B UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03134 6441 889,028 ་ 1 AS A 47 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation, No. 1, for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in a Portion of the San Diego Defense-Rental Area' In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within that portion of the San Diego Defense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Judicial Townships of Encinitas, National and San Diego, in their entireties, and that part of the Judicial Township of El Cajon lying west of the Cleveland National Forest, all in the County of San Diego, in the State of Cali- fornia), have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regu- lation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommendations set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. It is the judgment of the Administrator that by April 1, 1941 defense activities already had resulted in increases in rents for hous- ing accommodations within the said portion of the San Diego Defense- Rental Area inconsistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. The Administrator has therefore ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing ac- commodations within the said portion of the San Diego Defense- Rental Area on or about January 1, 1941; and it is his judgment that the most recent date which does not reflect increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the purposes of the Act. is on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 for housing accom- modations within the said portion of the San Diego Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the pur- poses of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.— (a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 1 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of all housing accommodations within that portion of the San Diego De- 1 Published in the Federal Register as Title 82, Chapter XI, Part 1388, Secs. 1388.11 to 1388.24, inclusive. 465780°-42 1 2 į A -ARAL } 2 fense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declara- tion issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Judicial Townships of Encinitas, National, and San Diego, in their entireties, and that part of the Judicial Township of El Cajon lying west of the Cleveland National Forest, all in the County of San Diego, in the State of California-hereinafter referred to in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 as the "Defense-Rental Area"), except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 does not apply to the following: (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, man- agers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of render- ing services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; : (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any provi- sion of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher Than Maximum Rents.- Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of any hous- ing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.—The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall 3 either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on January 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. (b) For housing accommodations not rented on January 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on January 1, 1941 nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after January 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942 every landlord of housing accom- modations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form pro- vided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after January 1, 1941 and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stat- ing the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any } : * 1 give you a l 4 time between November 1, 1940 and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Admin- istrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administra- tor finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since January 1, 1941. If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent therefor shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the land- lord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of California or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Ad- ministrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations.-In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on January 1, 1941 the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since January 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were 4. 5 # generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations during the year ending on January 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942 a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance. (2) There was, prior to January 1, 1941 and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement and maintenance, and the rent on January 1, 1911 was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- ture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on January 1, 1941 a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said. lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- istrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting approval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a 7 * 6 petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the mini- mum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maximum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on ap- plication of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing ac- commodations on January 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accommodations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing ac- commodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the De- fense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on Jan- uary 1, 1941. į ! 7 (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the landlord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition. the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 to sell his under- lying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such petition if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or evasion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.-(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from posssession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, unless: (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 1; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommoda- tions is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or 8 1 : failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nuisance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agree- ment with the tenant; or (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot prac- ticably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for him- self, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing ac- commodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permission of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Administrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six-month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Administra- tor certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accordance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accom- 1 9 ** modations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and condi- tions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration.-On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall ob- tain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such statement. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the land- lord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall obtain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration state- ment has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- F + 10 : ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. SECTION 9. Evasion.-The maximum rents and other requirements provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of absolute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions and suits for treble damages as provided for by the Act. SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maxi- mum Rent Regulation No. 1 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. ! SECTION 13. Definitions.—(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the San Diego Defense-Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Director in the San Diego Defense-Rental Area, (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or 11 ¿ legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the fore- going. (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, structure, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities, and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, elevator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laun- dry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor serv- ice, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility con- nected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accommodations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate. family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar nature. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall ap- ply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.-This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 1 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. 1 Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed.... Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement.. Seasonal rents.. INDEX Seasonal rents. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent.. Amendment, Petition for... Definitions___ Special relationship between landlord and tenant.. Increase in services, furniture, furnishings or equipment_-- Written lease: In force January 1, 1941. With varying rent.. Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations___. Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment. Deterioration…. Documents, Filing of G Evasion of Regulation………. Evictions: Demolition or alteration of premises... Desire not to offer accommodations for rent___ Failure to pay rent... Immoral or illegal purpose.. Inspection or showing of premises by landlord... Local law--- Nuisance Renewal of lease... Sale_____ Subtenants.. Use and occupancy by landlord.. Violation of obligation of tenancy. Facts in doubt or dispute, Determination of.. Inspection by Administrator.. Leases, Effect of Regulation on………. Leases, underlying: Maximum rent at termination of…. Sale of.... (12) · } 0 · 1 Page 4 5 LO 5 LO LO 5 5 10 10 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 10 ∞ ∞ F 8 8 7 8 7 9 8 7 8 8,9 8 7-8 6 10 2 7 7 13 ! Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished. Government-owned housing-- Housing rented on January 1, 1941. Housing rented between November 1, 1940, and January 1, 1941. Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942... Housing not rented between November 1, 1940, and June 1, 1942. Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units. Major capital improvement____ Newly constructed housing……. Priority rating, Housing constructed with___. Penalties_ Prohibitions__ Scope of Regulation... Tenant farmers_ Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees._. Hotels and rooming houses.. Services, Minimum…. ! Page 3 4 3 3 3 3-4 3 3 3 4 10 2 1-2 2 2 2 2-3, 5-6 1 • U. 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 1. ! .i .: 1 * .. ነ 1 } 述 ​! & ち ​: : *". :...? Y • i . 年​越 ​: 美好 ​ į I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY JAN 7 1974 JAN 7 1973 1973 & DATE DUE 1 E : HD 72.73 AS ··6:" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in a Portion of the Waterbury Defense-Rental Area¹ 1 In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within that portion of the Waterbury Defense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Towns of Plymouth, Thomaston, and Watertown, in the County of Litchfield; and the Towns of Beacon Falls, Cheshire, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Prospect, Waterbury, and Wolcott, in the County of New Haven, all in the State of Connecticut), have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommenda- tions set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. The Administrator has ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the said por- tion of the Waterbury Defense-Rental Area on or about April 1, 1941. It is his judgment that defense activities had not resulted in increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the pur- poses of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 prior to April 1, 1941, but did result in such increases commencing on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 for housing accom- modations within the said portion of the Waterbury Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.-(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 2 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of all hous- ing accommodations within that portion of the Waterbury Defense- Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration is- sued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Towns of Plymouth, Thomaston, and Watertown, in the County of Litch- - ¹ Published in the Federal Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, Part 1388, sections 1388.61 / to 1388.74, inclusive. 465778°—42 1 i 2 S ; field; and the Towns of Beacon Falls, Cheshire, Middlebury, Nauga- tuck, Prospect, Waterbury, and Wolcott, in the County of New Haven, all in the State of Connecticut-hereinafter referred to in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 as the "Defense-Rental Area"), except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 does not apply to the following: (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, managers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of rendering services in connection with the premises of which the dwell- ing space is a part; (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any provi- sion of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher than Maximum Rents.- Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of any hous- ing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide : }; : ITED BY THE ATES OF AMATORS 3 the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on April 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. (b) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941 nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after April 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942 every landlord of housing accom- modations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form pro- vided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after April 1, 1941 and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replace- ment and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accom- modations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between February 1, 1941 and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in 4 time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Administrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent there- for shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the landlord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Connecticut or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommoda- tions. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations.-In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on April 1, 1941 the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for com- parable housing accommodations during the year ending on April 1, 1941. 3 • f C 5 l (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942 a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance. (2) There was, prior to April 1, 1941 and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement and maintenance, and the rent on April 1, 1941 was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- ture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between he landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on April 1, 1941 a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- istrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting ap- proval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to pro- vide the minimum services, he shall file a petition within five days 6 : : after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maxi- mum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accom- modations on April 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accom- modations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally pre- vailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accommodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was materially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- 7 dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the landlord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such peti- tion if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or evasion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.—(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, unless: (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or prospec- tive mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommodations is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agree- ment; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nuisance or } 8 is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant; or : (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for himself, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing ac- commodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permission of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Administrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six-month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds. that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Adminis- trator certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accordance with the requirements of the local law. The Administra- tor shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evic- tions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the pur- poses of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accom- modations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agree- 9 * ment with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and conditions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, how- ever, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration.-On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided therefor to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent pro- vided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The orig- inal shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indi- cate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall ex- hibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration state- ment, and shall obtain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such statement. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the landlord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall obtain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration statement has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. £ 10 1 * SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. SECTION 9. Evasion.-The maximum rents and other requirements provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions and suits for treble damages as pro- vided for by the Act. SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.—(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Waterbury Defense-Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Di- rector in the Waterbury Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. 1 1 1 11 : ! (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, struc- ture, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities, and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, ele- vator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accom- ⚫modations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar nature. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.-This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 2 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. i Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed.... Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement. Seasonal rents___ Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Increase in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment.-.-. Written lease: In force April 1, 1941……. With varying rent__ Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initaitive: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations___ Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment---.. Deterioration. INDEX Seasonal rents... Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ 1 Written lease with varying rent. Amendment, petition for………. Definitions.. Documents, filing of Evasion of Regulation... Evictions: Demolition or alteration of premises__ Desire not to offer accommodations for rent___. Failure to pay rent__. Immoral or illegal purpose_-_. Inspection or showing of premises by landlord... Local law... Nuisance... Renewal of lease_ Sale____. Subtenants. Use and occupancy by landlord_ Violation of obligation of tenancy. Facts in doubt or dispute, determination of__ Inspection by Administrator___ Leases, effect of Regulation on.. Leases, underlying: Maximum rent at termination of Sale of___ 1 " I Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished Government-owned housing--- Housing rented on April 1, 1941. Housing rented between February 1, 1941, and April 1, 1941..... Pago LO 5 5 5 i 10 10 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 10 8 ∞ ∞ 8 7 8 7 9 7 7 8 8,9 8 7 6 10 2 6-7 7 8 4 8 8 • : i (12) 13 1 Maximum rents-Continued. Major capital improvement._. Newly constructed housing- Priority rating, Housing constructed with_. Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942... Housing not rented between February 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942. Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units... Services, Minimum... Ka $ Stri Penalties__ Prohibitions. Scope of Regulation……… Tenant farmers_ Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees... Hotels and rooming houses _ _ • · 1 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1942 Page 3 3 8 3 8 4 10 2 1-2 2 2 2 2-3, 5-6 ! * 1. : # ? ! } F • X * } ! } + · 1 *Ima 2 1 :. 1 銹 ​} î .... : t ¡ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY JAN 7 JAN 7 1973 DATE DUE *** (D 273 AS A 4 7 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in the Birmingham Defense-Rental Area¹ In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within the Birmingham Defense-Rental Area, as desig- nated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the rec- ommendations set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. The Administrator has ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the Bir- mingham Defense-Rental Area on or about April 1, 1941. It is his judgment that defense activities had not resulted in increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 prior to April 1, 1941, but did result in such increases commencing on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 for housing accom- modations within the Birmingham Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the, Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.—(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 3 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of all housing accommodations within the Birmingham Defense-Rental Area, as designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 does not apply to the following: 1 Published in the Federal Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, Part 1388, Sections 1388.111 to 1388.124, inclusive. 2 The Birmingham Defense-Rental Area consists of the County of Jefferson, in the State of Alabama. 466334°-42 2 * (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, man- agers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of rendering services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; C 3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any provi- sion of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. { SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher Than Maximum Rents.— Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of any housing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the max- imum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the fore- going. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 are for housing accommodations including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accommodations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a peti- tion pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approv- ing a decrease of such services. SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on April 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. ! } 3 Mad (b) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941 nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after April 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942 every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing accommodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replace- ment and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between February 1, 1941 and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time. to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Administrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Ad- ministrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to in- creased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. V ARRAN 472 4 If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent there- for shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the landlord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Sec- tion 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Alabama or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations. In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Ad- ministrator finds would have been on April 1, 1941 the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations during the year ending on April 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942 a substantial change. in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance. + j 1 } 5 Va (2) There was, prior to April 1, 1941, and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement and maintenance, and the rent on April 1, 1941, was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- ture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on April 1, 1941 a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. - (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other timès of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- istrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maxi- mum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942 file a petition requesting approval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the minimum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services. occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maximum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on ap- plication of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: 1 6 2 i } (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accom- modations on April 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accom- modations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. ! (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accom- modations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations. since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determing the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the land- lord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying } 7 under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such peti- tion if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or evasion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.-(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise. terminated, unless : (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommodations is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agree- ment; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an 'obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nuisance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant; or (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of $ 8 substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper au- thorities, if such approval is required by local law, or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for himself, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing ac- commodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permission of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Administrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six-month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. - (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Administra- tor certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accordance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accommoda- tions or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and conditions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as pro- vided in this section. ر 9 i (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the renoval of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration.-On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall obtain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such state- ment. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the landlord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall ob- tain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration statement has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. SECTION 9. Evasion.-The maximum rents and other requirements provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of 10 mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions and suits for treble damages as pro- vided for by the Act. } SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 may file petitions there for in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions. (a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Birmingham Defense-Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Director in the Birmingham Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, structure, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwell- ing purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furni- ture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, } 11 ¿ elevator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10). The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occu- pany of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accommodations. * (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. ? (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its cus- tomary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly or monthly occu- pancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other establishments of a similar nature. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.—This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 3 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. & N "> ; Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed.... Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement__ Seasonal rents__. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Increase in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment_ Written lease: In force April 1, 1941- With varying rent__ Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations__ Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment_. Deterioration__ Seasonal rents. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent.. Amendment, Petition for... Definitions.. Documents, filing of…………. INDEX Evasion of Regulation__ Evictions: Demolition or alteration of premises. Desire not to offer accommodations for rent__ Failure to pay rent--- Immoral or illegal purpose--- Inspection or showing of premises by landlord__ Local law__. Nuisance Renewal of lease.. Sale__ + Subtenants. Use and occupancy by landlord_ Violation of obligation of tenancy. Facts in doubt or dispute, determination of_ Inspection by Administrator__ Leases, Effect of Regulation on.. Leases, underlying: - Maximum rent at termination of Sale of I I | 1 1 1 F 1 I 1 1 1 1 · · 1 1 I 1 1 I I I ↓ I 1 J i · I 1 1 1 1 t Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished. Government-owned housing--- Housing rented on April 1, 1941... Page 4 LO 5 LO 5 5 LO 5 5 LO 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 10 ∞ ∞ 8 78 7 8 ∞ 9 8 7 8 8, 9 8 7-8 6 10 2 7 7 Co 3 4 3 1 1 : (12) 13 Maximum rents-Continued. Housing rented between February 1, 1941, and April 1 1941 Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942. Housing not rented between February 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942. Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units. Major capital improvement….. Newly constructed housing. Priority rating, Housing constructed with Penalties. Prohibitions. Scope of Regulation... Tenant farmers__ Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees.. Hotels and rooming houses_ Services, Minimum_ : U, S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 Page 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 10 2 1-2 2 2 2 2-3, 5-6 I 2 : 1377 ** ود ! .... } : .... ! A 1 2 ▼ } » * ? ¡ A ! 1 FF.. 1 :. : : 6 H THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBPARY JAN 7 JAN 7 1973 DATE DUE ¡ i UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in the Mobile Defense-Rental Area¹ In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accommo- dations within the Mobile Defense-Rental Area,' as designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942, have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommenda- tions set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. The Administrator has ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the Mo- bile Defense-Rental Area on or about April 1, 1941. It is his judg- ment that defense activities had not resulted in increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 prior to April 1, 1941, but did result in such increases commencing on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or de- creases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 for housing accom- modations within the Mobile Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. - Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.— (a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 4 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of all housing accommodations within the Mobile Defense-Rental Area, as designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 does not apply to the following: - 1 Published in the Federal Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, Part 1388, sections 1388.161 to 1388.174, inclusive. 466331°—42 2 The Mobile Defense-Rental Area consists of the County of Mobile, in the State of Alabama. 2 (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, managers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of rendering services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regula- tion No. 4. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 is void. A ten- ant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher Than Maximum Rents.- Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease, or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of any housing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the the maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 4; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on April 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. 3 (b) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941, nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after April 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after April 1, 1941, and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stat- ing the maximum rent and such other information as may be re- quired. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between February 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Admin- istrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administra- tor finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. 4 : If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent there- for shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the landlord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Alabama or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations.—In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on April 1, 1941, the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for com- parable housing accommodations during the year ending on April 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942, a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement, and maintenance. (2) There was, prior to April 1, 1941, and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- 5 } dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement, and maintenance, and the rent on April 1, 1941 was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal, or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on April 1, 1941, a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- istrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting approval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the minimum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maximum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: ·ས 6 (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing ac- commodations on April 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accommodations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing ac- commodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal, or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may, if he deems it advisable, provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Administrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the landlord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. 7 Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 to sell his under- lying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such petition if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or evasion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.-(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise. terminated, unless : (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee, or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accom- modations is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nuisance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant; or 鬣 ​ 8 2 (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for himself, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in god faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing ac- commodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permission of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Administrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six-month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Administra- tor certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accordance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. - (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction, or termination the housing accommoda- tions or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more sub- tenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to be- come the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and conditions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in ¡ ------ 9 { ! * violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration. On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall obtain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such state- ment. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the landlord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall obtain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration statement has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. SEOTION 9. Evasion. The maximum rents and other requirements provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 shall not be evaded, 10 } either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 are subject to criminal penalties, civil enforcement actions, and suits for treble damages as provided for by the Act. SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports, and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.-(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director, or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Mobile Defense-Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Director in the Mobile Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. (6) The term "housing accommodations” means any building, struc- ture, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. 1 11 1 : (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, elevator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laun- dry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accommodations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short-time basis of daily, weekly, or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar nature. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.-This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 4 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. * LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. mat 14 : Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed__. Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: INDEX Major capital improvement... Seasonal rents___ Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Increase in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment.. Written lease: In force April 1, 1941... With varying rent.___. Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations___ Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment.- Deterioration. Amendment, Petition for... Definitions.. Documents, Filing of……. Seasonal rents. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_. Written lease with varying rent.. Evasion of Regulation……. Evictions: Demolition or alteration of premises.. Desire not to offer accommodations for rent_ Failure to pay rent__ Immoral or illegal purpose_-- Inspection or showing of premises by landlord.. Local law___ Nuisance_ Renewal of lease_ Sale.. 1 Subtenants. Use and occupancy by landlord_ Violation of obligation of tenancy- Facts in doubt or dispute, Determination of. Inspection by Administrator__ Leases, Effect of Regulation on--- Leases, underlying: 1 I Housing rented on April 1, 1941- Housing rented between February 1, 1941, and April 1, 1941. 1 + Maximum rent at termination of. Sale of ___ Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished. Government-owned housing--. Page 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 LO 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 10 8 ∞ ~ ∞ 7 8 7 9 8 7 8 8,9 8 7-8 6 10 2 17 7 ♡ 48 3 4 3 • : I ( } (12) i 13 12 10 Maximum rents-Continued. > 1 Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942. Housing not rented between November 1, 1940, and June 1, 1942... Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units. Major capital improvement... Newly constructed housing- Priority rating, Housing constructed with_. << Penalties --- Prohibitions-- Scope of Regulation__. Tenant farmers. Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees__ Hotels and rooming houses_ Services, Minimum.. J } ; C i 1 1 · U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 Page ca < að na ma • 3 4 3 3 3 སྣུམ་ས 1-2 2 2 2 2-3,5-6 : : f E ? す ​¦ 3 ふれ ​: ! ܀ 5 - .. * ܕ ܝ ¿ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBPARY JAN 7 197 JAN 7 1973 DATE DUE 3 : #21. 00 king? A 47 وده است UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses · in a Portion of the Bridgeport Defense-Rental Area¹ In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within that portion of the Bridgeport Defense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Ad- ministrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Towns of Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Shelton, Stratford, Trumbull, and Westport, in the County of Fairfield, in the State of Connecticut), have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommendations set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. The Administrator has ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the said por- tion of the Bridgeport Defense-Rental Area on or about April 1, 1941. It is his judgment that defense activities had not resulted in increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the pur- poses of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 prior to April 1, 1941, but did result in such increases commencing on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 for housing accom- modations within the said portion of the Bridgeport Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.—(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 5 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of all housing accommodations within that portion of the Bridgeport De- fense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Towns of Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Shelton, Stratford, Trumbull, and Westport, in the County of Fairfield, in the State of Connecticut-hereinafter 1 Published in the Federal Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, Part 1388, sections 1388.211 to 1388.224, inclusive. 465776°—42 1 į A 1 2 ľ referred to in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 as the "Defense- Rental Area"), except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 does not apply to the following: (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, managers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of rendering services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any pro- vision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher Than Maximum Rents.- Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of any hous- ing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. % 3 t ? : SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on April 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. (b) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941 nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after April 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942 every landlord of housing accommodations un- der this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after April 1, 1941 and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replace- ment and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maxi- mum rent and such other information as may be required. The Ad- ministrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between February 1, 1941 and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Ad- ministrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Ad- *: ¡ 4 ministrator finds was generally prevailing in the 'Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to in- creased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. L If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent therefor shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the land- lord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Connecticut or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Ad- ministrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). - SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations. In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on April 1, 1941 the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for com- parable housing accommodations during the year ending on April 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: Î ! … 1 5 (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942 a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance. (2) There was, prior to April 1, 1941 and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement and maintenance, and the rent on April 1, 1941 was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- ture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on April 1, 1941 a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was established by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different. maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those. provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting ap- proval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the land- lord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the minimum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this A 6 3 ول paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maximum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing ac- commodations on April 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accommodations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accommodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. 1 (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was materially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the* basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the De- fense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other ! ! 1 7 : ; persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the land- lord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such peti- tion if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or eva- sion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.-(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, unless: (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommoda- tions is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nuisance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or 8 · (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agree- ment with the tenant; or (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot. practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for him- self, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing accommodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permission of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Administrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six-month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Administra- tor certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accordance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accommoda- tions or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and condi- tions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5, as they } 9 would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who con- tinue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration. On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall ob- tain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such statement. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the land- lord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall obtain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration state- ment has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing W } 10 $ accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. SECTION 9. Evasion.-The maximum rents and other requirements provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions and suits for treble damages as pro- vided for by the Act. SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.-(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Bridgeport Defense-Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Di- rector in the Bridgeport Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, struc- ture, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real ì { 11 > or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, ele- vator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accom- modations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar nature. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation. This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 5 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. Į I Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed..- Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement.. Seasonal rents... Special relationship between landlord and tenant_. Increase in services, furniture, furnishings or equipment__ Written lease: INDEX In force April 1, 1941. With varying rent_ Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations___. Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment_ Deterioration__ Seasonal rents__. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent__ Amendment, petition for Definitions_. Documents, filing of Evasion of Regulation---. Evictions: Demolition or alteration of premises. Desire not to offer accommodations for rent___ Failure to pay rent__ Immoral or illegal purpose--. Inspection or showing of premises by landlord- Local law_. Nuisance Renewal of lease___ Sale__ Subter.ants__ Use and occupancy by landlord_ Violation of obligation of tenancy. Facts in doubt or dispute, determination of Inspection by Administrator_. Leases, effect of Regulation on.. Leases, enderlying: Maximum rent at termination of…. Sale of... * 1 (12) 1 1 T I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished_ Government-owned housing. Housing rented on April 1, 1941. 1 Page ++ 4 LO 5 or or or 5 5 5 5 LO 5 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 10 8 8 7 7 7 946 7 7 8 8, 9 8 7 6 9-10 2 6-7 7 3 4 3 13 2. : Maximum rents-Continued. Housing rented between February 1, 1941, and April 1, 1941. Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942. Housing not rented between February 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942. Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units. Major capital improvement. Newly constructed housing- Priority rating, housing constructed with.. Penalties Prohibitions_ Scope of Regulation……. Tenant farmers. Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees-- Hotels and rooming houses_. Services, minimum_ ì 1 1 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 + 1 1 1 Page 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 10 2 1-2 2 2 2 3, 5-6 i ! } ! : ތ 1 ! # 1 7 > 1 A JA 12 } .. # • } 1 # $ ! 1 : 4 : 1 : THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY JAN 7 1974 JAN 7 1973 DATE DUE A .. : 1.ARYQGETS p UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in a Portion of the Hartford-New Britain Defense- Rental Area ¹ 1 In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within that portion of the Hartford-New Britain Defense- Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Towns of Berlin, Bloomfield, Bristol, East Hartford, East Windsor, Farm- ington, Glastonbury, Hartford, Manchester, New Britain, Newington, Plainville, Rocky Hill, Southington, South Windsor, West Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks, in the County of Hart- ford; the Towns of Cromwell, Middlefield, Middletown, and Portland, in the County of Middlesex; the Towns of Meriden and Wallingford, in the County of New Haven; and the Town of Vernon, in the County of Tolland, all in the State of Connecticut), have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommendations set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. G The Administrator has ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the said por- tion of the Hartford-New Britain Defense-Rental Area on or about April 1, 1941. It is his judgment that defense activities had not resulted in increases in rents for such housing accommodations incon- sistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 prior to April 1, 1941, but did result in such increases commencing on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 for housing accom- modations within the said portion of the Hartford-New Britain Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 is hereby issued. 1 Published in the Feder Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, Part 1388, Secs. 1388.261 to 1388.274, inclusive. 465781°-42 1 ! { 2 f SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.-(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 6 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of all housing accommodations within that portion of the Hartford-New Britain Defense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Towns of Berlin, Bloomfield, Bristol, East Hartford, East Windsor, Farmington, Glastonbury, Hartford, Manchester, New Britain, Newington, Plainville, Rocky Hill, Southington, South Windsor, West Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks, in the County of Hartford; the Towns of Cromwell, Middlefield, Middletown, and Portland, in the County of Middlesex; the Towns of Meriden and Wallingford, in the County of New Haven; and the Town of Vernon, in the County of Tolland, all in the State of Con- necticut-hereinafter referred to in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 as the "Defense-Rental Area"), except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 does not apply to the following: (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, man- agers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of rendering services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any provi- sion of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher than Maximum Rents.— Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of any housing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the max- imum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6; and 1 . { DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA } } 3 no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the fore- going. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accommo- dations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.—Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on April 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. (b) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941 nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after April 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942 every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other in- formation as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after April 1, 1941, and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replace- ment and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on 1 Ju 4 ! the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maxi- mum rent and such other information as may be required. The Ad- ministrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). JA - (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between February 1 1941, and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Admin- istrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administra- tor finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases in- volving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent therefor shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the land- lord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Connecticut or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the De- fense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as pro- vided in Section 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations.-In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capi- tal improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnish- ings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deteriora- tion, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Administrator finds would have been on April 1, 1941 the difference } сл in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations during the year end- ing on April 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942 a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance. (2) There was, prior to April 1, 1941 and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement and maintenance, and the rent on April 1, 1941 was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- turê, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on April 1, 1941 a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the De- fense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was es- . tablished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal 6 ; demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- istrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those. provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting ap- proval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the land- lord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the mini- mum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maximum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on ap- plication of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing ac- commodations on April 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accommodations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent. was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing ac- commodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. 1 (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. Vaj - (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was materially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. 1 7 (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any 'other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the De- fense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the landlord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the sepa- rate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents. not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such peti- tion if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or evasion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. - SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.—(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise. terminated, unless: (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6; or { } 8 1 (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations, to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommo- dations is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nuisance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant; or (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwelling by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for him- self, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing ac- commodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permission of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Administrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six-month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Adminis- trator certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accord- i 1 } i י į 9 } ; I ance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accom- modations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one of more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and condi- tions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration.-On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall ob- 3 10 : : ; tain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such statement. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the land- lord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall obtain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration state- ment has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. / SECTION 9. Evasion. The maximum rents and other requirements provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commisisons or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. ? SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions and suits for treble damages as pro- vided for by the Act. SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.-(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. ! i 11 # ! (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Hartford-New Britain Defense- Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Director in the Hartford-New Britain Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, struc- ture, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, elevator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, assignee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accommodations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which 53 ! 12 I ↓ a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar naturę. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.—This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 6 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. * 1 $ 1 Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed... Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement. Seasonal rents___ Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Increase in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment_ _ _ Written lease: Seasonal rents___ Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent- Amendment, petition for- Definitions_ INDEX Documents, filing of Evasion of Regulation---. Evictions: Demolition or alteration of premises... Desiré not to offer accommodations for rent__ Failure to pay rent. - Immoral or illegal purpose_- Inspection or showing of premises by landlord- Local law. Nuisance_ Renewal of lease- Sale____ In force April 1, 1941_- With varying rent. Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations.. Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment_-_ Deterioration__. Subtenants. Use and occupancy by landlord__ Violation of obligation of tenancy. Facts in doubt or dispute, determination of Inspection by Administrator__ Leases, effect of Regulation on- Leases, underlying: 1 I ↓ (13) I 1 f 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 T I T } 1 I 1 10 10, 11, 12 10 10 } + 1 1 1 Maximum rent at termination of Sale of__ Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to fur- nished.- Government-owned housing……. Page 4-5 5 5-6 LO 5 5 LO 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 7 8 8 9 8 7 8 8,9 8 8 7 10 2 77 3-4 4. 46 14 ' 12 28 ・부 ​Maximum rents-Continued. Housing rented on April 1, 1941.. Housing rented between February 1, 1941, and April 1, 1941_-- Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942. Housing not rented between February 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942. Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units__. Major capital improvement. Newly constructed housing_ Priority rating, housing constructed with_ Penalties. Prohibitions__. Scope of Regulation. Tenant farmers. 1 Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees.. Hotels and rooming houses_ Services, minimum M ¿ i ܀ 1 I 1 1 } 1 I 1 1 1 I } t 1 " §. 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 Page 3 3 3 4 3, 4 3 3, 4 4 10 2-3 2 2 2 2 6 3, 6 f $ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY JAN 7 1973 DATE DUE * ... 1 です​。 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Columbus, Georgia-Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 for Housing Accommodations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in the Columbus, Georgia Defense- Rental Area 1 2 In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within the Columbus, Georgia Defense-Rental Area, as designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942, have not been reduced and stabi- lized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommendations set forth in said Designation and Rent Decla- ration. It is the judgment of the Administrator that by April 1, 1941 de- fense activities already had resulted in increases in rents for housing accommodations within the Columbus, Georgia Defense-Rental Area inconsistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. The Administrator has therefore ascertained a.. 1 given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the Columbus, Georgia Defense-Rental Area on or about January 1, 1941; and it is his judgment that the most recent date. which does not reflect increases in rents for such housing accommoda- tions inconsistent with the purposes of the Act is on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 for housing accom- modations within the Columbus, Georgia, Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.—(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 7 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of all housing accommodations within the Columbus, Georgia, Defense- 1 Published in the Federal Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, Part 1388, sections 1388.311 to 1388.324, inclusive. "The Columbus, Georgia, Defense-Rental Area consists of the County of Muscogee, in the State of Georgia; and in the County of Russell, Election- Precinct One, including the City of Phenix City, in the State of Alabama. 466335°-42 ! 2 T Rental Area, as designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 does not apply to the following: 1 (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, man- agers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of render- ing services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any provi- sion of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher Than Maximum Rents.— Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of any housing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accommo- dations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. 12 4 · JUL 20'42 " 3 SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on January 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. (b) For housing accommodations not rented on January 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on January 1, 1941, nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after January 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accom- modations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form pro- vided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after April 1, 1941, and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates. so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replace- ment, and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between November 1, 1940, and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Admin- istrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administra- } 4 tor finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since January 1, 1941. If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent therefor shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the land- lord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Georgia or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as pro- vided in Section 5 (c). K J SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations. In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on January 1, 1941, the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due considera- tion shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since January 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations during the year ending January 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942, a substantial change . } 得 ​! { ་ 1 ' 5 ! in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement, and maintenance. (2) There was, prior to January 1, 1941, and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement, and maintenance, and the rent on January 1, 1941 was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- ture, furnishings, or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was materially affected by the blood, personal, or other special relation- ship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was sub- stantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1 1941. \ (5) There was in force on January 1, 1941, a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting ap- proval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the minimum services, he shall file a petition within five days. after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under * į 6 4- this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maxi- mum rent. & (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent gener- ally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for hous- ing accommodations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accommodations, other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furni- ture, furnishings, or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was materially affected by the blood, personal, or other special relation- ship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was sub- stantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- istrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or 1 7 | | i ¿ other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the landlord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occu- pancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he 'would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 to sell his under- lying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such petition if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or evasion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.—(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, unless: (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommoda- tions is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nui- sance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or DFW) 8 → (4) The tenant's lease or other, rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant; or (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for him- self, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing accommodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permis- sion of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Adminis- trator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six- month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Administra- tor certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accordance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. - (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the ten- ant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and conditions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7, as they would have held #2 1 i 9 i ; ! ? 3 from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occu- pant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obliga- tions of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration.-On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require: The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new. tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall obtain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such state- ment. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the landlord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall ob- tain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration statement has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommoda- tions is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. 1 3 皱 ​10 SECTION 9. Evasion.-The maximum rents and other requirements provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 are subject to criminal penalties, civil enforcement actions, and suits for treble damages as provided for by the Act. SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports, and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.-(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Columbus, Georgia Defense-Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Di- rector in the Columbus, Georgia Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, struc- ture, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling - } $ 11 ! ! purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities, and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating, and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, ele- vator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of - any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accom- modations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly, or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar nature. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation. This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 7 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. : " Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed.. Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement.. Seasonal rents... Special relationship between landlord and tenant__ Increase in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment.-- Written lease: In force January 1, 1941. With varying rent.. Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations___ Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment_- Deterioration__ 1 INDEX Seasonal rents__ Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent__ Amendment, Petition for.. Definitions__ Documents, Filing of.. Evasion of Regulation……. Evictions: Demolition or alteration of premises. - Desire not to offer accommodations for rent.. Failure to pay rent.. Immoral or illegal purpose_ Inspection or showing of premises by landlord.. Local law.__. Nuisance__ Renewal of lease. Sale____ Subtenants Use and occupancy by landlord_ Violation of obligation of tenancy.. Facts in doubt or dispute, Determination of.. Inspection by Administrator.. Leases, Effect of Regulation on... Leases, underlying: Maximum rent at termination of. Sale of 1 Housing rented on January 1, 1941. Housing rented between November 1, 1940, and January 1, 1941. 1 I 1 # 1 1 1 I 1 Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished. Government-owned housing_ Page 4 5 LO 5 10 10 5 5 LOLO 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 10 8 ∞ ∞ 7 ∞ 8 8 7 9 8 789 8, 9 8 7,8 6 10 2 งง CO H ∞ co 3 4 3 3 ނޅ ގނދ I (12) 13 + Maximum rents-Continued. Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942. Housing not rented between February 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942. Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units.. Major capital improvement.. Newly constructed housing - A Priority rating, Housing constructed with_ Penalties Prohibitions.. Scope of Regulation_- Tenant farmers_ Services, Minimum.. Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees.. Hotels and rooming houses. : $ } ร * <7) 1 # 1 1 1 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 Page 3 4 3 3 3 4 10 2 1-2 2 2 2 2-3, 5-6 ! } : : * ÷ } į { ! 1 .1 .. .. .. : 32 F : i ? 3 ¿ > Jeesus } : 4774 : } ļ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBPARY JAN 7 JAN 7 1973 DATE DUE } į AD As : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in a Portion of the South Bend Defense-Rental Area¹ In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accommo- dations within the South Bend Defense-Rental Area,2 as designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator. on March 2, 1942, have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommenda- tions set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. The Administrator has ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the South Bend Defense-Rental Area on or about April 1, 1941. It is his judg- ment that defense activities had not resulted in increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 prior to April 1, 1941, but did result in such increases commencing on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 for housing accom- modations within the South Bend Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.—(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 8 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of all housing accommodations within the South Bend Defense-Rental Area, as designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942, except as provided in para- graph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 does not apply to the following: 1 Published in the Federal Register as Title 82, Chapter XI, Part 1388, sections 1388.361 to 1388.374, inclusive. * The South Bend Defense-Rental Area consists of the Counties of St. Joseph and Elkhart, in the State of Indiana. 465779°-42 2 1 2 וי (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, man- agers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of ren- dering services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; r G G (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall in in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those ovisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any provi- sion of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher Than Maximum Rents.- Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of any hous- ing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on April 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. 1 : : 3 i (b) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941 nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after April 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942 every landlord of housing accommodations un- der this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after April 1, 1941 and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates. so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replace- ment and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stat- ing the maximum rent and such other information as may be re- quired. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum. rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between February 1, 1941 and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Admin- istrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administra- tor finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases in- volving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. i 4 ÷ If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent there- for shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the landlord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). } (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Indiana or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Ad- ministrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations. In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings, or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on April 1, 1941 the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7), and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations during the year ending on April 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942 a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance. 1 L į } ! : . 1 I 5 (2) There was, prior to April 1, 1941 and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement and maintenance, and the rent on April 1, 1941 was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- ture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on April 1, 1941 a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on · April 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. > S (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. : (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- trator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting approval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the mini- mum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maximum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: ( $ ÷ 6 V WE ATË, A (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accom- modations on April 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accom- modations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally pre- vailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accommodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. 1 (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was materially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. * (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. - (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the De- fense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the land- lord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. I } I ( 1 + 7 F 1224 1 Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such peti- tion if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or eva- sion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.—(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, unless: (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or slowing of the accommoda- tions is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement; or } (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nuisance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or 1 (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant; or : PRAGU 8 YI (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for himself, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing accom- modations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permission of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Administrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six-month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Administra- tor certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accordance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accommo- dations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and condi- tions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such 1 : S I + : E 9 1 3 person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration. On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall obtain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such state- ment. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the landlord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall ob- tain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration statement has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. i SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. SECTION 9. Evasion.-The maximum rents and other requirements. provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 shall not be evaded, ? ÷ C 10 3 either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions, and suits for treble damages as provided for by the Act. SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.-(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the South Bend Defense-Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Director in the South Bend Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, structure, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwell- ing purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, fur- niture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. } [ } L F 11 i 1 L (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, elevator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laun- dry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or oc- cupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accommodations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its custom- ary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immedi- ate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other establishments of a similar nature. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.-This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 8 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. ¡ 1 Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed... Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement. Seasonal rents___. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Increase in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment--. Written lease: INDEX In force April 1, 1941. With varying rent... Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations_. Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment.. Deterioration. Amendment, Petition for.. Definitions.. Documents, filing of Evasion of Regulation---- Evictions: Seasonal rents.. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent__ Demolition or alteration of premises__ Desire not to offer accommodations for rent_ Failure to pay rent.. Immoral or illegal purpose_- Inspection or showing of premises by landlord_ Local law_- Nuisance_ Renewal of lease.. Sale____ - Subtenants. Use and occupancy by landlord_ A Violation of obligation of tenancy. Facts in doubt or dispute, determination of.. Inspection by Administrator__. Leases, Effect of Regulation on…. Leases, underlying: Maximum rent at termination of Sale of I I 1 Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished. Government-owned housing___. Housing rented on April 1, 1941- Page 4 4, 5 5 5 LO LO 5 LO 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 9-10 ∞∞ 7779 8 8 7 7 8 8,9 8 7 6 9 2 6 7 3 42 * } ! } : i { (12) f ****** Maximum rents-Continued. Housing rented between February 1, 1941, and April 1, 1941 Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942- Housing not rented between February 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942- Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units. Penalties Prohibitions_ Scope of Regulation…. Tenant farmers_ 13 Major capital improvement__ Newly constructed housing. Priority rating, Housing constructed with 1 ; Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees- Hotels and rooming houses _ _ Services, Minimum. 1 + 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I B. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 Page 3 3 ♡ 3 3 3 3 4 10 2 1-2 2 2 2 2,5 " * 1 7 8 3 1 1 tage and ; ¿ : .:: A { ¿ : ? THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBPARY DATE DUE Sal : Bla i 2 } i · # ! AD 7215 AS A 47 wx 美 ​UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in a Portion of the Burlington Defense-Rental Area¹ .. In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within that portion of the Burlington Defense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Townships of Augusta, Burlington, Concordia, Danville, Flint River, Tama, and Union, in the County of Des Moines; the Townships of Baltimore, Center, Mount Pleasant, and New London, in the Count of Henry; and the Townships of Denmark, Green Bay, Madison, and Wash- ington, in the County of Lee, all in the State of Iowa), have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommendations set forth in said Designa- tion and Rent Declaration. 1 1 It is the judgment of the Administrator that by April 1, 1941, defense activities already had resulted in increases in rents for hous- ing accommodations within the said portion of the Burlington Defense-Rental Area inconsistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. The Administrator has therefore ascer- tained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the said portion of the Burlington Defense- Rental Area on or about January 1, 1941; and it is his judgment that the most recent date which does not reflect increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the purposes of the Act is on or about that date. The Administrator has made ad- justments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommoda- tions, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents established by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 for housing accommodations within the said portion of the Burlington Defense- Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 is hereby issued. ¹ Published in the Federal Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, part 1388, Sections 1388.411 to 1388.424, inclusive. 466329°-42 2 SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.-(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 9 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of all housing accommodations within that portion of the Burlington De- fense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declara- tion issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Townships of Augusta, Burlington, Concordia, Danville, Flint River, Tama, and Union, in the County of Des Moines; the Town- ships of Baltimore, Center, Mount Pleasant, and New London, in the County of Henry; and the Townships of Denmark, Green Bay, Madison, and Washington, in the County of Lee, all in the State of Iowa-hereinafter referred to in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 as the "Defense-Rental Area"), except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 does not apply to the following: (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, man- agers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of render- ing services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any pro- vision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occu- pancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher Than Maximum Rents.- Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of any housing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 may be demanded or received. ! ! 1 ! ! . 1 Į 3 SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-This maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on January 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. JUL 20'42 (b) For housing accommodations not rented on January 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on January 1, 1941 nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after January 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accom- modations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form pro- vided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after January 1, 1941 and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replace- ment and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. • 4 ! The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between November 1, 1940 and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Admin- istrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administra- tor finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since January 1, 1941. If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent therefor shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the land- lord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. } (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Iowa or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations. In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on January 1, 1941 the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which' A 1 ¡ 1 1 5 } the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to in- creased costs of construction, if any, since January 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable hous- ing accommodations during the year ending on January 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942, a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance. (2) There was, prior to January 1, 1941 and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement and maintenance, and the rent on January 1, 1941, was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- ture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on January 1, 1941 a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the # ¿ $ ì 6 ARD 1 * maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting ap- proval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the minimum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maxi- mum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on application of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable only on the grounds that: (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing ac- commodations on January 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accommodations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing ac- commodations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to ! } 1 7 ! : į July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on January 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the landlord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occu- pancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such peti- tion if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or eva- sion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.-(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, unless: (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or prospective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate in- # 8 * ! terest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommodations is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nui- sance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant; or (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot practicably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwelling by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has repre- sented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for himself, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from hous- ing accommodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permis- sion of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Adminis- trator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six- month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Adminis- trator certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accord- ance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. 1 1 $ 9 * ; (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accommo- dations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and condi- tions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration.-On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as 'a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the land- lord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall obtain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such statement. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the landlord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall obtain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registra- W } 10 tion statement has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. SECTION 9. Evasion. The maximum rents and other requirements provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions and suits for treble damages as pro- vided for by the Act. J SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maxi- mum Rent Regulation No. 9 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.-(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Burlington Defense-Rental Area or : # 11 ¡ ; i such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Di- rector in the Burlington Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the fore- going. (6) The term "housing accommodations” means any building, struc- ture, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, ele- vator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accom- modations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, -trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar nature. ! ; ; i 12 (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.-This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 9 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. ↓ i 4 { } 1 ·1 3 ¿ . * : $ • The Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed.-- Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement_ Seasonal rents.. Special relationship between landlord and tenant Increase in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment…- Written lease: } INDEX In force January 1, 1941.. With varying rent_ Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations___ Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment-- Deterioration.. Amendment, petition for- Definitions__ Documents, filing of Evasion of Regulation……. Evictions: Seasonal rents.. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent- Demolition or alteration of premises__. Desire not to offer accommodations for rent_ Nuisance__ Renewal of lease__ Sale__ Failure to pay rent__ Immoral or illegal purpose-- Inspection or showing of premises by landlord. Local law___ Leases, effect of Regulation on…. Leases, underlying: Subtenants__ Use and occupancy by landlord__. Violation of obligation of tenancy.. Facts in doubt or dispute, determination of Inspection by Administrator_. M Maximum rent at termination of. Sale of 1 } 1 1 Page 4 Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished_ Government-owned housing_-_ Housing rented on January 1, 1941. (13) 5 5 5 5 5 LO 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 10 8 ∞ ∞ 8 7 8 7 9 8 7 8 8, 9 8 7-8 6 10 2 7 7 3 Co 4 3 ! 1 14 Maximum rents-Continued. Housing rented between November 1, 1940, and January 1, 1941.- Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942. Housing not rented between November 1, 1940, and June 1, 1942. Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units.. Major capital improvement.. Newly constructed housing- Priority rating, housing constructed with Penalties Prohibitions__ Scope of Regulation___ Tenant farmers_- ? vje Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees-- Hotels and rooming houses- Services, minimum. I 1 1 I I 1 ! 1 I 1 I 1 I U, S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 Page ¡ 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 10 2 2 2 2 2 2-3, 5-6 1-2 j & ÷ * & : 1 l ! T :. 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBPARY JAN 7 1974 JAN 7 1973 3 DATE DUE } HD 7275 . A 3 A 47 } UNITED STATES OF AMERICA · OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in the Wichita Defense-Rental Area¹ 1 In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within the Wichita Defense-Rental Area,2 as desig- nated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Ad- ministrator on March 2, 1942, have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the said Designation and Rent Declaration. It is the judgment of the Administrator that by April 1, 1941, defense activities had not yet resulted in increases in rents for hous- ing accommodations within the Wichita Defense-Rental Area incon- sistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. The Administrator has therefore ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the Wichita Defense-Rental Area on or about July 1, 1941; and it is his judgment that the most recent date which does not reflect increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsist- ent with the purposes of the Act is on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 for housing accom- modations within the Wichita Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.—(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 10 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of all housing accommodations within the Wichita Defense-Rental Area, as designated by the Administrator in the designation and rent 1 Published in the Federal Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, Part 1388, sections 1388.461 to 1388.474, inclusive. 2 The Wichita Defense-Rental Area consists of the County of Sedgwick, in the State of Kansas. 466330°-42 喜 ​1 2 declaration issued on March 2, 1942, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 does not apply to the following: (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, managers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of ren- dering services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any pro- vision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher Than Maximum Rents.— Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation heretofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or re- ceive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942, of any housing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regula- tion No. 10; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the foregoing. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services.-The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 are for housing accommo- dations including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. 3 SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on July 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. (b) For housing accommodations not rented on July 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on July 1, 1941, nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after July 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first. rented after July 1, 1941, and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully furnished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing accommoda- tions substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement, and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such con- struction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termina- tion of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other information as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any time between May 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Admin- istrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administra- tor finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for Ga Sk - 4 comparable housing accommodations on July 1, 1941. In cases involv- ing construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since July 1, 1941. If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent therefor shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the land- lord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). P (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Kansas or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on July 1, 1941, as de- termined by the owner of such accommodations. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations. In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on July 1, 1941, the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on July 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to in- creased costs of construction, if any, since July 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations during the year ending on July 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942, a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement, and maintenance. ¿ 5 : (2) There was, prior to July 1, 1941, and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement, and maintenance, and the rent on July 1, 1941, was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the 'services, furniture,, furnishings, or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal, or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on July 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on July 1, 1941, a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on July 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of /seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- istrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting approval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the minimum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maximum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on ap- plication of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: ܀ 6 (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accom- modations on July 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accom- modations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accom- modations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furnitures, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on July 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on July 1, 1941. (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the land- lord may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. - Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying TDT 7 i under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such peti- tion if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or evasion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.-(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion • from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise. terminated, unless : (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest. therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accom- modations is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agreement; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nui- sance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant; or (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of 6 8 ? 1 i substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot practically be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for himself, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing accommodations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permis- sion of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Admin- istrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six- month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Adminis- trator certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accord- ance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accom- modations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to become the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and condi- tions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. - 1 9 (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. 1 SECTION 7. Registration.-On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate. that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall obtain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such statement. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the land- lord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall obtain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration state- ment has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require. SECTION 9. Evasion.-The maximum rents and other requirements. provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of absolute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage or sale with option to repurchase, or by modifica- 3 10 tion of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommodations, or otherwise. SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions and suits for treble damages as pro- vided for by the Act. SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports, and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.-(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Wichita Defense-Rental Area or such person or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Director in the Wichita Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, partner- ship, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, structure, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, " 11 elevator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8) The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. # (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accom- modations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short-time basis of daily, weekly, or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar nature. ; (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.-This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 10 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. 1 : ** Adjustment of maximum rents: Extent of adjustment to be allowed. Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement_ Seasonal rents__ INDEX Amendment, Petition for___ Definitions__ Documents, Filing of- Seasonal rents.. Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent__ Evasion of regulation……… Evictions: Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Increase in services, furniture, furnishings or equipment.. Written lease: In force July 1, 1941 With varying rent__ Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: i Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations._ Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment_-- Deterioration_. Nuisance. Renewal of lease__ Sale_____ Demolition or alteration of premises__ Desire not to offer accommodations for rent.. Failure to pay rent___ Immoral or illegal purpose_-- Inspection or showing of premises by landlord__. Local law_._ Subtenants_ Use and occupancy by landlord_ Violation of obligation of tenancy. Facts in doubt or dispute, Determination of Inspection by Administrator_. Leases, effect of regulation on... Leases, underlying: E Maximum rent at termination of…. Sale of : ¦ * 4 1 · 1 1 I T Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished_ Government-owned housing... Housing rented on July 1, 1941. Page 4 4, 5 5 5 LO 5 LO 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 9, 10 ∞ ∞ 7,8 8 7 7 7 8,9 7 7 ∞ ∞ 8 8 8 7 6 9 2 6 6,7 3 4 3 (12) 13 Ji 3 ! Maximum rents Continued. Housing rented between May 1, 1941, and July 1, 1941. Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942. Housing not rented between May 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942. Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units.. Major capital improvement_ Newly constructed housing- Priority rating, Housing constructed with_ Penalties. Prohibitions_ Scope of regulation_ Tenant farmers_ A i - Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees. Hotels and rooming houses_ Services, Minimum... \ 1 1 1 T 1 1 I U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 1 1 1 Page 3 ww 3 3 3 3 3 4 10 2 1, 2 2 2 2 2 ! 1 ! ! | : ! a ; L : ... : i 5 : } THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY JAN 7 197 JAN 7 1973 DATE DUE } : S & î HD 7273 A 3 A 4 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION DETROIT Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 for Housing Accommodations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in a Portion of the Detroit Defense-Rental Area ¹ 1 In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accommo- dations within that portion of the Detroit Defense-Rental Area desig- nated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Adminis- trator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Counties of Macomb, Oak- land, and Wayne, in the State of Michigan), have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regulation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommendations set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. The Administrator has ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the Detroit Defense-Rental Area on or about April 1, 1941. It is his judgment that defense activities had not resulted in increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the purposes of the Emer- gency Price Control Act of 1942 prior to April 1, 1941, but did result in such increases commencing on or about that date. The Adminis- trator has made adjustments for such relevant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general applicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation for housing accommodations within the said portion of the Detroit Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Therefore, under the authority vested in the Administrator by the Act, this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 is hereby issued. SECTION 1. Scope of Regulation.—(a) This Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 11 establishes the maximum rents which may be demanded 1 Published in the Federal Register as Title 32, Chapter XI, Part 1388, sections 1388.511 to 1388.524, inclusive. 462812°-42 (1) : 2 or received for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of all hous- ing accommodations within that portion of the Detroit Defense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the Counties of Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne, in the State of Michigan-herein- after referred to in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 as the "Defense-Rental Area"), except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 does not apply to the following: (1) Housing accommodations situated on a farm and occupied by a tenant who is engaged for a substantial portion of his time in farming operations thereon; (2) Dwelling space occupied by domestic servants, caretakers, man- agers, or other employees to whom the space is provided as part of their compensation and who are employed for the purpose of rendering services in connection with the premises of which the dwelling space is a part; (3) Housing accommodations within hotels or rooming houses; provided that this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 does apply to premises or structures though used as hotels or rooming houses. (c) The provisions of any lease or other rental agreement shall remain in force pursuant to the terms thereof, except insofar as those provisions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11. (d) An agreement by the tenant to waive the benefit of any provi- sion of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 is void. A tenant shall not be entitled by reason of this Regulation to refuse to pay or to recover any portion of any rents due or paid for use or occupancy prior to June 1, 1942. SECTION 2. Prohibition Against Higher than Maximum Rents.- Regardless of any contract, agreement, lease or other obligation here- tofore or hereafter entered into, no person shall demand or receive any rent for use or occupancy on and after June 1, 1942 of any housing accommodations within the Defense-Rental Area higher than the max- imum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11; and no person shall offer, solicit, attempt, or agree to do any of the fore- going. Lower rents than those provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 may be demanded or received. SECTION 3. Minimum Services. The maximum rents provided by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 are for housing accommoda- tions including, as a minimum, services of the same type, quantity, and quality as those provided on the date determining the maximum rent. If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accommo- dations are less than such minimum services, the landlord shall either } ! ? " 3 restore and maintain the minimum services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition pursuant to Section 5 (b) for approval of the decreased services. In all other cases the landlord shall provide the minimum services unless and until an order is entered pursuant to Section 5 (b) approving a decrease of such services. SECTION 4. Maximum Rents.-Maximum rents (unless and until changed by the Administrator as provided in Section 5) shall be: (a) For housing accommodations rented on April 1, 1941, the rent for such accommodations on that date. (b) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941, but rented at any time during the two months ending on that date, the last rent for such accommodations during that two-month period. (c) For housing accommodations not rented on April 1, 1941 nor during the two months ending on that date, but rented prior to June 1, 1942, the first rent for such accommodations after April 1, 1941. On or before July 1, 1942 every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stating the maximum rent and such other informa- tion as may be required. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (d) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented after April 1, 1941 and before June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed between those dates so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommoda- tions changed between those dates from unfurnished to fully fur- nished, or from fully furnished to unfurnished, or (4) housing ac- commodations substantially changed between those dates by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance, the first rent for such accommodations after such construction or change; provided, however, that, where such first rent was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of a major capital improvement, the maximum rent shall be the first rent after termination of such lease. On or before July 1, 1942, every landlord of housing accommodations under this paragraph shall file a report on the form provided for each of such accommodations stat- ing the maximum rent and such other information as may be re- quired. The Administrator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (e) For (1) newly constructed housing accommodations without priority rating first rented on or after June 1, 1942, or (2) housing accommodations changed on or after that date so as to result in an increase or decrease of the number of dwelling units in such housing accommodations, or (3) housing accommodations not rented at any 06 4 * time between February 1, 1941 and June 1, 1942, the rent fixed by the Administrator. The landlord shall, prior to renting and in time to allow 15 days for action thereon, file a petition requesting the Admin- istrator to enter an order fixing the maximum rent therefor. Such order shall be entered on the basis of the rent which the Administra- tor finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to increased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. If no order is entered on such petition within 15 days after filing, the landlord may rent such accommodations and the first rent therefor shall be the maximum rent. Within 5 days after so renting, the land- lord shall report the maximum rent. The Administrator may order a decrease in such maximum rent as provided in Section 5 (c). (f) For housing accommodations constructed with priority rating from the United States or any agency thereof for which the rent has been heretofore or is hereafter approved by the United States or any agency thereof, the rent so approved but in no event more than the first rent for such accommodations. (g) For housing accommodations owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation owned thereby, or by the State of Michigan or any of its political subdivisions or any agency of any of the foregoing, the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941, as determined by the owner of such accommodations. The Adminis- trator may order a decrease in the maximum rent as provided in Sec- tion 5 (c). SECTION 5. Adjustments and Other Determinations. In the cir- cumstances enumerated in this section, the Administrator may issue an order changing the maximum rents otherwise allowable or the minimum services required. In those cases involving a major capital improvement, an increase or decrease in the furniture, furnishings or equipment, an increase or decrease of services, or a deterioration, the adjustment in the maximum rent shall be the amount the Adminis- trator finds would have been on April 1, 1941 the difference in the rental value of the housing accommodations by reason of such change. In all other cases, except those under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section, the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rent which the Administrator finds was generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. In cases involving construction due consideration shall be given to in- creased costs of construction, if any, since April 1, 1941. In cases under paragraphs (a) (7) and (c) (6) of this section the adjustment shall be on the basis of the rents which the Administrator finds were 5 } generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations during the year ending on April 1, 1941. (a) Any landlord may file a petition for adjustment to increase the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) There has been on or after June 1, 1942 a substantial change in the housing accommodations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement and maintenance. (2) There was, prior to April 1, 1941 and within the six months ending on that date, a substantial change in the housing accommo- dations by a major capital improvement as distinguished from ordi- nary repair, replacement and maintenance, and the rent on April 1, 1941 was fixed by a lease which was in force at the time of such change. (3) There has been a substantial increase in the services, furni- ture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommo- dations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substan- tially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) There was in force on April 1, 1941 a written lease, which had been in force for more than one year on that date, requiring a rent substantially lower than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941; provided that no increase shall be granted while the lease remains in force. Ca (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially higher rent at other periods during the term of such lease; provided that no increase shall be granted in excess of the rent provided by said lease while it remains in force. (7) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially lower than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Admin- istrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maxi- mum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (b) If, on June 1, 1942, the services provided for housing accom- modations are less than those provided on the date determining the maximum rent, the landlord shall either restore the services to those provided on the date determining the maximum rent and maintain such services or, before July 1, 1942, file a petition requesting approval of the decreased services. Except as above provided, the landlord shall maintain the minimum services unless and until he has filed a petition ܢ ܡܕ ܗ 1 6 to decrease services and an order permitting a decrease has been entered thereon; however, if it is impossible to provide the minimum services, he shall file a petition within five days after the change of services occurs. The order on any petition under this paragraph may require an appropriate adjustment in the maximum rent. (c) The Administrator at any time, on his own initiative or on ap- plication of the tenant, may order a decrease of the maximum rent otherwise allowable, only on the grounds that: (1) The maximum rent for housing accommodations under para- graphs (c), (d), or (g) of Section 4 is higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accom- modations on April 1, 1941; or the maximum rent for housing accom- modations under paragraph (e) of Section 4 for which the rent was not fixed by the Administrator is higher than such generally prevailing rent. (2) There has been a substantial deterioration of the housing accom- modations other than ordinary wear and tear since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (3) There has been a substantial decrease in the services, furniture, furnishings or equipment provided with the housing accommodations since the date or order determining its maximum rent. (4) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was ma- terially affected by the blood, personal or other special relationship between the landlord and the tenant and as a result was substantially higher than the rent generally prevailing in the Defense-Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. (5) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was estab- lished by a written lease which provided for a substantially lower rent at other periods during the term of such lease. (6) The rent on the date determining the maximum rent was sub- stantially higher than at other times of year by reason of seasonal demand for such housing accommodations. In such cases the Ad- ministrator's order may if he deems it advisable provide for different maximum rents for different periods of the calendar year. (d) If the rent on the date determining the maximum rent, or any other fact necessary to the determination of the maximum rent, is in dispute between the landlord and the tenant, or is in doubt, or is not known, the Administrator on petition of the landlord filed prior to July 1, 1942, or at any time on his own initiative, may enter an order fixing the maximum rent by determining such fact; or if the Admin- istrator is unable to ascertain such fact he shall enter the order on the basis of the rent which he finds was generally prevailing in the Defense- Rental Area for comparable housing accommodations on April 1, 1941. 1 ! 7 (e) Where, at the expiration or other termination of an underlying lease or other rental agreement, housing accommodations or a pre- dominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the land- lard may rent the entire premises for use by similar occupancy for a rent not in excess of the aggregate maximum rents of the separate dwelling units, or may rent the separate dwelling units for rents not in excess of the maximum rents applicable to such units. Where housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons occupying under a rental agreement with the tenant, the tenant may petition the Administrator for leave to exercise any right he would have except for this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 to sell his underlying lease or other rental agreement. The Administrator may grant such peti- tion if he finds that the sale will not result, and that sales of such character would not be likely to result, in the circumvention or evasion of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11. He may require that the sale be made on such terms as he deems necessary to prevent such circumvention or evasion. SECTION 6. Restrictions on Removal of Tenant.-(a) So long as the tenant continues to pay the rent to which the landlord is entitled, no tenant shall be removed from any housing accommodations, by action to evict or to recover possession, by exclusion from possession, or otherwise, nor shall any person attempt such removal or exclusion from possession, notwithstanding that such tenant has no lease or that his lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise. terminated, unless: (1) The tenant, who had a written lease or other written rental agreement, has refused upon demand of the landlord to execute a written extension or renewal thereof for a further term of like dura- tion but not in excess of one year but otherwise on the same terms and conditions as the previous lease or agreement except insofar as such terms and conditions are inconsistent with this Maximum Rent Regu- lation No. 11; or (2) The tenant has unreasonably refused the landlord access to the housing accommodations for the purpose of inspection or of showing the accommodations to a prospective purchaser, mortgagee or pro- spective mortgagee, or other person having a legitimate interest therein; provided, however, that such refusal shall not be ground for removal or eviction if such inspection or showing of the accommodations is contrary to the provisions of the tenant's lease or other rental agree- ment; or (3) The tenant (i) has violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy, other than an obligation to pay rent, and has continued, or 8 Y failed to cure, such violation after written notice by the landlord that the violation cease, or (ii) is committing or permitting a nuisance or is using or permitting a use of the housing accommodations for an immoral or illegal purpose; or (4) The tenant's lease or other rental agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, and at the time of termination the housing accommodations or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more subtenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agree- ment with the tenant; or (5) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession for the immediate purpose of demolishing the housing accommodations or of substantially altering or remodeling it in a manner which cannot prac- ticably be done with the tenant in occupancy and the plans for such alteration or remodeling have been approved by the proper authorities, if such approval is required by local law; or (6) The landlord seeks in good faith to recover possession of the housing accommodations for immediate use and occupancy as a dwell- ing by himself, his family or dependents; or he has in good faith contracted in writing to sell the accommodations for immediate use and occupancy by a purchaser, who in good faith has represented in writing that he will use the accommodations as a dwelling for himself, his family or dependents; or the landlord seeks in good faith not to offer the housing accommodations for rent. If a tenant has been removed or evicted under this paragraph (a) (6) from housing accom- modations, such accommodations shall not be rented for a period of six months after such removal or eviction without permission of the Administrator. The landlord may petition the Administrator for permission to rent the accommodations during such six-month period, and the Administrator shall grant such permission if he finds that the action was in good faith and not for the purpose of evading any provision of the Act or this Regulation. (b) No tenant shall be removed or evicted on grounds other than those stated above unless, on petition of the landlord, the Administra- tor certifies that the landlord may pursue his remedies in accordance with the requirements of the local law. The Administrator shall so certify if the landlord establishes that removals or evictions of the character proposed are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Act or this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 and would not be likely to result in the circumvention or evasion thereof. (c) Where a tenant is removed or evicted under the provisions of paragraph (a) (4) of this section, or where the tenant's interest in the housing accommodations has terminated because the landlord has sought a higher rent as authorized by section 5 (e), and at the time of such removal, eviction or termination the housing accommoda- · • 9 ; Si tions or a predominant part thereof are occupied by one or more sub- tenants or other persons who occupied under a rental agreement with the tenant, such subtenants or other occupants shall be deemed to be- come the tenants of the landlord on the same terms and conditions, consistent with this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11, as they would have held from the tenant if his tenancy had continued and their maximum rents shall remain unchanged; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prevent the removal or eviction of a subtenant or other such occupant where the tenant rented to such person in violation of the obligations of his tenancy. Persons who continue in occupancy under this paragraph may be removed or evicted as provided in this section. (d) At the time of commencing any action to remove or evict a tenant (except an action based on nonpayment of a rent not in excess of the maximum rent) the landlord shall give written notice thereof to the Area Rent Office stating the title and number of the case, the court in which it is filed, the name and address of the tenant and the grounds on which eviction is sought. (e) No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize the removal of a tenant unless such removal is authorized under the local law. SECTION 7. Registration.--On or before July 1, 1942, or within 30 days after the property is first rented, whichever date is the later, every landlord of housing accommodations rented or offered for rent shall file in triplicate a written statement on the form provided there- for to be known as a registration statement. The statement shall identify each dwelling unit and specify the maximum rent provided by this Regulation for such dwelling unit and shall contain such other information as the Administrator shall require. The original shall remain on file with the Administrator and he shall cause one copy to be delivered to the tenant and one copy, stamped to indicate that it is a correct copy of the original, to be returned to the landlord. In any subsequent change of tenancy the landlord shall exhibit to the new tenant his stamped copy of the registration statement, and shall obtain the tenant's signature and the date thereof on the back of such state- ment. Within five days after renting to a new tenant, the landlord shall file a notice on the form provided therefor, on which he shall ob- tain the tenant's signature, stating that there has been a change in tenancy, that the stamped copy of the registration statement has been exhibited to the new tenant and that the rent for such accommodations is in conformity therewith. No payment of rent need be made unless the landlord tenders a receipt for the amount to be paid. When the maximum rent is changed by order of the Administrator the landlord shall deliver his stamped copy of the registration state- 1 10 ment to the Area Rent Office for appropriate action reflecting such change. SECTION 8. Inspection.-Any tenant or any person who rents or offers for rent or acts as a broker or agent for the rental of housing accommodations shall permit such inspection of the accommodations. by the Administrator as he may, from time to time, require.. SECTION 9. Evasion. The maximum rents and other requirements. provided in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 shall not be evaded, either directly or indirectly, in connection with the renting or leasing or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations, by way of abso- lute or conditional sale, sale with purchase money or other form of mortgage, or sale with option to repurchase, or by modification of the practices relating to payment of commissions or other charges, or by modification of the services furnished with housing accommoda- tions, or otherwise. - SECTION 10. Enforcement.-Persons violating any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 are subject to criminal pen- alties, civil enforcement actions and suits for treble damages as pro- vided for by the Act. * SECTION 11. Procedure.-All registration statements, reports and notices provided for by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 shall be filed with the Area Rent Office. All landlord's petitions and ten- ant's applications shall be filed with such office in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 12. Petitions for Amendment.-Persons seeking any amendment of general applicability to any provision of this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 may file petitions therefor in accordance with Procedural Regulation No. 3. SECTION 13. Definitions.-(a) When used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11: (1) The term "Act" means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. (2) The term "Administrator" means the Price Administrator of the Office of Price Administration, or the Rent Director or such other person or persons as the Administrator may appoint or designate to carry out any of the duties delegated to him by the Act. (3) The term "Rent Director" means the person designated by the Administrator as director of the Detroit Defense-Rental Area or such persons or persons as may be designated to carry out any of the duties delegated to the Rent Director by the Administrator. (4) The term "Area Rent Office" means the office of the Rent Di- rector in the Detroit Defense-Rental Area. (5) The term "person" includes an individual, corporation, part- nership, association, or any other organized group of persons, or legal ¡ 11 i successor or representative of any of the foregoing, and includes the United States or any agency thereof, or any other government, or any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of any of the foregoing. (6) The term "housing accommodations" means any building, struc- ture, or part thereof, or land appurtenant thereto, or any other real or personal property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purposes, together with all privileges, services, furnishings, furniture, equipment, facilities and improvements connected with the use or occupancy of such property. (7) The term "services" includes repairs, decorating and mainte- nance, the furnishing of light, heat, hot and cold water, telephone, ele- vator service, window shades, and storage, kitchen, bath, and laundry facilities and privileges, maid service, linen service, janitor service, the removal of refuse and any other privilege or facility connected with the use or occupancy of housing accommodations. (8). The term "landlord" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, as- signee or other person receiving or entitled to receive rent for the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations, or an agent of any of the foregoing. (9) The term "tenant" includes a subtenant, lessee, sublessee, or other person entitled to the possession or to the use or occupancy of any housing accommodations. (10) The term "rent" means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity, demanded or received for the use or occupancy of housing accommodations or for the transfer of a lease of such accom- modations. (11) The term "hotel" means any establishment generally recog- nized as such in its community, containing more than 50 rooms and used predominantly for transient occupancy. (12) The term "rooming house" means, in addition to its customary usage, a building or portion of a building other than a hotel in which a furnished room or rooms not constituting an apartment are rented on a short time basis of daily, weekly or monthly occupancy to more than two paying tenants not members of the landlord's immediate family. The term includes boarding houses, dormitories, auto camps, trailers, residence clubs, tourist homes or cabins, and all other estab- lishments of a similar nature. (b) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 shall apply to other terms used in this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11. SECTION 14. Effective Date of the Regulation.—This Maximum Rent Regulation No. 11 shall become effective June 1, 1942. Issued this 27th day of May 1942. ! LEON HENDERSON, Administrator. A ་ Adjustment of maximum rents: 1 Extent of adjustment to be allowed.……. Grounds of adjustment on petition of landlord: Major capital improvement. Seasonal rents___ Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Increase in services, furniture, furnishings or equipment_ _ _ Written lease: INDEX In force April 1, 1941. With varying rent_ Grounds of adjustment on application of tenant or on Administrator's own initiative: Cases where rent may be decreased to rent of comparable housing accommodations__ Decrease in services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment. Deterioration__ Seasonal rents__ Special relationship between landlord and tenant_ Written lease with varying rent__ Amendment, Petition for Definitions__ Documents, filing of.. Evasion of Regulation…-- Evictions: Demolition or alteration of premises-- Desire not to offer accommodations for rent Failure to pay rent__. Immoral or illegal purpose- Inspection or showing of premises by landlord_. Local law_ Nuisance Renewal of lease__ Sale____ Subtenants - - Use and occupancy by landlord_ Violation of obligation of tenancy- Facts in doubt or dispute, determination of. Inspection by Administrator__ Leases, Effect of Regulation on.. Leases, underlying: Maximum rent at termination of Sale of - 1 } 1 I I 1 1 I 1 } 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I } ! 1 | 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 T Page 4 LO 5 LO 5 LO 5 LO 5 5 5 6 6. 6 6 6 6 10 10, 11 10 10 8 8 787 CO 9 8 7 8 8, 9 8 7-8 6 10 2 77 (12) 13 Maximum rents: Change from furnished to unfurnished or from unfurnished to furnished. Government-owned housing... Housing rented on April 1, 1941. Housing rented between February 1, 1941, and April 1, 1941 Housing rented prior to June 1, 1942. Housing not rented between February 1, 1941, and June 1, 1942- Increase or decrease in number of dwelling units_ Major capital improvement. Newly constructed housing. Priority rating, Housing constructed with Penalties Prohibitions_ . Scope of Regulation. Tenant farmers. Ag Domestic servants, caretakers, and other employees.. Hotels and rooming houses- Services, Minimum_ : ! I 1 1 I 1 1 T 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 Page 3 4 3 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1942 334 3-4 10 2 1-2 2 2 2 2-3, 5-6 3 3 3 4 1 う ​: E 3 1 * 1 ? : * -- • HD 7293 .A 3 A 49. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION Maximum Rent Regulation No. 12 for Housing Accom- modations Other Than Hotels and Rooming Houses in a Portion of the Schenectady Defense-Rental Area¹ In the judgment of the Administrator, rents for housing accom- modations within that portion of the Schenectady Defense-Rental Area designated in the Designation and Rent Declaration issued by the Administrator on March 2, 1942 (consisting of the County of Schenectady in its entirety; and the Towns of Ballston, Charlton, and Clifton Park, in the County of Saratoga, all in the State of New York), have not been reduced and stabilized by State or local regu- lation, or otherwise, in accordance with the recommendations set forth in said Designation and Rent Declaration. The Administrator has ascertained and given due consideration to the rents prevailing for housing accommodations within the said por- tion of the Schenectady Defense-Rental Area on or about April 1, 1941. It is his judgment that defense activities had not resulted in increases in rents for such housing accommodations inconsistent with the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 prior to April 1, 1941, but did result in such increases commencing on or about that date. The Administrator has made adjustments for such rele- vant factors as he has determined and deemed to be of general ap- plicability in respect of such housing accommodations, including increases or decreases in property taxes and other costs. In the judgment of the Administrator the maximum rents estab- lished by this Maximum Rent Regulation No. 12 for housing accom- modations within the said portion of the Schenectady Defense-Rental Area will be generally fair and equitable and will effectuate the purposes of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Pag