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RS º ºv.º mºnºluntrillºnrºll * s = <-- ~~~~ * ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * = c = - wer * ^*, -(. , ’:’, :’ ??;&í.|-** Ë { { 5 £ Æ £ # # Ë & º º sº ºn wº º º sº º sm ºf a sm º ºs. º ºs º º Fºllutilittler Fº ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſiſſiiliſ 475. 1834 A Y AROAZESSOR AWICA/OA. THE DEATH OF THEMISTOCLEs. A Dramatic Fragment and other Poems. Extra feap. 8vo. 7s. 6d. “Dignified, careful, conscientious work throughout.”—Saturday Rezniew. “A hymn more solemnly beautiful than ‘Donna Vera” was never chanted to Pallas herself by the most inspired of her ancient votaries.”—Glasgow Herald. “Professor Nichol is a master of the English Epic metre; in his hands it is full of nervous strength and stately music. With this instrument he has chiselled out a portraiture of the great Athenian statesman, which has the true classic purity, simplicity and grace.”—Scotsman. “With the exception of the Laureate probably no living poet could have written * > y the concluding ‘Donna Vera'.”—Dundee Advertiser. HANNIBAL: AN HISTORICAL DRAMA. Extra feap. 8vo. [Out of Print.] TABLES OF ANCIENT LITERATURE AND HISTORY from B. c. 1500 to A.D. 200. 4to Cloth. 4s. 6d. “They constitute a most successful attempt to give interest to the chronology of literature, by setting, before the eye the relation between the literature and the life of mankind.”—Observer. ESSAYS ON ENGLISH LITERATURE. One volume, Demy 8vo. [In preparation.] Contents: Thomas Carlyle, Three Quarters of a Century, Thackeray, Macaulay, War Songs, Dickens, Sydney Dobell, Swinburne's Bothwell, Tennyson, History and Literature, etc. AMERICAN LITERATURE : AN HISTORICAL SKETCH, 1620-188o. Demy 8vo. I5s. (A. & C. BLACK.) BYRON : one of the volumes of “English Men of Letters.” Sixth Thousand. 2s. 6d. (MACMILLAN & Co.) ENGLISH COMPOSITION: one of the series of Literature Primers. Edited by J. R. Green. Third Edition. Price Is. (MACMILLAN & Co.) JAMES MACLEHOSE & SONS. 4 PUBLISHED BY JAMES MACLEHOSE AND SONS, GLASGow, 33rtblishers to the Śāntibersity. MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON. London, . . Hamilton, Adams and Co. Cambridge. . . . Macmillaz, and Bowes. Edinburgh, . Douglas and Fozzăs. MDCCCLXXXIV". * 2334/. TA B L E S OF European Thistory, TLiterature, ano Elrt, From A.D. 200 to 1882; AND OF American A/?sſory, Ziferaſure, and Arł. BY JOHN NICHOL, M.A. Oxon., LL.D., PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, UNIVERSITY OF GLASGow. Qſhirt (ºbition, rebisci) and greatly enlarget. G L AS G O W : JAMES MACLEHOSE & SONS, ST. VINCENT STREET, #nblishers to the Gimibetºitp. 1884, GLASGOW 33rintel) at the Šimipersity #ress, by ROBERT MACLEHOSE, WEST NILE STREET, PRE FATORY NOT E. SEVERAL paragraphs in the preface to the Second Edition (1876) —now for three years out of print—apply with slight modification to the present. “The following Tables have been compiled with a view to assist Students in associating the main events and the leading literary works of modern Europe with each other. The want of a sufficiently clear pictorial representation of the relations of History and Literature appears to be among the causes of the confusion so often exhibited regarding the most elementary dates. One of the greatest, annong several difficulties, in the arrangement of these Tables has been the necessity of selection—i.e., of excluding comparatively unimportant detail. In preface to the Edition now issued, it is requisite to state briefly the principles of the Chronological system which has been devised. I. It being obviously impossible to adopt the same scale in ages when few important events or works in a generation remain on record, and in an age, such as our own, when multitudes are yearly demanding audience—the scale varies, as indicated, in different sheets. II. English Literature and History are set together in the centre, to be illustrated by, and compared with the columns on either side. III. The names are placed on the line of the date at which the statesmen or authors exerted their greatest influence: but the ex- igencies of printing have rendered perfect consistency in this respect impossible. IV. In the Historical columns the dates indicate— A. In the case of events, the year in which they happened. B. In the case of kings, their accession and duration of reign. C. In the case of statesmen, their periods of power. (Except where enclosed in brackets, ( ), which indicate the dates of birth and death). vi ARAEAEA 7TORY AWOTE. V. In the columns of Literature, the dates without brackets indicate the birth and death. Occasionally one of those being uncertain, the birth is marked B–, or the death —D. Both being uncertain or unimportant, a single date is given as a “floruit,” generally that of the chief work of the author. VI. In all the Tables an attempt has been made to indicate the importance (i.e., the influence exercised by the author, potentate, or event) of the name by the size of the type. But in the Literary columns of the last table, largely concerned with contemporaries, the attempt to mark a distinction, which in this case might be invidious, has been abandoned. A rule has been made to include only those writers whose reputation has been established for at least ten years. In crowded departments of literature, as Romance, only a few represent- ative names have been selected. VII. Several names being repeated, sometimes at no great intervals, it has been considered essential to the pictorial presentation aimed at, to distinguish those of different nations by different colours.” Practical obstacles have restricted the application of this principle ; but it is hoped that the result will be to some extent satisfactory— that the appearance of the pages, even on a rapid glance, will give some sign of the great historic contests and issues at stake.” The reception of the above-mentioned Edition made me sensible at once of the utility of an undertaking, involving an amount of labour only inferior to that of compiling a dictionary, and of the hazards to which it is exposed. To many of my critics I am indebted for corrections of inaccuracies inevitable in early editions of such a work, and for supplying omissions sometimes serious. Others have been apt to make criticism a means of airing crochets, as that which regards it as “a crime” to speak of Ancient and Modern History, or to use the word “Charlemagne.” It seems necessary to state that the phrase “English Literature” in the early periods, is used to signify Literature originating in England, and that in the previous editions I had employed the phrase “in power” to indicate the period during which a politician exerted his greatest influence, it may have been as Foreign or Home Secretary, or when out of office. But, as this has given rise to much cavil, I now append the dates of the Prime Ministries, with the caveat that I can only record the more important—i.e., I have thought it superfluous to state that Lord Gode- rich came between Canning and Wellington, or to record the short term of Addington. For these and other details, which, as expressly stated, are excluded from the design of the work, I refer my readers to the Annual Register. In other respects, this Edition has undergone so much revision and change that it claims to be, to all intents, a new book. The form * For explanation of Colours, etc., see page viii. AAEAEAPA 7TORY AWO 7'E. vii has been altered, to meet the demands of alleged greater convenience, from quarto to large octavo ; and the number of European Tables has consequently been doubled. Other four are inserted (raising the number to twenty) of American History and Literature. A new column has been added, dealing with the Arts, which aims at presenting a condensed view of the progress of Architecture, Painting, Engraving, &c., and recording the most important inventions in Science or Art, that have left their mark on the history of civilization. For this column I am indebted to the careful research, special capacity, and good taste of my friend DR. CHARLES GRINDROD, of Malvern, who however disclaims the responsibility of the omission of living Actors—a course to which I have been constrained by want of room and which seems to me justified by the fact that contemporary opinion as regards that class of artists is, from social considerations, less authorita- tive than even the popular judgment on painters and on poets. For a similar reason, I have printed the names of all living writers and artists in the same ordinary type. A yet more important feature of this edition is that every date has been several times verified by the compilation and comparison of various and often conflicting authorities—e.g., a single author has in Some cases assigned to him half-a-dozen different dates; and some names—as of Jacob Boehmen—are spelt in as many different ways. In this part of the work, without which the present, I trust proximately accurate, edition would have been impossible, I have been assisted by the indefatigable research of two of my former pupils, MR. ROBERT MACLEHOSE, M.A., and MR. JAMES J. MACLEHOSE, M.A., whose zealous co-operation makes this edition claim to be regarded in great measure as our joint work. They or I have, with regard to every important event or name, consulted and compared the books in the annexed list, assigning, on points of dispute, a generally preponderating authority to the first-named. I have only to repeat the expression of my old obligation to PROFESSOR WARD, of Victoria University, for invaluable assistance and suggestion in the Historical columns, and to add that of my gratitude to MR. WILLIAM SHARP (the biographer of Rossetti) for several important additions to the column of Arts, as of recent English and French Literature. EXPLANATION OF COLOURS, ETC. I. ROMAN, GERMAN, and AUSTRIAN EMPERORS, KINGS, and LEADERS, . e º . RED LINES. 2. PRUSSIAN KINGS and MINISTERs, º . RED BARS. 3. FRENCH KINGS and MINISTERS, º . BLUE LINES. 4. RULERS in ITALY, e & * ę . BLUE BARS. 5. RULERS in the NETHERLANDs, . - . BLACK BARS. 6. SPANISH KINGS and RULERS, . º . YELLOW LINES. 7. POPES, . º º º e & º . YELLOW BARS. 8. RUSSIAN MONARCHS, . º º e . GREEN LINES. 9. SCANDINAVIAN MONARCHS, * * . GREEN BARS. ſo. ENGLISH KINGS, . e e e e . RED DIAMOND LINES. . II. SCOTCH KINGS, . º & & . BLUE DIAMOND LINES. I2. IRISH LEADERS, . e e º º . GREEN DIAMOND LINES. In a few cases leading men and great events are underlined with the colours belonging to the nations most directly affected by them. The Presidents of the United States are marked in capitals according to their eminence, the States have a special type, and the thirteen original States are underlined. The Artists have appended to their names (£) for painter, (a) for architect, (engr) for engraver, (etch) for etcher, (sc) for sculptor, (m) for musician, (voc) for vocalist, (vio/) for violinist, and (act) for actor. A few names of authors or artists born in Europe, but who have done their main work in America, are inserted in the American tables. CO N T E N T S. (£uropean 3.jićtory, £iterature, and 3Art. I.-FROM A.D. 200 TO THE END OF THE 6TH CENTURY. II.—FROM A.D. 600 TO THE NORMAN CONQUEST. III.—FROM THE CONQUEST TO THE END OF THE 12TH CENTURY. IV.—FROM A.D. 1200 TO THE MIDDLE OF THE I4TH CENTURY. V.—FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE I4TH CENTURY TO A.D. 1425. VI.-FROM A.D es TO THE END OF THE 15TH CENTURY. VII.—THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. FIRST HAZA. VIII.--THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. SAECOMO HAZAZ. IX. —THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. AARS7' AAAA’. X.—THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. S.E.COND HALF. XI.—THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. AMA'S 7" HAZAZ. XII. —FROM A.D. 1750 TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. XIII. — FROM THE FRENCH REVOLUTION TO A.D. 1810, XIV.--THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. FROM A.D. 1810 TO 1830. XV.—THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. FROM A.D. 1830 TO 1855. XVI.—THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. FROM A.D. 1855 TO 1880. 3Anterican jigtory, ſiterature, and 3Art. XVII.—(1) FROM THE DISCOVERY TO A.D. 1700. (2) THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. XVIII.—(1) THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. PIRST HAZA. (2) THE NINETEENTII CENTURY. FROM A.D. 1850 TO 1880. AS 7" OA. THE ARZAVC/PAZ AUTHOR/7”/AES COMSUZ ZTAE/O FOA' ZZZZZ A/S7 OA&MCAL AND LITERARY COZ (WMAWS OF THE PRAESAEAV7' AºA)/7/OM. Biographie Générale (nouvelle) publiée Sous la direction de Dr. Hoefer. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th edition. Allibone's Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Dictionnaire des Littératures par Vapereau. Dictionnaire des Contemporains par Vapereau. Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual. Finlay's History of Greece. Gibbon’s Roman Empire. Smith's Ancient History. Freeman’s Historical Geography of Europe. Freeman's Norman Conquest. Freeman's William Rufus. Hallam's Middle Ages. Green’s History of the English People. Froude's History of England. Lecky's England in the Century. Knight's History of England. Walpole's England from the Great War. Molesworth’s History of England. Skene's Celtic Scotland. Burton’s History of Scotland. Tytler's History of Scotland. Lord Macaulay's Works. Motley's Works. Dyer’s Modern Europe. Ritchin's History of France. Crowe's History of France. Gardiner’s Puritan Revolution. Cox’s History of the Crusades. Stubbs’ Early Plantagenets. Creighton’s Age of Elizabeth. Carlyle's French Revolution. Seeley's Life and Times of Stein. Eighteenth Milman’s Histories. Guizot's History of Civilization. Stubbs' Constitutional History. Rambaud’s Russia. May's Democracy. Lanfrey’s History of Napoleon I. Hallam's Literary History of Europe. Ward's Dramatic Literature. Saintsbury’s History of French Literature. Ward's English Poets. Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Irving's Annals of our Time. Men of the Time. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. Cates’ Dictionary of Biography. Hole's Brief Biographical Dictionary. Acland and Ransome’s Handbook of Political History. Burke's Peerage and Baronetage. Bancroft's Histories. Prescott's Works. Calhoun’s Papers and Speeches. Johnson's Garrison and Anti-Slavery. Coit Tyler's History of American Literature. Griswold's Prose Writers of America. Duyckinck’s Cyclopaedia of American Literature. The ‘‘Dial.” Daniel Webster's Life and Speeches. Old Magazines and Newspapers for Con- temporary Dates; and many Works (such as Ashley's Life of Palmerston, Spedding's Bacon, Lockhart's Life of Scott) in which the author has made a special study of a particular epoch or character. Notwithstanding all the care spent in revisal, the reader is requested to make the following corrections. Some of the errors are due to misprints appearing after the final revise ; others to the weight of authority seeming, at the last moment, to go against the previous information of the compiler. Table. VII. VIII viii. VIII. Column. For Diet of Spiers read Diet of Spires. Mary Stuart reigns, 156r-1667, read 1561-1567. Sir Phillip Sidney read Sir Philip Sidney. R. Garnier, 1545-16or, read 1534-1590. Corbet, 1552-1638, read 1582-1635. Habington, 1605-1654, read 1605-1645. Flemming, 1609-1649, read 1609-1640. Rotrou, 1609-1660, 7-eard 1609-1650. Leuwenhoet read Leuwenhoek. Battle of Ramilies read Battle of Ramillies. Joliot de Piron, 1690-1773, read A. Piron, 1689-1773. Joseph Black, 1728-1709, read 1728-1799. Hannah More, 1745-1873, read 1745-1833. TABLE I. FROM A.D. 200 TO 6OO. TABLEs of EUROPEAN Hist ORy, LITERATURE AND ART. I.-FROM A.D. 200 TO THE END OF THE SIXTH CENTURY BY CEV7 (JR/ES. - A. D. joreign jigſtory. (English & Scotch jistory. (English Literature. ºfforeign 3. iterature. The 2Arts. . A. D. - 200 CARAcALLA, . 2II-217 Papinian at York, . c. 212 [Marcus Aurelius died, . 180] WALL of Severus. 2OO | | Roman Citizenship extended to the | ºn died, - * Baths and circus or caracala. whole Empire. Ulpian died, . - 22 Final Decli f Greek Gallienus and the Tyrants, 260-268 Origen, 186-253 ". ine of Greek [Etruscan] Aureli Plotinus, 205-279 *lºlºl. • 270-275 Bal º Porphyrius 222- | Arts of Enamelling and Ivory Diocletian 284-305 | . - - º 273 Carving, - circ. 240 -**** - Alleged period of Parliest Gaelic lays, " CONSTANTINE, (274-337) || Carausius revolts, 286 some of which may have contri- Lactantius, . . . . d. 330 Great Roman Roads, “High Street” - 366.33% buted to MacPherson's “Ossian.” Zenobia at Palmyra, . . . 270 and “Watling Street,” in Britain. Eusebius, . 264.340 3OO Proclaims Christianity, 311 or 312 | Britain resubdued. Council of Nicaea 4. i. Basilicae of Sta. Crocedi Gierusalemme, 3OO Battle of Adrianople, 323 .. - * . 325 S. Giovanni Laterano, S. Paolo, S. JULIAN 361-36 Arius and Athanasius, fl. 330 Pietro, S. Sebastiano, and S. Lor- ******") 39'393 | Early Christian Martyrs. ULPHILAs. Moeso-Gothic Gospels, enzo Fuori le Mură, at Rome, Paganism Restored, . 361 370 founded by Constantine. Great popular migrations begin, 3 - - Gregory Nazianzen. . - jº. - g *}, ... Incursions of Picts and Scots. .. ... - . Metrodorus of Persia (a). First +++ --> x - known Christian Architect. Paganism proscribed, 390 St. Martin of Tours, 3.16-397 rusu Icilite Byzantine Empire, . 395-I453 St. Jerome, 340-420 Alypius of Antioch (a), lays founda- ALA FIC (Visigoth), .. 394-410 Pelagius ST. CHRYSosToM, . 347-407 dation of New Temple, Jerusalem. At Rome, - 408-410 S***** C | ST. AUGUSTINE, 354–430 FRANks in Gaul (Pl d). 8 - - - - - - - 4 OO - In Urall I ( I’Inaramon 4 I Romans leave Britain. - Macrobius. Theoderic appoints architects, and 400 Attila defeated at Chalons, 451 St. Patrick. fixes an annual charge for the culti- - - - - ration of the Arts. Origin of Venice. 452 Orosius. Vº - -- - - - - - - cº-I. . Aloisius (a), assists in the erection of Genseric at Rome, 455 The Traveller's Scing. Procl 8 Mausoleum at Ravenna. - Childeric at Paris, 464 roclus, 412-485 Cyriades [Consul] of Rome (a). Western Emperors end, 476 Sennamar of Arabia (a). Palaces of CLOVIS (Merovingian), . 481-511 Hengist and Horsa (?) 449 Kent. Sidonius Apollinaris, 431-482 | G Sºlº and ..", - Becomes Christian, . . . 496 Ella. Saxons, 477 Sussex. º YZANTINE SCHOOL or Theoderic (Ostrogoth), at º Cerdic, , , 495 Wessex. O | Boëthius, 470-526 | First use of Bells in Europe. 493-526 P - - - Wººt a 1: - 500 JUSTINIAN 530-564 Saxons, . P Essex. Aneurin. Monastic System begins. ºr Boo - Merlin P - dorus of Miletus (a)] - CN -- in or - - - - - 52. Belisarius, . 535-560 || King Arthur. Badon Hill, 529 Taliesin. St. Benedict, 480-543 ST. SoPHIA, CoNSTANTINoPLE. .. - ST, DAVID fi, c. 540 ibonian, . SARAce Nic INFLUENCE on ARCHI- 2 Clotaire I, 558 *ś ſounds - 540 | Tribonian, 534 TECTURE in Eastern Empire under orthumbria, . 547 | Hist f Gildas 64 2 - -- | Mahomet and his successors. º CHILPERIC I. Brunehault, 580 ISIOry OT GIIClas, 564 Institutes and Pandects *"..., | Chryses of Alexandria (a). Em- É Jººs, Mº. 11.3 ST, CoLUMBA, 521-597 | Dares Phrygius’ bankments in Persia. % M A HOM ET, . . (570-632) Gregorian Chant. c * * * Ethelbert (Kent) tolerates -- at Iona, 563 Gregory of Tours, 544-595 ºtherius of Constantinople (a). Built 5 Gregory I. Pope, . 590 iristianity, 597 St. Austin in England. º - H. * Imperial Palace for Anasta- | Cassiodorus. - [/or explanation of Colours, Capitals, etc. , see Prefatory Mote.] TABLE II. FROM A.D. 600 TO IO66. II, FROM. A. D. 600 TO THE NORMAN CONou Est. A V CEAV7'UA' //E.S. joreign jistory. (English & Scotch jistorm. (English literature. A. D. joreign literature. ‘Uhe 2Arts. A. D. 600 || Lombards in Italy, . 568-774 || Edwin (º), Rex Anglorum, BEOWULF 2 6OO --- ... ------ 617-633 Lox; BARD INFLUENCE on ITALIAN - The Hegira, . 622 Baptized, . . . 627 CAEDMON ? Laws of Rotharis 2 ARCHITECTURE. Dagobert, . 628 Defeated by Penda of Mercia, 633 Fragment of Judith. Stone Churches at Wearmouth and º 610-641 Hist f Nennius, (?) 6 The Koran published, . 634 }. ºn." point in - - 1Story of Nennius, (; 2O Inglish Architecture. O sal 6 Cornwall suplued," - ... 650 g . . ". c l . - - - - Adamnan, . 625-705 Earliest mention of Romance ". Isidorus of Byzantium (a). - t ***** - eplm " crls tºll 111 Urall 7 Ine of Wessex 688-726 Joannes of Miletus (a). M00RS in Spain, —1492 º Aldhelm, . 655-709 7OO | Death of Roderick, . - 7 II Influence ºf the Pope on Art (John 700 - Separation of Greek and Latin Laws of Ine. Schools at Fulda and St. Gall. II, and Gregory III.) E Churches, . . . . . . 729 Great Mosque [Saracenic]at Damascus, T Martel at Tour The Culdees 2 Traditi * - A ---, 1.. ights.” circ. 705 % sºle *: : at l'ours 732 Devon subdued, . 754-786 ees raditions of “Arabian Nights Influence of Charlemagne on the Arts. 3: g Carlovingians in France, 752-986 BEDE, 672-735 | St. Boniface, . . d. 755 Bºº Sºyº 9. ARCHITEC. , º Pepin the Short, . 752-768 ...'s. THE º AN- * | *Pllº. 1st Landing of D * a A " - GLO-SAXON IN ENGLAND. If Roland at Roncesvalles, 778 || -- \lºg 91 Panºs, 787 Cynewulf, . c. 725-800 Benedict d’Aniana, . 750-82 || M. a. Malmesbury, Bradſord, E Irene (Constantinople), . 780-803 Old German Alliterative Poetry. A., I. of Spain (a) Dr. . . - * :- - - -r: CHA RLE MAG NE, (742–814) Offa of Mercia, . 757-794 || Alcuin, . -8 - - Mosque at Cordova. T y 771-814. º 11n, 735-804 || St. Adalbert eloquent in Romance. The Organ first used in Church, 757 Leo III., Pope, . 795-816 SOO | T - EGBERT (Wessex), . . 802-836 Turpin PP C M - " " ---- Louis I. (Le Débonnaire), .. 814-840 | ******* Nennius Abbot of Bangor, S60 . ‘...". º MARK, VENICE, 8OO ---, eIDer . - Lothaire I., 840-843 Overlord of England, 827 Joannes Scotus ERIGENA 8 A 1- Stone Churches built by Alfred in - sºns inin Sicil 827-06 J -- *** - 75 Héliand, 83o England. or) ...' . . . . . 5 KENNETH II. Picts and Scots - - - Eğ, Ilarold Haarfagº, . . c. 800-933 ººººº- Brehon Law in Ireland. Eginhard, . 84o Tioda (a). Palace at Oveido. % º Treaty of Verdun (division of united, 843 Alfred's Translations Oath at Strassb 8 Romualdus (a). Cathedral of Rheims. CN Empire). Lewis, Germany; - Oath at Strassburg, . 42 ºrrº - 3 st §º France, . y; 843 || 2nd Danes. Ragnar Lodbrog, 866 - > *. º (a). Preſect of * | Rolfgange in Neustria, . , 876 TTTTTTTTTT Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, . 875-1154 Otfried's Krist, • * E. ------- 860-032 load - - namelled Gold Altar of St. Ambrose Nº." .* ( . APFREP - 871 90? Reputed Origin of Oxford. Archbishop Hincmar, . 882 at Milan. - all" ſals - Rolſtakes Rouen, 91 Edward the Elder, . 900-925 ; , , i.e. - 900 ,, Duke of Normandy, . 913 || ATHELSTANE, 9°5'949 Asser's Life of Alfred IO º of Langue d'Oc and Langue 9CO I HENRY L. (The Fowler), 919-936 |º SSer S. L. - x - 9 "...'"; - Abbot Eberhard (a). Commenced -: ---, Battle of Brunanburgh,. 937 GERBERT, Silvester II., Pope, Church and Monastery at Einsiedlen, : -: Louis IV. (d’Outremer), 936-954 || Edmund, . . . . . 940-946 r -- 999. Io93 Switzerland. * = | OTTo Tº GREAT King 936 Edred, .. . . . . . 646.955 War Poems; Brunanburgh, Maldon, Walter of Acquitaine, by Ekkehard, z 2. * * *-*-**** y ELºwy (contest with Dunstan), - 974 Abdallah Ben Said (a). Eastern * . Hakon the Good, c. 930-961 | ****** 955–959 Song of St. Eulalie. Aisles of Mosque, Coldova. £5 OTTo the Great, Emperor, 962.973 MAkçºi.I. Strathclyde, 943–954 * * Hrošwitha, . c. 980 : 3 Hugh CAPET, . . 987 Edgar, . . . . . . . 959-975 Ferdusi, 940-1020 || Worms Cathedral commenced 996. =57 Vladimir of Russia subdues Cherson, 3rd Danes. Sweyn and Anlaf 994 - --- Schools of Cordova and Seville. Byzantine Cloisonné Enamel made in = | panes, England 9° Ethelred in go too ºliviº's "** 995 || AVICENNA, 980-1037 Io c. > - -- - - - - - - - || -- UTE, .…, | - …------- " ... -- - 1OOO || Hungary a Kingdom, IOOO CANU TE, IoI6-1035 Annals of Innisfallen 2 Poem on Boethius. * of ANGLO-SAxon CHURCHES 1 OOO MALCOLM II., IOOº-IO Pulit. HENRY I. 1031 º” 3-IO33 Translation of Psalms at St. Gall 2 Edward the Confessor completes +++ -º Duncan I., 1933-1949 Annals of Tighernach 2 - WESTMINSTER ABBEY in the Nor- HENRY III., . Io99-1056 Macbeth, -------- ------- IO4O-IO57 Early Chansons de Gestes and Fab- ºn style, which prevails in North- "...r.º.º. ºººººº “ liaux. Aºi. (..." . . Secures right of Emperors to nomin- Early fragments of the “Four Mas- Aparicio of Castile (sc), circ. 1033 ... . . Mºſſ, Canmore 1957-1993 | "..."...º Icelandic sagas. Buschetto (a). Duomo, Pisa, Lom- PHILIP I logo Marries St. Margaret, sister of bard style. - - Edgar Atheling. ". º's of Lyons (a). : in a to .... n. - HAROLD, . Ioë6 The Grave? Lambert of Herzſeld, ridge over the Saone. - The Cid. (Ruy Diaz), (1040-1099) º - l TZ, elſ IoCo Pala D'Oro [Byzantine Enamelled Battle of Stamford Bridge, Ioë6 Gold] of St. Mark, Venice. [For explanation of Colours, Capitals, etc., see Prefatory Aote.] TABLE III. FROM A.D. IO66 TO I2OO. III.-FROM THE CONQUEST TO THE END OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY. /3 V AZA / /7 CEN / (7/8//E.S. A. D. 1 O66 11OO 115O sforeign jig torp. (English & Scotch jistory. (English literature. ºfforeign Clterature. ‘Uhe Arts. A. D. HILDEBRAND, or Gregory VII., WILLIAM I, The Conqueror. Mystery of Ten Virgins. Anglo-Nory an Style of Archi- 1066 1073-1085 | ************ 1066-1087 tecture prevails, circ. 11 century to Norman Conquest of Sicily, Iobo-Io93 Battle of Hastings, . . . . Io96 Chanson de Roland. circ. middle of 12 century. - - - - M... - ºr St. Erie NNF, CAEN, commenced by Comneni at Constantinople, IoS7-1204 Feudal System in England. Lanfranc, Archbishop, Ioyo-1089 | Bruno founds Carthusians, 1084 William the Conqueror, ioë6 HENRY Iv., . . . . Iosºno, Edgar Atheling to Scotland, 1968 Old French Lyrics. P Chapel in the White Tower (London), Submission to P C 6 Hereward in the Isle of Ely, . 1071 io91 ubmission to Pope at Canossa, Io U II I * . Conquest of England completed, 1073 SCHOLASTICISM. Gundulphus, Bishop of Rochester (a). RBAN 11., . . . . . . IO ... - - - ********-**** Domesday Book, IoS6 Anselm, fl., IoS9-1 109 || Roscelin. jºi º º of Rochester Taking of Malta by Normans, io91 Pºlº Bane, . Io93-1098 - ------> - - Peter the Hermit, 1971-III 5 || WILLIAM II. Rufus, . 1087-11oo Verse Edda compiled. Carilepho, Bishop of Durham (a). ------------ - ... THE CRUSADES, Io95-1270 Edgar, . . . . Io98-1107 Finnish Epic of Kalevala? §...” Commenced Durham First Crusade, 1095-1099 | ****** - Siege of Jerusalem, . . io99 | HENRY I., . . . . I 100-1135 William of Guienne. IstTRoubadour. Godfrey of Bouillon. Battle of ---------- - Westminster Hall and London Bridge Ascalon, . . . . . IO99 Marries Maud of Scotland, I Io9 TROUVEREs and Joung LEURs. built. Louis VI. and VII., I 108-1180 || Conquest of Normandy, 1 IoS-1 106 - - - - - Universities. 11 OO Kingdom of Two Sicilies. . . 1130 || Alexander I., . . . IIo?-1 124 Ordericus Vitalis, IO75-II.43 University of Bologna? *...º.º." ARCHI- Orders of Knights— *******'. William of Malmesbury, Io95-1142 Study of Civil Law. - ---- Of St. John, or Rhodes IoaS Council at Salisbury, . . . II 16 - The rºi, 3. 4 - - ---- Euclid translated 2 Raoul de Houdenac. LINcoLN CATHEDRAL rebuilt by e I emplars, II 18 Shipwreck of Prince William, 1120 - Pandects at Amalfi II ºr Bishop Alexander II 23-II.47 Teutonic Order, . . . . I 191 D I Play of St. Catherine at Dunstable, A ** 11 in 35 - - AVID 1., - - - - II 24- I BELARD, IO7 O-I. I.42 Persecution of Jews. --------> 4-II 53 II 19 . Commena . ... B (a). Built T f St. Mark - - - - -- - - I rer . Mark, Alphonso I. Aragon, 1104-1134 STEPHEN (Blois), - . 1135-1154 Hilarius, fl. 1125 NIBELUNGEN L "... ul. It I Ower O. isº, - - --- - IBEL EN LIED, C. II.40 - - - - - Conrad III. (First Hohenstauf (First Hohens # 5 Battle of the Standard, 1138|| Geoffrey Gaymar. Peter Lombard, . . . . d. I 164 -II N2 | L ia in Bavari Civil War. Matilda (daughter of Geoffrey of Monmºuth, I I Io-1 154 St. BERNARD. Conventual Churches of St. Cross eopold of Austria in Bavaria, 1138 -------- g - - - - and Rumsey, Hants [Transitional], Guelſ. l Ghibelli Henry I. and Maud) Queen for | Amis et Amiles. I 129-1 169 ºl's and ºn Pellinºs. II40-1495 Wace's Brutº d'Adºleene I 155 Chanson d'Alixandre. Second Czzasad. I a year, II 39-II42 ſº - 2/3/7(ſe, . - - -- - t - r - I47-II49 HEN MINNESINGERs. Wool manufactured in England. Vehmgerichte. Hº. !: (Plantagenet), 1154-1 189 John of º . . I I IO-1180 Epic of Kutrun. - º - FREDERICK I, (BARBARoss A) Malcolm |M. I 153-1165 Roman de Rou, . 1160 | Study of Canon Law. SEMI-Normax or TRANsitional 1150 *********** Aver Rhoºs Irao-1 los | STYLE of ARCHITECTURE IN I I52-1 190 Constitutions of Clarendon, I 164 - ... " 49-IIQ ENGLAND. ADRIAN IV. (Breakspear), **| Wºº, Lº 1165-1214|ARTHURIAN Legiºn ps. .." of Fiore, I 130-1202 --~~~! - o-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: Robert de Porron. -:-- - - Arnold of Brescia, . II40-II 55 Strongbow in Ireland, . . 1169-70 ..". . More. (Roman °º." of Croyland (a). Built Barbarossa at Milan, I 162 || Murder of Becket, **79| Giraldus Cambrenis I 1216 de Troie ) - II 54- ins, - The Waldenses, . . II 70 - ... T...I. . . . 1raldus Cann Drenºls, I47- - y -- - Henry acknowledged in Ireland. Vidal. Wilhelmus of Germany (a). Cam- Battle of Legnano, . . . . 1176 Eleanor and Rosamund. Bertrand de Born panile at Pisa. H. Dandolº at VENICE, (1115-1205) -- ---- Luc de Gast. . . . . 1154. I 189 " - ---- fl. 1 Ioz Scotch Invasion. William captured - Reinaert, - II 70 LEANING ToweR of PISA com- War. - . “ 9 at Alnwick, ... - II 73 Poem of THE CID. menced 1174. [Bc nano of Pisa (a)]. ars between Genoa and Pisa, Treaty of Falaise, . . . . I 174 Walter Mapes II.43-1200 || Maurice de Sull 116o-1 - 1119-1284 Assizes of Clarendon and North- a DeS, . - o * ully, *** william of sens (a). Choir of Canter. PHILIP II., Augustus, - I 180 , , amptºn, , . . . . . . . I 166-1 176 Chrestien de Troyes, 1140-1227 bury Cathedral, 1175-1178 Glanvill, Chief Justice, . I 180 hus I Geoffroy de Villehardoin, 1160-1213 Saracens take Jerusalem, , 1187 | RICHARD I., . . . . 1189-1 199 Josephus Iscanus, . . . c. I 190 - - - will; h gli - 7 hird Crusad, ------------ St. Dominic, . II 70-1221 illiam the Englishman (a), con 117 a C77tsaſte, !!9°'9° Scotch King released from homage Anglo-Norman Ballads nºw lºw tº lo a tº re- tinued the Choir, . 1179-1184 HENRY VI., . II90-II.97 g ag 's ~. - UNIVERSITY OF PARIs Charter, 11.99 Siege of Acre, 1191 Massacre of Jews. I 189 Hartmann von d'Ane. }on. A Liºl, Luca Santo. (A)P INNocent III., 1198 || John . . I 199-1216 || Alexander Hales, d. 1245 Gottfried of Strassburg (Tristan). - - - - --- - [For explanation of Colours, Capitals, etc., see Prefatory Vote.] TABLE IV. FROM A.D. I2OO TO I35O. IV. FROM A. D. 1200 TO THE MIDDLE OF THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY. A y A/A / F CEAV7 (JAA/ES. (ºnqligh & Scotch 35istory. A. D. sforeign jig torp. (English Citerature. foreign £iterature. The 2Artg. A. I.) 2OO Fourth Crusade . I2OO-I2O4 UN ITY OF bºok, Charter Walt W 12OO 1 - STEPHEN LANGToN and Barons. IVERSITY OF Q. , Cºnal *** VON DER WOGELWEIDE, EARLY ENGL1st or 1st PoinTED Attack on Constantinople, I2O4 iven by King John, . . c. 1200 C.. I I WO-127 º' "-- * * * - g y "S" 79°1235 | style of Architecture. Venetians acquire Crete, I2O5 Papal Interdict, . 1208-1213 Robert Grostěte, I 175-1253 Raymond in Languedoc. EARLY FRENCH STYLE in F Latin Empire, ** Mºs, cº, 1215 Old English Homilies. - St. Francis of Assisi, i 182-1226 NTYLE in France. rº- Albigensian Crusade, 1208–1229 - y L º's Br - St. Elizabeth of Hungary, 1207-1231 Limoges Enamel Pyxes introduced § | Battle of Bovines, I2 I4 ,, Confirmed and renewed thirty AYAMON's Brut, MENDICANT into England. º _ - - 1216-1608 - ‘’’.” “. 3 FREDERICK II: (1194-1250) 1212 times, O º: *...*.*.*. ‘....". University of Salamanca, . 1240 | Helyas de Berham, Canon of SALIS- 3 || Louis VIII., . . . . . . 1233 || Alexander II., 1214-1249 chapters. * "| Wolfram von Eschenbach (Parzival). Büry (a). 2 Ferdinand TII. (Leon and Castile), ------------- THE O P - Snorro Sturleson, 1178–1241 || R. de Luzarches (a) Designed : 1230-1252 | HENRY III.: 1216-1272 | | * **UM Albert of Stade's Troilus. Aºmes Cathedrº, }. >: Rifth Crusade, . . 1216-1220 “Ancren Riwle,” 1210 || Albertus Magnus, I 193-128o É Gregory IX., 1227 | Fall of Hubert de Burgh, . I232 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Ti23i Thibault of Champagne, 1201-1253 Niccolò Pisano (a and sc), 1225-1273 - rº-º-º-º-. - º: J." | - - : Frederick King of Jerusalem, 1229 | Unsuccessful Wars in France. Matthew Paris, II95-1259 Theo phile Rateboeuf (Drama). Ed. Fitz-Odo (a), Master of Works N Dominican Inquisition estab., 1233 - Trojumanna Saga. at Westminster Abbey. Retreat of Moors to Granada, 1238 The Mad Parliament, 1258 Story of Genesis and Exodus. Prose Edda, - I24I - Vincent of Beauvais (Speculum William of Lorris. COLOGNE CATHEDRAL commenced Hanseatic League, . 1241-1669 Provisions of Oxford I2 Mundi) C 1190-1264 by Archbishop Conrad, . I249 Sixth Crusade, 1248-1250 º 59 ********* * --- ROMAN DE LA Rose. - 1250 | LOUIS IX. (St. Louis), . 1226-1270 º.º. 1249-1285 | Thomas of Erceldoune, the Rhymer. Joinville, 1224-1319|| TUSCAN, UMBRIAN, VENETIAN, 1250 - ALPHoNso THE WISE (Castile), Haco defeated at Largs, 1263 “Owl and Nightingale.” *: Dies Irae "P and PADUAN Schools of Painting. § - (1221-1284) || BARONs: WAR, . 1202-1299| Fableaux and Laisof Marie of France, Earliest Spanish Plays and Lyrics. Margaritone D'Arezzo (2), 1216-1293 T. Charles of Anjou at Naple, 1254 || Battle of Lewes, . - 1264 | | The Sorbonne. CIMABUE (A), C. I240-1302 -] Richard of Cornwall, King of > - . Romance of Havelok. Sordell fl. 126 =c - | De Montfort's Parliament, I265 OrCleIIO, . I200 Gunpowder and Use of Lens (Opus 5 + Romans, . . . . . 1256-1271 || Battle of Evesham, . 1265 R06ER BACON, . **4-1292 Romance of Reynard the Fox. Majus) referred to by Roger p. > * Death of Conradin, the last Ho- EDWARD I.] I272-1307 THoMAS A AS - DC - henstaufen, . - 1268 º - Henry Bracton, c. 126o AS-AQUINAS, *7°74 Venetian Glass made, . I268 t— Sezenth Crusade, I27O Statute of Mortmain, I279 -- BRUNETTo LATINI, I23O-I294 Gi i Pisani > . Philip III., 1270-1285 Nº. of Norway) 1282 Michael Scott, d. 1293 || Raymond Lully, . 1234-31; Giovanni Pisani (*): E. z. Rudolf of Habsburg, I273-1292 **ś *ss 296 S * Psal Marco Polo, I256-1323 Arnolpho de Cambio (a): 1232-1300 sº ºf Interreg I2OO-I2O2 urtees' Psalter. G R Berchori San Croce, Venice, foundation of H ; GENOA powerful under Doria, jew 9 j Peter L ſ ESTA ROMANORUM. Berchorius. Florence Cathedral, etc. =- ---------- r - - t t. - - - : <: - 1270-1284 John Baliol, y *_ 1292-1296 eter Langto Aucassin et Nicolette. E. Von Steinbach (a). 1277-1318 C —l Fra Dolcino, . I275- ISO4 Parliament of Three Estates and Romance of King Horn Abulfeda, . 1273-1331 || Strasbourg Cathedral. 5 = Sicilian Vespers, . 1282 Irish Parliament, . I295 -*. - Guido della Colonna, 1287 -> - * }. º - t Cant 1288 WILLIAM WALLACE, fl. 1296-1298 Robert of Gloucester, c. 128o Nicholas IV., Pope 1288 Fº Maglione (a). Cathedral of eague of the Forest Cantons, I29 I - - - -> - - , Naples. : º VIII, lº rººt tº” - I305 . , 1265-1308 *...". º - d. 1288 an Lorenzo, Naples Colonnas and Orsinis at Rome. Battle of Falkirk, 1298 and of Cockayne. arly I’renc railla. DUOMo, FLORENCE, founded 1298 13OO | Charles of Valois in Italy, I3OO Fº º: Robert (Manning) of Brunne, 1303 Wartburg Tournament of Song. *..." English and 1300 PHILIP IV. The Fair, 1285-1314 Isabella and Mortimer. “Cursor Mundi,” I32O Audeſroy le Bastard. First Rag Paper, . . . c. 1300 Parliament of Paris, . 1302-1771 The Lºrds Ordainers, . . I3 IO - - DANTE, . 1265–1321 Mariner's Compass. Clement V. at Avignon, I305 Rºº. º: . 1306-1329 William of Shoreham, 1320 || Meister Eckhard, d. 1329 Thomas of Canterbury (a). St. ---...-,-,-,- Bºttºn, . I314 - Jean de Meun b. 128 Stephen's Chapel, Westminster. Rutli (William Tell?), . I307 | * ---------- Dan Michel of Northgate, I340 g; . 12SO W. Boyden (a). St. Alban's Abbey fº **º as. Edward - Guill de Machaul 84-13 ---- - Fall of the Templars, I307-13 IO Bruce invades Ireland, 1315-1318|| H le’s “Prick of Consci -- * * Machault, 1284-1377 || William of Wykeham (a), I324-1414 HENRY VII. Luxemburg, 1308-1313| EDWARD IIIa 333.3% | *P** w - *. o J. TAULER, 1290-1361 WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL, and New - * Theologi Germani College, Oxford. (Early Perpen- Louis X. (Navarre and France), 1314|| Peace of Northampton. Scotland eologia Germanica. . . dicular.) - recognised, . . . 1328 WILLIAM OCCAM, . 1300-1347 | Fra Guittoni. Early Italian Prose. Alan de Walsingh L ... Morgarten, 1315|| War renewed, 1332-1363 Andrea Dandolo, Doge, I343 an de Walsingham (a). Lantern Duguesclin, Election to Empire declared inde- pendent of Papacy, 1338 The Free Companies, . . I 342 Louis the Bavarian, I314-1347 Battle of Zara, PHILIP VI. (Valois), I346 1328-1350 , (1314-1380) David II., . . . I 329-1370 fºliol reigns a year, I332 Battle of Halidon Hill, . . I333 David II. returns from France, I 341 Battle of CRECy . . IS46 Battle of Neville's Cross, . 1346 David prisoner; released on ransom. Calais taken, . - I 347 Chester Plays. R. Higden, “Polychronicon,” d. 1367 Fordun’s “Scotichronicon,” . 1350 º Laurence Minot, . I300-1352 Sir John Mand eville, I3OO-I 372 [/or explanation of Colours, Capitals, etc., see Pre wory Aote.] Dino Campagni. Hist. of Florence. I3O4- I374 I348 PETRARCH, . University of Prague, J. M. & P. Villani, d. 1348, 1363, 1404 Tower and Lady Chapel, Ely CATHEDRAL. GIOTTO (A), 1276-1337 Buoninsegna (A), . . c. 1282-1339 Taddeo Gaddi (A), I300-1366 Buonaventura (A), fl. 1305-1319 Andrea Orcagna (A, a, sc), 1315-1376 William of Cologne (A), d. 1378 - TABLE V. FROM A.D. I 350 TO I425. V.--FROM MIDDLE OF FOURTEENTH CENTURY TO A.D. 1425. By PER/ODS OF 25 YEARS. A. D. joreign jistory. (English & Scotch jistory. (English literature. joreign ºiterature. The 2Arts. A. D. 1350 | Swiss Confederation, I351 BOCCACCIO, 1313-1375 - - - r 1350 RIENzi I343-1354 W. with Spain, Scotland, and Wyclyffe, 1324-1384 Jº º (4). Finished ". ******** * rance. ame, Paris, . -- I ºr I Marino Faliero, Doge, . 1354-1355 Alliterative Poetry revived, 1355 Gonzalez de Bercio. John II., . 1350-1364 || The Black Death, 1349, 1361, 1369| LANGLAND's piers plowman— - - 1st Edition, 1302 || R. Malespini. - Aurea Bulla, . 1356 2nd 1378 BologNESE, SPANISH, GERMAN and The Jacquerie in France, . 1358 Battle of Poitiers, 1356 3rd . 1380 Gerhard Groot 1340-1384 FLEMISH SCHOOLS of Painting. Struggle of Venice and Genoa, * - 1350-1381 Justus of Padua (?), c. 1367 Visconti, Milan. Peace of Bretigny, 1360 || BARBour, . 1316 or 1331-1396 || HAF2, . d. 1388 Tyrants in Italy, { Scala, Verona. Cannon at Siege of Calais, 1346, Este, Ferrara. Law Pleadings in English, I362 Brethren of Common Lot, at Deventer, and with Gunpowder at Siege CHARLEs V., 1364-1380 Gower, 1325-1408 of Chioggia, . . 1366 GREGORY XI. at Rome, I370 Pedro L Aval I 2.22-140 THE Schis M. I 378 R Piers Plowman's Crede. edro Lopez Ayala, 33 407 Finest period of Mediaeval Ivory ---> 375-1439 Kºº.º. (Stewart), 1370-1390 Carving closes, c. 1350 1375 CHARLEs VI. 1380-1422 1375 Death of ti - To-. 1328 or --~7- Joan of Naples executed, . 1382 eath of the Black Prince, 1376 CHA UCER, born . #. FROISSART, I337-I4IO - RICHARD II., I 277-Iº MILAN CATHEDRAL commenced Decline of Genoa. ------------ 377-I399 Rosenkreutz. Conlm. c º, tº lº - # 3. VENICE powerſul. Wat Tyler's Insurrection, 1381 | " Legend of GoodWomen,” after 1382 33, Philip Van Artevelde, . 1382 º ------- John of Gaunt in Spain, 1386 Austro-Swiss War, . 1385-1468 || Raid of Otterburne, 1388 Trevisa, fl., 1387 Como Cathedral commenced, 1396 § Winkelried at Sempach, 1386 (Percy and Douglas). Amadis de Gaul, 1390 --r -- - §: | MARGARET of Norway, 1387–1397 THE CANTERBURY TALEs,” - SE RoberT III., 1390-1406 3°4'39°|Jean Gerson, . 1363-1429 —s = - ------------ --r: < Union of Calmar (Sweden, Norway, Spinello Aretino (A) c. 1330-1408 Cºl H - - - - ~). - pine r - . I 330- and Denmark), I397 | Præmunire Statute, *393 || Wakefield and Towneley Mysteries. Embassy of Ruy Gonzalez to Tamer- lane. FLORENCE powerſul. HENRY IV. (Lancaster), 1399-1413 alle -- ------ ----------- 14 OO | Council of Pisa, . I409 | Battle of Homildon IIill, I4O2 THE PERPENDICULAR Style of 14OO King raro Murder of Duke of Rothesay, 1402 Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Architecture in England. Towards SIGISMUND, | > * * 4. Percy Rebellion. Shrewsbury, 1403 fl. 1400-1444 close of Century passes into Emperor, I433 Prince J f Scotland i. d Andrew Wyntoun, c. 1350-1420 TUDoR or FLORID. - - rince James of Scotland captured, Charles d'Orleans, 1391-1465 Council of Constance, . 1414-1418 I405 THE FLAMBOYANT STYLE prevails PoPE Joh N XXIII. deposed, 1415 Albany, Regent, 1406-1419 Poggio 1380-1459 in France. - Battle of Harlaw, 14|| | | UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREws, > ~) VERoNESE, FERRARESE, LoMBARD Execution of Huss, . 1415 | HENRY Wº I4I3-I422 I4 II Alain Ch [PARMESE, CREMoNESE, MILAN- ---------- Alain Chartier, 1390-1458 Ese], NEApoll TAN, DUTCH, and --> Jerome, 1416 Persecution of the Lollards. J 5 ñº, Schools of fainting conn- - - d tablished in I 5 c. Frederick of Hohenzollern. Elector º I4 I5 JAMES I., . 1395-1437 Antoine de la Salle, . 1398-1461 menced or established in I5 c of Brandenburg, 1415 || Sir John Oldcastle burnt, : 1418 Hubert van Eyck (A), 1366-1426 Murdoch Albany, Regent, 1419-1423 - - - Hussite War, Ziska, I419-1436 Treaty of Troyes, *4° Occleve I370-1454 Laurentius Valla, 1407-1457 Lippo Dalmasio (A), c. 1376-1410 - Battle of Prague, 1420 | HENRY VI. 1422-1461 - Andreas Pisano (sc)? º - - Thomas A Kempis, . 1380-1471 CHARLES VII. . . 1422-1461 || JAMES... . I423-1437 Lorenzo Lotto (Lorenzetto) (sc)? [/or explanation of Colours, Capitals, etc., see Prefatory Mote.] TABLE VI. FROM A.D. I.425 TO I5OO. VI. FROM A.D. 1425 TO END OF FIFTEENTH CENTURY. y; y /2//e/ops of 7 WEA 7-y-Z'ſ VE V/ARS. joreign jistory. (English & Scotch jistory. A. D. 1425 || JoAN or ARC, I420-1431 Battle of Orleans, I429 French recover Paris, 1436 Council of Basle, I431-1449 -> Florence, I439 Pragmatic Sanction, IA39 Frederick III., . I442-1490 Anti-Pope Felix, I439-1449 Habsburg Emperors, 1438-1806 The MEpic at Florence, I429, eſsey. NICHOLAS V., Pope, I447 Single Pope, I449-1455 Alphonso V. of Aragon and Naples, (1416-1458), fl. 1450 The Sforzas at Mian, IA50 Francisco Foscari, Doge, 1423-1457 145O MAHOMET II., . 1451-1481 Constantinople taken, I453 Belgrade resists the Turks. HUNGARY powerful. Prince Henry of Portugal, 1394-1460 PIUs II. (AEneas Sylvius), 1458 LOUIS XI., 1461-1483 Wars with Charles the Bold. Venetians take Athens, 1466, and Cyprus, . . . . I475 Poi.AND powerful. Peace of Waldshut, 1468 Duchy of Burgundy merged in France. MATTHIAs CoRVINUs, King of Hungary, - 1464-1490 Battle of Murten, . . . 1476 Death of Charles the Bold, I477 Maximilian's Marriage with Mary of Burgundy, I477 1475 FERDINAND AND ISABELLA, | - fl. 1479-1512 Isabella d. 1504. Ferdinand, 1516 CHARLES VIII., 1483-1498 Provence joined to France, 1483 B. Diaz rounds C. of Good Hope, 1486 Charles marries Anne of Brittany, I491 ,, invades Italy, . I494 Spaniards enter Grenada, - I492 COLUMBUS (1436-1 506) 1492 Alexander VI., I492 ISO3 | MAXIMILIAN I., I493 VASCO DE GAMA, . I497 Swiss Confederacy independent, 1499 Louis XII., . 1498-1515 - - (English Literature. foreign Literature. The 2Arts. A. D. Nicholas Close (a), King's College, 1425 - Cambridge. War between Scotland and England, Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 1430 University of Florence, 1438 1434-1436 William Orchyearde (a), Magdalen College, Oxford. JAMES II., 1437-1460 ---------- Lydgate, 1375-1461 ° Culture in Aragon and the Sicilies. LoRENzo GHIBERTI (sc), 1378-1455 Douglas Wars, 1443-1452 DoNATELLO (sc), 1383-1466 Thomas of Walsingha I440 Guil. Coquillart, I421-15IO FRA ANGELICO (A), 1387–1455 Duke of Gloucester murdered, 1447 - a ISIngham, 44 JAN VAN Eyck (A), c. 1390-1440 - Meister Stephan [Lochner] (/)—1451 Jack Cade's Insurrection, . I450 Reginald Peacock, . 1390-1460 Luca Della Robbia, Potter. [Della Robbia Maiolica], c. 1400-1480 MYSTERIES AND MORALITIES. IN VENTION of PRINT- ING (L. Costar and G. Gutten- berg), 1438–1445 Peacock’s “Repressor,” 1449 John Wessel, . 1420-1489 Masaccio (A), 1402-1428 English expelled from France, 1453 | UNIVERSITY OF GLAsgow, . 1451 John of Goch, I45 I 145C) CIVIL WARs of the Roses, 1455-1486 University of Barcelona. Filippo Lippi (A), 1412-1469 - “Chevy Chase,” and Battle of St. Albans, 1455 | Early English Ballads. The Mazarin Bible, . I453 Francesca (A), . . c. 1415-1494 FRANÇols VILLON, I43 I-- DE IMITAT:ONE CHRISTI, 1471 Gozzoli (A), 1408-1478 -- Thomas à Kempis 2 JAMES III., 1460. 1488 || Sir John Fortescue, . 1395-1483 ( pis?) CAXTox's PREss in England, 1474 ----------- ... -- - - - 1. -nºſian Boiardo, 1434-1494 > or I476 EDWARD IV. (York), . 1461-148 - --- ºn I- -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: (York) 46 I-1483 || Sir Thomas Mºº 1433-1475 | PHILIPPE DE CoMINEs, 1445-1511 MEMLING (A), 1425-1495 Pico della Mirandol - - THE MORTE D'ARTHUR. ICO della Mirandola, 1463-1494 Warwick, King-maker, . I q.7 I LORENZO DE MEDICI, fl. 1470-1492 GHIRLANDAJo (A), . I449-1498 The Coventry Mysteries, . 1468 || A. Contarini, fl. 1473 Battle of Tewkesbury, . I471 - Queen Margaret at the Court of MASTER SINGERs. G. Giamberti [San Gallo] (a), 1443- 1475 René of Provence. The Paston Letters, 1422-1509 -- 1517. Palace at Poggio a Cajano. Littleton, . - - 1481 University of Upsala, 1476 || Sir R. Bray (a), — 1503. St. George's Duke of Clarence murdered, . 1478 - - Chapel, Windsor, and Henry VIIth's - Blind Harry (WALLACE), Tulci, fl. 1480 Chapel, Westminster. EDWARD V. 1483 fl. 1460-1492 … - º Fici -- Pietro Lombardo (g), -1529. Tomb RICHARD III 83-1485 Revival of Letters, Classical Studies, IClnllS, I433-1499 of Dante and Chapel in Church of º I-483-1485 and Theology. Grocyn, Colet, Politi San Francisco. ield Warham, More, &c. olitian, I454-1494 || G. BELLINI (A), 1427-1516 Battle of Bosworth Field, . 1485 Erasmus in England, I497 Mantegna (A), . I431-1506 HENRY WII. (Tudor), 1485-1509 B 6 Sebastian Brandt, “Narrenschiff,” Benvenuto da Siena (A), 1436-1517 - }oëce, I470-I. Sº ---------- Hector Boece 470-153 I494 PERUGINO (A), . I446-1524 Jºãº 1488-1513 DUNBAR, . fl. 1500 Chamber of the Eglantine in ". Bottice LLI (A), I447-1510 Poynings' Act in Ireland, . 1495 Doug LASS, . . . 1474-1522 Bonsignori (A), I455-1519 SAVONAROLA, 1452-1498 Crivelli Sebastian Cabot, 1497 | Henryson, fl. 1490-1500 rivelli (A), . . . c. 1468-1493 - U o, ºpers I Soo M Fra Carmovale (A), . c. 1488 -: n \\ K CN: NIVERSITY OF CEN, . ul-Iner, I.1.75- I - , Perkin Warbeck executed, I499 NI 5 475-1537 FRANCIA (A), 1450-1518 [/ºr ºaſion of Coſº, Cººs, etc., see Zºº Aoºl TABLE VII. FROM A.D. 15OO TO I55O. [/or explanation of Colours, Capitals, et. VII. THE SIXTEENTH ºl. A/AS 7 A/A / F /M DAECA /9/E.S. Guglish amb Scotch jig torp. A. D. orcium ºigtorm. Uğualight ºiterature. joreign Literature. QThe 2\rtº, A. D. º --- - 15OO JULIUS II, - 1503 Arth Pri f Wal - Stephen Hawes, . 1483-1512 ERASMUS, 1467-1536 DECLINE of GoTHIc ARCHITECTURE. 15OO League of Cambray. Pope, France, º!". A. eS, "..., ** Pastime of Plº" - 1506 || Berni, . 1490-1536 º INA RDO DA Yº; L º º º: º: rv and - “Nut Browne Mald.” Bembo, 1479–1547 Lºzo di Crdi (A), I459-1537 ". : , I\lng O ". º 16 James IV. of Scotland marries Mar- Reuchlin, . - 1455-1522 | Quintin Matsys (A), . 1466-1530 pººr "" gºt daughter of Henry VII, so: A R IOSTO, . 1474-1533 Jan de Mabuse (A), I470-1532 S* - - - - - -- - - Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci, ºthur dies I NO2 SKELTON, . - - 1460-1529 || Louis Cornaro, 1467–1566 ALBERT DURER (A, engr), 1471-1528 Arthur dies, 50 GIORGIONE (A), . . I477-15II Spain conquers Cuba I499. I5OI-3 B. Rucellai, 1449-1514 Marziale (/) - . c. 1492-1507 ------ - - NRY VIII., - - - … . . . .” - tººl, (1460 sºlº". 1509-1547 Scholarship. ... ...] §§sº LED X, I5 I3 ,, marries Catherine, 1509 || BALLADS AND MORALITIES. T. Trissino, 1478-1550 | 1444-1512), begun under P*... 1510 || Vasco Nunez at Darien, *543 | Battle of Flodden, 1513 MoRE’s “Richard III.” Machiavelli, 1469-1527 RAPHAEL (A), 1483-1520 151O. Bayard 1524 |**************** First English Prose History. Mantuan, . *5'3 piero T * + or º - * iero Torrigiano, . . . 1472-1522 FRANCIS I., . ISIS º of Angus, Regent. -- Jºº. . . . " 1516 || PARAcelsus, . I493-1541 I º Henry VII. *...* - ar with France, I512-1514 First Original Romance. - - - Magell I 52 I Ulrich von Hutten, . 1488-1523 minster Abbey.) ºri "agellan, (1470-1521) || Battle of Spurs, . I513 “Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum,” MARC ANToNIo RAIMox DI (engr), > REFORMATION in Germany, 1517-32 Margaret, Regent of Scotland. - - I515-1519 SoDoº 1488-1530 % Cortez in Mexico, 1519-1521 || Wolsey, . - (1471-1536)|| Linacre teaches Greek, . . (d. 1524) LUTHER - 1483-1546 Sºº (A), . I479-1554 5 CHARLES V. ( 1516 Spain. cellor Cardinal and Lord ". - - Guiºlini, - 1482–1540 || Andreas verrochio (sc)? E - 3 1519 Empire. ». Barclay (Ship of Fools, Satire, and F. Molza, . 1489-1544 - - - - +: (1500-1558) I530 Italy. Field of Cloth of Gold, I 520 Eclogues), . 1476-1552 | Sannazaro, 1458-1530 Roman School of Painting established. - AT - 152O º, ſenmark, #. Scotch invasion of England, . I 522 || Lord Berners' Froissart, 1523 RABELAIs, 1495-1553 Tatti [Sansovino] (sc), . 1477-1570 1520 Adrian VI., 1522 || King's marriage referred to Pope, 1527 - ºr - º th ::::::::::: Bandinelli (sº), . 1487-1559 --- Fall of Wolse 1:20 WM. TYNDALE's NEW TESTAMENT, elanchthon, ; 497-5 Prosperzia Rossi (sc), – I530 % Clement VII., 1523 | " sey, 529 1526 Cornelius Agrippa, . 1486-1535 | Mich AEL ANGELo (A : Gustavus Vasa: . I523 SIR THOMAS MoRE, . (1480-1535) G. Agricola, I494-I555 a, sc), - 1473-1564 E Peasants' War, . . . I 525 º Chancellor, - I529 WYATT I SO2- I S.42 T. Cardan, 1501-1576 S. DEL ProMBo (A), 1485-1547 H Battle of Pavia, . . . . . 1525 Universities consulted on Pº O , . . . 5°3'54* | COPERNICUs, 1473-1543 ANDREA DEL SAR ro (?), 1487-1531 O Ferdinand of Austria & John Zapolya, V. reig 8 3. SURREY, I517-1547 Pietro Aretino, I492-1557 | CORREGGIO (A), I494-1534 rival kings of Hungary, . I527 Jºº Yº nS, 15° - 1542 | Clement Marot, . 1497-1544 || Lo Spagna (f), . . . c. 1503-1530 Constable Bourbon at Rome, . 1527 * * marries Mary of Guise, 1538|| First English Sonnets and Blank Juan Boscan, . 1500 (?)-1544 Nicºla da, Urbino (Aotter) [Urbino Turks before Vienna, I529 in England Verse. . - Maiolica], - - c. 1520 Diet of Spiers, I529 REFORMATION in England. HASs Sachs, 494-578 153O | Confession of Augsburg, 1530 || Court of Session founded, . I 532 SIR DAVID LINDSAY, 1490-1556 VITTORIA Col.9NNA, 1490-1547 TITIAN (A), 1477-1576 153O - - ARCHBISHOP CRANMER pronoun- Marguerite of Navarre, . I492-1549 || Dosso Dossi (A), . 1480-1560 Pizarro in Peru, - I531 ces divorce, I533 Elyot's “Governor,” - I 531 CALVIN , , , , , . 1509-1564 || Garofalo (A), - 1481-1559 - - Act of Supremacy, 1534 Smith at Cambridge, . . . 1533 || “Institutio,” published, 1536 G. Romano (?), . . I492-1546 Brittany annexed to France, . 1532 First Poor Law, . I535 | Leonard Cox (Art of Rhetoryke). J. Everts (Joannes Secundus), HANS HOLBEIN (A), . 1498–1559 Ivan IV., Russian Czar, 1533-1584 CROMWELL, Vicar General, 1535 | Cover DALE's BIBLE, I535 Decio aela Horte. 151 I-1536 *ś Andreoli (potter) (Gubbio . . Suppression of Monasteries, 1535-1536 - vºjin first scientific Anatomist. p.” ica), . . . c. 1509 1550 Anabaptists at Munster, 1534 E ion of M I sº LATIMER, . 1472-1555 | Nº. "..." *... Pénicaud, Courtois, Léonard [Lim- secution of More 535 IGNATIUS Loyola, 149-1556 ousinj, Pierre Raymond (Zimºs Calvin at Paris, . 1532-1534 || Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536-1537 | Leland, . d. 1552 Francis Xavier, . 1506-1552 enamº arº), c. 1500-1580 - The Six Articles, I 539 - St. C. Borromeo, . 1538-1584 Jardin des Plantes at Paris. Foundation of JESUIT Order, 1534 Execution of Cromwell 1546 Cheke at Cambridge, 1540 Cardinal Contarini, . 1483-1542 1540 | Calvin at Geneva, I541-1564 Solway Moss, 1542 JoHN HEywood (INTERLUDES), Olaus Magnus, 1500 (?)-1568 || Poris Bordone (A), 15Co-1571 1540 Council of Trent, I545-1563 Pºlº 㺠Regent, I542-1554 Hall's Chronicl d. . Mendoza (Hist. of Moors), 1503-1575 Bronzino (A), . I5O2-1572 --- - Mary Stuart crowned (aet. I year), I all's Chl'On 101CS, * | Montemayor (Diana), I 520-1562 Charles V. prohibits "i". *...". W. ( º - ) É AscIIAM, “Toxophilus,” . 1545 A. F. Grazzini 1503-1583 BENVENUTO CELLINI (sc), 1500-1570 - 1542 | \ſ. f BEATON, I 546 - ... * * - - " - W - I - - or * > *d - - . . º I . -- “Schoolmaster, 1579 A. di Constanzo,. 1507-1591 Francesco Xanto and the Fontana Smalcaldic War, I546-1547 º - 547-1553 CRANMER. Anglican Liturgy, Telesio 1509-1588 Family (Aotters) [Urlino Maio- - - Somerset, Protector, I547-1549 1548-1552 . . .” lica], . . . . c. 1510-1000 Persecution of Witches. Economic distress. owley d. 1588 | Sleidan, 1506-1556 Battle of Pinkey, I 547 R. Crowley, . I 5 Bautista de Toledo, A. Designed Henry II., *547| Mary Stuart sent to France, . 1548 || Gascoigne, . . . 1540-1577 | Nostradamus, . 1503-1566 the Escu RIAL, Spain, I567 ., see Prºſatory Aote.] TABLE VIII. FROM A.D. I55O TO I6OO. VIII. THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. S/ECOAV/O //A1/A. MAV /9/ECA/O/E.S. QThe Arts. - A. D. joreign jistory. (English ami) Scotch jistory. (English Citerature. joreign Literature A.D. 1550 || Metz taken by France, I552 MARX. Tº 1553-1558 Udal. Earliest Comedy, (“ Royster | THE STEPHENs' PREss in Paris, RENAissance Style in ExcLisH | 1550 Servetus burnt by Calvin, 1553 Lady Jane Grey beheaded, 1554 Doyster,”). - I550 c. 1470–1598 || ARCHITECTURE, . c. 1550-1650 Religious Peace of Augsburg, 1555 || MARY or GUIse in Scotland, 1554 Wilson' . ſ Rhetori C. S --- 8 - - - - º, 55 ºn, ſº "" º!... . . . *:::: oº ſº wººl & sº Ferdinand I., 1556-1564 || Latimer, Ridley and Hooper burnt, SACKVILLE (1527-1608) Earliest Tra- esner's Mithridates, *555 Bernard parissy (potter), 1510-1590 PHILIP II. I556 I 555 gedy (Ferrex and Porrex.) Peter Ramus, . 1515-1572 . - *** * * * * * * Cranmer burnt ... I 556 German enamelled Glass first known, Calai ken by Duke of Guis - 155 Bandello, 1480-1562 alais taken by Duke of Guise, 1558 Gardiner and Éole in power. Tottel's Miscellany, . I557 rº, 1,. I553 Francis II., - *559 || Marriage of Mary Stuart to Dauphin, Tusser's Bucolics, . I557 Cinthio, *594-1573 || Vasari (A), I512-1571 CATHERINE DE MEDICI, Regent 1558 - CAMOENS, . I525-1579 -*****-*** * * ºzo FHZABETH, 1558-1603 || Mirror for Magistrates, 1559 | E. jodejić 1532-1573 Jean de Boulogne (s), 1524-1608 Charles IX., 1560-1574 WiLLIAM Cecil, Secretary, . 1558 The Book of Common Prayer, 1559 Socinus, 1539-1604 || Jean Goujon (), . –IS72 - Civil Wars in France, . 1562-1598 ... . . -- - 1560 Maximilian II., Emperor º º REFORMATION in Scotland. | | The Geneva Bible, . 1560 | St. Teresa, 1515-1582 º º º 1560 1560 - - -, ... - 21... namelled french rottery at Nevers. of Hungary and Bohemia), 1564-76 MARY START reigns, 1561-1667 JOHN KNOX, . I505-1572 The Pléiade, . 1560 p.m., (a), 1518-1580 i." II. in Hungary, . #: Hawkins begins Slave Trade, 1562 Jacques Amyot, . 1513-1594 Giovanni da Ponte (a), I512-1597 lus V . . . . . . . . I5 - * ----- BUCHANAN, . 1506-1582 || Beza, I519-1605 Built Bridges of Rialto and Sighs - Murder of Rizzio 1566 3. º D - - ALVA in the Netherlands, 1567-1573 || Murder of pº, Mary marries Fox’s “Martyrs,” . I563 . - ... Aºi. (m), . 1513-1590 Montmorency killed at St. Denis, 1567 Bothwell, . . . . I 567 B *S* B - * º "g" *53° 49** PALEstrina [Aloísio, M., Cosmo de Medici, Duke of Tuscany. Battle of Langside. Mary to Eng- ISHOPS BIBLE, - 1568 || R. . - 1545-1601 B (A) c. 1524-1594 - - land, . . . . - I 568 Sil 's Translati tas, Kochanowski, 1532-1584 Bassano (A). . . . I 5 IO-I592 º..º." - § Northern Rebellion, - É. Si . s Translation of Du Bartas Claude Fauchet, 1530-1601 º º: - | ------ y XXXIX. - - - A. ºculaw one I 5.22-I & S.2 Don John of Austria, . 1570-1578 Mº, Regent, 1567.1576 XXXIX. Articles, 1571 MONTAIGNE, . I533-1592 †. . A #: Battle of Lepanto, . . . . 1571 - 157C) **** -- 5 Lennox, Regent, I570-1571 SIR PHILLIP SIDNEY, . 1554-1586 J. J. SCALIGER, 1540-1609 | ELIZABETHAN DOMESTIC ARCHI- 1570 Rudolph II., Emperor and King of N. Regent, I57 I-I572 - ISAAC CASAUBON, 1559-1614 TECTURE. Hungary; . . . . . 1572-1612 º Regent, 1572-1578 Southwell, I560-1595 Johann Fischart, . 1545-1589 - **". an Fº . 45.7° Burleigh, Lord Treasurer I 572 UNIVERSITY OF LEY DEN, 1575 J. Shute (a). First English Work SS: t. Bartho , I572 - - - - - - - - Henry III. (last Valois), 1574 Elizabeth declines the Netherlands, Chronicl fii. linshed and - - g 1538–1598 PAUL VERoNESE (p), . 1528-1588 siege of Leyden, T.of Leyden, . . . I 574 I575 ronicles of Holinshed and Stowe. Mariana, 1536-1623 The Catholic League, . 1576-1593 Drake sails round the World, I - BRANTOME, I540-1614 Orlando di L: - - Union of Utrecht, . . . . I 579 Frobisher and Cavendish. 577 Knolles, 1545-1610 Arminius, . 1560-1609 rlando di Lasso (m), I530-1593 WILLIAM THE SILFNT §, Jºº.W., 1578-1625 George Puttenham, fl., c. 1580 | TASSO, 1544-1595 || Field Glasses used, . I570 158O "lºº" of Netherlands, 8 Risings in Ireland, . 1579 and 1580 | UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, 1582 P. Charron, 1541-1603 15SO eclared. . . . . . . . . I5SI ººº- - -- * ---- -- William of Orange assassinated, 1584 RALEIGH IN VIRGINA, . I 584 HOOKER, . - I553-1600 || AcADEMY of FLORENCE, . 1580 Florence Potterie I 58o : ….... º - ------------------------ RALEIGH, . . . . . I 552-1618 lberi --- - - - -- - orence tleS, . 5 Sixtus V., . - - I585 - - - * . 55 Albericus Gentilis at Oxford, . 1582 “” "' J Leicester in the Netherlands, 1585 Fulk Greville (Lord Brooke), * …" - Lº- - --- º, Battle of Coutras, . . .1587| Battle of Zutph 86 I552-1628 Guarini's Pastor Fido, . 1585 Gregorian Calendar, 1582 3 The DUKE of GUIs E assassinated, attle Of Zutphen, I5 SPEN SER 1553-1599 TYCHO BRAHE, . 1546-1601 - - º 1588 || Babington's Plot, 1586 War - Paolo Sarpi, I552-1623 Barocci (A), 1528-1612 Cà Alexander of Parma, *57**59° Execution of Mary iss; P .." *... G. Chiabrera, 1552-1637 - H E N RY IV. (Bourbon), - - - eele, . - 1598 || B. Baldi I 553-161 p: 1589-1610 Drake at Cadiz, 1587 Nash, 1565?-1602 Cºo BRUNo. . sº ... 5 | Battle of Arques 1589 || THE AR MADA, 1588 Greene, 2 – 1592 - º > -º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: 1590 || Battle of Ivry, 1590 || War with Spain and Portugal, MARLow E. 1564-1593 s, , , Kvinnſ is First Mi I 500 || 159C) ºd - 1589-16oo Hº - d. º: . MENIPPEE, I . IrSt Microscope, 59 9 < Christian IV, in Denmark, 1588-1648 Tyrone's Rebellion in Ireland, Fº . - º EERVANTEs - . L. Carracci (A), 1555-1619 ----------------- -- - - - - - - - 1598-16co | Camden, . . . . . 1551-1623 Tassoni 1565-163 …-1.- - Henry IV., Catholic, I593 59 Lyly ſºphue, and Comedies, 6 Bracciºlini, º: Domenichino (A), . 1558-1601 * Q - At , , , , Capture of Cadiz by Essex, I 506 - 1554-1606 || Lope de Vega, I 562-1635 | Acrosti ... ….: - DUKE OF SULLY, * . of Burleigh y . Bacon's Essays, is Edition, 1597 M. di Valois, º: Agostino Carracci (A), . 1558-1601 Sigismund of Poland in Sweden, -- - ... " Globe opened, after 1594 J. A. de Thou, I553-1617 Annibale Carracci (A) 1560-1609 ----- TTTTT555-1604 Gowrie Conspiracy, 16oo Bodleian ſounded, 1598 || JAcob BoEIIMEN, 1575-1624 -- - - Patent to East India Company, 1600 Gilbert (Magnetish), 1540-1903 Duke of Sully, 1560-1641 Jans and Lapprey's Telescopes, The Edict of Nantes, 1598 | ****************** Robert Fludd, 1574-1637 St. Francis de Sales, I567-1622 c. 1590-1610 [/or explanation of Colours, Capitals, etc., see Prefatory Mote.] - TABLE IX. FROM A.D. 16OO TO 1650. IX. —SEVENTEENTH CENTURY A/AS 7 // A / F /V D/ECA D/ES. [/or explanation of Colours, Capitals, etc., see / refatory Vote.] Uhe 2Arts. A. D. sforeign jistory. (English & Scotch jistory. (English literature. joreign literature. A. L. 16OO || BARNEWELDT, . 1586-1618. Robert Crºn, Minister. 1598 SRAKESPEARE, 1564-1616 º' º: 16OO - T. - TTI - 8-162 Execution of Essex, . 1601 || Hall and Marston's satires. Anders A. - l - I fºden º 3 C. Maderno (a), 1556-1629. Altered * * * * '59°49° Australia discovered, . . 1601 Dekk , 1639 inders Arrebo (Lofo 1587 1637 Michael Angelo's design of St. - * - º - ekkar, - - - - - *. - - Biron’s Conspiracy, - - 1602 N.JAMES !; - 1603-1625 CHAPMAN, 1557-1634 “ Don Quixote,” . . 1605 H. .* from a Greek to a Dutch pºwerſ" in th: Indiºs, 1607 || Main and Bye Plots. Raleigh im- Daniel, . 1562-1619 * ºr. H. spieghe º --- M º - . SPIN prisoned, . . . . 1603 - R. Visscher, H. Spieghel, and Bre: ---- MA. Tº 1584-1625 *. 5 Ulster Rebellion ended, 1603 .." - º . deroo in Holland. 80-16 J. Rottenhammer (Z), . 1564-1623 - 1994, 1925 | Hampton Court Conference, 1604 ~ * - Quevedo, . . I580-1645 acror; - ". between Spain and Nº. §. Plot, - 1605 || Donne, . I 573-1631 P. C. Hooft, 1583-1647 Caravaggio (/), . 1569-1609 allº (1S, . . . . . . 1909 || Pilgrim Fathers to Delft, . 160 º - |ansen, . . . 1585-1638 ra. 1.-- Moors expelled from Spain, 1609 tº. sº. " . ... 1568 . Douay Bible, . - - - 5. 5 1609 Edward Alleyn (ac), 1566-1624 Henry IV, assassinated, I610 | *************** ACON, . 59-1949 iſ...itjºf. (Astrée), 1368-162; 161 O LOUIS XIII., - 1610-1643 Earl of Salisbury (R. *"... 1612 AUTHORIZED VERSION OF BIBLE, Tesselschade Visscher, . 1594-1649 Jacobeian English Domestic Arch. 1631 O §§ de Medici, Regent. 1612-1619 Carr (afterwards Somerset), favourite, BEAUMost - sº º, , § Napier's Logarithms, 1614 Malllllas, - - - I612 FLEtch E - 6-162 … : 9. . - - - Romanoffs in Russia 1613 Death of Prince Henry, 1612 i." É. * sº Harvey's discovery of Circulation - ? Marriage of Princess Elizabeth to wºrk. ? – 1652 M. - º of the Blood, 1619 Synod of Dort, . 1618-1619 Frederic, Elector Palatine, 1613 “” - - - - - - Execution of Barneveldt, . 1619 Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, Massinger, . 1584-1640 Van Helmont, 1577-1644 BURBAGF (ac), 162o - -- * : .. -- Father Cats, . 1577-1660 Frederick, King of Bohemia, 1619 favourite, . . . . . 1615 Corbet, . . . . . 1552-1638 D. Heinsius, . 1580-1655 GUIDo RENI (A), 1575-1642 FERDINAND II: 1619-1637 ... "...'. Der º Thomas Heywood Kepler's Laws, 1918 Cristoforo Aliori (?), 1577-1621 Battle of Prague, . . . . 1620 * * viscount º Alban, ić, BEN JONSON, , . 1574-1637 Yanini burnt, : . . 1619 THIRTY YEARS WAR, 1618-1648 Exécution of Raleigh, . 1673 G. and Ph. Fletcher, 1583-1650 Campanella, . 1568-1639 RUBENS (A), . 1577-1640 162O GUSTAWUS ADOLPHUS, 1611-1632 | Bacon's overthrow, . I621 É. Edition of Shakespeare, . 6 ;: German Literary Unions. 132 O WALLENSTEIN, . . (1583-1634) Selden and Pym imprisoned, . 1622 tºwoºn. É. #. jº" 1583-1645 INIGo JoxEs (a), 1572-1652 le Roha - - 1638 Browne, - 16 - -- bo-j- §. º, (1579 º Spanish Marriage broken, 1623 #. º º" º A (m) 6 — — - - - - - - > aV11a, . -1631 ALLEGRI (me), – 1040 Huguenot Rising, 1625 War with Spain declared, . 1624 - º - §: Bassompierre, . º: Rochelle taken, . . . IG28 - º - Jean Rotrou, . 1609-1 PHILIP IV., . 1621-1665 Cº.; . 1625-1645 .. E. of stiling :::::::::: The Elzevirs, . 1583-1652 Edict f Restitution 162 ----------- . er, E. of Stirling, I58O-I640 Vaugelas, . 1585-1650 Dr. Bull (m), circ. 1628. [Composed dict o - 9 - - J. Florio I 545-16 - Buckingham assassinated, 1628 Middl - - 545-1625 J. Balzac, . -- I 594-1654 National Anthem]. R1CHELIEU, . (1585-1642)| - *"..." §: VINCENT VoITURE, 1598-1648 - ; , Supreme, . 1624–1642 PETITION OF RIGHT, I628 Shirley(Endofold Drama) É. J. Racan, . - 1589-1670 - - The Cavalier Poets— - - - - - - - - - 163O Fall of Magdeburg, . 1631 || Sir John Eliot sent to the Tower, Drummond, 1585-1549 Hôtel Rambouillet. 1630 Battle of Lutzen, 1632 sº º ied. . : º h. . . . . łº FRENCH ACADEMY 1635 | Poelenburg (2) . 1586-1666 sºrrº * Snip VI Oney levieq, . I634 and IDh, . . . . . IOOS-103 - - -** *- - CHRISTINA, 1632-1654 Laud and wentworth in POWer. §º. - - ...; Corneille’s “Cid.” Spagnoletto (A), . 1588-1656 Oxenstierna, . . . . (1583-1654). Trial of Hampden, . 1637-1638 º § D ESCA RTES, 1596–1650 > -- Assassination of Wallenstein, . 1634 Prynne fined by Star Chamber, 1637, artwright, . IOI I-1043 ºnly; GUERCINO (A), 1592-1666 º," "" ; "..."...". 37 Lovelace, 1618-1633 . Andreas Gryphius, - . 1616-1664 France and Spain at War, 1635-1659 Covenant in Scotland 1638 Denham, . 1615-1668 | UNIVERSITY of UTRECHT, 1636 || N. Poussix (A), 1594-1665 Independence of Portugal, 1640 jº. -- S. - ::::::::: Clajus (Sacred Plays), , 1616-1657 - - se, - SO Cinq Mars and De Thou, . I642 |ONG.P.A.R.AMENT, 1640-1653 Habington, . º Joost VAN DEN VoSDEL, 1587-1679 Francis du Quesnoy (se and carver War between Portugal and Holland. | Pym, Leader, 1640-1643 COWLEY, 1618-1667 | PIERRE CORNEILLE, . 1606-1684 in ſºori), 1592-1646 -- - Waller, . 1605-1687 - 164 O Louis XIV. d 6 Execution of Strafford, . . . 1641 - º - ----- - ... . . . . .. of X. Rºgeſt º: Massacre of ºgº in Ireland, 1641 MILTON, 1608-1674 JESUITs º JANs ENISTs. Bernini (sc), - 1598-1680 1640 - ** ** > -------------------------- Hobbes’ ‘‘Leviathan,” . 1651 | Second Silesian School. Algardi (sc), . . . . 2 Turenne on the Rhine, . 1943 || Grand Remonstrance, 1641 - 5 Bolland 6-166 - \"" Condé at Rocroy, 1643 || Arrest of Five Members, . . 1642 | Bishop Leighton, 1611-1684 "º , 1590-1995 || Gonnelli (sc), . . . P Masaniello at Naples, 1647 CIVIL WAR, 1642-51, Edgehill, 1642 Wither 88-166 “Acta Sanctorum, 1643 PEACE OF WESTPHALIA, . 1648 || 1st Battle of Newbury. Falkland M '. '5° 1997 | Salmasius, . 1588–1653 || Zurbaran (?), 1598-1662 Frederick William, the Great *"..., x_j, , , ; ; . ... St. Evremond, . 19:9-1793 VanDyck (2) I599-1641 Elector, . *|\º"Nº|| "..."... "... ºnºsº º - - - - *** * * r * ... I'OX. Quakerism, . ... I ... ... 1-. MAZARIN, Minister, 1643-1661 Execution of Laud, . . . . 1945 Confession of Furt, ... Zaluzianski, c. 1650 | V E LASQUEZ (A), 1599-1660 - Pride's Purge, . . . 648 ...'" ' " ' ". C. Huyghens, 1620-16 Lettres de Cachet. É."ºne King, . ** Eikon *" - 1648 G. º. . Torricelli's Barometer, . I643 TABLE X. FROM A.D. 1650 TO I7OO. X.—SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. forciún šljistory. S/ECOW/) HA //, /M /9/ECA/0/ES. ºfforeign ºiterature. A. D. Guglish & Scotch jistory. (English Literature. ‘Uhe Arts. A. L. cardinal de Retz, , , (1614-1679)|, ... . . . . . . - - CLAUDE LORRAINE (/), 1600-1682 , , 165C) War of the Fronde, . 1648-1653 Execution of Montros ", 1650 Fuller, . 1608-1661 CALDERON, 16oo-i681 Sassoferrato (/), . . . 1605-1685 1650 Duchess de Montpensier, (1627-1693) | Battle of Dunbar, 1650 | HOBBES 1588-1679 PASCAL 1623-1662 Cuyp (/), . . . . . 1605-1691 Van Tromp in the Thames. Battle of Worcester, 1651 SELDEN, . . 1584-1654 || Wondel’s “Lucifer,” 1654 REMBRANDT (A and et), 1607-1669 East Prussia free from Poland by Navigation Act, . 1651 || Harrington's “Oceana,” . . 1656 LA FoxTAINE, 1621-1695 º (, and aſ :::::::::: Treaty, . . . . 1957 CRQMWELL, Protector, 1653-1658 JEREMy Taylor, 1613-1667 Scarron, - 1610-1660 A. Van Osale (A and cº, 1919-1985 LOUIS XIV. reigns, . 1653-1715 | *********** - r Arnaud for 2 coal, port |!º (A)| : . . . 1919-1994 - y Dutch defeated by Blake and Monk, I. Walton, . . . . 1593-1683 R. .." 6. º: R . Gerard Dou (/), . 1613-1675 Peace of the Pyrenees, . 1659 1653 SIR. T. BrowNE, 1605-1682 \"", ... **5) “” G. Poussin (?), . . . 1613-1675 Colbert, Minister, 1661-1683 || Jamaica conquered, . 1655 | Sir M. Hale, . 1605-1676. Pºlphin Editions. 1674-1691 jº.º.º. ::::::::: Louvois, Minister, , (1641-1691) Death of Blake, . . . 1657 Boy LE, . 1627-1691 Madame de Scudéry, 1607-17of #. º: friest (2) º LEopold I., Austria, . 1658-1705 || Richard Cromwell, . 1658-1659 Wallis, . 1616-1703 || Roch EFoucauld, . 1613-1680 School] c. 1660 - º - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " 1660 | Versailles built, . 1661 |º. II. Restoration, S. BUTLER, 1612-1686 MOLIERE,. 1622-1673 º's E. º 1660 French India Companies, . 1664 - 1660-1685 | Restoration DRAMA, 1662-1700 !. .." ::::::::: Tuls s ºnteann "; º Chaºs II of Spain, 1665-1799 ºn 1661 CLARENDon, . 1608-1674 fº.º. *::::... gºein, rapety,Manuſ estab º Spanish Netherlands invaded, 1666 || Act º, º Secession of “London Gazette,”. 1665 | Bossu ET, . 1627-1704 9. Paul's Cathedral burnt, 1666 Puri - Baxter, . . . . . . 1615-1691 || Bourdaloue 1632-170 Carlo Dolci (A), . 1616-1686 Peace of Breda, . 1667 uritans, - - - - 1662 - 2. 32-1704 - - - BUNYAN 8-1688 MURILLO (A), . 1618-1682 - - Sale of Dunkirk to France 1662 . . . . . 1628-16 Flechier, 1632-17 Io º' The Triple Alliance—England, Great Plague of Lond - 1663 || BARRow, . . . . 1630-1677 | . -- - Sir P. Lely (A), . 1618-1680 Holland and Sweden,. . . 1668 ..] bº. War. "...". ter in 5|| “Pºls; Lost,”. 1667 Journal des Savants, 1665 || Wouwerman (A), 1620-1668 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1668 the Thames, . .” y 1666 Tillotson, . - - 1630-1694 | BOILEAU, . 1636-1711 º ; Hooge (A), º: 1665 Peace of Lisbon, - 1668 || Great Fire ºf tondon, . 1666 | South, . . . . . 1633-1715 Pufendorf, . . 1632-1694 W. º . - º – ? The Cabai, ... ." . 1663 || Algernon Sidney, 1617-1683 SPINOZA, 1632-1677 wº. *]; ...,' Io93-1707 - Hollar (engr), 1617-1677 - - - Cudworth, . 1617-1688 - - - - - 167 O º "... invade tºº Hºl. ... :. Henry More, . I6 º 687 La Bruyère, 1644-1696 || Staffordshire Potteries, estab. , 1670 1670 V. - #. *...". Indulgence, ... Sydenham, 1624-1689 RACINE, 1639-1699 || Paris Academy of Music, . 1672 land, . - - 1672 Charles pe cº, i by Louis. . I º Ray, 1628–1705 | Quinault, 1635-1688 Newton's Telescope, . 1672 The De Witts assassinated, . 1672 T. §." tº."...i. º É." - I620-1706 FILICAJA, . 1642-1707 Wynants (A), c. 1674 WILLIAM HENRY (Prince of Orange), HABEAs CoRPUs Act, * 1679 ğ. º: Spener, . . . . . . 1635–1705 | Carlo Maratti (A), 1625–1713 -- sºde, "... Sharp murdered. Drumclog and STAIR, . . 1619-1695 || Madame de la Fayette,. 1634-1693 Jacob Ruysdael (A), c. 1625-1681 -- ºr " 72-17 Bothwell, 1679 DRYDEN, . . 1631-17oo (Earliest Modern Novels.) Jan Steen (£), . . . 1626-1679 Battle of Fehrbellin, 1675 ********. -- TI- Aphra Behn, . 1642-1689 F. van Mieris (A), 1635-1681 Peace of Nimeguen, 1678–1679 Exclusion Bill. Origin of Whig Buckingham, . 1627-1688 MALEBRANCHE, -- 1638-1715 Puget (se). . . 1622-1694 -------- rº - and Tory, 1680 Ioseph Glanvil 636-1636 Abbé Fleury, . 1640-1723 J. B. Lulli (m) 1634-168 ** Reunions” in Elsass, 1680-1681 Stafford executed 168o QSep an VII, IO3O-IOSO FENELON 6 Bet: - - - 34 7 - 3. William Penn, 1644-1718 -- I05 I-1715 ETTERTON (ac), 1635-17oo - - - - - Shaftesbury acquitted, . 1681 - 1680 | Strassburg seized in time of peace, 1681 i. . Russell and Sid- Sheffield, . 1649-1721 Mme. Dacier, . 1654-1720 16SO Sobieski repels the Turks at "..., ney executed, - - --- 1683 Rochester, . 1647-1680 Madame º and the Q". Girardon (sc), . 1628–1715 I - ersecuted - - - Ethered - 1670 . P 3. 1087 S. Revocation of Edict of Nantes, 1685 *:::::: 1685-1688 eredge, 7 Leuwenhoet, . 1632-1723 º Argyle executed, . . . . . 1685 Dorset, 1637-1706, Sedley, 1639-1701 || C. Perrault, 1628–1703 || W. VANDEvelDE (p), 1633-1707 - First Russo-Turkish War, . 1687 | \, - Roscommon (Dilipn) 1633-1684 || A. Hamilton, . . 1646-1720 ~ %2, - Monmouth Rebellion. Sedgemoor. *I* - ''' 40-17 Se Exodus of Huguenot families. Monmouth executed. Declara- L0DKE,. > - 1632-1704 Contesse D Aulno ** º°. 1650-1705 Hobbema (f), 1638-1709 - French in the Palatinate, . I688 tion of Indulgence renewed, 1685 Matthew Henry, 1662-1714 º º º: ". .. - … - ... - - t’. * - - - ti ,” - #| || PFTER THE GREAT, 1689-1725 Trial of seven Bishops, 1688 Sir W. Tºple º 'º..." cººl w, child tº — 1697 ſ] | * * * * * * **** Coll 650-1726 - 3-174 [1] - * WILLIAM III, and MARY, 1689-1694 ||º.º. ºšº i.i. 1668-1732 N Court of St. Germains, 1689-1750 Fººthts, - 1689 NEWTON, -*. 1642-1727. J. F. Regnard, - º Hooke's Telegraph, 1684 - - - SIR. C. WREN º, I-23 1690 Europe against France, 1689-1697 jº"- - º FLAMSTEED, . . . 1646-1719 D’AGUESSEAU, 1668-1751 | PRESENT St. łº, - :::::::: 169C) French fleet beaten at La Hogue, 1992 || The Boyne, 1690 Wycherley, 1640-1715 RENE LE SAGE, . 1668-1747 Sir G. Kneller (2), . 1646-1723 2. Battle of Steinkirk, . 1692 || Glencoe Massacre, 1692 UNIVERSITY OF HALLE, . 1694 || || Huysman [A], . 1648-1727 Battle of Landen, . . . 1692 | *************** Burnet, . 1643-1715 - 3. J. Huysman (p), . . 1656-1696 D Luxembourg at Nerwinde, 1695 National Debt begun, . 1693 || Congreve 1670-1729 Diction ARY OF FRENCH ACADEMY, ČRiº Gºoss (sc and ſº Bank of England, 1694 --------- - 1694 wood engr), . . . . 1650-1721 D Nº. º: ick - ; Death of Queen Mary, . . 1694 BENTLEy, . 1662-1742 | Bayle's Dictionary, 1697 || Gaetano Zumbo (sc), , 1656-1701 Charles of Sardinia. War with Spain - !"º: * . I??4 Madame du p.m. 1694–1755 1682-1749 1 v. T--- º II., . - 1726–1729 “ º Cullº 1694-1747 Joliot de Piron - 1697-1780 73O War of Poli ---------- I 727- unciad.” I 712-17 M0 > - Peace ºlish succession, I73 - 7 1760 Colin Macau in -- º NTESQUIEU, wº 1690-1773 A. ~ P ace of Vienna, 733-1735 | WESLEY - - 1698–1746 Gaspa Gozzi, * 1689-1755 cademy of Science, St º ". Sanction gua I735 - * x . (1703-1791 - Carlo Gozzi 1713-1780 , St. Petersburg, —ng l" d" lar, - - - - º sº...", anteed by | Whitfield, . ( 91) Gentleman's Magazine L - 1722-1806 I725 º Struenscº, Mini ... ( I 71.4- -- -*** --- I INNAE - -- º hister of Denmark, METHoDISM begins 714-1770) §º - - 731 º -- J. . 1707-17 - - T | Peace of B (1735-1772) - lºgo º 1998-1743 “ A I R E,-4. 7 '7' James Qui - - elgrad - - - Robert Blair 1683 Leitr - 1694-1778 es Qui - T Cl grade, Queen Caroline H.A.R. lair, . 83-1750 res Philosophi -- 4. 1778 B l (ar), - 6 +. Charles VI., last male H I739 1727-1737 B A RTLEY, 1699-1747 the hangman, . ques” burnt by ACH (m), º 1693-1766 1730 T apsburg, º: Mob º - 1705-1757 Quesnay, - 1734 HANDEL l 1685-175 FREDERICK II CIles I 740 . - 1736 º," - º: Gottsched 1694-1774 Leonard (m), ". iss; . ~~~~~~ - -- Warpur *** * - - - - rt. * I . - T "...º. ublication of Debates prohibited º - º Bodmer (Zurich) 17oo-1766 ..". (m), . 1740 || MARIA THE 1740-178t - - yer, ... ſº 1698-1783 N ºr 1, - MARIA THERESA, Queen of Hungar put. 1738 D. Mallet, - } %; C. P. J. Cºlin - . N. Lancret (/), . Cº. Char 1740ſ; . eney and Carteret (Earl G 17co. 1755 Gresset On , . 1674- Capo di Monte P - 1690-1743 - Charles VII of Bavaria. 786 ville) succeed Wal (Earl Gran- - sº - - - 74-1762 Hull' otteries, 1736-18 O War of Austri arla, 1. "*" º pole in power. Rºsos | \**** £º ri 's Steam Tug-Boat 30-1521 3. º of ºº: I 741-1745 Henry p.m. ºne Mini 1743 FIELDING ON, 1689-1761 Raynal - 688-1773 rst Gas made from Coal 1736 -- - in 1sler -- a-- at tº - - - - - - ..". of Breslau. Silesi - 174 I A - "... - i. ERNE, 1707. I754 J. j, Barthélem (A . . 1713-1796 I739 p. Prºsiº - - - Silesia ceded Inson's Voyages, 744-1754 º - - º Gellert, - - -- nacharsis), º Handel’s “Messi --- # 1745 º: Battle of Fontenoy (De S I740-1745 à." º CoNDILLAC, N. º 1715-1769 Messiah.” first performed, 17 º Holland 795. Sºligº.º.º.º. º 1745 || Lord Monodio. º Helvetius, - * 1715-178o º (A), º 74O Peace of º - º: .º.º. .." ". I714-1799 VAuvex ARours 1715-1771 º -- º: Dupleix at fº - º º, 1745 1745-1746 tºld º: º M. º.º. 1715-1747 | Potteries: º - - ; :. - --- º 4 C - -- A º - --- O alesher tº 1- P S. a, 1745-17 - 1704 1748 Madras to ºn. º: 1746 Monthly Review 1694-1773 L esherbes, . º 1748 Co º 1744. º S. gland John H. - Onlonos 1721-17 penhage evres . . . . 1748 oward, 1...g., J. soſ, ſº ... Sºº 1745. 73° 1799. , , ºn ºf º, 1748 A. G. C., 1712-1778 Hasse .." Oil º º 1713-1765 Graun (m), . º - º - . 1701-1759 [/ * - º & A - - | * waſ - º y C º y z/al º, cº º o/* ca. /a/ 077 tº o/ozzy's Ca -- 7 ºſatory Woź. - TABLE XII. FROM A.D. I'75O TO I790. XII.-FROM A.D. 1750 TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, WV O/CA // S. forciún šljistory. (English & Scotch jistory. A. D. (English literature. 175C Paoli's Corsican Revolt, 1755 ºn Jºliº. - 1750-1760 DAVID HUM Eº 1711-1776 Earthquake at Lisbon, . 1755 2nd Period, 1764-1767 Churchill, . 1731-1764 Seven YEARs' WAR, . 1756-1763 [\ºw. Sº ºf ºaſes in Gºat ºritain...] Thomas Simpson, 1710-1761 England allied with Prussia, I756 Duke of Newcastle's Minist º, I 762 Robert Simson, . 1687-1768 * I --- - --- Battle of Prague, *757 war with France in North America. | TobiAs *" 1721-1771 Damiens executed, . 1757 | Black Hole of Calcutta, , , 1756 JOHNSON, . . . . 1709-1784 Battles of Rosbach and Leuthen, 1757 | Pººhaſham) (1798-1778), 1756-68| Pºlº "A" lºgº." Z58 Battle of Zorndorf. S Admiral Byng shot, . 1757 Horace Walpole, " . 1717-1797 attle of 401 nºtoria . I75 Bºls ºf Rºssº, 1757 Michael Bruce, 1746-1767 French defeated at Minden, 1759 English Naval Victories, 1758-1759 º - 1720-1756 Charles of Naples King of Spain, I Wolfe's Victory and Death at **Y. 1716-1771 - | ng of Spain, 1759 Qºs - 1759 J. Macpherson, 1738-1796 1760 CATHER IN E II, Czarina, 1762-1796 || Gººgº. III, 1760-1820 || ADAM SMITH, I723-1790 Battle of Toplitz, 1762 || Lord Bute, I762 º Reli, ; . º The Phillippines to England, 1763 G. Grenville, . 1763-1765 \!. º - 7.7% Wilkes' Agitations - JAMES HUTTON, 1720-1 Treaty of Hubertsburg. (End of W * Agitations, . 1763 1774 Wm. Hunter, º Seven Years' War), 1763 Rockingham and Grafton, 1765-1770 John Hunter, . 1728-1793 ". of Paris. Canada to *. American Stamp Act, . 1765-1766 º N 1736-1819 - - - - IZO 3 - - - I - I - " 703 Townshend's Taxing Act, . 1767 John Logan, . - º Jesuits expelled from France, . 1764 - pºv's ºlius. 6 * ----- - Letters of Junius, 1769-1772 y & ques, 1765 Corsica to France, 1769 Wm. Mason, . 1725-1797 N.I.T.T.W. Ili b 6 Lord North's Ministry, 1770-1782 T. Beattie, 1735-1803 apoleon . ellington born 1799 || Bruce's Travels, 1768 º - 1728-1709 Clement XIV. 1760-1774 , , , . avendish, - - 1731-181 -lºngnt - 1 \ . . 7°9'774 English Debates reported, . '77" | GoLDSMITH, . º 177O Maisºntoinetis (1755-1793) * | Mansfield decides that English soil Robert Fergusson, . I750-1774 the Dauphin, 1770 makes free, . . . . . . 1772 | Blackstone, 1723-1780 g Parliament of Paris abolished, 1771 Yºi (India), 1772-85 §º". Zºilº. 3 -- revived, 1774-1789 Suicide of Lord Clive, . 1774 T. War ºn. Z3. . : First Partition of Poland, . 1772 Cook's Voyages, . . 1768-1779 W. > Z. - c. AMERICAN WAR, . , 1775-1783 wº" of Nº. º.” ºf LOUIS XVI. . *793. Death of Chathan . . . ſº ºn." " "... = 2 Turgot, Minister, - I7|14 çº...º. (1749-1806), fl. 1770-1806 Pºisſy, - 1733-1864 : G | Jesuits suppressed by Pope (restored Rodney's Victories, . 1779-1782 Sir J. Banks, . 1743-1820 ". by Pius VII., 1814), . 1773 | Elliot at º, 1780-1782 ROBERT BURNS,” so gº É Neckar, Minister, 1776-1781 | ************** *... Encyclopædia Britannica . 1778 E. Alliance of France and America, 1778 º º "...", 1780 *" .." I 724- fº - - l - … ars. With Hyder-All and Tippoo Vlackenzie, . . 1745-183 I Joseph II. succeeds 1765; º Saib, . . . . 1780-1799 || Joseph Ritson, º 1780 Russia takes Crimea. 1783 || Lord Rockingham's 2nd Ministry, 1782 Dr. H. plan. 1718-1800 Peace of Versailles, . 1783 || Lord Shelburne, . . . . 1782 | Sir Wim. Jones. 1746-1794 g Frederick William II. 1786 Grattan's Irish Constitution, . 1782 Erasmus * 1731-1802 t- - Coalition Ministry, . . . . 1783 SHERIDAN, N. 1751-1816 º Russo-Turkish Wars, 1787-1792 | Dibdin, 1745-1814 53. Assembly of Notables, . 1787 " ". º ... º º" - I738- º 2. Assembly of States General, . 1789 ******* (1759-1806), Prime º stewat, º 5. MIRA.BEAU (1749.91), fl. 1789-1791 | * 1784-1806 || Hayley, . 1745-1820 . Nº. - EDMUND BURKE (1729-1797), HoRNE TookE, 1736-1812 3 º Assembly, . 1789 EDMUN, Rºº. º %. ‘‘Times” Newspaper, 1788 == Bastille stormed, . 1789 -- - Boswell's Johnson I700 H - Wilberforce, Anti-Slavery, (1759-1833) Hannah More 1. º Suwarrow takes Ismail.* takes Ismail *79°. Trial of Warren Hastings, 1788-1795 Bºa. . . . . º Leopold II. . 79°17.9° Erskine, (1750-1823) | Burke's “French Revolution,” I790 foreign Literature. The Arts. A. I.) BUFFox, º, º 1707-1788 Discovery of Pom PEII, . 1750 1750 Passeroni and Parini, fl. 1750 | Potteries: Worcester, Derby, and University of Moscow, . 1755 Berlin, 1751; Orleans, 1753; Wedg- º º .." 1759; Leeds and Madrid, e111na, . . . 1731-1813 1760. B. de St. Pierre, 1737-1814 || Arne (m), - - - 1704-1778 Jean de Lennep, . 1724-1771 [Comp. “Rule Britannia.”) Goldoni, - - - 1707-1793 Francis Boucher (/), I704-1770 I) EN is Diderot, ºf 1713-1784 Dietrich (/), . . 1712–1774 J. L. D'ALEMBERT, tº 1717-1783 Réné Slodtz (sc), 1705-1764 The Encyclopédie, . 1751-1780 - - Madame d'Epinay, . 1725-1783 J. B. PIRANEs (a "º, 1778 Mlle. L’Espinasse, . 1732-1776 vſ...; - - - M. Mendelssohn, . . . , 1729-1786 Maria A. Cibber (ac). 1714-1798 LESSING, \ - º, 1%; First Lightning Conductor, 1757 Rinaldo Carli, , I720-1795 BRITISH MUSEUM openEI), . 1759 EULER, - - - - lºo, lºss - Giambattista Casti, . 1721-1803 gº (ar), ZºZº. 176O LAvoſs ER, 1713-179. ſº ſº. 1719-1779 Musæus, 1735-1787 Foote (ac), 1721-1777 CoNDoRCET, 1743-1794 Watt's improvements on Steam Winckelmann, fl. 1764 Engine, . . . 1763-1784 Scheele, - 1742-1786 Guardi (/), . I712-1793 Baron Holbach, . 1723-1789 R. Wilson (/), 1713-1782 Abbé Galiani, 1728-1786 Vernet (A), , , . 1714-1789 Beaumarchais, 1732-1799 ſomelii (m), º - 1714-1774 J. Delille, . 1738-1813 GLuck (m), 1714-1787 E. Lebrun, 1729-1807 M. Cesarotti, , - 1730-1808 || Hargreaves’ “Spinning Jenny,” 1767 Restif de la Bretonne, 1734-1806 Royal Academy of Arts, . 1768 L. Lanzi, . 1732-1810 Arkwright's First Patent for Spinning Lavater, 1741-1801 with Rollers, 1769 Lichtenberg, . 1742-1799 J. Ewald (Dane), 1743-1781 || Sir W. Chambers (a), — -1796; 1770 ALFIERI, . 1749-1803 commenced Somerset House, 1770 TURGot 1727-1781 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS-º-º: - - 1723-1792 Marmontel, 1723-1799 || Greuze (/), - - - 1725-1805 Beccaria, 1738-1794 GAINSBUROUGH (z)=le (727-1788 Laharpe, - 1739-1803 J. Wright (p), . . . . 1734-1797 J. Stilling, . . . 1746-1817 | ROMNEY (A). . . . . . 1734-1802 Goethe's "Wºº 1774 Antonio Lolli (violinist), 1728-1794 | HERDER, . . . . 1744-1863 ºr S. Arnold (*). 1739-1802 C. G. Heyne,. . . . 1739-1813 WEpswoop (Avºter). I730-1795 Adelung º 1743-1806 T. King (ac), . . . 1730-1805 KANT, .N. - . . . . . 1724-1804 || W. Woollett (eng), 1735-1785 Paul H. Mallet, . 1730-1807 D’Auxiron's and Perier's Steamboats, WIELAND, 1733-1813 I774-1775 Yºº Monti, . º MOZART, . . . 1756-1791 17SO É. º: ſº. º circ. ... JAcobſ, 1740-1814 *}, . . I732-1809 Berthollet, 1749-1822 | Boccherini (m), 1740-1805 LAPLACE, . 1749-1827 Angelica Kauffmann (A): 1741-1807 Volney, 1757-1820 LEGENDRE, - 1752-1833 Jan Van Os (A), 1744-1808 º, ºš (A) 744-180 André M. de Chenier, 1762-1794 | THEATRE FRANÇAIs opened, 1782 “The Moniteur,” 1789 Fir Ball - F. A. Wolf, 1759-1824 ºrst Ba "... . . , , 1783 I. Joubert, 1754-1824 Steam Navigation developed by Bilderdyk, - 1756-1831 Miller, Taylor, and Symington, Mdme, de Krudener, 1764-1824 Herschel' 1788-89: H. W. M. Obers. . . .3.1s., Herschel's Telescope, 1789 [For exp/anation of Colours, Capitals, etc., see Prefatory Aote.] TABLE XIII. ' FROM A.D. 1790 TO 1810. XIII, FROM THE FRENICH REVOLUTION A.D. 1790 TO A.D. 1810. A Y PEA/O/OS OF F/V/; YEARS. joreign jistory. (English & Scotch 3.jistory. foreign literature. The 2Arts. English "iterature. A. D. 1790 º º Quarrel of Fox and Burke, 1791 \".". . GOETH E, ſº . 1749-1832 Minton's Potteries at Stoke, . 1790 1790 Flight and Arrest *king. I791 Birmingham riots, 1791 . ENT * - . G. L. Bauer, . . 1755-1806 || Jenner's Vaccination, 1790 Conference at Pilnitz, 1791 T. Paine and “People's Friends,” - - 8 A. G. Werner, . . 1750-1817 | Galvanism discovered, - I791 THE GIRoN DE, . I792-1793 - - 1791-1792 º - 1747-1825 | STR WM. Hººk º 1738-1822 DAvro (?), . . 1748-1825 Fº and Valmy, #7. Vºlº, 1792 Gifford, . 1756-1826 J. PAUL "º º: 1763-1825 Chappe's Telegraph, 1793 * - I792 War declared by France, Feb. 1; Bloomfield, . 1766-1823 SCHILLER, N × . . 1759-1805 T. Bewick (wood engr), 1753-1828 º France, ". by England, Feb. 1 1, 1793 Sotheby, , - 1757-1833 Kotzebue, . . . 1761-1819 SIR HENRY RAEBURN (A), 1756-1823 Execution of King and Queen. Fiſ Expedition to Dunkirk, 1793 Mary Wollstonecrºſt, 1759-1797 Joseph DE MAISTRE, . º (e), . :::::::: of Gironde. La Vendée, 1793 Habeas Corpus Act suspended, Mme. D'Arblay (Ianny Burney), Abbe Hauy, I743-1822 w º! ) 1757-1827 Reign of Terror; Marat killed, 1793 1794-1802 1752-1840 Benjamin Constant, . 1767-1830 º - º Siege of Toulon, . - - 1793 || Lord Howe's Naval Victory, . 1794 | Godwin, . - 1756-1836 Xavier de Maistre, 1763-1852 | c.º.º. (..." . . 17:7-1822 2nd Partition of Poland I793 - y W. Humbold 67-18 Mrs. S (sc), 757 8 Execution of Danton. Fall of º É. Mrs. Inchbald, . 1753-1821 A. "..." º j º º - #: Robespierre, . . I794 - - 95 CRABBE, 1754-1832 - - - - - - - - 1795 || THE DIRECTORATE, . 1795 | Cape of Good Hope taken, 1795 || R. Hall, . . . 1764-1831 Voss, . . 1751-1826 || Sir J. Soane (a), 1752-1837; built | 1795 .. Spice Islands taken, - 1796 - Derzhavin, . 1743-1816 || Bank of England; founded Lincoln's Kosciusko, - (1756-1817) Hoche ſails in Ireland, - I797 Tannahill, . . . 1774-1810 Karamzin, - - - - - 1765-1826 Inn Field's Museum. 3rd Partition of Poland. 1795 || Battle of St. Vincent, 1797 Ireland Forgeries, 1796 schleier Macher N.Y.: 1768-1834 CA (zºº 17:3-182 Paul I., 1796-1801 | Sea fight of Camperdown, 1797 The “Anti-Jacobin,” I797 | F. L. Z. Werner, . 1768-1823 RNOT (mil eng), . 753-1823 - - MALTHUs on Population, . 1798 || Baggesen, . . . 1764-1826 WILLIAM SHARP (engr), 1749-1824 Buonaparte in Italy, 1796 º, Nº. - 1798 l - 79 C. L. Reinhold, 1758-1823 -> - Lodi, Arcol 6 DR. T. BROWN, . . 1778-1820 - Nash (a), 1752-1835; Buckingham #. 1. fº. al, formiº. . *799 || Great Irish Rebellion 1798 playfair 1748-1819 Hardenburg (Novalis), . 1772-1801 Jº ". º Éh §§ eace Q. Campo Fºrmio, . 1797 tºº - - - Malte Brun, . . . 1775-1826 alace, 15righton Pavilion, &c. É. of Republic of Venice, 1797 || Sidney Smith at Acre, . 1799 || SIR. H. DAVY, 1778-1829 | E. T. Hoffmann, . . 1776-1822 || R. Smirke (A), 1752-1845 uonaparte in Egypt. 1798-1799 || Malta taken, . . . . . . 1800 JoHN DAL'ron, 1767-1844 A. W. Schlegel, ºw. 1767-1845 tºº." 1799 .. Armed Neutrality of Northern Bowles 1762-1850 F. Schlegel, . . . #. Stothard (A), . 1755-1834 Seconcl COa 11tlon, - ISO2 Powers, . --- 1800 -- --- Lamarck - - - I744-Iš29 - Mar - - - - - Opie (A) 1761-1807 # , , . Hº, . . . . tº " " sºlº" ##| "..., ... NAPOLEON, . (1769-1821) - - - - - - - - - - THE CoNSULATE, ". 1700-180 18OO | Battle of Hohenlinder wo. . UNION of Great Britain and Ireland, “Edinburgh Review,” . 1802 A. M. Ampère, 1775-1836 Voltaic Battery, . 1Soo 18OO Peace of Luneville, . . . 18or | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J. B. Say, . . . . 1767-1832 ...". Russia, 1801-1825 - 1800 Rev. A. Alison, 1757-1839 º. be statiº . Jacquard's Loom, 1Sol St. Domingo & d - d T Abercrombie at Alexandria, 1801 J P. E. º - 7 6- 18 - ºš..."...". Battle of Copenhagen, 18or S. T. COLERIDGE 1772-1834 ºld. uller, . * ... Trevithick’s Locomotive, . 1802 º, sº ſº; ...",..., ... WoRPswoºtººººº tº 1746-1827 | TALMA (ac), 1763-1826 Duc D'Enghien executed, . 1804 IWI anratta WWar. º º O3 Nortºry ºv - 18 Kriloff, - . . . . . . 1768-1844 y - FRANCIs II. (I. of Austria), 1804-1835 | Emmett's Riot . 1803 R. Sou'ſ HEY, I774-1843 º . . . - ) . . - ------------- - u(IW 1 1CCK, I773-1853 OSel) ongni (ºr), . I700-1831 The Code Napoleon, - W. SAVAGE LANIDR, . 1775-1864 g no I g º º A. ..". §: Camp at Boulogne. Volunteers, 1803 Rock 63-18 Geoffrey St. Hilaire, . 1772-1844 hael Morgh S-18 Third Cºalition. . . . . 1805 || Battle of 1 RAFALGAR, . 1805 S. Rogers, 1763-1855 Fouqué, . 1777-1843 Raphael Morghen (engr), 1758-1833 French Kijºn of Italy, 1805-181 º-º-º-º: Isaac Disraeli, . 1766-1848 º is... CHERUBINI (m), º 1760-1842 __- S. º. y * wellington (1769-1852) St. Simon, . 1760-1825 §. º and South. 805 º - C. LAMB, 1775-1834 || Fourier, . 1772-1837 | Dussek (m), 1762-1812 apitulation of Ulm, ISO - Battle of Austerlitz, . 1805 || Coalition Ministry (Lord Grenville 18O5 Berlin Decrees, . . . . . 1806 and Fox),. . . . . . . . 1806 Cobbett, . 1762-1835 º Candole - 1778-1841 Sall 66-18 1SO5 Louis Buonaparte in Holland, Deaths of Pitt and Fox, 1806 HAZLITT, . - . 1778-1830 Chamisso, . 1781-1838 Dr. Callcott (m), 1700-1821 1866-18to Orders in Council, . 1807 Miss AustEN, 1775-1817 Rask, 1787-1832 Fourth Coalition, 1806 Danish Fleet captured, 1807 * Nº . - Arndt, 1769-1860 - ---- Battle of Lena - . . 1806 *"...". . - Fº MISS EDGEWoRTH - - 1767-1849 Körner 1791-1813 T. Attwood (m), 1767 1838 uke of I’Ortland, Premler, INO - - - - - - - Murat at Naples, 1888-1815 Madeira taken, - - - º Wm. Mitford, . 1744-1827 J. G. J. Hermann, 1772-1848 - - GERMAN EMPIRE Dissolved, 1806 | pºstſ. As WAR, 1808-1814 Arni 81-183 SIR. T. LAwRENCE (p), 1769-1830 - - - - - T. Campbell, 1777-1844 L. A. Arnim, . 1781-1831 Confederation of Rhine, 1806-1813 || Convention of Cintra, 1808 * * * - - k 760-18 Eylau, Friedland, . . 1807 || Sir John Moore at Corunna, . 1809 I ---. -- 180 SisºtoSD, . 1773-1842 T. Barker (A), IZOQ-1827 - - - - Quarterly Review, 9 - Peace of Tilsit, . . . 1807 | Disaster of Walcheren, 1809 Clemens Brentano, 1777-1842 ----- X tº - Joseph Buonaparte in Spain, . 1808 Ionian Islands. Collingwood, 1809 SIR J. MACKINTC's H, 1765-1832 Bettina von Arnim. F. Gérard (A), … . . . 1770-1837 Finland taken from Sweden, . 1809 || Wellesley passes the Douro 1809 Varnhagen von Ense, 1785-1858 | Battle of Wagram, - 1809 | Battles of Oporto and Talavera, isog JAMES MILL : 1773-1836 J. B. Niccolini, 1785-1861 || BEETHOVEN (m), Josephine divorced, . 1809 || Percival, Premier, 1809. Assass- BY RON º 1788-1824 HEGEL., . . º 1770-1831 - 1770-1827 Siege of Saragossa, . 1809 inated, - - - 1812 [/or explanation of Colours, Capitals, et. ., see Prefatory Moſe.] TABLE XIV. FROM A.D. 1810 TO 1830. XIV.- THE NINETEENTH CENTURY FROM A.D. 18 to TO 1830. /3 V Aº EA MO/OS OF F/ VA: YA: A R.S. 1820-1832 A. D. joreign jistory. (English & Scotch 35istory. (English literature. joreign Literature. ‘Uhe Arts. A. D. - Pius VII. in isoned, - 1809 SIR. S. Romilly, . (1757-1818 - - | - - - - - - - - 1810 Tvrolsubd ſ * Wii. Lines at º SHELLEY, . 1792-1822 University of Berlin, . 181o J. Phillips (/), . . 1770-1845 1810 yrol subdued, 1809. Hofershot, 1810 ſº ---- º | F. Huber 1750-1830 THºkwºoses (sº), 1770-1844 – Annexation of Holland, 18 io Sº | William Roscoe, . 1753-1831 - 2. ' - Braham, (zoº) 1774-1856 Bernadotte, Crown P. of Sweden, 1810 || Mauritius taken, 1810 || J. KEATS, . 1795-1821 C. H. Millevoye, . 1782-1816 J. ºld; (º), . . 1779-1837 Mehemet Ali and the Mamelukes, 1811 THE REGENcy, . 181 I - NIEBUHR, . 1776-1831 || Bell's steamer ºn the Clyde, . 1812 Soult and Massena in Spain, , 1811 sº - | T. MooRE, . 1779-1852 || C. W. Rotteck 1775-1840 G. STEPHENson 1781-1848 – STEIN (1757-1831) Storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Lord [eff 8 - - - ºw- 7 4. --- - Badajos, . . . . ISI I ord Jeffrey, 1773-1850 (EHLENscHLAEGER, . 1779-1850 G. Stevenson's First Locomotive, | | Inyºsion of Russia. Borodino, Castlereagh, Foreign Secretary, Sir C. Bell, 1774-1842 || C. Ritter, 1779-1859 ... 1814 Moscow burnt, 1812 || ---------- 1812-1822 J. Montgomery 1771-1854 BERZELIUS, 1779-1848 || Sir H. Davy's Safety Lamp, | Battle of Leipsic, 1813 Lord Eldon, Chancellor, 1807-1827 R. H. - - 83-1826 GUY-LUss Ac, . 1778-1850 1815-1817 -United Netherlands 1st, Lord Liverpool, Premier, 1812-182% R. Heber, . 7°3′2"| L. S. de Girardin, 1762-1827 | English Opera House [Lyceum] - First Peace of p. § Battle of Salamanca, i. SYDNEY SMITH, . 1771-1845 i.º. 1775-1854 opened, . . . . . . . 181 - - ***'. St. Sebastian taken, ISI3 - - go Foscolo, . 1778-1827 | Sir H. Popham's Telegraph, 1816 º **s, *. Battle of Toulouse, . . . . 1814 Leigh Hunt, - 1784-1859 SAVIGNY, . . . 1779-1861. J. Ward º - grap 1769-1859 Louis XVIII. . . . is: Y.Y. .." States, *:::: “Waverley” published, 1814 || C. Ottfried Müller, 1797-1840 Constable (A), 1776-1837 *- " --- - reaty O Shent, ISIA - - 1815 | TALLEY RAND . (1754-1838) Battle of WATERLOO, . 181 ohn Foster, 1770-1843 Heeren, . 1760-1842 || Sir A. W. - 1815 -l. (1754-1 39–Pºlº.º.º. 5 J - - 3 J. Michaud º: Sir - Calcott (A), 1779-1844 18 Congress of Vienna 1814 gricultural and Weaving Riots Kirke White, . 1785-1806 Chari Nolier 1780 § Moritz Retzsch (design), 1779-1854 > *** - > y - Norway united with Sweden, 1814 1816-1818 || Croly, 1780-1860 Cassimir Delavigne, . 1793-1833 J. Varley (£), . 1778-1842 |********* Bombardment of Algiers, . 1816 || Wolfe, , , 1791-1823 §. obermann). 1789-1856 Bonnington (£), . 1801-1828 - |- ... . ". º . Hone's Trial and Acquittal, . 1817 | James Hogg, 1772-1835 i." (Obermann), § ... - . oly Alliance (Rus., Aus., Prus.), 1815 - - - - - Lord (H. F.) Cockburn, 1779-18 U - WEBER (???), . I780-182 - Death of Princess Charlotte, . 1817 1779-1854 UHLAND, 1787-1862 - - Second Peace of Paris, 1815 | Peel's Currency Act 1819-1823 Professor Wilson, 1785-1854 Tegnér, . 1782-1846 Paolo Toschiſº), 1788-1856 | Execution of Ney, 1815 eel S Currency y 9 8 Joanna Baillie, 1762-1851 . º - 1789-1866 First Iron Ship, . . 1821 Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom 1815-59 Manchester massacre, . ISIQ Motherwell, 1797-1835 ºlopºul-R, - 1788-1860 | First Railway, 1824 -> 5:59 . , , , , BERANGER 1780-1857 Thames Tunnel 8 | william I., Netherlands, sº to ..." " tº Ebenezer Elliott, , , , 1781-1849 fºolio Éj. "Nº". lºss ºf 1 — — — — — — — —” Parry's Voyages, 1819 D. Ricarpo, . 1772-1823 F. W. E. º y $1.13.6 T. R. . A), . 7 - º Charles John XIV. (Bernadotte), 1818 -* - . W. BeSSc1, . 1784-1846 T. Rickman (a), . 1766-1841 Charles John XIV. (Bernadotº): º 1820-1830 || Allan Cunningham, . 1785-1842 Emmanuel Bekker, . , 1785-1871 J. Britton (a), 1771-1857 Maine de Biran. 182O Revolution in Spain, 1820-1823 Cato Street Conspiracy, . 1820 | Lockhart, 1794-1854 . e Dilr 1786-1837 SCHUBERT (m), . 1797-1828 182O Spanish Inquisition abolished, 1820 Trial of Queen Caroline, 1820 Galt, . - 1779-1839 Immermann, 1796-1849 | EDMUND KEAN (ac), 1790-1833 I Death of Napoleon at St. Helena, 1821 suicide of Lord Londonderry (Castle. || Sir P, Sabine, 1788- º º". ::::::: | British Academy of Music, 1824 - METTERNICH, fl. 1821, (1773-1859) reagh), . . . . . . . . " 8 1822 ..". - §§ jº." º Beethoven's Choral Symphony first Duc de Reichstadt (Nap. II.), (1811-32) Gºś.” Secretary, I ** Barham (Ingoldsby), . 1788-1845 Cousin, - 1792-1867 performed at Vienna, 1824 Austria maintains despotisms in Italy. R. .* South American º K. l -- § S. §§ TU R N E R (A, et, engr), 1775-1851 Massacre ºlt S bio, - - 1822 Kepu ICS. - - Somericlall In OWICS 17 4- I 2 - - - - º - - - -- |-Greek War ºedom. 1822-1829 First Mechanics' Institute, 1823 T. ii., 1799-1845 Lermontoff. . . . . . išī; ºft| DAVIP Cox (A): 1783-1859 | Byron in Greece, 1823-1824 Huskisson at Board of Trade, 1823 D. M. Moir (Delta), 1798-1851 É. H. (Stendhal), º PROUT (f), . 1783-1852 Agitation about Test and Corpora- Hartley Coleridge I 706-18 OUSHKIN, . . . . I799-1837 ºr an f Ianissari - Ashantee War, . . 1824 J. P. Collier, 1780-1883 || Rémusat, . . 1788-1832 B. R. Haydon (A), I7SO-IS4 "..." Janissaries at *... Burmese War, . C º }. Cº., - º ºp ilico, :::::::::: Mulready (A), . 1786-1863 Ameliorations of Penal Code. Charles Knight, I 701-18 S11 V10 I'el11CO, . I789-1854 - NICHOLAS I., 1825-1855 arles g 791-1873 MICKIEWICZ, . 1798-1855 ETTY (p), 1787-1849 1825 | Battle of Navarino, . 1827 | Canning, Premier, 1827-1828 Waverley Novels acknowledged, 1827 | HEINE . 1800-1856 Copley Fieldin -- 1787-18 1825 Russo-Turkish War 1828 SIR. W.M. HAMILTON, 1788-1856 LAMENNAIs, 1782-1854 ... (A) g (A) . Russi ke V y 828 Palmerston, Secretary at War, Miss Mitford, . - 1787-1855 LAcornAIRE, . - 1802-1861 - * " . 9 Russians take Varna, IS2 1827-1828 || Edward Irving, . . 1792-1834 A. DE Tocqu Evi L.LE, 1805-1859 || Sir R. Smirke (a), 1780-1867 Peace of Adrianople, 1829 Duke of Wellington, Premi º (Barry Cornwall), º º º º CHANTREY (sc), 1781-1841 - uke of Wellington, I’remler, DE QUINCEY, 1785-1859 J. H. Encke, . I791-1865 - ºl. JULY REvolution IN FRANCE, 1830 1828-1835 | Wm. Buckland, 1784-1856 || BALZAC, º 1799-1850 §." - - §. Contest between Don Pedro and - - - - H. HALLAM, . 1778-1859 CoMTE, . 1798-1857 si ji joi (m) º: §§ prince Miguel in portugal, 1826 O'Connell's Agitations, 1828 John Austin, 1789-1859 Lenau, 1802-1850 i; i.e.t. 7 8 §§ Tince \lºgue in 191"*..." IS20-34 || ----------------- T. Gaisſord, 1780-1855 Lamartine, . 1790-1869 i. º - - º Charles X, abdicates in favour of --- | Nassau Senior, 1790-1864 || Villemain, . . . 1790-1870 i. !'...}, ...A - Pºkº.º.º. (Cºmte dº Test Acts * - 1828 Wººleton, . . . º. º.º. Wººyº 1797-1864 º". - *:::: Chambord or Henry V.), 1830 Settlements in Australia. R. Nicoll, . . . . 1814-1837 Eilhard Mitschetlich, 1794-1863 Maria Taglioni (d. S J -- CARLY LE, 1705-1881 | N. H. Abel - - 1863-1825 º 'º'; ioni (danc), 1894 Insurrection in Poland, 1839, c tholic E ibation 182 - 1795 I Elie de Beaumont 1798-187 Rauch (sº), . . . 1777 1857 | Battle of Wilna, . 1831 º'º" * T. B. MACAULAY soo issº ºil. Sº, n. º: Delacroix (A), . 1799-1863 [For explanation of Colours, Capitals, etc., see Prºſatory Aote.] TABLE XV. FROM A.D. 183O TO 1855. - N NET E - - 5 /; V /2/7/8/O/OS OF / / //; Y/ZA/CS \ , ). A. D. . . . - ºn jistory. (B. ush - - Ellſ, 13 . Sº 1 -- - sh & St. - -- - 880 Louis Philippe ºssº ºwn ºn a Leºpold. King of Belgi 1830-1848 || WILLIAM IV W lish Citerature. forci ----- D. "...º.º.º.º.º. IS -- S Whately - 3|01 Clúll iſ ite - t utch throw - - 3 I -- 1830-183 , "...' ...”.” - 3.11 trill lite Russi n back on Holland Earl Gre - 37 | P. F. Tytler 1787-1863 - Th Russia takes Warsaw and 1832 rey, Premier, IS Dr. Arºid, - 1791-1849 Revue des Deux M. - C 2Arts. A. of Poland, . - remains | THE REFORM B 30-1834 i. F. falgrave º º - ondes, . 1830 Li - D. Oth --- 1832 º','º','!'; 18 go- brougham x - 1788-1861 Ierº. . . . 1796- iverpool and M. - - Th o of Bavaria, King of Greec $3 Negro Sl --- 30-1832 Charles Napier 1778-1868 Jules Michèle 1797-1877 and “Rocket º Railway 1830 The Zollverein. e, 1832 gro Slavery abolished, 1833 18 William Nipie, - 1786-1860 Victor film." 1798-1874 MALIBRAN (GARC ngine, . . 1830 - Don Carlos in Spai 1834 Lord Melbourne' - - 33 1834 {: E. Landon, x - 1785-1869 Leopardi, º - - 1802– Schwanthaler (sc) IAJ (ac), 1808-1836 Quadruple Al *P* 1833-1839 | Lor s Ist Ministry, 1834 i. Combe, - 1833 tº: Giusti, - 1798-1837 Sir C. Barry (a) > 1802-1848 ple Alliance, IS3 D. Joh N Russell, Whi !...” Aird, 1788-1858 V. Gioberti, 1809-1850 GEo. Cººk tº 1795-1860 34 || Lord Brougham, W º hig Leader, \§º Borrow, . . 1802-1876 F. Bremer, 1801-1852 *º (ac), ºf), 1792-1878 1835 | Maria Christi gham, Whig Orator. (1800-1883) & R. ch º º - 1801-1865 . (???), . 1793-1873 Maria Christina, Regent, 183 Si amºers, | C. Andersen 1777-1851 C EYERBEER (m) 1792-1868 Ferdinand I S^**** 33-1840 || Lord Mell ir Henry Taylor 1802-1871 Lepsius, - - 1805-1875 | x Stanfield (/) > 1794-1864 * Austria, 1835-1848 || R elbourne, Premier, 18 jii Nºm. 18Oo- Ewald, . -- 1813- A schºffer (?) . 1793-1867 Louis Napoleon at St 5-1848 *..." Home Secretar , 1835-1841 E. B. Puj l, . 1801- - 1803-1875 J. Graham Číteſt () 1795-1858 Ernest A rasburg, 1836 Tr hersºn, Foreign §." Pal- J. Keble, - º 1800-1882 J. F. Herbart - A), - 1795-1866 ugustus of Hanover ISR lºan Movement ary. * (father prºuſ 1792-1896 C. F. Gºss." 1776-1841 elaroche (/), The French in Algiers * . 37 Ecclesiastical Commi * . 1833-1841 | ". Taylor, . . ), 1805-1866 #"º". - - 1777-1855 MENDELssoRN (m) 1797-1852 G iers, 1830-1847 |jº º Peel' 11SSIOn, 1834 Jerrold, 1787-1865 F. Grundtvig 1781-1859 Cºopº (º), . . " 1809-1847 | 183 | GUIZOT, WICTOR eel's 1st Ministry, 183 MILMAN, . 1803-1857 F. C. Diez gº 1783-1872 David Scott (?) 1809-1849 5 | Mehemet Ali is sis|º 1835 | THIRLWAH, § ºl. §: º, ..." 1806-1849 in S t Ali and Ibrahim P Rajah Brooke i 1837 GEORGE GROTF 1797-1875 H. (1795-1864)& g . . 1785-1867 Electric Telegra h - 1808- yria, ºs Anº ei, bone, . . s. ºf -- # , ºft| \, º ...) Rose, ižº tº PI), . 1837 32-1848 Lord D rn-Law League, IS 38 ! M. Kemble, 1806-1873 Jakob Van i.emep 1803-1870 W. J. Māº. (2) - . . 1839 1S4O - urham in Canad 38 Mrs. Norton 1807-1857 Zschokke, . P, ... Acº ſº) - 1812-18 Louis N Clay . I M “” " ". . . . . - - - - -- - - 45 apoleon at Boul 838 || Alsº, Mºlineau 1808-1877 G. SAND (MME. D . 1771-1848 Hºraţi, Mºuiloch (2). 1821-1858 Espartero in Spai ogne, 1840 || The Queen's M Sir A. Alison, 1802-1876 E * *** Mr. Ryo N . % 1806-1867 - - * * * ºll - - -: - V- - x I - 19, ill - I – rº R. We - - - - Abd-el-K a. Pillºl, 1840-1843 SIR ROBERT ..". " . 1840 }º *. . 1867 g" Sue, . § j. º (sc), :::::::::::: FRE ader, 1835-1847 DISRAELI, L.; . 1841-46 Sir E. L. º 1812-1861 Eugène sºme - 7 G. º 1792-1882 FREDERICK WILLIAM IV 8 Opium War in China "..." ; É. Bºoº. º £". de vigny - 1791-1861 º Postage, 1802-1864 O - -------- Iö4O War wi *** - I 39-1842 - - israeli, -- og-1861 º: and M. de Č. -: - 1799-1863 ºn 1 r. LANDSE - - - - 1840 Dscar. King of Sweden, 18 º Mahomed in Aſ- º 1804-1881 3. Gervinus, . uérin, . išć is: k B. C. tº." 1802-1873 1840 ISABELI - -- 44-1859 War i !" 1838-18 §. Trench, 1899-1872 esaré Cantu, - 1805-1871 aulbach (A). . . - - 1796-1875 ISABELLA II. in Spain, 1843-18 F in Scinde, 42 ‘. . . 1807- P Azeglio, 1805- J. B. Buckstone ſº 1805-1874 Charles Albert, S . - 43-1868 §§§ 1843 i. D. Brewster, . I78 ##" Quinet, 18oo-1866 * º (ac), - 1802-1879 , Sardinia, 18 Trial - 1843 araday, 781-1868 | {x : Grimm 1803-1875 | c. ean (ac) 1804-1879 , 1831-1849 || “... of O'Connell Mrs. Sºmerville. . 1791-1867 W. K. G. 1785-1863 Giºli, ºſsi (c.). 1811-1868 1845 PIU's I …' ' 1844 Whewell, e, . 1780-1872 Dahlmann, n, #3 is: Sir Daniel º 1812-1869 º Popº. s 1846 Franklin's | § Murchison, 1794-1866 Richard Röthe, 1785-1860 º ind (…), f), . 1806-1882 Civil War in Swit 4. -1878 Copp S last Voyage, C. Lyell, 1792-1871 |: J. A mpère 1799-1867 Balfe (m), - - - 1820- Cracow seized by º: 1846-1847 Irish #. and BRIGHT flourish 1845 Hugh Miller 1797-1875 Prosper Mérimée 1800-1864 i. (m) - 1808-1870 ...'..." . . ;|..." fºliº.d. - Samuel Brown, 1802-1856 | Saint > § Fºº, 1810-1856 3. 1. §|iºn º § i. He schººl º: "º 1804-186 A w. Pugin ſº § &nd French Repúblic." F. K."...". §ciari own." ...}}|... .” - ISO9 - - 1811–1852 lic ord Palmer ier, 1846-18 º 71 || Louis Blan 1808-18 Si - 52. Louis Na Dllºy - 1848 rston, Foreign S 52 J. P. Nichol 1864- C C, . - 74 || Sir M. Costa - poleon, Presi - - gn Secretary, Šiš wr. A . ISO4- J. BUNSEN 1813-1883 F. R. a (m), - ... at Rome, * 1848 §º Panic, . 1846-1851 | Sir C. W. HAMILTON, º: Lappenberg, iº I. º (ac) ...sº 1845 i. 1In º 1848 : jº. - 1845-1846 1848 º: J. Challis eatstone, . º: "... ." Žiš C. A. º ) 1829- 4. - OSepn, x - º - IS49 altir ºlrS, . - - IS49 A. de Mo. - 1803- º Kanke, 77 - 1861 Maria Alboni dº), . 1822 Battle of NOV 1849- Oregon Dispute - 1847-1848 Ed. F Organ, 18 Döllinger I795- Hol On 1 (zor), - - -1879 ara, Chartist Ri -- 1845- . Forbes, o6-1871 Merl º, , , , , " . I - olman Hunt ( 1824- 18 1849. Sº, 5'., and Nº. *:::: } : \º §§ ** £ºs. !. * ::g,s > ---- - Mitchel - U - Aſl all - I *, ' , , , " , " , . " - "CII (??), - - ISS 5O Coup d’Etat, and Massacr - Sº...!!!...! 1848 A. Cayley, º - 1818- º * F. Helmholtz, º C. W. 6. (A) -- 1814- 2 Gioberti i acre at *: F. of Peel - J. R. Hind º: "... - £ºs N. Liaz (A) - ISI I- rLI I ".C. - - !... - - - - - I - - talembert º -- - ". . . . . . " - . ". ; : (1891-1 § º!..." Bill, § Aºi..." . SS: F. X. º º #. †. lais Cable, 1809 § º: tº " . . ºlº §º º §: ºn º - - 1852-18 urmese War, - 1852 - iñº 1805-186 Henri onscience, 12-1870 Russians cross the Pruth 52-1870 iºd periy Ministry, 1852, º: W. M TH S, . - 1812-18 9| Gabriele j 1812-1883 T. Creswick - Turkish Fleet at S uth, . 1853 out ºn ºl. º: 1852, thrown THE º". 1811 º i. Manin. . 1783-1854 J. I º (f), ISI 1-18 - at Sinope Lord air ºf iºnºi M NTES, - astiat - 1So.1-18 I. E. Nºijer (A. 11-1869 185 Russians re De, . 185 rd Aberdeen, Premi s 3udget. rs. Gaskell 1816-1855 Cl ... " 4-1 S57 Baron lel (f), ISI2 O - - pulsed at Silistri 3 || Lord Pal , Premier, . 18 J. F. Ferri - 18 nevalier I Soi- ISKo J. A. H. Leys - Siege of Sebas ilistria, 1854 Conv almerston, Home Secre 52-55 6. N errer, . 1-1865 Armand Čá, - 1Soo- 50 J. Leech, (et), ys (f), 1815-1869 Death of .." 1854-1855 º," - *"... º - *. º º B º - 1800-1836 # * N. (2), . . º **** * 1855 || Al º 1853-1856 R. H. Hor 3. 1813-1865 * de Kock, - - 1805-1882 F. Li Kegnault, fl., . - 5 ma, Balaclava, Inkermann . º J. º, ...” §..." # * R. wº ſ". º - Sydne I}ol - - - - 1816- loſſ, - ;II- Sir * 771), - - ...'. - - 1824-18 H. V. Regnault - 1826- § § Rennett (m), - ; 1883 Smith, 1830 º: Jules Sandeau - ISIo- E. Rounod (º), . 1816-1875 isé; juics janin, ISI I- . Viollet le Duc (a) ISIS- - - I. F. MIL - 1814- ISO4-1874 || Sir N LET (A), Sir Noel Paton (A) $15.1875 -- IN 2 I- [ 07 explan - | º * y Al als, º 2. Wºº A ºft A. - !/0/? () Co 07/7's ( ºf !C. - 7'º' ºo::1 Moye. TABLE XVI. FROM A.D. 1855 TO 1882. XVI. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY FROM A.D. 1855 TO 1880. By per/ops of ºve years. Scotch jistory. (English Literature. The 2Arts. E. H. Palmer. |/or crºſawation of Colours, Ca/i/a/s, etc., see / cººrſ. Aof...] 1). Morelli (It.); Mesdag (Dutch). A. D. sfortium jistory. (English & joreign Littrature. A.I.) - - - --- A. H. Clough, 1819-1861 - 1855 i. of §. º: LoRD PALM ERsron was Premier, Norman Macleotl, 1812-1872 || Alfred de Musset, 1810-1857 C. F. Daubigny (/), 1817-1878 1855 reaty of Paris, . . . I 55 - 1855-58 and 1859-65 || Sir G. C. Lewis, . 1806-1863 || Littré 1801-1881 W. P. Firth (/), . . 1819- Alexander II., 1855-1881 Annexation of Oude, . 1856 F. . Maurice, 1805-1872 C M. ' ' . 811-1868 || 3: Courbet (/), . 1819-1877 º in Italy, - "...] Persian War, . . 1856-1857 J. Hill Burton, 1809-1881 . Matteucci, . Iº i I-1 T. Faed (?), . 1820- ** "...º.º. º.º. Isº-Mºy, 1857-1858 Dr. J. Brown, 1816-1882 | N. Tommaseo, 1803-1874 J. Sant (?), - 1820- Franco-Italian-Austrian War, 1859 Sir A. Helps 817-18 Ludwig Runebe 804-18 G. F. W. 2. ~ 1 tº ... Massacre of Cawnpore 18 Slr A. Helps, 1817-1875 J. Ludvig Runeberg, 1804-1877 F. Watts (/), 1820- Battles of Magenta and Solferino, 1859 - Dore, 57 C. Kings! 810-18 * I ... ... * . . .1- - ..-1. - - - ". . - -------- : IS Ingsley, . 1819-1875 Dora D'Istria (Helen Ghika), 1819- F. R. Pickersgill (A), 1820- Savoy and Nice to France, and Relief of Lucknow, .. 1857 G. H. Lewes 1817-1878 || Maurus Jókai 1825- E. Fromentin (/) 1820-1875 Lombardy to Sardinia, by Treaty Government of India transferred J. W. Cºlºns, 1814 1883 | Prevost pºol 1820-18 Rosa Bonheur ( |. - 1822 of Villafranca, . . . . . 1859 to Crown, - - . . 1858 J. W.' . Sºx - -- 29-1875 - A), - - '. - S | Chi War. 836-1830 A. P. Stanley, 1815-1881 Erckmann, 1822- M. ForTUNY (/), . . 1838-1874 Assembly of Reichsrath, and Fin- econd Chiness War, 1850-1 John Ruskin 1810- Chatrian 1826- Frederick Walker ( 840-18 ancial Reforms in Austria 1860 | Conspiracy Bill, . . . 1858 || || *** - 9 * - * Walker A), . 1840-1875 ji in Siji gº, Volunteers 1859 R. Browning, . 1812- Spielhagen, 1829- T. Woolner (sc), . 1825- Garibaldi in Sicily, . ISOO -- J. A. Froude, . 1818- THERESA TIETJENs (voc), 1831-1877 A. Layard, . . . 1817- Spectrum Analysis, . . 1860 1860 Emancipation of Russian Serfs, 1861 | Lord Palmerston resigns, 1858; A. W. Kinglake, . §. Fritz Reuter, . 1810-1874 B. Williams Leader (A), 1831- 1860 (in or -- returns, . . . . . . . 1859 | B. Jowett, . -- ISI 7- Paul Feval, 1817- Atlantic Cables, . 1858-1866 *—º-ºº-ºº: "º" sº secretary ſo India, sº wºn'Maston, 1820- Geibel, . . . 1815- R. W. Macbeth (A), 1848- Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, º Commercial Treaty with France, 1860 Matthew Arnold, 1822- W. A. Miller, 1817-1870 J. Tenniel (designer), 1820- Qtho expelled from Greece, 1863 Death of Prince Albert, , . 1861 J. Skelton, La Verrier, 1811- G. E. Street (a), . 1824-1881 GEORGE, King of Greece, . 1893 The Trent Affair, 1861 | Recent Science— Freiligrath, 1810- J. L. Gérôme (A), 1824- {º 111 º: S6 § Alabama sails, 1862 W. M. Rankine, . º Gützkow, . 1811- A. Waterhouse (a), . 1830- Russia advances in Asia, 1864- I Cotton Famine, . 1862-1863 J. P. Joule, 1818- Freytag, . . 1816- Rubinstein (pianist), 1829- French in Mexico, 1864 - - --- - G. G. Stokes, . 1819- B. Auerbach, . - 1812- Berlioz (m), . . 1803-1869 Schleswig-Holstein War, . 1864 Ionian Islands surrendered, 1864 J. Tyndall, . . 1820- Iva N. S. TURGENIEFF, 1818-1883 Josef Israels (2), . 1824- Bismarck TT.T.T. SI ) Russell, Premier, 1865-1866 || Sir Wm. Thomson, . 1824. E. Réman, . . . . 1823- H. S. Marks (£), 1829- ************* (1814- Rebellion in Jamaica, . 1865 T. H. Huxley, 1825- Max Müller, 1823- Sir F. Leighton (A), 1830- Sir W. Grove, 1811- G. Doré (A), -- 1832-1883 Seven Weeks’ War, . 1866 Sir J. Hooker, 1817- E. Burne Jones(?). - 1S65 ...” isog Impeachment of Governor Eyre. Wm. K. Clifford, . 1845-1881 H. Taine, . 1828- P. H. tº, 1833- 1865 attle of Sadowa, - Gladstone's Reform Bill fails, 1866 HENRY SMITH — - 1883 E - 82d- Vicat Cole ( . . 1833- North German Confederation, 1866 - - 3. 3 . Augier, . IS2O - Me (A), 33 Venice falls to Italy sº, É. . . . *::::: *ºn. 1815-1882 9 Feuillet, 1812- º º, º: - 3. * - ... l I C) - - - - D- - - A. Urcharolson I?, ? -- Luxemburg Question, . 1867 º: C. Reade, . . . 1814- Henri Murger, 1822-1860 || Alma-Tadema (A) '. º: Maximilian shot in Mexico, 1867 E.; *... Bill, . § W. Collins, 1824- E. Feydeau, 1821-1873 H. Tissot (A and º). J Francis Joseph crowned at Pesth, 1867 Åby iian Expedition 1867 isºs GEORGE ELIOT (née Marian Dumas (fils), - 1824- E. J. Poynter (A), 1836- Isabella II, deposed, . . . 1868 Gladstone, Premier, > 1868-1874 º, º P. Heyse, , , , ......" 1830- G. Herkºmer (A). Suez Canal completed, . 1869 || Lowe, Chancellor of Exchequer. M is ºntºn, I N22- T HEOPHILE GAUTIER, 181 º: A. W. Bougereau (A). Vatican Council, - 1870 | Disestablishment of Irish Church, 1869 Mrs. Oliphan; 1818- Baudelaire, - 1821-1866 J. Pettie (A). . . 1839- The Cortes. Prim and Serrano. **************************** 8 George Meredith,; 1828- E. Zola. - Cecil Lawson (£), 1851-1882 FRANco-Prussian war, 1870-1871 || Home Rule League, 1870 Louise de la Ramée (Ouida). Leconte de Lisle, 1826- M. Stone (A), . 1840- - I RASCO-li ***-*. - 7 7 G. Macdonald, . 1820- Jules Dupré (A). - "… - - - - William Black, 1841- - 1870 ..". º gº. §. ſºlº [. ‘. 1870 J. G. Forster, 1812-1876 Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1881 B. Riviere (A), . 1840- 1S7 O 3rd Fench Republic, -> 18% Fºglish ºil- 1870 II. T. Buckle, 1822-1862 Laboulaye, 1811-1883 || M. Munkacsy (AE) 1844- - - University Tests abolished 1871 || Sir H. J., Maimº, 1822- Castelar, 1832- F. Holl (A), . . 1845- WILLIAM. I. Emperor. Paris º Army ºchase aij y § Francis P. Cobbe, 1822- | Mommsen, 1817- E. Crofts (A), 1847- - 187 I *"º “". > Wm. Stubbs, . 1825- H. von Sybel, 1817- I. Brett (?). Roxſe the capital of Italy 1871 | Sºpºćkº, Will, 1871 E. A. F.am 1823- Curtius 1814- W. W. Öuless (A) 1848 ..., D.- ... > - - - - *** * * * - - ---- . . . IS45- Commune in Paris, . - - 1871 Lord Mayo assassinated, 1872 | Coventry Patmore, . 1823- intmann, -- 1821-1872 Elizabeth Butler [Thompson] (A). !. ..". t §§ 3| The Ballot passed, . . 1872 º º I º Edmond Schérer, 1815- J. Joachim (ziolinist), 1831- MacMahon, President, 1873-1879 I) is RAELI, Premier, 1874-1880 Goldwin Smith, . Iö23- Pasquale Villari. Brahms (m), 1833- º: Sea Conference, . ... 371 | Ashantee War, 1873-1874 Rºn Poet. Zeller. A. Sullivan (m), . is. King Amadeo, 1871-1873 || Hartington, Liberal Leader, 1875 Christina Rossetti, 1830- Schwegler. J. E. Boehm (sc), . 1834- Spanish Republic, 1873-1874 Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, . 1876 º º * . §: 86 Björnstein Björnson, 1832- Christina Nilsson (ºcc), 1843- - delaide Proctor, . 1835-1864 Alſonso XII. of Spain 1874- Queen, Empr f Indi Edwin Arnold, 1832- - - - ******** * * * * * * * * ***** - press of India, . 1877 --- -X- - Adelina Patti (voc), , , 1843- - 1875 Carlist Rebellion, 1872-1876 | Fleet to Constantino, le and Indian I)avid º: 1838-1861 Emmanuel Deutsch. i. M. º j 1S75 Russo-Turkish W. 1877-1878 troops to Malta 878 Wm. Morris, . 1834- Alphonse Daudet. -- oš Susso- lººkish \\ a, , . 77: 7 *P.. "... IS7 A. C. Swinburne, 1837- Emile Montagut, 1826- Etchers of the Modern School — Siege of Plevna, June to ec., 1878 City of Glasgow Bank, . 1878 T --- 1838- 1882| Vi ien Sard S3 P. G. Hamerton. C. P. and A Treaty of San Stephano 1878 || Zulu War - - - . . 1879 James Thomson; ... . . jo- |ctorien Sardou, 1831- Sl be. Whistl F. Sey - Bºi. Congress and Treat §§ Arjan W. 878-188 Recent Critics, Historians, and H. von Treitschke, . 1834- O'Conn De. ster. F. Seymour ieſin ºgº" "eaty. 1.7 gº ar, . IS7 S-ISSO Metaphysicians– Karl Blind 1826- Haden. Paul Rajon. A. le Gros, Grévy, President, 1879-1881 Irish Land League formed 1879 w. E. H. Lecky, s, L. Gardiner. R. M. Recent Painters—W. B. Scott, R. Leo XIII., 1878- GLADSTONE, Premier, . 188o- * ''''''''") . . . . - - ------ F. Poole, George M r - Withdrawal from Afghanis 88 J. R. Seeley. J. R. Green. Lassalle. . ole, George, Mason, W. B. Gambetta, Prime Minister, 1881-1882 | \"\"." "...º.º. ºº fleslie Stephen. john Morley. Edmond About, . IS-S- Richmond, S. A. Hart (English); 1)ulcigno to Montenegro. Thessaly Irish Outages ºn! Land Bill, T. H. Green. E. Caird. G. Droz. B. Lepage, A. Cabanel, Robert- to Greece, . . . . . . 1880 Murder ºf Lord F. Cavendish an. H. Sidgwick, J. Caird. Haeckel. Fleury (French); Hans Makärt Assassination of Alexander II., 1881 p.'...} crimes Bill." §: W. H. Pater. J. A. Symonds. Henrik Ibsen, 1828- (Aust.); R. Madrazzo, (Span.); Arabi Pasha's rebellion. 1882-1883 - * --~)- TABLE XVII. AMERICAN HISTORY, ETC. (I.) FROM DISCOVERY TO A.D. 17Oo. (II.) FROM A.D. I'70O TO 18OO. § I.—FROM DISCOVERY TO 1700. * Alleged Norse discovery of America (Biarre Heriselſson), . . . . . . . . . . .986 , , visit of Bishop Eric, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IOI ,, voyage of Icelandic Priests to Vinland (Massachusetts), . . . . . . . . 1285 Sir William Berkeley in Virginia, . . ió66| Peter Folger, . . . . . ſ. 1635-1690 Bacon’s Rebellion, . . . . . . . I660 . NORTH CAROLINA settled, . . . . I663 Benjamin Thompson. “New England's Crisis.” English occupy NEWJERSEY, and take New Amsterdam from Dutch calling it NEW YORK, . . . . . . . I664 SOUTH CAROLINA settled, . . . . I669 Mississippi explored by La Salle and - . Marquette, . . . . º Cotton Mather, . . . . . I663-1728 King Philip's War, . . . . . . . I675 | xxºn: sº . William Penn in America, 163; William Byrd, ; : . . . . . I674-1744 PENNSYLVANIA settled, . . . . . 1682 | First Press in Virginia, . . . . . I681 TELAware settled, . . . . . . .1682 | First Newspaper in New England, . 1690 tº-E-L- ºf Michael Wigglesworth’s “Day of Doom,” - I662 & } “The Burwell Papers.” . . . . . 1676 Urian Oakes, . . . . . . I631-1681 A Royal College in Virginia, . . . I688 Massacre of Witches at Salem, . . . I692 Increase Mather, . . . . . I639-1723 , , voyage from Greenland to Markland (Nova Scotia), . . . . . . . . . 1347 ,, . Voyage of Nicolo Zeno, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I g80 Columbus at San Salvador (Bahamas), . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. I2, I492 | John Cabot reaches Newfoundland (Prima Vista), . . . . . . . . . . . . I497 Sebastian Cabot discovers Florida, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I498 Hojeda and Amerigo Vespucci explore East Coast, . . . . . . . . . . 1498-1504 Hayti conquered by Spain, . . . . . . . . . I495-I508 Cabral in Brazil. W. Pinson on the Amazon, • * * * * * * s , e. I5OO Las Casas in Hispaniola, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5O2-1516 Ponce de Leon in Florida, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I512 The Pacific first seen (Vasco Nuñez de Bilbao), . . . . . . . . . Sept. 23, 1513 Hernando Cortez at Vera Cruz, 1519; conquers Mexico, . . . . . . . . I 52 I Francisco Pizarro conquers Peru, I532-33; rules, I533-36. Almagro, . . . . I536-38 Brazil to Portugal, I 530, to Spain, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I58o | Cartier on the St. Laurence, tº e g º ſº & . I 534 Conquest of Chili. De Soto in Louisiana, . . . . . . . . I54I-I546 French in Florida. Slave trade begun in the Indies, . . . . . . . . . . . 1562 Sir H. Gilbert in Newſoundland, . . - I583 A. D §istory. †iterature aul) 3Att. A. D 16OO VIRGINIA settled. Jamestown, . . 16O tº-º-º-ºxº-a-º-º-º: I6O7 I.-COLONIAL PERIOD French at Quebec (Champlain). I608 tº A N. I. V.J H J a Pocahontas first native convert, . . . . I613 * : ; l. 2.- : « T. º Dutch on the Hudson. (Manhattan.) 1614 cº J. Smith s “True Relation of 608 Cape Horn rounded by Schouten, . I6I6 wºe, X “w aſ k te f Si - T Gat ...” º The Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, . 1620 ( Ki: º S * º: #. T s \-J & º, IO Twenty negroes imported to Virginia, . I62O Alleged Source o e Tempest”). Sir Wm. Alexander in Nova Scotia, i. 1622 ºr "l- > --4---- Great native rising, . . . . . . I622 The Plymouth Charter, . . . . . I615 ſº it:º in Delaware, : Bradford’s “History of Plymouth Plantation.” ſºmºkº-º-º-º-º: Ecº, 3 * * * * * Sandy’s Translation of Ovid’s Meta- NEW HAMPSHIRE settled, . . . . 1629 morphoses,” . . . . . . . c. 162O Emigrants from Charleston to Boston, 1630 Yaghan's 6 & Golden Fleece.” } > New England (generally) colonized, 1630-1640 | New England's Annoyances,”. . . 1639 Winthrop, Standish, and Endicott in Mass. HARVARD UNIVERSITY founded, . . 1636 Dutch at Pernambuco, . . . , 1630-1661 ºf Press in New England; …, ... 1639 Paul le Jeune and Jesuits in Canada, 1632-34 The Freeman's Oath,” first printed matter. Lord Baltimore in MARYLAND, . . 1633 | The Bay Psalm Book: . . . . . . I640 Jº-Eº: Ex-Eº-º-º-Eº Ebenezer Cook (satirist), * tº gº CoNNECTICUT settled, . . . . . IG35 Capt. J. Mason, . c. 16OO-I672 RHODE ISLAND settled, . . . . . I636 #º J. Åsa. • * , g The Pequot War, . . . . . . . . 1637 ohn Josselyn (naturalist), 2. Huron . Iroquois Wars, . . . I640-42 ROGER WILLIAMS, “Bloody T. ºpics: FIRST UNITED COLONIES. Federation Fer ion'ſ º y Tenet Q, of Massachusetts and Connecticut, . I643 | ersecution ºi. º º 23 I644 Indian Massacre of Dutch at Long Island, I643 }} º s i. ody. d elnet Wºº. 1647 Cavalier immigrants to Virginia. †. Ward, Shepard, and other Puritan Eliot among the Indians, . . . . . I646 wines. 163O | Quakers and Baptists persecuted in New Mrs. Anne Bradstreet, . . . 1613-1672 | 16.5C) England, . . . e I65I-1661 - f * ORY, LITERATURE, AND ART. II. THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. A. D #jižtorp. £iterature and 3rt. A.D 7OO | The Darien Scheme, . . . . I699 || Yale College, Connecticut, founded 17oo 17OO Jesuits rule in Paraguay, . 1608-1768 French in Nova Scotia (Acadia), 17 IO || “Magnalia Christi,” . 1702 French at Rio Janeiro, . . . I7 Io - Nova Scotia reverts to England, I7I3 JONATHAN EDWARDS, 1703-1758 Right to Import Slaves assumed by England, . . . . . . . . . I713 GEORGIA colonized, . . I732 II.--THE REVOLUTION PERIOD. Southern States make it penal to teach Slaves, . . . . . . . . . . . 1740 || BENJAMIN FRANKLIN; . 17O6-1790 English Act to encourage Slave Trade, 1749 || Mather Byles, . . . . . . . I7O6-1788 Braddock's War, . . . . . . . . I755 J. and C. Wesley in America, 1736-1738 Fort de Quesne becomes Pittsburg, 1758 Whitfield 2 3 2 3 . 1738-1740 Wolfe at Quebec. Canada finally Princeton College, New Jersey, founded 1746 conquered by the English, . . . I759 Wm. Livingston, º I723-1790 75Q | Louisiana and Florida ceded, I763 John Woolman, . . . . . 1720-1772 175C) | THE STAMP ACT, . . . . . . . I765 University of Pennsylvania, . I75I Franklin sent to England. Act repealed, 1766 Columbia College (New York), . I754 Townshend’s Taxes, . . . . I767 | Samuel Adams, . . . . . . I722-1803 The Boston massacre, . . . . . I77O || James Otis (orator), . . . I725-1783 Tea thrown into Boston Harbour, . I773 || William Bartram (meaturalist), I739-1823 DECLARATION OF RIGHTS, . . . . I774 || Patrick Henry, . . . . . . I736-1799 First Congress at Philadelphia. George Brown University (Rhode Island), . . 1764 Washington, Commander in Chief, 1774 John Trumbull, . . . . . I756-1843 THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, . I774-1783 Joel Barlow, . . . . . . . I755-1812 Battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill, 1775 Mercy Warren, . . . . . . . I725-1814 Virginia Convention, I775 Hugh Henry(Judge) Brackenbridge, 1748-1816 1775 Howe evacuates Boston, . . . 1776 “Yankee Doodle * adopted. 1775 Second Congress at Philadelphia 177 * -- - - ~) - j OF ºnce *| Philip Freneau, . I752-1832 4th July, . . . . . . . . . I776 Phillis Wheatley, . c. 1754-1784 Franklin, Ambassador to France, . 1776 Battle of Brandywine. Howe takes Timothy Dwight, . I752-1817 Philadelphia, . . . . . . . I 777 Burgoyne Surrenders to Gates at Saratoga, I777 | Noah Webster, . I758-1843 Treason of Arnold and Execution of Major André, I78O | Noah Worcester, 1758-1837 r-7 Articles of CONFEDERATION, 1777-1781 - 178C) Revolt in Peru, . . . . . . . I786 hº * - 37 1757; 178C) Cornwallis surrenders to Washington at {. i. s'. Nºtes ºn Xirginiº" i. 7:2 Yorktown, . . . . . . 1781 alleStoll University (South Carolina), 1786 INDEPENDENCE OF STATES RECOGNISED, I783 # S. sº (£ainter), . . . # Hudson's Bay Company, . I784 jº Mºš, ; , . . . . 1758-1808 New Brunswick, e - . . . . I785 r1estley in America, .. I794-1804 | Jefferson at Paris, . . . . 1785-17S3 | Thomas Paine in America, I775-ISO9 Commissioners of Maryland and Virginia, I785 || BENJAMIN WEST (£ainter), . I738-1820 ºn MP, Z85-1787| Orators in Debates, 1788-1811. william Threatened rupture with France. En- Pinknev 64-1822) iah *** counter of Frigates, . . . . . I789 inkney (17 4.22). J osia Quincey * . . - > - -> is jºy (1771-1864). William Wirt (1772-1834). Constitution accepted by North Carolina 1789, hn Randolph J by Rhode Island and all the States, 1790 John Randolph. - G. VVASHINGTON, (1732-1799) Count Rumford (Benjamin Thompson), 179C) 179C). Self-Government and Two Provinces VERMont, 1791. º | Washington’s Farewell Address, I789-1797 Sec. J. President, . . . . . . [J. Adams, Vice. A. Hamilton, Marshall, Chief Justice]. National Bank instituted, I79 I in Canada, . . . . . . I79 I KENTUCKY, 1792. TENNESSEE, 1796. I796 Trinidad to England, . . . . . . I797 J. ADAMS, Pres. (1735-1826), . 1797-18OI Death of Washington, • . . I799 I753-1814 Lindley Murray, I745-1826 JOHN JAY (lawyer), I745-1829 Chief Justice Kent, 1763-1847 C. BROCKDEN BROWN, . ... I'77 I-18 Io Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin, I793 William Ware, . I764-1852 Alexander Wilson (naturalist), . 1766-1813 TABLE XVIII. AMERICAN HISTORY, ETC.—Continued. (III.) FROM A.D. 18OO TO 1850. (iv.) FROM A.D. 1850 To 1880. XVIII-TABLES OF AMERICAN HISTC) III.-NINETEENTH CENTURY. FIRST PIA LA. IN DECADESI A. D. jig;torp. £iterature amb 3 ti. A. D. 18OO ºffenson, Pres. (1743-1826), sº Bowdoin University (Maine), . I 8oo 18OCl iºn-º-º- ºr Fºr Í Fulton's Steam Vessel on the Hudson, 1807 - Louisiana purchased from France, . I8o3 Washington Allston (painter), 1779-1843 ; º . I sº JAMES AUDUBON (naturalist), , 1780-185 I Discussi enºuela: ,, ... e JOSEPH STORY (jurist), . I779-1845 iscussion on Orders in Council and Right Timothy Flint I78o-I840 of Search, . . . . . 1807-1810 R º Owen ū (socialis) ji 1% - ; Leopard and Chesapeake, 1807 º Cal 20/2 77 I-I858. I 8. Slave Trade prohibited by Congress, . 1808 3. º; tº tº e tº C. 3 181C) J. MADISON, Pres., 1809-1817 | H. WHEATON (yurist), 1785-1848 1810 War with England, I812-1814 || WASHINGTON IRVING, I783-1859 || - LOUISIANA, º ºg . . I812 | FENIMORE COOPER, . I789-1851 | - Decatur’s Victory, . . . . . 1812 || R. H. Wilde, I789-1847 Hull Surrenders at Fort 1)etroit, 1812 G. C. Verplanck, . . . . . 1786-1870 Washington taken, . . . 1814 | F. Scott Key, “Star-Spangled Banner,” 1814 Jackson at New Orleans, 1814-1815 Stars and Stripes adopted, , ISIS Debates on Tariff and Bank, I815-1816 Mrs. Brooks (Maria del Occidente), c. 1795-1845 Dr. Francia in Paraguay, ISI4-1840 || B. Silliman (chemist), I779-1864 Argentine Confederation, 1816 | HENRY CLAY, 1777-1852 Chili independent, . . . . . I818 JOHN C. CALHOUN, . 1782-1850 % (orators). Seminole (Indian) War in Florida, 1818 DANIEL WEBSTER, 1782-1852 MON ROE, Pres., . . . I817-1825 || W. E. CHANNING, . . . . 1780-1842 INDIANA, I816; MISSISSIPPI, ISI 7; ILLINOIS, Andrews Norton, 1786-1852 I818; ALABAMA, 1819. J. Gates Percival, . I795-1856 182O | Spain cedes Florida, 1820 J. Rodman Drake, I795-182O 182O Clay's Missouri compromise, . I82O Fº Halleck, . I795– 8 MAINE, I82O ; MISSOURI, tº g 182 I J. i. Paulding, * Hºº &. lºº Mexico independent (Santa Anna), I82I J. Howard Payne, “Home Sweet Home, 8 Brazil independent (Dom Pedro I.), I822 W. C. BRYANT ...; * Mormonism begins with Joseph Smith, 1823 Ri hard †: ; ::. The Panama Commission and Greek Debates. | ******, * : I787-1879 Visit of La Fayette, tº 1824-1825 E.". :::::::::: Peru independent. Bolivia under Bolivar, 1825 º war d '. - º: J. QUINCEY ADAMS, Pres., 1825-1829 ë. i. º ::::::::: Deaths of J. Adams and T. Jefferson, July 4th, A ‘. A. t º, ; I826 º º 3 gº º & * sº .. * & - Tariff and Anti-Slavery Debates, 1826-1828 ||º. ####" sensiº) %. ; sº ANDREW JACKSON, Pres., . 1829-1837 .. _*P* * 5 - 1889 speeches of Webster and Hayne, jan. 18% The Liberator 'begun, . . 1831 | 183O Federal employés and judges dismissed, 1832 Holºce Maºn . . . . I796-1859 S. Carolina and Nullification, 1833 | N. Bowditch, I793-1838 Santa Anna, Mexican President, 1833 || C. Sedgwick, © 1789-1867 Clay's Tariff compromise, . . . . 1834 H. R. Schºolcraft, I793-1864 W. L. GARRISON and Anti-Slavery. Jared Sparks, I794-1866 Texas separates from Mexico, . . 1836 J. P. Kennedy, I795- M. VAN BUREN, Pres., . 1837-1841 || George Bush, I796- ARKANSAS, 1836, and MICHIGAN, 1837 D. C. Hodge, I797- Lovejoy murdered at Alton, . 1837 G. Bancroft, 1800-, . Papineau rebellion, 1837-1838 EDGAR.A. PoE, . . . . I8II-1849 || - Lord Durham in Canada, . . . . ." 1838 |9. H. Maº: , . . . . . . . .91. Currency question; State Bank bursts, 1839 G. Riplº.º. of Brook Farm), ºoz- Union of the Canadas, I84o R. W. EMERSON, tº gº tº 1803-1882 1840 W. H. HARRISON, Pres., . 1841 | N. HAWTHORNE, . 1804-1864 |.184 O J. TYLER, Pres., . . . . 1841-1845 H. W. LONGFELLOW, 1807-1882 |. Bank Charter veto. Ashburton Treaty, 1842 | Horatio Greenough (sculptor), 1805-1852 Oregon question, is º º I844-1846 || R. Hildreth, . & tº 1807-1865 Joseph and Hiram Smith, shot at Nauvoo, are | T. D. Woolsey, . 18OI- succeeded by Brigham Young, 1844 || L. G. R. AGASSIZ, 1807-1873 J. K. POLK, Pres., tº 1845-1849 || “THE DIAL,” . . . . 1841-1845 Mexican War, TEXAS annexed, 1846-1848 || Hiram Powers, (sculptor), 1805-1873 Battle of Monterey, . . . . . .1846 J. G. Whittier, . § 1807- Gold discovered in California, . I847 Jacob Abbott, 18o3- Salt Lake City occupied by Mormons, 1847 Horace Bushnell, I804- FLORIDA, 1845; low A, 1846; Wisconsin, C. F. Hoffmann, . I806-1849 1848; CALIFORN1A, 1850. W. G. Simms, . I807- Z. TAYLOR, Pres., e 1849 G. S. Hillard, I808- |. |LITERATURE, AND ART.—CONTINUED. V. NINETEENTH CENTURY. S.ECOWD HALF JAV DECADES. 187C) tion rampant. Panama Canal controversy. Indian and Mormon troubles. Census of 1880 = 50 Million. - J. GARFIELD, Pres., 1880-1881 Assassinated, . . . . . Sept. 1, 1881 Attempted Civil Service Reform, 1882-1883 Jones Very. Edgar Fawcett. Julian Hawthorne. W. D. Howells. Henry James. G. W. Cable. John Burroughs. Eugene Schuyler. R. G. White. C. D. Warner. E. C. Stedman. Coit Tyler. #jigtorp. £iterature and 2Art. A. D. M. FILLMORE, Pres, . 1850-1853 O. W. Holmes, .. 1809- 185C) 5 tº * g º a Margaret Fuller Ossoli, 1810-1850 Clay's Compromise of Free California and jº. 1810-1860 Fugitive Slave Law. Supported by Wendell Phillips 3. 181 I- Webster and carried, . . . I851 CHARLES Šumisºr, 1811-1874 Liberia Scheme discussed. H. B. Stowe, 1812- Kossuth's Orations, . . . . . . . . . 1852 Sylvester Judd, 1813-1853 Bulwer-Clayton Treaty (Fisheries), 1852 | Elihu Burritt, I8II- F. PIERCE, Pres., . º 1853-1857 | F. Bowen, I8II- Missouri compromise abrogated, 1854 Dr. Child. Lord Elgin in Canada, 1846-1854 | Prof. Goodwin. Juarez, President in Mexico, H: 3. Prof. C. Felton, 1807-1862 Assault on Sumner in the Senate House, I85 J. L. MOTLEY 1814-18 Fremont defeated by Buchanan, º: : C S. Cushman'a,tor) º I #. % Dred Scott Case, . . . . . I85 * * * * 5 Filibustering in Cuba, . . . . 1856 W. W. Story (sculptor), 1819- Ransas and Nebraska raids, . ; F. E. CHURCH (painter), I826- MINNESOTA, ... . . . . Iö57 r- "...a #24- {*2 × - J. BUCHANAN, Pres., . 1857-1861 BIERSTADT (painter), . I828 John Brown at Harper's Ferry, . I859 || HARRIET G. HoSMER (sculptor), I830- OREGON, . tº e º - - e 1859 Mrs. Sigourney. 1791-1865 A. LINCOLN (1809-1865), Pres., . 1861-1865 | Lydia M. Child. I802- KANSAS a Free State, . . . . I86 I & O CIVIL WAR. NoNTH : 23 States and 22 Delia Bacon. 86 186 Million. South : II States and 9 Million. | HENRY D. THOREAU, 1817-1861 M“Clellan at Yorktown, . . . . . º: N. P. Willis, 1817-1867 Morell Tariff, tº e - tº * * I86 I + t . I81 3- Fort Sumpter taken. Bull's Run. . I86 I 5 § #.j. b.182 5. (Emperor) I8#. Antietam, Farragut at New Orleans, 1862 | E. E. whippie, - ºn, 819- Vicksburg taken, (4th July), 1863 Charles Browne, (Artemus Ward), 1834-1867 Chancellorsville (Lee and Jackson), 1863 J. W. Draper . . . I8II- Gettisburg (Meade), . . . . . . I864 john Fiske 2 Sheridan in the Shenandoah. Grant G. W. Curtis I824- before Petersburg, . 1864 i. G. H ollan ă. | NEVADA, . . . . . . . . . . . . ; I864 Walt Whitman, I819– Sherman at Savannah. Richmond taken. Mrs. Whitman. SLAVERY ABOLISHED, . . . . . 1865 Chas. G. Leland (Hans Breitmann)A, 1824- Jeff. Davis apprehended. Lincoln Hermann Melville, . . . . I819- assassinated, e - April, 1865 J. W. Howe 1819- A. JoHNSON, Pres., * 1865-1869 james R. Lowell, 0. - 1819- Philadelphia Convention, . . I866 H. D. Leslie (musician), . 1822- Maximilian shot in Mexico, . 1897| Theodore Winthrop y I828-1861 NEBRASKA, . . . . . . . . 1867 r - 3 825-1878 War between Brazil and Paraguay, I868 **ś. :::::: / Impeachment of President, . . . . 1868 J F. Kirke. ' General amnesty. R. Johnson in England | \r. º * succeeded by J. L. Motley. Moncure D. Conway. U. GRANT, Pres., . 1869-1877 | p - , ºr, A Pacific Railway, . . . . . . ~. 1869 E. Loomis (physicist). 1837 O The Constitutional Amendment, 1870 Elihu Vedder (painter), Red River Rebellion, . * * 1871 rº 1 1 - * *y Fish and Lord Clarendon on ALABAMA | William M. Hunt (£ainter), I824-1879. Claims, 1869. Referred by Treaty of Wash- Cl Mark Twain), . I825- ington, I870, to Arbitration. Settled at emens (Mark Twain) º Geneva, 1872, against England. Bret Harte, . I839- First Coloured Senator, . . . . . 1870 in Mill I84 I- Right of Blacks to hold office recognised, 1872 J ongun | ſ Čſ, . 4 Commercial Panic. Fisk killed. Erie Ring. | T. B. Aldrich, 1836- - 1872 ar. - gºº. tº is e tº s 8. ; Mrs. Burnett, I849 R. W. HAYES, Pres., I877-1880 J Avral: -itics— War between Chili and Peru, . 1878-1883 º jº, Bland Silver Bill vetoed, . e . 1878 -: e -> º Commercial Frauds in New York. Corrup- J. Parsons Lathrop. E. Eggleston. \, © Q wº °s º • * • © º © & **- : : © & Q © • *e" s tº |GAN OF MICH RSITY UNIVE | 6162 | | | | • 4 : : : * * · * * * . . . t * * * * * : : :·-|-·-··-~~~ -… - * * · * * · §ſ.~ ·· ·-*******\!!!!!!!!!!!!--***************-§. **...*… *ſ*…*s*…; ºrºsºſ-·• :~“ .~·~' , ' ' .·-::----·•-; : ! ! !-| . (..? ;) :) -ſa:ſae:¿ſ.º.º. º. º., º , :::·~--•→~, ':ſºrgºſ; aesgº&#####&###:::::::::::}; º • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •=… • • • • •:· · * * g * * * · · · · · · · · · · · ș*• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •*************** • •، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ،:: : -::ſºgº , • • • • • • •«. * *(--~~~~º ~º ~º ~º ~º … • • • * ×] ae ∞ Œ ſ. ! º. ∞ €. Ë Å © §. [2 į . . ſ ſ.º.º.º.)∞ -·-... .”, , ) } ſae* ·,≤ ≤:-- :į, sae, sz::!!!!!!?::::::::::::; ; ; ;º) !!!); :::::::::::::::.jp--- ·-·* 3 : Ğ ğ , ? .-£{\\{'}\,\!;