9700 9646 9583 9510 9427 9335 9234 9126 9013 8892 8765 8631 8488 8332 Increase of Specific Gravity at the Indicated Temperature below 600. 30° +55° +550/500 44 5 6 8 10 13 16 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 50° 45° 40° | 35° ~J at 7 7 TRALLES' TABLE II. 9 12 16 21 26 31 9 9 9 10 14 21 29 39 51 61 70 76 80 84. 12 17 23 31 39 46 35 52 39 57 40 60 42 63 43 65 86 67 88 68 90 91 92 93 94 45 45 46 68 47 70 47 70 48 71 7 9 9 10 15 23 35 48 62 75 87 94. 99 104 107 109 112 113 115 116 117 140 Decrease of Specific Gravity at the Indicated Temperature above 600. 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 1 11 1 11 6 13 7 15 9 19 24 15 25 39 56 73 89 103 112 118 124 127 130 133 135 23 137 24 139 24 11 14 28 17 33 18 37 20 40 21 42 22 43 22 4.4 22 45 23 46 23 46 40 50 42 51 47 57 55 67 53 66 79 63 78 93 59 75 91 108 125 68 86 104 122 141 56 75 94 114 136 154 60 80 122 101 143 154 63 84 106 128 150 173 65 109 87 132 155 178 67 90 113 68 92 136 159 183 138 162 187 141 117 115 69 93 165 190 143 167 192 70 94 119 96 120 144 47 71 169 194 145 170 195 96 121 97 121 146 171 196 48 09898 99 17 24 18 25 20 37 29 25 44 34 30 41 36 50 43 50 22 223 72 2333 ဧ 72 48 90° 95° 95° 100° | 60 62 68 79 93 109 329 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Per cent. of Alcohol, by Volume. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 TRALLES' TABLE III. Specific Gravity of the Liquid, ascertained by Glass Instruments, at the Indicated Temperatures. 30° 35° 40° 45° • 50° 55° 60° 65° 700 750 800 850 .9997999799989997999499919987 9981 ·9987.9981-99769970 ·9962 9924 9926 9926 9925 9925 9922 9919 9915 9909 9903 9897 9889 9865 9861 9857 9852 9845 9839 9831 9823 9813 9807 9802 9796 9788 9779 9771 9761 9751 9743 9733 9723 9713 9701 9868 9869 9868 9867 9817 9823 9×22 9820 9786 9782 9777 9772 9766 9759 9752 9745 9729 9720 9709 9700 9690 9678 9666 9653 9640 9715 9705 9683 9671 9658 9646 9633 9619 9605 9590 9574 9668 9655 9627 9612 9598 9583 9567 9551 9535 9518 9500 9609 9594 9560 9544 9527 9510 9493 9474 9456 9438 9419 9535 9518 9482 9464 9427 9408 9388 9369 9359 9329 9449 9431 9374 9354 9335 9253 9232 9354 9335 9275 9254 9315 9294 9274 9234 9213 9192 9171 9150 9128 9126 9105 9083 9061 9039 9016 9056 9034 9013 8992 8969 8947 8924 8901 9249 9230 9210 9168 9147 9140 9120 9099 9021 9001 8980 8936 8913 8892 8870 8847 8825 8801 8778 8896 8875 8854 8832 8810 8787 8765 8743 8720 8697 8673 8649 8764 8743 8721 8699 8676 8653 8585 8562 8538 8514 8623 8601 8579 8533 8370 8556 8510 8401 8379 8355 8332 8441 8418 8394 8285 8262 8238 8214 8469 8446 8423 TRALLES' TABLE IV. 9737 9694 9641 9577 9500 9413 9316 To be subtracted. 40° 450 ⚫0002 30° 350 ⚫0005 ⚫0004 ⚫0003 9393 9295 9189 9078 8958 9445 94 ⚫0002 • 0001 50° 55° 60° 65° 8631 8609 8488 8465 8309 A ·0001 1 To be added. 750 700 1 ・0002 | ・0002 80° .0003 850 ⚫0004 330 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TRALLES' TABLE V. To ascertain at any temperature, from the specific gravity, the quantity of absolute alcohol in a liquid expressed in volume centesimally, at the indicated temperature. Specific Gravity of the Liquid, ascertained by Glass Instruments, at the Indicated Temperatures. 30° | 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° Per cent. of Ab- solute Alcohol in the Liquid as measured. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 9981 ·9962 9976·9970 9903 9909 9897 9889 9861 9857 9852 9845 9839 9831 9823 9807 9759 9786 9753 9709 9659 9717 9823 9802 9796 9788 9779 9771 9761 9751 9743 9733 9722 9711 9700 9700 9690 9678 9665 9652 9638 9646 9632 9618 9603 9588 9572 9599 9583 9566 9549 9532 9514 9495 9528 9510 9491 9472 9452 9433 9447 9427 9406 9385 9364 9342 9335 9313 9290 9267 9244 9234 9211 9671 9615 9412 •99949997-9997-9998-9997 |·9994 |•9991 ·9987 9924 9926 9926 9926 9925 9922 9919 9915 9868 9869 9868 9867 9865 9822 9820 9817 9813 9782 9777 9772 9766 9746 9738 9729 9720 9707 9695 9684 9672 9658 9644 9629 9614 9598 9581 9563 9546 9525 9506 9486 9467 9440 9420 9399 9378 9347 9325! 9302 9279 9245 9222 9198 9174 9126 9102 9076 9051 9026 9138 9113 9088 9063 9038 9013 8988 8962 8936 9021 8996 8970. 8944 8917 8892 8866 8839 8890 8873 8847 8820 8792 8765 8738 8710 8681 8771 8744 8716 8688 8659 8631 8602 8573 8544 8514 8483 8635 8606 8577 8547 8517 8488 8458 8427 8396 8365 8333 8517 8486 8455 8425 8395 8363 8332 9544 9320 9460 9356 9221 9368 9256 9187 9163 9139 9114 9267 9150 9000 9162 8909 8882 9046 8812 8784 8756 8925 8652 8622 8798 8663 8300 8268 8236 8204 8171 TRALLES' TABLE VI. To be added. 30° 40° 450 ⚫0005 ⚫0004 ⚫0003 ⚫0002 35° 50° 55° ⚫0002 ⚫0001 60° 65° • To be subtracted. 700 750 • 0001 ⚫0002 ⚫0002 80° 850 ⚫0003 ⚫0004 (a) 331 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Per cent. of Alco- hol, by Volume. 012 2 im- of mersed part of Length Stem. 28333 9 24 39 54 68 3 4 5 6 7 108 8 121 9 133 10 145 11 157 12 169 13 180 14 191 15 202 16 213 17 224 18 235 19 245 20 356 21 266 22 277 23 288 24 299 25 310 26 321 27 332 28 344 29 355 30 367 31 380 393 407 82 95 TRALLES' TABLE VII. indicating cent. 15 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 13 13 14 218885 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 420 434 449 465 481 498 515 533 551 569 588 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 608 628 648 669 690 712 735 758 782 54 806 55 830 56 854 57 879 58 905 59 931 60 957 61 984 62 1011 63 1039 64 1067 65 1096 66 1125 67 1154 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 1184 30 1215 31 701246 31 71 1278 32 72 1310 32 73 1342 32 1375 33 1409 34 1443 34 1478 35 1514 36 1550 36 1587 37 1624 37 1662 38 1701 39 1740 39 1781 41 86 1823 42 87 1866 43 88 1910 44 89 1955 45 90 2002 47 91 2050 48 92 2099 49 93 2150 51 94 2203 53 95 2259 56 96 2318 59 97 2380 62 98 2447 67 99 2519 72 100 2597 78 68 69 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 332 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TRALLES' TABLE VIII. To find the true percentage of absolute alcohol by volume, in a liquid at 60° Fahr. from the observed percentage indicated by a glass alcoholometer at any other temperature (degrees Fahr.). 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 0.2 0 4.8 5 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 4.6 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.5+ 4.6 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 13.1 13.3 9.1 9.7 10 13.0 13.5 13.9 14.5 15 16.5 17.4 17.8 18.5 19.2 20 16.9 19.9 20.6 21.4 22.2 24.1 25 23.5 24.5 25.7 26.6 28.8 30 28.0 29.2 30.4 31.6 33.8 35 33.0 34.2 35.4 36.7 39.0 40 38.4 39.6 40.7 41.8 43.9 45 43.7 44.7 45.8 46.9 47.9 49.0 50 50.0 51.0 52.0 53.0 54.0 55 55.2 56.2 57.1 58.1 59.0 60 60.3 61.2 62.2 63.1 64.0 65 69.1 70 65.5 66.4 67.3 68.2 71.5 72.4 73.3 76.6 77.5 78.4 70.7 74.2 75 75.8 79.2 80 • 85 81 1 81.8 82.6 83.5 84.3 86.4 87.1 87.9 88.6 89.3 90 A + 49.0 54.2 59.4 64.6 69.8 75.0 80.3 85.6 — 23.0 27.7 32.7 37.8 42.9 L 55° 60° 60° 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 89998 90 65° 700 75° 80° 85° 10 4 + 0·2+ 0·6+ 1·0+ 1·4+ 1·9 5.3 5.8 6.7 6.2 7.3 11.0 11.6 12.3 13.0 16.3 17.1 18.0 19.0 21.8 22.8 23.8 24.9 27.0 28.2 15.6 20.8 25.9 29.4 30.5 31.1 32.2 33.4 34.5 35.7 36.2 37.3 38.4 39.5 40.6 41.1 42.2 43.3 44 3 45.4 46.1 47.1 48.2 49.2 50.3 51.0 52.0 53.0 54.0 55.1 54.9 56.9 57.9 58.9 59.9 60.9 61.9 63.8 64.9 65.9 66.8 62.9 67.7 68.6 69.6 72.6 73.5 70.8 71.7 74.5 75.8 76.7 77.6 78.4 79.3 80.8 81.7 82.4 83.2 84.1 85.7 86.5 87.3 88.0 88.8 92.7 93.4 90.7 91.4 92.0 333 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TRALLES' TABLE IX. To find the true percentage of absolute alcohol by volume, in a liquid of any temperature, from the observed percentage indicated by the glass alcoholometer at the same temperature. Observed per cent. indicated by the Glass Alcoholometer. 40° 50° 450 55° 65° 700 True per cent.| of Alcohol, by Volume, at 60° Fahr. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 4.5 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 30° — 35° 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.5 +464.5+ 4.5 +4.5+ 4.6+ 4.8 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.7 0.4 9.1 9.0 13.0 13.1 16.5 16.9 19.8 20.5 23.3 24.3 27.7 28.9 32.5 33.8 37.8 39.1 43.1 44.2 48.3 49.4 53.4 54.5 58.4 59.5 63.5 64.6 68.6 69.7 73.7 74.8 78.8 79.8 84.0 85.1 - 13.3 17.4 21.3 25.5 30.2 35.1 40.3 45.4 50.5 55.6 60.6 65.7 70.7 75.8 80.9 86.1 - 75° 80° 85° 0.2+0.6 + 10+ 1.4+ 1.9 5.3 5.8 6.2 6.7 7.3 10.4 11.0 11.6 12.3 13.0 16.3 17.1 18.0 19.0 21.8 22.9 23.9 27.1 28.3 29.5 13.6 14.1 14.5 15.6 17.9 18.5 19.2 20.8 25.0 22.2 23.0 24.1 25.9 30.7 26.5 27.6 28.8 31.2 32.3 33.5 34.6 35.9 31.4 32.6 33.8 36.3 37.5 38.6 39.7 40.9 36.5 37.7 38.9 41.2 42.4 43.5 44.6 45.8 41.5 42.7 43.8 46.2 47.3 48.5 49 6 50.8 46.6 47.7 48.9 51.1 52.2 53.4 54.5 55.6 51.6 52.8 53.9 56.1 57.2 58.3 59.4 60.5 56.7 57.8 58.9 61.1 62.2 63.3 64.4 65.5 61.7 62.8 63.9 66.0 67.1 68.2 69.3 70.4 74.3 75.4 66.8 67.9 71.0 72.1 73.2 69.0 71.8 72.9 74.0 76.0 77.1 79.2 80.3 76.9 78.0 79.0 81.0 82.1 78.2 83.1 84.1 85.2 87.0 88.0 89.0 90.0 91.9 92.8 93.7 94.6 86.0 81.9 83.0 84.0 87.1 88.1 89.1 91.0 334 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TRALLES' TABLE X. To find the true percentage of absolute alcohol in a liquid of any temperature, from the observed percentage indicated by a brass alcoholometer at the same temperature. Observed per cent. indicated by the Brass Alcoholometer. 40° 45° 50° 55° True per cent. of Alcohol, by Volume. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 30° 0.1 +5.0 9.5 13.5 17.0 20.3 23.8 28.2 32.9 38.1 43.4 48.5 53.6 58.6 63.7 68.8 73.9 79.0 84.2 35° 9.4 13.5 17.3 20.9 24.7 29.3 34.1 39.3 44.5 49.6 54.6 59.7 64.8 69.8 74.9 80.0 85.2 0.1 0.2 + 0.2 0.3 0.3 +48 +4.7+ 4.8+ 4.7+ 4.8 0.2 + 0.5 + 0.9 + 1.2+ 1.7 5.2 5.6 6.1 6.5 7.0 I 9.4 9.4 9.5 9.7 12.0 12.6 10.3 10.8 15.5 16.2 13.7 14.0 14.6 17.7 18.1 18.7 19.3 20.7 11 4 17.0 18.6 21.6 22.7 23.7 24.0 26.9 28.1 29.2 30.3 32.2 33.3 34.4 35.5 22.4 23.3 24.2 25.8 26.8 27.8 28.9 31.1 37.3 38.4 39.5 40.7 42.2 43.4 44.5 45.6 31.6 32.8 33.9 36.2 36.7 37.9 39.0 41.1 41.6 42.7 43.9 46.1 47.2 47.8 48.9 51.1 52.2 54.0 56.0 57.1 48.3 49.4 50.5 53.3 54 4 55.5 58.2 59.3 60.4 61.0 62.1 63.2 64.3 65.3 46.7 51.8 52.9 56.8 57.8 58.9 61.8 62.8 63.9 66.0 67.1 68.1 66.9 67.9 69.0 71.0 72.1 73.1 71.9 72.9 74.0 69.2 70.2 74.2 75.2 76.9 78.0 76.0 77.0 78.1 79.1 80.1 79.0 81.0 82.0 83.0 84.0 86.0 82.0 83.0 84.0 85.0 87.0 88.0 88.9 89.9 91.9 92.8 93.7 94.5 87.2 88.1 89.1 90.9 13.6 17.7 21.6 25.8 30.4 35.4 40.4 45.6 50.7 55.7 60.7 65.8 70.9 75.9 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 81.0 86.2 1 335 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. (GAY-Lussac.)—ALCOHOLOMETRIC TABLE I. To find the percentage by volume in a liquid at 59° from the observed percentage at any other temperature. (The temperature Centigrade is below that of Fahrenheit.) Temp. 1 2 Fahr. 3 4 5 6 per per per per per per cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. • 32.0° 1.3 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.5 7.5 8.6 9.7 10.9 12.213.4 14.7 16.1 17.5 18 9 20 3 21.6 22.9 24.2 0° C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1004 1004 1004 33.0 1 C. • 35.6 13.4 14.7 16 17.3 18.720 21.3 22 6 23.9 1002 1002 1002|1002|1003|10031003 1004 1004] 13.4 14.7 16 17.2 18.5 19.8 21.1 22.3 23.6 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1004 1004 13.3 14.6 15 9 17 1 18.319 620.8 22 2 C. 37.4 • • 23.3 3 C. 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1004 13.3 14.5 15 8 16.9 18.1 19 420 6 21 8 23 39.2 • · [ 4 C. 41.0 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 19 220 421.5 22.7 1.4 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.7 9.8 10.9 12.1 13.2 14.4 15 7 16 8 18 • 5 C. 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 • · 42.8 6 C. 44.6 7 C. 1 46.4 13.1 14.3 15 6 16 7'17.8 19 20.221 3 22.4 1001 1001'1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 13 16.6 17.7 18.8 20 21 22.1 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 13 14.1 15 3 16 4 17.5 18.6 19.7 20.721.8 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 12.9 14 15.1 16.2 17.3 18.4 19.5 20.5 21.6) 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1 1 1 8 C. 48.2 9 C. · i 336 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE I.-continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. Temp. 1 2 3 5 в l'abr. 7 8 9 per per per per • • · · • • 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent.] 50.00 1.4 2.4 3.4 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10 6 11 7 12 7 13 8 14.9 16 17 18.1 19 2 20-2′21·3| 10° C. 1000 1000 1001 10011001 1001 1001 10011001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 151.8 1.3 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.4 8.4 9.410.5 11 6 12.6 13.6 14.7 15 8 16.8 17.919 20 21 11 C. 1000,1000 1000 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 153.6 1.2 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3 9.3 10.4 11.5 12.5 13.5 14 6 15 6 16 6 17 6 18 7 19-7,20 7 12 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.2 6·2 7·2′ 8.2 9.210.311 412 413 414 415 416 417 418.5 19.5 20.5 155.4 13 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 1000 1000 1000 57.2 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.110 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 ·2 20·2 14 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000|1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 59.0 1 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 116 17 18 19 20 15 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 60.8 0.9 1.9 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 11.9 12.9 13.9 14.9 15.9 16.9 17.8 18.7 19.7 16 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 162.6 2.8 3.8 4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8 8.8 9.810 8 11 7 12.7 13 7 14 7 15.6 16.6 17.5 18.4 19.4 0.8 1.8 17 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 999 999 64.4 0.7 1.7 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 7.7 8.7 9 7 10 7 11 6 12.5 13.5 14.5 15 4 16 3 17.3 18 2 19.1 18 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 0.6 1.6 2.6 3.6 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11 412 413 314 3 66.2 19 C. 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 1 • • D D · 15 2 16.1 17 • 17.9 18.8 999 999 999 999 999 T I ! 1 • · • * • • · O • D · 337 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. 1 Fabr. 24 C. 177.0 25 C. 78.8 26 C 80.6 27 C. 182.4 128 C. (Gay-Lussac.)—TABLE I.-continued. 84.2 129 C. 186.0 30 C. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 2 3 5 4 6 8 7 per per per per por por per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent..cent. cent. cont. cont. 9 per 999 998 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 998 998 998 7.9 8.9 9.9 10 8 11 7 12.6 13.5 14.4 15.3 16.217 · • $17.9 71.6 14.9 15 8 16.7 17.6 18.5 68.0° 0.5 1.5 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.3 8.3 9.310 311 212 213 114 20°C. 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 69.8 0.4 1.4 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.2 6.2 7.1 8.1 9.110.111 11.9 12.8 13.7 14.6 15.5 16 417.318.2 21 C. 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 0.3 1.3 2.2 3.2 4.1 5.1 6.1 7 22 C. 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 73.4 0.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 4 4.9 15.9 16.7 17.6 5.9 6.8 7.8 8.7 9.7.10 6 11.5 12.4 13.3 14.115 23 C. 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 993 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 75.2 1 1.9 2.9 3.8 4.8 5.8 6.7 7.6 8.5 9.5 10.4 11.3 12.2 13.1 13.9 14 8 15 716.5 17.4 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 997 997 12.8 13.6 14.5 15.4 16.217.1 0.8 1.7 2.7 3.6 4.6 5.5 6.5 7.4 8.3 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 997 997 997 997 0.7 1.6 2.6 3.5 4.4 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.1 9 9.9 10 8 11 7 12 6 13 414 2 15.1 15.9 16.8 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 14.8 15.6'16.5 7.9 8.8 9.7 10.6 11.5 12.3 13.114 0.5 1.5 2.4 3.3 4.3 5.2 6.1 7 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 997. 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 12 8 13 7 14 515 3 16·1 0.3 1.3 2.2 3.1 4.1 5 5.9 6.8 7.7 8.6 9.5 10.3 11.212 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 996 996 0.1 1.1 2 9.3 10.2 11.1 12 T • D [ 2.9 3.9 4.8 5.7 6.6 7.5 8.4 9.2 10.111 11 8 12 6 13 414 215 15.8 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 996 996 996 9 0.0 0.9 1.9 2.8 3.7 4.6 5.5 6.4 7.3 8.1 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 996 • 9.8 10 7 11.5 12.3 13.114.914.7:15.5 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 11 12 10 13 15 14 per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent 18 19 2) 17 10 pe. per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. per per • Z 338 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE I.-continued. Obsei ved percentage of the Alcoholometer. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 96 22 21 23 21 25 26 27 37 38 99 40 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per • cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 32.0° 25 627 28 4 29 7 30 9 32 1 33 234 335 336 337 338 3 39 240 241 142 143 144 45 45.9 0° C. 1005 1005 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007 1008 1008 1008 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1010 1010 1010 1010 1011 33.8 25.326.728 29 230 431.6 32.7 33.8 34.8 35.8 36.8 37.838 x 39 8 40 8 41 8 42 7 43.7 44.645.5 1 C. 1005 1005 1005 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1009 1009 1009 1009 1010 1010 35.6 24.9 26 3 27.5 28.830 31.2 32.3 33.3 34 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 343 344 245 1 2 C. 1001 1005 1005 1005|1006|10061006 1006 1007 1007 1007|1007|1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 10091009 1009) 24 625 9 27 1 28 4 29 630 831 932 9 33.9 34.9 36 1 • • O • 37.4 3 C. 39 2 • • · · • • ▸ • 1 37 38 39 40 41 42 42.9 43.944 8 1004 1005 1005 1005 1005 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008) 24 325 6 26.8 28 29 230 431 4 32.5 33.5 34.5 35.5 36.5 37.5 38.5 39.5 40.5 41.5 42.5 43.5 44 4 4 C. 1004 1004 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1008 25 226 427 628 830 41.0 24 31 32 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 5 C. 1003 1003 1004 1004 1004 1004 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007 1007 42.8 23.6 24.9 26 27.2 28 4 29 6 30 6 31 6 32 6 33.6 34 735 7 36 7 37 7 38 7 39 740 741 42.6 43.6 6 C. 1003 1003 1004 1004|1004|10041005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005|1005 1005 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006| 44.6 23 324 6 25 826.9 28 29 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 842 243 2 7 C. 100210031003|1003 1003 1003|1004|1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 24.2 25 3 26.5 27 6 28 829 830 8 31 8 32 8 33 8 34 8 35 8 36 8 37 8 38 8 39 8 40 8 41 8 42 8 46.4 23 8 C 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 100310041004 10041004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004|1005 48.2 22.7 23.925 26.1 27.2 28 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 4 9 C. 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 50.0 22.4 23.5 24.6 25.7 26.8 27.9 29 30 31 32 33 134 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 10 C. 1001 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003] 1 1 • • • · Temp. Fahr. • • D I + • D 1 * · • • · • • • · • • • • • · • • • · 339 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. Temp. 21 22 25 Fahr. 26 per 27 28 29 per per por per • • 2002 1002|1002|1002 1002|100210021002|1002|1002|1002|1003|1003| • • • • 23 21 30 31 32 34 33 35 36 37 98 39 40 por per por por per per per per por per per per por per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent, cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 51.8° 22.1 23.2 24 3 25 4 26.5 27 6 28 6 29 630 6 31 6 32-6 33.6 34 635 636 6 37 6 38 6 39 640 6 41 6 11° C. 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 53.6 21.8 22.924 25 126 127 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 2 12 C. 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002|1002|1002|10021002|1002|1002| 55 4 21.5 22.6 23 6 24 7 25 7 26 · 8 27 · 8,28 ·8 29·8 30 8 31.8 32.833 8 34 835·836·837·8 38 839 8 40 8 13 C. 10011001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 100110011001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 57.2 21.222 323 324 325 326 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 4 14 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 59.0 21 122 23 24 25 126 27 28 29 130 31 32 33 34. 35 136 137 38 139 40 15 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 60 8 20 721 722 7 23 7 24 7 25 7 26 6 27 628 629 630-631.6 32.5 33.5 34.5 35.5 36.5 37.5 38.5 39.5 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 20 421 422 423 424 425 426 327 3 28 229 230 231 232 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 1 17 C. 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999; 64.4 20 121 122 23 24 25 25.9 26.9 27.8 28.8 29·8 30·8'31·732 733 734 735 736 737 9 38.7 · D 16 C. • 62.6 • 18 C. • 1 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 66 2 19 8 20.8 21.7 22.7 23.6 24.6 25.5 26.5 27 428 429 430 431 332 333 334 335 336 337 338.3 19 C. 999 999 999 999 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 997 997 168.0 19.5 20.5 21.4 22.4 23 324 325 226 127 128 29 130 30.9 31.9 32.9 33.9 34.9 35.9 36.9 37.9 20 C. 999 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 · • ! • (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE II.-continued. ▸ · · · • • · · · • · [] • [] • • · · 340 CHEMISTS' PCCKET-BOOK. Temp. 21 Fahr. 22 23 24 25 per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. • D 23.9 24.8 25 7 26 7 27 6 28 6 29 630.5 31.5 32.5 33.5 34.5 35.5 36.5 37.5 · · • 69.80 19 120 121 122 123 21° C. 998 999 998 998 998 998 998 998 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 71.6 18.8 19.8 20 7 21.7 22.6 23 6 24 4 25 326 327 228 229 230 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 1 22 C. 998 998 998 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 73.4 18.5 19 5 20 421 422 3 23.224.1 25 25.9 26 8 27 8 28 8 29 7 30 731 7 32 733.7 34.7 35.7 36.7 23 C. 998 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 995 995 995 75 2 18.3 19.2 20 121 121 9 22.8 23 7 24 6 25 5 26 427 428 429 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 3 24 C. 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 996 996 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 994 28.9 29 9 30.9 31 932 9 33.9 34.9 35.9 18.9 19.8 20 721.6 22.5 23 3 24 325 226 127 77.0 18 25 C. 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 996 996 996 995 995 995 995 995 994 991 994 994 994 17.7 18.6 19.5 20 421 3 22.2 23 23.9 24.8 25.7 26 6 27 6 28.5 29.5 30.5 31.5 32.5 33.5 34.5 35.5 ► • • 28 D · • · 78.8 26 C. 997 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 995 995 995 995 995 994 994 991 994 994 993 993 80.6 17.4 18.319 220 120.9 21.8 22.7 23.6 24 4 25 326 227 228 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 1 27 C. 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 995 995 995 994 994 994 994 993 993 993 993 993 82.4 17 18 18.919 720 6 21.5 22.3 23.2.24 24.9 25 826 8 27 728 7 29 730 7 31 7 32 7 33.7 34.7 28 C. 996 996 996 995 995 995 995 995 995 994 994 994 994 993 993 993 993 993 992 992 81.2 16.7 17.6 18.5 19 4 20 3 21 1 21.9 22.8 23 7 24.5 25 426 427 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 3 29 C. 996 996 995 995 995 995 995 994 994 994 994 993 993 993 993 992 992 992 992 992 86.0 16.4 17.3 18.2 19.119.9 20.8 21.6 22.5 23.3 24.2 25 1 26 995 995 995, 995 995 994 994 994 994 991 993 993 I • · • • 26.9 27.9 28.9 29·9 30·9 31·9 32.9 33.9 30 C. 993 993 992 992 992 991 991 991 994 993 I (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE I.-continue 1. • Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 37 35 31 38 36 89 40 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. • • · • I : • A • + • • · 341 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. Fahr. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. · • · · · - • 0 • ► 32.00 46 9 47 948 8 49 8 50 7 51.752 6 53.5 54.5 55 456 457 358 359 260 261 262 163 164 165 0° C. 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 101310131013 33 8 46.5 47 548 449 450 351 352 253 254 255 156 57 57.9 58.9 59.9 60 9 61 8 62 8 63 864 7 1 C. 1010 1010 10101010 1010 1011 10111011 1011 1011 1011 10111011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1012 1012 1012 35.6 46 147 148 149 49 950 951 8 52.8 53.854 755 7 56 6 57 6 58.5 59.5 60 5,61 562 463 464 4 2 C. 1009 1009 1009 1009 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 27.4 45 8 46 7.47 7 48 6 49 6 50.5 51.5 52 453 454 355 356 357 258 259 260 261 162 163 164 1 3 C. 1008 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1010 1010 1010 1010 101010101010 1 139 2 45 446 447 448 349 250 251 152 153 I 1 → • I 54 55 156 56.9 57.9 58.959 8 60 8.61.7 4 C. • • • • • • · • • (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE I.-continued. · • · • • · U · • [] • T 1 • D • ► • 41.0 1 I • • • 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 45 45 9 46 947 9 48 8 49 8 50 7 51 7 52.7 53 6 54 6 55 6,56 6 57 5 58.5 59.5 60 461 462 463.4 5 C. 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1008 1008 1008 1008 10081008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 42.8 44 6 45.5 46.5 47 5 48 449 450 451 452 453 354 3 55 256 257 158 159 160 161 62 63 6 C. 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1008 1008 1008 44.6 44 245 146 147 148 149 150 151 52 52.9 53 9 54 9 55.9 56.8 57.8 5.8 59 8.60.7 61.7 62.7 7 C. 1005.1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007 1007 46.4 43.844 8 45 8 46 8 47 7 48 7 49 7 50 651 6 52 6 53 6 54 6 55 5 56 5 57.5 58.5 59.5 60 461 462 4 8 C. 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 48.2 43 444 445 446 447 348 349 350 251 252 253 254 255 156 157 158 159 160 61 62 9 C. 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1005 1005 1005,1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 I I # • · • • ► T I ¦ I • • • · · • • · • • · · ► • ! • . · 1 • ▸ I • 342 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. 41 Fahr. (Gay-Lussac.)—TABLE I.—continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent.] cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 45 46 54 55 60 41 42 43 per per per per 13 C. 57.2 14 C. · • • [ • 46 • • . • • ! I • · • • • J • . 50.0° 43 45 44 46.9 47.9 48 949 9 50 951 8 52.8 53.8 54 8 55 8 56 8 57 858 8 59 760 761 7 10°C. 1003 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 10041004|10041004|1004|1004|1004|1004 1004 1004 1004 10041004 1004 51.8 42.6 43.6 44.6 45 646 6 47 648 6 49.5 50.5 51.5 52.5 53 554 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 4 11 C. 1003 1003 1003 1003 10031003|1003|1003 1003 1003|1003|1003|1003|1003 1003|1003|1003 1003 1003 1003 53.6 42.2 43.2 44.2 45 246 247 248 249 250 251 152 153 154 155 156 57 158 59 60 61 12 C. 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 55.4 41 8 42 8 43 8,44 845 8,46 8 47 8 48 8 49 8 50 851 8 52 7 53 7 54 755 756 7 57 758-759-760-7 1001 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002|1002|1002|1002 1002 1002|1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 100210021002 41.4 42.4 43 4 44 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 3 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 15 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 60.8 40.6 41.6 42.6 43.6 44.6 45 646 6 47 6 48 6 49 650 651 652 653 6 54.6 55.6 56.6 57.6 58.659.6 16 C. 999 999 999 999 999, 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 62.6 40 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 3 49 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 3 17 C. 999 999 999 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 64.4 39.8 40.8 41 342 843 8 44 9 45 9 46 9 47 9 48 9 49 9 50.9 51.9 52.9 53.9 54.9 55.9 56.9 57.9/58.9 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 997 997 997 18 C. 66 2 39 440 441 4 42.5 43.5 44.5 45.5 46.5 47.5 48.5 49.5 50 6 51 6 52 653 6 54 6 55 6 56 657 6 58.6 19 C. 997, 997 997 997 997, 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997: 997 997 997 59.0 t · • 1 • → • · • • • • ↓ • · 997| + · • · • ► 1 } • • · ▸ D 1 · • • • • • • • · • 343 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. Fabr. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 43 41 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 63 54 55 56 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent 41 42 per per 57 58 59 60 per per per per 1 · · 68.00 39 40 41 42 143 144 145 146 147 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 2 20° C. 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 69 8 38 6 39 6 40.6 41.7 42 7 43.7 44 845 846 8 47 848 8 49.8 50.8 51.8 52.9 53.9 54.9 55.9 56.9 57.9 121 C. 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 71 6 38 239 240 241 342 343 344 345 346 447 448 449 450 451 452.5 53.5 54.5 55.5 56.5 57.5) 22 C. 1 • T • • · • • • • I ! • 996 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 73.4 37.838.8 39.8 40.9 41.9 42.9 43.9 44.9 46 147 48 49 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 1 23 C. 995 995 995 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 993 993 993 993 75 2 37 438 439 4 40.5 41.5 42.5 43 6 44 645 6 46 6 47 6 48 7 49 750 751 8 52.8 53.8 54.8 55.8 56.8 24 C. 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 992 77.0 37 38 39 40 141 142 243 244 245 246 347 348 349 350 351 452 453 454 455.5 56 5 25 C. 994 994 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 78.8 36.5 37 6 38 6 39 740-741-842-843 8 44 9 45.9 50 51 52 53 54 55.156.1 Į 26 C. 993 993 993 993 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 36 1 37 238 2 39 340 341 442 443 444.5 45.5 46.5 47 6 48 6 49 6 50.7 51.7 52.7 53.7 54.855.8. 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 990 990 990 990 990 990 82.4 35.7 36.8 37.8 38.9 39.9 41 43 42 44 145 1 46 1 47 248 249 250 351 352 353 354 455 4 28 C. 992 992 992 991 991 991 991 991 991 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 989 989 989 84.2 35 336 337.4 38.5 39.5 40.6 41.6 42.643 744 7 45.7 46.8 47 8 48 9 49.9 51 29 C. ! • • 80 6 27 C. 1 D : 52 53 54 55 991 991 991 991 991 990 990 990 990 990 990 989 989' 9891 989' 989 989 989 989 988 T D • • • 38 139 140 241 242 343 344 3 45 4 46 4 47.5 48.5 49 6 50 6 51.6 52.6 53.6 54·7 86 0 34.9 35.937 130 C. 991 991 990 990 990 990 990 989 989 989 989 989 989 988 988 988 988, 988 988 988 · . • D (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE I.-continued. • • • • · • • • • • • • 1 · • • 4 · D · • · • · • J 344 CHEMISTS' P(CKET-BOOK. Temp. Fahr. 61 62 63 64 65 66 per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. → O • • · 32.0° 66 67 68 68.9 69 970.8 71.872.7 73.774-775-676-677-678.6 79.5 80.5 81.5 82.4 83.3 84.3 0° C. 1013 101310131013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1014 10141014 1014101410141014 10141014 101410141014 33.8 65.7 66.7 67.7 68 669 6 70.5 71.5 72.473 474 375 376 377 378 379 280 281 2 82 183 184 1 C. 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 10131013 1013 75 176 77 78 78.9 79.9 80.9 81.9 82.8 83.7 35.6 65 366 367 368 369 370-271.2 72.1 73.174 2 C. 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 37.4 65 166 67 68 · • 79 80 81 A 5 C. J 42.8 ! 68.9 69.9 70.8 71.8 72.8 73.774-775-776-777.7 78.6 79.6 80.6 81.6 82.5 83.5 3 C. 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 39.2 64.7 65.7 66.6 67 6 68.6 69.5 70.5 71.5 72.5 73 474 475 376 377 378 379 380 381 3 82.2 83.2 4 C. 1009 1009 1009 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 76 78 77 41.0 64.3 65 366 367 368 369 270 271 272 273 174 175 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1010 1010 64 65 66 67 68 68.9 69.9 72.8 73.874-775.776-777-778-779.7 80.7 81.6 82.6 6 C. 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1009 44.6 63 7 64-7 65.7 66.7 67.6 68.6 69 670 6 71.5 72.5 73.5 74 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 4 82.3 7 C. 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1008 46 463 464 465 466 467 368 369 370 271 272 273 274 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 8 C. 1006,1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1007 1007 1007,1007) 48.2 63 64 65 66 67 67.9 68.9 69 9 70.9 71.9 72.9 73.8 74 875.8 76.8 77.8 78.8 79.8 80.8 81.7 9 C. 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1006 1006 1006 1006 62.7 63 7 64 7 65.7 66.7 67.6 68.669 6 70 671 6 72.6 73.5 74 575 5,76 577 5,78.5 79.5 80.5 81.5 T 10 C. 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 • • F I • · · I ► • • • (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE I.-continued. ▸ ► t Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 67 68 76 71 79 78 77 72 70 73 74 69 per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 75 per 80 per } · + • · · • • • · · · + • · 1 · • · • • • J 345 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE I.-continued. 61 62 63 64 80 66 H · • • • ► · Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cont. cent.] cent.] cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 51.8° 62 463 464 465 466 467 368 369 370 371 372 373 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 2 11° C. 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 100 1004 1004 1004 1004 53.6 62 63 64 65 66 67 [68 70 69 71 72 72.9 73.9 74.975 976 9 77.9 78.9 79.9 80.9 12 C. 1002 1002 10021002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003) 55 4 61 7 62.7 63 7 64 7 65 7 66.7 67.7 68.7 69.6 70 671 672.6 73.6 74 675 676.6 77.6 78.6 79.6 80.6 13 C. 100210021002 1002 1002 1002|100210021002|1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 100210021002 1002 1002 57.2 61 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 3 14 C. 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 59.0 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 15 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 60.860.6 7 64-7 65.7 66.7 67.7 68 769-770-771-772-773-774-775-776.7 77.7 78.7 79.7 16 C. 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 62.660 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 476 477 478 479.4 17 C. 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 64.4 59 9 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 168 69 70 171 72 73 74 75 176 177 1.78.1 79.1 18 C. C F i * • 1 } • • 66.2 T I I I 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 59 6 60 6 61.6 62.7 63 7 64 7.65 7 66·7 67·7 68·7,69·7 70·771·7;72·7 73 7 74 7.75.8 76.8 77.8 78.8 19 C. 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 68.0 59.2 60 3 61.3 62.3 63.3 64.3 65 4 66 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 4 75.5 76.5 77.5 78.5 20 C. 996 996, 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 I 1. · - ¡ ¡ Į Temp. Fahr. U • · • • · • · ļ · - • · ▸ • • • 1 • O • • • · I • • · + • 346 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. 61 62 Fahr. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 63 64 65 per 66 per 67 per 68 69 70 71 72 73 per per per per 71 75 76 77 per 79 78 per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. per per per per per per per per per (GAY-LUSSAC.)—TABLE 1.-continued. + · • U · • 77 69.80'61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 276 277 278 2 21° C. 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 71.6 58.5 59.5 60 6 61.6 62.7 63 7 64-765-7 66.7 67 8 68 869 870.8 71.872-873 874-875-976-977-9 22 C. 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 993 993 993 993 993 993 73.4 58 159 260 261 362 363 364 365 466 467 468 469 470.5 71.5 72.5 73.5 74.5 75-576-677-6 23 C. 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 992 992 992 992 992 992 75.2 57.8 58.9 59.9 61 62 63 64 165 66 67 168 169 170 171 272 273 274 275 276.3 77.3 24 C. 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 991 991 991| 77.0 57.5 58.5 59.5 60 6 61.6 62.6 63 7 64 7 65.7 66.7 67.8 68.8 69.8 70.8 71.8 72.8 73.9 74.976 25 C. 992 992 992 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 78.8 57.1 58 159 260 261 362 363 364 365 366 467 468 469.5 70.5 71.5 72.5 73.674 675 676-7 26 C. 991 991 991 991 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 80.6 56.8 57.8 58.9 59.9 60.9 61.9'63 64 65 66 67.1 68 1 69 270 271 272 273 374 375 376 3 27 C. 990 990 990 990 990 990, 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 82.4 56.4 57 5 58.5 59.5 60 6 61.6 62.6 63 7 64 765 7 66 8 67 8 68 869-970 9 71.973 989 989 989 28 C. 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 75 76 184.2 56 57 158 159 260 261 2 62.3 63.3 64 3 65 466 467 4 68 5 69.5 70.6 71 672-673-774-775-7 29 C. 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988, 988 988 988 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 86.0 55.7 56.7 57.8 58.8 59 9 60.9 61.963 64 65 66 167 168 2'69 270 371 372 373 374 475 4 988 987, 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 986 986 986, 986 986 986 986 986 ! · · • • · 74 • • • · • ↓ U 30 C. 987 1 + • • I • • • • • · • • • · • · · • · ▸ • 80' O 347 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. Fabr. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent 81 82 83 per per per • • ! • 98.899.7 86 2 87 188 88.9 89.9 90.891 792 6.93 6.94.5 95.3 96.2 97 198 0° C. 10141014 1014 10141014 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1016 33.8 85 85 9 86 8 87.8 88.7 89.690 5 91 592 493 394 395 1 96 • • 96.9 97.898.699.5 • • • • • 1 C. 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 10141014 1014 10141014 10141014 1014 1014 1014 10141014 35 6 84 785 6 86 6 87.5 88.5 89 490 3 91 292 293 194 94.9 95.8 96.7 97 6 98.5 99.3 2 C. 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1013 1014 37.4 84.4 85.4 86 387 388 289 290 191 I • D · 91 9 92.9 93.8 94 7 95.6 96.5 97 498 399.2 3 C. 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 1012 39.2 84.285 1,86 1 87 87 9 88.9 89.8 90 891 792 7 93 6 94 5 95 496 397-2 98.1 99 • · • . O 99.9 4 C. 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 41.0 83.9 84.8 85.8 86.7 87.7 88.6 89 6 90.5 91.5 92.4 93.4 94.3 95.2 96.197 97.9 98.8 99.7 5 C. 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 42.8 İ · • • 83.6 84.5 85.5 86.5 87 488 4,89 3 90 291 292 293 194 195 95 9, 96·8 97·8 98.7 99.6 6 C. 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 83.3 84·2 85·2 86 • 2 87 · 2'88 1 89 190 91 91.9 92.9 93.9 94.8 95 7,96 6 97.6 98.5 99.4 44.6 7 C. 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 46.4 83 184 85 85.9 86.9 87.9 88.8 89.8 90.7 91.7 92.7 93 6 94.6 95.5 96.4 97.4 98.3 99.2 • · • · 8 C. 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 1007 48.2 82.7 83.7 84.7 85.7 86.6 87.6 88 6 89 5 90.5 91.5 92.5 93 4 94.4 95 3 96 297 298 1 99 1 100 9 C. 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 I I 1 Į I (Gay-Lussac.)—TABLE I.-continued. 1 I • · · • • · I 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 1 mg Vaga D • • } 348 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE I.-continued Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 87 88 89 90 91 92 99 Temp. 81 82 83 8:1 85 86 por per per per per 96 97 98 99 100 Fabr. 94 95 per per per per per por per per per per per per per per per • • • # cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cont. cent. 50.082 483 484 485 486 487 488 389 390 291 292 293 294 295.196 97 198 98.9 99.9 10° C. 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 51.8 82.2 83 184 185 186 187 188 89 90 91 92 92.9 93.9 94.9 95 896-897 898.799.7 11 C. 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 53.6 81.9 82.9 83.9 84.8 85 8 86 8 87 888-789-790-791 792 7 93.7 94.795 6 96 697-698-599.5 12 C. 1003 1003 1003 1003|1003|1003|1003|1003|1003|1003|1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 10031003 55.4 81.6 82.6 83.6 84.6 85.5 86.5 87.5 88.5 89 5 90.5 91.5 92.5 93.5 94 495 496 497 498 499.3 13 C. 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 81 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299.2 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 81 82 183 84 185 186 87 188 89 190 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 199 1 • 57.2 14 C. ► · • 1 · · • • · • • O • • ► • • 59.0 • • • • • 1 ! 1 I • 100 15 C. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 60.8 80.7 81.7 82.7 83.7 84-7 85 286.7 87.7 88.7 89.7 90 8 91 8 92 8,93 8 94 8 95.8 96 897 898.8,99.8 16 C. 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 62.6 80 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 5 90 5 91.5 92 6 93 6.94 6 95.6 96.6 97.6 17 C. 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 998 64.4 80 181 182 183 184 185 286 287 288 289 290 291 392 393 394 3 95 4 96 497 498 5 99.5 18 C. 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 66.2 79.8 80.8 81.9 82.9 83.9 84.9 85 9 86 987 9 88.9.90 19 C. 996, 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 ! • • • • · i 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 997 ► • 91 192 193 194 1 95.2 96 2 97.3 98.3 99.3 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 | i I • • • • • · · · • • • • • i • • 349 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. Fabr. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 83 8.1. 97 100 81 82 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent.. 85 per 86 per 98 99 per por per per per per • • · 68.00 79.5 80.5 81.6 82.6 83.6 84.6 85.6 86.6 87.7 88.7 89.7 90 891 892.9 93.9 95 196 97 198 199 1 20° C. 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 69.8 79.2 80.2 81 382 383 384 385 386 487 488 4 89 590 5 91 692 6 93.7 94.7 95 896-997-999 21 C. 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 994 171.6 78.9 79.981 22 C. 1 Į 82 83 84 85 86 187 188 289 290 291 392 493 494 5 95.6 96.7 97.798.8 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 993 91 192 193 294 395 496 597 598.6 73.4 78.6 79.6 80.7 81.7 82.7 83.8 84.8 85.8 86.8 87.9 89 190 23 C. 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 992 75.2 78.3 79.3 80 481 482 4 83.5 84.5 85.5 86.5 87.6 88.7 89.7 90.891.9 93 94 195 296 297 3 98.4 24 C. 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 991 77.0 79 80 181 182 1 83 284 285 286 387 488 489 590 6,91 6 92 7 93.894.996 97.198.2 25 C. 991 991 990 990 990 990 990, 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 178.8 77.7 78.7 79-880 881.8 82.9 83.9 84.9 86 87 1 88 289 290 391 492.5 93 6 94 795 896.9 98.1 26 C. 990 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 989 77 478 479 580 5 81.5 82.6 83.6,84 785 7 86.8 87.9 89 • 78 i • · + • 80.6 • • 90 191 192 2 93 494 5 95.6 96.7 97.9 27 C. 989 988 988 988 988 988, 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 988 987 987 987 82.4 77.1 78.179 280 281 2 82.3 83.3 84 485 486.5 87.6 88 7 89 8 90.9 92 93.194.3 95 496.5.97.7 28 C. 988 988 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 987 986 986 986 84 185 186 2 87 388 489 5 90 6 91 7 92.9 94 195 2 96.3 97.5 84.2 76.7 77.878-979:9 80.9 82 83 29 C. 987 987 987 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 986 985 985 87.1 88.2 89 390 491.5 92.7 93.895 86.0 76.4 77.7 78.6 79.6 80.6 81 7 82.7 83.884.9 86 96.1 97.3 30 C. 986 986 986 986 985 985 985 985 985 985 985 985 985 985 985 985 985 985 984 984 • D • 1 · (GAY-Lussac.)—TABLE 1.—continued. • X • · • | · • • • • • • ▸ D · D • • 350 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. (GAY-LUSSAC.)-ALCOHOLOMETRIC TABLE II. To find directly the percentage of absolute alcohol of a liquid at any temperature from the observed percentage at the same temperature. Temp. F. 0. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. ceut. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 14 1 2 3 4 per per per per 5 per 6 per · • 0 1.3 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.5 7.5 8.6 9.7 10.9 12.2 13 414 7 16 117.5 19 F 32.0 33.8 1 35.6 2 13 414 716 13 414 7 16 37.4 3 13.3 14.6 15 • 13.3 14.5 15 8 16.9 18.1 19 4 20 7 21.9 23.1 39.2 4 41.0 42.8 6 144.6 7 I · 9.4 10.5 11 · · 20 21 19 220 521·622·8) 13.114.3 15.6 16·7 17·8 19 20 3 21 4 22.5 13 14 215 416.6 17.7 18.8 20 21 22.1 13 14.115.3 18.6 19.720 7 21 8 12.9 14 15.116.2 17.3 18.4 19.5 20 5 21 6, 9.5 10 6 11 7 12.7 13.814.9 16 17 18.119 220 221-3 6 12 6 13 6 14 7 15 8 16.8 17.9 19 9.3 10.4 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.6 15.6 16.617-618-719-720-7 9.210.311 412 413 414 415 416 4 17.4 18.5 19.5 20.5 9.110 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 2} 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9.9 10.9 11.9 12.9 13.9 14.9 15.9 16.9 17.8 18.7 19.7 9.8 12.713-714-7 15.6 16.6 17.5 18.4 19.4 9.7 10.7 11.6 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.4 16.3 17.3 18.2 19.1 · 1 46.4 8 48.2 9 → 50.0 10 1.4 2.4 3.4 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 51.8 11 1.3 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.4 8.4 53.6 12 1.2 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3 55 4 13 1.2 57.2 14 1.1 59.0 15 1 60.8 16 0.9 62.6 17 0.8 64.4 18 0.7 • · • 5 1.4 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.7 9 8 10 9 12 1 13 214 415 7 16 8 18 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.2 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.9 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 1.8 2.8 3.8 4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8 8.8 1.7 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 7.7 8.7 G · • • · • ► • 20.4 21.7 23 24.3 17.3 18.7 20 1 21 4 22.7 24 17.218.6 19.9 21.2 22.4 23.7 · 9 17 1 18.3 19.7 20.9 22.1 23.4 • . • • I I I · 351 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. F. C. Temp. F. 32.0 33.8 35.6 37.4 1 2 3 4 5 per per per per per cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. • 8.3 66 2 19 19 0.6 1.6 2.6 3.6 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 68.0 20 0.5 1.5 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.3 69.8 21 0.4 1.4 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.2 6.2 7.1 71.6 22 0.3 1.3 2.2 3.2 4.1 73.4 23 0.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 4 8.1 5.1 6.17 7.9 4.9 5.9 6.8 7.8 1 75.2 24 0.0 77.0 25 78.8 26 80.6 27 1.9 2.9 3.8 4.8 5.8 6.7 7.6 8.5 0.8 1.7 2.7 3.6' 4.6 5.5 6.5 7.4 8.3 0.7 1.6 2.6 3.5 4.4 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.1 9 0.5 1.5 2.4 3.3 4.3 5.2 6.1 7 7.9 8.8 0.3 1.3 2.2 3.1 4.1 5 5.9 6.8 7.7 8.6 0.1 1.1 2 2.9 3.9 4.8 5.7 6.6 7.5 8.4 9.2 10.1 11 0.0 0.9 1.9 2.8 3.7 4.6 82.4 28 84.2 29 86.0 30 C. Mag (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE II.-continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. C 6 7 8 0 10 11 per per per per cent. cent. cent. oent. cent. cout, per per 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 per per per per per per cout. cent. cent. cent. gent. • 9.5 10.5 11 412 413.3 14.3 15.2 16.1 17 9.310 311 212 213.114 17.9 18.8 9.110.111 14.915 8 16·7 17·6 18.5 11.9 12.8 13.7 14.6 15.5 16.4 17.3 18.2 8.9 9 9 10 8 11 7 12.6 13.5 14 415 316 217 8.7 9.7.10 6 11.5 12.4 13.3 14.115 • · 17.9 • • • 15.9 16.7 17.6 9.5 10 411 312.213.1 13.914.8 15.7 16.5 17.4 9.3 10.211.1 12 12.8 13.6 14.5 15 4 16.217.1 9.9 10.8 11 7 12 613 414 2 15.1 15.9 16.7 9.7 10.6 11.5 12.3 13.1 13.9 14.8 15.6 16.4 9.5 10.3 11.2 12 12.8 13.6 14.4 15.2 16 11.7 12.5 13 3 14 114·915·7 5.5 6.4 7.3 8.1, 9 9.8 10.7 11.5 12.3 13 13.8,14 6 15·4] • • 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. per per per per per per per fer per • • • • • • 40 33 34 35 36 37 38 89 cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. per per per per per per per per per per per 28 29 30 31 82 per per per • O • T • • 46 0,25 7 27.1 28.5 29 9 31 1 32.3 33.4 34.5 35.6 36.6 37.6 38.5 39 6 40.6 41.5 42.5 43.5 44 445 446 4 125.4 26.8 28.1 29 4 30 6 31 8 32.9 34 35 136 137 138 139 140 141·2 42⋅ 2 43 1'44.1 45 2.25 26 427 6 28.9 30·231·4 32.5 33.5 34.6 35.6 36·7 37-738-739 7 40·7 41·7 42·7 43 7 44 6 45.5 3 24.7 26 27.3 28.6 29.8.31 ! : ▸ • • • • 32 133 134 1:35 236 237 338 339 340 341 3 42-3 43 244 245 2 1 • • 1 · • • • • · 352 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. F. 55.4 57.2 59.0 60.8 62.6 64.4 C. 39.2 424 425 7 26 5 24 1 25 41.0 · • 7 28 9 30 1 31 232 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 442 443 444 4 9 28 326 527 26 1 27 7 23 4 24 7 25.8 27 # 42.8 6 23.7 25 • • · • • 3 28 529 730 8 31.8 32.8 33.834 935 936 9 37 9 38 • 44.6 940 941 9 42 943-9 440 441 442 443 4 4.0 41 42 43 · 48.2 9 22 723 9/25 • 9 39 28 129 330 331 332 333 334 335 436 437 438 439 46.4 8 23 24·225 426 6 27·7 28.9 29 930 931·932 933 934 935 936 9 38 39 26.2 27.3 28.5 29.5 30 531.5 32.5 33.5 34.5 35.5 36.5 37.5 38 6 39 640 6 41 6 42.6] 10 22.4 23.5 24.6 25.8 26.9 28 29 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 1 1122 123 224 325 4 26.5 27 728 7 29 7 30 731 7 32 733 734 735 736 7 37 12 21.8 22.9 24 1321 522 6 23 50.0 • 139 • • • 51.8 • • • 7 38 7 39 740 741.7 53.6 D • • 14 21 2 22 326 25 126 127·228 229 230 231 232 233·234·335 336 337 338 339 340 341 3 724 725 7 26 8 27·8 28 ·8 29·830 831·832.8 33.834 8 35 836·837·8 38 839 840·9 323 324 325 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 4 23 24 125 26 27 28 29 130 31 132 33 134 35 36 37 38 39 140 16 20 721 722 7 23 724 725 7 26 17 20 421 422 15 21 22 • • · • 423 424 425 426 327 18 20 121 122 66 2 68.0 69.8 71.6 73.4 21 22 23 per per per cent. cent. cent. ▸ • • • 20:19 5 20 • • . • 19 19 820 8 21 5 21 D · 2119 120 121 · 22 18 819 8 20 23 18.5 19 4.20 I · · 75 2 24 18 219 120 • • (GAY-LUSSAC).-TABLE II.-continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 99 38 40 per per per per per per per por per per per per per por per per cont. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 26 per cent. cent. cent. cent. D · • • 1 29 3 30.6 31.6 32.7 33 734 735 736.7 37.7 38.8 39 1 • • 21 D 23 24 25 • • • • 25 • 7 23 6 24 6 25 324 325 7 22 422 423 • 122 122 9 23 9 24 • 7 21.6 22.5 23.5 24 ¦ · • · · • • 8 25 3,25 · 1 • • • · • · • • D · · • • • • • • · · • ► · • • D • • D 9 26 9 27 5 26 4 27 · 226 ▸ • 127 • 27 9 28 9 29 930 831·832·833 8 34 8 35 8.36·8 37·8 • · 1 6 26 6 27.5 28.5 29.5 30 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 4 226 227 128 129 130 1 31 32 133 84 135 36 36.9 3 21 3 22.2 23.1 24 1 24.9 25 8 26·7 27 728 7 29 6 30·6 31·632·633.5 34.5 35.5 36.5 21.8 22.7 23.6 24.5 25 4 26 327 328 329 230 231 132 133 134 135 136 1 F D · · 6 27 628 629 630 6 31 6 32.5 33.5 34.5 35.5 36.5 37.5 38.5 39.5 328 229 230 231 D • 8 29 830 8 31 7 32-6 33.6 34 6.35 6 36.6 37.6 38.6 • · • ► 840 841 842 8 43.844.8 · • • • • • · • • • 8 28 328 329 330 331 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 2 4 · 232 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 1 • · U • • • • • • • • • • ** 353 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. F. 0. Temp. F. 32.0 33.8 135.6 137.4 139.2 141.0 42.8 44.6 46.4 48.2 (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE II.-continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 por por por per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent cent. cent. cont. cent. cent.] cent. cent. cent.] cent · · • · 8 29 7 30 731 7 32 7 33 734 735.7 1 ► • • • 332 • 333 334 335 3 · • · 77.0 25 17.9 18.8 19.7 20.621.5 22 423 224 225 126 26.9 27.9 28 78.8 26 17.6 18.5 19 4 20 321 222 122 9 23 8 24 7 25 6 26.5 27.5 28 429 330 331 80.6 27 17.3 18.2 19 1 20 20-821.7 22 6 23.5 24.3 25 2 26 127 127.9 28.9 29 9 30 9 31 9 32 9 33.9 34.8 82.4 28 16.9 17.9 18.8 19.6 20.5 21 422.2 23.1 23.9 24.8 25.7 26 6 27.5 28.5 29.5 30.5 31.5 32.5 33.5 34.4 84.2 29 16 6 17.5 18.4 19.3'20 2 21 21.8 22.7 23.6 24 4 25 226 227 1 28 1 29 130 131 132 133 1 34 86.0 30 16 3 17 2 18.1 19 721 5 22.4 23.2 24 · ! • • J • • • • • 19 8 20 7 27 7 28-729 730 7 31.6'32-6 33.6) T 1 J C. • · • + • • • • 静 ​• 41 12 43 45 10 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 5.1 55 56 57 58 59 60 per per per per por per per per per per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent cent. cent. cent. cent 14 per per per per • • · • 047 448 449 350 351 352 353 254 155 156 157 158 59 • 147 48 I 246.5 47 346 247 • • 50 51 52 59.9 60.9 61.9 62.9 63 9 64 9 65.8 148.949.950-851 8 52 8 53.754 755 756 757 6 58 6 59 660 661.6 62.5 63.5 64.5 65.5 548 549 550 451 452 353 354 355 356 357 258 259 260 261 262 163 164 165 1 148 149 52 9 53 9 541 855 8 56 857 8 58 859 860 861 445 8 46 747 748 7 49 650 651 5 52.5 53.5 54.555.5 56.5 57 458 459 460 361 545 346 247 248 249 250 55 56 57 644 9 45 8 46 847 848 8 49 • • • 251 I · 744 445 446 447 448 449 450 844 145 46 47 47.9 48.919 1 · ་ 943 044 645 646 6 47 548 549 5 50 ► • • O • • · 152 153 154 • 8 50 851 7 52 7 53 754 7 55 • · 451 352 353 254 255 9 50 • • • · • • ► • · • • • 9 51.9 52.9 53 9 54 · · · ► • · 551 5 52.5 53.5 54.5 55 35 36 37 38 39 40 per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. N D • • · 1 1 • • 762.7 63 7 64.7 · • • 362 3 63 364 3 60 60 961.9 62·9 63·9 656 6 57 5 58.5 59.5 60·5 61·5 62.5 63.5 59 58 D • I · 256 257 158 159 160 161 162 163 1 I 9 55 • • • • • • • • • · • · • · • · 8 56.8 57.8 58.8 59 8 60 8 61.8 62.8 • T ¦ 1 • 556 457 458 459 460 461 462 4 • F 7 354 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. F. 153.6 155.4 62.6 64.4 66.2 68.0 69.8 71.6 151 152 61 62 | • • 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 7 50·7′51·7 52.753.7 54.6 55.6 56 6 57·6 58 6 59 6 60·6 61.6] 350 351·2′52·2′53·2 54·2 55·2 56·2 57 ·2 58 } I i · · 349 ! 50.0 10 43 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 51.8 1142.743 744 745 7 46 747 7 48 7 49 12 42 343 344 345 3‍46 347 348 1341-942-943-944.9 45.9 46.9 47 57.2 1441 442 443 444 445 446 447 59.0 42 43 44 45 60.8 • • • • • 259 260 261 2 9,48 9 49 9 50 9 51.9 52.8 53 8 54 855 8 56.8 57.8 58.8 59.8 60-8 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 4 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 15'41 16.40.6 41.6 42.6 43.6 44 17 • • · • • D 6 49 6 50 · 6 51 6 52 6 53 6 54 6 55 6 56 6 57 6 58 6'59.6 : T } • 40 141 142 143 144 145 246 247 248 249 1839-7,40-741-742-743-744-8,45 846 847 8 48 19 39 340 341 342 443 444 445 446 447 448 8 50 851 8 52 8 53.8 54.8 55 8 56.8 57.8 58.8 • • • 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 4 56 57 58 •· · . • ► 20 38.9 39.9 40.9 42 43 44 |45 46 |47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 21 38.4 39 440 441.5 42.5 43.5 44 645 646 6 47 648 6 49 650 6 51 2238 39 40 41 142 143 144 73.4 23 37.6 38.6 39.6'40.6 41 642 6 43 24 37 238 239 240 241 242 243 • 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 • 4 · • • • 652 6 53 6 54.6 55.6 56.6'57.6 152.2 53 254 255 256 257 2 8.51 8 52.8 53.8 54.855.8 56.8 344 345 346 347 348 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 4 25 36.7 37.738 739 840 841 9 42 943 9 44 9 46 6 45 746-747-748 849 8 50 I · I T 1 75.2 77.0 73.8 • 47 48 49 150 51 52 53 54 55 56 I • I I I 3 + • · D • • 26 36 337 338 339 440 441.5 42.5 43.5 44.5 45.5 46.5 47 548 5 49.5 50.5 51.5 52.5 53.5 54.5 55.6 27 35.9 36.937.9 39 40 41 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 1‍49 150 251 252 253 254 255.2 28 35.4 36.5 37.5 38 6 39 6 40·6 41 642 6 43·7 44·7 45·746·7 47 7 48 7 49 8 50 851 8 52 8 53.8 54.8 29 35 37 138 139 140 241 242 · 2 43·3 44 345 346 347 348 449 450 451 452 453 454 4 30 34 6 35.6 36 637-738-739-840-841 8 42 8 43 • · : • • 36 · · 8 44 945 9 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 I + • 80 6 82.4 C. 84.2 86.0 (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE II.-continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 44 45 41 42 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 per per per per per per por per per per per per per per cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent per per · • • • · • • · • · • · • · • · C • • • • • 46 47 • • 645 6 46 6 47 6 48 ד • • • · • · • • 6 44 • · • • • · • · · • • • D • 250 8 49 • · · · • • • 7 • • • • • • · · I 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 2'59.2 I I 1 1 · • • · · • · · • · D • 57 58 59 60 per per per per cont. cent. cent. cent. ▸ • • • • • · D • • " · • • · CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. F. C. 32.0 33.8 135.6 37.4 39.2 41.0 42.8 44.6 46.4 (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE II.-continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 61 62 63 6-1 65 66 74 75 76 77 78 79 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per cont. cont. cent. ceut. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. ceut. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. per per per per per 0 66.867 8'68.8 69.8 70.8 71.7 72.7 73.774-775-776-677 678 679 680 681 6 82.6 83.6 84.585.5 166 5 67.5 68.5 69 470 471 372 373 374 375 376 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 1 266 167 168 169 170 171 · F I 11 62 • • · · • • • 71.9 72.9 73.9 74.975 9 76.9 77 978-979.9 80.9 81.9 82.9 83.8 84.7. • · I • 365 6 66.6 67 668 669 670 · · I T. 1 • 671 6 72.6 73.6 74.5 75 576 577.5 78.5 79.5 80.5 81.5 82.5 83 484 4 465 366 367 368 369 370 271 272 273 274 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 84 564 965 9 66.9 67.9 68.9 69.8 70.8 71.8 72.8 73.874-875-776-777-778-779-780.7 81.7 82.7 83.7 T 6 64.5 65 5 66.5 67.5 68.5 69.5 70.5 71.5 72.5 73 474 475 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 3 764 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 T I - 73 74 75 176 77 78 79 180 181 82 82.9 T ! • • · 148.2 150.0 863.8 64.8 65.8 66.8 67.7 68.7 69.7 70.6 73.6 74.6 75.6 76.6 77.6 78.6 79.6 80.6 81.6 82.6. 963 464 465 466 467 3 68.3 69 370 371 372 373 3 74 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 2 82.2 T 1063 64 65 66 67 67.9 68.9 69 6 63.6,64.6 65 6 66.6 67 6 68 6 69 1 9 70-971-9 72.9 73.9 74.975 976 977.9 78.9 79.9 80.9 81.9 + 1 • • - 51.8 • 6 70 671 6 72.6 73.5 74.5 75.5 76.5 77.5 78.5 79.5 80.5 81.5 · • Į 53.6 1262 263 264 265 266 267 268 270 t } I 1 · 55.4 · 8 69 8.70.8 71.8 72.8 73.8 74.8 75.8 76.8 77.8 78.8 79.8 80.8 : I F I I 57.2 • 1 269 1361.8 62.863.8 64.8 65.8 66.8 67 8 68 1461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 59.0 15.61 62 63 64 60.8 16.60 6 61 62 6 17 60 261 64.4 65 66 • • • 662 6 63 * ! F 4 1 • 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 4 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 175 76 77 178 179 80 6,64.6 65 6 66 6,67 6 63.6 69.6 70 671 6 72.6 73.6 74.6 75.6 76.6 77.6 78.6 79.6 262 263 264 265 266 367 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 2 1859 860 861·8 62.863.8 64.8 65·8 66·8 67·8 68.8 69.870·871·8 72.8 73.8 74.975 976 9,77.9 78.9 1959 460 461 4 62.5 63.5 64.5 65 5 66.5 67.5 70.5 71.5 72.5 73.5 74.5 75.5 78.5 20.59 60 61 62 63 64 21 53.6 59 6 60 7,61 762 7 63 7 64 765 7 66.7 67-768-769-770-771-772-773-774-7 75-876-8 77.8 1 1 1 1 I I 1 • 66.2 T ! ▸ ; 163.0 • 65 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 1 i • 1 1 1 • 69.8 • D • $ | ▸ • • D • • · • • • · · • • • • • • [] • • I · • • • • • · · • · · • • • - • • • + • • • · • • • i • • • • • · · • • • • 271 272 273 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 1 I • • • · · • · • • . • • • • • • • · • • 80 N • • ► 2 A 2 356 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. F. C. 61 62 per per cent. cent. Temp. F. C. • • • · · 73.3 74.3 75 476 477.4 74 75 176 77 I 73 I • · T 71.6 2258 259 260 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372.3 71 72 73.4 2357 858.8 59 8 60.9 61.9 62.9 63.9 64.9 65.9 66.9 67.968.9'70 75.2 2457 458 459 460.5 61.5 62.5 63.5 64.5 65 5 66.5 67.5 68.5 69 6 70 671.6 72.6 73.6 74.675 676.6 177.0 25.57 58 59 60 161 162 163 · 1‍64 165 78.8 26 56 657 6 58 6 59 6 60 7 62 7 63 7 61 3‍62 363 364 74.275.3 76.3 1 166 167 168 169 270 271.2 72.2 73.2 7 65.7 66.7 67.7 68.8 69.8 70.8 71.8 72.8 73.8 74.8 75.9 • • • 1 • 73 474 475.5 • 257 258.3 59.3 60 72.4 69 170 171·1 72.1 I • • • 67 68 • 7.61 361 365 366 367.3 68 469 470-4 71.4 8 56.8 57.8 58.8 59 9 60 9 61 9 62.9.63 9 64.9 66 456 457 458.5 59.5 60.5 61.5 62.5 63.5 64.5 65 56 57 158 159 1 60.1 61.1 62.1'63 1 64 1 65 80.6 27 56 82.4 28 55 84.2 29 55 86.0 30.55 · · 6 66.6 67 7 63.7 69.7 70.7 73 174 175 1 71.7 72.7 71.3 72.3 73.3 74.3 · T • • • • 2 66 2 67 368 369.3 70.3 1 (Gar-Lussac.)—TABLE II.—continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 63 64 65 66 67 68 75 74 73 72 71 69 70 per per per per per per per per per per per por por cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent.] cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. • • • • · • • · • • • • • • • 81 90 95 94 93 92 91 89 88 87 86 8-1 85 83 82 per per per per per per per per per per per por per cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent.' cont. cent. per per • · · • • · · • • • 32.0 195 95·996·897·7 98.6 99.5 100·3101·2 0'86 487 488 389 290 291 292 293 194 ! 29.990 8.91 8 92.8 93.7 94 6,95 6 96.5 97 4 98.3 99 2 100 89 · · • • 33.8 186 187 88 2 85.7 86.687·6 88 I 1 35.6 6 89 6 90.5 91.5 92 493 494 395·2′96·197 I f 100.9 97.9 98.9 99.8100.7 94.9.95 8.96.7 97.7 98.6 8,92 7 93.7 94.6 95.5 96.4 97.4 98.3 T 137.4 94 385 386 387 388 389 290 291 292 193 4 85 99.5 100.4 99.2100 1101 ! 39.2 86 88 87 F • • • • • 88.9'89.9 90.891 5 84 785 686 6 87 688 5'89 5 90.5 91 142.8 6 84 385 386 387 ·3 88·2 89 · 2 90.1 91 141.0 492 493 394 3 95 296 2 97.1 98 98-9 99.8'100.7 I 92 193 193.9 94.995.9 96.8 97.7 98.7 99.6 100.5 1 T I • • . • • · 44.6 7 83.9 84.9 85.986 9 87.9 83.8 89 890 7.91 7 92 6 93 694 6 95 6 96.5 97 4 98.4 99 3 100·2 1 1 • • · • · 76 per cent. 77 por cent. 78 79 80 per per per cent. cent. cent. • • 97 96 per per cent. ceut 1 • • 99 98 100 per per per cent. cent. cent. ► 357 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Temp. F. C. 46.4 48.2 50.0 51.8 53.6 55.4 57.2 59.0 60.8 62.6 64.4 66.2 68.0 69.8 71.6 73.4 75.2 77.0 78.8 80.6 182.4 84.2 86.0 (GAY-LUSSAC.)-TABLE II.-continued. Observed percentage of the Alcoholometer. 86 96 97 98 99 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 99 91 95 per per per per per per per per per per por cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cont. cent. cent. cent. cent.' cont. cent, cent. cent. cent. | cent. cent cent. 81 82 83 81 per per per per per per per per • • • 883.6 84.6 85.6 86.5 87.5 88.5 89 490 491 3 92.3 93.3 94.3 95.3 96 297 1'98 199 9 83 284 285 286 287 188 189 190 99.9 7.99.7 100 · 91 92 193 94 95 [95.9 96·8 97.8 98 • ► • · · · 8 86 887 888-789-790 1 10 82.8 83 1182.5 83 8 85 485 • • O 7 91 792 7 93.7 94 7 95.6 96.5 97 598 5 99 4 100 4 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 4 93 394 395 3.96 297 298 299 1 100 1 86 187 88 189 90 91 92 93 94 '95 95·9 96·9 97·9 98.9 99.8 I · 791 7 92 793.7 94 • • 6 95 6 96·6 97·698.6 99.5 95 94 96 197 98 99 100 ► • I • t I : 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 3.98.3 99.3. 82 83 84 185 [86 87 88 189 90 91 92 93 16 80.6 81.6 82.6 83.684 685 686 687 6 88 6 89.6 90.7 91 792 7 93.7 94.7 95.7 96.7 97.7 98.7 99.7 1780 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 390 391 3.92 493 494 495 496 497 4 98.5 99.5 92 1879 9 80 9 81.9 82.9 83.9 84.9 85.9 86 987 9 88.9 89.9 91 93 1979.5 80.5 81.6 82.6 83.684 685 686 6 87.6 88 6 89 6 90.7 91-7 92 T 20,79 180 181 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 391 3 92 21 78 779 · 780 • 881·8│82·8[83·884·885·9 86·9 87·9 88.9 90 • • • • • • 7 93.7 94.895 8 96.9 97.9 98.9 · • ! 493 4 94.5 95.5 96.6 97.6 98.6 92 91 • 93 194 195 2 96.3 97.3 98.4 • • • 97 98.1 22 78 479 480 481 482 483 484 485·5 86.5 87 · 6 88 · 6 89 6 90 7 91.8 92·8 93·9 94·9 96 23 78 79 I • 91.1 92.1 93.294.3 95.3 96.4 80 181 182 183 184 185 186 1‍87 · 2 88·3 89·3 90·4 91·4 92*4 93·5 94 6 95.7 96.7 97.8 2477 678 679 780 781 7 82.7 83.7 84.7 85.7 86.8 87.9 88.9 90 25 77 378 379 380 381 382 383 484 485 486.5 87.5 88.6 89 26.76.9 77.9 78.9 79.9 80.9 81.982.9 84 1 97.5 96.197.2 • • 7.90 7 91 8 92.9 93.9 95 T I 85 86 187 288 289.3 90 491.5 92.5 93.6 94.7 95.8 97 27 76.5 77.5 78.5 79.5 80.5 81.6 82.6 83.6 84.7 85.7 86.8 87.9 89 90 91.1 92.2 93.3 94.3 95.5 96.7 · 94.1 95.2 96.4 28 76 177 178 279 280 281.382.383.3 84.3 85 4 86.5 87.5 88.6 89.7 90.891.9.93 29.75.7 76 877·878.8 79.8 80.9 81 683 • • • 84 85 86 1,87 288 289 3 90 4 91 6 92.7 93 8 94.9 96.1 1 • + · · 30 75 3 76 477 478 479 480 5 81.5 82.6 83.6 84.7 85.8 86.9 87 9,89 90 1,91 292.4 93.5 94.6 95.8 I · · 1282 183 184 : · • 13 81 882 8 83 14 81 482 483 15 81 - · · · • 8 84 484 • · · • • • • • • • · • • 185 884 885 7 86.7 87.7 83.7 89.7 90 484 485 486 487 488 389 390 • · · · D · · · • ► T ! ● [ • • · T · ► • • • · • • • → • • T J • • · 1 • " · · • · • • Į J . · • · 1 • · • · · · • • 91 95 196 1 97.1 98.2 99.2 ! • • • 1 • I 100 per cent. 1 358 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE I. Table of Specific Gravities by Sikes' Hydrometer, adapted to Field's Alcoholometer for Cordialized Spirits. 60 130 Temperature, 60°.-Specific Gravity of Water, 1.000°. 70 80 140 90 150 Wt. S.G. Wt. S.G. Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. 60 922 70 942 80 961 90 981 100 1000 110 1020 120 1041 1 924 1943 1963 1983 11002 11022 1 1044 2945 2 965 2 985 3.947 3 967 2 926 21004 21024 2 1046 3 928 3 987 31006 31026 4 930 4 949 4 969 41008 41029 ; 5 932 5 951 5 971 5:1010 51031 6 934 6 973 6,1012 61033 6.953 7955 7 975 7 936 7:1014 71035 8 938 8957 8 977 8 997 8:1016 81037 8 1058 9 940 9959 9 979 9 999 9 1018 91039 9 1061 70 942 80961 90 981 100 1000 110 1020 120 1041 130 1063 4 989 5 991 6993 7995 100 160 110 170 3 4 1162 5 1164 6 1166 7 1168 1148 1150 9 1152 180 120 8 1171 Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. Wt. S. G. 130 1063 140 1085 150 1129170 1152 180 1175] 1155 1 1178 2 1157 2 1180 2 1134 3 1136 1159 3 1182 4 1185 1107 160 1 1065 1 1087 1 1109 1 1131 1 2 1067 2 1089 2 1111 3 1069 3 1091 3 1113 4 1071 4 1093 4 1116 5 1074 5 1096 5 1118 6 1076 6 1098 6 1120 7 1078 7 1100 7 1123 8 1080 8. 1102 8 1125 8 9 1082 9 1104 91127 9 1085 150 1107 160 1129 170 5 1187 4 1139 5 1141 6 1143 7 1145 6 1189 7 1191 8 1194 1173 9 1196 1175 190 140 1199 3 1048 4 1050 5 1052 6 1054 7 1056 180 359 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE II. Table showing the Lbs. of Sugar per Gallon in Cordialized Spirits, with the Percentages to be added to the Indicated Strength, per the Alcoholometer. Difference of Gravity. Lbs. of Sugar per Gallon. Spec. Grav. of Spirit. 920 923 926 929 932 935 938 940 943 945 948 950 952 954 956 958 960 962 964 Per cent. of Spirit. Proof 2.5 5. 7.5 10. 12.5 15. 17.5 20. 22.5 25. 27.5 30. 32.5 35. 37.5 40. 42.5 45. 15 10 4 oz., 6 oz., or 25 37 to 100. to 10 20 25 30 35 8 oz., 10 oz., 12 oz., 14 oz., 50 87, 1.3 624 75 to 100. to 100. to 100. to 100. 1.0. 1.6 2.5 3.4 1.6 2.5 3.3 1.5 2.4 3.2 1.5 2.3 3.2 1.4 2.2 3.1 1.4 2.2 3.1 1.4 2.1 3.0 1.3 2.1 2.9 2.0 2.8 2.0 2.7 1.9 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.8 1.1 1.7 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.6 .9 1.5 ⚫9 1.5 ⚫9 1.4 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.9 40 45 02. 1.2. 50 07. 1.2. 5.3 6.2 7.1 5.2 6.1 6.9 5.0 5.9 6.8 7.7 4.9 5.8 6.6 7.5 8.4 4.8 5.7 6.5 7.4 8.2 8.0 4.7 5.5 6.3 7.2 3.8 4.6 5.4 6.2 7.0 7.8 3.7 4.5 5.3 6.0 6.8 7.6 3.6 4.4 5.2 5.9 6.7 7.5 3.5 4.3 5.0 5.7 6.5 7.3 2.6 3.4 4:1 4.8 5.5 6.3 7.0 2.5 3.3 4.0 6.8 4.7 5.3 6.1 4.5 5.1 5.8 2.4 6.5 6.2 6.0 3.1 3.8 2.3 3.0 3.6 4.3 4.8 5.5 2.2 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.6 5.3 2.1 2.8 3.4 3.9 4.4 5.1 5.8 3.8 4.3 4.9 3.6 2.5 3.0 3.5 2.0 2.7 3.2 2.0 2.6 5.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 3.1 1.9 4.0 4.6 5.1 8.1 9.0 7.8 8.8 8.6 Difference of Gravity. Lbs. of Sugar per Gallon. Per cent. of Spirit. Proof 2.5 5. 7.5 10. 12.5 15. 17.5 20. 22.5 25. 27.5 30⚫ 32.5 35⚫ 37.5 40· 42.5 45. Spec. Grav. of Spirit. 920 923 926 929 932 935 938 940 943 945 948 950 952 954 956 958 960 962 964 360 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Difference of Gravity. Lbs. of Sugar per Gallon. Spec. Grav. of Spirit. 965 - 967 969 970 972 973 974 976 977 979 980 982 983 984 986 988 990 992 994 996 998 Per cent. of Spirit. 47.5 50⚫ 52.5 55. 57.5 60' 62.5 65. 67.5 70. 72.5 75. 77.5 80. 82.5 85. 87.5 90' 92.5 95. 97.5 10 20 25 30 0%. 10 oz., 12 oz., 60 622 75 to 100. to 100. to 10). to 100. to 100. to 100. 1·0. 40%., or 25 ל • .8 1.4 1.9 8 1.3 1.8 1.2 1.7 .7 1.2 1.6 .6 1.1 1.0 1.0 .9 *8 DODD HD C C ~~~ – .6 .6 .5 .5 •4 • 4 ⚫3 ⚫3 •2 ⚫2 .2 •1 1 15 6 0%., 87 ·· ~J Co •7 .7 7GD4322EL .6 •5 • 4 + •3 TABLE II.-continued. 1 •• 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 ⚫9 .8 7353221 •7 6 •5 4 .2 •2 • 1 • • 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 2.0 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.7 1.3 1.5 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.4 ⚫9 1.0 1.2 ⚫8 1.0 .7 .9 .6 .8 *5 7 4 321. ⚫3 ⚫2 98765432 .8 35 14 oz.,| 87 לי •2 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.4 4.9 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.8 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.5 2.4 2.9 3.4 3.8 4.2 2.2 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.3 3.6 2.4 2.7 3.1 3.5 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.1 2.0 2.3 2.6 2.9 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.6 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.3 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.0 1.2 1.4 •9 1.0 1.2 - 6543 • 40 ⚫3 B7GB H •7 •8 ⚫9 .6 45 •5 Oz. 1.2. •4 2000 IS LO •8 ד. .6 50 ⚫5 0%. 1.4. 1.0 ⚫9 .8 .7 .6 Difference of Gravity. Lbs. of Sugar per Gallon. Per cent. of Spirit. 47.5 50⚫ 52.5 55. 57.5 60. 62.5 65. 67.5 70. 72.5 75. 77.5 80. 82.5 85⚫ 87.5 90. 92.5 95. 97.5 Spec. Grav. of Spirit. 965 967 969 970 972 973 974 976 977 979 980 982 983 984 986 988 990 992 994 996 998 361 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SUGAR SOLUTIONS BY SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 17.5° C. Sugar per cent. Specific Gravity according to LO Niemann. Sugar per cent. Balling. 1.0788 1.0781 1.0832 1.0830 1.0877 1.0875 1.0922 1.0920 23 1.0967 1.0965 2 2 2 2 Balling. 1 1.0040 1.0035 19 2 1.0080 1.0070 20 3 1.0120 1.0106 21 4 1.0160 1.0143 22 5 1.0200 1.0179 6 1.0240 1.0215 24 1.1013 1·1010 7 1.0281 1.0254 1.1059 1.1056 8 1.0322 1.0291 26 1.1106 1.1103 1.0363 1.0328 27 1.1153 1-1150 10 1.0404 1.0367 28 1.1200 1.1197 9 29 1.1247 1.1245 1·1293 1·1340 11 1.0446 1.0410 12 1.0188 1.0456 13 1·0530 1.0504 14 1.0572 1.0552 15 1.0614 1.0600 16 1.0657 1.0617 1.1388 33 1.1440 1.1436 17 1.0700 1.0693 18 25 Specific Gravity according to ☺ co co co ☺ ☺ ☺ 30 1.1295 1.1343 32 1.1391 31 Niemann. ! 35 1.1540 34 1.1490 1.1484 1.1533 1.0744 1.0738 36 1.1590 1.1582 362 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF Sugar SOLUTIONS, &c.-continued. Sugar per cent. # 2009 44 45 37 38 39 1.1743 40 1.1794 41 1.1846 1.1832 42 1.1898 1.1883 61 43 1.1951 1.1935 62 1.2004 1.1989 63 1.2057 1.2043 64 1.3139 ~ 3 H 18 Specific Gravity according to 46 1.2111 1.2098 53 Sugar per Balling. Niemann. cent. 54 55 1.1641 1.1631 56 1.2667 1.2658 1.1692 1.1681 57 1.2725 1.2714 1.1731 58 1.2783 1.2770 1.1781 59 1.2841 1.2826 60 1.2900 1.2882 1.2959 1.2938 1.3019 1.2994 1.3079 1.3050 1.3105 1.3160 1.3215 1.3270 1.3324 1.3377 1.3430 1.3483 1.2479 1.2490 72 1.3633 1.3535 1.2546 73 1.3696 1.3587 1.2602 74 1.3760 1.3658 · 47 1.2165 1.2153 66 1.3260 48 1.2219 1.2209 67 1.3321 49 1.2274 1.2265 68 1.3383 50 1.2329 1.2322 69 1.3445 51 1.2385 1.2378 70 1.3507 52 1.2441 1.2434 71 1.3570 1.2553 Specific Gravity according to Balling. Niemann, 1.2610 20 65 1.3190 363 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE BY Dr. Ure, shoWING THE QUANTITY OF Sugar in POUNDS AVOIRDUPOIS CONTAINED AT SUCCESSIVE DEGREES OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY, AT 60° FAHR. (15.5° C.). Spec. Lbs. per Spec. Lbs. per Spec. Grav. Gallon. Grav. Gallon. Grav. Lbs. per Gallon. Spec. Grav. Lbs. per Gallon. 1.000 0.0000 1.037 0.9449 1.074 1.9385 1.001 0.0255 1.038 0.9768 1.075 1.9653 1.002 0.0510 1·039 |1·0090|| 1·076 1·9928 1.003 0.0765 1 040 1 0400 1.077 2.1097 1.004 0.1020 1.041 1.0653 1.078 2.0465 1.005 0.1275 1 042 1.0906 1.079 2.0734 1.006 0.1530 1.043 1.1159 1.080 2.1006 1.007 0.1785 1.044 1.1412 1.081 2.1275 1.008 0.2040 1 045 1.1665 1.082 2.1543 1.009 0.2295 1.046 1.1918 1.083 2.1811 1.010 0.2550 1.047 1.2171 1.084 2.2080 1.011 0.2805 1.048 1.2424 1 085 2.2359 1.111 2.9263 1.112 2.9522 1.113 2.9780 1.1143 0045 1.115 3 0304 1.116 3.0563 1.1173.0821 1.118 3 1080 1.119 3.1343 1.120 3 1610 1.121 3.1871 1·122 3·2130 • 2.2627 · 2.2894 1 123 3 2399 1.124 3.2658 1.12513 2916 2.3438 1.126 3 3174 2.3161 2.37101·127 3.3431 1.012 0.3060 1.049 1.2687 1.086 1.013 0.3315| 1·050 1.2940|| 1·087 1.014 0.3570 1.051 1.3206 1 088 1.015 0.3825 1.052 1.3472 1 089 1.016 0.4180 1.053 1·3738|| 1·090 1.017 0.4335 1.054 1.4004 1 091 2.3987 1.128 3 3690 1.018 0.4590 1·055 1·4270|| 1·092 | 2·4256 | 1·129 | 3·3949 1.019 0.4845 1.056 1.4536 1.093 2.4524 1.020 0.5100 1.057 1.4802 1.094 2.4792 1.021 0 5351 1.058 1.5068 1.095 2.5061 | 1.022 0.5602 1.059 1.5334 1 096 2.5329 1.023 0.5853 1.060 1.5600 1.024 0.6104 • | D 1.097 2.5598 1.0611.5870 1.098 2.58661.135 1.025 0.6355 1 062 1.6142 1.063 1 6414 1.130 3 4211 1.1313.4490 1.132 3.4769 1.133 3.5048 1.134 3.5326 3.5605 | 1.099 2.6130 1.136 3.5882 1.026 0 6606 1.100 2.6404 | 1.027 0.6857 1.064 1.6688 1.101 2.6663 | 1.028 0.7108 1.065 1.6959 1.102 2.6921 | 1.029 0.7359 1.066 1.7228 1.103 2.7188 1.030 0.7610 1.067 1.7496 1 104 2-7446 1.031 0.7861 1.068 1.7764 1.1052-7704 1.032 0.8112 1.069 1.8033 1.106 2.7961 1.033 0.8363 1 070 1.8300 1.107 2.8227 1.034 0.8614 1 071 1.8571 1.108 2.8485 1.035 0.8866 1.072 1.8843 1.109 2.8740 | 1.036 0.9149 1.073 1.9116 1 110 2.9001 1.137 3.6160 1.138 3 6437 1.139 3.6716 1.140 3 7000 1.141 3.7281 1.142 3.7562 1.143 3.7840 1.144 3 8118 1.145 3 8398 1 146 3.8677 1.147 3.8955 • P 364 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE BY DR. URE, SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF SUGAR in POUNDS AVOIrdupois, &c.—continued. Spec. Lbs. per Spec. Lbs. per Grav. Gallon. Grav. Gallon. • + • 1.225 5.9801 1.148 3.9235| 1·1874.9552 1.149 3 9516 1.1884-9803 1.150 3 9801 • 1.226 6.0081 • • 1.227 6 0361 1.228 1.2637 0133 1.264 7 0444 1.265 7.0751 1.2667 1060 1.267 7.1369 6.0642 1.229 6.0925 · · 1.230 6.1205 1.268 7 1678 1.269 7 1988 • 1.231 6.1474 1.234 | 6·2280 • 1.1514 0070 1.1524.0342 1.1534 0611 1.154 4 0880 1.1554 1148 1.156 4.1319 1.1574 1588 1.158 4 1857 1.159 4.2128 1.160 4 2502 1.1614.2771 1.162 4 3040 1.1634 3309 1.164 4.3578 1.165 4.3847 1.1895-0054 1.190 5.0304 1.1915.0563 1.192 5 0822 1.1935 1080 1194 5.1341 1.195 5.1602 1.1965 1863 1.1975 2124 1 235 6.2551 6.2551 1.198 5 2381 1 236 6.2822 1.199 5.2639 1.237 6.3093 1.200 5.2901 1 238 6.3362 1 201 5 3160 1 239 6 3631 1.202 5 3422 1 240 6 3903 1.203 5 3681 1.241 6 4152 1.2045 3941 1.242 6.4401 1 243 6.4650 1.232 | 6·1743 1·232 | 6·17431·2707·2300 1.233 6.2012 1.271 7.2601 1.272 7.2902 1.273 | 7·3204 1.2747-3506 1.275 7 3807 1.276 7 4109 1·2777·4409 1.278 7 4708 1.279 7.5007 1.280 • · • • • • 7.5307 1.281 7.5600 1.1664 4115 1 2055-4203 1.167 4.4383 E 7.5891 6.4902 6.5153 · · 1.282 1.283 7 6180 1.284 7·6469 1.285 7.6758 • 1.206 5.4462 1 244 1.168 4 4652 1 207 5.4720 1 245 1.169 4 4923 1.170 4.5201 1.171 4.5460 1.172 4 5722 1.173 4.5983 1.174 4.6242 1.208 5.4979 1.246 6.5402 1.209 5.5239 1.247 6.5651 1.210 5.5506 1.248 6.5903 1.286 7.7048 1.211 5.5786 1.249 6.6152 1.287 7.7331 1.212 5 6071 1.250 6 64021 288 1.2135 6360 1.251 6.6681 | 1.175 4.6505 1214 5.6651 ► · · 1 252 6.6960 1 253 6 7240 1.254 1.255 1 256 7.7620 1.289 7.7910 1.290 7.8201 1.2917 8482 1.292 7.8763 1.293 7·90+2 1.294 7.9321 1.2957.9600 1.2967.9879 1.297 8.0150 1.298 8.0448 1.176 4.6764 1.2155 6942 1.1774-7023 1.216 5.7233 1.178 4.7281 1.217 5.7522 1.179 4 7539 1.218 5.7814 1.180 4.7802 1.219 5 8108 1.1814 80511.220 5 8401 1.182 4 8303 1 221 5.8680 1.183 4 8554 1.184 4.8802 • 1.257 1.258 1.258 6.8643 • 1.259 6.8921 • 1.222 5.8962 1.260 6.9201 1.2235.9242 1.261 6.9510 1.185 4.9051 1.224 5.9523 1.262 6·9822 1.186 4.9300 1.2998.0719 1.300 8.1001 O • Spec. Lbs. per Grav. Gallon. • i 6.7521 6.7800 6 7800 6.8081 6.8362 Spec. Grav. t Lbs. per Gallon. • · 365 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF SUGAR DEGREES OF BEAUME'S SOLUTIONS BY THE HYDROMETER. Beaumé Degrees. 1 2 3 4 LO 5 6 7 8 ∞ ∞ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sugar per cent. 1.72 3.50 5.30 7.09 8.90 10.71 12.52 14.38 16.20 18.04 19.88 21.71 23.54 25.34 27.25 29.06 30.89 32.75 34.60 36.40 Beaumé Degrees. ************* 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Sugar per cent. 38.29 40.17 42.03 43.92 45.79 47.70 49.60 51.50 53.42 55.36 57.31 59.27 61.23 63.18 65.19 67.19 69.19 71.22 73.28 75.35 366 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. USE OF LAURENT'S SACCHARIMETER. Weigh 16.2 grams of the sugar, dissolve to 100 c. c., and add 10 c. c. of basic acetate of lead if necessary. The 20 centimetre tube is used, or the 22 centimetre tube if the basic acetate has been added. The percentage of sac- charose is given by the degrees of the instrument, the quantity of sugar per litre by the following Table :- Divisions. 1 2 3 4 5 ·· • • ·· Sugar per Litre. 1.62 grams. 3.24 4.86 6.48 8.10 " = " "" "" Divisions. 6 7 8 9 ·· 200 X A ; 288 T .. .. .. Sugar per Litre. 9.72 grams. 11.34 12.96 14.55 "" "" If it is necessary to invert, A being the sum or difference of the observed degrees, and T the temperature °C., P (rotative power) PX 1.62 sugar per litre. "" USE OF SOLEIL'S SACCHARIMETER. Dissolve 16.35 grams of the sugar in 60 c. c. of water, remove colouring matter if present by adding 2 or 3 c. c. of basic acetate of lead, dilute to 100 c. c. and filter if necessary. The 20 centi- metre tube is used. The observed degrees give the percentage of crystallizable sugar, in the absence of other active substances. If other sugars are present, invert by adding 5 c. c. of pure fuming hydrochloric acid to the substance dissolved to 50 c. c. The whole is heated to 68° C. in the water bath and cooled. The 22 centimetre tube should be used; if the other is used, the indications must be multiplied by 1. Clerget's Table (p. 368) is used. 10 Boussingault's Solution (for Sugar).-Dissolve 40 grams copper sulphate (crys.) in 200 c. c. of water. Take 160 grams of neutral potassium tartrate and 130 grams of fused sodium hydrate, and dissolve in 600 c. c. of water. Mix the two solu- tions, dilute to 1 litre, and boil for some minutes. This solution is unalterable. Basic Acetate of Lead.-Dissolve 50 grams of lead acetate in 900 c. c. of water, and digest for 10 hours with 50 grams litharge. 367 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE VALUE IN SUGAR of BEETROOT JUICE AND OTHER LIQUIDS BY BY MEANS OF THE POLARIMETER OF FRÈZE OR THE APPARATUS OF LAURENT. Observed Degrees, 20 c. c. Tube. Corrected Degrees for 22 c. c. Tube. Grams of Sugar per 100 c. c. of Solu- tion. L Specific Gravity of Solution. • • • •· • 8 8.8 6.6 1.0255 6.4416 17.60 13.20 1 8.25 9.07 6.8 0263 6.63 16 25 17.87 13.40 8.50 9.35 7.01 • 0271 6.83 16.50 18 15 13 61 8.75 9.62 7-22 0279 7.02 16.75 18 42 13 82 9 9.90 7.43 0287 7.22 17 18.70 14.03 9.25 10.17 7.63 0295 7.41 17.25 18.97 14.23 9.50 10.45 7.84 0303 7.61 17.50 19 25 14 44 9.75 10 72 8.04 0311 7.80 10 11.00 8.25 0319 7 99 10.25 11.27 8.45 17.75 19.52 14.64 19.80 14.85 0326 8.18 18.25 20.07 15.05 18 10.50 11.55 8.66 0335 8.38 18.50 20 35 15 26 10.75 11.82 8.87 0343 8.58 18.75 20 62 15.47 11 12.10 9.08 0351 8.7719 20.90 15.68 0358 8.96 19 25 21.17 15.88 11.25 12.37 9.28 11.50 12.65 9.49 • 0382 9.54 20 22.00 16.50 0366 9.15 19.50 21 45 16.09 11.75 12.92 9.69 0374 9.34 19.75 21 72 16.29 12 13.20 9.90 12.25 13.47 10 12.50 13.75 10 31 12.75 14.02 10.52 ► 10 0390 9.72 20 25 22 O · 0398 9.92 20 50 22 0406 10 11 20.75 22 0414 10.30 21 23.10 17.33 0422 10.49 21 • 25 23 37 17.53 21 50 23.65 17.74 0431 10 68 0438 10 86 • 21 75 23.92 17.94 0445 11.06 22 24.2018 15 O 0453 11 24 22 · • 25 24 47:18.35 • 13 14.30 10 73 13.25 14.57 10.93 13.50 14.85 11 14 13.75 15 12 11 34 14 15.40 11 55 14.25 15 67 11.75 14.50 15 95 11.96 14.75 16 22 12 17 15 16.50 12.38 15.25 16.77 12.58 0485 11.99 23 25 25 57 19 18 15.50 17.05 12.79 0493 12-19 23 50 25 15.75 17 32 12.99 0501 12.37 23.75 26 0461 11 43 22 50 24.75 18.56 D • 0469 11.62 22.75 25 0218.77 • 0477 11.82 23 25.30 18.98 D • 85:19 39 • 0746 18.04 • 12 19.59 1.0753 18.22 • • • • • • • • • • • · D • • · • • • Grams of Sugar per 100 grams of Liquid. • Observed Degrees, 20 c. c. Tube. • Corrected Degrees for 22 c. c. Tube. Grams of Sugar per 100 c. c. of Solu- tion. • • O • 27 16.70 55 16.91 82 17 12 ▸ • • · · • • · • 0564 13.86 0572 14.04 0580 14.23 0588 14.41 0596 14.60 *0604 14.79 0611 14.97 • · · • • • • • · · • Specific Gravity of Solution. • • • of Sugar per 100 grams of Liquid. • Grams 0509 12.56 0517 12-74 0524 12.93 0533 13.12 0541 13.31 0548 13.49 0556 13.68 0619 15.15 0627 15.33 0635 15.51 0643 15.69 0651 15.88 0660 16.06 0667 16.24 0674 16.42 0682 16.61 0690 16.78 0698 16.97 0706 17.14 0714 17.32 0722 17.51 0729 17.69 0738 17.86 368 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. CLERGET'S TABLE FOR CORRECTING THE INDICATIONS OF SOLEIL'S SACCHARIMETER IN THE ESTIMATION OF SUGAR. 10° C. 15° C. | 20° C. | N. N'. 10° C. 15° C. 20° C. N. 1.64 3.27 56.30 42 57.64 43 58.98 44 58.42 57.36 59 81 58 73 61.20 60·09 62.59 61.46 1.39 1.37 1.34! 2.78 2.73 2.68 2 4.16 4.10 4.02 3 5.56 5.46 5.36 4 6.95 6.83 6.70 5 8.35 8.19 8.04 6 9.74 9.56 9.38 7 4.91 6.54 8.17 63.99 62 82 60.32 45 61.66 46 63.00 47 9.81 65.38 64 19 • 66.77 65 56 S 9 68.17 66.92 69 57 68 29 70.95 69.66 65 68 67 03 68.37 51 50 72.34 71.02 69.71 52 • 11 13 10 93.10.72 13 12.52 12 29:12.06 13.91 13 66 13 41 15.30 15 0314·75 16.69 16 40 16 09 18.08 17.77 17.43 19 47 19 1418 77 14 20.86 20 5120 11 15 22.26 21 88 21.45 16 23.65 23.25 22.79 17 25·0424 6224·13 • • · 81 20 18 26 43 25 90 25 47 19 27.82 27 31 26 29-21 28 68 28 15 30 60 30 0529-49 31.99 31 42 30 83 33.38 32.79 32 16 24 21 22 23 25 42.51 26 37-57 36.90 36 19 27 44.15 1 38.94 38 25 37.53 28 40 34 39 60 38.87 29 41·74 40·9740 21 30 43 12 42 33 41.55 31 44.51 43.70 42.89 32 45.90 45 07 44 23 33 47.20 46 43 45 57 34 48.68 47 8046.91 35 50.08 49 16 48.25 36 51.47 50 53 49 59 37 52.86 51.90 50.93 38 54-25 53 26 52.27 39 • 55 64 54 63 53.63] 40 57.03 55 99.54.96 41 55 99,5 ་ • · • • · • • • • 1] 34 77 34 16 33.51 36 17 35 53 34.85 • • 1 } • • I • • · • · 12 D 11:44 13.08 14.71 16.35 17.99 19.62 21.26 22.89 24.52 26.16 27.79 29.43 31.06 32.70 34.34 35.98 || 37.61 39.25 40.88 10 11 12 D • • 64.34 48 49 N. 73.73 72.39 71-05 53 75.12 73 76 • 72.40 54 73-74 55 76.51 75 12 77.90 76 49 75.08 56 79.29 77.85 76.42 57 • • 101.4 84 68 83.12 62 86.05 84.46 63 103.0 87.43 85.80 64 104.6 88.80 87.14 65 106.3 107.9 109.5 80.68 79-22 77.76 58 82.07 80.59 79.10 59 83.46 81.94 80.43 60 84 86 83.31 81.78 61 86.25 87.64 89 02 90.41 91 81 90.16 88-48 66 93.20 91.54 89.82 67 94.59 92.90 91.16 68 45.78 96.00 94.25 92.50 69 47.42 97.38 95.60 93-83 70 49.05 98.77 96.96 95 17 71 50.69100.2 98.33 96.51 72 117.7 52.33 101.6 99.70 97.85 73 119.3 53.97102.9 101.1 99.19 74 121.0 55 60 104.3 102 4 100.5 57.24 105.7 103.8 101.9 58.87 107.1 105.2 103.2 111.2 112.8 114.4 116.1 75 122.6 76 124.2 77 125.9 O 60 50 108.5 106.5 104.5 62.14 109.9 107.9 105.9 63.77 111.3 109.3 107.2 65 40 112.7 110.9 108.6 67.03 114.1 112.0 109.9 78 127.5 79 129.1 80130.8 81 132.4 82 134.1 · 68.67 70.31 71.95 73.58 75 22 76.85 78.48 80.12 81.75 83.38 85.01 86.65 88.29 89.93 91.56 93.20 94.83 96.46 98.10 99.73 CLERGET'S TABLE FOR CORRECTING, &C.-continued. 10° C. 15° C. 20° C. 135.7 135 7 148 8 D 137 3 150 2 139.0 151 6 140 6153 0 87142 2154 4 151 6 148 8 155.8 153.0 150 1 146 1143.4 147.5 144 8 148.8 146.1 150 2 147 4 O • 10° C. 15° C. 20° C. • • 115.5 113.3 111.3 116 9 114.7 112.6 118.2 116.1 113.9 119 6 117·4115·3 121 0118 8116.6] 122.4 120·2118·0 123.8 121.5119.3 125.2 122.9 120-6 126.6 124.3 122.0 128.0125 6 123.3 129 4 127 0124.7 130 8 128.4 126.0 132.2 129 7127·4 133.6 131·1128·7 134 9 132.5 130.0 136 3 133.8131.4 137 7 135.2132.7 139 1 136 6 134.0 140 5 137 9 135 4 141 9 139 3136.7 143 3 140.7 138.1 144.7 142 0139.4 146 0 143 4140 8 │ • • • • 147 4 144 8142.1 ► • • • N. 83 84 85 86 88 89 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 158 6 155 7152.8 114 • 143.9 145.5 90147.1 148 7 160 0157 0 154.2 115 92150 4161 3158 4 155 4 116 93152.1 · • 91 • • • 162.7159.8 156 8 117 118 119 120 121 122 ► 201.1 202.7 171.1 168 0164 9 123 172.5 169.4166·2 124 173.9 170.7 167 6 125 175 3 172 1 168.9 204.4 126 206.0 • 127 207.6 176 6 173-5 170.2 178.0 174.8171.6 128 209.3 1051717 179.4 176.2172.9 129 210.9 106 173 3 180.8 177.5174.2 130 212.6 " N'. .. 158 6 • 160 2 = 153.7 164 1 161.2158.2 165.5 162.5 159.5 155 3 · 156 9 1660 163.9 160 8 168 3 165 3162.2 169 7 166.6163.5 • 161.9 163.5 165 1 166 8 168 4 1700 157 2 154 4 151.5 J • 200 X A . 283 T • - • N. Use of this Table. Number observed upon the Scale before immersion = D. after "" = D', = T. Temperature C. 1. The two figures indicated upon the scale are read to right and left of zero, the sum D + D' = A. 107 108 "" 109 110 111 112 113 N'. • 176.6 178.2 179.8 181.5 183.1 184.7 186.4 188.0 189.7 191.3 In the column of temperature nearest to that at the time of observation we find the figure approaching nearest to A, following the line horizontally we find under N and Ni figures indicating the quantity of sugar. The sugar employed contains N per cent. of crystallized sugar or N' grams per litre. 2. The sugar solution being prepared as before, we read D and D' to the same side of zero, and take D — D′ = A, and pro- ceed as before. The following approximate formula can be used instead of the Table- P (rotative power) 192.9 194.6 196.2 197.8 199.5 ; P × 1·635 = sugar in 1 litre. 2 B 370 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE RELATION BETWEEN THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOLUTIONS OF MALT EXTRACT, AND THE QUANTITY OF MATTER THEY CONTAIN. Malt Extract. 600 600 + 600 + 900 600 + 1200 600 1500 600 1800 Degrees of Spirit Indication. 0 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 Water. 10 11 12 13 14 15 TABLE BY GRAHAM, HOFFMAN, AND REDWOOD, 'SHOWING THE STRENGTH OF WORT CORRESPONDING TO SPIRIT INDICATION. • .0 Malt Extract in 100. •1 50.00 40.00 33.33 28.57 25.00 1 12 Sugar in 100. 47.00 37.00 31.50 26.75 24.00 ▸ ⚫3 4 *5 .6 : K .7 • Specific Gravity. ~ 1.2160 1.1670 1.1350 1.1130 1.1000 • I ¿ I I · T i • 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3·7 4·1 4·4 4.8 5.1 5.5 5.9 6.2 6.6 7.0 7·4 7·8 8.2 8.6 9.0 9.4 9·8 10·2 10.7 11.1 11.5 12.0 12.4 12.9 13.313 8 14 2 14.7 15.1 15.5 16.0 16.4 16.8 17.3 17 718 218.6 19.1. 19.5 19.9 20.4 20.9 21.3 21.8 22.222 7 23.1 23.6 24.1 24.6 25.0 25.5 26 0 26 4 26 9 27-427-8 28.3 28.8 29.2 29 ·7.30·2 30·731·2 31·732-232·7.33·2 33.7 34.3 34.8 35.4 35.936.5 37.0 37.5 38.0 38.6 39·1 39 7 40·2′40·7 41·2 41·7 42·2 42·743·2 43·7 44·2 44·7 45·1 45.6 46·0 46.5 47 047·5 48·0 48·5] 49.0 49.6 50 1 50.6 51.251-752-252-753-3 53.8 54.3 54.9 55 4 55.9 56.456.9 57.457.958 459.9 59.4 60.0 60.5 61.1 61.6 62.2 62.7 63.3 63.8 64.3 64.8 65 4 65.9 66.5 67.1 67.6 68.2 68 769 369.9 70.5 • A • Į .8 တ ⚫9 • 371 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLES USED IN THE ANALYSIS OF BEER, &c. Table A.-Specific Gravity and Strength of Spirits. Volume Weight per cent. per cent. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 0.80 0.88 0.96 1.04 1.12 1.20 1.28 1.36 1.44 1.52 1.60 1.68 1.76 1.84 1.92 2.00 2.08 2.16 2.24 2.32 2.40 2.48 2.56 2.64 2.72 2.80 2.88 2.96 3.04 3.12 3.20 3.28 3.36 3.44 3.52 3.60 Specific Gravity. 0.99850 0.99335 0.99820 0.99805 0.99790 0.99775 0.99760 0.99745 0.99730 0.99715 0.99700 0.99686 0.99672 0.99658 0.99644 0.99630 0.99616 0.99602 0.99588 0.99574 0.99560 0.99546 0.99532 0.99518 0.99504 0.99490 0.99476 0.99462 0.99448 0.99434 0.99420 0.99406 0.99392 0.99378 0.99364 0.99350 Volume Weight per cent. per cent. 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 3.68 3.76 3.84 3.92 4.00 4.08 4.16 4.24 4.32 4.40 4.48 4.56 4.64 4.72 4.81 4.89 4.97 5.05 5.13 5.21 5.30 5.38 5.46 5.54 5.62 5.70 5.78 5.86 5.94 6.02 6.11 6.19 6.27 6.35 6.43 Specific Gravity. 0.99336 0.99322 0.99308 0.99294 0.99280 0.99267 0.99254 0.99241 0.99228 0.99215 0.99202 0.99189 0.99176 0.99163 0.99150 0.99137 0.99124 0.99111 0.99098 0.99085 0.99072 0.99059 0.99046 0.99033 0.99020 0.9900S 0.98996 0.98984 0.98972 0.98960 0.98949 0.98936 0.98924 0.98912 0.98900 2 B 2 372 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLES USED IN THE ANALYSIS OF BEER, &C.-continued. Table B.-Specific Gravity and Strength of Malt Extract. Specific Gravity. 1.000 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.008 1.009 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013 1.014 1.015 1.016 1.017 1.018 1.019 1.020 1.021 1.022 1.023 Malt Extract in Specific Gravity. 100 parts of Liquid. 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 Malt Extract in 100 parts of Liquid. Specific Gravity. Malt Extract in 100 parts of Liquid. 1.024 6.000 1.048 11.809 1.025 6.244 1.049 12.047 1.026 6.488 1.050 12.285 1.027 6.731 1.051 12.523 1.028 6.975 1.052 12.761 1.029 7.219 1.053 13.000 1.030 7.463 1.054 13.238 1.031 7.706 1.055 13.476 1.032 7.950 1.056 13.714 1.033 8.195 1.057 13.952 1.034 8.438 1.058 14.190 1.035 8.681 1.059 14.428 1.036 8.925 1.060 14.666 1.037 9.170 1.061 14.904 1.038 9.413 1.062 15.139 1.039 9.657 1.063 15.371 1.040 9.901 1.064 15.604 1.041 10.142 1.065 15.837 1.042 10.381 1.066 16.070 1.043 10.619 1.067 16.302 1.044 10.857 1.068 16.534 1.045 11.095 1.069 16.767 1.046 11.333 1.070 17.000 1.047 11.595 373 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER OF MALT OF ANY GRAVITY FROM 70 TO 105 POUNDS, AT THE RATIO OF TO 14 LBS. PER Quarter. Gravity. 70 71 +40 4 + . • 0.12500 2500 0·5000 0.1267 0 2535 0.5070 72 0.1284 0 2570 0.5140 73 0.1301 0·26050 5210 74 0.1318 0.2640 0.5280 75 0.1335 0.2675 0.5350 76 0.1352 0.2710 0.5420 77 0.1369 0.2745 0.5490 78 0.1386 0.2780 0.5560 79 0.1403 0.2815 0.5630 80 0.1420 0.2850 0.5700 81 0.1437 0.28850·5770 82 83 84 D 85 86 0·1471 0·2955 | 0·5910 0.1488 0.2990 0.5980 0.1505 0 3025 0.6050 0.1522 0.3060 0.6120 87 0.1539 0.3095 0.6190 88 0.1556 0.3130 0.6260 89 0.1573 0.3165 0.6330 90 0.1590 0.3200 0.6400 91 0·1607 0·3235 | 0·6470 | 92 0.1624 0.3270 0·6540 93 0.1641 0.3305 0.6610 94 0.1658 0.3340 0.6680 | 95 0.1675 0.3375 0.6750 96 0.1692 0.3410 0.6820 1.0175 1.0282 97 1.0389 0.1709 0.3445 0.6890 98 0.1726 0.3480 0.6960 1.0496 99 0.1743 0.3515 0.7030 1.0603 100 1.0710 0.1760 0.3550 0.7100 101 0.1777 0.3580 0.7170 1.0817 102 0.1794 0.3620 0.7240 1.0924 103 0.1811 0.3655 0.7310 1.1031 104 0.1828 0.3698 0.7380 1.1138 105 0.1845 0.3725 0.7450 1.1245 14 0.7500 1.0000 1.2500 0.7607 1.0142 1.2678 0.7714 1.0284 1.2856 0.7821 1.0426 1.3034 0.7928 1.0568 1.3212 0.8035 1.0710 1.3390 0.8142 1.0852 1.3568 0.8249 1.0994 1.3746 0.8356 1.1136 1.3924 0.8463 1.1278 1.4102 0.8570 1.1420 1.4280 0.8677 1.1562 1.4458 0.1454 0 2920 | 0.5840 0.8784 1.1704 1.4636 0.8891 1.1846 1.4812 1.1988 1.4992 0.8998 0.9105 1.2130 1.5160 0.9212 1.2272 1.5338 1.2414 0.9319 1.5516 0.9426 1.2556 1.5694 0.9533 1.2698 1.5872 1.2840 1.6050 1.2982 1.6228 1.3124 1.6406 1.3266 1.6584 1.3408 1.6762 1.3550 1.6940 1.3692 1.7118 1.3834 1.7296 1.3976 1.7474 1.4118 1.7652 1.4260 1-7830 1.4402 1.8008 1.4544 1.8186 1.4686 1.8364 1.4828 1.8542 1.4970 1.8720 *** 0.9640 0.9747 0.9854 0.9961 1.0068 1 374 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER OF MALT, &C.-continued. Gravity. 1조 ​14 2 71 72 70 1.5000 17500 2.0000 1.5214 1.7750 2.0285 1·5428 1·8000 | 2·0570 1.5642 1.8250 2.0855 1.5856 18500 2-1140 1.6070 1.8750 2-1425 1.6284 1.9000 2.1710 73 74 75 76 77 1.6498 1.9250 2.1995 78 1.6712 1.9500 | 2-2280 1.6926 1.97502-2565 79 80 1.7140 2.0000 | 2·2850 81 1.7354 2.0250 2.3135 82 1.7568 2.0500 2.3420 83 1.7782 2.0750 2.3705 • 84 1.7996 2 1000 2.3990 85 2.4275 1.8210 2.1250 1.8424 2.1500 86 2.4560 87 1 8638 2 1750 2-4845 88 1·88522-2000 2.5130 89 1.9066 2.2250 | 2·5415 1.92802.2500 2.5700 1.9494 2.2750 2.5985 92 1.9708 2.3000 2.6270 90 91 1.9922 2 3250 3.6555 • 2.2500 2.5000 2.7500 2.2821 2.5364 2.7892 2.3142 2.8284 2.5728 2.6092 2.8676 2.3463 2.3784 2.6456 2.9068 2.4105 2.6820 2.9460 2.4426 2.7184 2.9852 2.4747 2.7548 3.0244 2.5068 2.7912 3.0636 2.5389 2.8276 3.1028 2.5710 2.8640 3.1420 2.6031 2.9004 3.1812 2.6352 2.9368 3.2204 2.6673 2.9732 3.2596 2.6994 3.0096 3.2988 2.7315 3.0460 3.3380 2.7636 3.0824 3.3772 2.7957 3.1188 3.4164 2.8278 3.1552 3.4556 2.8599 3.1916 3.4948 2.8920 3.2280 3.5340 2.9240 3.2644 3.5732 2.9562 3.3008 3.6124 2.9883 3.3372 3.6516 3.0204 3.3736 3.6908 3.0525 3.4100 3.7300 3.0846 3.4464 3.7692 3.1167 3.4828 3.8084 3.1488 3.5192 3.8476 3.1809 3.5556 3.8868 3.2130 3.5920 3.9260 3.2451 3.6284 3.9652 3.2772 3.6648 4.0044 3.3093 3.7012 4.0436 3.3414 2.2490 2.6250 2.9975 3.3735 93 94 2.0136 2 3500 2.6840 2.0350 2.3750 2.7125 96 2.0564 2.4000 2.7410 95 97 2.0778 2.4250 2.7695 98 99 100 2.0992 2.4500 2.7980 2.1206 2 4750 2.8265 2.1420 2.5000 2.8550 2.1634 2.5250 2.8835 2.18482 5500 2.9120 2.2062 2.5750 2.9405 104 2.2276 2.6000 2.9690 101 102 103 105 24 2초 ​23 3.7376 4.0828 3.7740 4.1220 375 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER OF MALT, &C.-continued. Gravity. 3 31 70 71 72 3.0000 3.2500 | 3·5000 3.0428 3. 2964 3.5500 3.08563.3428 3.6000 3 3.7500 3.8035 3.8570 3.9105 3.9640 4.0175 76 4.0710 777 78 · 3.2996 | 3·5748 3·8500 | 4·1245 3.3424 3 6212 3·9000 | 4.1780 3.3852 3.6676 | 3·9500 3.4280 3.7140 4.0000 79 4.2315 80 4.2850 81 82 3.4708 3.7604 4.0500 4.3385 3.5136 3.8068 | 4·1000 | 4.3920 3.5564 3.8532 4 1500 83 4 4455 4.4990 84 3.5992 3.8996 | 4·2000 · 85 3.6420 3 9460 4 2500 4.5525 86 3.6848 3.9924 4.3000 | 4.6060 3.7276 4.0388 4.3500 4.6595 3.7704 4.0852 4·4000 4.7130 4.7665 73 3.1284 3.3892 3.6500 74 3.1712 3.4356 3·7000 75 3.2140 3 4820 | 3·7500 3.2568 3 5284 | 3·8000 87 88 · · 89 3.8132 4 1316 4 4500 90 91 92 93 94 D 95 4 0700 · 96 4.4564 | 4·8000 97 98 4 1128 4.1556 4.5028 | 4·8500 4.1984 4.54924 9000 4.2412 4.5956 4 9500 100 4.2840 4·6420 | 5·0000 101 4.3268 4 6884 5.0500 | 102 4.3696 4.73485 1000 · 99 • 103 4.4124 4.78125 1500 • | • 104 4.4552 4 8276 5 2000 105 4.4980 4 8740 ❤ 5.2500 3/31/2 4.8200 3.8560 4.1780 4.5000 3.8988 4.2244 4.5500 4.8735 | 3 9416 4.2708 4 6000 3.9844 4 3172 4.6500 • • 4.0272 4.3636 4.7000 • • 4 4100 4 7500 • 5.0875 | • 4 4.0000 4.2500 4.0571 4.3107 4.1142 4.3714 4.1713 4.4321 4.2284 4.4928 4.2855 4.5535 4.3426 4.6142 4.3994 4.6749 4.4568 4.7356 4.5139 4.7963 4.5710 4.8570 4.6281 4.9177 4.6852 4.9784 4.7423 5.0391 4.7994 5.0998 4.8565 5.1605 4.9136 5.2212 4.9707 5.2819 5.0278 5.3426 5.0849 5.4033 5.1420 5.4640 5.1991 5.5247 5.2562 5.5854 4.9270 4.9805 5.0340 5.3704 5.7068 5.3133 5.6461 5.4275 5.7675 5 1410 5.1945 5.2480 5.4846 5.8282 5.5417 5.5988 5.9496 5.8889 5.3015 5.6559 6.0103 5.3550 5.7130 6.0710 5.4085 6.1317 5.4620 6.1924 5.5155 5.5690 5.6225 44 5.7701 5.8272 5.8843 5.9414 5.9985 6.2531 6.3138 6.3745 376 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER OF MALT, &C.-continued. Gravity. 43 44 ► D 80 81 85 86 · 87 4.5000 4.7500 5.0000 4.5642 4.8178 5.0714 | 4.6284 4 8856 5 1428 4.6926 4 9534 5 2142 4.7568 5 0212 5 2856 4.8210 5 0890 | 5·3570 4.8852 5.1568 5.4284 4.9494 5 2246 5.4998 | 5.0136 5 2924 5.5712 | 5.0778 5 3602 5.6426 5.1420 5 4280 5.7140 5.2062 5.49585.7854 82 5.2704 5.5636 5.8568 83 5.3346 5 6314 5·9282 84 5.3998 5.6992 | 5·9996 5 46305 7670 6.0710 5.5272 5.8348 61424 5.59145.9026 6 2138 5.6556 5 9704 6 2852 5.7198 6 0382 5.7840 6 1060 5.8482 6.1738 6.4994 5.9124 6 2416 6.5708 5.9766 6.3094 | 6·6422 6.0408 6.3772 6.7136 6.1050 6.4450 6.7850 6.1692 6 5128 6 8564 6.2334 6.5806 6.9278 6.2976 6 6484 6.9992 6.3618 6 7162 7.0706 6.4260 6.7840 | 7·1420 6.4902 6 8518 7 2134 6.5544 6.9196 7.2848 103 6.6186 6 9874 7.3562 104 6.6823 7.0552 7.4276 105 6.7470 7.1230 7.4990 U 88 89 6.3566 · 90 6.4280 ► • · • • • • 102 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 5 531/1 5.2500 5.5000 5.7500 5.3250 5.5785 5.8321 5.4000 5.6570 5.9142 5.4750 5.7355 5.9963 5.5500 5.8140 6.0784 5.6250 5.8925 6·1605 5.7000 5.9710 6.2426 5.7750 6.0495 6.3247 5.8500 6.1280 6.4068 5.9250 6.2065 6.4889 6.0000 6.2850 6.5710 6.0750 6.3635 6.6531 6.1500 6.4420 6.7352 6.2250 6.5205 6.8173 6.3000 6.5990 6.8994 6.3750 6.6775 6.9815 6.4500 6.7560 7.0636 6.5250 6.8345 7.1457 6.6000 6.9130 7.2278 6.6750 6.6750 6·9915 7.3099 6.7500 7.0700 7.3920 6.8250 7.1485 7.4741 6.9000 7.2270 7.5562 6.9750 7.3055 7.6383 7.0500 7.3840 7.7204 7.1250 7.4625 7.8025 7.2000 7.5410 7.8846 7.2750 7.6195 7.9667 7.3500 7.6980 8.0488 7.4250 7.7765 8.1309 7.5000 7.8550 8.2130 7.5750 7.9335 8.2951 7.6500 8.0120 8.3772 7.7250 8.0905 8.4593 7.8000 8.1690 8.5414 7.8750 8.2475 8.6235 5 5冬 ​377 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER OF MALT, &C.-continued. Gravity. 6 64 61 71 70 6.0000 6.2500 6.5000 6.0857 6.3392 6.5928 6.1714 6.4284 6.6856 6.2571 6.5176 6.7784 72 73 74 75 6.3428 6.6068 6.8712 6.4285 6·6960 | 6·9640 6.5142 6.7852 | 7·0568 76 77 6.5999 6.8744 7.1496 78 6.6856 6.9636 D 79 6.7713 7 0528 80 6.8570 7.1420 81 6.9427 7.2312 82 7.0284 7.3204 · 83 7.1141 7 4096 7.7064 84 63/ 7 7.0000 7.1000 ❤ 7 6.7500 6.8464 6.9428 7.2000 7.0392 7.3000 7.1356 7.4000 7.6640 7.2320 7.5000 7.7675 7.3284 7.6000 7.8710 7.4240 7.7000 7.9745 7.8000 8.0780 7.2424 7.5212 7.3352 7.6176 7.9000 8.1815 7.4280 7.7140 8.0000 8.2850 8.1000 8.3885 7.5208 7.8104 7.6136 7.9068 8.2000 8.4920 8.0032 8.3000 8.5955 7.7992 8.0996 8.4000 8.6996 7.1998 7.4988 7.2855 7.5880 7.8920 85 8.1960 8.5000 8.8025 86 8.2924 8.6000 8.9060 8.3888 8.7000 9.0095 8.4852 8.8000 9.1130 89 8.5816 8.9000 9.2165 90 8.6780 9.0000 9.3200 7.3712 7.6772 7.9848 87 7.4569 7.7664 8.0776 88 7.5426 7.8556 8.1704 7.6283 7.9448 8.2632 7.7140 8.0340 8.3560 7.7997 8.1232 | 8·4488 92 7.8854 8.2124 8.5416 93 7.9711 8.3016 8.6344 94 8.0568 8.3908 8.7272 95 8.1425 8.4800 8.8200 96 S.2282 8.5692 8.9124 91 8.7744 9.1000 8.8708 9.2000 8.9672 9.3000 9.0636 9.4000 9.1600 9.5000 9.2564 9.6000 97 8.3139 8.6584 9.0056 9.3528 9.7000 10.0445 98 8.3996 8.7476 9.0984 9.4492 9.8000 10.1480 99 8.4853 8.8368 9.1912 9.5456 10.2515 100 8.5710 8.9260 9.6420 9.2840 8.6567 9 0152 9.3768 9.9000 10.0000 10.3550 9.7384 10 1000 10 4585 9.8348 10-2000 10 5620 D 101 102 8.74249·1044 9.4696 103 8.8281 9·1936 9.5624 9.9312 10·3000 | 10·6655 104 8.9138 9.2828 9.6552 | 10·0276 | 10·4000 | 10·7690 105 8.9995 9.3720.9.7480 10.1240 10-5000 10.8725 7.2500 7.3535 7·4570 7.5605 9.4235 9.5270 9.6305 9.7340 9.8375 9.9410 378 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER of MALT, &c.—continued. Gravity. 70 71 7조 ​92 93 94 95 1 I 73 1 8.5000 8.7500 8.3678 8.6214 8.8750 8.7428 9.0000 72 8.4856 73 7.5000 7.7500 8.0000 8.2500 7.6071 7.8607 8.1142 8.1142 7.7142 7.9714 8.2284 8.2284 7.8213 8.0821 8.3426 7.9284 8.1928 8.4568 8.4568 8.0355 8.3035 8.5710 8.1426 8.4142 8.6852 8.6852 8.9568 8.6034 8.8642 9.1250 74 8.7212 8.9850 9.2500 75 8.8390 9.1070 9.3750 76 9.2284 9.5000 77 9.3198 9.6250 78 9.1924 9.4712 9.7500 9.5927 9.8750 8.2497 8.5249 8.7994 8.7994 9.0746 8.3568 8.6356 8.9136) 79 8.4639 8.7463 9.0278 9.0278 9·3102 80 8.5710 8.8570 9·1420 81 8.6781 8.9677 9.2562 82 8-7852 9.0784 9.3704 9.3704 83 8.8923 9.1891 9.4846 9.7140 10.0000 9.4280 9.5458 9.6636 9.8354 10.1250 9.9568 10.2500 84 85 86 · • 9.7814 10·0782 | 10·3750 8.9994 9.2998 9.5998 9.5998 9·8992 | 10·1996 10·5000 9.1065 9.4105 9.7130 10 0170 10 321010.6250 9.2136 9.5212 9.8272 10.1348 10 4424 10-7500 87 9.3207 9.6319 9.9414 10 2526 10.5638 10-8750 | 88 9.4278 9.7426 10·0516 10·3704 10·6852 | 11.0000 89 9.5349 9 8533 10.1698 10-4882 10 8006 11.1250 90 9.6420 9.9640 10·2840 10·6060 | 10·9280 11.2500 9-7491 10.0747 10·3982 10·7238 9.8562 10.1854 10 5124 10 8416 9.9633 10 2961 10·6266 10.9514 10.0704:10·4068 10·7408 11.0772 10.1775 10 5175 10.8550 11.2950 10.2846 10 6282 10 9692 11.3128 91 · • 11 0494 11.3750 11.1708 11.5000 11.2922 11.6250 11.4136 11·7500 11.5350 11.8750 11 6564 12.0000 96 97 10.3917 10 7389 11 0834 11 4306 11 7778 12-1250 · 98 10.4988 10 8496 11 1976 11 5484 1 99 10.6059 10.9603 11.3118 11 6662 12.3750 1 • 100 12·5000 10-7130 11 0710 11 4260 11 7840 12 1420 10 8201 11 1817 11 101 12.2634 12·6250 102 12 3848 12.7500 5402 11.9018 10.9272 11 2924 11 6544 12 0196 11.0343 11.4031 11 7686 12-1374 12.5062 12.8750 11 1414 11.5138 11 8828 12-2552 12.6267 13.0000 • 103 104 105 11 2485 11.6245 11 9970 12.3730 12 7490 13.1250 • · · D D • 8 • 00 • • 813 • • 84 • ► • · 83/1/ • 11.8992 12 2500 12.0206 379 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER CF MALT, &C.-continued. Gravity. 9 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 92 + · • 100000 72 73 74 75 76 70 9.0000 9.2500 9.5000 9.7500 10·2500 71 9.1285 9.3821 9.6357 9.8892 10 1428 10 3964 9.2570 9.5142 9.7714 10.0284 10.2856 10.5428 9.3855 9.6463 9.9071 10.1676 10 4284 10.6892 9.5140 9.7784 10·0428 10-3068 | 10.5712 10.8356 9.6425 9.9105 10 1785 10 4460 10 7140 10.9820 9.7710 10 0426 10 3142 10.5852 11.1284 9.8995 10 1747 10 4499 10 7244 10.0280 10 3068 10 5856 10.8636 10.1565 10 4389 10 7213 11 0023 10.2850 10 5710 10 8570 11.1420 11-4280 11.7140 10.4135 10·7031 10·9927 11·2812 | 11·5703 | 11·8604 82 10.5420 10 8352 11 1284 11 4204 11.7136 12.0068 83 10.6705 10 9673 11 2641 11-5596 10-7990 11.0994 11.3998 11.6988 10.8568 10.9996 77 • · 78 11 1424 11-2852 11.2748 11·4212 11·5676 79 ► · • • 80 81 84 11 8564 12.1532 11.9992 12.2996 12.1420 12·4460 12-2848 12.5924 85 86 10 9275 11 2315 11·5355 11 8380 11·0560 11 3636 11 6712 11.9772 11 1845 11 4957 11 8069 12 1164 11·3130 11·6278 11 9426 12-2556 87 12-4276 12.7388 12.5704 12.8852 13.1780 13·3244 • • 13.4708 13 6172 13 2844 13-4272 • · 13.7636 · 13.9100 13.5700 13.7128 14.0564 + • 11.441511-7599 12.0783 12.3948 12.7132 13.0316 11·5700 11·8920 12·2140 12·5340 | 12·8560 11 6985 12.0241 12.3497. 12.6732 12.9988 11 8270 12 1562 12 4854 12 8124 13 1416 11.9555 12 2883 12 6211 12.9516 12.0840 12 4204 12 7568 13 0908 12.2125 12.5525 12 8925 13 2300 12.4410 12 6846 13.0282 13.3692 12 5695 12 8167:13·1639 13.5084 12.6980 12·9458 13·2996 13.6476 99 12.8265 13 0809 13 4353 13 7868 100 12.9550 13.2130 13 5710 13.9260 101 13.0835 13 3451 13 7067 14 0652 102 13.2120 13.4772 13 8424 14 2044 103 13.3405 13.5093 13.9781 14.3436 104 13.4680 13 7414 14 1138 14.4828 105 13.5965 13·8735|14·2495 14 6220 14-9980 | 15.3740 97 13 8556 14.2028 98 13.9984¦ 14·3492 · 14 1412 | 14.4956 14.2840 14 6420 14 4268 14.7884 14.5696 14.9348 14.7124 15.0812 14.8552 15.2276 - · ■ 91 · • • ► · • • · • 93 • ❤ 10 · O • 101 Į 380 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER OF MALT, &C.-continued, Gravity. 101 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 10.5000 10.7500 10.6500 10.8000 11.0570 10.9035 10.9500 11.2105 11.1000 11.3640 11.2500 11.5175 11.4000 11.6710 11.5500 11.8245 11.7000 11.9780 11.8500 12.1315 12.0000 12.2850 12.1500 12.4385 12.3000 12.5920 12.4500 12.7455 12.6000 12.$990 12.7500 13.0525 12.9000 13.2060 13.0500 13.3595 13.2000 13.5130 13.3500 13.6665 13.5000 13.8200 13.6500 13.9735 13.8000 14.1270 13.9500 14.2805 14.1000 14.4340 14.7704 14.9275 14.2500 14.5875 14.4000 14.7410 14.5500 14.8945 14.7000 15.0480 14.8500 15.2015 15.0000 15.3550 100 101 15.1500 15.5085 102 15.3000 15.6620 15.4500 15.8155 15.6000 15.9690 15 7500 16.1225 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 10 103 104 105 11 111 11.0000 11.2500 11.5000 11.1571 11.4107 11.6642 11.3142 11.5714 11.8284 11.4713 11.7321 11.9926 11.6284 11.8928 12.1568 11.7855 12.0535 12.3210 11.9426 12.2142 12.4852 12.0997 12.3749 12.6494 12.2568 12.5356 12.8136 12.4139 12.6963 12.9778 12.5710 12.8570 13.1420 12.7281 13.0177 13.3062 12.8852 13.1784 13.4704 13.0423 13.3391 13.6346 13.1994 13.4998 13.7988 13.3565 13.6605 13.9630 13.5136 13.8212 14.1272 13.6707 13.9819 14.2914 13.8278 14.1426 14.4556 13.9849 14.3033 14.6198 14.1420 14.4640 14.7840 14.2991 14.6247 14.9482 14.4562 14.7854 15.1124 14.6133 14.9461 15.2766 15.1068 15.4408 15.2675 15.6050 15.4282 15.7692 15.9334 15.0846 15.2417 15.3988 15.5559 15.7130 15.8701 16.0272 16.1843 16.3414 16.4985 113 15.5889 15.7496 15.9103 16.0710 16.2317 16.3924 16.5531 16.7138 16.8745 16.0976 16.2618 16.4260 16.5902 16.7544 16.9186 17.0828 17.2470 381 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER Quarter of MALT, &C.-continued. Gravity. 114 70 71 72 73 74 75 11.7500 12.0000 12.2500 12.4250 11.9178 12.1714 12.0856 12.3428 12.6000 12.2534 12.5142 12.7750 12.4212 12.6856 12.9500 13.1250 12.5890 12.8570 12.7568 13.0284 13.3000 12.9246 13.1998 13.4750 13.0924 13.3712 13.6500 13.2602 13.5426 13.8250 13.4280 13.7140 14.0000 13.5958 13.8885 14.1750 13.7636 14.0563 14.3500 13.9314 14.2282 14.5250 14.0992 14.3996 14.7000 14.2670 14.5710 14.8750 14.4348 14.7424 15.0500 14.6026 14.9138 15.2250 14.7704 15.0852 15.4000 14.9382 15.2566 15.5750 15.1060 15.4280 15.7500 15.2738 15.5994 15.9250 15.4416 15.7708 16.1000 15.6094 15.9422 16.2750 15.7772 16.1136 16.4500 15.9450 16.2850 16.6250 16.1128 16.4564 16.8000 16.2806 16.6278 16.9750 16.4484 16.7992 17.1500 16.6162 16.9706 17.3250 100 16.7840 17.1420 17.5000 101 16.9518 17.6750 17.3134 17.4848 17.8500 102 17 1196 103 17.2874 17.6562 18.0250 104 17.4552 17.8276 18.2000 105 17.6230 17.9990 18.3750 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 8+ 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 12 96 97 98 99 124 12 123 12.5000 12.6785 12.8570 13.0320 13.2105 13.3890 13.5675 13.7460 13.9245 14.1030 14.2815 14.4600 14.6385 14.8170 12.7500 12.9321 13.1142 13.2963 13.4784 13.6605 13.8426 14.0247 14.2068 14.38-9 14.5710 14.7531 14.9352 15.1173 14.9955 15.2994 15.1740 15.4815 15.3525 15.6636 15.5310 15.8457 15.7095 16.0278 15.8880 16.2099 16.0665 16.3920 16.2450 16.5741 16.4235 16.7562 16.6020 16.9383 16.7805 17.1204 16.9590 17.3025 17.1375 17.4846 17.3160 17.6667 17.4945 17.8488 17.6730 18.0309 17.8515 18.2130 18.0300 18.3951 18.2085 18.5772 18.3870 18 7593 18.5655 18.9414 19.1235 18.7440 382 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITY OF HOPS PER QUARTER OF MALT, &C.-continued. Gravity. 13 131 13.0000 13.2500 13.1857 13.4392 13.3714 13.6284 13.5571 13.8176 13.7428 13.9285 14.1142 134 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 15.4141 15.7086 84 15.5998 15.8978 85 15.7855 16.0870 86 15.9712 16.2762 87 16.1569 16.4654 88 16.3426 16.6546 89 16.5283 16.8438 90 16.7146 17.0320 91 16.8997 17.2212 92 93 17.0854 17.4104 17:2711 17.6096 17.4568 17.7988 17.6425 17.9880 94 95 96 17.8282 18.1772 97 18.0139 18.3664 98 18.1996 18.5556 99 18.3853 18.7448 100 18.5710 18.9340 101 18.7567 19.1232 102 18.9424 19.3124 103 19.1281 19.5016 104 19.3138 19.6908 20.0552 105 19.4995 19.8800 20.2480 14 3852 14.2999 14.5744 14.4856 14.7636 14.6713 14.9528 14.8570 15.1410 15.0427 15.3302 15.2284 15.5194 13.5000 13.6928 13.8865 14.0784 14.0068 14.2712 14.1960 14.4640 14.6568 14.8496 15.0424 15.2352 15.4280 15.6208 15.8136 16.0064 16.1992 16.3920 16.5848 16.7776 16.9704 17.1632 17.3560 17.5488 17.7416 17.9344 18.1272 18.3200 18.5128 18.7056 18.8984 19.0912 19.2840 19.4768 19.6696 19.8624 133 13.7500 13.9464 14 14.0000 14 2000 14.1428 14.4000 14.3392 14.6000 14.5356 14.8000 14.7320 15.0000 14.9284 15.2000 15.1248 15.4000 15.3212 15.6000 15.5176 15.8000 15.7140 16.0000 15.9104 16.2000 16.1068 16.4000 16.3032 16.6000 16.4996 16.8000 16.6960 17.0000 16.8924 17.2000 17.0881 17.4000 17.2852 17.6000 17.4816 17.8000 17.6780 18.0000 17.8744 18.2000 18.0708 18.4000 18.2672 18.6000 18.4636 18.8000 18.6600 19.0000 18.8564 19.2000 19.0528 19.4000 19.2492 19.4456 19.6420 19.8384 20.0348 20.2312 20.4276 20.6240 19.6000 19.8000 20.0000 20.2000 20.4000 20.6000 20.8000 21.0000 383 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. RICHARDSON'S TABLE, SHOWING THE VOLUME OF WORT IMBIBED BY HOPS. Hops used. Wort imbibed. Hops used. Wort imbibed. lbs. 123 H LO Ct ∞ a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 bar. 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 lbs. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 bar. 0.50 0.66 0.83 1.00 1.16 1.33 1.50 1.66 3.33 5.00 6.66 8.33 10.00 11.66 13.32 15.00 16.66 33.30 50.00 66.66 384 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. LEVESQUE'S TABLE, SHOWING THE SHOWING THE INCREASE OF HOPS REQUIRED FOR EVERY DEGREE, FROM 50° TO 75° FAhr. (10° to 23.8° C.), AND FROM 4 LBS. TO 9 LBS. PER QUARTER. Temperature of Air at Time of Brewing. Four Five Six Seven Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds per per per per per per Quarter. Quarter. Quarter. Quarter. Quarter. Quarter. Fahr. C. 50° 10° 51 10.5 52 11.1 4.16 5.20 53 11.6 4.24 5.30 54 12.2 4.32 5.40 55 12.7 4.40 5.50 56 13.3 4.48 5.60 57 13.8 4.56 5.70 58 14.4 4.64 5.80 59 15.0 4.72 5.90 60 15.5 4.80 6.00 61 16.1 4.88 6.10 62 16.6 4.96 6.20 63 17.2 5'04 6.30 64 17.7 5.12 6.40 65 18.3 5.20 6.50 66 18.8 5.28 6.60 67 19.4 5.36 6.70 68 20.0 5.44 6.80 69 20.5 5,52 6.90 70 21.1 5.60 7.00 71 21.6 5.68 7.10 72 22.2 5.76 7.20 73 22.7 5.84 7.30 74 23.3 5.92 7.40 75 23.8 6.00 7.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 4.08 5.10 6.12 6.24 6.36 6.48 6.60 6.72 6.84 6.96 7.08 7.20 7.32 7.44 7.56 7.68 7.80 7.92 8.04 8.16 8.28 8.40 8.52 8.64 8.76 8.88 9.00 Eight Nine Pounds Pounds 7.00 8.00 9.00 9.18 7.14 8.16 7.28 8.32 9.36 7.42 8.48 9.54 7.56 8.64 9.72 7.70 8.80 9.90 7.84 8.96 10.08 7.98 9.12 10 26 8.12 9.28 10.44 8.26 9 44 10 52 8.40 9.60 10.70 8.54 9.76 10 88 8.68 9.92 11.06 8.82 10.08 11.24 8.96 10 24 11 42 9.10 10.40 11.60 9.24 10.56 11.88 9.38 10 72 12.06 9.52 10 88 12.24 9.66 11.04 12.42 9.80 11.20 12.60 9.94 11.36 12.78 10.08 11.52 12.96 10.22 11.68 13.14 10.36 11.84 13.32 10.50 12.00 13.50 385 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. LEVESQUE'S TABLE.' In the first column under each class the temperature of the air is given; the next columns show the degrees the water should stand at to bring the mash to the temperature given at the top of the column, while at the foot of the column is given the temperature at which the tap stands. Temperature of the Air at Mashing. Fabr. 10° 15 20 25 30 35 4.0 4.5 50 55 60 65 70 Class I. Heat of Mash, 146° to 148°. Firkins per Quarter, 6. 197.00 195.17 193.34 191.51 189.68 187.85 186.02 184.19 182.36 180.53 178.70 176.87 175.04 Time of Standing of the Mash. hrs. min. 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 3.40 3 20 3 0 Temperature of the Air at Mashing. Fabr. 100 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Class II. Hent of the Mash, 145° to 147°. Firkins per Quarter, 7. 189.00 187.42 185.84 184.26 182.68 180.10 179.52 177.94 176.36 174.78 173.20 171.62 170.04 Firkins per Quarter, 8. 184.00 182.59 181 18 179:77 178.36 176.95 175.54 174.13 172.72 171.31 169.90 168.49 167.07 Time of Standing of the Mash. hrs. min. 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 45 2 30 2 15 07 O 386 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. LEVESQUE'S TABLE-continued. In the first column under each class the temperature of the air is given; the next columns show the degrees the water should stand at to bring the mash to the temperature given at the top of the column, while at the foot of the column is given the temperature at which the tap stands. Tempera- ture of Air at Mashing. Fahr. 10° 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Class III. Heat of the Mash, 144° to 146°. Firkins per Quarter, 9. 178.60 176.84 175.68 174.52 173.36 172.20 171.04 169.88 168.72 167.56 166.40 165.24 16.1.08 Firkins por Quarter, 10. 175.00 173.92 172.84 171.76 170.68 169 60 168.52 167.44 166.36 165.28 164.20 163.12 162.04 Time of Standing of the Mash. hrs. min. 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 50 2 2 2 2 2 1 40 1 30 Tempera- ture of Air at Mashing. Fahr. 10° 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Class IV. Heat of the Mash, 143° to 145°. Firkins per Quarter, 11. 172.00 171.00 170.00 169.00 168.00 167.00 166.00 165.00 164.00 163.00 162.00 161.00 160.00 Firkins per Quarter, 12. 170.00 169.19 168.28 167.37 166 46 165.55 164.64 163.73 162.82 161.91 161 10 160 19 159.28 Time of Standing of the Mash. hrs. min. 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 55 0 50 0 45 387 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. LEVESQUE'S TABLE, SHOWING WHAT GRAVITY THE ORIGINAL WORT SHOULD POSSESS TO AFFORD A GYLE OF A CERTAIN STRENGTH AFTER ONE HOUR'S BOILING. Gravity required after One Hour's Boiling. ∞ ∞ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Gravity required in the Raw Wort. 6.60 7.20 8.00 8.80 9.60 10.40 11.20 12.00 12.80 13.60 14.40 15.20 16.00 16.80 17.60 18.40 19.20 20.00 20.80 Gravity required after One Hour's! Boiling. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 31 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Gravity required in the Raw Wort. 21.60 22.40 23.20 24.00 24.80 25.60 26.40 27.20 28.00 28.80 29.60 30.40 31.20 32.00 32.80 33.60 34.40 35.20 36.00 2 c 2 388 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. BATES' TABLE, SHOWING THE DECREASE IN THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF WORTS AT TEMPERA- TURES ABOVE 60° FAHR. Specific Gravity at 60° I. Apparent Gravities giving the same Density at the accompanying Heats as the first column at 60° F. Apparent Apparent Apparent Apparent Apparent Specific Degrees. Specific Degrees. Specific Degrees. Specific Degrees. Specific Degrees. Gravity. Gravity. Gravity. Gravity. Gravity. 1.000 105.00 0.998 79.00 0.996 93.00 0.994 1.010 1.008 78.00 1.006 92.60 1.004 104.00 1.016 91.33 1.014 103.00 0.992 115.50 ⚫990 125.20 1.002 114.50 1.000 124.00 113.50 1.010 122.80 112.50 1.020 122.00 111.50 1.012 1.026 90.66 1.024 102.50 1.022 1.036 90.00 1.034 101.50 1.032 120.80 120.00 1.046 89.33 1.044 1.056 88.66 1.054 110.00 1.050 118.80 1.066 88.00 1.064 118.00 116.80 1.020 1.018 78.00 1.030 1.028 77.33 1.040 1.038 76.66 1.050 1.048 76.00 1.060 1.058 76.00 1.070 1.068 75.33 1.080 1.078 74.66 1.090 1.088 74.66 1.100 1.098 74.00 1.110 1.108 1.120 1.118 1.130 1.128 1.140 1.138 73.00 1.136 1.150 1.148 72.66 1.146 116.00 1.076 87.33 1.086 86.66 1.096 86.00 1.106 85.50 1.074 1.084 1.094 74.00 1.104 73.50 1.116 85.00 1.114 73.33 1.126 84.50 1.124 114.80 114.00 113.20 112.40 • 84.00 83.50 111 40 110.80 1.030 100.66 1.042 111.00 1.040 100.00 1.052 99.00 1.062 109.00 1.060 98.00 1.072 108.00 1.070 97.50 1.082 107.00 1.080 106.50 1.090 96.50 1.092 96.00 1.102 105.50 1.100 95.50 1.112 104.50 1.110 94.50 1.122 104.00 1.120 94.00 1.134 1.132 103.20 1.144 93.50 1.142 102.40 1.130 1.140 389 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE SIGNS USED IN WRITING MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS. 48 1 11/1 99 2 grains 2 3 w w HIN HOT 31/ 73 grain 1 1/1/ ست رو 1 "" "" "" 1 11 "" 2 scruples .. scruple 1 drachm 1/1/2 "" 2 drachms دو "" "" "" ounce ,, "" "" ·· pint ·· ·· • : ·· ·· : .. : ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· : : : : •·. : .. : : ·· .. ·· ·· .. : : ·· ·· : ·· : .. ·· .. .. : : : : : ·· ·· ·· : : : • •. gr. gr. j, or gr. i. gr. iss. gr. ii, or gr. ij. gr. iiss. gr. iv. gr. viii, or gr. viij. Ass. Э i, or Э j. Diss. Э ii, or Э ij. 3 i, or 3 j. 3 iss. 3 ii, or 3 ij. 3 iii, or 3 iij. 3 iiiss. 3 viiss. 3 ss. 3 i, or 3 j. 3 iss. Oss. 0. 390 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE COMPARISON OF ALKALIMETRIC DEGREES (FOR K₂0). Degrees Ponderal, equal per cent. 123H 4 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 ⚫96 1.92 2.88 3.85 4.81 5.77 6.73 7.69 8.65 9.61 14.42 19.23 Descroizille's Alkalimetric Degrees. 1.04 2.08 3.12 4.16 5.21 6.24 7.28 8.32 9.36 10.10 15.60 20.80 12341O CT∞ 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 Degrees Ponderal, equal per cent. 25 30 35 40 45. 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 24.03 28.84 33.65 38.46 43.26 48.07 52.88 57.68 62.49 67.30 72.10 76.94 Descroizille's Alkalimetric Degrees. 26 31.20 36.41 41.61 46.81 52.01 57.21 62.41 67.61 72.81 78.01 83.21 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 KAJRIKU 60 65 70 80 391 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE COMPARISON OF THE VARIOUS ALKALI- Metric Degrees (for Soda). 30.0 51.29 30.39 47.42 42.0 71.81 72.66 42.55 66.39 43.06 67.18 30.90 48.21 42.5 30.5 52.14 31.0 53.00 31.41 49.00 43.0 73.52 43.57 67.97 31.5 53.85 31.91 49.79 43.5 74.37 44.07 68.76 32 0 54 71 32.42 50.58 44.0 75.23 44.58 69.55 32.5 55.56 32.92 51.37 44.5 76.08 45 08 70.34 33.0 56 42 33.43 52.16 45.0 76.95 45.59 71.13 33.5 57.27 33.94 46.10 71.92 52·95 45.5 77.80 54.74 34.0 58.13 34 44 46.0 78.66 46.60 72.71 34.5 58.98 34.95 54.33 46.5 79.51 47.11 73.50 35.0 35.46 55.92 47.0 80.37 74-29 59.84 35.5 60-69 35.96 5611 47.5 81.22 75.08 48.0 82.07 48.63 75.87 48.5 82.93 49.14 76.66 49.0 83.78 49.64 77.45 49.5 84.64 50.15 78.44 50.66 79.03 36.0 61.55 36.47 56.90 36.5 62.40 36.98 57.69 37.0 63.26 37.48 58.48 37.5 64.11 37.99 59.27 38.0 64.97 38.50 60.06 50.0 85.48 38.5 65.82 39.00 60.85 50.5 86.34 51.16 79.82 39.0 66.68 39.51 51.0 87.19 51.67 80.61 39.5 67.53 40.02 62.43 51.5 88.05 40.0 68.39 40.52 63.22 52.0 88.90 40.5 69.24 41.03 64.01 52.5 89.76 41.0 70.10 41.54 64.81 53.0 90.61 41.5 70.95 42.04 65.60 53.5 91.47 61 64 52.18 81.40 52.68 82.19 53.19 82.98 53.70 83.77 54.20 84.56 47 62 • 48 12 392 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE COMPARISON OF THE VARIOUS ALKALI- METRIC DEGREES (FOR SODA)—continued. • 92 32 54.71 ► 54.0 54.5 93.18 55.0 94.03 * 55.5 94.89 56.23 56.0 95.74 56-74 71 0 56.5 96.60 57.24 57.0 97.45 57.75 57.5 98.31 58.26 58.0 99.16 58.76 58.5 100.02 59.27 59.0 100.87 59.77 93 26 59.5 101.73 60.28 94.05 71.5 122.24 60.0 102.58 60.79 94.84 72.0 123.10 60.5 103 44 61.30 95.63 72.5 123.95 61.0 104.30 61.80 96.42 73.0 124.81 61.5 105 15 62.31 97.21 73.5 125.66 62.82 98.00 74.0126-52 62.5 106.86 63.32 98.79 74.5 127.37 75.48 117.76 63.0 107.72 63.83 99.58 75.0 128.23 75.99 118.55 63.5 108.57 64.33 100.37 75.5 129.08 76:49 119.34 64.0 109 43 64.84 101.16 76.0 129.94 64.5 110 28 65.35 101.95 76.5 130.79 65.85 66.36 62.0 106 01 74.97 116.97 77.00 120.13 77.51 120 92 D 78.01 65 0 111 14 || 102.74 77.0 131.65 65.5 111.99 103·53 || 77·5 | 132.50 77.5 132.50 78.52 85 35 66.0 112.85 66.87 104.32 86.14 66.5 113.70 67.37 105.11 67.0 114.56 86.93 87 72 67.5 115.41 67 88 105.90 68.39 • 106.69 · 88.52 68.0 116.27 89.31 68.5 117 12 90.10 69.0 117.98 90.89 69.5 118.83 91.68 70.0 119.69 92.47 120.53 68.89 107.48 69.40 108.27 69.91 109·06 70-41109.85 70.5 55.22 55.72 • 121 39 70.92 110.64 71.43 111.43 71.93 112.23 72.44 113.02 72.95 113.81 73.45 114.60 73.96 115.39 74.47 116.13 121.74 122.50 393 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE (BY MR. E. JACKSON) SHOWING FROM THE PERCENTAGE OF OXYGEN FOUND THE NUMBER OF CUBIC FEET OF RESIDUAL GASES PASSING GASES PASSING AWAY FROM THE SULPHURIC ACID CHAMBERS PER TON OF STONE BURNT. This Table is calculated on the assumption that 45 per cent. of sulphur is available, but can be made to answer for any other percentage by multiplying the number in the Table by the percentage of sulphur consumed and dividing by 45. Oxygen, Cubic Feet per cent. per Ton of Stone. •1 •2 ⚫3 •4 .6 •7 .8 ⚫9 Residual Gases. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 85451 85865 86283 86706 87132 87562 87998 88437 88881 89328 89781 90238 90701 91167 91639 92115 92597 93083 93575 94072 94574 95082 95594 96113 96637 97167 97703 98245 98793 99346 99907 Oxygen, per cent. 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 Residual Gases. Cubic Feet per Ton of Stone. 100474 101047 101626 102212 102805 103406 104013 104627 105248 105877 106514 107158 107810 108471 109138 109816 110500 111194 111896 112607 113327 114057 114796 115544 116303 117072 117850 118639 119439 120250 121072 Oxygen, per cent. 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Residual Gases. Cubic Feet per Ton of Stone. 121905 122749 123606 124474 125355 126248 127155 128074 129006 129953 130913 131887 132876 133881 134900 135935 136986 138053 139138 140239 141358 142494 143650 144824 146018 147232 148465 149719 150996 152294 153614 394 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Oxygen, per cent. 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 TABLE BY MR. E. JACKSON—continued. Residual Gases. Cubic Feet per Ton of Stone. 154958 156325 157716 159134 160575 162045 163540 165064 166616 168198 169810 171453 173129 174837 Oxygen, per cent. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 176581 14.4 178358 14.5 180171 14.6 182023 14.7 183912 14.8 185841 14.9 187811 15.0 189823 15.1 191879 15.2 193919 15.3 196128 15.4 198323 15.5 200568 15.6 202865 15.7 205214 15.8 207619 210081 212602 215184 217830 220541 223322 15.9 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Residual Gases. Cubic Feet per Ton of Stone. 226172 229097 232099 235175 238343 241593 244932 248366 250899 255531 259271 263121 267088 271176 275391 279740 284227 288861 293649 298598 303717 309015 314500 320183 326076 332190 338538 345133 351990 359126 366555 374300 382378 390812 399628 408851 Oxygen, per cent. 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.9 20.0 Residual Gases. Cubic Feet per Ton of Stone. 418508 428634 439261 450429 462178 474558 487620 501420 516025 531506 547944 565431 584073 603983 625301 648178 672793 699348 728090 759294 793291 830479 871320 916389 966373 1022127 1084707 1155447 1236062 1328762 1436501 1563252 1714534 1898234 2126024 395 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING A COMPARISON OF THE ENGLISH AND FRENCH CHLOROMETRIC DEGREES. The French Degrees indicate how many litres, at 0° C. and 760 mm., are yielded by 1 kilo. of the Bleaching Powder. The English Degrees, which are also used in Germany, in Russia, and in America, show the percentage of "active "Chlorine. French English French English French English Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. ***DUIIIJJAZZZZIJ:ZZBRF: 68858 20.02 20·34 20.65 87 20.97 88 21.29 89 27.01 107 34.00 27.33 108 34.32 27.65 109 34.64 27.96 110 34.95 28.28 111 35.27 28.60 112 35.59 28.92 113 35.91 29.23 114 36.22 115 36.54 116 36.86 117 37.18 118 37.50 119 37.81 120 38.13 121 38.45 122 38.77 123 39.08 124 39.40 125 39.72 126 40.04 127 40.36 128 40.67 21.61 90 21.93 91 22.24 92 22.56 93 29.55 22.88 94 29.87 95 30.19 23.20 23.51 96 30.51 30.83 23.83 97 24.15 98 24.47 99 31.16 31·14 24.79 100 31.78 25.10 101 32.09 25.42 102 32.41 25.74 103 32.73 33.05 26.06 104 26.37 105 33.36 26.69 106 33.68 396 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR PROPORTION OF BASES IN MANGANESE MUD. This is used in the analysis of manganese mud to determine the proportion of bases to MnO,. A certain volume of the mud being taken, then the number of grains of crystallized ferrosum sulphate is to the number of grains of crystallized oxalic acid decomposed and neutralized as 100 is to a figure in column A of the table. Opposite this figure in column B is the proportion of bases per equivalent of MnO2. A. 69.5 69.25 69.00 68.75 68.50 68.25 68.00 67.75 67.50 67.25 67.00 66.75 66.50 66.25 66.00 65.75 65.50 65.25 B. A. 1.066 65.00 1.055 64.75 1.044 64.50 1.033 64.25 1.022 64.00 1.011 63.75 1.000 63.50 ⚫989 63.25 •978 63.00 ⚫967 62.75 •956 62.50 •945 62.25 ⚫934 62.00 ⚫923 61.75 • 912 61.50 •901 61.25 • 890 61.00 ⚫879 60.75 B. •868 ⚫857 .846 ⚫835 ⚫824 ⚫813 ⚫802 791 780 ⚫769 ⚫758 •747 ⚫736 · • 725 •714 ⚫703 ⚫692 .681 A. 60.50 60.25 60.00 59.75 59.50 59.25 59.00 58.75 58.50 58.25 58.00 57.75 57.50 57.25 57.00 56.75 56.50 56.25 B. .670 ⚫659 ⚫648 ⚫637 ⚫626 ⚫615 ⚫604 ⚫593 ⚫582 ⚫571 •560 ⚫549 ⚫538 •527 •516 •505 ⚫494 •483 1 litre of chlorine at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure weighs 3.17 grams. N 1 c.c. arsenious or thiosulphate solution 00355 grm. Cl. 10 1.2267 grm. MnO2 = 1 grm. Cl. 397 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. REIMAN'S TABLES SHOWING THE COMPOSITION OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF ANILINE OILS FOUND IN COMMERCE. Water, odorine, &c. Aniline ·· Toluidine (para- and meta-) Higher homologues Distilling below Degrees O. B= 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 Residue. 2.5 6.0 54 1 34 3.5 7 34 5 .. .. LO 50 29.5 4 2.5 K=100 K=90 K=85) K-80 K=75 K=62.5 K-60 K-50 K=37.5 K=25 K=0 0 B10 B15 B=20 B=25 B=37.5 B=40] B=50] B=62.5 B=75 B=100 •• 56.5 7.5 .. ·· ·· .. ·· 22 5.5 3.5 3.5 5.5 ·· 55.5 8.5 4 8.5 55.5 15. 9 4.5 .. 3.5 +3 4 2.5 41 25 8.5 5 4.5 K = Kuphaniline. per cent. 5 90 5 6.5 11-15 318 7 37 33 16 7 4. 3 4.5 My 7.5 42 19 10 3.5 6.5 22 I 5.5 40 28.5 11 7.5 B=Baraniline. per cent. 3.5 70 30 3 2.5 2.5 4.5 17 36 16 8 4.5 5 2 1.5 8 18 39 19 7 5 5.5 398 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. KROUBER'S TABLES, SHOWING THE GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE BENZOLS, NITROBENZOLS, ANILINES, AND FUSCHINES, DERIVABLE ONE FROM THE OTHER. Boiling Point of Benzol. Specific Principal Gravity Boiling of Benzol at 15°. Point of Nitro- benzol. Specific Yield of Gravity Aniline of Oil per Nitro- 100 parts benzol of Nitro- at 16°. benzol. Deg. C. a 83-84 0.9118 205-210 1·1591| b 80-850-9263 205-210 1·1617 c 85-900 9154 d 90-95 0.9210 e 95-100 0.9089 f 100-105 0·9071 g105-1100 9018 h 110-115 0.9033 i 115-120 0.9022 j 120-125 0.9009 230-235 1.1182 Ic 125-130,0.9001 230-235 1 1093 • 210-215 1.1577 • 210-215 1 1445 215-220 1.1425 220-225 1.1365 220-225 1 1319 225-230 1·1235 • 225-2301·1187 8 5 8831 59 55 56 63 66 73 74 69 74 73 74 Yield of Colour ob- Specific Principal Gravity Boiling of tainable, Point of Aniline Crystalli- Aniline Oil Oil. at 16°. zable Fuschine = 1000. 180-185 1.0205 5 180-185 1.0199 20 185-190 1.0181 110 230 185-190 1.0139 160 190-195 1.0109 195-200 1·0060| 195-2001 0018) 200-205 1 0009] 260 270 240 200-205 0·9975 260 200 205-210 0.9943 205-210 0.9926 180 Tint of Colour communicated to Goods Dyed therewith. Dirty violet Reddish violet Violet red Red Red. Red, Red. Red Yellowish red Red. Red. contain chiefly violaniline. mauvaniline with a little rosaniline. contain much chrystolui- dine. 399 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. KROUBER'S TABLES, SHOWING THE GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE BENZOLS, &C.-continued. Nitro- benzol Range of Temperature, Degrees C. from I } I Benzol 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 marked 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 a 800804 ON 'N S 111 d f a с d 800304 ON NG | 1 2 3 e f 32 | j 55 3 4 93 2 52 40 11 5 231- 7 6413 5232 1 433221 44223 3 28 61 2 11 38 15 11 4 2 3 4 28 43 16 2 19 92 3 78 14 4 1 9 +∞ 7 4 48 31 11 11 8 5 60 29 4 31 Range of Temperature, Degrees C. Aniline from Total Benzol Below 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 Distillate. marked 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 | | | 6 18 51 18 6 41 34 11 6 24 40 13 3 10 37 29 13 964 16 438 46 1 5 7 ∞ -J 8 | | | | 40+ 12 2 8 4 5 54 29 4 32 53 7 5 62 24 4 25 50 15 6 52 29 446 149 4 +3 ♡ ∞ ∞ 4 8 5 1 LO Total Distil- late. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 400 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE SHOWING THE TENSION OF THE VAPOUR OF PETROLEUM OF GOOD QUALITY, FREE FROM PRODUCTS WITH DENSITY BELOW •73 AND ABOVE 82. Temp. °C. OH2M HLO 0 0 1 3 7 8 9 10 11 odic 6 Water added. • Tension in mm. of Water. 34.5 36 37.5 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 COMPOSITION (QUEVENNE). Tension Temp. in mm. of °C. Water. Degree of Milk, Unskimmed. 12 13 23+H 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Degree of Milk, Skimmed. 33-29 29-26 26-23 29-26 36.5-32.5 32.5-29 IJJPAR** 57 59 61.5 70 73 76 79 82.5 86 90 TABLE FOR THE APPROXIMATE DETERMINATION OF THE OF MILK BY THE LACTODENSIMETER Water added. Temp. °C. 10 5 10 CH5 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Degree of Milk, Unskimmed. Tension in mm. of Water. 23-20 20-17 17-14 95 100 105 110 116 122 129 136 144 153 163 174 Degree of Milk, Skimmed. 26.23 23.19 19.16 401 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. TABLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF THE DEGREES OF THE LACTODENSIMETER (Quevenne) FOR TEMPERATURE. (The instrument is adjusted to 15° C.) Degrees of Instrument. 15 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Unskimmed Milk. 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5 43 43.5 44 44.5 45 Temperature. Temperature. 5° C. 10° C. 20° C. 25° C. 5° C. 10° C. | 20° C. 25° C. -0·9-0.6+0.8 +1.8 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 0.7 0.9 1.9 -0.7-0.5 +0.8 +1.7 0.7 1.0 2.1 0.7 0.7 1.0 2.1 0.8 1.1 2.2 0.9 1.2 2.4 1.0 1.2 2.5 1.0 1.3 2.7 1.1 1.3 2.8 Fusion Per cent. Per cent. Point of Stearic of Oleic °C. Acid. Acid. Skimmed Milk. TABLE SHOWING THE COMPOSITION OF TALLOW BY THE FUSION POINT. 4 per cent. is deducted for Glycerine, and 1 per cent. for Moisture, Impurity, &c. 35.15 59.85 36.10 58.90 38 57 38.95 56.05 39.90 55.10 42.75 52.25 43.70 51.30 50.35 44.65 47.50 47.50 49.50 45.60 51.30 43 70 0.5 0.8 1.7 0.9 0.6 0.81 1.7 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.8 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.9 1.1 0.7 0.9 1.9 2.1 1.1 0.7 1.0 1.2 0.8 1.0 ! 2.2 Fusion Per cent. Per cent. Point of Stearic of Oleic °C. Acid. Acid. 45.5 52.25 42.75 46 53.20 41.80 46.5 55.10 39.90 47 57.95 37.05 47.5 58.90 36.10 48 61.75 33.25 48.5 66.50 28.50 49 71.25 23.75 49.5 71.20 22.80 75.05 19.95 50 2 D 402 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. QUANTITIES CORRESPONDING TO VARIOUS SALTS, &C., USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. Silver. 1. 0.6353 0.7528 0.5744 0.4595 Gold. 1. 0.6485 0.4751 0.4943 Bromine. 1. 0.816 0.672 0.772 0.465 0.711 Iodine. 1. 0.876 0.765 0.847 + 0.694 0.797 Nitrate. 1.574 1. 1.185 0.904 0.723 Chloride. 1.542 1. 0.7326 0.7623 1.225 1. 0.823 0.952 0.570 0.871 Chloride. 1.328 0.844 1. 0.763 0.610 1.142 1. 0.874 0.967 0.793 0.910 Chloride of Gold and Potassium. Ammonium Potassium Sodium Bromide. Bromide. Bromide. 1.488 1.214 1. 1.156 0.692 1.058 Ammonium Potassium Iodide. Iodide. Bromide. 2.1048 1.3650 1. 1.0405 1.307 1.145 1. 1.107 0.907 1.042 1.744 1.106 1.310 1. 0.800 1.1287 1.055 0.865 1. 0.559 0.915 Iodine. Chloride of Gold and Sodium. Cadmium Bromide (4 Aq). 2.176 1.382 1.638 1.250 1. 2.0229 1.3119 0.9611 1. 2.150 1.754 1.445 1.671 1. 1.529 Zinc Bromide. 1.406 1.147 0.945 1.092 0.654 1. Sodium Cadmium Zinc Iodide. Iodide. Iodide. 1.181 1.441 1.255 1.035 1.262 1.099 0.903 1.102 0.960 1· 1.220 1.063 0.820 1. 0.871 0.941 1.148 1. 403 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. LIST OF THE PRICES OF MOST IMPORTANT APPARATUS. Assay Apparatus— Anvils Cupels Hammers. Mallets Pliers Scoritiers, 24 in. diam. .. Scoops, copper Shears Vices Balances- Chemical. Assay Grain weights- From 10,000 grains to 01 grain • 600 ⚫01 • .. "" " "3 • ·· "> Balances, Apothecaries Basins, Porcelain- 2 inch diam. 4 6 "" • .. .. }) .. •• ·· .. • • • "" "} "" "" Gram weights, 1 kilo. to 1 milligram .. .. • .. .. 10 14 Beakers, Bohemian glass • • Bell glasses, 6 × 53 to 12 × 10- Blowpipes- Black's tin Brass.. Common brass .. "" • ·· .. :: ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Bottles- White English flint glass, 80 oz. capacity White Bohemian glass, 40 oz. capacity Burettes, Mohr's- With Indiarubber tube and glass jet, 20 c. c. to 50 c. c. .. With glass stopcock, 50 c. c. in 250 div. .. 500 div. oz. to .. .. oz. to 3. d. 8. d. each 1 6 to 15 per doz. 0 6 10 each 1 2 0 1 6 per doz. 2 each "" " * A " " per set "" "" each AAA >> 99 "" "" "" each per doz. 4 0 10 6 21 0 22 "" 2000 5 >> 6 6 5 6 0 4 6 0 15 0 "" **** 54 0 100 0 59 3 to 18 guineas 3 18 "" 1 2 9 "5 £3 12s. £1 10s. £3 15s. d. S. d. S. 2 6 to 30 0 0 9 1 6 0 6 "" Berlin. German. 19060 6 342 "" 9 to 19 0 7 6 "" 3:3 per doz. 3 6 to 36 0 1 6 5 6 "" 4 3 10 0 each 1 10 3 2 5. 0 5 6 " 2 D 2 404 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. LIST OF THE PRICES OF MOST IMPORTANT APFARATUS- continued. Burette stands Caoutchouc stoppers, 3 in. to 24 in. diam., solid .. Chloride calcium tubes, U shaped Clips, watch glass, flat brass Cobalt glasses Condensers, Liebig's, glass .. Corks Cork borers Crucibles- .. oz. to 8 oz. cap, Berlin Meissen "" Eudiometers, Bunsen's, 250 ور 800 mm. Filter paper- English Swedish Flasks, Bohemian, hard glass- ·· 1 oz. to 320 oz. cap G .. ·· 39 "" Furnaces, combustion, gas- 33 91 ·· ; 14 in. to 30 in. long Gas bags Glass tubing-— Soft Hard.. Lamps, Bunsen's Mortars and pestles, agate- 1 in. to 5 in. diam. ·· .. Funnels, glass-- 1 in. to 10 in. diam., Bohemian 1 6 English 7 x 3 in. to 10 X 6 in. Pipettes, plain cylinders Pipettes, graduated- 1 c. c. to 100 c. c. cap Pneumatic troughs ·· • • ·· .. ·· O ·· .. ·· · .. .. •• :: ·· mm., •• P ·· · .. ·· .. .. •• ·· .. " 0 "" per doz. 2 9 each 2 6 per gross 4 per set 0 per doz. 2 3 "1 Mortars and pestles, Wedgewood- 2 in. to 12 in, diam. Mortars and pestles, Berlin semi-porcelain- 2 in. to 5 in. diam. Muffles- S. d. S. ๕. each 2 6 to to 7 6 per quire 1 4 each "" each 3 6 per doz. 2 1 15 " "" each per lb. "> " " each 0 3 each "" 19 0 2 " 0 A "" 294 0 10 21 9 9 0 0 6 6 1 0 1 4 1 3 4 0 0 10 0 5 2 3 0 3 + 02 46 "" *** "" 21 "" "" "" "" "" " ,, "" "" "" "" £3 3s. to £6 0 to 50 0 "" "" " 2 0 ▾ 3 12 6 600 16 16 0 6 O a 6 6 4 0 34 0 9 0 3 6 63 0 18 6 18 1 9 40 06 30 3 405 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. LIST OF THE PRICES OF MOST IMPORTANT APPARATUS- continued. Retorts- 2 oz. to 100 oz. cap, plain tubul. " >> .. "" "" Retort stands- 13 in. to 24 in. high Sand baths, iron- 4 in. to 12 in. diam. Spatulas, steel Sulphuretted hydrogen apparatus- .. Kipps Test tubes- Sizes 2 to 10 X 2 Test-tube brushes Test-tube stands, with pegs- 6 to 24 holes ·· Tongs, crucible, iron- 6 in. to 21 in. long. Tongs, crucible, brass- 6 in. long.. 9 in. long Wash bottles Wash bottles, Bayley's- For continuous jet.. Watch glasses- ·· 14 in. to 3 in. diam. Water baths, copper, with 4 rings- 30 oz. 60 oz. Weighing bottles .. "" ·· •• 3 • • • ·· • ·· "> •* ·· ·· .. .. • ·· ·· •• ·· Wire gauze Woulffe's bottles- 5 oz. to 320 oz. capacity, 2 necks 3 necks ·· • ·· ·· ·· .. •• S. each 0 در 353 " 33 "" "" 95 "" per doz. o each >> per pair 1 "" "" per sq. foot 0 4. 2 0 each 0 0 7 "" "" each 1 7 6 1 per doz, 0 0 2 1 each 8 10 134 1 0 3 3 to 1 47 0 1 0 1 32 0 6 650 9 6 9 0 63- 0 9 0 "} "1 33 "" "" "" "" " "" "" 39 "" "" S. "; 12 260 8 0 12 ♡♡ 1 1 3 0 0 3 6 3 6 3 6 2 0 4 6 5 0 1 0 10 0 12 0 406 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. Wages Per Year. 41123 HL O 789 4 5 6 45 107 +59 50 Per Half Year. £ 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 15 35 17 40 20 22 25 4 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 0 3 10 0 10 0 5 10 6 0 6 10 7 0 7 10 10 12 S. d. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 10 8 8 10 9 0 9 10 0 10 0 0 10 10 10 " or a fineness of 9163. WAGES TABLE. • Per Quarter Year £ 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 10 2' 15 0 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 S. 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Approximately. 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 shilling 87.273 grains. 20 shillings= 3.636 oz. troy. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Per Month. Per Week. Per Day. 'Ï'otal weight 1 400 d. 8 3 4 S. 1 0 5 0 6 0 8 A pound sterling consists of gold copper 0 10 0 11 0 13 0 15 0 16 0 18 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 5 6 1 8 ENGLISH COINS. 1 10 1 11 1 13 2 1 2 10 2 18 3 6 3 15 4 3 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 8 4 8 0 4 8 0 4 ·· .. .. S. d. 041 094 G 1 14 1 6 1 11 2 3 2 3 81 1 3 5 3 101 4 23 4 74 5 0 5 4 5 6 11 13 91 14 664 6 11 7 34 7 81 9 74 6 5 15 4 17 3 19 2 S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 d. 03 14 2 23 31 4 2 2 51 667 co 61 74 0 0 0 0 9 0 10/ 0111 8 8冬 ​91 0 11/ 1 0+ 1 14 1 41 1 73 1 11 224 5 9 CO 113.001 grains. 10.273 "" "" 123.274 = lb. avoir. 5 lbs. .. 12 pence.. Or pence in £ 1 lb. troy (37 silver to 3 alloy) =66s. COPPER COINAGE.-A lb. avoir. of copper is coined into 24 pence or 48 halfpence. BRONZE COINAGE.-95 copper, 4 tin, 1 zinc, is coined into 40 pence, 80 halfpence, 160 farthings. "" 407 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. MN p pat pat pat p I 11 d. 94 9 9 10 101 104 104 11 HHHHQA 00000¯¯¯¯¯oooooooo * * * o ***** 114 4234 ACK-A- 114 2 $. d. 0 02 SHANTYTO 0 1 0 2 100 08 0 104 0 11 0 11초 ​1 0 1 0 1 1 1 14 1 2 1 24 1 8 1 34 4 445 1 4 5 6 1 6 ฟ 1 7 Co 0 9 1 2 0 10 1 3 1 8 19 1 94 1 10 1 10 3 1 11 1 11 S. d. OHNSO ooooooooooooooo sale for 0 9 0 93 0 10 0 11: 1 0 1 01 1 1 1 33 1 4 1 54 1 63 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 1 10 93 2 4 2 8 2 6 2 1 114 2 0 2 03 2 14 2 2 3 2 33 51 2 7 2 81 2 9 2 92 210 211 4 s. d. 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 READY RECKONER. 1 1 5 8. d. 10000¯¯¯¯¯H AGNAL 84 0 10 0 11: 1 0 1 1 3 13 1 44 1 54 1 61 1 1 91 1 10 1 11 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 7 2 82 2 9 1 3 24 400000 7 4 5 8 4 3 9 4 84 3 10 4 9 3 11 4 10 6 1초 ​4 d. 8. 7½ 0 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 3 04 2 6 3 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 5 2 10 3 6 2 11 3 74 3 0 3 9 1 3 10 3 11ㄤ ​4 9 4 04 4 10 2 4 33 5 0 0 10 1 0 1 14 1 3 1 4 1 74 9 1 10 2 0 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 6 2 7 2 9 2 10 3 0 3 1 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 7 9 3 3 10 4 0 منه 4 4 6 4 14 4 3 44 4 7 5 1 3 5 4 5 7 5 9 5 10 100 0 34 7 0 0 10 1 1 2 1 33 1 5 1 74 1 SHKÖLISÖN STE. 1103 04 2 4 2 2 2 2 53 2 29 2 11 3 03 3 LO LO LO LO 5 3 44 3 3 5 73 3 9 3 114 4 1 5 5 1360 00 4 24-42-4 14 3 * SYK 5 84 5 10 5 113 6 1 6 34 6 5 6 63 6 8 6 10 8 s. d. 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 10 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 2 0 2 2 2 4 2 6 2 8 2 10 3 0 2 4 3 6 3 8 8. d. 0 0 0 63 0 9 9 0 111 1 14 1 34 1 6 1 81 110 0 3 2 2 2 2 3 24 3 64 3 9 3 11 10 0 2 4 4 6 8 10 5 0 **** 6 9 6 11 4 11 4 3 4 9 4 6 4 8 圣​士​址 ​4444 圣君​洼 ​1호 ​7 10 7 8 8 7 - ఇలి పేర రణ చేసే జ 7 10 8 9 | *10 S. d. 0 24 0 071 0 10 104 1 3 1 52 1 8 1 104 2 1 5 6 5 8 5 10 6 6 0 6 2 6 4 7 6 6 7 6 8 7 6 10 7 7 0 7 2 8 7 4 8 7 6 8 51 9 4 2 3 2 6 2 81 2 11 3 14 9 4 3 64 3 9 3 114 4 2 4 L 5 5 5 7+ 5 10 6 0 6 5 6 8 6 10 7 1 7 3.5 6 7 7 8 7 11 8 1 4 6 9 8 8 11 2 9 9 9 408 CHEMISTS' POCKET-BOOK. MAGNESIA MIXTURE. Dissolve 83 grams of crystallized magnesium sulphate in boiling water, add 5 c. c. of hydro- chloric acid, and then 82 grams of crystallized barium chloride previously dissolved in water. Filter off a few drops of the solution and add dilute sulphuric acid, if this gives a precipitate add a little more magnesium sulphate. Then decant and filter, mix the filtrate and washings, and concentrate by evaporation. When cool transfer to a litre flask, add 165 grams of pure ammonium chloride, 260 c. c. of ammonia, and then water to the mark. Allow to stand a few days and filter if necessary. ( 409 ) —— INDEX. Absorption of Gases by Charcoal.. Acetate of Lead, Strength of Solutions Sodium, Strength of Solutions Acetic Acid. Strength of Acid, Acetic, Strength of Hydrochloric, Strength of Solutions Hydrocyanic, Strength of Solutions Nitric, Strength of Solutions Oxalic, Strength of Solutions Phosphoric, Strength of Solutions Sulphuric, Strength of Solutions Tannic, Strength of Solutions Tartaric, Strength of Solutions Acids, Behaviour of Metals with .. of Minerals with with Reagents Volumetric Analysis of Air, Behaviour of Metals with ·· ·· .. ·· • •• ·· L ·· • .. .. Sugar in Cordialized Spirit Table for Diluting Tralles' Tables for Strength of ·· Data in Calculations relating to Solubility in Water Thermometer compared with Mercurial Weight of Cubic Foot 1 C. C. ·· .. •• ·· • .. Gay-Lussac's Tables for Strength of Lowitz' Table for Strength of Methyl, Strength of Solutions • • .. · ·· .. ·· ·· ·· Proof and Percentage compared Solubility of Gases in Specific Gravity by Sikes' Alcoholometer Strength of, by Weight ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· • ·· ·· .. .. .. .. .. ·· •• •• ·· ·· .. .. ·· ·· ·· Albumin, Strength of Solutions • Alcohol and Water, Volumes of, in 100 parts Boiling Point of Aqueous Comparison of Per Cent. by Weight and Volume · Dilution of .. • •• ·· •• ·· ·· ·· PAGE 64 225 225 .. ·· .. 193-195 193-195 191, 192 227 187-190 188 196 ·· 184, 185 198 197 257-260 304-309 .. ·· .. ·· 272 285 254-256 .. .. 8 114 50 253 180 228 318 326 321 322. 335-357 319. ·· ·· .. ·· .. •• ·· •• ... 317, 318 323-325 •• •• 115 358 319-321 359, 360 322 327-334 ·· 410 INDEX. Alkalies, Behaviour of Metals with Volumetric Analysis of Alkalimetric Degrees, Comparison of .. Alkaline Carbonates, Indirect Estimation Earths, Volumetric Analysis of Alteration of Volume of Glass Vessels by Heat Aluminium Chloride, Strength of Solutions Alum, Strength of Solutions.. Ammonia, Strength of Solutions Ammonium Alum, Strength of Solutions Chloride, Strength of Solutions Sulphate, Strength of Solutions Analysis, Biological Factors for Coefficients for Use in Quantitative Estimation of Urea Indirect ·· of Acids, Alkalies, and Alkaline Earths of Beer, Tables for.. Organic, Factors for Volumetric, Factors for – Mg .. ·· ·· ·· Analytical Tables Aniline Oils, Composition of .. Anilines, Characters of Commercial Apparatus, Prices of Aqueous Vapour, Force of (OF.) Tension of Weight of 1 Foot ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· (Latest) of Elements • Barium Chloride, Strength of Solutions Nitrate, Strength of Solutions ·· 44 ·· ·· .. ... Areometers compared with Specific Gravity Assay Table for Lead Ores Atomic Heat of Compounds Elements Atomicity of Elements . Atomic Weights of Elements ·· ·· ·· ·· •• ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· • Barometers, Comparison of British and Metrical Correction for Capillarity Corrections for Temperature.. • ·· • • •• .. • ·· .. ·· .. ·· .. .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· .. ᏢᎪᏀᎬ 260 . 285 390-392 ·· .. •• • 284 285 287 221 213 .. 203, 204 213 219 208 6 10-16 6 20 ·· 397 399 403-405 252 67, 239-242 ·· ·· .. ·· •• • 285 371, 372 6 ·· 281-284 263-269 220 215 52-54 58 55-57 Bases in Manganese Mud 396 388 • Bates' Table for Decrease in Density of Worts.. Beaumé's Areometer compared with Specific Gravity 177, 178 • .. 253 177, 178 310, 311 • 61 59, 60 1, 2 1-3 3 .. .. ·· .. .. .. 411 INDEX. PAGE 367 399 Beck's Areometer compared with Specific Gravity.. 177, 178 Beer Analysis, Tables for 371, 372 Beetroot Juice, Valuation of .. Benzols, Table for Characters of Biological Analysis, Factors for Use in Boiling Points, Correction of Thermometers in taking of Aqueous Alcohol of Liquids 6 51 326 71-110 of Metals and other Elements 111 261 51 • Borax Beads, Metals in Brass, Linear Expansion of · .. •• .. ·· ·· ·· .. Calcium Chloride, Strength of Solutions Nitrate of, Strength of Solutions Calculations, Chemical •• · ·· ·· ·· .. .. • ·· Chloride of Aluminium, Strength of Solutions Ammonium, Strength of Solutions Barium, Strength of Solutions. Calcium, Strength of Solutions.. Magnesium, Strength of Solutions Potassium, Strength of Solutions Sodium, Strength of Solutions Zinc, Strength of Solutions Chlorides, Mixed, Table for Estimating Chlorine Degrees, Comparison of .. Chlorometric Degrees, Comparison of Chromate of Potassium, Strength of Solutions Clark's Table of Hardness of Water .. ·· ·· • 1 Calculation of (1+00367 T Capacity, Metrical Measures of Capillarity, Correction of Barometers for Carats, Conversion into Decimal Equivalents Carbonate of Potash, Strength of Solutions Potassium, Strength of Solutions Sodium, Strength of Solutions Carbonates, Mixed, Tables for Indirect Analysis Carbonic Anhydride, Analysis by Loss of .. Cartier's Areometer compared with Specific Gravity Caustic Potash, Strength of Solutions Soda, Strength of Solutions Charcoal, Absorption of Gases by Chemical Calculations .. •• ·· •• ·· • .. .. ·· • · .. • ... ·· ·· ·· 1. .. • .. ·· ·· • • ·· • ·· 220 215 17-19 181 25 58 314 205 205 206 284 5 177 199, 200, 201 200, 201, 202 64 17, 13 221 219 220 220 219 218 218 222 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· • •• ·· .. ·· • • ·· .. ·· .. ·· ·· .. .. .. · • ·· • ·· ·· • .. ·· ·· .. 286 395 395 213 248 412 INDEX. Clerget's Table for Saccharimeter Coefficients giving Amount of Constituents Coins, Composition of Combustion Products of Gases Common Substances, Specific Gravity of Comparison of Alkalimetric Degrees Barometers Thermometers Compounds, Atomic Heat of.. Conversion of Carats into Decimal Equivalents Grains into Grams .. Density of Elements G .. Grams into Grains . • Copper Alloys, Lead to be used in Cupellation of Nitrate, Strength of Solutions .. Sulphate, Strength of Solutions Cordialized Spirits, Sugar in .. Correction of Glass Barometer Scales Cubical Dilation of Glass Cupellation, Table for Addition of Lead Cupellation, Tables for .. ·· .. ·· Elements, Atomic Heat of Gases, Method of Obtaining Minerals Water .. ·· Data, Various Decimal Equivalents, Conversion of Carats into for Weights • ·· ·· Obtaining Method for Obtaining Dew Point Tables Dictionary of Solubilities Dilution of Alcohol, Table for ·· Sulphuric Acid, Table for .. Directions for making Reagents preparing Volumetric Solutions •• .. .. ·· Latest Atomic Weights of Melting and Boiling Points Specific and Atomic Heat Specific Gravity of ·· .. •• .. .. .. · • ·· .. .. ·· • • .. • ·· • •• ·· .. .. ·· • ·· • ·· • • ·· ·· .. .. ·· ·· .. ·· • • • • .. ·· .. • • PAGE 368, 369 10-16 ·· ·· •• Atomic, Volume, and Molecular Weights of Grouping of ·· • • 390-392 52-54 43-46 .. ·· 36-38 31-36 315, 316 216 .. 212 .. 359, 360 54-57 66 ·· 315, 316 312-316 7,8,9 314 ·· 40 175, 176 174 304-309 182 173 •• .. .. ·· 406 64 182 251-253 118-172 61 314 .. 273-280 288-297 • • •• • • 322 186 111 59 175, 176 59 5 4 3 413 INDEX. PAGE Elements, Symbols, Atomic Weights, and Atomicities of 1, 2, 3 English Money, Weights, and Measures, compared with Foreign Equivalent Rates for Weights and Money Estimation by Loss of CO2 •• of High Temperatures Ether, Strength of Alcoholic Solutions Excise Table for Wort Expansion, Cubical, of Glass Linear, of Brass and Glass of Water, Table of • • ·· ** .. .. .. • • ·· ·· Factors for Organic Analysis Use in Biological Analysis Volumetric Analysis Ferricyanide of Potassium, Strength of Solutions Ferrocyanide of Potassium, Strength of Solutions Ferrous Sulphate, Strength of Solutions Foreign Money, Weights, and Measures compared Weights and Measures, Comparison of Formula for Correcting Barometers of Minerals ·· • • • ·· Freezing Mixtures French and English Chlorine Degrees compared Frèze's Apparatus for Sugar Frigorific Mixtures. Fusion Point of Tallow.. .. • • ·· ·· • • ·· .. ·· ·· • • Gases, Absorption of, by Charcoal and Vapours, Specific Heat of Correction of Volume of Solubility in Water and Alcohol Tension of Vapour of Various Vapour Density, Method of Obtaining Volume of Combustion, Products of .. Gay-Lussac's Tables for Strength of Alcohol Glass, Cubic Dilation of.. Linear Expansion of Strength of, by Specific Gravity Gold, Cupellation of, Lead to be added .. ·· ·· Vessels, Alteration of Volume by Heat Glossary of Minerals Glycerine, Solubility of Salts in ·· ·· ·· .. D • ·· • ·· . .. ·· ·· ·· · • .. ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 30 39, 40 5 •• .. ·· ·· ·· 44 ·· ·· .. : ·· 231-284 227 226 211 30 29 54 •• •• ·· 304-309 47, 48 395 367 47, 48 401 .. .. 19, 229-238 ·· .. ·· .. ·· 50 223 370 66 51 65 ·· 9 6 335-357 .. .. 64 63 •• 115 68 174 64 304-309 66 51 287 112 208 316 414 INDEX. Gold, Cupellation Tables Graduating Vessels, Table for Use in Grains, Conversion of Grams into into Grams, Conversion of Medical, of various Countries • M Grams, Conversion of Grains into into Grains, Conversion of Grouping of Elements .. G ·· - per Gallon converted into Parts per 100,000 ·· ·· Hardness of Metals of Minerals of Water, Clark's Table Table of Parts per 100,000 Quantities to produce 1 Degree .. .. ·· .. ·· • • ·· Heat, Atomic, of Compounds Specific, of Elements Gases and Vapours Organic Liquids Hennessey's System of Weights and Measures High Temperature, Means of Estimating Hops, Increase of, by Heat per Quarter of Malt Wort imbibed by • • Lactodensimeter, Table for Laurent's Apparatus, Table for Lead Acetate, Strength of Solutions Nitrate, Strength of Solutions ·· ·· .. ·· by loss of CO2 Estimation of Mixed Chlorides Iodide of Potassium, Strength of Solutions Iron Sulphate, Strength of Solutions ·· ·· Kopp's Table for Expansion of Water Krouber's Table for Benzols, &c. .. Hundredweights, Equivalent Rates for Hydrate of Potassium, Strength of Solutions Sodium, Strength of Solutions. Hydrochloric Acid, Strength of Solutions Hydrocyanic Acid, Strength of Solutions Hyposulphite of Sodium, Strength of Solutions •• Indirect Analysis .. • ·· • ·· ·· ·· • ·· .. •• • ·· .. ·· ·· ·· .. ·· • .. • ·· ·· ·· ·· •• •• ·· • • ·· • • ·· • .. ·· .. PAGE 316 287 ·· •• 31-36 36-38 ·· .. 36-38 31-36 4 •• 63 62 30 5 384 373-382 383 39,40 .. 199, 200, 201 200, 201, 202 191, 192 227 224 60 304-309 248 .. 249, 250 250 .. .. ·· ·· ·· • ·· •• .. .. .. ·· ·· .. 29 246 .. ·· 61 59 •• 20 5 65 398, 399 286 223 211 401 367 225 ·· .. 217 415 INDEX. Lead Ore, Table for Silver in Ores, Assay Table .. Solubility of, in Water to be added in Cupellations Length, Metrical Measures of Levesque's Tables • ·· · • .. .. Liquifiable Gases, Tension of Vapour of Logarithms of Numbers from 0 to 1000 ·· Methods of obtaining Specific Gravity of Organic, Specific Heat of Magnesia Mixture Magnesium Chloride, Strength of Solutions Sulphate, Strength of Solutions Malt Extract, Strength of Solutions Manganese Mud, Table for Bases in Manipulation Measures, Foreign, compared with English Weights and ·· .. .. • ·· ·· Lime, Solutions of Salts of (see Calcium). Solubility in Solutions of Sugar Linear Expansion of Brass and Glass Liquids, Boiling Points, Specific Gravity, Vapour Density, and Solubility of .. .. .. ·· Medicine Grains of various Countries Melting Points of Metals and other Elements Mercurial Thermometer compared with Air Mercury, Tension of Vapour of ·· Transformation of Columns of Metals, Behaviour with Acids and Alkalies Reagents Air .. .. • .. • ·· .. .. · ·· · ·· • • • • ·· .. .. .. ·· ·· .. ·· .. •• .. ·· .. ·· PAGE 312, 313 310, 311 113 315, 316 24 385-387 a .. ·· ·· ·· 72-110 174 62 68 ·· .. ·· 243-245 408 219 209 370 396 298-302 ·· .. • • .. 4 30 23-42 29 111 50 66 7 ·· ·· • • in Borax Bead in Microcosmic Salt Bead Melting and Boiling Points Physical State of Methyl Alcohol, Strength of Solutions Metrical Barometer compared with British Metric System compared with Foreign Weights and Mea- sures Microcosmic Salt, Metals with Bead of Milk, Lactodensimeter ·· Minerals, Formulæ, Hardness, Specific Gravity, &c. .. ·· 228 51 257-260 270,271 254-256 261 262 111 60 .. 317, 318 52-54 .. .. ·· 29 262 .. 400, 401 304-309 •• 416 INDEX. Molecular Weights of Elements Money, Foreign, compared with English Mud, Manganese, Table for Bases Normal Solutions Numbers, Logarithms of Names of Salts, Ancient and Modern Nitrate of Barium, Strength of Solutions Calcium, Strength of Solutions Copper, Strength of Solutions Lead, Strength of Solutions Potassium, Strength of Solutions Sodium, Strength of Solutions Nitric Acid, Strength of Solutions Nitrobenzols, Table for Characters of Nitrogen, Estimation by Volume, Formulæ for in Air, Quantity of Reduction of C. C. to Grams .. Sogn Wond • • • ·· • •• O ·· ·· •• ·· ·· • ·· ·· .. ·· ·· :: ·· ·· ·· Old Names for Salts Ores of Lead, Assay Table Organic Analysis, Factors for Liquids, Specific Heat of Original Gravity of Worts Oxalic Acid, Strength of Solutions Oxide of Potassium, Strength of Solutions Sodium Strength of Solutions Oxygen in Air, Quantity of to find Amount of Residual Gas from per cent. of.. ·· • .. •• •• .. .. .. • • Parts per 100,000 converted into Grains per Gallon Pence, Equivalent Rates for Shillings Percentage corresponding to Lbs., Cwts., per Ton Petroleum, Tension of Vapour Pharmacopoeia, Measures and Weights of Phosphate of Sodium, Strength of Solutions Phosphoric Acid, Strength of Solutions Photography, Table of Salts used in Physical State of Metals Plumbic Acetate, Strength of Solutions Polar Weights and Measures Polarimeter of Frèze,T able for ·· .. ·· • •. .. • ·· .. ·· • •• • ·· ·· PAGE 5 30 396 •• ·· ·· .. 399 9 8 246, 247 .. 288-297 243-245 .. 303 215 215 216 .. 217 214 214 ·· 303 310, 311 6 67 382 188 199, 200, 201 200, 201, 202 8 .. .. ·· .. .. 187-190 .. ·· • • 393, 394 246 39 41, 42 400 26 216 196 402 ·· • • ·· .. ·· .. .. ·· • ·· 60 225 30 367 417 INDEX. 10. Polarimeters, Use of Potash, Behaviour of Metals with .. Comparison of Alkalimetric Degrees Strength of Solutions. Reagents, Behaviour of Acids with Metals with Rates, Equivalent, for Cwts., Qrs., Lbs. Ready Reckoner • .. 199, 200, 201 Potassa, Strength of Solutions Potassium Alum, Strength of Solutions 199, 200, 201 213 205 218 213 227 226 ·· 199, 200, 201 and Sodium Carbonates, Indirect Estimation 284 Chlorides, Estimation of, Mixed.. 286 Carbonate, Strength of Solutions Chloride, Strength of Solutions.. Chromate, Strength of Solutions Ferricyanide, Strength of Solutions Ferrocyanide, Strength of Solutions Hydrate, Strength of Solutions.. Iodide, Strength of Solutions Nitrate, Strength of Solutions Oxide, Strength of Solutions Pounds, Equivalent Rates for Cwts. and Tons Preliminary Examination of Solids Prescriptions, Signs used in Writing Prices of Apparatus. Proof and Percentage, Comparison of.. Pyrometer Degrees compared with Temperature 223 .. • ·· Directions for Making Volumetric, Preparation of .. .. Reckoner, Ready Reiman's Table for Aniline Oils Residual Gas in Vitriol Chambers, Table for Richardson's Table for Wort in Hops.. Rules for Converting Thermometer Degrees ·· ·· Solubility of, in Glycerine Specific Gravity of used in Photography, Table for.. ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· Saccharimeter, Correction for Saline Matter, Influence upon Solubility of Lead Salt, Strength of Solutions of Common Salts, Old and New Names ·· .. ·· •• ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· 214 ·· 199, 200, 201 39, 40 263-266 ·· ·· • .. ·· ·· ·· PAGE 366 .. .. 260 390-392 :: E 2 E ·· ·· ·· ·· .. .. 389 403-405 323-325 49 .. 39,40 407 .. .. 272 270,271 273-280 288-297 407 ♦♦ 397 393, 394 383 17 ·· ·· ·· 368, 369 113 .. ·· ·· .. 218 303 112 183 402 418 INDEX. Saturated Steam, Properties of Shillings, Equivalent Rates for Pence Silver Cupellation, Lead to be added in Lead Ore, Table for Soda, Behaviour of Metals with S Comparison of Alkalimetric Degrees Strength of Solutions ·· Specific Heat of Elements ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· Gases and Vapours Organic Liquids .. Sodium Acetate, Strength of Solutions 225 .. 206 and Potassium Carbonates, Indirect Estimation of 284 Chlorides, Estimation of, Mixed .. 286 Carbonate, Strength of Solutions Chloride, Strength of Solutions Hydrate, Strength of Solutions Hydrogen Phosphate, Strength of Solutions. Hyposulphite, Strength of Solutions Nitrate, Strength of Solutions.. Oxide, Strength of Solutions Sulphate, Strength of Solutions Thiosulphate, Strength of Solutions Solids, Analysis of, in Dry Way Specific Gravity of, Methods for Obtaining Solubility of Air in Water ·· Gases in Water and Alcohol Lead in Water Liquids Minerals in Acids Salts in Glycerine Substances at various Temperatures Substances, Dictionary of ·· • .. .. .. • ·· • ·· ·· .. ·· ·· ·· ·· Solutions, Examination of Volumetric, Directions for Preparing Specific Gravity compared with Areometers Methods of Obtaining of Common Substances Elements Gases, Methods of Obtaining Liquids Minerals.. Salts Water at various Temperatures ·· 391, 392 200, 201, 202 ·· 218 •• 200, 201, 202 216 224 214 ·· ·· 200, 201, 202 207 224 263-266 173 114 115 113 ·· ·· ·· • → ·· .. .. •• .. • ·· • • ·· PAGE 69, 70 39 315, 316 312, 313 260 ·· • ·· ·· ·· ·· .. .. •• ·· .. 71-110 304-309 112 ·· 116, 117 118-172 266-269 288-297 177, 178 173, 174 ·· 175, 176 174 71-110 304-309 ·· .. .. 182. •• 183 182 59 63 62 419 INDEX. Spirit Indication, Strength of Wert corresponding to Steam, Properties of Stochiometry Substances, Solubility of — Sugar in Beetroot and other Juices in Cordialized Spirits Polarimeter for Estimating Solutions, Strength by Beaumé Degrees Solubility of Lime in ·· Strength of Solutions Table, Ure's Sulphate of Ammonium, Strength of Solutions Copper, Strength of Solutions Iron, Strength of Solutions Magnesium, Strength of Solutions Sodium, Strength of Solutions Zinc, Strength of Solutions Sulphates, Alum, Strength of Solutions Sulphuric Acid, Strength of .. ·· ·· 116, 117, 118-172 Table of Solubilities at various Temperatures .. ·· .. Table for Diluting Surface, Metrical Measures of Symbols of Elements ·· .. ·· .. ·· • • .. ·· .. ·· ·· .. .. .. Tallow, Fusion Point of.. Tannic Acid, Strength of Solutions Tartaric Acid, Strength of Solutions Temperature compared with Pyrometer Degrees Correction of Barometers for Estimation of High •• •• .. .. To Correct Thermometers Tension of Aqueous Vapour in mm. of Mercury Mercury Vapour Vapour of Liquifiable Gases Thermometers, Comparison of .. Thiosulphate of Sodium, Strength of Solutions Tons, Equivalent Rates per Lbs. and Cwts. Tralles' Tables for Strength of Alcohol Twaddle Degrees, to Convert ·· ·· ·· ·· .. .. .. Air and Mercurial Degrees, Rules for Converting Formulæ for Correction of •• • • .. • ·· •• ·· • • ·· ·· ·· • ·· •• PAGE 370 69, 70 17 ·· 116, 117 367 ·· 359, 360 366-369 365 228 361-365 363, 364 208 212 ·· •• .. .. 4. .. .. ·· 213 ·· 181, 185 186 24 .. 1,2 ·· .. • ·· .. 197 49 55-57 50 51 • • .. ·· 239-242 .. 211 209 207 210 66 68 43-46 • • 401 198 ·· 50 17 51 224 39, 40 326-334 7 •• • 2 E 2 420 INDEX. Urea, Table for Estimation Ure's Sugar Table Useful Data ·· ·· •• Vapour Densities of Liquids. of Mercury, Tension of of Petroleum, Tension of of Water, Tension of.. Tension of Liquifiable Gases Vapours and Gases, Specific Heat of Vessels, Alteration of Volume by Heat Vinegar, Strength of, by Specific Gravity Volume of Glass Vessels, Alteration of, by Heat Gases, Correction of • Volumes of Alcohol and Water in 100 Parts Gases, Problems involving Volumetric Analysis, Factors for Solutions, Preparations of Volume Weights of Elements G Wages Table Water Analysis, Reagents for Clark's Table of Hardness Density of Expansion of Solubility of Air in Gases in. Lead in .. .. Quantities to produce Hardness Transformation of Columns of.. Weight of 1000 C. C. Vapour, Tension of Wedgewood's Pyrometer Weight of 1000 C. C. of Water Weights and Measures .. ·· .. .. ·· .. Ton, &c. .. Wet Method of Analysis, Table of • •• ·· ·· ● : • ·· • 71-110 66 . 400 67, 239–242, 252 68 63 287 193-195 287 ·· 19, 229-238 318 18 281-284 288-297 ·· ·· ·· : ·· ·· .. • .. ·· ·· • ·· PAGE 6 363 7,8,9 .. ·· ·· .. ·· .. .. ·· 406 297 248 182 65 114 115 113 250 7 287 239-242 · ·· ·· ·· ·· Metrical Polar .. Comparison of English and Foreign Equivalent Rates for .. Metrical Measures Percentage corresponding to Lbs., Cwts., per ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· .. •• 5 23-12 23-25 .. .. 49 287 30 30 39, 40 23 41, 42 266-269 421 INDEX. Wort corresponding to Spirit Indication in Hops, Table for Original Gravity, Table Worts, Decrease in Specific Gravity, by Temperature Yvon's Table for Urea ·· ·· Zinc Chloride, Strength of Solutions Sulphate, Strength of Solutions ·· ·· ·· ·· : : : • ". .. PAGE 370 383 387 388 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 4. 6 222 210 LONDON: PRINTED BY WM. CLOWES & SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. Recently Published. Crown 8vo, cloth, with Illustrations, price 5s. WORKSHOP RECEIPTS, FOR THE USE OF MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, AND SCIENTIFIC AMATEURS. By ERNEST SPON. CONTAINING RECEIPTS FOR Enamels Engraving on Wood, Copper, Gold, Silver, Steel, and Stone Bookbinding Bronzes and Bronzing Candles 0:00 Cement Cleaning Colourwashing Concretes Dipping Acids Drawing Office Details Drying Oils Dyeing Dynamite Electro-Metallurgy - (Clean- ing, Dipping, Scratch-brush- ing, Batteries, Baths, and Deposits of every descrip- tion) Etching and Aqua Tint Firework Making-(Rockets, Stars, Rains, Gerbes, Jets, Tourbillons, Candles, Fires, Lances, Lights, Wheels, Fire-balloons, and minor Fireworks) Fluxes Foundry Mixtures Freezing Fulminates Furniture Creams, Oils, Po- lishes, Lacquers, and Pastes London: E. & F. N. SPON, 46, Charing Cross. New York: 446, Broome Street, C09 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN T 3 9015 03097 2262 K