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İ º ñº Rºº ñ illiºtt Vº º º º-º-º: m º iſſ Pºwº º ºsºl rºº mm. º x'; }} HillT $ Ē № È Ë º Eº TIII * # ! ******ła •* →ș, *:*№g .ae§§ · ****) *- ** 4–ſ Y A. ºx S-3 Q i º º ‘Y., ºve’ 6)Jºzº ) - <^{j 9 - 'YX. • A. CA CAMCN-N-ºx 3 \ W - º \ \n 2" – lº. 5 °. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE, M.P., &c. &c. &c. wº ; : * ~ - e e GExbûTº o º i AT whose suggestroN IT was UNDERTAKEN, AND WHO HAS THROU EVINCED THE GREATEST INTEREST IN ITS PROGRESS, - THIS EDITION OF THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES IS MUST RESPECT FULLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. \"\ ^6 tº PIRE EA C E . BEATson's PoliticAL INDEX, on which the Book of Dignities is founded, was first published in 1786. It went through three editions, the last of which was published in 1806, and has, of course, been long out of print. It contained many lists of little practical utility, and its usefulness was also impaired by a Want of systematic arrangement. Still it was, without doubt, a valuable book; and the fact of three large editions having been issued and speedily exhausted, shows that a work of this character is always appreciated. In the year 1851 the late Joseph HAYDN, well known as the compiler of the Dictionary of Dates and other similar works of reference, published a new edition of the Political Index, under the title of The Book of Dignities. In the preparation of this edition Haydn took Beatson's work as the foundation, eliminated from it such lists as he considered Superfluous, re-arranged the remainder Somewhat more methodically, and brought the book down to date. The general opinion appears to have been that | | iy PREFACE. Haydn was rather too sweeping in his excisions, and that some of the lists omitted by him might have been retained with advantage. Like its predecessor, the Book of Dignities in its turn was soon out of print, and has almost, if not quite, attained the rank of a “scarce ’’ book. It seldom occurs in auctioneers' or booksellers' catalogues, and, when a stray copy comes into the market, it fetches a price as high as or higher than that at which it was originally published, although nearly forty years out of date, and consequently useless as a modern or correct guide. Under these circumstances it seemed to me that the time had arrived when a new and revised edition of so useful a book might be published with advantage ; and I can only express a hope that my opinion may be justified by the event. I have restored some of the more useful of the lists omitted by Haydn, and have added many others, so as to make the work as complete as possible. As examples of the additional lists, I may mention the Deans, the Lord-Lieutenants, the Officers of the Heralds' College, the County Court Judges, the Queen's Counsel, the Colonial Governors and Bishops, and many of the minor orders of knighthood. Besides these, a large number of Dignities have been created since 1851, so that altogether whilst Haydn's edition * only about four hundred lists, the present work contains over thirteen hundred. I have omitted the so-called “PEERAgE,” which was very meagre and incomplete, as all information under this head can now be easily supplied from Sources well known, and easily accessible; and, in order to economise space, I have gre tly curtailed the introductory notes, which were frequently incorrect or obsolete. I have, however, added to each Dignity a reference PREFACE. V to the Statutes, Orders in Council, or Letters Patent, creating or affecting it. This will enable the reader to obtain full and accurate information on the subject. But the great feature of the present edition is the INDEx of NAMES, which now appears for the first time, and which, I think and hope, cannot fail greatly to increase the utility of the work. It is so arranged as to give to the name of each person a list of every dignity or office held by him. I need not dwell upon the labour such a task has involved, it being nearly a repetition of the book itself, although, by the use of abbreviations, com- pressed into fewer pages. In compiling this Index, I was met with a formidable difficulty by reason of the different ways in Which the same name was spelt, which rendered it almost impossible to adhere to the usual alphabetical or lexicographical arrangement. I was to some extent prepared for this, but I own I was surprised to find how little regard was, even down to comparatively modern times, paid to uniformity of spelling. I have endeavoured to overcome the difficulty by a plentiful use of cross-references, and would ask the reader's careful attention to the observations prefixed to the Index at pages 943–4. The preparation of this Index has greatly delayed the publication of the book. I could not even commence to arrange the names until the whole body of the work was in type ; and, being actively engaged in the duties of my profession, I was only able to devote a few hours each day to the task. It is so obvious that a work of this kind, where every lime contains a name and a date, cannot be free from errors, that it seems hardly necessary to make the usual conventional apology for unavoidable mistakes. In compiling the Index, a number of small errors were brought to light, a list of which will be found at pages vii-x. I have not attempted systematically to revise vi PREFACE. the old lists throughout, as to do so would have been virtually to re-write the entire book; but where, in searching for additional names, I have had an opportunity of collating Haydn's lists with others I have done so. I may mention as instances that the judges, &c., have been collated with Foss's lists, and the orders of knighthood with those of Sir Harris Nicolas. Had I known what lay before me when I first undertook the task of preparing this edition, I frankly confess that I should have hesitated to attempt it. I anticipated that I should finish the work in a little over six months, but it has occupied almost all my leisure time for more than four years. It has, however, been essentially a labour of love, and I can only hope that I have accomplished my task in such a manner as to merit the approbation of the public, into whose hands the book is now committed. HORACE OCKERBY, July 1890. E. R. R. A.T.A. § a .3 Correction. § 3| 5 Correction. 04 |O H P+ | O H 15 || 2 || 45 | For “ Alexandra, ’’ read || 147 || 2 || 14 | For ‘‘ Mr. Poulett Thom- ** Alexander.” son’’ read “Chas. 25 || 2 | 10 | For “supra "read “infra.” Poulett Thomson.” 37 || 2 || 47 | For “ 2nd time ’’ read 153 || 2 || 22 || For “Sudley” read ‘‘ 3rd time.” “Sudeley.” 38 || 1 || 36 || Dele. “(2ad time).” 168 || 1 || 13 || For 1736” read “ 1764.” 41 || 1 || 24 For “Ourvus ” read || 179 || 3 || 54 For “Wm. Visc. Dum- “Corvus.” cannon ’’ read “Wn. 42 || 1 || 15 || To “ P. Decius Mus ” add 2nd E. of Bessborough.” “(5th time).” 180 || 1 || 17 | For ‘‘ Wm. Visc. Dun- 43 | 1 8 || To “M. Pomponius cannon ’’ read “Wm. Matho " add “(2nd 2nd E. of Bessborough.” time).” 181 || 3 3 || For “Sir Geo. Hope” , , || 2 | 24 To L. Weturius Philo” read “Sir Geo. J. add “ (2nd time).” Hope.” 44 | 1 3 | For ‘‘ Gemilius” read || 188 2 5 | For “ Dudley Ryder, E. “AEmilius.” of Harrowby ” read 45 || 1 || 57 | For “Scarus” read “Dudley, E. of Har- “Scaurus.” rowby.” , , || 2 | 15 To “Cu. Domitius Aheno- ,, 2 20 | For “Jas., ld. Wharn- barbus ” add “ (2nd cliffe " read “Jas. time).” Archd., ld. Wharn- 46 || 1 || 20 To “M, AEmilius Lepi- Cliffe.” dus” add “ (2nd time).” , , | 2 || 44 || For “Aberdeen " read ,, 2 59 || To “ M. Antonius, abd.” “Aberdare.” add “ (2nd time).” , , |2| 49 || For “Parkinson” read 68 1 || 32 For “Rupert II,” read ‘‘ Samuel.” “Rupert I.” 193 || 2 || 53 (Lowther.) For “baron” 105 1 last For ‘‘ Carrua " read read “ld.” “Carrera.” 195 || 1 || 58 || For “Thos., E. of Derby.” 112 1 || 30 For “Geo. Granville, E. read “Jas., 10th E. of i Gower” read “Geo. Derby.” Granville, ld, aft. E. ,, . 2 | 17 For “Queensbury’’ read Gower.” “Queensberry.” 114 | 1 6 || To “Jno. Savile Lumley" || 207 || 1 4 | (Dartmouth.) For “1810” add “ aft. Sir J.” read “ 1801.” 146 |2| 32 || For “Vesey Fitzgerald " || 209 || 1 || 29 (Bentinck.) Dele. “gov.- read “Charles Vesey gen, of India, May, 1833,” | Fitzgerald.” and insert “ Tr. Hhold.” 147 1 7 For “ld. Ellice.” read || 211 || 1 || 13 (Bentinck.) Add “gov.- ‘‘ Edwd. Ellice.” gon. Ind. 1833.” 2 9 For “Spring Rice” read 2| 20 | For “Jas. Horatio" read “Thos. Spring Rice.” ‘‘ Geo. Jas. Horatio.” viii ERRATA. § 1 - Q * Q *- Q) ſº § a 3 Correction. § |'s 5 Correction. P+ | O H P+ O H 212 || 1 || 26 || For “Wm., visc. Anson" || 294 || 1 || 37 | (Arundel.) For “Hy.” read “Thos. Wm., visc. read “ Wm.” Anson.” ,, 2 26 | Read “Gilbert Elliot, aft. , , |2 5 At end of year 1831 add Sir G.” “Dec. 7, Hon. Thos. 298 || 1 || 23, 24 || Dele. “aft. la. Hatton.” Erskine, ch. judge in , , || 1 || 40 (Manchester.) After Bankruptcy.” “ Chas.” insert “ Wisc. 215 | 1 7 | (Wood.) For “ld. Hali- Mandeville, aft.” fax * read “wisc.” 300 | 1 1 (Evelyn.) For “E. of " 217 || 2 | 63 | For “Lopus” read read “Wisc.” “Loftus.” ,, . 1 4 (St. John.) For “Geo. 218 || 1 2 (Napier.) Add “ and ld. Richd., visc.,” read chanc. Ir.” “St. Andrew, ld.” 220 | 1 || 57 | (Gibson.) For “ld. 312 || 1 || 41 (Somerset.) After “ Al- chambn.” read “ld. gernon " insert “ld. chanc.” Percy, aft. D. of.” ,, 2 || 38 || For “Wm. Schomberg || 318 || 2 || 25 (Asheton.) After “Robt.” Rt.” read “Schomberg insert “ (?) Richd.” Hy.” 319 || 1 5 | For “ 1847 ° read “ 1487.” 223 || 1 4 || For “ 1408” road 1480.” || 323 || 1 || 15 || For ‘‘ Grenville " read 229 || 1 || 44 || For “Harvey" read ‘‘ Granville.” “Hervey.” ,, . 1 || 17 | (Granville.) For “Jas.” 230 || 1 || 20 | After “ Ed W. Jno. read “Jno.” Stanley’” add “aft. lá. 347 | – || 34 || For ‘‘ four "read “ three.” Eddisbury, &c.” 355 || 1 || 54 (Nevill.) For “Canter- ,, 2 || 24 || For “Boyce " read bury’’ read “York.” “Bryce.” 356 || 1 || 43 (Ley.) For “John ” read , , |2| 42 | For “Corrie " read “James.” * * Currie.” 364 || 1 || 30 || For Comhill” read 233 || 1 8 (Stanley.) For “Hon.” ‘‘ Cornhill.” read “ Col.” 399 || 1 |49, 50 (North.) Dele. “and E. 234 || 1 || 37 | (Hillsborough.) For of.” “ Wm.” read Wills.” 401 || 1 || 33 (Roswell.) For “Richd.” 239 2 1 | After “Lyon Playfair, read “Wrm.” C.B.,” add “aft. Sir || 408 || 1 || 3 & 24 || For “ — Brooke” read L.” ‘‘ Rd. Brooke.” 24l 2 3 || For ‘‘ Jno., aft. E. of 411 || 1 || 39 || For “Eyres” read “Eyre.” Durham,” read “Jno. 415 || 1 | 40 || After “Winnington Jef- Geo., aft.,” &c. freys” insert “Wm. Lee.” 242 || 1 || 45 || For ‘‘ Moore ” read || 429 || 2 | 11 || For “Maddore ” read “ More.” ‘‘ Maddox.” 252 | 1 || 37 | Dele. “Grosvenor.” 435 | 1 || 13 | For ‘‘ 1445 ° read “ 1454.” 254 || 2 | 21 || Between “Baring ” and || 438 || 1 || 50 | For “Barry" read * lol.” insert “aft.” “Parry.” 256 || 1 || 25, 26 || For “Wisc. Dumblane” || 456 || 1 2 || For “ 1614 ° road 4° 1605.” read “Visc. Osborne || 461 || 1 | 16 || For “Beleanquall ” read of Dumblane.” “Balcanguall.” 259 || 1 || 10, 11 Dele. “ aft. D. of Rut- || 477 | 1 || 21 | For “Strafford” read land.” * * Stratford.” ,, . 2 27, 28 Dele. “aft. D. of Rut- || 484 || 2 | 12 (Eden.) For “succ. to land.” that title " read “succ. 260 || 2 || 32 || For ‘‘ Sir Edwd. G. R. to the title of là. Auck- Owen” read “ Sir land.” Edwd. C. R. Owen.” 488 Until the alteration of 262 |2| 28 (Booth.) For “Gen.” to the “Style” in 1753 read “Geo.” 492 Lord Mayor's Day was 289 || 1 || 12 (Arundel) For “Wm.” Oct. 29th and not Nov. read “Hy.” 9th. The list of Lord 294 || 1 | 20 (Orford.) After “Edwd.” Mayors should be . insert “Russell ?” altered accordingly. ERRATA. * 1X § -: * º g Kł) } § 3| = Correction. | § |3, # Correction. t ſn- || Of H 507 || 1 || 38 * * 5 i --- Gº. Fol * Jas.” 672 * 41 (**) For “Jno.” 509 || 1 || 7 | (M For read “Jas.” (*#) . “Yº, | 713 'I 10 (Mulgrave.) For “Hy.” 6 * Bavid Wm 35 &e I'63, 720 1 o read “ Constantine Hy.” 511 |1| 26 (Elibank.) For Geo ## (nº read “nº ºr ld.” &c., read “Alex, | Tºº Jno. 7th lä.” &c. pº 515 |2| 13 (Huntley.) for 4 & 2nd E.” 724, 2 52 (Goldsworthy.) For “aft. read “4th E.” * 734 I per tº Sir G.” read “aft. Sir R.” .., |2| 18 (Huntley.) For “2nd E.” 55 For ostreat" read read “ 5th E.” * 736 1 Ostrevant. e 517 | 1 || 10 (Rothes.) For “Wm.” 18 Aft. Tord Bonvill’s name read “Wrm. (?Geoj” inse; * 522 || 1 || 39 (Craufurd.) For “An- Sir Th95, Kyriell ; drew " read “Andrew ; & 8 d. 1461. (? David) 25 e i. ; aft. la. 1 || 52 * e | enlock; d. 1471.” 5 3 (Pºp#. For “Hy." 737 |2| 31 (Ferrers.) For “ 3rd ló.” 524 | – | 12 * on " .. * read “8th lä.” º, º 55 521 read | 740 || 2 || 56 Gºº For * * 1st 525 |1| 20 | (Dunbar. For s' 5 E.” read “ 2nd E.” ( .*.*, *: : David" || 741 |2|10, 11 (Pººk, Lewis), Pele. 545 |2| 36 To Gillan's name add 742 2 “D. of Gloucester.” “ (? bp. of Dunblame).” 44 5 (º d For “Sept. 546 || 2 | 16 * £4's, 29 ° read “ Sept. 20.” Gº"Pºia ,, 2 | 11 Gºgº I.F “ 5th 550 |1| 15 For missiºnead “ y? .” read “4th E.” 552 | 1 || 25 (Ormond.) rº. lº, 744 || 1 || 17 | Read “Robt., 2nd Earl E.” read “4th E.” º: and 1st M. 553 || 2 || 25 Breret . of Westminster.” ( º) JJele. “ld. 746 || 1 | 20 (King.) For “bp. Salis- 559 |2| 17 | (Fitzwilliam.) To “wise.” hº read “bp. add “ .)” : , e 562 || 1 || 51 gº lº, , , | * | * | *ºsiº’ tº Aug.” read “ • Sutherland.” 570 | 1 2 (oººº. º | 748 || 1 I Rº ſº Hy., 4th ter 99 - | $º M. of Lothian.” º * . read || 755 || 1 || 31 For A..." ” reud 582 | 1 12 To “Tº dd tº tº 5 5 sº 66 eburgh.” 583 |2|13, 15 (Willes.) *. gº • * * | *.*.*.*" lr. ºve: º ſº * read “ atimer.” .#s. ºº 756 || 25 (Wºngreland),...Fºr 597 || 1 43 (Reeves.) For : John ” 1 || 2 Rd.” read “Ralph.” read “ Wm.” 5 5 9 || For C • Cormvale’’ read tº 6 (; 35 599 || 2 40 (Townshend.) For “Lis. || 758 || 1 || 27 op." • & 6 tº more ” read “Water- ld º º ld * 6th ford.” .” read “” .” 613 || 2 32 For 1543 "'read 1743, ” 759 2 54 Fol. * “Skelton ’’ read 627 |2| 27 | For “Dayaly” r ſº d 760 || 1 ‘‘ Shelton.” “Daly.” 68, 6 (Pº) For 5th MI.” 648 |-| 1 | Forgiº" read “ 1764." || 7 read ‘‘ 3rd M.” s * (3.2 1. 8 R t liff D § 6 25 – 32 Minto.) For ‘ 22 - 4. (Ratcliffe.) Dele. “and aft. 5 3 ( *ś * Geo.” read 764 || 1 35 (Pº) For ‘‘ 3rd D.” 650 l 20, 32 C $ v. 5 * read “ 2nd D.” (ºr "Gº" | * * * (ºr “sept." 659 || 1 || 33, 34 (Fitzger 6 $ read “May.” g } 5 ( º * aft. || 767 || 1 Guº"Gem" 668 || – | 29 * J. * * read “Jno.” | Fº Hei Hern” read || 768 || 1 5 (Harcourt.) For “2nd * E.” read “ 3rd E.” X ERRATA. Mitchell, C.B., aft. Sir J.” § 75 # Correction. § º # Correction. Q4 || O H P+. O H | 771 || 1 || 32 (Cooper.) For “Anthy.” || 886 – 27 | Read “Geo. Petre Wy- read “Astley.” mer... 20 Jun. 54 | 772 || 1 || 34 Sydenham.) Dele, “Wm.” . | 8 Jun. 56 || 9 Sep. 776 || 2 | 61 º For ‘‘ Re” read 63 |.” * Cle.” - 887 | – || 3 || For “Dyer” read “Dyce.” 781 2 3 (Tanner.) For “Orel ” . Dele, whole read ‘‘ Oriel.” , , | – | 12 Wylie.) lines. See 784 2 9 (West.) For “ Algernon’ , , | – || 14 ğ) correct en- read “Algernon Edw.” - tries p. 888. After West’s name insert ,, . – 55 (Conran.) Dele, whole “Col. Donald Mathe- line. See correct en- son.” - tries same page, line 13. , , || 2 || 25 | Dele. “Lt.-Col. Donald || 888 – 11 | Read “ ICdw. Garstin... Matheson.” | 28 Nov. 54 || 21 Dec. , , | – || 39 For “Couriers ” read 65 || 1 Mar. 67.” - ‘‘ Coursier.” ,, – 14 (Vivian.) Add “and sir 786 || 1 || 20 Aft. Gen. Murray's name R.” - - insert “ Gen. Sir Robt. ,, – 34 (Dickinson.) Dele, whole + Macfarlane, K.C.B.” line. See correct entry ,, 2 || 51 | For “Champange” read same page, line 60 “Champagne.” , , | – || 51 | Read “Wm. Wylie, C.B. 788 |2| 19 (Brooke.) For “John | 28 Nov. 54 24 Oct. Saml.” read “Saml. 62 24 Feb. 70.” Jno.” 891 | – || 35 | For ‘‘ Butter ’’ read 792 || 1 || 47 | (Munster.) For “Hy.” ‘‘ Butler.” read “ Herbert.” 893 – 23 (Brooke.) Dele, whole 794 || 1 | 18 For Cornuto * read line. See correct entry “ Comuto.” p. 887, 28 Nov. 54. , , || 1 || 25 (Guildford.) For “ 6th 894 | – || 30 (Abbott.) Dele, whole E.” read 5th E.” line. See correct entry 798 |2| 23 (Vivian.) For “Chas.” same page, 13 Apr. read “Hussey.” 1860. - 817 |2| 39 (Nagle.) For “ G.C.B.” || 895 ||—|| 3 | (Morris.) Dele, whole read ‘‘ G.C.H.” line. See correct entry 852 – 19 (Wilson.) For “Fabie” p. 894, 30 Apr. 1860. read “Fahie.” , , | – | 19 After Campbell, insert 856 || 1 || 52 (Hulse.) Dele. “G.C.M.G.” Edwin Hy. Atkinson. 861 || 2 | 60 | For ‘‘Houstoun * read 896 |-| 34 (Hodgson.) Dele, whole ** Houston or Hous- line. See correct entry toun.” p. 894, 11 Apr. 1860. 865 | 1 || 35 | For ‘‘ Guilford ” read , , |-| 38 (Shirley.) Dele, whole ‘‘ Bedford.” - line. See correct entry ,, . 2, 31 (Oughton.) Read “Jas. p. 897, 24 Oct. 1862. Adolphus, aft. Sir J.” ,, – 39 (Lawrence.) Dele. whole 866 || 1 | 60 (Craufurd.) Dele. “G.” line. See correct entry 874 || 2 | 55 (Hawker.) For “ K.C.B.” p. 897, 1 June 1862. read “ K. C.H.” ſ Dele, " whole 877 | – || 59 Fagan. JDele. whole t lines. See ( line. 'sº correct entry 898 || – : $.3 correct en- p. 876, 10 Jan. 1837. * |-| 5 | (Sutton)] ... sº, 884 || – 5 | For “ Jno. Home * read U 21 Dec.1862. “Jno. Home Home.” 900 – 49 (Tapp.) Dele. whole Dele. wº line. See correct entry lines. See p. 903, 6 Mar. 1868. * - § §º correct en- || 906 ||—|| 41 (Briggs.) Dele, whole 5 5 2 ( o tries p. 886, - line. See correct entry 20 Jun. 1854 same page, line 54. 886 || – 8 || Read “John Mitchel or , , – 61 (Ballard.) Dele. whole line. See correct entry p. 907, 16 Aug. 1868. | ERRATA. xi # 3 à Correction. # 3 É Correction. 917 918 921 line. 48 (Lefroy.) line. 28 58 line. 55 14 (Sandham.) Dele, whole See correct entry p. 904, 6 Mar. 1868. Dele. whole See correct entry p. 906, 6 Mar. 1868. (Vine.) Dele, whole line. See correct entry p. 5 5 914, 26 Nov. 1875. (Cockburn.) Dele, whole See correct entry 35 | T p. 917, 1 Oct. 1877 (Harrison.) Dele. whole line. See correct entry p. 918, 24 Nov. 1877. (Cockburn.) Dele, whole line. See correct entry 924 – 49 928 || – || 41 35 p. 917, 1 Oct. 1877, (Thomas.) Dele, whole line. See correct entry p. 920, 31 Dec. 1878 967 2 (Williams.) Dele, whole line. See correct entry same page, line 22 After H. A. Cockburn insert “ Peter Hy. Scratchley, m.-gen., 1 Oct. 1882.” Read “Hy. Augs. Smyth | 1 Nov. 82 || 1 Nov. 86 (Dorther.) Read “hon. J. C. Dormer, C.B. | 18 Nov. 82 | 1 Nov. 85 . . . . . (Dormer.) Dele, whole line. See correct entry p. 925, 18 Nov. 1882. (Beach,) Add “C. Sec. 235.” LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE BODY OF THE WORK. COnq. conquered. COIlS62C. consecrated. COllSt. constable. - constituted. contd. COntinued. COntr. control. COEOll. coronation. CI’. created. - CrOWIned. Cr. I. Crown of Indi Clſ. Dr. CrOWn prince. Css. Countess. D. duke. d. died. dau. daughter. decl. declared. -*- declined. degr. degraded. dep. deposed. - deputy or depute. abbot. C.S.I. companion of the abdicated. o star of India. | archbishop. C811C. cancelled. about. Capt. captain of the yeo- acting. yeom, gu, men of the guard. admitted. Capt. captain of the gen- admiral. gent. tlemen pension- administrator. penS. €l’S. admiralty. cardl. Cardinal. afterwards. ch. chief. alderman. ch.bar.ex.] chief baron of the ambassador. exchequer. ambassador extra- || Ch. chief commissioner. Ordinary. CO]]]]]]]'. appointed. ch. d’a. chargé d'affaires. appeal. ch, ex. chancellor of the appointment. exchequer. archduke. chambn. chamberlain. archdeacon. Chanc. d. chancellor of the arrival or arrived. Lanc. duchy of Lancas- assassinated. ter. attorney general. chapl. chaplain. born. coadj. coadjutor. baron of the ex- || coffr. cofferer. chequer. Col. colonial. board. CO]]]]]]. commissioner of bishop. admy. the admiralty. baronet. Comm.ch.'commander in chief. companion of the comm. common serjeant. bath. serjt. commonly COIlli Il. commissioner of called. treasy. the treasury. consul general. COIIl- commendator. companion of the mend. Indian empire. Commr. commissioner. companion of St. || compt comptroller of the Michael and St. hhold household. George. conf. confirmed. dep. e. deputy earl malº- marsh. shal. | depr. deprived. desc, descended. dethr dethroned. dict, dictator. dipl. rel. diplomatic rela- SuSp tions suspended. dism. dismissed, disp. dispensed. div. divorced. DSS duchess. E. earl. earl earl marshal. marsh East. T. Easter Term or Or Vac Vacation. elect. elected. xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. elect.. pal. emp. €Yl W. 6X, estab. eXp. ext. 1d. Of SeSS. .M. G.C.B. G.C.E.I. G.C.I.E. G.C.M.G. G.C.S.I. gen. gent. bedch. gov. gell. govr. gr. d. gr. Seal. gr. Stole. hhold. Hil. T. Or Vac. introd. inv. iss. judge prerog. just. C.P. just. K.B. K. E.B. R.C. E.C.B. R.C.E.I. E.C.I.E. R. C.M.G. IK.C.S.I. IK.G. R.E.I. K.T2. elector palatime. emperor. envoy extraordi- Inary. established. expelled. extraordinary lord of Session. field marshal. financial. first lord of the ad- miralty. first lord of the treasury. foreign. formerly. London gazette, i.6. the date Of the Gazette Notice. Knight Grand Cross Of the Bath. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Guelphs. Knight Grand Com- mander of the In- dian Empire. Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George. Išnight Grand Com- mander of the Star Of India. general. gentleman of the bedchamber. governor general governor. grand duke. great Seal. groom of the stole. household. Hilary Term or Vacation. introduced. invested. issued. judge of the prero- gative court. justice of the com- mon pleas. justice of the king's bench. King. Išmight or Knight Companion of the Bath Ring's Counsel. ISnight Comman- der of the Bath. Enight Comman- der of the order of the Guelphs. Knight Comman- der of the Indian Empire. IXnight Comman- der of St. Michael and St. George. Knight Comman- der of the Star of India. Enight of the Gar- t €r. Knight of the Order of the Guelphs. Knight of St. Pat- rick. IK.T. knt. L.G. L.P. ld. ld. admy. ld. bed- ld. chanc. ld. Clk. ld.marsh. ld.pr.seal. ld. pres. Council. ld. St. ld. trea,Sr. ld, treasy. ld. Wolen. Stamm. loc.gov. bd lt.-gen. lt.-gen. Ord. MI. 7??. I(night of the Thistle. knight. Lieutenant Gover- I] Ol. Letters Patent. lord. lord of the admi- ralty. lord of the bed- chamber. :... lord chief baron of the exchequer. lord chief justice of the common pleas. lord chief justice of the king's bench. lord chamberlain. ld chancellor. lord clerk register of Scotland. lord great cham- berlain. lord justice. lord keeper. lord lieutenant. lord marshal. lord privy seal. lord president of the council. lord Steward. lord treasurer. lord of the trea- sury. lord warden of the stamneries. local government board. lieutenant-general. lieutenant - general of the Ordnance. Marquis. married. master general of the Ordnance. major-general. master of the horse. master of the mint. master of the Ord- Ila, Il C62, master of the rolls. maharajah. martyred. master. master general of the Ordnance. master of the great wardrobe. Michaelmas Term or Vacation. parlt. paym. gen. pat. perm. preS. plant. pol. . postm. gell. pr. pr. Seal. pr. Serjt. preb. prec. prem. preS. preS. council. procl. prov. proV. gov. prov.pres. provl. IPrSS. Q. Q.C. Q,t). parliament. paymaster general. patent. * permanent presi- dent. plantations. political. postmaster gene- ral. prince. privy. privy seal. prime serjeant. prebendary. precentor. premier or prime minister. president. president of the council. proclaimed. provost. provisional govern- ment or governor. provisional presi- dent. provisional. Princess. |U1662]]. ueen's Counsel. . quid vide. rajah. ranger. recorder, rector. registrar. relinquished. removed. remembrancer. representative. resident. resigned. restored. retired. son and heir. Serjeant at Law. sime prole. Secretary. secretary of state. signet. speaker of the hous Of commons. special mission. succeeded. surnamed. surrender. surrendered suspended. SWOl'Il. Trailbaston tice Of). teller of the chequer. trade. translated. treasurer. treasury. Trinity Term o Vacation. (jus- ex- m.g. Ordn. Im.-gen. m. horse. m. mint. m. ordn. m. rolls. mahar. mart. mast. mast.gen. ord. mast. gr. wardr. MichS. T. Or Vac. mil. tri. min. min. plen. min. res. miss. extr. Mss. matl. Il OIYl. military tribune. minister. minister plenipo- tentiary. minister resident. mission extraordi- nary. Marchioness. natural. nominated. obtained. Ordnance poor law board Patent of Prece- dence. parliamentary. raj. rang. reC. rect. regr. relinq. I'êIll. remembr. Tep. I'G.S. rest. ret. S. and h. S.L. S.p. SGC, Sec. St. Sign. sp. ho. CO]ll Ill. Sp. miss, SU1CC. Slil'Il. Slillºr, surrend. SllSp. SW. T. tell. ex. tr. trea,Sr. treasy. Trim. T. Or Vac. ll I'll]], W. | Q). | V. chambn. V. chanc. : Vic. Visc. Viscss. Warrt. unmarried. Vice. wice. vice chamberlain. vice chancellor. vicar. Viscount. Viscountess. warrant. TABLE OF CONTENTS. -4)- PAGE PREFACE ſe ſº tº º e e & {º wº $ . 111 ERRATA . wº e te © e g e e * ſº . vii LIST of ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE BODY OF THE WORK e . xi TABLE OF CONTENTs & e & tº e * g e . xiii IISTS OF DIGNITIES. THE Lists are divided into XVI. Parts, as under : — PART I.—ROYAL. Sovereigns and Rulers of the Principal Countries in the World. PART II.—DIPLOMATIC. Ambassadors, Envoys Extraordinary, Ministers Plenipotentiary, &c., from Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Foreign States. PART III.—POLITICAL AND OFFICIAL. Government Officials, Officers of State, Officers of the House- hold, &c. PART IV. Lord-Lieutenants of Counties, Governors and Constables of Castles, &c. PART W.-HERALDIC. Earl-Marshals, Kings of Arms, Heralds, and Pursuivants. PART VI. LEGAL. Judges and other Legal Dignitaries. PART VII.-ECCLESIASTICAL. Archbishops, Bishops, and Deans of England and Wales. PART VIII.-LONDON. PART IX.-SCOTLAND. PART X.—IRELAND. PART XI.—INDIA. PART XII.—THE COLONIES. Governors and Bishops of the Colonies and other Dependencies of the British Empire. xiv. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART XIII.—ORDERS OF KNIGHT HOOD. Orders of Knighthood, &c., connected with PART XIV.—NAVAL. PART XV. MILITARY. PART XVI. MISCEIILANEOUS. PART I.—ROYAL. the British Empire Sover EIGNS AND RULERS OF THE PRINCIPAL Count RIES IN THE WORLD. EUROPE. Sovereigns, &c. of PAGE Alençon 26 Anhalt 66 — -Bernburg . 66 -Dessau 66 Anjou . 27 Arragon 86 Austria 58 Baden . & 66 -Baden . 67 -Durlach 67 Bavaria. 67 Belgium 84 Bohemia . 58 Brabant 29 Brandenburg 65 Brittany 27 Brunswick 68 Bulgaria . 95 Burgundy 28 Castile . . 85 Danubian Principa- lities 94. Denmark . © 93 Eastern Empire. 49 England— Sovereigns I Kings Consort 7 Queens Consort . 7 |Princes of Wales 8 Princes and Prin- cesses of 9 Ferrara 52 Flanders . 81 France 22 Franconia . . . 71 Friesland (see Hol- land) . . . . 82–3 Germany . . . . 61 German Confedera- tion, North . 64 German Empire. 61, 64 German States, South * . 64 Germanic Confede- ration 63 Sovereigns, &c. of Great Britain (see PAGE under separate Kingdoms) . 1–17 Greece . . 96 Hainault . . . . 81–2 Hanover . 70 Hesse . 71 -Cassel. 72 — -Darmstadt 72 — -Homburg. 72 Hildbourghausen (see Saxe-Alten- burg) . 78 Holland . 82–3 Hungary . . . . 59 Ionian Islands (Part 129 Ireland e 20 Italy, Ancient 49 Modern 51 Liechtenstein 73 Lippe-Detmold . 73 -Schaumburg. 73 Lombardy (see An- cient Italy) 49 Elorraine . 29 Lucca . 52 Luxemburg . 84 Mecklenburg. 73 -Schwerin . 74. -Strelitz 75 Modena 52 Moldavia . 94 Monaco 30 Montenegro . 95 Naples 55 Nassau . 75 Navarre 85, 87 Netherlands . 82–3 Normandy 30 Norway . 9]. Oldenburg º 76 Orange (Pr. of). 83 Parma. tº º 53 Piacenza . 53 Placentia . 53 Sovereigns, &c. of Poland Portugal . Prussia. Reggio Reuss-Greiz . -Schleiz. Rhine, Confedera- tion of . . . . Rhine, Palatinate of Rome— Consuls, tors, &c. Emperors . Kings Popes Roumania. Russia. Sardinia. . Savoy . Saxony . . . Saxe-Altenburg. -Coburg-Gotha -Saalfeld — -Gotha. Alten- burg . . . . — -Meiningen — -Royale -Weimar ſº Schwarzburg-Rudol- stadt . . . . -Sondershau- Sell . . Scotland . Servia . © tº tº Sicily and Two Sici- lies . tº tº Spain . Suabia. Sweden tº º and Norway . Switzerland . "Transylvania Turkey (see Asia). Tuscany . & ſº Two Sicilies . Dicta- JPAGE 90 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV PART II.—DIPLOMATIC. AMBASSADORS, ENvoys ExTRAORDINARY, MINISTERS PLENIPOTENTIARY, &c., FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND To FoREIGN STATEs. From the Accession of George III., 1760. Ambassadors to— Abyssinia 131 America, Central 133 America, U.S. of 132 Argentine Confede- ration and Repub- lic . 136 Austria. . 116–7 Baden, &c. . . . 119 Barbary States . 131 Bavaria, * 119 Belgium . 123 Bolivia. 135 Borneo 131 Brazil . 135 Bulgaria . 128 Central America 133 Chili 137 Öhina and Corea 180-i Colombia, Republic of . . . . . 134 Corea, China and . 130-1 Costa Rica 133 Danubian Principali- ties Denmark . 128 127 Ambassadors to— Dominican Repub- lic . . . . . Ecuador(addendum Egypt . . . . . France tº º German States . Germany . Granada, New Greece. Guatemala Hanover . Hanse Towns Hawaiian Islands Hayti . . . . Hesse-Darmstad Honduras . . . Ionian Islands (Ld. High Commrs.) Italy, Modern Japan . Lucca, &c. Mexico * Modena, &c. Moldavia . Montenegro . 137 133 119 133 129 114 131 115 133 115 128 128 Ambassadors to— Morocco . Muscat . . . . Naples and the Two Sicilies. $ tº Netherlands, &c. New Granada. Nicaragua. . . . Norway and Sweden Ottoman Empire Panama Paraguay. Parma, &c. . Persia. . Peru. . . . . Plata, Rio de la . Poland * Portugal . Prussia. . . . Rio de la Plata . Roumania Russia. . San Salvador. . Sandwich Islands Sardinia * Saxony Sovereigns, &c. of PAGE AFRICA. Sovereigns, &c. of PAGE United Kingdom of Sovereigns, &c. of PAGE | Dominican Republic 105 G. B. and I. (see Liberia, * 100 Ecuador 108 under separate Madagascar . 101 || Granada, New 107 Ringdoms) . 1–20 | Morocco . . . 101 Guatemala 105 Waldeck-Pyrmont . 80 | Orange Free State . 101 Hayti . 104 Wales, Sovereigns of 16 || Transvaal . 101 Honduras. 106 Princes of . . 8 | Tunis . 101 || Mexico 103 Wallachia. 94 | Zanzibar . 102 | New Granada 107 Western Empire 48 Nicaragua 106 Wurtemburg . 80 AMERICA. Panama 107 Zell(seeBrunswick) 70 America, Central 105 Paraguay. 110 U.S. of . 102 || Peru. e 108 ASIA. Argentine Confede- St. Domingo . 105 Arabia. 98 ration . . . 109 | St. Salvador . 106 China . 100 Republic . 109 | U.S. of America 102 Egypt . 98 || Bolivia, º º 109 of Colombia 107 Japan . 100 || Brazil . 108 Uruguay . 111 Jerusalem 96 || Buenos Ayres 110 Venezuela 107 Ottoman Empire 97 Central America 105 | Vera Cruz 103 Persia . 99 Chili . . . . 111 Siam 100 | Colombia, Republic of 107 Trebizond 98 |U.S. of . 107 || Hawaiian or Sand- Turkish Empire 97 | Costa Rica. 106 wich Islands . 111 132 130 114 122 134 133 127 117 136 128 125 133 137 114 120 xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ambassadors to— Servia . Siam - - - it Sicilies, Naples and the Two Spain Sweden * and Norway Swiss Confederation IPAGE 128 131 114 123 126 127 113 Ambassadors to— Texas . Tunis Turkey e Tuscany, &c. . . Two Sicilies, Naples and . . . . . United States of America º IPAGE 132 132 129 115 114 132 Ambassadors to— |United States Colombia . |Uruguay Venezuela Venice - Wallachia . of wurtemburg, &c. 118-9 Zanzibar . PART III—POLITICAL AND OFFICIAL. PAGE 128 132 GovERNMENT OFFICIALs, OFFICERs of STATE, OFFICERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD, &c. Administrations— Treasury— rers, &c. Lord High :- 15 Commissioners . Secretaries, parlia- mentary and finan- cial . . . . . Secretaries, assistant Secretaries, perma- nent . Exchequer Part, WI Chancellors Chamberlains Auditors . Tellers . . . . . Clerk of the Pells . Comptrollers-Gene- ral . . . . . Auditors-General of Public Amounts . Assistant ditto . Admiralty— Lord High Admirals, &c. . . . . . Commissioners . .) Secretaries, first Secretaries, second. Secretaries, perma- ment . & 8 Privy Council— Lord Presidents Privy Councillors . Judicial Committee (see Part VI.). Ireland— (See Part X.) Secretaries of State— Introduction . Principal Secre- taries to 1782. Under Secretaries to ditto . See also 163 164 164 164 166 166 167 168 168 168 169 169 186 187 187 187 189 360 221 222 225 Home Department— Secretaries º Under Secretaries, parliamentary Under Secretaries, permanent . . . Foreign Department— Secretaries º Under Secretaries, parliamentary Under Secretaries, permanent . . |Under Secretaries, permanent, assis- tant . e 226 227 228 230 War and Colonial Depart- 7nemi Secretaries tº tº ljnder Secretaries, parliamentary |Under Secretaries, permanent War Department— Secretaries ſº Under Secretaries, parliamentary |Under Secretaries, financial Under Secretaries, permanent Secretaries of War Secretaries of War, deputy . Colonial Department— Secretaries e Under Secretaries, parliamentary TJnder Secretaries, permanent Under Secretaries, permanent, assis- tant . 230 231 232 232 232 233 233 233 234 234 235 235 236 India (and see Part XI., and Board of Con- trol, infra) Secretaries o Under Secretaries, parliamentary Under Secretaries, permanent . Scotland (see Part IX.) Post Office— Postmasters - Gene- ral Secretaries ſº Secretaries, second . Secretaries, financial Lord Chancellors, &c. (see Part VI.) Lords Privy Seal Chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster Paymasters-General . Paymasters-General of the Forces e Wardens and Masters of the Mint e Judge Advocates Ge- neral (Part XV.). Speakers of the House of Commons Control, Board of (see also “Indian Secre- taries,” supra, and Part XI.)— Introduction . Presidents and Com- missioners to 1841 Presidents from 1841 Secretaries Education, Board of:- Vice-Presidents . Health, Board of- Presidents 236 236 236 237 239 239 239 240 241 243 243 245 937 247 251 252. 254 254 254 255 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xvii Local Government PAGE Board— Presidents 256 Secretaries, parlia- mentary 256 Secretaries, perma- nent . . . . 256 Navy Boards— Treasurers of the Navy . . 256 Comptrollers. . 257-8 Surveyors . 257 Ordnance, Board of— Masters - General of the Ordnance . 258 Lieutenants-General of the Ordnance . 259 Surveyors - General of the Ordnance , 259 Clerks of the Ord- Il2.Il C6 . . 260 Storekeepers. 260 Police— Chief Commission- ers, &c. . . 261 Poor Law Board— Commissioners . 262 Presidents 262 Secretaries . 202 Trade, Board of:- Original Boards to 1786 . . . .263 Subsequent Mem- bers . . . 268 Presidents from 1786. . 268 Vice-Presidents from 1786. . 269 Secretaries, parlia- mentary . 269 Secretaries, perma- ment . . . . . 270 Woods and Forests. Land Revenues. Works and Public Buildings— Introduction . , 270 Surveyors - General of Woods, Forests, Parks, and Chases 271 Surveyors of Land PAGE Revenues . Commissioners of Woods, Forests, and Land Reve- IllêS Commissioners of Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, and Build- ings . # tº º First Commissioners of Works and Pub- lic Buildings . Revenue— Commissioners of Customs, England and Wales, to 1722. e e Commissioners of Customs, Great Britain, 1723–42. Commissioners of Customs, England and Wales, 1742– 1823. . . . . Commissioners of Customs, United Kingdom, from 1823 . * Commissioners of Excise, England and Wales, to 1823 Commissioners of Excise, United Ringdom, from 1823–49 e Commissioners of Stamps, England and Wales, to 1834. g Commissioners of Taxes, England and Wales, to 1834 { } Commissioners of Stamps & Taxes, England & Wales, 1834–49 ſº Commissioners of 271, 271 273 272 272 273 275 275 277 277 283 284 Inland Revenue PAGE from 1849 285 Lord High Stewards . 286 Lord Great Chamber- lains. . . . 287 Deputy Chamberlains 288 Lord High Constables 288 Earls Marshal and their Deputies(see Part V.) . . . 325 Lord Steward’s De- partment— Lord Stewards of the Household 289 Treasurers of the Household . 291 Comptrollers of the Household. 292 Cofferers of the Household . . .293 Treasurers of the Chamber . 294 Lord Chamberlain's Department— Lord Chamberlains of the Household 294 Vice - Chamberlains of the Household 296 Masters of the Great Wardrobe . 295 Governors and Con- stables of Wind- sor Castle (Part IV.). . . . . .322 Captains of the Yeo- men of the Guard 297 Captains of the Gen- tlemen Pensioners 299 Captains of the Gen- . tlemen-at-Arms , 300 Poets Laureate . 300 Examiners of Stage Plays . . . . .301 Master of the Horse's Department— Masters of the Horse 301 Masters of the Buck- hounds . . . 302 Grooms of the Stole . .303 Mistresses of the Robes 304 xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART IV. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF COUNTIES, NORS AND CONSTABLES OF CASTLES, &c. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF Count[Es. PAGE Introduction 305 ENGLAND. Lord Lieutenants of Bedfordshire. 306 Berkshire. 306 Buckinghamshire 306 Cambridgeshire . 306 Cheshire * 306 Cornwall . 307 Cumberland . 307 Derbyshire 307 Devonshire 307 Dorsetshire . 307 Durham 308 Essex . tº e 308 Gloucestershire . 308 Hampshire 3.11 Herefordshire 308 Hertfordshiro 308 Huntingdonshire 309 Rent 309 Lancashire 309 PAGE Lord Lieutenants of Leicestershire 309 Lincolnshire . 310 Middlesex 310 Monmouthshire . 310 Norfolk . 31() Northamptonshire . 310 Northumberland 310 Nottinghamshire 31 || Oxfordshire . 311 Rutlandshire. 311 Shropshire 311 Somersetshire . 311 Southamptonshire . 311 Staffordshire . 312 Suffolk 312 Surrey 312 Sussex. & 312 Tower Hamlets . 3.19 Warwickshire 312 Westmoreland 3.13 Wiltshire . 313 Worcestorshire . 313 SCOTLAND, see Part IX., and IRELAND, see Part X. GovERNORS AND CONSTABLES OF CASTLEs, &c. Constables of Dover Castle . . . . 316 Wardens of the Cinque ſports . . . 316 Constables of the Tower of London . 319 Lord Lieutenants of the Tower Ham- lets . . . 319 Lieutenants of the Tower of London .. 321 | Governors and Con- stables of Windsor Castle . Lord Wardons of the Stannaries PART W.—HIERALDIC. EARLs MARSHAL, KINGS OF ARMS, HERALDS, AND PURSUIVANTs. Introduction 324 SEC. I.-HERALDIC OFFICES STILL EXISTENT. Lords Marshal . 325 Earls Marshal . . . 326 Deputy Earls Marshal 327 Rings of Arms— Garter . 327 Clarencieux 328 Kings of Arms— Norroy . . . . 329 Bath and Gloucester 330 Heralds— Chester 330 Windsor 331 Somerset . 332 Lancaster 332 Richmond 333 York 334 Surrey Maltravers Rouge Croix . Bluemantle Portcullis. Rouge Dragon GOVER- PAGE Lord Lieutenants of Yorkshire, E. Riding 313 53 N. , , 313 5 3 W. ,, 313 NORTH WALES. Lord Lieutenants of:- Anglesey . 314 Carnarvonshire . 314 Denbighshire 314 Flintshire 314 Merionethshire . 314 Montgomeryshire 315 North Wales . 314 SOUTH WALES. Lord Lieutenants of Brecknockshire. 315 Cardiganshire 315 Carmarthenshire 315 Glamorganshire. 315 Haverfordwest . 316 Pembrokeshire . 316 Radnorshire . 317 . South Wales. 315 322 323 Heralds Extraordinary— 334 335 Pursuivants of Arms— 335 336 337 337 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xix SEC.II.-HERALDIC OFFICES NOW ExTINCT. Heralds and Heralds Extraordinary— PAGE Norfolk . . . . 341 Suffolk . . 341 Pursuivants Extraor- dinary— Antelope . 341 Athlone 341 Barnes 341 Berwick 341 Blanch Lion . 341 Blanch Rose . 342 Blanch Sanglier 342 Calais . e 342 Comfort 342 Cork 342 Eagle . 342 Falcon 342 Fitzalan . 343 Pursuivants Extraor- dinary— PAGE Guisnes 343 Hampnes . 343 Eildare 343 Mont-Orgueil 343 Nottingham . 343 Portsmouth . 344 Risebank . 344 Rose . . . 344 Rose Blanche 344 Rose Rouge . 344 Scotch Officers (Part IX.)— Lyon Kings of Arms 513 Lyons Depute 513 Irish Officers (Part X.)— Ulster Kings of Arms 572 PART VI.-LEGAL. JUDGES AND OTHER LEGAL DIGNITARIES. Kings of Arms — IPAGE Ireland 338 Lancaster 338 Leicester . 339 Marche . . . . 339 Heralds and Heralds Extraordinary—— Arundel 339 Blanc Coursier . 339 Buckingham . 339 Carlisle 339 Clarencieux . 340 Gloucester 340 Hanover 340 Leicester . 340 Marche 340 Mowbray . 340 Introduction . . . 345 Lord High Chancellors 352 Lord Keepers . . . 352 Commissioners of the Great Seal 352 Lords of Appeal 358 Judicial Committee of the Privy Council . 358 Chief Justiciaries . 362 Justiciarios . 363 Justices Itinerant . 365 Justices of Trailbas- ton . . . . . . .365 Ring's and Queen's JBench— Chief Justices, K.B. and Q. B. . 369 Presidents. II. C.J., Q. B. DIV. . . . 371 Puisne Justices, K.B. and Q. B. . . . 371 Puisne Justices, II. C.J., Q.B. DIV. 374 Common Pleas— Chief Justices, C. P. 375 Presidents, H. C.J., C. P. DIV. . 376 Puisno Justices, C.P. 376 Puisne Justices, II.C.J., C.P. DIV. 380 Eacchequer— Chancellors (Part .) . . . . . 164 Chief Barons Exch. 381 Presidents, II.C.J., EXCII. DIV. 382 Puisne Barons Exch. 3S2 Puisne Justices, II. C.J., EXCH. DIV. 385 Cursitor Barons 386 County Palatine of Chester or Welsh Judges— Chief Justices 386 Second or Puisne Justices 386 Chancery— Lord Chancellors, &c. (vide supra). 352 Masters of the Rolls 387 Lord Justices of Appeal. 388 Vice Chancellors 390 Justices, II.C.J. CII. DIV. . . . . . 390 Masters in Chancery 392 Accountants Gene- ral (Chancery) 392 Appeal— Lords of Appeal (vide supra) . 358 Lords Justices of Appeal before the Judicature Acts . 388 Lords Justices of Appeal after the Judicature Acts .. 389 Probate, Divorce, Admiralty— Judges, Probate and Divorce, 1858–75 Judges, II.C.J., Pro- bate, Divorce, and Admiralty Divs. (For earlier Judges, 39 L 391 see Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Courts, inf.) Bankruptcy— Judges of the Court of Review . 392 Chief Judges in Bankruptcy . . 392 Bankruptcy Judges 392 County Court Judges. 403 Attorneys General 397 Solicitors General . 400 Serjeants-at-law 406 Kings Counsel, Queen's Counsel, Patents of Precedence 414 Ecclesiastical Courts— Doams of the Arches 420 Judges of the Pre- rogative Court of Canterbury . . 421 Vicars General to the Archbishop of Canterbury Judges of the Consis- tory Court (Chan- cellors of the dio- cese of London) . King's and Queen's Advocates . . . Admiralty Court (and vide supra) Judges . Admiralty cates * & Recorders and Com- mon Serjeants of London (Part VIII ) . 493–5 A. d V o: XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART VII.—ECCLESIASTICAL. ARCHBISHOPS, BISHOPS, AND DEANs of ENGLAND AND WALEs. Those marked * are Bishops Suffragan. Archbishops, Abp. . Archbishops, Abp. . Archbishops, Abp. . Bishops, and Ol' : Bishops, and Ol' 5 Dishops, and Ol' § Deans of IBp. Q) Deans of IBp. Q} Deans of Bp. Gº) ſº C C PAGE ||PAGE PAGE IPAGE PAGE PAGE Bangor . . . . 425 || 426 || Durham . 478 || 479 || Oxford 456 457 Bath and Wells 427 | – || East Angles 452 Penrith . 476 | – ` * Bedford 447 | – || Elmham . . . 454 — & 482 & 452 and Dun- Peterborough . . 457 || 458 *Berwick 479 || – wich 454 | – || Ripon 482 || 482 Bristol 439 || 440 || Ely 434 435 || Rochester . 459 || 461 Gloucester Exeter 436 437 || St. Alban’s . 461 | – and º 439 || – || Gloucester . 438 440 || St. Asaph . 461 || 462 Canterbury 429 || 431 and Bris- St. David’s . 463 || 465 Carlisle . 475 476 tol . . . 439 || – || St. Paul's — 452 Chester . 476 || 477 || *Guildford . 471 | – || Salisbury 466 || 468 Chichester . 432 || 433 || Hereford 441 442 || Selsey . . . . 432 — Christ Church, Hexham . 480 | – || *Shaftesbury . 467 — Oxford — 457 || Holy Island 478 | – || Sherborne . 466 — College, * Hull 486 || – || *Shrewsbury . . 444 — Manchester . | – || 481 || *Ipswich 455 | – || Sidnacester 446 — *Colchester . 1460–1 — || Lichfield . 443–4. 445 Dorchester Cornwall 436 || – and Coven- and . . . . 446 — Devon and 436 — try . . 443 | – || Sodor and Man 483 — Coventry . . . 443 | – || *Leicester . 458 | – || Southwell . . . 468 — Lichfield Lincolm . 446 || 447 || *Taunton . 428 — and . . . . 443 | – || Lindisfarne 478 || – || *Thetford . 455 — Devon and Corn- Liverpool 480 | – || Truro . . 468 || – wall 436 | – || Llandaff 448 || 449 || Wakefield . 484 || – Devonshire 436 | – || London . 450 || 452 || Wells . . . . 427 428 Dorchester 446 | – || Manchester 480 481 Bath and 427 — and Sidna- *Marlborough 452 | – || Westminster 469 || 469 cester 446 | – || & 467 Wilton 466 — *Dover . 431 | – || Newcastle-on- Winchester 470 471 Dunwich . . 454 — Tyne . 481 | – || Windsor — 474 Elmham Norwich . . 454 455 || Worcester . 472 473 and . . . . 454 || – || *Nottingham 447 | – || York 484 || 486 PART VIII.—LONDON. Portreeves. Mayors, IPAGE | PAGE | PAGE and Lord Mayors of Chamberlains of Lom- Recorders 493 London . . 488 | don. 493 | Common Serjeants 494 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxi PART IX.—SCOTLANT). SOVEREIGNS OF SCOTLAND. See Part I., p. 17. OFFICERS OF STATE, &c., OF SCOTLAND. T.reasury— PAGE Lord High Trea- Surers, &c. 496 Comptrollers 498 Admiralty— - Lord High Admirals 499 Vice-Admirals 499 Privy Council— Lord Presidents 500 Vice Presidents for Education . 500 Lords Privy Seal 500 Secretaries of State— Secretaries of State in Scotland from 13— to the Union 501 Principal Secre- taries of State for Scotland in England from the Union to 1746 . F02 Secretaries for Scot- land under 48 & 49 Vict, cap. 61 502 Post Office— Postmasters-Gene- ral . . . . . 502 Lord Chancellors, vide infra . . . . . 514 Lord Keepers of the Great Seal from Union to present time tº a 503 Revenue— Commissioners of Customs . 503 Commissioners of Excise . . . . 504 Lord High Stewards . 505 Lord Great Chamber- lains . . . . . 505 Lord High Constables 506 Earls Marischal . . 507 Rnights Marischal 507 Lord High Commis- sioners to the Par- liaments of Scot- land . . . 507 LORD LIEUTENANTS OF Count IES-Scotland. Lord Lientenants of Aberdeenshire 508 Argyleshire . 508 Ayrshire . 508 Lord Lieutenants of— PAGE Banffshire 508 Berwickshire 508 Buteshire . 508 Caithness-shire . 509 Clackmannanshire . 509 Cromarty . . . 509 Dumbartonshire 509 Dumfries-shire . 509 Edinburghshire . 509 Edinburgh City 509 Elginshire 509 Fifeshire . 510 Forfarshire . 510 Haddingtonshire 510 Inverness-shire . 510 Rincardineshire 510 Kinross-shire 510 Kirkcudbright, Stewartry . 510 Lanarkshire . 511 Linlithgowshire 511 Midlothian 509 Nairnshire . . . 511 Orkney and Zetland 511 Beebleshire . . 511 Perthshire 511 Renfrewshire 511 Ross-shire 512 Roxburghshire . 5 12 Selkirkshire . 512 Shetland . 511 Stirlingshire . 512 Sutherlandshire. 512 Wigtomshire . . 512 Zetland, Orkney,ézc. 511 HERALDIC OFFICERS– SCOTLAND. Lyon Kings of Arms. 513 Lyons Depute . 513 JUDGES AND OTIIER LEGAL DIGNITARIES OF SCOTLAND. Lord Chancellors, &c. 514 Court of Session— Introduction . 515 Lord Presidents. 516 Lord Justice Clerks 516 Extraordinary Lords of Session . 517 Ordinary ditto 518 Court of Justiciary— Introduction . . . 521 Lords Justices Ge- neral . . . . 522 Lord Justice Clerks 516 Judges or Commis- sioners of Justi- ciary 522 l Exchequer— PAGE Introduction . 523 Chief Barons 523 Barons. • ? 524 Admiralty Court— Judges . . . . 524 Lord Clerk Registers . 524 Lord Advocates 525 Solicitors General . 526 Deans of Faculty . 527 ARCHBISEIOPS AND BISHOPS OF SCOTLAND. ; Part. 1.-Ante - Revolution Bishops. Archbishops and Bishops of Aberdeen . 530 Argyll . 537 Brechin 530 Caithness . 531 Dunblane . 532 Dunkeld . 532 Edinburgh 533 Galloway . 538 Glasgow . 53.5 Isles, The . 539 Moray . 534 Mortlach . 530 Orkney 534 Ross - 535 St. Andrew's 528 The Isles . 539 Part 2. — Post - Revolution Bishops. Archbishops and Bishops of Aberdeen . 540 and Orkney 541 Argyll and the Isles 541 Brechin . . 541 Caithness . . 541 Moray, Ross, &c. . . . . . 544 Ross and . 545 Dunblane . . . 542 Dunkeld and . 542 Fife, Dunkeld and . . . . . 543 St. Andrew's, Dunkeld and . 545 Dunkeld . . . . 542 and Dunblane. 542 — (Fife, Dunkeld and Dunblane) 543 (St. Andrew's, Dunkeld and Dun- blane) . 545 xxii TABLE OF CONTENTS. Archbishops and PAGE Bishops of— Edinburgh 542 Fife . . . . . . 543 Dunkeld and DTunblane . 543 Galloway . . . . 543 Glasgow and . 544 Glasgow . . . . 543 and Galloway. 544 Isles, Argyll and the . . . 541 Moray . 544 and Ross 544 and Archbishops PAGE Bishops of Moray, Ross and Caithness . 544 Orkney . . . 545 Aberdeen and . 541 “Primus ” Bishops. 540 Ross . . . . . 545 — and Caithness. 545 — Moray and . 544 (Moray, Ross and Caithness) 544 St Andrew's, Dun- keld and Dunblame 545 Archbishops and Bishops of The Isles, Argyll and Scotch Bishops with- out Sees . . . . GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE EIRK OF SCOTLAND– Lord High Commis- sioners . tº º Moderators Lord Provosts Edinburgh of SOVEREIGNS OF IRELAND.— See Part I., p. 20. OFFICERS OF STATE, &c., of IRELAND. Lord Lieutenants and Chief Governors of Ireland, includ- ing Lord Deputies and Lord Justices 549 Treasury— Lord Treasurers 558 Vice-Treasurers 558 Treasury Commis- Sioners . 558 Secretaries . . 561 Chancellors of the Exchequer. . 561 Secretaries of State— Principal Secre- taries of State 562 Chief Secretaries to the Lord Lieu- tenant . . 562 Under Secretaries to the Lord Liou- tenant, perma- nent . * . 563 Under Secretaries to the Lord Lieu- tenant, parlia- mentary 564 Post Office— Postmasters - Gene- ral . . . . . 564 Commanders of the Forces . . 564 Revenue— Commissioners of Customs . . . 565 Commissioners of Excise . . . 566 Commissioners of Accounts . 567 Commissioners of Stamps. 568 PART X.—IRELAND. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF Counties—IRELAND. Lord Lieutenants of Antrim 568 Armagh 568 Carlow 568 Cavan . 569 Clare 569 Cork 569 Donegal 569 Downshire 569 Dublin (County) 569 Fermanagh . . 569 Galway 569 Kerry . 569 Kildare 569 Rilkenny . 570 Ring's County 570 Leitrim . . . . 570 Limerick (County). 570 Londonderry. 570 Longford . 570 Louth . 570 Mayo . 570 Meath . 570 Monaghan 570 Queen's County. 571 Roscommon . 57.1 Sligo 571 Tipperary 571 Tyrone 57]. Waterford 57.1 Westmeath 571 Wexford . 571 Wicklow . 57.1 HERALDIC OFFICERS.—IRE- LAND. |Ulster ſings of Arms 572 JUDGES AND OTIILR LEGAL DIGNITARIES OF IRELAND. Introduction e 572 Lord Chancellors . 574 Deputy Chancellors 574 Vice-Chancellors . Lord Keepers Deputy Reepers Commissioners of the Great Seal. Ring's and Queen's Bench— Chief Justices, K.B. and Q. B. gº Presidents, II.C.J., Q. B. DIV. . . . Puisne Justices, K.B. and Q. B. . . . Puisne Justices, II.C. J., Q. D. DIV. . Common Pleas— Chief Justices, C. P. Presidents, II.C.J., C. P. D.I.V. ë Puisne Justices, C. P. Puisno Justices, II. C.J., C. P. DIV. . Eacchequer— Chancellors (vide supra) . . . . Chief Barons, ExCH. Presidents, II.C.J., IEXCEI. UIV. Puisne Barons, EXCH, tº º Puisne Barons, II.C.J., EXCH. DIV. Chancery— Lord Chancellors, &c. (vide supra). Masters of the Rolls g Lord Justices of Appeal . º Vice-Chancellors Justices, II.C.J., CII. DIV. . . . * Land Courts— Judges of Landed Court the Estate PAGE 541 545 546 547 547 574 574 574 574 5 8 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxiii Land Court—(cont.)—PAGE Lord Justices of Ap- PAGE Admiralty Court— PAGE Land Judges. 586 peal after the Judges. tº 587 Irish Land Commis- Judicature Acts. 586 Sioners . 588 | Probate and Matri- monial— Bankruptcy Court— Appeal— Judges before the Judges º 587 Lord Justices of Ap- Judicature Acts. 587 || Attorneys General 588 peal before the Judges after the Solicitors General . 589 Judicature Acts . 585 Judicature Acts. 587 | Serjeants-at-Law . 590 ARCHBISHOPS, BISHOPS, AND DEANS OF IRELAND. Archbishops, Abp. ; Archbishops, Abp. | P: Archbishops, Abp. | c. Bishops, and Or § Bishops, and Ol' § Bishops, and Ol' § Deans of Bp. ſº Deans of Bp. C. Deans of Bp. ſi PAGE PAGE PAGE ||PAGE PAGE [PAGE Achonry . . . 612 614 || Connor, Down Glendalough ICillala and 613 | — and . . . 604 || – Dublin, — Tuam, (Down, Con- lendalough, Killala, and . . 613 | — nor, and Dro- and Kildare) 617 | – Aghadoe, Ard- more) 605 || – || Kildare . 616 || 619 fert and . 639 || – || Cork . . . . . 630 (532 Dublin, Limerick, and Cloyne | 631 || – Glendalough, Ardfert, and 639 || – || —— Cloyne, and . . . . 617 | — Ardagh . 607 || 609 and Ross. , 631–2 — Kilfenora 635 | 637 IGilmore and 607 || – and Ross. 632 — Killaloe, — Kilmore, Derry . . . . 600 602 and . . . . 635 | — Elphin, and . 608 — and Raphoe 602 || – — (Killaloe, Ardfert . . — 640 || Down . . . 603 || 605 Rilfenora, and Aghadoe 639 — and Connor 604 || — Clonfert, and (Limerick, Connor, Kilmacduagh) 636 || – Ardfert, and and Dromore | 605 || – || Killala . . . . 612 614 Aghadore) . 639 || – || Dromore 604 || 606 and Achon- Armagh. . 595 || 597 Down, Ty . . . . . 613 — & 597 Connor, and . 605 || – (Tuam, and Clogher 597 Dublin 615 617, Killala, and Cashel . . . . 624 || 627 618 Achonry) 613 and Emly | 626 — and Glen- Killaloe . . 634 || 637 — Emly, dalough . 615 | – || — and Kilfe- Waterford, Glenda- In OI’8. . . . 635 | — and Lismore | 627 | — lough, and Kilfenora, Christ Church, Rildare . 617 | — Clonfert, and Dublin — 618 || Elphin . 608 609 Kilmacduagh 636 || – Clogher . 596 || 597 || — (Kilmore, Kilmacduagh . 636 637 & 597 Elphin, and Clonfert, Armagh and 597 Ardagh) 608 — and . . . . 636 — Clonard . 598 Emly. . . . . 625 | 628 Killaloe, Clonfert . , 635 | 637 Cashel and 626 — Kilfenora, and Kil- — (Cashel, Clonfert, and 636 || – macduagh 636 — Emly, Water- Kilmore. . . 607 609 —— (Killaloe, ford, and Lis- and Ardagh 607 || – Rilfenora, more). 627 | — Elphin, Clonfert, and Emachdune . — 613 and Ardagh . 608 || – Kilmacduagh) 636 — Ferns . . . . 621 || 623 || Leighlin. 621 623 Clonmacnois 599 || 600 and Leigh- Ferns and 622 || – Cloyne . . . 630 | 632 lin . . . . . 622 — Ossory, — Cork and 631 | – || — (Ossory, - Ferns and 622 || – — (Cork, Ferns, and Limerick 638 639 Cloyne, and Leighlin) 622 || – Ardfert, Ross). 631–2 — || Glendalough ($15 || 619 and Aghadoe 639 — Connor . 603 || 605 || —Dublin, and 615 | – || Lismore . 626 628 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Archbishops, Abp. ºf Bishops, and Ol' § Deans of Bp. ſi IPAGE ||PAGE Lismore,Cashel, Emly, Water- ford, and 627 | — Waterford º and 626 — Louth — 598 Mayo 6] 1 || – Moath 599 || – Ossory . . . . 620 | 622 | Lord Mayors of Dublin 640 | Introduction 643 SECTION I.--HOME OFFICIALs. Presidents, Commis- sioners, and Secre- taries of the Board of Control (Part III.). . . 251-4 Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of tho East India Co. Secretaries and Under Secretaries of State for India (Part III.) Members of the Coun- cil of India 644 236 646 SECTION II.-INDIAN OFFICIALS. Supreme Government of India— Administrators prior to 1773 . Governors - General, 1773 to 1858 . Viceroys and Gover- nors-General from 1858. e Commanders - in - Chief Bengal— Governors, see Go- vernors - General of India. . (347-9 647 648 649 650 Archbishops, Abp. ºf Archbishops, Abp. ſi Bishops, and Ol' § Bishops, and Ol' § Deans of Bp. C. Deans of Bp. C. IPAGE [PAGE PAGE PAGIE Ossory, Ferns, Tuam . . 611 || 613 and Leighlin. 622 | – || –— Killala, Raphoe . . . . 601 || 602 and Achonry | 613 || – Derry, and 602 || – || Waterford . 626 628 Ross . . . . 631 633 || --—(Cashel, Cork, and 632 — Emly, Water- Cork, ford, and Lis- Cloyne, and . (631–2 — more). . . 627 | — St. Patrick’s — 617 & Lismore | 626 — Recorders 642 PART XI.—INDIA. Bengal— Contral Provinces— Lieutenant - Gover- Chief Commissioners 655 In Ol’S , e tº ($52 Commanders - in - Burma— Chief (352 Chief Commissioners 655 and see Commandors- Bishops of Rangoon 655 in-Chief—India. (350 Assam º: sº 652 | Chief Commissioners 656 Chief Justices, High Madras— Court of Judica- (353 Governors 656 ture . . . . . 65 * ; : Biºs of Calcutti sã “...". " ... gº North-West Provinces º º sº ($58 and Qudh– Chief Justices, High Lieut.-Governors — Court of Judica- North-West Pro- ture ($58 vinces . . . ($53 e te p: Chief-Commissioners, Bishops 658 Oudh . . 654 Bombay— Ilieut. - Governors, Governors . . 659 North-West Pro- Commanders - in - vinces, and Chief Chief . . . 659 C om missioners, Chief Justices, Su- Oudh, united . 652 preme Court . . 660 Chief Justices, Chief Justices, High North-West Pro- Court of Judica- Vinces . . 654 ture . . . . . 660 . Bishops 661 Punjab– Presidents of Board Prince of Wales’ Island of Administration 654 or Penang, Ma- Chief Commissioners 654 lacca, Singapore Lieut.-Governors (354 (see Straits Settle- Bishops of Lahore. 655 ments, Part XII.) 674 • *-* ------ ~~~~ * *-** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. -ss- TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXV PART XII.—THE COLONIES. GovKRNORS AND BISHOPS OF THE COLONIES AND OTHER DEPENDENCIES of THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Introduction, contain- PAGE | Governors of PAGE Governors of— PAGE ing a classified Demerara. . 715 Ontario (and see list of the various Dominica . 727-30 Canada, Upper). 692 Indian and Colo- Essequibo . . 715 Pacific, Western— nial Dioceses . 662 | Falkland Islands 731 High Commrs. 711 Fiji . 711 Penang 674-5 * Gambia 686; Port Jackson, see COLONIAL GOVERNORS. Gibraltar . 669 New South Wales. Governors of—- Gold Coast 686 Port Philip see Vic- Africa, see South Grenada . 719-20-4 toria. Africa and West Grenadines, see p. 718 Prince Edward Africa. Griqualand West 681 Island . 691-2-9 Alderney . . . . . 668 || Guernsey, &c. (Go- Prince of Wales’ America, see North vernors) . . 668 Island 674-5 America. (Bailiffs). 669 | Quebec (and see Anguilla, see pp. 726-30 Guiana, British . 714-5 Canada, Lower). 693 Antigua . . . 727-8 Heligoland 670 | Queensland . . . . 705 Auckland Islands 710 | Herm . . . . . 668 Red River Settle- Australasia . 702–12 Honduras, British . 714 ment . . . . 696 Australia, see Aus- Hong Kong . . . 673 | Redonda, see p. 726 tralasia, North Ionian Islands (Part Rodriguez . 684 Australia, South II.) . . . . . 129 Rupert's Land . . 696 Australia, and Isle of Man 664 St. Christopher . 727-9 Western Aus- Jamaica. . . . 712 St. Helena 682 tralia. Jersey (Bailiffs) 668 St. Ritts, see St. Bahama Islands. 716 (Governors) . 667 Christopher. Barbados. . 719-21 Kaffraria, British . 680 St. Lucia . 719-20-5 Barbuda, see p. 726. Labuan . . . . 675 St. Vincent 719–20-5 Basutoland . . . 681 || Lagos . . . . . 687 Sark . . . . 668 Bech u an a land, Leeward Islands 726-31 Seychelles Islands . 684 British . 680 | Malacca . 674-5 Sierra Leone 685 Belize . 714 || Malta . * 671 Singapore . 674-5 Berbice 715 Man, Isle of . 664 Somers Islands . 701 Bermudas . . 701 Manitoba . 696 South Africa— Borneo — British Martinique 719 High Commrs. 679 North . . 676 | Mauritius. . 683 South African British Bechuana- Montserrat . 727-8 Colonies 677-82 land . * ºt 680 Moreton Bay, see South Australia 706 Columbia . , 698 Queensland. Straits Settlements 674-5 — Guiana . . 714-5 | Natal . . 680 | Swan River Settle- — Honduras . 714 Nevis . . . . 727-9 ment, see Western — Kaffraria . 680 | New Brunswick 691-2-5-6 Australia. New Guinea . 711 New Guinea, Bri- Tasmania . 708 — North Borneo 676 tish . . . . . 711 Tobago . 719-20-3 Canada . 691–2 | New South Wales , 702 Trinidad 719-20-1 — Dominion New Zealand 708 Turks and Caicos of . . . . . 689-99 Newfoundland 699 Islands . 713 Gov.rs.-Gen. 692 || Niger Protectorate. 688 Vancouver Island . 699 Lower (and North American Van Diemen's Land 708 see Quebec) . . 691-3 Provinces . . 692 || Victoria. . . . 704 — Upper (and see North Australia 705 Virgin Islands 727-31 Ontario) . 691-2 | North Borneo, Bri- West Africa. Set- Cape Breton . 696 tish . . . 676 tlements . 684-8 Cape of Good Hope . 678 North Western Western Australia. 707 Ceylon . . . . . 672 Territory and Western Pacific Channel Islands 667 North West Terri- High Commrs. 711 Christmas Island . 674-5 tories . . . . 696-7 Windward Islands 717-26 Cyprus . 671 | Nova Scotia . 691-2-4-5 xxvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. COLONIAL BISHOPs. For Classified list of dioceses, see p. 662 Bishops of PAGE Adelaide , 707 Africa, see Central Africa, and East- erm Equatorial Africa. Algoma iº 693 Antigua. . . . . 728 Armidale,Grafton & 704 Assiniboia. . 698 Athabasca 697 Auckland 709 Australia 703 Ballarat 705 Barbados . 721 Bathurst . 704 Bloemfontein . . 680 Bombay (Part XI.). 661 Brisbane . . . . 706 Britiſh Columbia, (398 Calcutta (Part XI.) 653 Caledonia. . . . 698 Cape Town 679 Central Africa . 688 China, Mid . 676 China, North 676 China, Travancore and . . . . 676 Christchurch, N.Z. 709 Colombo . . . . 673 Columbia . 698 Bishops of Dunedin tº º Eastern Equatorial Africa. . . . Falkland Islands Fredericton . Gibraltar . Goulburn . * @ Grafton and Armidale Grahamstown Guiana Hong Kong . Honolulu . Huron . Jamaica. Japan . Jerusalem e Jersey (Deans). Raffraria . * Labuan . . . . Lahore (Part XI.). Mackenzie River Madagascar . e Madras (Part XI.). Maritzburg tº Mauritius Melanesia. Melbourne Mid-China, Montreal . Moosonee . Nassau Natal . Nelson . . . . . Newcastle, N.S.W. PAGE 710 688 730 696 670 704 704 680 715 (373 712 693 713 677 677 (368 681 675 655 697 689 658 680 684 711 705 676 694 697 717 680 710 703 Bishops of Newfoundland . . New Westminster . New Zealand Niagara e Niger District North China . © North Queensland . Nova Scotia. , Ontario tº gº tº Orange Free State. Perth, W.A. . . . Pretoria, Qu'appelle Quebec . . . . Queensland, North . Rangoon (Part XI.) Riverina. . . . . Rupert's Land St. Helena. e St. John’s Kaffraria. Saskatchewan Sierra Leone Sydney Tasmania. . Toronto Travancore China Trinidad . * Victoria (Hong Kong) . . . Waiapu Wellington Zambesi Zululand . and PART XIII.-ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. PAGE 700 698 709 693 689 676 706 695 (393 (381. 707 682 (398 694 706 655 704 (397 682 (381 697 685 703 708 (393 676 723 673 710 710 688 681 ORDERS OF KNIGHTHooD, &c., connECTED WITH THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Introduction . 732 Garter— Introduction . 732 Enights (K.G.) . 733 Prelates 745 Chancellors . 745 Registrars 746 Rings of Arms . 746 Thistle— Introduction . 746 knights (kr) . , 747 Deans . . . . 749 Secretaries ſº 749 Kings of Arms . 749 St. Patrick— Introduction . . 749 Grand Masters . 750 Knights (K.P.) 750 Prelates 752 St. Patrick— Chancellors . Secretaries Genealogists. Kings of Arms . Bath— Introduction . Great Masters Acting Masters . Rnights Companions (K.B.) . . . . Knights Grand Cross (G.C.B.)— Military. Civil . tº Knights Comman- ders (K.C.B.)— Military . Civil . Deans . 752 752 752 752 752 753 754 754 766 771 773 782 784. Bath— Genealogists . Registrars Secretaries Rings of Arms . Guelphs—Hanover— Introduction . gº Iºnights GrandCross (G.C.H.) tº e Knights Comman- ders (K.C.H.) Knights (K.H.) . Chancellors . . Vice-Chancellors Secretaries Rings of Arms . St. George— Introduction . Grand Masters, &c. Michael and St. 784 784 784. 785 785 785 787 789 792 792 792 793 793 794 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxvii St. Michael and St. PAGE George— Knights GrandCross (G.C.M.G.) . & Rnights Comman- ders (K.C.M.G.) Prelates Chancellors . Secretaries Kings of Arms . Registrars Star of India— Introduction . Lord High Admirals, Commissioners of Admiralty, &c. (Part III.) Secretaries to the Ad- miralty (Part III.) Treasurers of the Navy (Part III.) Comptrollers of the Navy (Part III.) Surveyors of Navy (Part III.) Judges, High Court of Admiralty, Eng- land (Part VI.) . Judges, High Court of Admiralty, Scot- land (Part IX.) . Judges, High Court of Admiralty, Ireland (Part X.) . . . . Admiralty Advocates (Part VI.) the Commanders-in-Chief Captains-General . Field-Marshals e Generals (List A)— Officers who at- tained the rank of GENERAL, down to June 1854 . Generals (List B)— Officers who at- tained the rank of - LIEUT. - GENERAL Star of India— IPAGE Grand Masters . . 800 Knights Grand 794 Commanders (G.C.S.I.) . . 800 796 || Knights Comman- 799 ders (K.C.S.I.) 802 799 || Registrars 804 799 Secretaries 804 799 || Indian Empire— 799 Introduction . 804 Grand Masters . 804 800 Indian Empire— Knights Grand Com- manders (G.C.I.E.) Knights Comman- ders (K.C.I.E.) Companions (C.I.E.) Registrars . . . Secretaries Crown of India— Introduction . º Members (Cr. I.) . Registrars e PART XIV.-NAVAL. Admirals (List A)— Admirals from the Restoration to 1836, with the dates of their first promotion a S Rear-Admirals Admirals (List B)— Admirals of the Fleet from 1837 . Admirals (List C)— Admirals of the United Kingdom from 1837 . Admirals (List D)— Admirals of the Red, White, and Blue, from 1837 to the discontinuance of the division into three squadrons in 1864 823 169 186 813 821 422 822 524 587 423 Admirals (List E)— Admirals on the Active List from 1864 . . . . Admirals (List F)— Promotions of Ad- mirals tranferred from the Active to the Retired List . . . . . Admirals (List G)— Admirals on the Reserve Half-Pay List from 1851 to the closing of the List . . . . . Admirals (List H)— Captains promoted to the List of Re- tired Admirals Governors of Green- wich Hospital Lieut.-Governors of Greenwich Hospital PART XV. MILITARY. down to Novem- ber 1846 . . Generals (List C)— Officers who at- tained the rank of MAJOR - GENERAL down to January 1837 . . . . Generals (List D)— MAJOR - GENERALS, including the In- dian General Offi- 855 855 856 864 857 871 cers, from 1837; with their subse- quent promotions to LIEUT.-GENE- RALs and GENE- RAL8 . . . . Governors of Chelsea Hospital . ſº Lieut.-Governors of Chelsea Hospital Judge Advocates General PAGE 805 805 805 808 808 809 809 810 xxviii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART XVI.—MISCELLANEOUS. IPAGE PAGE PAGE |Bresidents of the Presidents of the Presidents of the Royal College of Royal Society . . 940 Royal Academy of Physicians . . . 938 | Presidents of the Arts . . . . . 941 Presidents of the Royal Institution . 940 |Astronomers-Royal . 941 Royal College of Surgeons . . . 938 List of Abbreviations used in Index of Names . tº g e * s . 944 Index of Names . * º * g g & ſº tº g te tº . 943 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART I. ROYAL. SOWEREIGNS AND RULERS OF THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. SOWEREIGNS AND RULERS OF EUROPE. ENGLAND. SOWEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. RINGs of THE HEPTARCHY. ECENT. Co-extensive with the shire of Kent. 455. 488. 512. 542. §60. 616. 640. 664. 673. 685 694. 725. 748. 760. Hengist. HEsc, Esca, or Escus, son of Hengist, in honour of whom the kings of Rent were for some time called AEscings. Octa, son. Hermenric, or Ermenric, son. St. Ethelbert, 1st Christian king. Eadbald, son. Ercenbert, or Ercombert, son. Ecbert, or Egbert, son. Lother, or Lothair, brother. Edric; slain in 687. The kingdom was now subject for a time to various leaders. Wihtred, or Wightred. Eadbert ; sons of Wihtred, suc- Ethelbert II. ceeding each other. Alric 794. 796. 805. 490. 514. 648. 688. Edbert, or Ethelbert Pryn ; dep. Cuthred, or Guthred. Balred ; who in 823 lost his life and kingdom to Egbert, K. of Wessex. SOUTH SAxONs. Sussea, and Surrey. Ella. Cissa, son. The South Saxons here fell into an almost total dependence on the kingdom of Wessex. and the names of the princes who were possessed of this titular sove- reignty are scarcely known. Edilwald, Edilwach, or Adelwalch. Anthun and Berthun, brothers; they reigned jointly ; both were van- quished by Ina, K. of Wessex, and the kingdom was finally conquered in 725. 1 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. WEST SAxONs. Berks, Southampton, Wilts, Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and part of Cornwall. 519. Cerdicus. 534. Cymric, or Kenric, son. 559. Ceawlin, son ; banished by his sub- jects; d. 593. 591. Ceolric, nephew. 597. Ceolwulf. 611. (Cynegils, and in 614. UCwichelm, his son, reign jointly. 643. Cenwal, Cenwalh, or Cenwald. 672. Sexburga, his queen, sister to Penda, R. of Mercia; dep. 674. Escwine, in conjunction with Cent- wine. On the death of Escwine 676. Centwine rules alone. 685. Ceadwal, or Coedwalla. 688. Ina, or Inas. 728. Ethelheard, or Ethelard, related to Ima. 740. Cuthred, brother. 754. Sigebryi, or Sigebert. 755, Cynewulf, or Kenwulf, of the line of Cerdic. 784. Bertric, or Beorhtric. 800. Egbert, aft. sole monarch of Eng- land. EAST SAxons. Essex, Middlesex, and parts of Herts. 527. Erchenwin, or Erchwine. 587. Sledda, son. 597. St. Sebert, or Sabert, son; first Christian king. 614. Saxred, or Sexted, or Serred, jointly with Sigebert and Seward; all slain. 623. Sigebert II., Surn, the Little, son of Seward. 655. Sigebert III., surn, the Good, brother of Sebert ; put to death. 661. Swithelm, son of Sexbald. 663. Sigher, or Sigeric, jointly with Sebbi, or Sebba, who became a monk. 693. Sigenard, or Sigehard, and Suenfrid. 700. Offa. 709. Suebricht, or Selred. 738. Swith red, or Swithed. 792. Sigeric. 799. Sigered. 823. The kingdom seized upon by Egbert, FC. of Wessex. NORTIIUMDRIA. Lancaster, York, Cumberland, Westmore- land, Durham, and Northumberland. Northumbria was at first divided into two separate governments, Bernicia and JDeira ; the former stretching from the river Tweed to the Tyne, and the latter from the Tyne to the Humber. 547. Ida, Saxon. 560. Adda, son, K. of Bernicia Ella, K. of Deira ; aft. sole K. of Northumbria. Glappa, Clappa, or Elappea ; Ber- nicia. Heodwulf; Bernicia. Freodwulf; Bernicia. Theodric ; Bernicia. Ethelric ; Bernicia. Ethelfrith, surn. the Fierce. Edwin, son of Ella, K. of Deira in 590; slain in battle with Penda, IC. of Mercia. The kingdom again divided; Eam- frid ruled in Bernicia, and Osric in Deira ; both put to death. Oswald; slain in battle. Oswed, or Oswy. Ecfrid, or Egfrid, K. of Northumbria. Alcfrid, or Ealdferth. Osred, son. Cenred; sprung from Ida. Osric, son of Alcfrid. Ceolwulf; d. a monk. Eadbert, or Egbert ; retired to a monastery. Oswulf, or Osulf; slain in a sedition, Edilwald, or Mollo; slain by Alred. Alred, Ailred, or Alured; dep. Ethelred, son of Mollo; expelled. Elwald, or Celwold; dep, and slain. Osred, son of Alred; fled. Ethelred rest. ; aft. slain. Erdulf, or Ardulf'; dep. Alfwold; succ. by Erdulf, perhaps by others. 567. 572. 573. 580. 588. 593. 617. 634. 635. 644, 670. 685. 705. 716. 718. 729. 738. 757. 759. 765. 774. 778. 789. 790. 795. 808. and EAST ANGLEs. Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Isle of Ely. 575. Uffa ; a noble German. 582. Titilus, or Titulus, son. 599. Redwald, som. 624. Erpwald, or Eorpwald. 629. Sigebert, half-brother. 632. Egfrid, or Egric, cousin. 635. Anna, or Annas; killed. 654. Ethelric, or Ethelhere; battle. Ethelwald, brother. Aldulf, or Aldwulf. Selred, or Ethelred. Alphwuld. Beorn and Ethelred, jointly. Beorn, alone. Ethelred. Ethelbert, or Ethelbyrht; put to death in Mercia in 792, when Offa, K. of Mercia, overran the country, which was finally sub- dued by Egbert, K, of Wessex. slain in 655. 664. 713. 746. 749. 758. 761. 790. MERCIA. Counties of Gloucester, Hereford, Chester, Stafford, Worcester, Oxford, Salop, Warwick, Derby, Leicester, Bucks, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 3 Northampton, Notts, Lincoln, Bedford, Rutland, Huntingdon, and parts of Herts. 586. 593. 597. 615 626. 655. 656. 675. 704. 709. 716. Crida, or Cridda. Interregnum. Wibba, som. Ceorl, or Cheorl, nephew. Penda; killed in battle. Peada, son ; murdered. Wulfhere, brother, to make way for whom Peada was slain. Ethelred ; became a monk. Cenred, Cendred, or Kendred; be- came a monk at Rome. Ceolred, or Celred, or Chelred, son of Ethelred. Ethelbald; slain in a mutiny by one of his own chieftains, his suc- cessor, after a defeat in battle. 755. 755. 794. 794. 819. 819. 821. 823. 825. 838. 852. Beornred, or Bernred; himself slain. Offa. Egfrid, or Egferth, son; he had ruled jointly with his father for some years; d. suddenly. Cenulf, or Kenulph; slain. Kenelm, or Cenelm, a minor reigned five months; killed by his sister Quendreda. Ceolwulf, uncle; driven from the throne. Beornulf, or Burnwulf; killed by his own subjects. Ludecan; slain. Withlafe, or Wiglaf. Berthulf, or Bertulf. Burhred, or Burdred. This last kingdom merged, like the other kingdoms of the Hep- tarchy, into that of England. The Saxons, although they were divided into seven different kingdoms, yet were for the most part subject to one king alone, who was entitled Rex gentis Anglorum, or Ring of the English nation; those which were stronger than the rest giving the law to them in their several turns, till, in the end, they all became incorporated in the empire of the West Saxons, under Egbert. The term “Octarchy" is sometimes applied, by writers, to the Saxon kingdoms, inasmuch as Northumbria, the seventh kingdom, was at different periods divided into two kingdoms, Bernicia and Deira, ruled by separate kings. Other writers apply the term to the successive kings whose authority was acknowledged by the other princes of the Heptarchy; these they call Octarchs. KINGs, or OCTARCHS, OF THE ENGLISH SAXONS DURING THE 457. 490. 519. 534. 560. 593. 616. 630. 635. 644. 670. 675. 827. 837. 857. 860. 866. 871. 901. 925. 941. HEPTARCHY. Hengist, 1st K. of Kent. 704. Cenred, 8th K. of Mercia. Ella, 1st K. of the South Saxons. 709. Celred, 9th K. of Mercia. Cerdic, 1st K. of the West Saxons. 716. Ethelbald, 10th K. of Mercia. Kenric, 2nd K. of the West Saxons. 758. Offa, 11th K. of Mercia. Ceawlin, 3rd K. of the West Saxons. 796. Egferth, 12th K. of Mercia. Ethelbert, 5th K. of Kent. 796. Kenulph, 13th K. of Mercia. Redwald, 3rd K. of the East Angles. 820. Egbert, 17th K. of the West Saxons; Edwin, 4th K. of Northumbria. Oswald, 5th K. of Northumbria. Oswed, 8th K. of Bernicia. Wulfhere, 6th K. of Mercia. Ethelred, 7th K. of Mercia. first and absolute monarch of the whole Heptarchy, who van- quished all or most of the Saxon kings, and added their dominions to his own. KINGS OF ENGLAND BEFORE THE CONQUEST. Egbert, first sole Monarch of Eng- land. Ethelwolf, son, Ethelbald, son. Ethelbert, 2nd son of Ethelwolf. Ethelred, brother; mortally wounded by the Danes in battle; d. April 27, 871. Alfred, surn, the Great, 4th son of Ethelwolf ; d. Oct. 26, 901. Edward the Elder, son ; d. 925. Athelstan, natural son of Edward, whose legitimate sons were too young to govern; d. Oct. 17, 941. Edmund, son of Edward; d. May 26, 947. 947. 955. 959. 975. 978. Edred, brother. Edwy, son of Edmund. Edgar, brother; d. July 1, 975. Edward the Martyr, son ; stabbed at Corfe Castle, at the instance of his step-mother Elfrida, Mar. 18, 978. Ethelred II., half-brother. This prince retired to Normandy during the Danish usurpation, when Sweyn was procl. king, 1013. Sweyn d. a few months after- wards, and was succ. by his son, Canute the Great. While the latter was absent in Denmark, the exiled king returned. Ethel- red d. April 24, 1016. 1 * 4 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1016. Edmund II., surn. Ironside, son of Ethelred. The English and Dan- ish nobility, tired of war, obliged Edmund and Canute to divide the kingdom between them. Canute ruled the northern por- tion, while the southern was held by Edmund, who, however, did not long survive the treaty; he was murdered at Oxford by two of his chamberlains, accomplices of Duke Edric, Nov. 30, 1016. THE DANISII RACE. 1016. Canute, styled the Great, and the Dane; established himself as K. of England in 1017; d. Nov. 12, 1035. 1035. Harold I., surn. Harefoot, from his agility in running ; d. April 14, 1039. 1039, Hardicanute, or Canute the Hardy, so named from his bodily powers, brother ; d. June 8, 1041. THE SAXONS REPOSSESSED. 1041. Edward the Confessor, son of Ethel- red II. by Emraa, his 2nd queen ; d. Jan. 5, 1066, naming William of Normandy his heir. 1066. Harold II., som of Godwin, E. of Kent ; reigned only nine months; killed at the battle of Hastings. William of Normandy invaded Eng- land in Sept. 1066 with a power- ful fleet and army, and on Oct. 14 following, gave battle, at Hastings, to Harold, over whom he obtained a complete victory. Harold being slain, William was proclaimed king by his trium- phant army on the spot. SovKREIGN's OF ENGLAND AFTER THE CONQUEST. THE NORMAN LINE. 1066. WILLIAM the Conqueror, natural son of Robert, D. of Normandy, by Harlotta, a tanner's dau., at Falaise, b. 1025; m. Matilda, dau. of Baldwin, Count of Flanders; d. at Rouen, Sept. 9, 1087. 1087. WILLIAM Rufus, or the Red, from the colour of his hair, second son of William I., b. 1057; d. unm., Aug. 2, 1100. 1100. HENRY I., surn. Beauclerk, youngest son of William I., b. 1070; m, 1st, Matilda, dau. of Malcolm Canmore, K. of Scotland; and, 2nd, Adelicia, dau. of Godfrey, D. of Louvaine; d. Dec. 1, 1135. 1135. STEPHEN, son of the E. of Blois (by Adela, dau. of William I.), and nephew of Henry I., b. 1105. The Empress Maud, dau. of Honry, and rightful heir to the throne, con- tended for it with Stephen, but ultimately concluded a peace with him, by which she secured the succession to her son. See next Reign. Stephen m. Matilda, dau. of ICustace, count of Bou- logne ; d. Oct. 25, 1154. THE PLANTAGENET LINE. 1154. HENRY II., son of the Empress Maud and Geoffrey Plantagenet, Earl of Anjou, her second husband, b. 1133; m. Eleanor, dau, of the D. of Guienne and divorced queen of Louis VII. of France ; d. July 6, 1189. 1189. RICHARD I., Coeur de Lion, son of Henry I., b. 1157; m. Berengaria, dau. of Sancho VI., Navarre; d. Apr. 6, 1199. 1199. JOIN, surn. Lackland, brother, b. Dec. 24, 1166; m. 1st, Avisa, dau. of William, Earl of Glou- cester, whom ho divorced upon the ground of consanguinity; and, 2nd, Isabella, dau. of Aymer, count of Angoulême, the affi- anced wife of the Count de la Marche; d. Oct. 19, 1216. 1216. HENRY III., son, b. Oct. 1, 1206; m. Eleanor, dau. of Raymond, count de Provence ; d. Nov. 16, 1272 1272. EDWARD I., surn. Longshanks, son, b. June 17, 1239; m. 1st, Eleanor, dau. of Ferdinand III., K. of Cas- tile ; and, 2nd, Margaret, dau. of Philip III., the Hardy, K. of France; d. July 7, 1307. 1307. EDWARD II., son, b. Apr. 25, 1284; m. Isabella, dau. of Philip IV., the Fair, K. of France; deth. Jan. 25, 1327; and murdered at Berkeley Castle Sept. 21 follow- FC. of Ing. 1327. EDwARD III., son, b. Nov. 13, 1812; m. Philippa, dau. of William, count of Holland and Hainhault ; d. June 21, 1377. 1877. RICHARD II., son of Edward the Black Prince and grandson of Edward III., b. Jan. 6, 1867; m. 1st, Anne, dau. of the Emp. Charles IV. ; and, 2nd, Isabel, dau. of Charles VI. of France; deth. Sep. 29, 1399, and murdered at Pomfret Castle, Feb. 13 fol- lowing, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 5 THE LINE OF LIANCASTER. 1399. HENRY IV., surn. Bolingbroke, son of John of Gaunt, D. of Lancaster, who was fourth son of Edward III., b. 1367 ; m. 1st, Mary de Bohun, dau. and co-heiress of the E. of Hereford; and, 2nd, Joanna of Navarre, widow of John de Mont- fort, D. of Bretagne ; d. Mar. 20, 1413. 1413. HENRY V., of Monmouth, son, b. 1388; m. Katherine, youngest dau. of Charles VI., K. of France; d. Aug. 31, 1422. 1422. HeNRY WI., son, b. Dec. 6, 1421; m. Margaret of Anjou, dau. of René or Regnier, D. of Anjou, titular K. of Sicily and Jerusa- lem ; deth. Mar. 4, 1461, and d. in the Tower (supposed to have been murdered there by Richard, D. of Gloucester), June 20, 1471. THE HOUSE OF YORK. 1461. EDw ARD IV., eldest surviving son of Richard, D. of York, son of Richard, E. of Cambridge, and Anne, his wife, who was dau. of Roger, E. of March, the son of Edmund Mortimer and Philippa, his wife, who was dau. of Lionel, D. of Clarence, the third son of Edward III., b. Apr. 29, 1441; m. Elizabeth Widvile, (or Wood- ville), dau. of Sir Richard Wid- vile, afterwards E. Rivers, widow of Sir John Grey, of Groby ; d. Apr. 9, 1483. Edward, pr. of Wales, son of Henry VI., was murdered in this reign. 1483. Edward W., eldest son, b. Nov. 4, 1470. Dep. June 22, 1483. He was shortly afterwards murdered, with his brother Richard, in the Tower, by their uncle Gloucester, who had usurped the throne. 1483. RICHARD III., D. of Gloucester, eighth and youngest son of Rich- ard, D. of York, and brother of Edward IV., b. 1443; m. Anne, dau. of the great E. of Warwick, and widow of Edward, pr. of Wales, above-mentioned. Slain at the battle of Bosworth Field, Aug. 22, 1485. THE FAMILIES OF YORK AND LAN CASTER UNITED IN THE HOUSE OF TUDOR. 1485. HENRY VII., E. of Richmond, grand- son of Owen Tudor and Catharine, widow of Henry V., b. July 26, 1455; claimed his title to the crown in right of his mother, descended from John of Gaunt, 4th son of Edward III. ; m. Eliza- beth, eldest dau. of Edward IV., by which marriage the houses of Lancaster and York were united. Overcame Richard III. at the battle of Bosworth, and was crowned king upon the spot; d. Apr. 22, 1509. 1509. HENRY VIII., son, b. June 28, 1491; m. (1), Katharine of Arragon (widow of his elder brother, Arthur), whom he repudiated and afterwards formally divorced. (2) Anne Boleyn (dau. of sir Thomas Boleyn, and maid of honour to queen Katharine), whom he be- headed. (3), Jane Seymour (dau. of Sir John Seymour and maid of honour to Anne Boleyn), who died in childbirth of a son, aft. Edward VI. (4), Anne of Cleves (sister of William, D. of Cleves), whom he divorced. (5), Katharine Howard (niece of the D. of Nor- folk), whom he beheaded. (6), Katharine Parr (dau. of sir Thomas Parr and widow of Edward Nevill, lord Latimer, her 2nd husband), who survived him; d. Jan. 28, 1547. 1547. EDWARD VI., son, by Jane Seymour (). Oct. 12, 1537; d. unm., July 6, 1553. 1553. MARY, eldest dau. of Henry VIII., by Katharine of Arragon, b. Feb. 11, 1516; in. Philip II. of Spain, who was joined with her in the government, July 25, 1554; d. Nov. 17, 1558. In the beginning of this reign lady Jane Grey, dau. of the D. of Suffolk, and wife of lord Guild- ford Dudley, was proclaimed queen ; Edward VI., when dying, having been persuaded to alter the succession in her favour. In 10 days afterwards she returned to private life ; but was tried Nov. 13, 1553, and beheaded Feb. 12, 1554, being then but seventeen years of age. Her nominal reign extended from July 6 to July 17 1553. 1558. ELIZABETII, second dau. of Henry VIII. by Anne Boleyn, b. Sept. 7, 1533; d. unm. Mar. 24, 1603; and in her ended the Tudors. HOUSE OF STUART. 1603. JAMES I. of England, and VI. of Scotland, son of Mary, Q. of Scots, by Henry Stuart, lord Darnley ; and grandson of James IV. of Scotland, by Margaret, 6 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. dau. of Henry VII. of England; b. June 19, 1566; m. Anne, dau. of Frederick II. of Denmark; d. Mar. 27, 1625. 1625. CHARLES I., eldest surviving son, b. Nov. 19, 1600: m. Henrietta- Maria, dau. of Henry IV. and sister of Louis XIII. of France. This monarch was brought to trial on a charge of making war against the parliament, sentenced to be beheaded, Jan. 27. 1649, and ex- ecuted on the 30th. 1649. COMMON weALTH. Oliver Cromwell, was decl. protector of England, Dec. 12, 1653; d. Sept. 3, 1658. Succ. by his son, Richard Crom- well, who was made protector, Sept. 4; he resigned the office, Apr. 22, 1659. 1649. CHARLEs II., son of Charles I., b. May 29, 1630. This king's reign commenced, in effect, with his restoration to the throne, May 29, 1660; but it is reckoned by historians from the day of his father's death, Jan. 30, 1649; 7m. the infanta Catharine of Por- tugal, dau. of John TV. and sister of Alphonso VI. ; d. Feb. 6, 1685. 1685. JAMES II., brother, b. Oct. 13, 1633; an. 1st, lady Anne Hyde, dau. of Edward, E. of Clarendon, who died before he ascended the throne; and, 2nd, Mary Beatrice Eleanor d'Este, pr. of Modena, dau. of Alphonso d’Este, D. of Modena. James abd. by flight, finally quitting England Dec. 23, 1688; d. in exile Sept. 6, 1701. 1689. WILLIAM III., pr. of Orange, and MARY II., his queen. The former was the posthumous son of William of Nassau and Orange by the pr. Mary, eldest dau. of Charles I., b. Nov. 14, 1650. The latter was the elder dau. of James II., by lady Anne Hyde; b. April 30, 1662. Procl. Feb. 13, 1689 ; this event consummating the Re- volution of 1688. Mary d. Dec. 28, 1694; and William, Mar. 8, 1702. 1702. ANNE, second dau. of James II. by lady Anne Hyde, b. Feb. 6, 1665; m. pr. George of Denmark, July 28, 1683; d. Aug. 1, 1714. Hous E OF HANOVER. 1714. GEORGE I. (George Lewis), the near- est Protestant heir to the crown ; son of Ernest Augustus, elector of Hanover and D. of Bruns- wick-Luneburg, by the pr. Sophia, youngest dau. of Frederick W., elector palatine and K. of Bohemia, and the pr. Elizabeth, dau. of James I., b. May 28, 1660 ; m. Sophia Dorothea, dau. of George William, D. of Zell; d. June 11, 1727. 1727. GEORGE II. (George Augustus), son, b. Oct. 30, 1683; m. Wilhelmina. Caroline, dau. of John Frederick, margrave of Brandenburg - Anspach; d. Oct. 25, 1760. 1760. GEORGE III. (George William Frederick), son of Frederick Lewis, pr. of Wales, and grand- son of "George II., b. June 4, 1738; m. Charlotte Sophia, dau. of Charles Lewis Frederick, D. of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Sept. 8, 1761. His son, George, pr. of Wales, declared regent of the kingdom, Feb. 5, 1811. and so continued until Jan. 29, 1820, when the king died. 1820. GEORGE IV. (George Augustus Frederick), eldest son, b. Aug. 12, 1762; m. his cousin Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, dau. of Charles William Ferdinand, D. of Bruns- wick-Wolfenbuttel, by Augusta, eldest sister of George III., Apr. 8, 1795. Became prince regent, Feb. 5, 1811; and succ. to the throne, Jan. 29, 1820; d. June 26, 1830. 1830. WILLIAM IV. (William Henry), D. of Clarence, third son of George III., b. Aug. 21, 1765; m. Amelia Adelaide Louisa. Theresa Caroline, dau. of George Frede- rick Charles, D. of Saxe- Meiningen, July 11, 1818; d. June 20, 1837. 1837. VICTORIA (Alexandrina Victoria), dau. of Edward, D. of Kent, fourth son of George III., b. May 24, 1819; m. Feb. 10, 1840, her cousin, Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel D. of Saxe, pr. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Wales was finally subdued by England in 1282–3, and the “Statute of Wales,” 12 Edw. I., was passed May 19, 1284. Wales was “incorporated, united, and annexed to and with ” England in 1535 by 27 Hen. VIII. cap. 26. Scotland was united to both on and after May 1, 1707, by 6 Anne cap. 11, and the three were then styled “Great Britain.” Ireland was united to Great Britain on and after Jan. 1, 1801, by 39 and 40 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 7 Geo. III. cap. 67, and the four countries were then and are still styled “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.” CONSORTS OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND. PHILIP, Consort of Q. Mary; son of Charles, K. of Spain (Charles I.) and Emp. of Germany (Charles W.); styled King Philip, b. May 21, 1527; m. (1) to Q. Mary, July 25, 1554, and (2) to Isabella, dau. of Henry II., K. of France, June 24, 1559; succ. to throne of Spain as Philip II. Jan. 16, 1556; d. Sept. 13, 1598. GEORGE, Consort of Q. Anne, son of Fre- derick III., K. of Denmark; styled Pr. George or Pr. George of Denmark, b. Apr. 21, 1653; m. July 28, 1683; cr. D. of Cumberland. Apr. 9, 1689; d. Oct. 28, 1708. ALBERT (Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel), Consort of Q. Victoria. son of Ernest-Anthony, D. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha ; styled Pr. Albert, until June 25, 1857, when he received the style or title of the Pr. Consort ; b. Aug. 26. 1819; m. Feb. 10, 1840; d. Dec. 14, 1861. CONSORTS OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND. INCLUDING those who died before their husbands accession to the throne. Compiled, chiefly, from Miss Agnes Strickland's Queens of England, the dates in which have been followed. STYLED “QUEEN.” MATILDA OF FLANDERs, consort of Wil- liam I., dau. of Baldwin, Count of Flan- ders, b. abt. 1031; m. 1050; d. Nov. 2, 1083. MATILDA OF SCOTLAND, 1st consort of Henry I., dau. of Malcolm Canmore, K. of Scotland, b. 1079; m. Nov. 11, 1100; d. May 1, 1118. ADELICIA OF LOUVAINE, 2nd consort of Henry I., dau. of Godfrey, D. of Bra- bant, b. 1102; m, Jan. 24, 1121 ; d. Apr. 1151. MATILDA OF BOULOGNE, consort of Stephen, dau. of Eustace, Count of Boulogne, m. 1128; d. May 3, 1151. ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE, consort of Henry II., dau. of the D. of Guienne and divorced Q. of Louis VII. of France, b. 1122; m. May 1, 1152; d. June 26, 1204. BERENG ARIA OF NAVARRE, consort of Richard I., dau. of Sancho VI., R. of Navarre; m. May 12, 1191; ret. to the Abbey of Espan in 1230, and d. there some years aft. AviSA OR HAWISE, 1st consort of John, dau. of William, E. of Gloucester; m. 1191; divorced, on ground of consan- guinity, 1200. This lady was not crowned or acknowledged as Queen. IsABELLA OF ANGOUL£ME, 2nd consort of John, dau. of Aymer, Count of An- goulême, b. abt. 1185; m. Aug. 24, 1200; d. 1246. ELEANOR OF PROVENCE, consort of Henry III., dau. of Raymond, Count de Pro- vence, b. 1222; m. Jan. 4, 1236; d. June 24, 1291. ELEANOR OF CASTILE, 1st consort of Edward I., dau. of Ferdinand III., K. of Castile, b. abt. 1244 ; m. d. Nov. 9, 1290. MARGARET OF FRANCE, 2nd consort of Edward I., dau. of Philip III., K. of France, b. abt. 1281; m. Sept. 8, 1299; d. Feb. 14, 1317. ISABELLA OF FRANCE, consort of Edward II., dau. of Philip IV., K. of France, b. 1295; m. Jan. 22, 1308; d. Aug. 22. 1358. PHILIPPA OF HAINHAULT, consort of Ed- ward III., dau. of William, Count of Holland and Hainhault, b. 1311 ; m. Jan. 24, 1328; d. Aug. 15, 1369. ANNE OF BOHEMIA, 1st consort of Richard II., dau. of Charles IV., Emp. of Ger- many, b. May 11, 1366; m. Jan. 14, 1382; d. June 7, 1394. ISABELLA OF WALOIs, 2nd consort of Richard II., dau. of Charles VI., K. of France, b. Nov. 9, 1887; m. Nov. 1, 1395; d. Sept. 13, 1410. MARY DE Bohun, 1st consort of Henry IV. dau. of the E. of Hereford, m. 1384; d. 1394; before Henry became King. JoANNA of NAVARRE, 2nd consort of Henry IV., dau. of Charles, K. of Navarre, and widow of John de Montfort, D. of Bre- tagne, b. abt. 1360; m. Feb. 7, 1403; d. July 9, 1437. KATHERINE OF WALOIs, consort of Henry W., dau. of Charles VI., K. of France, b. Oct. 27, 1401; m. June 3, 1420; d. Jan. 3, 1437. MARGARET OF ANJOU, consort of Henry VI., dau. of René or Regnier, D. of Anjou, b. Mar. 23, 1429; m. Apr. 22, 1445: d. Aug. 26, 1481. ELIZABETH WOODVILLE, consort of Ed- Aug. 1254 : THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. § ward IV., dau. of Sir Richard Widvile or Woodville, aft. E. Rivers; widow of Sir John Grey, of Groby, aft. lil. Ferrars, b. abt. 1435 ; m. privately May 1, 1464; marriage announced Sept. 29, 1464; d. June 8, 1492. ANNE OF WARWICK, consort of Richard III., dau. of the E. of Warwick, widow of Edward pr. of Wales, b. June 11, 1454; m. Aug. 1470; d. March 16, 1485. ELIZABETII OF YORK, consort of Henry VII., dau. of Edward IV., b. Feb. 11, 1466; m. Jan. 18, 1486; d. Feb. 11, 1503. RATIIARINE OF ARRAGON, 1st consort of Henry VIII., dau. of Ferdinand, K. of Arragon, and widow of Henry's elder brother Arthur, b. Dec. 15, 1485; m. June 11 1509; divorced May 25, 1533; d. Jan. 7, 1536. ANNE BoIFYN, 2nd consort of Henry VIII., dau. of Sir Thomas Boleyn, b. 1501; m. Jan. 25, 1533, and Apr. 12, 1533; beheaded May 19, 1536. JANE SEYMoUR, 3rd consort of Henry VIII., dau. of Sir John Seymour ; m. May 20, 1536; d. Oct. 24, 1537. ANNE OF CLEVEs, 4th consort of Henry VIII., dau. of John, D. of Cleves, b. Sept. 22, 1516; m. Jan. 6, 1540; divorced July 9, 1540; d. July 16–17, 1557. RATIIARINE How ARD, 5th consort of Henry VIII., dau. of la. Edmund Howard, niece of the D. of Norfolk, b. 1521 or 1522; in. July 1540; beheaded Feb. 12, 1542. RATIIARINE PARR, 6th consort of Henry VIII., dau of Sir Thomas Parr, widow of Edward, ld. Borough of Gainsborough, and of John Neville, ld. Latimer, her second husband, b. (teste Miss Strick- land), 1513, but according to other autho- rities in 1509 or 1510; m. July 12, 1543; d. Sept. 7, 1548. ANNE OF DENMARK, consort of James I., PRINCES OF WALES OF THE 1284. Edward, of Carnarvon, son of Ed- ward I. ; aft. Edw. II. 1343. Edward, the Black Prince, eldest son of Edward III. 1376. Richard, of Bourdeaux, only surviv- ing son of the Black Prince ; aft. Richard II. 1399. Henry, of Monmouth, eldest son of Henry IV. ; aft. Henry V. 1454. Edward, of Westminster, only son of Henry VI., murdered by the dukes of Gloucester and Clarence, in 1471. 1472. Edward, of Westminster, eldest son of Edward IV. ; aft. Edward W. 1483 Edward, E. of Salisbury, only son of dau. of Frederick II., K. of Denmark, b. Dec. 12, 1574 ; m. Now. 23, 1589; d. Mar. 2, 1619. HENRIETTA MARIA, consort of Charles I., dau. of K. Henry IV., and sister of K. Louis XIII. of France, b. Nov. 25, 1609; m. June 13, 1625; d. Sept. 10, 1669. CATHARINE OF BRAGANZA, consort of Charles II., dau. of K. John IV., and sister of K. Alphonso VI. of Portugal, b. Nov. 25, 1638; m. May 20, 1662; d. Dec. 31, 1705. ANNE HYDE, 1st consort of James II., dau. of Edward, E. of Clarendon, m. Sept. 3, 1660; d. Mar. 31, 1671, before James became King. Anne was the mother of Q. Mary and Q. Anne. MARY BEATRICE ELEANOR D’ESTE OF -MoDENA, 2nd consort of James II., dau. of Alphonso D'Este, D. of Modena, b. Oct. 5, 1658; m. Nov. 21, 1673; d. May 7, 1718 SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF ZELL, consort of George I., dau. of George William, D. of Zell, b. Sept. 15, 1666: m. 1682; d. Nov. 13, 1726. WILHELMINA CAROLINE, consort of George II., dau. of John Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg-Anspach, b. Mar. 1, 1683; m. 1705; d. Nov. 20, 1737. CHARLOTTE SOPHIA, consort of George III., dau. of Charles Lewis Frederick, D. of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, b. May 19, 1744; m. Sept. 8, 1761; d. Nov. 17, 1818. CAROLINE AMELIA ELIZABETH, consort of George IV., dau. of Charles William Ferdinand, D. of Brunswick-Wolfenbut- tel, b. May 17, 1768; m. Apr. 8, 1795; d. Aug. 7, 1821. AMELIA ADELAIDE LOUISA THERESA CAROLINE, consort of William IV., dau. of George Frederick Charles, D. of Saxe-Meiningen, b. Aug. 13, 1792; m. July 11, 1818; d. Dec. 2, 1849. BLOOD ROYAL OF ENGLAND. Richard III. ; cr. Sept. 8, 1483; d. April, 1484. 1490. Arthur Tudor, eldest son of Henry VII.; d. 1502. 1503. Henry, D. of York, second son of Henry VII., cr. pr. of Wales on his brother's death; aft. Henry VIII. 1537. Edward Tudor, son of Henry VIII. ; aft. Edward VI. The patent of creation to the dignity was never actually passed. 1610. Henry Frederick, James I. ; d. 1612. Charles, D. of York, second son of eldest son of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 9 James I. ; aft. Charles I. Not cr. pr. of Wales. Charles, eldest son of Charles I. ; aft. Charles II. Not cr. pr. of Wales. 1714. George Augustus, only son of George I. ; aft. George II. 1729. Frederick Lewis, eldest son of George II. ; cr. Jan. 9, 1729; d. before his father, Mar. 20, 1751. 1751. George William Frederick, eldest son of the preceding ; cr. Apr. 20, 1751; aft. George III. 1762. George Augustus Frederick, eldest son of George III. ; cr. Aug. 17, 1762; aft. George IV. 1841. Albert Edward, eldest son of Q. VICTORIA ; cr. Dec. 7, 1841. . PRINCES AND PRINCESSES OF ENGLAND. Born OF THE NORMAN LINE. Issue OF WILLIAM. I. . Robert D. of Normandy. . Richard, said to have been killed by a stag in the New Ferest. . WILLIAM-RUFUs, aft. William II. . HENRY, aft. Henry I. . Cicely, d. abbess of the convent of the Holy Trinity at Caen. . Constance, m. to Alan, E. of Brittany, and of Richmond, in England. . Alice, contracted to Harold (who after- wards refused her), she died un- married. 8. Adela, m. to Stephen, E. of Blois, by whom she had (besides three other sons), William, Theobald, and Henry. STEPHEN, aft. King. 9. Gundred, m. to William, E. of Warren and Surrey. 10. Agatha (called Margaret by Ralphe Brooke), betrothed to Alphonso, K. of Galicia, but died on her journey to join her bridegroom. : ISSUE OF HENRY I. 1. William, drowned on his passage from Normandy; the prince's newly married bride, Matilda, dau. of Fulke, E. of Anjou, shared the same fate. 2. Maud, or Matilda, m. 1st, to the emp. Henry V., and 2nd, to Geoffrey Plantagenet, son of Fulke, E. of An- jou, by whom she had: I. HENRY, aft. Henry II. II. Geoffrey (Pembroke) E. of Nantes. III. William, E. of Poitou. IV. Emma, m. to David, by usur- pation pr. of North Wales. Issue OF STEPHEN. . Baldwin, d. in infancy. . Eustace, E. of Boulogne. . William, E. of Mortaigne. . Maud, d. young. Mary, m. to Matthew, son of Theodore, count of Flanders. i BORN OF THE PLANTAGENET LINE. ISSUE OF HENRY II. . William, who died in childhood. . Henry, m. Margaret, dau. of the French king ; d. before his father. . RICHARD, aft. Richard I. . Geoffrey, E. of Brittany and Richmond, m. Constance, dau. of Coman, D. of Brittany; accidentally killed at a tournament in Paris, leaving I. Arthur, E. or D. of Brittany, who was rightful heir of his uncle Richard. II. Eleanor, d. unm. 5. Philip, d. young. 6, JoHN, aft. King. 7. Eleanor, m. to Alphonso VIII., K. of Castile. 8. Maud, m. to Henry the Lion, D. of Brunswick, ancestor of the present royal family of England. 9. Joan, m. 1st, to William II., count of Sicily; and, 2nd, Raymond, count of Toulouse. ** [Henry had two sons by Rosa- mond Clifford; vic. William . Longespee, or Longsword, so named from the sword he usually wore ; and Geoffrey, abp. of York.] Issue OF KING JOHN. . HENRY, aft. Henry III. . Richard, E. of Poitou and Cornwall; elected K. of the Romans in 1256. . Joan, m. to Alexander II., K. of Scot- land. . Eleanor, m. 1st, to William Marshall the younger, E. of Pembroke ; and, 2nd, to Simon de Montfort, E. of Leicester. . Isabel, m. to the Emp. Frederick II. Issue OF HENRY III. . EDw ARD, aft. Edward I. . Edmund Plantagenet, surn. back, E. of Lancaster. . Richard ; 4. John ; 5. William ; all d. young. . Henry, assass. at mass in Italy. . Margaret, n. to Alexander III., K. of Scotland. 5 Crouch- ;3: 10 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1 : 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. ; 4 2. 3. . John; 2. . Edward, surn. . Beatrice, m. to John, 1st D. of Brit- tany. . Catherine, d. in infancy. Issue OF EDWARD I. Henry ; 3. Alphonso ; d. young. . EDwARD, pr. of Wales; aft. Edward II ſº Eleanor, m. 1st, to Alphonso of Arra- gon, who died soon after; and, 2nd, to Henry, comte de Barre. . Joan, m. 1st, to Gilbert de Clare, E. of Gloucester; and 2nd, to Ralph de Monthermere. . Margaret, m. to John, D. of Brabant. . Berangera or Berenice, d. in infancy. . Alice, d. young. . Mary, a nun at Amesbury in Wiltshire, and aft. at Fontevraud, in Nor- mandy. Elizabeth, m. 1st, to John, E. of Hol- land ; and, 2nd, to Humphrey, E. of Hereford and Essex. Beatrice, d. in infancy. Blanch, d. in infancy. Thomas, E. of Norfolk and marshal of England. . Edmund, of Woodstöck, E. of Kent; beheaded in 1329. Eleanor, second of the name; d. young. Issue OF EDWARD II. . EDWARD, aft. Edward III. . John, of Eltham, E. of Cornwall. . Joan, m. to David, pr. of Scotland son of Robert Bruce. . Eleanor, m. to Reynald or Reginald, E. of Gueldres. Issue OF EDWARD III. the Black Prince, pr. of Wales, b. June 15, 1330; m. his cousin Joan, the “Fair Maid of Rent,” dau. of Edmund, E, of Kent, repudiated wife of Thomas Monta- cute, E. of Salisbury, and widow of sir Thomas Holland; d. July 8, 1876, having had issue I. Edward, who seventh year. II. RICHARD, aft. Richard II. William, of Hatfield, died early. Lionel, D. of Clarence. m. 1st, Eli- zabeth de Burgh, dau. of William, E. of Ulster, by whom he had an only daughter, Philippa, m. to Edmund Mortimer, E. of March. Lionel espoused, 2nd, Violante, dau. of the D. of Milan, and died in Italy soon after. For the issue of Philippa, see below. died in his 4. John, of Ghent, or Gaunt (so called from the place of his birth), D. of Lancaster. From this prince sprang that branch which afterwards possessed the crown. See below. 5. Edmund, of Langley, E. of Cambridge, and aft. D. of York, m. 1st, Isabel, dau. of Peter, K. of Castile and Leon; and 2nd, Joan, dau. of Thomas, E. of Kent. For his issue (by his first duchess), see below. 6. William, of Windsor, d. young. 7. Thomas, of Woodstock, D. of Glouces- ter, m. Eleanor, eldest dau. and co- heiress of Humphrey de Bohun, E. of Hereford, Essex, and Northamp- ton. The duke was murdered at Calais, Sept. 8, 1397. 8. Isabel, m. to Ingelram de Courcy, Cr. E. of Bedford. 9. Joan, contracted in marriage to Alphonso, K. of Castile, but died before its celebration. Blanch de la Tour (born in the Tower), d. an infant. Mary, m. to John de Montfort. Sur- named the Valiant, D. of Brittany. Margaret, m. to John Hastings, E. of Pembroke, who was poisoned. 10. 11. 12. The following are given under separate heads, as materially serving to elucidate the claims to, and the descent of, the CTOWI1. ISSUE OF PHILIPPA Daughter of Lionel, duke of Clarence, 3rd son of Edward III. See above. 1. Roger Mortimer, E. of March, m. Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Holland, E. of Kent; killed in Ireland, leaving issue I. Edmund, E. of March, who, on the death of Richard II. became rightful heir to the crown; he was kept in con- finement by Henry IV., and d. in prison, 1424. II. Anne Mortimer, who became heiress of her house, and conveyed its claims on the crown to the house of York, by her marriage with Richard E. of Cambridge. III. Eleanor, m. to Edward Courte- nay, E. of Devon. 2. Edmund Mortimer, who settled in North Britain. 3. John Mortimer, put to death in 1424. 4. Elizabeth, m. to Henry, lord Percy, surn. Hotspur. 5. Philippa, m. 1st, to John, E. of Pem- broke ; and, 2nd, to Richard Fitz- Alan, E. of Arundel. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 11. Issue of John OF GAUNT, D. OF LAN- CASTER. 4th son of Edward III. This prince m. 1st, Blanch, youngest daughter and co-heiress of Henry, D. of Lancaster, and had issue 1. HENRY, aft. Henry IV. 2. Philippa, m. to John I., K. of Por- tugal. 3. Elizabeth, m. 1st to John, D. of Exeter, and 2nd, to sir John Cornewall, cr. baron Fanhope. He m. 2nd, Constance, eldest dau. and co-heiress of Peter, K. of Castile and Leon, by whom he had 4. Catherine, m. to Henry, pr. of Asturias, aft. king of Castile and Leon. He m. 3rd, Catherine, dau. of sir Payn Roelt, knt.; and widow of Sir Hugh Swynford. By this lady he had, before marriage 5. John, marq. of Dorset and Somerset, ancestor of the present D. of Beau- fort. . Henry, bp. of Winchester, . Thomas, D. of Exeter. . Joan, m. 1st, to Robert, lord Ferrers; and 2nd, to Ralph Nevill, E. of Westmoreland. These last, by act of parliament, 20 Richard II., were declared legitimate for all purposes but inheriting the CTOWI), ; Issue OF EDMUND, E. OF CAMBRIDGE. 5th son of Edward III. 1. Constance, m. to Thomas le Despencer, E. of Gloucester. 2. Edward, D. of York and Albemarle; slain at the battle of Agincourt. 3. Richard, E. of Cambridge, m. Anne Mortimer, great-grand-daughter, and eventually heiress of her uncle Lionel, D. of Clarence. Through her the house of York derived its title to the crown in preference to the house of Lancaster, which, though descended in an unbroken male line from Edward III. was the line of a younger son. The earl was beheaded for a plot against the life of Henry W., leaving issue I. Isabel, m. to Henry Bourchier, E. of Essex. II. Richard, D. of York and pro- tector of England, m. Cicely, dau. of Ralph Nevill, E. of Westmoreland; he was slain at the battle of Wake- field in 1160. His issue follows: Issue OF RICHARD, D. OF YORK. . Henry, d. in infancy. . Edward, aft. Edward IV. Edmund, E. of Rutland; slain at Wake- field, aged only 12 years. . William, d. in infancy. John, d. in infancy. . George, D. of Clarence; m. Isabel, dau. of Richard Nevill, E. of Warwick; attainted, and d. 1477; he left issue I. Edward, E. of Warwick; be- headed in 1499. II. Margaret, countess of Salisbury, m. to sir Richard Pole ; at- tainted, and beheaded in 1541. . Thomas, d. in infancy. . RICHARD, aft. Richard III. Anne, m. 1st, Henry Holland, D. of Exeter; and 2nd, sir Thomas St. Leger, knt. Elizabeth, m. to John Delapole, D. of Suffolk. 11. Margaret, m. to Charles, D. gundy. 12. Ursula. Edward, earl of Warwick, beheaded as above, in 1499, was the last of the male line of the Plantagenets. : ; 10. of Bur- Born OF THE Hous E of LAN CASTER. ISSUE OF HENRY IV. 1. HENRY, surn. Monmonth, pr. of Wales, aft. Henry V. 2. Thomas, of Lancaster, D. of Clarence, who fell at the battle of Beague, in 1421. 3. John, of Lancaster, D. of Bedford, regent of France in the minority of Henry VI. 4. Humphrey, D. of Gloucester, regent of England in the same minority. It is supposed that he died by violence or poison. 5. Blanch, m. 1st, to Louis, pr. palatine of Bavaria; 2nd, to the K. of Arragon; and, 3rd, to the D. of Barre. 6. Philippa, m. to Eric. K. of Denmark. ISSUE OF HENRY W. HENRY, pr. of Wales, aft. Henry VI. The widow of Henry V. married sir Owen Tudor of the principality of Wales, said to be of royal lineage, by whom she had I. Edmund Tudor, cr. E. of Rich- mond, who m. Margaret, dau. of John, first D. of Somerset, and great-grand-daughter of John of Gaunt. He left an 12 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. only son, HENRY, E. of Rich- mond; aft. Henry VII. II. Jasper Tudor, cr. E. of Pem- broke. III. Tacina Tudor, m. to Reginald, lord Grey, of Wilton. Issue OF HENRY WI. Edward, pr. of Wales, b. Oct. 31, 1452, m. in 1470, the lady Anne Nevill, seconddau.and co-heiress of Richard, Nevill, E. of Warwick. This prince was, with his mother, taken prisoner at the battle of Tewkesbury, in 1471, and was murdered a few days afterwards by the dukes of Glouces- ter and Clarence, and lord Hastings. His widow, Anne, subsequently married Gloucester, one of his murderers, who became king as Richard III. BORN OF THE Hous E of York. Issue of EDwARD IV. 1. EDWARD, pr. of Wales, aft. Edward W., and 2. Richard, D. of York. These two princes were murdered in the Tower, at the instance of their uncle Richard, D. of Gloucester, in 1483. The latter prince, Richard, was married in his infancy to Anne, heiress of the house of Mowbray, only child of John Mowbray, D. of Norfolk and earl marshal of Eng- land, she being also an infant. 3. George, who d, young. 4. Elizabeth, m. to Henry VII. 5. Cicely, m., 1st, to John, lord Wells; and, 2nd, to Sir J. Kyme. 6. Anne, m. to Thomas Howard, D. of Norfolk. 7. Bridget, who became a nun. 8. Mary, who d, unm. 9. Margaret, and 10. Katharine, m. to William Courtenay, E. of Devonshire. ISSUE OF RICHARD III. Edward, E. of Salisbury, cr. pr. of Wales; upon whom the crown was entailed by parliament; but he died vità patris. BORN OF THE Hous E of TUDOR. ISSUE OF HENRY VII. 1. Arthur, pr. of Wales, b. Sept. 20, 1486; m. Nov. 1501, the infanta Catharine, daughter of Ferdinand of Arragon, but died in a few months afterwards. His widow became the first wife of his brother Henry VIII., to whom she was married June 3, 1509. 2. HENRY, aft. Henry VIII. 3. Edmund, who died young. 4. Margaret, m. 1st, to James IV. of Scotland, by whom she had an only son, James W. of Scot- land, father of Mary, Q. of Scots, whose son, James VI., as- cended the English throne as James I. Margaret m. 2nd, Arthur Douglas, E. of Angus, from whom she was divorced ; and 3rd, Henry Stuart, E. of Methven. By her second husband she had an only daughter, Margaret, who espoused Matthew Stuart, E. of Lenox, and was mother of Henry, E. of Darnley, the husband of Mary, Q. of Scots, and father of James I. of England. 5. Elizabeth, d. in infancy. 6. Mary, m. 1st, to Louis XII. K. of France; and, 2nd, to Charles Bran- don, D. of Suffolk; by whom she left I. Henry, E. of Lincoln; d. unm. II. Frances, n. to Henry Grey, marq. of Dorset, aft. D. of Suffolk ; and had three daughters, of whom the eldest was lady Jane Grey. III. Eleanor, m. to Henry Clifford, E. of Cumberland, and left a daughter, Margaret, who m. Henry Stanley, E. of Derby. ISSUE OF HENRY VIII. . Henry, d. young. . MARY (by Katharine of Arragon), aft. Q. Mary. . ELIZABETH (by his second queen, Anne Boleyn), aft. Q. Elizabeth. . EDWARD (by his third queen, lady Jane Seymour), aft. Edward VI. The king had by his first queen, besides Henry and Mary, other children not named, who died in infancy. BORN OF THE Hous E of STUART. Issue: OF JAMES I. 1. Henry Frederick, cr. after his father's accession, D. of Cornwall, and in May 1610, pr. of Wales; d. at the age of eighteen, Nov. 6, 1612. 2. Robert, d. young. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 13. 3. 4. Elizabeth, m. to Frederick, : : CHARLEs, aft. Charles I. count palatine of the Rhine, who, in 1620, was elected K. of Bohemia, but aft. driven from his dominions. She had issue: I. Frederick Henry ; drowned in 1529, in his fifteenth year. Charles Lewis II., who, by the treaty of Munster, was created the eighth elector of the empire. Rupert, so renowned in the civil war of England as “Prince Rupert,” cr. D. of Cumberland. Maurice, known in English history as “Prince Mau- rice,” perished by shipwreck in 1654. . Lewis, d. young. VI. Edward, count palatine of the Rhine. Philip, slain at the battle near St. Stephen's in 1640. Gustavus; d. in 1641, in his minority. . Elizabeth, who became abbess of Hervorden, in Westphalia, and d. in 1680. X. Louisa Hollandia, became abbess of Maubisson, near Paris. Henrietta, m. Sigismund, pr. of Transylvania, and d. a few months after. Charlotte, d. in infancy. Sophia, on whose descendants the crown of England de- volved by the act of Settle- ment, b. Oct. 13, 1630; m. 1658, Ernest Augustus, D. of Brunswick - Luneburg, aft. elector of Hanover, by whom she had Issue, GEORGE LEwis, who ascended the English throne as George I. II. III. IV. VII. VIII. XI. XII. XIII. . Margaret, d. young, 1598. . Mary, d. in her third year, 1607. . Sophia, d. two days after her birth, 1606. Issue of THE PRINCESS SOPHIA. Grand-daughter of James I. . GEORGE Lewis, aft. George I. . Frederick Augustus. slain in battle against the Turks, 1690. Maximilian William, d. Dec. 1666. . Charles Philip, slain in battle, 1690. . Christian, drowned in the Danube, July 1703. . Ernest Augustus, bishop of Osnaburg, cr. in 1716, D. of York and Albany, and E. of Ulster; d. Aug. 1728. 7. : i i Sophia Charlotte, m. to Frederick William, elector of Brandenburg, FC. of Prussia. ISSUE OF CHARLES I. . Charles, who died the day he was born. . CHARLEs, pr. of Wales, aft. Charles II. JAMEs, D. of York, aft. James II. . Henry, D. of Gloucester; d. unmarried in 1660. Mary, m. to William II. of Nassau, pr. of Orange, by whom she had an only son, WILLIAM, who ascended the throne of England as William III. . Elizabeth, who died of grief, a prisoner in Carisbrook Castle in Sept. 1650, aged 15 years. . Anne, d. young. . Henrietta Maria, m. to Philip, D. of Anjou, aft. D. of Orleans, only brother to Louis XIV. ISSUE OF CHARLES II. This prince left no legitimate issue, but had many natural children by various mistresses; among these was James, D. of Monmouth, by Lucy Walters. Issue OF JAMES II. . Charles, d. young. . MARY, m. to William Henry of Nassau, pr. of Orange; she and her husband aft. ascended the English throne as Mary II. and William III. . James, D. of Cambridge, b. July 1663; d. 1667. . ANNE, aft. Q. Anne. . Charles, D. of Kendal; d. in infancy. Edgar, D. of Cambridge, b. Sept. 14, 1667; d. 1671. . Henrietta, d. in infancy. . Catherine, d. in infancy. These four sons and four daughters were by lady Anne Hyde, and none of them, except Mary and Anne, afterwards queens regnant, survived four years of age. By his second wife, the princess of Modena, James had : 9. Catherine Laura, d. in infancy. 10. Charles, D. of Cambridge ; d. in in- fancy. 11. Isabella, d. in her 4th year. 12. Charlotte Maria, d. in infancy. 13. James Francis Edward, known after his father's death as the PRETENDER. and supposed by many at the time to have been of fictitious birth, b. June 18, 1668; m. in 1719, Mary Clementina, dau. of pr. James Sobieski, and grand-dau. of John, 14 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 14. : . Augusta, . GEORGE William . Edward Augustus, D. PC. of Poland, by whom he had issue: I. Charles Edward, known as the Chevalier St. George, or YoUNG PRETENDER, b. in 1720 ; m. the princess Stohlberg, known as coun- tess of Albany; d. in 1788. Henry Benedict, known as CAR- DINAL YORK, d. in 1807, when the whole issue of James II. be- came extinct. Louisa Maria. Theresa, b. in 1692; d. 1712. James had also several matural children, amongst whom was James Fitz- James, D. of Berwick, by lady Ara- II. bella Churchill; he followed his father, after his abdication, into France; became general of the French and Spanish armies, and was killed at the siege of Philips- burgh in 1734. Issue OF QUEEN ANNE. A daughter, still-born. Mary, b. June 9, 1685; d. Feb. 8, 1686. Anne Sophia, b. May 12, 1686; d. Feb. 2, 1687. William, D. of Gloucester, b. July 24, 1689; d. July 30, 1700. Mary, b. and d. in Nov. 1690. George, b. and d. Apr. 17, 1692. Born OF THE HOUSE OF HANOVER. Issue OF GEORGE I. . GEORGE Augustus, aft. as George II. . Sophia Dorothea, b. March 16, 1685; m. to Frederick William, of Prussia, Nov. 28, 1706; d. July 5, 1757. Both the above were born long be- fore the king ascended the throme; his queen was kept confined on the continent during his reign, and never came to England. Issue OF GEORGE II. . Frederick Lewis, pr. of Wales, b. Jan. 20, 1707; m. Augusta, dau. of Frederick II., D. of Saxe-Gotha, ; d. in the life-time of his father. For his issue, see separate notice below. . Anne, princess-royal, b. Oct. 22, 1709; m. to William Charles Henry, pr. of Orange. . Amelia Sophia Eleanora, b. May 30, 1711; d. unm., Oct. 31, 1786. . Elizabeth Caroline, b. May, 1713; d. unm. Dec. 28, 1757. . George William, d. in infancy, . William Augustus, D. of Cumber- land, b. April 15, 1721; d. Oct. 31, 1765. . Mary, b. Feb. 22, 1723; m. to pr. Frederick of Hesse-Cassel ; d. Jan. 14, 1771. . Louisa, b. Dec. 7, 1724; m. to Frede- rick W. of Denmark; d. Dec. 8, 1751. ISSUE OF FREDERICK LEWIS. Prince of Wales. b. July 31, 1737; m. to Charles William Ferdinand, here- ditary pr. of Brunswick-Wolfenbut- tel. See that family. Frederick, aft. George III. of York, b. March 14, 1739; d. Sept. 17, 1767. . Elizabeth Caroline, b. Dec. 30, 1740, d. Sept. 4, 1759. 5 William Henry, D. of Gloucester, b. Nov. 25, 1743; m. Maria, countess dowager of Waldegrave, dau. of the hon sir Edward Walpole ; d. Aug. 25, 1805; he had issue: I. Sophia Matilda, b. May 29, 1773; d. Nov. 29, 1844. II. Caroline Augusta Maria, b. June 24, 1774; d. in infancy. III. William Frederick, b. Jan. 15, 1776; m. the princess Mary, dau. of George III. ; d. Now. 30, 1834. . Henry Frederick, D. of Cumberland, b. Nov. 7, 1745; m. Anne, dau. of E. Carhampton and widow of Chris- topher Horton, esq., of Catton Hall, Derbyshire; d. Sept. 18, 1790. . Louisa Anne, b. March 8, 1749; d. May 13, 1768. Frederick William, b. May 30, 1750; d. Dec. 1765. . Caroline Matilda, b. (after her father's death) July 11, 1751; m. Christian VII., K. of Denmark ; she d. imprisoned in the castle of Zell, May 10, 1775. ISSUE OF GEORGE III. . GEORGE Augustus Frederick, pr of Wales, and, in 1811, prince regent; aft. George IV. . Frederick, D. of York and Albany, b. Aug. 16, 1743; m. Frederica Charlotte Ulrique, dau. of William II. K. of Prussia; d. Jan. 5, 1827. . WILLIAM Henry, D. of Clarence; aft. William IV. . Charlotte Augusta Matilda, princess royal, b. Sept. 29, 1766; m. Frederick Charles William, hered. pr. of Wurtemburg; d. Oct. 6, 1825. . Edward, D. of Kent and Strathern, b. Nov. 2, 1767; m. May 29, 1818, Victoria Mary Louisa, dau. of Fran- cis Frederick Anthony, D. of Saxe- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 15 Coburg - Saalfeld, and widow of Emich Charles, pr. of Leiningen; the Duke d. Jan. 23, 1820, leaving an only daughter, Alexandrina VICTORIA, the pre- sent QUEEN. The Duchess of Kent d. Mar. 16, 1861. 6. Augusta Sophia, b. Nov. 8, 1768; d. Sept. 22, 1840. 7. Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1770; m. to Frederick Joseph Louis, landgrave of Hesse-Homburg; d. Jan. 10, 1840. 8. Ernest Augustus, D. of Cumberland and Teviotdale, b. June 5, 1771. See Hanover. 9. Augustus Frederick, D. of Sussex, 6. Jan. 27, 1773; m. April 3, 1793, lady Augusta Murray, dau. of John, E. of Dunmore ; this marriage was dissolved (being contrary to the statute 12 George III. c. 11.) in Aug. 1794; d. April 21, 1843. 30. Adolphus Frederick, D. of Cambridge, b. Feb. 24, 1774 ; m., May 7, 1818, Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, dau. of Frederick, landgrave of Hesse- Cassel, d. July, 1850, leaving issue: I. George Frederick William Charles, b. March 26, 1819, the present Duke. II. Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth, b. July 19, 1822; m. June 28, 1843, Frederick William Gustavus, hereditary Grand D. of Mecklenburg- Strelitz; and has issue. III. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1833; m. June 12, 1866, Francis Louis Paul Alexander, D. of Teck; and has issue. 11. Mary, b. April 25, 1776; m. July 22, 1816, her cousin, William Frederick, D. of Gloucester. (See D. of Gloucester.) 12. Sophia, b. Nov. 3, 1777; d. May 27, 1848. 13. Octavius, b. Feb. 23, 1779; d. May 3, 1783. 14. Alfred, b. Sept. 22, 1780; d. Aug. 26, 1782. 15. Amelia, b. Aug 7, 1783; d. Nov. 2. 1810. Issue OF GEORGE IV. Charlotte Caroline Augusta, b. Jan. 7, 1796, m. to pr. Leopold George Frederick of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, aft. K. of the Belgians, May 2, 1816; d. in childbed, Nov. 6, 1817. Issue, a son, still-born, the day before. Issue OF WILLIAM TV. 1. Charlotte Augusta Louisa, b. March 27, 1819; d. next day. 2 Elizabeth Georgima Adelaide, b. Dec. 10, 1820; d. Mar. 4, 1821. ISSUE OF QUEEN VICTORIA. 1. Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Prin- cess Royal, b. Nov. 21, 1840; m. Jan. 25, 1858, Fredk. Wm., crown pr. of Germany, and has had issue: I. Frederick William Victor Al- bert, b. Jan. 27, 1859; m. Feb. 27, 1881, -Augusta Victoria. princess of Schleswig-Hol- Stein, and has issue. II. Victoria Elizabeth Augusta Charlotte, b. July 24, 1860; m. Feb. 18, 1878, Bernard, hered. pr. of Saxe Meiningen, and has issue. III. Albert William Henry, b. Aug. 14, 1862. TV. Sigismund, b. Sep. 15, 1864; d. June 18, 1866. W. Frederica. Wilhelmina Amelia. Victoria, b. Apr. 12, 1866. VI. Waldimar, 6. Feb. 10, 1868, d. Mar. 27, 1879. Sophia Dorothea Ulrica Alice, b. June 14, 1870. Margaret Beatrice Feodora, b. Apr. 22, 1872. 2. Albert Edward, pr. of Wales, &c., b. Nov. 9, 1841; m. Mar. 10, 1863, Alexandra Caroline Maria Charlotte Louisa Julia, dau. of Christian IX. K. of Denmark, and has had issue: I. Albert Victor Christian Ed- ward, b. Jan. 8. 1864. II. George Frederick Ernest Al- bert, b. June 3, 1865. III. Louisa Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, b. Feb. 20, 1867. IV. Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary, b. July 6, 1868. V. Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria, b. Nov. 26, 1869. VI. Alexandra, b. Apr. 6, 1871; d. Apr. 7, 1871. 3. Alice Maud Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1843; m. July 1, 1862, Fredk. Wm. Louis, Gr. D. of Hesse, d. Dec. 14, 1878, having had issue: I. Victoria Alberta Elizabeth Ma- tilda Mary, b. Apr. 5, 1863; m. Apr. 30, 1884, pr. Louis of Battenburg. II. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1, 1864; m. June 15, 1884, Gr. D. Sergius of Russia. III. Irene Marie Louise Amma, b. July 11, 1866. TW. Ernest Louis Charles Albert William, b. Nov. 25, 1868. W. Frederick William, b. Oct. 1870; d. June 29, 1873. VII. VIII. 16 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. VI. Victoria, Alix Helene Louise Beatrix, b. June 7, 1872. VII. Mary Victoria, b. May 24, 1874; d. Apr. 20, 1884. 4. Alfred Ernest Albert, D. of Edinburgh, &c., b. Aug. 6, 1844; m. Jan. 23, 1874, Gr. D. Marie Alexandrovina, only dau. of Alexander II. Emp. of Russia, and has had issue : I. Alfred Alexander William Er- nest Albert, b. Oct 15, 1874. II. Marie Alexandra Victoria, b. Oct. 30, 1875. III. Victoria Melita, b. Nov. 25, 1876. IV. Alexandra Louise Olga Vic- toria, b. Sep. 1, 1878. V. Beatrice Leopoldine Victoria, b. Apr, 20, 1884. 5. Helena Augusta Victoria, b. May 25, 1846; m. July 5, 1866, pr. Fredk. Christian Chas. Aug. of Schleswig- Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, and has had issue : I. Christian Victor Albert Lud- wig Ernest Anton, b. Apr. 14. 1867. II. Albert John Charles Frede- rick Alfred George, b. Feb. 26, 1869. III. Victoria Louise Sophia Augus- ta Amelia Helena, b. May 3, 1870. IV. Francisca Josepha Louise Au- gusta Marie Christiana He- lena, b. Aug. 14, 1872. W. Harold, b. Mar. 12, 1876; d. May 20, 1876, 6. Louisa Caroline Alberta, b. Mar. 18, 1848; m. Mar. 21, 1871, Jno. Doug- las Sutherland Campbell, M. of Lorne, eldest son of D. of Argyll. 7. Arthur William Patrick Albert, D. of Connaught, &c., b. May 1, 1850; m. May 13, 1879, pr, Louise Margaret, 3rd dau. of pr. Fredk. Chas. of Prussia, and has had issue: I. Margaret Victoria Augusta Char- lotte Nora, b. Jan. 15, 1882. II. Arthur Frederick Patrick Al- bert, b. Jan. 13, 1883. III. Victoria Patricia Helena Eliza- beth, b. Mar. 17, 1886. 8. Leopold George Duncan Albert, D. of Albany, &c., b. Apr. 7, 1853; m. Apr. 27, 1882, pr. Helena Frederica Augusta, dau. of pr. of Waldeck- Pyrmont; d. Mar. 28, 1884, having had issue : I. Alice Mary Victoria Augusta. Paulina, b. Feb. 25, 1883. II. Leopold Charles Edward George Albert, b. July 19, 1884. 9. Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, b. Apr. 14, 1857; m. July 23, 1885, pr. Hy. Maurice of Battenburg, and has had issue: I. Alexander Albert, b. Nov. 23, 1886. II. Victoria, Eugénie Julia Eva, b. Oct. 24, 1887. WALES. |KINGS AND PRINCES OF WALEs. |KINGS OF WALES. 640. Dyvnwal Moelmud K. of the Cymry. 688. Idwallo. 720. Rhodri, or Roderic. 755. Conan, or Cynan. 818. Mervyn, or Merfyn. 843. Roderic, surn, the Great. This prince divided Wales between his three sons, allotting to each his part. To the eldest he gave North Wales; to the second, South Wales; and to the third, Powys-land. PRINCES OF NORTH WALES. Counties of Merioneth, part of Denbigh, Flint, Carnarvon, and the Isle of Angle- sea. At Aberfraw, in this last, was the prince's seat. 877. Anarawd. 913. Edwal Woel. 939. Howel Dha, or Hywel Dha, surn. the Good, pr. of all Wales. Jevaf or Jevav, and Iago. Howel ap Jevaf, or Hywel ab Jevaw. Cadwallon ab Jevaf. Meredith ap Owen ap Howel Dha, or Meredydd ap Owain ab Hywel Dha. Edwal ab Meyric ab Edwal Woel. Aedan, an usurper. Llewelyn ab Sitsyllt, and Angharad his wife. Iago ab Edwal ab Meyric. Griffith, or Grufydd ab Llewelyn ab Sitsyllt. Bleddyn and Rygwallon. Trahaern ab Caradoc. Griffith ap Conan, or Grufydd ab Cynan. Owain Gwynedd, David ab Owain Gwynedd Leolinus Magnus. 948. 972. 984. 985. 992. 998. 1015. 1021. 1038. 1061. 1073. 1079. 1137. 1169, 1194. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 17 1240. David ab Llewelyn. 1246. Llewelyn ap Griffith, or Grufydd, last pr. of the blood; slain after battle, 1282. PRINCES OF SOUTII WALES. Countzes of Glamorgan, Pembroke, Car- narthen, Cardigan, and part of Breck- mock. Dynevor Castle was the prince's Seatt. 877. Cadeth, or Cadell 907. Howel Dha, or Hywel Dha, the Good, pr. of all Wales. 948. Owen ap Howel Dha, or Owain ap Hywel Dha, son. Meredith ap Owen, or Meredydd ab Owain, all Wales. Llewelyn ap Sitsyllt, and Angharad his wife. Rytherch, or Rhydderch ab Jestyn, an usurper. Hywell and Meredydd. Rhydderch and Rhys, sons of the usurper. Meredydd ab Owain ab Edwyn. Rhys ab Owen, or Owain, and Rhydderch ab Caradoc. Rhys ab Tewdwr Mawr. Cadwgan ab Bleddyn. Griffith, or Grufydd ab Rhys. 987. 993. 1021. 1031. 1042. 1061. 1073. 1077. j 092. 1115. 1137. Rhys ab Grufydd, or Griffith, called the lord Rhys. 1196. Grufydd ab Rhys. 1202. Rhys ab Grufydd. 1222. Owain ab Grufydd. 1235. Meredith, or Meredydd ab Owain; d. 1267. PRINCES AND LORDS OF POWYS-LAND. Counties of Montgomery and Radnor, and parts of Denbigh, Brecknock, Merioneth, and Shropshire. The prince's seat was at Matraval, in the first-named county. 877. Merfyn, or Mervyn. 900. Cadeth, or Cadell, also pr. of South Wales. 927. Howel Dha, or Hywel Dha, the Good, pr. of all Wales. % * + * * 3: 985. Meredydd ab Owain. * ºk 36 * * º 1061. Bleddyn ab Cynwyn. 1073. Meredydd ab Bleddyn.f 1087. Cadwgan ab Bleddyn. 1132. Madoc ab Meredydd. 1160. Griffith. or Grufydd ab Meredydd. * * •k xk * * 1256. Gwenwinwin, or Gwenwynwyn. 1256. Owain ab Grufydd. H The last Prince who held this dominion entire. He divided it between his two sons, Madoc and Grufydd. South Wales was conquered by Henry II. about 1157. The rest of the country was finally subdued by Edward I. about 1282–3. The annexation of the country to England is recorded by the Statute of Wales, 12 Edward I., passed March 19, 1284. The country was “in- corporated, united, and annexed to and with ” England in 1535 by 27 Hen. VIII. cap. 26. PRINCES OF WALEs of THE BLOOD ROYAL of ENGLAND. (See ante, p. 8.) SCOTLAND. KINGS OF SCOTLAND. BEFORE CIIPIST. The early accounts of these kings are, by many historians, deemed, in a measure, fabulous. The antiquity of the kings is carried as far back as Alexander the Great. 330. Fergus I. ; lost in the Irish Sea. 305. Fritharis, brother; poisoned. 290. Mainus, nephew. 261. Dornadilla, son. 233. Northatus, brother; slain. 213. Reutherus, son of Dornadilla. 187. Reutha, brother; res. in favour of his nephew. Thereus, son of Reutherus, dep, and exiled. Josina, brother. 134. Finanus, son. 104. Durstus, son; slain in civil war. 95. Evenus. 76. Gillus, his illegitimate son, who, usurping the royal power, caused the murder of the rightful heirs; dep, by his nobles, and beheaded. 170. 158. 2 18 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 75. 59. 12. 35. 55. 72. 76. 110. 113. 149. 163. 195. 199. 216. 204. 265. 277. 301. 348. 351, 354. 357 * . Metellanus, nephew of Ederus. . Athirco, son ; slew himself to avoid . Nathalocus, who usurped the throne . Findochus, son of Athirco ; mur- Evenus II., nephew of Finanus; chosen in his room. Ederus, grandson of Durstus. Evenus III., son ; dep. and strangled In prison. AFTER CHRIST. Caratacus or Caractacus, nephew. Corbred, brother. Dardanus, son; his subjects slew him. Corbred II., surn. Galdus. Some suppose this king to be the Gal- gacus whom Tacitus mentions as having fought valiantly against Julius Agricola. Luctacus or Lugthacus, son ; mur- dered by his nobles. Mogaldus, grandson of Corbred II.; murdered. Conarus, son; conspired in his father's murder, dep, and d. in rison. Ethodius I. ; slain by an Irish harper in revenge for the murder of a kinsman. Satreal or Satrahel, brother; strangled by his courtiers. Donald I., brother. Ethodius II., son of Ethodius I. ; slain by his guards in a domestic tumult. º a severer death. on the king's death; killed by his domestics. dered in a conspiracy, in which his brother, Carantius, was a princi- al. Donald II., a third son of Athirco ; slain in a battle with Donald of the Isles, who succeeded. Donald III., lord of the Isles, usurped the throne ; slain by his Sll CCGSSO]". Carthilinthus or Crathilinthus, son of Findochus. Fincormachus, son of Domald II. Romachus, nephew ; slain by his nobles. Angusianus or AEmeanus, cousin; fell in battle with the Pictish king, who was also slain. Fethelmachus, also cousin of Roma- chus, defeated the Picts and mortally wounded their new king in battle; murdered by a Pictish minstrel who feigned himself a Scot, hired by Hergustus, the succeeding king of the Picts. Eugenius I., son of Fincormachus; slain in battle by Maximus, the , 404. 420 451 457 479 501 535 558 569. 570 605 606 621 632 646 664 684 688 698 699 715 730 761 764 767 787 819 824 Roman general, and the confede- rate Picts. With this battle ended the kingdom of the Scots, after having existed from the coronation of Fergus I., a period of 706 years; the royal family fled to Denmark. Interregnum of 27 years. Fergus II., great - grandson of Eugenius and 40th king ; slain in battle with the Romans. “Some call this Fergus the first king, and suppose either that the previous kings are fabulous, or that they were only chiefs or generals of armies, having no royal authority. The controversy thus arising, I leave to be decided by the anti- quaries, and must follow the re- ceived histories of Scotland.”— Anderson. Eugenius II. or Evenus, son. Dongardus or Domangard, brother; defeated and drowned. Constantine I., brother; assass, by Dugall, a noble, whose daughter he had dishonoured. Congallus I., nephew. Goranus, brother ; murdered. Eugenius III., nephew. Congallus II., brother. Rinnatellus, brother; res. in favour of Aidanus. Aidanus or Aldan, son of Goranus. Renneth or Kennett I., son of Con- gallus II. Eugenius IV., son of Adianus. Ferchard or Ferquhard, son. Donald IV., brother; drowned in Loch Tay. Ferchard II., son of Ferchard I. ; d. from the bite of a mad wolf. Malduinus, son of Donald IV.; stran- gled by his wife for his supposed infidelity, for which crime she was immediately afterwards burnt. Eugenius V., brother. Eugenius VI., son of Ferchard II. Amberkeletus, nephew ; fell by an arrow from an unknown hand. Eugenius VII., brother. Mordachus, son of Amberkeletus. Etfinus, son of Eugenius VII. Eugenius VIII., son of Mordachus; killed by his nobles. Fergus III., son of Etfinus; killed by his queen in a fit of jealousy; she immediately afterwards stabbed herself to escape a death of torture. Solvathius, son of Eugenius VIII. Achaius. Congallus III. Dongal or Dougal, son of Solvathius; drowned in the Spey. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 19 831. 834. 854. 858. 874. 876. 893. 304. 944. $53, 3961. 965. 970. 994. ‘995. 1003. 1033. 1039. Alpine, son of Achaius; taken priso- ner and beheaded, with many of his nobles, by the Picts. Kenneth II., son, surn. MacAlpine; defeated the Picts, and slew their king and his nobility. United the Picts and Scots under one sceptre, and became the first sole monarch of all Scotland, 843. Donald W., brother; deth., and d. in prison by his own hand. Constantine II., son of Kenneth; taken in battle by the Danes, and beheaded. Eth or Ethus, surn. Lightfoot; d. of grief in prison. Gregory, called the Great. Donald VI., 2nd son of Constantime. Constantine III., son of Ethus; res. after a long reign, and retired to a monastery. Malcolm I., son of Donald VI. ; murdered in Moray. Indulfus or Gondulph; killed by the Danes in an ambuscade. Duff or Duffus, son of Malcolm ; murdered by Donald, governor of Forres Castle. Cullen or Culenus, son of Indulfus ; avenged the murder of his prede- cessor; assass. at Methven by a Thane, whose daughter he had dishonoured. Renneth III., brother of Duffus; murdered by Fenella, the lady of Fettercairn. Constantine IV., son of Culemus, usurped the throne; slaim. Grimus or the Grim, son of Duffus; routed and slain in battle by Malcolm, the rightful lucir to the crown, who succeeded. Malcolm II., son of Kenneth III. ; assass. On his way to Glamis. Duncan I., grandson; assass, by his cousin Macbeth, who asc, the throne. * Macbeth, usurper; slain by Macduff, the Thane of Fife, and the right- ful heir succeeds. Historians so differ up to this reign, in the number of the kings, the dates of suc- cession, and the circumstances narrated, that no account can be taken as pre- cisely accurate. 1057. 1093. 1094. Malcolm III., (Ceam-Mohr or Can- more), son of Duncan; killed while besieging Alnwick Castle. Donald VII., or Donald Bane, bro- ther, usurped the throne; ſled to the Hebrides. Duncan II., natural son of Malcolm, also an usurper; murdered. 1094. 1098. 1107. 1124. 1153. 1165. 1214, 1292. 1306. 1329. 1332. 1342. 1371. 1390. 1406. 1438. 1460. 1488. . Margaret, . James W., son, Donald Bane, again; dep. Edgar, son of Malcolm, and rightful heir. Henry I. of England mar- ried his sister Maud. Alexander, brother, snr.m. the Fierce David, brother, m. Matilda, dau. of Waltheof, E. of Northumber- land. Malcolm IV., grandson. William, brother, surn. the Lion. Alexander II.. son, m. Joan, dau. of John, K. of England. . Alexander III., m. Margaret, dau of Henry III., of England; dis- located his neck, when hunting, near Kinghorn. called the “Maiden of Norway,” grand-dau., “recog- nized by the States of Scotland though a female, an infant, and a foreigner’”; d. on her passage to Scotland. On the death of Margaret, a compe- tition arose for the vacant throne, which Edward I. of England de- cided in favour of John Baliol, who aft. surrendered his crown, and d. in exile. Interregnum. Robert (Bruce) I., “the Bruce of Bannockburn.” David (Bruce) II., son; Edward Baliol disputed the throne with him. Edward Baliol, son of John, res. David II., again, 11 years a priso- ner in England. Robert (Stuart) II., nephew, d. Apr. 19, 1371. Robert III., son, d. Apr. 4, 1406; his proper name was John, changed on his accession. James I., 2nd son, imprisoned 18 years in England, set at liberty in 1423; conspired against and murdered in his bed-chamber, Feb. 21, 1437–8. James II., son, succ. at seven years of age ; killed at the siege of Roxburgh Castle by a cannom bursting, Aug. 3, 1460. James III., son, killed in a revolt of his subjects at Bannockburn, June 11, 1488. James IV., m. Margaret Tudor, dau. of Henry VII. of England; killed at the battle of Flodden, Sept. 9, 1513. succ. when little more than a year old; d. Dec. 14, 1542. . Mary, dau., better known as Mary 2 * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Q. of Scots, b. Dec. 7, 1542; m. 1st, Francis, dauphin of France, aft. Francis II., Apr. 24, 1558; 2nd, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, July 29, 1565; 3rd, James, E. of Bothwell, May 15, 1567; res. July 22, 1567, in favour of her son, James VI. ; beheaded 1567. at Fotheringay Castle, Feb. 8, 1587. James VI., son, b. June 19, 1566; m. Anne of Denmark, dau. of Frederick II. ; d. Mar. 27, 1625. In 1603, on the death of Q. Eliza- beth, he succ. to the throne of England. For subsequent Sovereigns of Scotland see Sovereigns of England, ante p. 5. The two Kingdoms, though governed by the same Monarch, remained separate Kingdoms until the Act of Union 6 Anne cap. 11. They were, on and after May 1, 1707, united and styled “Great Britain.” IRELAND. RINGS OF TRELAND. According to Keating. BEFORE CIIRIST. So much fable is mixed up with the early history of this country, and the dates and the orthography of the names so vary in every account, it is impossible to do more than compile from accepted autho- rities. FROM THE MILESIAN CONQUEST. 1300. 1291. 1285. 1221. 1171. 1147. 1107. 1083. 1061. 1043. 1016. . Eithrial; Heber and Heremon. Heremon, alone. Muirmhne, Luighne, and Laighne, sons, succ. their father, Heremon, reigning jointly ; the first died, and the other two were slain in battle by the sons of Heber. . Er, Orbha, Fearon, and Feargna, sons of Heber; all slain in battle by their successor. . Trial, or Irial-Faidh; slew and succ. the four sons of Heber. slain in battle by his Sll CCéSSOI’. . Conmaol, or Conveal, “first absolute monarch of the Hibernian race ’’; slain in battle. Tigermas; introduced idolatry into Ireland. Eochaidh-Eadgothac. Cearmna and Sobhair, brothers; partitioned Ireland into south and north. Fiachade-Labhruin; SUlCCCSSOI’. Eochaidh-Mumho ; slain by his suc- CeSSOI’. Aongus - Olmuchac ; SUlCC eSSOT’. Eadna-Airgtheach, and Rotheachta ; both slain by their SllcC0SS Ol’S. slain by his slain by his 991. 986. 966. 961. 934. 924. 909. 894. 877. 853. 841. 825. 804. 735. 715, 695. 689. (384. 659. 540, 519, 498. 478. Seadhna ; slaim by his own son. Fiachadh - Fionsgothach; slain by his successor. Muimheamhoin, or Muinimone ; d. of the plague. Aildergoith, son; slain by his suc- CGSSOT. Odlamh-Fodhla. Fionachta, son. Slanoll, brother ; d. at Tara. Geide - Olgothach, also a son of Odlamh - Fodhla ; slain by his nephew and successor. Fiachadh ; slain by his successor. Bearngall; slain by his successor. Oilliol; slain by his successor. Siorna - Saoghalach ; slain by his SUlCC0SSO]". Rotheachta ; burnt. Six Succeeding kings, among whom was Nuadha-Fionn-Fail, died violent deaths. Fion-Fin, of the line of Er, or Ir. Seadhna ; slain by his successor. Simeon Breac; slain by his suc- CGSSOI’. Duach-Fionn or Fin; slain by his SUlCCéSSOI’. Muireadach, and two succeeding kings, died violently. Siorlamh ; slain by his successor. Eleven princes succeeded, who all died in civil wars or broils, or by assassination. Aodh-Ruadh ; drowned. Diothorba ; d. of a malignant dis- temper. Coimbaoth ; d. of the plague. Machadh - Mongruadh, Q, cousin, surn, the Red-haired Princess; slain by her successor. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 2I 471. 451. 421. 419. 275. 263. 66. 36. 24 27. . Feargus, surn, Black-teeth; Reachta-Righdhearg ; slain by his SUICC0SSOI’. Ugaine Mor, or the Great, “ had 22 sons and 3 daughters, among whom he partitioned his king- dom”; slain by his brother and SUlOCéSSOI’. Laoghaire-Lorck; slain by his bro- ther and successor. Cabhthaick, slew his brother and nephew; himself slain by his grand-nephew. Ten kings succeeded, of whom three only died matural deaths. Feargus - Forthamhuil ; killed in battle. Aongus-Tuirinheach; slain at Tara. Of 15 succeeding princes, 11 died in battle, or were murdered. Conaire Mor, or the Great ; depr. of his crown and life by his suc- C6SSOI". Lughaidh-Riebdearg ; killed himself by falling on his sword. Two kings succeeded, of whom the latter died A.D. 4. AFTER CHRIST. . Fearaidhach-Fionfachtma ; slain by his successor. Fiachadh-Fion; slaim by his successor. Fiachadh-Fionohudh, the Prince with the white cows ; “murdered by the Irish plebeians of Connaught.” . Cairbre-Cinncait; murdered in a con- spiracy. 59. Elim ; slain in battle. . Tuathal-Teachtmar ; slaim by his Sll CCéSSO]". . Mal or Mail; slain by his successor. . Feidhlimhidh; d. a natural death. . Cathoire Mor, or the Great, “ had 30 sons.” . Conn Ceadchadhach, called the Hero of the hundred battles; slaim. . Conaire ; killed. . Art-Aonfhir, the Melancholy; slain in battle. . Lughaidh, surn. Mac Comm ; thrust through the eye with a spear, in a conspiracy. II]. Ull’- dered at the instigation of his SUICC0SSO]". . Cormac-Ulfhada; choked by the bone of a fish at Supper. . Eochaidh-Gunait ; killed. . Cairbre-Liffeachair; slain in battle. . Fiachadh, son; slain in battle by his three nephews. . Cairioll or Colla-Uais; deth. and retired to Scotland. . Muirreadhach-Tireach ; slain by his Sll CCGSSOl’. . Caolbhach; slain by his successor. 353. 360. 375. 398. ºf ºf 622. (335. 648. 661. 668. . Cionfaola, brother; murdered. . Fionachta-Fleadha ; murdered. . Loingseach ; killed in battle. . Congal Cionmaghair; d. Suddenly. . Feargal ; routed and slain in battle. . Fogartach ; slaim in battle. . Cioma.oth ; defeated, and found dead . Laoghaire; . Ainmereach ; . Turgesius, Eochaidh - Moidhmeodhain ; d. a. natural death. Criomthan ; poisoned by his own sister to obtain the crown for her SO(1. Niall, surn. of the nine hostages; killed in France, on the banks of the Loire. Dathy; killed by a thunderbolt at the foot of the Alps. killed by a thunder- bolt. . Oilioll-Molt; slain in battle. . Lughaidh; killed also by a thunder- bolt . Murtough ; d. a natural death. 5. Tuateal-Maolgarbh; assass. . Diarmuid; fell by the sword of Hugh Dubh. . Feargus, in conjunction with his brother Daniel; the manner of their deaths uncertain. . Eochaidh, jointly with his uncle Baodan; both slain. depr. of his crown and life. . Baodan; slain by the two Cuimins. 558. 587. 591. 618. Aodh or Hugh ; killed in battle. Hugh Slaine ; assass. Aodh-Uaireodhnach ; killed in battle. Maolcobha ; defeated and slain in battle. Suibhne-Meain ; killed. Daniel; died a natural death. Conall Claon, jointly with his brother Ceallach ; the first was murdered, the other drowned in a bog. Diarmuid and Blathmac ; both died of the plague. Seachmasach ; assass. on the battle-field. . Flaithbheartagh ; became a monk. . Aodh or Hugh Alain ; killed in battle. . Daniel; d. on a pilgrimage at Joppa, in Palestine. . Niall-Freasach; became a monk. . Donagh or Donchad ; ‘‘ d. in his bed.” . Aodh or Hugh ; slain in battle. . Connor or Conchabhar ; , “ died of •S 55 grief. . Niall-Caillie ; drowned in the river Caillie. the Norwegian chief, possessed himself of the sovereign power ; “expelled the Irish his- torians, and burnt their books; ” 22 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. made prisoner, and thrown into a lough, and drowned. Maol Ceachlin, or Malachy I. Hugh Fionnliath. Flann Sionna. Niall-Glundubh ; “ died on the field of honour.” Donnagh or Donough. Congall; slain by the Danes at Armagh. Daniel; became a monk. Maol Ceachlin II. ; res. on the elec- tion of Brian Boiroimhe as king of Ireland. Brian Boromy, or Boiroimhe, de- feated the Danes in the memor- able battle of Clontarf, on Good 879. 897. 913. 951. 954. 974. 984. 1004. 1027. Friday, 1039; assass, in his tent the same night. Brian Boiroimhe was 30 years K. of Munster, and 12 K. of Ireland. Maol Ceachlin II. ; restored. Donough or Denis O'Brian, 3rd SOll. Tirloch or Turlough, nephew. Muriertagh or Murtough ; res., and became a monk. Turlough (O'Connor) II., the Great. Murtough Mac Neil Mac Lachlin; slain in battle. Roderic or Roger O’Connor. Henry II. K. of England; conq. the country, and became lord of Ireland. 1039. 1048. 1098. 1110. 1130. 1150. 1168. 1172. The English monarchs were styled “Lords of Ireland,” until the reign of Henry VIII., who styled himself King; and this title con- tinued down to the Union. For subsequent Sovereigns of Ireland see Sovereigns of England, ante p. 4. By the Act of Union 39 & 40 Geo. III. cap. 67, Ireland was, on and after Jan.1, 1801, united to Great Britain (England and Scotland), the three Kingdoms being thenceforth styled “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.” FRANCE. THE following are the principal dates relating to this country :— Merovingians . . . . . 418 Carlovingians . . . . . 752 BHugh Capet, cr. at Rheims July 3, 987 Iline of Valois . Tºlder line of Bour- bons . . . 1st Republic 1st Empire . April 1, 1328 Aug. 2, 1589 Sept. 21, 1792 May 18, 1804 KINGS OF MEROvINGIAN RACE. Pharamond. Clodion, or Clodius, the Hairy, sup- posed son of Pharamond. Merovacus or Merovée, son-in-law of Clodion; this race of kings called from him Merovingians. Childeric, son. Clovis the Great, son, and the real founder of the monarchy. He left four sons, who divided the empire between them :- . Childebert, Paris. Clodomir, Orleans. Thierry, Metz; and 418. 427. 448. 458. 481. Clotaire or Clotharius, Soissons. Elder line of Bour- bons . . . . . April, 1814 “ The Hundred Days,” Mar. 20 to June 29, 1815 Line of the Orleans Bourbons . . . 2nd Republic . . 2nd Empire 3rd Republic Aug. 9, 1830 Eeb. 24, 1848 Dec. 2, 1852 Sept. 4, 1870. FRANCE. 534. Theodebert, Motz. 548. Theodebald, succ. in Metz. 558. Clotaire, now sole ruler of France. Upon his death the kingdom was again divided between his four sons, viz.:- . Charebert, ruled at Paris. Gontran, in Orleans and Burgundy. Sigebert, at Metz, and both Chilperic at Soissons } {LSS&SS. France continued at times after- wards to be ruled in various divi- Sions by separate kings. Childebert II. Clotaire II., Soissons. 575. 584. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 23 596. 613. 628. 638. 656. 670. 691. 695. 711. 716. 719. 720. 768. 814. 840. Thierry II., son of Childebert, in Orleans. - Theodebert II., Metz. Clotaire II., became sole king. Dagobert the Great, son; he di- vided the kingdom, of which he had become sole monarch, between his two sons Clovis II., who had Burgundy and Neustra ; and Sigebert II., who had Austrasia. Clotaire III., son of Clovis II. Childeric II. ; he became king of the whole realm of France ; assass. with his queen, and his son Dagobert. At this time Thierry III. rules in Burgundy and Neustra, and Dagobert II., son of Sigebert, in Austrasia. Dagobert is assass., and Thierry reigns alone. Clovis III. Pepin, mayor of the palace, rules the kingdom in the name of this sovereign, who is succ. by his brother. Childebert III., surn. the Just ; in this reign Pepin also exercises the royal power. Dagobert III., son. Chilperic II. (Daniel); he is go- verned, and at length deposed, by Charles Martel, mayor of the palace. Clotaire IV., of obscure origin; raised by Charles Martel to the throne ; dies soon after, and Chil- peric is recalled from Aquitaine, whither he had fled for refuge. Chilperic II., rest.; he shortly after- wards dies at Noyon, and is succ. by Thierry IV., son of Dagobert III., surn. de Chelles ; d. 737. Charles Martel now rules under the new title of “ D. of the French.” . Interregnum, till the death of Charles Martel, in 741; and until . Childeric III., son of Chilperic II., surn. the Stupid. Carloman and Pepin, the sons of Charles Mar- tel, share the government of the kingdom in this reign. THE CARLOVINGIANs. . Pepin the Short, son of Charles Martel; he is succ. by his two SOITS Charlemagne and Carloman; the former, surn, the Great, crowned emp. of the West, by Leo III., in 800. Carloman reigned but three years. Louis I, le Debonnaire, son, emp. ; dethr., but restored to his do- minions. 877. 879. 884. 887. 893, 922. 923. 936. 954. 986. 987. 996. 1031. 1060. 1108. 1137. 1180. 1223. 1226. Charles, surn. the Bald, emp. in 875; poisoned by Zedechias, a Jew physician. Louis II., the Stammerer, son. Louis III., son, and Carloman II. ; the former d. 882; and Carloman reigned alone. Charles le Gros, an usurper, in pre- judice to Charles the Simple. Eudes or Hugh, count of Paris. Charles III. the Simple; dep. and d. in prison 929; m. Edgina, dau. of Edward the Elder, of England, by whom he had a son, who was aft. king. Robert, brother of Eudes, crowned at Rheims; but Charles marched an army against him, and killed him in battle. Rodolf, D. of Burgundy, elect, king, but never acknowledged by the southern provinces. - Louis IV. d’Outremer, or Trans- marine (from having been con- veyed by his mother into Eng- land), son of Charles III. and Edgina ; d. by a fall from his horse. Lothaire, son ; he had reigned jointly with his father from 952, and succeeds him, at 15 years of age, under the protection of Hugh the Great ; poisoned. Louis V. the Indolent, son ; also poisoned, it is supposed by his queen, Blanche. In this prince ended the race of Charlemagne. THE CAPETs. Hugh Capet, eldest son of Hugh the Abbot, and the Great, count of Paris, &c.; he seized the crown, in prejudice to Charles of Lor- raine, uncle of Louis Transmarine. From him this race of kings is called Capevingians, and Cape- tians. Robert II., surn, the Sage, son. Henry I., son. Philip I, the Fair, and "Amoureua ; succ. at eight years of age, and ruled at fourteen. Louis VI., son, surn, the Lusty, or le Gros. Louis VII., son, surn. the Young, to distinguish him from his father, with whom he was for Some years associated on the throne. Philip II. (Augustus), succ. to the crown at fifteen ; crowned at Rheims in his father's lifetime. Louis VIII., Coeur de Lion, son. Louis IX., som, called St. Louis; ascended the throne at fifteen, 24 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1270. 1285. 1314. 1316. 1322. 1380. 1422. 1461. 1483. 1498. 1515. 1547. 1574. 1589. 1610. 1643, 1715. 1774, . Charles W., surn. under the guardianship of his mother, who was also regent; d. in his camp before Tunis, and was canonized. Philip III., the Hardy, son; d. at Perpignan. Philip IV., the Fair, ascended the throne in his 17th year. Louis X., son, surn. Hutin, an old French word signifying head- strong or mutinous. John, a posthmm.ous son, lived a few days only. Philip V., the Long (on account of his stature), brother of Louis X. Charles IV., the Handsome ; this king, and Louis X., John, and Philip V., were kings of Navarre. See Navarre, post. HOUSE OF WALOIS. . Philip VI., de Valois, grandson of Philip the Hardy. . John II., the Good; d. suddenly in the Savoy in London, the Wise, the first prince who had the title of Dauphin. Charles VI., the Beloved. Charles VII., the Victorious. Louis XI., Son. Charles VIII., the Affable, Louis XII., T). of Orleans. Francis I., of Angoulême. Henry II., d. at a tournament, when celebrating the nuptials of his sister with the D. of Savoy, from a wound accidently given him by the count de Montmorency. . Francis II., m. Mary Stuart, aft. Q. of Scots. . Charles IX. ; Catherine of Medicis, his mother, obtained the regency. Henry III., elect. K. of Poland; murdered Aug. 1, 1589, by Jacques Clement, a Dominican friar. In this prince was extinguished the house of Valois. HOUSE OF BOURBON. Henry IV., the Great, of Bourbon, R. of Navarre; murdered by |Francis Ravaillac. Louis XIII., the Just, son. Louis XIV., son. Louis XV., great-grandson, the Well- beloved. Louis XVI., grandson, n. the archd. María Antoinette, of Austria, May 1770. Deth. in the great revolution; guillotined Jan. 21, 1793, and his queen, Oct. 16, following. 1793. 1792. 1795. 1799, 1802. 1804. 1814. 1824. 1830. 1848. Louis XVII., son. Though num- bered with the kings, this prince never reigned; he died in prison supposed by poison, June 8, 1795, aged ten years and two months. REPUBLIC. Republic established by the National Convention, Sept. 20–21. The Directory established Oct., nominated Nov. 1. The Directory abolished Nov. 8, 9, 10, and a consulate of three es- tablished. Napoleon Buonaparte 1st consul; Cambacérès and Le Brun appointed Dec. 24. Napoleon B. appointed 1st consul for 10 years, May 6, and 1st com- sul for life, Aug. 2. FRENCH EMPIRE. Napoleon B., b. Aug. 15, 1769; decl. emp. May 18, 1804. Divorced his first wife, the empress Jose- phine; and m. Maria Louisa of Austria, April 7, 1810; abd, and retired to Elba, April 5, 1814. Again appears in France, March 1, 1815; defeated at Waterloo, and finally abdicates in favour of his infant som, June 22. Banished to St. Helena, where d. May 5, 1821. See Imperial Line, post, p. 25. BOURBONS RESTORED. Louis XVIII., next brother of Louis XVI., b. Nov. 17, 1755; m. Maria Josephine Louise, of Savoy. Entered Paris and took possession of the throne, May 3, 1814; obliged to flee, March 20, 1815; returned, July 8, same year; d. Sept. 16, 1824. Charles X., brother, b. Oct. 9, 1757; m. Maria. Therese, of Savoy; dep. July 30, 1830; d. Nov. 6, 1836. See Legitimate Line, post, p. 25. HOUSE OF ORLEANS. Louis Philippe, son of the D. of Or- leans, called Egalité, b. Oct. 6, 1773; m. Nov. 25, 1809, Maria Amelia, dau. of Ferdinand I. (IV.), K. of the Two Sicilies. Raised to the throne, as “king of the French,” Aug. 1830; elect. 7th, sw. 9th; dep. Feb. 24, 1848; d. Aug. 26, 1850. See Orleanist Line, post, p. 25. SECOND REPUBLIC. The revolution commenced in a popular insurrection at Paris, Feb. 22. The royal family escaped by flight to England, a prov. govt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 25 was estab., monarchy abolished, and France decl. a republic. Louis Napoleon (Charles L. N. Buonaparte), b. April 20, 1808, Son of Louis Buonaparte some time K. of Holland, and nephew of the late emp. Napoleon I. ; elect. pres. of the republic, by 6,048,872 votes, out of 8,040,604; having a majority of 4,600,770 votes over his rival, general Ca- vaignac, Dec. 11, 1848. Louis Napoleon declared by the national assembly pres. of the republic of France, Dec. 19, and procl. next day, Dec. 20, 1848. | THE SECOND EMPIRE. Napoleon II. (Francis Joseph Charles Napoleon), son of the emp. Napoleon I., b. March 20, 1811; cr. K. of Rome, and aft. made D. of Reichstadt; d. July 22, 1832; he never reigned, but on the establishment of the second empire was recognised as Napoleon II. . Napoleon III. (Louis Napoleon) above-named, the pres. of the Republic, decl. Emperor Dec. 2; m. Eugenie de Montijo, countess of Teba, Jan. 29, 1853; dep. Sept. 4, 1870; d. Jan. 9, 1873. See Imperial Line, supra. THIRD REPUBLIC. Republic procl., Sept. 4; prov. govt. by Committee of Public Defence, until election of 1870. PRESIDENTS. Louis Adolphe Thiers, Aug. 31. Marshal Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de Mac Mahon, D. of Magenta, May 24. François Paul Jules Grévy, Jan. 30. 1871. 1873. 1879. 1887. Marie François Sadi-Carnot, Dec. 3. THE LEGITIMATE LINE. Charles X. (see ante, p. 24), abdicated, July 1830, and on Aug. 2, following, his eldest son the Dauphin, Louis Antoine, renounced his rights in favour of his nephew Henry V. (Henry Charles Frederick Marie Dieudonné, of Artois), D. of Bordeaux, better known as the Count of Chambord. He was son of pr. Charles Ferdinand, of Artois, D. of Berri, who was b. Jan. 24, 1778, and d. Feb. 14, 1820. Henry V. was b. Sept. 29, 1820; d. Aug. 24, 1883. On his death the elder branch of the Bourbons became extinct and the succession passed to the house of Orleans. THE ORLEANIST LINE. Louis Philippe (see ante, p. 24), d, Aug. 26, 1850. His eldest son was Ferdinand Philippe Louis Charles Henry Joseph, of Orleans, D. of Orleans, pr. royal ; b. Sept. 3, 1810; m. May 30, 1837, Helena Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of Frederick Louis, hered. Gr. D. of Mecklenburg- Schwerin; d. July 13, 1842, leaving as his eldest son LOUIS PHILIPPE ALBERT D'ORLEANS, Count of Paris, b. Aug. 24, 1838, who became entitled to the throne of France, as rep. of the Orleans line, on death of his grandfather, Louis Philippe, Aug. 26, 1850, and as rep of the Legitimate line, on death of the Count of Chambord (Henry V.), Aug. 24, 1883. THE IMPERIAL LINE. EMPRESSES OF NAPOLEON I. Josephine (Marie Rose Joseph), dau. of — Tascher de la Pagerie, b. June 24, 1768 ; m. 1st, Alexr. de Beauharnais; 2nd, the emp. March 8, 1796; div. Dec. 16, 1809; d. May 29, 1814. Maria Louisa, archd. of Austria, b. Dec. 12, 1791; m. Apr. 2, 1810; d. Dec. 18, 1847. See Parma, post, p. 53. ISSUE OF NAPOLEON I. See Napoleon II., supra. BROTHERS OF NAPOLEON I. 1. Joseph Buonaparte, K. of Naples, aft. R. of Spain; m. Maria Julia de Clary; d. July 28, 1844. 2. Lucien Buonaparte, pr. of Canino; m. 1st, Christine Elenore Boyer, 1794; 2nd, Marie Alexandrime Charlotte Louise Lawrence de Bleschamps; d. June 30, 1840. 3. Louis Buonaparte, K. of Holland, m. Hortensia, Eugenia de Beauharnais, dau. of the Emp. Josephine; d. July 25, 1846. The father of Napoleon III. 4. Jerome Buonaparte, K. of Westphalia, m. 1st, Elizth. Patterson, Dec. 24, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1803, an American ; 2nd, Frederica, dau. of the K. of Wurtemberg, Aug. 1807. SISTERS OF NAPOLEON I. 1. Elizabeth, gr. duch. of Florence, and pr. of Piombino, m. to general Felix Bacciochi, actual pr. of Piombino. 2. Maria Paulette, or Pauline, m. 1st., general Leclerc ; 2nd., pr. Borghese. 3. Amnonceade Caroline, m. to Joachim Murat, aft. K. of Naples. HIS OTHER RELATIVES. Cardinal Fesch, abp. of Lyons, uncle to Napoleon I. Eugene de Beauharnais, son of Jose- phine, viceroy of Italy, Gr. D. of Frankfort, and aft. D. of Leuch- tenberg and pr. of Eichstadt; m. Amelia Augusta, pr. of Ba- varia. Stephanie de la Pagerie, niece of Jose- phine, pr. of Baden. NAPOLEoN’s GREAT OFFICERS OF STATE, MARSHALs, &c. OFFICERS OF STATE. Cambacérès, D. of Parma. Caulaincourt, D. of Vicenza. Champagne, D. of Cadore. Duroc, D. of Friuli. Fouché, D. of Otranto. Le Brun, D. of Piacenza. Maret, D. of Bassano. Savary, D. of Rovigo. Talleyrand de Perigord, pr. of Benevento. MARSHALS. Arrighi, D. of Padua. Augereau, D. of Castiglione. Bernadotte, pr. of Ponte Corvo, aft. K. of Sweden. Berthier, pr. of Neufchatel and Wagram. Dessieres, D. of Istria. Davoust, pr. of Eckmuhl and D. of Auer- stadt. Jourdan, peer of France. Junot, D. of Abrantes. Rellerman, D. of Valmy. Lannes, D. of Montebello. Lefebre, D. of Dantzic. Macdonald, D. of Tarento. Marmont, D. of Ragusa. Massena, pr. of Essling and D. of Rivoli. Moncey, D. of Conegliano. Mortier, D. of Treviso. Murat, K. of Naples. Ney, pr. of Moskwa and D. of Elchingen. Oudinot, D, of Reggio. Soult, D. of Dalmatia. Suchet, D. of Albufera. Victor, D. of Belluno. REMARKABLE GENERALs. Andreossi, Gouvion St. Cyr, Grouchy, Hulin, Rapp, Regnier, Sebastiani, Ser- rurier, Vandamme, &c. NAPOLEON III. Had issue one child only, Napoleon Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, known as the Prince Imperial, who was killed in the Zulu War, June 1, 1879, and d. unmarried. ALENGON. Counts of ALENGON. Peter. Charles I. of Valois. 1268. 1293. DUKES OF ALENGON. 1404. John I. 1415. John II. 1476. Charles IV, defeated at the battle of 1325. Charles II. Pavia in 1525, and the duchy was 1346. Charles III. merged in the Kingdom of 1361. Peter. France. ANJOU. IN 877, Louis the Stammerer, son and successor of Charles the Bald of France, upon his accession to that crown, bestowed many largesses on his friends. In order to reconcile the malcontents who had not THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 27. shared them, Louis found it expedient to dismember great portions of his domains; and hence arose many seignories, duchies, and counties, possessed by various individuals and families. the origin of the Counts of Anjou. 938. 958. 987. 1040. 1060. 1106. 1100. 1129. situated between the mouths of the Seine and the Loire. This is believed to be Counts of ANJOU. Fulco (Fulke), surn. the Red. after having united the counties of Eudo and Ingelger, d. 938. Fulco II. surn. the Good. Geoffrey I., son; he obtained for himself and his successors the dignity of semeschal of France. I'ulco III., the Black, d. returning from Jerusalem. * Geoffery II., Martel (the Hammer), son, d. without male issue. | Geoffrey III., the Bearded, and l Fulco IV. ; the latter imprisoned his brother, and was excommuni- cated by the pope; his consort, Bertrade of Montfort, was carried off by K. Philip I. of France, who married her. Geoffrey IV., released his uncle, who died soon after, leaving Anjou to his nephew. Geoffrey fell in a war with his father by a poisoned arrow, discharged at him, it is said, at the instance of Bertrade. Fulco V., son, became K. of Jerusa- lem, and d. 1142. Geoffrey W. Plantagenet, 3rd son. obt. Anjou from his father this year ; his two elder brothers suc- ceeded the father as kings of Jerusalem. Geoffrey V., m. Mathilde d'Angle- terre (Maud, dau. of Henry I.); he conq. Normandy, which he gave, in 1149, to his son Henry, 1150. 1158. 1264. aft. Henry II., K. of England. From this marriage of Maud of England with Geoffrey of Anjou. sprung the line of the Plantage- nets of our own country, a race of fourteen kings, commencing with Henry II. in 1154, and ter- minating with Richard III. in l485, a period of 331 years. Geoffrey V.I., second son, d, without an heir. William, E. of Poitou, third son of Geoffrey V., d. 1164. Anjou from this time became a possession of the kings of Eng- land. It was, however, in the reign of John, taken, together with Normandy, by Philip Augustus of France, and incorpo- rated with that kingdom, and given, as a fief, first to John, son of Louis VIII., who died early, and next to Charles, his brother, who, later. became Charles I. of Sicily, and whose descendants were called the house of Anjou. Alfonso V., of Arragon and Naples, achieved a victory over René of Anjou in 1422. The dukedom of Anjou afterwards became nothing more than a mere title, taken by the second sons of the Kings of France. This title has long since ceased. BRETAGNE OR BRITTANY. THIs name, in the earliest ages, was common to all that tract of country When, how- ever, the Bretons were obliged to abandon the Isle of Albion (England), and to take refuge in a part of Armorica in the 5th century, they gradually communicated their name as well to the inhabitants as to the province itself. 560. 590. Counts AND DUKEs of BRITTANY. Conober, about this time. $. * * * Waroc, about this time. k +(. k * 824. Nomenoe. 851 857. S74. S77. Erispoe or Herispoe. Salomon, cousin. Pasquito de Vannes, and Gurvan de. Rennes. Alain III., de Vannes, and Judicael de Rennes. 28 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 907, Gurmallion. 1237. John I., the Red. 930. Berenger de Rennes. 1286. John II. 937. Alain IV. de Vannes. 1305. Arthur II. 952. Drogo. 1312. John III., styled the Good. 980. Gueroc, de Nantes. 1341. Charles, count of Blois, and John 987. Conan I., de Rennes. IV., de Montfort, brother to John 992. Geoffrey I. the Good. 1008. Alain W. 1345. Charles de Blois, alone. 1040. Conan II. 1364. John W., styled the Valiant. 1066. Hoel W. 1399. John VI. 1084. Alain Fergent, the Red. 1442. Francis I. 1112. Conan III. the Fat. 1450. Peter II. 1148. Eudes, Hoel VI., and Geoffrey II. 1457. Arthur III. 1156. Conan IV. 1458. Francis II. 1171. Geoffrey III. 1488. Anne, dau. 1196. Arthur, and Constance, dau. of Conan | 1513. Claude, dau. IV., and wife of Geoffrey, son of 1524. Francis I., of France. Henry II. of England. 1532. The dukedom of Brittany annexed 1203. Guy de Tours, regent. to the crown of France. 1213. Peter Mauclerc. BURGUNDY. THE Kingdom of the Burgundians began in Alsace in 413, and con- tinued for 119 years, the Franks stripping them of their dominions in 532. In the division of France among the sons of Clotaire in 561, Gontran had Orleans and Burgundy; in 638, Clovis II. had Burgundy and Neustra; and, on the death of Charles le Gros, in 888, Rodolph became king of Transjuran Burgundy. The Kingdom was soon after- wards united to that of Arles, and both passed, on the death of Rodolph III., in 1032, to Conrad the Salique, emperor of Germany. The Burgundians, who settled in Celtic Gaul, gave name to the county and duchy of Burgundy. Burgundy is now a part of France. RINGS OF BURGUNDY. 413. Gumdicar. 888. Rodolph I. K. of Transjuram Bur- 436. Gumderic. gundy. 466. Chilperic. 911. Rodolph II., K. of Arles. Burgundy 491. Gundebaud. and Provence united in 933. 516. Sigismund. 937. Conrad the Pacific, second K. of 523. Gondemar. Arles. 532. Conq. by the Franks under Childe- 993. Rodolph III., le Fainednt. bert aud Clotaire, kings of Paris | 1032. Rodolph bequeaths his kingdom to and Soissoms. Conrad the Salique, emp. DUKES OF BURGUNDY. 877. Richard le Justicier. 1075. Hugh I. 921. Rodolph, K. of France in 923. 1078. Eudes I. 923. Giselbert or Gilbert. 1102. Hugh II., surm, the Pacific. 938. Hugh, styled the Great. 1142. Eudes II. 956. Otho. 1162. Hugh III. 965. Henry, brother, styled the Great, be- 1193. Eudes III. queathed his dukedom to the K. 1218. Hugh IV. of France. 1272. Robert II. 1015. Henry II., aft. K. of France. . 1305. Hugh W. 1031. Robert, brother. 1315. Eudus IV. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 29, 1350. Philip I. de Rouvre. 1363. Philip II. sur. the Hardy, for gal- lantly fighting near his father K. John of France, at the battle of Poitiers; founded the second royal house of Burgundy. 1384. Flanders united to Burgundy by the marriage of Philip with Margaret, heiress of the counts of Flam- ders. 1404. John, surn. Sºns Peur or the Fear- less ; murdered on the bridge of Montereau. 1419. Philip III., surn. the Good. 1421. Namur sold to Burgundy. 1429. Brabant united to Burgundy. 1433. Holland and Hainault united to Bur- gundy. 1444. Luxemburg sold to Burguudy. 1467. Charles the Bold, son of Philip the Good, killed in an engagement with the D. of Lorraine. With him ended the second house of Burgundy in 1477. 1477. Burgundy now passed to Austria, by the marriage of Mary, its heir- ess, with Maximilian I., emp. of Germany. 1479. The Duchy of Burgundy was annexed to France by Louis XI. LORRAINE. BRABANT. THIS country took its name from Lothaire, or Lotharius, son of the emperor of the same name, and was given to the prince as an inde- pendent dominion in 851. the 10th century into two parts. The kingdom eventually was divided in Lower Lorraine was governed by its dukes, afterwards Dukes of Brabant, until Brabant became united with Burgundy in 1429. The late province subsisted until 1766, when it was finally united to France. DUKEs. LOWER LORRAINE. LORRAINE. 959. Godfrey I. 916. Giselbert or Gilbert. 964, Godfrey II. 940. Henry I. 976. Charles, of France, 944. Conrad, the Red. 1001. Otho I. 953. Bruno, Abp. of Cologne. 1005. Godfrey III. 959. Frederick I. 1023. Gothelon, styled the Great. 984. Thierry I. 1043. Godfrey IV., surn. the Hardy. 1026. Frederick II. 1048. Frederick of Luxemburg. 1033. Gothelon or Gothelo I. 1065. Godfrey IV., again. 1043. Gothelon II. 1069. Godfrey V., Bossu. 1046. Albert d'Alsace. 1076. Conrad. 1048. Gerard d'Alsace. 1089. Godfrey V.I., of Bouillon. 1070. Thierry, surn, the Valiant. 1101. Henry I. 1115. Sigismund I. 1106. Godfrey VII. styled the Great. 1139. Matthow I. 1128. Walleran, and Godfrey VII. 1176. Sigismund II. 1140. Godfrey VIII. le Jeune. 1205. Forri I. 1143. Godfrey IX., surn. the Valiant. 1206. Ferri II. 1213. Theobald I. BRABANT. 1220. Matthew II. 1190. Henry II. 1251. Ferri III., gov. 53 years. 1235. Henry III. 1304. Theobald II. 1248. Henry IV. 1312. Ferri IV. 1261. John I., surn. the Victorious. 1328. Raoul. French for Rollo. 1294. John II., surn. the Pacific. 1346. John I. 1312. John III., styled the Triumphant. 1391. Charles I., surn. the Hardy. 1355. Jane and Wenceslas of Luxemburg. 1431. René d’Anjou, styled the Good. The 1383. Jane gov. alone. succession disputed by Antony 1405. Antony. de Vaudemont. 1415. John IV. 1453. John II. 1427. Philip. 1470. Nicholas. 1429. Brabant united to Burgundy. 1473. Jolantha and René II. .30 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1508. Antony, surn. the Good. 1690. Leopold, Son. 1544. Francis I. 1729. Francis Stephen, Gr. D, of Tuscany 1545. Charles II. styled the Great; reigned in 1737, m. Maria. Theresa of Aus- 63 years. tria. Emp. of Germany in 1745. 1608. Henry II., styled the Good. 1737. Stanislaus, of Poland. 1624. Francis II., Charles III., and Ni- || 1766. Lorraine united to France. See cholas Francis, gov. jointly. note to “Tuscany,” 1735–7. 1670. Charles, alone, In 1871, part of Lorraine was ceded 1675. Charles IV., nephew. by France to Germany. NORMANDY. THE Normans, enticed by plunder, having made many descents upon France, Charles the Simple, at length wearied by their aggressions, came to an accommodation with them, and concluded the famous treaty of St. Clair upon the Epte, whereby he gave them a part of Neustra, which from their incursions had already taken the name of Normandy. Charles also gave his daughter Giselle to their chief, Rollo, in marriage, on the condition of his embracing Christianity, and giving it encourage- ment among his followers. DUKES OF NoFMANDY. 911. Rollo, the Dane, 1st D., yielded 1028. Robert I., surm. le Diable. homage for his dukedom to Charles | 1035. William the Bastard, natural son of the Simple, K. of France. Richard III. (our William I. or the 927. William Longespée, or Longsword, Conqueror); became K. of Eng- SOIl. land in 1066. 943. Richard I., surn. the Fearless, a | 1087. Robert, surn. Courthose,” eldest son minor, son. of William, became D. of Nor- 996. Richard II., son; this duke's sister, mandy on his father's death, his Emma, m. to Ethelred II., K. of brother William succeeding to the England. crown of England; gov. until 1026. Richard III. 1106; d. 1134. * This Robert had a son, William, to whom (and not to his father) the French historians give the surname Courthose (Cowrtecwisse), short-thigh. The contention between the last Duke, Robert, and his brother Henry (third son of the Conqueror, and then king of England), termi- nated with the battle of Tinchebray, in Lower Normandy, Sept, 28, 1106. Robert was defeated, made prisoner, and sent to England, where he died in captivity. Normandy was then annexed to England, but was re-united to the crown of France in the reign of King John. MONACO. THE sovereignty of this little State has been held by the family of Grimaldi since 968. PRINCEs of MoMA.co. — Grimaldo I., L. of Monaco, living — Grimaldo III., living 1184. 920. — Hubert. — Guido I., 1st Pr. 1223 or 1232. Grimaldo IV. — Grimaldo II. 1257. Francis. — Guido II. 1293. Rainer I. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 3] 1314. Rainer II. 1662. Hercules II. 1330. Charles I., styled the Great | 1 | 1651. P. Louis I. 1346. Rainer III. 1701. Anthony. 1407. John I. 1731. Louisa Hippolyta. 1454. Catalan. 1731. 2 Honorius III. 1457. Claudia, m. Lambert Grimaldi. 1780. Honorius IV. 1493. John II. 1819, Honorius V. 1505. Lucian. 1841. Florestan I. (Tancred Florestan 1525. Honorius I. Roger Louis), Oct. 2. 1581. Charles II. 1856, Charles III. (Charles Honorius), 1589. Hercules I. June 20. 1604, Honorius II, SWITZERLAND. THIS country became subject to Germany about 1032. The revolt under William Tell occurred in 1306, and Swiss independence was first declared in 1307. A series of wars ensued, but the Swiss maintained their freedom and formed themselves into a federation ultimately con- sisting of thirteen cantons, and known as the Helvetic Confedera- tion. From 1648 this Confederation enjoyed tranquility except from internal dissensions; but in 1798 it was conquered by France, the Helvetic Confederation dissolved, and the Helvetian Republic, under the control of France, formed in its place. Some minor changes were subsequently made, but ultimately, in 1815, under the provisions of the treaty of Vienna, the federal form of government was definitely restored under the name of the Swiss Confederation, and the number of cantons was increased to 22. A new federal constitution was established in 1848. PRESIDENTS OF THE SWIss ConFEDERATE Council. From the year 1848. Term of office, one year from January 1st. 1849. Jonas Furrer. 1869. Emil Welti. 1850. Heinrich Druck. 1870. Jacob Dubs again. 1851. J. Munzinger. 1871. Karl Schink again. 1852. Jonas Furrer again. 1872. Emil Welti again. 1853. Wilhelm Räff. 1873. Paul Ceresole. 1854. Frederich Frey Herosee. 1874. Karl Schink again. 1855. Jomas Furrer again. 1875. J. J. Scherer. 1856. Jacob Stämpfli. 1876, Emil Welti again. 1857. Constant Fornerod. 1877. Joachim Heer. 1858. Jonas Furrer again. 1878. Karl Schink again. 1859. Jacob Stämpfli again. 1879. Bernhard Hammer. 1860. F. Frey Herosee again. 1880. Emil Welti again. 1861. Martin Knüsel. 1881. Numa Droz. 1862. Jacob Stämpfli again. 1882. Simon Bavier. 1863. Constant Formerod again. 1883. Louis Ruchonnet. 1864. Jacob Dubs. 1884. Emil Welti again. 1865. Karl Schink. 1885. Karl Schink again. 1866. Martin Knüsel again. 1886. Adolf Deucher. 1867. Constant Fornerod again. 1887. Numa Droz again. 1868. Jacob Dubs again. 1888. J. Zemb, 32 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. POPES OF ROME. THE list in the former edition has been collated with that appended to Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical History, which follows Bower's History of the Popes. The dates of the earlier popes differ in various writers, and must, probably, be all considered as more or less “approximate.” Bishop Pearson gives the following dates:— Linus, 55–67. Telesphorus, 111–122. Anacletus, 67–69. Hyginus, 122–126. Clement, 69–83. Pius, 127–142. Evaristus, 83–91. Anicetus, 142–161. Alexander, 91–101. Soter, 161–170. Sixtus, or Xystus, 101–111. Dodwell says Anicetus d. 153, and Soter in 162. St. Peter is given in the following list as the first Bishop of Rome. in accordance with the popular tradition; but the better opinion seems to be that the Church of Rome was really settled by St. Peter and St. Paul jointly, and that Linus was appointed the first Bishop by their joint authority. See the notes to Mosheim's List, which contain much useful information on the subject. The temporal sovereignty of the popes nominally commenced about 720, in the papacy of Gregory III. ; but it was not until 754, in the papacy of Stephen II., that it can be said to have had any real founda- tion. It continued with frequent additions and reductions of territory and with some intervals of conquest by foreign powers till 1859–60, when the greater part of the papal dominions was swept away and soon afterwards incorporated in the new kingdom of Italy. The then Pope, Pius IX, was maintained in Rome under the protection of a French garrison until 1870, when the garrison was withdrawn, the troops of the King of Italy entered the city, and on September 21, 1870, the temporal power of the popes came to an end. LIST of THE POPEs of Rom E. Except when otherwise stated, they died in the same year as that in which their successor was appointed. 42. ST. PETER, crucified, his head down- 192. St. Victor; mart. wards, in 66. 201. St. Zephirinus; d. 218. — St. Clement (Clemens Romanus), 219. St. Calixtus, or Callistus; d. 222. according to Tertullian. 222. Throne vacant. 66. St. Linus; mart. 223. St. Urban ; beheaded. 78. St. Anacletus ; mart. 230. St. Pontianus; banished 91. St. Clement; abd. 235. St. Anterus; mart. 100. St. Evaristus; mart. 236. St. Fabian ; mart. 250. 109. St. Alexander; mart. 250. Throne vacant. 119. St. Sixtus ; mart. 251. St. Cornelius. 128. St. Telesphorus; mart. 252. St. Lucius; mart. the same year. 139. St. Hyginus; the first who was called Novatianus, antipope. * pope. 253. St. Stephen ; mart. 142. St. Pius; mart. 257. Sixtus II., his coadjutor; mart. 258. 157. St. Anicetus. 258. Throne vacant. 168. St. Soterus; mart. 259. Dionysius. 176. St. Eleutherus. 269. Felix I. ; mart. 274 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 33 275. 283. 296. 304. 308. 310. 311. 314. 336. 337. 352. 356. 358. 358. 359. 366. 384. 398. 402. 417. 418. 422. 432. 440. 461. 468. 483. 492. 496. 498. 514. 514. 523. 526. j30. 532. 535, 536. 537. 555. 560. 573. 574. 578. 590. 604. (307. 608. (515. 618. Eutychianus; mart. Caius. Marcellinus. Throne vacant. Marcellus. St. Eusebius; d. the same year. St. Melchiades; coadjutor to Euse- bius. Silvester; d. 335. Marcus, or Mark; d. the same year. Julius. Liberius; banished, and in Felix II., antipope; placed in the chair by Constans, during the exile of Liberius, on whose re- turn he was driven from it with ignominy. Liberius, again ; abd. Felix became legal pope, but he was made away with by Liberius Liberius, again ; d. 366. Damasus. Siricius. Anastasius. t Innocent I. Zosimus; canonized. Boniface I. ; canonized. Celestine I. ; canonized. Sixtus III. Leo I. the Great ; canonized. St. Hilary. St. Simplicius. Felix III., sometimes styled Felix II. ; canonized. Gelasius; canonized. Anastasius II. ; canonized. Symmachus; canonized. Laurentius, antipope. Hormisdas, July 20 : canonized : d. Aug. 6. John I... Aug. 13; d. May 18. Felix IV., July 12; canonized ; d. Sept. 15. Boniface II., Sept. 22; d. Oct. 17, 532. John II., Dec. 31; d. May 27. Agapetus, June 3; d. April 22. Silverius, June 8; banished ; d. June 20, 538. Vigilius, banished, but rest., March 29, 555; d. June 7. Pelagius I., June ; d. March 31. John III., July 14; d. July, 573. Throne vacant. Benedict I... surm. Bomosus, June 3; d. July 31. Pelagius II., Nov. 27; d. Jan. 8. Gregory the Great, Sept. 3; d. March 12. Sabinianus, Sept. 13 ; d. Feb. 22, (306. Boniface III., Feb. 19 ; d. Nov. 12. Boniface IV., Sept. 15; d. May 25. IDeusdedit. Oct. 19 ; d. Nov. 8. Boniface V., Dec. 23 ; d. Oct. 25. 625. 639. 640. 640. 642. 649. 654. 657. 672. 676. 678. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 686. 687. 701. 705. 708. 708. 715. 73I. 741. 752. 757. 768. 772. 795. 816. 817. 824. 827. 828. 844. 847. 882. 884. 885. S91. . John VIII.. Dec 14. Honorius I., Nov. 3; d. Oct. 12,638. Throne vacant. Severinus, May 28; d. Aug. 2. John IV., Dec. 24; d. Oct. 12. Theodorus, Nov. 24; d. May 13. Martin, July 5 ; d. Sept. 16, 655. |Eugenius, Aug. 10; canonized ; d. June 3. Vitalianus, July 30; d. Jan. 27. Adeodatus, April 11 ; d. June 16. Donus. Nov. 2; d. April 11. Agatho, June 27 ; d. Jan. 10. Leo II., Aug. 7 ; d. July 3, 683. Throne vacant. Benedict II., June 26 ; d. May 7. John V., July 23; d. Aug. 2. Conon, Oct. 21 ; d. Sept. 22, 687. Theodore and Pascal, antipopes. Sergius. Dec. 15; d. Sept. 7. John VI., Oct. 30; d. Jan. 9. John VII., March 1; d. Oct. 17, 707. Sisimnius, Jan. 18; d. Feb. 6. Constantine, March 25; d. April 8. Gregory II., May 19; canonized; d. Feb. 11. Gregory III., March 18; d. Nov. 29. Zacharias, Dec. 3; d. March 14. Stephen II. With this pope com- menced the temporal power of the Church of Rome; March 26; d. April 26. Paul, May 29; d. June 28, 767. Stephen III., Aug. 7; d. Feb. 1. Adrian, or Hadrian, I., Feb. 9; d. Dec. 25. Leo III., Dec. 27 ; d. June 11. Stephen IV., June 22; d. Jan. 24. Pascal, June 25 ; d. May. Eugenius II., May ; d. Aug. Valentinus ; d. 827. Gregory IV. ; d. Jan. 25. Sergius II., Feb. 10; d. Jan. 27. Leo IV., April 10; d. July 17. Between Leo IV. and the next pon- tiff, Benedict III., an absurd story, not worth refutation, places “Pope Joan.” . Benedict III., Sept. 29; opposed by an antipope called Anastasius; d. April 7. . Nicholas, styled the Great, April 24; d. Nov. 13. . Adrian, or Hadrian, II., Dec. 14 ; d. Nov. 26. It is to this John that some authors refer the scandalous fabrication of Pope Joan, but they err even in point of time. See above. d. Dec. 15. Martin II., or Marinus I., Dec, ; d. May. Adrian or Hadrian III., May : d. Sept. Stephon V., Sept. : d. Sept. Formosus, Sept. ; d. May 28. a) 34 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 896. 896. 897. 897. 898. 900. 903. 903. 904. 911. 913. 914. 928. 929. 931. 936. 939. 942. 946. 955. 963. 964. 973. 974. 974. 974. 983. 984, 985. 996. 999. | 003 1003 1009 Boniface VI., May ; deposed or d. June 896. Stephen WI., June 896; d. July 897. Romanus, antipope, July; d. Nov 97 Theodorus II., gov. 22 days. John IX., June ; d. July. Benedict IV., July; d. Aug. Leo V., Aug. ; driven from his seat a few months after his election. and died in prison, Sept. 903. Christoper, Oct. ; d. Jan. Sergius III., Jan. 29; d. Sept. Anastasius III., Sept. ; d. Nov. Landonius, or Lando, Nov. ; d. May. John X., May 15; resigned and d. 929 Leo VI., July; considered an in- truder by many Roman Catholic historians; d. Feb. Stephen VII., Feb.; d. Mar. John XI., Mar. ; d. Jan. Leo VII., Jan. ; d. July. Stephen VIII., July; d. Oct. Martin III., or Marinus II., Oct. ; d. April. Agapetus II., April; d. Now. John XII. (Octavian). This pope is said to have been the first who changed his name on his elevation to the papal chair. Nov. ; d. May 14, 964. Leo VIII., Dec. 6; d. Mar. 965. Benedict V., chosen on the death of John XII., but opposed by Leo. VIII., who was supported by the emp. Otho ; the Roman people were obliged to abandon his cause. May ; d. July 4. . John XIII., elect. by the authority of the emp. against the popular will, Oct. 1; d. Sept. 6, 972. Benedict VI., Jan. 19 ; d. July. Boniface VII. Donus II. Benedict VII., Oct. ; d. Oct. John XIV. (Peter), Dec.; d. Aug. 20. John; d. before consecration. (By some omitted and by others called John XV.). John XV. or XVI., Sept. ; d. April. Gregory V. (Bruno), May 3; d. Feb. 18, 999. An antipope, named John XVII., was set up, but exp. by the emp. Silvester II. (Gerbert), April 2; d. May 12. John XVI or XVII., legitimate pope, June 13; d. Dec. 7. John XVII. or XVIII. (Fasanus), Dec. 26; d. May. Sergius IV. (Peter), July; d. June, 1012. 1024. 1033. 1045. 1046. 1047. 1048. 1049. 1054. 1055. 1057. 1058. 1058. 1061. 1073. 1085. 1086. 1088. 1099. 1118. 1119. 1124. 1130. 1143. 1144. 1145. 1159. 1181. 1184. 1187, 1187. 1191, Benedict VIII., John, June 22, d. April 7. John XVIII. or XIX., June; d. Jan. Benedict IX., Theophylact, Jan ; cxpelled. Gregory VI., John Gratian, May ; abd. Clement II., Suidger, Dec. 25; d. Oct., 9. Benedict IX. again; again deposed. Damasus II., Popponius, July 17; d. Aug. 8, 1048. Leo IX., Bruno, canonized; Feb. 12; d. April 19, 1054. Throne vacant 1 year. Victor II., Gebehard, April 13; d. July 28. Stephen IX., Frederick, Aug. 2; d. Mar. 29. Benedict X., John Mincius, Mar. 30 ; eXp. Nicholas II., Gerard, Dec. 20; d. July 22. Alexander II., Anselm, Oct. 1; d. April 21. Gregory VII., Hildebrand, April 22; d. May 25. Throne vacant 1 year. Victor III., Desiderius, May 24; d. Sept. 16, 1087. Urban II., Otho, Mar. 12; d. July 29. Pascal II.. Rainerius, Aug. 14; d. Jan. 21. Gelasius II., John Cajetan, Jam. 25 ; retired to a monastery. Calixtus II., Guido, Feb. 1; d. Dec. 14. Honorius II., Lambert, Dec. 21; d. Feb. 14. Innocent II., Gregory, Feb. 14; d. Sept. 24. Celestine II., Guido del Castello, Sept. 26; d. Mar. 8. Lucius II., Gerard Caccianemici, Mar. 12; d. Feb. 15. Eugenius III., Bernard, canonized; Feb. 18; d. July 8. . Anastasius IV., Conrad, July 9; d. Dec. 3. . Adrian or Hadrian IV., Nicholas Brakespeare, an Englishman, 0. at St. Albans; Dec. 4; d. Sept. 1. Alexander III., Roland, Sept. 7 ; d. Aug. 30. Lucius III., IIubald Allucingolo, Sept. 1; d. Nov. 25. Urban III., Humbert Crivelli, Dec. 1; d. Oct. 20. Gregory VIII., Albert, Oct. 25; d. Dec. 17. Clement III., Paul, Dec. 20; d. Mar. 27. Celestine III., Hyacinth Bobo, April 14 ; d. Jan. 8. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 35 1198. 1216. 1227. Innocent III., Lothario Conti di Segni, Feb 22; d. July 16. Honorius III., Centius Savelli, July 24; d. Mar. 18. Gregory IX., Ugolino dei, Conti di Segni, Mar. 19; d. Aug. 21. 1241. Celestine IV., Godfrey Castiglione, Oct. 22; d. Nov. 9. 1241. Throne vacant 1 year and 7 months. 1314. 1316. 1335. 1342. 1852. 1362. 1371. . Throne vacant 2 years . Adrian or Hadrian W., . Benedict XI., . Innocent IV., Sinibald Fieschi, June 28; d. Dec. 7. . Alexander IV., Raynald dei Conti di Segni, Dec. 12; d. May 25. . Urban IV., James Pantaleon, Aug. 29; d. Oct. 2, 1264. . Clement IV., Guido Foulquois, Feb.; d. Nov. 29. and 9 months. . Gregory X., Theobald, Sept. 1; d. Jan. 10. . Innocent W., Peter de Tarantaise, Feb. 23; d. June 22. Ottobon Fieschi, July 11 ; d. Aug. 18. . Vicedominus; d. the next day. . John XX. or XXI., João Pedro, Sept. 15; d. May 16. . Nicholas III., John Cajetan Orsini, Nov. 25; d. Aug. 22, 1280. . Martin IV., Simon de Brie, Mar. 23; d. Mar. 29. . . Honorius IV., James Savelli, April 2; d. April 3, 1287. . Nicholas IV., Jerome of Ascoli, Feb. 22; d. April 4. . Throne vacant 2 years and 3 months. . Celestine V., Peter de Murrho, Aug. 29, resigned ; d. May 19, 1296. . Boniface VIII., Benedict Cajetan, Jan. 24; d. Oct. 11. Nicholas Bocasini, Oct. 27; d. July 6. . Throne vacant 11 months. . Clement W. Bertrand the Goth ; re- moved the papal seat from Rome to Avignon, Nov. 13; d. April 20, 1314. Throne vacant 2 years and 4 months. John XXII., James D'Euse, Sept. 5; d. Dec. 4, 1334. Benedict XII., (Nicholas W., anti- pope, at Rome), James Fournier, Jan. 8; d. April 25. Clement VI., Peter Roger, May 19 ; d. Dec. 6. Innocent VI., Stephen Aubert, Dec. 30; d. Sept. 12. Urban W., William de Grimsard, Nov. 6; d. Dec. 19, 1370. Gregory XI., Peter Beaufort, Jan. 5; d. Mar. 27. . Urban VI., Bartholomew Prignano, April 18; d. Oct. 18. 1389. 1394. 1404. 1406. 1409. 1410. 1417. 1431. . Calixtus 3. Pius III., Francis Todeschini Boniface IX., Peter Tomacelli, Now. 9; d. Oct., 1404. Benedict (called XIII.), antipope at Avignon. Innocent VII., Cosmato Megliorati, Oct. 17 ; d. Nov. 6. Gregory XII., Angelo Corario; elec. during the schism in the East ; Benedict XIII. being the other pope; both popes were dep. Dec. 2. Alexander W., Peter of Candia, June 26; d. May 3. John XXIII., Balthasar Cossa, May 17, deposed. Martin V., Otho Colonna, Nov. 11; d. Feb. 20. Eugenius IV., Gabriel Condelmerio; dep. by the council of Basil, and A madeus of Savoy chosen, as Felix V. in 1439; antipope, Mar. 3; d. Feb. 23. . Nicholas W., Thomas of Sarzana, Mar. 6; d. Mar. 24. III., Alphonso Borgia, April 8; d. Aug. 8. . Pius II., HEneas Silvius Piccolomini, Aug. 27 ; d. Aug. 14. . Paul II., Peter Barbo, Aug. 31; d. July 25. . Sixtus IV., Francis della Rovere, Aug. 9; d. Aug. 13. . Innocent VIII., John Baptist Cibò, Aug. 29; d. July 25. . Alexander VI., Roderic Borgia, Aug. 11; d. Aug. 18. Ol' Piccolomini, Sept. 22 ; d. Oct. 18. . Julius II., Julian de la Rovere, Oct. 31 ; d. Feb. 21. . Leo X., John de Medici, Mar. 11; d. Dec. 1, 1521. 22. Adrian or Hadrian VI., Hadrian 1590. . Pius IV., John Angélo de . Gregory XIII., Boyens, Jan. 9; d. Sept. 14. . Clement VII., Julius de Medici, Nov. 19; d. Sept. 25. . Paul III., Alexander Farnese, Oct. 13; d. Nov. 10, 1549. . Julius III., John Maria del Monte, Feb. 7; d. Mar. 23. . Marcellus II., Marcellus Cervini, April 5; d. May 1. . Paul IV., John Peter Caraffa, Mlay 23; d. Aug. 18. Medici, Dec. 28; d. Dec. 9, 1565. . Pius W., Michael Ghislieri, Jan. 8 ; d. May 1. Hugh Buoncom- pagno, May 13; d. April 10. 5. Sixtus V., Felix Peretti, April 24: d. Aug. 27. . Urban VII., John Baptist Castagna, Sept. 15; d. Sept. 27. Gregory XIV., Nicolas Sfondrati, Dec. 5; d. Oct. 15. 3 * 36 THE BOOK Ol' DIGNITIES. 1591. Innocent IX., John Antony Facchi- netti, Oct. 29 ; d. Dec. 30, 1591. 1592. Clement VIII., Hippolytus Aldo- 1721. Innocent XIII.. Michael Angelo Conti, May 8; d. Mar. 7. 1724. Benedict XIII., Peter IFrancis Op- | i ! ; brandini, Jan. 30; d. Mar. 3. simi, May 29; d. Feb. 21. 1605. Leo XI., Alexander de Medici, April 1730. Clement XII., Laurence Corsini, 1; d. April 26. i July 12; d. Feb. 6. 1605. Paul V., Camillus Borghese, May 16; 1740. Benedict XIV., Prosper Laurence d. Jan. 22. | Lambertini, Aug. 17; d. May 2. 1621. Gregory XV., Alexander Ludovisi, . Clement XIII., Charles Rezzonico, Feb. 9 ; d. July 8. July 6; d. Feb. 2. 1623. Urban VIII., Maffeo Barberini, Aug. 1769. Clement XIV., John Vincent Gan- 6; July 29. ganelli, May 18; d. Sept. 22, 1 7 5 S 1644. Innocent X., John Baptist Pamphili, 1774. Sept. 15; d. Jan. 7. 1775. Pius VI., John Angelo Braschi, Feb. 1655. Alexander VII., Fabius Chigi, April 15; d. Aug. 29, 1799. 8 ; d. May 22. 1800. Pius VII., Barnabas Chiaromonti, 1667. Clement IX., Julius Rospigliosi, Mar. ; dep, by Buonaparte in June 20; d. Dec. 9, 1669. 1809, rest. in 1814; d. Aug. 20. 1670. Clement X., John Baptist AEmilius 1823. Leo XII. Annibal della Genga, Altieri, April 29; d. July 22. Sept. 28; d. Feb. 10. 1676. Innocent XI., Benedict Odeschalchi, , 1829. Pius VIII., Francis Xavier Castig- Sept. 21 ; d. Aug. 12. lioni, Mar. 31; d. Nov. 30. 1689. Alexander VIII., Peter Ottoboni, 1831. Gregory XVI., Maurus Cappellari, Oct. 6; d. Feb. 1. Feb. 2; d. June 1. 1691. Innocent XII., Antonio Pignatelli, 1846. Pius IX., John Maria Mastai Fer- July 12; d. Sept. 17. retti, June 16; d. Feb. 7. 1700. Clement XI., John Francis Albani, 1878. Leo XIII., Joachim Pecci, elect. Nov. 23: d. Mar. 19, Feb. 20. ROME. ANCIENT ITALY. WESTERN EMIPIRE. EASTERN EMPIRE. LOMIBARDS. RoME was first governed by kings, who ruled for a period of 243 years. It afterwards became a commonwealth, which existed under consnis 479 years. The Roman empire commonly dates from 31 B.C., the year in which was fought the battle of Actium, which gave to Augustus (the title afterwards conferred by the senate upon Octavius Caesar) the supreme power. ROME. KINGS OF ROME. BEFORE CHRIST. { tus, a Corinthian emigrant, chosen . Romulus, murdered by the senators. ..., , , king, g e Tatius, K. of the Cures, removed j73. Servius Tullius, a manumitted slave, to Rome in 747, and ruled jointly ni, the king's dau, and succ. by with Romulus six years. the united suffrages of the army 716. Interregnum. 534. T and the peop le. 715. Numa Pompilius, son-in-law of Tatius ã84. Tarquinius Superbus, grandson of * * * Tarquinius Priscus: . hi the Sabine, elected; d. at the age j º . } º i. 7 5 3 of 82. & Sº º & throne. 672. Tullus Hostilius; murdered by his 510. The rape of Lucretia, by Sextus, son Sllo C688 Or. & of Tarquin, leads to the abolition (340. Ancus Martius, grandson of Numa. of royalty, and the establishment 616. Tarquinius Priscus, son of Tomara- of a Republic. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 37 Roman REPUBLIC. FIRST PERIOD.—From the expulsion of Tarquin to the dictatorship of Sulla or , Sylla 510 to 82 B.C. \ SECOND PERIOD.—From Sylla to Augus- tus 82 to 31 B.C. the chief magistrates were the CoNSULs, who Were elected annually. powers being limited, DICTATORs were occasionally appointed to meet emer- gencies which ruler. lawfully held longer than six months, and this rule appears to have been adhered to except of Sylla and Julius Caesar. required an absolute A dictatorship could not be in the During a During the Republic Their instances dictatorship the Consuls remained in office but were subordinated to the Dic- tator. Consuls continued to be elected after the establishment of the Empire, but they then became of comparatively minor importance, the supreme power being exercised by the Emperors. It will be seen that during the Re- public, the supreme government was occasionally placed in the hands of CONSULAR TRIBUNES, DECEMVIRS, and TRIUMVIRs, but these departures from the regular course of government were only temporary. CoNSULS, DICTATO Rs, &c., OF ROME. B. C. 495. Cons. Ap. Claudius Sabinus Regiſ- 509. Cons. L. Junius Brutus d. : lensis. L. Tarquinius Collatinus, abd. P. Servilius Priscus Structus. Sp. Lucretius Tricipitimus, d. 494. Cons. A. Virginius Tricostus Caelio- M. Horatius Pulvillus. | montanus. P. Valerius Poplicola. T. Verturius Geminus Cicurinus. 508, Cons. P. Valerius Poplicola (2nd Dict. M. Valerius Volusus Maximus. time). 493. Cons. Sp. Cassius Viscellinus (2nd T. Lucretius Tricipitinus. time). 507. Cons. P. Valerius Poplicola (3rd Postumus Cominius Auruncus time). (2nd time). M. Horatius Pulvillus (2nd 492. Cons. T. Geganius Macerinus. time). : P. Minucius Augurimus. 506. Cons. Sp. Lartius Flavus, or Rufus. 491. ('ons. M. Minucius Augurimus (2nd T. Herminius Aquilinus. : time). 505. Cons. M. Valerius Volusus. A. Sempronius Attratinus (2nd P. Postumius Tubertus. time). 504. Cons. P.Valerius Poplicola (4th time). 490. Cons. Q. Sulpicius Camerinus Cor- T. Lucretius Tricipitimus (2nd nutus. time). Sp. Lartius Flavus or Rufus 503. Cons. P. Postumius Tubertus (2nd (2nd time). time). 489. Cons. C. Julius Julus. Agrippa Memenius Lanatus. P. Pinarius Mamercinus Rufus. 502. Cons. Opiter Virginius Tricostus. 488. Cons. Sp. Nautius Rutilus. Sp. Cassius Viscellinus. Sex. Furius Medallinus Fusus. 501. Cons. Dostumius Cominius Auruncus. 7. ('ons. T. Sicinius Sabinus. T. Lartius Flavus, or Rufus, C. Aquilius Tuscus. made Dict. 486. ('ons, Proculus Virginius Tricostus 500. Cons. Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Cor- Rutilus. nutus. Sp. Cassius Viscellinus (2nd M. Tullius Longus, d. time). 499. Cons. T. AEbutius Elva. 485. Cons. Ser. Cornelius Cossus Melugi- P. Veturlus Geminus Cicurinus. mensis. 498. Cons. T. Lartius Flavus, or Rufus Q. Fabius Vibulanus. (2nd time). 484. Cons. L. A. milius Mamercus. Q. Cloelius (Volcula) Siculus. R. Fabius Vibulanus. Dict. A. Postumius Albus Regillensis. 483. Cons. M. Fabius Vibulanus. 497. Cons. A. Sempromius Atratinus. L. Valerius Potitus. M. Minucius Augurimus. 482. Coms. C. Julius Julus (2nd time). 496. Cons. A. Postumius Albus Regillensis. Q. Fabius Vibulanus (2nd time). T. Virginius Tricostus Caelio- 481 Cons. K. Fabius Vibulanus (2nd time). montanus. Sp. Furius Medullinus Fusus. 3S THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 480. 479, 478. 477. 476. 475. 474, 473. 472. 47 |. 470, 469. 468 467. 466. 465. 464. 463, 462. 461. 460. 459. 458. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons, Cons Cons. Cons. Coms. Cons. Cons. Cons. Coms. Coms. Cons. Coms. Cons. Cons. Coms. Coms. Coms. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cn. Manlius Cincinnatus. M. Fabius Vibulanus time). R. Fabius Vibulanus (3rd time). T. Virginius Tricostus Rutilus. L. AEmilius Mamercus (2nd time). C. Servilius Structus Ahala, d. Opiter Virginius Tricostus Es- quilinus. C. Horatius Pulvillus, T. Menenius Lanatus. A. Virginius Tricostus Rutilus. Sp. Servilius Priscus Structus. P. Valerius Poplicola. C. Nautius Rutilus. A. Manlius Vulso. L. Furius Medullinus Fusus. L. Hºmilius Mamercus (3rd time). Vopiscus Julius Julus. L. Pinarius Mamercinus Rufus. P. Furius Medullinus Fusus. Ap. Claudius Sabinus Regil- lensis. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus. L. Valerius Potitus (2nd time). Ti. Hºmilius Mamercus. A. Virgius Tricostus montanus. T. Numicius Priscus. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (2nd time). Q. Servilius Priscus Structus (2nd time). Ti. Hºmilius Mamercus time). Q. Fabius Vibulanus. Sp. Postumius Albus Regillem- SlS. Q. Servilius Priscus Structus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Vibulanus (2nd time). T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (3rd time). A. Postumius Albus Regillensis. Sp. Furius Medullinus Fusus. P. Servilius Priscus Structus. L. Hèbutius Elva. L. Lucretius Tricipitinus. T. Veturius Geminus Cicurinus. P. Volumnius Amintinus Gallus. Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Cor- nutus. C. Claudius Sabinus Regillensis. P. Valerius Poplicola, d. (2nd time). L. Quinctius Cincinnatus. Q. Fabius Vibulanus (3rd time). L. Cornelius Maluginensis. L. Minucius Esquillimus Augu- rinus. C. Nautius Rutilus (2nd time). (2nd Caolio- (2nd Dict. L. Quinctius Cincinnatus. 457. 456. Cons. 453. 452. 451. $). Cons. . Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons, C.Horatius Pulvillus (2nd time). Q, Minucius Esquillinus Augu- rinus. M. Valerius (Lactuca) Maxi- IſlllS. - Sp. Virginius Tricostus Caelio- montanlls. T. Romilius Rocus Vaticanus. C. Veturius Geminus Cicurinus. Sp. Tarpeius Montanus Capi- tolinus. A. Aternius Varus Fontinalis. Sex. Quinctilius Varus. P. Curiatius Festus Trigeminus. P. Sestius Capitolimus Vati- Cà, IlllS. T. Menenius Lanatus. Ap. Claudius Crassimus Regil- lensis Sabinus (2nd time), abd. T. Genucius Augurimus, abd. Decemviri-- Ap. Claudius Crassinus Regil- lensis Sabinus. T. Genucius Angurinus. Sp. Veturius Crassus Cicurinus C. Julius Julus. A. Manlius Vulso. Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Cor- nutus. Sestius Cà, IlliS. P. Curiatius Festus Trigeminus. T. Romilius Rocus Vaticanus. Sp. Postumius Albus Regil- lensis. P. Capitolinus Vati- 450. Decemviri– 449, 448 447 446. 444 . Cons. . Cons. 5. Cons. . Cons. Coms. Coms. Ap. Claudius Crassinus Regil- lensis Sabinus (2nd time). M. Cornelius Maluginensis. L. Sergius Esquilinus. L. Minucius Esquilinus Augu- rinus. T. Antonius Merenda. Q. Fabius Vibulanus. Q. Poetilius Libo Visolus. K. Duilius Longus. Sp. Oppius Cornicen. M. Rabuleius. L. Valerius Poplicola Potitus. M. Horatius Barbatus. Lar. Herminius Aquilinus (Con- timisanus). T. Virginius Tricostus Caelio- montanus. M. Geganius Macerinus. C. Julius Julus. d T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (4th time). Agrippa Furius Fusus. M. Genucius Augurimus. C. Curtius Philo. L. Papirius Mugillanus. L. Sempronius Atratinus. Medullinus THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 39 443. 441. 440. 439. 438. 437. 434. 433. 432. 431. 430. 429. 428. 427. 426. 425. 424. 423. 422. 421. 420. 419. 418. 417. 416. Cons. 2. Cons Cons. Cons. Cons. Dict. Cons. Dict. . Cons. . Cons. Dict. Dict. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Dict. Μ. Geganius Macerinus (2nd time). T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (5th time). M. Fabius Vibulamus. Postumus Æbutius Elva Cor- nicen. C. Furius Pacilus Fusus. MI. Papirius Crassus. Proculus Geganius Macerimus. L. Memenius Lanatus. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus (6th time). Agrippa Menenius Lanatus. L. Quinctius Cincinnatus (2nd time). 3 Military Tribunes with con- sular power. M. Geganius Macerinus (3rd time). L. Sergius (Fidenas). Mam. Æmilius Mamercinus. M. Cornelius Meluginensis. L. Papirius Crassus. C. Julius Julus (2nd time). L. Virginius Tricostus. Q. Servilius Priscus Structus (Fidenas). 3 Mil. Tri. 3 do. Mam. Æmilius (2nd time). 3 Mil. Tri. T. Quinctius Pennus Cimcin- natus. C. Julius Mento. A. Postumius Tubertus. C. Papirius Crassus. L. Julius Julus. L. Sergius Fidenas (2nd time). Hostus Lucretius Tricipitimus. A. Cornelius Cossus. • T. Quinctius Pennus Cimcim- natus (2nd time). C. Servilius Structus Ahala. L. Papirius Mugillanus (2nd time). 4 Mil. Tri. Mam. Æmilius (3rd time). 4 Mil. Tri. 4 do. C. Sempronius Atratimus. Q. Fabius Vibulamus. 4 Mil. Tri. N. Fabius Vibulanus. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Bar- batus. 4 Mil. Tri. 4 do. 3 do. Q. Servilius Priscus Fidemas (2nd time). 4 Mil. Tri. 4 do. Mamercinus Mamercinus 415. 414. 413. 412. 411. 410. 409. 408. 407. 406. 405. 404. 403. 402. 401. 400. 399. 398. 397. 396. 395. 394. 393. 392. 39I. 390. 389. 388. 387. 386. 385. 384. 383. 382. 381. 380. 379. 378. 377. 376 $iíto 871. 370, 369. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Dict. Dict. Cons. Cons. Djct. Djct. Dict. Dict. 4 Mil. Tri. 4 do. A. Cornelius Cossus. L. Furius Medullimus. Q. Fabius Vibulanus Ambustus. C. Furius Pacilus. M. Papirius Mugillamus. C. Nautius Rutilus. M. Æmilius Mamercinus. C. Valerius Potitus Volusus. Cn. Cornelius Cossus. L. Furius Medullinus time). 3 Mil. Tri. IP. Cornelius Rutilus Cossus. 4 Mil. Tri. do. do. (2nd d O do. M. Furius Camillus. 6 Mil. Tri. . 6 do. L. Valerius Potitus, abd. P. Cornelius Maluginensis Cos- sus, abd. L. Lucretius Flavus (Tricipi- timus). Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus. L. Valerius Potitus. M. Manlius Capitolinus. 6 Mi]. Tpi. 6 do. M. Furius Camillus (2nd time). 6 Mil. Tri. M. Furius Camillus (3rd time). 6 Mil. Tri. 6 do. 6 do. 6 do. A. Cormelius Cossus. 6 Mil. Tri. 6 do. 6 do. 6 do. 6 do. T. Quinctius Cincinmatus Capi tolinus. 6 Mil. Tri. r 6 do. 6 do. 6 do. C. Licinius amd L. Se::tius re- elected Tribunes every year amd prevented the election of the Comsular Tribunoe. 6 Mil. Tri. 6 do. 40 THE BOOTR OF DIGNITIES. 368. 367. 366. 365. 364. 363. 362. 361. 360. 359. 358. 357. 353. 350. Dict. Dict. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Dact. Cons. Dict. Cons. Dict. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Dict. ('ons. . ('ons. Dict. - Co 7? S. . Cons. Cons. Dict. . Cons. Dict. . Coms. Dict. Cons. I)îct. 6 \Iil. Tri. M. Furius Camillus (4th time). P. Manlius Capitolinus. 6 Mil. Tri. M. Furius Camillus (5th time). L. Æmilius Mamercimus. L. Sextius Sextimus Latera- IlllS. L. Genucius Aventinensis. Q. Servilius Ahala. C. Sulpicius Peticus. C. Licinius Calvus Stolo. Cn. Genucius Aventinensis. L. Æmilius Mamercinus (2nd time). L. Manlius Capitolinus Im- periosus. Q. Servilius Ahala (2nd time). L. Genucius Aventinensis (2nd time). Ap. Claudius Crassinus Regil- • lensis. C. Sulpicius Peticus (2nd time). C. Licinius Calvus Stolo (2nd time). T. Quinctius Pennus Capitolimus Crispinus. C. Poetelius Libo Visolus. M. Fabius Ambustus. Q. Servilius Ahala. M. Popilius Lænas. Cn. Manlius Capitolimus Im- periosus. C. Fabius Ambustus. C. Plautius Proculus. C. Sulpicius Peticus. C. Marcius T&utilus. Cm. Manlius Capitolimus Im- periosus (2nd time). MI. Fabius Ambustus time). M. Popilius Lænas (2nd time). C. Martius Rutilus. C. Sulpicius Peticus (3rd time). M. Valerius Poplicola. M. Fabius Ambustus time). T. Quinctius Pemmus Capitolimus Crispimus. (2md (3rd C. Sulpicius Peticus (4th time). M. Valerius Poplicola (2nd time). T. Manlius Imperiosus Tor- quatus. P. Valerius Poplicola. C. Marcius Rutilus (2nd time). C. Julius Julus. C. Sulpicius Peticus (5th time). T. Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus Crispimus (2nd time). M. Fabius Ambustus. M. Popilius Lænas (3rd time). L. Cornelius Scipio. L. Furius Camillus. 349, 348. 347. 346. 345. 344. 343. 342. 341. 340. 339. 338. 337. 334. 331. Cons. Dict. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Cons Dict. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Dict. Coms. Cons. Díct. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Dict. . Cons. . Cons. ' Dict. Cons. Dict. . Cons. . Cons. Dict. Cons. L. Furius Camillus. Ap. Claudiu8 Crassimu8 Regil- lensis, d. T. Manlius Imperiosus Torqua- tus (2nd time). M. Valerius Corvus. M. Popilius Lænas (4th time). C. Claudiu8 Crassimus Regil- lensis. T. Manlius Imperiqsus Tor. quatus. - C. Plautius Vemmo Hypsæus. M. Valerius Corvus (2nd time). C. Poetelius Libo Visolus. NM. Fabius Dorso. Ser.Sulpicius Camerimus Rufus. L. Furius Camillus (2nd time). C. Marcius Rutilus (3rd time). T. Manlius Imperiosus Tor- quatus (2nd time). P. Valerius Poplicola. M. Valerius Corvus (3rd time). A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina. C. Marcius Rutilus (4th time). Q. Servilius Ahala. M. Valerius Corvus. C. Plautius Venno Hypsæus (2nd time). L. Æmilius Mamercinus Pri- V€l`n3,S. Manlius Imperiosus quatus (3rd time). P. Decius Mus. L. Papirius Crassus. Ti. Æmilius Mamercimus. Q. Publilius Philo. Q. Publilius Philo. L. Furius Camillus. C. Mænius. C. Sulpicius Longus D. Ælius Paetus. C. Claudius Crassimus Regil- lensis. L. Papirius Crassus. IX. Duilius. M. Valerius Corvus (Calenus) (4th time). M. Atilius Regulus. L. Æmilius Mamercinus Pri- V6l'n8,S. T. Veturius Calvimus. Sp. Postumius Albinus. (Cau- dimus). - E. Cornelius Rufinus. L. Papirius Cursor. C. Poetelius Libo Visolus (2nd time). A. Cornelius (2nd time). Cm. Domitius Calvinus. M. Papirius Crassus. , M. Claudius Marcellus. C. Valerius Potitus Flaccus. T. Tor- Cossus Arvima, Dict. Cn. Quintilius Varus. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 41 330. 329. 328. 327. 326. 325. 324. 320. 315. 314. 313. 312. 311. 310. Cons Cons. Cons. Cons. Dict. 'ons. Cons. Dict. . Cons. . Cons. Dict. . Cons. Dict. Cons. Dict. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Dict. Cons. Dict. 'ons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. L. Papirius Crassus (2nd time) L. Plautius Venno. L. AEmilius Mamercinus Pri- vernas (2nd time). C. Plautius Decianus. R. C. Plautius Decianus (Venox) (2nd time). P. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus. L. Cornelius Lentulus. Q. Publilius Philo (2nd time). M. Claudius Marcellus. C. Poetelius Libo Visolus (3rd time). L. Papirius Mugillanus (Cur- sor) (2nd time). L. Furius Camillus (2nd time). D. Junius Brutus Scaeva. L. Papirius Cursor. Dict. continued without any Consuls. C. Sulpicius Longus (2nd time). Q. Aulius Cerretanus. Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus. L. Fulvius Curvus. A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina. T. Veturius Calvinus (2nd time). Sp. Postumius Albinus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Ambustus. M. AEmilius Papus. Q. Publilius Philo (3rd time). L. Papirius Cursor (3rd time). C. Maenius. L. Cornelius Lentulus. T. Manlius Imperiosus Tor- quatus. L. Papirius Cursor (Mugilla- nus) (3rd time). Q. Aulius Cerretanus (2nd time). M. Foslius Flaccinator. L. Plautius Venno. C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus. Q. AEmilius Barbula. Sp. Nautius Rutilus. M. Popilius Laenas. L. AEmilius Mamercinus Pri- vernas (2nd time). Tºt Q. Publilius Philo (4th time). L. Papirius Cursor (4th time). Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus. M. Poetelius Libo. C. Sulpicius Longus (3rd time). C. Maenius (2nd time). L. Papirius Cursor (5th time). C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus (2nd time). M. Valerius Maximus. P. Decius Mus. C. Sulpicius Longus. C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus (3rd time). Q. AEmilius Barbula (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (2nd time). C. Marcius Rutilus (Censorinus). 309. 308. 307. 306. 305. 304. 303. 302. 30J . 300. 299. 298. 295. 294. 293. 292. 29 1. 290. 289. 288. 287. 286. Dict. Cons. Cons. Cons. Dict. ('ons. Cons. Cons. ('ons. Dict. Dict. ('ons. ( 'ons. ('ons. . Cons. 5. ('ons. ('ons. Cons. Cons. ('ons. ( ons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Dict. . Cons. No Consuls. L. Papirius Cursor (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (3rd time). P. Decius Mus (2nd time). Ap. Claudius Caecus. L. Volumnius Flamma Violens. P. Cornelius Arvina. Q. Marcius Tremulus. P. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus. L. Postumius Magellus. Ti. Minucius Augurinus, d. MI. Fulvius Corvus Paetinus. P. Sulpicius Saverrio. P. Sempronius Sophus. L. Genucius Aventinensis. Ser. Cornelius Lentulus (Ru- finus). M. Livius Denter. M. AEmilius Paullus. C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus. No Consuls. Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (2nd time). M. Valerius Corvus (2nd time). Q. Appuleius Pansa. M. Valerius Corvus (5th time). M. Fulvius Paetinus. T. Manlius Torquatus, d. M. Valerius Corvus (6th time). L. Cornelius Scipio. Cn. Fulvius Maximus Centu- malus. Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (4th time). P. Decius Mus (4th time). L. Volumnius Flamma Violens (2md time). Ap. Claudius Caecus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus (5th time). P. Decius Mus (4th time). L. Postumius Magellus (2nd time). M. Atilius Regulus. L. Papirius Cursor. Sp. Carvilius Maximus. Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges. D. Junius Brutus Scaeva. L. Postumius Magellus (3rd time). C. Junius Brutus Bubuleus. P. Cornelius Rufinus. MI. Curius Dentatus. M. Valerius Maximus Corvinus. Q. Caedicius Noctua. Q. Marcius Tremulus (2ndtime). P. Cornelius Arvina (2nd time). M. Claudius Marcellus. C. Nautius Rutilus. M. Valerius Maximus Potitus. C. AElius Paetus. Q. Hortensius. C. Claudius Canina. M. AEmilius Lepidus. 42 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 284. 283. 279. 278. 277. 276. 263. 262. 261. 260. Cons. Cons. . Cons. . ('oms. 'ons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Dict. . Cons. . Cons. 3. Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. 5. Cons. . Cons. 4. Cons. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Cons. C. Servilius Tucca. L. Cæcilius Metellus Denta. P. Cornelius Dolabella, Maximus. Cn. Domitius Calvimus Maxi- I mllS. C. Fabricius Luscimus. Q. AEmilius Papus. I. AEmilius Barbula. Q. Marcius Philippus. P. Valerius Lævinus. Ti. Coruncanius. Cn. Domitius Calvimus IYlllS. P. Sulpicius Saverrio. IP. Decius Mus. C. Fabricius Luscinus (2nd time). Q. AEmilius Papus (2nd time). P. Cornelius Rufinus (2nd time). C. Jumius Brutus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges (2nd time). C. Genucius Clepsina. D. Cormelius Rufinus. M. Curius Dentatus (2nd time). L. Cormelius Lentulus. M. Curius Dentatus (3rd time). Ser. Cornelius Merenda. C. Claudius Camina (2nd time). C. Fabius Dorso Licimus, d. C. Fabricius Luscimus time). L. Papirius Cursor (2nd time). Sp. Calvillius Maximus (2nd time). C. Quinctius Claudus. L. Genucius Clepsima. C. Genucius Clepsima (2nd time). Cn. Cornelius Blasio. Q. Ogulnius Gallus C. Fabius Pictor. Ap. Claudius Crassus Rufus. P. Sempromius Sophus. M. Atilius Regulus. L. Julius Libo. N. Fabius Pictor. I). Jumius Pera. Q. Fabius Maximus (3rd time). L. Mamilius Vitulus. Ap. Claudius Caudex. M. Fulvius Flaccus. M.Valerius Maximus (Messala). M. Otacilius Crassus. Cn. Fulvius Maximus Centu- malus. L. Postumius (Magellus). Q. Mamilius Vitulus. L. Valorims Flaccus. T. Otacilius Crassus. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Asima. C. Duilius. Maxi- Eubulcus (3rd Gurges 259. 258. 249. 248. 247. 240. 239. 238. 237. 236. 235. Cons Cons . ('oms /)ict. . Cons. , Coms. . Cons. 3. Cons. . C'ons. . Cons. . Cons. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. . Cons. Dict. . C'ons. 4. Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. . L. Cornelius Scipio. C. Aquilius Florus. . A. Atilius Calatinus. C. Sulpicius Paterculus. . C. Atilius Regulus (Serranus). Cm. Cornelius Blasio (2nd time). Q. Ogulnius Gallus. L. Mamlius Vulso Longus. Q. Cædicius, d. M. Atilius Regulus (2nd time). Ser. Fulvius Pætinus Nobilior. IMI. Æmilius Paullus. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Asina (2nd time). A. Atilius Calatinus (2nd time). Cn. Servilius Cæpio. C. Sempromius Blæsus. C. Aurelius Cotta. IP. Servilius Geminus. L. Cæcilius Metellus. C. Furius Pacilus. C. Atilius Regulus (Serramus) (2nd time). L. Manlius Vulso (2nd time). IP. Claudius Pulcher. L. Junius Pullus. M. Claudius Glicia, abd. A. Atilius Calatimus. C. Aurelius Cotta (2nd time). P. Servilius Geminus (2nd time). • L. Cæcilius Metellus (2nd time). N. Fabius Buteo. M. Otacilius Crassus time). M. Fabius Licinus. Ti. Coruncanius. M. Fabius Buteo. C. Atilius Bulbus. A. Manlius Torquatus Atticus. C. Sempronius Blæsus (2nd time). C. Fundamius Fundulus. C. Sulpicius Gallus. - C. Lutatius Catulus. A. Postumius Albinus. A. Mamlius Torq;latus Atticus (2nd time). . Q. Lutatius Cerco. C. Claudius Céntho. M. Sempronius Tuditanus. C. Mamilius Turrinus. Q. Valerius Falto. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus. IP. Valerius Falto. L. Cornelius Lentulus Cau- dimus. Q. Fulvius Flaccus. P. Cornelius Lentulus dinus. C. Licinius Varus. T. Manlius Torquatus. C. Atilius Bulbus (2nd time). (Longus) (2nd Cau- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 43 234. 233. 229. 216. 214. Cons. Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Dict. . Cons. 'Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Coms. . Cons. Dict. . Coms. . Cons. . Cons. Lict. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Dict. Cons. Dict. . Cons. Cons. L. Postumius Albimus. Sp. Carvilius Maximus. Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- COSUlS. M. Pomponius Matho. M. Æmilius Lepidus. M. Publicius Malleolus. M. Pomponius Matho. C. Papirius Maso. C. Duilius. M. ÄEmilius Barbula. M. Junius Pera. L. Postumius Albinus (2nd time). Cn. Fulvius Centumalus. Sp. Carvilius Maximus (2nd time. Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus (2nd time). E. Valerius Flaccus. M. Atilius Regulus. M. Valerius Messala. L. Apustius Fullo. L. Aemilius Papus. C. Atilius Regulus, d. T. Manlius Torquatus (2md time). Q. Fulvius Flaccus (2nd time). L. Cæcilius Metellus. C. Flamimius, P. Furius Philus. Cm. Cornelius Scipio Calvus. M. Claudius Marcellus. P. Cornelius Scipio Asima. M. Minucius Rufus. Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- C0SllS. L. Veturius Philo. C. Lutatius Catulus. M. Livius Salimator. L. Æmilius Paullus. P. Cornelius Scipio. Ti. Sempronius Longus. Cn. Servilius Geminus. C. Flaminius (2nd time), d. M. Atilius Regulus (2nd time). Q. Fabius Maximus Vorru- cosus (2nd time). L. Veturius Philo. C. Terentius Varro. L. Æmilius Paullus time), d. IM. Junius Pera. M. Fabius Buteo. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus. L. Postumius Albinus (3rd time), d. M. Claudius Marcellus (2nd time), abd. Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- cosus (3rd time). Q. Fabius Maximus cosus (4th time). M. Claudius Marcellus (3rd time). (2md Verru- 1 213. Cons. Q. Fabius Maximus. 209. 208. 190. 198. 197. 19(5. 195. 194. 193. 192. 191. 190. 189. JDict. 'ons. • C'omus. . Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. Dict. . Cons. Dict. . Cons. * Co Í? X. • Djcf. . Coms. 3. Coms. Dict. . Cons. Dict. . Cons. . Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Ti. Sempromius Gracchus (2nd time). C. Claudius Centho. Q. Fulvius Flaccus (3rd time). Ap. Claudius Pulcher. Cn. Fulvius Centumalus. P. Sulpicius Galba Maximus. M. Claudius Marcellus (4th time). - M. Valerius Lævinus. Q. Fulvius Flaccus. Q. Fulvius Flaccus (4th time). Q. Fabius Maximus Verru- cosus (5th time). M. Claudius Marcellus (5tlm time), d. T. Quinctius (Pennus Capitoli- nus) Crispinus, d. T. Manlius Torquatus. C. Claudius Nero. M. Livius Salinator (2nd time). M. Livius Salinator. L. Veturius Philo. Q. Cæcilius Metellus. P. Cornelius Scipio Africamus. P. Licinius Crassus Dives. Q. Cæcilius Metellus. M. Cornelius Cethegus. P. Sempronius Tuditamus. Cn. Servilius Cæpio. C. Servilius. P. Sulpicius Galba, Maximus. M. Servilius Pulex Geminus. Ti. Clandius Nero. C. Servilius. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. P. Ælius Pætus. P. Sulpicius Galba Maximus (2nd time). C. Aurelius Cotta. L. Cormelius Lentulus. P. Villius Tappulus. Sex. Ælius Pætus Catus. T. Quinctius Flaminimus. C. Cornelius Cethegus. Q. Mincius Rufus. L. Furius Purpureo. Q. Claudius Marcellus. L. Valerius Flaccus. IM. Porcius Cato. P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus (2nd time). Ti. Sempromius Longus. L. Cornelius Merula. Q. Minucius Thermus. L. Quimetius Flamininus. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. L. Cornelius Scipio Nasica. M. Acilius Glabrio. L. Cornelius CllS. C. Lælius. M. Fulvius Nobilior. Cn. Manlius Vulso, Scipio Asiati- 44 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 188. 187. 186. 185. 184. 183. 182. 181. 180. 179. 178. I 76. 162. 16]. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. ('ons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. . Cons. Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. 2. Cons. , Cons. . ('ons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. 5. Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Cons. Coms. M. Valerius Messala. C. Livius Salinator. M. Gemilius Lepidus. C. Flaminius. Sp. Postumius Albinus. ' Q. Marcius Philippus. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. M. Sempronius Tuditanus. D. Claudius Pulcher. L. Porcius Licinus. NI. Claudius Marcellus. Q. Fabius Labeo. Cm. Bæbius Tamphilus. L. AEmilius Paullus. P. Cornelius Cethegus. M. Bæbius Tamphilus. A. Postumius Albinus. C. Calpurnius Piso, d. Q. Fulvius Flaccus. Manlius Acidimus Fulviamus. Q. Fulvius Flaecus (2nd time). IM. Junius Brutus. A. Mamlius Vulso. C. Claudius Pulcher. Ti. Sempromius Gracchus. Q. Petilius Spurinus, d. Cm. Cornelius Scipio Hispallus, C. Valerius Lævinus. IP. Mucius Scævola. M. Æmilius Lepidus time). Sp. Postumius Albinus Paullu- lus. . Mucius Scævola. . Postumius Albinus. . Popillius Lænas. . Popillius Lænas. . Ælius Ligus. , Licinius Crassus. . Cassius Longimus. . Hostilius Mancimus. . Atilius Serramus. Marcius Philippus time). Cm. Servilius Cæpio. L. Æmilius Paullus (2nd time). C. Licinius Crassus. Q. Ælius Pætus. M. Junius Penmus. M. Claudius Marcellus. C. Sulpieius Gallus. T. Manlius Torquatus. Cn. Octavius. A. Mamlius Torquatus. Q. Cassino Longinus, d. Ti. Sempromius Gracchus (2md time). M. Juventius Thalna. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica. abd. C. Marcius Figulus, abd. P. Cornelius Lentulus. Cm. Domitius Ahenobarbus. M. Valerius Messala. C. Fammius Strabo. (2md ■ (2md 160 159. 158. 146. 145. 144. 143. 142. 141. 140. 139. 138. . Coms . (.'ons. , Coms. . C'oms. . ('ons. . ('omus. 2. ('oms. . Cons. . Coms. . Cons. . Gons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. , Cons. Cons. Coms. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. ('ons. Coms. Coms. L. Anicius Gallu8. M. Cornelius Cethegus. Cn. Cornelius Dolabella. M. Fulvius No} ilior. M. Æmilius Lepidus. C. Popillius Lænas (2nd time). Sex. Julius Cæsar. L. Aurelims Orestes. L. Cornelius Lentulus Lupus. C. Marcius Figulus (2nd time). P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica (2md time). M. Claudius Marcellus (2nd time). Q. Opimius. L. Postumius Albimus, d. M. Acilius Glabrio. Q. Fulvius Nobilior. T. Annius Luscus. M. Claudius Marcellus (3rd time). L. Valerius Flaccus, d. L. Licinius Lucullus. A. Postumius Albinus. T. Quinctius Flamininus. M. Acilius Balbus. L. Marcius Censorimus. IM. Manilius. Sp. Postumius Albimus Magmus. L. Calpurmus Piso Cæsonimus. P. Cornelius Scipio Africamus AEmilianus. C. Livius Drusus. Cm. Cornelius Lentulus. L. Mummius Achaicus. Q. Fabius Maximus Æmilia- YlliS. L. Hostilius Mamcimus. Ser. Sulpicius Galba. L. Aurelius Cotta. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. Q. Cæcilius Metellus (Mace- donicus). L. Cæcilius Metellus Calvus. Q. Fabius Maximus Serviliamus. Cm. Servilius Cæpio. Q. Pompeius. L. Lælius Sapiens. Q. Servilius Cæpio. Cm. Calpurnius Piso. M. Popillius Lænas. P. Cornelius Scipio Serapio. D. Junius Brutus (Callaicus). M. Æmilius Lepidus Porcina. C. Hostilius Mamcimus, abd. L. Furius Philus. Sex. Atilius Serramus. Ser. Fulvius Flaccus. Q. Calpurnius Piso. P. Cornelius Scipio Africamus Æmilianus (2nd time). C. Fulvius Flaccus. P. Mucius Scævola. L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. Nasica THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 45 132. 131. 130. 129. 128. 127. 126. 120. 119. 118. 117. 112. 111. 110. 109. 108. Cons. Cons. Cons, Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Jons. . ('ons. . (.'onus. 2. C'omus. . Cons. ('ons. Cons. Cons. Cons. 5. Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. 103. IP. Popillius Lænas. P. Rupilius. P. [Licinius Crassus Mucianus. L. Valerius Flaccus. C. Claudius Pulcher Lentulus. M. Paperna. C. Sempromius Tuditamus. Μ. Aquillius. Cn. Octavius. T. Annius Luscus Rufus. L. Cassius Longinus Ravilla. L. Cornelius Cimma. NI. Æmilius Lepidus. L. Aurelius Orestes. NI. Plautius Hypsæus. M. Fulvius Flaccus. C. Cassius Longinus. C. Sextius Calvimus. f Q. Cæcilius Metellus (Ballari- cus). T. Quinctius Flamininus. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. C. Fannius Strabo. L. Opimius. Q. Fabius Maximus (Allobro- gicus). P. Manilius. C. Papirius Carbo. L. Cæcilius Metellus (Dalma- ticus). L. Aurelius Cotta. M. Porcius Cato, d. Q. Marcius Rex. P. Cæcilius Metellus matus. Q. MIucius Scævola. C. Licinius Geta. Q. Fabius Maximus Eburnus. M. AEmilius Scaurus. M. Cæcilius Metellus. Μ. Acilius Balbus. C. Porcius Cato. C. Cæcilius Metellus Capra- l'lllS. Cn. Papirius Carbo. M. Livius Drusus. L. Calpurnius Piso Cæsonimus. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica, d. L. Calpurnius Bestia. M. Minucius Rufus. Sp. Postumius Albimus. Q. Cæcilius Metellus (Numi- dicus). M. Julius Silamus. Ser. Sulpicius Galba. L. Hortensius, d. M. Aurelius Scarus. L. Cassius Longimus, d. C. Marius. C. Atilius Serranus. Q. Servilius Cæpio. IP. Rutilius Rufus. Cn. Mallius Maximus. C. Marius (2nd time). C. Flavius Fimbria. JDiade- 82. Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . C'oms. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Cons. Dict. . Cons. . Coms. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . (.'oms. . Marius (3rd time). . Aurelius Orestes, d. . Marius (4th time). . Lutatius Catulus. . Marius (5th time). . Aquilius. . Marius (6th time). . Valerius Flaccus. M. Antonius. A. Postumius Albinus. Q. Cæcilius Metellus Nepos. T. Didius. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. P. Licinius Crassus. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. Cassius Longinus. . Licinius Crassus. Mucius Scævola. Coelius Caldus. Domitius Ahenobarbus. . Valerius Flaccus. 1. Heremmius. . Claudius Pulcher. M. Perperna. L. Marcius Philippus. Sex. Julius Cæsar. L. Julius Cæsar. P. Rutilius Lupus, d. Cn. Pompeius Strabo. L. Porcius Cato, d. L. Cornelius Sulla (Felix). Q. Pompeius Rufus, d. Cm. Octavius, d. L. Cornelius Cinna, abd. JL. Cornelius Merula, d. L. Cornelius Cinna (2nd time). . Marius (7th time), d. . Valerius Flaccus (2nd time). L. Cornelius Cimma (3rd time). Cn. Papirius Carbo. Cm. Papirius Carbo (2nd time). L. Cornelius Cinma (4th time), d. L. Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus. L. Norbamus Balbus. C. Marius, d. Cn. Papirius Carbo (3rd time), d. • i : i. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix. M. Tullius Decula. Cn. Cornelius Dolabella. Sulla comtimues Dict. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix (2md time). Q. Cæcilius Metellus Pius. Sulla, continues Dict. as well as Cons. IP. Servilius Vatia (Isauricus). Ap. Claudius Pulcher. M. Æmilius Lepidus. Q. Lutatius Catulus. D. Jmmius Brutus. Mam. AEmilius Lepidus Divia- IlllS. Cm. Octavius. L. Scribonius Curio. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 71. 70. 69. 68. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. 61. (50. 50. 49. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Cons. Lu. Octavius. C. Aurelius Cotta. Lu. Licinius Lucullus. M. Aurelius Cotta. MI. Terentius Varro Lucullus. C. Cassius Varus. L. Gellius Poplicola. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clo- dianus. P. Cornelius Lentulus Sura. Cn. Aufidius Orestes. Cn. Pompeius Magnus. Licinius Crassus Dives. Q. Hortensius. Q. Caecilius Metellus (Creticus). L. Caecilius Metellus, d. Q. Marcius Rex. C. Calpurnius Piso. M. Acilius Glabrio. M. AEmilius Lepidus. L. Volcatius Tullus. P. Cornelius Sulla, did not act. P. Autronius Paetus, did not act. L. Aurelius Cotta. L. Manlius Torquatus. L. Julius Caesar. C. Marcius Figulus. M. Tullius Cicero. C. Antonius. D. Junius Silanus. L. Licinius Murena. MI. Pupius Piso Calpurnianus. M1. Valerius Messala Niger. L. Afranius. Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer. 1st Triumvirate :-Caesar, Pompeius, . Cons . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. and Crassus. C. Julius Caesar. M. Calpurnius Bibulus. L. Calpurnius Piso Caesonimus. A. Gabinius. P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther. Q. Caecilius Metellus Nepos. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcel- linus. L. Marcius Philippus. Cn. Pompeius Magnus (2nd time). M. Licinius Crassus (2nd time). L. Domitius Ahenobarbus. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. Cn. Domitius Calvinus. M. Valerius Messala. Cn. Pompeius Magnus time). Q. Caecilius Scipio. Ser. Sulpicius Rufus. M. Claudius Marcellus. L. AEmilius Paullus. C. Claudius Marcellus. C. Claudius Marcellus (2nd time). L. Cornelius Lentulus Crus. C. Julius Caesar. (3rd Metellus Pius 48. Cons 47. Dact 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 35 34 Cons Cons 2nd . ('ons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. . Cons. Cons. Dict. Cons. Dict. Cons. Cons. ('onus. Cons. . C. Julius Caesar (2nd time). P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus. . C. Julius Caesar (2nd time). . Q. Fufius Calenus. P. Vatinius. C. Julius Caesar (3rd time). M. AEmilius Lepidus. - C. Julius Caesar (3rd time). C. Julius Caesar (4th time); made Cons. for 10 years and Dict. for life. Q. Fabius Maximus, d. C. Caninius Rebilus. C. Trebonius. C. Julius Caesar (4th time). C. Julius Caesar (5th time) ; assass. 15th March. M. Antonius. P. Cornelius Dolabella. . C. Wibius Pansa, d. A. Hirtius, d. C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (aft. emp. Augustus), abd. C. Carrinas. Q. Pedius, d. P. Ventidius. Triumvirate :-Octavianus, tonius, and Lepidus. L. Munatius Plancus. M. AEmilius Lepidus (2nd time). L. Antonius Pietas. P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus (2nd time). Cm. Domitius Calvinus (2nd time), abd. C. Asinius Pollio. L. Cornelius Balbus, P. Canidius Crassus. L. Marcius Censorinus. C. Calvicius Sabinus. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. C. Norbanus Flaccus. M. Agrippa. L. Caninius Gallus, abd. T. Statilius Taurus. Renewal of the Triumvirate for another period of 5 years. L. Gellius Poplicola, abd. M. Cocceius Nerva, abd. L. Munatius Plancus time). C. Sulpicius Quirinus. Lepidus ceases to be one of the Triumvirs. L. Cornificius. Sex. Pompeius. L. Scribonius Libo, M. Antonius, abd. L. Sempronius Atratinus. Paullus AEmilius Lepidus (from July). C. Memmius (from July). M. Herennius Picens (from Nov.), An- (2nd THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 47 33. Cons. C. Julius Cæsar Octavianus (2nd 32. Cons. 31. Cons. 69. 79. 81. 96. . Trajan (M. Ulpius Crimitus). 117. 138. 161. 180. 193. 193. time), abd. L. Wolcatius Tullus. P. Autronius Paetus. L. Flavius (from May). C. Fonteius Capito (from July). M. Acilius (Aviola) (from July). L. Vinucius (from Sept.). L. Laronius (from Oct.). Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. C. Sosius. L. Cornelius (from July). N. Valerius (from Nov.). C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (3rd time). M. Valerius Messala Corvinus. M. Titius (from May). Cn. Pompeius (from Oct.). 30. Cons. C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (4th 29. Cons. 28. Cons. 27. Coms. time). M. Licinius Crassus. C. Antistius Vetus July). M. Tullius Cicero (from Sept.). L. Saenius (from Nov.). C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (5th time). Sex. Appuleius. Potitus Valerius Messala (from July). C. Furnius (from Nov.). C. Cluvius (from Nov.). C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (6th time). M. Agrippa (2nd time). C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (7th time). M. Agrippa (3rd time). (from EMPERORS OF ROME. . Octavianus Caesar; in the year 27 B.C. styled Augustus Imperator. . Tiberius (Claudius Nero). . Caius Caligula; murdered by a tri- bune. . Claudius (Tiber. Drusus); poisoned by his wife Agrippina, to make way for . Claudius Nero, dep. ; put himself to death. Servius Sulpicius Galba ; slain by the praetorian band. . M. Salvius Otho ; stabbed himself, after a reign of three months. Aulus Vitellius; dep, by Vespasian, and put to death. Titus Flavius Vaspasian. Titus (Vespasian), son. Titus Flavius Domitian, brother of Titus, last of the 12 Caesars ; 3.SS3USS. Cocceius Nerva. Adrian or Hadrian (Publius AElius). Antoninus Titus, surm. Pius. Marcus Aurelius, and Lucius Verus, his son-in-law ; the latter d. 169. Commodus (L. Aurelius Antoninus), son; poisoned by his favourite mistress, Martia. Publius Helvius Pertinax ; put to death by the praetorian band. Four emperors now start up ; Didius Julianus, at Rome; Pescennius Ni- ger, in Syria, ; Lucius Septimius Severus, in Pannonia; and Clodius Albinus, in Britain. Lucius Septimius . Severus; d. at | | 211. 6 244. 249. . Heliogabalus (M. . Caius . Balbinus 23S. York, in Britain, in 211; succ. by his sons. M. Aurelius Caracalla, and Septi- mius Geta. Geta murdered the same year by his brother, who reigned alone until 217, when he was slain by his successor. . M. Opilius Macrinus, praefect of the guards; beheaded in a mutiny. Aurelius Anto- minus), a youth ; put to death by his subjects. 22. Alexander Severus; assass. by some soldiers corrupted by Maximinus. Julius Verus Maximinus; assass. in his tent before the walls of Aquileia. . M. Antonius Gordianus, and his son ; the latter having been killed in a battle with the partisans of Maximinus, the father strangled in a fit of despair, at Carthage, in his 80th year. and Pupienus ; put to death. Gordianus junior, grandson of the elder Gordianus, in his 16th year; assass, by the guards, at the in- stigation of his succ. Phillip, the Arabian ; assass, by his own soldiers; his son Philip was murdered, at the same time, in his mother's arms. Metius Decius ; he perished, with his two sons, and their army, in an engagement with the Goths. . Gallus Hostilius, and his son Volu- sianus; both slain by the soldiery. AEmilianus ; put to death after a reign of only 4 months. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. . Quintillus, his brother, . Valerianus, and his son, Gallienus; the first was taken prisoner by Sapor, king of Persia, and flayed alive. . Gallienus reigned alone. About this time 30 pretenders to the imperial power started up in diffe- rent parts of the empire; of these, Cyriades was the first, but he was slain. . Claudius II. (Gallienus having been assass, by the officers of the guards) succ ; d. of the plague. elect. at Rome by the senate and troops; Aurelian by the army in Illyri- cum. Quintillus, despairing of success against his rival, who was marching against him, opened his veins, and bled himself to death. . Aurelian; assass, by his soldiers in his march against Persia, Jan. 275. . Interregnum of about 9 months. . Tacitus, elect. Oct. 25; d. at Tarsus in Cilicia, April 13, 276. . Florian, brother; his title not recog- nised by the senate. . M. Aurelius Probus; assass, by his troops at Sirmium. . M. Aurelius Carus; killed at Ctesi- phon by lightning. . Carinus and Numerianus, sons; both assass. after transient reigns. . Diocletian ; who associated as his colleague in the government perors resign in favour of Maximianus ; the first d. at York, in Britain, in 306, and the troops saluted as emperor, his son e º | . Hercules Maximianus ; the two en- . Constantius Chlorus and Galerius 306. 306. 306. 306. 307. 324. 361. 363. e †: Consantine, aft. styled the Great ; whilst at Rome the praetorian band proclaimed Maxentius, son of Hercules Maxi- mianus. Besides these were Hercules Maximianus, who endea- voured to recover his abdicated power, Flavius Valerius Severus, murdered by the last named pretender, and Flavius Valerianus Licinius, the brother-iu-law of Constantine. Of these, Hercules Maximianus was strangled in Gaul in 310 ; Galerius Maximianus d. 311 : Maxentius was drowned in the Tiber in 312; and Licinius was put to death by order of Constantine in 324. Constantine the Great now reigned alone ; d. Whitsunday, May 22, 337. Sons of Constan- time, divided the empire between them ; the first was slain in 340, and the second murdered in 350, when the third became sole emperor. Julian, the apostate, so called for abjuring Christianity, having been educated for the priesthood; mortally wounded in a battle with the Persians. Jovian; reigned 8 months; found dead in his bed; supposed to have died from the fumes of charcoal. The Roman Empire may be said to have terminated here, as a single dominion. Constantine II. Constantius II. DIVISION OF THE EASTERN AND WESTERN EMPIRE, WESTERN EMPIRE. SoME writers date the Western Empire from the death of Theodosius the Great, January 17, 303; and as completed by Odoacer, on the defeat of Orestes by that prince, on August 23, 476. 346. 367. 375. EMPERORS OF TIIE WESTERN EMPIRE. Valentinian, son of Gratian, takes the Western Empire, and his bro- ther, Valens, the Eastern Empire. Gratian, son of Valentinian, made a colleague in the government by his father. Valentinian II., another son, Was, on on the death of his father, asso- ciated with his brother in the empire. Gratian assass, by his general. Andragathius, in 383 ; 392. 395 Valentinian murdered by one of his officers, Arbogastes, in 392. Eugenius, an usurper, assumes the imperial dignity; he and Arbo- gastes are defeated by Theodosius the Great, who becomes sole em- peror. - Andragathius throws himself into the sea, and Arbogastes dies by his own hand. Honorius, son of Theodosius, reigns, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 49 425. 455, 456. 457. 476. 493. 526. 534. 536. 540. 541. 541. 552. 553. 568. 573. 575. 584. . Romanus. . Agilulphus. . Adawaldus, with his mother, Theo- 364. 461. on his father's death, in the West, and his brother, Arcadius, in the East. Honorius dies in 423. Usurpation of John, the Notary, who is defeated and slain, near Ravenna. Valentinian III., son of the Empress IPlacidia, dau. of Theodosius the Great; murdered at the instance of his successor. Maximus; m. Eudoxia, widow of Valentinian, who, to avenge the death of her first husband and the guilt of her second, invites the African Wandals into Italy, and Rome is sacked. Maximus stomed to death. Marcus Macilius Avitus, forced to resign, and dies in his flight to- wards the Alps. Julius Valerius Majorianus; mur- dered at the instance of his min- ister Ricimer; who raises ANCIENT ECINGS OF ITALY. Odoacer, chief of the Heruli. Theodoric, the Ostrogoth. Athalaric. Theodatus. Vitiges. Theodebald. Araric. Totila, or Baduilla. Teia, the last of the Goths. Narses, duke or governor of Italy. Narses was succ. by Longinus, who made the chief towns of Italy exarchates; he governed at Ra- venna, which was afterwards ruled by imperial lieutenants called exarchs, until 752, when it was reduced by the Lombards. Alboinus, the Lombard. Cleophis. Interregnum of 10 years, during which the Lombards were governed by elective dukes. RINGS OF THE LOMBARDS. Autharis. dolinda. . Ariwaldus. . Rotharis, D. of Brescia. . Rodoaldus. . Aribert T. . Interregnum. . Anthemius, Libius Severus to the throne, but holds the supreme power. Severus is poisoned by Ricimer. Ricimer retains the authority, without assuming the title of emperor. chosen by the joint suffrages of the senate and army ; murdered by Ricimer, who dies soon after. 472. Flavius Amicius Olybrius; slain by the Goths soon after his accession. 473. Glycerius; forced to abd. by his SULCCGSSO lº 474. Julius Nepos ; deposed by his gene- ral, Orestes, and retires to Salomae. 475. Romulus Augustulus, son of Orestes. Orestes is slain, and the emperor deposed by 476. Odoacer, king of the Heruli, who takes Rome, assumes the style of king of Italy, and completes the fall of the Western Empire. ITALY. 661. Pertharitus; dep. 661. Gondibert. 662. Grimoald. 671. Pertharitus, rest. 686. Cunibert, son. 700. Luitpert, or Leutbert. 701. Ragimbertus. 701. Aribert II. 712. Luitprandus. 744. Hildebrand. * 744. Ratchis, D. of Friuli. 749. Astolphus. 756. Desiderius, or Didier. In 774, Desiderius, the last of the Lombards, was taken prisoner by Charlemagne, and the kingdom of Italy was united, first to France, and afterwards to the empire, until 888, when it was separated from the latter, on the death of Charles le Gros. 888. Berenger, D. of Friuli; dep. 900. Louis, the blind. 905. Berenger, rest. 922. Rodolph, K. of Burgundy. 926. Hugh, count of Provence. 945. Lothaire. 950. Berenger II. ; dep. 962. The emperor Otho reduced Italy, and re-united it to the German empire. The title of King of Italy was re- vived in 1805, and again in 1861. See Modern Italy. EASTERN EMPIRE. EMPERORS OF THE EASTERN EMPIRE. Valens, son of Gratian, takes the Eastern, and his brother Valen- tinian the Western, Empire; de- feated by the Goths and wounded 4 50 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 379. 395, 408. 450. 457. 474. 474. 491. 518. 527. 565. 578. 582. 602. 610. 641. 641. 668. 685. 695. 698. 705. 711. 713 716. 718. 741. 775. 780. in his retreat ; his soldiers placed him in a cabin, which the enemy burnt, not knowing he was there. Theodosius the Great, becomes sole emperor in 392; succ. by his sons Arcadius in the East, and Honorius in the West. Arcadius is succ. by Theodosius II., son, under the guar- dianship of his sister Pulcheria. Marcianus. Leo I., surn. the Thracian. Leo II., the younger, grandson. Zeno, the Isaurian, father, (having married Ariadne, daughter of Leo I.); dep. but rest. Anastatius I., the Silentiary. Justin, the Thracian. Justinian I., nephew ; collector of the body of laws called the Digest, now the Pandectae Florentinae, and of the Novellae; and founder of the magnificent church of St. Sophia at Constantinople. The re- nowned Belisarius was his general. Justin II., nephew. Tiberius II. Maurice, the Cappadocian ; mur- dered, with all his children, by his successor. Phocas, the Usurper, whose crimes and cruelties led to his own assass. in 610. Heraclius, by whom Phocas was dethr. Constantine III. (Heraclius Constan- time), reigned a few months; poisoned by his step-mother, Martina. Constans II. ; assass, in a bath. Constantine IV., Pogonatus. Justinian II., son ; dethr. and muti- lated by his succ. Leontius ; dethr. and mutilated b Tiberius Aspinnar. - Tiberius III. Aspinnar. Justinian II. rest. Leontius and Tiberius degraded in the Hippo- drome, and put to death. Justi- nian slain in 711. Phillippicus Bardanes; assass. Anastatius II., fled on the election of Theodosius in 716; aft. deli- wered up to Leo III. and put to death. Theodosius III. Leo III., the Isaurian. In this reign (726) commences the great Iconoclastic controversy; the alternate prohibition and re- storation of images involves the peace of several reigns. Constantine V. Copronymus, Son. Leo IV., Son. Constantine VI., and his mother Irene. 790. 792. 802. 811. 811. 813. 820. 829. 842. 867, 886. 911. 919. 920. 928. 959. 963. 969. 1034. 1041. 1042. . Basilius Constantine, alone, by the desire of the people, Irene having become unpopular. Irene, again, jointly with her son, and aft. alone; dep. and exiled. Nicephorus I., surn. Logothetes; slain. Staurachius; reigns a few days only. Michael I., defeated in battle ; abd. the throne, and retires to a monas- tery. Leo V., the Armenian ; killed in the temple at Constantinople on Christmas-day, 820, by conspira- tors in the interest of his succes- SOI". Michael II., the Stammerer. Theophilus. Michael III., surm. Porphyrogen- metes, or the Sot, son, succ. under the regency of his mother, Theo- dora; put to death by Basilius. Basilius I., the Macedonian. Leo VI., styled the Philosopher. Alexander, and Constantime VII., brother and son of Leo., the latter only six years of age ; the former dying in 912, Zoe, mother of Constantine, assumes the re- gency. Romanus Lecapenus usurps the im- perial power. Constantime VIII., som. Stephen and Christopher. Five emperors now reign; of these, Christopher d. 931; Romanus is exiled by his sons, Constantine and Stephen, who are themselves banished the next year. . Constantime VII. now reigns alone; poisoned by his daughter-in-law, Theophania. Romanus II., som. Nicephorus II., Phocas ; m. Theo- phania, his predecessor's consort, who has him assassinated. John I., Zemisces, celebrated gene- ral, takes Basilius II. and Con- stantine IX., sons of Romanus II., as colleagues; John d. by poisom, and II. and Constantine IX. reign alone ; the former d. in 1025; the latter in 1028. . Romanus III., Argyropulus; poi- soned by his consort Zoe, who raises Michael IV., the Paphlagonian, to the throne; on his death Zoe places Michael W., surm. Calaphates, as his succ.; him she dethr., has his eyes put out, and m. Constantine X., Monomachus, who, j THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 51 and Zoe, reign jointly; Zoe d. prisoner by the K. of Bulgaria, 1050. and never heard of afterwards. 1054. Theodora, widow of Constantine. | 1206. Henry I., brother; d. in 1217. 1056. Michael VI., Stratiotic; dep. 1217. Peter de Courtenay, brother-in-law. 1057. Isaac I., Comnenus; abd. 1221. Robert de Courtenay, son. 1059. Constantine XI., surn. Ducas. 1228. Baldwin II., brother, a minor, and 1067. Eudocia, consort of the preceding, John de Brienne, of Jerusalem, and Romanus IV., surn. Dio- regent and associate emperor. genes, whom she marries; reign | 1261. Constantinople recovered, and the to the prejudice of Michael, Con- empire of the Franks or Latins stantine's son. terminates. 1071. Michael VII., Parapinaces, recovers his throne, and reigns jointly with GREEK EMPIRE AT NICE. Constantine XII. 1204. Theodore Lascaris. 1078. Nicephorus III. ; dethr. by 1222. John Ducas, Wataces. 1081. Alexius I., Commenus. 1255. Theodore Lascaris II., son. 1118. John Comnenus, son, surn. Kalos ; 1259. John Lascaris, and d. of a wound from a poisoned 1260. Michael VIII., Palaeologus. 2, l’I*OW. 1143. Manuel I., Commemus, son. EMPERORS AT CONSTANTINOPLE. 1180. Alexius II., Comnenus, son, under | 1261. Michael VIII, , now at Constanti- the regency of the empress Maria, nople; he puts out the eyes of his mother. John, and reigns alone. 1183. Andronicus I., Commenus; causes 1282. Andronicus II., Palaeologus, the Alexius to be strangled, and Elder, son ; dep. by his grand- seizes the throne; put to death son, Andronicus the Younger. by 1332. Andronicus III., the Younger. 1185. Isaac II., Angelus Commenus, who 1341. John Palaeologus, under the guar- is dep., imprisoned, and dep. of dianship of John Cantacuzenus ; his eyes by his brother. the latter procl emp. at Adria- 1195. Alexius III., Angelus, called the nople. Tyrant; this last dep. in his 1347. John Cantacuzenus. turn, and his eyes put out; d. in 1355. John Palaeologus, rest. a monastery. 1391. Manuel Palaeologus, son. 1203. Isaac II., again, associated with 1425. John Palaeologus II., son. his son, Alexius IV. ; dep. 1448. Constantine XIII., Palaeologus, som. 1453. Constantinople taken on May 29, LATIN EMPERORs. 1453, by the Ottomans, under 1204. Baldwin I., E. of Flanders, on the their Sultan, Mahomet II. : Con- capture of Constantinople by the stantine is slain, and with him Latins, elected Emperor; made a ends the Eastern Empire. MODERN ITALY. THE Kings of ancient Italy will be found in succession to the Sovereigns of the Western Empire (ante p. 49). The Emperor Napoleon I. of France revived the title of King of Italy in 1805, but it did not long endure, and is not now recognized. The modern Kingdom of Italy dates from 1861, when Victor Emmanuel, King of Sardinia, assumed the title. KINGS OF MoDERN ITALY. 1878. Humbert I. (Humbert Rénière Chas. Emmanuel John Mary Ferd. Eugème), son, June 9. 1861. Victor Emmanuel II. (Victor Em- manuel Mary Albert Eugène Ferdinand), K. of Sardinia, took the title of K. of Italy, Mch. 17. 52 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LUCCA. CHARLEMAGNE having destroyed the empire of the Lombards, A.D. 774, Lucca came into the possession of the Franks, and in two centuries. afterwards was annexed to Germany by Otto the Great. After many subsequent revolutions it was sold to Florence, and in a short time it obtained its complete freedom by purchase from the Emperor Charles. IV., and retained it until modern times. Napoleon having conferred Piombino upon his sister Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Bacciocchi, as an hereditary principality, the prince was chosen, in 1805, constitutional chief of the republic of Lucca. In 1806, Massa, Carrara, and Garfagorano, were united to the principality of Lucca. Finally, the congress of Vienna conferred Massa and Car- rara upon the archduchess Beatrice d’Este; Piombino upon Prince Ludovisci Buoncampagni; and the Duchy of Lucca, with an annual pension of £20,000 upon— Maria Louisa, dau. of Charles IV. 1824. Charles Louis, duke, b. Dec. 22, of Spain, and widow of Louis, 1799; m. Aug. 1820, Maria R. of Etruria; she d. March Theresa, dau. of Victor Emmanuel 13, 1824, and was succ. by her I., K. of Sardinia. Relinquished SOIl the dukedom, Oct. 1847. On the death of Maria Louisa, widow of the Emperor Napoleon I., of France, and duchess of Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla (see Parma), which took place Dec. 18, 1847, Charles Louis, Duke of Lucca, was invested with the Government of the duchy of Parma, as had been agreed upon by the treaty of Paris of June 10, 1817, and congress of Frankfort, July 20, 1819; and, in conformity with the conditions of succession arranged by these acts, and by the subsequent treaty of Florence (Nov. 28, 1844), the duke Louis Charles resigned Tucca to the grand-duke of Tuscany, Oct. 5, 1847. MODENA. REGGIO. FERRARA. ALBERT Azon, or Azzo II. (great-grandson of Albert Azon I., who died A.D. 964), espoused Cunegunda, daughter of Guelph II., count of Alt- dorf and duke of Lower Bavaria, and, dying in 1097, left two sons. Of these, the elder, Guelph, inherited the states of Altdorf at the decease of his uncle, Guelph, duke of Carinthia ; and from him sprang the branch of Guelph-Este. From the second son, Fulke, emanated the branch of Fulke-Este. The illustrious house of Este governed as Signori of Ferrara in the 12th century; and Modena, Reggio, and Ferrara became ducal territories, by concession, partly of the emperor and partly of the pope, in favour of Borso and Hercules d’Este, in 1452. Sover EIGNS OF MODENA, &c. SIGNOR1 AND MARQUESSES OF TERRARA. | 1196. Salinguerra II. 1067. Frodoric I. Azzo VI.. marq. d’Este; to the as- 1118. Guy Salinguerra. cendancy of whose house the 1150. Taurello. Tarrelli afterwards gave way. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 53 1212 1215 1264. 1293. 1308. 1317. 1352. 1361. 1383. 1393. 1441. 1450. 1471. 1505. 1534. 1559. 1597. 1628. 1629. 1658. 1662. 1694. 1737. 1780. Aldovrandino. Azzo VII. d’Este. Obizzo II. Azzo VIII. d’Este. Folco or Fulke d’Este. e On the death of Rinaldo §: in (1335) and Niccolo Niccolo I ſº (1344) Obizzo ruled * alone. Aldowrandino II. Niccolo II. Alberto. Niccolo III. Lionello. DUKES OF MODENA, &c. Borso; elevated by the emp. Frede- rick II. and the pope, 1452, to the dukedom of Modena and Reggio. Ercole (Hercules) I. Alfonso I. Ercole (Hercules) II. Alfonso II. Caesar d’Este. This pr. obt. pos- session of Modena, as a fief of the empire. Ferrara was at- tached to the Church by Clement VIII. Alfonso III. Francis I. Alfonso IV. Francis II. Reginald. Francis III. Ercole (Hercules) III. This prince 1803. 1806. 1860. . Francis W., acquired, in dowry with his con- sort, the principalities of Massa and Carrara. He was expelled in 1796, and d. 1803, leaving an only child and heiress Maria, Beatrix, duchess of Modena, and princess of Massa and Car- I & I’8,. She espoused the archd. Ferdinand of Austria, and conferred the dukedom upon her husband; he d. Dec. 24, 1086, and was succ. in the dukedom by their son Francis IV., duke ; the duchess, his mother, retaining the principali- ties. Modena, which had been incorpora- ted in 1797 with the Cisalpine Re- public, and, in 1805, with the kingdom of Italy founded by Napoleon I., was rest. to Francis IV. upon the dissolution of the kingdom of Italy in 1814. . Francis IV., now inherited Massa, and Carrara, on the death of his mother, Maria Beatrix, Nov. 14. (Francis Ferdinand Gemenien), son, Jan. 21 ; d. Now. 20, 1875. United to the kingdom of Sardinia. by Decree, Mar. 18, and now forms part of the kingdom of Italy. See Modern Italy. PARMA. PLACENTIA, or PIACENZA, &c. IN 1346, Parma and Piacenza formed part of the territory of the counts of Milan, and were subsequently in the possession of Louis XII. of France; but were ceded by his successor, Francis I., under the league of Cambray, to pope Julius IV., when they were attached to the domi- nion of the Church. In 1545, pope Paul III. erected Parma, and Piacenza into a duchy, and conferred it upon his natural son, Peter Louis Farnese in whose family it continued for nearly two centuries. The subsequent details are given below. 1545. 1547. 1586. 1592. 1622. 1646. 1694. 1727. DUKES. Peter Louis Farmese, first D. Octavius Farnese. Alexander Farmese. Ranntio I. Edoard. Ranutio II.; Edoard, his eldest som, who dying vºtá patris, left a dau., Eliza- beth, who m. Philip V. of Spain. Francis I. Antony. Upon the extinction of the male line of the old dukes, the duchy devolved upon the grandson of Edoard. 1731. Don Carlos, who, upon ascending the throme of the Sicilies, ceded the duchy to the house of Austria, with whom it remained until the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, Oct. 18, 1748. 1749. Dom Philip, brother of Don Carlos. 1765. Don Ferdimand. 54 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1803. The duchy now passed under the Lucca relinquished that duchy to dominion of France, and pr. Louis, the grand-duke of Tuscany. son of Ferdinand, became K. of 1847. Charles II. (Charles Louis de Etruria. - Bourbon, D. of Lucca), succ. by 1814. Maria Louisa of Austria, widow of Manifesto, Dec. 26, 1847. the emp. Napoleon I. She became 1848. Regency established Mar. 20., Prov. duchess of Parma, Piacenza, and govt. Substituted Apr. 9. Charles. Guastalla ; d. Dec. 18, 1847. II. left the country Apr. 19, and Parma, &c., were given by the con- abd. in favour of his son, Mar. vention of April 11, 1814, to the 14, 1849. arch-duchess Maria Louisa, ex- 1849. Charles III. (Ferd. Charles Joseph empress of France. After her Mary Victor Balthasar de Bour- death (Dec. 18, 1847) Charles bon) Aug. 27. Louis, Duke of Lucca, was given 1854. Robert I. (Robert Charles Louis the government of this duchy, Mary de Bourbon), son, Mar. 27, as had been arranged by the a minor, his mother appointed Treaty of Paris, June 10, 1817, regent. - and by the congress of Frankfort, 1860. Parma was annexed to Sardinia. July 20, 1819; and comformably by decree, Mar. 18, and now with these acts, and with a subse- forms part of the Kingdom of quent Treaty (that of Frankfort, Italy. Nov. 28, 1844), Charles Louis, of See Modern Italy. SAVOY. SARDINIA. SAVOY, after various changes, was erected into a county in the beginning of the 11th century, and at the close of the 14th the governing count obtained the title of duke. The Dukes of Savoy, who acquired Sicily in 1713, exchanged it with Austria, in 1718, for Sardinia, and became kings of Sardinia. This state became involved in the great war between France and Austria, which closed with the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. After enjoying a long term of peace, it took part in the war of the French revolution, and in 1798 the continental territories were parcelled out into departments of the French empire, and were not restored to the legitimate sovereign until the overthrow of Napoleon in 1814. Genoa was added to Sardinia by the congress of Vienna in 1815. Savoy was ceded to France in 1860, and Sardinia became part of the new kingdom of Italy in 1861. & Counts AND DUKEs of SAvoy. COUNTS OF MAURIENNE. 1343. Amadeus W. (or VI.), the Green 1020. Beroald, surn, the Saxon, Count. 1027. Humbert I., “ with the White 1383. Amadeus VII., the Red Count. Hands.” 1048. Amadeus I., Longtail. DUKES OF SAVOY. 1072. Humbert II. le Renforce. 1391. Amadeus VIII., surn. the Pacific, t D. in 1416. Elected pope in 1439, COUNTS OF SAVOY, as Felix. V., antipope. 1108. Amadeus II. 1451, Louis. 1148. Humbert III., surn. the Saint. 1465. Amadeus IX., surn. Benevolent. 1188. Thomas. - 1472. Philibert, the Hunter. 1233. Amadeus III. 1482. Charles I., the Warrior. 1253. Boniface Rolando. 1489. Charles II. 1263. Peter, or Charlemagne le Petit. 1496. Philip II., Sans Terre, or Lackland. 1268. Philip. 1497. Philibert II.,surn. the Beau. 1285. Amadeus IV., styled the Great. 1504. Charles III., the Good. 1323. Edward. 1553. Emmanuel Philibert, surn. the Iron- 1329. Aimon, styled the Peace-maker. hand. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 55 1580. Charles Great. Victor Amadeus I. Francis Hyacinth. Charles Emmanuel II. Victor Amadeus II. Emmanuel, 1630. 1637. 1638. 1675. KINGs of Victor Amadeus I., K. (II. as duke), res. in 1730, in favour of his son ; d. 1732. Charles Emmanuel I., son. Victor Amadeus II., son. Savoy conquered by France. Charles Emmanuel II., son ; res. in favour of his brother. Victor Emmanuel I. Sardinia merged in the kingdom of Italy, of which the emp. Napo- leon I. was crowned king, May 26, 1805. Savoy restored to Sardinia. Victor Emmanuel, rest. Res. Mar. 1821; and d. 1824. On his death the elder branch of the House of 1720. 1730. 1773. 1792. 1796. 1802, 1805. 1814. 1814. styled the 1713. He obtained Sicily this year, and in 1718 exchanged it for Sardinia, taking the title of king. Of this dominion, Piedmont and Savoy formed the continental part. SARDINIA. Savoy, became extinct in the male line. 1821. Charles Felix. 1831. Charles Albert, nephew. This prince provoked a war with Austria, was defeated in battle, and abd. in favour of his son, Mar. 23. 1849; d. July 28, 1849. 1849. Victor Emmanuel II. (Victor Em- manuel Mary Albert Eugene Fer- dinand), Mar. 23. 1860. Savoy ceded to France under Ple- biscite, Apr. 23. 1861. Victor Emmanuel assumed the title of K. of Italy, and his Sardinian dominions were merged in that Kingdom. See Modern Italy. SICILY. NAPLES. THE TWO SICILIES. THE Greek emperors, upon the expulsion of the Ostrogoths by Beſt- sarius in the 6th century, took possession of Lower Italy, and retained it for more than 200 years. The duchy of Benevento (Naples), how- ever, founded by the Lombards in the same century, attained such importance and territorial extent that it possessed, within 120 years, the greater part of the country now comprising the kingdom of Naples. In the 9th century the Arabs conquered the island of Sicily, which was wrested from them in the 11th century by count Roger I., who inherited Naples from his elder brother, Robert Guiscard, by whom it had been acquired by conquest. RINGS OF SICILY. COUNTS AND DUKES OF APULIA. 1043. William I., Bras de Fer, or Iron Arm. 1046. Drogo. 1051. Humfrey. 1054. Robert Guiscard, D. in 1060. 1085. Roger. Counts AND KINGS OF SICILY. 1072. Roger I., count of Sicily. 1101. Roger II., son; obt. from pope Honorius II., in 1130, the style of “king of Sicily.” 1154. William, surn. the Wicked. 1166. William II., surn. the Good. 1189. Tancred, count de Lecce, grandson of Roger II. 1194. William III., son; dethr. 1194. Henry (Husband of Constantia, dau. of William III.); emp., as Henry VI., 1190. Frederick I., son ; emp. in 1212, as Frederick II. Conrad I., son ; emp. as Conrad IV. Conrad II., or Conradin, son ; dep. in his minority by his uncle Man- fred ; aft. beheaded. . Manfred or Mainfroy, an usurper; slain in battle by his successor. . Charles of Anjou, youngest son of Louis VIII. of France; dep. in 1282 by the bloody revolution known as the “Silician Vespers.” Sicily now separated from Naples; Charles of Anjou retaining the 1197. 1250. 1254. 1282. 56 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1282, 1285. 1295. 1296. 1337. 1342. 1355. 1377. 1391. 1402. 1409. 1282. 1285. 1309. 1343. 1382. 1386. 1414. 1435. 1458. 1494. 1495. 1496. 1501. 1707, 1713. tian era, and was possessed by that empire for about 800 years. style of lord paramount of Naples, and governing there. Peter, the Great, K. of Arragon, consort of Constantia, dau. of Manfred, the Usurper. James I. ; succ. to the kingdom of Arragon as James II. in 1291. Interregnum. - Frederick II. Peter II. Louis I. Frederick III., surn. the Simple. Mary, dau. of Frederick; aft. jointly with her consort. Mary and Martin, pr. of Arragon. Martin, alone. Martin, the Elder. 1410. 1435. 1458. 1479. 1713. 1718. SICILY UNITED TO ARRAGON. (See Arragon.) Ferdinand, K. of Arragon. Alfonso, K. of Arragon. John, K. of Arragon. Ferdinand the Catholic. In 1503 this prince took entire pos- session of Naples, which he had previously seized, and divided it with Louis XII. of France. Sicily remained subject to the sove- reigns of Spain until 1713. Victor Amadeus, D. of Savoy, obt. the crown of Sicily from Spain. He exchanged Sicily with Austria. for Sardinia, which became a kingdom. See Naples and Sar- dinia. KINGS OF NAPLEs. Charles of Anjou, lord paramount. Charles II., the Lame. Robert, the Wise. Joanna I. ; dethr. by her cousin Charles III., Durazzo. Ladislas, son, and father of Joanna II., or Jamella, or Johan- milla, of Bourbon. Alfonso, the Wise ; Alfonso V., as R. of Arragon. Succ. by his natural son Ferdinand I., the Bastard. Alfonso II. Ferdinand II. Frederick III., som. Partitioned by France and Spain; but two years afterwards Ferdi- mand the Catholic became master of the whole, and it remained under the dominion of Spain until 1707. Charles, of Austria; aft. the emp. Charles VI. The possession of Naples confirmed KINGS OF THE . Ferdinand I. (late IV.), king of the Two Sicilies. . Francis I., son, Jam. 24. . Ferdinand II. (Ferdinand Charles), Nov. 8. . Francis II. (Francis Mary Leopold), May 22. 1734. 1735. 1759. 1806. 1808. 1815. TWO 1860. to Austria by the treaty of Utrecht. Sicily and Naples (the Two Sicilies), lost to Austria, and became wested in the royal family of Spain. Charles, son of Philip V. of Spain; he succeeded to his father's domi- nions, and ceded the Two Sicilies to his third son, Ferdinand. Ferdinand IV., ascended at eight years of age ; dep. by the French in 1798, and again in 1806. In the latter year, the emperor Napoleon I. placed his brother Joseph on the throne of Naples. Joseph Buonaparte; advanced in 1808 to the throne of Spain. Joachim Murat, brother-in-law to Napoleon I., succ. as king. Ferdinand IV., restored. It was now decreed that Naples and Sicily should, as formerly, be united in one monarchy, under the designation of the “Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.” SICILIEs. Annexed to the kingdom of Sardinia. by plebiscite, Oct. 21; Victor Emmanuel procl. king, Nov. 7. Now forms part of the kingdom of Italy. See Modern Italy. TUSCANY. TUSCANY became subject to Rome in the 5th century before the Chris- Tus- cany was governed by a succession of marquesses or dukes from the THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 57 Dukes. 828. 847. 890. 919. 929. 931. 936. 961. 1001. 1014. 1027. 1052. 1055, 1537. 1574. 1587. 1609. 1621. 1670. 1723. 1737. Francis II., D. 9th until the 13th century. The continual divisions by which the country was agitated led to a change in the form of government, and eventually to the ascendancy of the great family of the Medici as Grand MARQUESSES OR DUKES Boniface I., marq. Adalbert I., D. and marq. Adalbert II., surn. the Rich, D. and marq. Guy, D. Lambert, D. Boson, D. Hubert, D. Hugh, surn. the Great. Adalbert III. Rinaldo, D. and marq. Boniface II., styled the Pious, D. and marq. Frederick. Beatrice, and Godfrey the Bearded. 1076. 1119. 1119. 1131. 1133. 1139. 1153. 1195. 1208. The ancient name, Etruria, was revived for a time in 1801. OF TUSCANY. Matilda, styled the Great, countess. Ratbod, or Radboton. Conrad, president and marq. Rampret, president and marq. Henry of Bavaria, count. |Ulderic, marq. Guelph. Philip, elected emp. in 1198; assass at Bamberg in 1208. Florence became a republic, gov. chiefly by Sigmori, until 1531. In that year Alexander de Medici was appointed its chief, as doge of Florence; assass, in 1537. GRAND DUKEs of TUSCANY. HOUSE OF MEDICI. Cosmo de Medici, son of Alexander; cr. gr. d. in 1569 by pope Pius V. Francis Mary, de Medici, son; to whom the dignity of gr. d. was confirmed by the emp. Maxi- milian II. Ferdinand I., de Medici. Cosmo II., de Medici. Ferdinand II., de Medici. Cosmo III., de Medici. John Gastone de Medici; last re- presentative of the family. By the treaty of peace in 1735 be- tween France and Austria, the D. of Lorraine was named to succeed to the grand-duchy of Tuscany on the death of John Gastone de Medici, which took place in 1737; and upon this arrangement being effected, the duchy of Lorraine lapsed to the French crown, sub- ject to a life interest of Stanislas Lezinski, ex-king of Poland. HOUSE OF LORRAINE. of Lorraine, m. Maria. Theresa, emp. and Q. of Hungary and Bohemia ; elected emp. in 1745. By a decree of this monarch it was 1790. 1801. 1803. settled that in future the Grand Duchy should be the patrimony of a younger son of the Imperial house; the emp. was accordingly succ. in 1765 by his second son. 5. Peter Leopold; on the demise of his brother, the emp. Joseph II., he became emp. as Leopold II., and was succ. as gr. d. by his youngest SOIl Ferdinand III. ; dep. by the treaty of Luneville, in 1801. Louis, pr. of Parma, succ. by the style of “ King of Etruria,” con- formably with the above-men- tioned treaty. Charles Louis, his infant son, under the regency of the Q., Maria Louisa, his mother; afterwards duchess of Parma. See Parma. . Tuscany united by the emp. Napo- leon I. to the kingdom of Italy. . Ferdinand III., rest. . Leopold II. Leopold John Joseph Ferdinand Charles), June 18; abd . Ferdinand IV. (Ferdimand Salvator Mary, &c.), son, July 21. Tuscany united to the kingdom of Sardinia by decree, Mar. 22, and now forms part of kingdom of Italy. See Modern Italy. 58 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. AUSTRIA. AUSTRIA was part of the German empire. The margraves of Austria. were established by Charlemagne between 791 and 796, and were after- wards declared princes of the empire. In 1156 the margravate was made an hereditary duchy, which, in its turn, was, in 1453, raised to an archduchy. The dukes of Germany were frequently elected emperors. of Germany, and at length, from 1493 to 1804, the imperial title was hereditary in the Austrian line. In 1804 the emperor Francis II. o Germany became emperor Francis I. of Austria only. : MARGRAVES OF AUSTRIA. 928. Leopold I. 1096. Leopold III. 1018. Albert I. 1136. Albert II. 1056. Ernest. 1136. Leopold IV. 1075. Leopold II. 1142. Henry II., made a D. 1156. DUKEs of AUSTRIA. 1156. Henry II., above-named. 1365. Albert III. and Leopold VII. ; killed 1177. Leopold V. at Sempach. 1194. Frederick I., the Catholic. 1395. William and other brothers, and 1198. Leopold VI., the Glorious. their cousin, Albert IV. 1230. Frederick III., the Warlike ; killed 1411. The same. The provinces divided into the duchies of Austria, and Corinthia, Tyrol. 1411. Albert W., D. of Austria, obtains Bohemia and Moravia; elect. K. of Hungary and emp. of Ger- in battle with the Hungarians, 15 June, 1246. Interregnum. Albert I. and his brother Rodolph Albert, elect. emp. of Germany, 1292. and the county of 1282. 1308. Frederick II. many, 1437; d. 1439. 1330. Albert II. and Otho, his brother. 1439. Ladislaus, posthumous son; made 1358. Rodolph. an archduke in 1453. ARCHDUKES OF AUSTRIA. 1453. Ladislaus, above-named; d. child- Frederick III., emp. of Germany. less, 1457. His descendants took the title of 1457. The emp. Frederick III. and Albert emp. of Germany until 1804. WI. % 6 * Aº fººt ºf º g 35 1493. Maximilian I., son of the archduke See “Emperors of Germany. EMPERORS OF AUSTRIA. Charles), b. Aug. 18, 1830; came to the throne on the abdication of his uncle and the relinquishment of his right to the succession by his father, archd. Francis Charles Joseph, the presumptive heir, Dec. 2, 1848. - 1804. Francis I., late Francis II., emp. of Germany, commenced his reign as emp. of Austria only, Aug. 11; d. Mar. 2, 1835. Ferdinand, son; abd. in favour of his nephew, Dec. 2, 1848. Francis Joseph (Francis 1835. 1848. Joseph BOHEMIA. Boh EMIA had formerly an elective government, but Ferdinand I. declared it hereditary in the house of Austria in 1547; and the king- dom may be said to have remained since that time in the undisturbed THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 59 possession of that house. In the early part of the 17th century, the Bohemians made an attempt to shake of the imperial yoke, and offered the crown to the elector palatine Frederick, then the most powerful Brotestant prince in Germany; but he was driven out of Bohemia by the emperor's generals, stripped of his other dominions, and obliged to depend on James I. of England, whose daughter Elizabeth he had married, for a scanty subsistence. DUKES AND KINGS OF BOHEMIA. DURES. 1230. Wenceslas III. 890. Borzivoi. 1253. Premislas II. 902. Spitigneus I. 1278. Wenceslas IV. 907. Wratislas I. 1305. Wenceslas W. 916. Wenceslas I. 1306. Henry and Rodolph, of Hapsburg. 936. Boleslas I. 1310. John, count of Luxemburg, brother 967. Boleslas II. le Débonnaire. to the emperor. * 999. Boleslas III. 1346. Charles, son; elect. emp. in 1347. 1002. Jaromir. 1378. Wenceslas VI., son ; dep, as emp. 1012. Udalric. in 1400. 1037. Bretislas I. 1419. Sigismund, emp. 1055. Spitigneus II. 1437. Albert, D. of Austria and K. of Hun- 1061. Wratislas II. ; the title of king con- gary, and emp. ferred upon him by the emp. 1440. Ladislas W. Henry IV. 1458. George Podiebrad, the Protestant 1092. Conrad I. chief. 1093. Bretislas II. 1471. Ladislas VI. 1100. Borzivoi II. 1516. Louis I. (Louis II. of Hungary); 1107. Suatopluc. killed at the battle of Mohatz. 1109. Ladislas II. 1526. Ferdinand I., who by his marriage 1125. Sobieslas. with Anne, sister of Louis, succ. 1140. Ladislas III. ; 2nd king. to the crown. 1174. Sobielas II. -*- #. 5.º. For the succeeding kings, see “Emperors 1191. Wenceslas II. of Germany,” and “Emperors of Austria.” 1193. Henry Bretislas. The crown of this kingdom having re- 1196. Ladislas IV. mained in the Austrian family from the days of Ferdinand I. with a form of elec- KINGs. tion on each vacancy, it was, in 1648, by 1197. Premislas I., styled the Victorius; the treaty of Westphalia, secured to that 3rd king. house in hereditary succession. HUN GARY. HUNGARY was annexed to the German Empire under Charlemagne, but it became an independent kingdom in the 10th century. KINGS OF HungARY. 997. Stephen, D. of Hungary; he re- || 1064. Salamon, son of Andrew. ceived from the pope the title | 1075. Geisa I., son of Bela. of Apostolic King, still borne by 1077. Ladislas I., surn. the Pious. the emperor of Austria, as K. of 1095. Coloman, son of Geisa. Hungary. 1114. Stephen, surn. Thunder. 1038. Peter, the German; dep. 1131. Bela II. 1041. Aba or Owen. 1141. Geisa II. 1044. Peter, again; again dep, and his 1161. Stephen III, son. eyes put out. 1174. Bela III., brother. 1047. Andrew I. ; dep. 1196. Emeric, son. 1061. Bela I. ; killed by the fall of a | 1204. Ladislas II., son; reigned six months ruinous tower. only. 60 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1205. 1235. 1270. 1272. 1290. Andrew II., son of Bela III. |Bela IV. Stephen IV., som. Ladislas III., killed. Andrew III., surn, the Venetian, son of Rodolph of Hapsburg, emp. of Germany. Charobert or Charles Robert. Louis the Great ; elect. K. of Po- land in 1370. Mary, called King Mary, dau, of Louis the Great. Mary and her consort Sigismund, who became K. of Bohemia, and was elected emp. of Germany in i410. Albert, D. of Aurtria, m. the dau. of Sigismund, and succ. to the thrones of Hungary, Bohemia, and Germany. Ladislas IV., R. of Poland, of which kingdom he was Ladislas VI. Interregnum. Ladislas V., posthumus son of Al- bert, under the guardianship of the great Huniades; poisoned. Matthias Corvinus, son of Humiades, the late regent. Ladislas VI., K. of Bohemia; the emp. Maximilian laid claim to both Kingdoms. Louis II. of Hungary (I. of Bohemia), killed at the battle of Mohatz. John Zapolski, elect. by the Hun- ſ garians, and supported by the 1526. & sultan Solyman, and º l'º I., K. of Bohemia, bro. 1309. 1342. 1382. 1392. 1437. 1440. 1444. 1453. 1458. 1490. 1516. to the emp. Charles V. ; rival kings. * | 1541. 1561. 1573. 1609. 1619. 1625. 1647. 1790. 1792. 1835. 1848. Ferdinand, alone; elect. emp. of Germany in 1558. Maximilian, son; emp, in 1564. Rodolphus, son ; emp. in 1576. Matthias II., brother; emp. 1612. Ferdinand II., cousin, emp. Ferdinand III., son; emp. in 1637. Ferdinand IV. ; d. 1654, 3 years before his father. in . Leopold I., son of Ferdimand III.; emp. in 1658. . Joseph I., son ; emp. in 1705. . Charles (Charles VI. of Germany), brother of Joseph, and nominal K. of Spain. . Maria. Theresa, dau., empress; surv. her consort, Francis I., emp., from 1765 until 1780. (See Germany.) . Joseph T.I., son, emp. in 1765; succ. to Hungary on the death of his mother. Leopold II., brother, emp. Francis I., son, Francis II. as emp. of Germany; in 1804 he became emp. of Austria only. Ferdinand W., son ; Ferdinand I. as emp. of Austria. This Emperor would have been Fer- dinand IV. of Germany, but for the change of style in 1804; abd. Francis Joseph, nephew ; Dec. 2. For the last three centuries the succes- sion of the kings of Hungary varies little from the succession of the emperors of Germany and Austria, the crown having continued in the house of Austria. TRANSYLVANIA. TRANSYLVANIA was a province of Austria. It was an independent prin- cipality from 1526 to 1699, when it was again united to Austria, and so remained until 1848, when it was joined to the kingdom of Hungary, PRINCES OF TRANSYLVANIA. 1526. John Zapoly. 1540. John Sigismund. 1571. Stephen I., (Stephen Zapoly Bat- hori). 1576. Christopher Bathori. 1581. Sigismund Bathori. 1602. Rodolph, (emp. of Germany). 1605. Stephen II., Bottskai. 1607, 1608. 1613. 1631. 1648. 1660. 1662. 1690. Sigismund Ragotski. Gabriel I., Bathori. Gabriel II., (Bethlem Gabor). George I. Ragotski. George II., Ragotski. John Kemim. Michael I., Abaffi. Michael II., Abaffi. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 61, GERMANY. CONFEDERATION OF THE RHINE. GER- MANIC CONFEDERATION. NORTH GERMAN CON- FEDERATION. SOUTH GERMAN STATES. GERMAN EMPIRE. GERMANY. GERMANY was anciently divided into several independent states. The Germans withstood the attempts of the Romans to subdue them; and although that people conquered some parts of the country, they were expelled before the close of the 3rd century. In the 5th century the might of the Huns and other nations prevailed over the greater portion of Germany; it was not, however, totally reduced until Charlemagne made himself master of the whole. This great prince took the title of emperor, entailing the dignity of his family; but after his race became extinct in 911, the empire went to the Germans, and the title was after- wards made elective. The house of Austria enjoyed the distinction almost uninterruptedly from 1438 (when one of its princes was raised to the imperial throne) until 1804. In that year Francis II. resigned the honour and office of emperor of Germany, and became emperor of Austria only; the latter title being hereditary. ICINGs AND EMPERORS OF GERMANY. CARLOVINGIAN RACE. 1039. Henry III., the Black, son. 800. Charlemagne. 1056. Henry IV. son, a minor, under the 814. Louis le Debonnaire, K. of France. regency of his mother Agnes; 840. Lothaire, or Lother, son ; d. in a dep. by his son and successor. monastery at Treves. 1106. Henry V., m. Maud or Matilda, dau. 855. Douis II., som. of Henry I. of England. 875. Charles II., called the Bald, K. of 1123. Tothaire II., surn. the Saxon. France; poisoned by his physician, 1138. Interregnum. Zedechias. 1138. Conrad III. D. of Franconia. 877. Interregnum. 1152. Frederick Barbarossa ; drowned by 880. Charles III., le Gros, crowned K. of his horse throwing him into the Italy; dep. river Salphet, or the Cydnus. 887. Arnulf, or Arnoul, crowned emp. at 1190. Henry VI., son, surn. Asper, or the Romo in 896. Sharp ; this emperor detained 899. Louis III., called IV., the last of Richard I. of England a prisoner in his dominions. the Carlovingian race in Germany. * * * 1198. Philip, brother; assass. at Bamberg SAXON DYNASTY. by Otto. of Wittelsbach. 911. Otho, D. of Saxony, refused the 1208. Otho IV., surn, the Superb, recog- dignity on account of his age. mised as K. of Germany, and 911. Conrad I., D. of Franconia. crowned as emp. the next year; 918. Henry I., surn. the Fowler, son of excommunicated and deposed. Otho, D. of Saxony, King. 1212. Frederick II., K. of Sicily, son of 936. Otho I., son, styled the Great. Many Henry VI. ; dep. by his subjects, writers withhold the imperial title who elected Henry, landgrave of from him until crowned by pope Thuringia. Frederick d. 1250, John XII. in 962. naming his son Conrad his succ. 973, Otho II., the Bloody; so stigmatised but the pope gave the imperial for his cruelties; wounded by a title to William, E. of Holland. poisoned arrow. 1250. Conrad TV., son. 983. Otho III.. son, surn. the Red, yet in Trom the death of Frederick II. his minority ; poisoned. until the accession of Rodolph, in 1002. Henry II., D. of Bavaria, surm, the 1273, the time that elapsed may Holy, and the Lame. be regarded as an interregnum, 1024. Conrad II., surm, the Salique. Conrad IV. being opposed ; one 62 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1250. 1256. party of the electors at Frank- fort chose Richard, earl of Corn- wall, brother of Henry III. of England, and the other chose Alphonsus, king of Castile. The first lost the dignity, by attending the civil wars of England; and the last it by negligence; so neither is reckoned in the list of emperors. William, E. of Holland; d. Dec. 1255. The electors could not agree in the choice of a suc- CGSSO]". Interregnum. HOUSES OF HAPSBURG, LUXEMBURG, 1273. Rodolph, count of Hapsburg, 1291. 1292. 1298. #308. 1313. 1314. 1330. 1347. 1378. 1400. 1400 1410 º AND BAVARIA. the first of the Austrian family. The Hapsburg family was founded in 1026, by Radboton, grandson of Gontram, count of Brisgau, and derived its name from the castle of Hapsburg on the river Aar, in Switzerland. This was the cradle, as it were, of the house of Austria. The male line of Hapsburg became extinct in 1740, in the person of Charles VI., after giving twenty-two sovereigns to Austria, sixteen emperors to Ger- many, eleven kings to Hungary and Bohemia, and six to Spain. Interregnum. Adolphus, count of Nassau, to the exclusion of Albert, son of Ro- dolph, dep. ; slaim at the battle of Spires. Albert, D. of Austria, Rodolph's son; killed by his nephew at Rheinfels. Henry VII. of Luxemburg. Interregnum. Louis TV. of Bavaria, and Fre- derick III. of Austria, son of Albert, rival emperors; Frederick d. 1330. Louis reigns alone. Charles IV. of Luxemborg. In this reign was given at Nuremberg in 1356, the famous Golden Bull, which became the fundamental law of the German empire. Wenceslas, son, K. of Bohemia; twice imprisoned, and at length forced to resign, but continued to reign in Bohemia. Frederick III., D. of Brunswick; assass, immediately after his election, and seldom placed in the list of emperors. Rupert, count palatine of the Rhine, crowned at Cologne; d. 1410. Jossus, marq. of Moravia, chosen 1410. Sigismund, K. of Hungary, 1438. 1439. 1440. 1493. 1519. 1742. Charles VII., by a party of the electors; d. the next year. f elected by another party. On the death of Jossus, he was recognised by all parties; K. of Bohemia in 1419. HOUSE OF AUSTRIA. Albert II., surn. the Great, D. of Austria, and K. of Hungary and Bohemia; d. Oct. 27, 1439. Interregnum. Frederick IV., surn. the Pacific ; elect. emperor Feb. 2; but not crowned until June 1442. Maximilian I., son, d. 1519. Francis I. of France and Charles I. of Spain became competitors for the empire. Charles V. (I. of Spain), son of Joan of Castile and Philip of Austria, elected; res. both crowns, and retired to a monastery, where he died soon after. Ferdinand I., brother, K. of Hun- gary. . Maximiliam II., son, K. of Hungary and Bohemia. . Rodolph II., son. . Matthias, brother. - . Ferdinand II., cousin, son of the archd. Charles, K. of Hungary. . Ferdinand III., son. . Leopold I., son. . Joseph I., som. . Charles VI., brother. . Maria. Theresa, daughter, Q. of Hungary and Bohemia, whose right to the empire was sustained by England. At the decease of the emp. Charles VI. in 1740, his hereditary do- minions devolved of right (by the pragmatic sanction) mpon his only daughter and heiress the arch- duchess Maria. Theresa, but were claimed by the husband of his miece, (Maria Amelia, daughter of Joseph I.), Charles, elector of Bavaria, who was declared king of Bohemia in 1741, and crowned emp. of Germany at Frank- fort the following year, as Charles VII. This dispute dis- turbed the tranquillity of Europe, and occasioned a war in which all the great European powers were involved, and which did not ter- minate until 3 years after the death of Charles VII., when Maria. Theresa had her patri- monial dominions guaranteed to her by the treaty of Aix-la-Cha- pelle in 1748. elector of Bavaria, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 63 1745. whose claim was supported by France; rival emperor, and con- tested the succession. Charles d. Jan. 1745. See Maria. Theresa, supra. Francis I. of Lorraine, Gr. D, of Tuscany, consort of Maria Theresa. the title of emp. of Austria only. In 1806 the German princes seceded from the German empire, and placed themselves under the protection of Napoleon I. of France. See “Confederation of the Rhine,” 2nfra. 1765. Joseph II., son of the emp. Francis and of Maria. Theresa. 1790. Leopold II., brother. 1792. Francis II., son. * This monarch surrendered the dignity of emp. of Germany on August 11, 1804, and assumed HOUSE OF PRUSSIA. 1871. Jan. 18. The title of emp. of Germany was revived, and William I., K. of Prussia, was proclaimed emperor. THE CONFEDERATION OF THE RHINE was established July 12, 1806, under the auspices of Napoleon I. emp. of France, and by the Act of Confederation a number of states dissolved their connection with the German empire and allied themselves with France. Other states subsequently joined the Confederation from time to time, most of them under the coercion of Napoleon. ORIGINAL MEMBERs of THE CONFEDERATION. Jly. 12. France. Nassau - Weil- Salm-Kirburg. 1806. Bavaria. burg. Isemburg- Wurtemberg. Nassau-Usingen. Birchstein. Ratisbon. Hohenzollern- Aremberg. Baden. Hechingen. Liechtenstein- Berg & Cleves. Hohenzollern- Darmberg. Hesse - Darm- Sigmaringen. Count de la stadt. Salm-Salm. Leyen. SUBSEQUENT MEMBERs. 1806. Würtzburg. 1807. Westphalia. Schwartzburg. 1806. Saxony, Dec. Anhalt. Waldeck. 12. Reuss. During the reverses of Napoleon in 1813 many of the states seceded from the Confederation, which they had only joined under compulsion, and on June 8, 1815, the German States were formed into THE GERMANIC CONFEDERATION which held its first Diet at Frankfort, Nov. 16, 1816. This Confederation consisted of portions of Austria and Prussia, and of the following minor States:— RINGDOMS. ELECTORATE. Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Bavaria. Hesse. Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Saxony. GRAND DUCHIES. Oldenburg. Hanover. Baden. Luxemburg & Limburg. Wurtemberg. Hesse. Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. 64 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DUCHIES. Nassau. Brunswick. Holstein-Lauenburg. Saxe-Meiningen. Saxe-Coburg- Gotha. PRINCIPALITIES, Schwarzburg-Rudol- stadt. Schwarzburg-Sonder- hausen. Lippe-Detmold. Schaumburg-Lippe. LANDGRAVIATE. Hesse. FREE CITIES. Frankfort-on-the- Saxe-Altenburg. Reuss-Greiz. Maine. Anhalt-Dessau- Reuss-Schleiz. Hamburg. Köthen. Waldeck. Bremen. Anhalt-Bernburg. Liechtenstein. Lubeck. The Germanic Confederation continued till 1866, when, in conse- quence of the quarrels between Austria and Prussia, it was dissolved, the Diet holding its last sitting Aug. 24, 1866. THE NORTH GERMAN CONFEDERATION was then formed under the leadership of Prussia, whose infiuence over the other States was paramount. This Confederation consisted of the following States:— UNDER TREATY OF AUG. 18, 1866. 14. Hamburg. 1. Prussia. 15. Lubeck. 2. Oldenburg. 16. Bremen. 3. Brunswick. 4. Saxe-Weimar. Join ED SUBSEQUENTLY, 1866. 5. Anhalt. 6. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 17. Mecklenburg - Schwerin, Aug. 7. Saxe-Altenburg. 21. 8. Waldeck. 18. Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Aug. 21. 9. Lippe-Detmold. 19. Hesse (north of the Maine), 10. Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt. Sept. 3. - 11. Schwartzburg-Sonderhausen. 20. Reuss Greiz, Sept. 26. 12. Reuss Schleiz. 21. Saxe-Meiningen, Oct. 8. 13, Schaumberg Lippe. 22. Saxon, Oct. 21. The following States in South Germany :- 3. Baden. 4. Hesse Darmstadt. 1. Bavaria. 2. Wurtemburg. were allowed to remain nominally independent, but were bound by secret treaties to place their armies at the disposal of Prussia in case of war. The following States were annexed to Prussia:— 1. Hanover. 3. Nassau. 2. Hesse-Cassel. 4. Frankfort. During the Franco-German war of 1870–1, the North and South German States were united under the title of º Schleswig-Holstein. THE GERMAN EMPIRE. William I., K. of Prussia, was proclaimed emp. Jan. 1871, and the 1st Parliament of the empire was held at Berlin Mar. 21, 1871. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. The German Empire comprises the following States:— 1. Prussia. 10. Oldenburg. 18. Waldeck. 2. Bavaria. 11. Brunswick. 19. Reuss. Greiz. 3. Saxony. 12. Saxe-Meiningen. 20. Reuss Schleiz. 4. Wurtemburg. 13. Saxe-Altenburg. 21. Schaumburg- 5. Baden. 14. Saxe-Coburg and Lippe. 6. Hesse-Darmstadt. Gotha. 22. Lippe. 7. Mecklenburg- 15. Anhalt. 23. Lubeck. Schwerin. 16. Schwarzburg - 24. Bremen. 8. Saxe-Weimar. Rudolstadt. 25. Hamburg. 9. Mecklenburg- 17. Schwarzburg - 26. Alsace-Lorraine. Strelitz. Sondershausen. PRUSSIA. BRANDENBURG. PRUSSIA continued long under the dominion of Poland, but at length threw off the dependence of its dukes upon that power. Frederick William laid the foundation of the present monarchy, and his son and successor, in Jan. 1701, assumed the title of the king, and was acknow- ledged as king by the emperor Leopold and all his allies. Prussia is now the ruling German State, and its king is also emperor of Germany MARGRAVES, ELECTORs, DUKES, AND KINGs. MARGRAVES OR BLECTORS OF BRAN- 1134. 1170. 1184 1206. 1221. 1266. 1282. 1309. 1319. 1320. 1323. 1352. 1365. 1373. 1878. 1388. 1411. 1415. 1440. 1470. 1476. 1486. 1499. 1535. DENBURG. Albert I., surm. the Boar, first elec- tor of Brandenburg. Otho I. Otho II. Albert II. John I. and Otho III. John II. Otho IV. Waldemar. Henry I., le Jeune. Interregnum. Louis I., of Bavaria. Louis II., surm. the Roman. Otho V., le Fained.mt. Wenceslas, of Luxemburg. Sigismund, of Luxemburg. Jossus, the Bearded. Sigismuud, again. Frederick I. of Nuremburg. Frederick II., surn. Ironside. Albert III., surn. the German Achilles. John III., son, as margrave. The same, as elector. Joachim I., son. Joachim II. 1571. 1598. 1608. 1616. 1619. 1640. 1688. 1701. 1713. 1740. 1786 1797. 1840. 1861. John George. Joachim Frederick. John Sigismund. AND DUKES OF PRUSSIA. John Sigismund, above named. George William. Frederick William, son. Trederick, som, crowned K. Jan. 18, 1701. KINGS OF PRUSSIA. Frederick I., above named. Frederick William I., son. Frederick II. (Frederick the Great), SOIl. Frederick William II., nephew. Frederick William III. Frederick William IV., son, June 7. His brother, aft. William I., app. Regent, Oct. 23, 1857, and the ap- pointment was made permanent, Oct. 7, 1858. William I. (Fredk. Wm. Louis), brother, Jan. 2. Declared emp. of Germany Jan. 18, 1871. See Ger- many. 5 66 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ANHALT. Bernard, son of Albert the Bear, Margrave of Brandenburg, 1st count of Anhalt; d. 1212. 1212. Henry I., d. 1252. On his death Anhalt was divided into three parts; Ascania, Bernburg, and Zerbst. >}: :}; :*: 1570. Anhalt united under Joachim Ernest ; ; d. 1586. :}; :}; $: $: % >}: 1603. Anhalt divided into four parts: Dessau, Bernburg, Köthen, and Zerbst. 1793. The Zerbst line became extinct, and this portion of the princi- pality was divided amongst the three remaining branches. 1807. The counts of Anhalt assumed the title of duke. 1847. The Köthen line became extinct by the death of duke Henry, Nov. ſ 23, and this part of the duchy is now incorporated with Dessau. T) UKEs of ANHALT-BERNBURG. DUKES OF ANHALT-DEssau. * * •k * -k * * * Alexis. * * Leopold Frederick Francis. 1834. Alexander Charles, Mar. 24; d. 1817. Leopold Frederick, Aug. 9. Aug. 19, 1863. On his death 1871. Frederick (Leopold Frederick Fran- the male line became extinct, cis Nicholas), May 22. and the whole of the duchy is now under the branch of Anhalt- Dessau. BADEN. BADEN-BADEN. BADEN-DURLACH. THE house of Baden descends from Gerold, who, as well as his son, appears in the ancient records towards the close of the 8th century, as Landgraves of the Barr. From him, after many descents, came Ber- tholdus, who had two sons. The elder, Herman I., possessed, vité patris, Hochberg in Brisgau, to which Baden belonged; he took the title of margrave, and died in 1074. His heir was Herman II., who called himself “margrave of Baden,” and was the head and founder of the present house of Baden, 1130. From Christopher I., who united the branches of Hochberg and Baden, and died in 1527, proceeded the branches of Baden-Baden and Baden-Durlach, which were united in 1771. He had two sons, Bernard and Ernest, of whom below. MARGRAVES OF BADEN. * * Herman I. 1243. Herman W. 1130. Herman II. 1250. Rodolph I. 1160. Herman III 1288. Herman VI. 1190. Herman IV. 1291. Frederick II. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 67 1333. Herman IX. 1353. Rodolph VIII. 1872. Rodolph X. 1391. Bernhard I. MARGRAVES OF BADEN-BADEN. 1527. Bernhard IV. 1537. Philibert. 1569. Philip. 1588. Edward. 1600. William. 1677. Louis William. 1707. Louis George. * * Augustus William George, d. 1771. On his death the line of Baden- Baden became extinct and the territory reverted to Charles Fre- derick, Margrave of Baden-Dur- lach. GRAND DUKES OF 1431. James I. 1453. Charles I. 1475. Christopher I., d. 1527. MARGRAVES OF BADEN-DURLACH. 1527. Ernest. 1553. Charles II., son. 1577. (? 1584.) Ernest Frederick, som. 1604. George Frederick, brother; abd. 1622. Frederick W., son. 1659. Frederick VI., Son. 1677. Frederick VII., son. 1709. Charles William, son. 1746. Charles Frederick, grandson. On, the death of Augustus William George, Margrave of Baden-Baden, he succ. to that Margravate. He was created an Elector of the em- pire in 1803 and a Gr. D. in 1806. BADEN. 1806. Charles Frederick, above-named. 1852. Louis II., son, Apr. 24; d. Jan 22. 1811. Charles Louis Frederick, grandson. 1858. Being animbecile,his younger 1818. Louis William Augustus, uncle. brother, Frederick William Louis, 1830. Charles Leopold Frederick, brother, was appointed Regent, and in Mar. 30. 1856. Sep. 5, took the title of Gr. D. BAWARIA. AFTER undergoing various revolutions, Bavaria became a duchy in the 9th century, and the title of duke was possessed by its rulers until 1623, when Maximilian I. was invested with the electoral dignity by the emperor Ferdinand II. In 1805 Napoleon raised Bavaria to the rank of a kingdom ; and on Jan. 1, 1806, Maximilian Joseph was proclaimed king at Munich in the presence of the French Emperor. DUKES, ELECTORS, AND KINGS OF BAvARIA. DUKES. . Leopold. . Arnulph, surn, the Bad. . Eberhard. . Berthold. . Henry, surn. the Quarreller. . Henry II. . Henry III., the Holy and the Lame, elected emp. in 1002. . Herny IV. . Henry V. . Conrad I. . Henry VI. . Conrad II. . Agnes, empress dowager. 1061. Otho. I071. 1101. 1120. 1126. 1138. 1142. 1154. Guelph I. Guelph II., som. Henry VII., surn. the Black, brother. Henry VIII., surn. the Proud, som. Leopold II., of Austria. Henry IX., of Austria. Henry X., surn. the Lion, son of Henry the Proud. Otho the Great, cr. D. by the emp. Frederick Barbarossa. Louis I., son. Otho II., the Illustrious, som, elector palatine. Louis II., the Severe, son, elector palatine. Louis III., som, elected emp. in 1814. 1180. 1183. 1231. 1253. 1294. 5 * 68 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1347. 1375. 1397. 1438. 1460. 1465. 1508. 1550. 1579. 1596. 1651. 1679. 1726. Stephen, son. John, surn. the Pacific, brother. Ernest, brother. Albert I., surn. the Pious, son. John II., and Sigismund, TeS. Albert II., brother. William I., son. Albert III., son. William II., surn. the Religious, son, abd. Sons, ELECTORS. Maximilian, son, cr. elector by the emp. Ferdinand II., Feb. 25, 1623. Ferdinand Mary. Maximilian Emmanuel, son, May 26. Charles Albert, son, Feb. 26; elected 1745 1777 1799. 1805. 1825. 1848. 1864. 1886. emp. in 1742, opposed by Maria Theresa. . Maximilian Joseph I., son, Jan. 20. . Charles Theodore, elector palatine, succ. to Bavaria, Dec. 30. Maximilian Joseph II., as elector. KINGS OF BAVARIA. Maximilian Joseph I., as King. Louis Charles, son, Oct. 13; abd. Mar. 21, 1848; d. Feb 29, 1868. Maximilian Joseph II., son. Louis II. (Louis Otho Frederick William), son, Mar. 10; committed suicide. Otho William Leopold, brother, June 13; of unsound mind. His brother, Leopold, app. Regent. PALATINATE OF THE RHINE. ONE of the ancient electorates of Germany, long united to Bavaria ; separated therefrom in 1294, and again united thereto in 1777. 1156. 1196. 1227. 1253. 1294. 1319. 1327. 1353. 1390. 1398. 1410. 1436. 1442. 1476. 1508. 1544. Counts PALATINE OF THE RHINE. Conrad, of Suabia, first elector. Henry, of Saxe. Otho, surn. the Illustrious, elector of Bavaria in 1231. Louis II., surn. the Severe, elector of Bavaria, and elector palatine. Rodolphus I., le Begue. Adolphus, surn, the Simple. Rodolphus II., the Blind. Rupert II., surn. the Red. Rupert II., le Petit. Rupert III., elected emp. in 1400. Louis III., surn. Barbatus, or Longbeard. Louis IV. Frederick I., surn. the Victorious Philip, surn, the Ingenuous or Sincere. Louis W., surn. the Pacific, refused the imperial crown. Frederick II., surn. the Wise. i556 1559 1576. 1583. 1610. 1648. 1680. 1685. 1690. 1716. 1743. . Otho Henry. . Frederick III., surn. the Pious. Louis VI., surn. the Easy. Frederick IV. Frederick W., K. of Bohemia, de- throned and stript of his heredi- tary dominions; d. 1632. Charles Louis, son; by the treaty of Westphalia, in 1648, he had the greater part of the palatinate restored to him. Charles II. Philip William, cousin. John William. Charles Philip. Charles Theodore, who, on Dec. 30, 1777, succ. to the dominions of the Bavarian branch of . his family. See Bavaria, suprā. BRUNSWICK. HANOVER. THE house of Brunswick owes its origin to Azo IV. of the family of Esté, son of Hugo III., marquess of Ferrara, in Italy. Azo, who died in 1055, left by his consort Cunegonde, daughter and heiress of Guelph, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 69 duke of Bavaria, a son, who was great-grandfather of Henry, surnamed the Lion. (See Bavaria, p. 67.) This prince married Maud, eldest daughter of Henry II. of England, and is always looked upon as the ancestor of our persent royal family. The dominions possessed by Henry the Lion were very extensive; but he having refused to assist Frederick Barbarossa in a war against pope Alexander III., that emperor's resentment was drawn upon him, and in the diet of Wurtz- burg, in 1180, he was proscribed. The duchy of Bavaria was given to Otho, count Wittelsbach, from whom is descended the present royal family of Bavaria; the duchy of Saxony was conferred upon Bernard Ascanius, founder of the house of Anhalt ; and his other possessions were disposed of to different princes. Thus despoiled, Henry retired to England; but ultimately, after much intercession, Brunswick and Luneberg were restored to him. He left three sons. The two elder having no male issue, William, the third son, carried on the line of his family, and from him all the succeeding dukes of Brunswick and Lune- berg have descended. The house of Brunswick has from time to time divided into several branches. The principal are: BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG. º BRUNSWICK-Wor,FENBUTTEL, 1st branch. BRUNSWICK-ZELL, or BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG-ZELL, from which the house of Hanover descended. BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL, 2nd branch, or BRUNswich-LUNE- BURG-Wol, FENBUTTEL. RULERS OF BRUNSWICK AND HANOVER. 1139. Henry the Lion. See Introduction, supra. 1195. William, son, D. of Luneburg. DUKES OF BRUNSWICK. 1213. Otho I., son, cr. 1st D. of Brunswick in 1235. 1252. Albert I., son, styled the Great. 1279. Albert II. son, styled the Fat. 1318. Magnus I., Som. 1368. Magnus II., som. On his death the house of Brunswick was divided into two * branches, as under:— DUKES OF BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG. DUKES OF BRUNSWICI, WOLFENBUTTEL, 1373. Frederick, son, elect. emp. of Ger- + many 1400. (1ST BRANCH.) 1400. Bernard, brother. 1434. Frederick the Just, d. 1478. * * Henry I., son. Otho the Magnanimous, d. 1471. 1478. Henry the Young, son of Otho. 1416. William I. and Henry II., sons. 1532. Ernest I., styled the Confessor, d. 1546. 1482. Frederick and William II., sons of On his death the family was again William I. divided into two branches: 1495. Henry III. and Eric, sons of Wil- I. BRUNswick-ZELL or BRUNS- liam I. wick-LUNEBURG-ZELL (See below 1514. Henry IV., son of Henry II. 70 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. II. BRUNswick - Wolf ENBUTTEL, 2nd Branch, or BRUNswicrº- TIUNEBURG - WOLFENBUTTEL. (See opposite column.) DUKES OF BRUNSWICK-ZELL OR BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG-ZELL. 1546. William, the second son of Ernest the Confessor, became D. of Zell. 1592. Ernest II. 1611. Christian, brother, bp. of Minden. 1633. Augustus, brother, administrator of Ratesburg. 1636. Frederick, bro., pres. of the Chapter of Bremen; succ. by his nephew 1648. Christian Lewis, son of his brother George, pr. of Calenberg. 1665. George William. His only dau. Sophia Dorothea, m. 1682, George Lewis, his nephew, eldest son to his brother Ernest Augustus, D. of Hanover. (See below.) * HOUSE OF HANOvI&R. DURES OF HANOVER. 1665. John, 2nd son of Christian Lewis, D. of Brunswick-Zell (see above), became D. of Hanover. 1679. Ernest Augustus, son, m. the pr. Sophia, dau. of Frederick, elector palatine, and of Elizabeth, dau, of James I. of England. This is the prs. Sophia, to whose descendants (being Protestants) the crown of England was limited by the act of settlement, 1701. She was b. Oct. 13, 1630, and had issue by the above marriage six Sons and one daughter: namely, George Lewis, afterwards George I. : Frederick Augustus, b. 1661, d. 1690, unm. ; Maximilian Wil- liam, b. 1666, d. 1726, unm. ; Charles Philip, b. 1669, d. 1690; Christian, b. 1671, d. 1703, unm.; Ernest Augustus, bp. of Osnaburg, b. 1674, cr. 1716, D. of York and Albany and E. of Ulster, d. 1728, unm. ; Sophia Charlotte, b. 1668, m. to Frederick William, elector of Brandenburg. The prs. Sophia d. June 8, 1714, in her 84th year. ELECTORS OF HANOVER. 1692. Ernest Augustus, above named, cr. Elector. 1698. George Lewis, son, m. his cousin, the heiress of the D. of Brunswick- Zell. Became K. of Great Britain Aug. 1, 1714, as GEORGE I. 1568. Julius, son. 1589. Henry Julius, son. son, d. 1634, . 1613. Frederick Ulrick, * without issue. On his death the succession passed under certain family arrange- ments to Augustus, a descendant of Henry, the eldest son of Ernest the Confessor, and he became D. of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel. DUKES OF BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUTTEL (2ND BRANCH), OR BRUNSWICK-LUNEBURG-WOLFENBUTTEL. 1634. Augustus, above-named. He left three sons, Rodolphus Augustus, Anthony Ulrick, and Ferdinand Albert ; the two first succ., the third was the founder of the Bevern line. - 1666. Rodolphus Augustus, who associated his next brother, Anthony Ulrick, in the government from 1685 ; d. 1704. 1704, Anthony Ulrick, brother, now ruled alone; erected Blankenburg into a principality in 1707, became a Tºoman Catholic in 1710; d. 1714. 1714. Augustus William, son ; d. without issue 1731. 1731. Ludowick Rodolphus, brother (pr. of Blankenburg from his father's death in 1714); d. without male issue in 1735. This pr. left three daughters, who were married, Elizabeth Christine to the emp. Charles VI., Christina to the gr.-D. Alexius of Russia, and Antonie Amelia to the D. of Bevern. 1735. Ferdinand Albrecht, d, same year. 1735. Charles, son, who transf, the ducal residence to Brunswick. * 1780. Charles William Ferdinand, son, m. the prs. Augusta of England; killed at the battle of Jena, com- manding the Prussian army, Oct. 14, 1806; succ by his 4th son, his eldest sons being blind, an abd. in favour of - 1806. Frederick William. His reign may THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 71. 1727. George Augustus, son; GEORGE II. of England. George William Frederick, grand- son; GEORGE III. of England. 1760. ECINGS OF HANOVER. 1814. George William Frederick, above- named, 1st FC. of Hanover, Oct. 2. George Augustus Frederick, son ; GEORGE IV. of England. William Henry, brother; WILLIAM IV. of England. Hanover separated from the crown of Great Britain. Ernest Augustus, brother to William IV. of England, on whose demise he succ. (as a distinct inheritance) to the throne of Hanover, June 20, 1837. George (George Frederick Augustus, Charles Ernest), Nov. 18, dep. Sept. 20, 1866; d. June 12, 1878. Hanover was annexed to Prussia by Decree Sept. 20, 1866. 1820. 1830. 1837. 1851. be dated from the battle of Leip- sic in Oct. 1813; fell at the battle of Quatre-Bras command- ing the avant-garde under Wel- lington, June 16, 1815. * 1815. Carl, son (Charles Frederick William Augustus), b. Oct. 30, 1804. Dep. by his younger brother William in 1830. 1830. William (Augustus Louis William Maximilian Frederick), b. April 25, 1806; succ. Sept. 7, 1830; d. Oct. 18, 1884. . On his death Ernest Augustus William Adolphus George Fredk., D. of Cumberland and titular K. of Hanover, should have succ. to the dukedom, but this was not permitted by the German Imperial Authorities, and pr. Albrecht of Prussia was appointed Regent, Qct. 21, 1884. FRANCONIA. PHARAMOND is the first of the Franconian kings of whom we have any distinct mention; see France. They were conquered by Charlemagne, and Franconia was subsequently governed by dukes. In modern times, Franconia consisted of two principalities, Bayreuth and Anspach ; three bishoprics, Bamburg, Wursburg, and Eichstadt; seven counties, and three lordships. These divisions are now altered, one district having been given to Wurtemburg, another to Baden, a third to the house of Hesse, and the tract called Henneberg to the house of Saxe. All the rest has been made over to Bavaria. DUKEs of FRANCONIA. 891. Conrad I., about this time. 1038. The dukedom extinct until 1116. 912. Eberhard. 1116. Conrad W., emp. as Conrad III, in 939. Conrad II. 1138. 955. Otho I. 1152. Frederick, and D. of Suabia. 1004. Conrad III. 1167. Conrad VI. 1011. Conrad IV. 1191. Courad VII., and D. of Suabia. HESSE. HESSE-CASSEL, HESSE-DARMSTADT, HESSE-HOMBURG. HESSE. ALL the Hessian branches proceed from Philip the Generous, who at the death of his father, William II., in 1509, inherited the entire princi- 72 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. pality of Hesse. Dying in 1567, he left four sons, who divided the ter- ritory, so that four lines originated:—(1) Hesse-Cassel, (2) Hesse-Mar- burg, which lapsed in 1583, (3) Hesse-Rheinfels, which lapsed in 1604, and (4) Hesse-Darmstadt. Of the two principal branches, the eldest son, William IV., became the founder of that of Hesse-Cassel; and George, the youngest son, became the founder of the branch of Hesse- Darmstadt. TANDGRAVES OF HESSE. % * * 1509. Philip, surn, the Generous. * *X- * On his death in 1567 Hesse was divided as above. HESSE-CASSEL, OR ELECTORAL HESSE. LANDGRAVES. William IV., eldest son of Philip, surn. the Wise. Maurice, son, abd. in favour of William W., son, surn. the Constant. His three younger brothers were the founders of the three lines of Rothenberg, Eschwegen, and Rheinfels. William died during the campaign of East Friedland, supposed by poison ; his consort, Amelia Elizabeth, governed until 1650, when she handed over the rule to her son, William VI., surn. the Good and the Wise. Charles, brother. Frederick I., son, who became, in right of his consort, K. of Sweden in 1719; his bro. acted as viceroy, and, at his death, succ. in Hesse. 1567. 1592. 1627. 1637. 1650. 1663. 1730. 1751. William VII., brother. 1760. Frederick II., son. 1785. William IX. (VIII.), son, obtained the electorship 1801, and called himself William I., elector 1803. ELECTORs. 1801–3. William I. (as above). After the battle of Jena, he fled to Denmark, and, by the treaty of Tilsit, Hesse-Cassel became part of the kingdom of Westphalia. Returned in 1813; d. 1821. 1821. William II., son, retired to Hanau in 1831. The hereditary pr. made co-regent, Sept. 30, 1831. 1847. Frederick William I., son, late co- regent, Nov. 20; d. January 6, 1875. Hesse-Cassel was annexed to Prussia by Decree, Sept. 20, 1866. HESSE-DARMSTADT, OR GRAND-DUCAL HESSE. THE founder of this line, as already mentioned, was George I., youngest son of Philip the Generous. The princes of Hesse-Darmstadt were elevated to the rank of grand dukes by the French emperor Napoleon. LANDGRAVES. George I. Louis W., son, surn, the Faithful. George II., son. Louis VI. Louis VII., months. Ernest Louis, brother. Touis VIII., son. Louis IX., son. 1567. 1596. 1624. 1661. 1678. reigned only a few 1678. 1733. 1768. 1790. Louis X., son, became Gr. D. GRAND-DUKEs. 1803. Louis I. (late Louis X.), first Gr. D. 1830. Louis II., son, was thrice married. 1848. Louis III., son, June 16. 1877. Louis IV., nephew (Frederick Wil- liam Louis Charles), June 13. HESSE-HOMBURG, THIS house owes its origin to a junior branch of Hesse-Darmstadt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 73 George I. left in 1596 three sons, of whom Frederick became the founder of this line. The later princes were as under:— LANDGRAVES. - * k * Sept. 8; d. March 24, 1866. On 1751. Frederick Louis V. his death the male line became 1820. Frederick Joseph, son. extinct, and Hesse-Homburg re- 1829. Louis William Frederick, brother. verted to the Grand Duchy of 1839. Philip Augustus Frederick, brother. Hesse - Darmstadt, by whom it 1846. Gustavus Adolphus Frederick, was ceded to Prussia as from brother. Oct. 8, 1866, by treaty dated 1848. Ferdinand Henry Frederick, brother, Sept. 15, 1866. LIECHTENSTEIN. PRINCEs of IIIECHTENSTEIN. º * * 1858. John II. (John Maria Francis 1836. Alois Joseph, April 20. Placidus), Nov. 12. LIPPE-DETMOLD. PRINCEs of LIPPE-DETMOLD. * ** * 1851. Leopold (Paul Frederick Emile * * Frederick William Leopold. Leopold), Jan. 1. 1802. Paul Alexander Leopold, April 1875. Woldemar (Gonthier Frederick Wol- 4. demar), Dec. 8. LIPPE-SCHAUMBURG. PRINCEs of LIPPE-SCHAUMBURG. * º: * 1787. George William, Feb. 13. * * Philip Ernest. 1860. Adolphus George, Nov. 21 MECKLENBURG. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN. MECKLENBURG- STRELITZ. CHARLEMAGNE, during his wars with the Saxons, entered Mecklenburg, A.D. 789, and compelled the inhabitants to embrace Christianity. Louis, his successor, had the country governed by the dukes of Saxony; the 74. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. people, however, threw off that yoke, and Nicolas and Premislas, princes, divided the territory between them. In 1147, Nicolas being slain in battle, Henry the Lion conquered Mecklenburg, and divided it among his generals and knights. But to the son of Nicolas (Premislas II.) he restored a part of his father’s dominions, with the title of “Prince of Mecklenburg,” instead of the former title, which was “Ring of the Wenden.” After the death of Premislas II. followed Henry Borwin, his son, founder of the house of Mecklenburg. The modern division of the duchy was made at the commencement of the 18th century. The dignity of grand duke was conferred on the princes of Mecklenburg by the Congress of Vienna in 1815. MECKLENBURG. PRINCEs. PIenry Borwin I. From this prince Henry III. (V.), surn. the Fat, and his consort Matilda, dau. of 1423. and John II., who d. 1442. Henry the Lion, sprang the house Henry the Fat again united of Mecklenburg. Stargard to Mecklenburg, and, * * Henry Borwin II., d. 1236, and left dying in 1477, left three sons, four sons, who divided Mecklen- who succ. burg into four parts, viz.: MECK- Albert IV. ) Co-regents. The LENBURG, GUSTROW, ROSTOCK, and 1477. |: II. three sons of PARCHIM, which existed till 1611. Balthazar Magnus II. succ. The eldest son of Henry Borwin Henry IV. (VI.) Sll C.C. ; : [Yº Trich ºn-roo 1236. John, surn. Theologus. 1503. |; * IT'air. |º regents. 1264. Henry I. (called III.), son. Went to Jerusalem, and was therefore surn. Hierosolymitanus; was made 1547. John Albert I., the eldest of five sons of Albert the Fair. prisoner, and was supposed to be His brother Ulrick made claims to dead. the co-regency, and caused there- 1302. Henry II, (IV.), son. The former by a division in the country. prince returned from captivity, 1553. Ulrick, above-named. and governed with Henry II., who | 1603. Charles, brother, who governed, in- d. 1329; and through his sons, stead of his minor cousins, Adol- Albrecht and John, sprung up phus Frederick and John Albert the new lines of MIECKLENDURG until 1610. and STARGARD. In the line Of Tho Territory Wà.S again divided Mecklenburg, succ. into two lines, MECKLENBURG and 1349. Albrecht or Albert I., who was GUSTRow ; the latter line became succ. by his three sons extinct in 1695. Alº, nº elect K ºf Sweden | 1610. Adolphus Frederick. 3 33. 1658. Christian Louis, son. 1380 Henry, who took but little part in gº the government, and 1679 Frederick William, nephew. His Magnus I., to whom Albert res. disputes with his cousin, Fred- the principality. erick Adolphus (II.) led to the Albert III., son of Albert II., Hambro treaty, by which, in 1701, 1412 | governed, together with the two lines of MECKLENBURG- John, son of Magnus I., whose SCHWERIN and MECKLENBURG- | two Sons Succ. STRELITZ were formed. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN. PRINCES AND GRAND DUKEs. PRINCES. 1713. Charles Leopold, brother. His 1701. Frederick William, the above-men- brother, Christian Louis, who tioned prince. He retained three- afterwards succ., was appointed fourths of the territory. administrator by the emp. in 1732. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 75 1747. Christian Louis II., brother. 1756. Frederick, surn. the Kind. 1785. Frederick Francis I., nephew. The 1815. Frederick Francis I., above named. dignity of Gr. D. was conferred 1837. Paul Frederick, grandson. upon this pr. by the Congr. of 1842. Frederick Francis II., son, Mar. 7. Vienna, 1815. 1883. Frederick Francis III., son, Apr. 15. GRAND DUKES. MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ. PRINCES AND GRAND DUKEs. PRINCEs. GRAND DUKES. 1701. Adolphus Frederick II., founder of 1794. Charles Louis Frederick II., above this line. | named. 1708. Adolphus Frederick III., son. i g 1749. §. Louis Frederick'ſ, i.other. 1816. George Frederick Charles Joseph, 1752. Adolphus Frederick IV., son. j son, Nov. 6. 1794. Charles Louis Frederick II., brother. 1860. Frederick William Charles George The dignity of Gr. D, was con- Ernest Adolphus Gustavus, son, ferred upon this pr. by the Congr. Sept. 6. of Vienna, 1815. NASSAU. WALRAM III., who possessed, in 1195, all the territory belonging to Nassau, died in 1198; and his sons, Henry I. and Rupert W., reigned jointly until the latter entered into the union of the German knighthood in 1230. The sons of Henry I. (who was surnamed the Rich) were Walram and Otho. They governed in common until 1255, and became the founders of two distinct principal lines. That of Walram became possessed of the principality of NASSAU, and that of Otho is represented by the NETHERLANDs’ dynasty. Walram’s successor was his son, Adolphus, elected emp. in 1292; LINE OF NASSAU-WEILBURG. fell in battle, with Albert of 1361. John I., who enlarged his terri- Austria, at Gellheim (Spires), in tories by marriage, and was 1298. invested by the emp. Charles 1298. Gerlach, son, reigned until 1361. This IV. with the coronet of a prince ; prince's two sons, Adolphus II. d. 1371. and John I., divided Walram’s | 1371. Philip I., son. line again into two branches, 1429. Philip II., second son ; the elder, Nassau-Idstein-Weisbaden and $ John II., founded a separate line. Nassau-Weilburg ; the latter 1492. Louis I., grandson. created by John I., the former by 1523. Philip III., son, he left two sons, Adolphus. Albert and Philip IV., who divided their territory ; the line of the latter became extinct LINE OF NASSAU-IDSTEIN-WEISBADEN. g & in 1602, and his part fell back 1361. Adolphus II. to his brother's line. 1370. Walram, son. 1559. Albert, son. 1393. Adolphus III, son. 1593. Ilouis II., son, who inherited in 1602 1426. John, son. the possessions of Philip IV., and 1480. Adolphus IV., son, after the death of John Louis 1511. Philip, son. (see above) he inherited all the 1568. Balthazar, second son. possessions of the Walram line. 1568. John Louis, son. His son died vità Louis d. 1627; his three sons be- patris, and this line and its pos- came founders of three distinct sessions fell to the younger branch. lines, of which the most important 76 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1629. 1655. 1675. 1719. 1753. 1788. 1180 (about). The independence of Oldenburg established. # k * * 1448. 1531. 16—. 1667. 1773. 1785. -} + * was that of Nassau-Weilburg, ruled by his third son, Ernest Casimir. Ernest Casimir, third son. Frederick, son. John Ernest, son. Charles Augustus, son, who again assumed the princely title con- ferred on his ancestors by the emp. Charles IV. Charles Christian. Frederick William. This prince lost by the peace of Luneville a part of his possessions on the left border of the Rhine; the Confed- eration of the Rhine, however, which he joined in 1816, enlarged his territory, and conferred upon him the ducal title. DUKES. 1806. Frederick William, above named. . . 1816. William George, som, who inherited in March, 1816, the possessions of Nassau-Usingen, and thus united all the territory of the elder Walram line of the house of Nassau. 1839. Adolphus.William Charles Augustus, Frederick, son, Aug. 20. - Nassau was annexed to Prussia by Decree, Sept. 20, 1866. OLDENBURG. OLDENBURG comprises (1) the duchy of Oldenburg, (2) the principality of Lubeck, and (3) the principality of Birkenfeld. * Count Christian VIII., of Oldenburg, elected K. of Denmark, and Oldenburg transferred to his brother Gerhard. * - * X: Anton I., d. 1573. + * º: Anton Günther, d. 1667. * *}{. *}{ * * •x- On his death the succession passed to the K, of Denmark, and so continued until 1773, when it was resigned to the Holstein-Gothorp line, who renounced their claims to Schleswig-Holstein. DUKES AND GRAND DUKES Oldenburg was at this time created a duchy. OF OLDENBURG. DUICES. GRAND DUKES. Frederick Augustus, bp. of Lubeck. 1815. Peter Frederick Louis above named. Peter Frederick. 1829. Augustus (Paul Frederick Augus- Peter Frederick Louis. tus) succ. May 21, decl. Gr. D., The Duchy was seized and annexed May 28. to the French Empire by Napo- 1853. Peter I. (Nicholas Frederick Peter), leon I. about 1811, but its inde- Feb. 27. pendence was restored at the 1881. Augustus (Frederick Augustus), Congress of Vienna (1814–5), and May 14. it was, at the same time, created a Grand Duchy. t REUSS-GREIZ. (The Elder Branch.) PRINCEs. * *}{. * ºx- Henry XX. 1836. Henry XXI., Oct. 31. 1859. Henry XXII., son, Nov. 8 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 77 REUSS-SCHLEIZ. (The Younger Branch.) PRINCEs. 3: * 3. 1854. Henry XIII., brother, June 19. * * Henry XI." 1867. Henry XIV., son, July 11. 1818. Henry XII., son, Apr. 17. SAXONY OR SAXE-ROYAL.E. SAXE-ALTENBURG, LATE HILDBOURGHAUSEN. SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA, LATE SAXE-COBURG-SAALFELD. SAXE-GOTHA- ALTENBURG. SAXE-MEININGEN. SAXE-WEIMAR. LITTLE is known of Saxony until Charlemagne directed his arms to the right bank of the Rhine. He experienced much resistance from the Saxons under Wittikind, but they, in the end, submitted to him ; and among the consequences of their subjection to this great conqueror, was the conversion of the country to Christianity. He conferred the title of duke upon their chief. The first who became elector was Bernard III. of the House of Ascania, and, on the extinction of that line, Frederick the Warlike, margrave of Misnia or Meissen was made elector. Saxony continued an electorate until 1806, when the title of elector was changed to king, conformably with the treaty of peace between France and Frederick Augustus, signed at Posen, Dec. 11, in that year. SAXONY OR SAXE-ROYALE. DUKES, ELECTORS, AND KINGs. DURES. 1260. Albert II. 880. Otho I., styled the Great. 1298. Rodolphus I. 912. Henry, surn. the Fowler, elect. emp. 1856. Rodolphus II. 918. 1370. Wincelaus. 936. Otho II., son, elect. emp. 1389. Rodolphus III. 959. Herman Billing. 1419. Albert III. 973. Bernard I. 1423. Frederick I., surn, the Warrior, 1010. Bernard II. Landgrave of Thuringia and 1062. Otho III. marq. of Misnia of the ancient 1073. Magnus. House of Saxony. 1106. Lothaire, elect. emp. 1125, and 1428. Frederick II, the Peaceable and the surn. the Saxon. Good. This pr. d. 1464, and left 1136. Henry, surn, the Proud, of Bavaria, two sons, Ernest and Albert. The dep. first gave name to the elder, or 1138. Henry, surn. the Lion, dep, by the Ernestine branch of the family; emp. Frederick Barbarossa; this the second, to the younger, or prince is regarded as the ancestor Albertine branch. of the present royal family of England.—(See Brunswick). ERNESTINE BRANCH. ELECTORS. 1464. Ernest, eldest son of Frederick II. 1180. Bernard III., of the house of As- || 1486. Frederick III., the Wise ; he refused cania, first elector. the imperial crown. 1212. Albert T. 1525. John, brother, surn, the Constant. .78 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1532. John Frederick, styled the Magnani- 1691. John George IV., som. mous, dep. by the emp. Charles 1694. Frederick Augustus I., brother, K. W., and the electorate conferred of Poland. upon the 1733. Frederick Augustus II., son, K. of Poland. { 1763. Frederick Christian, son. Feb. ALBERTINE LINE. 1763. Frederick Augustus III. Dec. Of this line were previously, in 1464, Ruled as elector until 1806. Albert, already mentioned; in 1500, George the Rich ; and in KINGS OF SAxony. 1539, Henry the Pious. 1806. Frederick Augustus, above named, 1548. Maurice, cousin to the deposed first king, conformably with the elector John Frederick, treaty of Posen, signed Dec. 11. 1553. Augustus, the Just and the Pious, 1827. Anthony Clement Theodore, brother. brother. 1836. Frederick Augustus II., nephew. 1586. Christian I., son. June 6. 1591. Christian II., son. 1854. John(John Népomuck Maria Joseph), 1611. John George I., brother. brother. Aug. 9. 1656. John George II., son. 1873. Albert (Albert Frederick Antoine, 1680. John George III., son. | &c.), son. Oct. 29. SAXE-ALTENBURG, LATE HILDBOURGHAUSEN. DUKEs. 1675. Ernest, the 6th son of Ernest I. of 1834. Joseph George Frederick, son, Gotha. Sept. 29. 1715. Ernest Frederick I., son. 1848. George Charles Frederick, second 1724. Ernest Frederick II., son. son of Duke Frederick, succ. on 1745. Ernest Frederick Charles, son. his elder brother's abdication, 1780. Fredérick, son. Became, by the Nov. 30. convention of Nov. 12, 1826, D. 1853. Ernest Frederick Paul George of Saxe-Altenburg. s Nicholas, son. Aug. 3 SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA, LATE SAXE-COBURG-SAALFELD. DUKEs. 1675. John Ernest, 7th son of Ernest I. of law of Q. Victoria. Became, by Gotha. the convention of Nov. 12, 1826, 1729. Christian Tºrmest, son. D. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 1745. Francis Joseph, brother. as Ernest I. ; d. 1844. 1764. Ernest Frederick, som. 1844. Ernest II., son, (Ernest Augustus 1800. Francis Trederick, son. Charles John Leopold Alexander 1806. Ernest Anthony, son. Father-in- Edward), Jan. 29. SAXE-GOTHA-ALTENBURG. DUKES. 1605. Ernest I., surn, the Pious, 7th son 1772. Ernest Louis, son. of John, of Saxe-Weimar, who 1804. Emilius Augustus, son. was duke in 1573. 1822. Frederick IV., brother; d. Feb. 11, 1675. Frederick I., son. 1825, when the male line of the 1691. Frederick II., son. family became extinct. 1732. Frederick III., son. - On the extinction of the line of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, in 1825, a new arrangement or political division took place between the princes of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 79 Saxony. By a convention concluded Nov. 12, 1826, Hildbourghausen and Saalfeld were transferred to the house of Meiningen, and the rights of the late duke of Saxe-Gotha. Altenburg were assigned to the two conceding powers. See Sawe-Meiningen, Saale-Altenburg, and Saale-Coburg- Gotha. SAXE-MEININGEN. T)UKEs. 1675. Bernard, 3rd. son of Ernest I., of 1803. Bernard Erich, a minor, son, Dec. Saxe-Gotha. 24. Assumed the reins of Govern- 1706. Ernest Louis, son. ment, Dec. 17, 1821. Succ. by 1724. Ernest Louis, II., son. i the convention of Nov. 12, 1826, 1729. Charles Frederick, brother. to Hildbourghausen, Saalfeld, 1743. Anthony Ulric, uncle. &c.; abd. 1763. Augustus Frederick, son. 1866. George II., son., Sept. 20. 1782. George Frederick, brother. SAXE-WEIMAR. DUKES AND GRAND DUKEs. DUKES. 1758. Charles Augustus, son, assumed the 1554. John William. title of grand-duke in 1815. i573. John, son. - 1605. John Ernest I., son. 1626. William, brother. GRAND DUKES. 1662. John Ernest II., son. 1815. Charles Augustus, above named. 1683. William Ernest, son. 1828. Charles Frederick, son, June 14. 1728. Ernest Augustus, nephew. 1853. Charles Alexander Augustus, son, 1748. Ernest Augustus Constantine, son. July 8. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT. PRINCEs. * k * 1867. Albert, brother, June 28. * * Louis Frederick. 1869. George Albert, son, Nov. 26. 1807. Frederick Gunther, son, Apr. 28. SCHWARZBURG-SONDERSHAUSEN. PRINCEs. * ºk * 1835. Gunther Frederick Charles, Sept. 3 * * Gunther, abd. and succ. by his abd. and Suec. by his son SOIl 1880. Charles Gunther, July 17. 80 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES SUABIA. SUABIA was erected into a duchy in the 5th century, and continued to be governed by its dukes until the 13th, when the reigning family became extinct on the death of Conradin, who was beheaded at Naples in 1268. Suabia was eventually divided among a number of petty princes. DUKEs. The early dukes are too indistinctly re- || 1147. Frederick III. Barbarossa, emp. in corded to be named consecutively. 1152. 867. Hugh. 1152. Frederick IV., de Rothermburg, and 916. Burchardt I. D. of Franconia. 926. Herman I. 1167. Interregnum. 949. Ludolph. 1169. Frederick W. 954. Burchardt II. 1191. Conrad, and D. of Franconia. 973. Otho I. 1196. Philip, elect. emp. in 1198. 982. Conrad I. 1208. Frederick VI., elect. emp. in 1212 as 997. Herman II. Frederick II. 1004. Herman III. 1219. Henry II. 1012. Ernest I. 1235. Conrad IV., elect. emp. in 1250; d. 1015. Ernest II. 1254, supposed to have been 1030. Herman IV., and Conrad II., emp. poisoned by his illegitimate 1039. Henry I., emp. as Henry III. brother, Manfred. 1045. Otho II. . 1254. Conradin, son of Conrad, an infant; 1047. Otho III. this young prince was dep. by 1057. Rodolph. his uncle, Manfred, and beheaded 1080. Frederick I., de Buren. at Naples, after a defeat in 1105. Frederick II., de Borgne. | battle by Charles, D. of Anjou, 1138. Conrad, D. of Franconia, and emp. in 1268. as Conrad III. WALDECK–WALDECK AND PYRMONT. BRINCEs. * •X. *X- 1845. George Victor, May 15. * * George Frederick Henry. WURTEMEERG. THE old duchy of Wurtemburg was erected into a kingdom by the French emperor Napoleon I. in Dec. 1805. This rank was confirmed b the provisions of the peace of Presburg. The elector Frederick II. was proclaimed king, Jan, 1, 1806. DUKES AND KINGS OF WURTEMBERG, DUKES. by the emp. Charles W. in 1519, 1457. Eberhard I., the Bearded, first duke. but they were restored to him in 1496. Eberhard II., le Jeune. - 1534. 1498. Ulric; dispossessed of his dominions | 1550. Christopher, styled the Pacific. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 81 1568. 1593. 1608. 1628. 1674. 1677. 1733. 1737. 1793. 1795. Louis. Frederick I. John Frederick. Eberhard III. William Lewis. Eberhard Louis. Charles Alexander. Charles Eugene. Louis Eugene. Frederick Eugene. 1797. Frederick II., son, became elector in 1803, and king, Dec. 12, 1805. RINGs. 1806. Frederick I. (late elector Frederick II.), procl. king, Jan. 1. 1816. William I. (William Frederick Charles), son, Oct. 30. 1864. Charles I. (Charles Frederick Alex- ander), son, June 25. FLANDERS. THIs country passed early into the hands of France, and was governed by its counts or earls, chiefly subject to that crown, from A.D. 862, until united with Burgundy in 1884. In 862, Baldwin, the great forester or ranger of France, having carried off Judith, the daughter of Charles the Bald, widow of a king of England, after much difficulty obtained the king’s consent to marry her, and was made earl of Flanders. Counts of FLANDERs. 862. Baldwin I., Bras de Fer, first 1168. Philip d'Alsace. count. 1191. Margaret I. and Baldwin VIII. 879. Baldwin II., surn. the Bald. 1194. Baldwin IX., of Constantinople, 918. Arnulph I. and Baldwin III. Eastern emp. in 1204. 965. Arnulph II., le Jeune. 1206. Jane and Ferdinand. 989. Baldwin IV., surn, the Bearded. 1233. Jane governs alone. 1036. Baldwin W., le Débonnaire. 1244. Margaret II., of Constantinople. 1067. Baldwin WI., surn, the Good. 1280. Guy de Dampierre, son; another 1070. Arnulph III. son, John d'Avennes, became 1071. Robert I., le Frison. count of Holland. 1093. Robert II., of Jerusalem. 1305. Robert III., de Bethune. 1111. Baldwin VII., a la Hache. 1322. Louis I., de Crecy, grandson. 1119. Charles the Good, assass, in the 1346. Louis II., de Male. church of Donatianus during | 1884. On the death of Louis II., Philip the divine service. Hardy, D. of Burgundy, succ. by 1127. William de Clito, or Cliton, mortally marriage with his dau. and * wounded at the siege of Alost. heiress, and united Flanders, to 1128. Thierry. his own dukedom. HAINAULT. Counts. * ner I 1013. Regner W. ; : II. 1030. Rechila, Herman, and Baldwin I. 932. Regner III. 1051. Rechila. 958. Richer I. 1070. Baldwin II., of Jerusalem. +& × * * 1099. Baldwin III. 972. Garner and Rainald 1120. Baldwin IV., surn. the Builder. 973. Godfrey the Old and Arnulph. 1171. Baldwin V., surn, the Valiant. 998. Regner IV. 1195. Baldwin VI. 6 82 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1206. Jane. & another husband, became count 1244. Margaret, countess of Flanders. of Flanders. 1280. John d’Avennes, her son; another | 1299. John d'Avennes succ. to Holland. son, Guy de Dampierre, by The provinces united. HOLLAND. THE NETHERLANDS. BELGIUM. DRINCES OF ORANGE. ABOUT the 10th century, Holland and other provinces were governed by their own counts or dukes. The Netherlands subsequently fell to Burgundy, next to Austria; and the emperor Charles W. annexed them to Spain. The tyranny of Philip II. and the barbarities of the duke of Alva exasperated the people, and under the conduct of William, prince of Orange, was formed the famous League of Utrecht, which proved the foundation of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces. The Nether- lands were conquered by Napoleon I. and annexed to France, but recovered their independence and became a kingdom in 1815; the southern part, Belgium, separated from it, and became a kingdom in 1830–1. s Counts of Holi,AND, &c. COUNTS OF FRIESLAND. 1234. William II. The pope gave the im- Thierry I. perial title to this prince on the # * * * * death of the emp. Frederick II. 963. Thierry II. 1256. Florence W. 988. Arnulph the Great. 1296. John I. ; on his death, the ancient 1003. Thierry III., of Jerusalem. house of the counts of Holland 1039. Thierry IV. became extinct. 1049. Florence I., of Holland; in whom 1299. John II. (John d'Avennes) count of - ‘the title became merged. Hainault, succ., and the provinces became united. COUNTS OF HOLLAND. 1049. Florence I. HollAND AND HAINAULT, 1061. Thierry W. 1304. William III., surn. the Good. The previous counts of this name, 1337. William IV. Thierry I. II. III. and IV., were | 1345. Margaret, countess. counts of Friesland. See above. 1356. William W., surn. the Senseless. 1091. Florence II., surn. the Fat. 1389. Albert. 1122. Thierry VI. 1404. William VI. 1157. Florence III. 1417. Jacquelina of Bavaria, countess. 1190. Thierry VII. 1433. Holland and Hainault came under 1203. William I. the dominion of Philip the Good, 1223. Florence TV. of Burgundy. GovKRNors of THE NETHERLANDs. 1477. Adolphus of Cleves. 1559. Margaret of Austria, duchess of 1485. Engilbert, count of Nassau. Parma. - 1489. Albert of Saxony. 1567. Ferdinand, D. of Alva. 1494. Philip le Beau, assumed the govern- 1573. Louis de Requisens. ment. 1576. John of Austria. 1505. William de Croi. 1578. Alexander of Parma. 1507. Margaret of Austria. 1592. Peter Ernest, count of Mansfeldt. 1531. Mary of Austria, dowager Q. of 1594. Archd. Ernest. Hungary, and niece of Margaret. 1595. Pedro de Fuentes. 1555. Emmanuel, D. of Savoy. 1596. Albert of Austria. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 83 1599. 1621. 1633. 1641. 1644. 1647. 1656. T659. 1664. 1668. 1670. 1675. 1678. 1579. 1587. 1625. 1647. 1650. 1502. 1530, 1544. 1584. 1618. 1625. 1647. 1815. 1840. The infanta of Spain, Isabella, m. the archd. Albert, and both were invested with the sovereign power. Isabella, alone. Ferdinand. Francisco Mello. Marq. de Castel Rodrigo. Archd. Leopold. John of Austria. Marq. de Fromiata. Marq. de Castel Rodrigo. D. de Feria. Comte de Monterei. D. de Villahermosa. Pr. of Parma. 1682. Marq. de Castanaga. 1692. The elector of Bavaria. 1701. M. Bedmar. 1702. The elector of Bavaria, again. 1706. Council of state. 1710. Conseil la Conference. 1714. Comte de Koenigseck. 1716. Prince Eugene of Savoy. 1725. Mary Elizabeth of Austria. 1741. Count de Harrac Rohrau. 1744. Mary Anne of Austria. 1745. Charles, pr. of Lorraine. 1781. Mary Christina of Austria, Albert of Saxony, jointly. The archd. Charles. and 1793. 1795. United to France. DUTCH STADTHOLDERs. William of Nassau, first stadtholder. See “Princes of Orange,” infră. Prince Maurice of Nassau. Frederick Henry of Orange. William II. of Orange. The stadtholderate suppressed and the office administered by the states. PRINCES The years of the stadtholderate are not always in unison with those of the princes of Orange. Philibert de Chalons. René de Nassau. William of Nassau, styled the Great, cousin to René. To this prince the republic of the Seven United Provinces owed its foundation, Elected stadtholder in 1579; killed by an assassin hired by Philip II. of Spain, June 30, 1584. Philip William, son, stolen away from the university of Louvaine; the Dutch would never suffer him to reside in their provinces; d. 1618. Maurice, the renowned general, stadtholder in 1587; he was the younger son of William by a second marriage. Frederick Henry. William II., m. Mary, dau. of Charles I., of England, by whom he had a posthumous son, who succeeded as RINGS OF THE NETHERLANDs. William I., late pr. of Orange, above- named, first king, abd. in favour of his son, Oct, 7, 1840; d. Dec. 12, 1843. William II., succ. on his father's abdication, Oct. 7. 1672. William III., pr. of Orange. In 1689 he became K. of England. 1702. The stadtholderate again resumed by the states, on the death of William. 1747. William IV. The stadtholderate re- vived in William IV., and made hereditary in the house of Orange. OF ORANGE. 1660. William III., stadtholder in 1672. This pr. m. Mary, eldest dau. of James II. of England, and both afterwards ascended the English throne. William IV. William V. William VI., retired on the invasion of the French in 1795; d. in 1806. Holland and Belgium united to the French republic. William Frederick succ. his father, William VI., as pr. of Orange de jure. Louis Buonaparte, made K. of Holland by his brother Napoleon, June 5, 1806; abd. July 1, 1810. Holland again united to France. House of Orange rest. William Fre- derick, pr. of Orange, procl. Dec. 6, 1813; took the oath of fidelity as sov. pr. Mar. 30, 1814, and assumed the style of K. of the Netherlands, Mar. 16, 1815. 1702. 1711. 1751. 1795. 1806. 1806. 1810. 1813. KINGS OF HOLLAND. William III. (William Alexander Paul Frederick Louis), Mar. 17. Since the separation of Belgium in 1830, the K. of the Nether- lands is often called in popular language, the K. of Holland. 1849. 6 * 84 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. THE Belgian Revolution commenced Aug. 25, 1830. A provisional Government was appointed, who declared Belgium independent, Oct. 4. The sovereignty was offered to Louis Charles, duc de Nemours, second son of Louis Philippe, king of the French, but declined. It was next offered to Leopold, pr. of Coburg, by whom it was accepted. |KINGS OF THE BELGIANs. 1831. Leopold I. (Leopold George Christian | 1865. Leopold II. (Leopold Louis Philippe Frederick), elected July 12. Maria Victor), son, Dec. 10. LUXEMIBURG. SIGEFRID was first count in the 10th century, and the province continued to be governed by independent counts or dukes until it was sold to Burgundy in 1444. The princes of Luxemburg became of considerable note, and several of them have been emperors of Germany. The present dynasty of the Netherlands has the title of grand-duke of Luxemburg. r Counts or DUKES OF LUXEMBURG. 965. Sigefrid. 1288. Henry V., elect. emp. in 1308, as 998. Frederic. - Henry VII. ; said to have been 1019. Gilbert or Giselbert. poisoned. - 1057. Conrad I. 1309. John, K. of Bohemia; killed at the 1086. Henry I. battle of Creºy, in 1346. 1096. William. 1346. Charles, elect. emp. in 1347, as 1128. Conrad II. Charles IV. 1136. Henry II., surn. the Blind, gov. 60 1353. Wenceslas I., D. years. 1383. Wenceslas II., emp. 1196. Ermensind and Theobald. 1388. Jossus, le Barbu. 1214. Ermensind and Waleran. 1411. Antony of Burgundy. 1226. Henry III., surn. the Great. 1451. Elizabeth de Gorlitz. 1275. Henry IV. 1444. Luxemburg united to Burgundy. SPAIN. ARRAGON. CASTILE. SPAIN was anciently divided into a number of petty states. The counts of Castile became possessed of Leon, Oviedo, and Toledo, which had been separate territories; and, after many years, the kingdom of Castile was united to that of Arragon by the marriage of Isabella, queen of Castile, with Ferdinand, king of Arragon, in 1474. Ferdinand, by the conquests of Navarre and Granada, entirely put an end to the dominion of the Moors; and we may hence date the foundation of the present monarchy. RINGS OF SPAIN. REIGN OF THE GOTHS. 420. Theodoric I. ; killed in a battle, 406. Alaric, K. of the Goths. which he gained, against Attila, 411. Ataulfo ; murdered by his soldiers. 421. Thorismund, or Tourismund; assass. 415. Sigerico ; reigned a few weeks only. by his favourite. 415. Valia, or Wallia, 452. Theodoric II. ; assass. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 85 466. 484. 507. 511. 531. .548. 549. 554. 567. .568. 585. 1601. (603. 610. 612. 1621. -621. 631. .640. 641. 649. 672. 1680. 687. 698. ºf 11. 718. 737. 739. 757. '768. 774. 783. 788. 791. 842. 850. 866. ‘910. 914. 923. 925. ‘927. ‘950. 955. 956. ‘967. 982. Veremundo Euric, or Evarico. Alaric II. ; killed in battle. Gesalric, his bastard son. Almaric, legit. son of Alaric. Theudis, or Theodat; assass. Theudisela, or Theodisele; dured for female violation, Agila ; taken prisoner, and put to death. Atanagildo. Liuva, or Levua I. Leuvigildo; associated on the throne with Liuva, in 568, and sole king in 572. Recaredo I. Liuva II. ; assass. Vitericus; assass. Gundemar. Sisibut, or Sisebuth, or Sisebert. Recaredo II. Suintila ; dethr. Sisemando. Tulga, or Tulca. Cindasuinto ; d. 652. Recesuinto ; associated on the throne this year, and in 652 became sole king. Vamba, or Wamba; deth. and d. in a monastery. Ervigius, or Ervigio. Egica, or Egiza. Vitiza, or Witiza, ; associated on the throne; in 701 sole king. Rodrigo, or Roderic ; battle. ITUIT- slain in SECOND MONARCHY. Pelagius, or Pelayo; overthrew the Moors, and put a stop to their conquests. Favila; killed in hunting. Alfonso the Catholic. Froila I. ; murdered his brother Sa- maran, in revenge for which he was murdered by his brother and successor, Aurelius, or Aurelio. Silo, the Saracen. Mauregato, the Usurper. Veremundo (Bermuda) I. Alfonso II., the Chaste. Ramiro I. Ordogno, or Ordomo I. Alfonso III., surn. the Great, re- linquished his crown to his son, , Garcias. Ordogno, or Ordomo II. Froila II. Alfonso IV., the Monk; abd. Ramiro II. ; killed in battle. Ordogno, or Ordono III. Ordogno, or Ordono IV. Sancho I., the Fat; poisoned. Ramiro III. II. (Bermuda) the Gouty. 999. Alfonso V. ; killed in a siege. 1027. Veremundo III. (Bermuda); killed. The above were kings of Asturias, of 905. 926. 970. 994. 1000. 1035. 1054. 1076. 1094. 1104. 1134. 1150. 1194. 1234. 1253. 1270. 1274. 1305. 1316. 1316. 1322. 1328. 1343. 1349. 1387. 1425. 1479. 1479. 1483. 1512. 1035. 1065. 1072. 1109. 1126. 1157. 1158. 1214. 1217. 1252, Oviedo, or of Leon. RINGS OF NAVARRE. Sancho Garcias (Sancho I.) Garcias I. Sancho II. Garcias II., surn. the Trembler. Sancho III., surn. the Great. Garcias III. Sancho IV. Sancho Ramirez (Sancho V.), K. of Arragon. Peter of Arragon. Alfonso I. of Arragon. Garcias Ramirez. Sancho VI., surn. the Wise. Sancho VII., surn, the Infirm. Theobald I., count of Champagne. Theobald II. Henry Crassus. Juanna ; m. Philip the France, 1285. Louis Hutin of France. John ; lived but a few days. Philip V. the Long, of France. Charles I., the IV. of France. Juanna and Philip, count d'Evereux. Juanna alone. Charles II., or the Bad. Charles III., or the Noble. John II., aft. K. of Arragon. Eleanor. Francis Phoebus. Catharine and John d'Albret. Navarre conq. by Ferdinand the Catholic. Fair of RINGS OF CASTILE. Ferdinand the Great, of Leon and Castile. Sancho II. the Strong, son. Alfonso in Leon and Asturias, and Gar- cias in Galicia. Alfonso VI. the Valiant, K. Leon. Urraca and Alfonso VII. Alfonso VIII., Raymond. Sancho III., surn. the Beloved. Alfonso IX., the Noble. Leon is separated from Castile, and Ferdinand king. Henry I. Ferdinand III., the Saint, and the Holy. In him Leon and Castile were perpetually united. Alfonso X. the Wise. of 86 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1284. 1294, 1312. 1350. 1368. 1379. 1390. 1406. 1454. 1474. 1504. KINGS OF ARRAGON. 1035. 1063. 1094. 1104. 1134. 1137. 1162. 1196. 1213. 1276. 1285. 1291. 1327. 1336. 1887. 1396. 1410. 1412. 1416. 1458. 1479. 1512. Sancho IV., the Great, and the Brave. Ferdinand IV. Alfonso XI. Peter the Cruel, dep. Reinstated by Edward the Black Prince of England; aft. slain by his sub- jects. Henry II., the Gracious; poisoned. John I. ; he united Biscay to Castile. Henry III., the Sickly. John II., son. Henry IV., the Impotent. Ferdinand W., the Catholic, in whom, by his marriage with Isabella, queen of Castile, the kingdoms of Castile and Arragon were united. Joan, or Jane, dau. of Ferdinand and Isabella, and Philip I. of Austria. On her mother's death Joan succ., jointly with her husband Philip ; but Philip dying in 1506, and Joan becoming an imbecile, her father Ferdinand continued the reign; and thus perpetuated the union of Castile with Arragon. (See Sicily.) Ramiro I. Sancho Ramirez. K. of Peter of Navarre. sº Alfonso the Warrior. Navarre.) Ramiro II., the Monk. Petronilla, and Raymond, count of Barcelona. Alfonso II. Peter II. James I. Peter III, son. This prince con- trived the horrible massacre known as the Sicilian Vespers, in 1282. Alfonso III., the Beneficent. James II., surn, the Just. Alfonso IV. Peter IV., the Ceremonious. John I. Martin I. Interregnum. Ferdinand the Just, K. of Sicily. Alfonso V., the Wise. John II., K. of Navarre, brother; d. 1479. Ferdinand W., the Catholic, the next heir ; by his marriage with Isabella of Castile, the kingdoms were united. RINGS OF SPAIN. Ferdinand W., the Catholic. This prince having conquered Granada 1833 1516. 1556. 1598. 1621. 1665. 1700. 1724. 1724. 1745. 1759. 1788. 1808. 1808. 1814. 1868. and Navarre, became king of all Spain. Charles T., grandson, son of Joan of Castile and Philip of Austria ; became emp. of Germany, as Charles W. in 1519; res. both crowns, and retired to a mo- nastery Philip II., som, K. of Naples and Sicily; m. Mary, queen regnant of England; annexed Portugal 1580. Philip III., son. Philip IV., son, who lost Portugal in 1640. Charles II., son, the last prince of the Austrian line ; nominated, by will, as his successor Philip V., D. of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV., of France ; hence arose the war of the succession, terminated by the treaty of Utrecht in 1713. Louis I., who reigned only a few months. Philip V., again. Ferdinand VI., surn. the Wise. Charles III., K. of the two Sicilies, brother; on ascending the Spanish throne he renounced the Sicilies to his third son Ferdinand. Charles IV., son ; abd, in favour of his son and successor Ferdinand VII., whom Napoleon I. forced to resign. Joseph Buonaparte, brother of Na- poleon I. ; dep. Ferdinand VII., rest. . Isabella II., dau. (Maria Isabella Louisa), b. Oct. 10, 1830; succ. her father Sept. 29, while yet in her third year. The Salic law, ex- isting in Spain, had been formally abolished by Ferdinand, under a decree, March 29, 1830, by virtue of which the order of succession was altered in favour of his daughter, to the exclusion of his brothers, Don Carlos and Don Francis. REPUBLIC. Revolution commenced about Sept. #. and Prov. Govt. apptd. Sept. The Queen deprived of the crown by the Prov. Govt. Sept. 29, and leaves Spain Sept. 30; aft. abd. in favour of her son, Alfonso, June 25, 1870. A “Junta” appointed to carry on the Government, Pres., — D’Aguirre. Marshal Francisco Serrano y Domin- guez duc de la Torre apptd. Pres. of Prov. Govt., Oct. 4. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 87 1869. Serrano's appointment confirmed by the Cortes, Feb. 22-25; hereditary monarchy resolved on by the Cortes as the future form of Govt., May 21. New constitution procl., June 6. Serrano procl. Regent of the monarchy, June 18. MONARCHY RESTORED.—ITALIAN LINE. 1870. Amadeus Ferdinand Maria, Duke of Aosta,son of Victor Emmanuel II., R. of Italy, chosen king, Nov. 16; procl.,Nov.17; accepts the crown, Dec. 4; takes possession, Dec. 30. 1873. K. Amadeus abdicates, Feb. 11, and leaves Spain. SECOND REPUBLIC. 1873. New Govt. chosen by the Cortes. Pres.—1. Figueras. 2. Pi y Margall. 3. Nicholas Salmeron y Alonso, July 18. 4. Emilio Castelar, Sept. 8. 1874. Castelar resigns, Salmeron takes his place, and the Cortes dissolved by force by Gen. Pavia, Jan. 3. New Ministry thūer Presidency of Serrano, Jan. 4. MonARCHY RESTORED.—BOURBON LINE. 1874. Alphonso XII. (A. Francis d’Assise Ferdinand, &c.),son of Isabella II., procl. Dec. 30; d. Nov. 25, 1885, leaving two daughters, the elder Maria Mercedes Isabella, and a widow, Maria Christina, who gave birth to a son 1886. Alphonso XIII. ; b. May 17, and succ. to the throne at his birth. His mother, Q. Maria Christina, was appointed Regent. NAVAR.R.E. See France and Spain. NAVARRE was conquered by Charlemange in 778, but shortly after- wards obtained or asserted its independence. Garcias Ximines (860) is named as the first king. The principal dates and changes of monarchy are given below. south of the Pyrenees, now belongs to Spain. The greater part of Navarre, that lying to the The part lying to the north of the Pyrenees, sometimes called lower Navarre, now belongs to France. SovićREIGN's of NAVARRE. 778. 860. Navarre conquered by Charlemagne. * k * 3& Independence of Navarre decl. and Garcias Ximines made king. * * k * 10—. Sancho III., K., d. 1035. He divided his dominions and Navarre fell to his son Garcia III. Sancho IV., son, who was in Conq. and succ. by his cousin Sancho V. (Sancho Ramirez of Arragon), (see Spain and Arra- gon); and the two kingdoms re- mained united until the death of Alfonso I. in when Garcia IV. was elected K. * k * * 1035. 10—. 1076. 1134. % $6. 1234. Sancho VII. Theobald I., Count of Champagne, adopted heir of Sancho VII. * * * * 1274. Joanna I., grand-dau. of Theobald I., m. 1284, Philip of France, aft. Philip IV., whereby for some years the crown of France and Navarre were united; d. 1305. Louis, son, aft. Louis X. of France. John I., K. of France, posthumous son, lived a few days only. Philip V. of France, bro. to Louis X. Charles I. (Charles IV. of France); d. without male issue; whereupon France and Navarre were again separated. Joanna II., dau. of Louis X., and wife of Philip Count d'Evereux, crowned 1329. Charles II., son. Charles III., son. Blanche, dau., wife of John, son of Ferdinand, K. of Arragon. John II, husband, who seized the crown to the prejudice of Blanche's sonCharles; became K. of Arragon in 1458. Eleanor, dau., wife of Gaston de Foix; d. same year. 1305. 1316. 1316. 1322. 1328. 1349. 1387. 1425. 1441. 1479. 88. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1479. Francis Phoebus, son or grandson. 1512. Ferdinand V. of Arragon, seized the 1483. Catherine, sister, wife of John whole of his dominions south of D'Albret, who being placed under the Pyrenees and annexed them a ban by the pope to Spain. LOWER NAVARRE, NOW PART OF FRANCE. 1516. Henry II., son of Catherine and John 1572. Henry III., son or grandson, be- D'Albret,succeeded to the remnant came Henry IV. of France in of his parents dominions. 1589. 1555. Joanna III., wife of Anthony de 1607. Lower Navarre united to France. Bourbon. PORTUGAL. PORTUGAL submitted to the Roman arms about 250 B.C., and under- went the same changes as Spain on the fall of the Roman empire. Conquered by the Moors A.D. 713. They kept possession till they were vanquished by Alfonso VI., the Valiant, of Castile, assisted by many other princes and volunteers. Among those who shone most in this expedition was Henry of Burgundy, grandson of Robert, king of France. Alfonso bestowed upon him. Theresa, his natural daughter, and, as her marriage portion, the kingdom of Portugal, which he was to hold of him. Portugal fell under the Spanish yoke in 1580, but shook it off in 1640, since which time the Braganza family has reigned. RINGS OF PORTUGAL. 1093. Henry, count or Earl of Portugal. 1578. Henry, the Cardinal, son of Em- 1112. Alfonso I., son, and Theresa. manuel. 1128. Alfonso, alone. 1580. Anthony, prior of Crato, son of 1139. Alfonso decl. king, having obtained Emmanuel; dep. by Philip II. of a signal victory over a prodigious Spain, who united Portugal to army of Moors on the plains of his other dominions, till 1640. Ourique. 1185. Sancho I., son. 1212. Alfonso II., surn. Crassus, or the Fat. 1640. John IV., D. of Braganza, dis- 1223. Sancho II., or the Idle; dep. possessed the Spaniards in a 1248. Alfonso III. bloodless revolution, and was 1279. Denis, or Dionysius. procl. king, Dec. 1. 1325. Alfonso IV. 1656. Alfonso VI., dep. in 1668, and his 1357. Peter the Severe. brother and successor Peter made 1367. Ferdinand I., son. regent; the latter ascended the 1384. John I., the Bastard, and the throne in Great, natural brother; m. Phi- | 1683. Peter II. lippa, dau. of John of Gaunt, D. 1706. John W., son. of Lancaster. 1750. Joseph, son. The daughter and 1433. Edward. successor of this prince m. his 1438. Alfonso V., the African. brother, by dispensation from the 1481. John II., the Great, and the Perfect. pope, and they ascended the 1495. Emmanuel, the Fortunate, cousin. throne, as 1521. John III., son. 1777. Maria (Frances Isabella) and Peter 1557. Sebastian ; slain in the battle of III., jointly. Alcazar, in Africa, Aug. 4, 1578, 1786. Maria, alone; this princess after- when the crown reverted to his wards fell into a state of melan- great uncle choly and derangement. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 89 T792. Regency. John, son of the queen, and aft, king, decl. regent of the kingdom. John VI., previously regent. He had withdrawn in 1807, owing to the French invasion of Portugal, to his Brazilian dominions, but returned in 1821; d. in 1826. Peter IV. (Dom Pedro), son, making his election of the empire of Brazil, abd. the throne of Portugal in favour of his daughter Maria II. (da Gloria), who became queen at 7 years of age. 1816. 1826. 1826. 1828. Dom Miguel, brother to Peter IV., usurped the crown, which he re- tained, amid civil contentions, until 1833. 1833. Maria II., rest., decl. in Sept. 1884 (being then 15) to be of age, and assumed the royal power accord- ingly. 1853. Pedro V., son, Nov. 15. His father, pr. Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha, acted as regent until Sept. 16, 1855. 1861. Louis I. (Louis Philippe Mary), brother, Nov. 11. RUSSIA. RUSSIA was peopled by numerous tribes who were comprehended in the general name of Scythians. Rurick was great duke in the 9th century; and Vladimir or Waldimir, called the Apostle and the Solo- mon of Russia, was the first Christian sovereign in the 10th. His marriage with Ann, sister of the Eastern emperors Basil and Constan- time, led to the adoption of the doctrines of the Greek Church in his dominions. The history of Russia previous to the last three or four centuries is involved in much obscurity, and it does not appear that any of the states existing in this vast tract of country were considerable, or that the events connected with them differed much from those of other barbarous nations. DUKES, CZARS, AND EMPERORs. DUKES OF FCIOv. Rurick. Igor. ſOlega, regent. |USwiatoslaw or Spendoblos. Jaropalk I. Vladimir, Wladimir, or Waldimir I., styled the Great. Jaraslaw or Jaroslaf I. Isjialaw I. Wsewolod I. Swiatopalk. Vladimir II. Mtislaw or Michael I. Jaropalk II. Wiatschelaw. Wsewolod II. (Isjialaw II. |URostislaw. Jurie or George I.; the city of Moscow was built by this duke. 862. 878. 945. 972. 980. 1015. 1054. 1078. I093. 1114. 1125. 1132. 1138. 1139. 1146. 1154. 1155. GRAND-DUKES OF WLADIMIR. Andrew I. until 1175, first Gr. D. Michael II. Wsewolod III. (Jurie or George II. UConstantine, until 1218. Jaraslaw II. H157. 1177. 1213. 1238. Alexander Nevski or Newski, the Saint, son. Jaraslaw III. Vasali or Basil I. *Dmitri or Demetrius I. *Andrew II. *Daniel Alexandrowitz. *Jurie or George III., dep. *Michael III. *Wasali or Basil II. *Jurie or George III., rest. 1245. 1263. 1270. 1277. 1284. 1294. 1302. 1305. 1320. 1325, GRAND-DUKES OF MOSCOW. Ivan or John I. Simon, surn, the Proud. Ivan or John II. Demetrius II., pr. of Susdal. Demetrius III., Donskoi. *Vasali or Basil III., Temnoi. Vasali or Basil IV. Ivan (Basilovitz) or John III., laid the foundation of the present monarchy. Vasili or Basil V., obt, the title of emp. from Maximilian I. 1328. 1340. 1353. 1359. 1362. 1389, 1425. 1462. 1505, * Doubtful, owing to the difficulty that occurs at every step in early Russian annals. 90 t THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. CZARS OF MUscovy. the wife of a Swedish dragoon, 1533. Ivan (Basilovitz) IV. first tzar or rººm killed on czar (great king) in 1547. . e 1584. Feodor º i. I. ; supposed to 1727. Peter II., son of Alexis Petrowitz have been poisoned, and his son . grandson of Peter the Great; * * * es ep. ºrius murdered by his suc 1730. Anne, duchess of Courland, dau, of e r the czar Ivan, 1598. Bºi...ºne who usurped the 1740. Ivan VI., an infant, grand-nephew 1606. Demetrius, the Impostor, a young to Peter the Great, i. . Polonese monk, pretended to be a ºn for 18 years; murdere * •3-- c. - II]. * º pr. Demetrius; put 1741. Elizabeth, dau. of Peter the Great, - - - . . . e - - reigned during Ivan's captivity. #; Yºº or Zuinski. 1762. Peter III., son of Anne and of Charles e 8.5 - * º e ſº 1613. Michael Federowitz, of the house of FI ederick, D. of Holstein Gottorpd Romanof, desc. from the czar dep., and died soon after, Suppose john Basilovitz. to have been murdered. 1645. Alexis, son, styled the Father of 1762. Catharine II., his ºnsºrt. She ex- his country. tended the Russian territories on 1676. Feodor or Theodore II. all sides; d. 1796. . . . . Ivan W. and 1796. Paul, son, found dead in his cham- 1682. Peter I., brothers ber; supposed to have been • 2 e murdered. E 1801. Alexander, son. MIPERORS. 1825. Nicholas I. (Nicholas Paulowitch), 1689. Peter I. the Great, alone; took the brother, Dec. 1. title of emp, in 1721, founded St. 1855. Alexander II. (Alexander Nicolae- Petersburg, and elevated the witch), son, Mar. 2; assass. empire. 1881. Alexander III. (Alexander Alexan- 1725. Catherine I., his consort; at first drowitch), son, Mar. 13. POLAND. THE Poles were originally a tribe of Sclavonians, settled on the banks of the Danube, but they removed at an early period to the Vistula, where they became intermingled with the Goths. Their early history is very obscure, and is known chiefly from the accounts of writers of other nations. The country was for a long time governed by elective chiefs bearing the title of duke, no dynasty having been established before the sway of Piastus (842) whose family ruled for several centuries. The Crown became afterwards strictly elective by a Diet, or assembly of the nobles, who chose from among themselves a king, upon every vacancy occasioned on the throne by death. Since the dismemberment of Poland, each portion has been under the sovereignty of the power by which it was seized. DUKES AND KINGS OF POLAND. DUKES. 1025. Miecislas II. 842. Piastus. 1034. Richense or Richsa, his consort, 861. Ziemowitus, son. regent; driven from the govern- 892. Lesko or Lescus IV. ment. 913. Ziemomislas, son. 1037. Interregnum. 964. Miecislas I. 1041. Casimir I., her son, surn, the Pacific ; he had retired to a RINGS. monastery, but was invited to 992. Boleslas I., surn, the Lion-hearted ; the throne. obt, the title of king from the 1058. Boleslas II., surn. the Intrepid. emp. Otho III. 1081. Ladislas, surn, the Careless. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 91 1102. Boleslas III., surn, Wry-mouth. R. of France: aft. Succ. to the 1138. Ladislas II., son. French throne. 1146. Boleslas IV., surn, the Curled. 1575. Stephen Batthori, pr. of Transyl- 1173. Miecislas III., surn. the Old ; dep. vania, established the Cossacks 1177. Casimir II., surn, the Just. as a militia. 1194. Lesko V., surn. the White; res. 1586. Interregnum. 1200. Miecislas TV. ; his tyranny'restored | 1587. Sigismund III., son of the K. of Lesko, but the latter was again Sweden, to the exclusion of Maxi- forced to resign. milian of Austria, elected by the 1203. Ladislas, res. nobles. 1206. Lesko V., a third time; assass. 1632. Ladislas VII. (Vasa), SOIl. 1227. Boleslas W., an infant son, surn, the 1648. John II., or Casimir V. ; abd, and Chaste. retired to France, where he d. 1279. Lesko VI., surn, the Black. I672. 1668. Interregnum. #: ºn. 1669, Michael Koributh Wiesnowiski. In 1296, Ladislas TV, surn the Short; dep. jºº " 1800. Wenceslas, K. of Bohemia. Turks, and ravaged Poland. 1804. Ladislas, the Short, again, 1674. John III. (Sobieski), whose *:::: 1833. Casimir III., surn. the Great ; killed over the Cossacks, Turks, an Tartars procured him the crown. by a fall from his horse. 1697. Interregnum. ; #: K. of Hungary. 1697. Frederick Augustus I., son of John • Interregnum. º George, elector of Saxony, and 1885. Hedwige, dau. of Louis, and her elector in 1694; depr. consort, Jagello, D. of Lithuania, e Lezinski), f d to by the style of Ladislas W. 1704. sº...º.” 1899. Ladislas V, alone; he united Lithu- 1709. Frederick Augustus, again. ania to Poland. 1734. Frederick Augustus II., Son. 1434. Ladislas VI., son, succ. as K. of 1763. Interregnum. Hungary 1440. 1764. Stanislas II.(Augustus Poniatowski). 1445. Interregnum. - 1772. The Austrians, Russians, and Prus- 1445. Casimir IV. sians make their first partition of 1492. John (Albert) I., son. Poland. 1501. Alexander, pr. of Livonia, brother. 1793. Second division of the kingdom by 1506. Sigismund I., brother. the same powers. 1548. Sigismund II. (Augustus), son, added 1795. Final partition of Poland, and depo- Livonia to his kingdom. sition of the king, who died at 1573. Interregnum, St. Petersburg, a state prisoner, 1574. Henry, D. of Anjou, brother to the in 1798. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. THE internal state of Sweden is little known previously to the 11th century. By the union of Calmar, in 1394, Sweden became a mere province of Denmark, and was not rescued from this subjection until 1521, when Gustavus Vasa recovered the kingdom from the Danish yoke. For this he was raised to the throne in 1523, and the crown made hereditary in his descendants, who reigned until 1809. In this year, Gustavus IV., having brought the nation to the verge of ruin by his misgovernment, was deposed, and the duke of Sudermania became king. The next year Bernadotte was elected successor to the throne, which he ascended in 1818. NORWAY, which had belonged to Denmark from 1397, was ceded to Sweden by the treaty of Kiel, signed January 14, 1814, and confirmed by the Diet, October 14, same year. 92 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1001. 1026. 1051. 1056. 1066. 1090. 1112. 1118. 1129. 1150. 1162. 1168. 1192. 1210. 1220. 1223. 1251. 1279. 1290. 1320. 1363. 1887. 1897. 1412. 1441. 1448. 1470. 1483. 1502. 1520. 1523. KINGs of SwhDEN. Many antiquaries trace the reigns of the kings of Sweden as early as from the 5th century, and place Swartman as sovereign in 481, A.D. But the authorities so differ in the early successions, that the present list is made to commence with the 11th century. Olaf Skotkonung, or Olif Schoet- konung. Amund or Edmund Colbrenner. Amund or Edmund Slemme. Stenkill or Stenchil. Halstan. Ingeld or Ingo, surn. the Good. Philip. Ingo II. Swerker or Suercher I. Eric X. Charles VII. ; made prisoner by his SUICC. Canute, son of Eric X. Swerker or Suercher II. ; killed in battle. Eric XI. John I. Eric XII., le Begue. Waldemar. Magnus I. Birger II. Magnus II. ; dethr. Albert of Mecklenburg; his tyranny caused a revolt of his subjects, who invited Margaret of Denmark to the throne. Margaret, Q. of Sweden and Nor- way, now also of Denmark, and Eric XIII. |Union of Calmar, by which the three kingdoms were united under one sovereign. Eric XIII. governs alone; deprived. Christopher III. Charles VIII., surn. Canuteson. Interregnum. John II. (I. of Denmark). Interregnum. Christiern or Christian II. of Den- mark, styled the “Nero of the North "; dep. Gustavus Vasa, by whom the Swedes were delivered from the Danish yoke. 1560. 1568. 1592. Eric XIV., son, deth. ; d. in prison. John III., brother. Sigismund, K. of Poland, son; dis- putes for the succession continued the whole of this reign. Charles IX., brother of John III. Gustavus (Adolphus) II, the Great; fell on the plains of Lutzen. Interregnum. Christina, dau. of Gustavus Adol- phus; res. the crown to her cousin; d. 1689. Charles X. (Gustavus), son of John Casimir, count palatine of the Rhine. Charles XI., son. Charles XII., styled the “Alex- ander,” the “Quixote,” and the “Madman of the North *; killed at the siege of Frederickshall. Ulrica Eleanora, sister, and her con- sort Frederick I. Ulrica relin- quished the crown, and in Frederick reigned alone. Adolphus Frederick, of Holstein Gottorp, descended from the family of Vasa. Gustavus (Adolphus) III, ; assass. by count Ankerstrom at a masked ball. Gustavus (Adolphus) IV. Deth., and the government assumed by his uncle, D. of Sudermania. Charles XIII., D. of Sudermania. Treaty of Kiel, by which Norway fell under the sovereignty of Sweden. Signed Jan. 12, con- firmed by the Diet, Oct. 12. - 1604. 1611. 1633. 1633. 1654. 1660. 1697. 1719. 1741. 1751. 1771. 1792. 1809. 1814. RINGS OF SwedEN AND NORWAY. 1814. Charles XIII., above-named. 1818. Charles XIV. Feb. 5. Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, one of the Marshals of Napoleon I. of France. On being nominated successor to Charles XIII. Aug. 21, 1810, he took the name of Charles John. 1844. Oscar I. (Joseph Francis Oscar), son, Mar. 8. 1859. Charles XV. guns. Louis Eugène), son, July 8. 1872. Oscar II. (Oscar Frederick), brother, Sept. 18. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 93 DENIMARE. THE name Denmark is supposed to be derived from Dam, a founder of the Danish monarchy, and mark, a German word signifying country, i.e. Dan-mark, the country of Dan. The people, however, were but little known in history until they began to made inroads into Germany and to commit piracies in the northern seas under various designations, as Norwegians or Northmen, Swedes, Frizans, Jutes, or Scuyths, or Danes. Norway was possessed by Denmark from the reign of the cele- brated Margaret, “the Semiramis of the North,” in the 15th century, until 1814, when it was united, as an integral state, to the sovereignty of Sweden. 813. 850. 854. 883. 935. 985. 1014. 1036. 1042. 1047. 1073. 1077. 1080. 1086. 1095. 1103. 1105. 1135. 1137. KINGS OF TXENMARK. The Danish Chronicles mention 25 kings to the reign of Harald ; but the accounts differ much from the modern histories of Denmark by the best authors. Harald, or Harold. Eric I. Eric II., or the Child. Gormo, the Old ; reigned 53 years. Harald II., surn. Blue-tooth. Suemon, or Sweyn, surn, the Forked- beard. Canute II., K. of Denmark and England. Canute III., son, the Hardicanute of England. Magnus, surn. the Good, of Nor- way. Suenon or Sweyn II. Interregnum. Harald III., surn, the Simple. Canute IV. Olaus IV., surn. the Hungry. Eric III., surn. the Good. Interregnum Nicholas I. ; killed at Sleswick. Eric IV., surn. Harefoot. Eric W., the Lamb. Suenon or Sweyn III. ; beheaded. 1147. ſº W., until 1154. 1157. 1182. 1202. 1241. 1250. 1252. 1259. 1286. 1320. 1334. 1340. 1375. Waldemar, styled the Great. Canute VI., surn. the Pious. Waldemar II., the Victorious. Eric WI. Abel, assass, his elder brother Eric; killed in an expedition against the Frisons. Christopher I. ; poisoned. Eric VII. , Eric VIII. Christopher II. Interregnum of 7 years. Waldemar III. Interregnum. 1376. 1387. 1397. 1412. 1438. 1440. 1448. 1481. 1513. 1523. 1534. 1559. 1588. 1648. 1670. 1699. 1730. 1746. 1766. Olaus V. Margaret, styled the “Semiramis of the North,” Q. of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Margaret and Eric IX. (Eric XIII. of Sweden) jointly. Eric IX. reigns alone; res. CIO.W.I.S. Interregnum. Christopher III., K. of Sweden. Christian I., count of Oldenburg, elect. K. of Scandinavia, which comprehended Denmark, Sweden and Norway. John, son. Christian II., son, called the Cruel, and the “Nero of the North,” deth. 1523; d. 1559. In this reign, Sweden succeeded in separating itself from the crown of Denmark. Frederick I., D. of Holstein, uncle to Christian II. Christian III., son. Frederick II., son. Christian IV., son; head of the Protestant league against the emp. Frederick III., changed the consti- tution from an elective to an hereditary monarchy vested in his own family. Christian W., son. Frederick IV., son, leagued with the Czar Peter and the K. of Poland against Charles XII. of Sweden. Christian VI., son. Frederick W., son, m. .the prs. Louisa of England, dau. of George II both Christian VII., son, m. Caroline Matilda, sister of George III. In a fit of jealousy he banished his queen to Zell, where she died in *94 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1775, and put to death his minis- ters Brandt and Struensee. 1784. Regency. The cr. pr. Frederick decl. regent, in consequence of the mental derangement of his father. 1808. Frederick VI., previously regent, now king. 1839. Christian VIII., som, Dec. 3. 1848. Frederick VII. (Frederick Charles Christian), son, Jan. 20. 1863. Christian IX., son of Frederick Wil- liam, D. of Schleswig-Holstein- Sonderburg - Glucksburg, Nov. 15. Succ. under the convention of London, May 8, 1852, and the Danish Law of Succession of July 31, 1853. TURREY. THE sovereigns of Turkey are given under ASIA, but the subordinate princes of its European Provinces are given under EUROPE. See Table of Contents. DANUBIAN PRINCIPALITIES. WALLACHIA. MOLDAVIA. ROUMANIA. Under the sovereignty of Turkey and protection of Russia. WALLACHIA AND MOLDAVIA. FROM 1832 to 1834 the government of the two principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia was administered by General Kisseleff. It was intended that as soon as he had established a settled form of government separate “Hospodars” for the two principalities should be elected. Hospop ARS OF WALLACHIA. 1834. Alexander Ghika, Oct. 14 ; dep. Oct. 1842. 1842. George Bibesco, res., June 25, 1848; Prov. Gov. until appointment of 1849. Dimitri Barbo Stirbey, June 16. 1856. PrinceAlexander Dimitri Ghika,July. HoSPODARS OF MOLDAVIA. 1834. Michel Stourdza, res. 1849. Gregory Alexander Ghika, 16. 1856. Theodore Ritza Balsch, July 19. 1857. Nicolas Stefanaki Vogorides, Mar. 7. June WALLACHIA AND MOLDAVIA UNITED. CoNSTITUTIONAL government established under Treaty of Paris, March 30, 1856, and Convention, August 19, 1858. PRINCEs. 1859. Alexander I. — Alexander John | 1861. The two principalities united under (Colonel A. J. Couza), elect. for the name of Roumania, Dec. 23, Moldavia, Jan. 17, and for Pr. Alexander becoming Hos- Wallachia, Feb. 5. podar. TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 95 Hospod AR, PRINCE, AND KINGS OF ROUMANIA. 1861 Alexander I., above-named, became Hospodar, Dec. 23; abd. Feb. 22, 1866; and Prov. Gov. procl. 1866. Charles I., second son of pr. Charles Antony, of Hohenzollern-Sigma- ringen, elect. hered, pr., Mar. 26; election confirmed Oct. 24; procl. FC. of Roumania, Mar. 26, 1881. BULGARIA. THIS principality is under the sovereignty of Turkey. It was created under the Treaty of Berlin, July 13, 1878. Eastern Roumelia was united to it September 1885. PRINCEs of BUL.GARIA. 1879. Alexander I. (Alexander Joseph), son of pr. Alexander of Hesse, and of pr. Julia of Battenburg; elect. by the National Assembly, April 29; forcibly abducted, Aug. 21, 1886, returned to Sophia, Sept. 3, 1886; abd. Sept. 7, 1886. Regency appointed, Aug. 26, 1886; continued to act after pr. Alex- ander's abdication. 1887. Ferdinand, pr. of Saxe-Coburg; elect. July 7. SERVIA. THIS principality formerly belonged to Turkey, and is still nominally subject to that empire. PRINCEs of SERVIA. .# -k * * * 1829. Milosch I., recog. as hered. pr. by Turkey, Aug. 15; abd. June 1839. 1839. Michael, son; abd. 1842. 1842. Alexander Carageorgevics, recog. by Turkey Sept. 29, and gov. from Oct. 26; abd. 1858. 1858. Milosch II. (Alexander Milosch Obrenovitch), Dec. 23. 1860. Michael III. (Michael Obrenovitch), son, Sept. 26; assass. June 10, 1868. 1868. Milan IV.(Milan Obrenovitch), June 30; procl. K. Mar. 6, 1882. RINGS OF SERVIA. 1882. Milan IV., above-named, Mar. 6. MONTENEGRO. A SMALL state under the administration of the family of Pétrovich Njegosch. k * k * * Daniel I. PRINCEs of MonTENEGRO. 1860. Nicholas I., Aug. 13. 96 * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. GREECE. THIS country anciently consisted of the peninsula of the Peloponnesus, Greece outside the Peloponnesus, Thessaly, and the islands ; the limits of modern Greece are much more confined. It became subject to the Turkish empire in the 15th century, and has but recently again become a separate state. The treaty of London, on behalf of Greece, between England, France, and Russia, was signed in Oct. 1827; count Capo. d’Istria was declared president in Jan. 1828, and assassinated 9th Oct., 1831. The Porte acknowledged the independence of Greece in April, 1830. It was afterwards erected into a kingdom, of which Otho I. of Bavaria was made king. ECING OF GREECE. 1832. Otho, 2nd son of Louis Charles, K. of Bavaria, b. June 1, 1815, elect. K. subject to a regency, Mar. 7 ; assumed power, June 1, 1835; dep. 22nd, and quitted Greece 24th Oct. 1862; d. July 26, 1867. Change of dynasty under the Protocol signed by France, England, and Russia, dated 5th June, 1863. Under this the Ionian Islands were annexed to Greece. RING OF THE HELLENEs. 1863. George I. (Pr. William, of Schles- wig - Holstein - Sonderburg - Glucksburg), son of Christian IX., K. of Denmark, accepted the crown, June 6; sworn to constn. Oct. 31. IONIAN ISLANDS. THE Ionian Islands are now united to Greece. For a list of the English Lord High Commissioners appointed prior to the union see Part II., “Diplomatic.” SOWEREIGNS AND RULERS OF ASIA. JERUSALEM. THIs kingdom began with its capture by the first crusaders, who elected as king, in 1099, Godfrey de Bouillon, the chief commander of the expedition, though he chose to be called, from motives of piety, the “advocate or defender of the holy Sepulchre.” The crown of Jerusalem descended from Godfrey de Bouillon to the house of Anjou, afterwards to Guy de Lusignan, and, in 1210, to John de Brienne. The emperor THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 97 Frederick having married the daughter of this last, was invested with all her rights, which, however, he did not care to assert; and the pos- session of Jerusalem being no longer an object of ambition the city became, what it had been before Godfrey's invasion, a place of pil- grimage. ICINGS OF JERUSALEM. 1099. Godfrey de Bouillon, chosen by the 1186. Guy de Lusignan. first crusaders. Took Jerusalem | 1192. Conrad and Isabella. from the Turks, 1099, and was 1192. Henry. procl. king. 1197. Frederick. 1100. Baldwin I. 1197. Amaurus de Lusignan, K. of Cyprus. 1118. Baldwin II. t 1205. Interregnum. 1131. Fulke, count of Anjou. 1210. John de Brienne; aft. associate emp. 1142. Baldwin III., son. of the East. 1162. Amaurus I. 1229. Jerusalem surrendered by the Sultan 1173. Baldwin IV. of Egypt to the emp. Frederick. 1185. Baldwin W. OTTOMAN OR TURKISH EMPIRE. THE Turks are of Tartar descent. There is a rapid river called Turk, running into the Caspian Sea, from which some suppose this people to take their name. About the year A.D. 800 they obtained possession of a part of Armenia, called from them Turcomania; and they afterwards gradually extended their power. Their dominions, divided for some time into petty states, were united under Othman, from whom his subjects obtained the name of Ottomans. He established his empire Prusa, in Bithynia, in the year 1299, and his successors extended their conquests over the adjacent parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe. In 1453 Constantinople was taken by Mahomed II., which put an end to the Eastern Empire. t TURKISH EMPERORS OR SULTANs. 1299. Othman, or Ottoman, who assumed and drowning all his father's the title of Grand Seignior. wives. 1326. Orchan, son. 1603. Ahmed, or Achmet I., son. 1360. Amurath I. ; stabbed by a soldier. 1617. Mustapha I., brother; dep. by the 1389. Bajazet I., son; defeated by Tamer- Janissaries, and imprisoned. lane, and died imprisoned. 1618. Osman I., nephew ; strangled by 1402. Solyman, son ; dep. by his brother the Janissaries, and his uncle and successor. restored. 1410. Musa Chelebi; strangled. 1622. Mustapha I., again ; again dep., sent 1413. Mahomed I., also son of Bajazet. to the Seven Towers, and 1421. Amurath II. strangled. 1451. Mahomed II., son ; by whom Con- | 1623. Amurath IV. stantinople was taken, in 1453. 1640. Ibrahim, brother; strangled by the 1481 Bajazet II. ; dep. by his son Janissaries 1512. Selim I., who succ. 1649. Mahomed IV., son; dep. and died 1520. Solyman the Magnificent, son. imprisoned. 1566. Selim II., son. - 1687. Solyman III., brother. 1574. Amurath III., son ; on his accession | 1691. Ahmed, or Achmet II. he caused his five brothers to be | 1695. Mustapha II., nephew, eldest son murdered, and their mother, in of Mahomed IV. ; dep. grief, stabbed herself to death. 1703. Ahmed, or Achmet III., brother; 1595. Mahomed III., son; commenced his dep. ; d. 1736. reign by strangling all his brothers, 1730. Mahmud, or Mahomed W., nephew. f* d ; : 8 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Osman II., brother. 1754. 1839. Abdul Medjid, son, July 1. 1757. Mustapha III., brother. 1861. Abdul Aziz, brother, June 25; dep. 1774. Abdul Ahmed I. May 29, 1876; committed suicide 1788. Selim III. ; dep. by the Janissaries, (?), June 4. and his nephew raised to the throne. 1876. Amurath V. (Mahomed Murad), nephew, procl. May 30, 1876; 1807. Mustapha IV. ; dep., and, with the dep. Aug. 30. late sultan, Selim, murdered. 1876. Abdul Hamid II., brother, procl. 1808. Mahmud II. Aug. 31. IEGYPT. THIS country is still nominally under the suzerainty of Turkey, who conquered it in 1517. It was then governed by Beys till about 1799, when the French took possession and remained till expelled by the English in 1801, when the Turkish government was restored. Shortly afterwards Mehemet Ali was appointed pacha, and he from time to time rebelled against the sovereignty of Turkey with a view to establishing Egyptian independence. These struggles terminated in 1841 by the Pachalic or Viceroyalty of Egypt being made hereditary in Mehemet Ali’s family. WICEROYS OF EGYPT. 1841. 1848. Mehemet Ali, July 15, abd. Ibrahim, adopted son, Sept. 1. 1854. Säid, 4th son of Mehemet Ali, July 14. 1863. Ismail, son of Ibrahim, Jan 18; dep. or abd., June 26, 1879. Abbas, son of Tussun Bey, eldest son | 1879. Tewfik (Mahomed Tewfik), son, of Mehemet Ali, Nov. 10. June 26. TREBIZOND. EMPERORs. 1204. Alexis I. 1332. Basil. 1222. Andronicus I. 1340. Irene. 1235. John I. 1341. Anna. 1238. Manuel I. 1343. John III. 1263. Andronicus II. 1344. Michael. 1266. George. 1349. Alexis III. 1280. John II. 1390. Manuel III. 1285. Theodora. 1417. Alexis IV. 1285. John II., again. 1446. John IV. 1297. Alexis II. 1458. David. 1330. Andronicus III. 1461. Conquered by the Turks. 1332. Manuel II. r ARABIA. CALIPH's OF ARABIA, SOMETIMES STYLED CALIPEs of BAGDAD 632. Abubeker. 661. Hassan. 634. Omar. The Ommiades ruled 661–750. 644. Othman. The Abbasides ruled 750–1258. 655. Ali. 786. Haroun-Al-Raschid, d. 809 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 99 PERSIA. AT the partition of the dominions of Alexander the Great among his Captains, Persia was annexed to the Syrian kingdom of Seleucus Nicator, but did not continue long so, for in the reign of Antiochus Theos, Arsases vindicated the independence of his country, and founded the monarchy of the Parthians. In the 3rd century of the Christian era, a great internal convulsion took place, which terminated in the accession of the dynasty of the Sassanides, who restored the name, with the religion and laws of Ancient Persia. This government was overthrown by the Saracens; and the successive invasions by the descendants of Zingis or Zenghis Khan, Timur, and by the Turks, changed entirely the aspect of Western Asia. Persia was the main theatre on which the Saracens contended for mastery with these invaders, and she suffered all the miseries to which a nation can be exposed from the devastation of barbarous and sanguinary hordes. At length, early in the 16th century, a new dynasty arose. - RINGs of PERSIA. B.C. B. C. 559. Cyrus. 425. Sogdianus. 529. Cambyses. 424. Darius II. 522. Smerdis. 405. Artaxerxes II. 521. Darius I. 359. Ochus. 485. Xerxes I. 338. Arses. 465. Artabanus. 336. Darius III. 465. Artaxerxes I. •k •): -3% * 425. Xerxes II. SHAHs OF PERSIA. 1502. Ismail, or Ishmael. assass. by his nephew at Koras- 1523. Tamasp, or Thamas I. Sa Il. 1576. Ismail Meerza. 1747. Adil Shah. 1577. Mahomed Meerza. 1748. Shah Rokh. 1582. Abbas I., the Great ; d. 1627. 1750. Interregnum. 1627. Shah Soofe. 1753. Kureem Khan. 1641. Abbas II. 1779. Abool Fatteh Khan. 1666. Solyman. 1780. Interregnum. 1694. Hessein, dep. 1781. Ali Moorad Khan. 1722. Mahmoud. 1785. Jaffier Khan. 1725. Ashraff, the Usurper; slain in 1788. Interregnum. battle. 1789. Looft Ali Khan ; betrayed into the 1729. Tamasp, or Thamas II., recovered hands of his successor, who put the throne of his ancestors from him to death. the preceding. 1794. Aga Mahomed Khan, assass. 1732. Abbas III., infant son, under the 1798. Feth Ali Shah. regency of Kouli Khan, who aft. 1834. Mahomed Shah, grandson. caused himself to be procl. as 1848. Nasr-ul-Din, or Nausser-ood-deen, Nadir Shah. or Nasser-ud-deem Shah, son. 1736. Nadir Shah (the victorious Regent), Sept. 4 or 10. º ** : º º 100 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. CHINA. EMPERORS. * $6. +& % 1821. Taou-Kwang. 1627. Chwang-lei. 1850. Hienfung, succ. Feb. 25, to date 1644. Shun-che. from Feb. 1, 1851. 1662. Kang-he. 1861. Ki-tsiàng, or Tsai-sung, changed to 1723. Yung-ching. T'oungchih, Aug. 22. 1736. Keen-lung. 1875. Tsai-t'ien, changed to Kuangsu, 1795. Kea-King. Jan. 12. JAPAN. MIKADOs or EMPERORs. * * 36. % 1867. Moutz Hito, Feb. 13. * * Komei Tonno. - SIAM. KINGs. FIRST KING. SECOND KING. 1868. Phra Bat Somditch Phra Paramindr His son, Kroma Phraratscha, &c. Maha Chulalon-Korn Phra Cula Chom Klaochow Yu Hua, Oct. 1. Note —The spelling of these sovereigns’ names differs in every authority consulted by the Editor. SOWEREIGNS AND RULERS OF AFTRICA. LIBERIA. THIs republic was founded in 1822 by the American Colonization Society, and declared independent in July 1847. PRESIDENTS OF THIBERIA. 1848. Joseph Jenkins Roberts. Jan. 1872. Joseph Jenkins. Roberts, again. 1856. Etienne A. Benson. Jan. Jan. 1. 1864. Daniel Basil Warner. Jan. 1876. James Spriggs Payne, again. Jan. 3. 1868. James Spriggs Payne. Jan. 1878. Anthony W. Gardner. Jan. 7. , 1870. Edward James Roye, Jan. 3.; dep. 1883. A. J. Russell. Jam. Oct. 1871; 1884. Hilary R. W. Johnson. Jan. 7. e * a * * f * * * * * { * * * * . . . . - ----------- - * ~ ** - ~~~~ * ~-º-º-º-º-º-º- ºr-------a -- a-- - - - --> t * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 101 MADAGASCAR. RINGS AND QUEENs. 1810. Radama I., K. 1828. Ranavolona I., Q. 1861. Radama II., K. 1863. Rasoherina I., Q. May. 1868. Ranavolona II., Q. Apr. 1. 1883. Ranavolona III., Q. July 13. MOROCCO. SULTANs. 3: * * º 1822. Muley Abd-er-Rhamam. 1859. Sidi Muley Mahomed. Sept. 1873. Muley Hassan, son, succ. Sept. 20, procl. Sept. 25. ORANGE FREE STATE. PLACED under the sovereignty of the British Government Feb. 3, 1848; declared independent Feb. 23, 1854; constitution proclaimed April 10, 1854; revised Feb. 9, 1866. PRESIDENTs. 1854. * * * * 1859. J. T. Hoffmann. 1864. John Henry Brand, 1st time. 1869. 5 3 2nd. May 4. * | 1874. John Henry Brand, 3rd. May 5. 1879. 5 * 4th. Feb. 10. 1883. : 5 knighted. 1884. 2 3 5th. TRANSWAAL REPUBLIC. DECLARATION of independence, Jan. 17, 1852; constitution proclaimed, Feb. 13, 1858. PRESIDENTs. * * * $ 1880. S. J. P. Krüger 1869. M. W. Pretorius. May 19. M. W. Pretorius 1872. T. F. Burgers. May 27, to act P. J. Joubert from July 1. Elected a triumvirate until the elec- 1877. Annexed to Great Britain, Apr. tion of a president, Dec. 12. 1883. S. J. P. Krüger, elect, pres., 1881. Independence restored under suze- May 9. rainty of Great Britain, Aug. e TUNIS. BEYs. * G. .” * * 1859. Mahomed Es Sadok, brother. Sept. 1835. Mustapha. 23. 1855. Sidi Mahomed." June. 1882. Sidi Ali. Oct. 28. 102 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. * * 1856, Seyyid Majid. ZANZIBAR. SULTANs. * 1870. 1888. Seyyid Bargash-Ben-Said, brother. Oct. 7. Seyyid Khalif, Mar. 26. SOWEREIGNS AND RULERS OF AMERICA. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE provinces of North America which revolted from the sovereignty of Great Britain were first styled “the United States,” by a resolution of congress, Sept. 9, 1776. Their independence was acknowledged by Great Britain, Nov. 30, 1782, and a definitive treaty of peace between Great Britain, France, Spain, and the United States, was signed at Paris, Sept. 3, 1783. The United States now comprise— ORIGINAL STATES. New Hampshire. Massachusetts. Rhode Island. Connecticut. New York. New Jersey. Pennsylvania. Delaware. Maryland. Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia. STATES SUBSEQUENTLY ADDED. Vermont. Tennessee. Kentucky. Ohio. Louisiana. Indiana. Mississippi. Illinois. Alabama. Maine. Missouri. Arkansas. Michigan. Florida. Texas. Iowa. Wisconsin. California. Minnesota. Oregon. Kansas. Nevada. Colorado. West Virginia. Nebraska. TERRITORIE8. New Mexico. Utah. Washington. Dakota. Arizona. Idaho. Montana. DISTRICT. Columbia. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. 1789. Gen. George Washington, first pre- sident. 1793. 1797. 1801. 1805. 1809. 1813. 1817. 1821, 1825. 1829. John Adams. Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson, again. James Madison. Madison, again. James Monroe. Monroe, again. Apr. 30. Gen. Washington, again. Mar. 4. Mar. 4. Mar. 4. Mar. 4. Mar. 4, Mar. 4. Mar. 4. John Quincy Adams. Gen. Andrew Jackson. Mar. 4. Mar. 4. Mar. 4. 1833. 1837. 1841. 1845. 1849. 1850. 1853. 1857. 1861. Gen. Jackson, again. Mar. 4. Martin Van Buren. Mar. 4. Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison. 4. ; d. Apr. 4. John Tyler, vice-pres. Apr. 4. James Enox Polk. Mar. 4. Gen. Zachary Taylor. Mar. 4; d. July 9, 1850. Millard Fillmore, vice-pres. July 9. Gen. Franklin Pierce. Mar. 4. James Buchanan. Mar. 4. Abraham Lincoln, Mar. 4. Mar. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 103 1865. Lincoln, again. Mar. 4; assass. 1877. Rutherford B. Hayes. Mar. 4. Apr. 14, d. Apr. 15, 1865. 1881. James Abram Garfield. Mar. 4. – Andrew Johnson, vice-pres., Apr. Shot July 2, d. Sept. 19, 15. 1881. 1869. Gen. Ulysses Simpson Grant. — Chester A. Arthur, vice-pres., Sept. Mar. 4. 19. 1873. Gen. Grant, again. Mar, 4. 1885. Grover Cleveland. Mar. 4. Note.—The President's term of office commences on the 4th March, but he is elected in the November previous. MEXICO. VERA CRUZ. MEXICO. MEXICO became independent of Spain in 1821. It has since been in a very unsettled condition, as will be seen by the following SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL CHANGES OF GOVERNMENT. 1821. Independence declared. Aug. 1846. Re-establishment of the Federal 1836. Recognised by Foreign States, and § Repub. Aug. 4. ultimately by Spain, under treaty | 1853. Prov. Gov. Jan. 6. º of Dec. 28. 1853. Repub. under Santa Anna and his 1821. Regency from Sept. 28. * &n successors. April 20. 1822. Empire under Iturbidi (Augustin 1858. Separation of Vera Cruz. Feb. 1st). May 18, 1861. Vera Cruz re-united. June. 1823. Prov. Gov. Mar. 19. 1862–1864. Civil war ; intervention of 1824. Federal Repub. Oct. 10 France; ultimate establishment of • * * * * * * i. ... r. an empire under Archd. Maximi- 1837. Central Republican Gov. Jan. 1. lian of Austria, April 10, 1864. 1841. Dictatorship. Oct. 10. 1867. Emp. Maximilian shot, June 19. 1844. New Central Gov. June 4. Repub. re-established. RULERS OF MEXICO—EMPERORs, PRESIDENTs, AND DICTATORs. It is believed that the following list contains every ruler who held the Government for any definite period, but in the many revolutions and insurrections which have taken place dictators or presidents were sometimes in power only a few weeks or even a few days. 1821. Augustin Iturbidi, Generalissimo. 1841. Bustamente, again, pres. 1822. Ditto, emp, as Augustin I. 1843. Gen. Valentine Canalizo, pres., ad. 1823. Gens. Guerrero, Bravo, and Negreti, int. dict. 1845. Gen. José Joaquim Herrera, pres 1824. Gen. G. Victoria, pres. Sept. 26. 1827. Gen. Guerrero, pres. 1847. Gen. Paredes, pres. 1829. Ditto, dict. 1848. Herrera, again, pres. May 3. 1830. Gen. Anastasio Bustamente, pres. 1851. Gen. Mariano Arista, pres. June 23 1832. Gen. Pedraza, pres. 1852. M. J. Ceballos, pres. 1835. Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, 1853. S. M. Lombardini, pres. pres. 1853. Santa Anna, again, dict., Mar. 17, 1836. José J. Caro, pres. pres. April 25. 1837. Bustamente, again, pres. April. 1855. Juan Alvarez, pres. Oct. 31. 1840. Gen. Farias, pres. 1856. Gen. Ignatio Comomfort, pres., ad ant. 104 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1858. Gen. Felix Zuloago, pres. Jan. 22. 1867. Juarez, again, pres. Dec.; d. 1859. Gen. Miguel Miramon, pres. Feb. July 18, 1872. 1859. Gen. Benito Juarez, pres. Dec. 1872. Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, pres. Nov. 1861. Juarez, dict. 1877. Porfirio Diaz, pres. May 5. 1864. Maximilian I. (archd. of Austria), 1880. Manuel Gonzales, pres. Dec. 1. emp., April 10; shot June 19, 1884. Diaz, again, pres. Dec. 1, as from 1867. Jan. 1, 1885. VERA CRUZ. WERA CRUZ was separated from Mexico Feb. 1, 1858, and re-united in June 1861. During its separation it was under the presidency or dic- tatorship of Gen. Benito Juarez. HAYTI. ST, DOMINGO. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. THIS island (whose Indian name of Hayti was changed by the Spaniards to Hispaniola and afterwards to St. Domingo) was a Spanish colony from Dec. 1492 to 1630. It was then seized by French freebooters, and ultimately taken possession of by the French Government in 1697. The native negroes revolted against the French in Aug. 1791, and massacred the whites in June 1793. The French Directory recognised the insurgent general, Toussaint L’Ouverture, as general of the army in 1794, and he declared the island independent of France, and granted a separate constitution, May 9, 1801. He was afterwards defeated by the French, by whom he was made prisoner, May 7, 1802, and died in France 1803. Soon after his defeat there was a fresh insurrection by the negroes under Dessalines, and eventually the island was evacuated by the French in Nov. 1803. Dessalines then became emp. as James I., Oct. 8, 1804, but was assassinated, Oct. 17, 1806. The island was then divided, the negroes forming a kingdom in the north under the name of Hayti, and the mulattoes forming a republic in the south under the name of St. Domingo. In Nov. 1820 these two divisions were re-united and formed into a free state under the presidency of Boyer, who was named Regent for life, and the independence of the Republic was recognised by France, April 17, 1825. In 1843 another revolution occurred, which resulted in the deposition and the secession of St. Domin- go and the eastern part of Hayti, who formed themselves into a separate state under the title of the Dominican Republic. Hayti has since main- tained a separate existence, sometimes as an empire and sometimes a republic. THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC was re-united to Spain by declaration of March 18, 1861, accepted by the Queen of Spain on May 20 following; but it again revolted in 1863, and was finally renounced by Spain, May 5, 1865. Since that time it has continued a republic. RULERS OF HAYTI AND ST. DOMINGO. THE WHOLE ISLAND. 1794. Toussaint L’Ouverture, gen, in chief; made prisoner May 7, 1802; d. 1803. 1802–3. The island under the dominion of France. 1804. John James Dessalines, emp. under title of James I., Oct. 8, 1804; assass Oct. 17, 1806, and the island divided THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 105; HAYTI. ST. Dom(INGO. 1807. Hy. Christopher, pres. Feb. 1807. Alexander Petion, pres. ; d. 1818. 1811. Ditto, made emp. under title of 1818. John Peter Boyer, pres...; under Henry I. Mar. ; d. Oct. 1820. whom the Island was again united. THE WHOLE ISLAND. 1820. John Peter Boyer, elected regent for life, Nov. ; dep. 1843, and the island again divided. HAYTI. Dom INICAN REPUBLIC. 1843. — Pierrot, pres. 1844. Pedro Santana, pres. 1846. John Baptist Riche, pres. 1849. Bonaventura Baez, pres. 1847. Faustin Soulouque, pres. Mar. 1853. Santana, again, pres. Mar. 23. 1849. Ditto, made emp. as Faustin I. 1856. Baez, again, pres. Oct. 8. Aug. 26. Abd. Jan. 15, 1859; 1858. José Desiderio Valverde, pres. d. Sept. 1, 1867. 1859. Santana, again, pres. Feb. 5. 1858. Dec. Revolution, under which, in 1861. Reunited to Spain. 1858. A republic procl., and Gen. Nicholas 1865. Baez, again, pres. of Prov. Gov., Fabre Geffrard made pres. Feb. but dep. Nov. 14. 22. 1865. José Maria Cabral, pres. 1862. Victoriano Castellanos, pres. 1865. Baez, again, pres. 1866. Gen. Sylvanus Salnave, pres. 1866. Cabral, again, pres. Oct. 6. 1870. Gen. Nissage Saget. Mar. 19, to 1868. Baez, again, pres. act from May 15. 1873. Gen. Ganier d’Abim. Oct. 1874. Gen. Michel Domingue. June 14, 1876. Igucio Maria Gonzales. to act from May 15. 1879. Gen. Caesareo Guillermo, pres. 1876. Gen. Boisrond Canal. July 17, to May 10. - act from May 15. 1880. Fernando Arturo de Merino, pres. 1879. Gen. Salomon. Oct. 22, to act July, to act from Sept. 10. from Nov. 17; re-elect. July 6, 1882. Gen. Ulysses Heureaux, pres. July, 1886. to act from Sept. 4. 1884. Francisco G. Bellini, pres. July, to act from Sept. 1886. Heureaux, again, pres. July, to act from Sept. CENTRAL AMERICA. GUATEMALA. SAN SALVADOR. NICARAGUA. COSTA RIC A. HONDURAS. THE large tract of country, now known as “Central America,” was for- merly part of the Spanish province of Guatemala. It declared its independence Sept. 21, 1821, separated from the Mexican Confederation July 1, 1823, and formed a federal republic until 1839–40, when it was divided into five separate states, viz.:- GUATEMALA. SAN SALVADOR. NICARAGUA. Costa RICA. HONDURAs. PRESIDENTS OF GUATEMALA. * * * * 1851; elect. for life, 1854; d. 1847. Gem. Raphael Carrua ; re-elect. 1865. 106 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1865. Vincent Cerna. May 3. 1883. J. Rufino Barrios, pres. Jan. 1871. Miguel Garcia, prov. pres. Oct. 10. 1873. J. Rufino Barrios. May 7. 1885. Manuel L. Barillas, pres. ad int. 1882. José Maria Orantes, prov. pres. Apr. 10. Perm. pres. Mar. 16, July 1. 1886. PRESIDENTS OF SAN SALVADOR. * %. -k 2: 1863. Dueñas, again, prov. pres., Nov. ; * * Vasconcelos. pres. April 1865. 1852. Françisco Dueñas. Mar. 1. 1871. Gen. St. Juan Gonzales, prov. pres. * * José Maria San Martin. April ; pres. Fob. 1, 1872. 1856. Raphael Campo. 1876. Andrew Valle. Feb. 1858. Miguel Santin del Castillo. Jan. 25. 1876. Rafael Zaldivar y Lazo. May, to 1859. Gerard Barrios, charged with act from July 22. executive power Mar. 15. 1885. Gen. Francisco Menendez. June 1860. Barrios, elect. pres. for 6 years, 19. Feb. 1. PRESIDENTS OF NICARAGUA. × •k * 3& 1871. Vicente Cuadra. Feb. 1. * * Laureano Pineda. 1875. Pedro Joaquin Chamorro. Feb. 1. 1853. Gen. Fruto Chamorro. Feb. 26. 1879. Joaquin Zavala. Mar. 3. 1855. Gen. Nanose, supreme director. 1883. Adam Cardenas. Mar. 4. 1856. Gen. Patricio, supreme director. 1885. Chamorro again. Mar. 1857. Gen. Thomas Martinez. Nov. 15. 1887. Evaristo Cavaza. 1867. Fernando Guzman. Mar. 1. PRESIDENTS OF COSTA RICA. +& * * * 1872. Gen. Tomas Guardia. May 8. 1853. Juan Raphaël Mora, May; re-elect. 1876. Aniceto Esquivel. May 8. May 4, 1859. 1876. Vicente Herrera. July 31. 1859–1860. Revolution took place in which 1877. Sergio Camargo. May. the pres. Mora was expelled, Aug. 1878. Constitution susp. and Guardia app. 14, and José Maria Montealegra prov. pres. app. prov. pres. ; he was aft. 1882. Prospero Fernandez. Aug. 10. elect. pres. Feb. 7, 1860. 1885. Gen. Bernardo Soto. Mar. ; re-elect. 1863. Jésus Ximenes. April. May 11, 1886. 1866. José Maria Castro. May 8. PRESIDENTS OF Hon.DURAs. * •k -k * 1863. Gen. José Maria Medina, prov. 1852. Gen. Trinidad Cabañas. pres. ; elect pres. Feb. 1864. 1855. Geº sº Guardiola ; assass. Jan. 1872. Celeo Arias, prov. pres., Aug. 1862. Vittoriano Castellanos, vice-pres., * * P. Leiva, prov. pres. Sll CC. 1877. Marco Aurelio Soto. May 29. 1863. Castellanos d., and José Francisco 1883. Gen. Luiz Bogram. Nov. 27. Montez. app. prov. pres. COLOMBIA. REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. NEW GRANADA. VENEZUELA. ECUADOR. PANAMA. THESE countries originally constituted the old Spanish colony of New Granada. They revolted against the mother country in 1811, and the THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 107 war continued until 1824. In 1819 they formed themselves into the Re- public of Colombia, but during the years 1829–31, dissensions arose, and they were ultimately divided into the three separate republics of NEW GRANADA. VENEZUELA. ECUADOR. NEW GRANADA. UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. New Granada continued as a separate republic until 1863. In 1855 Panama seceded from it, but was reunited in 1863, the two countries then taking the title of the United States of Colombia. PRESIDENTs of NEW GRANADA. * * * * 1845. Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera, April. 1853 Gen. José Maria y Obando. April. 1855. Manuel Maria Mallarino. April. 1856. Mariano Ospina. Elected Sept. 30, to act from April 1, 1857. 1861. Gen. Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera July 20. ** PRESIDENTs of UNITED STATES OF Colom BIA. 1863. Gen. T. C. de Mosquera above- 1872. Toro again. April. named. Feb. 1874. Santiago Perez. April. 1864. Manuel Murillo Toro. 1876. Aquileo Parra. April. 1866. Gen. Mosquera again; dep. 1867. 1878. Gen. Julian Trujillo. April. 1867. Gen. Santos Acosta, prov. pres., | 1880. Gen Rafael Nuñez. April. May 23. 1882. Francisco J. Zaldua. April. 1868. Gen. Santiago Gutierrez. April 3. 1883. T. E. Otálora. April. 1870. Gen. Eustorjio Salgar. April. 1884. Nuñez again. Aug. 11. PANAMA. Panama separated from New Granada by Act of Congress, Feb. 27, 1855. PRESIDENTs of PANAMA. 1855. Justo Arosemena, prov. chief. | 1862. Manuel Maria Diaz. 1856. Gen. Bartolomeo Calvo, Oct. 11. 1863. New Federal Constitution of May 8 1858. José de Obaldia. Sept. procl. June 15, 1863, and Panama 1862. Santiago do la Guardia ; killed in an became part of the United States insurrection, Sept. 1862. of Colombia. WENEZUELA. Venezuela separated from the Republic of Colombia about 1829. (See Republic of Colombia supra.) PRESIDENTs of WENEZUELA. 1831. José Antonio Paëz. At the expiration of his term of office, Vargas was nominated his succ., but was opposed by José Tadeo Monagas. Disputes arose, to settle which Paëz was called in to restore order, and he remained in power first as vice- pres., and then as pres, until 1842. 1842. Carlos Soublette. 1846. Civil war broke out between the coloured population, headed by Pačz, and the European popula- tion, headed by Monagas, who was again set up as pres. Ulti- mately, in January 1848, Paëz was forced to fly, and on Aug. 14, 1849, was taken prisoner. 108 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, ; * * Gen. José Tadeo Monagas, pres. 1869. Ruperto Monagas, prov. pres. Re-elect. Jan 20, 1855. 1870. Revolution under which Gen. Antonio 1858. Gen. Julian Castro ; abd. July 1859, Guzman Blanco proclaimed chief and Pedro Gual adm. the gov. of Prov. Gov., April 27; con- until the arrival of the vice-pres., firmed by Congress as prov. pres. Manuel Felipe Tovar. of the Repub., July 13; elected 1860. Tovar, pres. April 10. pres. Feb. 20, 1873. 1861. Paéz again, pres., with power of 1877. Gen. Francisco Linarez Alcantara. dict. Sept. 8. Feb. 27. 1863. Gen. Juan Chrysostôme Falcon; 1879. Gen. Blanco again, prov. pres. May prov. pres. June 17; procl. pres. 12; pres. Mar. 20, 1880. by Congress Mar. 18, and sw. 1884. Gen. Joaquin Crespo. May. June 8, 1865. | 1886. Gen. Blanco again. Sept. 14. 1868. Monagas again, prov. pres. ECUADOR. Ecuador separated from the Republic of Colombia in 1830. (See Republic of Colombia, supra.) PRESIDENTS OF ECUADOR. 1830. Gen. Juan José Flores. 1861. Apr. These two provinces re-united 1835. Vicente Rocafuerte. under presidency of Gabriel Garcia 1839. Gen. Flores again. Moreno. 1845. Vicente Ramou Roca. Dec. 1865. Geronimo Carrion. Aug. 4. 1851. Diego Noboa. Feb.; dep. 1868. Xavier Espinosa. Jan. 23. 1852. José Maria Urbina. Sept. 1869. Moreno again. Aug. ; assass. Aug. 1856. Gen. Francisco Robles. Oct. ; abd. 14, 1875. 1859. Aug. Pres. Robles dismissed, and 1875. Antonio Borrero. Dec. 28. two Prov. Gov. formed : 1877. Ignacio de Veintimilla. Jan. 17; con- 1. Guayaquil under Gen. Guil- firmed May 1878. lernio Franco. 1883. José Maria Placido Cadmafio. 2. Quito under Gabriel Garcia Oct. 23; to act from Feb. 27, Moreno, Manuel Gomez de la 1884. Torre and José Maria Aviles. BRAZIL. THE French having seized on Portugal in 1807, the royal family of that kingdom embarked for Brazil at the close of the same year. Brazil was erected into an empire in Nov. 1825, when Dom Pedro took the title of emperor soon after his abdication of the throne of Portugal. EMPERORS OF BRAZIL. 1825. Pedro I. (of Portugal), Nov. 18; 1831. Pedro II., succ. on his father's abd., first emperor, abd. throne of April 7; assumed the government Brazil, in favour of his infant son, July 23, 1840; crowned July 18, April 7, 1831; d. Sept. 24, 1834. 1841. PERU. PERU revolted from Spain in 1821, and has since been a republic. Like most of its neighbours, it has experienced numerous revolutions and THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 109 insurrections, which renders it difficult to give a strictly accurate list of its rulers. RULERs of PERU. PRESIDENTS AND DICTATORs. 1821. San Martin, Protector, procl. inde- 1863. Gen. Juan Antonio Pezet, pres. pendence July 28; res. Sept. 20, April 3. 1822. 1865. Pedro Diez Canseco, pres., ad. int. 1823. José de la Riva Aguero, pres. Feb. Nov. 26. 1865. Gen. Mariano Ignacio Prado, dict. 1824. Bolivar, dict. Feb. Nov. 28; prov. pres., Feb. 15, 1824. Mariano Prado, pres. Nov. 28. t 1867; pres., Aug. 31, 1867. 1827. Gen. Laman, pres. Aug. 24. 1867. Luis La Puerta, pres. ad. int. Oct. 1829. Gen. Agustin Gamarra, pres. Aug. 1868. Col. José Balta, pres. Aug. 2. 31. 1872. Manuel Prado, pres. Aug. 2. 1834. Luis José Orbegoso, pres. 1876. Prado, again, pres. Aug. 2. 1835. Felipe Santiago Salaverry, pres. 1879. Nicholas de Pierola, dict. Dec. 23. 1836. Andres Santa Cruz, pres. 1881. Francisco Garcia Calderon, prov. 1839. Gamarra, again, pres. pres., Mar. ; pres., July 10. 1841. Manuel Menendez, pres. Pierola as dict. continued the war 1845. Gen. Ramon Castilla, pres. April against Chili. 19. 1883. Gen. Miguel Iglesias, dict. Oct. 1851. Gen. José Rufino Echénique, pres. 20; prov. pres., April 1884. 1855. Castilla, again, pres. Jan. 1884. Andres Avelino Caceres, dict.; pres. 1862. Marshal San Ramon, pres. May. - April 1886. BOLIVIA. THIS republic was formerly part of Peru. It declared its independence August 6, 1824, and took the name of Bolivia August 11, 1825. The first congress was held May 25, 1826. PRESIDENTS OF BOLIVIA. 1826. Gen. Suero. 1864. Gen. Mariano Melgarejo, prov. 1828. Santa Cruz. pres., Dec.; perm. pres., Feb. 1839. Gen. Velasco. Feb. 3. 1865. 1844. José Ballivian. Aug. 1871. Col. Augustin Morales, prov. pres., 1850. Manuel Isidore Belzu. Aug. Jan. ; perm, pres., June 20. 1855. Gen. George Cordova. Aug. 15. 1872. Thomas Frias. Dec. 1857. José Maria Linares, prov. pres. | 1873. Lt. Col. Adolfo Ballivian. May 8. Nov. 1874. Frias, again. Feb. 14. 1861. Revolution, and Linares dep. Jan. 15. 1877. Gen. Hilarion Daza. Nov. 1861. José Maria d'Acha, prov. pres., 1880. Narciso Campero. June 20. May; perm. pres., Aug. 1862. 1884. Gregorio Pacheco. Aug. 1. ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION OR ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. B.UENOS AYRES. THIS confederation consists of the following states or provinces, besides some Indian territories or frontier districts:— Buenos Ayres. San Juan. Santiago. Entre Rios. Catamarca. Tucuman. Corrientes. La Rioja. Jujuy. Santa Fé. Cordova. Salta. Mendoza, San Luis. These states were formerly part of Peru. They were separated in 1778, and with others now forming the republics of Bolivia, Paraguay, 110 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. and Uruguay, were called the Rio de la Plata. They still remained subject to Spain, but declared their independence in 1816. PRESIDENTS OF ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. 1816. Payridon. Mar. 25. 1853. Buenos Ayres secedes and be- Separation from Spain formally de- comes an independent state. Oct clared July 9, but the indepen- 12. dence of the states was not re- 1853. Gen. Justo José d’Urquiza. Nov. cognised by Spain till 1842. 20. * X- * 1859. Buenos Ayres re-united to the Ar- 1825. National constitution for the federal gentine Republic. Nov. 10. states decreed. 1860. Santiago Derqui. Feb. 8. * * * 1861. Victory of Gen. Mitre at Pavon, in * * Gen. Juan Manuel de Rosas. consequence of which Derqui 1840. Gen. de Rosas re-elected. Mar. 5. resigned, Sept. 17; Prov. Gov. 1852. Prov. Gov. established, Feb. 5, under Gen. Bartholomew Mitre. and Vincent Lopez appointed 1862. Gen. Mitre elected perm. pres. Oct. Prow. Gov. ; Gen. Justo José 12. ' * Urquiza elect. Prov. Director, 1868. Col. Dominique Faustino Sarmiento. May 20; Dr. Alsina elected gov. Oct. 12. and capt.-gen., Oct. 30. He re- 1874. Nicolas Avellaneda. Oct. 12. tired, and Gen. Pinto elected | 1880. Gen. Julio A. Roca. Oct. 12. Prov. Gov. in his place, Dec. 6. 1886. Miguel Juarez Celman. Oct. 12. BUENOS AYRES. BUENos AYREs separated from the Argentine Republic, Oct. 12, 1853, and was re-united thereto, Nov. 10, 1859. GovKRNORS OR PRESIDENTs. 1853. Pastor Obligado. Oct. 12. 1859. Re-united to Argentine Republic by 1857. Valentine Alsina. May. peace of S. José de Floris, Nov. 1860. Gen. Bartholomew Mitre. May 1. 10, 1859, and Act of Union, June 6, 1860. PARAGUAY. PARAGUAY revolted from Spain in 1811, and declared itself an inde- pendent state. - DICTATORS AND PRESIDENTs of PARAGUAY. DICTATORS. and the Argentine Republic, and 1814. José Gaspar Rodriguez Francia, (2) Paraguay, June 20, under elect. Nom. for life, 1817. • which Rivarola was app.prov. pres. 1840. Vibal succ. Francia. 1870. Paraguay becomes a constitutional 1844. Carlos Antonio Lopez elect. republic. 1862. Francisco Solano Lopez, son, Sept. ; went to war with Uruguay, PRESIDENTS. Brazil, and the Argentine Re- || 1871. Salvador Jovellanos. Dec. 12. public and was killed in battle, 1874. Juan Baptista Gill. Nov. 25. Mar. 1, 1870. 1877. Higimio Uriarte. April 12. 1869. Prov. Gov. composed of C. Loizaga, 1878. Candido Bareiro. Nov. 25. Cyril Antonio Rivarola, and J. 1880. Gen. Bernardino Caballero, Sept. Diaz de Bedoya, Aug. 15. 14; re-elect. Nov. 1882. 1870. Treaty of peace between (1) Brazil 1886. Gen. Iºscobar. Sept. 25. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 111 |URUGUAY. THIs republic was formerly a part of Buenos Ayres. It declared its independence in 1825, and was recognised as a separate republic by the treaty of Montevideo, signed between Brazil and Buenos Ayres, Aug. 27, and ratified Oct. 4, 1828. PRESIDENTS OF URUGUAY. 1830. Fructuoso Rivera. Oct. 22. 1865. Gen. Venancio Florës, prov. gov. 1835. Manuel Oribe. Mar. 1. Feb. 1838. Rivera again. Oct. 21. 1866. Francisco Antonio Vidal. * k * 1868. Col. Lorenzo Battle. Mar. 1. * * Sarmiento. * * Joaquim Suarez. 1872. Tomas Gomensoro. Mar. 1. 1852. Juan Francisco Giró. Mar. 1. 1873. José Ellauri. Mar. 1. 1854. Col. Venancio Florez. Mar. 12. 1875. Pedro Varela. Mar. 15. 1855. Manuel Basilico Bustamente. Oct. 1876. Col. L. Latorre. Mar. 11. 1856. Gabriel Antonio Pereira. Mar. 1. 1880. Vidal again. Mar. 17. 1860. Bernardo Prudencio Berro. Mar. 1. 1882. Gen. Maximo Santos. Mar. 1 1864. Athanase Cruz Aguirre. Mar. 1. 1886. Maximo Tagès. Nov. 19. CHILI. THIs republic declared its independence from Spain, Sept. 18, 1810, but, a long war ensuing, its actual independence dates from Feb. 12, 1817. New constitutions were promulgated in 1828 by General Pinto, and in May 1833, by General Prieto. DIRECTORS AND PRESIDENTS OF CHILI. 1817. Gen. Demetrius O'Higgins. Res. under constitution of May 25, 1823. I833. 1823. The government was administered by a prov. triumvirate until Gen. tº #. was chosen director. He | 1833. Gen. Prieto, above named. res. 1826. 1841. Gen. Manuel Bulněs. Sept. & 1851. Manuel Montt. Sept. 18. 1826–1830. During these years the 1861. José Joaquim Perez. Sept. 7. government was administered 1871. Frederico Errazuriz. Sept. 18. by six different directors, be | 1876. Anibal Pinto. Sept. 18. sides a second provisional tri- | 1881. Domingo Santa Maria. Sept. 18. umvirate. 1886. José Manuel Balmaceda. Sept. 1831. Gen. Prieto, who became pres. 18. PRESIDENTs. HAWAIIAN OR SANDWICH ISLANDS. KINGS AND QUEENs. * * Kamehameha I., d. 1819. 1863. Kamehameha V., brother, Nov. ; 1819. Kamehameha II., son, d. in Eng- Dec. 11. land, with his queen, July 1824. 1873. Lunalilo I. (Q), Jan. 8 ; d. Feb. 3 1824. Kamehameha III. 1874 1854. Kamehameha TV. 1874. Kalākaua. Feb. 12. 112 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART II. DIPLOMATIC. AMBASSADORS, ENVOYS EXTRAORDINARY, MINIS- TERS PLENIPOTENTIARY, &c., FROM GREAT 1761. 1762. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1768. 1772. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1790. BRITAIN AND THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND TO FOREIGN STATES. From the accession of George III., 1760. TO FRANCE. Hans Stanley, ch, d'a. John, D. of Bedford, amb. Sept. 4. Fras. Seymour, E. of Hertford, amb. Chas., D. of Richmond, amb. Wm. Hy. Nassau, E. of Rochford, amb. July 2. Simon Harcourt, E. Harcourt, amb. David Murray, visc. Stormont, aft. E. of Mansfield, amb. Sept. 9. Fras. Godolphin Osborne, M. of Carmarthen, amb. Feb. 10. Geo. Montagu, D. of Manchester, amb. Apr. 9. John Frederick Sackville, D. of Dor- set, amb. Daniel Hailes, min, plen., ad int. Apr. 28. Wm. Eden, aft. 1d. Auckland, env. ext. and plen. for commercial affairs. Dec. 9. Geo. Granville, E. Gower, amb. June 11. Recalled Sept. 1792. The war interrupted the diplomatic relations between the two coun- tries. 1796. 1797. 1801. 1802. 1806. 1814. Jas., ld., aft. E. of Malmesbury, amb. ext. and min. plen. for negotiating a treaty of peace. Oct. 13. Jas., ld, Malmesbury, again, for negotiating a peace with the plens. of the French republic at Lisle. June 30. Chas., M. Cornwallis, plen. at the congress held at Amiens. Oct. 29. Fras. James Jackson, min. plen. Dec. 2. Anth. Merry, min. plen. Apr. 1. Chas., ld., aft. visc. and E. Whit- worth, amb. June 18, G. Left. Paris, May 19, 1803. The war with Napoleon I. again in- terrupted the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Fras. Seymour, E. of Yarmouth, and James, E. of Lauderdale, commiſs. for negotiating a peace with France. Aug. 1. Sir Chas. Stuart, aft. la. Stuart de Rothesay, env, ext, and min. plen. ad int. June 4. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 113 1839. 1841. 1845. •k # 1765. * º 1792. 1795. 1798. 1814. . Lord Stuart de Chas. Bagot, aft. Sir C., min. plen. July 11. Arthur, D. of Wellington, amb. Aug. 8. . Lord Fitzroy Jas. Hy. Somerset, min. plen. Jan. 18. Sir Chas. Stuart, again, amb., ad ant. Mar. 26. . Granville, visc., aft. E. Granville, sp. miss. to congratulate Charles X. on his accession to the throne. Oct. 7. Hon. Algernon Percy, min, plen., ad int. Oct. 12. Granville, visc. Granville, again, amb. Nov. 3 . Hugh, D. of Northumberland, sp. embassy; coronation of Charles X. Apr. 30. Rothesay, amb. July 1. . Wisc. Granville, again, amb. Dec. sº Hamilton Chas. Jas. Hamilton, min. plen., ad int. Mar. 23. . Arthur Aston, aft. Sir A., min. plen., ad int. Apr. 19. . Hy., ld. Cowley, amb. Mar. 13. Granville, E., late visc. Granville, amb. Mar. 29. . Arthur Aston, again ; min. plen., ad int. Aug. 25. July 17, 1838. Hy. Lytton Bulwer, aft. Sir H. and ld. Dalling and Bulwer, min. plen., ad int. July 29. Lord Cowley, again, amb. Oct. 16. Lord Wm. Hervey, mim. plen., ad int. July 29. Permanent 1846. 1848. 1849. 1852. 1856. 1860. 1866. 1867. 1869. 1871. 1871. 1873. 1875. 1882. 1884. 1886. 1887. Constantine Hy., M. of Normanby, amb. Aug. 18. M. of Normanby, continued ; sp. and temporary miss. to the French National Assembly. Aug. 18. M. of Normanby, continued, amb. Jan. 31. Hy. Rd. Chas., 1d., aft. E. Cowley, amb., ext, and plen. to the French Republic. Feb. 3. Geo. Wm. Frederick, E. of Claren- don, plen. to Congress at termi- nation of war with Russia. Feb. Hon. Wm. G. Grey, ch. d’a., ad int. Jan, 2.* Hon. Julian Hy. Chas. Fane, min. plen., ad int.* Richd. Bickerton Pemell, ld., aft. visc. Lyons, amb., ext, and plen. July 6. Hon. Lionel Sackville West, min. plen., ad int.* Ld. Lyons, again, amb., ext, and plen. to French Republic. Feb. 18. Hon. L. S. West, again, min. plen., ad int. Sept. 15.” Edwd. Robt., ld, aft. E. Lytton, min. plen., ad int. Apr. 10.* Fras. Ottiwell Adams, aft. Sir F., min, plen., ad int. Mar. 23. * Hon. Fras. Richd. Plunket, min. plen., ad int. Mar. 11.* Sir Jno. Walsham, bart., min. plen., ad int. July 31.* Edwin Hy. Egerton, min. plen., ad Žnt. Mar. 30.* Robt., Earl Lytton, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., amb., ex. and plen. Nov. 1. * During temporary absence of the ambassador. TO SWISS CONFEDERATION. Arthur Willettes, mim. Wm. Norton, min. Jan. 1. Col. Braun, ch. d’a. Lord Rob. Stephen Fitzgerald, min. plen. May 12. Wm. Wickham, min, plen. July 11. James Talbot, min., ad int. Jan. 22. Stratford Canning, aft. Sir S., and visc. Stratford de Redcliffe, env. ext. and min. plen. June 14, G. . Edw. Cromwell Disbrowe, aft. Sir E., ch. d'a., ad int. June 12. 22. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, aft. Sir H., env. ext, and min. plen. Feb. 12 & Chas Rd. Waughan, aft. Sir C., min. plen. Feb. 28. . Hon. Algernon Percy, min. plen. Oct. 10. 1832. 1847. David Rd. Morier, min. plen. June Gilbert, E. of Minto ; ext. miss. to the Italian States, Sardinia, Sicily, and Switzerland. Sept. 14. Sir Stratford Camming, again, ext. miss. to Belgium, Germany, Greece, and Switzerland. Now. 26. . Hy. Rd. Chas., 1d., aft. E. Cowley, min. plen. Feb. 29. . Sir Edmund Lyons, min. plen. Feb. 9 Arthur Chas. Magenis, aft. Sir A., min. plen. Jan. 27. . Andrew Buchanan, aft. Sir A., min. plen. Feb. 12. . Hon. Chas. Aug. Murray, aft. Sir C., min, plem. Feb. 9. 8 114 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1854. Geo. Jno. Robt. Gordon, min, plen. Sept. 19. 1858. Capt. Hon. Edwd. Alfred Jno. Harris, R.N., min. plen. Mar. 31 1867. Jno. Savile Lumley, env. ext, and min. plen. Aug. 22. 1868. Alfred Guthrie Graham Bonar, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 19. ; 1874. Edwin Corbett, min. res. May 23. 1878. Sir Horace Rumbold, bt., min. res. Jan. 17. 1879. Hon. Hussey Crespigny Vivian, C.B., min. res. Oct. 10; env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 1, 1881. 1881. Fras. Ottiwell Adams, C.B., aft. Sir F., R.C.M.G., env. ext, and min. plen. July 8. TO THE MODERN KINGDOM OF ITALY. For Ambassadors, &c., to the various states composing the modern kingdom of Italy prior to the formation of that kingdom, see under the names of those states. 1861. Sir Jas. Hudson, env. ext, and min. plen. ;1863. min. plen. Sept. 12. - Sir Augs. Berkeley Paget, K.C.B., env. ext, and min. plen. July 6; 1867. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, env. ext, and 1883. Sir amb., ext. and min. plem. Mar. 24, 1876. Jno. Savile-Lumley, K.C.B., aft. G.C.B., and subseq. Sir Jno. Savile, only; amb. ext, and plen. Aug. 26. TO SARDINIA. Hon. Jas. Stuart Mackenzie, env. ext. . Geo. Pitt, aft. li. Rivers, env. ext. . Sir Wm. Lynch, env, ext, Oct. 1. . John, visc. Mountstuart, env. ext. and plen. Aug. 16. . Hon. John Trevor, env. ext. Feb. 22; min. plen., June 16, 1789. 1799. Thos. Jackson, min. plen. Apr. 13. 1807. Hon. Wm. Hill, env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 9. Sardinia now forms part of the kingdom of Italy. 1824. Aug. John Foster, aft. knt., emv. ext. and min, plen. Sept. 10, G. Hon. Ralph Abercromby, env. ext. and min. plen. May 30. Gilbert, E. of Minto, ext, miss. to Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, and Swit- zerland. Sept. 14. Hon. Ralph Abercromby, remaining minister to Sardinia. 1852. Jas. Hudson, env. ext, and min. plen. Jan. 19, G. 1840. 1847. See I taly. TO NAPLES AND THE TWO SICILIES. -X- º Sir Jas. Gray, bt., env. ext. 1764. Wm. Hamilton, aft. Sir W., enw. ext. 1800. Hon. Sir Arthur Paget, env. ext, and min. plen. Jan. 17. 1801. Wm. Drummond, env. ext. Aug. 4. 1803. Hugh Elliot, env. ext, and min. plen. Jan. 29. Gen. Hy. Edwd. Fox, env. ext, and min. plen. (military). May 29. 1806. Wm. Drummond, again, env. ext. and min, plen. Oct. 3. Wm. Pitt, ld., aft. E. Amherst, env. ext, and min. plen. Feb. 1. Ld. Wm. Cavendish Bentinck, env. ext. and min, plen. Feb. 15, G. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. Sir F. and lå. Beauvale, and succ. as visc. Melbourne, min. plen., ad int. May 18. 1809. 1811. 1812. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. , 115 1814. 1822. 1824. 1825. 1830. 1832. Wm. A’Court, aft. Sir W. and lá. Heytesbury, env. ext, and min. plen. Oct. 1, G. Wm. Rd. Hamilton, env, ext, and min. plen. Feb. 12. Wm. Noel Hill, env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 14. John, ld. Burghersh, succ. as E. of Westmoreland; sp. miss. on the accession of the king (Francis I.), as king of the Two Sicilies. Feb. 23. John, ld. Burghersh, again ; env. ext, and min. plen. Nov. 16. Not Sent. John, ld., aft. visc. Ponsonby, env. ext. and min. plen. June 8. Hon. Wm. Temple, aft. Sir W., env. ext, and min, plen. Nov. 27, (?) 1833, 1847. Gilbert, E. of Minto; ext, miss. to Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, and Swit- zerland. Dec. 17; the hon. Wm. Temple, remaining minister to the Two Sicilies. 1856. Geo. Glyn Petre, ch. d’a. July 28. Diplomatic relations suspended Oct. 1856 to June 1859, in con- sequence of the king's tyrannical government. 1859. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, aft. Sir H.; sp. miss. to Francis II. on his accession. June 1. 1859. Sir Arthur Chas. Magenis, K.C.B. June 6; env. Xt. and min. plen. Not sent. 1859. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, again, env., ext. and min. plen. July 4 until Nov. 1860. The Two Sicilies now form part of the kingdom of Italy. See Italy. TO TUSCANY, PARMA, MODENA, AND LUCCA. UNLESs otherwise stated the mission was to Tuscany only. * * 1787. 1787. 1794. 1814. 1818. *s-s J 830. 1831. 1835. 1839 Sir Horace Mann, bt., env. ext. ; d. Nov. 1786, having been forty- six years minister at this court. Wm. Fawkener, env. ext, pro tem. April 27. John Aug., la. Hervey, env. ext. Aug. 4. Min. plen. July 22, 1791. Hon. Wm. Fredk. Wyndham, env. ext. Jan. 25. Min. plen., Feb. 8, 1800. John, ld. Burghersh, aft. E. of Westmoreland, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 14. The same, in the same character, to Parma, and Modena. Feb. 14. The same, in the same character, to Lucca, Mar. 5. Ld. Geo. Hamilton Seymour, aft. sir G., min. res. Nov. 3. John, ld. Burghersh, min. plen. to Parma, &c. Now, 16. Not sent. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, min. res. to Parma, Lucca, and Modena. June 13. Hon. Ralph Abercromby, min. res. to Tuscany, Parma, and Lucca. Dec. 26. . Hon. Hy. Edw. Fox, aft. li. Hol- land, min. plen. Parma, and Lucca. Jan. 2. to Tuscany, 1841. Hy. Edw., ld. Holland, min. plen. to Modena. May 14. Sir Geo. Baillie Hamilton, min. plen. to Tuscany, Parma, Modena, and Lucca. May 23. Gilbert, E. of Minto ; ext, miss. to the Italian States, Sardinia, Si- cily, and Switzerland. Sept. 14. Sir Geo. Baillie Hamilton ; d. at Florence while min. plen. in Sept. 1850. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, ch. d’a. Rd. Lalor Sheil, min. plem., ch. d’a. Oct. 24. Jas. Hudson, C.B., env. ext. min. plen. Aug. 29, G. Sir Hy. Lytton Bulwer, G.C.B., aft. ld. Dalling and Bulwer, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 19, G. Constantine Hy., M. of Normanby, K.G., env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 16, G. Hon. Hy. Geo. Howard, env. ext, and min. plen. Mar. 31, G. Hon. Rd. Bickerton Pemell Lyons, aft, la, and visc. Lyons, env. ext. and min. plen. June 16, G. . Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, C.B., again, env. ext, and min. plem. Dec. 13, G. 1846. 1847. 1850. 1851. and 1852. 1854. 1 S58. 1858. Tuscany now forms part of the Kingdom of Italy. See Italy. S X. 116 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TO VENICE. John Murray, resident. 1793. Fras. Drake, resident, Jan. 19. 1761. Chas. Compton, E. of Northampton, — Sir Rd. Worsley, bt., resident. amb. ext, and min. plen. July 27. e 1762. John Murray, resident The republic of the Venetian States irº. J Wri it. ft; i. J.. bt was wholly overthrown in 1797. . Jas. Wright, art. Sir J., • 3 The emperor of Germany took resident. possession of these dominions in 1773. John Strange, resident. Oct. 19. that year; it being settled by a 1788. Robt. Ritchie, ch. d’a. private article in the treaty of 1789. Sir Fras. Vincent, bt., resident. Campo Formio, that he accepted Sept. 26; d. Aug. 1791. them in compensation for the 1791. Wm. Lindsay, resident. Nov. 3. Netherlands. * * Venice now forms part of the kingdom of Italy. See Italy. TO GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. THE various states constituting geographical Germany have been from time to time united in various combinations for diplomatic purposes. Bence there is some difficulty in arranging the ambassadors under each separate state. Where an ambassador is accredited to one state where it was the custom to have a separate diplomatic representative, he will be found under that state, but where he is accredited to several states or to one of the confederations of German states, or was sent, as an exception, to one particular state generally associated with others, he should be searched for under the heading “German States and Con- federations.” The name of each separate state mentioned in the credentials will be found both in the Table of Contents and in the Index. TO THE EMPERORS OF GERMANY PRIOR TO 1804. SEE “AUSTRIA,” AND “GERMAN STATES AND ConFEDERATIONs.” TO THE EMPIRE OF GERMANY AND THE KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA SINCE 1871. 1871. Lord Odo Wm. Leopold Russell, amb. close of Russo-Turkish War. ext. and plen. to emp. of Germany June 3. and FC. of Prussia. Oct. 16. 1884. Sir Edw. Baldwin Malet, K.C.B., amb. 1878. Benj. E. of Beaconsfield, Robt. Arthur ext, and plen. to emp. of Germany Talbot Gascoigne, M. of Salis- and K. of Prussia. Sept. 20. bury, and ld. Odo Wm. Loftus 1885. Garnet Jos., visc. Wolseley, sp. Russell, plens, to Congress at miss, of congratulation. Dec. 30. TO AUSTRIA. Down to 1804 the ambassadors to Austria were accredited to the sove- reigns by their title of EMPERORs of GERMANY. 1763. David Murray, visc. Stormont, aft. 1772. Sir Robert Murray Keith, amb. E. of Mansfield, amb. May 7. Aug. 14. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 117 1790. Thomas, E. of Elgin, amb. ext, to 1794. George John, E. Spencer, amb. ext. congratulate Leopold II. on his on particular affairs. * accession to the throne. 1799. Gilbert, ld. Minto, env. ext. and 1792. Thomas, E. of Elgin, amb. to the min. plen. July 2. emp. Francis II. Aug. 18. , 1801. Hon. Arthur Paget. aft. Sir A., 1793. Sir Morton Eden, aft. li. Henley, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. env. ext, and min. plen. 21. In 1804, the emperor Francis II. became emperor of Austria only, and the ambassadors were thenceforward accredited to him and his SUICCéSSOTS a,S - EMPERORS OF AUSTRIA. 1805. Charles, E. of Harrington, ext, min. — Hon. Sir Fredk. Jas. Lamb, again, Nov. 28. amb. May 13. 1806. Robt. Adair, aft. Sir R., env, ext. 1832. John Geo. li., aft. E. of Durham, and min. plen. May 7. ext, miss. to Austria, Prussia, 1807. Geo. Aug., E. of Pembroke and and Russia. Sept. 14. Montgomery, amb. May 14. 1834. Hon. Wm. Thos. Horner Fox- 1809, Bº Bathurst, ext, miss. Feb. Strangways, min. plen. ad. 2nt. 14. Oct. 8. 1813. Geo. Hamilton Gordon, E. of 1835. Sir Chas. Bagot, sp. miss. April 7. Aberdeen, amb. July 29. — Hon. Hy. Edw. Fox, aft. li. — Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. Sir F. Holland, min. plen., ad. int. and lord Beauvale, succ. as visc. July 2. Melbourne, min. plen., ad int. 1838. John Ralph Milbanke, aft. Sir J. R. Aug. 6. M. Huskisson, bt., min. plen, ad. 1814. Chas. Wm. li. Stewart, aft. succ. £nt. Nov. 7. as M. of Londonderry, amb. 1841. Sir Robt. Gordon, amb. Oct. 16. — Robt., visc. Castlereagh, aft. M. of 1845. Arthur Chas. Magenis, aft. Sir A., Londonderry, Rd. E. of Clancarty, min. plen., ad. int. June 18. Wm., E. Cathcart, and Chas. 1846. John, visc. Ponsonby, amb. Aug. Wm., ld. Stewart, plens. to the 10. congress at Vienna. Aug. 11. 1849. A. C. Magenis, again, min. plen. , ad. 1815. Arthur, D. of Wellington, first plen. int. April 20. to the congress at Vienna. Jan. 1851. John, E. of Westmoreland, env. ext. 18. and min. plen. Jan. 27. — Hon. Robt. Gordon, aft. Sir R., min. 1855. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, G.C.B., plen, ad. int. Mar. 27. env. ext, and min. plem. Now. 23. 1817. The same, ad. int. June 24. 1855. Ld. John Russell, aft. E. Russell, 1818. Robt., visc. Castlereagh, and Arthur, sp. miss. Feb. 11. D. of Wellington, plens. to the con- 1858. Ld. Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer ference at Aix-la-Chapelle. Aug. Loftus, env. ext, and min. plen. 18. March 31. 1821. Hon. Robt. Gordon, again, min. plem. 1859. Hy. Rd. Chas., E. Cowley, sp. miss. ad int. Jan. 19. Feb. 23. — Arthur, D. of Wellington, plen. to 1860. John Arthur Douglas, ld. Bloom- the conference at Vienna. Sept. field, G.C.B., amb. ext, and plen. g Nov. 22. 1822. The same, ext, miss. ; congress at 1871. Sir Andw. Buchanan, G.C.B., amb. Verona. Sept. 14. ext. and plen. Oct. 16. 1823. Sir Hy. Wellesley, aft. li. Cowley, 1877. Sir Hy. Geo. Elliot, G.C.B., amb. amb. Feb. 3. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 31. 1831. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes, min. 1884, Sir Aug. Berkeley Paget, G.C.B., plen., ad. int. April 22. amb. ext, and plen, Jan. 1. TO PRUSSIA. 1765. And. Mitchell, aft. sir A., env. ext. 1771. Robt. Gunning, aft. Sir R., bt. Dec. 13. env. ext. Feb. 13. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1772. Jas. Harris, aft. Sir J., ld, and E. of Malmesbury, env. ext. Jan. 1776. Hugh Elliot, env. ext. Oct. 13. 1782. Geo. Jas., E. of Cholmondeley, env. - ext. June 14. — Sir John Stepney, bt., env. ext. Sept. 21. 1784. John, visc. Dalrymple, aft. E. of Stair, env. ext. 1788. Jos. Ewart, env. ext. Aug. 5. 1791. Sir Morton Eden, aft. la. Henley, env. ext, and min. plen. Now. 1793. James, ld. Malmesbury, again, env. ext. and min. plen. . Lord H. John Spencer, env, ext, and min. plen. ; d. July, 1795. Thos., E. of Elgin, env. ext, and min. plen. Aug. 15. . John Joshua, E. of Carysfort, env. ext. and min. plen. July 12. . Fras. Jas. Jackson, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 24. . Edwd. Thornton, aft. Sir E., min. plen. to Denmark, the Hanse Towns, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg - Schwerin, and Mecklenburg - Strelitz. May 4. Dudley, ld., aft. E. of Harrowby ; ext. miss. to Prussia and Russia. Oct. 25. Ld. Granville Leveson Gower, aft. E. Granville, ext. miss. Jan. 8. Chas., E. of Harrington, ext, miss. Jan. 9. Geo. Howard, visc. Morpeth, succ. as E. of Carlisle. Sept. 29. — John Hely, lord Hutchinson, succ. as E. of Donoughmore. Nov. 18. 1807. John Hookham Frere, env. ext. and min. plen. June 17. Benj. Garlike, env. ext. and min. plen, ad int. July 17. 1813. Hon. Sir Chas. Wm. Stewart, aft. la. Stewart, and M. of Londonderry, env. ext, and min, plen. Apr. 7. Robt., visc. Castlereagh, aft, M. of 1806. 1815. 1822. 1823. 1827. 1830. 1832. 1834. 1835. 1841. 1846. 1851. 1860. 1861. 1861. 1862. 1864. 1866. Londonderry ; ext, miss., Dec. 27 Geo. Hy. Rose, aft. Sir G., env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 10. Arthur, D. of Wellington, ext, miss. to the congress at Verona. Sept. 14. Rd. Meade, E. of Clanwilliam, env. ext. and min, plen. Feb. 3. Sir Brook Taylor, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 28. Geo. Wm. Chad, env. ext, and min. plen. Sept. 20. t Gilbert, E. of Minto, env. ex. and min. plen. Aug. 22. John Geo., ld. Durham, aft. E. of Durham ; ext, miss. to Austria, Prussia, and Russia. Sept. 14. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 31. Sir Robt. Adair, sp. miss. July 28. Lord Geo. Wm. Russell, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 24. John, lord Burghersh, aft. E. of Westmoreland, env. ext, and min. plen. Oct. 16. Hy. Fras. Howard, ch. d'a. ad int. May 28. Jno. Arthur Douglas, ld. Bloom- field, env. ext, and min. plen. Apr. 28. - Ld. Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, env. ext, and min. plen. Nov. 22. Jno., M. of Breadalbane, sp. miss. . 7. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, K.G., R.C. B., amb. ext, to K. of Prussia on coronation, Oct. 1. Sir And. Buchanan, K.C.B., amb. ext. and plen. Oct. 28. Francis, ld. Napier, K.T., ext. and plen. Sept. 15, Ld. A. W. F. S. Loftus, K.C.B., again, amb. ext, and plen. Jan. 19. Accredited to N. Germ. Con- fed., Feb. 24, 1868. amb. See “German States and Confederations.” The North German Confederation was dissolved in 1871, and the modern empire of Germany was then founded, the king of Prussia being chosen emperor. Since that time the ambassadors have been accredited “to the emperor of Germany and king of Prussia.” See Empire of Germany. TO WURTEMBURG, BADEN, AND HESSE-DARMSTADT SEE ALso “GERMAN STATES AND ConFEDERATIONs.” To WURTEMPUR.G. 1803. John Spencer Smith, env, ext. to the elector of Wurtemburg. June 25, G. The electorate of Wurtemburg was, by the provisions of the treaty of Presburg, erected into a kingdom, and the elector, Frederick II., was procl. king, Jan. 1, 1806 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1.19 | 1814. 1820. 1823. 1824, 1841. 1844. 1871, 1872. 1871. 1873. Brook Taylor, aft. Sir B., env. ext. and min. plen. July 11. Alex. Cockburn, env. ext, and min. plen. Mar. 6. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, aft. sir H., bt., env, ext, and min. plen. Feb. 8, G. David Montagu, lord Erskine, env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 10, G. 1828. Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, aft. Sir E., env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 4, G. 1833. Lord Wm. Russell, min. plen. Now. 26. 1835. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., env. ext, and min. plen. Nov. 24. For subsequent Ambassadors see below. To WURTEMBURG AND BAD EN. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., env. ext. and 1852. Arthur Chas. Magenis, aft. Sir A., min. plen. to Wurtemburg, made also min. plen. to Baden. 29. Sir Alex. Malet, bt., env. ext. and min, plen. Sept. 17. env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 12. June | 1854. Hon, Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jer- ningham, env. ext, and min. plen. May 20. To WURTEMBURG ONLY. Robt. Burnett David Morier, C.B., aft. Sir R., ch. d’a. July 18, G. Geo. Glynn Petre, ch. d’a. Feb. 13, TO BADEN AND HEssF-DARMSTADT. Evan Montagu Baillie, ch. d'a. Jly. 18. Fras. Clare Ford, aft. Sir F., ch. d'a. Oct. 11. - 1859. Geo. Jno. Robt. Gordon, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 11, G. 1881. Gerard Fras. Gould, C. B., min. res. Apr. 16, G. 1883. Sir Hy. Page Turner Barron, bt., C.M.G., min. res. Oct. 1, G. 1878. Hon. Wm. Nassau Jocelyn, ch. d’a. Mar. 27. TO BAWARIA. For AMBASSADORS PRIOR To 1814, SEE “GERMAN STATES AND CoNFEDERATIONs.” Diplomatic relations between England and the king of Bavaria were established at the close of the war in 1814. 1814. 1815. . Lord Aug. Wm. Freak Geo. Hy. Rose, aft. Sir G., env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 31. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. Sir F., and lord Beauvale ; succ. as visc. Melbourne, env. ext, and min. plen. July 25, G. . Brook Taylor, aft. Sir B., env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 6. , David Montagu, lord Erskine, env. ext. and min. plen. Jam. 4. . John Ralph Milbanke, aft. Sir J. R. M. Huskisson, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 24. Spencer Loftus, K.C. B.. env. ext, and min, plen. Oct. 28. 1866. Sir Hy. Fras. Howard, env. ext, and min. plen. 19. 1872. Robt. Burnott David Morier, C.B., aft. Sir R.. ch. d’a. Jan. 30. 1876. Maj.-Gen. Edwd. Stanton, C.B., aft. sir E.. ch. d'a. May 10. 1882. Hugh Guiom Macdonell, ch. Fob, 23. 1885. Victor Arthur Wellington Drum- mond, ch. d'a. Nov. 5. K.C.B., Jan. d'a. 120 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TO HANOVER. BANovKR was separated from the crown of Great Britain by the demise of his Britannic Majesty, William IV., June 20, 1837, and Ernest, duke of Cumberland, ascended the throne. 1838. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, env. ext. 1859. Hy. Fras. Howard, env. ext, and and min. plen. May 2. min. plen. Nov. 11. 1857. Sir Jno. Fiennes Twistleton Cramp- | 1866. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke, K.C.B., ton, bt., K.C.B., env. ext, and env. ext, and min. plen. Jam. min. plen. Mar. 2. 19. 1858. Geo. Jno. Robt. Gordon, env. ext. Mission ceased on annexation of and min. plen. Mar. 31, Hanover to Prussia, Sept. 1866. TO THE HANSE TOWNS. SEE ALso “GERMAN STATES AND CONFEDERATIONs.” * * Philip Stanhope, resident. - 1805. Edwd. Thornton, aft. Sir E., resi- 1762. Robt. Colebrooke, resident. dent, and min. plen. to Denmark, 1763. Ralph Woodford, resident. Mar. 22. Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg- 1772. Emmanuel Matthias, resident. Aug. Schwerin, and Mecklenburg- 14. Strelitz. Feb. 22, G. 1790. Chas. Hy. Fraser, resident, and min. 1813. Alex. Cockburn, sp. miss. Mar. plen. to Lower Saxony. Aug. 13. 1815. The same, env. ext, to the Hanse 1798. Sir Jas. Craufurd, bart., resident, Towns and Lower Saxony. May and min. plem. to Lower Saxony. 2, G. July 28. 1836. Hy. Camming, ch. d’a. to the Hanse 1803. Sir Geo. Berriman Rumbold, bart., Towns and to Lower Saxony. resident. Seized by the French Nov. 29. government, and conveyed to 1841. Colonel Lloyd Hodges, ch. d’a. Paris, Oct. 25, 1804; rest. to July 31. liberty, and arrived in London, 1860. Jno. Ward, ch. d’a. July 1, G. Nov. 18, following. Min. res., Oct. 30, 1861. TO SAXONY. ELECTORATE. RINGDOM. * * David Murray, visc. Stormont, aft. Saxony was erected into a kingdom, E. of Mansfield, env. ext. conformably with the treaty of 1764. Philip Stanhope, env. ext. Apr. 3. Posen (signed Dec. 11, 1806) 1768. Robt. Murray Keith, aft. Sir R., env. between France and Frederick : ext. Nov. 27. Augustus, the then elector, aft. 1771. John Osborne, env. ext. Feb. 11. king. 1775. Sir John Stepney, bart., env. ext. 1816. John Philip Morier, env, ext. Jam. 5. Nov. 30. 1824. Geo. Wm. Chad, min. plen. Dec. 1783. Morton Eden, aft. Sir M., and lord 11. Henley, env. ext. 1828. Edwd. Michael Ward, min. plen. 1789. The same, min. plen. Feb. 12, G. 1791. Hugh Elliot, env. ext, and min. plen. 1832. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes, mim. Nov. 13. plen. Nov. 26. 1803. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, aft. 1842. Thos., E. of Wilton, env. ext, and sir H., bt., env. ext. June 25. min. plen., sp. miss. Sept. 24. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 121 1857. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes again, Sir C., env. ext, and min. plen. env, ext, and min. plen. May 2. June 6. ". 1858. Augs. Berkeley Paget, aft. Sir A., | 1866. Jno. Savile Lumley, aft. sir J., env. env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. ext. and min. plen. June 16. 13. 1867. Josh. Hume Burnley, ch. d’a. Dec. 9. 1859. Hon. Chas. Augs. Murray, C.B., aft. 1873. Geo. Strachey, ch. d'a. Oct. 25. For Ambassadors to Lower Saxony see “German States and Confederations.” TO THE SEVERAL GERMAN STATES AND CONFEDE- RATIONS DETAILED BELOW. SEE INTRODUCTION To “GERMANY AND AUSTRIA.” 1763. Philip Stanhope, env. ext, to the 1796. Wm. Elliot, min. plen. to the elect. diet of the empire. Mar. 22. pal., and min. to the diet of Ratis- — Jas. Porter, aft. Sir J., min. plen. bon. to the emp. of Germany's court at 1798. Hon. Arthur Paget, aft, sir A., env. Brussels. May 7. ext. to the elect. pal., and min. to 1764. Wrm. Gordon, aft. Sir Wrm., min. the diet of Ratisbon. May 22. plen. to the diet of Ratisbon. — Sir Jas. Craufurd, bart., min, plem. April 3; min. plen. to the emp's to the circle of Lower Saxony, Court at Brussels. Nov. 23, and res. at the Hanse Towns. 1765. July 28. 1765. Fulke Greville, env. ext, to the elec- 1799. Fras. Drake, env. ext, to the same, tor of Bavaria, and min. plen. to and min. to the diet of Ratisbon. the diet of Ratisbon. Nov. 23. June 11. 1769. Lewis de Wisme, min. plem. to the 1800. The same, to the elect. pal., new cre- elector of Bavaria and diet of dentials, and env. ext. to the diet Ratisbon. of Ratisbon. May. 1773. Hugh Elliot, min. plen. to the elec- 1801. Brook Taylor, aft. Sir B., min. plem. tor of Bavaria, and min. to the to Hesse-Cassel and to the elect. diet of Ratisbon. Dec. 24. of Cologne. Aug. 4. 1776. Morton Eden, aft. Sir M., and lord | 1802. Fras. Drake, min. plen. to the elect. Henley, to the same. Oct. 31. pal., in addition to his former 1777. Alleyne Fitzherbert, aft. lord St. character. July 1 ; min. plen. Helens, min. at Brussels, Mar. 4. to the diet of Ratisbon, Feb. 27, 1779. Rd. Oakes, min. to the diet of Ratis- 1803. bon. 1805. Hon. Wm. Hill, env. ext, and plem. to 1780. Hon. John Trevor, min. plen. to the the circle of Franconia. Mar. 1. elector palatine, and min. to the — Edw. Thornton,aft. Sir E., min. plen. diet of Ratisbon. April 7. to Denmark, the Hanse Towns, 1781. Ralph Heathcote, min. plem. to the and the circle of Lower Saxony, elector of Cologne, &c. Mar. 3. to Mecklenburgh-Schwerin, and 1783. George Byng, visc. Torrington, env. to Mecklenburgh Strelitz. May 4, • ext, to the emp's. court at Brus- | 1815. Alex. Cockburn, env. ext, to the sels. Hanse Towns and to Lower Sax- — Robert, visc. Galway, env. ext, to ony. June 1. the elect. pal., and min. to the 1817. Hon. Fredk, Jas. Ilamb, aft. Sir F., diet of Ratisbon. Feb. 22. and lord Beauvale ; succ. as visc. — Hon. Thos. Walpole, env. ext, to the Melbourne, min. plen. to the elect. pal. Nov. 19 ; env. ext. Germ. Confed. Nov. 28. and plen, to same. 1788. 1820. The same, env, ext, and min. plen. 1790 Chas. Hy. Fraser, min, plen, to the Apr. 17, G. circle of Lower Saxony, and res. 1823. Geo. Hamilton Seymour, aft. Sir G., at the Hanse Towns. Aug. 14. ch. d'a., ad. int., to the Germ. 1792. Thos. E. of Elgin, env. ext, to the Confed. Oct. 7. emp's. court at Brussels. Aug. 1824. Hon. Fredk. Cathcart, min. plem. to 18. the Germ. Confed. Jan. 15, G. 122 DIGNITIES. THE BOOK OF 1826, 1827. 1828. 1830. 1831. 1836. 1838. 1838. 1840. 1841. 1843. 1847. Hon. F. Cathcart, min, plen, to Hesse-Cassel. Feb. 2. John Ralph Milbanke, aft, sir J. R. M. Huskisson, bt., ch. d’a., ad int., to the same. Mar. 20. Hy. Unwin Addington, min, plen. to the Germ. Confed. and to Hesse- Cassel. Feb. 18. . Geo. Wm. Chad, min. plen. to the Germ. Confed, and to Hesse- Cassel. July 30, G. Thos. Cartwright, aft. Sir T., min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. Nov. 3, G. The same, min. plen. to Hesse-Cassel. Jan. 14. Hy. Canning, ch. d’a. to the Hanse Towns and to Lower Saxony. Hon. Hy. Edwd. Fox, aft. lord Holland, min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. Apr. 17, G. The same, to Hesse-Cassel. May 2. Hon. Ralph Abercromby, min. plen. to the Germ. Confed. Dec. 6, G. The same to Hesse-Cassel, July 25. Hon. Wm. Thos, Horner Fox Strang- ways, env. ext, and min. plem. to the Germ. Confed, and min. plem, to Hesse-Cassel, Mar. 17, G. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes, min. plen. to Saxe Coburg Gotha. June 29, Hon. Fras. Geo. Molyneux, ch. d’a. to the Germ. Confed. Jam. 24. John, E. of Westmoreland, min. plen. 1848. to Mecklenburgh-Schwerin, and to Mecklenburgh-Strelitz. Apr. 20. * Hon. John Duncan Bligh, min. plen. to Oldenburg. Apr. 20. The same, min. plen. to Brunswick. Oct. 15. John, E. of Westmoreland, min, plen. to Anhalt Dessau. Oct. 15. Hon. Fras. Reginald Forbes, min. plen. to Saxe Weimar Eisenach, Saxe Altenburg, and Saxe Meinin- gen. Oct. 15. Hon. Wm. Thos. Horner Fox Strang- ways, min. plen. to Hesse-Darm- stadt, and to Nassau. Oct. 15. Sir Stratford Canning, aft Wisc. Stratford de Redcliffe, ext. miss. to Belgium, Germany, Greece, and Switzerland. Now, 26. Hy. Rd. Chas., lcl., aft. E. Cowley, sp. miss. to Germ. Confed. without credentials. July 29. Env. ext. and min. plen. to Germ. Confed. May 12, 1851. 1851. Hon. Rd. Edwardes, ch. d’a. to Germ. Confed. Dec. 13. 1852. Sir Alexr. Malet, bart., env. ext. and min. plen. to Germ. Confed. Feb. 12. 1853. Hon. Rd. Edwardes, again, ch. d’a. to Germ. Confed. June 11.* 1868. Lord Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, amb. ext, and plen. to N. Germ. Confed. Feb. 24, G.; * The mission to the Germanic Confederation ceased in 1866 in consequence of the Austro-Prussian war; the Confederation was then dissolved, and Frankfort annexed to Prussia. f The North German Confederation was established in April 1867. on the formation of the German Empire. 1784. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1793. It ceased in 1871 See “Empire of Germany.” TO THE NETHERLANDS, &c. Hon. Jos. Yorke, aft. Sir J.; env. ext. and plem. Sir Jas. Harris, aft. lord and E. of Malmesbury, env. ext, and plem. to the states-general of the United Provinces. July 3. The same, amb. ext, and plem. to the states-general, &c. Feb. 8. Alleyne Fitzherbert, aft. lord St. Helens, env. ext, and plen. to the states-general, &c. May 16. Wm. Eden, lord Auckland, amb. to the states-general, &c. Nov. 28. Lord Hy. John Spencer, min. plen., ad int., to their high mightinesses. April 7. Hon. Wm. Eliot, aft. lord Fliot and 1794. 1802. 1813. 1814. 1815. E. of St. Germans, mim, plen., ad int. Alleyne, lord St. Helens, env. ext. and plen, Robt. Liston, aft. Sir R., env, and min. plon. to the Batavian re- public. Aug. 14. Rd., E. of Clancarty, amb. to the pr. of Orange. Nov. 25. Sir Chas. Stuart. aft. lord,Stuart de Rothesay, amb. to the pr. of Orange. Oct. 8. G. Sir Chas. Stuart, aft. lord Stuart de Rothesay, amb. to the Low Countries. Mar. 21. John James, mim, plen., ad int. June 29, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 123 1816. 1819. 1824. 1829. 1832. 1833. 1835. 1851. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1835. 1836. 1845. 1846. 1763. 1766. 1770. 1771. Rd., E. of Clancarty, again, amb. May 23, G. Geo. Wm. Chad, min, plen., ad int. Mar. 23. Granville, visc., aft. E. Granville, amb. Feb. 14. Andrew Snape Douglas, min. plen., ad int. Oct. 6. Sir Chas. Bagot, amb. Nov. 27. Thos. Cartwright, aft. Sir Thos., min. plen., ad int. July 28. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, min, plen. ad int. June 16. Hon. Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jern- ingham, ch. d’a. Sir Edw. Cromwell Disbrowe, env. ext. and min, plen. Dec. 30. Hon. Sir Ralph Abercromby, aft. lord Dunfermline, env. ext, and min, plen. Nov. 26. 1858. Francis, lord Napier, env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 15. - Sir Andrew Buchanan, env. ext, and min. plen. 11. Sir Jno. Ralph Milbanke, aft. Sir J. R. M. Huskisson, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 28. - W. adm., aft. adm. hon. Edw. Jno. Harris, C.B., env. ext, min. plen. Aug. 22. . Hon. Wm. Stuart, C.B., aft. Wm., K.C.M.G., env. ext. min. plen. Oct. 31. The same to K. Netherlands, as Gr. D. of Luxembourg. Nov. 27, G. Sir Horace Rumbold, bt., K.C.M.G., env. ext, and min. plen. Feb. 1. 1860. K. C. B., Dec. 1862. 1867. Alf. and Sir and 1879. 1888. TO BELGIUM. FROM the separation of Belgium from the kingdom of the Netherlands, and the establishment of a distinct monarchy, 1830–31. John, visc. Ponsonby, sp. miss. to Prov. Gov. Dec. 1. Sir Robt. Adair, sp. miss. Aug. O. Col. hon. John Hobart Caradoc, aft. succ. as baron Howden, military sp. miss. Nov. 15. Hy. Lytton Bulwer, aft. Sir Hy., and ld. Dalling and Bulwer, ch. d’a. Dec. 3. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, env. ext. and min. plen. April 4. Thos. Wathen Waller, ch. d’a. Oct. 18. Chas. Aug., lord Howard de Wal- den and Seaford, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 10. 1847. Sir Stratford Canning, aft. visc. Stratford de Redcliffe, ext. miss. to Belgium, Germany, Greece, and Switzerland. Nov. 26. 1856. Jno. Fane, E. of Westmoreland, . sp. miss. July 16. 1866. Jno. Robt., E. Sydney, sp. miss. Folo. 7. 1868. Jno. Savile Lumley, aft. Sir J., env. ext, and min. plen. Oct. 19. 1878. Geo., visc. Torrington, sp. miss. Aug. 12. 1883. Sir Edwd. Baldwin Malet, env. ext, and min. plen. Aug. 29. 1884. Hon. Hussey Crespigny Vivian, C.B. aft. Lord Vivian, IR. C.M.G., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 15. TO SPAIN. Geo. Wm. Hervey, E. of Bristol, ambassador. John Montagu, E. of Sandwich, amb. Feb. 19. Wm. Hy. Nassau, E. of Rochford, amb. June 18. Sir Jas. Gray, bt., amb. Nov. 25. Geo. Pitt, aft. lord Rivers, amb. Feb. 19. Thos., ld. Grantham, amb. 25. Jas. Harris, aft. Sir J., and lord and Jan. E. of Malmesbury, min. plen. ad. Žnt. Feb. 22. 1783. John, visc. Mountstuart, aft. E. and M. of Bute, amb. Mar. 12. — Philip, E. of Chesterfield, amb. Dec. 31. 1784. Robt. Liston, aft. Sir R., min. plen., ad int. 1787. William Eden, aft. lord Auckland, amb. Aug. 18. 1789. Chas. Hy. Fraser, min, plen. ad int. July 18. I24 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1794, 1795. 1802. 1809. 1810. I813. 1820. l822. 1825. 1829. 1832. 1833. 1835. 1839. 1840. 1843. 1766. 1771. 1786. 1800. 1802. 1806. Sir Morten Eden, aft. lord Henley, amb. Mar. 15. John, E., aft. M. of Bute, again, amb. Apr. 23. John Hookham Frere, env. and min. plen. Sept. 20. Rd., Marq. Wellesley, amb. June 9 ext. Bartholomew Frere, min. plen., ad int. Sept. 17. Hon. Hy. Wellesley, aft. Sir H., and ld. Cowley, env. ext, and min. plen. Jan. 3 ; amb., Oct. 1, 1811. Chas. Rd. Vaugham, aft. Sir C., min. plen., ad int. July 16. Lionel Hervey, min. plem., ad int. Nov. 25. Sir Wm. A 'Court, aft. lord Heytes- bury, env. ext, and min. plen. Aug. 8. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. Sir F., and lord Beauvale, succ. as visc. Melbourne; env. ext, and min. plen. Feb. 18. Hy. Unwin Addington, env. ext. and min. plem. Dec. 7. Sir Stratford Canning, aft. visc. Stratford de Redcliffe, sp. miss. Dec. 13. Hon. Geo. Wrm. IFredk. Williers, aft. sir G., succ, as E. of Clarendon ; env. ext, and min, plen. Sept. 5. Lord Elliot, military miss. Hon. Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jer- ningham, ch. d’a. Oct. 18. Arthur Aston, aft. Sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 13. Hy. Lytton Bulwer, aft. Sir H., and la. Dalling and Bulwer, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 25. In 1884. . Hon. May 1848, Mr. Bulwer was or- dered by the , Spanish govern- ment to quit Madrid within forty-eight hours, on the alleged ground of his improper inter- ference in the internal affairs of the kingdom. The minister of Spain in London (M. Isturiz) was, in consequence, informed by the British government that he could not be allowed to continue at the court of Great Britain as minister from the Q. of Spain. M. Isturiz took his departure, therefore, from London on the 14th June following ; and diplomatic rela- tions were not renewed between the two countries until April 1850; when lord Howden was appointed British minister to the court of Madrid, and M. Isturiz returned to the court of London. . John Hobart, lord Howden, env. ext. and min, plen. May 9. . Andrew Buchanan, C.B., aft. Sir A., env. ext, and min. plen. Mar. 31. . Sir Jno. Fiennes Twistleton Cramp- ton, bt., K.C.B., env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 11. . Austen Hy. Layard, aft. Sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 23. Lionel Sackville Sackville West, aft. Sir L., env. ext, and min. plen. Jan. 11. . Robt. Burnett David Morier, C.B., aft. Sir R., env. ext, and mim. plen. June 22. Fras. Claro Ford, C.B., C.M.G., aft. Sir F., env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 15; amb. ext, and plem. Dec. 8, 1887. TO PORTUGAL. Hon. Edw. Hay, env. ext, and min. plem. Wm. Hy. Lyttleton, aft. lord Westcote, env. ext, and min. plen. Oct. 25. Hon. Robt. Walpole, env. ext, and min. plen. June 12. Wm. Fawkenor, env. ext. and min. plen., for negotiating commercial affairs in conjunction with the hon. Robt. Walpole. Oct. 4. John Hookham Frere, onv. ext. and and min. plen, Oct. 14. Lord Robt. Stephen Fitzgerald, env. ext, and min. plen. Sept. 25. James, E. of Rosslyn, John, E. of St. Vincent, and gon. Simcoe ; ext, miss. Aug. 9. 1810. 1814. Percy Clinton, visc. Strangford, min. plen., ad int. Dec. 1. Env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 16, 1808. Visc. Strangford went to the Brazils on the court of Portugal going thither. John Chas. Williers, env. ext, and min. plen. Nov. 27. Chas. Stuart, aft. Sir C. and lord Stuart de Rothesay, env. ext, and min. plen. Jan. 10. Thos. Sydenham, env. ext, and min. plen. May 26. George Canning, amb., to congratu- late the king on his return to his European dominions. Oct. 17. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 125 1817. Edw. Thornton, aft, sir Ed., env. 1855. Hy. Fras. Howard, aft. Sir H., env. ext, and min. plen, July 29. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 10. Mr. Thornton went to the Brazils | 1858. Jno. Alexr., M. of Bath, env. ext, same year. and min. plen., sp. miss. Apr. 27. 1819. The same, amb. pro tem. Apr. 12. 1859. Sir Arthur Chas. Magenis, K.C.B., 1820. Edw. Michael Ward, ch. d’a. Mar. 6. env. ext, and min. plen. Nov. 1823. Sir Edw. Thornton, again, env. ext. 11. and min. plen. Aug. 7. 1865. Wm. Philip, E. of Sefton, sp. miss. 1824. Sir Wm. A'Court, aft. lord Heytes- Apr. 17. bury, amb. Aug. 16. 1866. Sir Aug. Berkeley Paget, K.C.B., 1825. Sir Chas. Stuart, aft. lord Stuart de env. ext. and min. plen. June 9. Rothesay, sp. miss. Mar. 14. 1867. Edwd. Thornton, C.B., aft. Sir E., 1827. Sir Fredk. Jas. Lamb, aft. lord Beau- env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 3. vale; succ. as visc. Melbourne, 1867. Hon. Sir Chas. Aug. Murray, K.C.B., amb. Dec. 28. env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 13. 1833. Lord Wm. Russell sp. miss. Aug. 7. 1874. Edwd. Robt., ld., aft. E. Lytton, — Chas. Augs., lord Howard de Wal- env. ext, and min, plen. Nov. 26. den, aft. lord Howard de Walden | 1876. Robt. Burnett David Morier, C.B., and Seaford, env. ext, and min. aft. Sir R., env. ext, and min. plen. Nov. 26. plen. Mar. 1. 1847. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, env. 1881. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke, G.C.M.G., ext. and min. plen. Feb. 2. K.C.B., env. ext, and min. plen. 1851. Sir Rd. Pakenham, env. ext, and June 22. min. plen. Apr. 28. Sp. miss. 1884. Geo. Glynn Petre, env. ext, and min. Aug. 17, 1855, plen. Jan. 16. TO RUSSIA, * * Robt. Murray Keith, aft, sir R., env. 1804. Lord Granville Leveson Gower, aft, ext. E. Granville, amb. Aug. 10. 1762. John, E. of Buckinghamshire, amb. 1806. Wn. Shaw, ld., aft. visc. and E., ext. and min. plen. July 17. Cathcart, amb. Nov. 28. 1764. Sir Geo., aft. li., visc., and E., Ma- — Dudley, ld., aft. E. of Harrowby; cartmey, env. ext. Aug. 31. ext. miss. (and to Prussia). Now. 1766. Hans Stanley, amb. ext. and min. 28. plen. Aug. 12. 1806. Lord G. L. Gower, again, amb. 1767. Sir Geo. Macartney, again, amb. May 17. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 14. — Alex., M. of Douglas and Clydes- 1768. Chas. Shaw, lord Cathcart, amb. dale, succ. as D. of Hamilton, ext. and min. plen. Feb. 23. amb. May 28. 1771. Robt. Gumming, aft. sir R., bt., | 1812. Wm. Shaw, visc. Cathcart, amb. env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. July 25. 13. — Horatio, ld. Walpole, succ. as 1776. Sir Jas. Harris, aft. li., and E. E. of Orford, min. plen., ad int. of Malmesbury, env. ext, and Aug. 4. min. plen. Nov. 30. 1813. Robt., visc. Castlereagh, succ. as M. 1783. Alleyne Fitzherbert, aft. la. St. of Londonderry, sp. miss. Dec. Helens, env. ext, and min, plen. 27. Aug. 19. 1817. Lewis Casamajor, min, plen., ad int. 1788. Chas. Whitworth, aft. Sir C., and July 5. ld., visc., and E. Whitworth, 1820. Sir Chas. Bagot, amb. May 23. env. ext, and min. plen. Oct. 13. — Lt.-col. hon. Fredk. Cathcart, min. 1790. Wm. Fawkener, env. ext, and min. plen., ad int. plen, ad int. 1822. Arthur, D. of Wellington, ext, miss. 1801. Alleyne, ld, St. Helens, amb. to the to the congress of Verona. Sept. emp. Alexander on his accession. 4. Apr. 24. 1824. Edwd. Michael Ward, min. plen., ad — Benj. Garlike, min, plen., ad int. 2nt. June 30. July 13, — Stratford Canning, aft, sir S. and visc. 1802. Sir John Borlase Warren, bt., amb. Stratford de Redcliffe, sp. miss. Sept. 5. Dec. 8. * ‘126 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1825. 1825. 1826. 1828. 1832. 1832. 1835. 1836. 1838. 1840. 1841. 1778. 1779. 1782. 1784. * * 1773. 1776. -1778. 1787. 1788. 1793. 1795. 1802. Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, aft. sir L., min. plen., ad int. Feb. 23. Percy Clinton, visc. Strangford, amb. Oct. 10. Arthur, D. of Wellington, again, sp. miss. Feb. 6. Wm. Spencer, D. of Devonshire, sp. embassy, coronation of the emp. Nicholas. May 5. Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, again, min. plen., ad int. May 31. Hon. Wm. Temple, min. plen., ad &nt. Jan. 4. Wm. lord Heytesbury, amb. June 7. John Geo., lord, aft. E. of Durham, ext. miss. to Austria, Russia, and Prussia. July 3. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, min. plen., ad int. Sept. 3. John Geo., E. of Durham, amb. July 8. John Ralph Milbanke, aft. Sir J. R. M., min. plen., ad int. Sept. 29. Ulick John M. of Clanricarde, amb. Oct. 6. Hon. John Arthur Douglas Bloom- field, aft. la. Bloomfield, min. plen., ad int. Mar. 28. & Chas., lord Stuart de Rothesay, amb. Oct. 16. 1844. J. A. D., ld. Bloomfield, again, env. ' ext, and min. plen. Mar. 9. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, ext. and min. plen. Apr. 28. Dipl. rel, suspended Feb. 1854, till termination of Crimean war. Jno., ld. Wodehouse, env. ext, and min. plen. May 4. Geo. Granville, E. Granville, amb. ext. to emp. Alexander II. on coronation. - . Sir Jno. Fiennes Twistleton Cramp- ton, bart., K.C.B., env. ext. and min. plen. Mar, 31. Francis, lord Napier, amb. ext, and plen. Dec. 11. Hon. Sir Andrew Buchanan, K.C.B., amb. ext, and min. plen. Sept. 15. Lord Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, G.C.B., amb. ext. and plen. Oct. 16. - Fredk. Temple Hamilton, E. of Dufferin, K.P., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., amb. ext, and plen. Feb. 8, G. Sir Edwd. Thornton, K.C.B., amb. ext. and plen. May 26. Sir Robt. Burnett David Morier, K.C.B., amb. ext, and plen. Dec. 1. 1851. ©n V. 1856. 1856. 1860. 1864. 1871. 1879. 1881. 1884. TO POLAND. Thos. Wroughton, aft. Sir T., min. plen. Rd. Oakes, min. plen. June 10. Jas. Hare, min. plen. Oct. 19. John, visc. Dalrymple, aft. E. of Stair, min. plen. Jan. 5. Chas. Whitworth, aft. Sir C., ld., visc., and E. Whitworth, min. plen. June 25. 1788. Daniel Hailes, min. plen. Sept. 13. 1791. Wm. Gardiner, min. plen. Dec. 14. Poland was finally partitioned by Russia, Austria, and Prussia, in 1795. SWEDEN. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. To Swed EN. Sir John Goodricke, bt., env. ext. Lewis de Wisme, env. ext. Nov. 29; d. 1776. Horace St. Paul, env. ext. Oct. 31. Thos. Wroughton, aft. Sir T., env. ext. June 10. Min. plen., Apr. 27, 1787; d. Sept. this year. Chas. Keene, ch. d’a. Sept. 22. Robt. Liston, aft. Sir R., min. plen. Sept. 13. Lord Hy. John Spencer, env. ext July 13. Daniel Hailes, min. plen. July 11. Chas. Arbuthnot, env. ext. Sept. 5, 1804. Hom. Hy. Manvers Pierrepont, env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 20. 1807. Alexr. Straton, env. ext. and mim. plen. Jan. 19. t — Hon. Hy. M. Pierrepoint, again, sp. miss. May. Edwd. Thornton, aft. sir E., env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 10. 1808. Anthy. Merry, env. ext, and min. len. Nov. 1. 1811. Edwd. Thornton, again, sp. miss. Oct. 1812. Edwd. Thornton again, env. ext. and min. plen. Aug. 5. 1814. Norway united to Sweden. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 127 1817. 1820. 1823. 1832. 1833. 1835. 1838. 1850. 1763. 1765. 1771. 1772. 1774. iT79. 1782. 1791. 1795. 1800. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1807. To SwedEN AND Norway. Percy Clinton, visc. Strangford, env. ext. and min. plen. July. 18. Wm. Fitzgerald Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. li. Fitzgerald and Vesci, env. ext, and min. plen. Aug. 7. Sir Benj. Bloomfield, aft. lord Bloom- field, env. ext, and min. plen. Apr. 24. Chas. Aug., ld. Howard de Wal- den, aft, ld. Howard de Walden and Seaford, env. ext, and min plen. Sept. 21. Sir Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, env. 'ext. and min. plen. Now 26. Hon. John Duncan Bligh, env. ext and min plen. Nov. 3. Sir Thos. Cartwright, env. ext, and min. plen. Oct. 6. Geo. John Robt. Gordon, ch. d’a., May 2, during absence of sir T. Cartwright. 1851. 1853. 1854. 1859. 1872. 1881. 1884. 1888. Sir Edmd. Lyons, bt., aft. la. Lyons, env. ext. and min. plen. Jan. 27. Hon. Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jerning- ham, env. ext, and min. plen. Nov. 23; (appt. cancelled). Arthur Chas. Magenis, aft. Sir A., env. ext, and min. plen. May 20. Augs. Berkeley Paget, aft. Sir A., env. ext, and min. plen. June 6. Note.—This appointment was can- celled and A. C. Magenis remained until . Hon. Geo. Sulyarde Stafford Jerning- ham, again, env. ext, and min plen. Nov. 11. Hon. Edwd. Morris Erskine, env. ext. and min. plen. July 24. Sir Horace Rumbold, bt., env. ext. and min. plen. Apr. 1. Edwin Corbett, env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 24. Hon. Fras. Rd. Plunkett. Apr. TO DENMARK. Dudley Alex. Sydney Cosby, aft. ld. Sydney, of Leix, in Ireland, resident. Sept. 10. Wm. Gordon, aft. Sir W., bt., env. ext. June 29. Robt. Gunning, aft. Sir R., resident. Nov. 23. Robt. Murray Keith, aft. sir R., env. ext. Feb. 13. Ralph Woodford, env. ext. Aug. 14. Daniel de Laval, resident. July 15. Env, ext., June 10, 1778. Morton Eden, aft. Sir M., and lå. Henley, env. ext. Mar. 17. Hugh Elliot, env. ext, and aft. min. plen. Daniel Hailes, env. ext. Dec. 14. Lord Robt. Stephen Fitzgerald, env. ext. and min. plen. July 7. Chas., lol., aft. Visc. and E. Whit- worth, ext, miss. Aug. 1. Sir Jas. Craufurd, env. ext. min. plen. Feb. 27. Robt. Tiston, aft, Sir R., ext, miss. June 23. Benj. Garlike, env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 31. Edwd. Thornton, aft. Sir E., min. plen. to Denmark, the Hanse Towns, Lower Saxony, Mecklen- burg-Schwerin, and Mecklenburg- Strelitz. May 4. Brook Taylor, aft. Sir B., env. ext. and min. plen., ad int. July 17. Fras. Jas. Jackson, env. ext, and min. plen., ad int. July 24. and 1807. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1824. 1853. 1858. 1866. 1867. 1881. 1884. 1888. . Jno., ld. Wodehouse, Anthy. Merry, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 3. Edwd. Thornton, again, env. ext. and min, plem. July 5. Gen. hon. Alexr. Hope, env. ext, and min, plen. Jan. 15. Aug. John Foster, aft. Sir A., env. ext. and min. plen. May 19. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, aft. sir H., bt., env. ext, and min. plen. Sept. 14. Andrew Buchanam, aft. Sir A., env. ext, and min. plen. Feb. 9. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, aft. Sir H., env. ext, and min. plen. Mar. 31. . Augs. Berkeley Paget, aft. Sir A., env. ext, and min. plen. July 4. aft. E. of Kimberley, sp. miss. to congrat. K. Christian IX. on his accession. Dec. 9. Hon. Chas. Aug. Murray, C. B., aft. sir C., env. ext, and min. plen. June 9. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke, K.C.B., env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 16. Hon. Hussey Crespigny C. B., env. ext July 1. Hon. Edmund Jno Monson, C.B., aft, Sir E., env, ext, and min, plen. Dec. 29. Hugh Guion Macdonell, env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 1. Vivian, and min. plen. 128 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TO THE DANUBIAN PRINCIPALITIES OF MOLDAVIA AND WALLACHIA. TJnited in 1861 under the name of ROUMANIA. 1851. Robt. Gilmour Colquhoun, aft. Sir W., agent and C.G. July 1. R., agent and C.G. Nov. 18. Env. ext, and min, plen., Feb. 1859. Jno. Green, aft. sir J., agent and 20, 1880. G. C.G. July 17. 1882. Percy Sanderson, apptd. C.G. and 1874. Hon. Hussey Chas. Vivian, agent Commr. for Danube arrange- and C.G. Feb. 16. ments. Jan. 1. G. 1876. Lt.-col. Chas. Edw. Mansfield, agent | 1887. Sir Frank Cavendish Lascelles, and C.G. May 10. K.C.M.G., env. ext, and min. 1878. Wm. Arthur White, C.B., aft. Sir plen. Jan. 1. TO BULGARIA. 1879. Wm. Gifford Palgrave, agent and 1887. Nichs. Roderick O'Conor, agent and C.G. June 20. C.G. Jan. 1. 1879. Frank Cavendish Lascelles, aft. sir F., agent and C.G. Nov. 26. TO SERVIA. 1868. Jno. A. Longworth, agent and C.G. 1881. Sidney Locock, min, res. Apr. 16. Mar. 17. tº 1875. Wm. Arthur White, aft, sir A. | 1886. Geo. Hugh Wyndham, G.B., min- agent and C.G. Feb. 27. res., Feb. 25; env. ext, and min 1878. Gerard Fras. Gould, agent. July 1. plen. Sept. 8, 1886. Ch. d’a., Jan. 8, 1879. Min. res. 1888. Fredk. Robt. St. John, env. ext, and Mar. 3, 1879. min. plen. Feb. 1. TO MONTENEGRO. 1879. Wm. Kirby Green, ch. d’a. Monte- | 1886. Walter Baring, ch. d’a. July 20. negro, and C.G., Scutari. Jan. 6. - TO GREECE. GREECE became a kingdom, October 5, 1832; and Otho, of Bavari ascended the throne, as first king, January 25, 1833. 1833. Edw. Jas. Dawkins, min. plen. to Belgium, Germany, Greece, Jan. 1. and Switzerland. Nov. 26. 1835. Sir Edmd. Lyons, min. plen. July 2, 1849. Thº, Wººdaft. Sir T., min. plen. 6 te º e 1847. Sir Stratford Canning, aft. visct. Dipl. rel. susp. from Jan. 22 to Stratford de Redcliffe, ext, miss. Apr. 28, 1850. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 129 1862. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, after sir H., sp. miss. to K. Otho. Apr. 24, G. Sp. miss. to Prov. Gov. Dec. 13. 1862. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, C.B., env. ext, and min. plen. June 12. 1864. Hon. Edw. Morris Erskine, env. ext. and min. plen. May 7. 1871. Hon. Wm. Stuart, sp. miss. May 1878. 1881. 1884. Sir 1. Env. ext, and min. plen., July 29, 1872. Edwin Corbett, env. ext. and min. len. Jan. 7. Fras. Clare Ford, C.B., C.M.G., aft. sir F., env. ext, and min. plen. Mar. 5. Horace ext. and min. plen. Rumbold, bt., Dec. 17. eny. TO THE IONIAN ISLANDS. CORFU, CEPHALONIA, ZANTE, ST. MAURA, ITHACA, CERIGO, AND PAxo. THESE islands, called the “REPUBLIC of THE SEVEN ISLANDs,” were placed under the protection of Great Britain, by the congress of Vienna, in 1815, and “LORD HIGH CoMMIssion ERs '' were from time to time appointed and sent out. A list of these is given here, in the absence of any more appropriate place, although their functions differed con- siderably from those of ordinary diplomatic representatives. LORD HIGH ComMISSIONERs. 1816. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Maitland, G.C.B. 1843. Lt.-gen. John, ld. Seaton, G.C. B. May 7. Feb. 24. 1824. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk. Adam, K.C.B. 1849. Hy. Geo. Ward. May 2. Apr. 7. 1855. Sir Jno. Young, bt. Mar. 20, G. 1832. Sir Jas. Macdonald. June 2, G. 1858. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, commº. ext., — Geo., ld. Nugent. Aug. 13, G. Nov. 6, G.; la. high commr., 1835. Lt.-gen. Sir Howard Douglas, bt. Jan. 25, 1859, G. Mar. 13. 1859. Col. sir Hy. Knight Storks, K.C. B., 1840. Jas. Alex. Stewart Mackenzie. Dec. 2. Feb. 2, G. The Ionian Islands were united to Greece in 1863. See ‘‘ Greece.” TO TURKEY. * * James Porter, aft. Sir Jas., amb. | 1820. Percy Clinton, visc. Strangford, amb. 1761. Hon. Hy. Grenville, amb. Aug. 7. 1765. Robt. Colebrooke, amb. July 31. 1824. Wm. Turner, min. plen., ad int. — John Murray, amb. Nov. 30 ; d. at May 18. Venice, Aug. 9, 1775. 1825. S. Canning, again, amb. Oct. 10. 1775. Sir Robt. Ainslie, amb. Sept. 20. 1827. Col. the hon. John Hobart Caradoc, 1793. Robt. Liston, aft. Sir R., amb. Oct. 1. aft. lord Howden, sp. miss. to 1796. Fras. Jas. Jackson, amb. July 23. Egypt and Greece. July 4. — John Spencer Smith, mim. plen., ad. 1829. Robt. Gordon, aft. Sir R., amb. 2nt. Apr. 8. 1799. Thos., E. of Elgin, amb. Apr. 13. 1831. Sir S. Canning, again, amb. Oct. 31. 1803. Wm. Drummond, amb. Feb. 9. — John Hy. Mandeville, min. plen., ad 1804. Chas. Arbuthnot, amb. June 5. 2nt. Nov. 7. 1807. Hon. Sir Arthur Paget, amb. May | 1832. John, ld., aft. visc. Ponsonby, amb. 15. Nov. 27. 1808. Robt. Adair, aft. Sir R., sp. miss. | 1837. Sir Chas. Rd. Vaughan, amb. Mar. 1. July 5 ; amb. April 14, 1809. 1841. Chas. Bankhead, min, plen., ad int. 1809. Stratford Canning, aft. Sir S. and Mar. 30. visc. Stratford de Redcliffe, min. — Sir S. Canning, again, amb. Oct. 16. plen. July 17. 1845. Hon. Hy. Rd. Chas. Wellesley, aft. 1812. Robt. Liston, again, amb. Mar. 2. ld. and E. Cowley, min, plen., ad 1820. Bartholomew Frere, min. plen. Mar. &nt. June 14. 1858. Sir Hy. Lytton Bulwer, G.C.B., aft. 9 130 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1865 1867 1876. 1877. 1871. 1880. i858. 1865. 1875. 1876. 1879. 1882. 1807. 1810. 1814. 1826. 1835. 1836. 1844. 1792. ld. Dalling and Bulwer, amb. ext. and plen. May 10. Rd. Bickerton Pemell, ld. Lyons, G.C.B., amb. cxt. and plen. Aug. 10. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, aft. Sir H. amb. ext, and plen. July 6. Robt. Arth. Talbot, M. of Salisbury, sp. amb. Nov. 8. Austen Hy. Layard, aft. Sir A., sp. amb., ad int. Mar. 31. Edw. Baldwin Malet, aft. Sir E., min. plen., ad int. Feb. 18. Geo. Joachim Goschen, sp. amb. ext. and plen. May 6. 1881. Fredk. Temple Hamilton E. of Dufferin, K.P., G.C.M.G., R. C. B., amb. ext, and plen. May 26. Sir Edw. Thornton, G.C.B., amb. ext, and plen. Dec. 1. Sir Wm. Arthur White, K.C.M.G., env. ext, and min. plen. ad int. Apr. 18. Sir Hy. Drummond Wolff, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., env. ext, and min. plen., sp. miss. on Egyptian affairs. Aug. 3. Sir W. A. White, G.C.M.G., again, sp. amb. ext, and plen. Oct. 11. Amb. ext, and plen. Jan. 1, 1887. 1884. 1885. 1885. I886. TO EGYPT. Robt. Gilmour Colquhoun, aft. Sir R., agent and C.G. Dec. 13. Col. Edw. Stanton, aft. gen. sir. E., agent and C.G. May 15. Stephen Cave, aft. Sir S., sp. miss. Dec. 1 Hon. Hussey Crespigny Vivian, agent Dufferin, K.P., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., sp. miss. Nov. 2. 1883. Maj. Sir Evelyn Baring, K.C.S.I., agent and C.G. Aug. 29. 1884. Thos. Geo., E. of Northbrook, sp. miss. as high commr. Aug. 12. 1885. Sir Hy. Drummond Wolff, G.C.M.G., and C.G. May 10. R.C.B., high commr. Nov. 2. Edw. Baldwin Malet, C.B., aft. Sir Transf, to Persia, Dec. 1887, E., agent and C.G. Oct. 10. leaving Sir E. Baring, agent and Fredk. Temple Hamilton, E. of C.G. TO MUSCAT. 1872. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, Sp. Env., Nov. 9. TO PERSIA. Sir Harford Jones, aft. Sir H. Jones | 1854. Hon. Chas. Augs. Murray, env. ext. Brydges, env. ext. June 5. and min. plen. Sept. 3. Sir Gore Ouseley, bt., amb. Mar. 6. Dipl. rel. susp., Dec. 5, 1855. Jas. Morier, min. plen., ad int. April 18. Hy. Ellis, min. plen., ad int., in the event of Mr. Morier's absence. April 18. Col. Macdonald, env. ext, from the Supr. govt. of India. July 29. Hy. Ellis, again, amb. July 8. John M'Neill, env. ext, and min. plen. May 25. Lt.-col. Justin Sheil, aft. sir J., env. ext. and min. plem. Sept. 17. 1859. Lt.-Col. Sir Hy. Creswicke Rawlinson, K.C.B., env, ext, and min. plem. Apr. 16. 1860. Chas. Alison, env. ext, and min, plen. Apr. 7. 1872. Wm. Taylour Thomson, aft. Sir W., eny, ext, and min. plen. July 15. 1879. Ronald Ferguson Thomson, aft, sir . env. ext, and min. plem. June 14. Sir Hy. Drummond Wolff, G.C.M.G., R. C.B., env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 3. 1887. TO CHINA AND COREA. TO CHINA. Geo., ld., aft. visc. and E. Macart- mey, amb. ext, and min. plen. ; sp. miss. May 22. Commrs. to the embassy, Hy. Browne, Eyles Irwin, and Wm. Jackson. Sec. of legation, sir Geo. L. Staun- ton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 131. 1816. Wm. Pitt, ld. Amherst, amb.; sp. 1859. Hon. Fredk. Wm. Adolphus Bruce, miss. Jan. 20. e aft. Sir F., env. ext. and min. — Hy. Ellis, aft. Sir H., min. plen., ad plen. Jan. 14. int. Jan. 24. Dipl. rel. again susp. during war 1841. Sir Hy. Pottinger, supt. of Brit. from June 25, 1859. trade. Aug. 16. 1860. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine 1844. Sir Jno. Fras. Davis, plen. and supt. again, sp. miss. Mar. 20. Feb. 9. 1865. Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B., env. 1848. Sir Saml. Geo. Bonham, plen. and ext. and min. plen. Mar. 28, G. Supt. Apr. 27. * 1871. Thos. Fras. Wade, C.B., aft. Sir T., 1853. Sir Jno. Bowring, plen. and supt. env. ext, and min. plen. July Dec. 24. 22. . 1857. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine, sp. 1883. Sir Harry Smith Parkes, G.C.M.G., miss. Apr. 17. K.C.B., env. ext, and min. plen. Dipl. rel. susp. during war from July 1. May 25, 1857. To CHINA AND COREA. 1884. Sir Harry Smith Parkes, G.C.M.G., K. Corea. May 2. Did not pro- K.C.B., accredited as env. ext. ceed to China. and min. plen. to K. of Corea. | 1885. Sir Jno. Walsham, bt., env. ext. Feb. 27, G. and min. plen. to China and Corea. 1885. Sir Robt. Hart, K.C.M.G., env. ext. Nov. 24. and min. plen. to emp. China and | TO JAPAN. 1858. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine, | 1883. Hon. Fras. Rd. Plunkett, aft. Sir F., sp. miss. env. ext., min. plen. and C.G. 1859. Rutherford Alcock, aft. sir R., env. July 1. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 30. 1888. Hugh Fraser, env. ext, and min. 1865. Sir Harry Smith Parkes, K.C.B., plen. May. env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 28. - TO SIAM. 1855. Sir Jno. Bowring, sp. miss. Mar. 12. 1884. Ernest Mason Satow, agent and C.G. 1875. Thos. Geo. Knox, agent and C.G. Jan. 16; Min. res. and C.G. Feb. Feb. 8. 17, 1885. 1879. Wm. Gifford Palgrave, agent and C.G. Nov. 26. TO BORNEO. * 1847. Jas. Brooke, aft. Sir J., commr. and C.G., Mar. 19. TO ABYSSINIA. 1884. R.-Adm. Sir Wm. Hewett, sp. miss., Jan. 2. TO THE BARBARY STATES. TUNIS. MOROCCO. To THE BARBARY STATES. 1813. Wm. A’Court, aft. Sir W. and Lord Heytesbury, env. ext, and min, plen, Jan. 5. 9 * 132 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1821. Sir Thos. Reade, agent. 1879. Thos. Fellowes Reade, agent and 1849. Sir Edwd. Stuart Baynes, agent. C.G. June 23. Retired Feb., Oct. 25. 1885. No successor appointed. 1855. Rd. Wood, aft. Sir R., agent and C.G. Aug. 30. - TO MOROCCO. 1829. Edwd. Wm. Auriol Drummond Hay, plen., Sept. 1, 1872. Env. ext. agent. May 11. and min. plen., Feb. 27, 1880. 1845. Jno. Hay Drummond Hay, aft. Sir 1886. Wm. Kirby Greene, C.M.G., env. J., and K.C.B., agent. Aug. 9. ext. and min. plen. July 1. Min. res., June 9, 1860. Min. TO ZANZIBAR. 1872. Sir Hy. Bartle E. Frere, sp. env. Nov.9. 1887. Col. Chas. Bean Euan-Smith, agent 1880. John Kirk, aft. Sir J., agent and and C.G. Dec. 1. C.G. Jan. 5. TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1791. Geo. Hammond, min. plen. July 5. 1842. Alex. Baring, lord Ashburton, ext. Mr. Hammond was the first minister and sp. miss. Jan. 18. sent from Great Britain to 1843. Rd. Pakenham, aft. Sir R., env. ext. America. and min. plen. Dec. 14. 1796. Robt. Liston, aft. Sir R., env. ext. 1849. Sir Hy. Lytton Bulwer, aft. la. and min. plen. Mar. 10. Dalling and Bulwer, env. ext, and 1803. Anth. Merry, env. ext, and min. min. plen. Apr. 27. plen. Sept. 16. 1852. Jno. Fiennes Twistleton Crampton, 1806. Hon. David Montagu Erskine, aft. aft. Sir J., bt., env. ext, and succ. as li. Erskine, env. ext. - min. plen. Jan. 19. and min. plen. July 21, G. 1854. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine, 1807. Geo. Hy. Rose, sp. miss. Oct. sp. miss. May. 23. Dipl. rel. susp. from May 28, 1856. 1809. Fras. Jas. Jackson, env. ext, and 1857. Fras., ld. Napier, aft. li. Napier min. plen. July 6. and Ettrick, env. ext, and min. 1811. Aug. John Foster, aft. Sir A., env. plen. Jan. 20. ext, and min. plen. Feb. 1858. Rd. Bickerton Pemell, ld. Lyons, 1815. Hon. Chas. Bagot, aft. Sir C., env. env. ext, and min. plem. Dec. 13. ext. and min. plen. July 31. 1865. Hon. Sir Fredk. Wm. Adolphus 1820. Sir Stratford Canning, aft. visc. Bruce, K.C.B., env. ext, and min. Stratford de Redcliffe, env. ext. plen. Mar, 1. and min. plen. July 18. 1867. Edwd Thornton, C.B., aft. Sir E., 1825. Chas. Rd. Vaughan, aft. Sir C., env. env. ext, and min. plen. Dec. 6. ext. and min. plen. May 21. 1881. Hon. Lionel Sackville Sackville West, 1835. Hy. Stephen Fox, env. ext, and aft. Sir L., env. ext, and min. plen. min. plen. Oct. 2. June 22. TO TEXAS. TO TUNIs. 1842. Capt. Chas. Elliot, ch. d’a., June 28. Texas was admitted to the United States of America in 1846. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 133 TO MEXICO. 1835. Rd. Pakenham, aft. Sir R., min | 1858. Loftus Chas. Otway, C.B., min. plen. plen. Mar. 12. - Feb. 19. 1843 Percy Wm. Doyle, ch. d’a. Jam. 4. | 1860. Chas. Lennox Wyke, C.B., aft. Sir C., — Chas. Bankhead, min. plen. Now. env. ext, and min. plen. Jan. 24, G. 23. 1847. P. W. Doyle, again, ch. d’a. Dipl. rel, susp. July 25, 1861. 1850. C. Bankhead, again, ch. d’a. 1864. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, C.B., 1851. P. W. Doyle, again, min. plen. Dec. env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 9. 24. Dipl. rel, susp. in consequence of 1855. Wm. Garrow Lettsom, ch. d’a. the murder of the emp. Maxi- May 4. * milian, from Dec. 21, 1867, to Dipl. rel. susp. Nov. 1, 1855, to Nov. 1883. Sir Spenser St. John, K.C.M.G., sp. 1856, when Mr. Lettsom resumed miss. May 29. Env. ext, and his functions. min. plen. Nov. 28, 1884. TO HAYTI. 1859. Thos. N. Ussher, ch. d’a. and C.G. (1874. Major Robt. Stuart, min. res. and May 13. C.G. Oct. 28. Ret. May, 1883. 1861. Spenser St. John, aft. Sir S., ch. No successor app. d’a. and C.G. May 20. Min. res. and C.G., Dec. 12, 1872. TO THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 1871. Spenser St. John, after sir s, ch. 28. Ret. May, 1883. No suc- d’a. June 28. - cessor app. 1874. Major Robt. Stuart, ch. d'a. Oct. TO CENTRAL AMERICA. GUATEMALA. COSTA RICA. To GUATEMALA. 1849. Fredk. Chatfield, ch. d’a., June 16. To GUATEMALA AND COSTA RICA. 1850. Fredk. Chatfield, apptd. ch. d’a, to Costa Rica in addition to his previous appt. to Guatemala, Feb. 20. & To CENTRAL AMERICA. CoMPRISING GUATEMALA, SAN SALVADOR, NICARAGUA, COSTA RICA, HONDURAS. 1854. Chas. Lennox Wyke, aft. sir. C., 1859. C. L. Wyke, again, env. ext, and min. ch. d’a. Oct. 31. - plen. Aug. 8. 1857. Sir Wm. Gore Ouseley, sp. miss. 1860. Geo. Fagan, ch. d’a, and C.G. - Oct. 30. April 7. 134 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1861. Geo. Benvenuto Mathew, aft. Sir G., ch. d’a. and C.G., May 25; min. plen., Aug. 21. 1865. Robt. Bunch, ch. d’a. and C.G., • Aug. 30, G. Appt. canc. and Mr. Bunch appt. to U.S. Colombia from Jan. 15, 1866. 1866. G. B. Mathew, appt. to U.S. Colom- bia, canc. and re-appt. to Cent. America from Jan. 15, 1866. 1866. Edwin Corbett, ch. d’a. and C.G., April 27; min. res. and C.G., Dec. 12, 1872. 1874. Sidney Locock, min, res. and C.G. May 23. 1881. Fredk. Robt. St. John, min. res. and C.G. Feb. 12. - 1884. Jas. Plaister Harriss-Gastrell, min. res. and C.G. Mar. 25. TO COLOMBIA. THE REPUBLIC of COLOMBIA, UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA, NEW GRANADA, VENEZUELA, ECUADOR, PANAMA. FOR the history of these states and their unions with and their separation from each other, see “Colombia,” Part I., page 106. To THE REPUBLIC of COLOMBIA. COMPRISING NEW GRANADA, 1825. plen. Dec. 24, G. Alex. Cockburn, env. ext, and min. WENEZUELA, AND ECUADOR. 1828. Geo. Wm. Chad, env. ext, and min plen. Feb. 12, G. 1829. Wm. Turner, env. ext, Sept 21. To NEW GRANADA. Wm. Turner, env. plen. June 27. Robt. Stewart, ch. d’a. Aug. 16, G. Danl. Florence O'Leary, ch. d’a. and C.G. Nov. 28. 1837. 1841. 1843. ext. and min. 1854. Edwd. Thornton, aft. Sir E., ch d'a. May 6. — Philip Griffith, ch. d'a. Sept. 19. To THE UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. COMPRISING NEW GRANADA AND PANAMA. Geo. Benvenuto Mathew, C.B., aft. Sir G., min. plen., Aug. 26; appt. canc. and Mr. Mathew re-appt. to Cent. America from Jan. 15, 1866. Robt. Bunch, ch. d’a. and C.G., Jan. 15; min. res. and C.G., Dec. 12, 1872. Col. Chas. Edwd. Mansfield, min. res. and C.G. July 1. 1865. 1866. 1878. 1881. Aug. Hy. Mounsey, min. res. and C.G. Apr. 26. 1882. Jas. Plaister Harriss-Gastrell, min. res. and C.G. May 10. 1884. Fredk. Robt. St. John, min. res and C.G. Mar. 25. 1885. Wm. Jno. Dickson, min. res. and C.G. Mar. 14. To WENEZUELA. 1835. Sir Robert Ker Porter, ch. d’a. July 2. 1842. ch. d’a. and C.G. Nov. 30. 1852. C.G. Nov. 23. 1858. Philip Edmund Wodehouse, aft sir P., sp. miss. Feb. 22. Belford Hinton Wilson, aft. Sir B., | 1858. Fredk. Doveton Orme, ch. d’a. and C.G. Apr. 1 Hon. R. C. Bingham, ch. d’a. and | 1864. Hon. Rd. Edwardes, ch. d’a, and C.G. May 26. TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 135 1865. Geo. Fagan, ch. d’a. and C.G. 1878. Robt. Bunch, min. res. July 1. - Aug. 10. 1881. Col. Chas. Edwd. Mansfield, min. 1869. Robt. Thos. Chas. Middleton, ch. , res. Apr. 26. - d'a. and C.G., July 5; min. res. 1884. Fredk. Robt. St. John, min. res. and C.G., Dec. 12. Dec. 24. TO BRAZIL. SINCE the separation of Brazil from Portugal, and its erection into an empire in November 1825. 1826. Hon. Robt. Gordon, aft. Sir R., env. ext. and min, plen. July 31. 1828. John, ld., aft. visc., Ponsonby, env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 12. — Percy Clinton, visc. Strangford, sp. miss. Aug. 19. Hy. Stephen Fox, env. ext, and min. plen. June 1. Hamilton Chas. Jas. Hamilton, env. ext. and min. plen. Oct. 2. Wm. Gore Ouseley, ch. d’a. Apr. 20. Hy. Ellis, aft. Sir H., ext. and sp. miss. Aug. 27. John Hobart, ld. Howden, ext, and min. plen. Jan. 25. James Hudson, aft. Sir James, env. ext. and min. plen. May 13. . Hy. Southern, C. B., env, ext, and min. plen. Aug. 29. Hy. Fras. Howard, aft. Sir H., env. ext. and min. plen. May 3. 1832. 1835. 1838. 1842. 1847. €Il V. 1850. 1858. Hon. Fras. Regd. Forbes, env. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 13. Wm. Dougal Christie, env. ext, and min. plen., Sept. 2. Dipl. rel. susp., July 5, 1863. Edwd. Thornton, C.B., aft. Sir E., sp. miss., July 27; env. ext, and min. plen. Aug. 10. Geo. Buckley Mathew, C.B., aft, sir G., env. ext. and min. plen. Sept. 19. Fras. Clare Ford, C.B., C.M.G., aft. Sir F., env. ext, and min. plen. 1859. 1865. 1867. 1879. June 14. 1881. Edwin Corbett, env. ext. and min. plen. Mar. 5. 1885. Sidney Locock, env. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 11; did not proceed. Hugh Guion Macdonell, env. ext. and min. plen. Nov. 5. Geo. Hugh Wyndham, C.B.. ,env. 1885. 1888. 1855. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett, C.B., ext, and min. plem. Feb. 1. env. ext, and min, plen. Dec. 31. TO PERU. 1842. Wm. Pitt Adams, ch. d’a, and C.G. Nov. 30, G. 1852. Capt. Hon. Eiwd. Alfa. Jno. Harris, 1857. Hon. Wm. Geo. Stafford Jerming- ham, ch. d’a. and C.G., Dec. 21 ; min. res. and C.G., Dec. 12, 1872. aft. adm. Sir E., ch. d’a. and 1874. Spenser St. John, aft. sir S., min. C.G. Dec. 11. 1853. C.G. Jan. 17. res. and C.G. Oct. 14. Stephen Hy. Sulivan, ch. d’a. and | 1884. Col. Chas. Edwd. Mansfield, aft. sir C., min. res. and C.G. Dec 24. TO BOLIVIA. Belford Hinton Wilson, ch. d’a. 1837. Nov. 18. 1842, Wm. Pitt Adams, ch. d'a. Now. 30. 1848. Hon. Fredk. Wm. Aug. Bruce, ch. d'a. Apr. 14. 1851. Geo. Aug. Lloyd, ch. d’a. Dec. 4. 1852. Sir Chas. Hotham, sp. miss., April 17; did not proceed. Dipl. rel. susp., Oct. 21, 1853 to July 6, 1857. 1858. Fredk. Doveton Orme, ch. d’a. and C.G. Apr. 1; did not proceed. 1858. Wm. Garrow Lettsom, ch. d’a. and C.G. July 24; did not proceed. 1875. Spenser St. John, after sir S., sp. miss. July 18. H36 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TO RIO DE LA PLATA. ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. 1825. 1828. 1844. 1847. 1848. 1851. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1872. 1852. 1854. 1858. 1863. 1843. 1847. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. - To RIO DE LA PLATA. Jno., ld., aft. visc. Ponsonby, env. 1832. Hamilton Chas. Jas. Hamilton, min. ext. and min. plen. Dec. 24, G. len. June 1. Hy. Stephen Fox, min, plen. April | 1835. Jno. Hy. Mandeville, min, plen. 18, G. Sept. 23. - To THE ARGENTINE COMFEDERATION. Wm. Gore Ouseley, aft. Sir W., min. 1852. Sir Chas. Hotham, sp. miss. April plen. Dec. 13. 17. John Hobart, lord Howden, sp. 1854. Wm. Dougal Christie, ch. d’a., miss. Jan. 25. Oct. 10; min. plen., Jan. 15, Hy. Southern, min. plen. May 31. 1856. Capt. hon. Robt. Gore, R.N., ch. 1859. Edwd. Thornton, aft. Sir E., min. d’a. Aug. 29. - plen. Sept. 9. To THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Hon. Rd. Edwardes, min. plen. 1878. Fras. Clare Ford, C.B., C.M.G., Aug. 10; did not proceed. aft. Sir F., env. ext. and min. Geo. Buckley Mathew, C.B., aft. Sir plen. Feb. 9. G., min. plen. April 13. 1879. Sir Horace Rumbold, bt., env. ext. Wm. Lowther, aft. hon. W., min. and min. plen. Aug. 15. plen. Sept. 26. 1881. Geo. Glynn Petre, env. ext, and min. Hon. Wm. Stuart, min. plen. Jan. plen. Apr. 1. 11. - 1884. Hon. Edma. Jno. Monson, env. ext. Hon. Lionel Sackville Sackville- and min, plen. Jan. 16. West, aft. Sir L., env. ext. and 1885. Hon. Fras. Jno. Pakenham, env. min. plen. Sept. 17. ext. and min. plen. Feb. 1. TO PARAGUAY. Sir Chas. Hotham, sp. miss. April 1866. Geo. Buckley Mathew, aft. Sir G., 17. min. plen. Dec. 6. Chas. Alan Henderson, consul, | 1868. Hon. Wm. Stuart, min. plen. June Apr. 24. 22; did not proceed. * Wm. Dougal Christie, sp. miss. 1882. Geo. Glynn Petre, min. plem. Mar. 2. Dipl. rel, susp. from Aug. 5, 1884. Hon. Edmd. Jno. Monson, C.B., 1859. min. plen. Jan. 16. Edwd. Thornton, aft. Sir E., min. 1885. Hon. Fras. Jno. Pakenham, min. plen. Oct. 30. plen. Feb. 1. TO URUGUAY. Adolphus Turner, ch. d’a. and C.G. 1847. John Hobart, lord Howden, sp. miss. April 11. Jan. 25. - Wm. Gore Ouseley, aft. Sir Wm., | – Capt. hon. Robt. Gore, R.N., ch. min. plen. and sp. miss. Jan. 2. d'a. Oct. 26, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 137 I851. 1852. T853. 1854. l859. 1841. 1849. l853. Hon. Fredk. Wm. Adolphus Bruce, aft. Sir F., ch. d’a. and C.G. Aug. 29. Sir Chas. Hotham, sp. miss. Apr. 17. Geo. Jno. Robt. Gordon, ch. d’a. and C.G. Sept. 23. IEdwd. Thornton, aft. Sir E., ch. d’a. and C.G. Sept. 19. Wm. Garrow Lettsom, ch. d’a. and C.G. Sept. 9. 1869. 1879. 1879. 1884. Hon. Wm. Stuart, ch. d’a., Sept. 24 Dipl. rel. susp., Nov. 13, 1871. Fras. Clare Ford, C.B. and C.M.G., aft. Sir C., min. plen. and C.G. Feb. 24. § Hon. Edmd. Jno. Monson, C.B., min. res. and C.G. June 21. Wm. Gifford Palgrave, min. res. and C.G. Jan. 16. TO CHILI. Col. hon. Jno. Walpole, ch. d’a. May 24. Stephen Hy. Sulivan, ch. d’a. and C.G. May 30. Capt. hon. Edwd. Alfred Jno. Harris, aft. adm. Sir E., ch. d’a. and C.G. Jan. 17. 1885. 1858. Wm. Taylour Thomson, aft. Sir W., ch. d’a. and C.G. Feb. 24. 1872. Horace Rumbold, aft. sir H., min. res. and C.G. Oct. 24. 1878. Hon. Fras. Jno. Pakenham, min. res. and C. G. Mar. 8. Hugh Fraser, min. res. and C.G. Feb. 17. Transf, to Japan 1888. TO THE HAWAIIAN OR SANDWICH ISLANDS. 1866. Maj. Jas. Hay Wodehouse, commr. and C.G., June 21. i88 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART III. POLITICAL AND OFFICIAL. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, OFFICERS OF STATE, OFFICERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD, &c. THE ADMINISTRATIONS OF ENGLAND, GREAT BRITAIN, AND THE UNITED KINGDOM. THE higher officers of the Government, holding their offices during the sovereign’s pleasure, and removable on political change, are collectively called “the Administration,” and are almost invariably members of one or other house of parliament. A select number of these, filling the most important offices, who assemble to concert on and conduct the measures of the Government, are now called the CABINET, a name not known to the constitution, but which is, in fact, a committee of the privy council, who constitute the responsible advisers of the Crown. The following lists are confined to cabinet ministers, or to those who in former times exercised analogous powers. ADMINISTRATIONS OF ENGLAND. Erom the Accession of King Henry VIII. FCING HENRY WIII. treas. ; Cuthbert Tunstall, bp. 1509. Wm. Warham, abp. of Canterbury of London, pr. seal.; Stephen ld. chanc. "Thos. Howard, E. § Gºrdiner, * bp. of Winchester, Surrey, aft. D. of Norfolk, ld. i. idº.” aft. treas.; Richd. Fox, bp. of Wim- || 1s :... nº. ‘pury, &c. chester, former see, to Henry 1532 sº *.*. s *. º Aºy# VII., pr. seal ; Geo., E. of Shrews- wil tº r seaſ. #. Crom. tº: ; º i º . well art. P. of Éssex. Thos elt, 1d. Chambn. ; J Ohn fºlsher ...'....."...." º bp. of Rochester and cardinal. ºwner, aft. abp. of Canterbury, &c. º 1514. Thos. Wolsey, abp. of York and 1540. º º §: cardinal, ld. chanc.; Thos. D. of I of Suffoil. ii. pres. ; Hy., E. Norfolk, ld. treas. ; Chas., E. of of Surrey, 'bp. Gardiner 'id. Winchester, ld, chamb. ; Thos. Russell, &c. Sir Thos, aft. ii. Routhal, bp. of Durham, sec. st. Wriothesley, and sir Ralph Sadler, (made pr: seal), &c. . The D. Sec.S. St - .*.* * * * * *|1544. Thº... ii. Witheley, a chane. r 1S SOIl. t - Thos. D. of Norfolk, ld, treas. ; 1523. Thos., E. of Surrey, ld. h. treas. ; Chas., D. of Suffolk, ld. pres. ; Cuthbert Tunstall, bp. of London, John, ld. Russell, pr. seal ; Wm., pr. seal; Richd. Pace, succ. by ld. St. John, John, ld. Lisle, Dr. Knight, sec. St. Sir Anthy. Brown, &c. Sir Wm. 1529. Sir Thos. More, ld. chanc.; Thos. Petre and sir Wm. Paget, secs. Howard, D. of Norfolk, ld. h. St. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 139 FCING EDWARD VI. 1547. Wm., ld. St. John, ld. kpr. and 1d. pres., succ. by Rd., ld. Rich. as ld. chanc.; Edwd., E. of Hertford, ld. protector, cr. D. of Somerset, and made ld. treas. ; John, ld. Russell, pr. seal; Hy., E. of Arun- del, ld, chambn. ; Thos., ld. Sey- mour, sir Anth. Brown, &c. Sir Wm. Paget and sir Wm. Petre, SéCS. St. t 1551. Thos. Goodrich, bp. of Ely, ld. kpr., aft. Id. chanc.; John Dudley, late ld. Lisle, E. of Warwick, cr. D. of Northumberland, Id. h. adm. ; Wm., late la St. John, now E. of Wiltshire, ld, treas. in 1550, pres. of the council; John, E. of Bedford, pr. seal ; Thos., ld. Wentworth, ld, chambn., &c. Sir Wm. Petre and Sir Wm. Cecil, SeCS. St. QUEEN MARY. 1554. Stephen Gardiner, bp. of Winchester, ld. chanc. ; Wm., M. of Win- chester, late Id. Wiltshire, Id. treas. ; E. of Arundel, ld. pres. ; John, E. of Bedford, succ. by Edwd., E. of Derby, pr. seal; Wm., ld. Howard, ld. h. adm. ; Sir Edw. Hastings, sir John Baker, Edmd. Bonner, bp. of London, &c. Sir Wnn. Petre, sir John Cheke, and sir John Bourne, Secs. St. It appears by the couricil Register, folio 725, that three secretaries of state were appointed 7 Edward VI., June 2, 1553. QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1558. Sir Nicholas Bacon, ld. kpr. and pr. seal ; Wm., M. of Winchester, ld. treas. ; Edw., ld. Clinton, ld. adm. ; sir Robt. Dudley, aft. E. of Leicester, ld. Howard of Effing- ham, ld. Arundel,sir Fras. Knollys, &c. Sir Wm. Cecil, sec. st. This last statesman, aft. la. Burleigh, continued secretary or chief min- ister during almost the whole of this reign. 1572. Sir Wm. Cecil, now lä. Burleigh, ld. h. treas. ; sir Nichs. Bacon, ld. chanc. ; lil. Howard of Ef- fingham, pr. Seal; Robt. Dudley, E. of Leicester, m. horse; sir Hy. Cocks, the E. of Sussex, &c. Sir Francis Walsingham, Sec. st. 1579. Sir Thos. Bromley, ld, chanc, ; Wm. ld. Burleigh, ld, treas. ; Edw., E. of Lincoln, ld. h. adm. ; Ambrose, 1587. 1599. 1603. 1609. 1612. 1615. 1620. 1621. 1628. E. of Warwick, ordnance ; Thos., E. of Sussex, Robt., E. of Lei- cester, sir Walter Mildmay, Jas. Windebank, &c. Sir Fras. Wal- singham and sir Thos. Wilson, Sec.S. St. Sir Christ. Hatton, ld. chanc.; Wm., ld. Burleigh, ld. treas. ; Robt. Devereux, E. of Essex, &c. Thos. Sackville, ld. Buckhurst, aft. E. of Dorset, ld. h. treas. ; Sir Thos. Egerton, aft. la. Ellesmere and subsequently visc. Brackley, ld. kpr. ; Chas., ld. Howard of Effingham, &c. Sir Robt. Cecil, son of lord Burleigh, sec. st. KING JAMES I. Thos., E. of Dorset, ld. treas. ; Thos., lcl. Ellesmere, ld, chanc. ; Chas., E. of Nottingham, ld. adm. ; Thos., E. of Suffolk, Edwd., E. of Worcester, sir Rd. Vernon, Geo., ld. Hume of Berwick, Jas. Hay, ld, Hay, &c. Robt. Cecil, aft. E. of Salisbury, sec. st. Robt. Cecil, E. of Salisbury, ld. h. treas.; Thos., ld. Ellesmere, ld. chanc, ; Hy., E. of Northampton, pr. seal; Chas., E. of Notting- ham, Thos., E. of Suffolk, &c. Hy., E. of Northampton, first commr. of the treas. : Thos., ld. Elles- mere, ld, chanc. : Robt. Carr, visc. Rochester, aft. E. of Somer- set, ld, chambn. ; Edwd., E. of Worcester, sir Ralph Winwood, Chas., E. of Nottingham, &c. Thos., E. of Suffolk, lol. treas. ; Thos., ld. Ellesmere, ld. chanc. ; Edwd., E. of Worcester, pr. seal; Chas., E. of Nottingham, Sir Geo. Williers, aft. visc. Williers, and successively E., M., and D. of Buckingham, ld. h. adm. in 1619; sir Ralph Winwood, sir Thos. Lake, &c. Sir Hy. Montagu, aft. visc. Mande- ville, and E. of Manchester, ld. treas. Lionel, ld, Cranfield, aft. E. of Middlesex, Edwd., E. of Worces- ter, John, E. of Bristol, John Williams, dean of Westminster, Geo. Williers, now M. of Bucking- ham, sir Edwd. Conway, aft. li. Conway, &c. ICING CHARLEs I. Rd., ld. Weston, aft. E. of Port- land, ld, treas. ; sir Thos. Co- ventry, aft. li. Coventry, ld. kpr. ; Hy., E. of Manchester 140 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. (succ. by Jas., E. of Marlborough, who, in turn, gave place to Edwd., ld., aft. visc. Conway), pr. Seal ; Wm. Laud, bp. of London, Sir Albertus Morton, &c. 1635. Wm. Laud, now abp. of Canterbury, first commr. of the treas.; Frs., ld. Cottington, Jas., M. of Hamil- ton, Edwd., E. of Dorset, sir John Coke, sir Fras. Winde- bank, &c. The great seal in commission. 1640. Wm. Juxon, bp. of London, ld. treas. ; sir John Finch, aft. 16. Finch, ld. kpr. ; Fras., ld. Cottington, Wentworth, E. of Strafford, Algernon, E. of North- umberland, Jas., M. of Hamilton, Laud, abp. of Canterbury; and sir Fras. Windebank and sir Hy. Vane, secs. St. COMMONWEALTH. 1653. Oliver Cromwell, made protector. He named a council whose num- ber at no time was to exceed twenty-one members, nor be less than thirteen. 1658. Rd. Cromwell, son of Oliver, succ. on the death of the latter. A council of officers ruled at Wal- lingford House. RING CHARLES II. From the ſtestoration of the King. Until this time there was not, in point of fact, anything that could be properly called a CABINET. The sovereign had latterly go- verned by a collection of privy councillors, sometimes of larger, sometimes of smaller number, not always holding the same offices, and still less the same men. 1660. Sir Edwd. Hyde, aft. E. of Claren- don, ld. chanc. ; Geo. Monk, general of the king's forces in the three kingdoms, and m. horse, cr. D. of Albemarle ; Thos., E. of Southampton, soon made la. treas. ; Edwd. Mon- tagu, cr. E. of Sandwich, general and adm. ; Jas., D. of York, brother to the king, ld. h. adm. ; lord Sey and Sele, pr. seal ; sir Robt. Long, ch. ex: ; E. of Man- chester, lord Seymour, &c. Sir Edwd. Nicholas and Sir Wm. Morrice, secs. St. 1667. Geo. Monk, D. of Albemarle, made first commr. of the treas., &c. 1670. “The CABAL.” Ministry. Sir Thos. Clifford, aft. li. Clifford (C); Anthy. Ashley, aft. E. of Shaftes- 1672. 1673. 1679. 1684. 1685. 1687. 1688. Thos., Arthur, E. bury (A); Geo. Williers, D. of Buckingham (B); Hy., ld. Ar- lington, aft. E. of Arlington (A); and John, D. of Lauderdale (L). This Ministry obtained the name of Cabal from the initial letters of their five names, which composed the word. At the time that this appellation had gene- rally obtained, about 1672, ld. Clifford held the office of là. treas. ; ld. Ashley had become ld. chanc. ; the D. of Buckingham was là. pres. ; ld. Arlington, Sec. st. ; and the D. of Lauder- dale, ld, pres. of Scotland. Thos., ld. Clifford, Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury, late ld. Ashley, Hy., E. of Arlington, E. of Angle- sey, Sir Thos. Osborne, cr. visc. Latimer, Hy. Coventry, sir, John' Duncombe, sir Geo. Carteret, Edwd. Seymour, &c. visc. Latimer, aft. E. of Damby, made la. h. treas. June 26. of Essex, made first commº. of the treas., Mar. 26 : succ. by Laurence Hyde, aft. E. of Rochester, Nov. 21, both in this year. Robt., E. of Sunder- land, Sec. St., vice sir Joseph Williamson, &c. The king nominated a new council this year, on April 21, consisting of thirty members only, of whom the principal were the great offi- 2 cers of state and great officers of the household. Sidney, ld. Godolphin, Lawrence, E. of Rochester, Danl., E. of Nottingham, Robt., E. of Sunder- land, sir Thos. Chicheley, Geo., ld. Dartmouth, Hy., E. of Clarendon, EE. of Bath and Radnor, &c. RING JAMES II. Lawrence, E. of Rochester, Geo., M. of Halifax, sir Geo. Jeffreys, aft. lord Jeffreys and lå. chanc., Hy., E. of Clarendon, sir John Ernley, D. of Queensberry, visc. Preston, &c. The E. of Rochester was displaced, and John, ld. Belasyse, made first commi. of the treas. in his room. Jan. 4; the E. of Sunder- land made pres. of the council; visc. Preston, sec. st.; and various other changes took place in this and the following year. The king left Whitehall in the night of Dec. 17, and, quitting the kingdom, landed at Ambleteuse, in France, Dec. 23. THE BOOK OF DIGN1TIES, 141 FCING WILLIAM III. 1689. Chas., visc. Mordaunt, first commr. of the treas.; Thos. Osborne, E. of Danby, cr. M. of Carmarthen, aft. D. of Leeds, ld, pres. ; Geo., | M. of Halifax, pr. seal; Arthur Herbert, aft. lord Torrington, first commr. of the admy. ; EE. of Shrewsbury, Nottingham, and Sunderland, E. of Dorset and Middlesex, Wm., E., aft. D. of Devonshire, ld. Godolphin, ld. Montagu, ld. De la Mere, &c. The great seal in commission. 1690. Sidney, ld. Godolphin, first comml. of the treas. ; Thos., E. of Danby, ld. pres. ; Rd. Hampden, ch. ex: ; Thos., E. of Pembroke, adm. ; Hy., visc. Sydney, and Daniel, I. of Nottingham, secs. St., &c. The great seal and pr. Seal in CODOIſllSS1011. 1698. Chaº Montagu, aft. Id. Halifax, first commr. of the treas., May 1; succ. by Ford, E. of Tanker- ville, Nov. 15, 1699. QUEEN ANNE. The formation of a ministry under a “Premier * began about this time. 1702. SIDNEY, LORD, aft. E. GODOLPHIN, ld. treas. ; Thos., E. of Pembroke and Montgomery, ld, pres. ; John . Sheffield, M. of Normanby, aft. D. of Normanby and Buckingham, pr. seal; hon. Hy. Boyle, ch. ex ; sir Chas. Hedges and the E. of Nottingham (the latter succ. by Robt. Harley, cr. E. of Oxford in 1704), secs. St., &c. 1711. ROBT., E. OF OXFORD, ld. treas. ; sir Simon, aft. lord Harcourt, ld. kpr. ; John, D. of Normanby and Buckingham, ld, pres. ; John, bp. of Bristol, aft. of London, pr. seal ; Hy. St. John, aft. visc. Bolingbroke, and Wm., lord Dart- mouth, secs. St. ; Robt. Benson, aft. lil. Bingley, ch. ex., &c. 1714. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury, ld, treas., July 30, two days before the queen's death. Patent revoked Oct. 13 following. KING GEORGE I. 1714. CHAs., E. OF HALIFAx, first là. treas., succ. on his death by the E. OF CARLISLE ; Wm., ld. Cowper, aft. E. Cowper, ld, chanc.; Danl., E. of Nottingham, ld, pres. ; Thos., M. of Wharton, pr. seal; Edwd., E.of Oxford, first ld. admy.; Jas. Stanhope, aft. E. Stanhope, and Chas., visc. Townshend, secs. st. ; sir Rd. Onslow, ch. ex., DD. of Montrose & Marlborough, lord Berkeley, Robt. Walpole, Wm. Pulteney, aft. E. of Bath, &c. 1715, ROBT. WALPOLE, first là. treas. and ch, ex., &c. 1717. JAs. STANHOPE, aft. T. Stanhope, first là. treas. and ch. ex: ; Wm., ld. Cowper, Chas., E. of Sunder- land, D. of Kingston, ld. Berke- ley, Joseph Addison, &c. 1718. CHAs., E. OF SUNDERLAND, first Id. - treas; Thos., ld. Parker, aft. E. of Macclesfield, ld, chanc. ; E. Stanhope, D. of Kent, ld. Ber- keley, Jas. Craggs, Jno. Aislabie, &c. 1721. RoPT. WALPOLE, aft. sir Robt., first ld. treas. and ch. ex: ; Thos., ld. Parker, cr. E. of Macclesfield, ld, chanc.; Hy., ld. Carleton, succ. by Wm., D. of Devonshire, ld, pres. ; Evelyn, D. of Kingston, succ. by lá. Trevor, pr. seal; Jas., E. of Berkeley, first lá. adm.; Chas., visc. Townshend, and John, lord Carteret (the latter succ. by the D. of Newcastle), secs. St. ; John, D. of Marlborough, succ. by the E. of Cadogan. ordnance; Geo. Treby, succ. by Hy. Pelham, sec.-at-war ; visc. Torrington, &c. RING GEORGE II. 1727. SIR ROBT. WALPOLE, &c. contal. The following was the state of the Cabinet near the close of sir Robt. Walpole's long administration. 1740. SIR ROBT. WALPOLE, first là. treas. and ch. ex: ; Philip, ld. Hard- wicke, ld, chanc.; Spencer, E. of Wilmington, ld. pres. ; John, ld. Hervey, pr. seal; John Potter, abp. of Canterbury; D. of New- castle and E. of Harrington, secs. st.; sir Chas. Wager, first ld. admy.; D. of Dorset, ld. stewd. f.; D. of Grafton, ld, chambn.f ; D. of Richmond, m. horse f ; E. of Pembroke, gr. stole,f &c. f These great household officers were at this period always in what was called the Cabinet, but there was an interior council, of Walpole, the chancellor, and the secretaries of state, who, in the first instance, consulted together on the more confidential points. * * Lord Hervey's Memoirs of the Reign of George II. edited by John Wilson Croker.—Mr. Croker adds, “The duke of Bolton, without a right to it from his office 142 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1742. Sir Robt. Walpole res. Feb. 8, having been first minister twenty-one con- secutive years. He was cr. E. of Orford, visc. Walpole, and baron Houghton. The E. of Wilmington was made minister in his room. 1742. SPENCER, E. OF WILMINGTON, first là. Feb. treas. ; ld. Hardwicke, ld, chanc.; Saml. Sandys, ch. ex.; E. of Har- rington, pres. of the council; E. Gower, pr. seal; lil. Carteret and the D. of Newcastle, secs. st. ; E. of Winchilsea, first là. admy. ; D. of Argyll, com. of the forces and m. g. ordn. ; Hy. Pel- ham, paym. of the forces, &c. The D. of Argyll res., and was succ. by the E. of Stair, as com. of the forces, and by the D. of Montagu as m. g. Ordn. 1743. HY. PELIIAM, first la. treas. and ch. Aug. 25. ex., vice Spencer, E. of Wilming- ton, deceased. 1744. The “BROAD BOTTOM " Administra- |Nov. and ch. ex: ; ld. Hardwicke, ld. chanc.; D. of Dorset, pres. of the council; E. Gower, pr. seal; D. of Newcastle, sec. St. for the Southern, and the E. of Harring- ton for the Northern dept. ; D. of Montagu, m. g. Ordn. ; D. of Bedford, first là. adm. ; D. of Argyll, kpr. of the gr. seal of Scotland ; M. of Tweeddale, sec. st. for Scotland; D. of Grafton, ld, chambn. ; D. of Richmond, m. horse. 1746. Mr. Pelham and his friends having tendered their resignation to the king, the formation of a new ad- ministration, which expired within two days while yet incomplete, was undertaken by the E. of Bath ; the members of it actually appointed, and submitted for approval to his majesty were:— J746. The ‘‘ SHORT-LIVED ' MINISTRY : Feb. 10 WM., E. OR BATH, first là. treas. ; to ld. Carlisle, pr. seal; la. Winchil- Feb. 12. Sea, first là. admy. ; and lå. tion: Hy. Pelham, first ld. treas. Granville, sec. st. 12. 1746. HY. PELHAM returned, with his col- Feb.12, leagues, to power. The D. of Bedford res. the admy. to the E. of Sandwich, and succ. the E. of Chesterfield as sec. st., Feb. 1748; and the E. of Holder- nesse succ. the D. of Bedford, June 1751, in the same office. Mr. Pelham d. Mar. 6, 1754. 1754. THos. Holles PELHAM, D. OF NEw- Apr. CASTLE, first là. treas.; hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, ch. ex.; E. of Hol- dernesse and sir Thos. Robinson, aft. la. Grantham, secs. St. ; the latter succ. by Hy. Fox; la. Anson, first là. admy.; ld. Gram- ville, ld, pres.; la. Gower, succ. by the D. of Marlborough, pr. seal; D. of Grafton, E. of Halifax, Geo. Grenville, &c. E. of Hard- wicke, ld, chanc. 1756. WM., D. OF DEvoNSHIRE, first là. Nov. treas.; W.M. PITT, sec. st. for the Southern dept.; hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, ch. ex.; E. Granville, ld. pres.; E. Gower, pr. seal; E, of Holdernesse, sec. st. for the Northern dept.; Geo. Grenville, E. of Halifax, DD. of Rutland and Grafton, E. of Rochford, &c. The gr. seal in commission. 1757. D. OF NEWCASTLE and WM. PITT's June. ADMINISTRATION. Thos. Holles |Pelham, D. of Newcastle, first là. treas.; Wm. Pitt, aft. la, Chat- ham, sec. st. for the Northern dept., and leader of the house of commons; ld. Henley, ld, kpr.; ld. Granville, ld. pres.; E. Temple, pr. seal; Hy, Bilson Legge, ch. ex. ; li. of Holdernesse, sec. st. for the Southern dept.; D. of Devonshire, ld, chambn.; D. of Rutland, ld, stewd. ; ld. Anson, first là. admy.; D. of Marlborough, succ. by lord Ligonier, m. g. ordn. ; Hy. Fox, aft. la. Hol- land, paym.; Geo. Grenville, lords Halifax and Gower, Jas. Grenville, &c. Expired Feb. KING GEORGE III. 1760. D. OF NEWCASTLE and W.M. PITT's ministry, conta. The following were among the changes subsequent to the acc. of George III.: sir Robt. Henley, cr. lord Henley, ld, chanc., Jam. 1761; the E. of Bute, sec. st., vice the E. of Holdernesse, Mar.; Qf captain of the Band of Pensioners, in which employment he succeeded the duke of Montagu on his removal to the ordnance, was likewise admitted to the cabinet council, because he had been of the cabinet seven years previously, at the time he was turned out of all his offices.” And he further says, “Sir John Norris (vice-admiral of Eng- land) was called in, as an auxiliary, when anything was under deliberation in relation to our then maritime war with Spain.” THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 143. and the E. of Egremont, vice Wm. Pitt, Oct. same year; ld. North, ºf a lä. of the treas., &c. 1762. John, E. OR BUTE, first ld. treas. ; May. ld. Henley, ld, chanc.; Sir Fras. Dashwood, aft. li. le Despencer, ch. ex: ; ld. Granville, ld, pres.; D. of Bedford, pr. seal; E, of Halifax, first là. admy. ; E. of Egremont and Geo. Grenville, secs. st. ; ld. Ligonier, ordn. ; Hy. Fox, paym. ; visc. Barrington, ld. Sandys, D. of Marlborough, lords Huntingdon and North, &c. 1763 GEO. GRENVILLE, first là. treas. May. and ch. ex: ; E. Granville, succ. et seq. by JoHN, D. of BEDFORD, ld. pres. ; D. of Marlborough, pr; seal; lil. Henley, aft. E. of Northington, ld. chanc.; EE. of Halifax and Sandwich, secs. St. ; E. Gower, ld. chambn. ; ld. Eg- mont, first là. admy. ; M. of Granby, ordn. ; ld. Holland, late Mr. Fox, paym.; Welbore Ellis, sec.-at-war; ld. Hillsborough, first là. of trade ; D. of Rutland, lord North, &c. 1765. CHAs., M. of RoCKINGHAM, first July. ld. treas; Wm. Dowdeswell, ch. et seq. . ex: ; E. of Winchilsea and Not- tingham, ld, pres. ; D. of New- castle, pr. seal; D. of Portland, ld, chamb. ; D. of Rutland, m. horse ; ld. Talbot, ld. Stewd. ; gen. the hon. H. Seymour Conway, and the D. of Grafton, secs. St.; ld. Egmont, first lá. admy. ; M. of Granby, ordn. ; visc. Barrington, sec.-at-war; visc. Howe, treas. of the navy; hon. Chas. Townshend, paym. ; E. of Dartmouth, first ld. of trade ; ld. John Caven- dish, Thos. Townshend, &c. E. of Northington (late Lord Hen- ley), ld, chanc. of CHATHAM (late WM. PITT), first min. and pr. Seal ; D. of Grafton, first là, tº eas. ; hon. Chas. Townshend, ch. ex: ; E. of Northington, ld, pres; Wm. E. of Shelburne and gen, Conway, secs. St. ; sir Chas. Saunders, succ. by Sir Edw. Hawke, first ld. admy. ; M. of Granby, ordn. ; ld. Hillsborough, first là. of trade; lord Barrington, Sec.-at- war; Fredk., lord North, a joint paym. ; visc. Howe, &c. Lord Camden, ld, chanc. 1767. Wm., lord Mansfield, ld. c. j. of the king’s bench, became, eac officio, ch. ex., pro. tem., on the death of Mr. Townshend, Sept. this year ; and Fredk., lord 1766. E. Aug. North, was app. ch. ex: Dec. following. g 1767. AUG. HY., D. OF GRAFTON, first là. Dec. treas.; Fredk., ld, North, ch. ex: ; E. Gower, ld. pres. ; E. of Chatham, ld, pr. seal until Oct. 1768, then succ. by the E. of Bristol; E. of Shelburne, sec. st. for the Southern dept. ; visc. Weymouth, Northern dept. ; and ld. Hillsborough, colonies; Sir Edwd. Hawke, first là. admy. ; M. of Granby, ordn. ; lords Sand- wich and le Despencer, joint postm. gen. ; Lord Hertford, Thos. Townshend, &c. Lord Camden, ld, chanc. 1768. Visc. Weymouth, sec. st. for the Nov. Southern dept., vice lord Shel- burne; E. of Rochford, sec. St. for the Northern dept., vice lord Weymouth. 1770. FREDK., Lord North, first ld. Jan. treas. and ch. ex: ; E. Gower, ld. pres. ; E. of Halifax, pr. Seal ; ld. Rochford, ld. Weymouth (succ. by lá. Sandwich), and ld. Hillsborough (colonies), secs. st. ; Sir Edwd. Hawke, first là. admy. ; ld. Granby, ordn. ; Sir Gilbert Elliot, treas. of the navy; lord Barrington, sec.-at-war; lord Hertford, lord Carteret, &c. The great seal was delivered to Mr. At- torney-gen. Yorke, who was made ld. chanc.; but before the patent for his peerage, under the title of lord Morden, was completed, he died suddenly, and the seal, after being a year in commission, was given to the hon. Henry Bathurst, one of the commiſs., who was cr. lord Apsley. Lord North continued minister eleven years, during the whole of the American war. The changes within this period were numerous ; among them were : 1771. Lord Halifax, sec. st., vice la. Sandwich, who went to the ad- miralty; succ. as là. pr. Seal by the E. of Suffolk and Berkshire. Jan. The latter gave place to the D. of Grafton, and became sec. St. June. 1772. Lord Dartmouth, sec. st., vice la. Hillsborough. Aug. Wisc. Towns- hend, ordn, vice M. of Granby. Oct. 1775. Wisc. Weymouth, again sec. st., vice Rochford ; and ló. Geo. Sack- ville Germaine, vice Dartmouth, made pr. Seal. Nov. 1778. Lord Thurlow, ld, chanc. June. 1779. Lords Stormont and Hillsborough secs. St. E. Bathurst, ld, pres. Now. 144 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 1782. CHAs., M. OF RocKINGHAM, first ld. Mar. treas. ; ld. John Cavendish, ch. ex. ; ld. Camden, pres. of the council; D. of Grafton, pr. seal; Wm., E. of Shelburne, and Chas. Jas. Fox, secs. St. ; Augs. Keppel, first là. admy. ; D. of Richmond, ordm.; Thos. Townshend, sec.-at- war; Isaac Barré, treas. of the navy; Edm. Burke, paym., &c. Lord Thurlow, ld, chanc. The death of the M. of Rock- ingham (July 2, 1782) led to the administration of lord Shel- burne, who accepted the office of first minister, without the privity of his colleagues, and Mr. Fox, lord John Cavendish, and others, resigned. 1782. WM., E. OR SHELIBURNE, aft. M. of July. Lansdowne, first là treas.; Wm. Pitt, ch. ex: ; ld., aft. E. Cam- den, pres. of the council; D. of Grafton, pr. Seal ; Thos., 1d. Grantham, home, and Thos. Townshend, foreign, secs. ; Aug., visc. Keppel, first là. admy. ; D. of Richmond, ordn. ; Hy. Dundas, treas. of the navy ; Isaac Barré, paym.; Sir. Geo. Yonge, sec.-at- war; &c. Lord Thurlow, ld chanc. chanc. 1783. “ THE COALITION' MINISTRY, so Apr. called from the coalition of L.D. NORTH AND MR. Fox, who had, for years previously, opposed and even abused each other. D. of Portland, first là. treas. ; visc. Stormont, pres. of the council ; E. of Carlisle, pr. seal; Fredk., ld. North, and Chas. Jas. Fox, home and foreign secs. ; ld. John Cavendish, ch. ex: ; visc. Keppel, first là, admy. ; visc. Townshend, ordn. ; Chas. Townshend, treas. Of the navy; Edm. Burke paym. ; R. Fitzpatrick, sec.-at war; &c. The great seal in commission; lord Loughborough, c. j. of the com- mon pleas, first comml. 1783. WM. PITT, first ld, treas. and ch. Dec. ex.; E. Gower, pres. of the coun- cil; D. of Rutland, pr: seal; M. of Carmarthen, and E. Temple, the latter immediately succ. by lord Sydney), secs. St. ; D. of Richmond, ordn. ; visc. Howe, first là. admy. ; lá. Mulgrave and Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft. Id. Grenville, joint-paym. ; Hy. Dun- das, &c. Lord Thurlow, ld, chanc. During Mr. Pitt's long adminis- tration numerous changes in the ministry took place ; among these were : EE. Camden, Fitz- william, Mansfield, and Chatham, successively pres. of the council; |M. of Stafford, and E.E. of Chat- ham, Spencer, and Westmore- land, pr. seal; E, of Chatham and E. Spencer, first lds. admy. and Mr. Grenville, aft. lord Grenville, Mr. Dundas, and D. of Portland, secs. st. ; &c. Mr. Pitt res. in 1801. 1801, HY. ADDINGTON, first lcl. treas. and Mar. ch. ex: ; D. of Portland, pres. et seq. of the council; E, of Westmore- land, pr. Seal ; lord Pelham, home, lord Hawkesbury, foreign, andlord Hobart, colonial secs. ; E. St. Vincent, first là. admy. ; E. of Chatham, ordn. ; Chas. Yorke, sec.-at-war; visc. Lewisham, India. Board ; lord Auckland, bd. tr. ; &c. Lord Eldon ld. chanc. CHANGES: visc. Castlereagh, India. board; Sept. 1802; Chas. Yorke, home sec. July 1803. 1804. WM. PITT, first lá. treas. ; D. of May. Portland (succ. by lord Sidmouth, et seq. late Mr. Addington, Jam. 1805), pres. of the council ; E. of Westmoreland, pr. Seal ; lá. Hawkesbury, home sec. ; ld. Harrowby (succ. by la, Mul- grave), for. sec.; and E. Camden (succ. by visc. Castlereagh), col. sec. ; visc. Melville (succ. by ld. Barham), first là. admy. ; D. of Montrose, bd. tr. ; ld. Mul- grave, duchy of Lanc.; Mr. Dundas, Geo. Canning, &c. Lord Eldon, ld, chanc. The death of Mr. Pitt, on Jan. 23, 1806, led to the formation of another cabinet. 1806. “ ALL THE TALENTS’” administra- Feb. tion : WM. WYNDHAM, LORD GRENVILLE, first ld. of the treas. ; lä. Hy. Petty, ch. ex. ; E. Fitzwilliam, pres. of the council; visc. Sidmouth, pr. seal ; Chas. Jas. Fox, for., E. # The friends of this ministry gave it the appellation of All the Talents, which, being echoed in derision by the opposition, became fixed upon it. Besides the members above named, it consisted of Rd. Brimsley Sheridan, treas. of the navy; E. of Derby, ch. of the duchy of Lancaster; gen. Fitzpatrick, sec. at war; earls of Buckinghamshire and Carysfort, postmasters-gen. ; E. Temple, vice pres. of the board of trade; lord John Townshend, paym. of the forces; lord Charles Spencer, mast, of the mint; Arthur Piggot, attorney-gen. ; Saml. Romilly, solicitor-gen., &c. D. of Bedford, lord lieut. of Ireland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 145 Spencer, home, and Wm. Wind- ham, war, secs. ; E. of Moira, ordn. ; sir Chas. Grey, aft. visc. Howick and E. Grey, first là. admy. ; ld. Minto, bd. of control; ld. Auckland, bd. of tr., &c. Lord Erskine, ld, chanc. Lord Ellen- borough, ld. c. j. of the K. B., had a seat in this cabinet. 1806. The death of Mr. Fox, on Sept. 13, , caused several changes: viz.: visc. Sidmouth, pres. of the council; lil. Holland, pr. seal; ld. Howick, for. sec., vice Mr. Fox ; Thos. Grenville, first là. admy. ; Geo. Tierney, bd. of con- trol, &c. 1807. WM. HY. CAvendish, D. OF Port- Mar. LAND, first là. treas. ; E. Camden, ld. pres. of the Council; E. of Westmoreland, pr. seal ; hon. Spencer Perceval, ch. ex. and leader of the House of Commons ; ld. Hawkesbury, Geo. Canning, and visc. Castlereagh, home, for., and col. secs. ; E. Bathurst, bd. of tr.: Hy., Dundas, bd. of con- trol; lil. Mulgrave, first là. admy. ; E. of Chatham, ordn., &c. Lord Eldon, ld, chanc. 1809. A quarrel and duel on Sept. 22, between ld. Castlereagh and Mr. Canning (the latter wounded) led to the retirement of both. This, with the subsequent retirement of the D. of Portland, who died shortly after (Oct. 30, 1809) dis- solved the administration, which, after some negotiation with the Whigs, was reconstituted under 1809. SPENCER PERCEvAL, first là. treas., Nov. ch, ex., and ch. duch. Lanc.; E. & Camden, pres. of the Council; Dec. E. of Westmoreland, pr. Seal ; hon. Rd. Ryder, home, M. Wel- lesley, for., and E. of Liverpool, col. secs. ; lord Mulgrave, first ld. admy. ; Hy. Dundas, bd. of control; E. Bathurst, bd. of trade ; E. of Chatham, ordn. ; visc. Palmerston, sec.-at-war, &c. Lord Eldon, ld. chanc. Lord Mulgrave went to the ordn., and was succ. at the admy, by Chas. Yorke. Some subordinate changes took place. 1810. May. REGENCY OF GEORGE, PRINCE OF WALEs. 1811. SPENCER PERCEvaL and his col- Feb. leagues, continued. The death of Mr. Perceval, who was assassinated by a man named Bellingham, in the lobby of the House of Commons on May 11, 1812, led to several changes. After much fruitless negotiation with the Whigs the former govt. was reconstituted under the 1812. ROBT. BANKS, E. OF LIVERPOOL, May first lá. treas. ; E. of Harrowby, & pres. of the council; E. of West- visc. Sidmouth, visc. Castlereagh, and E. Bathurst, home, for., and col. secs.; E. of Buckinghamshire, bd. of control; Marq. Camden, ld. Palmerston, E. of Clancarty, &c. Lord Eldon, ld. chanc. 1814. Among the changes that afterwards to took place, were the following: 1819. Chas. Bragge Bathurst, ch. duch. Lanc., a cabinet minister, and W. Wellesley Pole advanced to the cabinet as m. mint, 1814. Geo. Canning made pres. bq. control, 1816. Fredk. John Robinson, pres. bq. tr., 1818; and the D. of Wellington, m. g. ordn., 1819. RING GEORGE IV. June, moreland, pr. seal; Nichs. Wan- sittart, ch. ex: ; E. of Mulgrave, ordn. ; ld. Melville, first là. admy. ; 1820. E. of LIVERPOOL and his colleagues, Jan. continued. The cabinet at the commencement of this reign was constituted thus: E. of Liverpool, first là. treas. ; E. of Harrowby, pres. of the council; E. of West- moreland, pr. seal; Mr. Vansittart, ch. ex: ; visc. Melville, first ld. admy. ; D. of Wellington, ordn. ; visc. Sidmouth, visc. Castlereagh, and E. Bathurst, home, for., and col, secs. ; Geo. Canning, bd. of control ; Fredk, J. Robinson, bd. tr. ; Chas. B. Bathurst, ch. duch. Lanc.; W. Wellesley Pole, m. mint; E. of Mulgrave without office. Lord Eldon, ld, chanc. 1822. Robt. Peel became home sec., Jan., and W. W. Wynn, pres. bd. tr., Feb. ; and, on the death of visc. Castlereagh, then M. of Lon- donderry, Geo. Canning became for. sec., Sept. Visc. Sidmouth continued a member of the cabinet, without office. In 1823, Wm. Huskisson united the board 10 146 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. of trade with the treasurership of the navy; and a few other changes subsequently occurred. 1827. E. of LIVERPool, continued. At the close of lord Liverpool's long administration, it consisted of the following members ; E. of Liver- pool, first là. treas.; Fredk. J. Robinson, ch. ex: ; lords Harrowby and Westmoreland, pres. of the council and pr. seal; Robt. Peel, Geo. Canning, and E Bathurst, secs. St. for the home, for., and col. depts. ; lord Melville, first là. admy. ; D. of Wellington, ordn. ; lord Bexley, late Mr. Vansittart, duchy of Lanc.; Chas. W. W. Wynn and Wm. Huskisson, bds. of control and trade ; ld. Sid- mouth, without office, &c. Lord Eldon, ld. chanc. Dissolved, owing to lord Liverpool's illness, April 1827. 1827. GEO. CANNING, first là. treas. and Apr. ch. ex: ; ld. Harrowby, pres. of the council; D. of Portland, pr. seal; lil. Dudley, visc. Goderich, and Sturges Bourne, for., col., and home secs. ; C. W. W. Wynn, bd. of control; Wm. Huskisson, bd. of trade; lil. Palmerston, Sec.-at-war; ld. Bexley, duch. Lanc.; D. of Clarence, ld. h. adm. Lord Lyndhurst, ld, chanc. The marquess of Lansdowme had a seat in the cabinet, to which were soon added the seals of the home department. The death of Mr. Canning on Aug. 8, following, led to several changes. 1827. WISC. GODERICH, late FREDI. JNo. ld. treas. ; D. of Portland, pres. of the council ; E. of Carlisle, pr. seal; visc. Dudley, Wm. Hus- kisson, and M. of Lansdowne, for., col., and home secs. ; ld. Palmerston, sec.-at-war; C. W. W. Wynn, bd. of control; Chas. Grant, bd. of trade; Geo. Tierney, m. mint, &c. Lord Lyndhurst, ld. chanc. 1828. ARTHUR, D. of WELLINGTON, first la. Jan. treas. ; Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex: ; E. Bathurst, pres. of the council; ld. Ellenborough, pr. seal; Robt. Peel, E. Dudley, and Wm. Hus- kisson, home, for., and col. Secs. ; visc. Melville, bd. of control; Chas. Grant, bd. of trade ; ld. Palmerston, sec.-at-war; J. C. Herries, m. mint; E. of Aberdeen, ch, duch. Lanc.; — Arbuthnot, Chas. W. Fitzgerald, &c. Lord Lyndhurst, ld, chanc. Mr. Huskissom, E. Dudley, visc. Palmerston, and Mr. Grant, quit the ministry, and changes follow. 1828. D. OF WELLINGTON, first ld. treas. ; May E. Bathurst, pres. of the council; & ld. Ellenborough, pr. seal; Robt. Peel, E. of Aberdeen, and sir Geo. Murray, home, for., and col, secs. ; visc. Melville and Chas. V. Fitz- gerald, bds. contr. and tr. ; Sir Hy. Hardinge, sec.-at-war; visc. Lowther, first commr. of land revenues, &c. Lord Lyndhurst, ld. chanc. The D. of Clarence surrendered the office of là. h. adm., Aug. 12; and lord Melville became first la. admy., Sept.19; lord Ellenborough became pres. bd. contr., and lord Rosslyn pr. seal. June. RING WILLIAM TV. Aug. ROBINSON, aft. E. of Ripon, first D. OF WELLINGTON and his colleagues, continued. 1830. CHAs., EARL GREY, first là. treas. ; Nov. visc. Althorpe, ch. ex: ; M. of Lansdowne, pres. of the council : E. of Durham, pr. seal; viscs. Mel- bourne, Palmerston, and Goderich, home, for., and col. secs. ; Sir Jas. Graham, first là. admy. ; ld. Auckland and Chas. Grant, pres. of the bds. of trade and control; ld. Holland, ch. duch. Lanc.; ld. John Russell, paym. of the forces (not of the cabinet at first); D. of Richmond, E. of Carlisle, C. W. W. Wynn, &c. Lord Brougham, ld, chanc. Sir Hy. Parnell aft. became sec.- at-war, vice Wynn; and sub- sequently sir Hy. Parnell was succ. by Sir John Hobhouse. 1832. EARL GREY resigned, owing to a majority against him in the lords on a question relating to the Re- form Bill, May 10, but resumed office, May 18. The E. of Ripon, late visc. Goderich succ. the E. of Dur- ham as pr. seal, April 3, 1833, when, also, E. G. S. Stanley, aft. E. of Derby (previously sec. for Ireland), became col. Sec., and Ed. Ellice, sec.-at-war. l834 WM., VISC. MELBourn E, first là. July. treas.; M. of Lansdowne, pres. of the council ; E. of Mulgrave, pr. seal ; visc. Althorpe, ch. ex: ; visc. Duncannon, home sec. ; visc. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 147. 1834. 1834. SIR ROBT. PEEL, first là. treas. and Nov. & Dec. 1837 1839. Ministers announced their determina- 1841. SIR ROBT. PEEL, first là. treas. ; D. Aug. & Sept. Wisc. . VISC. Palmerston, for. Sec. ; Spring Rice, war and col. ; ld. Auckland first là. admy. ; Chas. Grant and C. P. Thomson, bds. of control and trade; ld. John Russell, paym. forces; sir John Hob- house, Ed. Ellice, M. of Conyng- ham, Mr. Littleton, &c. Lord Brougham, ld. chanc. Melbourne's administra- tion dissolved. The D. of Wellington takes the helm of state provisionally, waiting the return of sir Robert Peel from Italy. Nov. 14. ch. ex. ; lá. Wharncliffe, pr. seal; E. of Rosslyn, pres. of the council; Hy. Goulburn, D. of Wellington, and E. of Aberdeen, home, for. and col. secs ; E. de Grey, first là. admy. ; ld. Ellen- borough and Alex. Baring, aft. ld. Ashburton, bds. of control and trade; sir Edw. Knatchbull, QUEEN VICTORIA. MELBOURNE and his col- leagues, contal. June 20. F.T. Baring aft. becomesch. ex., vice Spring Rice, cr. lord Monteagle ; M. of Normanby, late E. of Mul- grave, home sec., vice ld. John Russell, made col. Sec. : T. B. Macaulay, sec. - at - war, vice visc. Howick; E. Clarendon, ld. paym. forces; J. C. Herries, sec.-at-war; sir Geo. Murray, ordn., &c. Lord Lyndhurst, ld. chanc. 1835. WISc. MELBOURNE, again first là. Apr. treas.; M. of Lansdowne, pres. of the council ; visc. Duncannon, pr. seal, with the woods and forests ; Th. Spring Rice, ch. ex: ; ld. John Russell, visc. Palmerston, and ló. Glenelg, late Chas. Grant, home, for., and col. secs. ; E. of Minto, first là. admy. ; sir John Hobhouse and Chas. Poulett Thomson, pres. bds. of contr. and tr. ; ld. Holland, ch. duch. Lanc.; visc. Howick, sec.-at-war; sir Hy. Parnell, Hy. Labouchere, ld. Morpeth, &c. The gr. seal in COIſlDOllSS10Il. The chancellorship, which had been in commission from the formation of this ministry, was given to sir Chas. C. Pepys, Jan. 1836, with the title of lord Cottenham. ingham, pr. Seal; Sir Jas. Graham, E. of Aberdeen, and Id. Stanley, home, for., and col. Secs. ; Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex: ; E. of Hadding- ton, first là. admy.; E. of Ripon, bd. trade; lil. Ellenborough, bd. control; sir Hy. Hardinge, sir Edwd. Knatchbull, sir Geo. Mur- ray, &c. Lord Lyndhurst, ld. chanc. pr.seal, vice visc. Duncannon; Hy. , 1841. Among the many succeeding changes Labouchere, pres. bd. trade, vice C. P. Thomson, &c. tion to resign, in consequence of the division in the Commons on the Jamaica Bill, in which they had a majority of only five, May 7. Sir Robt. Peel received the queen's commands to form a new adminis- tration, May 8; but owing to the refusal of her majesty to dismiss the ladies of her household, on which sir Robt. Peel insisted, this command was withdrawn, and on May 10 lord Melbourne and his friends returned to power. of Wellington, without civil office, comm.-in-chief; Id. Wharncliffe, pres. of the council; D. of Buck- to 1846. were : lá. Fitzgerald and Vesey to the bd. of control, vice lord Ellenborough app. gov.-gen. of India, Oct. 1841 ; D. of Buc- cleuch, pr. seal, Feb. 1842. E. of Ripon, from the bd. of trade to the bd. of control, vice lord Fitz- gerald, decd., May 1843. Sir Thos. Fremantle, sec.-at-war, vice sir Henry Hardinge, app. gov.-gen. of India, May 1844. E. of Dal- housie, to the bd. of trade, and Sidney Herbert, sec.-at-war, Feb. 1845. W. E. Gladstone, col. sec., rice la. Stanley, res. ; D. of Buccleuch, pres. of the council, vice lá. Wharncliffe, decd. ; E. of Haddington, pr. seal; and E. of Ellenborough, first là. admy., Jan. 1846. 1846. LoRD JOHN RUSSELL, first là, treas. July. and prem. ; M. of Lansdowne, ld. pres. council; E. of Minto, ld. pr. seal; sir Geo. Grey, home sec, ; visc. Palmerston, for. Sec. ; E. Grey, war and col. Sec. ; Chas. Wood, ch. ex: ; E. of Auckland, first là. admy. ; Sir Jno. Hobhouse, 10 * 148 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. aft. Lord Broughton, pres. bd. control; E, of Clarendon, pres. bd. trade; visc. Morpeth, aft. E. of Carlisle, first commr. woods and forests; M. of Clanricarde, postm.- gen. ; T. B. Macaulay, paym.-gen.; lord Cottenham, ld, chanc.; lord Campbell, chanc. d. Lanc. CHANGEs: Hy. Labouchere, app. pres. bd. trade, July 22, 1847, vice E. of Clarendon; E. Gran- ville, app. paym.-gen. May 1848, vice Macaulay ; to be of cabinet, Oct. 1851; sir F. T. Baring, app. first là. admy., Jan. 18, 1849, vice E. of Auckland, decd. ; hon. Fox Maule, sec.-at-war, to be of cabinet, Nov. 1849; E. of Carlisle, app. chanc. d. Lanc., Mar. 6, 1850, vice lord Campbell, app. 1d. ch, just. q. b. ; lord Cottenham, ld. chanc., res. June 19, 1850, and commrs. app.; sir Thos. Wilde, ld. ch. just, c. p., app. 1d. chanc., July 15, 1850, and cr. lord Truro ; ld. Seymour, app. first comme. works, &c., Aug. 1851; to be of cabinet, Oct. 1851; E. Granville,. app. for. Sec., Dec. 26, 1851, vice lord Palmerston, res ; hon. F. Maule (aft. la. Panmure), app. pres. bq. control, vice Hobhouse, res. Feb. 1852. 1852. EDwD. G., E. OF DERBY, first la. Feb. 1852 !)oc. treas. and prem. ; E. of Lonsdale, ld. pres. of the council ; M. of Salisbury, ld, pr. seal; Spencer Horatio Walpole, home sec.; E. of Malmesbury, for. Sec. ; sir Jno. S. Pakington, bt., war and col. sec.; Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex: ; D. of Northumberland, first lil. admy. ; Jno. Chas. Herries, pres. bd. cont. ; Josh. Warner Henley, pres. bd. tr. ; E. of Hardwicke, postm.-gen. ; sir Edwd. B. Sug- dem, cr. lord St. Leonards, ld. chanc.; la. Jno. Manners, first commº. works, &c. Wm. Beres- ford, app. sec.-at-war with seat in cabinet, Feb. 28, 1852, vice R. W. Smith, who was not in cabinet. . GEO. HAMILTON, E. OF ABERDEEN, first là, treas. and prem. ; E. Granville, ld. pres. of the council; D. of Argyll, ld, pr. Seal ; Visc. Palmerston, home sec. ; lord John Russell, for. sec.; D. of Newcastle, war. and col. Sec. ; hon. Sidney Herbert, sec.-at-war; Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ex: ; Sir Jas. R. G. Graham, bt., first là. admy. ; Sir Chas. Wood, bt., pres, bd, cont. ; sir Wim. Molesworth bt., first commº. works, &c.; ld. Cran- worth, ld. chanc.; M. of Lans- downe, without office. CHANGES.—E. of Clarendon, app. for. sec., Feb. 21, 1853, vice lil. John Russell, who remained in the cabinet without office ; secretary- ship of st. for war and colonies divided June 12, 1854, D. of New- castle app. sec. war, sir Geo. Grey app. sec. col. ; E. Granville, app. chanc. d. Lanc., June 21, 1854, vice E. Strutt, who was not in cabinet ; ld. John Russell, app. 1d. pres. of the council, June 12, 1854, vice E. Granville. 1855. HY. JNo., VISC. PALMERSTON, first Feb. 10. Id. treas. and premier; E. Gran- ville, ld, pres. council; D. of Argyll, ld, pr. seal; Sidney Her- bert, home sec., Feb. 8, succ. by Sir Geo. Grey, bt., Feb. 28; E. of Clarendon, for. sec.; Sidney Her- bert, col. Sec. ; lä. Panmure, war sec.; W. E. Gladstone, ch. ex: ; Sir Jas. R. G. Graham, bt., firstld. admy. ; Sir Chas. Wood, bt., pres. bd. cont. ; lord Cranworth, ld. chanc.; E. of Harrowby, chanc. d. Lanc. (app. Mar. 1855); Sir Wm. Molesworth, bt., first commr. works, &c.; visc. Canning, postm.- gen. ; M. of Lansdowne, without office. * CHANGEs.—Sidney Herbert, W. E. Gladstone, and sir J. R. G. Gra- ham, res., Feb. 22, 1855; sir Chas. Wood, bt., app. first ld. admy., Mar. 3, 1855, vice Graham, res. ; Robt. Vernon Smith, app. pres. bd. cont., Mar. 13, 1855, vice Wood; sir Geo. C. Lewis, bt., app. ch, ex., Mar. 5, 1855, vice Glad- stone, res. ; lord Jno. Russell, app. col. sec., May 1, 1855, vice Sidney Herbert, res. ; sir Wm. Moles- worth, app. col. Sec., July 21, 1855, vice lord John Russell, res. ; Hy. Labouchere, app. col. Sec., Nov. 21, 1855, vice Molesworth, decd. ; D. of Argyll, app. postm. gen., July 1855, vice visc. Can- ning, app. gov. gen, India; E. of Harrowby, app. ld. pr. Seal, Dec. 7, 1855, vice D. of Argyll; Mat- thew Talbot Baines, app. chanc. d. Lanc., Dec. 7, 1855, vice E. of Harrowby; lil. Stanley of Alderley, pres, bd. tr., to be of cabinet, — 1855; M. of Clanricarde, app. 1d. pr. seal, Feb. 3, 1858, vice E. of Harrowby, res. 1858. EDwD. G., E. OF DERBY, first là. Feb. 25. treas. and premier; M. of Salis- bury, ld, pres. council; E. of Hard- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 149 wicke, ld, pr. seal; Spencer H. Wal- pole, home sec.; E. of Malmesbury, for. Sec. ; lord Stanley, col. sec.; Jonathan Peel, war sec. ; Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. ; sir Jno. S. Pakington, bt., first ld, admy. ; E. of Ellenborough, pres. bd. cont. ; Jos. Warner Henley, pres. bd, tr. ; lord Jno. Manners, first commº. works, &c.; sir Fk. Thesi- ger, cr. la. Chelmsford, ld, chanc. CHANGES.–E. of Donoughmore, app. pres. bd. tr., Feb. 1859, vice Henley; lord Stanley, app. pres. bd. cont., June 5, 1858, vice E. of Ellenborough ; sir E. Bulwer- Lytton, app. col. Sec., June 5, 1858, vice lord Stanley; Board of control abolished by 21 & 22 Vic., cap. 106, and Secretaryship of State for India created; lord Stanley, app. first sec. st. for India, Sept. 2, 1858; F. H. S. Sotheron Estcourt, app. home sec., Mar. 3, 1859, vice Walpole, res. 1859. HY. JNo., VISc. PALMERSTON, first June 18. 1d. treas. and prem. ; E. Gram- ville, ld. pres. council; D. of Argyll, ld, pr: seal; sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., home sec. ; Lord Jno. Russell, cr. E. Russell, 1861, for. Sec. ; D. of Newcastle, col. sec.; Sidney Herbert, war Sec. ; Sir Chas. Wood, bt., India Sec. ; Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. ex. ; D. of Somerset, first là. admy. ; Thos. Milner Gibson, pres. p. l. bd., and then pres. bd. tr. ; Edw. Cardwell, Irish sec.; Jas. E. of Elgin, postm. gen. ; Chas. P. Williers, pres. p. l. bq., vice Gib- son. Ld. Campbell, ld, chanc.; Sir Geo. Grey, bt., chanc. d. Lanc. CHANGES.—Ld. Stanley of Alderley, app. postm.-gen., Aug. 17, 1860, vice E. of Elgin, sent as amb. to China ; Sir Richd. Bethell, app. lá. chanc. and cr. ld. Westbury, June 26, 1861, vice ld. Campbell, decd. ; Sidney Herbert, res. and cr. lá. Herbert of Lea, July 1861, d. Aug. 2, 1861; sir G. C. Lewis, app. sec. war, July 23, 1861, vice Her- bert ; Sir Geo. Grey, app. home sec., July 25, 1861, vice Lewis; Edw. Cardwell, app. chanc. d. Lanc., July 25, 1861, vice Grey; Sir Robt. Peel, app. Irish sec. (without seat in cabinet) July, 1861, vice Cardwell; E. De Grey and Ripon, app. sec. war, Apr. 28, 1863, vice Lewis, decd. ; Edw. Cardwell, app. col. sec., Apr. 7, 1864, vice D. of Newcastle, res. ; E. of Clarendon, app. chanc. d. Lanc., Apr. 7, 1864, vice Card- well; lil. Cranworth, app. lá. chanc., July 7, 1865, vice ld. Westbury, res. 1865. JNO., EARL RUSSELL, first ld. treas. Nov. 6. and prem. ; E. Granville, ld, pres. council; D. of Argyll, ld. pr. Seal; sir Geo. Grey, bt., home sec.; E. of Clarendon, for. sec. ; Edw. Card- well, col. sec. : E. De Grey and Ripon, war sec. ; sir Chas. Wood, bt., India sec. ; Wm. Ewart Glad- stone, ch. ex: ; D. of Somerset, first là. admy. ; Thos. Milner Gib- son, pres. bd. tr. ; Chas. Pelham Williers, pres. p. l. bq. ; ld. Stan- ley of Alderley, postm. gen. ; ld. Cranworth, ld, chanc.; Geo. Joa- chim Goschen, chanc. d. Lanc. (app. Jan. 1866). CHANGES.—E. De Grey and Ripon, app. India sec., Feb. 16, 1866, vice sir Chas. Wood, res. and cr. visc. Halifax; M. of Hartington, app. sec. war, Feb. 16, 1866, vice E. De Grey and Ripon. 1866. EDwD. G., E. OF DERBY, first là. July. treas. and prem. ; D. of Bucking- ham and Chandos, ld, pres. coun- cil; E. of Malmesbury, ld, pr. seal; Spencer H. Walpole, home sec.; ld. Stanley, for. Sec.; E. of Carnar- von, col. sec.; Jonathan Peel, war sec. : visc. Cranborne, India Sec. ; Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex: ; Sir J. S. Pakington, bt., first là. admy. ; sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., pres. bd. tr. ; Gathorne Hardy, pres. p. 1. bq.; ld. Chelmsford, ld. chanc.; la. Naas, aft. E. of Mayo, Irish sec. ; lord Jno. Manners, first commº. works, &c. CHANGEs.—E. of Carnarvon, gem. Peel, and lord Cramborne, res., Mar. 1867; D. of Buckingham and Chandos, app. col. Sec., Mar. 8, 1867, rice E. of Carnarvon; D. of Marlborough, app. 1d. pres. coun- cil, Mar. 8, 1867, rice D. of Buck- ingham ; Sir J. S. Pakington, app. sec. war, Mar. 8, 1867, vice Peel ; Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry, app. first ld. admy., Mar. 8, 1867, vice Pak- ington; sir Stafford Hy. North- cote, app. sec. India, Mar. 8, 1867, vice lord Cranborne; D. of Rich- mond, app. pres. bd. tr., Mar. 8, 1867, vice Northcote; Gathorne Hardy, app. home sec., May 17, 1867, vice Walpole, res. ; E. of Devon, app. pres. p. 1. bd. (with- out seat in cabinet), May 17, 1867, vice Hardy. E. of Derby res. through ill-health, Feb. 1868, and d. Oct. 23, 1869. 150 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1868. BENJN. DISRAEL1, first là. treas. and Feb. premier; D. of Marlborough, ld. pres. council; E, of Malmesbury, ld. pr. seal ; Gathorne Hardy, home sec. ; ld. Stanley, for. sec. : D. of Buckingham and Chandos, col. Sec. ; sir J. S. Pakington, bt., war sec.; sir Stafford Hy. North- cote, bt., India sec. ; Geo. Ward Hunt, ch. ex: ; Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry, first là. admy. ; D. of Richmond, pres. bd. tr. ; E. of Mayo, Irish sec. (res. Sept. 1868, and succ. by Col. Jno. Wilson Patten, not in cabinet); lord Jno. Manners, first comml. works, &c.; ld. Cairns, ld. chanc. 1868. WM. EwART GLADSTONE, first ld. Dec. treas. and prem. ; E. De Grey and Ripon, ld, pres. council; E. of Kimberley, ld, pr. seal; Hy. Austin Bruce, home sec. : E. of Clarendon, for. sec. ; E. Gran- ville, col. Sec. ; Edw. Cardwell, war sec.; D. of Argyll, India sec, ; Robt. Lowe, ch. ex: ; Hugh C. E. Childers, first là. admy. ; Jno. Bright, pres, bd tr. ; Chichester S. Fortescue, Irish Sec. ; M. of Hartington, postm.- gen. ; Geo. Joachim Goschen, pres. p. l. bq. ; sir Wm. Page Wood, cr. lá. Hatherley, ld, chanc. CHANGES.—W. E. Foster, v. pres. educatn., brought into the cabi- net, July 1870; E. Granville, app. for. sec., July 6, 1870, vice E. of Clarendon, decd. ; E. of Rimberley, app. col. Sec., July 6, 1870, rice E. Granville ; visc. Halifax, app. 13. pr. Seal, July 6, 1870, rice E. of Kimberley; Chi- chester S. Fortescue, app. pres. bd. tr., Jan. 14, 1871, vice Bright, res. ; M. of Hartington, app. Irish sec., Jan. 1871, vice Fortescue ; Wm. Monsell, app. postm. gen., Jan. 9, 1871, vice lil. Hartington, but without seat in cabinet ; Geo. Joachim Goschen, first là. admy., Mar. 9, 1871, vice Childers, res. ; Jas. Stansfeld, app. pres. loc.gov. bd., Aug. 1871; Hugh C. E. Chil- ders, app. chanc. d. Lanc., Aug. 9, 1872, vice lá. Dufferin, who was not in cabinet ; Sir Roundell Palmer, app. 1d. chanc. and cr. ld. Selborne, Oct. 15, 1872, vice la. Hatherley, res. ; H. A. Bruce, app. ld, pres. council, Aug. 9, 1873, and cr. lord Aberdare, vice E. De Grey and Ripon, res. ; R. Lowe, app. home sec., Aug. 9, 1873, wice Bruce; W. E. Glad- stone, app. ch. ex., vice Lowe, Aug. 9, 1873, and held the office jointly with that of first ld, treas. and premiership; Jno. Bright, app. chanc. d. Lanc., Sept. 30, 1873, vice Childers, res. 1874. BENJN. DISRAELI, first là. treas. and Feb. prem. ; D. of Richmond, ld, pres. of the council; E. of Malmes- bury, ld, pr. seal; Richd. Asshe- ton Cross, home sec. ; E. of Derby, for, sec.; E. of Carnarvon, col. sec.; Gathorne Hardy, war sec.; M. of Salisbury, India sec.; sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., ch. ex. ; Geo. Ward Hunt, first là. admy.; la. Jno. Manners, postm.- gen. ; ld. Cairns, (cr. E. Cairns, Sept. 23, 1878), ld, chanc, CHANGES.—B. Disraeli, aft. E. of Beaconsfield, app. lá. pr. Seal, vice E. of Malmesbury, Aug. 12, 1876, and held the office jointly with first lá. treas. and premiership ; sir Michl. E. Hicks-Beach, bt., Irish sec., to be of cabinet, Feb. 1877; Wm. Hy Smith, app. first là. admy., Aug. 14, 1877, vice Hunt, decd, ; D. of Northumberland, app. la. pr. seal, Feb. 4, 1878, vice E. of Beaconsfield, res. ; sir Michael E. Hicks-Beach, bt., app. col. sec., Feb. 4, 1878, vice E. of Carnarvon, res. ; Jas. Lowther app. Irish sec., without seat in cabinet, Feb. 1878, wice Hicks- Beach; M. of Salisbury, app. for. sec., Apr. 2, 1878, vice E. of Derby, res. ; Gathorne Hardy, app. sec. India, Apr. 2, 1878, (cr. visc. Cranbrook, May 3, 1878), vice Salisbury; col. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, app. sec. war, Apr. 2, 1878, vice Hardy; visc. Sandon, app. pres. bd. trade, with seat in cabinet, Apr. 4, 1878, vice Adderley. 1880, WM. EwART GLADSTONE, first ld. Apr. 28. treas., ch. ex. and prem.; E. Spen- cer, ld, pr. council; D. of Argyll, ld. pr. seal ; Wm. G. G. Ver- non Harcourt, home sec. ; E. Granville, for. sec. : E. of Kimberley, col. sec.; Hugh C. E. Childers, war sec.; M. of Hartington, India sec.; E. of Northbrook, first là. admy.; Jos. Chamberlain, pres. bq. trade; John Geo. Dodson, pres. loc. gvt. bd.; Wm. Edwd. Forster, Irish Sec. ; ld. Selborne, ld, chanc. (cr. E. Selborne, Dec. 29, 1881); Jno. Bright, chanc. d. Lanc. CHANGES. —Ld. Carlingford, app. lá. pr. Seal, May 2nd, 1881, vice D. of Argyll, res. ; earl Spencer, app. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 15] ld. lieut. Ireland, Apr. 28, 1882, vice E. Cowper, who was not in cabinet; lord Fredk. Chas. Caven- dish, app. Irish sec., without seat in cabinet, May, 1882, (assass. May 6, 1882) vice Forster, res. ; Geo. Otto Trevelyan, app. Irish Sec., without seat in cabinet, May 9, 1882, vice Cavendish; E. of Kimberley, app. chanc. d. Lanc., July 25, 1882, vice Bright, res. ; H. C. E. Childers, app. chanc. ex., Dec. 16, 1882, vice Gladstone, res. ; M. of Hartington, app. war Sec., Dec. 16, 1882, vice Childers; E. of Kimberley, app. India sec., Dec. 16, 1882, vice M. of Har- tington; E. of Derby, app. col. sec., Dec. 16, 1882, vice E. of Rimberley; J. G. Dodson, app. chanc. d. Lanc., Dec. 28, 1882, vice E. of Kimberley; sir Chas. Wentworth Dilke, bt., app. pres. loc. gvt. bcl., Dec. 28, 1882, vice Dodson; ld. Carlingford, app. ld. pres, council, Mar. 19, 1883, vice E. Spencer, res. ; G. O. Tre- velyan, app. chanc. d. Lanc., Oct. 29, 1884, vice Dodson, res. ; H. Campbell-Bannerman, app. Irish sec., without seat in cabinet, Oct. 29, 1884, vice Trevelyan ; G. J. Shaw-Lefevre (app. postm.-gen., without seat in cabinet, vice Faw- cett, decd., also not in cabinet), to be of cabinet, Feb. 1885; E. of Rosebery, app. first commº. works, Feb. 1885, vice Shaw-Lefevre; E. of Rosebery, app. la, pr. seal, Mar. 5, 1885, vice la. Carlingford, res. 1885, ROBT. ARTHUR TALBOT, M. OF SALIS- June. BURY, for. Sec. and prem. ; sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt. (cr. E. of Iddesleigh), first là. treas. ; visc. Cranbrook, ld, pres. council; E. of Harrowby, ld. pr. seal; sir Rd. Assheton-Cross, home sec.; Sir Fredk. A. Stanley, col. sec. ; Wm. Hy. Smith, war sec. ; lil. Randolph H. S. Churchill, India sec.; sir M. E. Hicks-Beach, bt., chanc. ex.; la, Geo. F. Hamilton, first la. admy.; D. of Richmond and Gordon, pres. bq. tr.: E. of Car- marvon, ld. lieut. Ireland; lil. Jno. J. R. Manners, postm.-gen. ; hon, E. Stanhope, v. pres, educatm. ; sir H. S. Giffard (cr. Id. Halsbury), ld. chanc.; lil. Ashbourne, ld. chanc. Ireland. CHANGES.—Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, app. pres, bd, tr., Aug. 19, 1885, vice D. of Richmond and Gordon, app. sec. Scotland; W. H. Smith, app. Irish seg. Jan. 25, 1886, vice sir W. Hart-Dyke, who was not in cabinet. 1886. W.M. EwART GLADston E, first ld. Feb. treas., ld, pr. Seal, and prem. ; E. Spencer, ld, pres. council; Hugh C. E. Childers, home sec. ; E. of Rosebury, for. sec.; E. Granville, col. sec.; Hy. Campbell-Banner- man, war sec. ; E. of Kimberley, India sec. ; Geo. Otto Trevelyan, sec. Scotland; sir Wm. G. G. V. Harcourt, chanc. ex: ; M. of Ripon, first là. admy.; Anthy. Jno. Mundella, pres. bq. tr. ; Jos. Chamberlain, pres. loc. gvt. bd. ; John Morley, Irish sec. ; Sir Farrer Herschell (cr. lord Her- schell), ld, chanc. CHANGEs.—E. of Dalhousie, app. sec. Scotland, without seat in cabinet, Apr. 3, 1886, vice Tre- velyan, res. ; Jas. Stansfeld, app. pres. loc. gvt. bd., Apr. 3, 1886, vice Chamberlain, res. 1886. ROBT. ARTHUR TALBOT, M. OF SALIS- Aug. 3. BURY, first ld. treas. and prem. ; CHANGES.–Arthur visc. Cranbrook, ld. pres. council; Hy. Matthews, home sec. ; E. of Iddesleigh, for. sec.; hon. Edwd. Stanhope, col. sec. ; Wm. Hy. Smith, war. sec.; sir Rd. Assheton Cross, G. C. B., (cr. visc. Cross, Aug. 8, 1886), India sec. : lá. Randolph H. S. Churchill, chanc. ex.; la. Geo. F. Hamilton, first là. admy. ; sir Fredk. Arthur Stanley (cr. ld. Stanley of Preston, Aug. 6, 1886), pres, bd. tr. ; sir Michl. E. Hicks-Beach, bt., Irish sec.; la. Halsbury, ld, chanc.; visc. Cran- brook (pro tem), and then ld. Jno. Manners, chanc. d. Lanc.; la. Ashbourne, la, chanc. Ireland. Jas. Balfour, sec. Scotland, brought into cabi- net, Nov. 1886 ; M. of Salisbury, app. for. sec., Jan. 14, 1887, rice E. of Iddesleigh, res. ; the mar- quis retained the premiership ; W. H. Smith, app. first là. treas., Jan. 14, 1887, rice M. of Salisbury; hon. Edw. Stanhope, app. war sec., Jan. 14, 1887, vice Smith; sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, (cr. ld. Knutsford, Feb. 27, 1888), app. col. sec., Jan. 14, 1887, rice Stanhope ; Geo. Joachim Goschen, app. chanc. ex., Jan. 14, 1887, vice la. R. Churchill, res. ; Arthur Jas. Balfour, app. Irish sec., Mar. 8, 1887, vice Hicks- Beach, who res., but remained in the cabinet without office ; M. of Lothair, app. sec. Scotland, Mar. 11, 1887, vice Balfour ; Earl Ca- I52 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. dogan, ld, pr. Seal, and C. T. Ritchie, pres. loc. gvt. bd. ; brought into cabinet May 1887. Sir M. Hicks-Beach retired from the cabinet, Jan. 1888, but re- joined it in the following month as pres. bd. tr., vice Stanley of Preston, app. gov.-gen. Canada. LORD TREASURERS. LORD HIGH TREASURERS. LORDs COMMISSIONERS OF THE TREASURY. THE lord treasurership, though not highest in nominal rank, has generally been the highest political office in the state. For many years past the office has been executed by commissioners known as lords of the trea- The first lord is almost invariably the head of the government, and the second lord is, generally, also the chancellor of the exchequer. sury. 1217. 1258. 1260. 1263. LORD TREASURERs, WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Odo, T. of Kent. |KING HENRY I. Geoffry de Clinton. Ranulph Flambard, bp. of Durham. Roger, bp. of Salisbury. Nigellus, bp. of Ely. RING HENRY II. Geoffrey Ridel, bp. of Ely. Richd, de Ely. KING RICHARD I. The same, contal. Wm. de Ely. RING JOHN. The same, comtd. Dean of St. Paul’s, London. Walter de Grey, bp. of Worcester. Geoffrey, archd. of Norwich. RING HENRY III. John Ruthal. Eustace de Fauconbridge, aft. bp. of London. John de Fontibus, bp. of Ely. Walter Maclerk, or Lacklatine, bp. of Carlisle. Hubert de Burgo. Peter de Orial. |Under him, Robert Passelewe was ch, ex., or deputy treasurer. Hugh de Patteshull. Galfridus Templarius. Wm. Haverhull, canon Paul’s, London. Richd. de Barking, abbot of West- minster. Philip Lovel, dep, by the barons in the year 1258. John Crackhall, archd. of Bedford. John, abbot of Peterborough, made treas. by the barons. Nicholas de Ely, archd. of Ely. of St. &C., 1266. 1269. 1271. 1274. 1275. 1278. 1279. 1280. 1284. 1286. 1290. 1293. 1307. 1311. 1312. 1313. 1315. 1317. OF ENGLAND. Thos. de Wymundham. John de Chishull, dean of St. Paul’s, London, aft bp. of London. Philip de Ely. KING EDw ARD I. Joseph de Clancy. Walter Giffard, bp. of Bath and Wells, aft. abp. of York. Robt. Burnel, bp. of Bath and Wells. John de Clancy, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, in England. Thos. Beck, archd. of Dorchester. Richd. de Warren, or de Ware, abbot of Westminster. Walter Wenlock, abbot of West- minster. Roger de Longespee, alias de Molend, bp. of Lichfield. John de Kirkeby, archd. of Coven- try, aft. bp. of Ely. Wm. de Marchia, bp. of Bath and Wells. Peter de Leicester, baron of the exch., who, with the two cham- berlains of the exch., executed the office of treasr. until the ap- pointment of . Walter de Langton, bp. of Lichfield. Under him, Peter Willeby was ch. ex. RING EDWARD II. Walter Reynolds, bp. of Worcester, aft. abp. of Canterbury. He had been schoolmaster to the king. Under him, John de Sandale was ch. €x. John de Sandale. Sir Walter de Norwich. John de Sandale, bp. of Winchester, agaºn. Sir Walter de Norwich, again. John de Drokenesford, bp. of Bath and Wells. Hervey de Stanton, ch. ex. John Hotham, bp. of Ely. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1318. 1319. 1321. 1322. 1324. 1324. 1326. 1327. 1329. 1330. 1331. 1332. 1333. 1336. 1337. 1338. 1340. 1342. 1343. 1345. 1358. 1361. 1363, 1371, 1376. 1377. 1377. 1378. 1379. 1380, 1389. 1390. 1395. 1898. Wm. Walwaine. John de Stratford, bp. of Winchester. Walter Stapleton, bp. of Exeter. Sir Walter de Norwich, again. Roger de Northburgh, bp. of Lich- field and Coventry. Walter Stapleton, bp. of Exeter, again. He was beheaded in the year 1326, by order of the queen regent, Isabella. Wm. de Melton, Ébp. of York. KING EDWARD III, John de Stratford, bp. of Winches- ter, again. Adam de Orleton, bp. of Hereford. Hy. de Burghersh, bp. of Lincoln. Thos. Charleton, bp. of Hereford. Robt. Woodhouse. Wm. Melton, abp. of York, again. Wm. Ayremin, bp. of Norwich. Robt. le Ailstone. " - Hy. de Burghersh, bp. of Lincoln, again. Richd. de Bury, bp. of Durham. Wm. de la Zouch, or le Zouch, abp. of York. Sir Richd. Sodington. Roger de Northburgh, bp. of Lich- field and Coventry, again. The same, again. Wm. de Cusans. Wm. de Edington, bp. of Winchester. John de Shepey, bp. of Rochester. Simon Langham, bp. of Ely, aft. abp. of Canterbury, ld, chanc., and a cardinal. John Barnet, bp. of Worcester. Jnder him, Wm. Ashby, archd. of Northampton, was ch. ex. Richd., ld. Scrope, of Bolton, No. 1. Sir Richd. Ashton, ld, widen. of the Cinque Ports. Hy. Wakefield, bp. of Worcester. PCING RICHARD II. The same, contal. Thos. Brentingham, bp. of Exeter. Richd. Fitzalan, E. of Arundel and Surrey. Thos. Brentingham, bp. of Exeter, (L(JCL27?. John Gilbert, bp. of St. David’s. John Waltham, bp. of Salisbury. Roger Walden, sec. to the king, and treast, of Calais. He was elected abp. of Canterbury, but rejected by pope Innocent VII., who aft. confirmed him bp. of London. Guy de Mona, bp. of St. David's. Sir Wm. le Scrope, E. of Wiltshire; beheaded at Bristol in 1399. 1399. 1403. 1404. 1405. 1408. 1409. 1410. 1413. 1416. 1417. 1422. 1425. 1431. 1434. 1444. 1447. 1448. 1450. 1452. 1455. 1456. 1460. 1460, 1462. 1464. 1465. 1466. 1469. 1471. 1483. 1483. 1484. RING HENRY IV. Sir John Northbury. Hy. Bowet, bp. of Bath and Wells. Wm., Id. Roos or Ros. Thos., ld. Furnival. Nicholas Bubbewith, bp. of London. Richd., ld. Scrope, of Bolton, No. 2. John de Tiptoft. Hy.,ld. Scrope, of Masham; beheaded at Southampton, 1415. ECING HENRY W. Thos., E. of Arundel and Surrey. Sir Philip Lech. Hy., ld. Fitz-Hugh. EING HENRY WI. John Stafford, dean of Wells, made bp. of Bath and Wells; aft. abp. of Canterbury. Walter, ld. Hungerford. John, ld. Scrope, of Upsal. Ralph, ld. Cromwell. Ralph, ld. Sudley. Marmaduke Lumley, bp. of Carlisle. Jas., ld. Say and Sele ; beheaded by the Kentish rebels under Jack Cade. John, ld. Beauchamp of Powyk. John, E. of Worcester. Jas., E. of Wiltshire and Ormond. Thos. Thorpe, ch. ex. Hy., visc. Bourchier. John, E. of Shrewsbury; killed at the battle of Northampton, 1460. . Jas., E. of Wiltshire and Ormond, again ; beheaded at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1461. Hy., visc. Bourchier, again. RING EDWARD IV. Thos. Bourchier. º John, E. of Worcester, again ; be- headed in 1470 or 1471. Edmd., lord Grey of Ruthyn, cr. E. of Rent. Sir Walter Blount, aft. lord Mont- Joy. Richd., E. Rivers; beheaded at Northampton, 1469. John Longstrother, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, in England. Wm. Grey, bp. of Ely. Hy., visc. Bourchier, now E. of Essex, again. KING EDWARD V. Hy., E. of Essex, contal. KING RICHARD III. The same, contal. Sir Richd. Wood. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. RING HENRY VII. . Sir Reginald Bray. Sir Wm. Stanley, ch. ex. . John, lord Dynham. 1501. Thos., E. of Surrey, aft. D. of & Norfolk. 1558. 1566. 1572. 1589. 1599. 1603. 1609. 1612. 1614. 1614. 1618. 1620. 1621. 1622. 1624. KING HENRY WIII. . The same, contal. Thos. Cromwell, aft. E. of Essex ; and ch. ex.; beheaded 1540. . Thos., E. of Surrey, son to the last ld. treas1. ; beheaded 1547. FCING EDWARD VI. . Edwd., E. of Hertford, aft. D. of Somerset ; beheaded 1551. . Wm., E. of Wiltshire, aft. M. of Winchester. QUEEN MARY. 3. Wm., M. of Winchester, contal. QUEEN ELIZABETH. The same, contal. Richd. Sackville, ch. ex. Sir Wm. Mildmay, ch. ex. Sir Wm. Cecil, ld. Burleigh, held office 27 years. Sir John Fortescue, ch. ex. Thos. Sackville, ld. Buckhurst, aft. E. of Dorset ; d. Apr. 19, 1609. RING JAMES I. Geo., ld, Hume, of Berwick, ch. ex. Sir Fulke Greville, ch. ex. Robt., E. of Salisbury; d. May 24, 1612. Hy., E. of Northampton, and others (first commrs.) by pat., June 16. Thos. Egerton, ld. Ellesmere, ld. chanc., and others, commiſs., Jan. 24. Thos., ld. Howard de Walden and E. of Suffolk, res. Geo. Abbott, abp. of Canterbury, and others, commrs., by Succes- sive patents, dated July 21, 1618, and Jan. 25, 1619. Sir Richd. Weston, bt., aft. E. of Portland, ch. ex. Sir Hy. Montagu, ld. ch. just. k. b. ; cr. baron Kimbolton, and visc. Mandeville; aft. E. of Manchester. Lionel, ld. Cranfield, aft. E. of Middlesex ; sent to the Tower, and deprived, May 14, 1624. Commission enabling the lö. treas. to act as ch. ex., Apr. 22. Sir Richd. Weston, aft. li. Wes- ton, chanc. and under treas. of the ex. ; commr. during the va- cancy, by pat., May 25. 1624. 1625. 1628. 1635. 1636. 1641. 1642. 1643. 1654. 1658. 1659. Sir Jas. Ley, knt. and bt., ld, ch. just. k. b. ; cr. lord Ley, aft. E. of Marlborough. * KING CHARLES I. The same, contal. - Rd., ld. Weston, ch. ex: ; cr., in 1633, E. of Portland. Fras. Cottington, aft. ld. Cotting- ton, ch. ex. Wm. Laud, abp. of Canterbury, Hy., E. of Manchester, ld, pr. seal, Fras., ld. Cottington, late ch. ex., Sir John Coke, and Sir Fras. Windebank, principal secs. of St., commrs. Wm. Juxon, bp. of London. Edwd., ld. Newburgh, in Fifeshire, ch, ex. Sir Edwd. Littleton, ld. kpr. of the gr. seal, Hy., E. of Manchester, ld. pr. seal, Sir John Bankes, ld, ch. just. c. p., Edwd., lord Newburgh, ch. ex., and Sir Hy. Vane, commrs. Sir John Colepeper, ch. ex. Sir Edwd. Hyde, ch. ex. Fras., ld. Cottington, by dated Oct. 3. pat. , COMMONWEALTH. Bulstrode Whitelocke, Sir Thos. Widdrington, and John Lisle, lds. commºs. of the gr. seal. Hy. Rolle, and Oliver St. John, lds. ch. just. of the upper and common bench ; Edwd. Montagu, Wm. Sydenham, and Wm. Matham, commrs. of the treasy., by pat., dated Aug. 3. When Richd. Cromwell became pro- tector, another commission issued. Bulstrode, ld. Whitelocke, const. of the castle of Windsor, Edwd., lcl. Montagu, one of the generals at sea, Wm., ld. Sydenham, gov. of the Isle of Wight, and Sir Thos. Widdrington, ch. bar. exch., commrs. of the treasy., by pat., dated Sept. 18. After Richd. Cromwell ceased to be protector, another commission issued under the “Keepers of the Liberty of England.” John Disbrowe, Wm. Sydenham, Richd. Salwey, Cornelius Holland, John Clerke, and John Blackwell, commrs. treasy. of the THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 155 KING CHARLES II. The dates given below are those of the patents, except those marked G., which are the dates of the Gazette notices. COMMISSIONERs. - June 19, 1660. SIR EDwARD HYDE, (ld. chanc.), aft. E. of Claren- don. Geo. Monk, gen. of the king's forces. Thos., E. of Southampton. John, ld. Robartes. Thos., ld. Colepeper. Gen. Edwd. Montagu. Sir Edwd. Nicholas and sir Wm. Morrice, principal secs. of st. LORD TREASURER. Sept. 8, 1660. THOS., E. OF SOUTHAMPTON. Sir Robt. Long, ch. ex. COMMISSIONERs. May. 24, 1667. GEO., D. OF ALBEMARLE. Anthy., ld. Ashley, ch, ex. Sir Thos. Clifford, comptr. of the household. Sir Wm. Coventry. Sir John Duncombe. Apr. 8, 1669. GEO., D. OF ALBEMARLE. Anthy., ld. Ashley, ch, ex. Sir Thos. Clifford, comptr. of the household. Sir John Duncombe. LORD TREASURERs. Nov. 28, 1672. THos., LORD CLIFFORD. Sir John Duncombe, ch. ex. June 24, 1673. SIR THos. Osborn E, BARON Osborn E, and VISC. LA- TIMER and DUNBLAIN. Cr. E. of Danby; aft. M. of Carmarthen and D. of Leeds. COMMISSIONERS. Mar. 26, 1679. ARTHUR, E. of ESSEX. Hon. Laurence Hyde, ch. ex. Sir John Ernley. Sir Edwd. Deering, bt. Sidney Godolphin. Nov. 21, 1679. HoN. LAURENCE, aft. LORD HYDE. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Edwd. Deering, bt. Sidney Godolphin. Sir Stephen Fox. July 9, 1684. LAURENCE, VISC. HYDE, now E. of ROCHESTER. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. July 26, 1684. LAURENCE, E. of ROCHES- TER. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Dudley North. Hy. Fredk. Thynne. Sept. 9, 1684. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Sir Dudley North. Hy. Fredk. Thynne. KING JAMES II. LORD TREASURER. Feb. 16, 1685. LAURENCE, E. OF ROCHES- TER. COMMISSIONERS. Jan. 4, 1687. JOHN, LORD BELASYSE. Sidney, ld Godolphin. Hy., ld. Dover. Sir John Ernley, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. WILLIAM AND MARY. Apr. 9, 1689. CHAS., VISC. MORDAUNT. Hy., ld. Delarnere, ch. ex. Sidney, ld. Godolphin. Sir Hy. Capel, K.B. Richd. Hampden. Mar. 18, 1690. SIR JOHN LOWTHER, bt. Richd. Hampden, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Thos. Pelham. Nov. 15, 1690. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN. Sir John Lowther, bt. Richd. Hampden, ch, ex. Thos. Pelham. Sir Stephen Fox. Mar. 21, 1691. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN. Richd. Hampden, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Chas. Montagu, aft. lord Halifax. Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt. May 3, 1694. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN; and ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Chas. Montagu. Sir Wm. Trumbull. John Smith. FCING WILLIAM III. Nov. 1, 1695. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN. Chas. Montagu, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. John Smith. May 2, 1696. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN. Chas. Montagu, ch, ex. Sir Stephen Fox. John Smith. Sir Thos. Littleton, bt. May 1, 1698. CHAs. MonTAGU, and ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. John Smith. Sir Thos. Littleton, bt. Thos. Pelham. June 1, 1699. CHAs. MONTAGU, and ch. ex: Ford, E. of Tankerville. Sir Stephen Fox. John Smith. Hon. Hy. Boyle Nov. 15, 1699. Ford, E. OF TANKERVILLE. John Smith, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox, Hon. Hy. Boyle. Richd. Hill. Dec. 9, 1700. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN. John Smith, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Hon. Hy. Boyle. Richd. Hill. Mar. 29, 1701. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN. Hon. Hy. Boyle, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Richd. Hill. Thos. Pelham. Dec. 30, 1701. CHAS., E. OF CARLISLE. Hon. Hy. Boyle, ch. ex. Sir Stephen Fox. Richd. Hill. Thos. Pelham. QUEEN ANNE. LORD TREASURER. May 8, 1702. SIDNEY, LORD GODOLPHIN, aft. visc. Rialton and E. of Godolphin. 156 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TJNION WITH SCOTLAND. LoRD TREASURERs, &c., OF GREAT BRITAIN. COMMISSIONERs. Aug. 10, 1710. JOHN E. Poul ET. Robt. Harley, ch, ex. Hon. Hy. Paget. Sir Thos. Mansell, bt. Robt. Benson. LORD TREASURER. May 30, 1711. ROBT. E. OF OXFORD and E. Mortimer. KING GEORGE I. LORD TREASURER. CHAs., D. OF SEIREwsBURY. He was at the same time ld. chambn. of the hshold. and ló. lieut. of Ireland. From the accession of George I, to the present time the office of lord treasurer has been executed by commissioners; the duke of Shrewsbury being the last person who executed the office as an individual. Oct. 13, 1714. CHAs., E. OF HALIFAX. Sir Richd Onslow, ch, ex. Sir Wrm. St. Quintin, bt. Edwd. Wortley Montagu. Paul Methuen. May 23, 1715. CHAS., E. OF CARLISLE. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., ch. bt., (2X, Sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt. Edwd. Wortley Montagu, Paul Methuen. Oct. 11, 1715, ROBT. WALPOLE, and ch, ex. Daniel, ld. Finch. Sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt. Paul Methuen. Hon. Thos. Newport. June 25, 1716. ROBT. WALPOLE, and ch. ex. Sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt. Paul Methuen. Hon. Thos. Newport, aft. Lord Torrington. Richd. Edgcumbe. Apr. 15, 1717. JAS. STANHOPE, aft. E. Stan- hope, and ch. ex: Thos., ld. Torrington. John Wallop. Geo. Baillie. Thos. Micklethwaite, aft. visc. Micklethwaite, in Ireland. Mar. 20, 1718. CHAs., E. OF SUNDERLAND. John Aislabie, ch. ex. John Wallop, aft. visc. Lym- COMMISSIONERS. ington and E. of Ports- mouth. Geo. Baillie. Wm. Clayton. June 11, 1720. CIIAS., E. OF SUNDERLAND. John Aislabie, ch. ex: Geo. Baillie. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Richd. Edgcumbe. Apr. 3, 1721. ROBT. WALPOLE, aft. Sir R. and E. of Orford; and ch.ex. Geo. Baillie. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Richd. Edgcumbe, aft. li. Edgcumbe. Hon. Hy. Pelham. Mar. 23, 1724. ROBT. WALPOLE, and ch, ex. Geo. Baillie. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Hon. Hy. Pelham. Wm. Yonge. Apr. 2, 1724. ROBT. WALPOLE, and ch. ex. Geo. Baillie. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Wm. Yonge. Geo. Dodington, aft. lord Melcombe. May 27, 1725. SIR ROBT. WALPOLE, and ch, ex. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Sir Wm. Yonge, K. B. Geo. Dodington. Sir Wrm. Strickland, bt. RING GEORGE II. July 28, 1727. SIR ROBT. WALPOLE, K.G.; and ch. ex. Sir Chas. Turner, bt. Geo. Dodington. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Wm. Clayton. May 11, 1730. SIR ROBT. WALPOLE, K. G.; and ch. ex. Geo. Dodington. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Wm. Clayton, aft. lord Sun- don, of Ireland. Sir Wm. Yonge, IC. B. May 1735. SIR ROBT. WALPOLE, K.G. ; and ch. ex. Geo. Dodington. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Wm., lord Sundon. Geo., visc. Malpas. May 1736. SIR ROBT. WALPOLE, IR. G.; and ch. ex. Geo. Dodington. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Wrm., lord Sundon. Thos. Winnington. June 1737. SIR ROBT, WALPOLE, K.G. ; and ch, ex. Geo. Dodington, aft. lord Melcombe. Wm., Lord Sundon. Thos. Winnington. Giles Earle. 1741. SIR ROBT. WALPOLE, R.G. ; and ch. ex: Thos. Winnington. Giles Earle. Geo. Treby. Thos. Clutterbuck. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 157 Feb. 16, 1742. SPENCER, E. OF WILMING- TON, K. G. Saml. Sandys, ch. ex. Hon. Geo. Compton. Sir John Rushout, bt. Philip Gibbons. Aug. 25, 1743. HY. PELHAM ; and ch. ex. Hon. Geo. Compton, aft. E. of Northampton. Philip Gibbons. Chas. E. of Middlesex, aft. D. of Dorset. Hy. Fox, aft. lord Holland. Dec. 25, 1744. HY. PELHAM ; and ch. ex. Charles, E. of Middlesex. Hy. Fox. Hon. Richd. Arundel. Geo. Lyttelton. June 1746. HY. PELHAM ; and ch. ex. Chas., E. of Middlesex. Geo. Lyttelton, aft. Sir G. and ló. Lyttelton. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge. John Campbell. June 1747. HY. PELIIAM ; and ch. ex. *Geo. Lyttelton. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge. John Campbell, Hon. Geo. Grenville. May 1749. HY. PELIAM ; and ch. ex. Geo. Lyttelton. John Campbell. Hon. Geo. Grenville. Hon Hy. Vane, aft. E. of Darlington. Mar. 18, 1754. TIIOS, PELIIAM HOLLES, D. OF NEWCASTLE, first commr. April 6, 1754. TIIOS. PELIIAM HOLLES, D. OF NEWCASTLE. Hy., E. of Darlington. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch, ex. Thos., visc. Dupplin, aft. E. of Kinmoul. Robt. Nugent, aft. E. Nugent, Nov. 22. 1755. THos. PELIIAM HOLLES, D. OF NEWCASTLE. Hy., E. of Darlington. Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt., ch.ex. Thos., visc. Dupplin. Robt. Nugent. Dec. 20, 1755. THOs. PELHAM Holles, D. OF NEWCASTLE. Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt., ch, ex. Robt. Nugent. Percy Wyndham O'Bryen. Hy. Furnese. Nov. 16, 1756. WM., D. OF DEVONSHIRE. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch. ex. Robt. Nugent. Wm. Visc. Duncannon. Hon. Jas. Grenville. July 2, 1757. THOS. PELIAM Holles, D. OF NEWCASTLE. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch, ex. Robt. Nugent. Wm., visc. Duncannon, aft. E. of Besborough. Hon. Jas. Grenville. June 2, 1759. THOs. PELHAM HollBS, D. OF NEWCASTLE. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch. ex. Robt. Nugent. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Fredk., lord North. Dec. 22, 1759. TIIOS. PELHAM Hollies, D. OF NEWCASTLE. Hon. H. B. Legge, ch, ex. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Fredk., lord North. Jas. Oswald. RING GEORGE III. Mar. 12, 1761. THOS. PELIIAM HOLLES, D. OF NEWCASTLE. Wm., visc. Barrington, ch. €x. Fredk., lord North. Jas. Oswald. Gilbert Elliot. May 28, 1762. JOIIN, E. OR BUTE. Sir Fras. Dashwood, bt., aft. lord le Despencer, ch, ex. Fredk., lord North. Jas. Oswald. Sir John Turner, bt. April 15, 1763. GEO. GRENVILLE, and ch. €x. Fredk., lord North. Sir John Turner, bt. Thos. Orby Hunter. Jas. Harris. July 10, 1765. CHAS., M. OF ROCKINGHAM. Wm. Dowdeswell, ch. ex. Lord John Cavendish. Thos. Townshend, aft. lord Sydney. Geo. Onslow, aft. li. Cran- ley, and ló. Onslow. Aug. 2, 1766. AUG. HY., D. OF GRAFTON. Hon. Chas. Townshend, ch. €x. Thos. Townshend. Geo. Onslow. Pryse Campbell. Dec. 1, 1767. AUG. HY., D. OF GRAFTON. Fredk., lord North, ch. ex. Geo. Onslow. Pryse Campbell. Chas. Jenkinson. Dec. 31, 1768. AUG. HY., D. OF GRAFTON. Fredk., lord North, ch. ex. Geo. Onslow. Chas. Jenkinson. Jeremiah Dyson Feb. 6, 1770 FREDIK., LORD NORTII; and ch. ex. Geo. Onslow. Chas. Jenkinson, aft. lord Hawkesbury. Jeremiah Dyson. Chas. Townshend. Jan. 9, 1773. FREDR., LORD NORTH ; and ch, ex. Goo. Onslow. Jeremiah Dyson. Chas. Townshend. Hon. Chas. Jas. Fox Mar. 12, 1774. FREDR., LORD NORTII; and ch, ex. Geo. Onslow. Chas. Townshend. Fras. Seymour Conway, visc. Beauchamp. Chas. Wolfran Cornewall. 158 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, June 5, 1777. FREDK., LORD NORTH ; and ch. ex. Geo. Onslow, now la. On- slow and Cranley. Fras., visc. Beauchamp. Chas. Wolfran Cornewall. Wm. Hy., ld. Westcote. Dec. 14, 1777. FREDK., Lord NORTII; and ch, ex. Fras., visc. Beauchamp. Chas. Wolfran Cornewall. Wm. Hy., ld. Westcote. Henry, visc. Palmerston. Sept. 6, 1780. FREDK., LORD NORTII; and ch. ex. Wm. Hy., ld. Westcote. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Sir Richd. Sutton, bt. John Buller. Mar. 27, 1782, CIIAs., M. of ROCKINGIIAM. Lord John Cavendish, ch. OX. Geo. John, visc. Althorpe. Jas. Grenville. Fredk. Montagu. July 13, 1782. WM., E. of SHELBURNE. Wm. Pitt, ch, ex. Jas. Grenville. Richd. Jackson. Edwd. Jas. Elliot. April 4, 1783. WM. HY., D. OF PORTLAND. Lord John Cavendish, ch. OX. Chas., E. of Surrey. Fredk. Montagu. Sir Grey Cooper, bt. Dec. 27, 1783. WM. PITT, and ch, ex. Jas., M. of Graham. John Buller. fºdwd. Jas. Elliot John Aubrey, aft. Sir J. Sept. 19, 1786. WM. PITT ; and ch. ex. Jas., M. of Graham. Hon. Edwd. Jas. Elliot. Sir John Aubrey, bt. Richd., E. of Mornington. April 8, 1789. WM. PITT ; and ch. ex. IIon. Edwd. Jas. Elliot. Richd., E. of Mornington. John Jeffreys, visc. Bay- ham. Hy., lord Apsley. June 20, 1791. WM. PITT ; and ch. ex. Hon. Edwd. Geo. Elliot. Richd., E of Mornington. John Jeffreys, visc. Bay- ham. Richd. Hopkins. June 22, 1793. WM. PITT ; and ch. ex. Richd., E. of Mornington. John Jeffreys, visc. Bay- ham. Richd. Hopkins. Hon Jno. Thos. Townshend. May 7, 1794. WM PITT ; and ch. ex. Richd., E. of Mornington. Richd. Hopkins. Hon. John Thos. Townshend John Smyth. Feb. 3, 1797. WM. PITT; and ch. ex. Richd., E. of Mornington. Hon. John Thos. Townshend, John Smyth. Sylvester Douglas. Aug. 3, 1797. WM. PITT; and ch. ex. Hon. John Thos. Townshend. John Smyth. Sylvester Douglas. Chas. Small Pybus. July 28, 1800. WM. PrTT ; and ch. ex. John Smyth. S. Douglas, lord Glenbervie. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Granville Gower. Iloveson Dec. 9, 1800. WM. PrTT; and ch. ex. John Smyth. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Granville Gower. John Hiley Addington. Mar. 21, 1801. HY. ADDINGTON ; and ch.ex. John Smyth. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Geo. Thynne. Nathl. Bond. Leveson July 5, 1802. HY. ADDINGTON; and ch.ex. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Geo. Thynne. Nathl. Bond. John Hiley Addington. Nov. 13, 1803. HY. ADDINGTON; and ch.ex. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Geo. Thynne. Nathl. Bond. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Nov. 19, 1803. HY, ADDINGTON; and ch.ex. Lord Geo. Thynne. Nathl. Bond. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Edwd. Golding, May 16, 1804. WM. PITT ; and ch. ex. Geo., ld Lovaine. Jas. Edwd., visc. Fitzharris Hon. Hy. Wellesley. Chas. Long. Aug. 6, 1804. WM. PITT; and ch. ex. Geo., ld, Lovaine. Jas. Edwd., visc. Fitzharris Chas. Long. Geo., M. of Blandford. Feb. 10, 1806. WM., LORD GRENVILLE. Lord Hy. Petty, ch. ox. John Chas., visc. Althorpe. Wm. Wickham. John Courtenay. Mar, 31, 1807. WM. HY., D. OF PORTLAND, Spencer Perceval, ch, ex. Wm. Hy., M. of Titchfield. Hon. Wm. Eliot. Wrm. Sturges Bourne. Sept. 16, 1807. WM. HY., D. OF PORTLAND, Spencer Perceval, ch. ex. John Foster. Hon. Wrm. Eliot. Wm. Sturges Bourne. Hon. Richd. Ryder. Dec. 2, 1807. WM. HY., D. OF PORTLAND. Spencer Perceval, ch. ex. John Foster. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Hon. Wm. Eliot. Wm. Sturges Bourne. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 159 Dec. 6, 1809. SPENCER PERCEVAL; ch, ex. John Foster. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Hon. Wm. Eliot. John Otway, E. of Desart. Snowden Barne. and June 23, 1810. SPENCER PERCEVAL; ch, ex. John Foster. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Hon. Wm. Eliot. Snowden Barne. Hon. Berkeley Paget. and Jan. 6, 1812. SPENCER PERCEVAL; ch, ex. Hon. Wm. Wellesley Pole. Hon. Wm. Brodrick. Snowden Barne. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Richd. Wellesley. June 16, 1812. ROBT., E. OF LIVERPOOL. Nicholas Vansittart, ch. ex. Snowden Barne. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Oct. 5, 1812. RoBT., E. OF LIVERPOOL. Nichs. Vansittart, ch. ex. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald. Hon. Berkeley Paget. and Fdk. Jno. Robinson, aft. visc. Goderich, and E. of Ripon. Jas. Brogden. Nov. 25, 1813. ROBT., E. OF LIVERPOOL. Nichs. Vansittart, aft. Bexley, ch. ex. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Jas. Brogden. Wm., visc. Lowther, Dec. 20, 1813. ROBT., F. OF LIVERPOOL. Nichs. Vansittart, ch. ex. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm., visc. Lowther, Chas. Grant, jun. 1d. REVENUEs of GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND UNITED, UNDER 56 GEO. III., c. 98. IORD TREASURERs, &c., OF THE UNITED KING|Domt. Jan. 7, 1817. ROBT., E. OF LIVERPOOL. Nichs. Vansittart, ch. ex. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm., visc. Lowther. Chas. Grant, jun. John Maxwell Barry. Wm. O'Dell. The two last from the Irish Treasury. Mar. 25, 1819. ROBT., E. OF LIVERPOOL. Nichs. Vansittart, ch. ex. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm., visc. Lowther. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. John Maxwell Barry. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten, Feb. 10, 1823. RoRT., E. OF LIVERPOOL, IX.G. Fredk. John Robinson, ch, ex. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm., visc. Lowther. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. John Maxwell Barry. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. May 3, 1823. RoRT., E. OF LIVERPOOL, IC. G. COMMISSIONERS. Fredk. John ch, ex. Hon. Berkeley Paget. Wm., visc. Lowther. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. June 13, 1826. Robinson, ROBT., E. OF LIVERPOOL, R. G. Fredk. John Robinson, ch, ex. Wm., visc. Lowther. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Fras. Nathl. Conyngham, E. of Mount Charles. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. Apr. 30, 1827. GEO. CANNING, and ch. ex. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles. Lord Fras. Leveson Gower. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. July 31, 1827. GEO. CANNING, and ch. ex. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles. Lord Fras. Leveson Gower. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Maurice Fitzgerald. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. Sept. 8, 1827. FREDK. JoHN RobiNSON, cr. visc. GODERICH. John Chas. Herries, ch. ex. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot, Maurice Fitzgerald. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. Jan. 26, 1828. ARTHUR, D. OF WELLING- TON, K. G. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. Apr. 24, 1830. ARTHUR, D. OF WELLING- TON, K. G. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Geo. Bankes. Edmd. Alexr. MacNaughten. July 24, 1830. ARTHUR, D. OF WELLING- TON, IX. G. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. 160 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset. Edwd. Granville, lord Eliot. Geo. Bankes. Wm. Yates Peel. Nov. 24, 1830. CHAS., E. GREY, K.G. John Chas., visc. Althorpe, ch, ex. Geo., lord Nugent. Robt. Vernon Smith. Fras. Thornhill Baring. Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Nov. 22, 1832. CHAs., E. GREY, K. G. John Chas., visc. Althorpe, ch, ex. Robt. Vernon Smith. Fras. Thornhill Baring Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Thos. Fras. Kennedy. Apr. 9, 1834. CHAS., E. GREY, K. G. John Chas., visc. Althorpe, ch, ex. - Robt. Vernon Smith. Fras. Thornhill Baring. Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Robt. Graham. June 20, 1834. CHAs., E. GREY, K.G. John Chas., visc. Althorpe, ch, ex. Robt. Vernon Smith. Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Robt. Graham. Capt. Geo. Stevens Byng. July 18, 1834. WM. VISC. MELBOURNE. John Chas., visc. Althorpe, ch, ex. Robt. Vernon Smith. Hon. Geo. Ponsonby. Robt. Graham, and Capt. Geo. Stevens Byng. Nov. 21, 1834. ARTHUR, D. OF WELLING- TON, R. G. Jas., E. of Rosslyn, G.C.B. Edwd. lá. Ellenborough. Wm., ld. Maryborogh. Sir John Becket, bt. Joseph Planta. The duke of Wellington held office provisionally, waiting the return of Sir Robt. Peel from Italy. Dec. 26, 1834. SIR ROBT. PEEL, bt., and ch, ex. Wm. Yates Peel. Hy. Pelham Clinton, E. of Lincoln. - Wm. David, visc. Stormont. Chas. Ross. Wm. Ewart Gladstone. Mar. 14, 1835. SIR ROBERT PEEL, bt., and ch, ex. Wm. Yates Peel. Hy. Pelham Clinton, E. of Lincoln. Wrm. David, visc. Stormont. Chas. Ross. John Nicoll. Apr. 18, 1835. WM., VISC. MELBOURNE. Thos. Spring Rice, aft. li. Monteagle, ch. ex. Edwd. Adolphus Seymour, lord Seymour. Wm. Hy. Ord. Robt. Steuart. May 16, 1835. WM., VISC. MELBOURNE, Thos. Spring Rice, ch, ex. Edwd. Adolphus, ld. Sey- IſlOll]". Wm. Hy. Ord. Robt. Steuart. Richd. More O'Ferral. July 18, 1837. WM., VISC. MELBOURNE. Thos. Spring Rice, ch. ex. Edwd. Adolphus, ld. Sey- ICl OUll". Robt. Steuart. Richd. More O'Ferral. John Parker. Aug. 28, 1839. WM., VISC. MELBOURNE. Fras. Thornhill Baring, ch. OX. Edwd. Adolphus, ld. Sey- Iſl()ll]'. Robt. Steuart. John Parker. Thos. Wyse, jun. Nov. 2, 1839. WM., VISC. MELBOURNE. Fras. Thornhill Baring, ch. OX. Robt. Steuart. John Parker. Thos. Wyse, jun. Hy. Tuffnell. May 26, 1840. WM., VISC. MELBOURNE. Fras. Thornhill Baring, ch. 6X. John Parker. Thos. Wyse, jun. Hy. Tuffnell. Edwd. Horsman. June 23, 1841. WM., VISC. MELBOURNE. Fras. Thornhill Baring, ch. €x. Thos. Wyse, jun. Hy. Tuffnell. Edwd. Horsman. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Sept. 6, 1841. SIR ROBT. PEEL, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Jas. Milne Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Alexr. Perceval. Alexr. Pringle. Sept. 16, 1841. SIR ROBT. PEEL, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch, ex. James Milnes Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Alexr. Pringle. John Young. May 21, 1844. SIR. RobT. PEEL, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Jas. Milnes Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Alexr. Pringle. Lord Arthur Lenox. Apr. 26, 1845. SIR ROBT. PEEL, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Jas. Milnes Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Lord Arthur Lenox. Wm. Forbes Mackenzie. Aug. 8, 1845. SIR ROBT. PEEL, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Jas. Milnes Gaskell. Hy. Bingham Baring. Wm. Forbes Mackenzie. Wm. Cripps. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 161 f Mar. 11, 1846. SIR ROBT. PEEL, bt. Hy. Goulburn, ch. ex. Hy. Bingham Baring. Wm. Cripps. Hon. Swynfen Thos. Car- negie. Ralph Neville. July 6, 1846. LORD JOHN RUSSELL, aft. E. RUSSELL. Chas. Wood, ch. ex. Hugh, visc. Ebrington. The O'Conor Don. Wm. Gibson Craig. Hy. Rich. Aug. 6, 1847. LORD JOHN RUSSELL. Sir Chas. Wood, bt., ch. ex. Hugh, visc. Ebrington. Wm. Gibson Craig. Hy. Rich. Richd. Montesquieu Bellew. Dec. 24, 1847. LORD JOHN RUSSELL. Sir Chas. Wood, bt., ch. ex. Wm. Gibson Craig. Hy. Rich. Richd. Montesquieu Bellew. Hy., E. of Shelburne, retd., Aug. following. On the retirement of lord Shelburne, the office of one of the junior lord- ships of the treasury was abolished. Feb. 28, 1852, G. EDwD. GEOFFREY, E. OF T).ERBY. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. Richd. P. C. T. N., M. of Chandos. Lord Hy. Geo. Chas. Gor- don Lennox. Thos. Bateson. Jan. 1, 1853, G. GEO. HAMILTON, E. ABERDEEN. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. 6X. Lord Alfred Hervey. Hon. Fras. Wemyss Char- teris. Jno. Sadleir. Mar. 6, 1854, G. GEO. HAMILTON, E. ABERDEEN, IC.T. Wm. E. Gladstone, ch. ex. Lord Alfred Hervey. Lord Elcho. Chichester Saml. Fortescue. OF OF Feb. 10, 1855, G. HY. JNo., visc. PALMERs- TON, G. C. B. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. 62x. Lord Alfred Hervey. Lord Elcho. Chichester Saml. Fortescue. Mar. 7, 1855, G. HY. JNo., VISC. PALMERs- TON, G.C.B. Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., ch. ex. Chas Stanley, visc. Monck. Adam Duncan Haldane, c.c. visc. Duncan. Chichester Saml. Fortescue. Apr. 16, 1855, G. HY. JNo., VISC. PALMERs- TON, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., ch. ex. Chas. Stanley, visc. Monck. Adam Duncan Haldane, c.c. visc. Duncan. Hon. Hy. Bouverie Wm. Brand. Mar. 1, 1858, G. EDwD. GEOFFREY, E. OF DERBY. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. Lord Hy. Geo. Chas. Gor- don Lennox. Thos. Edwd. Taylor. Hy. Whitmore. Mar. 15, 1859, G. EDwD. GEOFFREY, E. DERBY. Benjn. Disraeli, ch, ex. Thos. Edwd. Taylor. Hy. Whitmore. Peter Blackburn. June 24, 1859, G. HY. JNO., VISC. PALMERS- TON, K. G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. OF 6X. Edwd. Hugessen Knatch- bull-Hugessen. Sir Wm. Dunbar, bt. Jno. Bagwell. Mar. 25, 1862, G. HY. JNo., visc. PALMERs- TON, K. G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. €X. Edwd. Hugessen Knatch- bull-Hugessen. Sir Wim. Dunbar, bt. Lt.-Col Luke White. | Apr. 21, 1865, G. HY. JNo., VISC. PALMERS- TON, K. G. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, ch. € X. Edwd. Hugessen Knatch- bull-Hugessen. Wm. Patrick Adam. Lt.-Col. Luke White. Nov. 6, 1865, G. JNO, E. RUSSELL. Wm. E. Gladstone, ch. ex. Edwd. Hugessen Knatch- bull-Hugessen. Lt.-Col. Luke White. Wm. Patrick Adam. June 2, 1866, G. JNO., E. RUSSELL, K.G. Wm. E. Gladstone, ch. Jno. Bonham-Carter. Wm. Patrick Adam. Jno. Esmonde. July 12, 1866, G. EDwD. GEOFFREY, E. DERBY, K. G. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. Hon. Gerard Jas. Noel. Sir Graham Graham Mont- gomery, bt. Hy. Whitmore. Feb. 29, 1868, G. BENJN. DISRAELI, aft. E. OF BEACONSFIELD. Geo. Ward Hunt, ch. ex. Gerard Jas. Noel. Sir Graham Graham Mont- gomery, bt. Hy. Whitmore. Nov. 2, 1868, G. BENJN. DISRAELI. Geo. Ward Hunt, ch. ex. Claud Jno. Hamilton, c. c. lord C. J. Hamilton. Sir Graham Graham Mont- gomery, bt. Hy. Whitmore. Dec. 16, 1868, G. WM. EwART GLADSTONE. Robt. Lowe, ch, ex. Jas. Stansfeld, jun. Hy. Chas. Keith, M. Lansdowne. Wm. Patrick Adam. Hon. Jno. Cranch Walker Vivian. Nov. 2, 1869, G. W.M. EwART GLADSTONE. Robt. Lowe, ch. ex. 6X. OF of 11 162 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hy. Chas. Keith, M. Lansdowne. Wrm. Patrick Adam. Hon. Jno. Cranch Walker Vivian. Wm. Hy. Gladstone. of Aug. 8, 1873, G. W.M. EwART GLADSTONE, ch. ex. Fredk. Chas. Cavendish, c. c. lord F. C. Cavendish. Wm. Hy. Gladstone. Hon. Algernon Wm. Fulke Greville Mar. 4, 1874, G. BENJN. DISRAELI. Sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., ch. ex: Arthur Philip Hy. Stanhope, c.c. visc. Mahon. Rowland Winn. Sir Jas. Dalrymple Howard Elphinstone, bt. Feb. 16, 1876, G. BENJN. DISRAELI, (cr. visc. Hughenden, and E. of Beaconsfield, Aug. 16, 1876.) Sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., ch. ex. Jno. Hy. Crichton, c.c. visc. Crichton. Rowland Winn. Sir Jas. Dalrymple Howard Elphinstone, bt. May 5, 1880, G. W.M. EwART GLADSTONE, and ch. ex. Sir Arthur Divett Hayter, bt. Jno. Holms. Chas. Cecil Cotes. Aug. 24, 1881, G. WM. EwART GLADSTONE, and ch. ex. Sir Arthur Divett Hayter, bt. ~ Jno. Holms. Chas. Cecil Cotes. Herbert Jno. Gladstone. June 26, 1882, G. W.M. EwART GLADSTONE, and ch. ex. Chas. Cecil Cotes. Herbert Jno. Gladstone. Robt. Wrm. Duff. Jan. 1, 1883, G. WM. EwART GLADSTONE. Hugh Culling Eardley Chil- ders, ch. ex. Chas. Cecil Cotes. Herbert Jno. Gladstone. Robt. Wm. Duff. June 29, 1885, G. SIR STAFFORD HY. NORTH- CoTE, bt., G.C.B., first ld., but under the pre- miership of the M. of Salisbury the for. Sec. cr. visc. St. Cyres and E. of Iddesleigh, July 2, 1885. Sir Michael Edwd. Hicks- Beach, bt., ch. ex. Chas. Dalrymple. Hon. Sidney Herbert. Lt.-Col. Wm. Hood Wal- rond. Feb. 13, 1886, G. WM. FWART GLADSTONE. Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Venables Vernon Har- court, ch. ex. | Sir Edwd. Jas. Reed, K.C.B. Cyril Flower. Geo. Granville Gower. Leveson- Aug. 9, 1886, G. ROBT. ARTHUR TALBOT, M. OF SALISBURY. Randolph Hy. Spencer Churchill, c.c. li. R. H. S. Churchill, ch. ex. Hon. Sidney Herbert. Col. Wrm. Hood Walrond. Sir Herbert Eustace Max- well, bt. Jam. 17, 1887, G. WM. HY. SMITH, first là., but under the premiership of the M. of Salisbury, the for. Sec. Geo. Joachim Goschen, ch. €X. Hon. Sidney Herbert. Col. Wm. Hood Walrond. Sir Herbert Eustace Max- well, bt. SECRETARIES AND UNDER SECRETARIES TO THE TREASURY. THE time of the first appointment of a secretary to the Treasury Board is uncertain ; but it is presumed there must always have been a secre- tary or some officer acting in that capacity to the lord treasurer, or the board. It is probable that Lord Burleigh was the first treasurer who used a secretary to notify his directions to the officers of the receipt Sir George Downing was secretary in May 1667. In the reign of James II., when the earl of Rochester was treasurer, he had two secretaries, Henry Guy and Francis Gwyn, as is stated in a side of the exchequer. subsequent Treasury Minute Book (year 1711). In the Treasury Minute Book, 1695, No. 6, page 12, is the following memorandum: “This evening the king was graciously pleased to bestow on me the place of Secretary to the Treasury.” “WILLIAM LOWNDES.” From this it would appear that there was only one secretary in 1695, TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 163 as Mr. Lowndes distinctly states the place of secretary to have been lºwed upon him. It is quite certain there were two secretaries in 14. Both the secretaries to the Treasury are political officers who go out of office with their party. One is termed the “parliamentary'' or “patronage ’’ secretary, and generally acts as the principal government “whip” in the House of Commons. The other is termed the “finan- cial” secretary, and attends to what is, really, Treasury business. Besides the two political secretaries there is a permanent official formerly called the “assistant,” but now called the “permanent * secre- tary. . SECRETARIES TO THE TREASURY. From the accession of George III. tº … * or & wº. } Jas. West, and 1827. J º º vice Lushington, Apr Saml. Martin Thos. Frankland Lewis, vice Her- 1762. Saml. Martin, and ries, Sept. 4. Jeremiah Dyson, May 29. 1828. Geo. Robt. Dawson, vice Lewis, Jan. 1763. Jeremiah Dyson, and 28. Chas. Jenkinson, Apr. 16. 1830. Thos. Spring Rice, and 1764. Chas. Jenkinson, and Edw. Ellice, Nov. 26. Thos. Whateley, Apr. 5. 1832. Chas. Wood, rice Ellice, Aug. 10. 1765. Wm. Mellish, and 1834. Fras. Thornhill Baring, vice Spring Chas. Downdes, July 12. Rice, June 6 1765. Chas. Lowndes, and 1834. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., Dec. 19. Grey Cooper, July 30. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, bt., Dec. 1766. Grey Cooper, and 20. Thos. Bradshaw, Aug. 2. 1835. Fras. Thornhill Baring, and 1770. Sir Grey Cooper, bt., and Edwd. J. Stanley, Apr. 21. John Robinson, Feb. 6. 1839. Robt. Gordon, vice Baring, Sept. 1782. Hy. Strachey, and 6. Edwd. Chamberlain, Mar. 29. 1841. Richd. More O'Ferral, June 9. 1782. Hy. Strachey, and Sir Denis Le Marchant, June 19. Richd. Burke, Apr. 1844. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., and 1782. Thos. Orde, and John Young, May 21. Geo. Rose, July 15. 1845. Edwd. Cardwell, vice Clerk, Feb. 4. 1783. Richd. Brinsley Sheridan, and 1846. Hy. Tufnell, and Richd. Burke, Apr. 5. John Parker, July 7. - 1783. Geo. Rose, and 1849. Wm. Goodenough Hayter, vice Thos. Steele, Dec. 27. Parker, May 22. 1791. Geo. Rose, and 1850. Geo. Cornewall Lewis, aft. Sir G., Chas. Long. bt., vice Tufnell, July 9. 1801. John Hiley Addington, Mar. 24; and 1852. Geo. Alex. Hamilton (Fin.), and Nichls. Vansittart, Apr. 9. Wm. Forbes Mackenzie (Parl.), 1802. Nichls. Vansittart, and Feb. John Sargent. 1853. Wm. Goodenough Hayter (Parl), and 1804. Wm. Huskisson, and Jas. Wilson (Fin.), Jan. Wm. Sturges Bourne, May 21. 1858. Geo. Alex. Hamilton (Fin.); app. 1806. Nichls. Vansittart, and perm. assist. Sec., 1859, and John King, Feb. 10. Sir Wm. Geo. Hilton Jolliffe (Parl.), 1806. Nichls. Vamsittart, and Mar. Wm. Henry Fremantle. 1859. Samuel Laing (Fin.), and 1808. Wm. Huskisson, and Hon. Hy. Bouverie Wm. Brand, aft. Hon. Hy. Wellesley. sir H. and visc. Hampden (Parl.), 1809. Richd. Wharton, and June 9. Chas. Arbuthnot. 1859. Fredk. Peel (Fin.), vice Laing. 1814. Chas. Arbuthnot, and l 1865. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers Stephen Rumbold Lushington, (Fin.), vice Peel. 1823. Stephen Rumbold Lushington, and | 1866. Thos. Edwd. Taylor (Parl.), and John Chas. Herries, Feb. 7. Geo. Ward Hunt (Fin.), July. 11 * 164 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1868. Geo. Sclater Booth (Fin.), vice Hunt, 1878. Sir Hy. Jno. Selwin-Ibbetson (Fin.), Feb. vice Stanley, Apr. 1868. Hon. Geo. Grenfell Glynn, aft. lord | 1880. Lord Richard Grosvenor (Parl.), and Wolverton (Parl.), and Lord Fredk. Cavendish § Apr. Acton Smee Ayrton (Fin.), Dec. 1882. Leonard Hy. Courtney (Fin.), vice 1869. Jas. Stansfeld (Fin.), vice Ayrton, Cavendish, May. Oct. 1885. John Tomlinson Hibbert (Fin.), vice 1871. Wm. Edwd. Baxter (Fin.) vice Stans- Courtney. feld, Aug. 1885. Aretas Akers-Douglas (Parl.), and 1873. Arthur Wellesley Peel (Parl.), vice Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, aft. li. Glyn, Aug. Knutsford (Fin.), June. 1873. John Geo. Dodson, aft. lord Monk- Sir Matthew White Ridley, bt., Bretton (Fin.), vice Baxter. (Fin.), Sept. 1874. Wm. Hart Dyke, aft. Sir W., bt., | 1886. Wm. Lawies Jackson (Fin.), vice (Parl.), and Ridley, Jam. Wm. Hy. Smith (Fin.), Feb. Arnold Morley (Parl.), and 1877. Col. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, aft. lord Hy. Hartley Fowler (Fin.), Feb. Stanley of Preston (Fin.), vice 1886. Aretas Akers Douglas (Parl), and Smith, Aug. Wm. Lawies Jackson (Fin.), Aug. AssistANT OR PERMANENT SECRETARIES TO THE TREASURY. From the institution of the Office. AsSISTANT SECRETARIES. 1805. Geo. Harrison, aft. Sir Geo., Aug. 1886. Alexr. Young Spearman, aft. Sir A., 19. bt., Jan. 22. 1826. Wm. Hill, Feb. 24. 1840. cº º: *. aft. Sir C., 1828. Hon. Jas. Keith Stewart, July 4. 1859. Geo. Alex. Hamilton. PERMANENT SECRETARIES. 1867. Geo. Alex, Hamilton, above named. 1885. Sir Reginald Earle Welby, 1870. Ralph Robt. Wheeler Lingen, C.B., IC. C. B. aft. Sir R., K.C.B. CHANCELLOR'S OF THE EXCHEQUER. THE Chancellor of the Exchequer is one of the lords of the treasury, except on particular emergencies, when the office is held by the lord chief justice of the queen's bench. CHANGELLORS OF THE ExchEQUER. From the restoration of King Charles II. to the present time. The earlier chancellors will be found in the list of lord treasurers. RING CHARLES II. RING JAMES II. 1660. Sir Robt. Long, Sept. 8. Sir John Ernley, contal. 1667. Anthy, ld. • Ashley , aft. E. of WILLIAM and MARY. Shaftesbury, May 24. 1689. Henr 1672. Sir John Duncombe, Nov. 13. . Henry, ld. De la Mere, aft. E. of Warri * v-z ‘º 1679. Hon. Lawrence Hyde, aft. visc. 1690. Rºß. 18. ºyde and I. of Rochester, Mar. 1694. Sidney, id.” Godóñin, and first e 26. commº. treas. ; aft. E. of Godol- — Sir John Ernle (Ernley), Nov. 21. phin, May 3. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 165 1695. 1697. 1699. 1701. 1708. 1710. 1711. 1713. 1714. 1715. 1717. 1718. 1721. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1765. 1766. . Hon. , Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt., aft. KING WILLIAM III., alone. Chas. Montagu, Nov. 1. Chas. Montagu, and first commr. treas, May 1. John Smith, aft. sp. of the ho. of commons, Nov. 15. Hon. Hy. Boyle, aft. baron Carleton, Mar. 29. QUEEN ANNE. Hon. Hy. Boyle, contal. John Smith, again, Feb. 11. Robt. Harley, aft. E. of Oxford and Mortimer, Aug. 10.4 Robt. Benson, aft. li. Bingley, June 14. - Sir Wm. Wyndham, bt., Nov. 1. RING GEORGE I. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., previously sp. of the ho. of commons, Oct. 13; cr. Id. Onslow in 1716. Robt. Walpole, aft. Sir Robt., and first commr., treas., Oct. 11. Jas. Stanhope, and first là. treas., aft. E. Stanhope, Apr. 15. John Aislabie, Mar. 18. Sir John Pratt, ld. ch. just. of the k. b., pro tem., Jan. 25. Robt. Walpole, again, and first ld. treas., Apr. 3. KING GEORGE II. Robt. Walpole, contal. . Saml. Sandys, aft. Baron Sandys, Feb. 16. Hy. Pelham, and first là. treas., Aug. 25. . Sir Wm. Lee, ld. ch. just. of the k. b., pro tem., Mar. 9 Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, Apr. 6. ld. Lyttelton of Frankley, Nov. 22. . Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, again, Nov. 15. . Wm., ld. Mansfield, ld, ch, just. of the k. b., pro tem., Apr. 9. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, again, July 2. FCING GEORGE III. Wm. Wildman, Mar. 12. Sir Fras. Dashwood, bt., aft. lord Le Despencer, May 28. Geo. Grenville ; and first ld, treas., Apr. 15. Wm. Dowdeswell, July 10. Hon. Chas. Townshend, Aug. Sept. 4, 1767. visc. Barrington, 2; d. 1767. 1770. 1782. 1783. ems 1801. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1812. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1839. 1841. 1846. Wm., 1d. Mansfield, ld ch. just, of the k. b., pro tem., Sept. 12. Fredk., ld. North, Dec. 10. Fredk., la, North, again, and first ld. treas., Feb. 10. Lord John Cavendish, Mar. 27. Wm. Pitt, July 13. Lord John Cavendish, again, Apr. 4. Wm. Pitt, again, and first là, treas., Dec. 27. Hy. Addington, and first là. treas. ; previously sp. of the ho. of com- mons; aft. visc. Sidmouth, Mar. 21. Wm. Pitt, again, and first là. treas., May 16. Edwd., ld. Ellenborough, ld, ch. just. of the k. b., on Mr. Pitt's de- cease, pro tem., Jan. Lord Hy. Petty, aft. M. of Lams- downe, Feb. 10. Spencer Perceval, Mar. 31. Spencer Perceval, again, and first ld. treas., Dec. 6; assass. May 11, 1812. Nicholas Vansittart, June 9. RING GEORGE IV. Nicholas Vansittart, contal.; res. Jan. 1823; and cr. ld. Bexley, Mar. 1, 1823. . Fredk, John Robinson, aft. Wisc. Goderich and E. of Ripon, Jan. 31. . Geo. Canning, and first lil. treas., Apr. 24; d. Aug. 8, same year. John Chas. Herries, Aug. 17. . Hy. Goulburn, Jam. 26. RING WILLIAM TV. Hy. Goulburn, contal. John Chas., visc. Althorpe, aft. E. Spencer, Nov. 22. Thos., ld. Denman, ld. ch. just. of the k. b., pro tem., Dec. 2. Sir Robt. Peel, bt., and first là. treas., Dec. 10. Thos. Spring Rice, aft. Id. Mont- eagle, Apr. 18. QUEEN VICTORIA. Thos. Spring Rice, contal. ; cr. lord Monteagle in Sept. 1839. Fras. Thornhill Baring, aft. Sir Fras., bt., Aug. 26. Hy. Goulburn, again, Sept. 3. Chas. Wood, aft. Sir Chas., bt., July 6. In some instances the date of the commission to the lords of the treasury instead of that of the separate appointment of the Chancellor 166 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES of the Exchequer is adopted in the preceding list. the date when the chancellor was sworn is adopted. 2. Benjn. Disraeli, aft. E. of Beacons- field, Feb. 27. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Dec. 30. ... Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, Mar. 5. . Benjn. Disraeli, again, Feb. 28. . Wm. Ewart Gladstone, again, June 18. . Benjn. Disraeli, again, July 6. . Geo. Ward Hunt, Feb. 29. Robt. Lowe, Dec. 9. . Wm. Ewart Gladstone, again, and first ld. treas., Aug. 11. bt., In the following list 1874. Sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., aft. E. of Iddesleigh, Feb. 21. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, again, and first là. treas., Apr. 28. 1880. 1882. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers Dec. 16. 1885. Sir Michael Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., June 24. 1886. Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Vernon Harcourt, Feb. 6. 1886. Lord Randolph Hy. Spencer Churchill, Aug. 6. 1887. Geo. Joachim Goschen, Jan. 14. THE TWO CHAMBERLAINS OF THE EXCHEQUER. From the restoration of King Charles II. to the abolition of the office in 1826 under 23 Geo. III., cap. 82. 1. Hy. Hildeyerd, adm. July 27, “to the office formerly had by sir Edwd. Bash, decd.,” under pat. dated July 10. Philip Hildeyerd, son of the fore- going, adm. under pat. dated Feb. 16; including the reversion 1660. 1675. to Chas. Cole, son of Hy. Cole. His admission under the preceding pat. is not recorded. Sir Simeon Stuart, bt. (grandson and heir of sir Nichs. Steward or Stuart, formerly a chamberlain, see below), adm. July 8, under pat. dated July 7. Sir Simeon Stuart, bt., son of the foregoing ; by pat. dated Dec. 12. Hon. Fredk. North, aft. E. of 1712. 1761. 1779. Guildford, by pat. dated Dec. 13; office surr. by him, Oct. 10, 1826. 2. 1660. Sir Nichs. Steward or Stuart, bt., adm. . . . 1660, “to the office formerly had by sir Nichs. Carew, alias Throckmorton, decd.,” under pat. dated Oct. 1, this year. 1710. Sir Wm. Ashburnham, bt., adm. June 15, under pat. dated May 25, preceding; d. Nov. 8, 1755. 1755. Sir John Miller, bt., adm. Now. . . . , under pat. in reversion, dated Apr. 7 preceding. 1772. Montagu Burgoyne, by pat. dated July 17; office surr. by him, Oct. 10, 1826. AUDITOR'S OF THE RECEIPT OF THE EXCHEQUER. From the restoration of King Charles II. to the abolition of the office in 1834 under 4 & 5 Will. IV., cap. 15. 1660. Sir Robt. Pye, bt., adm. Jan. 24, 1620; rest. June 25, 1660. 1662. Sir Robt. Long, bt., adm. May 21. 1673. Sir Robt. Howard, adm. July 14. 1698. Chris. Montagu, adm. Sept. 5; surr. 1699. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 167 1699. Chas. Montagu, aft. baron and E. of 1751. Hy., E. of Lincoln, aft. D. of New- Halifax, adm. Nov. 17; res. 1714. castle, by const. dated Apr. 1. º 1794. Wm. Wyndham, baron Grenville, 1714. Geo. * adm. Sept. 30; succ. by º: dated Feb. 27. as E. of Halifax. 1834. Geo., baron Auckland, by const. 1739. Robt., lord Walpole, adm. May 9; dated Jan. 14. succ. his father as E. of Orford. Office abolished Oct. 10, 1834. THE FOUR TELLERS OF THE RECEIPT OF THE EXCHEQUER. From the restoration of King Charles II. to the abolition of the office in 1834 under 4 & 5 Will. IV., cap. 15. - 1. 1689. Hy. Maynard, adm. Apr. 16. 1660. Geo. Downing, aft. Sir G., bt., contd. | 1694. Guy Palmes, adm. Monday; . . . in the office by Oliver Cromwell, under pat, dated Oct. 24; “re- Sept. 8, 1656; d. July, 1684. moved,” 1702. 1684. Simon Clifford, pat. dated June 3, 1702. Sir Christ. Musgrave, bt., adm. 1671. Forfeited as a “recusant June 30. g papist,” 1689. 1704. Fras. Robartes, adm. Sept. ; quitted 1689. Thos. Howard, adm. Jan. 16. office, Oct. 27, 1710. 1701. Sir John Stanley, bt., adm. July 11, 1710. Russell Robarts, adm. Qct. 31. - under pat. dated July 8, during 1714. John, ld. De la Warr, adm. Nov. 6. pleasure only; determined by the 1715. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., aft, ld. next grant. Onslow, adm. Nov. 7. 1702. Jas. Vernon, late sec. st.; pat. dated | 1718. Thos., ld. Torrington, adm. Mar. June 29; during pleasure only. 21; d. May, 1719. 1710. John Smith, late ch. ex., adm. Oct. 1719. Geo. Parker, aft. visc. Parker, and 13; during pleasure only. E. of Macclesfield, adm. July 4, 1712. Thos., ld. Mansell, adm. July 23; under a pat. in reversion, dated during pleasure only. May 3, 1718. 1714. John Smith, re-adm. Nov. 6; during 1764. Geo. Grenville, jun., aft. Geo. Nu- pleasure only; d. Oct. 1723. gent, E. Temple, and M. of 1724. Geo. Treby, adm. Apr. 25; during Buckingham, entered this office, pleasure only; “removed.” Mar. 21, under a pat. in reversion, 1727. Thos. Townshend, adm. Aug. 12. dated May 2, 1763; d. Feb. 1780. John Jeffreys Pratt, aft. E. and M. 1813. Camden, by pat, dated Aug. 18, 1813. Spencer Perceval, entered this office 1766. Feb. 16, under pat. dated Feb. 15. Office abolished Oct. 10, 1834. Office abolished Oct. 10, 1834. 2. 3. 1660. Leonard Pinckney, adm. July 25, by | 1660. John Loving, adm. by royal sign pat. dated July 16; during the manual warrant, dated June 17, life of his son, “into the place on pat. dated Dec. 14, 18th Car. I., formerly occupied by John Brooke, (1642), “into the place formerly esq., deceased.” occupied by Authur Squibb, esq., 1661. Wm. Pinckney, adm. in his father's deceased.” place. Jan. 28. 1693. Hy. Carew, adm. July 18. 1667. Sir Wm. Doyly, adm. Mar. 19. 1699. Fras. Godolphin, adm. June 8; surr. Susp. Jan. 25, 1673, and on Nov. in 1704. 17, 1677, two deputies were app. 1704. Thos. Coke, adm. May 26; ex- to act in his stead by la. treas. changed with his successor, for warrant, Aug. 15, 1678; d. April the office of V. chamb. to the 1680. Queen. 1680. Geo. Downing, jun, aft. Sir Geo., bt., 1706. Hon. Peregrine Bertie, adm. Dec. adm. Apr. 21. Refused to serve 1711. Geo. Hay, visc. Dupplin, aft. E. of king William, and so “abdicated” Kinnoull, adm. Sept. 6; during in 1689. - pleasure only. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Sir Roger Mostyn, bt., adm. Jam. 8; during pleasure only. . Richd. Hampden, adm. June 27 ; during pleasure only. Thos., ld. Onslow, adm, Mar. 21; during pleasure only. Horatio Walpole, aft. la. Walpole, adm. Apr. 28 ; d. Feb. 1757. . Jas., E. of Waldegrave, entered this office about Feb. 9, under a pat. in reversion, dated Nov. 6, preceding. Hon. Robt. Henley, aft. succ. as E. of Northington, entered this office Apr. 13, under a pat. in reversion dated July 22, 1758. Edwd., ld. Thurlow, entered this office July 13, when ld, chanc., under a pat. in reversion, dated June 5, 1784. * Hon. Wm. Fredk. Elliot Eden, en- tered this office Sept. 15, under a pat. in reversion, dated July 31, 1790; found drowned in the river Thames, Feb. 24, 1810. Hon. Chas. Philip Yorke, sw. Mar. 2, under a pat. dated Mar. 1; d. Mar. , 1834. 1736. 1786. 1806. 1810. 1834. Chas. Wm. Manningham (formerly deputy to Mr. Yorke, from Mar. 3, 1810), app. by treas. minute, Apr. 25, and by pat. Apr. 29; sw. May 10. Office abolished, Oct. 10, 1834. 4. Laurence Squibb, adm. June this year, under pat. in reversion, dated June 9, 11th Car. I. (1635); d. Dec. 1674. Thos. Vernon, adm. Dec. 22. Fras. Williers, sw. Feb. 23. John, visc. Fitzhardinge, adm. Feb. 16; d. Dec. 1712. Basil, E. of Denbigh, adm. Aug 31. Wm., ld. Paulet, adm. Nov. 7; during pleasure only. Sir Chas. Turner, bt., adm. May 6 ; during pleasure only. Hon. Philip Yorke, aft. visc. Roy- ston and E. of Hardwicke, adm. Dec. 14, under a pat. in reversion, dated Mar 9, 1737. Hy. Bathurst, ld. Apsley, aft. E. Bathurst, pat. dated Aug. 22. Office abolished, Oct. 10, 1834. 1660. 1674. 1685. 1694, 1713. 1715. 1729. 1738. 1786. CLERKS OF THE PELLS. From the restoration of King Charles II. to the abolition of the office in 1834 under 4 & 5 Will. IV. cap. 15. 1660. Wm. Wardour, adm. or rest. July 7, under constitution dated 17 Apr., 22 Car. I. (1646), and confirmed by patent, Aug. 22, this year. 1698. Hy. Pelham, adm. Feb. 1. 1721. Robt. Walpole, jun, (son of the prime minister), adm. Apr. 12, under const. dated Apr. 5, preceding. Aft, cr. vità patris, baron Wal- pole. Surr. May 9, 1739, to take the office of auditor of the Ex. 1739. Edwd, Walpole, aft. Sir E., K.B., adm. May 9. 1784. Isaac Barré, Jan. 13. 1802. Hy. Addington, junr. aft. hom. Hy. by const., dated July 21. Edwd. Roberts, by const., dated July 21. Hy. Ellis, by const., dated Jan. 25. Office abolished Oct. 10, 1834. by const., dated 1823. 1825. COMPTROLLERS - GENERAL OF THE EXCHEQUER, AND AUDITORS-GENERAL OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTs. ON the abolition of the offices of auditor and tellers of the exchequer, and clerk of the pells, as from October 11, 1834, under 4 & 5 Will IV., cap. 15, the office of COMPTROLLER-GENERAL of the ExchEQUER was created, to perform the functions of the suppressed departments. As far back as 1785 commissioners were appointed to audit the public accounts, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 169 and numerous acts were passed defining their duties. By 28 & 29 Vict., cap. 23 (July 5, 1855), it was provided that on the next vacancy in the office of comptroller-general of the exchequer the duties were to be performed by the chairman for the time being of the audit commissioners. On July 5, 1865, lord Monteagle, the then comptroller, surrendered his office, and on July 25, 1865, Sir Wm. Dunbar, the then audit chairman, was appointed comptroller in his place. By 29 & 30 Vict., cap. 39, the crown was empowered to appoint the person holding the offices of comp- troller-general of the exchequer and chairman of the audit commissioners to be comptroller-general of the exchequer and auditor-general of the public accounts (now usually styled comptroller and auditor-general), and one of the audit commissioners to be assistant-comptroller and auditor; and, on these appointments, the offices of comptroller-general of the exchequer and of audit-commissioners were abolished. The comptroller and his deputy hold office during good behaviour, and are removable only on the joint address of both houses of parlia- ment. They are thus rendered independent of the executive government and are enabled to exercise freely their functions of considering the strict legality of every payment demanded by the treasury for the public service. COMPTROLLERS-GENERAL OF THE ExcBEQUER. Since the creation of the office, in 1834. 1834. Sir John Newport, Oct. 11. 1865. Sir Wm. Dunbar, bt. Chairman of 1839. Thos., ld. Monteagle of Brandon, f Audit. Commrs. App. under 28 & Sept. 9; surr. his office July 5, 29 Vict., cap. 23, July 25. 1865. COMPTROLLERS AND AUDITORS-GENERAL. Under 29 & 30 Vict, cap. 39. 1867. Sir Wm. Dunbar, bt., above named. Mar. 15, G. Res. Apr. 1888. 1888. Sir Chas, Lister Ryan, K.C.B., May. ASSISTANT COMPTROLLERS AND AuDITORs. Under 29 & 30 Vict, cap. 39. 1867. Wm. Geo. Anderson, Mar. 15, G. 1873. Chas. Lister Ryan, aft. Sir C., Mar. 20, G. LORD HIGH ADMIRALS AND LORDS COMMIS- SIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY. THIS, as may be readily supposed, is an office of the highest importance, and in former times was frequently filled by the king himself, or by a member of the royal family. For many years it has, like the office of lord treasurer, been executed by commissioners, who are known as lords of the admiralty. The first lord is always a cabinet minister, and some of the other lords are also appointed on political grounds, and go out 170 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, with the ministry. There are, however, always one or two permanent officials on the board, whose names are inserted in the successive com- missions. The lord high admiral of England appears always to have had juris- diction over Ireland, as well before as after the Union; but the lord high admiral of Scotland was a separate office until the appointment of prince George of Denmark as lord high admiral of Great Britain on June 28, 1707. LORD HIGH ADMIRALs, &c., OF ENGLAND. The letter N subjoined to the names denotes the Northern, the letter W the Western, and S the Southern station. 871. 925. King Alfred, to his death in 901. King Athelstan, to his death, in 941. King Edgar, to his death, in 975. The duke Edric. King Harold. King Henry I. King Henry II. Wm. Mandeville, E. of Essex. Ring Richard I. Gerard, abp. of Aix. Bernard, bp. of Bayonne. Robt. de Sabloil. Richd. de Camville. Wm. de Fortze, of Oleron. Leaders and governors of all the king's navy, and governors of the king's ships going to the Holy Land. Sir Stephen de Turnham, and Sir Robt. de Turnham. Ring John. Wm. Longespee (claiming to be E. of Salisbury), nat. son of Henry II., by Rosamond Clifford. The E. of Boulogne. Many of the kings in this list were in sea-battles, or went upon ex- peditions with their fleets. ECING HENRY III. 1217. Sir Hubert de Burgh. Sir Philip de Albini. 1224. Sir Geoffrey de Lucy. Richd. de Aguillon. 1235. Peter de Rivall, a priest ? 1264. Sir Thos. de Moleton, capt. and keeper of the sea and coasts. 959. 1016. 1066. 1106. 1172. 1177. 1189. 1189. 1191. 1199. 1213. RING EDWARD I. 1293. Sir Robt. Tiptoft. 1294. Sir John de Botetourt, for the coasts of Yarmouth. N. Sir Wm. de Leybourne, for the coasts of Portsmouth. S. Sir —— Ormond, for Ireland. 1297. Sir John de Botetourt, keeper of the northern seas. Sir Wm. de Leybourne, capt. of the mari- Ilel”.S. 1300. Gervase Alard, adm. of the fleet of the Cinque Ports. 1306. Gervase Alard, capt. and adm. of the king's fleet. W. Edwd. Chas., capt. and adm. of the king's fleet. N. KING EDwARD II. 1308. Wm. de Betour, capt. of the king's ships going to the relief of Aberdeen. 1310. - Sir John de Caunton, capt. and gov. of the king's fleet going to Scotland. Sir Simon de Montacute, adm. of the king's navy. 1311. Sir John of Argyle, coast of Argyle. 1314. Sir John Sturmy, and Y Joint adms. against Peter Bard. the Scots. 1315. Wm. de Creye, W., Scotland and Ireland. Thos. de Hewys. March 15, 1315. John, ld. Botetourt; adm. and capt. of all the mariners from the Thames, to Berwick-on-Tweed. July 3, 1315. John de Athey, capt. and leader of the gºition from Bristol against the Scots. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 171 Sept. 18, 1315. Sir Humphrey Littlebury, adm.-in-chief of one part of the king's navy. Sir John Sturmy, adm.-in-chief of one part of the king's mavy. Nov. 3, 1316. Sir Robt. Leybourne, adm. of the fleet going against the Scots. Dec. 9, 1316. Sir Nichs. Kyriel, adm, of the fleet of the Cinque Ports, westward. March 28, 1317. John de Athey, capt. of the fleet in Ire- land. John de Perburn, or Perbroum, adm. of the king's fleet. N. Sir Robt. Leybourne, adm. of the king's fleet west of the Thames. April 24, 1318. Wm. Gettour, capt. and leader of the king's fleet going to Scotland. May 23, 1319. Simon de Dryby. |Adms. of the ships §ºn jºint tº set 1321. Sir Hugh le Despenser, adm. May 19, 1232. Robt. Battayle, Cinque Ports. John de Perburn, or Perbroum, Robt. de Leybourne, W. July 16, 1324. Sir John de Cromwell, adm, of the sea- coasts, and capt. of the king's mariners going to Gascony. Aug. 5, 1824. Sir Robt. Beaudyn. W. Sir John Sturmey. N. Sept. 18, 1324. Stephen Alard, adm. in the absence of sir Robt. Beaudyn. - 1325. Sir Jno. º Adms. N. of the three Sir Nichs. Kyriel. English seas. Sir John Felton. Jan. 2, 1326. Sir Nichs. Kyriel. ) Adms. of the West- Sir John Sturmey. ern fleets. Sept. 19, 1326. Sir Robt. de Leybourne. N. RING EDWARD III. April 21, 1327. John de Perburn, or Perbroun. N. May 24, 1327. Waresius de Valoignes. W. April 6, 1333. - Hy. Randolph, capt. and adm. for the Scottish War. July 16, 1333. Sir Wm. Clinton, capt. and adm. of the Cinque Ports and places west of the Thames. Jan. 2, 1335. Sir John de Norwich. N. Sir Roger Higham. W. April 4, 1335. Sir John Howard, capt. and adm. of the king's fleet of Great Yarmouth and the ports north of the Thames. April 6, 1335. Sir Robt. Holand, capt. and adm. of the fleet on the coast of Wales and part of Ireland. April 24, 1335. Sir John Athy or Athey, capt. and adm, of the Irish fleet. July 6, 1335. Sir John Cobham, capt. and adm. of the Cinque Ports and places west of the Thames. - Peter Bard, capt. and adm. of Cinque Ports and other western ports, to pro- ceed against the Scots. Feb. 10, 1336. Sir Thos. Ughtred, capt. and adm. N. April 10, 1336. Sir John de Norwich, capt. and adm. N. Sir Geoffrey Say, or Galfrid de Say, capt. and adm. W. Nov. 8, 1336. Sir John Roos, or de Ros. N. Jan. 14, 1337. Sir Robt. Ufford, and Sir John Roos, app. jointly adms. of the king's northern fleet. Sir Wm. Montacute, capt. and adm. W. May 30, 1337. Sir Geoffrey de Say, and Sir Otho Grandison, commanders of the W. fleet. Aug. 11, 1337. Sir Walter Manny, capt, and adm. N. Sir Wm. Burghersh, capt. and adm. W. July 28, 1338. Sir Thos. Drayton or Draiton. N. Peter Bard. W. 172 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Feb. 18, 1339. Sir Robt. Morley. N. Sir Wm. Trussell. W. Feb. 20, 1340. Sir Richd. Fitz-Alan, E. of Arundel. W. Mar. 6, 1340. Sir Robt. Morley, capt. and adm. N. April 5, 1341. Sir Robt. Morley, adm. N. June 12, 1341. Sir Wm. Clinton, E. of Huntingdom, capt. and adm. of the W. fleet. April 10, 1342. Sir John de Montgomery. W. Dec. 20, 1342. Sir Wm. Trussell. N. Sir Robt. Beaupel. W. May 8, 1344. Sir Robt. Ufford, E. of Suffolk. N. Sir Reginald de Cobham, capt. and adm. W. Feb. 23, 1345. Richd., E. of Arundel. W. - Jan. 25, 1347. King Edward III., styled King of the Seas. Feb. 23, 1347. Sir John de Montgomery. W. Mar, 8, 1347. Sir John Howard. N. Mar. 14, 1348. Sir Walter Manny. N. Sir Reginald Cobham. W. June 6, 1348. Sir Robt. Morley. N. Aug. 17, 1349. Sir John Beauchamp, adm. of a fleet off Calais. 1350. Tºobert de Caustom. N.—Spelman. July 22, 1350. Sir Robt. Morley, again.—Spelman. Mar. 8, 1351. Sir Wm. de Bohun, E. of Northampton, capt. and adm. W. 1352. Thos., E. of Warwick. Mar. 1354. John Gybon, adm. of a squadron. W.—Spelman. Mar. 5, 1355. Sir Robt. Morley. N. Sir John Beauchamp. W. Jan. 1356. Robt. Ledrede, adm. of a fleet going to Gascony for wine. Aug. 8, 1356. Robt. Drouss, of Cork, adm. of the Irish fleet. July 18, 1360. Sir John Beauchamp, adm, of the king's N., S., and W. fleets. Jan. 26, 1361. Sir Robt. Herle, adm. of the N., S., and W. fleets. July 7, 1364. Sir Ralph Spigurnell, adm. of the N. and W. fleets. - April 28, 1369. Sir Robt. Ashton. W. June 12, 1369. Sir Nichs. Tamworth, N. Feb. 6, 1370. Sir Guy Bryan. W. Sir Guy Bryan was at sea in command of a squadron in Jan. 1370. May 30, 1370. John, lord Neville. N. Sir Guy Bryan. W. July 8, 1370. Sir Ralph Ferrers, adm. of the king's fleet going to Britanny. Oct. 6, 1371. Sir Robt. Ashton, adm. W. | Sir Ralph Ferrers, adm. N. Mar. 7, 1372, Sir Philip Courtenay, adm. W. Sir Wm. de Neville. N. Feb. 16, 1373. E. of Salisbury app. capt. of all ships and barges going to sea. July 16, 1376. Wm., E. of Suffolk. N. Nov. 24, 1376. Sir Michael de la Pole. N. Sir Robt. Hales, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, adm. W. i KING RICHARD II. Aug. 14, 1377. Sir Michael de la Pole. N. Sir Robt. Hales. W. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 173 Dec. 5, 1377. Thos., E. of Warwick. N. Richd., E. of Arundel. W. Sept. 10, 1378. Sir Hugh Calverley. W. Nov. 5, 1378. Sir Thos. Percy. N. Mar. 8, 1380. Sir Philip Courtenay. W. April 8, 1830. Sir Wm. de Elmham. N. May 22, 1382. Sir John Roche, or Roches, adm, of a fleet from Southampton, westward. Oct. 26, 1382. Sir Walter Fitz-Walter. N. Sir John Roche. W. Nov. 13, 1383. Edwd., E. of Devonshire. W. Dec. 2, 1383. Hy., E. of Northumberland. N. Jan. 29, 1385. Sir Thos. Percy. N. ; aft. E of Wor- cester, and beheaded in 1402. Sir John Radington, or Radlington, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem. W. Feb. 22, 1386. Sir Philip Darcy. N. Dec. 10, 1386. Richd., E. of Arundel, adm. of the N. and W. fleets; held that office until May 18, 1389. May 20, 1389. John, ld, Beaumont. N. John, E. of Huntingdon. W. May 31, 1389. Sir John Roche, adm. of the W. and N. fleets. June 22, 1389. John, ld. Beaumont. N. John, E. of Huntingdon. W. Mar. 22, 1391. Edwd., E. of Rutland. N. ; aft. D. of Albemarle. Nov. 29, 1391. Edwd., E. of Rutland, adm. of the N. and W. fleets. Aug. 30, 1893. Matthew Swetenham and Nichs. Maccles- field, made adms. of Ireland. May 9, 1398. John, M. of Dorset, high adm. of the N. and W. fleets for life. He had been made adm. of the Irish fleet for life, Feb. 2, 1398. EING HENRY IV. Nov. 15, 1399. Thos., E. of Worcester, adm. of the N. and W. fleets, and adm. of the Irish fleet. April 21, 1401. Sir Thos. Rampston, or Rempston. W. April 26, 1401. Richd., ld. Grey, of Codnor. Nov. 5, 1403. Thos., ld. Berkeley. W. Nov. 18, 1403. Sir Thos. Beaufort. N. ; aft. E. of Dorset and D. of Exeter. July 5, 1404. James Dartasso, made adm. of Ireland. Feb. 20, 1405. Sir Thos. Lancaster (Plantagenet), 2nd son of the king, aft. D. of Clarence, high adm. of England. April 28, 1406. Nichs. Blackburne. N. Richd. Clyderow. W. N. Dec. 23, 1406. John, M. of Dorset (E. of Somerset), adm. of the N. and W. fleets. May 8, 1407. Edmd., E. of Kent, high adm. of England. Sept. 21, 1408. Sir Thos. Beaufort, adm. of the N. and W. fleets for life. RING HENRY W. June 3, 1413. Thos., E. of Dorset, adm. of England, Ireland, Aquitaine, and Picardy. Sept. 28, 1414. Patrick Coterell and Jas. Cornewalsche, app, the king's adms. of Ireland, from Wykynglone Head to Leperisylond, for their lives. Feb. 18, 1415. Sir Thos. Carew, and Sir Gilbert Talbot, app. capts, and leaders of men at arms at sea, in the absence of the E. of Dorset, with the usual powers of adms. 174 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. July 6, 1416. Thos., ld. Morley, adm. of a fleet going from London to Southampton. Jnly 26, 1416. Sir Walter Hungerford, adm. of an expe- dition under the D. of Bedford, the king's lieut. at sea. July 20, 1417. Edmd., E. of March, app. the king's lieut. at sea to bring the fleet to England, and them conduct it again with troops to the king. July 25, 1417. John, E. of Huntington, app. the king's lieut., with all the powers of adm., during the king's absence. Mar. 2, 1421. Sir Wm. Bardolf, app. adm, of a fleet. John, E. of Richmond and D. of Bedford, ld. adm. ICING HENRY WI. 1422. John, D. of Bedford, contal. Oct. 21, 1437. John, D. of Exeter and E. of Huntingdon, and Hy. his son, for their lives, ld, adms. of England, Ireland, and Aquitaine. 1448–1451. Wm. de la Pole, ditto; during the minority of Hy. Holland, D. of Exeter. July 23, 1451. Hy., D. of Exeter. KING EDWARD TV. 1461. Richd., E. of Warwick and Salisbury, styled the “King maker.” July 30, 1462. Wm., E. of Kent. Oct. 12, 1462. Richd., D. of Gloucester, brother to the king. Jan. 2, 1470. Richd., E. of Warwick ; capt. of the town and citadel of Calais, const. of Dover Castle, and lá. warden of the Cinque ports. 1472. Richd., D. of Gloucester. KING RICHARD III. July 25, 1483. John, D. of Norfolk. KING HENRY VII. 1485–1512. John de Vere, E. of Oxford. KING HENRY WIII. John de Vere, E. of Oxford, contal. Aug. 15, 1513. Lord Edwd. Howard. May 4, 1514. Thos., D. of Norfolk. 1525–1536. Hy. Fitzroy (natural son to the king), D. of Richmond and Somerset, and E. of Nottingham. Aug. 16, 1536. Wm., E. of Southampton. July 18, 1540. John, ld, Russel. June 27, 1542. John, visc. Lisle, and baron of Malpas, aft. D. of Northumberland, high adm. KING EDWARD VI. Feb. 17, 1547. Thos., ld. Seymour, of Sudley, high adm. of England, Ireland, Wales, Calais, Boulogne, Marches of ditto, Normandy, Gascony, and Aquitaine, capt.-gen. of the navy and seas; beheaded 20th January 1549. Oct. 28, 1549. John, visc. Lisle, aft, D. of Northumber- land, high adm. May 4, 1550. Edwd., ld, Clinton and Say. QUEEN MARY. Mar. 20, 1554. Wm., Howard, of Effingham, high adm. ld. Mar. 3, 1556. Edwd., ld, Clinton and Say, aft. E. of Lincoln. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Edwd., E. of Lincoln, contal 1585–1619. Chas, ld, Howard of Effingham, aft. E. of Nottingham. w KING JAMES I. Chas., E. of Nottingham, conta. Jan. 28, 1619. Geo., M. of Buckingham, aft. E. of Coven- try and D. of Buckingham. KING CHARLEs I. Geo., D. of Buckingham, conta, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 175 Mar. 16, 1636. Commissioners. Richd., ld. Weston, and Robt., E. Liñdsey, gr. chambn. of England. Edwd., E. of Dorset, ld, chambn. to the queen. Fras., ld. Cottington, chanc. and under treas. of the exchequer. Sir Hy. Vane, compt. of the household. Sir John Coke and Sir Fras. Windebank, Sec.S. St. of Mar. 23, 1636. Algernon, E. of Northumberland, ld, adm. KING CHARLES I. Robt., E. of Warwick, ld, high adm. of England, for the parliament. Surrendered his commission by an ordinance that members should have no employments. April 15, 1645. A committee appointed by both Houses. Arthur, E. of Essex. Robt., E. of Warwick. Wm., visc. Say and Sele. Dudley, ld. North. Wm. Earle, Philip Stapleton, J. Levelyn, jun., Christr. Wray, J. Rolle, G. Greene, D. Hollis, J. Selden, F. Rouse, T. Eden, J. Lisle, Bulstrode Whitelocke. April 28, 1645. Appointed by the Commons. Robt., E. of Warwick. Messrs. Bense and H. Pelham. Feb. 12, 1649. Messrs. Dean, Fras. Popham, and R. Blake JAMEs, D. of York, brother passing of the Test Act. July 9, 1673. PRINCE RUPERT. Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury, ld, high chanc. Thos., visc. Latimer, aft. E. of Danby, ld, high treas. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, ld. pr. Seal. Geo., D. of Buckingham. Jas., D. of Monmouth. John, D. of Lauderdale. Jas., D. of Ormond. Hy., E. of Arlington, sec. St. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt., vice chambn. Hy. Coventry, see. St. Edwd. Seymour. Sept. 29, 1674. PRINCE RUPERT. Heneage, ld. Finch, ld, high chanc. Thos., E. of Danby, ld. high trea.S. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, ld. pr. Seal. Jas., D. of Monmouth. John, D. of Lauderdale. Jas., D. of Ormond. Hy., E. of Arlington. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt., Vice chambn. Hy. Coventry. Sir Jos. Williamson. Edwd. Seymour. RING CHARLES II. June 6, 1660. to the king, lord high adm. of England. Res. on the COMMISSIONERS. July 28, 1675. PRINCE RUPERT. Heneage, ld. Finch, ld, high chanc. Thos., E. of Danby, ld, high treas. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, ld. pr. Seal. Jas., D. of Monmouth. Jas., D. of Ormond. Hy., E. of Arlington, sec. St. Thos., E. of Ossory. Wrm., E. of Craven. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt., vice chambn. Hy. Coventry. Sir Jos. Williamson, St. Edwd. Seymour. SëC. Sept. 14, 1677. PRINCE RUPERT. Heneage, ld. Finch, lil. high chanc. Thos., E. of Danby, ld, high treaSr. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, ld. pr. Seal. Jas., D. of Monmouth. John, D. of Lauderdale. Jas., D. of Ormond. Thos., E. of Ossory. Hy., E. of Arlington, ld. chambri. of the hshold. Wm., E. of Craven. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt., vice chambn. Sir Jos. Williamson, sec. st. Sir John Ernley, bt. Sir Thos. Chicheley, mast. of the ordn. Edwd. Seymour. Feb. 14, 1679, SIR HY. CAPEL. Hon. Danl. Finch. Sir Thos. Lee, bt. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Edwd. Vaughan. Edwd. Hales. Feb. 19, 1680. HON. DANL. FINCH, aft. la. Finch, & E. OR NOTTING- HAM. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Edwd. Hales. Wm., visc. Brouncker, of Ireland. Sir Thos. Littleton, bt. Jan. 20, 1682. DANL. LORD FINCH, aft. E. OF NOTTINGHAM. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Edwd. Hales. Wm., visc. Brouncker. Hy. Savile. Sir John Chicheley. 176 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Aug. 28, 1683. DANL., E. OF NoTTINGHAM. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Sir Edwd. Hales, bt. Hy. Savile. Sir John Chicheley. Arthur Herbert. John, lord Vaughan. Apr. 17, 1684. DANL., E. OE NOTTINGHAM. Sir Humphrey Winch, bt. Sir Thos. Meeres. Sir Edwd. Hales, bt. Hy. Savile. Sir John Chicheley. Arthur Herbert. John, lord Waughan. This commission was re- voked May 22, 1684. 1684–5. KING CHARLES II., lord high adm. King James II. King JAMEs II. declared himself in council, lord high adm. and lord general of the navy; and he managed the admiralty affairs by Mr. Secretary Pepys all his reign. Mar. 8, 1689. HON. ARTHUR HERBERT. John, E. of Carberry. Sir Michael Wharton. Sir Thos. Lee, bt. Sir John Lowther, bt., of Whitehaven. Wm. Sacheverell. Jan. 20, 1690. THOS., E. OF PEMBROKE and MONTGOMERY. John, E. of Carberry. Sir Thos. Lee, bt. Sir John Lowther, bt. Sir John Chicheley. Jan. 23, 1691. THOMAs, E. OF PEMBROKE and M. Sir Thos. Lee, bt. Sir John Lowther, bt. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt. Hy. Priestman. Anthy., visc. Falkland. Robt. Austen. Nov. 16, 1691. THOMAS, E. OF PEMBROKE and M. Sir John Lowther, bt. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt. Thos., E. of PEMBROKE and Montgomery, Pr. GEORGE of DENMARK, ld, high adm. of England; and, RING WILLIAM III. COMMISSIONERS. Hy. Priestman. Anthy., visc. Falkland. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich., bt. Mar. 10, 1692. CHAs., LORD CORNWALLIS. Sir John Lowther, bt. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt. Hy. Priestman. Anthy., visc. Falkland. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich., bt. Apr. 15, 1693. ANTHY., VISC, FALKLAND. Sir John Lowther, bt. Hy. Priestman. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Hy. Killegrew, bt. Sir Ralph Delaval, bt. May 2, 1694. EDWD. RUSSELL, aft. E. OF ORFORD. Sir John Lowther, bt. Hy. Priestman. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir John Houblon, Jan. 18, 1702. w QUEEN ANNE. May 20, 1702. June 28, 1707. Feb. 24, 1696. EDWD. RUSSELL, aft. E. OF ORFORD. Hy. Priestman. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir John Houblon. Jas. Kendal. June 5, 1697. EDWID. RUSSELL, now E. OF ORFORD. Hy. Priestman. Robt. Austen. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir John Houblon. Jas. Kendal. Goodwin Wharton. June 2, 1699. JOHN, E. OF BRIDGEwATER. John, lord Haversham. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir David Mitchell. Apr. 4, 1701. THOS., E. OF PEMBROKE and M. John, lord Haversham. Sir Geo. Rooke. Sir David Mitchell. Geo. Churchill. z ld, high adm. Pr. GEORGE, ld, high adm, of Great Britain; on account of the Union between England and Scotland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 177 Commissioners appointed by Pr. George of Denmark to be his Council. May 20, 1702. SIR GEO. RookE. Sir David Mitchell. Geo. Churchill. Richd. Hill. April 30, 1704. SIR GEO. Roof: E. Sir David Mitchell. Geo. Churchill. Bichd. Hill. Hon. Jas. Bridges, aft. D. of Chandos. Hon. Hy. Paget, aft. E. of Ux- bridge. Feb. 8, 1706, SIR DAVID MITCHELL. Geo. Churchill. Richd. Hill. Hon. Hy. Paget. June 28, 1707. SIR. DAVID MITCHELL. Geo. Churchill. Richd. Hill. Hon. Hy. Paget. Sir Cloudesley Shovel. Robt. Walpole, aft. Sir R. & E. of Orford. Sir Stafford Fairborne. April 19, 1708. DAVID, E, OF WEMYSS. Geo. Churchill. Richd. Hill. Hon. Hy. Paget. Sir Stafford Fairborne. Sir John Leake. June 20, 1708. DAVID, E. OF WEMYSS. Geo. Churchill. Richd. Hill. Hon. Hy. Paget. Sir John Leake. Sir Jas. Wishart. Robt. Fairfax. The Prince died October 28, 1708, and Queen Anne acted by Secretary Burchett. UNION WITH SCOTLAND. TIORD HIGH ADMIRALS, &c., OF GREAT BRITAIN. 1707. June 28. Pr. George, ld. high adm. Vide supra. 1708. Nov. 29. Nov. 8, 1709. EDwD., E OF ORFORD. Sir John Leake. Sir Geo. Byng, Torrington. Geo. Dodington. Paul Methuen. Oct. 4, 1710. SIR JOHN LEAKE. Sir Geo. Byng. Geo. Dodington. Paul Methuen. Sir Wm. Drake, bt. John Aislabie. Sept. 30, 1712. THos., E. OF STRAFFORD. Sir John Leake. Sir Geo. Byng. Sir Wm. Drake, bt. John Aislabie. Sir Jas. Wishart. Geo. Clarke. Apr. 9, 1714. THos., E. OF STRAFFORD. Sir John Leake. Sir Wm. Drake, bt. Sir Jas. Wishart. Geo. Clarke. Sir Geo. Beaumont, bt. aft. Wisc. RING GEORGE I. Oct. 14, 1714. EDWD., E. OF ORFORD. Sir Geo. Byng. Geo. Dodington. Sir John Jennings. COMMISSIONERS. Sir Chas. Turner. Abraham Stanyam. Geo. Baillie. Apr. 16, 1717. JAMES, E. OR BERKELEY. Matt. Aylmer, aft. lord Aylmer. Sir Geo. Byng. Sir John Jennings. John Cockburne. Wm. Chetwynd. March 19, 1718. JAS., E. OF BERKELEY. Sir Geo. Byng. Sir John Jennings. John Cockburne. Wm. Chetwynd. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Oct. 10, 1721. JAS., E. OR BERKELEY. Sir John Jennings. John Cockburne. | Wm. Chetwynd. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Danl. Pulteney. June 11, 1725. JAS., E. OF BERKELEY. Sir John Jennings. John Cockburne. Wm. Chetwynd. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Geo. Oxenden, bt. Thos., E. of Pembroke & Montgomery, ld, high adm. KING GEORGE II. Aug. 2, 1727. GEO., VISČ. TORRINGTON. John Cockburne. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos, Lyttleton, bt. Geo., visc. Malpas, K.B. Saml. Molyneux. June 1, 1728. GEO., VISC, TORRINGTON. John Cockburne. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Geo., visc. Malpas, K.B., aft. E. of Cholmondeley. Sir William Yonge, K. B. May 19, 1729. GEO., VISC. ToRRINGTON. John Cockburne. Sir John Norris. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Sir Wm. Yonge, K.B. Lord Archd. Hamilton. May 13, 1730. GEO., VISC. TORRINGTON. John Cockburne. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Winnington. 12 I78 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. June 15, 1732. GEO., VISC. TORRINGTON. Sir Chas. Wager. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Winnington. Thos. Clutterbuck. Jan. 25, 1733. Sir CHAs. WAGER. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Winnington. Thos. Clutterbuck. Lord Harry Poulett, aft. D. of Bolton. May 22, 1736. Sir CHAs. WAGER. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Clutterbuck. Lord Harry Poulett. John Campbell. Mar. 13, 1738. SIR CHAS. WAGER. Sir Thos. Lyttleton, bt. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Thos. Clutterbuck. Lord Harry Poulett. John Campbell. Lord Vere Beauclerk, aft. ld, Were. May 14, 1741. Sir CHAS. WAGER. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt. Lord Harry Poulett. John Campbell. Lord Vere Beauclerk. John, visc. Glenorchy. Edwd. Thompson. Mar. 19, 1742. DANL., E. of WINCEIILSEA and NOTTINGHAM. John Cockburne. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Chas., ld. Baltimore. Philip Cavendish. Geo. Lee. Hon. John Trevor. Dec. 13, 1743. DANL., E. of WINCHILSEA and NOTTINGHAM. John Cockburne. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Chas., ld. Baltimore. Geo. Lee. Sir Chas. Hard v. Thos. Philipson. Dec. 27, 1744. JOHN, D. of BEDFORD. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Arch. Hamilton. Lord Were Beauclerk. Chas., ld. Baltimore. Geo. Anson. Geo. Grenville. April 20, 1745. JoBIN, D. of BEDFORD. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Archd. Hamilton. Tord Were Beauclork. Geo. Anson. Geo. Grenville. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge. Feb. 22, 1746. JoBIN, D. of BEDFORD. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Were Beauclerk. Geo. Anson. Geo. Grenville. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge. Wm. Wildman, visc. Bar- rington. Feb. 1747. John, D. of BEDFORD. John, E. of Sandwich. Lord Were Beauclerk. Geo. Anson, aft. lord Anson. Wm. Wildman, visc. Bar- rington. Wm., visc, Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Feb. 10, 1748. JOHN, E. of Sandwich. Lord Were Beauclerk. Geo., ld. Anson, Wm. Wildman, visc. Bar- rington. Wm., visc. Tuncannon. Welbore Ellis. Hon. John Stanhope. Nov. 18, 1749. John, E. of SANDw1CH. Geo., ld. Anson. Wm. Wildman, visc. Bar- rington. Wm., visc. Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Hon. Thos. Williers. Granville Leveson, visc, Trentham, aft. E. Gower. June 22, 1751. GEO., lil. ANSON. Wm. Wildman, visc. Bar- rington. Wm., visc. Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Hon. Thos. Williers. Wm. Rowley. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. April 6, 1754. GEO., ld. ANSON. Wm., visc. Duncannon. Welbore Ellis. Hon. Thos. Williers. Sir Wm. Rowley, K.B. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Hon. Chas. Townshend. Dec. 23, 1755. GEO., ld. ANSON. Wm., visc. Duncannon, aft. E. of Besborough. Hon. Thos. Williers. Sir Wm. Rowley, K.B. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. John, visc. Bateman. Hon. Richd. Edgcumbe, aft. ld. Edgcumbe. Nov. 19, 1756. RICHD., E. TEMPLE. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Temple West. John Pitt. George Hay. Thos. Orby Hunter. Gilbert Elliot. Dec. 11, 1756. RICHD., E. T.FMPLE. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Temple West. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orby Hunter. Gilbert Elliot. Hon. John Forbes. April 6, 1757. DANL., E. of WINCHILSEA and NOTTINGHAM. Sir Wm. Rowley, K.B. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Gilbert Elliot. John, ld. Carysfort. Savage Mostyn. Hon. Edwin Sandys, lord Sandys. July 2, 1757. GEO., ld. ANSON. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Temple West. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orby Hunter. Gilbert Elliot. Hon. John Forbes. KING GEORGE III. March 21, 1761. GEO., ld. ANSON. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orby Hunter. aft THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 179 Hon. John Forbes. Hans Stanley. Geo. Bussey, visc. Williers. Thos. Pelham. - June 19, 1762. GEO. MonTAGU DUNK, E. of HALIFAX. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orby Hunter. Hon. John Forbes. Hans Stanley. Geo. Bussey, visc. Williers. Thos. Pelham, aft. lord Pelham. Jan. 1, 1763. Hon. GEO. GRENVILLE. Geo. Hay. Thos. Orby Hunter. Hon. John Forbes. Hans Stanley. John, ld. Carysfort. Jas. Harris. April 23, 1763. John, E. of SANDWICH. Geo. Hay. Hans Stanley. John, ld. Carysfort. Rică., visc. Howe. Hy., ld. Digby. Thos. Pitt. Sept. 10, 1763. JOHN, E. of EGMONT. Geo. Hay. Hans Stanley. John, ld. Carysfort. Richd., visc. Howe. Hy., ld. Digby. Thos. Pitt. Aug. 30, 1765. JoEIN, E. of EGMONT. Thos. Pitt, aft. lord Camel- ford. Sir Chas. Saunders, K.B. Hon. Aug. Keppel. Chas. Townshend. Sir Wm. Meredyth, bt. John Buller. Dec. 21, 1765. John, E. of EGMONT. Sir Chas. Saunders, K.B. Hon. Aug. Keppel. Chas. Townshend. Sir Wm. Meredyth, bt. John Buller. Hon. John Yorke. Sept. 10, 1766. Sir CHAs. SAUNDERS, R.B. Hon. Aug. Keppel, aft. Visc. Reppel. Chas. Townshend. - Sir Wm. Meredyth, bt. John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt. Dec. 10, 1766. Sir EDwD. HAWKE, K.B. Chas. Townshend. - John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt. Sir Piercy Brett. Chas. Jenkinson. March 19, 1768. Sir EDwD. HAwre, K.B. Chas. Townshend. John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt. Sir Piercy Brett. Lord Chas. Spencer. Feb. 24, 1770. Sir EDwD. HAWKE, K.B., aft. lord Hawke. John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, visc. Lisburne. Fras. Holburne. Hon. Chas. Jas. Fox. Jan. 12, 1771. JOHN, E. of SANDw1CH. John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, visc. Lisburne. Fras. Holburne. Hon. Chas. Jas. Fox. Jan. 26, 1771. JOHN, E. of SANDw1CH. John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, visc. Lisburne. Hon. Chas. Jas. Fox. Hon. Aug. John Hervey. May 6, 1772. JOHN, E. of SANDWICH. John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, visc. Lisburne. Hon. Aug. John Hervey. Thos. Bradshaw. Dec. 4, 1774. John, E. of SANDw1CH. John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, visc. Lisburne. Hon. Aug. John Hervey, aft. E. of Bristol. Hy. Penton. April 6, 1775. JOHN, E. of SANDw1CH. John Buller. Hy., visc. Palmerston. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, visc. Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Sir Hugh Palliser, bt. Dec. 4, 1777. JoBN, E. of SANDWICH. John Buller. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, now E. of Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Sir Hugh Palliser, bt. Constantine John, lord Mul- grave. April 1779. JOHN, E. of SAND WICH. John Buller. Lord Chas. Spencer. Wilmot, E. of Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Constantine John, lord Mul- grave. Robt. Man. July 6, 1779. JOHN, E. of SANDwich. John Buller. Wilmot, E. of Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Constantine John, lord Mul. grave. Robt. Man. Bamber Gascoigne. Sept. 6, 1780. JOHN, E. of SANDWICII. Wilmot, E. of Lisburne. Hy. Penton. Constantine John, lord Mul- grave. Bamber Gascoigne. Hon. Chas. Fras. Greville. Geo. Darby. March 30, 1782. Hon. AUG. KEPPEL, visc. Keppel. Sir Robt. Harland, bt. Hugh Pigot. Wm., visc. Duncannon. Hon. John Townshend. Chas. Brett. Richd. Hopkins. July 13, 1782. AUG., visc. KEPPEL. Sir Robt. Harland, bt. aft. 12 * 180 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hugh Pigot. Chas. Brett. Richd. Hopkins. Hon. John Jeffreys Pratt. John Aubrey. Jan. 28, 1783. RICHD., visc. HOWE. Hugh Pigot. Chas. Brett. Richd. Hopkins. Hon. John Jeffreys Pratt. John Aubrey. Hon. John Leveson Gower. April 8, 1783. AUG., visc. KEPPEL. Hugh Pigot. Wrm., visc. Duncannon. Hon. John Townshend. Sir John Lindsay, IC. B. Wm. Jolliffe. Whitshed Keene. Dec. 30, 1783. RICHD., visc. HOWE. Chas. Brett. Hon. John Jeffreys Pratt. Hon. John Leveson Gower. Hy., ld. Apsley. Hon. Chas. Geo. Perceval, aft. li. Arden. Jas. Modyford Heywood. April 2, 1784. RICHD., visc, How E, aft. E. Howe. Chas. Brett. Richd. Hopkins. - |Hon. John Jeffreys Pratt, aft. visc. Bayham. Hon. John Leveson Gower. Hy., ld. Apsley. Hon. Chas. Geo. Perceval, lord Arden. July 16, 1788. Jon N, E. of CHATHAM. Richd. Hopkins. John Jeffreys, visc. Bayham. Hon. John Leveson Gower. Hy., ld. Apsley. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Saml., ld. Hood. Aug. 12, 1789. John, E. of CHATHAM. Richd. Hopkins. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Saml., ld. Hood. Robt., visc. Belgrave. Sir Fras. S. Drake, bt., d. Nov. 1789. Hon. John Thos. Townshend. Jan. 19, 1790. John, E. of CHATHAM. Richd. Hopkins. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Saml., ld. Hood. Robt., visc. Belgrave. Hon. John Thos. Townshend. Alan Gardner. June 25, 1791. JOHN, E. of CHATHAM. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Saml., ld. Hood. Hon. John Thos. Townshend. Alan Gardner. John Smyth. Chas. Small Pybus. May 4, 1793. JOHN, E. of CHATHAM. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Saml., ld. Hood. Alan Gardner. John Smyth. Chas. Small Pybus. Philip Affleck. May, 1794. JOHN, E. of CHATHAM. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Saml., ld. Hood. Alan Gardner. Chas. Small Pybus. Philip Affleck. Sir Chas. Middleton, bt. Dec. 20, 1794. GEO. JOHN, E. SPENCER. Chas. Geo., ld, Arden. Saml., ld. Hood. Sir Alan Gardner, bt. Chas. Small Pybus. Philip Affleck. Sir Chas. Middleton, bt. Mar. 2, 1795. GEO. JoHN, E. SPENCER. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Chas. Small Pybus. Sir Chas. Middleton, aft. 16. Barham. Lord Hugh Seymour. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. bt., Dec. 2, 1795. GEO. JoHN, E. SPENCER. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Chas. Small Pybus. Lord Hugh Seymour. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Wm. Young. July 1797. GEO. JOHN, E. SPENCER. Chas. Geo., ld, Arden. Lord Hugh Seymour. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Wm. Young. Thos. Wallace. Sept. 18, 1798. GEO. John, E. SPENCER. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Wm. Young. Thos. Wallace. Robt. Man. July 10, 1800. GEO. JOHN, E. SPENCER. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Wm. Young. Robt. Man. Hon. Wm. Eliot. Feb. 19, 1801. JOHN, E. ST. VINCENT. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Hon. Wrm. Eliot. Sir Thos. Troubrdge, bt. Jas. Adams. John Markham. Wrm. Garthshore. Jan. 17, 1804. JOHN, E. ST. VINCENT. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Sir Thos. Troubridge, bt. Jas. Adams. John Markham. John Lemon. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. May 15, 1804. HY., visc. MELv1LLE. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. Sir John Colpoys, K.B. Philip Patton. Wm. Dickinson, jun. Sept. 13, 1804. HY., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Sir John Colpoys, K.B. Philip Patton. Wm. Dickinson, jun. Sir Evan Nepean, bt. May 2, 1805. Sir CHAs. MIDDLETON, bt., cr. lord BARHAM. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 181 Sir Philip Stephens, bt. Jas. Gambier. Philip Patton. Wm. Dickinson, jun. Sir Evan Nepean, bt. Geo., ld. Garlies. Feb. 10, 1806. Hon. CHAs. GREY. Sir Philip Stephens, bt. John Markham. Sir Chas. Morice Pole, bt. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. Lord Wrm. Russell. Wm., ld, Kensington. Sept. 29, 1806. THOS. GRENVILLE. Sir Philip Stephens, bts John Markham. Sir Chas. Morice Pole, bt. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. Lord Wrm. Russell. Wm., ld. Kensington. Oct. 23, 1806. THos. GRENVILLE. John Markham. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt. Lord Wrm. Russell. Wm., ld. Kensington. Thos. Fras. Fremantle. Wrm. Frankland. April 6, 1807. HY., ld. MULGRAVE. Jas. Gambier. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Wm. Johnstone Hope. Robt. Ward. |Hy. John, visc. Palmerston. Jas. Buller. May 9, 1808. HY., lord MULGRAVE. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Wm. Johnstone Hope. Robt. Ward. Hy. John, visc. Palmerston. Jas. Buller. Wm. Domett. Nov. 24, 1809. HY., lord MULGRAVE. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Robt. Ward. Jas. Buller. Wm. Domett. Robt. Moorsom. Wm., visc. Lowther. May 1, 1810. CHAs. YORKE. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Robt. Ward. Jas. Buller. Wm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Hon. Fredk. John Robinson. June 17, 1811. CHAs. YORKE. Sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. Jas. Buller. Wrm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Hon. Fredk, John Robinson. Horatio, ld. Walpole. Mar. 25, 1812. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Wrm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Hon. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. visc. Goderich and E. of Ripon. -- Horatio, ld. Walpole. Wm. Dundas. Geo. Johnstone Hope. Oct. 5, 1812. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Wm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Wm. Dundas. Geo. Johnstone Hope. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. May 18, 1813. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Wm. Domett. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Wm. Dundas. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. Lord Hy. Paulet. Oct. 23, 1813. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Wm. Dundas. Geo. Johnstone Hope. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. Lord Hy. Paulet. Aug. 23, 1814. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Jos. Sydney Yorke. Geo. Johnstone Hope. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. Lord Hy. Paulet. Barrington Pope Blachford. May 24, 1816. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Jos. BC. C. B. Sir Geo. Hope, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn. Sir Graham Moore, K.C.B. Hy., M. of Worcester. Sydney Yorke, April 2, 1818. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. John Osborn, aft. bt. Sir Graham Moore, K.C.B. Hy., M. of Worcester. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C.B. Sir Hy. Hotham, K.C.B. Mar. 15, 1819. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. Sir John Osborn, bt. Sir Graham Moore, K.C. B. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G. C. B. Sir Hy. Hotham, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Mar. 13, 1820. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, IX. C. B. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. Sir John Osborn, bt. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C.B. Sir Hy. Hotham, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Feb. 8, 1822. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Wrm. Johnstone Hope, IC.C.I3. Sir John Osborne, bt. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C.B. Sir Hy. Hotham, R. C.B. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Wm. Robt. Keith Douglas. March 23, 1822. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Wim. Johnstone Hope, IX.C.B. Sir John Osborn, bt. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C.B. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Feb. 16, 1824. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. Sir Wim. Johnstone Hope, IC.C.R. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C.B. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Wm. Robt. Keith Douglas. 182 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD HIGH ADMIRAL. May 2, 1827. WM. HENRY, D. of CLARENCE, aft, WM. IV., L.D. HIGH ADM. of the U. K. of Gr. Britain and Ireland, assisted by the following. H.R.H. COUNCIL. COUNCILS. Feb. 4, 1828. March 12, 1828. V. ADM. SIR WM. JoEINSTONE | V. ADM. SIR WM. JoEINSTONE | V. ADM. SIR GEO. CoCKBURN, HOPE, G.C.B. HOPE, G.C.E. V. adm. Sir Geo. Cockburn, |V. adm. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C.B. Wm. Robert Reith Douglas. John Evelyn Denison. G.C.B. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Geo. Chas., E. of Brecknock. G.C.E. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Geo. Chas., E. of Brecknock. R. adm. Sir Edwd. Wm. Camp- bell Rich Owen, K.C.B. The D. of Clarence res. the office of là. high adm., Aug. 12, 1828. Sept. 19, 1828. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. W. adm. Sir Geo. Cock- burn, G.C.B. V. adm. Sir Hy. Hotham. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Geo. Chas., E. of Breck- nock. July 15, 1829. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. V. adm. sir Geo. Cock- burn, G.C.B. W. Adm. sir Hy. Hotham. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt. Fredk., visc. Castlereagh. July 31, 1830. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE. V. adm. Sir Goo. Cock- burn, G.C. B. W. adm. sir Hy. Hotham. Fredk., visc. Castlereagh. Chas. Ross. Nov. 25, 1830. Sir JAs. ROBT. GEO. GRA- HAM, bt. R. adm. Sir Thos. Master- man Hardy. R. adm. hon. Geo. Heneage Lawrence Dundas. Sir Saml. John Pechell, bt. Hon. Geo. Barrington. June 8, 1832. Sir JAS. ROBT. GEO. GRA- HAM, bt. R. adm. Sir T. M. Hardy. R. adm. hon. Geo. Heneage L. Dundaş. Sir Saml. John Pechell, bt. Brooke Brooke COMMISSIONERS. Hon. Geo. Barrington. Hy. Labouchere. Apr. 13, 1833. Sir JAS. R. G. GRAHAM, bt. R. adm. sir T. M. Hardy. R. adm. hon. Geo. Heneage L. Dundas. Sir Saml. Pechell, bt. IIy. Labouchere. Hon. Maurice Fredk. Eitz- hardinge Berkeley. John Brooke June 11, 1834. GEO., lord AUCKLAND. R. adm. Sir T. M. Hardy. R. adm. hon. Geo. Heneage L. Dundas. Sir Saml. Pechell, bt. Hy. Labouchere. Hon. Maurice Fredk. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley. John Brooke Aug. 1. 1834 GEO., lord AUCKLAND. Hon. Geo. Heneage L. Dundas. Sir Saml. John Brooke Pechell, bt., Hy. Labouchere, and Hon. M. F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley. Nov. 1, 1834. GEO., ld. AUCKLAND. R. adm. Sir Chas. Adam. R. adm. Sir Wm. Parker. Sir Saml. John Brooke Pechell, bt. Hy. Labouchere, aft. la. Taunton. Hon. M. F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley. Dec. 23, 1834. THos. PHILIP, E. de GREY. W. adm. Sir Geo. Cock- burn, G.C. B. Sir John Poo Beresford, bt. Sir Chas. Rowley, K.C.B. Anthy, ld. Ashley. Maurice Fitzgerald. Apr. 25, 1835. GEO., lord AUCKLAND. R. adm. Sir Chas. Adam, R. adm. Sir Wm. Parker. Capt. Geo. Elliot. Sir Edwd. Thos. bridge, bt. Archd., ld. Dalmeny. Trou- Sept. 19, 1835. GILBERT, E. of MINTO. R. adm. Sir Chas. Adam. R. adm. Sir Wrm, Parker, Capt. Geo. Elliot. Sir Edwd. Thos. bridge, bt. Archd., ld. Dalmeny. July 1837. GILBERT, E. of MINTO. V. adm. Sir Chas. Adam. R. adm. Sir Wm. Parker. Sir Edwd. Thos. Trou- bridge, bt. Archd., ld, Dalmeny. Hon. M. F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley. Trou- 99) ~~ 3 Mar. 5, 1839. GILBERT, E. of MINTO. Sir Chas. Adam. Sir Wrm. Parker. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 183 Sir. Edwd. Thos. bridge, bt. Sir Saml. John Brooke, Pechell, bt. Archd., ld. Dalmeny. June 25, 1841. GILBERT, E. of MINTo. Sir Chas. Adam. Sir Edwd. Thos. Troubridge, bt. Sir Saml. John B. Pechell, bt. Arch., ld. Dalmeny. Capt. Jas. Whitley Deans Dundas, C.B. Sept. 8, 1841. THOS., E. OF HADDINGTON. Adm. Sir G. Cockburn,G.C.B. V. adm. Sir Wm. Hall Gage. Sir Geo. Fras. Seymour. Capt. hon, Wm. Gordon, R. N. Hon. Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry. May 22, 1844. THOS., E. OF HADDINGTON. Adm. Sir G. Cockburn, G.C.B. V. adm. sir Wm. Hall Gage. R. adm. Wm. Bowles. Hon. Wm. Gordon. Hon. Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry. Feb. 12, 1845. THos., E. OF HADDINGTON. Adm. Sir G. Cockburn, G.C. B. W. adm. Sir Wm. Hall Gage. R. adm. Wm. Bowles. Hon. Wm. Gordon. Hon. Hy. Fitzroy. Jan. 13, 1846. EDwD., E. OF ELLEN- IBORO UGII. Adm. Sir G. Cockburn, G.C. B. V. adm. Sir Wm. Hall Gage. R. adm. Wrm. Bowles. Hon. Wm. Gordon. Hon. Hy. Fitzroy. Feb. 17, 1846. EDWD., E. OF ELLEN- I3() ROUGEI, Adm. sir G. Cockburn, G.C.B. V. adm, sir Wm. Hall Gage. R. adm. Wm. Bowles. Hon. Hy. Fitzroy. Hon. Hy. John Rous. July 13, 1846. GEO., E. OF AUCKLAND. W. adm. Sir Wm. Parker. R. adm. Jas. Whitley Deans Dundas, C. B. Capt. hon. Maurice Fredk. Trou- Fitzhardinge Berkeley, C. B. Capt. lord John Hay, C.B. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. July 24, 1846. GEO., E. OF AUCKLAND. W. adm. Sir Chas. Adam. R, adm. J. W. D. Dundas, C. B. Capt, hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C.B. Capt. lord John Hay, C.B. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. July 20, 1847. GEO., E. OF AUCKLAND. R. adm. Jas. W. D. Dundas, C. B. R. adm. Hy. Prescott. Capt. hon, M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, G. B. Capt. lord John Hay, C.B. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper." Dec. 23, 1847. GEO., E. OF AUCRLAND. R. adm. J. W. D. Dundas, C. B. Capt. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C.B. Capt. lord John Hay, C.B. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Jan. 18, 1849. SIR FRAs. THORNIIILL BAR- ING, bt. R. adm. J. W. D. Dundas, C. B. Hon. M. F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley, now r. adm., C.B. Capt. lord John Iſay, C.B. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Jan. 30, 1850. SIR FRAS, TIIORN HILL BAR- ING, bt. R. adm. J. W. D. Dundas, C. B. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C.B. Capt. Houstom Stewart, C.B. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Feb. 12, 1852, G. SIR FRAS. THORN HILL BAR- ING, bt. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C. B. R. adm. Houston Stewart, C. B. Adm. Sir Jas. Stirling. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Feb. 28, 1852, G. ALGERNON, D. OF North- DMBERLAND. R. adm. Hyde Parker, C.B. R. adm. Phipps Hornby, C.B. Capt. Sir Thos. Herbert, K. C. B. Capt. hon. Arthur Dun- combe. Capt. Alex. Milne. Dec. 30, 1852. SIR JAS, ROBT.GEO. GRAHAM, bt. t W. adm. Hyde Parker, C.B. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C. B. Capt. hon. Richd. Saunders Dundas, C.B. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. June 1, 1854. SIR JAS. RobT. GEO.GRAHAM bt., G.C. B. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C.B. R. adm. hon. Richd. Dun- das, C. B. Capt. Peter Richards, C.B. Capt. Alex. Milne. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper. Mar. 13, 1855, G. Sir Chas. Wood, bt. R. adm. hon. M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, C. B. R. adm. Hy. Eden. Capt. Peter Richards, C.B. Capt. Alex. Milne. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. Mar. 28, 1857, G. SIR CHAs. WOOD, bt., G.C.B. V. adm. hon. Sir M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, K.C.B. R. adm. hon, sir Richd. Saunders Dundas, K.C.B. R. adm. Hy. Eden, Capt. Alex. Milne. Sir Robt. Peel, bt. May 27, 1857, G. SIR CHAS. WOOD, bt., G.C.B. V. adm. hom. Sir M. F. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, K.C.B. R. adm. hon. Sir Richd. S. Dundas, K.C. B. R. adm. Hy. Eden. Capt. Alex. Milne. Thos. Geo. Baring. 184 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Nov. 21, 1857, G. SIR CHAS. WOOD, bt., G.C.B., aft. visc. Halifax. R. adm. hon. Sir Richd. S. Dundas, K.C.B. R. adm. Hy. Eden. Capt. Alex. Milne. Capt. hon. Fredk. Pelham, C.B. Thos. Geo. Baring, aft. E. of Northbrook. Thos. Mar. 8, 1858, G. SIR JNo. SOMERSET PAKING- TON, bt. V. adm. Wm. Fanshawe Martin. V. adm. hon. Sir Richd. S. Dundas, K.C.B. R, adm. Alex. Milne. Capt. hon. Jas. Drummond, C.B. Algernon Geo., ld. Lovaine. Robt. Jam. 26, 1859, G. SIR. J.N.O. SOMERSET PAKING- TON, bt. W. adm. Wm. F Martin. V. adm. hon. Sir Richd. S. Dundas, R. C. B. R. adm. Sir Alex. Milne, R. C. B. Capt. hon. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie, C.B. Algn. Geo. lá. Lovaine. Mar. 9, 1859, G. SIR JNo. SOMERSET PARING- TON, bt. V. adm. Wm. F. Martin. V. adm. hon. Sir Richd. S. TXundas, I.C. B. adm. Sir Alex. Milne, IX. C. B. Capt. hon. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie, C.B. Hon. Fredk. Lygon. R. Apr. 20, 1859, G. SIR JNo. SOMERSET PARING- TON, bt. W. adm. Wrm. F. Martin. W. adm. hon. Sir Richd. S. Dundas, R.C.B. R. adm. Sir Hy. Jno. Leeke, IC.C. 13. R. adm. K.C. B. Hon. Fredk. Lygon. sir Alex. Milne, June 27, 1859, G. EDWI). ADOLPHU8, D. OF SOMERSET. V. adm. hon. Sir Richd. S. Dundas, K.C.B. R. adm. hon. Fredk. Thos. Pelham, C.B. Capt. Chas. Eden, C.B. Capt. Chas. Frederick. Saml. Whitbread. June 14, 1861, G. EDwD. ADOLPH.Us, D. OF SOMERSET. R. adm. hon. Sir Wm. Grey, K.C.B. Capt. Chas. Eden, C.B. Capt. Chas. Frederick. Capt. hon. Jas. Robt. Drum- mond, C.B. Saml. Whitbread. Mar. 23, 1863, G. EDwD. ADOLPHUs, D. of SOMERSET, K.G. adm. hon. Sir Wm. Grey, K.C.B. R. adm. Chas. Eden, C.B. R. adm. Chas. Frederick. Capt. hom. Jas. Robt. Drum- mond, C.B. Spencer Compton Caven- dish, c.c. M. of Harting- ton. May 2, 1863, G. EDWD. ADOLPHUs, D. OF SGMERSET, K.G. W. adm. hon, sir Fredk, Wm. Grey, K.C.B. R. adm. Chas. Eden, C.B. R. adm. Chas. Frederick. Capt. hon. Jas. Robt. Drum- mond, C. B. Jas. Stansfeld, jun. April 21, 1864, G. JJDWD. ADOLPHUs, D, OF SOMERSET, K.G. W. adm. hon, sir Wm. Grey, K.C.B. R. adm. Chas. Eden, C.B. R. adm. Chas. Frederick. R. adm. hon. Jas. Robt. Drummond, C.B. Hugh Culling Eardley Chil- ders. Mar. 13, 1865, G. EDWD. ADOLPHUs, D. OF sir Fredk. SOMERSET. W. adm. hon. Wm. Grey, K.C.B. R. adm. Chas. Eden, C.B. R. adm. Edwd. Gennys Fan- shawe. R. adm. hon. Jas. Drummond, C. B. Hugh C. E. Childers. Fredk. V. Fredk. I'redk. Robt. Jan. 22, 1866, G. EDwD. ADOLPHUS, D. QF SOMERSET, K.G. Adm. bon. Sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, K.C.B. R. adm. Chas. Eden, C.B. R. adm. Edwd. Gennys Fan- shawe, C.B. Hon. Jas. Robt. Drummond, C.B. Hy. Fenwick. April 7, 1866, G. EDwD. ADOLPH.Us, D. OF SOMERSET, K.G. Adm. hon. Sir Fredk. Wm. Grey, K.C.B. R. adm. Chas. Eden, C. B. R. adm. Edwd. Gennys Fan- shawe, C. B. Hon. Jas. Robt. Drummond, C. B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. Lord John Hay, C.B. May 8, 1866, G. EDwD. ADOLPH.Us, D. OF SOMERSET, K. G. Adm. hon. Sir Fredk. Wn. Grey, G.C.B. W. adm. Chas. Eden, C.B. R. adm. Edwd. Gemmys Fan- shawe, C.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, C.B. Geo. John Shaw-Lefevre. July 12, 1866, G. SIR JNo. SOMERSET PAK- INGTON, bt., G.C.B. W. adm. Sir Alex. Milne, IX. C.B. V. adm, sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, R. C. B. R.adm. Geo. Hy.Seymour, C.B. R. adm. Sir John Chas. Dal- rymple Hay, bt. Chas. Du Cane. March 8, 1867, G. HY. THos. LowRY CORRY. W. adm. Sir Alex. Milne, IC. C. B. V. adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys. Dacres, K.C.B. R. adm. Geo. Hy. Seymour, C. B. R. adm. sir John Chas. Dal- rymple, Hay, bt. Chas. Du Cane. Aug. 29, 1868, G. HY. THos. Low RY CORRY. W. adm. Sir Alex. Milne, IC. C.B. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 185. W. adm. sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, K.C.B. R. adm. Geo. Hy. Seymour, C. B. R. adm. Sir Jno. Chas. Dal- rymple Hay, bt. Hon. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, aft. li. Stanley of Preston. Dec. 21, 1868, G. HUGH Cu1.LING EARDLEY CHILDERs. V. adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, K.C. B. W. adm. Sir Robt. Spencer Robinson, K.C.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, C.B. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. bt. July 11, 1870, G. HUGH Cu1.LING EARDLEY CHILDERS. Adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, K. C. B. W. adm. Sir Robt. Spencer Robinson, K.C.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, C.B. Robt. Adam Philips Hal- dane, E. of Camperdown. Feb. 9, 1871, G. HUGH Cu1.LING ICARDLEY CHILDERS. Adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, IC. C.B. Capt. Robt. Hall, C.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, C.B. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. - Mar. 9, 1871, G. GEO. JoACHIM GOSCHEN. Adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, K.C.B. Capt. Robt. Hall, C.B. Capt. John Hay, c.c. lord John Hay, C.B. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. June 28, 1871, G. GEO. JoACHIM GOSCHEN. Adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, K.C.B. Capt. Robt. Hall, C.B. R. adm. John Walter Tarle-, ton, C.B. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. May 4, 1872, G. GEO. JOACHIM GOSCHEN. Adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, G.C.B. R. adm. Jno. Walter Tarle- tion, C. B. R. adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget Seymour, C.B. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. Nov. 27, 1872, G. GEO. JoACHIM GoscLIEN. Adm. Sir Alex. Milne, G.C.B. R. adm. Jno. Walter Tarle- ton, C.B. R. adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget Seymour, C.B. Robt. A. P. H., E. of Cam- perdown. Mar. 4, 1874, G. GEO. WARD HUNT. Adm. Sir Alex. Milne. G. C. B. V. adm. Sir Jno. Walter Tarleton, K.C.B. Capt. Richd. Jas. Meade,c.c. ld. Gilford. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Dec. 29, 1874, G. GEO. WARD HUNT. Adm. Sir Alex. Milne, G. C. B. R. adm. Geoffrey Thos. Phipps Hornby. Capt. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. 1d. Gilford. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Sept. 7, 1876, G. GEO. WARD HUNT. Adm. Sir Hastings Reginald Yelverton, G.C. B. W. adm. Geoffrey Phipps Hornby. Capt. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. 1d. Gilford. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Thos. Jan. 11, 1877, G. GEO. WARD HUNT. Adm. Sir Hastings Reginald Yelverton, G.C.B. R. adm. Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, C.B. R adm. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. lil. Gilford. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Aug. 14, 1877, G. WM. HY. SMITH, Adm. sir Hastings Reginald Yelverton, G.C.B. R. adm. Arthur Wrm. Ac- land Hood, C.B. R. adm. Richd. Jas. Meade, c. c. 1d. Gilford, C.B. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Nov. 5, 1877, G. WM. HY. SMITH. Adm. Geo. Greville Welles- ley, C. B. R. adm. Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, C. B. R. adm. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. 1d. Gilford, C.B. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Aug. 12, 1879, G. WM. HY. SMITEI. Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Rey, K.C.B. R. Adm. Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, C.B. R adm. Richd. Jas. Meade, c.c. 10. Gilford, C.B., aft. E. of Clanwilliam. Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. Dec. 4, 1879, G. WM. HY. SMITH. Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Key, K.C.B. R. adm. Richd. Jas., E. of Clanwilliam, C.B. R. adm. sir Jno. Edmol. Commerell, R. C. B., V.C. ' Sir Lopes Massey Lopes, bt. May 12, 1880, G. THos. GEO., E. OE NORTH- ISROOK., G. C. S.I. Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Key, K.C.B. W. adm. John Hay, c.c. lá. John Hay, C. B. R. adm. Anthy. Hiley Hos- kins, C.B. Thos. Brassey. Apr. 12, 1882. THos. GEO., E. OF North- BROOK., G.C.S.I. Adm. Sir Astley Key, K.C.B. W. adm. Sir John Hay, c.c. ld. John Hay, K.C.B. R. adm. Thos. Brandreth. R. adm. Anthy. Hiley Hos- kins, C.B. Cooper | 86 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. July 22, 1882. THos. GEO., E. OF NortII- BROOK., G.C.S.I. Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Key, K.C.B. V. adm. Sir John Hay, c.c. ld. John Hay, K.C.B. R. adm. Thos. Brandreth. R. adm. Sir Fredk. Wm. Richards, K.C.B. Sir Thos. Brassey, K.C.B. Geo. Wightwick Rendel. Mar. 3, 1883, G. Trios. GEO., E. OF North- ISROOIC, G. C. S.I. Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Key, G.C.B. Adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget, ld. Alcester, G.C.B. R. adm. Thos. Brandreth. R. adm. Sir Fredk. Wm. Richards, Ik.C.B. - Sir Thos. Brassey, K.C.I., aft. li. Brassey. Geo. Wightwick Rendel. Nov. 24, 1884. THos. GEO., E. OR NORTH- BROOK., G.C.S.I. . Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Key, G.C. B. Adm. Fredk. Paget, lord G. C. IB, Beauchamp Alcester, W. adm. Thos. Brandreth. R. adm. Sir Fredk. Wm. Richards, K.C.B. Wm. Sproston Caine. Geo. Wightwick Rendel. May 25, 1885, G. THos. GEO., E. OR NORTH- BROOK., G.C.S.I. Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Key, G.C.B. Adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget, lord Alcester, G. C.B. V. adm. Sir Wrm. Nathan Wrighte Hewett, K.C.B., I.C.C. S. I. V. adm. Thos. Brandreth. Wm. Sproston Caine. Geo. Wightwick Rendel. July 1, 1885, G. GEO. FRAS. HAMILTON, c.c. LORD GEORGE HAMILTON. W. adm. Arthur Wn. Ac- land Hood, C.B. V. adm. Sir Anthy. Hiley Hoskins, R.C.I. V. adm. Thos. Brandreth. Capt. Wm. Codrington, C.B. Ellis Ashmead Bartlett. Feb. 15, 1886, G. GEO. FREDIR. SAML., M. OF RIPON, I.G., G.C.S.I. Adm. Sir John Hay, c. c. 1d. John Hay. Adm. Sir Anthy. Hiley Hos- kins, K.C.B. W. adm. Wna. C.B. R. adm. Jas. Elphinstone Erskine. Robt. Wm. Duff. Graham, Aug. 9, 1856, G. GEO. Fr As. HAMILTON, c.c. LORD GEO. HAMILTON. Adm. sir Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, K.C.B. V. adm. Sir Anthy. Hiley Hoskins, R. C.B. V. adm. Wm. Graham, C.B. Capt. lord Chas. Wm. De la Poer Beresford, C.B. Ellis Ashmead Bartlett. Jan. 30, 1888, G. GEO. FRAs. HAMILTON, c.c. LORD GEO. HAMILTON. Adm. Sir Arthur Wm. Ac- land Hood, R. C. B. V. adm. sir Anthy. Hiley Hoskins, R.C. B. W. adm. sir Wm. Graham, IX. C. B. R. adm. Chas. Hotham, C B. Ellis Ashmead Bartlett. Frc dk. FIRST SECRETARIES OF THE ADMIRALTY. THIS is now a political office, the holder of which goes out with the ministry. FIRST SECRETARIES OF THE ADMIRALTY SINCE THE REVOLUTION. Saml. Pepys, the then sec., was dis- missed at the Revolution. 1809. John Wilson Croker. Oct. 9. Mr. Croker was the first admy, sec. 1689. Phineas Bowles. Mar. i who resigned on a change of 1690. Jas. Southerne. Jan. 17. ministry. 1694. Wm. Bridgeman. Aug. 1. 1830. Hon. Geo. Elliot, capt. R.N. Nov. 1695. Wm. Bridgeman and Josiah Bur- 29. chett, jointly. Jan. 1834. Geo. Robt. Dawson. Dec. 24. 1698. Josiah Burchett, alone. June 24. 1835. Chas. Wood, aft. Sir C., bt., and 1742. Thos. Corbett. Oct. 14. 1751. John Cleveland. May 1. 1839. 1763. 1795. 1804. I807. Wm. Marsden. Philip Stephens, aft. Sir P.,bt. June 1841. 19 Evan Nepeam, aft. Sir E., bt. Mar. 3. Jan. 21. Hon. Wm. Wellesley Pole, aft. lord Maryborough. June 24. 1845. 1846. 1849. visc. Halifax. Richd. More O'Ferrall. John Parker. Hon. Sidney Herbert, aft. lord Her- bert of Lea. Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry. Feb. 13. Hy. Geo. Ward. July 13. John Parker. Apr. 27. Oct. 4. June 9. Sept. 10. May 21. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 187 1852. Aug. O’Brien Stafford. Mar. 3. 1874. Hon. Algm. Fulke Egerton. Feb. 1853. Ralph Bernal Osborne, Jan. 6. 1880. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. Sir G., bt. 1858. Hy. Thos. LowryCorry,again. Mar.9. Apr. - 1859. Lord Clarence Paget. June 30. 1882. Hy. Campbell Bannerman. May. 1866. Hon. Thos. Geo. Baring, aft. E. of 1884. Sir Thos. Brassey, K.C.B., aft. lord Northbrook. Apr. 30. Brassey. Oct. — Lord Hy. Gordon Lennox. July 16. 1885. Chas. Thomson Ritchie. June. J868. Wm. Edwd. Baxter. Dec. 18. 1886. John Tomlinson Hibbert. Feb. l871. Geo. John Shaw-Lefevre. Mar. 17. — Arthur Bower Forwood. Aug. SECOND SECRETARIES TO THE ADMIRALTY. THE office of “second secretary’’ existed at first only at intervals, and under various titles; but the succession has been regular since the year 1756, and the name has been the same from Jan. 13, 1783, till 1871, when it was changed to that of “permanent secretary.” SECOND SECRETARIES TO THE ADMIRALTY SINCE 1702. 1702. Geo. Clarke, joint sec., to Oct. 25, 1806. Benjn. Tucker, again. Feb. 10. 1705. May 20. 1807. John Barrow, aft. Sir J., bt. 1728. Thos. Corbett, dep, and aft. joint Apr. 9. sec., to Oct. 13, 1742. June 25. 1845. Capt. Wm. Alexr. Baillie Hamilton, 1744. Robt. Osborne, dep. sec. Nov. 17. R.N. Jan. 28. 1746. John Cleveland, second sec., to May | 1855. Thos. Phinn. 1, 1750. Aug. 4. 1857. Wm. Govett Romaine. 1756. John Milnes, dep. sec. June 15. 1869. Vernon Lushington. 1759. Philip Stephens, second sec. Oct. 16. t 1764. Chas. Fearne, dep. sec. June 28. PERMANENT SECRETARIES. 1766. Sir Geo. Jackson, dep, sec. Nov. 11. 1871. Vernon Lushington, above named ; 1782. John Ibbotson, dep. and second ceased 1877. Sec. June 3. 1873. R. adm. Robt. Hall, R.N., naval t - Sec., jointly with Lushington SECOND SECRETARIES. until 1877, and then alone. 1795. Wm. Marsden. Mar. 3. Ceased 1882. 1804. Benjm. Tucker. Jan. 21. 1882. Capt. Geo. Tryon, perm. sec. — John Barrow, aft. Sir J. May 22. 1884. Evan Macgregor, C.B., perm. sec. ~-s--- LORD PRESIDENTS OF THE COUNCIL. THE lord president of the council presides at the privy council in the absence of the sovereign. He is appointed to his office by a declaration of the sovereign in council, and holds it durante bene placito. He is ea officio president of all committees of the privy council, with the ex- ception of the board of trade, which has a president of its own. The Office is now purely a political one, and the holder changes with the ministry. LORD PRESIDENTS OF THE CouncIL. Since the Council was remodelled in 1679. - KING CHARLES II. RING JAMES II. 1679. Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury. Apr. 21. 1685. Geo., M. of Halifax. Feb. 18. Struck off the council Oct. 15, — Robt., E. of Sunderland. Dec. 4. same year — John, E. of Radnor. Oct. 24. RING WILLIAM III. 1684. Laurence, E. of Rochester. Aug. 24. 1689. Thos., E. of Danby, aft. M. of 188 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1699. 1701. 1702. 1708. 1710. 1711. 1714. 1715. 1716. 1717. 1719. 1720. 1721. 1725. 1727. 1730. 1742. 1745. 1751. 1760. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1779. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1794. 1794. 1796. 1801. 1805. 1806. Carmarthen and D. of Leeds. Feb. 14. Thos., E. of Pembroke and Mont- gomery. May 18. Chas., D. of Somerset. June 28. QUEEN ANNE. Thos., E. of Pembroke and Mont- gomery, again. July 14. John, lord Somers. Nov. 25. Laurence, E. of Rochester. 21. - John, D. of Normanby and Bucking- Sept. hamshire. June 14. KING GEORGE I. Daniel, E. of Nottingham. Sept. 22. Lionel Cranfield, E., aft. D. of Dorset. Jan. 3. Wm., D. of Devonshire. July 5. Chas., E. of Sunderland. Mar. 16. Evelyn, D. of Kingston. Feb. 6. Chas., visc. Townshend. June 11. Hy., lord Carleton. June 25. Wm., D. of Devonshire, again. Mar. 27. ISING GEORGE II. D. of Devonshire, contal. Thos., lord Trevor. May 8. Spencer, E. of Wilmington. Dec. 31 Wm., E. of Harrington. Feb. 13. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset again. Jan. 3. John, E. Granville. June 17. KING GEORGE III. E. Granville, contal. John, D. of Bedford. Sept. 9. Daniel, E. of Winchilsea and Not- tingham. July 12. Robt., E. of Northington. July 30. Granville Leveson, E. Gower. Dec 22. Hy., E. Bathurst. Nov. 24. Chas., la, Camden. Mar. 27. David, visc. Stormont. Apr. 2. Granville Leveson, E. Gower, again. Dec. 19 ; aft. M. of Stafford. Chas., ld. Camden, again, Dec. 1; aft. E. Camden. Wm. Wentworth, E. Fitzwilliam. July 11. David, E. of Mansfield. Dec. 17. John, E. of Chatham. Dec. 21. Wm. Hy.,4th D. of Portland July 30. Hy., visc. Sidmouth. Jan. 14. John Jeffreys, E. Camden. July 10. Wm. Wentworth, E. Fitzwilliam, again. Feb. 19. 1806. 1807, 1812. 1820. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1837. 1841. 1846. 1867. 1868. 1873. 1874. 1880. 1883. 1885. 1884. 1886. Hy., visc. Sidmouth, again. Oct. 8. John, E. Camden, aft. M. Camden, again. Mar. 26. Hy., visc. Sidmouth, again. April 8. Dudley Ryder, E. of Harrowby. June 11. RING GEORGE IV. E. of Harrowby, contal. Wm. Hy., 5th D. of Portland. Aug. 17. Hy., E. Bathurst. Jan. 28. FCING WILLIAM IV. E. Bathurst, contal. Hy., M. of Lansdowne. Nov. 22. Jas., E. of Rosslyn. Dec. 15. Hy., M. of Lansdowne, again. Apr. 18. QUEEN VICTORIA. M. of Lansdowne, contal. Jas., ld. Wharncliffe. Sept. 3. Walter Francis, D. of Buccleuch. Jan. 21. Hy., M. of Lansdowne, again. July 6. . Wm., E. of Lonsdale. Feb. 27. Granville Geo., E. Granville. Dec. 28. Lord John Russell. June 12. Granville Geo., E. Granville, again. Feb. 8. Jas. Brownlow Wm., M. of Salis- bury. Feb. 24. . Granville Geo., E. Granville, R. G., again. June 18. Richd. Plantagenet Campbell Tem- ple Nugent Brydges Chandos, D. of Buckingham and Chandos. July 6. John Winston, D. of Marlborough. Mar. 8. Geo. Fredk. Saml., E. de Grey and Ripon. Dec. 9 Hy. Austin Bruce, Aug. 9; cr. ld. Aberdare Aug. 20, G. Chas. Hy. , D. of Richmond, K.G. Feb. 21. John Poyntz, E. Spencer, K.G. April 28. Chichester Parkinson, ld. Carling- ford. Mar. 19. Gathorne, visc. 24. John Poyntz, E. Spencer, again. Feb. 6. Gathorne, visc. Cranbrook, G.C.S.I., again. Aug. 3. Cranbrook. June THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 189 PRIVY COUNCILLORS. THE number of the council was anciently about twelve, when it dis- charged the functions of state, now confined to the members of the cabinet ; but it had grown to an unwieldy size before 1679, in which year it was remodelled upon Sir William Temple's plan, and reduced to thirty members. The number is now unlimited, but no members attend unless specially summoned. The members are selected by the sovereign, and are, or ought to be, distinguished by high office, wisdom, and political experience. The council includes the principal ministers of the crown, some of the judges, many diplomatists, and peers and commoners whose services to the state and whose position in it, whether past or present, render them eligible to advise upon public affairs. A privy councillor, even though a commoner only, is styled “right honourable,” and has precedence of all knights, baronets, and the younger sons of barons and viscounts. He is admitted a member upon taking the oath prescribed by law, and forthwith takes his seat at the board, according to his rank. PRIvy CouncILLORs. The first names on this list are those of the persons who formed the privy council of Charles II. at the period of the Commonwealth. They were sworn at councils held at the Hague, at Breda, and elsewhere, and were not re-sworn at the Restoration. 1649. The following privy councillors are named Sir Richd. Lane, ld, kpr., sw. at in the records; but there is no mention the Hague, May 13. of the times when they were sworn. Fras., ld, Cottington, ld, trease., JAMES, D. OF YORK, aft. K. James same time and place. II. John, ld. Culpeper (Colepeper), m. HY., D. OF GLOUCESTER. rolls. Jas., M. of Ormond. Ralph, ld. Hopton, same time and Geo., E. of Bristol. place. e Murrough, E. of Inchiquin. Sir Edwd. Hyde, ch. ex., same time Thos., ld. Wentworth. and place; aft. li. chanc. and E. Hy., ld. Jermyn, aft. E. of St. of Clarendon. * Albans. Robt. Long, Sec. to his majesty, May 14. * g Pań. E. of Brentford (county of The king first sat at a council held at Middlesex) and Forth (in Scot- Canterbury, May 27, 1660, when were land), sw. at Peronme, July 12. SQUO7°)? : Sir Edwd. Nicholas, sec. st. to his late majesty, sw. at Jersey, Oct. 4. He became sec. St. to Charles II., and was again sw. of the council in 1660. 1650. Geo., D. of Buckingham, sw. at Breda, Apr. 6. Wm., M. of Newcastle, same time and place. Wm., D. of Hamilton, sw. at Breda, Apr. 7. Sir Geo. Monk, genl, of all the forces in the three kingdoms, and m. horse, made D. of Albemarle, July 7, 1660. - Thos., E. of Southampton, made lá. treasp., Sept. following. Sir Wim. Morrice, sec. st. Sir Anthy. Ashley Cooper, bt., cr. ld. Ashley, Apr. 1661; and baron Cooper and E. of Shaftesbury, Apr. 1772; la, chanc., Nov., same year. Struck from the list, May 19, 1674. 190 TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. THE RESTORATION. 1660. May 31. Wm., M. of Hertford, sw. in London. Algernon, E. of Northumberland. Robt., E. of Leicester. Thos., E. of Berkshire. Fras., ld. Seymour. Arthur Annesley, aft. baron Annesley, in Ireland, and E. of Anglesey, in Wales, sw. of the council, and obtained these honours in reward of his ser- vices for the king's restoration. Susp. from the office of treasr. of the Navy, Nov. 1668; made lá. pr. seal, Apr. 1673. Montagu, E. of Lindsey, ld. gr. chambn. of England. Edwd., E. of Manchester, ld. chambn. Geo., E. of Norwich. Hy., E. of St. Albans, late lă. Jermyn ; sat as a pr. councillor before being re-sw., May 31, this year; amb. to France. Wm., visc. Say and Sele. John, lord Robartos, of Truro, aft. visc. Bodmin and E. of Radnor ; ld. pr. seal, May 1661. Denzil Holles, cr. baron Holles, Apr. 1661. Struck from the list, Jam. 7, 1675. Col. Chas. Howard. Gen. Edwd., ld. Montagu, K.G., cr. baron Montagu, of St. Neot's, visc. Hinchinbroke, and E. of Sandwich, July following. Rilled in the great sea-fight with the Dutch fleet off Southwold bay, May 28, 1672. Sir Fredk. Cornwallis, knt. and bt., treasy. hnold. ; cr. lord Cornwallis, Apr. 1661. Sir Chas. Berkeley, comptr. hhold., cr. visc. Fitzhardinge, 1665. July 11, Sir Geo. Carteret, knt. and bt., v. chambn. Aug. 27. Hy., M. of Dorchester. 1661. of Lauderdale, Sec. aft. D. of June 1. June 2. June 14. July 6. Jan. 2. John, E. : st. for Scotland, Lauderdale. June 28. Wm., E. of Glencairn, ld, chanc. of Scotland. Sept. 13. Richd., 1d. Vaughan and E. of Carberry, ld, pres, of Wales. 1662. Jan. 29. Christr., ld. Hatton, made gov. of Jersey. Sir Hugh Pollard, comptr. hold. Apr. 3. Jerome, E. of Portland. Sir Wm. Compton. His highness pr. RUPERT, adm. of the council without being Sworn, as a near relative of the king's. Geo., D. of Buckingham. John, E. of Middleton, H.M. high commr. for Scotland. Apr. 28. Oct. 15. Sir Hy. Bennet, sec. st. ; cr. ld. Arlington, Mar. 1663; and E. of Arlington, Apr. 1672. 1663. Apr. 3. Gilbert Sheldon, bp. of Lon- don; transl. to Canterbury, Aug. 1663. Wm. Juxon, abp. of Canterbury. John, ld. Berkeley, of Stratton, ld. lieut. of Ireland in 1670. John, E. of Bath, gr. stole. Sir Richd. Fanshawe, knt. and Apr. 6. June 17. July 26. Oct. 2. bt., one of the masters of requests. Nov. 4. John, E. of Rothes, H. M. high commr. for Scotland. Dec. 9. Humphrey Henchman, bp. of : London. - 1664. Aug. 17. Sir Thos. Ingram, chanc. d. Lanc. 1665. May 26. Roger, E. of Orrery, late lă. just. in Ireland. 1666. Apr. 11. Wm., E. of Craven. June 13. Thos., E. of Ossory. Dec. 5. Sir Thos. Clifford, kt. comptr. hhold; cr. lord Clifford, Apr. 1672, and made treas., 28th same month. Dec. 12. Robt., E. of Lindsey, ld. gr. chambn. of England. 1667. Feb. 13. John, E. of Bridgewater. May 22. Sir John Duncombe, a commr. of the treas. and ch. ex. Sept. 4. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, sw. a pr. councillor and lå. kpr., at the same time. 1668. July 1. Fras., lord Newport, comptr. hhold. ; cr. visc. Newport, Mar. 1675, and E. of Bradford, May 1694. Sept. 29. Sir John Trevor, sec. st. - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 191 1670. Sir Thos. Chicheley, m. g. ordn. Hy., E. of Ogle. Became D. of Newcastle, succeeding his father, in 1676. June 10. June 15. 1671. Aubrey de Vere, E. of Oxford. JAMEs, duke of MONMOUTH, natural son to the king. Jan. 5. Apr. 29. 1672. Ralph Montagu, mast. gr. wardr. Sir Robert Carr, knt. and bt., chanc. d. Lanc. Hy., M. of Worcester, ld. pres. of Wales. Arthur E. of Essex, app. li. lieut. of Ireland. Thos., visc. Fauconberg. Geo. visc. Halifax. Struck from the list Jan. 7, 1675. Sir Thos., Osborne, treasr. of the navy; cr. visc. Latimer, Aug. 1673; E. of Danby, June, 1674; made lá, treasr. of England. Cr. M. of Carmarthen, Apr., 1689, and D. of Leeds, May 1694. Hy. Coventry, sec. St. Sir Robt. Long, bt. Wm., ld. Maynard, hhold. Jan. 2. Feb. 14. Apr. 17. May 3. July 3. Nov. 29. comptr. 1673. Jas., E. of Northampton. Edwd. Seymour, aft. Sir E., bt., sp. ho. commons. Mar. 7. Apr. 9. Nov. 12. Sir Heneage Finch, bt., ld, kpr. ; cr. Id. Finch, of Daventry, Jan. 1674; and E. of Notting- ham, May 1681. Made la, chanc. of England, Dec. 1675. 1674. Robt., E. of Sunderland, sec. st. in 1679. Alex., E. of Kincardine. Struck from the list, Ang. 1676. Hy., E. of Peterborough. Sir Jos. Williamson, sec. st. Wm., E. of Strafford. May 27. June 3. July 10. Sept. 11. Dec. 4. 1675. Giles Strangways. Geo. Morley, bp. of Winchester. Christr., D. of Albemarle. June 23. July 21. Oct. 15. 1676. Hy. Compton, bp. of London. Nathl., ld. Crew, bp. of Dur- ham. Sir John Ernle (Ernley), ch. €X. Jam. 21. Apr. 26. May 10. 1678. Wm. Sancroft, abp. of Canter- bury. Geo., ld. Berkeley. Robt., E. of Ailesbury. 1679. Jas., E. of Salisbury. Hy., E. of Clarendon, ld. lieut. of Ireland in 1685. Feb. 6. July 17. Oct. 10. Jan. 3. Jan. 8. On the 21st April, 1679, His Majesty King Charles II. was pleased to dissolve the whole of the privy council, and in their room to choose thirty privy councillors, principally selected out of the old list. This number was not in future to be exceeded, with the exception only of such persons as were to be privy councillors ea officio, as the lord president, the secretary of state for Scotland, the princes of the blood, &c., who were not reckoned in the thirty. Conformably with this order the following were sworn at the council board:— 1679. Apr. 21. His Highness Pr. RUPERT. Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury, as là. pres. His name again struck from the list Oct. 15 following. Heneage, lord Finch, ld, chanc. of England. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, ld, pr. seal. Christr., D. of Albemarle, capt. of the life guards. JAS., D. of MONMOUTH, m. horse. Beheaded on Tower Hill for rebellion against king James, in 1685. Chas., M. of Winchester. Hy., E. of Arlington, ld, chambn. hbold. Jas., E. of Salisbury. Struck from the list, Jan. 18, 1681. John, E. of Bridgewater. Robt., E. of Sunderland, sec. st. Struck out Jan. 24, 1681 Readin. 192 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Sept. 20, 1682; decl. 1d. pres,. Dec. 4, 1685. Apr. 21. Arthur, E. of Essex, first là. of the treas. Struck from the list, Jam. 24, 1681. John, E. of Bath, gr. stole. Geo., visc. Halifax, cr. E. of Halifax, July, 1679, and M. of Halifax, Aug. 1682; decl. 1d. pres, in the next reign. Struck from the list Oct. 21, 1685. Hy. Compton, bp. of London. Struck from the list, Dec. 23, 1685. John, lord Robartes, cr. Visc. Bodmin and E. of Radnor, July following; decl. 1d. pres., Oct. 24, 1679. Wm., lord Russell. Beheaded in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields, July 21, 1683. Wm., lord Cavendish. Hy. Coventry, sec. of St. Sir Fras. North, ld, ch. just. c. p.; made la, kpr., Dec. 1682. Sir Hy. Capel. , K.R., commr. of the admy. Sir John Ernle (Ernley), ch, ex. Sir Thos. Chicheley, mast. Ordn. Struck from the list, March 2, 1687. - Sir Wm. Temple, bt. Struck from the list, Jam. 24, 1681. Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt. Hy. Powle, aft. m. rolls. first 1679. Apr. 22. Wm. Samcroft, abp. of Canter- Apr. 27. June 24. Nov. 19. Feb. 4. bury. John, D. of Lauderdale, sec. St. for Scotland. IIy., M. of Worcester, cr. D. of Beaufort, Nov. 1682. Thos., visc. Fauconberg, cr. E. of Fauconberg, Apr. 1689. Hy., D. of Newcastle. Denzil, lord Holles. Laurence Hyde, first commi. of the treag. ; cr. E. of Rochester, Nov. 1682; decl. Id. pres., Aug. 24, 1684; lá. treasr. in the next reign. 1680. Danl. Finch, first commr. of the admy. ; succ. as E. of Not- tingham, and aft. as E. of Winchilsea. Struck from the list, Mar. 12, 1695. Sidney Godolphin, a commr. of the treas. ; cr. lord Godolphin, Sept. 1684, and made first ld. of the treas. Feb. 11. Apr. 16. May 26 Oct. 15. Jan. 26. Feb. 2. Mar. 9. Mar. 3. May 23. June 29. Dec. 22. Feb. 28. Oct. 4. July 11. Jan. 7. Feb. 9. Mar. 27. May 15. July 24. July 31. Oct. 16. Oct. 21. Oct. 30. Sir Leoline Jenkins, judge of the St. Thos., E. of Ossory, late ld, just. in Ireland ; admiral. Hy., E. of Clarendon, app. la. lieut. of Ireland in 1685. Sir Robt. Carr, knt. and bt., chanc. d. Lanc. 1681. Aubrey, E. of Oxford. Dhilip, E. of Chesterfield, ld. warden and ch. just. in eyre on this side Trent. , Robt., E. of Ailesbury, aft. , chambn. to king James II. Edwd., E. of Conway, sec. st. Wm., E. of Craven. 1682. Adm. Geo. Legge, cr. 1d. Dart- mouth, Nov. 2, following. Jas., D. of Ormond, ld. steward; ld. lieut. of Ireland. ld. Robt., E. of Lindsey, ld. gr. chambn. of England. Sir Fras. Pemberton, knt., ld, ch. just. of k. b. Struck from the list, Oct. 24, 1683 1683. Theophilus, E. of Huntingdon. Hy., E. of Peterborough. Sir Geo. Jeffreys, ld, ch. just. k. b. ; cr. Id. Jeffreys, and made ld. chanc., Oct. 1685. 1684. Alexr., E. of Moray, Id. pr. Seal of Scotland. Chas., E. of Middleton, made sec. St. 1685. John Drummond. KING JAMES II. 1685. GEORGE., pr. of DENMARK ; intro- duced to the council, not sworn ; Consort of the princess Anne. Cr. 1d. Wokingham, E. of Kendal, and D, of Cumberland, Apr. 9, 1689. Wm., D. of Queensberry, ld. high commit, for Scotland. Jas., E. of Perth, ld, chanc. of Scotland. Hy., D. of Newcastle, John, E. of Mulgrave, ld. chambn. Oct. this year. Geo., E. Berkeley. Sir Edwd. Herbert, ld. ch. just. k. b. Richd., visc. Preston. Thos., E. of Plymouth. high court of admy., made sec. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 193 1686. Jan. 8. Nathl, ld. Crewe, bp. of Durham, TO-SW. July 17. Wm., E. of Powis, cr. M. of Powis next year. He was cr. M. of Montgomery and D. of Powis by the king after his abdication, but these titles were never allowed in England. Hy., ld. Arundel, of Wardour, Sw, ld, pr. seal, Mar. 1687. John, ld. Belasyse. Hy., ld. Dover. Oct. 8. Richd., E. of Tyrconnell, ld. lieut. of Ireland. Roger, E. of Castlemaine, amb. to the pope. Oct. 14. Wm., D. of Hamilton. Sir Nichs. Butler. Edwd. Petre. Many of the lords and gentlemen sworn of the council in this reign were Roman Catholics. Nov. 11. WILLIAM and MARY. Upon the accession of their majesties the Jollowing persons were sworn of the privy council. 1689. Feb. 14. Hy., D. of Norfolk, earl marsh. and hered. marsh. of England. Chas., M. of Winchester, cr. D. of Bolton, Apr. this year. Geo., M. of Halifax, made la. pr. seal Feb. 19. Struck from the list, June 23, 1692. Robt., E. of Lindsey, chambn. of England. Wm., E. of Devonshire, ld, stewd., cr. M. of Hartington and D. of Devonshire, May 1694. Chas., E. of Dorset, ld, chambn. Aubrey, E. of Oxford. Chas., E. of Shewsbury, sec. st. Struck from the list, June 23, 1692. Wm., E. of Bedford, cr. M. of Tavistock and D. of Bedford, May 12, 1684. Chas., E. of Macclesfield. Thos., visc. Fauconberg. Chas., visc. Mordaunt, first commr. treasy., Apr. following; cr. E. of Monmouth, same time. Struck from the list, Jam. 21, 1696. Fras., visc. Newport, treasT. h.hold., cr. E. of Bradford, May 1694. ld. gr. Richd., lord Lumley (visc. Lumley, in Ireland), gent. bed-ch., cr. visc. Lumley, of England, Apr. following, and E. of Scarborough, Apr. 1690. Feb. 14. Hy. Compton, bp. of London, dean of the chapel. Ralph, ld. Montagu, mast. gr. wardr. ; cr. visc. Monthermer and E. of Montagu, Apr. this year; D. of Montagu, Apr. 1705. Hy., ld. de la Mere, ch. ex. ; cr. E. of Warrington. Apr. 1690. John, ld. Churchill, gen. ; cr. E. of Marlborough, Apr. 1689. Struck from the list, June 23, 1692. Aft. cr. M. of Blandford and D. of Marlborough. See year 1698. } Wm. Bentinck, gr. stole, cr. ld. Cirencester, visc. Woodstock, and E. of Portland, Apr. 1689. Hy. Sydney, gent. bed-ch., cr. ld. , and visc. Sydney, Apr. 1689; la, lieut. of Ireland in 1692; E. of Romney, May 1694. Sir Robt. Howard. Sir Hy. Capel, commit. treasy., cr. ld. Capel, Apr. 1692; aft. li. dep. in Ireland. Hy. Powle, sp. ho. commons. Edwd. Russell, adm., first là. admy., May, 1614; cr. ld. Shingay, visc. Barfleur, and E. of Orford, May 1697. Richd. Hampden, commr. treasy. Hugh Boscawen, cr. lord Bos- cawen and visc. Falmouth, June, 1720. Thos. Wharton, aft. la. Whar- ton, compt. hthold. ; cr. visc. Winchendon and E of Wharton Dec. 1706, and visc. Malmes- bury and M. of Wharton, Jan. 1715; ld. pr. seal, 1714. In 1709, he was app. la. lieut. of Ireland, of which kingdom he became baron of Trim, E. of Rathfarnham, and M. of Cat- herlo 4h. Sir John Lowther, of Lowther, bt., v. chamb.; cr. li. Low- ther and visc. Lonsdale. May, 1696; lá. pr. seal, May 1699. Feb. 26. Arthur Herbert, first comme. admy., cr. 1d. Torbay and E. of Torrington, May following. Struck from the list, June 23, 1692. Mar. 8. Wm. Harbord, in 1692. Apr. 25. Fredk., D. of Schomberg, field- marsh. ; mast. gen, ordn. Feb. 19. amb. to Turkey 13 194 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Sep. 26. Sir John Holt, bt., ld, ch. just. k. b. Oct. 14. Thos., E. of Pembroke and Mont- Feb. 13. June 3. Nov. 20. Jan, 1. May 7. June 4. Mar. 1. 1Mar. 17. Mar. 23. Apr. 13. Mar. 4. May 3. May 10. gomery, first commr. admy., Jan. 1690; la, pr. seal, Mar. 1692; la, pres., May 18, 1699; and again ld. pres., July 9, 1702. 1690. Sir Hy. Goodricke, bt., gen. Ordn. Chas., M. of Winchester, cr. D. of Bolton, Feb. 1698. Sidney, ld. Godolphin, first commr. treasy., ld, treaSr. in 1702; cr. visc. Rialton and E. of Godolphin, Dec. 1706. lieut. 1691. Sir John Trevor, sp. ho. commons, prev. and subs. m. rolls. John, E. of Bridgewater. John Tillotson, abp. of Canter- bury. 1692. Laurence, E. of Rochester, ld. lieut. of Ireland, in 1701. Richd., E. of Ranelagh, paym. of the forces. Chas., ld. Cornwallis, first commr. admy. Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt., commr. treasy. Anthy., visc. Falkland, commr. admy. Robt., ld. Lexinton. 1693. Sir John Somers, ld. kpr. ; cr. Id. Somers and made lá, chanc., Dec. 1697. Sir John Trenchard, sec. st. Thos., ld. Coningsby, of Ireland, late ld, just, in that kingdom; aft. 1d. Coningsby, of Lincoln, and E. of Coningsby. Struck from the list, Nov. 7, 1724. 1694, Chas., E. of Shrewsbury, sec. st.; cr. M. of Alton and D. of Shrewsbury, Apr. following. John, M. of Normanby. Struck from the list, Mar. 12, 1695. Chas., visc. Dursley, succ. as E. Berkeley. Thos., E. of Stamford. Chas. Montague, ch. ex., first là. treasy., May 1697; cr. Id. Halifax, Dec. 1700. RING WILLIAM III., ALONE. Jan. 31. May 3. May 5. May 23. Apr. 9. Nov. 19. Nov. 25. Dec. 5. May 18. June 9. June 19. May 21. Nov. 5. Mar. 27. June 19. June 28. Jan. 1, Jan. 8. 1695. Thos. Tennyson, abp. of Canter- bury. Sir Wrm. Trumbull, sec. st. Meinhardt, D. of Schomberg, comm. in ch. Ford, E. of Tankerville, aft. first commr. treasy. and ld. pr. Seal. Peregrine Bertie, v. chambn. John Smith, commr. treasy., aft. ch. ex. and sp. ho. commons. 1696. Jas., D. of Ormond, aft. comm. in ch. Sir Jos. Williamson, app., with the E. of Pembroke and visc. Williers, plen. to treat for peace with France. 1697. Edwd., E of Jersey, app. la. just. of Ireland; aft. ld.chambn. to the king; sec. st. 1700. Jas. Vernon, sec. St. 1698. Robt., ld. Ferrers, cr. visc. Tam- worth and E. Ferrers, July 1711. Chas., E. of Manchester, cr. D. of Manchester, Apr. 1719. John, E. of Marlborough, cr. M. of Blandford and D. of Marl- borough, Dec. 1702. His name had been removed from the list of pr. councillors, June 23, 1692; but it was now restored, and he re-sworn. See year 1689. 1700. Sir Nathan Wright, ld, kpr. Sir Chas. Hedges, sw. a second time; sec. St., May 2, 1702. 1701. Hy. Boyle, ch. ex: ; sec. st., Feb. 1708. Robt., E. of Lindsey, ld. gr. chambn. of England; cr. M. of Lindsey, Dec. 1706, and D. of Ancaster and Kesteven, July 1715. Chas., E. of Carlisle, earl marsh. during minority of Thos., D. of Norfolk, the hered. earl marsh. of England. Chas., D. of Somerset, ld, pres. 1702. Chas. Bodville, E. of Radnor. Chas, , E. of Burlington. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 195 QUEEN ANNE. 1702. Apr. 21. John, M. of Normanby, ld, pr. seal ; cr. D. of Buckinghamsh. and D. of Normanby, Mar. 1703. Montagu, E. of Abingdon, const. T. Lond. Sir John Leveson Gower, chanc. d. Lanc.; cr. ld. Gower, of Sittenham, Mar. 1703. John How, aft. joint paym. gen, of the forces. May 2. Danl., E. of Nottingham sec. st. May 21. Geo., E. of Northampton. June 18. Thos., visc. Weymouth. Wm., ld, Dartmouth, cr. visc. Lewisham and E. of Dartmouth, Sept. 1711. Hon. John Granville, ld. wilen. stamns. ; cr. ld. Granville, Mar. 1703. Sir Thos. Trevor, ch. just. c. p.; cr. 1d. Trevor, of Bromham, Dec. 1711. Nov. 19. Sir Geo. Rooke, v. adm. of Eng- land. Dec. 10, John, ld. Poulett, cr. visc. Hin- ton and E. Poulett, Dec. 1706. 1703. Mar. 20. John Sharp, abp. of York. Thos., E. of Thanet. Heneage, ld. Guernsey; cr. E. of Aylesford, Oct. 1714, and made chanc. d. Lanc. 1704. Apr. 27. Hy., E, of Kent, ld, chambn. ; cr. visc. Goderick, E. of Harold, and M. of Kent, Dec. 1706. Robt. Harley, sp. ho. commons; Sec. St., May following ; cr. E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer, May 1711. Thos. Mansell, compt. hbold.; cr. ld. Mansell, Dec. 1711. 1705. Mar. 29. J ". D. of Newcastle, ld, pr. Sea, i. Chas., E. of Peterborough, gen. Hugh, visc. Cholmondeley, in Ire- land; cr. visc. Malpas and E. of Cholmondeley, Dec. 1706; aft. treast. hthold. May 3. Thos. Erle, lt. gen. ordn. Oct. 11. Wm. Cowper, ld, kpr. ; cr. 1d. Cowper, of Wingham, and E. Cowper; lil. chanc., May 1711. 1706. June 10. Thos., E. of Derby, chanc, d. Lanc. Dec. 3. Chas., E. of Sunderland, sec. st., appd. ld, lieut. of Ireland in 1714, but never went over; first ld. treasy., Mar. 1718. Dec. 5. Thos. Coke, v. chambn. ; aft. Id. Lovel, visc. Coke, and E. of Leicester. 1707. Sept. 8. Wm., D. of Devonshire, ld. St. hhold. 1708. June 26. Evelyn, M. of Dorchester, cr. D. of Kingston, July 1715. . Hy., E. of Bindon, dep. earl marsh. - of England; first là. tr., 1715. Aug. 18. John, E. of Mar, sec. St. for Scot- land. Chas., visc. Townshend, aft. Sec. St. Jas., D. of Queensbury, now Sec. st. for Scotland. Jas., E. of Seafield, late la. high treasr, for Scotland; succ. as E. of Findlater; last là. chanc. of Scotland. Jas., D. of Montrose, late Id. high adm. of Scotland. Richd., E. Rivers, gen. Algernon, E. of Essex. Hugh, E. of Loudoun, one of the commrs. for the union with Scotland; li. kpr. in that king- dom. Oct. 6. Now, 25. 1709. John, D. of Argyle (Argyll), genl. cr. bar. of Chatham and E. of Greenwich, Nov. 1705, and D. of Greenwich, Apr. 1719. John, D. of Roxburgh. Sir John Holland, compt. hthold. Edwd., E. of Orford. 1710. Richd., E. of Bradford. Sir Thos. Parker, ld, ch. just. q. b. ; cr. ld. Parker, Mar. 1716, and made la. chanc., May 1718; visc. Parker and E. of Macclesfield, Nov. 1721. Struck from the list, May 31, 1725, having previously (Jan. 4, 1725) surr. the seal. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., sp. ho. commons; ch. ex., Oct. 1714. John, E. of Anglesey, v. treas]'. in Ireland; d. Sept. following. Sept. 21. Hy. St. John, late sec. at war, now sw. Sec. st. ; aft. li. St. John, of Battersea, and visc. St. John and visc. Bolingbroke. Sir Simon Harcourt, ld. kpr. ; cr. ld. Harcourt, of Stanton-Har- court; lil. chanc. in 1713; visc., Sept. 1721. Hy., ld. Hyde, joint v. treasr. of Ireland; succ. as E. of Clarendon and Rochester, in 1723. Feb. 3. Mar. 3. June 2. Nov. 8. Feb. 18. Mar. 30. June 15. July 10. Oct. 19. 13 * isé THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Oct. 19. Arthur, E. of Anglesey, brother of the late John, made joint v. treasr. of Ireland in his room. 1711. Chas., E., of Orrery, app. env, ex. to the States General, and to the council of state in the Low Countries. Geo., E. of Orkney, gen. Wm., M. of Annandale, ld, high commr. to the kirk of Scotland; ld. kpr. pr. Seal in that king- dom in 1715. Chas., E. of Winchilsea; d. the next year. Robt. Benson, ch. ex: ; cr. ld. Bingley, July 1713; sent amb. to Spain. Hy. Paget, capt. yeom. ga. ; cr. ld. Burton, vità patris, Dec. following ; succ. his father as ld. Paget, 1713; cr. E. of Uxbridge, 1714. Thos., ld. Raby, amb. to the States General; cr. visc. Went- worth and E. of Strafford, Sept. following ; first là. admy., Sept. 1712. Wm. Bromley, sp. ho. commons; aft. Sec. st. º John Robinson, bp. of Bristol, ld. pr. Seal ; tr. to London; plen. at Utrecht. Edwd., E. of Clarendon. Archd., E. of Islay, ld, just. gen. of Scotland; succ. his brother as D. of Argyle (Argyll), Oct. 1743. * . Wm., ld. North and Grey, made gov. of Portsmouth. 1712. John, D. of Atholl, extry, ld. of sess. ; comm. in ch, of all the land forces in Scotland. Geo., ld. Lansdowne of Bideford, t] easy, hbold. David, E. of Portmore, gen., gov. of Gibraltar. John Hill, brigadier, lieut. gen. ordn. Fras., ld. Guilford. 1713. Geo., D. of Northumberland. Sir John Stonehouse, bt., compt. hhold. Sir Wm. Wyndham, bt., ch. ex. Feb. 9. Mar. 1. Apr. 19. June 14. June 23. Sept. 3. Dec. 13. Apr. 17. Aug. 18. Oct. 20. Dec. 11. Apr. 7. Nov. 1. RING GEORGE I. 1714. Sept. 22. GEO. pr. of WALES (aft. George II.), introd., not sw. : Sept. 22. Sir Wim. Dawes, bt., abp. of York. . Sept. 27. Jas. Stanhope, sec. st., first là. treasy., &c., Apr. 1717; cr. lá. and visc. Stanhope, July 1717; | and E. Stanhope, Apr. 1718. Oct. 1. Robt. Walpole, aft. Sir R., paym. of the forces ; cr. Id. Hough- ton, visc. Walpole, and E. of Orford, Feb. 1742. Filled va- rious offices in the state, and was upwards of twenty - one years prime minister. Oct. 29. John, E. of Stair, ambass. to France. - Paul Methuen, commº. of the treasy., amb. to Spain; sec. St., July 1716. * Nov. 16. Lionel, E. of Dorset, ld, widen. of Cinque Ports, and gov. of Dover castle ; decl. 1d. pres., Jan. 1715; D. of Dorset, June 1720. Hy., E. of Uxbridge, capt. yeom. gd. Nov. 22. Hy., ld. Carleton, decl. 1d. pres. June 25, 1721. 1715. Mar. 29. Sir Peter King, ld, ch. just. c. p., cr. ld. King, and made lă. chanc., June 1, 1725. Aug. 31. Chas., D. of Grafton, app. 1d. just. Ireland. Sept. 23. Hy., E. of Galway, app. lá. just. Ireland. Oct. 26. Jas., E of Derby, capt. yeom, gd, Hy., E. of Lincoln, paym. forces. 1716. Jan. 20. Wm. Wake, abp. of Canterbury. July 6. Chas., E. of Tankerville. Richd., ld. Cobham, const. of Windsor Castle, and kpr. of the parks, forests, and warrens there; cr. visc. Cobham, May 17 8. - Spencer Compton, sp. ho. com- mons ; cr. ld. Wilmington, Jan. 1728; and visc. Pevensey and E. of Wilmington, May 1730; decl. 1d. pres., Dec. 31, same year ; first ld. treasy., Feb. 1742. Wm. Pulteney, sec. at war. Struck from the last July, 1, 1731. See 3year 1742. - July 12. John Aislabie, treasr. navy ; ch. ex., Mar. 1718. Struck from the list some time between Sept. 13, 1720, and May 21, 1722. - * * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 197 Mar. 2. Mar. 30. Apr. 16. July 31. Nov. 27. Feb. 13. Mar. 16. Mar. 31. July 1. Oct. 9. May 9. Mar. 22. Jan. 3. JNov. 11. May 9. May 26. May 29. 4. 1717. John Smith, tell. ex. Thos., ld. Torrington, commr. treasy. Wm., ld. Cadogan, gen. of all H. M.'s foot forces; cr. E. of Cadogan, May 1718. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. of New- castle, ld, chambn. ; filled various high offices in the state; first ld. treasy., Mar. 18, 1754. Thos., E. of Westmoreland, ch. just. in eyre of H. M.'s forests south of the Trent ; first commr. of tr. and plant., May 1719. Jas., E. of Berkeley, first là. admy. Jos. Addison, sec. st. Sir Jos. Jekyll, m. rolls. Geo., E. of Halifax. 1718. Robt., E. of Holdermesse, first commr. of tr. and plant. Jas. Craggs, jun., sec. St. Richd. Hampden, treasr. navy. Sir Nichs. Lechmere, att.-gen. ; made chanc. d. Lanc.; cr. ld. Lechmere, Aug. 1721. Sir John Pratt, ld, ch. just. k. b. 1719. Chas. Wills, lt. gen, ordn. 1720. Wm., E. of Coventry. 1721. John, E. of Sutherland. Sir Geo. Byng, adm. ; cr. ld. Byng, of Southill, and visc. Torrington, Sept. following. 5. John, ld, Carteret, sec. st. ; app ld. lieut. of Ireland, 1724; succ. as E. Granville, Oct. 1744; lá. pres., June 17, 1751. Jas., D. of Chandos. David, E. of Portmore. Chas., ld. Cornwallis, late joint postm. gen. ; d. the next year. 1722. Sir Robt. Sutton, amb. Succes- sively to Constantinople, to Holland, and to France. 1723. Fras., E. of Godolphin, gr. stole. Edmd. Gibson, bp. of London. Jas., E. of Findlater. 1724. Jan. 23. Peregrine, D. of Ancaster and Resteven, ld, gr. chambn. of England. Dec. 10. Lancelot Blackburn, abp. of | York. 1725. Apr. 12. Sir Robt. Raymond, ld. ch. just, k. b. 3 cr. ld. Raymond, Jam. 1731. June 1. Chas., D. of Bolton, const. T. Lond. Danl., ld. Finch, compt. hold.; succ. as E. of Winchilsea and Nottingham on his father’s de- cease in 1730; lil. pres. July 12, 1765. Sir Robt. Eyre, ld, ch. just. C. p. Hy. Pelham, sec. at war.; paym. gen. in 1730; first là, treasy., Aug. 1743. Mr. Pelham was the head of the celebrated “ Broad-Bottom " administra- tion. 1726. Mar. 11. Thos., ld. Trevor, ld, pr. Seal. May 31. Chas., D. of Queensberry and Dover, v. adm. of Scotland. Alexr., E. of Marchmont. Nov. 4. Hy., visc. Lonsdale, const. T. Lond. 1727. May 31. Wm. Stanhope, v. chambn. ; cr. ld. Harrington, Dec. 1729; ld. pres., Feb. 13, 1742. KING GEORGE II. 1727. June 15. Richd., E. of Scarborough, m. horse. July 5. Hy., E. of Grantham, ld, chambm. to the queen. July 17. John, D. of Rutland, chanc. d. Lanc. J p Aug. 5. Talbot, E. of Sussex, dep. earl marsh. g 1728. Feb. 26. Philip, E. of Chesterfield, app. amb. to France ; ld. lieut. of Ireland, 1745. June 25. Arthur Onslow, sp. ho. commons. Dec. 18. FREDK., prince of WALES, introd. , not SW. 1729. May 15. Richd., E. of Burlington, aft. capt, gent. pens. 198 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1730. John, ld. Hervey, v. chambn.; cr., vità patris, ld. Hervey, of Ickworth, June 1733. June 11. Robt. 1d. Bingley, treasr, hbold. Sir Conyers D'Arcy, compt. hhold. Sir Wm. Strickland, bt., sec. at May 8, W9I’. Sept. 12, Horatio Walpole, coffr, hbold.; cr. ld. Walpole, of Woolterton, June 1756. 1731. June 12. Wm., D. of Devonshire, ld. pr. seal ; liq. lieut. of Ireland in 1737. John, ld. de la Warr, treasr. hhold. Nov. 29. John, E. of Leicester, const. T. Lond. 1732. May 4. Hon. Pattee Byng, treasr. navy; succ, his father as visc. Tor- rington, Jan. 1733. 1733. Jan. 25. Sir Chas. Wager, adm.; first là. dm admy. Nov. 1. Chas., E. of Selkirk, ld, clk. reg. of Scotland. Sir Philip Yorke, ld. ch. just. k. b. ; cr. 1d. Hardwicke, Nov. 23 following, and E. of Hard- wicke, Apr. 1754; ld. chanc. Feb. 21, 1737. He continued, it is said, ch. just. until June 7, though he had kissed hands for the great seal. Nov. 29. Chas. Talbot, ld, chanc.; cr. Id. Talbot, Dec. 5, following. 1734. Jan. 31. Jas., D. of Atholl, ld, kpr. gr. seal of Scotland. 1735. Jan. 9, Chas., D. of Richmond, m. horse. Hy., E. of Pembroke, gr. stole. Feb. 12. Wm., E. of Essex, aft. capt. yeom, gd. Jas., E. of Waldegrave, v. adm. of Essex. Stephen Poyntz, recr. gen. of ex- cise. He res. this office to his brother, Wm. Poyntz. Benjn., E. Fitzwalter, first commr. of tr. and plant. Nov. 6. Sir Wm. Yonge, bt., sec. at war. 1736. Jan. 22. John, D. of Montagu, capt, gent. pens. Feb. 19. Sir Thos. Reeve, ld. ch. just. c. p.; d. Jan, the next year. May 21. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, chanc d. Lanc. 1737. Mar. 17. John Potter, abp. bury. Sir John Willes, ld, ch. just. c. p. July 21. John, lord Monson, first commn. of tr. and plant. Sir Wm. Lee, ld, ch. just. k. b. 1788. July 20. Jas., E. of Abercorn, ld, bed-ch. Oct. 12. Hon. John Werney, m. rolls; d. Aug. 1741. 1739. Sept. 6. Sir John Norris, v. adm. of Eng- land. of Canter- 1710. May 1. Lord Sidney chambn.hhold. May 12. Chas., ld. Cornwallis, const. T. Lond. ; cr. E. Cornwallis, June 1753. Beauclerk, v. 1741. Apr. 27. Thos. Winnington,comml.treasy.; cr. a bt. ; made paym, forces. Nov. 19. Wm. Fortescue, m. rolls. 1742. Feb. 16. John, M. of Tweeddale, sec. st. for Scotland. Saml. Sandys, ch. ex: ; cr. Id. Sandys, Dec. 1743 ; coffr. hhold, 1747; ch, just. in eyre, 1759; first là. of tr. and plant, Mar. 1761. Feb. 20. Peregrine, D. of Ancaster and Kesteven $. of Peregrine, pr. councr., Jan. 1724), ld, gr. chambn. of England. Wm. Pulteney, whose name had been struck from the council, July 1731, now rest. Cr. E. of Bath, July 1742. See year 1716. First minister as head of the “ Short-lived” admin- istration, which endured but two days. May 17. WM., D. of CUMBERLAND, introd., not SW. June 24. Geo. Wade, lt. gen. ordn. ; aft. field-marsh. and comm. in ch. Thos. Clutterbuck, treasT. navy. July 13. John, ld. Gower, ld, pr. seal; cr. E. Gower, July 1746. Allen, ld, Bathurst, capt. gent. peñs. ; cr. E. Bathurst, Aug. 1772. Hon. Wm. Finch, v. chambn. hhold. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 199 1783. Apr. 25. Thos. Herring, abp. of York; tr. to Canterbury. 1784. Jan. 5. Richd., ld. Edgcumbe, chanc. d. a Lane. Jan. 19. Sir John Rushout, bt., treasr. navy. Dec. 17. John, D. of Bedford, first Id. admy. ; ld, lieut. of Ireland, Sept. 1757; la, pr. seal, Nov. 1761; ld. pres., Sept. 9, 1763. 1745. Jan. 3. John, ld. Hobart, capt. gent. pens. ; cr. E. of Buckingham- shire, Aug. 1746. Geo. Dodington, treasr. navy; again, Jan. 1756; cr. ld. Melcombe, Apr. 1761. 1746. Wm. Pitt, paym, gen, of the forces; sec. St., Dec. 1756; again sec., June, 1757; cr. E. of Chatham, and made la. pr. seal, July 1766. July 23. Hy. Fox, sec. at war; sec. st., Nov. 1755; paym. gen. of the forces, 1757; cr. lá. Holland, Apr. 1763. 1747. Jan. 15. Wm., E. of Jersey. 1788. Feb. 10. Matthew Hutton, abp. of York; tr. to Canterbury. 17:49. Geo. Dunk, E. of Halifax, first commº. of tr. and plant. ; ld. lieut. of Ireland, 1761; first ld. admy, June 1762; sec. st., Nov. 1763; lá. pr. seal, Feb. 1770; again sec. St., Jan. 1771. Thos. Sherlock, bp. of London. John, E. of Sandwich, late min. plen. to the congress at Aix- la-Chapelle, first là. admy. ; sec. st., 1763; again first là. admy., Jan. 1771. Sir John Ligonier, lieut. gen. ordn. ; cr. visc. Ligonier, in Ireland, Dec. 1757; ld. Ligo- nier, of Ripley, Apr. 1763; and E. Ligonier, Sept. 1766. Field- marsh, and comm. in ch., 1757. June 12. Chas., D. of Marlborough, ld, st. Jan. 11. Feb. 1. hbold. June 28. Hon. Hy. 'Bilson Legge, treasr. navy ; ch. ex. Apr. 1754; again. Nov. 1756. 1750. Jan. 17. Sir John Strange, m. rolls. Mar. 29. John, E. of Hyndford, late min. to the empress of Russia. Geo., ld. Anson, v. adm, of Eng- land; first là. admy., June 1751; again, July 1757. Sir Thos. Robinson, dep. master of the gr. wardr.; sec. st., Apr. 1754; cr. la. Grantham, Apr. 1761. 1751. Apr. 30. Simon, E. Harcourt; aft. env. to Mecklenburg, France, &c.; ld. lieut. of Ireland, Nov. 1772. June 21. Robt., E. of Holdernesse, sec. St. July 12. Wm., M. of Hartington, m. horse. Called to the house of peers, vità patris, as la. Cavendish, same time ; ld. lieut. of Ire- land, 1755; succ. as D. of Devonshire on his father's de- cease,Dec. 1755; first là. treasy. 1756. Struck from the list, Nov. 3, 1762. Wm. Anne, E. of Albemarle, gr. stole. 1752. Feb. 13. John, ld. Berkeley, of Stratton, late capt. yeom, gd., treast. hhold., 1755. Sir Geo. Lee, judge prerog. court. Dec. 20. Jas., E. of Waldegrave, gov. to the pr. of Wales. 1754. June 21. Wills, E. of Hillsborough, comptr. hhold., first ld. of trade, Sept. 1763; again Aug. 1766; joint postm. gen. Dec. 1766; and again ld. of trade, Jan. 1768; cr. E. of Hillsborough, in Eng- land, Aug. 1772; and M. of Downshire, in Ireland, Aug. 1789. Hon. Geo. Grenville, treasr. navy; again treasr. navy, Nov. 1756; first la. admy., Jan. 1763; first ld. treasy. Apr. following. Sir Dudley Ryder, ld, ch. just. k. b Sir Thos. Clarke, m. rolls. Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt., coffr. hhold.; ch. ex., Nov. 1755; cr. ld. Lyttelton, Nov. 1756. 1755. Jan. 9. Harry, D. of Bolton. John, E. of Egmont, joint postm. gen., Aug. 1762; first lá, admy., Sept. 1763. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Jan. 27. July 7. Nov. 19. Dec. 15. Mar. 26. Apr. 1. June 30. July 8. Jan. 27. May 8. Dec. 22. Wm. Hy., E. of Rochford, gr. stole. Wm., visc. Barrington, mast. gr. wardr. ; sec. at war, Nov. same year ; ch. ex., Mar. 1761 ; treasT. navy, June 1762; again Sec. at war, July 1765. Granville, E. Gower, ld. pr.seal; ld. pres., Dec. 22, 1767; again, Dec. 19, 1783; cr. M. of Staf- ford, Feb. 1786. 1756. John, ld. Hobart, compt. hnold.; succ. as E. of Buckinghamshire on his father's decease, Sept. following ; amb. to Russia, July 1762; lá. lieut. of Ireland, Jan. 1777. Robt., ld. Raymond. Richd., E. Temple, first là. admy. ; ld. pr. Seal, June following. John, visc. Bateman, treasr. hhold. Wm., ld. Mansfield, ld, ch. just. k. b Hon. Richd. Edgcumbe, compt. hhold.; succ. as là. Edgcumbe on the death of his father in 1758. Hugh, visc. Falmouth, capt. yeom, gd. 1757. Thos., D. of Leeds, coffr. h.hold. Hon. Chas. Townshend, treasr, of the chamber and a la, of tr. and plant. ; paym, gen. of the forces, Mar. 1761, and ch. ex., Aug. 1766. John Gilbert, abp. of York. Sir Robt. Henley, ld, kpr., cr. ld. Henley, Mar. 1760; made ld. chanc., Jan. 1761; and E. of Northington, May following; ld. pres., July 30, 1766. Percy Wyndham, E. of Thomond, treasr. h.hold. 1758. Lord Geo. Sackville (Germaine). Struck from the list, Apr. 25, 1760. See Dec. 1765. Thos., visc. Dupplin, chanc. d. Lanc.; succ. as E. of Kinnoul on his father's decease, June following. Thos. Secker, abp. of Canter- bury. Chas. Paulett, M. of Winchester, succ. as D. of Bolton on his father's decease, Oct. 1759. Feb. 2. Dec. 15. Feb. 9. Mar. 20. May 2. Oct. 27. Dec. 17. Jan. 28. Mar. 17. Mar. 20. Mar. 25. Apr. 3. June 25. July 8. Sept. 4. Nov. 7. . Fras., 1759. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen, adm., ld. - admy., and gen. of marines. Robt. Nugent, ld, treasy. ; cr. ld. Nugent and visc. Clare, of Ire- land, Dec. 1766; and E. Nugent, 1776. 1760. Basil, E. of Denbigh, aft. Id. bed-ch. Welbore Ellis, joint v. treas. in Ireland; sec. at war, Dec. 1762; and aft. filled various offices, that of sec. st., Feb. 1782; cr. ld. Mendip, Aug. 1794. John, M. of Granby, lieut. gem. ordn., aft. mast. gen.; comm. in ch., Aug. 1766. RING GEORGE III. 1760. EDwD., D. OF YORK, introd., not SWOI’Il. John, E. of Bute, gr. stole; see. st., Mar. 1761; first là. treasy., May 1762. E of Huntingdom, m. horse. Hon. Geo. Townshend, gem. ; lieut. gen. ordn., 1763; succ. as visc. Townshend, Mar. 1764 ; lá. lieut. of Ireland, Oct. 1767; mast. gen. ordn., 1772; M. of Townshend, Oct. 1787. Philip, visc. Royston, succ. as E. of Hardwicke, Mar. 1764. 1761. Geo., E. of Albemarle, gov. of Jersey. Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury. Sir Fras. Dashwood, bt., treasr. of the chamber; ch. ex., May 1762; joint postm. gen., Dec. 1766; succ.to title of là. Le Despencer, 1763. Wm., E. Talbot, ld, stewd, hbold. Hon. Jas. Grenville, coffr. hold.; aft, joint v. treasr. of Ireland. Hy. Arthur, E. of Powis, compt. hhold. Chas., E. of Egremont; Sec. St., Oct. following. Hon. Jas. Stuart Mackenzie, min. to Sardinia; lá, pr. seal of Scot- land, 1763. Robt. Drummond, abp, of York. Thos. Hayter, bp. of London: d. 1762. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 20]. 1762. Jan. 2. John, D. of Argyll. Feb. 15. Lord Geo. Cavendish, compt. hhold. Sir Chas. Pratt, ld. ch. just. c. p. ; cr. Id. Camden, July 1765; lá. chanc., July 1766; ld. pres., Mar. 27, 1782; E. Camden, May 1786. Mar. 13. Richd. Osbaldeston, bp. of Lon- don; d. 1764. July 14. Geo. Hy., E. of Lichfield, capt. gent. pens. Sir John Cust, bt., sp. ho. COIOIO, OIOS, Gilbert Elliot, late lä. treasy. ; treasr. of the chamber; succ. as bt. on his father's decease; treasr. navy, Mar. 1770. Nov. 17. Jas., ld. Tyrawley. gen, late gov. of Gibraltar; field marsh., 1763. Geo., D. of Marlborough, ld. chamb. hbold. Hugh, E. of Marchmont, kpr. gr. seal of Scotland, 1764. Hugh, E. of Northumberland, queen's lil. chamb. ; ld. lieut. of Ireland, 1763. Hans Stanley, ld, admy. Jas., ld. Strange, chanc. d. Lanc. Nov. 22. Nov. 26. Dec. 15. 1763. Humphry Morrice, compt. hold. Sir John Phillips, bt. Wm., E. of Shelburne, first commr. of tr. and plant. ; sec. St., Aug. 1766 ; first lá. treasy., July 1782; cr. M. of Lansdowne, Nov. 1784. Lord Chas. Spencer, hhold. Jas. Oswald, joint v. treasr. in Ireland. Stephen, E. of Ilchester, honoris causd. Fras., E. of Hertford, cr. E. of Yarmouth and M. of Hertford, July 1793. David, visc. Stormont, amb. ext. to Germany; sec. st., Oct. 1779; ld. pres., Apr. 2, 1783; succ. \ as E. of Mansfield, Mar. 1793; again ld, pres., Dec. 1794. Thos., lord Hyde, joint postm. gen. ; chanc. d. Lanc., June 1771; cr. E. of Clarendon, June 1776. º 1764. July 11. Richd. Terrick, bp. of London. Dec. 12, Sir Thos. Sewell, m, rolls. Dec. 19, WM. HY., D. OF GLoucestER, * introd., not sworn. Jan. 10. Apr. 20. comptr. Apr. 22. June 1. July 20. Sept. 9. * y 1765. May 29. Thos., visc. Weymouth, app. la. lieut. of Ireland, but did not go over; sec. st. in 1768; again in 1775; cr. M. of Bath, Aug. 1789. Lord Fredk. Campbell, kpr. pr. seal of Scotland. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, ld. chamb. ; ld. lieut. of Ireland, 1782; first là. treasy., Apr. 1783; lil. pres., July 30, 1801; again first lá. treasy., Mar. J 807. Aug. Hy., D. of Grafton, Sec. St. ; first là. of the treasy., Aug. 1766; first min. of the cr., Dec. 1767; lá. pr. seal, 1771. Chas., M. of Rockingham, first ld. treasy. ; again, Mar. 1782. Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway, sec. St. ; comm. in ch., 1782. Wm. Dowdeswell, ch. ex. July 12. Richd., E. of Scarborough, coffr. hhold. ; app. dep. earl marsh. of England shortly afterwards. John, E. of Ashburnham, kpr. July 10. gr. wardr. Wm., E. of Beshorough, joint postm. gen. Geo. Bussy, visc. Williers, w. chambn. ; succ. as E. of Jersey on his father's decease, Aug. 1769. Wm., E. of Dartmouth, first commr. of tr. and plant. ; Sec. St., Aug. 1772. Richd., visc. Howe, treasr. navy; first là. admy, Jan. 1783. ; cr. earl Howe, July 1788. Geo., ld. Edgcumbe, treast. hhold. ; cr. visc. Mount-Edg- cumbe and Valletort, Mar. 1781; and E. of Mount-Edgcumbe, Aug. 1789. Sept. 6. Thos. Pelham, compt.hhold.; succ. as la. Pelham on the decease of his cousin, the D. of Newcastle, Nov. 1768; cr. E. of Chichester, June 1801. Oct. 23. Chas., D. of Richmond, aft. sec. St. Nov. 22. Ralph, earl Verney, of the king- dom of Ireland. Dec. 20. Lord Geo. Sackville (his name, struck out in 1760, now rest.), app. a v. treasT. of Ireland; sec. st., Jan. 1776; took the name of Germaine on succeeding to the estates of lady Germaine; cr. visc. Sackville, Feb. 1782. See Jan, 1758. July 26. 202 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1766. Feb. 10. Chas., D. of Dorset, ld, lieut. of Kent. May 12. John, E. of Breadalbane, kpr. of the pr. seal of Scotland. Sept. 10. Sir John Eardley Wilmot, ld, ch. just, c. p. Sir Chas. admy. Isaac Barré, a v. treasr. in Ire- land; treasr. navy, Apr. 1782; paymr. of the forces, July same year. Sept. 26. Geo. William, E. of Bristol, app. ld. lieut. of Ireland, but did not go over; la, pr. Seal, Nov. 1768. Dec. 3. HY, FREDK., D. OF CUMBER- LAND, introd., not sworn. John Shelley, aft. Sir J., treasr. hhold. Dec. 10. Harry, D. of Bolton, gov. of the Isle of Wight and of Carisbrook Castle. Fredk., ld. North, joint paymr. of the forces ; ch. ex., Dec. 1767; and first là. treasy., Feb. 1770; succ. his father as E. of Guilford, Aug. 1790. Sir Edwd. Hawke, first là. admy. ; cr. lord Hawke, May 1776. Saunders, first là. 1767. Dec. 23. Thos. Townshend, jun., joint paym. of the forces; sec. at war, Mar. 1782; sec. st., July same year; cr. ld. Sydney, Mar. 1783; and visc., June 1789. Geo. Onslow, ld, treasy. ; cr. Id. Cranley, May 1776; and visc. Cranley and E. of Onslow, June 1801. 1768. May 27. Hon. Thos. Harley, ld. mayor Lond, June 29. Chas., ld. Cathcart, amb. to Russia. Sir Jos. Yorke, amb. to the st. gen, at the Hague; cr. ld. Dover, Sept. 1788. Oct. 7. Hon. Fredk. Cornwallis, abp. of Canterbury. Dec. 16. Hy., D. of Newcastle, ld. lieut. of Notts, and kpr. of Sherwood forest. 1769. Mar. 22. Sir Fletcher Norton, ch. just. in eyre; sp. ho. commons, Jan. 1770; cr. ld. Grantley, Mar. 1782. Nov. 1. Sir Jas. Gray, bt., amb. ext, to Spain. 1770. Jan. 17. Hon. Chas. Yorke, app. la. chanc., and cr. lord Morden, but d. before the seals were put to his patent. He died on Jan. 20, having held the great seal but three days. Edwd., D. of Somerset. Hon. Thos. Robinson, v. chambn. to the queen ; succ. as la. Grantham, Sept. following ; amb. to Spain, Feb. 1771; sec. st., July 1782. Geo. Rice, treasr. chamb. ; late a ld. of tr. Chas., earl Cornwallis, const. T. Lond. ; cr. Cornwallis, Aug. 1792; gov. gen. of Bengal thrice, betw. Feb. 1786 and Oct. 1805; comm. in chief in India at the same time. Hon. Hy. Fredk. Thynne, joint postm. gen. ; cr. 1d. Carteret, Jan. 1784. Jan. 19. Feb. 26. May 4. Nov. 21. Dec. 19. 1771. Hy., E. of Suffolk and Berkshire, ld. pr. seal; sec. St. June fol- lowing. Hy., ld. Apsley, ld, chanc.; Succ. his father as earl Bathurst, Sept. 1775; decl. 1d. pres., Nov. 1779. Ld. high stewd. of Gr. Britain for the trial of Eliz., duchess of Kingston, on an indictment for bigamy, Feb. 1776. * John Montagu, visc. Hinchinbrook, V. chambn. ; succ. his father as E. of Sandwich, Apr. 1792. Sir Wm. de Grey, ld, ch. just. c. p. ; cr. ld. Walsingham, Sept. 1780. Geo., E. of Pomfret, ranger of Windsor Little Park. Sir Lawrence Dundas, bt., v. adm. of Shetland and Orkney. Jan. 22. Jan. 23. Feb. 6. Mar. 1. Oct. 9. 1772. Sir Jeffrey Amherst, lt. gen, ordn; cr. ld. Amherst, May 1776; comm. in ch., Mar. 1778. Sir Thos. Parker, late ld. ch. bar. €X. Nov. 6. Nov. 20. 1773. Chas. Jenkinson, joint v. treasr. of Ireland; clerk of the pells in Ireland, Aug. 1775; m. mint, Sept. 1776; sec. at war, Dec. 1778; cr. li. Hawkesbury, July 1786; chanc. d. Lanc., and Feb. 8. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 203 pres. bd. tr., same year; cr. E. of Liverpool, May 1796. He filled these and various other offices in the state from 1763 until 1804. Aug. 4. Sir Wm. Lynch, min. to Sardinia. Sept. 1. Sir John Goodricke, bt., late env. ext. to Sweden. 1778. Mar. 9. Sir Wm. Meredith, comptr. h.hold. Jeremiah Dyson, coffr. hnold; filled various offices in the state. 1775. May 12. Jas., D. of Chandos. Nov. 17. Thos., ld. Lyttelton, warden, and ch. just. in eyre beyond Trent. 1776. May 31. Thos. Bruce, ld. Bruce ; cr. E. of Ailesbury, June 8 following. June 5. Geo. Montagu, D. of Montagu, gov. to the pr. of Wales; m. horse, Dec. 1780. Sept. 20. Hy. Flood, joint v. treasr. , in Ireland. Struck from the list by the king's own hand. 1777. Jan. 31. Wm. Markham, abp. of York. June 13. Fredk., E. hhold.; pres. bd. tr., Nov. 1779 ld. lieut. of Ireland, 1780. Robt. Louth, bp. of London. June 20. Chas. Townshend, joint v. treasr. in Ireland; cr. Id. Bayning, Oct. 1797. Dec. 3. Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, late ld. ch. bar, ex. Dec. 24. Fras., M. of Carmarthen, chambn. * of the queen consort's hbold. ; succ. as D of Leeds on his father's decease, Mar. 1789. 1778. June 3. Edwd., ld. Thurlow, ld, chanc. 1779. Feb. 12. Robt., D. of Ancaster and Kes- teven, ld, lieut. of Lincolnsh.; d. July 8, following. He was hered, ld. gr. chambn. of Eng- land, and on his death the office fell into abeyance, and remained in dispute for more than a year. Aug 4. John, visc. Mountstuart, env. ext. to Sardinia ; succ. his father as E. of Bute, Mar. 1792; cr. visc. Mountjoy, E. of Wind- sor, and M. of Bute, Feb. 1796. of Carlisle, treast. || 1780. Feb. 2. Fras, visc. Beauchamp, ld. treasy. Feb. 9. Sir Richd. Worsley, bt., gov. of the Isle of Wight. June 9. Alex. Wedderburn, ld. ch. just. c. p. ; cr. 1d. Loughborough ; ld. chanc. of England, Jan. 1793; cr. E. of Rosslyn, Apr. 1801. Sept. 27. Jas., E. of Salisbury, treasr. hhold; la. chambn., Dec. 1783; cr. M. of Salisbury, Aug. 1789. Nov. 8. Chas. Wolfran Cornewall, sp. ho. CODOHIO, OIlS. 1782. Jan. 9. Richd., E. of Shannom, joint. v. treasr. in Ireland. Feb. 11. John, D. of Dorset. Mar. 27. Lord John Cavendish, ch. ex. Mar. 30. John Dunning, formerly sol.-gen. ; cr. la. Ashburton; chanc. d. Lanc. Chas. Jas. Fox, sec. st. Struck from the list May 9, 1798. See year 1806. Hon. Aug. Keppel, first lá. admy. ; cr. visc. Keppel, Apr. 27, following. Edmd. Burke, paym. forces. Geo., D. of Manchester, ld, chambn. Thos., E. of Effingham, treasr. hhold ; m. mint, Jan. 1784. Peter, E. Ludlow, compt. hbold. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt., joint v. treas r. in Ireland ; sec. at War, July following. Geo., ld. de Ferrars, capt. gent. pens. ; became M. of Townshend, 1807. Geo., visc. Chewton, V. chambn. hhold ; succ. on the death of his father as E. of Waldegrave, Oct. 1784. Lord Robt. Spencer, a commr. of tr. and plant. June 21. Hon. Sir Wm. Howe, lt. gen. ordn. ; succ. as visc. Howe, Aug. 1799. July 10. Hon. Wm. Pitt, ch. ex. ; first ld.treasy., Dec. 27,1783; again, May 12, 1804, until his death, Jan. 23, 1806. Geo., E. Temple, app. 16, lieut. of Ireland ; sec. st., Dec. 1783; cr. M. of Buckingham, Nov. 1784; again ld. lieut. of lre- land in 1787. Hy. Dundas, treasr. navy; again, Apr. 10. Apr. 25. May 3. June 5. July 31. Jan. 1784; home Sec. June, 1791; col. sec, July, 1794; pres. bā. contr. from July, 204 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1793, to May, 1801; cr. ld. Dunira and visc. Melville, Dec. 1802. Struck from the list, May 9, 1805. See April, 1807. Chas., E. of Tankerville, joint postm. gen. Oct. 2 1783. Chas., D. of Rutland, ld, stewd. hhold. Wm. Eden, late a lă. of tr., joint v. treast. in Ireland; amb. to France in 1857; aft. to Spain, and to Holland ; cr. ld. Auckland, Sept. 1789; postm. gen., Mar. 1798. Apr. 9. Chas. Greville, treasr. hbold. Apr. 14. Geo. Jas., E. of Cholmondeley, capt. yeom. gå. Col., the hon. Richd. Fitzpatrick, Sec. at war; lieut. gen. Ordn., 1804; again sec. at war, Feb. 1806. Fredk. Montagu, ld. treasy. Feb. 17. Apr. 7. joint Apr. 30. John Moore, abp. of Canter- bury. Robt., E. of Northington, app. li. lieut. of Ireland. Aug. 29. Edwd., E. of Derby, chanc. d. Lanc. GEO. AUGs. FREDK., pr. of WALEs, aft. George IV.; introd., not sw. Dec. 26. Jas. Grenville, a lä. of tr., Aug. 1786; cr. Id. Glastonbury, Oct. 1797. Dec. 31. Heneage, E. of Aylesford, capt. yeom. gil. Thos., ld. Walsingham, late a ld. of tr., joint. v. treasr. in Ireland; joint postm. gen., July, 1787. For twenty years chairman of the committees of the house of lords. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, joint paym, gen, W. pres, bd. tr., Aug. 1786; sp. ho. commons, Jan. 1789; home sec., June same year, and pres. bd. contr. Mar. 1790; cr. lá. Gren- ville, Nov. 1790; for. Sec., June 1791; first là. treasy., Feb. 1806. 1784, Jan. 7. Philip, E. of Chesterfield, amb. ext. - to Spain; joint postm. gen., - Mar. 1790; m. horse, Feb. 1798. Feb. 9. Lord Geo. Lenox, const. T. Lond. Apr. 2. Lloyd Kenyon, m. rolls, cr. a bt. • * this year; ld. ch. just. k. b. 1788, ld. June, and cr. Kenyon. Apr. 16. Robt., hhold. Constantine John, ld. Mulgrave, joint paym. gen. ; a lá. of tr. and commiſ, bd. contr. Jas., E. of Courtown, treasr. hhold. º Sir Jas. Harris, env. ext, to the States General; cr. ld. Malmes- bury, Sept. 1788, and visc. Fitz-Harris and E. of Malmes- bury, Dec. 1800; min, to several courts of Europe. Geo., ld. Herbert, v. chambn. hhold; succ. his father as E. of Pembroke, Feb. 1794. visc. Galway, comptr. Apr. 23. Aug. 20. Sept. 3. Nov. 17. 1785. Thos. Orde (Powlett), sec. in Ireland; a lö. of traug. 1786. Assumed the name of Powlett on the decease of the last D. of Bolton, 1794; er. ld. Bolton, Oct. 1797. Nov. 23. 1786. Sept. 6. John Foster, sp. ho. commons of Ireland; cr. ld. Oriel, July 1821. John Beresford, first commi. of rev. in Ireland. Oct. 27. Sir John Parnell, bt., ch. ex. in Ireland. 1787. Jan. 5. John Hely Hutchinson, sec. st. in Ireland. Held a plurality of appointments. Feb. 19. John Chas. Williers, compt. hhold. Mar. 23. Sir John Skynner, ld, ch. bar. 6X, - Aug. 8. FREDK., D. of York, introd., not SW. Nov. 30. Alleyne Fitz-Herbert, ch. sec. Ireland, env. ext, to the Hague, May, 1789; cr. la. St. Helen's of Ireland, 1791; and of England, July, 1801. Dec. 7. Beilby Porteus, bp. of London. 1788. June 18. Sir Richd. Pepper Arden, m. rolls, ld, ch. just. c. p., 1801; cr. Id. Alvanley, May, same year. - 1789. April 3. John, E. of Chatham, first là. admy. ; decl. 1d. pres., Dec. 21, 1796; mast. gen, ordn., June, 1801; again, Apr., 1807. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 205 Apr. 29. Sir Robt. Murray Keith, K.B., late amb. to Germany. May 15, Sir Wm. Wynne, judge of the w. prerog. tr. in 1790. June 23, WM. HY., D. of CLARENCE, aft. William IV. ; introd., not SW, Hy. Addington, sp. ho. com- mons ; first ld. treasy., Mar., 1801; cr. visc. Sid- mouth, Jan. 1805; ld, pres., Jan. Same year; ld, pr. Seal, Feb., and again ld. pres., Oct. 1806; a third time lă. pres., Apr. 1812; home sec. from June 1812, to Jan. 1822. Aug. 8. Jas., M. of Graham, v. pres. bd. tr., and, in Sept. following, joint paym, gen. ; succ. as D. of Montrose, Sept. 1790; m. - horse, Dec. same year. Oct. 14. John, E. of Westmoreland, ld. lieut. of Ireland; lá. pr. seal, Feb. 1798; and again, Mar. 1807. - - 1790. Mar. 3. Geo. Evelyn, visc. Falmouth, Capt. gent. pens. Hon. Dudley Ryder, compt. hhold., commr. bd. contr. ; v. pres. bd. tr., Oct. 1790; treast. navy, June 1800; succ. as ld. Harrowby, June 1803; chanc. d. Lanc., July 1805; cr. visc. Sandon and E. Harrowby, July 1809; pres. bd. contr., July, same year; decl. 1d. pres., June 1812. May 28. Geo. Granville Leveson, earl Gower, succ. his father as M. of Stafford, Oct. 1803. 1. John, ld. Fitzgibbon, ld, chanc. of Ireland; cr. visc. Fitzgib- bon, of Limerick, Dec. 1793; E. of Clare, June 1795; and ld. Fitzgibbon, of Sidbury, in the English peerage, Sept. 1799. - Oct. 1791. Mar. 9. Thos. Steele, joint paym. gen. ; prev. Sec. treasy., &c. Apr. 21. Geo., visc. Parker, compt. hnold., succ. his father as E. of Mac- clesfield, Feb. 1795. June 8. Sir Wm. Hamilton, K.B., amb. to Naples. 1792. May 2. Geo., ld. Macartney, amb. to - China; earl Macartney in Ire- land, 1794. court, &c.; a lá. of . - June 21. June 15. Sir Jas. Eyre, ld. ch. bar. ex: ; aft. la. ch. just. c. p. 1793. Sir Archd. Macdonald, Id. ch. bar. €X. Hon. Robt. Hobart, sec. in Ire- land; col. sec., Mar. 1801; summoned to parlt. in his father's barony, vità patris, as ld. Hobart, 1798 ; succ. as E. of Buckinghamshire, Nov. 1804; joint postm, gen., Feb. 1806; pres. bd, contr., Apr. 1812. Richd., E. of Mornington; gov. gen. of Bengal, Oct. 1797; cr. marq. Wellesley, Dec. 1799; for. sec., Dec. 1809; ld. lieut. of Ireland, Dec. 1821; ld. Stewd., Nov. 1830; again Feb. 15. May 1. ld. lieut. of Ireland, Sept. 1833; la. chambn., Apr. 1835. Hy., ld. Apsley, succ. his father as earl Bathurst, Aug. 1794; m. mint, July 1804; pres, bd. tr., Mar. 1807; for. sec., Oct. 1809; and col. Sec. from June 1812, to Apr. 1827. John Jeffreys, visc. Bayham, a commr. of tr. ; succ. as earl Camden, Apr. 1794; ld. lieut. of Ireland, Mar. 1795; ld. pres., July 10, 1805; again, Mar. 26, 1807; cr. E. of Brecknock and marq. of Cam- den, Sept. 1812. Sir Gilbert Elliott, bt., viceroy of the kingdom of Corsica, June 1795; cr. ld. Minto, of Rox- burgh, Oct. 1797; env. ext. to Germany, June 1799; pres. bd, contr., Feb. 1806; gov. gen. of Bengal, July, same year; cr. visc. Melgund and E. of Minto, Feb. 1813. Sept. 25. 1794. May 4. Sylvester Douglas,ch.sec. Ireland; commr. bd. contr., June 1795; ld. treasy., Feb. 1797; cr. ld. Glenbervie, Nov. 1800; joint paym. gen., Mar. 1801 ; v. pres. bā. tr., Nov., same year; surv. gen. of woods and forests, 1803; first commr. of woods and forests, July 1810. July 11. Wm. Wentworth Fitzwilliam, E. Fitzwilliam, dec. 1d. pres. ; again, ld, pres., Oct. 19, 1805. He was app. li. lieut. of Ireland, Dec. 1794; but was recalled 206 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. July 11 July 16. Nov. 12. Dec. 17. JMar. 11. July 29. Apr. 29. Nov. 30. JMar. 29. Apr. 26. June 28. Sept. 27. Oct. 4. Sept. 28. Oct. 24. Oct. 31. Dec. 5. Dec. 19. Mar. following, and succ. by ld. Camden. Geo. John, earl Spencer, ld, pr. seal; lil. admy. , Dec. same year; home sec., Feb. 1806. Wm. Windham, sec. at war; sec. st. for war and cols., Feb. 1806. Sir Morton Eden, K.B., amb. to Germany, and prev. to several courts of Europe ; cr. ld. Henley, Nov. 1799. Geo. Damer, visc. Milton, Sec. for Ireland; succ. his father as E. of Dorchester, Feb. 1798. 1795. Hon. Thos. Pelham, sec. for Ire- land; summoned to the house of peers, vità patris, as là. Pelham, June 1801; home sec., July, same year; chanc. d. Lanc., Nov. 1803; succ. his father as E. of Chichester, Jan. 1805; postm. gen, , May 1807. Sir Geo. Howard, K.B., marsh. ; gov. of Jersey. 1796. Robt. Auriol Drummond, E. of Kinnoul. Sir Grey Cooper, bt., some time sec. treasy. John, D. of Roxburgh, gr. stole. 1797. Sir Jos. Banks, bt., pres. of the Royal Society; app. a commr. bd. tr. Lord Chas. Somerset, compt. hhold. ; joint paym, gen, , July 1804; again, Apr. 1807. John, D. of Athole. Hon. John Trevor, amb. to Sar- dinia. Sir Chas. Grey, K.B., gov. of Jersey; cr. Id. Grey, June 1801, and visc. Howick and E. Grey, Apr. 1806. 1798. Wm. Shaw, Id. Cathcart; cr. visc. Cathcart, Nov. 1807; and E. Cathcart, July 1814. Chas., E. of Harrington. Sir Wm. Scott, a commr. bā. tr. ; judge of the high court of admy.; cr. lá. Stowell, July 1821. Thos. Grenville., ch. just. in eyro, July 1800; pres, bd. contr.,July 1806; first ld, admy., Sept. same year. Robt., visc. Castlereagh, sec. in Ireland; pres. bd. contr., Sept. 1802 col. sec., July 1805; field Jan. 23. Mar. 13. June 5. July 3. July 18. Sept. 25. Oct. 30. May 28. June 25. Nov. 5. Jan. 25. Feb. 18. Feb. 20. Mar. 17. again, Mar. 1807; for, sec. from Mar. 1812, until his death, Aug. 1822; succ. his father as M. of Londonderry, Apr. 1821. 1799. Sir Wm. Fawcett, K.B., gen. Robt. Banks Jenkinson, ld. Hawkesbury, m. mint; for. sec., Feb. 1801; home sec., May 1804; summoned to the house of peers, vità patris, in his father's barony, Aug. 1806; again home sec., Mar. 1807; succ. as E. of Liverpool, Dec. 1808; col. sec., Dec. 1809; first là. treasy, from June 1812 to Apr. 1827. EDwD., D, of KENT, introd., not SW. ERNEST AUG., D. of CUMBER- LAND, introd., not sw. Thos., E. of Elgin, Turkey. Sir John Scott, ld. ch. just. c. p. ; cr. 1d. Eldon; lil. chanc., Apr. 1801; again, Apr. 1807; cr. E. of Eldon, July 1821. Isaac Corry, ch. ex. in Ireland. Ralph, ld. Lavington, K.B., gov. of the Carribean islands. amb. to 1800. Geo. Canning, joint paym, gen; for. sec., Mar. 1807; pres. bd contr., June 1816; again for Sec., Sept. 1822; first ld, treasy April 1827. Wm. Dundas, commr. bā. contr. ; sec. at war, May 1804. Chas., ld. Whitworth, late amb, to Russia ; negociated a peace with Denmark, 1801; plen. to France, June 1802; cr. visc, Whitworth, June 1813; 1d. lieut. of Ireland, Aug. same year; cr. earl Whitworth, Nov 1815. 1801. Wm. Stuart, abp. of Armagh and primate of Ireland. Sir John Mitford, sp. ho. commons ; app. 1d. chanc. of Ireland, and cr. lá. Redes- dale, Feb. 1802. John, earl St. Vincent, first là. admy. Sir Chas. Yorke, sec. at war; home sec., July 1803; first là. admy., May 1810. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, ld. lieut. Ireland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 207 Mar. 17. Geo., visc. Lewisham, pres, bd. - contr. ; cr., vità patris, ld. Dartmouth ; succ. his father as E. of Dartmouth, Nov. 1810. May 21. Sir Wm. Grant, m. rolls. Chas. Abbot, ch. Sec. Ireland; sp. ho, commons, Feb. 1802; cr. ld. Colchester, June 1807. Thos. Wallace, commr. bd. contr.; again, Apr. 1807; v. pres. bd. tr., Jan. 1818; m. mint, Oct. ld. Wallace, Jan. 1828. Nov. 18. Chas. Bragge, aft. Bragge Ba- thurst, treasr. navy ; sec. at war, Aug. 1803; pres, bd. contr., Jan. 1821. 1802. Jan. 13. Wm. Wickham, commr. of tr.; amb. to Switzerland. Geo. Rose, commr. of tr. ; v. pres, bd. tr., Mar. 1804; joint paym. gen., July 1804; again v. pres. bd. tr., Mar. 1807; and treasr. navy, Apr., same year. Chas. Long, ld, treasy., May 1804; ch. sec. Ireland, 1806; paym. gen., Apr. 1807; cr. ld. Farnborough, Aug. 1826. Feb. 8. ADOLPH.Us FRED., D. of CAM- BRIDGE, introd., not sw. Apr. 21. Edwd., ld. Ellenborough, ld. ch, just. k. b. Sept. 8. Sir John Borlase Warren, bt., adm. ; amb. to Russia. Sept. 22. Sir Chas. (Gould) Morgan, bt., judge adv. gen. John Smyth, late lö. treasy. ; m. mint. 1803. Feb. 16. John Hiley Addington, joint paym. gen.; commr. bd. contr., Feb. 1806. , Geo. Tierney, treasr. navy; pres. bd. contr., Oct. 1806; m. mint, May 1827. Nov. 23. Hon. Thos. Maitland, aft. Sir T., G.C.B., commr. bq. contr. Nathl. Bond, ld, treasy.; v. pres. bd, tr., Feb. 1804; judge adv. gen., Feb. 1806. 1804. Jan. 4. Hon. Arthur Paget, aft. Sir A., K.C.B., amb. to Germany, and aft. to Turkey. Jan. 20. Sir Evan Nepean, bt., ch. sec. Ireland ; prev. sec. admy., and subs. li. admy. May 8. Sir Jas. Mansfield, ld, ch, just. C. p. May 14, Geo., E. of Winchilsea and Not- tingham, gr, stole. Lord Geo. Thynne, compt. hhold. June 6. Hy. lá. Mulgrave, chanc. d. Lanc.; for. sec., Jan. 1805; first là. admy., Apr. 1807; mast. gen, ordn., May 1810; cr. visc. Normanby and E. of Mulgrave, Sept. 1812. June 27. Wm. Drummond, late amb. to Turkey. Chas. Arbuthnot, amb. ext. to Turkey; sec. treasy., 1810; first commr. woods and forests, Feb. 1823; chanc, d. Lanc., June 1828. July 11. Lord John Thynne, V. chamb. hhold. ; succ. as la. Carteret, Feb. 1838. July 19. Granville Leveson, ld. Gower, amb. ext, to Russia and to France; cr. visc. Granville, Aug. 1815, and earl Granville, May 1833. AUG., D. OF SUSSEX, introd., not sw. 1805. Jan. 14. John Hookham Frere, amb. to Spain. Nichs. Vansittart, ch. Sec. Ire- land; sec. treasy., 1806; ch. ex. from June 1812 to Jan. 1823; cr. la. Bexley, Mar. 1, 1823. Reginald Pole Carew, late u. s. home dep., commr. of tr. John Sullivan, late u. s. cols., commr. of tr. ; aft. commr. bd. contr. Feb. 21. Chas. Manners Sutton, abp. of Canterbury. May 1. Chas, ld, Barham, first là. admy. Nov. 21. Edwd., E. of Powis, app. 1d. lieut. of Ireland, but did not go over. 1806. Feb. 1. WM. FREDK., D. of GLOUCESTER, introd., not sw. Feb. 5. Fras., E. of Moira, mast. gen. ordn.; Bengal and comm. in ch. in India, Nov. 1812; cr. visc. Loudoun, E. Rawdon, and M. of Hastings, Dec. 1816. Richd. Chandos, E. Temple, joint paym, gen. and v. pres. bq. tr.; cr. M. of Chandos and D. of Buckingham, Feb. 2. - Lord Hy. Petty, ch. ex.; succ. as M. of Lansdowne, Nov. 1809; home sec., 1827; ld. pres., 208 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Nov. 22, 1830 ; again, Apr. 18, 1835; and a third time, July 6, 1846. . Feb. 5. Hon. Chas. Grey, first là. admy.; for. sec., Sept. 1806; succ. his father as E. Grey and visc. Howick, Nov. 1807; first lá. treasy., Nov. 1830. Chas. James Fox, for. Sec. ; d. while holding this office, Sept. * 13, 1806. Feb. 7. Geo., visc. Morpeth, commr. bd. contr. ; succ. his father as E. of Carlisle, Sept. 1825 ; ld. pr. seal in 1827, and 1834. Lord John Townshend, joint paym, gen. o Thos., ld. Erskine, ld, chanc. Richd. Brinsley Sheridan, treasr. navy. Feb. 12. John, D. of Bedford, ld, lieut. of Ireland. Hy., E. of Carnarvon, m. horse. John Joshua, E. of Carysfort, joint postm. gen. Chas. Aug., lord Ossulston,treasr. . hhold. St. Andrew, ld. St. John, of Bletsoe, capt. gent. pens. Wm. Elliot, ch. Sec. Ireland. Mar. 5. Geo. Ponsonby, ld, chanc. of Ireland. Mar. 12. Sir John Newport, bt., ch. ex. of Ireland. May 7. Richd., E. of Donoughmore, commr. bā. tr. ; joint postm. gen. in Ireland. June 18. Alexr., M. of Douglas and Clydesdale ; summoned to the house of peers, vità patris, as ld. Dutton, Nov. 1806; succ. as D. of Hamilton, Feb. 1819. July 21. Jas., E. of Lauderdale, kpr. gr. seal of Scotland. Aug. 27. Hy. Richd., ld. Holland, ld. r. Seal. Nov. 19. Sir Arthur Anstruther, bt., late ch. just. of the Supr. court of judic. in Bengal. 1807. Mar, 26. Hon. Spencer Perceval, ch. ex.; first là. treasy. from Dec. 6, 1809, to May 4, 1812, when he was assass. by a per- son named Bellingham, in the lobby of the house of commons. Hon. Robt. Dundas, pres. bd. contr. ; ld, pr. seal of Scot- land, 1811 ; succ. his father as visc. Melville, May, same year; first ld, admy, Mar. 1812. - Mar. 30. Sir Jas. Pulteney, bt., Sec. at W2, l’. April 1. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox, app. li. lieut. of Ire- land; d. gov. gen, of Canada, July 1819. April 8. Hy., visc. Melville, commr. bd. tr. (his name which had been struck out of the list May 9, 1805, now rest., he being re-sw.) John, ld. Teignmouth, commr.bd. contr. App. Sept. 1792, to succ. lá. Cornwallis as gov. gen. of Bengal. Hon. Sir Arthur Wellesley, K.B., ch. Sec. to the la.-lieut. of Ire- land; aft. D. of Wellington; com. in ch. of the army, Jan. 1827; first là. treasy., Jan. 1828, and again, Nov. 1834; and again com. in ch., Aug. - 1842. April 22. Thos., ld. Manners, ld, chanc. of Ireland. May 13. Richd., E. of Clancarty, comm bd. tr. ; m. mint, Oct. 1812; joint postm. gen., Sept. 1814; employed in several diplomatic missions. - May 20. Hon. Hy. Manvers Pierrepont, late min. to Sweden. Nov. 25. Hon. Richd. Ryder ; sec. st., Nov. 1809. 1808. Jan. 20. Edwd. Venables Vernon (aft. Harcourt), abp. of York. Mar. 9. Richd., E. of Mount Edgcumbe. Mar. 16. Percy Clinton Sidney Smythe, visc. Strangford; env. ext, to Portugal. 1809. Feb. 6. Sir John Nicholl, late kings's adv. gen. ; commr. bā. tr.; aft. dean of the arches court, judge of the high court of admy., &c. | Sept. 27. John Randolph, bp. of Lon- do Il. Oct. 18. Hon. Wm. Wellesley Pole, ch. Sec. Ireland; m. mint, 1814.; cr. 1d. Maryborough, July 17, 1821; succ. as E. of Morning- ton, on the death of his brother, the marq. Wellesley, Sept. 26, 1842. Nov. 1. Hy. John, visc. Palmerston, sec. at war from this time until May 1828; for. sec., Nov. 1830; again, Apr. 1835; and a third time, July 1846. Nov. 8. Chas. Manners Sutton, judge adv. gen, ; sp. ho. commons from June 2, 1817, to Aug. 15, 1834; THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 209 cr. Id. Botesford and visc. Janterbury, Mar. 10, 1835. Dec. 20. John, ld. Sheffield, commr. bā. tr. ; cr. visc. Pevemsey and E. of Sheffield, Jan. 22, 1816. Hon. Hy. Wellesley, late sec. treasy. ; env. ext, to Spain; aft. amb. to France ; cr. Id. Cow- ley, Jan. 21, 1828. 1810. Aug. 29. Sir John Sinclair, bt., pres. of the agricult. scey., honoris causá. REGENCY OF GEORGE, PRINCE OF WALEs. 1812. Mar. 20. Chas. Ingoldsby, M. of Winches- ter, gr. stole. Fras., E. of Yarmouth, V. chambn.; Succ. as M. of Hertford, June 17, 1822. John McMahon, aft. Sir John, bt. ; private sec. and keeper of the pr. purse to the pr. regent. Mar. 26. Robt., visc. Jocelyn, treast. hhold. ; aft. v. chambn. ; succ. as E. of Roden, June 29, 1820. Robt. Liston. Aug. 13. Lord Wm. Chas. Cavendish Ben- tinck; gov. gen, of India, May 1833. Lord Geo. Beresford, compt. hhold. Wm. Fitzgerald, ch. ex. in Ire- land. Robt. Peel, aft. Sir R., bt., sec. for Ireland; home sec., Jan. 1822; again, Jan. 1828; first ld. treasy. and ch. ex., Dec. 1834; and again first là. treasy., Sept. 1841. 1813. May 20. Sir Thos. Plumer, V. chanc. of England. Oct. 5. Wm. Howley, bp. of London; transl. to Canterbury, Aug. 4, 1828. Nov. 30. Sir Vicary Gibbs, ld, ch. bar. ex. 1814. Mar. 19. Hugh Elliot, gov. of Madras. Apr. 21. Sir Alexr. Thomson, ld, ch. bar. €X. May 6. Warren Hastings, formerly gov. gen. of Bengal. July 22. Cropley, E. of Shaftesbury. Geo. E. of Aberdeen; chanc. d. ! Dec. 30. Lanc., Jan. 1828; for. sec., June, same year; col. Sec., Dec. 1834; and again for. Sec., Sept. 1841. . Chas. Wrm., ld. Stewart ; succ. his brother as M. of London- derry, Aug. 12, 1822. Thos., ld. Binning ; succ. as E. of Haddington; la. lieut. of Ireland, Dec. 1834; first là. admy, Sept. 1841. Wm. Huskisson, first commº. of woods and forests; pres. bd. tr. and treas r. navy, Feb. 1823; col. and war. sec. , Sept. 1827. Wm. Sturges Bourne ; commr. bd. contr. July 1818; home sec., Apr. 1827; first commr. of woods and forests, July, same year. July 22. July 29. Aug 10. 1815. Wm. Adam, chief of the civil jury court of Scotland. Hon. Chas. Bagot, aft. Sir C., G.C.B., min. plen. to the Netherlands; aft. min. to the United States; gov. gen, of Canada 1841. Wm. Pitt, ld. Amherst, on his embassy to China; cr. I. Am- herst, Dec. 19, 1828; gov. gen. of Bengal from Oct. 1822 to Mar. 1828. Mar. 17. Dec. 4. Dec. 30. 1816. June 8. Edwd. Thornton, aft. Sir E., G.C.B.; min. plen. to Sweden 1812; to Portugal 1823. June 27. Sir Hy. Russell, bt., late ch. just. Bengal. LEOPoli), pr. of SAXE-COBURG SAALFELD, consort of CHAR- LOTTE AUGUSTA, princess of WALEs ; aft. K. of the Bel- gians; introd., not sw. July 1. 1817. Apr. 26. Sir Richd. Richards, ld, ch. bar. €Y. May 31. Sir Geo. Fitzgerald Hill, bt., v. treasr. Ireland. John Becket, aft. Sir J., bt., judge adv. gen, Sir Benjn. Bloomfield, private sec. and kpr. of the pr. purse to the prince regent ; cr. ld. Bloomfield, May 11, 1825; min. to Sweden. Sept. 17. Chas. Chetwynd, E. Talbot, app. ld. lieut. of Ireland. John Leach, aft. Sir J., V. chanc.; m. rolls, Apr. 1827. Sir Wnn. A 'Court, bt., min. to the Two Sicilies, &c. ; cr. li. Heytesbury, Jan. 23, 1828; ld. lieut. of Ireland, July 1844. July 11. July 15. 14 210 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1818. Geo. Hy. Rose, amb. to Prussia. Sir Chas. Abbott, ld, ch, just. k. b.; cr. lá. Tenterden, Apr. 30, 1827. Sir Robt. Dallas, ld. ch. just. C. p. April 6. Nov. 19. 1819. Chas. Grant, ch. Sec. Ireland ; pres, bd, tr., Sopt. 1827; of the bd. contr., Dec. 1830; col. Sec., Apr. 1835 ; cr. ld. Glenelg, May 11, same yoar. Sir Saml. Shepherd, ld, ch. bar. ex. in Scotland. May 28. July 23. RING GEORGE IV. 1820. David Boyle, ld, just. clk. in Scot- land. Peter, ld. Gwydir, chambn, of England. Stratford Canning, aft. Sir S. and ld. Stratford de Redcliffe ; amb. to Turkey, 1841. Sir Gore Ouseley, bt. ; prew. amb. ext. to Persia and to Russia. Thos., lcl. Manners, ld, chanc. of Ireland; re-sw. April 8. June 7. dep, gt. July 20. Oct. 10. 1821. Wm. Carr, ld. Beresford; lt.- gen. Ordn., 1823; mast, gen., Apr. 1828; cr. visc. Beresford, Mar. 28, 1823. Jas., M. of Graham, V. chambn. hbold. ; succ. his father as D. of Montrose in 1836. Peter Robt., ld. Gwydir, son of the preceding ld. Gwydir, hered. gr. chambn, of Eng- land; lil. Willoughby d'Eres- by in 1828. Chas., D. of Dorset, m. horse. Hy., M. of Conyngham, ld. St. hhold. Hy. Goulburn, ch. Sec. Ireland; ch, ex., Jan. 1828; home sec., Dec. 1834; again ch. ex., Sept. 1841. 1822. Chas. Watkin Williams Wynn, Feb. 6. Folo. 23. June 30. Dec. 10. Jan. 17. pres. bq. contr. ; Sec. at war, Nov. 1830; chanc. d. Lanc., Dec. 1834. Wm. Hy. Fremantle, commr. bq. contr. Feb. 4. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt., commr. bd. contr. Mar. 28. John, ld. Burghersh, min. to Tuscany ; min. to Prussia, 1841; succ. his father as E. of Westmoreland, Dec. 1841. Mar. 28. Aug. John Foster, min. to Dem- mark and aft. to Sardinia. Hon. Fredk. Jas. Lamb, amb. to Vienna, Spain, Portugal, &c.; cr. ld. Beauvale, Apr. 30, 1839; succ. his brother as visc. Melbourne, Nov. 24, 1848. Aug. 17. Chas. Hope, ld, ples, court of session in Scotland. 1824. Jan. 19. Sir Robt. Gifford, bt., ch. just. c. p. ; cr. li. Gifford, Jan. 31 following. Sir Wm. Alexander, ld, ch. bar. ex. Apr. 7. Wm. Noel Hill, min. to Naples. May 25. Sir Wm. Draper Best, ld, ch. just. . p. ; cr. lá. Wynford, June 15, ; 1. 8 2 9 1825. Mar. 23. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, ld. lieut. of Ireland, Mar. 1829. Chas. Vaughan, aft. Sir C., mim. to tho United States. Sept. 30. Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn. 1826. June 1. Jas., M. of Salisbury. July 27. Hon. Sir Robt. Gordon, min. to Brazil; aft. min. to Austria. Nov. 20. Sir John Singleton Copley, m. rolls; cr. ld. Lyndhurst, April 25, 1827, and made la. chanc., May 2, following; lá. ch. bar. ex., Jan. 1831; again ld, chanc. Dec. 1834, and again Sept. 1841. 1827. Apr. 30. Wm. Spencer, D. of Devonshire, ld. chambn. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, ld, pr. seal; decl. 1d. pres., Aug. 17, following. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, mast. - gen. Ord. ; la. lieut. of Ireland, Mar. 1828; again ld. lieut., Dec. 1830; and again mast. gen. ordn., July 1846. John Wm., visc. Dudley and Wººd, for. sec, ; aft. earl Dud- OW. Sir Anthy. Hart, v. chanc. of England; lá. chanc. of Ireland same year. Hon. Wm. Lamb, sec. for Ireland; succ. as visc. Melbourne, 1828; home sec., Nov. 1830; first ld, treasy., July 1834; again, April 1835. Sir Geo. Cockburn, v. admiral; first naval councillor to the lá. high adm. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 211 May 10. May 23. June 30. Aug. 17. Nov. 16. Jan. 28. Feb. 5, Z'eb. 13. Mar. 5. May 30. June 16. June 28. Wm. Conyngham Plunket, ch. just. c. p. in Ireland; subs. Id. chanc. in that kingdom, and cr. ld. Plunket. Jas. Abercromby, judge adv. gen.; m. mint, July 1834; sp. ho. commons from Feb. 1835 to May 1839; cr. Id. Dunferm- line, June 7 following. Stephen Rumbold Lushington, gov. of Madras. Lord Wm. Hy. Cavendish Ben- tinck. John Chas. Herries, chanc, ex.; m. mint, Feb. 1828; pres. b. tr., Feb. 1830; and sec. at war, Dec. 1834. Sir Lancelot Shadwell, v. chanc. of England. Sir Jas. Mackintosh, some time recorder of Bombay ; comme. bd. contr. Sir Wm. Keppel, gov. of Guern- sey. 1828. Edwd., ld. Ellenborough, ld. pr. seal ; pres. bd. contr., Sept. this year; again, Dec. 1834; and a third time, Sept. 1841; gov. gen. of India, Oct. 1841; cr. E. of Ellenborough, Oct. 1844. Thos. Frankland Lewis, v. pres. bd. tr.; treas r. navy, Feb. 1830; cr. a bt. 1846. Rowland, ld. Hill, gen, on the staff, commanding in ch. Sir Christr. Robinson, judge of the admy. court. Wm., visc. Lowther, first commr. of woods and forests; v. pres. bd. tr., Dec. 1834; postm. gen., Sept. 1841; and cr., vità patris, ld. Lowther; succ. as E. of Lonsdale, Mar. 1844. Sir Geo. Murray, sec. st. war and cols.; mast. gem. Ordn., Dec. 1834; again, Sept. 1841. Sir Hy. Hardinge, sec. at war; ch. Sec. Ireland, 1834; again sec. at war, Sept. 1841; app. gov. gen. of India, May 2, 1844; cr. visc. Hardinge, Apr. 1846. Thos. Peregrine Courtenay, v. pres. bā. tr. - John Wilson Croker, sec. admy. John Calcraft, paym. of the forces. Lord Fras. Leveson Gower (aft. ld. Fras. Egerton), ch. sec. Ireland; sec. at war, July 1830; cr. E. of Ellesmere, June 1846. Hy. Hobhouse, kpr. of the state papers, and honoris causé. July 23. July 31. June 10. Oct. 12. Apr. 7. June 28. July 19. July 28. Aug. 25. Nov. 22. Robt. Adair, aft. Sir R., G.C.B., late min. to Austria, &c. Chas. Jas. Blomfield, bp. of Chester; tr. to London Aug. following. 1829. Jas., E. of Rosslyn, ld, pr. seal ; decl. 1d. pres., Dec. 1834. Sir Nicholas Conyngham Tindal, ld. ch. just. c. p. Sir Brook Taylor, G.C.H., late min. to several courts. 1830. Geo., D. of Gordon, kpr. gr. seal of Scotland. KING WILLIAM IV. 1830. Bernard Edwd., D. of Norfolk, hered. earl marsh. of England. Jas. Horatio, M. of Cholmondeley, dep. gr. chamb. of England. Geo., E. of Jersey, ld. chambn.; again, Dec. 1834; m. horse, Sept. 1841. Geo., E. of Belfast, V. chambn. ; cr. 1d. Ennish owen, Aug. 1841; succ. as M. of Donegal, Oct, 1844. Sir Wm. Rae, bt., ld, adv. of Scotland. Hy., visc. Hereford. John, E. of Clare, gov. of Bom- bay. Chas., D. of Richmond, postm. gen. ; postm. gen. of Gr. Britain and Ireland, by a new patent, Apr. 1831. Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, m. horse ; again, April 1835. John, ld. Durham, ld. pr. seal; cr. E. of Durham, Mar. 1833; amb, to Russia, 1835; gov. gen. of Canada, 1838. Geo., ld. Auckland, pres. bd. tr., to which was joined the master- ship of the mint, Dec. 14 follow- ing ; first ld, admy., June 1834; again, April 1835; gov. gen, of India, Aug. same year; E. of Auckland, Dec. 1839; again first là. admy., July 1846. Hy., ld. Brougham, ld, chane. John Chas. Spencer, visc. Al- thorpe, ch. ex: ; succ. his father as earl Spencer, Nov. 1834, +. Geo. Jas. Agar Welbore Ellis, first commr. of woods and forests. Lord John Russell, paym. gen. ; home sec., April 1835; sec. st. i4 * 212 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Nov. 22. Hon. Edwd. Geoffrey Smith Stan- Nov. 24. Dec. 8. Jan. 31. Feb. 23. Mar. 23. war and cols., Aug. 1839; first ld. treasy., July 1846 and Nov. 1865; cr. E. Russell, July 30, sec., April 1833; again col. Sec. , Sept. 1841; summoned to Feb. 6. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, bt., sec. the house of peers, as lord Stanley, of Bickerstaffe, Oct. 1844; succ. his father as E. of Derby, 1851; first là. treasy., Feb. 1852, Feb. 1858, and July 1846. Chas. Tennyson, who assumed the name of D'Eyncourt, in 1835, honoris causá. Feb. 22. Sir Wm. Garrow, bt., late bar. Robt. Dawson, late sec. GX. treasy. and admy. May 30. Hy. Constantine Phipps, E. of Chas. Poulett Thompson, v. pres. bd. tr. ; treas r. navy, Dec. 13 following ; pres. bq. tr., June 1834; aft. gov. of Canada ; cr. ld. Sydenham, Aug. 1840. col. sec., Feb. 1839 ; Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, adm. Sir Jas. Robt. Geo. Graham, bt., first là. admy; home sec., Sept. ld. Ebury, Sept. Foley, capt. gent. Wm. Geo., E. of Errol, hered. lá. high const. of Scotland; m. Aug. 14. Sir Jas. Parke, bar. ex. horse to the queen consort ; ld. | Sept. 4. Sir John Bernard Bosanquet, st. hbold, Nov. 1839. Richd. Wm., E. Howe, ld, chambn. to the queen consort. home sec., July 1834; ld. pr. seal, and first commr. of woods and forests again, May 1835; Jan. 24. Howe Peter, M. of Sligo, gov. succ. as E. of Bessborough, Edwd., E. of Derby. Wm. Conyngham, ld. Plunket, ld. chanc. of Ireland; again ld. chanc. of Ireland, Apr. 1835. Ireland ; col. 1834. Sir Jas. Kempt, mast. gen. ordn. ; Feb. 4. Basil Percy Fielding, E. of Den- gov. gen. and comml. in ch. in Canada, Aug. 1828. consort. Archd., E. of Rosebery. COIſlDOl. Duncannon, first Sept.11. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, ld. St. commr. of woods and forests; hhold. June 29. Aug. Fredk., D. of Leinster. Sir Fredk. Adam, ld, high commr. of the Ionian Islands. Sir Edwd. Hyde East, bt., late ch. just. of Bengal. at war; sec. for Ireland, 1834; first commr. forests, July same year; pres. bd. contr., Apr. 1835 and Apr. Mulgrave; manby; Já. nr. seal, July 1834; ld. lieut. of Ireland, April 1835; cr. M. of Normanby, June 1838; sec., Aug. same year; amb. to Anson, m. buck- France, Aug. 18, 1846. July 11. Holt Mackenzie, Grant, judge adv.-gen. ; contr. aft. Sir R., G.C. H. . Ulick John, M. of Clanricarde, Aug. 15. Gilbert, E. amb. to Russia; postm. gen., Hy. Ellis, min. to Persia. Prussia: first là. admy., Sept. 1835; lá. pr. seal, July 1846. Grosvenor, compt. Nov. 6. Sir Thos. Denman, ld. ch. just. k. b. ; cr. 1d. Denman, Mar. bigh, ld, chambm. to the queen Feb. 4. Geo. Fitzclarence, E. of Munster. Apr. 3. Edwd. Ellice, sec. at war. June 12. Edwd. John Littleton, apptd. ch. Sec. * Hatherton, May 1835. just. c. p. Sir Alex. Johnstone, late ch, just. Ceylon; assessor to the jud. of Jamaica. tº . | Mar. 5. Sir John Bayley, late bar. ex. Michael Angelo Taylor, honoris | Apr. 16. Sir Robt. Graham, ld, treasy. June 5. Thos. Spring Rice, ch, ex., Apr. 1835; Monteagle, Aug. 1839. Sir John Vaughan, late bar, ex., now just. c. p. THE BOOK OF TXIGNITIES. 213 July 16. Robt. Cutlar Fergusson, judge adv. gen. Archd., E. of Gosford, gov. of Canada. Sir Chas. Christr. Pepys, m. rolls; first commr. of the gr. seal, Apr. 1835; made ld. chanc. and cr. 1d. Cottenham, Jan, 1836; cr. E. of Cottenham, June, 1850. Sir Herbert Jenner (Fust), vicar- gen., dean of the arches' court, &c. Stapleton, general. Jas. Arch., ld. Wharncliffe, ld. pr. Seal ; decl. 1d. pres., Sept. 3, 1841. Sir Edwd. Knatchbull, bt., pay- m. of the forces; again. Sept. 1841. Sir Jas. Scarlett, ld. ch. bar. ex.; cr, ld, Abinger, Jan. 1835. Sir Edwd. Sugden, app. li. chanc. of Ireland; again, ld. chanc. of Ireland, Oct. 1841; app. 1d. chanc. of Eng., Feb. 27, 1852, and cr. la. St. Leonards. Alexr. Baring, pres. bd. tr., and immediately aft. m. mint; cr. ld. Ashburton, Apr. 1835. Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somer- set, first commº. of woods and forests ; chanc. d. Lanc., Sept. 1841. Wm. Yates Peel, ld, treasy. Joseph Planta, late Sec. and ló. treasy. Geo., E. of Chesterfield. Thos. Philip, E. De Grey, first ld. admy. ; ld. lieut. of Ire- land, Sept. 1841. Sept. 3. Oct. 1. Oct. 29. Dec. 16. visc. Combermere, Dec. 20. Dec. 29. 1835. Thos., E. of Wilton, hhold. Fredk. visc. Castlereagh, v. chambn. hbold. Hon. Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry, compt. hnold. Apr. 18. Hy., visc. Howick, sec. at war ; succ. as E. Grey, July 1845; sec. for war and cols., July 1846. May 6. Hy. Labouchere, aft. li. Taun- ton, v. pres. bā. tr. and m. mint ; pres, bd. tr., Aug. 1839; ch, sec. Ireland, 1846; again pres, bd. tr., July 1847. May 20. Fras. Nathl., M. of Conyngham, postm, gen; aft. li. chambn. Geo., visc. Morpeth, ch. Sec. Ireland ; first commr. of woods Feb. 18. ld. St. Feb. 23. and forests, July 1846; succ. as E. of Carlisle, Oct. 1848; chanc. d. Lanc., Mar. 1850. May 27. Sir Richd. Hussey Vivian, bt., general ; mast. gen. Ordn. ; cr. ld. Vivian, Aug. 1841. Hon. Geo. Stevens Byng, compt. hhold: visc. Enfield on his father’s creation as E. of Strafford, Sept. 1847; succ, as E. of Strafford, June 3, 1860. June 24. Sir Harford Jones Brydges, bt., late sir H. Jones, form. min. to Persia. July 1. Lord Chas. Fitzroy, v. chambn. hhold. Sir Chas. Edwd. Grey, bt., a commr. for investigating the grievances affecting Canada. 1836. Jan. 16. Hy. Bickersteth, m. rolls; cr. ld. Langdale, Jan. following ; first commr. gr. seal, June, 1850. Aug. 3. John, ld. Elphinstone. 1837. Mar. 1. Lucius, visc. Falkland, gov. of Nova Scotia. Apr. 5. J. A. Stewart Mackenzie, gov. of Ceylon. QUEEN VICTORIA. 1837. July 12. Hy. Stephen, E. of Ilchester, capt. yeom. guard. July 19. Hy. Chas. Howard, E. of Surrey, treasr. hthold. ; cr. ld. Mal- travers, Aug. 1841; succ. as D. of Norfolk, Mar. 1842; m. horse. July 1846. 1838. Nov. 5. Stephen Lushington,judge admy. court. 1839. Mar. 1. Hugh, visc. Ebrington, app. 1d. lieut. of Ireland; summoned to the house of peers, vité patris, as Id. Fortescue ; succ. as E. Fortescue, June 1841; ld. Std. hbold. , July 1846. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., judge adv. gen. ; chanc. d. Lanc., June 1841; home sec., July 1846. May 22. Hy., E. of Uxbridge, ld, chambn.; aft. M. of Anglesey. June 3. Chas. Shaw Lefevre, sp. ho. commons ; aft. visc. Eversley. July 31, Sir Chas. Theophilus Metcalfe, gov. of Canada; cr. lá. Met- calfe, June 1845. 214 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Aug. 26. Fras. Thornhill Baring, chanc. ex. ; first ld. admy., Jan. 1849; aft. la. Northbrook. Aug. 29. Richd. Lalor Sheil, v. pres. bd. tr. ; judge adv. gen., June 1841; m. mint, July 1846; min, to Tuscany, Oct. 1850. Sept. 30. Thos. Babington Macaulay, sec. at war; paym. gen, July 1846; aft. la. Macaulay. 1840. Jan. 3, Geo., E. of Clarendon, ld, pr. seal; chanc. d. Lanc., Oct., same year; pres. bd. tr., July 1846; ld. lieut. of Ireland, May 1847. Geo., ld. Kinnaird, m. buck- hounds. Prince ALBERT, consort to the queen, introd., not sw. 1841. Sir Jos. Littledale, late just q. b. Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill, compt. hold ; again compt., July 1847; aft. la. Sandys. John, ld. Campbell, ld, chanc. Ireland ; chanc. d. Lanc., July 1846; la. ch. just. q. b., Mar. 1850; lil. chanc. Eng., June 18, 1859. Hon. Fox Maule, v. pres. bā. tr.; Sec. at war, July 1846; aft. ld. Panmure and E. of Dalhousie. Hon. Edwd. John Stanley, paym. gen. ; cr. la. Eddisbury, vità patris, May 1848; succ. as lá. Stanley of Alderley, Oct. 1850. Robt. Vernon Smith, und. sec. cols.; aft. 16. Lyveden. Richd. Plantagenet, D. of Buck- ingham and Chandos, ld. pr. seal. Chas. Cecil, E. of Liverpool, ld. St. hbold. Edwd. Granville, ld, Eliot, ch. Sec. Ireland; succ. as E. of St. Germans, Jan. 1845; postm. gen., Jan. 1846. Lord Ernest Bruce, v. chambn. ; aft. M. of Ailesbury. Hy. Pelham, E. of Lincoln, first commi. of woods and forests; ch. Sec. Ireland, 1846. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, v. pres. bd. tr. and m. mint ; pres. bd. tr., June 1843; col. Sec., Dec. 1845; ch. ex., Dec. 1852, June 1859, Aug. 1873, and Apr. 1880; first ld. treasy., Dec. 1868, Apr. 1880, and Feb. 1886; ld. pr. seal, Feb. 1886. Sept. 14. Brownlow, M. of Exeter, hered. grand almoner; gr. stole to pr. Albert. Jan. 15. Sept. 11. Feb. 25. June 23. June 28. Aug. 11. Aug.21. Sept. 3. Sept. 14. John Wm. Robt., M. of Lothian, capt. yeom. guard. Geo. John, ld. De la Warr, ld. ehambn. Jas. Alex., E. of Rosslyn, m buckhounds. John Geo., lord Forrester, capt gent. arms. Hon. Geo. Lionel Dawson Damer, compt. hbold. John Nicholl, judge adv. gen. ; ld. of tr., Jan. 1846. Fredk. Wm., E. Jermyn, treasr. hhold. ; aft. M. of Bristol. 1842. Geo., E. of Beverley. Sir Jas. Lewis Knight Bruce, v. chanc. Sir Jas, Wigram, V. chanc. Walter Fras., D. of Buccleuch and Queensberry, ld, pr. seal; decla. li. pres., Jan. 21, 1846. 1843. Jas., E. of Dalhousie, v. pres. bd. tr. ; again Feb. 1845; gov. gen. of India, Aug. 1847; cr. M. of Dalhousie. Sir Edwd. Ryan, late ch. just., Bengal. Thos. Pemberton Leigh, chanc. and kpr. of the gr. seal to the D. of Cornwall; cr. lá. Kings- down, Aug. 28, 1858. Richd. Pakenham, env. ex, to the United States ; aft. Sir R. 1844. John Hope, ld, just. clk. Scot- land. Sir Fredk. Pollock, ld, ch. bar. ex. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, bt., Sec. at war; ch. Sec. Ireland ; aft. li. Cottesloe. Sir Hy. Pottinger, bt., late plen. in China ; app. gov. of Madras, Aug. 1847. 1845. Hon. Sidney Herbert, sec, at war; aft. lil. Herbert of Lea. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., v. pres. bd. tr. and m. mint. Wm. Bingham Baring, paym, gem.; Succ. as la. Ashburton, May 1848. Hy. Lytton Bulwer, aft. Sir H. and then lord Dalling and Bul- wer; min. plen. to Spain; subs. to the United States, &c. 1846. Feb. 25. Jas., M., aft. D. of Abercorn, gr. stole to pr. Albert. Oct. 6. Jam, 15. Feb. 2. June 10. Dec. 13. Apr. 17. May 23. Feb. 3. Feb. 5. June 30. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 215 Feb. 23. Mar. 18. July 6. July 8. Aug. 1. Oct. 30. June 17. July 22, Oct. 30. Nov. 22. Feb. 11. Apr. 15. June 27. Sept. 4. Feb. 13. June 29. July 30. Mar. 22. July 13. Aug. 14. Hon. Jas. Arch. Stuart Wortley, judge adv. gen. Chas. John, visc. Canning, first commi. of woods and forests. Fras., D. of Bedford. Chas. Wood, ch. ex. ; aft. Sir C., bt., and ló. Halifax. Fredk., E. Spencer, ld, chambn. hhold. Lord Edwd. Geo. Fitz-Alan How- ard, V. chambn. ; aft. la. How- ard of Glossop. Thos. Milner Gibson, v. pres. bd. tr. Granville Geo., E. Granville, m. buck-hounds; v. pres. bā. tr. and paym. gen, , May 1848. Sir Thos. Wilde, ch. just. c. p. ; aft. la. chanc., and cr. lord Truro in 1850. Edwd. Strutt, first commº. of railways ; aft. li. Belper. 1847. Sir Geo. Arthur, bt., late gov. of Bombay. Hon. Wrm. Sebright Lascelles, compt. hold. Sir Wm. Meredyth Somerville, bt., ch. Sec. Ireland; aft. li. Ath- lumley. Jas. Stephen, aft. Sir James, K.C. B., late und. Sec. war and cols. Richd. More O'Ferrall, gov. of Malta. 1848. Thos. Musgrave, abp. of York. Wm. Goodenough Hayter, judge adv. gen, ; joint Sec. treasy., May 1849; aft. Sir W., bt. John Bird Summer, abp. of Can- terbury. John Geo., E. of Besborough, m. buck-hounds. Saml. March Phillips, late und. Sec. home. John, M. of Breadalbane, ld. chambn. 1849. Thos. Wyse, min. plem. to Greece; aft. Sir T. Sir David Dundas, judge adv. gen. Matt. Talbot Baines, first commy. p. law bol. 1850. Richd., M. of Westminster, ld. St. hhold. Hy, Tufnell, late sec. treasy. Sir John Jervis, ld, ch. just. c. p. Nov.13. Sir Robt. Monsey Rolfe, late a bar. ex., v. chanc.; cr. Id. Cranworth, Dec. 1850 ; ld. chanc., Dec. 28, 1852, and July 6, 1867, 1851. Sir John Romilly, m. rolls. Geo. Jas. Turner, aft. Sir G., v. chanc. º Andw. Rutherford, ld. sess., Scot- land. Geo. Aug. Phipps, c.c. E. compt. hnold, Lawrence Sulivan, dep. sec. at Wall". Edwd. Adolphus St. Maur, c.c. ld. Seymour, first commr. woods, forests, &c., 1849-51 : first commr. works, &c., 1851. 1852. Constantine Hy Mulgrave, . Hy. R. C., lil. Cowley, amb. to France. Sir Jno. Patteson, late just. q. b. Algernon, D. of Northumberland, first là. admy. John Wm., E. of Sandwich, capt. gent. arms. Archd. Hamilton, E, of Eglinton, ld. lieut. Ireland. Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, postm. gen. Jas., E. of Malmesbury, for. Sec. Jno. Jas. Robt. Manners, c.c. lord John Manners, ch. commr. works, &c. Lord Claude Hamilton, treast. hhold. Wm., ld, de Ros, capt.yeom.guard. Chas., ld, Colchester, v. pres. bd. tr. Hon. Geo. Cecil Weld Forester, compt. hnold. Sir Jno. Somerset Pakington, sec. war and cols. Spencer Horatio Walpole, home S60. Benjn. Disraeli, ch. ex. Jos. Warner Henley, pres. bd. tr. Robt. Adam Christopher, chanc. d. Lanc. Wm. Beresford, sec. at war. Geo. Bankes, judge adv. gem. 5. Orlando Geo. Chas., visc. New- port, v, chambn. Sir Jno. Trollope, pres. p. law bd. . Sir Jno. Dodson, judge prerog. court, Canterbury. May 15. Richd. Southwell, ld. Naas, ch. sec. Ireland. Oct. 16. Fitzroy Jas. Hy., ld. Raglan, m. gen. Ordn. 216 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Dec. 28. Sir Wm. Molesworth, bt., first commr. works, &c. Sir Jno. Young, bt., ch. Sec. Ireland. Edwd. Cardwell, pres. bd. tr. 1853. Jan. 4. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, ld. pr. Seal, John Robt., visc. Sydney, capt. yeom. guard. Feb. 7. Arthur Richd., D. of Wellington, m. horse. Archd. Wm., visc. Drumlanrig, compt. h.hold. Chas. Pelham Williers, judge adv. gen. Aug. 8. Duncan McNeill, ld, just, gem., Scotland. Oct. 24. Jno. Parker, late sec. admy. 1854. Apr. 15. Hy. Unwin Addington, late und. sec. for. Aug. 11. Sir Robt. Harry Inglis, bt. Nov. 14. Sir Benjn. Hall, bt., pres. bā. health. 1855. Feb. 8. Hon. Hy. Fitzroy, und. Sec. home. Feb. 28. Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., ch. ex. Mar. 10. Edwd. Horsman, ch. Sec. Ire- land. Mar.3]. Edwd. Pleydell Bouverie, v. pres. bd. tr. Dudley, E. of Harrowby, chanc. d. Lanc. July 21. Sir Wm. Hy. Maule, late just. C. p. Aug. 13. Hon. Wrm. Fras. Cowper, pres. bd. health. Sir Maurice Fredk. Fitzh. Berke- ley, ld, admy. Robt. Lowe, V. pres. bā. tr. Wm. Monsell, clk. ordn. Nov. 21. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, G. C. B. 1856. Apr. 4. Sir Lawrence Peel, late ch, just., Calcutta. July 28. GEO. W.M. FREDK. CHAs., D. of CAMBRIDGE ; introd., not sw. Nov. 28. Archd, Campbell Tait, bp. of London. 1857. Feb. 2. Sir Alex. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, ld. ch. just. c. p. Feb. 7. Valentine Augs. W. Castlerosse, compt. hnold. Mar. 21. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine, late gov. gen. Canada; euv. Sp. miss. to China. May 6. June 25. Aug. 27. Feb. 3. Feb. 26. Apr. 6. June 5. Feb. 2 Mar. 3. May 13. June 11. June 18. July 6. Jno. Evelyn Denison, sp. ho. COTO] Iſlo IlS. Sir Jno. McNeill, G.C.B., pres. p. l. bā. Scotland. Fredk. Peel, late War. Hy. Arthur Herbert, ch. Sec. Ireland. Sir Edmd. Walker Head, bt., gov. gen, Canada. 1858. Sir Creswell Creswell, judge of ct. of prob. and div. Hy. Chas. FitzRoy, D. of Beau- fort, m. horse. Hy. Jno., Earl Talbot, gent. arms. Edwd. Hy., lord Stanley, col. SCC, Sir Fredk. Thesiger, ld. Chelms- ford, ld, chanc. Jon. Peel, war sec. Thos. Hy. Sutton Sotheron-Est- court, pres. p. 1. bā. Chas. Bowyer Adderley, comm. education. und. Sec. Capt. V. p. -Richd. John, E. of Donoughmore, pres. bā. tr. Jno. Robt. Mowbray, judge adv. gen. Sir Edwd. Geo. Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, ht., col. Sec. Sir Jno. Taylor Coleridge, late just. q. b. 1859. . Jno. Inglis, ld, just. Clk. Scot- land. Chas. Hy. Gordon Lennox, c.c. E. of March, pres. p. l. bā. Algernon Geo. Percy, Lovaine, v. pres. bd. tr. Sir Jno. Laird Mair Lawrence, bt., G.C.B., M.C.I. Hugh, visc. Gough, comm. ch. India. Geo. Wm. Fredk., M. of Ailes- bury, m. horse. Sir Wm. Geo. Hylton Jolliffe, bt., late Sec. treasy. Jas. Wilson, v. pres. bd. tr. Thos. Emerson Headlam, judge adv. gem. Jno. Poyntz, Earl Spencer, gr. stole to pr. Albert. Hy. Jno., E. of Ducie, yeom. guard. Wm. Coutts Keppel, c.c. visc. Bury, treasr, hbold. Granville Leveson Proby, c.c. 1d. Proby, compt. hold. Sir Wm. Erle, ld, ch. just. c. p. Sir Jas. Wm. Colvile, late ch. just. Calcutta. lord Capt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 217 Feb. 22. June 9. Dec. 17. Feb. 4. June 26. July 25. Feb. 3. Apr. Apr. 7. Apr. 26. Nov. 1. Feb. 4. Mar. 9. Nov. 29. Feb. May 9. June 11. June 27. July 6. 28. 1860. Wm. Hutt, v. pres. bd. tr. Chas Thos. Longley, abp. design. York. John Arthur Douglas, ld. Bloomfield, amb. to Prussia. 1861. Fras., lord Napier, amb. to Russia. Sir Rd. Bethell (ld, Westbury), ld, chanc. Sir Robt. Peel, bt., ch. sec. Ire- land. 1863. Wm. Thomson, abp. York. Sir Andrew Buchanan, K.C.B., amb. to Prussia. Geo. Fred. Saml., E. De Grey and Ripon, Sec. war. . ALBERT EDwD. Pr. of WALEs, introd., not sw. Sir Wm. Gibson Craig, bt. 1864. Chichester Saml. Fortescue, und. Sec. cols. Sir Jas. Plaisted Wilde, judge of ct. of prob. and, div. Hy. Austin Bruce, v. pres. comm. education. Jno., ld. Wodehouse. 1865. Wm. Nathaniel Massey, M.C.I. Richd. Bickerton Pemell, ld. Lyons, amb. U. S. America, Turkey, France, &c. Sir Edwd. Vaughan Williams, late just. c. p. Geo. Joachim Göschen, v. pres. bd. tr. 1866. . Spencer Compton Cavendish, c.c. M. of Hartington, sec. war. Tichd. Edmo., E. of Cork and Orrery, m, buckhounds. Clarence Edwd. Paget, c.c. li. Clarence Paget. PR. A.L.F. ERN. ALB., aft. D. of EDINBURGH, introd., not sw. Otho FitzGerald, c. c. la. Otho Fitzgerald, treas r. bhold. Edmund Hammond, und. Sec. for. Russell Gurney, Recorder of London. Horatio Waddington, und. sec. home. Rd. Plantagenet Campbell Tem- ple Nugent Brydges Chandos, D. of Buckingham and Chan- dos, ld, pres, council. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. Carnarvon, sec. St. cols. of July 6. July 10. Aug. 9. Nov. 10. Dec. 28. Mar. 19. June 26. Aug. 3. Aug 20. Nov. 4. Dec. 20. Feb. 29. Mar. 28. Nov. 7. Nov. 11. Robt. Arthur Talbot Cecil, c.c. visc. Cranborne, sec. st. India. Sir Staffd. Hy. Northcote, bt., pres. bā. tr. Hy. Bouverie Wm. Brand, sec. treasy. Gathorne Hardy, pres. p. 1. bd. Jno. Winston Spencer, D. of Marlborough, la. St. h.hold. Wm. Reginald, E. of Devon, chanc. d. Lanc. Chas. Aug., E. of Tankerville, capt. gent. arms. Hy. Chas., E. of Cadogan, capt. yeom. guard. Wm. Alleyne Cecil, c.c. 1d. Burghley, treasr. bhold. Chas. Philip Yorke, c.c. visc. Royston, compt. hthold. Chas. Jno., ld, Colville of Cul- ross, m. buekhounds. Stephen Cave, v. pres. bd. tr. Hy. Jas. Baillie, M.P. Inverness. Sir FitzRoy Edwd. Kelly, ld. ch. bar, ex. Sir Hugh MacCalmont Cairns, 1. J. app. Sir Rd. Torin Kindersley, late v. chanc. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Knight Storks, G. C. B., gov. Malta. Sir Wm. Bovill, ld. ch. just. C. 10. wā’īobt Seymour Vesey Fitz- Gerald, gov. Bombay. 1867. Robt. Montagu, c.c. lord Robt. Montagu, V. p. comm. educa- tion. Hon. Percy Egerton Herbert, C.B., treasr. hthold. Col. Jno. Wilson Patten, chanc. d. Lanc. Sir Jno. Rolt, 1. j. app. Sir Robt. Josh. Phillimore, judge admy. court. Hon. Hy. Geo. Elliot, amb. Tur- kev. Geo. Patton, ld, just. clk. Scot- land. § Sir Fras. Bond Head, bt., late lt. gov. Upp. Canada. 1868. Geo, Ward Hunt, ch. ex. Sir Wm. Page Wood, l. j. app. Sir Chas. Jasper Selwyn, 1. j. 3,10 O. cº"thos. Edwd. Taylor, late sec. treasy. ; chanc. d. Lanc., pro. tem. Aug. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, G.C.B., c. c. lord W. F. S. Lopus, amb. Prussia. 218 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Nov. 11. Dec. 9. Dec. 12. Feb. 4. Feb. 15. May 13. Aug. 7. Oct. 7. Nov. 11. May 18. July 6. Feb. 8. Mar. 24. May 16. June 29. . Sir Sir Jos. Napier, bt., v. chanc. univ. Dublin, and late lil. chanc. Ireland. Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt., gov. S. Australia. - Jno. Bright, pres. bd. tr. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers, first ld. admy. Austen Hy. Layard, first commr. works, &c. Wm. Edwd. Forster, v. p. comm. education. Fredk. Temple, ld. Dufferin, K.P., K.C.B., chanc. d. Lanc. Sir Colman Michael O'Loghlen, bt., judge adv. gen. 1869. Geo., ld. de hhold. Sir Geo. Markham Giffard, 1. j. Tabley, treasT. app. Jas. Stansfeld, ld, treasy. Wm. Amelius Aubrey De Vere, D. of St. Albans, capt. yeom. guard. Geo. Wm., ld. Lyttelton, for- merly und. Sec. cols. Jno. Jackson, bp. of London. Chas. Stanley, visc. Monck, gow. gen. Canada. Thos. Geo., ld. Northbrook, und. SCC. Wal”. Geo. Alexr. Hamilton. Jas. Moncrieff. Sir Alex. Young Spearman, bt., commº. works and nat. debt. Acton Smee Ayrton, ch. commr. works, &c. 1870. Jas. Anthy. Lawson, just. c. p. Ireland. Sir Wm. Milbourne James, 1. j. app. Sir Barnes Peacock, late ch. just. Bengal. Wm. Heathcote, M.P. univ. Oxford. Sir Geo. Mellish, 1. j. app. 1871. Jno. Robt. Davison, judge adv. gen. Sir Jno. Macpherson Macleod, late Madras civ. service. Sir Jno. Stuart, late v. chanc. PIR. ARTH. W.M. PATR. ALBT., aft. D. of CONNAUGHT, introd., not SW. Fras. Thos. de Grey, E. Cowper, R.G., Capt. gent. arms. Sir Fredk. Rogers, K.C.M.G., und. Sec. cols. Mountague Bernard, D.C.L., prof. at Oxford, member jud. comm. bt., late Aug. 19. Nov. 3. Feb. 5. Mar, 19. May 10. Aug. 9. Oct. 15. Nov. 27. Mar. 3. Mar. 24. Aug. 4. Aug. 9. Aug. 30. Dec. 12. Feb. 2. Feb. 21. Mar. 2. Sir Edwd. Thornton, K.C.B., env. ext. U. S. America. Sir Jas. Shaw Willos, late just. C. p. Sir Montague Edwd, Smith, mem- ber jud, comm. r Sir Edwd. Lugard, G.C.B., und. S60. W8, I’. Sir Robt. Porrett Collier, member jud. comm. 1872. Sir Jas. Weir Hogg, bt., late. M.C.I. º Odo Wm. Leopold Russell, amb. Germany. Richd. d’Aguilar Grosvenor, c.c. ld. Richd. Grosvenor, v. chambn, hbold. Aug. Fredk. Geo. Warwick, ld. Poltimore, treasr, hbold. Sir Wm. Thos. Knollys, K.C.B., comptr. pr. Wales. John Geo. Dodson, chairman of committees, and dep. sp. ho. COIYl Yl OIlS. Geo. Young, ld, adv. Scotland. Sir Roundell Palmer (ld. Sel- borne), ld, chanc. - Peter Erle, late charity commr. Sir Jas. Hannen, judge of ct, of prob, and div. 1873. Sir John Barnard Byles, late just. C. O. w.” Edwd. Baxter, late sec. treasy. Edwd. Hugessen Knatchbull- Hugessen, und. Sec. cols. Geo. Grenfell, ld. Wolverton, sec. treaSW. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, K.C.B., |M.C.I Wm. Patrick Adam, pay.m.-gen., &c. Sir Geo. Jessel, m. rolls. Sir John Duke Coleridge, ld, ch. just. e. p. Lyon Playfair, postm. gen. 1874. Wrm. John, ll. hhold, Sir Saml. Martin, late bar. ex: Hy. Edwd, E. of Ilchester, cap. gent. arms. Richd. Asshet n Cross, home Sec. Fras. Hugh Geo , M. of Hertford, ld. chambri. hnold. - Hy. Geo. Percy, c.c. E. Percy, treasr. hthold. Fredk., E. Beauchamp, ld. St. hhold. Monson, troasr- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 219 Mar. 2. Mar. 17. May 12. July 7. Aug. 6. Oct. 20. Feb. 4. Mar. 17. May 13. Now. 27. Feb. 12. Mar. 24. July 21. Nov. 28. July 11. Aug 13. Dec. 12. Dec. 22. Hy. Richd. Chas. Somerset, c.c. ld. Somerset, compt. hthold. Geo. Wm., visc. Barring" on, v. chambu.. bhold. Dudley Fras. Stuart Ryder, c.c. visc. Sandon, v. p. comm. educatn. Edwd., ld. Skelmersdale, capt. yeom. guard. Sir Michael Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., ch. sec. Ireland. Sir John Chas. Dalrymple Hay, bt., comml. pub, works loan bd. Geo. Sclater Booth, pres. l. g. bā. Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, ld. adv. Scotland. Hon. Gerard Jas. Noel, form. Sec. treasy., aft, first commr. wks., &c. Hy. Chas. Geo. Gordon Lennox, c.c. la. Hy. Gordon Lennox, first commr. whºs., &c. John Gellibrand Hubbard, first comml. pub. wbs. loan bd. PR. LEOP. GEO. DUNCAN ALBT., aft.D. of ALBANY, introd., not sw. 1875. Chas. John, E. of Shrewsbury and Talbot, capt. gent. arms. Sir Hy. Singer Keating, late just. C. p. John Douglas Sutherland Camp- bell, c.c. M. of Lorne, M.P. Argyleshire. Hon. Sir Chas. Augs. Murray, IR.C.B., groom in waiting. Sir Richd. Baggallay, 1. j. app. Sir Richd. Couch, late ch. just. Bengal. Geo. Augs. Fredk. Cavendish Ben- tinck, judge adv. gen. 1876. Hon. Hy. Fk. Thynne, c.c. la. Hy. Fk. Thynne. treast. bhold. Sir John Burgess Karslake, late att. gen, Sir Augs. Berkeley Paget, K.C.B., aumb, to Italy. Colin, ld. Blackburn, ld, of app. Sir Hy. Conyngham Montgomery, bt., late M. C.I. Sir Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell, 1. j. app. Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, 1. j. app. Sir Richd. Paul Amphlett,l. j. app. 1877. Hy. Cotton, 1. j. app. Geo. Wm., E. of Coventry, capt. gent. arms. Wm. Hy. Smith, first là. admy. Hon. Alf. Hy. Thesiger, l. j. app. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Myddelton Bid- dulph, K.C.B., kpr. pr. purse, &c. Feb. 22. Mar. 26. April 2. April 4. Aug. 14. Feb. 22. May 17. June 26. Aug. 14. ... 18. Mar. 24. ... 28. May 3. Dec. 16. 1878. Jas. Lowther, ch. Sec. Ireland. Wm., D. of Devonshire, K.G. Wm. Watson, ld, adv. Scotland. Col. hon. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, S60. Wal’. Geo. Fras. Hamilton, c.c. li. Geo. Fras. Hamilton, v. p. comm. educatn. John Arthur Roebuck. 1879. Hugh de Grey Seymour, c.c. E. of Yarmouth, compt. hnold. Wm. Hy. E. of Mount Edg- cumbe, ld, chambn. hthold. Sir Robt. Lush, 1. j. app. Sir John Mellor, late just. Q. b. Sir John Alexr. Macdonald, K.C.B., prem. of Canada. 1880. Gilbert Hy., ld. Aveland, dep, ld. gr. chambn. Hy. Cecil Raikes, chairm. comm. ways and means and dep. sp. ho. of commons. David Robt. Plunket, paym. gen. Geo, Cubitt, M.P. West Surrey. . Hon. Robt. Bourke, late und, sec for. Sir Wim. Hart-Dyke, late sec. treasy. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Fredk. Ponsonby, K.C.B., kpr. pr. purse. Alexr. Jas. Beresford Beresford- Hope, M.P. Camb. Univ. Hugh Lupus, D. of Westminster, K. G., m. horse. Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Venables Vernon Harcourt, home sec. Gavin, E. of Breadalbane, treasr. hhold. Alexr. Wm. Geo., E. of Fife, capt. gent. arms. Chas. Wnn. Brudenell Bruce, c.c. ld. C. W. B. Bruce, V. chambn. hbold. Wm., ld. hhold. Jos. Chamberlain, pres, bd, tr. Anthony John Mundella, v. p. comm. educatn. Hy. Fawcett, postm. gen. Geo. Osborne Morgan, judge adv, Rensington, compt. gen. Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff, und. Sec. cols. Geo. John Shaw Lefevre, first commr. Wlºs., &c. 1881. Mar. 2. Chas., M. of Huntley, capt. gent, 3.TIIlS. 220 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Mar. 2. May 18. July 15. Aug. 26. Dec. 19. Feb. 6. June 29. Mar. Apr. 2 May 22 Aug. May 19. Aug. Nov. Jan. Mar. May 19. June 24. 19. . 12. 11. . Hy. Sir Arth. Hobhouse, memb, jud. comm. Sir Richd. Malins, late v. chanc. Chas. Robt., ld. Carrington, capt. gent. arms. Archd. Philip, E. of Rosebery, und. Sec. home. Sir Nathl. Lindley, l. j. app. K. C. S. I. , 1882. Sir John Holker, 1. j. app. John David FitzGerald, ld. of app. Sir Chas. Synge Christopher Bowen, 1. j. app. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, ch. Sec. Ire- land. . Sir Chas. Wentworth Dilke, bt., pres. 1. g. bā. 1883. Edwd. White Benson, abp. Canterbury. Sir Edwd. Fry, 1. j. app. Of 2. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robin- son, G.C.M.G., gov. C. G. Hope. . Sir Louis Mallet, c. B., late und. sec. India. Sir Thos. Dyke Acland, M.P. North Devon. John Baird Balfour, Scotland. Sir John Savile Lumley, K.C.B., amb. Italy. ld. adv. 1884. Arthur Wellesley Peel, sp. ho. COINTLY1OIłS. Sir Thos. Erskine May, K.C.B., clk. ho. commons. Adm. Sir Astley Cooper Key, G. C. B., ld, admy. Campbell Bannerman, ch. sec. Ireland. 1885. . Sir Robt. Burnett David Morier, 26. K.C. B., amb. Russia. Sir Edmd. Baldwin Malet, K.C.B., amb. Germany. Fredk. Temple, bp. of London. Sir John Lambert, K.C.B., form. Sec. l. g. bā. Sir Hy. James, late atty.-gen. Randolph Hy. Spencer Churchill, c.c. 1d. R. H. S. Churchill, sec. India. Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, v. pres. comm. educatn. Edwd. Gibson (ld. Ashbourne), ld. chambn. Ireland. Sir Hy. Selwin-Ibbetson, bt., form. und. Sec. home, sec. treasy., &c. June 24. June 27. | July 9. Aug. 12. Sept. 17. Dec. 12. Feb. 6. Feb. 10. Feb. 17. Sir Hy. Drummond Wolff, G.C.M.G., I. C.B., high commr., &c., to Egypt. Sir Hardinge Stanley Giffard (ld. Halsbury), ld, chanc. Hy. Chaplin, chanc. d. Lanc. Arthur Jas. Balfour, pres. l. g. bd. John Hy., M. of Waterford, K.P., m. buckhounds. Geo. Hy., earl Cadogan, ld. pr. seal. Arth. Wm. Hill, c.c. lord A. W. Hill, compt. hbold. Wm. Pleydell, Bouverie, c.c. visc. Folkestone, treasr. h.hold. Wm. Heneage Legge, c.c. visc. Lewisham, chambn. hbold. Sir Arth. John Otway, bt., chair- man committees and dep. sp. ho. commons. Wm. Thackeray Marriott, judge adv. gen. Sir Massey Lopes, bt., form. la. admy. Sir Harry Werney, bt., Buckm. Sir Fras. Richd. Sandford, R. C.B., und. Sec. Scotland. John Hay Athol Macdonald, ld. adv. Scotland. Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., R.C.M.G., v. p. comm. educatn. Sir Hy. Chas. Lopes, l. j. app. Stephen Woulfe Flanagan, late land judge chanc. div. Ireland. 1886. Wm. Schomberg Robt., M. of Lothian, kpr. pr. Seal, Scot- land. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., late dipl. service. Chas. Newdigate Newdigate, late M.P., N. Warwicksh. John Campbell, E. of Aberdeen, ld. lieut. Ireland. Sir Farrer Herschell (lord Her- schell), ld, chanc. John Morley, ch. Sec. Ireland. Edwd. Heneage, chanc. d. Lanc. Chas. Douglas Richd., ld. Sude- ley, capt. gent. arms. Hon. I£dwd. Marjoribanks, compt. hold. Victor Alexr., E. of Elgin, treasr. hhold. Albert Edmd., E. of Morley, first commr. whºs, , &c. Fredk. Edwd. Gould, visc. Kil- coursie, V. chambn. hbold. Chas., ld. Suffield, m. buck- hounds. John Tomlinson Hibbert, Sec. admy. - M.P. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 221 Mar. 8. John Wm. Mellor, judge adv. gen. Nov. 26. Fras. Robt., E. of Rosslyn, capt. Apr. 3. John Wm., E. of Dalhousie, kpr. gent. arms. gr. seal, Scotland. Sir Jas. Bacon, late v. chanc. | Thos. John,ld.Thurlow, paym.gen. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, Col. John Sidney North, late G.C.M.G., gov. Hong Kong. M.P. Oxfordsh. Apr. 16. Sir Ughtred Jas. Kay-Shuttle- 1887. Worth, bt., chanc. d. Lanc. Jan. 25. Edwd. Macnaghten, aft. 1d. Mac- June 26. Hy. Hartley Fowler, sec treasy naghten, ld, of app. Aug. 3. Sir John Rose, bt., G.C.M.G. July 12. Adelbert Wellington Brownlow, - Sir John Hay Drummond-Hay, E. Brownlow, paym. gen. G. C. M. G., IX. C. B. Sir Jno. Clayton Cowell, K.C.B., Chas. Stewart, M. of Londonderry, mast. h.hold. ld. lieut. Ireland. Nov. 28. Sir Wm. Robt. Grove, late just. q.b. Aug. 3. Hy. Matthews, home sec. Chas. Thomson Ritchie, pres. 1. g. 1888. bd. Feb. 21. Sir Rd. Garth, late ch, just. Bengal. Aug. 16. Wm. John Arth. Chas. Jas., D. of June 29. Edw. Robt. Earl Lytton, G.C.B., Portland, m. horse. G.C.S.I., amb. to France. Algn. Hawkins Thomond, E. of Sir Wm. Arth. White, G.C.B., Kintore, capt. yeom. ga. G.C.M.G., amb. to Turkey. LORDS LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND. CHIEF SECRETARIES TO THE LORDS LIEUTENANT. PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES AND UNDER. SECRETARIES TO THE LORDS LIEUTENANT. See Part X. “Ireland,” post. THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE. THE earliest mention of a king’s secretary (secretarius moster) occurs in 1253 (37 Hen. III.). There was only one secretary of state until 1539, when Henry VIII. increased the number to two, of equal rank and authority. These secretaries were either at the time of their first appointment, or soon afterwards, styled secretaries for the “northern " and “southern" departments. Both attended to home affairs, but foreign affairs were divided between them—the “northern' secretary taking the Low Countries, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Russia; and the “southern' secretary taking France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portu- gal, Turkey, &c. Irish affairs were under the charge of the senior secretary. In 1708, soon after the union between England and Scotland, a third secretary of state was appointed, styled the secretary of state for Scot- land. This office was abolished in 1746; but in 1885, by 48 & 49 Vict., cap. 61, a “secretary for Scotland” was again appointed. He, how- ever, does not rank as a secretary of state, and is not always a cabinet minister. In 1768 a third secretary of state was again appointed, to attend to American affairs. He was styled the secretary of state for the colonies. This office was abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III., cap. 82. In the same year the terms “northern” and “southern " departments were 222 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. discontinued, and the secretaryships were divided into “home” and “foreign,” Ireland and the colonies being allotted to the former. The “secretary at war” was not a principal secretary of state, but an official of inferior rank. On July 11, 1794, a secretary of state for war was appointed, and on March 17, 1801, the duties connected with the colonies were transferred to his department, he being thenceforth styled secretary of state for war and the colonies. The secretary at war was continued as a separate office, but from 1855 it was always held jointly with the secretary ship of state for war, and it was ultimately abolished in 1863 by 26 & 27 Vict., cap. 12. On June 12, 1854, a fourth secretary of state was appointed, and the duties of the “war ’’ and “colonial" departments were separated. In 1858 the board of control was abolished by 21 & 22 Vict, cap. 106, and a fifth secretary of state was appointed for Indian affairs. He is styled the secretary of state for India. The Irish secretary is not a secretary of state, but is chief secretary to the lord lieutenant of Ireland. He is not always a cabinet minister. There are now five principal secretaries of state viz.:- I. Home. III. War. W. India. II. Foreign. IV. Colonies. These are always members of the Cabinet, and retire from office on a change of ministers. The division of the duties of the principal secretaries of state into departments is purely a matter of arrangement for greater convenience in the despatch of business. Each secretary has full power to transact the business of any or every department. PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE DOWN TO 1782. See Introduction, ante p. 221. THE earlier dates represent the time when they were found to be secre- taries, not their appointments, unless expressly so mentioned. |RING HENRY III. RING HENRY V. 1253. John Maunsell, described as “secre- 1415. John Stone, who, before 1421, was tarius noster.” succ. by Wm. Alnwick. ICING EDWARD I. RING HENRY WI. 1278. Francis Accursii. 1432. Wm. Hayton, dismissed and no per- 1299. John de Benstede. son at that time appointed to suc- ceed him. RING EDwARD II. 1439. Thos. Beckington, who held the 1308. Wrm. de Melton. office until 1443, when he was 36. * * * app. 1d. pr. seal. - pp 1460. Thos. Manning. RING RICHARD II. 1379. Robt. Braybrooke. RING EDWARD IV. 1464. Wm. Hatcliffe, called “one of the RING HENRY IV. king's secretaries,” called secre- 1402. John Profit, held the office until tary and councillor, in 1467; held 1412, when he was app. 14, pr. the office until 1480, when a co- Seal. adjutor, Oliver King, was given THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. . 223 1408. I483. 1485. 1487. 1500. 1516. 1526. 1528. 1533. I536. 1539. 1543. 1547. 1548. 1549. 1551. 1553. 1553. 1557. 1558. 1572. . Routhall, contal. Sec. 1574. 1578. him on account of his age : Oliver Ring was to succeed him; Hatcliffe died same year. Oliver King. KING RICHARD III. John Kendal; Oliver King having been removed. Kendal was sec. on Aug. 1, 1485. KING HENRY WII. Richd. Fox, made bp. of Exeter in 1487, probably succ. by Oliver . King, who was certainly sec. in 1489 and in 1492, when he was made bp. of Exeter; probably succ. by Thos. Ruthal, or Routhall, who was certainly sec. in 1500 and to 1509, when he became bp. of Dur- ham. KING HENRY WIII. until May 1516, when he became lá. pr. seal. Richd. Pace. Wm. Knight. Stephen Gardiner, bp. of Winchester in 1531. Thos. Cromwell, aft. 16. Cromwell and E. of Essex; ld, pr. seal, July 2, 1536. Thos. Wriothesley. FIRST APPOINTMENT OF Two SECRETARIES. Thos. Wriothesley, and Sir Ralph Sadler. Sir Wm. Petre, vice Wriothesley. Sir Wm. Paget, vice Sadler, April 23. RING EDWARD VI. Sir Wm. Petre, and Sir Wm. Paget, contal. Sir Wm. Petre, and Sir Thos. Smith. Nichs. Wotton, and Sir Wrm. Petre. Sir Wm. Cecil, vice Wotton. Sir Wm. Petre and sir Wm. Cecil, “our secretaries.” Sir John Cheke, in addition to sir Wm. Petre and sir Wrm. Cecil. QUEEN MARY. Sir Wm. Petre, and sir John Bourne. John Boxall, the first sec. app. by letters pat. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir Wm. Cecil, aft. li. Burleigh; ld. treasr. in 1572. Sir Thos. Smith. 1586. 1596. 1603. 1609. 1612. 1616. 1618. 1619. 1622. 1630. 1632. 1641. 1642. 1660. 1662. 1668. 1672. 1674. 1678. 1680. 1681. 5. Sir Albertus Morton. Sir Fras. Walsingham. Thos. Wilson, app. by pat., Jan. 5, in addition to sirFras. Walsingham, Wm. Davison, app, “one of the chief secretaries" by pat. Sir Robt. Cecil, also app. “one of the chief secretaries” by pat. July 13. He continued sec. during the remain- der of this reign. RING JAMES I. Sir Robt. Cecil. contal. ; aft. E of Salisbury. Sir Alexr. Hay. Thos. Hamilton. Sir Ralph Winwood. Sir Thos. Lake. Sir John Herbert, vice Winwood. Sir Robt. Naunton, vice Herbert. Sir Geo. Calvert, aft. la. Baltimore, vice Lake. Sir Edwd. Conway, aft lå. Con- way, vice Naunton. RING CHARLES I. Apr. 9. Sir Edwd., ld. Conway, contal. Apr. 23. Sir John Coke, vice Morton. Nov. 9. Sir Dudley Carleton, ld. Carleton, aft visc. Dorchester, vice Conway. Fras., ld. Cottington, vice Dorches- ter. Sir Harry Vane, vice Coke. Sir Fras. Windebanke, vice Cotting- ton. Sir Edwd. Nicholas, vice Winde- banke. Lucius, visc. Falkland, vice Vane. Geo., ld. Digby, rice Falkland. On the commencement of the civil war all went into confusion. The name of Secretary of State was abolished during the Common- wealth. FROM THE RESTORATION OF KING CHARLEs II. Sir Edwd. Nicholas. June 1. Sir Wm. Morrice. June 30. Sir Hy. Bennet, aft. E. of Arlington, vice Nicholas. Sir John Trevor, vice Morrice. Sept. 29. Hy. Coventry, vice Trevor. July 18. Sir Jos. Williamson, vice Arlington. Sept. 11. Robt., E. of Sunderland, vice Wil- liamson. Feb. 20. Sir Leoline Jenkins, vice Coventry. Feb. 11. Edwd., E. of Conway, vice Sunder- land. Mar. 9. 224 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1683. 1684. 1685. 1688. 1689. 1690. 1692. 1694. 1695. 1697. 1700. 1701. 1702. 1704. 1706. 1708. 1710. 1713. 1714. 1716. 1717. 1718. 1721. 1724. Robt., E. of Sunderland, again, vice Conway. Mar, 6. Sidney Godolphin, aft. E. of Godol- phin, vice Jenkins. May 1. Chas., E. of Middleton, vice Godol- phin. Sept. 25. RING JAMES II. Robt., E. of Sunderland, again. Mar. 13. Richd., visc. Preston, vice Middleton. RING WILLIAM III. Chas., E. of Shrewsbury. Feb. 19. Daml., E. of Nottingham. Hy., visc. Sydney, aft. E. Romney, vice Shrewsbury. Dec. 26. Sir John Trenchard, vice Sydney. Chas., E. of Shrewsbury, again, vice Nottingham. Mar. 4. Sir Wrm. Trumbull, vice Trenchard. May 3. Jas. Vernon, vice Trumbull. Dec 5. Edwd., E. of Jersey, vice Shrews- bury. May 26. Sir Chas. Hedges, vice Vernon. Nov. 5. Chas., E. of Manchester, vice Jersey. Jan. 4. QUEEN ANNE; Daml., E. of Nottingham, again May 15. Sir Chas. Hedges, again, May 2. Robt. Harley, aft. E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer, vice Nottingham. May 18. Chas., E. of Sunderland, vice Hedges. Dec. 3. Hy. Boyle, aft. lá. Carleton, vice Harley. Feb. 15. Wm., ld. Dartmouth, aft. E. of Dart- mouth, vice Sunderland. June 15. Hy. St. John, aft. visc. Bolingbroke, vice Boyle. Sept. 21. Wm. Bromley, vice Dartmouth. KING GEORGE I. Chas., visc. Townshend, vice Boling- broke. Sept. 27. Jas. Stanhope, aft. E. Stanhope, vice Bromley. Sept. 27. Paul Methuen, in the absence of Mr. Stanhope. June 23. Chas., E. of Sunderland, vice Stan- hope. Apr. 16. Jos. Addison, viceTownshend. Apr 16. Jas. Craggs, vice Addison. Mar. 16. Jas., E. Stanhope, again, vice Sun- derland. Mar. 18. Chas., visc. Townshend, vice Stan- hope. Feb. 10. John, ld. Carteret, aft. E. Gran- ville, vice Craggs. Mar. 5. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. of New- castle, vice Carteret. Apr. 14. 1727. 1730, 1742. 1744. 1746. 1746. 1761, 1762. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1768. . Hy. Fox, aft. KING GEORGE II. D. of Newcastle, and Wisc. Townshend, contal, ; patents dated July 27. Wm., ld. Harrington, Harrington, vice June 27. John, ld. Carteret, again vice Har- rington, Teb. 15. Wm., E. of Harrington, again, vice Carteret. Nov. 27. John, E. Granville, vice Harrington. IFeb. 10. Wm., E. of Harrington, again, vice Granville. Feb. 14. Philip Dormer, E. of Chesterfield, vice Harrington, Nov. 4. aft. E. of Townshend. . John, D. of Bedford, vice Chester- field, Feb. 13. . Robt., E. of Holdernesse, vice Bed- ford, June 21. . Sir Thos. Robinson, aft. la. Grant- ham, vice Newcastle, Apr. 15. ld. Holland, vice Robinson, Nov. 25. . Wm. Pitt, aft. E. of Chatham, vice Fox, Dec. 14 ; res. Apr. 1757. . Wrm. Pitt, again, June 30. RING GEORGE III. . Wrm. Pitt, and Robt., E. of Holdernesse, contal. From this time the two departments are distinguished, “N. Dep.” sig- nifying Northern Department, and “S. Dep.” Southern Department. John, F. of Bute, vice Holdernesse (S. Dep.), Mar. 25; pat. dated Apr. 13. Chas., E. of Egremont, vice Pitt (N. Dep.), Oct. 9; pat. dated Oct. 23. Hon. Geo. Grenville, vice Bute (S. Dep.), May 29; pat, dated June 19. John, E. of Sandwich, vice Egre- mont (N. Dep.), Sept. 2; pat. dated Sept. 23. Geo: , E. of Halifax, vice Grenville (S. Dep.), Oct. 14; pat. dated Nov. 15. Aug. Hy., D. of Grafton, vice Hali- fax (S. Dep.), July 10. Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway, vice Sandwich (N. Dep.), July 10; pat, dated July 19 ; transf, to S. Dep., May 26, 1766. Chas., D. of Richmond, vice Grafton (N. Dep.), May 6; pat, dated June 3. Wm., E. of Shelburne, aft. M. of Lansdowne, vice Richmond (N. Dep.), July 30; pat. dated Aug. 18 Thos., visc. Weymouth, aft. M. of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 225 Bath, vice Conway (S. Dep.), Jan. 20; pat. dated Feb. 5; transf, to N. Dep., Oct. 21. 1768. Wm. Hy., E. of Rochford, vice Shel- burne (S. Dep.), Oct. 21; transf. to N. Dep., Dec. 19, 1770. 1770. John, E. of Sandwich, again, vice Weymouth (S. Dep.), Dec. 19. 1771. Geo., E. of Halifax, vice Sandwich (S. Dep.), Jan. 22. ., E. of Suffolk and Berkshire, vice Halifax (S. Dep.), June 12, 1775. Thos., visc. Weymouth, aft. M. of Bath, again, vice Rochford (N. Dep.), Nov. 10. 1779. David, visc. Stormont, aft. E. of Mansfield, vice Suffolk (S. Dep.), Oct. 27; pat, dated Nov. 30. Wills, E. of Hillsborough, aft. M. of Downshire (N. Dep.), Nov. 24; 1771. H pat. dated Jan. 19. UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE DOWN TO 1782. See Introduction, ante p. 221. 1680. John Cooke. Apr. 14. Fras. Gwynn. Apr. 26. 1682. Wm. Bridgeman, vice Gwynn. WILLIAM AND MARY AND KING WILLIAM III. SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT. Richd. Warr. John Isham. Robt. Yard. Matt, Prior. 1689. 1699. NORTHERN DEPARTMENT. 1692. Wm. Bridgeman. Jas. Vernon. Thos. Hopkins, vice Vernon. Thos. Hopkins. John Ellis, vice Bridgeman. John Ellis. John Tucker, vice Hopkins. 1697. 1700. QUEEN ANNE. SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT. Richd. Warr. Wm. Aglionby. John Isham, vice Aglionby. John Tucker. Jos. Addison. Thos. Hopkins. Robt. Pringle. 1702. 1704. 1707. 1710. NORTHERN DEPARTMENT. John Ellis, d John Tucker, } COmtd. Richd. Warr. Erasmus Lewis. Geo. Tilson. Horatio Walpole. 1702. 1704. 1710. KING GEORGE I. SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT. Robt. Pringle, contal. Chas. Stanhope. Temple Stanian. Thos. Tickell. — Corbiere. Chas. de la Faye. Chas. de la Faye. Temple Stanian. 1714. 1717. 1718. 1724. NORTHERN DEPARTMENT. Geo. Tilson, Horatio Walpole, } contal. Geo. Tilson. Chas. de la Faye. Geo. Tilson. Thos. Townshend. 1714. 1717. 1724. RING GEORGE II. SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT. John Couraud, vice Stanian. And, Stone, vice de la Faye. Thos. Ramsden, vice Couraud. 1735. 1736. 1743, NORTHERN DEPARTMENT. 1730. Geo. Tilson. Edwd. Weston. 1740. Thos. Stanhope, vice Tilson. 15 226 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. SouthERN DEPARTMENT (continued). 1748. 1751. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1761. 1762. 1765. 1768. 1773. 1775. 1779. 1761. 1762. Richd. Nevill Aldworth. John Potter. Hon. Richd. Leveson Gower, vice Potter. Claudius Amyand. Richd. Pottinger. Claudius Amyand. Jas. Rivers. Claudius Amyand. Jas. Rivers. Hy. Rivers. Robt. Wood. Jas. Rivers. NoRTHERN DEPARTMENT (continued). 1742. 1745. 1746. 1748. 1750. 1751. 1754. 1760. Edwd. Weston. — Balaguier. Edwd. Weston. — Chetwynd. — Chetwynd. John Potter. Amdw. Stone. Thos. Ramsden. Claudius Amyand. Hugh Valence Jones, vice Ramsden. Jas. Wallis, vice Amyand. Andw. Stone. Jas. Wallis. Richd. Pottinger, vice Stone. Michael Peter Morin, vice Pottinger. Wm. Fraser, vice Wallis. KING GEORGE III. SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT. Robt. Wood, Jas. Rivers, Edwd. Sedgwick. Lovel Stanhope. Wrm. Burke. Michael Peter Morin. John Chas. Roberts. Robt. Wood. Wm. Fraser. Fras. Willis. Sir Stanier Porten. Sir Stanier Porten. Sir Anthy. Chamier, vice Willis. Robt. Bell, vice Chamier. NORTHERN DEPARTMENT. Edwd. Weston. Chas. Jenkinson. Edwd. Weston. Edwd. Sedgwick. Lowell Stanhope, vice Weston. contal. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773. 1779. Richd. Phelps. Jas. Rivers. Rd. Stonehewer. Wm. Fraser. Wm. Fraser. Wrm. Burke. Wrm. Fraser. David Hume, vice Burke. Robt. Wood. R. Sutton. Stanier Porten. Richd. Phelps. Wm. Fraser. Edwd. Sedgwick. Lovel Stanhope. Wm. Eden. Wm. Fraser. Wm. Fraser. Thos. Whately. Wm. Eden, vice Whately. Wm. Fraser. Benj. L'Anglois. SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. See Introduction, ante p. 221, and “Secretaries of State,” ante p. 222. 1782. 1783. Wm., E. of Shelburne, vice ld. Stormont, Mar. 27. Thos., ld. Grantham, July 17; res. Apr. 1783. Fredk., ld, North, aft. E. of Guild- ford, Apr. 2. Fras., M. of Carmarthen, aft. succ. as D. of Leeds, Dec. 23. 1789. 1791. 1794. 1801. 1803. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft, ld. Grenville, June 5. Hy. Dundas, aft, ld. Melville, June 8. Wm. Hy:, D. of Portland, July 11. Thos., ld, Pelham, aft. E. of Chi- chester, July 30. Chas. Philip Yorke, Aug. 7; res. May 1804. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 227 1804. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1812. 1822. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835, 1839. 1841. 1846. 1852. 1855. Robt., ld. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Liverpool, May 12. Geo. John, E. Spencer, Feb. 5. Robt., ld. Hawkesbury, again, Mar. 25. Richd. Ryder, Nov. 1. Hy., visc. Sidmouth, June 11. Robt. Peel, aft. Sir R., bt., Jan. 17. Wm. Sturges Bourne, Apr. 30. Hy., M. of Lansdowne, July 16. Robt. Peel, again, Jan. 26. Wm., visc. Melbourne, Nov. 22. John, visc. Duncannon, aft. E. of Besborough, July 19. Hy. Goulburn, Dec. 15. Ld. John Russell, aft. E. Russell, Apr. 18. Constantine Hy., M. of Normanby, Aug. 30. Sir Jas. Robt. Geo. Graham, bt., Sept. 6. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., July 6. Spencer Horatio Walpole, Feb. 27. Hy. Jno., visc. Palmerston, Dec. 28. Hon. Sidney Herbert, aft. li. Herbert of Lea, Feb. 8. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1861. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1873. 1874. 1880. 1885. 1886. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., again, Feb. 28. Spencer Horatio Walpole, again, Feb. 26. Thos. Hy. Sutton Sotheron-Est- court, Mar. 3. Sir Geo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., June 18. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., G.C.B., again, July 25. Spencer Horatio Walpole, again, July 6. Gathorne Hardy, aft. visc. Cran- brook, May 17. Hy. Austin Bruce, aft. li. Aber- dare, Dec. 9. Robt. Lowe, aft. visc. Sherbrooke, Aug. 9. Rd. Assheton Cross, aft. visc. Cross, Feb. 21. Sir Wm. Geo. Granville Venables Vernon Harcourt, Apr. 28. Sir Rd. Assheton Cross, G.C.B., again, June 24. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers, Feb. 6. Henry Matthews, Aug. 3. UNIDER, SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. THERE are two under secretaries for this department, one parliamentary, the other permanent. PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE For THE Hom E DEPARTMENT. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1796. 1798. 1800. 1803. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1810. 1812. 1818. From the year 1782, when the “Southern " was changed into the “Home” Department. Thos. Orde, and Hy. Strachey. Hon. G. North. Hon. John Thos. Townshend, Feb. 10. Chas. Greville. Wm. Wickham. Edwd. Finch Hatton. Sir Geo. Shee, bt. Reginald Pole Carew. John Hy. Smyth. Chas. Watkin Williams Wynn, Feb. 19. Hon. Chas. Cecil Cope Jenkinson, aft. E. of Liverpool, Oct. 10. Hy. Goulburn, Feb. 27. John Hiley Addington, Aug. 21. Hy. Clive, Apr. 21. 1822. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1841. Geo. Robt. Dawson, Jan. 17. Spencer Perceval, Apr. 30. Thos. Spring Rice, aft. la. Mont- eagle, July 16. Wm. Yates Peel, Apr. 5. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., Aug. 5. Hon. Geo. Lamb, Nov. 22. Hy., visc. Howick, aft. E. Grey, Jan. 13. Edwd. John Stanley, aft. la. Eddis- bury, and ló. Stanley of Alderly, July 23. Wm. Gregson, Jan. 3. Hon. Fox Maule, aft. li. Panmure and E. of Dalhousie, Apr. 18. Edwd. Adolphus, ld. Seymour, June 15. 15 * 228 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1841. 1842. 1847. 1848. 1850. 1852. 1853. 1855. 1858. 1859, 1863, 1864. 1782. 1789. 1792. 1806. 1817. 1827. 1848. 1867. Hon. John Hy. Thos. Manners Sut- ton, Sept. 3. Sir Wm. Marcus Somerville, bt., July 5. Sir Denis Le Marchant, July 22. Geo. Cornewall Lewis, aft. Sir G., bt., May 15. Hon. Edwd. Pleydell Bouverie, July 9. Sir Wm. Geo. Hilton Jolliffe, bt., Feb. Hon. Hy Fitzroy, Dec. Wm. Nathl. Massey, Feb. Gathorne Hardy, aft. visc. Cran- brook, Feb. Geo. Clive, June. Hy. Austin Bruce, aft. Lord Aber- dare. Hon. Thos. Geo. Baring, aft. lil. and E. of Northbrook. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1871. 1874. 1878. 1880. 1881. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Saml. Richd. Lowry, E. of Belmore, July. Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, bt., Feb. Edwd. Hugessen Knatchbull-Huges- sen, aft. la. Brabourne, Dec. Hy. Selfe Page Winterbotham. Sir Hy. Jno. Selwin-Ibbetson, bt., Feb. Sir Matthew White Ridley, bt. Leonard Hy. Courtney, May. Arch. Philip, E. of Rosebery. John Tomlinson Hibbert. Hy. Hartley Fowler. Chas. Beilby Stuart-Wortley, June. Hy. Broadhurst, Feb. e Chas. B. Stuart-Wortley, again, Aug. PERMANENT UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT. Evan Nepean, aft. Sir E., bt. Scrope Bernard. John King. John Beckett, jun., aft. Sir J., bt., Feb. 19. Hy. Hobhouse, June 28. Saml. March Phillips, July 16. Horatio Waddington, May 15. Hon. Adolphus Freak Octavius 1885. Liddell, aft. Sir A., K.C.B.; d. June 27, 1885. On Liddell's death, Sir Hy. J. S. Maine, K.C.S.I., was appointed, but, being unable through ill- health to perform the duties, he retired in favour of Godfrey Lushington, July. SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS. See Introduction, ante p. 221, and “Secretaries of State,” ante p. 222. 1782. 1783. 1791. 1801. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1809. Chas. Jas. Fox, Mar. 27 ; res. July {). Thos. Townshend, aft. la. and visc. Sydney, July 13. Chas. Jas. Fox, again, Apr. 2. Geo., E. Temple, aft. M. of Buck- ingham, Dec. 19. Thos., ld., aft. visc. Sydney, again, Dec. 23; res. May 1791. Wm. Wyndham, lord Grenville, June 8. Robt., ld. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Liverpool, Feb. 20. Dudley, ld., aft. E. of Harrowby, May 14. Hy., ld., aft. E. of Mulgrave, Jan. 11 Chas. Jas. Fox, again, Feb. 7 ; d. Sept. 13, 1806. Chas., ld. Howick, aft. E. Grey, Sept. 24. Geo. Canning, Mar. 25; res. Sept. 1809. Hy., E. Bathurst, Oct. 11. Richd., M. Wellesley, Dec. 6. 1812. 1822. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1841. 1846, 1851. 1852. Robt. Hy., visc. Castlereagh, aft. M. of Londonderry, Mar. 4; d. Aug. 12, 1822. Geo. Canning, Sept. 16. John Wm., visc. Dudley and Ward, Apr. 30. Geo., E. of Aberdeen, June 2. H; John, visc. Palmerston, Nov. Arthur, D. of Wellington ; entrusted with the three seals of secs. of St., Nov. 15; he retained the seal of for. sec., Dec. 9, 1834. Hy. John, visc. Palmerston, again, Apr. 18. Geo., E. of Aberdeen, again, Sept. 2. Hy. John, visc. Palmerston, again, July 6. - Granville Geo., E. Granville, Dec. 26. Jas. Howard, E. of Malmesbury, Feb. 27. Lord John Russell, aft. E. Russell, Dec. 28. . . . / . : -- - - ...' . - - . . " . . . . . . . . i $. - - ... • - * - - # !' THE Book 6F DIGNITIES. 229 1853. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, 1874. Edwd. Hy., E. of Derby, again, K.G., Feb. 21. Feb. 21. 1858. Jas. Howard, E. of Malmesbury, 1878. Robt. Arthur Talbot, M. of Salisbury again, Feb. 26. Apr. 2. - g 1859. LoráJohn Russell, aft. E. Russell, 1880. Grºle, ºº, * * **, again, June 18. I again, Apr. #, M. of Sali 1865. Geo. Wm. Fredk.. E. of Clarendon 1885. Robt. Arthur Talbot, M. of Salis: gº 5 2 bury, K.G., again, June 24; held again, Nov. 3. with the premiership. 1866. Hon. Edwd. Hy. Stanley, c.c. lord | 1886. Archd. Philip, E. of Rosebery, Stanley; aft. E. of Derby, July Feb. 6. 6. - Stafford Hy., E. of Iddesleigh, G.C.B., 1868. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, Aug. 3; d. Jan. 12, 1887. K.G., again, Dec. 9. 1887, Robt. Arthur Talbot, M. of Salis- 1870. Granville Geo., E. Granville, again, bury, again, Jan. 14; held with July 6. the premiership. |UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS. See “Under Secretaries of State,” ante p. 225. THERE were at first two under secretaries for foreign affairs, both par- liamentary; but in 1790 one of the under secretary ships was made a permanent appointment. In 1824 a third under secretary (parliamen- tary) was appointed, but this was discontinued in 1827. An assistant under secretary was appointed on Oct. 1, 1858, a legal assistant under secretary on July 14, 1876, and on the promotion of this officer to the permanent under secretaryship on Sept. 23, 1882, a second assistant under secretary was appointed ; all these appointments being permanent. PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS. From the year 1782, when the “Northern " was changed into the “Foreign º’ department. 1782. Richd. Brinsley Sheridan. 1789. Jas. Bland Burgess, vice Fraser, Wm. Fraser. Aug. 22. Geo. Maddison, vice Sheridan. Hon. Dudley Ryder, aft. li. and E. 1783. St. Andrew St. John, vice Maddison. of Harrowby, Aug. 24. Wm. Fraser, sole sec. In 1790 George Aust was appointed Permanent Under Secretary, vice Ryder. See “Permanent Under Secretaries,” below. PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARIES-continued. 1789. Jas. Bland Burgess, above named, 1807. Jas. Edwd., visc. Fitz Harris, aft. E. Aug. 22. of Malmesbury, Mar. 30. 1796. Geo. Canning, Jan. 5. Hon. Chas. Bagot, Aug. 19. 1799. John Hookham Frere, Apr. 1. 1809. Culling Chas. Smith, Dec. 13. 1800. Edwd. Fisher, Sept. 25. 1812. Edwd. Cooke, Feb. 28. 1801. Fredk., ld. Harvey, aft. E. and M. 1822. Richd. Chas. Fras., E. of Clan- of Bristol, Feb. 20. william, Jan. 22. 1803. Chas. Arbuthnot, Nov. 8. - 1823. Lord Fras. Nathaniel Conyngham, 1804. Hon. Wrm. Eliot, aft. E. of St. aft. E. of Mount Charles and M. Germans, June 5. Conyngham, Jan. 6. , t 1805. Robt. Ward, Feb. 25. 1824. Chas. Aug., ld. Howard de Walden, 1806. Hon. Geo. Walpole, Feb. 20. aft. li. Seaford, app. third under Sir Fras. Vincent, bt., Feb. 20. sec. July 5. 230 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1826. Ulick John, M. of Clanricarde, Jan. 2, vice Conyngham ; retired Aug. 17, 1827, and the third under secretaryship was not filled up. Cospatrick Alexr., lord Dunglas, June 9. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., Nov. 26. Geo., visc. Fordwich, Nov. 13. Philip Hy., visc. Mahon, Dec. 17. Hon. Wm. Thos. Horner Fox Strangways, aft. E. of Ilchester, Aug. 15. Granville Geo. Leveson, visc. Leve- son, aft. E. Granville, Mar. 7. Chas. John, visc. Canning, aft. E. Canning, Sept. 4. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1840. 1841. 1846. Hon. Geo. Aug. Fredk. Percy Sydney Smythe, aft. visc. Strangford, Jan. 27. Edwd. John Stanley, aft. la. Eddis- bury and ld. Stanley of Alderley, July 6. 1852. Austen Hy. Layard, aft. Sir A., Feb. 12. Hon. Edwd. Hy. Stanley, c.c. 1d. Stanley; aft. E. of Derby, May 18. PERMANENT UNDER SECRETARIES 1790. Geo. Aust, Feb. 20. 1795. Geo. Hammond, Oct. 16 ; res. 1806. 1807. Geo. Hammond, re-app. Mar. 30. 1809. Wm. Richd. Hamilton, Oct. 16. 1817. Josh. Planta, July 25. 1827. John Backhouse, Apr. 23. 1842. Hy. Unwin Addington, Mar. 4. 1852. John, ld. Wodehouse, aft. E. of Rimberley, Dec. 28. Hy. Petty, E. of Shelburne, aft. M. of Lansdowne, July 5. Wm. R. Seymour Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. Sir W., Feb. 26. John, ld. Wodehouse, aft. E. of Kimberley, again, June 19. Austen Hy. Layard, aft. Sir A., again, Aug. 15. Edwd. Christr. Egerton, July 6. Arthur John Otway, aft. Sir A., Dec. 12. Geo. Hy. Chas., visc. Enfield, Jan. 9 1856. 1858. 1859. 1861. 1866. 1868. 1871. Hon. Robt. Bourke, aft. Id. Conne- mara, Feb. 23. Sir Chas. Wentworth Dilke, bt., Apr. 28. Lord Edmond Geo. maurice, Jan. 1. Hon. Robt. Bourke, aft. li. Conne- mara, again, June 24. James Boyce, Feb. Sir Jas. Fergusson, Aug. 1874. 1880. 1883. Petty Fitz- 1885. 1886. bt., G.C.S.I., of STATE FOR For EIGN AFFAIRS. 1854. Edmd. Hammond, aft. Id. Ham- mond, Apr. 10. 1873. Chas. Stuart Aubrey, lord Tenter- den, IC. C. B., Oct. 10. 1882. Sir Julian Pauncefote, C.M.G., C.B., Sept. 23. ASSISTANT PERMANENT UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS. From their first appointment in 1858. 1858. Jas. Murray, Oct. 1. 1869. Hon. Thos. Chas. Rice. 1870. Odo W. L. Russell, c. c. 1d. O. Russell, and aft. 16. Ampthill, Aug. 10. 1871. Chas. Stuart Aubrey, ld. Tenter- den, Jan. 9; app. perm. under sec., Oct. 10, 1873. Wm. Spring 1873. Thos. Williers Lister, aft. sir. T., K.C.M.G., Oct. 10. 1876. Sir Julian Pauncefote, July 14, legal assist. under Sec. ; app. perm. under sec., Sept. 23, 1882. 1882. Philip Hy. Wodehouse Corrie, C.B., aft. Sir P., K.C.B., second assist. under sec., Oct. 24. SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR, WAR, AND COLONIES. From the establishment of the War Department in 1794. See Introduction, ante p. 221, “Secretaries of State,” ante p. 222, and “Secretaries of State for the Colonies from 1768 to 1782,” post p. 234. 1794. Hy. Dundas, aft. visc. Melville, sec. for war, July 11. The business of the Colonies, which was carried on at the Home Office, was transferred in 1801 to the War Department. 1804. Robt., ld. Hobart, Mar. 17. • John, E., aft. M. Camden, May 12. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 231 1805. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1812. 1827. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1833. 1834. Robt., visc. Castlereagh, July 10. Wm. Windham, Feb. 14. Robt., visc. Castlereagh, again, Mar. 25 9. Robt., E. of Liverpool, late lă. Hawkesbury, Oct. 11. Hy., E. Bathurst, June 11. Fredk. John, visc. Goderich, aft. E. of Ripon, Apr. 30. Wm. Huskisson, Aug. 17. Sir Geo. Murray, May 30. Fredk. John, visc. Goderich, aft. E. of Ripon, again, Nov. 22. Hon. Edwd. Geoffrey Smith Stanley, c.c. li. Stanley; aft. li. Stanley of Bickerstaffe and E. of Derby; Apr. 3. 1835. 1839. 1841. 1845. 1846. 1852. Thos. Spring Rice, aft. li. Mont- eagle, and Geo., E. of Aberdeen, June 5. Chas. Grant, aft. li. Glenelg, Apr. 18. Constantine Hy., M. of Normanby, Feb. 20. Lord John Russell, aft. E. Russell, Aug. 30. Hon. E. G. Stanley, c.c. Id. Stanley; aft. li. Stanley of Bickerstaffe and E. of Derby, again, Sept. 3. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Dec. 23. Hy., E. Grey, July 3. Sir John Somerset Pakington, bt., Feb. 27. Hy., D. of Newcastle, Dec. 28. The secretaryship was divided 10th June, 1854. See “Secretaries of State for the War Department,” post p. 232, and “Secretaries of State for the Colonies,” post p. 234. |UNDER, SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR, WAR, AND COLONIES. From the establishment of the War Department in 1794. See Introduction, ante p. 221, “Under Secretaries of State,” ante p. 225, and “Under Secretaries of State for the Colonies from 1768 to 1782,” post p. 235. 1794. 1795. 1801. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1810. 1812. 1816. 1821. 1828. WAR. Evan Nepean, aft. Sir E., bt. Wm. Huskisson. WAR AND COLONIES. John Sullivan. Edwd. Cooke. Sir Geo. Shee, bt. Sir Jas. Cockburn, additional appt. Edwd. Cooke, vice Shee. Hon. Chas. Wm. Stewart, vice Cockburn. Hon. Fredk, John Robinson, vice Stewart. Hon. Cecil Jenkinson, vice Cooke, Lt.-col. Hy. E. Bunbury, vice Robinson. Robt. Peel, aft. Sir R., bt., vice Jenkinson. Hy. Goulburn, vice Peel. Lt.-col. Bunbury's appointment was this year set aside. Robt. Wilmot Horton, vice Goul- burn. Hon. Edwd. Geoffrey Smith Stan- 1830. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1839. 1841. 1846. 1851 ley, c.c. 1d. Stanley; aft. la. Stan- ley of Bickerstaffe and E. of Derby; vice Horton. Lord Fras. Leveson Gower, aft. 1d. Fras. Egerton, and E. of Elles- mere, vice Stanley. Horace Twiss, vice Gower. Hy., visc. Howick, aft. Earl Grey, vice Twiss. John G. Shaw-Lefevre, aft. Sir J., vice Howick. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., vice Shaw- Lefevre. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, vice Grey. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., again; vice Gladstone. Hy. Labouchere, aft. lá. Taunton, vice Grey. Robt. Vernon Smith, aft, ld. Lyve- den, vice Labouchere. Geo. Wm. Hope, vice Vernon Smith, Sept. 8. Geo. Wm., ld. Lyttelton, vice Hope, Jan. 8. Benj. Hawes, vice Lyttelton, July 6. Fredk. Peel, aft. Sir F. 232 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PERMANENT UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR WAR AND COLONIES. 1825. Robt. Wm. Hay. 1847. Herman Merivale. 1835. Jas. Stephen, aft. Sir J. The under secretaryship was divided 10th June, 1854. See “Under Secretaries of State for the War Department,” infra, and “Under Secretaries of State for the Colonies,” post p. 235. SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE WAR, DEPARTMENT. See Introduction, ante p. 221, and “Secretaries of State for War and Colonies,” ante p. 230. 1854. Hy., D. of Newcastle, June 12. 1868. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. visc. Cardwell, 1855. Fox, ld. Panmure, aft. E. of Dal- Dec. 9. housie, Feb. 8. 1874. Gathorne Hardy, aft. visc. Cran- 1858. Jonathan Peel, Feb. 26. brook, Feb. 21. 1859. Sidney Herbert, aft. la. Herbert | 1878. Col. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, aft. of Lea, June 18. ld. Stanley of Preston, Apr. 2. 1861. SirGeo. Cornewall Lewis, bt., July 23. 1880. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers, 1863. Geo. Fredk. Saml., E. de Grey and Apr. 28. Ripon, Apr. 28. 1882. Hon.SpencerCompton Cavendish, c.c. 1866. Hon. Spencer Compton Cavendish, M. of Hartington, again, Dec. 16. c.c. M. of Hartington, Feb. 16. 1885. Wm. Hy. Smith, June 24. 1866. Jonathan Peel, again, July 6. 1886. Hy. Campbell-Bannerman, Feb. 6. 1867. Sir John Somerset Pakington, bt., Wm. Hy. Smith, again, Aug. 3. Mar. 8. 1887. Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, Jan. 14. |UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE WAR, DEPARTMENT. THERE were originally two under secretaries for this department, one parliamentary, the other permanent. In 1870, under the provisions of 33 & 84 Vict., cap. 17, a third under secretary was appointed, with the title of “financial secretary of the war office.” His office is parlia- mentary. PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 1855. Fredk. Peel, aft. Sir F. | 1872. Hy. Chas. ICeith, M. of Lansdowne. 1857. Sir John Wm. Ramsden, bt. | Mar. or Apr. 1858. Lord Hardinge. 1874. Geo. Robt. Chas., E. of Pembroke, * 1859. Geo. Fredk. Saml., Earl de Grey Feb. and Ripon. 1875. Geo. Hy., E. of Cadogan. 1863. Hon. Spencer Compton Cavendish, 1878. Wm. Coutts, visc. Bury. c.c. M. of Hartington. 1880. Albert Edmd., E. of Morley, Apr. 1866. Wrm. Lygon, E. of Longford. 1885. Wm. Coutts, visc. Bury, again, 1868. Thos. Geo., ld., aft. E. of North- June 24. brook, Dec. 1886. Wm., ld. Sandhurst, Feb. l Geo. Robt. Canning, ld. Harris, Aug. TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 233 1870. 1871. 1874, 1877. 1855. 1857. 1644. 1661. 1666. 1683. 1685. 1692. 1704, 1708, 1710. FINANCIAL SECRETARIEs of THE WAR OFFICE. Appointed under 33 & 34 Vict, cap. 17. Hon. John Cranch Walker Vivian; 1880. Hy. Campbell-Bannerman, again, app. perm. und. Sec. Aug 29, Apr. 1871. 1882. Sir Arthur Divett Hayter, bt. Hy. Campbell, aft. Hy. Campbell- 1885. Hon. Hy. Stafford Northcote, aft. Bannerman. sir H., bt., June. Col. Fredk. Arthur Stanley, aft. 1886. Herbert John Gladstone, Feb. º ld. Stanley of Preston, Feb. Wm. St. John Fremantle Brodrick, Lt.-col. Robt. Jas. Loyd Lindsay. Aug. - PERMANENT UNDER SECRETARIEs of STATE FOR THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Col. G. C. Mundy. 1861. Sir Edwd. Lugard, K.G.B. . . Sir Benj. Hawes, K.C.B., late dep. 1871. Hon. John Cranch Walker.Vivian, Sec. at War. 1878. Ralph Wood Thompson, aft. Sir R. SECRETARIES AT WAR. See Introduction, ante p. 221. RING CHARLES I. 1712. Sir Wm. Wyndham, bt., June 28. Edwd. Walker was sec. at war this 1713. Fras. Gwyn, Aug. 21. year.—Harleian Catalogue, No. RING GEORGE I. 6802. 1714. Wm. Pulteney, aft. E. of Bath, COMMONWEALTH. Sept. 25. Wm. Clarke, aft. sir W. He was some- 1717. Jas. Craggs, jun., Apr. 13. times called “Clerk to the General” 1718. Christr. Wandesford, visc. Castle- (Monk), sometimes “Secretary comer. Mar, 14. to the Forces”; but the title of Robt. Pringle, May 18. the office was, probably, “Secre- Geo. Treby, Dec. 24. tary to the Council of War.”— 1720 ) It is stated in TINDAL, ii., 631, Council Book during the Interreg- & | that Mr. Trevor was sec. vt war num. State Paper Office. 1721. in these years. 1724. Hon. Hy. Pelham, Apr. 1. KING CHARLES II. Sir Wm. Clarke, contal., Jan. 28. KING GEORGE II. Matthew Locke, June 5. 1730. Sir Wm. Strickland, bt., June 11. Wm. Blathwayte, Aug. 18. 1735. Sir Wm. Yonge, bt., May 9. 1741. Thos. Winnington, Apr. 27.—Kears- RING JAMES II. ley's Annals. Wm. Blathwayte, contal. This name does not appear in the authorised lists; nor can it be RING WILLIAM III. traced at the Rolls' office. Geo. Clarke, Mar. 3. 1746. Hy. Fox, aft, la, Holland, July 23. 1755. Wm. Wildman, visc, Barrington, QUEEN ANNE. Nov. 14. Hy. St. John, aft. li. and visc. St. RING GEORGE III. e 1761. Chas. Townshend, Mar. 18. Robt. Walpole, aft. Sir R. and E. of 1762. Welbore Ellis, aft. li. Mendip, Dec. Orford, Feb. 25. 17. Geo. Granville, aft, ld, Lansdowne, 1765. Wm. Wildman, visc. Barrington, of Bideford, Sept. 28. again, July 19. John, and visc. Bolingbroke, Apr. 20 234 TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1778. Chas. Jenkinson, aft, ld, Hawkes- | 1830. Chas. Watkin Williams Wynn, Nov. bury and E. of Liverpool, Dec. 16. 30. 1782. Thos. Townshend, aft. visc. Sydney, 1831. Sir Hy. Brooke Parnell, bt., aft. Mar. 27. ld. Congleton, Apr. 4. 1782. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt., July 11. 1832. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, bt., Feb. 1. 1783. Col. hon. Richd. Fitzpatrick, Apr. 11. 1833. Edwd. Ellice, Apr. 4. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt., again, Dec. 24. 1834. John Chas. Herries, Dec. 16. 1794. Wm. Windham, July 11. 1835. Hy., visc. Howick, aft. E. Grey, 1801. Chas. Yorke, Feb. 20. Apr. 20. 1803. Chas. Bragge (Bathurst), Aug. 17. 1804. Wm. Dundas, May 15. V 1806. Gen. hon. Richd. Fitzpatrick, again, QUEEN VICTORIA. Feb. 7. 1837. Wisc. Howick, conta. 1807. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Murray Pulteney, 1839. Thos. Babington Macaulay, aft. lord bt., Mar. 30. Macaulay, Sept. 26. 1809. Lord Granville Leveson Gower, aft. 1841. Sir H. Hardinge, aft. visc. Hardinge, E. Granville, June 27. again, Sept. 4. 1809. Hy. John, visc. Palmerston, Oct. 27. 1844. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, bt., May 17. FCING GEORGE IV. 1845. Hon. Sidney Herbert, aft. Id. Her- 1820. Wisc. Palmerston, contal. bert of Lea, Feb. 4. 1828. Sir Hy. Hardinge, aft. visc. Har- 1846. Hon. Fox Maule, aft. la. Panmure dinge, May 31. and E. of Dalhousie, July 6. 1852. Robt. Vernon Smith, aft. Id. Lyve- KING WILLIAM IV. den, Feb. 6. 1830. Lord Fras. Leveson Gower, aft. li. Wm. Beresford, Feb. 28. Fras. Egerton and E. of Elles- Sidney Herbert, aft. la. Herbert of mere, July 30. | Lea, again, Dec. 30. Office held by Secretary of State for War from 1854 until 1863, when it was abolished by 26 & 27 Vict., cap. 12. T)EPUTY SECRETARIES AT WAR. 3& % * * 1826. Lawrence Sulivan. 1797. Matt. Lewis (dep. sec. in this year). 1851. Benjn. Hawes, aft. Sir B.; made per- 1803. Fras. Nison, aft. Sir F. manent und. Sec. war, 1857. Vide 1810. Wm. Merry. that title, supra. SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES. See Introduction, ante p. 221. I. FROM 1768 To 1782. 1768. Wm. E. of Hillsborough, aft. M. of 1776. Lord Geo. Sackville Germaine, aft. Downshire, Feb. 27. visc. Sackville, Jan. 25. 1772. Wm., E. of Dartmouth, Aug. 27. 1782. Welbore Ellis, aft. li. Mendip, Mar. 8. - The office was abolished in 1782, and the duties transferred to the Home Secretary until 1794, when the Secretary of State for War was appointed, and the duties trans- ferred to him. See “Secretaries of State for War and Colonies,” ante p. 230. II. FROM 1854. To THE PRESENT TIME. 1854. Sir Geo. Grey, bt , June 2. 1855. Lord John Russell, aft. E. Russell, 1855, Hon. Sidney Herbert, aft. ld. Her- May 1. bert of Lea, Feb. Sir Wm. Molesworth, bt., July 21. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 235 1855. Hy. Labouchere, aft. li. Taunton, 1870. John, E. of Kimberley, July 6. Nov. 21. 1874. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- 1858. Hon. Edwd. Hy. Stanley, c.c. 1d. narvon, again, Feb. 21. Stanley, aft. E. of Derby, Feb. 26. 1878. Sir Michael Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., Sir Edwd. Geo. Earle Lytton Bulwer sw. Feb. 4. Lytton, bt., aft. la. Lytton, May 31. 1880. John, E. of Kimberley, again, Apr. 1859. Hy. Pelham, D. of Newcastle, June 28. - 18. 1882. Edwd. Hy., E. of Derby, again, Dec. 1864. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. visc. Cardwell, 16. Apr. 4. 1885. Fredk. Arth. Stanley, aft. li. Stan- 1866. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- ley of Preston, June 24. narvon, July 6. 1886. Granville Geo., E. Granville, K.G., 1867. Richd. Plant. Campbell Temple again, Feb. 6. Nugent Brydges Chandos, D. of Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, Aug. 3. Buckingham and Chandos, May 8. 1887. Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., 1868. Granville Geo., E. Granville, Dec. G.C.M.G., Jan. 14, Sw, ; cr. 1d. 9. Enutsford, Feb. 27, 1888, G. TJNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES. See Introduction, ante p. 221, and see note to “Secretaries of State for the Colonies,” ante p. 234. I. FROM 1768 To 1782. 1768. Richd. Philips. 1776. Christian D'Oyly, vice Pownall. John Pownall. 1778. Thos. De Grey, junr., vice D'Oyly. 1772. Wm. Knox, vice Philips. 1780. Benjn. Thompson, vice De Grey. II. FROM 1854. To THE PRESENT TIME. THERE are now two under secretaries of state for the colonies, one parliamentary, the other permanent. There are also two permanent assistant under secretaries. PARLIAMENTARY UNIER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES. 1854. Fredk. Peel, aft. Sir F. 1874. Jas. Lowther, Feb. 1855. John Ball, Feb. 1878. Geo. Hy., E. Cadogan, Feb. 1857. Chichester Saml. Fortescue, aft. la. | 1880. Mountstewart Elphinstone Grant- Carlingford. Duff, aft. sir M., Apr. 1858. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- 1881. Leonard Hy. Courtney. narvon, Feb. 1882. Hon. Anthy. Evelyn M. Ashley. 1859. C. S. Fortescue, aft. lord Carling- || 1885. Wyndham Thos., E. of Dunraven, - ford, again, June. June. 1865. Wm. Edwd. Foster, Nov. 1886. Geo. Osborne Morgan, Feb. 1866. Chas. Bowyer Adderley, aft. Sir C., W. T., E. of Dunraven, again, Aug. bt., and ló. Norton, July. 1887. Wm. Hillier, E. of Onslow, Feb. 1868. Wm. Monsell, aft. li. Emly, Feb. 17. 1871. Edwd. Hugessen Knatchbull-Huges- | 1888. Baron Hy. de Worms. sen, aft. li. Brabourne, Jan. PERMANENT UNIXER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES. 1825. Robt. Wm. Hay, war and colo- till June 1854, and then colonies, nies. May 1848. 1835. Jas. Stephen, aft. Sir J., war and 1859. Sir Fred. Rogers, aft. li. Blachford. colonies, 1836. | 1871. Robt. Geo. Wyndham Herbert, aft. 1847. Herman Merivale, war and colonies sir R. 236 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PERMANENT AssISTANT UNDER SECRETARIEs of STATE FOR THE CoLoRIES. 1849. T. Fredk. Elliot, aft. Sir T.; war and colonies till June 1854, and then colonies. 1868. Sir Fras. R. Sandford. 1870. Robt. Geo. Wyndham Herbert, aft. Sir R.; app. perm. und. sec. 1871. Hy. Thurstan Holland, aft. Sir H., bt., and ld. Knutsford,addtml.appt. 1871. Hon. Robt. Hy. Meade, vice Her- bert. 1874. W. R. Malcolm, vice Holland. Sir Julian Pauncefote, additional appt., making three assist wnd. S&CS. 1876. John Bramston, vice Pauncefote. 1878. Edwd. Wingfield, vice Malcolm. SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR, INDIA. Appointed after the passing of 21 & 22 Vict, cap. 106. See Introduction, ante, p. 221. 1858. Hon. Edwd. Hy. Stanley, c.c. lord Stanley, aft, E. of Derby, Sept. 2 Sir Chas. Wood, bt., aft, visc. Hali- fax, June 18. Geo. Fredk. Saml., E. de Grey and Ripon, Feb. 16. Robt. Arth. Talbot Cecil, c.c. visc. Cranborne, aft. M. of Salisbury, July 6, Sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., aft. E. of Iddesleigh, Mar. 8 Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, Dec. 1859, 1866. 1867. 1868. 1874. Robt. Arth. Talbot, M. of Salisbury, again, Feb. 21. Gathorne Hardy, aft. visc. brook, Apr. 2. Hon. Spencer Compton Cavendish, c.c. M. of Hartington, Apr. 28. John, E. of Kimberley, Dec. 16. Randolph Hy. Spencer Churchill, c.c. la. Randolph Churchill, June 24. John, E. of Kimberley, again, Feb. 1878. Cran- 1880. 1882. 1885. 1886. 6. Sir Richd. Assheton Cross, G.C.B., aft. visc. Cross, Aug. 3. |UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR, INDIA. THERE are two under secretaries for this department, one parliamentary, the other permanent. PARLIAMENTARY UNIXER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR INDIA. 1858. 1859. Hy. Jas. Baillie. Hon. Thos. Geo. Baring, aft. Id. and E. of Northbrook. Fredk. Temple, ld, aft. E. Dufferin. Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt. Chas. Hy. Rolle, ld. Clinton. Mountstuart Elphinstone Duff, aft. Sir M. Hon. Geo. Fras. Hamilton, c.c. 1d. Geo. Hamilton, Feb. 1864. 1866. 1867. 1869. Grant- 1874. 1878. Hon. Edwd. Stanhope. 1880. Geo. Hy. Chas., visc. Enfield, aft. E. Strafford, May. 1883. John Kynaston Cross. 1885. Geo. Robt. Canning, ld. Harris, June. 1886. Sir Ughtred James Kay-Shuttle- worth, Feb. Edwd. Stafford Howard, Apr. Sir John Eldon Gorst, Aug. PERMAN ENT UNDER SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR INDIA. 1858. 1860. Sir Geo. R. Clerk, K.C.B. Herman Merivale. 1874. Sir Louis Mallet, C.B. 1883. John Arth. Godley, C.B. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 237, SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR, SCOTLAND from 1708 to 1746, and SECRETARIES FOR, SCOTLAND. appointed under 48 & 49 Vict. cap. 61. See Part IX. “Scotland,” post. POSTMASTERS-GENERAL. “IT does not appear at what precise period the crown undertook to be the regular carrier of letters for its subjects. The crown, doubtless, at a very early period, found it necessary to the exercise of the func- tions of sovereignty, to be able to convey with speed and security its own despatches from one part of the realm to another, and for that purpose it appointed certain messengers or runners called the ‘Posts.” These posts were also employed for the personal convenience of the sovereign and the individuals composing the royal court. In course of time a Master of the Posts’ was appointed, and the first of these on record was Brian Tuke, esq., afterwards sir Brian Tuke, knt., who held that office in 1516. The joint successors of sir Brian Tuke were sir William Paget, one of Henry VIII.'s chief secretaries of state, and John Mason, esq., secretary for the French tongue. The letters patent, dated Nov. 12, 1545, conveying to them this office, grant to them during their lives and the live of the survivor, the office of ‘Master of the Mes- sengers, Runners, or Posts,’ as well within the kingdom of England as parts beyond the seas, with the wages or fee of £66 13s. 4d. a year, to be held by themselves or their sufficient deputy or deputies. But, besides his fee, the ‘Master of the Posts' received from the crown the amount of his expenses for conveying the letters, of which he rendered an account. There is a succession of patents granting the same office, at the same fee, to other parties for life, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I.”—House of Commons' Report, July 2, 1844. Down to 1823 this office was generally held by two joint postmasters of equal rank and authority, but from that time only one postmaster has been appointed. The office is now a political one, the holder resigning with the ministry of which he is a member. PostMASTERS-GENERAL. From the earliest official accounts to the present time. The earlier names are taken from a return made to the House of Commons, dated March 25, 1844. RING CHARLES II. RING WILLIAM III. 1687 to Philip Frowde, acting for the D. 1690 to Sir Robt. Cotton, and 1688, of York. 1708. Thos. Frankland. 288 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. QUEEN ANNE. 1708 to Sir Thos. Frankland, and 1715. Sir John Evelyn, bt. KING GEORGE I. 1715 to Chas., ld. Cornwallis, and 1720. Jas. Craggs. 1720 to Edwd. Carteret, and 1725. Galfridus Walpole. 1725 to Edwd. Carteret, and 1732. Edwd. Harrison. RING GEORGE II. 1732. Edwd. Carteret, alone, from Christ- mas 1732 to midsummer 1733. 1733 to Edwd. Carteret, and 1739. Thos., ld. Lovel, aft. visc. Coke and E. of Leicester. 1739 to Sir John Eyles, bt., and 1744. Thos., ld. Lovel, aft. visc. Coke and E. of Leicester. 1744 to Thos., now E. of 1745. alone. 1745 to Thos., E. of Leicester, and 1758. Sir Everard Fawkener. 1758 to Thos., E. of Leicester, from Nov. 1759. 1758 to Apr. 1759. 1759. Wm., E. of Besborough, and Hon. Robt. Hampden, June 2. Leicester, EING GEORGE III. John, E. of Egmont, and Hon. Robt. Hampden, Nov. 27. Thos., ld, Hyde, and Hon. Robt. Hampden, Sept. 23. Wm., E. of Besborough, and Thos., ld. Grantham, July 19. Wills, E. of Hillsborough, and Fras., ld. Le Despencer, Dec. 29. John, E. of Sandwich, and Fras., ld. Le Despencer, Apr. 26. Fras., ld. Le Despencer, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, Jan. 16. Hy. Fredk. Carteret, alone, Dec. 11. Wm., visc. Barrington, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, Jan. 24. Chas., E. of Tankerville, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, Apr. 25. Thos., ld. Foley, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, May 1. Chas., E. of Tankerville, and Hy. Fredk. Carteret, Jan. 7 ; cr. Id. Carteret, Jan. 29, 1784. Thos., E. of Clarendon, and Hy. Fredk., ld. Carteret, Sept. 19. Hy. Fredk., ld. Carteret, alone, Dec. 10 to July 6, 1787. Hy. Fredk., ld. Carteret, and Thos., ld. Walsingham, July 6. Thos., ld. Walsingham, and John, E. of Westmoreland, Sept. 19. Thos., ld. Walsingham, and Philip, E. of Chesterfield, Mar. 13. Philip, E. of Chesterfield, and Geo., E. of Leicester, July 28. 1762. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1768. 1771. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1786. 1787. 1789. 1790. 1794. 1799. 1801. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1814. 1816. 1798. Geo., E. of Leicester, and Wm.,’ ld. Auckland, Mar. 1. Wm., ld. Auckland, and Geo., ld. Gower, Feb. 27. Wm., ld. Auckland, and Lord Chas. Spencer, Mar. 31. Lord Chas. Spencer, and Jas., D. of Montrose, July 19. Robt., E. of Buckinghamshire, and John Joshua, E. of Carysfort, Feb. 20. John, E. of Sandwich, and Thos., E. of Chichester, May 5. Thos., E. of Chichester, alone, June 6. Thos., E. of Chichester, and Richd., E. of Clancarty, Sept. 30. Thos., E. of Chichester, and Jas., M. of Salisbury, Apr. 6. of Salisbury d. June 13, 1823. M. ECING GEORGE IV. Appointed by Letters Patent dated as 1823. 1826. 1827. 1830. 1831. 1834. 1835. 1837. 1841. 1846. under. Thos., E. of Chichester, alone, Nov. 27; d. July 4, 1826. Lord Fredk. Montague, Aug. 18; res. Sept. 17, 1827. Wm., D. of Manchester, Sept. 27. KING WILLIAM IV. Chas., D. of Richmond, Dec. 14. Chas., D. of Richmond, Apr. 14, as postm.-gen. of Great Britain and Ireland, conformably with the provisions of 1 Will. IV., cap. 8 (March 11, 1831), whereby the two separate offices of postm.- gen. of Great Britain and postm.- gen. of Ireland were united into one, to possess the same powers, and to be subject to the same penalties, as the former two ; and the appointments of secs. and other officers of the Post-Office at Dublin were thereafter vested in the postm.-gen. Fras. Nathaniel, M. Conyngham, July 5. Wm., ld. Maryborough, Dec. 31; sw. Jan. 1, 1835. Fras. Nathaniel, M. Conyngham, again, May 8 ; sw. May 9. Thos. Wm., E. of Lichfield, May 30; sw. June 1. QUEEN VICTORIA. Thos. Wm., E. of Lichfield, contal. Wm., visc. Lowther, Sept. 15; sw. same day. Edwd. Granville, E. of St. Germans, Jan. 2; sw. Jan, 3. Ulick John, M. of Clanricarde, July 14. - - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 239 1852. Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, Mar. 1, G. Chas. John, visc. Canning, Jan. 5, G. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyle, Dec. Chas., la. Colchester, Feb. Jas., E. of Elgin, June. Edwd. Jno., ld. Stanley of Alder- ley, Aug. 17, G. Jas., D. of Montrose, July. Hon. Spencer Compton Cavendish, c.c. M. of Hartington, Dec. 9, sw. Wm. Monsell, Jan. 9, G. 1853. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1866. 1868. 1871. 1873. Hon. Lyon Playfair, C.B., Nov. 18, G. 1874. John Jas. Robt. Manners, c.c. li. John Manners, aft. D. of Rutland, Feb. 21, sw. Hy. Fawcett, May 3, sw. Geo. John Shaw-Lefevre, Nov. 18. Sir John Jas. Robt. Manners, G.C.B., c.c. lá. John Manners, aft. D. of Rutland, again, June 24, sw. Geo. Grenfell, ld. Wolverton, Feb. 17, sw. Hy. Cecil Raikes, Aug. 9, sw. 1880. 1884. 1885. 1886. SECRETARIES TO THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. There is no complete record in the department of the General Post office of the per- sons by whom the office of secretary was held previously to the year 1762, when Anthony Tod., esq., was appointed. 1720. The name of Jas. Craggs appears on the records of the Post-office as sec. in this year. 1723. In this year, Jos. Godman is found to be filling the office of sec. 1738. John David Barbutt, app. sec., vice T. Robinson, decd. Sept. 17. 1742. Geo. Shelvocke, vice Barbutt, re- moved July 22. 1762, Anthy. Tod, app. (in whose room is not stated), Dec. 1. 1797. Fras. Freeling (who had acted for a short time previously as joint sec.), vice Tod, decd. ; cr: a bt. Mar. 11, 1828. 1836. Lt.-Col. Wm. Leader Maberly, Sept. 29 1854. Rowland Hill, aft. Sir R., K.C.B. 1864. John Tilley, Mar. 1880. Stevenson Arthur Blackwood, aft, sir S., K.C.B. SEcoRD SECRETARY TO THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. 1869 to 1875. Frank Ives Scudamore. FINANCIAL SECRETARIES TO THE GENERAL Post OFFICE. 1875. Stevenson Arthur Blackwood, aft. sir S., K.C.B. 1880. Algernon Turner. LORD HIGH CHANCELLORS, LORD KEEPERS, AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE GREAT SEAL. Wide Part VI., “Legal,” post. 240 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORDS PRIVY SEAL AND COMMISSIONERS FOR EXECUTING THAT OFFICE. THIS office is now a political one, the holder retiring with the ministry. ECING HENRY WIII. RING WILLIAM III. * * Richd. Fox. bp. of Winchester. 1689. Geo., M. of Halifax, Feb. 19. 1516. Thos. Routhall, bp. of Durham. 1690. Wm. Cheney, sir John Knatchbull, Hy., ld. Marney. bt., and sir Wm. Pulteney, 1523. Cuthbert Tunstal, bp. of London. COLOICl. I’S. 1533. Wm., E. of Southampton, 1691. Thos., E. of Pembroke. Thos., E. of Wiltshire and Ormond. | 1697. Sir Thos. Montpesson, sir Chas. 1536. Thos., ld. Cromwell, aft. E. of Cotterel, jun., and Jas. Tyrrell, Essex; beheaded in 1540. commrs. during the earl’s absence 1543. John, ld. Russell, aft. E. of Bed- in Ireland as là. lieut., Apr. 13. ford. 1699. John, visc. Lonsdale, May 16. 1700. Ford, E. of Tankerville. RING EDWARD VI. 1701. Edwd. Southwell, Christr. Musgrave, 1547. Lord Russell, contal. and Jas. Vernon, commrs. June 11. QUEEN MARY. QUEEN ANNE. 1553. Lord Russell, contal. 1702. John, M. of Normanby, aft. D. of 1554. Edwd., E. of Derby. Normanby and Buckinghamshire, 1556. Wm., ld. Paget. Apr. 27. 1705. John, D. of Newcastle, Mar. 31. QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1711. John Robinson, bp. of Bristol, aft. 1558. Sir Nicholas Bacon. & bp. of London, Apr. 23. 1572. Wm., ld. Howard of Effingham. Sir Geo. Beaumont, bt., Robt. Jas. Windebank. Byerly, and Edwd. Nicholas, commrs. during the bishop's ab- RING JAMES I. * ;: the treaty of Utrecht, 1608. Hy., E. of Northampton. ec. 22. * i:. . . .”. 1713. Wrm., E. of Dartmouth. KING GEORGE I. RING CHARLES I. 1625. E. of Worcester, contal. 1714. Thºs., M. of Wharton, Sept. 24; d. 1627. Hy., E. of Manchester Apr. 12, 1715, • fly. , Iti. & 1715. Edwd. Southwell, sir Christr. Mus- grave, bt., and Andrew Charleton, KING CHARLEs II. commiſs., Apr. 30. 1660. Wm., visc. Saye and Sele. 4 * * tº jº. ii. Rºi, of Rad. Inc. º. º.º.d nor. e g Andrew Charleton, commrs. during 1669, Sir Edwd. Deering, bt., sir Thos. the earl’s absence at Aix-la- Strickland, and Robt. Milward, Chapelle, Aug. 28. commrs. during lord Robartes' Evelyn, D. of Kingston Dec. 19. §. in Ireland as là, lieut., 1718. Hy. D. of Kent, Feb. 6. ClOly. Z26. * g 1973. A.; £oſ Anglesey, Apr. 24. |**ś P. ºf Kings”, again, 1682. Geo., M. of Halifax, Feb. 24. 1726. Thos., ld. Trevor, Mar 11. RING JAMES II. . KING GEORGE II. 1685. Hy., E. of Clarendon, Feb. 18. 1727. Lord Trevor, contal. Robt., visc. Tiviot, Robt. Phillips, 1730. Spencer, E. of Wilmington, May 8. and John Evelyn, commrs, during 1731. Wm., D. of Devonshire, June 12. the earl’s absence in Ireland as 1733. Hy., visc. Lonsdale, May 5. ld. lieut. 1735. Francis, E. of Godolphin, May. 1686. Hy., ld. Arundel of Wardour, 1740. John, ld. Hervey, eldest son of the Mar. 11. E. of Bristol, Apr. 7. * 1742. 1743. 1744. 1755. 1757. 1760. 1761. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1768. 1770. 1771. 1775. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1794. 1798. 1806. 1807. 1820. 1827. 1828. 1829. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. John, ld. Gower, July 13. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, Dec. John, ld. Gower, again, Dec. 27. Chas., D. of Marlborough. Jan. 8. Granville, E. Gower, Dec. 22. Richd., E. Temple, June 30. RING GEORGE III. Earl Temple, contal. John, D. of Bedford, Nov. 25. Geo., D. of Marlborough, Apr. 22. Thos. Pelham Holles, D. of New- castle, Aug. 25. Wm., E. of Chatham, July 30. Richd. Sutton, Wm. Blair, and Wm. Fraser, commrs. for six weeks, or other sooner determination, Feb. The seal re-delivered to the E. of Chatham, Mar. 21. Geo. Wm., E. of Bristol, Nov. 2. Geo., E. of Halifax, Feb. 26. Hy, E. of Suffolk and Berkshire, Jan. 22. Aug. Hy., D. of Grafton, June 12. Wm., E. of Dartmouth, Nov. 4. Aug. Hy., D. of Grafton, again, Mar. 27. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, Apr. 2. Chas., D. of Rutland, Dec. 23. Wm. Fraser, Stephen Cotterell, and Evan Nepeam, commiſs., Mar. 8. Granville Leveson, E. Gower, aft. M. of Stafford, Nov. 27. Geo. John, E. Spencer, July 16. Evan Nepean, Stephen Cotterell, and Jas.Bland Burgess,commi's.during the absence of E. Spencer, July 26. John, E. of Chatham, Dec. 17. John, E. of Westmoreland, Feb. 14. Hy., visc. Sidmouth, Feb. 5. Hy. Richd., ld. Holland, Oct. 15. John, E. of Westmoreland, again, Mar. 25. KING GEORGE IV. E. of Westmoreland, contal. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, Apr. 30. Geo., E. of Carlisle, July 16. Edwd., ld. Ellenborough, Jam. 26. Jas., E. of Rosslyn, June 10. 1830. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1846. 1852. 1853. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1868. 1870. 1874. 1876. 1878. 1880. 1881. 1885. 1886. 241 ECING WILLIAM TV. E. of Rosslyn, contal. John, ld., aft. E. of Durham, Nov. 22. Fredk. John, E. of Ripon, Apr. 3. Geo., E. of Carlisle, again, June 5. Constantine Hy., E. of Mulgrave, aft. M. of Normanby, July 30, Jas. Archibald, ld. Wharncliffe, Dec. 15. John Wm., visc. Duncannon, aft. E. of Bessborough, Apr. 23. QUEEN VICTORIA. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, Jan. 15. Richd., D. of Buckingham, Sept. 3. Walter, D. of Buccleuch, Feb. 2. Thos., E. of Haddington, Jan. 21. Gilbert, E. of Minto, July 6. Jas. Brownlow Wm., M. of Salis- bury, Feb. 27. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, Jan. 4. Dudley, E. of Harrowby, Dec. 7. Ulick Jno., M. of Clanricarde, Feb. 3. Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, Feb. 26. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, again, Juue 18. Jas. Howard, E. of Malmesbury, July 6. Jno., E. of Kimberley, Dec. 9. Chas., visc. Halifax, July 6. Jas. Howard, E. of Malmesbury, G.C.B., again, Feb. 21. Benj. Disraeli, Aug. 12. Also first ld. treasy. and premier. Algernon Geo., D. of Northumber- land, Feb. 4. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, K.T., again, Apr. 28. Chichester Saml., ld. Carlingford, May 2. Arch. Philip, E. of Rosebery, Mar. 5. Dudley Fras. Stuart, E. of Har- rowby, June 24. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Feb. 17. Also first ld. treasy, and premier. Geo. Hy., E. Cadogan, Aug. 3. CHANCELLOR'S OF THE DUCHY OF LANCASTER. THE Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster formerly sat as judge of the Duchy court of Lancaster, held at Westminster, in which causes relating to the revenue of the Duchy of Lancaster were tried. Another branch of the same court was established at Preston, in Lancashire, called the court of the county palatine of Lancaster. The office of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster is now, practi- 16 242 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. cally, a sinecure. with his party. It is held by a member of the ministry, who resigns CHANCELLORS OF THE DUCHY OF LAN CASTER. From the creation of the Dukedom. KING EDWARD III. 1360–1. Sir Hy. de Haydok, chanc. of Henry, 1st D. of Lancaster. 1872–3. Ralph de Ergham, bp. of Salisbury. 1377. Thos. de Thelwall, Apr. 16. RING RICHARD II. 1377–8. Sir Jno. De Yerborough. 1882. Sir Thos. Stanley, Nov. 10, pro tem. Sir Thos. Scarle, Nov. 29. 1383. Sir Wm. Okey, Oct. KING HENRY IV. 1399–1400. Jno. de Wakering. Wm. Burgoyne. Sir Thos. Stanley, May 15. Jno. Springthorpe, Mar. 30. 1404. 1410. KING HENRY W. 1413. Jno. Woodhouse, Apr. 4. KING HENRY WI. 1423. Jno. Woodhouse, contal., Jan. 20. 1424. Wm. Troutbecke, June 10. 1431. Walter Sherington, Feb. 16. 1439. The same, May 7, for life. 1442. Wm. Tresham, July 3, in reversion. 1447. The same, Nov. 1. 1449. Jno. Say, aft. Sir J., June 10. EING EDWARD IV. 1461. Jno. Say, contal., June 16. 1462. Sir Richd. Fowler, June 10; and ch. 6X. 1477. Sir Jno. Say, again, Nov. 3. 1478. Thos. Thwaites, April 2; and ch. ex. RING RICHARD III. 1483. Thos. Metcalfe, July 7. KING HENRY WII. 1486. Sir Reginald Bray, Sept. 13. 1504. Sir Jno. Mordant, June 24. 1505. Sir Richd. Empson, Oct. 3. ICING HENRY VIII. 1509. Sir Henry Marny, May 14. 1524. Sir Richd. Wingfield, Apr. 14. 1525. Sir Thos. Moore, Dec. 31, aft. Id. chanc. 1529. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliams, aft. E. of Southampton, Nov. 3. 1533. Sir Jno. Gage, May 10. RING EDWARD VI. 1547. Sir Wm. Pagett, July 1. 1552. Sir Jno. Gate, July 7. QUEEN MARY AND PHILIP AND MARY. 1553–4. Sir Robt. Rochester. 1558. Sir Edwd. Walgrave, June 22. QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1558–9. Sir Ambrose Cave. 1568. Sir Ralph Sadler, May 16. 1577. Sir Fras. Walsingham, June 15. 1589–90. Sir Thos. Heneage. 1595. Sir Robt. Cecil, Oct. 7. 1601. Sir John Fortescue, Sept. 16. KING JAMES I. r 1615. Sir Thos. Parry and Jno. Daccombe, aft. Sir J., May 27. 1616. Sir Jno. Daccombe, alone, June 5. 1618. Sir Humphrey May, Mar. 23. KING CHARLES I. 1629. Edwd., ld. Newburgh, Apr. 16. 1644. Wm., ld. Grey of Wake, and Wm. Lenthall, Feb. 10. COMMON weALTH. 1649. Jno. Bradshawe, Aug. 1. 1655. Thos. Fell. 1659. Sir Gilbert Gerrard, May 14. RING CHARLES II. Fras. (? Chas.), ld, Seymour, July 9. Sir Thos. Ingram, July 21. Sir Robt. Carr, bt., Feb. 22. Sir Thos. Chichely, Nov. 21. 1660. 1664. 1672. 1682. WILLIAM AND MARY. Robt., ld. Willoughby d'Eresby, Mar. 21. 1689. KING WILLIAM III. 1697. Thos., E. of Stamford, May 4. QUEEN ANNE. Sir John Leveson Gower, bt., aft. ld. Gower, May 12. Jas. E. of Derby, June 10. Wm., ld. Berkeley of Stratton, Sept. 21. 1702. 1706. 1710. RING GEORGE I. Heneage, E. of Aylesford, Nov. 6. Richd., E. of Scarborough, Mar, 12. Nicholas Lechmere, aft. li. Lech- mere, for life, June 19. 1714. 1716. 1717. ICING GEORGE II. John, D. of Rutland, July 17. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, May 21. 1727. 1735. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 243 1742. Richd., ld. Edgcumbe, Dec. 22. 1841. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., June 23. 1760. Thos. Hay, visc. Dupplin, aft. E. of Lord Granville Chas. Hy. Somerset, Kinnoul, Feb. 27. Sept. % 1846. John, ld. Campbell, July 6. RING GEORGE III. iš50. Geo.” Freak wºm. E. of Carlisle, 1762. Jas., ld. Strange, Dec. 13. Mar. 6. 1771. Thos., ld. Hyde, aft. E. of Claren- 1852. Robt. Adam Christopher, Mar. 1. don, June 14. 1853. Edwd. Strutt, Jan. 1. 1782. John, ld. Ashburton, Apr. 17. 1854. Granville Geo., E. Granville, June 1783. Edwd., E. of Derby, Aug. 29. 21. Thos., E. of Clarendon, Dec. 31. 1855. Dudley, E. of Harrowby, Mar. 31. 1787. Chas., ld. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Matthew Talbot Baines, Dec. 7. Liverpool, Sept. 6. | 1858. Jas., D. of Montrose, Feb. 26. 1803. Thos., 1d. Pelham, aft. E. of Chi- 1859. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., again, June 22, chester, Nov. 11. 1861. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. la. Cardwell, 1804. Hy., ld. Mulgrave, June 6. July 25. 1805. Robt., E. of Buckinghamshire, Jan. 1864. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, 14. K.G., G.C.B., again. Apr. 7. Dudley, ld, aft. E. of Harrowby, 1866. Gejoachim tºº, i. 26. July 10. Wm. Begd... E. of Devon. July 10. 1806. Edwd., E. of Derby, again, Feb. 12. 1867. Col. J.W. Patten, 5.2. 1807. Spencer Perceval, Mar. 30. ..., | 1868. Thos. Edwd. Taylor, Nov. 7. l812. Robt., E. of Buckinghamshire, again, Fredk. Temple, ld. Dufferin, K.P., May 23. K.C.B., aft. E. Dufferin, Dec. 12. Chas. Bathurst June 23. 1872. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers, RING GEORGE IV. Aug. 9. 1873. Jno. Bright, Sept. 30. 1823. Nº. Yºurt aft. la. Bexley, 1874. Thos. Edwd. Taylor, again, Mar. 2 € 0. e g : - wº g 3 3. gº dº tº • 1880. Jno. Bright, again, Apr. 28. * Gºº. 28. i;, i.º.º.º. a.S. Arbuthnot, June 2. 1882. Jno. Geo. Dodson. Dec. 28. EING WILLIAM IV. 1884. George Otto Trevelyan, aft. Sir G., 1830. Hy. Richd., ld. Holland, Nov. 25. bt., Oct. 29. Thos. E. of Haddington, Dec. 20. 1885. Hy. Chaplin, June, 24. 1834, Chas. Watkin Williams' Wynn, Dec. 1886. Edwd. Heneage, Feb. 6. 26. Sir Ughtred Jas. Kay-Shuttleworth, 1835. Hy. Richd., ld. Holland, again, Apr. 16. e Apr. 23. Gathorne, visc. Cranbrook, pro tem., Aug. 3. QUEEN VICTORIA. Hon. Sir Jno. Jas. Robt. Manners, 1840. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E, of Clarendon, c.c. 16. John Manners, aft. D. of Oct. 31. Rutland, Aug. 16. PAYMASTERS-GENERAL OF THE FORCES AND PAYMASTERS-GENERAL. THE office of Paymaster-General of the Forces was formerly one of the most lucrative in the gift of the crown, not so much on account of the salary annexed to it, as on account of the vast sums of public money that lay in the Paymaster's hands for long spaces of time; the whole of the money voted by parliament for the land forces passing through his department. In 1782 the office underwent a reform, and the Pay- master-General and his deputy were allowed fixed salaries in lieu of perquisites. On the 1st December, 1836, by Treasury warrant, under 5 & 6 Will. 16 # 244 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. IV. cap. 35, the offices of Paymaster-General of the Forces, Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital, Treasurer of the Navy, and Treasurer of the Ordnance were abolished and the duties transferred to a new officer, styled the Pay- master-General. By 11 & 12 Wict. cap. 55 (Aug. 14, 1848), the offices of Paymaster of Exchequer Bills and Paymaster of Civil Services were also abolished, and the duties transferred to the Paymaster-General. By 35 & 36 Wict. cap. 44 (Aug. 6, 1872), and subsequent rules of court, the office of Accountant-General of the Court of Chancery was abolished and the duties transferred to the Paymaster-General. - This office was generally held jointly with that of Vice-President of the Board of Trade from 1848 until the abolition of the latter office in T)ecember 1868, under 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 72. PAYMASTERS-GENERAL OF THE FORCEs. 1660. Sir Stephen Fox. 1768. Richd. Rigby. t 1679. Nichs. Johnson, and 1782. Edmund Burke, Mar. 27. Chas. Fox. Isaac Barré, July 17. 1682. Chas. Fox. 1783. Edmd. Burke, again, Apr. 8. 1689. Richd., E. of Ranelagh. 1784. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft. li. This nobleman was charged with Grenville, Jan. 8. the misapplication of large sums Wm. Wyndham Grenville, and of the public money ; he resigned Constantine John, ld. Mulgrave, to avoid prosecution, and was Apr. 7. expelled the house of commons, 1789. Lord Mulgrave, and 1702. Jas., M. of Graham, Sept. 4. 1703. John Howe, for guards and garri- 1791. Dudley Ryder, and sons at home, Jan. 4. Thos. Steele, Mar. 7. Chas. Fox, for the other troops | 1800. Thos. Steele, and and Chelsea Hospital. Geo. Canning, July 5. 1707. Hon. Jas. Brydges, aft. D. of Chandos. 1801. Thos. Steele, and 1713. Thos. Moore, for her majesty's Sylvester, ld. Glenbervie, Mar. 26. forces abroad. 1803. Thos. Steele, and Edwd. Nicholas, treasr. and paym. John Hiley Addington, Jan. 3. of her majesty's pensioners. 1804. Geo. Rose, and 1714. Robt. Walpole, aft. Sir R., and E. Lord Chas. Hy. Somerset, July 7. of Orford. 1806. Richd, Earl Temple, and 1715. Hy., E. of Lincoln, Oct. 26. Lord John Townshend, Feb. 17. 1720. Robt. Walpole, again. 1807. Chas. Long, aft. Sir C. and ld. Farn- 1721. Chas., ld. Cornwallis; d. 1722. borough, and 1722. Hon. Spencer Compton, aft. E. of Lord Chas. Hy, Somerset, again, Wilmington. Apr. 4. 1730. Hon. Hy. Pelham. 1813. Chas. Long, again, and 1743. Sir Thos. Winnington, bt. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. visc. 1746. Wrm. Pitt, aft. E. of Chatham. Goderich and E. Ripon, Nov. 13. 1755. Hy., E. of Darlington. 1817. Sir Chas. Long, alone, Aug. 14. - Thos. Hay, visc. Dupplin, aft. E. of 1826, Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. li. Rinnoul. Fitzgerald and Vesci, July 15. 1757. Hy. Fox, aft. Id. Holland. 1828. John Calcraft, July 15. 1765. Hon. Chas. Townshend. 1830. Lord John Russell, aft. E. Russell, 1766. Fredk., ld. North, and - Dec. 16. Geo. Cooke, Dec. 10. 1834. Sir Edwd Knatchbull, bt., Dec. 23. 1767. Geo. Cooke, and 1835. Sir Hy. Parnell, bt., aft. li. Thos. Townshend, Dec. 23. Congleton, May 14. PAYMASTERS-GENERAL. 1836. Sir Hy. Parnell, bt., above named. | 1845. Wm. Bingham Baring, aft. li. 1841. Edwd. John Stanley, aft. la. Ed- Ashburton, Mar. 1. disbury and lå. Stanley of Alder- 1846. Thos. Babington Macaulay, aft. ley, July 1. ld. Macaulay, July 12. Sir Edwd. Knatchbull, bt., again, 1848. Granville Geo., E. Granville, May Sept. 12. 11. : THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 245. 1852. Edwd. John, ld. Stanley of Alder- 1866. Wm. Monsell, aft. la. Emly, Mar. ley, again, Feb. 12, G. Stephen Cave, July. Chas., ld. Colchester, Feb. 28, G. 1868. Fredk. Temple, ld. Dufferin and 1853. Edwd. John, ld. Stanley of Alder- Clandeboye, K.P., K.C.B., aft. ley, again, Jan. 5, G. Earl Dufferin, Dec. 1855. Edwd. Pleydell Bouverie, Mar. 1872. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers. Robt. Lowe, aft. visc. Sherbrooke, 1873. Wm. Patrick Adam. Aug. 28, G. 1874. Stephen Cave, Apr. 20, sw. 1858. Richd. John, E. of Donoughmore, | 1880. Geo. Grenfell, ld. Wolverton, May Apr. 24, sw. 1859. Algernon Geo. Percy, ld. Lovaine, 1885. Fredk., E. Beauchamp, June. Mar. 1886. Thos. John, ld. Thurlow, Apr. 3, sw. Jas. Wilson, June. Fredk., E. Beauchamp, again, Aug. Wm. Fras. Cowper, Aug. 19, sw. 1860. Wm. Hutt, Feb. 1887, Aldebert Wellington Brownlow, E. 1865. Geo. Joachim Göschen. Brownlow, July. WARDENS AND MASTERS OF THE MINT. THE Warden was anciently the chief officer of the Mint, but his office was abolished by 57 George III. cap. 67 (July 7, 1817), and the duties were directed to be performed by the Master, who was by that act con- stituted Master, Warden, and Worker. For many years the office of Master was a political one, the holder being, sometimes, a member of the cabinet. From 1835 to 1850 the office was generally held jointly with the vice-presidency of the Board of Trade. In 1850 sir John Herschel was appointed Master, and he was succeeded by Professor Graham, both these appointments being non-political. Professor Graham died in Sept. 1869, and by 33 & 34 Wict. cap. 10 (Apr. 4, 1870), it was enacted that the office and title of Master of the Mint should be held by the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the time being, and the duties of the office were trans- ferred to the deputy Master. WARDENs of THE MINT. * * * * * * * John Jeffries. 1771. Robt. Pigot, Oct. 1. 1766. Gen. Wm. Whitmore, Feb. 1798. Sir Walter J. James, bt. MASTERS of THE MINT. RING HENRY I. KING EDWARD II. * * Godwin Socche, Winchester. 1808. John de Puntoyse. 1313. John de Puntoyse, again, and Lapine RING EDWARD I. Roger; Lond. and Cant. 1275. Gregory Rokesley. 1317. Giles de Hertesburg and Terric de 1280. Wm. de Turnemire, of Marseilles. Lose ; Lond. and Cant. Richd. de Lothebury. 1281. Alexr. Norman de Luic, Dublin. KING EDWARD III. 1282. Gregory Rokesley, again. 1327. Roger Rykeman, Lond. and Cant. 1285. Wm. de Turnemire, again, in Gas- 1344. Geo. Kyrkin, and Lotto Nicholyn cony. of Florence. 1286. John de Caturco and Gerald Hy. de Brusele. Mauhan, London and Canter- || 1345. Percival de Porche, de Lucca. bury. Walter de Dunflower. 1287. John de Caturco. 1347. Geo. Kyrkin and Lotto Nicholyn, 1297. John Porcher. - again. Roger de Rede, St. Edmundsbury. 1848. Bertrand de Polirac, meistre du 1300. Hubert Elion, Wm. de Turnemire, coigne et de monoies de la duchée again, and his brother. de Guien.—Rolls of Parlt. 246 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1351. 1352. 1354. 1357. 1361. 1362. 1363. 1366. 1367. 1372. 1377. 1395. 1396. 1402. 1413. 1418. 1421. 1422. 1426. 1432. 1433. 1446. 1459. 1461. 1461. 1480. 1483. 1483. 1485. Anthy. Bache, of Geneva, and Nichs. Choue. Hy. de Brusele, again, and John de Chichester. Hy. de Brusele, again, Lond. and Cant. John Donative, of the castle of Flo- rence, and Philip John Denier. Peter de Bataile, Rochelle. Gauter de Barde. Robt. de Porche. Thos. Kyng, Calais. John de Chichester, again. Bardet de Malepilys. RING RICHARD II. Gauter de Barde. Nichs. Malakine, a Florentine. John Wildeman. Nichs. Malakine, again. FCING HENRY IV. Walter Merwe, magister moneta, Lond. Richd. Garner. John Lowys, or Lodowic John. |RING HENRY W. Conrad Melwer, Normandy. John Marceur, St. Looe. |RING HENRY WI. Bartholomew Goldbeter, London, York, Bristol, and Calais. Robt. Manfeld. Wm. Russe, London, Calais, Bristol, and York. John Paddesley, the same places. Robt. Manfeld, again, London and Calais. Sir Richd. Tonstall. Robt., b.p. of Ross. Germayne Lynch, Ireland. KING EDWARD IV. Wm., ld. Hastings, “keeper of all manner of the king's exchaunges and outchaunges in the Tower of London, realm of England, terri- tory of Ireland, and town of Calais.”—Patent. Hugh Brice, Calais. Bartholomew Rede. Thos. Galinole, “master and worker of the money of silver in Develyn (Dublin) and Waterford.” KING RICHARD III. Robt. Brackenbury. KING HENRY VII. Giles, ld. Daubeney, and Bartholo- mew Rede, again. Robt. Bowley, “maister of the cunage and mynt, within the cities of Dyvelyn and Waterford.”—Rolls of Parlt. 1491. 1492. 1509. 1524. 1527. 1531. 1534. 1543. 1544. 1545. 1547. 1548. 1549. | 1550. 1554. 1559. 1572. 1573. 1581. 1582. 1584. 1603. 1615. 1619. 1623. 1624. 1625. 1625. 1635. 1637. 1641. 1643. 1647. 1649. 1660. John Shaa and Barth. Rede, again. Robt. Fenrother and B. Rede, again. EING HENRY WIII. Wm., ld. Montjoy. Wm. Wright, York. Ralph Rowlet and Martin Bowes. Wm., ld. Montjoy, again. Wm. Tilesworth, archbishop's mint, Canterbury. Sir Martin Bowes and Ralph Rowlet. Sir Martin Bowes, alone. Sir Martin Bowes, again, Stephen Waughan, and Thos. Knight. Nichls. Tyery. FCING EDWARD VI. John York and others, Southwark. Wm. Tillesworth, Canterbury. Sir Martin Bowes, again, Tower. Geo. Gale, York. Sir Edmd. Peckham, and others. Sir Wm. Sharrington. Martin Pirri, Dublin.—Cotton. MSS. Geo. Gale, again, and others, York. PHILIP AND MARY. Thos. Egerton. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir Thos. Stanley and others. John Lonison.—Harleian MSS. Thos. Stanley. —Lansdowne MSS Sir Richd. Martin. Richd. Martin.—Harleian MSS. Sir Richd. Martin, again, and Richd. Martin, his son.—Lowndes. - KING JAMES I. Sir Richd. Martin and Richd. Martin, his son, contal. Thos., ld. Knyvet, and Edwd. Doubleday. - r Randal Cranfield. Sir Edwd. Williers. Sir Hy. Williers and Hy. Twedy. Sir Hy. Williers, alone. RING CHARLES I. Sir Robt. Harley. Sir Ralph Freeman. Thos. Bushell, Aberystwith. Sir Wm. Parkhurst and Thos. Bushel, again, Oxford. - Sir Robt. Harley, again. Hy. Slingsby. - John Faulkener, or Falconer, Edin- burgh. - THE COMMONWEALTH. Aaron Guerdain. RING CHARLES II. Sir Wm. Parkhurst. Sir Ralph Freeman, again. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 247 1660. 1670. 1679. 1685. 1688. 1689. 1699. 1702. 1714. 1727. 1727. 1737. 1744. 1760, 1769, 1784. 1789. 1790. 1794. 1799. Sir Thos. Vyner, Robt. Wyner, and Danl. Bellingham, Dublin. Hy. Slingsby, again. Thos. Neale. - John Falconer, again, Edinburgh. KING JAMES II. Thos. Neale, again. ~) John Trinder, UD Thos. Goddard, 5 tº Wm. Talbot, # * | Wm. Bromfield, # 8 # Fras. Rice, and # 3 C/2 Edwd. Fox, Dublin ă ă Walter Plunket, Lime- 3 3 rick. ~" RING WILLIAM III. Thos. Neale, again. Isaac Newton, previously warden, aft. Sir I. Major Wyvil, York. QUEEN ANNE. Isaac Newton, contal.., knt. in 1705. RING GEORGE I. Sir Isaac Newton, contal. John Conduit, RING GEORGE II. John Conduit, contal. Hon. Richd. Arundel. Hon. Wm. Chetwynd, aft. Chetwynd. RING GEORGE III. Wisc. Chetwynd, contal. Hon. Chas. Sloane Cadogan, aft. E. Cadogan. Thos., E. of Effingham, Jan. visc. 1801. 1802. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1812. 1814. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1837. 1841. 1845. 1846. 1850. 1855. Philip, E. of Chesterfield, Feb. 12. Geo., E. of Leicester, Jan. 20. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt., July. Robt. Banks, ld. Hawkesbury, Feb. 14. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden, Apr. 18. John Smyth, July 2. Hy., E. Bathurst, July 7. Lord Chas. Spencer, Feb. 20. Chas. Bathurst, Oct. 27. Earl Bathurst. again, Apr. 25. Richd., E. of Clancarty, Oct. 30. Wm. Wellesley Pole, aft. Id. Mary- borough, Sept. 28. ECING GEORGE IV. 20. Wm. Wellesley Pole, aft. la, Mary- borough, contal. . Thos. Wallace, aft. Id. Wallace, Oct 9. . Geo. Tierney, May 29. . John Chas. Herries, Feb. 12. KING WILLIAM IV. John Chas. Herries, contal. Geo., ld, Auckland, Dec. 14. Jas. Abercromby, July 1. Alexr. Baring, Jan. 1. Hy. Labouchere, aft. li. Taunton, May 9. + QUEEN VICTORIA. Hy. Labouchere, contal. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Sept. 21. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., Feb. 12. Richd. Lalor Shiel, July 14. Sir John Fredk. Wm. Herschel, bt., Dec. 13; res. 1855. Thos. Graham, Mar. ; d. Sept. 1869. The dates in this roll, which differ, in some instances materially, from those found in other works, are taken from Ruding’s “Coinage of Great Britain,” or from the Records of the Mint. By 38 & 34 Vict, cap. 10 (Apr. 4, 1870) the office of master of the mint was to be º the chancellor of the exchequer for the time being. See Introduction, ante, p. º JUDGE ADVOCATES GENERAL. See Part XV. “Military,” post. SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. THE SPEAKER is chosen by the House of Commons from its own members, subject to the approval of the sovereign, and holds his office until the dissolution of the parliament by which he was elected. As Chairman 248 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. of the House, his duties are the same as those of any other president of a deliberative assembly. Generally speaking, the business of the House could not be transacted in the absence of the Speaker, although to this rule there was an exception in the year 1606, when, during the ill- ness of a Speaker, a prisoner was released from custody by order of the House. By 18 & 19 Vict. cap. 34 (Aug. 14, 1855), and certain standing orders of the House, power is now given to appoint a deputy Speaker when necessary. The Speaker has a casting vote upon divisions in which the votes prove equal. SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONs. From the earliest authentic Records of Parliament. The county, town, or borough following each name is the place for which the Speaker was returned as a member of the House. ENGLAND & WALES. KING HENRY W. RING HENRY III. 1413, Wm. Stourton, Dorsetshire; but he 1260. Peter de Montfort. Killed at the #. wº.º.º.º. battle of Evesham. 1414. Walter Hungerford, Wilts. RING EDWARD II. 1415. Thos. Chaucer, again, Oxfordshire. 1326. Wm. Trussell. * Richd. Redman, Yorkshire. Sir Walter Beauchamp, Wilts. FCING EDWARD III. 1416. 1327. Wm. Trussell,” contal. 1417. X-Roger Flower, Rutlandshire. 1332. Sir Hy Beaumont.* 1419. *These must have been Speakers to 1421. Richd. Baynard, Essex. both lords and commons. 1376. Sir Peter de la Mare, Herefordshire, HENRY WI. He is supposed to have been the first 1422. Roger Flower, again, Rutlandshire. regular Speaker. 1423. John Russell, Herefordshire. 1377. Sir Thos. Hungerford, Wilts 1425. Sir Thos. Waughton or Wautom, Beds. RING RICHARD II. 1426. Richd. Vernon, Derbyshire. 1377. Sir Peter de la Mare, Herefordshire. 1428. john Tyrrell, Essex. 1378. Sir Jas. Pickering, Westmoreland. 1430. Wm. Allington, Cambs. 1380. ) Sir John Goldsborough, Essex. 1431. John Tyrrell, again, Essex. 1381. J.” ". 1432. John Russell, again, Herefordshire. 1382. Sir Richd. Waldegrave, Suffolk. 1433. Roger Hunt, Hunts. 1386. Sir Jas. Pickering, Westmoreland. 1436 e . John Bowes. Here the records are The next speaker on record is imperfect, but it is presumed he 1394. sat for Northumberland. #. Sir John Bushey, Lincolnshire, 1439. Sir John Tyrrell, again, for a third and fourth time, Essex. KING HENRY IV. Wm. Boerley, Shropshire. 1899. Sir John Cheney, Gloucestershire; 1440. Wm. Tresham, Northamptonshire. he, growing infirm and unable to 1445. Wm. Boerley, again, Shropshire. serve, 1447. Wm. Tresham, again, Northampton- John Doreword, Essex, was dele- shire. - gated to serve in his place. 1449. John Saye, Cambs. * - 1400. Sir Arnold Savage, Kent. 1450. John Popham, Hants. ; but he ex- 1403. Sir Hy. Redeford, Lincolnshire. cusing himself, 1404. Sir Arnold Savage, again, Kent. Wm. Tresham, Northamptonshire, 1405. Sir Wm. Esturmy, Devonshire. was chosen again. Sir Wm. Esturmy, again, same year. 1451. Sir Wm. Oldhali, Herefordshire. Sir John Cheney, Cornwall, also 1453. Thos. Thorpe, Essex. - appears to have been Speaker in Thos. Thorpe, again, same year. this parliament. - Sir Thos. Charlton, Middlesex. 1406. Sir John Tiptoft, Hunts. 1455. Sir John Wenlock, Beds. - #º 1459. Sir Wm. Tresham, Northampton- 1409. X- Thos. Chaucer, Oxfordshire. shire, again, fourth time. 1412. 1460. John Green, Essex. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 249 KING EDWARD IV. 1460. Sir Jas. Strangeways, Yorks. 1463, 1467. J ) John Saye, Herts. 1472. Wm. Allington, Cambs. 1477. 1482. 1483. 1485. 1488. 1489. 1492. 1496. 1497. 1504. 1509. 1512. 1514. l623. #} 1530. 1537. 1540. 1542. 1547. T553. 1553. 1554. 1555. 1556. 1558. 1559. 1563. 1571. 1572. 1577. 1585 & 1586. 1589. 1592. 1597. Wm. Allington, again, Lincolnshire. John Wode, Surrey or Sussex. KING RICHARD III. Wm. Catesby, Northamptonshire. ECING HENRY WII. Thos. Lovel, Northamptonshire or Oxfordshire. John Mordaunt, Beds. Sir Thos. Fitzwilliam, Yorks. Richd. Empson, Northamptonshire. Sir Reginald Bray, Beds. or North- hamptonshire. Robt. Drury, Sussex. Thos. Englefield, aft. Sir T., Berks. Edmd. Dudley, Staffs. RING HENRY VIII. Sir Thos. Englefield, again, Berks. Sir Thos. Sheffeild, Lincolnshire. Sir Thos, Nevill, perhaps Kent. Sir Thos. More, Middlesex. Sir Thos. Audley, perhaps Essex. Richd. Rich, Essex. Sir Nichs. Hare, Norfolk. Thos. Moyle, Kent ; he continued Speaker all the rest of this reign. KING EDWARD WI. Sir John Baker, Hunts. Jas. Dyer, Cambs. QUEEN MARY. John Pollard, Oxfordshire. Robt. Brooke, London city. PHILIP AND MARY. Clement Higham, West Looe. John Pollard, again, Chippenham. Wm. Cordell, Essex. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir Thos. Gargrave, Yorks. Thos. Williams, Exeter city; d. 1566; when Richd. Onslow, Steyning, was chosen in his room. Christr. Wray, Ludgershall. Robt. Bell, Lynn Regis; made ch. bar. of the ex. in 1577, when John Popham, Bristol city, solicitor- gen., was chosen in his place. Bedford town. John Puckering, | Gatton, Surrey. Thos. Smagg, Bedford town. Edwd. Coke, Norfolk. Christr. Yelverton, Northampton- shire. 1601. John Croke, London; recorder of the city. 1603. 1614. 1620. 1623. 1625. 1626. 1628. 1640. 1641. 1660. 1661. 1673, 1678. 1680. RING JAMES I. Edwd. Philipps, Somersetshire. Randolph Crew. No records of this parliament are to be found; but it is presumed he sat for Brackley, Northhampton- shire. Thos. Richardson, St. Alban's. Thos. Crewe, aft. Sir T., Ailesbury, KING CHARLEs I. Sir Thos. Crewe, again, Gatton. Sir Heneage Finch, London; corder of the city. Sir John Finch, Canterbury. John Glanville, Bristol. Wm. Lenthal, Woodstock; he con- tinued till 1653. I’6- FCING CHARLES II. Commonwealth. , Fras. Rous, nom. for Devonshire. . Wm. Lenthal, rest., Oxfordshire. . Sir Thos. Widdrington, nom. for York city. . Chaloner Chute, sen., Middlesex ; but, being unable to attend, the commons chose Sir Lisleborne Long, Wells, to supply his place. Sir Lisleborne, on Mar. 9, gave up the office after seven days’ possession, and on Mar. 16th the commons delegated to the office Thos. Bampfield, Exeter. Chute dying on Apr. 15 following, Bamp- field was then chosen speaker. THE RESTORATION. Sir Harbottle Grimstone, bt., Col- chester. Sir Edwd. Turnor, bt., Hertford town. On his being app. ch. bar. of the ex., May 23, 1671, the commons chose at their meet- ing in Sir Job Charlton, bt., Ludlow, but he desiring leave to resign on ac- count of his health, Edwd. Seymour, aft. bt., Hindon, was elected in his place. On Sey- mour's indisposition, the commons chose Sir Robt. Sawyer, Wycombe; but he, excusing his attendance, they again chose Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt., Hindon. To this choice the king refused his approval, whereupon the commons returned to their house, and elected Serjt. Wm. Gregory, Weobly. Wm. Williams, Chester city. 250 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. RING JAMES II. 1685. Sir John Trevor, Denbigh town. WILLIAM AND MARY AND KING WILLIAM III. Hy. Powle, Windsor. Sir John Trevor, again, Yarmouth, Hants. Sir John Trevor was expelled the chair and the house for taking a bribe of 1000 guineas from the city of London, on the passing of the Orphans' Bill, Mar. 12, 1695. Paul Foley, Hereford city. Sir Thos. Lyttelton, bt., Woodstock. 1689. 1690. 1695. 1698. 1700 & Robt. Harley, New Radnor. 1701. QUEEN ANNE. 1702. Robt. Harley, again, New Radnor. 1705. John Smith, Andover. UNION OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND UNDER THE STYLE OF GREAT BRITAIN. 1707. John Smith, again, Andover, Hants. 1708. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt., Surrey. 1710. Wm. Bromley, Oxford univ. 1713. Sir Thos. Hanmer, bt., Suffolk. RING GEORGE I. 1714 ) II t *t & on. Spencer Compton, Sussex, 1722 filled the chair all this reign. KING GEORGE II. 1727. Y. Arthur Onslow, Surrey, chosen by 1734. these five parliaments succes- 1741. sively; and so filled the chair dur- 1747. ing the whole reign of this king, 1754. embracing a period of 33 years. FCING GEORGE III. 1761. Sir John Cust, bt., Grantham. 1768. Sir John Cust, bt., again, Grantham. Res. On account of ill-health, Jan. 17, 1770, and on the 23rd of same month the commons elected Sir Fletcher Norton, Guildford. Sir Fletcher Norton, again. Chas. Wolfran Corno wall, Winchelsea. Chas. Wolfran Cornewall, again, Rye ; d. Jan. 2, 1789. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft. li. Grenville, Bucks, Jan. 5; res. June 5 following. Hy. Addington, Devizes, June 8. 1790. Hy. Addington, again, Nov. 25. 1796. Hy. Addington, again, Sept. 27. UNION OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND, UNDER THE STYLE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 1801. Hy. Addington, again, fourth time, Jan. 22; res. Feb. 10, and became first là. treasy. and ch. ex., Mar. 1770 1774. 1780. 1784. 1789. following ; visc. Jan. 1805. 1801. Sir John Mitford, Beeralston, Feb. 11; res. Feb. 9, 1802, on being: cr. ld. Redesdale, and made ld. chanc. of Ireland. Chas. Abbot, Helston, Feb. 10. Chas. Abbot, again, Nov. 16. Chas. Abbot, again, Dec. 15. Chas. Abbot, again, June 22. Chas. Abbot, again, fifth time, Nov. CI’. Sidmouth, 1802. 1806. 1807. 1812. 24. Ret., and cr. 1d. Colchester,. June 1817. 1817. Chas. Manners Sutton, Scarborough,. June 2. 1819. Chas. Manners Sutton, again, Jan. 15. RING GEORGE IV. 1820. Chas. Manners Sutton, again, Apr. 22. 1826. Chas. Manners Sutton, again, Nov. 15. KING WILLIAM IV. 1830. Chas. Manners Sutton, again, Oct. 26. Chas. Manners Sutton, aft. Sir C.,. again, June 14. Sir Chas. Manners Sutton, now member for Cambridge univ.,. again, seventh time, Jan. 29. Jas. Abercromby, Edinburgh city, Feb. 19. In the memorable con- test for the speakership, in 1835, Mr. Abercromby had 316 votes, and Sir C. Manners Sutton, 306;. the majority in favour of Mr. Abercromby being ten. Sir C. Manners Sutton retired from political life immediately after this contest, and was cr. Visc. Canterbury. He d. 1845. 1831. 1833. 1835. QUEEN VICTORIA. Jas. Abercromby, again, Nov. 15 ; ret. and cr. bar. Dunfermline, June 7, 1839. Chas. Shaw Lefevre, Hampshire, N- div., May 27. - Chas. Shaw Lefevre, again, Aug. 19. Chas. Shaw Lefevre, again, Nov. 18. Chas. Shaw Lefevre, again, fourth time, Nov. 4; ret. and cr. Visc. Eversley, Apr. 11, 1857. John Evelyn Denison, Notts., N. Div., Apr. 30. 1859. J. E. Denison, again, May 31. 1866. J. E. Denison, again, Feb. 1. g 1868. J. E. Denison, again, fourth time, Dec. 10; ret. and cr. visc. Os- sington, Feb. 13, 1872, G. 1837. 1839. 1841. 1847. 1852. 1857. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 251. 1872. Hy. Bouverie Wm. Brand, Cam- 1884. Arthur Wellesley Peel, Warwick, bridgeshire, Feb. 9. Feb. 26. 1874. H. B. W. Brand, again, Mar. 5. 1886. A. W. Peel, again, Warwick and 1880. H. B. W. Brand, again, third time, Leamington, Jan. 12. Apr. 29 ; made G.C.B. Sept. 20, A. W. Peel, again, third time, Aug. 1881; ret. and cr. visc. Hampden, 5. Mar. 3, 1884, G. THE BOARD OF CONTROL. COMMONLY CALLIED THE INDIA BOARD. THIs Board was originally established by Mr. Pitt's celebrated East India Bill, 24 Geo. III. cap. 25 (May 18, 1784). This act empowered the crown to appoint six privy councillors to be commissioners for the affairs of India, with very extensive powers; they having the “control and superintendence of all the British territorial possessions in the East Indies, and over the affairs of the United Company of Merchants trading thereto.” One of the principal secretaries of state was con- stituted president; in his absence the chancellor of the exchequer, and in the absence of both, then the senior commissioner was to be president. Subsequently, however, to the passing of this act, it was found necessary to alter the constitution of the Board, and by 33 Geo. III. cap. 52 (June 11, 1793), it was enacted that any three or more commissioners might form a board, that the first-named commis- |sioner in the letters patent or commission for the time being should be the president of such board; and that when any board should be formed in the absence of the president, the senior commissioner present should for that turn preside at the board. The president was always specially appointed, and was one of the most important members of the cabinet, entering upon office and retiring on every change in the administration. * The lord president of the council, the lord privy seal, the first lord of the treasury, the principal secretaries of state, and the chancellor of the exchequer, for the time being, were ea officio members of the board, and the sovereign might appoint any other persons to be members also. By the 3 & 4 Will. IV. cap. 85 (Aug. 28, 1833), the provisions of the previous act as to ea officio and additional members were repealed; but it will be seen that from the passing of this act fewer commissioners, other than ew officio commissioners, were named, and that, latterly, but one commissioner was named. The letters patent, since Sept. 1841, were addressed to one commissioner only, exclusive of the ea officio commissioners, and the whole powers of the former boards were prac- tically vested in that one commissioner. - By the 21 & 22 Vict. cap. 106 (Aug. 2, 1858) the board of control was abolished, the government of India transferred from the East India Com- pany to the sovereign, and the secretaryship of state for India created. 252 TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. T'RESIDENTS AND CommissionERS OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. The following dates are those of the patents, in all cases, except those marked “G.”, the dates of which are those of the notice in the London Gazette. RING GEORGE III. Sept. 3, 1784. THos., ld. SYDNEY, pres. Wm. Pitt, ch. ex. Hy. Dundas. Thos., ld. Walsingham. Wm. Wyndham Grenville. Constantine John, ld, Mul- grave. Mar. 12, 1790. WM. WYNDHAM GRENVILLE, pres. Hy. Dundas. Constantine John, ld. Mul- grave. Thos., ld. Sydney. Thos., ld. Walsingham. Lord Fredk. Campbell. Dudley Ryder. May 16, 1791. WM. WYNDHAM GRENVILLE, aft. li. GRENVILLE, pres. Wm. Pitt. |Hy. Dundas. Lord Fredk. Campbell. Jas., D. of Montrose. Thos. Steele. June 28, 1793. HY, DUNDAs, the first paid pres. Jas., D. of Montrose. Richd., E. of Mornington. Robt. Grosvenor, visc. Bel- grave. Hy., ld. Apsley. Hon. Edwd. Jas. Eliot. Hon. Robt. Banks Jenkin- SOIl. June 29, 1795. HY. DUNDAs, pres. Jas., D. of Montrose. Richd., E. of Mornington, aft. M. Wellesley. Robt., visc. Belgrave. Hy., E. Bathurst (late lă. Apsley). Hon. Edwd. Jas. Eliot. Hon. Robt. Banks Jenkinson. Sylvester Douglas. Nov. 16, 1797. HY. DUNDAs, pres. Jas., D. of Montrose. Robt., visc. Belgrave. Hy., E. Bathurst. Robt. Banks, ld. Hawkes- bury. Sylvester Douglas. Wm. Dundas. Mar. 28, 1799. HY, DUNDAs, pres. Jas., D. of Montrose. Robt., visc. Belgrave. Hy., E. Bathurst. Sylvester Douglas. Wm. Dundas. Geo. Canning. July 2, 1800. HY. DUNDAs, aft. Melville, pres. Jas., D. of Montrose. Robt., visc. Belgrave. Hy., E. Bathurst. Sylvester Douglas. Geo. Canning. Thos. Wallace. Richd. Temple Nugent, E. Temple. May 19, 1801. GEO., visc. LEWISHAM, pres. succ. as E. of Dartmouth. Jas., D. of Montrose. Hy., E. Bathurst. Sylvester Douglas, now lä. Glenbervie. Wm. Dundas. Thos. Wallace. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Thos. Pelham. Edwd. Golding. July 12, 1802. ROBT., visc. CASTLEREAGH, pres. - Jas., D of Montrose. Sylvester, ld. Glenbervie. Wm. Dundas. Thos. Wallace. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden. Edwd. Golding. Oct. 22, 1803. ROBT., visc. CASTLEREAGH, pres. Sylvester, ld. Glenbervie. Thos. Wallace. Edwd. Golding. Hon. Thos. Maitland. visc. May 31, 1804. ROBT., visc. CASTLEREAGH, pres. Sylvester, now visc. Glen- bervie. Thos. Wallace. Richd. Trench, visc. Dunlo, aft. E. of Clancarty. Feb. 12, 1806. GILBERT, ld, MINTO, aft. E. of Minto, pres. Geo., visc. Morpeth. John Hiley Addington. John Sullivan. July 16, 1806. THOS. GRENVILLE, pres. Geo., visc. Morpeth. John Hiley Addington. John Sullivan. John Joshua, E. of Carys- fort. Oct. 1, 1806. GEO. TIERNEY, pres. Geo., visc. Morpeth, aft. E. of Carlisle. John Hiley Addington. John Sullivan. John Joshua, E. of Carys- fort. April 6, 1807. ROBT. DUNDAs, pres. Geo., ld. Lovaine. John, ld. Teignmouth. Thos. Wallace. Geo. Johnstone. July 17, 1809. DUDLEY, E. of HARROWBY, pres. Robt. Dundas. Geo., ld. Lovaine. John, ld. Teignmouth. Thos. Wallace. Thos., ld. Binning. Nov. 13, 1809. ROBT. DUNDAS, pres. Geo., ld. Lovaine. John, ld. Teignmouth. Thos. Wallace. Lord Fras. Almaric Spencer THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 253 July 7, 1810. ROBT. DUNDAs, pres. Geo., ld. Lovaine. John, ld. Teignmouth. Thos. Wallace. Wm., visc. Lowther. April 7, 1812. ROBT., E. of BUCKINGHAM- SHIRE, pres. Geo., ld. Lovaine. John, ld. Teignmouth. Thos. Wallace. Wm., visc. Lowther. John Sullivan. Sept. 8, 1812. ROBT., E. of BUCKINGHAM- SHIRE, pres. John, ld. Teignmouth. Thos. Wallace. Wm., visc. Lowther. John Sullivan. Hy., ld. Apsley. | Sept. 7, 1814. ROBT., E. of BUCKINGHAM- SHIRE, pres. John, ld. Teignmouth. Thos. Wallace. Wm., visc. Lowther. John Sullivan. Hy., ld. Apsley. Thos., ld. Binning. Wm. Sturges Bourne. June 20, 1816. GEO. CANNING, pres. John, ld. Teignmouth. Wm., visc. Lowther. John Sullivan. Hy., ld. Apsley. Thos., ld. Binning. June 17, 1818. GEO. CANNING, pres. ohn, ld. Teignmouth. ohn Sullivan. hos., ld. Binning. m. Sturges Bourne. as. Brownlow Wm., -visc. Cranborne. Horatio, ld. Walpole. KING GEORGE IV. Jan. 16, 1821. HAs. BATHURST, pres. ohn, ld. Teignmouth. ohn Sullivan. hos., ld. Binning, aft. E. of Haddington. m. Sturges Bourne. Jas. Brownlow Wm., visc. Cranborne. Horatio, ld. Walpole, aft. E. of Orford. Feb. 8, 1822, G. CHAs. WATKIN WILLIAMs WYNN, pres. John, ld. Teignmouth. John Sullivan. Jas. Brownlow Wm., visc. Cranborne, aft. M. of Salisbury. Wm. Hy. Fremantle. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. Jos. Phillimore. June 2, 1826, G. CHAs. WATKIN WILLIAMs WYNN, pres. |Jas. Brownlow Wm., M. of Salisbury. John, ld. Teignmouth. John Sullivan. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. Jos. Phillimore. Wm. Yates Peel. June 4, 1827. CHAs. WATRIN WILLIAMs WYNN, pres. John, ld. Teignmouth. John Sullivan. Sir Geo. Warrender, bt. Jos. Phillimore. Sir Jas. Macdonald, bt. Feb. 7, 1828. ROBT. DUNDAs, visc. MEL- VILLE, pres. - Thos., ld. Wallace. John Sullivan. Anthy., ld. Ashley. Jas., M. of Graham. Laurence Peel. July 31, 1828. ROBT., visc. MELVILLE, pres. Thos., ld. Wallace. John Sullivan. Anthy., ld. Ashley. Jas., M. of Graham. Laurence Peel. - Thos. Peregrine Courtenay. Sept. 24, 1828. EDWD., ld, ELLENBoRough, pres. Thos., ld. Wallace. John Sullivan. Anthy., ld. Ashley. Jas., M. of Graham. Laurence Peel. - Thos. Peregrine Courtenay. Feb. 24, 1830. EDWD., ld. ELLENBOROUGH, pres. John Sullivan. Anthy., ld. Ashley. Jas., M. of Graham. Thos. Peregrine Courtenay. Geo. Banks. FCING WILLIAM IV. Dec. 6, 1830. CHAs. GRANT, pres. Chas. Watkin Williams Wynn. John Sullivan. Sir Jas. Macdonald, bt. Sir Jas. Mackintosh. Robt. Grant. Hy. Ellis. July 28, 1832. CHAS. GRANT, pres. Chas. Watkin Williams Wynn. John Sullivan. Robt. Grant. Hy. Ellis. Holt Mackenzie. Robt. Gordon. Thos. Babington Macaulay. Dec. 21, 1832. CHAs. GRANT, aft. GLENELG, pres. John Sullivan. Robt. Grant. Hy. Ellis. Holt Mackenzie. Robt. Gordon. - Jas. Alex. Stewart Mac- kenzie. - ld. Dec. 20, 1834. EDWD., ld, ELLENBoRough, pres. John Sullivan. Jos. Planta. Sir Alexr. Cray Grant. April 29, 1835. Sir JOHN HOBHOUSE, bt., pres. John Sullivan. Sir Chas. Cockerell, bt. QUEEN VICTORIA. July 21, 1837. Sir JoHN HOBHOUSE, bt., pres. John Sullivan. "254 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD OF ContROL. 1841. Edwd. ld., aft. E. of Ellenborough, again, Sept. 9, G. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald, lord Fitz- gerald and Vesci, Oct. 28. Fredk. John, E. of Ripon, May 23. Sir John Hobhouse, bt., again, July 10 1843. 1846. Fox Maule, aft. lil. Panmure and E. of Dalhousie, Feb. 5, G. 1852. Office abolished by 21 & 22 Vict. cap. 106. substituted. See that title, ante, p. 236. SECRETARIES TO THE 1784. C. W. Broughton Rouse, Sept. 8. 1791. Hy. Beaufoy, May 10. 1793. Wm. Broderick, July 3. 1803. Benjn. Hobhouse, aft. Sir B., Nov. 19. 1804. Geo. Peter Holford, May 22. 1806. Thos. Creevy, Feb. 14. 1807. Geo. Peter Holford, again, Apr. 8. 1810. Sir Patrick Murray, Jan. 6. 1812. John Bruce, Mar. 14. Thos. Peregrine Courtenay, Aug. 20. Geo. Bankes, May 2. Hon. John Stuart Wortley, aft. li. Wharncliffe, Feb. 16. Dudley, ld. Sandon, Harrowby, Dec. 18. Thos. Hyde Williers, May 18. Thos. Babington Macaulay, aft. li. Macaulay, Dec. 19. |1833. ſº Gordon, Dec. 26, and 1829. 1830. aft. E. of 1831. 1832. 1834. A Jas. Alexr. Stewart Mackenzie, Apr. 22; joint secs. 1834. | Winthrop M. Praed, Dec. 20 and 1835. |º Sidney Herbert, aft. la. Her- bert of Lea, Jan. 8 ; joint secs. 1835. (Robt. Gordon, again, and Robt. Vernon Smith, aft. li. Lyve- den, Apr. 21. John Chas. Herries, Feb. 28, G. Sir Chas. Wood, bt., aft. visc. Hali- fax, Dec. 30, G. Robt. Vernon Smith, aft. la. Lyve- den, Mar. 3, G. Edwd., E. of Ellenborough, again, Mar. 6, G. Edwd. Hy., ld. Stanley, aft. E. of Derby, June 5, G. 1852. 1855. 1858. 1858. |Wide supra; Secretary of State for India BoARD OF ContRo1. ſ Edwd. Adolphs., ld. Seymour, and 1839. {Wm. Clay, aft. Sir W., bt., Sept. 30 1841. Chas. Buller, vice Id. Seymour, June 21. Jas. Emerson Tennent, aft. Sir J., 1841 | and º º ) Hon. Wm. Bingham Baring, ld, Ashburton, Sept. 8. 1845 § visc. Jocelyn, Feb. 17. l Philip Hy., visc. Mahon, Aug. 5. Geo. Stevens Byng, aft. visc. En- 1846. field and E. of Strafford, and Thos. Wyse, July 6. 1847. Geo. Cornewall Lewis, aft. Sir G., bt., Nov. 30, vice Byng. Jas. Wilson, May 16, vice Lewis. Hon. John Edmund Elliot, Jan. 26, vice Wyse. (Hy. Jas. Baillie, and l Chas. Lennox Cumming Bruce, Mar. ſº Lowe, aft. visc. Sherbrooke, 1848. 1849, 1852. 1852. and Sir Thos. N. Redington, Dec. Hy. Danby Seymour, vice Lowe. Sir Geo. Russell Clerk, K.C.B., vice Redington. 1855. 1857. Office abolished by 21 & 22 Vict. cap. 106. Wide supra. WICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE PRIWY COUNCIL FOR EDUCATION IN ENGLAND AND WALES. ANNUAL grants in aid of education were first made in 1834, and a com- mittee of the privy Council to superintend the distribution of these grants was first appointed Jan. 20, 1846. The lord president of the council is president of this committee, and from Feb. 1857, a vice- president has been from time to time appointed. The management of the Education Department is practically in his hands, he is the repre- sentative of the department in parliament, his office is a political one, and he retires with his party. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 2 5 5. WICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE PRIvy CouncIL FOR EDUCATION IN ENGLAND AND WALEs. 1857. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper, Feb. 5, G. 1874. Dudley Fras. Stuart Ryder, c.c. 1858. Chas. Bowyer Adderley, aft. Sir C., visc. Sandon, Mar. 2. bt., and lå. Norton, Mar. 12, 1878. Geo. Fras. Hamilton, c. c. 1d. Geo. G. Hamilton, Apr. 4. 1859, Robt. Lowe, aft. visc. Sherbrooke, 1880. Anthony John Mundella, May 3. June 24, G. 1885. Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, June 29, G. 1864. Hy. Austin Bruce, aft, lil. Aberdare, Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., Apr. K.C.M.G., aft. li. Knutsford, 1866. Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry, July 12, G. Sept. 17. 1867. Robt. Montagu, c.c. lá. Robt. 1886. Sir Lyon Playfair, K.C.B., Feb. 6. Montagu, Mar. 19. Sir H. T. Holland, again, Aug. 6. 1868. Wm. Edwd. Forster, Dec. 9. | 1887. Sir Wm. Hart Dyke, bt.. Jan, 24. PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. BoARDs of Health appear to have been first established by orders in council, dated June 21, Nov. 14, and Nov. 21, 1831, made under 6 Geo. IV. cap. 78. In 1848, under 11 & 12 Vict. cap. 63, a “General Board of Health '' was created, consisting of the first commissioner of woods, forests, &c., as president, and two other members appointed by the crown. In 1854, under 17 & 18 Vict. cap. 95, the “General Board of Health '' was reconstituted, and thenceforth consisted of a president appointed by the crown and a board composed of the secretaries of state and the president and vice-president of the Board of Trade. In 1858 the powers of the Board were transferred to the privy council under 21 & 22 Vict. cap. 97, and in 1871 these powers were (inter alia) again transferred to the Local Government Board under 34 & 35 Vict. cap. 70. PRESIDENTS OF THE GENERAL BOARD OF HEALTH FROM ITs RECONSTRUCTION IN 1854. 1854. Sir Benjn. Hall, bt., aft. li. Llan- 1857. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper, agazn, over, Oct. 14, G. Sept. 24, G. 1855. Hon. Wm. Fras. Cowper, Aug. 13, G. 1858. Chas. Bowyer Adderley, aft. Sir C., 1857. Wm. Monsell, aft. lord Emly, Feb. bt., and lå. Norton, Mar. 8, G. 9, G. Powers transferred to the Privy Council and subsequently to Local Government Board. Wide supra. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. THIs Board was established in 1871 under 34 & 35 Vict. cap. 70, and in it were vested all the powers of the Poor Law Board, which thenceforth ceased to exist, and also all the powers of the home secretary and the privy council in matters of public health, local government, &c. 256 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PRESIDENTs of THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BoARD. 1871. Jas. Stansfeld, Aug. 19. 1885. Arthur Jas. Balfour, June 24. 1874. Geo. Sclater Booth, Mar. 2. 1886. Jos. Chamberlain, Feb. 6. 1880. John Geo. Dodson, May 3. Jas. Stansfeld, again, Apr. 3. 1882. Sir Chas. Wentworth Dilke, bt., Dec. Chas. Thomson Ritchie, Aug. 3. 28. PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. 1871. John Tomlinson Hibbert, Aug. 1885. Adelbert Wellington Brownlow, E. 1874. Clare Sewell Read, Feb. Brownlow, June. 1876. Thos. Salt. 1886. Jesse Collings, Feb. 1880. John Tomlinson Hibbert, again, Wm. Copeland Borlase, Apr. May. Walter Hume Long, Aug. 1883. Geo. Wm. Erskine Russell. PERMAN ENT SECRETARIES TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. 1871. John Lambert, aft. Sir J., K.C.B., and Hy. Fleming; jointly till 1876; then Lambert alone. 1882. Hugh Owen, aft. Sir H., K.C.B. TREASURERS OF THE NAVY. THIs office was abolished Dec. 1, 1836, by 5 & 6 Will. IV. cap 35. See “Paymasters-General,” ante, p. 243. TREASURERS OF THE NAVY, FROM THE RESTORATION. 1660. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt. 1754. Geo. Grenville, Apr. 4. 1667. Arthur, visc, Valentia, in Ireland, 1756. Geo. Dodington, again, Jan. 13; aft. and E. of Anglesey. ld. Melcombe. . 1672. Sir Thos. Osborne, bt., aft. visc. Geo. Grenville, again, Nov. 25. Dumblane, E. of Danby, M. of 1761. The same by a new patent, Mar. 18. Carmarthen and D. of Leeds. 1762. Wrm. Wildman, visc. Barrington, 1673. Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt. June 2. 1681. Anthy., visc. Falkland, June 24. 1765. Richd., visc. Howe, Aug. 9. 1689. Edwd. Russel, aft. E. of Orford, 1770. Sir Gilbert Elliot, bt., Mar. 19. Apr. 8. 1777. Welbore Ellis, aft. lil. Mendip, June 1699. Sir Thos. Littleton, bt., May 29. 12. 1710. Robt. Walpole, aft. Sir R. and E. of 1782. Isaac Barré, Apr. 10. Orford, Jan. 21. Hy. Dundas, Aug. 19. 1711. Chas. Caesar, June 8. 1783. Chas. Townshend, Apr. 11. 1714. John Aislabie, Oct. 15. 1784. Hy. Dundas, again, Jan. 5, aft. visc. 1718. Richd. Hampden, Mar. 27. Melville, held the office upwards 1720. Sir Geo. Byng, bt., aft. Visc. Tor- of sixteen years. rington, Oct. 24. 1800. Hon. Dudley Ryder, June 2. 1724. Hon. Pattee Byng, his son, aft. visc. 1801. Chas. Bragge, Nov. 21. Torrington, Apr. 18. 1803. Geo. Tierney, June 3. 1727. The same, by a new patent, Aug. 12. 1804. Geo. Canning, May 29. 1734. Arthur Onslow, Apr. 20. 1806. Richd. Brinsley Sheridan, Feb. 22. 1742. Hon. Thos. Clutterbuck, May 17. 1807. Geo. Rose, Apr. 15. Sir Chas. Wager, Dec. 20. 1818. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. visc. 1743. Sir John Rushout, bt., Dec. 24. Goderich, and E. of Ripon, Feb. 1744. Geo. Dodington, Dec. 29. 12. 1749. Hon. Hy. Bilson Legge, May 3. 1823. Wm. Huskisson, Feb. 8. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 257 1827. Chas. Grant, aft. li. Glenelg, Sept. 1834. Wm., visc. Lowther, aft. E. of Lons- 10. dale, Dec. 27. 1828. Wm. Fitzgerald Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. 1835. Sir Hy. Parnell, bt., aft. li. Congle- ld. Fitzgerald and Vesci; Feb. 25. ton, Apr. 22. 1830. Thos. Frankland Lewis, Feb. 25. Sir Hy. Parnell became paym.-gen. Chas. Poulet Thompson, aft. li. when this office ceased. Sydenham, Dec. 13. COMPTROLLERS AND SURVEYORS OF THE NAVY. CoMPTROLLERs. 1688. Sir Richd. Haddock, aft. adm., Sept. 1778. Chas. Middleton, aft. adm. Sir C., 30 bt., July 18; cr. 1d. Barham in 1714. Sir Chas. Wager, aft. adm., Feb. 17. 1805. 1718. Thos. Swanton, Mar. 26. 1790. Sir Hy. Martin, bt., Mar. 13. 1722. Jas. Mighells, Jan. 18. 1794. Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, bt., Aug. 1733. Richd. Haddock, jun., Mar. 27. 30 1749. Savage Mostyn, aft. adm., Mar. 22. 1806. Hy. Nicholls, Feb. 19. 1755. Edwd. Falkingham, Feb. 6. Sir Thos. Boulden Thompson, bt., Chas. Saunders, aft. adm., Nov. 14. aft. adm., June 7. 1756. Digby Dent, June 4. 1816. Sir Thos. Byam Martin, K.C.B., adm., Geo. Cockburne, Dec. 29. Feb. 9. 1770. Hugh Palliser, aft. adm. Sir H., | 1831. Adm. Hon. Geo. Heneage Lawrence Aug. 1. Dundas, Nov. 2. Patent revoked 1775. Maurice Suckling, aft. adm., Apr. 5. June 9, 1832. By 2 Will. IV. cap. 40 (June 1, 1832) the Navy and Victualling Boards and the offices of Commissioners of Navy and Victualling and Comptroller of the Navy were abolished, and in lieu thereof were appointed five “Principal Officers,” viz.: Accountant-General of the Navy. Medical Director-General. The Surveyor of the Navy. Comptroller of Victualling, and Storekeeper-General. To these other departments were afterwards added. SURVEYORs. 1668. Sir John Tippetts, Sept. 30. 1778 Sir John Williams, and Mar. 19 1692. Edma. Dummer, June 25. * QEdwd. Hunt. & sºlºs ºf tº 1699. Daml. Furzer, Sept. 22. (Edwd. Hunt, and 1706. Wm. Lee, Sept. 9. 1784 ºil..."; Nov. 24. 1715. Jacob Ackworth, aft. Sir J., Mar. 1793. Sir Wm. Rule, Jan. 26. 30. 1806. Sir Hy. Peake, June 7. 1746. Joseph Allin, aft. Sir J., June Jos. Tucker, and N. 16. 5 5 * | 1818 {; Robt. Seppings. } May 26. 1755 Thos. Slade, and Au 6 Jos. Tucker superamuated Mar. * \Wm. Bateley. g. b. 1831 ; and sir Robt. Seppings, 1765 (Thos. Slade, aft. Sir T., andl June June 1832. \John Williams. 22. 1832. Sir Wm. Symonds, June 9. 1771. John Williams, aft, sir J., with two 1848. Sir Baldwin W. Walker, K.C.B., assistants. th Feb. 5. 17 258 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. In 1860 the office of Comptroller of the Navy was revived. CoMPTROLLERs—continued. 1860. R.-adm. Sir Baldwin W. Walker, bt., 1872. R.-adm. Wm. Houston Stewart, C.B., R. C. B. aft. Sir W. and v.-adm. 1861. R.-adm. Robt. Spencer Robinson, 1881. R.-adm. Thos, E. Brandreth. aft. Sir R. and v.-adm. 1885. W.-adm. Wm. Graham, C.B., aft. Sir 1871. Capt. Robt. Hall, C.B. W., K.C.B. THE BOARD OF ORDNANCE. THE Ordnance Department is of very great antiquity. A master of the Ordnance is mentioned temp. Richard III., and a clerk of the Ordnance as early as 1418. Henry VIII. constituted a Board of Ordnance by adding to the master and clerk a lieutenant, a surveyor, a storekeeper, and a clerk of the cheque. In 1604 James I. dignified the master and lieutenant with the style of master-general and lieutenant-general. The clerk of the cheque was abolished many years ago, and the lieutenant- general in 1831, but this latter office was revived for a short time in 1854. By letters patent of May 25, 1855 (G.) the appointments of master- general, lieutenant-general, and principal storekeeper of the Ordnance were revoked, and the civil administration of the army and Ordnance vested in lord Panmure, the then secretary of state for war. The Act 18 & 19 Vict. cap. 117 (Aug. 14, 1855) recites these letters patent and vests all statutory powers, lands, &c., of the principal officers of Ordnance in the secretary of state for war. The office of surveyor-general of the Ordnance was abolished about the same time, but was revived with somewhat different duties, by 33 & 34 Vict. cap. 17 (June 28, 1870). MASTERS-GENERAL OF THE ORDNANCE. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir John Chicheley. Com- 1596. Robt. E. of Essex; beheaded. 1679. Sir Wm. Hickman, missioners. Sir Christr. Musgrave. RING JAMES I. 1681. Geo. Legge, aft. li. Dartmouth. 1603. Chas., E. of Devonshire. WILLIAM AND MARY. 1609. Geo., E. of Totnes. i., §:.. **** 1689. Fredk., D. of Schomberg. 1623. Sir Richd. Morrison. 1693. Hy. visc. Sydney, aft. E. of Romney. RING CHARLES I. QUEEN ANNE. #. i. i*. Tilbury 1702. * º aft. D. of Marlborough, º **, *:: 3 vs. . e uly 1. 1634. Montjoy Blount, E. of Newport. 1712. Richd., E. Rivers, Jan. 1. 1712. Jas., D. of Hamilton and Brandon, 1660. Si *...* CHARLES II. July 1 ; killed in a duel, Nov. 15, . Sir. Wm. Compton. Same year. John, ld. Berkeley. N 1665. § John tº: mºr. RING GEORGE I. Sir Thos. Chicheley. 1714. John, D. of Marlborough, again, 1670. Sir Thos. Chicheley. Oct. 1. 1674. Sir John Chicheley. 1722. Wm., E. Cadogan, July 1. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. . 259 1725. 1740. 1742. 1743. 1756. 1759. 1763. 1772. 1782. 1783. 1795. 1801. 1806. 1603. 1635. 1636. 1670. 1681. 1687. 1688. 1702. 1705. 1712. 1714. 1717. 1718. 1742. 1748. 1757. John, D. of Argyll and Greenwich, July 1. - KING GEORGE II. John, D. of Montagu, July 1. John, D. of Argyll, again. John, D. of Montagu, again. Chas., D. of Marlborough, Jan. 1. John, visc., aft. E. Ligonier, July 1. KING GEORGE III. John, M. of Granby, aft. D. of Rut- land. Geo., visc. Townsend, Oct. 1. Chas., D. of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny, Mar. 30. Geo., visc. Townshend, again ; aft. Marq. Townsend. Chas., D. of Richmond, again, Dec. 23. - Chas., M. Cornwallis, Feb. 13. John, E. of Chatham, June 16. Fras., E. of Moira, aft. M. of Hast- ings, Feb. 14. 1807. 1810. 1819. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1841. 1846. John, E. of Chatham, again, Apr. 4. Hy., ld., aft. E. of Mulgrave, May 5 Arthur, D. of Wellington, Jan. 1. IKING GEORGE IV. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, Apr. 30. Wm. Carr, visc. Beresford, Apr. 28. RING WILLIAM IV. Sir Jas. Kempt, Nov. 30. Sir Geo. Murray, Dec. 18. Sir Richd. Hussey Vivian, bt., aft. Id. Vivian, May 4. QUEEN VICTORIA. Sir Geo. Murray, again, Sept. 9. . . Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, again, July 6. . Hy., visc. Hardinge, G.C.B., Mar. 5, G. . Lt. -gen. Id. Fitzroy Jas. Hy. Somerset, G.C.B., aft. 13. Raglan, Sept. 30, G. Office abolished in 1855. LIEUTENANTS-GENERAL OF THE ORDNANCE. From the Union of England and Scotland. Sir Geo. Carew, aft. E. of Totnes. Sir Wm. Haydon. Colin Legge. David Walter, Nov. 25. *George Legge, aft. lord Dartmouth, Dec. 7. Sir Chas. Musgrave, bt. Sir Hy. Tichborne, bt. Hy. Goodricke, bt. John Granville, aft, ld, Granville. Thos. Erle. John Hill. Thos. Erle, again. Thos. Micklethwaite. Sir Chas. Wills, K.B. Geo. Wade, field marshal, 1743; comm. in ch., 1745. *Sir John Ligonier, K.B., aft. visc. and E. Ligonier; field marshal and comm. in ch., 1757. Lord Geo. Sackville (Germaine); 1759. 1763. 1767. 1772. 1782. 1804. 1807. 1810. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1829. dism, the service in 1759; aft. visc, Sackville. *John, M. of Granby, aft. D. of Rut- land. *Hon. Geo. Townshend, aft. visc. and M. Townshend. - Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway, aft. comm. in ch., &c. Sir Jeffrey Amherst, K.B., aft. 1d. Amherst, comm. in ch. 1778, et Seq. - Hon. Sir Wm. Howe, aft. visc. Howe, IX. B. Sir Thos. Trigge. Richd. Fitzpatrick. Sir Thos. Trigge, again. Sir Hildebrand Oakes, bt. *Wm. Carr, visc. Beresford. *Sir Geo. Murray. Sir W. H. Clinton. Lord Robt. Edwd. Hy. Somerset. The office was abolished in 1831, but temporarily revived in 1854. 1854. Lt.-gen. Sir Hew Dalrymple Ross, K.C.B., May 2, G. Ceased in 1855. * Subsequently Masters-General. Surveyors-GENERAL oR THE ORDNANCE. From the Union of England and Scotland. * * Wm. Brydges. 1714. Maj.-Gen. Michael Richards. 1722. 1742. John Armstrong, aft. maj.-gen. Thos. Lascelles. 17 = 260 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1750. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1789. 1795. 1804. 1810. 1820. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1870, 1874. 1880. * }{. 1712. 1714. 1718. 1733. 1740. 1772. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1793. 1802. 1806. 1807. 1811. 1823. 3& 36. 1712. 1715. 1717. 1721. I746. 1762. Chas. Frederick, aft. Sir C., K.B. Hon. Thos. Pelham. John Courtenay. Hon. Jas. Luttrell. Hon. G. C. Berkeley. Maj.-Gen. A. Ross. Lt.-Col. Jas. M. Hadden, Nov. 22. Sir Robt. Moorsoom, R.N., July 20. Lt.-Col. sir Ulysses Burgh, aft. 16. Downes, Mar. 18. Adm. Sir Edwd. Wm. C. R. Owen, May 14. Lt.-gen. Sir Herbert Taylor, Mar. 24. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Fane, Apr. 3. 1831 1832 1835 1841. 1846. 1852. 1853. . Lt.-Col. Wm. Leader Maberley, Jan. 12. . Lt.-Col. Chas. R. Fox, Dec. 5. . Lord Robt. Edwd. Hy. Somerset, Jan. 12. Lt.-Gen. Sir Rufane Shawe Donkin, May 6. Col. Chas. R. Fox, again, May 12. Col. Jonathan Peel, Sept. 10. Maj.-Gen. Chas. R. Fox, again. Lt.-Gen. Sir Geo. Hy. Fredk. Berke- ley, K.C.B., June 28, G. . Lt.-Col. hon. Lauderdale Jan. 15, G. Maule, Office abolished, 1855. OFFICE REVIVED UNDER 33 & 34 WICT. CAP. 17. Maj.-Gen. Sir Hy. Knight Storks, G. C. B. Lord Eustace B. H. Gascoyne Cecil, Feb. Lt.-Gen. Sir Jno. Miller Adye, K.C.B., Apr. 1883 1885 1886 1886 . Hon. Hy. Robt. Brand. . Hon. Guy Cuthbert Dawnay, June. . Wrm. Woodall, Feb. . Hon. Hy. Stafford Northcote, aft. Sir H., bt., Aug. CLERKS OF THE ORDNANCE. From the Union of England and Scotland. Chas. Musgrave. Edwd. Ashe. Lt.-Gen. Wrm. Cadogan, aft, la, and E. Cadogan. Thos. White. Leonard Smelt. Wm. Rowlinson Earle. Sir Chas. Cocks, bt., aft. la. Somers. John Aldridge. Gibbs Crawford. Humphrey Minchin, Apr. Gibbs Crawford, again, Dec. John Sargent. Hon. Wm. Wellesley Pole, July 5. John Calcraft, Feb. 15. Hon. W. W. Pole, again, Mar. 31. Hon. Cropley Ashley Cooper, July 21 Roit. Ward, June 4. Sir Hy. Hardinge, aft. visc. Hardinge. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1838. 1841. 1845. 1846. 1852. 1853. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., May 4. Spencer Percival, aft. Sir S., Aug. 4. Chas. Tennyson, aft. Tennyson - D'Eyncourt, Dec. 30. Thos. Fras. Kennedy, Feb. 8. Lt.-Col. Wm. Leader Maberly. Col. Andw. Leith Hay, aft. Sir A., June 16. R.-Adm. Sir Edwd. G. R. Owen, Dec. 22. Sir Andw. Leith Hay, again, Apr. 18. Capt., aft. adm., J. W. Deans Dum- das, Mar. 21. Capt. Hy. Geo. Boldero. Lord Arthur Lennox. Col. Hon. Geo. Anson. Lt.-Col. Fras. Plunkett Dunne, Mar. 5, G. Wm. Monsell, aft. la. Emly, Jan. 13, G. Office abolished, 1857. PRINCIPAL STOREKEEPERS OF THE ORDNANCE. From the Union of England and Scotland. Jas. Lowther. Hon. Dixie Windsor. Geo. Gregory. Sir Thos. Wheate, bt. Geo. Gregory, again. Andw. Wilkinson. Sir Edwd. Winnington, bt., Dec. 1765. 1778. 1780. 1782. 1783. 1795, Andw. Wilkinson, again, Sept. 7. Benjn. L'Anglois, July. Hy. Strachey, aft. Sir H., Oct. John Aldridge, Apr. 30. Sir Hy. Strachey, again, Apr. 12. John Aldridge, again, Dec. 26. Mark Singleton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 261 1806. John M'Mahon, Feb. 1834. Fras. Robt. Bonham, Dec. 22. 1807. Mark Singleton, again. 1835. Hon. Geo. Anson. 1829. Col. Fredk. Wm. French, June 4. 1841. Fras. Robt. Bonham, again, Sept. 9. 1830. Capt hon. Hy. Duncan, Dec. 30. 1845. Capt. Sir Thos. Hastings. Office abolished 1855. CHIEF COMMISSIONERS OF POLICE OF THE METROPOLIS. THE Metropolitan Police District was formed by 10 Geo. IV. cap. 44 (June 19, 1829), and by this act two “Justices” were appointed, whose title was afterwards changed by 2 & 3 Wict, cap. 47 (Aug. 17, 1839) to that of “Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis.” On the death of one of the commissioners in 1855 an Act, 19 & 20 Vict. cap. 2 (Feb. 28, 1856), was passed enacting that thenceforth there should only be one commissioner (to be styled “the Commissioner of Police of the Metro- polis’’) and two assistant commissioners. “JUSTICEs.” UNDER 10 GEo. IV. CAP. 44. 1829. Col. Chas. Rowan, aft. Sir C. | Richd. Mayne, aft. Sir R., K.C.B. “COMMISSIONERS’’ UNDER 2 & 3 WICT. CAP. 47. 1839 Col. Chas. Rowan, aft. Sir C.; d. 1850. 1850. Capt. Wm. Hay, aft. C.B., Apr., Richd. Mayne, aft. Sir R., K.C.B. vice Rowan ; d. Aug. 29, 1855. CHIEF “Commission ERs ' UNDER 19 & 20 WICT. CAP. 2. 1856. Sir Richd. Mayne, K.C.B. 1869. Col. Edmund Yeamans Walcott Hen- derson, aft.Sir E., K.C.B., Feb.12,0. 1886. Col. Sir Chas. Warren, R.E., G.C.M.G., Mar. 29, G. THE POOR, LAW BOARD. THE Poor Law Board was first established by 4 & 5 Will. IV. cap. 76 (Aug. 14, 1834), under which the Crown was authorised to appoint three commissioners, besides assistant commissioners, secretaries, &c. The appointment was limited to five years, but was continued by various Acts down to 1847, when a new Act, 10 & 11 Vict. cap. 109 (July 23, 1847), was passed, under which the power of the Crown to appoint com- missioners was continued ; but the lord president of the council, the lord privy seal, the home secretary, and the chancellor of the exchequer were made ea officio commissioners, and the first-named commissioner in each commission was to be styled the president. Under this Act the appointment was again limited to five years, but was continued by various Acts, and ultimately made permanent by 30 & 31 Vict, cap. 106 (Aug. 20, 1867). 262 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. By 34 & 35 Wict. cap. 70 (Aug. 14, 1871) the Poor Taw Board was . abolished, and its duties and powers transferred to the Local Govern- ment Board. Wide ante, p. 255. Poor LAw CoMMISSIONERS For ENGLAND AND WALEs. Under 4 & 5 Will. IV. cap. 76 (Aug. 14, 1834). Thos. Frankland Lewis, res. bt., Jan. 30 vice Lewis; res. Aug. Jan. 30, 1839. 2, 1847.* Aug. 18. J John Geo. Shaw Lefevre, res. 1841. Sir Edmd. Walker Head, bt., Nov. 1833. Nov. 25, 1841. ; iº Shaw Lefevre; res. Dec. * 3 º Geo. Nicholls, res. Dec. 17, 1845. Edwd. Turner Boyd Twistleton, Nov. 1847. * 5, additional commr. ; res. July 1839. Geo. Cornewall Lewis, aft. Sir G., 23, 1847.* * Resigned on formation of Poor Law Board under 10 & 11 Vict. cap. 109. Vide infra. PRESIDENTs of THE Poor LAW BOARD. Under 10 & 11 Vict. cap. 109 (July 23, 1847). 1847. Chas. Buller, jun., d. Nov. 29, 1848. 1859. Chas. Pelham Williers, June. 1849. Matt. Talbot Baines, Jan. 1. 1866. Gathorne Hardy, aft. visc. Cran- 1852. Sir John Trollope, bt., Feb. brook, July 12, G. 1852–3. Matt. Talbot Baines, again. 1867. Wm. Regd., E. of Devon, May 21, 1855. Edwd. Pleydell Bouverie, Aug. 13, G. G. 1868. Geo. Joachim Göschen, Dec. 9, Sw. 1858. Thos. H. S. Sotheron-Estcourt, Feb. 1871. Jas. Stansfeld, Mar. 9. Powers transferred to Local Government Board under 34 & 35 Vict. cap. 7 0. Vide ante, p. 255. SECRETARIES TO THE Poor LAW BoARD. PARLIAMENTARY. 1866. Ralph A. Earle, July. 1847. Hon. Hugh Fortescue, c.c. visc. Eb- | 1867. Gen. Sclater Booth. rington; aft. E. Fortescue. 1868. Arthur Wellesley Peel, Dec. 1851. Ralph Wm. Grey. 1853. Chas, Lennox Grenville Berkeley. PERMANENT. 1856. Ralph Wm. Grey, again. 1847. Geo. Nicholls. 1858. Fredk. Winn Knight, Feb. 1850. Hon. Wm. Regd. Courtenay, c.c. 1859. Chas. Gilpin, June. visc. Courtenay, aft. E. of 1865. Hon. Geo. Hy. Chas. Byng, c.c. visc. Devon. Enfield, aft. la. and E. of Straf- 1859. Hy. Fleming; continued as sec.to loc. ford. gov. bd THE BOARD OF TRADE. OLIVER CROMWELL seems to have given the first notion of a Board of Trade, as in 1655 he appointed his son Richard, with many lords of his council, judges, and gentlemen, and about twenty merchants of London, York, Newcastle, Yarmouth, Dover, and other places, to meet and consider by what means the traffic and navigation of the republic might be best promoted and regulated, and to report upon the subject. Charles II., on his restoration, established a Council of Trade, “for THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 263 keeping a control and superintendence upon the whole commerce of the nation,” Nov. 7, 1660; and by patent, dated Dec. 1, same year, he also created a Council of Foreign Plantations. In 1672, these Boards were united, and various revisions followed from time to time. In 1782, by statute 22 Geo. III. cap. 82, the Board was abolished, and the busi- ness was managed by a committee of the privy Council, whose duty was “to examine the custom-house accounts of all goods and merchandise exported and imported to and from the several ports in the kingdom, as well as from foreign ports, in order to inform the government of the advantages and disadvantages of the trade of this nation with other kingdoms and states, in regard to the balance of trade. And also to encourage our plantations abroad by endeavouring to promote their trade, and by discovering and encouraging such branches as were most conducive to their respective interests, as well as to those of the kingdom at large.” In 1786, by an order in council, dated Aug. 23, the Board of Trade, as at present constituted, was formed. Wide infra. THE ORIGINAL BOARDs. 1660. Edwd., ld. Hyde, aft. E. of Clarendon, ld, chanc., ea officio. Thos., E. of Southampton, ld. treas r. Geo., D. of Albemarle. Montagu, ld. Willoughby d’Eresby. Wm., E. of Pembroke. Jas., E. of Marlborough. Chas., E. of Portland. Chas., E. of Norwich. Edwd., E. of Sandwich. John, ld. Robartes, others. Oct. 20, 1668. All the great officers state. - The secs. of state. John, E. of Bridgewater. Wm., E. of Craven. Sir Hy. Coventry. Sir John Ernley. Sir Geo. Carteret. Robt. Southwell. Sept. 16, 1672. A standing council, of which Anthy., E. of Shaftesbury, and Thos., ld. Colepeper were pres, and vice-pres. April 16, 1679. A new commission, which included many of the pre- ceding commr.S., and Wm., E. of Devonshire. Geo., visc. Halifax, and Geo., ld. Berkeley. and of Dec. 16, 1695. The ld. chanc. or keeper of the gr. seal. Ld. pres. of the council. Ld. keeper of the pr. seal ; all for the time being, to- gether with John, E. of Bridgewater, and others. May 15, 1696. The great officers of state for the time being, and John, E. of Bridgewater. Ford, E. of Tankerville. Sir Philip Meadows. Wm. Blathwayte. John Pollexfen. John Locke. Abraham Hill. John Methuen. June 9, 1699. By a commission under this date, the following great officers of state were spe- cially mentioned:— Ld. chanc. or keeper of the gr. Seal. Ld. pres. of the council. Ld. keeper of the pr. seal. Ld. treas. or first commr. of the treasy. Ld. high adm. or first comml. of the admy. The two principal secs, of state, and Ch. ex: ; all for the time being, with Thos., E. of Stamford. The president is now always a cabinet minister. Robt., lord Lexinton. Sir Philip Meadows. Wm. Blathwayte. John Pollexfen. John Locke. Abraham Hill. Geo. Stepney. From this time all the great state officers continued to be members of the board. June 11, 1700. The same board, with the addition of Matt. Prior. Jan. 8, 1702. The same board, with the addition of Robt. Cecil. 1705. THos., E. of STAMFORD. Thos., visc. Weymouth. Wm., ld. Dartmouth. Sir Philip Meadows. Wm. Blathwayte. John Pollexfen. Geo. Stepney. Matt. Prior. Robt. Cecil. 1706. THos., E. of STAMFORD. Wm., ld. Dartmouth. Hy., ld. Herbert. Sir Philip Meadows. Geo. Stepney. John Pulteney. Robt. Monckton. 1707. THOS., E. of STAMFORD. Wm., ld. Dartmouth. 264 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hy., ld. Herbert of Cher- bury. Robt. Monckton. John Pulteney. Sir Chas. Turner. John Locke. 1710. THos., E. of STAMFORD. Wm., ld. Dartmouth. Sir Philip Meadows. John Pulteney. Robt. Monckton. Sir Chas. Turner. Geo. Baillie. Oct. 4, 1710. The same board, with the addition of Arthur Moore. June 12, 1711. CHAs., E. of WINCHILSEA, and the same board with the addition of Fras. Gwyn. Sept. 15, 1713. FRAs., ld. GUILDFORD. Sir Philip Meadows. Robt. Monckton. Arthur Moore. Sir John Hynde Cotton, bt. John Sharpe. Saml. Pitts. Thos. Vernon. Sept. 1714. WM., ld. BERKELEY of Stratton. Sir Jacob Astley, bt. Robt. Molesworth, aft. visc. Molesworth. John Cockburn. Archibald Hutchinson. John Chetwynd. Chas. Cooke. Paul Docminique. 1715. HY., E. of SUFFOLR and BINDON, and the same board, except Archibald Hutchinson, in whose room came Jos. Addison. Danl. Pulteney, vice Cock- burn. Martin Bladen, vice Addi- SOI.1. July 13, 1717. HY., E. of SUFFOLIC and BINDON. John Chetwynd. Chas. Cooke. Paul Docminique. John Molesworth. Thos. Pelham, vice Astley. Jan. 31, 1718. ROBT., E. of Hold ERNESSE, vice Suffolk, and the same board. May 11, 1719. THos., E. of WESTMORE- LAND, vice Holdernesse, and the same board. June 24, 1720. THos., E. of WESTMORE- LAND. John Chetwynd. Sir Chas. Cooke, bt. Paul Docminique. Thos. Pelham. Martin Bladen. Edwd. Ashe, vice Pulteney. Sept. 4, 1721. THOS., E. of WESTMORE- LAND, and the same board, with the addition of Richd. Plumer. Oct. 4, 1721. THOS., E. of WESTMORE- LAND, and the same board, except Sir John Hobart, bt., aft. E. of Buckinghamshire, vice Cooke. Aug. 8, 1727. THOs, E. of WESTMORE- LAND, and the same board, except Sir Orlando Bridgeman, bt., vice Plumer, and Walter Carey, vice Hobart. June 1, 1728. THOS., E. of WESTMORE- LAND, and the same board, except Sir Thos. Frankland, bt., vice Chetwynd. 1730. THos., E. of WESTMORE- LAND, and the same board, except Hon. Jas. Brudenell, Frankland. May 13, 1730. THOS., E. of WESTMORE- LAND, and the same board, except Sir Archer Croft, bt., vice Carey. vice May 1735. BENJN. MILDMAY, E. FITz- wALTER, vice Westmore- land. Thos. Pelham. Martin Bladen. Edwd. Ashe. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, bt. Hon. Jas. Brudenell. Sir Archer Croft, bt. Richd. Plumer. June 1737. JOHN, ld. Monson, vice Fitzwalter, and the same board. Feb. 1742. JOHN, ld. MONSON. Martin Bladen. Edwd. Ashe. Hon. Jas. Brudenell. Richd. Plumer. Hon. Robt. Herbert, vºce Pelham. Sir Chas. Gilmour, bt., vice Bridgeman. Benjn. Keene, vice Croft. Dec. 25, 1744. JOHN, ld. MONSON. Martin Bladen. Edwd. Ashe. Hon. Jas. Brudenell. Richd. Plumer. Hon. Robt. Herbert. Sir John Phillips, bt., vice Gilmour. John Pitt, vice Keene. May 7, 1745. JOHN, ld. MONSON, and the same board, except Hon. Baptist Leveson Gower, vice Phillips. Feb. 1746. JOHN, ld. Monson, and the same board, except Hon. Jas. Grenville, Bladen. vice Nov. 1746. JOHN, ld, MONSON. Edwd. Ashe. Richd. Plumer. Hon. Robt. Herbert. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., visc. Dupplin, vice Brudenell. Fras. Fane, vice Gower. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 265 Nov. 1, 1748. GEO., E. of HALIFAx, vice Monson. Richd. Plumer. Hon. Robt. Herbert. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., visc. Dupplin. Fras. Fame. Sir Thos. Robinson, K.B., aft, ld, Grantham, vice Ashe. June 1749. GEO., E. of HALIFAx. Hon. Robt. Herbert. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., visc. Dupplin. Fras. Fane. Sir Thos. Robinson, K.B. Hon. Chas. Townshend, vice Plumer. Nov. 1749. GEO., E. of HALIFAx. Hon. Robt. Herbert. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., visc. Dupplin. Fras. Fane. Hon. Chas. Townshend. Andrew Stone, vice Robin- SOIl. Dec. 1751. GEO., E. of HALIFAX. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Thos., visc. Dupplin. Fras. Fame. |Hon. Chas. Townshend. Andrew Stone. Jas. Oswald, vice Herbert. Apr. 6, 1754. GEO., E. of HALIFAX. John Pitt. Hon. Jas. Grenville. Fras. Fane. Andrew Stone. Jas. Oswald. Hon. Richd. Edgcumbe, aft. ld. Edgcumbe, vice Dupplin. Thos. Pelham, aft. la. Pelham, vice Townshend. Dec. 23, 1755. GEO., E. of HALIFAX. Fras. Fane. Andrew Stone. Jas. Oswald. Thos. Pelham. Hon. John Talbot, vice Pitt. Soame Jenyns, vice Gren- ville. Richd. Rigby, vice cumbe. Edg- Apr. 24, 1756. GEO., E. of HALIFAx, and the same board, with the exception of Wm. Gerard Hamilton, vice Fane. Dec. 11, 1756. GEO., E. of HALIFAx, and the same board, with the exception of Wm. Sloper, vice Talbot. Dec. 24, 1759. GEO., E. of HALIFAx. Andrew Stone. Thos. Pelham. Soame Jenyns. Richd. Rigby. Wm. Gerard Hamilton. Wm. Sloper. Edwd. Bacon, vice Oswald. Jan. 1760. GEO., E. of HALIFAx. Andrew Stone. Thos. Pelham, Pelham. Soame Jenyns. Wm. Gerard Hamilton. Wm. Sloper. Edwd. Bacon. Edwd. Eliot, vice Rigby. now la. Mar. 21, 1761. SAML., ld. SANDYs, Halifax. Andrew Stone. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Edwd. Bacon. Hon. John Yorke, vice Pel- ham. Sir Edmd. Thomas, vice Hamilton. Geo. Rice, vice Sloper. vice bt., Oct. 23, 1761. SAML., ld. SANDYs. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Edwd. Bacon, Hon. John Yorke. Sir Edmd. Thomas, bt. Geo. Rice. John Roberts, vice Stone. Dec. 28, 1762. SAML., ld. SANDYs, and the same board, with the exception of Fras., ld. Orwell, aft. E. of Shipbrooke, vice Roberts. Mar. 1, 1763. Hon. CHAs. TownsBEND, vice Sandys, and the same board. Apr. 20, 1763. WM., E. of SHELEURNE, aft. M. of Lansdowne, vice Townshend. Soame Jenyms. Edwd. Eliot. Edwd. Bacon. Geo. Rice. Fras., ld. Orwell. Jeremiah Dyson, vice Yorke. Bamber Gascoyne, vice Thomas, Sept. 9, 1763. WILLs, E. of HILLS- BOROUGH, vice lá. Shel- burne, and the same board. July 20, 1765. WM., E. of DARTMOUTH, vice Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Geo. Rice. Jeremiah Dyson. Hon. John Yorke, Orwell, John Roberts, coyne. Wm. Fitzherbert, Bacon, vice Gas- vice vice Dec. 1765. WM., E. of DARTMOUTH. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Geo. Rice. Jeremiah Dyson. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Hy., visc. Palmerston, vice Yorke. Aug. 16, 1766. WILLs, E. of HILLS- Isoroug II, vice la, Dart- mouth, and the same board. 266 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Oct. 11, 1766. WILLs, E. of BOROU GEI. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Geo. Rice. Jeremiah Dyson. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Hon. Thos. Robinson, aft. 2nd lå. Grantham, vice Palmerston. HILLS- Dec. 1766 ROBT. NUGENT, aft. E. Nugent, vice Hillsborough, and the same board. Jan. 20, 1768. WILLs, E. of HILLS- BOROUGH, and the same board, except Wilmot, visc. Lisburne, vice Dyson. Apr. 12, 1770. WILLS, E. of HILLS- IBOROUGEI. Soame Jenyns. Pldwd. Eliot. Geo. Rice. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Wilmot, visc. Lisburne. Geo. Greville, ld. Greville, vice Robinson. Apr. 16, 1770. WILLS, E. of HILLS- BOROUGH, and the same board, except Wm. Northey, burne. vice Lis- May 16, 1770. WILLS, E. of BOROUGII. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Geo., ld. Greville. Wm. Northey. Bamber Gascoyne, vice Rice. HILLS- Jan. 16, 1771. WILLs, E. of HILLS- IBOROUG. H. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. John Roberts. Wm. Fitzherbert. Geo., ld. Greville. Bamber Gascoyne. Thos. Whateley, vice Northey. Feb. 11, 1772. WILLs, E. of HILLS- BOROUGH, and the same board, except Wm. Jolliffe, vice Fitzher- bert. Aug. 15, 1772. WILLs, E. OF IBOROVGEI, Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. John Roberts. Geo., ld. Greville. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. John, ld. Whateley. HILLS- Garlies, vice Aug. 31, 1772. WM., E. of DARTMOUTH, vice Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot. Geo., ld. Greville, aft. E. of Warwick. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. John, ld. Garlies, aft. E. of Galloway. Lord Robt. Spencer, vice Roberts. Jan. 25, 1774. WM., E. of DARTMOUTH, Soame Jenyns. Edwd. Eliot, aft. ltd. Eliot. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. Lord Robt. Spencer. Hon. Chas. Greville, vice Warwick. Whitshed Keene, vice Gal- loway. Nov. 10, 1775. Lord GEO. (SACKVILLE) GERMAINE, vice Dart- mouth, and the same board. Mar. 9, 1776. Lord GEO. GERMAINE. Soame Jenyns. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. Lord Robt. Spencer. Hon. Chas. Greville. Whitshed Keene. Wm. Eden, vice Eliot. June 5, 1777. Lord GEO. GERMAINE. j Soame Jenyns. Bamber Gascoyne. Wm. Jolliffe. Lord Robt. Spencer. Hon. Chas. Greville. Wrm. Eden. Thos. de Grey, vice Keene. July 6, 1779. Lord GEO. GERMAINE, aft. visc. Sackville. Soame Jenyns. Lord Robt. Spencer. Hon. Chas. Greville. Wm. Eden. Thos. de Grey. Andrew Stuart, vice Gas- COWI16. Edward Gibbon, vice Jolliffe. Nov. 6, 1779. FREDK., E. of CARLISLE, vice Germaine, and the same board. Sept. 6, 1780. FREDK., E. of CARLISLE. Lord Robt. Spencer. Wrm. Eden. Hon. Thos. de Grey, aft. ld. Walsingham. Andrew Stuart. Edwd. Gibbon. Hans Sloane, vice Jenyns. Benjn. L'Anglois, vice Gre- ville. Dec. 9, 1780. THos., 2nd ld. GRANTHAM, vice Carlisle, and the same board. 1781. THos., ld. GRANTHAM. Lord Robt. Spencer. Wm. Eden. Andrew Stuart. Edwd. Gibbon. Hans Sloane. Sir Adam Fergusson, bt., vice Walsingham. Anthy. Storer, vice L’Ang- lois. Dec. 22, 1781. THOS., ld. GRANTEIAM. Wm. Eden. Andrew Stuart. Edwd. Gibbon. Hans Sloane. Sir Adam Fergusson, bt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 267 Anthy, Storer. John Chetwynd Talbot, aft. Earl Talbot; vice Spencer. The Board of Trade and Plantations was abo- lished in June 1782, under 22 Geo. III., cap. 82, and the business was transferred to the secre- taries of state. Mar. 5, 1784. The abolition of the Board of Trade, being greatly felt by the trading part of the nation, His Majesty was pleased, in order to protect the interests of the mercantile commu- nity, to appoint the fol- lowing Committee of the most honourable Privy Council, for the conside- ration of all matters re- lating to Trade and Foreign Plantations. ' THOS., ld. SYDNEY, one of the principal secs. of St., pres. Heneage, E. of Aylesford. Thos., E. of Effingham. Thos., E. of Clarendon. Geo., E. of Leicester. Lord Fredk. Campbell. Richd., visc. Howe. Robt., bp. Of London. Thos., ld. Grantham. Thos., ld. Walsingham. Fletcher, ld. Grantley. Constantine John, ld. Mul- grave. - Hon. Thos. Harley. Hon. Sir Jos. Yorke, K.B. Chas. Jenkinson. Sir John Goodricke, bt. Hy. Dundas. Jas. Grenville. Wm. Wyndham Grenville. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PRESENT BOARD OF TRADE. LORDs of the CoMMITTEE of PRIvy CouncIL appointed by KING GEORGE III. for the consideration of all matters relating to TRADE and FOREIGN PLANTATIONs. Order in Council, August 23, 1786. “His Majesty, having thought fit to revoke his Order in Council, bearing date the 5th day of March, 1784, appointing a Committee of Privy Council for the consideration of all matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations, and to declare the said Committee dissolved, was pleased to appoint a New Committee of Privy Council for the business above-mentioned, to consist of the following members:— His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. The First Commissioner of the Trea- The Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of SUll"W. The First Lord Commissioner of the Ad- the Exchequer. miralty. The Speaker of the House of Commons. “And also such of the persons of His Majesty’s most honourable Privy Council as shall hold any of the following offices:— The Treasurer of the Navy, and The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. The Master of His Majesty's Mint. The Paymaster or Paymaster-general of His Majesty's forces. “And His Majesty was at the same time pleased to order that the Speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland, and such persons as shall hold offices in His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland, and shall be members of His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council in this kingdom, shall be members of this Committee; and also that— Lord Fredk. Campbell, Sir John Goodricke, bt., Robt., ld, bp. of London, Fletcher, ld. Grantley, Sir Lloyd Kenyon, bt., The Hon. Sir Jos. Yorke, “be members of this Committee. The Hon. Wm. Eden, Jas. Grenville, and Thos. Orde, And that Charles Lord Hawkesbury, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, and, in his absence, William 268 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Wyndham Grenville, joint paymaster-general of the forces (vice-president of the Board, &c.), be President of the Committee.” SUBSEQUENT MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. 1788. Beilby Porteus, bp. of London, 1805. John Smyth, same date. Jan. 25. Nathl. Bond, same date. 1790. John Chas. Williers, Feb. 24. - Regd. Pole Carew, same date. Sir Richd. Pepper Arden, m. rolls, John Sullivan, same date. Mar. 13. 1806. Fredk. Morton, ld. Henley, Feb. 14. Dudley Ryder, same date. Richd., ld, Donoughmore, May 23. Sir Wm. Wynne, same date. John Joshua, E. of Carysfort, June 1793. John, visc. Bayham, June 21. 18. Sylvester Douglas, aft. li. Glen- 1807. Isaac Corry, Jan. 28. bervie, Mar. 17. Chas., ld. Whitworth, Apr. 15. 1797. Sir Jos. Banks, bt., Mar. 20. Richd., E. of Clancarty, May 20. 1798. Sir Wm. Scott, aft. la. Stowell, 1808. John, ld. Redesdale, Mar. 30. Oct. 31. 1809. Sir John Nicholl, Feb. 6. 1799. Robt. Banks, ld. Hawkesbury, aft. John Randolph, bp. of London E. of Liverpool, Mar. 14. Oct. 11. Sir John Scott, aft. la. and E. of John, ld. Sheffield, Dec. 20. Eldon, July 17. 1812. Fredk, John Robinson, aft. visc. 1802. John Beresford, Feb. 17. Goderich and E. of Ripon, Aug. 13. John Foster, same date. 1813. Wm. Howley, bp. of London, Wm. Wickham, same date. Dec. 2. Geo. Rose, same date. 1815. Wm. Huskisson, Jan. 7. Chas. Long, same date. 1823. Chas. Arbuthnot, Apr. 3. 1803. Chas. Bragge, June 22. 1846. John Nicholl, aft. sir J., Jam. 21. 1805. Lord Geo. Thynne, May 1. 1848. Sir Jas. Stephen, Apr. 15. Lord John Thynne, same date. Sir Edwd. Ryan, Apr. 18. The Board of Trade, from the time of its reconstruction in 1786, consisted, as before, of six or more members, besides the ea officio commissioners; but the business of late years has been wholly conducted by the presi- dent, the vice-president, and the secretaries; no other members having been appointed since the year 1823, with the exception of Dr. Nicholl in 1846, and of sir James Stephen and sir Edward Ryan in 1848, all of whom were appointed for special purposes and in reference to certain duties. The vice-presidency was abolished by 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 72 (Aug. 12, 1867) “as from the next vacancy,” and a parliamentary secretary- ship was substituted. Wide “Vice-Presidents of the Board of Trade,” tnfra. PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE FROM 1786. 1786. Chas., ld. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of 1834. John Chas. Herries, Feb. 2. Liverpool, first pres., Aug. 23. 1830. Geo., ld., aft. E. of Auckland, Nov. 1804. Jas., D. of Montrose, June 7. 22 1806. Wm., ld. Auckland, Feb. 5. 1834. Chas. Poulett Thomson, aft. 1d. 1807. Hy., E. Bathurst, Mar. 31. Sydenham, vice-pres., acting as 1812. Richd., E. of Clancarty, Sept. 29. pres., June 5. 1818. Fredk, John Robinson, aft. visc. Alexr. Baring, aft. li. Ashburton, Goderich and E. of Ripon, Jan. Dec. 15. 24. 1835. Chas. Poulett Thomson, again, Apr. 1823. Wm. Huskisson, Feb. 21. 18. 1827. Chas. Grant, aft. li. Glenelg, Sept. 1839. Hy. Labouchere, aft. li. Taunton, 4. Aug. 29. 1828. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. ld, Fitz- 1841. Fredk. John, E. of Ripon, again, gerald and Vesci, June 11. Sept. 3. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 269 1843. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1852. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1786. 1789. 1790. 1801. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1812. 1818. 1823. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1839. 1841. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, June 10. Jas. Andrew, E., aft. M., of Dal- housie, Feb. 5. Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, July 6. Hy. Labouchere, again, July 22. Jos. Warner Henley, Feb. 27. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. visc. Cardwell, Dec. 28. Edwd. Jno., ld. Stanley of Alder- ley, Mar. 31. Jos. Warner Henley, again, Feb. 26. Richd. Jno., E. of Donoughmore, Apr. 6. Thos. Milner Gibson, July 6. Sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., aft. E. of Iddesleigh, July 6. 1867. 1868. 1871. 1874. 1878. 1880. 1885. 1886. 1888. WICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft. la. Grenviile, Aug. 23. Jas., M. of Graham, aft. D. of Mon- trose, Aug. 8; aft. pres. Dudley Ryder, aft. la. and E. of Harrowby, Oct. 20. Sylvester Douglas, ld. Glenbervie, Nov. 18. Nathl. Bond, Feb. 8. Geo. Rose, June 7. Richd. Chandos, E. Temple, aft. D. of Buckingham, Feb. 5. Geo. Rose, again, Mar. 30. Fredk. John Robinson, aft. visc. Goderich and E. of Ripon, Sept. 29; aft. pres. Thos. Wallace, aft. li. Wallace, Jan. 28. Chas. Grant, Apr. 3, aft. pres. Thos. Frankland Lewis, Feb. 5. Thos. Peregrine Courtenay, May 30. Chas. Poulett Thomson, aft. li. Sydenham, Nov. 22; aft. pres. Wm., visc. Lowther, Dec. 20. Hy. Labouchere, aft. li. Taunton, May 6; aft. pres. Richd, Lalor Sheil, Aug. 29. Fox Maule, aft. 10, Panmure and E. of Dalhousie, June 28. 1841. 1843. 1845. 1846. 1848. 1852. 1860, 1865. 1866. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond, Mar. 8. Jno. Bright, Dec. 9. Chichester Saml. Fortescue, aft. la. Carlingford, Jan. 14. Sir Chas. Bowyer Adderley, K.C.M.G., aft. la. Norton, Mar. 2. Dudley Fras. Smart Ryder, c.c. visc. Sandon, Apr. 4. Jos. Chamberlain, May 3. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and Gordon, June 24. Hon. Edwd. Stanhope, Aug. 19. Anthy. Jno. Mundella, Feb. 6. Sir Fred. Arthur Stanley, G.C.B., Aug. 3; cr. lá. Stanley of Pres- ton, Aug. 6, G. Sir Michl. Hicks-Beach, bt., Feb. 21. OF TRADE FROM 1786. Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Sept. 3; aft. pres. Jas. Andrew, E., aft. M. of Dal- housie, June 13; aft. pres. Sir Geo. Clerk, bt., Feb. 5. Thos. Milner Gibson, July 6; aft. pres. Granville Geo., E. Granville, May 8. Edwd. Jno., ld, Stanley of Alderley, Feb. 11; aft. pres. Chas., ld. Colchester, Feb. 27. . Edwd. Jno., ld. Stanley of Alderley, again, Jan. 4; aft. pres. . Edwd. Pleydell Bouverie, Mar. 31. Robt. Lowe, aft. visc. Sherbrooke, Aug. 13. ... Rd. Jno., E. of Donoughmore, Apr. ($ . Algernon Geo. Percy, ld, Lovaine, Mar. 3. Jas. Wilson, June 18. Wm. Fras. Cowper, Aug. 12. Wm. Hutt, Feb. 22. Geo. Joachim Göschen, Nov. 29. Wm. Momsell, aft. li. Emly, Mar. 12. Stephen Cave, July 10. By 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 72, (Aug. 12, 1867,) the office of Vice-President of the Board of Trade was abolished, and a Parliamentary Secretary to the Board substituted “as from the next vacancy.” Mr. Cave resigned, Dec. 1868. PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES TO THE BOARD OF TRADE. Appointed under 30 & 31 Vict, cap. 72, 1868. Geo. Jno. Shaw Lefevre, Dec. 1871. Arthur Wellesley Peel. 1874. Geo. Aug. Fredk. Cavendish Ben- 1875. tinck, May. Hon. Edwd, Stanhope. 1878. John Gilbert Talbot. 1880. 1882. 1885. 1886. 1888. in lieu of the Vice-President. Hon. A. Evelyn Ashley, May. John Holms. Bar. Hy. de Worms, Aug. Chas. Thos. Dyke Acland, Feb. Bar. Hy. de Worms, again, Aug. Wm. Hillier, E. of Onslow, Feb. 270 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PERMANENT SECRETARIES TO THE BOARD OF TRADE. In virtue of 1847. Geo. Richardson Porter, vice Mac * * Sir Stephen Cottrell, their office Gregor, Aug. 6. Wm. Fawkener, of clerks of 1848. Sir Denis Le Marchant, bt., vice the council. Lefevre, transferred to the house Lord Chetwynd, vice Mr. Fawkener. of lords, May 14. 1810. Thos. Lack, app. assist. Sec., Aug. 1850. Jas. Booth, vice Le Marchant, trans- 25. ferred to the house of commons, 1829. Jos. Deacon Hume, second assist. Oct. 10. sec. ; new app., July 15. 1843. Sir Jas. Emerson Tennent, second 1836. Denis le Marchant, aft. Sir Denis, bt., SOC. vice Lack, Feb. 8. 1865. The same, first sec. 1840. John MacGregor, vice Hume, Jan. 24. Thos. Hy. Farrer, second sec. 1841. John Geo. Shaw Lefevre, vice Le 1867. The same, sole sec, ; cr. bt., 1883. Marchant, transferred to the 1886. Hy. Geo. Calcraft, sole Sec. treasury, June 19. WOODS AND FORESTS. LAND REVENUES. WORKS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. THE Crown Lands and Palaces were for many years managed by COM- MISSIONERs or SURVEYORs, from time to time appointed by the Crown, and various statutes were passed extending, defining, or restricting their powers and duties. In 1810, by 50 Geo. III. cap. 65, the then offices of SURVEYOR- GENERAL OF Woods, FORESTs, PARKs, AND CHASEs, and SURVEYOR- GENERAL of THE LAND REVENUES OF THE CROWN were united under a Board of Commissioners, styled the CoMMIssionERS OF WOODS, For ESTs, AND LAND REVENUES. The status, powers, and duties of these commissioners were more clearly defined by a subsequent consoli- dating statute, 10 Geo. IV. cap. 50, which came into operation June 10, 1829. In 1814, by Geo. III. cap. 157, His Majesty’s Works and Public Buildings were placed under the superintendence and control of a SURVEYor-GENERAL OF WORKS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGs. In 1832, by 2 Will. IV. cap. 1, the duties of the Commissioners of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues, and of the Surveyor-General of Works and Public Buildings were united under a board of commis- sioners, styled the COMMISSIONERS OF Woods, FoRESTs, LAND REVE- NUEs, WoRKS, AND BUILDINGS. In 1851, by 14 & 15 Wict. cap. 42, the two departments were again divided into two separate boards: (1) styled CoMMISSIONERs of WoRKS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS ; (2) styled COMMISSIONERs of Woods, FORESTs, AND LAND REVENUES. The first commissioner of the old Board of Woods, Forests, Land Revenues, Works, and Buildings was to be first commissioner of the new Board of Works and Public Building, the remaining commissioners being the principal secretaries of state, and the president and vice-president of the Board of Trade for the time being. The other commissioners of the old Board of Woods, Forests, Iland Revenues, Works, and Buildings were to be commissioners of the THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 271 new Board of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues. The Crown was empowered to appoint other commissioners as vacancies occurred, and also to appoint a SURVEYOR-GENERAL OF WooDs, FoRESTs, AND LAND REVENUEs, on whom the duties, rights, powers, &c., of the commis- sioners of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues was to devolve, when the appointment of such commissioners was to cease. This last power has not yet been exercised. The office of first commissioner of Works and Public Buildings is a political one. The other offices are permanent. SURVEYors-GENERAL OF WOODs, FoRESTs, PARKS, AND CHASEs. See Introduction, supra. 1607 (or 1608). John Taverner. 1608. Thos. Morgan. Thos. Morgan and g 1608 |Robt. Treswell, } Jointly. to - Robt. Treswell, 1667 || Andw. Treswell, *} Successively. Treswell, Thos. Agar, and * John Madden. }J ointly. Thos. Agar, and º Chas. Strode. } Jointly. Philip Riley. Thos. Hewett. Edwd. Wilcox. 1667. 1680. 1688. 1701. 1702. 1714. 1716. 1720. 1736. 1742. 1745. 1756. 1763. 1767. 1786. 1803. 1806. 1807. Thos. Hewett, again. Edwd. Younge. Chas. Whithers. Fras. Whitworth. Hy. Legge. John Phillipson. John Pitt. Sir Edmond Thomas, bt. Jehn Pitt, again. John Robinson. Sylvester, ld. Glenbervie. Lord Robt. Spencer. Sylvester, ld. Glenbervie, again. SURVEYOR-GENERAL OF THE LAND REVENUES OF THE CROWN. See Introduction, supra. 1666. 1682. 1692. 1693. 1710. 1714. 1715, 1722. 1726. Sir C. Harbord. Wm. Harbord. Wm. Tailer. Saml. Travers. J. Manley. Alexr. Pendarves, H. Chomeley. J. Poulteney. Phillips Gybbon. 1730. 1732. 1750. 1751. 1769. 1775. 1784. 1794. 1809. Exton Sayer. Thos. Walker. John, visc. Galway. Robt. Herbert. Peter Burrell. John St. John. G. Aug. Selwyn. John Fordyce. Jas. Pillar (acting). COMMISSIONERS OF WOODS, FoRESTs, AND LAND REVENUEs. Appointed under 50 Geo. III. cap. 65, and 10 Geo. IV. cap. 50. See Introduction, supra. DATES OF PATENTS. July 31, 1810. SYLVESTER, LD. GLENBERVIE. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. Aug. 21, 1814, WM. HuSKISSON. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. Feb. 8, 1823. CHAs. ARBUTHNOT. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. May 30, 1827. GEO., E. OF CARLISLE. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. July 23, 1827. WM. STURGES BOURNE. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. |Feb. 11, 1828. CHAs. ARBUTHNOT. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. June 14, 1828. WM., VISC. Low The R. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. 272 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Dec. 13, 1830. GEO. JAS. WELBORE AGAR ELLIS, Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. Feb. 11, 1831. JoBIN WM., VISC. DUNCANNON. Wm. Dacres Adams. Hy. Dawkins. CoMMISSIONERS OF WooDs, FoRESTs, LAND REVENUEs, WORKS, AND BUILDINGs. Appointed under 2 Will. IV. cap. 1. DATES OF PATENTS. Feb. 22, 1832. JoBN WM., VISC. DUNCANNON. Wm. Dacres Adams. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. July 30, 1834. SIR JOHN CAM HoPHOUSE, BT. Wm. Dacres Adams. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. Aug. 23, 1834. SIR JOHN CAM HOBEIOUSE, BT. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. Alexr. Milne, C.B. Dec. 31, 1834. LORD GRANVILLE CHAs. HY. SOMERSET. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. Alexr. Milne, C.B. May 7, 1835. JoBN WM., VISC. DUNCANNON. Sir Benjn. C. Stephenson. Alexr Milne, C.B. June 18, 1839. John W.M., VISc. DUNCANNON. Alexr. Milne, C.B. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. See Introduction, ante, p. 270. Sept. 25, 1841. HY. PELHAM, E. OF LINCOLN. Alexr. Milne, C.B. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. Mar. 10, 1846. CHAs. JoHN, VISC. CANNING. Alexr. Milne, C.B. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. July 13, 1846. GEO. FREDR. W.M., VISC. MoRPETH, aft. E. of CARLISLE. Alexr. Milne, C.B. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. Apr. 15, 1850. EDwD. ADOLPHUS SEYMOUR, SEYMOUR. Alexr. Milne, C.B. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. C.C. LORD Aug. 28, 1850, G. EDwD. ADOLPHUS SEYMOUR, c.c. LORD SEYMOUR. sº Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore. Thos. Fras. Kennedy. EIRST CommissionERS OF WORKS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGs. Appointed under 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 42. See Introduction, ante, p. 270. The other commissioners are the principal secretaries of state and the president and vice-president of the Board of Trade for the time being. 1851. Edwd. Adolphus Seymour, c.c. 1d. Seymour, form. first commr. of w., f. , 1. r., w., & p. b. John Jas. Robt. Manners, c. c. 1d. John Manners, aft. D. of Rutland, Mar. 4, G. Sir Wm. Molesworth, Jan. 5, G. Sir Benjn. Hall, bt., aft. li. Llan- over, July 21. Lord John Manners, again, Feb. 26. Hy. Fitzroy, June 18. Fras. Wm. Cowper, Feb. 9. 1852. 1853. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1866. Lord John Manners, again, July 6. 1868. Austen Hy. Layard, aft. Sir A., G.C.B., Dec. 9, sw. Acton Smee Ayrton, Oct. 26, G., Nov. 11, sw. Wm. Patrick Adam, Aug. 11, sw. Hy. Chas. Geo. Gordon Lennox, c.c. lord Gordon Lennox, Mar. 21, SW. Gerard Jas. Noel, Aug. 14, Sw. Wm. Patrick Adam, again, May 3, SW Geo 1869. 1873, 1874. 1876. 1880. e j ohn Shaw Lefevre, Nov. 29,Sw. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 2/3 1885. Archd. Philip, E. of Rosebery, Feb. 1886. Victor Alexr., E. of Elgin and Kin- 13, sw. cardine, Apr. 16, sw. Hon. David Robt. Plunket, June 24, Hon. David Robt. Plunket, again, SW. Aug. 5, Sw. 1886. Albert Edmd., E. of Morley, Feb. 6. COMMISSIONERS OF WooDs, FoRESTs, AND LAND REVENUEs. Appointed under 14 & 15 Vict, cap. 42. See Introduction, ante, p. 270. 1851. Hon. Chas. Alexr. Gore, and 1882. Sir Hy. Brougham Loch, vice Thos. Fras. Kennedy, form. commrs. Howard. of W., F., L. R., W., & P. B. 1884. Geo. Culley, vice Loch. 1855, Hon. Chas. Kenneth Howard, vice | 1885. Col. Robt. Nigel Fitzhardinge Kings- Kennedy. cote, C.B., vice Gore. COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOMS. From the Restoration of King Charles II. COMMISSIONERs of CUSTOMs For ENGLAND AND WALEs. 1660. Sir Job Harby, sir John Wolsten- 1681. Chas., visc. Newhaven, Andw New- holme, sir John Jacob, sir Nichs port, sir Richd. Temple, sir Geo. Crispe, Sir John Harrison, and sir Downing, and Nichs. Butler, John Shawe, Sept. 20. Nov. 11. 1671. Sir Geo. Downing, sir Wm. Thomp- 1684. Chas., visc. Newhaven, sir Dudley son, sir Wm. Lowther, Wm. Gar- North, Andw. Newport, sir Richd. way, Fras. Millington, and John Temple, sir Geo. Downing, and Upton, Sept. 27. sir Nichs. Butler, Mar. 7. 1672, Sir Richd. Temple, sir Geo. Down- Chas., visc. Newhaven, Andw. New- ing, sir Wm. Thompson, sir Wm. port, sir Richd. Temple, sir Nichs. Lowther, Wm. Garway, Fras. Butler, sir John Buckworth, and Millington, and John Upton, Mar. Wm. Dickinson, Aug. 1. 30. Chas., visc. Newhaven, Andw. New- 1675. Sir Richd. Temple, sir Edwd. Deer- port, sir Richd. Temple, sir Nichs. ing, sir Geo. Downing, sir Wm. Butler, sir John Buckworth, Wm. Lowther, Chas. Cheyne, Fras. Dickinson, and Thos. Chudleigh, Millington, and John Upton, Jan. Dec. 31. 8. 1685. Chas., visc. Newhaven, sir John 1677. Sir Richd. Temple, sir Edwd. Deer- Werden, sir Nichs. Butler, Wm. ing, sir Fras. Lawley, sir Geo. Dickinson, and Thos. Chudleigh, Downing, sir Wm. Lowther, Chas. Feb. 28. Cheyne, and Fras. Millington, Chas., visc. Newhaven, sir Dudley Nov. 9. North, sir John Werden, sir Nichs. 1679. Sir Richd. Temple, sir Edwd. Deer- Butler, sir John Buckworth, Wm. ing, sir Fras. Lawley, sir Geo. Dickinson, and Thos. Chudleigh, Downing, Chas. Osborne, Chas. Apr. 2. Cheyne, and Fras. Millington, 1686. Chas., visc. Newhaven, sir Dudley Feb. 14. North, sir John Werden, sir John Sir Richd. Temple, sir Geo. Down- Buckworth, sir Nichs. Butler, ing, Chas. Cheyne, Fras. Milling- Wm. Dickinson, Thos. Chud- ton, and John Upton, Apr. 10. leigh, and Saml. Clarke, June 1680. Chas., visc. Newhaven, sir Richd. 25. Temple, sir Geo. Downing, John Chas., visc. Newhaven, sir Dudley Upton, and Nichs. Butler, July 1. North, sir John Werden, sir Nichs. 18 274 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1687. 1688. 1689. 1691. 1694, 1696. 1697. 1698. 1699. 1701. 1702. 1703. Butler, sir John Buckworth, Wm. Dickinson, Thos. Chudleigh, and Saml. Clarke, July 9. Sir Dudley North, sir John Werden, sir Nichs. Butler, sir John Buck- worth, and Thos. Chudleigh, Feb. 25. Sir Nichs. Butler, sir Dudley North, sir John Werden, Thos. Chud- leigh, and Wm. Culliford, Jan. 14 Sir Nichs. Butler, Hy. Browne, sir Dudley North, sir John Werden, and Wm. Culliford, Feb. 28. Geo. Booth, sir Richd. Temple, sir John Werden, sir Robt. South- well, sir Robt. Clayton, sir Patience Ward, and Thos. Pel- ham, Apr. 20. Geo. Booth, sir Richd. Temple, sir John Werden, sir Robt. South- well, sir Robt. Clayton, sir Patience Ward, and Hy. Guy, Mar. 24. * * Geo. Booth, sir Richd. Temple, sir John Werden, sir Robt. South- well, sir Patience Ward, sir Robt. Clayton, and Chas. Godolphin, July 3. Sir Robt. Clayton, Ward, sir Robt. Southwell, Chas, Godolphin, sir Walter Young, Jas. Chadwick, and Saml. Clarke, Aug. 14. Sir Robt. Clayton, sir Patience Ward, sir Robt. Southwell, Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young, Jas. Chadwick, Saml. Clarke, and Benjn. Overton, Apr. 14. Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young Saml. Clarke, Benjn. Overton, sir Hy. Hobart, sir John Austin, and Robt. Henley, June 21. Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young, Saml. Clarke, Benjn. Overton, sir Hy. Hobart, sir John Austin, Robt. Henley, and sir Wm. St. Quintin, Nov. 22. Chas. Godolphin, sir Walter Young, Saml. Clarke, Benjn. Overton, Robt. Henley, sir Wm. St. Quin- tin, and hon. Thos. Newport, Nov. 22. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, Benjn. Overton, Robt. Henley, Thos. Newport, Arthur Mayn- waring, and Wm. Culliford, Dec. 18. The same commrs. to the close of K. William III.'s reign; contd. at the commencement of that of Q. Anne. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, Thos. Newport, Arthur Mayn- waring, Wm. Culliford, sir John Sir Patience Werden, and Richd. Bretton, July 14. 1705. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, 1706. 1708. 1711. 1714. 1715. 1718. 1720. 1721. 1722, Thos. Newport, Wm. Culliford, gir John Werden, Richd. Bretton, and Thos. Hall, May 15. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, Thos. Newport, Wm. Culliford, sir John Werden, Thos. Hall, and sir Matt. Dudley, June 6. Chas. Godolphin, Saml. Clarke, Thos. Newport, Wm. Culliford, sir John Werden, sir Matt. Dud- ley, and sir John Stanley, May 4 Chas. Godolphin, Thos. Newport, Wm. Culliford, sir John Werden, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stan- ley, and John Shute, Dec. 23. Chas. Godolphin, sir John Werden, sir John Stanley, Matt. Prior, John Bridges, Robt. Williamson, and Edwd. Gibbons, Jan. 25. Sir John Werden, sir John Stanley, Matt. Prior, John Bridges, Robt. Williamson, Edwd. Gibbons, Chas. Godolphin, and sir David Nairne, May 17. Sir John Stanley, John Bridges, Robt. Williamson, sir John Wer- den, Matt. Prior, Edwd. Gib- bons, and sir David Nairne, Nov. 9; their patent revoked, and sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, John Bridges, Robt. Williamson, John Pulteney, and Thos. Walker, app. Sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, Robt. William- son, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, and sir Chas. Peers, Dec. 4. Sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, and sir Thos. Frankland, Mar. 17. Sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, Sir John Stanley, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, and Robt. Baylis, Jan. 2. Sir Walter Young, sir Matt. Dudley, sir John Stanley, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, and Robt. Baylis, Oct. 1. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, John Pulteney, Thos. Walker, Sir Chas. Peers, Robt. Baylis, and Sir John Evelyn, Sept. 4. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, Robt. Baylis, sir John Evelyn, and Thos, Maynard, Mar. 27. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 275 CoMMIssion ERs of CUSTOMs FoE GREAT BRITAIN. Fourteen commissioners were appointed, seven to reside in London, five in Edinburgh, and two to attend the outports. 1723. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, Robt. Baylis, sir John Evelyn, Thos. Maynard, sir Jas. Camp- bell, Humphry Brent, John Camp- bell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, and John Hill. 1727. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, Thos. Maynard, sir Jas. Campbell, Humphry Brent, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, and Allan Broderick, Oct. 18. 1728. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, Humphry Brent, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Allan Broderick, Gwynn Waughan, and Thos. Maynard, July 19. 1730. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, - Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, Sir Jas. Campbell, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, and Geo. Ross, aft. li. Ross, Sept. 21. 1731. Sir Walter Young, sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Ross, and Wardel Geo. Westby, May 14. Sir John Stanley, Thos. Walker, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, John Campbell, Prian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, and sir Robt. Baylis, Aug. 28. 1732. Sir John Stanley, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Hy. Hale, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, and Edwd. Trelawney. Jan. 2. 1735. Sir John Stanley, sir Chas. Peers, sir John Evelyn, sir Jas. Campbell, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Geo. Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, Edwd. Trelawney, and Sir Robt. Corbett, May 24. 1737. Sir John Stanley, sir John Evelyn, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, Geo. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, sir Robt. Corbett, Richd. Chandler, Beaumont Hotham, Richd. Somers, and Colin Campbell, Oct. 15. 1741. Sir John Stanley, sir John Evelyn, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Geo. Ross, now lä. Ross, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, Beaumont Hotham, Richd. Somers, Colin Campbell, Edwd. Riggs, and Isaac Leheup, June 29. 1742. Sir John Stanley, sir John Evelyn, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Wardel Geo. Westby, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, Beaumont Hotham, Richd. Somers, Colin Campbell, and Gwynn Waughan. At this time the commission for Great Britain was divided, and nine commissioners were appointed for England and Wales, and five for Scotland. CoMMIssion ERS OF CUSTOM'S FOR ENGLAND AND WALEs. 1742. Sir John Stanley, Sir John Evelyn, Drian Fairfax, John Hill, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont PIotham, and Saml. Mead, Sept. 1744. Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, and Gwynn Vaughan. 1747. Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, Sir Robt. Baylis, Richd. Chandler, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, and Wm. Levinz. 1748. Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, Richd. Cavendish, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Waughan, Wm. Levinz, and Edwd. Hooper. 1750. Sir John Evelyn, Richd. Cavendish, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. 18 # 276 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1752. 1756. 1758. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1769. 1776. 1778. 1782. Hooper, and sir Miles Staple- ton. Sir John Evelyn, Richd. Cavendish, Wardel Geo. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Waughan, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, and Thos. Tash. Sir John Evelyn, Richd. Cavendish, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, Thos. Tash, and Claudius Amyand. Sir John Evelyn, Richd. Cavendish, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Wm. Levinz, Edwa. Hooper, Thos. Tash, Claudius Amyand, and Hy. Pelham. Sir John Evelyn, Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, Thos. Tash, Claudius Amy and, Hy. Pelham, and John Frederick. Sir John Evelyn, sir Beaumont Hotham, Saml. Mead, Wm. Levinz, Edwd. Hooper, Claudius Amyand, Hy. Pelham, John Frederick, and Hy. Banks, Dec. 11. Saml. Mead, Edwd. Hooper, Claudius Amyand, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, Hy. Banks, sir Wm. Musgrave, sir Jos. Pen- nington, and Corbyn Morris, Mar. 15. Saml. Mead, Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, Hy. Banks, sir Wm. Musgrave, Sir Jos. Pennington, Corbyn Morris, and hon. Hy. Grenville, June 8. Saml. Mead, Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, Hy. Banks, Sir Wm. Musgrave, sir Jos. Pennington, Corbyn Morris, and Jas. Jeffreys, Aug. 16. Saml. Mead, Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, Hy. Banks, sir Wm. Musgrave, Cor- byn Morris, Jas. Jeffreys, and Thos. Boone, Dcc. 5. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, sir Wm. Musgrave, Corbyn Morris, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, and Wm. Hay, Oct. 31. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir John Frederick, sir Wm. Mus- grave, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, and Thos. Allan. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sir Wm. 1785. 1786. 1788. 1793. 1797. 1799. 1805. 1810. 1812. 1813. 1819. 1821. Musgrave, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, Thos. Allan, and sir Stanier Porten, Mar. 27 Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, sirWm. Musgrave, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, sir Stanier Porten, and John Pownall, Feb. 8. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, Jas. Jeffreys, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, sir Stanier Porten, John Pownall, and Joah Bates, Aug. 10. Edwd. Hooper, Hy. Pelham, Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, John Pownall, Joah Bates, sir Alexr. Munro, and Richd. Frewin, Nov. 15. Edwd. Hooper, Thos. Boone, Wel- bore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, Joah Bates, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Stiles, and Wm. Roe, Mar. 18. Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Wm. Hay, Joah Bates, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Stiles, Wm. Roe, and Fras. Fownes Luttrell, Dec. 2. Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, Joah Bates, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Stiles, Wm. Roe, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, and John Buller. Thos. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Stiles, Wm. Roe, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, John Buller, and Gloucester Wilson. Welbore Ellis Agar, sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Roe, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, John Buller, Gloucester Wilson, Jas. Hume, and John Williams, Sept. 17 Sir Alexr. Munro, Richd. Frewin, Wm. Roe, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, John Buller, Gloucester Wilson, Jas. Hume, John Williams, and Jas. Willis, Nov. 26. Richd. Betenson Dean, vice Munro, Sept. 17. Snowden Barne, previously a commn. of the treasy., Oct. 22. Hy. Richmond, vice Frewin, May 6. Wm. Boothby, aft. sir. Wm., bt., Sept. 15. Hon. Edwd. Stewart, and Wm. Thos. Roe, Feb. 17. Hon. Jas. Hy. Keith Stewart, Apr. 21. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Customs for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, took place, and the commis- sioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Kingdom. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 277 CoMMISSIONERs of CUSTOMs For THE UNITED KINGDoM. 1823. Richd. Betenson Dean, Wm. Boothby, 1825. Stephen Geo. Lushington, Jan. 3. aft. Sir W., bt., Gloucester Wilson, Hon. Wm. Cust, Apr. 21. John Williams, Hy. Richmond, 1826. Hon. Heneage Legge, Apr. 13. hon. Jas. Hy. Keith Stewart, David Munro Binning, July 15. Wm. Thos. Roe, Edwd. Earl, hon. 1827. Culling Chas. Smith, Mar. 13. Abraham Hely Hutchinson, Hul- Aug. G. Stapleton, Aug. 31. ton Smith King, Fras. Seymour | 1834. Lt.-Col. Wm. Leader Maberly, June Larpent, Fredk. Beilby Watson, 28. aft. Sir F., bt., and Hy. Jas. | 1836. Sir Geo. Hy. Freeling, bt., Oct. 21. Bouverie, Sept. 13. 1838. Hon. Stephen Edmd. Spring-Rice, Of these, Edwd. Earl had been pre- Sept. 10. viously Commr. in Scotland, and 1841. Geo. Robt. Dawson, Dec. 29. the hon. Abraham Hely Hutchin- 1845. Fredk. Goulburn, Jan 28. * , a * Thos. Pargiter Dickenson, Apr. 4. ... .º. Smith King | Isis. §.”.”.”:... . commrs. in Ireland. Feb. 24 1824. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Williers, aft. E. of Capt. Edwd. Saurin, R.N., aft. adm., Clarendon, Nov. 27. July 4. COMMISSIONERS IN 1851. SUBSEQUENT APPoſNTMENTs. Where marked “ceased ”the vacancy was 1856. Granville C. L. Berkeley, vice Daw- not filled up. son ; ceased 1886. * Wm. Rathbone Greg, vice Dickenson. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, bt., aft. Id. | 1859. Ralph W. Grey, vice Spring-Rice. Cottesloe, chairman ; ceased 1875. 1865. Col. Fredk. Romilly, vice Greg; Geo. Robt. Dawson, dep. ch. dep. ch. 1875, vice Goulburn. By. Richmond, ceased 1851. 1870. Sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, vice Grey. Steph. Geo. Lushington, ceased 1854. 1878. Sir Chas. Du Cane, K.C.M.G., chair- Culling Chas. Smith, ceased 1854. man, vice Goulburn. Hon. Steph. Edmd. Spring-Rice, dep. ch., 1883. Arthur Sanders Wm. Chas. Fox, 1856, vice Dawson. - visc. Sudley, aft. E. of Arran; vice Fredk. Goulburn, dep. ch., 1859, vice Doyle. Spring-Rice; chairman 1875, vice Fre- 1885. Horace Alfred Damer Seymour, Jan. mantle. 1, vice Arran. Thos. Pargiter Dickenson. 1887. Herbert Harley Murray, dep. ch., Adm. Edwd. Saurin, ceased 1860. vice Romilly. r— COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE, STAMPS, TAXES, AND INLAND REVENUE. THERE were three distinct boards of ExcISE, STAMPs, AND TAxEs. In 1833 the same persons were by two separate letters patent appointed Commissioners of Stamps and Commissioners of Taxes, and by 4 & 5 Will. cap. 60 (Aug. 13, 1834) the two boards were consolidated under the style of COMMISSIONERS OF STAMPs AND TAxEs. In 1849 a similar course was adopted. On January 6 the same persons were appointed Commissioners of Excise and Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes, and by 12 & 13 Vict. cap. 1 (Feb. 27, 1849) the boards were consolidated under the style of COMMISSIONERs of INLAND REVENUE. COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE. COMMISSIONERS OF ExcISE For ENGLAND AND WALEs. From the Restoration of King Charles II. 1660. Sir Matth. Hale, ld, ch. baron; sir Rich. Browne, ld, mayor of Lon- Edwd. Atkyns and sir Christr. don; sir Wm. Doyley, sir Hy. Turner, barons of the exch. ; sir Vernon, sir Geo. Bimon, Wm. 278 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1660. 1664. 1665. 1666. 1670. 1671. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1677. Prynne, John Birch, Robt. Sca- wen, Fras. Finch, Nathl. Martin, and Edwd. Wingate, commrs. for discharging, settling, and re- covering the arrears of excise due to the king, Feb. 8. Sir Geo. Bimon and others, or any three of them, to receive all arrears of excise due to Novem- ber 8, last past, within London, Westminster, Southwark, Surrey, and Middlesex, South Mimms in Middlesex excepted, Nov. 29. Sir Denny Ashburnham, sir Geo. Bi- mon, Fras. Finch, and Edwd. Wingate, Mar. 20. Sir John James, John James, Richd. Ringdom, and Wm. Hiccocks, commrs. within London, West- minster, Southwark, and counties of Middlesex and Surrey, except South Mimms in Middlesex, on behalf of his majesty's farmers of the excise, June 24. Robt. Huntingdom, Richd. Kingdom, John James, jun., and Wm. Forthe, commrs. for the above- said places for the farmers of the excise, Oct. 11. Wm. Forthe, Robt. Huntingdon, Richd. Kingdom, and John James. - Sir Saml. Morland, Robt. Hunting- don, Wm. Forthe, and Richd. Ringdom, Aug. 15. Sir Saml. Morland, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdon, Wm. Forthe, and Richd. Kingdom, Sept. 24 Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. South- well, one of the clerks of his majesty's privy council, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdon, Wm. | Forthe, and Richd. Kingdom, May 15. Sir Saml. Morland, sir John Davys, Sir Robt. James, Robt. Huntingdon, and Richd. Kingdom, Jan. 31. Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wise- man, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, sir Robt. Huntingdon, Wm. Forthe, and Richd. King- dom, Sept. 12. Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wise- | man, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, sir Robt. Huntingdon, Wm. Forthe, Richd. Kingdom, and Richd. Brett, Dec. 1. Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wise- man, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdom, Richd. Ringdom, Fras. Finch, and Hy. Fred. Thynne, Oct. 23. Sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wise- man, sir Robt. Southwell, Sir John Southwell, sir John || 1678. 1679. Sir Denny Ashburnham, sir Robt. 1681. 1683. 1684. James, Robt. Huntingdon, Hy. Fredk. Thynne, Edwd. Wingate, Fredk. Christian Howard, and sir John Elves, Nov. 9. Sir Denny Ashburnham, sir Saml. Morland, sir Robt. Wiseman, sir John Elves, sir Robt. South- well, sir John James, Robt. Hun- tingdon, Chas. Davenant, Edwd. Wingate, and Fredk. Christian Howard, Aug. 3. Wiseman, sir John Elves, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, Robt. Huntingdom, Chas. Dave- nant, Edwd. Wingate, Fredk. Christian Howard, and John Bende, Mar. 11. Hon. Chas. Bertie, sir Denny Ash- burnham, sir Robt. Southwell, sir John James, Robt. Hunting- don, Chas. Davenant, Edwd. Win- gate, Fredk. Christian Howard, and John Bende, Mar. 21. Sir Denny Ashburnham, sir Robt. Southwell, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Davenant, and Edwd. Win- gate, May 14. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, and Edwd. Wingate, Feb. 14. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- ... nant, John Freind, Felix Calvert, and Nathl. Hornby, May 19. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathl. Hornby, Patrick Traunt, and Wm. Bridges, commrs. of excise and hearth-money, Apr. 10. , Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, 1685. 1688. 1689. Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathl. Hornby, Patrick Traunt, Wm. Bridges, and Richd. Graham, Sept. 17. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Robt. Huntingdon, Chas. Dave- nant, John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathl. Hornby, and Richd. Gra- ham, Mar. 11. - Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, Chas. Davenant, John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathl. Horn- by, and Richd. Graham, Aug. 26. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Fras. Parry, sir John Freind, Chas. Dave- nant, Nathl. Hornby, Richd. Graham, and John Wilcox, jun., Feb. 22. Sir Hy. Fane, sir Hy. Ashurst, sir THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 279 1703. Foot Onslow, Wm. Strong, Humphry Edwin, Thos. Frank- land, Fras. Parry, John Danvers, and John Wilcox, Apr. 20. 1689. Sir Hy. Ashurst, sir John Morden, sir Saml. Dashwood, sir Humphry Edwin, Wm. Strong, John Foche, and Stephen Evance, Oct. 14. 1691. Sir Saml. Dashwood, sir Stephen Evance, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, John Foche, Nathl. Hornby, John Wilcox, jun., Thos. Thos. Aram, Apr. 13. 1694. Sir Saml. Dashwood, sir Stephen Evance, sir John Foche, Fras. H Parry, Wm. Strong, Thos. Hall, Edwd. Clarke, John Danvers, and Foot Onslow, Aug. 14. 1695. Sir Saml. Dashwood, sir Stephen Evance, sir John Foche, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Thos. Hall, Edwd. Clarke, John Danvers, Foot Onslow, and sir Philip Mea- dows, Mar. 9. 1696. Sir Stephen Evance, sir John Foche, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Edwd. Clarke, John Danvers, Foot On- slow, sir Philip Meadows, and Thos. Everard, June 30. 1698. Edwd. Clarke, Foot Onslow, Philip Meadows, Thos. Everard, sir Wm. Ashurst, Christr. Montagu, John Smith, Wm. Carr, and Wm. Flem- ing, Aug. 15. 1699. Foot Onslow, sir Philip Meadows, John Smith of Beaufort Buildings, Wm. Fleming, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, and Richd. Cocks, June 22. 1702. Foot Onslow, sir Philip Meadows, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, and Richd. Cocks, June 19. Foot Onslow, sir Philip Meadows, Fras. Parry, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, and sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Oct. 8. Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, and John Boys, Dec. 17. 1706. Foot Onslow, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Philip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, and Christr. Montagu, June 6. 1710. Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Phi- lip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, sir Wm. Gifford, Nichs. Pollexfen, and Whitelock Bulstrode, May 20. Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Phi- lip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, Nichs. Pollexfen, Whitelock Bul- strode, and Jas. Vernon, jun., Oct. 20. Hall, and ; 1714, 1715. 1719. 1720. 1721. 1722. 1724. 1726. 1712, Wm. Strong, Geo. Townshend, Phi- lip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, Whitelock Bulstrode, Jas. Vernon, jun., and John Price, July 7. Geo. Townshend, sen., Philip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, Whitelock Bul- strode, Jas. Vernon, John Price, and John Whetham, Feb. 2. Geo. Townshend, sen., Philip Ryley, sir Marm. Wyvill, Edwd. Noell, Christr. Montagu, Whitelock Bul- strode, Jas. Vernon, John Whet- ham, sir Wm. Ashurst, and Wm. Carr, Nov. 12. Geo. Townshend, sen., sir Marm. Wyvill, Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, sir Wm. Ashurst, Wm. Carr, Roger Gale, and John Brougham, Nov. 24. Geo. Townshend, sen., sir Marm. Wyvill, Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Wm. Carr, Roger Gale, John Brougham, and Benjn. Mildmay, Mar. 3. Geo. Townshend, sen., sir Marm. Wyvill, Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, John Brougham, Benjn. Mildmay, and Richd. Elliott, June 18. Geo. Townshend, sen., sir Marm. Wyvill, Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, John Brougham, Benjn. Mildmay, and Richd. Elliott, Mar. 15. Geo. Townshend, sen., Christr. Mon- tagu, Jas. Vernon, JohnWhetham, Roger Gále, John Brougham, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, and Geo. Duckett, Mar. 20. Geo. Townshend, sen., Christr. Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett, and Patrick Haldane, May 20, Geo. Townshend, sen., Montagu, Jas. Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett, Patrick Haldane, and Chas. Polhill, June 22. Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett, Patrick Haldane, Chas. Polhill, and John Fowle, jun., Oct. il. Christr. . Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjn. Mildmay, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, and Thos. Wylde, Nov. 3. 280 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1728. 1729. I732. 1735. 1737. 1738. 1740. 1742. 1750. 1751. 1753. 1754. . Jas. Vernon, Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Richd. Elliott, Geo. Duckett, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, and Jas. Vernon, June 26. Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Geo. Duckett, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Vernon, and Robt. Eyre, May 21. Christr. Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Ver- non, Robt. Eyre, and Humphry Thayer, Oct. 20. John Whetham, Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, Humphry Thayer, hon. Horatio Townshend, and sir Thos. Robinson, Nov. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, Humphry Thayer, hon. Horatio Townshend, sir Thos. Robinson, and Wm. Burton, Oct. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wylde, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, hon. Horatio Townshend, sir Thos. Robinson, Wm. Burton, and John Orlebar, Jan. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre. hon. Horatio Townshend, sir Thos. Robinson, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, and Aug. Earle, Nov. Chas. Polhill, John Fowle, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, hon. Horatio Townshend, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, and David Papillon, Feb. Chas. Polhill, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, hon. Horatio Townshend, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, David Papillon, and John Wyndham Bowyer, July. Chas. Polhill, Jas. Vernon, Robt. Eyre, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, David Papillon, John Wyndham Bowyer, and Wm. Mellish, Dec. Chas. Polhill, Jas. Vernon, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, David Papillon, John Wyndham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, and Fredk. Frankland, Feb. Chas. Polhill, Jas. Vernon, Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wyndham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, Fredk. Frankland, and David Papillon, jun., Apr. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wynd- ham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, Fredk. Frankland, David Papillon, jun., and Wm. Cayley, Apr. 1756. 1758. 1760. 1762, 1763. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1772. 1774. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wyndham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, Fredk. Frank- land, David Papillon, jun., Wm. Cayley, and Thos. Farrington, Apr. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wyndham Bowyer, Wm. Mellish, Fredk. Frankland, David Papillon, jun., Wm. Cay- ley, and Geo. Lewis Scott, Feb. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, Aug. Earle, John Wyndham Bowyer, Fredk.Frankland, David Papillon, jun., Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, and Hy. Poole. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, John Wyndham Bowyer, Fredk. Frank- land, David Papillon, Wm. Cay- ley, Geo. Lewis Scott, Hy. Poole, and Thos. Bowlby, June 19. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Hy. Vernon, and John Bindley, Feb. 15. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Hy. Vernon, and Richd. Bagot, Jan. 5. Wm. Burton, John Orlebar, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot, and Sir Hy. Poole, bt., Aug. 24. Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Wm. Cayley, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot, sir Hy. Poole, bt., and Geo. Quarme. Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott,Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot, Sir Hy. Poole, bt., Geo. Quarme, and Richd. Stonehewer, Jan. 17. Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot, Geo. Quarme, Richd. Stonehewer, and Anthy. Lucas, Aug. 29. Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott,Thos. Bowlby, Richd. Bagot, Geo. Quarme, Anthy. * and Wm. Lowndes, Oct. l Wm. Burton, John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott, Thos. Bowlby, Geo. Quarme, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, and Wm. Burrell, May 14. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 281 1776. 1780. 1781. 1782. 1784, 1785. 1789, 1790. 1792. 1794, 1797. 1801. John Wyndham Bowyer, David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, and Heneage Legge, Oct. 31. David Papillon, Geo. Lewis Scott, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, Heneage Legge, and Chas. Garth, Dec. 2. David Papillon, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, Heneage Legge, Chas. Garth, and Martin Whish, Aug. 25. David Papillon, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, Chas. Garth, Martin Whish, and Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, June 1. David Papillon, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, John Pownall, Martin Whish, Geo. Jas. Cholmon- deley, and Hy. Reveley, May 18. David Papillon, Anthy. Lucas, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, Martin Whish, Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, Hy. Reveley, and hon. John Luttrell-Olmius, aft. E. of Carhampton, Feb. 5. David Papillon, Wm. Lowndes, Wm. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, Martin Whish, Geo. Jas. Chol- mondeley, Hy. Reveley, hon. John L.-Olmius, and Timothy Caswell, Sept. 12. Wm. Lowndes, Stamp Brooksbank, Martin Whish, Geo. Jas. Chol- mondeley, Hy. Reveley, hon. John L.-Olmius, Timothy Caswell, Robt. Nicholas, and John Buller, Mar. 31. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, Hy. Reveley, hon. John L.-Olmius, Timothy Caswell, Robt. Nicholas, John Buller, and hon. Aug. Phipps, July 7. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, Hy. Reveley, hon. John L.-Olmius, Timothy Caswell, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, and Wm. Jackson, Jan. 17. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, Geo. Jas. Cholmondeley, hon. John L.- Olmius, Timothy Caswell, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, and Richd. Spiller, Aug. 16. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, hon. John L.-Olmius, Timothy Caswell, w 1802. 1805. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1815. 1819. Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, Richd. Spiller, and ld. Geo. Seymour, July 24. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, Richd. Spiller, ld. Geo. Sey- mour, and Eäwd. Fisher, Sept. 27. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, Richd. Spiller, ld. Geo. Seymour, and Geo. Watson, Sept. 14. Martin Whish, Wm. Lowndes, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, ld. Geo. Seymour, Geo. Wat- son, and Alexr. Campbell, July 7 Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hom. Aug. Phipps, Wm. Jackson, ld. Geo. Seymour, Geo. Watson, Alexr. Campbell, and Christr. Thompson Maling, July 22, - Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, ld. Geo. Seymour, Geo. Watson, Alexr. Campbell, Christr. Thomp- son Maling, and Benjn. Syden- ham, July 15. Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, ld. Geo. Seymour, Geo. Watson, Alexr. Campbell, Benjn. Syden- ham, and Wm. Manley, July 14. Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, ld. Geo. Seymour, Alexr. Camp- bell, Benjn. Sydenham, Wm. Manley, and sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, Oct. 7. Martin Whish, hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, ld. Geo. Seymour, Alexr. Camp- bell, Wm. Mamley, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, and sir John Cheetham Mortlock, Apr. 5. Hon. John L.-Olmius, Robt. Nicholas, hon. Aug. Phipps, ld. Geo. Sey- mour, Alexr. Campbell, Wm. Manley, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, and hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, Oct. 15. . Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep, ch., hon. John L.-Olmius, now E. of Carhamptom, hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Campbell, Wm. Manley, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, and Richd. Dawkins, Mar. 19. 282 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1823. 1824. 1826. 1827. 1828. Consolidated with the Board of Stamps and Taxes. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the TBoards of Excise for Ringland and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland took place, and the commis- sioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Kingdom. COMMISSIONERs of ExCISE FoR THE UNITED KINGDOM. Ld. Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep, ch., John, E. of Carhampton, hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Campbell, Wm. Manley, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, Richd. Dawkins, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, and John Back- house, Sept. Abraham Cutto, Patrick P. Fitz- patrick, Saml. Rose, and Jas. Cornwall, asst. commrs., of whom the latter two retired in Sept. 1829, and the former two in May 1830. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., John, E. of Carhampton, hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Campbell, Sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, Richd. Dawkins, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, John Backhouse, and Hart Davis, Aug. 11. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Camp- bell, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, John Backhouse, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, and hon. Berkeley Paget, July 28. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep, ch., hon. Aug. Phipps, Alexr. Camp- bell, sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, hon. Berkeley Paget, and Thos., ld. Graves, July 24. - Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., Alexr. Campbell, sir John Cheet- ham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Ro- dolph Trefusis, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, bon. Berkeley Paget, Thos., ld. Graves, and hon. Wm. Hy. Percy, July 28. 1830. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1838. 1839. 1845. 1849. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, dep. ch., Alexr. Campbell, sir John Cheet- ham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Ro- dolph Trefusis, hon. Jas. Hewitt, Woodbine Parish, Wm. Plunket, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, hon. Berkeley Paget, and hon. Wm. Hy. Percy, Feb. The same board, with the exception of Alexr. Campbell, hon. Jas. Hewitt, and Woodbine Parish, who ceased to be commrs. in Oct. this year. Lord Geo. Seymour, chairman, (until July this year), sir Fras. Hast- ings Doyle, dep. ch., Sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Chas. Rodolph Trefusis, aft. lil. Clinton, Wm. Plunket, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, hon. Berkeley Paget, and hon. Wm. Hy. Percy. Sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, chairman, Wm. Plunket, dep, ch. (until Sept. 1837), sir John Cheetham Mort- lock, Hart Davis, Thos. Harrison, hon. Berkeley Paget, and hon. Wm. Hy. Percy. Sir Fras. Hastings Doyle, chairman (until Dec. 1), Hart Davis, dep. ch., sir John Cheetham Mortlock, hon. Berkeley Paget, hon. Wm. Hy. Percy, Thos. Harrison, and Hy. Fredk. Stephenson. John Wood, chairman, Hart Davis, dep, ch., sir John Cheetham Mort- lock, hon. Berkeley Paget (until Nov. 22, 1842), hon. Wm. Hy, Percy, Thos. Harrison, Hy. Fredk. Stephenson, and Chas. John Her- ries. The last app. Nov. 22, 1842. John Wood, chairman, Hart Davis, dep, ch., sir John Cheetham Mort- lock (until Dec. this year), hon. Wm. Hy. Percy, Thos. Harrison, Hy. Fredk. Stephenson, Chas. John Herries, and Chas. Ross. The last app. Dec. 13. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep. ch., Thos. Harrison, Hy. Fredk. Stephenson, Chas. John Herries, Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Alfred Montgomery, and Chas. Pressly, Jan. 6. See Introduction, ante, p. 277, and “Commissioners of Inland Revenue,” post, p. 285. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 283 COMMISSIONERS OF STAMP DUTIES FOR ENGLAND AND WALES. From the reign of William III. to the consolidation of of the Board with the Board of Taxes in 1834. 1694. 1698. 1700. 1702. 1706. 1708. 1710. 1713. 1714. 1715. 1717. 1721. Christr. Montagu, John Stanley, Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Hy. Harris, Jacob Vanderesch, and Jas. Isaacson, commrs. for the several duties upon stamped vel- lum, parchment, and paper, to commence from June 28; May 21. John Stanley, Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Hy. Harris, Jacob Van- deresch, Jas. Isaacson, and Thos. Farrington, Sept. 13. Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Hy. Harris, Jas. Isaacson, Thos. Far- rington, Richd. Uthwayte, and Robt. Pooley, Dec. 7. Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Richd. Uthwayte, Robt. Pooley, and John Weneyve, June 13. Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Richd. Uthwayte, Robt. Pooley, and Richd. Dyott, Oct. 8. Edwd. Lloyd, Hy. Cornish, Robt. Poole, Richd. Dyott, and John Molesworth, June 26. Edwd. Lloyd, Robt. Pooley, Richd. Dyott, John Molesworth, and Richd. Martyn, May 1. Edwd. Lloyd, Robt. Pooley, Richd. Dyott, Richd. Martyn, and Richd. Steele, June 1. . Robt. Pooley, Richd. Martyn, Richd. Steele, sir Brocas Gardiner, and Thos. Palmer, June 12. Robt. Pooley, Richd. Martyn, sir Brocas Gardiner, Thos. Palmer, and Chas. Vivian, Jan. 15. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Thos. Palmer, Chas. Vivian, Richd. Shelton, and Geo. Cowper, May 5. Richd. Martyn, Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, Nichs. Carew, sen., and Roger Gale, Dec. 20. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, Nichs. Carew, sen., and Roger Gale, May 4. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, Nichs. Carew, sen., and Richd. Houlditch, Nov. 28. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, Nichs. Carew, sen., and John Shutz, Feb. 21. Sir Brocas Gardiner, sir Richd. Pye, Thos. Warner, John Shutz, and Geo. Townshend, Jan. 29. Sir Brocas Gardiner, sir Richd. Pye, John Shutz, Geo. Townshend, jun., and John Turner, May 12. 1722 1727. 1729. 1734. 1736. 1737. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1775. 1776. 1778. 1781. 1782. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shutz Geo. Townshend, jun., John Tur- ner, and John Shorter, Oct. 12. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shutz, John Turner, John Shorter, and Wm. EIewett, Mar. 17. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Turner, John Shorter, Wm. Hewett, and Tichd. Shelly, June 3. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richd. Shelley, Wm. Fisher, and Burrington Goldsworthy, June 1. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richd. Shelley, Wm. Fisher, and Brinley Skinner, May 6. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richd. Shelly, Wm. Fisher, and Wm. Blair, Feb. 2. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richd. Shelley, Wm. Blair, Matt. Kenrick, and John Bird, Apr. 2. . Richd. Shelley, Wm. Blair, Matt. Kenrick, John Bird, and John Plumptree, jun., Feb. 7. . Richd. Shelley, Wm. Blair, Matt. Renrick, John Plumptree, jun., and John Bernard, Aug. 30. . Richd. Shelley, Wm. Blair, Matt. Renrick, John Bernard, and Robt. Thompson, Apr. 15. . Wm. Blair, Matt. Kenrick, John Bernard, Robt. Thompson, and Geo. Whitmore, Dec. 5. . Wm. Blair, John Bernard, Robt. Thompson, Geo. Whitmore, and John Kenrick, Mar. 17. John Bernard, Robt. Thompson, sir Jas. Calder, Edwd. Tucker, and Marm. Gwynne, Feb. 8. John Bernard, sir Jas. Calder, Edwd. Tucker, Marm. Gwynne, and Jas. Bindley, Jan. 4. Wm. Blair, John Bernard, Geo. Whitmore, John Kenrick, and Jas. Bindley, Aug. 24. Wm. Blair, Geo. Whitmore, John Kenrick, Jas. Bindley, and Wm. Bailey, Aug. 3. Wm. Blair, John Kenrick, Jas. Bind- ley, Wm. Bailey, and Wm. Waller. John Kenrick, Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, Wm. Waller, and Martin Whish, July 7. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, Wm. Waller, Richd. Tickel, and Goo. Jas. Cholmondeley, Aug. 24. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, Wm. 284 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Waller, Richd. Tickel, and hon. John Byng, June 1. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, Richd. Tickel, hon. John Byng, and Everard Fawkener. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Bailey, hon. John Byng, Everard Fawkener, and Chas. Mellish. . Jas. Bindley, hon. John Byng, Everard Fawkener, Chas. Mellish, and Lewis Jenkins. Jas. Bindley, hon. John Byng, Everard Fawkener, Lewis Jen- kins, and Wm. Robt. Spencer. Jas. Bindley, Lewis Jenkins, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Warwick Lake, and Edwd. Finch Hatton. Jas. Bindley, Everard Fawkener, Lewis Jenkins, Wm. Robt. Spen- cer, and Warwick Lake. Jas. Bindley, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Warwick Lake, Edwd. Finch Hat- ton, and Lewis Jenkins. Gilbert Neville Neyle, 1783. 1793. 1797. 1799. 1800. ~1804. 1806. chairman, Jas. Bindley, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Warwick Lake, Edwd. Finch Hat- ton, Hy. Hallam, and Lewis Jen- kins. . The same board, with the addition of Hy. Bouverie, vice Jenkins. Jas. Sedgwick, chairman, vice Neyle, res. ; Jas. Bindley, Wm. Robt. Spencer, Warwick Lake, Edwd. Consolidated with the Board of Taxes. 1807. 1817. Finch Hatton, Hy. Hallam, and HV. Bouverie. 1819. Jas. Sedgwick, chairman, Wm. Robt, Spencer, Hy. Hallam, Hy. Bou- verie, John Kingston, Meyrick Shaw, and Haviland John Ad- dington. The same board, with the addition of Edwd. John Johnston, vice Mey- rick Shaw, and capt. Wm. A. Montagu, vice Bouverie, both res. The same board, with the addition of Hy. Seymour Montagu, vice Spen- cer, res. Hon. Jas. H. K. Stewart, chairman, John Thornton, capt. Wm. A. Montagu, Hy. Seymour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, capt. Edwd. Saurin, R.N., and Richd. Wel- lesley. º The same board, with the exception of hon. Jas. H. K. Stewart, in lieu of whom John Thornton became chairman. John Thornton, chairman, capt. Wm. A.Montagu, Hy.Seymour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, capt. Edwd. Saurin, R.N., and Richd. Wellesley. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep, ch. Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Hy. Seymour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, and capt. Edwd. Saurin, R.N. 1823. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1833. See Introduction, ante, p. 277, and “Com- missioners of Stamps and Taxes,” post, p. 285. COMMISSIONERS FOR THE AFFAIRS OF TAXES. From the accession of George III. in 1760 to the consolidation of the Board with the Board of Stamps in 1834. * * Edwd. Younge, Hy. Kelsall, Christr. Rigby, Richd. Frankland, John Trenchard, and John Fane. 1762. Edwd. Younge, Christr. Rigby, John Trenchard, John Fane, Geo. Quarme, and Thos. Wyndham, Feb. 15. Hy. Reade, Edwd. Yonge, Christr. Rigby, John Trenchard, John Fane, Geo. Quarme, and Thos. Wyndham, Apr. 27. 1763. Edwd. Younge, John Trenchard, Thos. Wyndham, Wm. Blair, Daml. Bull, Geo. Blount, and Thos. Bradshaw, Feb. 1. 1765. Edwd. Younge, John Trenchard, Thos. Wyndham, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, Thos. Bradshaw, and Christr. Rigby, July 24. Edwd. Younge, Christr. Rigby, John Trenchard, Thos. Wyndham, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, and Edwd. Tucker, Oct. 24. 1767. 1773. Christr. Rigby, John Trenchard, Thos. Wyndham, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, and John Eames, May 29. 1777. Christr. Rigby, John Trenchard, Daml. Bull, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, and Geo. Heathcote. 1783. John Trenchard, Daml. Bull, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Geo. Heathcote, and Alexr. Popham. 1784. John Trenchard, Daml. Bull, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Geo. Heathcote, and Fras. Fownes Luttrell, July 6. 1789. John Trenchard, Danl. Bull, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, Alexr. Popham, and Wm. Lowndes. 1791. John Trenchard, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Fras. Fownes Luttrell, Alexr. Popham THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 285 Wm. Lowndes, and Barne Barne, Apr. 9. John Trenchard, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, John Eames, Alexr. Popham, Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, and Edwd. Meadows. John Trenchard, Geo. Blount, Chas. Deering, Alexr. Popham, Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edwd. Meadows, and Horace Hayes. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edwd. Meadows, Horace Hayes, Geo. Trenchard Goodenough, and Hy. Hodgson. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edwd. Meadows, Hy. Hodgson, and Thos. Davis Lamb. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edwd. Meadows, Hy. Hodgson, and Thos. Davis Lamb. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Hy. Hodgson, Thos. Davis Lamb, and Gabriel Tucker Steward. Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Thos. 1793. 1795, 1798. 1804. 1806. 1810. 1818. Consolidated with the Board of Stamps. Lamb, Gabriel Tucker and Chas. Powlett . Davis Steward, Rushworth. - - Wm. Lowndes, Barne Barne, Ga- briel Tucker Steward, Chas. Powlett Rushworth, and Wm. Rigby Bradshaw. . Wm. Lowndes, Gabriel Tucker Steward, Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Wm. Rigby Bradshaw, and Sir Hy. Campbell. Robt. Mitford, Gabriel Tucker Steward, Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Wm. Rigby Bradshaw, and Sir Hy. Campbell. Robt. Mitford, Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Wm. Rigby Bradshaw, and sir Hy. Campbell. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep. ch., Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Hy. Seymour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, and Capt. 1819. 1823. 1828. 1833. Edwd. Saurin, R.N. See Introduction, ante, p. 277, and “Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes,” infra. COMMISSIONERS OF STAMPS AND TAXES. Under 4 & 5 Will. IV. cap. 60. 1834. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep. ch., Chas. Powlett Rush- worth, Hy. Seymour Montagu, John Wm. Bowden, and Capt. Edwd. Saurin, R.N. 1838. Lewis Wickham, chairman, John Thornton, dep.-ch., Chas. Powlett Rushworth, Hy. Seymour Monta- gu, John Wm. Bowden, and Capt. Edwd. Saurin, R.N. Mr. Wood, previously chairman of this board, was appointed chairman of the board of Ex- CIS6), Consolidated with the Board of Excise. anfra. “Commissioners of Inland Revenue,” 1840. The same board, with the exception. of John Wm. Bowden, deceased. 1846. Hy. Lewis Wickham, chairman, John. Thornton, dep. ch., Chas. Powlett Rushworth, Hy. Seymour Monta- gu, and Alfred Montgomery, vice: Saurin, transf. to the Board of Customs. 1849. John Wood, chairman, John Thorn- ton, dep, ch., Thos. Harrison, Hy. Fredk. Stephenson, Chas. John Herries, Chas. Powlett; Rushworth, Alfred Montgomery, and Chas. Pressly. Jan. 6. See Introduction, ante, p. 277, and, COMMISSIONERS OF INLAND REVENUE. Under 12 & 13 Vict. cap. 1. ORIGINAL BOARD. Where marked “ceased "the vacancy was not filled up. 1849. John Wood, chairman. John Thornton, dep. ch., 1855. Thos. Harrison, d. May 6, 1851. Hy. Fredk, Stephenson, Chas. John Herries, dep. ch. 1857, vice Pressly; chairman Aug. 15, 1877, vice W. H. Stephenson. ceased 1849. Chas. Powlett Rushworth, ceased. 1855. Alfred Montgomery, ceased 1881–2. Chas. Pressly, dep. ch. 1855, vice Thornton; chairman 1857, vice: Wood. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTS. 1855. Hy. Roberts, vice Thornton or Rush- worth. 1858. Sir. Alexr. Duff Gordon, vice. Wood. 286 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1858. Jas. Disraeli, vice H. F. Stephenson; d. 1869. 1863. Wm. Hy. Stephenson, aft. Sir W., K.C.B.; commr. and chairman, vice Pressly. 1872. Algernon Edwd. West, aft. Sir A., vice Gordon; dep, ch. Aug. 15, 1877, vice Herries; chairman 1881, vice Herries. 1874. Major Hon. Chas. Jas. Keith-Fal- coner, vice Roberts. 1877. Walter Stafford Northcote, aft. visc. St. Cyres and E. of Iddesleigh Aug. 15, vice Stephenson; dep, ch. 1886, vice Young. 1881. Adam Young, commr., vice Herries, and dep. ch., vice West. 1882. John Arthur Godley, Montgomery. 1883. Fredk. Lacey Robinson, vice Godley. 1888. Sidney Fras. Godolphin Osborne, vice Young. C.B., vice LORD HIGH STEWARDS OF ENGLAND. THIs office is of great antiquity, having been established prior to the reign of Edward the Confessor. The Lord High Steward was the prime officer under the king, the office was annexed to the lordship of Hinckley, in Leicestershire, and this lordship belonging to the family of Montfort, earls of Leicester, they were in right of it, Lord High Stewards of England. But Simon de Montfort, the last earl of this family, having made a bad use of the power which this office gave him, raised a rebellion against his sovereign Henry III., and was attainted and his estate forfeited. Henry and his successors in some measure abolished the office, and it is now only revived pro hdc vice, to officiate at a coronation or on the trial of a peer. ToBD HIGH STEWARDS OF ENGLAND FROM THE RESTORATION OF KING CHARLES II. 1661 Jas., D. of Ormond ; for the coron of Charles II., crowned Apr. 23. Edwd., E. of Clarendon, ld, chanc.; for the trial of Thos., ld. Morley and Monteagle, Apr. 12. Heneage, ld. Finch, ld, chanc.; for the trial of Chas., ld. Cornwallis, June 15. The same ; for the trial of Philip, E. of Pembroke and Montgomery, Mar. 18. The same ; for the trial of Thos., E. of Danby, May 10. The same ; for the trial of Wm., E. of Powis; Wm., visc. Stafford; Hy., ld. Arundel of Wardour; Wm., ld. Petre ; and John, ld. Belasyse, May 27. The same ; for the trial of Wm., visc. Stafford, Nov. 30. Jas., D. of Ormond ; for the coron. of Jas. II., crowned Apr. 23. Geo., ld. Jeffreys, ld, chanc, ; for the trial of Hy., ld. Delamere, Jan. 9. Wm., E. 1666. j676. 1677. 1679. M680. 1685. 1689. of Devonshiro ; for the coron. of William III, and Mary II., crowned Apr. 11. 1692. Thos., M. of Carmarthen ; for the trial of Chas., ld. Mohun, Mar. 25. John, ld. Somers, ld, chanc.; for the trial of Edwd. Hy., E. of Warwick and Holland, and of Chas., ld. Mohun, Jan. 31. Wm., D. of Devonshire; for the coron, of Queen Anne, crowned Apr. 13. Chas., D. of Grafton, for the coron. of George I., crowned Oct. 20. Wm., ld. Cowper, ld, chanc. ; for the trial of Jas., E. of Derwent- water; Wm., ld. Widdrington; Wm., E. of Nithsdale; Robt., E. of Carnwath ; Wm., visc. Ken- *: and Wm., ld. Nairne, Jan. The same ; for the trial of Geo., E. of Wintoun, Mar, 15. The same ; for the trial of Robt., E. 3. Oxford and E. Mortimer, June Peter, ld. King, ld, chanc.; for the 1699. 1702. 1714. 1716. 1717. 1725. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 287 trial of Thos., E. of Macclesfield, 1788. Edwd., ld. Thurlow, ld, chanc.; for May 14. the trial of Warren Hastings, Feb. 1727. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset ; for 12. the coron, of George II., crowned 1793. Alexr., ld, Loughborough, ld, chanc.; Oct. 11. - for the trial of the same, Jan. 1746. Philip, ld. Hardwicke, Id. chanc.; 28. for the trial of Wm., E. of Kil- This trial continued seven years, and marnock ; Geo., E. of Cromarty; ended in the acquittal of Mr. and Arthur, ld. Balmerino, July Hastings, Apr. 23, 1795. 5. 1806. Thos., ld. Erskine, ld, chanc.; for 1747. The same ; for the trial of Simon, the trial of Hy., visc. Melville, ld. Lovat, Mar. 9. Apr. 29. 1760. Robt., ld. Henley, ld. keeper; for 1821. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey; for the the trial of Lawrence, Earl Fer- coron. of George IV., crowned rers, Apr. July 19. 1761. Wm., Earl Talbot; for the coron, of 1831. Alexr., D. of Hamilton; for the coron. George III., crowned Sept. 22. of William IV., crowned Sept. 8. 1765. Robt., E. of Northington, ld, chanc.; 1838. The same ; for the coron. of Queen for the trial of Wm. Byron, ld. Victoria, crowned June 28. Byron, May. 1841. Thos., ld. Denman, l. c. j. of the 1776. Hy., E. Bathurst, ld... chanc.; for queen's bench ; for the trial of the trial of Elizth. Chudleigh, Jas. Thos. Brudenell, E. of Car- duchess of Kingston, Feb. 10. digan, Feb. 16. LORD GREAT CHAMBERLAINS OF ENGLAND AND THEIR, DEPUTIES. THIs office is hereditary, is of great antiquity, and was anciently of much importance. It was granted by Henry I. to the family of De Were, earls of Oxford, by whom it was enjoyed for nearly six centuries. On the death of the 18th earl of Oxford, of this family, without issue, in 1625, both the office and earldom were claimed, together with other titles, by Robert Bertie, baron Willoughby De Eresby, in right of his mother, who was sister and heiress of Edward, 17th earl of Oxford. The earldom was awarded by the house of lords to the heir male colla- teral, in whose son it became extinct; while the office of Hereditary Great Chamberlain was adjudged to be descendible through heirs female, and was consequently confirmed to lord Willoughby De Eresby, who took his seat in the house of lords in that capacity in 1626. This nobleman was created duke of Ancaster and Kesteven in July 1715, and the office descended uninterruptedly in his family until the death of the 4th duke in 1779, when the barony of Willoughby De Eresby fell into abeyance, and the chamberlainship was claimed by , five distinct branches of the family. The house of lords decided that it became vested in the two sisters of the deceased 4th duke jointly, and that they were competent to appoint a deputy. In favour of the elder of these sisters the abeyance of the barony of Willoughby De Eresby was ter- minated, and she became a baroness in her own right. The second sister married into the family of Cholmondeley. LoRD GREAT CHAMBERLAINS OF ENGLAND FROM 1626. RING CHARLES I. killed at the battle of Edgehill, 1626. Robt., ld, Willoughby De Eresby, by Oct. 23, 1642. - descent from the De Veres, earls | 1642. Montagu, E. of Lindsey. of Oxford; cr. E. of Lindsey; - 288 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1666. 1701. 1723. 1742. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1828. 1780. 1821. RING CHARLES II. Robt., 3rd E. of Lindsey. RING WILLIAM III. Robt., 4th E. of Lindsey; cr. M. of Lindsey in 1706, and D. of Ancaster and Kesteven in 1715. JKING GEORGE I. Peregrine, 2nd D. of Ancaster and Kesteven. KING GEORGE II. Peregrine, 3rd D. of Ancaster and Resteven. KING GEORGE III. Robt., 4th D. of Ancaster and Kes- teven; d. July 8, 1779. The office vacant, and the claim to it in dispute for upwards of a year. Priscilla Barbara Elizth., lady Wil- loughby De Eresby, andGeorgiana, countess, aft. marchs. of Chol- mondely, jointly; the baroness d. Dec. 29, 1828. RING GEORGE IV. Peter Robt., ld. Willoughby De Eresby, and Georgiana, dowa- ger marchs. of Cholmondeley, jointly ; the marchs. d. June 23, 1838. QUEEN VICTORIA. 1838. Peter Robt., ld. Willoughby De Eresby, d. Feb. 22, 1865; and Geo. Horatio, 2nd M. of Chol- mondeley, jointly. 1865. Geo. Horatio, 2nd M. of Cholmonde- ley (d. May 8, 1870, s. p.); and Albyric, ld. Willoughby De Eresby (d. Aug. 26, 1870, s. p.), jointly. 1870. Wm. Hy. Hugh, 3rd M. of Chol- mondeley, and Clementina Elizth., dowager lady Aveland, aft. lady Willoughby De Eresby, and Char- lotte Augusta Annabella, dowager lady Carrington, daurs. of Peter Robt., and sisters and coheiresses of Alberic, ld. Willoughy De Eresby, jointly. Lady Carring- ton d. July 26, 1879. 1879. Wm. Hy. Hugh, 3rd M. of Chol- mondeley, and Clementina Elizth., lady Willoughby De Eresby, and Chas. Robt., ld. Carrington, joint- ly. The M, of Cholmondeley d. Dec. 16, 1884. 1884. Geo. Hy. Hugh, 4th M. of Chol- mondeley, Clementina Elizth., lady Willoughby De Eresby, and Chas. Robt., ld, Carrington, jointly. DEPUTY GREAT CHAMBERLAINS OF ENGLAND. Sir Peter Burrell, bt., husband of Priscilla Barbara Elizth., lady Wil- loughby d'Eresby, aft. li. Gwy- dyr; as deputy to his wife, and for Georgiana, countess and aft. marchs. of Cholmondeley. Peter Robt., ld. Gwydyr, aft. ld. Willoughby De Eresby, as deputy to lady Willoughby De Eresby and the marchs. of Cholmondeley, above named; succ. to the office in his own right on the death of his mother in 1828; vide supra. 1871. Gilbert Hy., ld. Aveland, as deputy to Clementina Elizth., dowager lady Aveland, aft. ladyWilloughby De Eresby, and Charlotte Augusta Annabella, dowager lady Car- rington, vide supra. 1879. Gilbert Hy., ld. Aveland, as deputy to lady Willoughby De Eresby, above named. LORD HIGH CONSTABLES OF ENGLAND. THE office of Constable existed before the conquest, and seems to have been instituted by the Saxons. It was granted in the reign of Stephen to Milo de Gloucester, earl of Hereford, and went with inheritance, and by the tenure of certain manors in Gloucestershire,” by grand sergean- try, into the family of the Bohuns, earls of Hereford and Essex, and afterwards into the family of Stafford, as heirs-general to them. In * The castle of Caldecot or Caldecote, near Chepstow, in Monmouthshire, was the residence of the Lord High Constables of England, and was held by them in virtue of their office. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 289 1521 this office became forfeited to the king in the person of Edward Stafford, duke of Buckingham, who was in that year attainted of high treason, and it then ceased to be hereditary. The Lord High Constable is now only appointed pro hdc vice, to officiate at coronations or at trials by contbat. LORD HIGH ConstABLEs AT CoronATIONS FROM THAT OF EDWARD VI. KING EDwARD VI. 1547. Hy., M. of Dorset, aft. D. of Suffolk. The king crowned, Sunday, Feb. 20. QUEEN MARY. Wm., E. of Arundel. crowned, Oct. 1. 1553. The queen QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1559. Hy., E. of Arundel. The queen crowned, Jan. 15. RING JAMES I. 1603. Edwd., E. of Worcester. The king crowned, with his queen, Anne, July 25. RING CHARLES I. Geo., D. of Buckingham. The king crowned, with his queen, Hen- rietta Maria, Feb. 2. 1626. RING CHARLES II. Algernon, E. of Northumberland. The king crowned, Apr. 23. 1661. RING JAMES II. Hy., D. of Grafton. crowned, Apr. 23. WILLIAM and MARY. 1689. Jas, D. of Ormond. The king and queen crowned, Apr. 11. 1685. The king QUEEN ANNE. 1702. Wriothesley, D. of Bedford. The queen crowned, Apr. 13. RING GEORGE I 1714. John, D. of Montagu. The king crowned, Oct. 20. FCING GEORGE II. Chas., D. of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny. The king crowned, with his queen, Wilhelmina Caroline, 1727. Oct. 11. KING GEORGE III. 1761. John, D. of Bedford. The king crowned, with his queen, Char- lotte Sophia, Sept. 22. g KING GEORGE IV. 1821. Arthur, D. of Wellington. The king crowned, July 19. RING WILLIAM IV. The same. The king crowned, with his queen, Adelaide, Sept. 8. 1831. QUEEN VICTORLA. The same. The queen crowned, June 28. 1838. EARL MARSHALS AND THEIR, DEPUTIES. See Part W., “Heraldic,” post. THE LORD STEWARD'S DEPARTMENT. LORD STEWARDS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. IKING HENRY VII. # * Robert, ld. Brooke. 1502, Sir Gilbert Talbot. ICING HENRY VIII. 1509. Geo., E. of Shrewsbury. 1541. Chas., D. of Suffolk. 19 290 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1544, 1547. 1551. 1553. 1558. 1568. 1570. 1588. 1603. 1618. 1623. 1625. 1640. 1644. 1660. 1685. 1689. 1702. 1707. 1710. 1711. 1714. 1716. 1718. 1725. 1727. 1730. 1733. 1737 1744 Wm., ld. St. John of Basing, aft. E. of Wiltshire, and M. of Win- chester. KING EDWARD VI. Wm., ld. St. John, contal. John, D. of Northumberland, be- headed in 1553. QUEEN MARY. Hy., E. of Arundel. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Hy., E. of Arundel, contal. Wm., E. of Pembroke. Robt., E. of Leicester. Wm., ld. St. Jonn of Basing, eldest son to the M. of Winchester. RING JAMES I. Chas., E. of Nottingham. Ludovick, D. of Richmond and Lenox. Jas., M. of Hamilton and E. of Cam- bridge. RING CHARLEs I. Wm., E. of Pembroke, d. in 1630. The office vacant for some years. Thos., E. of Arundel and Surrey. Jas., D. of Richmond and Lenox. KING CHARLEs II. Jas., D. of Ormond. RING JAMES II. Jas., D. of Ormond, contal. EING WILLIAM III. Wm., E., aft. 1st D. of Devonshire. QUEEN ANNE. Wm., 1st D. of Devonshire, contal. ; d. Aug. 18, 1707. Wm., 2nd D. of Devonshire, Sept. 8 John, D. of Buckinghamshire and Normandy. John, E. Paulet. RING GEORGE I. Wm., 2nd D. of Devonshire, again. Hy., D. of Kent. John, D. of Argyle and Greenwich. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset. RING GEORGE II. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, conta. Philip Dormer, E. of Chesterfield. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire. Tionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, again. Win, 3rd D. of Devonshire, again. 1749. 1755. 1760. 1761. 1782. 1783. 1789. 1799. 1802. 1804. 1812. 1821. 1830. 1833. 1835. 1839. 1841. 1846. 1850. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1874. 1880. 1885. 1886. Chas., D. of Marlborough, June 12, John, D. of Rutland. RING GEORGE III. John, D. of Rutland, contal. Wm., E. of Talbot. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, May 4. Chas., D. of Rutland, Feb. 14. William, E. of Dartmouth, Apr. 9. Jas., D. of Chandos, Dec. 26; d. Oct., 1789. John Fredk., D. of Dorset, Oct. 7. Geo., E. of Leicester, Feb. 20. Geo., E. of Dartmouth, Aug. 15. Heneage, E. of Aylesford, May 30. Geo. Jas., E., aft. M. of Cholmonde- ley, Feb. 19. RING GEORGE IV. Hy., M. of Conyngham, Dec. 11. KING WILLIAM IV. Richd., D. of Buckingham and Chandos, July 16. Richd., marq. Wellesley, Nov. 23. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, Sept. 12. Thos., E. of Wilton, Jan. 5. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, again, Apr. 23. QUEEN VICTORIA. Wm. Geo., E. of Erroll, Nov. 15. Chas. Cecil, E. of Liverpool, Sept. 3. Hugh, E. Fortescue, July 9. - Richd., M. of Westminster, Mar. 22. Jas., D. of Montrose, K.T., Feb. 27, G. Hy. Chas., D. of Norfolk, K.G., Jan. 4, G. Fredk., E. Spencer, K.G., Jan. 10, G Iºdwd. Granville, E. of St. Germans, G.C.B., Nov. 23, G. Brownlow, M. of Exeter, K.G., Feb. 26, G. Edwd. Granville, E. of St. Germans, G.C.B., again, June 18, G. John Geo. Brabazon, E. of Bess- borough, Jan. 20, G. - John Winston, D. of Marlborough, July 10, G. Chas., E. of Tankerville, Mar. 19, G. John Geo. Brabazon, E. of BeSS- borough, again, Dec, 12, SW. Fredk., E. Beauchamp, Mar. 2, G. John Robt., Earl Sydney, G.C.B., May 3, G. Wm. Hy., E. of Mount-Edgcumbe, June 27, sw. John Robt., Earl Sydney, G.C.B., again, Feb. 10, G. Wm. Hy., E. of Mount-Edgcumbe, again, Aug. 16, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 291 % º 1500. 1521. 1537. 1538. 1541. 1547. 1560, * } 1586. 1597. 1601. 1603. 1616. 1618. 1625. 1639. 1641. 1660. 1663. 1668. 1672. 1686. 1689. 1702. 1708. TREASURERS OF TEIE HOUSEEIOLD. 1712. Geo., E. Lansdowne of Bideford, RING HENRY WII. Sir Richd. Croft, Sir Thos. Lovell. KING HENRY WIII. Sir Thos. Boleyn (father of Q. Anna Boleyn), aft. visc. Rochford and E. of Wiltshire, Dec. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Southampton. Sir Wm. Paulet, aft. 1d. St. John of Basing, E. of Wiltshire and M. of Winchester. Sir Thos. Cheney. RING EDwARD VI. Sir Thos. Cheney, contal. aft. E. of QUEEN MARY. The office vacant. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir Thos. Parry. Sir Edwd. Montagu. Sir Fras. Knollys, K.G. Roger, ld. North. Sir Wm. Knollys. KING JAMES I. Sir Wm. Knollys, contal. ; aft. Id. Enollys, visc. Wallingford, and E. of Banbury. Edwd., ld, Wotton, Sir Thos. Edmonds. RING CHARLES I. Sir Thos. Edmonds, contal. Sir Hy. Vane, sen. Thos., visc. Savile, in Ireland, and ld. Savile of Pomfret, in Eng- land. IKING CHARLES II. Sir Fredk. Cornwallis, bt., aft. Id. Cornwallis. Chas., visc. Fitz-Harding, of Ire- land. Sir Thos. Clifford, ld. Clifford of Chudleigh. - Fras., ld. Newport, aft. visc. New- port and E. of Bradford. RING JAMES II. Wm., E. of Yarmouth. ECING WILLIAM III. Fras., ld. Newport, again. QUEEN ANNE. Fras., now E. of Bradford, contal. Hugh, E. of Cholmondeley. 1714. 1725. 1727. 1730. 1731. 1737. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1760. 1761. 1765. 1766. 1777. 1779. 1780. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1793. 1806. 1807. 1812. 1826. | 1830. 1837. 1841. 1846. 1847. 1852. 1853. 1858. 1859, Aug. 18. RING GEORGE I. Hugh, E. of Cholmondeley, again. Paul Methuen, aft. Sir P., K.B. RING GEORGE II. Sir Paul Methuen, contal. Robt., ld. Bingley. John, ld., aft. E. De la Warr, K.B., June 12. Benjn., E. Fitzwalter. John, ld. Berkeley of Stratton. John, visc. Bateman, Nov. 19. Percy, E. of Thomond, July 8. RING GEORGE III. Percy, E. of Thomond, contal. Hy. Arthur, E. of Powis. Geo., ld. Edgcumbe, Mount Edgcumbe. John Shelly, aft. Sir J. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, June 13. Geo., ld. Onslow and Cranley. Jas., visc. Cranbourn, aft. E. Salisbury, Sept. - Thos., E. of Effingham, Apr. 10. Hon. Chas. Greville, Apr. Jas., E. of Courtown, Aug. Jas. Geo., visc. Stopford, June 20. Chas. Aug., ld. Ossulston, Feb. 12. Jas. Geo., visc. Stopford, again, Mar. 31 ; aft. E. of Courtown. Robt., visc. Jocelyn, May 8. Lord Wm. Chas. Cavendish Ben- tinck, July 29. ECING GEORGE IV. Sir Wm. Hy. Fremantle, Apr. 29. |KING WILLIAM IV. Sir Wm. Hy. Fremantle, contal. aft. visc. of QUEEN VICTORIA. Hy. Chas., E. of Surrey, July 19. Geo. Stevens Byng, aft. la. Strafford, visc. Enfield, and E. of Strafford, June 23. Fredk. Wm., Earl Jermyn, Sept. 9. Lord Robt. Grosvenor, Aug. 4. Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill, July 22. Lord Claude Hamilton, Feb. 27, G. Geo. Aug. Constantine, E. of Mul- grave, aft. M. of Normanby, Jan. Lord Čiaude Hamilton, again, Feb. 26, G. Honºwm. Coutts Keppel, c.c. visc. Bury, June 23, G. 19 & 292 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1872. 1874. * 3: 1537. 1542. 1553. 1557. 1558. 1560. 1565. 1588. 1590. I601. 1603. 1616. 1618. 1621. 1625. 1628. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1660. 1660. Hon. Otho Aug. Fitzgerald, c.c. ld. Otho Fitzgerald, May 8, G. Wm. Alleyne Cecil, c.c. lá. Burgh- ley, July 10, G. Hon. Percy Egerton Herbert, C.B., Feb. 27, G. Geo., ld. de Tabley, Dec. 12, G. Aug. Fredk. Geo. Warwick, ld. Poltimore, Mar. 1, G. Wm. John, ld. Monson, Jan. 1, G. 1874. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1886. Hon. Hy. Geo. Percy, c.c. E. Percy, Mar. 2, G. Hon. Hy. Fredk. Thynne, c.c. lá. Hy, Thynne, Dec. 14, G. Gavin, E. of Breadalbane, May 3, G. Wm. Pleydell-Bouverie, c.c. visc. Folkestone, June 27, G. Victor Alexr., E. of Elgin and Kin- cardine, Feb. 17, G. Wm. Pleydell-Bouverie, c.c. visc. Folkestone, again, Aug. 5, G. COMPTROLLERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. FCING HENRY WII. Sir Richd. Edgcumbe. ECING EENRY WIII. Sir Edwd. Poynings. - Sir John Russell, aft. li. Russell and E. of Bedford. Sir John Gage. RING EDWARD VI. . Sir John Gage, contal. - Sir Wm. Paget, aft. Id. Paget. . Sir Anthy. Wingfield. QUEEN MARY. Sir Robt. Rochester, K.G. Sir Thos. Cornwallis. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir Thos. Parry. Sir Edwd. Rogers. Sir Jas. Crofts. Sir Fras. Knollys. Sir Wm. Knollys, (his son), aft. ld. Knollys and visc. Walling- ford. Edwd. Wotton. Wotton, aft, ld. RING JAMES I. Sir Edwd., now lä. Wotton, contal. Sir Hy. Carey. Sir Thos. Edmondes, K.B. Sir Hy. Carey, aft. visc. Falkland. Sir John Suckling. * RING CHARLES I. Sir John Savile, aft. li. Savile, and E. of Sussex. Sir Hy. Vane, sen. Sir Thos. Jermyn. Sir Peter Wyche. Sir Christr. Hatton, Hatton. aft. Id. KING CHARLES II. Sir Chas. Berkeley, aft. visc. Fitz- harding. Sir Hugh Pollard, K.B. 1666. 1668. 1672. 1685. 1689. 1702. 1704. 1708. 1709. 1711. 1712. 1713. 1714. 1720. 1725. 1727. 1730. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1760. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1765. 1774. 1777. 1779. Sir Thos. Clifford, aft. lī. Clifford of Chudleigh. Fras., ld. Newport, aft. visc. New- port and E. of Bradford. Wm., ld, Maynard. RING JAMES II. Hy., ld. Waldegrave. RING WILLIAM III. Hon. Thos. Wharton, E., and M. of Wharton. aft. lī., QUEEN ANNE. Sir Edwd. Seymour, bt. Sir Thos. Mansell, bt., aft. Mansell, Apr. 27. Hugh, E. of Cholmondeley, May. Sir Thos. Felton, bt., Oct. Sir John Holland, bt., June 2. Sir Thos. Mansell, bt., aft. Mansell, again. - Geo., Id. Lansdowne of Bideford. Sir John Stonehouse, bt. ld. ld. KING GEORGE I. Hugh Boscawen, aft. visc. Falmouth. Paul Methuen, aft. Sir P., K.B. Daniel, ld. Finch, aft. E. of Win- chelsea and Nottingham. RING GEORGE II. Danl., ld. Finch, contal. Hon. Sir Conyers D'Arcy, June 11. Wills, E. of Hillsborough. John, ld. Hobart, aft. E. of Buck- inghamshire. Hon. Rich.d. Edgcumbe, aft. li. Edgcumbe, Nov. 19. KING GEORGE III. Richd., ld. Edgcumbe, contal. Hy. Arthur, E. of Powis, May 31. Lord Geo. Cavendish, Nov. Lord Chas. Spencer. Humphrey Morrice, Jan. 10. Thos. Pelham, aft. li. Pelham, Sept. 6. Sir Wm. Meredith, bt., Mar. 9. Geo., ld. Onslow and Cranley. Sir Richd. Worsley, bt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 293 1782. 1784. 1787. 1790. 1791. 1797. 1804. 1812. 1820. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1837. 1841, 1841. 1846. hold. 1603. 1615. 1620. 1625. 1628. 1642. 1847. Peter, earl Ludlow. Robt., visc. Galway. Hon. John Chas. Williers, Feb. 19. Hon. Dudley Ryder, aft. lä. Harrowby, Feb. 27. Geo., visc. Parker, aft. E. of Maccles- field, Apr. 21. Lord Chas. Hy. Somerset, Apr. 27. Lord Geo. Thynne, May 31. Lord Geo. Thos. Beresford, July 29. ECING GEORGE IV. Lord Geo. Thos. Beresford, contal. RING WILLIAM IV. Lord Robt. Grosvenor, Nov. 23. Hon. Hy. Thos. Lowry Corry, Dec. 29 Geo. Stevens Byng, aft. lil. Strafford, visc. Enfield, and E. of Strafford, May 7. QUEEN VICTORIA. Geo. Stevens Byng, contal. . Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill, June 23. Hon. Geo. Lionel Dawson Damer, Sept. 9. Lord A. M. C. Hill, again, July 7. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1856. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1868. 1874. 1879. 1880. 1885. 1886. 1886. Hon. Wm. Sebright Lascelles, July 22. Geo. Aug. Constantine, E. of Mul- grave, aft. M. of Normanby, July 2 3. Geo. Cecil Weld Forester, Feb. 27, G. Archibald, visc. Drumlanrig, aft. M. of Queensberry, Jan. 4, G. Hon. Val. Aug. Browne, c.c. visc. Castlerosse, aft. E. of Kenmare, , July 25, G. Geo. Cecil Weld Forester, again, Feb. 26, G. Hon. Granville Leveson, c.c. 1d. Proby, June 23, G. - Hon. Chas. Philip Yorke, c.c. visc. Royston, July 10, G. Hon. Otho Aug. Fitzgerald, c.c. ld. Otho Fitzgerald, Dec. 12, G. Hon. Hy. Richd. Chas. Somerset, c.c. la. Hy. Somerset, Mar. 2, G. Hon. Hugh De Grey Seymour, c.c. E. of Yarmouth, Feb. 4, G. Wm., ld. Kensington, May 3, G. Arthur Wrm. Hill, c. c. 1d. Arthur Hill, June 27, G. Hon. Edwd. Majoribanks, Feb. 10, G. Arthur Wm. Hill, c. c. 1d. Arthur Hill, again, Aug. 5, G. COFFERERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. THIS office was abol shed in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82, and the duties transferred to the lord steward and the paymaster of the house- CoFFERERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. From the reign of Queen Elizabeth to the abolition of the office in 1782. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir Hy. Cocks. KING JAMEs I. Sir Richd. Vernou. Sir Arthur Ingram. Sir Marmaduke Darrell. RING CHARLEs I. Sir FIy. Vane. Sir John Suckling. Wm. Ashburnham. RING CHARLEs II. Wm. Ashburnham, conta. RING JAMES II. Sir Peter Apsley. RING WILLIAM III. Hy. Herbert, aft. ld. Herbert of Chirbury, 1702. 1704. 1711. 1714. 1723. 1725. 1727. 1730. 1741. 1743. 1744. 1746. 1754. 1755. QUEEN ANNE. Sir Benjn. Bathurst. - Hon. Fras. Godolphin, aft. visc. Rialton, and E. of Godolphin. Saml. Masham, aft. li. Masham. RING GEORGE I. Francis, E. of Godolphin, again. Wm. Pulteney, aft. E. of Bath. Hy., 7th E. of Lincoln. IKING GEORGE II. Hy., E. of Lincoln, contal. Horace Walpole, aft. li. Walpole. Sir Wm. Yonge, bt. and K.B. Saml., ld, Sandys. Edmd. Waller. Hy., 9th E. of Lincoln, aft. D. of Newcastle. Sir Geo. Lyttelton, bt., aft. ld. Lyttelton. Thos., D. of Leeds. 294 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1760. 1761. 1765. 1766. hold. 1685. 1689. 1692. 1702, 1713. 1714. T720. 1722. 1485. 1508. 1509. 1526. 1530. 1535. 1547. 1550. 1551. RING GEORGE III. Thos., D. of Leeds, contal. Hon. Jas. Grenville, Apr. 17. Percy, E. of Thomond, Nov. 18. Richd., E. of Scarborough, July 12. Hans Stanley. 1774. Jeremiah Dyson. 1776. Hans Stanley, again. 1780. Fras., visc, Beauchamp, aft. 2nd IE. of Yarmouth and M. of Hert- ford. Office abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82. TREASURERS OF THE CHAMBER. THIs office was abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82, and the duties transferred to the lord steward and the paymaster of the house- TREASURERs of THE CHAMBER. From the Restoration to the abolition of the office in 1782. IKING CHARLES II. Sir Edwd. Griffin, bt. RING JAMES II. Sir Edwd. Griffin, contal. RING WILLIAM III. Sir Rowland Gwin. Edwd., aft. E. of Orford. QUEEN ANNE. Chas., visc. Fitzharding. John, ld. De la Warr. KING GEORGE I. Chas. Bodville, E. of Radnor. Hon. Hy. Pelham. Hon. Chas. Stanhope. RING GEORGE II. 1727. Sir John Hobart, bt., aft. 16. Hobart and E. of Buckingham- shire. 1744. Sir John Hinde Cotton, bt. 1746. Hon. Richd. Arundel. 1747. Saml., ld. Sandys. 1755. Wills, E. of Hillsborough. 1756. Hon. Chas. Townshend. KING GEORGE III. 1760. Hon. Chas. Townshend, conta. 1761. Sir Fras. Dashwood, bt., aft. li. Le Despencer. 1762. Sir Gilbert Elliot, bt. 1770. Geo. Rice. 1779. Lord Chas. Spencer. Office abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III, cap. 82. THE LORD CHAMBERLAIN’S DEPARTMENT. LORD CHAMBERLAINS FCING HENRY WII. Sir Wm. Stanley, beheaded. Sir Chas Somerset, aft. li. Herbert and E of Worcester. ECING HENRY VIII. Chas., E of Worcester, contal. Hy., E. of Arundel. Wm., ld. Sandys of the Wine. Wm., ld. St. John of Basing. EING EDWARD VI. Wm., ld. St. John of Basing, contal. Thos., ld. Wentworth. Thos., ld. D'Arcy of Chiche. OF THE HOUSEHOLD. QUEEN MARY. 1553. John, ld. Williams. 1557. Wm., ld, Howard of Effingham. QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1558. Wm., ld. Howard of Effingham, contal 1572. Thos., E. of Sussex. 1585. Hy., ld. Hunsdon. 1596. Geo., ld. Hunsdon. RING JAMES I. 1603. Geo., ld. Hunsdon, conta. Thos., E. of Suffolk. 1613. Robt., E. of Somerset. 1615. Wm., E. of Pembroke THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 295 1625. 1641. 1642. 1660. 1671. 1674. 1681. 1685. 1686. 1689. 1695. 1699. 1700. 1702. 1704. 1714. 1714. 1715. 1717. 1724. 1727. 1757. 1760. 1762, 1763. 1765. 1766. CéSSOTS. 1782. 1783. RING CHARLEs I. Wrm., E. of Pembroke, contal. Philip, E. of Montgomery, and aft. of Pembroke. Robt., E. of Essex. Edwd., E. of Dorset. KING CHARLES II. Edwd., E. of Manchester. Hy., E. of St. Albans. Hy., E. of Arlington, John, E. of Mulgrave, aft. D. of Buckingham. KING JAMES II. Robt., E. of Ailesbury and Elgin, July. Thos., E. of Ailesbury and Elgin, Oct. John, E. of Mulgrave, aft. D. of Buckingham, again. RING WILLIAM III. Chas., E. of Dorset and Middlesex. Robt., E. of Sunderland. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury. Edwd., E. of Jersey. QUEEN ANNE. Edwd., E. of Jersey, contal. Hy., E. of Kent, aft. M. and D. of Rent. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury. KING GEORGE I. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury, contal. Chas., D. of Bolton, June 19; res. July 4, following. The office vacant. Thos., D. of Newcastle, Apr. 14. Chas., D. of Grafton. KING GEORGE II. Chas., D. of Grafton, contal. Wm., D. of Devonshire. RING GEORGE III. Wm., D. of Devonshire, contal. Geo., D. of Marlborough, Nov. 22. Granville, earl Gower, Apr. 22. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, July 10. Fras., E. of Hertford, aft. 1st E. of Yarmouth and M. of Hertford, Dec. 4. 1821. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1839. 1846. 1848. 1852. 1853. ‘L858. 1859. 1885. 1886. 1804. 1812. 1827. 1841. 1866. 1868. 1874. 1879. 1880. Geo., D. of Manchester, Apr. 10. Fras., E. of Hertford, aft 1st E. of Yarmouth and M. of Hertford, again, Apr. 9. Jas., E., aft. M. of Salisbury,Dec. 26. Geo., E. of Dartmouth, May 14. Fras., 2nd M. of Hertford, Mar. 5. RING GEORGE IV. Jas., D. of Montrose, Dec. 11. Wm. Spencer, D. of Devonshire, May 5. Jas., D. of Montrose, again, Feb. 18. RING WILLIAM IV. Geo. Child, E. of Jersey, July 24. William Spencer, D. of Devonshire, again, Nov. 22. Geo. Child, E. Dec. 15. Richd., M. Wellesley, Apr. Fras. Nathl., Marq. Conyngham, May. of Jersey, again, QUEEN VICTORIA. Hy., E. of Uxbridge, May 6. Geo. John, E. De la Warr, Sept. 14. Fredk., earl Spencer, July 8. John, M. of Breadalbane, Sept. 4. Brownlow, M. of Exeter, K.G., Feb. 27, G. John, M. of Breadalbane, K.T., again, Jan. 15, G. Geo. John, E. De la Warr, Feb. 26, G. - John Robt., visc. Sydney, June 23, G. Orlando Geo. Chas., E. of Bradford, July 10, G. John Robt., Wisc. Sydney, G.C.B., again, Dec. 9, G. Fras. Hugh Geo., M. of Hertford, Mar. 2, G. Wm. Hy., E. of Mount-Edgcumbe, May 7, G. Valentine Augustus, E. mare, K.P., May 3, G. Edwd., E. of Lathom, June 27, of Ken- Valentine Augustus, E. of Kenmare, K. P., again, Feb. 10, G. Edwd., E. of Lathom, again, Aug. 5, G. MASTERS OF THE GREAT WARDROBE. THE Master or Keeper of the Great Wardrobe was an officer of great antiquity and dignity. High privileges and immunities were conferred upon him by King Henry VI, and were confirmed to him by his suc- Ring James I. not only enlarged these, but ordained that the office should be a corporation or body politic for ever. The salary 296 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. of this officer was £2,000 per annum. He was usually a personage of high political consideration, and subordinate to him were a comptroller, a patent clerk, and many other officers and servants. The wardrobe establishment was abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82, and the duties transferred to the department of the lord cham- berlain. MASTERS OF THE GREAT WARDROBE. From the reign of King James I. to the abolition of the office in 1782. KING JAMEs I. QUEEN ANNE. * * Geo., ld. Hume of Berwick, aft. E. 1702. Ralph, E., aft. D. of Montagu, conta. of Dunbar, in Scotland. 1709. John, D. of Montagu. 1616. Jas., ld. Hay, aft. E. of Carlisle. 1636. wºg* Fielding, aft. E. of Den- KING GEORGE I. KING CHARLEs I. 1714. John, D. of Montagu, contal. * * Spencer, E, of Northampton. 1642. Wm. Legge. p RING GEORGE II. 1727. John, D. of Montagu, contal. KING CHARLEs II. 1750. Sir Thos. Robinson, K.B., aft. Id. 1660. Edwd., E. of Sandwich. Grantham, deputy mast. 1672. Ralph Montagu, aft. la., E., and D. 1754. Wm. Wildman, visc. Barrington. of Montagu. 1755. Sir Thos. Robinson, K.B., aft. Id. Grantham : in. RING JAMEs II. rantnam ; agavn 1685. Jas., E. of Arran, aft, D. of Hamil- KING GEORGE III. ton. 1760. Granville, E. Gower. RING WILLIAM III. 1763. Fras., ld. Le Despencer. 1689. Ralph, lord Montagu, aft. E. and D. 1765. John, E. of Ashburnham. of Montagu, again. 1775. Thos., ld. Pelham. Office abolished in 1782 by 22 Geo. III. cap. 82. WICE-CHAMBERLAINS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. , KING HENRY VIII. RING CHARLES I. * * Sir John Gage. 1625. Sir Dudley Carleton, aft. li. Carle- RING EDWARD VI. ton and visc. Dorchester. * * Sir Anthy. Wingfield. 1626. Sir Hy. May. * * Sir John Gates. Sir Thos. Jermyn. 1550. Sir Thos. D’Arcy. 1640. Geo., ld. Goring, aft. E. of Nor- wich. QUEEN MARY. 1553. The office vacant. RING CHARLES II. 1660. Sir Geo. Carteret QUEEN ELIZABETH. i...si. ... s...; * * Sir Edwd. Rogers. 1670. Hy. Savile or Saville. * * Sir Thos. Heneage. 1577. Sir Christr. Hatton, Nov. 11. King Jaws 1602. Sir John Stanhope, aft. li. Stan- 1685. Hy. Savile, contal. hope of Harrington. 1686. Jas. Porter. KING JAMES I. JKING WILLIAM III 1603. John, ld. Stanhope, conta. 1689. Sir John Lowther, bt., aft. visc. 1616. Sir John Digby, aft. li. Digby and Lonsdale. E. of Bristol. 1690. Hon. Peregrine Bertie. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 297 QUEEN ANNE. KING WILLIAM IV. 1702. Hon. Peregrine Bertie, contal. 1830. Geo., E. of Belfast, aft. M. of 1706. Thos. Coke, aft, ld. Lovel and E. Donegal, July 24. of Leicester, Dec. 5. 1834. Fredk, visc. Castlereagh, Dec. 27. 1835. Lord Chas. Fitzroy, June 29. RING GEORGE I. QUEEN VICTORIA. 1714. Thos. Coke, contal. tº 1838. Geo., E. of Belfast, aft. M. of 1727. wn sunlope. aft. E. of Harring- Donegal, again ; May 2. ę 1841. Lord Ernest Aug. Brudenell Bruce, Sept. 8. RING GEORGE II. 1846. Lºn. Geo. Fitz-Alan Howard, 1727. Wm. Stanhope, contal. July 8. 1730. Lord John Hervey, May 8. 1852. Orlando Geo. Chas., visc. Newport, 1740. Lord Sydney Beauclerk, May 1. aft. E. of Bradford, Mar. 5, G. 1742. Hon. Wm. Finch, July 13. Lord Ernest Aug. Brudenell Bruce, again, Dec. 30, G. KING GEORGE III. 1858. Orlando Geo. Chas., visc. Newport, aft. E. of Bradford,again, Feb.26,6. 1760. Hon. Wrm. Finch. contal. * 1765. Geo. Bussy, viscºvitiers, aft. E. of 1859. Val. Aug. Browne, c.c. visc. Castle- rosse, aft. E. of Kenmare, June Jersey, July 12. 23, G. 1779. Hºº...º. ºbºon, aft. 1" | 1866 claje Hamilton, c.c. Id. Claude Grantham, Feb. 13. Hamilton, July 10, G 1771. John, visc, Hinchinbroke, Feb. 6..., | 1868, val º ". uly 1U, U. . Castl 1782. Geo., visc. Chewton, aft. E. e "...ºft º Riº ãº, g * = &º º 5 Waldegrave, May 2. Tec. i 2, G. 5 1784. Geo., ld. Herbert, aft. E. of Pem- 1872. Richd. De Aquila Grosvenor, c.c. broke, Nov. 20. ld. Richd, Gr Feb. 25, G 1794. Chas. Fulke Greville, Aug. ... tacna, Grosvenor, rep: zog ºr * 1874. Geo. Wm., visc. Barrington, Mar.2,0. 1804. Lord John Thynne, July 11. 1880. Chas. Wm. Brudenell Bruce, c.c 1812. Fras. Chas., E. of Yarmouth, aft. ld Chas. Bruce, May 3, G." 3rd M. of Hertford, Mar. 10. º g 1885. Wm. Heneage Legge, c.c., visc. Robt., visc. Jocelyn, Aug. 15. Lewisham, June #,G. 9 1886. Fredk. Edwd. Gould, visc. Kilcoursie, KING GEORGE IV Feb. 17. 1821. Jas., M. of Graham, Feb. 7. Wm. Heneage Legge, c.c. visc. 1827. Sir Saml. Hulse, May 5. Lewisham, again, Aug. 5, G. GOVERNORS AND CONSTABLES OF WINDSOR CASTLE. See Part IV., post. CAPTAINS OF HER MAJESTY'S BODY-GUARD, OR THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. THE Body-Guard of the Queen is the oldest corps in Her Majesty’s service. The corps was instituted by Henry VII, in 1485, neary two hundred years before any regiment that is now in existence was raised; it was, in fact, the only standing force in the kingdom, with the excep- tion of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms. The officers of the corps consist of a captain, who is now always a peer, and a member of the privy council, and who carries a gold stick of office; a lieutenant, an ensign, four exons, and an adjutant or clerk of the cheque. All the officers, under the captain, carry, when on duty, a silver stick of office, which they have the privilege of receiving, at a private audience, immediately from the hands of the sovereign. The office of captain is now a political one, and the holder resigns on a change of ministry. 298 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1486. 1488 1509 1514 1521 1523. 1536. 1547. 1550. I558. 1569. 1578. 1587. 1592. 1597. 1603. 1617. 1625. 1630. 1632. 1635. 1660. 1662. 1670. 1702. 1707. 1714. 1715. CAPTAINs of THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. KING Henry VII. John, E. of Oxford. Sir Chas. Somerset, aft. 16. Herbert, and E. of Worcester. - ECING HENRY VIII. Sir Chas. Somerset, contal. Sir Hy. Guilford, K.G. Sir Hy. Marney, aft. li. Marney, R. G. Sir Wm. Kingston, K.G. Sir Anthy. Wingfield, K.G. RING EDWARD VI. Sir Anthy. Wingfield, K.G., conta. Sir Thos. D'Arcy, aft. li. D'Arcy, PC. G. QUEEN MARY. . Sir Hy. Jernyngham. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir Wrm. St. Loe. Sir Fras. Knowlys. Sir Christr. Hatton, K.G., aft. li. Hatton. Sir — Goodier. John Best, champion of England. Sir Walter Raleigh. KING JAMES I. Sir Thos. Erskine, aft. visc. Fenton, and E. of Kellie, K.G. Hy., E. of Holland. RING CHARLES I. Hy., E. of Holland, contal. Sir Christr. Musgrave. Geo., E. of Kinnoul. Wm., E. of Morton, K.G. RING CHARLES II. Geo., visc. Grandison. Chas., E. of Norwich. Chas., E. of Manchester. QUEEN ANNE. Wm., M. of Hartington, aft. D. of Devonshire. Chas., visc. Townshend, K.G. RING GEORGE I. Hy., ld. Paget, aft. E. of Ux- bridge. Jas., E. of Derby. 1723. 1725. 1727. 1731. 1733. 1737. 1739. 1743. 1746. 1747. 1760. 1782. 1783. 1804. 1820. 1830. 1834. 1835. 1837. 1841. 1842. 1846. 1848. 1852. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1868. 1874. 1880. 1885. 1886. From the institution of the corps by King Henry VII. in 1485. Philip Dormer, ld. Stanhope, aft. E. of Chesterfield, K.G. John, E. of Leicester, K.B. RING GEORGE II. John, E. of Leicester, K.B., conta. John, ld. Ashburnham, aft. E. of Ashburnham. Chas., E. of Tankerville, K.B. Wm., D. of Manchester, K.B. Wm., E. of Essex, K. G. John, ld. Berkeley of Stratton. Pattee, visc. Torrington. Hugh, visc. Falmouth. KING GEORGE III. Hugh, visc. Falmouth, contal. John Fredk., D. of Dorset, Feb. Geo. Jas., E. of Cholmondeley, Apr. Heneage, E. of Aylesford, Dec. 16. Thos., ld. Pelham. Geo., E. of Macclesfield. RING GEORGE IV. - Geo., E. of Macclesfield, contal. ECING WILLIAM IV. Ulick John, M. of Clanricarde. Dec. 1. Archd., E. of Gosford, Sept. 3. Jas. Geo., E. of Courtown, Jan. 5. Archd., E. of Gosford, Apr. QUEEN VICTORIA. Hy. Stephen, E. of Ilchester, July 22. Hy. Chas., E. of Surrey, July 5. John Wm., M. of Lothian, Sept. 8. Geo., E. of Beverley, Jan. 18. Lucius, visc. Falkland, July 24. Geo., M. of Donegal, Feb. 16. Wm. Lennox Lascelles, ld, de Ros, Feb. 27, G. John Robt., visc., aft. E. Sydney, Dec. 30. Wm. Lennox Lascelles, ld. de Ros, Mar. 17, G. Hy. John, E. of Ducie, June 28, G. Hy. Chas., E. Cadogan, July 10, G. Wm. Amelius Aubrey de Vere, D. of St. Albans, Dec. 22, G. Edwd., ld. Skelmersdale, aft. E. of Lathom, Mar. 2, G. Wm. John, ld, Monson, May 3, G. Geo. Wm., visc. Barrington, June 27, G. Wm. John, ld, Monson, again, Feb. 10, G. Algernon Hawkins Thomond, E. O Kintore, Aug. 5, G. ’ - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 299 CAPTAINS OF THE CORPS OF GENTLEMEN-AT-ARMS, FORMERLY THE BAND OF GENTLEMEN PENSIONERS. THE Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms (formerly styled the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners) is the oldest corps in England, with the exception of the Yeomen of the Guard and the Sergeants-at-Arms. This corps was instituted in 1509, soon after Henry VIII. ascended the throne, and was composed entirely of gentlemen of noble blood. The officers of the corps consist of a captain, who is always a peer and a member of the privy council, a lieutenant, a standard bearer, and an adjutant or clerk of the cheque. The office of captain is now a political one, and the holder resigns on a change of ministry. On March 17, 1834, his late Majesty, William IV., “was graciously pleased to command that “the Honourable Band of Gentleman Pensioners should be in future “called His Majesty’s Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms.” CAPTAINS OF THE CORPS OF GENTLEMEN PENSIONERS. From the institution of the corps by King Henry VIII. in 1509. KING HENRY VIII. KING JAMES II. 1509. Hy., E. of Essex, K.G. 1687. Theophilus, E. of Huntingdon. 1589. Sir Anthy. Browne, K.G. RING WILLIAM III. KING EDwARD VI. * * John, 3rd ld. Lovelace. 1549. John, ld. Bray. 1693. Ralph, E., aft. D. of Montagu. 1550. Wm. (late E. of Essex), M. of 1695. Chas., D. of St. Albans, K.G. Northampton, K.G. ANNE. QUEEN MARY. O QUEEN 1553, Wm., M. of Northampton, K.G., contal. 1712. Hy., D. of Beaufort, K.G., Jan. 13. Thos., E. of Sussex, R. G. RING GEORGE I. QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1714. Chas., D. of St. Albans, again. 1558. Hy., ld. Hunsdon, K.G. 1726, Wm., M. of Hartington, aft. D. of 1596. Geo., ld. Hunsdon, K.G. Devonshire, K. G. RING JAMES I. KING GEORGE II. 1603. Geo., ld. Hunsdon, contal. 1727. Wm., M. of Hartington, aft. D. of Hy., E. of Northumberland, K.G., Devonshire, contal. May. 1731. Richd, E. of Burlington and Cork, 1615. Thos., E. of Suffolk, K.G. FC. G. 1616. Theophilus, ld, Howard de Walden, 1734. John, D. of Montagu, K.G. and K.B. aft. E. of Suffolk, K.G. 1740. Chas., D. of Bolton, K.G. 1742. Allen, ld., aft. E. Bathurst. RING CHARLEs I. 1745. John, ld. Hobart ; aft. E. of Buck- 1625. Theophilus, ld. Howard de Walden, inghamshire, K. B. - aft. E. of Suffolk, contal. 1756. John, ld. Berkeley, of Stratton. 1635. Wm., E. of Salisbury, K.G., May. 1643. Fras., ld. Dunsmore, aft. E. of KING GEORGE III. - Chichester. 1760. John, ld. Berkeley, of Stratton, contal. - KING CHARLES II. 1762. Geo. Hy., E. of Lichfield, July 17 * * Wm., E. of Salisbury, again. 1772. Geo., ld, Edgcumbe, Dec. 31; aft. 1660. Thos., E. of Cleveland, visc. Mount-Edgcumbe and Valle- 1661. Geo., E. of Norwich. tort. 1662. Thos., E. of Cleveland, again. 1782. Geo., ld. Ferrers, or de Ferrers, aft. 1667. John, ld. Belasyse of Worlaby. E. of Leicester and M. Towns- 1672. Thos., visc. Fauconberg. hend, Mar. 29. 1674. Wentworth, E. of Roscommon. 1783. Geo. Bussy, E. of Jersey, May 14. 1684. Robt., E. of Scarsdale. Geo., ld, Ferrers, again, Dec. 31. 300 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1797. Geo. Evelyn, E. of Falmouth. KING GEORGE IV. 1799. Heneage, E. of Aylesford. 1820. Jas. Geo., E. of Courtown, contal. 1804. Geo., E. of Macclesfield. 1827. Hy., visc. Hereford. 1806. Geo. Richd., visct. St. John, Feb. 19. RING WILLIAM IV. 1808. Richd., E. of Mount-Edgcumbe, Mar. 1830. Hy., visc. Hereford, contal. 19. Thos., ld. Foley, Dec. 8. 1812. Jas. Geo., E. of Courtown, Apr. 1833. Thos. Hy., ld. Foley, May. 11. CAPTAINS OF THE CORPS OF GENTLEMEN-AT-ARMs. IFrom the alteration in the name, March 17, 1834. 1834. Thos. Hy., ld. Foley, above named, 1869. Geo. Aug. Constantine, M. of Nor- Mar 17. manby, Dec. 17. Hy., visc. Hereford, Dec. 30. 1871. Fras. Thos. De Grey, E. Cowper, 1835. Thos. Hy., ld. Foley, again, May 6. Apr. 20. 1874. Hy. Edwd., E. of Ilchester, Jan. 1, G. QUEEN VICTORIA. Wm. Alleyne, M. of Exeter, again, 1841. John. Geo., ld. Forester, Sept. 8. Mar. 2, G. 1846. Thos. Hy., ld. Foley, again, July | 1875. Chas. Jno., E. of Shrewsbury and 24 Talbot, Feb 4, G. 1852. John Wm., E. of Sandwich, Feb. 1877. Geo. Wm., E. of Coventry, May 28, 27, G. G. Thos. Hy, ld. Foley, again, Dec. 1880. Alexr. Wm. Geo., E. of Fife, May 30, G. 3, G. 1858. Hy"jno., E. Talbot, aft. E. of 1881. Chas. M. of Huntley Jan. 21, G. Shrewsbury and Talbot, Feb. Chas. Robt., ld. Carrington, June 24, G. 27, G. 1859. Thos. Hy., ld. Foley, again, June | 1885 Geo. Wm., E. of Coventry, again, * July 6, G. 1866. Chas, E. of Tankerville, July 10, 1886. Chas. Douglas Richd., ld. Sudeley, G. Feb. 10, G. 1867. Wm. Alleyne, M. of Exeter, Mar. Geo. Wm., visc. Barrington, Aug. 5, 20. G. 1868. Thos. Hy., ld. Foley, again, Dec. Fras. Robt., E. of Rosslyn, Nov. 24, 12, G. G. POETS LAUREATE. THE origin of this office cannot be precisely traced, nor can a complete list be furnished. Warton, in his History of English Poetry, states that in the reign of Henry III, there was a Versificator Regis, and there is reason to suppose that Chaucer held this or some analogous office. The first mention of a PoET LAUREATE was in the reign of Edward IV., when the name of John Kay, or Key, occurs as holding that appoint- ment. The name of Andrew Bernard occurs in the reign of Henry VII, and the name of John Skelton in the reign of Henry VIII. Edmund Spenser was the first Poet Laureate in the reign of Elizabeth, and from this time the succession appears to be tolerably regular. Wherever in the following list the date of the appointment is not given, it was pro- bably shortly after the death of the predecessor. PoETS LAUREATE. * # * * * | Hen.VII.&M. Andrew Bernard. 1369. Geoffrey Chaucer. Hen. VIII. W. John Skelton. % % * :}; * * * * * Edw. IV. John Kay or Key. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 301 Eliz. Edmund Spenser, d. Jan. 15, 1599. 1730. ColleyCibber, Dec.; d. Dec. 12, 1757. * * Saml. Daniel, d. Oct. 14. 1619. 1757. Wm. Whitehead, Dec. 28; d. Apr. 1619. Ben Jonson, d. Aug. 16, 1637. 14, 1785. * * Sir Wm. Davenant, d. Apr. 7, 1785. Thos. Warton, Apr. 30, sw. ; d. 1668. May 21, 1790. 1670. John Dryden, removed 1688; d. May 1790. Hy. Jas. Pye, July 17; d. Aug. 11, 1, 1700 or 1701. 1813. 1688. Thos Shadwell, d. Dec. 6, 1692. 1813. Robt. Southey, Nov, 11. G.; d. Mar. 1692 or 1693. Nahum Tate, d. Aug 12, 21, 1843. 1715. 1843. Wm. Wordsworth, Apr. 6, G.; d. * * Nicholas Rowe, d. Dec. 6, 1718. Apr. 23, 1850. 1718 or 1719. Laurence Eusden, d. Sept. 27, 1850. Alfred Tennyson, aft. li. Tenny- 1730. son, Nov. 21, G. EXAMINERS OF STAGE PLAYS. THE act 10 Geo. II. cap. 28 provides that after June 24, 1737, every stage play, &c., shall, previous to performance, be submitted to the Lord Chamberlain for approval. This act is now repealed, but these pro- visions are repeated in 6 & 7 Vict. cap. 68 (Aug. 22, 1843), the act now regulating stage plays. ExAMINERS OF STAGE PLAYs. * * *k * * 1781. Jas. Trail, deputy, vice Capell. 1741. — Lee, “ Master of the Revels.” 1783. John Larpent, alone. 1743. Wm. Chetwynd, “Principal Master | 1824. Geo. Colman, Feb. 24, G. of the Revels.” 1836. Chas. Kemble, Oct. 27, G. Thos Odell, deputy. Wm. Chetwynd, inspector of plays. Thos. Odell, deputy. Edwd. Capell, deputy, vice Odell. John Larpent, inspector, vice Chet- wynd, Nov. 20. 1840. Jno. Mitchell Kemble, Feb. 22, 1747. 1749. 1778. 1857. 1874. G. Wm. Bodham Donne, Mar. 31, G. Edwd. Fredk. Smyth Pigott, Aug. 25, G DEPARTMENT OF THE MASTER OF THE HORSE. MASTERS OF THE EIORSE. THIs office is always filled by noblemen of great rank. The Master of the Horse has the management and direction of all matters relating to the royal stables and of the revenue appropriated to this branch of the royal household. He has the privilege of using horses belonging to the crown, and of being attended by pages and servants attached to his department. In royal processions and on occasions of state he usually rides in the same carriage with the sovereign or is in immediate atten- dance. The office is now a political one, and the holder resigns on a change of ministry. MASTERS OF THE HORSE. ECING HENRY WIII. * * Sir Thos. Knivet. * * Sir Nichs. Carew. 1539. Sir Anthy. Brown. IKING EDWARD VI. 1547. Sir Anthy. Brown, contal. 1548. Sir Wm. Herbert, aft. lá. Herbert and E. of Pembroke, May. 1552. Ambrose, E. of Warwick. QUEEN MARY. 1556. Sir Hy. Jermyngham. 302 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1559. Sir Robt. Dudley, aft. E. of Leices- ter; Jan. 11. 1588. Robt., E. of Essex. 1602. Edwd., E. of Worcester. KING JAMES I. 1603. Edwd., E. of Worcester, contal. 1616. Geo., visc. Williers, aft. D. of Buck- ingham. KING CHARLES I. 1625. Geo., D. of Buckingham, contal. 1629. Jas., M., and aft. D. of Hamilton. JKING CHARLES II. 1660. Geo., D. of Albemarle. 1665. Jas., D. of Monmouth and Buccleuch. 1672. Geo., D. of Buckingham. 1673. Hy. Guy. Theophilus Oglethorpe, and * 3: J Chas. Adderley, Commrs. during the minority of Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox. 1679. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox. FCING WILLIAM III. 1689. Hy. de Nassau d'Auverquerque. QUEEN ANNE. 1702. Chas., D. of Somerset. RING GEORGE I. 1714. Chas., D. of Somerset, contal. Hon. Conyers D’Arcy. * 1715. {#. Negus. Commrs. 1717. Hy. Berkeley, commr., vice D’Arcy, June 14. - Fras. Negus, June 27, apptd. and contd. sole commit. till the acces- sion of George II. RING GEORGE II. 1727. Richd., E. of Scarborough, June 15. 1734 {#. Jas. Lumley. º l Hon. Hy. Berkeley. May. 1735. Chas., D. of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny, Jan. 9. Wm., M. of Hartington, aft. D. of Devonshire. 1755. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset. 1757, Granville, E. Gower. 1751. EING GEORGE III. 1760. Fras., E. of Huntingdon. 1761. John, D. of Rutland. 1766. 1778. 1780. 1790. 1795. 1798. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1821. 1827. 1830. 1835. . Hugh Lupus, D. Fras., E. of Hertford, aft. 1st E. of Yarmouth and M. of Hertford Aug. Peregrine, D. of Ancaster and Kes- teven, Dec. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, Dec. 10. Geo., D. of Montagu, Dec. 11. Jas., D. of Montrose, Dec. 7. John, E. of Westmorland, Mar. Philip, E. of Chesterfield, Feb. 14. Fras., 2nd M. of Hertford, July 21. Hy., E. of Carnarvon, Feb. 11. Jas., D. of Montrose, Apr. 4. RING GEORGE TV. Chas., D. of Dorset, Dec. 11. Geo. Wm. Fredk., D. of Leeds, May 4. RING WILLIAM IV. Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, Nov. 22. Chas., D. of Dorset, again, Jan. 1. Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, again, Apr. 25. QUEEN VICTORIA. . Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, conta, June 20. . Geo. Child, E. of Jersey, Sept. 4. . Hy. Chas., D. of Norfolk, July 1 I . Geo. º Child, E. of Jersey, again, Mar. 1, G. . Arthur Richd., D. of Wellington, Jan. 21, G. . Hy. Chas. FitzRoy, D. of Beaufort, Feb. 26, G. . Geo. Wm. Fredk., M. of Ailesbury, June 24, G. . Hy. Chas. FitzRoy, D. of Beaufort, again, July 18, G. . Geo. Wm. Fredk., M. of Ailesbury, K.G., again, Dec. 12, sw. . Orlando Geo. Chas., E. of Bradford, Mar. 5, sw. of Westminster, May 3, sw. . Orlando Geo. Chas., E. of Bradford, again, June 27, sw. . Richd. Edmd. St. Lawrence, E. of Cork and Orrery, K.P., Feb. 10. Wm. Jno. Arthur Chas. Jas., D. of Portland, Aug. 9, G. MASTERS OF THE BUCKHOUNDS. This office is in the department of the Master of the Horse. It is always filled by a nobleman, and, being a political office, the holder resigns on a change of ministry. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 303 MASTERs of THE BUCKHounds FROM THE Accession of George III. KING GEORGE III. 1852. Jas. Alexr., E. of Rosslyn, again, * * Jno., visc. Bateman. Feb. 28, G. 1782. Geo. Bussy, E. of Jersey. 1853. Jno. Geo. Brabazon, E. of Bess- 1783. *g § Hinchinbroke, aft. E. of borough, again, Dec. 30, G. andwich. º 1806. Wi. Chas., E. of Albemarle, Feb. 1858. ºwn. , E. of Sandwich, Feb. 26, , G. 1859. Jno. Geo. Brabazon, E. of Bess- Chas., M. Cornwallis. borough, again, June 18, G. KING GEORGE IV. 1866. Richd. Edmd. St. Lawrence, E. of 1820. Chas., M. Cornwallis, conta. Cork and Orrery, Jan. 23, G. 1823. Wm., ld, Maryborough, Sept. 12, G. Chas. Jno., ld. Colville of Culross, July 10, G. King William IV. 1868. Richd. Edmd. St. Lawrence, E. of 1830. Thos. Wm., visc. Anson, aft. E. of Cork and Orrery, again, Dec. 12, Lichfield, Nov. 24. Q 1834. Geo., E. of Chesterfield, Dec. 30, G. 1874. Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, Mar. 1885. Wm. Geo., E. of Errol, Apr. 30, G. 2, G. QUEEN VICTORIA. 1880. Richd. Edmd. St. Lawrence, E. of 1839. Geo. Wm. Fox, ld. Kinnaird, Dec. Cork and Orrery, K.P., again 21, G. - May 3, G. 1841. Jas. Alex., E. of Rosslyn, Sept. 10, 1885. Jno. Hy. De la Poer, M. of Waterford, K.P., June 27, G. G. 1846. Granville Geo., E. Granville, July 9, 1886. Chas., ld. Suffield, K.C.B., Feb. 17, G. G. 1848. Jno. Geo. Brabazon, E. of Bess- Geo. Wm., E. of Coventry, Aug. 16, borough, May 16, G. G. GROOMS OF THE STOLE. THE Groom of the Stole, a high officer of the royal household, whose office existed until the commencement of the present reign, was first Lord of the Bedchamber, and derived his official distinction from having the custody of the long robe or vestment worn by the king on. solemn occasions of state, called the Stole. GROOMS OF THE STOLE. From the Restoration to the discontinuance of the office in 1837. RING CHARLES II, - QUEEN ANNE.* 1660. John, E. of Bath. 1704. Sarah, duch. of Marlborough. 1710. Elizth., duch. of Somerset. RING JAMES II. 1685. Hy., E. of Peterborough. KING GEORGE I. 1714. Lionel Cranfield, E. of Dorset and RING WILLIAM III. Middlesex, aft. D. of Dorset. 1689. Wm., E. of Portland. 1719. Chas., E. of Sunderland. 1699, Hy., E. of Romney. 1723. Fras., E. of Godolphin. * Though somewhat incongruous in name, the office of groom of the stole was con- tinued when Queen Anne was on the throne, and combined the duties of mistress of the robes. 304 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. KING GEORGE II, Fras., E. of Godolphin, contal. Hy., E. of Pembroke, Jan. 9. Wm. Anne, E. of Albemarle. Wm. Hy., E. of Rochford. RING GEORGE III. John, E. of Bute. Fras., E. of Huntingdon. Geo. Wm., E. of Bristol. - Thos., visc. Weymouth, aft. M. of Bath, Mar. John, E. of Ashburnham, Nov. Thos., visc. Weymouth, aft. M. of Bath, again. 1727. L735. 1750. 1755. 1760. 1761. 1770. 1775. 1782. 1796. John, D. of Roxburgh, Nov. 30. 1804. Geo., E. of Winchilsea and Notting- ham, May 14. 1812. Chas. Ingoldsby, M. of Winchester. EING GEORGE IV. 1820. Chas. Ingoldsby, M. of Winchester, conta. FCING WILLIAM IV. 1830. Chas. Ingoldsby, M. of Winchester, contal. Office discontinued on the accession of Q, Victoria, in 1837. MISTRESSES OF THE ROBES. THIS lady performs for the Queen, whether regnant or consort, duties analogous to those performed by the groom of the stole for the king; but mistress of the robes to a queen regnant is an office of more political importance than that of mistress of the robes to a queen consort. Mary, duchess of Ancaster and Kesteven, held this appointment in the household of Queen Charlotte, consort of George III. ; and the duchess dowager of Leeds in that of Queen Adelaide, consort of William IV. MISTRESSES OF THE ROBEs To QUEEN VICTORIA. . Harriett Elizth. Georgiana, duch. of Sutherland, Aug. 29. . Charlotte, duch. of Buccleugh, Sept. 6. Sutherland, again, July 6. . Anne, duch. of Athole, Mar. 16, G. . Harriett Elizth. Georgiana, duch, of Sutherland, again, Jan. 15, G. . Louise Fredericke Augusta, duch. of Manchester, Feb. 26, G. . Harriett Elizth. Georgiana, duch. of Sutherland, again, June 22, G. . Elizth., duch, of Wellington, Apr. 25, G. . Harriett Elizth. Georgiana, duch. of 1868. Elizth. Georgiana, duch. of Argyll, Dec. 17, G. Anna, duch. of Sutherland, Jan. 22,6. Elizth., duch. of Wellington, again, Mar. 2, G. Elizth., duch. of Bedford, May 3, G. Anne, duch. of Roxburghe, Jan. 11, 1870. 1874. 1880. 1883. 1885. Louisa Jane, duch. of Buccleuch, June 27, G.; res. Feb. 1886. The duch. of Bedford declined to accept the office under Mr. Glad- stone's govt., but performed the duties as acting-mistress, Feb. Louisa Jane, duch. of Buccleuch, again, Aug. 5, G. 1886. 1886. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 305 PART IV. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF COUNTIES, GOVERNORS AND CONSTABLES OF CASTLES, &c. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF COUNTIES– ENGLAND AND WALES. THE militia, or ancient land force for the protection of the kingdom against invasion, was originally under the command of commissioners of array, who, about the reign of Edward VI., were superseded by commis- sioners of lieutenancy for each county, at the head of whom was an officer styled a lieutenant, or lord lieutenant. Strype, in his Memorials, gives 1549 as the date of their first appointment, and statutes of 2 & 3 Edwd. VI. and 4 & 5 Ph. and M. speak of the office as then in existence. The right of the crown to appoint these officers, and through them to com- mand the militia, was one of the matters in dispute between Charles I. and his parliament, but on the Restoration, by statutes 13 Chas. II. cap. 6, and 14 Chas. II, cap. 3, the right of the crown was expressly declared, and the militia of each county was placed under the lord lieu- tenant, in whom the appointment of deputy lieutenants and officers was vested either directly or by recommendation. These rights remained un- disturbed until 1871, when, by the “Army Regulation Act ’’ (34 & 35 Wict. cap. 86) the control of the militia was removed from the lord lieutenant and vested wholly in the crown. Besides his duties as head of the militia, the lord lieutenant is con- sidered the chief magistrate of his county, and justices of the peace are made by the lord chancellor on his recommendation. Great difficulty has been experienced in procuring complete lists of the lord lieutenants, and in many instances it has been found impossible to commence earlier than the reign of George III. The county histories, which almost invariably give the sheriffs and members of parliament 20 306 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. from the earliest times, seldom give a list of the lord lieutenants, although undoubtedly the highest office in the county. ENGLAND. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BBDFORDSHIRE. * * * 1859. Francis, D. of Bedford, K.G., Nov. 1745. John, D. of Bedford, Apr. 23. 29, sw. * 1771. John, E. of Upper Ossory, Jan. 24. 1861. Fras. Thos. De Grey, E. Cowper, 1818. Thos. Philip, ld. Grantham, aft. E. Nov. 20, sw. de Grey, Feb. 13. TORD LIEUTENANTS OF BERKSHIRE. * * * 1855. Montagu, 6th E. of Abingdon, Feb. 1751. Geo., D. of St. Albans, Dec. 15. 28, sw. - - 1761. Were, ld. Were. 1881. Geo. Grimston, E. of Craven, Aug. 1771. Geo., D. of St. Albans, July 19. 11. 1786. Wm., ld. Craven, Mar. | 1884. Ernest Aug. Chas., M. of Ailesbury, 1791. Jacob, E. of Radnor, Dec. Jan. 11. 1819. Wm., E. of Craven, Nov. 12. 1886. Robt. Jas., ld. Wantage, Nov. 1826. Montagu, 5th E. of Abingdon, May 3. 10. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. •k * # aft. D. of Buckingham, Feb. 1758. Richd., E. Temple, Dec. 22. . 23, G. 1763. Fras., ld, le Despencer. 1839. Robt. John, ld. Carrington, Feb. . 1781. Philip, E. of Chesterfield, Nov. 20, sw. - 1782. Geo. Nugent, aft. E. Temple and M. 1868. Richd. Plantagenet Campbell Temple. of Buckingham, Mar. 27. Nugent Brydges Chandos, D. of 1813. Richd. Chandos, M. of Buckingham, Buckingham and Chandos, Apr. 3. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CAMBRIDGESHIRE. t *k k •k 1834. Thos. Clifton. - 1757. Philip, visc. Royston, aft. 2nd E. of 1840. Chas. Philip, 4th E. of Hardwicke. Hardwicke, Aug. 23. 1874. Chas. Watson Townley, Jan. 17. 1790. Philip, 3rd E. of Hardwicke, June. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CHESHIRE. See “Anglesey,” post, p. 314. 1569. Edwd., 3rd E. of Derby, Nov. 18. 1693. Richd., visc. Colchester. 1574. Hy., 4th E. of Derby, Apr. 24. 1708. Hugh, 1st E. of Cholmondeley; 1607. Wm., 6th E. of Derby, Dec. 22. removed 1713, rest. 1714. - 1626. Jas., 7th E. of Derby, Sept. 27. 1725. Geo., 2nd E. of Cholmondeley, Mar. 1660. Chas., 8th E. of Derby, July 30. 20 1672. John, E. of Bridgewater, during 1727. Geo., visc. Malpas, aft. 3rd E. of minority of Wm. Richd. Geo., 9th Cholmondeley, Nov. 2. E. of Derby. 1771. Geo. Jas., 4th E. and aft. 1st. M. of 1676. Wm. Richd. Geo., 9th E. of Derby; Cholmondeley. removed by Jas. II. . 1783. Geo. Harry, 5th E. of Stamford 1688. Same, again app. - and Warrington, May 14. r 1689. Hy., ld, Delamere, Apr. 12. 1819. Geo. Harry, 6th E. of Stamford and * -- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 307 1845 1660. 1692. 1696. 1702, 1705. 1710. 1711. 1713. 1759. 1802. 1756. 1764. 1766. 1782. 1751. 1771. 1788, 1839. 1585. 1588. 1598. 1635. 1640. 1641. 3. * * * 1667. 1674. 1680. 1702. Warrington, June 14, G.; Oct. 11, SW. Richd., M. of Westminster, June 30, SW. 1868. 1883. Wm. Tatton, ld. Egerton of Tatton, Jan. 28, sw. Hugh Lupus, D. of Westminster, Mar. 24. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CORNWALL. 17—. 1740. John, E. of Bath. Chas. Visc. Lansdowne, son of E. of Bath, joined with him. Chas. Bodville, E. of Radnor. John Granville, aft. li. Granville. 1761. Sidney, ld. Godolphin, aft. visc. 1795. Rialton and E. of Godolphin. 1840. Lawrence, E. of Rochester. 1856. Hy., E. of Rochester. Chas. Bodville, E. of Radnor, again; d. 1723. 1877. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF 1844. 1868. * * * Sir Jas. Lowther, aft. Visc. Lowther and E. of Lonsdale, Dec. 13. Wm., visc. Lowther, aft. 1st E. of Lonsdale (second creation), June 16, sw. 1876. Hy., E. of Radnor. Hon. Richd. Edgcumbe, aft. Edgcumbe. - Geo., ld. Edgcumbe, aft. wisc. and E. of Mount-Edgcumbe. Richd., E. of Mount-Edgcumbe. Sir Wm. Trelawny, bt., Jan. 15, sw. Chas. Crespigny, ld. Vivian, Dee. 29, sw. Wm. Hy., E. of Mount-Edgcumbe, Nov. 2, G. ld. CUMBERLAND. Wm., 2nd E. of Lonsdale, Apr. 17, sw. Hy. Lowther, aft. 3rd E. of Lonsdale, Dec. 2, G. Joselyn Fras., ld. Muncaster, Sept. 27, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF I) ERBYSHIRE. * * * Wm., 4th D. of Devonshire, Jan. 17. John, M. of Granby, Feb. 21. Lord Geo. Cavendish, June 17. Wm., 5th D. of Devonshire, June 18. | 1811. 1858. Wm. Spencer, 6th D. of Devonshire, Aug. 19, SW. Wm., 7th D. of Devonshire, May 7, SW. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF DEVONSHIRE, * * * John, D. of Bedford, June 21. Were, E. Poulett, Jan. 23. Hugh, ld., aft. 1st E. Fortescue, May. Hugh, visc. Ebrington, aft. 2nd E. Fortescue, Nov., Sw. 1861. 1886. 1887. Edwd. Adolphus, D. of Somerset, Nov. 20, sw. Stafford Hy., E. of Iddesleigh, Jan. 21. Chas. Hy. Rolle, ld. Clinton, Feb. 6, G. LORD IIIEUTENANTS OF DORSETSHIRE. Fras., E. of Bedford. 1707. Wm., M. of Winchester. 1708 Thos., visc. Bindon, d. 1619. 1727. Theophilus, E. of Suffolk. 1733. Fras., ld. Cottington. Jas., E. of Salisbury. Sir John Bankes. Denzil, ld. Holles. Anthy., ld. Ashley, Shaftesbury, May 27. ¥ John, ld. Paulet of Hinton, July 6. John, E. of Bristol. Chas., 2nd D. of Bolton, July 1. 1771. 1793. 1803. 1808. 1856. aft. E. of 1885. Algernon, E. of Essex. Chas., 2nd D. of Bolton, again. Chas., 3rd D. of Bolton, Sept. 2. Anthy., 4th E. of Shaftesbury, Mar. 20. - Hy., ld., aft. E. Digby, June 7. Geo., ld. Rivers, Oct. Geo., E. of Dorchester, June 17, sw. Edwd., E. Digby, Mar. 16, sw. Anthy. , 7th E. of Shaftesbury, June 24, sw. Hy. Edwd., E. of Ilchester, Nov. 5, 20 * 308 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1754. 1761. 1762. 1690. 1704. 1715. 1727. 1741. 1747. 1588, 1605. . Robt. Richd., E. of Warwick. . Christr., D. of Albemarle, Nov. . Hy., E. of Suffolk and Bindon, Oct. 14 . Chas. Wm., E. of Suffolk, Oct. 29. . Benjn., E. Fitzwalter, May. . Wm. Hy., E. of Rochford, Apr. 6. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF DURBIAM. Cuthbert Tunstall, bp. of Durham, 1715. 1721. . Hy., E. of Westmorland, May 7 ; 1754. | 1758. 1792. ld. pres. of the North and lå. lieut. d. 1563. Sir Geo. Bowes, lieut. for the Crown. Algernon Percy, E. of Northumber- land, ld, lieut. for the Parlt. . Thos., visc. Fauconberg. . Nathl. Crewe, bp. of Durham, aft ld. Crewe. | . Richd., visc. Lumley, aft. E. of 1880. Scarborough. | . Nathl., ld. Crewe, bp. of Durham, 1884. again. 1842. 1854. Richd., E. of Scarborough, again. Wm. Talbot, bp. of Durham. Hy., 1st E. of Darlington. Hy., 2nd E. of Darlington. Wm. Hy., 3rd E. of Darlington, aft. D. of Cleveland. Chas. Wm., M. Apr. 27, G. Geo. Fredk. D’Arcy, E. of Durham, Aug. 11, Sw. Geo. Hy. Robt. Chas. Wm., M. of Londonderry, June 8, G. Jno. Geo., E. of Durham, Dec. 1, G. of Londonderry, LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ESSEX. John, ld. Petre. Thos., visc. Colchester, aft. E. Rivers. Geo., D. of Albemarle. Hy., E. of Thomond. 1781. 1784. 1798. 1825. 1865. 1869. 1873. John, E. Waldegrave, Oct. 12. John, ld. Howard of Walden, Nov. 13. Richd., ld. Braybrooke, Jan. 19. Hy., visc. Maynard, Apr. 20. Thos. Crosbi Wm., ld. Dacre, Nov. 14, sw. Thos. Burch Western, May 8, G. Chichester Saml. Parkinson For- tescue, aft. li. Carlingford, Aug. 27, G. LORD TLIEUTENANTS OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” post, p. 314. * * * Matthew, 2nd lå. Ducie, Feb. 14. Jno., ld. Chudworth. Norbonne Berkeley, aft. li. Botte- tourt. | 1766. 1810. 1836. 1857. Fredk., E. of Berkeley, July 5. Hy. Chas., D. of Beaufort, Aug. 22,6. Wm. Fitzhardinge, ld. Seagrave, aft. E. Fitzhardinge, Feb. 3, sw. Hy. John, E. of Ducie, Nov. 4, sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF HAMPSHIRE. See “Southamptonshire,” post, p. 311. TIORD LIEUTENANTS OF HEREFORDSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” post, p. 314. º 36 * Chas., E., aft. D. of Shrewsbury. Hy., E., aft. D. of Kent. Thos., ld. Coningsby. Jas., D. of Chandos. Chas. Hanbury Williams. Jno., visc. Bateman. 1802. 1817. 1841. 1845. 1852. Geo., E. of Essex, Mar. 24, sw. John, ld. Somers, Aug. 26, G. Wm., ld. Bateman. Jno. Somers, E. Somers, Aug. 8, sw. Wm. Bateman, ld. Bateman, Nov. 10, G. LIEUTENANTS AND TORD LIEUTENANTS OF HERTFORDSHIFE. LIEUTENANTs. Sir Rowland Lytton. Robt., E. of Salisbury, Aug. 5. 1612. Wm., E. of Salisbury, July 10. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 309 LORD LIEUTENANTs. 1660. Arthur, E. of Essex. 1764. Wm. Anne Holles, E. of Essex, Oct. 1681. Jno., E. of Bridgwater, Feb. 10. 10. 1686. Lawrence, E. of Rochester. 1771. Jas., visc. Cranborne, aft. M. of 1689. Chas., E. of Shrewsbury, during Salisbury, Mar. 1. - minority of E. of Essex. 1823. Jas. Walter, 1st E. of Verulam, July 1691. Algernon, E. of Essex. 16, sw. 1711. Jas., E. of Salisbury. 1846. Jas. Walter, 2nd E. of Verulam, Jan. 1714. Wm., E. Cowper. 21, sw. IORD LIEUTENANTS OF HIUNTINGDONSHIRE. º: * * I793. Wm., D. of Manchester, Mar. 1. 1739. Robt., D. of Manchester, Nov. 3. 1841. Jno. Wm., E. of Sandwich, Sept. 14, 1762. Geo., D. of Manchester. SW 1789. Geo., D. of Montagu, May 15. 1884. Fras. Chas. Hastings, D. of Bedford, 1790. Jas., M. of Graham, aft. D. of K.G., Apr. 7, G. Montrose, June. TIORD LIEUTENANTS OF KENT. 1559. Wm., ld. Cobham. '1737. Lewis, 2nd E. of Rockingham, Jan. I2 1598. Hy., ld. Cobham, attainted 1 Jas. I. tº 1624. Philip, E. of Montgomery, Mar. 17. 1746. Thos., E. of Rockingham. 1660. Heneage, E. of Winchilsea. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, July. 1672. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lennox; 1766. Chas., D. of Dorset, Feb. 10. d. 1672. 1769. Jno. Fredk., D. of Dorset. 1687. Christr., ld. Tenham, Jan. 16. 1797. Chas., ld., aft. E. of Romney. 1692. Vere, E. of Westmoreland, and 1808. John Jeffreys, E., aft. M. Camden, Hy., visc. Sidney; jointly. The E. Mav 25. of Westmorland d. 1693. 1841. Hy., E. of Thanet. 1702. Danl., E. of Nottingham, May. 1846. Geo. Augs., E. Cowper, Nov. 14, 1704. Chas., E. of Winchilsea. SW. 1705. Lewis, ld., aft. 1st E. of Rocking- | 1856. Jno. Robt., visc., aft. E. Sydney, ham, Apr. 16. June 24, sw. 1724. John, E. of Leicester, May 5. LORD IIIEUTENANTS OF LANCASHIRE. Baines, in his history of Lancashire (1831–5), states that the first lord lieutenant for this county was the duke of Norfolk, followed by the earl of Shrewsbury, who was succeeded by Edward, earl of Derby, and that almost ever since the office has been held by the successive holders of that title. * * * 1851. Chas. Wm., E. of Sefton, July 17, sw. * * John Smith, c.c. lá. Strange. 1856. Fras., E. of Ellesmere, Apr. 9, sw. 1771. Edwd., ld. Stanley, aft. 12th E. of 1857. Wm., E. of Burlington, Mar. 20, sw. Derby, July 19. 1858. Wm. Philip, E. of Sefton, Apr. 6, 1834. Edw., 13th E. of Derby, Nov. 20, sw. SW. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF LEICESTERSHIRE. * * * 1857. Chas. Cecil John, 6th D. of Rutland 1721. John, 3rd D. of Rutland, Apr. 26. Mar. 20, sw. 1779. Chas., 4th D. of Rutland, July 6. 1888. Richd. Wm. Penn, E. Howe, C.B.; 1787. Hy., D. of Beaufort, Dec. 5. June 18, G. 1799. John Hy. , 5th D. of Rutland, July 10, SW, 310 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1742. 1778. 1779. 1809. T714. 1762. 1794. 1715. 1720. 1728. 1732. 1771. 1757. 1792. 1808. 1749. 1771. 1796. 1753. 1786." LORD LIEUTENANTS OF T.INCOLNSHIRE. * •k * 1852. Chas. Cecil Jno., M. of Granby, aft, Peregrine, 3rd D. of Ancaster and D. of Rutland, Aug. 18, Sw. FCesteven, Jan. 1. 1857. Chas. Anderson Worsley, E. of Yar- Robt., D. of Ancaster and Kesteven, borough, Feb. 7, G. Dec. 15. 1862. Gilbert John, ld. Aveland, Mar. Brownlow, D. of Ancaster and 12, sw. Resteven, Aug. 9. 1867. Adelbert Wellington Brownlow, E. John, ld., aft. E. Brownlow, Mar. 1, Brownlow, Nov. 22, sw. SW. IORD LIFUTENANTS OF MIDDLESEX. º: 3& 3& 1842. Jas. Brownlow Wm., M. of Salisbury, Thos., D. of Newcastle, Oct. 9. Feb. 2, sw. Hugh, E., aft. 3rd D. of Northum- 1868. Arthur Richd., D. of Wellington, berland, d. 1786, when the office May 4, G. was placed in commission until 1884. Geo. Hy. Chas., visc. Enfield, aft, Wm. Hy. Cavendish, M. of Titch- E. of Strafford, Sept. 20. fleld, aft. D. of Portland, Aug. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MONMOUTHSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” post, p. 314, and “Brecknockshire,” post, p. 315. k * k 1803. Hy. Chas., 6th D. of Beaufort, Oct. John Morgan, Oct. 27. 26, sw. Wm. Morgan, June 21. 1836. Capel Hanbury Leigh, Feb. 3, sw. Sir Wm. Morgan, June 26. 1861. Benjn., ld. Llanover, Nov. 20, sw. Thos. Morgan, June 18. 1867. Hy. Chas. Fitzroy, 8th D. of Beau- Hy., 5th D. of Beaufort, Dec. 24. fort, May 17, sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF NORFOLK. * •k * 1822. Hon. John Wodehouse, aft. lá. Geo., E. of Orford, June 21. Wodehouse, Mar. 28, sw. Geo., Marq. Townshend, Feb. 15. 1846. Thos. Wm., E. of Leicester, Aug. 1, Wm. Assheton Harbord, aft. li. SW, Suffield, Mar. 2. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. * * •k 1828. John, E. of Westmorland, June 28, Geo. Montagu, E. of Halifax, Nov. SW. 23, sw. 1842. Brownlow, M. of Exeter, Feb. 2, G. Spencer, E. of Northampton, July 19, 1867. Chas., ld. Southampton, Mar. 1, sw. Chas., E., aft. M. of Northampton. 1872. John Poyntz, E. Spencer, Aug. 10, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF NORTHUMBERLAND. * * 3& June 15, 1798, when the duke was * * again app. Hugh, E., aft. 3rd D. of Northum- 1817. Hugh, 5th D. of Northumberland, berland, Mar. 20. July 24, sw Hugh, 4th D. of Northumberland, 1847. Hy., E. Grey, Feb. 27, sw. Sept. 2; res. 1798. The office was 1877. Algernon Geo., D. of Northumber- then put into commission until land, Dec. 27, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 311 1763. 1765. 1768. 1794. 1795. 1760. 1817. 1842. 1761. 1764. 1772. 1775. 1711. 1744. 1764. 1773. 1774. 1759. 1763. 1764. 1771. 1780. 1782. 1793. LORD TLIEUTENANTS OF NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. * * 3& 1809. Evelyn, D. of Kingston, Jan. 10. * Thos. Holles, D. of Newcastle, Sept. 1840. 7. 1857. Hy. Fiennes, D. of Newcastle, Dec. 16. 1864. Thos., D. of Newcastle, Apr. 30. 1880. Wm. Hy. Cavendish, 3rd D. of Portland, June 20. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF * 3& * I857. Geo., 4th D. of Marlborough, Mar. 21. 1883. Geo., 7th E. of Macclesfield. Geo., 6th D. of Marlborough, Apr. 1887. 27, sw. Hy. Pelham, 4th D. of Newcastle, Dec. 20, sw. John, E. of Scarborough. Hy. Pelham, 5th D. of Newcastle, Feb. 2, sw. Edwd., ld, Belper, Nov. 25, sw. Wm. Amelius Aubrey de Vere, D. of St. Albans, Aug. 18, sw. OXFORDSHIRE. John Winston, 7th D. borough, Aug. 27, Sw. Sir Hy. Wm. Dashwood, bt., Aug. 13, G. Victor Albert Geo., E. of Jersey, of Marl- TIORD LIEUTENANTS OF RUTLANDSHIRE. * * * . Brownlow, ld. Burghley, aft. 9th E. of Exeter, June 21. . Geo., E. of Winchilsea and Notting- ham, Mar. 19. 1826. 1867. 1881. Brownlow, 4th M. of Exeter, Now. 20. Chas. Geo., E. Mar. 6, sw. Wm. John Manners, E. of Dysart, Oct. 29, G. of Gainsborough, TIORD LIEUTENANTS OF SEIROPSHIRE. * •k * 1839. Wm., E. of Bath. Hy. Arthur, E. of Powis, Aug. 17. 1845. Robt., ld. Clive, Oct. 9. 1875. Edwd., ld. Clive, aft. E. of Powis, Apr. 7. LORD LIEUTENANTS “k 3& º John, 1st E. Poulett, Jan. 30; to Sept., 1714. •k * John, 2nd E. Poulett, Jan. Percy, E. of Thomond, Nov. 30. John Jas., E. of Egmont, Feb. 12. Fredk., ld. North, aft. E. of Guild- ford, Mar. 15. * 1837. 1839. 1864. Geo. Granville, D. of Sutherland, Aug. 26, Sw. Rowland, visc. Hill, Nov. 20, sw. Orlando Geo. Chas., E. of Bradford, Jan. 23, G. OF SOMERSETSHIRE. 1792. 1819. John, 4th E. Poulett, Oct. 26. Thos., 2nd M. of Bath, Feb. 8, G. Hy., E. of Ilchester, Apr. 19, sw. Edwd., ld. Portman, May 22, sw. Richd. Edmund St. Lawrence, E. of Cork and Orrery, K.P., June 24, SW. LORD LIEUTIENANTS OF SOUTHAMPTONSHIRE. * * 3& Chas., D. of Bolton, Oct. 25. 1798. Jas., M. of Carnarvon, aft. D. of 1800. Chandos, June 1. 1807. Robt., E. of Northington, Aug. 21. Jas. Brydges, c.c. M. of Carnarvon, 1820. aft. D. of Chandos, Jan. 23. Geo., ld. Rivers, May. 1852. Harry, D. of Bolton, Apr. 6. 1887. Geo. Powlott Sir Wm. Heathcote, bt., and Wm. Chute, commrs. Chas., E. of Wiltshire. Thos., ld. Bolton, Feb. 21, sw. Jas., E. of Malmesbury, K.B., Aug. 11, G. Arthur, D. of Wellington, K.G., Dec. 19, sw. John, M. of Winchester, Nov. 10, sw. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- marvon, Aug. 6, G. 312. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1755. 1800. 1801. 1812. 1769. 1790. Jas. I. 1621. 1635. 1660. * * 1682. 1701. 1702. 1550. 1553. 1598. 1608. 1626. 1670. 1677. 1705. 1754. 1757. 1750. 1795. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF STAFFORDSHIRE. $t * * 1849. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, Jan. 31, Granville. E. G. ft. M. of SW. '. *, Jan. ºver 8, 1854. º Jno., ld. Hatherton, June 8, Geo. Granville, E. Gower, aft. M. o ichfield. J 18 jºgº isº. Tº B of Lichfield, Jº is Oct. 21... . . 1871. Arthur, ld. Wrottesley, July 8, G. Hy., E. of Uxbridge, June 2, G. 1887. Wm. Walter, E. of Dartmouth, Mar. Chas., E. Talbot, Apr. 8, sw. 21, G. LORD IIEUTENANTS OF SUFFOLK. * * * 1844. John Edwd. Cornwallis, E. of . Chas., ld., aft. visc. Maynard, Feb. Stradbroke, Jan. 31, Sw. 8. 1886. Fredk. Wm. John, M. of Bristol, Aug. Hy., D. of Grafton, June 3. Feb. 15, G. Geo. Hy., E. of Euston, aft. D. of Grafton, June. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SURREY. º º * 1712. Geo., 2nd D. of Northumberland, Edwd., visc. Wimbledon, again, Oct. 9. Chas., ld. Howard of Effingham, 1714. Chas., E. of Halifax, Nov. 3. aft. E. of Nottingham, July 27. 1716. Richd., 1st lá. Onslow, July 6. Thos., E. of Arundel and Surrey, 1717. Thos., 2nd ld. Onslow, Dec. 9. July 23. 1741. Richd., 3rd ló. Onslow, Jan. 29. John, visc. Avalon, June 30; d. 1675. 1776. Geo., 4th Id. Onslow, aft. E. Prince Rupert, d. 1682. Onslow, Oct. 31. Hy., E. of Arundel, Dec. 1814. Geo., visc. Middleton, May 30, sw. Geo., 2nd D. of Northumberland. 1830. Chas. Geo., ld. Arden, Nov. 1, Sw. Chas., E. of Berkeley, June 7. 1840. Wm., E. of Lovelace, Aug. 10, sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SUSSEX. Sir Richd. Sackville. 1759. In Commission. Hy., E. of Arundel. 1762. Chas., E. of Egremont. Richd., ld. Buckhurst, and Chas., E. 1763. Chas., 3rd D. of Richmond, Oct. 18. of Nottingham. 1807. Chas., D. of Norfolk, Jan. 14, Chas., E. of Nottingham, and Thos., SW. E. of Arundel. 1816. Chas., 4th D. of Richmond, Jan. Thos., E. of Arundel, and Edwd., E. 30, sw. of Dorset. 1819. Geo. O'Brien, 3rd E. of Egremont, Richd., E. of Dorset, and Chas., ld. Nov. 5, G. Buckhurst. 1835. Chas., 5th D. of Richmond. Chas., E. of Dorset. 1860. Hy. Thos., E. of Chichester, Nov. Algernon, D. of Somerset. - 23, sw. John, E. of Ashburnham. 1886. Hy. Bouverie Wm., visc. Hampden, Geo., E. of Abergavenny. G.C.B., Apr. 5, G. LORD IIIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. See “Constables of the Tower of London,” post, p. 319. LORD IIIEUTENANTS OF WARWICKSHIRE. * º * 1816. Fras., 2nd M. of Hertford, June 27. Fras., E., aft. 1st M. of Hertford, 1822. Hy. Richd., E. of Warwick and June 30, sw. E. Brooke, July 5, sw. Geo., E. of Warwick and Brooke, 1854. Wm., 3rd E. of Craven, Mar. 29, sw. Jan 4. 1856. Wm. Hy., ld. Leigh, Apr. 4, sw. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 313 LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WESTMORELAND. * $$. * 1868. Hy. Lowther, aft. 3rd E. of Lonsdale 1758. Sir Jas. Lowther, bt., aft. E. of Dec. 2, G. Lonsdale, Aug. 14. 1876. Sir Richd. Courtenay Musgrave, bt., 1802. Wm., visc. Lowther, aft. 1st E. of Sept. 27, G. Lonsdale(second creation),June16. 1881. Sir Hy. Jas. Tufton, bt., aft. li. 1844. Wm., 2nd E. of Lonsdale, Apr. 17, Hothfield, Mar. 14, G. SW. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WILTSHIRE. * º: * 1794. Geo. Aug., E. of Pembroke, Jan. 26. 1761. Hy., 10th E. of Pembroke, Mar. 18. 1827. Hy., M. of Lansdowne, Nov. 16, sw. 1780. Thos., E. of Ailesbury, Feb. 19. 1863. Geo. Wm. Fredk., M. of Ailesbury, 1782. Hy., E. of Pembroke, again, Mar. Mar. 25, sw. 27. 1878. Jacob, E. of Radnor, Mar. 7, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WORCESTERSHIRE. See “Brecknockshire,” post, p. 315. * * * 1831. Thos., ld. Foley, Apr. 27, sw. 1751. Geo. Wm., 6th E. of Coventry, June | 1833. Wm. Hy., ld. Lyttleton, May 29, sw. 12. 1837. Thos, Hy., ld. Foley, July 12, sw. 1808. Geo. Wm., visc. Deerhurst, aft. 7th 1839. Geo. Wm., ld. Lyttleton, Oct. 21, sw. E. of Coventry, Nov. 23, sw. 1876. Fredk., E. Beauchamp, May 13. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF YORKSHIRE–EAST RIDING, * * * 1824. Geo., visc. Morpeth, aft. E. of 1778. Fras. Godolphin, M. of Carmarthen, Carlisle, Nov. 20, sw. aft. D. of Leeds, July 11. 1840. Paul Beilby, ld. Wenlock, Jan. 29, 1780. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, Feb. 9. G. 1782. Fras. Godolphin, M. of Carmarthen, 1847. Geo. Wm. Fredk., visc. Morpeth, aft. D. of Leeds, again, Mar. aft. E. of Carlisle, Jan. 29. 27. 1864. Beilby Richd., ld. Wenlock, Nov. 1799. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, Feb. 26. 22, sw. 1807. Hy., ld. Mulgrave, Aug. 19, sw. 1880. Marmaduke, ld. Herries, Dec. 16, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF YORKSHIRE–NORTH RIDING. * * * 1839. Hon. Thos. Jno. Dundas, c.c. 1d. 1740. Robt., E. of Holdernesse, Apr. 15. Dundas, aft. E. of Zetland, Feb. 1777. Hy., E. Fauconberg, Dec. 3, sw. 1802. Geo. Wm. Fredk., D. of Leeds, 1873. Geo. Fredk. Saml., M. of Ripon, Apr. 7. R.G., Mar. 19, G. TIORD LIEUTENANTS OF YORKSHIRE–WEST RIDING. * * * 1819. Hy., visc. Lascelles, aft. 2nd E. of 1762. Fras., E. of Huntingdon. Harewood, Nov. 5, G. 1765. Chas., M. of Rockingham, again, 1842. Jas. Archibald, ld. Wharncliffe. Aug. 7. 1846. Hy., 3rd E. of Harewood, Jan. 21, 1782. Chas., E. of Surrey, aft. D. of Nor- SW. folk, Sept. 28. 1857. Wm. Thos. Spencer, visc. Milton, 1798, Wm., E. Fitzwilliam, Feb. 14. aft. E. Fitzwilliam, Mar. 20, sw. 314 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1660. 1662. 1673. 1685. 1689. 1695. 1761. 1781. 1822. 1829. * * 1793. 1795. 1761. 1797. 1798. 1762. 1775. 1789. NORTH WALES. IORD LIEUTENANTS OF ANGTIESEY. Richd. Vaughan, E. of Carbery, app. 1702. Wm., E. of Derby, app. for ditto, for all counties of S. Wales, and Jan. 18. for Haverfordwest, Sept. 18. Hugh, ld. Cholmondeley, aft. 1st E. The same, re-app. for all counties of of Cholmondeley, app. for ditto, N. and S. Wales, and for Haver- Dec. 2. fordwest, Dec. 22. 1714. The same, re-app. for ditto, Aug. 21. The same, re-app., July 19. 1725. Geo., 2nd E. of Cholmondeley, app. Hy. Somerset, 3rd M. and 7th E. of for ditto, and for Cheshire, Apr. 7. Worcester, aft. D. of Beaufort ; 1733. Geo., 3rd E. of Cholmondeley, app. app. for all counties of N. and S. for ditto, June 14. Wales, July 20. The same, re-app. for ditto, and for ANGLESEY ONLY. Haverfordwest, and the counties 1771. Sir Nicholas Bayley, bt. of Gloucester, Hereford, and 1782. Hy., E. of Uxbridge, July 20. Monmouth, Mar. 28. 1813. Hy. Wm., E. of Uxbridge, aft. 1st Chas. Gerard, E. of Macclesfield, M. of Anglesey. app. for ditto, Mar. 22. 1854. Hy., 2nd M. of Anglesey, June 8, SW. The same, re-app. for all counties of 1869. Hon. Wm. Owen Stanley, Mar. 2, G. N. Wales, Mar. 10. 1884. Richd. Davies, Mar. 27, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CARNARWONSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” supra. * * * 1851. Sir Richd. Bulkeley Williams Bulke- Thos. Wynne, aft. Id. Newborough. ley, Feb. 11, sw. Thos. Jas., visc. Bulkeley, Nov. 20. 1866. Edwd. Gordon, ld. Penrhyn, Sept. Thos. Assheton Smith, Sept. 16, sw. 8. Sw I 1 te Peter Robt.,ld. Willoughby DeFresby, 1886. Jno. E "nest Greaves. Feb. 11, sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF DENEIGHSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” supra. * * º: * 1840. Middleton Biddulph. Watkin Williams, in 1792. 1852. Robt. Myddelton Biddulph, * > Richd. Myddelton. 1872. Maj., aft. col., Wm. Cornwallis Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, bt. West, May 9, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF FLINTSEIIR.E. See “Anglesey,” supra. k * * 1845. Sir Stephen Rd. Glynne, bt., June Sir Roger Mostyn, bt. 30, sw. Lloyd, ld. Kenyon. 1874. Hugh Robt. Hughes, Aug. 1, Robt., visc. Belgrave, aft. E. Gros- G. venor and M. of Westminster. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MERIONETHSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” supra. 3& * * . 1793. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 5th bt., Wm. Vaughan—the grant to the E. June 10. of Cholmondeley for all counties 1830. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 6th bt., in N. Wales revoked, pro tanto, Dec. 21. Apr. 26. 1840. Hon. Edw. Mostyn Lloyd, aft, ld. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 4th bt. Mostyn, June 25. Watkin Williams, Aug. 31. 1884. Robt. Davies Pryce, May 12, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 315 1772. 1775. 1776. 1804. 1694. 1704. 1715. 1720. 1728. 1731. 1771. 1763. 1800. * * 1779. 1780. 1804. 1728. 1752. 1772. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MONTGOMERYSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” ante, p. 314. * * * 1839. Edwd. Herbert, E. of Powis. Robt., ld. Clive, Oct. 9. 1848. Chas., ld. Sudeley, Feb. 11, sw. Fras., E., aft. 1st M. of Hertford, 1858. Hon. Thos. Chas. Sudeley, aft. 1d. Apr. 7. Sudeley, Apr. 6, sw. Geo. Edwd. Hy. Arthur, E. of Powis, 1863. Sudeley Chas. Geo., ld. Sudeley, Nov. 8. Apr. 22. Edwd., E. of Powis, June 6, sw. 1877. Edwd. Jas., E. of Powis, May 22. SOUTH WALES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BRECEONOCKSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” ante, p. 314. * 3& 3& 1787. Hy., D. of Beaufort, app. for ditto, Thos. Herbert, E. of Pembroke and June 1. Montgomery, app. for all counties 1803. Hy. Chas., D. of Beaufort, app. for of S. Wales and for Haverford- Brecknockshire and Monmouth- west and Monmouthshire, May 11. shire, Oct. 26. sw. The same, re-app. Jan. 27. John Morgan, app. for Brecknock- BRECKNOCKSHIRE ONLY. shire and Monmouthshire, Oct. 7. 1836. Penry Williams, Feb. 3, sw. Wm. Morgan, app. for ditto, June 21. 1847. Lloyd Vaughan Watkins, Feb. 4, Sw. Sir Wm. Morgan, app. for ditto, 1865. Geo. Chas., M. Camden, Oct. 31, G. June 26. 1866. Chas. Morgan Robinson Tredegar, Thos. Morgan, app.for ditto, June 18. Sept. 25, G. Chas. Morgan, app. for Brecknock- 1875. Sir Jos. Russell Bailey, bt., June shire only, Dec. 23. 14, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CARDIGANSEIIR.E. See “Anglesey,” ante, p. 314, and “Brecknockshire,” supra. * * * 1816. Wrm. Edwd. Powell, Oct. 26, G. Hon. Wilmot Vaughan, aft. visc. and 1854. Thos. Lloyd, Oct. 18, Sw. E. of Lisburne, Jan. 10. 1857. Edwd. Lewis Pryse, Aug. 27, sw. Thos. Johnes, July 2, sw. 1888. Herbert Davies Evans, July 16, G. LORD DIEUTENANTS OF CARMARTHENSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” ante, p. 314, and “Brecknockshire,” supra. •k. % * 1852. Jno. Fredk., 1st E. Cawdor, May Geo. Rier. lö, sw. Thos. Johnes. 1861. Jno. Fredk. Vaughan, 2nd E. Caw- Jno. Vaughan, Mar. 25. dor, Apr. 30. Geo., ld, Dynevor, June 6, sw. TORD IIIEUTENANTS OF GLAMORGANSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” ante, p. 314, and “Brecknockshire,” supra. * * -k 1794. Geo. Aubrey, |Dep, lieuts. to Chas, Paulet, 3rd D. of Bolton, Mar. John Price, and act during wa- 22. John Richards, cancy, Mar. Other Lewis, E. of Plymouth, Nov. John. 4th E., aft. 1st M., of Bute,Dec. 6. 1815. John, 2nd MI. of Bute, June 2. John, ld. Mountstewart, aft. 4th E. 1848. Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot and 1st M. of Bute, Mar. 22. Apr. 15, SW. 316 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF HAVERFORDWEST. See “Anglesey,” ante, p. 314, and “Brecknockshire,” ante, p. 315. * * * 1857. Jno. Hy. Philipps, aft. Sir J. H. * * Sir Wm. Owen, bt. Philipps-Scourfield, bt., July 16, 1770. Sir Rd. Philipps, bt., aft. li. Milford, SW. Jan. 23. 1876 Chas. Edwd. Gregg Philipps, Aug. 1824. Rd. Bulkeley Philipps Philipps, aft. 7. ld. Milford, Apr. 7, sw. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF PEMBROKESHIRE. See “Anglesey,” ante, p. 314, and “Brecknockshire,” ante, p. 315. * * * 1824. Sir Jno. Owen, bt. * * Sir Wm. Owen, bt. 1861. Wm., 3rd ld. Kensington, Apr. 30, 1778. Hugh Owen, Feb. 10. 1780. Richd., ld. Milford. RW. 1872. Wm., 4th lä. Kensington, Feb. 6, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF RADNORSHIRE. See “Anglesey,” ante, p. 314, and “Brecknockshire,” ante, p. 315. + * * | 1842. Sir Jno. Benn Walsh, bt., aft. Id. 1766. Edwd., E of Oxford. Ormathwaite, Aug. 11, sw. 1792. Hon. Thos. Harley. 1875. Hon. Arthur Walsh, aft, ld. Orma- 1805. Geo., ld. Rodney, Mar. 21. thwaite, Apr. 19, G. SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. IFor lord lieutenants of counties in these countries, see Part IX., “Scot- land,” post, and Part X., “Ireland,” post. GOVERNORS AND CONSTABLES OF CASTLES, &c. CONSTABLES OF DOVER, CASTLE AND WARDENS OF THE CINQUE PORTS. THESE are very ancient offices, and in former days had important duties attached to them in protecting the country from invasion. They are now merely honorary posts, generally conferred upon some distin- guished statesman, and the only emolument now derived from them is the enjoyment of Walmer Castle as a residence. The two offices were formerly sometimes separated, but for many years past they have been held by the same person. In compiling the present list, the lists given in HARRIs's HISTORY OF KENT, HASTED’s HISTORY OF KENT, and Lyons’ HISTORY OF DOVER, have been collated and, as far as possible, reconciled. There are, how- ever, some slight differences in some of the earlier names and dates, and therefore, although the list now given will probably be found suffi- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 317 , cient for all practical purposes, the works above quoted should, in any case of difficulty, be consulted, and the ancient records on which they rely examined. CoNSTABLEs of Dover CASTLE AND WARDENs of THE CINQUE PORTs. C. signifies constable only; W., warden only; C. and W., both constable and warden. * {} 1053. 1066. Will. I. 1084. 1111 1138–9. Steph. Hen. II. Rich. I. Godwin, E. of Kent, gov. in the reign of Edward the Confessor. Harold, his son, gov., aft. king. Bertram de Ashburnham, gov.; put to death by William the Conqueror. Wm. Peverel, gov., pro. tem. Odo, bp. of Baieux, E. of Kent, gov. Baron John de Fienes, C. and W. Jas. de Fienes, C. and W. . Baron John de Fienes, again; C. and W. Wm. Mareschall, E. broke, C. (4 Stephen). Wakelyn de Magminot, C. Richd., E. of Ewe, C. Eustace, E. of Boulogne, C. and W. Hy. de Essex, bar. of Raleigh and E. of Essex, C. and W. ; dism. 1163. Simon de Sandwich, C. and W Hy. de Sandwich, C. and W. Alan de Fienes, C. and W. Jas. de Fienes, C. and W. Ingelram de Fienes, C. (?). Richd., otherwise Matth. de Clare, C. and W. Wm. Longspee, E. of Salisbury, natl. Son of Henry II., some- times called Wm. Devereux, O. Wm. Longchamp (?). of Pem- John. Wm. de Wrotham, C. and W. 1201-2. Thos. Bassett, C. (3 John). Hubert de Burgh, aft. E. of Kent, C. and W. (3 John). 1203–4. Wm. de Huntingfield, C. and W. (5 John). 1204. Wm. Longspee, E. of Salisbury, 1206–7. 1215 again ; C. and W., Sept. 9. Geoffry Fitz-Pier, aft. E. of Essex, C. May 25. . Hubert de Burgh, aft. E. of Kent, again ; C. and W., June 30. 1219–20, Hy. de Braibroc, or Braybrooke 1220–1. 1223 1225 1226 C. (4 Hen. III.). Sir Robt. de Neresford, C. (5 Hen. III.) . Hugh de Windlesore, or Wynsore, C., Oct. 31. . Sir Geoffry de Shurland, C., Apr. 13 e Wm. de Averenches, or Albrincis and Tergusius, mayor of Dover, joint W., Mar. 14. Hen. III. John Mansel, C. (?). 1827–8. 1231–2. 1233–4. 1234–5. 1237–8. 1241–2. 1246–7. 1247–8, 1254–5. 1258–9. 1258. 1259. Hubert de Burgh, again ; C. (12 Hen. III.) Stephen de Segrave, C. and W. (16 Hen. III.) Symon, or Harry Hoese, C. (15 Hen. III.) Bertram de Criol, C. (16 Hen. III. Hubert de Husato, C. (18 Hen. III.) Hams de Crevequer, or Crévecoeur, C. and joint W. with Walerand de Teyes (19 Hen. III.) Bertram de Criol, aqain; C. (22 Hen. III.); and again C. 1240–1 (25 Hen. III.) Peter de Savoy, E. of Rich'n ond, C. (26 Hen. III.) Humphry de Bohun, E. of Here- ford and Essex, C. (26 Hen. III.) Sir Robt. de Neresford, again; C. (31 Hen. III.). Peter de Rivallis, C. (32 Hen. III.) Reginald de Cobham, C. and W. (39 Hen. III.) Peter de Savoy, E. of Richmond, again; C. and W. (42 Hen. III.) Roger Northwood, C. and W., June 9. Nicholas de Moels, C. and W., June 10. Riº. de Grey, C. and W., July 8. Hugh, or Roger Bigod, C. and W. (43 & 44 Hen. III.) 1259–60. Wm. de Say, C. (44 Hen. III.) 1261. 1262–3. 1263. 1264. Robt. Waleran, C., May 3. * Braybro ke, C. (47 Hen. III Edmd. and Robt. de Gascoyne, joint C. (47 Hen. III.) Hy; de Sandwich, bp. of London, C., July 10. Walter de Bersted, C. and W. July 20. Richd. de Grey, C., and aft. W. Nichs. de Criol, W.; res. favour of De Grey Hy. Montfort, C. and W., May 8. Roger de Leyborne, W., Nov. 26. Hy., or Ed d. and Robt. Gas- coigne, joint C., July 8. in Hen. III. Walter Berested, C. Matth. Belers, or Besliz, W. 3.18 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1265–6. Simon de Sandwich, aft. Sir S., C. (50 Hen. III.) Edwd., pr. of Wales, aft. Edw. I., C. and W. (51 Hen. III.) Sir Steph. de Penchester, C. (1 1266–7. 1272–3. Edw. I.), and W., July 4, 1273. 1275. Simon de Grey, C. and W., (3 and 4 Edw. I.) 1277–8. Ralph de Sandwich, C. and W. (6 Edw. I.) 1290. Sir Steph. de Penchester, again ; C. and W., Sept. 24; and v again, 1293–4 (22 Edw. I.) Edw. I. Sir Robt. de Shurland, W. Robt. Burgess, or de Burghersh, C. and W. (19 Edw. I); again, July 20, 1299. 1290–1. 1305–6. Hy. Cobham, C. and W. (34 Edw. I. 1307. nº de Kendall, C. and W., Nov. 14. 1314–5. Hy. de Cobham, jun., C. and W. (8 Edw. II.) 1315–6. Robt. de Kendall, again; C. and W. (9 Edw. II.) Bartholomew de Badlesmere, grandson of Robt. de Burgh- hersh, C. and W. 1320–1. Sir Hugh de Spencer, or Le Spen- cer, junr., aft. E. of Gloucester, W. (14 Edw. II.) Edmd., E. of Kent, C. and W. (15 Edw. II.) Edw. II. Sir Thos. Peache, C. 1325–6. Robt. de Kendall, again ; C. and W., and Ralph de Camoys, W. (18 Edw. II.) Ralph Basset, Mar. 18. Ralph de Camoys and Robt. de Rindale, again; C. and W., Sept. 30. Sir Hugh de Spencer or Le Spen- cer, junr., again; W. (20 Edw. II. * de Badlesmere, or de Burghersh, or ld. Burghersh, again; C. and W., Aug. 1, Edmd. of Woodstock, E. of Kent, C. (1 Edw. III.) Robt. de Burghersh, C. and W., Feb. 28. Wm. de Clinton, aft. E. of Hunt- ingdon, C. and W., Sept. 4. 1337–8. John de Lancaster (11 Edw. III.) 1339–10. Wm., E. of Huntingdon, again; C. and W. (13 Edw. III.) 1343–4. Bartholomew, ld. Burghersh, again; C. and W. (17 Edw. III. Sir John Peche, C. and W. (17 Edw. III.) 1345–6. Ralph, ld. Bassett, C. and W. (19 Edw. III.) 1346–7. Bartholomew, ld. 1321–2. 1326. 1326–7. 1327. 1327–8. 1330. 1331. Burghersh, again; C. and W. (20 Edw. III.) 1350–1. Reginald de Cobham, K.G., or ld. Cobham, W. (24 Edw. III.) 1355. Otho de Grandison, C., Aug. 4. 1355–6. Roger de Mortimer, E. of March, C. and W. (29 Edw. III.) Edw. III. Guy St. Clere, C. and W. 1360–1. Sir John Beauchamp, K.G., C. and W. (34 Edw. III.) Reginald de Cobham, K.G., C. and W. (34 Edw. III.) Sir Robt. Herle, C. and W. (35 Edw. III.) Sir Ralph Spirgumell, C. and W. (39 Edw. III.) Sir Richd. de Pembrigg, or Pem- bridge, C. and W., Mar. 20. Wm. de Latimer, or lò. Latimer, C. and W., Feb. 7. Edmd. Plantagenet de Langley, E. of Cambridge, C. and W. (50 Edw. III.) 1361–2. 1365–6. 1369. 1872. 1376–7. 1380–1. Sir Robt. Asheton, C. and W. (4 Rich. II.) 1384. Sir Simon de Burley, K.G., C. and W., Feb. 6. 1388. Sir John Devereux, K.G., C. and W., Jan. 4. 1391–2. Hy. de Cobham, son of Reginald, C. and W. (15 Rich. II.) John, ld. Beaumont, C. and W. (16 Rich. II.) Edwd., D. of York and Albe- marle, C. and W. (20 Rich. II 1392–3. 1396–7. ..) John, M. of Dorset, C. and W. Feb. 5. Sir Thos. Erpingham, K.G., C. and W. (3 Hen. IV.) Hy., pr. of Wales, aft. Hen. W., C. and W., Dec. 12. Sir Thos. Fitz-alan, E. of Arundel, C. and W. (1 Hen. V.) Humphry, D. of Gloucester, son of Hen. IV., C. and W., Jan. 20. John Reynsford, C. (4 Hen. VI.) Sir Jas. Fienes, cr. Id. Saye and Sele, C. and W., Feb. 24. 1449–50. Humphry, D. of Buckingham, C. and W. (28 Hen. VI.) 1459–60. Edmd., D. of Somerset, C. and W. (38 Hen. VI.) Simon Montfort, C. and W. (1. Edw. IV.) Richd., E. of Warwick, C. and W. (1 Edw. IV.) Sir John Scott, C. and W. (10 Edw. IV.) Wm., E. of Arundel, C. and W. (10 Edw. IV.) Richd., D. of Gloucester, aft. Richd. III., C. and W. 1398. 1401–2. 1409. 1413–4. 1420. 1425–6. 1447. 1461–2. 1470–1. Edw. W. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 319 1483–4. Hy., D. of Buckingham, C. and by the Council of State; after- W. (1 Rich. III.) wards they were put into com- 1483. Wm., E. of Arundel, again; C. mission. and W., Oct. 23. John Lambert, Held the officeof 1847–8. Sir Wm. Scott, C. and W. (3 Hen. John Desborough, Constable dur- VII.) Robt. Blake, ing the com- 1493. Hy., D. of York, aft. Hen. VIII., Chas. Fleetwood. } monwealth. C. and W., Apr. 5. 166). Jas., D. of York, aft. Jas. II., C. 1504–5. Sir Edwd. Poynings, K.G., C. and and W. W. (20 Hen. VII.) Chs. II. Hy., visc. Sidney, aft. E. of 1510–1. Geo., ld. Abergavenny, C. and Romney, C. and W. W. (2 Hen. VIII.) Anne. Pr. Geo. of Denmark, consort of 1513. Sir Edwd. Poynings, K.G., again; Q. Anne, C. and W. C. and W. May 17. 1708. Lionel Cranfield, E., aft. D. of 1521–2. Sir Edwd. Guildeford, K.G., C. Dorset, C. and W., Dec. and W. (13 Hen. VIII.) 1713–4. Jas., D. of Ormond, C. & W., (12 1532–3. Geo., visc. Rochford, C. and W. Anne). (24 Hen. VIII.) Lionel Cranfield, E., aft. D. of Dor- 1536–7. Hy., D. of Richmond, C. and W. set, again ; C. and W. (1 Geo.I.) (28 Hen. VIII.) 1717. John Sidney, E. of Leicester, C. Arth. Plantagenet, visc. Lisle, C. and W. and W. (28 Hen. VIII.) Lionel Cranfield, now D. of Dorset, 1539–40. Sir Thos. Cheney, K.G. C. and again; C. and W. (1 Geo. II.) W. (31 Hen. VIII.) 1765. Robt., E. of Holderness, C. and 1558. Wm., ld. Cobham. W., Oct. 1596–7. Hy., ld, Cobham, his son, C. 1778. Fredk. North, c.c. Lord North, and W. (39 Eliz.) R.G., aft. E. of Guildford, C. 1603–4. Hy., E. of Northampton, C. and and W. W. (1 Jas. I.) 1792, Wm. Pitt, C. and W., Aug. 18. 1615–6. Edwd., ld. Zouch of Haringworth, 1806. Robt. Bankes Jenkinson, c.c. 1d. C. and W. (13 Jas. I.) 1614. Hawkesbury, aft. E. of Liver- 1623–4. Geo., D. of Buckingham, C. and pool, C. and W., Jan. 28, G. W. (21 Jas I.) 1829. Arthur, D. of Wellington, C. and, 1628. Theophilus, E. of Suffolk, C. W., Jan. 20, G. and W., July 24. 1853. Jas. Andrew, M. of Dalhousie, 1640. Jas., D. of Richmond, C. and W., K.T., C. and W., Jan. 13, G. June 9. 1861. Hy. Jno., visc. Palmerston, K.G., 1648. Robt., E. of Warwick, C. C. and W., Mar. 27, G. During the commonwealth the 1865. Granville Geo., E. Granville, K.G., offices were at first executed C. and W., Dec. 23, G. CONSTABLES AND LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER OF LONDON. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. CONSTABLES OF THE TOWER OF LONDON AND LORD LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. THESE two offices have been united for many years, probably from the first institution of the office of lord lieutenant. The act 14 Chas. II. cap. 3, sec. 31, recites, “Whereas the Militia of the Tower division of Middlesex known as the Tower Hamlets are, and always have been, under the command of his majesty’s constable or lieutenant of the Tower. 320 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1066. * * 1140. 1153. 1189. 1192. 1194. 1205. 1213. 1214. 1215. 1217. 1220. 1223. 1224. 1225. 1226. 1229. 1232. 1233. 1234. 1235. 1241. 1243. 1244. 1245. 1255. 1256. 1260. 1261. 1262. 1264. 1265. 1266. 1267. 1268. 1272. 1273. 1274. 1283. 1286 CoNSTABLES OF THE TOWER of LoNDON. WILLIAM I. Geoffrey de Mandeville (No. 1). Wm. de Mandeville, his son. Geoffrey de Mandeville (No. 2), his grandson. STEPHEN. Richd. de Lucy. HENRY II. Garnerius de Isenei. RICHARD I. Wm. Longchamp, bp. of Ely, with Wm. Piuntellus under him. Archbp. of Rouen Roger FitzRenfred. JOHN. Roger de la Dune. Geoffrey de Mandeville (No. 3). HENRY III. Eustace de Greinville. Steph. Langton, abp. of Canterbury, Walter de Verdun. Stephen de Segrave. Hugh de Wyndlesore. Pandulph Masca, bp. of Norwich. John de Boville. Thos. de Blunwill. Hy. Fitz Aucher. Ralph de Gatel. Hubert de Burgh, E. of Kent. W. de St. Edmund. Geoffrey de Crancumb. Hugh Giffard. Walter de Grey, abp. of York, and Bertram de Crioyle, jointly. Peter de Vallibus. John de Plessetis. Peter de Blund. Aymon Thorimbergh. Imbert Pugeys. Richd. de Culwurth. Richd. de Tilbury. Hugh de Bigod. John Mansel. Hugh le Despenser. Roger de Leyburn. Hugh Fitz Otho. John Walerand and John de la Lind, jointly. Alan la Zouch. Thos. de Ippegrave. Stephen de Eddeville, Hugh Fitz Otho, again. Waſter Giffard, abp. of York. John de Burgh. Philip Basset. Anthy. Bek. EDWARD I. Ranulph de Dacre. Ralph de Sandwich. 1289. 1329. 1335. 1341. 1346. 1347. 1355. 1360. 1361. 1365. 1381. 1391. 1397. 1407. 1413. 1415. 1420. 1446. 1461. 1473. 1478. * * 1483. | 1485. 1509, 1524. 1540. 1553. Ralph de Berners. Ralph de Sandwich, again. EDWARD II. John de Crumbwell. Guy Frere. Roger de Swynnerton. Stephen de Segrave. Walter Stapleton, bp. of Exeter. John de Weston. . Thos. Wake. John de Gisors and Rd. de Betoigne, jointly. Maurice de Berkeley. Wm. la Zouche. EDWARD III. John de Crumbwell, again. Wm. de Montacute. Nicholas de la Beche. Robert de Dalton. John Darcy (No. 1). John Darcy (No. 2), son. Bartholomew de Burghersh. Robert de Morley. Jno. de Beauchamp. Richd. de la Vache. Alen Buxhill, or Alan do Burchull. RICHARD II. Sir Thos Murrieux. Edwd., E. of Rutland. Ralph de Nevill. Edwd., D. of Albemarle. Sir Thos. de Rempston. Edwd., D. of York. HENRY W. Robt. de Morley. John Dabrichcourt. Sir Wm. Bourchier. Sir Roger Aston. HENRY WI. John, D. of Exeter. Jas., ld. Saye and Sele. EDWARD IV. John, ld. Tiptoft, E. of Worcester. John. li. Dudley. Richd., ld. Dacre. John, ld. Howard. Thos., M. of Dorset. RICHARD III. Sir Thos. Brackenbury. HENRY WII. Jno., E. of Oxford. HENRY WIII. Sir Thos. Lovel. Sir Wm. Kingston. Sir John Gage. Edwd., ld. Clinton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 321 1554. 1556. MARY. Sir John Gage, again. Sir Edmund Bray. TEMP. ELIZABETII AND JAMEs I. 1640. 1647. 1660. 1678. 1680. 1684. 1688. 1702. 1712. 1717. 1722. 1725. 1726. * * Thos., ld. Howard of Walden. CIIARLES I. Fras., ld. Cottington. Gen. Sir Thos. Fairfax. CHARLES II. Sir John Robinson. Jas., E. of Northampton. Wm., ld. Allington. Geo., ld. Dartmouth. WILLIAM III. TO WICTORIA. Thos., ld. Lucas. Montagu, E. of Abingdom. Algernon, E. of Essex. Geo., E. of Northampton. Chas., E. of Carlisle. Hy., E. of Lincoln. Chas., D. of Bolton. Hy., visc. Lonsdale. Richd., E. Rivers. * } 1740. 1762. 1770. 1783. 1785. 1806. 1826. 1852. 1865. 1871. 1872. 1875. 1881. 1887. John, E. of Leicester. Chas., ld., aft. E. Cornwallis. John, ld. Berkeley of Stratton. Chas., E., aft. M. Cornwallis. Ld. Geo. Hy. Lennox. Chas., E., aft. M. Cornwallis, K.G. Fras., E. of Moira, aft. M. of Hast- ings, Feb. 12, sw. Arthur, D. of Wellington, K.G., Dec. 29, G. Stapleton, visc. Combermere, G.C.B., Oct. 11, G.; Feb. 21, 1853, sw. Gen. Sir John Fox Burgoyne, bt., G.C.B., Apr. 8, G.; Apr. 22, Sw. F.-marsh. Sir Geo. Pollock, G.C.B., G. C. S.I., Nov. 14, G. F.-marsh. Sir Wm. Maynard Gomm, G.C.B., Oct. 31, G. Gen. Sir Chas. Yorke, G.C.B., Apr. 5, G. Gen. Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, of Kars, bt., G.C.B., May 9, G. Gen. Sir Richd. Jas. Dacres, G.C.B., July 2, G. Robt. Cornelis, ld. Napier of Mag- dala, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., Jan. 6, G. LIEUTENANTS OF THE TOWER OF LONDON. FROM THE REIGN OF EDWARD I. EDWARD I. Giles de Oudenard. EDWARD II. Ralph Bavant. IHENRY W. Sir Roger Aston. HENRY WII. Sir John Digby. HENRY VIII. Sir Richd. Cholmondeley. Sir Edwd. Walsingham. Sir Wm. Sidney. Sir Anthony Knevit. — Stoner. EDWARD VI. Sir John Markham. Sir Arthur Darcy. QUEEN MARY. Sir John Bridges, aft. li. Chandos. Sir Thos. Bridges. Sir Hy. Bedingfield. Sir Robt. Oxenbridge. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Sir Thos. Carden and Sir Edwd. Warner were app. to take charge of the tower jointly with Sir Robt. Oxenbridge. Sir Edwd. Warner, alone. Sir Richd. B'ount. Sir Fras. Jobson. Sir Owen Hopton. Sir Michael Blount. Sir Drue Drury. Sir Richd. Barkley. Sir John Peyton. JAMES I. Sir Geo. Harvey. Sir Wrm. Waad. Sir Gervase Helwias. Sir Geo. More. Sir Allan Apsley, who continued in office on the accession of CHARLES I. Sir Wim. Balfour. Col. Lunsford. Sir John Byron. Sir John Conyers. Sir Robt. Harlowe. Alderman Pennington. 21 322 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. COMMONWEALTH. Col. John Berkstead. Col. Titchbourn, Col. Fitch. Col. Herbert Morley. CHARLES II. Sir John Robinson. JAMES II. Thos. Cheek. Sir Edwd. Hales. Sir Bevill Skelton. 1688. Col. King, as dep. gov. WILLIAM AND MARY. Col. John Farewell. | i | | | 1810. 1831. 1833, 1851. 1876. 1884. ANNE TO WICTORIA. Chas. Churchill. Brig.-gen. Wm. Cadogan. Lt.-gen. Sir Hatton Compton. Lt.-gen. Chas. Vernon. Lt.-gen. Wm. Loftus, Aug. 18, G. Geo., E. of Munster, July 21, G. Ld. Fredk. Fitzclarence, Jan. 19, G. Lt.-gen. John Sulivan Wood, Feb. 26, G. Maj.-gen. Geo. Bowles, July 16, G. Maj.-gen. Chas. Lennox Brownlow Maitland, C.B., July 22, G. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Aug., ld. Chelms- ford, G.C.B., July 8, G. GOVERNORS AND CONSTABLES 1087. Walter FitzOther. 1100. Wrm. FitzWalter. 1153. Richd. de lucy. 1190. Hugh Pudsey. Wm. Longchamp. 1191. Wrm. de Albini. E. of Arundel, until 1193. * * Walter, abp. of Rouen. * * John FitzHugh. 1216. Engelard de Cygony. 1225. Ralph Tyrell. 1233. Wrm. de Millars. 1242. Bernard de Savoy. 1259. Aymon Thurumburd. 1264. Hugh de Barantin. 1267. Nichs. de Yatington. 1273. Geoffrey de Picheford. 1299. John de Loudon. 1305. Roger le Sauvage. 1319. Oliver de Bordeaux. 1326. Thos. de Huntercombe. 1327. John de l'Isle. 1330. Thos. de Foxle. 1360. Richd. la Vache. 1365. Thos. Cheyn. 1377. Sir Simon de Burley. 1390. Peter de Courtney. 1409. Sir John Stanley. Hen. VI. Walter Hungeford. 1443. Edma., E., aft M., of Dorset and D. of Somerset (? in 1439). 1461. John, ld. Berners. 1474. Sir Thos. Bourchier. Richd. III. Thos. Windesor. 1483. Sir John Frilington. 1485. Sir Thos. Bourchier, again. IIen. VII. and Hen. VIII. Hy., ld. Daubeny, aft. E. of Bridgewater. 1562. 1590 OF WINDSOR, CASTLE. Ld. Robt. Dudley, aft. E. of Leices- ter. Chas., E. of Nottingham, K.G. Jas. I. Geo., L. of Buckingham. 1637. 1648. 1659. 1660. 1668. 1682. 1701. 1702. 1714. 1717. 1723. 1728, 1752. 1790. 1812. 1829, 1833. 1842. 1843. 1867. Hy., E. of Holland. Philip, E. of Pembroke, 1st E. of Montgomery, &c. Bulstrode Whitelock. John, visc. Mordaunt. Pr. Rupert. Hy., E. of Arundel, aft. D. of Norfolk. Geo., D. of Northumberland. Geo., pr. of Denmark, consort of Q. Anne. Hy., D. of Kent. Richd, ld. Cobham. Chas., E. of Carlisle. Chas., D. of St. Albans. Geo., E. of Cardigan, aft. D. of Montagu. Jas., E. of Cardigan. Chas., E. of Harrington, Mar. 14, G. Hy., M. of Conyngham, K.B., Sept. Geo. E. of Munster, Jan. 19, G. Aug. Fredk., D. of Sussex, Apr. 28, G Pr. Albert, consort of Q. Victoria, May 18, G. The Prince Consort d. Dec. 14, 1861, but the office was not filled up until Pr. Victor Ferdinand, &c., of Hohen- lobe, count Gleichen, capt. R.N., aft. v. adm., July 22, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 323 dukes of Cornwall. LORD WARDENS OF THE STANNARIES. THE term “stannaries” is applied to the tin mines of Devon and Corn- wall, over which certain rights and powers are, or were, vested in the officer of that duchy. The lord warden of the Stannaries is the principal LoRD WARDENs of THE STANNARIES. º*I }Edwd, D. of Somerset. 1553. John, E. of Bedford. 1554. 1584. 1603. 1630. I660. I701. 1702. 1705. 1708. 1734. Edwd., ld. Hastings. Fras., E. of Bedford, abt. 1560. Sir Walter Raleigh, Wm., E. of Pembroke. Philip, E. of Pembroke and Mont- gomery. Sir John Grenville, aft. E. of Bath. Chas., E. of Radnor. Jos. Granville, aft. la. Granville. Fras., ld. Rialton. Hugh Boscawen, Fal- mouth. John Schutz. aft. visc. 1742. 1751. 1763. 1783. 1798. 1800, 1803 1812. 1842. 1862. 1865. Thos. Pitt. Jas., E. of Waldegrave. Humphrey Morice. Geo., visc. Lewisham. Sir John Morshead, bt. John Willett Payne. Thos. Tyrwhitt, aft. Sir T., Dec. 6, G. Fras. Chas. Seymour, c.c., E. of Yarmouth, aft. 3rd M. of Hert- ford, July 28, G. Pr. Albert, consort of Q. Victoria, Apr. 16, G. Hy. Pelham, D. of Newcastle, Feb. 6, G. Edwd. Berkeley, ld., aft. visc. Port- man, Jan. 20, G. 21 * 324 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART W., HERALDIC. EARLS MARSHAL, KINGS OF ARMS, HERALDS, AND PURSUIWANTS. INTRODUCTION. THE earlier portions of these lists have been compiled from “Noble's College of Arms,” which was published in 1805, and contains an account of the herald's college, and of the various members thereof. As might be expected, there is often, in very early times, some little uncertainty both as to names and dates, and in these cases it will be well to compare the present lists with “Edmondson's Heraldry,” from which Noble sometimes differs. From the reign of Henry VII, the succession in each case appears tolerably regular. The head of the herald’s college is the EARL MARSHAL, and under him are a number of officers, divided into three classes :— KINGS OF ARMs. HERALDs. PURSUIVANTs. Each officer bears a distinctive title, the origin of which it is, in some cases, not quite easy to trace. The creation and extinction of any par- ticular office were entirely in the discretion of the sovereign, and in many instances the office became extinct on the death or removal of the first holder. In other cases, however, there has been an unbroken suc- cession from the earliest to the present time, and these offices may now be considered permanent. The following lists are divided into two sections—(1) containing the offices still existing; and (2) containing the offices which have now become extinct. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 325 |HERALDIC OFFICES STILL EXISTENT. SECTION I. LORDS AND EARLS MARSHAL OF ENGLANT). THIS office, until it was made hereditary, always passed by grant from the king, and was never held by tenure or sergeantry by any subject, as the offices of lord high steward and lord high constable sometimes were. The marshal was anciently styled lord marshal only; but Richard II., June 20, 1397, granted letters-patent to Thomas Mowbray, earl of Not- tingham, and to his heirs, the style of earl marshal. James I. by letters- patent, dated August 29, 1622, constituted Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel and Surrey, earl marshal for life; and the next year granted other letters-patent, wherein it was declared that during the vacancy of the office of lord high constable, the earl marshal should have the like jurisdiction in the court of chivalry as both constable and marshal had jointly exercised. Charles II., on Oct. 19, 1672, granted this office and dignity to Henry, lord Howard, and to his heirs, with power to execute the same by deputy or deputies, in as full and ample a manner as the same had theretofore been executed by any former marshal of England. Under this grant the office is now held by the dukes of Norfolk. LORDS AND EARLS MARSHAL OF ENGLAND. LORDS MARSHAL. 1135. Gilbert de Clare, cr. E. of Pem- by Edward II., durante bene broke by Stephen, 1139. Richd. de Clare, surn. Strongbow, IE of Pembroke, d. 1176. John., surn. Marshal, from this office, which was conferred on him by Hen. II., on the death of Richd., E. of Pembroke. Wm. Marshal, grandson of John, who, having married Isabel, dau. and heiress of Richd. Strongbow, was by king John cr. E. of Pem- broke in 1201. Wm. Marshal, E. of Pembroke. Richd. Marshal, E, of Pembroke. Gilbert Marshal, E. of Pembroke. Walter Marshal, E. of Pembroke. Anselm Marshal, E. of Pem- broke. Roger Bigot or Bigod, E. of Nor- folk, in right of Maud, his mother, one of the sisters and co-heiresses of the last five mar- shals. Roger Bigot or Bigod, E. of Nor- folk, whose estate, being confis- cated to the crown, came, after his decease, into the king's hands. Robert de Clifford, made ld. marsh. 1149. 1176. 1199. 1219. 1231. 1234. 1242. 1245. 1245. 1269. 1307. lacito. 1308. Nicholas, ld. Segrave. 1315. Thos. Plantagenet de Brotherton, E. of Norfolk; in right of his wife, dau, and heiress of Lord Segrave. Margaret, dau. and heiress of Thos. Plantagenet, E. of Norfolk; she was often honoured with the title of lady marshal, and was aft. cr. duch. of Norfolk. Wm. de Montacute, E. bury. Thos., E. of Warwick. Edma., ld. Mortimer. These all successively discharged the office of lil. marsh, but whether as deputies to the lady Margaret, nondum plane constat. Hy., ld. Percy, ld. marsh. at the coron, of Richd. II. John Fitz-Alan, ld. Maltravers.— Candem 1383. Thos., E. of Nottingham, grandson to the lady Margaret by her dau Elizabeth ; made the first E. marsh, by Richd. II., and aft cr. D. of Norfolk. of Salis- 1377. 326 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1397. 1398. 1400. 1412. 1435. 1476. 1483. 1486. 1497. 1509. 1597. EARLs MARSHAL AND COMMISSIONERS FOR EXECUTING THAT OFFICE. Thos., E. of Nottingham, aft. D. of Norfolk, above named, June 20. Thos., E. of Kent and D. of Sur- rey; made E. marsh. on the banishment of the D. of Nor- folk. Thos., ld. Mowbray, E. of Notting- ham ; he assumed, on his father’s death, the title of E. marsh., but the office was exercised by John, E. of Salisbury. Ralph, E. of Westmoreland, made ld. marsh. of England for life by Henry IV. in the beginning of his reign. John, ld. Mowbray, brother of Thos., E. marsh.; rest, to the title of E. of Nottingham and E. marsh. by Henry V., and to that of D. of Norfolk by Henry VI. John, D. of Norfolk. Richd. Plantagenet, D. of York, second son to Edward IV. ; cr. by his father, D. of Norfolk and E. marsh., in right of his wife Anne, dau. and heiress to John, D. of Norfolk. Sir Thos. Grey.—Camden. John, ld. Howard, in right of his wife Anne (widow of Richd., D. of York), dau. and heiress of John, D. of Norfolk. Wm., ld. Berkeley, E. of Nottingham, in right of Isabel, his mother, dau. of Thos., D. of Norfolk; by Henry VII. Hy. Tudor, D. of York, second son to Henry VII. ; aft. Henry VIII. Thos., E. of Surrey (son to John, ld. Howard, D. of Norfolk, at- tainted), cr. E. marsh. and rest. as D. of Norfolk. Chas., D. of Suffolk.—Camden. . Thos., D. of Norfolk, attainted in 1546. . Edwd., D. of Somerset, beheaded. John, D. of Northumberland, be- headed.—Camden. . Thos., D. of Norfolk, rest, to his blood and honours by Q. Mary. . Thos., D. of Norfolk, his grandson and heir; beheaded in 1572. . Geo., E. of Shrewsbury, d. 1590. . Commissioners:— Wm., ld. Burleigh, ld, treasr. Chas., ld. Howard of Effingham, ld. h. adm. Hy., ld. Hunsdon, ld, chambn. Robt., E. of Essex, beheaded 1601. 1602. 1603. 1604. 1616. 1622. 1646. 1661. 1662. 1672. 1684. 1701. 1732. 1777. 1786. 1815. 1842. 1856. 1860. Commissioners:— Thos., ld. Buckhurst, ld, treasr. Chas., E. of Nottingham, ld. h. adm. Edwd., E. of Worcester, m. horse. Edwd., E. of Worcester, performed the duties of E. marsh. at the coron. of king James; after which the office was for a long time executed by commission. Commissioners:— Thos., E. of Dorset, ld, treasr. Lodowick, D. of Lenox. Chas., E. of Nottingham, ld. h. adm. Thos., E. of Suffolk, ld. chambn. Edwd., E. of Worcester, m. horse. Chas., E. of Devon, m. ordn. Hy., E. of Northampton, ld. ward. Cinque Ports. Commissioners:— Edwd., E. of Worcester, ld, pr. Seal. Lodowick, D. of Richmond, ld. Stoward. Geo., M. of Buckingham, m. horse. Chas., E. of Nottingham, ld, h. adm. Wm., E. of Pembroke, la. chambn. Thos., E. of Arundel and Surrey (grandson of Thos., D. of Nor- folk, by his son Philip, E. of Arundel), cr. E. marsh. Hy., E. of Arundel, &c., d. 1652. Jas., E. of Suffolk, Apr. 18. May 26, Commissioners:— Thos., E. of Southampton. John, ld. Roberts. Hy., M. of Dorchester. Montagu, E. of Lindsey. Edwd., E. of Manchester. Algn., E. of Northumberland. Hy., his second son, cr. by Charles II, ld. Howard, of Castle Rising, in Norfolk, and aft. hereditary E. marsh. and E. of Norwich; he succ. his brother as D. of Norfolk. Hy., ld. Mowbray, and D. of Norfolk. Thos., D. of Norfolk. Edwd., D. of Norfolk, Dec. 23. Chas., D. of Norfolk, Sept. 20. Chas., D. of Norfolk, Aug. 31. Bºrd Edwd., D. of Norfolk, Dec. Hy. Chas., D. of Norfolk, Mar. H; Granville, D. of Norfolk, Feb. 8. Hy., D. of Norfolk, Nov. 25; sw. Jan. 14, 1869, on attaining his majority. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 327 DEPUTY EARLs MARSHAL of ENGLAND. During the legal incapacity of the dukes of Norfolk. 1701. Chas., E. of Carlisle. 1706. Hy., E. of Bindon. 1718. Hy. Bowes, E. of Berkshire. 1725. Talbot, E. of Sussex. 1731. Fras., E. of Effingham. 1743. Thos., E. of Effingham. 1763. Hy., E. of Suffolk and Berkshire. 1765. Richd., E. of Scarborough. 1777. Thos., E. of Effingham. 1782. Chas., E. of Surrey, only son to the D. of Norfolk. His lordship succ. his father as D. of Norfolk in 1786, and being a Protestant was able to exercise the office in person. 1816. Hy. Thos. Molyneux. Howard, bro- ther to Bernard Edward, D. of Norfolk, Jan. 15. Hy. Thos. Molyneux. Howard was the last deputy E. marsh. The dukes of Norfolk were, by 5 Geo. IV. cap. 109 (June 24, 1824), empowered to execute the office of E. marsh, in person notwith- standing their being Roman Catholics. 1861. Lord Edwd. Geo. Fitzalan Howard, during minority of Hy., D. of Norfolk, Feb. 4, G. GARTER, KINGS OF ARMS. THIs officer was created by Henry W. in the year 1417. He takes his name from the order of the garter, of which he is principal officer of a,I’IſlS. He is also the principal king at arms. GARTER, KINGs of ARMs. Hen. V. Sir Wm. Brugge or Brugges (1st Garter); cr. by Hen. W. and conf. 24 Hen. VI. (1425–6); d. before Mar. 20, 1449. John Smert or Swertz. John Wrexworth. John Wrythe, July 16; d. Mar. or Apr. 1504. Sir Thos. Writhe or Wriothesley, Jan. 26. Ditto, by new L. P., dated Oct. 9; d. Nov. 24, 1534, Thos. Wall, aft. Sir T., Dec. 9; cr. Dec. 25; d. 1535–6. Christr. Barker, cr. July 9 ; L. P. July 15; cr. K. B. by Edw. VI. Sir Gilbert Derrick, cr. Apr. 4; L. P. Apr. 29; d. Oct. 3, 1584. Eighteen months vacancy, during which the duties were discharged by Cook (Clarencieux). Wm. Dethick, Apr. 21; knt. May 20, 1603; depr. Jan. 1, 1604; d. 1612. Wm. Segar; knt. Nov. 1616; d. Dec. 3, 1633. 1633. Sir John Burroughs, Dec. 27 ; d. Apr. 1644. 1644. Sir Hy. St. George (No. 1), Apr. ; d. Oct. or Nov. 1644. * * * * 1478. 1506. 1509. 1534. 1536. 1549. 1586. 1603. 1645. Sir Edwd. Walker, Feb. 24; depr. by the parlt. Re-instated at the Restoration; d. Feb. 19, 1677. 1646. Edwd. Byshe, app. by the parlt. ; depr. at Restoration and reduced to his legal office of Clarencieux. 1677. Wm. Dugdale, Apr. 26; d. Feb. 10, 1686. 1686. Sir Thos. St. George ; signet, Feb. ; L. P. Mar. 9; d. 'Mar. 6, 1703. 1703. Sir Hy. St. George (No. 2), cr. Apr. 26; L. P. June 2; d. Aug. 1715. 1715. John Anstis (No. 1), received L. P. granting him the reversion of this office, Apr. 2, 1714. On the death of sir Hy. St. George he claimed the office, but his demand was disregarded, and sir John Wan- brugh (Clarencieux) was app. by L. P., Oct. 26, 17J 5. Ultimately the claims of Anstis were allowed, and he was created Garter, Apr. 20, 1718. He afterwards obtained L. P. dated June 8, 1727, grant- ing the office to him and to his son, John Anstis (No. 2), in re- version; d. Mar. 4, 1745. 1745. John Anstis (No. 2), Mar. 4; succ. under the L. P. of June 8, 1727 d. Dec. 5, 1754. 328 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1754. Stephen Martin Leake, Dec.; d. 1822. Sir Geo. Nayler, May 10, G.; July 22, Mar. 24, 1773. sw. ; d. 1831. 1773. Sir Chas. Townley, Apr. 27; d. June | 1831. Ralph Bigland (No. 2), Nov. 15, G.; 7, 1774 knt. Dec. 7; d. 1839. 1774. Thos. Browne; d. Feb. 22, 1780. 1839. Sir Wm. Woods, July 23, G.; d. 1842. 1780. Ralph Bigland (No. 1), app. Feb. 1842. Chas. Geo. Young, aft. Sir C., Aug. 26; cr. Mar. 2; d. Mar. 27, 4, G.; inv. Aug. 27 ; sw. Oct. 11, 1784. 1844; d. 1869. 1784. Isaac Heard, aft. Sir I., Apr. 27. ; d. 1869. Albert Wm. Woods, Oct. 25, G. ; 1822. knt. Nov. 11. CLARENCIEUX KINGS OF ARMS. THE date and origin of the title of Clarencieux is a little obscure. It was apparently created by or in the reign of Edward III., and was taken from the dukedom of his son, the Duke of Clarence. The office was at first that of Clarencieux Herald only, but when Edward IV. suc- ceeded to the dukedom, on the death of his brother, he raised it to Clarencieux King at Arms. The province or jurisdiction of Clarencieux extends south of the Trent. CLARENCIEUX KINGs of ARMs. * •k * 1646. Edwd. Byshe, aft. sir E., who re- signed in favour of * * Clarencieux Heralds only:— * * Wm. Ryley, who was at the Resto- Wm. Horseley, cr. by Hen. W. ration reduced to his legal rank Roger Lygh, cr. by Hen. VI. of Lancaster Herald, and the post John Ashwell, cr. by Hen. VI. of Clarencieux given to Edwd. Thos. Collyer, cr. by Hen. VI. Byshe, ut supra. John Mallet, cl. by Hen. VI. 1679. Sir Hy. St. George (No. 2), Jan. ; Wm. Hawkeslow, cr. by Edw. IV. aft. “ Garter.” Clarencieux JC. arms. 1704. Sir John Vanbrugh, Mar. 29; res. 1476. Sir Thos. Holme; d. 1493. Feb. 9, 1726; d. Mar. 26, 1726. 1493, Roger Machado. See note to “Nor- 1726. Knox Ward, June 9; d. Sept. 30, 1741. roy,” post, p. 329; d. 1516. 1741. Stephen Martin Leake, Sept. 30; cr. 1516. Thos. Benolte ; d. May 8, 1534. Dec. 22; aft. “Garter.” 1534. Thos. Tonge, Aug. 2. 1755. Chas. Townley, aft. Sir C., Jan. 11; 1536. Thos. Ilawley, May 19 ; d. Aug. 22, aft. ‘‘ Garter.” 1557. 1773. Thos. Browne; aft. “ Garter.” 1557. Wm. Harvey, or, Nov. 21; d. Feb. 1774. Ralph Bigland (No. 1); aft. 27, 1567. ‘‘ Garter.” 1567. Robt. Cooke, d. 1592. 1780. Isaac Heard, Mar. 11; aft, “Garter.” 1594. Richd. Lee; L. P. May 11; cr. May | 1784. Thos. Locke, May 18; d. Feb. 24, 18; d. Sept. 23, 1597. 1803. 1597. Wm. Camden, cr. Oct. ; L. P. June | 1803. Geo. IIarrison, Mar. 4, G. 6, 1599; d. Nov. 19, 1623. 1820. Sir Geo. Nayler, May 17, G.; aft. 1623. Sir Richd. St. George; L. P. Sept. ‘‘ Garter,” 17; or, Dec. 28; d. May 17, 1822. Ralph Bigland (No. 2), May 10, G.; 1635. aft. ‘‘ Garter.” 1635. Sir Wm. Le Neve, June 22; depr. 1831. Wm. Woods, Nov. 15, G.; knt. Apr. by the parlt., 1646. At the Res- 12, 1832; aft. “ Garter.” toration he was found to be in- 1838. Edmd. Lodge, July 23, G.; d. 1839. sane, so he was not re-appointed; 1839. Jos. Hawker, Jan. 29, G.; d. 1846. but the place was given to Byshe, 1846. Fras. Martin, Apr. 18, G.; d. 1848. the deposed “Garter.” 1848. Jas. Pulman, Junc 14, G. 1646. Arth. Squibb, app. by the parlt. 1859. Robt. Laurie, Nov. 19, G. about Mar. ; d. May 22, 1646. 1882. Walter Aston Blount, Mar. 13, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 329 records of the latter reign. NORROY KING OF ARMS. THIS officer takes his name from those over which he has jurisdiction, i.e. the people residing north of the Trent, the inhabitants of the north being anciently called NoFREYs. The duties of this office were exercised as early as the reign of Edward I., but it is believed that the title of NoFROY was not used until the reign of Edward II. or Edward III. It certainly occurs in the From that time until the reign of Edward IV. it is doubtful whether any officer bearing the title was ever created, but there are several records of the duties of the office being discharged by other kings of arms or heralds. Edward IV. revived the dormant title, and it has since continued without interruption. NoFROY KING OF ARMS. * * * 1478. John Moore, July 9; d. 1491. 1485. 1493. 1510. 1516. * }{. 1522. 1526. 1536. 1545–6. 1550. 1634. 1635. 1643. Roger Machado. It would seem that upon the ac- cession of Henry VII., in 1485, Moore, who was a partisan of Richd. III., was deprived. Henry VII. created a king at arms with his own former title of RICHMOND, and appointed Roger Machado to the office. He wrote himself “RICHMOND- NORROY '': aft. “Clarencieux.” t Christr. Carhill, d. 1510. Thos. Bonolte, aft. “Clarencieux.” | Thos. Wall, May 27. The father or grandfather of “Garter” Wall. John Joyner, d. 1522. Thos. Tonge, Nov. 1 (Allhallow's Day), aft. “Clarencieux.” Christr. Barker, aft. “Garter.” Wm. Fellows, July 9. Gilbert Dethick, cr: ; L. P. Aug. 16, 1547. Wm. Harvey; L. P. Feb. 2; cr. Feb. 4. . Laurence Dalton; L. P. Sept. 6; cr. Dec. 1558; d. Dec. 13, 1561. . Wm. Flower, Feb. 8. . Edmd. Knight, Mar. 26 ; d. Oct. 30, 1593. . Wm. Segar, cr. ; L. P. June 6, 1602; aft. “ Garter.” . Sir Richd. St. George ; aft. “Cla- rencieux.” . Jno. Burroughs, Dec. 18; cr. Dec. 23; knt, July 17, 1624; aft. “Garter.” Sir Wm. le Neve, Jan. 3; aft. • ‘Clarencieux.” Sir Hy. St. George (No. 1), June 24; aft. “Garter.” Sir Edwd. Walker, cr. end of 1646. 1658. 1660, 1677. 1680. 1685–6. 1700. 1704. 1729. 1741. 1751. 1756. 1761. 1773. 1774. 1780. 1643; L. P., signet, Apr. ; gr. seal, June 24, 1644; aft. “Garter.” On his promotion to Garter there was a vacancy not legally supplied until the Restoration. In the mean- time Wm. Ryley, Aug. 13; cr. Oct. 20; was app. by the parlt., who afterwards promoted him to “Clarencieux.” At the Restoration he was reduced to his previous office of Lancaster Herald. Geo. Owen, who was reduced at the Restoration to his previous office of York Herald. Sir Wm. Dugdale, June 12; aft. ‘‘ Garter.” Sir Hy. St. George (No. 2), Apr. 27; aft. “Clarencieux.” Sir Thos. St. George, Jan. ; aft. ‘‘ Garter.” Sir Jno. Dugdale, knt.; d. be- tween Mar. and Nov. 1700. Robt. Devenish, cr. Oct ; L. P. Nov. 22; d. Apr. 7, 1704. Peter le Neve, May 25; d. Sept. 24, 1729. Steph. Martin Leake, Dec. 8; aft. “Clarencieux.’ John Cheale, Sept. 30; d. May 8. 1751. Chas. Townley, app. Nov. 2; cr. Nov. 19 ; aft. “Clarencieux.” Wm. Oldys; d. Apr. 15, 1761. Thos. Browne ; aft. “Claren- cieux.” Ralph Bigland (No. 1), May; aft. “Clarencieux.” Isaac Heard, Oct. ; aft. “Claron- cieux.” Peter Dore, Mar. 21; d. Sept. 27, 1781. 330 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1781. Thos. Locke, Nov. 8; aft. “Cla- 1839. Fras. Martin, Jan. 29, G.; aft- rencieux.” ** Clarencieux.” 1784. Geo. Harrison, May 20; aft. “Cla- 1846. Jas. Pulman, Apr. 18, G.; aft. rencieux.” “Clarencieux.” g 1808. Ralph Bigland (No. 2), Apr. 4;| *.*.*.*.* *...* * aft. “Clarencieux. 1849. Robt. Laurie, July 5, G.; aft. 1822. Edmd, Lodge, May 30, G.; aft. ** Clarencieux.” “Clarencieux.” 1859. Walter Aston Blount, Nov. 28, G.; 1838. Jos. Hawker, July 23, G. ; aft. aft. “Clarencieux.” ‘‘ Clarencieux.” 1882. Geo. Edwd. Cokayne, June 23, G. TEATH AND GLOU CESTER, KINGS OF ARMS. THE office of BATH. KING OF ARMs was founded by George I. on June 1, 1725. GLOUCESTER KING OF ARMs was founded by Richard III. in honour of his dukedom. There are prior traces of a Gloucester herald, but he seems to have been merely an officer of the dukes of Gloucester and not of the king. Richard Champney was appointed Gloucester king of arms on Jan. 4, 1484. He was either deprived after the battle of Bosworth, or, more probably, killed in that battle. The office remained in abeyance until January 14, 1726, when it was revived, and “in- separably annexed, united, and perpetually consolidated with ” the office of Bath king of arms. The duties of “Bath '' are, as his name implies, principally connected with the order of knighthood bearing that name. “Gloucester,” on his revival, was made principal herald of “the parts of Wales,” and has special jurisdiction over that portion of the United Kingdom. BATH AND GLOUCESTER, KINGS OF ARMs. Grey Longueville, app. “Bath,” June 1771. Thos. Gery Cullum, aft. bt., Dec. 1, 1725; app. “ Gloucester,” Jan. 14; res. 14, 1726; d. Sept. 29, 1745. 1801. Jno. Palmer Cullum, app. “Bath,” 1745. Hon. Edwd. Young, Oct. Apr. 3, G.; and “Gloucester,” * * Wm. Woodley. Apr. 21, G. 1757 or 1761. Saml. Horsey; d. July 28, 1830. Algernon Greville. 1771. 1865. W.-Adm. Hon. Geo. Grey. CHESTER HERALDS. THIs office is said to have been founded in the reign of Edward III., and there are traces of the title under Richard II., Henry IV., and Henry W. CHESTER HERALDs. * •k. * Rich. III. Thos. Whiting, who was living up Edw. IV. Roger Stamford.” to 10 Hy. VII. (1494–5), The Rich. III. Roger Bromley. * date of his death is uncertain. • ------- ~~~5 Office vacant for some years. * There is some doubt whether 1534. Randolph Jackson, cr. June 21, these two names do not refer at coronation of Q. Anna to the same individual. Boleyn. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 33} 1545–6. Wm. Flower; aft. “Norroy.” 1562. Robt. Cooke, cr. Jan. 29; L. P. Feb. 8 ; aft. “Clarencieux.” John Hart. Edwd. Knight, cr. Oct. 31 (All- hallow's Eve); aft. “Norroy.” Jas. Thomas, Mar 26. Wm. Penson, under L. P. from Jas. I., which were afterwards declared invalid, and Penson was superseded by Thos. Knight; L. P. Apr. 5 res., and d. Oct. 1618. Hy. Chitting, July 18; d. Jan. 7, 1638. 1566. 1574. 1592. * + 1617. 1618. 1638. Edwd. Walker, Jan. 31; Feb. 8; aft. “Norroy.” Wm. Dugdale, Apr. 16; depr. by the Parlt; app. “Norroy” at the Restoration. CI’. 1644. 1644. — Ryley, “Intruder” during the * 3: 1677. 1689. 1721. 1739. 1752. 1791. 1834. 1859. 1864. Commonwealth; the brother of Wm. Ryley, the “intruding” Clarencieux. Thos. Lee ; d. Apr. 23, 1677. Thos. May, nom. Apr. 24; L. P. May 6 ; cr. June 24 ; d. Dec. 1689. Chas. Mawson; res. Aug. 5, 1720. Edwd. Stibbs, Dec. 13; d. Jan. 10, 1739. Fras. Hutchenson, Feb. 22 ; d. June 22, 1752. Jno. Martin Leake, Aug. ; res. Geo. Martin Leake, Dec. ; d. 1834. Walter Aston Blount, Nov. 15, G.; aft. “Norroy.” Edwd. Steph. Dendy, Dec. 5, G. Hy. Murray Lane, July 18, G. WINDSOR HERALDS. THIS office is said to have been founded by Edward III. in the 38th year of his reign (1364–65), but until the reign of Edward IV. the records are uncertain, and the name of Windsor is applied to a king of arms and to a Herald apparently without much distinction either of person or office. WINDSOR HERALDs. *K. % * * * * Thos. Holme. About 8 Edw. IV. 1468–9. Jno. Moore, aft. “ Norroy.” Vacancy until 1 Hy. VII. 1485–6. Richd. Slacke; d. May 1502. Vacancy not filled up until Hy. VII, Thos. Benolte ; aft. “Norroy.” Hy.VIII. Fras. 4 Dyes; d. Oct. or Nov. 1524. 1524, 1534. Thos. Wall; aft, “Garter.” Chas. Wrythe or Wriothesley, cr. Dec. 25; L. P. Jan. 1, 1535; d. Jan. 25, 1561. Vacancy until . Richd. Turpin, app. ; cr. Apr. 19, 1565; d. Oct. 17, 1581. . Nichs. Dethick, Apr. 24; d. Jan. 19, 1596. . Thos. Lant, cr. Oct. 22; L. P. Nov. 19, 1600; d. 1600 or 1601. . Richd. St. George, aft. “Norroy.” . Saml. Thompson, Apr. 5; d. May 15, 1624. . Augustine Vincent, June 1; cr. June 29; d. Jan. 11, 1626. . John Bradshaw, Jan. ; d. 1655. 1633. 1660. 1676. 1686. 1687. 1690. 1726. 1736. 1745. . Thos. Thornborough; d. Edwd. Norgate, Oct. 28 ; d. Dec. 23, 1650. It is believed that during the Commonwealth, Byshe, the brother of Edwd. Byshe (see Garter K. Arms), “intruded” into this office, and was deprived at the Restoration. Elias Ashmole, Apr. 22; res. July 21, 1676. John Dugdale. Oct. 22; aft. “Nor- rov.” Hy. Ball, cr. Mar. 29 ; d. Feb. 13, 1687, Thos. Holford (No. 1). Peers Mauduit; res. Jas. Whorwood, Dec. 2. Jno. Kettle, Aug. : cr. Dec. 22, 1741; d. May 1745. Richd. Mawson; d. Sept. 2, 1745, the day on which the warrant appointing him was made out. about 1757. . Hy. Hill, Nov. 26 ; cr. July 4, 1758; d. June 1774. . Geo. Harrison, Nov. ; aft. “Nor- row.” . Fras. Townshend, June 5; d. 1819. 332 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1819. Fras. Martin, Apr. 12, G.; aft. 1849. Geo. Harrison Rogers - Harrison, “Norroy.” July 6, G.; d. 1880. 1839. Robt. Laurie, Feb. 1, G.; aft. 1880. Wm. Hy. Weldon, Apr. 17, G. “Norroy.” SOMERSET HERALDS. THIS office was created by Henry VII., in the 9th year of his reign (1493–4), in honour of the house of Somerset, from which he was descended. SoMERSET HERALDs. 9 Hen. WII. under the Commonwealth, 1493–4. John Young ; d. 1510. until * * John or Thos. Ponde; d. about 1660. Sir Thos. St. George, by Signet, 1542. July; aft. “Norroy.” * * Wm. Hastings; d. May 15. 1679-80. Fras. Burghill; surr. the office. * * Thos. Traheyron or Trahern. 1700. Saml. Stebbing, May 31; d. Aug. 35 Hen. VIII. 21, 1719. 1543–4. Richd. Radcliffe. 1720. John Warburton, app. June 6; 37 Hen. VIII. L. P. June 18; cr. June 24; d. 1545–6. Wm. Harvey, aft. “Norroy.” May 11, 1759. 1551. Edmond Atkynson, Feb. 21; d. 1759. Ralph Bigland (No. 1), aft. “Nor- Dec. 1, 1570. roy.” 1570. Robt. Flower, d. 1571. 1773. Hy. Hastings, June ; d. Dec. 21, 1571. Robt. Glover, d. Apr. 1588. 1777. 1589. Wm. Segar, Jan. 4; aft. “Nor- * * John Chas. Brooke, d. Feb. 3, roy.” 1794. 1597. Robt. Treswell or Creswell, cr. 1794. John Atkinson, Mar. 1; d. 1813. Oct. 22; L. P. Mar. 20, 1603. 1813. Jas. Cathrow, aft. J. Cathrow- Sold his office June 14, 1624, Disney, Aug. 25, G. to— 1854. Wm. Courthorpe, Jan. 31, G. 1624. Jno. Philipot, July 8; d. Nov. 25, 1866. Jas. Robinson Planché, June 7, G. 1645. 1880. Stephen Isaacson Tucker, Aug. Vacancy, except for a doubtful 10, G.; d. Jan. 6, 1887. ‘‘ intrusion” by Wm. Dethick, 1887. Hy. Farnham Burke, Jan. 29, G. LAN CASTER HERALDS. THIS officer takes his name from the Lancaster branch of the Plan- tagenets. The title is believed to have been first used by Henry IV., who was formerly duke of Lancaster. He created a Lancaster king of arms, and appointed to the office Richard del Brugg, who held it till his death. Edward IV. first reduced the office to Lancaster herald, and afterwards abolished it. It was revived as Lancaster herald by Henry VII. LANCASTER HERALDs. 1 Edw. IV. * * * * 1461–2. Wm. Jennings. 1526. Wm. Jennings, May 2. Edw.iv.Wm. Tyndall. X. 1527. Wm. Fellows, cr. Nov. 1 (All- - - * hallows Day); aft. “Norroy.” 1509. Thos. Wall, Apr. 30, aft. “Nor- 1536. Thos. Mylmer, cr. July 9 ; exe- roy.” cuted 1538–9 (30 Hy. VIII.). THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 333 1539. 1553. 1559. 1588. 1602. 1609. 1613. 1637. 1641. 1646. 1665. 1676. Fulk ap Howell, Apr. 28; cr. July 9. Expelled, degraded, and executed. Nichs. Tubman, 15; L. P. Nov. 22; 8, 1559. John Cocke, Jan. 13; d. Mar. 17, 1585. Nichs. Paddy, June 30. Fras, Thynne, cr. Apr. 22 ; d. 1608. Nichs. Charles or Carles, cr. Apr. 21; d. Nov. 1613. Wm. Penson, Dec. 16 (see “Ches- ter Herald”); d. Apr. 20, 1637. Thos. Thompson. Wm. Ryley, Nov. 11; app. by the Parlt. to “Norroy,” but re- duced at Restoration to “Lan- caster’”; d. July 1667. Edwd. Byshe, “intruder,” aft. “Clarencieux.” Geo. Barkham, “intruder”; depr. at Restoration. Cr. Now. d. Jan. Robt. Chaloner, d. Nov. 1, 1676. Fras. Sandford, Nov. 16 ; res. 1689. 1712. 1713. 1727. 1729. 1743. + 3& 1774. 1781. 1793. 1822. 1841. 1870. 1873. 1882. Gregory King, July ; d. Aug. 29, 1712. Rowland Fryth, Nov. 14; d. Dec. 7, 1712. John Hesketh, June 4. Sold his office in To Stephen Martin Leake; aft. “Norroy.” Chas. Greene, Dec. 8. Thos. Browne, Apr. ; aft. “Nor- roy.” Isaac Heard; aft. “Clarencieux.” Thos. Locke, Nov. 10; aft. “Nor- roy.” Chas. Townley, Dec. 24; surr. his office July 11, 1793; d. Now. 25, 1800. Edmd. Lodge, Dec. ; aft. “Nor- roy.” Geo. Fredk. Beltz, May 30, G.; d. 1841. Albert Wm. Woods, Nov. 6, G.; aft. “ Garter.” Geo. Edwd. Adams, Jan. 1. Geo. Edwd. Cokayne, aft. “Nor- roy.” Edwd. Bellasis, July 7, G. RICHMOND HERALDS. AccorDING to some writers this title existed as far back as the reign of Edward IV., both as a herald and a king of arms. If it did, it was pro- bably only attached to the household of a prince and not of a reigning monarch. The better opinion seems to be that Henry VII., who prior to his accession had been duke of Richmond, first made “Richmond’’ an officer of the crown, and the title has ever since continued. RICHMOND HERALDs. Hen. VII. Robt. Browne (?). 1485. * * 1522. 1536. 1540. 1547. 1557. 1566. 1584. Roger Machado, Richmond K. arms. See his name under “Norroy,” ante, p. 329. John Joyner, aft. “Norroy.” Christr. Barker, cr. Nov. 1 (All- hallows Day); aft. “Claren- cieux.” John Narboome, d. 1540. Gilbert Dethick, Dec. 25; aft. “Norroy.” Laurence Dalton, Apr. 12; aft. “Norroy,” Nicholas Narboone; aft. “Ul- ster.” Hugh Cotgrave, cr. ; L. P. July 27, 1569; d. abt. 1584. Richd. Lee, nom. ; cr. June 10, 1585, aft. “Clarencieux.” 1597. 1597. 1615. 1635. 1660 or 1666. , 1677. 1707. Wm. Camden, cr. Oct. 22; aft. “Clarencieux.” He was only in office one day. John Raven, cr. Oct. 23 ; L. P. Aug. 13, 1603; d. Feb. 13, 1615. Hy. St. George (No. 1.), cr. Mar. 22; L. P. Apr. 5, 1617; knt. abt. 1627; aft. “Norroy.” Geo. Mainwaring, June 25. Everard Exton, • ‘ intruded ?” under the Commonwealth, and was depr. at the Restora- tion. Hy. St. George (No. 2), June 18; aft. “Norroy.” Hy. Dethick, Apr. 30; d. June. 1707. Peter Le Neve; aft. “Norroy.” 334 DIGNITIES. THE BOOK OF * }{ 1721. Geo. I. 1755. 1763. 1764. * º John Hare, d. May 14, 1720. Robt. Dale, May 3; d. Apr. 4, 1722. Chas. Whinyates, res. Fras. Grose, June ; res. 1763; d. May 12, 1791. Hy. Pugolas, Feb. 19; d. May 23, 1764. Peter Dore, July 16, aft. “Nor- roy.” 1803. 1838. 1846. 1873. 1882. 1780. Ralph Bigland (No. 2), Apr. 8; aft. “Norroy.” Jos. Hawker, May 5, G.; aft. “Norroy.” Jas. Pulman, July 23, G.; aft, “Norroy.” Matth. Chas. Apr. 24, G. Hy. Harrington Molyneux Seel, Nov. 11, G. Arth. Staunton Larken, Oct. 4, G. Howard Gibbon, YORK HERALDS. THIS officer was named after the white rose branch of the Plantagenets. The office was probably created either by Edward IV. or Richard III., though some writers date it back to Edward III., whose son was created duke of York. There is some doubt about the order of the earlier names. York HERALDs. Hy. Ffranch, or Franke. Edw. IV. Thos. Hollingsworth. 1483. * * * * 3& -X. * * 24 Hen. 1532–3. 3. * 1567. 1569. 1587. 1593. 1625. 1633. . Martin John Waters ; d. 1500. Thos. Tonge, aft. “Norroy.” Ralph Lagysse ; d. 1528. Thos. Bysley ; d. midsummer, 1530. Allan Dagnall. VIII. Rowland Playnford. Wm. Writhe, or Wriothesley. John Mynne. Bartholomew Butler; aft. “Ulster.” Vacancy until Maroffe, cr. Nov. 15; L. P. Nov. 25; d. Apr. 1563. . Wm. Colborne, Jan. 25 ; cr. Apr. 19; d. Sept. 13, 1567. Ralph Langman. Wm. Dethick, aft, “ Garter.” Humphry Hales, cr. June 4; d. June 16, 1591. Ralph Brooke, Mar. 2; d. Oct. 15, 1625. Wm. Le Neve, aft. Sir W., Now. 25; aft. “Norroy.” Geo. Owen; warr. to E. marsh., Dec. 9; advanced to “Norroy” by the Commonwealth, but re- duced to York at Restoration; surr. his office 1663; d. May 13, 1665 or 1666. 1658. 1663 1675. 1700. 1717. 1722. 1735. — Owen, bro. of the preceding ; depr, at Restoration. John Wingfield; surr. his office, Dec. 22, 1674; d. Dec. 30, 1678. Robt. Devenish, cr. Feb. 23; aft. “Norroy.” Lawrence Cromp; L. P. Nov. 23; cr. Dec. 11; d. June 11, 1715. Thos. Whitwick, cr. Oct. 4; d. June 20, 1722. Philip Jones, Nov. 9; sold his office to his successor. Chas. Townley, app. July; cr. Dec. ; L. P. Aug. 26, 1736; aft. “Norroy.” . Geo. Fletcher, Nov. 23; d. Nov. 9, 1785. . Benjn. Pingo, Feb. 4; d. Feb. 3, 1794. . Geo. Nayler, Mar. 15; aft. “Cla- rencieux.” . Chas. Geo. Young, May 18, G.; aft. ‘‘ Garter.” . Edwd. Howard Gibbon, Aug. 5, G.; aft. “Norroy.” . Thos. Wm. King, June 17, G. . John Von Sonnentag de Havil- land, Mar. 20, G.; d. 1886. . Alf. Scott Gatty, Oct. 9, G. SURREY HERALDS EXTRAORDINARY. 1856. Edwd. Stph. Dendy, Aug. 23; aft. “ Chester.” 1880, Chas. Alban Buckler, July 16, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 335 "THIs name was taken from the colour of the St. George's Cross. * * MALTRAVERS HERALD EXTRAORDINARY. 1887. Jos. Jackson Howard, Nov. 26, G. ROUGE CROIX PURSUIVANTS. The office was created by Henry V. Rouge, CROIx PURSUIVANTs. * + *k Jobn Wrythe. * k * Edwd. IV. or Rich. III. John Waters, aft. “ York.” Rich. III. Geo. Berry. Hy. VII. Rich. Grimwode. Robt. Browne, aft. “Richmond.” John Joyner, aft. “Richmond.” Thos. Waters, aft. “Carlisle.” Wm. Jennings, aft. “Lancas- ter.” Thos. Benolte, aft. “Windsor.” 1509. Thos. Hawley, Aug. 29; aft. “Car- lisle.” Hy. VIII. Laurence de la Gatta. John or Thos. Ponde, aft. • ‘Somerset.” 1521. * * T535. * * 1540. Jj66. T1559. T1580. T592. 1604. Il619. Thos. Wall, cr. May 4; L. P. May 10; aft. “Windsor.” Chas. Wrythe or Wriothesley, aft. “Windsor.” Barthw. Butler, Jan. 12; aft. * York.” Justinian Barker. Gilbert Dethick, Dec. ; aft. ‘‘ Richmond.” Wm. Flower, aft. “Chester.” . Laurence Dalton, Nov. 15 ; aft. • Richmond.” Simon Nymbolthe or Newbald; d. 1550 or 1551. 51. Nicholas Tubman, Jan. 19; aft. “Lancaster.” . Hugh Cotgrave, cr. Nov. 15 ; L. P. Nov. 20; aft. mond.” Wm. Dethick; aft. “York.” Thos. Dawes; L. P. Mar. 24; cr. Mar. 25, 1570. Ralph Brooke, aft. “York.” Thos. Knight, Mar. 26 ; “ Chester.” Wm. Wyrley, May 5; d. Feb. 1619 ** Rich- aft. John Gwillim, Feb. 26; d. May 7, 1621. 1621. 1624. 1626. 1637. 1638. 1639. 1646. 1660. 1677. 1686. 1688. 1701. * * 1722. 1725. 1751. 1752. 1773. 1777. 1784. 1794. 1803. 1823. Augustine Vincent; L. P. May 29; cr. June 6 ; aft. “Windsor.” John Bradshaw; L. P. June 8; cr. June 23; aft. “Windsor.” Geo. Owen; pr. seal, Mar. 2; warrt. July 26; aft. “York.” Edwd. Walker; sign. May ; gr. seal, May 19 : cr. June 5; aft. “Chester.” Hy. Lilley; sign. Jan. ; d. Aug. 19. 1638. Wm. Dugdale, Mar. “Chester,” in 1644. Vacancy until Everard Exton “intruded” during the Commonwealth, and pro- moted to “Richmond.” Robt. Brown “intruded " during the Commonwealth ; res. or depr. at the Restoration. Hy. Dethick; sign. July; aft ** Richmond.” Hy. Ball; sign. Apr. ; aft. “Wind- sor.” 18 ; aft. Chas. Mawson, cr. Mar. 29; aft “Chester.” Saml. Stebbing, May 17 ; aft, “Somerset.” Peter Le Neve, Jan. 17; aft ** Richmond.” John Bound, d. Mar. 30, 1721. Richd. Graham, Aug. 4. John Pomfret, July 26; d. Mar. 24, 1751. Alexr. Cozens. Hy. Hastings, Aug. ; aft. “Somer- set.” John Chas. Brooke, aft. “Somer- set.” Fras. Townshend, aft. “Windsor.” John Atkinson, June 5 ; aft. “Somerset.” Jos. Hawker, Apr. 19 ; aft. “Richmond.” Wm. Radcliffe, May 17; res. Robt. Laurie, Aug 11, G.; aft. ** Windsor.” 336 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1839. Wm. Courthope, Feb. 1, G.; aft. “Somerset.” * 1854. Jas. Robt. Planché, Feb. 13, G.; aft. “Somerset.” 1866. John Von Sommentag de Havilland, Aug. 16, G.; aft. “York.” 1872. Stephen Isaacson Tucker, Sept. 9, G. : aft. “Somerset.” 1880. Hy. Farnham Burke, Aug. 27, G.; aft. “Somerset.” 1887. Geo. Wm. Marshall, Jan. BLUE MANTLE PURSUIVANTS. ACCORDING to some this name was adopted by Edward III., in honour of the colour of the “field' of the French coat of arms, which he assumed. According to others, and more probably, it was taken from the colour of the garter. The office was founded either by Edward III. or by Henry V., pro- bably by the former. BLUE MANTLE PURsulv ANTs. * -k •k. Edw. IV. Roger Bromley, aft. “Chester.” Rich. III. John Brice. Hy. VII. — Coller. * * Thos. Francho. * * Laurence Alford. * * John Younge. * * Fras. Dyes; aft. “Windsor.” Hy. VIII. Thos Wall; aft. “Lancaster.” 6 Hy. VIII. 1514–5. Ralph Lago. 10 Hy. VIII. 1518–9. John Hutton. 1522. Thos. Bysley, * York.” 1528. John Narboone, cr. Nov. 1 (All- hallows day); aft. “Rich- mond.” * * Rowland Playmford; aft. “York.” 1536. Richd. Ratcliffe, May 16; aft. “Somerset.” * Leonard Warcup ; aft. “Carlisle.” * * Wm. Harvey; L. P. June 18; aft. “Somerset.” 1544. Edmd. Atkynson, Sept. 28 ; aft. “Somerset.” 1550–1. Nicholas Narboome; aft. “Rich- mond.” 1557. John Hollingworth, nom. ; cr. Dec. 9, 1558; L. P. Sept., 1559; d. Oct. 10, 1559. 1559. Richd. Turpin, app. ; cr. Jan. 22, 1561 ; aft. “Windsor.” 1564. Nichs. Dethick, app.; cr. Apr. 19, 1565; aft. “Windsor.” 1583. Humphry Hales, app.; cr. Now. 3, 1584; aft. “York.” 1587. Jas. Thomas ; sign. Apr. 24; L. P. Apr. 25; cr. June 4; aft. “ Chester.” Nov. 5; aft. * *k 1588, Robt. Treswell or Creswell; sign. Feb. 21 ; L. P. May 18; cr. Mar. 26, 1592: aft. “Somerset.” 1597. Mercury Patten, cr. Oct. 22; L. P. May 8, 1604; sold his office to his successor. 1611. Hy. St. George (No. 1), Dec. 23; aft. “Richmond.” 1616. Sampson Lennard, cr. Mar. 22; L. P. Mar. 23 and Apr. 29, 1617; d. Aug. 1633. * * Edwd. Norgate, aft. “Windsor.” 1633. Wm. Ryley, Sept. 4; aft. “Lan- caster.” 1641. Robt. Browne, d. Oct. 14, 1646. 1646. John Watson, “intruder” during the Commonwealth ; depr. at Restoration. 1660. Robt. Chaloner, July; aft. “Lan- caster.” 1665. R. Hornebrock, d. July, 1667. * * Thos. Segar, d. 1670. 1668. John Gibbon; L. P. Feb. 10; cr. May 25, 1671. 1719. Jas. Green, June 3 ; inv. June 24; d. Sept. 4, 1737. 1737. Thos. Browne, Oct. ; aft. “Lan- caster.” 1743. John Pine, Dec. ; d. May 4, 1756. 1757. Ralph Bigland (No. 1), Mar. ; aft. “Somerset.” 1759. John Ward, Dec. 1761. Isaac Heard, aft. “Lancaster.” 1762. Hy. Pugolas, aft. “Richmond.” 1763. Peter Dore, Apr. 21 ; aft. “Rich- mond.” 1764. Geo. Browne, Nov. 2; d. 1767. 1767. Geo. Harrison; aft. “Windsor.” 1774. Chas. Townley, Dec. 31; aft. “Lancaster.” THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 337 1781. 1793. 1794. 1796. 1819. 1831. Edmd. Lodge, aft. “Lancaster.” Geo. Nayler, Dec.; aft. “York.” John Havers, May 13. Fras. Martin, jun., aft. “Wind- sor.” Wm. Woods, Apr. 13, G.; aft. ** Norfolk.” Geo. Harrison Rogers Harrison, Nov. 15, G. : aft. “Windsor.” 1849. Hy. Murray Lane, Aug. 11, G.; aft. “Chester.” 1864. Hy. Harington Molyneux-Seel, : Nov. 14, G.; mond.” Edwd. Bellasis, Dec. 13, G.; aft. “Lancaster.” Chas. Harold Athill, July 24, G. aft. “Rich- 1873. 1882. PORTCULLIS PURSUIVANTS. THE name of this officer was taken from one of the cognizances of the house of Somerset, which was a favourite badge with Henry VII., by whom the office was founded. PortCULLIS PURSUIVANTs. Hy. VII. Ralph Lagysse, aft. “York.” Wm. Fellows, aft. “Lancaster.” Wm. Hastings, Apr. 29. Allan Dagnall, aft. “York.” Thos. Traheyron or Trahern, aft. ‘" Somerset.” 1526. Hy. VIII. * * * * Robt. Fayery, d. 1549–50, (3 Edwd. VI.) Edw. WI. Richd. Withers. 1553. Jno. Cocke, cr. Dec. 25 ; L. P. Jam. 3, 1555; aft. “Lancaster.” 1559. Edwd. Merlin, d. same year. Ralph Langman, app.; cr. Dec 4, 1561; aft. “York.” 1567. Robt. Glover, aft. “Somerset.” 1571. Richd. Lee, cr. Mar. 30; aft. ** Richmond.” 1585. Wm. Segar, cr. June 10; L. P. June 14; aft. “Somerset.” 1588. Thos. Lant, aft. “Windsor.” 1597. Saml. Thompson, cr. Oct. 22; L. P. May 15, 1602; aft. “ Windsor.” 1619. Philip (? John) Holland, Feb. 23. Chas. II. W. 1625. Thos. Preston, Dec. • ‘ Ulster.” John Beauchamp. John Wingfield, sign. and pr. seal, July 27; aft. “York.” Thos. Holford (No. 1.); aft. ‘‘ Windsor.” Thos. Holford (No. 2.); res. Lawrence Cromp, aft. “York.” John Hesketh, aft. “Lancaster.” Thos. Wightwick, aft. “York.” Rd. Mawson, Dec. 11. Peter Toms, Jan. ; d. Jan. 1, 1777. Jno. Doddington Forth, Mar. 3. Geo. Fredk. Beltz, May 3, G.; aft. “Lancaster.” Jas. Pulman, May 30, G.; aft. “ Richmond.” Albt. Wm. Woods, July 23, G.; aft. “Lancaster.” Geo. Wm. Collen, Nov. 6, G. Arthur Staunton Larken, Feb. 20, G.; aft. “Richmond.” Wm. Alexr. Lindsay, Dec. 27, G. 22; aft. 1633. 1660. 1663. 1689. & M. 1713. 1718. 1746. 1780. 1817. 1822. 1838. 1841. 1878. 1882. ROUGE DRAGON PURSUIVANTS. THIs office was created by Henry VII. prior to his coronation, to com- memorate the banner which he bore at the battle of Bosworth. ROUGE DRAGON PURSUIVANTs. * * 1506. * * Wm. Tyndall. Thos. Miller, pr. Seal, Nov. 2. Christr. Barker. Vacancy. 1525. Richd. de la Towre, July 5. 1531. Thos. Mylner, cr. “Lancaster.” Fulk app. Howell, cr. July 6, 1536; L. P. July 6, 1538; aft. “Lancaster.” Nov. 8 ; aft. { 22 338 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. * * Richd. Croke. * * Arth. Shepherd, d. Mar. 2, 1756. 1546. Martin Maroffe, Mar. 4; aft. “York.” 1756. Hy. Hill, aft. “Windsor.” 1553. Wrm. Colborne, cr. Dec. 25; L. P. 1758. Thos. Sheriff, May 23; sold his Jan. 11, 1555; aft. “York.” office to his successor. 1565. Edmd. Knight, cr. Apr. 19; aft. 1763. Thos. Locke, Nov. ; aft. “Lan- “ Chester.” caster.” 1574. Nicholas Paddy, L. P. Sept. 30; cr. 1774. Ralph Bigland (No. 2.), Nov. ; aft. Oct. 31 (Allhallows Eve); aft. ‘‘ Richmond.” “Lancaster.” 1780. Benj. Pingo, May 15; aft. “York.” 1588. John Raven, June 8; aft. “Richmond.” 1786. Jas. Monson Philips, Apr. 13. 1597. Wm. Smith, cr. Oct. 22; L. P. 1797. Jas. Cathrow, aft. “Somerset.” Mar. 20, 1603; d. Oct. 1618. 1813. Chas. Geo. Young, Aug. 28, G.; aft. 1618. John Philipot, cr. Nov. 19; aft. “ York.” “Somerset.” 1820. Fras. Townsend, May 27, G.; d. 1624. Thos. Thompson, L. P. June 29; 1833. cr. July 8; aft. “Lancaster.” 1833. Jas. Rock, Apr. 23, G.; d. 1833. 1638. Wm. Crowne, L. P. Sept. 14; cr. Thos. Wm. King, May 20, G.; aft. Sept. 24; res. << York.” 1661. Fras. Sandford, June 6; aft. “Lan- 1848. Edwd. Steph. Dendy, June 19, G.; caster.” aft. “Surrey.” 1676. Thos. May, aft. “Chester.” 1859. Geo. Edwd. Adams, Dec. 10, G.; 1677. Gregory King, Mar. 7; cr. June 24; aft. “Lancaster.” aft. “Lancaster.” 1870. Wm. Hy. Weldon, Jan. 27, G.; aft. 1689. Peers Mauduit, aft. “Windsor.” “ Windsor.” * * Hugh Clopton. 1880. Alf. Scott Gatty, Apr. 27, G.; aft. * * John Hare, aft. “Richmond.” * York.” 1704. Dudley Downs, May 27; d. Oct. 27, 1886. Albt. Wm. Woods (No. 2), Oct. 20, 1720, SECTION II. HERALDIC OFFICES NOW EXTINCT. IRELAND KINGS OF ARMS. EINGS OF ARMs of this name appear to have existed as early as Richard II. Their jurisdiction was no doubt over Ireland. * * * Hy. VI. Thos. Collyer. Hy. W. John Kirby. $6 * •k TIIIs office seems to have continued down to the reign of Edward IV., but it is uncer- tain whether from the death of that king it existed or not. On the accession of Edward VI, the office was superseded by that of ULSTER KING OF ARMs, q.v. under “IRELAND.” Part X., post. LANCASTER, KINGS OF ARMS. See LANCASTER HERALDs, ante, p. 332. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 339 LEICESTER, KINGS OF ARMS. See LEICESTER HERALDs, post, p. 340. MARCHE KINGS OF ARMS. FoundED by Edward IV., formerly earl of March. There are prior traces of a Marche Herald. Edw. IV. John Ferrant. | Edw. IV. Wm. Ballard. ARUNDEL HERALDS EXTRAORDINARY. THIs title was no doubt taken from the second title of the dukes of Norfolk, who were hereditary earls marshal. 1735. Fras. Hutchenson, L. P. July; cr. * * Jno. Cheale. Sept.; aft. “ Chester.” * * Thos. Bewes. BLANC COURSIER HERALDS. THIS title was taken from the White Horse in the Brunswick arms. The office was afterwards consolidated with that of genealogist of the Bath. Geo. I. John Anstis (No. 2); aft. “Gar- sier” and “Bath” genealogist ter.” until his death in 1831. Geo. II. Sackville Fox, res. ; d. Dec. 18, 1831. Walter Aston Blount, Dec. 20, 1760 G.; aft. “Chester,” &c., con- 1757. John Suffield Brown, res. tinued “ Blanc Coursier’’ and 1792. Geo. Nayler, Sept. ; aft. “York,” “Bath” genealogist until app.to &c., but continued “Blanc Cour- “Norroy” in 1859; no succ.app. BUCKINGHAM HERALDS. THIS officer is mentioned as attending the funeral of Edward IV., but nothing further appears to be known of him. CARLISLE HERALDS. THIs office was founded by Richard III., who was formerly earl of Carlisle. Rich, III, Christopher Carhill; aft. “Nor- hallows Day); L. P. Jan. 2 and roy.” 30, 1515; aft. “Clarencieux.” 1493. Thos. Waters. 1544. Leonard Warcup. 1514. Thos. Hawley cr. Nov. 1 (All- 22 * 340 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. CLARENCIEUX HERALDS. See CLARENCIEUx KINGS OF ARMS, ante, p. 328. GLOUCESTER HERALDS. See BATH AND GLoucFSTER KINGS OF ARMS, ante, p. 380. HANOWER HERALDS. THIs office was founded by George I. in honour of his Hanoverian dominions. It was annexed to Bath and Gloucester king of arms, q.v., ante, p. 330. 1726. Grey Longueville, Feb. 1; d. Sept. * * Wm. Woodley. 29, 1745. 1757 or 1761. Saml. Horsey, Jan. 4. ; d. 1745. Hon. Edwd. Young, Oct. July 28, 1771. LEICESTER HERALDS. THIs office was founded by Henry IV., formerly Earl of Leicester. Hy. IV. Hy. Grene, Leicester Herald ; aft. cr. Leicester K. Arms. A Leicester Herald appears in the records of the reigns of Hy. IV., Hy. W., Edw. IV., Rich. III., and Hy.VII., but the names are unknown. MARCHE HERALDS. See MARCHE KINGs of ARMs, ante, p. 339. MOWIBRAY HERALDS EXTRAORDIN ARY. Mowbray was the ancient family name of the dukes of Norfolk, the hereditary earls marshal. 1623. Jas. Borough or Burroughs, June; Anne. Rowland or Richd. Fryth; aft. aft. “Norroy.” “Lancaster.” 1624. Wm. Le Neve, L. P., June 24; cr. Geo. I. Jno. Dugdale; d. Aug. 4, 1749. June 29; aft. “York.” 1764. Jos. Edmondson, Mar. ; d. Feb. 1677. Fras. Burghill, cr. June 24 ; aft. 17, 1786. “Somerset.” 1842. Edwd. Howard Gibbon, Apr. 25, 1694–5. Robt. Plot, Feb. 2. G.; aft. “Norroy,” THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 341 NORFOLK HERALDS EXTRAORDINARY. Geo.I. Jno. Anstis (No. 1), aft, “Garter.” 1825. Wm. Woods, May 9, G; aft. 1761. Stephen Martin Leake (No. 2); d. “Clarencieux.” Feb. 19, 1797. SUFFOLK HERALDS EXTRAORDINARY. THIS office was founded by George III. The title was taken from the earldom, which belongs to a branch of the Howard family. 1774. John Ives, junr., Oct. ; d. Jan. 9, 1776. ANTELOPE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Henry V. John Wrythe, aft. “Rouge Croix.” ATHILONE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. 1552. Philip Butler, June 22. BARNES PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Henry VII. Richard Ratcliffe, or Radcliffe. BERWICK PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Edw. IV. Wm. Jennings, aft. “Rouge | Hy. VIII. Chas. Wrythe or Wriothesley, Croix.” aft. “Rouge Croix.” Hy. VII. Thos. Wall, aft. “Rouge Croix.” Hy. Ray; d. about 1565. 1523. Leonard Warcup, cr. Nov. 1 1602. Richd. St. George, Apr. 22; aft. (Allhallows Day); aft. “Blue- “ Windsor.” mantle.” BLANC LION PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Jas. 1. Nicholas Charles, or Carles; aft. 1686. Thos. Holford, junr., May 3; “Lancaster.” aft. “Portcullis.” 1618. John Philipot, sign. Oct. ; L. P. 1690. Hugh, or Hy. Clopton, May 29; Nov. 13; aft. “Rouge Dra- aft. “Rouge Dragon.” gon.” Anne. Robt. Dale. 1623. Thos. Hamelin, Feb. 14. 1720. Arth. Shepherd, sw. June 24; Chas. I. Edwd. Walker, aft. “Rouge aft. “Rouge Dragon.” Croix.” 1782 Alexr. Ocherlony. 342 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, BLANCHE ROSE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. See RosF. BLANCHE, post, p. 344. BLANC SANGLIER PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. THE WHITE BOAR was Richard the third’s cognizance and one of his supporters. A pursuivant extraordinary with this title appears to have been ap- pointed by Richard III., and it is believed his name was St. Leger, but there is no certainty on the point. CALAIS PURSUIWANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Edw. IV. Thos. Wall, aft. “Blue | 28 or 30 Martin Maroffe, L. P. Mar. 4; Mantle.” Hen. VIII, aft. “Rouge Dragon.” Hen. VIII. Ralph Lagysse, aft. “Port- | Hen. VIII. Laurence Dalton, aft. “Rouge cullis.” Croix.” Christr. Barker, aft. “Rouge Nichs. Fairlewe, or Fellow ; Dragon.” killed in the attack on Hen. VIII. Thos. Mylner, aft. “Rouge Calais, 1558, and with him Dragon.” the office expired. COMFORT PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Hen, VII, not filled up. John Joyner, aft. “Rouge Croix"; on his promotion the office was CORK PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. THIS office was created by Henry VII., but the name of the officer is unknown. EAGLE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. THIS office was created by Henry VII., but the name of the officer unknown. FALCON PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. THE title of Falcon was given to a herald or a pursuivant by Henry W., by Edward IV., possibly by Richard III., and by Henry VII. The names of the officers are not known. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 343 FITZALAN PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Named from the duke of Norfolk's family. 1837. Albert Wm. Woods, June 27, G.; aft. “Portcullis.” GUISNES PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORIDINARY. GUISNES was the name of a town in Picardy, France. Edw. IV. Robt. Browne, aft. “Rouge | Hen. VIII. John Hutton, aft. “Blue Croix.” Mantle.” Rich. III. Thos. Ffranch, or Franke, aft. Allan Dagnall, cr. Nov. 1 4% Blue Mantle.” (Allhallows Day), 1528; aft. Hen. VII, Wm. Fellows, aft, “Port- ** Portcullis.” cullis.” 1523. Fulk ap Howell, L. P. July Wm. Tyndall, aft. “Rouge 6; cr. Nov. 1 (Allhallows Dragon.” Day); aft. “Rouge Dragon.” 1536. Wm. Flower, cr. July 10. * + -k Hen. VIII. Richd. Withers, aft. “Port- 1521. Wm. Jennings, aft. “Lan- cullis.” caster.” Edw. VI. Hy. Fellow. HAMPNES PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. HAMPNES was the name of a castle near Calais. 22 Hen. VIII. Hen. VIII. Edmond Atkynson, aft. “Blue 1530–1. Bartholomew Butler, aft. Mantle.” “Rouge Croix.” Nichs. Tubman, aft. “Rouge 1536. Gilbert Dethick, cr. June 16 ; Croix.” L. P. June 18; aft. “Rouge | Edw. VI. Richd. Turpin, aft. “Blue Croix.” Mantle.” Hen. VIII. Wm. Harvey, aft. “Blue Mantle.” KILDARE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. A pursuivant bearing this title, but name unknown, attended the funeral of Henry VII. MONT-ORGUEIL PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Hen. VII. Randolph Jackson. NOTTINGHAM PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. CREATED by Henry VIII. and named after his illegitimate son, Henry Fitzroy, Earl of Nottingham. Hen. VIII. Wm. Hastings, aft. “Port- 22 Hen. VIII. cullis.” 1530–1. Thos. Traheyron, or Trahern, 1528. Richd. Croke, May 17; aft. aft. “ Portcullis.” “Rouge Dragon.” 344 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PORTSMOUTH PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Named after the Town. Jas. I. John Gwillim, aft. “Rouge Croix.” RISEBANK PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. RISEBANK, or RYSBROOK, was the name of a fortress in the English dominions in France. Hen. VII. Thos. Bysley, aft. Mantle,” Hen. VIII. John Narboone, aft. Mantle.” 1528. Richd. Storke, cr. Nov. 1 (All- hallows Day); d. same year. ** Blue “Blue | Hen. VIII. Justinian Barker, aft. “Rouge Croix.” Wm. Lambarde. 1554, John Hollingworth, Apr. 29; aft. “Blue Mantle.” ROSE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. Edwd. VI. Mary. } ** Richard.” ROSE BLANCHE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. CREATED by Edward IV., the white rose being the badge of his family. Edw. IV. John Waters. Rich. III. Laurence Alford. Hen. VII. Thos. Hawley. 1561. Robt. Cook, cr. Jan. 25; aft “ Chester.” Chas. II. Name unknown. ROSE ROUGE PURSUIVANTS EXTRAORDINARY. 1602. Philip Holland, Apr. 22; aft. ** Portcullis.” 1610. Hy. St. George, cr. May ; L. P. Dec. 18; aft. “Blue Mantle.” 1615. Sampson Lennard, sign. Feb.; L. P. Mar. 11; aft. “Blue Mantle.” 1616. Augustine Vincent, L. P. Feb. 22; inv. Mar. 22; aft. Croix.” 1623. John Bradshaw, inv. Feb. 14; aft. “Rouge Croix.” 1630. Wm. Ryley, July 31; aft. “Blue Mantle.” * * Hy. Lilley, aft. “Rouge Croix.” Anne. Thos. Coote. “Rouge LYON KINGS OF ARMS. LYONS DEPUTE. See PART IX, “Scotland,” post. ULSTER, KINGS OF ARMs. See PART X, “IRELAND,” post. ---------------- - - - - - - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, º 345 PART VI. LEGAL. JUDGES AND OTHER LEGAL DIGNITARIES. INTRODUCTION. Most of the lists in the previous editions of this work were compiled from Dugdale, or from some later writers who simply adopted his materials and added to them. These lists have now been collated with, corrected by, and compiled from those given by the late Mr. Foss in his Judges of England, a work of great authority and research, to which reference should be made in all cases of difficulty, as the learned author not only gives the authorities on which he relies, but is careful, where he differs from other writers, to give his reasons for so doing. It would be beyond the scope of the present work to enter into anything like a detailed history of the origin of the various Courts in which sat the Judges whose names figure in the following list. Many volumes have been written on the subject, but the information contained in Mr. Foss's book will probably be found sufficient for all practical purposes. Here the barest outline must suffice. Prior to the Norman Conquest each hundred or other subdivision of a county had its separate Court, which exercised both civil and criminal jurisdiction. Besides these, each county had its “County Court,” which then possessed extensive powers and was altogether a far different tribunal to the County, Court of the present day, the jurisdiction of which is very limited, and which is, as a rule, only resorted to in trivial matters. Finally, there was the “Witenagemote,” to which cases of great importance were sometimes brought by way of appeal. William the Conqueror introduced an entirely new system of juris- prudence, adopted from that established in Normandy, and the leading principle of which was to make the Sovereign the supreme head or fountain of justice, and to have the laws administered, if not by him in person, by judges appointed directly by and dependent upon him. 346 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ,-- i i Under this system the ancient local Courts were practically super- seded. They gradually became extinct or obsolete, or, if they sur- vived, their jurisdiction was limited to petty local disputes. The tribunal founded by William the Conqueror was styled the CURIA REGIS, and was composed of the King himself, some of his principal officers, and of the Bishops and Lords; or, as they were then –styled, the Barons of the Kingdom. The King sometimes presided in person; in his absence the head of the Court was an official styled the CHIEF JUSTICIARY, or the JUSTICIARY of ENGLAND. It was soon found that judicial aptitude can only be attained by judicial training, and that a judge, to do his duty properly, must be a skilled lawyer. Hence there were gradually added to the bishops and barons who, composed the Curia Regis a body of men who were called JUSTICIARIES, who probably acted as deputies for the Chief Justiciary, and, afterwards, as the business of the Court increased, divided the duties with him. They also went on itinera, or as it is now called, on circuit, to administer justice throughout the Kingdom; and on these occasions some men of rank or learning in each county were joined with them in their Commissions, all the Commissioners being designated JUSTICES ITINERANT. Towards the end of the reign of Edward I., commissions of Trailbaston were issued for the trial of certain offences, the Commissioners being termed JUSTICEs of TRAILBASTON. The appointment both of these justices, and also of the Justices Itinerant, ceased early in the reign of Edward III., when the regular Judges went circuit, as at the present day. For some time after the Curia Regis was established, great incon- Venience was experienced from the fact that it followed the person of the King, so that suitors were frequently compelled to travel great. distances to prosecute or defend their suits. This was one of the 2 grievances redressed by Magna Charta, which provides that “common. S. pleas,” i.e. the Court for the decision of suits between subjects, should | !. “not follow the Court, but be held in some certain place,” which was then or soon afterwards fixed at Westminster Hall. This was the origin of the Court of CoMMON PLEAs. Other changes gradually fol- lowed, into the details of which it is impossible here to enter; but by the reign of Edward I., the Chief Justiciary had been superseded and the Curia Regis, divided into three distinct Courts, known by the names. of the KING’s BENCH, the Common PLEAs, and the ExCHEQUER, or ExCHEQUER OF PLEAs; and these Courts continued until they were absorbed into the SUPREME Court of JUDICATURE in 1875. THE COURT OF KING's BENCH originally had jurisdiction only in criminal matters, or in cases where the Crown was otherwise interested, or was called on to interfere, in order to compel some inferior tribunal or some official or corporation to fulfil its duties, or to prohibit it from exceeding its powers. But, as the emolument of the Judges depended to a great extent upon fees, and, consequently, upon the amount of business done, and as suits between individuals were found to be profit- able, the Judges of the King's Bench, by means of certain legal fictions, whereby a defendant was presumed to be in the custody of the Marshal of the Court, under a latitat or a bill of Middlesea, and therefore liable to be sued in that Court on any cause of action, gradually acquired or assumed cognizance of private suits. | THE Court of CoMMON PLEAs confined itself to its original jurisdic- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 347 tion over private suits, but its exclusive jurisdiction in this respect was gradually encroached upon by the other Courts. It, however, for many years, retained exclusive jurisdiction over “real actions,” i.e. actions brought for the specific recovery of land. THE Court of ExchEQUER was founded upon a department of the Curia Regis called the SCAccARIUM, and originally had jurisdiction only in cases concerning the Revenues of the Crown. Afterwards, jurisdiction over private suits was acquired by means of a writ of quo minus issued by a plaintiff who pretended to be a debtor to the Crown and “less able to discharge his indebtedness for want of the debt owing to him by the defendant,” which debt he was thereby able to sue for in the Exchequer Court. So long as the business of this Court was confined to Revenue Cases the Judges were frequently lay- men, i.e. men not bred to the profession of the law, and it was not until the reign of Elizabeth or James I. that they were, invariably, selected from the serjeants-at-law like the Judges of the other Courts. It then became necessary to appoint another Judge to attend exclu- sively to the purely revenue or exchequer business. This functionary was styled a CURSITOR BARON. His duties were gradually transferred to various Government departments not connected with the administra- tion of justice, and the office was ultimately abolished in 1856. The Court of Exchequer, besides its revenue and common law juris- diction, had also jurisdiction in equity cases; but this branch was abolished in 1841 by the 5 Vict., cap. 5, and the equity suits then pending were transferred to the Court of Chancery. The Judges of the Court of Exchequer retained their original title of BARON's down to the establishment of the Supreme Court of Judicature, whilst the Judges of the other Courts were styled JUSTICEs. At the head of each Court was a CHIEF JUSTICE or CHIEF BARON, the other Judges being styled “PUISNES.” At first the number of Judges in each Court varied from time to time, being increased or diminished at the pleasure of the Sovereign ; but in the Reign of Henry VIII. the number had become fixed at four in each Court (the Chief and four puisnes), and so remained, with very rare exceptions, until 1830, when by 1 Wm. IV., cap. 70, the number was increased to five in each Court. In 1868, by 31 & 32 Vict., cap. 125, the number was again increased to six in each Court. In 1831, by the “Uniformity of Process Act ’’ 2 & 3 Wm. IV., cap. 39, the legal fictions above mentioned were abolished and statutory jurisdiction in all private suits given to each Court. The King's Bench retained its exclusive jurisdiction in all Crown suits and criminal cases, and all revenue cases were still confined to the Exchequer. THE CourT of CHANCERY rose from a department of the Curia Regis called the CANCELLARIA, where all writs, charters, and other documents were prepared for the Great Seal. The chief of this department was the CANGELLARIUs, or CHANCELLOR, who held the Great Seal. He was at first inferior in rank to the Chief Justiciary, but ultimately he be- came the head of the law, and in former times was generally also the King's chief minister. His title was, at first, THE CHANGELLOR OF THE KING, then CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND, then LORD CHANCELLOR, and finally LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR. The Great Seal was sometimes delivered to a LORD KEEPER instead of to a Lord Chancellor; but even Mr. Foss admits himself unable to distinguish between the two, either 348 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. in point of dignity or duties, and in 1563 by 5 Eliz. cap. 18, their iden- tity in rank, power, and privileges was explicitly declared. There has been no appointment of a Lord Keeper since 1760, but both before and since that date the Great Seal has been occasionally “put into com- mission,” i.e., delivered into the custody of several persons styled “CoMMIssion ERs of THE GREAT SEAL,” who jointly performed the Chancellor’s duties. Occasionally, a deputy or WICE CHANCELLOR was, in early times, appointed to assist the Lord Chancellor or act in his absence; but the office was not permanently established until 1813, when by 53 Geo. III., cap. 24, a WICE CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND was appointed. After- wards, in 1841, by 5 Vict., cap. 15, extended by 14 & 15 Vict., cap. 4, and 15 and 16 Vict, cap. 80, two additional Vice Chancellors were appointed. On the death of Sir Lancelot Shadwell in 1850, the title of Vice Chancellor of England was discontinued and the three Vice Chancellors thenceforward ranked according to seniority of appint- ment. By the statutes above referred to, the Lord Chancellor's jurisdiction as a judge of first instance was practically abolished and his duties as an equity judge were confined to hearing appeals. By 14 & 15 Vict, cap. 83, the “Court of Appeal in Chancery '' was established, being composed of the Lord Chancellor and two new Judges styled LORD's JUSTICEs. The Lord Chancellor had a number of Clerks or MASTERs to assist him in the minor details of his many duties. The principal of these was styled THE MASTER OF THE ROLLs, the others MASTERS IN CHAN- CERY. The Master of the Rolls soon became a very important per- sonage, and ranked next after the Chief Justice of the King's Bench, and before the chiefs of the Common Pleas and Exchequer. In addition to having the custody of the Records or Rolls, he assisted the Chan- cellor in his judicial duties, his powers being gradually increased by 3 Geo. II., cap. 30, and 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 94. * The Masters in Chancery also assisted in working out the details of the Chancellor’s decrees and in other minor matters. They were abolished in 1852, by 15 & 16 Vict., cap. 80, their duties being trans- ferred to the Vice Chancellors, to be performed either by them in person or by a staff of “Chief Clerks,” of whom at first two and after- wards three were attached to each Judge's Court. The proceedings in the various Courts were, for many years, conducted in Latin or Norman-French, languages with which the ordinary suitor was unacquainted. He was, probably, equally ignorant of the law and practice of the Courts, and hence there was, from the very earliest times, a distinct class of men bred to the law who represented the suitors and pleaded their causes before the Judges, and from whose ranks the Judges soon came to be selected. These were anciently divided into SERJEANTS-AT-LAw and APPRENTICEs. The Serjeants were appointed by the Crown, and it would seem that in very early times they were appointed without regard to their preliminary legal training; but it soon became the settled practice to promote them from the ap- prentices or ordinary barristers, according to their seniority, merit, or interest at Court. Down to the establishment of the Supreme Court of Judicature, every Common Law Judge must have been a Serjeant, and if, as frequently happened in more recent times, the person selected did not THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 349 possess the necessary qualification, he was made a Serjeant, pro formd, and appointed a Judge immediately afterwards. As much of the business brought before the Courts affected the interests of the Crown, either in its revenues or its prerogatives, it was necessary that those interests should be properly protected. Hence the appointment of the ATToRNATUS REGIs or ATTORNEY GENERAL about 1277, (5 Edw. I.), and of the SoLLICITOR REGIs or SoLICTOR GENERAL in 1461, (1 Edw. IV.). These officers had a right of pre-audience over all the other members of the bar except the two most ancient of the Ring's Serjeants, which exception was abolished in 1813. Rights of pre-audience were also enjoyed by King's Serjeants and by those members of the bar who received the appointment of KING's COUNSEL, a dignity which, with one or two doubtful exceptions, was not conferred until the reign of Charles I. At first, the office was what its name implied, and certain small fees and perquisites were annexed to it; but it gradually became a mere step of professional rank, and all the emolu- ments were abolished in 1830. From the time of George I., to the present day, the Crown has also on special occasions, granted PATENTS OF PRECEDENCE to eminent members of the bar, whether Serjeants, King's Counsel, or ordinary Barristers, giving them certain rights of pre-audience over their fellows as fixed by their patents. Holders of Patents of Precedence have the same privileges as King's Counsel, but are able to hold briefs against the Crown, which a King's Counsel cannot do without a “licence to lead.” p In addition to the Courts above mentioned which were generally known as the Superior Courts, it is necessary to refer to the EccLESIASTICAL Courts and the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY because, although formerly inferior Courts, their jurisdiction has now been transferred to the Su- preme Court of Judicature. THE ECCLESIASTICAL COURTs were of very great antiquity. Every Bishop had his own Court, and, besides dealing with questions of theology and church discipline, had jurisdiction within his diocese over testamentary and matrimonial causes; but as the Archbishop of Canter- bury's jurisdiction extended over the whole of his province, most of the important litigation came before his tribunals, the PREROGATIVE CourT of CANTERBURY, and the CourT OF ARCHES. The Bishop's Courts were presided over by their Chancellors, the Prerogative Court of Canterbury by a “Master Keeper, or Commissary,” and the Court of Arches by a Dean. In 1857, by 20 & 21 Vict., cap. 77, the juris- diction of all the Ecclesiastical Courts in testamentary matters was transferred to the newly established CourT of PROBATE, and in the same year, by 20 & 21 Vict., cap. 85, their jurisdiction in matters matrimonial was transferred to another new tribunal called THE COURT For DIvor CE AND MATRIMONIAL CASEs. These two Courts were dis- tinct tribunals but were presided over by the same Judge. The advocates who practised before the Ecclesiastical Courts were Doctors of Civil Law, and the Crown was represented by a KING's ADVOCATE. THE HIGH CourT OF ADMIRALTY was a very ancient tribunal with jurisdiction over all maritime matters including, in time of war, all questions of prize. It was presided over by the Lord High Admiral and in modern times by his deputy, who was styled THE JUDGE of THE 350 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ADMIRALTY. The Court was thoroughly re-organized, and its practice of procedure much improved in 1840 by the 3 & 4 Wict., caps. 65 and 66. The Crown was represented in this Court by an ADMIRALTY ADvo- CATE. The present SUPREME CourT OF JUDICATURE was formed by con- solidating the old Courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty. It was established by the following Acts:— * (1) The Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873 (36 & 37 Vict, cap. 66). 2 1875 (38 & 39 Vict, cap. 77). & The Appellate Jurisdiction"Act, 1876 (39 & 40 Vict, cap. 59). (4) The Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1877 (40 & 41 Vict., cap. 9). (5) The Judicature (Officers) Act, 1879 (42 & 43 Wict., cap. 78). (6) The Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1881 (44 & 45 Vict, cap. 68.) the combined effect of which was that the Supreme Court of Judica- ture was divided into two permanent divisions:— I. Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice. II. Her Majesty’s Court of Appeal. I. HER MAJESTY'S HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. THIs CourT originally consisted of five divisions:— 1. THE CHANCERY DIVISION, consisting of the Lord Chancellor (President), the Master of the Rolls, and the Vice Chancellors of the old Court of Chancery. 2.Y. THE QUEEN’s BENCH DIVISION, consisting of the L. C. J. of England (President), and the other Judges of the old Court of Queen’s Bench. 3. The CoMMON PLEAs DIVISION, consisting of the L. C. J. of the Common Pleas (President), and the other Judges of the old Court of Common Pleas. 4. THE ExCEIEQUER DIVISION, consisting of the L. C. B. of the Exchequer (President), and the other Judges of the old Court of Exchequer of Pleas. 5. THE PROBATE, DIVORCE, AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION, consisting of the then existing Judge of the Court of Probate and Divorce (President), and the then existing Judge of the Court of Admiralty. Power was given to reduce or increase the number of divisions and to abolish (on vacancy) any of the following offices: the L. C. J. of England, the Master of the Rolls, the L. C. J. of the Common Pleas, and the L. C. B. of the Exchequer. Under these powers the Com- mon Pleas and Exchequer Divisions, and the offices of L. C. J. of the Common Pleas and L. C. B. of the Exchequer, were abolished by Order in Council dated December 16, 1880. Power was also given to appoint other judges from time to time, as vacancies arose, under the title of JUDGEs of THE HIGH COURT, altered by the Supreme Court of Judi- cature Act, 1881, to JUSTICES OF THE HIGH CourT, the old titles of Vice Chancellor and Baron of the Exchequer being for the future abolished. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 351 Under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1881, the Master of the Rolls was removed from the High Court of Justice and is now a Judge of the Court of Appeal only. II. HER MAJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL. THIs CourT, as ultimately settled, consists of :— 1. Three ea:-officio Judges, viz., the Ld. Chanc., the L. C. J. of England, and the President of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division. The Master of the Rolls, the L. C. J. of the Common Pleas, and the L. C. B. of the Exchequer were originally made ex-officio judges, but the Master of the Rolls is now exclusively a Judge of the Court of Appeal, and the offices of L. C. J. of the Common Pleas and L. C. B. of the Exchequer have been abolished. 2. The Master of the Rolls. 3. Five (reduced from six) Ordinary Judges to be appointed from time to time under the style of JUSTICES OF APPEAL, altered by the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1881, to LORDs JUSTICES OF APPEAL. The two Lord Justices of Appeal in Chancery were appointed two of these Ordinary Judges. There has been for centuries a final appeal from the Superior Courts of Common Law, and from the Court of Chancery, to the “High Court of Parliament.” This appellate jurisdiction has always been exer- cised by the House of Lords, and was expressly disclaimed by the House of Commons in the reign of Henry IV. There is nothing to prevent the lay Lords from hearing and voting on appeals to their House; but for many years the judicial powers have been exercised by the “law Lords” alone, i.e. by such of the Lords as either hold or have held judicial offices. By the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, it was enacted that no appeal should be heard and deter- mined by the House of Lords unless there were present not less than three of the following persons, who were designated LORDs of APPEAL:— 1. The Lord Chancellor of Great Britain for the time being. 2. THE LORDS OF APPEAL IN ORDINARY, to be appointed under the Act. 3. Such peers as were holding or had held any “high judicial office,” which term was by the interpretation clause defined to mean (1) Lord Chancellor of Great Britain or Ireland; (2) paid Judge of Judicial Committee of Privy Council; and (3) Judge of one of the Superior Courts of Great Britain or Ireland. By this Act the Crown was empowered at once to appoint two Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, with life peerages, to appoint one additional Lord of Appeal in ordinary, on the death or resignation of any two paid Judges of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, and another additional Lord of Appeal in ordinary on the death or resig- nation of the remaining two paid Judges of that Committee. 352 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. By this Act, also, the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary if Privy Coun- cillors were made Members of the Judicial Committee of that body, and were required to sit and act as such. Either by virtue of the royal prerogative or under the provisions of various statutes too numerous to quote, a final appeal from the Eccle- siastical and Admiralty Courts, and from the Courts of India and the British Colonies a final appeal lay to the King or to the King in Council. This appellate jurisdiction was in practice exercised by a JUDICIAL CoMMITTEE composed of privy councillors who held or had held judicial office. For many years such a committee was appointed pro hdc vice as occasion required; but in 1833, by 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 41, a per- manent committee was formed, the constitution of which has been modified from time to time by subsequent statutes. The principal change effected by the establishment of a permanent committee was the addition of paid members; but under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, the places of these are gradually being supplied by the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (see ante p. 351.). Appeals in probate and admiralty cases, which are now heard by a division of the High Court of Justice, now lie to the House of Tords, and not to the Judicial Committee. In many of the following lists there is some little uncertainty about the earliest names. It must be borne in mind that in ancient times the various changes in judicial procedure were introduced very gradually, indeed almost imperceptibly, and by authority of the King or of the judges only, and not, as now, by an elaborate Act of Parliament, in which every detail is carefully set forth. Hence, it is frequently impossible to say exactly when a particular change took place or what was the exact status of particular officials during a transition period. LORD HIGH CHANCELLORS. LORD KEEPERS. COMMISSIONERS OF THE GREAT SEAL. SEE INTRODUCTION, ante, p. 347. The Lord Chancellor, in addition to his judicial duties, presides over the House of Lords, his office being analogous to that of Speaker of the House of Commons, though there are some points of difference between the two; the most important being that the Lord Chancellor is at liberty both to speak and vote upon every question before the House. He is always an important member of the Government and of the Cabinet, and goes out of office with his party. LoRD HIGH CHANCELLORs, &c., OF ENGLAND. Where no other title is given, that of Chancellor is to be presumed. Those marked thus + are omitted from Foss's list, for reasons which he explains; but, as they are given in Hardy's list, they are included here with this distinguishing mark. WILLIAM. I. 1078. Maurice, aft. bp. of London. 1067. Arfastus, or Herefast, aft. bp. of 1083. Wm. Welson, or Welson (de Bello- Elmham. fago), aft. b.p. of Thetford. 1070. Osbert, aft. bp. of Exeter. 1086. Wm. Giffard, aft. bp. of Win- 1073. Osmund de Seez, aft. bp. of Salisbury. chester. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 353 WILLIAM II. 1087. Wm. Giffard, contal. 1090. Robt. Bloet, or Bluet, July; aft. bp. of Lincoln. 1093. Baldric, or Galdric, and (?) Drogo, kpr. under him. 1094. Wm. Giffard, again. HENRY I. 1100. Wm. Giffard, now bp. of Winchester, contal. 1101. Roger, Sept.; aft. bp. of Salisbury. 1103. Wm. Giffard, bp. of Winchester, again, Mar. 1104. Waldric, Jan. 1107. Ranulph, or Arnulph; d. 1123. 1124. Geoffrey Rufus, aft. bp. of Durham. STEPHEN. 1135. Roger Pauper, son of Roger, bp. of Salisbury. 1139. Philip. 1142. Theobald, abp. of Canterbury, const. by the emp. Maud. * * Wim. Fitzgilbert, const. by the emp. Maud. * * Wm. de Vere, also const. by the empress. in reversion. * * Robt. de Gant ; d. 1153. HENRY II. 1154. Thos. a. Becket, Dec., aft. abp. of Canterbury; res. 1162. From 1162–1173 no chancellor can with certainty be placed.—Foss. 1173. Ralph de Warneville, treasr. of York. 1177. fWalter de Constantiis,bp. of Lincoln and abp. of Rouen; v. chanc. or deputy. 1181. Geoffrey Plantagenet, bp. of Lincoln; aft. abp. of York. RICHARD I. 1189. Wm. de Longchamp, Sept. 3; aft. bp. of Ely; d. 1197. 1190. John de Alençon, archd. of Lisieux, V. chanc., Jan. 1191. Roger Malus Catulus, v. chanc., Mar. Benet, V. chanc., Oct. 1194. Eustace, dean of Salisbury, May; aft. bp. of Ely; v. chanc. 1198. Warine, or Guarinus, prior of Loches in Touraine, V. chanc., Feb. 28. Eustace, bp. of Ely, chanc., Feb. (?) Roceline, V. chanc. Nov. JOIIN. 1199. Hubert Walter, abp. of Canterbury, May. 1205. Walter de Grey, Oct. 2; aft. bp. of Worcester and abp. of York. 1213. Peter de Rupibus, bp. of Winchester, Oct. 1214. Walter de Grey, again, Jan. 2. Richd. de Marisco, aft. bp. of Dur- ham, Oct. 29. 1216. 1218. 1226. 1238. 1240. 1244. 1246. 1247. 1248. 1250. 1255. 1260. 1261. 1263. 1265. 1267. 1268. 1269. 1272. 1272. 1273. 1292. 1302. 1304. 1307. HENRY III. Richd. de Marisco, contal. Ralph. de Nevill, aft. bp. of Chi- chester, kpr. or V. chanc. Ralph de Nevill, chanc. The king took the gr. seal from him in 1238, and delivered it to Geoffrey, a Templar, and to John de Lexinton : but Ralph had still the emoluments of the chancellor- ship. Simon Normannus, or de Cantilupe, kpr. ; Aug. Richd. Crassus, abbot of Evesham, kpr. Silvester de Everdon, or Eversden, kpr., Nov. 14. John Mansel, provost of Beverly, kpr., Nov. 8. John de Lexinton, kpr., in the absence of John Mansel on an em- bassy, Aug. 28. John Mansel, on his return, again, kpr., Aug. 10. . John de Lexinton, again, kpr., Sept. 8. Wm. de Kilkenny, aft. bp. of Ely, kpr. Hy. de Wingham, bp. of London, kpr. Nichs. de Ely, aft. bp. of Worcester and Winchester, kpr. Walter de Merton, bp. of Rochester, July 5. Nichs. de Ely, July 12. Thos. de Cantilupe, bp. of Hereford, Feb. 21. Walter Giffard, bp. of Bath and Wells, Aug. Godfrey Giffard, bp. of Worcester. John de Chishull, aft. bp. of London, kpr., Oct. 30. Richd. de Middleton, kpr.; aft. chanc. July. John de Kirkeby, aft. bp. of Ely, Aug. 7. EDWARD I. Walter de Merton, bp. of Rochester, again, Nov. Robt. Burnell, archd. of York, Sept. 21; aft. bp. of Bath and Wells. Wm. de Hamilton, kpr., Oct. 25. John de Langton, Dec. 17; aft. bp. of Chichester. Adam de Osgodby, kpr., Aug. 26. Wm. de Grenefield, dean of Chi- chester; aft. abp. of York. Wm. de Hamilton, dean of York, Dec. 29. John de Benstede, kpr., until the new chancellor's arrival to receive the seal. Ralph de Baldoc, Baldok, or Beau- dake, bp. of London, Apr. 21. 23 354 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1307. 1310. 1311. * 1312. 1314. 1318. 1320. 1323. 1326. 1327. 1328. 1330. 1334. 1335. 1337. 1838. 1339. 1340. 1341 1343. EDWARD II. Ralph. de Baldoc, contal. John de Langton, bp. of Chichester, again. Adam de Osgodby, Wm. de Melton, Robt. de Bardelby, Ingelard de Warlegh, and John Fraunceis, kprs. Walter Reginald, bp. of Worcester, July 6. Adam de Osgodby, m. rolls, Robt. de Bardelby, and Wm. de Ayremynne, kprs. Walter Reginald, bp. of Worcester, again, kpr., Oct. 6; aft. abp. of Canterbury, John de Sandale, Sept. 26; aft. bp. of Winchester, John de Hotham, bp. of Ely, June 11. John Salmon, bp. of Norwich, Jan. 26 Robº de Baldock, archd. of Middle- sex, Aug. 20; aft. bp. of Norwich. Wm. de Ayremynne, bp. of Norwich, again, kpr., Nov. 30. Hy. de Cliff, kpr., Dec. 17. EDWARD III. John de Hotham, bp. of Ely, again, Jan. Hy. de Cliff, m. rolls, again, and Wm. de Herlaston, kprs., Mar. 1. Hy. de Burghersh, bp. of Lincoln, May 12. John de Stratford, bp. of Winches- ter, Nov. 28. Richd. de Angarville, or Bury, bp. of Durham, Sept. 28. John de Stratford, again, now abp. of Canterbury, June 6. Robt. de Stratford, archd. of Canter- bury, Mar. 24. Richd. de Bynteworth, or Went- worth, bp. of London, July 6. John de St. Paul, m. rolls, and Thos. de Baumburgh, kprs., pro tem., July. John do St. Paul, Michl. de Wath, and Thos. de Baumburgh, kprs., Dec. 8. John de St. Paul, kpr., Feb. 6. John de Stratford, abp. of Canter- bury, again, chanc., Apr. 28. Robt. de Stratford, again, now bp. of Chichester, June 28. Wm. de Kildesby, kpr., Dec. 1. Sir Robt. Burgehier, or Bourchier, Dec. 14. Sir Robt. Parnyng, Oct. 29; d. Aug. 26, 1343. John de Thoresby, m. rolls, John de St. Paul, Thos. de Brayton, and 1343. 1345 1349 1356. 1363, 1367. 1371. 1372, 1377. 1377. 1378. 1379. 1381. 1382. 1383. 1386. 1389. 1391. 1396. 1399. Thos. de Beauchamp, E. of War- wick, kprs., Aug. 27. Robt. de Sadyngton, Sept. 29. John de Offord, or Ufford, dean of Lincoln, Oct. 26; app. abp. of Canterbury, but d. May 20, 1349, before consecration. David de Wollore, m, rolls, John de St. Paul, Thos. de Brayton, and Thos. Cotyngham, kprS., May 20. John de Thoresby, bp. of St. David's, June 16. Wm. de Edington, bp. of Winches- ter, Nov. 27. Simon Langham, bp. of Ely, Feb. 19; aft. abp. of Canterbury. Wm. de Wyckham, or Wykeham, bp. of Winchester, Sept. Sir Robt. de Thorpe, Mar. 26; d. June 29, 1372. Richd. le Scrope, ld. Scrope of Bolton; kpr., June 29. Sir John Knyvet, July 5. Adam de Houghton, or Hoghton, bp. of St. David's, Jan. 11. RICIIARD II. Adam de Houghton, contal. Richd., ld. Scrope, again, Oct. 29. Simon de Sudbury, abp. of Canter- bury, July 4: beheaded by the rebels under Wat Tyler, June 14, 1881. Richd., E. of Arundel, kpr., Jume 14. Hugh de Segrave, stewd. of the king's household, kpr., June 16. Wm. Courtenay, bp. of London, Aug. 10. Richd., ld, Scrope, again, Nov. 18. Hugh de Segrave, treasr., Wm. de Dighton, pr seal, John de Wal- tham, m. rolls, and Walter de Skirlawe; kprs., July 11. Robt. de Braybroke, bp. of London, Sept. 20. John de Waltham, m. Mar. 10. Sir Michael de la Pole, Mar. 13. Thos. de Arundel, or FitzAlan, bp. of Ely, Oct. 24; aft, abp. of York and of Canterbury. Wm. de Wykeham, bp. of Winches- ter, again, May 4. Thos. de Arundel, now abp. of York, again, Sept. 17. Edmund Stafford, bp. of Exeter, Nov. 23. Thos. de Arundel, now abp. of Can- terbury, again, Aug. John de Scarle, m, rolls, Sept. rolls, kpr., THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 355 1399. 1401. 1403. 1405. 1407. 1410. 1412, 1413. 1417. 1422. 1424. 1426. 1432. 1450, 1454. 1455. 1456. 1460. 1461. 1463. 1467. 1470, 1471. 1473. 1473. HENRY IV. John de Scarle, contal. Edmund Stafford, bp. of Exeter, again, Mar. 9. Hy. de Beaufort, bp. of Lincoln, Feb. Thos. Longley, or Langley, kpr. of the pr. seal, Feb. 28; bp. of Dur- ham in 1406. Thos. de Arundel, abp. of Canter- bury, again, Jan. 30. John Wakering, kpr., Jan. 19. Sir Thos. de Beaufort. aft. E. of Dorset and D. of Exeter, Jan. 31. Thos. de Arundel, abp. of Canter- bury, again, Jan. 5. HENRY W. Hy. de Beaufort, bp. of Winchester, (transl. from Lincoln), Mar. 21. Thos. Longley, or Langley, bp. of Durham, again, July 23. HENRY WI. Simon Gaunstede, m. rolls, kpr., Sept. 28. Thos. Longley, or Langley, bp. of Durham, again, Nov. 16. Hy. de Beaufort, bp. of Winchester, again, July 6. John Kempe, bp. of London, Mar. 16; aft. abp. of York. Humphrey, D. of Gloucestor, kpr., Feb. 25. John Stafford, bp. of Bath and Wells, Mar. 4; aft. abp. of Canterbury. John Kempe, now a cardinal, and abp. of York, Jan. 31 ; d. Mar. 2, 1454. Richd., E. of Salisbury, Apr. 2. Thos. Bourchier, abp. of Canterbury, Mar, 7. Wm. de Waynſlete, bp. of Winches- ter, Oct. 11. Thos. Bourchier, abp. of Canterbury, again, kpr., July 7. Geo. Nevill, bp. of Exeter, July 25; aft. abp. of York. EDWARD IV. Geo. Nevill, comtd. Robt. Kirkham, m. Tolls, kpr. during the chancellor's absence, Aug. 23, and subsequently. Robt. Kirkham, kpr., June 9. Robt. Stillington, bp. of Bath and Wells, June 20. Geo. Nevill, now abp. of York, Oct. 9 to Apr. 1471, during restn. of Hem. VI. Apr., Edw. IV. resumed the throne, and bp. Stillington remained chanc. John Morton, m. rolls, June 18; aft. bp. of Ely and abp. of Canter- bury, kpr. Hy., E. of Essex, kpr., June 23. 1474. 1475. 1483. 1483. 1485. 1485. 1486. 1500. 1502. 1504. 1509. 1515. 1529. 1532. 1544. 1547. 1551. 1553. 1556. John Morton, again, kpr., July 17. Lawrence Booth, bp. of Durham, July 27; aft, abp. of York. Thos. Rotheram, bp. of Lincoln, May 25; aft. abp. of York. John Alcock, bp. of Rochester and m. rolls, Apr. 27; aft. bp. of Wor- cester and of Ely. Thos. Rotheram, bp. of Lincoln, again, Sept. 28. JEDWARD V. John Russell, bp. of Lincoln, RICHARD III. John Russell, contal. Thos. Barowe, m. rolls, kpr., Aug. 1. HENRY VII John Alcock, now bp. of Worcester, Aug. 22; aft. bp. of Ely. John Morton, now abp. of Canter- bury, Mar. 6. He had been made bp. of Ely in 1478; d. Sept. 1500. Richd. Nikke, dean of the chapel royal, kpr., Sept. 16. Hy. Deane, bp. of Salisbury, Oct. 13; aft. abp. of Canterbury, kpr. Wm. Barnes, or Barons, m. rolls, kpr., July 27. Wm. Warham, bp. elect of London, kpr., Aug. 11. Wm. Warham, now bp. of London, and abp. elect of Canterbury, ld. chanc., Jan. 21. EIENRY WIII. Wrm. Warham, contal. Thos. Wolsey, cardl., and abp. of York, Dec. 22. Thos., D. of Norfolk, treasr., and Chas., D. of Suffolk, earl marsh., kprs., Oct. 17. Sir Thos. More, Oct. 25. Sir Thos. Audley, kpr., May 20; chanc., Jan. 26, 1533; cr. 1d. Audley of Walden, Nov. 29, 1538 Thos., la. Wriothesley, kpr., Apr. 22; chanc., May 3. EDWARD VI. Lord Wriothesley, contd.; cr. I. of Southampton. Wm., ld. St. John, kpr., Mar. 25. Richd., ld. Rich., Oct. 23. Thos. Goodrich, bp. of Ely, kpr., Dec. 22; chanc., Jan. 19, 1552. MARY. Stephen Gardiner, bp. of Winchester, Aug. 23. Nichs. Heath, abp. of York, Jan. 1. 23 * 356 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1558. 1579. 1587. 1591. 1592. 1596. 1603. 1617. 1621. 1625. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1643. ELIZABETH. The QUEEN, kpr., Nov. 18. Sir Nichs. Bacon, kpr., Dec. 22; the first kpr. that ranked as là. chanc. under 5 Eliz., cap. 18; d. Feb. 20, 1579. The QUEEN, Feb. 20. Wm. Cecil, ld, Burleigh, and Robt., E. of Leicester, kprs., Feb. 24. Sir Thos. Bromley, Apr. 26; d. Apr. 12, 1587. Hy., ld. Hunsdon, Wm., ld. Cob- ham, and Sir Fras. Walsingham; kprS., Apr. 15. Wm., ld. Burleigh, Robt., E. of Leicester, and sir Fras. Wal- singham ; kprS., Apr. 26. Sir Christr. Hatton, Apr. 29; d. Now. 20, 1591. Wm., ld. Burleigh, Hy., ld. Huns- don, Wm., ld. Cobham, and Thos., ld. Buckhurst; commrs. gr. seal, Nov. 22. Sir Gilbert Gerrard, m. rolls, and others; commrs. to hear causes, Nov. 22. Sir John Puckering, kpr., May 28; d. Apr. 30, 1596. Sir Thos. Egerton, m. rolls, kpr., May 6. JAMES I. Sir Thos. Egerton, contal.; cr. 1d. Ellesmere, July 19; chanc., July 24; aft. cr. visc. Brackley; d. Mar. 15, 1617. Sir Fras. Bacon, ld. kpr., Mar. 7; chanc., Jan. 4, 1618; cr. ld. Verulam, and aft. visc. St. Albans; removed May 1, 1621. Sir Julius Caesar, m. rolls, and others, commrs. to hear causes in chancery, May 1. Sir John Ley, knt. and bt., ch, just. and others; commrs., to hear causes in the lords, May 1. Hy., visc. Mandeville, ld. treasr. , Ludowic, D. of Richmond, and the E. of Arundel; to use the seal, May 1. John Williams, dean of Westminster, aft. bp. of Lincoln, kpr., July 10. CHARLES I. John Williams, contal.; res. Oct. 30. Sir Thos. Coventry, kpr., Nov. 1; aft. li. Coventry; d. Jan. 13, 1640. Sir John Finch, ch. just, C. P., kpr., Jan. 17; aft, ld. Finch. Sir Edwd. Lyttleton, ch. just. C. P., kpr., Jan. 19 ; aft. li. Lyttleton. The RING, May 21. Hy., E. of Kent, Oliver, E. of Boling- broke, Oliver St. John, John Wilde, Saml. Browne, and Edmd. Prideaux; parly, commrs. or kprs., Nov. 10. Sir Richd. Lane, royal kpr., Oct. 25. Wm., E. of Salisbury, parly. commr. vice. E. of Bolingbroke, July 3. Edwd., E. of Manchester, sp. ho. lords, and Wm. Lenthall, sp. ho. commons and m rolls; parly. commrs. or kprs., Oct. 30. Hy., E. of Kent, and Wm., ld. Grey of Werke ; parly. commrs. or kprs., Mar. 15. Sir Thos. Widdrington, and Bul- strode Whitelocke, joined to the preceding, Apr. 12. 1645. 1646. 1648. THE COMMON WEALTH. Parliamentary Commissioners or Keepers. 1649. Bulstrode Whitelocke, John Lisle, and Richd. Keeble, Feb. 8. 1654. Bulstrode Whitelocke, sir Thos. Widdrington, and John Lisle, Apr. 5. 4. Sir Thos. Widdrington, alone, Whitelocke being abroad, and Lisle unwell, May 30. Bulstrode Whitelocke, sir Thos. Widdrington, and John Lisle, again, July 14. 1656. Nathl. Fiennes and John Lisle, Jan.15. 1659. Nathl. Fiennes, now styled lù. Fiennes; John Lisle, now styled ld. Lisle; and Bulstrode White- locke, now styled lù. Whitelocke, Jan. 22. Wm. Lenthall, May 14. John Bradshaw, Thos. Terryll, and John Fountain, June 3. Bulstrode, ld. Whitelocke, Nov. 1. Wm. Lenthall, again, Jan. 13. Sir Thos. Widdrington, Thos. Terryll, and John Fountain, Jan. 17. Edwd., E. of Manchester, joined to the above, May 5. 1660. CHARLEs II. ICeepers of the Great Seal for the King during the Commonwealth. 1649. Sir Richd. Lane, contal. ; d. 1650. 1653. Sir Edwd. Herbert, kpr., Apr. 5 res. June 1654. 1658. Sir Edwd. Hyde, knt. and bt. made kpr. at Bruges, Jan. 13 and chanc., Jan. 29. THE RESTORATION. 1660. Sir Edwd. Hyde, contal., June 1; aft. li. Hyde, visc. Cornbury, and E. of Clarendon; removed Aug. 1667. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 357 1667. 1672, 1673. 1682. 1685. 1689. 1690. 1693. 1700. 1702. 1705. 1710. 1714. 1718. 1725. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, knt. and bt., kpr., Aug. 30. Anthy. Ashley, E. of Shaftesbury, Nov. 17. Sir Heneage Finch, bt., kpr., Nov. 9; cr. ld. Finch, Jan. 10, 1674; chanc., Dec. 19, 1675; aft. E. of Nottingham; d. Dec. 18, 1682. Sir Fras. North, aft. li. Guildford, kpr., Dec. 20. JAMES II. Lord Guildford, contal. ; d. Sept. 5, 1685 Geo., ld. Jeffreys, ch. just., K. B., Sept. 28. WILLIAM AND MARY. Sir John Maynard, sir Anthy. Keck, and sir Wm. Rawlinson; commrs., Mar. 4. Sir John Trevor, sir Wm. Rawlin- son, and sir Geo. Hutchins; commrs., May 14. Sir John Somers, kpr., Mar. 23; chanc., Apr. 22, 1697; aft. li. Somers; depr., Apr. 27, 1700. Sir Jno. Holt, ch. just. R. B., Sir Geo. Treby, ch. just. C. P., sir Edw. Ward, ch. bar. ex., and sir John Trevor, m. rolls, commes., May 5. Sir Nathan Wright., kpr., May 21. ANNE. Sir Nathan Wright, conta, ; removed in 1705. Wm. Cowper, kpr., Oct. 11; aft. ld. Cowper; chanc., May 4, 1707; res. Sept. 25, 1710. Sir Thos. Trevor, ch. just. C. P., Robt. Tracy, just. C. P., and bar. Jno. Scrope, of Scotland; commiſs., Sept. 26. Sir Simon Harcourt, atty, genl., kpr., Oct. 19 ; aft. li. Har- court ; chanc., Apr. 7, 1713. GEORGE I. Lord Harcourt, contal ; depr., Sept. 21. Wm., ld. Cowper, Sept. 21; aft. E. Cowper. Sir Robt. Tracy, just. C. P., Sir John Pratt, just. K. B., and Sir Jas. Montague, bar. ex.; commºs., Apr. 18. Thos., ld. Parker, May 12, aft. E. of Macclesfield; surr. the seal, Jan. 4, 1725. Sir Jos. Jekyll, m. rolls. Sir Jeffrey Gilbert, bar. ex., and Sir Robt. 1725. 1727. 1733. 1737. 1756. 1757. 1760. 1766. 1770. 1771. 1778. 1783. 1792. 1793. 1801. 1806. 1807. 1820. 1827. Raymond, just. K. B. ; commrs., Jan. 7. Sir Peter King, cr. li. King, June 1. GEORGE II. Lord King, contal. Hon. Chas. Talbot, Nov. 29, aft. lī, Talbot; d. Feb. 1737. Philip, ld. Hardwicke,” ch. just. K. B., Feb. 21. Sir John Willes, ch. just. C. P., sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, bar. ex., and sir John Eardley Wilmot, just. R. B. ; commrs., Nov. 9. Sir Robt. Henley, atty. gen., kpr., June 20; aft. li. Henley. GEORGE III. Lord Henley, conta. ; chanc., Jan. 16, 1761; aft. visc. Henley, and E. Northington. Chas., ld. Camden, ch. just. C. P., July 30. Hon. Chas. Yorke, atty, gen., cr. ld. Morden, Jan. 17; d. Jan. 20, before the seals were put to his patent of peerage. He held the gr. seal only three days. Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, bar. ex., hon. Hy. Bathurst, just. C. P., and sir Richd. Aston, just. K. B. ; commiſs., Jan. 21. Hon. Hy. Bathurst, cr. ld. Apsley, Jan. 23; succ. his father as E. Bathurst, 1775. Edwd. Thurlow, atty. gen., cr. Id. Thurlow, June 3. AleXr., ld. Loughborough, ch. just. C. P., Sir Wm. Hy. Ashhurst, just. K. B., and Sir Beaumont Hotham, bar. ex: ; commrs., Apr. 9. Edwd., lord Thurlow, again, Dec. 23. Sir Jas. Eyre, ch. bar. ex., Sir Wm. Hy. Ashurst, just. K. B., and Sir John Wilson, just. C. P. ; commrs., June 15. Alexr., ld. Loughborough, ch. just. C. P., Jan. 28 : cr. E. of Rosslyn on his resignation. John, ld. Eldon, ch. just. C. P., Apr. 14. Hon. Thos. Erskine, cr. ld. Erskine, Feb. 7. John, ld. Eldon, again, Apr. 1. GEORGE IV. Lord Eldon, contal., aft. E. of Eldom. John Singleton Copley, m. rolls, cr. ld. Lyndhurst, May 2. * Lord Hardwicke continued, it is said, chief justice of the king's bench until June 7, 1737, though he had kissed hands for the great seal. 358 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. WILLIAM TV. 1852. Robt. Monsey, ld. Cranworth, ld. 1830. Lord Lyndhurst, contal. e jº. *PP., . Hy. Brougham, 5 cr. Id. Brougham 1858. sº ºgº, cr. ld. Chelms- T 2 ë ºr V e and Vaux, Nov. 22. 1859. John, ld, Campbell, ch.just. Q. B., 1834. Lord Lyndhurst, again, Nov. 21. June 18; d. June 23, 1861. 1835. sº§º. 1861. Sir Richd. Bethell, atty.-gen., cr. lä. and sir J. B.Bosanquet, just. C. P.; 1865. L Wºº. º 26. July 7: d commes., Apr. 23. 5. Ld. Granworth, again, July 7; d. 5 July 26, 1868. 1836. Sir Chas. Christr. Pepys, cr. lá. w g º Cottenham, chanc., Jan. 16. 1866. Lº, Chelmsford, again, July 6; d. ct. 5, 1878. 1868. Hugh McCalmont, ld. Cairns, ld. VICTORIA. just. app., Feb. 29. 1837. Lord Cottenham, contal. Sir Wm. Page Wood, ld, just app., 1841. Ilord Lyndhurst, again, Sept. 3. cr. ld. Hatherley, Dec. 9. 1846. Lord Cottenham, again, July 4; cr. 1872. Sir Roundell Palmer, cr. Id. Sel- E. of Cottenham on his resigna- borne, Oct. 15. tion. 1874.” Ld. Cairns, again, Feb. 21; cr. E. 1850. Hy., ld. Langdale, m, rolls, sir Laun- Cairns, Sept. 23, 1878; d. Apr. celot Shadwell, v. chanc., and sir 2, 1885. Robt. Momsey Rolfe, bar, ex.; , 1880. Ld. Selborne, again, Apr. 28; cr. commrs., June 19. E. Selborne, Dec. 29, 1881. Sir Thos. Wilde, ch. just. C. P., 1885. Sir Hardinge Stanley Giffard, cr. Id. cr. ld. Truro, July 15. Halsbury, June 24. 1852. Sir Edwd. Burtenshaw Sugden (for- 1886. Sir Farrer Herschell, cr. Id. Her- merly lá. chanc. for Ireland), schell, Feb. 6. cr. li. St. Leonards, Feb. 27. Ld. Halsbury, again, Aug. 3. * Under the S. C. J. Acts 1873 & 1875 (See ante, p. 350), the lă. chanc., on the 1st Nov. 1875, became President of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice and one of the ex-officio judges of the Court of Appeal. LORDS OF APPEAL. APPOINTED UNDER THE “APPELLATE JURISDICTION ACT, 1876?” (39 & 40 Vict. cap. 59), WITH PEERAGES FOR LIFE. See Introduction, ante, pp. 351–2. 1876. Sir Colin Blackburn, just. Q. B. div.; 1880. Wm. Watson, vice Gordon; cr. Id. cr. Id. Blackburn, Oct. 5, G.; Watson, Apr. 26. G. res... Jan. 1887. 1882. Jno. David Fitzgerald, just. Q. B. 3 div., Ireland; addl. 1d. app.; cr. Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, ld, adv. ld Fitzgerald june 19, G. ' Scotland ; cr: lä. Gordon, Oct. 6, 1887, Edwd. Macnaghten, vice Blackburn; G.; d. Aug. 21, 1879. cr. ld. Macnaghten, Jan. 25, G. JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL. See Introduction, ante, p. 352. This committee was first established by 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 41 (Aug. 14, 1883), and its constitution has been enlarged by various subsequent Acts. It is composed partly of ea:-officio members, and partly of persons specially appointed. See the following table. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 359 QUALIFICATION. QUALIFYING STATUTE. REMARKS. All persons being Privy Councillors who hold, or have held, any of the following offices:— Ld. Pres. of the Council - - Ld. Chancellor a- - - Ld. Keeper - sº- - - First Commr. of the Great Seal- L. C. J. of the Queen's Bench. Justice of the Queen's Bench - L. C. J. of the Common Pleas - Justice of the Common Pleas - L. C. B. of the Exchequer - Baron of the Jºcchequer - - Judge of the Prerog. Court of Canterbury - - - Judge of the Court of Probate - Judge of the High Court of Admiralty- tº- - - Chief Judge in Bankruptcy - Master of the Rolls - --> - Vice Chancellor of England - Vice Chancellor - - - Judge of the Court of Appeal an Chancery - - - Judge of tho Court of Appeal under S. C. J. Acts - - Lords of Appeal - - - Archbishop or Bishop - - Any two retired East Indian or Colonial Judges appointed by the Crown - - - Any two other persons being Privy Councillors, and ap- pointed by the Crown * Four persons who have been Y Judges of the Superior Courts, or C. J. of the High Court of Judicature of Bengal, Madras, or Bom- bay; or of the late Supreme | Court of Bengal -> -J 3 & 4 Wm. IV., c. 41, s. 1 20&21 Vict, c. 77,s. 15 3 & 4 Wm. IV., c. 41, s. 1 5 5 3 3 5 & 6 vict, c. 5, s. 24 14 & 15 Wict., c. 83, s. 15 44 & 45 Vict., c. 3, s. 1 39 & 40 Vict., c. 59, ss. 6 & 14. 3 & 4 Wict., c. 86, s. 16, & 39 & 40 Vict., c. 59, s. 14 3 & 4 Wm. IV., c. 41, s. 30 3 & 4 Wrm. IV., c. 41, s. 1 34 & 35 Vict., c. 91 Now styled L. C. J. of England. Now Justice of the Q.B. Division of the H. C. J. Office now abolished 3 5 Now Pres."of the Pro- bate Division of the H. C. J. Office now abolished. 9 3 • 3 33 2 3 To sit on appeals under Church Discip- line Act, and in Ecclesiastical cases. ſThese persons are, | under 39 & 40 Vict., | c. 59, s. 14, now i be in g gradually ! superseded by the U Lords of Appeal. The Judicial Committee first sat on November 27, 1833. 360 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. MEMBERS OF THE JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL. The rest are eac-officzo members. * Appointed under f Do f jo. 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 41, ss. 1 & 30. 34 & 35 Vict., cap. 91. 3 & 4 Vict, cap. 86, s. 16. The date of appointment Is, except where other- wise stated, also the date of being sworn a member of the Privy Council. ORIGINAL MEMBERs, Aug. 14, 1833. 1833. 1834. Hy., ld. Brougham, ld, chanc. Hy., M. of Lansdowne, ld. pres. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, ex lá. pres. Jno. Jeffreys. M. Camden, do. Jno., E. of Chatham, do. Hy., E. Bathurst, do. Dudley, E. of Harrowby, do. Jno., E. of Eldon, ex lé. chanc. Hy., visc. Sidmouth, ex la, pres. Wm., ld. Stowell, ex judge admy, ct. Jno. Singleton, ld. Lyndhurst, ch. bar. ex. Wm. Draper, ld. Wynford, ex ch. just. C. P. Thos., ld. Denman, ch. just. IC. B. Sir Jno. Nicholl, judge prerog. ct. Canterbury, &c. Sir Jno. Leach, m. rolls. Sir Wrm. Alexander, ex ch. bar. €X. Sir Lancelot Shadwell, V. chanc. England. Sir Nichs. Conygham Tindal, ch. just. C. P. Hon. Thos. Erskine, ch. judge bkptcy. Sir Wrm. Garrow, ex bar. ex. Sir Jas. Parke, aft. li. Wensleydale, just. R. B. *Sir Edwd. Hyde East, ex, ch. just., Calcutta. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTS. Sir Jno. Bernard Bosanquet, just. c. P., Sept. 4. Sir Alexr. Johnston, ex. ch. just., Ceylon, Sept. 4. Sir Jno. Bayley, ex. bar. ex., Mar. 5. Sir Robt. Graham, ex. bar. cx., Apr. 16. Sir Jno. Vaughan, just. C. P., June 5. Sir Chas. Christr. Pepys, aft. la. Cottenham, m. rolls, Oct. 1. Sir Herbt. Jenner, (Fust) judge pre- rog. ct., Canterbury, &c., Oct. 29. Jas., E. of Rosslyn, Dec. 15; Sw. June 10, 1829. 1834. 1836. 1838. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1846. 1848, 1850. 1851. 1852. Sir Jas. Scarlett, aft. li. Abinger, ch. bar, ex., Dec. 16. Hy. Bickersteth, aft. 16. Langdale, m. rolls, Jan. 16. Stephen Lushington, judge admy, ct. †Wm. Howley, abp. of Canterbury; sw. Oct. 5, 1813. |Edwd. Venables Vernon Harcourt, abp. of York; sw. Jan. 20, 1808. iChas. Jas. Blomfield, bp. of London; sw. July 31, 1828. Sir Jos. Littledale, ex. just. Q. B. Feb. 25. Jno., ld. Campbell, ex. li. chanc. Ireland, June 23. Jas. Archd., ld. Wharncliffe, ld. pres., Sept. 3; sw. Dec. 16, 1834. Sir Jas. Lewis Knight Bruce, v. chanc., Jan. 15. Sir Jas. Wigram, V. chanc., Jan. 15. *Thos. Pemberton Leigh, aft. li. Kingsdown, chanc, d. Cornwall, June 10; d. 1867. *Sir Edwd. Ryan, ex. ch. just. Ben- gal, June 10; res. 1859. Sir Fredk. Pollock, knt., aft. bt., ch. bar, ex., Apr. 17. Walter Fras., D. of Buccleuch, ld. pres., Jan. 21 ; sw. Feb. 2, 1842. Sir Thos. Wilde, aft. la. Truro, ch. just. C. P., Oct. 30. †Thos. Musgrave, abp. of York, Feb. 11. i.Jno. Bird Sumner, abp. of Canter- bury, Apr 15. Sir Jno. Jervis, ch. just. C. P., Aug. 14. Sir Robt. Monsey Rolfe, aft. li. Cranworth, v. chanc., Nov. 13. Sir John Romilly, aft, ld. Romilly, m. rolls, Apr. 14. Geo. Jas. Turner, aft. Sir G., v. chanc. Apr. 14. Sir Jno. Patteson, ex. just. Q. B., Feb. 2. Wm., E. of Lonsdale, ld, pres., Feb. 27; sw. May 30, 1828. Edwd. Burtenshaw, ld. St. Leo- mards, ld, chanc., Feb. 27; sw. Dec. 16, 1834. Sir Jno. Dodson, judge prerog, ct., Canterbury, Apr. 5. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 361 1852. 1054. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. Granville Geo., E. Granville, ld. pres., Dec. 28; sw. Aug. 1, 1846. Ld. Jno. Russell, aft. E. Russell, ld. pres., June 12; sw. Nov. 22, 1830. Sir Wm. Hy. Maule, ex. just. C. P., July 21. *Sir Lawrence Peel, ex. ch. just. Calcutta, Apr. 4. |Archd. Campbell Tait, bp. of Lon- don, Nov. 28. Sir Alexr.Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, knt., aft. bt., ch. just. C. P., Feb. 2. Sir Cresswell Cresswell, judge prob. and div. cts., Feb. 3. Jas. Brownlow Wrm., M. of Salis- bury, ld. pres., Feb. 24; sw. June 1, 1826. Fredk., ld. Chelmsford, ld. chanc., Feb. 26. Sir Jno. Taylor Coleridge, ex. just. Q. B., June 5. Sir Wm. Erle, ch. just. C. P., July 6. *†Sir Jas. Wrm. Colvile, ex. ch. just. Calcutta; Sw. July 6, and app. under 3 and 4 Wm. IV., cap. 41, s. 1; app. under s. 30, Nov. 20, 1865, G., vice Ryan, res. ; app. under 34 and 35 Vict., cap. 91, Nov. 1871. iChas. Thos. Longley, abp. of York, June 1, G. Richd., ld. Westbury, ld. chanc., June 26. †Wm. Thomson, abp. of York, Feb.3. Sir Jas. Plaisted Wilde, aft. li. Pen- zance, judge prob. and div. cts., Apr. 26. Sir Edwd. Vaughan Williams, ex. just. C. P., Mar. 9. Richd. C. T. N. B. C., D. of Buck- ingham, ld, pres., July 6. Sir FitzRoy Edwd. Kelly, ch. bar. ex., Nov. 10. Sir Hugh McCalmont Cairns, aft. ld. and E. Cairns, ld, just. app., Nov. 10. Sir Richd. Torin Kindersley, ex. v. chanc., Nov. 10. Sir Wm. Bovill, ch, just. C. P., Dec. 28. Jno. Winston, D. of Marlborough, ld. pres. Mar. 8; sw, July 10, 1866. Sir Jno. Rolt, ld, just, app., Aug. 3. Sir Robt. Jos. Phillimore, judge admy. ct... &c., Aug. 3. Sir Wm. Page Wood, aft. li. Hather- ley, ld, just app., Mar. 28. Sir Chas. Jasper Selwyn, ld, just. app., Mar. 28. *Sir Jos. Napier, bt., ex. li. chanc. Ireland, Nov. 11. Geo. Fredk. Saml., E. de Grey and Ripon, ld, pres., Dec. 9; SW. Apr. 28, 1863. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1876. 1877. 1879. Sir Geo. Markham Giffard, ld, just. app., Feb. 4. fjno. Jackson, bp. of London, May 13. Sir Wm. Milbourne James, ld, just. app., July 6. *#Sir Barnes Peacock, ex. ch. just. Bengal; sw. July 6, and app. under 3 and 4 Wrm. IV., cap. 41; app. under 34 and 35 Vict., cap. 91, June 10, 1872, G. Sir Geo. Mellish, ld, just. app., Aug. 9. Sir Jno. Stuart, ex. V. chanc., Mar. 24. Sir Jas. Shaw Willes, ex. just. C. P., Nov. 3. #Sir Montague Edwd. Smith, ex. just. C. P., Nov. 3. #Sir Robt. Porrett Collier, ex. just. C. P., Nov. 3. *Mountague Bernard, vice Colvile, Nov. 24, G; sw. June 29. Roundell, ld... aft. E. Selborne, ld. chanc., Oct. 15. Sir Jas. Hannen, judge prob, and div. cts., Nov. 27. Sir Jno. Barnard Byles, ex. just. C. P., Mar. 3. Hy. Austin Bruce, aft. la. Aberdare, ld. pres., Aug. 9; sw. Apr. 26, 1864. Sir Geo. Jessel, m, rolls, Aug. 30. Sir Jno. Duke Coleridge, aft. li. Coleridge, ld, ch. just. C. P., Dec. 12. Sir Saml. Martin, ex. bar. ex., Feb. 2. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond, ld. pres., Feb. 21 ; sw. Mar. 3, 1859. . Sir Hy. Singer Keating, ex. just. C. P., Feb. 4. Sir Richd. Baggallay, ld, just. app., Nov. 27. Edwd. Strathearn, ld. Gordon, ld. of app., Oct. 5, G. ; sw. Mar. 17, 1874. Colin, ld. Blackburn, ld. of app., Nov. 28. Sir Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell, aft. la. Bramwell, ld, just. app., Nov. 28. Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, aft. la. Esher, ld. just. app., Nov. 28. Sir Richd. Paul Amphlett, ld, just. app., Nov. 28. Hy. Cotton, aft. Sir H., ld, just. app., July 11. Hon. Alf. Hy. Thesiger, ld, just. app., Dec. 12. Sir Robt. Lush, ld, just, app., May 17. Sir Jno. Mellor, June 26. ex just. Q. B., 1880. Jno. Poyntz, E. Spencer, ld. pres., Apr. 28 ; sw. July 6, 1859. 362 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. CHIEF JUSTICIARIES. Wm., ld. Watson, ld, of app., Apr. 26, G. ; sw. Mar. 26, 1878. *Sir Richd. Couch, ex. ch. just. Bengal, vice Bernard. Jan. 24, G.; sw. Nov. 27, 1875. *Sir Arthur Hobhouse, R.C.S.I., aft. ld. Hobhouse, vice Napier, July 2, G.; sw. Mar. 2. Sir Richd. Malins, ex. V. chanc., May 18. Sir Nathl. Lindley, ld, just, app., Dec. 19. Sir Jno. Holkel, ld, just, app., Feb. 6. Jno. David Fitzgerald, aft. li. Fitz- gerald, ld, of app., June 29. Sir Chas. Synge Christr. Bowen, ld. just, app., June 29. Chichester Saml., ld. Carlingford, ld. pres... Mar. 19 ; Sw. Apr. 7, 1864. 1883. 1885, 1886. 1887. tRdwd. White Benson, abp. of Can- terbury, Mar. 19. Sir Edwd. Fry, ld, just, app., Apr. 20 Sir Hardinge Stanley Giffard, aft. ld. Halsbury. lil, chanc., June 24. Gathorne, visc. Cranbrook. lá. pres., June 24; sw. July 6, 1866. Sir Hy. Chas Lopes, ld, just. app., Dec. 12. |Fredk. Temple, bp. May 19. Sir Farrer Horschell, aft. li. Her- schell, ld. chanc., Feb. 6. Sir Jas. Bacon, ex v. chanc., Nov. 26. Edwd. Macnaghton, aft. la. Mac- naghten, ld. of app., Jan. 25. Sir Wm. Robt. Grove, ex just. Q. B., Nov. 28. of London, ITINERANT. JUSTICIARIES. JUSTICES OF TRAIL BASTON. JUSTICES See Introduction, ante, p. 346. CHIEF JUSTICIARIES. Those marked f are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. It is also doubtful whether those marked 2 were Chief Justiciaries or Justiciaries. Those marked I were possibly Chief Justices of the King's Bench and not Chief Justiciaries of the Aula Regis. 1007. 1073. 1078. 1087. 1088. 1100. Odo., bp. of Bayeux and E. of Kent, ch, justr. of the southern div., and Wm. Fitz-Osborne, E. of Hereford, ch. justr. of the northern div. of the kingdom. Wm. de Warenne, and Richd. Fitz- Gilbert or de Bonefacta. Lanfranc, abp. of Canterbury. Geoffrey, bp. of Coutance, in Nor- mandy, and Robt., E. of Moreton, or Mortagne. Bp. Odo, again. Wm. de Carilefo, bp. of Durham. Ranulph Flambard, aft bp. Durham. Robt. Bloet, bp. of Lincoln. of 1107–8. Roger, aft. bp. of Salisbury. * K. : * * * * * 3. 1 1 5 #Hugh de Bocland, canon of St. Paul's. ? Geoffrey Ridel. ? Ralph Basset, baron of Weld. ? Richd. Basset, son of Ralph. ? Geoffrey de Clinton, treast. ? Alberic de Were. Hy., D. of Normandy, Nov. ? Richd. de Luci, or Lucy. 1154. 1167. 1179. 1180, 1189. 1191. 1193. 1198. 1214. 1215. Robt. de Beaumont, E. of Leices- ter, and Richd. de Luci, or Lucy, jointly, Dec. Richd. de Lucy, only. Richd. Tocliffe, bp. of Winchester. Geoffrey Ridel, bp. of Ely, and John of Oxford, bp. of Norwich. Ranulph de Glanville. Hugh Pusar, or Pudsey, bp, of Durham. and Wm. de Mandeville, E. marle, Sept. 15. Hugh Pusar, or Pudsey, again, and Wm. de Longchamp, bp. of Ely, Dec. * 1. Walter de Constantiis, bp. of Lin- coln and abp. of Rouen. Oct. Hubert Walter, abp. of Canterbury, Sept. Geoffrey Fitz-Peter, Essex, July. Peter de Rupibus, bp. of Winches- ter, Feb. 1. Hubert de Burgh, E. of Kent, June. He was regent of England in 1219 during the minority of Henry III. of Albe- aft. E. of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 363 1225. Martin de Pateshull. . Stephen de Segrave, July. . f Robt. de Lexinton, July. 1236. I Thos, do Muleton. 1240. I Wm. of York, aft. bp. of Salisbury. . I Hy. de Bathonia. . Hugh Bigot, June 22. 1232 1234 1250 1258 1259. 1260. 1261. f Roger de Thurkilby, Dec. 29. Hugh le Despencer, Oct. 18. Philip Basset, July 5. f Wm. de Wilton. 1263. 1265. 1267. JUSTICIARIES. Hugh le Despencer, again, Oct. j Hy. de Bracton, Aug. Nichs. de Turri. It is doubtful whether those marked ? were Justiciaries or Chief Justiciaries, and whether those marked t were regular Justiciaries at all. In the reign of Hen. III. (1216–1272) those Justiciaries marked B have been called JUSTICIARII DE BANCO, and those marked F have had fines levied before them, and for these reasons have been considered as belonging to the Court of Common Pleas, though it is doubtful whether at the dates of their service the Court of Common Pleas had been actually established as a Separate court. *}{ 1153. 1164–5. 1169–70. 1174–5. 1170–7. 1178–9. 1181—2. * +& ? Hugh de Bocland, canon of St. Paul's. ? Geoffrey Ridel. ? Ralph Basset, baron of Weld. ? I'd. Basset, son of Ralph. ? Geoffrey de Clinton, treasr. ? Alberic de Vere. ? Rd. de Luci, or Lucy. Nigel, bp. of Ely. Geoffrey Ridel, archdn. of Can- terbury. Rd. Tocliffe, archdn. of Poictiers. Rd. Fitz-Nigel, treasr. Guy, dean of Waltham. Hy. Fitz-Gerold. Wm. Malduit. Simon Fitz-Peter. Alan de Nevil. Geoffrey Monachus. Wm. Fitz-Andelm. Philip de Davencester. Wrm. Fitz-Martin. John Malduit. Thos. Basset. Wm. Basset. Wm. Fitz-Ralph. Bertram de Verdun. Hugh de Cressi. Walter Fitz-Robert. Turstin Fitz-Simon. Wm. Fitz Stephen. Robt. Mantel. Roger Fitz-Reinfrey. Godfrey de Luci. John Cumin. Hugh de Gaerst. Ranulph de Glanville, aft. ch. justiciary. Wm. de Bendings. Alan de Furnellis. Wm. de Auberville. Michael Belot. Gilbert de Coleville. Gervase de Cornhill. Thos. Fitz-Bernard. Osbert Fitz-Hervey. 118.1–2. 1183–4. 1184–5. 1186–7. 1188–9. 1189–90. 1193–4. 1194–5. 1195–6. Ralph de Gedding. Osbert de Glanville. Wm. Rufus. Wm. Torell. Hugh Bardolf. Ralph Fitz-Stephen. Robt. Marmium. Hugh de Morewic. Robt. de Whitefeld. Nigel Fitz-Alexander. Hubert Walter. dean of York. Thos. de Husseburn. Robt. de Inglesham, archdm. of Gloucester. Josceline, archdn. of Chichester. Ralph, archdu. of Hereford. Ralph, archdn. of Colchester. Wm., archdn. of Totnes. Michael Belet. Ralph Murdac, Roger Bigot, E. of Norfolk. Ranulph Blundevil, E. of Ches- ter. Walter de Constantiis, abp. of Rouen. Rd. Fitz-Neale, bp. of London. Hugh Pusar, bp. of Durham. Stephen de S. Jacobo. Wm. de S. Mariae Ecclesia, dean of St. Martin's ; aft. bp. of London. Geoffrey Fitz-Peter. Otho Fitz-William. Gilbert de Glanville, bb. of Ro- chester. Wm. de Longchamp, bp. of Ely, chanc. Wm. Mareschall. Simon de Pateshull. Richd, de IIerierd. Herbert Pauper, bp. of Salis- bury. Hugh Peverel. Richd. Barre, archdn. of Ely. Geoffrey de Bocland. Wm. Briwer. 364 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1195–6. 1197–8. 1198–9. Wm. Chanvill, archdn. of Rich- mond. Hy. de Chastillon, archdn.of Can- terbury. Oger Fitz-Oger. Osbert Fitz-Simon, Wm. de Glanville. Wm. de Kunill. Wm. de Vere, bp. of Hereford. Wm. de Warenne. John de Gestling, F. James de Poterna. Stephen de Turnham. Hy. de Wichinton. Eustace, bp. of Ely, chanc. Robert Fitz-Roger. Osbert Fitz-William. Richd. Flandrensis. Godfrey de Insula. Philip of Poictiers, bp. of Dur- ham. Ralph de Welford. Wm. de Wrotham, archdn. of Taunton. 1199–1200. Hugh le Bobi. 1200–1. 1201-2. 1202–3. 1203–4. 1204–5. 1206–7. 1207–8. 1208–9. 1209–10. 1211–12. 1212–13. Geoffrey de Bocland, archdm. of Norfolk and dean of St. Mar- tin’s, F. Walter de Crepping. Reginald de Comhill. Wm. de Faleise. Eustace de Fauconberg, F ; aft. bp. of London. Hy. de Furnellis. Hy. of London, archdm. of Staf- ford; aft. abp. of Dublin. Ralph de Stoke. Reg. de Argentime. John de Grey, bp. of Norwich. Jordan de Turri. Wm. de Cantilupe. Thos. de Samford. Josceline de Wells, aft. bp. of Bath and Wells. Richd. de Mucegros. Hugh de Wells, archdm, of Wells, aft. bp. of Lincoln. Hy. Fitz-Ailwyn, mayor of Lon- dom. Walter de Grey, chanc. Hy. de Ponte Audomare. Robt. de Aumari. Wm. de Ely, treasr. Wm. de Furnellis. John Fitz-Hugh. Ralph Hareng, F. Robt. Malduit, Peter de Rupibus, bp. of Win- chester, aft. ch. just. John de Briwes. Robt. (? Roger) Huscarl. Saherus de Quincy, E. of Win- chester. Richd. de Marisco, archdm, of Richmond; aft. chanc. 1213–14. 1216–7. 1217–8. 1218–9. 1219–20. 1222–3. 1223–4. 1225–6. 1226–7. 1227–8. 1228–9. 1229–30. 1230–1. 1231–2. 1232–3. 1233–4. 1235–6. 1237–8. 1241–2. 1242–3. 1243–4. 1244–5. 1245–6. 1246–7. 1247–8. 1248–9. 1249–50 Josceline de Stivicle. Richd. de Seinges, F. fWm. de Albini, E. of Arundel, F. t Alan Basset, F. Simon de Insula, F. Martin de Pateshull, archdn. of Norfolk and dean of St, Paul's, F. Stephen de Segrave, aft. ch. just., F. Maurice de Audeley, F. # Hugh Foliot, F. f Geoffrey Gibbewin, F. Thos. de Heydon, B. f Robt. de Neville, F. t Benedict de Sansetun, bp. of Rochester, F. Robt. de Lexinton, B. Geoffrey le Sauvage, F. Thos. de Muleton, B. Warin Fitz-Joel, F. IHy. de Braybroc, B. Wm. de Insula, F. Roger de Northwold, F. f Thos. de Camviel, F. Wm. de London, F. Wm. de Raleigh, aft. bp. of Nor- wich and Winchester, F. Robt. de Shardelow, F. Ralph de Norwich, B. f Richd. Reinger, F. Wm. of York, aft. bp. of Salis- bury, F. Adam Fitz-William, B. Wm. de St. Edmund, F. Robt. de Beauchamp, B. Regd. de Moyun, B. Robt. de Rockele, B. Robt. de Ros, B. Wm. de Culeworth, F, John de Kirkeby, F. Hy. de Bathonia, F. Hugh Giffard, F. Jollan de Neville, F. Gilbert de Preston, B. Roger de Thurkelby, B. Robt. de Esseby, F. Jeremiah de Caxton. John de Cobbeham, F. Robt. de Nottingham, F. Alan de Watsand, F. Simon de Wauton, F. Wm. de Wilton, F. John de Lexinton. Wm. le Breton or Brito. Hy. de Mara. Hy. de Bracton or Bretton Robt. de Brus, B. John de Gatesden, F. f Alan de Zouche. . Giles de Erdington, F Gilbert de Segrave. Nichs. de Turri. Robt. Walerand. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 365 1251–2. 1253–4. 1254–5. 1255–6. 1256–7. 1259–60. 1260–1. 1261–2. 1264–5. 1265–6. Roger de Whitchester, F. Wm. Trussel, B. f John le Fraunceys. John de Caleto, F. John de Cave, F. Nichs. de Hadlow, or Handlo, F. Robt. de Shottinden, F. John de Cokefield, F. John de Wyvile, B. Peter de Percy. Wm. de Englefield. Martin de Littlebiri. f Thos. Basset. Wm. Bonquer, or Boncour, B. Richd. de Middleton, B. Hervey de Boreham, F. † Fulco Fitz-Warine. Richd. de Hemington. Geoffrey de Leukmore. Walter de Berstede, F. Adam de Greinvill, B. John de la Lynde, B. John le Moyne. 1265–6. 1266–7. 1267-8. 1268–9. 1269–70. 1270–1. 1271–2. Wm. de Poywick. John le Bretun, aft. bp. of Bere- ford. Robt. Fulcon, B. Roger de Messenden, B. Hy. de Monteforti, B. Lawrence del Brok. Adam de Castreton. Roger de Seyton, B. Walter de Helynn. John de Oketon. John de Reygate. Wm. de St. Omera. Rich.d. de Stanes. Thos. Trevet. Hy. de Wollaveston. John de Cobbeham, B. Nich. de Yattenden. Stephen Heym, F. Ralph de Hengham. Jas. de Paunton. † Walter de Merton. Wm. de Weyland. JUSTICES ITINERANT. Prior to 1155 these lists are very imperfect, but from that date they are tolerably complete. Those marked f are doubtful, and those marked T were Justices of Trailbaston (See Introduction, ante, p. 346). Many of the Justices Itinerant were also Justiciaries or Judges, and will we found repeated in the other lists. Those marked * are included in Dugdale's list, but Foss considers them to be only Com- missioners appointed to deal with certain complaints which had been made against the Sheriffs of particular counties. 1155–6. 1162–3. , 1165–6. 1167–8. 1168–9. 1169–70. 1170–1. Robt. de Beaumont, E. of Leices- ter. Thos. Becket, chanc. Henry de Essex. Wm. Fitz-John. Geoffrey de Mandevil, E. of Essex. Richd. de Luci, or Lucy, ch. justr. Wrm. Basset. Guy Rufus, dean of Waltham. Richd., archdn. of Poictiers. Regd. de Warenne. Gervase de Cornhill. John Cumin. Hy. Fitz-Gerold. Hugh de Morewill. Alan de Nevil, jun. Oger. Robt. de Stuteville. *The Abbot of St. Augustin, Can- terbury. *The Abbot of Chertsey. *Roger, E. of Clare. *Wm. de Abrincis. *Manaserins de Dammartin. *Gerold Fitz-Ralph. *Gilbert de Pinkeni. *Wm. Fitz-Helton. *Wrm. Fitz-Nigel. *Wrm. Fitz-Martin. *Ralph de Hospitali. 1170–1. 1172—3. 1173–4. *Ralph de Dene. Hugh de Bocland. Turstin Fitz-Simon. Adam de Gernemue. Regd. de Luci. Robt. Mantel. Walter Map. Richd. Fitz-Nigel, treast. Wm. Rufus. Sefred, archdn. of Chichester. Nichs. de Sigillo. Richd. de Wilton. — Wimer. Alard Banastre. Wm. Bastard. Alexr. le Boteler. Wm. de Braiosa. John le Clerk. John le Dover. Mathew de Escuris. Philip Fitz-Ermise. Wm. Fitz-Ralph. Wm. Fitz-Richard. Ralph Fitz-Stephen. Hugh de Gundevil. Walter de Hadfield. John Jukel. Leonard. Alured de Lincoln. Robt. de Luci. 366 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1173–4. 1174–5. 1176–7. 1177–8. 1179–80. 1181—2. 1184–5. 1186–7. 1189-90. 1191–2. John Malduit. Hanlon Morgan. Milo de Mucegros. Const. de Oxenford. Walter de St. Quintin. Guy le Strange. Thos. Basset. Hugh de Cressi. Ranulph de Glanville, Wm. de Lamvallei. Roger Fitz-Reinfred. Walter Fitz-Robert, Wm. Fitz-Stephem. Bertram de Verdun. Robt. Fitz-Bernard. Richd, Giffard, Robt. Pikenot. Gilbert Pipard. Robt. de Vaux. Michael Bolet. Ralph Briton. Gilbert de Columbiers. Thos. Fitz-Bernard. Richd. Tocliff, bp. of Winches- ter. Geoffrey Ridel, bp. of Ely. Jno., of Oxford, bp. of Norwich. Wm. de Bending. Nich. Fitz-Torold. Alan do Turnellis. Hugh de Gaorst. Geoffrey Hose. Godfrey de Luci. Hugh Murdac. Tichál. de Pec. Regd. de Wisebec. Robt. de Witefeld. Richd. Rufus, or Giffard. Samson de Totington, abbot of St. Edmunds. Thos. de Husseburn. Hugh de Morowic. Ralph Murdac. Wm. Vavasour, No. 1. Hugh Bardolf. Wm. Briwer. Richd., archd. of Wilts. Ralph do Arden. Roger Arundel. Maurice de Berkeley. Richd. Brito, archdn.of Coventry. Wm. Fitz-Alan. Geoffrey I'itz-Peter. Gilbert de Glanville, Bochestor. Tobt. de Hardres. Hy. de Northampton. Hugh Pantulf. IHugh Pusar, bp. of Durham. Poter do Ros. Wm. de Stuteville. Wm. de Vere, bp. of Hereford. Simon de Kyme. Adam do Tormoura. bp. of 1193–4. 1195–6. 1196–7. 1197–8. Regd. de Argentine. Walter Fitz-Robert. Wm. de Warenne. Wm. de Braiosa. Simon de Pateshull. Jno. Suthill, abbot of Hyde. Hugh de Bobi. Walter de Crepping. Hy. Fitz-Hervey. Jno. de Garland. Eustace de Ledenham. Roger de Stikesward. Wm. Achard. Simon Basset. Baldwin de Cuserugge. Osbert Fitz-Hervey. Robt. Fitz-Roger. Geoffrey, archdn. of Berks. Hy. de Kingeston. Wm. de Rideware. Roger de St. Edmund. Theobald Walter. Wm. de Albini. Philip Fitz-Robert. Geoffrey Hachet. Ranulph. Ralph de St. Martin. 1199–1200. Alan, abbot of Tewkesbury. 1200–1. 1201-2. 1202–3. 1203–4. 1204–5. 1206–7. 1207–8. 1208–9. 1210–11. 1218–9. Robt. de Braybroc. Ralph de Welleford. Stephen de Clay. Ralph Morin. Rd. Malebysse. Roger Arundel. Wm. Fitz-Richard. Hy. de Northampton. Alexr. de Poynton. Hugh de Chaucomb. Robt. Marmion, Humphrey de Bassingborne, archdn. of Sarum. Walter de Bovington Roger de Huntingfield. Simon de Kyme. Wm. de Percy. Tèd. de Seinges. Robt. de Veteriponte. Ralph de Arden. Robt. de Berkeley. Gerard de Camvill. Wm. de Cornhill, archdn.of Hum- tingdom, aft. bp. of Lichfield and Coventry. Hy. Fitz-Hervey. Wm. de Huntingfield. Toger de Lacy. Robt. de Percy. Rd. de Ponte. Adam do Port. Wm., archdn. of Hereford. Simon de Waldhull. Gilbert de Abbingworth. Jno. de Bayeux. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 367 1218–9. 1219–20. 1220–1. 1223–4. 1224–5. Faukes de Breaute. Wm. de Cantilupe. Hy. de Cobbeham. Wm. de Cressy. Ralph de la Ferte. Matth. Fitz-Herbert. Wm. Fitz-Roger. Walter Foliot. Ralph Gernum. John Marescallus. Walter Mauclerk, aft. bp. of Car- lisle Thos. de Muleton. Adam de Newmarket. Walter de Pateshull. Rd. Poore, bp. of Chichester, Salisbury, and Durham. Walter de Ripariis. Jordan de Sackville. James le Sauvage. Ralph Tablir. Wm. de Trumpington. Maurice de Turvil. Walter de Verdun. Wm, de Vernon. Robt. de Veteriponte. Philip de Ulecot. Hugh de Wells, bp. of Lineoln. Josceline de Wells, bp. of Bath and Wells. John Wigenholt. Laurence de Wilton. John de Winchestede. Stephen de Ebroicis. Waren de Granden. John de Monmouth. Robt. de Vere, E. of Oxford. Ralph Musard. Randolph, abbot of Evesham. Simon, abbot of Reading. Hy. de Braybrok. Warin Fitz-Joel. Wm. de Houbrug. Ralph de Neville, bp. of Chiches- ter. Herbert de Alençun. Wm. de Ambly. Roger de Auntreseye. John de Baalun. Roger de Baalun. Roger Bertram. Rd. de Beynvill. Nich, le Botelor, or Pincerna. Hugh de Glahaul. Robt. de Cokefield. Hugh de Droes. Rd. Duket. Walter Duredent. Alan de Englefield. Jordan de Esseby. Hy, lo Evesk. Priam Fitz-Alam. Walter Fitz-Robert. Wm. Fitz-Rosceline. Richd. Fitz-Simon. 1224–5. 1225–4. 1226–7. 1227–8. 1229–30. 1230–1. 1231–2. 1232–3. 1233–4. Wm. Fitz-Warine. Adam Fitz-William. Robt. Fitz-William. Wm. de Frenchvill. Barth. de Glanville. Simon de Hale. Wm. de Haunsarde. Jordan Heyrun. Jno.de Houton, archdn.of Bedford. Wm. de Insula. Regd. de Kaune. Richd. de Kellesay. Richd. de Levinton. Alured de Lincoln. Ralph de Lydiard. Roger de Merelay. Richd. de Montfichet. Jordan Oliver. Peter, abbot of Tewkesbury. Adam de Porteseye. Jno. de Reiny. Walter de Romsey. Jno. de St. Helena. Jno. de St. John. Richd. de Stoke. Theobald de Valoines. Richd. de Weym. Wm. de Waleis. Jno. de Wauton. Wm. de Welles. Wm. de Wichinton. Wm. Basset. Walter de Beauchamp. Peter de Brus. Jno. de Daiwill. Jno. Fitz-Robert. Randolph Fitz-Robert. Alexr. Holdernesse. Brian de Insula. Jno. de Lacy, const. of Chester, aft. E. of Lincoln. Wrm. de Lancaster. Walter le Poer. Roger de Scarborough. Wm. de Tametone. Thos., abbot of Winchecumbe Fulco Baynard. Maurice de Gant. Wm. de Hengham. Jno. de Kirkeby. Wm. de London. Wm. de Sorewell. Wm. of York. Hugh de Bolebec. Stephen de Luci. Ralph Fitz-Reginald. Jno. de Ulecot. Wm. Loudham. Walter de Cantilupe, aft. bp. of Worcester. Hy. de Tracy. Norman de Aresey. Adam de Ascwardby. Toger Bigot, E. of Norfolk. Ranulph Fitz-Henry. 368 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1233–4. 1239–40. 1244–5. 1245–6. 1247–8. 1250–1. 1251–2. 1252–3. 1253–4. 1254–5. 1255–6 1259–60. 1260–1. 1261–2. 1267-8. 1269–70. 1271–2. Thos. Fitz-John. Simon de Furnellis. Robt. Grimbald. Jollam de Neville. Robt. de Salceto. Oliver de Vaux. Warner Engaine. Robt. de Haya. Gilbert de Preston. Ralph de Sudley. Roger de Thurkelby. Hy. de Bracton, or Bretton. Hugh Fitz-William. Simon de Wauton. Wm. le Breton, or Brito. Regd. de Cobbeham. Silvester de Everdon, bp. of Car- lisle. Adam de Hilton. Jno. Plessitis, E. of Warwick. Hy. de Coleville. Robt. de Ripariis. Simon de Trop. Giles de Argentine. Wm. de Spaldewick. Wm. de Cobbeham. Wm. de Englefield. Geoffrey de Leuknore. Nichs. de Romesei. Peter de Percy. James de Audley. Humphrey de Bohun, E. of Here- ford. Hugh le Depenser. Jno. de Grey. Jno de Montealto. Jno. de Verdun. Jno. de Warenne, E. Warren. Adam de Greinvill. Martin de Littlebiri. Roger de Sumeri. Gilbert Talebot. Jno. de Aure. Walter de Berstede. Ralph Fitz-Ranulph. Richd. de Hemington. Robt. de Neville. Wm. de Nottingham. Wm. de Poywick. Wm. de Staunton. Regd. de Acle. Peter de Brus. Roger de Clifford. Matth. de Columbariis. Walter de Helynn. Jno. de Oketon. Richd. de Stanes. Jno. de la Strode. Thos. Trevet. Hy. de Wollaveston. Wm. de Boscehall. Peter de Chester. Geoffrey de Neville. Geoffrey de Upsale. Ralph de Marsh. 1271-2 1272. 1273–4. 1274–5. 1275–6. 1277–8. 1278–9. 1279–80. 1280–1. 1284–5. 1285–6. 1286–7. 1291–2. 1292–3. 1294–5. 1298–9. 1301–2. 1303–4. 1304–5. Jno. de Spalding. Thos. de Weyland. Wm. de Weyland. Walter de Hopton. Elias de Beckingham. Solomon de Rochester. Wm. de Northbury. Wm. de St. Omera. f Jno. de Saunford. Roger Loveday. Geoffrey de Newbald. Thos. de Sadington. Godfrey Giffard, bp. of Wor- Cester. Geoffrey de Picheford. Jno. de Vaux. Richd. de Ware. Richd. de Boyland. Wrm. de Braboeuf. f Roger de Clifford, senr. f Matth. de Columbiers. † Adam Gurdon. +Wm. de Hamilton. Alan de Walkingham. Thos. de St. Vigore. Nichs. le Gras. Hamon Hauteyn. f Richd. de Crepping. # Thos. de Normanville. Wm. de Vesey. Roger de Brabazon. Walter de Stircheleye Wm. Wyther. f Wm. de Bereford. Jno. de Berewyk. Hugo de Cressingham. f Jno. de Crokesley. † Simon do Ellesworth. Peter Heym. Jno. Lovel. Wrm. de Mortimer. Wm. de Ormesby. Roger le Strange. Jno. Wogan. Jno. de Batesford. Jno. de Bosco. Walter de Cambhou. Hugh de Cave. Adam de Clokedayk. Hy. de Eynefeld. Thos. Fisheburn. Wm. Howard. Wm. Inge. Jno. de Insula. Gilbert de Kirkeby. Jno. de Lythegrenes. Robt. de Retford. Jno. de Bankwell. Lambert de Trikingham. Wm. de Burnton. Jno. Randolf. Hervey de Staunton. Hy. de Guldeford. Jno. de Barton, T. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 369 1304–5. Roger de Bellaforgo. 1306–7. 1310–1. Jno. de Botetourt, T. Jno. le Breton, T. Thos. de Burnham, T. Wm. de Cressy, T. Edmd. D'Eyncourt, T. Nichs. Fermbaud. Ralph FitzWilliam, T. Robt. de Harwedom, T. Thos. de la Hyde, T. Wm. de Rardeston, T. Gilbert de Knowill, T. Peter de Malo Lacu, or Mauley,T. Wm. Martyn, T. Adam de Middleton, T. Gerard Salveyn, T. Milo de Stapleton. T. Wm. le Vavasour, T. Richd. de Walsingham, T. Geoffrey de Hertelpole. Hugh de Louthere, T. Jno. de Mutford, T. Thos. de Snyterton, T. Jno. de Thorp, T. Richd. de Bereford. Nichs. de Bolinbroke. Robt. de Clyderhou, or Clider- hou. Wm. de Colneye. 1310–1. Wm. de Goldington. 1313–4. 1314–5. 1317–8. 1329. 1330. 1333. 1349. 1370. Walter de Gloucester. Milo de Rodborough. Jno. de Westcote. Richd. de Berningham. Robt. de Maddingley. Gilbert de Toutheby. Ralph de Bereford. Adam de Brome. Jno de Ifeld. Jno. de Radenhale. Jno. Randolph. S Lambert de Trikingham. Hugh de Courtney. Nichs. Fastolf. Peter de Middleton. Thos. de Radclyve. Robt. de Thorpe. Wm. de Zouche. Jno. Claver. Wm. de Herlaston. Wm. de Scothou. Robt. Bealknap. Jno. de Cavendish. Edmd. Chelreye Wm. de Wakebrug. Jno. de Fencotes. Roger de Fulthorpe. Roger de Meres. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE KING'S OR, QUEEN’S BENCH AND LORD CHIEF JUSTICES OF ENGLAND. JUSTICES OF THE KING'S OR, QUEEN’S BENCH. PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF JUSTICE, QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION. See Introduction, ante, p. 346. PUISNE OF THE HIGH COURT CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE KING's or QUEEN’s BEN CH, som. ETIMEs STYLED CHIEF JUSTICES OF ENGLAND. 1268, Robert de Brus, or Brius, in modern 1290. 1296. 1316. 1317. 1323. 1324. 1329. 1330. times spelt Bruce ; the first judge who was distinctly constituted ch. just. of the K. B.-Foss. Ralph de Hengham, just. K. B. Foss gives the date of his appt. as 1273–4. Gilbert de Thornton Roger le Brabazon, just. K. B. Wm. Inge, Mar. Hy. le Scrope, June 15. Hervey or Hy. de Staunton, Sept. Geoffrey le Scrope, just. C. P., Mar. 21. Robt. de Malberthorp, just. K. B., May 1. Hy. le Scrope, again, Oct. 28. *Geoffrey le Scrope, again, Dec. 19. 1332. 1333. 1337. 1338. 1340. 1341. 1346. 1350. 1357. 1361. *Richd. de Wyllughby, just. K. B., Mar. 28. *Geoffrey le Scrope, again, Sept. 20. *Richd. de Wyllughby, again, Sept. 10. *Geoffrey le Scrope, again. *Richd. de Wyllughby, again, Oct. Sir Robt. Parning, just. C. P., July 21. Sir Wrm. Scot, Jan. 8. Sir Wm. de Thorpe, just. K. B., Nov. 26; hanged for malpractices in 1351. Sir Wm. de Shareshull, just. K. B., Oct. 26. Sir Thos. de Seton, just. K. B., July 5. Sir Hy. Greene, May 24. * These changes were occasioned by Geoffrey Le Scrope's absences abroad with the king, during which Wyllughby was appointed chief justice in his place. 24 370 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1365. Sir Jno. Knivet, or Knyvet, Oct. 29. 1372. Jno. de Cavendish, July 15; be- headed by the Kentish rebels. Sir Robt. Tresylian, just. K. June 22; executed in 1388. Sir Walter de Cloptone, Jan. 31. Sir Wm. Gascoigne, Nov. 15. 1381. B. , 1388. 1400. 1413. Sir Wm. Hankford, Mar. 29. 1424. Sir Wm. Cheyne, just. K. B., Jan. 21. 1439. Sir John Ivyn, or Juyn, ch. just. C. P., Jan. 20. 1440. Sir John Hody, Apr. 13. 1442. Sir John Fortescue, Jan. 25. 1461. Sir John Markham, just. K. B., May 13. 1469. Sir Thos. Billing, just. K. B., Jan. 1481. 1495. 1526. Sir Wm. Huse, or Hussey, May 7. Sir John Fineux, just. C. P., Nov. 24. Sir John Fitz-James, just. K. B., Jan. 23. Sir Edwd. Montague, Jan. 21; aft, ch, just. C. P. 1539. 1545. Sir Richd. Lyster, Nov. 9. 1552. Sir Roger Chomeley, Mar. 21. 1553. Sir Thos. Bromley (No. 1), just. K. B., Oct. 4. 1555. Sir Wm. Portman, just. K. B., June 11. 1557. Sir Edwd. Saunders, just. C. P., May 8 ; aft. ch. bar. ex. 1559. Sir Robt. Catlyn, just. C. P., Jan. 22. 1574. Sir Christr. Wray, just. K. B., Nov.8. 1592. Sir John Popham, June 2. 1607. Sir Thos. Fleming, or Flemynge, bar. ex., June 25. Sir Edwd. Coke, ch. just. C. P., Oct. 25 ; disch. Nov. 1616. Sir Hy. Montagu, Nov. 16; made ld. treasr. 1620. Sir Jas. Ley, knt. and bt., Jan. 29, aft. li. Ley; made ld. treasr. and cr. E. of Marlborough 1626. 1613. 1616. 1621. 1625. Sir Ranulph Crewe, Jan. 26. 1627. Sir Nichs. Hyde, Feb. 5. 1631. Sir Thos. Richardson, ch. just. C. P., Oct. 24. 1635. Sir John Brampston, or Bramstone, Apr. 14; removed Oct. 1643. Sir Robt. Heath, just. K. B., Oct. 31 ; removed by a vote of parlt., Oct. 1645. “There now sat only two judges in each court of law, until the close of this troubled reign.” White- locke. 1648. Hy. Rolle, just. K. B., apptd. by the parlt. under the Commonwealth, Oct. 12. 1642. 1645. 1655. John Glyn, ch. just. of the “upper bench "under the Commonwealth, June 15; confirmed to him Oct. 11, 1656. Whitelocke. Sir Richd. Newdigate, ch. just. of the “upper bench,” Jan. 17. Sir Robt. Foster, just. C. P., Oct. 1. Sir Robt. Hyde, just. C. P., Oct. 19. Sir John Kelynge, just. K. B., Nov. 21. Sir Matth. Hale, just. C. P., May 18; res. 1676, and d. on Christmas Day following. Sir Richd. Raynsford, or Rainsford, just. R. B., Apr. 12; removed May 1678. Sir Wm. Scroggs, just. C. P., May 31; removed 1681. Sir Fras. Pemberton, just. K. B., Apr. 11; aft. ch. just. C. P. Sir Edmd. Saunders, Jan. 3. Sir Geo. Jeffreys, bt., Sept. 28; aft. li. chanc., and cr. 1 Jeffreys. Sir Edwd. Herbert, Oct. 23; aft. ch, just. C. P. Sir Robt. Wright, ch, just. C. P., Apr. 22. Sir John Holt, Apr. 17. Sir Thos. Parker, Mar. 11; aft. la Parker, ld, chanc., and E. of Macclesfield. Sir John Pratt, just. K. B., May 15. Sir Robt. Raymond, just. K. B., , Mar. 2.; aft. li. Raymond. Sir Philip Yorke, Oct. 31; aft. li. Hardwicke, ld, chanc., and E. of Hardwicke. Sir Wm. Lee, just. K. B., June 8; became a bt. on the death of his brother, in 1749. Sir Dudley Ryder, atty.-gon., May 2. Wm. Murray, atty.-gen., cr. Id Mansfield, Nov. 8 ; cr. E. of Mansfield in 1776 ; res. June 1788. Lloyd, ld. Kenyon, m. rolls, June 4 ; d. Apr. 1802. 1660. 1663. 1665. 1671. 1676. 1678. 1681. 1683. 1685. 1687. 1689. 1710. 1718. 1725. 1733. 1737. 1754. 1756. 1788. 1802. Sir Edwd. Law, atty.-gen., Apr. 11, cr. Id. Ellenborough ; res. Nov. 1818; d. Dec. following. 1818. Sir Chas. Abbott, just, K. B., Nov. 2; aft, ld, Tenterden. 1832. Sir Thos. Denman,atty.-gen.,Nov. 4; cr. ld. Denman, Mar. 22, 1834; res. Feb. 28, 1850. 1850. John, ld. Campbell, Mar. 5; app. ld. chanc. June 18, 1859. 1859. *Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, bt., ch, just. C. P., June 24. * Transferred Nov. 1, 1875, to the H. C. J., Q. B. Division, and also made an ex- officio judge of the Court of Appeal, under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350–1.) THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 3.71 i PRESIDENTS OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE, QUEEN’s BENCH DIVISION. (LoRD CHIEF JUSTICES OF ENGLAND.) 1875. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, bt., transf. from court of Q. B. Nov. 1; d. Nov. 20, 1880. 1880. John Duke, ld. Coleridge, pres. of C. P. div., Nov. 29. PUISNE JUDGES OF THE KING's or QUEEN’s BENCH. Those marked f are omitted from Foss's lists Dugdale commences his list with— #Alanus de Zouch, ld, mayor of London in 1267 and 1268. fHy. de Bathonia. fRoger de Thorkelby, or Thurkilby. +Gilbert de Preston. #Nichs. Handlo, or Hadlow. #Thos. Basset. fjohn le Breton, or Bracton. fWm. de St. Omero. +Richd. de Stanes. #Jas. Panton. +Ralph de Hengham, aft. ch. just. #John de Cokefeud, or Cokefield. Some of the above were probably only “Justiciaries.” According to Foss the following were the puisne judges of the king's bench at the death of Henry III. in Nov. 1272. John de Cobbeham. Walter de Helynn, or Helyun. Martin de Littlebire or Littlebiri. John de Reygate (?). Rd. de Stanes (?). The following are the subsequent ap- pointments. 1274-5. Nichs. de Stapelton. Wm. de Saham. Walter de Hopton. 1275. Martin de Letilbir. John de Cobham, or Cobbeham. 1275–6. John de Metingham. Walter de Wymburne. 1282–3. John de Cave, Dugdale; doubted by Foss. 1284–5. Elias de Suttone. 1288–9. Ralph de Sandwic. 1289–90. Roger de Brabazon, aft. ch. just. Robt. Malet, or Mallet. 1293–4. John Lovel. 1294–5. Gilbert de Roubury. 1295–6. Wm. de Ormesby. 1300–1. Hy. Spigurnell. 1316. Geoffrey le Scrope, aft, ch, just. Lambert de Trikingham, Aug. 6. 1320, Robt. de Malberthorpe, Aug. ; aft. ch. just. 1327. Walter de Friskeney, Mar. 6. 1250. 1253. 1258. 1262. 1265. 1269. 1270. 1271. 1327. 1328. 1330, 1331. 1332. 1333. 1334. 1338. 1339. 1341. 1342. 1345. 1354. 1355. 1361. 1378. 1383. 1387. 1389. 1409. 1415. 1424. 1426. 1434. 1443. 1444. 1445. 1452. 1464. 1465. 1470. 1471. 1475. and must be considered doubtful. Robt. Baynard, Mar. 9. Hy. de Hanbury. Richd. de Wyllughby, Dec. 15; aft. ch. just. Thos. de Louthere, Dec. 15. Geoffrey Edenham, Jan. 18. Thos. Bacon, Jan. 28. Wm. de Shareshull, Mar. 20; aft. ch, just. Robt. de Scardeburgh, Sept. 14; transf, to C. P., 1339. Robt. Brundish, Apr. 4. Wm. Faunt, Apr. 4. Wm. Scot, May 2. John de Shardelow, or Cherdelawe, just, C. P., Sept. 6. Robt. de Scardeburgh, again ; from the C. P., Jan. 8. Roger de Bankewell. Wm. Bassett, Oct. 28. Adam de Staingrave, Jan. 10. Wm de Thorpe, aft. ch. just. Thos. de Seton, aft. ch. just. Wm. de Notton, Oct. 12. Thos. de Ingelby, Sept. 30. Robt. Tresylian, May 6 ; aft. ch. just. David Hanemere, Feb. 26. John de Lokton, or Lockton, Oet. 25. John Hull, or Hill, May 20. Hugh Hulse, May 20. Robt. Thirwit, or Tirwhit, May. Roger Horton, June. 16. Wm. Cheyne, June 16; aft. ch. just. John Halls, Jan. 21. Wm. Westbury, Feb. 6. Wm. Goderede, July 3. Wm. Yelverton. John Markham, Feb. 6; aft. ch. just. Richd. Bingham, aft. Sir R. Ralph Pole, July 3. Thos. Billing, Aug. 9; aft. just. Wm. Lakene, June 4. Richd. Neele, Oct. 9. John Needham, June 17. Thos. Young, Apr. 29. or Louthe, ch. 24 * 372 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1477. 1481. 1484. 1488. 1495. 1507. 1509. 1520. 1522. 1529. 1532. 1540. 1544. 1546. 1553. 1556. 1558, 1559. 1563. 1566. 1572. 1574. 1576. 1577. 1584. 1586. 1588. 1590. 1602. 1604. 1606. 1607. 1612. 1613. 1620. 1624. 1625. 1628. 1632. 1641. 1642. 1644. Guido Fairfax. Wm. Jenney. John Sulyard, or Sulliard, Oct. 26. Thos. Tremayle, July 16. Robt. Read, Nov. 24. Robt. Brudnell, or Brudenell, Apr. 28; transf. to C. P. Humfrey Coningsby, May 21. Jno. Moore, Apr. John Fitz-James, Feb. 6; aft. ch. just. John Port, Nov. John Spelman. Wm. or Walter Luke, Aug. 23. Wm. Coningsby, July 5. Edwd, or Edmd. Mervin, Nov. 22. Robt. Brooko, or Broke. Thos. Bromley (No. 1), Nov. 4; aft. ch. just. Wm. Portman, May 14; aft. ch. just. John Whyddon, Oct. 4. Wm. Dallison, Jan. Fras. Morgan, Jan. 23. Sir Jas. Dyer, just. C. P., Apr. 23. Held both offices pro tem. ; aft. ch. just. C. P. Wm. Rastal, Oct. 27 ; res. Regd. Corbet, Oct. 16. John Southcote, Feb. 10. Thos. Carus. Christr. Wray, May 14 ; aft. ch. just. Thos. Gawdy, aft. Sir T., Nov. 16. John Jefferay, May 15 ; aft. ch. bar. 62×. Wm. Ayloffe, John Clench, bar. ex., May 24. Robt. Schute, bar. ex., Feb. 8. Fras. Gawdy, aft. Sir F., Nov. 25. ; aft. ch. just. C. P. Edwd. Tenner, aft. 26. Christr. Yelverton, aft. Sir C., Feb. 8. David Williams, aft. Sir D., Feb. 4. Laurence Tanfield, aft.sir L., Jan. 13. Sir John Croke, late sp. ho. comm., June 25. Sir John Doderidge, Nov. 25. Sir Robt. Houghton, Apr. 21. Sir Thos. Chamberlain, Oct. 8. Sir Wm. Jones, just. C. P., Oct. 17. Sir Jas. Whitelock, Oct. 18. Sir Hy. Yelverton. Sir George Croke, just. C. P., Oct. 28 sir E., May Sir Robt. Berkeley, Oct. 11; re- moved. “Taken off the bench.” — Whitelocke. Sir Robt. Heath, Jan. 23; aft. ch. just. Sir Thos. Mallet, July 1 ; removed by the parlt. 1645. Sir Fras. Bacon, Oct. 14. Sir Robt, Brerewood, Jan. 31. 1645. Hy. Rolle, Sept. 30; under the parlt. ; aft. ch, just. 1648. Philip Jermin, Oct. 12. 1649. 1654. 1655. 1660. 1663. 1665. 1669. 1673. 1676. 1678. 1679. 1680. 1683. 1685. 1687. 1688. 1689. Saml. Browne, Oct. 12. Justice Bacon and Justice Brown (with judges of other courts) refused to act under the new commission, Feb. 8. Robt. Nicholas, June. Richd. Ask, June 1. Richd. Newdigate, aft. Sir R., June 2; aft. removed. It appears that there now sat three judges in this court. Peter Warburton, June ; removed in 1659. Richd, Newdigate, now sir Richd., again, Jan. 17; aft. ch. just. Robt. Nicholas, and Roger Hill, vice Newdigate (now ch, just.) and Warburton, Jan. 17. Sir Thos. Mallet, rest. by Charles II., May 31; disp, with in June 1663. Sir Thos. Twisden, July 2; disp. with in 1678, ‘‘ but continued judge until his death in Jan. 1682.”—Raymond. Sir Wadham Wyndham ; Nov. 24. Sir John Kelyng, June 18. Sir Wm. Morton, Nov. 23. Sir Richd. Raynsford, or Rainsford, bar, ex., Feb. 6; aft. ch. just. Sir Wm. Wylde, knt. and bt., just. C. P., Jam. 21 ; removed Apr. 29, 1679. Sir Thos. Jones, Apr. 13, aft. ch. just. C. P. Sir Wm. Dolben, Oct. 23. Sir Fras. Pemberton, vice Wylde, May 1 ; removed Feb. 17, 1680; aft. ch. just. R. B. and C. P. Sir Thos. Raymond, just. C. Apr. 29; d. July 14, 1683. Sir Fras. Wythens, Apr. 25. Sir Richd. Holloway, or Halloway, Sept. 25; removed June, 1688. Sir Thos. Walcot, Oct. 22. Sir Robt. Wright, bar. ex., Oct. 23; aft. ch. just. C. P. and K. B. Sir John Powell, sen., just. C. P. Apr. 16; removed June, 1688. Sir Richd. Allibone, Apr. 22. Sir Thos. Powell, bar. ex., July 7. Sir Robt. Baldock, July 7. Sir Thos. Stringer, Aug. Sir Richd. Holloway and Sir John Powell were removed for giving their opinions against the court, in favour of the seven bishops ; and Sir Thos. Powell and Sir Robt. Baldock, the king's serjeant, were made justices in their room. Sir Wm. Dolben, Mar. 11. P. 3 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 373 1689. 1694. 1695. 1696. 1699. I 701. 1702. 1710. 1713. 1714. 1718. 1724. 1725. 1726. 1808. 1813, 1816. 1818. 1824. 1828. 1830. 1834. Sir Wm. Gregory, bar. ex., May 4. Sir Giles Eyre, May 4. Sir Sam. Eyre, Feb. 22. Sir Thos. Rokeby, just. C.P., Oct. 29. Sir John Turton, bar. ex., July 1; rem. June 9, 1702. Sir Hy. Gould, Jan. 26. Sir Lyttelton Powys, bar. ex., Jan. 26; res. Oct. 1725. Sir John Powell, jun. just. C. P. June 24 Sir Robt. Eyre, vice Powell, May 5; aft. ch. bar, ex. and ch. just. C. P. Sir Thos. Powis, June 8; removed Oct. 14, 1714. Sir John Pratt, vice Powis, Nov. 22; aft. ch. just. Sir John Fortescue Aland, vice Pratt, May 15 ; transf, to c. P. 1729, and cr. ld. Fortescue, of Credan, in Ireland, 1746. Sir Robt. Raymond, vice Eyre,Feb. 1; aft. ch. just., and cr. ld. Ray- mond. Sir Jas. Reynolds, sen., vice Ray- mond, Mar. 16 ; aft. ch. bar. ex, Sir Edma. Probyn, Nov. 3, aft ch. bar. ex. 1727. 1730. I737. 1740. 1741. 1745. 1755. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1768. 1770. 1778. 1787. 1794. 1799. Sir Fras. Page, just. C. P., Sept. Sir Wm. Lee, June 1, aft. ch. just. Sir Wm. Chapple, vice Lee, June 16. Sir Martin Wright, bar. ex., vice Probyn, Nov. 28; res. 1755. Sir Thos. Denison, Dec. Sir Michl. Foster, Apr. 22. Sir John Eardley Wilmot, Feb. 3 ; aft. ch. just. C. P. Sir Jos. Yates, Jan. 23; transf, to C. P. in 1770. Sir Richd. Aston, Apr. 19 ; res., d. 1778. Jas. Hewitt, Nov. 6 ; made ld. chanc. of Ireland in 1767, and cr. ld. Lifford. Edwd. Willes. vice Hewitt, Jam. 27. Sir Wm. Blackstone, Feb. 12; transf. to C. P. same year. Sir Wm. Hy. Ashburst, vice Black- stone, June 22; res. 1799. Sir Fras. Buller, knt., aft. bt., vice Aston, May 6; transf, to C. P. 1794. Sir Nash Grose, vice Willes, Feb. 9 Sir Soulden Lawrence, just C. P. Apr. 9; transf, to C. P., again, 1808. Sir Simon Le Blanc, June 6. John Bayley, vice Lawrence, May 9 ; knt.; May 11; transf. to ex., Nov. 1830. Hy. Dampier, vice Grose, June 23; knt.; July 14; d. Feb. 1816. Geo. Sowley Holroyd, vice Dampier, Feb. 20; knt.; May 14 ; res., Nov. 1828, Chas. Abbott, just. C. P., vice Le Blanc, Apr. ; knt.; May 13; aft. ch. just. and ló. Tenterden. Wm. Draper Best, ch. just. Chester, vice Abbott, Nov. 30; knt. June 1819; aft. ch. just. C. P. and lå. Wynford. Jos. Littledale, aft. Sir J., vice Best, Apr. 30; res., Feb. 1841. Jas. Parke, vice Holroyd, Nov. 8; knt. Dec. 1 ; transf, to ex., Apr. 1834, by exchange with Williams; aft. la. Wensleydale. Wm. Elias Taunton, vice Bayley, Nov. 12; knt. Nov. 17; d. Jan. 11, 1835. Jno. Patteson, Nov. 12; knt. Now. 17; additl. or fifth judge under 1 Wm. IV., cap, 70(July 23, 1830); res. Feb. 1852; d. June 28, 1861. Sir John Williams, bar. ex., vice 1835. 1841. 1846. 1852. 1858. 1859. 1861. 1863. 1865. 1868. 1868. Parke, Apr. 29; d. Sept., 14, 1846. John Taylor Coleridge, aft. Sir J., vice Taunton, Jan. 27; res. May 1858; d. Feb. 11, 1876. Wm. Wightman, aft. Sir W., vice Littledale, Feb. 17 ; d. Dec. 10, 1863. Sir Wm. Erle, just. C. P., vice Williams, Oct. 27; aft. ch. just. C. P., June, 1859. Chas. Crompton, vice Patteson, Feb.; knt., Feb. 26; res, Oct. 6, and d. Oct. 10, 1865. Hugh Hill, vice Coleridge, May 29; knt. Apr. 18; res. Dec. 1861. *Colin Blackburn, vice Erle, June ; knt. Apr. 14, 1860. *Jno. Mellor, vice Hill, Dec. 3; knt. June 11, 1862. Wm. Shee, vice Wightman, Dec. 18; knt. June 10, 1864; d. Feb. 19, 1868. *Robt. Lush, vice Crompton, Nov. 2; knt. Nov. 20. Jas. Hamnem, vice Shee, Feb. 25; kmt. May 14 ; apptd. judge of prob. and div. ct., Nov. 1872. Geo. Hayes, Aug. 25 ; additl, or 374 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. sixth judge under 31 & 32 Viet. cap. 125 (July 31, 1868); knt. Dec. 9, 1868; d. Nov. 25, 1869. 1872. *Jno. Richd. Quain, vice Hayes, Jan. 5; knt. Apr. 22. 1872. Thos. Dickson Archibald, vice Han- nen, Nov. 20; knt. Feb. 5, 1873; transf, to C. P., Feb. 6, 1875. 1875. *Wm. Ventris Field, vice Archibald, Feb. 6; knt. May 13. * On Nov. 1, 1875, these Judges were transf, to the H. C. J., Q. B. Div., under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 850-1.). PUISNE JUDGEs of THE QUEEN’s BENCE DIVISION OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE. Transferred from the old Court of Queen's Bench, Nov. 1, 1875. Sir Colin Blackburn, made ld, app., Oct. 1876. Sir Jno. Mellor, res. 1879. Sir Robt. Lush, made ld, just. app. Nov. 5, 1880. Sir Jno. Rd. Quain; d. Sept. 12, 1876, Sir Wrm. Wentries Field. Subsequent Appointments. 1876. Hy. Manisty, vice Quain, Oct. 31 ; knt. Nov. 28. Hy. Hawkins, vice Blackburn, Nov. 2, G.; transf, to ex. div., Nov. 14, 1876. 1879. Chas. Synge Christr. Bowen, vice Mellor, June 16; knt. June 26 ; made lá. just, app. June 2, 1882. 1880. Chas. Jas. Watkin Williams, vice Lush, Nov. 5; knt. Dec. 1; d. July, 1884. Upon the abolition of the Com. Pleas and Exch. Divisions under the Supreme Court. of Judicature Act, 1873, sees. 22 and 75, and Order in Council, Dec. 16, 1880 (see ante, p. 350), the following Judges became, on Feb. 26, 1881, judges of this division, but with relative rank according to their original appointments:— From the Common Pleas Division. Sir Wm. Robt. Grove, res. Sept. 1887. Hon. Geo. Denman. Sir Nathl. Lindley, made Id, just. app., Nov. 1, 1881. Sir Hy. Chas. Lopes, made ld, just. app., Dec. 1, 1885. From the Earchequer Division. Sir Chas, Edwd. Pollock. Sir Jno. Walter Huddleston. Sir Hy. Hawkins. Sir Jas. Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I. Subsequent Appointments. 1881. Sir Hy. Mather Jackson, bt., vice Id. Coleridge, Mar. 2; d. before taking his seat. Jas. Chas. Mathew, vice Kelly, Mar. 3; knt. Apr. 1. Lewis Wm. Cave, vice Jackson, Mar. 14; knt. Apr. 1. Ford North, vice Lindley, Nov. 1; knt. Dec. 7 ; transf, to ch. div. Apr. 1883. 1882. Jno. Chas. Day, vice Bowen, June 3; knt. June 29. 1888. Archd. Levin Smith, vice North, Apr. 12; knt. Apr. 20. 1884. Alfred Wills, vice Watkin Williams, July 21; knt. Aug. 11. 1886. Wm. Grantham, vice Lopes, Jan. 4; knt. Jan. 19. 1887. Arthur Charles, vice Grove, Sept. 8; knt., Nov. 28. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 375 CHIEF AND PUISNE JUSTICES OF THE COMMON PLEAS, PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, COMMON PLEAS DIVISION. See Introduction, ante, pp. 346–7. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE ComMon PLEAs. Those marked f are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. Dugdale commences his list with— 1227. fBobt. de Lexinton. 1235. f(Thos. de Muleton. 1248. Hy. de la Mare or Mara. 1261. twm. de Wyltone or Wilton. But Foss considers it doubtful whe- ther the division of the aula regis had yet actually taken place and whether the office of chief jus- tice of the common pleas had yet been clearly established. He therefore begins with— 1272. Gilbert de Preston, just. C. P., Nov. 1273-4. Roger de Seytome or Seyton. 1277–8. Thos. de Weyland, just. C. P. ; re- moved 1288. 1289–90. John de Metingham. 1301. Ralph deBengham,iust.c. P., Sept.19. 1309. Wm. de Bereford, just. C. P., Mar. 15. 1326. Hervey destaunton, iust. C.P., July 18. 1327. Wm. de Herle, just. C. P., Jan. 25. 1329. John de Stomore, just. C. P., Sept. 2. 1331. William de Herle, again chief, and John de Stomore,second just., Mar. 2. 1335. John de Stonore, again, July 7. 1341. Roger Hillary, just. C. P., Jan. 8. 1342. John de Stonore, again, May 9. 1354. Roger Hillary, again, Feb. 20. 1356. Robt. de Thorpe, June 27. 1371. Wm. de Fyncheden, just.C.P., Apr. 14. 1374. Robt. de Bealknap, aft. sirP.,Oct. 10. 1370. Sir Robt. de Preston, Oct. 5. 1388. Robt. de Carleton, Jan. 30. 1396. Wm. Thirning or Thyrnynge, just. C. P., Jan. 15. 1413. Richd. Norton, June 26. 1423. Wm. Babington, ch. bar.ex. and just. C. P., May 5. 1436. John Ivym, or Juyn, bar. ex., Feb. 9. 1439. John Cottesmore, just. C. P., Jan. 20. Richd. Newton, just. C. P., Oct. 14. 1449. John Prysot, Jan. 16. 1470. Robt. Damby, aft. Sir R., just. C. P., Oct. 9. +Richd. Choke, Sept. 5. 1471. Sir Robt. Danby, again. Thos. Bryan, May 29. 1500. Thos. Wood, just. C. P., Oct. 28. 1502. Thos. Frowyk, Sept. 30. 1506. Sir Robt. Read, Apr. 26. 1519. John Ernley, Jam. 27. 1521. 1531. 1535. 1545. 1553. 1554. 1558. 1559. 1582. 1605. 1606. 1613. 1626. 1631. 1634. 1640. 1641. 1648. 1660. 1668. 1675. 1683. 1686. 1687. 1689. 1692. Robt. Brudnel, just. C. P., Apr. 13. Robt. de Norwich, just. C. P., Feb. Sir John Baldwin, Apr. Sir Edwd. Montague, ch. just. IC. B., Nov. 6. Sir Richd. Morgan, Sept. 5. Sir Robt. Brooke, or Broke, Oct. 8. Sir Anthy. Browne, Oct. 5; aft. just. only. Sir Jas. Dyer, just. C. P. and K. B., Jan. 22. Sir Edmd. Anderson, May 2. Sir Fras. Gawdy, just. K. B., Aug. 26. Sir Edwd. Coke, June 30; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Hy. Hobart, bt., Nov. 26. Sir Thos. Richardson, Nov. 28; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Robt. Heath, Oct. 26; removed Sept. 1634; aft. ch. just. K. B., whence he was removed by a vote of parlt. Sir John Finch, just. C. P. (?), Oct. 14; aft. li. Finch and lå. kpr. Sir Edwd. Lyttelton, Jan. 27 ; aft. ld. Lyttelton and lá. kpr. Sir John Banks, Jan. 29; d. Dec. 1644. The chief justiceship was not filled up until Oliver St. John, Oct. 12. Sir Orlando Bridgman, ch. bar. ex. , Oct. 22; aft. 16. kpr. Sir John Waughan, May 23. Sir Fras. North, Jan. 23; aft. li. kpr. and ld. Guilford. Sir Fras. Pemberton, ch. just. IC. B., Jan. 22 ; removed Sept. same year. Sir Thos. Jones, just. K. B., Sept 29; removed Apr. 1686. Sir Hy. Bedingfield, just. C. P., Apr. 21; d. next year. Sir Robt. Wright, just. K. B., Apr. 16; immediately aft. made ch. just. IC. B. Sir Edwd. Herbert, ch. just. K. B., Apr. 22. Sir Hy. Pollexfen, May 4. Sir Geo. Treby, May 3. 376 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1701. Sir Thos. Trevor June 28; aft. li. 1804. Sir Jas. Mansfield, May 8; res. Feb. Trevor; removed, Oct. 1714. 1814. 1714. Sir Peter King, Oct. 14; aft. li. 1814. Sir Vicary Gibbs, ch. bar, ex. Feb. chanc., and ló. King. 24; res. Oct. 1818. 1725. Sir Robt. Eyre, ch. bar. ex: ; June 3. 1818. Sir Robt. Dallas. iust. c. P., Nov. 5; 1736. Sir Thos. Reeve, just. C. P., Jan. 818. º *...* 5 2 26; d. Jan. 13, 1737. § : £FA as * 1737. Sir John Willes, Jan. 28; aft. 1824. Sir Robt. Gifford, Jan. 9; cr. ld. Gifford, Jan. 30; aft. m. rolls. commr. gr. Seal. 1762. Sir Chas. Pratt, Jan. 23; cr. ld. Sir Wm. Draper Best, just. K. B., Camden ; aft. li. chanc. Apºlº ; res. June, 1829, and cr. 1766. Sir John Eardley Wilmot, just. R. ld. Wynford. e B., Aug. 21 ; res. 1771. 1829. Sir Nicolas Conyngham Tindal, 1771. Sir Wm. de Grey, Jan. 25 ; res. solr.-gen., June 9; d. July 1846. June 1780, and cr. ld. Walsing- || 1846. Sir Thos. Wilde, atty.-gen., July 7; ham, Oct. following. ld aft. li. chanc., and ló. Truro. 1780. Alexr. Wedderburn, June 9 : cr. 1850. Sir John Jervis, atty.-gen. July 15: Loughborough ; 'aft. ld.' chanc. 8 º: º: º y.-gen., July 10 ; and E. of Rosslyn. g * * * * 1793. Sir Jas. Eyre, ch. bar. ex., Jan. 28; 1856. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, d. July 1799 knt., aft. bt. ; atty.-gen., Nov. 21; 1799. Sir John Scott, atty.-gen., July 18; aſ ch: just 9 p. cº, 1d. Eldon aft. ii. Chanc. and | 1859. Sir Wim. Erle, just. Q. B., June 24; iſ of Eldon. ' res. Now. 26, 1866. 1866. Sir Wm. Bovill, solr.-gen., Nov. 29, G.; d. Nov. 1873. 1801. Sir Richd, Pepper Arden, m. rolls, 1873. *Sir John Duke Coleridge, atty.- May 30; cr. ld. Alvanley; d. gen., Nov. 19, G.; cr. ld. Cole- Mar. 1804. ridge, Jan 1, 1874, G. * Transferred Nov. 1, 1875, to the H. C. J., C. P. Div., and also made an ea officio judge of the Court of Appeal under the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350–1.) IPRESIDENTs of THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE, COMMON PLEAS DIVISION. (CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE COMMON PLEAs.) 1875. John Duke, ld. Coleridge, transf. from court of C. P., Nov. 1; made la. ch. just. of England and pres. of the Q. B. div., Nov. 29, 1880. The C. P. Div. and the office of ch. just. thereof were abolished under Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873, secs. 22 & 75, and Order in Council Dec. 16, 1880. (See ante, p. 350.) PUISNE JUSTICES OF THE COMMON PLEAs. Those marked † are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. Dugdale commences his list with— 1243. FRoger de Thurkilby. 1234. Robt. de Bello Campo, or Beau- +Robt. de Esseburne, or Esseby. champ. 1244. t.John de Cobbeham. flºegd. de Moyun, or Mohun. 1245. Robt. de Nottingham. †IRobt. de Rockcle. 1247. Alanus de Watsand, or Wassand. 1235. f Adam. son of William. +Wm. de Wyltone. fjohn de Kirkeby. fliy. de la Mare. 1236. FWm. de Culeworth. 1250. #FIy. de Bathonia. 1238. Hugh Giffard, const. Tower of +John de Gatesdon, canon of St. London. Paul's. 1241. f.Jollanus de Neville. 1251. Simon de Wauton, aft. bp. of Nor- 1242. f6 ilbert de Preston, aft. ch. just. wich. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 377 1251. 1252. 1254. 1256. 1257. 1262. 1263. 1265. 1266. 1267. 1268. 1271. 1272, fGiles de Erdington. +Wm. Trussell. fRoger de Wircestre, or Whitchester. fNichls. Handlo, or Hadlow. fjohn de Wyville. +.John de Cokefield. +Robt. de Briwes. fNichls. de Turri. f|Richd. de Middelton. tWm. de Bonquer, or Boncour. fjohn de Wyville, again +Wm. de Wylton, again. +Fulco, son of Warren. +Hervey de Boreham. fjohn de la Lynde. fWalter de Berestede. #Adam de Greynville. #John le Breton, aft. bp. of Here- ford. fHy. de Monteforti, or Montfort. fRoger de Messenden. #Martin de Litelbiri. †Roger de Seyton, or Seytone. #Robt. Fulke, or Fulc. fStephen Hayme, or Heym. #Ralph de Hengham, chanc. of Exe- ter; aft. ch. just. #Wm, de Weyland. Foss considers it uncertain whether the judges above named were jus- tices of the common pleas or justi- ciaries of the aula regis, and begins his list of undoubted justices of the common pleas with the fol- lowing as being those in office at the end of the reign of Henry III., Nov. 1272:— Robt. Fulcon, Ralph de Hengham. Stephen Heym. Hy. de Monteforti. Roger de Seyton. Wm. de Weyland. The following are the subsequent ap- ointments: 1273–4. Richd. de Stanes. Thos. de Weyland, aft. ch. just. 1274-5. Ralph de Frenyngham. John de Lovetot. 1275–6. Toger de Leicester. +Roger Loveday. #Ceoffrey de Leukmore. #Geoffrey de Newbold. Walter de Helynn, or Helyum. 1277–8, Wm. de Brompton. 1283–4. Stephen de Pencestre. I284–5. Elias de Bekingham. 1289–90. Robt. de Hertford. Robt. de Thorpe. Wm. de Giselham. 1290–1. Wm. de Bereford, aft. ch. just. 1291. +Wm. do Ormosby. 1291–2. Peter Malore. 1296–7. Wrm. Howard. 1299–1300. Lambert de Trikingham. 1304–5. #Hy. de Guldeford. 1308. 1305–6. Hervey de Staunton; aft. ch. just. Hy. le Scrope, Nov. 27; aft. ch. just. 1309. 1313. 1314. 1316. 1319. 1320. 1321. 1323. 1338. 1329. 1331. 1332. 1333. 1334. 1337. 1339. 1340. 1341. 1342. 1348. 1354. 1355. 1357, 1359. 1361. 1364. John de Benstede, Sept. 29. Wm. de Burne, Sept 29. John Bacon, or Bacoum, Feb. 19. Wm. Inge, Sept. 28. Gilbert de Roubury, Mar. 10. John de Mutford, Apr. 20. John de Doncaster, June 5. Wm. de Herle, Oct. 16 ; aft. ch. just. John de Stomore, Oct. 16; aft. ch. just. John de Bousser, May 21. Walter de Friskeney, July 9. Geoffrey le Scrope, Sept. 27; aft. ch, just. K. B. Richd. de Wyllughby, Mar. 6. John Travers, Mar. 2. Thos. Bacon, or Bacoum, Sept. 30. Robt. de Malberthorpe, Jan. 18. John de Cantebrig, Jan. 18. John Inge, Jan. 18. John de Stomore, late ch., now a puisne just., Apr. 1. John de Shardelow, or Cherdelawe, Jan. 28. Richd. de Aldeburgh, Feb. 3. Wm. de Shareshull, May 30. #Geoffrey le Scrope, again(?),July 16. John de Trevaignon, Sept. 24. Wm. Basset, Jan. Roger Hillary, Mar. 18; aft. ch. just. Wm. Scot, Mar. 18; aft. ch. just. Robt. de Scardeburgh, Sept. 6. Jas. de Wodestoke, Feb. 4. Robt. Parning, May 23; aft. ch. just R. B. Richd. de Wyllughby, again, Oct. 9. Stomore, Shareshull, Shardelowe, and Wyllughby were removed about Nov., 1340. Thos. de Heppescotes, Jan. 8. Richd. de Kelleshull, May 30. Adam de Staingrave, Oct. 28. Wm. de Thorpe, Apr. 23. John de Stonford, Apr. 23. Wm. de Shareshull, rest. May 10. John de Shardelowe, rest. May 10. Richd. de Wyllughby, rest. May 10. Roger Hillary, res. ch. justiceship to Stomore, and became a puisne just. Thos. de Fencotes, Jan. 14. Hy. Greene, Feb. 6. Thos. de Seton. Hy. de Motelow, July 4. John de Moubray, July 11. Wm. de Skipwith, Oct. 25. John Knivet, Sept. 30. John Delves, Feb. 3. 378 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1365. 1371. 1372. 1374. 1376. 1377. 1380. 1383. 1388. 1389. 1391. 1391. 1396. 1398. 1399. 1400, 1405. 1406. 1408. 1409. 1415. 1420. 1423. 1426. 1429. 1438. 1439. 1440. 1443. 1444. 1448. 1450. 1452. 1454. 1457. 1461. 1466. 1467. 1471. 1481. * * 1484. Wm. de Fyncheden, Oct. 29; aft. ch. just. Wm. de Winchingham, Oct. 29. Roger de Meres, Nov. 2. John de Cavendish, Nov. 27. Roger de Kyrketon. Robt., or Roger de Fulthorp, Nov.28. Wm. de Skipwith, Oct. 8. Hy. de Perchehay, or Percehay, Nov. 26. fThos. de Ingleby. Hy. Asty, Dec. 6. John Holt. Wm. Burgh. John Wadham. Richd. Sydenham. Wm. Thirning, or Thyrnynge, Apr. 11; aft, ch. just. Wm. Rickhill, May 20. John Penros, or Penrose, Jan. 15. fjohn Hull. John Markham, July 7. Wm. Hankford, May 6. Wm. Brenchesley. fjohn Hulse. ? Hugh. John Cokayne, May 14. John Colepeper, June 17. Robt. Hill, May 14. +Robt. Thirwit. Wm. Lodington, June 16. John Preston, June 16. fWm. Cheyne. fRoger Horton. Wm. Babington, ch. bar, ex., June 30; held both offices until app. ch, just, in 1423. John Martin, June 30. flèobt. Hull. John Ivyn, or Juyn, May 5 ; app. ch. bar. ex. same time ; aft. ch. just. C. P. and R. B. John Halls, May 5. Jas. Strangways, Feb. 6. fWm. Westbury. John Cottesmore, Oct. 15 ; aft.ch.just. Wm. Pastone. Richd. Newton, Nov. 8; aft. ch. just. Thos. Fulthorpe, Jan. Wm. Ayscoghe, Apr. 17. John Portington. Richd. or Nichs. Ayshton, June. Peter Arderne, Now. Robt. Danvers, Aug. 14, Robt. Danby, June 28; aft. Sir R., and ch. just. Robt. or Walter Moyle, July 9. John Needham, May 9. Richd. Choke, Sept. 5. Thos. Littelton, Apr. 17. Thos. Young, Nov. 4. Sir Richd. Neele, May 29. Sir John Catesby, Nov. 20. Humphrey Starkey, ch. bar. ex: ; held both offices. Roger Townsend, Jan. 1487 1488. 1490. 1494. 1495. 1501. 1503. 1508. 1509. 1513 1514. 1518. 1520. 1523. 1526. 1530. 1537. 1538. 1542. 1545. 1549. 1550. 1552. 1553. 1554. 1557. 1558. 1559. 1563. 1567. 1571. 1572. 1577. 1579. 1581. 1585. 1589. 1593. 1594, 1598. 1599. 1600. 1604. 1606. 1607. 1611. 1612, 1617. 1621. Wm. Calowe, or Collow, Jan. 31. John Haugh, Jan. 31. Wm. Danvers, Feb. 5. John Vavasour, Aug. 14. John Fineux, Feb. 11; aft. ch. just. IC. B. Thos. Wood, Nov. 24; aft. ch. just. John Fisher, Nov. 3. John Kingsmill, July 2. John Boteler, or Butler, Apr. 26. Robt. Brudnel, just. IR. B., Apr. ; aft. ch. just. Wm. Fairfax, Apr. Wm. Grevyle, or Greville, May 21. Richd. Elliot, Apr. 26. Lewis Pollard, May 29. John More, father of Sir Thos. More, Jan. Richd. Brooke, or Broke, Apr. Anthy. Fitzherbert, Apr. Thos. Englefield, or Englefeld. Wm. Shelley. Robt. de Norwich, Nov. 22; aft. ch. just. Sir Thos. Willoughby, Oct. 9. Sir Christr. Jenny, June 30. Sir Humfrey Brown, Nov. 20. John Hinde, Nov. 5. Sir Jas. Hales, May 20. Sir Edwd. Molyneux, Oct. 22. Wm. Cooke, or Coke, Nov. 16. Edwd. Saunders, Oct. 4. Wm. Staunford, Oct. t Sir Jas. Dyer, May 8; aft. just. K. B.; held both offices pro tem. ; aft. ch. just. C. P. Robt. Catlyn, Oct. 28; aft. ch. just. IC. B. Ch. just. Sir Anthy. Browne, now justice, Jan. 22. Richd. Weston, Oct. 16. John Welsh, or Walsh, Feb. 10. Richd. Harper. Christr. Wray, aft. ch. just. K. B. Roger Manwood, Oct. 14 ; aft. ch. bar, ex. - Robt. Monson, Oct. 31 ; res. 1579. Thos. Meade, Nov. 20. Fras. Windham. Wm. Periam, Feb. 13; aft. ch. bar. CX. Fras. Rodes. June 29. Sir Thos. Walmesley, May 10. Fras. Beaumond, or Beaumont, Jan.25. Thos. Owen, Jan. 21 ; d. 1598. John Glanvile, or Glanville, June 30. Sir Geo. Kingsmill, Feb.; res. 1605. Peter Warburton, Nov. 24. Sir Wm. Daniel, Feb. 3. Sir Thos. Coventry, Jan. Sir Thos. Foster, Nov. 24. Sir Humphrey Winch, Nov. 7. Sir Augustine Nichols, Nov. 26. Sir Richd. Hutton, May 3. Sir Wrm. Jones, aft. just. K. B. \ THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 379 1624. 1625. 1630. 1631. 1632. 1634. 1639. 1640. 1645. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1654. 1658. 1659. 1660. 1663. 1668. 1672. 1673. 1676. [678. 1679. 1680. 1681. 1684. Sir Geo. Crooke, or Croke, Feb. 11; aft, just. K. B. Sir Fras. Harvie, or Harvey, Oct. 18. Thos. Chamberlayne, pro tem., Mar. Sir Henry Yelverton, bt., May. Sir Humphrey Davenport, Feb. 2; aft. ch. bar. ex. Sir Geo. Vernon, bar. ex., May 8. Sir Fras. Crawley, Oct. 11. fSir John Finch, aft. ch. just. Sir Edmund Reve, or Reeve, Mar. 24; d. 1647. Sir Robt. Foster, Jan. 27. Just. Crawley and just. Foster (with several judges of other courts) removed by the parlt. Peter Phegant, Sept. 30. John Godbolt, Apr. 30; d. 1648. fjohn Creswell (Dugdale). Rd. Cresheld (Foss), Oct. 12. Thos. Bedenfield, Oct. 12. Just. Creswell and just. Bedenfield refused to act, under the new commission. John Puleston, and Peter Warburton, just. of the “common bench,” June 1. Edwd. Atkins, Oct. 19, vice Phesant, decsd. \ Matthew Hale, Jan. 25, vice Warbur- ton, transf, to the “upper bench.” Hugh Wyndham, June 2; removed 1660; made bar, ex. 1670. Just. Hale threw up his commission about Sept. John Archer, May 15. Sir Robt. Foster, again, May 31; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Robt. Hyde, May 31; aft. ch. just. R. B. Sir Thos. Tyrrell, July 27. Sir Saml. Browne, Nov. 3. Sir John Archer, Nov. 4. Sir Wm. Wylde, knt. and bt., Apr. 16; transf, to K. B. Sir Robt. Atkyns, knt.; Apr. 15; aft. ch. bar, ex. Sir Wm. Ellis, or Ellys, Dec. 18; removed Oct., 1676. Sir Hugh Wyndham, again, Jan. 22. He had been made bar. ex. in 1670, and now returned to this court. Sir Wim. Scroggs, Oct. 23; aft. ch. just. IC. B. Were Bertie, bar, ex., June 15; re- moved Apr. 1679. Sir Wm. Ellis, or Ellys, again, Apr. 30. * Sir Thos. Raymond, bar, ex., Feb. 7. Sir Job Charlton, Apr. 26; removed Apr. 1686. Sir Creswell Levinz, or Levinge, Feb. 12; removed Feb. 1686. Sir Thos. Street, bar. ex., Oct. 29. 1686. 1687. 1688. 1689. 1757. 1763. 1770. 1771. 1780. 1786. 1793. 1794. Sir Hy. Bedingfield, Feb. 13; aft. ch, just. Sir Edwd. Lutwyche, Apr. 21. Sir John Powell, sen., Apr. 26; transf, to K. B. Sir Christr. Milton, bar. ex., Apr. 16; res. next year. Sir Thos. Jenner, bar. ex., July 6. Sir John Powell, sen., again, Mar. 11. fSir Wm. Gregory, bar. ex., Apr. 18; immediately aft. to K. B. Sir Thos, Rokeby, May 4; transf, to K. B. Sir Peyton Ventris, May 4. . Sir Edwd. Neville, bar. ex., Oct. 30. . Sir John Powell, jun., bar, ex., Oct. 29; transf. to K. B. . Sir John Blencowe, bar. ex., Nov. 23; res. 1722. . Sir Robt. Tracy, bar. ex., June 24; aft. a commr. gr. Seal; res. . Sir Robt. Dormer, Jan. 8. . Alexr. Denton, June 25. . Sir Robt. Price, bar. ex., Oct. 16. Sir Fras. Page, bar. ex., Nov. 4. . Spencer Cowper, Oct. 24; d. Dec. 1728. . Sir John Fortescue Aland, just. K. B., Jan. 27 ; aft. lil. Fortescue; res. 1746. . Thos. Reeve, Apr. 16; aft. ch. just. . Sir John Comyn, bar, ex., Jan. 5; aft. ch. bar. ex. . Wm. Fortescue, aft. Sir W., bar. ex., July 7; made m. rolls 1741. . Sir Thos. Parker, jun., bar. ex. , Apr. 21 ; aft. ch. bar, ex. . Sir Thos. Burnet, Nov. 8. . Sir Thos. Abney, bar. ex., Feb. 10. , Sir Thos. Birch, June 24. . Sir Nathl. Gundry, June 23. . Sir Edwd. Clive, bar. ex., Jam. 30; res. 1770. . Hon. Hy. Bathurst, May 2; aft. 16. chanc. and ló. Apsley; succ. as E. Bathurst, 1775. Hon. Wm. Noel, Mar. 3. Sir Hy. Gould, bar. ex., Jan. 24. Sir Jos. Yates, just. K. B., Feb. 16; d. June 16 following. Sir Wim. Blackstone, just. K. June 22; d. 1780. Sir Geo. Nares, Jan. 26. Sir John Heath, vice Blackstone, July 19. Sir John Wilson, Nov. 7. Sir Giles Rooke, Nov. 13; res. 1808. Sir Soulden Lawrence, Mar. 8; transf, to K. B. by exchange with— Sir Fras. Buller, knt. and bt., just. K. B., Apr. B.; 380 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1800. 1808. 1812. 1813. 1816. 1818. 1824. ſł830. 1834. 1837. 1839. 1842. Alan Chambre, aft. Sir A., bar, ex., vice Buller, June 13; res. Dec. 1815. Sir Soulden Lawrence, again, vice Rooke, Mar. 31; res. at Easter, 1812. Sir Vicary Gibbs, atty.-gen., vice Lawrence, May 29; aft. ch. bar. ex. and ch. just. C. P. Sir Robt. Dallas, solr.-gen., vice Gibbs, Nov. 18; aft. ch. just. James Alan Park, vice Chambre, Jan. 24; knt. May 14; d. Dec. 8, 1838. Chas. Abbott, vice Heath, Feb. 1; knt. May 14; aft. just. and ch. just. K. B. and ló. Tenterden. Jas. Burrough, vice Abbott, May 4; knt. May 14; res. 1829. John Richardson, vice Dallas, Nov. 30; knt. June 1819; res. May 1824. Stephen Gaselee, aft. Sir S., vice Richardson, July 5; res. 1837. John Bernard Bosanquet, vice Bur- rough, Feb. 1; knt. Feb. 2; res. 1842. Edwd. Hall Alderson, Nov. 12; knt. Nov. 17; addl. or fifth judge under 1 Wm. IV., cap. 70 (July 23, 1830); transf, to ex. by exchange with— Sir John Waughan, bar. ex., Apr. 27; d. Sept. 1, 1839. Thos. Coltman, vice Gaselee, Feb. 24; knt. Mar. 1; d. July 1849. Hon. Thos. Erskine, vice Park, Jan. 9; res. Nov. 1844. Sir Wim. Hy. Maule, bar. ex., vice Vaughan, Nov. 11; res. June 1855. Cresswell Cresswell, vice Bosanquet, Jan. 22; knt. May 4; app. to 1844. 1846. 1849. 1854. 1855. 1858. 1859. 1865. 1868. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1875. court of prob. and div., Jan. 1858. Wm. Erle, vice Erskine, Nov. 7; knt. Apr. 23, 1845; transf. to Q. B., 1846. Edwd. Vaughan Williams, vice Erle, Oct. 27; knt. Feb. 4, 1847; res. Jan. 1865. Thos. Noon Talfourd, vice Coltman, July 28; knt. Jan. 30, 1850; d. Mar. 13, 1854. Richd. Budden Crowder, vice Tal- fourd, Mar. ; knt. May 3; d. Dec. 5, 1859. Jas. Shaw Willes, vice Maule, July 3; knt. Aug. 14; d. 1872. Jno. Barnard Byles, vice Cresswell, Jan. ; knt. Apr. 14; res. Jan. 1873. Sir Hy. Singer Keating, Solr.-gen., vice Crowder, Dec. 14,6. ; res. 1875. Montague Edwd. Smith, vice Vaugham Williams, Feb. 2; knt. May 18; app. to jud. comm. P. C., 1871. *Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, solr.-gen., Aug. 24, G.; addl. or sixth judge under 31 & 32 Vict. cap 125 (July 31, 1868). Sir Robt. Porrett Collier, atty.-gen., vice Smith, Nov. 7, G.; app. to jud. comm. P. C., 1871. *Wm. Robt. Grove, vice Collier, Nov. 30, G.; knt. Feb. 21, 1872. *Hon. Geo. Denman, vice Willes, Oct. 17, G. Sir Geo. Essex Honyman, bt., vice Byles, Jan. 23, G.; res. 1875. *Sir Thos. Dickson Archibald, just. Q. B., vice Keating, Feb. 6. Jno. Walter Huddleston, vice Hony- man, Feb. 22, G.; transf, to ex. May 12, 1875. *Nathl. Lindley, vice Huddleston, May 12, G.; knt. May 13. * On Nov. 1, 1875, these judges were transferred to the H. C. J., C. P. Div., under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350–1.) FUISNE JUDGES OF THE COMMON PLEAs DIVISION OF THE HIGH CourT 1876. OF JUSTICE. Transferred from the Old Court of Common Pleas, Nov. 1, 1875. Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, made lä. just. app., Oct. 27, 1876. *Sir Wm. Robt. Grove. *The Hon. Geo. Denman. Sir Thos. Dickson Archibald; d. 1876. *Sir Nathl. Lindley. Subsequent Appointments. *Hy. Chas. Lopes, vice Archibald, Nov. 7, G.; knt. Nov. 28. * Under Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873, secs. 22 and 75 (see ante, p. 350), and Order in Council, Dec. 16, 1880, the Common Pleas Division was abolished, and these judges became, on Feb. 26, 1881, judges of the Q. B. Div., but with relative rank according to their original appointments. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 38t CHIEF, PUISNE, AND CURSITOR BARONS OF THE EXCHEQUER. PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, EXCHEQUER DIVISION. See Introduction, ante, p. 347. 1303. 1308. 1310. 1312. 1327. 1329, 1330. 1337. 1344. 1345. 1350. 1362. 1365. 1374, 1375. 1380. 1384. 1386. 1387. 1388. 1389. 1400. 1413. 1419. 1423. 1436 1448 1462 1471 1479 CHIEF BARONS OF THE ExchEQUER. Those marked f are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. The title of chief baron of the ex- chequer was, according to Foss, first used in the reign of Edwd. II. The following were senior barons :— Wm. de Carleton, July 26. Thos. de Cantebrig, Oct. 24. Roger le Scotre, July 17 ; but Foss considers it doubtful whether they actually enjoyed the title of chief. Then comes— Walter de Norwich, Mar. 3, who was a few days afterwards designated “Capitalis Baro’ in certain letters patent, appointing John Abel a puisne baron. Walter retired from his office whilst holding the treasurership, and on his re-appointment, May 30, 1317, he was distinctly ap- pointed “Capitalem Baronem.” #Hervey de Staunton, July 17. John de Stonore, Feb. 22. Hy. le Scrope, Dec. 20. Robt. de Sadington, Mar. 24. Wm. de Shareshull, July 2. John de Stouford, Nov. 10. Robt. de Sadington, again, Dec. 8. Gervase de Wilford, Apr. 7. Wm. Skypwith, or Skipwith. Thos. de Lodelow, Oct. 29. Wm. Tanks, or Tant, Feb. 3. Hy. Asty, Nov. 12. Robt. de Plesyngton, Dec. 6. f Wm. de Karleol, June 27. Jno. Cary, Nov. 5. f Robt. de Plesyngton, again, Aug 8 Thos. Pynchebek, Apr. 24. John Cassy, or Cassey, May 12. John Cokayne, Nov. 15. Wm. Lasingby, Apr. 28. Wm. Babington, Nov. 4. John Ivyn, or Juyn, May 5; app. just. C. P. same time ; aft. ch. just. C. P. and K. B. John Fray, Feb. 9. Peter Arderne, May 2. Sir Richd, Illingworth, Sept. 10. Sir Thos. Urswyk, May 22. Wm. de Nottingham, Apr. 3. 1483. 1486. 1513. 1522. 1526. 1529. 1545. 1552. 1553. 1558. 1559, 1577. 1578. 1593. 1604. 1607. 1625. 1631. 1644. 1648. 1655. 1671. 1676. 1686. 1689. Sir Humfrey Starkey, June 15; just. C. P. same time. Wm. Hody, Oct. 29. John Scot, Jan. 8. John Fitz-James, Feb. 8. Richd. Brooke, or Broke, Jan. 4. Richd. Lyster, or Leicester, May 12. Sir Roger Cholmeley, Nov. 11. Hy. Bradshaw, May 21. Sir David Brooke, Sept. 1. Sir Clement Higham, Mar. 2. Sir Edwd. Saunders, ch. just. K. B., Jan. 22. Sir Robt. Bell, Jan. 24; d. the Summer assizes following. Sir John Jefferay, or Jeffrey, just. R. B., Oct. 12. Roger Manwood, Nov. 17. Sir Wm. Periam, just. C. P., Feb. Sir Thos. Fleming, or Flemynge, Oct. 27 ; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Laurence Tanfield, just. K. B., June 25. Sir John Walter, May 10. Sir Humphrey Davenport, just. C.P., Jan. 10. Sir Richd. Lane, Jan. 25; aft. (Oct. 23, 1645) ld. kpr. ; his place was not filled up until John Wild, app. under the Common- wealth, Oct. 12. Wm. Steele, under the Common- wealth, vice Wild, May 1; aft. 16. chanc. of Ireland. . Sir Thos. Widdrington, under the Commonwealth, vice Steele, June 26 . John Wild, again, vice Widdrington, Jan. 17. Sir Orlando Bridgman, knt. and bt., June 1; aft. ch. just. C. P. and ló. kpr. Sir Matthew Hale, just. C. P., Nov. 7 ; aft. ch. just. R. B. Sir Edwd. Turner, May 23. Sir Wm. Montagu, Apr. 12 moved Apr. 1686. si, Fava. Atkyns, bar. ex., Apr. Sir Robt. Atkins, Apr. 18. ; re- ſº- 382 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1695. 1714. 1716. 1722. 1723. 1725. TZ26. 1730, 1738. 1740. 1742. 1772. 1777. iſ 87. Sir Edwd. Ward, June 8; d. July 1714. Sir Saml. Dodd, Nov. 22. Sir Thos. Bury, bar. ex., June 10. Sir Jas. Montague, bar. ex., May 4. Sir Robt. Eyre, just. K. B., Now. 16; aft. ch. just. C. P. Sir Jeffrey Gilbert, bar, ex., June 3. Sir Thos. Pengelly, Oct. 16. Sir Jas. Reynolds, just. K. B., Apr. 30; res. July, 1738. Sir John Comyns, just. C. P., July 7; d. Nov. 13, 1740. Sir Edmd. Probyn, just.I.B., Nov. 24. Sir Thos. Parker, jun., just. C. P., Nov. 29; res. Oct. 1772. Sir Sydney Stafford Smythe, bar. ex., Oct. 28 ; res. Dec. 1777. Sir John Skymner, Nov. 27; res, Dec. 1786. Sir Jas. Eyre, bar. ex., Jan. 26; aft. ch. just. C. P. 1793 1813. 1814. 1817. 1824, 1831. 1834. 1844. 1866. Sir Arch. Macdonald, atty. gen, Feb. 13; res. Mich. term, 1813. Sir Vicary Gibbs, just. C. P., Nov. 8; aft. ch. just. C. P. Sir Alexr. Thomson, bar. ex., Feb. 14; d. Apr. 1817. Sir Richd. Richards, bar. ex, Apr. 22; d. Nov. 1823. Wm. Alexander, mast.chanc., Jan.9; knt. Jan. 19 ; res. Jan. 1831. John Singleton, ld. Lyndhurst, ld. chanc., Jan. 18; again ld, chanc. 1834. Sir Jas. Scarlett, Dec. 24; cr. ld. Abinger, Jan. 1835; d. Apr. 1844. Sir Fredk. Pollock, atty. gen., Apr. 15; res. July 1866, and cr. a bt. ; d. Aug. 22, 1870. *Sir Fitzroy Edwd. Kelly, July 16, * Transferred Nov. 1, 1875, to the H. C. J., Ex. Div., and also made an eac-officio Judge of the Court of Appeal under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350–1.) PRESIDENTS OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE, ExCEIEQUER DIVISION (CHIEF BARONS OF THE ExCHEQUER). 1875. Sir Fitzroy Edwd. Kelly, transf, from Court of Ex., Nov. 1; d. Sept. 17, 1880. The Ex. Division and the office of ch. bar. thereof were abolished under Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873, secs. 22 & 75, and Order in Council Dec. 16, 1880. (See ante, p. 350.) 1212. 1215. 1221. * 1237–8. 1240–1. 1242–3. 1247–8. 1250–1. 125.2-3. 1256–7. 1257–8. PUISNE BARONS OF THE ExCEIEQUER. Those marked f are omitted from Foss's lists, and must be considered doubtful. + G*** fil. Petri Justiciarius Regis. f Saherus, comes Winton. # Wm. Briwer. * + Richd. de Marisco. 1233. Wm.debeauchamp(Bello-Campo). Alexr. de Swereford, archdn. of Salop, compiler of the Red Book of the exchequer. Richd. de Montfichet. Michael Belet. John Fitz-Robert (?). Ralph de Ely. Peter de Grimbald. Richd, de Barking, abbot of Westminster. John le Fraunceys. Edwd. de Westminster. Richd. de Crokesley, abbot of Westminster. Peter de Ryevalis, or Orivallis. John de Wyville. Simon Passelewe. Elerius, abbot of Pershore. John Reinger. 1257–8. 1260–1. 1263–4. 1264–5. 1267-8. 1270–1. 1272–3. 1273–4. 1274–5. 1275–6. 1283–4. 1285–6. 1290–1. Thos. de Wymundham. John de Launfare. Hy. de Tracey. Arnald de Berkeley. Roger de la Laye, or Leye, archdn. of Essex and dean of London. Nichs. de Criol. Alexr. le Seculer. Wm. de Mareschal. Wm. de Grancurt. * Wm. de Cliff, or Clifford. Hervey de Boreham. Walter de Hopton. Roger de Northwood. John de St. Valerico. Philip de Wilighby, or Wiliby. John de Cobham, or Cobbeham Peter de Cestria, or de Chester Wm. de Middleton. Wm. de Karleton, or Carleton. Peter de Leycestre. 1291. Adam de Straton, or Stratton (?) 1293. Roger de Leycestre (?). 1295. f Richd. de Saham. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 383 1295. John de Insula, Oct. 21. 1297–8. Roger de Hegham. 1299. 1306. 1307. 1308. 1309, 1310. 1311. 1312. 1313. 1314. 1315. 1316. 1817. 1318. 1320. I322. 1323. 1324. 1326. 1327. 1330. I331. 1332. 1334. 1336. 1339. I340. 1341. 1344. 1347. 1350. 1352. 1354. 1356. I357. 1362. 1365. J.373. Richd. de Abendon, or Abyndon, Oct. 17. Humfrey de Waledene, Oct. 19. Thos. de Cantebrig, Sept. 16. John de Banquel, or Bankwell, Nov. 10. John de Everdon, Nov. 28. Richd. de Abyndon, rest. Jan. 20. John de Foxle, Feb. 28. Roger de Scotre, July 17. Walter de Gloucester, July 5. Walter de Norwico, or Norwich, Aug. 29; aft. ch. bar. John Abel, Mar. 8. John de Insula, again, Jan. 30. Hervey de Staunton, Sept. 28; aft. ch, bar. John Abel, again, May 4. Ingelardus de Warlee, or Warle, Dec. 29. John de Okeham, June 18. Robt. de Wodehouse, July 24. Lambert de Trikingham, Aug. 6. Walter de Friskeney, Aug. 6. Roger Beler, July 20. Wm. de Fulburn, June 1. Edmd. de Passele, Sept. 20. Robt. de Ayleston, May 21. Wm. de Everdon, June 18. Humfrey de Waldene, again, June 18. John de Redeswell, Sept. 1. Wm. de Boudon, Feb. 4. Robt. de Nottingham, Oct. 15. Wm. de Coshale, Dec. 20. Thos. de Garton, Oct. 10. Adam de Steyngrave, July 24. Wm. de Demum, Sept. 24. Thos. de Blaston, Nov. 2. Robt. de Scorburgh, or Scarburgh, Nov. 2. John de Hildersley, Dec. 18. Adam de Lymbergh, Nov. 9. Nichs. Hawman, or Haghman, Oct. 3. John de Shoredich, Nov. 10. Wm. de la Pole, Sept. 26. Wm. de Northwell, June 21. Wm. de Broclesby, Jan. 20. Gervase de Wilford, Jan. 20; aft. ch. bar. Wm. de Stow, Jan. 20. Alamus de Ashe, July 2. John de Houton, Mar. 8. Jas. Husse, Apr. 16. Wm. de Thorpe, May 24. Wm. de Retford, Nov. 27. Hy. de Greystoke, Oct. 6. John de Bukyngham. Robt. de Pleste, Almeric de Shirland, Oct. 29. John de Stokes, Nov. 3. Wm. Gunthorpe. John de Blockley. 1375. Hy. de Percehay, Oct. 5. Lawrence Allerthorpe, Nov. 27. 1376. Nichs. de Drayton, Nov. 14. 1377. Richd. Stokes, Oct. 9. 1384. Wm. Ford, July 20. 1387. f.John Carey. 1388. Wm. Doubridge. 1389. #Lawrence Allerthorpe, again. fWm. Ford, again. 1393. Ralph de Selby, Oct. 24. 1399. Thos. Ferriby. John Staverton. 1401. Thos. Tuttlebury, June 27. Wm. Ermyn, June 27. 1402. Thos. Overton, Jan. 1403. Roger Westwode, Mar. 1. 1407. Hy. Merston. Hy. Somer, Nov. 8. 1410. Richd. Banke, June 19. 1413. Robt. Malton, Nov. 14. 1418. Roger Waltham. 1421. Wm. Hesill, July 13. 1423. Nichs. Dixon, Jan. 26. Thos. Banaustre, or Bannister, Nov. 4. 1424. Thos. Banke, May 18. 1426. Wm. Warde, May 26. 1425–6. John Fray, aft. ch. bar. 1435. Wm. Derby, Feb. 8. 1436. Wrm. Fallan, June 16. 1438. Roger Hunt, Nov. 3. Robt. Frampton. 1444. John Arderne. Wrm. Levesham, Feb. 5. 1446. John Holme, Feb. 3. 1447. Gilbert Haltoft. 1449. John Durem, May 27. 1453. Thos. Thorpe. 1458. Bryan Roucliffe, Nov. 2. 1460. John Clerke, Oct. 10. 1462. John Ingoldesby, Nov. 4. 1467. Ralph Wolseley, Sept. 29. Nichs. Stathum, Oct. 30. 1471. Thos. Urswyke, May 22. 1481. Thos. Whittington, Feb. 3. 1483. Edwd. Goldesburg, or Goldsborough, June 26. 1485. John Holgrave, Aug. 1487. Nichs. Lathelle, Nov. 1488. Thos. Roche, Dec. 5. 1489. f"Thos. Goldesburg or Goldsborough. 1494. Thos. Barnewall, Oct. 1. 1496. Andrew Dymocke, May 2. 1501. Barthw. Westby, May 12. Wm. Bolling, Oct. 11. 1504. John Alleyn, Feb. 18. 1511. f.John Stag. Robt. Blagge, June 26. 1513. Edmd. Denny, May 6. 1521. Wm. Wotton, July 10. 1522. John Hales or Halys, Oct. 2. 1523. Wnn. Ellis. 1527. John Petit, Nov. 1528. John Scot, May 15 ; aft. ch. bar. 1536. Thos. Walshe, king's rememb Apr. 27. 384 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1538. 1539. 1540. 1542. 1545. 1547. 1548. 1549. 1550. 1559. 1562. 1564. 1566. 1576. 1577, 1579. 1581. 1584. 1586. 1587. 1594. 1598. 1604. 1607. 1610. 1617. 1625. 1627. 1631. 1634. 1637. 1645. 1648. 1649. 1650. 1654. 1654. 1655. 1657. 1660. 1663. 1670. 673. $75. 78. John Damaster, Nov. John Smith, Nov. Nichs. Luke, Apr. 14. Lewis Fortescue, Aug. 6. John Pilborough, Nov. 28. Robt. Curzon, Feb. 15. John Darmall, or Darnell, May 5. I'dwd. Saxelby or Saxby, Nov. 28. Robt. Browne, May 6. Geo. Frevyle, Jan. 31. Thos. Pyne or Pymme, Sept. 30. John Birch, May 9. Jas. Lord, Nov. 12. Thos. Greeko, Jan. 20. Christr. Muschampe, Nov. 28. Robt. Schute, June 1. John Sotherton, June 16. John Clench, Nov. 27 ; aft, just. IC. B. Edwd. Flowerdew, Oct. 23. Thos. Gent, Jan. Sir Robt. Clerke, or Clarke, June 22. Mattw. Ewens, Feb. 1. Sir John Savil or Savile, July 1. Sir Geo. Smigge, Oct. 14. Sir Jas. Altham, Feb. 9. Sir Edwd. Heron, Nov. 5. Sir Edwd. Bromley, Feb. 6. Sir John Denham, May 2. Sir Thos. Trevor, May 10. Sir Geo. Vernon, July 4. Sir Jas. Weston, May 16; d. 1633. Sir Richd. Weston, sen., Apr. 30. Sir Edwd. Henden, Jan. 22; left about 1642. Baron Weston was removed by the parlt., Oct. Edwd. Atkins, vice Weston, Sept. 30. Thos. Gates, app.by the parlt., Oct.12. Barons Trevor and Atkins refused to act under the new commission. Fras, Thorpe, June 1. Alexr. Rigby, June 1. Barons Gates and Rigby, d. of an infection, on their circuits. Robt. Nicholas, from the “upper bench,” vice Thorpe, removed; Nicholas aft. returned to the “upper bench.” Rd. Pepys, June 2. John Parker. Roger Hill, aft. just. of the “upper bench.” Fras. Thorpe, rest. Jan. 17. Sir Edwd. Atkyns, June 23. Sir Christr. Turner, July 7. Sir Richd. Raynsford, or Rainsford, Nov. 16 ; aft. just. and ch. just. IX. IS. Sir Timothy Littleton, Feb. 1. Sir Hugh Wyndham, just. C. P., June 20; aft. just. C. P. Sir Edwd. Thurland, Jan. 24; res. Were Bertie, June 4; aft. just. C. P. Sir Fras. Bramstone, June 17. 1679, 1680. 1681. 1684. 1685. 1686. 1687. 1688. 1689. 1691. 1695. 1696. 1697. 1700. 1701. 1702. 1708. 1713. 1714. 1717. 1718. 1722. 1725. 1726. 1729. Sir Wm. Gregory, sp. ho. commons, May 1. Wm. Leak, May 8. Sir Thos. Raymond, vice Thurland, May 8; aft, just. C. P. Sir Edwd. Atkyns, jun., June ; aft. ch. bar. Sir Richd. Weston, Feb. 7 ; d. next year. Sir Thos. Street, Apr. 23; aft. just. and ch. just. C. P. Sir Robt. Wright, Oct. 30; aft, just. R. B., ch. just. C. P., and ch. just. IX. B. #Sir Richd. May, Feb. 7. Sir Edwd. Neville, Oct. 11; pat, re- voked Apr. 21, 1686. Sir Thos. Jenner, Feb. 13; aft. just. C. P. Sir Richd. Heath, Apr. 21. Sir Christr. Milton, Apr. 26; aft. just. C. P. Sir Thos. Powell, Apr. 22; aft. just. IQ. B. Sir Chas. Ingleby, July 7. Sir John Rotherham, July 7. Sir Edwd. Neville, again, Mar. 11; aft. just. C. P. Nichs. Lechmere, or Letchmere, May 4 ; res. aft. Trin. term, 1700. Sir John Turton, May 4 ; aft. just. BC. B. Sir John Powell, Oct. 27; aft. just. C. P. Sir Lyttleton Powys, Oct. 29; aft. just. IC. B. Sir John Blencowe, Sept. 18; aft. just. C. P. Sir Hy. Hatsell, Nov. 23; removed June 8, 1702. Sir Robt. Tracy, Nov. 14; aft. just. C. P. Sir Thos. Bury, Jan. 26; aft. ch. bar. John Smith, just. C. P.,Ireland, June 24; aft. ch. bar. ex., Scotland. Sir Robt. Price, June 24; aft. just. C. P. Sir Salathiel Lovel, vice Smith, June 17 ; d. May, 1713. Sir Wm. Banister, June 8; removed Oct., 1714. Sir Jas. Montague, Nov. 22; aft. comml. gr. Seal and ch. bar. Sir John Fortescue Aland, Jan. 24; aft, just. IC. B. Sir Fras. Page, May 15; aft. just. C. P. Sir Jeffray Gilbert, May 24; aft, ch. bar. Sir Bernard Hale, June 1. Sir Laurence Carter, Nov. 7. Sir John Comyn, Nov. 7 ; aft, just C. P. and ch. bar. Sir Wm. Thomson, Nov. 27. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 385 1736. 1738. 1739. 1740. 1743. 1745. 1747. 1750. 1753. 1759. 1761. 1763. 1772. 1774. 1775. 1776. 1787. 1799. 1800. I805. 1807. 1814. 1817. 1823. 1827. Sir Wm. Fortescue, Feb. 9; aft. just. C. P. and m. rolls. Sir Thos. Parker, jun., July 7; aft. just. C. P. and ch. bar. ex. Sir Martin Wright, Nov. 5; aft. just. EC. B. Sir Jas. Reynolds, jun., May. Sir Thos. Abney, Nov. 27; aft. just. C. P. Chas. Clarke, Feb. 11. Sir Edwd. Clive, Apr. ; aft, just. C. P. Hon. Heneage Legge, June 23. Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, May; aft. a commr. gr. Seal and ch. bar. Sir Richd. Adams, Feb. 3. Sir Richd. Lloyd, Sept. ; d. Sept., 1761. Sir Hy. Gould, Nov. 7 ; aft. just. G. P. Sir Geo. Perrott, Jan. 24; res. May 1775. Sir Jas. Eyre, Nov. 6; aft. ch. bar. and ch. just. C. P. Sir John Burland, Apr. 8. Sir Beaumont Hotham, May 10; aft. ld. Hotham. Sir Richd. Perryn, Apr. 15. Sir Alexr. Thomson, Feb. 7 ; aft. ch. bar. Sir Alan Chambre, July 2; aft. just. C. P. Robt. Graham, vice Chambre, June 16; knt June 19 ; res. Feb. 1827. Sir Thos. Manners Sutton, Solr. gen., vice Hotham, Feb. 4 ; aft. li. Manners; ld. chanc. Ireland, Apr. 1807. Geo. Wood, aft. Sir G., vice Manners Sutton, Apr. ; res. Feb. 1823. Richd. Richards, vice Thompson, Feb. 26; knt. May 11 ; ch. bar., Apr. 1817. Sir Wm. Garrow, atty. gen., Richards, May 4 ; res. 1832. John Hullock, vice Wood, Mar. 1; knt. Apr. 21; d. Sept., 1829. John Waughan, vice Graham, Feb. 24; knt. Now, 24; transf. to C. P. Apr., 1834, by exchange with Alderson. vice 1829 Wm. Bolland, vice Hullock, Nov. 16; knt. Feb. 2, 1830; res. Jan., 1839. 1830. Sir John Bayley, just. K. B., Nov. 11; 1832. 1834. 1839. 1845. 1850. 1856. 1857. 1860. 1863. 1868. 1873 1874. 1875. additl. or fifth judge under 1 Wm. IV. cap. 70 (July 23, 1830); res. Reb. 1834. John Gurney, vice Garrow, Feb. 13; knt. Feb. 22; res. Jan. 1845. John Williams, vice Bayley, Feb. 28; knt. Apr. 16; transf, to K. B. Apr. 1834, by exchange with Parke. Sir Jas. Parke, just. K. B., vice Williams, Apr. 29 ; res. 1855, and cr. Id. Wensleydale. Sir Edwd. Hall Alderson, just. C. P. vice Vaughan, Apr. 29; d. Jan. 27, 1857. Wm. Hy. Maule, aft. Sir W., vice Bolland, Feb. 14; transf, to C. P. Nov. same year. Sir Robt. Monsey Rolfe, solr. gen., vice Maule, Nov. 11; aft. commr. gr. seal ; V. chanc. ; ld. Cran- worth, and ló. chanc. Thos. Joshua Platt, vice Gurney, Jan. 28; knt. Apr. 23; res. 1856. Saml. Martin, vice Rolfe, Nov. 6; knt. Nov. 13; res. Jan., 1874. * Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell, vice Parke, Jan. ; knt. Jan. 30. Wm. Hy. Watson, vice Platt, Nov. 3; knt. Nov. 28; d. Mar. 12, 1860. Wm. Fry Channell, vice Alderson, Feb. 12; knt. June 18; res. 1873; d. Feb. 26, 1873. Jas Plaisted Wilde, vice Watson, Apr. 13, G.; knt. Apr. 24; made judge of prob. and div. ct., Aug. Gillery Pigott, vice Wilde, Oct. 2, G.; knt. Nov. 1; d. Apr. 28, 1875. * Anthy. Cleasby, Aug. 25, G. ; additl. or sixth judge under 31 & 32 Vict. cap. 125 (July 31, 1868); knt. Dec. 9. * Chas. Edwd. Pollock, vice Chan- nell, Jan. 10, G.; knt. Feb. 5. * Richd. Paul Amphlett, vice Mar- tin, Jan. 23; knt. Jan. 27. * John Walter Huddleston, just. C. P., vice Pigott; May 12, G.; knt. May 13. * On Nov. 1, 1875, these Judges were transferred to the H. C. J., Exch. Div., under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875 (see ante, p. 350). By these Acts the title of Baron of the Exchequer was abolished, except as to the judges then holding that office. PUISNE JUDGES OF THE EXCHEQUER DIVISION OF THE HIGH COURT 1875. Sir Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell; OF JUSTICE. Transferred from the old Court of Exchequer, Nov. 1, 1875. made ld, just. app. 1876. Sir Anthy. Cleasby, res. 1878. * Sir Chas. Edwd. Pollock. 1875. Sir Richd. Paul Amphlett; made lá. just. app. Oct. 27, 1876. * Sir John Walter Huddleston. 25 386 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Subsequent Appointments. 1876. * Hy. Hawkins, vice Amphlett, 1879. * Sir Jas. Fitzjames Stephen, transf. from Q. B. div., Nov. 14, , K.C.S.I., vice Cleasby, Jan 15. G.; knt. Nov. 28. * Under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873, secs. 22 and 75 (see ante, p. 320), and Order in Council Dec. 16, 1880, the Exch. Div. was abolished, and these judges became, on Feb. 26, 1881, judges of the Q. B. Div., but with relative rank according to their original appointments. CURSITOR BARONS OF THE ExCHEQUER, 1606. Nowell Southerton, July 8. Jas. II. Wm. Carr. 1610. Thos. Caesar, May 26. 1689. Geo. Bradbury, July 9. John Southerton, Oct. 24. 1696. Richd. Wallop, Feb. 12. 1631. Jas. Paget, Oct. 24. 1697. Wm. Simpson, Aug. 22. 1638. John or Wm. Page, Oct. 29. 1726. Wm. Thomson, May 23. 1642. Thos. Leeke, Nov. 25. 1729. John Birch, Dec. 11. 1645. Richd. Tomlins, app. by the parlt., 1735. Geo. Clive, Nov. 6. Sept. 2. 1740. Wm. Kynaston (?), Feb. 1660. Thos. Leeke, re-app. on the restora- 1744. Edwd. Barker, May. tion. 1755. John Tracy Atkyns, Apr. 22. 1663. Clement Spelman, Mar. 9. 1773. Fras. Maseres, Aug. 1679. Fras. Crawley, May 8. | 1824. Geo Bankes, July 6; d. July, 1683. Richd. May, aft. Sir R., Mar. 17. 1856. Office abolished by 19 & 20 Vict. cap. 86. JUDGES OF THE COURT OF SESSION OF THE COUNTY PALATINE OF CHESTER, &c. From the Accession of King James I. to the abolition of the Courts in 1830, under 1 Wm. IV. cap. 70. CHIEF JUSTICEs. 1 Jas. I. Sir Rd. Lewknor or Leuknor. 1738. Matth. Skymner, Nov. 26. 1616. Thos. Chamberlayne. 1749. Wrm. Noel. 1620. Jas. Whitlock, Oct. 29. 1763. John Morton. 1626. Sir Jno. Bridgman. 1780. Lloyd Kenyon. 1647. John Bradshaw. 1784. Rd. Pepper Arden. 1660. Timothy Turner, Aug. 21. 1788. Edw. Bearcroft. 1661. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, July 8. 1797. James Adair. 1662. Sir Job Chorleton, Mar. 14. 1798. Wm. Grant, Aug. 1. 1680. Sir Geo. Jeffreys. 1799. Jas. Mansfield, July 11. 1684. Sir Edw. Herbert, Oct. 25. 1804. Vicary Gibbs, July 17. 1686. Edw. Lutwyche, Mar. 1805. Robt. Dallas, Jan. Sir Job Chorleton, again, Oct. 1813. Rd. Richards, May. 1689. John Trenchard, May 10. 1814. Sir Wm. Garrew, Mar. 1. 1695. John Coombe. 1817. Jno. Leach. 1707. Joseph Jekyll. 1818. Wm. Draper Best. 1717. Spencer Cowper. John Singleton Copley, Michs. Vac. 1729. John Willos. 1819. Chas. Warren, Trin. Term. 1734. Hon. Jno. Werney. SECOND OR PUISNE JUSTICEs. 1603–4. H. Townsend, 1 Jas. I. 1647. Poter Warburton. 1622. Marm. Lloyd, Mar. 24. 1649. Homfrey Macworth, dep, to Brad- 1636. Rd. Prytherg, Feb. 20. shaw. 1638. Sir Thos. Milward, Mar. 23. Thos. Fell, Aug. 10. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 387 1( ;1. 1674. 1681. 1689. 1696. 1707. 1711. 1714. 1726. 1729. 1735. R^**. Milward, Aug. 12. Geo. Johnson. John Warren, July 23. Lyttleton Powis, Aug. 12. Jno. Coombe, dep, to ch. just. ; aft ch. just. Salathiel Lovel, Nov. 7. John Pocklington, Apr. 28. John Ward. Edw. Jeffreys. John Willes, aft. ch. just. Wm. Jessop, Feb. 24. Rd. Pottinger, May 12. 1739. 1740. 1757. 1777. 1778. 1788. 1811. 1818. 1823. 1824. 1825. John Skynner, Apr. 3. FIon. John Talbot. Taylor White. Fras. Buller, Nov. Hon. Daines Barrington, May. Fras. Burton. Wm. Draper Best, Mar. 1; again, Jan. 31, 1817; aft. ch. just. Saml. Marshall. Michl. Nolan. Robt. Mathew Casberd. Thos. Jervis, Feb. 24. Sir Giffin Wilson, July 16. MASTERS OF THE ROLLS. See Introduction, ante, p. 348. IN addition to his judicial duties, which are fully explained in the intro- duction, the Master of the Rolls is, under 1 & 2 Vict. cap. 94 (August 10, 1838), constituted keeper of all the records in the Public Record Office, founded by that act. The earlier part of the following list is founded on that compiled by the late Sir Thos. Duffus Hardy. 1286. 1295. 1316. 1324. 1325. 1334. 1337. 1341. 1346. 1371. 1381. 1386. 1394. 1397. 1402. 1405. 1415. 1423. 1438. 1447. 1461. MASTERS OF THE ROLLs. From the earliest appointment to the office in the reign of Edward 1. John de Langton, Sept. 2 (?), aft. ld. chanc. Adam de Osgodeby, Oct. 1, Wm. de Ayremynne, Aug. 19. Richd. de Ayremynne, May 26. Hy. de Clyff, July 4. Michl. de Wath, Jan. 20. John de St. Paul, Apr. 28; aft. 16. kpr. Thos. de Evesham, Jan. 10. John de Thoresby, Feb. 21 ; aft. la. chanc. David de Wollore, or Walloro, July 2; aft. la. kpr. Wm. Burstall, Mar. 28. John de Waltham, Sept. 8 ; aft. li. kpr. John de Burton, Oct. 24. John de Scarle, July 22; aft. la. chanc. Thos. Stanley, Sept. 11. Nichs. de Bubbewyth, Sept. 24; aft. bp. of London. John de Wakering, Mar. 2. Simon de Gauntstede, June 3; aft. ld. kpr. John Fraunke, or Frank, Oct. 28. John Stopyndem, Nov. 13. Thos. de Kirkeby, Mar. 29 (? May). Robt. Kirkeham, Dec. 23; aft. li. kpr. 1471. Wm. Morland, Feb. 12. John Alcock, bp. of Rochester; aft. bp. of Worcester, and lå. chanc.; Apr. 29. . John Morton, Mar. 16; aft. bp. of Ely, &c., and ló. chanc. . Robt. Morton, Jan. 9, under L. P. dated May 30, 1477, granting him the mastership in reversion ; aft. bp. of Worcester. . Thos. Barrow, or Barowe, Sept. 22. . Robt. Morton, again. Aug. 22. . Robt. Morton jointly. and Wm. Eliot, . David William, Feb. 26 (? Nov. 26). . John Blyth, May 5; aft. bp, of Salisbury. . Wm. Warham, Feb. 13 ; aft. bp. of London, &c., and ló. chanc. . Wm. Barnes, or Barons, Feb. 1; aft. ld. kpr. . Christr. Bainbrigge, or Benebrigge, Nov. 13; aft, abp. of York. . John Yonge, dean of York, Jam. 22. . Cuthbert Tunstall, May 12; aft. bp. of London. . John Clarke, archdn. of Colchester, Oct. 20. . Thos. Hannibal, Oct. 9. . John Taylor, June 26. 25 + 388 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 1534. Thos. Cromwell, Oct. 8; aft. li. 1685. John Churchill, aft. Sir J., Jan. 12. Cromwell and E. of Essex; be- Sir John Trevor, Oct. 20; aft. headed in 1540. comm1. gr. seal. 1536. Christr. Hales, or Halys, July 10. 1689. Sir Hy. Powle, Mar. 13. 1541. Sir Robt. Southwell, July 1. 1693. Sir John Trevor, again, Jan. 13. 1550. John de Beaumont. Dec. 13. 1717. Sir Jos. Jekyll, July 13; aft. Id. 1552. Sir Robt. Bowes, June 18. kpr. 1553. Sir Nichs. Hare, Sept. 18. 1738. Hon. John Werney, Oct. 9. 1557. Sir Wm. Cordell, Nov. 5. 1741. Wm. Fortescue, just. C. P., Nov. 5. 1581, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, atty. gen, May 1750. Sir John Strange, Jan. 11. 30. See Chancellors, 1591. 1754. Sir Thos. Clarke, May 29. 1594. Sir Thos. Egerton, Apr. 10; aft. lá. 1764. Sir Thos. Sewell, Dec. 4. kpr. and lå. chanc.; cr. Id. Elles- || 1784. Sir Lloyd Kenyon, knt., and aft. bt., mere; aft. visc. Brackley. atty. gen., Mar. 30; aft. ch. just. 1603. Edwd. Bruce, May 18; cr. ld. Kin- K. B., and ld. Kenyon. loss; aft. E. of Elgin. 1788. Sir Richd. Pepper Arden, atty. gen., 1611. Sir Edwd. Phelips, or Phillips, Jan. 14. June 4; aft. ch. just. C. P., and 1614. Sir Julius Caesar, Sept. 1; d. Apr. ld. Alvanley. * 18, 1636. See Chancellors, 1621. 1801. Sir Wm. Grant, solr. gen., May 27; Sir Humphrey May had the master- res. 1818. ship granted to him in reversion, 1818. Sir Thos. Plumer, v. chanc. of Eng- Apr. 10, 1629; but he d soon land, Jan. 6; d. 1824. after, before it fell into possession. 1824. Robt., ld, Gifford, ch. just. C. P., 1636, Sir Dudley Digges, Apr. 18; he had Apr. 5. had the mastership granted to 1826. Sir John Singleton Copley, atty. him in reversion in 1630, on the gen., Sept. 14 ; aft. 16. chanc., death of May. and ló. Lyndhurst. 1639. Sir Chas. Caesar, Mar. 30. 1827. Sir John Leach, v. chanc. of Eng- 1643. Sir John Colepeper, Jan. 28; aft. li. land, May 3. Colepeper. 1834. Sir Chas. Christr. Pepys, solr. genl., Wm. Lenthall, parly. m. rolls, Nov. Sept. 29; aft. li. chanc., and lå. 10. See Chancellors, 1659. Cottonham. 1660. John, ld. Colepeper, again, June 1. 1836. Hy. Bickersteth, Jan. 16, cr. ld. Sir Harbottle Grimstone, bt., Nov. 3. Langdale ; res. 1851. Geo. Johnson had the mastership 1851. Sir John Romilly, atty. gen., Mar. granted to him in reversion, Aug. 28, cr. Id. Romilly, 1866; res. 15, 1667, but d. before it fell into Aug. 1873; d. Dec. 23, 1874. possession. 1873. Sir Geo. Jessel, solr. gen., Aug 30. On Nov. 1, 1875, the M. Rolls was made a judge of the H. C. J., Chancery Div., and also an ea officio judge of the Court of Appeal, under the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875 (see ante, pp. 350–1). On Aug. 27, 1881, the M. Rolls was made exclusively a judge of the Court of Appeal under the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1881. (See ante, p. 351.) Sir Geo. Jessel, d. Mar. 21, 1883. 1883. Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, ld, just, app., Apr. 3; cr. lá. Esher, July 23, 1885. LORDS JUSTICES (JUDGES OF THE COURT OF APPEAL IN CHANCERY). JUSTICES OF APPEAL. LORDS JUSTICES OF APPEAL. See Introduction, ante, p. 848. JUDGES OF THE COURT OF APPEAL IN CHANCERY. The lord chancellor was an ea officio judge of the Court of Appeal, and with him were associated the following LORDS JUSTICEs. Appointed under 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 83. 1851. Sir Jas. Lewis Knight - Bruce, v. 1851. Robt. Momsey, ld, Cranworth, v. chanc., Oct. 8; res. Oct. 14, 1866; chanc., Oct. 8; app. 1d. chanc., d. Nov. 7, 1866. Dec. 28, 1852. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 389 1858. Sir Geo. Jas. Turner, v. chanc., vice Cranworth, Jan. 10, G.; d. July 9, 1867. 1866. Sir Hugh McCalmont Cairns, atty. gen. , vice Knight-Bruce, Oct. 29, G.; cr. ld. Cairns, Feb. 22, 1867; app. 1d. chanc., Feb. 29, 1868. 1867. Sir John Rolt, atty, gen., vice Turner, July 18, G.; res. 1868; d. June 6, 1871. 1868. Sir Chas. Jasper Selwyn, solr. gen., vice Rolt, Feb. 8, G.; d. Aug. 11, 1869. 1868. Sir Wm. Page Wood, v. chanc., vice Cairns, Mar. 5, G.; app. 1d. chanc., Dec. 11, 1868 and cr. 1d. Hatherley. 1869. Sir Geo. Markham Giffard, v. chanc. vice Page Wood, Jan. 1, G.; d. July 13, 1870. 1870. *Sir Wm. Milbourne James, v. chanc., vice Selwyn, July 2, G. *Geo. Mellish, vice Giffard, Aug. 4, G.; knt.; Aug. 9. * On Nov. 1, 1875, these judges were trans. to the Court of Appeal under the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350–I.) JUDGEs of THE COURT of APPEAL. Ex-OFFICIO JUDGES UNDER THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE ACTs, 1873 AND 1875. The Lord Chancellor. The Ld. Ch. Just. of England. The Master of the Rolls. The Ch. Just, of the Common Pleas; (office abolished by Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873, secs. 22 and 75, and order in Coun- cil, Dec. 16, 1880). The Ch. Bar. of the Exchequer; (office abolished ut supra). ADDITIONAL Ex-OFFICIO JUDGE UNDER THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE ACT, 1881. The president of the Prob., Div., and Adm. Div. of the H. C. J. ORDINARY JUDGES, AT FIRST STYLED JUSTICES OF APPEAL, AND AFTERWARDS, UNDER THE SUPREME CourT OF JUDICATURE ACT, 1877, STYLED LORDs JUSTICES OF APPEAL. Transferred from the old Court of Chancery, Nov. 1, 1875. 1878. Sir Wm. Milbourne James, Nov. 1; d. 1881 Sir Geo. Mellish, Nov. 1; d. 1877. Additional appointment under Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1875. 1875. Sir Richd. Baggallay, Oct. 29, G.; res. 1885; d. Nov. 13, 1888. Additional appointments under Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876. 1876 Sir Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell, judge ex. div. H. C. J., Oct. 27, G.; res. 1881; cr. ld. Bramwell, 1882. Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, judge C. P. div. H. C. J., Oct. 27, G.; m. rolls, Apr. 3, 1883; cr. lá. Esher, 1885. Sir Richd. Paul Amphlett, judge ex. div. H. C. J., Oct. 27, G.; res. 1877; d. Dec. 7, 1883. * Subsequent Appointments. 1877. Hy. Cottom, vice Mellish, June 28 ; knt. July 11. Hon. Alfred Hy. Thesiger, Amphlett, Nov. 2, G.; d. O 20, 1880. Sir Robt. Lush, judge Q. B. div. H. C. J., vice Thesiger, Nov. 5, G.; d. Dec. 27, 1881. Sir Nathl. Lindley, judge Q. B. div. H. C. J., vice Bramwell, Nov. 1, G. 1880. 1881. 1882. vice ! ct. Sir John Holker, vice Lush, Jan. 14, G.; res. 1882; d. May 24, 1882. Sir Chas. Synge Christr, Bowen, judge Q. B. div. II. C. J., vice Holker, June 2. 1883. Sir Edwd. Fry, judge ch. div. H. C. J., vice Brett, Apr. 9. 1885. Sir Hy. Chas. Lopes, judge Q. B. div H. C. J., vice Baggallay, Dec. 1, G. 390 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. VICE CHANCELLORS OF ENGLAND. WICE CHAN- CELLORS, JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY DIVISION. See Introduction, ante, p. 348. WICE CHANCELLORS OF ENGLAND. Appointed under 53 Geo. III., cap. 24. 1813. Sir Thos. Plumer, atty. gen., Apr. 10; aft. m. rolls. Jno. Leach, aft. Sir J., Jan. 6; aft. m, rolls. 1818. 1827. Sir Anthy. Hart, May 2; aft. la. chanc. Ireland. Lancelot Shadwell, Nov. 1; knt. Nov. 16; d. Aug. 10, 1850, and with him the title ceased. WICE CHANCELLORs. Appointed under 5 Vict. cap. 5. 1841. Jas. Lewis Knight-Bruce, aft. Sir J., Oct. 28; knt. 1842; app. la, just. app., Oct. 8, 1851. Jas. Wigram, aft. Sir J., Oct. 28; res. 1850. 1850. Sir Robt. Monsey Rolfe, bar. ex., vice Shadwell, Nov. 2; cr: lá. Cranworth, Nov. 7; app. la, just. app., Oct. 8, 1851. Appointed under 14 & 15 Wict. cap. 4, and 15 & 16 Vict. cap. 80. . Geo. Jas. Turner, vice Wigram, Apr. 2; knt. Apr. 14; app. la, just. app., Jan. 10, 1853. Richd. Torin Kindersley, mast. in chanc., vice Rnight-Bruce, Oct. 20, G.; knt. Oct. 23 ; res. Nov. 1866; d. Oct. 22, 1879. Jas. Parker, vice Cranworth, Oct. 20, G.; knt. Oct. 23; d. Aug. 13, 1852. John Stuart, vice Parker, Sept. 20, G.; knt. June 13, 1853; res. 1871; d. Oct. 29, 1876. Sir Wm. Page Wood, vice Turner, Jan. 10, G. ; app. la. just, app., Mar. 5, 1868. 1852. 1853. 1866. *Richd. Malins, vice Kindersley, Dec. 1, G. ; knt. Feb. 2, 1867. 1868. Geo. Markham Giffard, vice Page Wood, Mar. 11, G. ; knt. May 14; made la. just. app., Jan. 1, 1869. Wm. Milbourne James, vice Giffard, Jan. 2, G.; knt. Feb. 4 ; made ld. just. app., July 2, 1870. *Jas. Bacon, vice James, July 4, G.; knt. Jan. 14, 1871. John Wickens, vice Stuart, Apr. 18, \G. ; knt. June 29; d. Oct. 23, 1873. *Chas. Hall, vice Wickens, Nov. 11, G.; knt. Dec. 12. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1873. * On Nov. 1, 1875, these judges were transf, to the H. C. J., Chancery Div., under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. (See ante, pp. 350–1.) By these acts the title of Vice-chancellor was abolished, except as to the judges then holding that office. JUDGES OF THE CHANCERY DIVISION OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE. Transferred from the old Court of Chancery, Nov. 1, 1875. The Lord Chancellor, President. See “Lord Chancellors.” The Master of the See “Masters of Rolls.” By the S. C. J. Act, 1871, the m. rolls was made exclusively a judge of the court of appeal. Rolls. Sir Richd. Malins. v. chanc.; res. 1881; d. Jan. 15, 1882. Sir Jas. Bacon, v. chanc. ; res. Now. 1886. Sir Chas. Hall, v. chanc.; res. 1882; d. Dec. 12, 1883. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 391 Subsequent Appointments. These new judges were styled justices, and not vice chancellors. 1877. Edwd. Fry, Apr. 27; knt. Apr. 30; 1882. John Pearson, vice Hall, Oct. 24, additl. judge under S. C. J. Act, G.; knt. Nov. 30; d. May 13, 1886. 1877; app. 1d. just, app., Apr. 9, 1883. Sir Ford North, rice Fry; transfd. 1883 } from Q. B. div. with relative rank 1881. Edwd. Ebenezer Kay, vice Malins, from date of orignl appt. (Nov. Mar. 30, G.; knt. May 2. 1, 1881.) Jos. Wm. Chitty, vºce Jessel, m. 1886. Jas. Stirling, vice Pearson, May 20, rolls, who was made exclusively G.; knt. Nov. 26. a judge of the court of app. ut Arthur Kekewich, vice Bacon, Nov. supra, Sept. 6, G.; knt. Dec. 7. 12; knt. Nov. 26. JUDGES OF THE PROBATE AND DIVORCE COURTS, AND OF THE PROBATE, DIVORCE, AND ADMIRALTY DIVISIONS OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. See Introduction, ante, p. 349. JUDGEs of HER MAJESTY's CourT OF PROBATE. Appointed mnder 20 & 21 Vict. cap. 77, AND JUDGES ORDINARY OF HER MAJESTY's CourT FOR DIvorce. AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSEs. Appointed under 20 & 21 Vict. cap. 85. This jurisdiction was previously exercised by the judges of the Ecclesiastical Court. See Introduction, ante, p. 349, and the lists of those judges, post. 1858. Sir Cresswell Cresswell, just. C. Aug. 26, G.; cr. ld. Penzance, P., Jan. 6, G.; d. July 29, Apr. 6, 1869; res. 1872. 1863. 1872. *Sir Jas. Hannen, just. Q. B., Nov. 1863. Sir Jas. Plaisted Wilde, bar. ex., 14, G. * Transferred on Nov. 1, 1875, to the H. C. J., Prob., Div., and Adm. Div., under the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875 (see ante, p. 350). JUDGEs of THE PROBATE, DIVORCE, AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION OF THE HIGH CourT of JustTCE. Transferred from the old Courts of Probate and Divorce. 1875. Sir Jas. Hannen, president, Nov. 1; made an eac-officio judge of the ct. of app. on Aug. 27, 1881, under S. C. J. Act, 1881 (see ante, p. 389). Transferred from the old Court of Admiralty, Nov. 1, 1875. 1875. Sir Robt. Jos. Phillimore, Nov. 1; cr. bt. Dec. 15, 1881; res. 1883; d. Feb. 4, 1885. Subsequent Appointments. 1883. Chas. Parker Butt, vice Phillimore, Apr. 3, G.; knt. Apr. 30. 392 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES JUDGES OF THE COURT OF REVIEW IN BANKRUPTCY. APPo1NTED UNDER 1 & 2 WILL. IV. CAP. 56 (OCT. 20, 1831). - Dec. 2, 1881, G. 1. Hon. Thos. Erskine, ch. judge; res. 2. Albert Pell; knt. Dec. 7 ; d. 1832. Nov. 1842; app. just. C. P., Jan. 3. John Cross; knt. Dec. 7; d. 1842. 9, 1839, and held both offices for 4. Geo. Rose; knt. Dec. 7; res. Dec. nearly four years. 1840, on appt. as mast. in chanc Vice chancellor Sir Jas. Lewis Knight-Bruce was app. ch. judge in Nov. 1842, on the resignation of Erskine. He held both offices until the Court of Review was abolished in 1847 by 10 & 11 Vict. cap. 102, by which Act the jurisdiction of the court was trans- ferred to such of the vice chancellors as the lord chancellor might name for that purpose. By the Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act, 1849 (12 & 13 Vict, cap. 106), as amended by the 14 & 15 Vict. cap. 83, extended by 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 64, the Bankruptcy Appellate Jurisdiction was transferred to the Court of Appeal in Chancery. (See list of the judges of that court, ante, p. 388–9.) This jurisdiction was continued by the 32 & 33 Vict. cap. 71, and on the passing of the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts (ante, pp. 350–1), was transferred to the Court of Appeal thereby established. By the 46 & 47 Vict. cap. 52, and 47 & 48 Vict. cap. 9, the London Bankruptcy Court was transferred to the High Court of Justice, and appellate jurisdiction in bank- ruptcy was given to the Divisional Courts of the High Court of Justice, with an appeal therefrom to the Court of Appeal. CHIEF JUDGE IN BANKRUPTCY. APPOINTED UNDER 32 & 33 WICT. CAP. 71. 1869. Jas. Bacon, Dec. 31 ; app. v. chanc. 1883, when the office of ch. judge July 4, 1870; knt. Jan. 14, 1871. in bankruptcy was abolished by Held both offices until Dec. 31, 46 & 47 Vict., cap. 52. BANKRUPTCY JUDGE. APPOINTED UNDER 46 & 47 WICT. CAP. 52. 1884. Sir Lewis Wm. Cave, just. Q. B. div. H. C. J., Jan. 1. MASTERS IN CHANCERY. ACCOUNTANTS GENERAL OF THE COURT OF CHANCERY. See Introduction, ante, p. 248. THE list of masters prior to 1597 is compiled from Foss. The list sub- sequent to that date is founded on that compiled by the late Sir Thos. Duffus Hardy. The office of master in chancery was abolished in 1852 by 15 & 16 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 393 Vict. cap. 80, and the duties transferred to the vice chancellors and their chief clerks. The then existing masters were gradually released from their duties, the last retiring Aug. 8, 1860. The office of accountant general of the Court of Chancery was created in 1726 by 12 Geo. I. cap. 32. Although there is nothing in that statute which requires such a qualification, yet no person has been appointed to the office without having first become a Master in Chancery. This office was abolished in 1872 by 35 & 36 Vict. cap. 44, and the duties transferred to the paymaster-general (see ante, p. 244). A. R. 1–12. . Thos. Bek. 11–19. 11–12. 14–33. . Wm. de Chyrinton. 21–35. 23–35. 23–29. 23–33. 23–30. 7– 21– 23–33. 23–35. 23–33. 23–29. 25–35. 26–33. 28–33. 29–35. 29–35. 29–30. 29–33. 29–35. 30–35. 30–35. . Jno. Fraunceis. . Geoffrey de Welle- 35– 35– MASTERS EDWARD I. Jno. de Kirkeby. Hugh de Kendal. Walter de Odyham. Wm. de Hamilton. Jno. de Cadomo. Robt. de Radeswell. Jno. de Derby. Jno. de Craucombe. Wm. de Grenefield, aft. chanc. Wm. de Kilkenny. Peter de Dene. Regd. de Braundon. Jno. de Lacy. Thos. de Logore. Wm. de Birla.co. Peter de Insula. Robt. de Pykering. Wm. de Pykering. Wrm. de Sardenne. Philip Martel. Rd. de Plumstok. Robt. de Bardelby. Jno. Busshe. ford. EDWARD II. Robt. de Radeswell, contal. . Peter de Dene, contal. Thos. de Logore, contal. Jno. de Cadomo, contal. . Robt. de Pykering, contal. . Wm. de Pykering, contal. ... Rd. Plumstok, contal. . Robt. de Bardelby, contal. . Jno. Busshe, conta. Jno. Franceis, contal. IN CHANCERY PRIOR To 1597. A. R. 1–14. 1–12. 6–20. 8– 8–20. 9–16. 10 — i. 10– 10–15. 10–18. 12–14. 12–18. 13–16. 18– . Thos. Geoffrey de Welle- ford, contal. Robt. de Askeby. Adam de Brome. . Jno. Bray. Wrm. de Herlaston. Edmund de London. Hugh de Burgh. . Jno. Terlyng. Jno. de Merton. Jno. de Crosseby. Roger de Sutton. Wm. de Leycester. Wm. de Cliff. . Hy. de Edenstowe. EDWARD III. Adam de contal. Brome, . Wm. de Herlaston, contal. Jno. de contal. Wm. de Leycester, contal. Hy. de Edenstowe, contal. Crosseby, de Baum- burgh. . Adam de Herwyn- ton. . Jno. de Blebury. . Thos. de Brayton, or Drayton. . Jno. de Longtoft. . Edmd. de Grymesby. . Thos. de Elingham. , Robt. de Kettleseye. . Wm. de Kyldes- bury. . Thos. Durant. . Jno. de Wodehouse, aft. ch. ex. . Hy. de Iddesworth. . Hy. de Stratford. . Thos. de Sibthorp. . Thos. de Cotyng- ham . Thos de Pardishowe. A. R 15–17. 15–36. & . Gilbert de Chishull. 18–21. 18– 18–28. 19–29. . Jno. de Chestrefeld. 25–29. 25–29. 25–47. . Jno. de Rokyngham. 33–43. 36–48. 36–49. 36–51. 45–48. 45–50. 22– 33– 45–51. 46–49. 49–51. ... Rd. de Tissyngton. 50–51. 50–51. 50– 50–51. 50–51. 50–51. . Walter 51– ... Rd. Jno. de Marton. Elyas de Grymesby. Thos. de Capen- hurst. Wm. de Emelden. Andr. de Offord. Jno. Gogh. Wm. de Newnham. Walter Power. Jno. de Codington. Jno. de Branketre. Wm. de Mirfield. Rd. de Ravenser. Nichs. de Spaigne. Robt. de Wykford, aft. abp. Dublin and chanc. Ire- land. Thos. de Newnham. Simon de Multon. Hy. de Codington. Thos. de Thelwall. Jno. de Fretton, or Frethorne. Michl. de dale. Peter de Barton. Jno. de Bouland. Skirlawe, dean of St. Mar- tins, aft. b.p. of Lichfield, Bath and Wells, and Dur- ham. Raven- RICHARD II. de contal. Ravenser, . Thos. de Newnham, contal. Hy. de Codington, contal. Thos. de Thelwall, contal. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. A. R. 1–7. Jno. de Fretton, contal. 1–6. Michl. de Ravendale, contal. 1–18. Peter de Barton, contal. 1–10. Jno. de Bouland, contal. 1–4. Walter Skirlawe, contal. 4–23. Robt. de Faryng- ton. 6–8. Robt. de Muskham. 10— . Robt. Manfield. 11—23. 13–18. 16– 16–23. 19– 19–23. 19–23. . Robt. Claydon, 20–21. . Jno. Rd. Ronhale, or Rou- hale. Thos. de Midelton. de Folkyn- ham. Jno de Chitterne. . Wrm. Rouden. 19–23. 19–23. Jno de Roderham. Jno. Wakering, aft. bp. of Norwich. Nichl. Bubbewyth, aft. bp. of London. Simon Gaunstede. Hugh de Gaudeby. 20–23. Jno. Springthorpe. 22–23. Jno. Rome. HENRY IV. 1–5. Robt. de Faryngton, contal. 1– Rd. Ronhale, or Rou- hale, contal. 1–3. Jno. de Chitterne, contal. 1–13. Jno. de Roderham, contal. 1–13. Simon Gaunstede, contal. 1–13. Jno. Springthorpe, contal. 1–13. Jno. Rome, contal. 2–1 l. Jno. Ryngton. . Jno. Hertelpole. . Ralph Grenehurst. . Hy. Malpas. . Wm. Waltham. HENRY. W. Jno. de Chitterne, contal. Jno. de Roderham, contal. Jno. Springthorpe, contal. Jno. Rome, contal. . Jno. Hertelpole, contal. Hy. Malpas, contal. 3. #: Jno. Frank. Jno. Roland. Thos. Haxey. 3– Wm. Aghton. 3–9. Jno. Thoralby. 3–9. Jno Mapilton. 3–9. Hy. Shelford. 4–9. Hy. Keys. HENRY WI. I— . Jno. Springthorpe, contal. 1–10. Jno. Hertelpole, conta. 1–9. Jno. Thoralby, contal. 1–10. Jno. Mapilton, contal. 1–18. Hy. Shelford, contal. 1–2. Hy. Keys, contal. 1–2. Jno. Roland, contal. 2–27. Jno. Stokes. 2–29. Nichl. Wymbysh. 3–14. Wm. Prestwyk. 4–32. Wrm. Hill. 10–39. Jno. Faukes. 15–39. Jno. Bate. 18–29. Robt. Monter. 20–29. Jno. Cammell. 20–27. Jno. Stokes. 20– . — Shecſield. 28–39. Rd. Wetton. 31— . Thos. Kent. 31– . Dean of St. Severino de Bourdeaux. 31- . Rd. Langport. 31–39. Rd. Fryston. 32–39. Robt. Kirkham. 32— . Wrm. Normanton. 33— . John Derby. 38— . Gilbert Haydock. 38— . Thos. Manning. 39— . Jno. Chamberlayn. 39— . Jno. Pemberton. EDWARD IV. 1–7. Jno. Faukes, contal. 1–3. Rd, Wetton, contal. 1–3. Jno. Bate, contal. 1–12. Rd. Fryston, contal. 1–7. Jno. Chamberlayn, contal. 1–7. Jno. Pemberton, contal. 1— . Wm. Swerendon. 1–17. Hy. Sharpe. 3–23. Wm. Bolton. 3- . Thos. Westhorp. 12–23. Jno. Gunthorp, dean of Wells. 12- . Jno. Davyson. 12–17. Rd, Martyn. 12- . Rd. Woodward. 22–23. Jno. Brown. 22–23 . Wm. Kelet. RICHARD III. A. R. 1–3. Wm. Morland, conta. 1–3. Wm. Bolton, contal. 1–3. Jno. Gunthorp, contal. 1–3. Jno. Brown, contal. 1–3. Wm. Kelet, conta. 1 - . Thos. Hutton. 1–3. Rd. Skipton. 1–3. Robt. Blackwall. HENRY WII. 1–11. Wm. Morland, contal. 1— . Wm. Bolton, contal. 1–12. Jno. Gunthorp, contal. 1–11. Jno. Brown, contal. 1–7. Wm. Kelet, contal. 1–12. Rd. Skipton, contal. 1–19. Robt. Blackwall, contal. 1–12. Thos. Barowe, (m. rolls under Rich- ard III.) 1–11. Jno. Morgan. 7— . Edwd. Chaderton. 7–12. Jno. Jamys. 11— . Edmd. Martyn. 12–19. Rd. Hatton. 19— . Geoffrey Simeon. 19— . Rd. Maihewe. 19— . Jas. Hubert. HENRY WIII. There appears to be no record of the re-appointments of the Masters living at the death of Hen. VII. 7–21. Wm. Throgmorton, 21–28. Rd. Wolman, dean of Wells. 21— . Roger Lupton. 21— . Edwd. Hygons. 21–25. Rowland Lee, bp. of Lichfield and Coventry. 21–24. Thos. Newman. 30–35. Wm. Peter, aft. sir W. 30- . Thos. Wetherall. 30- . Rd. Layton, dean of York. 30– . Edwd. Carne, aft sir E. 30– . Jno. London, dean of Oxford. 30–36. Thos. Legh, aft. Sir T. 30–38. John Tregonwell,aft. sir J. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 395 .Now. 22. A. R. A. R. A. R. 36–38. Jno. Oliver, dean of 5–. Jno. Gosnold. 4-9. Robt. Weston, dean Christchurch. 6–7. Rd. Lyell. of Wells, aft.chanc. 36–38. Anthony Bellasis. 0–7. David Lewes. of Ireland. 37–38. — Mitchell. ? Jno. Belley. 38— . Wm. Leeson. MARY. 11–26. Hy. Hervey. - 17- . David(? Thos.)Yale. Edward VI. 1— . Anthony Bellasis, –25. Robt. Lougher. 1–4. Sir Jno. Tregonwell, conta. 21— . — Forth. contal. 1–2. Jno. Croke, conta. 25— . — Harris. 1-4. Jno. Oliver, contal. 1–6. Sir Rd. Read, contal. 25–45. Sir Matth. Carew. 1–7. Anthy. Bellasis, 1–. Rd. Lyell, contal. 25–45. Sir Rd. Swale. contal. 1–. David Lewes, contal, | 30–33. Julius Caesar. 1–2. Wm. Leeson, contal. ? Wm. Awbrey. 36–45. Sir Edwd. Stanhope. 2- . — Grimstead. | ? Wm. Mowse. –42. Thos. Bynge, 2–4. — Standish. 38–45. Thos. Legge. 3–4. — Hussey. ELIZABETH. 38–45. Jno. Home. 3–6. Jno. Croke. 1–17. Sir Rd. Read, contd. –40. Rd. Cosin. 4— . Wm. Cooke. 1–26. David Lewes, contal. 38–44. Lawrence Hussey. 4- . — Breten. 3–4. — Vaughan. 38–40. Wm. Lewen. 4–7. Sir Rd. Read. 3-17. Thos. Huyck, chanc. 38–45. Wm. or Jno. Hunt. 5- . Rd. Goodrich. of London. 38–45. Sir Jno. Amye. MASTERS IN CHANCERY SUBSEQUENT TO 1597. The Accountants General are marked * 1597. Dec. 2. Wm. Lambard, race 1624. Dec. 18. Edwd. Clarke, vice Wol- Cossyne. veridge. 1598. Apr. 17. John Tyndall, vice Lewen. 1625.8 July 22. Thos. Eden, vice James. 1599, Dec. 21. Geo. Carewe, vice Bynge. 1627. July 3. John Page, vice Hay- 1601. Aug. 27. Edwd. Grymstone, vice ward. Lambard. 1631. Jan. 22. Sir Dudley Digges, vice 1602. Feb. 23. Hy. Hickman, vice Hussey. Thelwall. 1607. July 17. Hy. Thoresbye, vice | 1635. June 8. Thos. Bennett, aft. Sir T., Legge. vice More. 1608. Mar. 18. Sir John Bennett, vice Stan- | 1637. Mar. 20. Wm. Griffith, vice Digges. hope. 1638. Jan. 29. Robt. Aylett, vice Mutton. June 2. Sir Thos. Crompton, vice | 1639. Jan. 28. Wm. Child, vice Clarke. Swale. May 20. Jas. Littleton, vice Caesar, 1609. Feb. 8. Thos. Ridley, aft. Sir T., | 1640. Nov. 10. Thos. Heath, vice Eden. vice Crompton. 1641. July 22. Justinian Lewen, aft. Sir 1612. Nov. 24. Gregory Bonhault, vice J., vice Griffith. Geo. Carewe. 1643. Apr. 12. Sir Thos. Mainwaring, vice 1614. Apr. 12. Fras. James, vice Bon- Salter. hault. 1644. June 1. John Sadler, vice Michell. 1615. May 17. Jas., or Jno. Wolveridge, 1645. Aug. 2. Arthur Duck, vice Little- vice Thoresbye. ton. May 19. Sir Chas. Caesar, vice | 1646. Feb. 6. Edwin, or Edwd. Rich. * Hunt. vice Heath. 1616. Feb. 17. Richd. More, vice Hick- Nov. 21. Wm. Hakewell, vice Rich. Illa, Il. 1647. June 2. Edwd. Eltonhed, vice Main- Nov. 13. John Hayward, aft. Sir J., waring. vice Tyndall. 1650. May 22. John Bonde, vice Duck. 1617. Jan. 11. Ewball Thelwall, vice 1651. Aug. 6. Robt. Keylway, vice Hone. Lewen. 1618. Aug. 7. Robt. Rich, vice sir M. 1652. July 12. Thos. Estcourt, vice Hake- Carew. well. 1619. Oct. 30. John Michell, vice Ridley. July 14. Nathl. Hobart, vice Leech. 1621. July 11. Edwd. Salter, vice Amye. 1655. May 3. Arthur Barnardiston, vice July 16. Edwd. Leech, vice Bennett. - Bonde. % # Sir Wm. Birde, vice Grym- June 21. Wm. Harrington, vice Bar- stone (19–22 Jas. I.) nardiston. 1624. Oct. 14. Sir Peter Mutton, vice Nov. 15. Wm. Glascocke, vice Page. Birde. Edmd. Gyles, vice Aylett. 396 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1656. 1659. 1660. 1664. 1665. 1667. 1669. 1670. 1672. 1673. 1675, 1676. 1680. 1682. 1683. 1684. 1685. 1688. 1689. 1694. 1699. Feb. 4. May 30. June 7. May 31. June 1 June 2. June 4 June 5. June 6. June 18. Oct. 1. June 26. Nov. 15. Oct. 3. Nov. 19. June 29. Dec. 10. Dec. 26. July 5. Jan. 2. Jan 9. Feb. 11. June 7. Dec. 24. July 7. Jan. 29. June 28. Apr. 12. Apr. 27. May 13. June 20. Mar. 26. Mar. 8. Oct. 20. June 28. Feb. 23. Thos. Bulstrode, Sadler. Robt. Warsup, vice Glas- cocke. Wm. Eden, vice Child. Wm. Child, again, vice Eden. Justinian Lewen, vice Keylway. vice again, . Thos. Estcourt, re-app. Thos, Bird, vice Gyles. . Thos. Bennett, re-app. Mounteford vice Rich. Nathl. Hobart, re-app. Wm. Glascocke, vice War- Brampston, Sup. Walter Littleton, vice Har- rington. Sir Edmund, or Edwd. Pearce, vice Bulstrode. Toby Woolrich, vice Elton- hed. John Coell, vice Woolrich. Wm. Lisle, vice Bird. Richd. Proctor, vice Lisle. Thos. Croft, vice Pearce. John Halsey, vice Proctor. Robt. Steward, vice Ben- nett. Timothy Baldwin, vice Halsey. Andrew Hacket, vice Littleton. Wm. Beversham, vice Croft. Wm. Howell, vice Lewen. Edwd. Lowe, aft. Sir E., vice Howell. Wm. Pargeter, vice Ste- ward. Saml. geter. Sir Lacon Wm. Child, vice Wm. Child. Miles Cooke, vice Hobart. John Franklyn, vice Glas- cocke. John Hoskins, vice Bramp- ston. Adam Oatley, vice Hacket. Robt. Legard, vice Bald- win. Jas. Astry, vice Estcourt. John, or Jas. Edisbury, vice Lowe. John Methwen, vice Coell. Roger Meredith, vice Clarke. Saml. Keck, vice Bevers- ham. Thos. Pitt, vice Oatley. Richd. Holford, vice Astry. Hy. Newton, aft. Sir H., vice Cooke. Clarke, vice Par- 1700. 1701. 1703. 1706. 1708. 1709. 1710. 1711. 1712. 1717. 1719. 1720. 1721. 1723. 1724. 1726. 1727. 1728. 1731. 1732. 1738. 1739. 1749. July 1. Aug. 20. July 20. Aug. 7. Aug. 22. Mar. 17. July 24. Dec. 2. June 6. Oct. 17. Nov. 3. Mar. 10. Oct. 14. Jan. 7. July 29. Jan. 10. May 18. Aug. 9. June 1. Feb. 1. Aug. 5. June 29. Dec. 12. Feb. 17. May 29. May 19. June 2. Mar. 31. May 12. Feb. 10. Mar. 2. Aug. 9. . Aug. 14. . Apr. 24. . Oct. 27. . Mar. 8. . Sept. 21. Thos. Gery, vice Meredith. Wm. Rogers, vice Newton. Jno. Hiccocks, vice Hoskins. Jas. Medlycott, vice Meth- Well, Wm. Fellows, vice Frank- lyn. John Meller, vice Edis- bury. John Orlebar, vice sir L. W. Child. Fleetwood Dormer, vice Holford. Saml. Browning, vice Keck. Robt. Holford, vice Legard. Hy. Lovibond, vice Pitt. John Bennett, vice Medly- cott. Richd. Godfrey, vice Gery. Jas. Lightbourn, vice Browning. John Borrett, vice Meller. Edwd. Conway, vice Orle- bar. Hy. Edwards, vice Dormer. Wm. Kynaston, vice Rogers. Thos. Bennett, vice Hic- cocks. Fras. Elde, vice Fellows. Mark Thurston, vice Bor- rett. *Hy. Edwards, app. acct. gen. *Fras. Cudworth Masham, app. acct, gen., vice Edwards. Saml. Burroughs, vice God- frey. Robt. Yard, vice Conway. Anthy. Allen, vice Yard. John Tothill, vice Lovi- bond. *Mark Thurston, app. acct. gen., vice Masham. Wm. Spicer, app. master, vice Thurston. Richd. Edwards, vice Tot- hill. Edmd. Sawyer, vice Light- bourn. Hy. Montague, vice John Bennett. Thos. Lane, vice Kynas- ton. *John Waple, app. acct. gen., vice Thurston. Peter Holford, vice Robt. Holford. Thos. Harris, vice Allen. *Peter Davall, app. acct. gen., vice Waple. Peter Bonner, vice Sawyer. John Browning, vice Elde. Thos. Anguish, vice Spicer. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 397 1761. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1767. , 1773. 1775. 1778, 1780. 1781. 1782. I786. 1787. 1790. iſ 95. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1807. 1809. Nov. 7. Jan. 10. Jan. 15. June 20. June 24. Dec. 3. Aug. 6. Jan. 21. July 26. Dec. 19. Mar. 6. Apr. 11. Aug. 6. May 11. Jan. 4. Apr. 1. Feb. 13. Nov. 11. May 16. Nov. 20. June 2. Feb. 1. Mar. 28. Jan. 13. July 18. July 23. Jan. 16. Apr. 1. Feb. 10. Nov. 9. Wm. Graves, vice Bur- roughs. *Thos. Anguish, app. acct. gen., vice Davall. Saml. Pechell, app. master, vice Anguish. John Eames, vice Thos. Bennett. Edwd. Montague, Bonner. Thos. Cuddon, vice Hy. Montague. Robt. Pratt, vice Richd. Edwards. Edwd. Leeds, vice Lane. Wm. Weller Pepys, vice Pratt. John Hett, vice Cuddon. Fras. Ord, vice Harris. Robt. Bicknell, vice Brown- ing. vice John Wilmot, vice Bick- mell. Alexr. Thomson, vice Pechell. *Alexr. Thomson, app. acct. gen., vice Anguish. Alexr. Popham, app. master, vice Thomson. *Thos. Walker, app. acct. gen., vice Thomson. John Spranger, vice Hett. Nichs. Smith, vice Eames. John Simeon, vice Edwd. Montague. John Campbell, Graves. *Nichs. Smith, app. acct. gen., vice Walker. Nichs. Ridley, app. master, vice Smith. Fras. Paul Stratford, vice Leeds. John Springett Harvey, vice Wilmot. Saml. Compton Cox, vice Holford. Jas. Stanley, vice Spranger. Robt. Steele, vice Ridley. Edwd. Morris, vice Weller. Chas. Thomson, väce Popham. Wm. Alexander, vice Ord. vice 1811. 1815. 1817. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1823. 1824. 1826. 1831. 1836. 1838. I839. 1840. 1841. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. Feb. 20. Jas. Stephen, vice Stanley. June 22. Jos. Jekyll, vice Morris. July 30. Wm. Courtenay, vice Steele. Nov. 29. *John Campbell, app. acct. gen., vice Smith. John E. Dowdeswell, app. master, vice Campbell. July 12. Fras. Cross, vice Thomson. Mar. 3. Jas. Trower, vice Jekyll. Feb. 16. Wm. Wingfield, vice Alex- ander. Jas. Wm. Farrer, Simeon. *John Springett Harvey, app. acct, gen., vice Campbell. 23. Robt. Henley Eden, aft ld. Henley, vice Courte- may. Sir Giffin Wilson, app. master, vice Harvey. Geo. B. Roupell, vice Cox. Hy. Martin, vice Strat- ford. Feb. 8. Mar. 9. vice Feb. 2 Mar. 4. Mar. Mar. 29. Brougham, vice Stephen. June 9. *Wm. Geo. Adam, app. acct, gen., vice Harvey. June 7. Nassau Wm. Senior, vice Trower. Feb. 17. Andw. Hy. Lynch, vice Roupell. Mar. 15. Saml. Duckworth, vice Cross. Apr. 30. *Wm. Russell, app. acct. gen. , vice Adam. July — Sir Wm. Horne, vice Martin. Dec. 7. Sir Geo. Rose, vice ld. Henley. Oct. — Richd. Richards, acct. gen, and mast. of the ct. of exch., app. under 5 Vict. cap. 5. Dec. 20. Wm. Hy. Tinney, vice Duckworth. Mar. 10. Richd. Torin Kindersley, vice Wilson. Dec. 6. John Elijah Blunt, vice Wingfield. Dec. 7. Jos. Humphry, viceDowdes- well. Offices abolished by 15 & 16 Vict. cap. 80, and 35 & 36 Vict, cap. 44. (See ante, pp., 392–3.) ATTORNEYS GENERAL. See Introduction, ante, p. 349. THE ATToRNEY GENERAL for the time being is the head of the bar, and his office is esteemed the highest below the bench. It has subsisted for six hundred years, though not under its present designation, the original 398 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. title being ATToRNATUS REGIs. patent, was formerly “quamdiu se bene gesserit,” but is now “durante bene placito,” and the holder retires with his political friends on every change of administration. 1277-8. 1278–9. 1279–80. 1280–1. 1281–2. 1284–5. 1286. 1286–7. 1289–90. 1291–2. 1292–3. 1293–4. 1300–1. 1302. 1304–5. 1307–8. 1309–10. 1312–3. 1315–6. 1318–9. 1320–1. 1322–3. 1325. 1327. 1329. 1334. 1338. 1339. 1342. 1343. 1349. 1353. 1356. 1360. 1362. 1363. 1366. 1367. The appointment, which is by letters ATToRNEYs GENERAL. From the reign of Edward I. EDWARD I. Wm. de Boneville. Wm. de Giselham. Gilbert de Thornton. Alanus de Walkingham. Jno. le Fawconer. Wm. de Seleby. Gilbert de Thornton, again (?). Wm. Inge. Jno. de Bosco. Nichs. de Warwick Jno. de Haydell. Richd. de Breteville. Hugh de Louther. Roger de Hegham. Jno. de Mutford. Jno. de Cestria, or Chester. Jno. de Mutford, again. Jno. de Drokenesford (?). EDWARD II. Jno. de Chester, again. Matt. de Scaccario. Jno. de Norton. Wrm. de Langeley. Adam de Fyncham. Geoffrey le Scrope. Geoffrey de Fyngale. Adam de Fyncham, again. EDWARD III. Alexr. de Hadenham. Wm. de Merston, or Mershton, Feb. 26. Richd. de Aldeburgh. Simon de Trewythosa. Wm. de Hepton, or Hopton. Jno. de Lincoln, May 28. Jno. de Clone, or Clove, Aug. 4. Wm. de Merington. Jno. de Clone, again. Wm. de Thorpe. Jno. de Lincoln, again. Jno. de Clone, again. Simon de Kegworth. Hy. de Greystok. Jno. Gaunt, or de Gaunt. Richd. de Fryseby, May 4. Wm. de Pleste (? Robt.). Wm. de Nessefield. Thos. de Shardelow, Nov. 9. Jno. de Ashwell, May 20. Michl. Skilling. 1378. 1381. 1384. 1386. 1898. 1399. 1401. 1407. 1410. 1414. 1420. 1429. 1452. 1461. 1471. 1481. 1483. 1485. 1486. 1509. 1518. 1522. 1524. 1525. 1529. 1535. 1540. 1545. 1552. 1559. RICHARD II. Thos. de Shardelow, again. Wm. Ellis. Laurence Dru. Wm. de Horneby. Edmd. Brudnell, or Brudenell. Thos. Coveley. HENRY TV. Wm. de Lodington, Sept. 30. Thos. Coveley, again. Thos. Dereham, July 13. Roger Hunt, Aug. 17. Thos. Tickhill. HENRY W. Wrm. Babington, Jan. 16. Wm. Babthorpe. HENRY WI. Jno. Wampage, Oct. 28. Wm. de Nottingham, June 30. EDWARD IV. Jno. Herbert, 2 Aug. 12. Hy. Sothill, or Sotill. Wm. Husee, or Hussee, June 16. Wm. Huddersfield, May 7. EDWARD W. AND RICHARD III. Morgan Kydwelly, May 28. HENRY WII. Wm. Hody, Sept. 20. Jacob Hubbard, Nov. 3. HENRY WIII. Jno. Ernley, Apr. Jno. Fitz-James, Jan. 26. Jno. Roper, Feb. Ralph Swillington, Apr. 1. Richd, Lyster, ? Aug. Christr. Hales, June 3. Sir Jno. Baker, July 10. Wm. Whorwode, Nov. 8. Hy. Bradshaw, June 18. EDWARD VI. AND MARY. Edwd. Griffin, May 21. ELIZABETH. Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Jan. 22; aft. m. rolls. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 399 1581. 1592. 1594. 1606. 1613. 1617. 1621. 1625. 1631. 1634 1641. 1645. 1644. 1649. 1659. 1649. 1660. 1670. 1673. 1675. 1679. 1681. 1687. 1689. Sir Jno. Popham, June 1; aft. ch. just. Q. B. Sir Thos. Egerton, June 2; aft. ld. kpr., ld, chanc., and ld, Elles- IQ @I’6. Sir Edwd. Coke, Apr. 10; aft. ch. just. C. P. and K. B. JAMES I. Sir Hy. Hobart, bt., July 4; aft. ch. just. C. P. Sir Fras. Bacon, Oct. 27 ; aft. li. kpr., ld, chanc., and lá. Verulam. Sir Hy. Yelverton, bt., Mar. 12; aft. just. C. P. Sir Thos. Coventry, Jan. 11; aft. ld. kpr., and ld. Coventry. CHARLES I. Sir Robt. Heath, Oct. 31 ; aft. ch. just. C. P. and K. B. Wm, Noy, Oct. 27. . Sir Jno. Banks, Sept. 27. Sir Edwd. Herbert, Jan. 29; aft. ch. just. C. P. Thos. Gardner, Nov. 3. COMMON weal.TH. Oliver St. John, (?) May. St. John is named as atty. gen. by Whitelocke, but Foss says he was merely continued in his old office of king's solr. gen., and that the ordi- nance of the Commons, on which Whitelocke relies, Imerely enabled him to perform the duties of atty. €Il. w: Steele, Jan. 10; aft. recorder of London, and ch. bar. ex. Edmd. Prideaux, Apr. 9. Robt. Reynolds. CHARLES II. Edwd. Herbert held the nominal title during the king's exile until 1653. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, bt., May 31. Sir Heneage Finch, knt, and bt., May 10; aft. li. chanc., ld. Finch of Daventry, and E. of Notting- ham. Sir Fras. North, Nov. 12; aft. ch. just. C. P., ld, kpr., and lå, and E. of Guilford. Sir Wrm. Jones, Jan. 25. Sir Creswell Levinz, or Levinge, Oct. 27 ; aft. just. C. P. Sir Robt. Sawyer, Feb. 24. JAMES II. Sir Thos. Powis, Dec. 13. WILLIAM III. Sir Hy. Pollexfen, Feb.; aft. ch. just. C. P. - 1689. 1692. 1693. 1695. 1701. 1707. 1708. 1710. 1762. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1771. 1778. 1780. 1782. 1783. Sir Geo. Treby, May 4 ; aft. ch. just. C. P. Sir Jno. Somers, May 3; aft. Id. kpr., 1d. chanc., and ló. Somers. Sir Edwd. Ward, Mar. 30; aft. ch. bar. ex. Sir Thos. Trevor, June 8; aft. ch just. C. P., and lå. Trevor. Sir Edwd. Northey, June 28. ANNE. Sir Simon Harcourt, Apr. 26. Sir Jas. Montague, Oct. 22. Sir Simon Harcourt, again, Sept. . 19; aft. la. kpr., ld. Harcourt, and ló. chanc. Sir Edwd. Northey, again, Oct. 19. GEORGE I. . Sir Nichs. Lechmere, Mar. 18; aft. ld. Lechmere. . Sir Robt. Raymond, May 7; aft. just, and ch, just. K. B., and lå. Raymond. . Sir Philip Yorke, Feb. 1; aft. ch. just. K. B., ld. Hardwicke, ld. chanc., visc. Royston, and E. Hardwicke. GEORGE II. . Sir Jno. Willes, Jan. ; aft. ch. just. C, P . Sir Dudley Ryder, Jan. 28; aft. ch. just. K. B. . Hon. Wm. Murray, May ; aft. ch. just. R. B., and ló. and E. of Mans- field. . Sir Robt. Henley, Nov. 3; aft. Id. kpr., ld, and visc. Henley, E. of Northington, and ld. chanc. . Sir Chas. Pratt, July 1; aft. ch. just. C. P., la. chanc., and lå. and E. Camden. GEORGE III. Hon. Chas. Yorke, Jan. 25. Sir Fletcher Norton, Dec. 16; aft. sp. ho. comms. , and lù. Grantley. Hon. Chas. Yorke, again, Sept. 17; aft. la. chanc. Wm. de Grey, Aug. 6; aft. ch. just., C. P., and ló. Walsingham. Edwd. Thurlow, Jan. 26 ; aft. li. chanc. and ló. Thurlow. Alexr. Wedderburn, June 11; aft. ch, just. C. P., ld. Loughborough, ld. chanc., and E. of Rosslyn. Jas, Wallace, July 21. Lloyd Kenyon, Apr. 18. Jas. Wallace, again, May 2; d. Now. following. John Lee, Nov. 22. Lloyd Kenyon, again, Dec. 26; aft. m. Folls, a bt., ch. just. K. B., and ld. Kenyon. 400 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1784. 1788. 1793. 1799. 1801. 1802. 1806. 1807. 1812. 1813. 1817. 1819. 1824 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1832. 1834. 1835. 1841. THE The Richd. Pepper Arden, Mar. 31; aft. m. rolls, ch. just. C. P., and ld. Alvanley. Sir Archd. Macdonald, June 28; aft. ch. bar. ex. - Sir John Scott, Feb. 14; aft. ch. just. C. P., ld. Eldon, ld, chanc. and E. of Eldon. Sir John Mitford, July 18; aft. sp. ho. commons; lil. chanc. Ireland, and ld. Redesdale. Sir Edwd. Law, Feb. 14; aft. ch. just. K.B., and ld. Ellenborough. Pion. Spencer Perceval, Apr. 15 ; assass. by Bellingham, while prime minister, May 11, 1812. Sir Arthur Pigott, Feb. 12. Sir Vicary Gibbs, Apr. 1; aft. just.C. P. ch. bar. ex., and ch. just. C. P. Sir Thos. Plumer, June 26 ; aft. v. chanc. of England, and m. rolls. Sir Wm. Garrow, May 4; aft. bar. €X. Sir Saml. Shepherd, May 7; aft. a judge in Scotland. Sir Robt. Gifford, July 24; aft. ch. just. C. P., ld. Gifford, and m. rolls. GEORGE IV. Sir John Singleton Copley, Jan. 9; aft. m. rolls, ld. Lyndhurst, ld. chanc. (three times), and ch. bar, ex. Sir Chas. Wetherell, Sept. 20. Jas. Scarlett, aft. Sir J., Apr. 27. Sir Chas. Wetherell, again, Feb. 19. Sir Jas. Scarlett, again, June 29; aft. ch. bar, ex., and ló. Abinger. WILLIAM TV. Thos. Denman, Nov. 19 (? 26); knt. Nov. 24; aft. ch. just. K. B. and ld. Denman. Sir Wm. Horne, Nov. 26 ; aft. mast. in chanc. Sir John Campbell, Mar. 1. Fredk. Pollock, Dec. 17; knt. Dec. 29. Sir John Campbell, again, Apr. 30; aft. la. chanc. Ireland, ld. Camp- bell, ch. duch. lanc., ch, just. Q. B., and ló. chanc. VICTORIA. Sir Thos. Wilde, July 3. Sir Fredk. Pollock, again, Sept. 6; aft. ch. bar. ex., and a bt. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1856. 1858. 1859. 1861. 1863. 1866. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1871. 1873. 1874. 1874. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1886. 1886. Sir Wm. Webb Follett, Apr. 15; d. June 28, 1845. Sir Fredk. Thesiger, June 29. Sir Thos. Wilde, again, July 7; aft. ch, just. C. P., ld, chanc., and lå. Truro. John Jervis, July 17; knt., Aug. 1; ch, just. C. P. Sir John Romilly, July 11; aft. m. rolls, and lá. Romilly. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, Mar. 28. Sir Fredk. Thesiger, again, Feb. 27, aft. la. chanc., and ld. Chelms- ford. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, again, Dec. 28; aft. ch. just. c. P. and Q. B. | Sir Richd. Bethell, Nov., knt. Now, 15. Sir Fitzroy Kelly, Feb. 26; aft. ch. bar. ex. Sir Richd. Bethell, again, June 18; aft, ld, chanc. and lå. Westbury, Sir Wm. Atherton, June 27. Sir Roundell Palmer, Oct. 2, G.; aft. ld. chanc. and lá. and E. Selborne. Sir Hugh McCalmont Cairns, July 10, G.; aft, ld, just app., ld. Cairns, ld, chanc., and E. Cairns. John Rolt, Oct. 29, G.; knt. Nov. 10; aft. li. just. app. Sir John Burgess Karslake, July 18. Sir Robt. Porrett Collier, Dec. 12, G. : aft. just. C. P., and jud. com. P. C. Sir John Duke Coleridge, Nov. 10, G.; aft. ch. just. C. P., ld. Coleridge, and ch. just. Q. B. Hºmes, Nov. 20, G.; knt. Dec. Sir John Burgess Karslake, again, Feb. 27, G. Sir Richd. Baggallay, Apr 20; aft. ld, just. app. - Sir John Holker, Nov. 25, G.; aft. li. just app. Sir Hy. James, again, May 3, G. Richd. Everard Webster, June 26; knt. July 9. Chas. Arthur Russell, Feb. 9, G.; knt. Mar. 8. Sir Richd. Everard Webster, again, Aug. 5. SOLICITORS GENERAL. SolICITOR GENERAL is next in rank to the Attorney General. office, which was originally styled SoLLICITOR REGIs, was first instituted in the reign of Edward IV. It is created by letters patent, and is held on the same tenure as that of the attorney-general. The THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 401 honour of knighthood is now always conferred both upon the attorney the solicitor-general, and, together, they are usually styled the “Law Officers of the Crown.” - and 1461. 1470. 1483. 1485. 1503. 1507. 1514. 1521. 1525. 1531. 1533, 1536. 1540. 1545. 1552. 1553. 1557. 1559, 1566. 1569. 1579. 1581. 1592. 1595. 1604. 1607. 1613. 1617. 1621. 1625. 1634. 1640. 1641. SoLICITORs GENERAL. From the reign of Edward IV. Those marked * afterwards became attorneys general. See “ATToRNEYs GENERAL,” ante p. 398, where their subsequent promotions are noted. EDWARD IV. Richd. Fowler, Mar. 12. Richd. Page, Jan. 31. RICHARD III. Thos. Lynom, Aug. 26. HENRY WII. Andrew Dimmock or Dymock, Nov. 15. - Thos. Lucas. *John Ernley, July 9. HENRY VIII. John Port. Richd. Lyster, July 8. *Christr. Hales, Aug. 14. |Baldwin Mallet. Richd. Rich, Oct. 4. *Wm. Whorwode, Apr. 13. Hy. Bradshaw, Nov. *Edwd. Griffin, June 18. EDwARD VI. John Gosnel or Gosnold, May 21. MARY. Wm. Cordell, Sept. 30. Richd. Weston, sen. , Nov. 20. ELIZABETH. Richd. Roswell, Feb. 1. Richd. Onslow, June 27. Thos. Bromley, jun., Mar. 13; aft. sir T. and ló. chanc. *Sir John Popham, June 26. *Sir Thos. Egerton, June 28. *Sir Edwd. Coke, June 16. Thos. Fleming, or Flemynge, Nov. 6. JAMES I. Sir John Doderidge, Oct. *Sir Fras. Bacon, June 25. *Hy. Yelverton, Oct. 29. *Sir Thos. Coventry, Mar. 14. *Robt. Heath, Jan. 22. CHARLES I. Sir Richd. Sheldon,or Shilton, Nov. 1. Sir Edwd. Littleton, Oct. 17; aft. la. Littleton and ló. kpr. *Sir Edwd. Herbert, Jan. 25. Oliver St. John, Jan. 29. 1643, 1645. 1643. 1548. 1649. 1650. 1654. 1660. 1670. 1671. 1673. 1674. 1679. 1686. 1687. 1689. 1692. 1695. 1702. 1707. 1708. 1710. 1714. 1715. 1717. 1720. 1724. 1726. 1734. 1737. 1742. Sir Thos. Gardner, knt. and bt., Oct. 30. Geoffrey Palmer, Nov. 3. COMMONWEALTH. Oliver St. John, continued in office by the parliament. *Edmd. Prideaux, Oct. 12. John Cook, Jan. 10. *Robt. Reynolds. Wm. Ellis, May 24. CHARLES II. *Sir Heneage Finch, June 6. Sir Edwd. Turner, May 11; aft. ch. bar. ex. *Sir Fras. North, May 20. *Sir Wm. Jones, Nov. 11. Sir Fras. Winnington, Dec. Hon. Heneage Finch, Jan. 13. JAMES II. *Sir Thos. Powys, or Powis, Apr. 26. Sir Wm. Williams, Dec. 13. WILLIAM III. *Sir Geo. Treby, Feb. *John Somers, May 4. *Sir Thos. Trevor, May 3. Sir John Hawles, June 8. ANNE. *Sir Simon Harcourt, June 1. *Sir Jas. Montagu, Apr. 26. Robt. Eyre, Oct. 22; aft. just. Q. B., ch, bar. ex., and ch. just. C. P. *Sir Robt. Raymond, May 13. GEORGE I. *Nichs. Lechmere, Oct. 14. John Fortescue Aland, Dec. 6; aft. bar, ex., just. K. B., just. C. P., and, ld. Fortescue, in Ireland. Sir Wm. Thomson, Jan. 24; aft. bar. €X. *Sir Philip Yorke, Mar. 23. Sir Clement Wearg, Feb. 1; d. next year. Chas. Talbot, Apr. 23; chanc. and ló. Talbot. GEORGE II. *Sir Dudley Ryder, Jan. John Strange, Jan. 28; aft. m. rolls, *Hon. Wm. Murray, Nov. 27. aft. li. 26 402 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1754. 1756. 1762. 1763. 1766. 1768. 1770. 1771. 1778. 1780. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1788. 1793. 1799. 1801. 1802. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1812. 1813, 1830. 1832. 1834. . *Chas. Wetherell, Jan. 12; Sir Richd. Lloyd, May; aft. bar. ex. *Hon. Chas. Yorke, Nov. 3. GEORGE III. *Fletcher Norton, Jan. 25. *Wm. de Grey, Dec. 16. Edwd. Willes, Aug. 6; aft. just. IK. B. John Dunning, Jan. 28; aft. li. Ash- burton. *Edwd. Thurlow, Mar. 30. *Alexr. Wedderburn, Jan. 26. *Jas. Wallace, June 11. Jas. Mansfield, Sept. 1. *John Lee, Apr. 18. *Richd. Pepper Arden, Nov. 7. *John Lee, again, Apr. 18. Jas. Mansfield, again, Nov. 22; aft. ch. just. C. P. *Richd. Pepper Arden, again, Dec. 26 *Archd. Macdonald, Apr. 8. *John Scott, aft. Sir J., June 28. *John Mitford, aft, sir J., Feb. 14. Wm. Grant, aft. Sir W., July 18; aft. m. rolls. *Hon. Spencer Perceval, Feb. 14. Thos. Manners Sutton, May 11; knt. May 19 ; aft. bar. ex., ld, chanc. Ireland, and ld. Manners. *Vicary Gibbs, Feb. 12; knt. Feb. 20. Saml. Romilly, aft. Sir S., Feb. 12. *Thos. Plumer, aft. Sir T., Apr. 1. *Wm. Garrow, June 26; knt. July 17. Robt. Dallas, May 4; knt. May 9; aft. just. and ch. just. C. P. *Saml. Shepherd, Dec. 22; knt. May 11, 1814. . *Robt. Gifford, May 9; knt. May 29. . *John Singleton Copley, aft. Sir J., July 24. GEORGE IV. knt. Mar. 10. . Nicolas Conyngham Tindal, Sept. . 20; knt. Nov. 27; aft. ch. just. C. P. . Sir Edwd. Burtenshaw Sugden, June 29; knt. June 10; aft. li. chanc. Ireland, ld. St. Leonards, and lå. chanc. WILLIAM IV. *Wm. Horne, Nov. 26 ; knt. Nov. 24. *John Campbell, Nov. 26; knt. Dec. 3 Chas. Christr. Pepys, Feb. 25; knt. Feb. 26; aft. m. rolls, ld. Cotten- ham, ld, chanc., and E. of Cot- tenham. 1834. 1835. 1839. 1841. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1848. 1850. 1851. Robt. Monsey Rolfe, Nov. 6. *Wm. Webb Follett, Dec. 20; knt, Dec. 22. Robt. Momsey Rolfe, again, May 4 ; knt. May 6; aft. bar. ex., v. chanc., ld. Cranworth, ld. just. app., and lå. chanc. VICTORIA. *Thos. Wilde, Dec. 2; knt. Feb. 19, 1840. *Sir Wm. Webb Follett, Sept. 6. *Fredk. Thesiger, Apr. 15 ; knt May 23. Fitzroy Kelly, July 17; knt. Aug. 8. *John Jervis, July 4. David Dundas, July 18; knt. Feb. 24, 1847. - *John Romilly, Mar. ; knt. May 17. *Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, July 11; knt. Aug. 14. Wm. Page Wood, Mar. 28; knt. Apr. 14; aft. v. chanc.; lil. just. app., ld, chanc., and 1d. Hather- le again, y. . *Sir Fitzroy Kelley, again, Feb. 27. *Richd. Bethell, Dec. 28; knt. June 13, 1853. 1856. Hon Jas. Stuart Wortley, Nov. 22. 1857. Hy. Singer Keating, May 28; knt. 1861. 1863. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1871. 1873. June 18. *Hugh MacCalmont Cairns, aft. sir H., Feb. 26. . Sir Hy. Singer Keating, again, June 18; aft. just. C. P. *Wm. Atherton, Dec. 16, G.; knt. Feb. 23, 1860. *Roundell Palmer, June 28 ; knt. Aug. 5. *Robt. Porrett Collier, Oct. 2, G.; knt. Nov. 23. *Wm. Bovill, July 10, G.; knt. July 26; aft. ch. just. C. P. *John Burgess Karslake, Nov. 29, G.; knt. Dec. 28. Chas. Jasper Selwyn, July 18; knt. Aug. 31 ; aft. 1d. just, app. Wm. Baliol Brett, Feb. 10; knt Feb. 29; aft. just. C. P., ld, just app., m. rolls, and ld. Esher. *Richd. Baggallay, Sept. 14; knt. Dec. 9. *John Duke Coleridge, Dec. 12, G.; knt. Dec. 12. Geo. Jessel, Nov. 10, G.; knt. Feb. 21, 1872; aft. m. rolls. *Hy. James, Sept. 26, G.; knt. Dec. 12. Wm. Geo. Granville Venables Ver- mon Harcourt, Nov. 20, G.; knt. Dec. 12; aft, ch. ex., &c. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 403 1874. *Sir Richd. Baggallay, again, Feb. 27, G. - *John Holker, Apr. 20; knt. Dec. 12. Hardinge Stanley Giffard, Nov. 25, G.; knt. Nov. 27; aft. Id. chanc. and lù. Halsbury. Farrer Herschell, May 3, G.; knt. 1875. 1880. May 13. ; aft. la. chanc. and lù. Herschell. 1885. John Eldon Gorst, July 2, G.; knt. Aug. 1. * 1886. Horace Davey, Feb. 15, G.; knt. Mar. 8. Edwd. Geo. Clarke, Aug. 6; knt. Aug. 16. JUDGES OF THE COUNTY COURTS. THESE courts were established under 9 & 10 Vict. cap. 95 (Aug. 28, 1846), and Orders in Council dated Dec. 19, 1846, and Feb. 4, and Mar. 9, 1847. The judges' style and precedence are fixed by Order in Council dated Aug. 7, 1884. They are to be “called, known, and addressed as “his honour’ prefixed to the word ‘judge’ before their respectives names,” and to have “rank and precedence next after knight bachelors.” This list has been compiled and very kindly furnished by Mr. F. Boase, the librarian to the Incorporated Law Society. JUDGES OF THE COUNTY COURTs. ORIGINAL APPOINTMENTS. March, 1847. Jas. Manning, S.L., res. Feb. 1863. Hy. Storks, S. L., res. Sept. 1859. Thos. Starkie, Q.C., d. Apr. 15, 1849. John Herbert Koe, Q.C., d. Sept. 3, 1860. Nathl. Richd. Clarke, S.L., d. July 31, 1859. John Billingsley Parry, Q.C., res. Sept. 1874. Fras. King Eagle, d. June 8, 1856. John Wilson, d. Dec. 6, 1851. John Tyrrell, res. Dec. 1864. Geo. Hutton Wilkinson, res. May 1853. Joseph Grace Smith, d. Mar. 26, 1859. Uvedale Corbett, res. Sept. 1865. John Farquhar Fraser, d. Feb. 1865. John Addison, d. July 14, 1859. Wm. Lowndes, d. Mar. 31, 1850. Andrew Amos, res. Sept. 1852. Chas. Heneage Elsley, res. 1854. Arthur Palmer, res. 1854. Robt. Brandt, d. Apr. 15, 1862. John Hildyard, d. Feb. 13, 1855. Thos. Horncastle Marshall, d. Feb. 18, 1875; Wm. Mackworth Praed, 1857. Edwd. Everett, res. Dec. 1867. Robt. Griffiths Temple, d. Jan. 11, 1859. Richd. Leigh Trafford, res. Oct. 1862. Hy. Downer Stapylton, res. 1873. Benj. Parham, res. 1859. Wm. Adam Hulton, res. 1886. Jas. Espinasse, d. Mar. 16, 1867. d. Oct. 2, Jan. | Geo. Granville Kekewich, d. Jan. 7, 1857. | John Collyer, d. Sept. 1, 1870. Chas. Harwood, d. Sept. 25, 1866. John Dick Burnaby, d. Dec. 29, 1855. Wm. Gurdon, res. Mar. 1871. Denis Creagh Moylan, d. 1849. Richd. Wildman, res. Apr. 1881. John Stock Turner Green, res. Mar. 1872; no successor app. Geo. Clive, res. Feb. 1857. John Geo. Stapylton Smith, d. Oct. 23, 1862. Jos. Thos. Cantrell, d. Apr. 6, 1862. John Johnes, res. Oct. 1861. Thos. Jacob Birch, d. Apr. 26, 1868. David Leahy, d. June 21, 1847. Chas. Jas. Gale, res. Oct. 1874. Robt. Wharton, d. Oct. 27, 1848. Jas. Francillon, d. Sept. 3, 1866. Wm. Raines, d. Jan. 28, 1874. Wm. Walker, res. Nov. 10, 1863. John Monson Carrow, d. May 8, 1853. Fredk. Trotter Dimsdale, d. July 8, 1872; no successor app. Theoph. Hastings Ingham. Arthur Jas. Johnes, res. Dec. 1870. Douglas Devon Heath, res. Sept. 1865. John Maurice Herbert, d. Nov. 3, 1882, Jos. St. John Yates, res. July 1882. John Wm. Harden, d. Apr. 16, 1875. Edwd. Lewis Richards, d. June 1863. John W. Wing, d. June 18, 1855. Jas. Stansfeld, res. Sept. 1871. Wm. Furner, res. Sept. 1877. 25, 26 % 404 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTS. Geo. Chilton, Q.C., June, vice Leahy, dec. ; d. Nov. 1, 1852. Alf. Sept. Dowling, S.L., Nov. 9, vice Wharton, dec.; d. Mar. 3, 1868. Herbt. Geo. Jones, S.L., Apr. 16, vice Starkie, dec.; d. Feb. 17, 1866. Fras. Bayley, Nov. 28, vice Moylan, dec. Wm. Ramshay, Apr., vice Lowndes, dec. ; rem. Nov. 1851. Jos. Pollock, Nov., vice Ramshay, rem. ; res. Oct. 1857. Thos. Falconer, Dec. 22, vice Wil- son, dec. ; res. Dec. 1881. Jno. Leycester Adolphus, Oct., vice Amos, res. ; d. Dec. 24, 1862. Jno. Pitt Taylor, Nov. 2, vice Chil- ton, dec. ; res. Oct. 1885. Graham Willmore. Q.C., May, vice Carrow, dec. ; d. June 19, 1856. James Losh, May, vice Wilkinson, res. ; d. Oct. 1, 1858. Sir Jno. Eardley Eardley-Wilmot, bt., Jan. 26, vice Palmer, res. ; res. Nov. 1871. Edwd. Cooke, Jan., vice Elsley, res. ; res. 1861. Jas. Jno. Lonsdale, Feb. 14, vice Hildyard, dec.; res. Mar. 1884. Christr. Temple, Q.C., June, vice Wing, dec. ; d. Jan. 21, 1871. Robt. Miller, S. L., Jan. 1, vice Bur- naby, dec.; d. Aug. 5, 1876. Jno. Worlledge, June 9, vice Eagle, dec.; res. June 1880. Chas. Saunders, June 23, vice Will- more, dec. ; d. Apr. 8, 1872. No successor appointed. Chas. Shapland Whitmore, Feb. 10, vice Clive, res. ; d. May 17, 1877. Chas. Dacres Bevan, Jan. 22, vice Kekewich, dec. ; d. June 24, 1872. Matt. Fortescue, Oct. 8, vice Praed, dec.; d. Mar. 27, 1883. Jas. Kennedy Blair, Oct. 22, vice Pollock, res. ; res. Feb. 28, 1872. Jno. Bury Dasent, Oct. 2, vice Losh, dec. ; res. Jan. 1884. Sir Walter Buchanan-Riddell, bt., Jan. 12, vice R. G. Temple, dec.; res. July 1879. Camille Felix Desiré Caillard, Mar. 27, vice J. G. Smith, dec. Robt. Segar, July, vice Addison, dec. ; d. May 1862. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1865. 1866. 1867. Allan Maclean Skinner, Q.C., Aug. 1, vice Clarke, dec.; res. Sept. 1872. ; Rupert Alf. Kettle, aft. Sir R., Oct. 15, vice Parham, res. Wm. Hy. Willes, Sept., vice Storks, res. ; d. Feb. 2, 1863. Jas. Whigham, Sept. 5, vice Koe, dec. Fras. Ellis, aft. Ellis-McTaggart, May 4, vice E. Cooke, res. ; d. Mar. 15, 1872. Hy. Ridgard Bagshawe, Q.C., Oct. 30, vice J. Johnes, res. ; d. May 16, 1870. Wm. Elmsley, Q.C., Apr. 16, vice Cantrell, dec.; d. Dec. 20, 1866. Edwd. Ovens, May 8, vice Brandt, dec, ; d. Feb. 19, 1869. Thos. Wheeler, s. L., May 26, vice Segar, dec. ; d. June 17, 1883. Wm. Nichols, Oct. 22, vice Trafford, res. ; d. Dec. 29, 1864. Jno. Godfrey Teed, Q.C., Oct. 31, vice J. G. T. Smith, dec. ; d. Oct. 20, 1871. Wm. Blanshard, Jan. 10, vice Adol- phus, dec.; res. 1871. Edwd. Jno. Lloyd, Q.C., Feb. 18, vice Willes, dec, ; res. Sept. 1874. Wm. Spooner, Feb. 13, vice Manning, res. ; d. May 19, 1880. Robt. Vaughan Williams, July 7, vice Richards, dec, ; res. Sept. 1874. Thos. Ellison, Nov. 10, vice Walker, TOS, Chas. Erdman Petersdorff, S.L., Jan. , 1, vvce Tyrrell, res. ; res. Dec. 1885. Rd. Griffiths Welford, Jan. 11, vice Nichols, dec.; d. Sept. 2, 1872. Hy. Jas. Stonor, Feb. 17, vice Fraser, dec. Geo. Lake Russell, Sept. 21, vice Heath, res. ; d. Nov. 16, 1878. Josiah Wm. Smith, Q.C., Sept. 26, vice Corbett, res. ; res. Jan. 1879. Thos. Hull Terrell, Feb. 23, vice H. G. Jones, dec.; res. Dec. 1877. Wm. Carmalt Scott, Sept. 7, vice Francillon, dec. ; d. Mar. 3, 1874. Chas. Sumner, Sept. 28, vice Har- wood, dec. ; d. Dec. 23, 1885. Geo. Russell, aſt. Sir G., Dec., vice Elmsley, dec, ; res. Feb. 1884. Wm. Thos. Shave Daniel, Q.C., Mar. 20, vice Espinasse, dec.; res. Apr. 1884. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 405 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. Thos. E. P. Lefroy, Jan. 1, vice Everett, res. ; res. Oct. 1880. Edmd. Robt. Turner, Mar. 11, vice Dowling. dec. Wm. Hy. Cooke, Q.C., Apr. 29, vice Birch, dec. Jno. Archd. Russell, Q.C., Mar. 2, vice Ovens, dec. Gordon Whitbread, May 21, vºce Bagshawe, Q.C., dec. ; d. Jan. 29, 1883. Edmd. Beales, Sept. 17, voce Collyer, dec. ; d. June 26, 1881. Hy. Tindal Atkinson, S.L., Dec. 16, vice A. J. Johnes, res. ; res. Nov. 1888. Jno. Osborne, Q.C., Jan. 26, vice C. Temple, dec. ; d. Nov. 23, 1872. Jno. Thos. Abdy, Apr. 1, vice Gur- don, res. Delamere Robt. Blaine, Apr., vice Blanshard, res. ; d. Dec. 13, 1871. Homersham Cox, Oct. 1, vice Stans- feld, res. Thos. Jos. Cavendish Bradshaw, Nov. 10, vice Eardley-Wilmot, res. ; d. Dec. 17, 1884. Jas. Stephen, Nov. 16, vºce Teed, dec Rd. Harington, aft. Sir R., bt., Jan. 6, vice Blaine, dec. Hy. Tyrwhitt Jones Macnamara, Apr. 1, vice Ellis-McTaggart, dec.; res. Aug. 1873. Thos. Perronet Edwd. Thompson, Apr. 1, vice Blair, res. Montagu Bere, Q.C.. June 28, vice Bevan, dec.; d. Oct. 19, 1887. Hy. Warwick Cole, Q.C., Sept. 11, vice Welford, dec.; d. June 19, 1876. Alfred Martineau, Oct. 4, vice Skin- ner, res. Crompton Hutton, Dec. Osborne, dec. Edgar Jno. Meynell, Feb. 1, vice Stapylton, res. Jno. Fras. Collier, Aug. 9, vice Mac- namara, res. C. Chapman Barber, Feb., Raines, dec. ; res. Mar. 1874. Fras. Alford Bedwell, Mar. 16, vice Barber, res. Woodforde Ffooks Woodforde, Mar. 24, vice Scott, dec. Robt. Alexr. Fisher, Oct. 1, vice E. J. Lloyd, res. ; d. Sept. 30, 1879. Patr. Marcellinus Leonard, Oct. 1, vice Gale, res. Edwin Plumer Price, Oct. 5, vºce Parry, res. Horatio Lloyd, Oct. 5, vice Vaughan Williams, res. 27, vice vice 1875. Jno. Walter de Longueville Giffard, 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Mar. 15, vice Marshall, dec.; d. Oct. 23, 1888. Wm. Wynne Ffoulkes, May 6, vice Harden, dec. Jas. Motteram, Q.C., June 20, vice Cole, dec. ; d. Sept. 19, 1884. Fras. Barrow, Aug. 23, vice Miller, S.L., dec, ; res. Nov. 1883. Wm. Downes Griffith, June 9, vice Whitmore, dec. Vernon Lushington, Q.C., Oct. 1, vice Furner, res. Wm. Beresford, Jan. 1, vice Terrell. Fras. Hy. Bacon, Nov. 23, vice G. L. Russell, dec. Arundel Rogers. Feb. 6, vice J. W. Smith. res. Wm. Jas. Metcalfe, Q.C., Oct. 20, vice Fisher, dec. Hy. Holroyd, May 27, vice Spooner, dec. Saml. Boteler Bristowe, Q.C., July 1, vice Worlledge, res. Wm. Thos. Greenhow, Oct. 9, vice Lefroy, res. Fras. Roxburgh, Q.C., aft. Sir F., May 1, vice Wildman, res. Wm. Hy. Gunning Bagshawe, Q.C., July 1, vice Beales, dec. Benjn. Thos. Williams, Q.C., Dec. 13, vice Falconer, res. ; res. June 1885. Thos. Hughes, Q.C., July 21, vice Yates, res. Wm. Lyon Selfe, Nov. 8, vice Her- bert, dec. Arthur Shelly Eddis, Q.C., Feb. 1, vice Whitbread, dec. Thos. Wm. Snagge, Mar. 31, vice Fortescue, dec. Thos. Hudson Jordan, June 18, vice Wheeler, dec. Jas. J. Hooper, Dec. 1, vice Barrow, TGS, Saml. Prentice, Q.C., Jan. 14, vice Dasent, res. Wrm. Stevenson Owen, Feb. 9, vice Sir G. Russell, res. Gwilym Williams, Apr. 1, vice Lons- dale, res. Jno. Jos. Powell, Q.C., Apr. 12, vice Daniel, res. Mackenzie Dalzell Chalmers, Sept. 27, vice Motteram, dec. Wm. Haworth Holl, Q.C., Dec. 19, vice Bradshaw, dec. David Brynmor Jones, July 1, vice B. T. Williams, res. Philip Chasemore Ga tes, Q.C., Now 2, vice Pitt-Taylor, res. Jno. Bishop, Jan. 1, vice Sumner dec. Wm. Paterson, Jan. 19, vice Peters- dorff, res. 1885; d. 29 July, 1886. 406 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1886. Millis Coventry, Mar., vice Hulton, 1888. Jas. Broughton Edge, Nov., vice Giffard, dec. Jas. Mackonochie, Nov., vice Atkin- Son, res. I’0S, 1887. Jno. Morgan Howard, Q.C., Nov., vice Bere, dec. SERJEANTS-AT-LAW. See Introduction, ante, p. 348. THE Serjeants formerly enjoyed the exclusive right of pleading in the Court of Common Pleas during term time, but this privilege was abo- lished by 9 & 10 Vict. cap. 54 (Aug. 18, 1846). The rule which required every judge of the common law courts to take, or to have taken, the degree of a serjeant before his appointment was abolished by the Supreme Court of Judicature Act, 1873. Since that Act cane into operation in 1875 no serjeants have been appointed, and the order is gradually dying out. A few years ago, their inn was sold and the proceeds divided amongst the then surviving members. Full information concerning this ancient order will be found in Ser- jeant Pulling's “Order of the Coif.” SERJEANTS-AT-LAW. Those marked * were afterwards raised to the bench. See Lists of Judges, ante, where their subsequent promotions are noted. K. signifies King's wealth ; P.P. Patent of Precedence. 1274–5. *Thos. de Weyland, K. *John de Metingham, K. *John de Cobbeham, K. *Elias de Beckingham, K. 1280–1. *Gilbert de Thornton, K. *Wm. de Giselham, K. 1291–2. *Wm. Inge, K. 1292–3. *Nichs. de Warwick, K. 1296–7. Thos. le Mareschall, K. 1309–10. *Roger le Scotro, P K. *Edmd. Passele, ? K. 1315–6. *Wm. de Herle, ? K. *Gilbert de Toutheby, K. *Geoffrey le Scrope, K. *John de Stonore, ? K. 1320–1. John de Denum. 1329. *Richd. de Aldeburgh, K. *John de Cantebrig, K. 1330. *John de Trevaignon, K. 1331. *Wm. de Denum, K. John de Munden. *Wm. de Shareshull, K. Richd. de Bellishall. Thos. de Lincoln. 1334. *Wm. Scot, K. *Robt. Parning, K. Lucas de Burgh, K. 1335. Wm. de Hopton, K. 1338. Arnold de Doresme, ? K. — Spigurnel, K. Simon de Trewythosa, K. Serjeant ; Q. Queen's Serjeant ; C. Serjeant for the Common- 1340. *John de Stoward, or Stou- ford, K. 1341. *Wm. de Thorpe, K. 1343. *Thos. de Fencotes, 2 K. 1344. — Rokel, ? K. 1345. *Robt. de Thorpe, K. *Hy. Green, K. *Thos. de Setone, K. 1346. *Wrm. de Notton, K. 1350. — Burton, P K. 1854. *Wm. do Shipwith, K. *John de Moubray, K. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 407 1356. Wm. de Fishide. I357. *John Knyvet. 1362. Edmd. Chillery, K. *Wm. de Wychingham, K. Wm. de Fyncheden, K. 1363. — “Richm,” 2 K. 1366. *Robt. Bealknap, K. *Roger de Meres, K. *John de Cavendish. *John de Fencotes. — Hillam. Roger de Kirketon. — Moris. Gillardus de Ufflete. 1370. *Roger de Fulthorpe, K. *Hy, de Percehay, K. 1371. — Wakbruge, ? K. 1375. Walter Persey, 2 K. *David Hannemere, K. 1377., *John Holt. *Robt. Tresilian, K. *Walter de Clopton, K. John de Middleton, K. 1383. *John Cary. Edmd. de Clay. *John Hill. *Wm. Rickhill, K. 1385. *John de Lokton, K. 1390. *John Markham, K. *John Wadham, K. *Wm. Hankford, K. *Wm. Brenchesley, K. 1397. *Wm. Gascoigne, K. 1399. *Robt. Tirwhit, K. Wm. Hornby, K. *Robt. Hill, K. 1401. J ohn Read. W m. Frisby. 1402. Thos. Tildeslegh, K. *John Colepeper, K. 1407. *Richd. Norton, K. 1408. Wm. Skrene, K. 1413. 1410. *John de Preston. *Wm. Lodington, K. 1413. *Jas. Strangeways, K. 1415. *Wm. Cheyne. John Barton, jun. Walter Askham. *John Martin. Wm. Wynard. 1413. *John Halls, K. 1413. 1415. John Barton, sen. Thos. Lopham. Wm. Poulet. 1418. *Wm. Babington. *John Martin. Wm. Pole. *John Cotismore. *Win. Westbury. *John Ivyn, or Juyn. Thos. Rolfe. 1421. *Wrm. Paston. 1424. John Ellarker. *Wrm. Goderede. K. 1430, Wm. Hall. *Richd. Newton. *Thos. Fulthorpe. Wm. Chantrell. Robt. Caundish. John Weston. 1429. *John Fortescue, K. 1441. 1440. *Wm. Yolverton, *John Markham, K. 1443. John Portington, K. 1443. *Nichs. de Ayshtone, *Richd. Bingham. *Ralph Pole. *Robt. Danby, *John Prisot. *Walter Moyle, K. 1454. *Peter Arderne. *Robt. Danvers, K. 1453. Wm. Hyndestone. *Wrm. Laken. Wm. Wangford. Wrm. Boeff. *Thos. Lyttelton, K. *Richd. Choke. *John Needham, K. 1454. Thos. Billing, K. 1456. 1463. *Thos. Young, K. *Richd. Neele, K. 1464. *Wm. Jenney. *Guy Fairfax, K. 1467. *Thos. Brian. John Grenefield. *John Catesby, K. 1469. Richd, Pigot, K. 1467. 1472. Richd. Higham. 1478. *Wm. Huse, or Hussey. *Humphrey Starkey. *Thos. Tremayle, K. 1481. *John Sulyard. *Wrm. Calowe, or Collow. *John Vavasour, K. 1483. *Roger Townsend, K. 1483. Thos. Brigges. Thos. Rogers. 1481. Walter Keeble. 1485. *Thos. Wood, K. 1487. *Robt. Read, K. 1493. *John Haws. *John Fineux. *Wm. Danvers, Thos. Keeble, K. 1498. Richd. Jay. *Wm. Hody. John Huddersfield, K. *John Fisher, K. 1494. *Humphrey Comingsby, K. 1500. *John Boteler. Thos. Keeble. Thos. Oxonbridge. *Thos. Frowy. Richd. Highkam, K. 1498. John Kingsmill, K. 1496. John Yaxley. John Mordaunt, K, 1495. Robt. Constable. 408 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1502, Wrm Cutler. 1503. — Brooke. *Robt. Brudenell, K. 1504 Wrm. Grevill, Thos. Marrow. Geo. Edgore. *John More. John Cutler. *Richd. Eliot, K. 1506. *Lewis Pollard, K. 1506. Guy Palmer, K. 1513. *Wrm. Fairfax. Thos. Piggot, K. 1513. 1504, — Griffin. 1505. John Newport. J 510. John Newdigate, K. 1520. Brian Palmys, jun. John Carrell, K. 1514. — Brooke. John Roe. *Anthy. 1516. Fitzherbert, K. 1520. Baldwin Malet, called but exonerated. 1521. Wrm. Rudhale. John FitzJames. *John Port. Thos. Fairfax. *John Spelman, K. 1528. John Brown. *Wrm. Shelley. *Thos. Willoughby, 1530, *Robt. Norwich, K. 1522. *Thos. Engleſield. 1531. *Humphrey Brown, K. 1535. *Thos. Audley, K. *Waltor Lake. *John Baldwin, K. *John Hindo, K. 1535. *Christr. Jenney, K. 1535. John Densell. *Edmd. Mervin, K. 1539. Edmd. Knightley. *Roger Cholmley, K. 1544, *Edwd. Montagu, K. 1537. Roger York. John Pakington, K. 1540. Thos. Rushedon. Robt. Townsend, K. 1543. John Harris. K. 1546, R. *Thos. Bromley, K. John Carrell. Robt. Chidley. *Wm. Coningsby. *Wrm. Portman, K. *Edwd. Saunders, K. 1547. *Jas. Hales, K. 1544. Jas. Missenden. 1542. *Edwd. Molineux, K. 1547. *David Brook, K. 1551. *John Whiddon, K. 1551. John Pollard. Robt. Meynell. *Richd. Morgan. *Wrm. Coke, K, 1550. Wm. Croke. 1552. *Jas. Dyer, K. 1552; 'Q. 1553. John Carrell. Thos. Gawdy, sen. Richd. Catlin, Q. 1555 and 1566. Ralph Rokeby. *Wrm. Staunford, Q. 1553. *Wm. Dalison, Q. 1555. Robt. Keilwey. Robt. Brooke. 1555. John Caryl. John Prideaux, Q, 1558. Geo. Wood. *Fras. Morgan. *Robt. Catlin, Q. 1556. *Anthy. Browne, Q. Geo. Seintpoll. Wm. Bendlowes. Geo. Brown, John Walpole. *Wrm. Rastall. 1558. *Thos. Carus, Q. 1562. *Regd. Corbet. *John Walsh. *John Southcote. Wm. Simmonds. Geo. Wall. *Richd. Harpur. Ranulph Cholmley. Nichs. Powtrell, Q. 1562. John Birch. 1559. *Richd. Weston, Q. 1566. — Baker, Q. 1567. *Thos. Gawdy. *Roger Manwood. *Christr. Wray, Q. *Thos. Meade. Nichs. Barham, Q. 1573. *John Jeffrey, Q. 1572. Wm. Lovelace. 1572. *Robt. Monson. 1577. *Robt. Bell, Q. *Wm. Ayloff. Edwd. Baber. *Fras. Wyndham. *Fras. Gawdy, Q. 1582. *Edmd. Anderson, Q. 1579. *Robt. Shute. *Edwd. Fenner. 1578. *Fras. Rodes, Q. 1582. *John Popham. 1580. *John Clench. *John Puckering, Q. 1586. or 1588. Thos. Walmsley. Wm. Fleetwood, Q. 1592. *Edwd. Flowerdew. Thos. Snagge, Q. 1590, *Wrm. Periam. Robt. Halton. 1584. *Thos. Gent. *Richd. Shuttleworth. 1587. Robt. Gardener. *Robt. Clarke. 1589. *Christr. Yelverton, Q. 1598. Thos. Harmond. Thos. Harris. Edwd. Drew, Q. 1596. John Cooper. *John Glamville. *Thos. Owen, Q. 1593. *Fras. Beaumont. 1593–4, Richd. Lewkenor. *Peter Warburton. Richd. Branthwaite. *John Savile. John Heale, Q. 1602. *Thos. Fleming. *David Williams. *Matth. Ewens. John Spurling. *Geo. Kingsmill, Q. *Edwd. Heron. *Wm. Daniell, Q. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 4.09 1601. Edmd. Pelham. 1603. *John Croke, K. *Thos. Coventry, K. 1606 *Lawrence Tanfield. *Thos. Foster. Robt. Barker. *Edwd. Phelips, K. *Augustine Nichols. *Robt. Houghton. Thos. Harris, Henry Hobart. *Jas. Altham. John Shirley. *Geo. Snigg. *Richd. Hutton. *John Doderidge, K. 1607. *Jas. Ley. 1606. *Edwd. Colze. John Davies, K. 1612. *Humphrey Winch. 1609. *John Denham. *Edwd. Bromley. 1610, *Hy. Montagu, K. 1611. 1611. *Wrm. Methwould. 1614. Robt. Hicham, K. 1616. *Ranulph Crewe, K. Geo. Wilde. Wm. Towse. Fras. Moore. Fras. Hervey. Hy. Finch, K. 1616. *Thos. Chamberlayne. Thos. Athowe. Leonard Bawtry. John More. John Chibon. *Thos. Richardson, K. 1624. 1616, *Edwd. Henden. *Wrm. Jones. 1617. Fras. Ashley, K. 1625. 1620. John Shirley. *Jas. Whitelock. 1623. *Geo. Croke, K. Rice Gwyn. John Bridgman. Heneage Finch. Richd. Amherst. Thos. Crew, K. 1624. *Humphrey Davenport, K. 1625. Thos. Headley. Fras. Crawley. Richd. Diggs. John Dany. John Hoskins. Egremont Thyn. *John Bramston, K. 1634. 1625–6. John Lloyd. *John Walter, K, *Thos. Trevor, K. Hy. Yelverton, K. 1626–7. *Nichs. Iyde, K. 1627–8. Rowley Ward. *Robt. Berkeley, K. Wm. Ayloff. *Robt. Callice. *Geo. Vernon. 1631–2. *Jas. Weston. *Robt. Heath, K. 1637. 1633–4. *Richd. Weston. 1634–5. *John Finch. Ralph Whitfield, K. 1635–6. *Thos. Malet. 1636–7. Timothy Leving. *John Wilde. *Robt. Foster. Hy. Clarke. Thos. Milwarde. *Richd. Cresheld. *Edmd. Reeve. *John Godbolt. *Arth. Turner. Nath. Finch, K. 1640–1. Gilbert Boone, *Philip Jermyn. 1637–8. John Glanville, K. 1640–1 and 1660. 1639–40. *Edwd. Lyttleton. 1640–1. John Stone. John Whitwich. *Hy. Rolle. Wm. Lyttleton. *Robt. Brerewood, K. Robt. Hyde. Richd. Taylor. Edwd. Atkyns. John Greene, C. 1650. *Peter Pheasant. *Fras. Bacon. Sampson Evre (? Eyre), K. 1640–1. *John Banks. 1643–4. *Richd. Lane. The following being called by the authority of Parlia- ment only, the call was sub- sequently declared to be in- valid. The survivors were subsequently recalled at the Restoration. 1648. *Thos. Widdrington, K. ; C. 1650. *Thos. Bedingfield. *Richd. Keble. *Fras. Thorpe. *John Bradshaw. *Oliver St. John. *Saml. Browne. *John Glynne, C. 1654. Erasmus Erle, or Earle, C. 1654. *Bulstrode Whitelock, K. Wm. Coniers. *John Puleston. Thos. Chapman. *Thos. Gates. Wm. Lyttleton. Wm. Powel. John Clerke. John Eltonhead. *Robt. Nicholas. *John Parker. Robt. Bernard. Robt. Hutton, or Hatton. 1649. *Peter Warburton. *Alexr. Rigby. Evan Seys. *Richd. Aske. 1654. *Richd. Pepys. Thos. Fletcher. *Matt. IIale. *Wm. Stoole. *Richd. Newdigate. Thos. Twisden. *Hugh Wyndham. *John Maynard, C. 1658 | Unton Croke. 410 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1655. *Roger Hill. 1656. Wm. Shephard. 1658. *John Fountaine. *John Archor. 1659. *Thos. Tyrroll. — Steel. Thos. Waller. — Wroth. — Finch. — Lynne. John Corbet. — Hyde. June 1, 1660. *Sir Orlando Bridgeman. June 22, 1660. At the Restoration the fol- lowing fifteen old serjeants were recalled :— *Sir Thos. Widdrington. *Thos. Bedingfield. *Saml. Brown. *John Glynne, K. Erasmus Earle. Sir Robt. Bernard. *Matthew Hale. *John Maynard, K. *Richd. Newdigate. *Thos. Twisden. *Hugh Wyndham. John Fountain. Evan Seys. *John Archer. Thos. Waller. July 6, 1660. *Thos. Tyrrell. *Christr. Turner. Geo. Beare. Edma. or lüdwd. Iſoskins. *Wadham Wyndham. *Job Charlton, K. 1668. *Sir Wm. Morton, K. 1663. John Parker. John Merefield. *John Kelyng, 1661. Chas. Holloway. Chas. Dalison. Thos. Broome, or Brome. Oct. 5, 1660, *Sir Wm. Wylde, K. 1661. *Richd. Raynsford, or Rains- ford. Fredk. Hyde. sen, K. May 22, 1668. *Sir John Waughan. Oct. 30, 1669. Tourner, K. 1671. Nichs. Willmot. Thos. Hardy, or Hardres, FC. 1676. Guibon Goddard. Sir Richd. Hopkins. Thos. Flint. John Turner. John Barton. Sir John Howell. *Fras. Bramstone. Sir Hy. Peckham. Christr. Goodfellow. Saml. Baldwin, K. 1672. Thos. Powys. *Thos. Jones, K. 1671. *Sir Wrm. Scroggs, K. 1669. 1670. *Timothy Littleton. May 23, 1671. *Sir Edwd. Turner. April 24, 1672. *Sir Robt. Atkyns. *Sir Edwd. Thurland. Jan. 23, 1673. *Sir Fras, North. April 21, 1675. Edwd. Pecke, K. Tristram Conyers. Sir Thos. Skipwith, K. 1685. Richd. Croke. Sir Richd. Stoto, I.C. 1676. Sir Nichs. Pedley. L’Estrange Calthorp, K. Sir Robt. Shaftoe. Fras. Barrell, or Barwell. *Edwd. Rigby. *Geo. Strode, K. 1676. *Sir Fras. Pemberton, K. Robt. Stevens, June 4, 1675. *Vero Bertie. April 12, 1676. *Wm. Montague. y Oct. 23, 1677. Thos. Holt. Thos. Rawlins. *Wm. Gregory. *Richd. Weston, K. 1678. Fras. Wingfield. Geo. Johnson. *Robt. Baldock, K. 1685. *Richd. Holloway, K. 1683. Thos. Strode. Sir John Shaw, K. 1685. *Thos. Raymond. *Sir Thos. Stringer, K. 1679. *Thos. Street, K. 1678. John Simpson, K. *Sir Wm. Dolben, K. May 7, 1679. Edwd. Atkins. Wrm. Leake. May 12, 1680. *Sir Geo. Jeffreys, K. Sir John Kelyng, jun., K. Robt. Hampson. Edmd. West. *Thos. Wallcott. Sir John Boynton, 1685. Edwd. Bigland. Wm. Richardson. Wm. Buckby, Bugby, or Buckleby. *Sir Robt. Wright, K. Sir Fras. Manley. Feb. 12, 1681. *Sir Creswell Levinz, Levinge. Jan. 23, 1682. Edmd. Saunders. April 23. *Sir Fras. Wythens. Jan. 23, 1683. *Sir Thos. Jenner, K. John Windham. Edwin Wyatt. Edwd. Birch. *Hy. Bedingfield, K. 1684. *Sir Edwd. Nevil, K. 1685. Sir Paul Barret. Anthy. Farrington. John Jeffreson. *Edwd. Lutwyche, 1684. *Richd. Heath. Hy. Selby. John Millington. *Thos. Powell Owen Wynne. Sir Geo. Pudsey, R. OT FC. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 411. Oct. 23, 1685. *Sir Edwd. Herbert. Apr. 21, 1686. *John Holt, K. *Christr. Milton. *John Powell. John Tate, K, 1688. *Wrm. Rawlinson. Ambrose Phillips, K. and in 1693. Wm. Killingworth. Hugh Hodges. Thos. Geeres. Geo. Hutchins, K. 1689 and I693. 1687. *Rd. Allibone. *Chas. Ingleby. June 18, 1688. *Salathiel Lovell, K. 1695, Q. 1702. Hy. Chauncey. Wm. Moses. Fras. Fuller. Hy. Trinder. Wm. Thomson, K, 1689. Wm. le Hunt. *John Rotherham. Vincent Denn. May 1, 1689. *Hy. Pollexfen. *Nichs. Lechmere. *Thos. Rookby, or Rokeby. John Thurbone. Wm. Woogen, or Wogham, FC Thos. or Wm. Powlett. Nathl. Boud, K. *Gyles Eyres. *Hy. Hatsel. *John Blencow. *Peyton Ventris. Roger Belwood, John Tremayne, K. John Trenchard, K. 1693. *John Turton. Apr. 27, 1692. *Sir Geo. Treby. *Saml. Eyre. Fras. Purley. Wm. Coward. Wm. Edwards (?). Goo. Prickett. Thos. Goodinge. *Hy. Gould, K. 1693. Roger Moore. Regd. Britland. John Darnell, K. 1698, Q. 1702. Jos. Girdler. *Littleton Powys. *Nathan Wright, K. 1697. Chas. Bonython. June 10, 1695. *Sir Edwd. Ward. Oct. 30, 1700. John Green. Chas. Whiteacre, K. Thos. Gibbons. *Thos. Bury. John Keen. Philip Neve. Nichs. or Richd. Hooper, Q. 1702. Hy. Turner. *John Smith. *Robt. Tracy *Sir Jos. Jekyll, K. ; Q. 1702; K. 1714. Jas. Mundy. John Hook. Lawrence Agar. *John Pratt. Wm. Hall. Jas. Selby. Thos. Carthew. July 5, 1701. *Sir Thos. Trevor. June 23, 1702. *Sir Thos. Powys, Q. ; K. 1714. *Robt. Price. June 8, 1705 (? 1706). *Thos. Parker, Q. Hy. Chetham. Jas. or Jno. Grove. *Wm. Banister. John or St. John Brodrick. Jos. Weld. John Bennett. Hy. Lloyd. Richd. Wynne. Richd. Richardson. John Hoo. John Birch, Q. 1712. John Cheshire, Q. 1711; R. 1715. *John Comyns. Thos. Webb. Feb. 11, 1706. *Robt. Dormer. May 12, 1710. *Robt. Eyre. *Thos. Pongelly, K. 1719. Oct. 26, 1714. *Sir Peter King. *Sir Saml. Dodd. *Sir Jas. Montague. Jan. 24, 1715. *Fras. Page, K. Wm. Earle. Hy. Stevens. John Cuthbert. Wm. Brydges. Thos. Hanbury, Edwd. Whiteacre. Wm. Branthwayt. John Belfield, or Benfield. Wm. Salkeld. Edwd. Miller. Nathl. Meade. *Jas. Reynolds Dec. 3, 1716. *John Fortescue Aland. May 31, 1722. *Jeffrey Gilbert. *Alexr. Denton. Jan. 27, 1724. *Edmd. Probyn. *Sir Robt. Raymond, Feb. 1, 1724. *Lawrence Carter, K. Thos. Morley. Fettiplace Nott. Jos. Girdler, jun. John Baynes. John Raby. Richd. Comyns. Wm. Hawkins. *Wm. Chapple, K. 1729. Jas. Shepherd. Eyles, or Giles, Eyre, K. 1736. Matth. Skinnor, K. 1745. 1725. *Bernard Hale. Oct. 24, 1727. *Spencer Cowper. Edwd. Corbet. Nov. 17, 1729. *Sir Wm. Thompson. Simon Urlin (?) June 13, 1730. *Wnn. Lee, *Thos, Birch, K. 1745, Apr. 14, 1733. *Thos. Reeve. *Martin Wright. 412 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. UNION OF THE SERJEANTS OF THE INN IN FLEET STREET CHANCERY LAN.E. April 23, 1733. 1733. Oct. 31. * Sir Philip Yorke. 1736. June 4. * Thos. Parker, K. 1737. 1740. 1742. 1745. 1747. 1750. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1759. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. Jan. 27. June 11. Nov. 27. Feb. 11. May 1. June 23. June 23. Feb. 3. May 2. Feb. Nov. 8. May 3. Feb. 6. Nov. Jan. 23. Jan. Jan. Apr. 1768, Jan. 29. 1770. Feb. 12. 11. 23. 24. Thos. Hussey. Abraham Gapper. Robt. Price, jun. * Michl. Foster. * Thos. Burnet, K. 1740. Wm. Wynne. John Agar. Richd. Draper. Robert Johnson Kettleby. Wm. Hayward. Saml. Prime, K. 1745. Thos. Barnardiston. Edwd. Bootle. * Wm. Fortescue. * John Willes. * Jas. Reynolds. Edwd. Willes (?), K. 1745. * Sir Thos. Abney. Wm. Eyre (? 1745). * Thos. Denison. Edwd. Leeds, K. 1747. * Chas. Clarke. * Edwd. Clive. Hon. Heneage Legge. David Poole, K. 1757. * Nathl. Gundry. * Sidney Stafford Smythe. * Sir Richd. Adams. Geo. Wilson. * Sir Dudley Ryder. * IIon. Hy. Bathurst. *Sir John Eardley Wilmot. * Jas. Hewitt, K. 1759. Lomax Martin. Wm. Davy, K. 1763. * Hon. Wm. Murray. * Hon. Wm. Noel. Thos. Stanyford, or Stany- forth. Jas. Forster, K. 1772. Wm. Whitaker, K. * Geo. Nares, K. Anthony Keck. . * Sir Richd. Lloyd. Nov. 7. *Hy. Gould. Jos. Sayer. * Sir Chas. Pratt. * John Burland, K. 1764. . * Geo. Perrott. John Glynn. John Aspinall. * Jos. Yates. * Richd. Aston. Wm. Jephson. Richd. Leigh, K. 1771. * Edwd. Willes. * Wrm. Blackstone. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1774. 1775. 1776. 1777. I778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1783. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1793. 1794. 1796. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1804. 1805. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1812. 1813. June 25. Jan. 24. May 13. Nov. 6. Apr. 28. May 17. Apr. 26. Nov. 27. May 6. Nov. 29. June 14. Feb. 8. June 25. May 27. Nov. 6. Feb. 9. May. 7. Nov. 27. June 9. Nov. 13. Feb. 12. June 21. Feb. 9. Apr. 18. May 14. Feb. 12, June 12. July 2. 16. Jan. 24. June 16. Feb. 9. May 22. Apr. 12. Apr. 24. Feb. 4. May 28. May 30. May 15. May 29. June 23. WITII THE SERJEANTS IN * Wm. Hy. Ashhurst. * Wm. de Grey. Wm. Kempe. Thos. Walker. Harley Vaughan, * Sir Jas. Eyre. Geo. Hill, K. * Nash Grose. Jas. Adair, K. 1782. * Sir Beaumont Hotham. * John Heath. * Sir Richd. Perryn. * Sir John Skynner. * Fras. Buller. Jas. Clayton Bolton. * Alexr Wedderburn. Cranley Thos. Kirby. * Giles Rooke, K. 1793. Thos. Davenport (?). Geo. Bond, K. 1795. * John Wilson. * Sir Alexr. Thompson. * Simon Le Blanc, K. 1795. * Soulden Lawrence. Wm. Cockell, K. 1796. Chas. Runnington. Saml. Marshall. Jas. Watson. * Sir Lloyd Kenyon, bt. Ralph Clayton. Sir John Wrm. Rose. * Sir Archd. Macdonald. John Williams, K 1804. Saml. Heywood. Arthur Palmer. Saml. Shepherd, K. Baker John Sellon. * John Vaughan, K. 1816. John Lens, K. 1806. * John Bayley. * Alan Chambre. * Sir John Scott. * Wm. Draper Best, K. 1806. * Robt. Graham. Arthur Onslow, K. 1816. Wm. Mackworth Praed. * Sir Richd. Pepper Arden. * Sir Edwd. Law. * Jas. Mansfield. * Sir Thos. Manners Sutton. * Geo. Wood. Wm. Manley. Albert Pell, K. 1819. Wm. Rough. Robt. Hy. Peckwell. Wm. Frere. * Sir Vicary Gibbs. * Hy. Dampier. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 413 1813. 1814. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1824. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1832. 1833. 1834. July 6. Nov. 18. Feb. 26. Nov. 22. Jan. 20. Feb. 12. 20. May 4. June 18. Feb. 11. May 6. June 10. Nov.30. Feb. 9. Feb. 9. Jan. 6. May 4. 13. Wm. St. July 5. June 25. 27. Nov. 18. Feb. 4. June 5. Nov. 16. Nov. 11. 22. Feb. 14. Nov. 7. Jan. 29. Feb. 28. * John Singleton Copley, FC. 1819. * Sir Robt. Dallas. * Richd. Richards. * John Bernard Bosanquet, FC. 1827. * James Alan Park. * Chas. Abbott. * Geo. Sowley Holroyd. * Jas. Burrough. * John Hullock. Wm. Firth. * Sir Wim. Garrow. Wm. Taddy, K. 1827. * John Richardson. Vitruvius Lawes, 1834. John Cross, K. 1827. Thos. D'Oyley, P. P. 1834. Thos. Peake, P. P. 1834. * Sir Robt. Gifford. * Wrm. Alexander. * Jos. Littledale. Julien Arabin, P. P. 1834. * Thos. Wilde, K. 1827. * Stephen Gaselee. Robt. Spankie, P. P. 1830; R. 1832. John Adams, P. P. 1834. Thos. Andrews. Henry Storks, P. P. 1834. Ebenezer Ludlow, P. P. 1834. Hy. Alworth Merewether, R. 1832. Wm. Oldmall Russell. Edwd. Hobson Vitruvius Lawes. David Fras. Jones, aft. Atcherley-Jones; P. P. 1830 ; K. 1832. John Scriven, P. P. 1834. Hy. John Stephen, P. P. 1834. Chas. Carpenter Bompas, P. P. 1834. * Jas. Parke. Edwd. Goulburn, 1834. * Sir Nicolas Conyngham Tindal. * Wm. Bolland. * Wm. Elias Taunton. * John Patteson. * Edwd. Hall Alderson. Geo. Thos. Heath, P. P. 1834. * John Gurney. * John Taylor Coleridge, P. P. 1834. * Sir Thos. Denman. * Thos. Noon Talfourd, P. P. 1834; Q. 1846. * John Williams. P. P. P. P. 1834. 1837. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1848. 1850. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1858. Dec. 24. Feb. 24 Jan. 9. Feb. 14. Nov. 11. Feb. 19. June 19. Feb. 17. July 6. Jan. 27. Feb. 25. June 16. Nov. 12. Feb. 6. 14. Apr. 15. July 10. Nov. 7. Jan. 28. July 3. Nov. 12. Oct. 27. July 14. Mar. 5. July 16. Nov. 7. 19. Feb. Sir Jas. Scarlett. * Thos. Coltman. * Hon. Thos. Erskine. * Wm. Hy. Maule. * Sir Robt. Monsey Rolfe. * Wm. Shee, P. P. 1844; Q. 1857. Digby Cayley Wrangham, Q. 1857. * Wm. Fry Channell, P. P. 1845. Jas. Manning, P. P. 1845; Q. 1846. John Halcombe. Wm. Glover. Stephen Gaselee, jun. * Wrm. Wightman. John Vincent Thompson. * Creswell Creswell. Francis Stack Murphy, P. P. 1847. Herbert Geo. Jones. Alfred Septimus Dowling. Nathl. Richd. Clarke. *John Barnard Byles, P. P. 1847; Q. 1857. * Sir Fredk. Pollock. Chas. Chadwicke Jones. John Alexr. Kinglake, P. P. 1849. Edwd. Bellasis. *W m. Erle. * Thos. Joshua Platt. Robt. Allen, P. P. 1850. Edwin Sandys Bain. Chas. Wilkins, P. P. 1850. *Edwd. Vaughan Williams. Arnold Wallinger. * John, ld, Campbell, * Sir John Jervis. * Saml. Martin. Robt. Miller. * Chas. Crompton. Trin. Vac. Robt. Matthews. Ralph Thomas. Mich. Vac, Geo. Atkinson. Mar. * Richd. Budden Crowder. Hil. Vac. Humphry Wm. Woolrych. July. Jan. * Jas. Shaw Willes. * Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bramwell. Hil. Vac. * Geo. Hayes, P. P. 1861. Nov. , * Sir * Gillery Pigott, P. P.1857. Mordaunt Lawson Wells. Wm. Ballantine, P. P. 1864. John Humffreys Parry, P. P. 1864. * Wm. Hy. Watson, Alexr. Jas. Cockburn. Edmd. East. Vac. Wm. Payne. May. John Cross. John Tozer. Chas. Erdman Petersdorff. * Hugh Hill. 414 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. * ł859. June. * Colin Blackburn. 1868. July 24. Augustine Sargood, G., P. Mich. Term. Peter Burke. P, 1872. Dec. * Sir Hy. Singer Keating Aug. 24. * Sir Wm. Baliol Brett, G. 1860. April. *Jas. Plaisted Wilde. 25. * Anthy. Cleasby, G. 1861. Feb. 23. Thos. Wheeler, G. 1871. Now. *Sir Robt. Porrett Collier.f Dec. * John Mellor. 30. * Wm. Robt. Grove, G. 1862. May 13. Michael Wn. O’Brien, G. 1872. Jan. 9. * John Richd. Quain, G. Fredk. Lowten Spinks, G. Oct. 17. * Hon. Geo. Denman, G. 1864. Feb. 9. John Simon, G., P. P.1868. Nov. 20. * Thos. Dickson Archibald, Alexr. Pulling, G. G. Hy. Tindal Atkinson, G. 1873. Jan, 10. * Chas. Edwd. Pollock, G. 1865. Feb. * Montague Edwd. Smith. 23. * Sir Geo. Essex Hony- 17. Benjn. Coulson Robinson, man, bt., G. G., P. P. 1874. Nov. 19. * Sir John Duke Coleridge, Nov. 2. * Robt. Lush, G. G. 1866. July 16. * Sir Fitzroy Edwd. Kelly, 1874. Jan. 24. * Richd. Paul Amphlett, G. tº Nov. 29. * Sir Wrm. Bovill, G. 1875. Feb. * Wrm. Ventris Field. 1868. Feb. 25. * Jas. Hannen, G. 22. * John Walter Huddleston, May 29. Edwd. Wm. Cox, G. G. July 24. Wm. Campbell Sleigh, G. May 12. * Nathl. Lindley, G. f There is some doubt whether this gentleman was created a serjeant on his elevation to the bench. doing so. Serjeant Pulling omits him from his list, giving his reasons for KING'S COUNSEL. QUEEN'S COUNSEL. HOLDERS OF PATENTS OF PRECEDENCE. See Introduction, ante, p. 349. Those marked * were afterwalds raised to the bench. See “Lists of Judges,” ante, where their subsequent promotions are noted, Holders of Patents of Precedence are marked P.P. QUEEN ELIZABETH. *Fras. Bacon? RING JAMES I. TO KING JAMES II. Aug. 25, 1604. *Sir Fras. Bacon, again (?). *Sir Hy. Montagu ? According to Pulling there were no other appointments until 1668; but Foss gives the following:— Mar. 17, 1626. *John Finch. Nov. 15, 1632. Geo. Ratcliffe. Oct. 7, 1634. Richd. Shilton. July 31, 1641. Thos. Levingston. Oct. 1, 1646. Precedence granted by Par- liament: *John Wilde. *Saml. Browne. *Edmd. Prideaux. 1660. Thos. Levingston, again. 1668. *Fras. North. — Miller. 1670. *Wrm. Jones. 1671. Fras. Goodricke. 1672. Fras. Winnington. 1673. *John Churchill. 1674. John King. 1678. *Geo. Jeffreys? *Creswell Levinz,orLevinge. *John Kelyng, jun. 1679. Jas. Butler. 1681. *Wm. Scroggs, jun. 1683. *Thos. Jones. Roger North. *Fras. Wythens. *John Trevor. Feb. 1685. The following were ap- pointed or re-appointed by Jas. II. on his accession:— J. Ottway. Jas. Butler, re-app. *Thos. Hammer. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 415 *Wm. Scroggs, re-app. *Edwd. Herbert. Roger North, re-app. *Thos. Jones, re-app. Oliver Montague. Nov. 1686. *Richd. Allibone. g WILLIAM III. Wm. Aglionby. Edwd. Clerk. Jno. Conyers. *Wm. Cowper. Wrm. Farrar. John Hawles. Roger North, re-app. — Osborne. Nathl. Powell. Wrm. Whitlock. Wrm. Williams. ANNE. 1702. Wm. Whitlock, re-app. *John Conyers, re-app. Wm. Cowper, re-app. Wm. Jennings. 1706. Wm. Aglionby, re-app. *Jas. Montagu. 1707. *Robt. Eyre. 17—. Edwd. Jeffreys. Thos. Lutwyche. John Ward. GEORGE I. There are no regular lists extant, but the following IlameS OCCUll' :– Winnington Jeffreys. *John Willes. GEORGE II. Rings Counsel and Hold- ers of Patents of Precedence arranged alphabetically:— *Thos. Abney. *Richd. Aston. Hy. Banks. *Hy. Bathurst. Thos. Bootle. A. Hume Campbell. *Thos. Clarke. *Wm. De Grey. *W m. Fortescue. *Hy. Gould. *Nathl. Gundry. Tºliab Harvey. *Robt. Henley. Paul Joddrell. Matth. Lamb. *Heneage Legge. *Richd. Lloyd. John Morton. *W m. Noel. Fletcher Norton *Geo. Perrott. *Chas. Pratt. *Thos. Reeve. *Thos. Sewell. *Sidney Stafford Smythe. *John Strange. John Trevor. *John Werney. *Edwd. Willes. *Chas. Yorke. GEORGE III. To the end of 1799. King's Counsel and Patents of Precedence ārranged al- phabetically:— Anthy. Thos. Abdy. Wm. Adam. *Wrm. Alexander. Chas. Ambler. John Anstruther. *Richd. Pepper Arden. Daines Barrington. Edwd Bearcroft. *Wrm. Blackstone. Nathl. Bond. Foster Bower. #Fras. Buller. *Jas. Burrough. Fras. Burton. Richd. Clayton. Thos. Cooper. Fras. Cottayne Cust. Geo. Dallas. Thos. Davenport. Sylvester Douglas. *Hon. Thos. Erskine, No. 1. *Wrm. Garrow. *Vicary Gibbs. *Robt. Graham. *Wm. Grant. Geo. Harding. Hy. Howarth. Rd. Hussey. Rd. Jackson. Jos, Jekyll. *Lloyd Kenyon. *Edwd. Law. John Lee. Hugh Leycester. John Lloyd. *Archd. Macdonald. John Maddocks. *Jas. Mansfield. Jno. Mitford. Jno. Morton. ...Geo. Lewis Newnham. Jas. Alan Park. Hy. Partridge. ..Spencer Perceval. ... Rd. Perryn. ..Thos. Plumer. Chas. Pratt. | Griffith Price. | *Rd. Richards. Saml. Romilly *John Scott. Wm. Selwyn. *Jas. Skynner. |*Thos. Manners Sutton. *Edwd. Thurlow. Jas. Wallace. John Richmond Webb. *Alexr. Wedderburn. John Frost Widmore. KING's AND QUEEN’s CounsEL AND PATENTS OF PRECEDENCE, IN ORDER OF DATE, FROM 1800 TO THE PRESENT TIME. GEORGE III. 1804. East. Term. Richd. Hollist. Thos. Milles. Geo. Wilson. Jas. Topping, P. P. Jas. Fomblanque, P. P. 1806. Hil. Term. Thos. Jervis, P. P. 1806. East. Term. Fras. Hargrave. Philip Dauncey, P. P. 1807. Hil. Term. Chas. Thomson. *Anthy. Hart. Hy. Martin. *John Leach. 1808. Trin. Wac. Nathl. Goodwin Clarke. 1816. East. Term. *Jas. Burrough. Chas Warren. John Raine. *Jas. Scarlett. Jas. Trower. Wm. Cooke. Saml. Yate Benyon. Wm. Agar. John Bell. Chas. Wetherell, P. P. Wm. Harrison. 416 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1816. Mich. Term. Saml. Marryat. *John Gurney. 1818. Mich. Term. Archd. Cullen. Wm. Owen. Wm. Wingfield. Wm. Horne. Geo. Heald. 1818. Mich. Vac. Giffin Wilson. Nichl. Nolan. *Stephen Gaselee. Robt. Matth. Casberd, P.P. GEORGE TV. 1820. East, Term. P. P. renewed with former rank:— John Fonblanque. Thos. Jervis. Chas. Wetherell. Mado K. C. R. M. Casberd. 1822. IIil. Term. *Wm. Elias Taunton. Christºr. Puller. Wrm. Geo. Adam. *Lancelot Shadwell. *Edwd. Burtenshaw Sugden. 1826. Michs. Term. *Chas. Christr. Pepys. I827. East. Wac. *Hy. Brougham, P.P. Thos. Crosby Treslove. *Hy. Bickersteth. *Geo. Rose. *John Williams. *John Campbell. *Fredk. Pollock. Horace Twiss. 1827. Trin. Vac." Chas. Fredk. Williams. Wm. Selwyn. *Hon. Thos. Erskine, No. 2. 1828. Michs. Term. *Thos. Donman, P. P. 1829, Trin. Vac. Thos. Pemberton. *Jas. Lewis Knight, aft. Knight-Bruce. Hon. Chas. Ewan Law. Wm. Hy. Tinney. WILLIAM IV. 1830. Trin, Wac. Made K. C. with former rank:- Thos. Jervis. Sir Chas. Wetherell. *Hy. Brougham. P. P. renewed with former rank :- *Jno. Fonblanque. *Thos. Denman. 1830. Michs. Vac. Robt. Spankie, serit. ; P. P. next after F. Pollock. David Fras. Jones, aft. At- cherley-Jones, serit. ; P. P. next after C. E. Law. *Thos. Coltman. 1831. East. Term. Wm. Walton. 1831. Trin. Term. Wm. Fuller Boteler. John Aug. Fras. Simpkin- SOIl. 1831. Trin. Vac. Chas. Butler. Hy. Wm. Tancred. Philip Williams. Fras. Ludlow Holt. 1832. Trin. Wac. John Beames. Hy. Hall Joy. Clement Tudway Swanston, No. 1. *Robt. Momsey Rolfe. 1833. Hil. Vac. David Pollock. Philip Courtenay. John Blackburne. *Wm. Hy. Maule. 1833. Trim. Vac. John Balguy. 1834. April 25. By warrant under the sign- manual it was declared that all barristers should after the first day of Trinity Term have an equal right with the serjeants to practice in the Common Pleas. By the same warrant, precedence was given to the following serjeants, to rank immedi- ately after John Balguy :— Vitruvius Lawes. Thos. D'Oyly. Thos. Peake. Wm. St. Julien Arabin. John Adams. Thos. Andrews. Hy. Storks. Ebenezer Ludlow. John Scriven. Hy. Jno. Stephen. Chas. Carpenter Bompas. Edwd. Goulburn. Geo. Thos. Heath. John Taylor Coleridge. Thos. Noon Talfourd. The warrant was declared a nullity by the Court of Common Pleas in Hilary Term, 1840; but the exclu- sive privileges of the ser- jeants, was ultimately abol- ished by 9 & 10 Vict., cap. 54 (Aug. 18, 1846). 1834. Trin. Vac. *Fredk Thesiger, July 7. Matth, Davenport Hill, P. P., July 7. *Wm. Erle, July 7. *Cresswell Cresswell,Aug.2. 1834. Mich. Term. Richd. Preston. 1834. Mich. Wac. Wm. Webb Follett. Danl, Wakefield. Walker Skirrow. Christr. Temple. Chas. Hy. Barber. John Miller. Geo. Spence. *Richd. Torin Kindersley. Wm. Burge. Edwd. Jacob. *Jas. Wigram. Hy. John Shepherd *Thos Josh. Platt. *Fitzroy Kelly. 1835. Hil. Wac. Robt. Alexander. Thos. Starkie. 1835. Trin. Term. Basil Montagu. 1837. Hil. Wac. Fras. J. Newman Rogers, Feb. 24 Biggs Andrews, Feb. 24. Geo. Chilton, Feb. 24. Jno. Evans, Feb. 24. Richd. Budden Crowder, Feb. 24. *John Jervis, P. P. *Jas. Fras. Whitmarsh. Chas. Purton Cooper. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 4.Tº 1839. Hil. Wac. Wm. Goodenough Hayter, P. P. Saml. Girdlestone. Robt. Waughan Richards. *John Stuart. Griffith Richards. 1840. Hil. Vac. Robt. Baynes Armstrong, Feb. 21; to rank before *Geo. Jas. Turner David Dundas. Feb. 17. *Richd. Bethell. 1841. Trin. Wac. Wm. Whately Richd. Godson Sutton Sharpe Chas. Jas. Knowley Matth. Talbot Baines Chas. Austin, P. P. Hon. Jas. Stuart Wort- ley *Alexr. Jas. Edmél. Cock- burn. s 1841. Mich. Term. Edwd. Wilbraham. Wilkinson Matthews. John Herbert Koe. John Godfrey Teed. Wm. Loftus Lowndes, Thos. Purvis. John Walker. Kenyon Stevens Parker. Jas. Russell. Robt. Prioleau Roupell. Thos. Oliver Anderdon. Loftus Tottenham Wig- T2, Ill. 1843. Hil. Vac. Digby Cayley Wrangham, serjt. P. P. 1843. East. Term, Sir Geo. A. Lewin, Hon. John C. Talbot. *Saml. Martin. John Arthur Roebuck. *Wm. Hy. Watson. 1843. Mich. Wac. *John Romilly. 1844. Trin. Vac. John Hodgson. Wm. John Alexander. Chas. H. Whitehurst. Robt. Chas. Hildyard. *Jas. Parker. 1845. Hil. Vac. Jas. Manning, serjt. P. P. *Wm. Fry Channell, serjt. P. P. Wm. Lee. Lebbens Chas. Humfrey. John Billingsley Parry. *Wm. Page Wood. Russell Gurney. Geo. Medd Butt. Abrm. Hayward. 1845. Trin. Vac. *Wm. Shee, serjt.; P. P. after W. P. Wood, supra. Montagu Chambers. 1846. Trin. Wac. Jos. Humphry. *Jas. Bacon. Spencer Horatio Walpole. *John Rolt. 1847. Trin. Wac. Fras.Stack Murphy, serjt.; P. P. after A. Hayward, supra. *John Barnard Byles, serjt.; P.P. after F. S. Murphy. 1847. Mich. Term. Chas. Buller. 1849, Hil. Wac. Jno. Alex. Kinglake, serjt.; P.P. after J. Rolt, supra. Edwd. John Lloyd. John Greenwood. *Richd. Malins. Fred. Calvert. *Hy. Singer Keating. *Roundell Palmer. Jas. Robt. Hope, P. P. 1850. Hil. Wac. Michl, Prendergast. Hy. Bliss. Chas. Sprengel Greaves. Wrm. Chas. Townsend. Christr. Argyle Hoggins. Wm. Carpenter Rowe. Thos. Colpitts Granger. Peter Frede. O'Malley. Barnes Peacock. Edwin John James; dis- barred, Trin. Vac. 1861. Kenneth Macaulay. 1850. Mich. Term. Robt. Allen, serjt. P. P. Chas. Wilkins, serjt. P. P. 1851. Trin. Wac. Robt. Ingham. Jas. Campbell. Thos. Chandless. Wm. Elmsley. John Wm. Willcock. Walter Coulson. Graham Willmore. Wm. Thos. Shave Daniel. Fredk. Wm. Slade. John Baily. John Geo. Phillimore. Brent Spencer Follett. *John Mellor. Wm. Bulkeley Glasse. Richd. Davis Craig. Saml. Warren. Robt. Pashley. *Geo. Wm. Wilshere Bram- well. Jas. Anderson. Thos. Emerson Headlam. Wm. Atherton. *Hugh Hill. Chas. Jas. Hargreave. 1853. Hil. Wac. *Wm. Milbourne James. Hy. Alworth Merewether. 1853. Trin. Vac. Stephen Temple. Edwd. James. *Montagu Edwd. Smith. *Wrm. Robt. Grove. 1854. Trin. Vac. Peter Erle. Thos. Phinn, P. P. Edma. Beckett Denison. *Robt. Porrett Collier, P. P. 1854. Mich. Vac. Hy. Ridgard Bagshawe. 1855. Trin. Wac. Chas. Shapland Whitmore. Wm. Overend. Percival Andw. Pickering. *Jas. Plaisted Wilde. *Wrm. Bowill. 1856. Hil. Wac. *Chas. Jasper Selwyn. *Hugh McCalmont Cairns. 1857. Trin. Wac. Hon. Edwd. Phipps. Chas. F. F. Wordsworth. John Locke. *Gillery Pigott, serjt. P. P. Allan Maclean Skinner. *John Walter Huddlestone. *Robt. Lush. John Monk. Wm. Forsyth. *Hy. Manisty. 27 418 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1857. Mich. Wac. Evelyn Bazalgette. John Shapter. Saml. Bush Toller. Thos. Webb Greene. Fras. Hy. Goldsmid. *Richd. Paul Amphlett. Jas. Fleming. 1858. Hil. Term. Sir John Dorney Harding. Jesse Adams. *Robt. Jos. Phillimore. Jas. Parker Deane. Travers Twiss. 1858. East. Term. David Power. 1858. Mich. Wac. Benj. Bridges Hunter Rod- well. *Geo. Markham Giffard. *Hy. Hawkins. 1859. Trin. Term. Jno. Hinde Palmer. Archd. Jno. Stephen. Wm. David Lewis. Feb. 22, 1861, G. *Geo. Hayes, serjt. P. P. Wm. Dugmore. Wm. Anthy. Collins. *Anthy. Cleasby. Hy. Warwick Cole. John Fraser Macqueen. Thos. Chambers. Edwin Plumer Price. Josiah Wm. Smith. *Richd. Baggallay. Hy. Mills. Hon. Adolphus Fred. Oc- tavius Liddell. *Wrm. Baliol Brett. John Burgess Karslake. Wm. Digby Seymour. *John Duke Coleridge. *Hon. Geo. Denman. *Goo. Mellish. Feb. 5, 1862, G. Wm. Matthewson Hind- march. Geo. Boden. Thos. Weatherley Phipson. Nov. 1, 1862, G. John Robt. Kenyon. Thos. Southgate. Arthur Hobhouse. Nov. 20, 1862, G. John Osborne. Jas. St. Geo. Burke. Feb. 3, 1863, G. Geo. Stovin Venables. June 20, 1863, G. Geo. Loch. Nov. 4, 1863, G. Wm. Hy. Cooke. John Gray. John Jos. Powell. Jan. 12, 1864, G. . Wm. Ballantine, serjt. P. P. Feb. 9, 1864, G. John Humffreys Parry, serjt. P. P. Feb. 13, 1864, G. David Deedy Keane. John James Johnson. *Wrm. Ventris Field. July 7, 1864, G. John Lee. John Bridge Aspinall. Feb. 17, 1865, G. Thos. Webster. Sir Thos. Phillips. Jos. Brown. Clement Milward. Jas. Redford Bulwer. *Hardinge Stanley Giffard. Mar. 30, 1865, G. John Peter De Gex. Joshua Williams. Edwd. Fras. Smith. *Geo. Jessel. John Shapland Edmonds Stock. Jan. 9, 1866, G. Hy. Hopley White, Hon. Anthy. John Ashley. Hy. Wm. Cripps. John Robt. Davison. Wm. Geo. Granville Ven- ables Vernon Harcourt. June 26, 1866, G. John Blossett Maule. July 23, 1866, G. Jas. Dickinson. Robt. Scarr Sowler. Saml. Prentice. Thos. Jones. *Chas. Edwd. Pollock. Wm. Adam Mundell. Richd. Garth, ‘sº Geo. Essex Honyman, t. *John Richd. Quain. Dec. 13, 1866. G. Thos. Spinks. Jos. Trigge Schomberg. Harris Prendergast. Geo. Morley Dowdeswell. Chas. Gre ville Prideaux. Benj. Hardy. Geo. Little. Hy. Thos. Cole. *John Pearson. Fras. Roxburgh. Thos. Jas. Clark. *Hy. Cotton. Edwd. Kent Karslake. Geo. Druce. *Edwd. Ebenezer Kay. Thos. Kingdon Kingdom. Feb. 21, 1868, G. John Simon, serjt. P. P. Wm. Wyllys Mackeson. Martin Archer Shee. John Clerk. John Archd, Russell. Edwd. Vaughan Richards. Edwd. Vaughan Kenealey; , patent cancelled Dec. 11, 1874. Wm. Housman Higgin. Hy. Wyndham West. Hy. Matthews. Alexr. Staveley Hill. Horace Lloyd. *Jas. Fitzjames Stephem. John Holker. Clement Tudway Swans- ton, No. 2. *g Robt. Stuart, * Dec. 8, 1868, G. Wm. Golden Lumley. Edma. FitzMoore. Sir Patrick MacChombaich de Colquhoun, LL.D. Granville Robt. Hy. Somer- set. *Chas. Parker Butt. Vernon Lushington. June 22, 1869, G. Arthur Robarts Adams. Wrm. Cracroft Fooks. Arthur Shelley Eddis. Douglas Brown. Hy. Fox Bristowe. Peter Hy. Edlin. Thos. Hughes. Montagu Bere. Jos. Kay. Henry James. *Hy. Chas. Lopes. Geo. Osborne Morgan. *Edwd. Fry. Saml. Pope. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 419 Feb. 5, 1872, G. Augustine Sargood, serjt. P. P Thos. Chas. Renshaw. Leofric Temple. Chas. Wrm. Wood. AEneas John McIntyre. Wm. John Bovill. Saml. Boteler Bristowe. *John Chas. Day. John Berry Torr. *Nathl. Lindley. Jos. Napier Higgins. Thos. Halhed Fischer. Jas. Kemplay. Theodore Aston. Alexr. Edwd. Miller. Chas. Arthur Russell. *Farrer Herschell. 1872. Trin, Term. Judah Philip Benjamin, P. P. Nov. 1, 1872. John Farley Leith, *Alfred Wills, Feb. 3, 1873, G. Wm. Jas. Metcalfe. Thos. Hardwicke Cowie. Morgan Lloyd. Jas. Wm. Bowen. *Watkin Williams. *Hy. Mather Jackson. Ralph Daniel Makinson Littler. July 3, 1873, G. *Hon. Alfred Hy. Thesiger. Feb. 5, 1874, G. Chas. Clark. Thos. Ewing Winslow. Saml. Joyce. Fredk. Waller. Wm. Hy. Gunning Bag- shawe. Wm. Pearson. Chas. Hy. Hopwood. John Westlake. *Jos. Wm. Chitty. John Patlick Murphy. Alfd. Geo. Marten. Robt. Griffith Williams. Arthur Cohem. Saml. Danks Waddy. Mar. 19, 1874, G. Philip Chasemore Gates. Fredc. Andw. Inderwick. Edwd. Hy. Pember. Fredk. Adolphus Philbrick. Geo. Parker Bidder. 1874. Trin. Term. Benj. Coulson Robinson, serjt. P. P. Alborough Henniker. Wm. Talfourd Salter. Hy. Rowcliffe. John Morgan Howard. Wm. Ambrose. John Edwards. June 28, 1875, G. Thos. Campbell Foster. Jas. Olliff Griffits. Chas. Locock Webb. Geo. Wirgman Hemming. Jas. Motteram. Graham Hastings. Hy. Bret Ince. Thos. Hy. Baylis. Wm. Fothergill Robinson. Benj. Thos. Williams. *Lewis Wm. Cave. Montague Hughes Cook- son ; aft. Cookson - Crackanthorp. John Wm. Mellor. Horace Davey. John Eldon Gorst. July 7, 1876, G. Andw. Richd. Scoble. Feb. 14, 1877, G. Wm. St. Jas. Wheelhouse. Chas. Geo. Merewether. Wm. Haworth Holl. Wm. Geo. Harrison. Fredk. Meadows White. Wm. Patchett. Chas. Marshall Griffith. Thos. Richardson Kemp. John Compton Lawrance. Wm. Court Gully. Arthur John Hammond Collins. Wm. Willis. *Arthur Charles. Marston Clarke Buszard. *Wm. Grantham. Hy. Mason Bompas. Wm. Thackeray Marriott. May 7, 1877, G. Edwd. Jas. Bevir. *Ford North. *Arthur Kekewich. Richd. Horton Smith. April, 1878. Wm. Hy. Michael. Richd. Everard Webster. Mar. 24, 1880, G. Hy. Geo. Allen. Wm. Shaw. Fredk. Bailey. Edgar Rodwell. Jas. Jones Aston. Fredk. Waymouth Gibbs. Edmd. Swetenham. Geo. Browne. Wm. Cole Beasley. Fredk. Chas. Jas. Millar. Lumley Smith. Wm. Potter. Jos. Underhill. John Edma. Wentworth Addison. Arthur Richd. Jelf. John Thos. Crossley. Edwd. Geo. Clarke. Sir Wm. Thos. Charley. Wm. Comer Petheram. Apr. 23, 1880, G. *Edwd. Macnaghten. May 31, 1880, G. Jos. Graham. Mar. 21, 1881, G. Thos. Hutchinson Tristram. Eugene Comerford Clark- SOIl. Hon. Edwd. Chandos Leigh. Herbert Clifford Saunders. John Forbes. Apr. 25, 1881, G. Jas. Chas. Whitehorne. Wm. Wollaston Karslake. Hugh Shield. John Rigby. Robt. Romer. June 2, 1881, G. Chas. Hall. Jan. 18, 1882, G. Fras. Wm. Everitt Everitt. Wm. Barber. Herbert Hardy Cozens - Hardy. Pembroke Scott Stephens. Philip Albert Myburgh. Jos. Addison McLeod. Chas. Crompton. Hy. Alexr. Giffard. John Freeman Norris. Robt. Bammatyne Finlay. Wm. Bowen Rowlands. Mar. 14, 1882, G. Edwd. Cooper Willis. Mar. 31, 1882, G. Fras. Savage Reilly. Dec. 16, 1882, G. Robt. John Biron. Jas. Anstie. Hugh Cowie. 27 420 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. John Stratford Dugdale. Fredk. Albert Bosanquet. Cornelius Marshall Warm- ington. Robt. Threshie Reid. Frank Lockwood. Oct. 27, 1883, G. Richd. Henn Collins. John Chas. Bigham. Gainsford Bruce. Fredk. Thos. Durell ‘Led- gard. John Shiress Will. Walter Geo. Frank Philli- more, P. P. July 2, 1885, G. Saml. Taylor. Sir Arthur Townley Wat- son, bt. Arthur Moseley Channell. Robt. Augs. Bayford. Chas. Isaac Elton. Thos. Townsend Bucknill. John Lawrence Game. Wm. Rann Kennedy. Daml. O'Connell French. John Fletcher Moulton. July 13, 1885, G. Fras. Whittaker Bush. Jas. Marshall Moorsom. Chas. Hy. Anderson. Fredc. Octavius Crump. Hy. David Greene. John Hutton Browne. Nov., 1885. Wm. Speed. Benj. Fras. Williams. Geo. Pitt Lewis. Chas. John Darling. May, 1886. Wm. Lloyd Birkbeck. John Horne Payne. John Edge. Fras. Wrm. Maclean. Clement Higgins. Alfd. Cock. Nov., 1886. Edwd. Cutler. Wm. Latham. Emanuel Maguire Under- down. Balfour Walter Chas. Renshaw. Thos. Whittenbury.Wheeler. Lindsey Middleton Asp- land. Hy. Burton Buckley. Geo. Candy. Edwd. Tindal Atkinson. Seward Wm. Brice. Renneth Augs. Muir Mac- kenzie. Feb. 13, 1888, G. Geo. Deedes Warry. Montagu Stephen Will- iams. Richd. Harris. David Nasmith. Arthur Ruscombe Poole. Edmd. Widdrington Byrne. Win. Phipsom Beale. Fras. Hy. Jeune. Edwd. Jas. Castle. Thos. Milvain. Saml. Hall. Ralph Neville. Hy. Winch. John Gorell Barnes. JUDGES OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS. DEANS OF THE ARCHES. From the reign of Henry VIII. See Introduction, ante, p. 349. 1567. Thos. Yale, one of the high commns. under queen Elizabeth. 1573. Barthw. Clerk. Richd. Cosin, chanc. of the diocese of Worcester; d. 1598. Thos. Byng, dean in 1598. Sir Daml. Dun. Sir Wim. Bird. Sir Hy. Marten. Sir John Lamb, chanc. to Queen Henrietta Maria; dean until 1647. * * * * * Sir Geiles Sweit, principal of Alban Sir Robt. Wyseman. Sir Richd. Lloyd. Sir Thos. Exton. Geo. Oxenden, master of Trinity Hall. Sir John Cooke. John Bettesworth, dean until 1751. 1541. Richd. Gwent. 1543. John Cockys. 1545. Wn. Cooke. 1549. Griffin, or Griffith Leyson. 1590. 1556. David Pole ; bp. of Peterborough in 1557, but lost his preferments in * * 1559, refusing to take the oath of 1598. Supremacy. 1618. 1557. IIy. Cole; app. dean of St. Paul's 1624. by queen Mary, and dean of the 1634. arches by cardl. Pole. 1558. Nichs. Harpisfeld. 1647. 1559. Wm. Mowse; being unwilling to 1660. take the cath of supremacy, he Hall. was superseded by 1672. Sir Hy. Hervie, founder of the col- 1684. lege of Doctors' Commons. 1686. Robt. Weston, aft. Sir R. ; dean 1694. until 1567, when he was made la. 1703. chanc. Ireland, and also became a 1710. ld, just. in that kingdom. | 175i. Sir Geo. Lee. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 4.21 1758. Edwd. Simpson, aft sir E. 1764. Sir Geo. Hay. 1778. Peter Calvert, Oct. 17; d. 1788. 1788. Sir Wm. Wynne, knt., Aug. 22. 1809. Sir John Nicholl, res. 1834; 1838. 1834, Sir Herbert Jenner (Fust). 1852. Sir John Dodson. 1858. Stephen Lushington, July 2; res. 1867; d. Jan. 19, 1873. 1867. Sir Robt. Jos. Phillimore ; knt., aft. d. bt., Aug. 23; res. 1875; d. Feb. 4, 1885. 1875. Jas. Plaisted, ld. Penzance, Oct. 20. Under the Pub. Worship Regn. Act, 1874 (37 & 88 Vict. cap. 85), ld. Penzance was app. judge of the Provincial Courts of Canterbury and York, and, as such, he, on the resignation of Sir R. J. Philli- more, became Dean of Arches and Master of Faculties. JUDGES OF THE PREROGATIVE COURT OF CANTERBURY. From the reign of King Henry VIII. See Introduction, ante, p. 349. 1545. John Barbar. 1548. Wm. Cooke. * * Hy. Cole; died in confinement. 1558. Walter Haddon. 1559. Wm. Mowse; removed. 1560. Wm. Parker, aft. Sir W. Wm. Drurye. 1576. Wm. Lewen ; m. in chanc. 1598. Sir John Gibson. 1611. Sir John Benet, or Bennet ; judge in this year; but there is no record of his appointment. 1622. Sir Wm. Byrde, or Bird, June 29. 1624. Hy. Marten, Aug. 28. 1641. Sir Wm. Mericke, Sept. 28. Lost his preferments during the Com- monwealth; but recovered them at the Restoration. * * John Godolphin, Wm. Clarke, and Chas. Geo. Cocke; joint commrs. under the Commonwealth. 1658. Wm. Purefoy, June 7. This office was abolished and the jurisdiction of the Court transferred 1659. Walter Walker; app. by the Com- wealth, Mar. 12. Wm. Turner, aft. Sir W.; app. a short time before the Restoration Sir Leoline Jenkins, Feb. 6; sec. st., 1680; d. 1685. Richd. Raines; judge this year, but no record of his appointment; knt. 1686. Sir Chas. Hedges, Jan. 10. John Bettesworth, June 11; d. Dec. 1751. Sir Geo. Lee, M.P., Dec. 20. Edwd. Simpson, Dec. 2. Sir Geo. Hay, June 4. Peter Calvert, Oct. 13. Sir Wm. Wynne, Aug. Sir John Nicholl, Jan. Sir Herbert Jenner 21. Sir Jno. Dodson. +k * 1668. 1685. 1710. late Sec. St., 1714. 1751. 1758. 1764. 1778. 1788. 1809. 1834. 25. 20. (Fust), Oct. 1852. to the courts of Probate and Divorce by 20 and 21 Vict. cap. 77. (See list of judges of those courts, ante, p. 391.) VICARS GENERAL TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. From the reign of King Henry VIII. 1543. 1556. 1557. 1559. 1561. * * * 1583. Richd. Cosin, M.P. * * Wm. Aubrey; d. 1595. * * Sir Edwd. Stanhope; d. 1609. John Cockys. David Pole. Henry Cole. Wm. Mowse. Thos. Yale; d. 1577. t * * * John Cowell, mast. of Trinity Hall ; d. 1611. * * Sir Thos. Crompton. * * Sir Thos. Ridley; d. 1629. 1621. Sir Nathl. Brent. * * Sir Robt. Wyseman; d. 1684. 1688. Geo. Oxendem, master of Trinity Hall; d. 1703. 1703. John Cooke. 1710. John Bettesworth, 422 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1714. 1755. 1764. 1778. 1788. 1821. 1832. 1520. 1540. 1561. 1574. 1583. 1607, 1611. 1616. 1627. 1637. 1663. 1701. 1715. 1727. 1755. 1764. 1778. 1798. 1809. 1514, 1524. 1542. 1549. 1554. 1558. Geo. Paul; d. Mar. 1755. 1834. Sir John Nicholl; d. Aug., 1838. Sir Geo. Hay. 1838. John Nicholl, aft. Sir J.; res. Peter Calvert ; res. 1844. Sherrard Beaumont Burnaby; d. Sir Wm. Wynne; res. 1849. Wm. Scott ; aft. Sir W. and lå. 1849. Sir John Dodson; res. 1852. Stowell; res. 1852. Travers Twiss ; knt. 1867; res. Jas. Hy. Arnold, res. 1872. Herbert Jenner, aft. Sir H. Jenner | 1872. Jas. Parker Deane; knt. Aug. 1, (Fust); res. 1885. JUDGES OF THE CONSISTORY COURT. CHANCELLORS OF THE DIOCESE OF LONDON. From the reign of King Henry VIII. Richd. Foxfoord, under bp. Stokes- 1685. Sir Hy. Newton. ley, chanc. until 1539. 1715. Humphrey Henchman. * •kſ % * 1739. John Andrew. John Croke. 1747. Sir Edwd. Simpson. Thos. Huick, or Huycke. 1759. John Bettesworth. John Hamond, or Hammonde. 1764. Sir Geo. Hay. Sir Edwd. Stanhope. 1779. Sir Wm. Wynne. Sir Thos. Crompton. 1788. Wm. Scott ; aft. Sir W. and lå. Thos. Edwards. Stowell. Hy. Marten, aft. Sir H. 1821. Sir Christr. Robinson. Arthur Ducke. 1828. Stephen Lushington ; res. 1858. Sir Richd. Chaworth. 1858. Travers Twiss; knt. 1867; res. 1872. Sir Thos. Exton. 1872. Thos. Hutchinson Tristram. KING’S OR, QUEEN'S ADVOCATES. From the commencement of the Eighteenth Century. See Introduction, ante, pp. 349. Sir John Cooke, July 25. 1828. Herbert Jenner, aft. Sir H. Jenner Sir Nathl. Lloyd, Jan. 13. | (Fust), Feb. 28. Geo. Paul, Jan. 26, 1834. John Dodson, Oct. 18; knt. Oct. 29. Geo. Hay, aft. Sir G., Apr. 23. 1852. Jno. Dorney Harding, Mar. 5; knt. Jas. Marriott, aft. Sir J., Sept. 11. Mar. 24; res. 1862. wº Wynne, aft. Sir W., Nov. 1862. Robt. Jos. Phillimore, Sept. 12; knt. & | Sept. 17. John Nicholl, aft, Sir J., Nov. 6. 1867. Tº Twiss, Aug. 27; knt. Nov. 4; Sir Christr. Robinson, Mar, 1. | res. 1872. The office has not since been filled up. JUDGES OF HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY. From the reign of Henry VIII. See Introduction, ante, pp. 349-50. Christr. Myddleton, or Middylton. 1575. David Lewes and sir John Harbert, John Tregonwell, aft. Sir J. joint commrs. Anthy. Huse. 1584. Julius Caesar; aft. Sir J., m. rolls and Richd. Lyell. commr. gr. seal. Griffith Leyson. * * Valentine Dale ; d. Nov. 1589. Wm. Cooke. * * Sir Thos. Crompton, after the death David Lewes, or Lewis. of Dale. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 423. 1608. Sir Danl. Dun, and sir Richd. Trevor, 1661. John Exton, re-app by the D. of joint. commrs., Feb. 7. | York, Oct. 26. 1617. Sir Hy. Marten, or Martin. 1668. Sir Leoline Jenkins, knt., originally 1641. Richd. Zouch, app. by the E. of app. by the D. of York; aft. Northumberland, ld. h. adm. sec. St. 1643. Wm. Sams; d. Oct. 1646. | 1673. Sir Robt. Wyseman, Aug. 12. 1647. Wm. Clark and John Exton, joint | 1685. Sir Richd. Lloyd, Oct. [. COYOIOI’S. 1686. Sir Thos. Exton, July 6. 1648. Isaac Dorislaus, added to Clark Sir Richd. Raines, Dec. 17. and Exton, Apr. ; app. by the 1689. Chas. Hedges, aft. Sir C., June 1. Commonwealth. 1649. Wm. Clark and John Exton, con- * * + + tinued by patent from the parlt. 1714. Humphrey Henchman, June 22. Feb. 15. Sir Hy. Newton. on the death of Wm. Stephen and Nathl. Bacon, Henchman, Dec. 1. added, Aug. 30. 1715. Hy. Penrice, Aug. 23. 1653. John Godolphin and Chas. Geo. 1751. Sir Thos. Salusbury, Dec. 19 ; d. Cocke, added to Clark, by Crom- Nov. 1773. well. 1773. Sir Geo. Hay, Nov. 4. 1654. The same, by patent dated Oct. 28. 1778. Sir Jas. Marriott, Oct. 12. 1658. Godolphin and Cocke, patent renewed 1798. Sir Wm. Scott, aft, ld. Stowell, by Richd. Cromwell. Oct. 26. 1659. Walter Walker, app. 1st judge. 1828. Sir Christr. Robinson, Feb. 22. Sir Wm. Turner, app. 2nd judge. 1833. Sir John Nicholl, May 30; d. Aug., 1660. Richd. Zouch, re-app. | 1838. Thos. Hyde, app. by the D. of York 1838. Stephen Lushington, Oct. 17 ; res. . ld. h. adm., Mar. 12. t 1867. Court removed from Doctors Commons to Westminster Hall by Order in Council, . dated Jam. 23, 1860. -> 1867. * Sir Robt. Jos. Phillimore, Aug. 23; cr. a bt. Dec. 15, 1881. * Transferred on Nov. 1, 1875, to the High Court of Justice Prob., Div., and Adm. Division under Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875 (see ante, pp. 350-1.) (See judges of that division, ante, p. 391.) ADMIRALTY ADVOCATES. From the Restoration of King Charles II. to the present time. See Introduction, ante, p. 350. 1661. Wm. Turner, Oct. 29. 1741. Wm. Strahan, Mar. 20. 4 1674. Richd. Lloyd, May 19; vice sir Wal- 1748. Thos. Salusbury, Aug. 9. : ter Walker, whose appointment | 1751. Chas. Pinfold, jun., Nov. 14. does not seem to be recorded. 1756. John Bettesworth, Feb. 15. 1685. Thos. Pinfold, Sept. 13. 1764. Geo. Harris, June 14. 1686. Wm. Oldyss, or Oldiss, July 17. 1782. Wm. Scott, aft. Sir W. and lå. 1693. Fisher Littleton, Sept. 17. Stowell, May 1. 1694. Hy. Newton, pro tem. ; Littleton | 1788. Thos. Bever, Sept. 4. being absent from indisposition, 1791. Wm. Batline, Nov. 12. Jam. 26; permanently app. Mar. 1809. Sir Christr. Robinson, Mar. 1. 16, 1697. 1811. Jas. Hy. Arnold, Nov. 25. 1704. Nathl. Lloyd, deputy, during the 1829. John Dodson, aft, sir J., Mar. 11. absence of Newton, Nov. 15. 1834. Jos. Phillimore, Oct. 25. 1714. Hy. Penrice, Oct. 28. 1855. Robt. Jos. Phillimore, aft. Sir R. 1715. Richd. Fuller, Aug. 15. 1862. Travers Twiss, aft. Sir T. 1727. Exton Sayer, Mar. 30. 1867. Jas. Parker Deane; knt. Aug. 1, 1731. Edmd. Ishan, Oct. 1. 1885. RECORDERS AND COMMON SERGEANTS OF THE CITY OF LONDON. See Part VIII. “London,” post. 424 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, PART VII. ECCLESIASTICAL. ARCHBISHOPS, BISHOPS, AND DEANS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. THE ecclesiastical government of England and Wales is divided into two provinces, Canterbury and York. Canterbury comprises the dioceses of— Bangor. Lichfield. St. Albans. Bath and Wells. Lincoln. St. Asaph. Canterbury. Llandaff. St. David’s. Chichester. London. Salisbury. Ely. Norwich. , Southwell. Exeter Oxford. Truro. Gloucester and Bristol. Peterborough. Winchester. Hereford. Rochester. Worcester. and York the dioceses of— Carlisle. Manchester. Sodor and Man. Chester. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Wakefield. Dulham. Ripon. York. Liverpool. By 26 Hen. VIII, cap. 14 (1534), power was given to the crown to appoint bishops suffragan to assist the other bishops in their duties. |Under this act sundry appointments were made, but after 1567 the act remained in abeyance until 1870, when the practice of appointing bishops suffragan was revived. The following are the titles of the suffragan bishoprics. t Pedford. Hull. Penrith. Berwick. Ipswich. Shaftesbury. Bristol. Leicester. Shrewsbury. Colchester. Marlborough. Taunton. Dover. Nottingham. Thetford. Guildford. The bishop of Sodor and Man has a seat in the House of Lords by courtesy, but cannot vote. The two archbishops and the bishops of London, Durham, and Winchester, always have seats; but since the THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 425 10 and 11 Vict. cap. 108 (July 23, 1847), the first of the Acts under which the number of bishoprics was increased, only 21 of the other bishops, according to seniority of consecration, are allowed to sit. In the following lists the bishops of each province are, for convenience, arranged in alphabetical order, but the archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the bishops of London, Durham, and Winchester rank in the order named, and then the other bishops in the order of their consecration. Each diocese with the exception of- Liverpool. Sodor and Man. Truro. Newcastle. Southwell. Wakefield. St. Albans. has a dean and chapter as well as a bishop. There are also the following deans and chapters which are not attached to any diocese : Westminster. Windsor (Chapel Royal). PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. DIOCESE OF BANGOR. THIs see is of very great antiquity : the founder is unknown. St. Daniel was bishop here about the year 516, but, for nearly five hundred years afterwards, there is no certain record of the names of his successors. By the first general report of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, under 6 and 7 Vict. cap. 77 (Aug. 22, 1843), the union of the sees of Bangor and St. Asaph was recommended to take place on the avoidance of the sees, or on the avoidance of either, with the consent of the other bishop; and to this end, an order in council was gazetted Jan. 25, 1839; but public opinion subsequently set in so strongly (par- ticularly in Wales) against this union, that the order was, in effect, annulled by 10 and 11 Vict. cap. 108 (July 23, 1847), and the two sees still subsist separately. BISHOPS OF BANGOR, 516. St. Daniel. 1197. Robt. de Shrewsbury. * * * * * 1215. Caducan I. 1107. Hervey, or Hervaeus, tr. to Ely. 1236. Howel I. 1109. Urban, also bp. of Llandaff. 1240. Richard. 1120. David, a Scot. 1267. Anianus, archdm. of Anglesey. 1139. Mauritius, or Meuricus. 1303. Caducan II. 1162. William, prior of St. Austin's, in 1306, Griffith, or Griffin ap Yerward. Bristol. 1320. Lewis I. succ. according to IIeylyn; 1177. Guy, Guido, or Guianus. but See vacant 4 years. Anian Seys, according to Le Neve, 1195. Albanus, prior of St. John of Jeru- in 1309. salem. 1327. Matth. de Englefeld. 426 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1357. 1366. 1370. 1371. 1375. 1400. 1405. 1408. 1418. 1424. 1436. 1448. 1454. 1464. 1496. 1500. 1504. 1509. 1534. 1539. 1541. * }; 7%. A- * * +k X- * K ºx *}{ 13.5%" < %. •% A. 1410 1413 1416 + X + % + * * * Thos. de Ringstede. Gervase de Castro. Howel II. John Gilbert, tr. to Hereford. John Swaffham, bp. of Cloyne, in Ireland; styled Jo. Clovensis by IIeylyn. Richd. Young, tr. to Rochester. Lewis II. ; great uncertainty as to this appointment.—Le Neve. Benedict Nichols, tr. to St. David's. Wm. Barrow, canon of Lincoln ; tr. to Carlisle. Nicholaus, or John Clederow, canon of Chichester. Thos. Cheryton. John Stanbery, or Stanbury, con- fessor to Henry VI., first provost of Eton ; tr. to Hereford. Jas. Blakedon, bp. of Achad-Fob- hair, an ancient bishopric in Ire- land. Thos. Ednam, alias Richd. Evynden. Hy. Dean, prior of Lanthony and la. chanc. of Ireland ; tr. to Salis- bury. Thos. Pigot. John Penny, tr. to Carlisle. Thos. Skeffington, abbot of Wa- verly. John Salcott, alias Capon, abbot of Hyde; tr. to Salisbury. John Bird, the last provincial of the Carmelites; tr. to Chester. Arth. Bulkeley; d. Mar. 1552. See vacant 3 years. . Wm. Glynn, master of Queen's Col- lege, Cambridge. . Rowland Merrick, chanc. and resi- dentiary of St. David's. . Nichs. Robinson. . Hugh Bellot, tr. to Chester. 1595, 1598. 1616. 1631. 1633. 1637. 1666. 1673. 1689. 1701. 1715. 1721. Richd. Vaughan, archn. of Middle- sex ; tr. to Chester. Hy. Rowlands. Lewis Bayley. David Dolben, vicar of Hackney. Edmd. Griffith, dean of Bangor. Wm. Roberts, sub-dean of Wells. Robt. Morgan, archdn. of Merioneth. Humphrey Lloyd, dean of St. Asaph. Humphrey Humphreys, dean of Ban- gor; tr. to Hereford. John Evans, tr. to Meath, in Ire- land. Benjn. Hoadley, Peter's-le-Poor, Hereford. Richd. Reynolds, dean of Peter- borough ; tr. to Lincoln. rector of St. London ; tr. to . Wm. Baker, warden of Wadham College, Oxford; tr. to Norwich. . Thos. Sherlock, dean of Chichester ; tr. to Salisbury. . Chas. Cecil, tr. from Bristol. . Thos. Herring, dean of Rochester; tr. to York, . Matth. Hutton, tr. to York. . Zacariah Pearce, dean of Winches- ter; tr. to Rochester. 5. John Egerton, dean of Hereford ; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. . John Ewer, tr. from Llandaff. . John Moore, dean of Canterbury; tr. to Canterbury. . John Warren, tr. from St. David's. . Wm. Cleaver, Apr. 5; tr. from Chester; tr. to St. Asaph. . John Randolph, Dec. 13; tr. from Oxford; tr. to London. . Hy. Wm. Majendie, Aug. 12; tr. from Chester; d. July 9, 1830. . Christr. Bethell, Oct. 10; tr. from Exeter; d. Apr. 19, 1859. . Jas. Colquhoun Campbell, archdn. of Llandaff; May 12, G. DEANS OF BANGOR. . Jago Ab Beli. * * Nichs. Rewys. Arthur De Bardsey. 144–. Richd. Kyffin y Deon Du. Adam Decan. 1504. Richd. Cowland. Ryndelw. 1534. John Glynn. William. | * * Robt. Evans. Anian Sais. 1554. Rhese Powel. Adam Elias Kenrick. 1570. Rowland Thomas. . Hywel Ab Gronow. * * Hy. Rowlands. John I avid Daron. 1599. Richd. Parry; bp. St. Asaph, Wm. Pollard. | 1603. . Hy. Honore. 1605. J. Williams. . Roger Wodhele. 1613. Edmd, Griffith; bp. Bangor, 1633. . J. Wantort. 1634. Gr. Williams. Nigellus Bonde Z. 1673. W. Lloyd; bp. Bangor 1680. J. Martyn. 1680. Humphrey Humphreys; bp. Bangor, Hugh Alcock. 1689. Hugh Morgan. 1689. J. Jones. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 427 1727. Peter Maurice. 1838. John Hy. Cotton. 1750. Hugh Hughes. 1862. Jas. Vincent Vincent. 1753. Thos. Lloyd. 1876. Hy. Thos. Edwards. 1793. John Warren. 1884. Evan Lewis. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELLS. THE diocese, although it has a double name, is but one bishopric. The church was built at Wells in 704, and was erected into a bishopric in 905. John de Villula, the sixteenth bishop, having purchased the city of Bath of Hen. I. for 500 merks, transferred his seat to that city in 1088. From this, disputes arose between the monks of Bath, and the canons of Wells, about the election of a bishop ; but they were at length compromised by Robert the eighteenth bishop, who decreed that thence- forward the bishop should be styled from both places, that the precedency should be given to Bath; that, in the vacancy of the see, the bishop should be elected by a certain number of delegates from both churches; that he should be installed in them both ; that both should constitute the bishop's chapter; and that all his grants and patents should be confirmed in both. So matters stood until the Reformation, when by 35 Hen. VIII., cap. 15, it was enacted that the dean and chapter of Wells should make one sole chapter for the bishop. In 1538 a bishop suffragan of Taunton was appointed to this see under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14, but no subsequent appointments have been made. BISHOPS OF WELLS. 905. Athelm, or Adelmus, abbot of Glas- 997. Alwinus, or Ealfwyn. tonbury; tr. to Canterbury. 1005. Burwaldus, or Burwold. 915. Wolphelmus, or Wulfhelme, or Wul- || 1008. Leovingus, Livingus, or Elstan; tr. felm I. ; tr. to Canterbury. to Canterbury. 924. Flphegus, or Alphegus. 1013. Ethelwyn ; exp. ; rest. 1023. 942. Wolphelmus, or Wulfelmus II. 1021. Brithwyn; exp. ; rest. 1024. 958. Brithelmus, monk of Glastonbury. 1025. Merewith, abbot of Glastonbury. 973, Kimewardus, or Kinewaldus, abbot | 1031. Dudoco, or Bodeca, of Saxony or of Middleton. Lorraine. 985. Sigarus, abbot of Glastonbury. 1059. Giso, a Frenchman. BISHOPS OF BATH AND WELLS. 1088. John de Villula, a Frenchman. | 1247. Wm. Bitton, or Button I., archdn. of 1123. Godfrey, or Godefridus, chanc. to Wells. the queen. 1264. Walter Giffard, canon of Wells, ld. 1135. Robert, monk of Lewes, Sussex ; d, chanc.; tr. to York. 1165. 1267. Wnn. Bitton, or Button II., archdn, See vacant 9 years. of Wells. 1174. Reginald FitzJoceline ; tr. to Can- 1274. Robt. Burnel, archdn. of York, ld, terbury. chanc. and lá, treasr. 1192. Savaricus, archdn. of Northampton, 1292. Wm. de Marchia, dean of St. Mar- and abbot of Glastonbury; whither tin's, ld, treas r. he removed the bishopric. 1302. Walter Haselshaw, dean of Wells. 1205. Joceline, canon of Wells; d. 1242. 1310. John Drokenesford, kpr. of the king's The see vacant 2 years. wardrobe, and dep, to the la. 1244. Roger, chanter of Salisbury. | treasr. 428 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1329. 1363. 1366. 1386. 1388. 1401. 1402. 1408. 1425. 1443. 1465. 1492. 1495, 1504. 1518. 1523. 1541. 1549. 1554. 1559. 1150. 1160. 1180. 1205. 1218. 1220. 1236. 1241. 1253. 1256. 1284. 1292. Ralph de Shrewsbury. John Barnet, tr. from Worcester; ld. treasr. ; tr. to Ely. John Harewell, chanc. of Gascoigne; chaplain to the Black Prince. Walter Skirlow, or Skirlaw; tr. from Lichfield and Coventry; tr. to Durham. Ralph Ergham, or Erghum.; tr. from Salisbury. Richd. Clifford; app. to this see, but before consecration tr. to Wor- Cester. Hy. Bowet, canon of Wells; tr. to York. 1584. 1592. 1608. 1616. 1626. 1628. 1629. Nichs. Bubwith, or Bubbewith ; tr. 1632. from Salisbury. John Stafford, dean of Wells, ld. | 1670. treasr. ; tr. to Canterbury; lá. 1672. chanc. Thos. Beckyngton, warden of New College, Oxford; kpr. pr. seal. Robt. Stillington, archdn. of Taun- ton; ld. chanc. Richd. Fox; tr. from Exeter; tr. to Durham, 1494. Oliver King ; tr. from Exeter. Adrian de Castello, cardl. ; tr. from Hereford; dep. by Pope Leo X. 1684. 1691. 1703. 1774. Thos. Wolsey, cardl. ; abp. of York, and ld. chanc.; he held | 1802. this see in commendam, and res. it 1522. 1824. John Clark, m. rolls, dean of Windsor. Wm. Knight, sec. st., preb. of St. 1845. Paul's. Wm. Barlow, tr. from St. David’s ; depr. by Queen Mary. See Chi- chester. Gilbert Bourde, or Bourn, preb. of St. Paul's; lá. pres. of Wales. Gilbert Berkeley; d. 1581. See vacant 3 years. 1854. 1869. 1727. 1744. Thos. Godwin, dean of Canterbury; d. 1590. See vacant 2 years. John Still, master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and preb. of West- minster. Jas. Montague, dean of Worcester. Arthur Lake, dean of Worcester, and master of St. Cross. Wm. Laud; tr. from St. David's; tr. to London. Leonard Mawe, master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Walter Curle; tr. from Rochester; tr. to Winchester. Wm. Piers, or Pierce ; tr. from Peterborough. Robt. Creighton, dean of Wells. Peter Mew, or Mews, dean of Ro- chester; tr. to Winchester. Thos. Ken, preb. of Winchester; depr. for not taking the oaths to William and Mary. Richd. Kidder, dean of borough ; d. 1703. Geo. Hooper, tr. from St. Asaph. John Wynne, tr. from St. Asaph. Edwd. Willes. Chas. Moss, tr. from St. David's ; d. 1802, aged 91 years. Richd. Beadon, Apr. 17; tr. from Gloucester; d. Apr. 21, 1824. Geo. Hy. Law, Mlay 8; tr. from Chester; d. Sept. 22, 1845. Hon. Richd. Bagot, Oct. 14 ; tr. from Oxford; d. May 15, 1854. Robt. John, ld. Auckland, June 2, G. ; tr. from Sodor and Man; res. Sept. 6, 1869. Arthur Chas. Hervey, c.c. lil. Arthur Chas. Hervey, archdn. of Sud- bury, Nov. 11, G. Peter- BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF TAUNTON. 1538. Wm. Finch. DEANS OF WELLS. Ivo, 1295. Richd. de Spakeston. Alexander. 1302. Leonius. 1305, Ralph de Lechlade. | 1332. Peter de Ciceter. | Wm. de Merton. 1334. Joanes Saracenus. 1335. Giles de Bridport ; bp. Salisbury, 1350. 1256. 1361. Edwd. de la FCnoll. Thos. de Button; bp. Exeter, 1292. 1378. Wm. Burnell. 1381. Walter de Haselshaw; bp. Bath and Wells, 1302. Hy. Husee. John de Godelegh. Richd. de Bury, or de Angarville; bp. Durham, 1333. Wibert de Littleton. Walter de London. John de Carlton. Wm. de Camell, elect. and refused. Stephen de Pympell. John Fordham; bp. Durham, 1381. Thos. de Sudbury. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 429 1396. Nichs. Slake. 1607. Richd. Meredith. 1397. Hy. Beaufort; bp. Lincoln, 1398. 1621. Ralph Barlow. 1401. Thos. Tuttebury. 1631. Geo. Warburton. 1402. Thos. Stanley. 1641. Walter Raleigh. 1410. Richd. Courtney. Deanery Vacant 14 Years. 1413. Thos. Karnicke 1660. Robt. Creighton; bp. Bath and Walter Mitford. Wells, 1670. 1423. John Stafford; bp. Bath and Wells, 1670. Ralph Bathurst. 1425. 1704. Wm. Graham. 1425. John Forest. 1713. Matth. Brailsford. 1446. Nichs. Carent. 1733. Isaac Maddore; bp. St. Asaph. 1736. 1467. Wm. Witham. 1736. John Harris, bp. Llandaff. 1472. John Gunthorp. 1739. Saml. Creswicke. 1498. Wm. Cosyn. 1766. Ld. Fras. Seymour; d. Sept. 19, 1526. Thos. Winter. 1785. 1529. Richd. Woolman. Deanery vacant until 1537. Thos. Cromwell. 1799. Geo. Wm. Lukin. Mar. 26. 1540. Wm. Fitzwilliams. 1813. Hon. Hy. Ryder, bp. Gloster, Dec. 1548. John Goodman. 12, G.; aft. bp. Lichfield. 1550. Wrm. Turner. 1831. Edmd. Goodenough, Sept. 6, G. 1570. Robt. Weston. 1845. Richd. Jenkyns, June 4, G. 1574. Valentine Dale. 1854. Geo. Hy. Sacheverell Johnson, Mar. 1589. John Herbert. 27, G. 1602. Benjn. Heydon. 1881. Edwd. Hayes Plumptre. Dec. 6, G. DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. THIS see was settled by Austin, or Augustin, a monk, who first preached the gospel in England. The diocese included, until recently, a number of parishes in other dioceses; these were called Peculiars, it having been an ancient privilege of this see, that, wheresoever the archbishops had either manors or advowsons, that place was exempted from the jurisdiction of the ordinary of the diocese wherein it was situated, and was deemed in the diocese of Canterbury. This privilege was abolished from 1st January 1846. The archbishop of Canterbury ranks first amongst the English bishops, and is styled Primate and Metropolitan of all England. He is also the first peer in the realm; having the precedence of all dukes not of the blood royal, and all the great officers of state. He is styled His Grace, and he writes hitmself Divind Providentić ; whereas other bishops style themselves Diviná Permissione. At coronations, he places the crown on the king's head ; and, wherever the court may be, the king and queen are the proper domestic parishioners of the archbishop. The bishop of London is accounted his provincial dean; the bishop of Winchester, his sub-dean; the bishop of Lincoln, his chancellor; and the bishop of Rochester, his chaplain. In 1537 a bishop suffragan of Dover was appointed to this see under 26 Hen. VIII. cap. 14, and this appointment was revived in 1870. ARCHIBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY. 597. Augustine, or St. Augustine. 627. Honorius, or St. Honorius. 604. Laurentius, or St. Lawrence. 655. Deus-dedit, or St. Adeodatus: the G19. Mellitus, or St. Miletus; tr. from first Englishman who ruled this see. London. See vacant 4 years. 624. Justus, or St. Justus; tr. from | 664. Wigard; d. of the plague before Rochester. consecration. 430 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Adrian ; app. by the pope, but re- fused the see. 668. Theodore, a Grecian. 693. Brihtwald, abbot of Reculver. 731. Tatwine; made primate of all England. 735. Nothelmus. 741. Cuthbert ; tr. from Hereford. 759. Bregwin, a noble Saxon. 766. Lambert, or Jaenbert ; abbot of St. Augustin's. 793. Ethelhard ; tr. from Winchester. 805. Wulfred, a monk of Canterbury. 832. Syred; d. before he had obtained full possession. Theologild, abbot of Canterbury. 833. Ceolnoth, dean of Canterbury. 870. Ethelred ; tr. from Winchester, 890. Plegmund, preceptor to king Alfred. 914. Athelm, or Adelmus; tr. from Wells. 923. Wulfelm, or Wolfhelmus ; tr. from Wells. 942. Odo Severus; tr. from Wilton. 960. Dunstan, or St. Dunstan ; tr. from London. 988. Ethelgarus; tr. from Selsey. 990. Siricius; tr. from Wilton. 995. Elfric, or Aluricius; tr. from Wilton. 1006. Elphege, or St. Elphege; tr. from Winchester. 1013. Leovingus, Livingus, or Elstan; tr. from Wells. 1020. Ethelnoth, or Æthelnotus, dean of Canterbury. 1038. Eadsige, or Eadsimus. 1051 Robt. Gemeticensis. 1052. Stigand, bp. of Winchester; depr. of both sees for simony. 1070. Lanfi anc, or St. Lanfranc, abbot of Caen, an Italian ; d. June 4, 1089. See vacant 4 years. 1093. Anselm, or St. Anselm, abbot of Becco. See vacant 5 years. 1114. Ralph, or Rodolphus; tr. from Rochester. 1123. Wm. Corbois, or Corbyl, prior of St. Osyth, in Essex. See vacant 2 years. 1139. Theobald, abbot of Becco. See vacant 2 years. 1162. Thomas à Becket, archdn. of Canter- bury, provost of Beverley, and lá. chanc.; murdered Dec. 28, 1170. 1174. Richd., prior of Dover. 1185. Baldwin, tr. from Worcester. He followed Richard I. to the Holy Land, and d. at the siege of Ptolemais. 1191. Regd. Fitz Jocelin, tr. from Wells; d. same year. See vacant 2 years. 1193. Hubert Walter, tr. from Salisbury; ld. chanc. ; d. 1205. 1205–6. Reginald, the sub-prior, was chosen by the monks, but was afterwards, 1207. 1228. 1229. 1231. 1234. 1245. 1273. 1278. 1279. 1294. 1313. 1313. 1328. 1333. 1348. 1349. 1366. 1366. 1368. 1375. 1381. 1397. at their own request, set aside by the king; they then chose John Grey, bp. of Norwich, but the pope set him aside in favour of Stephen Langton, cardl. who d. July 1228. Walter de Hempsham chosen, but the king and the pope set him aside. Richd. Grant, or Rd. Wethershed, chanc. of Lincoln ; d. 1231. Ralph Nevil, bp. of Chichester; John, the sub-prior, and Richard Blundy, severally chosen, but the pope set them aside. Edmd. Rich, preb. of Salisbury. Boniface of Savoy, uncle to the queen; d. July 1270. . Wm. Chillenden chosen, but set aside by the pope. Robt. Kilwardby, made a cardl. and res., 1278. Robt. Burnel, bp. of Bath and Wells chosen, but set aside by the pope. John Peckham, canon of Lyons, provincial of Friars Minors. Robt. Winchelsey, archdn. of Essex, chanc. of Oxford. Thos. Cobham, precentor of York; elected, but not confirmed by the pope. Walter Reynolds; tr. from Worces- ter; ld, chanc. and lå, treasr. Simon Mepeham, preb. of Chi- chester. John de Stratford; tr. from Winches- ter; ld. chanc. John de Ufford, dean of Lincoln, ld. chanc. ; d. before consecration. Thos. Bradwardine, chanc. of Lon- don; d. two months after. Simon Islip, preb. of St. Paul's; sec. to the king and kpr. pr. Seal. Wm. Edington, or Edendon, bp. of Winchester, elected; but refused the dignity. Simon Langham ; tr. from Ely; made a cardl. and res. the see. Wm. Whittlesey, or Wittlesey; tr. from Worcester. Simon de Sudbury, alias Tibold; tr. from London; lá. chanc.; be- headed by the rebels under Wat Tyler, June 14, 1381. Wm. Courtenay ; tr. from London. Thos. Fitz-Alan, or Arundel (son of the E. of Arundel); tr. from York; lil. chanc. This prelate was charged with high treason in 1398, and fled the kingdom. Roger Walden, dean of York. was then consecrated ; but Fitz-Alan was aft. rest. by Henry IV. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 431 1414. 1443. Hy. Chicheley; tr. from St. David's. John Stafford; tr. from Bath and Wells ; cardl., ld, chanc., and lá. trea,Sr. . John Kemp ; tr. from York; cardl. and ló. chanc. 1454. Thos. Bouchier; tr. from Ely; cardl. and ló. chanc. 1691. 1486. John Morton; tr. from Ely; cardl. 1501. 1503. 1533. 1556. 1559. 1575. 1583. 1604. 1611. 1633. 1537. 1539. 1567. 1542. 1567. 1584. 1597. 1615. 1619. 1625. 1642. 1643. 1672. 1689. 1691. 1704. and ló. chanc. 1694. Thos. Langton, bp. of Winchester, chosen; but d. Jan. 27, 1501, five days after. Hy. Dene, or Dean ; tr. from Salis- bury. Wm. Warham ; tr. from London; ld. chanc. Thos. Cranmer, archdn, of Taunton; first Protestant abp. of Canter- bury; burnt at Oxford, Mar. 21, 1556. Regd. Pole, dean of Exeter; cardl. Matth. Parker, dean of Lincoln. Edmd. Grindal ; tr. from York. John Whitgift; tr. from Worcester. Richd. Bancroft, Oct. 9; tr. from London. 1715. 1737. 1747. 1757. 1758. 1768. 1783. 1805. 1828. 1848. Geo. Abbot, March 4; tr. from 1862. London. Wm. Laud, Aug. 6; tr. from Lon- 1868. don; beheaded on Tower Hill, Jan. 10, 1644. 1883. See vacant 16 years. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN Richd. Yugworth. 1870. Richd. Taunton. Richd. Rogers. 1660. 1663. 1678. Wm. Juxon, Sept. 3; tr. from London. Gilbert Sheldon, July 14; tr. from London. Wm. Sancroft, Jan. 27, dean of St. Paul's; depr. Feb. 1, 1691, for not taking the oaths to William and Mary; d. Nov. 1693. John Tillotson, April 23; dean of St. Paul's. Thos. Tenison, Dec. 6; Lincoln. Wm. Wake; tr. from Lincoln. John Potter; tr. from Oxford. Thos. Herring ; tr. from York. Matth. Hutton; tr. from York; d. the next year. Thos. Secker ; tr. from Oxford. Hon. Fredk. Cornwallis; tr. from Lichfield and Coventry. John Moore; tr. from Bangor; d. Jan. 18, 1805. Chas. Manners Sutton. Feb. 2; tr. from Norwich ; d. July 21, 1828. Wm. Howley, Aug. 4; tr. from Lon- don; d. Feb. I 1, 1848. John Bird Sumner, Feb. 22; tr. from Chester; d. Sept. 6, 1862. Chas. Thos, Longley, Oct. 20, G.; tr. from York; d. Oct. 27, 1868. Archd. Campbell Tait, Nov. 26, G.; tr. from London ; d. Dec. 3, 1882. Edwd. White Benson, Jan. 18, G.; tr. from Truro. tr. from OF DOVER. Edwd. Parry, archdn. and canon of Canterbury, Jan. 26, G. DEANS OF CANTERBURY. Nichs. Wotton, Apr. 8; d. Jan. 26, 1567. Thos. Godwin; bp. Bath and Wells, 1584. Richd. Rogers, Sept. 16; d. May 19, 1760. 1597. Thos. Nevil; d. May 2, 1615. t Chas. Fotherby; d. Mar. 29, 1619. John Boys; d. Sept. 26. 1625. Isaac Bargrave, Oct. 11; d. Jan. 1642. 1734. Geo. Aglionby, Feb. 8; d. Now. 1643. 1775 Thos. Turner; d. Oct. 31, 1672. John Tillotson, Nov. 14 ; dean of St. Paul's, 1689. John Sharp, Nov. 25 ; abp. 1790. 1691. Geo. Hooper, July ; bp. St. Asaph, 1793 1703. Geo. Stanhope, Mar. 23; d. Mar. 18, 1728. 1728. Elias Sydall, Apr. 26 ; bp. St Davids, 1730. John Lynch, Jan. 18; d. May 25 1760. Wm. Friend, Jan. 14 ; d. Nov. 26. 1766. . John Potter, Dec. 23; d. Sept. 20, 1770. . Hon. Brownlow North, Oct. 9; bp. Lichfield and Coventry, 1771. . John Moore, Sept. 20; bp. Bangor, 1775. . Hon. Jas. Cornwallis, Apr. 29; bp. Lichfield and Coventry, 1781. . Geo. Horne, Sept. 22; bp. Nor- wich, 1790. Wm. Buller, June 22; bp. Exeter, 1792. . Folliott Herbert Walker Cornewall, Jan. 26; bp. Bristol, 1797. . Thos. Powis, May 13. . Gerard Andrews, Oct. 17, G. 432 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1825. Hugh Percy, June 10, G.; bp. 1845. Wm. Rowe Lyall, Nov. 26, G.; d. Rochester, 1827. | 1857. 1827. Richd. Bagot, Aug. 6, G.; also bp. 1857. Hy. Alford, Mar. 18, G.; d. Jan. 12, Oxford, 1829; tr. to Bath and 1871. Wells, 1845. 1871. Robt. Payne Smith, Feb. 4, G. DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER. WIL FRIDE, the third archbishop of York, having been obliged to flee his country by Egfrid, king of Northumbria, came and preached the gospel in these parts; and Edilwach, king of the South Saxons, gave him the isle of Selsey, not far from Chichester, for his seat, where he built a church. Cenwal, king of the West Saxons, having won Edilwach's kingdom, built a monastery in the Island of Selsey, which was afterwards erected into a bishopric. Here the seat of this see con- tinued, till Stigand, the twenty-third bishop of Selsey, removed it to Chichester about 1082. Anciently the bishops of Chichester were con- fessors to the queens of England. BISHOPS OF SELSEY. 680. Wilfride, exp. from York. 942. Guthard. 686. Hedda. 960. Alfredus. 705. 1)aniel. 970. Eadhelmus. 711. Eadbertus, abbot of Selsey. 980. Ethelgarus, abbot of the new abbey 719. Eolla ; d. 782. at Winchester; tr. to Canter- See vacant. bury. 733. Sigelmus, or Sigfridus. 988. Ordbrightus. 761. Alubrithus, or Alubertus. 1003. Elmarus. 790. Osa, or Bosa. 1019. Ethelricus, or Agelred. 817. Giselherus. 1038. Grimketellus; tr. to Norwich. 844. Tota. 1047. Heca, confessor to king Edward; he 873. Wighthun. was depr., and imprisoned at 891. Ethelulphus. g Marlborough. 905. Beornegus. 1057. Algericus, monk of Canterbury. 923. Coenredus. 1070. Stigand, chaplain to Wm. I. BISHOPS OF CHICHESTER. 1082. Stigand, bp. of Selsey from 1070 | 1217. Ralph de Warham, prior of Norwich. until 1082, when he became bp. 1223. *Ralph de Nevill, ld, chanc.; elected of Chichester; d. 1087. to Canterbury; rejected by the 1087. Godfrey ; by some authors called pope; d. 1244. William. 1244. Robt. Papelew chosen, but the elec- 1091. Ralph, or Radulphus; d. 1123. tion was made void. 1125. Seffridus I., abbot of Glastonbury. 1245. St. Richard, surn. de la Wich. * * Hilary. The date of his consecra- 1253. John Clipping, dean of Chichester. tion is uncertain; some authori- 1261. Stephen de Berkestede. ties give the year 1133; others | 1288. St. Gilbert de Sancto Leofardo, 1147. treasr. of Chichester. See vacant 4 years. 1806. John Langton, ld, chanc. 1173. John de Greenford, dean of Chiches- || 1338. Robt. Stratford, archdn. of Canter- ter. bury, ld, chanc., and chanc. of 1180. Seffridus II. Oxford. 1199. Simon de Welles. 1362. Wm. de Lenne, or Lullimore ; tr. to 1209. Nicholas de Aquila. Worcester. 1214. Richd. Poor, dean of Salisbury; tr. 1369. Wm. Reade, fellow of Merton Col- to Salisbury. ledge, Oxford. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 483 1385. 1389. 1395. 1396. 1417. 1418. 1422. 1425. 1431. 1437. 1445. 1450. 1459. 1478. 1504, 1508. 1536. 1543. 1551. 1557. 1559, 1570. 1115. 1125. 1144. 1158. 1172. 1176. 1180. 1585. Thos. Rushooke; tr. from Llan- daff. Richd. Mitford, ld. treasr. of Ire- land; tr. to Salisbury. Robt. Waldby, abp. Dublin; tr. to York. Robt. Reade, tr. from Carlisle. Stephen Pairington, tr. from St. David's ; d. immediately after. Hy. Ware, official to the abp. Canterbury, and preb. of St. Paul's. John Kempe, tr. from Rochester; tr. to London. Thos. Pulton, or Polton, tr. from Hereford ; tr. to Worcester. John Rickinghale, chanc. of York. Simon Sidenham, dean of Salis- bury. Richd. Pratty, chanc. of Oxford. Adam Molins, dean of Salisbury; ld. pr. Seal. Regd. Peacock, tr. from St. Asaph ; depr. for opposing the Romish tenets, 1457. John Arundel, preb. of St. Paul's. Edwd. Story, tr. from Carlisle. Richd. Fitz-James, tr. from Roches- ter; tr. to London, 1506. Robt. Sherburn, or Sherborne, tr. from St. David's ; res. a little before his death; d. Aug. 1536, aged 96. Richd. Sampson, dean of Lichfield; made dean of St. Paul’s in 1536; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. Geo. Day, provost of King's College, Cambridge; depr. 1551, by Ed- ward VI., and imprisoned ; restd. by Mary, 1553. John Scory, tr. from Rochester; depr, by Queen Mary, 1553, and, in 1559, made bp. Hereford by Elizabeth. John Christopherson, dean of Nor- wich ; depr. 1559. Wm. Barlow, the depr. bp. Bath and Wells. Richd. Curteys, fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. See vacant 3 years. 1596. 1605. 1609. 1619. 1628. 1638. 1641. 1669. 1675. 1678. 1685. 1689. 1691. 1696. 1709. 1722. 1724. 1731. 1740. 1754. 1797. 1824. 1831. 1836. 1840. 1842. 1870. Thos. Bickley, warden of Merton College, Oxford. Anthy. Watson, dean of Bristol. Lancelot Andrews, dean of West- minster; tr. to Ely. Saml. Harsnet, archdn. of Essex; tr. to Norwich. Geo. Carleton, tr. from Llandaff. Richd. Montagu, canon of Windsor; tr. to Norwich. Brian Duppa, dean of Christchurch, Oxford; tr. to Salisbury. Hy. King, dean of Rochester. Peter Gunning, master of St. John's College, Cambridge; tr. to Ely. Ralph Brideoake, dean of Salis- bury. - Guy Carleton, tr. from Bristol. John Lake, tr. from Bristol; depr. for not taking the oaths. Simon Patrick, dean of Peter- borough ; tr. to Ely. Robt. Grove, archdn. of Middlesex. John Williams, preb. of Canterbury. Thos. Manningham, dean of Wind- SOI’. Thos. Bowers, archdn. of Canter- burv. Edwd. Waddington, fellow of Eton. Fras. Hare, tr. from St. Asaph. Matthias Mawson, tr. from Llandaff; tr. to Ely. Sir Wm. Ashburnham, bt., dean of Chichester. John Buckner, rector of St. Giles, London ; d. May 2, 1824. Robt. Jas. Carr, dean of Hereford, May 8 ; tr. to Worcester. Edwd. Maltby, preb. of Lincoln, Sept. 23; tr. to Durham. Wm. Otter, principal of King's Col- lege, London, Sept. 9; d. Aug. 20, 1840, Philip Nichs. Shuttleworth, warden of New College, Oxford, Sept. 7 ; d. Jan. 7, 1842. Ashurst Turner Gilbert, principal of Brasenose College, Oxford, Jan. 24; d. Feb. 21, 1870. Rd. Durnford, archdm. of Manchester, May 19, G. DEANS OF CHICHESTER. Richard (1). Matthew (1) Richard (2). William. John de Greneforde, bp. Chichester, 1173. Jordan de Meleborne. Seffride (1). Matthew (2). 1180. 1196. 1197. 1220. 1230. 1232 1250. * * Nichs: de Aguila. Ralph. Seffride (2). Simon. Walter. Thos. de Lichfield. Geoffrey. John Clipping ; bp. of Chichester, 1253. 28 434 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1262. 1280. 1296. I299. 1316. M332. 1342. 1356. 1396. 1383. 1391. 1400. 1402. * *}{- * •k 1425. 1434. 1481 1501. 1503, % # 1508. 1526. 1543. 1549. 1553. 1558. 1566. 1570. 1570. 1109. 1133. 1174. 1189. 1198. 1220. 1225. T229. Walter de Gloucester. Wm. de Bracklesham. Thos. de Berghsted. Wm. de Grenefeld; abp.York, 1303. John de Sancto Leofardo. Hy. de Garland. Walter de Seagrave. Wm. de Lynne. Roger de Freton. Richd. de Scrope. Wm. Lithington. John de Maydenhithe. Hy. de Lovel. Richd. Talbot. Wrm. Milton. John Patten, alias Waynflete. John Hasely. John Cloos. John Pychard. Geoffrey Symeon. Thos. Larke. John Yonge. Wm. Fleshmonger. Richd. Caurden. Giles Eyre. Bartholomew Traheron. Wm. Pye. Hugh Turnbull. Richd. Curteys, or Coorteyse. Anthy. Ruse, or Rushe. John Bexhall. | | | 1824 1577. 1602. 1630. 1634. 1639. 1660. 1663. 1669. 1671. 1672. 1688. 1699. 1715. 1728. 1735. 1739. 1742. 1754. 1770. 1790. 1814. Martin Colepepper, Wm. Thorne. Fras. Dee; bp. Peterborough, 1634 Richd. Stuart. Bruno Ryves. Jos. Henshawe; bp. Peterborough 1663. Jos. Goulston. Nathaniel Crewe; bp. Oxford, 1671. Lambroch Thomas. Geo. Stradling. Fras. Hawkins. Wm. Hayley. Thos. Sherlock; bp. Bangor, 1728. John Newry. Thos. Hayley. Jas. Hargraves. Wm. Ashburnham; bp. Chichester, 1754. Thos. Ball. Chas. Harward. Coombe Miller. Christopher Bethell, Mar. 15, G.; bp. Gloucester, 1824. . Saml. Slade, Mar. 12, G. 1830. Geo. Chandler, Feb. 20, G. 1859 1875 1888 . Walter Farquhar Hook, Feb. 24, G.; d. Oct 20, 1875. Jno. Wm. Burgon, Nov. 22, G.; d. Aug. 4, 1888. . Fras. Pigou, Oct. 29, G. DIOCESE OF ELY. THE church or abbey of Ely was erected into a bishopric by Henry I. in 1109, the diocese being carved out of that of Lincoln. The great privileges the see possessed were much restricted by the act 27 Hen. VIII., cap. 24, which restored to the crown its ancient royalties. BISHOPS Hervey, or Hervaeus ; tr. from Ban- gor. See vacant 2 years. Nigellus, preb. of St. Paul's, and ld. treasr. ; d. 1169, See vacant 5 years. Geoffrey Ridel; bar. ex. Wm. de Longchamp; la, chanc. and legate of Rome; d. 1197. Eustace, dean of Salisbury; lá. chanc. ; d. 1215. See vacant 5 years. John de Fontibus, abbot of Fount- aims, in Yorkshire. Geoffrey de Burgh, archdn. of Nor- wich. Hugh Northwold, abbot of St. Edmundsbury. OF ELY. 1254. 1337. 1345. 1362. 1257, 1286. 1290. 1299. 1302. 1310. 1316. Wm. deKilkenny,archdn.of Coventry; ld. kpr. Hugh de Balsham, sub-prior of Ely. - John de Kirkeby, canon of Wells an York; ld. treas r. Wm. de Luda, archdn. of Durham. Ralph de Walpole, tr. from Nor- wich. Robt. de Orford, prior of Ely, John de Ketene, almoner of Ely. John Hotham, preb. of York; ld. chanc., and ld, treasr. Simon de Montacute, tr. from Worcester. Thos. Lisle, prior of Winchester. Simon Langham, abbot of West- minster; ld. treasT.; aft. li.chanc.; tr. to Canterbury. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 435 1366. 1374, 1388. 1425. 1438. 1443. 1445. 1478. 1486. 1501. 1506. 1515. 1534. 1554. 1559, 1600. 1609. 1619. 1628. 1541. 1557. I589. 1591. 1614. 1636. 1667. John Barnet, tr. from Bath, and Wells; lá. treasr. Thos de Arundel,or Fitz-Alan, archdn. of Taunton ; ld, chanc.; tr. to York. John Frodsham, or Fordham ; tr. from Durham. Philip Morgan, tr. from Worcester. Louis de Luxemburgh (or Lush- borough, according to Le Neve), abp. of Rouen; cardl. Thos. Bourchier ; tr. from Wor- cester; tr. to Canterbury. Wm. Grey, archdn. of Northampton; ld. treasr. John Morton, preb. of Salisbury, Lincoln, St. Paul's, and York ; m. rolls; ld.chanc., and a cardl. ; tr. to Canterbury. John Alcock, tr. from Worcester; ld. chanc. Richd. Redman, tr. from Exeter. Jas. Stanley, warden of Manchester, and dean of St. Martin's. Nich. West, dean of Windsor. Thos. Goodrick, or Goodrich, canon of St. Stephen’s, Westminster; aft. li. chanc. Thos. Thirlby; tr. from Norwich ; depr. Richd. Coxe, dean of Christchurch, Oxford ; d. 1581. See vacant 18 years. Martin Heton, dean of Winchester. Lancelot Andrews, tr. from Chi- chester; tr. to Winchester. Nichs. Felton, tr. from Bristol. John Buckeridge, tr. from Ro- chester. DEANS Robt. Steward, alias Wells, Sept. 10; last prior and first dean; d. Sept. 22, 1557. Andrew Perne; d. Apr. 26, 1589. John Bell; d. Oct. 31, 1591. Humphrey Tyndall; d. Oct. 12, 1614. Hy. Caesar, alias Adelmare ; d. June 27, 1636. Wm. Beale, nominated but never admitted ; d. Oct. 1, 1651. Wm. Fuller, July 14; dean of Dur- ham, 1646; d. May 12, 1659. . Richd. Love, Sept. 6; d. Jan. 1661. . Hy. Ferne, Feb.; bp. Chester, 1662; d. Mar. 16, 1662. . Edwd. Martin, Feb. 22; d. Apr. 28, 1662. Fras. Wilford, May 20; d. July, 1667. Robt. Mapletoft, Aug. 7 ; d. Aug. 20, 1677. 1631. 1638. I667. 1675. 1684. 1691. 1707. 1714. I723. 1738. 1748. 1754. 1770. 1781. 1808. 1812. 1836. 1845. 1864. 1873. 1885. 1708. 1713. 1729. 1730. 1758. 1780. I797. 1820. 1839. 1858. 1869. Fras. White, tr. from Norwich. Matth. Wren, tr. from Norwich. Benjn. Lancy, or Laney, tr. from Lincoln. Peter Gunning, tr. from Chichester. Fras. Turner, tr. from Rochester; depr. for not taking the oaths. Simon Patrick, tr. from Chichester. John Moore, tr. from Norwich. Wm. Fleetwood, tr. from St. Asaph. Thos. Greene, tr. from Norwich. Robt. Butts, tr. from Norwich. Sir. Thos. Gooch, bt., tr. from Nor- wich. Matthias Mawson, tr. from Chi- chester. Edmd. Keene, tr. from Chester. Hon. Jas. Yorke, tr. from Glou- cester ; d. Aug. 26. Thos. Dampier, Sept. 13; tr. from Rochester; d. May 13, 1812. Bowyer Edwd. Sparke, May 23, tr. from Chester; d. Apr. 4, 1836. Jos. Allen, June 15; tr. from Bristol; d. Mar. 20, 1845. Thos. Turton, reg. prof. Divinity, and fellow of Catharine Hall, Cam- bridge, Mar. 29; d. Jan. 7, 1864. Edwd. Harold Browne, canon of Exeter, Feb. 4, G. ; tr. to Wim- chester. Jas. Russell Woodford, vicar of Leeds, Oct. 27, G.; d. Oct. 24, 1883. Alwyne Compton, c. c. 1d. Alwyne Compton, Dean of Worcester, Dec. 31, G. OF ELY. 1677. 1693. John Spencer, Sept.; d. May 27, 1693. John Lamb, June 20; d. Aug. 10, 1708. Chas. Roderick, Oct. 8; d. Mar. 25, 1712. Robt. Moss, Apr. 30; d. Mar. 26, 1729. John Frankland, Apr. 28; d. Sept. 3, 1730. Peter Allix, Nov. 21; d. Jan. 11, 1758. Hugh Thomas, July 15 ; d. July 11, 1780. Wm. Cooke, Aug. 9; d. Nov. 21, 1797. Wrm. Pearce, Dec. 10. Jas. Wood, Nov. 21, G. Geo. Peacock, May 7, G. Harvey Goodwin, Dec. 10, G.; bp. Carlisle, 1869. Chas. Merivale, Dec. 11, G. 28 & 436 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. and the latter at Bodmin. DIOCESE OF EXETER. THIs diocese comprises the two former bishoprics of Devonshire Cornwall. The church of the former was at Crediton, and of About the year 1032, the bishopric of Cornwall was united to that of Devonshire; and, soon after, the then bishop re- moved the see to Exeter, where it still continues. 905. 906. 925. 932. 942. 953. 972. 981. 909. * * * } 36 k * 3& 966. BISHOPS OF DEVONSHIRE, AEdulphus, or Werstanus I. Putta. AEdulphus II. Ethelgarus. Algarus. Alfwoldus I. Alf wolfus. Sydemanus. 990. Alfredus, abbot of Malmesbury. 999. Alfwoldus II. 1014. Eadnothus. 1032. Livyngus, who, , after the death of Burwoldus, bp. of Cornwall, pro- cured that bishopric to be an- nexed to his own. He also held the see of Worcester from 1838. BISHOPS OF CORNWALL. St. Patroe; he lived about the year 850. Athelstan I. Conanus. Ruydocus. Aldredus I. Britwynus. Athelstan II. 966. * k : : Wolfi. Woronus. Wolocus. Stidio. Aldredus II. Burwoldus, or Brithwaldus; the last bp. of Cornwall. BISHOP OF DEVON AND CORNWALL. 1046. Leofric, who removed the see to Exeter in 1049 or 1050. BISHOPS OF EXETER. 1049–50. Leofric. 1074. Osbert, brother to the E. of Here- ford; d. 1103. See vacant 3 years. 1107. Wm. Warelvast, Warlewast, or Warewast, res. 1127 ; d. 1137. 1128. Robt. Chichester, dean of Salis- burv. 1150. Robt. Warlewast, dean of Salis- bury. 1161. Barth. Iscanus. 1185. John; d. 1191. See vacant 2 years. 1193. Hy. Marshall, dean of York; d. 1206. See vacant above 7 years. 1214. Simon de Apulia, dean of York. 1224. Wm. Brewer, pr. councillor to Hen. 1245. Richd. Blondy. 1258. WalterBronscombe, archdn.of$urrey. 1280. 1292. 1307. 1326. Peter Quivil, canon of Exeter. Thos. de Button, dean of Wells, Walter Stapleton, ld. treasr. ; be- headed by a mob in London, Oct. 15, 1326. Jas. de Berkeley; d. 1327. John Godeleigh chosen, but set aside by the pope. 1327. 1370. 1395. 1419. 1420, 1456. 1465. 1478. 1486. 1492. 1495. 1502, 1504. 1519. 1551, John Grandison. Thos. Brentingham, ld. treasr. Edma. Stafford, ld, chanc. John Ketterick, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry; d. 1420. Jas. Cary, bp. Lichfield and Co- ventry; d. before he took posses- sion of the see. Edmd. Lacy, tr. from Hereford. Geo. Nevill, ld, chanc. and chanc. of Oxford; tr. to York. John Booth, preb. of St. Paul's. Peter Courtenay, archdn. of Exeter; tr. to Winchester. Richd. Fox, preb. of Salisbury; lá. pr. seal; tr. to Bath and Wells. Oliver King, preb. of St. Paul's; tr. to Bath and Wells. Richd. Redman, tr. from St. Asaph; tr. to Ely. John Arundel, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry. Hugh Oldham, or Oldman, preb. of York and Lichfield. John Voysey, alias Harman, dean of Windsor; res. 1551. Miles Coverdale, depr and banished by Mary, 1553. After her death he refused to return to his THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 437 1459. 1477. 1478. . Wm. Alley, preb. of St. Paul's. . Wm. Bradbridge, dean of Salisbury. 1778. . John Woolton, can.-res. of Exeter. . Gervase Babington, tr. from Llan- 1792. daff; tr. to Worcester. 1797. . Wm. Cotton, can -res. of St. Paul's. . Valentine Cary, dean of St. Paul's. 1803. . Jos. Hall, dean of Worcester; tr. to Norwich 1641. 1807. . Ralph Brownrigg, preb. of Durham. . John Gauden, master of the Temple; 1820. . Anthy. Sparrow, archdn.of Sudbury; . Thos. Lamplugh, dean of Rochester; tr. to York. 1869. . Sir Jonn. Trelawney, bt. ; tr. from bishopric, and lived in retirement 1717. until his 81st year. • John Voysey, again; rest. by Mary | 1724. on her accession. 1743. . Jas. Turberville, preb. of Winton ; ; 1746. depr. Jan 1560. 1762. tr. to Worcester. . Seth Ward, dean of Exeter; tr. to 1830. Salisbury. tr. to Norwich. Bristol; tr. to Winchester. . Offspring Blackhall, rector of St. 1885. Mary Aldermary, London. Lancelot Blackburn, dean of Exe- ter; tr. to York. Stephen Weston. Nichs. Claggett, tr. from St. David's. Geo. Lavington, can.-res.of St.Paul's. Fredk. Keppel, canon of Windsor, and in 1766 dean of Windsor. John Ross, one of his majesty's chaplains and preb. of Durham. Wm. Buller, dean of Canterbury. Hy. Regd. Courtenay, tr. from Bristol; d. 1803. John Fisher, archdn. of Exeter, June 25 ; tr. to Salisbury. Hon. Geo. Pelham, July 11 ; tr. from Bristol; tr. to Lincoln. Wm. Carey, Oct. 16; tr. to St. Asaph. Christr. Bethell, Apr. 7; tr. from Gloucester; tr. to Bangor, Oct. 10, same year. Hy. Phillpotts, preb. of Durham, Nov. 11; d. Sept. 18, 1869. Fredk. Temple, head master of Rugby, Oct. 25, G. ; tr. to Lon- don, 1885. Edwd. Hy. Bickersteth, dean of Gloucester, Mar. 26, G. DEANS OF EXETER. 1225. Serlo, Dec.; d. July 25, 1231. 1482. * * Roger de Wynklegh; d. Aug. 13, 1252. 1496. * * Wm. de Stanwey; d. Dec. 30, 1268. * * Roger de Thoriz; d. Apr. 30, 1274. 1509. 1274. John Noble, Sept. 20. * * John Pycot. 1284. Andrew de Kilkenny, Mar. 13; d. Nov. 4, 1302. 1519. * * Hy. de Somerset. 1527. * * Thos. de Lechlade; d. 1309. 1311. Barthw. de Sancto Laurentio, June | 1537. * * Roger de Coleton, was dean in 1328; 1553. d. 1335. 1335. Richd. de Braylegh, Oct. 2. 1554. * * Regd. de Bugwell. * * Robt. Sumpter, was dean in 1373 1560. and 1377. 1570. * * Thos. Walkyngton, was dean on | 1583. Feb. 23, 1384. 1385. Ralph Tregrision, June. 1588. 1415. Stephen Payn, Nov. 4; d. May, 1629. 1419. 1661. 1419. Roger Bolter, elected but declined. John Cobethorn, Sept. 2. 1662. * * John Hals, bp. Lichfield and Coven- 1663. try, 1459. Hy. Webber, Dec. 26; d. Feb. 13, 1681. 1477. Peter Courtenay, Apr. 27; bp. Exe- 1703. ter, 1478. Lionel Woodvile, bp. Salisbury, 1705. 1482. John Arundell, bp. Lichfield and Coventry, 1496. Edwd. Willoughby; d. Nov. 23, 1508. Thos. Hobbys, Feb. 7 ; d. Sept. 1509. John Veysy, Nov. 19 ; bp. FXeter, 1519. Richd. Pace, res. July 8, 1527. Regd. Pole, Sept. 23; depr. ; abp. Canterbury, 1556. Simon Heynes, July 16; d. Oct. 1552. Jas. Haddon, July 10. John Moreman ; d. 1554. Thos. Reynolds, Feb. 9 ; depr. by Elizabeth ; d. Nov. 24, 1559. Gregory Dodds, Feb. 25 ; d. 1570. Geo. Carewe; d. 1583. Stephen Townesende, Oct. 5; d. 1588. Matt. Sutcliffe, Oct. 27; d. 1629. Wm. Peterson, July 18; d. 1661. Seth Ward, Dec. 26; bp. Exeter, 1662. Edwd. Younge, Aug. 21; d. 1663. Geo. Cary, Sept. 5; d. Feb. 2, 1681. Hon. Richd. Annesley, aft. li. Alt- ham, Apr. 6; d. Nov. 16, 1701. Wm. Wake, Feb. 14; bp. Lincoln, 1705. Lancelot Blackburne, Nov. 3; by. Exeter, 1717. 438 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1717. Edwd. Trelawny, Mar. 18; d. Oct. 1802. Chas. Talbot, Tec. 31; dean of 24, 1726. Salisbury, 1809. 1726. John Gilbert, Dec. 27; bp. Llandaff, 1809. Geo. Gordon, Mar. 25, G.; dean of 1740. Lincoln, 1810. 1741. Alured Clarke, Jan. 12; d. May 31, 1810. John Garnett, Feb. 10, G.; d. Mar. 1742. 12, 1813. 1742. Wm. Holmes, Aug. 14; d. Apr. 4, 1813. Whittington Landon, Mar. 30, G. 1748. 1839. Ld. Wriothesley Russell, Jan. 19, G.; 1748. Chas. Lyttelton, June 1; bp. Car- res. same year. lisle, 1762. Thos. Hill Lowe. 1762. Jeremiah Milles, Apr. 28; d. Feb. 1861. Chas. John Ellicott, July 1, G. 16, 1784. 1863. Hon. Wm. John Brodrick, aft. visc. 1784. Wm. Buller, Mar. 25; dean of Can- Midleton, Apr. 2, G. terbury, 1790. 1867. Archd. Boyd, Nov. 11, G. 1790. Chas. Harward, July 16; d. July 17, 1883. Benjn. Morgan Cowie, dean of Man- I802. chester, Nov. 20, G. DIOCESES OF GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL. THE DIOCESE of GLoucestER was formerly part of that of Worcester and was erected into a separate see by Henry VIII. in 1541. THE DIOCESE of BRISTOL was erected into a separate see by Henry VIII. in 1542, and was formed chiefly out of the diocese of Salisbury, with small portions of Wells and Worcester. During a great part of Queen Elizabeth’s reign, this see was held in commendam by the bishops of Gloucester. By 6 and 7 Wm. IV. cap. 77 (Aug. 13, 1836) and an order in council dated Oct. 7, 1836, the dioceses of Gloucester and Bristol were con- solidated. By 47 and 48 Vict. cap. 66 (Aug. 14, 1884) provision is made for the separation of the two dioceses on the next vacancy of the see, but this act has not yet come into operation. BISHOPS OF GLOUCESTER. 1541. John Wakeman, the last abbot of See vacant 5 years. Tewkesbury. 1660. Wm. Nicholson, archdn. of Breck- 1550. John Hooper, held the see of Wor- nock. cester in commendam in 1552: e • TX --> wº g depr. by Mary, 1553; burnt at 1672. Jº §: ‘...." V 1C3, I’ Gloucester, Feb. 9, 1555. g , Uripplegate. 1554. Jas. Brookes, master of Baliol Col- 1681. Robt. Frampton, dean of Glouces- lege, Oxford; d. 1558. ter; depr. for not taking the See vacant 3 years. oaths. 1562. Richd. Cheyney, also bp. Bristol; 1691. Edwd. Fowler, preb. of Gloucester. d. 1579. 1715. Richd. Willis, dean of Lincoln; tr. See vacant 2 years. to Salisbury. 1581. John Bullingham, also bp. Bris- || 1722. Jos. Wilcocks, preb. of Westminster; tol; d. 1598. tr. to Rochester. 1598. Godfrey Goldsborough, preb. of 1731. Elias Sydall, tr. from St. David's. Worcester. 1734. Martin Benson, preb. of Durham. 1604. Thos. Ravis, dean of Christ Church, 1752. Jas. Johnson, can.-res. of St. Paul's; Oxford ; tr. to Ilondon. tr. to Worcester. 1607. Hy. Barry, dean of Chester; tr. to 1759. Wm. Warburton, dean of Bristol Worcester. and preacher at Lincoln's Inn. 1610. Giles Thomson, dean of Windsor. 1779. Hon. Jas. Yorke, tr. from St. David's; 1612. Miles Smith, can.-res. of Hereford. tr. to Ely. 1624. Godfrey Goodman, dean of Roches- || 1781. Saml. Halifax, tr. to St. Asaph. ter; his see was sequestrated in 1789. Richd. Beadon, archdn. of luondon; 1640, and he d. a papist in 1655. tr. to Bath and Wells. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 439 1802. 1815. Geo. Isaac Huntingford, warden of 1824. Christr. Bethell, Mar. 11; tr. to Winchester College, Apr. 21; tr. Exeter. to Hereford. e Hon. Hy. Ryder, July 8; tr. to 1880. Jas. Hy. Monk, July 11. United Lichfield and Coventry. to Bristol, 1836. See “Bishops of Gloucester and Bristol,” infra. BISHOPS OF BRISTOL. 1538. Hy. Holbeach, bp. suffragan ; tr. to 1689. Gilbert Ironside, warden of Wad- Rochester. ham College, Oxford; tr. to Here- 1542. Paul Bushe, provincial of the Bon- ford. hommes; res. the see on the ac- | 1691. John Hall, master of Pembroke Col- cession of Mary in 1553, he being lege, Oxford. married. 1710. John Robinson, dean of Windsor ; 1554. John Holyman, monk of Reading ; ld. pr. seal; tr. to London. d. Dec. 1558. 1714. Geo. Smallridge, dean of Christ- See vacant 3 years. church, Oxford. 1562. Richd. Cheney, or Cheyney, archdn. 1719. Hugh Boulter, archdn. of Surrey; tr. of Hereford; he held the see of to Armagh, Ireland. Gloucester, by dispensation, along | 1724. Wm. Bradshaw, dean ofChristchurch, with this see. Oxford. See vacant 2 years. 1732. Chas. Cecil, tr. to Bangor. 1581. John Bullingham, preb. of Wor- 1734. Thos. Secker, preb. of Durham ; tr. cester and St. Paul's; he held to Oxford. Gloucester by dispensation; res. 1737. Thos. Gooch, preb. of Canterbury; the see of Bristol, 1589. tr. to Norwich. 1589. Richd. Fletcher, dean of Peter- 1738. Jos. Butler, preb. of Rochester; tr. borough ; tr. to Worcester, 1593. to Durham. See vacant 10 years. 1750 John Conybeare, dean of Christ- 1603. John Thornborough, tr. from Lime- church, Oxford. rick; tr. to Worcester. 1758. John Hume, can.-res. of St. Paul's ; 1617. Nichs. Felton, preb. of St. Paul's; tr. to Oxford. tr. to Ely. Philip Younge, can.-res.of St. Paul's; 1619. Rowland Serchfield, vicar of Charl- tr. to Norwich. bury, Oxfordshire. 1761. Thos. Newton, preb. of Westminster, 1622. Robt. Wright, canon of Wells; tr. to and dean of St. Paul's. Lichfield and Coventry. 1782. Lewis Bagot, dean of Christchurch, 1632. Geo. Cook, or Coke, rector of Bygrave, Oxford; tr, to Norwich. Herts. ; tr. to Hereford. 1785. Christr. Wilson, preb. of Westminster. 1636. Robt. Skinner, rector of Launton, 1792. Spencer Madam, can.-res. of Lich- Oxfordshire ; tr. to Oxford. field; tr. to Peterborough. 1640. Thos. Westfield, archdn.ofst.Alban's. 1794, Hy. Regd. Courtenay, preb. of 1644. Thos. Howell, can. of Windsor; d. Rochester; tr. to Exeter. 1646. 1797. Folliot Herbert Walker Cornewall, See vacant 16 years. dean ofCanterbury; tr.to Hereford. 1660. Gilbert Ironside, preb. of York. 1802. Hon. Geo. Pelham, tr. to Exeter. 1671. Guy Carleton, dean of Carlisle; tr. 1807. John Luxmore, dean of Gloucester; to Chichester. tr. to Hereford. 1678. Wm. Gulston, rector of Symondsbury, 1808, Wm. Lort Mansel; d. 1820. Dorsetshire. 1820. John Kaye, master of Christ's Col- 1684. John Lake, tr. from Sodor and lege, Cambridge ; tr. to Lincoln. Man; tr. to Chichester. 1827. Robt. Gray; d. in 1834. 1685. Sir Jonathan Trelawny, bt. ; tr. to 1834. Jos. Allen; tr. to Ely, 1836. United Exeter. to Gloucester. See “Bishops of Gloucester and Bristol,” infra. BISHOPS OF GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL. 1836. Jas. Hy. Monk, bp. of Gloucester, 1861. Wm. Thompson, prior of Queen's Oct. 7 ; d. June 6, 1856. College, Oxford ; tr. to York. 1856. Chas. Baring, rector of Limpsfield, 1863. Chas. Jno. Ellicott, dean of Exeter, Surrey, and chaplain in ordy.to the Jan. 30, G. Queen, July 9, G.; tr. to Durham. 440 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1541. 1565. 1569. 1570. 1584. 1594. 1607. 1609. 1616. 1621. 1624. 1631. 1644. The dates down to 1781 are those of the installations. DEANS OF GLOUCESTER. Wm. Jennings, last prior of St. Os- walds and first dean of Gloucester; d. Nov. 4, 1565. John Man; d. 1568. Thos. Cowper; bp. Lincoln, 1570. Laurence Humphrey; dean of Win- chester, 1580; d. 1590. Anthy. Rudd ; bp. St. 1594; d. 1614. Lewis Griffith; d. 1607. Thos. Morton, June 22; dean of Win- chester, 1609; d. Sept. 22, 1659. Richd. Field; d. Nov. 21, 1616, Wm. Laud ; bp. St. David's, 1621. Richd. Senhouse ; bp. Carlisle, 1624. Thos Winniffe, dean of St. Paul’s, 1631; bp. Lincoln, 1641. Geo. Warburton, June; Wells, Aug. 1631. Accepted Frewen ; bp. Lichfield and Coventry, 1643. Wm. Brough, nom, by Chas. I., but never enjoyed the dignity. David's, dean of 1671. 1673. 1681. 1685. 1707. 1720. 1723. 1729. 1730. 1758. 1800. 1808. 1825. 1862. 1885. 1886. Thos. Wyner; d. 1673. Robt. Frampton; bp. Gloucester, 1681. Thos. Marshall, Apr. 30; d. 1685. Wm. Jame; d. 1707. Knightly Chetwood, Apr. ; d. Apr. 11, 1720. John Waugh, Aug. 4; bp. Carlisle, 1723. John Frankland, dean of Ely, 1729. Peter Allix; dean of Ely, 1730. Daml. Newcombe ; d. 1758. Josiah Tucker; d. Nov. 4, 1799. John Luxmore, Jan. 7, G.; and bp. Bristol, 1807; tr. to Hereford, 1808. John Plumtree, Aug. 27, G. Hon. Edwd. Rice, Dec. 18, G. Hy. Law, Dec. 1, G. Edwd. Hy. Bickersteth, Jan. 19, G.; bp. Exeter, 1885. Hy. Montague Butler, May 14, G. Hy. Donald Maurice Spence, Dec. 13, G. DEANS OF BRISTOL. were, of course, a short time previous. 1542. 1551. 1552. 1554. 1800. 1803. 1810. 1813. Wm. Snow, last prior of Braden- stock and first dean, June 4. John Whiteheare, or Whytere, July 26. Geo. Carewe, Nov. 5; depr. by Mary. Hy. Jolliffe, Sept. 9; depr. by Eli- zabeth, 1559; d. 1573. . Geo. Carewe, rest.Now. 10: aft. dean of Exeter. . John Sprint, Feb. 16; d. 1589. . Anthy. Watson, July 21; bp, Chi- chester, 1596; held deanery till 1598. . Simon Robson, Apr. 21; d. 1617. . Edwd. Chetwynd, July 26; d. 1639. . Matth. Nicholas, June 22; dean of St. Paul's, 1660. 1660. 1667. 1683. 1684. 1685. 1693. 1708. 1730. 1739. 1757. 1760. 1761. 1768. 1781. The actual appointments Hy. Glenham, Sept. 14; bp. St. Asaph, 1667. Richd. Towgood, May 1; d. 1683. Saml. Crossman, Feb. 4 ; d. 1684. Richd. Thompson. May 25; d. 1685. Wm. Levett, Jan, 10; d. 1693. Geo. Royse, Mar. 10; d. 1708. Hon. Robt. Booth, June 20. Saml. Creswick, Sept. 8. Thos. Chamberlayne, Dec. 24. Wm. Warburton, Oct. 25; bp. Glou- cester, 1759. Saml. Squire, June 21; bp. St. David's, 1761. Fras. Ayscough, June 5. Cutts Barton. John Hallam, Feb. 22. The following dates are those of the Gazette notices. Chas. Peter Layard, Jan. 7, G. Bowyer Edwd. Sparke, May 24, G.; bp. Chester, 1809. John Parsons, Jan. 27, G. Hy. Becke, Dec. 14, G. , | 1837. 1850, Thos. Musgrave, Mar 27, G.; bp. Hereford, Aug., 1837. John Lamb, Oct. 2, G. Gilbert Elliot, May 1, G. DIOCESE OF HEREFOR.D. THIS was a bishopric in the time of the Britons, and one of the suffragans to the metropolitan see of St. David’s. When the country was con- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 441 3. by the Saxons, it became a member of the province of anterbury. BISHOPS OF HEREFORD. 680. Putta, tr. from Ro- 758. Albertus, 908. Cunemund, or Ceyne- chester. or Alberus. mundus. 691. Tirhtullus. 769. Esna. 928. Edgar. 703. Tortherus. 775. Celmund. 949. Tidhelm. 718. Walstodus, or Wastol- || 783. Utellus. 966. Wulfehelm. dus. 788. Wulfehard. 990. Alfric. 736. Cuthbert, tr. to Can- |809. Beonna. 997. Athulf. terbury. 829. Edulph. 1012. Athelstan. 741. Podda. 849. Cuthwolf. 1055. St. Leovegard, or 746. Ecca, or Acca. 868. Mucellus. Leofgar. 752. Cedde. 888. Deorlaf. See vacant 4 years. 1060. Walter, chaplain to the queen. 1422. Thos. Spofford, abbot of St. Mary's, 1079. Robt. Losing, preb. of St. Paul's. York; bp, elect of Rochester, but 1095 Gerard, chanc. to William the con- removed to this see before conse- queror; tr. to York. cration; res. 1448. 1101. Raimelm, chanc. to the queen ; he 1448. Richd. Beauchamp, archd. of Suffolk; rebuilt the cathedral. tr. to Salisbury. 1115. Geoffrey de Clyve, chaplaim to the 1450. Regd. Butler, or Bottoler, abbot of king. Gloucester; tr. to Lichfield and 1120. Richd. de Cappella, clerk of the Coventry. seal. 1453. John Stanbery, or Stanbury, tr. 1131. Robt. de Betun, prior of Lanthony. from Bangor. 1148. Gilbert Foliot, abbot of Gloucester; 1474. Thos. Milling, abbot of Westminster. tr. to London. 1492. Edmd. Audley, tr. from Rochester; 1163. Robt. de Melun, prior of Lanthony; tr. to Salisbury. d. 1166. 1502. Adrian de Castello, preb. of St. See vacant 7 years. Paul’s ; tr. to Bath and Wells. 1174. Robt. Foliot, archdn, of Oxford. 1504. Richd. Mayhew, or Mayo, pres. 1186. Wn. de Vere, preb. of St. Paul's. of Magdalen College, Oxford. 1200. Giles de Bruse, or Braose. 1516. Chas. Booth, preb. of Lincoln. 1216. Hugh de Mapenore, dean of Hereford. | 1535. Edwd. Fox, provost of King's 1219. Hugh Foliot, archdn. of Salop College, Cambridge. 1234, Ralph de Maydenstune,or Maidstone, 1538. Edmd. Bonner, archdn. of Leicester; dean of Hereford ; res. Dec. 1239. before consecration, tr. to London. 1240. Peter de Egueblank, or Egeblaunch, 1539. John Skypp, archdn. of Dorset. a Savoyard. 1553. John Harley, preb. of Worcester; 1268, Johd de Breton. depr. for being married. 1275. St. Thos. de Cantilupe, archdn, of 1554. Robt. Warton, or Parfew, tr. from. Stafford; ld. chanc. of England, St. Asaph. and chanc. of Oxford. Thos. Reynolds; nom. by Mary, but 1282. Richd. Swinefield. on her death, set aside by Eliza- 1317. Adam de Orleton, ld, treas r. ; tr. to beth. Worcester. 1559. John Scory, the depr. bp. of 1327. Thos. Charlton, canon of York; ld. Chichester ; made bp. Hereford chanc. of Ireland. by Elizabeth. 1344. John Trilleck. 1585. Herbert Westphaling, canon of Wind- 1361. Lewis de Charleton, canon of Here- SOI. ford; chanc. of Oxford. 1602. Robt. Bennet, dean of Windsor. 1369. Wm. Courteney, canon of York; tr. 1617. Fras. Godwin, tr. from Llandaff. to London. Wm. Juxton, dean of Worcester, elec- 1375. John Gilbert, tr. from Bangor; ld. ted ; but before consecration, tr.to treasr. ; tr. to St. David's. London. 1389. John Trevenant, or Treffnant, Godfrey Goodman, bp. Gloucester, canon of St. Asaph and Lincoln. elected; but declined the app. 1404. Robt. Maschal, confessor to the 1634. Augustin Lindsell, tr. from Peter- king. borough ; d. same year. 1417. Edmd. Lacy, canon of Windsor; tr. Matth. Wren, dean of Windsor; tr. to Exeter. to Norwich, 1420. Thos, Polton, dean of York; tr. to 1635. Theoph. Field, tr. from St. David's Chichester. Dec. 1635; d. June, 1636. 442 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1636. 1660. 1661. 1691. 1701. 1712. 1721. 1723. 1746. 1787. 1788. 1140. 1150. 1157. 1172. 1187. 1202. 1203. 1216. 1218. 1231. 1234. 1247. 1271. 1278. 1320. 1352. 13(53. * + 1380. 1393. 1407. 1419. 1434. 1445. 1462. * * 1481. 1490. 1491. 1501. 1512. Geo. Cook, or Coke, tr. from Bris- tol; d. 1646. See vacant 14 years. Nichs. Monk, provost of Eton. Herbert Croft, dean of Hereford. Gilbert Ironside, tr. from Bristol. Humphrey Humphreys, tr. from Bangor. Philip Bisse, tr. from St. David's. Benjn. Hoadley, tr. from Bangor; tr. to Salisbury. Hon. Hy. Egerton, canon of Christ- church, Oxford. Lord Jas. Beauclerk, canon of Wind- sor; d. 1787. Hon. John Harley, dean of Windsor; d. 1788. John Butler, tr. from Oxford; d. 1802. 1802. 1808. 1815. 1832. 1837. 1847. Folliot Herbert Walker Cornewall, tr. from Bristol; tr. to Wor- cester, John Luxmore, July 16 ; tr. from Bristol; tr. to St. Asaph. Geo. Isaac Huntingford, July 23; tr. from Gloucester; d. Apr. 1832. Hon. Edwd. Grey, dean of Here- ford, May 7; d. June 24, 1837. Thos. Musgrave, Aug. 7 ; tr. to York. Renn Dickson Hampden, principal of St. Mary's Hall, reg. prof. Divinity, and canon of Christ- church, Oxford, Dec. 11; d. Apr. 23, 1868. 1868. Jas. Atlay, vicar of Leeds, May 13, DEANS OF HEREFOR.D. Ralph (1). Geffry (1). Ralph (2). Geffry (2). Richard. Hugh de Breuse. Hugh de Mapenore ; b.p. Hereford, 1216. Henry. Thos. de Bosbury. Ralph de Maideston. Steph. de Thorne. Ancelinus, or Ancelin. Giles de Avenbury. John de Aquablanca. Steph. de Ledbury. Thos. de Trilleck. Wm. de Birmingham. John de Middleton. John Harold. John Prophet. Thos. Felde. John Stanwey. Hy. Shelford. John Berew. John ap Richard. Richd. Pede. Thos. Chandeler. Oliver King. John Harvey. Regd. West. Thos. Wolsey. Edmd. Frowcester. T529. 1549. 1558. 1559. 1576. 1593. 1607. 1616. 1617. 1623. 1631. 1635. 1644. 1661. 1672. 1692. 1724. * * 1748. 1750. 1756. 1771. 1808. 1809. 1820. 1827. 1830. 1832. 1850. 1867. Gamaliel Clifton. Hugh Curwyn ; bp. Oxford, 1567. Edma. Daniel. John Ellis. John Watkins. Chas. Langford. Edwd. Doughtie. Richd. Mountague. Sylvanus Gryffith. Danl. Price. John Richardson. Jonathan Browne. Herbert Croft ; bp. Hereford, 1661. Thos. Hodges. Geo. Benson. John Tyler; bp. Llandaff, 1707. Robt. Clavering. Edwd. Cresset; bp. Llandaff, 1748. Edmd. Castle. John Egerton ; bp. Bangor, 1756. Fras. Webber. Nathan Wetherell. Wm. Leigh, Jan. 16, G. Geo. Gretton, Mar. 21, G. Rcbt. Jas. Carr, Aug. 14, G.; and bp. Chichester, 1824. Edwd. Mellish, June 28, G. Hon. Edwd. Grey, Dec. 22, G.; bp. Hereford, 1832. John Merewether, May 15, G. Richd. Daws, May 15, G. Hon. Geo. Herbert, Apr. 10, G. DIOCESE OF LICHFIELD, FORMERLY LICHFIELD AND COVENTRY. This bishopric is said to have been founded by Oswy, king of North- umbria, about the year 656, and although it had, until very recently, a THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 443 double name (Lichfield and Coventry), yet, like Bath and Wells, it has always been a single diocese. Offa, king of Mercia, by the favour of pope Adrian, constituted it an archiepiscopal see ; but this title was laid aside on the death of that king. In 1075, Peter, the thirty-fourth bishop, removed the see to Chester; in 1102, his immediate successor, Robert de Limesey, removed it to Coventry; and bishop Roger de Clinton, according to some authorities (bishop Hugo Novant being mentioned by others), removed it back to Lichfield, but with great opposition from the monks of Coventry. The dispute was finally settled in a manner nearly similar to that adopted between Bath and Wells : it was agreed that the bishop should be styled from both places; that they should choose the bishop alternately; and that they should both make one chapter, of which the prior of Coventry should be the chief. Matters continued thus until the Reformation, when the priory of Coventry was dissolved by Henry VIII., but the style of the bishop continued as before. By an order in council dated Jan. 24, 1837, the archdeaconry of Coventry was separated from this see and added to the see of Worcester; and the double name was then discontinued. In 1537 a bishop suffragan of Shrewsbury was appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14, and this title was revived in 1888. BISHOPS OF LICHFIELD. 656. Dwyma, Diuma, or Duma. 845. Humbert II. 658. Cellach, a Scot; he resigned and re- || 864. Kinebert, or Kenferth. turned to his own country. 872. St. Cumbert, or Cineferth. 898. 928. 944. 953. 964. 660. Trumhere, abbot of Ingethling. 664. Jaruman. 667. St. Chad, or Ceadda, tr. to York. 672. Winfride, depr. by abp. Theodore. 676. St. Sexulf, or Saxulf, abbot of Mede- Tunbright, Tunfrith, or Tumfriht. Ella. AElfgar. Kinsey, or Kinsius. Winsey, or Winsius. shamstede, now Peterborough. 977. Elphege. 691. Headda, or Eatheadus, of Sidna- 990. Godwin. cester. 1007. Leofgar, or Leosgar. 721. Aldwyn, 1027. Brithmar. 737. Witta, or Huitta. 1038. Wolfius. 752. Hemel. 1054. Leofwin, abbot of Coventry. 765. Cuthfrid; d. 768. 1067. Peter ; he removed the see to Ches- 768. Berthun ; d. 785. ter in 1075. 785. Higbert, or Sigbert I. 1085. Robt. de Limesey, preb. of St. 786. Adulphus, the Archbishop. This title Paul's ; he removed the see to Coventry in 1102. See vacant 4 years. Robt. Pecham, or Peche, chaplain to Hen. I. ; d. 1127. See vacant 2 years. was laid aside in 799. * * Humbert I. 812. Herewin. 834. Higbert, or Sigbert II. 837. Ethelwald, or Ethelwold. 1117. BISHOPS OF LICHFIELD AND COVENTRY. 1129. Roger de Clinton, archdn. of Buck- ingham ; he removed the see to Lichfield. 1149. Walter Durdent, prior of Canter- bury. 1162. Richd. Peche, archdn. of Coventry. 1183. Geraldus Puella, or la Pucelle ; d. Jan. 1185. 1185. Hugh Novant, Nunant, or Minant, prior of the Carthusians; he re- moved the see permanently to Lichfield. 1198. Geoffrey de Muschamp, archdn. of Cleveland. 1208. Walter Grey, ld. Worcester. 1215. Wm. de Cornhull, archdn. of Hunt- ingdon. 1224. Alexr. de Savensby, or Stavenby; d. Dec. 26, 1238. chanc. ; tr. to 444 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1239. 1243. 1245. 1257. 1296. 1322. 1360. 1386. 1398. 1415. 1419. 1447. 1452. 1453. 1459. 1492. 1837. 1839. 1843. 1537. 1888. Wm. de Rule, or Raleigh, elected by both chapters; but being chosen bishop of Norwich also, he accepted the latter; the chap- ter of Lichfield then chose Wm. de Manchestre, their dean, and that of Coventry elected Nichs. de Farnham ; and after much con- troversy, both chapters, at the king's request, agreed in the choice of Hugh de Pateshull, ld, treasr. , conf. Dec. 25; d. Dec. 1241. . Richd., surn. Crassus, elected ; but d. Dec. 8,1242, before consecration. Robt. de Monte Pessulano next chosen; but he, finding his elec- tion disagreeable to the king, refused the see, and the pope ap- pointed Roger de Weseham, dean of Lin- coln. Roger de Longespée, or de Molend. Walter de Langton, ld, treasr, and ld. chanc. Roger de Northbrugh, or North- burgh, archdn. of Richmond; lil. kpr. and lá. treasr. Robt. Stretton, canon of Lichfield. Walter Skirlawe, dean of St. Mar- tin’s; tr. to Bat and Wells same year. Richd. Scrope, tr. to York. John Burghill, tr. from Llandaff. John Keterich, tr. from St. David's ; tr. to Exeter, 1419. Jas. Cary, tr. to Exeter; d. before taking possession of that see. Wm. Heyworth, Nov. 20; d. Mar. 13, 1447. Wm. Booth, preb. of St. Paul's; tr. to York. Nichls. Close, tr. from Carlisle; chanc. of Cambridge. Regd. Butler, tr. from Hereford. John Halse, or Hales, preb. of St. Paul's. Wm. Smith, archdn. of Surrey; tr. to Lincoln. 1496. 1503. 1534. 1543. 1609. 1610. 1614. 1619. 1632. 1643. 1661. 1671. 1692. 1699. 1717. 1730. 1749. 1768. 1771. 1774. 1781. 1824. 1836. John Arundel, dean of Exeter; tr. to Exeter. Geoffry Blythe, dean of York. Rowland Lee, chanc. and preb. of Lichfield, and ld. pres. of Wales. Richd. Sampson; tr. from Chiches- ter; ld, pres. of Wales. . Ralph Baines, or Bayne, depr. 1559, and d. Soon after. . Thos. Bentham, fellow of Magdalene College, Oxford. . Wm. Overton, preb. of Winchester and Salisbury. Geo. Abbot, dean of Winchester; tr. to London. Richd. Neile, or Neale, tr. from Ro- chester; tr. to Lincoln. John Overal, dean of St. Paul's; tr. to Norwich. Thos. Mor ton, tr. from Chester; tr. to Durham. Robt. Wright, tr. from Bristol. Accepted l'rewen, dean of Glouces- ter; tr. to York. John Hacket, can.-res. of St. Paul's. Thos. Wood, dean of Lichfield. Wm. Lloyd, bp. of St. Asaph; tr. to Worcester. John Hough, tr. from Oxford; tr. to Worcester. Edwd. Chandler, preb. of Worces- ter; tr. to Durham. Richd. Smalbroke, tr. David's. Hon. Fredk. Cornwallis, canon of Windsor, and, in 1766, dean of St. Paul's ; tr. to Canterbury. IHon. John Egerton, tr. from Bam- gor; tr. to Durham. Brownlow North, dean of Canter- bury; tr. to Worcester. Richd. Hurd, master of the Temple; tr. to Worcester. Hon. Jas. Cornwallis, dean of Can- terbury; succ. to the earldom of Cornwallis, 1823; d. 1824. Hon. Hy. Ryder, Feb. 4; tr. from Gloucester; d. Mar. 31, 1836. Saml. Butler, June 15 ; became bp. of Lichfield only, Jan. 24, 1837. from St. BISHOPS OF LICHFIELD. Saml. Butler, above named, Jan. 24; d. Dec. 4, 1839. Jas. Bowstead, Dec. 30 ; tr. from Sodor and Man; d. Oct. 11, 1843. John Lonsdale, archdn. of Middlesex and principal of King's College, London, Nov. 6; d. Oct. 19, 1867. 1867. 1878. Geo Augs. Selwyn, Dec. 13, G. ; tr. from New Zealand; d. Apr. 11, 1878. Wm. Dalrymple Maclagan, vicar of St. Mary Abbot, Kensington, May 13, G. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF SHREWSBURY. Lewis Thomas. Sir Lovelaco Tomlinson Stamer, bt., archdn.of Stoke-on-Trent, Feb. 6 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 445 1140. 1170. 1173. 1190. 1193. 1214. 1222. 1254. 1280. 1320. 1325. 1328. 1337. 1347. 1349. 1363. 1368. 1371. 1381. 1390. 1426. 1432. 1457. 1493. 1512. 1522. 1533. borough, in Lincolnshire), and Dorchester, in Oxfordshire. DEANS OF LICHFIELD. William (1). Richd. de Balam, or Dalam. William (2). Richard. Bertram. Ralph, or Richd. de Nevill, bp. Chichester, 1222. Wm. de Manchester; d. Feb. 7, 1253. Ralph de Sempringham ; d. Mar. 25, 1280. John de Derby; d. Oct. 12, 1319. Stephen de Segrave, Dec. 5; bp. Armagh, 1324. Roger de Covinis, Nov. ; d. 1328. John Casey, or Gasey. Richd. FitzRalph, Apr. 20; Armagh, 1347. Simon de Borisleyer Briesley, or Griesley, Apr. 20; dean of Lin- coln, 1349. John de Bokingham ; bp. Lincoln, 1363. Anthy. Rous. Laurence de Ibbestoke, or Ibbestock, Feb. 3. Fras. St. Sabine. Wm. de Packington, Jan. 5; d. 1390. Thos. de Stretton, May 15; d. July 16, 1426. Robt. Wolveden, Sept. 23; d. Nov. 1432. John Werney, Dec. 2; d. 1457. Thos. Heywood, Aug. ; d. Oct. 25, 1492. John Yotton, Feb. 23; d. Aug. 2, 1512. Ralph Collingwood, Sept. 26; d. Nov. 22, 1521. Jas. Denton, Jam, 7; d. Feb. 23, 1533. Richd. Sampson, Chichester, 1536. bp. June 20; bp. 1536. 1554. 1559. 1576. 1603. 1604. 1620. 1628. 1633. 1637. 1638. 1661. 1663. 1671. 1683. 1703. 1713. 1720. 1730. 1745. 1776. 1807. 1833. 1868. 1875. Richd., or Hy. Williams, Nov. 23; depr. 1553. John Rambridge, Apr. 2; impris. or depr. by Elizabeth. Lawrence Nowell. Apr. 1576. Geo. Boleyn, or Bollen, Nov. 22; d. Jan. 1603. Jas. Montagu, July 16; dean of Worcester, 1604. Wm. Tooker, or Tucker, Feb. 21; d. Mar. 19, 1620. Walter Curll, or Curle, Mar. 24; bp. Rochester, 1628. Augustine Lindsell, Oct. 15; bp. Peterboro’, 1632. John Warner, Mar. ; bp. Rochester, 1637. Saml. Fell, dean of Christ Church, 1638. Griffith Higgs; d. Dec. 15, 1659. Wm. Paul, Apr. 8; bp. Oxford 1663. Thos. Wood, Feb.; bp. Lichfield, 1671. Matthew Smallwood, July 7; d. Apr. 26, 1683. Lancelot Addison, July 3; d. Apr. 20, 1703. Wm. Binckes, June 19; d. June 19, 1712. Jonathan Kimberley, July 7; d. Mar. 7, 1719. Wm. Walmisley, May. 7. Nichs. Penny; d. Jan. 15, 1745. John Addenbrook, Feb. 15; d. Feb. 25, 1776. Baptist Roby, Mar. 25; d. 1807. John Chappel Woodhouse, Jan. 27, G.;ºd. Nov. 17, 1833. Hon. Hy. Edwd. John Howard, Nov. 27, G.; d. Oct. 8, 1868. Wm. Weldon Champneys, Nov. 12, G.; d. Feb. 4, 1875. Edw. Bickersteth, Feb. 22, G. 29; d. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. THIS diocese was formerly two sees, Sidnacester (not far from Gains- The former was united to Dorchester, after remaining a long time vacant, subsequent to the death of Eadulphus II. its ninth bishop. The diocese was very large; so large, in fact, that although the dioceses of Ely, Oxford, and Peterborough, when originally formed, were taken from it, it still continued to be the largest in England. Portions of it have since been transferred to other dioceses. The bishops of 446 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Lincoln were heretofore accounted chancellors to the archbishop of Canterbury. In 1537 a bishop suffragan of Bedford was appointed under 26 Hen. VIII. cap. 14. He was probably suffragan to this see, but when, in 1879, the title was revived, the bishop was made suffragan to London. In 1567, a bishop suffragan of Nottingham was appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Hen. VIII. cap. 14, and this title was revived in Rethunus. Aldredus. Ceolredus. Harlardus. * * * 36. 1870. BISHOPS OF DORCHESTER. 625. Birinus. 814. 650. Agilbertus. 861. 737. Totta, the first bp. of Leicester. 873. 764. Edbertus. 786. Unwoma. 801. Werinbertus. 905. Ceolulfus, or Kenulphus. BISEIOPS OF SIDNACESTER. 678. Eadhedus. 767. 679. Ethelwinus. 701. Edgarus. 720. Kinebertus, or Embercus. 733. Alwigh. 751. Eadulphus I. Ceolulfus. 783. Unwona. 789. Eadulphus II. ; after whose death the see remained long vacant, until it was joined to that of Dor- chester. BISHOPS OF DORCHESTER AND SIDNACESTER. 949. Leofwynus, who first united the sees of Dorchester and Sidnacester 1016. 1034. Eadhericus. Eadnothus II. |Ulfus Normanus. Wulfinus. St. Remigius de Feschamp, who re- moved the see to Lincoln in 1075. Benedict, or Richd. de Gravesend, dean of Lincoln. ^. Oliver Sutton, dean of Lincoln. John Aldberry, or d’Aldreby, chanc. of Lincoln. Thos. Beke, chanc. of Lincoln. 960. Ailnothus. 1052. 967. Ascwinus, or OEswy. 1053. 994. Alfhelmus. 1070. 1004 Eadnothus I. |BISHOPS OF LINCOLN. 1075. St. Remigius de Feschamp, above- 1258. named. 3. 1092. Robt. Bloet, or Bluet; la. chanc. 1281. 1123. Alexr., archdn. of Salisbury; lá. 1300. chanc. 1147. Robt. de Chesney, or Cheney, alias | 1319. Querceto; d. 1166. 1320. See vacant 7 years. Geoffrey Plantagenet ; res. 1181. Walter de Constantiis, archdn. of Oxford; tr. to Rouen, 1184. See vacant 2 years. Hugh, prior of the Carthusians at Witham, Somersetshire; canon- ised. See vacant 3 years. Wm. de Blois, preb. of Lincoln. See vacant 3 years. 1173. 1183. 1186. 1203. 1209. Hugo Wallis, or de Wells, archdn. of Wells; lá. chanc. 1235. Robt. Grosthead, or Grouthed, 1420. archdn. of Leicester. 1431. 1254. Hy. de Lexington, dean of Lincoln. 1436. 1343. 1351. 1363. 1398. 1405. Hy. de Burghersh, ld, treas., and ld. chanc. Thos. le Bec, or Bek. John Gyndell, Gyndwelle, or Sin- well, archdn. of Northampton. John Bokingham, kpr. pr. Seal. Hy. Beaufort, dean of Wells, and chanc. of Oxford; la. chanc. ; tr. to Winchester. This prelate was third son of John of Gaunt, by Ratherine Swinford. Philip de Repingdon, abbot of Leicester; chanc. of Oxford ; res. on being made a cardl. Richd. Fleyming, canon of Lincoln. Wm. Grey, tr. from London. Wm. Almewick, tr. from Norwich. º THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 447 1450. Marmaduke Lumley, chanc. of Cam- | 1641. Thos. Wineffe, or Winniffe, dean of bridge ; tr. from Carlisle. St. Paul's; d. 1654. 1452. John Chadworth, archdn. of Wells. See vacant 6 years. 1471. Thos. Rotherham, alias Scot; tr. 1660. Robt. Sanderson, preb. of Lincoln. from Rochester; kpr. pr. seal, ld. | 1663. Benjn. Laney, tr. from Peter- chanc., and chanc. of Cambridge ; borough; tr. to Ely. tr. to York. 1667. Wm. Fuller, tr. from Limerick. 1480. John Russel, archdn. of Berks; lá. 1675. Thos. Barlow, provost of Queen's chanc. and chanc. of Oxford. College, Oxford. 1495. Wm. Smith; tr. from Lichfield and | 1691, Thos. Tenison, vicar of St. Martin’s- Coventry; chanc. of Oxford, and in-the-Fields; tr. to Canterbury. I pres. of Wales. 1694. Jas. Gardner, sub-dean of Lincoln. 1513. Thos. Wolsey, bp. of Tournay, al- 1705. Wm. Wake, dean of Exeter; tr. to moner; dean of York; tr. to York, Canterbury, Jan. 1716. Aug. 1514; aft. cardl. 1716. Edmd. Gibson, archdn.of Surrey; tr. 1514. Wm. Atwater, dean of Salisbury. to London. 1520. John Longland, or Langland, prin- 1723. Richd. Reynolds, tr. from Ban- cipal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. gor. 1547. Hy. Holbeach ; tr. from Rochester. 1743. John Thomas, bp. elect of St. Asaph ; 1552. John Taylour, dean of Lincoln ; tr. to Salisbury. depr. 1553. 1761. John Green, dean of Lincoln, and in 1553. John Whyte, warden of Winchester ; 1771, can,-res. of St. Paul's ; d. tr. to Winchester in 1556. 1779. 1557. Thos. Watson, dean of Durham; 1779. Thos. Thurlow, dean of Rochester, depr. in 1559. and, in 1781, dean of St. Paul's; 1560. Nichs. Bullingham, archdn, of Lin- tr. to Durham. coln ; tr. to Worcester, Jan. 1571. 1787. Geo. Pretyman Tomline, dean of St 1570. Thos. Cowper, dean of Gloucester; Paul's; tr. to Winchester. tr. to Winchester. 1820. Hon. Geo. Pelham, Aug. 19 ; tr. 1584. Wm. Wickham, dean of Lincolm ; tr. from Exeter; d. Feb 1, 1827. to Winchester. & * 1595, win ºn, tr. from Chester. * *ś ...isºgº. " ſº • * ~ 3 e 1608. Wm. Barlow ; tr. from Rochester. 2 e 1613. Richd. Neile, or Neale; tr. from 1853. John Jackson, canon of Bristol, &c., Lichfield and Coventry; tr. to Mar 11, G.; tr. to London. Durham. 1869. Christr. Wordsworth, archdn. of 1617. Geo. Monteigne, dean of Westminster; Westminster; Jan. 30, G.; res. tr. to Loudon. 1885. 1621. John Williams, dean of West- | 1885. Edwd. King, reg, prof. pastoral minster, ld, kpr. ; tr. to York, theology, and canon of Christ Dec. 1641. Church, Oxford; Mar. 5, G. |BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF BEDE'ORD. See Diocese of London, post, p. 452. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF NOTTINGHAM. 1567. Richd. Barnes. canon of Lincoln, Jan. 22, G.; res. 1877; d. 1878. 1877. Edwd. Trollope, archdn. of Stow, 1870. Hy. Mackenzie, archdn. of Notts, and Dec. 17, G., DEANS OF LINCOLN. 1092. Ralph. 1184. Richd. Fitz-Neal, or Fitz-Nigel; bp. 1110. Simon Bloet. London, 1189. * * Nigellus, between 1123 and 1138. 1189. Hamo; d. 1195. 1141. Philip de Harcourt; aft.bp. Bayonne. 1195. Roger de Rolveston; d. 1223. 1145. Adelmus, or Ascelimus. 1223. Wm. de Tournay; susp. 1232. Abt. 1164 Hamelinus. 1232. Roger de Weseham; bp. Lichfield, 1169. Geoffrey Kirtling. 1245. 448 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1245. 1254. 1258. * }; 1273. * * 1275. 1281. 1288. 1305. 1307. 1310. 1315. 1329. 1338. 1340. 1344. 1349. * * * * * * 1412. 1451. 1483, 1506. 1508. 1514. 1528. 1544. Hy. de Lexington ; b.p. Lincoln, 1254. Richd. de Gravesend; bp. Lincoln, 1258. Robt. de Mariscis. Wm. de Lexington, in 1263; d. 1272. Richd. Mepham ; d. 1274. John de Maidston, dean in 1275; d. same year. Oliver Sutton, July; 1281. Nichs. Heigham; d. 1288. Philip Willoughby, June; d. 1305. Josceline de Kirmington, Sept. 9. Cardl. Raymond de la Goth; dean of Salisbury, 1310. Roger de Martival; bp. Salisbury, 1315. Hy. de Mansfield, Jan. ; d. 1328. Anthy. Beck; bp. Norwich, 1336. Deanery vacant till John de Nottingham, Oct. Wm. Bateman, alias Wm. de Nor- wich ; bp. Norwich, 1344. John de Ufford, or Offord, nom. abp. Canterbury, 1348, but d. before consecration. Simon de Briesly; d. 1360. John de Stretely in 1361 and 1368. Simon, or Simon Sixti, cardl. in 1372. John de Shepey, in 1376; d. 1412. John Mackworth ; d. 1451. Robt. Fleming, Jan. 21 ; d. 1483. Geo. Fitzhugh, Oct. 30; d. 1505. Geoffrey Simeon ; d. 1508. Thos. Wolsey, Feb. 2; dean of York, 1512; bp. Lincoln, 1514; abp. York, 1514. John Constable; d. 1528. Geo. Heneage; res. 1544; d. 1548. John Taylour; b.p. Lincoln, 1552. bp. Lincoln, 1552. 1554. 1571. 1577. 1584. 1593. 1599. 1601. 1613. 1629. 1660. 1682. 1695. 1700. 1701. 1721. 1722. 1730. 1744. 1748. I 756. 1762. 1781. 1783. 1810. 1845. 1860. 1864. 1872. 1885. Matt. Parker, June 8; depr. by Mary, May 21, 1554; abp. Can- terbury, 1559. Fras. Mallet ; d. 1570. John Whitgift, Aug. 2; bp. Worces- ter, 1577. Wm. Wickham, May 30; bp. Lin- coln, 1584. Ralph Griffin, Dec. 17. John Reynolds, Dec. 10; d. 1607. Wm. Cole, June 2; d. 1600. Laurence Staunton, May 8; d. 1613. Roger Parker, Nov. 29; d. 1629. Anthy. Topham, Sept. 7 ; d. 1655. Deanery vacant 5 years. Michl. Honeywood, Oct. 12; d. 1681. Danl. Brevint, Jan. 3; d. 1695. Saml. Fuller, Dec. 21; d. 1699. Abrm. Campion, Apr. 17; d. 1701. Richd. Willis, Dec. 26; bp. Gloucester, 1715. Robt. Cannon, Sept. 23; d. 1722. Edwd. Gee, Mar. 30. Edwd. Willes, May; bp. St. David's, 1743. Thos. Cheney, Mar. 28. Wm. George, Apr. 16. John Green, Oct.16; bp. Lincoln, 1761. Hon. Jas. Yorke. Jan. 23; bp. St. David's, 1774; tr. to Gloucester, 1781. Richd. Cust, Dec. 22; d. 1783. Sir Richd. Kaye, bt., Nov. 11. Geo. Gordon, Jan. 9, G.; d. 1845. John Giffard Ward, Oct. 9, G. Thos. Garmier, Mar. 30, G. Fras. Jeune, Jan. 18, G.; bp. Peter- borough, May, 1864. Jas. Amiraux Jeremie, July 4, G. Jos. Williams Blakesley, July 4, G. Wm. John Butler, June 22, G. DIOCESE OF LILANDAFF. THIS is a very ancient see: by whom founded is uncertain. The first bishop, that is known for certainty, is St. Dubritius. BISHOPS OF LILANDAFF, * * * * * Comergius, or Come- | * * Catguaert, or Cat- gern. guaret. 522. St. Dubritius. * * Argwistil. * * Cerenhire. * * Thelian, Teilaus, or | * * Gurvan. * * Nobis. Eliud. * * Guodloiu. * * Gulfridus. * * Oudoceus. * * Edilbinus. * * Nudd. * Ubylwinus, or Unel- |* * Grecielus. * * Cimeliau, or Ceme- bicus. * * Berthgwyn. liauc. * * Aydanus. * * Tyrcheanus, Tyrchan, * * Libiau. * * Elgistil. or Tridianus. * * Marcluith. * * Lunapeius. * * Elvogus. * * Pater. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 449 982 993 . 1139. 1148. 1153. 1183, 1191. 1219. 1230. 1244. 1253. 1256. 1266. 1287. 1296. 1323. 1347. 1362. 1383. 1385. 1389. 1391. 1395, 1397. 1399, 1408. 1425. 1441. 1458. 1476. 1478. 1496. 1500. 1516. 1022. 1059. 1107. Gogwan, Gucanor, or Gucaunus. Bledri. Joseph. Herewald. Urban, archdn. of Llandaff. See vacant 6 years. |Uhtred. Galfrid. Nichs. ap Gwrgant. Wm. de Salso Marisco, or Salt- marsh. Hy., prior of Abergavenny. Wm., prior of Godcliffe. Elias de Radnor ; d. 1140. See vacant 4 years. Wm. de Burgh, king. John de la Ware. Wm. of Radnor. Wm. de Braose, preb. of Llandaff. Philip de Staunton.— Prynne. But the see is generally considered to have been vacant from 1287 to 1296. John de Monmouth. John Eglescliffe, tr. from Connor, Ireland. John Paschal. Rodger Cradock, tr. from Water- ford, Ireland. - Thos. Rushooke, confessor to the king; tr. to Chichester. Wm. of Bottlesham, titular bp. of Bethlehem ; tr. to Rochester. Edmo. Bromfeld. Tideman de Winchecombe, abbot of Beauly; tr. to Worcester. Andrew Barret. John Burghill, or Bruchilla, con- fessor to the king; tr. to Lich- field and Coventry. Thos. Peverel, tr. from Ossory, Ireland; tr. to Worcester. John de la Zouche. Quaere, de Johanne Fulford.—Le Neve. John Wells. Nichs. Ashby, minster. John Hunden, prior of King's Lang- ley; res. John Smith. John Marshal. John Ingleby, prior of Sheme. Miles Salley, or Sawley, abbot of Eynesham. Geo. Athequa, or Attien, a Spaniard; chaplain to queen Catharine, who brought him out of Spain with her. chaplain to the of West- prior 1537. 1545. 1560. 1575. 1591. 1594, 1601. 16 L8. 1619. 1627. 1639. 1660. 1667. 1675. 1679. 1707. 1724. 1728. 1738. 1740. 1748. 1754. 1761. 1769. 1782. 1816. 1819. 1826. 1827. 1849. 1883. Robt. Holgate, prior of Wotton; tr. to York. Anthy. Kitchin, or Dunstan, abbot of Eynesham, See vacant three years. Hugh Jones. Wm. Blethyn, preb. of York. Gervase Babington, preb. of Here- ford ; tr. to Exeter. Wm. Morgan (he translated the Bible into Welsh); tr. to St. Asaph. Fras. Godwin, canon of Wells; tr. to Hereford. Geo. Carleton; tr. to Chichester. Theoph. Field, rector of Cotton, Suffolk; tr. to St. David's in 1627. Wm. Murray, tr. from Kilfenora. Ireland. Morgan Owen. See vacant 16 years. Hugh Lloyd, archdn. of St. David's. Fras. Davis, archdn. of Llandaff. Wm. Lloyd, preb. of St. Paul's; tr. to Peterborough. Wm. Beaw, vicar of Adderbury, Oxfordshire. John Tyler, dean of Hereford. Robt. Clavering, canon of Christ- church, Oxford; tr. to Peter- borough. John Harris, preb. of Canterbury. Matthias Mawson, rector of Had- stock, Essex; tr. to Chichester. John Gilbert, dean of Exeter; tr. to Salisbury. Edwd. Cresset, dean of Hereford. Richd. Newcome, canon of Windsor; tr. to St. Asaph. John Ewer, canon of Windsor; tr. to Bangor. Jonn. Shipley, dean of Winchester; tr. to St. Asaph. Hon. Shute Barrington, canon of St. Paul's ; tr. to Salisbury. Richd. Watson, reg. prof. Divinity, Cambridge, and archdn. of Ely; d. July 1816. Herbert Marsh, July 18; Peterborough. Wm. Van Mildert, May 15; tr. to Durham. Chas. Richd. Sumner, Apr. 25; tr. to Winchester. Edward Copleston, Dec. d. Oct. 14, 1849. Alfred Ollivant, canon of St. David's, reg. prof. Divinity, Cambridge, &c., Nov. 1; d. Dec. 16, 1882. Richd. Lewis, archdn. of St. David's, Feb. 16, G. tr. to 12; DEANS OF LILANDAFF Down to the passing of the act 3 and 4 Vict. cap. 113 (Aug. 11, 1840), the bishops of Llandaff were also the deans and the archdeacons of Llandaff were also the sub-deans. 29 450 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. By that Act. (sec. 1), it was enacted that the archdeacons of Llandaff should be also the deans, but by 6 and 7 Vict. c. 77 (Aug. 22, 1843) and order in council, November 10, 1843, the two offices were afterwards separated. 1840. John Probyn, archdn., now dean 1857. Thos. Williams. also ; Aug. 11. 1877. Hy. Lynch Blosse. 1843. Wm. Bruce Knight. 1879. Chas. John Waughan. 1845. W. D. Conybeare. DIOCESE OF LONDON. THIS see was archiepiscopal in the time of the Britons and was intended by pope Gregory to continue so; but St. Augustine, whom his holiness had sent to convert the Saxons, was so pleased with his reception from Ethelbert, king of Kent, that he set up his staff at Canterbury, the capital of Ethelbert's dominions, which has continued the metropolitan see of England ever since. London still remained a bishopric. The bishop has precedency before all bishops of the realm, next to the two archbishops, and is dean to the archbishop of Canterbury. In 1537 a bishop suffragan of Bedford was appointed under 26 Hen. VIII. cap. 14. He was probably suffragan to Lincoln, but when, in 1879, the title was revived, the bishop was made suffragan to London. In 1537 a bishop suffragan of Marlborough was appointed under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14. He was probably suffragan to Salisbury, but when, in 1888, the title was revived, the bishop was made suffragan to London. The deans of this diocese are styled “Deans of St. Paul’s.” ARCHIBISHOPS OF LONDON. “The archbishops' names are set down by Jocelyne of Furnes, in his book of British Bishops, and nowhere else that I can find.”—Stowe. 1. Thean; the first abp. of London, in 8. Iltute. the time of Lucius, who built the 9. Dedwin, or Theodwin. church of St. Peter, in a place | 10. Thedred. called Cornehill, in London, by | 11. Hillary. the aid of Cyran, chief butler to 12 Restitutus I. king Lucius. 13. Guidelium, or Guiteline. 2. Elvanus. 14. Fastidius. 3 Cadar. 15. Wodimus; slain by the Saxons. 4. Obinus. 16. Theanus ; the sixteenth and last abp. ; 5. Conan. he fled with the Britons into 6. Paludius Wales. 7. Stephen. BISHOPS OF LONDON. 514. Restitutus II. 666. Wina, tr. from Winchester. 553. Theonus. 675. St. Erkenwald. 604. St. Miletus; tr. to Canterbury. 697. Waldherus See vacant 39 years. 715. Ingualdus. 658, St. Ceadda ; d. 664. 746. Egwolfus. See vacant 2 years. 754. Wighedus. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 451 761. 768. 773. 784. 795. 802. 816. 830. 841. 851. 863. 898. 926. 938. 941. 958. 960. 996. 1004. 1016. 1032, 1044. 1051. 1075. 1085. 1108. 1141. 1152. 1163. 1189. 1199. 1221. 1229. 1241. 1260. 1273. 1280. Eadbrightus. Edgarus. Kenwalchus. Eadbaldus. Hechertus, or Heathobertus. Osmundus, or Oswynus. Ethelnothus. Ceolbertus. Renulphus, or Ceolnulfus. Suithulfus. Eadstanus. Wulfius, or Walsius. Ethelwardus. Elstanus. Theodredus. Wolstanus. Brithelmus. St. Dunstan, tr. from Worcester ; tr. to Canterbury. Oelfstan, or Ælfstan. Wuffstan, Aldwin, or Alduinus, tr. from Dur- ham. Alfwy. Elfward, or Alword, abbot of Eves- ham. Robt. the Norman, Gemiticensis; tr. to Canterbury. Wm. the Norman. Hugh d'Orevalle, or de Orwell, a Nor- ICl2], Il. Maurice, archdm, of Maine; ld.chanc. Richd. de Beaumis Belmis, or Rufus . Gilbert, surn. Universalis, canon of Lyons. See vacant 5 years. Robt. de Sigello, monk of Reading. Richd. de Beaumis, or Belmis II., archdn. of Middlesex. Robt. or Gilbert Foliot ; tr. from Hereford. See vacant 2 years. Richd. Fitz-Neale, dean of Lincoln. Wm. de St. Mariae Ecclesiá, preb. of St. Paul's ; res. Eustace de Fauconberg, ld, treasr. Roger Niger, archdn, of Colchester; canonised. Fulke Basset, dean of York. Hy. de Wengham, or Wingham, preb. of St. Paul's; lá, chanc.; d. July 1262. or Fitz-Nigel, . Richd. Talbot, dean of St. Paul’s ; d. Oct. 1262. Hy, de Sandwich, preb. of St. Paul's. John de Chishull, dean of St. Paul's; ld. chanc. and lå. treast.; d. 1280. Fulke Lovell elected, but declined the dignity. Richd. de Gravesend, preb. of St. Paul's. 1304. 1313. 1317. 1318. 1338 1340. 1354. 1361. 1375. 1381. 1404. 1406. 1407. 1421. 1426. 1431. 1436. 1448. 1489. 1496. 1502. 1504. 1506. 1530. 1539. 1550. 1553, 1559. 1570. 1577. 1594. Ralph de Baldoc, or Baudake, dean of St. Paul's. Gilbert de Segrave, precentor of St. Paul's. Richd. de Newport, dean of St.Paul's, Stephen de Gravesend, preb. of St. Paul's. Richd.cle Wentworth, or Bynteworth, preb. of St. Paul's, and ló. chanc. Ralph de Stratford, preb. of St. Paul's and Salisbury. Michl. de Northburg, preb. of St. Paul's. Simon de Sudbury, alais Tybold, chanc. of Salisbury; tr. to Canter- bury. Wm. Courtenay, tr. from Hereford; ld. chanc., chanc. of Oxford; tr. to Canterbury. Robt. de Braybroke, dean of Salis- bury; lil. chanc. Roger Walden, formerly dean of York; and consec. abp. Canter- bury, (q. v.); ld, treasr. Nichs. de Bubwith, or Bubbewyth, preb. of Salisbury; m. rolls, kpr. pr. Seal, and lå. treasr. ; tr. to Salisbury. Richd. de Clifford, tr. from Wor- Cester. John Kempe, tr. from Chichester; tr. to York. Wm. Grey, dean of York; tr. to Lin- coln. Robt. Fitz-Hugh, archdn. of North- ampton, and chanc. of Cambridge. Robt. Gilbert, dean of York. Thos. Kempe, archdn. of Middlesex, and chanc. of York. Richd. Hill, dean of the king'schapel, and preb. of Salisbury. Thos. Savage, tr. from Rochester; tr. to York. Wm. Warham, preb. of St. Paul's; ld. chanc.; tr. to Canterbury. Wm. Barnes, m. rolls. Richd. Fitz-James, tr. from Chi- chester. . Cuthbert Tunstall, dean of Salisbury; m. rolls ; tr. to Durham. John Stockesley, archdn. of Dorset. Edmund Bonner, archdn. of Leicester; bp. elect of Hereford; depr. Sept. 1549. Nichs. Ridley, tr. from Rochester; burnt at Oxford., Oct. 16, 1555. Edmd. Bonner, again ; rest. by Mary; again depr. by Elizabeth, May 1559; d. Sept. 1569. Edmd. Grindal, master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge ; tr. to York. Edwyn Sandys, tr. from Worcester. John Aylmer, archdn. of Lincoln. Richd. Fletcher, tr. from Wor- cester; d. June 15, 1596. 29 + 452 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1597. 1604. 1607. 1610. 1611. 1621. 1628. 1633. 1660. 1663. 1675. 1713. 1723. 1537. 1879. Richd. Bancroft, preb. of West- 1748. Thos. Sherlock, tr. from Salis- minster; tr. to Canterbury. bury. Richd. Vaugham, tr. from Chester. 1761. Thos. Hayter, tr. from Norwich ; d. Thos. Ravis, tr. from Gloucester. the next year. Geo. Abbot, tr. from Lichfield and 1762. Richd. Osbaldeston, tr. from Car- Coventry; tr. to Canterbury. lisle; d. 1764. John King, dean of Christchurch, 1764. Richd. Terrick, tr. from Peter- Oxford. borough, Geo. Monteigne, tr. from Lincoln. 1777. Robt. Lowth, tr. from Oxford. Wm. Laud, tr. from Bath and Wells; 1787. Beilby Porteus, tr. from Chester; d. chanc. of Oxford; tr. to Canter- May 14, 1809. bury. 1809. John Randolph, June 12; tr. from Wm. Juxon, tr. from Hereford before Bangor. consecration ; ld. treasr. ; he at- | 1813. Wm. Howley, Aug. 14; tr. to Can- tended Charles I. on the scaffold, terbury. and at the Restoration was tr. to 1828, Chas. Jas. Blomfield, tr. from Ches- Canterbury. ter, Aug. 15; res. Sept. 1856; d. Gilbert Sheldon, preb. of Glou- Aug. 5, 1857. cester; tr. to Canterbury. 1856. Archd. Campbell Tait, dean of Car- Humphrey Henchman, tr. from lisle, Oct. 11, G.; tr. to Canterbury. Salisbury; bp. almoner. 1869. Jno. Jackson, Jan. 4, G. ; tr. from Hy. Compton, tr. from Oxford, Dec. Lincoln, d. Jan. 6, 1885. John Robinson, tr. from Bristol. 1885. Fredk. Temple, Feb. 25, G.; tr. from Edmd. Gibson, tr. from Lincoln. Exeter. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF BEDFORD. John Hodgkins, probably suffragan St. Asaph and rural dean, July 15, to Lincoln. G. ; tr. to Wakefield, 1888. 1888. Robt. Claudius Billing, preb. of St. Wm. Walsham How, hon. canon of Paul’s, June 21, G. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF MARLBOROUGH. . Thomas Morley; probably suffragan | 1888. Alfred Earle, archdn. of Totnes, to Salisbury. Jan. 27, G. DEANS OF ST. PAUL’S. * * Leovegarus. Geoffrey de Lucy, dean in 1231; d. * * Godwinus. 1240 or 1241. * * Syredus. 1241. Wm. de Maris ; d. Mar. 4, 1243. * * Guilermus. 1244. Hy. de Cornhill, d. Apr 9, 1254. * * Elf winus. l254. Walter de Salerne, or de London; * * Luiredus. Easter abp. of Tuam, Oct. 16, 1256; d. * * Ulstan or Ulstanus, alias Ulmannus Aug. 1258. 1st, dean after Norman con- | 1256. Robt. de Barthon, or Barton. quest. * * Peter de Newport. * * William, dean in 1111; d. 1138. * * Richd. Talbot; made bp. London, 1138. Ralph de Langford. Aug. 18, 1262; d. Sept. 1262. * * Taurinus de Stamford, dean between Geoffrey de Feringes, dean in 1263. 1154 and 1162. 1268. John de Chishull; bp. London, 1273. * * Hugh de Marinis, or de Marny, from 1274. Herveius de Borham; d. 1276. about 1160 to 1181. 1276. Thos. de Inglethorp, or Ingaldes- 1181. Ralph de Diceto. thorp, Mar. ; bp. Rochester, 1283; * * Alardus de Burnham ; d. Aug. 14, d. May 11, 1291. 1216. 1283. Roger de la Leye, or Lee, Nov. 8. * * Gervase de Hobrugg. 1285. Wm. de Mundfort or Montford, d. 1218. Robt. de Watford, or Dowtford, 1294. Nov. 22. 1294. Ralph de Baldock, or Baudake, Oct. 1228. Martin de Pateshull; d. Nov. 14, 18; bp. London, 1304. 1229. 1306. Raymond de la Goth; dean of Lin- * * Waltor de Langford. coln, 1307. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 453 1307. 1314. * * 1336. Armaldus Frangeruis de Cantilupe. John de Sandale, king's treasr., 1313; chanc.1315; bp. Winchester, 1316 ; d. 1319. Richd. de Newport; bp. London, 1317. Vitalis de Testa, dean in 1316. John de Everdon ; d. Jan. 1336. Gilbert de Bruera. 15, 1853–4. Richd. de Kilmyngton; d. 1361. 1362. 1363. 1364. 1389. 1400. 1406. 1421. 1441. 1456. 1457. 1468. 1471. 1479. 1499. 1505. 1519. 1536. 1540. 1545. wich, in Suffolk. . John Feckenham, Walter de Alderbury. Thos. Trilleck, Apr. 11 ; bp. Ro- chester, 1364; d. 1372. John de Appleby. Thos. de Eure or Everey; d. Oct. 9, 1400. Thos. Stow, Oct. 25; d. before Nov. 19, 1405. Thos. Moor, Jan,; d. 1421. Regd. Kentwode, Jan. 20; d. Oct. 8, 1441. - Thos. Lisieux, Dec. 11, king's pr. seal, 1456. Laurence Bathe, or Both, or Booth, Nov. 22; bp. Durham, 1457. Wm. Say, Nov. 21; d. Nov. 23, 1468. Roger Radclyff, Dec. 15; d. 1471. Thos. Wynterburne, Sept. 25 ; d. Sept. 6, 1478. Wm. Worsely, Jan. 22; d. Aug. 14, 1499. Robt. Sherbon, or Sherburne, bp. St. David's 1505; d. Aug. 21, 1536. John Colet, May; d. Sept. 16, 1519. Richd. Pace, Oct. 25 ; d. 1532. Richd. Sampson, bp. Chichester, July ; tr. to Lichfield and Coven- try, 1543; d. Sept. 25, 1554. John Incent, June 4; d. 1545. Wm. May, Feb. 8 ; depr. by Mary; chosen abp. York, but not consec.; d. Aug. 8, 1560. Mar. 10; res. 1556; d. 1585. . Hy. Cole, Dec. 11; depr. by Eliza- beth; d. Dec. 1579. . Wm. May, again ; June 23. 1560. 1602. 1614. 1621. 1631. 1660, 1661. 1664. 1677. 1689. 1691. 1707. 1726. 1740. 1750. 1758. 1766. 1768. 1782. 1787. 1820. 1826. 1827. 1849. 1868. 1871. Alexr. Nowell, Nov. 17; d. Feb. 13, 1602. John Overall, May 29; bp. Lichfield and Coventry, 1614; d. May 12, 1619. Valentine Carey, Apr. 8 ; bp. Exeter, 1621 ; d. 1626. John Donne, Nov. 27; d. Mar. 31, 1631. Thos. Whinniff, Apr. 18; bp. Lin- coln, 1641. - Matthew Nicholas, July 10; d. Aug. 14, 1661. John Barwick, Oct. 15 ; d. Oct. 22, 1664 Wm. Sancroft, Nov. 11; abp. Can- terbury, 1678; d. Nov. 24, 1693. Edwd. Stillingfleet, Jan. 19; bp. Worcester, 1689; d. 1699. John Tillotson, Nov. 19 ; abp. Can- terbury, 1691; d. Nov. 22, 1694. Wm. Sherlock, June 12; d. 1707. Hy. Godolphin, July 14; res. 1726; d. July 29, 1733. Fras. Hare, Oct. 26; bp. St. Asaph, 1727; bp. Chichester, 1731. Jos. Butler, May 19 ; bp. Durham, 1750; d. June 16, 1752. Thos. Secker, bp. Oxford, Dec. 4; abp. Canterbury, 1758. John Hume, May 24; bp. Bristol, 1758. Fredk. Cornwallis, bp. Lichfield, Nov. 17; abp. Canterbury, 1768. Thos. Newton, bp. Bristol, Oct. 5. Thos. Thurlow, bp. Lincoln, Mar. 23; bp. Durham, 1787. Geo. Pretyman, aft. Tomline, Feb. 28; bp. Lincoln, 1787; bp. Win- chester, 1820. Wm. Van Mildert, bp. Llandaff, Aug. 21; bp. Durham, 1826. Chas. Richd. Sumner, bp. Llandaff ; Apr. 25, G.; bp. Winchester, 1827. Edwd. Copleston, bp. Llandaff ; Dec. 12, G. Hy. Hart Milman, Nov. 1, G.; d. 1868. Hy. Longueville Mansel, Oct. 1, G. ; d. 1871. Richd. Wm. Church, Sept. 6, G. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. THIS was once two distinct bishoprics, Elmham, in Norfolk, and Dun- Felix, a Burgundian, who first converted the East Angles, founded the first see, and called it by that name. Bifus, the third bishop in succession from him, finding himself, from his great age, unable to bear so great a burden, got his diocese divided into two. Both sees suffered extremely from the Danish invasions, insomuch that, after the death of St. Humbert, they lay vacant for upwards of a 454 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. hundred years. At length the see of Elmham was revived, and the see of Dunwich was united to it; but Herefast, the twenty-second bishop, removed the seat to Thetford, in Norfolk, where it remained until Herbert Losinga, the twenty-fourth bishop, removed it to Norwich, where it has continued ever since. In 1536 bishops suffragan of Thetford and Ipswich were appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14, but the appoint- ments were not continued. 630. 647. 652. 673. 696. 720. 736. 767. 771. 779. 786. 788. 818. 955. 962. 967. 973. 993. 1021. 1028. 1032. 1034. 1094. 1121. 1146. 1175. 1200. 1218. 1226. 1236. 1239. 1244. BISHOPS OF THE EAST ANGLES. St. Felix, a Burgundian, 669. Thomas, a deacon. Brigilsus, or Bonifacius. ELMHAM. AND Bedwinus. + k Northbertus. k k Headulacus. •k k Eadilfridus. + $ Lanferthus. “k k Athelwolfus. * * Hunferthus. + k, Sybba. * * Alherdus. * * St. Humbertus, or Humbryct, after | * * whose death both sees lay vacant | * * for the space of 100 years. Bifus or Bisus, by whom this diocese . was divided into those of DUNWICH. Acca. Astwolfus. Eadfarthus. Cuthwynus. Alberthus, or Aldberthus. Eglasius. Hardulfus, or Heardredus. AElphunus. Thefridus, Tedfrid, or Tydferth. Weremundus. Wilfredus, or Wyredus; the last bp. of Dunwich. BISHOPS OF ELMHAM AND DUNWICH UNITED. Athulf. Alfrid. Theodred. Athelstan. Algar. Alwyn. Alfric. Alifregus. Stig and ; tr. to Winchester. 1043. 1047. 1070. 1085. 1091. Grinkettel; tr. from Selsey. Ethelmar, or Egelmar. Arfastus, or Herefast, who removed the see to Thetford; la. chanc. in 1067. Wm. Galfragus, or Galsagus. Herbert Losinga, abbot of Ramsay, ld. chanc. ; who in 1094 removed the see to Norwich. BISHOPS OF NORWICH. Herbert Losinga, above named. Everard, archdn. of Salisbury. Wm. Turbus, a Norman; prior of Norwich. John of Oxford, dean of Salisbury. John de Grey; elected to Canter- bury, but set aside by the pope. See vacant 7 years. Pandulph Masca, the pope's legate, and a cardl. Thos. de Blundeville, clerk of the exch. Radulph, or Ralph. See vacant 3 years. Wm. de Raleigh ; tr. to Winchester. Walter de Suthfield, or Calthorp. 1253 1265. 1278. 1288. 1299. 1325. Simon de Wauton, or Walton, one of the king’s justices. Roger de Skerwing, prior of Nor- wich. Wm. de Middleton, archdn. of Can- terbury. Ralph Walpole, archdn. of Ely; tr. to Ely. John Salmon, or Saleman, prior of Ely; la. chanc. Robt. de Baldock, archdn.of Middle- sex, elected; but the pope having reserved the presentation, he de- clined; lá. chanc. in 1823. Wm. Ayremyn ; ld. treas. Thos. de Hemenhale elected; but t THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 455 before consecration removed to Worcester. 1836. Anthy, de Beck; poisoned by his OWn Servants. 1844. Wm. Bateman, archdn. of Norwich. 1355. Thos. Percy. 1370. Hy. le Spencer. 1406. Alexr. Totington, prior of Norwich. 1413. Richd. Courtney, chanc. of Oxford; d. at the siege of Harfleur. John Wakering, archdn. of Canter- bury. . Wm. Almewick, archdn.of Salisbury; kpr. pr. Seal ; tr. to Lincoln. Thos. Brown ; tr. from Rochester. John Stanbery, provost of Eton ; nom. by the king, but set aside by the pope. . Walter Hart, or Lyhert, provost of Oriel College, Oxford. . Jas. Goldwell, dean of Salisbury. . Thos. Jane, archdn. of Essex. . Riehd. Nix, canon of Windsor, and dean of the king's chapel. . Wm. Rugg, or Repps, abbot of St. Benedict, in Hulme. 1416. 1436. 1550. Thos. Thirleby, tr. from West- minster; tr. to Ely. 1554. John Hopton, chaplain to Mary. . Richd. Cox, elected ; but before consecration removed to Ely. . John Parkhurst. . Edmd. Freke, tr. from Rochester; tr. to Worcester, . Edmd. Scambler, tr. from Peter- borough, Jan. 5; d. May 7, 1594, aged 85. . Wm. Redman, archdn. of Canterbury. . John Jeggon, dean of Norwich. 1618. John Overal, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry. 1619. Saml. Harsmet, tr. from Chichester; tr. to York. 1628. Fras. White, tr. from Carlisle; tr. to Ely. Richd. Corbet, tr. from Oxford. Matth. Wren, tr. from Hereford; tr. to Ely. Richd. Montague, tr. from Chiches- ter. Jos. Hall, tr. from Exeter. Edwd. Reynolds, dean of Christ- church, Oxford. Anthy. Sparrow, tr. from Exeter. Wm. Lloyd, tr. from Peterborough ; depr. for not taking the oaths. John Moore, preb. of Norwich; tr. to Ely. Chas. Trimmell, preb. of Norwich; tr. to Winchester. Thos. Green, archdn.of Canterbury; tr. to Ely. 1632. 1634. 1638. 1641. 1660. 1676. 1685. 1691. 1707. 1721. 1723. John Leng ; d. 1727. 1728. Wm. Baker; tr. from Bangor. 1732. Robt. Butts, dean of Norwich; tr. to Ely. 1738. Thos. Gooch, tr. from Bristol; tr. to Ely. 1748. Saml. Lisle, tr. from St. Asaph. 1749. Thos. Hayter, preb. of Westminster; tr. to London. Philip Yonge, tr. from Bristol; d. April, 1783. Lewis Bagot, tr. from Bristol; tr. to St. Asaph. Geo. Horne, dean of Canterbury ; d. Jan. 17, 1792 Chas. Manners Sutton, dean of Peterborough ; tr. to Canterbury. Hy. Bathurst, preb. of Durham; d. Apr. 5, 1837. Edwd. Stanley, Apr. 18; d. Sept. 6, 1849. Saml. Hinds, dean of Carlisle, Sept. 29; res. 1857. 1857. Hon. John Thos. Pelham, rector of Marylebone, and hon, canon of Norwich, Apr. 30, G. 1761. 1783. 1790. 1792. 1805. 1837. 1849. BISHOP SUFFRAGAN OF THETFORD. 1536. John Salisbury. BISHOP SUFFRAGAN OF IPSWICH. 1536. Thos. Manning. DEANS OF NORWICH. 1538. Wm. Castleton, last prior and first dean ; res. 1539; d. 1548. 1539. John Salisbury; depr. 1554; rest. 1560; bp. Sodor and Man, 1571; d. Sept. 1573. 1554. John Christopherson, Apr. 18; bp. Chichester, 1557. 1557. John Boxhall, or Boxall, Dec. 20; d. 1570 1558. John Harpsfield, May 16; depr, by Elizabeth ; d. 1558. John Salisbury, rest. ; see above. 1573. Geo. Gardiner, Nov. 28; d. 1589. 1589. Thos. Dove, June 16; bp. Peter- borough, 1600; d. Aug. 30, 1630. 1601. John Jeggon, July 22; bp. Nor- wich, 1602; d. Mar. 13, 1617. 456 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1603. Geo. Montgomery, June 6; bp. 1702. Humphrey Prideaux, June 8; d. Meath, 1614. Nov. 1, 1724. 1614, Edmd. Suckling, Sept. 30; d. 1628. 1724. Thos. Cole, May; d. Feb. 1730. 1628. John Hassal, July 15; depr, by the 1731. Robt. Butts, Apr. 10; bp. Norwich, Commonwealth. 1733. J #. d. July 11, 1739 sº . Jonn Baron; d. July tº 1880. Jºſe, Avs. 7; d. July 2, #3; #: 5 1670. Herbert Astley, Sept. 2; d. June, #. #: * 1681. 1790. Jos. Turner. 1681. John Sharp, June 8; dean of Can- 1828. Geo. Pellew, Nov. 29, G. terbury, 1689; abp. York, 1691. 1866. Edwd. Meyrick Goulburn, Nov. 26, 1689. Hy. Fairfax, Nov. 30; d. 1702. G.; res. 1888. DIOCESE OF OXFORD. THIS diocese constituted a part of the diocese of Lincoln until 1541, when Henry VIII. erected it into a separate bishopric, endowed it out of the lands of the dissolved monasteries of Abingdon and Osney, and assigned to it the church of the abbey of Osney, for a cathedral. Five years afterwards he removed the seat of the see to Oxford. The present cathedral of Oxford was anciently dedicated to St. Frideswide; but when the see was removed to that city, it was styled Christ Church, and part of the lands appropriated by cardinal Wolsey to the maintenance of his colleges, was allotted to the dean and chapter. The deans of this diocese are styled “Deans of Christ Church.” BISHOPS OF OXFORD, 1541 Robt. King, the last abbot of Osney; dean of Chichester; tr. to Dur- d. 1557. ham. 1557. Thos. Goldwell, bp. of St. Asaph, 1674. Hy. Compton, canon of Christ- was intended by Mary for this church; tr. to London, Dec. 1675. see; but she died before the trans- | 1676. John Fell, dean of Christchurch. lation could be perfected. 1686. Saml. Parker, archdn.of Canterbury. See vacant 10 years. 1688. Timothy Hall, rector of Horsington, 1567. Hugh Curwyn, dean of Hereford, Bucks. abp. of Dublin, and ló. chanc. of 1690. John Hough, preb. of Worcester; Ireland; d. the next year. tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. See vacant 21 years. 1699. Wm. Talbot, dean of Worcester; tr. 1589. John Underhill, rector of Lincoln to Salisbury. College, Oxford, and chaplain to 1715. John Potter, canon of Christchurch; the queen; d. May 1592. tr. to Canterbury. - See vacant 11 years. 1737. Thos. Secker; tr. from Bristol; tr. 1603. John Bridges, dean of Salisbury. to Canterbury. 1618. John Howson ; tr. to Durham. 1758. John Hume ; tr. from Bristol; tr. to 1628. Richd. Corbet, dean of Christchurch; Salisbury. * - tr. to Norwich. 1766. Robt. Lowth; tr. from St. David's ; 1632. John Bancroft, preb. of St. Paul's. tr. to London. 1640. Robt. Skinner, tr. from Bristol; tr. 1777. John Butler, preb. of Winchester, to Worcester. and archdn. of Surrey. 1663. Wm. Paul, dean of Lichfield. 1788. Edwd. Smallwell, canon of Christ- 1665. Walter Blandford, preb. of Glou- church, Oxford; tr. from St. cester; tr. to Worcester. David's; d. 1799. 1671. Nathl. Crewe, aft. third ld, Crewe, 1799. John Randolph, canon of Christ- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 457 1807. 1811. 1815. 1827. 1532. 1546. 1553. 1559. 1561. 1565. 1567. 1570. 1576. 1584. 1594. 1605. 1611. 1620. 1629. 1638. 1648. 1651. 1659. lands of the dissolved monasteries. diocese of Lincoln. 1829. 1845. 1869. church, and reg. prof. Divinity, Oxford ; tr. to Bangor. Chas. Moss, Jan. 14; d. Dec.16,1811. Wm. Jackson,Dec. 31; d. Dec.2,1815. Hon. Edwd. Legge, Dec. 30; d. Jan. 27, 1827. Chas. Lloyd, Feb. 14; d. May 31, 1829. 1888. Hon. Richd. Bagot, July 13; tr. to Bath and Wells. Saml. Wilberforce, Nov. 13; tr. to Winchester. John Fielder Mackarness, rector of Honiton, Devon, Dec. 15, G.; res. Nov. 17, 1888, G. Wm. Stubbs, Dec. 11, G.; tr. from Chester. DEANS OF CHRIST CHURCH. Found ATION OF CARDINAL Wolsey. 1524. John Hygden. Foun DATION OF HENRY WIII. John Hygden, contal., July 18. | 1533. John Oliver, Feb.; d. May, 1552. DEANERY TRANSFERRED FROM OSNEY TO CHRIST CHURCH. Richd. Coxe, Nov. 4; depr. 1553; bp. Ely, 1559; d. July 22, 1581. Richd. Marhall; depr. by Eliza- beth. Geo. Carew, May 16; res. 1561; d. 1583. Thos. Sampson; depr. for noncom- formity; d. Apr. 9, 1589. Thos. Godwyn, June ; d. 1590. Thos. Cowper, Hil. term. ; dean of Gloucester, 1569; d. 1594. John Piers, East. term. ; bp. Rochester, 1576; d. 1594. Toby Mathew, res. 1584; d. Mar. 29, 1628. Wm. James, res. 1594; dean of Durham, 1596. Thos. Rawys, bp. Gloucester, 1604; res. 1605; d. Dec. 14, 1609. John Kyng, Aug. 4; bp. Tuondon, 1611; d. 1621, Wm. Goodwyn, Sept. 13; d. 1620. Richd. Corbet, June 24 ; bp. Ox- ford, 1628; d. 1635. Brian Duppa, Nov. 28; bp. Chi- chester, 1638; d. 1662. Saml. Fell, June 24; ejected 1647; d. Feb. 1, 1649. Edwd. Reynolds; depr. 1650. John Owen, depr. 1659; d. Aug. 24, 1683. Edwd. Reynolds, rest. Mar. 13; byp. Norwich, 1660; d. July 28, 1676. 1660. 1686. 1689. 1711. 1713. 1719. 1724. 1732. 1756. 1767. 1777. 1783. 1809. 1824. 1831. 1855. Geo. Morley, July 27; bp. Wor- cester, 1660; d. Oct. 29, 1684. John Fell, Nov. 30; bp. Oxford, 1676; d, July 10, 1686. John Massey, Dec. 29; d. Aug. 11, 1715. Hy. Aldrich, June 17; d. Dec. 14, 1710. 27; bp. Fras. Atterbury, Sept. d. Feb. 17, Rochester, 1713; I732. Geo. Smalridge, July 18; bp. Bristol, 1714; d. Sept. 27, 1719. Hugo Boulter, Nov. 6; bp. Bristol, same date; abp. Armagh, 1724; d. Sept. 28, 1742. Wm. Bradshaw, Sept. 17; bp. Bristol, same date; d. Dec. 16, 1732. John Conybeare, Jan. 27; bp. Bristol, 1750; d. July 13, 1755. David Gregory, May 18; d. 1767. Wm. Markham, Oct. 23; bp. Chester, 1771; abp. York, 1776. Lewis Bagot, Jan. 25; bp. Bristol, 1782; bp. Norwich, 1783. Cyril Jackson, June 27. Chas. Hy. Hall, Oct. 21, G.; dean of Durham, 1824. Saml. Smith, Feb. 11, G.; res. Thos. Gaisford, Oct. 10, G.; d. June 2, 1855. Hy. Geo. Liddell, June 16. DIOCESE OF PETER BOROUGH. THIs see was erected by Henry VIII. in 1541, and endowed out of the It was wholly taken from the The place was anciently called Medeshamstede; 458 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. but Wolpher, king of the Mercians, founding an abbey here, and dedicating it to St. Peter, it came to be called Peterborough. In 1888 a bishop suffragan of Leicester was appointed to this see. 1541. 1557. 1560. 1585. 1600. 1630. 1632. 1634. 1638. 1660. 1663. 1679. 1685. 1541. 1543. 1549. 1557. 1560. 1583. 1589. 1597. 1607. 1612. 1616. 1622. 1630. 1638. 1640. 1660. BISHOPS OF PETERBOROUGH. John Chambers, the last abbot of Peterborough, and first bp. David Poole, or Pole, archdn. of Derby; depr. 1559 by Elizabeth. Edmd. Scrambler, preb. of West- minster and York; tr. to Norwich, Jan. 5, 1585. Richd. Howland, master of St. John's College, Cambridge. Thos. Dove, dean of Norwich. Wm. Peirs, or Pierce, dean of Peter- borough ; tr. to Bath and Wells. Augustin Lindsell, dean of Lich- field; tr. to Hereford. Fras. Dee, dean of Chichester. John Towers, dean of Peterborough ; d. Jan. 1648. See vacant 12 years. Benjn. Laney, dean of Rochester; tr. to Lincoln. Jos. Henshaw, dean of Chichester. Wm. Lloyd, tr. from Llandaff; tr. to Norwich. Thos. White, archdn. of Northamp- ton; depr. for not taking the oaths. 1691. 1718. 1728. 1748. 1757. 1764. 1769. 1794. 1813. 1819. 1839. 1864. 1868. Richd. Cumberland, rector of All Saints, Stamford. White Kennet, dean of Peterborough. Robt. Clavering ; tr. from Llandaff. John Thomas, can.-res. of St.Paul's; tr. to Salisbury. Richd. Terrick, can.-res, of St. Paul's, preacher at the rolls; tr. to London. Robt. Lamb, dean of Peterborough. John Hinchcliffe, mast. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Spencer Madan, tr. from Bristol; d. Oct. 8, 1813. John Parsons, Nov. 16; d. Mar. 12, 1819. Herbert Marsh, Apr. 25; tr. from Llandaff; d. Apr. 8, 1839. Geo. Davys, dean of Chester, fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, May 7; d. Apr. 8, 1864. Fras. Jeune, mast. of Pembroke Coll., Oxford, May 21, G.; d. Aug. 20, 1868. Wm. Connor Magee, dean of Cork, and of Chap. Royal, Dublin. |BISHOP SUFFRAGAN OF LEICESTER, 1888. Fras. Hy. Thicknesse, archdn, of Northampton, June 18, G. DEANS OF PETERBOROUGH. Fras. Abree, alias Leycester, last prior of St. Andrews, and first dean. Gerard Carlton; d. 1549. Jas. Curthopp ; d. 1557. John Boxall; depr. by Elizabeth. Wm. Latymer; d. 1583. Richd. Fletcher; bp. Bristol, 1589. Thos. Nevell, dean of Canterbury, John Palmer. Richd. Cleyton. Geo. Meriton; dean of York, 1616. Hy. Beaumont, dean of Windsor; 1622; d. 1627. Wm. Pierse; bp. Peterborough, 1630. John Towers; bp. Peterborough, 1638. Thos. Jackson; d. 1640. John Cosin; bp. Durham, 1660. Edwd. Rainbow ; bp. Carlisle, 1664. 1664. 1679. 1689. 1691. 1707. 1718. 1721. 1722. 1725. 1740. 1744. 1764. 1791. 1792. 1798. 1822. Jas. Duport; d. 1679. Simon Patrick; bp. Chichester, 1689. Richd. Kidder; bp. Bath and Wells, 1691. Saml. Freeman; d. 1707. White Kennet ; bp. Peterborough, 1718. º Richd. Reynolds; bp. Bangor, 1721. Wm. Gee. John Mandevil. Fras. Lockyer. John Thomas; elect. bp. of St. Asaph, but not consecrated, 1743. Robt. Lamb; bp. Peterborough, 1764. Chas. Tarrant. Chas. Manners Sutton; bp. Norwich, 1792. Peter Peckard, Apr. 10. Thos. Kipling. Jas. Hy. Monk, Feb. 20, G.; bp. Gloucester, 1830. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 459 1830. Thos. Turton, Nov. 20, G.; dean | 1853. Augs. Page Saunders, May 28, G. of Westminster, 1842. 1878. John Jas. Stewart Perowne, Aug. 1842. Geo. Butler, Nov. 3, G. 26, G. - DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. THIS see was founded by St. Augustine about ten years after he came to England. The bishop has been styled chaplain to the archbishop of Canterbury; and that archbishop claimed, and, for several centuries, dis- posed of the see. His patronage was, however, often disputed by the prior and monks here, who at length obtained a papal decree in their favour. In all solemn pomps and processions, the bishop of Rochester was cross-bearer to the archbishop. The revenue of the see was at one time so small, that, for many years, the deanery of Westminster was held in commendam with it, for its better support. In 1536 a bishop suffragan of Colchester was appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14, but only two bishops were appointed. The title was revived in 1882, but the bishop was made suffragan to the newly constituted diocese of St. Albans. BISHOPS OF ROCHESTER. 604. St. Justus; tr. to Canterbury. 1076. Ernostus, or Arnolf, monk of Bec, 622. Romanus; drowned on his way to in Normandy ; d. July 15, same Rome. year. 634, St. Paulinus, abp. of York. 1077. Gundulph, monk of Bec. 644. St. Ithamar. 1108, Ralph, or Rodolph ; tr. to Canter- 656. Damianus; d. 664. bury, 1114. See vacant 5 years. 1115. St. Earnulph, abbot of Peterborough. 669. Putta ; res. 1125. John I., archdn. of Canterbury. 677. Quichelmus, or Gulielmus ; res. 1137. John II. 681. Godmundus, or Godwin I. 1142. Ascelyn, a monk. 693. Tobias, the first Englishman who 1147. Walter, archdn. of Canterbury. was bp. of this see. 1183. Walleran, archdn. of Bayonne. 727. Adulfus, or Aldulfus. 1185. Gilbert de Glanville, ch. just. 740. Duina, or Dunnus. 1214. Benet de Sansetun, precentor of St. 764. Earduff. Paul's. 775. Diora, or Deora. 1226. Hy. de Sanford, archdn. of Canter- 790. Weremund. bury. 802. Beornmod, or Beornredus. 1235. Richd. de Wendover, rector of Brom- 804. Tadmoth. ley, Kent. * * Bedenoth. 1250. Lawrence de St. Martin, chaplain * * Godwin I., dean of London. and councillor to the king. * * Cutherwolf. 1274. Walter de Merton, ld. chanc. * * Swithulf; d. 897. 1278. John de Bradfield, monk of Roches- * * Buiric. t ter. * * Cheolmund. John deKirkeby,archdn.of Coventry; * * Chineferth. elected, but declined the dignity. 945. Burric, or Burrhieus. 1283. Thos. de Inglethorpe, dean of St. 980. Alfstanus. Paul's. 1001. Godwin II. 1291. Thos. de Wuldham, or Suthflete, 1009. Godwin III. ; d. 1038. prior of Rochester; chosen, but See vacant 20 years. refused the see ; again chosen, 1058. Siward, abbot of Abingdon. and accepted it. 460 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1316. Haymo de Hythe, confessor to the king. John de Sheppey, prior of Roches- ter; ld, treasr. Wm. de Whittlesey, archdn. of Hun- tingdon; tr. to Worcester. 1364. Thos. Trelleck, dean of St. Paul's; d. 1372. 1372. John de Hertley, elected; but set aside by the pope. 1873. Thos. de Brinton, confessor to the king; d. 1389. 1352. 1360. 1389. John Barnet, elected; but set aside by the pope. Wm. de Bottlesham; tr. from Llandaff. 1400. John de Bottlesham, preb. of York. 1404. Richd. Young ; tr. from Bangor. 1419. John Kempe, archdn. of Durham; tr. to Chichester, 1421. 1421. Thos. Spofforth, or Spofford, elected; but set aside by the pope. 1422. John Langdon, monk of Canter- bury. 1434. Thos. Browne, dean of Salisbury; tr. to Norwich. 1436. Wm. de Wells, abbot of York, aft. provost of Beverley; kpr. pr. seal. 1444. John Lowe, tr. from Asaph. 1467. Thos. Scott, surn. Rotherham, provost of Beverley; tr. to Lin- coln. 1472. John Alcock, dean of Westminster; m. rolls; tr. to Worcester. 1476. John Russell, archdn. of Bucks; tr. to Lincoln. 1480. Edmd. Audley, preb. of York; tr. to Hereford. 1492. Thos. Savage, canon of York, and dean of the king's chapel; tr. to London. 1496. Richd. Fitz-James, preb. Paul's ; tr. to Chichester. 1504. John Fisher, chanc. of Cambridge and master of Queen's College; cardl. ; beheaded for denying the king's Supremacy. 1535. John Hilsey, prior of Dominican friars, in London. 1540. Nichs. Heath, archdn. of Stafford, almoner; tr. to Worcester. 1544. Hy. Holbeach, dean of Worcester, suffragan bp. of Bristol; tr. to Lincoln. 1547. Nichs. Ridley, master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge; tr. to London. 1550. John Poynet, preb. of Canterbury; tr. to Winchester. of St. 1551. 1554. 1559. 1571. 1576, 1578. 1605. 1608. 1610. 1628. 1629. 1637. 1666. 1683. 1684. 1713. 1723. 1731. 1756. 1774. 1793. 1802. 1808. 1827. 1860. 1867. 1877. John Scory, one of the six preachers in Canterbury Cathedral; tr. to Chichester, 1552. See vacant 2 years. Maurice Griffin, archdn. of Roches- ter. Edmd. Gheast, archdm. of Canter- bury; tr. to Salisbury. Edmd. Freake, dean of Salisbury; tr. to Norwich, 1575. John Piers, dean of Salisbury, and Christchurch, Oxford, almoner ; tr. to Salisbury, Oct. 1577. John Young, preb. of Westminster. Wm. Barlow, dean of Chester; tr. to Lincoln. Richd. Neile, dean of Westminster; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. John Buckeridge, pres. of St. John's College, Oxford; tr. to Ely. Walter Curle, dean of Lichfield; tr. to Bath and Wells. John Bowle, dean of Salisbury. John Warner, dean of Lichfield. John Dolben, dean of Westminster; tr. to York. Fras. Turner, dean of Windsor; tr. to Ely. Thos. Sprat, dean of Westminster. Fras. Atterbury, dean of Christ- church, and preacher at the Rolls; dean of Westminster, 1713; depr. and banished; d. 1732. Saml. Bradford, tr. from Carlisle. Jos. Wilcocks, tr. from Gloucester. Zach. Pearce; tr. from Bangor; res. the deanery of Westminster, 1758. John Thomas, dean of Westminster; d. 1793. Saml. Horsley; tr. from St. David's; tr. to St. Asaph. Thos. Dampier, preb. of Durham, Aug. 3; tr. to Ely. Walter King, Dec. 3; d. Feb. 22, 1827. Hon. Hugh Percy, June 28; tr. to Carlisle, same year. Geo. Murray; tr. from Sodor and Man, Nov. 14; d. Feb. 16, 1860. Jos. Cotton Wigram, archdn, of Win- chester, Apr. 7, G. ; d. Apr. 6, 1867. Thos. Legh Claughton, hon. can. of Worcester, Apr. 26, G. ; tr. to St. Albans. Anthy. Wilson Thorold, vicar of St. Pancras and rural dean, June 19, G. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF COLCHESTER. See Diocese of St. Albans, post, p. 461. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 461 DEANS OF ROCHESTER. 1533. Walter Philips, June 18; last prior 1673. Thos, Lamplugh, Mar. 6; bp. Exe- and first dean; d. 1570. ter, Nov. 12, 1676. 1570. Edmd. Freake, Apr. 10; bp. Ro- | 1676. John Castilion, Nov. 15; d. Oct. 21, chester, May 9, 1571. 1688. 1574. Thos. Willoughby, June 23; d. Aug. 1689. Hy. Ullock; d. June 20, 1706. 19, 1585. 1706. Saml. Pratt; d. Nov. 14, 1723. 1585. John Coldwell, Jan. 7 ; bp. Salis- 1724. Nichs. Claggett, Jan. 4; bp. St. bury, Dec. 26, 1591. David’s, Jan. 1731. 1592. Thos. Blague, Feb. 1; d. Oct. 1611. 1731. Thos. Herring ; b.p. Bangor, 1737. 1611. Richd. Milbourne, Dec. 11; bp. St. 1743. Wm. Bernard; bp. Raphoe, 1744. - David's, July 9, 1615. 1744. John Newcombe; d. Mar. 10, 1765. 1615. Robt. Scott, July 13; d. Dec. 1620. 1765. Wm. Markham, dean of Christ 1620. Godfrey Goodman, Jan. 6; bp. Glou- Church, 1767. cester, Mar. 6, 1624. 1767. Benj. Newcombe, Oct.; d. Aug. 1775. 1624. Walter Beleanquall, Mar. 12; dean 1775. Thos. Thurlow, Nov. 8; bp. Lincoln, of Durham, 1638. 1779. 1638. Hy. King, Feb. 6; bp. Chichester, 1779. Richd. Cust; dean of Lincoln, 1782. Feb. 16, 1641. 1782. Thos. Dampier; bp. Rochester, 1802. 1641. Thos. Turner, Feb. 26; dean of 1802. Saml. Goodenough; bp. Carlisle Canterbury, 1643. 1808. 1660. Benj. Laney, July 24; bp. Peter- 1808. Wm. Beaumont Busby, Mar. 15, G. borough, same year. 1820. Robt. Stevens, Oct. 17, G. 1660. Nathl. Hardy, Dec. 10; d. June 1, 1870. Thos. Dale, Feb.23,6.; d.May 14,1870. 1670. Robt. Scott, June 16, G. 1670. Peter Mew; bp.Bath and Wells, 167 2. 1887. Saml. Reynolds Hole, Dec. 31. DIOCESE OF ST. ALBANS. THIs see was constituted under 38 and 39 Vict. cap. 34, and order in council April 30, 1877, under which its establishment was to date from May 4, 1877. It was formed out of the diocese of Rochester. The title of bishop suffragan of Colchester was revived in 1882, but the bishop was made suffragan to this see instead of to Rochester as before. . . There are at present no dean and chapter attached to this see. EISEIOPS OF ST. ALBANS. 1877. Thos. Legh Claughton, May 11, G.; tr. from Rochester; first bishop. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF COLCHESTER. 1536. Wrm. More Probably suffragan i 1882. Alfred Bloomfield, archdn. of Essex 1567. John Sterne to Rochester. and hon. canon of St. Albans June 6, G, DIOCESE OF ST. ASAPH. THIs bishopric is of great antiquity, having been founded in the sixth century, by Kentigern, a Scotsman, bishop of Glasgow, who, returning into Scotland, left as his successor a holy man, named St. Asaph, from 462 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. whom the see takes its name. Who succeeded St. Asaph is uncertain, as no authentic records supply the information, and the list of bishops is not renewed until 1143. 583. * }& 1143. 1152, 1154. 1155. 1175. 1183. 1186. 1225. 1235. 1240. 1249. 1267. 1268. 1293. 1314. 1352. T357. 1376. 1382. 1390. 1395. 1402. 1411. 1433. 1444. 1450. 1461. 1472. 1495. 1499. 1503. 1513. 1518. 1535, 1536. 1554. 1559. 1561. 1573. 1601. * }{ 1244 and 1272. St. Asaph. * * BISHOPS OF Kentigern, bp. of Glasgow. * * Gilbertus, or Galfridus. Geoffrey of Monmouth. Richard; d. the next year. Godefridus, or Godfrey. Adam, a Welshman; canon of Paris. John I., Or Johannes. Reinerus, or Reyner. Abraham. Hugo, or Hugh. Howel ap Ednevet. See vacant 2 years. Enion, or Anian I. John II. Enion, or Amian II. Leoline de Bromfeld, canon of St. Asaph. David I. John Trevaur I. Leoline ap Madoc, dean of St. Asaph. Wm. de Sprinlington, dean of St. Asaph. Lawrence Child, penitentiary to the pope. Alexr. Bache. John Trevaur II., preb. of Here- ford; depr, 1402. David II. Robt. de Lancaster. John Lowe, tr. to Rochester. Regd. Peacock, tr. to Chichester. Thomas I. Thomas II. Richd. Redman, tr. to Exeter. Michl. Dyacon. David III. David IV., abbot of Conway. Edmd. Birkhead. Hy. Standish, Franciscans. Wm. Barlow, prior of Bisham; tr. to St. David’s. Robt. Warton, or Parfew, or Purfoy, abbot of Bermondsey; tr. to Here- ford. Thos. Goldwell; he went into volun- tary exile. Richd, Davies, tr. to St. David’s. Thos. Davies. Wm. Hughes. Wm. Morgan, tr. from Llandaff. guardian of the DEANS OF R } David. ST, ASAPH. 1603. 1622. 1629. 1660. 1667. 1669. 1680. 1692. 1703. 1704. 1708. 1714. 1727. 1731. 1736. 1743. 1748. 1761. 1769. 1789. 1790. | 1802. 1806. 1815. 1830. Richd. Parry, dean of Bangor. John Hanmer, preb. of Worcester. John Owen, archdn, of St. Asaph; d. 1651. See vacant 9 years. Geo. Griffith, archdn. of St. Asaph. Hy. Glenham, dean of Bristol. Isaac Barrow, tr. from Sodor and Man. Wm. Lloyd, dean of Bangor; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. •. Edwd. Jones, tr. from Cloyne, Ire- land. Geo. Hooper, dean of Canterbury; tr. to Bath and Wells. Wm. Beveridge, archdn. of Colchester. Wm. Fleetwood, canon of Windsor; tr. to Ely. John Wynne, principal of Jesus College, Oxford; tr. to Bath and Wells. Fras. Hare, dean of Worcester, and dean of St. Paul's; tr. to Chi- chester. Thos. Tanner, canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Isaac Maddox, dean of Wells; tr. to Worcester. John'Thomas, dean of Peterborough ; elected, but not consecrated; tr. to Lincoln. Saml. Lisle, archdn. of Canterbury; tr. to Norwich. Hon. Robt. Drummond, preb. of Westminster; tr. to Salisbury. Richd. Newcombe, tr. from Llandaff. Jonn. Shipley, tr. from Llandaff. Saml. Halifax, tr. from Gloucester. Lewis Bagot, tr. from Norwich. Saml. Horsley, July 29; tr. from Ro- chester; d. Oct. 4, 1806. Wm. Cleaver, Oct. 15 ; tr. from Bangor; d. May 15, 1815. John Luxmore, May 23; tr. from Hereford; d. Jan. 21. Wm. Carey, Feb. 23; tr. from Exeter; d. Sept. 13, 1846. 1846, Thos. Vowler Short, Oct. 10 ; tr. from Sodor and Man ; res. Jan. 1870; d. Apr. 13. 1872. 1870. Joshua Hughes, Vicar of Llandovery, 1294. 1299. 1339. Mar. 25, G. } ST. ASAPH. 1279. Anian (1). R Anian (2). Leoline ab Madoc,bp. St. Asaph, 1357. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. - 463 * * Robt. de Walshum. 1587. Thos. Banks, Dec. 18; d. July 31, 1357. Wm. de Spridelington; b.p. St. Asaph, 1634. - 1376. 1634. Andrew Maurice, Aug.”28; d. 1653–4. 1376. Alan de Stokes. 1660. David Lloyd, Sept. 24; d. Sept. 7, 1381. David de Calwylegh. 1663. 1389. 1663. Humphrey Lloyd, Dec. 14; bp. and X. Howel ab Madoc Kyffen. Bangor, 1673; d. 1688. 1391. 1673–4. Nichs. Stratford, bp. Chester, 1397. Hugh Collingham; preb. of St.Paul's, 1689. 1402; d. 1409. 1689. Geo. Bright, Sept. 28; d. 1696. 1402. Richd. Courtenay. 1696. Daniel Price, July 26; d. Nov. 7, 1404. Hugh Holbeche; d. 1417. 1706. 1418. John Blodwell; res. 1441. 1706. Wm. Stanley, Dec. 7 ; d. Oct. 9, 1441. David Blodwell; d. 1461. 1731. 1462. John Tapton; Jan. 27. 1731. Wm. Powell, Oct. 21 ; d. Apr. 14, 1493. Fulke or Fouke, Salisbury. 1751. 1544. Richd. Puskin ; res. 1556; d. 1566. 1751. Wm. Herring ; d. May 13, 1774. 1556. John Gryffyth, Sept. 27; d. 1557. 1774. Wm. Davies Shipley, May 27. 1557. Maurice Blayne, alias Griffith, Aug. 1826. C. Scott Luxmoore. 5; contd. until Feb. 27, 1559. 1854. Chas. Butler Clough. 1559. John Lloyd, Apr. 4; depr. 1559. 1859. Richd. Bonner Maurice Bonnor. 1560. Hugh Evans, Apr. 26; d. Dec. 17, 1886. Herbert Armitage James. 1587. 1888. David Evans. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID’S. THIS see was once the metropolitan see of Wales and archiepiscopal; and for many years the seat of the supreme ordinary of the Welsh. When Christianity was first planted in Great Britain there were three archbishops' seats appointed, viz., Tondon, (afterwards removed to Can- terbury), York, and Caerleon upon Usk, in Monmouthshire. That at Caerleon being found to be too near to the dominions of the Saxons, was removed, in the time of Arthur, king of the Britons, to a place called Menew, in the furthermost part of Pembrokeshire ; and since, in honour of the archbishop who translated it there, the see is called St. David’s. It is from the first name that the bishops style themselves Menevensis. Bishop Sampson was the last of the archbishops of St. David’s ; for he, withdrawing himself, on account of a pestilence which raged in his diocese, to Dole, in Brittany, carried the pall with him. His successors, though they lost the name, still preserved the archiepis- copal power; and the Welsh bishops continued to receive consecration at his hands, until the reign of Henry I., when Bernard, the forty- seventh bishop, was forced to submit himself to Canterbury. ARCHIBISHOPS OF ST. DAVID’S. 577. St. David. * * Gorgan, or Gogan. * * Catellus, or Catu- * * Cenau.c. * * Cledauc, or Cledauke. lus. * * Eluid. * * Anian. * * Sulmay, or Sulhaith- * * Ceneu. * * Elvoed, or Eludgeth. nay. * * Morvael. * * Ethelmen, or Eldunen. * * Novis, Nonis, or * * Haernunen. * * Elanc, Elnaeth, or El- Namis, * * Elwaed. vaoth. * * Etwal, or Doythwal. * * Gurnven. * * Mascoed, Malscoed, or * * Asser. * * Lendiword, or Lued- Maelschwythe. * * Arthwael, or Alhuael. with. * * Sadermen, Sadurnven, | * * St. Sampson, the last * * Gorwysc, or Gorwyst. or Madenew. abp. 464 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. : : *}{ * •k + 1147. 1176. 1198. 1203. 1214. 1230. 1248. 1256. 1280. 1293. 1328. 1347. 1350. 1353. 1361. 1889. 1401. 1408. 1414. 1415. 1417. 1433. 1442. 1447. 1460. 1482. BISHOPS OF ST. DAVID’S. Euclinus, or Rucli- | * * Jevan. * * Abraham. Ill] S. * * Argusteil. * * Sulgheim, again. Rodheric. * * Morgenveth, or Ur- | * * Rythmarch. Elguni, or Elguen. geneu. * * Wilfride, or Griffri. Lunverd, or Lywarch. | * * Ervin, or Hernun. * * Bernardus, chanc. to Nergu, or Vergu. * * Tramarin, or Caer- queen Adelise. Sulhidyr, Sulhidwr, merin. The first bp. who or Hubert. * * Joseph. Submitted to the Everus, or Eneuris. * * Bleithud, See of Canter- Morgeneu. * * Sulgheim, or Sulge- bury. Nathan. heyn. - David Fitzgerald, archdn. of Cardi- || 1483. Thos. Langton, preb. of Wells. gan. 1484. Andrew *; his surname does Peter de Leia, prior of Wenlock. Giraldus Cambrensis, the historian ; his election was disputed, and he resigned. Geoffrey. Gervase ; d. 1229. Anselm le Gros. Thos. Wallensis. Richd. de Carew. Thos. Beck, archdn. of Dorset. David Martyn. Hy. Gower. John Thoresby, ld. chanc.; tr. to Worcester. Regd. Brian ; tr. to Worcester. Thos. Falstoffe, parson of Faken- ham, Norfolk. Adam Houghton, ld, chanc. Richd. Metford ; elected, but set aside by the pope. John Gilbert, tr. from Hereford; ld. treasT.; d. in 1397. See vacant 4 years. Guy de Mona, ld. treaSr. Hy. Chicheley, archdn.of Salisbury; tr. to Canterbury. John Ketterich, or Catryk, archdn. of Surrey; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. Stephen Patrington, archdn. of Sur- rey; tr. to Chichester. Benedict Nichols, tr. from Bangor. Thos. Rodeburn, archdn. of Sud- bury. Wm. Lynwood, ld, pr. Seal. John Langton, chanc. of Cambridge; chosen Jan., 1447; d. May, 1447. John Delabere, dean of Wells, Sept. 15. Robt. Tully, monk of Gloucester. Richd. Martin, pr. councillor to Edwd. IV. 1485. 1496. 1505. 1509. 1523. 1536. 1549. 1553. 1559. 1561. 1582. 1594. 1615. 1621. 1627. 1635. 1660. 1677. 1683. 1686. 1687. not appear. Hugh Pavy, or Parry, archdn. of Wilts. John Morgan, or Young, dean of Windsor; d. May 1504. Robt. Sherborne, dean of St. Paul's; tr. to Chichester. Edwd. Vaughan, preb. of St. Paul's. Richd. Rawlins, preb. of St. Paul's. Wm. Barlow, tr. from St. Asaph ; tr. to Bath and Wells. Robt. Ferrar; depr, by Mary; burnt Mar. 30, 1555. Hy. Morgan, principal of St. Ed- ward Hall, Oxford; depr. by Elizabeth. Thos. Young, chanc. of St. David's; tr. to York. Richd. Davies; tr. from St. Asaph. Marmaduke Middleton ; tr. from Waterford, Ireland; depr. 1592, for publishing a forged will. See vacant 2 years. Anthy. Rudd, dean of Gloucester. Richd. Milbourne, dean of Rochester; tr. to Carlisle. - Wm. Laud, dean of Gloucester; tr. to Bath and Wells. Theoph. Field, tr. from Llandaff; tr. to Hereford. Roger Mainwaring, dean of Wor- cester; d. 1653. See vacant till the Restoration. Wm. Lucy, rector of High Clere, Hunts. Wm. Thomas, dean of Worcester; tr. to Worcester. Lawrence Womach, archdn. of Suf- folk. John Lloyd, principal of Jesus Col- lege, Oxford. Thos. Watson, fellow of St. John's * The accounts of the early prelates of this see are very conflicting; Godwin, Isaacson, Heylyn, and Le Neve frequently differing in names and dates. Sir Harris Nicholas appears to follow Le Neve, who is also here adopted as an authority in many instances. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 465 College, Cambridge; depr. for 1766. Chas. Moss, archdn. of Colchester; Simony and other crimes in 1699. tr. to Bath and Wells. See vacant 5 years. 1774, Hon. Jas. York, dean of Lincoln; 1705. Geo. Bull, archdn. of Llandaff. tr. to Gloucester. 1710. Philip Bisse ; tr. to Hereford. 1779. John Warren, archdn. of Worcester; 1712. Adam Ottley, archdn. of Salop, and tr. to Bangor. preb. of Hereford. 1783. Edwd. Smallwell ; tr. to Oxford. 1723. Richd. Smalbroke, treasr. of Llan- || 1788. Saml. Horsley, preb. of Gloucester; daff; tr. to Lichfield and Coven- tr. to Rochester. try. 1793. Hon. Wm. Stuart, canon of Christ 1730. Elias Sydall, dean of Canterbury; Church, Oxford, r. to Armagh. tr. to Gloucester. 1800. Lord Geo. Murray, Dec. 20; d. 1731. Nichs. Clagget, dean of Rochester; June 3, 1803. tr. to Exeter. 1803. Thos. Burgess, preb. of Durham, 1743. Edwd. Willes, dean of Lincoln ; tr. | June 25; tr. to Salisbury. to Bath and Wells. 1825. John Banks Jenkinson, June 18; & * in fl- d. July 7, 1840. ***.*.*.*.*.*.*|1840, cº, fºllow of Trinity 3 via • & e 1752. Anthw. Ellis, preb. of Gl College, Cambridge, July 23; d. º: y; us, prep. 0 loucester. July 27, 1875. 1761. Saml. Squire, dean of Bristol. 1874. Wm. Basil Jones, archdn., chanc., 1766. Robt. Lowth, preb. of Durham; tr. and can.-res. of York, July 13, to Oxford. G. DEANS OF ST. DAVID’S. UNTIL the year 1840 the bishops of this see were also the deans. In that year the precentor assumed the title of dean under 3 and 4 Vict., cap. 113, sec. 1 (Aug. 11, 1840). 1840. Ll. Llewellyn, precentor, now dean; 1878. Jas. Allen. Aug. 11. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. THIS see has undergone many alterations, from the time of its estab- lishment to its final settlement at Salisbury. Its first seat was at Sherborne, in Dorsetshire; and the diocese then had episcopal jurisdic- tion over all those counties that now constitute the sees of Salisbury, Bristol, Wells, and Exeter. Wells and Exeter were dismembered from it, and erected into two distinct bishoprics. Another see was afterwards formed out of the remaining jurisdiction of Sherborne, and seated at Wilton, in Wiltshire; but this last, after having had eleven bishops of its own, was once more united to Sherborne. Subsequently the seat of the see was removed to Salisbury, the principal city in those parts ; but the then bishop removed it to the hill called Old Sarum, and began to build a cathedral church there, which was finished by St. Osmund. This situation was chosen, perhaps, from the strong fortifications with which the hill was surrounded, and as being more out of the reach of the Danes. Bishop Richard Poore, in 1220, once more brought the seat of the see from Old Sarum to Salisbury, or New Sarum, where it has continued ever since. In ancient times the bishops of Salisbury were precentors to the archbishops of Canterbury. Edward IV. annexed the chancellorship of the Garter to the bishops of this see; but in the new statutes made by Henry VIII. this office was left solely at the king's disposal, and might be conferred on a clergyman or a layman. After 466 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. bishop Ward's time, however, it was conferred without interruption, until recently, on the bishops of Salisbury. Two bishops suffragan were appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Henry VIII., cap. 14, one with the title of Marlborough in 1537, and the other with the title of Shaftesbury in 1539. Neither appointment was continued; but a bishop suffragan of Marlborough was again appointed in 1888, and made suffragan to London. 705. 710. 738. 756. 778. 798. 717. 868. 872. 875. 906. 918. 934. 941. 958. 978. 986. 998. 1009. 1020. 1041. 1058. 1046. 1078. 1102. 1142. BISHOPS OF SHERBORNE. St. Adhelm, or Aldhelm. Fordhere. Herewald. Ethelwald I. Denefrith. Wilbert. Ealstan, or Alfstan. Eadmund, or St. Hamund; martyr. Etheleage. Alfric. SHERBORNE. Werstane. Elthebald. Sigelmus II. Alfred. Wulfine. Alfwold, or Elfwold. Athelric. Ethelsius. Brithwyn I. Elmer. Brithwyn II. Elfwold; d. 1058. After Elfwold's death in this year Herman, who had before been bp. of Wilton, and resigned that see, was made bp. of Sherborne; and having united both sees, he shortly removed the seat to Salisbury from which place the bishops håve since had their Ila, Iſle. BISHOPS OF Herman ; succ. in 1046 as bp. of Wilton, and in 1058 as bp. of Sherborne; he removed the see, first to Salisbury, and then to Old Sarum. St. Osmund de Sees, Earl of Dorset, ld. chanc.; d. 1099. See vacant 2 years. Roger, ld, ch. just. and 1d. treasr. d. 1139. See vacant 3 years. Josceline de Bailol, a Lombard, archdn. of Winchester, and preb. of York; d. 1184. See vacant 4 years. 879. Asser, surn. Menevensis. 883. Swithelmus, or Sigelmus I. 889. 906. 920. 934. 971. 981. 986. 990. 996. 1013 1046 Ethelwald II. After his death the diocese was divided into several sees, Wells, Devonshire, &c., by Plegmund, abp. of Canterbury; and another see was erected at Wilton, whose seat was some- times there, and sometimes at Ramsbury and Sunning. WILTON. Ethelstan. Odo Severus. Osulph. Alfstan. Wulfgar, or Alfgar. Siricius; tr. to Canterbury. Alfric, or Aluricius ; tr. to Canter- bury. Brithwold. Ethelwin. Herman, vide infra. SALISBURY. 1188. 1194. 1217. 1228. 1246. 1256. 1263. 1274. 1284. Hubert Walter, dean of York; tr. to Canterbury, 1193. Herbert Poore, or Robt. Poore. Richd. Poore; tr. from Chichester; he removed the see back to Salis- bury; tr. to Durham. Robt. de Bingham, preb. of Salis- bury. Wm. de York, provost of Beverley. Giles de Bridport, dean of Wells. Walter de la Wyle, sub-chanter of Salisbury. Robt. Wykehampton, dean of Salis- burv. Walter Scammel, dean of Salisbury. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 467 1287. Hy. de Brandeston, dean of Salis- bury; d. Feb. 1288. Lawrence de Awkeburne, elected; - but d. before consecration. 1288. Wm. de Corner; he was also elected abp. of Dublin ; but was set aside by the pope. 1291. Nichs. Longespee, preb. of Salis- bury. 1315. Roger de Martival, dean of Lincoln. 1330. Robt. Wivill. 1375. Ralph Ergham ; tr. to Bath and Wells. - 1388. John Waltham, m. rolls, and ld. treaSr. 1395. Richd. Mitford; tr. from Chichester, 1407. Nichs. Bubbewith ; tr. from London. 1408. Robt. Hallam, archdn.of Canterbury, cardl. and chanc. of Oxford. 1417. John Chandeler, dean of Salisbury. 1427. Robt. Nevill, provost of Beverley. 1438. Wm. Aiscough, clerk of the council. 1450. Richd. Beauchamp; tr. from Here- ford; the first chanc. of the Garter. Lionel Woodville, dean of Exeter, chanc. of Oxford. 1485. Thos. Langton; tr. from St. David's; tr. to Winchester; chanc. of the Garter. 1493. John Blyth, m. rolls, chanc. of Cambridge, chanc. of the Garter. 1500. Hy. Deane; tr. from Bangor; tr. to Canterbury. 1501. Edmd. Audley; tr. from Hereford; chanc. of the Garter. 1524. Lawrence Campejus, cardl. ; depr. for non-residence by act of par- liament, 1534. The chancellor- ship of the Garter in lay hands. .535. Nichs. Shaxton, treasr. of Sarum ; res. in consequence of not sub- scribing to the Six Articles. .539. John Salcott, alias Capon; tr. from Bangor; d. Oct. 1557. .557–8. Peter Petow, cardl. ; app. to this see by the pope; but the queen would not allow him to enter the realm. 558. Fras. Mallet, nominated by the queen, Oct. 14, 1558; but set aside on her death, Nov. 17. fol- lowing. .559. John Jewell; d. 1571. .571. Edmd. Gheast ; tr. from Rochester; almoner. .577. John Piers; tr. from Rochester; almoner; tr. to York, Feb. 1, 1589. 1482. 1591. 1598. 1614. 1618. 1620. 1621. 1641. 1660. 1663. 1665. 1667. 1689. 1715. 1722. 1723. 1734. 1748. 1757. 1761. 1766. 1782. 1791. 1807. 1825. 1837. 1854. 1869. 1885. See vacant 2 years. John Coldwell, dean of Rochester. Hy. Cotton, preb. of Winchester. Robt. Abbot, master of Baliol Col- lege, Oxford. Martin Fotherby, preb. of Canter- bury. Robt. Tounson, or Thompson, dean of Westminster. John Davenant, master of Queen's College, Cambridge. Brian Duppa ; tr. from Chichester ; tr. to Winchester, 1660; d. 1662. Humphrey Henchman, precentor of Salisbury; tr. to London. John Earle; tr. from Worcester. Alexr. Hyde, dean of Winchester. Seth Ward; tr. from Exeter; chanc. of the Garter. Gilbert Burnet, preacher at the rolls. Wm. Talbot; tr. from Oxford; tr. to Durham. Richd. Willis; tr. from Gloucester; tr. to Winchester. Benj. Hoadley; tr. from Hereford; tr. to Winchester. Thos. Sherlock; tr. from Bangor; tr. to London. John Gilbert; tr. from Llandaff ; tr. to York. John Thomas I. ; tr. from Peter- borough ; tr. to Winchester. Robt. Drummond; tr. from St. Asaph ; tr. to York. John Thomas II. ; tr. from Lincoln. John Hume ; tr. from Oxford. Hon. Shute Barrington ; tr. Llandaff; tr. to Durham. John Douglas; tr. from Carlisle ; d. 1807. John Fisher, May 30; Exeter; d. July 2, 1825. Thos. Burgess, May 21; tr. from St David's ; d. Feb. 19, 1837. Edwd. Denison, fellow of Merton College, Oxford, Mar. 13; d. Mar. 6, 1854. Walter Kerr Hamilton, can.-res. and precentor, Salisbury, Mar. 27, G. ; d. Aug. 1, 1869. Geo. Moberly, canon of Chester, Aug. 14, G. ; d. July 6, 1885. John Wordsworth, Oriel prof. of divinity, Oxford, Sep. 3, G. from tr. from BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF MARLBOROUGH. See Diocese of London, ante, p. 452. BISHOP SUFFRAGAN OF SHAFTESBURY. 1539. John Bradley. 30 * 468 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DEANS OF SALISBURY. * * Roger. 1463. Jas. Goldwell; bp. Norwich, 1472. * * Osbert. 1473. John Davyson; d. 1485. * * Serlo. * * Edwd. Cheyne, dean in 1499; d. * * Robert ; d. 1111. 1502. * * Robt. Chichester; bp. Exeter about | 1505. Thos. Rowthall; bp. Durham, 1508. 1128. 1509. Wm. Atwater; b.p. Lincoln, 1514. 1140. Robt. Warle west, 1514. John. Longland, or Langland; bp. * * Henry. Lincoln, 1521. 1165. John of Oxford; bp. Norwich, 1175. 1521. Cuthbert Tunstall; bp. London, 1522. . * * Robert. . 1522. Raymund Pade. * * Jordan, dean in 1192. 1539. Peter Wannes ; res. 1563. * * Eustachius, dean in 1195 ; bp. Ely, 1563. Wm. Bradbridge; bp. Exeter, 1571. 1198. 1570. Edmund Freke; bp. Rochester, 1571. 1197. Richd. Poor ; bp. Chichester, 1214. 1571. John Piers; bp. Salisbury, 1577. 1215. Adam de Ilchester; d. 1220. 1577. John Bridges; bp. Oxford, 1603. 1220. Wm. de Waude. 1604. John Gordon; d. 1619. - 1238. Robt. de Hertford; d. 1257. 1619. John Williams; dean of Westmin- 1257. Robert. de Wykehampton; bp. ster, 1620. Salisbury, 1274. 1620. John Bowle ; b.p. Rochester, 1629. 1274. Walter Scammel; bp. Salisbury,1284. | 1629. Edmund Mason; d. 1634. 1284. Hy. de Blaundeston ; bp. Salisbury | 1635. Richd. Baylie ; d. 1667. I287. 1667. Ralph Brideoake; bp. Chichester, 1287. Simon de Mitcham. 1675. 1298. Peter of Savoy. 1675. Thos. Peirce ; d. 1691. 1309. Cardl. Wm. Ruffatus de Cassineto. 1691. Robt. Woodward; d. 1701. 1310. Cardl. Raymond de la Goth; d. 1702. Edwd. Young ; d. 1705. 1346. 1705. John Young. 1346. Bertrand de Farges. 1727. John Clark; d. 1757. 1347. Reynold Orsini. 1757. Thos. Green; d. 1780. 1380. Robt. Braybrooke. 1780. Rowney Noel; d. 1786. 1385. Thos. de Montacute; d. 1404, 1786. John Ekins; d. 1808. 1404. John Chandler; bp. Salisbury, 1417. 1809. Chas. Talbot, Feb 18, G. 1418. Simon Sidenham ; bp. Chichester, 1823. Nichs. Pearson, Mar. 6, G. 1430. 1846. Fras. Lear, June 4, G. 1430. Thos. Browne; bp. Rochester, 1434. 1850. Hy. Parr Hamilton, Apl. 17, G. 1434. Nichs. Billesdon ; d. 1441. | 1880. John Chas. Ryle, Mar. 22, G. ; 1441. Adam Moleyns. made bp. Liverpool before he 1446. Richd. Leyat ; d. 1449. was confirmed in his deanery. 1449. Gilbert Kymer; d. 1463. 1880. Geo. David Boyle, May 5, G. DIOCESE OF SOUTHWELL. THIs see was constituted under the “Bishoprics Act, 1878,” (41 and 24 Vict., cap. 68,) and an order in Council, dated Feb. 2, 1884, under which its establishment was to date from Feb. 5, 1884. It was formed out of portions of the dioceses of Lichfield and Lincoln, and has at present no dean and chapter attached to it. BISHOP OF SOUTHWELL. 1884, Geo. Ridding, head master of St. Mary's College, Winchester; first bishop; May 4, G, DIOCESE OF TRURO. THIS see was constituted under the “Bishopric of Truro Act, 1876,” (39 and 40 Vict, cap. 52) and an order in Council, dated Dec. 9, 1876, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 469 under which its establishment was to date from Dec. 15, 1876. It was formed out of the diocese of Exeter. BISHOPS OF TRURO. 1877. Edwd. White Benson, canon of Lin- 1883. Geo. Howard Wilkinson, vicar of coln; first bishop; Jan. 16, G. ; St. Peter, Eaton Square, and tr. to Canterbury. hon. canon of Truro; Mar. 24, G. BISHOPRIC AND DEANERY OF WESTMINSTER. AT the dissolution of the monasteries, Westminster Abbey was by Henry VIII., in 1539, erected into a deanery; and in 1541, he erected it into a bishopric, and appointed John Thirleby bishop. But he, having wasted the patrimony allotted by the king for the support of the see, was translated to Norwich, and with him ended the bishopric of Westminster. The dignity existed only nine years; and Middlesex, which was the diocese, was restored to London. The dean continued to preside until the accession of queen Mary, who restored the abbot; but queen Elizabeth displaced the abbot, and erected the abbey into a collegiate church, of a dean and twelve prebendaries, as it still continues. On the revival of the order of the Bath in 1725, the dean of Westminster was appointed dean of that order, and this honour has been continued to his successors. BISHOP AND DEANS OF WESTMINSTER. 1539. Wm. Benson, the last abbot and 1713. Fras. Atterbury, bp. Rochester, &c. first dean. , 1723. Saml. Bradford, bp. Rochester, &c. 1541. Thos. Thirleby, first and only bp. ; 1731. Jos. Wilcocks, bp. Rochester, &c. tr. to Norwich. 1756. Zach. Pearse, bp. Rochester. 1550. Richd. Coxe, dean; aft. bp. Ely. 1769. John Thomas, preb. of Westminster; 1553. Hugh Weston, dean; rector of Lin- promoted to the deanery on the coln College, Oxford. resignation of bp. Pearse, and on 1556. John Frecknam, abbot; depr. his death, in 1774, succ. him in the bishopric of Rochester. ALL THE Following WERE DEANs – 1793. Saml. Horsley, bp. Rochester. 1560. Wm. Bill, mast. Trin. Coll., Cam- 1802. Wm. Vincent, sub-almoner; Aug. 3, bridge. G.; d. Dec. 21, 1815. 1561. Gabriel Goodman, preb. of St. Paul's. 1815. John Ireland, a canon of West- 1601. Lancelot Andrews; bp. Chichester, minster; Dec. 30, G.; d. Sep. 21, 1605. 1842. l 1605. Richd. Neyle, or Neale; bp. Roches- 1842. Thos. Turton, Oct. 10, G.; bp. Ely, ter, 1608. 1845. 1610. Geo. Monteigne; bp. Lincoln, 1617, 1845. Saml. Wilberforce, May 5, G.; bp. 1617. Robt. Tounson, or Thompson; bp. Oxford, 1846. Salisbury, 1620. 1845. Wm. Buckland, previously canon of 1620. John Williams, bp. Lincoln, 1621; Christ Church, Oxford, Nov. 27, tr. to York. G.; d. Aug. 14, 1856. t 1660. John Earle, clerk of the closet ; bp. 1856. Richd. Chevenix Trench, Oct. 14, G.; Salisbury, 1662. abp. Dublin, 1864. 1663. John Dolben, bp. Rochester 1666; 1863. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dec. 21, G.; tr. to York. d. July 18, 1881. 1683. Thos. Spratt; bp. Rochester, 1684. 1881. Geo. Granville Bradley, Sep. 13, G. . 470 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. since. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. THIS see is of great antiquity, and has always continued at Winchester, which was anciently the capital of the West Saxon kingdom. The bishop is accounted sub-dean to the archbishop of Canterbury; and by Edward III. the office of prelate of the order of the Garter was conferred upon him, and has been continued to his successors ever The bishops were anciently reputed to be earls of Southampton, and are so styled in the new statutes of the Garter made by Henry VIII. ; but that title does not now belong to them. In 1874 a bishop suffragan of Guildford was appointed to this see. 636. 650. 660. 670. 677. 705. 745. 755. 780. 793. 795. 799. 808. 814. 827. 832. 833. 838. 862, 875. 879, 888. 906. 942. 935. 951. 958. 963. 983. 1006. 1007. 1015. 1032. 1047. 1070. 1100. 1129. BISEIOPS OF WINCHESTER. St. Birine, or Birinus. Agilbertus. Wina ; exp. ; aft. bp. London. St. Eleutherius. St. Headda. Daniel, res. Humphrey, or Humfridus. Rinehard, or Kine ward. Athelard, tr. to Canterbury. Egbald. Dudda. Kineberth. Alhmund. Withenius, or Wighteinus,or Wigthen. Herefrid, murd. by the Danes. Edmund. Helmstan. St. Swithin. Athelred, tr. to Canterbury. Dumbert, or Dumbert. Denewulf, a hogherd under king Alfred, whom he sheltered when he fled from the Danes. St. Anthelm, or Bertulf. St. Frithstan. St. Brinstan. Elphege, the Bald, Elffine, or Alfsius, Brithelm. St. Ethelwald. St. Elphegus, abbot of Bath. Renulph. St. Brithwold. St. Elfsinus, or Eadsinus. Alfwine. Stigand, tr. to Canterbury. Walkeline, or Walkin. See vacant 2 years. Wm. Giffard, preb. of St. Paul's; lá. chancr. ; not consec. until 1107. Hy. de Blois, abbot of Glastonbury, and cardl. ; brother to king Stephen. 1174. 1189, 1205. 1243. 1250. 1261. 1267. 1280. 1305. 1316. 1320. 1323. 1333. 1345. 1367. 1405. 1447. 1487. 1493. See vacant 3 years. Richd. Tocliffe, or More, abp. of Poitiers. Godfrey de Lucy, or Luci. Sir Peter de Rupibus; d. 1238. * See vacant 5 years. Wm. de Raleigh, or Radley, tr. from Norwich. Gethelmar, Aymer, de Valentia, the brother. John Exon, or Oxon. Richd. Moore, elected; but set aside by the abp. of Canterbury. Nichs. de Ely, tr. from Worcester; d. Feb. 1280. John de Pontois, or Sawbridge ; d. Dec. 1304. Hy. Woodloke, or de Merewell. John de Sandale, dean of St. Paul's, ld. chanc., ld, treasT., and chanc. or Ludomare king's half 6X. Adam * * * elected; but set aside by the pope. Regd. de Asserius, the pope's legate. John de Stratford, ld, chanc. and ld. treasr. ; tr. to Canterbury. Adam de Orleton, tr. from Wor- cester. John Devenesche, chosen; but set aside by the pope. Wm. de Edendon, ld, treasp., and ld. chanc. Wm. de Wykeham, ld, chanc. Hy. de Beaufort, third son of John of Gaunt by CatherineSwinford,cardl. and lå. chanc.; tr. from Lincoln. Wm. de Waynflete, or Pattyn, pro- vost of Eton; ld. chanc. Peter Courtenay, tr. from Exeter. Thos. Langton, tr. from Salisbury; elected to Canterbury, but d. before his translation was per- fected. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 471 1501. 1529. 1531. 1556. 1561. 1580. 1584. 1595. 1595. 1874. 1540. 1549. 1554. 1559. 1565. 1572. 1580. 1589. 1600. 1610. 1616. Richd. Fox, tr. from Durham ; lä. pr. Seal; d. Sept. 1528. Thos. Wolsey, abp. of York, cardl., and ld. chanc. ; he held this see, in commendam, from Apr. 6, 1529, until his death, Nov. 29, 1530. Stephen Gardiner, mast. Trin. Coll., Cambridge; depr. by Edwd. VI., in 1550, for opposing the Refor- mation; committed to the Tower, where he was imprisoned during the remainder of Edward's reign. . John Poynet, tr. from Rochester; res. in 1553. . Bishop Gardiner, again; rest. by Mary, and made ld. chanc.; d. Nov. 12, 1555. John Whyte, tr. from Lincoln ; depr. 1560. Robt. Horne, dean of Durham; d. 1580. John Watson, dean of Winchester. Thos. Cowper, tr. from Lincoln. Wm. Wickham, tr. from Lincoln, Jan. 7, 1595 ; d. June 12 fol- lowing. Wm. Day, dean of Windsor; elected Nov. 3, 1595; d. Sept. 20, 1596. 1597. 1616. 1619. 1627. 1632. 1600. 1662. 1684. 1707. 1721. 1723. 1734. 1761. 1781. 1820, 1827. 1869. 1873. Thos. Bilson, tr. from Worcester. Jas. Mountague, tr. from Bath and Wells. Lancelot Andrews, tr. from Ely. Richd. Neile, or Neale, tr. from Durham ; tr. to York. Walter Curle, tr. from Bath and Wells; bp. almoner; d. 1650. See vacant 10 years. Brian Duppa, tr. from Salisbury, Geo. Morley, tr. from Worcester. Peter Mews, or Mew, tr. from Bath and Wells. Sir Jonn. Trelawney, bt., tr. Exeter. Chas. Trimnell, tr. from Norwich. Richd. Willis, tr. from Salisbury Benjn. Hoadley, tr. from Salisbury, John Thomas, tr. from Salisbury. Hon. Brownlow North, tr. from Worcester; d. July 12, 1820. Geo, Pretyman Tomline, July 18; tr. from Lincoln; d. 1827. Chas. Richd. Sumner, May 25; tr. from Landaff; res. Nov. 1869; d. Aug. 15, 1874. Saml. Wilberforce, Nov. 11, G. ; tr. from Oxford; d. July 19, 1873. Edwd. Harold Browne; Aug. 13, G.; tr. from Ely. from |BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF GUILDFORD. John Sutton Utterton, archdn. of Surrey and canon of Winchester, Mar. 9, G. ; d. 1879. 1888. Geo. Hy. Sumner, archdn. and canon of Winchester, Nov. 19, G. DEANS OF WINCHESTER. Wm. Kingsmill, alias de Basyng, Mar. 28; last prior of St. Swithin and first dean of Winchester. Sir Jno. Mason, Oct. 9; 1553. Edmd. Steward, Mar. 22. Jno. Warner, Oct. 15; d. Mar. 21, 1564. Fras. Newton, Mar. 21. Jno. Watson, Feb. 14 ; bp. Win- chester, 1580. Lawrence Humphrey, Oct. 24; d. Feb. 1, 1589. Martin Heton, Mar. 20; bp. Ely, 1600. Geo. Abbot, bp. Lichfield and Coventry, 1609. Thos. Morton, Jan. 3.; bp. Chester, 1616. Jno. Young, July 8. TOS, 1660. 1666. 1679. 1693. 1722. 1729. 1739. 1749. 1760. 1769. 1804. 1805. 1840. 1872. 1883. Alexr. Hyde, Aug. 8 ; bp. Salis- bury, 1665. Wm. Clark, Feb. 1. Richd. Meggott, Oct. 9. Jno. Wickart, Jan. 14. Wm. Trimmell, Feb. 16. Chas. Naylor, May 7; d. June 23, 1739. Zachariah Pearce, Aug. 4; bp. Ban- gor, 1748. Thos. Cheyney, Mar. 25 ; d. Dec. 27, 1760. Jonn. Shipley, Oct. 21; bp. Llandaff, 1769. Newton Ogle, Oct. 21. Robt. Holmes, Jan. 31, G. Thos. Rennell, Dec. 7, G. Thos. Garnier, Apr. 9, G. Jno. Bramston, Nov. 15. Geo. Wm. Kitchin, May 23. 472 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 679. 691. 693. 717. 744. 775. 779. 782. 799. 822. 848. 872. 892. 915. 922. 929. 957. 960. 993. 1002. 1023. 1038. 1046. 1062. 1097. 1113. 1125. + 36. 1151. 1163. 1180. 1186. 1191. 1192. 1196. 1199. 1215. 1217. DIOCESE OF WORCESTER. THIs see was founded by Ethelred, king of the Mercians, in the year 679; the diocese was taken from Lichfield. BISHOPS OF WORCESTER. - 1218. Wm. de Blois, archdm. of Bucks. Boselus, Boisel, or Bosel. Ostforus. St. Edwin, or Egwyn. Wilfride. Milred. Weremund. Tilhere. Eathored, or Adored. Denebert. Eadbert, or Hubert. Alwinus. Werefrid. Wilfreth I. Ethelan, or Ethelhune, abbot of Brackley. Wilfreth II. Renewold. St. Dunstan, abbot of Glastonbury; tr. to London, which he held with this see, till he was tr. to Canterbury. St. Oswald ; in 971 made abp. of York, which he held with this see. Adulfe, abbot of Peterborough ; succ. to this see, and to York. Wolstan I. ; he likewise succ. to this see, and to York. Leoffius, abbot of Thorney. Britteagus, abbot of Pershore. Livingus, bp. also of Devonshire and Cornwall. Aldred, tr. to York. St. Wolstan II., prior of Worcester; the last Saxon bp. of this see. Sampson, canon of Baion. Theulph, or Theobald, or Teoldus, canon of Baion; d. 1124. Simon, chanc. to the queen. Alured (?). John Pagham, or Payham, Roger, son of Robt., E. of Gloucester. Baldwin, abbot of Ford; tr. to Canterbury, 1184. Robt. de Northall, abbot of Glou- Cester. Robt. FitzRalph, canon of Lincoln; d, the next year. Hy. de Soilly, abbot of Gloucester. John de Constance, dean of Rouen, archdn. of Oxford. Maugere. Walter de Grey, tr. from Lichfield, ld, chanc.; tr. to York. Sivester de Evesham, prior of Wor- cester. 1236. 1266, 1268. 1302. 1308. 1314. 1318, 1327. 1333. 1337. 1338. 1349. 1352. 1362. 1363. 1369, 1375. 1395. 1401. 1408. 1419. Walter de Cantilupe, son to ld. Cantilupe. Nichs. de Ely, archdn, of Ely, ld. chanc. and pr. treaSr.; tr. to Winchester. Godfrey Gifford, archdn. of Wells; ld, chanc. John de St. German, elected, but it is doubtful if he was ever conse- crated. Wm. de Gainsborough, or Gaynes- burgh, friar minor at Oxford. Peter of Savoy, nominated by the Pope, but set aside by the king. Walter Reynolds, preb. of St. Paul’s, ld. chanc. and ló, treasr. ; tr. to Canterbury, 1313. Walter Maydenstum, or Maidstone, preb. of St. Paul's. Thos. Cobham, sub-dean of Sarum; d. 1327. Wolstan, prior of Worcester; elected 1327, but was not consecrated. Adam de Orleton, tr. from Here- ford ; tr. to Winchester. Simon de Montacute, archdn. of Can- terbury; tr. to Ely. Thos. Hennibal, monk of Norwich. Wolstan de Brandesford, prior of Worcester; probably the Wol- stan not consecrated in 1327. John de Evesham, prior of Wor- cester; elected 1349, but not con- secrated. Jno. Thoresby, tr. from St. David's; ld. chanc., cardl. ; tr. to York. Regd. Bryan, tr. from St. David's. John Barnet, archdm. of London, ld. treasr. ; tr. to Bath and Wells. Wm. de Wittlesey, tr. from Roches- ter; tr. to Canterbury. Wm. de Lynne, or Lenne, tr. from Chichester. Hy. Wakefield, archdn. of Canter- bury, ld, treasr. John Green, elected, but set aside by the pope. Tideman de Winchcombe, tr. from Llandaff. Richd. Clifford, dean of York; tr. to London. * Thos. Peverel, tr. from Llandaff. Philip Morgan, chanc. of Normandy; tr. to Ely. TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 473 1425. 1434. 1443. 1476. 1486. 1497. 1499. 1523. 1535. 1539. 1543. 1552, 1553. 1555. 1559. 1570. 1571. 1577. 1584. 1557. 1559. 1571. 1586. 1596. 1602. 1608. 1616. 1627. Thos. Polton, or Poldon, or Pulton, tr. from Chichester. Thos. Bourchier, dean of St. Mabin's, London ; tr. to Ely. John Carpenter, provost of Oriel College, Oxford, chanc. of Oxford. John Alcock, tr. from Rochester; tr. to Ely; lá. chanc. Robt. Morton, preb. of York and Lincoln. John Gigles, preb. of St. Paul's, York, and Lincoln. Silvester Gigles, nephew to the last bishop. Julius de Medicis, cardl., aft. pope Clement VII. ; made administra- tor of this see in 1521 ; res. 1522. Jerome de Ghinucci, an Italian ; depr. in 1534. Hugh Latimer, consec. Sept. 1535; res. July 1, 1539; burnt at Ox- ford, Oct. 16, 1555. John Bell, archdn. of Gloucester. Nichs. Heath, tr. from Rochester; displaced by Edwd. VI., and the see granted in commendam to John Hooper, bp. of Gloucester; depr. 1553; suffered martyrdom 1555. Nichs. Heath, rest. by Mary; tr. to York. Richd. Pate, archdn. of Lincoln and Winchester; depr. Edwyn Sandys, preb. of Peter- borough ; tr. to London. John Calfhill chosen; but d. before consecration. Nichs. Bullingham, tr. from Lin- coln, Jan. 1571. John Whitgift, dean of Lincoln; tr. to Canterbury, Sept. 1583. Edmd. Freke, tr. from Norwich. 1593. 1596. 1597. 1610. 1617. 1641. 1660. 1662. 1663. 1671. 1675. 1683. 1689. 1699. 1714. 1743. 1759. 1774. 1781. 1808. 1831. 1841. 1861. Richd. Fletcher, tr. from Bristol; tr. to London, Dec. 1594. Thos. Bilson, preb. of Winchester; tr. to Winchester. Gervase Babington, tr. from Exeter. Hy. Parry, tr. from Gloucester; d. Dec. 1616. John Thornborough, tr. from Bristol. John Prideaux, canon of Christ- Church, Oxford; d. 1650. See vacant 10 years. Geo. Morley, dean of Christ-Chureh, Oxford ; tr. to Winchester. John Gauden, tr. from Exeter. John Earle, dean of Westminster; tr. to Salisbury. Robt. Skinner, tr. from Oxford. Waltr. Blandford, tr. from Oxford. Jas. Fleetwood, preb. of Lichfield. Wm. Thomas, tr. from St. David’s. Edwd. Stillingfleet, dean of St. Paul's. Wm. Lloyd, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry. wº John Hough, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry. Isaac Maddox, tr. from St. Asaph. Jas. Johnson, tr. from Gloucester. Hon. Brownlow North, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry; tr. to Winchester. Richd. Hurd, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry; d. May 28, 1808. Foliot Herbert Walker Cornewall, June 14; tr. from Hereford; d. Sept. 5, 1831. Robt. Jas. Carr, Sept. 10; tr. from Chichester; d. Apr. 24, 1841. Hy. Pepys, Apr. 29; tr. from Sodor and Man; d. Nov. 13, 1860. Hy. Philpott, canon of Norwich, Jan. 7, G. DEANS OF WORCESTER. . Hy. Holbeck, Jan. 18; last prior and first dean ; bp. Rochester, 1544. . Jno. Barlow; depr. by Mary. Philip Hawford, alias Ballard; d. 1557. Seth Holland; depr, by Elizabeth. Jno. Pedor; d. Apr. 5, 1571. Thos. Wilson, May 4 ; d. July 20, 1586. Fras. Willis. Richd. Eedes. Jas. Montague; bp. Bath and Wells, 1608. Arthur Lake; bp. Bath and Wells, 1616. Jos. Hall; bp. Exeter, 1627. Wm. Juxon; bp. Hereford, 1633. 1633. 1636. 1646. 1660. 1661. 1665. 1683. 1691. 1715. 1726. 1747 1751 Roger Manwaring ; bp. St. David's, 1635. Christr. Potter; dean of Durham, 1646. Richd. Holdsworth; d. Aug. 22, 1649. Jno. Oliver; d. Oct. 27, 1661. Thos. Warmistry; d. 1665. Wm. Thomas ; bp. St. David's, 1677. Geo. Hickes, Oct. 13; depr. Feb. 1, 1691; d. Dec. 15, 1715. Wm. Talbot, Apr. 23; bp. Oxford, 1699; tr. to Salisbury, 1715. Fras. Hare, Apr. 27; dean of St. Paul's, 1726. Jas. Stillingfleet, Dec. 16; d. Sept. 1746. Edmd. Martin, Apr. 24; d. 1751. Jno. Waugh, Nov. 14; d. 1765. 474 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1765. 1769. 1778. 1783. 1795. 1817. * x 1348. 1412. 1417. 1452. 1462. 1470. 1471. 1473. 1476. 1478. 1481. 1483. 1484. 1495. 1505. 1507. 1510. 1515. 1519. 1523. 1536. 1553. 1556. 1557. 1559. 1572, 1595. 1602, 1612. Sir Richd. Wrottesley, bt., May 30; d. 1769. Wm. Digby, Sept. 8; dean of Dur- ham, 1777. Robt. Foley, Jan. 31 ; d. 1783. Hon. and rev. St. Andrew St. John, Mar. 29; d. Mar. 23, 1795. Arthur Onslow, May 16. Jno. Banks Jenkinson, Nov. 20, G.; bp. St. David's, 1825. 1825. 1828. 1845. 1874. 1878. 1886. Jas. Hook, July 26, G. Geo. Murray, bp. Rochester; Mar. Jno. Peel, Dec. 3, G. Hon. Grantham Munton Yorke, July 18, G. Ld. Alwyne Compton, Nov. 11, G.; bp. Ely, 1886. Jno. Gott, Feb. 6, G. DEANS OF THE CHAPEL ROYAL, WINDSOR. CUSTODEs. Jno. de la Chambre. 1380. Wm. Mugge, Aug. 6. 1403. DEANs. Thos. Kingestone (first dean). 1618. Jno. Arundel. Thos. Manning. 1622. Jno. Faux ; d. 1470. Wm. Morland or Merland, Feb. 26. Jno. Davison, Oct. 30. Wm. Dudley, Dec. 4; bp. Durham, 1476. Peter Courtney, Oct. 11. Richd. Beauchamp, bp. Salisbury, Mar. 4; first chanc. of the order of the Garter. Thos. Danett. Wm. Benley. Jno. Morgan; b.p. St. David's, 1496. Christr. Urswicke, Nov. 20. Christr. Bainbridge or Bainbrigge, dean of York; bp. Durham, 1507. Thos. Hobbes. Nichs. West ; bp. Ely, 1515. Jno. Voysey alias Harman; bp. Exeter, 1519. Jno. Clerk. Richd. Sampson, Nov. 14. Wm. Franklin, Dec. 19. Owen Oglethorp; first regr. of the Garter; bp. Carlisle, 1556. Hugh Weston, dean of Westminster. Jno. Boxall. Geo. Carew; res. 1572. Wm. Day, Aug. 22; bp. Winchester, 1595. Robt. Bennett, Mar. 24; bp. Here- ford, 1602. Giles Thompson, Exeter, 1610. Anthy. Maxey, June 25. Mar. 2; bp. 1628. 1635. 1658. 1660. 1677. 1683. 1684. 1709. 1714. 1729. 1765. 1778. 1788. 1791. 1794. 1805. 1816. 1846. 1854. 1882. 1883. Walter Almaly or Almary. Thos. Butiler. Marcus Antonius de Dominis, abp. of Spalato, May 11. Hy. Beaumont, dean of Peter- borough, May 18. Mathew Wren, July 24; bp. Here- ford, 1634. Christr. Wren, Apr. 4. Edwd. Hyde, July; d. before installation. Bruno Ryves, dean of Chichester, Sept. 3. Jno. Durell, July 27. Fras. Turner, July 20; bp. Roches- ter, same date. Gregory Hascard, Sept. 29. Thos. Manningham, Feb. 26; bp. Chichester, Nov. 1709. Jno. Robinson, Dec. 3; bp. Bristol, 1710. Geo. Werney, ld. Willoughby de Broke, Mar. 24. Penyston Booth, Apr. 26. Hon. Fredk. Keppel, bp. Exeter. Hon. Jno. Harley; bp. Hereford, 1787. Jno. Douglas, bp. Carlisle, Mar. 22, G.; tr. to Salisbury, 1791. Hon. Jas. Cornwallis, Aug. 20, G. Chas. Manners Sutton, bp. Norwich, Feb. 6, G.; tr. to Canterbury, 1805. Hon. Edwd. Legge, Feb. 23, G.; bp. Oxford, 1815. Hon. Hy. Lewis Hobart, Apr. 6, G. Hon. Geo. Neville Grenville, May 23, G. Hon. Gerald Wellesley, June 23, G. Geo. Hy. Connor, Oct. 30, G. Randall Thos. Davidson, May 21, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 475 PROVINCE OF YORK. DIOCESE OF CARLISLE. THIS see was erected in 1133 by Henry I., and made suffragan to York. IN 1537 a bishop suffragan of Penrith was appointed under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14. He was probably suffragan to this see, but when, in 1888, the title was revived the bishop was made suffragan to Ripon. 1133. 1157. 1218. 1228. 1246. 1255. 1258. 1278. 1293. 1325. 1332. 1353. 1363. 1396. 1v 97. 1399. 1420. 1423. |BISHOPS OF CARLISLE. Athelwolf, or Athelward, the last prior of St. Oswald's and first bishop. Bernard; d. 1186. See vacant 32 years. During this vacancy, however, king John, in 1200, gave the see to the abp. of Sclavonia ; and in 1203 he granted it to Alexr. de Lucy; but the next regular bishop was Hugh de Bello Loco, abbot of Battle, Sussex. Walter Maclerk, or Malclerk, ld. treasr. ; res. Silvester de Everdon, archdn. of Chester; ld. chanc. Thos. Vipont. Robt. de Cheverel, or Chause, called, by Leland, chaplain to the queen. Wm. de Rotherfeld, elected but refused the see. Rodolph or Ralph de Ireton, prior of Gisborne. John de Halghton, or Halton, canon of Carlisle. Wm. Ayremyn, canon of York, elected; but the Pope appointed John de Rosse, canon of Hereford. John de Kirkeby, canon of Carlisle. John de Horncastle elected, but set aside by the pope. Gilbert de Wilton. Thos. de Appleby, canon of Carlisle. Wm. Strickland chosen, but set aside by the pope. Robt. Reade, tr. from Waterford, Ireland; tr. to Chichester same year. Thos. Merkes; depr. 1399, and aft, vicar of Sturminster, Dorsetshire; in 1404 became rector of Toden- ham, Gloucestershire; d. about 1409. Wm. Strickland. Roger Whelpdale, prov. of Queen's Coll., Oxford. Wm. Barrowe; tr. from Bangor. 1430. 1450. 1452. 1462. 1464. 1468. 1478. 1495. 1502. 1509. 1521. 1537. 1556. 1561. 1570. 1577. 1598. 1616. 1621. 1624. 1626. 1629. 1641. 1660. 1664. Marmaduke Lumley, archdn. of Northumberland, ld. treasT., ld. chanc., and chanc. of Cambridge; tr. to Lincoln. Nichs. Close, archdn. of Colchester; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. Wm. Percy, preb. of York, Lin- coln, and Salisbury; chanc. of Cambridge. Jno, Kingscotes, archdn. of Glouces- ter. Richd. Scrope, rector of Fen-Ditton, Cambridgeshire. Edwd. Story, chanc. of Cambridge; tr. to Chichester. Richd. Bell, prior of Durham; res. Wm. Sever, or Seveyer, abbot of St. Mary's, York; tr. to Durham. Roger Leybourn, archdn. of Durham. Jno. Penny; tr. from Bangor. Jno. Kite, abp. of Armagh. Robt. Aldrich, prov. of Eton and canon of Windsor. Owen Oglethorpe, dean of Windsor; depr. 1559. Jno. Best, preb. of Wells. Richd. Barnes, chanc. and preb. of of York, styled by. of Notting- ham ; tr. to Durham. Jno. Mey, preb. of Ely. Hy. Robinson, prov. of Queen's Coll., Oxford. Robt. Snowdon, preb. of Southwell. Richd. Milbourne; tr. from St. David’s. Richd. Senhouse, dean of Gloucester. Fras. White, dean of Carlisle; tr. to Norwich. Barnabas Potter, prov. of Queen's Coll., Oxford. Jas. Usher, abp. of Armagh; d. 1655. See vacant 5 years. Richd. Sterne, mast. of Jesus Coll., Cambridge ; tr. to York. Edwd. Rainbow, dean of Peter- borough. 476 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1684. Thos. Smith, dean of Carlisle. 1791. Hon. Edwd. Venables Vernon, aft. 1702. Wm. Nicholson, archdn. and preb. of Harcourt; tr. to York. Carlisle; tr. to Derry. 1808. Saml. Goodenough, Jan. 26; d. 1718. Saml. Bradford, preb. of Westmins- Ang. 12, 1827. ter; tr. to Rochester. 1827. Hon. Hugh Percy; tr. from Roches- 1723. Jno. Waugh, dean of Gloucester. ter, Sept. 17; d. Feb. 1856. 1734. Sir Geo. Fleming, bt., dean of Car- 1856. Hon. Hy. Montagu Villiers, camen lisle. of St. Paul’s, Feb. 25, G.; tr. to 1747. Richd. Osbaldeston, dean of York; Durham. tr. to London. 1860. Hon. Saml. Waldegrave, canon of 1762. Chas. Lyttelton, dean of Exeter. Salisbury, Aug. 29, G.; d. Oct. 1, 1768. Edmø. Law, archdn. of Carlisle. 1869. 1787. Jno. Douglas, can.-res. of St. Paul's; 1869. Harvey Goodwin, dean of Ely, Oct. tr. to Salisbury. * 28, G. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF PENRITH. See Diocese of Ripon, post, p. 482. DEANS OF CARLISLE. 1542. Lancelot Salkeld, May 8, last prior 1727. Geo. Fleming, aft. Sir G., bt. ; bp. and first dean. Carlisle, 1734. 1547. Sir Thos. Smith; d. Aug. 12, 1571. 1734. Robt. Bolton; d. 1764. 1577. Sir Jno. Wooley, Oct. 11; d. 1595. 1764. Chas. Tarrent; dean of Peterborough, 1596. Christr. Perkins; d. 1622. 1764. 1622. Fras. White; bp. Carlisle, 1626. Thos. Wilson; d. 1778. 1626. Wm. Paterson; dean of Exeter, 1778. Thos. Percy; bp. Dromoro, 1782. 1629. 1782. Jeffery Ekins; d. 1792. 1630. Thos. Coomber ; d. 1653. 1792. Isaac Milner. 1660. Guy Carleton; bp. Bristol, 1671. 1820. Robt. Hodgson, Apr. 11, G. 1671. Thos. Smith; bp. Carlisle, 1684. 1844. Jno. Antony Cramer, Dec. 4, G. 1684. Thos. Musgrave; d. 1686. 1848. Saml. Hinds, Sept. 27, G. ; bp. 1686. Wm. Graham ; dean of Wells, 1704. Norwich, 1849. 1704. Fras. Atterbury; dean of Christ- 1849. Archd. Campbell Tait, Dec. 3, G.; church, 1711. bp. London, 1856. 1711. Geo. Smalridge; dean of Christ- 1856. Fras. Close, Nov. 24, G. church, 1713. 1881. Jno. Oakley, Nov. 23, G.; made 1713. Thos. Gibbon ; d. 1716. dean of Manchester, 1883. 1716. Thos. Tullie; d. 1726. - 1884. Wm. Geo. Henderson. DIOCESE OF CHESTER. THE bishopric of Chester was anciently part of Lichfield. One of the bishops of that diocese removing the seat of his see hither in the year 1075, occasioned his successors to be frequently styled bishops of Chester; but it was not erected into a distinct bishopric until the general dissolution of the monasteries, when Henry VIII., in 1541, raised it to this dignity. He added the bishopric to the province of Canterbury; but, soon after, he disjoined it from Canterbury, and added it to the province of York. RISHOPS OF CHESTER. 1541. John Bird, tr. from Bangor; depr. 1561. Wm. Downman, preb. of Westminster; by Mary. d. 1577 1554. Geo. Cotes, master of Baliol College, See vacant 2 years. Oxford. 1579. Wm. Chaderton, preb. of York and 1556. Cuthbert Scot, preb. of St. Paul's; Westminster; tr. to Lincoln. depr. by Elizabeth. | 1595. Hugh Bellot, tr. from Bangor. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 477 1597. 1604. 1616. 1619, 1660. 1662. 1668. 1673. 1686. 1689. 1707. , 1714. 1725. 1752. 1771. 1777. 1787. Richd. Vaughan, tr. from Bangor; tr. to London. Geo. Lloyd, tr. Man. Thos. Moreton, dean of Winchester; tr. to Lichfield and Coventry. John Bridgeman, preb. of Lichfield; d. 1657. See vacant 3 years. Brian Walton, preb. of St. Paul's; author of the Polyglot Bible. Hy. Ferne, dean of Ely; consec. in Feb., and d. March following. Geo. Hall, archdn, of Canterbury. John Wilkins, preb. of York; d. Nov. 1672. John Pearson, preb. of Salisbury and Ely. Thos. Cartwright, preb. of Durham ; nom. to Salisbury; but he fled. Nichs. Strafford, dean of St. Asaph. Sir Wm. Dawes, bt., preb. of Wor- cester; tr. to York. Fras. Gastrell, canon of Christ Church, Oxford. Saml. Peploe, warden of Manchester. Edmd. Keene, rector of Stanhope, Durham; tr. to Ely. * from Sodor and DEANS OF . Thos. Clerke, last abbot of St. Wer- burghe, and first dean. Hy. Mann; bp. Sodor and Man, 1546. Wm. Clyve. Roger Walker. John Piers, bp. Rochester, 1576. Richd. Longworth. Robt. Dorsell. Thos. Modesley. . John Nuttall; d. 1603. . Wm. Barlow; bp. Rochester, 1605. . Hy. Parry, Aug. 1; bp. Gloucester, 1607. . Thos. Mallory; d. Apr. 3, 1644. . Wm. Nicols; d. 1658. . Hy. Bridgeman; bp. Sodor and Man, 1671. . Jas. Arderne, July 12; d. Aug. 18, 1691. Laurence Fogg, Nov. 14; d. Feb. 28, 1718. . Wm. Offley, Mar. 6; d. 1721. 1800. 1809. 1812. 1824. 1828. 1848. 1865. 1884. Wm. Markham, dean of Christ Church, Oxford; tr. to York. Beilby Porteus, rector of Hunton, FCent; tr. to London. Wm. Cleaver, preb. of Westminster; tr. to Bangor. Hy. Wm. Majendie, can.-res. of St. Paul’s, May 24; tr. to Bangor. Bowyer, Edwd. Sparke, Oct. 7; tr. to Ely. Geo. Hy. Law, June 20; tr. to Bath and Wells. Chas. Jas. Blomfield, June 8 ; tr. to London. John Bird Sumner, canon of Dur- ham, Aug. 26; tr. to Canterbury. John Graham, mast. Christ's Coll., Cambridge, Mar. 11; d. June 15, 1865. Wm. Jacobson, reg. prof. divinity and canon of Christ Church, Ox- ford, July 8; res. 1884; d. July 13, 1884. Wm. Stubbs, reg. prof. mod. hist. Oxford, and canon of St. Paul's, Feb. 29, G.; tr. to Oxford, 1888, 1888. Fras. Jno. Jayne, vicar of Leeds; bp, desig. CEIESTER. 1721. Thos. Allen, Nov. 12; d. May 31, 1732. 1732. Thos. Brooke, July 18; d. Dec. 1757. 1758. Wm. Smith, July 28; d. Jan. 12, 1787. 1806. 1815. 1820. 1826. 1828. 1831. 1839. 1867 1886 1787. Geo. Cotton, Feb. 10; d. 1805. Hugh Cholmondeley, Jan. 28, G.; d. Nov. 25, 1815. Robt. Hodgson, Dec. 12, G.; dean of Carlisle, 1820. Peter Vaughan, Apr. 14, G. ; d. 1826. Edwd. Copleston, Aug. 7, G.; dean of St. Paul's and bp. Llandaff, 1828. Hy. Phillpotts, Mar. 19, G.; bp. Exeter, 1830. Geo. Davys, Jan. 10, G.; bp. Peter- borough, 1839. Fredk. Anson, May 9, G.; d. 1867. John Saul Howson, June 12, G. John Lionel Darby, Feb. 1, G. DIOCESE OF DUR.H.A.M. THIs see was first fixed at Lindisfarne, or Holy Island, a small island on the coast of Northumberland; but from this spot the monks were driven by the invasions of the Danes. Chester-on-the-Street, where they remained nearly two hundred years, They next fixed themselves at 478 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. and then settled finally at Durham. The bishops of Durham take precedence next after the bishops of London. In 1537 a bishop suffragan of Berwick was appointed (probably to this see) under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14; but the appointment was not continued. 635. 652. 661. 664. 678. 685. 688. 698. 724. 740. 781. 803. 821. 990. 1020. 1041. 1042. 1056. 1072. 1080. 1099. 1133. 1143. 1153. 1197. 1217. 1228. 1240. 1249. 1260. 1274. 1283. 1311. 1317. BISHOPS OF LINDISFARNE, OR HOLY ISLAND. St. Aidan. St. Finan. Colman ; res. Tuda. See vacant 14 years. - Eata, St. Eata, or Estata. St. Cuthbert. St. Eadbert. St. Eadfrid, or Egbert I. ; d. 721. See vacant 3 years. St. Ethelwold. Renulf, or Cynewolf. Higbald. Egbert II. Heathured, or Heathored. 828. 846. 854. 900. 915. 929. 944. 947. 948. 968. 990. Egfrid. Eanbert. Eardulph. In 884 he removed the see to Chester-on-the-Street. Cuthard, or Cutheard. Tilred, or Milred. With red. |Uchtred. - Sexhelm ; held the see only six months. Aldred. Alsius, Alfine, or Elfsig. Aldwin, or Aldune, who removed the see to Durham. BISHOPS OF DURHAM. Aldwin, or Aldune, above-named. Eadmund. Eadred ; d. in less than 11 months. Egelric ; res. 1056. Egelwine, his brother ; exp. by Wil- liam the Conqueror, 1070, and d. in prison, 1071. Walcherus de Loraine, E. of Northum- berland; slain. Wm. de Carilepho, ld. ch. just. See vacant 4 years. Ralph Flambard, ld, treasr., and ló. ch. just. Geoffrey Rufus, ld, chanc. Wm. de St. Barbara, dean of York. Hugh Pudsey, or Pusar, E. of Northumberland, treasr. of York, and archdn. of Winchester. , Philip de Poitiers; d. 1208. See vacant 9 years. Richd.cleMarisco, archdn.of Northum- berland; la. chanc. Richd. Poore ; tr. from Salisbury. Nichs. de Farnham, elected Jan. 2; he refused the see of Lichfield, and unwillingly accepted this ; res. 1249; d. 1256. Walter de Kirkham. Robt. Stitchell, prior of Finchdale. Robt. de Insula. Anthy. de Beck, archdn, of Durham, patriarch of Jerusalem; he had also, from the king, the princi- pality of Man. Richd. de Kellawe. Lewis de Beaumont, Salisbury. treasr. of 1333. 1345. 1381. 1388. 1406. 1438. 1457. 1476. 1485. 1494. 1502. 1507. 1509. 1523. Robt. de Greystanes, elected ; but set aside by the pope, and d. soon after. Richd. de Angarville, Aungervyle, or de Bury, dean of Wells, ld, pr. Seal, ld, chanc., and ld. treas r. Thos. de Hatfield, preb. of York and Lincoln; sec. st. John Fordham, dean of Wells, ld. treasr. ; tr. to Ely. Waltr. Skirlaw, tr. from Bath and Wells. Thos. Langley, or Longley, dean of York, ld, chanc. and cardl. Robt. Nevill, tr. from Salisbury. Laurence Booth, dean of St. Paul's, chanc. of Cambridge, ld, chanc.; tr. to York. Wm. Dudley, dean of Windsor; d. 1483. See vacant 2 years. John Sherwood, chanc. of Exeter d. 1492. See vacant 2 years. - Richd. Fox, tr. from Bath and Wells; tr. to Winchester, 1501. Wm. Sever, or Siveyer, tr. from Carlisle; d. 1505. w See vacant 2 years. Christr. Bainbridge, dean of York and Windsor, m. rolls; tr. to York, 1508. Thos. Ruthal, or Rowthall, dean of Salisbury; lá. pr. seal. Thos. Wolsey, abp. of York, held this see in commendam ; tr. to Winchester in 1529, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 479 1530. 1560, 1577. 1589. I595. 1606. I617. 1627. 1628. 1632. 1660. 1674. 1722. 1730. 1541. 1551. 1553. 1557. 1558. 1559. 1561. 1563. 1580. 1583. 1596. 1606. 1620. 1639. Cuthbert Tunstall, tr. from Lon- don; depr. 1552, and the bishopric dissolved; rest. 1553; depr, again, 1559. Jas. Pilkington. Richd. Barnes, tr. from Carlisle. See vacant 2 years. Matth. Hutton, dean of York; tr. to York. Tobias Matthew, dean of Durham; tr. to York. Wm. James, dean of Durham. Richd. Neile, or Neale, tr. from Lin- coln; tr. to Winchester, Dec. 1627. Geo. Monteigne, tr. from London; tr. to York. - John Howson, tr. from Oxford. Thos. Moreton, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry; d. 1659. See vacant about a year. John Cosin, dean of Peterborough. Nathl. Crewe, ld. Crewe, tr. from Oxford; d. 1722. Wm. Talbot, tr. from Salisbury. Edwd. Chandler, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry. 1750. 1752. 1771. 1787. 1791. 1826. 1836. 1856. 1860. 1861. 1879. Jos. Butler, tr. from Bristol. Hon. Richd. Trevor, tr. from St. David’s. EIon. John Egerton, tr. from Lich- field and Coventry. Hon. Thos. Thurlow, tr. from Lin- coln. Hon. Shute Barrington, tr. from Salisbury; d. 1826. Wm. Van Mildert, tr. from Llan- daff ; d. Feb. 21, 1836. Edwd. Maltby, Mar. 3; tr. from Chichester; res. Sept. 1856; d. July 3, 1859. Chas. Thos. Longley, Oct. 13, G. tr. from Ripon ; tr. to York, 1860. Hon. Hy. Montagu Williers, July 14, G.; tr. from Carlisle; d. Aug. 10, 1861. Chas. Baring, Sept. 5, G.; tr. from Gloucester; res. Jan. 1879; d. Sept. 14, 1879. Jos. Barber Lightfoot, prof. div. at Cambridge; Feb. 28, G. BISHOP SUFFRAGAN OF BERWICK. 1537. Thos. Sparke. DEANS OF DUREIAM. IIugh Whitehead, first dean, May 12; d. 1548 (?). Tobt. Horn, Nov. 18; depr. by Mary; d. June 1, 1579. Thos. Watson, Nov. 18; bp. Lin- coln, 1557; but, it is believed, held the deanery also for some time after. Thos. Robertson, July 23; depr. by } Elizabeth. Robt. Horn, rest. ; bp. Winchester, 1561. Ralph Skynner, Mar. 5; d. Jan. 1563 Wm. Whittingham, July 19; d. June 10, 1579. Thos. Wilson, Feb. 28; d. June 16, 1581. Tobias Matthew, Aug. 31; bp. Durham, 1595. Wm. James, June 5 ; bp. Durham, 1606. Adam Newton, Sept. 27; res. 1620; cr. knt. and bt. ; d. Sept. 13, 1626. Richd. Hunt, May 29; d. Nov. 1, 1638, Waltr. Balcanguall, May 14; d. Christmas Day, 1645, 1646. 1660. 1662. 1684. 1691. 1699. 1728. 1746. 1774. 1777. 1788. 1794, 1824. 1827. 1840. 1869. Christr. Potter, Jan. ; d. Mar. follg., before installation. Wm. Fuller, Mar. 6; app., but pro- bably never inst. ; d. May 12, 1659. Jno. Barwick, Nov. 1; dean of St. IPaul’s, 1661. Jno. Sudbury, Feb. 25 ; d. 1684. Denis Granville, Dec. 14; depr. as a non-juror. Thos. Comber, June 15; d. Nov. 25, 1698. Hon. Jno. Montague, June 19; d. Feb. 23, 1728. Hy. Bland, May 6 ; d. May 24, 1746. Hon. Spencer Cowper, July 21; d. Mar. 25, 1774, Thos. Dampier, June 17; d. July 31, 1777. Hon. Wm. Digby, Sept. 20. Jno. Hinchliff. Hon. Jas, Cornwallis, aft. E. Corn- wallis, bp. Lichfield; d. 1824. Chas. Hy. Hall, dean of Christ- church, Feb. 11, G. Jno. Banks Jenkinson, bp. St David's, May 31, G.; d. 1840. Geo. Waddington, Aug. 24, G. Wm. Chas. Lake, Aug. 9, G. 480 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF HEXHAM. Now EXTINCT. THIs bishopric was founded in the infancy of the Saxon Church. Ten bishops enjoyed it in regular succession, and then, by reason of the spoil and rapine of the Danes, it was discontinued, Tydferth, or Tilford, the last bishop, driven away by these invaders, dying on a journey to Bome. The district in which the see was situated was anciently a county . palatine ; but is now annexed to the county of Northumberland, and forms part of the diocese of Durham. r BISEIOPS OF HEXEIAM. 678. Estata, bp. of Lindis- || 709. St. Acca. 797. Heardred. farne. 739. Frithebert. 800, Eanbert. 680. Tumbert. 766. Alhmund. 810. Tydferth, or Tilford, 685. St. John of Beverley, 780. Tilhere. last bp. of Hexham tr. to York. 789. Ethelbert. DIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL. THIS see was constituted under the “Bishoprics Act, 1878,” (41 & 42 Wict., cap. 68,) and an order in Council, dated March 24, 1880, under which its establishment was to date from April 9, 1880. It was formed out of the diocese of Chester, and has at present no dean and chapter attached to it. BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL. 1880. John Chas. Ryle, vicar of Stradbroke, Suffolk, dean desig. of Salisbury, Apr. 19, G.; first bishop. DIOCESE OF MANCHESTER. THIs see was constituted by 6 & 7 Wm. IV., cap. 77 (Aug. 13, 1836), and 10 & 11 Vict., cap. 108, and an order in Council, dated Aug. 10, 1847, under which its establishment was to date from Aug. 31, 1847. It was formed out of the diocese of Chester. BISHOPS OF MANCHESTER. 1847. Jas. Prince Lee, head master of 1870. Jas. Fraser, rector of Upton Nervet, king Edward VI.'s School, Bir- Berks, Jan. 18, G.; d. 1885. mingham, Oct. 18; first bp. ; d. | 1886. Jas. Moorhouse, Feb. 3; tr. from Dec. 24, 1869. Melbourne. DEANS OF MANCHESTER. For many years prior to the constitution of the see, Manchester possessed a collegiate church originally dedicated to the Virgin Mary; but on its re-constitution by Queen Elizabeth it was called Christ's College. The establishment consisted of a warden and fellows. By an order in Council, December 12, 1838, and gazetted January 25, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 481, 1839, it was provided that on the constitution of the see of Manchester (then con- templated at an early date) the “Warden and Fellows” of the Collegiate Church should thenceforward be styled “Deans and Canons,” and should be the dean and chapter of the new see. The see of Manchester was not constituted until 1847; but by 3 & 4 Vict., cap. 113, sec. 1 (Aug. 11, 1840), it was provided that the wardens should be styled deans, and they have since borne that title. WARDENs OF CHRIST’s CoI, LEGE, MANCHESTER. ON THos. DE LA WARRE's Found ATION, 1422. 1422. Jno. Huntingdon. 1509. Robt. Cliffe. 1459. Jno. Booth. 1514. — Alday (?). 1465. Ralph Langley. 1518. Geo. West. 1481. Jas. Stanley. PHILIP AND MARY's Found ATION. 1535. Geo. Collier. | 1557. Lawrence Vaux. ELIZABETH's Foun DATION, 1578. 1580. Wm. Chaderton. 1595. Jno. Dee. 1608. Richd. Murray 1560. Wm. Birch. Thos. Herle. 1578. Jno. Wolton. CHAs. I.’s Foun DATION, 1635. 1636 Richd. Heyrick. 1781. Richd. Assheton 1667. Nichs. Stratford. 1798. Thos. Blackburn. 1684. Richd. Wroe. 1823. Thos. Jackson Calvert. 1717. Saml. Peploe. 1840. Hon. Wm. Herbert. 1738. Saml. Peploe (son). 3; DEANs of CHRIST’s CoILEGE, MANCHESTER. 1840. Hon. Wm. Herbert, above-named, 1847. Geo. Hull Bowers, June 19, G, warden, now dean, Aug. 11. DEANs of MANCHESTER CATHEDRAL. 1847. Geo. Hull Bowers. above-named, 1884. Jno. Oakley, from Carlisle, Feb. 7, Aug. 31. © 1872. Benjn. Morgan Cowie, Nov. 7, G.; dean of Exeter, 1883. DIOCESE OF NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. THIS see was constituted under the “Bishoprics Act 1878 ° (41 & 42 Vict., cap. 68), and an order in council, dated May 17, 1882, under which its establishment was to date from May 23, 1882. It was formed out of the diocese of Durham. BISHOP” OF NEWCASTLE-ON-TVNE. 1882. Ernest Roland Wilberforce, canon of Winchester, June 26, G.; first bishop. 31 482 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF RIPON. THIs see was constituted under 6 & 7 Will. IV., cap. 77 (Aug. 13, 1836), and an order in council, dated Oct. 5, 1836, under which its estab- lishment was to date from October 7, 1836. It was formed out of the dioceses of York and Chester. - In 1557, a bishop suffragan of Penrith was appointed under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14. He was probably suffragan to Carlisle, but when in 1888 the title was revived, the bishop was made suffragan to Ripon. BISHOPS OF RIPON, 1836. Chas. Thos. Longley, head master of bury, Dec. 9, G. ; d. Apr. 15, Harrow, Oct. 15 ; first bp. ; tr. to 1884. Durham, 1856. 1884. Wm. Boyd Carpenter, canon of Wind- 1856. Robt. Bickersteth, canon of Salis- sor, June 12, G. BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN OF PENRITH. 1537. Jno. Bird, probably suffragan to 1888. Jno. Jas. Pulleine, can. of Ripon, Carlisle. Apr. 30, G. t DEANS OF RIPON. Before the constitution of the see, Ripon possessed a collegiate church. It was originally a monastery dissolved by Henry VIII. and refounded by James I., in 1604. By the Act 6 & 7 Will. IV., cap. 77 (Aug. 13, 1836) and order in council, dated Oct. 5, 1836, establishing the see of Ripon, it was provided that the deans and pre- bendaries of the Collegiate Church should be the dean and canons of the new see. DEANs of THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF RIPON. From the restoration by James I. The dates are those of the installations, except when otherwise stated. 1604. Moses Fowler, Aug. 2 (first dean); 1676. Thos. Cartwright, instituted Jan. 31; d. Mar. 1608. installed Feb. 1; bp. Chester, Oct. 1608. Anthy. Higgins. 17, 1686. 1624. John Wilson, d. Feb. 1635. 1686. Ohiº Wyvill, Nov. 6; d. Jan. 7, • Al; * e 711. ºf 1635. Tºº 23; dispossessed; 1711. Hº Dering, Mar. 10; d. Apr. 8, 1660. Jºãº *f; *...p. Chester 1750. Fras. Wanley, instituted Aug. 13; ; 4 Nov.19, 194% & installed Aug. 16; d. July 1791. 1678. John Neile, instituted, May 25; in- 1791. Robert Darby Waddilove, app. Oct. ; stalled May 30; d. Apr. 14, 1675. instituted Jan. 14, installed Jan. 1675. Thos. Tullie, instituted May 5; in- 21, 1792; d. Aug. 18, 1828. stalled Aug. 21; d. Jan. 14, 1828. Jas. Webber, app. Nov. 14; installed 1676. Nov. 24. DEANs of RIPON CATHEDRAL. 1836. Jas. Webber (above-named), Oct. 5; [1868. Hugh McNeile, app. Sept. 9, G.; in- d. Sept. 3, 1847. stalled Oct. 29; res. 1875; d. 1847. Hon. Hy. David Erskine, app., Sept. Jan. 28, 1879. ; § iºtalled Nov. 14; d. July 1875. sº #Pisº. 20, G. 3 1859. Thos. Garnier, app. Aug. 29, G.; in- * ed Jan. Z'ſ , ; res. same stalled Oct. 6; made dean of * Lincoln Mar. 30, 1860. 1876. Wm. Robt. Fremantle, app. Apr. 1860. Wm. Goode, app. May 10, G.; in- 18, G.; installed May 9. stalled July 17; d. Aug. 13, 1868. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 483 DIOCESE OF SODOR, AND MAN. THE bishopric of Man was established or affirmed by pope Gregory IV. It had united to its diocese the Western Isles of Scotland, which, when Man became dependant upon England, withdrew their obedience and had a bishop of their own. The patronage of the diocese was given, together with the island, to the Stanleys, afterwards earls of Derby, from whom it passed to the dukes of Athole. The patrons nominated the bishop to the king, who sent him to the archbishop of York for consecration. The prelates thus appointed were not lords of Parlia- ment, not holding from the king himself, and though allowed to sit in the House of Lords by courtesy, did not enjoy a vote. This disability continues, although, since 1829, when the last remaining rights of the dukes of Athole over the Isle of Man were bought up, the bishops have been directly nominated by the Crown. The bishopric is nominally united to that of Sodor, or Sudreys, i.e., South Hebrides, a diocese which comprehended all the islands, together with the Isle of Man. The bishop is still called “Bishop of Sodor and Man”; but the diocese consists of the Isle of Man only. There are no dean and chapter attached to this see. BISHOPS OF SODOR AND MAN. 447. Germanus, Y 1348. Wm. Russell, a Manxman, abbot of * * Conindrius, Rushen. * * Romulus, lººr of 1374. John Donkan, a Manxman. 498. Machutus, Machilla, or Man. 1381. Robt. Waldby; tr. to Dublin, 1391. Maughold, | He is said to have been bp. of this * * Conanus, J see in 1896; but Le Neve doubts it. * * St. Contentus, See vacant many years. * * St. Bladus, | 1429. Richd. Pully. * * St. Malchus, bishops of Man ;|1448. John Green, or Sprotton, vicar of 889. Torkinus, styled also bishops Dunchurch, Warwickshire. * * Roolwer, of Sodor. 1455. Thos. Burton. * * William, 1458. Thos., abbot of Vale Royal, Cheshire. * * Brendinus, 1480. Richd. Oldham, abbot of Chester. 1487. Huan Hisketh, or Blackleach. BISHOPS OF SODOR AND MAN. 1510. Thos. Stanley, rector of Wigan ; 1113. Wymundus, or Reymundus; depr. depr. 1151. John, a monk of Sais, in Normandy. 1545. Robt. Farrer, or Ferrar ; tr. to St. 1154. Gamaliel. David's. * * Reginald, a Norwegian. 1546. Hy. Mann, dean of Chester. * * Christian Orcadensis, or of Orkney. 1558. Thos. Stanley, rest. ; d. 1570. * * Michael, a Manxman. 1571. John Salisbury, dean of Norwich. 1203. Nicholas de Meaux, abbot of Furmes. 1573. Jas. Stanley. 1217. Reginald, nephew to king Olave. Le Neve says the see was vacant 1226. John. about 3 years; but Heylyn states 1230. Simon Orcadensis, or of Orkney. that this prelate held it from 1573 1249. Lawrence, archdn. of Man. to 1576. See vacant almost 2 years. 1576. John Merick, vicar of Hornchurch, 1252. Richard. Essex. 1275. Mark of Galloway. - 1600. Geo. Lloyd ; tr. to Chester. 1305. Allen, or Omachus, of Galloway. 1604. John Philips, archdn.of Cleveland and 1321. Gilbert of Galloway. Man. 1324. Bernard, a Scot, abbot of Kilwinning, 1634. Wm. Forster, preb. of Chester. Scotland. 1635. Richd. Parr, rector of Eccleston, 1334. Thomas, a Scot. - Lancashire; d. 1643. 31 * 484 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. See vacant 17 years. 1827. Wm. Ward; d. 1838. 1661. Saml. Rutter, archdn. of Man. 1838. Jas. Bowstead ; tr. to Lichfield and 1663. Isaac Barrow, fellow of Eton College; Coventry. tr. in 1669 to St. Asaph ; but held | 1839. Hy. Pepys; tr. to Worcester. this see two years in commendam. 1841. Thos. Vowler Short, rector of St. 1671. Hy. Bridgman, dean of Chester. George's, Bloomsbury; tr. to St. 1682. John Lake, archdn. of Cleveland; tr. Asaph. to Bristol. 1846. Walter Aug. Shirley; app. Nov. 28; 1684. Baptist Levinge, preb. of Win- d. 1847. chester. 1847. Hon. Robt. John Eden, who, on the See vacant 5 years. decease of his brother, the E. of 1697. Thos. Wilson, of Trin. Coll., Dublin; Auckland, in 1849, succ. to that d. 1755. title; tr. to Bath and Wells 1854. 1755. Mark Hiddesley, vicar of Hitchen, 1854. Hon. Horatio Powys, rector of War- Herts. rington and rural dean, July 5, 1773. Richd. Richmond, vicar of Walton-on- G.; d. May 31, 1877. the-Hill, Lancashire. 1877. Rowley Hill, canon of York, July 17, 1780. Geo Mason; d. 1783. G.; d. May 27, 1887. 1784. Claudius Crigan; d. 1813. 1887. John Wareing. Bardsley, archdn. of 1813. Geo. Murray; tr. to Rochester. Warrington. DIOCESE OF WAKEFIELD. THIs see was constituted under the “Bishoprics Act 1878 ° (41 & 42 Wict., cap. 68), and an order in council dated May 17, 1888, under which its establishment was to date from May 18, 1888. It was formed out of the dioceses of York and Ripon. There are at present no dean and chapter attached to this see. BISHOP OF WAREFIELD. 1888. Wrm. Walsham How, tr. from Bedford, May 28, G.; first bishop. DIOCESE OF YORK. YoFK is the most ancient metropolitan see in England, dating, it is said, from about A.D. 180, when Christianity was first, although partially, planted in England. But this establishment was overturned by the Saxons driving out the Britons. When the former were converted, pope Gregory determined that York should be restored to its former dignity, and Paulinus was made archbishop of this see, about A.D. 622. York and Durham were the only two sees in the north of England for many years, until Henry I. erected a bishopric at Carlisle, and Henry VIII. another at Chester. York was the metropolitan see of the Scottish bishops; but during the time of archbishop Nevill they withdrew their obedience, and had archbishops of their own. Many disputes arose between the two English metropolitans about precedency, as, by pope Gregory’s institutions, it was thought he meant that which- ever of them was first confirmed should be the superior. Appeal was made to the Court of Rome by both parties, and it was determined in THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 485 favour of Canterbury; but York was allowed to style himself primate of England, while Canterbury styles himself primate of all England. The archbishop of York ranks next to the archbishop of Canterbury amongst the English bishops; he also has precedence before all dukes not of the blood-royal, as also before all the great officers of state, the lord high chancellor excepted. In 1538 a bishop suffragan of Hull was appointed (probably to this see), under 26 Hen. VIII., cap. 14, but this appointment was not Continued. 622. 669. 678. 705. 718. 735. 767. 780. 797. 812. 830. 854. 895. 921. 941. 955. 971. 993. 1002. 1023. 1050. 1061. 1070. 1100. 1109. 1114. 1144. 1147. ARCHIBISHOPS OF YORK. St. Paulinus; d. 644, being then bp. Rochester. See vacant above 30 years. St. Chad, previously bp. Lichfield; d. 672. Wilfride I. St. Bosa. St. John of Beverley; res. St. Wilfride II. St. Egbert, brother to king Eadbert of Northumbria. Adelbert, Albert, Caena, or Coena. Eambald I. Eambald II. Wolsius, or Wulfius. Wilmund, or Wymond. Wulfhere, or Wilferus. Ethelbald. Redevard, or Redward. Wolstan, or Wolfstan I. Oskitell. Athelwald. St. Oswald, Adulphus, or held the see of Adulse, Worcester ºn Wolfstan, Ol' commendam. Wolstan II., Alfric, or Putta. Kinsius. Aldred; tr. from Worcester. Thomas I., canon of Baion. Gerard; tr. from Hereford. Thomas II., bp. elect of London ; but removed, before consecration, to this see. Thurstan, preb. of St. Paul's; res. Jan. 1139. William, a kinsman of king Stephen's; depr. by the pope, 1147. Hilary, bp. of Chichester, chosen by part of the chapter; but the other part chose Hy. Murdac, abbot of Fountains. . William, who was depr. in 1147; rest. . Roger, archdn. of Canterbury. See vacant 10 years. Godfrey Plantagenet, matl, son of Henry II., archdn, of Lincoln, ld. chanc. f 1217. 1256. 1258. 1264. 1265. 1279. 1285. 1296. 1299. 1303. 1316. 1340. 1352. 1373. 1388. 1396. 1398. 1405. 1407. 1424. See vacant 4 years. Simon de Langton, brother to Stephen, abp. of Canterbury ; elected, but set aside by the pope Walter de Grey, tr. from Worcester; ld. chanc. St. Sewall de Bovill, dean of York. Godfrey de Kinton, or Ludeham, dean of York. Wm. de Langton, or Ruderfield; elected, but put aside by the pope, who conferred the see on St. Bonaventure, cardl., who soon afterwards resigned it. Walter Giffard, tr. from Bath and Wells ; ld. chanc. Wm. Wickwane, chanc. of York. John Romayne, precentor of Lincoln. Hy. de Newark, or Newerke, dean of York. Thos. Corbridge, or Corbrigge, preb. of York. Wm. Greenfield, or Grenfeld, dean of Chichester, ld, chanc. Wm. de Melton, provost of Beverley, ld. chanc. and ló. treasr. Wm. le Zouch, or de la Zouch, dean of York, ld. treasr. John Thoresby, tr. from Worcester; cardl. ; ld. chanc. AleXr. Nevill, archdn. of Durham ; banished in 1387. Thos. Fitz-Alan, or Arundel, ld. chanc.; tr. from Ely; tr. to Can- terbury. Robt. Waldby, tr. from Chichester. Richd. Scrope, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry; beheaded June 8 1405. Thos. Langley, or Longley, dean of York; elected, but put aside by the pope. Robt. Hallum, nom. by the pope; but, the king not consenting, he was removed to Salisbury. Hy. Bowett, tr. from Bath and Wells. Richd. Flemyng, bp. of Lincoln; pro- moted to this see, but the appt. not confirmed. 486 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1426. 1452. 1465. 1476. 1480. 1501. 1508. 1514. 1531. 1545. 1555. 1560. 1570. 1576. 1588. 1595. 1606. 1628. John Kempe, tr. from London; cardl., and ló. chanc, ; tr. to Canterbury. Wm. Booth, tr. from Lichfield and Coventry. Geo. Nevill, tr. from Exeter; lá. chanc. Laurence Booth, tr. from Durham. Thos. Scott, alias Rotheram ; tr. from Lincoln ; ld, chanc. Thos. Savage, tr. from Tuondon. Ghristr. Bainbridge, tr. from Dur- ham ; cardl. Thos. Wolsey, tr. from Lincoln; ld. chanc. and cardl. Edwd. Lee, chanc. of Salisbury and preb. of York. Robt. Holgate, tr. from Llandaff ; ld. pres. of the north ; depr. Nichs. Heath, late bp. of Worcester; ld, chanc.; depr. 1558. Wm. May, dean of St. Paul's; chosen, but d. before consecration, Aug. 1560. Thos. Young, tr. from St. David's ; ld. pres. of the north. Edmd. Grindal, tr. from London; tr. to Canterbury, 1575. Edwyn Sandys, tr. from London. John Piers, tr. from Salisbury. Matth. Hutton I. ; tr. from Dur- ham. Tobias Matthew, tr. from Durham Geo. Monteigne, tr. from Durham ; d. the same year. 1628. 1632. 1641. 1660. 1664. 1683. 1688. 1691. 1714. 1724. 1743. 1747. 1757. 1761. 1776. 1807. 1847. 1860. 1862. Saml. Harsnet, tr. from Norwich; d. May 1631. Richd. Neile or Neyle, tr. Winchester. John Williams, tr. from Lincoln; ld. kpr. ; d. 1650. See vacant 10 years. Accepted Frewen, tr. from Lich- field and Coventry. Richd. Sterne, tr. from Carlisle. John Dolben, tr. from Rochester. Thos. Lamplugh, tr. from Exeter. John Sharp, dean of Canterbury. Sir Wm. Dawes, bt., tr. from Ches- ter. Lancelot Blackburn, tr. from Exeter. Thos. Herring, tr. from Bangor; tr. to Canterbury. Matth. Hutton II., tr. from Ban- gor; tr. to Canterbury. John Gilbert, tr. from Salisbury. Hon. Robt. Drummond; tr. from Salisbury; almoner. Wm. Markham, tr. from Chester; almoner; d. Nov. 3, 1807. Hon. Edwd. Venables Vernon, aft. Harcourt, Dec. 1; tr. from Car- lisle; d. Nov. 1847. Thos. Musgrave, Nov. 17; tr. from Hereford; d. Nov. 5, 1847. Chas. Thos. Longley, June 1, G.; tr. from Durham ; tr. to Canter- bury. Wm. Thomson, Dec. 4, G.; tr. from Gloucester and Bristol. from BISHOP SUFFRAGAN OF HULL, 1538. Robt. Sylvester, alias Pursglove. DEANS OF YORK. Will. II. Hugo. Steph. Wm. de St. Barbara ; bp. Dur- 1144. * } 1186. 1189. 1191. 1214. 12—. 1235. 1240. 1244. 124–. 125–. 1256. 1258. 126–. 1279. ham, 1142. Robt. de Gant. Robt. Botevillin; d. 1186. Hubert Walter; b.p. Salisbury, 1188. Hy. Marshall; bp. Exeter, 1193. Simon de Apulia ; bp. Exeter, 1214. Hamo. Roger de Insula. Geoffry de Norwych. Fulk Bassett ; bp. London, 1241. William. Walter de Kyrkham. Sewal de Bovil; abp. York, 1256. Godfrey de Ludham, alias Kinton; abp. York, 1258. Roger de Holderness. Wm. de Langueton; d. 1279. Robt. de Scardeburgh ; d. 1290. 1290. 1298. 1309. 1310. 1312. 1332. 1333. 1347. 135–. 1366. 1381. 1385. 139–. 1898. 1401. 1407. 1416. Hy, de Newark, or Newerke; abp. York, 1296. Wm. de Hameltone. Reginald de Gote, cardl. ; d. 1310. Wm. de Pykering; d. 1312. Robt. de Pykering. Wm. de Colby. Wm. le Zouch, or de la Zouch; abp. York, 1340. Philip de Weston. Tailerand, B. of Albanen. Jno. Anglicus, cardl. ; depr. Adam Easton, cardl. ; depr. Edmd. de Strafford. Rºº. Walden ; consec. abp. Canter- ll]" . v.), 1398; bp. London * @ 9, 1898; by y Richd. Clifford; 1401. Thof. Langley; bp. Durham, 1406. Jno. Prophete. Thos. Polton; bp. Hereford, 1420. bp. Worcester, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 487 1421. 1426. 1437, 1454. 1477. 1488. 1494. 1496. 1503, 1507. 1512. 1514. 1516. 1539. 1544. 1567. 1589. Wm. Grey; bp. London, 1426. Robt. Gilbert; bp. London, 1436. Wm. Felter. t Richd. Andrews; res. 1477. 1617. Robt. Bothe. 1624. Christr. Urswyk ; res. 1494. 1660. Wm. Sheffield. 1663. Geoffry Blythe ; bp. Lichfiela, 1503. 1664. Christr, Baynbrigge; bp. Durham, 1676. 1507. 1679. Jas. Harrington; d. 1512. 1702. Thos. Wolsey, dean of Lincoln; 1728. bp. Lincoln, Feb. 1514; abp. York, Sept. 1514. 1747. Jno. Young ; d. 1516. 1802. Brian Higden; d. 1539. 1822. Richd. Layton; d. 1544. 1858. Nichs. Wotton; d. 1567. 1880. Matth. Hutton; bp. Durham, 1589. Jno. Thornburgh; held bpks. of Limerick and Bristol in com- mendam ; tr. to Worcester, 1617. Geo. Meriton; d. 1624. Jno. Scott ; d. 1644. Richd. Marsh ; d. 1663. Wm. Sancroft; dean of St. Paul's, 1664. Robt. Hitch; d. 1676. Tobias Wickham ; d. 1679. Thos. Gale; d. 1702. Hy. Finch; d. 1728. Richd. Osbaldeston; bp. 1747. Jno. Fountayne ; d. 1802. Geo. Markham, Apr. 6, G.; d. 1822. Wm. Cockburn, Oct. 17, G. Hon. Aug. Duncombe, May 28. Arthur Perceval Purey-Cust, Feb. 27. Carlisle, 488 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART VIII, LONDON. PORTREEVES, MAYORS, AND LORD MAYORS OF I, ONT)ON. THE LORD MAyor is the chief magistrate of London and the head of the Corporation. At first he was chosen for life, and afterwards for periods of irregular duration; now he is chosen annually, but is capable of re-election. He must be an alderman, and must have previously filled the office of sheriff. Those freemen who have been admitted into the livery of their respective companies are the electors of the Lord Mayor; they choose two persons from amongst the aldermen, and the court of aldermen confer the dignity on whichever of the two they please. The practice is for the livery to return the aldermen in rota- tion, and of these the court chooses the senior; but instances are not wanting in which this course has been varied, for the purpose of ex- cluding some individual on whom the rotation of seniority would other- wise have conferred the office. The 29th of September is the day of election, and between that date and the 9th of November, when he enters on his duties, he is styled the Lord Mayor Elect. PortREEVES, MAYORs, AND LORD MAYORS of LonDoN. The year mentioned in the following list is that in which each Mayor served. His year of office commenced on the 9th of November in the year preceding. Those marked thus * died in their year of office. |PORTREEvE8. ei: ; Richd. de Par. sº sºft Leofstanus Golds- 1216. Jacob Alderman. 1239. Wm. Joymour. R º I Saml. Basing. 1240. Gerard Bat, or obt. Barquerel. 1217 * * Bate. Andrew Buchevet. ! Robt. Serle, again, 1241. ) Reymond or Regd. 13;2. 6 years. 1242. ſ Bongay. MAYORs. 1223 1243. Rauf Aswy, or Ash- cº, to *. Renger, 4 way. Nov. 9. 1226. tº 1244. Michl. Tony. nº Hº, . º Roger le Duc, or #}Johan de Gysors. 1ji, i. yn, may 1231 } Duke, 5 years. e tº ondon 24 years. 1232 1247. Pyers Aleyne. . 1214. Robt. serie, mercer. 1237.) * 1250. John Norman, 1215. Wyllyam Hardell. 1238. Richd. Renger, again. 1251. Adam Basing. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 489 Year ending Nov. 9. 1252. Johan Tholozane. 1253. Nycholas Batte. * Richd. Hardell, 5 1258. years. 1259. Johan de Gysors, again. # ! Wm Fitz-Richard. tº Thos. Fitz-Thomas, 1265. 4 years. 1266. Wm. Fitz - Richard, again. Alan de la Zouch, 1267, 1268. one of the justices of the kingdom; slain by the earl Warenne. 1269. Wm. Fitz-Thomas Fitz-Richard. 1271. Johan Adryan. #. Sir Walter Harvey. 1274. Hy. Waleis, or Waleys. * Gregory Rokeslie, 7 years. 1270. | J * Hy. Waleis, again, 3 1284. | years. 1285. Gregory Rokeslie, again. 1286. Rauf de Sandwitch. 1287. Johan Breton,aft.sir.J. * Rauf de Sandwitch, 1% again, 6 years. 1294 º Johan Breton, 1%. again, 4 years. 1298. Hy. Waleis, again. ; } Elyas Russell. 1301 |J ohan Blount, 7 ) to years. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. Nycholas Faryngdone. Thos. Romayne. Richd. Roffham, Refham. Johan Gysors. Johan Pounteney, or Pultney. Nycholas Faryng- done, again. Johan Gysors, again. Stephen de Abyng- done. 13. lj ohan Wentgrave, 3 1818.) years. OT 1311. 1312. 1313. 1314. 1315. Tolason, or Year ending Nov. 9. 1319. Hamond Chyckwell. 1320. Nycholas Faryng- done, again. 1321. Hamond Chyckwell, 1322. J again. 1323. Nycholas Faryng- done, again. 1324.) Hamond Chyckwell, #) again. 1326. Richd. Bretayne. 1327. Hamond Chyckwell, again. 1328. Johan Grauntham, or Grantham. 1329. Symon Swanland. 1330. ) Johan Pounteney, or 1331. } Pultney, again (?). 1332. Johan Preston. 1333. Johan Pounteney, again. #. } Reynold at Conduyte. 1336. Johan Pounteney, again. #: Hy. Darcey. ; Andw. Awbrey. 1341. Johan de Oxynforde. 1342. Symond Fraunceys. 1343. Johan Hamond. 1344 } 1345. Richd. Lacere. 1346. Geoffrey Wychyng- ham. Thos. Legge. Johan Lewkyn, Loufkin. Wm. Turke. Richd. Killingbury. Andrew Awbrey, again. 1347. 1348. OT 1349. 1350. 1351. 9 #} Adam Fraunceys. LORD MAYORs. Thos. Legge, again. Symond Fraunceys, agazm. Hy. Pycard, or Pickard. Johan Stody. Johan Lewkyn, again, Symond Doffelde. Johan Wroth, or Worth. Johan Peche. Stephen Caundish. 1363. Johan Notte. 1364. Adam de Bury. 1365. Johan Lewkyn, 1866. again. 1367. Jas. Andrew. 1354. 1355. 1356. 1357. 1358. 1359. 1360. 1361. 1362. Year ending Nov. 9. 1368. Symond Mordon. 1369. Johan Chychester. 1370.) Johan Bernes, or 1371. Barnes. 1372. Johan Pyell, or Piel. 1373. Adam de Bury, again. 1374. Wyllyam de Wal- worthe. Johan Warde. Adam Staple. Nichs. Brembyr. Johan Phylpot. Johan Hadley. 1380. Wyllyam de Wal- worthe, again, aft. Sir W. 1381. Johan de Northamp- #} ton. 1383 º: Brembyr, is, again, 3 years. #} Nycholas Exton. 1388. 1389. 1390. 1391. 1375. 1376. 1377. 1378. 1379. Nichs. Swynford. Wyllyam Venour. Adam Bamme. Johan Heende, or Hyende, or Hind. Wyllyam Stondon. Johan Hadley. Johan Frenche. Wyllyam More. Adam Bamme, again. Richd. Whittington. Drew Barentyne. Thos. Knolles. Johan Fraunceys. Johan Shadworth. Johan Walcot. Wrm. Askam. Johan Heende, again. Johan Woodcock. Richd. Whittington, again. Wyllyam Stondon, again. Drew Barentyne,again. Richd. Marlowe. Thos. Knolles, again. Robt. Chycheley. Wm. Waldern, or Wal- dren. Wm. Crowmer. Thos. Fawconer. Nichs. Wotton. Hy. Barton. Richd. Marlowe, again. Wm. Sevenoak. Richd. Whittington, again. Wm. Cambrege. Richd. Chichelee. 1392. 1393. 1394. 1395. 1396. 1397. 1398. 1399. 1400. 1401. 1402. 1403. 1404. 1405. 1406. 1407. 1408. 1409. 1410. 1411. 1412. 1413. 1414. 1415. 1416. 1417. 1418. 1419. 1420. 1421. 490 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Yeal’ ending . 9. . Wm. Waldern. Wm. Crowmer, again. . Johan Michell. . Johan Coventre. . Wm. Rynwell. . Johan Gedney. . Hy. Barton, again. . Wm. Estfeld, or East- field. . Nichs. Wotton, again. . Johan Wellis, or Welles. . Johan Parneys, or . Parveis. . Johan Brokley, or Brocle. . Robt. Otley, or Roger Otely. . Hy. Frowyk, or Frow. 5. Johan Michell, or Michael (? again). . Wm. Estfeld, again. . Stephen Browne. . Robt. Large. . Johan Paddesley. . Robt. Clopton. . Johan Atherley, Ol' Hatherley. . Thos. Chatworth. . Hy. Frowyk, again. . Symken or Symon Eyer. 5. Johan Olney. . Johan Gidney. . Stephen Browne, again. . Thos. Chalton. . Niclas Wyfforde. . Wm. Gregory. . Geffrey Feldyng. . Johan Norman. . Stephen Forster. . Wm. Marowe. . Thos. Caning, or Canings. . Geffrey Boleyn, or Boleine. . Thos. Scot. . Wm. Hemlyn. . Richd. Lee. Hugh Wyche. . Thos. Cooke. Mathew Philip. Rauf Josselyne. . Rauf Verney. Johan Yonge. Thos. Owlgrave. Wm. Taylour. Richd. Lee, again. Johan Stockton. Wm. Edward. 2. Wm. Hampton. Johan Tate. Year ending NOW. 9. 1474. 1475. 1476. 1477. 1478, 1479. 1480. 1481. 1482. 1483. 1484. 1485. 1486. 1487. 1488. 1489. 1490. 1491. 1492. 1493. 1494. 1495. 1496. 1497. 1498. 1499. 1500. 1501. 1502. 1503. 1504. 1505. 1506. 1507. 1508. 1509. 1510. 1511. 1512. 1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1517. 1518. 1519. 1520. 1521. 1522. 1523. 1524. 1525. 1526. 1527. 1528. 1529. 1530. Robt. Drope. Robt. Basset. Rauf Josselyne, again, Humphry Heyforde. Richd. Gardiner. Bartilmew James. Johan Browne, Wm. Haryot. Edmond Shaa. Robt. Billesdon. Thos. Hylle. Hugh Bryce. Hy. Colet. Wm. Horne. Robt. Tate. Wm. White. Johan Mathew. Hugh Clopton. Wm. Martyn. Rauf Astry, or OS- trich. Richd. Chawry. Hy. Colet, again. Johan Tate, again. Wm. Purchase. Johan Percival. Nichs. Alwyn. Johan Reymington. Sir Johan Shaa. Barthw. Reed. Sir Wm. Capell. John Wyngar, or Winger. Thos. Knesworth. Sir Richd. Haddon. Wm. Browne, aft. sir W. Stephen Jenyns. Thos. Bradbury. Hy. Keble. Roger Aichiley. Sir Wm. Copinger, agaºn - *Sir Wm. Browne, again; John Tate. Geo. Monoux. Sir Wrm. Butler. John Rest. Sir Thos. Exmewe. Thos. Mirfine. Sir Jas. Yarford. Sir John Bruge. Sir John Milborne. Sir John Munday. Sir Thos. Baldry, or Baldrie. Sir Wm. Bailey. Sir John Allen. Sir Thos. Seamer. Sir Jas. Spencer. Sir John Rudstone. Ralph Dodmer. Sir Thos. Pargitor. . Sir Nichs. Lambard. . Sir Stephen Pecocke. . Sir Christr. Askew. . Sir John Champneis. . Sir John Allen, again. . Sir Ralph Waren. . Sir Richd. Gresham. . Wm. Forman. . Sir Wrm. Holles. . Sir Wrm. Roch. . Sir Michl. Dormer. . John Cootes, or Cotes. (*Sir Wm. Bowyer. Sir Ralph. Waren, again. Sir Wn. Laxton. . Sir Martin Bowes. . Sir Hy. Hubarthorne. . Sir John Gresham. . Sir Hy. Amcotes. . Sir Rowland Hill, first Protestant lord mayor. . Sir Andw. Jude. . Sir Richd. Dobbes. . Sir Geo. Barnes. . Sir Thos. White. . Sir John Lion. . Sir Wrm. Gerard. . Sir Thos. Offley. . Sir Thos. Curteis. . Sir Thos. Leigh, or Lee. . Sir Wm. Huet. . Sir. Wm. Chester. . Sir Wm. Harper. . Sir Thos. Lodge. . Sir John White. . Sir Richd. Malorie. . Sir Richd. Champion. . Sir Christr. Draper. . Sir Roger Martin. . Sir Thos. Rowe. . Alexr. Avenon. . Sir Rowland Hey- ward. . Sir Wrm. Allen. . Sir Lionel Ducket. . Sir John Rivers. . Jas. Hawes. . Ambrose Nicholas. . Sir John Langley. . Sir Thos. Ramsey. . Richd. Pipe. . Sir Nichs. Woodrofe. . Sir John Branche. . Sir Jas. Harvie. . Sir Thos. Blancke. . Edwd. Osborne. . Sir Edwd, Pullison. . Sir Wolstan Dixie. . Sir Geo. Barne. . Sir Geo. Bond. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 491 Year ending . 9. 1588. 1589. 1590. 1591. 1592. 1593. 1594. 1595. 1596. 1597. 1598. 1599. 1600. 1601. 1602. 1603. 1604. 1605. 1606. 1607. 1608. 1609. 1610. 1611. 1612. 1613. 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. 1618. 1619. 1620. 1621. 1622. 1623. 1624. 1625. 1626. 1627. 1628. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1632. 1633. 1634. 1635. 1636. 1637. 1638. 1639. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1643. 1644. Martin Calthorp, or Colthrop. Sir John Hart. John Allot. Sir Wm. Web. Sir Wm. Rowe. }. Sir Cuthbert Buckle. Sir Richd. Martin. Sir John Spencer. Sir Stephen Slany. *Thos. Skinner. Sir Hy. Billingsly. Sir Richd. Saltenstall. Sir Stephen Some, or Soame. Sir Nichs. Mosley. Sir Wm. Ryder. Sir John Gerrard. Robt. Lee. Sir Thos. Bennet. Sir Thos. Low. Sir Hy. Hollyday. Sir John Wats. Sir Hy. Rowe. Sir Humphrey Weld. Sir Thos. Cambell. Sir Wim. Craven. Sir Jas. Pemberton. Sir John Swinnerton. Sir Thos. Middleton. Sir John Hayes. Sir John Jolles. Sir John Leman. Geo. Bolles. Sir Sebastian Harvey. Sir Wm. Cockain. Sir Fras. Jones. Sir Edwd. Barkham. Sir Peter Proby. Sir Martin Lumley. Sir John Goare. Sir Allen Cotton. Sir Cuthbert Aket. Sir Hugh Hammers- ley. Sir Richd. Deane. Sir Jas. Cambell. Sir Robt. Ducy. Sir Geo. Whitmore. Sir Nichs. Raynton. Ralph Freeman. Sir Thos. Moulson. Sir Robt. Packhurst. Sir Christr. Cletheroe. Sir Edwd. Bromfield. Sir Richd. Fenn. Sir Maurice Abbott. Sir Hy. Garway. Sir Wm. Acton. Sir Richd. Gurney. Sir Isaac Pennington. Sir John Wollaston. Year ending Nov. 9. 1645. 1646. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650. 1651. 1652. 1653. 1654. 1655. 1656. 1657. 1658. 1659. 1660. 1661. 1662. 1663. 1664. 1665. 1666. 1667. 1668. 1669. 1670. 1671. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1675. 1676. 1677. 1678, 1679, 1680. 1681. 1682. 1683. 1684. 1685, 1686. 1687. 1688. 1689. 1690. 1691. 1692. 1693. 1694. Sir Thos. Atkins. Sir Thos. Adams. Sir John Gayre. Sir John Warner. Sir Abrm. Reynard- SO11. Thos. Foote. Thos. Andrews. John Kendrek. John Fowkes. Thos. Wyner. Christr. Pack. John Dethick. Robt. Tichborne. |Richd. Chiverton. Sir John Ireton. Sir Thos. Alleyne Sir Richd. Browne. Sir John Frederick. Sir John Robinson. Sir Anthy. Bateman. John Lawrence. Sir Thos. Bludworth. Sir Wrm. Bolton. Sir Wim. Peake. Sir Wm. Turner. Sir Saml. Sterling. Sir Richd. Ford. Sir Geo. Waterman. Sir Robt. Hanson. Sir Wm. Hooker. Sir Robt. Vyner. Sir Jos. Sheldom. Sir Thos. Davies. Sir Fras. Chaplin. Sir Jas. Edwards. Sir Robt. Clayton. Sir Patience Ward. Sir John Moore. Sir Wrm. Pritchard. Sir Hy. Tulse; app. by the king's com- mission, during pleasure. Sir Jas. Smith. Sir Robt. Jeffery. Sir John Peake. * Sir John Shorter. ** Sir John Shorter died Sept. 4, and sir John Eyles was the next day ap- pointed to succeed him by the king.” —Chron. Brăt. Sir John Chapman. Sir Thos. Pilking- ton. Y. Sir Thos. Pilking- g ton, again. ir Thos. Stamp. Sir John Fleet, Sir W m. Ashurst. Year 9. . Sir Thos. Lane. . Sir John Houblon. . Sir Edwd. Clarke. . Sir Humphrey Edwin. . Sir Fras. Child. . Sir Richd. Levett. . Sir Thos. Abney. . Sir Wm. Gore. . Sir Wm. Dashwood. . Sir John Parsons. . Sir Owen Bucking- ham. . Sir Thos. Rawlinson. . Sir Robt. Bedingfield. . Sir Wnn. Withers. . Sir Chas. Duncombe. . Sir Saml. Garrard, bt. . Sir Gilbert Heathcote. . Sir Robt. Beachcroft. . Sir Richd. Hoare. . Sir Saml. Stanier, or Stainer. . Sir Wm. Humphreys. 5. Sir Chas. Peers. . Sir Jas. Bateman. . Sir Wm. Lewen. . Sir John Ward. . Sir Geo. Thorold. . Sir John Fryer. . Sir Wm. Stewart. . Sir Gerard Conyers. . Sir Peter Delme. . Sir Geo. Mertins, or Martyns. . Sir Fras. Forbes. . Sir John Eyles. . Sir Edwd. Beecher. Sir Robt. Baylis. . Sir Richd. Brocas. . Sir Humphrey Par- SOIlS. . Sir Fras. Child. 3. John Barber. . Sir Wm. Billers. . Sir Edwd. Bellamy. . Sir John Williams. . Sir John Thompson. . Sir John Barnard. 9. Micajah Perry. 1740. Sir John Salter. * Sir Humphrey 1741. Parsons. Daml. Lambert. * Sir Robt. God- 1742 schal. Geo. Heathcote. 1743. Robt. Willimot, or Willmot. 1744. Sir Robt. Westley. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1748. Sir Hy. Marshall. Sir Richd. Hoare. Wm. Benn. Sir Robt. Ladbroke. 492 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Year ending Nov. 9. 1749. Sir Wm. Calvert. * Sir Saml. Pen- 1750. | nant. John Blachford. 1751. Fras. Cockayne. * Thos. Winterbot- 1752. form. Robt. Alsop. 1753. Sir Crispe Gascoyne. 1754 * Edwd. Ironside. º Thos. Rawlinson. 1755. Steph. Theod, Jans- SOIl. 1756. Slingsby Bethell. 1757. Marshe Dickinson. 1758. Sir Chas. Asgill. 1759. Sir Richd. Glyn, bt. 1760. Sir Thos. Chitty. 1761. Sir Matt. Blakiston. 1762. Sir Saml. Fludyer, bt. 1763. Wm. Beckford. 1764. Wm. Bridgen. 1765. Sir Wm. Stephenson. 1766. Geo. Nelson. 1767. Sir Robt. Kite. 1768. Hon. Thos. Harley. 1769. Saml. Turner. (* Wm. Beckford. 1770. UBarlow Trecothick. 1771. Brass Crosby. 1772. Wm. Nash. 1773. Jas. Townshend. 1774. Fredk. Bull. 1775. John Wilkes. 1776. John Sawbridge. 1777. Sir Thos. Halifax. 1778. Sir Jas. Esdaile. 1779. Saml. Plumbe. 1780. Brackley Kennet. 1781. Sir Watkin Lewes. 1782. Sir Wrm. Plomer. 1783. Nathl. Newnham. 1784. Robt. Peckham. 1785. Richd. Clark. 1786. Thos. Wright. 1787. Thos. Sainsbury. 1788. John Burnell. 1789. Wrm. Gill. 1790. Wm. Pickett. 1791. John Boydell. 1792. John Hopkins. 1793. Sir Jas. Sanderson. 1794. Paul le Mesurier. 1795. Thos. Skinner. 1796. Wm. Curtis, aft. sir W., bt. 1797. Sir Brook Watson, bt. 1798. Sir John Wm. Ander- son, bt. 1799. Sir Richd. Carr Glyn, bt. 1800. Harvey Christr. Coombe. Year ending Nov. 9. 1801. I802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817.j 1818, 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. #} 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. Sir Wnn. Staines. Sir John Eamer. Chas. Price (bt. 1804). John Perring. Peter Perchard. Sir Jas. Shaw, bt. Sir Wm. Leighton. John Ainsley. Chas. Flower, aft, sir C., bt. Thos. Smith. Joshua Jonathan Smith. Claudius Stephen Hunter,aft. SirQ.,bt. Geo. Scholey. Wm. Domville, aft. sir W., bt. Saml. Birch. ! Matth. Wood. Christr. Smith. John Atkins. Geo. Brydges. John Thos. Thorpe. Christr. Magnay. Wm. Heygate, aft. Sir W., bt. Robt. Waithman. John Garratt. Wm. Venables. Anthy. Browne. Matthias Prime Lucas. Wm. Thompson. John Crowder. Sir John Key, bt. Sir Peter Laurie. Chas. Farebrother. Hy. Winchester. Wm. Taylor Cope- land. Thos. Kelly. Sir John Cowan, bt. Saml. Wilson. Sir Chapman Mar- shall. Thos. Johnson. John Pirie, aft.sir.J.,bt. John Humphrey. Wm. Magnay, aft, sir W., bt. Michael Gibbs. John Johnson. Sir Geo. Carroll. John Kinnersley Hooper, aft. sir J. Sir Jas. Duke, knt., aft. bt. Thos. Farncomb. John Musgrove, aft. Sir J., bt. Year ending Nov. 9. 1852. Wm. Hunter. 1853. Thos. Challis. 1854. Thos. Sidney. 1855. Fras. Graham Moon, aft. Sir F.. bt. 1856. David Salomons (bt. 1869). 1857. Thos. Quested Finnis. 1858, Sir Robt. Walter Car- den, (bt. 1887). 1859. David Williams Wire. 1860. John Carter. #} Wm. Cubitt. 1863. Wm. Anderson Rose (knt. 1867). 1864. Wm. Lawrence (knt. 1887). 1865. Warren Stormes Hale. 1866. Benjn. Saml. Phillips, aft. Sir B. 1867. Thos. Gabriel, aft. sir T., bt. 1868. Wm. Ferneley Allen. 1869. Jas. Clarke Lawrence aft. Sir J., bt. 1870. Robt. Besley. 1871. Thos. Dakin (knt. 1872). 1872. Sills John Gibbons aft. Sir S., bt. 1873. Sir Sydney Hedley Waterlow, knt.; aft. bt. 1874. Andrew Lusk, aft. Sir A., bt. 1875. David Hy. Stone. 1876. Wm. Jas. Richmond Cottom. 1877. Sir Thos. White. 1878. Thos. Scambler Owden, aft. Sir T. 1879. Sir Chas. Whethan). 1880. Sir Fras. Wyatt Trus- cott. 1881. Wm. McArthur, (K.C.M.G., 1882). 1882. John Whitaker Ellis, aft. Sir J., bt. 1883. Hy. Edma. Knight, aft. sir H. 1884. Robt. Nichs. Fowler. * Geo. Swan Nottage. 1885. Robt. Nichs. Fowler, again; aft. Sir R., bt. 1886. John Staples, aft. Sir J., K.C.M.G. 1887. Sir Reginald Hanson, knt., aft, bt. 1888. Polydore de Keyser, aft. Sir P. 1889. Jas. Whitehead. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 493 CHAMBERLAINS OF LONDON. THIS officer is chosen, annually, on Michaelmas-day ; but, as a rule, he continues in office during life. As treasurer of the corporation, he has the receipt of all rents and other revenues, and the payment of all salaries, charges, and other outgoings. He has also the custody of all the Corporation accounts, and keeps all the records concerning freemen. CHAMBERLAINS FROM THE REVOLUTION. 1688. Sir Peter Rich. 1776. Benjn. Hopkins. 1689. Sir Leonard Robinson. 1779. John Wilkes. 1696. Sir Thos. Cuddon. 1798. Richd. Clarke. 1702. Sir Wm. Fazakerley. 1831. Sir Jas. Shaw, bt. 1718. Sir Geo. Ludlam. 1843. Sir Wm. Heygate, bt. 1727. Saml. Robinson. 1844. Anthy. Brown. 1734. Sir Wm. Bosworth. 1853. Sir Jno. Key, bt. 1751. Sir Thos. Harrison. 1858. Benjn. Scott. 1765. Sir Steph. Theoph. Janssen, bt. RECORDERS OF LONDON. THE Recorder of London is the principal legal officer of the corporation, and is appointed for life by the Court of Aldermen. He sits as judge in the Mayor’s Court, and also at the Central Criminal Court. RECORDERS OF LONDON. 1298. Jeffery de Norton, aldn. 1483. Thos. Fitzwilliam, sp. ho. comm., I304. John de Wangrave, aldn. 1489. 1320. Geoffrey de Hertpoll, aldn. The records, up to this time, are im- 1321. Robt. de Swalchyne, aldn. perfect. The subsequent records 1329. Gregory de Norton, aldn. have been better preserved ; and 1339. Roger de Depham, aldn. the names and dates that follow 1363. Thos. Lodelow are, therefore, regular and con- 1365. Wm. de Halden, aldn. secutive. 1377. Wim. Cheyne. 1389. John Tremayne, comm. Serjt. 1392. Wm. Makenade. 1508. Sir Robt. Sheffield, or Sheffielde. 1394. John Cokam, or Cokeyn. John Chalyner. 1398. Matth. de Suthworth. 1511. Richd, Brooke, or Broke, just. c. P. 1403. Thos. Thornburgh. 1521; and ch. bar. ex., 1526 1405. John Proston. 1520. Wm. Shelley, one of the judges of 1415, John Barton, Sen. ; serjt. at law, the sheriffs' court ; just. c. P., 1416. 1527. 1422. John Fray ; bar. ex., 1428, and ch. 1527. John Baker, one of the judges of the bar. , 1436. sheriffs’ court. 1426. John Simonds, or Symond. 1536. Sir Roger Cholmeley, serjt, at law; 1435. Alexr. Anne. ch, bar. ex., 1546; ch. just. K. B., 1440. Thos. Cockayne. 1552. Wm. (? John) Bowes. 1546. Robt. Brooke, or Broke, comm. 1442. Robt. Danvers, comm. Serjt. serjt. ; serjt. at law, 1552; ch. 1451. Thos. Billyng, just. K. B., 1465; and just. C. P., 1554. ch. just., 1469. - 1552. Ranulph Cholmeley, one of the judges 1455. Thos. Urswyke, comm. Serjt. ; ch. of the sheriffs’ court. bar. ex., 1472. 1563. Richd. Onslow, solr.-gen., 1566. 1471. Humphry Starkey, ch. bar, ex.,1483. 1566. Thos. Bromley, solr.-gen., 1569. 494 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1569. 1571. 1591. 1592. 1594. 1595. 1603. 1615. 1616. 1618. 1631. 1634. 1635. 1635. 1643. THE . John Thos. Wilbraham; went to the court of wards and liveries, 1571. Wm. Fleetwood, serjt. at law, 1580. Edwd. Coke, solr, gen. 1592; atty. gen., 1594; ch. just. C. P., 1606; and ch. just. K. B., 1613. Edwd. Drew, serjt. at law. Thos. Flemynge, serjt. at law same year; solr-gen., 1595; ch. bar. ex., 1604; and ch. just. K. B., 1607. John Croke, sp. ho. commons, 1601 ; just. K. B., 1607. Hy. Montagu, ch. just. IC. B., 1616; ld. treasr., 1620; cr. la. Kim- bolton and visc. Mandeville, 1620, and E. of Manchester, 1625. Thos. Coventry, one of the judges of the sheriffs' court; solr.-gen., 1616; atty.-gen., 1620; la, kpr. 1625; cr. ld. Coventry, 1628. Anthy. Benn, aft. Sir A. Richd. Martin. Robt. Heath, aft. sir R., Solr.-gen., 1620; atty.-gen. 1625; ch. just. C. P., 1631 ; dischd., 1634; just. K. B., 1640; ch. just. of that court, 1643. . Robt. Shute. Heneage Finch, serjt. at law, 1623; sp. ho. commons, 1625. Edwd. Lyttelton, aft. Sir E. and lå. L.; solr.-gen., 1634; ch. just. C. P., 1639; ld. kpr., 1641. Robt. Mason. Hy. Calthrop. Thos. Gardiner. Peter Pheasant, one of the common pleaders of the city; just. C. P. same year. Glynn, recorder of West- minster; serjt. at law, 1649. . Wm. Steele, of Gray’s Inn, atty.-gen. to the Commonwealth ; made ch. bar. ex., 1656. . Lisleborne Long. . John Green, a judge of the sheriffs' court. . Wm. Wylde, serjt. at law, 1660; just. C. P., 1668; aft. just. E. B. . John Glynn, again. . John Howell, aft. Sir J., deputy re- corder, vice Wylde. Wm. Dolben, vice Howell, who surr.; serit. at law, 1677; just. K. B. in 1678. Geo. Jeffreys, aft. Sir G., and lå. J., 1680. 1685. 1686. 1687. 1688. 1692. 1708. 1714. 1739. 1742. 1746. 1749. I753. 1763. . Newman Knowlys, comm. serjt ; serjt, at law same year; ch. just. K. B., 1683; lá. chanc., 1685. Geo. Treby, aft. Sir G.; depr., 1685; rest. at the revolution; Solr.-gen., 1689; atty.-gen., same year; ch. just. C. P., 1692. Sir Thos. Jenner, bar. ex., 1686; just. C. P., 1688. Sir John Holt, ch. just. K. B., 1689; commit. gr. seal, 1700. John Tate, serjt. at law. Sir Barthw. Shower. John Somers, elected, but declined, Oct. 23. This personage, aft. Sir John and lå. Somers, became lil. kpr. 1693, and lá, chanc. 1697. Jas. Selby, elected, but also declined, Oct. 25. Sir Salathiel Lovel, serjt. at law ; bar. ex., 1708. Sir Peter King, aft. li. King ; ch. just. C. P., 1714; lá. chanc., 1725. Sir Wm. Thompson, solr.-gen., 1717; bar. ex., 1729; d. 1739. Sir John Strange, solr.-gen., aft. m. rolls. Sir Simon Urlin, serjt. at law; d, 1746. John Stracey, judge of the sheriffs’ court; d. 1749. Sir Richd. Adams, senior common pleader, Jan. 17; bar. ex. 1753. Sir Wm. Moreton, senior judge of the sheriffs' court, Feb. 15 ; d. 1763. Sir Jas. Eyre ; Apr. 7, successively bar. ex., ch. bar, ex., and ch. just. C. P. 72. John Glynn, serjt. at law, Nov. 17 ; d. 1779. 79. Jas. Adair, serjt. at law; Oct. 12. . Sir John Wm. Rose, senior common pleader, June. 30; serjt. at law, Nov. 13, following ; d. 1803. . John Silvester, common serjt., Oct. 20; cr. a bt., 1815; d. 1822. comm. Serjt., Apr. 10; res. 1833. , Hon. Chas. Ewan Law, Q.C., comm. serjt; d. 1850. . Hon. Jas. Archd. Stuart Wortley, Sept. 25; res. 1856. 56. Russell Gurney, Q.C.; res. 1878. 78. Sir Thos. Chambers, Q.C. COMMON SERJEANTS OF LONDON. Common Serjeant is the second legal officer of the corporation, and sits as a judge in the Mayor's Court, and also at the Central Criminal Court. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 495 CoMMON SERJEANTs. ‘COMMON SERJEANTs, PREVIOUS TO THE REVOLUTION, who BECAME RECORDERs. 1383. John Tremayne ; rec. 1389. 1422. Robt. Danvers; rec. 1442. 1453. Thos. Urswyke; rec. 1455. 1536. Robt. Brooke, or Broke; rec. 1546. 1675. Sir Geo. Jeffreys; rec. 1678. |COMMON SERJEANTS FROM THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1678. Hy. Crispe. d700. Duncan Dee. 1878. 1720. 1729. 1758. 1790. 1803. 1822. 1830. 1833. 1850. 1857. John Lingard. Thos. Garrard. ' Thos. Nugent. John Silvester; rec. 1803. Newnan Knowlys; rec. 1822. Thos Denman, aft, ch. just, K. B. and ló. Denman. - Hon. Chas. Ewan Law; rec. 1833. John Mirehouse. Edwd. Bullock. Thos. Chambers; Q. c. 1861 ; knt. Mar. 14, 1872; rec. 1878. Wm. Thos. Charley; knt. Mar. 18, 1880. 496 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. i PART IX, SCOTLAND. SOWEREIGNS OF SCOTLAND. See Part I.-‘‘Royal” ante. OFFICERS OF STATE, &c., OF SCOTLAND. LORD HIGH TREASURERS OF SCOTLAND AND COMMISSIONERS FOR EXERCISING THAT OFFICE. COMPTROLLERS. THE OFFICE of TREASURER was established on the return of James I. to Scotland from his long captivity in England. In 1617 the Treasurer was ranked by an ordinance of James VI. as the first officer of state; and, in 1623, when that king determined the precedency of his counsellors, he was ranked next to the chancellor; in 1663, he was declared president of the exchequer. The office of comp- troller, which was sometimes joined with that of Treasurer, and desig- mated computorum rotulator, and that of collector of the new augmen- tations, both distinct offices from that of the Treasurer, were conjoined into one by James VI., and exercised by the Treasurer until the treasury was put in commission. At the Union the Treasuries of England and Scotland were united, See ante, p. 156. LORD HIGH TREASURERs, &c., of Scotſ,AND. 1420. Sir Walter Ogilvie, of Lintrethan. 1470. Sir Wm. Knowlys, preceptor of Tor- * * Thos. de Myrton, dean of Glasgow. phichen. 1430. Patrick de Ogilvie. 1473. John Laing, parson of Kenland. 1439. Sir Walter de Halliburton, ld. of 1480. Archd. Crawford, abb. of Holyrood Dirleton. House. Robt. Livingston, son to the govr. of | * * Sir John Ramsay, of Balmaine. the kingdom. 1490. Hy. Arnot, abb. of Cambus-Ken- 1440. Sir Walter de Halliburton, again. neth. 1449. Andrew, abbot of Melrose. 1494. Geo. Schaw, abb. of Paisley. 1455. Jas. Stuart, dean of Moray. 1499. Sir Robt. Lundin, of Balgony. 1466. Sir David Guthrie, of Guthrie. 1507. Sir David Beaton, of Creich. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 497 1509. 1512. 1515. 1516. 1517. 1520. 1528. 1529. 1530. 1537. 1546. 1548. 1555. 1561. 1564. 1572. 1584. 1585. 1595. 1599. 1601. 1611. 1616. 1630. 1636. Geo. Hepburn, abb. of Aberbrothock; aft. bp. of the Isles. Andrew Stewart, bp. of Caithness. Cuthbert Baillie, commend. of Glen- luce. Jas. Hepburn, bp. of Moray. Sir Walter Ogilvie, of Stratheren. John Campbell, of Lundy. Archd.Douglas(? sirA.)of Kilspindie. Robt. Cairncross, abb. of Holyrood House; aft. bp. of Ross. Sir Robt. Barton, of Over Barnton. Wm. Stewart, bp. of Aberdeen. Robt., abb. of Holyrood House. John Hamilton (brother to the re- gent), abb. of Paisley ; aft. bp. of St. Andrew's. Sir Jas. Kirkaldie, of Grange. Gilbert, E. of Cassilis. Robt. Richardson, commend. of St. Mary Isle. Wm. Stewart. prov. of Lincluden. Wm., i. of Gowrie. John, E. of Montrose. Sir Thos. Lyon, of Auld Bar, mast. of Glamis. Walter, ld. Blantyre. Alexr., ld, Elphinstone. Sir Geo. Hume, E. of Dunbar. Sir Robt. Ker, K. B., E. of Somerset. John, E. of Marr. Wm., E. of Morton. John, E. of Traquair. Commissioners appointed by the Parliament 1641. 1644. in 1641. John, E. of Loudoun, ld, chanc. Archd., M. of Argyll. Wm., E. of Glencairn. John, E. of Lindsey. Sir Jas. Carmichael. John, E. of Lindsey; lil. treasr. app. by the States. Commissioners appointed by the States in 1649. 1649. 1660. 1667. John, E. of Loudoun, ld, chanc. Archd., M. of Argyll. Alexr., E. of Eglintoun. John, E. of Cassilis. Robt., ld. Burleigh. Sir Danl. Carmichael. John, E. of Craufurd and Lindsey. John, 7th E. of Rothes. John, 7th E. of Rothes, ld chanc. John, E., aft. D. of Lauderdale. John, E, of Tweeddale. Alexr., E. of Kincardine. John, ld. Cochrane, eldest son of the E. of Dundonald. Sir Robt. Murray, ld, just. clk. 1674. 1674, 1682. 1686. 1687. 1689. 1692. 1695. 1696. Jan. 30. 1696. May 24. 1698. John, 7th E., aft. 1st D. of Rothes, ld. chanc. John, D. of Lauderdale. John, E. of Dundonald. Colin, E. of Balcarras. - Hon. Chas. Maitland, dep. treast. and mast. mint. Wm., M., aft. D. of Queensberry. Wm., D. of Queensberry. Jas., E. of Perth, ld, chanc. Wm., D. of Hamilton. John, E. of Kintore, treasr. dep. Geo., visc. Tarbat, clk. regr. Hon. Wm. Drummond, aft. Strathallan. Jas., E. of Perth, ld, chanc. John, M. of Athole, ld, pr. seal. Wm., D. of Hamilton. Geo., D. of Gordon. John, E. of Tweeddale. Colin, E. of Balcarras. Geo., visc. Tarbat. Wm., visc. Strathallan. Richd., visc. Maitland, eldest son of E. of Lauderdale, treasr. dep. Wm., E. of Crauford. John, E. of Cassilis. John, E. of Tweeddale. David, ld. Ruthven. *Hon. Alexr. Melville, eldest son of ld. Melville. John, E. of Tweeddale, ld. chanc. *Jas., E. of Drumlanrig, eldest son of the D. of Queensberry. John, E. of Cassilis. Geo., E. of Linlithgow. John, E. of Breadalbane. Alexr., ld. Rai, h, eldest son of the E. of Melville, treasr. dep. John, M. of Tweeddale, ld, chane. Jas., E. of Drumlanrig. John, E. of Cassilis. Geo., E. of Linlithgow. John, E. of Breadalbane. *John, ld. Yester, eldest son of the M. of Tweeddale. John, M. of Tweeddale, ld. chane. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Archd., E., aft. D. of Argyll. Wm., E., aft. M. of Annandale. Alexr., ld. Raith, treasr. dep. *Sir John Maxwell, of Pollock, bt. Patrick, ld. Polwarth, aft. E. of Marchmont; la, chanc. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Archd., E. of Argyll. Wm., E. of Annandale. Hon. Alexr. Hume, eldest son of là. I olwarth, treasr. dep. *Sir John Maxwell, of Pollock, bt. Patrick, E. of Marchmont, ld, chanc. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Archd., E. of Argyll. visc. * See Note, next page. 32 498 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1698. 1702. 1703. 1704. as Lord Treasurer in parliament. Wm., E. of Annandale. Adam Cockburn, of Ormiston, treasr. dep. *Sir John Maxwell, of Pollock, bt. Jas., E. of Seafield, ld, chanc. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Archd., E. of Argyll. Wm., E. of Annandale. Alexr., E. of Eglintoun. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. David, ld. Boyle, treasT. dep. *David, ld. Elcho, eldest son of the countess of Wemyss. Jas., E. of Seafield, ld. chanc. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Archd., D. of Argyll. Wm., M. of Annandale. Alexr., E. of Eglintoun. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. David, ld. Boyle, eldest son of the E. of Glasgow, treasr, dep. *Hon. Fras. Montgomery. John, M. of Tweeddale, ld, chanc. Wm., M. of Annandale. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. Chas., E. of Selkirk. John, ld. Belhaven. Geo. Baillie, treasr. dep. 1704. 1705. 1705. 1706. 1707. *Hon. Fras. Montgomery. Sir John Hume, bt. Jas., E. of Seafield, ld. chanc. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Jas., D. of Montrose. Jas., E. of Galloway. David, E. of Northesk. Archd., E. of Forfar. David, E. of Glasgow, treaST. dep. *Ld. Archd. Campbell. Wm., ld. Ross. Hon. Fras. Montgomery. Jas., E. of Seafield, ld, chanc. Jas., D. of Montrose. Jas., D. of Queensberry. David, E. of Northesk. Archd., E. of Forfar. David, E. of Glasgow, treast. dep. Wm., ld. Ross. *Fras. Montgomery. Jas., E. of Seafield, ld, chanc. Jas., D. of Montrose, pres. pr. council. Jas., D. of Queensberry, kpr. pr. Seal. David, E. of Glasgow, treast. dep. Wm., ld. Ross. *Hon. Fras. Montgomery. For Lord Treasurers, &c., of Scotland after the Union see “Treasurers, Commissioners, &c., of Great Britain,” ante, p. 156. * NoTE.—The Lord Treasurer of Scotland had, by the law of that country, a seat in its parliament, in virtue of his office, independently of election; and when the treasury was in commission, the king had a right to name any one commissioner to sit and vote was so nominated. 1426. 1429. 1446. 1448, 1458. 1464. 1467. 1468. 1471. 1472. * } 1488. 1499. 1506. 1507. 1513. 1514. 1515. 1616. 1520. 1525. 1538. The member of each treasury board marked thus * CoMPTRoLLERS OF SCOTLAND. David Brune. John Spence. Alexr. Nairne, of Sanford. Robt. de Livingston. Ninian Spot, canon of Dunkeld. John Colquhoun, of Colquhoun. David Guthrie, of Guthrie. Adam Wallace, of Craigie. Jas. Schaw, of Salquhy. Alexr. Leslie, of Warderis. Thos. Simson. Alexr. Inglis, archdn. of St. An- drew’s. Patrick Hume, of Polwarth. James, abb. of Dunfermline. Jas. Riddoch, of Aberladenoche. Robt. Arnot, of Woodmill; killed at Flodden. Duncan Forrester, of Carden. Patrick Hamilton. Alexr. Garden. Robt. Barton, of Over Barnton. Sir Jas. Colvill, of Ochiltree. David Wood, of Craig. 1543. 1546 1548. 1557. 1560. 1561. 1563. 1567. 1584. 1585. 1589. 1597. 1599. 1600. 1603. 1610. 1615. Thos. Menzies. William, commend. of Culross, William, abb. of Ross. Mons. de Ruby ; to Q. Mary the Re- gent. Barthw. Willemore. Sir John Wishart, of Pittarrow. Sir. Wm. Murray, of Tullibardine. Jas. Cockburn, of Skirling. Sir Jas. Campbell, of Ardkinglass. Andrew Wood, of Largo. David Seton, of Parbroath. Walter, prior of Blantyre. Sir Geo. Hume, of Wedderburn Sir David Murray, of Gospetrie, aft. ld. Scoon. Peter Rollock, bp. of Dunkeld. Sir Jas. Hay, of Fingask. Sir Gideon Murray, of Elibank. . . He was the last Comptroller to James VI., in whose reign the office was suppressed, and incorporated with that of lord high treasurer. See “Lord High Treasurers,” ante, p. 496. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 499 LORD HIGH ADMIRALS OF SCOTLAND. THIS officer in Scotland had very extensive powers. He commanded the king's ships and sailors, and had the inspection of all the sea-ports, harbours, and sea-coasts in the kingdom. He had, also, a particular tribunal, where the judges, appointed by him, decided all causes re- lating to sea affairs, according to a particular code of naval law. His powers likewise extended to the cognizance of all crimes committed at sea, and to all controversies, actions, and quarrels, concerning crimes, faults, and trespasses committed upon the sea, or in the ports and creeks thereof, or in fresh waters and navigable rivers, so far as the sea flows and ebbs. This duty he executed by a deputy, commissioned by him, called the Deputy Judge-Admiral, who likewise judged in matters purely commercial, arising on the sea. After the Treaty of Union, a vice-admiral only was appointed by the sovereign. LORD HIGH ADMIRALS OF SCOTLAND. Hy., E. of Orkney; to Robert III. 1567. Jas., E. of Bothwell, and D. of Ork- * * * Geo., E. of Caithness; to James II. ney ; attainted. * * Wm., E. of Caithness and Orkney ; 1578. Jas., E. of Morton; beheaded. to James II. 1583. Fras., E. of Bothwell; attainted. 1476. David, 5th E- of Crauford, aft. D. 1626. Jas., D. of Lenox and Richmond; of Montrose, heritably. 1482. Alexr., D. of Albany. * * John, E. of Linlithgow; made adm. * * Andrew Wood, of Largo ; he was during the D. of Lenox's minority. never admiral; but, in 1477, was 1633. Jas., D. of Lenox and Gordon; d. master of the Yellow Carval. 1672.* In the reign of James IV., his 1668. Alexr., E. of Kincardine; vice.-adm. son defended the castle of Dum- 1673. JAs. D. of York and ALBANY ; aft. barton against the English. James VII. of Scotland and II. 1502. Patrick, E. * Bothwell. of England. * * Jas., E. of Arran. - * * Archd., E. of Angus. Wm., D. of Hamilton. * * Robt., ld. Maxwell. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox. 1511. Adam, E. of Bothwell; heritably. 1705. Jas., D. of Montrose. 1544. Patrick, E. of Bothwell. 1706. David, E. of Wemyss. Office abolished at the Union. WICE-ADMIRALS OF SCOTLAND. From the Union to the discontinuance of the office. 1708. David, E. of Wemyss. 1766. Wm., E. of March, aft. D. of Queens- 1714. John, 8th E. of Rothes. berry, Aug. 30. 1722. Chas., D. of Queensberry and Dover. 1776. John, E. of Breadalbane, Sept. 1729. John, E. of Stair. 1782. Lord Wm. Gordon, bro. to D. of Gor- 1733. Geo., E. of Morton. don, Mar. 20. 1738. Jas., E. of Findlater and Sea- 1795. Chas. Shaw, ld., aft. visc. and E. field. Carthcart, K.T. ; d. June 16, 1843. 1764. John, E. of Hyndford, Dec. 22. Office not filled up. * On his death, in 1672, the office of Admiral of Scotland reverted to the crown. The king then bestowed it upon his infant natural son, Charles Lenox, afterwards duke of Richmond and Lenox, with a reservation of a term for life to his brother James, duke of York. In 1673, William, duke of Hamilton, was appointed Admiral of Scotland, and after his death the office was managed by commissioners till the duke of Richmond became of age. He resigned the office to the crown in 1703. 32 * A 4 600 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, LORD PRESIDENTS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF SCOTLAND. 1625. John, E. of Montrose. 1686. Wm. , D. of Queensberry. 1649. John, E. of Loudoun. 1689. Wm., E. of Craufurd and Lindsey. 1660. John, 7th E., aft. 1st D. of Rothes. | 1693. Wm., E., aft. M. of Annandale. 1663. John, E., aft. M. of Tweeddale. 1695. Geo., E. of Melville. 1672. John, D. of Lauderdale. 1702. Wm., M. of Annandale. 1681. Sir Geo. Gordon, of Haddo, aft. E. 1704. Jas., M., aft. D. of Montrose. of Aberdeen. 1705. Wm., M. of Annandale. 1682. Jas., M. of Montrose. 1706. Jas., D. of Montrose. The Scotch Privy Council was abolished by 6 Anne, cap. 40 (cap. 6, G. B. Ruffhead's Statutes) [1707]. WICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL FOR EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND. By 48 & 49 Vict, cap. 61 (Aug. 14, 1885), the Act creating the office of Secretary for Scotland (see ante, p. 221), power was given to the Crown to appoint such secretary vice-president of the Scotch Educa- tion Department, and under this power the following appointments have been made:— WICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMITTEE of THE PRIvy CouncIL FOR EDUCATION IN SCOTLAND. 1885. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and 1886. Jno. Wm., E. of Dalhousie, K.T., Gordon, Aug. 19, G. Apr. 3, G. 1886. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. Sir G., bt., Arthur Jas. Balfour, Aug. 16, G. Feb. 13, G. 1887. Schomberg Hy., M. of Lothian, Mar. 25., G. LORDS PRIVY SEAL OF SCOTLAND. THIS office was established by James I. on his return to Scotland from his captivity in England. The duties are analogous to those of the corresponding office in England. LoRDS PRIVY SEAL OF SCOTLAND. 1424. Walter Foote, prov. of Bothwell. 1470. Wm. Tulloch, bp. of Orkney, aft. 1426. John Cameron, prov. of Lincluden, bp. of Moray. and bp. of Glasgow. 1472. Andrew Stuart (half brother to 1432. Wm. Fowlis, prov. of Bothwell. James III.), bp. elect of Moray. 1442. Wm. Turnbull, canon of Glasgow. 1482. David Livingston, prov. of Linclu 1458. Thos. Spence, bp. of Galloway. den. 1459. John Arouse. 1489. John, prior of St. Andrew's. 1463. Jas. Lindsay, prov. of Lincluden. 1500. Wm. Elphinstone, bp. of Aberdeen 1467. Thos. Spence, bp. of Aberdeen. 1507. Alexr. Gordon, bp. of Aberdeen. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 501 1514. 1519. 1526. 1527. * * 1542. 1547. 1533. 1563. 1567. 1571. 1583. 1595. 1626. 1641. 1649. 1660. 1661. 1672. 1689. David, abb. of Aberbrothock. Geo., abb. of Holyrood House. Geo., Crichton, bp. of Dunkeld. Archd. Douglas(?sirA.), of Kilspindie. Robt. Colvill, of Craufurd ; a lö. of SeSS. David Beaton, abb. of Aberbroth.ock; cardl. and abp. of St. Andrew's. John Hamilton, abb, of Paisl y, aft. abp. of St. Andrew's. Wm., ld. Ruthven. Geo., ld. Fyvie, aft. E. of Dunferm- line. Sir Richd. Maitland, of Lethington. John Maitland, prior of Colding- ham. Geo. Buchanan; a lä. of sess., pr. councr., and preceptor to the king. Walter Stewart, commend. of Blan- tyre. Sir Richard Cockburn, of Clerk- ington. Thos., E. of Haddington. Robt., E. of Roxburgh. John, E. of Sutherland; by the parlt. Wm., E. marischal. Chas., E. of Dunfermline. John, E., aft. M. of Athole. Archd., E. of Forfar. 1689 1690. 1695. 1702. 1705. 1709 1713 1714. 1715. 1721. 1733. 1763. 1765. 1765. 1766. 1800. 1811. 1853 1874 John, E. of Kintore. John, ld. Carmichael, aft. E. Hyndford. Geo., E. of Melville. Jas., D. of Queensberry. John, M., aft. D. of Athole. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Jas., D. Montrose. John, D. of Athole. John, D. of Roxburgh. Wm., M. of Annandale. Archd., E. of Islay, aft. D. Argyll. Jas., D. of Athole. Hon. Jas. Stuart-Mackenzie, brother to the E. of Bute. Lord Fredk. Campbell, son of the D. of Argyll. John, E. of Breadalbane. Hon. Jas. Stuart-Mackenzie, again (for life); d. 1800. Hy. Dundas, aft. visc. Melville; d. May, 1811. Robt., second visc. June, 1851. The office of Lord Privy Seal was not filled up until Fox, la. Panmure, aft. E. and M. of Dalhousie, May 25, G. Schomberg Hy., M. of Lothian, Aug. 5. Of of Melville; d. SECRETARIES OF STATE IN AND FOR, SCOTLAND. SECRETARIES FOR SCOTLAND. THE Scotch Secretaries may be divided into three classes:— * }{. 1380. 1410. 1418. 1424. 1429. I. The Scotch Secretaries of State who existed from early times and continued down to the Union. II. The Principal Secretaries of State for Scotland, in England, who were first appointed at the Union, and continued down to 1746. III. The Secretaries for Scotland who were appointed under 48 & 49 Vict, cap. 61 (Aug. 14, 1885), and whose powers were enlarged by 50 & 51 Vict, cap. 52 (Sept. 16, 1887). See introduction to English Secretaries of State, ante, p. 221. SECRETARIES OF STATE IN SCOTLAND. From the reign of King Malcolm IV. to the Union. Nicolaus ; to Malcom IV. Duncan Pecoce; to Robert II. Andrew de Hawick, rector of Liston. John, E. of Buchan. John Cameron, aft. bp. of Glasgow. Wm. Fowlis. 1432. 1448. 1452. 1453. 1454. * * John Methven. John Raulston, bp. of Dunkeld. Wm. Otterburne. Geo. de Shoreswood. John Arouse, archdn. of Glasgow. Thos. de Vaus, dean of Glasgow. 502 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1463. Jas. Law, archdn. of Glasgow. 1608. Sir John Preston, ld, pres. ct. sess. * * Archd. Whitlaw, archdn. of Lothian. 1612. Thos., E. of Haddington. 1488. Alexr. Inglis, aft. b.p. of Dunkeld. | 1626. Sir Wm. Alexander, aft. E. of Stir- 1490. Patrick Paniter, (vulgo Panter), ling. r archdn. of Moray; aft. abb. of Sir Archd. Acheson, bt., of Glen- Cambuskenneth. cairn. 1495. Richd. Muirhead, dean of Glasgow. | 164), Wm., E. of Lanark, aft. D. of 1496. Michl. Balfour, abb. of Melrose. Hamilton. 1516. Thos. Hay. 1644. Sir Robt. Spottiswood, of New 1524. Patrick Hepburn, rector of White- Abbey, ld, pres. ct. sess. ston. * * Wm., E. of Lothian; app. by the * * Thos. Erskine, of Halton; aft. sir parlt., when the E. of Lanark fled. T. E., of Brechin. 1650. Geo., E. of Seaforth ; to Charles II. 1528. Patrick, abb. of Cambuskenneth, during his exile. - again. 1659. Alexr., E. of Balcarras. 1535. Richd. Muirhead, dean of Glasgow, 1661. John, E., aft. D. of Lauderdale. again. 1682. Alexr., E. of Moray. .1543. David Paniter, bp. of Ross. Chas., E. of Middleton. * * Jas. Strachan, canon of Aberdeen. 1685. John, visc., aft. E. of Melfort. 1561. Sir Wm. Maitland, jun., of Lething- || 1689. Geo., ld., aft. E. of Melville. ton. 1690. Hon. John Dalrymple, eldest son of 1464. Sir Jas. Balfour, of Pittendriech; visc. Stair. to Q. Mary. * * Jas. Johnston. * * Jas. Maxwell, of Cramond, son of 1696. John, ld. Murray, eldest son of M. sir Wm. Maxwell; to Q. Mary. of Tullibardine. * * David Rizzio, frgn. sec. to Q. Mary; 1696. Jas., ld. Deskford, eldest son of E. murd. by Darnley, 1566. of Finlater; visc.,aft.E. of Seafield. * * John Lesley, bp. of Ross; sec. until Jas., E. of Seafield. May, 1571. * * John, E. of Hyndford. 1572. Robt. Pitcairn, archdn. of St. An- || 1702. Jas., D. of Queensberry, aft. D. of drew’s. Dover, also. 1584. Sir John Maitland, of Thirlestane. Geo., visc. Tarbat, aft. E. of Cro- 1591. Sir Richd. Cockburn, of Clerkington. marty. 1596. Sir John Lindsay, of Balcarras. 1704. Wm., M. of Annandale. 1597. Jas. Elphinstone, aft. li. Balmerino. 1705. John, E. of Marr. 1608. Sir Alexr. Hay, of Newton. * * Hugh, E. of Loudoun. PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR Scotland IN ENGLAND. From the Union to the year 1746, 1708. Jas., D. of Queensberry and Dover. 1731. Chas., E. of Selkirk. 1710. John, E. of Marr. 1742. John, M. of Tweeddale, Feb. 16; 1714. Jas., D. of Montrose; res. 1715. res. Jan. 1746. 1716. John, D. of Roxburgh ; res. 1725. Office not filled up. SECRETARIES FOR Scotland. Appointed under 48 & 49 Wict., cap. 61. 1885. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and 1886. Jno. Wm., E. of Dalhousie, K.T., Gordon, Aug. 17, G. Apr. 3, Sw. 1886. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. Sir G., Arthur Jas. Balfour, Aug. 4, sw. bt., Feb. 8, sw. 1887. Schomberg Hy., M. of Lothian, Mar. 11, sw. POSTMASTERS-GENERAL OF SCOTLAND. From a return made to the House of Commons, dated July 2, 1844. 1737. Archd. Douglas, in office this year. 1799. Thos. Elder, of Forneth 1767 Robt. Oliphant, of Rossie, in office Wm. Robertson. this year. 1802. Robt. Trotter, of Castlelaw. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 503 1807. Hon. Fras. Gray, aft. Id. Gray. 1811. Jas., E. of Caithness. 1823. Sir David Wedderburn, bt. LAST deputy post-m. gen, of Scotland. The LORD CHANCELLOR'S OF SCOTL AND. See “Judges, &c., of Scotland,” post. LORD KIEEPERS OF THE GREAT SEAL OF SCOTLAND. AT the Union the original Great Seal of Scotland was discontinued, or, rather, merged in the Great Seal of Great Britain. Another seal was substituted for various exclusively Scotch purposes, which was declared to have the same effect as, and is still commonly considered and called, the Great Seal of Scotland. The Secretaries for Scotland appointed by 48 & 49 Vict, cap. 61 (Aug. 14, 1885), were by that statute made ea:-officio keepers of this seal. LoRD KEEPERS OF THE GREAT SEAL OF Scotlan D. From the Union to the present time. 1708. 1713. 1714. 1716. 1733. 1761. 1763. 1764. 1794. 1806. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. Jas., E. of Finlater and Seafield. Wm., M. of Annandale. Jas., D. of Montrose; d. 1731. Archd., E. of Isla, aft. D. of Argyll. Chas., D. of Queensbury and Dover. Jas., D. of Athole; d. Jan. 1764. Hugh, E. of Marchmont. Alexr., D. of Gordon. Jas., E. of Lauderdale. 1807. Alexr., D. of Gordon, again ; d. Jan. 1827. 1827. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll. 1828. Geo., D. of Gordon, G.C.B., Feb. 4, G. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, again ; d. Oct. 22, 1839. Jno. Hamilton, E. of Stair, Dec. 14, 1830. 1840. G. Jno. Douglas Edwd. Hy., D. of Argyll, Sept. 27, G. 1841. 1846. Jno. Hamilton, E. of Stair, again, Aug. 22. 1852. Dunbar Jas., E. of Selkirk, Aug. 7, G.; res. Dec. 1852. 1853. Cospatrick Alexr., E. May 23, G.; res. 1855. 1858. Dunbar, Jas., E. of Selkirk, again, Apr. 10, G.; d. Apr. 11, 1885. of Home, Ea: officio Keepers as Secretaries for Scot land, under 48 and 49 Vict., cap. 61. 1885. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and Gordon, Aug. 17, G. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, aft. Sir G., bt., Feb. 8, sw. Jno. Wm., E. of Dalhousie, K.T., Apr. 3, sw. Arthur Jas. Balfour, Aug. 4, sw. Schomberg Hy., M. of Lothian, Mar. 11, sw. 1886. 1887. COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOM'S FOR SCOTLAND. From the Union until 1823. CoMMISSIONERS FOR Scotſ,AND. 1707. Sir Alexr. Rigby, Jas. Isaacson, 1714. Wm. Culliford, Jno. Cayley, and Lionel Norman, Sir Robt. Dick- son, and Wm. Boyle, June 5. 1710. Thos. Fullerton and Jno. July 18. 1713. Sir Jas. Campbell and Wm. Cleland, Oct. 5. Kent, Humphrey Brent, Dec. 20. 1715. Jno. Haldane, July 18. 1720. Launcelot Whitehall Campbell, July 20, and Jno. 504 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. CoMMIssion ERs For GREAT BRITAIN. H'or Commissioners for Great Britain from 1723 to 1742, see ante, p. 275. In September, 1742, the Commission for Great Britain was divided, and five separate Commissioners were appointed for Scotland. COMMISSIONERS FOR SCOTLAND. 1742. Geo., ld, Ross, Richd. Somers, Colin Nelthorpe, A. Smith, and Jas. Campbell, Jas. Cardonnell, and Buchanan. Alexr. Arbuthnot, Sept. 9. 1782. G. C. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, A. 1744. Geo., ld. Ross, Richd. Somers, C. Smith, J. Buchanan, and Jas. Campbell, A. Arbuthnot, and Edgar. Mansfeldt Cardonnell, Feb. 18. 1784. B. Cochrane, A. Smith, J. Buchanan, 1747. Geo., ld, Ross, R. Somers, C. Camp- J. Edgar, and David Reid, Feb. bell, M. Cardonnell, and Alexr. 28. Legrand, Oct. 28. 1786. B. Cochrane, A. Smith, J. Edgar, D. 1751. Geo., ld. Ross, C. Campbell, M. Car- Reid, and Rt. Hepburn, Aug. 3. donnell, A. Legrand, and Jos. A. Smith, J. Edgar, D. Reid, R. Tudor, July 29. Hepburn, and Jno. Hy. Cochrane, 1754. C. Campbell, M. Cardonnell, A. Nov. 6. Legrand, J. Tudor, and Jas., ld. | 1791. J. Edgar, D. Reid, R. Hepburn, J. Deskford, July 29. H. Cochrane, and Alexr. Maco- 1758. M. Cardonnell, A. Legrand, J. nochie. Tudor, Jas., ld. Deskford, and 1796. J. Edgar, D. Reid, R. Hepburn, J. Robt. Montgomery, Dec. 2. H. Cochrane, and Richd. Elliston 1763. M. Cardonnell, A. Legrand, J. Phillips. Tudor. R. Montgomery, and Geo. 1798. J. Edgar, D. Reid, J. H. Cochrane, Clerk Maxwell. R. E. Phillips, and sir Chas. 1764. M. Cardonnell, A. Legrand, J. Preston. Tudor, G. C. Maxwell, and Basil 1799. D. Reid, J. H. Cochrane, R. E. Cochrane. Phillips, sir C. Preston, and 1766. M. Cardonnell, J. Tudor, G. C. Shadrach Moyse. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, and Jno. 1800. D. Reid, J. H. Cochrane, R. E West. Phillips, S. Moyse, and Hy. 1773. M. Cardonnell, J. Tudor, G. C. Veitch. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, and Archd. 1807. Edwd. Earl, J. H. Cochrane, R. E. Menzies. Phillips, and S. Moyse. 1774. M. Cardonnell, G. C. Maxwell, B. 1810. E. Earl, J. H. Cochrane, R. E. Cochrane, A. Menzies, and Wm. Phillips, H. Veitch. Alexr. Nelthorpe. Osborn, and L. H. Ferrier. 1777. M. Cardonnell, G. C., Maxwell, B. 1812. E. Earl, R. E. Phillips, H. Veitch, Cochrane,...W. Nelthorpe, and A. Osborn, and L. H. Ferrier. Adam Smith. 1813. E. Earl, H. Veitch, A. Osborn, L. 1780. G. C. Maxwell, B. Cochrane, W. H. Ferrier, and Thos. Bruce. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Customs for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland took place, and the commissioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Ringdom. See ante, p. 277. COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE FOR SCOTLAND. From the Union until 1823. 1708. Sir Wm. Douglas, Alexr. Wedder- || 1714. Gilbert Burmet and sir Wm. Bennet. burn, John Montgomery, John 1715. Geo. Drummond. Whetham, and David Ross. 1717. Chas. Cockburn, Hy. Robinson, Thos. 1710. Alexr. Forbes, Jas. Boyle, and Jas. Broughton, Geo. Ross. (aft. li. Moodie. Ross), and Richd. Somers. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 505 1728. Richd. Dodswell. 1785. A. Udny, G. Brown, T. Wharton, J. 1730. Thos. Cochrane (aft. E. of Dun- Stoddart, and Jas. Balmain. donald), Christr. Wyvill, and 1787. T. Wharton, G. Brown, J. Stoddart, Christr. Rhodes. J. Balmain, and Robt. Graham. 1749. Alexr. Udny. 1790. T. Wharton, G. Brown, J. Stoddart, 1758. Richd. Dauber. R. Grieve, and R. Graham. 1761. Geo. Drummond, Alexr. Udny, 1803. T. Wharton, G. Brown, J. Stoddart, Richd. Dauber, Basil Cochrane, R. Graham, and Sir John Stuart. and Geo. Burgess. 1804. T. Wharton, J. Stoddart, R. Gra- 1764. G. Drummond, A. Udny, R. Dau- ham, sir J. Stuart, and Fredk. ber, G. Burgess, and Thos. Lock- Fotheringham. hart. 1807. T. Wharton, J. Stoddart, R. Gra- 1766. A. Udny, R. Dauber, G. Burgess, ham, F. Fotheringham, and Sir T. Lockhart, and Geo. Brown. | Geo. Abercrombie. 1768. A. Udny, R. Dauber, T. Lockhart, 1809. T. Wharton, F. Fotheringham, J. Geo. Brown, and David Cuth- Sedgwick, J. Jackson, and S. bert. Rose. A. Udny, R. Dauber, T. Lockhart, 1811. J. Sedgwick, F. Fotheringham, J. G. Brown, and Gilbert Laurie. Jackson, S. Rose, and David Cle- 1771. A. Udny, T. Lockhart, Geo. Brown, phane. G. Laurie, and Thos. Wharton. 1815. Woodbine Parish, F. Fotheringham, 1781. A. Udny, G. Brown, T. Wharton, J. Jackson, S. Rose, and J. and Jas. Stoddart. | Douglas. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Excise for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland took place, and the com- missioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Ringdom. See ante, p. 282. LORD HIGH STEWARDS OF SCOTLAND. THE Lord High Steward was judge of the king's household, and the whole family of the royal palace was under his care. This office was held heritably for many years by one family, who, when sur- names came into use, assumed for theirs the name of their office, Steward, or Stuart. This was done by Walter, the son of Alan, who was at the same time justiciar to king Alexander II., 1230. This family was frequently nearly allied to the crown, and at last succeeded to it in the person of Robert, eldest son to Walter Steward, or Stuart, in the year 1371. The Robert, just named, was the ninth heritable Lord High Steward of Scotland, and his son, John, afterwards Robert III., was created by his father prince and Steward of Scotland, since which time the eldest son of the king is natus Semescallus Scotiae. GREAT CHAMBERLAINS OF SCOTLAND. THE Great Chamberlain of Scotland was ranked by king Malcolm as the third great officer of the crown, and was called Camerarius Domini Regis. Before the appointment of a treasurer, it was his duty to collect the revenue of the crown, and to disburse the money necessary for the king's expenses and the maintenance of the royal household. From the time a treasurer was appointed, his province was limited to the boroughs throughout the kingdom, where he was a sort of justice- 506 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. general, as he had power to judge all crimcs committed within the borough. He was to hold Chamberlain-ayres every year, of which court he was the supreme judge. This office was granted heritably to the family of Stuart, dukes of Lenox, afterwards Lenox and Richmond; and when their male line failed, Charles II. conferred it in like manner, heritably, upon his natural son James, whom he created duke of Monmouth. On his forfeiture it went to the new line of dukes of Richmond and Lenox; but that family surrendered the office to the Crown in 1703. LORD GREAT CHAMBERLAINS OF SCOTLAND. 1128. Herbert. 1383. Robt., D. of Albany. * * Philip. 1406. John, E. of Buchan. 1147. Herbert, bp. of Glasgow. 1425. Sir John Forrester, of Corstor- 1153. Edward. phine. 1165. Walter de Berclay, ld. of Reid- 1440. Sir Jas. Crichton, of Frendraught. castle. ! 1453. Jas., ld. Livingston. * * Gilbert Moray, bp, of Caithness. 1467. Robt., ld. Boyd; beheaded. * * Philip de Valoniis, ld. of Panmure. 1471. Jas., E. of Buchan; res. * * Wm. de Valoniis, ld, of Panmure. 1474. Sir John Colquhoun, of Colquhoun: 1224. Hy. de Baliol, ld. of Reidcastle. killed at siege of Dunbar. 1231. Sir John Maxwell, ld. Carlaverock. 1478. Jas., E. of Buchan. 1237. David Benham, bp. of St. Andrew's. 1484. David, D. of Montrose. 1249. Robt. de Meyners. 1488. Alexr., ld. Hume ; beheaded. 1256. David Lindsay, ld. Craufurd. 1517. John, ld. Fleming; murd. by Dru- 1258. Sir Eumer Maxwell, ld. Carlave- melzer. Tock. 1524. Malcolm, ld. Fleming; killed at 1260. Gilbert de Lempedlar. battle of Pinkey, 1547. 1266. Wm., E. of Marr. 1553. Jas., ld. Fleming. 1267. Sir Reynold Chyne, of Innerugie. 1565. John, ld. Fleming; killed at Siege 1269. Sir Thos. Randolph. - of Edinburgh castle, 1572. 1279. John Lindsay, bp. of Glasgow. 1580. Esmy, D. of Lenox; heritably. 1290. Sir Alexr. Baliol, of Cavers. * * Ludovick, D. of Lenox and Rich- 1317. Sir Wm. Lindsay, rector of Ayr. mond; d. 1624. 1321. Robt. Peebles, canon of Glasgow. 1624. Jas., D. of Lenox and R. 1325. Sir Alexr. Fraser, ld, of Cowie. 1655. Esmy, D. of Lenox and R. 1329. Sir Regd. More. 1660. Chas., D. of Lenox and R. ; d. 1672, 1330. Jas. Bennet, bp. of St. Andrew's. when the male line of the family 1335. Sir Wm. Bullock. failed. 1350. Robt. Erskine, ld, of Erskine. 1680. Jas., D. of Monmouth and Buc- 1858. Thos., E. of Marr. cleugh ; beheaded. 1364. Michl. Monymusk, bp. of Dunkeld. | 1685. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox, 1368 Walter Biggar, parson of Errol. who surrendered the office to the 1378. John, ld. Glamis. crown in 1703; ut supra. LORD HIGH CONSTABLES OF SCOTLAND, THE Lord High Constable is an officer of great antiquity. He had two grand prerogatives:–(1.)The keeping of the king's sword, which the king, at his promotion, when he swears fealty, delivers to him naked. Hence the badge of the Constable is a naked sword. (2) The absolute and unlimited command of the king's armies while in the field, in the absence of the king; but this command did not extend to castles and garrisons. He was likewise judge of all crimes committed within two jeagues of the king's house, a precinct which was called the Chalmer of Peace. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 507 The jurisdiction of this officer came at last to be exercised only as to crimes during the time of parliament, which some extended likewise to all general conventions. The office was conferred heritably upon the noble family of Erroll by king Robert Bruce, and with them it still remains, having been expressly reserved by the Treaty of Union. LoRD HIGH ConstABLES OF SCOTLAND. * * Hugo de Morville; to David I. * * Roger de Quincy, E. of Winton; in * * Edward; to David I. right of his wife, dau. of the lord 1163. Richd. de Morville. of Galloway. * * Wm. de Morville, his son. * * Scierus de Quincy, E. of Winton, * * Allan de Galloway, son to Rowland son to Roger; forfeited to Ro- de Galloway, and Helena de Mor- bert I. ville (sister of the last const.); to 1321. Sir Gilbert Hay, made heritable Alexander II, - const., and cr. E. of Erroll. * * Sir Leonard Leslie; to Alexander III. EARLS MARISCHAL OF SCOTLAND. THE office of Earl Marischal has never been out of the noble family of Reith. It was reserved at the Union ; and when the heritable jurisdic- tions were bought, it was in the crown, having been forfeited by the rebellion of George Keith, Earl Marischal, in 1715. KNIGHTS MARISCHAL OF SCOTLAND. $ * * * 1832. Wm. Geo., E. of Erroll, Nov. 12, G. * } tº tº kine. 1846. Wm. Alexr. Anthy. Archd. Hamil- Hon. Jas. Erskine ton Douglas, c.c. M. of Douglas 1785. Sir Robt. Laurie, bt. and Clydesdale, June 27, G.; aft. 1805. Wm. Hay, E. of Erroll, Feb. 5, G. 11th D. of Hamilton; d. July 1819. Alexr. Keith, aft. Sir A., July 19, 15, 1863. G. Office not filled up. LORD HIGH COMMISSIONERS TO THE PARLIAMENTS OF SCOTLAND. From the accession of king James VI. to the throne of England, to the Union of the two Kingdoms, when the office ceased, there being but one parliament for Great Britain. 1605. John, E. of Montrose. 1669. John, E., aft. D. of Lauderdale. 1607. Ludovick, D. of Lenox and Rich- | 1670. The same. mond. 1672. The same. 1609. Geo. Keith, E. marischal. w 1680. JAMEs, D. of YORK and ALBANY, 1621. Jas., M. of Hamilton. aft. king JAMES VII. of Scotland 1639. John, E. of Traquair. and II. of England. 1641. Jas., ld. Balmerino. 1685. Wm., D. of Queesberry. 1646. Jas. D. of Hamilton. 1686. Alexr., E. of Moray. 1660. John E. of Middleton. 1689. Wm., D. of Hamilton, elect. pres. of 1663. John, 7th E., aft. 1st D. of Rothes. the convention ; and when it was 508 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. turned into a parliament the same 1700. Jas., D. of Queensberry. year, he was app. lá, high comml. 1702. The same. 1690. Geo., ld., aft. E. of Melville. 1703. The same. Robt., E., aft. M. of Lothian. 1704. John, M. of Tweeddale, again. 1694. John, M. of Tweeddale. 1705. John, D. of Argyll. 1696. John, E. of Tullibardine, aft. D. of 1707. Jas., D. of Queensberry, again. Athole. The LAST Lord High Commissioner. LORD IIIEUTENANTS OF COUNTIES-SCOTLAND. Lord Lieutenants of counties were first appointed in Scotland, May 6, 1794. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ABERDEENSHIRE. 1794. Alexr., D. of Gordon, May 6, sw. 1861. Chas., M. of Huntly, Feb. 14. 1830. Geo., D. of Gordon, July 28. 1863. Fras. Alexr., E. of Kintore, Dec. 28, 1836. Wm. Geo. Erroll, K.T., June 6. G. 1846. Geo., E. of Aberdeen, K.T., Apr. 1880. John Campbell, E. of Aberdeen, 23. Sept. 18. TIORD TLIEUTENANTS OF ARGYLESHIRE. “ 1794. John, D. of Argyle, May 6, sw. 1839. John, M. of Breadalbane, Dec. 7. 1806. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyle. 1862. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyle, Nov. 19. IORD LIEUTENANTS OF AYRSHIRE. 1794. Archibald, E. of Eglintoun, May 6, 1842. Archd. Wm., E. of Eglinton, Aug. 17. SW, 1861. Archd., M. of Ailsa, Dec. 7. 1796. Hugh, E. of Eglintoun. 1870. John Hamilton, 10th E. of Stair, 1820. Geo., E. of Glasgow, Jan. 17. June 18. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BANFFSHIRE. 1794. Jas., E. of Fife, May 6, sw. 1856. Jas. Duff, aft. E. of Fife and K.T., 1813. Jas., E. of Fife, aft. K.T., June Mar. 25. 12. 1879. Chas. Hy., D. of Richmond and Gordon, K.G., Aug. 25. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BERWICKSHIRE. 1806. Alexr., 10th E. of Home. 1873. Jas. Hy. Robt., D. of Roxburghe, 1841. Jas., E. of Lauderdale, Nov. 3, K.T., July 9. " G. 1879. Chas. Alexr. Home, c.c. 1d. Dum- 1860. David Robertson, Dec. 10. glass; aft. E. of Home, June 23. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF BUTESHIRE. 1806. Jno., 4th E., aft. 1st M. of Bute ; d. 1848. Ld. Patrick Jas. Herbert Crichton Nov. 16, 1814. Stuart, Apr. 18, G. - 1814 or 1815. John, 2nd M. of Bute. 1859. Lt.-Col. Jas. Fredk. Dudley Crich- ton Stuart, Nov. 19. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 509 LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CAITHNESS-SHIRE. * * Jas., 12th E. of Caithness. 1856. Jas., 14th E. of Caithness, Mar. 5. 1823. Alexr., 13th E. of Caithness, Aug. | 1881. Geo. Philips Alexr., 15th E. of 22, G. Caithness, May 9, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CIACKMANNANSHIRE. * * Wm. L. Cathcart. 1852. Wm. David, E. of Mansfield, K.T. 1803. Wm., 3rd E. of Mansfield, May 4. Aug. 2, G. 1840. Lt.-Col. Hon. Geo. Ralph Aber- cromby, Apr. 25. TIORD LIEUTENANTS OF CROMARTY. * * Robt. Bruce HEneas McLeod. Leveson-Gower,c. c.M. of Stafford; 1833. Roderick McLeod, May 8, G. aft. D. of Sutherland, Apr. 6. 1853. Geo. Granville Wnn. Sutherland- TIORD LIEUTENANTS OF DUMBARTONSHIRE. * * John, 11th lä. Elphinstone. 1837. Sir Jas. Colquhoun, Jan. 16. 1794. Hon. Wm. Elphinstone. 1874. Humphrey Ewing Crum - Ewing, 1799. John, 12th lä. Elphinstone ; d. Feb. 26. 1813. 1887. Sir Jas. Colquhoun, bt., Sept. 1, G. 1813. Jas., 3rd D. of Montrose, K.G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF IDUMFRIESSEIIRE. 1794. Wm., D. of Queensberry, May 26; 1856. Archd. Wm. Douglas, c.c. visc, d. 1810. Drumlanrig ; aft. M. of Queens- 1810. Chas. Wm. Hy., E. of Dalkeith ; aft. berry, Aug. 28. D. of Buccleugh. 1858. Wm. Hy. Walter Montagu Douglas 1819. Chas., M. of Queensberry, K.T., Scott, s.c. E. of Dalkeith ; aft. D. - June 14. of Buccleuch and Queensberry, 1837. John, M. of Queensberry, Dec. 13. Mar. 22. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF EDINBURGHSHIRE, OR MID- LOTHIAN. 1794. Hy., D. of Buccleuch; aft. D. of 1819. Wm., 6th M. of Lothian, June 14, G. Buccleuch and Queensberry, May | 1824. Geo., E. of Morton, K.T., June 2. 6, sw. ; d. Jan. 11, 1813. 1828. Walter Fras., D. of Buccleuch and 1813. Chas. Wm. Hy., D. of Buccleuch Queensberry ; aft. K.G., Jan. 3. and Queensberry; d. Apr. 20, 1884. Archd. Philip, 5th E. of Rosebery, 1819. May 19, G. LIEUTENANTS OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH. 1837. Jas. Spittal, ld. provost of Edinburgh, and his suocessors in that office, Nov. 8, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ELGINSHIRE. 1794. Fras., 9th E. of Moray, May 6; d. 1848. Gen. Hon. Sir Alexr. Duff, Feb. 17, G. Aug. 28, 1810. 1856. Geo. Skene Duff, Apr. 9, G. 1813 (about). Fras., 10th E. of Moray; aft. 1872. Alexr. Wm. Geo. Duff, c.c. visc. - R. T. Macduff; aft. E. of Fife, Jan. 8. 510 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF FIFESHIRE. 1798. Geo., 20th E. of Crawford. 1837. Robt. Ferguson, Feb. 15, G. 1807. Thos., E. of Elgin and Kincardine, 1840. Capt. Jas. Erskine Wemyss, R.N., Mar. 14. Dec. 23. Geo., 20th E. of Crawford, again, 1854. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine, May 23; d. 1808. : K.T., Apr. 22. 1808. Geo., 18th E. of Morton. 1864. Jas. Hay Erskine Wemyss, Feb. 4,6. 1824. Thos., E. of Kellie, June 11, G. . Sir Robt. Anstruther, bt., June 11. 1828. Jas. St. Clair, E. of Rosslyn, Feb. 1886. Victor Alexr., E. of Elgin and Kin- 23, G. * cardine, Aug. 6, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF FORFARSHIRE. 1794. Archd., ld. Douglas, May 6, 1849. Fox Maule, aft. Ld. Panmure and E. of Dalhousie, June 11, G. SW. 1828. David, E. of Airlie, Feb. 14. 1874. Claude, E. of Strathmore and King- - horn, Aug. 5. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF HADDINGTONSHIRE. * * Geo., 7th M. of Tweeddale; d. Aug. 1823. Geo., 8th M. of Tweeddale; aft. K.T., 9, 1804, Feb. 20, G. * * Chas., 8th E. of Haddington d. 1876. Geo., E. of Haddington, Nov. 16. Mar. 17, 1828. TIORT) IIIEUTENANTS OF INVERNESS-SHIRE. * * Sir Jas. Jno. Grant, bt. 1873. Hon. Simon Fraser, c.c. Master of 1809. Hon. Fras. Wm. Grant, aft. E. of Lovat ; aft. li. Lovat, Apr. 18. Seafield, Sept. 16, G. 1887. Donald Cameron. 1853. Thos. Alexr., ld. Lovat, Aug. 30, G. IORD LIEUTENANTS OF RINCARDINESHIRE. * * Anthy., E. of Kintore. 1856. Fras. Alexr., E. of Kintore, May 28, 1805. John, 8th Wisc. Arbuthnott. G 1847. Sir Thos. Burnett, bt., Apr. 24, G. 1849. Sir Jas. Carnegie, bt., aft. E. of Southesk, Apr. 2, G. 1863. Sirjas. Horn Burnett, bt., Dec. 28, G 1876. Sir Thos. Gladstone, bt., Oct 10, G. TIORD IIHSUTENANTS OF KINROSS-SHIRE. 1794. Geo. Graham, May 6, sw. 1854. Sir Graham Graham Montgomery, 1802. Wrm. Adam, June 29, G. bt., Aug. 9, G. 1839. W. adm. Sir Chas. Adam, K.C.B., Apr. 1. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF KIRKCUDBRIGHT STEWARTRY. 1794. Hon. Geo. Stewart, c. c. 1d. Garlies, 1828. Randolph Stewart, c.c. visc. Garlies; Dec. 26. aft. E. of Galloway, July 28. 1807. Thos., E. of Selkirk, Mar. 28, G. 1845. Dunbar Jas., E. of Selkirk, June 2, G. - 1820. Geo., E. of Galloway, June 15, G. 1885. Marmaduke, ld. Herries, May 28. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 511 1794. 1799. 1802. * * 1816. 1825. * * 1824. 1873. 1794. 1831. 1794. 1821. * , 36 K"o 1830. 1794. 1810. 1820. 1822. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF IANARECSEHIRE. Douglas, D. of Hamilton and Bran- 1852. Wm. Alexr. Anthy. Archd., D. of don, May 6. Hamilton and Brandon, Oct. 6, G. Archd., D. of Hamilton. 1863. Robt. Montgomery, ld. Belhaven, Alexr., M. of Douglas ; aft. D. of K. T., Aug. 10, G. Hamilton and Brandon, K.G., Nov. 1869. Sir Thos. Edwd. Colebrooke, bt., 13, G. | Jan. 29, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF LINIITHGOWSHIRE. Jas., 3rd E. of Hopetoun. 1843. Archd. John, 4th E. of Rosebery, | John, 4th E. of Hopetoun, July Apr. 20, G. 4, G. 1863. John Alexr. 6th E. of Hopetoun, John, 5th E. of Hopetoun, Jan. 30, Sept. 30, G. & |sis. Archd. Philip, 5th E. of Rosebery, June 5, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MID-LOTHIAN. See “Edinburghshire,” ante, p. 509. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF NAIRNSHIRE. Jas. Brodie. 1880, Hugh Fife Ashley Brodie, Mar. 24, Wm. Brodie, Feb. 12, G. e Jas. Campbell Jno. Brodie, June26, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ORECNEY AND ZETLAND. Sir Thos. Dundas, bt., aft. 1d. | 1839. Hon. John Chas. Dundas, Apr. 1, Dundas; sw. May 6; d. June 14, G. 1820. Vacancy until 1866. Fredk. Dundas, Mar. 9, G, Lawrence, ld. Dundas, May 12, G. 1872. John Chas. Dundas, Dec. 21, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF PEEBLESHIRE. Geo. la. Elibank, June 20, sw. 1853. Fras., 8th E. of Wemyss and Fras., 7th E. of Wemyss ; aft. E. March, Aug. 10, G. of Wemyss and March, Mar. 12. | 1880. Colin Jas. Mackenzie, Apr. 21, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF PERTHSHIRE. John, 4th D. of Athole, K. T.; d. 1866. Geo. Wm. Fox, ld. Kinnaird, Feb. Sept. 29, 1830. 28, G. Thos. Robt., 10th E. of Kinnoull, 1878. John Jas. Hugh Hy., D. of Athole, Oct. 18, G. R. T., Feb. 12, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF RENFREWSHIRE. Wm. M*Dowall, May 6, Sw. 1826. Archd. Campbell. Geo., E. of Glasgow, Apr. 28, G. 1838 or 1839. Alexr. Spiers, Aug. 9. Robt. Walter, ld. Blantyre, Feb. 25, 1844. Jas., E. of Glasgow, Oct. 21, G. G. 1869. Sir Michl. Robt. Shaw Stewart, bt., Sir Michl. Shaw Stewart, bt., Dec. Apr. 23. 16, G. 512 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. * 3& 1814–5. Sir Hector Mackenzie, bt. 1826. 1794. 1804. 1812. 1794. 1819. 1823. 1794. 1837. 1843. 1794. I79–. 1794. 1807. 1828. LORD IIIEUTENANTS OF ROSS-SHIRE. Fras. Humberstone Mackenzie, aft. 1843. Col. Hugh Duncan Baillie. Mar. 22, G. ld. Seaforth ; d. 1814. 1866. Sir Jas. Matheson, July 2, G. 1879. Duncan Davidson, Feb. 18, G. 1881. Sir Kenneth Smith Mackenzie, bt., Dec. 3, G. Sir Jas. Wemyss Mackenzie, bt., May 11, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ROXBURGHSHIRE. John, D. of Roxburgh, May 6, sw. 1824. John. Wm. Robt.. 7th M. of Hy., D. of Buccleuch, aft. D. of Lothian, June 2, G. Buccleuch and Queensberry; d. 1841. Walter Francis, D. of Buccleuch Jan. 11, 1812. and Queensberry, K. G., Dec. 2, G. Wm., E. of Ancrum, aft. 6th M. 1884. Jas. Hy. Robt., D. of Roxburgh, of Lothian; aft. K. T. May 19, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SELECIRESHIRE. Chas. Wm. Hy., E. of Dalkeith ; 1845. Hy. Fras. 1d. Polwarth, Dec. 8, aft. D. of Buccleuch and Queens- berry, May 6,sw.; d. Apr. 20, 1819. Fras., ld. Napier ; sw. Hy. Jas., ld. Montagu, Sept. 2, G. 1867. Alan Eliot Lockhart, Nov. 19, G. 1878. Walter Hugh, ld. Polwarth, May 6, G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SHETTIAND. See “Orkney and Zetland,” ante, p. 511. IORD LIEUTENANTS OF STIRLINGSPHIRE. Jas., 3rd D. of Montrose; aft. K. 1875. Chas. Adolphs., E. of Dunmore, Feb. G., May 6, sw. 16, G. - Geo., ld. Abercromby, Jan. 23, G. 1885. Douglas Beresford Malise Ronald, Jas., 4th D. of Montrose, Feb. 5th D. of Montrose, July 23, 28, G. G. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SUTELERLANDSHIRE. Granville, 2nd E. Gower ; aft. 1831. Ceo. Granville Leveson-Gower, c.c. 1st M. of Stafford; res. 179–; E. Gower; aft. c.c. M. of Staf- d. 1803. ford; aft. second D. of Suther- Geo. Granville Leveson-Gower, c.c. land; d. Feb. 28, 1861. E. Gower; aft. 2nd M. of Staf- 1861. Geo. Granville Wm., 3rd D. of ford and 1st D. of Sutherland; Sutherland, May 6, G. res. 1831; d. 1833. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WIGTONSHIRE. John, 7th E. of Galloway, May lies; aft. E. of Galloway, July 29. 28, G. Geo., E. of Galloway, Mar. 28, 1851. John Hamilton Dalrymple, aft. c.c. visc. Dalrymple, and aft. 10th E. of Stair. G. Randolph Stewart, c.c. visc. Gar- IORD IIIEUTENANTS OF ZETLAND. See “Orkney and Zetland,” ante, p. 511. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 5:13 HERALDIC OFFICERS OF SCOTLAND. IN Scotland all heraldic matters are transacted in what is called the Lyon Court, at the head of which is Lyon KING OF ARMs. Under him was a deputy called Lyon DEPUTE ; but in 1866 the then holder of that office was appointed Lyon King of Arms, and the two offices may now be considered as united. There are also a Lyon CLERK and a Lyon CLERK DEPUTE besides several Heralds and Pursuivants. For further information the reader is referred to Seton's Scotch Heraldry, from which the following lists have been compiled. LYON KINGS OF ARMS. 1437. Alexr. Nairne. 1660. Sir Alexr. Durham, Aug. 28. 1450–90. Duncan Dundas. 1663. Sir Chas. Erskine, bt. 1504. Hy. Thomson. 1677. Sir Alexr. Erskine. 1512. Sir Wm. Cumyng. 1726. f— Cocherne, or Cochrane. 1530. Sir David Lindsay (No. 1), of the f Alexr. Drummond. Mount, co. Fife. 1727. Alexr. Brodie, July 6. 1555. Sir Robt. Forman. 1754. John Hooke-Campbell, Apr. 3. 1567. Sir Wm. Stewart, form. Ross Herald, 1796. Robt. Auriol, 9th E. of Kinnoull, Feb. 20. May 26. 1568. Sir David Lindsay (No. 2), of 1804. Thos. Robt., 10th E. of Kinnoull, Rathillet, co. Fife ; Aug. 22. Apr. 12; d. Feb. 18, 1866. 1591. Sir David Lindsay (No. 3), of the 1886. Geo. Burnett, lyon dep., app. L. K. A. Mount, co. Fife. Aug. 3, G.; and the office of lyon 1621. Sir Jerome Lindsay, June 27. dep. not filled up. Burnett acted 1630. Sir Jas. Balfour, June 15. as interim L. K. A. from the death 1658. Sir Jas. Campbell, May 13. of the E. of Kinnoull. 1660. Gilbert Stewart, Aug. 21. f These names occur in Noble’s “College of Arms,” but are considered doubtful by Seton, - LYON'S DEPUTE. * * Robt. Innes; in 1681. 1819. Geo. Tait, Apr. 24. 1728. John Dundas, Feb. 1. 1823. Geo. Clerk Craigie, Apr. 1. 1744. Thos. Dundas, jr., June 18. 1827. Jas. Tytler (jointly with Craigie), 1754. Thos. Brodie, Sept. 7. June 2; sole lyon dep. from 1845. 1770. Robt. Boswell, Nov. 2. 1863. Geo. Burnett, Feb. 9 ; made L. K. A. 1796. Jas. Home, Aug. 8. Aug. 3, 1866; and the office of 1819. David Clyne, Feb. 21. lyon dep. was not filled up. SCOTCH HERALDS AND PURSUIVANTS. THE following are the names of the various Scotch Heralds and Pur- suivants. Those marked * are still existing. The other titles are either extinct or in abeyance. HERALDs. ISLAY. x- | *MARCHMONT. ROSS. *ROTHESAY. *ALBANY. SNOWDON. PURSUIVANTs. JKINTYRE. | *CARRICK. ORMOND. DINGWALL. *BUTE. *UNICORN. 33 514 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. JUDGES AND OTHER LEGAL DIGNITARIES OF SCOTLANT). LORD CHANCELLOR'S OF SCOTLAND. THE Lord Chancellor was the chief in matters of justice. In the laws of Malcolm II. he is placed before all other officers, and from these laws it appears that he had the principal direction of the Chancery or Chancellary. He had the custody of the great seal of Scotland, and it was his duty to examine the king’s grants and other deeds which were to pass under it, and to cancel them if they appeared against law, or were obtained surreptitiously, or by false suggestions. James VI. ordained that the Tord Chancellor should have the first place and rank in the nation, ratione officii, by virtue whereof he pre- sided in the parliament, and in all courts of judicature. After the Testoration of Charles II, the Lord Chancellor was declared by act of parliament, virtute officii, president in all the meetings of parliament, or other public judicatures of the kingdom. The office of Lord Chancellor was abolished at the Union, there being no further use for the judicial part of the office, and a lord keeper of the seal then substituted for the great seal of Scotland was appointed. LORD CHANCELLORS OF SCOTLAND. From the year 1057 to the abolition of the office. 1057. Evan, surn. Canmore; to Malcolm | 1183. Walterus de Beide. III. 1187. Walterus de Widone. 1093. Oswald; to Donald VII. - 1189. Hugo de Roxburgh, bp. of Glasgow. 1094. Earl Constantine; to Duncan II. the 1192. Willielmus de Lundyne. Usurper. 1199. Wm. Malvoisine, bp. of St. Andrew's. Sphothad, abb. of the religious Cul- | 1202. Florence, bp. elect of Glasgow. dees ; to Duncan. * * Richard, aft. bp. of Dunkeld. 1097. Earl Rorey; to Donald VII., after | 1211. Willielmus de Bosco, or Wood, bp. the expulsion of Duncan. of Dumblane. 1098. Humphrey, bp. of Dunkeld; to 1214. Willielmus Riddel. Iºdgar. Robt. Kildelicht, abb. of Dunferm- 1107. Constantine, E. of Fife ; to Alexr. I. line. 1124. Herbert, aft. bp. of Glasgow. 1216. Walterus de Oliford. 1125. Walter. 1226. Thos. de Stryvelin, archdn. of Glas- 1129. John, bp. of Glasgow. gow. * * Herbert, gr. chambn. 1227. Matth. Scot, bp. of Aberdeen. 1147. Edward. - 1230. Wm. de Lindesay. * * Wm. Cuming. 1231. Wm. de Bondington, bp. of Glasgow. * * Hy., E. of Northumberland. * * Richd. de Innerkeithing, aft. bp. of 1151. Ingelramus, aft. bp. of Glasgow. Dunkeld. 1153. Walter Seneschallus. * * Wm. de Huntington. 1157. Gregory, bp. of Dunkeld. 1247. Wrm, de Bond. 1161. Nicolaus, chambn. 1251. Gameline, bp. of St. Andrew's. 1163. Williclmus de Ripariis, prior of St. 1253. Richd. de Innerkeithing, bp. of Andrew's. Dunkeld. 1165. Hugo de Morville, ld, of Lauderdale, 1256, Wm. Wisehart, bp. of Glasgow; aft. 1171. Walter de Bidun, bp. elect of Dum- bp. of St. Amdrew's. keld. 1273. Wm. Fraser, dean of Glasgow; aft. 1178. Roger (son to the E. of Leicester), bp. of St. Andrew’s. - bp. of St. Andrew's. 1295. Alexr. de Baliol. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 515 1295. Allan, bp. of Caithness; confirmed 1506. Andr. Foreman, abp. of St. An- in the office by Edward I. of Eng- drew’s. land, as superior. 1510. Alexr. Stuart (natural son to James 1298. Maurice, or Marcus, bp. of the Isles. IV.), abp. of St. Andrew's. Adam, aft. bp. of Brechin. 1512. Jas. Bethune, abp. of St. Andrew's. 1801. Bernard, abb. of Aberbrothock. 1525. Archd., E. of Angus; consort to the * * Nicolas de Balmyle, bp. of Dum- queen-mother. blame. 1528. Gavin Dunbar, abp. of Glasgow; 1327. Walter Twynham, canon of Glasgow. tutor to James V. 1345. Patrick de Leuchars, bp. of Brechin. * * David Bethune, cardl., and abp. of 1347. Thos. de Carnsto, or Charteris de St. Andrew’s. Kinfawns. 1546. John Hamilton, abp. of St. Andrew's. 1349. Wm. Caldwall, preb. of Glasgow. 1561. Geo., 2nd E. of Huntly. 1367. Patrick de Leuchars, bp. of Brechin, Monsr. de Ruby, a French lawyer; again. made chancellor for a short time * * Sir John Carrick, preb. of Glasgow. by the queen-regent. 1377. John Peebles, bp. elect of Dunkeld. 1562. Jas., E. of Morton. 1880. John Lyon, lol. Glamis. 1567. Geo., 2nd E. of Huntly, again. * * Sir John Carrick, again. Jas., E. of Morton, again. 1395. Sir Alexr. Cockburn, of Langton. 1572. Archd., E. of Argyll. * * Duncan Petit, archdm. of Glasgow. | 1573. John, ld. Glamis. * * Gilbert Greenlaw, bp. of Aberdeen; 1578. John Stuart, E. of Athole. to Robert III., and during the 1579. Colin, 6th E. of Argyll. administrations of Robert and | 1584. Jas. Stewart, E. of Arran. Murdoch, dukes of Albany. 1587. Sir John Maitland, of Thirlestane. 1422. Sir John Forrester, of Corstorphine. 1597. John, E. of Montrose. 1424. Wm. Lauder, bp. of Glasgow. 1605. Alexr., E. of Dunfermline. 1427. John Cameron, bp. of Glasgow. 1622. Sir Geo. Hay, aft. visc. Dupplin, * * Sir Wm.,aft.ld. Crichton; turned out. and E. of Kinnoull. 1444. Jas, Kennedy, bp. of St. Andrew's; 1634. John Spottiswood, abp. of St. An- held office only a few weeks. drew’s. Jas. Bruce, bp. of Dunkeld; aft. bp. 1641. John, E. of Loudoun. of Glasgow. 1660. Wm., E. of Glencairn. 1447. Wm., ld. Crichton, again. 1664. John, E., aft. D. of Rothes. 1455. Wm., E. of Orkney and Caithness. 1682. Geo., E. of Aberdeen. 1458. Geo. Shoreswood, bp. of Brechin. 1684. Jas., E. of Perth. 1460. Robt., ld. Boyd. Wm., D. of Hamilton, e * * Andrew, ld. Evandale. 1690. ſº E. of Argyll, * 1482. John Laing, bp. of Glasgow Geo., E. of Sutherland. | *8. 1483. Jas. Livingston, bp. of Dunkeld. 1692. John, M. of Tweeddale. 1484. Colin, 1st E. of Argyll. 1696. Patrick, ld. Polwarth; aft. E. of 1489. Wm. Elphinstone, bp. of Aberdeen. Marchmont. 1493. Archd., E. of Angus. 1702. Jas. (son to the 3rd E. of Findlater), 1498. Geo., E. of Huntly, 1st visc., and E. of Seafield. 1500. Jas. Stuart (second son to James 1704. John, M. of Tweeddale. III.), D. of Ross, and abp. of St. 1705. Jas., 1st E. of Seafield, again; aft. Andrew's. 4th E. of Findlater. Office abolished at the Union. LORD PRESIDENTS AND JUDGES OF THE COURT OF SESSION. THE Court of Session is the supreme civil court of justice in Scotland. It received its name and derives its constitution under a statute passed in the 20th year of James W., 1532. Previously to this year the functions now discharged by this court were performed by parliamen- tary committees; and until the period of the Revolution the condition of the court was very defective. The judges, upon their appointment, assume a title from their surnames or their estates, which is conceded 33 * 516 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. to them by ancient usage, and though purely official, is recognised by courtesy in social intercourse. The Court, the constitution of which has been modified from time to time by a series of statutes too numerous to quote, is now composed of thirteen judges, who sit in an inner house or court of appeal, and an outer house or court of first instance. The inner house sits in two divisions of four judges each, the Lord Justice General (Lord Presi- dent) presiding in the first division, and the Lord Justice Clerk in the second ; the outer house is composed of five judges, who sit in separate courts as judges of first instance. DOED PRESIDENTS OF THE COURT OF SESSION. 1532. Alexr. Milne, abb. of Cambusken- 1698. Sir Robt. Berwick. neth. 1707. Sir Hew Dalrymple, of North Ber- 1543. Robt. Reid, bp. of Orkney. wick. 1558. Hy. Sinclair, bp. of Ross. 1737. Duncan Forbes, of Culloden. 1565. John Sinclair, bp. of Brechin. 1748. Robt. Dundas, of Armiston. 1566. Wm. Baillie, of Provand. 1754. Robt. Craigie, of Glendoick. 1567. Sir Jas. Balfour, of Pittendrich. 1760. Robt. Dundas, of Arniston, son of the 1593. Sir Alexr. Seton, ld. Urquhart, aft. ld. pres. app. in 1748. E. of Dunfermline. 1787. Thos. Miller, of Glenlee, aft. bt. 1605. Jas. Elphinstone, ld. Balmerino. 1789. Ilay Campbell, of Succoth; aft. bt. ; 1609. John Preston, of Fenton Barns. res. 1808; d. 1823. 1616. Thos. Hamilton, ld. Binning. 1808. Robt. Blair, of Avonton ; d. 1811. 1626. Sir Jas. Skene, of Curriehill. 1811. Chas. Hope, of Granton, res. 1841. 1633. Sir Robt. Spottiswood, of New On the death of the D. of Montrose, Abbey. ld. just. gen. of Scotland in 1836, 1661. Sir John Gilmour, of Craigmiller. that office was, under 11 Geo. IV. 1671. Sir Jas. Dalrymple, aft. visc. Stair. and 1 Wm. IV., cap. 65, united 1681. Sir Geo. Gordon, aft. E. of Aber- with that of the lă, pres. of the ct. deen. of sess. 1682. Sir David Falconer, of Newton. 1841. David Boyle. 1685. Sir Geo. Lockhart, of Carnwath. 1852. Duncan McNeill, of Colonsay, May 1689. Sir Jas. Dalrymple, again ; aft. 1st 15, G.; aft. li. Colonsay. visc. Stair. 1867. Jno. Inglis, of Glencorse, Feb. 25, G. LORD JUSTICE CLERKs. * * Wm. de Camera; to David II. 1702. Roderick Mackenzie, of Prestonhall. * * Adam Forrester; to David II. 1705. Adam Cokburne, of Ormiston. 1478. Wm. Halket, of Belfico. 1710. Jas. Erskine, of Grange. 1491. Richd. Lawson, of Heirigs. 1714. Adam Cokburne, of Ormiston, 1507. Jas. Henderson, of Fordil. again. 1513. Jas. Wishart, of Pittarrow. 1735. Andrew Fletcher, of Milton. 1524. Nicolas Crawford, of Oxengang. 1748. Chas. Erskine, of Tinwald. 1537. Adam Otterburn, of Redhall. 1763. Sir Gilbert Elliot, of Minto, bt. Thos. Scott, of Pitgorn. 1766. Thos. Miller, of Glenlee, aft. Sir T., 1539. Thos. Ballenden, of Auchinoul. bt. 1540. Hy. Balneaves. 1788. Robt. Mac Queen, of Braxfield. 1547. Sir John Ballenden, of Auchinoul. 1799. David Rae, of Eskgrove, aft. Sir D., 1578. Sir Lewis Ballenden, of Auchinoul. bt. 1591. Sir John Cockburn, of Ormistoun. 1804. Chas. Hope, of Granton. 1625. Sir Geo. Elphinston, of Blythswood. 1811. David Boyle. 1634. Sir Jas. Carmichael, of Carmichael. 1841. John Hope. 1637. Sir John Hamilton, of Orbiston. 1858. Jno. Inglis, of Glencorse, July 9, G. 1661. Sir Robt. Murray. 1867. Geo. Patton, Feb. 27, G. 1663. Sir Jas. Foulis, of Collingtoun. 1869. Jas. Moncrieff, of Tulliebole, Aug. 1688. Sir John Dalrymple, aft. 2nd visc. 14, G.; aft. li. Moncrieff; res. and 1st E. of Stair. Oct. 1888. 1689. Sir Robt. Sinclair, of Stevenson. 1888, Jno. Hay Athole Macdonald, of 1693. Sir Wm. Hamilton, of Whitelaw. Kingsburgh, Oct. 20, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 517° ExTRAORDINARY LORDS OF SESSION. THE designation “Extraordinary Lords of Session,” expresses a distinction between those functionaries and the Ordinary Lords of Session. The Extraordinary Lords of Session were lords of parliament appointed by the crown to sit and vote in court along with termed it, was abolished by 10 Geo. I., cap. 1539. 1541. 1542. 1562. 1563. 1565. 1566. 1567. 1569. 1570. 1573. 1574. 1575. 1578. 1583. 1584. 1585. 1586. 1587. 1588. 1591. 1592. 1593. 1594. 1596. 1599. 1601. 1608. 1610. the permanent judges. Wm., ld. Ruthven. John, ld. Erskine. Wm., E. marischal. Wm., E. of Rothes. Robt., ld. Maxwell. John, ld. Lindsay. Geo., la, Seton. Alexr., ld. Livingston. Jas., ld. Ogilvie. Jas., ld, Innermeath. . Sir Richd. Maitland, of Lethington. Adam Livingstone, of Dunipace. . Wrm., E. marischal. Wm. Maitland, of Lethington. Jas. Balfour, parson of Flisk. John Wood, of Tulliedairie. Adam, bp. of Orkney. Alexr. bp. of Galloway. Edwd. Henryson. John Wood, of Tulliedairie, again. Gavin Hamilton, commend. of Kil- winning. Sir John Wisehart, of Pittarrow. Mark Ker, commend. of Newbattle. John, ld. Glamis. Robt., ld. Boyd. Sir John Wisehart, of Pittarrow. Hy. , commend. of Balmerino. Patrick, mast. of Gray. Robt., ld. Boyd. Wm., ld. Ruthven. Jas. Stuart, E. of Arram. Jas., lil. Doune. John, E. of Montrose. Patrick, ld. Gray. Mark Ker, aft. E. of Lothian. Alexr. Seton, prior of Pluscardin. Thos. Lyon, of Balduckie. Robt., ld, Boyd, again. Sir John Seton, of Barnes. John Cokburne, of Ormiston. John, E. of Montrose. Sir Thos. Lyon, of Auldbar. Walter Stewart, commend. Of Blan- tyre; aft. la. Blantyre. Sir Robt. Melville, of Burntisland. Peter, bp. of Dunkeld. Alexr., mast. of Elphinstone. Sir Robt. Melville, of Burntisland, again. Sir Alexr. Drummond, of Medhope. Walter, ld. Blantyre. Alexr., mast. of Livingston, again. Sir Rbt. Melville, of Burntisland,again. John, abp. of Glasgow. Peter Pollock, of Piltoun. This “manifest impropriety,” 19 (1723). 1620. 1622. 1626. 1628. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1633. 1634. 1635. 1639. 1641. 1649. 1661. 1662. 1664. 1667. 1668. 1669. 1673. 1674. 1680. 1681. 1682. 1684. 1686. 1693. 1694. 1696. 1699. 1704. 1708. 1712. 1721. as a writer justly John, ld. Erskine. Sir Robt.Spottiswood, of New Abbey. Sir Archd, Napier, of Merchiston. David, ld. Carnegie. John, E. of Lauderdale. Patrick, bp. of Ross. John, ld. Erskine, again. Sir Archd. Acheson, of Glencairnie. Wm., E. of Menteith. Sir Andrew Ker, mast. of Jedburgh. Sir John Scot, of Scotstarvet. Sir John Hamilton, of Magdalens. John, E. of Traquair. Wm., visc., aft. E. of Stirling. Sir John Hay, of Barro. John, bp. of Ross. Archd., ld. Lorne, Wm., ld. Alexander. Archd., ld. Angus. Archd., E. of Argyll. Archd., ld. Angus, again. John, ld. Lindsay. John, ld. Balmerino. John, ld. Coupar. John, E. of Cassilis. John, E. of Crauford. John, E. of Rothes. John, E. of Lauderdale. John, E. of Cassilis, again. John, E. of Middleton. John, E. of Tweeddale. Alexr., abp. of Glasgow. AleXr., E. of Kincardine. Jas., M. of Montrose. John, E. of Dumfermline. John, E, of Athole. Archd., E. of Argyll. Alexr., E. of Moray. Wm., E. of Queensberry. Jas., E. of Perth. Chas., E. of Middleton. Wm., D. of Hamilton. Patrick, E. of Strathmore. Wm., D. of Queensberry. Wm., M. of Annandale. Patrick, la. Polwarth, aft. E. of Marchmont. Wm., D. of Hamilton, again, Archd., E., aft. D. of Argyll. Jas., D. of Queensberry. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. John, D. of Argyll. Archd., E. of Isla, aft. D. of Argyll. John, D. of Athole. John, M. of Tweeddale. The last Extraordinary Lord of Session. 518 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ORDINARY LORDS OF SESSION. THE title assumed by each lord is affixed to his name ; thus “William Scott–Bal- werie” (1532), means that this judge was styled Lord Balwerie. 1532. 1537. 1538. 1239. 1540. 1541. 1542. 1543. 1544. 1547. 1548. 1553. 1554. Richd. Bothwell, rect. of Eskirk. John Dingwall, prov. of Trinity, Edinburgh. Hy. Whyte, rect. of Finevin. Wm. Gibson, dean of Restalrig. Thos. Hay, dean of Dunbar. *Robt. Reid, abb. of Kinloss. *Geo. Ker, prov. of Dunglass. Wm. Scott–Balwerie. Sir John Campbell—Lundie. Sir Jas. Colville—Easter Wemyss. Adam Otterburn—Auldhame. Nicol Crawford—Oxengang. Fras. Bothwell. Jas. Lawson. Jas. (? John) Foulis—Collington. Walter Lindesay, ld. St. John. Sir Thos. Erskine—Brechin. Thos. Bannatyne. Robt. Galbraith, parson of Spot. Hy. Sinclair, dean of Glasgow. Hy. Balnavis, Hall Hill (No. 1). ' Thos. Scot—Abbotshall. John Letham, rect, of Kilchrist. D. Brithman. Hy. Lauder—St. Germain's. John Sinclair, dean of Restalrig. Wm. Lamb, rect. of Conveth. Geo. Durie, abb. of Dunfermline. Donald Campbell, abb. of Cupar. Andrew Durio, abb. of Melrose. Gavin Hamilton, abb. of Kilwinning. John Foulis—Collington. John Waddell, parson of Flisk. John Gladstaines. David Strachan. John Hamilton, abb. of Paisley. Abb. of Lindores. Abb. of Culross. Abb. of Pittenweem. Thos. Wemyss. Sir Robt. Carnegie—Kinnaird. Geo. Hay, parson of Renfrew. John Hamilton, abp. of St. Andrew's. Geo. Duric, commend. of Dumferm- line. Jas. Macgill—Rankeilor Nether. Abrm. Creighton, prov. of Dunglass. John Stevenson, precentor of Glasgow. Wrm. Baillie—Provand. Jas. Scott, prov. of Corstorphine. Sir John Ballenden—Auchinoul. Thos. Marjoribanks—Ratho. Wm. Chisolme, bp. of Dunblane. Sir Wm. Hamilton—Sanquhar. 1560, 1561. I562. 1563. 1564. 1565. 1566. I570. 1573. 1575. 1576. 1577. 1578. 1579. 1580. 1581. 1582. 1584. 1586. 1587. 1588. 1590. 1591. 1592. 1593. 1594. 1595. Archd. Dunbar, sub-chanter of Mo- ray. Sir Richd. Maitland—Lethington. John Spence—Condie. Hy. Balnavis—Hall Hill (No. 2). Jas. Balfour, parson of Flisk. John Leslie, parson of Oyne. Robt. Maitland, dean of Aberdeen. David Chalmers—Ormond. Adam Bothwell, bp. of Orkney. Sir Wm. Maitland—Lethington. Archd. Craufurd, parson of Eglis- hame. . Robt. Pitcairne, commend. of Dun- fermline, John Maitland, commend. of Cold- ingham. Archd. Douglass, parson of Douglass. Thos. Macallyean—Clifton Hall. David Borthwick—Lochill. Jas. Meldrum—Segie. Robt. Pont, prov. of Trinity College. Wm. Douglass—Whittinghame. Alexr. Colvill, abbot of Culross. Patrick Vanse—Barnbarrow. Thos. Bellenden—Newtyle. Archd. Douglass, parson of Glas- gow. Alexr. Hay—Easter Kennet. Robt. Creighton, or Crichton — Elliock. John Maitland—Thirlestane. John Lindsay, parson of Menmure. David Macgill—Nisbet. John Graham—Hallyards. Sir Lewis Ballenden—Auchinoul, John Bartane, deam of Dunkeld. David Chalmers—Ormond. Jas. Elphinstone—Innermochtie. John Colvill, chanter of Glasgow. Alexr. Colvill, commend. of Culross. Wm. Melville, commend. of Tong- land. Alexr. Seton, ld. Urquhart. Archd. Douglas—Whittinghame. Thos. Bellenden—Newtyle. Richd. Cockburne—Clerkintoun. Andr. Wemyss—Myrecairnie. Thos. Hamilton–Drumcairne. Sir John Cockburn—Ormistoun. Sir Thos. Lyon—Auldbar. John Bothwell, commend. of Holy- rood House. John Skene—Currie Hill. John Preston—Fenton Bars. * In the original nomination, Robert Chanwell and Arthur Boyes were inserted ; but in their absence the abbot of Kinloss and the provost of Dunglass were chosen, and admitted by the king. officiated. It does not appear that Robert Chanwell or Arthur Boyes ever THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 519 1597. 1598. 1604. 1629. 1632. 1634. 1636. 1637. 1639. David Macgill—Cranston Riddel. Edwd. Bruce—Kinloss. Sir David Lindsay—Edzell. Alexr. Hay—Fosterseat. Sir Jas. Wemyss—Bogie. Sir Lewis Craig–Wright's Land. Sir John Wemyss—Craigtoun. . Thos. Hamilton—Prestonfield. . Sir Andr. Hamilton—Redhouse . Sir Wm. Livingston—Kilsyth. . Sir Alexr. Hay—Newton. . Wrm. Oliphant—Newton. . Sir Jas. Skene–Currie Hill. . Sir Gideon Murray—Elibank. . David Carnegie—Carnegie. . Sir Geo. Erskine–Innerteil. . John Maitland, visc. Lauderdale. . Sir Alex. Gibson—Durie. . Thos. Henderson—Chesters. Sir John Hamilton—Magdalens. . Sir Archd. Napier—Merchistoun. Sir Andr. Fletcher—Innerpeffer. . Sir Robt. Spottiswood—New Abbey. Alexr. Seton—Kilcreuch. Sir Geo. Auchinleck—Balmanno. Sir Alexr. Napier—Laurieston. Sir Archd. Acheson—Glencairnie. Jas. Bannatyne—Newhall. Alexr. Morison—Preston Grange. Sir Jas. Learmonth—Balcomie. Geo. Haliburton—Fodderance. Sir Jas. (? Wm.) Oliphant—Newton. Sir Jas. Macgill—Cranston Riddel. Sir John Hope—Craighall, Sir John Scot—Scotstarvet. Sir John Hay—Barro. Patrick Nisbet——Eastbank. Sir John Hamilton—Orbieston. Sir Wm. Elphinstone. Adam Cunninghame—Woodhall. Sir Jas. Carmichael—Carmichael. Sir Alexr. Falc ner—Halkertoun. NEW COMMISSION BY ACT OF PARLIA- 1641. 1646. 1649. MENT, 13th November, 1641. Sir Geo. Erskine—Innerteil. Sir Alexr. Gibson—Durie. Sir Amdr. Fletcher—Innerpeffer. Sir John Hamilton—Orbiestoun. Sir Jas. Carmichael–Carmichael. Sir Jas. Learmonth—Balcomie. Sir Jas. Macgill–Cranston Riddel. Sir Geo. Haliburton—Fodderance. Sir John Hope—Craighall. Sir John Scot—Scutstarvet. Sir Alexr. Falconer—Halkertoum. Sir John Leslie—Newton. Sir Thos. Hope—Kerse. Sir Archd. Johnston—Warriston. Sir Adam Hepburn—Humbie. Sir Alexr. Gibson——Durie. Sir Jas. Lockhart—Lee. Sir Alexr. Belsches—Tofts. Sir Jas. Hope—Hopetoun. 1649. Robt. Bruce—Droomhall. Alexr. Pearson—South Hall. Robt. Macgill—Ford. Sir Wm. Scott–Clerkintoun. Geo. Winram—Libbertoun. Alexr. Brodie—Brodie. John Dickson—Hartree. Sir Hew Campbell—Cesnçck. COMMISSIONERS FOR ADMINISTRATIONAOF JUSTICE TO THE PEOPLE OF SCOTLAND ; APPOINTED BY OLIVER CROMWELL. 1654. 1655. 1656. 1657. LORDS OF 1661. 1662. 1663. 1664. 1665. 1668. 1669. 1671. 1672. 1674. 1676. 1677. 1679. 1680. 1681. 1682. Geo. Smyth. Wm. Laurence. Edwd. Mosely. John Swinton—Swinton. Alexr. Pearson—South Hall. Sir Jas. Learmonth—Balcomie. Andr. Ker. Sir Wm. Lockhart. Jas. Dalrymple—Stair. Sir Archd. Johnston—Warriston. Alexr. Brodie—Brodie, SESSION APPOINTED AT THE RESTORATION. Alexr. Falconer—Halkertoun. Sir Archd. Primrose—Carrington. Sir Robt. Murray, ld, just.-clk. Sir Jas. Macgill—Cranston Riddel. Sir Jas. Lockhart—Lee. Sir Geo. Mackenzie—Tarbet. Sir Archd. Stirling—Carden. Sir Jas. Foulis—Collington. Sir Jas. Dalrymple—Stair. Sir Robt. Nairne—Strathurd. Robt. Burnet—Crimond. Jas. Roberton—Bedley. John Scougal—Whitekirk. Andr. Ayton—Kinglassie. Sir David Nevoy—Nevoy. Sir Jas. Dundas—Arnistom. John Hume–Renton. Sir John Nisbet—Dirleton. Sir John Baird—Newbyth. Sir John Lockhart—Castlehill. Sir Peter Wedderburn–Gosfoord. Chas. Maitland—Halton. Sir Thos. Wallace—Craigie. Sir Andr. Ramsay—Abbotshall, Sir Richd. Maitland—Pittrichie, Sir Robt. Preston—Preston. Sir David Balfour—Torret, Sir Thos. Murray—Glendoick. Sir Jas. Foulis—Reidfurd. Sir David Falcomer—Newton. Sir Alexr. Seton—Pitmedden. Sir Roger Hogg–Harcarse. Sir Andr. Birnie—Saline. Sir Geo. Gordon—Haddo. Sir Geo. Mackenzie-Tarbet. Sir Patrick Ogilvie—Boyne. Jno. Murray—-Drumcairne. Sir Geo. Nicolson—Konnay. Jno. Wauchope—Edmonstone, 520. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1683. 1685. 1687. 1688. 1688. I689. 1693. 1696. 1699. 1701. 1704. 1705. 1707. 1709. 1710. 1711. 1712. 1714. 1718. 1724. 1726. 1727. 1729. 1730. 1732. 1733. 1734. 1735. 1737. 1744. 1746. 1749. 1751. 1752. 1754. Sir Thos. Stewart—Blair. Sir Patrick Lyon—Carse. Sir G. Lockhart—Carnwath. Alexr. Malcolm—Lochore. Sir Jno. Dalrymple—Stair. Alexr. Swinton—Mersington. Lewis Gordon—Auchintoul. THE REVOLUTION. Sir Jno. Baird—Newbyth. Alexr, Swinton—Mersington. Sir Colin Campbell—Aberuchill. Jas. Murray—Philiphaugh. Jas. Dundas—Arniston. Jno. Hamilton—Halcraig. David Home—Crocerig. Sir Jno. Maitland—Ravelrig ; aft. 5th E. of Lauderdale. Sir Robt. Sinclair—Stevenson. Sir Jno. Lauder–Fountain Hall. Wm. Anstruther—Anstruther. Archd. Hope—Rankeilor. Jas. Falconer—Phesdo. Tobt. Hamilton—Presmennan. Sir Wm. Hamilton—Whitelaw. Jas. Scougal—Whitehill. Sir Jno. Maxwell—Pollock. Robt. Stewart—Tulliecutrie. R. Mackenzie—Preston Hall. Sir A. Campbell—Cesnock. Adam Cockburn—Ormistoun. Sir Gilbert Elliot—Minto. Sir Alexr. Ogilvie—Forglen. Hon. Jas. Erskine—Grange. Jno. Murray—Bowhill. Dougal Stewart—Blairhall. Sir Fras. Grant—Cullen. Sir Jas. Mackenzie–Royston. David Erskine—Dun. Sir W. Calderwood–Polton. Jas. Hamilton—Pencaitland. Hon. Jas. Elphinstone—Coupar; aft. ld. Balmerino. Sir Andr. Hume—Kimerghame. Sir Walter Pringle—Newhall. Andr. Fletchcr—Milton. Sir Gilbert Elliot—Minto. Hew Dalrymple—Drummore. Patrick Campbell—Monzie. Jno. Pringle—Haining. Alexr. Fraser—Strichen. Patrick Grant—Elchies. Hon. Jno. Sinclair—Murkle. Alexr., E. of Leven. Sir Jas. Fergusson—Kilkerran. Robt. Dundas—Arniston. Chas. Areskinc or Erskine—Tinwald. Hon. Patrick Boyle—Shewalton. Jas. Graham—Easdale. Geo. Sinclair—Newhall. Hy. Home——Kames. Alexr. Boswell—Auchinleck. Wm. Grant—Preston Grange. Robt. Pringle—Edgefield. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1759. 1761. 1762. 1764. 1766. 1767. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1782. 1783. 1786. 1787. 1792. 1793. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1799. 1802. 1805. 1806. 1809. 1811. 1813. 1816. 1819. 1822. 1823. 1825. 1826. 1829. 1834, 1837. 1839. 1840. 1842. Thos. Hay—Huntington. Andr, Macdowal—Bankton. Patrick Wedderburn—Chesterhall. Geo. Carre—Nisbet. Geo. Brown—Coalston. Andr. Pringle—Alemoore. Jas. Veitch—Elliock. Jas. Erskine. Jno. Campbell—Stonefield. Jas. Ferguson—Pitfour. Fras. Garden—Gardenston. Robt. Bruce—Kennet. Sir David Dalrymple—Hailes. Thos. Miller—Barskimming, Glenlee. Jas. Burnett—Monboddo. Alexr. Lockhart—Covington. David Ross—Ankerville. Robt. MacQueen—Braxfield. David Dalrymple—Westhall. David Rae—Eskgrove. Jno. Swinton—Swinton. Alexr. Murray—Henderland. Hon. Alexr. Gordon—Rockville. Wrm. Nairne—Dunsinnan ; aft. bt. Jno. Maclaurin–Dreghorn. Alexr. Abercromby—Abercromby. Wm. Craig–Craig. Wm. Baillie—Polkemmet. David Smythe-Methven. Sir Wm. Miller—Glenlee. Allan Maconochie—Meadowbank. Robt. Cullen–Cullen. Sir Wm. Honyman, bt.—Armadale. Wm. MacLeod Banmatyne—Banna- tyne. Claud Irvine Boswell—Balmuto. Geo. Ferguson—Hermand. Alexr. FraserTytler—Woodhouselee. Wm. Robertson—Robertson. Chas. Hay—Newton. Archd. Campbell—Succoth. David Boyle—Boyle. Robt. Craigie—Craigie. David Williamson—Balgray. Adam Gillies—Gillies. David Monypenny—Pitmilly. David Cathart—Alloway. David Douglas—Reston. Jas. Wolfe Murray—Cringletie. Alexr. Maconochie—Meadowbank. Wm. Erskine—Kimmeder. Joshua Hy. Mackenzie—Mackenzie. Jno. Clerk—Eldin. Jno. Hay Forbes—Medwyn. Geo. Cranstoun-Corehouse. Alexr. Irving—Newton. Jno. Fullerton—Fullerton. Sir Jas. W. Moncreiff, bt.—Moncreiff. Fras. Jeffrey—Jeffrey. Hy. Cockburn—Cockburn. Jno. Cunninghame—Cunninghame. Sir Jno. Archd. Murray—Murray. Jas. Ivory—Ivory. Alexr. Wood—Wood. aft. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 521 1848. Patrick Robertson—Robertson. 1865. David Mure—Mure, vice Mackenzie, 1850. Thos. Maitland—Dundrennan, Feb. Jan. 11, G. 6, G. 1868, Geo. Dundas-Manor, vice Marshall 1851. Andr. Rutherfurd — Rutherfurd, Oct. 14. G. Apr. 7, G. 1870. Adam Gifford—Gifford, vice Dundas. Duncan M'Neill—Colonsay, May 15, Jan. 26, G. G. : aft. la. Colonsay. Donald Mackenzie—Mackenzie, vice Jno. Cowan—Cowan, June 23, G. Maitland, Mar. 16, G. 1852. Adam Anderson—Anderson, May | 1872. Alexr. Burns Shand—Shand, vice 18, G. Penney, Dec. 9, G. John Marshall — Curriehill, vice 1874. Geo. Young—Young, vice Cowan, Forbes, Nov. 3, G. Feb. 19, G. 1853. Geo. Deas—Deas, vice Cunning- John Millar—Craighill, vice Baillie, hame, May 25, G. July 15, G. Robt. Handyside—Handyside, vice John Marshall — Curriehill, vice Anderson, Nov. 15, G. - Robertson, Oct. 29, G. Hercules Jas. Robertson—Benholme, 1875. Andrew Rutherfurd-Clark—Ruther- vice Fullerton, Dec. 7, G. furd-Clark, vice Mackenzie. 1854. Chas. Neaves—Neaves, vice Cock- | 1876. Jas. Adam–Adam, vice Craufurd. burn, May 13, G. 1880. Robt. Thee — Lee, vice Neaves, 1855. Jas. Craufurd — Ardmillan, vice May 5, G. Rutherfurd, Jan. 10, G. | 1881. Patrick Fraser—Fraser, vice Mac- Thos. Mackenzie-Mackenzie, vice farlane, Feb. 8, G. Robertson, Jan. 29, G. for aren — * tº 1858. Wm. Penney—Kinloch, vice Handy- º 15 *. 2)2C6 side, May 7, G. “s: º, ... * 1859. Chas. Baillie—Jervis Woode, vice 1882. Alexr. s: º: r—Rinnear, Murray, Apr. 15, G. vice Marshall, Jan. 2, G. 1862. Robt. Macfarlane – Ormidale, vice | 1885. John Trayner–Trayner, vice Deas, Wood, Jan. 13, G. Feb. 26, G. Edwd Fras. Maitland—Barcaple, 1888. Hy. Jas. Moncrieff—Wellwood, vice vice Ivory, Nov. 10, G. Millar, Nov. 1, G. LORDS JUSTICES GENERAL AND JUDGES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. THE Lord Chief Justice, or, as he was called in Scotland, the Lord Justice General, was placed next in rank to the lord chancellor. He was anciently, before the court of session was erected, the grand justiciar of Scotland, and his court was originally the only sovereign court of the kingdom, and had a great part of that jurisdiction which now belongs to the court of session. Even after the erection of that court several civil causes came before it; but at length its powers were confined to criminal matters alone, and the Lord Justice General was empowered to name his own deputies. In 1671 the court of justiciary was consti- tuted, nearly as it now stands, by a commission under the great seal, afterwards ratified by regulations made in 1672. The kingdom was divided into three circuits, to which the judges went once a year ; but after the suppression of the heritable jurisdictions, the assizes were held twice a year. Anciently the kingdom was divided into two justi- ciaries, viz. the north and the south of the Frith of Forth. The office of Lord Justice General was hereditary in several families; but the family of Argyll surrendered it to the crown, for a valuable considera- tion, in 1628, and this arrangement was ratified by parliament in 1633. Erom that time it was disposed of either for life, or during pleasure, by a commission under the great seal, until the year 1836, when, under 522 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 11 Geo. IV. and 1 Wm. IV., cap. 69, the office was united with that of Lord President of the Court of Session. The High Court of Justiciary was originally composed of the Lord Justice General, or first Jndge of Justiciary, the Lord Justice Clerk, or second Judge of Justiciary, and five other judges or commissioners selected from the Lords of Session; but by 50 & 51 Vict., cap. 35 (Sept. 16, 1887), the constitution and procedure of the court were re- modelled, and all the Lords of Session are now commissioners of the High Court of Justiciary. THE LORD's JUSTICEs GENERAL OR FIRST JUDGES OF JUSTICIARY. * * Argadus, capt. of Argyll; in the 1504. Andrew, ld. Gray, and John, ld. reign of Ethodius. Rennedy. * * Comes Dunetus; in the reign of 1514. Colin, 3rd E. of Argyll. William. 1526. Archd. Douglas, of Kilspindie. * * The E. of Fife, 1537. Archd., 4th E. of Argyll. * * Wm. Cummin. "| 1567. Gilespick, E. of Argyll ; heritably. * * David, E. of Huntingdon. 1578. Colin, 6th E. of Argyll. * * Walter Cliffer. 1589. Archd., 7th E. of Argyll; he exch. 1216. Allan; to Alexander II. the office for the heritable lieu- 1224. Wm. Cummin, E. of Buchan. tenancy of Argyllshire, and most 1227. Walter Oliphant. of the Isles. 36. * Walter, son to Allan ; seneschal or 1628. Wm., E. of Menteith. steward of Scotland. * * Sir Wm. Elphinstone. 1239. Walter, E. of Ross; N. of Forth. 1642. Sir Thos. Hope, jun., of Carse. 1243. David de Lindsay; S. of Forth. 1646. Wm., E. of Glencairn. * * Alexr., seneschal to Alexander II. 1649. John, E. of Cassilis. * * Hugh de Berkeley; S. of Forth. 1663. John, E., aft. M. of Athole. 1253. Alexr. Cummin, E. of Buchan. 1678. Sir Geo. Mackenzie, bt., aft. visc. 1366. Robt. de Erskine; N. of Forth. Tarbat and E. of Cromartie. 1426. Robt. de Lauder; N. of Forth. Sir Archd. Primrose, of Carring- 1446. Patrick de Ogilvy; N. of Forth. ton. 1457. John, ld. Lindsay de Byres; N. of 1680, Wm., E., aft. M. and D. of Queens- Forth. berry. * * Wm. E. of Orkney; S. of Forth. 1682. Jas., E. of Perth. 1477. John Haldane, of Gleneagles; N. of 1692. Robt., E. of Lothian. I'orth. 1703, Geo., E. of Cromartie. * * Patrick, ld. Hales, and Robt., ld. 1710. Archd., E. of Isla, aft. D. of Argyll; Lyle. for life. * * Andrew, E. of Craufurd, and Geo., 1761. John, M. of Tweeddale. E. of Huntly. - 1763. Chas., D. of Queensberry and Dover. 1488. Robt., ld. Lyle. 1778. David, visc. Stormont, aft. E. of 1489. John, ld. Glamis, and John, ld. Mansfield. Drummond. 1795. Jas., D. of Montrose; after whose 1492. Itobt., ld. Lyle, again, and John, ld, death, in 1836, this office was Glamis, again. united with that of the lú. pres. 1494. John, ld. Drummond, again. ct. Sess. For subsequent Lord Justices General, see “Lord Presidents of the Court of Session,” ante, p. 516. LoRD JUSTICE CLERKs or SECOND JUDGES OF JUSTICIARY. See List, ante, p. 516. OTHER JUDGES OR COMMISSIONERS OF JUSTICIARY. Sir Gilbert Elliott—Minto. * * Sir Jas. Ferguson–Kilkerran. Hy. Dalrymple—Drummore. * * Chas. Arskine,orlºrskine—Tinewald. Alexr. Fraser—Strichen. * * Hy. Home—Kames. Patrick Grant—Elchies. * * Alexr. Boswell—Auchinleck. : THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 523, * * Wm. Grant—Preston Grange. 1843. Alexr. Wood—Wood, Nov. 15, G. * * Geo. Brown—Coalston. 1849. Jas. Ivory—Ivory. * * Andrew Pringle—Alemoore. 1851. Duncan McNeill—Colonsay, aft. li. * * John Campbell—Stonefield. Colonsay, May 30, G. * * Fras. Garden—Gardenston. John Cowan—Cowan, June 23, G. * * Robt. Bruce—Kennet. 1852—Adam Anderson — Anderson, May * * Sir David Dalrymple—Hailes. 18, G. * * Robt. Mc. Queen—Braxfield. 1853. Robt. Handyside—Handyside, Nov. * * David Rae—Eskgrove. 15, G. * * Sir Wm. Nairn, bt.—Dunsinnan. 1854. John Deas—Deas, May 13, G. * * Wm. Craig–Craig. 1855. Jas. Craufurd — Ardmillan, June * * Allan Maconnochie—Meadowbank. 16, G. * * Robt. Cullen–Cullen. 1858. Chas. Neaves—Neaves, May 7, G. * * Sir Wm. Honyman, bt.—Armadale. 1862. Chas. Baillie—Jervis Woode, June * * 14, G. 1811. David Boyle—Boyle, Feb. 23, G. 1874, Geo. Young—Young, Feb. 19, G. 1819. Alexr. Maconochie—Meadowbank. David Mure—Mure, Apr. 1, G. 1824. Joshua Hy. Mackenzie—Mackenzie. 1876. John Millar—Craighill, Mar. 4, G. 1829. Sir Jas. W. Moncreiff–Moncreiff. Jas. Adam–Adam, Dec. 2, G. 1830. John Hay Forbes—Medwyn. 1885. John McLaren — McLaren, Feb. 1837. Hy. Cockburn—Cockburn. 26, G. All the Lords of Session are now, under 50 & 51 Vict., cap. 35, Commissioners of the High Court of Justiciary. See Introduction, ante, pp. 521—2. JUDGES OF THE COURT OF EXCHEQUER OF SCOTLAND. THE old Scotch Court of Exchequer was reserved by the Act of Union, but was superseded on May 1, 1708, by a new court established by 6 Anne, cap. 53 (cap. 26, Ruffhead’s statutes). This Court was at first composed of a chief and four puisne barons; but by 1 Wm. IV., cap. 69 (1830), it was provided that no vacancies should be filled up until the court was reduced to a chief and one puisne baron; and by 2 Wm. IV., cap. 54 (1832), it was provided that no new judges should be appointed, and that on the death of the last Exchequer Judge the duties should be performed by one of the lords of session to be ap- pointed by the crown. This arrangement was modified by 2 & 3 Vict., cap. 36 (1839), which provided that the duties of Exchequer Judges should be performed by two of the lords of session to be fixed by themselves in rotation; and by 19 & 20 Vict, cap. 56 (1856), a further alteration took place, and it was provided that the duties should be performed by one of the lords of session, to be appointed by the crown, and styled the Lord Ordinary in Exchequer. The administrative duties of the Court of Exchequer were transferred to the Treasury by 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 13 (1833). The old Exchequer Court came to an end on the death of Baron Murray in 1838. Adam Gillies (Lord Gillies), a lord of session, was then appointed under 2 Wm. IV., cap. 54, and on his death in 1839 the other lords of session were appointed in rotation under 2 & 3 Wict., cap. 36. CHIEF BARONS OF THE ExCHEQUER OF SCOTLAND. IFrom the accession of George III. to the extinction of the office. * * — Idle. - 1801. Robt. Sanders Dundas, May 12. * * Robt. Ord. 1819. Sir Saml. Shepherd, June 15, G. 1775. Jas. Montgomery. 1830. Jas. Abercrombie, Feb. 20,0.; d. 1832. No further appointments. See Introduction, supra. 524 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, BARONS OF THE EXCHEQUER OF SCOTLAND. I'rom the accession of George III. to the extinction of the office. In 1760. Edwd. Edline. 1777. Cosmo Gordon, vice Grant. Jno. Maule. 1781. David Stewart-Moncreiffe, vice Jno. Grant. - Maule. Jas. Erskine. 1790. Archd. Cockburn, vºice Moncreiffe. 1761. Wm. Mure, vice Edline. 1801. Geo. Buchan Hepburn, vice Gordon. Sir Geo. Wynne Allanson, bt., vice 1809. Jas. Clerk, May 27, G.; vice Cock- Erskine. burn; res. 1776. Hon. Fletcher Norton, vice Allanson. 1814. Wm. Adam, Nov. 8, G. Sir Jno. Dalrymple, bt., vice Maule. 1820. Sir Patrick Murray, bt. ; d. 1838. No further appointments. See Introduction, ante, p. 523. JUDGES OF THE ADMIRALTY COURT OF SCOTLAND. By the Act of Union the Scottish Admiralty Court was to be continued until regulated by parliament. It was afterwards gradually shorn of its jurisdiction, and ultimately abolished by 6 Geo. IV., cap. 120 (1825). Its prize jurisdiction was transferred to the English Admiralty Court, and by 11 Geo. IV. and 1 Wm. IV., cap 69 (1830) its civil jurisdiction was transferred to the Court of Session and the Sheriff Court ; and its criminal jurisdiction to the Court of Justiciary and the Sheriff Court. JUDGES OF THE ADMIRALTY CourT OF SCOTLAND. * * Alexr. Cockburn. 1810. Jno. Burnett. 1790. Geo. Buchan Hepburn. 1811. Jas. Wolfe Murray, Feb. 23, G. 1801. R. H. Cay. 1816. Jno. Connell, aft. Sir J., July 20, G. Office abolished Oct. 5, 1830, wt supra. LORD CLERK REGISTERS OF SCOTLAND. THE Clerk Register was anciently the principal clerk in the kingdom ; from him all other clerks, who were his deputies, derived their imme- diate authority, and he himself acted as clerk to the parliament and council. He was called Clericus Rotulorum, because the proceedings of parliament, and the minutes and judgments of other courts, were written upon rolls of parchment (hence the term Rotuli Parliamenti), which were preserved by him in the public archives. By the Treaty of Union, the preservation of the registers was particularly provided for ; and the return of the election of the sixteen Scottish peers to the British parliament was ordered to be made by the Clerk Register, or by two of the clerks of session deputed by him for that purpose. LoRD CLERK REGISTERS OF SCOTLAND. * * Wm., abp. of St. Andrew's. 1253. Willielmus Capellanus, and Alexr. * * Simon de Quincy. de Carrerg. * * Nicolaus, clericus to Malcolm IV. All the preceding were called cler. * * Wm. de Bosch, and Hugo. dom. regis. # 3% Galfrid and Gregory; to Alexander 1323. Robt. de Dunbar, cler. rotul. II. * * Jno, Gray; to Robert II. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 525 1426. Jno. Schives. * * Sir Alexr. Hay, of Whitburgh. 1440. Richd. Craig, vicar of Dundee. 1616. Sir Geo. Hay, aft. E. of Kinnoull. 1442. Geo. Shoreswood, rect. of Culter. 1622. Sir Jno. Hamilton, of Magdalens. 1449. Sir Jno. Methven. 1632. Sir Alexr. Hay, of Lands. 1450. Jno. Arouse, archdn. of Glasgow. 1641. Sir Alexr. Gibson, jun., of Durie. 1455. Nicol Otterburn. 1649. Sir Archd. Johnston, of Warriston. 1466. Fergus Macdowall. | 1660. Sir Archd. Primrose, of Chester. 1471. David Guthrie, of Guthrie. 1681. Sir Geo. Mackenzie, bt., aft. visc. 1473. Jno. Laing, rect. of Newlands. Tarbat, and E. of Cromartie. 1477. Alexr. Inglis, chanc. of see of Aber- 1689. John, ld. Belhaven, and four others. deen. . 1692. Sir Geo. Mackenzie, again. 1482. Patrick Leith, canon of Glasgow. 1696. Chas., E. of Selkirk. * * Alexr. Scot, rect. of Wigtoun. 1702. John, M. of Tweeddale. 1488. Wm. Hepburn, vicar of Linlithgow. 1704. Jas. Johnston. 1489. Richd. Muirhead, dean of Glas- 1706. Sir Jas. Murray, of Philiphaugh. gow. 1708. David, E. of Glasgow. 1492. Jno. Fraser, rect. of Restalrig. 1714. Archd., E. of Isla, aft. D. of 1497. Walter Drummond, dean of Dum- Argyll. blane. 1716. Jas., D. of Montrose, July. 1500. David Dunbar, archdn. of St. An- Alexr., ld. Polwarth, aft. E. of drew's ; aft. bp. of Aberdeen. Marchmont, Dec. * * Sir Stephen Lockhart ; to James 1733. Chas., E. of Selkirk. IV. 1739. Wm., M. of Lothian. 1531. Sir Jas. Foulis, of Collington. 1756. Hon. Alexr, Hume Campbell. 1548. Sir Thos. Marjoribanks, of Ratho. 1761. Jas., E. of Morton. 1554. Jas. Macgill, parson of Flisk; depr. 1767. Lord Fredk. Campbell, son of the for his share in David Rizzio's D. of Argyll. murder in 1566. 1777. Lord Fredk, Campbell, app. for life; 1566. Sir Jas. Balfour. d. June 1816. 1567. Jas. Macgill, again. 1821, Wm. Dundas. 1577. Sir Alexr. Hay, of Easter Kennet. 1845. Jas. Andrew, E., aft. M. of Dal- 1594. Sir Jno. Skene, of Curriehill. housie, Dec. 12, G. 1598. Sir Jno. Skene, and his son, Jas. 1862. Sir Wm. Gibson Craig, bt., July 3, Skene. G. 1612. Sir Thos. Hamilton, aft. E. of Had- | 1879. Geo. Fredk., E. of Glasgow, Feb. dington 21, G. LORD ADVOCATES OF SCOTLAND. THE Lord Advocate holds much the same position in Scotland as the Attorney General in England. His business is to pursue and defend in all causes wherein the sovereign has an interest. His office is very honourable, and he is, by virtue of it, styled Lord. And, as it was de- cided, in 1685, in the parliament of Paris (on which the Court of Session is modelled), that the king's advocate might at the same time be a judge, so in like manner was it allowed in Scotland; and both Sir William Oliphant and Sir John Nesbit were Lords Advocate and Lords of Session at the same time. This practice has, however, now been long discontinued. - LORDS ADVOCATE OF SCOTLAND. Those marked * afterwards became Judges. See lists of Judges, ante, 1483. Jno. Ross, of Mongrenam. 1527. *Jno. (? Jas.) Foulis, and Adam 1494. Jas. Henderson, of Fordel. Otterburn, again. 1503. Richd. Lawson, of Heirigs. 1533. *Adam Otterburn, again. and Hy. 1521. Jas. Wishart, of Pittarrow. Lauder, of St. Germains. 1525. *Adam Otterburn, of Redhall. * * *Hy. Balnavis, to Q. Mary. 526 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. * * Thos. Cummin. 1801. Chas. Hope of Granton. . 1561. *Jno. Spence, of Condie, 1804. Sir Jas. Montgomery, bt. (No. 2). * * *Robt. Crichton (or Creighton), of 1806. Hon. Hy. Erskine, again. Elliock. 1807. Archd. Colquhoun. 1573. David Brothwick, of Loch-hill. 1816. * Alexr. (? Allan) Maconochie. 1582. *David MacGill, of Cranston Riddel, | 1819. Sir Wm. Rae, bt. son to sir Jas., ld, clk. regr. 1830. *Fras. Jeffrey. 1589. Jno. Skene. - 1834. *Jno. Archd. Murray, aft. Sir J. 1594. Wm. Hart, of Levelands. Sir Wm. Rae, bt., again, Dec. 19, Andr. Logie. G. 1595. *Sir Thos. Hamilton, aft. E. of 1835. *Jno. Archd, Murray, again, Apr. Haddington. 20, G. *David Macgill, again. 1839. *Andr. Rutherfurd. * * *Sir Thos. Hamilton, again. 1841. Sir Wm. Rae, bt., again, Sept. 4, 1612. *Sir Wm. (? Jas.) Oliphant, of G. Newton. 1842. *Duncan M*Neill. 1626. *Thos. (? Jno.) Hope, of Craighall, 1846. *Andr. Rutherfurd, again. aft. Sir T. 1851. *Jas. Moncrieff, Apr. 8, G. 1641. *Sir Archd. Johnston, of Warriston. 1852. *Adam Anderson, Feb. 28, G. * * Sir Thos. Nicholson. *Jno. Inglis, May 19, G. 1659. *Sir Archd. Primrose. *Jas. Moncrieff, again, Dec. 30, G. 1661. Sir Jno. Fletcher. 1858. *Jno. Inglis, again, Mar. 1, G. 16—. *Sir Jno. Nisbet. *Chas. Baillie, July 10, G. * * *Sir Geo. Mackenzie. 1859. *David Mure, Apr. 15, G. 1687. *Jno. Dalrymple, aft. E. of Stair. *Jas. Moncrieff, again, June 24, G. *Sir Geo. Mackenzie, again. 1866. *Geo. Patton, July 12, G. 1689. Sir Wnn. Jas. Stewart. 1867. *Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, Feb. 1709. Sir David Dalrymple 28, G. 1720. *Robt. Dundas, of Arniston (No. 1). 1868. *Jas. Moncrieff, again, Dec 10, G. 1725. *Duncan Forbes, of Culloden. 1869. *Geo. Young, Oct. 14, G. 1737. *Chas. Areskine, or Erskine, of Tin- | 1874. *Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, again, wald. aft. la. Gordon, and ld, app., 1742. *Robt. Craigie, of Glendoick. Feb. 26, G. 1746. *Wm. Grant, of Preston Grange. 1876. *Wrm. Watson, aft. li. Watson and 1754. *Robt. Dundas, of Armiston (No. 2). ld. app, Oct. 13, G. 1760. Thos. Miller, of Glenlee. 1880. *Jno. McLaren, May 5, G. 1766. Jas. Montgomery, aft. Sir J. (No. 1). 1881. Jno. Blair Balfour, Aug. 19, G. 1775. Hy. Dundas, aft. visc. Melville. 1885. *Jno. Hay Athole Macdonald, July 1783. Hon. Hy. Erskine. 2, G. 1784. *Ilay Campbell of Succoth, aft. Sir 1886. J. B. Balfour, again, Feb. 13, G. I., bt. *J. H. A. Macdonald, again, Aug. 1789. Robt. Dundas of Arniston (No. 3); 6, G. son of the 2nd, grandson of the 1888. Jas. Patrick Bannerman Robertson, 1st Robt. Oct. 24, G. SOLICITORS GENERAL OF SCOTLAND. THE Solicitor General of Scotland is the crown counsel next in dignity to the Lord Advocate. His office cannot be traced further back than the Union, and the list for the present work has only been procured from 1775. SolICITORs GENERAL OF SCOTLAND. From the year 1775 to the present time. Those marked + were afterwards Lords Advocates, see list, ante, p. 525, where their subsequent promotion is noted. Those marked * afterwards became Judges. See lists of Judges, ante. 1775. * Alexr. Murray, of Henderland. 1789. Robt. Blair of Avonton. 1783. #"Ilay Campbell; of Succoth, aft. 1806. *John Clerk, of Elden. sir I., bt. 1807. *David Boyle, of Shewalton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 527 1811. *David Monypenny, of Pitmilly. 1858. f*Chas. Baillie, Mch. 17, G. 1813. f*Alexr. Macomochie, of Meadow- f*David Mure, July 12, G. bank. 1859. f*Geo. Patton, May 3, G. 1810. Jas. Wedderburn, July 20, G. *Edwd. Fras. Maitland, again 1825. *John Hope. June 27, G. 1830. *Hy. Cockburn. 1862. f*Geo. Young, Nov. 11, G. 1834. Andr. Skene. 1866. f*Edwd. Strathearn Gordon, aft. la. +*Duncan M'Neill. Gordon, and ló. app., July 12, G. 1835. *John Cunninghame. 1867 *John Millar, Mar. 6, G. 1837. f*Andr. Rutherfurd. 1868. f*Geo. Young, again, Dec. 14, G. 1839. *Jas. Ivory. 1869. *Andr. Rutherfurd-Clark, Oct. 14,6. 1840. *Thos. Maitland of Dundrennan. 1874. *John Millar, again, Mar. 4, G. 1841. f*Duncan M'Neill. f*Wm. Watson, July 21, G. 1842. f*Adam Anderson 1876. f*Jno. Hay Athole Macdonald, Dec 1846. *Ths. Maitland,of Dundrennan,again. 5, G. 1850. f*Jas. Moncreiff, Feb. 7, G. 1880. f.John Blair Balfour, May 6, G. 1851. *John Cowan, Apr. 18, G. 1881. Alexr. Asher, Aug. 19, G. *Geo. Deas, June 28, G. 1885. f.Jas. Patrick Bannerman Robert- 1852. f*John Inglis, Feb. 28, G. son, July 2, G. *Chas. Neaves, May 24, G. 1886. Alexr. Asher, again, Feb. 13, G. 1853. *Robt. Handyside, Jan. 17, G. fjas. Patrick Bannerman Robert- - *Jas. Craufurd, Nov. 16, G. son, again, Aug. 6, G. 1855. *Thos. Mackenzie, Jan. 11, G. 1888. Moir Tod Stormont Darling, Oct. *Edwd. Fras. Maitland, Feb. 14, G. 27, G. DEANS OF THE FACULTY OF ADVOCATES. THE Faculty or Society of Advocates in Scotland dates from the year 1532, but the profession of advocate had existed for many years pre- viously. The Faculty is presided over by a Dean, who is elected annually, but who is frequently chosen for several years in succession. DEANS OF FACULTY OF SCOTLAND. From the year 1801. 1801. Robt. Blair, of Avonton. 1858. Jas. Moncreiff. 1808. Matth. Ross. 1869. Edwd. Strathearn Gordon. 1823. Geo. Cranstoun. 1874. Andr. Rutherfurd-Clark. 1826, Sir Jas. W. Moncreiff, bt. 1875. Wnn. Watson. 1829. Fras. Jeffrey. 1876. Robt. Horn. 1830. John Hope. 1878. Patrick Fraser. 1841. Alexr. Wood. 1881. Alexr. Smith Kinnear. 1842. Patrick Robertson. 1882. John Hay Athole Macdonald. 1843. Duncan M'Neill. 1885. John Blair Balfour. 1851. Adam Anderson. 1886. Wrm. Mackintosh. 1852. John Inglis. ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS OF SCOTLAND. THE EPIsco PAL CHURCH OF SCOTLAND was the established Church of that country down to the period of the Reformation. From that time it had a chequered existence, being alternately abolished and restored until it was finally disestablished at the Revolution. The history of its vicissitudes is too long to be even epitomised here, but a full account will be found in Burton's History of Scotland and in the somewhat numerous histories of the Scottish Church. 528 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART I.-ARCHIBISHOPS AND BISHOPS OF SCOT- LAND BEFORE THE REVOLUTION. Scotland had two Archbishoprics— I.—ST. ANDREW’s. to which were suffragan the sees of ABERDEEN. DUNBLANE. BRECHIN. DUNICELD. CAITEINESS. EDINBURGH. MORAY. ORKNEY. ROSS. II.--GLAsgow. to which were suffragan the sees of— ARGYLL. | GALLOWAY. THE ISLES. DIOCESE OF ST. ANDREW’S. ABERNETHY, in Perthshire, was the metropolis of the kingdom of the Picts. Bryde, who died about 523. The collegiate church there was dedicated to St. Bridget, or St. Renneth III., having conquered the Picts, translated the see from Abernethy, and called it St. Andrew’s, and the bishop was styled Maazimus Scotorum Episcopus. It was erected into an Archbishopric in 1470, by Pope Paul II. BISHOPS OF ST. ANDREW’s. \ According to Sir R. Sibbald. Adrian ; killed by the Danes, and buried in the island of May, in 872. Rellach I. ; sat four years, Constan- tine II. being King. Malisius I. ; sat eight years, Gregory the Great being king. . Kellach II. Malmore. Malisius II. Alwinus. Malduinus. Tuthaldus. Fothadus ; consec. in 954. Gregorius; sat two years. Turgot, prior of Durham; sat 25 or 26 years. - Godericus, who anointed king Edgar; d. 1107. 872. 877. O * * 1120. Eadmerus, a monk of Canterbury. 1122. Robert, prior of Scone; founded the priory of St. Andrew's, and ob- tained land and many privileges. for it from David I. 1159. Walter, abb. of Melrose, elected; but did not accept. * * Ernald, abb. of Kelso; legate in Scotland for the pope; founded the cathedr. ch. of St. Andrew's, but d. Soon after it was begun. 1163. Richard, chapl. to Malcolm IV. John Scot, archdm, of 11.78 | St. Andrew's. A double Hugh, chapl. to king ſ election.* William. 4. 1188. Roger (son of the E. of Leicester); ld. chanc. * John was elected bishop, but the king opposed him, and caused his chaplain, Hugh, to be consecrated. John went to Rome to plead his cause, and the Pope (Alexander III.) was so convinced of the justness of it, that he sent him home with a nuncio, who made Matthew, bishop of Aberdeen, consecrate him in the abbey of Holyrood House. Still the king continued inflexible, and John went a second time to Rome, and continued seven years in voluntary exile. The pope was about to interdict the kingdom; but John prevailed with him to desist, and the bishopric of Dunkeld falling vacant, the king agreed that John should have it, and he accepted it. - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 529 1298. 1328. 1332. 1341. 1383. 1466. 1478. 1497. 1509. 1514. 1522. 1539. 1543. his success, and pitched upon Mortlach, in Banffshire. . Wm. Malvoisine ; tr. from Glasgow; ld, chanc. . David Benham, grt. chambn, to the king. º Abel, archdn. of St. Andrew's. . Gameline, archdm. of St. Andrew's ; ld. chanc. 2. Wm. Wiseheart, archdn. of St. An- drew's ; la. chanc. . Wm. Fraser, dean of Glasgow; lä. chanc. Wm. Lamberton, chanc. of diocese of Glasgow. Jas. Bennet, archdn. drew’s, Wm. Bell, D. of Dunkeld, elect. ; but the pope refused to confirm the choice. See vacant 9 years. Wm. Landell, rect. of Kinkell. Stephen de Paye, prior of St. An- drew's ; taken prisoner at sea by of St. An- 1401. 1404. 1440. ARCHBISHOPS OF ST. Patrick Graham, tr. from Bre- chin ; he took a journey to Rome, and procured this see to be made an archbishopric, in 1470, by pope Paul II., who made him his legate for Scotland. Wm. Schives, archdn, of St. An- drew’s. Jas. Stuart, D. of Ross (second son of James III.), ld, chanc ; d. 1503. See vacant 6 years. Alexr. Stuart (natural son of James IV.); Killed at the battle of Flod- den in 1513. Andr. Foreman, tr. from Moray. Jas. Bethune, or Beaton, tr. from Glasgow ; ld. chanc. David Bethune, or Beaton, abb. of Aberbrothock, nephew to the last abp. ; at different times lá. pr. seal, ld, chanc., and a cardl. ; murd. Feb. 1, 1545. - Jno. Hamilton, transl. from Dum- 1572. 1576. 1606. 1615. 1661. 1679. 1684. the English, on his way to Rome; d. at Alnwick, soon after his elec- tion. Walter Trail, canon of St. Andrew’s ; app. by the pope without an elec- tion ; built the castle of St. An- drew’s. Thos. Stuart (son to Robert II.); archdn. of St. Andrew’s. Gilbert Greenlaw, bp. of Aberdeen, ld. chanc.; elect., but Hy. Wardlaw, prec. of the see of Glasgow; being at Avignon, he was preferred to this see, instead of Gilbert, bp. of Aberdeen, and was consec. there the same year. Jas. Kennedy; tr. from Dunkeld; ld. chanc. ; a younger Son of Jas. Kennedy of Dunure, by the lady Mary, countess of Angus, dau. of Robert III. ANDREW’s. keld; at different times lä. pr. seal, ld. treas r., and one of Q. Mary's pr. council; hanged Apr. 1, 1570. Jno. Douglas, rector of the univ. of St. Andrew's; the first protestant abp. here. Patrick Adamson, parson of Pais- ley; d. 1591. - The see vacant, and its revenues bestowed on the D. of Lenox. Geo. Gladstanes, or Gladstone ; tr. from Caithness. Jno. Spottiswood, tr. from Glas- gow; lil. chanc. ; d. 1639. See vacant 22 years. Jas. Sharp, prof. of Divinity at St. Andrew's ; murd. May 3, 1679, on Magus-muir, near St. Andrew's. Alexr. Burnet, tr. from Glasgow ; d. 1684. Arthur Ross, tr. from Glasgow; the last abp. of this see ; ejected soon after the Revolution in 1688. There were no post-Revolution bishops of this see. DIOCESE OF ABERDEEN. RING MALcol M II., having gained a great victory over the Danes in 1010, resolved to found a new bishopric in token of his gratitude for The see was only inferior, in point of precedence, to St. Andrews, but its revenue was inconsiderable. Nectanus, the fourth and last prelate who sat at 34 530 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Mortlach, was removed by David I., in 1139, to Old Aberdeen, whither the see was entirely transferred in 1154, and where it continued until the Revolution. 1015, * } * } * * x * 1164. 1200. * } # * 1228. 1238. 1247. 1256. 1267. 1281. 1329. 1345. 1351. 1857. 1382. 1390. 1424. 1442. 1459. 1480. 1155. + $º 1178. 1202. 1219. BISHOPS OF MORTLACH. St. Beanus. Donortius; d. 1098. Cormacus. BISHOPS OF Edward. Galfrid. Matth. de Kinninmund, archdm. of Lothian. John, prior of Kelso. Adam Crail. Matth. Scot, archdn. of St. An- drew's ; ld, chanc. Gilbert de Stryvelin. Randolf de Lambley, abb. of Aber- brothock. Petre de Ramsay. Richd. de Potton. Hugh de Benham. Hy. le Clen. Alexr. Kinninmund (No. 1). Wm. de Deyn. Jno. Rait. Alexr. de Kinninmund (No. 2). Adam de Tinningham, dean Aberdeen. Gilbert Greenlaw, ld, chanc.; elect. abp. of St. Andrew's ; but the pope preferred Hy. Wardlaw to that see. Hy, de Leighton, tr. from Moray. Ingeram Lindsay. Thos. Spence, tr. from Galloway; ld. pr. Seal. Robt. Blackadder, preb. of Glasgow ; tr. to Glasgow. of 1106. Nectanus; he transf, the see to Aberdeen, ut supra. ABERDEEN. 1484. 1515. 1518. 1532. 1577. 1603. 1615. 1635. 1661. 1662. * } 1682. Wm. Elphinstone, tr. from Ross; at different times la. chanc. and lù. pr. seal ; he founded the university of Old Aberdeen, for which purpose he got a bull from Alexander VI. in 1494 ; d. 1514. Alexr. Gordon, prec. of Moray. Gavin Dunbar, archdn. of St. Am- drew's. Wm. Stewart, dean of Glasgow; Id. treasr. ; d. 1545. Wm. Gordon, rect. of Clatt. David Cunningham, sub-dean of Glasgow; the first protestant bp. of this see ; d. 1603. Peter Blackburn, rect. of St. Nicholas's church, Aberdeen. Alexr. Forbes, tr. from Caithness. Adam Ballenden, tr. from Dun- blane ; depr, by the assembly of Glasgow in 1638, when he re- tired into England, and d. soon after. David Mitchell, minster. Alexr. Burnet, chapl. to the garri- son of Dunkirk; tr. to Glasgow. Patrick Scougal, parson of Saltoun. Geo. Haliburton, tr. from Brechin; eject, soon after the Revolution. and d. 1715. preb. of West- For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 540. DIOCESE OF BRECHIN. THIs see was founded by David I. in 1150. There anciently existed here an abbey or convent of Culdees. BISHOPS OF BRECHIN. T. # * * Sampson. Turpin. Radulfus; d. 1218. Robt. Mar. : : k Gregory, archdm. of Brechin. Gilbert ; d. 1249. Albin, or Alwyn. Wm. de Kilconcath, dean of Bre- chin; d. 1275. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 531 + 3: 1284. 1290. 1304. Edwd., a monk of Cupar, Angus. Robt., archdn. of Brechin. William. Jno. de Kynninmonde, or Kinnin- mund. Adam. Philip. Patrick de Leuchars, a rect, in East Lothian; lä. chanc. Stephen. Walter Forrester, canon of Aber- deen. Dominus G. * * *. John de Carnoth. Robert. Geo. Shoreswood, chanc. of the see of Dunkeld, and confessor to the king ; ld. chanc. Patrick Graham, tr. drew’s. John Balfour. Walter Meldrum. John Hepburn. Donald Campbell, abb. of Cupar, Angus. John Sinclair, dean of Restalrig. Alexr. Campbell; the first Protes- 1328. 1351. 1354. 1384. 1401. 1424. 1435. 1456. * + 1463. to St. An- 1470. * * 1517. 1558. + + 1566. tant bp. of this sce; he was made bp. when but a boy, by the in- terest of the E. of Argyll, to whom he alienated most of the revenues ; d. 1606. See vacant 4 years. 1610. Andr. Lamb, parson of Burnt- island ; tr. to Galloway. 1619. David Lindsay, parson of Dundee; tr. to Edinburgh. 1624 (?). Thos. Sydeserf, tr. to Galloway. 1634. Walter Whitford, or Whitworth. sub-dean of Glasgow, and rect. of Moffat ; depr. by the assembly of Glasgow in 1638, and d. 1643. David Strachan, parson of Fetter- cairn. Robt. Laurie, dean of Edinburgh. Geo. Haliburton, parson of Cupar. Angus ; tr. to Aberdeen. Robt. Douglas, dean of Glasgow : tr. to Dumblane. Alexr. Cairncross, tr. to Glasgow. Jas. Drummond, parson at Muthil : eject. Soon after the Revolution in 1688; d. 1695. 1662. 1672. 1678. 1682. 1684. * * For post-Revolution bishops flee post, p. 541. DIOCESE OF CAITHNESS. IT is uncertain whether this see owes its foundation to Malcolm III. or to Malcolm IV. Its seat was at Dornoch. BISHOPS OF 1150. Andrew. 1185. John. 1213. Adam, abb. of Melrose; murd. by the E. of Caithness. St. Gilbert Moray, chambn. of Scot- land; d. 1245. A * *; d. 1260. William. Walter de Baltroddi. Nicholas; but the pope would not confirm him. Archibald, archdn. of Moray; d. 1288. Alan St. Edmunds; la. chanc. Andrew. Ferquhard de Belleganach. David; d. 1348. Thos. de Fingask. Alexr. Man. Malcolm. Robt. Strathbrock. 1222. * * 1261. * * 1273. 1275. 1290. * * 1301. + + 1348. 1389. 1410. 1444. CAITHNEss. 1447. Jno. Innes, dean of Ross; d. 1448. 1448. Wm. Moodie ; d. 1460. * * Prosper, elected by., but res. in favour of * * Jno. Sinclair, son of the E. of Caithness. * 1490. Andr. Stewart, abb. of Fearn, Ross, shire; lil. treasr. Andr. Stewart, son of the E. of Athol; tr. from Dunkeld. Robt. Stewart, brother of the E. of Lenox, and aft. E. of Lenox : prov. of Dumbarton ; became a protestant, and retained the reve- nues of the see ; he lived a long time privately at St. Andrew's. and d. there 1586. See vacant 14 years. Geo. Gladstames, or Gladstone. minister of St. Andrew's; tr. to St. Andrew's. 1518. 1542. 1600. * Archbishop Spottiswood says that neither Prosper nor Sinclair was ever con- secrated; that the see continued vacant twenty-four years, and that the affairs of it were governed by Adam Gordon, the dean, third son of the earl of Huntly. 34 * 532 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1606. Alexr. Forbes, rect. of Fettercairn; 1662. Patrick Forbes. tr. to Aberdeen, 1615. 1680. Andr. Wood; tr. from the Isles; The see vacant, eject. soon after the Revolution 1624. Jno. Abernethy, parson of Jed- in 1688, and d. at Dunbar, burgh ; depr. by the assembly of 1695. Glasgow, 1638. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 541. DIOCESE OF DUNELANE. IN Dunblane, a small town in Strathallan, there existed anciently a convent of Culdees, which David I. erected into an episcopal see about the year 1142. The church was dedicated to St. Blaan, who had been superior of the convent in the time of Kenneth III. ; and from this saint the place took its name. The list of the Bishops is very incorrect; but the fault is now beyond remedy. BISHOPs of DUNBLANE. # K M + k, 1486. Jas. Chisholm, chapl. to Jas. III. ; 1160. Laurentius. res. in favour of his brother * * Simon. 1527. Wm. Chisholm (No. 1); he alienated * * Jonath great part of the revenues of the onavnan. see, which he bestowed upon his 1210, William. kinsman, sir Jas. Chisholm, and 1220. Abraham. on his illegitimate children, * * Radulphus. 1564. Wm. Chisholm (No. 2), nephew to 1230. Osbert. the last bp ; coadj. in 1561; for- 1233. Clement. feited his see, and withdrew to 1258. Robt. de Praebenda, dean of Dun- France, where he became a bp. blane. 1575. Andr. Graham. * * Alpin. 1606. Geo. Graham, parson of Scone; 1290. William. tr. to Orkney. 1307. Nichs. de Balmyle; lá. chanc. 1615. Adam Bellenden, rect. of Falkirk; 1319. Mauritius, abb. of Inchaffray. tr. to Aberdeen. 1353. William. 1636. *Jas. Wedderburn, prof. of divinity 1362. Walter Cambuslang. at St. Andrew's; depr. by the * * Andreas. Assembly of Glasgow in 1638; * * Dougal. d. 1639. 1406. Finlay. 1661. Robt. Leighton, prof. of divinity 1420. Wrm. Stephen, divinity reader at St. at Edinburgh; tr. to Glasgow. Andrew’s. 1673. Jas. Ramsay, dean of Glasgow; 1430. Michl. Ochiltree, dean of Dunblane. tr. to Ross. 1448. Robt. Lauder. 1684. Robt. Douglas ; tr. from Brechin; 1459. Thomas. eject. Soon after the Revolution 1467. Jno. Hepburn. in 1688; d. 1716. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 542. DIOCESE OF D'UNK.E.L.D. CoNSTANTINE III, king of the Picts, founded a monastery of Culdees here, which was dedicated to St. Columba, the patron saint of that nation. King David, or, as he is generally called, St. David, expelled * In this bishop's time the prelates of Dunblane were made deans of the Chapel Royal, which formerly appertained to the bishops of Galloway. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 533 the Culdees, changed their church into a cathedral, and founded the see about the year 1127. BISHOPs of DUNEELD. * * Gregory (No. 1); d. about 1169. 1447. Wm. Turnbull, archdn. of Lothian, 1169. Richd. de Praebenda (No. 1). and ld. pr. seal; tr. to Glasgow. 1177. Cormacus. 1448. Jno. Raulston, dean of Dunkeld; * * Gregory (No. 2). kpr. of the pr. Seal, Sec. St., and 1178. Walter de Bidun, ld, chanc. ld. treasr. 1200. Jno. Scot, archdn. of St. Andrew's. 1452. Thos. Lawder, prec. of Soutray. See note to that bishopric, ante, 1476. Jas. Livingtoun, dean of Dunkeld; p. 528. ld. chanc. * * Richd. de Praebenda (No. 2). 1488. Alexr. Inglis, dean of Dunkeld, and 1211. John of Leicester, archd. of Lothian; kpr. of the rolls. got part of his diocese disjoined 1484. Robert. to form the see of Argyll. * * Geo. Brown, chanc. of the see of 1214. Hugh de Sigillo. Aberdeen. * * Matth. Scot, ld, chanc.; tr. from 1515. Andr. Stuart(son of the E. of Athole); Aberdeen. tr. to Caithness. * * Gilbert. 1516. Gavin Douglas, prov. of St. Giles’s, 1236. Galfrid Liverance. Edinburgh ; brother of the E. of 1249. Richard. Angus. 1250. David. 1527. Geo. Crichton, ld, kpr. pr. seal. * * Richd. de Inverkeithing, a preb. of 1545. Jno. Hamilton (natl. son of the E. this see. of Arran), abb. of Paisley; tr. to 1272. Robt. de Stuteville, dean of Dunkeld. St. Andrew’s. 1288. Matth. de Crambeth. 1550. Robt. Crichton (nephew to bp. Geo. 1309. Wm. Sinclair; bp. before this year. Crichton); forfeited. —Keith. 1571. Jas. Paton, the first Protestant bp. 1324. Walter. of this see ; res. 1351. Duncan. 1603. Peter Rollock, a löl. of sess. 1356. John. 1606. Jas. Nicholson, parson of Meigle. * * Michl. Monymusk, gr. chambn, of 1638. Alexr. Lindsay, parson of St. Scotland. Mado's. 1377. Jno. Peebles, archdm. of St. Andrew's, 1662. Geo. Haliburton, parson of Perth. and ló. chanc. | 1664. Hy. Guthrie, form. parson of Stir- 1396. Robt. de Cairny. ling, but depr. in 1648. 1436. Donald MacNaughton; d. on his way | 1677. Jas. Lindsay, min. of Perth. to Rome for confirmation. 1679. Andr. Bruce, archdn, of St.Andrew's; 1438. Jas. Kennedy, abb. of Scone ; tr. to depr. in 1686; but aft. made bp. St. Andrew's. of Orkney, May, 1688. 1440. Alexr. Lawder. 1686. Jno. Hamilton ; d. one of the minis- 1441. Jas. Bruce, ld. chanc. ; tr. to Glas- ters of Edinburgh, after the Re- gow. volution. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 542. DIOCESE OF EDINBURGH. THIs see was founded by Charles I., when in Scotland, in 1633. The church of St. Giles, in the city of Edinburgh, was made the cathedral. BIs HoPs OF EDINBURGH. 1634. Wm. Forbes, one of the ministers of 1671. Alexr. Young, archdm. of St. An- Edinburgh; d. same year. drew’s ; tr. to Ross. David Lindsay ; tr. from Brechin; 1679. John Patterson; tr. from Galloway; depr. by the assembly of Glasgow, tr. to Glasgow. 1638. 1687. Alexr. Rose; tr. from Moray; eject. 1662. Geo. Wiseheart, rect. of Newcastle- soon after the Revolution in | upon-Tyne. 1688. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 542. 534 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF MORAY. THE bishopric of Moray was founded by king Malcolm III., surnamed Canmore. The seat of the see was at Elgin, situated on the river Lossie, about three miles from its mouth. The cathedral was dedicated to the Holy Trinity. BISHOPs of MoRAY. 1115. Gregory. 1477. Wrm. Tulloch; tr. from Orkney; lá * * William ; made apostolic legate in pr. Seal. 1159. 1482. Andr. Stewart, sub-dean of Glasgow, * * Felix; d. 1170. ld. pr. seal; called “the Black 1171. Simeon de Tomei, a monk of Melrose. Rnight of Lorn.” 1187. Richard, chapln. to K. William. 1501. Andr. Forman; tr. to St. Andrew's. 1203. Brice, or Bricius, prior of Lesmaha- 1516. Jas. Hepburn, abb. of Dunfermline, gow. and la, treasr. * * Andr. de Moravia. 1524. Robt. Schaw, abb. of Paisley. 1242. Simon, dean of Moray. 1527. Alexr. Stuart, son of Alexr., D. of 1253. Archd., dean of Moray. Albany, son of James II. by 1299. David Moray; founded the Scots' Ratharine Sinclair, then his wife, College at Paris. daur. of Wm., E. of Orkney and 1325. John Pilmore, bp.-elect of Ross. Caithness. He was abb. of Scone 1362. Alexr. Bar; whilst this prelate was when advanced to this see. bp., Alexr., E. of Buchan, youngest | 1535. Patrick Hepburn, son of Patrick, son of Robert II., burnt the cathe- first E. of Bothwell; prior of St. dral church, and the whole town Andrew’s, and sec. st. of Elgin, with the churches and 1573. Geo. Douglas, natl, son of Archd., hospitals. E. of Angus ; first protestant bp. 1397. Wm. Spynie, chanter of Elgin. of this see. 1407. John Innes, archdn. of Caithness. 1606. Alexr. Douglas, parson of Elgin. 1414. Hy. Leighton, chanter of Moray; 1623. John Guthrie, parson of Edinburgh; tr. to Aberdeen. depr. with other bps. in 1638. 1425. David. 1662. Murdoch Mackenzie ; tr. to Ork- 1429. Columba Dunbar. ney. 1437. John Winchester (an Englishman), 1677. Jas. Aitkin; tr. to Galloway. prov. of Lincluden, and ld. clk. 1680. Colin Falconer; tr. from Argyll. regr. ; often employed as ambass. 1687. Alexr. Rose, principal of St. Mary's to the English court. College, St. Andrew's. 1459. Jas. Stewart, ld, treas1. | 1688. Wm. Hay, parson of Perth; he was 1462. David Stewart (bro. to the last bp.); eject. soon after the Revolution in parson of Spynie. | 1688; d. 1707. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 544. DIOCESE OF ORKNEY. THE accounts of the founding of this see are various and uncertain, and considering that the Orkney and Shetland islands were subject sometimes to the Norwegians, and sometimes to the Scots, little authenticated matter can be expected. The seat of the see was at Rirkwall. The church was dedicated to St. Servanus, and was one of the only two cathedral churches in Scotland (that of Glasgow being the other) that escaped the fury of the mob. The foundation of this see is by some ascribed to St. Servanus, who was ordained a bishop by St. Palladius, and sent to the Scots by pope Celestine I. in the beginning o the fifth century; others say that St. Columb was the founder. Thé diocese contained the islands of Orkney and Shetland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 535 % +& * 36. 1223. 1248. 3. •k 1270. 1286. 1310. 3: •K. J390. 1394. 1422. 1448. 1468. 1478. 1511. * * * 36. 1540. THE * * * k 1161. 1195 3& K. 1214. + 36 1269. 1270. 1273. 1274. 1284. 1309. 1325. 1328. 1334. 1340. 1357. BISHOPs of ORKNEY. Radulphus, who lived in the time of 1562. David I. | William (No. 1), reckoned by Tor- pheus to be the first bp. resident in Orkney. William (No. 2); d. 1188. Biarn ; d. Sept. 1223. Jofreir; d. 1246. Hervey, or Hausir. Henry (No. 1). Petrus. Dolgfinnus. William (No. 3). William (No. 4); murd. William §: 5). Henry (No. 2). Thos. de Tulloch. William (No. 6). Wm. Tulloch; tr. to Moray. 1677. Andrew. - Edwd. Stewart. 1688 Robt. Maxwell, prov. of the col- 1egiate ch., Dumbarton. Robt. Reid, prior of Beaulieu ; pres. ct. Sess. Thomas. | | | Adam Bothwell ; m. Q. Mary to the E. of Bothwell, and aft. became a protestant. See vacant 13 years. . . Jas. Law, parson of Kirkliston; tr. to Glasgow. . Geo. Graham ; tr. from Dunblane; deposed. . Robt. Baron, prof. of divinity in Marischal College, Aberdeen, chosen ; but the ruling powers depr. him of the benefit of his election. . . Thos. Sydeserf, prev. bp. of Gallo- way ; he was the only surviving bp. at the Restoration. . Andr. Honyman, archdn. of St. An- drew's. Murdoch Mackenzie ; tr. from Mo- ray. . Andr. Bruce ; he had been formerly bp. of Dunkeld, but had been depr. ; lost this see at the Revo- lution. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 545. DIOCESE OF ROSS see of Ross was founded in the twelfth century by king David I. BISHOPs of Ross. Macbeth. * * Simon. 1420. Gregory. 1449. Reinaldus; d. 1213. 1463. Andr. Murray; elect., but refused 1481. to be consec. | 1482. Robert (No. 1), chapl. to K. William. St. Duthac. - y Robert (No. 2). Robert (No. 3), archdn. of Ross. Matthaeus, or Machabacus ; d. at Lyons, having gone to attend the 1539. council there. Thos. de Fifyne. 1546. Robert (No. 4). Thos. de Dundemore, IYl Ol’G. - John Pilmore ; elect., but before consec, chosen bp. of Moray. Rogerus (No. 1). John (No. 1). Roger (No. 2). Alexander (No. 1). or Dundu- 1485. 1508. 1525. Alexander (No. 2). John (No. 2). Thos. Urquhart. Henry. Thomas. - Wm. Elphinstone, archdm. of Argyll ; tr. to Aberdeen. John Fraser, abb. of Melrose. Robt. Cockburn. Jas. Hay, abb. of Dundrennan, in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Robt. Cairncross abb. of Holyrood House ; lil. treast. David Paniter (vulgo Panter), sec. St. . Hy. Sinclair, dean of Glasgow ; lá. pres, ct. Sess. . John Lesley, sec, to Q. Mary; d. at |Brussels, 1596. . David Lindesay ; the first protestant bp. of this see. . Patrick Lindesay, parson of St. Vigians, Angus; tr. to Glasgow. 536 HE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1633. John Maxwell, one of the ministers | 1662. John Paterson, parson of Aberdeen. of Edinburgh; depr, in 1638. In 1679. Alexr. Young; tr. from Edinburgh. 1640 he was made bp. of Killala, 1684. Jas. Ramsay ; tr. from Dunblane; Ireland; and in 1645, abp. of eject. Soon after the Revolution in Tuam; d, suddenly in 1646. 1688. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 545. DIOCESE OF GLASGOW, HISTORIANs disagree with respect to the foundation of this see: that it is, next to St. Andrews, of higher antiquity than any other in Scotland, is, however, beyond all doubt. The founder is nowhere mentioned with any certainty. Kennet says, the see was instituted by St. Kenti- gern, alias Mungo, in the year 560. Yet some doubt whether Kentigern was ever bishop of Glasgow, and speak of him as being only a holy man, who had a cell there, and whose sanctity was held in such high veneration, that when the cathedral church was dedicated, it was to him. Dr. Heylyn, speaking of the see of St. Asaph, in Wales, says, “that the see was founded in 583 by St. Kentigern, a Scot, then bishop of Glasgow. In that see he was the first bishop; and on his return to Scotland, he was succeeded as bishop by St. Asaph, to whom the cathedral there is dedicated.” From this it may be inferred that St. Kentigern, alias Mungo, founded the see of Glasgow, and was the first bishop. The see was made an archbishopric in 1491. The diocese was of great extent, till the see of Edinburgh was partly taken out of it. The want of records leaves a vast blank in the catalogue of its bishops. BISHOPS OF GLAsgow. * * * 1272. Robt. Wiseheart, archdn. of St. An- 1115. John, ld. chanc. drew’s. 1147. Herbert, abb. of Kelso ; lil. chanc. 1317. Stephen de Dundemore, chanc. of 1164. Ingelram, archdn. of Glasgow. the see of Glasgow; never consec.; 1174. Joceline, abb. of Melrose. d. on his way to Rome. 1199. Hugo de Roxburgh, archdn. of St. 1319. John Wiseheart, archdn. of Glas- Andrew's, and lå. chanc. gow. 1200. Wm. Malvoisine, ld, chanc.; tr. to 1325. John Lindsay; d. 1335. St. Andrew's. 1335. Wrm. Rao. 1202. Florentius (son of the E. of Hol- 1368. Walter Wardlaw, archdn. of Lothian, land), ld, chanc.; res. and Sec. to the king. 1208. Walter, chapl. to the king. 1389. Matth. Glendoming, preb. of Glas- 1283. Wm. de Bondington, archdn. of St. gow. Andrew's, and ló. chanc. 1408. Wm. Lauder, archdn, of Lothian. 1260. John de Cheyam, archdn. of Bath, 1426. John Cameron, prov. of Lincludem, England ; chapl. to pope Alex- and lá. pr. seal. ander IV., and by him forced into 1446. Jas. Bruce ; tr. from Dunkeld; the see ; he was so disagreeable ld. chanc.; d. before he was in- both to king and people, that stalled. he retired to France, where he 1448. Wm. Turnbull, archdm. of St. An- died. drew's, and ló. pr. Seal. 1268. Nichs. de Moffat, archdn. of Tiviot- || 1455. Andr. Muirhead, rect. of Cadzow dale ; never consec. (now Hamilton). 1270. Wrm. Wiseheart, archdn. of St. An- || 1474. John Laing, ld. treasr. drew's, and lå. chanc. ; tr. to St. 1483. Geo. Carmichael, treasr. of the see Andrew's. of Glasgow; d. before consec. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 537 ARCHBISHOPS OF GLASGow. 1484. Robt. Blackadder ; tr. from Aber- in 1587; the diocese given to deen; he had so much interest at Walter Stewart, commend. of Rome, that he got this see erected Blantyre, with power to feu what into an archbishopric in 1491, remained of the see lands. and had the bps. of Argyll, 1588. Jas. Beaton, or Bethune (No. 2); Galloway, and the Isles assigned rest. by act of parlt. him as suffragans. 1603. John Spottiswood, parson of Cal- 1508. Jas. Beaton, or Bethune (No. 1); der, Mid Lothian ; tr. to St. An- tr. from Galloway; ld, chanc.; drew’s. tr. to St. Andrew's. 1615. Jas. Law; tr. from Orkney. 1524. Gavin Dunbar; tr. from Aberdeen; 1633. Patrick Lindsay ; tr. from Ross; ld, chanc. depr. and excomm. 1638; d. at 1551. Jas. Beaton, or Bethune (No. 2); abb. Newcastle 1641. of Aberbrothock; he sent the 1661. Andr. Fairfowl, parson at Dunse. records of this see to the Scots' | 1664, Alexr. Burnet ; tr. from Aberdeen; college at Paris; quitted the see forced to resign by the D. of in 1560; rest. 1588. Lauderdale, in 1669. The see vacant. 1671. Robt. Leighton; tr. from Dum- 1571. John Porterfield ; the first Protes- blane ; res. 1674. - tant abp. of Glasgow; he seems | 1674. Alexr. Burnet; rest. by the D. of to have been appointed merely to Lauderdale ; tr. to St. An- get the lands belonging to the see drew’s. alienated in a legal manner; re- | 1679. Arthur Ross; tr. from Argyll ; tr. mained here till the year 1572, to St. Andrew’s. 1572. Jas. Boyd, one of the ministers of 1684. Alexr. Cairncross ; tr. from Brechin ; Glasgow. - removed in 1686. 1581. Robt. Montgomery, parson of Stir- | 1687. John Paterson; tr. from Edin- ling ; res. burgh ; son of the bp. of Ross ; 1585. Wm. Erskine, titular abp., not being ejected soon after the Revolution in orders; turned out by the king in 1688. For post-Revolution bishops sec post, p. 543. DIOCESE OF ARGYLL. JoHN SCOT, bishop of Dunkeld, finding his see so large that he could not pay that attention to it which his conscience dictated, made a repre- sentation to that effect to the court of Rome; whereupon pope Innocent III. disjoined from his diocese all that now constitutes the shire of Argyll, on the main land, together with some of the Western Islands, particularly the island of Lismore, which was made the bishop's seat of the new see: hence the bishops of Argyll are frequently styled bishops of Lismore. The church was dedicated to St. Molocus, who lived about 1160, and whose bones were translated to the island. The diocese contained Argyllshire, Lochaber, and some of the isles. BISHOPS OF ARGYLL. 1200. Evaldus. * * * 1228. Harald. 1425. Finlay, a Dominican friar ; chapl. 1240. William. to Murdoch, D. of Albany; re- 1250. Alan. tired to Ireland with the duke’s 1261. Laurence. son James. 1304. Andrew. 1437. Geo. Lauder, prec. of St. Laurence 1330. David. Peebles. 1342. Martin. 1473. Robt. Colquhoun, rect. of Luss. Here some of the names are wanting. 1499. John. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1539. 1558. 1580. 1608. 1613. 1637. inhabitants to the Christian religion. * { % 3& #. 730. 764. 776. 777. 790. 1154. 1189. 1209, 1225. 1255. 1296. 1321. 1334. 1357. 1359. 1362. 1368. 1415. 1415. 1426. 1451. 1459. 1489. . David Hamilton; this prelate held 'm commendam the two abbeys of Dryburgh and Glenluce; and procured the abbey of Sandal, in Rintyre, to be annexed to his see. Wm. Cunningham, bro. to the E. of Glencairn. Robt. Montgomery, rect. of Kirk- michael. Jas. Hamilton. natl. bro. to the D. of Chatelherault ; sub - dean of Glasgow; the first Protestant bp. of this see. Neil Campbell, parson of Kilmartin; l'6S. John Campbell, son of the last bp. Andr. Boyd, natl. Son of lø. Boyd; preb. of Glasgow. Jas. Fairley, min. in Edinburgh ; he 1661. 1662. 1666. 1675. 1679. 1680. 1688. was, with other bps., depr. in 1638; but became the presbyterian parson of Leswade. John Young, prof. of divinity at Glasgow ; d. before consecration. David Fletcher, parson at Melrose. Wm. Scrogie, parson of Rathan, Aberdeenshire. Arthur Ross, parson of Glasgow; tr. to Glasgow. Colin Falconer, parson of Forres; tr. to Moray. Hector Maclean, parson at Eastwood. Alexr. Monro, principal of the col- lege of Edinburgh ; he had a congé. d'elire to the dean and chapter of this see ; but it is uncertain whe- ther he was elected before the Revolution. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 541. DIOCESE OF GALLOWAY. THIS was a very ancient see, said to have been founded by St. Ninian, who was the first bishop, and who had previously converted many of the This saint, about the close of the fifth or beginning of the sixth century, built a church of white stone, in honour of St. Martin, and from it the place took its name Whitern, or Whitehorn. BISHOPS OF St. Ninian (No. 1). Octa. Pecthelmus. Frethe waldus. Pictuinus. Ethelbertus. Radwulf. * º: * Christianus. John. Walter. Gilbert, abb. of Kinloss. Henry, abb. of Holyrood House. Thomas (No. 1). Simon. Henry. Michael. Adam. Thomas (No. 2). Andrew. Elisabus. Thomas (No. 3). Alexander. Thos. Spence ; res. Ninian (No. 2). Geo. Vaus. GALLOWAY. 1508. 1509. 1526. 1541. 1558. 1576. 1606. º * 1619. 1634. 1661. Jas. Beaton, or Bethune (No. 1), abb. of Dunfermline ; ld. treaSr; tr. to Glasgow. David Arnot, abb. of Cambus Ken- neth. Hy. Weems. Andr. Durie, abb. of Melrose. Alexr. Gordon, tr. from the Isles; titular abp. of Athens ; the first protestant bp. of this see; sus- pended from his function by the kirk, he assigned his bishopric to his son, which assignment was afterwards confirmed by a charter under the great seal ; d. 1576. John Gordon, not consec. Gavin Hamilton, parson of Hamilton. Wm. Coupar, parson of Perth. Andr. Lamb, tr. from Brechin. Thos. Sydeserf, tr. from Brechin; depr. in 1638 by the assembly of Glasgow; he was the only Scots’ bp. that survived the usurpation, and in 1662 was made bp. of Orkney. Jas. Hamilton, bro. to the first 1d. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 539 Belhaven; parson of Cambus- 1688. John Gordon, chapl. to the king; he nethan. followed James II., after his abdi- 1674. John Paterson, dean of Edinburgh. cation, into France, and aft. into 1679. Arthur Ross, tr. from Argyll ; tr. Ireland, but still continued a to Glasgow. protestant. 1680. Jas. Aitkin, tr. from Moray. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 543. DIOCESE OF THE ISLES. THIS see contained, formerly, not only the AEbudæ, or Western Isles, but the Isle of Man, which for more than four hundred years has been a separate bishopric. The prelates had three places of residence, viz., the isles of Icolumkill, Man, and Bute; and, in ancient writs are Variously styled Episcopi Mannice et Insularum, Episcopi AEbudarum, and Episcopi Sodorenses, which last title is still retained by the bishops of the Isles, and the bishops of the Isle of Man. During the great contest between the houses of Bruce and Baliol for the throne of Scotland, Edward III. of England made himself master of the Isle of Man, and it has ever since remained an appendage of the crown of England. The lords of the isle of Man set up bishops of their own, and the Scottish monarchs continued their bishops of the Isles, of which the records are but imperfect. BIs Hops of THE ISLEs. 360. Amphibalus. |}}} Allan. 447. Germanus. | 1321. Gilbert. * * Conindicus. 1328. Bernard de Linton, abb. of Aberbro- * * Romulus. . thock, and ld. chanc. 498. St. Machatus. i 1334. Thomas. 648. St. Conan. 1348. Wm. Russell, abb. of Rushen. * * St. Contentus. | 1374. John Dumkan, a Manxman, consèc. * * St. Bladus. at Avignon; made prisoner on his * * St. Malchus. return at Balonia, and redeemed 889. Tarkinus. l for five hundred merks. * * Roolwer. 1388. John (No. 3); the Isle of Man was * * William. now separated from this see. * * St. Brandan, to whom the cathedral 1409. Michael. in the Isle of Man is dedicated. 1427. Angusius (No. 1). 1113. Wymundus, a monk of Sais. 1476 Angusius (No. 2). 1151. John (No. 1), a monk of Sais. 1492. Robert. 1154. Gamaliel, an Englishman. * * John (No. 4), the king, with the con- * * Reginald (No. 1), a Norwegian. sent of the pope, got the abbey * * Christian. | of Icolumkill annexed to the see. * * Michael. 1510. Geo. Hepburn, abb. of Aberbrothock; 1203. Nicholas. ld. treasr. ; killed at the battle of 1217. Reginald (No. 2), nephew to Ottaus, Flodden, Sept. 9, 1513. FC. of Norway. See supposed to be vacant. 1226. John (No. 2). - 1524. John (No. 5), elected. * * Simon. 1530. Ferquhard, res. in favour of 1249. Laurence, archdn. of Man. 1544. Roderick Maclean, archdn. Of the 1252. Richard (No. 1). Isles. 1253. Stephen. . 1553. Alexr. Gordon,titular abp. of Athens; * * Richard (No. 2); in his time, the held the abbey of Inchaffray Scots regained the island of Man. wn commendam ; tr. to Galloway. 1275. Marcus, ld, chanc. of Scotland. 1558. John Campbell, prior of Ardchattan. 1304. Onacus. * * John Carswell ; titular. 540 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1606. Andr. Knox, parson of Paisley, the first protestant bp. of this see ; tr. to Raphoe, Ireland. 1622. Thos. Knox, son of the last bishop. 1628. John Lesley, tr. to Raphoe, Ireland, 1633, but depr. ; made bp. of Clogher, 1661; and d. in 1671. 1634. Neil Campbell, parson of Glastrey; depr. by the Glasgow assembly 1638. 1661. Robt. Wallace, parson of Barnwell, in Ayrshire. 1675. Andr. Wood, parson of Dunbar, tr. to Caithness. 1680. Archd. Graham, parson of Rothsay: ejected soon after the Revolution in 1688. For post-Revolution bishops see post, p. 541. PART II.—BISHOPS OF SCOTLAND AFTER THE REVOLUTION. AT the Revolution of 1688 the episcopal Church of Scotland was disestablished, and thenceforward became a mere voluntary association. The apostolical succession of bishops was, however, continued, and the names of most of the former dioceses have been retained or revived. From time to time two or more sees have been united under one bishop and again separated, a system which, though no doubt adopted for good practical reasons, renders the succession of the post-Revolution bishops somewhat intricate and difficult to follow. BISHOPS OF SCOTLAND WHO HAVE HELD THE OFFICE OF PRIMUS. ANCIENTLY, no bishop in Scotland had the title of archbishop, but one bishop had a precedency under the title of Primus Scotiae Episcopus. In consequence of the Revolution, and after the death of bishop Rose, of Edinburgh, the Scottish bishops resumed the old form, one of them being elected Primus, with the power of convocating and presiding according to their canons. 1704. 1720. 1727. *Alexr. Rose, bp. of Edinburgh. *Jno. Fullarton, bp. of Edinburgh. *Arthur Millar, bp. of Edinburgh. *Andrew Lumsden, bp. of Edinburgh. *David Freebairn, minister of Dum- ning ; aft. bp. of Edinburgh. Thomas Rattray, bp. of Dunkeld. 1743. Robert Keith, bp. of Fife. 1757. Robert White, bp. of Fife. 1761–2. William Falcomar, bp. of Moray; aft. bp. of Edinburgh. 1731. 1739. 1784. Robert Kilgour, bp. of Aberdeen. 1788–9. John Skinner, bp. of Aberdeen. 1816. George Gleig, bp. of Brechin. 1837. James Walker, bp. of Edinburgh. 1841. William Skinner, bp. of Aberdeen. 1857. Chas. Hugh Terrot, bp. of Edin- burgh. 1862. Robert Eden, bp. of Moray and Ross. 1886. Hugh Willoughby Jermyn, bp. of Brechin. * Some authorities style these bishops “Administrators,” and not “Primi.” POST_REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ABERDEEN. 1721. Hon. Archd. Campbell; consec. Aug. 1733. Wm. Dunbar, tr. from Moray; d 24. 1711; res. 1724. 1724. Jas. Gadderar, min. at Kilmaurs : consec. Feb. 24, 1712. 1746. 1747. Andr. Gerard, presbyter in Aber- deen; consec. July 17; d. Oct. 1767. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 541 1768. Robt. Kilgour, presbyter in Peter- 1816. Wm. Skinner, presbyter in Aberdeen, head; consec. Sept. 21; primus son of the preceding bp. ; consec. on the death of bp. Falconar in Oct. 27 : primus in 1841. 1784; res. 1786; d. Mar. 1790. 1857. Thos. G. Suther. 1786. John Skinner, presbyter in Aber- In 1864 Orkney was united to this deen; consec. and app. coadj. to see, and bp. Suther was thence- bp. Kilgour, Sept. 25, 1782; succ. forth styled by. of Aberdeen and that bp. on his resign. in 1786; Orkney. primus in 1788–9; d. July 1816. See “Aberdeen and Orkney,” infra. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ABERDEEN AND ORKNEY. See “Aberdeen,” supra, and “Orkney,” post, p. 545. 1864. Thos. G. Suther, bp. of Aberdeen; 1883. Hon. Arthur Gascoigne Douglas. now bp. of Aberdeen and Orkney. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ARGYLL AND THE ISLES. Since the Revolution the sees of independent diocese, and a bishop Argyll and the Isles have never was appointed thereto. existed independently, being joined 1847. Alex. Ewing, consec. at Aberdeen, to Moray and Ross, or to Ross Oct. this year. alone. In 1847, however, Argyll 1874. Geo. Richd. Mackarness. and the Isles were made to form an 1883. Jas. Robt. Alex. Chinnery-Haldane. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF BRECHIN. 1731. John Ouchterlonie ; consec. Nov. 29, | Drummond being elected to Edin- 1726 ; d. 1742. : burgh, he had the undivided 1742. Jas. Rait, presbyter in Dundee ; charge of Brechin ; d. Jan. consec. Oct. 4; d. 1777. 1810. 1778. Geo. Innes; consec. Aug. 18; d. 1810. Geo. Gleig, presbyter in Stirling; May 1781. consec, as coadj. to bp. Strachan, See vacant some years. Oct. 12, 1808; succ. him in 1810; 1787. Wm. Abernethy Drummond, pres- primus in 1816. byter in Edinburgh; consec. Sept. 1837. David Moir, consec. Oct. 8, as coadj. 26 ; tr. soon afterwards to Edin- to bp. Gleig, whom he succ. in burgh. 1841. 1787–8. John Strachan, presbyter in Dun- 1847. Alex. Penrose Forbes. dee; consec. with bp. Drummond, 1876. Hugh Willoughby Jermyn, primus to whom he was coadj. On in 1886. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF CAITHNESS. 1662. Patrick Forbes, June 1. 1741. Wm. Falconar, Sept. 10; tr. to 1727. Robt. Keith; June 18; tr. to Fife, Moray, 1742. 1733. See “Ross and Caithness,” post, p. 545. ë42 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF DUNBLANE. 1731. John Gillan ; consec. June 11, 1727; See some years vacant. assumed the charge of this dio- || 1774. Chas. Rose, presbyter at Doune ; cese, but his authority was not consec. Aug. 24; succ. bp. Alex- fully recognised until 1731. ander in Dunkeld in 1776, when 1735. Robt. White, presbyter at Cupar; the bishoprics of Dunkeld and consec. June 24 ; tr. to Fife, 1743. Dunblane were united. See “Dunkeld and Dunblame,” infra. POST. REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF D'UNKELD. 1727. Thos. Rattray, of Craighall; consec. 1743. John Alexander, presbyter at Alloa June 4; primus in 1739; d. May consec. Aug. 9; d. 1776. 1743. On his death the bishoprics of Dunkeld and Dunblane were united. See “Dunkeld and Dunblane,” infra. & POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF D'UNKELD AND DUNBLANE. See “Dunkeld,” and “Dunblane,” supra. 1776. Chas. Rose, bp. of Dunblane, be- 1808. Patrick Torry, presbyter at Peter- came also bp. of Dunkeld; d. head; consec. Oct. 12; made bp. Apr. 1791. of Fife 1837, and thenceforward 1792. Jonathan Watson, presbyter at styled by. of Fife, Dunkeld, and Laurence Kirk; consec. Sept. 20; T)umblane. (l, 1808. | See “Fife, Dunkeld, and 1) unblane,” post, p. 543. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF EDINBURGH. PAssING over bishop Alexander Rose, whose name is found in the preceding lists of ante-Revolution bishops, and who connects the established Episcopal Church of Scot- land with that form of it which is now only voluntary, the first of the post-Revolution bishops, properly so described, chosen to superintend the clergy of Edinburgh, was 1720. John Fullarton, form. min. of Pais- 1781; app. to Edinburgh 1783: ley ; consec. Jan. 25, 1705; app. d. 1739. to Edinburgh in 1720, on the death From 1739 to 1776 there was no bp. of Alexr. Rose. appointment of a bishop of Edin- 1727. Arthur Millar, min. of Inveresk ; burgh. consec. Oct. 22, 1718; app. to 1776, Wm. Falconar; tr. from Moray; Edinburgh ; primus in 1727; d. primus 1761–2; d. 1784. same year. Arth. Petrie was his coadj. in 1777. Andrew Lumsden, min, of Dudding- || 1787. Wm. Abernethy Drummond ; tr. from ton; consec. Nov. 22, and at once Brechin; res. 1805. made primus. 1806. Daniel, or David, Sandford, elect. 1733. David Freebairn, min. of Dunning ; in Jan. and consec. Feb. 9 this consec. Oct. 17, 1722; primus in year; d. 1830. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 543 1830. Jas. Walker, consec. Mar. 7; primus in 1837; d. Mar. 1841. 1841. Chas. Hughes Terrot. 1863. Thos. Baker Morrell, coadj. 1872. Hy. Cotterill. 1886. John Dowden. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF FIFE. 1733. Robt. Keith ; tr. from Caithness; Fife was united to Edinburgh from primus in 1743; d. Jan. 1757. bp. Edgar's death, until 1837, 1743. Robt. White ; tr. from Dunblame ; when it was transferred to Dun- primus in 1757; d. 1761. keld and Dunblane. This bishop- 1761. Hy. Edgar, consec. in 1759; coadj. ric has been styled St. Andrew’s. to bp. White, whom he succeeded : since Sept. 1844. there is no record of his death. See “Edinburgh,” ante, p. 542, “Fife, Dunkeld, and Dunblane,” infra, and “St. Andrew's, Dunkeld, and Dunblane,” post, p. 545. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF FIFE, DUNKELD, AND DUN BLANE. See “Fife,” supra, and “Dunkeld and Dunblane,” ante, p. 542. 1837. Patrick Torry, bp. of Dunkeld and Dunblane, was this year made bp. of Fife also. In Sept. 1844 the title of Fife was changed to St. Andrew's, and bp. Torry was thenceforward styled by. of St. Andrew's, Dunkeld, and Dun- blane. See “ St. Andrew's, Dunkeld, and Dunblane,” post, p. 545. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF GALLOWAY. It is doubtful whether there was a bishop of this see until it was united with Glasgow in 1848; but David Freebairn, who was consec. Oct. 17, 1722, is, by some, given as bp. of Galloway in 1731. See “ Glasgow and Galloway,” post, p. 544. POST_REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF GLASGOW. It is doubtful whether any named 1732 (? 1722). Andrew, or David, Cant, before 1837 were more than titu- consec. Oct. 17. lar bishops, but the following are | 1837. In this year a mandate was issued given by some authorities:— to the dean and clergy to elect a 172—, Alexr. Duncan, consec. 1724; (?bp. bishop, and accordingly, on Oct. in 1721, and d. 1733), 8, Michl. Russell was consec. and 1724. Robt. Norrie, consec. this year. app. He d. 1848, and his succes- 1726. Jas. Rose, consec. this year. sor was consec. as bp. of Glas- 1727. David Rankine, consec. this year. gow and Galloway. See “ Glasgow and Galloway,” post, p. 544. 544 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF GLASGOW AND GALLOWAY. See “ Glasgow" and “Galloway,” ante, p. 543. 1848. Walter Jno. Trower; consec. Sept. 1859. Wm. Scot Wilson. as bp. of Glasgow and Galloway. | 1888. Wm. Thos. Harrison. * POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF THE ISLES. See “Argyll and the Isles,” ante, p. 541. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF MORAY. 1727. Wm. Dunbar, min. at Cruden; 1796. Alexr. Jolly, presbyter at Frazer- consec. June 18; tr. to Aberdeen burgh, was consec. June 24, and 1733. app. coadj. to bp. Macfarlane, 1742. Wm. Falconar; tr. from Caithness; who immediately afterwards res. tr. to Edinburgh. | the charge of Moray to him, re- 1776. Arthur Petrie, presbyter at Mickle- taining that of Ross, with the folla, in Eyvie; consec. June 27; title of bp. of that diocese. See d. 1787. i “Ross,” post, p. 545. 1838. On the death of bp. Jolly in this year, Moray was again united to Ross under bp. Low, conformably with a decree of an episcopal synod held in Edinburgh in 1837. 1787. Andr. Macfarlane, presbyter in In- verness; consec. Mar. 7. Hitherto the diocese of Ross had since the Revolution been under the charge of the bps. of Moray, but in See “Ross,” post, p. 545, and “Moray and Ross,” infra. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF MORAY AND ROSS. See “Moray,” supra, and “Ross,” post, p. 545, 1838. Conformably to a decree of an epis- thenceforward styled bp. of Moray copal synod held in Edinburgh in and Ross, and who res. 1851. 1837, the bishoprics of Moray | 1851. Robt. Eden, who, in 1864, was styled and Ross were united under David bp. of Moray, Ross, and Caith- Low, then bp. of Moray, who was IlêSS, See “Moray, Ross, and Caithness,” infra. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF MORAY, ROSS, AND CAITHNESS. See “Moray and Ross,” supra, and “Ross and Caithness,” post, p. 545. 1864. Robt. Eden, above named. | 1886. Jas. Butler Kelly, consec. 1867. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 545 POST_REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ORKNEY. IT is doubtful whether there were any post-Revolution bishops of this see until it was united to Aberdeen in 1864. The following names are given by some, but, as will be seen, they had other preferment from which they took their titles. .1703. Robt. Keith, consec. June 18, 1727; 1762. Robt. Forbes, consec. June 21; also also bp. of Caithness. 1741. Wm. Falconar, consec. Sept. 10; also bp. of Caithness. bp. of Ross and Caithness. 1787–8. Andr. Macfarlane, consec. Mar. 7, 1787; also bp. of Moray. See “Aberdeen and Orkney,” ante, p. 541. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ROSS. It is not clear by whom the duties of some of the remoter districts of Scotland were performed about the middle of the last century. Ross appears to have been usually united with Moray, until bp. Mac- farlane, in 1796, res. Moray to bp. Jolly, and retained, together with Ross, the superintendence of Argyll. 1796. Andr. Macfarlane, previously consec. bp. of Moray; d. 1819. See “Moray,” ante p. 544. 1819. David Low, presbyter of Pitten- ween ; consec. Nov. 14. See “Moray and Ross,” ante, p. 544. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ROSS AND CAITHNESS. 1762. Robt. Forbes, consec. June 24. See “Moray, Ross, and Caithness,” ante, p. 544. POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS OF ST. ANDREW’S, DUNKELD, AND DUNBLANE. See “Fife Dunkeld, and Dunblane,” ante, p. 543. 1844. St. Andrews was anciently the prin- cipal archiepiscopal see of Scot- land, but the title was dropped at the Revolution, and was not revived until Sept. 5 of this year, of Fife by Patrick Torry, until then styled by. of Fife, Dunkeld, and Dunblame, but thenceforward styled by. of St. Andrews, Dun- keld and Dunblane ; d. 1853. when it was substituted for that | 1853. Chas. Wordsworth. SCOTCH POST-REVOLUTION BISHOPS WITHOUT SEES. 1705. 1709. 1711. 1718. John Sage, consec. Jan. 25. John Fullarton, consec. Jan. 25. John Falconer, consec. Jan. 25. Hy. Christie, consec, Apr. 28. Hon. Archd. Campbell,consec.Aug.24. Wm. Irvine, consec. Oct. 22. 1722. Andr. Cant, consec. Oct. 17 ; (? David Cant, bp. Glasgow, 1732. 1726. Jas. Rose, consec, Nov. 29 (? bp. of Glasgow). 1727. John Gillan, consec. June 11. David Rankin, consec. June 11. (? bp. of Glasgow) 35 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE KIRK O SCOTLAND. . THE government of the established Presbyterian Kirk of Scotland is. superintended by a supreme court, called the General Assembly, con- sisting of commissioners from each presbytery, royal burgh, and university in the kingdom, with a proportion of Kirk elders, nearly as three to four. Meetings of this court take place annually, under the presidency of a Lord High Commissioner, as the representative of the crown, and of a moderator chosen by the members present. LORD HIGH COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO REPRE- SENT THE SOWEREIGN IN THE GENERAL ASSEM- BLIES OF THE KIRE OF SCOTLAND. Jas., M., aft. D., of Hamilton. John, I. of Traquair. No commn. John, E. of Wemyss. Chas., E. of Dunfermline. Sir Thos. Hope, of Craighall, king's advocate. 1644–49. No commissioners; but the king wrote a letter to the Assembly in 1646 showing that he could not conveniently send a commr. * %. * * 1638. 1639. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1643. 1690. John, ld. Carmichael. 1692. Robt., E., aft. M., of Tuothian. 1694–99. John, ld. Carmichael, aft. Hyndford. Jas., 1st visc. Seafield, aft. 1st E. of Seafield, and 4th E. of Findlater. Wm., E., aft. M. of Annandale. Patrick, E. of Marchmont. Jas., E. of Seafield, again. 1704. Wm., ld. Ross. 1705. Wm., M. of Annandale, again. 1706–10. David, E. of Glasgow. 1711. Wm., M. of Annandale, again. 1712–14. John, D. of Athole. 1715–21. John, E. of Rothes. 1722. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. 1723. Chas., E. of Hopetoun. 1724. Jas., E. of Findlater and Seafield,again. 1725–26. Hugh, E. of Loudoun. 1727. Jas., E. of Findlater and Seafield,agaºn. 1728. Hugh, E. of Loudoun, again. 1729. David, E. of Buchan. 1730–31. Hugh, E. of Loudoun, again. 1732–38. Wm., M. of Lothian. 1739–40. John, E. of Hyndford. E. of 1700. 1701. 1702. 1703. 1741–53. ‘Alexr., E. of Leven and Mel- ville. # 1754. John, E. of Hopetoun. 1755–63. Chas. Schaw, ld. Cathcart. 1764–72. David, E. of Glasgow. 1773–76. Chas. Schaw, ld. Cathcart, again. 1777–82. Geo., E. of Dalhousie. 1783–1801. David, E. of Leven and Mel- ville. Fras., ld, Napier. Wm., E. of Erroll. Geo., E. of Morton. Jas., ld. Forbes. Robt. Montgomery, ld. Belhaven. John, M. of Bute. Robt. Montgomery, ld. Belhaven, Cl(JCl2]?. - 1852. Wm. David, E, of Mansfield, K. T. 1853–57. Robt. Montgomery, ld, Belhaven, agazm. 1858–59. Wm. David, E, of Mansfield, K.T., CLG (1272. 1860–66. Robt. Montgomery, ld. Belhaven, R. T. 1861. . 1867–68. Geo., E. of Haddington. 1869–71. John, E. of Stair, K.T. 1872–73. David Graham Drummond, E. of Airlie, K. T. 1874–75. Fras. Robt., E. of Rosslyn. 1876–77. Alan Plantagenet, E. of Gallo- 1802–16. 1817–19. 1820–24. 1825–30. 1831–41. 1842–46. 1847–51. way. - 1878–80. Fras. Robt., E. of Rosslyn, agaºn. - 1881–85, John Campbell, E. of Aberdeen, 1886. Thos. John, ld. Thurlow. 1887–89. John Adrian Louis, E of Hope- toun. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 547 MODERATOR'S OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE KIR.K OF SCOTLAND. From the beginning of the Century. THIS list has been compiled from those given in Oliver & Boyd’s “Edinburgh Almanac,” a work which contains a large amount of useful information on all Scotch subjects. 1801. Wm. Ritchie. 1845. Alexr. Hill. 1802. Jas. Finlayson. 1846. Jas. Paull. 1803. Gilbert Gerard. 1847. John Paul. 1804. John Inglis. 1848. Geo. Buist. 1805. Geo. Hamilton. 1849. Alexr. L. Simpson. 1806. Wm. Taylor. 1850, John Graham. 1807. Jas. Sheriffs. 1851. John McLeod, 1808. Andr. Grant. 1852. Lewis W. Forbes. 1809. Fras. Nicol. 1853. Jas. Barr. 1810. Hugh Meiklejohn. 1854. Jas. Grant. 1811. Alexr. Rankine. 1855. Andr. Bell. 1812. W. McMorine. 1856. John Crombie. 1813. Andr. Brown. 1857. Jas. Robertson. 1814. David Ritchie. 1858. Matt. Leishman. 1815. Lewis Gordon. 1859. John Cook. 1816. John Cook. 1860. Jas. Maitland. 1817. Gavin Gibb. 1861. Colin Smith. 1818. John Campbell. 1862. Jas. Besset. 1819. Duncan Macfarlane (No. 1.) 1863. Jas. Craik. 1820. Thos. Macknight. 1864. Wm. Robinson Pirie. 1821. D. Mearns. 1865. Jas. Macfarlane. 1822. David Lamont. 1866. John Cook. 1823. Alexr. Brunton. 1867. Thos. T. Crawford. 1824. Andr. Duncan. 1868. Jas. S. Barty. 1825. Geo. Cook. 1869. Norman Macleod (No. 2). 1826. Thos. Taylor. 1870. Geo. Ritchie. 1827. Robt. Haldane. 1871. Robt. Horne Stevenson. 1828. Stevenson Macgill. 1872. Robt. Jamieson. 1829. Patrick Forbes. 1873. Robt. Gillan. 1830. Wm. Singer. 1874. Saml. Trail. 1831. Jas. Wallace. 1875. Jas. Sellar. 1832. Thos. Chalmers. 1876. Geo. Cook. 1833. John Stirling. 1877. Kenneth M. Phin. 1834. Patrick Macfarlan. 1878. John Tulloch. 1835. W. A. Thomson. 1879. Jas. Chrystal. 1836. Norman McLeod (No. 1). 1880. Archd. Watson. 1837. Matt. Gardiner. 1881. Jas. Smith. 1838. Wm. Muir. 1882. Wm. Milligan. 1839. Hy. Duncan. 1883. John Rankin. 1840. Angus Makellar. 1884. Peter McKenzie. 1841. Robt. Gordon. 1885. Alexr. F. Mitchell. 1842. David Walsh. 1886. John Cunningham. 1843. Duncan Macfarlan (No. 2). 1887. Geo. Hutchison. 1844. John Lee. 1888. Wm. H. Gray. THE LORD PROWOSTS OF EDINBURGH. THE municipal affairs of the city of Edinburgh are administered by a corporation called the Town Council, the constitution of which has been altered from time to time, and as now settled consists of forty- 35 % 548 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. one persons. These are the Lord Provost, six bailies, a dean of guild, a treasurer, a convener of trades, and thirty-one counsellors. 1760–1. 1762–3. 1764–5. 1766–7. 1768–9. 1770–1. 1772–3. 1774–5. LoRD PRovosts of EDINBURGH FROM 1760. Geo. Lind. Geo. Drummond. Jas. Stewart. Gilbert Laurie. Jas. Stewart. John Dalrymple. Gilbert Laurie, again. Jas. Stoddart. 1776. Alexr. Kincaid; d. in office, Jan. 1777. 1777. John Dalrymple. 1778–9. 1780–1. 1782—3. 1784–5. 1786–7. 1788–9. 1790–1. 1792–3. 1794–5. 1796–7. 1798–9. 1800–1. 1802–3. 1804–5. 1806–7. 1808–9. Walter Hamilton. David Steuart. John Grieve. Jas. Hunter Blair. John Grieve, again. Thos. Elder. Jas. Stirling, aft. bt. Thos. Elder, again. Sir Jas. Stirling, bt., again. Thos, Elder, again. Sir Jas. Stirling, bt., again. Wm. Fettes, aft. bt. Neil Macvicar. Wm. Fettes, aft. bt., again. Donald Smith. Wm. Coulter; d. Apr. 1809. 1809-10. 1811–12. 1813–14. 1815–16. 1817–18. 1819–20. 1821–22. 1823–24. 1825–26. 1827–28. 1829–30. 1831–32. 1833–36. 1837–42. 1843–47. 1848–50. 1851–53. 1854–58. 1859–61. 1862–64. 1865–68. 1869–71. 1872–73. 1874–76. 1877–81. 1882–84. 1885–88. Wm. Calder Wm. Creech. Jno. Marjoribanks, aft. bt. Wm. Arbuthnot, aft, bt. Rincaid Mackenzie. John Manderston. Wm. Arbuthnot, aft. bt., again. Alexr. Henderson. Wm. Trotter. Walter Brown. Wm. Allan. John Learmouth. - Jas. Spittal, aft. Sir J. James Forrest, aft, bt. Adam Black. Wm. Johnston, aft. Sir W. Duncan McLaren. John Melville, aft. Sir J. Fras. Brown Douglas, Chas. Lawson. Wm. Chambers. Wm. Law. Jas. Cowan. James Falshaw, aft. bt. Thos. Jamieson Boyd, aft. Sir T. Geo. Harrison, aft. Sir G. Thos. Clark, aft. bt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 549 PART X. IRELANL). SOWEREIGNS OF IRELAND. For the sovereigns of Ireland prior to 1172 see Part I. “Royal,” ante, p. 20. The subsequent sovereigns will be found under those of England, ante, p. 4. OFFICERS OF STATE, &c., OF IRELAND. LORD-LIEUTENANTS AND CHIEF GOVERNORS OF IRELAND. WHEN the English established themselves in Ireland, in the reign of Henry II., the Government of the country was constituted much upon the model of that of England. The executive government was vested in officers who in the early ages of the English power in Ireland were variously denominated; as Custos or Keeper, Warden, Justiciary, Procu- rator, Seneschal, Constable, Lord-Lieutenant, and Lord Deputy, the last deriving his power sometimes from the superior Governor and sometimes from the crown; for many years the title has been Lord-Lieutenant. Turing his absence his powers are delegated to two, three, or some- times four Officers of State, styled “Lords Justices.” Formerly these officers frequently administered the government for considerable periods, and their names are therefore included in these lists. Since the union of Great Britain and Ireland, in 1801, the absence of the Lord-Lieutenant has been but temporary, generally for a few days only, and it has therefore not been necessary to notice the appointment of Lords Justices since that time. They were generally three—(1) the Lord Chancellor, (2) the commander of the Forces, and (3) until the disestablishment of the Irish Church on Jan. 1, 1871, the Archbishop of Armagh. 550 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1173. 1177. 1179. 1881. 1184. 1185. 1189. 1191. 1194. 1199. 1203. 1205. 1208. 1209, 1210, 1213. 1215. 1216. 1219. 1224. LORD-LIEUTENANTS AND CHIEF GOVERNORS OF IRELAND. L. L. Lord Lieutenant; L. J. Lord Justice; L. D. Lord Deputy; L. W. Lord Warden; Cust. Custos, Proc. Procurator; Sen. Seneschal; L. Const. Lord Constable ; all governors under those names. HENRY II. Hugh de Lacy, ld. of Meath, L. J. Rd. de Clare, E. of Pembroke, L.J. Raymond Le Gros, by the council elected Proc. John, E. of Morton, son to the king. Lord of Ireland. wº Fitzaldelm, the king’s purser. €%. Hugh de Lacy, ld, "of Meath. Proc. John de Lacy, const. of Chester; and Rd. de Peche, bp. of Co- ventry, LL. J.; sent by the king to deprive Hugh de Lacy, who by his marriage with a daughter of Roderick, king of Connaught, had displeased Henry. Wm. Fitzaldelm, again, L. D. Philip de Braos, alias Philip of Wor- cester, Proc. JoHN, E. of Morton, again. of Ireland. John de Courcy, E. of Ulster, L. D. Lord t RICHARD I. Hugh de Lacy the younger, ld, of Meath, aft. E. of Ulster, L. J. Wm. le Petit, L. J. Wm., E. of Pembroke and E. marshl. of England, Sen. of Leinster. Peter Pipard, L.J. Hamo de Valois, a gentleman of Suffolk, L. J. JOHN. Meiler Fitzhenry, nat, son of Henry II., L. J. Hugh de Lacy the younger, again, L. D. Meiler Fitzhenry, returns. Hugh de Lacy, now E. of Ulster, L. D. King JOHN, in person. Ireland. Wm., E. of Pembroke, left by the king as L. D. John de Grey, bp, elect of Norwich, L Lord of . J. Hy. de Londres, abp. of Dublin, L. J. Geoff. de Marisco. Cust, HENRY WIII. The same, contal. Hy. de Londres, again, L. J. Wm., E. of Pembroke, L. J. 1226. 1227. 1229, 1230. 1232, 1245. 1247. 1248. 1307 1308 1809 1312 Geoff. de Marisco, agazn, L. J. Hubert de Burgh, E. of Kent, and justiciar of England, L. J. Rd. de Burgh, L. D. Maurice Fitzgerald, L. J. Geoff. de Marisco, again, L. D. Maurice Fitzgerald, returned, L. J. Sir John Fitz-Geoffrey de Marisco, L. J. Theobd. Butler, ld, of Carrick; and John Cogan, LL. J. Sir John Fitz-Geoffrey de Marisco, again, L. J. . Prince EDWARD, eldest son to the king, L. J. . Alan de la Zouche, L. J. . Steph. de Longespee, L. J. . Wrm. Den, or Dene, L. J. . Sir Rd. de Rupella, or Capella, L. J. Sir John Fitz-Geoffrey de Marisco, again, L. J. . Sir David de Barry, L. J. . Sir Robt. de Ufford, L. J. Rd. de Exonia, or d’Exeter, L. J. Sir Jas. Audley, or d’Aldithley, L. J. Maurice Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald, elected L. J. EDWARD I. . The same, contal, by commission. . Sir Geoff. de Geneville, L. J. . Sir Rt. de Ufford, again, L. J. . Steph. de Fulburn, bp. of Water- ford, L. D. Sir Robt. de Ufford, returned, L. J. . Steph. de Fulburn, again, L. J. . Sir Röbt. de Ufford, returned, L. J. . Steph. de Fulburn, again, aft. abp. of Waterford, L. J. . John de Saunford, abp. of Dublin, elected L. J. . Wm. de Vesci, L. J. . Wm. de la Haye, L. D. . Wm. de Odinsele, or Dodinsele, L. J. . Thos. Maurice Fitzgerald, Nappagh, elected L. J. Sir John Wogan, L. J. Sir Maurice Rochfort, L. D. Sir John Wogan, returned, L. J. EDWARD II. The same, contal. e Sir Wm. Burke, or Burgh, D. Cust. Piers Gaveston, E. of Cornwall, L. L. Sir John Wogan, L. J. Sir Edmd. Boteler, or Butler, D. Cust. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 551 1314. 1315. 1317. 1318. 1319. 1320. 1321. 1322. 1323. 1324. 1326. 1328. 1329. 1330. 1331. 1332. 1333. 1334. 1337. 1338. 1340. 1341. 1344. 1346. 1347. 1348. 1349. 1351. 1353. 1356. 1357. 1359. 1360. Sir Theobald de Verdun, or Verdan, D. Const. Sir Edmd. Butler, again, D. Cust. Sir Roger Mortimer, aft. E. of March, L. J. Wm. Fitz-John, abp. of Cashel, D. Cust. Alexr. de Bicknor, abp. of Dublin, L. D. Sir Roger Mortimer, returned, L. J. Thos., second E. of Kildare, L. D. Sir John Bermingham, E. of Louth, L. J. Ralph de Gorges, L. D. Sir John Darcy, L. D. Sir Thos. Bourke, L. D. Sir John Darcy, returned as L. J. Thos., second E. of Kildare, again, L. J. EDWARD III. Roger Oatlawe, or Outlawe, ld. chanc., elected L. J. Sir John Darcy, again, L. J. Jas. Boteler, or Butler, E. of Or- monde, L. L. Roger Outlawe, again, L. D. Sir Anthy. Lucy, L. L. Sir John Darcy, L. J. Sir Thos. de Burgh, ld, treasp., L. D. Sir John Darcy, returned, L. J. Sir John Charlton, L. J. Thos. Charlton, bp. of Hereford, bro. to sir John, and lå. chanc., L. D. - Roger Outlawe, again, L. J. Sir John Darcy, again, for life, L. J. Sir John Morice, L. D. Sir Ralph Ufford (consort to the countess of Ulster), L. J. Sir Roger Darcy (second son of sir John Darcy), elected L. J. Sir Walter Bermingham, L. J. John Archer, prior of Kilmainham, L. D. - Sir Walter Bermingham, returned. Sir John de Carew, baron de Carew, I. J. Sir Thos. Rokeby, L. J. Maurice de Rochfort, bp. of Lime- rick, L. D. Sir Thos. Rokeby, returned, L. J. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, for life, L. J.; d. Jan. 25, following. Sir Thos. Rokeby, L. J. ; d. same year. Sir Almeric de St. Amand, L. J. Jas., 2nd E. of Ormond, L. J. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. Jas., 2nd E. of Ormond, returned, L. J. 1361. 1364. 1365. 1367. 1369. 1371. 1872. 1374. 1875. 1376. 1378. 1379. 1380. 1381. 1383. 1384. 1385. 1386. 1387. 1389, 1391. 1392, 1393. 1394. LIONEL, D. of Clarence, E. of Ulster, ld. of Connaught ; son to the king, L. L. g Jas., 2nd E. of Ormond, again, L. D. LIONEL, D, of Clarence, &c., returned, L. L. Sir Thos. Date, L. D. LIONEL, D. of Clarence, &c., re- turned, L. L. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, again, L. J. Sir Wim. de Windsor, L. L. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. Sir Robt. de Assheton, L. J. Ralph Chene, or Cheney, L. D. Wm. Tany, prior of Kilmainham, elect. upon Cheney resigning, L. D. Sir Wm. de Windsor, again. Maurice, 4th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. Jas., E. of Ormond, L. J. RICHARD II. Alexr, Balscot, bp. of Ossory, L. J. John de Bromwich, L. J. Edmd. Mortimer, E. of March and Ulster, L. L.; for three years; d. 1831. John Colton, dean of St. Patrick's, ld. chanc., elect. L. J., Jan. 10. The same, by patent, Jan. 20. Roger Mortimer, E. of March and Ulster, son of Edmund, L. L. Philip de Courtenay, the king's cousin, L. L. - Jas., 3rd E. of Ormond, L. D. Philip de Courtenay, returned. The KING in person. Robt. de Vere, E. of Oxford, aft. M. of Dublin, and D. of Ireland,” L. L. He never came over; banished and attainted in 1388. Sir John Stanley, L. L. Philip de Courtenay, L. L. Alexr. de Balscot, now bp. of Meath, again, L. J. Sir John Stanley, L. L. Richd. White, prior of Kilmainham, ld. treas r., and sir Robt. Preston, ld keeper, LL. D. Alexr. de Balscot, bp. of Meath, again, L. J. Jas., 3rd E. of Ormond, again, L. J. Thos. of Woodstock, D. of Glouces- ter, L. L., July. The KING in person; landed at Waterford, Oct. 2. Sir Thos. le Scrope, L. D. * This nobleman was summoned to Parliament, 11 ſtichard II. 1387, as “ Charissimo consanguieneo Regis Roberti duci Hibernia, ’’; but no notice of his creation to the duke- dom of Ireland occurs in the rolls of Parliament; he was Marquess of Dublin, with the lordship and dominion of Ireland.— Sir Harris Nicolas. 552 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1395. 1398. 1399. 1399. 1399. 1400. 1401. 1401. 1402. 1403. 1404. 1405. 1407. 1408. 1418. 1414. 1419. 1423. 1424. 1426. Roger Mortimer, E. of March and Ulster, L. L.; d. 1398. Roger Gray, elect. on the death of Mortimer, L. J. Thos. de Holland, E. of Kent and D. of Surrey, half-brother to the king, L. L.; aft. attainted and his honours forfeited. The KING in person; Waterford, June 1. HENRY IV. Alexr. de Balscot, bp. of Meath, again, L. J., Oct. Sir John Stanley, L. L., Dec. 1. Sir Wm. Stanley, bro. to sir John, L. D. THos. de Lancaster,” the king's son, semeschal of England, L. L. Patent at Westminster, June 27. Sir Steph. le Scrope, L. D., Dec. 19. THOs, de Lancaster, again, L. L. Sir Steph. le Scrope, again, L. D.; d. 1408. THos. de Lancaster, again, L. L. Jas., 3rd E. of Ormond, in the ab- sence of sir Steph. le Scrope. Gerald, 5th E. of Kildare, elected on Ormond's death. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, L. D. THOS. de Lancaster, again, L. L., June 4. Wm. Fitz-Thos. le Botiller, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, L. D. landed at HENRY W. Sir John Stanley, L. L., Sept. ; d. Jan. following. Thos., abp. of Dublin, elected on Stanley's death, L. J. Sir John Talbot, of Hallamshire, ld. of Furnyvall; aft. E. of Shrews- bury, L. L. - Rd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, bro. to Sir John, L. D. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, again, L. L. HENRY WI. Edmd. Mortimer, E. of March and Ulster, L. L., May 9. Iºdwd. Dantsey, bp. of Meath, L. D., Aug. 4. His patent was deemed insufficient by the council, having been signed by Mortimer only ; but his authority was afterwards recognised. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, again, L. L. The same ; now L. J. only. 1427. 1428 1429. 1430. 1431. 1432. 1435. 1436. 1438. 1440. 1442. 1443. 1445. 1446. 1447. 1449. 1454. 1459. 1460. 1461. 1462. 1463. 1467. 1468. 1475. 1478. . Jas., E. Sir John de Grey, L. L. on Ormond's patent being revoked. Sir John Sutton, ld. Dudley, L. L. Sir Thos. Straunge, L. D. Rd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, L. D. Sir Thos. Stanley, L. L. Sir Christr. Plunket, L. D. Sir Thos. Stanley, returned, L. L. Rd. Talbot. abp. of Dublin, again, L. D. Lionel de Welles, ld. Welles, L. L. It is said he did not come over; but he certainly did, and per- formed public acts at Dublin castle, held a council at Trim, an- other at Drogheda, &c. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, again, L. D. Wm. Welles, L. D. to his brother, ld. Welles, aft. Dec. 5, in this year. Jas., 4th E. of Ormond, again, L. L. Rd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, again, L. D. John Talbot, E. of Shrewsbury, L. L. Rd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, again, L. D. RD. Plantagenet, D. of York, E. of Ulster, March, Cork, &c., L. L., July. Rd. Nugent, baron of Delvin, L. D. of Wilts, aft. 5th E. Ormond, L. L. of . Sir Edwd. Fitz Eustace, L. D. . Jas. , 5th E. of Ormond, again, L. L., May. John Mey, abp. of Armagh, L. D., June. Sir Edwd. Fitz Eustace, again, L. D.; d, this year. R.D. Plantagenet, D. of York, &c., again, L. L. for ten years ; 1460. Thos., 7th E. of Kildare, L. D. ED WARD IV. The same, contal. GEO., D. of Clarence, bro. to the king, L. L. for seven years. Roland Fitz Eustace, ld. of Port- lester, L. D. Wm. Sherwood, bp. of Meath, L. D. Thos., 7th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. John, ld. Tiptoft, E. of Worcester; d. 1470. Thos., 7th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. Wm. Sherwood, bp. of Meath, again, L. D. RD., of Shrewsbury, D. of York, se- * Thomas de Lancaster is by some authors styled Duke of Lancaster, but erro- neously, for Henry IV. had no son who bore that title. Thomas of Lancaster, here mentioned, was Henry's second son by Queen Mary de Bohun, and was afterwards (July 9, 1411) created earl of Albemarle and duke of Clarence; slain 1421. The late Mr. Lascelles, in his Liber Hibernio, correctly states that his patent as “lord of Ireland” is of record at Westminster. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 553 1483. 1483. 1484. 1485. 1490. 1492. 1493. 1494. 1495. 1496. 1498. 1503. 1509. 1510. 1513. 1515. H519. 1521. cond son to the king, L. L.; he never went over. Murdered (with his brother Edwd. V.) in the Tower of London, 1483, by ord. of his uncle, Rd., D. of Gloucester. Robt., visc. Gormanstown, L. D. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, L. D. EDwD., pr. of Wales, son to the king, L. L.; he never went over. He, too, was murdered this year, when king, by order of his uncle, Rd., D. of Gloucester. RICHARD III. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. John de la Pole, E. of Lincoln, L. L. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. HENRY WII. Jasper, E. of Pembroke and D. of Bedford, uncle to the king, L. L. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. - Jasper, D. of Bedford, again, by a “new constitution,” L. L. Walter Fitzsimons, abp. of Dublin, L. D. Robt., visc. Gormanstown, again, L. D. Wm. Preston, his sån, L. D. HY., D. of York, second son to the King, aft. Hy. VIII., L. L.; he never went over. Sir Edwd. Poynings, L. D. to Henry, the king's son. Hy. Deane, bp. of Bangor, and ló. chanc., L. J. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. HY., aft. Hy. VIII., again, L. L. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. Walter Fitzsimons, abp. of Dublin, L. D. to Kildare. Gerald, 8th E. of Kildare, returned, L. D. HENRY WIII. The same, contal. The same, by a new patent. Gerald, 9th E. of Kildare, elect. on the death of his father, L. J. The same, by patent, L. D. Wm., visc. Gormanstown, L. J. Gerald, 9th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. to the king. Sir Maurice Fitzgerald, of Lackagh, L. D. to Kildare. Thos. Howard, E. of Surrey, L. L. Pierce, 8th E. of Ormond and E. of Ossory, L. D. 1524. 1526. 1528. 1529. 1530. 1532. 1534. 1535. 1540. 1543. 1544. 1546. 1547. 1548. 1549. 1550. 1551, 1552. 1558. Gerald, 9th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. Sir Jas. Fitzgerald, of Leixlip, bro. to E. of Kildare, his dep. Richd. Nugent, ld. Delvin, L. D. Pierce, E. of Ossory, again, L. J. The title of Ormond was taken from him, and conferred on sir Thos. Boleyn, father of Anna Boleyn, aft. queen; elect. by council on Nugent's being made prisoner by O'Connor ; L. J. Hy. Fitzroy, D. of Richmond and Somerset, nat. son to the king, L. L. Sir Wm. Skeffington, L. D. Gerald, 9th E. of Kildare, again, L. D. Thos., ld. Offaley, son and dep. to E. of Kildare. Leonard, ld. Grey, visc. Graney, in Ireland, son to the M. of Dorset ; elect. on Skeffington's death in 1541; L. D. Sir Wm. Brereton, ld. chanc., L. J. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, L. D. Sir Wm. Brabazon, L. J. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, again, L. D. Sir Wm. Brabazon, again, L. J. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, again, L.D. EDWARD VI. Sir Wm. Brabazon, agazm, L. J. Sir Edwd. Bellingham, L. J. Sir Fras. Bryan; elect. on Belling- ham's going to England, L. J. Sir Wm. Brabazon, again, elect. On Bryan's death; L. J. Sir Anthy St. Leger, again, L. D. Sir Jas. Croft, a gentleman of the privy chamber, L. D. Sir Thos. Cusack, ld, chanc, ; elect. on Croft's going to England; and Sir Gerald Aylmer, ld. ch. just. R. B. ; LL. J. MARY. . The same, contal. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, again, L. D. . Thos., visc. Fitz-Walter, aft. E. of Sussex, L. D. . Hugh Curwen, ld. chanc., and Sir Hy. Sidney, LL. J. . Sir Hy. Sidney, again, L. J. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, L. D. Sir Hy. Sidney, again, during Sus- sex's expedition to Scotland, L. D. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, by a new commission, L. D. ELIZABETH. The same contal. for a time, without a new commission, L. D. Sir Hy. Sidney, again, elect. by the council, L. J. 554 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1559. 1560. 1561. 1584. 1588. 1594. 1597. 1599. 1600. 1603. 1604. 1606. 1613. 1614. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, L. D. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, in Sussex's absence, L. D. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, L. L. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, again, in the absence of Sussex, by a commis- Sion from the queen, L. D. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, by a new patent, L. L. . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, again, L. J. Thos., E. of Sussex, again, by a new patent, L. L. . Sir Nichs. Arnold, L. J. . Sir Hy. Sidney, again, L. D. . Robt. Weston, ld. chanc., and Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, LL. J. . Sir Hy. Sidney, again, L. D. . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, again, elect. in the absence of Sidney, L. J. . The same, elect. by the council, L. D. . Sir Hy. Sidney. again, L. D. . Sir Wrm. Drury, elect. L. J. . Sir Wm. Pelham, elect. on Drury's death, L. J. . The same, by patent, L. J. Arthur, ld. Grey, of Wilton, L.D. . Adam Loftus (No. 1), abp. of Dublin and ló. chanc.; and Sir Hy. Wallop, LL. J. Sir John Perrot, L. D. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, again, L. D. Sir Wm. Russell, youngest son of the E. of Bedford, L. D. Thos., ld. Burgh, of Gainsborough, I. G. and L. D. Sir Thos. Norris, elect. on ld. Burgh's death, L. J. Sir Thos. Norris, by patent, L. J. Adam Loftus (No. 1), again ; and Sir Robt. Gardiner, ch. just., LL. J. for civil affairs; and Thos., 10th E. of Ormond, L. J. for military affairs ; elect. by the queen's commission on Norris's death. Robt. Devereux, E. of Essex, L. L.; d. 1601. Adam Loftus (No. 1), again ; and Sir Geo. Cary ; elect. on Essex's going to England, LL. J. Sir Chas. Blount, ld. Mountjoy, IX. G. , L. I.). JAMES I. The same contaſ. The same, by a new patent, L. D. The same, as L. L. Sir Geo. Cary, L. D. Sir Arthur Chichester, Chichester. L. D. The same, by a new commission. Sir Richd. Wingfield, aft. visc. Powerscourt; and Thos. Jones, abp. of Dublin; LL. J. Arth., ld. Chichester, L. D. aft. la. 1615. 1616. 1622. 1623. Abp. Jones, again ; and Sir John Denham, ch. just. K. B., LL. J. Sir Oliver St. John, aft. visc. Grandi- SOn, L. D. Hy., visc. Falkland, L. D. Adam Loftus (No. 2), now visc. Loftus of Ely, ld, chanc.; and Richd., visc. Powerscourt, again, LL. J. CHARLES I., COMMON wºALTH, AND 1625. 1629. 1633. 1636. 1639. 1640. 1641. 1643. 1644. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650. 1654. 1655. CHARLES II, Hy., visc. Falkland, again, L. D. Adam, visc. Loftus of Ely, ld. chanc., again ; and Richd., E. of Cork, LL. J. Thos., visc. Wentworth, aft. E. of Strafford, L. D. Adam, visc. Loftus of Ely, ld. chanc., again ; and Christr. Wandesford, m. rolls, LL. J. Thos., visc. Wentworth, returned, L. D. Robt., ld. Dillon ; and Christr. Wandesford, again, LL. J. Thos., now E. of Strafford, again, L. L.; d. 1641, Sir Christ. Wandesford, again, L. D. Robt., ld, Dillon, again ; and * Sir Wm. Parsons, LL. J. Robt., E. of Leicester, L. L.; he Ile Vel' Carºle O Wel”. Sir John Borlase; and Sir Hy. Tichborne, gov. of Drog- heda, LL. J. Jas., 1st M. and aft. 1st D. Ormond, L. L. Philip, ld. Lisle, son to the E. of Leicester, under the parliament, L. L. Arthur Annesley, Sir Robt. ISing, sir Robt. Meredith, col. John Moore, col. Michael Jones, parly. CODAIſl]`S. Jas., 1st M. of Ormond., returned, L. L. - Oliver Cromwell, under the parlt. L. L. Hy. Ireton, son-in-law to Cromwell,. of L. D. Ulick, M. of Clamricade, deputy to M. of Ormond, L. D. . Maj.-gen. Lambert, under the parlt., L. D. Chas. Fleetwood, lt.-gen. ; Edmund Ludlow, lt.-gen. of the horse; Miles Corbet, John Jones, John Weever, commi's. Chas. Fleetwood, lt.-gen. under the parlt., L. D. Hy. Cromwell, comm. in chief of the army, Matt. Thomlinson, Miles Corbet, Robt. Goodwin, to whom, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 555 1657. 1658, 1659. 1660. 1660. 1661. 1662. 1664. 1665. 1668. 1669. 1670. 1671. 1672. 1675. 1676. 1677. 1682. 1684. 1684. 1685. 1686. 1687. 1687. 1689. 1690. 1692. afterwards was added Wm. Steel, CODOIſl]"S. Hy. Cromwell, son to the protector Oliver, L. L. The same, brother to the protector Richd., for three years, L. L. Edmd. Ludlow, John Jones, Matth. Tomlinson, Miles Corbet, maj. Wm. Bury, commrs. Roger, ld. Broghill; sir Chas. Coote, maj. Wm. Bury, commi's. Geo., D. of Ablbemarle ; declared L. L.; but did not go over. John, ld. Robartes, ditto, ditto, L. D. Sir Maurice Eustace, ld, chanc.; sir Chas. Coote, E. of Mountrath; and Roger, E. of Orrery, LL. J. Sir Maurice Eustace, ld, chanc.; and Roger, E. of Orrery, again, upon the death of Mountrath, LL. J. Jas., 1st D. of Ormond, again, L. L. Thos., E. of Ossory, son to the D. of Ormond, L. D. Jas., 1st D. of Ormond, returned, L. L. Thos., E. of Ossory, again, L. D. John, ld. Robartes, again, L. L. John, ld. Berkeley of Stratton, L. L. Michl. Boyle, abp. of Dublin & ld. chanc.; and Sir Arth. Forbes, marshl. - genl., LL. J. John, ld. Berkeley, returned, L. L. Arth. E. of Essex, L. L. Michl. Boyle, abp. of Dublin and ld. chanc; and Arth., visc., aft. E. Granard, LL. J. Arth., E. of Essex, returned, L. L. Jas., 1st D. of Ormond, L. L. Richd., E. of Arran, son to the D. of Ormond, L D. Jas., 1st D. of Ormond, returned, L.L. JAMES II. The same, comtd., L. L. Michl. Boyle, now abp. of Armagh and ld, chanc. ; and Arth., now E. of Granard, again, LL. J. Hy., E. of Clarendon, L. L. Richd., E. of Tyrconnel, L. L. Sir Alexr. Fitton, ld, chanc. ; and Wrm., E. of Clamricade, in absence of Tyrconnel, LL. J. Richd., E. of Tyrconnel, returned, I. L. The KING in person, arrived at Dublin, Mar. 20. WILLIAM III. Ring WM. in person, landed at Car- rickfergus. Hy., visc. Sydney; sir Chas. Porter, and Thos. Coningsby, LL. J. Hy., visc. Sydney, L. L. 1693. 1693. 1695. 1696. 1697. 1699. 1701. 1702. 1703. 1704. 1705. 1707. 1709. 1710. Hy., ld. Capel; sir Cyril Wyche; and Wm. Duncombe, esq.; in absence of là. Sydney, LL. J. Sir Chas. Porter, ld, chanc.; and sir Cyril Wyche, again, LL. J. Hy., ld. Capel, L. D. Murrough, visc. Blesinton; and brigadier Wm. Wolesley, LL. J. Elected upon ld. Capel's illness, but their commissions were not sealed, nor were they sworn. Sir Chas. Porter, ld, chanc., again; elected on ld. Capel’s death. Sir Chas. Porter, ld, chanc., again; Chas., E. of Mountrath; and Hy., E. of Drogheda, LL. J. Hy., E. of Galway, on sir Chas. Porter's death, L. J. Chas., M. of Winchester; Hy., E. of Galway ; and Edw., visc. Williers, aft. E. of Jersey, LL. J. Chas., D. of Bolton; Hy., E. of Gal- way, again ; Edw., E. of Jersey, again ; and Narcissus Marsh, abp. of Dublin; or any two of them, LL. J. Chas., D. of Bolton, again; Chas., E. of Berkeley; and Hy., E. of Galway, again, LL. J. Laurence, E. of Rochester, L. L. Narcissus Marsh, abp. of Dublin, again ; Hy., E. of Drogheda, again ; and Hugh, E. of Mount Alexander, LL. J. - The same, by a new commission, LL. J. ANNE. - Hugh, E. of Mount Alexander, again; Thos. Earl, lt.-gen. ; and Thos. Keightley, LL. J. Jas., 2nd D. of Ormond, L. L. Sir Richd. Cox, bt., ld, chanc, ; Hugh, E. of Mount Alexander, again ; and Thos. Earl, lt.-gen., again, LL. J. Jas., 2nd D. of Ormond, returned, L. L. Sir Richd. Cox, bt., ld, chanc., again ; and John, ld, Cutts, of Gowram, lt.-gen., LL. J. Narcissus Marsh, now abp. of Ar- magh ; and sir Richd. Cox, ld. chanc., again, on the death of là. Cutts, LL. J. Thos., E. of Pembroke, L. L. Narcissus Marsh, abp. of Armagh, again ; and Richd. Freeman, ld. chanc., LL. J. Thos., E. of Wharton, L. L. Richd. Freeman, ld, chanc., again; and Richd. Ingoldsby, lt. -gen., LL. J. Thos., E. of Wharton, returned, L. L. Richd. Freeman, ld, chanc.; and Richd. Ingoldsby, again, L.L. J. 556 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1710. Jas., 2nd D. of Ormond, again, L. L. Narcissus Marsh, abp. of Armagh, again ; and Richd. Ingoldsby, again, LL. J. Sir Const. Phipps, ld. chanc.; and Rd. Ingoldsby, again, LL. J. Jas., 2nd D. of Ormond, returned, 1726. Hugh Boulter, abp. of Armagh, again ; Thos. Wyndham, aft, ld. Wyndham, ld, chanc.; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, 1711. LL. J., Dec. 23. GEORGE II. 1727. John, ld. Carteret, by a new com- mission, L. L., Nov. 19. 1728. The same lords justices, May 15. 1729. John, ld. Carteret, returned, L. L., Sept. 13. 1730. The same lords justices, Apr. 22. 1731. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, L. L., L. L. Sir Const. Phipps, ld, chanc., again; and Richd. Ingoldsby, again, LL.J. Sir Const. Phipps, ld, chanc., again; and John Vesey, abp. of Tuam; on Ingoldsby's death, LL. J. Chas., D. of Shrewsbury, L. L. 1712. 1713. 1714. 1714. 1715. 1716. 1717. 1718. Thos. Lindsay, abp. of Armagh; John Vesey, abp. of Tuam, again; and Sir Const. Phipps, again, LL.J. GEORGE I. Wm. King, abp. of Dublin; John Vesey, abp. of Tuam, again ; and Robt., 19th E. of Kildare, LL. J. Chas., E. of Sunderland, L. L.; he 7.62×67' CO.1)?6. Ove?”. Chas., D. of Grafton; and Hy., E. of Galway, LL. J. Chas., visc. Townshend, L. L.; he 7.62×67 CO.7770. Ove?”. Alan, ld, Brodrick, aft. visc. Midle- ton, ld, chanc.; Wm. King, abp. of Dublin, again ; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., L.L. J. Chas., D. of Bolton, L. L. Alan, visc. Midleton, ld, chanc.; Wm. King, abp. of Dublin ; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., May 22. 1782. 1733. 1734. 1735. 1736. I737. 1738. 1739. 1740. Sept. 11. Hugh Boulter, abp. of Armagh, again ; Thos., ld. Wyndham, ld. chanc. again; and sir Ralph Gore, sp. ho. comm., LL. J., Apr. 24. Sir Ralph Gore, d. in the govt. ; and Hy. Boyle, the new speaker, be- came L. J. in his room. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, re- turned, L. L., Sept. 24. The same lords justices, May 3. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, re- turned, L. L., Sept. 26. The same lords justices, May 19. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire, L. L., Sept. 7. The same lords justices, Mar. 28. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire, re- turned, L. L., Sept. 27. Hugh Boulter, abp. of Armagh, again; Robt. Jocelyn, aft. li. Newport and visc. Jocelyn, ld. chanc.; and Hy. Boyle, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., Apr. 18. 1719. Chas., D. of Bolton, returned, L. L., 1741. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire, re- Mar. 31. turned, L. L., Sept. 23. Alan, visc. Midleton, ld, chanc.; 1742. John Hoadly, abp. of Armagh; Robt. and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., Nov. 20. Jocelyn, aft. la. Newport, &c., ld. chanc. again; and Henry Boyle, 1721. Chas., D. of Grafton, L. L., Aug. 28. sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., 1722. Wm. King, abp. of Dublin, again; Dec. 3. Richd., visc. Shannon; and Wm. 1743. Wm., 3rd D. of Devonshire, re- Conolly, sp. ho, comm., again, turned, L. L., Sept. 29. LL. J., Feb. 24. 1744. The same lords justices, Apr. 12. 1723. 1724. 1726. Alan, visc. Midleton, ld. chanc. ; Wm. King, abp. of Dublin; Richd., visc. Shannon; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., June 13. . Chas., D. of Grafton, returned, L. L., Aug. 13. Alan, visc. Midleton, ld, chanc. ; Richd., visc. Shannon ; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., May 9. John, ld. Carteret, aft. E. Granville, L. L., Oct. 22. Hugh Boulter, abp. of Armagh; Richd. West, ld. chanc.; and Wm. Conolly, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., Apr. 2. 1745. I746. 1747. 1748. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1752. Philip Dormer, E. of Chesterfield, L. L., Aug. 31. The same lords justices, Apr. 25. The abp. of Armagh d. in the govt. Geo. Stone, abp. of Armagh; Robt., ld. Newport, ld, chanc., again; and Hy: Boyle, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., Apr. 10. Wm., E. of Harrington, L. L., Sept. 13. The same lords justices, Apr. 20. Wm., E. of Harrington, returned, L. L., Sept. 20. The same lords justices, Apr. 19. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, again, L. L., Sept. 19. The same lords justices, May 27. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 557 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760. 1760. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1772. 1777. 1780. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1787. Lionel Cranfield, D. of Dorset, re- turned, L. L., Sept. 21. Geo. Stone, abp. of Armagh, again ; Robt., ld, Newport, ld. chanc., again ; and Brabazon, E. of Bes- borough, LL. J., May 11. Wm., M. of Hartington; aft. 4th D. of Devonshire, L. L., May 5. Robt., now visc. Jocelyn, ld, chanc., again ; Jas., 20th E. of Kildare, aft. 1st M. of Kildare and D. of Leinster; and Brabazon, E. of Besborough, again, LL. J.; the three, or any two or one of them, to act separately, Sept. 20. John, 7th D. of Bedford, L. L., Sept. 25. Geo. Stone, abp. of Armagh, again ; Hy., E. of Shannon; and John Ponsonby, sp. ho. comm., LL. J., May 10. John, 7th D. of Bedford, returned, L. L. The same lords justices, May 20. GEORGE III. The same lords justices, contal. Geo., E. of Halifax, L. L., Oct. 6. The same lords justices, May 3. Hugh, E. of Northumberland, L. L., Sept. 22. The same lords justices, May 15. The abp. of Armagh d. Dec. 19, and the E. of Shammon Dec. 28, 1764. Thos., visc. Weymouth, L. L. : did 77.07 CO))\e Ove?”, - John, ld. Bowes, ld, chanc.; and John Ponsonby, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J. Fras., 17th E., aft. 1st M. of Hert- ford, L. L., Oct. 18. • John, ld. Bowes, ld, chanc., again; Chas., E. of Drogheda ; and John Ponsonby, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., June 11. Wm. Geo., E. of Bristol, L. L.; he did 7\Of CO7776. Ove?”. The same lords justices. Geo., visc. Townshend, L. L., Oct. 14. Simon, E. Harcourt, L. L., Nov. 30. John, E. of Buckinghamshire, L. L., Jan. 25. Fred., E. of Carlisle, L. L., Dec. 23. Wm. Hy., D. of Portland, L. L., Apr. 14. Geo., E. Temple, aft. M. of Bucking- ham, L. L., Sept. 15. Robt., E. of Northington, L. L., June 3. Chas., 4th D. of Rutland, L. L., Feb. 24; d. in the govt., Oct. 22, 1787. Richd., ld. Rokeby, abp. of Armagh; Jas., visc. Lifford, ld. chanc.; and John Foster, sp. ho. comm., LL.J., Oct. 27. 1789. 1790. 1794. 1795. 1798. Geo., now M. of Buckingham, again L. L., Nov. 2. John, ld. Fitzgibbon, ld. chanc.; and John Foster, sp. ho. comm., again, LL. J., June 30. John, E. of Westmoreland, L. L. Jan. 5. Wm., E. Fitzwilliam, L. L., Dec. 10; recalled Mar. 1795. John Jeffreys, E. Camden, L. L., Mar. 11. Chas. M. Cornwallis, L. L., June 13. LORD LIEUTENANTs sſNCE THE UNION. 1801. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1813. 1817. 1820. 1821. 1821. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1833. 1834. 1835. The lords justices are no longer given, for the reasons stated ante, p. 549. Philip, E. of Hardwicke, Mar. 17. Edw., E. Powis; app. Nov. 16; did not come over. John, 9th D. of Bedford, Mar. 18. Chas., D. of Richmond, Apr. 19. º visc., aft. E. Whitworth, Aug. Chas., E. Talbot, Oct. 9. GEORGE IV. The same, contal. The KING, in person; landed in Dublin Aug. 12 ; left Ireland. Sept. 5. Chas., E. Talbot, resumed. Richd., M. Wellesley, Dec. 29. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, Mar. 1. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, Mar. 6. WILLIAM IV. Hy. Wm. M. of Anglesey, again; Dec. 23. Richd., M. Wellesley, again; Sept. 26. Thos., E. of Haddington, Dec. 29; sw. Jan. 6, 1835. Hy. Constantine, E. of Mulgrave; aft. M. of Normanby Apr. 23; sw. May 11. - VICTORIA. . The same contal. . Hugh, visc. Ebrington, aft. E. For- tescue, Apr. 3. . Thos. Philip, E. De Grey, Sept. 15. . Wm., ld. Heytesbury, July 26, . John Wm., E. of Bessborough, July 11; d. in the govt., May 16, 1847. . Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Clarendon, K. G., May 26. . Archd. Wm., E. of Eglinton, Feb. 27. . Edwd. Granville, E. of St. Germans, Jan. 4. . Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, Ix, G., Feb. 28. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1217. 1232. 1233. 1234. 1251. 1258. 1274, 1277. 1278. 1281. 1289. 1294, 1300. 1304. 1305. 1307. 1309. 1312. 1315. 1317. 1325. 1327. 1330. 1335. 1344. 1349. 1354. . Archd. Wm., E. of Eglinton, again, Feb. 26. . Geo. Wm. Fredk., E. of Carlisle, K. G., again, June 18. . John, ld. Wodehouse, aft. E. of Kimberley, Nov. 1. . Jas., M., aft. D. of Abercorn, K. G., July 6. . John Poyntz, E. Spencer, K. G., Dec. 11. . Jas. D. of Abercorn, K. G., again, Mar. 2. 1876. 1880, 1882. 1885. 1886. John Campbell, E. John Winston, D. R. G., Nov. 28. Fras. Thos. De Grey, E. Cowper, K. G., May 3. * John Poyntz, E. Spencer, K. G., again, May 3. Hy. Howard Molyneux, E. of Car- narvon, July. i of Marlborough, of Aberdeen, R. G., Feb. 6. Chas. Stewart, M. of Londonderry, Aug. 3. LORD TREASURERS, VICE TREASURERS, AND TREASURY COMMISSIONERS FOR, IRELAND. LORD TREASURERS AND WICE TREASURERS OF IRELAND. W. T. Vice Treasurer; when no initials Lord Treasurer is understood. HENRY ITI. John de St. John. Peter de Rivallis. Eustace, canon of Chichester. Geoffrey de Turville, archdn Dublin. Hugh de Mapilton, bp. of Ossory. Hugh de Tachmon, bp. of Meath. of EDWARD I. Steph. de Fulburn, bp. of Water- ford. Robt. le Poer. - Steph. de Fulburn, again. Hugh de Tachmon, again. Nichs. le Clerc, or Clerk. John ap Rees, or Rice. Sir Wm. de Essendon. Richd. de Bereford. Sir Wm. de Essendon, again. Tich.d. de Bereford, again. Richd. de Sahan. EDWARD II. Alexr. de Bickmor, or Bython. John de Hotham. John Leck, or Lich, abp. of Dublin. Walter de Istlep, or Isteley. John de Hotham, again. Walter de Istlep, again. Adam de Hermington. FDwARD III. Walter de Istlep, agaºn. Robt. Fitz-Eustace. Sir Thos. de Burgh. Sir John de Ellerker. John de Burnham, canon of St. Patrick’s. John de Boukton. Wm. de Bromley. I357. 1367. 1371. 1374. 1377. 1381. 1385. 1392. 1395. 1399. 1400. 1401. 1409. 1413. 1414. 1421. 1424. 1426. 1427. 1429. 1432. 1437. 1441. 1443. 1446. 1450. 1453. 1454. Nichs. Allen, bp. of Meath. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Ossory. Peter Curragh, bp. of Limerick. Steph. de Valle, bp. of Meath. John de Colton, dean of St. Pat- rick’s. RICHARD II. Alexr. Balscot, again. John de Colton, again. . Wm. Chambers, archdn. of Dublin. Richd. Mitford, bp. of Chichester. Stephm., abbot of St. Mary's, Dub- lin. HENRY IV. Robt. de Faryngton. Thos. Bathe, or Batche. Sir Laurence Merbury. Wm. Allington. HENRY V. Hugh Burgh. John Coryngham. Wm. Tynebegh, or Thymbegh. HENRY WI. Hugh Bament. Edwd. Damtsey, bp. of Meath. Sir Nichs. Plunket. Sir Thos. Strange. Christr. Barnewall. AEgidius Thorndon, or Thornton. Thos. Barry, bp. of Ossory. Wm. Cheevers, just. K. B. AEgidius Thorndon, again. John Blackston. Sir Hy. Bruyn. Sir Rowland Fitz-Edwd. Fitz-Eus- tace, aft. la Portlester. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 559 1461. W471. 1492. 1494. 1504. 1514. 1516. 1517. 1520. 1524. 1530. 1532. 1533. 1534. 1540. 1542. * * 1552. 1553. * 3: 1559, “k 36 1559, 1573. 1582, 1586. 1603. 1616. 1625. 1625. -* * 1629. 1631. 1636. 1654. EDWARD IV. John, la, Wenlock, and Rowland, ld. Portlester, for their lives, and survivor. Portlester, who survived Wenlock, had his pat. confirmed by act of parlt. - HENRY VII. Sir Jas. Ormond, matl. son of the E. of Ormond. Sir Hugh Conway. Gerald Fitzgerald, eldest son of the E. of Kildare. HIENRY VIII. Christr., ld, Slane. Barth. Dillon, ch. bar. ex., v. T. John Rawson, prior of Kilmainham. Sir John Stile, v. T. John, ld. Trimleston. John Rawson, prior of Kilmainham, again. Jas. Butler, aft. visc. Thurles, and 9th E. of Ormond. Wm. Bath of Dollardstown, v. T. Wm. Brabazon. until his death in 1552. Jas, , 9th E. of Ormond. Jas., 15th E. of Desmond. EDWARD VI. The same, contal. Andr. Wise, on Brabazon's death, W. T. MARY. Sir Edmd Rouse, L. T. and v. T. Jas., 15th E. of Desmond. ELIZABETH. Sir Hy. Sydney, v. T. Sir Thos. Fitz-William, v. T. Thos., 10th E. of Ormond. Sir Edwd. Fitton, v. T. Sir Hy. Wallop, v. T. Thos., 10th E. of Ormond. JAMES I. The same, contal. Arth., ld. Chichester of Belfast. Sir Archd. Blundell, v. T. CHARLES I. Sir Fras. Annesley, bt., v. T. Oliver, visc. Grandison. Sir Fras. Amnesley, again, v. T. Richd., E. of Cork. Sir Adam Loftus, V. T. THE COMMON WEALTH. Jas. Standish, under the parlt., W. T. 1660, 1662. 1667. 1673. 1685. 1686. 1689. 1690. 1693. | 1695. He continued v. T. 1698. 1710. 1715. I716. 1717. 1720. 1724, CHARLES II. Arth... visc. Valentia, aft. Anglesey, v. T., Aug. 21. Richd., ld. Clifford, E. of Cork and aft. of Burlington, Nov. 15. The same, by a new patent. 20 E. of Mar. Sir Geo. Carteret, bt., v. T., July 18. Sir John Temple, v. T., Nov. 26. JAMES II John Price, V. T., June 17. Thos. Knightley, y. T., Apr. 3. Richd., D. of Tyrconnel (so cr. after the abdn.); Hy., ld. Dover; Thos., ld. Riverston ; Jenico visc. Gormanstown; visc. Fitz- william, Bruno Talbot, and Sir Steph. Rice, commrs. WILLIAM III. Wm. Harbord, v. T., Dec. II. Thos., ld. Coningsby, v. T., Jan. 9. Chas., ld, Clifford of Lanesborough, visc. Dungarwan, May 4. Thos., ld, Conyngsby, again, v. T., Oct. 7. ANNE. . Chas., E. of Cork and Burlington, son of Chas., ld. Clifford, Sept. 12. . Hy: Boyle, er, ld. Carleton (bro. of the E. of Cork) during the mi- nority of Richd., E. of Cork and Burlington, May 5. John, E. of Anglesey, v. T., Aug. 3; d. Sept. following. Arth., E. of Anglesey; and Hy., ld. Hyde, aft. E. of Clarendon and Rochester, v. T., Oct. 19. GEORGE I. Richd., E. of Cork and Burlington, Aug. 25. Chas, E. of Sunderland, and Hy., E. of Rochester, V.T.T., Mar. 1. Chas., E. of Sanderland, now sole W. T. Matt. Ducie Morton, aft. Id. Ducie, V. T., May 2. Richd., E. of Scarborough, and Matt. Ducie Morton, v. T., May 31. Hugh Boscawen, aft. visc. Fal- mouth ; and Matt. Ducie Morton, V. T., Oct. 10. Hugh Boscawen, and sir Wm. St. Quintin, bt., v. TT., June 16. Hugh Boscawen, now visc. Fal- mouth, and Richd. Edgcumbe, aft. Id. Edgcumbe, v. TT., Apr. 7. 560 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1727. 1734, 1742, 1744. 1746. 1754. 1756. 1757. 1760. 1761. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1766. GEORGE II, Richd., E, of Cork, contal. by a new pat., Oct. 24. Richd. Edgcumbe, and Pattee, visc. Torrington, v. TT., Apr. 24. Pattee, visc. Torrington, and Hy. Vane, v. TT., Aug. 2. Pattee, visc. Torrington, and Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, V. TT., Jan. ll. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, and Wm. Pitt, v. TT., Mar. 6. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, and sir Wm. Yonge, bt., v. TT., May 22. Wm., ld. Cavendish of Hardwyck, M. of Hartingon, aft. 4th D. of Devonshire, Mar. 2. John, E. of Sandwich, Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, and Welbore Ellis, v. TT., Jan. 20. John, E. of Sandwich, Welbore Ellis, and Thos. Potter, V. TT., Aug. 2. John, E, of Sandwich, Welbore Ellis, and Robt. Nugent, aft. visc. Clare and E. Nugent, V. TT., Jan. 7. GEORGE III. Wm., fourth D. of Devonshire, contal, Mar. 3. John, E. of Sandwich, Robt. Nugent, and Richd. Rigby, V. TT., Jam. 5. Robt. Nugent, Richd. Rigby, and Jas. Oswald, V. TT., May 4. Richd. Rigby, Jas. Oswald, Welbore Ellis, v. TT., July 12, Jas. Oswald, ld. Geo. Sackville, aft. visc. Sackville, and Welbore Ellis, v. TT., Jan. 21. Wm., 5th D. of Devonshire, vice his father, decd., Mar. 13. Continued ld. treas r. until the abolition of the office in 1793, wt infra. Jas. Oswald, Welbore Rºllis, and hon. Jas. Grenville, V. TT., Aug. 3. Jas. Oswald, hon. Jas. Grenville, and Isaac Barré, v. TT., Sept. 17. t and 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1773. 1775. 1777. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1787. 1789. Hon. Jas. Grenville, Isaac Barré and Richd. Rigby, v. TT., Feb. 22 Hon. Jas. Grenville, Isaac Barré, and Robt., visc. Clare, v. TT., July 4. Hon. Jas. Grenville ; Robt., visc. Clare, and Chas., E. Cornwallis, v. TT., Feb. 27. Robt., now visc. Clare ; Chas. E. Cornwallis, and Welbore Ellis, v. TT., Apr. 21. Robt., visc. Clare ; Welbore Ellis, and Geo., ld. Edgcumbe, aft. visc. Mount Edgcumbe and Valletort, v. TT., May 5. Robt., visc. Clare ; Welbore Ellis, and Chas. Jenkinson, aft. bt., ld. Hawkesbury, and E. of Liverpool, v. TT. Jan. 18. Robt., visc. Clare ; Welbore Ellis, and Henry Flood, v. TT., Oct. 27. Robt., now E. Nugent; Welbore Ellis, and Hy. Flood, v. TT, Mar. 7. Robt., E. Nugent ; Hy. Flood, and Chas. Townshend, V.TT., Sept. 17. Robt., E. Nugent ; Chas. Town- shend, and Richd., E. of Shannon, v. TT., Nov. 21. Richd., E. of Shannon; Richd., E. of Scarborough, and sir Geo. Yonge, bt., v. TT., Apr. 20. Richd., E. of Shannon; sir Geo. Yonge, bt., and lù. Robt. Spencer, v. TT., May 24. Richd., E. of Shannon ; ld. Robt. Spencer, and ló. Chas. Spencer, v. TT., Sept. 9. Richd., E. of Shannon ; ld. Chas. Spencer, and Wm. Eden, v. TT., Apr. 18. - Richd., E. of Shannon; Geo., visc. Mount Edgcumbe, and Thos., ld Walsingham, v. TT., Mar. 8. Richd., E. of Shammon ; Geo., visc. Mount Edgcumbe, and ló. Fredk. Campbell, v. TT., July 20. Geo., visc. Mount Edgcumbe; and ld. Fredk, Campbell,v. TT., June 18. In 1793, the patents to the lord treasurer and vice-treasurers were revoked, and, commissioners were from time to time appointed for executing those offices. CoMMIssionERS of THE TREASURY FOR TRELAND. 1793. |Bichd., E. of Shannon. Sir John Parnell, bt. John Beresford. Sir Hy. Cavendish, bt. Wm. Burton Conyngham. Robt., ld. Hobart. 1795. Richd., E. of Shannon. Sir John Parnell, bt. Wm. Burton Conyngham. Hon. Thos. Pelham. John Monk Mason. 1796. Richd., E. of Shannon. Sir John Parnell, bt. Thos., ld. Pelham. John Monk Mason. Lodge Morris. 1797. Richd., E. of Shannon. Isaac Corry. Hon. Thos. Pelham. John Monk Mason. Lodge Morris. Robt., visc. Castlereagh. 1800. Richd., E. of Shannon. Isaac Corry. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 561 Robt., visc. Castlereagh. 1805. Chas. Vereker. Lodge, ld. Frankfort. John Foster. W. W. H. Guarden. John, ld. Loftus. Lodge, ld, Frankfort. - Wrm. Wickham. John, visc. Loftus. 1811. Maurice Fitzgerald. Maurice Fitzgerald. Hon. Spencer Perceval. Hon. Geo. Knox. John Foster. - 1801. Sir Lawrence Parsons, bt. Wm. W. Pole. Richd., E. of Shannon. Chas. Long. Geo., E. of Ross. Isaac Corry, Sir G. Fitz-G. Hill, bt. Chas. Abbot. 1806. John M. Barry. Lodge, ld. Frankfort. Wm. Wyndham, Id. Gren- Thos. H. Foster. John, visc. Loftus. ville. Chas. Wereker. Maurice Fitzgerald. Sir John Newport. Wm. Odell. Maurice Fitzgerald. & 1802. Sir Lawrence Parsons, bt. 1812. Same Board. - Chas. O’Hara. John Foster. Hy. Parnell. Wm. W. Pole. 1803. Wm. Burton. Sir G. Fitz-G. Hill, bt. Richd., E. of Shannon, Wm. Elliot. John M. Barry. Isaac Corry. Thos. H. Foster. Lodge, ld. Frankfort. 1807. Chas. Vereker. John, visc. Loftus. Geo., E. of Ross. Wm. Odell. Maurice Fitzgerald. John Foster. Wm. Wickham. Arth. Wellesley, aft. Sir A., 1813. &c. The same Board, with the 1804. Hon. Thos. Hy. Foster addition of- John Foster. Sir Geo. FitzGerald Hill, Hy. John Clements. Sir Evan Nepean, bt. bt. Edmd. Alexr. Macnaghten. Lodge, ld, Frankfort. John Maxwell Barry. John, visc. Loftus. Chas. Vereker. 1814. Maurice Fitzgerald. Robt. Banks, E. of Liver- - 1810. pool. 1804. Hon. Spencer Perceval. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald. John Foster. John Foster. Robt. Peel, aft. bt. Lodge, ld. Frankfort. Wm. Wellesley Pole. Sir G. Fitz-G. Hill, bt. John, visc. Loftus. Geo., E. of Ross. John M. Barry. Maurice Fitzgerald. Sir G. Fitz-G, Hill, bt. Wm. Odell. Hon. George Knox. John M. Barry. Hy. John Clements. Nichs. Vansittart. Thos. H. Foster. Edma. Alexr. Macnaghten. In 1817, the revenues of Great Britain and Ireland were united, under 56 Geo. III. cap. 98. See “Lord High Treasurers, &c., of the United Kingdom,” ante, p. 159. SECRETARIES TO THE TREASURY_IR ELAND. 1793. Thos. Burgh, L. P., Dec. 25. | 1801. Hon. Geo. Cavendish, L.P., Aug. 29. 1799. Sir Geo. Shee, bt., L. P., July 18. - CHANCELLORS OF THE EXCHEQUER OF IRELAND. * * Wm. de Bromleye, temp. Edwd. III. 1495. Edwd. Barnewall. - 1346. Robt. de Emeldon. 1532. Richd. Delahyde. - 1385. Wm. Fitzwilliam, kpr. of the seal. 1535. John Alem, clerk or kpr. of the rolls. * * Robt. de Herford, temp. Richd. II. 1536. Thos. Cusake, just. C. P. 1399. Hugh Banent. 1561. Hy. Dracote, serjt.-at-arms. 1423. Sampson Dartas ; he app. Jas. 1572. Robt. Dillon. Blakeney his deputy. - 1577. John Bathe. - 1431. Jas. Blakeney, now chanc. 1586. Sir Edwd. Waterhouse; surrend. 1461. Robt. Norreys. 1589. Sir Geo. Clive. * * Robt. de St. Lawrence. . 1590. Thos. Molynex, or Molyneux. 36 562 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 2 1596. 1612. 1616. 1617. 1634. 1668. 1674. 1687. 1695. 1702. 1717. 1733. 1735. 1739. 1754. Sir Richd. Cooke. Sir Dudley Norton; in reversion aft. Cooke. Hy. Holcrofte ; surrend. Thos. Hibbotts, Oct. 27. Hy. Holcrofte, again ; in reversion after Hibbotts; L. P. same date. Sir Hy. Meredith. Richd. Jones; aft. visc. and E. of Ranelagh. Sir Chas. Meredith. Bruno Talbot. Philip Savage. Philip Savage, again, by new pat. Sir Ralph Gore, bt. Hy. Boyle ; res. Marmaduke Coghill. Hy. Boyle, again ; pat. revoked. Arth. Hill; pat. revoked. 1755. 1757. 1761. 1763. 1784. 1785. 1799. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1811. 1812. 1817. Hy. Boyle, again ; aft. li. Castle- martyr, and visc. and E. of Shannon. Anthy. Malone. Sir Wm. Yorke, bt., ch, just. C. P.. Mar. 28; res. Wm. Gerard Hamilton, May 31. John Foster, Apr. 23. Sir John Parnell, bt., Sept. 22. Isaac Corry, Jan. 28. John Foster, July 19. Sir John Newport, bt., Feb. 25. John Foster, again, May 2. Wm. Wellesley Pole, aft. li. Mary- borough, July 1. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. li. Fitz- gerald and Vesey, Aug. 17. Nichs. Vansittart, aft. la. Bexley ; ch. ex, England, July 12. In 1817, the exchequers of Great Britain and Ireland were consolidated under 56 Geo. III. cap. 98. See “Chancellors of the Exchequer,” ante, p. 165. PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE, OR PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF THE COUNCIL. 1576. 1581. 1603. 1612. 1616. 1634. 1661. 1665. 1678. John Chalenor ; date. Sir Geoff. Fenton. Another secre- tary was joined with him. Sir Richd. Cooke. Sir Dudley Norton. Sir Fras. Amnesley, aft. li. Mount- norris. Philip Mainwaring. Sir Paul Davys ; in reversion after L. P. before this Mainwaring. Sir Geo. Lane, knt.; aft. visc. Lanes- borough ; in reversion after Davys. Sir John Davys; in reversion after Lane. 1690. 1702. 1720. 1755. 1763. 1766. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1801. Sir Robt. Southwell. Edwd. Southwell, son of sir Robt. Edwd. Southwell, and Edwd. Southwell, his son. Thos. Carter, on the demise of the Southwells. Thos. Carter, and Philip Tisdall, solr.-gen. John Hely-Hutchinson ; in rever- sion after Tisdall ; succ. 1777. Edmd. Hy., ld. Glentworth. Hon. Thos. Pelham. Robt. Stewart, visc. Castlereagh, aft. M. of Londonderry. Chas. Abbot, aft. sp. ho. comm. of England, and ló. Colchester. Office abolished at the union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. CHIEF SECRETARIES TO THE LORD LIEUTENANT, OR, CHIEF SECRETARIES FOR, IRELAND. 1760. 1761. 1764. 1765. 1765. 1766. Richd. Rigby; before this date. Wm. Gerard Hamilton. Chas., E. of Drogheda. Edwd. Thurlow, app. ch. Sec. to visc. Weymouth ; but his lordship ... did not come over. Fras., visc. Beauchamp. Hon. John Aug. Hervey, app. ch. sec. to the E. of Bristol; but the earl did not come over. 1767. 1768. 1772. 1777. 1780. 1782. 1783. Lord Fredk. Campbell. Sir Geo, Macartney, K. B. Sir John Blaquiere, aft. li. de Bla- quiere. Sir Richd. Heron, bt. Wm. Eden, aft, ld. Auckland. Hon. R. Fitzpatrick. Wm. Wyndham Grenville, aft. li. Grenville. Wm. Windham. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 663 1783. 1784. 1787. 1789. 1794. 1795. 1798. 1801. 1802. I 804. 1805. 1806. 1807, 1809. 1812. 1818. 1821. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1833. UNDER SECRETARIES TO 1780. 1795. 1796. 1801. 1806. 1808. 1812. 1831. 1835. 1840. 1841. 1845. 1833. Hon. Thos. Pelham. Thos. Orde. Alleyne Fitzherbert, aft. lil. St. Helens. Robt. Hobart, Apr. ; aft. E. Buckinghamshire. Sylvester Douglas, Jan. ; aft. lá Glenbervie. Hon. Geo. Damer, c.c. visc. Milton, Jan. ; aft. E. of Dorchester. Hon. Thos. Pelham, Mar. 31; aft. E. of Chichester. Robt. visc. Castlereagh, Mar. 29; aft. M. of Londonderry. Chas. Abbot, aft. sp. ho. comm. of England, and ló. Colchester; May 25. Wm. Wickham, Feb. 13. Sir Evan Nepean, bt., Feb. 6. Nichs. Vansittart, aft. li. Bexley, Mar. 23. - Chas. Long, aft, ld. Farnborough, Sept. 21. Wm. Elliot, Mar. 28. Sir Arth. Wellesley, K. B., aft. D. of Wellington. Apr. 19. t Hon. Robt. Dundas, aft. visc. Mel- ville, Apr. 13. Wm. Wellesley Pole, aft. li. Mary- borough, and E. of Mornington, Oct. 18. Robt. Peel, aft, bt., Aug. 4. Chas. Grant, aft. la. Glenelg, Aug. 3. Hy. Goulburn, Dec. 29. Hon, Wm. Lamb, aft. visc. bourne, Apr. 29. Ld. Fras. Leveson Gower, aft. li. Fras. Egerton, and E. of Elles- mere, June 21. Sir Hy. Hardinge, aft. visc. Hard- inge, July 30. Hon. Edwd. Geoff. Smith-Stanley, aft. li. Stanley of Bickerstaffe and 14th E. of Derby, Nov. 26. Sir John Cam Hobhouse, aft. li. Droughton, Mar. 29. of Mel- 1847. 1834. 1835. 1841. 1845. 1846. Edwd. John Littleton, aft. Id. Hatherton, May 17. Sir Hy. Hardinge again, Dec. 17. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Howard, visc. Mor- peth, aft. E. of Carlisle, Apr. 22. Edwd., ld. Eliot, aft. E. of St. Ger- mans, Sept. 6. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, bt., aft. ld. Cottesloe, Feb. 1. Hy., E. of Lincoln, Feb. 14. Hy. Labouchere, aft. li. Taunton, July 6. Sir Wm. Meredyth Somerville, bt., aft. li. Athlumney and ld. Meredyth. 1852. Rd. Southwell Bourke, c.c. Id. Naas, aft. E. of Mayo, Feb. 1852. Sir Jno. Young, bt., Dee. 1855. Edwd. Horsman, Feb. 1857. Hy. Arth. Herbert. 1858. Ld. Naas again, Feb. 1859. Edwd. Cardwell, aft. visc. Cardwell, June. 1861. Sir Robt. Peel, bt., July. 1865. Chichester Samuel Fortescue, aft. 1878. 1880. 1882. 1887. 1871. 1874. 1884. 1885. 1886. ld. Carlingford, Now. . Ld. Naas again, July. . Col. Jno. Wilson Patten, Sept. Chichester Dec. Spencer Compton Cavendish, c. c. M. of Hartington, Jan. Sir Michl. Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., Mar. 3. Jas. Lowther, Mar. 11, G. Wm. Edwd. Forster, May 10, G. Lord Fredk. Chas. Cavendish, May. Geo. Otto Trevelyan, May 9. Hy. Campbell Bannerman, Oct. Sir Wm. Hart Dyke, July 2, sw. Wm. Hy. Smith, Jan. Jno. Morley, Feb. Sir Michl. Edwd. Hicks-Beach, bt., again, Aug. Arth. Jas. Balfour, Mar. 8. S. Fortescue, again, Sackville Hamiton, Feb. 17. Lodge Morris, Feb. 7. Sackville Hamilton, again ; May 15. Fldwd. Cooke, Jan. 6. Alexr. Marsden, Oct. 21. Jas. Trail, Sept. 8. Sir Chas. Saxton, bt., Sept. 6. Wm. Gregory, Oct. 5. Lt.-col. Sir Wm. Gossett, Jan. 1. Thos. Drummond, July 25. Norman H. Macdonald, May 28. Edwd. Lucas, Sept. 15. Rd. Pennefather, Aug. 21. THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND. 1846. 1852. | 1853. 1848. 1869. 1882. 1886. 1887. Thos. N. Redington, aft. Sir T., July 11. Jno. Wynne, Feb. Maj.-gen. Sir Thos. Aiskew Larcom, IC. C. B. Col. Sir G. R. Wetherall, R.C.S.I., C.B. Thos. Hy. Burke, May 20; G. Robt. Geo. Crookshank Hamilton, C.B., May. * Maj.-gen. Sir Redvers Hy. Buller, K.C.M.G., V.C. Col. Sir Jos. West Ridgeway, K.C.B., K. C. S. I. , V.C. 36 ° 564 - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARIES TO THE LORD-LIEUTENANT OF TRELAND. IN April 1887 Col. Edward Robert King-Harman was appointed to this office, without salary. In the following year a bill was introduced into Parliartient to place the office on a permanent footing and to provide a salary for it. Col. King-Harman died on June 10, 1888, and on his death the office was not filled up, and the bill was not proceeded with. POSTMASTERS-GENERAL OF IRELAND. From a Return made to the House of Commons in 1844. * * Sir T. Prendergast. 1797. Chas., now E. of Ely, and * * Wm. Hy., E. of Clermont. Chas., M. of Drogheda. July 14. 1784. Jas., visc. Clifden, and 1806. Richd. Hely, E. of Donoughmore, and Wm. Brabazon Ponsonby. July 16. Hy. Fitzgerald, c. c. lá. H. Fitz- 1789. Wm. Brabazon Ponsonby, and gerald. Apr. 19. Chas., ld. Loftus, aft. E. and M. of | 1807. Chas. Hy. St. John, Earl O’Neill, and Ely. Jan. 14. Richd., E. of Clancarty. May 2. Chas., ld. Loftus, and 1809. Chas. Hy. St. John, Earl O’Neill, and Chas., E. of Bellamont. July 18. Laurence, E. of Rosse. Dec. 1. - By 1 Wm. IV. cap. 8 (1831), the two separate offices of Postmaster-General of Great Britain and Postmaster-General of Ireland were consolidated and united into one. See “Postmasters-General,” ante, p. 237. COMMANDERS OF THE FORCES IN IRELAN ID. * * Gen. John Leslie, E. of Rothes. 1822. Lt.-gen. Sir Saml. Auchmuty, G. C. B. 1774. Gen. Sir Geo. Aug. Elliot. Lt.-gen. Stapleton, ld, aft. visc. 1775. Lt.-gen. Sir John Irvine, K.B. Combermere, G.C.B., &c.; Nov. 1782. Lt.-gen. John Burgoyne. 1825. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Murray, G.C.B. 1784. Gen. Wm. Aug. Pitt. 1828. Lt.-gen. Sir John Byng, K.C. B. 1791. Gen. Geo. Warde. 1831. Lt.-gen. Sir Rol. Hussey Vivian, bt., 1793. Gen. Robt. Cunninghame, aft. li. IC. C. B., &c.; aft. lil. Vivian, &c. Rossmore. 1836. Lt.-gen, sir Edwd. Blakemey, K.C.B., 1796. Gen. Hy., E. of Carhampton, Aug. 26. 1797. Lt.-gen. Sir Ralph Abercrombie, 1855. Gen. John, ld. Seaton, G.C.B. IC. B. 1860. Gen. Sir Geo. Brown, G.C.B. 1798. Gen. Chas., M. Cornwallis. 1865. Gen. Sir Hugh Hy. Rose, aft. lil. 1801. Gen. Sir Wm. Medows, R.B. Strathnairn, G.C. B., G.C.S.I. 1803. Lt.-gen. hon. Hy. Edwd. Fox. 1870. Gen. Sir Wm. Rose Mansfield, aft. Gen. Wrm., ld. Cathcart. ld. Sandhurst, G.C.B., G.C.S.I. 1806. Gen. Chas., E. of Harrington. 1875. Gen. Sir John Michel, G.C.B. 1812. Gen. Sir J. Hope, K.B. 1880. Gen. Sir Thos. Montagu Steele, 1813. Gen. Sir Geo. Hewett, bt. IX. C.B. - 1816. Gen. Sir Geo. Beckwith, G.C.B. 1885. Gen. Pr. W. A. Edwd. of Saxe- 1820. Gen. Sir David Baird, bt., G.C. B. | Weimar, G. C. B. COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOMS AND EXCISE FOR IRELAND, SOMETIMES CALLED COMMISSIONERS OF REVENUE. e tº $ - gº { SOMETIMEs the Commissioners for Customs and Excise were appointed by the same and sometimes by separate Letters Patent; but, as a rule, some of the Commissioners, if not all, filled both offices. In order to l THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 565. avoid confusion the lists are here divided and the various appointments given separately as in the Lib. Mun. Publ. Hib. 1761. 1765. 1767. 1770. 1772. 1773. 1774. 1776. 1780. 1784. 1785, CoMMIssion ERs of CUSTOMS. Hon. John Ponsonby; John Bourke, aft. li. Naas and E. of Mayo; Hon. Arthur Trevor, aft. visc. Dungannon ; Benj. Burton, sir Richd. Coxe, Hugh Valence Jones, and Brinsley Butler, c.c. lá. Newtown, aft. E. of Lanes- borough ; L. P., Apr. 21. Hon. J. Ponsonby, J. Bourke, Arthur, now visc. Dungannon, B. Burton, H. W. Jones, Brinsley, ld. Newton, and John Millbanke ; L. P., Apr. 8. Hon. J. Ponsonby, J. Bourke, Arth., visc. Dungannon, H. W. Jones, Brinsley, ld. Newtown, J. Mill- banke, and Bellingham Boyle ; L. P., Dec. 3. J. Bourke, Arth., visc. Dungannon, H. W. Jones, Brinsley, ld. New- town, J. Mill banke, B. Boyle, hon. John Beresford, and sir Wm. Osborne ; L. P., May 1. J. Bourke, hon. J. Beresford, Jno. Staples, Jas. Agar, Thos. Allan, Chas. Tottenham, aft. li. Loftus, and Richd. Gore ; L. P., Feb. 3. J. Bourke, hon. J. Beresford, J. Staples, J. Agar, T. Allan, C. Tottenham, and Robt. Clements, aft. li. Leitrim ; L. P., Nov. 19. . Bourke, hon. J. Beresford, John Monck Mason, J. Staples, Richd. Townshend, sir Fras. Dernard, and J. Agar; L. P., Dec. 25. J. Bourke, hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, J. Staples, R. Towns– hend, J. Agar, and Hercules Langrishe, aft. Sir H. ; L. P., Dec. 24. J. Bourke, hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, R. Townshend, J. Agar, H. Langrishe, and Robt. Waller; L. P., July 13. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, R. Townshend, Jas., ld. Clifden, sir H. Langrishe, Robt. Ross, and John Parnell, aft. Sir J.; L. P., Dec. 16. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, Jas., ld, Clifden, sir H. Langrishe. Robt. Ross, sir John Parnell, and Gervas Parker Bushe; L. P., Jan. 28. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, sir H. Langrishe, R. Ross, sir J. Parnell, G. P. Bushe, and hon. Richd. Hely-Hutchinson, aft, ld. visc. and E. of Donoughmore ; L. P., Mar. J 1786. 1789. 1792. 1793. 1795. 1798. 1799. 1801. 1802. 1803 1806. 1807. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, sir H. Langrishe, R. Ross, G. P. Bushe, Richd., now lä. Donough- more, and hon. Richd. Annes- ley, aft. E. of Annesley ; L. P., Jan. 9. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, sir H. Langrishe, Rd., ld. Donough- more, hon. Rd. Annesley, Isaac Corry, and ld. Chas. Fitzgerald ; L. P., Sept. 28. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, sir H. Langrishe, Richd., ld, Donoughmore, hon. R. Annesley, I. Corry, and John Wolfe ; L. P., Mar. 1. Hon. J." Beresford, J. M. Mason, Sir H. Langrishe, Richd., ld. Donoughmore, hon. R. Annesley, Isaac Corry, J. Wolfe, and hon. Geo. Knox ; L. P., Dec. 31. Hon. J. Beresford, sir H. Langrishe, R. Ross, I. Corry, J. Wolfe, hon Geo. Knox, and Chas. Hy. Coote, aft. li. Castleco te; L. P., Oct. 27. Hon. J. Beresford, sir H. Langrishe, R. Ross, hon. R. Annesley, J. Wolfe, hon. G. Knox, C. H. Coote, and hon. Thos. Hy. Foster ; L.P., Feb. 27. Hon. J. Beresford, sir H. Langrishe, Richd., now visc, Donoughmore, Maurice Fitzgerald, John Ormsby Vandeleur, John Townshend, and Mountefort Longfield; L. P., Aug. 5 Hon. J. Beresford, sir H. Lang- rishe, Rd., now E. of Donough- more, J. O. Vandeleur, J. Towns- hend, M. Longfield, and Wm. Rowley; L. P., Feb. 13. Rd., E. of Donoughmore, hon. Rd. Annesley, Chas. Hy., now lá. Castlecoote, Mountefort Long- field, Wm. Rowley, Robt. Wynne, and Thos. Burgh ; ſu. P., Mar. 26. Rd., lù. of Donoughmore, Rd., now Earl Annesley, Wm. Rowley, Robt. Wynne, T. Burgh, Rd. Longfield, and hom. John Jocelyn; L. P., June 2. Chas. Hy., la. Castlecoote, J. O. Vandeleur, W. Rowley, R. Wynne, T. Burgh, hon. John Jocelyn, and hon. Abrm. Hely Hutchin- son ; L. P., Sept. 3. Chas. Hy., ld, Castlecoote, J. O. Vandeleur, W. Rowley, R. Wynne, T. Burgh, hon. A. Hely Hutchin- son, and Geo. Knox; L.P., July 15 566 THE BOOK OF DIGN1TIES. 1809. Chas. Hy., ld. Castlecoote, J. O. Vandeleur, W. Rowley, R. Wynne, T. Burgh, hon. A. Hely-Hutchin- son, and hon. J. Jocelyn ; L. P., Sept. 9. 1810. Chas. Hy., ld. Castlecoote, J. O. Vandeleur, W. Rowley, A. Hely- Hutchinson, hon. J. Jocelyn, and Robt. Molesworth ; L. P., Nov. 5. 1811. Chas. Hy., ld. Castlecoote, J. O. Vandeleur, R. Wynne, hon. A. Hely-Hutchinson, hon. J. Jocelyn, hon. Robt. Molesworth, and Hy. Hamilton ; L. P., May 4. 1814. Chas. Hy., ld. Castlecoote, J. O. Vandeleur, R. Wynne, A. Hely- Hutchinson, hon. J. Jocelyn, H. Hamilton, and Hulton Smith Ring ; L. P., May 20. 1820. Ghas. Hy., ld. Castlecoote, J. O. Vandeleur (ceased 1822), hon. A. Hely-Hutchinson, Hy. Hamil- ton, and H. S. King; L. P., July 25. 1823. Wm. Boothby, Hy. Jas. Keith Stewart, A. Hely-Hutchinson, H. S. King, and Chas. Boyd, Feb. 6. On September 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Customs for England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland, took place, and the commissioners, from that time, have been commissioners for the United Kingdom. See ante, p. 277. CoMMIssionERs of ExcISE. 1761. Hon. Jno. Ponsonby, Jno. Bourke, aft. la. Naas and E. of Mayo, hon. Arth. Trevor, aft. visc. Dungannon, Benj. Burton, and Sir Rd. Coxe; L. P., Apr. 21. Hon. J. Ponsonby, J. Bourke, Arth., now visc. Dungannon, Benj. Burton, and Brinsley Butler, c.c. lá. New- town, aft. E. of Lanesborough ; L. P., Apr. 8. Hon. J. Ponsonby, J. Bourke, Arth., visc. Dungannon, B. Butler, c.c. ld. Newtown, and Bellingham Boyle; L. P., Dec. 3. J. Bourke, Arth., visc. Dungannon, B. Boyle, hon. J. Beresford, and sir Wm. Osborne; L. P., May 1. Sir Wm. Osborne, sir Fras. Bernard, Jno. Monck Mason, Robt. Waller, and Wm. Montgomery; L. P., Feb. 3, and Nov. 19. Sir Fras. Bernard, J. M. Mason, R. Waller, W. Montgomery, and Richd. Townshend ; L. P., Jan. 22, and Apr. 13. J. Bourke, hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, Jno. Staples, and R. Townshend ; L. P., Dec. 25, and Dec. 24, 1774. J. Bourke, hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, R. Townshend, and Jas. Agar; L. P., July 13. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, R. Townshend, Jas... la. Clifden, and Sir Hercules Langrishe ; L. P., Dec. 16. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, Jas., ld, Clifden, sir H. Lang- rishc, and Robt. Ross ; L. P., Jan. 28. Hon. J. Beresford, sir H. Lang- rishe, R. Ross, and sir J. Parnell ; L. P., Mar. 1. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, sir 1765. 1767. 1770. 1772. 1773. 1776. 1780. 1784. 1785. H. Langrishe, R. Ross, Gervas Parker Bushe; L. P., Dec. 30, Sept. 28, 1789, and Mar. 1, 1792. Hon. J. Beresford, J. M. Mason, sir H. Langrishe, R. Ross, and Rd. ld. aft. visc. and E. of Donough- more; L. P., Dec. 31. Hon. J. Beresford, sir H. Langrishe, Robt. Ross, Rd., ld, Donough- more, and Rd. Annesley, aft. E. of Annesley; L. P., Oct. 27, and Feb. 27, 1798. Hon. J. Beresford, sir H. Lang- rishe, Rd., ld. Donoughmore, Rd. Annesley, and Chas. Hy. Coote, aft. li. Castlecoote ; L.P., Aug. 5, and Feb. 13, 1801. Rd., now E. of Donoughmore, Rd. Annesley, Chas. Hy., now li. Castlecoote, John Ormsby Wan- deleur,and Jno. Townshend; L.P., Mar. 26, July 26, 1802, and June 2, 1803. Richd., now I. of Amnesley, John Townshend, Alexr. Marsden, Geo. Macquay, Ralph Peter Dundas, Edw. Taylor, and John Therry; L. P., Sept. 3. Richd. E. of Annesley, J. Towns– hend, A. Marsden, R. P. Dundas, J. Therry, Rd. Longfield, and Thos. Odell ; L. P., July 15. A. Marsden, J. Townshend, R. P. Dundas, J. Therry, R. Longfield, T. Odell, and Wm. Gregory; L.P., June 18. A. Marsden, J. Therry, R. P. Dundas, R. Longfield, T. Odell, W. Gregory, and Robt. Lan- grishe, aft. bt. ; L. P., Sept. 17. A. Marsden, J. Therry, R. P. l)undas, R. Longfield, T. Odell, Sir R. Langrishe, bt., and hon. Jas. Hewitt ; L. P., Dec. 31. 1793. 1795. 1799. 1802. 1806. 1807. 1810. 1812. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 567 grishe, hon. J. Hewitt, and Wm. Plunkett ; L. P., Mar. 2. 1823. Sir Cheetham Mortlock, Chas. Rudolph Trefusis, hon. J. Hewitt, Wm. Plunkett, and Abraham Culto ; L. P., Feb. 6. 1815. Chas. Stewart Hawthorne, J.Therry, R. P. Dundas, R. Longfield, T. Odell, sir R. Langrishe, and hon. J. Hewitt; L. P., Feb. 2. C. S. Hawthorn, J. Therry, R. Longfield, T. Odell, sir R. Lam- On Sept. 13, 1823, the consolidation of the Boards of Excise for England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland took place, and the commissioners from that time have been commissioners for the United Kingdom. See ante, p. 282. COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS FOR IRELAND. FROM 1761. 1761. Jno. 1d. Bowes, ld, chanc., sir Wm. Yorke, ch. ex., Edw. Willes, ch. bar. ex., Rd. Mounteney, bar. ex., and Arthur Dawson, bar. e ex. ; L. P., Aug. 26. 1771. Jas, ld. Lifford, ld. chanc., Wm. Gerard Hamilton, ch. ex., Anthy. Foster, ch. bar. ex., Wm. Scott, bar. ex., and Geo. Smyth, bar. ex. ; L. P., Dec. 13. Chas. O'Hara, Gervas Parker Bushe, Hy. Loftus, Edwd. Tighe, and St. John Jefferies; L. P., Dec. 13. 1775. G. P. Bushe. H. Loftus, E. Tighe, St. John Jefferies, and John Damer; L. P., July 17. 1776. H. Loftus, E. Tighe, St. J. Jefferies, Richd. Hely-Hutchinson, aft. la., visc., and E. of Donoughmore, and Edwd. Bellingham Swan; L. P., July 11. 1781. H. Loftus, Edwd. Tighe, R. Hely- Ilutchinson, E. B. Swan, and sir Fredk. Flood, bt. ; L. P., May 26. 1785. Hy. Loftus, E. Tighe, E. B. Swan, sir F. Flood, and Peter Holmes; L. P., Mar. 1. 1789. E. Tighe, sir F. Flood, C. H. Coote, aft. la. Castlecoote, John Reilly, and auditor of imprests for time being ; L. P., July 18. Tighe, C. H. Coote, J. Reilly, Richd. Neville, and auditor &c.; L. P., Sept. 3. 1795. E. Tighe, C. H. Coote, J. Reilly, R. Neville, hon. Geo. Jocelyn, and auditor &c.; L. P., Oct. 28. Reilly, R. Neville, hon. Geo. Jocelyn, Cromwell Price, and auditor &c.; L. P., June 26. 1790. E. 1797. J. 1798. J. Reilly, R. Neville, Richd. Towns- hend Herbert, Wm. Rowley, and auditor &c.; L. P., May 25. 1799. J. Reilly, W. Rowley, R. T. Herbert, T. Burgh, and auditor &c.; L.P., July 20. 1800. R. T. Herbert, W. Rowley, Thos. Burgh, Rd. Martin, and auditor &c.; L. P., Aug. 16. R. T. Herbert, Rd. Magenis, W. Rowley, T. Burgh, R. Martin, and auditor &c.; L. P., Sept. 18. 1801. R. T. Herbert, T. Burgh, R. Martin, R. Magenis, Arth. Browne, and auditor &c.; L. P., Apr. 25. 1802. R. T. Herbert, T. Burgh, R. Martin, R. Magenis, Edm. Stanley, and auditor &c.; L. P., Feb. 6. T. Herbert, R. Martin, R. Magenis, E. Stanley, Chas. McDonald, and auditor &c.; L. P., May 29. R. T. Herbert, R. Martin, E. Stan- ley, C. McDonald. Maurice Cane, and auditor &c.; L. P., Nov. 15. R T. Herbert, R. Martin, C. Mc- Donald, M. Cane, Redmond Barry, and auditor &c.; L. P., Dec. 4. 1803. R. T. Herbert, R. Martin, M. Cane, R. Barry, and Hulton Smith King ; L. P., Jan. 8. 1812. R. T. Herbert, R. Magenis, M. Cane, H. S. King, and hon. Jas. Hewitt; L. P., Mar. 28, and July 6. R. T. Herbert, M. Cane, H. S. King, Richd. Magenis, jumr., and hon. Hans Blackwood ; L. P., Jan. 1. R. T. Herbert, M. Cane, Richd. Magenis, junr., hon. H. Black- wood, and John Mahon ; L. P., May 20. 1830. R. Magenis, junr., hon. H. Black- wood, and John Mahon. 1813. 1814. Abolished about 1832. 568 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES COMMISSIONERS OF STAMPS FOR, IRELAND. First appointed in 1774. The same Commissioners as for the Account Office until 1789. See “Commissioners of Accounts,” ante, p. 567. COMMISSIONERs of 1789. Peter Holmes, Richd. Townshend Herbert, Edwd. Fitzgerald, Saml. Hayes, and Geo. Rawson ; L. P., July 18. 1796. P. Holmes, R. T. Herbert, E. Fitz- gerald, Geo. Hatton, and hon. Hugh Howard ; L. P., Feb. 15. 1798. P. Holmes, E. Fitzgerald, G. Hatton, hon. H. Howard, and Wm. Arthur Crosbie; L. P., May 25. - 1802. P. Holmes, E. Fitzgerald, hon. H. – Hugh Howard, W. A. Crosbie, and Wm. Gore ; L. P., Jan. 19. Hon. H. Howard, E. Fitzgerald, W. A. Crosbie, W. Gore, and Jno. French ; L. P., Mar. 18. STAMPS FROM 1789. 1802. 1807. 1808. 1812. 1824. Hon. H. Howard, E. Fitzgerald, W. Gore, J. French, and Richd. Pennefather ; L. P., July 20. Hon. H. Howard, E. Fitzgerald, W. Gore, John French, and Matth. Pennefather Jacob ; L. P., Apr. 8. Hon. H. Howard, W. Gore, J.French, M. P. Jacob, and Thos. Burton Fitzgerald; L. P.. July 20. Hon. H. Howard, W. Gore, John French, T. B. Fitzgerald, Edwd. Glasscock ; L. P., May 2. Wm. Campbell, John S. Cooper, and D’Arcy Mahon. About 1827 the Commissioners were superseded by a Comptroller. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF COUNTIES_IRELAND. LORD LIEUTENANTs of the Irish Counties were first appointed under 1 & 2 Wm. IV. cap 17 (August 23, 1831). Prior to this Act “Governors of Counties” were appointed, there being frequently several Governors to a county. Under the new Act the chief authority was vested in one Lord Lieutenant, who had power to appoint deputies, in like manner as in England and Scotland. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ANTRIM. 1884. Robt. Alexr. Shafto, ld. Waveney. 1886. Sir Edwd. Porter Cowan. 1831. Chas. Hy., E. O'Neill. LORD IIIEUTENANTS OF ARMAGH. 1864. Chas., 2nd ld. Lurgan ; d. Jan. 15, 1882. 1883. Archd. Brabazon Sparrow, 4th E. of Gosford, K.P. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CAR DOW. 1847. John Geo. Brabazon, 5th E. of Bess- 1842. Geo. Hamilton, E. of Belfast, aft. M. of Donegal. 1832. Archd., 2nd E. of Gosford ; d. Mar. 27, 1849. 1849. Ja.s. M. Caulfield. 1831. Hon. John Wm. Ponsonby, c.c. visc. Duncannon, aft. 4th E. of Bess- borough ; d. May 16, 1847. borough ; d. Jan. 28, 1880. 1880. Arthur MacMorrough Kavanagh. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 569 1831. 1871. 1831. 1843, 1831. 1842. 1831. 1831. 1845. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1854. 1831. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CAWAN. Thos., 2nd M. of Headfort ; d. Dec. 1877. John Wansittart Danvers, 6th E. of 6, 1870. Lanesborough. John, ld. Lisgar; d. Oct. 6, 1876. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CLARE. Wm. Vesey Fitzgerald, aft. li. Fitz- | 1872. Hon. Chas. W. White gerald and Vesey. 1879. Ldwd. Donough, ld. Inchiquin Sir Lucius O'Brien, bt., aft. Id. In- chiquin. | LORD LIEUTENANTS OF CORE. Hy., 3rd E. of Shannon; d. Apr. 1857. Edmd. Burke, ld. Fermoy; d. Sept 22, 1842. 17, 1874. - Jas., 2nd E. of Bandon; d. Oct. 1874. Fras., 3rd E. of Bandon; d. Feb. 31, 1856. 17, 1877. 1877. Jas. Fras., 4th E. of Bandon. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF DONEGAL. Geo. Aug., 2nd M. of Donegal; d. | 1845. Jas., M. of Abercorn, aft. 1st D. of Oct. 5, 1844. Abercorn. 1886. Jas., 2nd D. of Abercorn. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF DOWNSHIRE. Arth.Blundell Sandys Trumbull, 3rd 1864. Fredk. Temple, ld. Dufferin and M. of Downshire; d. Apr. 12,1845. Clandeboye, aft. E. of Dufferin Fredk. Wm. Robt., visc. Castle- and M. of Dufferin and Ava. reagh, aft. 4th M. of Londonderry; d. Nov. 1872. IORD LIEUTENANTS OF THE COUNTY OF DUBLIN. John Chambre, 10th E. of Meath ; 1851. Thos., 3rd E. of Howth ; d. Feb. 4, d. Mar. 15, 1851. 1874. 1874. Chas. Stanley, visc. Monck. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF FERMANAG.H. John Willoughby, 2nd E. of Ennis- 1840. Col. John Crighton, aft. E. Erne. killem ; d. Mar. 31, 1840. LORD IIIEUTENANTS OF GAT, WAY. Ulick John, M. of Clanricarde ; d. 1874. Robt., ld. Clonbrock. Apr. 10, 1874. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF KERRY. 1866. Wal. Aug., visc. Castlerosse, aft. E. of Kenmare. Valentine, 2nd E. of Kenmare ; d. Oct. 31, 1853. Hy. Arthur Herbert. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF KIT, DARE. Aug. Fredk., 3rd D. of Leinster, 1875. Hy. Fras. Seymour, 3rd M. of Oct. 10, 1874. | Drogheda. 570 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1831. 1838. 1831. 1831. 1855. 1857. 1831. 1831. 1840. 1831. 1836, 1831. 1867. 1834. 1842. 1831. 1835. 1831. 1858. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF KILKENNY. Walter, 18th E. and 1st M. of Or- 1847. W. Fredk. Tighe. monde; d. May 18, 1838. 1878. Jas. Edwd. Wm. Theobald, 3rd M. Jno. Wm., visc. Duncannon, aft. of Ormonde. 4th E. of Bessborough. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF KINGS COUNTY. Wm., ld. Oxmantown, aft. E. of 1867. Col. Thos. Bernard. Rosse ; d. Oct. 31, 1867. 1883. Fras. Travers Dames Longworth, Q.C. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF LEITRIM. Nath., 2nd E. of Leitrim; d, Dec. 1872. Thos. Arth. Jos., visc. Southwell; 31, 1854. d. Apr. 26, 1878. Edwd. King Tenison, Jan. 31, G. 1878. Wm. Richd., 2nd lá. Harlech. Geo. Arth. Hastings, E. of Granard. | IORD LIEUTENANTS OF THE COUNTY LIMERICK. Hon. Richd. Hobart Fitzgibbon, 1864. Edwin Richd. Windham, 3rd E. of aft. 3rd E. of Clare; d. Jan. 10, Dunraven; d. Oct. 6, 1871. 1864. 1871. Col. Wm. Monsell, aft. Id. Emly. IORD LIEUTENANTS OF T.ONDON DERRY. Geo., ld. Garvagh ; d. Aug. 20, 1860. Acheson Lyle. 1840. 1870. Col. R. Peel Dawson. Sir Robt. A. Ferguson, bt. 1878. Sir Hy. Herwey Bruce, bt. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF LONG FORD. Geo. Jno., visc. Forbes; d. Nov. 13, 1850–1. Hy. White, aft. Id. Annaly; d. 1836. Sept. 3, 1873. Luke White. 1874. Wm. Lygon, E. of Longford. T.ORD LIEUTENANTS OF LOUTH. Sir Patrick Bellew. 1879. Clotworthy Jno. Eyre, visc. Masse- Col. Jno. McClintock, aft. lá. Rath- leene and Ferrard. donnell. TIORD LIEUTENANTS OF MAYO. Dominick Browne, aft. lil. Oranmore | 1845. Geo. Chas., 3rd E. of Lucan; d. and Browne. Nov. 10, 1888. - Howe Peter, 2nd M, of Sligo ; d. | 1888. Arth. Saunders Wm. Chas., 5th E. Jan. 26, 1845. of Arran. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MEATH. Edwd., 5th E. of Darnley; d. Feb. 1849. Arth. Jas., 9th E. of Fingall, Apr. 12, 1835. 22, 1869. Edwd. Wadding, 14th lä. Dunsany ; 1869. Fras. Nathl., 2nd M. of Conyngham; d. Dec. 11, 1848. d. July 17, 1876. 1876–7. Thos., 3rd M. of Headfort. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF MONAGHAN. Hy. Robt., 3rd ld. Rossmore. 1871. Richd., E. of Dartrey. Chas. Powell Leslie. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 571 1831. 1831. 1855. 1831. 1871. 1831. 1851. 1831. 1839. 1831. 1831. 1871. 1831. 1831. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF QUEENS COUNTY. Jno., 2nd visc. De Vesci; d. Oct. 19, 1855. Jno. Wilson Fitzpatrick, aft. li. 1855. Castletown; d. Jan. 22, 1883. 1883. Jno. Robt. Wm., 4th visc. de Vesci. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF ROSCOMMON. Robt. Edwd., 1st visc. Lorton ; d. 1857. Edwd, King Tenison. Nov. 20, 1854. 1878. Edwd. Robt. King-Harman; d. June Arth., ld. de Freyne; d. Sept. 29, 10, 1888. 1856. 1888. Hy.Ernest Newcomen, E.of Kingston. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF SLIGO. Arth. Knox Gore. 1877. Lt.-col. E. H. Cooper. Sir Robt. Bootle, bt. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF TIPPERARY. Jno., 3rd E. of Donoughmore ; d. 1885. Cornwallis, visc. Hawarden, aft. E. Sept. 14, 1851. de Montalt. Geo. Ponsonby, visc. Lismore. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF TYRONE. Du Pre, 2nd E. of Caledon; d. 1839. 1864. Jas. Molyneux, 3rd E. of Charle- Fras. Wm., 2nd E. of Charlemont; mont. d. Dec. 26, 1863. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WATERFORD. Hy. Williers Stuart, aft. li. Stuart | 1874. Jno. Hy. de la Poer, M. of Water- de Decies. ford. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WESTMEATH. Anthy. Fras., M. of Westmeath. | 1883. Sir Benjm. Jas. Chapman, bt. ; d. Fulke Southwell, 1st là. Greville of Nov. 3, 1888. Clonyn ; d. Jan. 5, 1883. 1888. Richd., 4th lä. Castlemaine. LORD LIEUTENANTS OF WEXFORD. Robt. Shapland Carew. aft. 2nd lå. 1881. Ld. Maurice Fitzgerald. Carew ; d. Sept. 9, 1881. TIOR D LIEUTENANTS OF WICKLOW. Wm. Forwald, 4th E. of Wicklow ; 1869. Wm., 11th E. of Meath. d. Mar. 22, 1869. - 572 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. HERALDIC OFFICERS–IRE LAND. ULSTER, KINGS OF ARMS. This office was created by Edward VI. The dates are those of the Letters Patent. 1552. Barth. W. Butler,alias York, June 1. 1698. Wm. Hawkins (No. 1), Apr. 13. 1566. Nichs. Narbon, or Narboone, July 7. 1722. Wm. Hawkins (No. 1), and Jno. | ſ | ; º, º #. § Hawkins, his son, July 19. by ſ. LJ&Ill. IVlC)11 nell X, J Ulne 28. g * ié. i. i.i.”. A.m. Ussher, ſº lºs Mºullºch; May 2%. , Apr. 25. 1765. Wm. Hawkins (No. 2), aft. Sir W., 1633. Thos. Prest . 21. l May 17. 1643. §: R. º 1787. Gerald Fortescue, Apr. 26. 1655. Sir Richd. Kerney, or Carney, Feb. 1788. Chichester Fortescue, aft. Sir C., 19. Apr. 26. 1660. Sir Richd. St. George, Aug. 20. 1820. Wm. Betham, aft, sir W. 1683. Sir Rd. Carney, again, and Geo. 1854. Jno. Bernard Burke, aft. Sir J. Wallis, May 25. 1 . JUDGES AND OTHER LEGAL DIGNITARIES OF IRELAND. THE earlier portions of these lists have been compiled from the Liber Munerum Publicorum Hiberniæ, a work in two immense volumes, imperial folio, which was completed by the late Mr. Rowley Lascelles, from the compilations of Mr. Lodge, formerly Deputy Keeper of the Rolls and Reeper of the State Papers in Ireland, and printed by order of the Bouse of Commons. It has never been published. A few copies only were issued to high personages in the state, and to certain public offices, as records. A copy is in the British Museum, and may be seen there. There is no index to the book, but a separite index has been prepared and embodied in the 9th Report of the Record Office, Ireland (1877). Smyth's Chronicle of Irish Law Officers, a very useful little work, published in 1839, has also been consulted. The Irish Law Courts were modelled on those of England, the origin of which is shortly given at pp. 345-352, ante. The embarrassed condition of many of the Irish landowners led to the establishment first of an Incumbered Estates Court and afterwards of a Landed Estates Court. The Irish Supreme Court of Judicature is formed by a con- solidation of the old Irish Courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Probate, and Matrimonial Causes, and the Tanded Estates Court, with a provision for the inclusion of the Court of Admiralty on the next vacancy in the judgeship thereof. It was established by the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act, 1877, (40 & 4l Vict. c. 57), whereby a “Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland” was established, to consist of two permanent divisions. 1. Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice in Ireland. 2. Her Majesty's Court of Appeal in Ireland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 573 1. HER MAJESTY'S HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN IRETAND. Bresident, the Tord Chancellor of Ireland for the time being ; in his absence the L.C.J. of Ireland for the time being. This Court originally consisted of five divisions:– 1. THE CHANCERY DIVISION, consisting of the Lord Chancellor (President), the Master of the Rolls, the Vice Chancellor, and the Judges of the Landed Estates Court, who were to be called the Land Judges of the Chancery Division. 2. THE QUEEN’s BENCH DIVISION, consisting of the L.C.J. of Ireland (President), and the other Judges of the old Court of Queen’s Bench, in all four Judges. 3. THE COMMON PLEAs DIVISION, consisting of the L.C.J. of the Common Pleas (President) and the other Judges of the old Court of Common Pleas, in all three judges. 4. THE ExCHEQUER TXIVISION, consisting of the L.C. B. of the Exchequer (President) and the other Judges of the old Court of Exchequer, in all (after the next vacancy) three Judges. 5. THE PROBATE AND MATRIMONIAL DIVISION, consisting of the Judge of the Courts of Probate and for Matrimonial Causes. Upon the Admiralty jurisdiction falling into the Supreme Court it was to be exercised by the Judge of this division, which was thenceforward to be called the PROBATE, MATRI- MONIAL, and ADMIRALTY DIVISION. The titles of Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, Master of the Rolls, I.C.J. of the Common Pleas, and L.C.B. of the Exchequer were to be retained, but all other future judges were to be styled “Judges of Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice in Ireland.” By the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act, 1887, (50 & 51 Wict. cap. 6), power was given on the next vacancies to abolish the offices. of L.C.J. of the Common Pleas and L.C.B. of the Exchequer, to fill up the vacancies with ordinary puisne judges, and to “direct the amalga- mation and fusion ” of the Common Pleas and Exchequer Divisions with the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court. This power has been acted on as regards the Common Pleas Division, which by Order in Council (Ireland) dated July 6, 1887, was abolished as from Oct. 20, 1887. - II. HER MAJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL IN IRELAND. THIs CourT originally consisted of:— 1. Five ea officio Judges, viz., the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, the L.C.J. of Ireland, the Master of the Rolls, the L.C.J. of the Common Pleas, and the L.C.B. of the Exchequer, but under the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act, 1887 (50 & 51 Vict., cap. 6), power was given to abolish the last two offices; vide supra. 2. Two ordinary Judges to be from time to time appointed. The first ordinary Judges were to be the existing Lord Justice of Appeal, and one other to be appointed either before or after the commencement of the Act. - 574 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 3. Power was given to appoint as additional Judges any retired Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice, Master of the Rolls, or Lord Chief Baron willing to serve. The ordinary and additional Judges are styled “Lords Justices of Appeal.” The new system came into operation on Jan. 1, 1878. Y 189. I219. M230. Y.232. 1235. 1236. 1237. 1245. 1249. 1259. 1272. 1283. 1288. 1292. 1293. 1294. 1295. 1307. 1314. 1317. 1321. 1325. 1326. 1330. 1331. 1332. 1334. 1335. LORD CHANCELLORS, &c., OFIRELAND. The abbreviations signify, V. C. Vice Chancellor; D. C. Deputy Chancellor; L. K. Lord Keeper; D. L. K. Deputy Lord Keeper; where no abbreviations appear, the person named is Lord Chancellor. RICHARD I. Steph. Ridel. HENRY III. John de Worcheley. Fromond le Brun. Ralph Nevill, bp. of Chichester, Sept. 28. Geoffrey Turville, archdn. of Dublin, v. C. Alan de Sancta Fide. Robt. Luttrell, friar of St. Patrick’s, Dublin, V. C. The same, as là. chanc. Geoffrey Turville, again, chanc. Ralph, bp. of Norwich. Wm. Welward, Nov. 4. Ralph, bp. of Norwich again, July 9. Eromond le Brun. as la. EDWARD I. Fromond le Brun, contal. Walter de Fulburn. Wm. de Buerlaco. Thos. Cantoc, aft. bp. of Emly. Walter de Thornburg. Adam Wodington. Thos. Cantoc, again. EDwARD II. Thos. Cantoc, conta. Richd. de Bereford. Wm. Fitzjohn, abp. of Cashel, Aug. 10. Roger Outlawe, or Utlagh, prior of St. John of Jerusalem. Alexr. de Bicknor, abp. of Dublin. Roger Outlawe, or Utlagh, again. EDwARD III. Adam de Limberg. Wm., prior of St. John's, near Dublin. Adam de Limberg, again. Roger Outlawe, or Utlagh, again. Adam de Limburg, again. Roger Outlawe, again. 1337. 1338. 1339. 1341. 1342. 1343. 1346. 1349. 1350. 1354. 1355. 1356. 1357. 1359. 1363. 1366. 1367. 1368. I370. 1872. 1374. 1875. 1377. 1379. 1381. Thos. Charlton, bp. of Hereford. Robt. de Henningberg. John de Battail, L. K. Roger Outlawe, again. Thos. Charlton, again. Robt. de Askeby. John le Archer, prior of St. John of Jerusalem. Roger Darcy, L. K. John de Battail, again ; app. by parlt., L. K. John le Archer, again. John Morice, or Morys, May 20. Roger Darcy, again, L. K. - John le Archer, again. Wm. Bromley, L. K. John de St. Paul, abp. of Dublin. Richd. de Assheton. John de St. Paul, again. John de Frowyk (? 1357). Thos. Burley, prior of Kilmainham. Friar John de Mora, and Wm. Draiton, clerk, D. C. Thos. Burley, prior of Kilmainham, agaºn. Richd. de Assheton, again. Thos. Scurlock, abb. of St. Thomas's, Dublin, D. C. Thos. le Reve, first bp. of the united see of Waterford and Lismore. Thos. Burley, prior of Kilmainham, agazn. John de Botheby (? 1371). Wm. Tany, prior of Kilmainham. John de Botheby, again. Wm. Tany, prior of Kilmainham, again, Mar. 2. John Keppock, just. K. B., D. C., Apr. 13 RICHARD II. Robt. de Wikeford, or Wickford, abp. of Dublin. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Ossory. John Colton, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Wm. Tany, prior of Kilmainham, again, Feb. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 575 1381. 1385. 1386. I387. 1388. 1389. 1391. 1392. 1393. 1394. 1395. 1397. 1399. 1400. 1401. 1402. 1405. 1407. 1410. 1412. 1414. 1415. 1416. 1419. 1421. 1422. 1423. 1426. Ralph Cheme, or Cheney, L. K. Robt. de Wickford, abp. of Dublin, again. Robt. Sutton, v. C. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Ossory, again. Thos. de Everdon, v. C. The same, L. K., with power to hear C3, U186S. Richd. White, prior of Kilmainham. Sir Robt. Preston, L. K. Alexr. Balscot, bp. again, Aug. 27. Sir Robt. Preston, again, as là. chanc. Robt. Waldby, abp. (? archdn.) of Dublin. Richd. Northalis, bp. of Ossory, May 29. Alexr. Balscot, now bp. of Meath, again. Robt. de Wickford, abp. of Dublin, again. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Meath, again. Robt. de Braybrooke, bp. of London. Robt. Sutton, D. L. K. Thos. Cranley, abp. of Dublin. HENRY IV. Thos. Cranley, contal. Alexr. Balscot, bp. of Meath, again, Jan. 4. Thos. Cranley, abp. again, Aug. 23. Thos. de Everdon, again, D. C. Richd. Rede, ch, just. K. B., and John Bermingham, 2nd just. C. P., jointly, D. C. C., Feb. 13. Robt. Sutton, again, D.C. Laurence Merbury, or Marbury, aft. sir L., D. C., July 14. Patrick Barret, bp. June 13. Robt. Sutton, again, D.C., May 4. Thos. Cranley, abp. of Dublin,again. HENRY V. Sir Laurence Merbury, again, ld. chanc., Mar. 2. Thos. Cranley, abp. of Dublin,again. Patrick Barret, bp. of Ferns, again. Wm. Fitzthomas, prior of Kilmain- ham. Sir Laurence Merbury, again. Wm. Fitzthomas, again, May 24. HENRY WI. Sir Laurence Merbury, again, Oct. 4. Richd. Sedgrave, or Segrave. Richd. Talbot, abp. of Dublin, May 19. Wrm. Fitzthomas, again, Apr. 25. Sir Richd. Fitz-Eustace (No. 1), Sept. 10. Richd. Talbot., again, Oct. 23. . Robt. Sutton, agazm, L. K. of Ossory, of Dublin, of Ferns, abp. of Dublin, 1434. 1435. 1436. 1441. 1444. 1445. 1446. 1448. 1451. 1453. 1454. 1460. 1461. 1462. 1464. 1468. 1469. 1472. 1474. 1480. 1481. 1482. 1483. 1486. 1492. 1494. 1496. 1498. 1501. 1509. 1513. Thos. Chase, clerk, L. K. Thos. Strange, aft. Sir T., D. C. Sir Richd. Fitz-Eustace (No. 1), again, D. C. Robt. Dyke, Dyce, or Dyche, archdn. of Dublin, L. K. Sir Thos. Strange, again,as lá.chanc. Richd. Wogan. Wm. Cheevers, D. C. Sir John Talbot, son and heir to the E. of Shrewsbury. Robt. Dyke, again, D. c. Thos. Fitzgerald, prior Thomas's, D. C. Thos. Talbot, prior of Kilmainham, of St. D. C. Sir John Talbot, again. Sir Edwd. Fitz-Eustace. Sir Wm. Wells, D. C. Edmd. (? E. of Rutland), younger son of the D. of York. John Dynham, Nov. 5, for life. EDWARD IV. Sir Robt. Preston, D. C. Sir Wm. Wells, July 8, for life; conf. by parlt. 2 Edw. IV. John, E. of Worcester, for life. Thos., 7th E. of Kildare, for life; conf. by parlt. Robt. Allaunston. Sir Wm. Dudley. Robt., ld. Portlester. The same, and John Taxton, jointly, and to the survivor of them, Apr. 10; conf. by parlt. Gilbert de Wenham. Sir Richd. Fitz-Eustace (No. 2). Wm. Sherwood, bp. of Meath. Lawrence de St. Lawrence. Wm. Sherwood, bp. of Meath, again, Aug. 5. Walter Champflower, abb. of St. Mary's, L. R. Sir Robt. de St. Lawrence, bar. of Howth, July 10. Thos. Fitzgerald, const. by parlt. HENRY WII. Roland, ld. Portlester. Alexr. Plunket, June 11 Hy. Deane, prior of Lanthony, bp. of Bangor, Sept. 13. Walter Fitzsimons, abp. of Dublin, Aug. 6. Wm. Rokeby, aft. bp. of Meath, and abp. of Dublin. Walter Fitzsimons, abp of Dublin, agazm. HeNRY VIII. Nichs., ld. Howth, June 11. Walter Fitzsimons, abp. of Dublin, agazm. Sir Wm. Compton, Nov. 6, for life. of Lackagh ; 576 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1515. 1527. 1528. 1532. 1534. 1538. 1546. 1547. 1548. 1550. 1553. 1555. 1559. 1567. 1573. 1576. 1577. 1578. 1605. 1605. 1619. 1619. 1638. 1639. Wm. Rokeby, now abp. of Dublin, again ; Mar. 24. w Hugh Inge, abp. of Dublin. John Allen, abp. of Dublin, Sept. 19. Geo. Cromer, abp. of Armagh, July 5. John, ld, of Trimleston, Aug. 16. John Allen, aft. Sir J., L. K., July 25. * The same, ld, chanc., Oct. 18. Sir Thos. Cusake, or Cusack, L. R., May 1. Sir Richd. Read, L. C., Nov. 6. EDWARD VI. Sir Richd. Read, L. K., Feb. 26. Sir John Allen, Apr. 22. Sir Thos. Cusack, in Sir John Allen's absence, D. C., app. 1d. chanc., Aug. 5, 1551. MARY. Sir Thos. Cusack, contal. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, L. K., July 3. Hugh Curwen, abp. of Dublin, Sept. 13; by a separate pat, he had power to hear causes. ELIZABETH. Hugh Curwen, abp. of Dublin, contal., during pleasure, June 8. Robt. Weston, dean of Arches, London, June 10. Adam Loftus, abp. of Dublin, L. K., May 29. Wm. Gerrard, dean of St. Patrick's, Apr. 23. Adam Loftus (No. 1), in Wm. Gerard’s absence, L. K., Sept. 15. Adam Loftus (No. 1), as ld. chanc. JAMES I. Thos. Jones, bp. of Meath, aft. abp. of Dublin; Sir Jas. Ley, ch. just. K.B. ; Sir Edmd. Pelham, ch. bar. ex: ; Sir Anthy. St. Leger, m. rolls.; L.K.K., Apr. 5. Thos. Jones, now abp. Oct. 14. Sir Wim. Jones, ch. just. IC. B. : Sir Wm. Methwold, ch. bar. ex. ; Sir Fras. Aungier; L. K.K., Apr. 10. Adam Loftus (No. 2), aft. visc. Loftus of Ely, Apr. 26. of Dublin, CHARLES I. . Adam, yisc. Loftus of Ely, contal., Mar. 30. Robt.. 10. Dillon; Sir Adam Loftus (No. 3); Christr. Wandesford ; Sir Ph. Mainwaring, L. K. K., May 25 Sir Richd Bolton, Dec. 6. 1655. 1656. 1660. 1665. 1685. 1686. 1687. 1690. 1696. 1697. 1702. 1703. 1707. 1710. 1710. 1714. 1725. 1726. 1727. 1739. 1761. 1767. 1789. CHARLES II. Rd. Pepys, ch. just. K. B. ; Sir Gerard Lowther, ch. just. C. P. ; Miles Corbet, ch. bar. ex. Commrs. Wm. Steele, under the parlt., Aug. 20. - THE RESTORATION. Sir Maurice Eustace, Oct 9. Michl. Boyle, abp. of Dublin, aft. abp. of Armagh, June 22. JAMES II. Michl. Boyle, now abp. of Armagh, again, Feb. 19. Sir Chas. Porter, Mar. 22. Sir Alex. Fitton, Jan. 13. WILLIAM III. Richd. Pyne; Sir Richard Ryves ; Robt. Rochfort; L. K. K., Aug. 1. Sir Chas. Porter, Dec. 3. Sir John Jeffreyson; Thos. Coote ; Nehemiah Donellan; Commrs., Dec. 31. John Methuen, Jam. 24. ANNE. John Methuen, contal., July 26. Sir Richd. Cox, July 29; res. 1707. Richd. Freeman, June 12. Robt., E. of Kildare; Wm., abp. of Dublin; Thos. Keightley; Commrs., Nov. 22. Sir Constantine Phipps, Dec. 22; res. Sept., 1714. GEORGE I. Alan Brodrick, aft. la. and visc. Midleton, Sept. 30; res. 1725. Richd. West, May 29. Thos. Wyndham, aft. la. Wyndham, Dec. 3. GEORGE II. Thos. Wyndham, contal. Robt. Jocelyn, aft. ld. Newport and visc. Jocelyn, Aug. 30; d. Dec. 3, 1756. . John Bowes, aft. la. Bowes, of Clon- lyon, Mar. 11. GEORGE III. John, ld, Bowes, contal., Jan. 19 ; d. 1767. Jas. Hewitt, just. K. B. in England, Nov. 24; cr. ld. and aft. visc. Lifford; d. 1789. Robt. Fowler, abp. of Dublin; Sir Hugh Carleton, ch, just.C.P. ; and Sir Samuel Bradstreet, just. K. B.;. Commrs., May 5. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 577 I789. 1802. 1806. 1807. 1820. 1827. 1830. 1835. 1837. 1841. John Fitzgibbon, cr. Id. and aft. 1846. visc. Fitzgibbon and E. of Clare, June 13; d. Jan. 28, 1802. 1852. Sir John Mitford, cr. lä. Redesdale, Feb. 15. 18 Geo. Ponsonby, Feb. 14 ; res. next year. 1858 Thos. Manners Sutton, bar. ex. in England, Apr. 23; cr. la. Manners. 1859 GEORGE IV. 1866 Thos., ld. Manners, conta. Sir Anthy. Hart, v. chanc. England, Nov. 5; res, Nov. 1830; d. 1831. 1868 WiLLIAM IV. Wm. Conyngham, ld. Plunket, ch. 1874 just. c. P., Dec. 23; surr. Nov. 1834. Sir Edwd. Burtenshaw Sugden, Jan. 13; aft. lél. St. Leonards; 1875. surr. Apr. 1835. Wm. Conyngham, ld. Plunket, again, Apr. 30. 1880. 1881. VICTORIA. Wm. Conyngham, ld. Plunket, contal. 1883. Sir John Campbell, atty.-gen. in England; cr. Id. Campbell, June 22; res. Sept. t Sir Edwd. Burtenshaw Sugden, aft. 16. St. Leonards, again, Oct. 3, Oct. 8 (?); res. 1846. | 1885. 1886. Maziere Brady, ch. bar. ex., July 16; res. 1852. Fras. Blackburne, ch. just. Q. B., Mar. 10; res. Dec. 1852. 53. Maziere Brady, again, Jan. 13; res. Feb. 1858. . Sir Joseph Napier, bt., 1867, Mar. 10; res. June 1859. . Maziere Brady, again, June 27; res. July 1866. . Fras. Blackburne, again, July 24; res. Mar. 1867. . Abraham Brewster, Mar. 29; res. Dec. 1868. . Thos. O'Hagan, just. C. P., Dec. 18; cr. lá, O'Hagan 1870; res. Feb. 1874. . Commissioners. Sir Jos. Napier, bt. Mr. Justice Lawson. Wm. Brooke. Mar. 11. *John Thos. Ball, Jan. 1; res. Apr. 1880. Ld. O'Hagan, again, May ; Nov. 1881. Hugh Law, Nov. 11; d. Sept. 10, 1883. Sir Edwd. Sullivan, bt., Dec. 11; d. Sept. 13, 1885. John Naish, May 21. Edwd. Gibson, July 1; cr. lá. Ash- bourne. John Naish, again, Feb. 11. Ld. Ashbourne, again, Aug. 5. I'êS, * Under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877 (see ante, p. 573), the Ld. Chanc., on Jan. 1, 1878, became President of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice and one of the ex-officio judges of the Court of Appeal. CHIEF AND PUISNE JUSTICES OF THE KING'S OR 1300. 1342. 1346. 1354. 1371. 1373. 1382. 1384. 1385. 1388. 1403. QUEEN’S BENCH, IRELAND. PRESIDENTS AND JUS- TICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (IRELAND), QUEEN’S BENCH DIVISION. CHIEF JUSTICEs of THE Walter L'Enfant. 1426. Elias de Asshebournham. 1429. John Hunt. 1434. John de Redenesse, Nov. 4. Wm. de Skipwith, Apr. 25. John Keppok, or Keppock, Apr. 22. Sir Thos. de Mortimer, Mar. 3. John Penros, or Penrose, Feb. 27. John Shriggely; from the ex, June 6 1461. 3& * 26. Richd, Plunket, July 10. Peter Rowe, Sept. 23. Steph. Bray; from the C. P. 1496. 1521. 1532. 1534, 1535. KING's BENCH. Hy. Fortescue, June 25. Steph. Bray, again, Feb. 18. Christr. Bernewall, or Barnewall, 2nd just., Feb. 14. Thos. Plunket, May 11. Wm. Bermingham; d. 1489. John Topcliffe; from the ex., Oct. 3. Patr. Bermingham, Feb. 28. Sir Barth. Dillon, 2nd just. ; from the ex, ; Jan. 15. Patr. Fynglass; from the ex., May 8. Sir Gerald Aylmer; from the ex., Aug. 12. 37 578 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1559. 1562. 1583. 1585. 1604. 1608. 1612. 1617. 1620. 1655. 1658, 1660. 1673. I679. 1680. 1687. 1690. 1695. * Transferred Jan. 1, 1878, to the H.C.J., Q.B. Judge of the Court of Appeal, under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. John Plunket, Oct. 12. The same, by new pat., Oct. 5. Jas. Dowdall, 2nd just., May 13. Robt. Gardener, or Gardiner, serit. in England, Feb. 19. Sir Jas. Ley, aft. E. of Marlborough ; TěS. Sir Humfrey Winche, ch. bar, ex. ; aft. just. C. P. in England, Dec. 26. Sir John Denham, ch. bar. ex., Feb. 28. Sir Wm. Jones, serjt, in England, Jan. 6. Sir Geo. (? Jno.) Shirley, serjt. in England, Mar, 4. Richd. Pepys; under the Common- wealth. * John Santhey, Jan. 19 ; pro tem. on Pepys' death. Wrm. Basil, atty.-gen., Jan. 24. Sir Jas. Barry, aft. Id. Santry, Nov. 17. Sir John Povey; from the ex., Mar. 21. Sir Robt. Booth, Mar. 28; d. next year. Sir Wm. Davys, or Davies, pr. serj., Feb. 21. Thos. Nugent, Oct. 7 ; rem. Sir Richd. Reynell, knt. and bt., Nov. 3; res. Sir Richd. Pyne, ch. just. C. P., May 16. 1709. 1711. 1714. 1727. 1741. 1751. 1760. 1764. 1784. 1798. 1803. 1822. 1841. 1846. 1852. 1866. 1877. Alan Brodrick, Dec. 24; rem. Sir Richd. Cox, kt. and bt., June 4; TëIYl. Wm. Whitshed, Sept. 30 ; rem. to the C. P. John Rogerson, atty.-gen., Apr. 3. Thos. Marlay; from the ex., Dec. 29; res. St. Geo. Caulfield, atty.-gen., Aug. 27; res. Warden Flood, atty.-gen., July 31. John Gore, aft. 16. Annaly, Solr.- gen., Aug. 24. John Scott, cr. ld. Earlsfort; aft. visc. and E. of Clonmel, Apr. 29. Arth. Wolfe, aft. visc. Kilwarden, June 13; murd. in the streets of Dublin by rebels in Emmett's in- surrection, July 23, 1803. Wm. Downes, aft. li. Downes, Sept. 12. Chas. Kendal Bushe, Solr. - gen., 1805, Feb. 14. Edwd. Pennefather, solr.-gen., Nov. 10. Fras. Blackburne, m. rolls, Jan. 23. Thos. Lefroy, Feb.; res. 1866. Jas. Whiteside, July 24; d. Now. 1876. *Geo. Augs. Chichester May, Feb. , G. Division, and also made an ex-officio See ante, p. 572. PRESIDENTS OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE, QUEEN’s BENCH DIVISION. (LORD CHIEF JUSTICES OF IRELAND.) 1878. 1887. 1322. 1326. * * { * 1344. 1352. 1357. + * 1371. 1381. 1382 1385. 1388. 1402. 1404. 1415. 1434. Geo. Augs. Chichester May, transf. from court of Q. B., Jan. 1. Michl. Morris, aft. bt. ; ch. just., PUISNE JUSTICES OF Robt. Bagod, Bigod, or Bigot. Nichs. Fastolf. Roger de Preston. John Hunter del Nash. Jeffrey Foljambe. John de Redenesse. Peter Malorre. Nichs. Meones. John Keppok, or Keppock. The same, by pat, dated Trym, Mar. 3. Jas. Penkeston. John Sothern. Robt. Coterell, July 10. Walter Penkeston; pat. Same date. John de Bermingham. John Lumbard, Roger Hakenshawe. Christr. Bernevall, or Barnewall; aft. ch. just. C. P. div. ; transf, to Q. B. div. on abolition of C. P. div., ut ante, p. 573. THE KING's BENCH. 1434. 1461. “k 1513. * + 1527. 1535. 3& $6. 1553. 1559. 1560. 1566. 1575. 1577. 1583. Wm. Cheevers, or Chevyrs. John Beg, or Begg, of Drogheda. * k •k Sir John Barnewall, ld. Trimleston. Sir Barth. Lillon. Christr. Delahyde. Patr. White, vice Delahyde, Jan. 26. Thos, St. Lawrence, or Howth, Aug. 12. Sir Robt. Dillon, aft. ch. just. C. P. Luke Netterville, vice Dillon. Richd. Dillon, vice Netterville. Barth. Russell, clerk; 3rd just. Jas. Dowdall, 2nd just. The same ; new appt. Barth. Russell; new appt., May 26; 3rd just. g Edmond Butler, atty. - gen. ; 2nd just. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 579 1584. 1590. 1599. 1602. 1604. 1605. 1606. 1607. 1609. 1610. 1623. 1625. 1632. 1636. 1644. 1659. 1660. 1671. 1682. 1684. 1685. 1687. 1690. 1691. 1693. 1699. Sir Nichs. Walshe, 2nd just. ; aft. ch. just C. P. Hy. Burnell, 3rd just., Oct. 15. Gerald Dillon, 3rd just., Nov. 26. Wm. Saxey, 2nd just. John Everard, 2nd just. Lewis Prowde, 3rd just. Geoffrey Osbaldeston, 2nd just. Sir Dominick Sarsfield, 3rd just. Sir Christr. Sibthorpe, 2nd just. ; Terºl. Sir Dominick Sarsfield, made 2nd just. Sir Wm. Sparke; “made a 4th or additional judge by the king's letters patent, in order to ride the circuits, and avoid the protraction of suits; and to be 2nd justice when sir Domimick Sarsfield should be made chief judge of the common pleas.”—Lib. Mun. Publ. Hºb. Sir Dominck Sarsfield was directly aft. app. to the C. P. Sir Edwd. Harris, 3rd just. Sir Christr. Sibthorpe, 2nd just. Hugh Cressy, 2nd just. Sir Wm. Ryves, atty.-gen, ; 3rd just. Thos. Dongan, 2nd just. ; aft. oar. ex. John Cooke; under the Common- wealth, 3rd just. Sir Wm. Aston, 2nd just., Nov. 3. Thos. Stockton, 3rd just., Nov. 23. Oliver Jones, from the C. P., 2nd just. John Lyndon, 3rd serj., 2nd just. Sir Richd. Reynolds (called in some records Reynell), kt. and bt., 3rd just. ; aft. ch. just. Thos. Nugent, 3rd just, ; aft. ch. just. Sir Bryan O'Neile, bt., 3rd just. ; Terrl. Sir Richd. Stephens, 3rd just., vice O'Neile. Sir Hy. Echlin, 3rd just. ; from the CX. Thos. Coote, 3rd just., vice Echlin, who returned to the ex. Robt. Tracy, 2nd just. ; aft. bar. ex. England. 1701. 1711. 1714. 1715. 1716. 1722. 1729. 1734. 1743. 1758. 1759. 1768. 1784. 1787. 1791. 1792. 1794. 1798. 1802. 1803. 1817. 1818, 1820, 1822. 1834. 1835. 1847. 1856. 1859. 1860. 1866. 1872. Jas. Macartney, 2nd just. ; rem. Richd. Nutley, 2nd just. ; rem. Jas. Macartney, again; transf, to the C. P. Jeffrey Gilbert, 2nd just. ; aft. ch. bar. ex. Wm. Caulfield, 3rd just. Godfrey Boate, pr. serjt., 2nd just. John Parnell, 2nd just. Michl. Ward, vice Parnell, just. Hy. Rose, vice Caulfield, 3rd just. Arth. Blennerhassett, pr. serjt., vice Rose. Chas. Robinson. Wm. Scott, pr. serj. ; aft. bar, ex. Wm. Henn, vice Scott, July 12. Sir Saml. Bradstreet, recorder of Dublin; addl. or 4th just., Jan. 13. John Bennett, vice Robinson, May . 2nd Robt. Boyd, vice Bradstreet, June 27. Jos. Hewett, 2nd serjt., July 27. Wm. Downes, vice Bennett, Mar. 12; aft. ch. just. Tankerville Chamberlain, Hewett, June 20. Robt. Day, vice Boyd, Feb. 28. Chas. Osborne, vice Chamberlain, July 20. St. George Daly, vice Downes, Nov. 3 vice Edwd. Mayne, vice Osborne, Oct. 24. Richd. Jebb, vice Day, Dec. 1. Chas. Burton, vice Mayne, Dec. 2. Thos. B. Wandeleur, vice St. George Daly res. ; Mar. 4. Philip Cecil Crampton, solr.-gen., vice Jebb, Oct. 21. Louis Perrin, atty.-gen., vice Wande- leur, Aug. 31. Richd. Moore, Dec. 13. *Jas. O’Brien. Edmd. Hayes; res. 1866. *Jno. David Fitzgerald, Feb. John George; Oct. 18, G.; d. 1871. *Chas. Robt. Barry, aft. la. just. app., Jan. 13, G. * On Jan. 1, 1878, these judges were transferred to the H. C.J. Q. B. Div., under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. See ante, p. 573. PUISNE JUDGEs of THE QUEEN’s BENCH DIVISION OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE. Transferred from the old Court of Queen's Bench, Jan. 1, 1878, Jas. O'Brien, d. 1882. John David Fitzgerald, made lá., app. 1882. See ante pp. 351–2 and 358. Chas. Robt. Barry, made la. just., app. 1883. 580 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Subsequent Appointments. 1882. Jas. Anthy. Lawson (transf, from | 1883. Wm. O'Brien (transf, from c. P. C.P. div.); d. 1887. div.). 1883. Wrm. Moore Johnson. Upon the abolition of the C.P.D. under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1887 (see ante, p. 573), the following judges became, on Oct. 20, 1887, judges of this Division, but with rela- tive rank according to their original appointments. Michl. Harrison, app. 1878. | Hugh Holmes, app. 1887. Jas. Murphy, app. 1883. Subsequent Appointments. 1888. John Geo. Gibson, Jan. CHIEF AND PUISNE JUSTICES OF THE COMMON PLEAS, IRELAND. PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, IRELAND, COMMON PLEAS DIVISION. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE ComNION PLEAs. * * Richd. de Exon. 1595. Sir Robt. Dillon; rest. on death of 1326. Hy. de Hambury. Weston. 1334. Robt. le Poer, May 10. 1597. Sir Nichs. Walsh ; from the K. B., Simon Fitz-Richard (2nd just.), vice Oct. 22. le Poer, Oct. 13. 1610. Sir Dominick Sarsfield, aft. ld. Kil- 1343. John Gernoun, Apr. 13. mallock; from the K. B. ; June 1353. Thos. de Dent. 21; in reversion after Walsh. 1358, Sir Robt. de Preston, Oct. 14. 1615. Sir Dominick Sarsfield, succ. on 1378. Hy. Michell, Apr. 3. Walsh's death, Nov. 28; depr. 1381. Steph. Bray, Mar. 8. by sentence of the court of Star- 1384. Edmd. del Clay, Feb. 27. chamber in England. 1414. John Fitz-Adam. 1634. Sir Gerard Lowther, bar. ex. on 1419. Wm. de Tynbegh, July 20. Sarsfield being depr., Mar. 13. 1425. John Blakeney, June 16. 1658. The same, by new pat. from Richd. 1428. Sir Jas. Alleyne, Nov. 23. Cromwell, protector, Oct. 7. 1430. John Blakeney, again, May 13. 1660. Sir Jas. Donellan, Nov. 30. 1446. Robt. Dowdall. 1665. Sir Edwd. Smith ; res. June 13. 1461. Nichs. Barnewall, Aug. 1. 1669. Sir Robt. Booth, one of the justices, 1464. Philip Bermingham, June 25. Jan. 28; made ch. just. K. B. 1496. Thos. Bowryng, Oct. 3. 1679. John Keating, Apr. 25. * * * * 1691. Sir Richd. Pyne, Jan. 5; made ch. 1532. Richd. Delahyde, Aug. 22. just. K. B. 1534. Thos. Luttrell, of Luttrellstown, 1695. Sir John Hely; from the exch., May Oct. 17; aft. Sir T. 10. 1554. Sir John Bathe, K. Serj., July 7. 1701. Sir Richd. Cox, 2nd just., May 4; 1559. Robt. Dillon, of Newtoun, near made ld. chanc. “Trym,” Sept. 3. - 1703. Robt. Doyne, ch. bar., Dec. 27; 1562. The same; new appt. pat. revoked. * * Nichs. Nugent, vice Dillon, Oct. 5; 1714. John Forster, recorder of Dublin, TeS. Sept. 20. 1581. Sir Robt. Dillon, of Riverstown, 1720. Sir Richd. Levinge, knt. and bt., Westmeath (one of the justices), July 2. - June 28; res. 1724. Thos. Wyndham, Oct 22; aft. li. 1593. Sir Wm. Weston, Oct. 10. chanc. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 581 1726. wºwiana, from the K. B., Jan. 1770. Marcus Paterson, atty. gen., June. g 18. 1727. Jas. Reynolds, Nov. 3; res. and 1787. Hugh Carleton, Apr. 30; aft. la, and made a judge in England. visc. Carleton. 1740. Hy. Singleton, pr. serj., May 11; 1800. John Toler, atty. gen. ; aft. Id. res., and made m. rolls. and E. Norbury, Oct. 22. 1753. Sir Wm. Yorke, 2nd just., Sept. 1827. Wm. Conyngham, ld. Plunket, June 4; aft. chanc. ex. 18; aft. lī, chanc. 1761. Sir Richd. Aston, May 5, made 1830. John Doherty, solr. gen, Dec. 23. just. K. B. in England. 1850. Jas. Hy. Monahan, atty. gen., Sept. 1765. Richd. Clayton, K. C. in England, 23; res. 1876; d. 1879. Feb. 21; res. 1876. *Michl. Morris, aft. bt., Feb. 9, G. * Tranferred Jan. 1, 1878, to the H. C.J., C.P. Division, and also made an ex-officzo Judge of the Court of Appeal under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877 (see ante, p. 573). PRESIDENTs of THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE, CoNIMON PLEAS DIVISION. (CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE COMMON PLEAs.) 1878. Michl. Morris, aft. bt., transf, from court of C. P. Jan. 1: made ld, ch. just. of Ireland and pres. of the Q. B. div. The C.P. Div., and the office of ch. just. thereof, were abolished Oct. 20, 1887, under S.C.J.I. Act, 1887. See ante, p. 573. PUISNE JUSTICEs of THE COMMON PLEAs. * * Robt. Bagot. 1644. Wm. Hilton, at same time bar. ex. * * Simon Fitz-Richard. 1655. Jas. Donellan, again; his commission 1334. Richd. Broun, or Brown. signed by Oliver Cromwell, “quan 1342. Roger de Preston. dºu se bene gesserit”; aft. ch. just. 1346. Nichs. de Synterby. 1660. Sir Jerome Alexander, 2nd just., 1358. Barth. Dardys. vice Mayart. % •k 36. º Sir Robt. Booth, vice Donellan, 3rd 1439. Wm. Baldewyme. just. ; aft. ch. just. K. B. 1461. Barnaby Barnewall. 1669. Robt. Johnson, 3rd just. ; pat. rev. * * * * 1670. Oliver Jones, 3rd just. ; rem. to the 1528. Gerald Aylmer, aft. ch. bar. ex. and K. B. ch, just. K. B. 1672. Adam Cusake, or Cusack, 3rd just. 1535. Thos. Cusake, or Cusack, May 24; 1674. Sir Richd. Reynell, 2nd serit. 2nd pat. rev. just. ; rem. to the K. B. * * Walter Kerdyffe, Aug. 12. 1682. Arthur Turner, 3rd just. * * Richd. Talbot. 1684. Saml. Gorges, 3rd just. * * Jas. Dowdall, 3rd just. ; rem. to 1685. Robt. Johnson, vice Reynell, 2nd IK. B. just. * * Robt. Dillon, of Riverstown; rem. | 1686. Degis Daly, vice Johnson, 2nd just. to K. B. 1687. Peter Martin, vice Gorges. 1581. Wm. Bathe, 2nd just. 1690. Sir Richd. Cox, vice Daly; aft. Id. 1592. Thos. Dillon, 3rd just. chanc., Sept. 2. 1600. Patr. Fitzgerald, 2nd just. * * f.John Jefferson, serit., Dec. 6. Peter Palmer, 3rd just. 1701. John Smyth, vice Jefferson, Feb. 1602. Geo. Robinson; ‘‘ appointed to 20. supply the office of a justice in Sir Gilbert Dolben, bt., June 24. the absence of the other judges.” 1702. Anthy. Upton, vice Smith. —Lodge. 1714. Jas. Macartney, from the K. B., vice 1604. John Ady, 3rd just. Upton. 1606. Chas. Calthorpe, atty. gen., 2nd 1720. Geo. Gore, atty. gen., vice Dolben. just. 1726. Fras. Bernard, pr. serjt., vice Ma- 1610. Gerald Lowther, addl. judge. cartney. 1621. John Phillpott, 3rd just. 1731. Robt. Dixon, 2nd serit., vice Ber- 1624. Saml. Mayart, vice Lowther. nard. 1637. Jas. Donellan; 3rd just. 1732. Robt. Lindsay, vice Dixon. † This name seems doubtful. 582 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1742. Wm. Yorke, vice Lindsay, aft. ch. 1806. Edwd. Mayne, vice Finucane, Feb. just. 21 ; aft. just. K. B. 1745. Robt. French, vice Gore. Wm. Fletcher, vice Johnson. 1753. Robt, Marshall, vice Yorke; app. 1816. Arthur Moore, 1st serjt., vice Fox ch. just. res. July 23. 1761. Thos. Tennison, pr. serjt., vice | 1817. Wm. Johnson, 1st serjt., vice Mayne, French. Oct. 25. 1767. Edmd. Malone, vice Marshall, Dec. 1823. Robt. Torrens, chairman of Kil- 11. mainham, vice Fletcher, July 10; 1774. Godfrey Lill, vice Malone, Dec. 15. d. 1856. 1779. Robt. Hellen, vice Tennison, May 4. 1839. Nichs. Ball, atty. gen., vice Moore, 1784. Thos. Kelly, vice Lill, Jan. 9. Feb. 23; d. 1865. Alexr. Crookshank, addl. or 4th 1842. Jos. Devonshire Jackson, Sept. 9; just., Jan. 14. d. 1858. 1793, Tankerville Chamberlain, vice Hel- 1856. *Wrm. Keogh, Mar. len, Dec. 6. 1858. Jonn. Christian, Feb. ; aft. li. just. 1794. Matthias Finucane, vice Chamber- app. lain, res., June 20. 1865. Thos. O'Hagan; aft. lī, chanc. 1800. Luke Fox, vice Crookshank, Feb. Ireland. 27. -- 1867. Michl. Morris; aft. li. ch. just. C. P. 1801. Robt. Johnson, vice Kelly, June 23. 1868. *Jas. Anthy. Lawson. * On Jan. 1, 1878, these judges were transferred to the H. C.J., C.P. Div., under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. See ante, p. 573. PUISNE JUDGES OF THE COMMON PLEAs DIVISION OF THE HIGH CourT. OF JUSTICE. Transferred from the Old Court of Common Pleas, Jan. 1, 1878. Wm. Keogh, res. 1878. Jas. Anthy. Lawson; transf, to Q. B. div. 1882. Subsequent Appointments. 1878. *Michl. Harrison, Dec. 12, G. 1883. *Jas. Murphy, June 18, G. 1882. Wm. O’Brien, June 27, G.; transf, 1887. *Hugh Holmes, June. to Q. B. div. 1883. *Under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1887, (see ante, p. 573), the C.P. Div. was abolished, and these judges became, on Oct. 20, 1887, judges of the Q.B. Div., but with relative rank according to their original appointments. CHIEF AND PUISNE BARONS OF THE EXCHEQUER, IRELAND. PRESIDENTS AND JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, IRELAND, EXCHEQUER. DIVISION. CHIEF BARONS OF THE ExCHEQUER. 1346. Hugh de Burgh. 1414. Wm. de Tynbegh, atty.-gen., Mar. 22. 1374, Robt. de Holywode, dism. 1419. Jas. Uriell, Dec. 8. º 1376. Hy. Michell, Nov. 23; aft. ch. just. 1420. Jas. Cornewalsh, Apr. 24. *, C. I’. 1423. Rd. Sydgrave, or Segrave, Aug. 12. 1378. Steph. Bray, Apr. ; aft. ch. just. C. P. 1446. Michl. Griffin. 1881. Thos. Bathe, Mar. 8. * % * * 1399. Richd. Rede. * * John Topcliffe; (in 1496); aft. ch. 1403. Thos. Bathe, archdn. of Meath, just. R. B. Oct. 14, 1513. Sir Barth. Dillon, Feb. 1. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 583 1525. 1534. 1546. 1570. 1593. 1602. 1606. 1609. 1611. 1620. 1625. 1639. 1655. 1660. 1679. 1687. 1690. 1695. 1703. 1706, Patr. Fynglass; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Gerald Aylmer, June 25; aft. ch, just. K. B. Jas. Bathe, Aug. Lucas Dillon, atty.-gen., May 17. Sir Robt. Napper, Apr. 10. Sir Edmd. Pelham, July 6, Sir Humfrey Winche, Nov. 8; aft. ch, just. K. B. Sir Jno. Denham, serjt, in England, June 5; aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Wm. Methwould, serjt. in Eng- land, Feb. 28. Sir John Blennerhassett, bar. ex., Mar. 12. Sir Rd. Bolton ; aft. Id. chanc. Sir Edwd. Bolton, solr.-gen., son of Sir Rd., Oct. 7, Miles Corbet ; app. under the Com- monwealth. John Bysse, July 9. Hy. Heme, one of the barons, Feb. 20. Sir Stephen Rice, one of the barons, Mar. 9; rem. Sir John Hely, Nov. 3; aft. ch. just. C. P. Robt. Doyne, May 10; aft. ch. just. C. P. ; pat. rew. Nebemiah Donellan, one barons, Dec. 27. Rd. Freeman, June 25; aft. lil. chanc. of the | l 1707. 1714. 1715. I722. 1725. 1730. 1741. 1757. 1766. 1777. 1782. 1783. 1805. 1831. 1838. 1840. 1846. 1874. Robt. Rochfort, atty.-gen., June 12; TGIſl. Jos. Deane, Sept. 30. Geffrey Gilbert ; from the K. B., June 16; aft. bar. ex. in England. Bernard Hale, May 25; aft. bar. ex: in England. Thos. Dalton, Sept. 2. Thos. Marlay, atty.-gen., June 25, aft. ch. just. R. B. John Bowes, atty -gen., Dec. 21 ; aft la. chanc. Edwd. Willes, serjt., Mar 11 ; app solr.-gen. in England, and in 1768 a just. K. B., vice Hewitt, made ld. chanc. of Ireland. Anthy. Foster, vice Willes, Sept. 5. Jas. Dennis, July 3; aft. 1d. Tracton. Walter Hussey Burgh, July 2. Barry Yelverton; aft. ld, and visc. Avonmore, Nov. 29. Standish O’Grady, Oct. 5; 1831; cr. visc. Guillamore. Hy. Joy, atty.-gen., Jan. 6. Steph. Woulfe, atty.-gen., July 20; aft. Id. chanc. Maziere Brady, atty.-gen., Feb. 11.; aft. lot. chanc. David Richd. Pigot, Sept. 1; d. 1873. *Christr. Palles, atty.-gen., Feb. 25; G. TeS. * Transferred, Jan. 1, 1878, to the H.C.J. Ex. Division, and also made an ex-officio judge of the Court of Appeal, under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. See ante, p. 573. PRESIDENTS OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE, Exch EQUER DIVISION (CHIEF BARONS OF THE ExchEQUER.) 1335. 1336. 1343. 1356 1369. 1371. $ 3: 1377. 1378. 1380. 1381. 1382 * 1385. 1399. 1401. 1878. Christr. Palles, transf. from Court of Ex., Jan. 1, PUISNE BARONS OF THE ExchEQUER. Hugh de Burgh. Robt. Poer. John de Carleton. Nichs. de Synterby. Thos. de Doughes. John Brettan, ch, remembr. Wm. de Karlett. Robt. de Holywoole; aft. ch. bar. John Pembroke. Wm. Archebold. Thos. Bathe, aft. ch. baron. Walter de Brugge. Thos. Taillor, clerk. John Shriggely; pat. rev. ; aft. ch. just. K. B. John Brekdene. Hugh de Faryngton. Richd. Sydgrave, or Segrave; aft. ch. bar. 1402. 1415. 1419. 1422, 1425. 1426. * 3: 1435. 1461. Wm. Sutton. * * * 1529. 1534. 1535. 1561. 1562. 1566. 1570. 1575. 1577. Robt. Burmell. John Gland. John Wyche. John de Lydington. Fras. Toppesfeld. Regd. Sneterby. Thos. Shorthalls. Peter Clinton, or Clynton. + Patr. White; aft. Sir P. Walter Hussey. Walter Golding. Robt. Cusake, or Cusack. Hy, Draycott ; res. Richd. Edwarde, 3rd bar. Nichs. Nugent, 2nd bar. John Durninge, 3rd bar. Roger Mainweringe, 3rd bar. 584 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 1578. 1580. 1589. 1598. 1603. 1604. 1605. 1609. 1617. 1624. 1628. 1634. 1637. 1659. 1660. 1663. 1673. 1679. 1686. 1687. 1688. 1690. 1692. Robt. illon, 2nd bar., Apr. 17. Richd. Sedgrave, or Segrave, 2nd bar., June 16. Michl. Cusake, or Cusack, 3rd bar. Sir John Elliott, 3rd bar. Patr. Sedgrave, 2nd bar.: “removed for divers causes by the judgment of the lord deputy and council at Dublin castle.”—Dodge. Gerald Comerford, 2nd bar. Thos. Cary, of Gray’s Inn, London, vice Comerford. Sir Robt. Oglethorpe, of Gray's inn, London, vice Cary. Sir John Blennerhassett, aft. ch. bar. Sir Lancelot Lowther, 3rd bar. Sir Laurence Parsons, vice Ogle- thorpe. Gerald Lowther. aft. ch. just. C. P. Jas. Barry, pr. Serjt. ; aft. ch. just. K. B., and ló. Santry. Wm. Hilton, 3rd bar. He was con- tinued a bar, ex. after he was app. a just. C. P. in 1644. and held both offices together by a clause in his patent.—Lib. Mun. Publ. Hib. John Santhey, 2nd bar., in the in- terregnum. See C. J. K. B., ante, p. 578. Sir Richd. Kennedy, 2nd bar. Thos. Dongan, late just. K. B. Sir John Povey, 3rd bar. Hy. Fene, 2nd serjt., 2nd bar.; aft. ch. bar. Sir Standish Hartstonge, bt., vice Hene; rem. Wm. Worth, 2nd bar. Sir Chas. Ingleby, viceWorth, 2nd bar. Sir Steph. Rice, vice Hartstonge ; aft. ch. bar. Sir Hy. Lynch, bt., vice Rice. Sir John Barnewall, 3rd serjt., and recorder of Dublin. Sir Hy. Echlin, knt. and bt. ; aft. . just. IC. D. | Sir Standish Hartstonge, again, vice Lynch. Sir Richd. Ryves, 2nd serjt. ; aft. ch. bar. 1693. 1695. 1703. 1714. * * 1732. 1741. 1742. 1768. # * 1772. 1776. 1784. 1793. 1794. 1801. 1803, isºl. 1830. 1836. 1837. 1841. 1852. 1859. 1861. 1872. | Sir Hy. Echlin, again ; from the K. B. ; a second time a baron of this court. Nehemiah Donellan. Robt. Johnson, vice Donellan. John Pocklington, vice Echlin. St. John St. Leger, vice Johnson, I 6S. John Wainwright, vice ton. Pockling- Richd. Mountney, of the Immer Temple, London, vice Wain- wright. Arth. Dawson, vice St. Leger. Wm. Scott, just. R. B., vice Mount- ney, Aug. 1. Geo. Smith, or Smyth, Nov. 25. Richd. Power, vice Smyth. Geo. Hamilton, 3rd serit., vice Scott. Peter Metge, addl, or 4th bar. * Michl. Smith, aft. bt., vice Hamil- ton; aft. m. rolls. vice Dawson, Denis George, recorder of Dublin, vºce Power. St. Geo. Daly, pr. Serjt., vice Smith ; aft. just. IC. B. Wm. Cusack Smith, Sol.-gen., vice Metge. ; aft. bt. * Jas. M'Clelland, solr.-gen., vice St. Geo. Daly. Richd. Pennefather, vice George, res. Feb. 1; d. 1859. John Leslie Foster, vice M*Clelland, July 13; d. 1841. Michl. O'Loghlen, atty.-gen., vice Sir Wm. C. Smith, Nov. 5; aft. m. rolls. John Richards, atty.-gen., vice O'Loghlem, Nov. 5; res. 1859. Thos. Lefroy, Nov. 17 ; aft. ch. just. Q. B. Richd. Wilson Greene ; res. 1861. * Fras. Alexr. Fitzgerald. Hy. Geo. Hughes ; d. 1872. Rickard Deasy, atty.-gen. ; aft. li. just. app. *Richd. Dowse, atty-gen., Nov. 5; G. * On Jan. 1, 1878, those judges were transf, to the H. C.J., Exch. Div., under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. See ante, p. 573. BUISNE JUDGES OF THE Exch EQUER DIVISION OF THE HIGH CourT of JUSTICE. Transferred from the old Court of Exchequer, Jan. 1, 1878. Fras. Alexr. Fitzgerald, res. 1882. Richd. Dowse. Subsequent Appointments. 1882. Wm. Drennan Andrews. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 585 1334. 1372. 1373. 1374. 1377. 1382. 1385. 1399. 1401. 1423. 1430. 1446. 1461. 1478. 1496. 1522. 1528. 1533. 1542. 1550. 1552. 1566. 1572. 1578. 1593. 1609. 1632. 1640. 1644. 1664. 1677. MASTERS OF THE Wm. de Bardelby. Thos. de Thelwall. Robt. de Sutton, Nov. 4. Thos. de Everdon, and Robt. de Sutton, jointly, Feb. 4. Robt. de Sutton, alone, June 20. The same, new appt., Jan. 21. Thos. de Everdon, again, Jan. 15. John Kirkeby. Thos. de Everdon, again, Jan. 10. Robt. de Sutton, again, Apr. 27. Wm. Sutton, Dec. 10. Robt. Dyke, Dyce, archdn. of Dublin. Patr. Cogley, May 2. Peter Travers, Aug. 4. Thos. Dovedall, or Dowdall. John Payne, or Pain, Oct. 3; bp. of Meath in 1483. Thos. Darcy, rect. of Howth, July 7. Robt. Cowley, Jan. 10. John Allen, July; aft. li. chanc. Sir John Cusake, or Cusack, June 10. Patr. Barnewall, K. serjt., Aug. 5. John Parker, Dec. Hy. Draycott, ch. remembr. Oct. 5. Nichs. Whyte, of Whyte's Hall, July 18; “sequestrated.” — Lodge. Edwd. Fitz-Symon, Apr. 28. Anthy. St. Leger, aft. Sir A., Apr. 10. Sir Fras. Aungier, aft. ld. Aungier, June 5. Christr. Wandesford, Jan. 4. Sir John Temple, Jan. 31. Sir Maurice Eustace, June 22; in reversion after sir Jno. Temple. Wm. Temple (son of sir J.) aft. bt., Apr. 7; in reversion after his father and Eustace. Sir Wm. Temple, bt. ; new appt., Nov. 23, on death of his father, who survived Eustace ; rem. or Dyche, ROLLS—IRELAND. 1689. 1696. 1717. 1731. 1754. 1759. 1761. 1788. 1789. 1801. 1806. 1814. 1837. 1842. 1846. 1866. 1870. 1883. Sir Wm. Talbot, bt., Apr. 22. Wm. Berkeley, aft. la. Berkeley; pr. seal Apr. 28; L. P. June 20. John Shute, alias Barrington, aft. visc. Barrington, Feb. 28 ; in reversion after lò. Berkeley. Thos. Carter, Oct. 26 ; he was for- merly dep. to lö. Berkeley, and was now app. on surrend. of lds. Berkeley and Barrington. Hy. Singleton, Apr. 11. The office of Master of the Rolls ceased to be a judicial office, 1759. Richd. Rigby, Nov. 21. The same, new appt., Feb. 11. Wm. Robt., D. of Leinster, June 7. John, E. of Glandore, and John Joshua, E. of Carysfort, jointly, July 15. By 41 Geo. III. cap. 25, (Apr. 18, 1801), the office of master or keeper of the rolls was re-made a judicial office, with an augmented salary, and the future masters Were constituted assistants to the lord chancellor. Sir Michl. Smith, bt., bar. ex.; app. the first judicial master under the Act, June 24. John Philpot Curran, June 28. Sir Wm. MacMahon, aft. bt., Mar. 1. Sir Michl. O'Loghlen, aft. bt., Jan. 28. Fras. Blackburne, atty. gen., Nov. 1; aft, ch, just. K. B. Thos. Berry Cusack Smith, grand- son of sir Michl. Smith, atty. gen. ; d. 1866. John Edwd. Walsh, Oct. 27, G. ; d. 1869. *Edwd. Sullivan, aft. bt., Jan. 12, G.; aft, la, chanc. Andrew Marshall Porter, Dec. 14, G. * On Jan. 1, 1878, the Master of the Rolls was made a judge of the H. C.J., Chanc. Div., and also an ex-officio judge of the Court of Appeal, nnder the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. 1856. See ante, p. 573. LORDS JUSTICES AND JUDGES OF APPEAL. IORDs JUSTICES OF THE CourT OF APPEAL IN CHANCERY IN IRELAND. Appointed under 19 & 20 Vict. c. 92. 1866. Abraham Brewster, aft. li. chanc., Fras. Blackburne, ld, chanc. in 1852 and 1866. 1867. Aug. 15, G. *Jonathan Christian, just. C. P. * On Jan. 1, 1878, this judge was transferred to the Court of Appeal under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. See ante, p. 573. 586 - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. JUDGES OF THE CourT of APPEAL. Ex-OFFICIO JUDGEs UNDER THE S.C.J.I. ACT, 1877. The lă. chancellor. (office abolished by S.C.J.I. Act, The lö. ch. just. of Ireland. 1887). The master of the rolls. The ch. baron of the exch. (office The ch. just. of the common pleas to be abolished ut supra). ORDINARY JUDGES, STYLED LORD JUSTICES OF APPEAL. Transferred from the old Court of Chancery, Jan. 1, 1878. 1878. Jonn. Christian, Jan. 1. Subsequent Appointments. 1878. Rickard Deasy, bar. ex., Jan. 1, G.; 1883. Chas. Robt. Barry, just. Q. B. div. d. 1883. June 18, G. Gerald FitzGibbon, solr. gen., Dec. 1885. John Naish, ex. ld, chanc. 2, G. VICE CHANCELLORS OF IRELAND. JUSTICES OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, IRELAND, CHANCERY DIVISION. WICE CHANCELLORS OF IRELAND. Appointed under 33 & 31 Vict. c. 44. For previous Deputy or Vice Chancellors see “Lord Chancellors of Ireland,” ante, p. 574. 1867. Hedges Eyre Chatterton. - On Jan. 1, 1878, this judge was transferred to the H. C.J., Chancery Div., under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. See ante, p. 573. JUDGES OF THE CHANCERY DIVISION OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUSTICE. Transferred from the old Courts of Chancery, Jan. 1, 1878. The lă. chancellor, president (see The master of the rolls (see ante, ante, p. 573). p. 573). Hedges Eyre Chatterton. TAND JUDGES. Transferred from the Landed Estates Court, Jan. 1, 1878. See ante, p. 573. Steph. Woulfe Flanagan, res. 1885. Hy. Ormsby, res. 1885. Subsequent Appointment. 1885. Jno. Monroe. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 587 JUDGES OF THE PROBATE COURT AND THE COURT FOR MATRIMONIAL CAUSES-IRELAND. Appointed under 20 & 21 Vict. c. 79 (Probate). 83 & 84 Vict. c. 110 (Matrimonial Causes). 1858. Richd. Keatinge, formerly judge of | 1868. Robt. Richd. Warren, judge of H.M. court of prerogative in Ire- prob. court only; became judge land, Jan. I; judge of prob. of matrimonial causes court Jan. 1, court only; res. 1868. 1871. Qn Jan. 1, 1878, this judge was transferred to the H.C.J., Prob. and Matrim. Div., under the S.C.J.I. Act, i877. See ante, p. 573. JUDGES OF THE LANDED ESTATES COURT. Appointed under 21 & 22 Vict. c. 72. 1858. Hy. Martley; d. 1859. | 1867. David Lynch, vice Longfield; d. Nov. 1.) Mountifort Longfield; res. 1867. 1872. Chas. Jas. Hargreave ; d. 1866. 1869. *Steph. Woulfe Flanagan, vice 1859. Wm. Cary Dobbs, vice Martley; d. Dobbs, May 27. 1869. 1875. *Hy. Ormsby, vice Lynch, Nov. 12. * On Jan. 1, 1878, these judges were transferred to the H.C.J., Chanc. Div., under the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877. See ante, p. 573. - JUDGES OF HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY –IRELAND. First appointed by the Crown in 1785 under 23 & 24 Geo. III. (Ireland) cap. 14 (1783-4). Continued by Act of Union 39 & 40 Geo. III. cap. 67 (1800). Practice and procedure of the court altered by 30 & 31 Vict. cap. 114 (1867). 1785. Warden Flood; d. 1797. | 1831. Sir Hy. Merdyth, bt., ; res. 1838; 1797. Sir Jonah Barrington; L. P. rev. d. 1859. 1830. 1838. Jos. Stock; d. 1855. 1830. John Hy. North; d. 1831. 1855. Thos. F. Kelly, res. 1867. 1867. John Fitzhenry Townshend. By the S.C.J.I. Act, 1877, the jurisdiction of this Court will, upon the next vacancy in the office of judge thereof, fall into the S.C.J., and be exercised by the judge of the Prob. and Matrim. Div. thereof. See ante, p. 573. JUDGES OF THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY—IRELAND. Appointed under 20 & 21 Vict. c. 60. John Macan; ) Commrs.of bank- 1859. David Lynch, vice Plunket ; app. d. 1859. ruptcy; succ. as judge land. est. court, 1867. §: 1 Hon. Patrick X judges under 1867. Stearne Ball Miller, vice Lynch. à a , ſº Plunket; d. | 20 & 21 Wict. 1868. Michl. Harrison, vice Berwick. 1859. cap. 60. 1879. Fredk. Wm. Walsh, vice Harrison, 1859. Walter Berwick, vice Macan; d. Jan. 16, G.; d. 1885. 1868. 1885. Walter Boyd, vice Walsh. 588 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. THIE IRISH LAND COMMISSIO N. COMMISSIONERs APPo1NTED UNDER THE LAND LAW (TRELAND) ACT, 1881, 44 & 45 WICT. CAP. 49. Ju DICIAL COMMISSIONER. John O'Hagan, with the title of Justice O'Hagan, and the same rank, &c., as a puisne com. law judge. Edwd. Falcomer Litton, Q. c. (2ND CoMMR.) | Fredk. S. Wrench (3RD COMMR.) CoMMIssion ERs APPo1NTED UNDER THE PURCHASE OF LAND (IRELAND) ACT, 1885, 48 & 49 WICT. CAP. 73. Stanislaus J. Lynch. } 357. 1372. 1379. 1381. 1385, 1400. 1401. 1422. 1532. 1535. 1554. 1559. 1566. 1570. 1574. 1577. 1580. 1582. 1584. 1606. 1619. 1636. 1640. 1649. 1660. 1686. 1690. 1695. 1707. 1709. 1711. 1714. 1720. 1727. 1730. 1739. 1741. 1751. 1760. | John Geo. MacCarthy. AT TORNEY S GENERAL FOR IRE LAND. Those marked * were afterwards raised to the bench. John de Leycestre. 1777. Hy. Michell, May 4. 1782. Robt. Hore. 1783. Thos. Malalo, Jan. 15. 1789. Robt. Hemynborgh, July 28. 1798. *Wm. de Tynbegll, Jan. 20. 1799. John Barry, Feb. 6. 1803. John Whyte, or White, Oct. 19. 1805. %. + + 1807. Thos. St. Lawrence, Aug. 19. 1822. *Robt. Dillon, Aug. Barnaby Scurloke, or Scurlog. 1827. James Barnewall, Sept. 3. 1831. *Lucas Dillon, Nov. 8. 1835. Edwd. Fitz-Symons, June 4. John Bathe, Feb. 21. ; 1836. Thos. Snagg, Sept. 13. 1837, Christr. Flemyng, Sept. 9. 1838. *Edmd. Butler, Aug. 8. 1839. *Chas. Calthorpe, aft. Sir C., June 22. 1840. Sir John Davys, or Davies, Apr. 19. 1841. *Sir Wm. Ryves, Oct. 30. | 1842. Richd. Osbaldeston, of Gray’s Inn, London, Aug. 2. 1846. Thos. Tempest, of Lincoln's Inn, July 20. 1847. *Wrm. Basil, under the Common- 1850. wealth, July 18. 1852. Sir Wm. Domville, June 23. 1853. Sir Richd. Nagle, Dec. 31. 1855. Sir John Temple, Oct. 30. 1856. *Robt. Rochfort, May 10. 1858. Alan Brodrick, June 12. 1859. John Forster. Dec. 24. : Sir Richd. Levinge, bt., June 4. 1860. *Geo. Gore, Nov. 8. 1861. *John Rogerson, May 14. 1865. *Thos. Marlay, May 5. 1866. Robt. Jocelyn, Sept. 29. *John Bowes, Sept. 3. 1867. *St. Geo. Caulfield, Dec. 23. *Warden Flood, Aug. 27. 1868. Philip Tisdall, July 31. | *John Scott, Oct. 17. *Barry Yelverton, July 2. *John Fitzgibbon, Nov. 29. *Arthur Wolfe, July 16. *John Toler, June 26. John Stewart, Dec. 9; aft. bt. *Standish O'Grady, May 28. *Wm. Conyngham Plunket, Oct. 15. Wm. Saurin, May 15. *Wm. Conyngham Plunket, again, Jan. 15. *Hy. Joy, June 18. *Fras. Blackburne, Jan. 11. *Louis Perrin, Apr. 29. *Michl. O'Loghlen, Aug. 31. *John Richards, Nov. 10. *Steph. Woulfe, Feb. 3. *Nichs. Ball, July 11. *Maziere Brady, Feb. 23. * David Richd. Pigot, Aug. 14. *Fras. Blackburne, again, Sept. 23. *Thos. Berry Cusack Smith, Nov. 1. *Richd. Wilson Greene, Feb. 2. *Richd. Moore, July 16. *Jas. Hy. Monahan, Dec. 24. John Hatchell, Sept. 23. *Jos. Napier, Feb. *Abraham Brewster, Apr. *Wm. Keogh, Mar. *John David Fitzgerald, Mar. *Jas. Whiteside, Feb. *John David Fitzgerald, again, June. *Rickard Deasy, Feb. *Thos. O'Hagan. *Jas. Anthy. Lawson. *John Edwd. Walsh, July 25, G. *Michl. Morris, Nov. 1, G. *Hedges Eyre Chatterton. *Robt. Richd. Warren. *John Thos. Ball. *Edwd. Sullivan. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 589 1870. “Chas. Robt. Barry, Jan. 26, G. 1881. *Wm. Moore Johnson, Nov. 17, G. 1872. *Richd. Dowse, Jan. 13, G. 1883. *Andrew Marshall Porter, Jan. 3, G. *Christr. Palles, Nov. 5, G. , *John Naish, Dec. 19, G. 1874, john Thos. Baii, again,'Mar. 12, G. 1885. Sami Waiker. 1875. *Hy. Ormsby, Jan. 21, G. *Hugh Holmes, July 3, G. *Geo. Augs. Chichester May, Nov. 1886. Saml. Walker, again. 27, G. - *Hugh Holmes, again. 1877. *Edwd. Gibson, Feb. 15, G. 1887. *John Geo. Gibson. 1880. *Hugh Law, May 10, G. 1888. Peter O’Brien. SOLICITOR'S GENERAL FOR, IRELAND. FROM the appointment of solicitor-general Cowley, in 1537, to the death of Richard Finglas, in 1574, there appears to have been two solicitors for Ireland, subsisting at the same time; the one by the name of Principal or Chief Solicitor (Solicitoris Principalis give capitalis aut Solicitatoris regni Hibernia), and the other by the name of General Solicitor (Solicitoris Generalis, alias Solicitatoris regni Hiberniae).- Lib. Mwn. Publ. Hib. SOLICITORs GENERAL FOR IRELAND. Those marked f afterwards became Attorneys General. See “Attorneys General" ante, p. 588, where their subsequent promotions are noted. Those marked * were afterwards raised to the Bench without having been Attorneys General. PRINCIPAL SOLICITORs AND SoLICITORs 1660. fSir John Temple, July 10. GENERAL. | 16S9. Sir Theobald Butler ; after the ab- 1532. Thos. Luttrell, solr.-gen., Sept. 9. dication of Jas. II. : rem., July 1534. Patr. Barnewall, solr.-gen., Oct. .25. 17. 1690. #Sir Richd. Levinge, vice Butler, 1537. Walter Cowley, pr. solr., Sept. 7. * Nov. 3. . . 1546. #John Bathe, pr. solr., Feb. 7. 1695. Alan Brodrick, May 10. 1550. The same, solr.-gen. ; new pat., 1704. fsir Richd. Levinge, again; now bt Oct. 16. * Apr. 4. Richd. Finglas, pr. solr., Oct. 17. 1709. fjohn Forster, recorder of Dublin, 1551. f.John Bathe, again, Solr.-gen. ; new Sept., 8. pat., July 24. Wm. Whitshed, Dec. 24. Richd. Finglas, again pr. solr.; new 1711. Fras. Bernard, June 4. pat., July"24. 1714. f.John Rogerson, Nov. 8. 1554. Jas. Dowdall, pr. solr. and solr.- || 1720. Th95. Marlay, Oct. 13. gen., July 20. 1727. fBobt. Jocelyn, Apr. 5. 1565. Nichs. Nugent, solr-gen., Apr. 17. 1739 iſohn Bowes, Sept. 29. 1570. f.ſohn Bathe, again, pr. soir., Oct. 1739. fšt. Geo. Caulfield, Sept. 24. 20. 1741. f.Warden Flood, Dec. 24. 1574. Richd, Bellyng, pr. Solr., Feb. 1751. f Philip Tisdall, Aug. 27. 1C yng, p 3. 1760. *John Gore, July 37. SolICITORs GENERAL ONLY. 1764. *Marcus Paterson, Aug. 29. 1584. Jesse Smythes, July 7. 1770. *Godfrey Lill, June 18. 1586. Roger Wilbraham, Feb. 11. 1774. f.John Scott, July 13. 1603. Sir John Davys, or Davies, of the 1777. *Robt. Hellen, Oct. 31. Middle Temple, London, Sept. 18. 1779. “Hugh Carleton, Apr. 7. 1606. Sir Robt. Jacobe, Apr. 19. 1787. farth. Wolfe, May 1. 1618. Sir Richd. Bolton, Dec. 31. 1789. f.John Toler, July 16. 1622. Sir Edwd. Bolton, son of sir Richd., 1798. f.John Stewart, June 26. Dec. 5. 1800, f\Wm. Cusack Smith, aft. bt., Dec 6. 1640. Sir Wm. Sambach, June 8. 1801. f.Jas. McClelland, Dec. 17. 1657. Wm. Ellys, or Ellice; under the 1803, tWm. Conyngham Plunket, Oct. 22 Commonwealth. 1805. *Chas. Kendal Bushe, Oct. 15. 1658. Robt. Shapcott; under the Common- | 1822, fEly. Joy, Feb. 20. wealth; Hil. T. 1827. *John Doherty, June 18. 390 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1830. *Philip Cecil Crampton, Dec. 23. 1865. Edwd. Sullivan. 1834, fMichl. O'Loghlen, Oct. 21. 1866. t. Michl. Morris, Aug. 3, G. 1835. *Edwd. Pennefather, Jan. 27. fHedges Eyre Chatterton, Nov. 8, G. fMichl. O'Loghlen, again, Apr. 29. 1867. frobt. Richd. Warren. fjohn Richards, Sept. 21. *Michl. Harrison. 1836. #Stephen Woulfe, Nov. 10. 1868. f.John Thos. Ball. A837. Maziere Brady, Feb. 3. fHy. Ormsby. 1839. HIDavid Richd. Pigot, Feb. 11. fChas. Robt. Barry. 1840, flºich.d. Moore, Aug. 14. 1870. #Richd. Dowse, Feb. 14, G. 1841. *Ed. Pennefather, again, Sept. 23, 1872. #Christr. Palles, Feb. 6, G. *Jos. Devonshire Jackson, Nov. 10. #Hugh Law, Nov. 18, G. i842. Thos. Berry'Cusack Smith, Sept. 21. 1874. Hy. Ormsby, again, Mar. 12, G. fBichd. Wilson Greene, Nov. 1. 1875. Hon. David Robt. Plunket, Jan. 29, 1846. Abraham Brewster, Feb. 2. G. fjas. Hy. Monahan, July 16. 1877. FCerald FitzGibbon, jun., Mar. 3, G. 1847. f.John Hatchell, Dec. 24. 1878. Hugh Holmes, Dec. 14, G. 1850. *Hy. Geo. Hughes, Sept. 26. 1880. fWm. Moore Johnson, May 24, G. 1852. f.Jas. Whiteside, Feb. - 1881. f Andrew Marshall Porter, Nov. 18, G. 1853. FWm. Keogh, Apr. 1883. f.John Naish, Jan. 9, G. 1855. f.John David Fitzgerald, Mar. #Saml. Walker, Dec. 19, G. 1856. *Jonathan Christian, Mar. 1885. The MacDermot. 1858. *Hy. Geo. Hughes, again, Feb. *John Monroe, July 3, G. *Edmd. Hayes. fjohn Geo. Gibson. 1859. *John George, June. 1886. The MacDermot, again. f|Rickard Deasy. fjohn Geo. Gibson, again. 1860. Thos. O'Hagan, Feb. 1887. HPeter O'Brien. 1861. f.Jas. Anthy. Lawson. 1888. Dodgson Hamilton Madden. SERJEANTS-AT-LAW — IRELAND. IN Ireland, as in England, the office of serjeant-at-law is one of very great antiquity, but in Ireland the title was conferred upon a much more limited number. Down to 1627 only one person held the dignity af serjeant, and from the patents quoted in “Smyth's Chronicle’” (ante, p. 572) he seems to have beenstyled the king's serjeant. In 1627, a second serjeant was appointed, and the senior serjeant was then styled the prime serjeant. In 1682 a third serjeant was appointed. In 1805, on the death of Arthur Browne, the then prime serjeant, the title was altered to first serjeant. & The serjeants, or at all events the prime and second serjeants, formerly ranked before the attorney and solicitor general, but from 1805 this precedence has been abolished. -* SERJEANT OR KINg's SERJEANT TO 1627, PRIME SERJEANT TO 1805, AND THEN FIRST SERJEANT. THIRD SECOND NAME. SERJEANT. SERJEANT. | | SERJEANT OR ISING's SERJEANT. Simon Fitz-Richard *º-ºms. * * 1326, Feb. 12. Hugh Brown ... *-*. e-º-º-º-º-º: 1341, Dec. 3. Wm. le Petit ... * & & . . . . *º-sº *- 1343, June 1. Robt. de Preston a $ tº tº g ſº sºmº-mese * 134-. Edmd, de Berford or Bereford *m-sº-smº — 1357, Nov. 19 John Tynell ... . . . . # = = —- | 1373–4. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 591 NAME. THIRD SERJEANT. SECOND SERJEANT. SERJEANT OR KING's SERJEANT TO 1627, PRIME SERJEANT TO 1805, AND THEN FIRST SERJEANT. Richd. Plunket Walter Cotterell John Bermyngham Chas. Barnewall & © tº * tº & Sir Thos. Fitz-Christr. Plunket Robt. Dowdall * * * Edwd. Somerton Sir Thos. Luttrell Patr. Barnewall Sir John Bathe Richd. Finglas Edwd. Fitz-Symon Arthur Corye Edwd. Loftus ... Edwd. Kerdiffe Sir John Beere Sir John Brereton Sir Nathl. Catelyn Jas. Barry, aft. li. Santry ... Sir Maurice Eustace ... Sir Wm. Sandbach Sir Audley Mervyn Robt. Griffith ... Hy. Hene & & & Sir Richd. Reynell John Osborne ... Sir Wm. Davys or Davies | Sir Richd. Stephens ... John Lyndon ... Wm. Beckett ... Sir Richd. Ryves Sir Hy. Echlin Gerald Dillon ... Sir John Barnewall Sir Theob. Butler Alan Brodrick ... Nehemiah Donellan Sir Thos. Packenham Wm. Neave ... tº e º Robt. Saunders Wm. Caulfield... tº º & Robt. Blennerhassett ... Morley Saunders = – 1682, July 24. 1683, Feb. 1683, Aug. 19. 3. 1687, May 6. 1688, Mar. 1691, Jan. = 5. 1627, May 23. 1637, Apr. 14. 1661, Mar. 4. 1670, Apr. 6. 1673, May 10. 1674, May 26. 1680, Apr. 7; dism. 1682; rest. 1690, Nov. 14. 1682, Oct. 24. 1683, Aug. 7; rem. ; rest. 1691, Jan. 5. 1687, May. *º-º-º-º-º-º-º: * 1692, Feb. 8. 1696, Jan. 13. 1708,Dec. 1; res. 1711, Aug. 14. SERJEANT OR KING's SERJEANT. 1375, Apr. 18. 1375. 1388, Sept. 24. 1422, Oct. 20. 1434, Nov. 8. 1435, June 20. 1437, Feb. 4. 1532. 1534. 1550. 1554, Sept. 11. 1574, Feb. 21. 1594, May 9. 1597, Nov. 1. 1601, June 8. 1609, Feb. 9. 1617, May 13. PRIME SERJEANTs. 1629, Oct. 6. 1634, Aug. 1660, Sept. 20. *memºs 1676, Aug. 29, in re- Version; in posses- Sion 1680; depr. 1686; rest. 1690, Sept. 29. 1675, Oct. 26. *ms * *=mmas *m-sm 1687, Feb. 15. es *-*ssºms 1692, Dec. 29. 1695, Nov. 5. 1708, Dec. 1. 1703, Feb. 28. 1714, Dec. 8. 1711, Aug. 11. 1712, Feb. 9. 592 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. NAME. THIRD SERJEANT. SECOND SERJEANT. SERJEANT OR KING's. SERJEANT To 1627, PRIME SERJEANT TO 1805, AND THEN FIRST SERJEANT. John Cliffe John Staunton Robt. Fitzgerald Godfrey Boate ... John Witherington Wm. Brodrick... . Fras. Bernard... Hy. Singleton .... Robt. Jocelyn ... John Bowes Robt. Dixon Hy. Purdon ... Richd. Bettesworth Robt. Marshall Arthur Blennerhassett Philip Tisdall ... Anthy. Malone Richd. Malone... Eaton Stannard Wm. Scott Marcus Paterson Thos. Tennison Edma. Malone º John Hely-Hutchinson Jas. Dennis tº e º & © to Godfrey Lill Maurice Coppinger Geo. Hamilton Hugh Carleton Walter Hussey Burgh tº º Attiwell Wood ... Jas. Fitzgerald Jas. Browne Peter Metge Thos. Kelly John Scott John Toler Jos. Hewett Hy. Duquerry ... Jas. Chatterton Edma. Stanley St. George Daly Arthur Browne Arthur Moore ... Čh. Kendai Bushe . John Ball 1711, Nov. 29. 1712, Feb. 25. 1714, Dec. 14. * 1726, Mar. 28. 1727, May 4. 1730, Oct. 1737, Apr. 18. 1742, Jan. 21. 1751, Oct. 28. 1757, Nov. 24. 1764, Oct. 10. 1767, Jan. 15. 1770, July 12. 1774, July 20. 1776, May 15. 1782, July 25. *- 1784, Jan. 15. 1787, June 27. 1789, Aug. 17. 1791, July 30. 1793, Dec. 10. 1801, Oct. 30. 1805, July 25. 1805, Oct. 25. 1712, Feb. 12. 1714, Dec. 18. 1716, Aug. 23. 1718, Dec. 23. *-*. * 1728, Jan, 5. 1731, Apr. 29. | 1741, Mar. 31. •ººmsºme 1757, Nov. 25. 1759, Sept. 10. 1774, July 19. 1777, Nov. 5. 1779, May 8. 1784, Apr. 8." ºmmº * 1787, June 27. 1789, Aug. 17. 1791, July 30. 1793, Dec. 10. *s *= 1806, Apr. 23. PRIME SERJEANTs. sºmeºmº 1716, June 23. 1715, June 13. 1724, Jan. 26. 1726, June 22. 1742, Jan. 14. ||1743, May 9. 1754, Jan. 24. 1757, Oct. 6. 1759, July 27. 1761, Dec. 11. 1767, Jan. 14. | 1774, July 18. * 1777, July 24, to June 14, 1780; again June 1, 1782. 1787, June 21. 1780, June 14, to June 1, 1782; again May 21, 1784. mºm-mºsºme | 1782, July 13. 1783, Dec. 31. 1801, July 1. 1799, Jan. 28. 1802, Dec. 29; d. 1805; and his successor was styled first serjt. FIRST SERJEANTs. 1805, July 25. *===me *mºsºmsºmº THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. | SERJEANT OR KING's SERJEANT TO 1627, THIRD SECOND NAME. * * * * PRIME SERJEANT TO SERJEANT. SERJEANT. 1805, AND THEN FIRST SERJEANT. * *- FIRST SERJEANTs. Wrm. McMahon 1806, Apr. 23. 1813, Dec. 3. Wm. Johnson ... Hy. Joy Richd. Jebb Chas. Burton ... Thos. Lefroy ... © º º Thos. B. Wandeleur ... John Lloyd Robt. Torrens ... Thos. Goold Fras. Blackburne º Tidwd. Pennefather Michl. O'Loghlen Louis Perrin richá. Wilson Greene" Jos. Devonshire Jackson Stephen Woulfe Nichs. Ball Wm. Curry Richd. Moore Jos. Stock Richá B. Warren Richd. Keating John Howley ... Jas. O’Brien Jonathan Christian Walter Berwick Rickard Deasy Gerald Fitzgibbon Thos. O'Hagan Jas. Anthy. Lawson & Edwd. Sullivan Richd. Armstrong ... Sir Colman O'Loghlen, bt. Chas. Robt. Barry Richd. Dowse David Sherlock Jas. Robinson ... Denis Caulfield Heron John O'Hagan Chas. Hare Hemphill Peter O’Brien ... John Geo. Gibson Wm. Bennett Campion Dodgson Hamilton Madden º Hewitt Poole Jellett ... 1813, Dec. 4. 1814, Mar. 19. 1816, July 27. 1817, Oct. 30. 1818, Dec. 1. 1821, Feb. 13. 1822, May 13. 1823, July 13. 1830, Apr. 1831, Jan. 18. 1832, Feb. 7. 1835, May 23. 1836, Nov. 10. 1838, July 20. 1840, May. 1840, Aug. 1841, Nov. 1842, Nov. 1843, Sept. 1848, July. 1851, June. 1855. 1858, Feb. 5. 1859. 1859. 1860, Oct. 24. 1861, Feb. 21. 1865, Feb. 18. i866, Feb. 24. 1867, Jan. 12. 1870, Mar. 11. 1877, Nov. 29. 1880, Oct. 25. 1881, May 30. 1881, Sept. 13. 1884, May 26. 1885, July 18. 1885, Dec. 5. 1887, July 14. 1888, Feb. 14. 1814, Mar. 4. 1816, July 26. 1817, Oct. 29. 1818, Dec. 1. 1820, Dec. 3. 1822, May 13. 1830, Apr. 19. 1831, Jan. 18. 1832, Feb. 13. 1835, Jan. 27. -ºm- *-*- 1841, Nov. 1842, Nov. 1848, July. 1851, June. 1858, Feb. 5, 1859. 1860, Feb. 25. 1861, Feb. 21. 1865, Feb. 18. 1866, Feb. 24. *- 1877, Nov. 29. 1880, Oct. 25. 1884, May 20. 1885, July 19. *sms- 1887, July 14. *m-. ** 1816, July 25. 1817, Oct. 28. 1822, May 13. - 1830, Apr. 1832, Feb. 1835, May 23. – 1842, Nov. 1851, June. = 1866, Feb. 27. 1880, Oct. 25. 1884, May 20. 1885, July 19. = 38 594 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES ARCHBISHOPS, BISHOPS, AND DEANS OF IRELAND. THE number of Irish archbishops and bishops has been gradually reduced by the union of dioceses, chiefly under the provisions of 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 37 (Aug. 14, 1833). The various changes will be found noted in the lists. In the result, Ireland is now, for ecclesiastical purposes, divided into two provinces, Armagh and Dublin. Armagh comprises the dioceses of— Armagh and Clogher. Down, Connor, and Dromore. Meath. Kilmore, Elphin, and Ardagh. Derry and Raphoe. Tuam, Killala, and Achonry. and Dublin the dioceses of Dublin, Glendalough, and Kildare. Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clonfert, and Kilmac- , Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin. duagh. | Cashel, Emly, Waterford, and Lismore. Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe. / Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. The churches of England and Ireland were united on Jan. 1, 1801, on the union of Great Britain and Ireland under 39 & 40 Geo. III. cap. 67, but on Jan. 1, 1871, under 32 & 33 Wict. cap. 42, the Irish Church was disestablished and became a voluntary institution. Since that date the affairs of the Irish Church have been managed by a “Represen- tative Church Body’’ incorporated under the disestablishing statute. A great deal of valuable information on the subject of the Irish Protestant Church, and the bishops and deans thereof, will be found in Cotton's Fasti, of which use has been made in completing the following lists. - s PROVINCE OF ARMAGH. DIOCESES OF ARMAGEL AND CLOGHER.. ST. PATRICK, the Apostle of Ireland, built a church, and fixed a bishop's see, at Armagh, in the year 444 or 445. The bishops were not invested with the pallium until March 9, 1152, when it was conferred at the hands of the cardinal-priest, John Paparo, legate from pope Eugene III., on the sees of Dublin, Cashel, and Tuam. About the same time, the dignity of “Primate of all Ireland” was recognised as belonging to the Archbishops of Armagh, of whom Gelasius was the first. CLog HER was founded by St. Macartin, who was one of the earliest disciples of St. Patrick. He fixed the see at Clogher, where he also built a monastery. On the death of Bishop Tottenham, in 1850, ARMAGH AND CLOGHER were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 37. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 595 444. 455. 465. 482. 497. 513. 526. 536. 548. 551. 578. 588. 598. 610, 623. 661. 688. 715. 730. 750. 758. 768. 778. 793. 794. 798. 807. 1152. 1174. 1175 1184. 1184. 1185. 1206. 1220. 1227. 1240. 1247. 1257. 1261. 1272. 1305. 1306. 1311. 1322. 1334. 1347. 1361. 1382. BISHOPS OF ARMAGEI. St. Patrick founded this see about this year. St. Benen ; res. St. Jarlath, the son of Trien. Cormac. Dubtach I. Ailill I. Ailill II. Dubtach II. David (MacGuaire Hua Farannan). Fiedlimid. Cairlan. Eschaid (MacDermod). Senach. MacLaisir (supposed to be Ternan). Thomian (MacRonan). Segene. Flan Febla. Suibhney. Congusa. Cele-Peter. Ferdachry. Foendelach ; res. Dubdalethy I. Assiat. Cudiniscus. Conmach. Torbach (Mac Gorman). St. 808. 812. 822. 833. 834. 848. 852. 872. 875. 883. 885. 927. 936. 937. 957. 966. * * 1001. 1021. 1050. 1065. 1065. 1092. 1106. 1129. 1134. 1137. Nuad (MacSegine). MacLoingle (Flangus). Artrigius. Eugene I. (Monaster). Faranan; res. St. Dermod (O'Tigernach). Factna. Ainmire. Catasach I. (MacRabarlach). Moelcob (MacCrumvail). Moel-Brigid (Mac Dornan). Joseph. Moel-Patrick (MacMaoltule). Catasach II. (MacDulgen). Muirdach (MacFergus). Dubdalethy II. (MacKellach). Murechan; res. 998. Maelmury, or Marian. Amalgaid. Dubdalethy III. Cumasach (O'Herudan). Moelisa I. (MacAmalgaid). Donald (MacAmalgaid). Celsus (MacAid MacMaelisa). Maurice (MacDonald), Malachy O'Morgair, tr. from Connor; tr. to Down. Gelasius (MacRoderick); abp. 1152. made See “Archbishops of Armagh,” ºnfra. ARCHIBISHOPS OF ARMAGH. Gelasius (MacRoderick), above named ; the 1st abp. Cornelius (MacConcalede) abb. of St. Peter and St. Paul, Armagh. Gilbert (O'Caran), tr. from Raphoe. Maelisa II. (O'Carrol), tr. from Clogher. Amlave (O'Murid). Thos. O'Connor. Eugene II. (MacGillivider). Luke Netter will. Donato Fidatra, tr. from Clogher. See vacant 3 years. Albert of Cologne; res. Reiner. Abraham O'Conellam. Patr. O'Scanlan. Nichs. Mac Molissa. John Taaf. Walter de Jorse ; res. Roland de Jorse ; res. Steph. Segrave, rector of Stepney, London. David O’Hiraghty. Richd. Fitz Ralph. Milo Sweetman. John Colton, dean of St.Patrick; res. 1404. 1417. 1439. 1444. 1457. 1475. 1477. 1480. 1513. 1522. 1543. 1562. 1568. 1584. 1589. 1595. Nichs. Fleming. John Swayn, rector of Gall Irim, Meath ; res. John Prene. John Mey. John Bole, abb. of St. Mary, Navan. See vacant nearly 5 years. John Foxall. Edmd. Connesburgh; res. Octavian de Palatio. John Kite ; res. Geo. Cromer. Geo. Dowdall; app. by the king, but the pope would not confirm him in the see, and app. Robt. Wauchope, a Scotsman, who was never allowed possession. . Hugh Goodacre. The see was vacant for some years, except at the time that abp. Dowdall filled it during the reign of Mary. Adam Loftus (No. 1) trito Dublin. Thos. Lancaster. John Long. John Garvey, tr. from Kilmore. . Hy. Ussher, archdā. of Dublin. º ; : :".83 ° * 9. : 596 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1613. Christr. Hampton, bp. elect of 1747. Geo. Stone, tr. from Derry. Derry. 1765. Richd. Robinson, tr. from Kildare; 1624. Jas. Usher, tr. from Meath; d. cr. 1d. Rokeby, of Armagh, in 1655. 1777. 1661. John Bramhall, tr. from Derry. 1795. Wm. Newcombe, tr. from Waterford. 1663. Jas. Margetson, tr. from Dublin. 1800. Hon. Wm. Stuart; tr. from St. 1678. Michl. Boyle, tr. from Dublin. David’s. - 1713. Narcissus Marsh, tr. from Dublin. 1822. Lord John Geo. de la Poer Beresford, 1714. Thos. Lindsay, tr. from Raphoe. tr. from Dublin. 1724. Hugh Boulter, tr. from Bristol. See united to Clogher, 1850. 1742. John Hoadley, tr. from Dublin. See “Archbishops of Armagh and Bishops of Clogher,” post, p. 597. BISHOPS OF CLOGHER, The lists of the earlier bishops are very imperfect, and differ considerably from each other. Those given below include all whose title is generally admitted, but Sir James Ware names forty-five bishops between 506 and 1126; of whom eleven are named between the death of St. Macartin, in 506, and the death of Laserian, in 571. * * St. Macartin; d. 506. 1505. Eugene Mac Camoeil, dean. * * St. Tigernach; d. 550. See vacant 4 years. * * St. Sinell. 1519. Patr. Cullin. * * Feidlimid. See vacant 8 years. * * St. Laserian; d. 571. 1542. Hugh O’Cervallan. * * St. Aidan, made bp. of Lindisfarn; 1570. Miler Magragh, tr. to Cashel, 1571 d. 651. first Protestant bp. * * Airmeadach. See vacant many years. * * Foeldobar; d. 731. 1605. Geo. Montgomery, dean of Norwich. * * Ailill; d. 898. He held the sees of Derry and Rap- * * St. Cenfail; d. 929. hoe with this; resigning these, 1126. Christian O’Morgair. he got Meath, which he held with 1139. Edan O'Kelly. this see until his death. 1182. Moelisa (O'Carol), tr. to Armagh, 1621. Jas. Spottiswood. 1184. Christian O'Macturan, abb. of Clon- 1645. Hy. Jones, dean of Ardagh ; tr. to macnois. Meath. 1191. Moelisa (Mac-Mail-Ciaran), abb. of 1661. John Lesley, tr. from Raphoe. Millefont.* 1671. Robt. Lesley, tr. from Raphoe. 1195. Tigernach, MacGilla Ronan. 1672. Roger Boyle, tr. from Down and 1218. Donato Fidatra, tr. to Armagh. Connor. 1227. Nehemiah O’Brogan. 1691. Richd. Tennison, tr. from Killala. 1240. David O’Brogan. and Achonry; tr. to Meath. 1268. Michl. (MacAntsair), archdn. 1697. St. George Ash, tr. from Cloyne ; 1287. Matt. MacCatasaid I., chanc. of tr. to Derry. Armagh. 1717. John Sterne, tr. from Dromore. 1316. Gelasius O'Banan. 1745. Robt. Clayton, tr. from Cork and 1320. Nicholas MacCatasaid, archdn. Ross. 1356. Bernard MacCamaill, archdn. 1758. John Garnet, tr. from Leighlin and 1361. Matt. MacCatasaid II., archdn. Ferns. * * Odo O'Neal, chanc. of Armagh; d. | 1782. John Hotham, tr. from Ossory. 1370. 1796, Wm. Foster, tr. from Kilmore. 1370. O’Corcroin. 1798. John Porter, tr. from Killala. 1389. Arth. MacCamaill, archdn. 1819. Lord John Geo. de la Poer Beres- 1432. Peter Macguire, archdn. ; res. ford, tr. from Raphoe; tr. to 1449. Roger Macguire. Dublin. 1485. Edmd. Courcy, tr. to Ross. 1820. Hon. Percy Jocelyn, tr. from Leigh- See vacant 8 years. lin and Ferns ; depr. * * Nehemiah Clonin, res. 1502. 1822. Lord Robt. Ponsonby Tottenham, 1504. Patr. O'Conolly, abb. of St. Peter tr. from Ferns and Leighlin. and St. Paul, Clonmacnois. See united to Armagh, 1850. See “Archbishops of Armagh and bishops of Clogher,” post, p. 597. * The family name of this bishop is lost; for those he is here called by are assumed names, according to a custom often practised among ecclesiastics, to express their devotion to Christ, or some Saint. Moelisa means “the servant of Christ "; and Mac-Mail-Qiāran, “the son of the servant of St. Kiaran.” * * * • * ~ * & & © tº : * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 597. º ARCHIBISHOPS OF ARMAGH AND BISHOPS OF CILOGHER. 1850. Lord Geo. John de la Poer Beres- ford,abp.of Armagh, above-named. 1862. Marcus Gervaise Beresford. On his death, in 1886, Armagh and Clogher were again separated. Wide infra. ARCHIBISHOP OF ARMAGH. 1886. Robert Bent Knox, tr. from Down, &c., May 11. BISHOP OF CLOGEIER. 1886. Chas. Maurice Slack, consec. June 29. DEANS OF ARMAGH. 1238. Mauritius, or Maurus. 1256–7. Abraham O'Conellan, made abp. Same year. 1256–7. Joseph. 1272. Brice. 1301 to 1330. Dionysius, or Denis. 1362. Patr. O'Kerry. 1372. Maurice Dovey, or O'Dove. 1397. Maurice O'Corry. 1406. Thos. O'Luchan, or O'Lucheran. 1425 to 1441. Denis O’Culean. 1443 to 1474. Chas. O'Niellan. 1483. Edmél. McCamaill. 1518. Edmd. McKamyll, or McCamaill. 1551. Terence Daniel, or Thirlagh O'Don- nel. - 1590. Eugene Woods; d. 1610. 1610. Robt. Maxwell. 1622. Geo. Mackeston, or Makeson. 1635. Jas. Frey, L. P. Now. 15. 1636–7. Peter Wentworth. 1643. Wm. Sley. 1661. Fras. Marsh; bp. of Limerick, 1667. 1667. Jas. Downham, L. P. June 19; d. 1681. DEANS OF 1390. Peter O'Heoghain. 1414. Donal O’Heoghain. 1427 to 1435. Philip. 1458. John M'Kathmoyll, or MacCamaill. 1498. Chas. Maguire ; d. 1498. 1505. Eugene MacCamaill. 1508. Wm. MacCaghwell, or MacCamaill. 1530. Odo. 1606. Robt. Openshaw, July 7. 1617. Robt. Barclay, Barkley, or Berke- ley, L. P. Apr. 20. Donald Clogh (? Robert). Robt. Barkley (? again), Dec. 13. John Hudson, Feb. 13; bp. of El- phin, 1667. 1621. 1634. 1661. 1681. Barth. Vigors, L. P. June 29; bp. of Ferns, 1690. 1691. Peter Drelincourt, L. P. Feb. 28; d. 1722. 1722. Richd. Daniel, L. P. June 28; res. t 1731. 1731. John Brandreth, L. P. Mar. 21; res. 1736. 1736. Jas Auchmuty, L. P. July 1 ; d. 1753. 1753. Anthy. Cope, L. P. Feb. 1; d. 1764. 1764. Benj, Barrington, L. P. July 7; res. 1768. Hugh Hamilton, L. P. Apr. 23; bp. of Clonfert, 1796. Hon. Jas. Hewitt, L. P. Feb. 20; d. 1830. Jas. Edwd. Jackson, L. P. Sept. 4; d. 1841. 1841. Edwd. Gust. Hudson, L. P. Sept. 1; | d. 1851. 1851. Brabazon Wm. Disney, L. P. Dee. 23; d. 1874. | 1875. John Reeves. 1886. Geo. Alexr. Chadwick. 1768. 1796. 1830. CLOGHER. 1662. One Thos. Gowen appears as claim- ing the deanery, but never was in possession. John Roane, L. P. Aug. 19; bp. of Killaloe, 1675. - Richd. Tennison, L. P. Apr. 29; bp. of Killala, 1681. Jos. Williams, L. P. Apr. 20; d. 1716. 1667. 1675. 1682. 1716. 1724. 1728. Wm. Gore, L. P. June 7 ; res. 1724. Jonn. Smedley, L.P.Apr. 13; res. 1727. Paschal Ducasse, L. P. Feb. 29; d. 1730. Edwd. Cressett, L. P. July 4. John Copping, inst. May 25. 1730. 1738. 598 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1743. Wm. Langton, L. P. Sept. 24; d. 1799. Lord John Geo. de la Poer Beresford, 1761. Dec.23; bp.of Cork and Ross, 1806. 1761, Edwd. Young, L. P. Sept. 29; bp. 1806. Richd. Bagwell, Feb. 21; d. 1825. of Dromore, 1763. 1826. Hon. Robt. Wm. Hy. Maude, inst. 1763. Richd. Woodward, Aug. 27; bp. of May 27; d. 1861. Cloyne, 1781. 1862. Ogle Wm. Moore, L. P. Jan. 21. 1781. Cadogan Keatinge, Mar. 2; d. 1799. 1874. Thos. Le Ban Kennedy. DEANS OF LOUTH. * * Donell, dean of Louth ; d. 1065. * * O'Robhartaigh, dean of Louth; d. 1081. At a period now unknown, but supposed to be in the eleventh century, the bishopric of Louth was united to that of Clogher. DIOCESE OF MEATH, INCLUDING CLONARD AND CLONMACNOIS. THERE were formerly many episcopal sees in Meath, as Clonard, Duleek, Kells, Trim, Ardbraccan, Dunshaughlin, and Slane, besides others of less note. All of these, with the exception of Duleek and Kells, were consolidated, and their common see fixed at Clonard, before the year 1152; at which time the divisions of the bishoprics in Ireland was made by Cardinal Paparo. Subsequently Duleek and Kells were merged into the general see. The see of CLONARD was founded by St. Finian about 520. Bishop Eugene, who succeeded in 1174, changed the name of the see to Meath, but the see remained at Clonard until about 1206, when bishop Roch- fort, of Meath, changed it to Newtown, near Trim, and made the abbey church of St. Peter and St. Paul, which he had just founded for Augustine canons, the cathedral. At the Reformation, King Henry VIII. converted the church of St. Mary’s abbey at Ballymore, near Loch Seudy, in Westmeath, into a cathedral for this see; but how long it continued so is uncertain. CLoNMACNo1s was founded by St. Keiran or Kiaran about 549. In 1568, on the death of bishop Wall, the see was united to Meath, and that title was alone preserved by the succeeding bishops. The deans of the united sees still take their title from Clonmacnois. BISHOPS OF CLONARD. 520. St. Finian. | 733. Beglatneu. 563. Senach. 755. Fulertach. * * Fiachre. 774. Algnied. * * Colman. 778. Cormac I. (MacSuibay). 652. Ossenius. 828. Cormac II. * * Ultan O'Cunga, 882. Rumold MacCathasach. 665. Becan. 919. Colman Mac Ailill. 687. Colman O'Heir. 924. Ferdomnach MacFlanagan. 700. Dubdan O’Foelan. 930. Mocteam. 716. Ailchu. 940. Malfechin. 726. Fienmale MacGirthid. 942. Bechan MacLactnan. 731. Tola MacDunchad. 971. Faithman. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 599 1010. 1028. 1043. 1055. 1061. 1092. 1110. 1174. 1194. 1224. 1227. 1230. 1250. 1287. 1321. 1327. 1350. 1353. 1369. 1380. 1386. 1402. 1413. 1430. T 434. 1450. 1460. 1483. 1507. 1512. 1523. 1530. 1554. 1563. 1584. 1605. 1610. 549. k . : 969. 3& Tuethal O’Dunluing. Cellach O'Clerchen. Tuathal O’Follanmuin. Tigernach Boircech. Murchertach Mac Longsee. Idunan. Concovar. 1117. 1135. 1136. 1140. 1150. 1174. Fiachry. Christian O'Hagan. Eochaid O'Kelly. O’Follomar. Eleutherius. Eugene, who changed the name of the see to Meath. See “Bishops of Meath,” infra. BISHOPS OF MEATH. Eugene, above-named. Simon Rochfort. Deodatus. Ralph le Petit, archdn. of Meath. Richd. de la Corner, canon of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Hugh de Tachmon. Thos. St. Leger. John O'Carrol, tr. to Cork. Wm. de St. Paul. Wm. St. Leger, archdn. of Meath. Nichs. Allen, abb. of St. Thomas, near Dublin. Steph. de Valle, dean of Limerick. Wm. Andrew, tr. from Achonry. Alexr. de Balscot, tr. from Ossory. Robt. Montmain. Edwd. Dantsey, archdn. of Cornwall. Wm. Hudsor. Wm. Silk. Edmd. Ouldhal of Norwich. Wm. Sherwood. John Pain, or Payne. Wm. Rokeby, tr. to Dublin. Hugh Inge, tr. to Dublin. Richd. Wilson. Edwd. Staples, depr. 1554. Wm. Walsh, depr. 1560. Hugh Brady. In 1568 the see of Clonmacnois was united to or merged in that of Meath, the latter title being alone preserved. Thos. Jones, tr. to Dublin. Roger Dod, dean of Salop. Geo. Montgomery, dean of Norwich; bp. of Derry, Raphoe, and Clogher. | 1621. 1625. 1660. 1661. 1682. 1697. 1705. 1716. 1724. 1727. 1732. 1734. 1744. 1758. 1765. 1766. 1798. 1823. 1840. 1842. 1850. 1852. 1866. 1876. 1885. Jas. Ussher, tr. to Armagh. Anth. Martin, dean of Waterford. Hy. Leslie, tr. from Down and Connor. Hy. Jones, tr. from Clogher. Anthy. Dopping, tr. from Kildare. Richd. Tennison, tr. from Clogher. Wm. Moreton, tr. from Kildare. John Evans, tr. from Bangor. Hy. Downs, tr. from Elphin; tr. to Derry. Ralph Lambert, tr. from Dromore. Welbore Ellis, tr. from Kildare. Arth. Price, tr. from Leighlin, &c.; tr. to Cashel. Hy. Maule, tr. from Dromore. Hon. Hy. Carmichael, tr. from Ferns, &c.; tr. to Dublin. Richd. Pocock, tr. from Ossory. Arth. Smythe, tr. from Down, &c.; tr. to Dublin. Hon. Hy. Maxwell, tr. from Dro- In 10 re. Thos. Lewis O’Beirne, tr. from Ossory. Nathl. Alexander, tr. from Down and Connor. Chas. Dickenson, Dec. Edwd. Stopford, consec. Nov. 6. Thos. Stewart Townshend, dean of Lismore, Oct. 3. Joseph Henderson Singer. Saml. Butcher. Wm. Conyngham, ld. Plunket; tr. to Dublin. Chas. Parsons Reichel, dean of Clon- macnois, consec. Sept. 30. BISHOPS OF CLONMACNOIS. St. Riaran, the founder. St. Tigernach. Baitan (O'Cormac), d. 663. * 3& 3& Joseph, of Rosmore, d. 839. Moeldarius, d. 886. Cropery, or Corprey Crom, d. 899. Colman, d. 924. Cormac O'Killeen, d. 964. Tuathal, d. 969. Durichad O’Braoin, res. : * | | | t | 1220. * * : : Ectigern O’Frgain, d. 1052. Colocair, d. 1067. Ailill O’Harretaigh, d. 1070. Christian O'Hectigern, d. 1103. Donald O’Dubhai, d. 1136. Moriertach O'Melider, seated here in 1152. Tigernach O'Moeleoin, d. 1172. Mureach O'Murrechan, d. 1213. Edan O'Maily, d. 1220. Maelrony O'Modein. (600 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1230 Hugh O'Malone. | * * O'Galachor, d. 1397. 1236. Elias. 1398. Peter, abb. of Granard Thomas. 1411. Philip O'Moeil. 1252. Thos. O'Quin. 1423. David Brendoc. See vacant nearly 2 years. See vacant some years !," * Gilbert, res. 1281. 1427. Cormac MacCoughlan. See vacant 2 years. 1444. John Oldais. * * 1290. Wm. O'Duffy. John, d. 1486. 1298. Wm. O’Findan, abb. of Kilbeggan. 1487. Walter Blake, canon of Enaghdune. See vacant some years. 1508. Thomas. 1303. Donald O’Brian. 1516. Quintin. * * Lewis O'Daly, d. 1337. 1538. Richard Hogar. * * Henry, d. 1367. 1539. Florence Gerawan. * * Richard. 1556. Peter Wall. * * Philip, d. 1888. See merged in Meath, 1568. 1390. Milo Cory. See ante, pp. 598–9. DEANS OF CLONMACNOIS. 1236. Thomas. 1697. Theoph. Harrison (? again). 1280. Gilbert. 1720. Anthy. Dopping, inst. July 2; bp. 1426. Cormac MacCoghlan. of Ossory, 1741. 1459. Odo O’Molan, or Malone. 1742. John Owen, Feb. 18; d. 1760. 1561. Wm. Flynn, Jan. 27. 1761. Arth. Champagnè, Mar. 13; d. 1800. 1579. Miler M'Clery. 1800. Chas. Mongan Warburton, Nov. or 1601. Wm. Leicester, Lester, or Lyster. Dec. 20; bp. of Limerick 1806. 1628. Marcus Lynch, or Lynche, May 18. 1806. Thos. Vesey Dawson, Aug. 11; d. 1629. Richd. Price, Mar. 31. w 1811. 1633. Saml. Clarke, inst. Aug. 29. 1811. Hy. Roper, Dec. 6; d. 1847. 1634. Wm, Burley, June 25. 1847. Richd. Butler, Dec. ; d. 1862. 1640. Wm. Meyler, or Meales. 1862. John Brownlow. 1661. John PCerdiffe. 1882. Chas Parsons Reichel; bp. Meath, 1668. Hy. Cottingham, Oct. 15. 1885. 1681. Theoph. Harrison, inst. Oct. 21. 1885. Fras. Hy. Swift. 16—. Steph. Handcock. DIOCESE OF DERRY AND RAPHOE. THE see of DERRY, when first founded, was placed at Ardsrath, whence it was translated, about 597, to Maghera, and in 1158 to Derry, when Flathbert O’Brolcan, abbot of Derry, was made bishop of it. Flath- bert built the cathedral in 1164; and the edifice becoming ruinous, it was rebuilt by the colony of Londoners who settled here in the reign of James I. It is difficult to determine the time when the see of RAPHOE was founded. St. Columb-Cile founded a monastery here, which was after- wards enlarged and repaired by other holy men; but it is the general opinion, that St. Eunan erected the church into a cathedral, and was the first bishop of the see. History is very defective in the account of his successors, until the arrival of the English. On the death of bishop Bissett, in 1834, DERRY and RAPHOE were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 37. BISHOPS OF DERRY. 1158. Flathbert O'Brolcan. 1173. Amlave O'Coffy. * * Maurice O'Coffy, or O'Dubthaic ; d. 1185. Florence O’Cherballen, or Carel- 1173. lan I. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES' 601 1230. 1279. 1295. 1297. 1316. 1319. * 3: * +& 1401. ~k K. * 3: 1429. 1458. 1466. 1485. 1507. 1529. 1551. 1603. 1605. 1261. 1266. 1275. 1299. 1306. 1319. * * 1366. 1397. 1399. 1414. German, or Gervase O'Cherballen, or Carellan. - Florence O'Cherballen, or Carellan II. Huny of Ardagh. Jeffry Maglathin. Odo O’Neal. Michl. MacLaghlin. Simon ; seated here in 1367. John Dongan, tr. to Down, 1395. See 6 years vacant. John, abb. of Moycoscain. Wm. Quaplode. Donald, seated here in 1423; res. John. Barth. O'Flanagan. See vacant 3 years. Nichs. Weston, canon of Armagh. Donald O'Fallon. See vacant 7 years. Thos. MacMasson, prior of Knock. Roderick O'Donnell, dean of Raphoe. Eugene Magenis. Denis Campbell, a native of Scot- land, and dean of Limerick, was nominated to the sees of Derry, Raphoe, and Clogher, but d. in London, July 1603, before conse- cration. Geo. Montgomery, dean of Nor- wich ; made bp. of Derry, Raphoe and Clogher ; tr. to Meath. 1610. 1612. 1616. 1634. 1660. 1666. 1679. 1681. 1691. 1703. 1714. | 1717. 1718. 1727. 1735. 1743. 1745. 1747. 1768. 1803. 1831. Brutus Babington. - See vacant nearly 2 years. John Tanner. See Dromore. Geo. Downham. John Bramhall, archdn. of Meath ; tr. to Armagh. Geo. Wild. Robt. Mossom, dean of Christ Church, Dublin. Michl. Ward, tr. from Ossory. Ezekiel Hopkins. Wm. King, tr. to Dublin. Chas. Hickman. John Hartstonge, tr. from Ossory. St. Geo. Ash, tr. from Clogher. Wm. Nicholson, tr. from Carlisle; tr. to Cashel. *. Hy. Downs, tr. from Meath. Thos. Rundle, preb. of Durham. Carew Reynell, tr. from Down and Connor. Geo. Stone, tr. from Kildare ; tr. to Armagh. Wm. Barnard, tr. from Raphoe. Hon. Fred. Hervey, aft. E. of Bris- tol; tr. from Cloyne. Hon. Wm. Knox, tr. from Killaloe. Hon. Richd. Ponsonby, tr. from Rillaloe. See united to Raphoe, 1834. See “Bishops of Derry and Raphoe,” post, p. 602. BISHOPS OF RAPHOE, St. Eunan, founder, and first bp. of Raphoe. Moelbrigid, or Brigidian Mac Dor- nan, tr. to Armagh. Malduin Mac Kinfalaid, d. about 930. AEngus, or Æneas O'Lapain, d. 957. Muredach O’Dubthaigh. . Gilbert O'Caran, tr. to Armagh. His immediate Sºlccessors uncertain. * •k * -k . Moelisa O’Dorigh, Patr. O'Scanlain, tr. 1261. John de Alento, res. on account of bad health. Carbrac O'Scoba. Florence O'Ferral. Thos. O'Nathain, archdn. Hy. Mac-an-Crossain. Thos. Mac Cormac O'Donnel, abbot of Ashroe. Patr. Magonail, seated here in 1360. Richd. MacCrossain. John. Cornelius MacCarmic. Anthony. Robt. Mubire. to Armagh 1415. 1419. 1442. * * 1484. 1605. 1611. 1633. 1661. 1671. 1682, 1693. 1701 1702 * John MacCarmic. Laurence O'Galachor I. See vacant 4 years. John MacGilbride. Laurence O'Galachor here in 1469. Menelaus MacCarmacan. Cornelius O'Cahan, seated here in 1550. Y. Donat Magonail, seated here in 1563; he assisted at the council of Trent, and d. 1589. The see remained vacant until Geo. Montgomery; he held this see in conjunction with Clogher and Derry; tr. to Meath. Andr. Knox, tr. from Orkney. John Leslie, tr. from Orkney; tr. to Clogher. Robt. Lesley, tr. from Dromore; tr. to Clogher. Ezekiel Hopkins, tr. to Derry. Wrm. Smith, tr. from Killala and Achonry; tr. to Kilmore. Alexr. Cairncross, formerly abp. of Glasgow. Robt. Huntington. John Pooley, tr. from Cloyne. II., seated 602 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1713. Thos. Lindsay, tr. from Killaloe; tr. to Armagh. 1714. Edwd. Singe, tr. to Tuam. 1716. Nichs. Forster, tr. from Killaloe. 1744. Wm. Barnard, dean of Rochester; tr. to Derry. Philip Twisden. Robt. Downes, tr. from Down and Connor. 1747. 1753. 1763. John Oswald, tr. from Dromore. 1780. Jas. Hawkins, tr. from Dromore. 1807. Ld. John Geo. de la Poer Beresford, tr. from Cork and Ross; tr. to Clogher. 1819. Wm. Magee, dean of Cork; tr. to Dublin. 1822. Wm. Bissett, chapl. to lá. Wellesley, then ld. lieut. See united to Derry in 1834, See “Bishops of Derry and Raphoe,” nfra. BISEIOPS OF DERRY AND RAPHOE. 1834. Hon. Richd. Ponsonby, bp. of Derry, above-named. 1853. Wm. Higgin, tr. from Limerick. 1867. Wm. Alexander. DEANS OF DERRY. 1294. I319. 1365. 1388. 1397. 1428. Peter. Thomas. Arth. McBruyn (McBrien). Wm. White. Wm. McCamaill. Donat, or Donald, O'Cherballen, or Carellan. Dermot. Name not given. 15—. Wm. McTagart. 1612. Wm. Webbe, Mar. 2. 1621 or 1622. Hy. Sutton, May 3. 1635. Michl. Wandesford, L. P. Nov. 9; d. 1637. Jas. Margetson, 1639. Godfrey Rhodes, L. P. Feb. 26. 1440. 1540. 1637. Dec. 22; res. 1640. 16—. Peter Wentworth. 1661. Geo. Beaumont, Nov. 8. 1663. Geo. Holland, L. P. Nov. 16. 1670–1. Wm. Lightburne, June 4; d. 1671. 1672. John Lesley, inst. Jan. 11. 1672. Peter Manby, Sept. 17. 16902. Peter Morris; d. 1690. 1691. Thos. Wallis, Feb. 10; d. 1695. 1695. Coote Ormsby, Sept. 9; d. 1699– 1700. DEANS OF 1397. Florence. 1419–20. Laurence (or Loughlin), O'Gal- chor; d. 1438. Cornelius McGille wride. Donald. Menelaus McCarmacan. Roderick O’Donnell; bp. of Derry, 1529. Edmd. O'Gallagher. John Albright, L. P. Dec. 3. Phelim O'Doghertie, L. P. July 22. Archd. Adair, L. P. Nov. 4; bp. of Killala 1630. Alexr. Cunningham, L. P. Apr. 27 ; d. 1660. 1438. 1442. 1484. 15—. 1535. 1603. 1609. 1622. 1630. 1700. John Bolton, Feb. 20; d. 1724. 1724. Geo. Berkeley, May 2; bp. Cloyne, 1733. Geo. Stone, dean of Ferns, L. P. Mar. 11; bp. of Ferns, 1740. Robt. Downes, Aug. 4; bp. of Ferns, 1744. Arth. Smyth, Aug. 28 ; bp. of Clon- fert, 1752. Hon. Philip Sydney Smyth, Apr. 7. Thos. Barnard, May 26; bp. of Kil- laloe, 1780. Wm. Cecil Pery, Feb. 17; bp. of Killala, 1781. Edwd. Emly, L. P. May 25; res. 1783. John Hume, L. P. Mar, 14. Jas. Saurin, Apr. 7; bp. of Dro- more, 1819. Thos. Bunbury Gough, L. P. Jan. 28; d. 1860. Hugh Usher Tighe, L. P. July 13; d. 1874. Chas. Seymour. John Gwyn, dean of Raphoe. Andr. Ferguson Smyly. of 1734. 1740. 1744. 1752. 1769. 1780. 1781. 1783. 1818. 1820. 1860. 1874. 1882, 1883. RAPHOE. 1661. John Lesley, L. P. Feb. 9 ; res. same year. John Wellwood, L. P. June 25; d. 1670. Thos. Buttolph, L. P. Oct. 30. Capel Wiseman, Aug. 19; bp. of Dromore, 1683. 1661. 1671. 1676. 1683. Nathl. Wilson, L. P. Sept. 15; bp. of Limerick, 1691. 1692. John French, L. P. Jan. 21; d. 1725. 1725. Wm. Cotterill, June 26 ; bp. of Ferns and Leighlin, 1743. Arthr. Smyth, L. P. Mar. 30; res. 1744. 1743. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 603 1744. Anthy. Thompson, L. P. Sept. 1795. Richd. Allot, L. P. July 10; d. 14 1832 1757. Wm. Barker, June 17; d. 1776. 1832. Ld. Edwd. Chichester, L.P. Apr. 28. 1776. Thos. Bray. 1873. John Gwyn; dean of Derry, 1882. 1776. Jas. King, Oct. 25; d. 1795. 1882. Edwd. Bowen. DIOCESES OF DOWN, CONNOR, AND DROMORE. THE SEE OF Down is said to have been founded by St. Carlan, about 499, but lists of its bishops generally commence with Malachy O'Morgair, who succeeded in 1137. The prior bishops are sometimes styled bishops of Dundalethglass, but this see is generally included in that of Connor. The first Bishop of Connor was Ængus Macnisius, or St. Macnise, who died about 507. The ancient name of this see was Dailnaraigh. The see of DROMORE was founded by St. Colman about 556. Down AND CONNOR appear to have been always intimately connected. It is probable that prior to the appointment of bishop Malachy O'Morgair in 1137 they were united, or, rather, that Down was included in Connor. In 1442 the two sees were permanently united. On the death of bishop Saurin, in 1842, Down, CoNNOR, AND DROMORE were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 37. BISHOPS OF DOWN. * * St. Cailan, seated here in 499. 1258. Regd., tr. to Cloyne. * * St. Fergus; d. 583. 1266. Thos. Lidell. No mention is made of any bishop | 1276. Nicholas. of this see with any certainty for | 1305. Thomas Kettel. Some centuries; Fingen, Flag- || 1314. Thos. Bright, prior of Down. hertack, and Samuel are named, See vacant 2 years. but without good authority. 1329. Ralph, or Thomas, of Kilmessan. * *}{. 36. k 1353. Richd. Calfe I, , prior of Down. 1137. Malachy I. (O'Morgair), tr. from 1365. William. Armagh; d. 1368. John Logan, archdn. 1148. Malachy II. (MacInclericuir). 1369. Richd. Calfe II. 1175. Gelasius (MacCormac). 1387. John Ross. 1176. Malachy III. 1395. John Dongam, tr. from Derry. 1202. Ralph, abb. of Melrose. 1413. John Cely, depr. 1441. 1213. Thomas. See united to Connor 1442. 1237. Ranulph. See “Bishops of Down and Connor,” post, p. 604. EISHOPS OF CONNOR. * * St. Ængus Macnisius; d. 507. 1183. Reginald. Lugade, Dima, Duchonna, Æge- | * * Christian O’Kerney, abb. of St. dearus, and Malbrigid, are men- Columb, Derry; d. 1210. tioned by some as bishops of this No account of his successor. see, but without certainty. 1225. Eustachius, archdn. 1124. Malachy O'Morgair, tr. to Armagh. 1242. Adam, abb. of Warden, Bedford- 1152 Patr, O'Bainan, res. shire. 1172. Nehemiah. 1245. Isaac, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 604 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1257. 1261. 1264. 1274. 1293. * + 1321. 1322. 1442, 1451. 1456. 1469. >k >k >k >k >k 2k 1541. 1568. 1573. 1593. 1596. 1602. 1606. 1612, 1613. 1635. 1660. 1227. 1245. * + * 3. *}{ * 1309. 1369. * % 1382. * + 1408. 1410. 1419. William, of Port Royal. Wm. de Hay. Robert, of Flanders. Peter, of Dunath. John. Richard, seated here before 1320. Jas. Couplith. John, of Eglescliffe, tr. to Llandaff. 1324. Jas. Kerney. 1353. Wm. Mercier archdn. of Kildare. 1376. Paul. × -k >k >k × 5]: >k × John, seated here in 1411. Eugene, seated here in 1427. Cornelius. John, seated here before 1440. See united to Down, 1442. See Bishops of Down and Connor,” infra. BISHOPS OF DOWN AND CONNOR. John, bp. of Connor, above-named. Robt. Rochfort. Thomas. Thady. Richd. Wolsey; d. about 1502. Tiberius; d. about 1526. Robt. Blyth, abb. of Thorney, Cam- bridgeshire; res. Eugene Magenis. John Merriman. Hugh Allen, tr. to Ferns. Edwd. Edgeworth. John Charden. Robt. Humston. John Todd, dean of Cashel; he held the see of Dromore in commendam with this; depr. Jas. Dundas, chanter of Moray in Scotland. Robt. Echlin. Hy. Leslie, dean of Down: tr. to Meath. Jeremy Taylor, also bp. of Dromore in 1661. 1667. 1672. 1694. 1695. 1699. 1721, 1739. 1743. I752. 1752. 1753. 1765. 1783. 1804. 1823. Roger Boyle, tr. to Clogher. Thos. Hacket, depr. Saml. Foley. Edwd. Walkington, archdn. of Ossory, and chapl. to the ho. of COIOIſl. Edwd. Smith, dean of St. Patrick’s Fras. Hutchinson. Carew Reynell, tr. to Derry. John Ryder, tr. from Killaloe; tr. to Tuam. John Whitcombe, tr. from Clonfert ; tr. to Cashel. Robt. Downes, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin; tr. to Raphoe. Arth. Smyth, tr. from Clonfert ; tr. to Meath. Jas. Trail, chapl. to the ld, lieut. Wm. Dickson, chapl. to the lă. lieut. Nathl. Alexander, tr. from Killaloe; tr. to Meath. Richd. Mant, tr. from Killaloe. See united to Dromore, 1842. See “Bishops of Down, Connor, and Dromore,” post, p. 605. BISHOPS OF DROMO.R.E. St. Colman, a Florentine, about 556. There are no certain accounts of the successors of St. Colman, till after the arrival of the English. It is probable that this see was united to Armagh, as its revenues were then very inconsiderable. -X. -X. % * Gerard, abbot of Mellifort. Andrew, archdn. Tigernach I., seated here before 1287. Gervase, about 1290. Tigernach II., d. 1309. Florence MacDonegan, canon. Christopher. Cornelius. John O'Lannube. John Volcan, tr. to Ossory, 1404. See vacant 4 years. Richd. Messing. John, res. Nichs. Waltro. 1427. 1434. 1440. 1489. 1500. % is 1504. 1511. 1536. 1550. 1606. 1613. 1660. David of Chirbury. Thos. Scrope, alias Bradley; res. Thos. Radcliffe. Geo. Brann, tr. to Elphin. William. Galeatius, d. 1504. John Baptist. Thady. Quintin Cogley. Arth. Magenis. John Todd, also bp. of Down and Connor, q. v. ; depr. 1611. John Tanner was, in 1611, app. by James I. to succeed by). Tod; but the bishopric of Derry just then falling void by the death of bp. Babington, he was advanced to that see. See vacant 2 years. Theoph. Buckworth ; d. 1652. See vacant 8 years. Robt. Lesley, tr. to Raphoe. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 605 1661. 1667, 1670. 1683. 1695. 1713. 1717. 1727. 1732. 1744. 1745. 1842. 1541. 1609. 1622. 1623. 1627. 1635. 1662. 1664. I669. 1682. 1683. 1709. 1717. 1609. 1615. 1628. 1640. 1661. 1667. 1679. 1694. 1704. 1710 Jeremy Taylor, also bp. of Down and Connor. Geo. Rust. Essex Digby, dean of Cashel. Capel Wiseman, dean of Raphoe. Tobias Pullen, tr. from Cloyne. John Sterne, dean of St. Patrick's ; tr. to Clogher. Ralph Lambert, dean of Down; tr. to Meath. Chas. Cobbe, tr. from Killala and Achonry; tr. to Kildare. Hy. Maule, tr. from Cloyne; tr. to Meath. Thos. Fletcher, Dean of Down; tr. to Kildare. Jemmet Brown, tr. from Killaloe; tr. to Cork and Ross. 1745. 1763. 1765. 1766. 1775. 1780. 1782. 1811. 1812. 1819. Geo. Marlay (?). John Oswald, tr. from Clonfert; tr. to Raphoe. Edwd. Young, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. Hon. Hy. Maxwell, tr. to Meath. Wm. Newcombe, tr. to Ossory. Jas. Hawkins, tr. to Raphoe. Hon. Wm. Beresford, tr. to Ossory. Thos. Percy, dean of Carlisle. Geo. Hall, prov. of Trinity College, Dublin. ' John Leslie, dean of Cork; tr. to Elphin. Jas. Saurin, archdn. of Dublin, and dean of Derry. See united to Down and Connor 1842. See “Bishops of Down, Connor, and Dromore,” infra. BISHOPS OF DOWN, CONNOR, AND DROMORE, Richd. Mant, bp. of Down and Con- nor, above-named. 1849. 1886. Robt. Knox, Apr. 14. Wm. Reeves, consec. June 29. IDEANS OF DOWN. Connor Magennis, McGenis, McGin- nis, or McGanysa. John Gibson, July 20. John Yorke, Oct. 18. Robt. Dawson, Nov. 25 ; bp. of Clonfert, 1627. Hy. Leslie, L. P. May 30; made bp. 1635. Wm. Coote, Oct. 14. Thos. Bayley, Feb. 13. Danl. Wytter, L. P. Mar. 19; bp. of Rillaloe, 1669. Wm. Sheridan, Aug. 25; bp. of Kil- more, 1681. Benjm. Phipps, L. P. Apr. 24. John McNeale, L. P. Jan. 9; d. 1709. Ralph Lambert, May 10; bp. of Dromore, 1717. Benjn. Pratt, June 17. 1722. 1724. 1731. 1739. 1744. 1768. 1787. 1817. 1831. 1839. 1856. 1876. 1887. Chas. Fairfax, Feb. 21. Wm. Gore, L. P. Jan. 1731. Richd. Daniel, Feb. 18; d. 1739. Thos. Fletcher, Oct. 4; bp. of Dro- more, 1744. Patr. Delany, July 16; d. 1768. Jas. Dickson, July 2; d. 1787. Hon. Wm. Annesley, June 16; d. I817. Hon. Edmd. Knox, Aug. 2; bp. of Killaloe, 1831. Hon. Thos. Plunket, Oct. 8; bp. of Tuam, 1839. Theoph. Blakeley, L. P. May 11; d. 1855. Thos. Woodward, L. P. Jan. 20; d. 1874. Edwd. B. Moeran. Edwd. Maguire. 20; d. DEANS OF CONNOR. Milo Whale, res. 1615. Robt. Openshaw, Dec. 23. Richd. Shuckburgh, Jumo 23. Robt. Price, Apr. 1; bp. of Ferns and Leighlin, 1660. Fras. Marsh, Feb. 8 ; res. Geo. Rust, L. P. Aug. 3; bp. of Dromore, 1667. Patr. Sheridan, L. P. Nov. 9; bp. of Cloyne, 1679. Thos. Ward, Apr. 28. Geo. Walter Story, Dec. 19. Martin Baxter, Dec. 21. - . Eugene (or Owen) Lloyd, Feb. 28. 1739. 1743. 1775. 1802. 1811. (?) Geo. Cuppage, d. 1743. John Walsh, June 20, d. 1775. Richd. Dobbs, June 19 ; d. 1802. Thos. Graves, L. P. Apr. 29; res. 1811. Theoph. Blakeley, May 4; res. 1824. 3. . Hy. Leslie, L. P. Jan 10; res. 1838. . John Chaine, L. P. Feb. 26; res. 1855. 5. Geo. Bull, L. P. Sept. 13. . Jno. Walton Murray. 606 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DEANS OF DROMO.R.E. 1309. Patrick. 1724. John Hamilton, May 2; d. 1729. 1369. Augustus. 1729. Saml. Hutchinson, Nov. 6; bp. of 1604. Isaac Plume, Feb. 1. Rillala, 1759. 1609. Wm. Todd. 1759. Walter Cope, Aug. 17; bp. of Clon- 1621. Thos. Wilson, Nov. 27. fert, 1772. 1622. Jno. Wall, June 15. 1772. Hon. Jos. Deane Bourke, L. P., 1623. Robt. Dawson, July 9. Mar. 4; abp. of Tuam, 1772. 1629. Wm. Moore, Feb. 10. 1772. Ralph or Raphael Walsh, Oct. 6; d. 1635. Geo. Synge, Feb. 21 ; bp. of 1808. Cloyne, 1638. 1809. Jas. Mahon, Jan. 6. 1638. Robt. Forward, L. P., Nov. 26. 1841. Wm. Hy. Wynne; elected by the 1642. Nichs. Graves, Mar. 21. chapter. 1673. Wm. Smyth, Aug. 23; bp. of Kil- 1842. Holt Waring, L. P., Nov. 10; d. lala, 1681. 1850. 1681. John Leslie, May 5; d. 1721. 1850. Dan. Bagot, L. P., Nov. 26. 1722. Hy. Leslie, Feb. 5. 1876. Jeffrey Lefroy. Geo. Berkeley, L. P., Feb. 16; 1885. Hy. Stewart. dean of Derry, 1724. 1887. Theophs. Campbell. DIOCESES OF KILMORE, ELPHIN, AND ARDAGH. RILMoRE signifies a great church. The bishops of Kilmore borrowed their title from a territory called Brefiny or Brefne : they were some- times called Brefinienses, and sometimes Triburnenses (bishops of Tri- burna); because they are said to have had their residence near a village of that name; but in 1454, Andrew Mac Brady, bishop of Triburna, erected the parish church of St. Fedlemid or Felimy, which he found to be in a more commodious situation, into a cathedral. St. Patrick founded a cathedral at ELPHIN about the middle of the fifth century, and placed over it St. Asicus, a monk, whom he conse- crated bishop. After some centuries, and a little before the arrival of the English, Elphin was enriched with many large estates, on its union with the see of Roscommon; and the sees of Ardcarn, Drumclive, and others of less note, were also annexed to it. By these unions, the see of Elphin became one of the richest in Ireland. ARDAGH is among the most ancient sees in Ireland, having been founded by St. Patrick, who made his nephew the first bishop. In 1742, Ardagh was joined to or held in commendam with Tuam until that archdiocese was reduced to a bishopric, on the death of Archbishop Trench, in 1839. ARDAGH was held in commendam by the bishops of KILMoRE during the first half of the seventeenth century, and the two sees were united in 1661. On the deprivation of bishop Sheridan, in 1691, they were separated for a short time, but were again re-united under bishop Smith, in 1693. They were again separated in 1742, and ARDAGH was then united to or held in commendam with Tuam. On the death of bishop Trench, of Tuam, in 1839, KILMoRE and ARDAGH were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 37, and on the death of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 607 bishop Beresford, in 1841, KILMoRE, ELPHIN, and ARDAGH were united under the same Statute. * * 1231. 1251. 1286. 1307. 1314. * * >< xk 1389. * }{ 1396. * }; 1421. * * 1456. * * 1464. 1489. 1511. 1541. 1585. 1603. 1612. 1629. 754. 3. * BISHOPS OF KILMORE AND OF KILMORE AND ARDA.G.H. See Introduction, ante, p. 606. RILMORE ONLY. Florence O’Conacty; d. 1231. Congolach MacEneol. Simon O’Ruirk. Maurice; abbot of the convent B.V. at Kells. Matt. MacDuibne Patrick. Cornelius MacConoma; d. 1355. Rd. O'Reley; d. 1370. Thomas, of Rushop. John O'Reley; d. 1393. See vacant 3 years. Roderick Brady. Nichs. Brady; d. 1421. Donat. Andr. MacBrady, archdn. ; d. 1456. Thady. Fursey Mac Duibne; d. 1464. John. Thos. Brady. Dermod. Edmd. Nugent. John or Richd. Brady; promoted to this see by the pope's authority; depr. by sir John Perrot, ld, dep. by whose recommendation John Garvey, dean of Christ-Church, Dublin, was app.; tr. to Armagh. See vacant till 1603. RILMORE AND ARDAGH. Robt. Draper. Thos. Moygne, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Wm. Bedell. 1643. 1681. 1714. 1727. 1742. 1757. 1772. 1774. 1790. 1796. 1802. 1839. 1672. 1693. 1699. Robt. Maxwell, dean of Armagh ; bp. of Kilmore only until 1661, and then bp. of Kilmore and Ardagh. Fras. Marsh, tr. from Limerick; tr. to Dublin. Wm. Sheridan, dean of Down ; depr. for not taking the oaths, 1691. Wm. Smith, tr. from Raphoe. Edw. Wetenhall, tr. from Cork and Ross. Timothy Godwin, archdn. of Oxford : tr. to Cashel. * Josiah Hort, tr. from Leighlin and Ferns : tr. to Tuam, to which see Ardagh then became attached. See “Archbishops of Tuam,” post, p. 611. FCILMORE ONLY. Jos. Story, tr. from Killaloe, &c. John Craddock, tr. to Dublin. Dennis or Denison Cumberland, tr. from Clonfert. Geo. Lewis Jones, chapl. to Earl Harcourt,ld.-lieut.; tr. to Kildare. Wm. Foster, tr. from Cork and Ross; tr. to Clogher. Hon. Chas. Brodrick, tr. from Clon- fert, &c.; tr. to Cashel. Geo. de la Poer Beresford, tr. from Clonfert. KILMORE AND ARDAGH. Geo. de la Poer Beresford, above- named. On his death in 1841 Kilmore and Ardagh were united to Elphin under bp.Leslie of that see. See “Bishops of Kilmore, Elgin, and Ardagh, post, p. 608. BISHOPS OF ARDAGH. St. Mell, before 454; d. 488. . St. Melchuo. * * 3& •k. St. Erard. Ceili; d. 1048. 3& + * Macrait O'Moran ; d. 1168. Christian O'Heothy ; d. 1179. O'Tirleman; d. 1187. O'Hislenan; d. 1189. Adam O'Murredai; d. 1217. . Robt., abb. of St. Mary's, Dublin. . Simon MacGraith. . Jos. Magodaig, archdn. . Jocelin O’Tormaig. . Brendan Magodaig. . Milo, of Dunstable. 1331. 1347. 1373. 1378. 1396. * * 1418. 1445. 1460. * * * * 1508. 1541. 1290. 1367. Matt. O'Heothy. John Mageoir, or Magee. See vacant 3 years. Owen O'Ferral, archdn. Wm. MacCasac. Chas. O'Ferral. John O'Fraic. Gilbert MacBrady. Adam Lyns; d. 1416. Cornelius O'Ferral. 1425–7. Richd. O'Ferral. MacSamrhadhan, Cormac. Wm. O'Ferral (uncertain). Thos. O'Congalan; d. 1508. Owen. Richd. Ferral, abb. of Granard. 608 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1553. 1633. 1692. 1168. 1174. * }{. 1215. 1224. * }{: 1244. 1245. 1246. 1260. 1262. 1266. 1285. 1296. 1303. 1308. 1310. 1313. 1326. 1356. 1372. 1405. 1418. * * + + + + 1499. 1841. Pat. MacMahon. Vacant from 1577, to the ap- pointment of . Disach Ferral. Robt. Draper, Thos. Moygne, and Wm. Bedell. See these prelates under Kilmore, ante. p. 607; Bedell res. Ardagh, in 1630, but retained Kilmore, John Richardson, archdn. of Derry. Robt. Maxwell, Fras. Marsh, and Wm. Sheridan. See these prelates under Kilmore, | ante, p. 607. |Ulysses Burgh. On the deprivation of bp. Sheridan, Ardagh, which had gone, with Filmore from the restn. of Charles II., was now separated from it, and Ulysses Burgh, dean of Emly promoted to it by William and Mary in 1692. Bp. Burgh d. the same year, and the union of the two sees was restored under bp. Smith. In 1742 Ardagh was once more disjoined from Kilmore, and was held in commendam with that of Tuam, until the death of abp Trench in 1839. See “Arch- bishops of Tuam,” post, pp 611–3. In 1839, Ardagh was again united to Kilmore. See “Bishops of Kilmore and Ardagh,” ante, p. 607. BISHOPs of ELPHIN. St. Asicus; seated here in the fifth century. 36 •k * Donnald O'Dubhai, or O'Duffy, bp. of Clonmacnois ; d. 1136. Flanachan O’Dubhai, or O’Duffy. Moelisa O'Conactain. Florence MacRiagan O'Mulrony; d. 1195. Ardgall O'Connor. Denis O'Mulkyran, bp. of Ardcarn. Denis O'Morda ; res. 1229; d. 1231. Donat O'Connor. John, archdn. Cornelius Rufus. Thos., or Tumultach O'Connor, dean of Achonry; tr. to Tuam. Milo O'Connor, archdn. of Clonmac- In O18, Thos. MacFerall MacDermot. Maurice O'Connor. Gelasius MacInlianaig, abb. of Loch- kee. Malachy MacBrien, abb. of Boyle. Donat O'Flanagan, abb. of Boyle. Chas. MacInlianaig, abb. of Loch- kee; his election annulled by the pope, 1310. Malachy MacAEda. Laurence O’Laghman. John O'Findsa, canon. Gregory, prov. of Killala. Thos. Barret, archdn. of Enaghdune. John O'Grada, or O'Grady. Robt. Foster, or Fostin. Wm. O’Etegan ; seated here in 1444. Cornelius ; seated here in 1450. Nichs. ; res. 1494, See vacant nearly 5 years. Geo. Brann. " * * % -k 1544. 36 k 1552. 1580. 1584. 1611. 1639. 1661. 1667 1691. 1720. 1724. 1730. 1740. 1762. 1772. 1775. 1795. 1810. 1819 Christr. Fisher; d. 1511. John ; d. 1536. Conat O'Siagal, abb. Bernard O'Higgin ; seated here in 1552, Roland de Burgo, also bp. of Clon- fert; he held the two sees during his life ; d. 1580. Thos. Chester; d. 1584. John Linch ; res. 1611. Edwd. King. Hy. Tilson, dean of Christ Church; d. 1655. See vacant until the Restoration in 1660. John Parker, dean of Killala ; tr. to Tuam. John Hudson,dean of Clogher; d.1685. See vacant from 1685 to 1691. Simon Digby, tr. from Limerick. Hy. Downs, tr. from Killala and Achonry ; tr. to Meath. Theoph. Bolton, tr. from Clonfert; tr. to Cashel. Robt. Howard, tr. from Killala and Achonry. Edwd. Synge, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin. Wm. Gore, tr. from Clonfert; tr. to Limerick. Jemmet Brown, tr. from Cork; tr. to Tuam. Chas. Dodgson, tr. from Ossory, John Law, tr. from Killala and Achonry. Hon. Power Trench, tr. from Water- ford and Lismore; tr. to Tuam. John Leslie, tr. from Dromore. See united to Kilmore and Ardagh, 1841. See “Bishops of Kilmore, Elphin, and Ardagh,” infra. BISHOPS OF KILMORE, ELPHIN, AND ARDAGH. John Leslie, bp. of Elphin, above- named. 1854. Marcus Gervais Beresford, tr. to Armagh. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, (309 1862. Hamilton Werschoyle. 1870. Thos. Carson, dean of Kilmore. 1874. John R. Darley. DEANS OF 1325. Thos. O'Coinderi (O'Connery). 1369. O'Bardain. 1426. Andrew. >k >k :* * 16—. Thos. Robinson, res. 1619. 1619. John Hill, L. P. Apr. 30. 1627. Nichs. Bernard, L. P. Jan. 21; res. 1637. 1638?. Hy. Jones, July 10. 1662. Lewis Downes, May 13. 1673. Edwd. Orme. It does not appear that he was ever in possession. 1691–2. Enoch Reader, May 18. 1700. Richd. Reader, July 10. 1700. Jeremiah Marsh, Dec. 3; d. 1734. 1884. Saml. Shone, archdn. of Kilmore; Mar, 26. ECILMORE. 1734. John Madden, L. P. Jan. 16; d. 1751. 1751. Hon. Hy. Maxwell, Dec. 19; bp. of Dromore, 1765. Chas. Agar, May 3; bp. of Cloyne, 1768. Thos. Webb, May 19; d. 1797. Geo. de la Poer Beresford, Mar. 25; bp. of Clonfert, 1801. Wm. Magenis, Jam. 29; d. 1825. Hy. Vesey Fitzgerald, L. P. Mar. 16; d. 1860. Thos. Carson, L. P. Apr. 16; made bp. of Kilmore, &c., Sept. 16,1870. John M. Massey-Beresford. Wm. Hy. Stone. 1765. 1768. 1797. 1801. 1825. 1860. 1872. 1886. DEANS OF ELPHIN. 1240. 1258. 1271. 1444. 1487. ×4 ×k Gilla na Naomh O'Dreain, d. Gilchreest O'Carmacain, d. Simon Magrath, d. O'Flannagan. Malachi O'Flannagan, d. Thos. O'Heidigein, or Edigein, or Edigen. Thos. Burke, or Bourke; d. 1603. Edwd. King, L. P. May 28. Eriell O'Higgin, L. P. Apr. 30. John Evatt, Jan. 18. Richd. Jones, May 31; d. 1642. Jos. Ware, Mar. 10; d. 1648. Edwd. Synge. Clement Payman, Paman, or Pay- nem, Feb. 12. 1591. 1603. 1606. 1614. 1634. 1642. 16—, 1662. 1664. Danl. Neylan, 12. Thos. Crofton, Aprl. 12; d. 1683. Anthy. Cope, Aug. 28; res. 1700. Edwd. Goldsmith, May 30 ; 1722–3. Peter Mahon, Feb. 12; d. 1739. Christr. Lloyd, Oct. 6; d. 1757. Jas. Dickson, L. P. Nov. 12; res. 1768. Robt. Bligh, July 9; d. 1778. John Barry, May 12; d. 1794. Fras. Browne, Mar. 5; d. 1797. John French ; d. 1848. Wm. Warburton. or Neyland, June 1665. 1683. 1700. d. 1723. 1739. 1757. 1668. 1778. 1794. 1797. 1848. DEANS OF ARDAGH. 1373. Richd. Ferral, or O'Ferrall. 1407. Charles. 1451. Gerald. 1460. John. 1512. Pierce M’Graidin. 1552. John Bowerman. 1563. Wm. Brady, L. P. Sept. 10. 1595. Robt. Richardson, L. P. May 27. 1606. Lewis Jones, June 26; res. 1625. 1625. Hy. Jones, May 24. 1637. Nichs. Bernard, L. P. June 22; d. 1661. 1661. John Kerr, or Carr, L. P. Sept. 15. 1703. John Barton, L. P. Mar. 21. 1719. Chas. Cobbe, L. P. Jan. 22; bp. of Killala, 1720. Josiah Hort, L. P. June 17; bp. of Ferns and Leighlin, 1721. 1720. 1721–2. Robt. Howard, L. P. Apr. 27; bp. of Killala, 1726. Lewis Saurim, Mar. 22. Geo. Sandford, Nov. 3. Thos. White, Nov. 30; d. 1769. Wm. French, Oct. 20; d. 1785. Lilly Butler, Mar. 19 ; res. 1790. Chas. Mongan (Warburton), Apr. 15. Hon. Richd. Bourke, Dec. 15; bp. of Waterford and Lismore, 1813. Richd. Graves, Mar. 1. Richd. Murray, inst. Nov. 10; d. 1854. Hugh Usher Tighe, L. P. Sept. 15; res. 1860, Aug. Wm. West, L. P., Aug. 23. Alexr. Orme. 1727. 1749. 1757. 1769. 1785. 1790. 1800. 1814. 1829. 1854. 1860. 1880. 610 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESES OF TUAM (INCLUDING ENACHDUNE AND MAYO), KILLALA, AND ACHONRY. ST. JARLATH, the son of Loga, is looked upon as the founder of the cathedral of TUAM, about the beginning of the sixth century. Tuam was anciently called Tuiam-da-Gualand, and the cathedral, dedicated to St. Jarlath, was known as Tempull Jarleith or St. Jarlath's Church, having been dedicated to its founder. By means of assistance from Turlough O’Connor, the then king of Ireland, it was rebuilt, in 1152, by Edan O’Hoisin, first archbishop of Tuam, or at least the first who had the pallium, but several of his predecessors are sometimes called archbishops by the Irish historians. THE see of ENACHDUNE has long been united to Tuam, and the title has ceased. The sees of Ardagh and Kilfenora have also at various times been held in commendam with Tuam. Particulars will be found under those dioceses. On the death of archbishop Trench, in 1839, Tuam was reduced to a bishopric. ST. GERALD, a native of England, and a disciple of St. Colman, bishop of Lindisfarne, followed that saint upon his expulsion out of England, in company with many persons of the same nation. St. Colman founded a monastery about the year 665 or 670, at MAYo, and placed in it the Englishmen who had followed him; whence it took the name of Mayo- na-Sasson, or Mayo of the Saxons, by which name the natives called the natives of England. St. Gerald enlarged this monastery, and erected it into an episcopal see, of which he was the first bishop. He died on the 13th of March, about the year 697. ST. MUREDACH, the first bishop of KILLALA, was consecrated by St. Patrick; whence it is manifest that he flourished in the fifth century; but the time of his death is uncertain. The date of the foundation of the see is pretty nearly to be guessed at ; for St. Patrick made his journey into Connaught about 440–1. Few traces remain of the successors of Muredach, before the arrival of the English. The names of two only occur in history. ST. FINIAN, bishop of Clonard, founded the church of Achad, latterly commonly called ACHONRY and Achad-Conair, and anciently Achad- Chavin, about the year 580. St. Finian, having built this church, immediately gave it to his disciple Nathy, called in Irish Dathi, i.e. David, who went by two names; for he was commonly called Comrah or Cruimthir, and was a man of great sanctity. The latter of these names signifies, in old Irish, a priest ; the other has a religious meaning. His festival is celebrated on the 9th of August, and the church was dedicated to him. In the ancient annals of Ireland, the prelates of this see are, for the most part, called bishops of Luigny or Liny, from the barony or subdivision of the county in which it is situated. No account is to be had of the successors of St. Nathy, until the arrival of the English in Ireland. THE BOOK OF TXIGNITIES. 611 MAYo was united to or merged in TUAM about 1559, and the name Wà.S no longer preserved. ACHONRY was held in commendam with KILLALA from 1607, and on the death of bishop Werschoyle, in 1834, TUAM, KILLALA, and ACHONRY were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 37. * } * * * * * * * * 1161 * * 1235. 1250 1257. Walter de Salern, dean of St. Paul's 1259. 1286 1313 1349 1365 1372 1385 1386 1394. 1410. 1411. 1427 1438 1441 1458. 1485. 1503. 1506. 1531. 1536. BISHOPS OF TUAM. St. Jarlath, seated here in 501, d. 540. >k Sk >k >; Ferdomnach, d. 781. ; × >k Sk Eugene Macclerig, d. 969. * * * •k Murchad O'Nioc, d. 1033. * #. * * Aid O'Hoisin, d. 1085. 3% º 1092. * 3: * * * * * * 1150. ARCHIBISHOPS OF 1152. Edan O'Hoisin, above named; in- vested with the pallium at the hands of cardinal Paparo, 1152; d. 1161. . Catholicus O’Dubhai, or O'Duffy. Felix O'Ruadan, res. 1201. Marian O’Laghman, dean. . Florence MacFlin, chancellor. London. Thos. O'Connor, tr. from Elphin. . Steph. of Fulburn, tr. from Waterford. 1289. Wm. do Birmingham. . Malachy Mac AEda. . Thos. O'Carrol, archdn. of Cashel; tr. to Cashel. . John O'Grady, archdn. of Cashel. . Gregory, tr. from Elphin. . Gregory O'Moghan, depr. 1386. . Wm. O'Cormacain, tr. to Clonfert. Maurice O'Kelly, tr. from Clonfert. See vacant from 1407 to 1410. John Babynghe. Cornelius. . John Baterley. . Thos. O'Kelly, tr. from Clonfert. . John de Burgo. Donat O'Murry. Wm. Shioy, or Joy. Philip Pinson. Maurice de Portu, alias O'Fehely. Thos. O'Mullaly, or Laly. Christr. Bodekin, tr. from Kilmac- duach. 1795. 1819. 1667. 1678. 1716. 1742. 1752. 1775. 1782. Ercad O'Moelomair, d. 1086. Cormac O'Cairil. Catasch O'Cnail, or O'Conuil, 1118. Murgesius O'Nioc, d. 1128. Donald O’Dubhai, d. 1136. Maurice, or Muredach O’Dubhai, d. 1150. Edan O'Hoisin, abp. 1152. d. TUAM. . The see of Mayo was annexed to Tuam about this time. . Wm. Mullaly, or Laly, dean of Tuam. . Nehemiah Donellan, res. 1609. . Wm. Daniel. . Randolph Barlow, dean of Christ Church. ... Rd. Boyle, tr. from Cork. . John Maxwell, tr. from Killala and Achonry; d. 1646. See vacant until the Restoration. . Saml. Pullen, dean of Clonfert ; he also held the bishopric of Kil- femora in commendam. John Parker, tr. from Elphin; tr. to Dublin. John Vesey, tr. from Limerick. Edwd. Singe, tr. from Raphoe. Josiah Hort, tr. from Kilmore and Ardagh ; he held Ardagh in com- mendam with this see, and it con- tinued with Tuam up to 1839. John Ryder, tr. from Down and Comor. Jemmet Brown, tr. from Elphin, Hon. Jos. Deane Bourke, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin; succ. as E. of Mayo, 1792. Hon. Wm. Beresford, tr. from Ossory. Hon. Power Trench, tr. from Elphin : d. 1839. See united to Killala and Achonry, 1834. See “Archbishops of Tuam and Bishops of Killala and Achonry,” post, p. 613. + + 3& X. * } BISHOPS OF MAYO. St. Gerald, d. about 697. Muredach, d. 726. Aidan, d. 768. * * * * Sk Sk 3k Cele O’Dubhai, d. 1209. Stephn. O’Braoin, d. 1231 30 + 612 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. I428. 1430. $ 8. +& * * * 1177. 1207. 1226. 1234. 1275. 1281. 1281. 1306. * º X: 1347. 1350. 1381, 1389. 1400. + k 1416. * * * * × {: 1214. 1219. 1226. 1230. 1237. 1238. 1251. 1266. 1286. × 2% >k 24; 1312. >k × 24; 2% 1373. 1374 Sk 2k >k 2% Wm. Pendergast, depr. for not ex- pediting his letters of provision, by pope Martin W. Nichs. Wagomai. O'Higin, d. 1478. Odo, d. 1493. ! 1493. | John Bell. × 2k >k Sk Eugene MacBreohan, or Brethe- main, was the last bp. of Mayo in 1559. In his time the see was annexed to Tuam. See “Archbishops of Tuam,” ante, p. 611. BISHOPS OF KILLALA. St. Muredach, seated here about 440. 3% >k >k Sk Rellach, d. 544. >k Sk >k O'Moel Fogamair, d. 1151. Imar O’Ruadan. Donat O'Beoda. Cormac O’Tarpaid, or O'Torpy. John O'Malfagamair. O'Laidig, or O'Loyn. John O'Laidig, or O'Loyn. Donat O'Flaherty. John Tankard, archdn. John O'Laitin, d. 1343. See vacant 3 years. Wm. O'Dowda, Robert. Thos. Lodowis. Thos. Orwell. Thomas, archdn. Muredach Clerach, d. 1403. O’Haneki, dean. Connor O'Connell I., d. 1426. Martin, d. 1431. # *k k 1461 •k + * * º 3& 1505 *k * k * 1591. Manus Fitz Fultagh O'Dowda, archdn. ; d. 1436. Connor O'Connell II., slain in 1461 by Manus O'Dowda's son. . Donat O'Concubhair, or O'Connor. John O'Cashin, res. about 1490. Thomas, d. 1497. Thos. Clerk, or Cleragh, res. . Malachy O'Clowan, or Cluan. Rq. Barrett, seated here in 1523. Redmund Gallakan, seated here in 1549. Owen O'Connor, dean. He sat about 16 years; and on his death, Miler Magrath, abp. of Cashel, held this see, together with Achonry, in commendam, for almost 15 years. On his death, archdn. Hamilton was advanced to the see of Killala, and held that of Achonry in commendam ; and this union has continued ever since. See “Bishops of Killala and Achonry,” post, p. 613. BISHOPS OF ACHONRY. St. Nathy, or Cruimthir Nathy; promoted about 530. * * * Melruan O’Ruadan; d. 1170. Gillasius O’Ruadan. Clemens O'Simadaig. Carus O’Tarpa, abb. of Mellifont. Gelisa O'Clery. Thos. O'Ruadan. Oengus O'Clumain. Thos. O’Miachan. Dennis O’Miachan, archdn. Benedict. Hy. MacO'Reghty, d. 1297. Benedict O’Brogan, d. 1311. David. Murchard O’Hara, d. 1344. David, d. 1348. Nichs. O'Hedram. Wm. Andrew, tr. to Meath. 1445. >k >k 1449. × 3: 1473. >k >k 1489. >k × 1492. 1585. Cormac, seated here in 1523. * k * Laurence Peter Jacopin. Thady, d. 1448. Gasper, abb. of Boyle. Jas. Blakedon, tr. to Bangor, 1452. Cornelius, d. 1472. Robt. Wellys. Bernard, d. 1488. John de Bustamento, a Spaniard; never visited the see. Richard, d. 1492. - Thos. Fort, Augustine canon. “k Eugene. 1607. Miler Magragh, abp. of Cashel, ob- tained this see in 1607, and also that of Killala, and held them both till his death, from which time the two sees have always. gone together. See “Bishops of Killala and Achonry,” post. p. 613. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 613 BISHOPS OF KILLALA AND ACHONRY. 1607. Miler Magrath, abp. of Cashel. See ICillala, ante, p. 612. 1628. Archd. Hamilton, of Glasgow; tr. to Cashel. 1630. Archd. Adair, dean of Raphoe; depr. 1640. John Maxwell, tr. from Ross, in Scotland; tr. to Tuam. The see continued vacant from his translation in 1645 to the Restora- tion. 1660. Hy. Hall, chapl. to the ld.-lieut. 1663. Thos. Bayly, dean of Down. 1670. Thos. Otway, tr. to Ossory. 1679. John Smith, dean of Limerick. 1681. Wm. Smith, dean of Dromore; tr. to Raphoe. 1681–2. Richd. Tennison, dean of Clogher; tr. to Clogher. 1690. Wm. Lloyd, dean of Achonry. 1717. Hy. Downs, minister of Darlington, Northamptonshire; tr. to Derry. 1720. Chas. Cobbe, dean of Ardagh ; tr. to Dromore. 1726. 1730. 1735. 1752. 1759. 1781. 1784. 1787. 1795. 1798. 1810. Robt. Howard, dean of Ardagh ; tr. to Elphin. Robt. Clayton, tr. to Cork and Ross. Mordecai Cary, tr. from Clonfert. Richd. Robinson, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. Saml. Hutchinson. Wm. Cecil Pery, dean of Derry; tr. to Limerick. Wm. Preston, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. & John Law, tr. from Clonfert; tr. to Elphin. - John Porter, chapl. to the abp. of Canterbury; tr. to Clogher. Jos. Stock, chapl. to the lă.-lieut. Jas. Verschoyle, dean of St. Patrick's; d. 1834. See united to Tuam, 1834. See “Archbishops of Tuam, and Bishops of Killala and Achonry,” infra. ARCHBISHOP OF TUAM, AND BISHOP OF KILLALA AND ACHONRY. 1834. Hon. Power Trench, abp. of Tuam. See Tuam, ante, p. 611; d. 1839. On his death Tuam was reduced to a bishopric. See “Bishops of Tuam, Killala, and Achonry,” infra. BISHOPS OF TUAM, KILLALA, AND ACHONRY. 1839. Hon. Thos. Plunket. | 1867. Hon. Chas. Brodrick Bernard. DEANS OF TUAM. 1230. Marian, or Mael-Murry O’Laghnan. 1282. Constantine O’Dowd. 133–. Philip Hanlain; d. 1339. 1339. Denis. 1394. James. 1399. Jas. Caer, Carr, or Cahir. 1523. Thomas. 1558. Wm. Mullaly, or Laly, Nov. 7; made abp. 1573. H573. Edwd. Browne, Apr. 21. 1610. Abel Walsh, Feb. 6. 1625. Thos. Peyton. 1638 (?). John King. 1661. Wm. Buchanan, L. P. June 21. 1669. Jas. Wilson, L. P., May 18. 1686. Robt. Echlin, June 30; d. 1712. 1712. John Hinton, Aug. 31. Thos. Butler (?). 1716. 1724. 1543. 1756. 1759. 1775. 1782. 1807. 1809. 1810. 1813. 1850. 1867. 1879. Wm. White; res. 1724. Jonn. Bruce. Isaac Gervais, May 29; d. 1756. . Robt. Johnson, June 1 ; bp. of Cloyne, 1759. * Danl. le Tablere, Aug. 12; d. 1775. Robt. Clarke ; d. 1782. Joshua Berkeley, Apr. 13; d. 1807. Jas. Mahon, Aug. 11. John Wm. Reatinge, Jan. 7 ; res. 1810, Richd. Bourne, June 1. Thos. Carter, July 27; d. 1849. Hon. Robt. Plunket, L. P., May 11; d. 1867. - Chas. Hy. Seymour, L. P., June 14. Wm. Chambers Townsend. DEANS OF ENACHDUNE. 1523. Donald O'Flaherty. | 1558. Patr. Blach, or Black. 1638. The deanery of Enachdune is returned as vacant, and the office ceased to exist. 614 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DEANS OF KILLALA. * * O'Haneki, made bp. 1416. 1741. Theoph. Brocas, Dec. 24. 1442. Mac Wm. Barrett, d. same year. | 1770. John Brocas, June 30; d. 1795. Sk >k Sk >k 1795. Thos. Vesey Dawson, June 11. 1613. Wm. Flanagan, June 11. 1796. Thos. Thompson, Mar. 16; d. 1799. 1629. Wm. Buchanan, Feb. 21. 1800. Walter Blake Kirwan, Jan. 25. 1636. Robt. Forgie, Feb. 26. 1806. Edmund Burton, Feb. 5; d. 1817. 1664. Hy. Dodwell, L. P. July 7. 1817. Hon. Geo. Gore, Aug. 21; d. 1844. 1674. Alexr. Murray, May 20. 1844. Jas. Collins, Oct. 21. 1701. Fras. Knapp, Dec. 24; d. 1718. 1872. Wm. Jackson. 1718. Jonn. Smedley, Sept. 6. 1885. Wm. Skipton. 1724. Peter Maturin, May 4. w DEANS OF ACHONRY. 1246. Thos. or Tomultach O'Connor. 1733. Sutton Symes, Nov. 30. 1442. MacMulroona M’Donagh. 1752. Richd. Handcock, Sept. 15; d. 1791. 1582. Owen O'Connor, Aug. 24. 1792. Jas. Langrishe, Jan. 14; res. 1806. 1615. Wm. Flanagan. 1806. Jas. Hastings, Aug. 13. 1629. Wm. Buchanan, Feb. 21. 1812. Arth. Hy. Kenney, June 10; res. 1661. Randal (or Rodolph) Hollingworth, 1821. Mar. 22. 1821. Wm. Greene, June 11; res. 1824. 1662. Jas. Vaughan, Apr. 9. 1824. Theoph. Blakeley, Dec. 6; res. 1839. 1683. Wm. Lloyd, Aug. 11; bp. of Killala | 1839. Edwd. Newenham Hoare, June 14. 1690. 1850. Hon. Harvey de Montmorency, L. P. 1691. Saml. Foley, Apl. 4; bp. of Down Dec. 17 ; d. 1872. and Connor 1694. 1875. Arthur Moore. 1695. John Yeard, Feb. 12; d. 1733. 1883. Hamilton Townsend. PROVINCE OF DUBLIN. See p. 594. DIOCESES OF DUBLIN, GLENDALOUGH, AND KILDARE. THE SEE OF DUBLIN is supposed to have been founded by St. Patrick, about the year 448. It became archiepiscopal in 1152. See Armagh, ante, p. 594. There are two cathedrals, both situated in the city of Dublin; one is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and is called Christ Church; the other is dedicated to St. Patrick. The Archbishop is primate of Ireland. GLENDALOUGH or GLANDALAGH has been united to Dublin since the year 1214. The catalogue of its bishops is extremely incorrect; and it has been so long united to the archiepiscopal see of Dublin that their names are seldom to be met with in history. St. Revin seems to have been the founder of the see. There existed both a cathedral and an abbey; the first was dedicated to the apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and both were situated in a small valley surrounded by lofty mountains. The place is now commonly known by the name of the “Seven Churches,” from the remains of so many buildings which are contiguous to the cathedral. KILDARE is one of the earliest episcopal foundations in Ireland. It was founded, probably, at the close of the fifth century, as THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 615 the first bishop on record died in the year 519. St. Bridget, the illegitimate daughter of an Irish chieftain, born in the year 453, receive i the veil while in her fourteenth year, from the hands of St. Patrick, and prior to 484 she founded a nunnery here. To this saint, who died in 523, the cathedral was dedicated. GLENDALOUGH was united to DUBLIN in 1214. On the death of Bishop Lindsay, in 1846, DUBLIN, GLENDALough, and KILDARE were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 37. BISHOPS OF DUBLIN. * >k * * * * St. Sedulius, d. 785. * * Livinius; suffered martyrdom in the * * Cormac. Low Countries in 633. * :: * * {{. * * St. Wiro or Wirus, d. 650. * * Donat, d. 1074. * * Disibode, res. 675. * 1074. Patrick. * * Gualafer. 1084. Donat O'Haingly. * * St. Rumold, murd. near Mechlin, 1095. Samuel O'Haingly. 775. - 1121. Gregory, abp. 1152. ARCHBISHOPS OF DUBLIN. 1152. Gregory, above named, the first abp. | 1213. Hy. de Londres. 1162. St. L O’Toole. ii. John º: OOle | See united to Glendalough, 1214. See “Archbishops of Dublin and Bishops of Glendalough,” infra, BISHOPS OF GLENDALOUGH OR GLANDALAGH. * * St. Coemgene, or Kevin; res. about | 1101. Cormac O'Mail. 612. 1152. Gilda na Naomh II. 612. Molibba, or Libba. - Rinad O’Roman, seated here about * * Aidan. 1166. * * Ampadan. 1179. Malchus, or Macrobius.' • * * * * Dungal Mac Baithen, d. 899. Wm. Piro, seated here in 1192. 925. C MacFitzbran. 1:. . .” See united to Dublin 1214. See “Archbishops of Dublin and Bishops of Glendalough,” infra. ARCHBISHOPS OF DUBLIN AND BISEIOPS OF GLEND ALOUGH. 1214. Hy. de Londres, abp. of Dublin, the see, it not having been filled above named. within three months after the 1228. Luke, dean of St. Martin's, London. | death of the last bishop, named 1256. Fulk de Saunford. 1299. Rd. de Ferings, archdn. of Canter- 1279. John de Derlington. bury, who got possession after 1284. John de Saunford, dean of St. Pa- || some difficulty; d. 1306. trick's. 1310. John Leck, bp. elect of Dunkeld. Thos. de Chadsworth, dean of St. The same scene ensued on bp. Fe- Patrick's, was elected in 1294, but || ring's death, in 1306, as had oc- the king would not confirm him. || curred on bp. Hotham's, and ended 1297. Wm. de Hotham, dean of St. Pa- in both elections being declared trick's. void. Bp. Leck d. 1313. He died the same year, and Adam ||1317. Alexr. de Bicknor. de Balsham, prior of Christ- i. On bp. Leck's death, the contest of Church, was elected by that con- election was renewed: one party vent ; but the dean and chapter made choice of Walter Thorn- of St. Patrick's made choice of bury; the other of Bicknor; but their dean, the before-mentioned | the former was wrecked going to Thos. de Chadsworth. This oc- France, and the latter easily ob- casioned much trouble; for the tained possession. pope, claiming a right to name to 1349. John de St. Paul, canon of Dublin, 616 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1363. Thos. Minot. 1373–5. Robt. de Wikeford, archdn. of Win- chester. Robt.Waldby, bp. of Aire, in Gascony. Rd. Northalis, tr. from Ossory. Thos. Cranley. Rd. Talbot. Michl. Tregury. John Walton, abb. of Osney, near Oxford; res. Walter Fitzsimons, chanter of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Wm. Rokeby, tr. from Meath. Hugh Inge, tr. from Meath. John Allen, or Allan; murd. by the Fitzgeralds. - Geo. Brown, of London; the first Protestant abp. of this see; depr. by Q. Mary, 1554. 1391. 1396. 1397. 1417. 1449. 1472. 1484. 1511. 1521. 1528. 1535. 1555. Hugh Curwen, or Curwyn; tr. to Oxford. 1567. Adam Loftus (No. 1), tr. from Armagh. 1605. Thos. Jones, tr. from Meath. 1619. Lancelot Bulkeley,archdn. of Dublin. 1660. Jas. Margetson, dean of Christ Church, Dublin; tr. to Armagh. 1660. Michl. Boyle, tr. from Cork, &c.; tr to Armagh. 1678. John Parker, tr. from Tuam. 1681. Fras. Marsh, tr. from Kilmore, &c. 1694. Narcissus Marsh, tr. from Cashel ; tr. to Armagh. 1703. Wm. King, tr. from Derry. 1729. John Hoadley, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin ; tr. to Armagh. 1742–3. Chas. Cobbe, tr. from Kildare. 1765. Hon. Wm. Carmichael, tr. from Meath. 1766. Arth. Smythe, tr. from Meath. 1772. John Craddock, tr. from Kilmore. 1778. Robt. Fowler, tr. from Killaloe and Kilfenora. 1801. Chas. Agar, visc. Somerton, aft. E. of Normanton ; tr. from Cashel. 1809. Euseby Cleaver, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin. 1820. Lord John Geo. de la Poer Beres- ford, tr. from Clogher; tr. to Armagh. 1822. Wm. Magee, tr. from Raphoe. 1831. Rd. Whately, principal of St. Al- ban's Hall, Oxford. See united to Kildare, 1846. See “Archbishops of Dublin and Bishops of Glendalough and Kildare,” post p. 617. IBISHOPS OF KILDARE. Those with an (A.) after their names, were probably only abbots of Kildare. 2); Sk 638. 694. 697. 708. 732. 743. 747. 782. 785. St. Conlaeth, d. 519. St. Aid. Lochin. St. Forannan (A.). Moeldoborean. Tola. Diman. Cathald O’Forannan (A.). Lomtuil. Sned bran. Muredach O'Cathald (A.). Eudocius O'Diocholla (A.). Foelan O'Kellach (A.). Loetan O'Muctigern. Murtogh O'Kellach (A.). Siedhul, or Sedulius (A.). Tuadcar. Orthamach. AEdgene. St. Cobthack O'Muredach (A.). Moengal. Robertae MacNaserda. Lanfran MacMogtigern. Suibney O'Fianacta. Scandalus, or Scannail. Largisius. Flanagan O’Riagan (A.). Crummoel. Maelfinan. Culean MacKellach (A.). 793. 799. 813. 820. 828. 833. 840. 862. 868. 870. 874. 880. 884. 885. 920. 929. 949. 953. | | 965. Mured MacFoelan (A.). 981. Amucaid. 985. Murechad MacFlan. 1028. Moel Martin. 1042. Moel Brigid, or Brigidian. 1085. Fin MacGuffan (MacGorman). 1097. Moel Brigid (or Brigidian O'Brolcan). 1100. Aid O'Heremon. 1102. Ferdomnac. 1108. MacDongail. 1144. Cormac O'Cathsuigh. 1148. O’Dubhin. 1160, Finan (MacTiarcain) O'Gorman. 1176. Malachy O'Beirn. 1177. Nehemiah. 1206. Cornelius MacGelany. 1223. Ralph of Bristol. 1233. John of Taunton, Patrick’s. Simon of Kilkenny. Nichs. Cusack. Walter de Veele, chanter of Kildare. Richd. Hulot, archdn. Thos. Gifford, chanter of Kildare. Robt. of Askeaton. George. Hy. of Wessenberch. Thomas, d. 1405. John Madock, archdn. ; d. 1431. William, archdn. canon of St. 1258. 1279. 1299. 1334. 1353. 1366. 1368. 1401. 1405. 1432. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 617 1449. 1464. 1474. 3k >k >k >k 1482. 1523, 1531. 1540. 1550. 1554. 1560, 1564. 1583. See vacant nearly 3 years. Geoff. Hereford. Richd. Lang; elected to Armagh, but disappointed of it. David. Jas. Wale; res. 1475. Wm. Barret; res. before 1482. Edmd. Lane. Thos. Dillon. Walter Wellesley. Wm. Miagh. On the death of bp. Wellesley, the pope named Donald O’Beachan to be bishop ; he died a few days after ; the pope then named Thady Reynolds, but the king set him aside. Thos. Lancaster, the first Protestant bp. ; depr. 1554. Thos. Liverous, or Leverous, dean of St. Patrick's ; depr. for refus- ing the oath of Supremacy. Alexr. Craik, dean of St. Pat- rick’s. Robt. Daly. Daniel Neylan. 1604. 1635. 1644. 1661. 1667. 1678. 1681. 1705. 1732. 1743. 1745. 1761. 1765. 1790. 1804. Wm. Pilsworth. Robt. Usher, archdn. of Meath. Wm. Golbourn, archdn. ; d. 1650. See vacant about 10 years. Thos. Price, dean of Kilmore ; tr. to Cashel. Ambrose Jones, archdn. of Meath. Anthy. Dopping, tr. to Meath. Wm. Moreton, dean of Christ Church; tr. to Meath. Welbore Ellis, tr. to Meath. Chas. Cobbe, tr. from Dromore ; tr. to Dublin. Geo. Stone, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin; tr. to Derry. Thos Fletcher, tr. from Dromore. Richd. Robinson, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin; tr. to Armagh. Chas. Jackson, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin. Geo. Lewis Jones, tr. from Kilmore. Hon. Chas. Dalrymple Lindsay, tr. from Killaloe ; d. 1846. See united to Dublin and Glenda- lough, 1846. See “Archbishops of Dublin, and Bishops of Glendalough and Kildare,” infra. ARCHIBISHOPS OF DUBLIN AND BISHOPS OF GLENDALOTUGH AND KILDAR.E. 1846, Richd. Whately, abp. of Dublin, &c. 1864. Richd. Chenevix Trench ; res. Nov., See Dublin and Glendalough, ante 1884. p. 616. 1884. Wm. Conyngham, ld. Plunket; tr. from Meath. DEANS OF ST. PATRICE’S. The earlier names differ in the various lists. were probably sub-deans only. 1219. 1223. 1234. 1235. 1250. 1251. 1260. 1275. 1277. 1284. × 3; 1289. 1294. 1310. 1312. Wm. Fitz-Guy, or Fitz-Guido, the first dean recorded. Ralph de Bristol (?), John de Taunton (?). Richd. Gardiner, or (? 1240). Richd. de St. Martin. Hugh de Mapilton, or de Glande- lagh; lil. treasr. same year (?). John de Saunford, just. I. B. ; abp. of Dublin, 1284. Wm. de Salinis (?), Adam de Wadenhall (?). Thos. de Chaddesworth; d. about 1311. James de Ispania (?). Stephn. de Brogan (?). Adam de Furneis (?). Alexr. de Byknore, or Bicknor, preb. of Maynooth ; lá. treasr. 1307 PY. Wm. Rudyard, treast. of St. Pat- rick's ; elect, dean. de Gardino 1348. 1349. 1363. 1374. 1382. 1390. 1392. 1396. 1399. 1439. Those marked (?) in the list below Adam de Kingston. Wm. de Bromley; la, treasr. of Ire- land, 1354; d. 1374. Thos. Minot, preb. of Malihidert, or Mullahithart (?). Wm. Lawless and Nichs. Bromley; “ the dean being very old and infirm, the king authorised them to prosecute his affairs at Rome and elsewhere.” John Colton, ld, treas]'. ; ld. chanc. of Ireland, 1379. The deanery sequestered ; dean Col- ton made abp. of Armagh this year. Hy. Bowett. Wm. Chambre. Thos. de Everdon. Cardl. Ran- dulph, who had intruded himself into the deanery, was evicted, after a trial of quare impedit. John Prene ; abp. of Armagh, 1439. Nichs. Hill (?). 618 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1449. Michl. Tregury. 1457. Peter Norreis, or Norreys. 1465. John Alleyme, precentor of the cathedral ; d. 1505. 1505. Thos. Rochfort, son of Roger, ld. of Rilla down. 1522. John Rycarde, rector of Trim ; res. 1523 (? :527). 1523 (? 1527). Robt. Dublin. 1528. Thos. Darcy, preb. of Howth, and m. rolls. 1529. Geo. Fyche, archdm. of Glendalough; d. Mar. 1537. 1537. Edwd. Bassenet de Devonshire. 1555. Thos. Liverous, or Leverous, bp. of Kildare, q. v. ; L. P. Mar. 26. 1560. Alexr. Craik, preb. of Clonmethan, Aug. 21 ; bp. of Kildare same year ; d. 1564. 1564. Adam Loftus (No. 1), Armagh. 1567. Robt. Weston, dean of Arches in London ; aft. la. chanc. of Ire- land, and dean of Wells, 1570. 1576 (? 1573). Wm. Gerrard, aft. chanc. of Ireland. 1581. Thos. Jones; bp. of Meath, 1584; aft. tr. to Dublin. 1584. Richd. Meredyth, L. P. June 13; bp. of Leighlin Apr. 1589; d. 1597. 1597. Sir John Ryder. 1608. Thos. Moigne, archdn. of Meath; res. 1625; d. 1628. 1625. Benjn. Culme, rector of Rathmore, diocese of Meath ; L. P. Oct. 23. 1660. Wm. Fuller, L. P. July 3; res. 1666. 1666. Thos. Seele, precentor of Christ Church ; L. P. Mar. 30; d. Feb. 1675. 1675. Benj. Parry, chaplain to the lă.-lieut.; L. P. Feb. 17; d. 1678. 1678. John Worth, L. P. Jan. 17; having conformed to the Roman Catholic persuasion, he was depr. 1688. Wm. King, chaplain to Sutton, archdn. of abp. of ld. Parker, DEANS () iſ CHRIST 1539-41. Robt. Paynswick, L. P. May 11, 1541; d. 1543. 1543. Thos. Lockwood. Dec. 1; d. Apr. 1565. 1565. John Garvey, May ; d. Mar. 2, 1594. 1595. Jas. Wheeler, L. P. Mar. 9; bp. of Ossory, 1613. 1618. Randolph (or Ranulph) Barlow, L. P. Feb. 25. 1634. Hy. Tilson, L. P. Doc. 23; bp. of Elphin, 1639. 1639. Jas. Margetson, L. P. Doc. 2; of Dublin, 1660. l(561. Robt. Mossom, Derry, 1666. abp. Feb. 1; bp. of abp. of Tuam, Jan. 26 ; bp. Derry, 1690. Michl. Jephson, L. P. Jan. 15 ; d. 1693. Thos. Lindsay, chanc. of Christ Church ; L. P. Feb. 6; bp. of JKillaloe, 1625. Edwd. Smith, L. P. Mar. 3; 1698. Jerome Ryves, L. P. Feb. 22; d. June, 1704. John Sterne, Mar. 30; bp. of Dro- more, 1713; aft. tr. to Clogher. Jonathan Swift, L. P. May 6; d. 1745. Gabriel Jas. Maturin, dean of Kil- dare, Nov. 20; d. 1746. Fras. Corbet, preb. of Malahide, Nov. 13; d. 1775. Wm. Cradock, Sept. 11; d. Sept. 1793. Robt. Fowler, Oct. 15; res., and d. soon after. Jas. Verschoyle, Apr. 23; by. of Killala, &c., 1810. John Wm. Keatinge, L. P. May 31; d. 1817. Hon. Richd. Ponsonby, inst. July 1818; bp. of Killaloe, 1828; tr. to Derry, 1831. Hy. Richd. Dawson, Mar. 3. Dean Dawson died in Oct. 1840. Two candidates were thereupon proposed, viz. Dr. Daly and Dr. Wilson ; the latter disputed cer- tain votes given to the other, and on Dec 9, 1842, the Court of Delegates decided in favour of Dr. Daly. Robt. Daly; inst. dean Dec. 13; bp. of Cashel, same year. Hon. Hy. Pakenham, Feb. 7 ; d. Dec. 25, 1863. He was made dean of Christ Church also in 1846. and the two deaneries were united until 1885. John West, Feb. 5. 1691. 1693. 1695. d. 1699. 1704. 1713. 1745. 1746. 1775. 1793. 1794. 1810. 1817. 1828. 1842. 1843. 1864. CHURCH, DUBLIN. 1666. John Parry, L. P. Apr. 2; bp. of Ossory, 1672. Wm. Moreton, L. P. Dec. 22. Welbore Ellis, L. P. Sept. 23. Chas. Cobbe, Mar. 16; abp. of Dub- lin, 1742–3. Geo. Stone, bp. of Ferns and Leigh- lin, June 15. Thos. I'letcher, L. P. May 14; d. 1761. Tich.d. Tobinson, bp. of Kildare; L. P. Apr. 13; made abp. of Tuam, 1765. . Chas. Jackson, T. P. Feb. 25. 1677. 1705. 1731. 1743. 1745. 17(51. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIſºS. 619 1790. Geo. Lewis Jones, L. P. June 5. 1864. John West, Feb. 5; also dean of 1804. Hon. Chas. Lindsay, L. P. May 14; St. Patrick; res. Christ Church, d. 1846. but retained St. Patrick’s. 1846. Hon. Hy. Pakenham, dean of St. 1885. Wm. Conyngham, ld. Plunket, abp. Patrick's. Held the two deane- Dublin, &c. ries; d. Dec. 25, 1863. 1887. Wm. Conyngham Greene. DEANS OF GLENL)ALOUGH. 1218. Robt. de Bedford, bp. of Lismore members it may have consisted, same year. “It is likely that on became gradually extinguished.” the annexation of the bishopric to —Cottom. Dublin, the chapter, of whatever DEANS OF KILDARE. 1212. Daniel. 1626. Wm. Cleborne, inst. Mar. 8. 1215 (about). Alan. 1661. Christr. Golborne, Mar. 21. 1260, Wm. Punchard. 1675. John Worth, L. P. Sept. 7 : dean of 1279. Stephen. St. Patrick, 1677. 1291. Petrus Capellanus. 1678. Simon Digby, Feb. 12; bp. of Lime- 1307. John. rick, 1678–9. 1319 (about). John de Conall. 1679. Saml. Synge, L. P. Apr. 17. 1333. Roger. 1708. John Clayton, Dec. 7 ; d. 1725. 1352. Gregorius de Salter (? Leixlip). 1725. Sankey Winter. Oct. 5; d. 1736. 1357. Gregory Holgin (? same man). 1737. Gabriel Jas. Maturin, Feb. 15; aft. 1366. Wm. Whyte. dean of St. Patrick's ; d. 1746. 1432. Nichs. Sherlock. 1746. Philip Fletcher, Dec. 9; d. 1765. 1472–78. Malachy Malvane, or O'Malone. 1765. Wm. Fletcher, June 5 ; d. 1771. 1500. Nichs. Conyll. 1772. Edwd. Ledwich, May 6; d. 1782. 1521. Edwd. Dillon. 1787. Dixie Blundell, Oct. 27; d. 1808. 1540. Wm. Miagh, or Meagh. 1808. Arth. John Preston, Dec. 15; dean 15—. David Stubin. of Limerick, 1809. 1553. Denis Ellan. 1809. Thos. Trench, Aug. 7 ; d. 1834. 15—. Thos. Ellis. 1834. Jas. Gregory, Mar. 16; d. 1859. 1610–15. Walter Walsh, d. 1621. 1859. John Wolseley, Apr. 2. DIOCESES OF OSSORY, FERNS, AND LEIGLHIN. THE SEE of Ossory was first planted at Saiger, in the territory of Ely O'Carrol, about the year 402, thirty years, it is said, before the arrival of St. Patrick. It was removed to Aghavoe, it is supposed, in 1052. Felix O'Dullany, bishop of Ossory, translated the see to Kilkenny about the close of Henry II.'s reign. FERNs took its name from the “hero Ferna, son of Caril, king of the Decies, who was slain in battle at this place by Gallus, the son of Morna.” The see was anciently archiepiscopal for a time; for in the early ages of Christianity, the title of Archbishop in Ireland, except in the case of Armagh, was not fixed to any particular see, but sometimes belonged to one, and sometimes to another city, according to the Sanctity and merits of the presiding bishop; and he was not denominated from his see, but from the province in which his bishopric was situated. LEIGHLIN, commonly called Old Leighlin, is situated about a mile and a half to the westward of the river Barrow. Here St. Laserian con- stituted an episcopal see about the year 628. 620 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. FERNs and LEIGHLIN were united in 1600, and on the death of bishop Elrington, in 1835, Ossory, FERNs, and LEIGHLIN were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 37. BISHOPS OF OSSORY. In the ancient writings the name abbot is frequently used instead of bishop ; so that the abbots of Saiger may have been bishops likewise. BISHOPS OR ALBOTS OF SAIGER. : : * * : : >k × >k > 1178. 1202. 1218. 1229. 1232. 1244. 1251. 1257. 1260. 1287. 1289, 1302. 1318. 1360. 1371. 1386. St. Kiaran, d. 549. St. Carthagh, the Elder. St. Sedna, flourished in 570. St. Killene MacLubney, archdn. ; d. 695. Laigdene MacDonennach, abbot; d. Tuntgall, abbot ; d. 771. Mocoach, abbot ; d. 783. Cucathach, abbot ; d. 788. Cobthach, abbot; d. 801. Feredach, abbot ; d. 809. Conchovar, abbot ; d. 810. Conmach, abbot; d. 826. Irgalach, abbot ; d. 832. Anluain, abbot ; d. 846. Cormac MacCladach, d. 867. Geran, abbot; d. 868. Slogad O'Raithnin, abbot; d. 885. Cormac, d. 907. Fergall MacMoelmorra, abbot; d. 919. Fogartach I., abbot ; d. 941. Kenfoelad MacSwiny, abbot ; d. on a pilgrimage at Glendalough. Flathlem, d. 984. Fogartach II., abbot (and of Glenda- lough); d. 1004. Dunchad O'Kellechuir, d. 1048. Rellach Rambar, d. 1079. Here is a blank of 73 years. 2% >k :k :k BIsIIOPS OF Ossor Y. Donald O’Fogarty, seated here in 1152. St. Felix O'Dullany. Hugh I. (Rufus). Peter Mannesin, canon of Ossory. Wm, of Kilkenny, chanc. of Ossory; I'0S. Walter Brackell, or Bracknell. Geoff. of Turvill, archdn. of Dublin. Hugh II. (de Mapilton), archdn. of Dublin. Hugh III. Jeffr. St. Leger. Roger of Wexford, dean of Kil. kenny. Michl. of Exeter, canon of Kilkenny. Wm. FitzJohn, tr. to Cashel. Richd. Ledred. John of Tatenale. Alexr. Balscot, canon ; tr. to Meath. Richd. Northalas, tr. to Dublin. 1397 1398. 1399. 1400. 1404. 1405. 1417. 1421. 1428. 1460. 1479. 1488. 1527. 1552. . Sir Thos. Vesey, bt. ; Thos. Peverel, tr. to Llandaff. John Griffin, tr. from Leighlin. John Waltham. - Roger of Appleby, prior of Newton dean of Lichfield. John Volcan, tr. from Dromore. Thos. Snell, tr. from Lismore. Patr. Ragged, tr. from Cork. Dennis O'Dea. Thos. Barry. David Hacket. John O'Hedian, archdn. of Cashel. Oliver Cantwell. Milo Baron, d. 1550. See vacant nearly 2 years. John Bale, the first Protestant bp. ; depr. . John Thonory, a Roman Catholic ; d. 1565. See vacant 2 years. . Christr. Gafney, preb. of St. Pat- rick’s. . Nichs. Walsh, chanc. of St. Pat- rick’s. . John Horsfall. . Richd. Dean, dean of Ossory. . Jonas Wheeler, dean of Christ Church, Dublin. . Griffith Williams. . John Parry, dean of Christ Church, Dublin. . Benjn. Parry, brother to the above ; dean of St. Patrick’s. . Michl. Ward, dean of Lismore ; tr. to Derry. . Thos. Otway, tr. from Killala and Achonry. 3. John Hartstonge, archdn. of Lime- rick; tr. to Derry. - tr. from Kil- laloe. . Edwd. Tennison, archdn. of Caer- marthen. . Chas. Este, archdn. of Armagh : tr. to Waterford. . . Anthy. Dopping, dean of Clonmacnois. . Michl. Cox, tr. to Cashel. . Edwd. Maurice. . Richd. Pocock, tr. to Meath, . Chas. Dodgson, tr. to Elphin. 5. Wrm. Newcombe, tr. from Dromore ; tr. to Waterford. . John Hotham, archdn. of Middlesex; tr. to Clogher. Hon. Wm. Beresford, tr. from Dro- more ; tr. to Tuam. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 621 1795. 1798. + $ 6:32. . * % k %. 3% -k 2: $3. 628. 865. 943. 969. 1048. 1113. 1144. 1152. 1158. Thos. Lewis O'Beirne, private sec. to the ld.-lieut., rector of Long- ford, &c.; tr. to Meath. Hugh Hamilton, tr. from Clonfert. | 1806. John Kearney, provost of Trinity College, Dublin. | 1813. Robt. Fowler, archdn. of Dublin. See united to Ferns and Leighlin, 1835. See “Bishops of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin,” post, p. 622. BISHOPS OF FERNS. St. Edan, seated here in 598; d. 632. St. Molin. Dachuan, or Mochuan Luachra, abbot ; d. 652. Tuenoch MacFintan, abbot ; d. 662. Coman, d. 675. Moedogair, d. 676. Diratus, d. 692. Cillenius, d. 714. Arectacius MacCuanach, abbot; d. 737. © MacColgan, abbot ; d. 744. Reodaigh, abbot; d. 758. Dubenracht MacFergus, abbot; d. 776. Finnachta, d. 794. +& Rillene, d. 814. There is a chasm of a hundred years, in which no mention is to be found either of bishop or abbot of Ferns. This is probably owing to the ravages of the Danes, who spread destruction on every side. In 834. Ferns was burnt by them. Laidgmen, d. 937. Flathguss, abbot; d. 944. Finnacht MacLactan, d. 956. Carbre O'Laigdnen, abbot ; d. 965. Conan MacCathan, abbot; d. 975. Constans O'Laigdmen, abbot; d. 996. Cornelius O'Laigdmen, d. 1042. Dermod O'Rudican, d. 1048. Marchad O'Laigdmen, d. 1062. Flan O'Corboy. Fogdath O'Haurecan. Nelan MacDonegan. x: x >|< xit X; Xk >< x< >k >k Ugair O'Laigdnen, d. 1085. Carbrick O’Kerny, d. 1095. Gelasy, or Kellach O’Colman, d. 1117. Carthag O'Malgebry. Moelisa O’Cathlan. Roderick, or Rory O'Traffy. Brigdin O'Cathlan. . Jos. O'Hethe. . Albin O'Mulloy, abbot of Baltinglass. . John St. John. . Jeffrey St. John. . Hugh Lamport. . Richd. de Northampton, canon of Rillaloe. . Simon de Evesham. . Robt. Walrand. . Adam de Northampton. . Hugh de Saltu, depr. by the pope. Geoff. Grosseld. . John Esmond, depr. by the pope. . Wm. Charnels. . Thos. Den, archdn. of Ferns. . Patr. Barret. . Robt. Whittey, or Whitby. . John Purcell I. . Laurence Nevill. See vacant nearly 2 years. . Edmd. Comerford, dean of Kilkenny. . Nichs. Comyn, tr. to Waterford. . John Purcell II. . Alexr. Devereux. . John Devereux, dean of Ferns. . Hugh Allen, preb. of Sarum ; the first Protestant bishop. See united to Leighlin, 1600. See “Bishops of Ferns and Leighlin,” post, p. 622. BISEIOPS OF LEIGHILIN. St. Laserian. :k >k >k × Manchin. >k 2k :k >k Condla MacDunecan. Daniel. Sk >k >{< Cleirec O'Muinic. >k :k >k Condla O'Flain. Sluagad O'Catan. Dungall O'Cellaic. Donat, d. 1185. See vacant some years. | 1199. 1201. 1217. 1227. 1252. 1277. 1309. 1320. 1341. 1349. 1363 1385 John, abbot of Rosea Valle. . Harlewin, or Herlewin. Richd. Fleming. William, archdn. of Leighlin. Thomas. Nichs. Chevers, archdn. Maurice of Blanchvill, canon. Miler le Poer. Wm. St. Leger. Thos. of Brakenberg. (? 1360). John Young, ; * , Leighlin. John Griffin, chanc. of Limerick; tr. to Ossory. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1399. Richd. Rocomb. 1523. See vacant 2 years. 1422. John Mulgan, rector of Lin, in 1527. Meath. 1550. 1432. Thos. Fleming, canon of Kilkenny. 1555. 1458. Milo Roche. 1567. 1490. Nichs. Maguire. 1513. Thos. Halsay, the pope's protho- | 1589. notary for Ireland; assisted at the Lateran Council in 1515 and 1600. 1516: never saw his bishopric. See vacant 4 years. Maurice Doran, murd. by his archdn, Maurice Cavenagh. Matt. Sanders. Robt. Travers, depr. 1555. Thos. Field. Dan. Cavenagh. See vacant 2 years. Richd. Meredyth,dean of St.Patrick's. See vacant 3 years. Robt. Grave, dean of Cork. On whose advancement to the see, it was united to Ferns. See “Bishops of Ferns and Leighlin,” infra. BISHOPS OF FERNS AND LEIGHILIN. 1600. Robt. Grave, above-named. 1744. Nichs. Stafford, chanc. of Ferns. 1605. Thos. Rarn, dean of Ferns. 1752. 1635. Geo. Andrew, dean of Limerick ; d. 1758. 1648. See vacant 12 years. 1660. Robt. Price, dean of Connor. 1761. 1666. Richd. Boyle, dean of Limerick. 1765. 1683. Narcissus Marsh, provost of Dublin | 1772. College ; tr. to Cashel. 1691. Barth. Vigors, dean of Armagh. 1782. 1722. Josiah Hort, dean, of Ardagh ; tr. 1787. to Kilmore and Ardagh. . John Hoadly, archdn. of Salisbury; tr. to Dublin. 1759. 1789. Robt. Downes, dean of Derry; tr. to Down and Connor. John Garnet, tr. to Clogher. Hon. Wm. Carmichael, tr. Clonfert; tr. to Meath. Thos. Salmon. Richd. Robinson, tr. to Kildare. Chas. Jackson, tr. to Kildare. Edwd. Young, tr. from Dromore. Hon. Jos. Deane Bourke, dean of Dromore; tr. to Tuam. Walter Cope, tr. from Clonfert and Rilmacduach. Wm. Preston, tr. from Killala and Achonry. Euseby Cleaver, tr. from Cork and Ross. Hon. Percy Jocelyn, tr. to Clogher. Lord Robt. Ponsonby Tottenham, tr. from Killaloe; tr. to Clogher. Thos. Elrington, tr. from Limerick; from 1729. Arth. Price, tr. from Clonfert ; tr. 1809. to Meath. 1820. 1734. Edwd. Synge, tr. from Cloyne; tr. to Elphin. 1822. 1740. Geo. Stone, dean of Derry ; tr. to d. 1835. Kildare. * & * º 1743. Wm. Cotterell, dean of lèaphoe. See united to Ossory, 1835. See “Bishops of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin,” infra. BISHOPS OF OSSORY, FERNS, AND LEIGHLIN. 1835. Robt. Fowler, bp. of Ossory, see 1875. Robt. Saml. Gregg, tr. to Cork. ante, p. 621. 1842. Jas. Thos. O'Brien. 1878. Wm. Pakenham Walsh, dean of Cashel, elect. Aug. 30. DEANS OF OSSORY. 1210. Sº ###. 1218–28. Odo, or Hugh. 1245–50. Hy. Pembroke. 12—. Robt. de Dunkit. 12—. John de Bally ganran. 1268–71. Wm. de Balreput. 1269. Roger de Wexford, bp. of Ossory, 1287. 1292 to 1312. John Lupus, or de Low, 1309 (?). Jacobus. 1319-24. Nichs. Fitzjohn. 1333. Adamāºrriñº, or Trillock(No.1). 1505. 15—. Wm. Comerford. 1333. John le Baron. 1847. Adamie Triſieck, or Trillock(No.2). 15– | 1355. |isº. 383. 1413. 1419. Between 1417 and 1426. Nichs. Hacket. | 1436. 1469. 1471. i 1493. John. Thos. Waferton, or de Waverton. Michl. Delafield. John Stafford, Apr. 14. John Curk (Cusack?). Thos. Gellian. Thos. Archer. John Strang, or Strange. Edmd. Comerford, bp. of Ferns about 1505. - Jas. Cleere. Louis Dedder. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. (523 1547. 1552. 1559. 1582. 1603. 1610. 1612. 1617. 1621. 1626. 1661. 1666. 1262. 1311. 1325. 1331. 1345. 1347. Jas. Briton; d. 1552. Thos. Lancaster. Wm. Johnson. David Cleere. Richd. Deane, bp. of Ossory, 1610. John Todd. Barnabus Boulger, L. P., Oct. 24. Absalom Gethin, July 17. Jenkin Mayes, Dec. 8. Edwd. Warren, Dec. 19. Chas. Cullen, L. P., Apr. 15; res. same year. Thos. Ledisham. Danl. Neyland, L. P., July 28. 1668. 1671. 1674. 1675. 1703. 1747. 1755. 1784. 1843. 1877. Jos. Teate, L. P., Feb. 20. Thos. Hill, L. P., Mar. 11; d. 1673. Benj. Parry, L. P., Feb. 19 ; bp. of Ossory, 1677. John Pooley, L. P., Mar. 6; bp. Raphoe, 1702. Robt. Mossom, L. P., Feb. 25 ; d. 1747. Robt. Watts, L. P., May 14. John Lewis, L. P., Mar. 20. Hon. Jos. Bourke, Aug. 29; d. 1843. Chas. Vignoles, L. P., June 10. Thos. Hare. DEANS OF FERNS. Name not mentioned. Nichs. de Sandford. Dionysius, or Denis. Nichs. Moncell. Geoffry Whitley. Robert. 1366–76. Wm. St. John. 1401. 1453. 14—. 14—. 1531. 1537. 1558. 1559. 1569. 1590. 1592. 1601. 1610. 1626. 1629. 1643. 1662. 1666. 1670. 11—. 1199 1298 1346. 1401. 1432. 1494. 1506. 1521. 1541–63. Dermit 1580. 1591 1597 1— Thos. Nevylle. Thos. Petyt. Wm. Dirle, or Dule. Hy. Roche. Thos. Pursell. Thos. Hay, L. P., Feb. 15; d. 1558. John Garvie, or Garvey. John Devereux. Walter Turner, L. P., Jan. 11. Wm. Campyon, or Champion, L.P., Oct. 9. Walter Turner, Jan. 18; see 1569. Thos. Ram. John Thoms. Thos. Ram, jun., L. P., Feb. 11. Robt. Wilson, L. P., Feb. 19. Anthy. Procter, L. P., Mar. 11. John Watson, L. P., Mar. 27. John Creighton, Oct. 26; d. 1670. Benj. Phipps, L. P., May 23. 1671. 1682. 1694. 1719. 1720. 1724. 1728. 1733. 1734. 1740. 1747. 1769. 1787. 1794. 1842. 1862. 1879. Robt. Osborne, L. P., Apr. 11 (?). Tobias Pullen, L. P., Apr. 25; bp of Cloyne, 1694. Thos. Cox, L. P., Dec. 21. Wm. Crosse, L. P., Apr. 2. Arth. Price. L. P., Mar. 31. Pascal, or Paul Ducasse, L. P. May 5. Thos. Sawbridge, L. P., Jan. 28. Geo. Stone, L. P., Aug. 22; aft dean of Derry, &c. Jos. Story, L. P., Mar. 14. Robt. Watts, L. P., Mar. 6. John Alcock, L. P., June 15 : d 1769. Richd. Marlay, inst. Dec. 26; bp. of Clonfert, 1787. Hon. Thos. Stopford, Nov. 21; bp. of Cork and Ross, 1794. Peter Browne, L. P., Dec. 6; 1842. Hy. Newland, inst. Jan. 19, 1843. Hamilton Verschoyle, L. P., Apr. 4: res. Same year. Wm. Atkins, L. P., Nov. 21. John Robt. Dowse. d. DEANS OF LEIGHILIN. M. to 1201. Robert. to 1312. John Chevars. Wm. Cryspyn. John Heygarth (? Heygate). Nichs. Cloal. David Corrin, Curwen, Curram, or Curwin, Cornelius O’Curran. Cornelius. Cavanagh, or Keve- nagh. Roger Hooker. . Walter Harpoll (? Hartpoole). . Walter Hatfield, L. P., Nov. 16. . Moses Powell; d. 1603. 1604. 1614. 1618. 1637. 1666. 1668. 1672. 1692. 1696. 1723. 1749. 1755. 1765. 1777. Thos. Tedder, Feb. 22; d. 1614. Ralph Barlow. John Parker, L. P., July 6. Hugh Cressy, inst. Aug. 11. John Nearne, Mar. 15; res. 1668. Geo. Burdett, L. P., Feb. 3 ; d. 1671. Saml. Burgess, L. P., Jan. 1. Noah Webb, L. P., Aug. 12. John Francis, L. P., Aug. 12. Wm. Crosse, L. P., July 19. Barth. Vigors, L. P., Dec. 26. John Fetherston, May 26; d. 1764. Chas. Doyne, L. P., Jan. 21 ; d. 1777. g Richd. Stewart, July 25; d. 1778. 624 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1778. Stewart Blacker, Apr. 25; res. 1804. 1854. Jas. Lyster, L. P., Nov. 14. 1804. Geo. Maunsell, Oct. 6; res. 1822. 1864. Wm. Bernard Lauder, L. P., July 1822. Hon. Richd. Boyle Bernard, L. P., 11; d. 1868. Aug. 22. 1868. Fras. Metcalf Watson, L. P., Apr. 1850. Hugh Usher Tighe, L. P., Apr. 22; 15; d. 1876. res. 1854. 1877. Wm. Smyth King. DIOCESES OF CASHEL, EMLY, WATERFORD, AND LISMORE, CORMAC, king and bishop of CASHEL, is reputed to have been the founder or the restorer of the cathedral of Cashel, and we have few traces of the bishops before his time. Cashel became archiepiscopal in 1152, but under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 37, was reduced to a bishopric on the death of Archbishop Laurence in 1839. EMLY is a very ancient see, and is supposed to have been founded by St. Patrick. The place is mentioned by some of the old historians as a large and flourishing city, but it is now a poor and inconsiderable village. The cathedral is dedicated to St. Ailbe, who is named as the first bishop, and who died September 12, 527. THE cathedral of WATERFoRD, dedicated to the Blessed Trinity, was first built by the Ostmen, and by Malchus, the first bishop, after his return from England from his consecration, about 1096. LISMORE was founded by St. Carthage about 636, and Cormac, the son of Muretus, king of Munster, repaired it before 1130. There was a see at Ardmore, founded by St. Declan, in the infancy of the Irish Church, but it was united to Lismore, soon after the arrival of the English. EMLY was united to CASHEL in 1568, and LISMORE was united to WATERFORD in 1358 or 1863. On the death of Bishop Bourke in 1832, CASHEL, EMILY, WATERFORD, and LISMORE were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 37. BISHOPS OF CASHEL. 901. Cormac MacCulinan, d. 908. | 1131. Moelisa O’Foglada. * * Donald O’Hene, d. 1098. 1137. Donat O'Conaing. 1118. Miler, or Melmurray O’Duman. ARCHIBISHOPS OF CASEIEL. * * Donat O'Lonergan I., seated here be- 1216. Donat O'Lonergan III. ; res. fore 1152; as in that year he was 1224. Marian O'Brien, tr. from Cork. invested with the pallium by cardl. 1238. David MacKelly, tr. from Cloyne. Paparo, the pope's legate. 1253. David MacCarwill, dean of Cashel. 1158. Donald O'Hullucan. 1291. Steph. O’Brogan, archdn. of Glen- 1182. Maurice. * dalough. 1192. Matthew O’Heney. 1803. Maurice MacCarwill, archdn. 1206. Donat O'Lonergan II. 1317. Wm. Fitz-John, tr. from Ossory. . THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 625 1327. 1330. 1332. 1345. 2k x: 1365. 1374. 448 >k × >k >k >< x< >< *; >k >k × × > § x: xī; 1163. 1172. 1177. 1197. 1212. 1228. The pope, at the king's request, made void two elections made by two parties in the chapter and chose this prelate. John O'Carrol, dean of Cork. Walter le Rede, tr. from Cork. John O'Grada, friar of Cashel. Ralph Kelly. Geo. Roche, d. 1362. See vacant some years. Thos. O'Carrol, tr. from Tuam. Philip de Torrington, Franciscan friar. See vacant 4 years. 1384. 1406. 1450. 1483. 1504. 1527, 1553. 1567. Peter Hacket, archdn. Richd. O’Hedian, archdn. See vacant 10 years. John Cantwell. David Creagh. Maurice Fitzgerald. Edmd. Butler, d. 1550. See vacant 3 years. Roland Baron. See vacant 6 years. Jas. MacCoghwell, the first pro- testant abp. See united to Emly 1568. See “Archbishops of Cashel and Bishops of Emly,” post, p. 626. BISHOPS OF EMLY. . St. Ailbe, d. 527. Conaing O'Daithil, d. 660. Comamail MacCartiag, d. 707. Cellach, d. 718. Senchai, d. 778. Cuan, d. 784. Sectabrat, d. 819. Flan MacFlamchellaic, d. 825. Olchobar MacKimede, king of Cashel, d. 850. Maneus Hac Huargusa, d. 857. Caenfelad, king of Cashel, d. 872. Rudgall MacFingail, d. 882. Concen Mathair, d. 887. Owen MacCenfeolad, d. 889. Moelbrigid. d. 895. Miscelus, d. 898. Flan MacConail, d. 903. Tibraid MacMaelfin, d. 912. Edchada MacScanlain, d. 941. Huarach, d. 953. Mel Killach, d. 957. Feolan MacCellaid, d. 981. Cenfada, d. 990. Columb MacLagenan, d. 1003. Cormac O’Fin, d. 1020. Serbrethae, d. 1027. Maelfinan, d. 1040. O'Flanchua, d. 1047. Clothna Muimnech, d. 1049. Moelmorda, d. 1075. Moelisa O'Harachtain, d. 1093. O'Ligbai, d. 1122. Moelmorda MacInclodnai. Deicola. Moelisa O'Lageman. O'Meiciti, or O'Meleic. Chas. O'Buacalla, abb. of Melli- font. Regd. O'Flanua. No certainty of his successor. EIenry. John Collingham. 1236. 1251. 1266. 1272. 1275. 1282. 1306. 1309. 1335. 1356. 1363. 1422. 1431. 1444. 1448. 1459. >< *; 1498. 1543. 1554. Christian. Gilbert O’Doverty, dean. Florence of Emly, canon. Matt. MacGorman, archdn. David O'Cuffy, or O'Cassy, abbot of Holy Cross, Tipperary. Wm. de Clifford. Thos. Cantock, canon. Wm. Roghened, dean. Richd. de Walleys. John Esmond, archdn. of Ferns. William, archdn. Nicholas. John Rishberry, delayed to expedite his letters of provision. Robt. Windell, app. by the pope; Ine Wer COIn Se C. Thos. Burgh, delayed to expedite his letters of provision. Robt. Portland, never consec. These four were named by the pope, and the disputes which arose were the cause of the episcopal re- venues being for a long time re- turned into the king's exchequer. Thomas. Robert, of England, app. by the pope on Thomas's death; but he was either rejected, or app. bp. of Tiberias in Galilee. Cornelius O'Cunlis, tr. to Clonfert. Cornelius O'Mulledy, tr. from Clon- fert. See vacant 10 years. Wrm. O’Hedian. Philip, d. 1494. Chas. MacBrien, canon. Thos. Hurley, d. 1542. AEneas O'Heffernan. Raymund de Burgh, d. 1562. See united to Cashel 1568. See “Archbishops of Cashel, and Bishops of Emly,” post, p. 626. 40 626 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1568. 1571. 1623. 1640. 1661. 1667. 1691. 1694. 1726. ARCHIBISHOPS OF CASHEL AND BISHOPS OF EMLY. Jas. MacCaghwell, abp. of Cashel; see Cashel, ante, p. 624. Miler Magragh ; who, becoming a Protestant, was, by Q. Elizabeth, promoted to this see; d. 1622, aged 100 years. Malcolm Hamilton, chanc. of Down. Archd. Hamilton, tr. from Killala and Achonry; d. 1569. Thos. Fulwar, tr. from Ardfert. Thos. Price, tr. from Kildare 1684. The see vacant until Narcissus Marsh, tr. from Ferns and Leighlin; tr. to Dublin. Wm. Palliser, tr. from Cloyne. Wm. Nicholson, tr. from Derry. 1727. 1730. 1744. 1752. 1754. 1779. 1801. 1822. Timothy Godwin, tr. from Kilmore and Ardagh. Theoph. Bolton, tr. from Elphin. Arth. Price, tr. from Meath. John Whitcombe, tr. from Down and Connor. Michl. Cox, tr. from Ossory. Chas. Agar, tr. from Cloyne; aft.wisc. Somerton and E. of Normanton. Hon. Chas. Brodrick, tr. from Kil- Iſl Ore. Richd. Lawrence, Ełebrew, Oxford. See united to Waterford and Lismore, 1833. reg. prof. of ..See “Archbishops of Cashel, and Bishops of Emly, Waterford, and Lismore,” post, p. 627. 1096. •k * + + 1175 Sk sk 1204. 1210. 1223. 1227. × Sk . 2k : : . . 1363. 1394. 1896. BISHOPS OF WATERFORD. Malchus. Melisa O'Hamire, d. 1136. Tuistius, or Tostius, seated here in 1H 52. . Augustine. Robt. I., seated here in 1200. David. Robt. II. Wm. Wace, dean. Walter I. Steph. I., seated here in 1238. 1249. 1252. 1255. 1273. 1286. 1307. 1323. 1338. 1349. 1350. Henry, archdn. Philip, deam. Walter II. Steph. de Fulburn II. Walter de Fulburn III., dean. Matthew. Nichs. Welifed, dean. Richd. Francis. Robt. Elyot, dep. 1350. Roger Cradock, tr. to Llandaff. See united to Lismore 1363. See “Bishops of Waterford and Lismore,” infra. BISHOPS OF LISMORE. St. Carthage, promoted about 631–6 ; d 637. Hierologus, d. 698. Colman, or Mocholmoc, son of Fin- bar, d. 702. St. Croman, d. 717. Colman O'Liathan, d. 725. Macoge, d. 746. Roman, d. 763. CormacMac Culeman, bp. of Lismore, and prince of Decies, in Munster; d. 903. O'Mail Sluaig, d. 1025. Moriertach O'Selbaic, d. 1034. MacAirthir, d. 1064. Mal-Duin O'Rebacain, d. 1191. Mac-Mic-Oeducan, d. 1113. - Gilla-Mocuda O’Rebacain, d. 1129. × 2% 1150. × X >k x 1218. 1223. 1248. 1253. | 270. 1279. 1309. 1324. 1358. Malchus, seated here in 1134. Christian O'Conarchy, res. 1175. Felix, d. before 1200. O'Heda, d. 1206. An uncertain blank here, impossible to fill up. Robt. of Bedford. Griffin Christopher, chanc. of Lis- IOClOI’0. Alan O’Sullivan, tr. from Cloyne. Thos., treas r. of Lismore. John Roche, chanter of Lismore. Richd. Corr, chanc. of Lismore. Wm. le Fleming, archdn. of Lismore. John Leynagh. Thos. le Reve. See united to Waterford 1363. See “Bishops of Waterford and Lismore,” infra. BISHOPS OF WATERFORD AND LISMORE. 1397. John Deping. Thos. le Reve, bp, of Lismore, above- named. Robt. de Reade, tr. to Chichester. Thos. Sparkford, 1399. 1405. Thos. Snell, archdn. of Glendalough; tr. to Ossory. Roger. e THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 627 1409. John Gese. 1641. Archd. Adair, tr. from Killala and 1426. Richd., archdn. of Lismore. Achonry; d. 1647. 1446. Robt. Poer, dean of Limerick. The see remained vacant till the 1472. Richd. Martin. *- Restoration. 1475. John Bolcomp. 1661. Geo. Baker. 1480. Nichs. O'Henisy. 1666. Hugh Gore, dean of Lismore. 1482. John. 1691. Nath. Foy, minister of St. Bridget's, 1486. Thos. Pursell. Dublin. - * * Nichs. Comin, tr. from Ferns; res. 1708. Thos. Milles. 1519. 1740. Chas. Este, tr. from Ossory. 1551. Patr. Walsh, dean of Waterford. 1745. Richd. Chenevix, tr. from Killaloe. 1579. Marm, Middleton, tr. to St. David's. 1779. Wm. Newcombe, tr. from Ossory. 1582. Miler Magragh, res. 1589; again succ. 1795. Richd. Marlay, tr. from Clonfert. 1592; and again res. 1607. 1802. Hon. Power Trench, tr. to Elphin. 1589. Thos. Wetherhead. 1810. Jos. Stock, tr. from Killala. 1592. Miler Magragh, again. 1813. Hon. Richd. Bourke, dean of Ardagh; 1607. John Lancaster. d. Nov. 15, 1832. 1619. Michl. Boyle, dean of Lismore. * º 1636. John Atherton, chanc. of Christ- sº ited to Cashel and Emly Church. i. See “Archbishops of Cashel, and Bishops of Emly, Waterford, and Lismore,” infra. ARCHBISHOPS OF CASHEL AND BISEIOPS OF EMLY, WATERORD, AND LISMORE. 1888. Richd. Lawrence, abp. of Cashel, and On his death Cashel was reduced to bp. of Emly,above-named; d. 1839. a bishopric. See “Bishops of Cashel, Emly, Waterford, and Lismore,” infra. BISHOPS OF CASHEL, EMLY, WATERFORD, AND LISMORE. 1839. Stephen C. Sandes, tr. from Killaloe, 1843. Robt. Dayaly. &c. 1872. Maurice Fitzgerald Day, Mar. 19. * DEANS OF CASHEL. - Between 1224 and 1238. Thomas. 1661. Essex Digby, inst. Feb. 27; bp. of Before 1238. David MacKelly was dean; Dromore, 1670. bp. Cloyne, 12–; abp. of Cashel, | 1671. Caesar Williamson, inst. Aug. 9; d. 1238; d. Mar. 2, 1253. May 1676. Before 1253. David MacCarwill, abp. of 1676. John Glandie, inst. July 4; d. Jan. Cashel, 1253; d. 1269. 22, 1694. 1254. Thaddaeus O’Brien. 1694. Hy. Price, inst. Mar. 17; d. 1706. 1260. Keran, or Kyran. 1706. Wm. Mullart, or Maillart, inst. Apr. 1267. Roland. 4, 1707; d. May 8, 1713. 1269. David. 1714. John Wetherby, inst. May 7; d. 1282 and 1289. Antonius. 1736. 1302–6. Philip Broder. 1736. Wm. Gore, inst. Nov. 2; bp. of Clon- 1346. Richd. Fitzjohn. fert, 1758. 1402–12. Richd. Barry. 1758. Thos. Paul, inst. June 5 ; res. 1429–37. David O'Dwyer. 1769. 1452. Cornelius. 1769. John Jebb, L. P., June 22; d. 1787. 1467–85. John Hodian, or Hedian. 1787. Jos. Palmer, inst. June 22 ; d. May k * * k 1, 1829. 1616. John Todd, bp. of Down, &c., 1829. Saml. Adams, inst. Aug. 29. 1606. 1856. Ogle Wm. Moore, L. P., Feb. 25; 1608, Lewis Jones, June 16; bp. of Killa- res. 1861. loe, 1633; d. aged 104. 1862. John Cotter MacDonnell, L. P., Feb. 1633. Wm. Chappell, inst. Aug. 20; bp. of 24. Cork, 1638. 1873. Wm. Pakenham Walsh. 1639. Richd. Howlett, inst. Mar, 9. 1878. Arth. Hy. Leech. 40 * 628 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1219. IDEANS OF EMILY. D***** 1221 and 1227. Pº. 1240. 1245. 1295. 1305. 1542. 1602. W**** Gilbert O'Doherty; elect. bp. 1251. Philip. Wm. Roghened, or Roughhead, bp. of Emly, 1309. Donogh Ryan, Aug. 24. Donat Hogan; d. Same year. Hugh Hogan. Before 1615. Kennedy O'Brian. 1615. 1621. 1627. J 640. 1666. 1669. 1675. 1685. 1693. 1697. 1223. | 252. 1284. 1308. 1312. 1323. 1365. 1372. 1379. 1395. 1396. 1481. 1484. 1522. 1547. 1566. 1570. 1615. 1621. 1623. 1625. 1634. 1635. 1260. 1281. 2: 34 John Darling. Edwd. Warren, Nov. 12. Andr. O’Donellan. John Crayford, inst. May 21. Wm. Burleigh, Apr. 24. Tempest Illingworth, L.P. Sept. 19. Geo. Mundy, L. P. Feb. 27. Robt. Ewing, L. P. Sept. 4 ; d. 1685. Ulysses Burgh, L. P. May 9; bp. of Ardagh, 1692. Thos. Smythe, L. P., inst. Apr. 12; bp. of Limerick, &c., 1695. Richd. Reader, inst. July 2. 1701. 1710. 1714. 1735. 1736. 1765. 1766. 1775. 1776, 1818. 1826. 1845. 1852. 1864. Enoch Reader, L. P. July 10; d. 1709. John Wetherby, inst. June 29; res. 1713. Wm. Perceval, inst. Aug. 28; d. 1735. Jas. Auchmuty, L. P. July 10; res. 1736. John Brandreth, inst. Oct. 15. John Averell, inst. Apr. 19; bp. of Limerick, &c., 1771. Jas. Hawkins, July 17 ; bp. of Dro- more, 1775. Wm. Evelyn, inst. Sept. 7 ; d. 1776. Richd. Moore, L. P. June 9 ; June 1818. Hy. Vesey Fitzgerald, inst. July 11; res. 1826. Thos. Philip Lefanu, inst. Apr. 21; d. June 24, 1845. Brabazon Wm. Disney, inst. Oct. 11. Denis Browne, L. P. Apr. 28. Wm. Alexander, L. P. Aug. 24; bp. of Derry and Raphoe, 1867. Chapter united to Cashel by Statute of the General Synod for 1872. DEANS OF WATERFORD. Wm. Wace, dean; b.p. this year. Philip, ditto. Walter de Fulburn; bp. 1286. David le Waleys. David (? the same). Nichs. Welifed, dean ; bp. this year. Walter le Reve. Lucas de Londres. John Reder. Walter de Ludlow. Wm. Whyte. Robt. Bron, or Brown. John Collyne. Robt. Lombard; d. 1547. Patr. Walsh ; bp. 1551. Peter White. David Cleeve, Aug. 9. Richd. Boyle, bp. of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, 1620; abp. of Tuam, 1638. Hy. Sutton, L. P. Nov. 17. Anthy. Martin, May 18; bp. of Meath, 1625. Richd. Jones, Mar. 26. Thos. Gray, May 31. Jas. Margetson, May 25; abp. of 1638. 1640. 1662. 1666. 1671. 1678. 1685. 1692. 1697. 1723. 1759. 1784. 1804. 1850. 1877. Dublin, 1661; abp. of Armagh, 1663. Edwd. Parry, inst. Mar. 20. Gervase Thorpe, L. P. Apr. 28 ; inst. July 29. Thos. Potter, L. P. Feb. 6. Thos. Ledisham, L. P. June 29. Danl. Burston, L. P. June 9. Arth. Stanhope. L. P. Jan. 20. Thos. Wallis, L. P. Nov. 27. John Dalton, L. P. Feb. 14. John Eeles, L. P. Apr. 6. Hugh Bolton, L. P. Jan. 17; d. Dec. 1758. Cutts Harman ; presented Mar. 7. Christr. Butson, Apr. 2; bp. of Clon- fert, &c., 1804. Hon. Wm. Montgomery Cole, inst. Aug. 11; d. same year. Ussher Lee, dean of Kilmacduagh;, inst. Dec. 22. Thos. Stewart Townshend, L. P. Aug. 21; bp. of Meath same year. Edwd. Newenham Hoare, L. P. Now. 26; d. 1877. John Morgan. DEANS OF LISMORE. Thos. de Wodeford. Philip. Roger Russell. 1320. 1346. 1403. Walter le Fleming. Michl. le Fleming. Wm. Walshe, Mar. 3. THE BOOK OF I) IGNITIES. 629 1421. Philip Wyott. 1670. Michl. Ward, L. P. Nov. 29; bp. of 1548. Edwd. Power. Ossory, 1678. 1551–2. Denis Morris. 1678. Edwd. Jones, L. P. Nov. 16; bp. of 15–. Peter Lewis, res. 1564. Cloyne, 1682. 1564. Gerald FitzJames Fitzgerald, June | 1683. Barzillai Jones, adm. Nov. 5. 17. 1692. Wm. Jephson, L. P. Jan. 6; d. Apr. 1583. John Prendergast, L. P. Sept. 11, 1720. 12. 1719. Arthur Price É? 1610. Thos. Wilson, L. P. Feb. 15 ; res. 1720. Wm. Crosse, L. P. May 28. 1614. 1723. John Francis, L. P. Aug. 2; d. 1724. 1614. Michl. Boyle, L. P. Dec. 6; also bp. 1724. Wm. Burscough (?). of Waterford, &c., 1619. 1725. Alexr. Alcock, L. P. July 22. 1622. Edwd. Brouncker, L. P. Apr. 30. 1747. Washington Cotes, L. P. Dec. 26 ; Robt. Daborne, L. P. June 14; d. d. 1762. Mar. 1628. 1762. John Ryder, L. P. May 22; d. Apr. 1628. John Grey, Apr. 3. 18, 1791. 1630. Robt. Naylor, inst. Mar. 24; res. 1791. John Whetham, inst. Sept. 14 ; d. Mar. 1640. May 1, 1796. 1640. Edwd. Parry, inst. May 11; bp. of 1796. John Scott, L. P. June 11; d. 1828. Rillaloe, 1647. 1828. John Bayley, inst. July 12; d. June 1647. Robt. Parry, L. P. May 7. 1831. 1661, Richd. Underwood, L. P. Feb. 5; 1831. Sir Geo. Bisshopp, inst. July 30; d. d. 1664. 1834. 1664. Hugh Gore, inst. Apr. 7 ; bp. 1666. 1834. Hy. Cotton, Dec. 16. 1666. Richd. Lingard, L. P. Mar. 2; d. 1850. Hy. Montagu Browne. 1670. 1884. Hy. Brougham. DIOCESES OF CORK, CLOYNE, AND ROSS. THERE is little to be found in ancient writers concerning the foundation of the cathedral of CoRK, but it is generally ascribed to St. Barr or Finbarr, in the seventh century. Through length of time the church became quite ruinous, but some years ago it was completely rebuilt, and is now a handsome structure. Ross was, most likely, founded by St. Fachnan, who flourished in the 'beginning of the sixth century, and “who lived in a monastery of his own erection.” He was called Fachnan Mongach, or the “Hairy,” having been born with hair; and was abbot of a monastery in th island of Molanfid, near the town of Youghal, formerly called Dar-Inis. There a city grew up, in which was a large seminary for scholars, called Ross-Ailithri. When the cathedral was founded, or who was the first bishop of it, it is impossible to ascertain. It seems probable, how- ever, that Fachnan was the first bishop. There are no records of this see until after the arrival of the English. CLOYNE was founded in the sixth century by St. Colman, the son of Limin, who was himself the first bishop of it. Who his immediate successors in the see were, it is difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain; nor can anything be said, with certainty, of the bishops, until after the arrival of the English. CoRK and CLoyNE were united by Pope Martin W. about 1430. Ross was added in 1583, and the bishops were styled “CoRK, CLOYNE, and Ross’ as at present. In 1638 a separate bishop was appointed to Cloyne; but after the Restoration the three sees were again united, and 630 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. so continued until 1678, when CLOYNE once more had a separate bishop, CORK and Ross still remaining united. - On the death of bishop Brinkley in 1835, CoRK, CLOYNE, and Ross were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 37. BISHOPS OF CORK. * * Geoff. White. - * * Marian O'Brien, tr. to Cashel, 1224. 1225. Gilbert, archdn. of Cork. * * Laurence, d. 1264. 1266. William of Jerepont. 1267. Reginald, treasr. of Cashel. 1277. Robt. Macdonogh. 1302. John MacCarvill, or O'Carrol, dean ; tr. to Meath. 1321. Philip of Slane. 1326. John le Blonde, dean of Cloyne (never consec.) 1327. Walter le Rede, canon ; tr. to Cashel. 1329. John de Baliconingham. He was made bp. of Down by the king, but his election was not confirmed - by the pope. 1347. John Roche, dean. 1359. Gerald de Barry, dean. 1396. Roger Ellesmere. 1406. Gerald. * * Patr. Raggad, tr. to Ossory, 1417. 1418. Milo FitzJohn, dean. See united to Cloyne, 1430. See “Bishops of Cork and Cloyne,” post, p. 631. BISHOPS OF CLOYNE. * * St. Barr, or Finbarr; seated here in G30. Of his immediate successors there are very imperfect accounts until the arrival of the English. * * St. Nessan. * * Russin, d. 685. 773. Selbaic. 961. Cathmogan. 990. Colum Mac Ciarucain. * * Cellach O'Selbaic, d. 1026. * * Neil O'Mailduib, d. 1027. 1028. Airtri Sailºt. * * Cathal, d. 1034. 1057. Mugron O'Mutan. 1086. Clerech O'Selbaic. 1107. Macloth d O'Hailgemen. 1111. Patr, O'Selbaic. The see of Cork was vacant about 1140, and then “a certain poor man" was nom., but his name is not mentioned. * * Gilla AEda O’Mugin, d. 1172. * * Gregory, d. 1186. * * Reginald. * * — O'Selbaic, d. 1205. * * St. Colman, d. 604. × 2k >k >k * * O'Malvain, d. 1094. * * Nehemiah Moriertach, d. 1149. * * O’Dubery, d. 1159. * * O'Flanagan, d. 1167. * * Matthew, d. 1192. * * Laurence O'Sullivan, d. 1204. * * Daniel, d. 1222. 1224. Florence. 1226. Patrick. * * David MacKelly, tr. to Cashel, 1238. 1240. Alan O’Sullivan, tr. to Lismore. 1249. Daniel, . Reginald, tr. from Down. . Alan O'Lonergan. . Nichs. de Effingham. . Maurice O’Solehan, archdn. . John de Cumba. John Bird, or Brid, abbot of Louth, Lincolnshire. . John Whittock, dean. . John de Swaffham. 5. Richd. Wye; depr. 94. Gerald Canton. >k * Adam Pay, or Pye, seated here in 1421. 1431. Jordan, chanc. of Limerick. Cloyne was now united to Cork (see Cork and Cloyne, and Cork, C/oyne, and Ross, post, p. 681), and continued so for nearly 200 years, until the appointment of 1638. Geo. Synge, d. 1653. 1679. 1682. 1692. I694. From the death of bp. Geo. Synge, the see continued vacant until the restoration of Chas. II., when it was again united to Cork and Ross under bps. Boyle and Edwd. Synge. See Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, post, p. 631. On the death of bp. Edwd. Synge, in 1678, Cloyne again had a separate bishop. - Patrk. Sheridan, dean of Connor. Edwd. Jones, dean of Lismore ; tr. to St. Asaph. Wm. Palliser, tr. to Cashel. Tobias Pullen, dean of Ferns; tr. to Dromore. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 631 1695. St. Geo. Ash, tr. to Clogher. visc. Somerton and E. of Nor- 1697. John Pooley, dean of Ossory, tr. to manton ; tr. to Cashel. Raphoe. 1780. Geo. Chinnery, tr. from Killaloe. 1702. Chas. Crow, provost of Tuam. 1781. Richd. Woodward, dean of Clogher. 1726. Hy. Maule, dean; tr. to Dromoré. 1794. Wm. Bennett, tr. from Cork and Ross. 1732. Edwd. Synge, tr. from Clonfert ; tr. 1820. Chas. Mongan Warburton, tr. from to Ferns and Leighlin. Limerick. 1734. Geo. Berkeley, dean of Derry. 1826. John Brinkley, archdn. of Clogher 1753. Jas. Stopford. and royal astronomer of Ireland. 1759. Robt. Johnson. 1767. Hon. Fredk. Hervey, tr. to Derry. 1768. Chas. Agar, dean of Kilmore ; aft. See again united to Cork and Ross 1835. See “Bishops of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross,” post, p. 632. BISHOPS OF CORK AND CLOYNE. Upon the death of Milo FitzJohn in 1430, the see of Cork was for a time committed to Nicholas, bp. of Ardfert, and Richd. Scurlog, archdn. of Cork ; but before the close of 1430, Jordan, chanc. of Limerick, was advanced by Pope Martin V. to the bishoprics of Cork and Cloyne, both vacant at one time, and then canonically united. 1431. Jordan, chanc. of Limerick. 1536. Dominick Tirrey. * * Gerald FitzRichard, d. 1479. 1557. Roger Skiddy, dean of Limerick, 1479 Wm. Roche, res. See vacant 4 years. 1490. Thady MacCarthy. 1570. Richd. Dixon; depr. * * Gerald, res. 1499 1572. Matth. Sheyn. 1499. John FitzEdmund, * * John Bennet, d. 1536. See “Bishops of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross,” infra. Sees united to Ross, 1583. BISHOPS OF ROSS. * * St. Fachman. 1378. Bernard O’Connor. >< × × Sk 1402. Steph. Brown. Sk St. Finchad. Matthew. d. 1418. * * Benedict, seated here in 1172. 1418. Walter Formay. * * Maurice, d. 1196. 1426. Cornelius MacElchade. 1197. Daniel. * * Thady, seated here in 1488. * * Florence, d. 1222. 1489. Odo. * * Robert, seated here in 1225. 1494. Edma. Courcey. * * Florence, or Finin O'Cloghena; res. | 1519. John Imurily, or Smurily, abbot of 1252. Maur. 1253. Maurice, chanter of Cloyne, * * Bonaventure, a Spaniard; was alive 1269. Walter O'Micthian. in 1523. 1275. Peter O'Hullucan. 1544. Dermod MacDomnuil. 1290. Laurence, canon, 1563. Thos. O'Herlihy, res. 1570. 1310. Matth. O’Fin. 1582. Wm. Lyon. 1331. Laurence O'Hullucan. See united to Cork and Cloyne, 1336. Dennis. 1583. See “Bishops of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross,” infra. BISHOPS OF CORK, CLOYNE, AND ROSS. 1583. Wm. Lyon, bp. of Ross, above-named. The see remained vacant until 1618. John Boyle. 1660. 1620. Richd. Boyle, dean of Waterford; tr. 1661. Michl, Boyle, dean of Cloyne; tr. to to Tuam. Dublin. 1638. Wm. Chappel, provost of Dublin | 1663. Edwd. Synge, tr. from Limerick. College; bp. of Cork and Ross only ; d. 1649. Cloyne separated 1678. Seo “Bishops of Cloyne,” ante, p. 630; and “Bishops of Cork and Ross,” post, p. 632. 632 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BISHOPS OF CORE AND ROSS. 1678. Edwd. Wetenhall, chanter of Christ Church; tr. to Kilmore and Ar- dagh. 1699. Dive Downs, archdn. of Dublin. 1710. Peter Brown, provost of Dublin College. 1735. Robt. Clayton, tr. from Killala ; tr. to Clogher. 1745. Jemmet Brown, tr. from Killala ; tr. to Elphin. 1772. Isaac Mann, archdn. of Dublin. 1789. Euseby Cleaver, rect. of Petworth, England; tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. 1789. 1790. 1794. 1806. 1807. 1831. Wm. Foster, chapl. to the house of commons; tr. to Kilmore. Wm. Bennett, chapl. to the E. of Westmoreland, ld.-lieut. ; tr. to Cloyne. Hon. Thos. Stopford, dean of Ferns. Ld. John Geo. de la Poer Beresford, dean of Clogher; tr. to Raphoe. Hon. Thos. St. Lawrence, dean of Cork. Saml. Kyle, prov. of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Sees again united to Cloyne, 1835. See “Bishops of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross,” infra. BISHOPS OF CORK, CLOYNE, AND ROSS. 1835. Saml. Ryle, bp. of Cork and Ross, above-named. 1848. Jas. Wilson. 1857. 1862. 1878. Wm. FitzGerald. John Gregg. Robt. Saml. Gregg, tr. from Ossory,&c. DEANS OF COREC. 1288. Philip. 1302. Jno. MacCarvill, or O'Carrol, bp. same year. 1323–26. Dionysius. * 1328–36. Philip Albus, or White. 1337. G. e 1347. Jno. de Rupe, or Roche, bp. 1347. 1348. Geraldimus, or Gerald de Barry, bp. 1359. 1370. Wm. Bull, bp. of Ardfert, &c., 1379. 13—. John Walsh. 1404. Milo Fitzjohn, bp. 1418. 15—. Thos. O'Heirnan, or O'Hiffernan. 1582. Thos. Long. 1590. Robt. Grave. 1600. Thos. Ram ; also dean of Ferns; bp. of Ferns and Leighlin, 1605. 1605. Geo. Lay, or Lee, L. P. Dec. 9. 1628. John Fitzgerald, L. P. Jan. 31. 1642. Hy. Hall. 1645. Edwd. Worth, L. P. May 1. 1661. Thos. Hackrell, L. P. May 1. 1662. Roger Boyle, L. P. Oct. 9. 1667. John Vesey, inst. Nov. 4; bp. of Limerick, 1672. 1673. Arth. Pomeroy, L. P. Feb. 11. 1710, 1722. 1736. 1763. 1779. 1796. 1807. 1812. 1813, 1819. 1841. 1842. 1864. 1869. | 875. 1878. Rowland Davies, L. P. Feb. 17; d. 1721–2. Robt. Carleton, inst. Mar. 21; d. 1736. Wm. Meade, L. P. May 3. Geo. Chinnery, inst. June 18; bp. of Rillaloe, 1779. John Erskine, inst. 1795. Hon. Thos. St. Lawrence, Jan. 25 ; bp. 1807. John Leslie, inst. Oct. 24; bp. of Dromore, 1812. Jas. Saurin, inst. May 2. Wm. Magee, inst. July 24; bp. of Raphoe, 1819. Robt. Burrowes, Nov. 20; d. Sept. 13, 1841. Jas. Thos. O'Brien, Nov. 9; bp. of Ossory, &c., same year. Horatio Townshend Newman, inst. Mar. 24. & Wm. Connor Magee, L. P. Feb. 5; bp. of Peterborough, 1869. Arth. Wnn. Edwards, inst. Feb. 5. Achilles Daunt. Saml. Owen Madden. Mar. 3; d. DEANS OF CLOYNE. 1251. 1291. Gilbert. Philip Segda. 1317. Chas. O'Donchada, d. Oct. 13. 1320. John. 1324–30. John le Blonde. 1351 John Whittock, or Whitcock, bp. Same year. | 1359. 1367. 1376. 1402. 1512. 1529. 1591. John Went (? West). John Cantok, d. 1376. Thos. Striker. IEugenius. Thaddeus O'Keefe. David Fitzjames Fitzgerald. John Edmundi, or Fitzedmund THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 633 1612–3. Thos. Winter, d. 1615. 1720. Hy. Maule, L. P. June 22; bp. 1615. Edwd. Clerke, Aug. 27. 1726. 1640. Michl. Boyle, Mar. 30, bp. of Cork, 1726. Jas. Ward, L. P. Sept. 24. Cloyne, and Ross, 1661. 1736. Isaac Goldsmith, L. P. Sept. 7. 1661. Hy. Rugg, L. P. Feb. 21; d. 1671. 1769. Wm. Pratt, May 26; d. 1770. 1671. Wm. Fitzgerald, L. P. July 13; bp. 1770. Eyton Butts, Apr. 21. of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh, 1779. Hon. John Hewitt, May 4. 1691. 1804. Jas. Archd. Hamilton, Sept. 17. 1691. Hy. Scardeville, L. P. Sept. 4; d. | 1816. Alexr. Arbuthnot, Feb. 22; bp. of 1704. Rillaloe, &c., 1823. 1704. Thos. Deane, L. P. Mar, 6. 1823. Thos. John Burgh, Oct. 7; d. 1845 1714. Robt. Sesse, L. P. Aug. 12; held | 1845. Hervey de Montmorenci, 4th visc. but a few days. Mountnorres. Thos. Simcocks, Sept. 9. 1851. Jas. Howie, L. P. Jan. 9. 1718. Josiah Hort, L. P. Apr. 3. 1885. Horace Townsend Fleming. DEANS OF ROSS. 1381–3. Jno. O'Houlachan. 1710. Richd. Griffith, L. P. Mar. 24. 1591. Robt. Sturton, or Shirton. 1717. Valentine French, L. P. Apr. 20. 1615. Hugh Persevall, d. 1630. 1733. Jemmet Brown, L. P. Sept. 14 bp. 1631. Wm. Bolton, adm. Jan. 8. of Killaloe, 1743. 1637. Geo. Horley, or Horsey, L. P. Nov. 1743. Arth. St. George, May 16; d. 1772. 19. 1772. Wensley Bond, Nov. 5; res. 1813. 1639. John Chappell. 1813. Jas. Forward Bond, July 23. l664. John Everleigh, L. P. Jan. 19. 1829. Jas. Stannus, Sept. 9; d. Jan. 28, 1679. Rowland Davies, Feb. 10 ; res. 1876. 1710. 1876. Isaac Morgan Reeves. DIOCESES OF KILLALOE, KILFENORA, CLONFERT, AND KILMACDUAGH. THE SEE of KIT,LALOE is supposed to have been founded by St. Molua, abbot, whose disciple, St. Flannan (son of king Theodoric) was conse- crated at Rome by pope John IV. about 640, and was first bishop. About the end of the twelfth century, the ancient see of Roscri: A was united to Killaloe. Of Roscrea, St. Cronan, who flourished about 620, was bishop, or, as some say, abbot, and the founder of the church. There is no certainty concerning the foundation of the see of ECILFENORA. Some writers think that St. Fachnan, to whom the church was dedicated, was the founder and first bishop. In the ancient distribution of the bishoprics of Ireland, made by cardinal Paparo, it was suffragan to the archbishopric of Cashel; but when at the Restora- tion of Charles II. it was annexed to or held with Tuam, it became suffragan to that see. ST. BRENDAN, the son of Finloga, contemporary with St. Brendan of Birr, and his fellow student, founded an abbey at CLONFERT in 558, and was himself abbot. He died in May 577, at Enagh dune, whence his body was conveyed to Clonfert, and there interred. In his time the cathedral of Clonfert was founded. Colgan makes St. Brendan the founder and first bishop of Clonfert, and says that he abdicated, and placed St. Moena in his room. Others again make St. Moena, the first bishop. In the Ulster Annals, under the year 571 or 572, the death of the first bishop of this see is thus mentioned : “Moena, Bishop of Clonfert-Bremain, went to rest.” Brendan’s true name was Nennius 634 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. or Nennio; but it is common with the Irish to add the monosyllable "mo, signifying mine, to the proper names of their saints, out of respect and tenderness. The church of KILMACDUAGH was founded by Colman, the son of Duagh, who was descended from a noble family at Connaught, and very nearly related to Guair, king of that country. To distinguish him from other Colmans, his contemporaries, he was usually called after his father, Macduagh, or the son of Duagh. He was very fond of an ascetic life, and is said to have lived in a wilderness in the southern parts of Connaught, seven years with only one companion. From this life of retirement he was, in the end, made bishop, and fixed his see in a place which, from his surname, was called Kilmacduagh, or the “Church of the son of Duagh.” KILFENORA was held with Limerick from 1642 to 1649, with Tuam from 1660 to 1741, and with Clonfert and Kilmacduagh from 1741 to 1752. KIILALOE and KILFENorA were united in 1752. CLONFERT and KILMACDUAGH were united in 1602. On the translation of bishop. Knox to Limerick in 1834, KILLALOE, KILFENORA, CLoNFERT, and KILMACDUAGH were united under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 37. BISHOPS OF KILLALOE. * * St. Flannan, about 640. * * Terence O’Brien I., murd. 1460. * * × >{< 1460. Thady. * * Carmacan O'Muil Cashel, d. 1019. Matt., or Mahoun O'Griffa, d. 1482. 1055. O’Germidider. 1482. Terence O’Brien II. 1083. Teig O’Teig. 1525. Richd. Hogan, tr. to Clonmacnois. >k >k >k × 1539. Jas. O'Courin, res. 1161. Thady O'Lonergan. 1546. Cornelius O'Dea. 1165. Donat O’Brien. 1555. Terence O'Brien III. ; put in by Q. * * Constantine O'Brien, seated here in Mary; governed this see until 1179. 1566, * * Dermod O'Coning, depr. 1195, * * Maurice O'Brien; he received the 1195. Chas. O'Heney. profits of this see six years before Cornelius O'Heney, seated here in he was consecrated, which was in 1215. 1570; res. 1612. 1216. Robt. Travers, depr. by the pope's 1612. John Rider, dean of St. Patrick's- legate. 1633. Lewis Jones, dean of Cashel. See vacant 10 years. 1647. Edwd. Parry, dean of Lismore. 1231. Donald O'Kennedy, archdn. See vacant until the Restoration. * * Isaac O'Cormacain, dean. 1661. Edwd. Worth, dean of Cork. 1267. Matt. O'Hogain, dean. 1669. Daniel Witter, dean of Down. 1281. Maurice O’Hogain, chanter. w 1675. John Roan, dean of Clogher. 1299. David MacMahon, dean. 1693. Hy. Rider, archdn, of Ossory. 1316. Thos. O'Cormacain, archdn. 1696. Thos. Lindsay, tr. to Raphoe. 1322. Benedict O'Coscry, dean. 1713. Sir Thos. Vesey, bt. ; tr. to Ossory. 1326. David, of Emly. 1714. Nichs. Forster, tr. to Raphoe. 1343. Thos. O'Hogain. 1716. Chas. Carr, chapl. to the ho. of 1355. Thos. O'Cormacain, archdn. COIſlD(1. e 1391. Matt. MacCragh, dean. 1740. Jos. Story, tr. to Kilmore. 1409. Robt. Mulfield. 1742. John Ryder, tr. to Down and Connor. Donat MacCragh, seated here in 1428. 1743. Jemmet Brown, dean of Ross; tr. 1429. Eugene O'Felan. to Cork and Ross. 1430. Thady MacCragh. 1745. Richd. Chenevix, tr. to Waterford, &c. * * Ired O'Lonergan 1746. Nichs. Synge. - * * Jas. O'Ghomelan, seated here in 1441. See united to Kilfenora. 1752. See “Bishops of Killaloe and Kilfenora,” post, p. 635. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 635. >k × 1265. 1273. 1281. 2k >{< 36 × 1303. 1323. 1491. X; Xk 1752. 1771. 1779. 1780. 1794. 1803. BISHOPS Christian, d. 1254. ' | * * Henry, or Maurice. Florence O'Tigernach. 1606. Chas., dean of Kilfenora. Congal O'Loghlan, d. 1300. Simon O’Currin, d. 1303. | 1617. Maurice O’Brien, dean. 1622. Richd. O'Loghlin. 1628. Patrick, seated here in 1394. - Dennis O'Cane, or O'Cahan; res. 149]. ; 1630. Maurice O'Brien, canon. 1638. John O'Hinalan, seated here in 1552. Held with Limerick from 1642 to 1649. Held with Tuam from 1660 to 1741. Held with Clonfert and Kilmacduagh from 1741 to 1752. p. 636. Rilmacduagh, post, OF KILFENORA. Daniel, seated here in 1585. See vacant in 1602. Bernard Adams, bp. of Limerick; held this see from 1606 to 1617 when he resigned it. John Steere, tr. to Ardfert. Wm. Murray, tr. to Llandaff. Richd. Betts, who, on learning the poverty of the see, would not accept it. Jas. Higate, archdn. of Clogher. Robt. Sibthorp, tr. to Limerick in 1642. See Limerick, post, p. 638. See Tuam, ante, p. 611. See Clonfert and United to Killaloe, 1752. See “Bishops of Killaloe and Kilfenora,” infra. BISHOPS OF KILLALOE AND KILFENORA. Nichs. Synge, bp. of Killaloe, above- 1804. named. Robt. Fowler, canon of Windsor; tr. to Dublim. Geo. Chinnery, dean of Cork; tr. 1820. to Cloyne. Thos. Bernard, dean of Derry ; tr. 1823. to Limerick. 1828. Hon. Wm. Knox, chapl. to the ho. of comm. ; tr. to Derry. 1831. Hon. Chas. D. Lindsay, vicar of Sut- terton, and chapl. to the la.-lieut. ; tr. to Kildare. Nathl. Alexander, tr. from Clonfert: tr. to Down and Connor. Lord Robt. Ponsonby Tottenham, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. Rd. Mant, rector of Bishopsgate, London ; tr. to Down and Connor. Alexr Arbuthnot, dean of Cloyne. Hon. Richd. Ponsonby, dean of St. Patrick's, tr. to Derry. Hon. Edma. Knox, dean of Down tr. to Limerick 1834. See united to Clonfert and Kil- macduagh 1834. See “Bishops of Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clonfert, and Kilmacduagh,” post, p. 636. 662. 825. 861. 921. 1116. 3k >k x: Sk 1186. 1248. 1259. 1263. 1266. BISHOPS OF CLONEERT. St. Moena, d. 571. | 1296. Fintan Corach ; seated here about the close of the sixth century. 1308. St. Semach Garbh, d. 620. 1319. St. Colman, the son of Comgal ; d. 1322. 620. Cumin Foda, i.e. the Long. 1347. Rutmel, called “Prince and Bishop | 1378. of Clonfert.” 1398. Cathald MacCormac. Cormac MacAEdain. Gilla MacAiblen. Petro O'Mordai, drowned 1171. Moelisa MacAward, d. 1173. Malcallan. Thomas. Cormac, or Chas. O'Lumlin. Thos, O'Kelly. * >k 36 See vacant 3 years. John, an Italian, the pope's nuncio; 1438. tr. to the abpric. of Benevento. x x: Robert, a monk of Christ-Church, Canterbury. Gregory O’Brogy, dean. Robt. le Petit, depr. 1321. John O'Lean, archdn. of Tuam. See vacant almost 10 years. Thos. O'Kelly. Maurice O’Kelly, tr. to Tuam 1394. David Corre. At this time the pope tr. Wm. O'C, rmacain, abp. of Tuam, to this see ; but the abp. “took the exchange so much to heart,” that he neglected to expedite his bull of translation in due time, and was depr. Thos. O'Kelly, tr. to Tuam ; seated here in 1415. John Heyn. Thos. de Burgo, seated here in 1444, 636 THE B()OK OF DIGNITIES, 1447. 1448. $ 2. 1508. 1509. 1536. 1541. × 2: >k >k 1178. >k >k .5k × 1283. 1290. 1300. 1325. 2k x; 2k xk > * >k 1602. 1627. 1644. 1664. 1691. 1722. 1724. 1730. 1732. 1735. Cornelius O'Mulledy, tr. to Emly. Cornelius O'Cunlis, tr. from Emly. Matt. MacRaik, d. 1507. David de Burgo. Denis. Richd. Nangle. Roland de Burgo, dean of Clonfert. 1582. Steph. Kerovan, tr. from Kilmac- duagh. 1602. Roland Linch, archdn. of Clonfert and bp. of Kilmacduagh; held both sees, See united to Kilmacduagh 1602. See “Bishops of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh,” ºnfra. BISHOPS OF KILMACDU AGH. The following is an imperfect catalogue of the Bishops of Kilmacduagh. St. Colman, about 620. >k >k >k Indrect, d. 814. >k >k >{< >k Rugnad O'Ruadan. Odo, chanter; seated here in 1227. Gelasius MacScelagai, d. 1249. Maurice Ileyan. David O'Sedaghan. Laurence O’Laghnan. Luke. John, dean; seated here in 1347. Nicholas, seated here in 1371. Gregory Ileyan, d. 1395. 1399. 1401. >k Sk × Sk 1503 1533. 1573. 1583. Nichs. Ileyan. John Icomaid. John, abbot of Corcumroe ; seated here in 1418. >k >|< * × Cornelius, res. 1502. Matthew, archdm. of Killaloe. Christr. Bodekine, tr. to Tuam, and held this see in commendam. Steph. Kerovan, tr. to Clonfert. Roland Linch. See united to or Clonfert, 1602. held with See “Bishops of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh,” infra. BISHOPS OF CLON FERT AND KILMACD UAGH. Roland Linch above named. See vacant nearly 2 years. Robt. Dawson, dean of Down. Wm. Baily; he did not get posses- sion till the Restoration. Edwd. Wolley, chaplm. to the king. See vacant from 1684 to 1691. The episcopal rovenues were seized into the hands of James II., and paid over to the Roman Catholic bishops. Wm. Fitzgerald, dean of Cloyne. Theoph. Bolton, chanc. of St. Pa- trick's, and vicar-general of the diocese of Dublin; tr. to Elphin. Arthr. Price, dean of Ferns; tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. Edwd. Synge, chanc. of St. Patrick’s ; tr. to Cloyne. Mordecai Cary, tr. to Killala and Achonry. John Whitcomb, rector of Louth ; tr. to Down, &c. . Arth. Smyth, dean of Derry; tr. to Down. . Hon. Wm. Carmichael, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. , Wm. Gore,dean ofCashel; tr. to Elphin. . John Oswald, tr. to Dromore. . Denis Cumberland, tr. to Kilmore. . WalterCope, tr. to Ferns and Leighlin. . John Law, archdm. of Carlisle. . Richd. Marlay, dean of Ferns; tr. to Waterford. . Hon. Chas. Brodrick, tr. to Kilmore. . Hugh Hamilton, dean of Armagh; tr. to Ossory. . Matt. Young, senior fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin. . Geo. de la Poor Beresford, dean of IGilmore ; tr. to Kilmore. . Nathl. Alexander, tr. to Down and Connor. . Christr. Butson, dean of Waterford. See united to Killaloe and Kil- fenora, 1834. See “Bishops of Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clonfert, and Kilmacduagh,” infra. BISHOPS OF KILLALOE, KILFENORA, CLONFERT, AND RILMACDUAGH. 1834. 1836. Christr. Butson, above-named. Steph. C. Sandes, senior fellow of Trin. Coll., Dublin, May 2; tr. to Cashel. 1839 Hon. Ludlow Tonson, Ahern, county Cork rector of Jan. 25. 1862. Wm. Fitz-Gerald. 1884. Wm. Bennett Chester, archdn. of JKillaloe, Jan. 16. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 637 DEANS OF KILLALOE. 1253. Isaac O'Cormacain, Apr. 5; aft. bp. 1267. Matt. O'Hogain; bp. same year. 1280. Luke. 1297. Nehemiah. 1299. David MacMahon ; bp. same year. 1317. Luke. 1322. Benedict O'Coscry; bp. same year. 1329–31. Charles. 1381. Matt. McCragh ; bp. 1391. 1389. David O'Cormagan, July 15. 15–. Boetius Clancy ; d. 1559. 1559. Cornelius Ryan. 1585. Donogh O'Horan. 1602. Hugh O'Hogan; 1624. 1624. Richd. Hacket, L. P. Dec. 16. 1628. Alexr. Spicer, L. P. Mar. 26. 1662. Jasper Pheasant, L. P. Feb. 12. 1692. Jerome Ryves, L. P. May 18; res. 1699. 1699. Jas. Abbadie, inst. May 13; d. 1727. res. Nov. 25, 1728. Julius, or Giles Eyre, Mar. 15; d. 1749. 17—.? Chas. Talbot Blayney. 1761. Wm. Henry, Nov. 9. 1768. Hon. Jos. Deane Bourke, Aug. 8 ; res. 1772. Wm. Cecil Pery, aft. lá. Glentworth; L.P. Apr. 4; dean of Derry, 1780; bp. of Killala, &c., 1781. Saml. Rastall, Feb. 18; d. 1781. Hon. Thos. Stopford, Aug. 1; bp. of Cork, 1794. John Murray, Dec. 1; d. June 25, 1790. Peter Carleton, Oct. 30; res. 1808. John Bayly, Feb. 11; res. 1828. Allen Morgan, July 5 ; d. 1830. John Head, L. P. Oct. 9; d. June 2, 1871. John Hastings Allen. Jos. F. Robbins. Robt. Humphreys. 1772. 1780. 1781. 1787. 1790. 1808. 1828. 1830. 1871. 1880. 1886. T).EANS OF KILEENORA. 1281. Charles ; bp. this year. 1303. Maurice O'Brien; b.p. this year. 1585. Daml. Shennagh. 1591 ? Donald O'Heawo (O'Heney? or Shennagh P). Donat O’Shanny. Hygatus Love, L. P. June 2. Philip Flower, L. P. Sept. 16. Neptune Blood, L. P. Jan. 27. 1692. Neptune Blood, jun., L. P. Dec. 8. 1716. Wm. White, L. P. June 8. 1724 to 1750. Jonatham Bruce, L. P. Oct. 15. 1615. 1617. 1639. 1664. 1761. Chas. Coote ; d. 1796. 1796. Latham Coddingtol. L. P. May 16 res. 1802. - 1802. Geo. Stephenson, L. P. June 14; d. 1825. 1825. Wm. Hy. Stacpoole, May 24; d. 1847. 1847. John Armstrong ; d. June 16, 1856. 1856. Michl. John Keating, L. P. June 30. 1884. Robt. Humphreys; dean of Killaloe, 1886. 1886. John Robt. Copley. DEANS OF CIONFER.T. 1308. 1319. 1392. 1407. 1460. 1534. 1591. 1598. 1622. Gregory O’Brogy, bp. same year. James. ** Michl. (or Nichs.) O'Kelly. Thos. O'Longain, or Lonergan. Simon M*Keogh. Roland de Burgo, bp. 1541. Donat O'Lorchan. Arilan Loughlin, Jan. 26. Revatius (or Ryvas) Tully; d. 1627. Saml. Pullein, L. P. Nov. 14. Richd. Heaton, Feb. 12. Nichs. Proude, Oct. 31. 1638. 1662. 1666. 1670. 1692. 1726. 1745. 1766. 1812. Joshua Brooksbank, Feb. 5. John Burdett ; d. 1726. Robt. Taylour, Sept. 8; d. 1745. Wm. Crow, Aug. 9; res. 1766. Wm. Digby, Oct. 28 ; d. 1812. Thos. Hawkins, L. P. May 7; d. 1850. 1850. Edwd. Mitchell Kennedy, Feb.; d. 1864. 1865. Chas. Graves, L. P. Oct. 25; bp. of Limerick, 1866. 1866. Jas. Byrne, L. P. June 25. DEANS OF KILMACDUAGH. 1326. John, aft. bp. 13—. David. Sk #: × 2k 1558. John Tierney, or O'Tiernay. 1591. Matt. Warde. 1621. John Wingfield, July 5. 1624. John Yorke, Dec. 18. 1662. Dudley Pierse, Feb. 5. 638 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1699–1700. Steph. Handcock, June 7; d. 1804. Richd. Bagwell, Oct. 30. 1719. 1806. Wm. Forster, Feb. 22; d. 1823. 1719. Chas. Northcott, Aug. 28; d. 1730. 1823. Richd. Hood, Oct. 24; d. 1836. 1731. John Richardson, Feb. 20. 1837. John Thos. O'Neil, Oct. 10; res. 1748. Jas. Stopford, Feb. 10; bp. of 1838. Cloyne, 1753. 1839. Anthy. La Touche Kirwan, inst. 1753. Wm. Nethercoat, July 25. May 20; dean of Limerick, 1849. 1771. Robt. Gorges, Sept. 26; d. 1802. 1849. Jos. Aldrich Bermingham, June 26; 1803. Ussher Lee, Jan. 22; dean of Water- d. 1874. ford, 1804. 1874. Christr. Hy. Gould Butson. DIOCESES OF LIMERICK, ARDFERT, AND AGHADOE. T)on ALD O’BRIEN, king of Limerick, founded and endowed the cathedral of LIMERICK about the period of the arrival of the English in Ireland. The more ancient see of Inis-Scattery was united to Limerick about the beginning of the thirteenth century; but, according to Usher, its pos- sessions were divided among the sees of Limerick, Killaloe, and Ardfert. Inis-Scattery is said to have been founded by St. Patrick, and to have been governed by him for some time. - The see of ARDFERT was formerly called the bishopric of Kerry; its cathedral was dedicated to St. Brandon. The cathedral of AGHADOE, dedicated to St. Finian, is situated within two miles of the town of Rillarney. ARDFERT and AGHADOE have been united from the earliest times, and they were both united to Timerick in 1667. BISHOPS OF LIMERICK. * * St. Munchin. 1459. Wm. Creagh. * * Gille, or Gillebert, d. about 1140. 1472. Thos, Arthur 1140. Patrick. 1486. Richard. * * Harold, an Ostman; called by the John Dunow, canon of Exeter. Irish Erolb ; d. 1151. 1489. John Folan, canon of Ferns. * * Torgesius, an Ostman ; seated here | 1522. John Coyn, or Quin; res. 1551. about 1152. 1551. Wm. Casey, depr. 1556; rest. 1571. * * Brictius, an Ostman; seated here | 1557. Hugh Lacy, or Lees, canon; app. about 1179. by pope Paul IV. at Q. Mary's * * Donat O'Brien, d. 1207. instance; res. 1571. * * Geoffry, seated here in 1217. 1571. Bp. Casey rest. to his see. * * Edmund, d. 1222. 1593. John Thornborough, chapl. to Q. 1222. Herbert de Burgh, prior of Athas- Elizabeth ; tr. to Bristol. sel. 1604. Bernard Adams; with this see he 251. Robt. of Emly. held also kilfenora from 1606 to 1272. Gerald le Marescall, archdn. 1617, when he resigned it. 1302. Robt. of Dundovenald, canon. 1626. Fras. Gough, chanc. of Limerick. 1311. Eustace de l'Eau, or Waters, dean. 1634. Geo. Webb, chapl. to Chas. I. 1337. Maurice Rochfort. 1642. Robt. Sibthorpe, tr. from Kilfenora; 1354, Steph. Lawless, chanc. of Limerick. held both sees ; d. 1649. 1860. Steph. de Valle, dean; tr. to Meath. The see was vacant until the Resto- 1369. Peter Currah, res. ration. 1400. Cornelius O'Dea, archdn. of Killa- 1660. Edwd. Synge, dean of Elphin ; tr. to loe; res. Cork, &c. 1426. John Mothel, Augustine canon of See united to Ardfert and Kells, abbot of Kilkenny ; res. Aghadoe, 1667. See “Bishops of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe,” post, p. 639. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 639 BISHOPS OF ARDFERT AND AGHADOE. Ert. Cerpain, d. 500. A blank here, which it is impossible to fill up. Dermod Mac-Mel-Brenam, d. 1075. Magrath O'Brodain, or O'Ronan. MacRonan, seated here before 1152. MelBrandam O'Ronan, d. 1161. Gilla MacAiblem O'Hammada. Donald O'Conarchy. David O’Duibditrib. John, depr. 1221. Gilbert, dean ; res. Brendan, provostof Ardfert; res.1242. His successor uncertain. Christian. |Philip. John, archdn. of Ardfert, Nichs. I. Nichs. II., abbot of Odorney. Alan O'Hathern. sk >k 1099. 3k >k 3k ºk 1166. 1193. I207. 1215. 1225. 1237. 1252. 1256. 1264. 1285. 1288. |1336. 1348. 1872. 1379. >k >< × 5% 1488. 1495. 1588. 1600. 1622, 1628. 1641. 1660. 1663. John de Valle. Cornelius O'Tigernach. Wm. Bull, dean of Cork. Nichs. III., seated here in 1420. Maurice, d. 1462. John Stack, after much opposition, was settled here in 1480. Philip. John Fitzgerald, canon. Jas. Fitzmaurice, seated here about 1551. Nichs. Keenan. John Crosby, preb. of Disert. John Steere, archdn. of Emly. Wm. Steere, dean. Thos. Fulwar, tr. to Cashel. Edwd. Synge, dean of Elphin ; tr. to Cork. Wm. Fuller. See united to Limerick, 1667. See “Bishops of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe,” infra. BISHOPS OF LIMERICK, ARDFERT, AND AGHADOE. 1667. Wm. Fuller, dean of St. Patrick's; tr. to Lincoln. John Vesey, dean of Cork; tr. to Tuam. Simon Digby, dean of Kildare; tr. to Elphin. Nathl. Wilson, dean of Raphoe. Thos. Smythe, dean of Emly. Wm. Burscough. Jas. Leslie. John Averell, dean of Emly. Wm. Gore, tr. from Elphin. Wm. Cecil Pery, aft. la. Glentworth; tr. from Killala and Achonry. 1672. 1678. 1692. 1695. 1725. 1755. 1771. 1772. 1784. 1794. 1806. 1820. 1822. 1834. 1849. 1853. 1866. Thos. Bernard, tr. from Rillaloe. Chas. Mongan Warburton, dean of Ardagh ; tr. to Cloyme. Thos. Elrington, provost of Trinity College, Dublin; tr. to Ferns and Leighlin, John Jebb, archdn, of Emly. Hº Edmd. Knox, tr. from Killaloe, J.C. Wm. Higgin, dean of Limerick, June; tr. to Derry, &c. Hy. Griffin. Chas. Graves. DEANS OF LIMERICK. I204 to 1207. P + “ ” 1212. J4 * * sk * Wik + + * * Reymundus. 1249 to 1278. Thos. of Woodford. 1295–8. John de Cotes. 1302. Luke. 1311. Eustace de l'Eau, or Waters, bp. same year. 1360. Steph. de Valle, bp. same year. 1866. Adam Owen. 1398 to 1409. Rd. Warren, Waryng. 1405. Eustathius de Agna. 1446. Robt. Poer, op. of Waterford, &c., same year. 1451. Thos. O'Semican. 1488. Milo de Burgo. Waryn, or 1493. 1516. 1543. 1552. 15—. 1588. 1603. 1635. 1640. 1641. 1662. 1666. 1680. 1704. Philip Water. Andr. Creagh, res. 1543. Amdr. Stritche, Sep. 30 ; d. 1551. Roger Skiddy, L.P. May 10; bp. Cork, &c., 1557. David Arthur, res. 1588. Denis Campbell. Geo. Andrews, L.P. Aug. 31; bp. of Ferns and Leighlin, 1635. Michl. Wandesford, L.P. May 11. Hy. Sutton, L.P. Nov. 9. Robt. Naylor, L.P., Apr. 16. Richd. Boyle, L.P. Feb.; bp. of Ferns and Leighlin 1666. John Smith, Sep. 13 ; b.p. of Killala and Achonry, 1669. Ezekiel Webbe, L.P. Jan. 9; d. 1704. Geo. Walter Story, L.P. Dec. 21. 640 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 1722. Thos. Bindon, L.P. Feb. 16; d. 1740. 1809. Arth. John Preston, July 20. 1740. Chas. Massy, L.P. July 28; d. 1844. Wm. Higgins, Dec. 1766. 1849. Anthy. La Touche Kirwan, dean of 1766. John Averill, L. P. July 14; bp. Kilmacduagh ; d. July 1868. 1771. 1868. Maurice Fitzgerald Day, L.P. Now. 1771. Hon. Maurice Crosbie, L.P. Oct. 3; 13; bp. of Cashel 1872. d. 1809. 1872. Thos. Bunbury. IDEANS OF ARDFER.T. 1225. Gilbert, bp. this year. 1728. Jas. Bland, L.P. Feb. 3. 1237. Brendan. 1728. Wm. Smythe, L.P. Apr. 15. 1313. Thomas. - 1732. Chas. Meredyth, L.P. June 1; d. 1323. Michl. O'Colweny. 1747. 1365. John FitzThomas. 1747. Sir Philip Hoby, L.P.Sept.8; d.1766 1603. Richd. Southwell, res. same year. 1766. Edwd. Bayly, L.P. Nov. 28 or Aug. Robt. Chaffe, L.P. Aug. 15. 16; d. 17 June, 1785. 1620. Wm. Steere, L.P. Feb. 13; bp. 1628. 1785. Thos. Greaves, Oct. 19. 1630. Giles Baden. 1802. Gilbert Holmes, L.P. Aug. 21; d. 1635. Thos. Gray, L.P. Apr. 29. Dec. 23, 1846. 1661. Danl. Witter, L.P. Mar. 27 ; dean | 1808. Edwd. Archd. Douglas, July 20. of Down, 1664. 1847. Alexr. Irwin, d. Feb. 7, 1861. 1665. Thos. Bladen, L.P. Apr. 6. 1861. John Godfrey Day, L.P. Apr. 10. 1686. John Richards, L.P. Aug. 4. 1879. Thos. Moriarty. LORD IMAYORS AND RECORDERS OF DUIBLIN. THE Corporation of Dublin originally consisted of the Lord Mayor, 2 sheriffs, 24 aldermen, 124 common councilmen, 28 sheriff-men or sheriffs- peers, and 96 representatives of the 25 civic guilds. It was re-constituted under 3 & 4 Wict., cap. 108 (1840), and now consists of the Lord Mayor, who is chosen from among the aldermen or town councillors, 15 aldermen and 45 town councillors. The chief magistrate of Dublin had conferred upon him the distinction of “Lord ” Mayor by Charles I. in 1641; but the first mayor that enjoyed the title was Sir Daniel Bellingham, in 1665. LORD MAYORS OF DUBLIN. The lord mayors thus marked * died during their mayoralty. 1665–6. Sir Danl. Bellingham. 1683–4. Sir Elias Best. 1666–7. John Desmyniers. 1684–5. Sir Abel Ram. 1667–8. Mark Quin. 1685–6. Sir John Knox. 1668–9. John Forrest. 1686–7. Sir John Castleton. 1669–70. Lewis Desmyniers. 1687–8. Sir Thos. Hacket. 1670–1. Enoch Reader. 1688–9. Sir Michl. Creagh. 1671–2. Sir John Totty. 1689–90. Terence M*Dermott. 1672–3. Robt. Deey. 1690–1. John Otrington. 1673–4. Sir Joshua Allen. 1691–3. Sir. Michl. Mitchell. 1674–5. Sir Fras. Brewster. 1693–4. Sir John Rogerson. 1675–6. Wm. Smith. 1694–5. Geo. Blackhall. 1676–7. Christr. Lovet. 1695-6. Wrm. Watts. 1677–8. John Smith. 1696–7. Sir Wm. Billington. 1678–9. John Ward. 1697–8. Barth. Van Homrigh. 1679–80. John Eastwood. 1698–9. Thos. Quin. 1680–1. Luke Lowther. 1699–1700. * Sk × 1681–3. Sir Humphrey Jervis. 1700–1. Sir Mark Rainsford. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 641 1701—2. 1702–3. 1703–4. 1704–5. 1705–6. 1706–7. 1707–8. 1708–9. 1709–10. 1710–11. 1711–12 1712–13. 1713–14. 1714–15. 1715–16. 1716–17. 1717–18. 1718–19. 1719—20. 1720-1. 1721–2. 1722–3. 1723–4. 1724–5. 1725–6. 1726–7. 1727–8. 1728. 9. 1729–30. 1730–1. 1731–2. 1732–3. 1733–4. 1734–5. 1735–6. 1736–7. Saml. Walton. Thos. Bell. John Page. Sir Fras. Stoyte. Wm. Gibbons. Benj. Burton. John Pearson. Sir Wm. Fownes. Chas. Forrest. Sir John Eccles Ralph Gore. Sir Saml. Cooke. >; >k >k Sir Jas. Barlow. John Stoyte. Thos. Bolton. Anthy. Barkey. Wm. Quail. Thos. Wilkinson, Geo. Forbes. Thos. Curtis. Wm. Dickson. John Porter. John Reyson. Jos. Kane. Wm. Empson. Sir Nathl. Whitwell. *Hy. Burrowes, and John Page, again. Sir Peter Verdoen. Nathl. Pearson. Jos. Nuttall. Humphrey French. Thos. How. Nathl. Kane. *Sir Richd. Grattan, and Geo. Forbes, again. Jas. Somerville. 1737–8, Wm. Walker. 1738–9. 1739–40. 1740–1. 1741–2. 1742–3. 1743–4. 1744–5. 1745–6. 1746–7. 1747–8. 1748–9. 1749–50. 1750–1. 1751–2. 1752–3. 1753–4. 1754–5. 1755–6. 1756–7. 1757–8. 1758–9. 1759–60, 1760–1. 1761–2, John Macarroll. Danl. Falkiner. Sir Saml. Cooke. Wm. Aldrich. Gilbert King. *David Tew, and Wm. Aldrich, again. John Walker. Daml. Cooke. *Richd.White, and Wm. Walker, again. r Sir Geo. Ribton. Robt. Ross. John Adamson. Thos. Taylor. John Cooke. Sir Chas. Burton. Andr. Murray. Hans Bailie. Percival Hunt. John Forbes. Thos. Mead. Philip Crampton. John Tew. Sir Patr. Hamilton. Sir Timothy Allen. 1762–3. 1763–4. 1764–5. 1765–6. 1766–7. 1767–8. 1768–9. 1769–70. 1770–1. 1771–2. 1772–3. 1773–4. 1774–5. 1775–6. 1776–7. 1777–8. 1778–9. 1779–80. 1780–1. 1781–2. 1782–3. 1183–4. 1884–5. 1785–6. 1786–7. 1787–S. 1788–9. 1789–90. 1790–1. 1791–2. 1792—3. 1793–4. 1794–5, 1795–6. 1796–7. 1797–8. 1798–9. Chas. Rossell. Wm. Forbes. Benj. Geale. Sir Jas. Taylor. Edwd. Sankey. Fras. Fetherston. Benj. Barton. Sir Thos. Blackhall. Geo. Reynolds. *Fras. Booker, and Wm. Forbes, again. Richd. French. Wm. Lightburne. Hy. Hart. Thos. Emerson. Hy. Bevan. Wm. Dunn. Sir Anthy. King. James Hamilton. Killner Swettenham. John Darragh. Nathl. Warren. Thos. Green. Jas. Horan. Jas. Shiel. Geo. Alcock. Wm. Alexander. John Rose. John Exshaw. Hy. Howison. Hy. Gore Sankey. John Carleton. Wm. James. Richd. Moncrieffe. Sir Wm. Worthington. Saml. Read. Thos. Fleming. Thos. Andrews. 1799–1800. *John Sutton and John Ex- 1800–1. 1801–2. 1802–3. 1803–4. 1804–5. 1805–6. 1806–7. 1807–8. 1808–9. 1809–10. 1810–11. 1811–12. 1812–13. 1813–14. 1814–15. 1815–16. 1816–17. 1817–18. 1818–19. 1819–20. 1820–1. 1821–2. 1822–3. 1823–4. 1824–5, shaw, again. Chas. Thorp, Richd. Manders. Jacob Poole. Hy. Hutton. Meredith Jenkin. Jas. Vance. Jos. Pemberton. Hugh Trevor. Fred. Darley. Sir Wm. Stamer, bt. Nathl. Hone. Wm. Hy. Archer. Abraham Bradley King. John Cash, John Claudius Beresford. Robt. Shaw, aft, bt. Mark Bloxham. John Alley. Thos. MºRenny. Sir Wm. Stamer, bt., again. Sir Abraham Bradley King, bt. Sir John Kingston James, bt. John Smyth Fleming. Richd. Smyth. Drury Jones, 41 642 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1825–6. Thos. Abbot. 1826–7. Saml. Wm. Tyndall. 1827–8. Sir Edmd. Nugent. 1828–9. Alexr. Montgomery. 1829–30. Jacob West. 1830–1. Robt. Way Harty, cr. bt. 1831. 1831–2. Sir Thos. Whelan. 1832–3. Chas. Palmer Archer. 1833–4. Sir Geo. Whiteford. 1834–5. Arth. Perrin. 1835–6. Arth. Morrison. 1836–7. Wm. Hodges. 1837–8. Saml. Warren. 1838–9. Geo. Hoyte, 1839–40. Sir Nichs. Wm. Brady. 1840–1. Sir John Kingston James, bt. 1841–2. Danl. O’Connell. 1842–3. Geo. Roe. 1843–4. Timothy O'Brien. 1844–5. John L. Arabin. 1845–6. John Keshan. 1846–7. Michl. Staunton. 1847–8. Jeremiah Dunne. 1848–9. Timothy O'Brien, again ; cr. bt. 1849. 1849–50. John Reynolds. 1850–1. Benj. Lee Guinness, cr. bt. 1867. 1851–2. John D'Arcy. 1852–3. Robt. H. Kinahan. 1853–4. Sir Edwd. McDonnell. 1854–5. Jos. Boyce. 1855–6. Fergus Farrell. 1856–7. Richd. Atkinson. 1564. Jas. Stanihurst. 1573. 1575. 1595. 1597. 1598. 1602. 1605. 1608. 1614. 1627. 1634. 1660. 1682. 1687. 1688. T690. 1857-8. John Campbell. 1858–9. Jas. Lambert. 1859–60. Redmond Carroll. 1860–1. Richd. Atkinson. 1861–2. Denis Moylan. 1862–3. Hon. John Prendergast Wereker. 1863–4. Peter Paul McSwiney. 1864–5. John Barrington; knt. 1868. 1865–6. Jas. W. Mackey. 1866–7. Wm. Lane Joynt. 1867–8. Wm. Carroll; knt. 1868. 1868–9. The same. 1869–70. Edwd. Purdon. 1870–1. P. Bulfin and J. Campbell. 1871–2. Robt. G. Durdin. 1872–3. Sir Jas. W. Mackey. 1873–4. Maurice Brooks. 1874–5. Peter Paul McSwiney, again. 1875–6. Geo. Bolster Owens; knt. 1876. 1876–7. Hugh Tarpey. 1877–8. The same. 1878–9. Sir John Barrington, again. 1879–80. Edmd. Dwyer Gray. 1880–1. Geo. Moyers. 1881–2. Chas. Dawson. 1882–3. The same. 1883–4. Wm. Meagher. 1884–5. John O'Connor. 1885–6. Timothy Daml. Sullivan. 1886–7. The same. 1887–8. Thos. Sexton. 1888–9. The same. RECORDERS OF DUBLIN. Hy. Burnell. Geo. Taylor. Edwd. Loftus. John Caddell. Patr. Fitzgerald. Wm. Talbot. Sir Richd. Bolton, aft. ch. bar. ex. and ló. chanc. John Weldon (deputy). Wm. Dongan. Nathl. Catelyn. John Bysse, aft. ch. bar, ex. Sir Wm. Davys, aft. ch. just. K. B. Sir Richd. Ryves, aft. bar, ex. Sir John Barnewell, aft. bar. ex. Gerald Dillon. Thos. Coote, aft. just. K. B. 1693. 1695. 1701. 1714, 1727. 1733. 1750. 1757. 1767. 1785. 1786. 1795. 1822. 1828. 1876. Nehemiah Donneſlan, aft. bar. and ch. bar. ex. Sir Wrm. Handcock. John Forster, aft. ch. just. C. P. John Rogerson, aft. ch. just. K. B. Fras. Stoyte. Eton Stannard. Fras. Morgan. Jas. Grattan. Sir Saml. Bradstreet, bt., aft, just. I.C. B. Dudley Hussey. Denis George, aft. bar. ex. Wm. Walker. Sir Jonas Greene. Sir Fredk. Shaw, bt. Fredk. Richd. Falkiner, July 10, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 643 PART XI, INDIA. IT is impossible within the limits of the present work to give any account of the origin and history of the present British Indian Empire, or even to refer to the numerous acts of parliament, charters, and orders in council relating thereto. The first English East India Company was incorporated by Elizabeth in 1600. Charles I. granted another charter to a new company; but after numerous disputes between the two com- panies they were united by Oliver Cromwell. In 1698 a rival company was again established, again the two were united in 1702, and finally in 1708 a new East India Company was established under a charter granted by Anne. This charter was modified from time to time, but the company continued until, under 21 & 22 Wict., cap. 106, the Govern- ment of India was transferred to the Crown. This act came into operation September 1, 1858, but was not proclaimed in India until November 1, following. In the year 1784, under 24 Geo. III., cap. 25, the East India Company was placed under a Board of Control (see part III., ante, p. 251). This was abolished by 21 & 22 Vict., cap. 106, above mentioned, and a Secretary of State for India appointed (see part III., ante, p. 236). A council, composed principally of retired Indian officials, was at the same time appointed to advise and assist the Secretary of State; but he has power to act independently if he thinks fit. Under 39 & 40 Vict, cap. 10, and a proclamation dated and gazetted April 28, 1876, the Queen assumed the title of Empress of India. This title was pro- claimed in India January 1, 1877. British India was originally divided into three provinces or presi- dencies— BENGAL, OR FORT WILLIAM ; MADRAs, OR FORT ST. GEORGE ; BOMBAY ; but after various sub-divisions and acquisition of territory it now con- sists of eight provinces— BENGAL, PUNJAB, ASSAM, NORTH-WEST PROVINCEs CENTRAL PROVINCEs, MADRAs, AND OUDH, BURMA, BOMBAY, which are placed under a governor, a lieutenant governor, or a chief commissioner, according to their relative importance. Trince of Wales Island or Penang, Malacca, and Singapore, which 41 * 644 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. were formerly under the government of India, now form a separate colony under the title of the Straits Settlements. See “Straits Settlements,” post, p. 674. - The supreme government of India is vested in a Governor General or Viceroy, whose seat of government is at Calcutta, the chief city of Bengal. The whole of India is in the ecclesiastical province of CALCUTTA. SECTION I.- HOME OFFICIALS. PRESIDENTS, COMMISSIONERS, AND SECRETARIES OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. See Part III., “Official,” ante, pp. 251-254. CHAIRMEN AND DEPUTY CHAIRMEN OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. Since the Regulation Act, 1773 (13 Geo. III., cap. 63). 1773. Chair. Hy. Crabbe Boulton. 1784. Chair. Nathl. Smith. Dep. Edwd. Wheeler. Dep. Wm. Devaynes, again. On the death of Mr. Boulton, the 1785. Chair. Wm. Devaynes. court, on Oct. 12, 1773, app. Dep. Nathl. Smith, again. Edwd. Wheeler, chair., and John | 1786. Chair. John Michie. Harrison, dep. Dep. John Motteux. 1774. Chair. Edwd. Wheeler. 1787. Chair. John Motteux. Dep. John Harrison. Dep. Nathl. Smith, again. 1775. Chair. John Harrison. 1788. Chair. Nathl. Smith, again. Dep. John Roberts. Dep. John Michie. 1776. Chair. John Roberts. Wm. Devaynes, app. Dec. 2, 1788, Dep. Wm. James. vice Michie, dec. 1777. Chair. Geo. Wombwell, aft. bt. 1789. Chair. Wm. Devaynes, again. Dep. Wm. Devaynes. Dep. Stephen Lushington, aft. bt. 1778. Chair. Sir Geo. Wombwell, bt., 1790. Chair. Stephen Lushington. again. Dep. Wm. Devaynes, again. Dep. Wm. James, aft. bt. 1791. Chair. John Smith Burges. 1779. Chair. Sir Wm. James, bt. Dep. Fras. Baring. Dep. Wm. Devaynes. 1792. Chair. Fras. Baring. 1780. Chair. Wm. Devaynes, Dep. John Smith Burges. Dep. Laurence Sullivan. 1793. Chair. Wm. Devaynes, again. 1781. Chair. Laurence Sullivan. & Dep. Thos. Cheap. Dép. Sir Wm. James, bt., again. 1794. Chair. Wm. Devaynes, again. 1782. %. Robt. . Dep. John Hunter. ep. Hy. Fletcher, aft. bt. as Sº $ ſº Gregory being disqualified, the 1795. Chair. sº sººn Lushington, bt., court, on July 31, 1782, app. Sir Dep pº Scott Hy. Fletcher, chair.; and, the next 1796 º . e º day, Nathl. Smith, dep. . Chair. David Scott. :J , º, 5 Dep. Hugh Inglis, aft. bt. 1783. Chair. Sir Hy. Fletcher, bt., agazn. p. gn Ingus, Dep. Nathl. Smith. 1797. Chair. Hugh Inglis. Sir Hy. Fletcher being disqualified, Dep. Jacob Bosanquet. the court, on Nov. 26, 1783, app. 1798. Chair. Jacob Bosanquet. Nathl. Smith, chair. ; and, on the Dep. Sir Stephen Lushington, bt., day, Wm. Devaynes, dep. again. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 645 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1823. 1824. 1825. Chair. Dep. 6. Dep. Chair. Dep. Sir Stephen Lushington, bt., again. - Hugh Inglis, again. Hugh Inglis, again. David Scott, again. David Scott, again. Chas. Mills. Mr. Scott res. the chair; and, on Sept. Chas. 2, 1801, the court app. Mills, chazr., and John Roberts, dep. Chair. €70, Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. 19ep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chazr. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. . Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. Chair. John Roberts. Jacob Bosanquet, again. Jacob Bosanquet, again. John Roberts, again. Hon. Wm. Fullerton-Elphin- Stone. Chas. Grant. Chas. Grant. Geo. Smith. Hon. W. Fullerton-Elphin- stone, again. Edwd. Parry. Edwd. Parry. Chas. Grant, again. Edwd, Parry, again. Chas. Grant, again. Chas. Grant, again. Wm. Astell. Wrm. Astell. Jacob Bosanquet, again. Jacob Bosanquet, again. Sir Hugh Inglis, bt., again. Sir Hugh Inglis, bt., again. Robt. Thornton. Robt. Thornton. Hon. W. Fullerton-Elphin- Stone. Hon. W. Fullerton-Elphin- stone, again. John Inglis. Chas. Grant, again. Thos. Reid, Thos. Reid. John Bebb. John Bebb. Jas. Pattison. Jas. Pattison. Campbell Marjoribanks. Campbell Marjoribanks. Geo. Abercrombie Robinson, aft. bt. G. A. Robinson. Thos. Reid. Thos. Reid. Jas. Pattison, again. Jas. Pattison, again. Wm. Wigram. Wm. Wigram. Wm. Astell, again. Wm. Astell, again. Campbell Marjoribanks, again. Campbell Marjoribanks, again. 1825. Dep. 1826. Chair. Dep. 1827. Chair. Dep. 1828. Chat??". Dep. 1829. Chair. Dep. 1830. Chair. Dep. 1831. Chair. Dep. 1832. Chair. Dep. 1833. Chair. Dep. Chair. Dep. 1834. Chair. Dep. 1835. Chazr. Dep. 1836. Chazr. Dep. 1837. Chair. Dep 1838. Chair. Dep. 1839. Chazy. Dep. 1840. Chair. Dep. 1841. Chair. Dep. 1842. Chair. Dep. 1843. Chaº’. Dep. 1844. Chair. Dep. 1845. Chair Dep. 1846. Chair. Dep. 1847. Chaćr. Dep. 1848. Chair. Dep. 1849. Chair. Dep. 1850, Chair. Dep. Sir G. A. Robinson, bt., again. Sir G. A. Robinson, bt., again. Hon. Hugh Lindsay. Hon. Hugh Lindsay. Jas. Pattison, again. Wm. Astell, again. John Loch. John Loch. Wm. Astell, again. Wm. Astell, again. Robt. Campbell, aft. bt. Sir Robt. Campbell, bt. John Goldsborough Raven- shaw. J. G. Ravenshaw. Campbell Marjoribanks, again. Campbell Marjoribanks, again. Wm. Wigram, again. John Loch, again. Hy. St. Geo. Tucker. Hy. St. Geo. Tucker. Wm. Stanley Clarke. W. S. Clarke. Jas. Rivett-Carnac, aft. bt. Sir Jas. Rivett-Carnac, bt. John Loch, again. Sir Jas. Rivett - Carnac, again. Sir Jas. Law Lushington. Sir Jas. L. Lushington. Richd. Jenkins, aft. Sir R. Sir Richd. Jenkins. Wm. Butterworth Bayley. Wm. B. Bayley. Geo. Lyall. Geo. Lyall. Sir Jas. again. Sir Jas. again. John Cotton. John Cotton. John Shepherd. John Shepherd. Sir Hy. Willock. Sir Hy. Willock. Jas. Weir Hogg, aft. Sir Jas. , bt. ... as. Weir Hogg. Hy. St. Geo. Tucker, again. Hy. St. Geo. Tucker, again. Sir Jas. L. Lushington, again. Sir Jas. L. Lushington. Archd. Galloway, aft. Sir A. Sir A. Galloway. John Shepherd. John Shepherd. Sir Jas. Weir Hogg, bt., again. L. Lushington, L. Lushington, 646 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1851. Chair. John Shepherd, again. . 1854. Chair. Jas. Oliphant. Dep. Sir Jas. Weir Hogg, bt., Dep. Elliot Macnaghten. again. 1855. Chair. Elliot Macnaghten. 1852. Chair. Sir Jas. Weir Hogg, bt., Dep. Wm. Hy. Sykes. again. 1856. Chair. . m. Hy. Sykes. Dep. Russell Ellice. Dep. Ross Donnelly Mangles. 1853. Chair. Russell Ellice. 1857. Chair. Ross Donnelly Mangles. Dep. Jas. Oliphant. Dep. Sir Fredk. Currie, bt. SECRETARIES AND UNDER-SECRETARIES OF STATE EOR INDIA. See Part III., “Official,” ante, p. 236. THE COUNCIL OF INDIA. APPOINTED UNDER. 21 & 22 WICT., CAP. 106. SECs. 7–13. By this act a Council of fifteen members was established and styled the Council of India. Of the original members seven were chosen by the East India Company and eight by the Crown. Vacancies occurring amongst the latter were to be filled up by the Crown and all other vacancies by election by the Council. With certain exceptions (see section 10) all members of the Council were to have served or resided in India for ten years at the least. CouncIL OF INDIA. ORIGINAL MEMBERs, SEPT. 21, 1858 (G.). CHOSEN BY THE EAST INDIA CO. CHOSEN BY THE CROWN. 1. Chas. Mills. 8. Sir Hy. Conyngham Montgomery, bt. 2. John Shepherd. 9. Sir Fredk. Currie, bt. 3. Sir Jas. Weir Hogg, bt. 10. Sir John Laird Mair Lawrence, bt., 4. Elliot Macnaghten. G.C.B.; aft. li. Lawrence. 5. Ross Donnelly Mangles. 11. Maj-gen. Sir Robt. John Hussey 6. W. m. Jos. Eastwick. Vivian, K.C.B. 7. Hy. Thoby Prinsep. 12. Col. Sir Proby Thos. Cautley, K.C.B. 13. Lt.-col. Sir Hy. Creswicke Rawlinson, K. C. B. 14. John Pollard Willoughby. 15. Wm. Urquhart Arbuthnot. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTS. 1859. Col. Hy. Marion Durand, C.B.; aft. 1868. Sir Robt. Montgomery, K.C.B., sir H., June 18, G. G.C.S.I., Sept. 21. Sir Thos. Erskine Perry, Aug. 8, G. Sir Fredk. Jas. Halliday, K.C.B., 1861. Col. Wm. Erskine Baker, July 18. Sept. 29. 1863. Sir Geo. Russell Clerk, K.C.B., Sir Hy. Creswicke Rawlinson, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., Dec. 14, G. Oct., 9, G. •. 1866. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, G.C.S.I., 1871. Sir Hy. Jas. Sumner Maine, K.C.S.I., K.C.B., Nov. 12, G. Nov. 2. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 647 1872. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. Alexr. Dawson Wm. Fytche - - Roger Drake, chosen on the spot. Messrs. Watts, Col. Robt. Clive, aft. 16. Clive. John Zephaniah Hol- well. Sir Louis Mallet, C.B., Feb. 8. - Sir Geo. Campbell, K.C.S.I., Feb. 16. Andrew Cassels, Apr. 30. Maj.-Gen. Edwin Beaumont Johnson, Sept. 1. Lt.-Gen. Richd. Strachey, Jan. 1. Hon. Edmd. Drummond, Feb. 9. Sir Barrow Helbert Ellis, K.C.S.I., July 14. Col. Hy. Yule, C.B., Oct. 23. Maj.-gen. Sir Alfred Thos. Wilde, K.C.B., C.S.I., Jan. 1. Maj.-gen. Sir Garnet Wolseley, K.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; aft. visc. Wolseley, Nov. 13. Sir Wm. Muir, K.C.S.I., Nov. 28. Col. Sir Wm. Lockyer Merewether, C.B., K.C.S.I., Nov. 1. - Robt. Anstruther Dalyell, Nov. 1. º Wylie Norman, K.C.B., July 22. Lt.-gen. Richd. Strachey, again, Mar. 11. 1880. 1882. 1883. 1887. 1888. 1889. Bertram Wodehouse Currie, Dec. 11. Hon.sirAshley Eden, K.C.S.I., Apr. 24. Sir Peter Stark Lumsden, K. C. B., C.S.I., Dec. 1. . Jas. Richd. Bullen-Smith, C.S.I., June 6. . Sir Robt. Hy. Davies, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., Mar. 3. Sir John Strachey, G.C.S.I., C.I.E., July 14. Gen. Sir Donald Martin Stewart, bt., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., C.I.E., Dec. 16. Col. Sir Owen Tudor Burne, K.C.S.I., Jan. 1. Robt. Hardie, Mar. 17. Jas. Braithwaite Peile, C.S.I. ; aft. Sir J., Nov. 12. Sir Alexr. John Arbuthnot, K.C.S.I., Nov. 1. Sir Alfred Comyns Lyall, K.C.B., K.C.I.E., Jan. 17. Sir Chas. Arthr. Turner, K.C.I.E., Feb. 21. Lt.-gen. Sir Archbd. Alison, bt., G.C.B., Jan. 1. SECTION II.—INDIAN OFFICIALS. THE SUPREME GOVERNMENT, CALCUTTA. ADMINISTRATORS AND GOVERNORS-GENERAL OF INDIA. ADMINISTRATORs. Appointed prior to the Regulation Act, 1773, 13 Geo. III., cap. 63. App. by the Court. Jan. 27, 1748 - Jan. 8, 1752 - admr., Aug. 8, 1752; succ. on death of Fytche. App. by the court, vice Manningham, Drake, to govern, Becker, and each alternately four Holwell. months, Nov. 11, 1757. Messrs. Watts, Called to the govt. by &c., and aft. app. by the court, Mar. 25, 1758. Succ. on resign. Clive, Jan. 24, 1760. of Assumption of govt. Time of quitting. Jan. 5, 1752; dism. by the court. d. Aug. 8, 1752. Res. June 21, 1758. July 18, 1749 July 6, 1752 - Aug. 10, 1752 June 21, 1758 Agreed to call col. Clive to the govt. June 27, 1758 Res, Jan, 14, 1760. Res. on arrival of Vansittart, July 27, 1760. Jan. 28, 1760 648 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hy. Vansittart - º John Spencer - - Robt. li. Clive, second time. Henry Verelst - * John Cartier - - Warren Hastings - * Warren Hastings, vide Supra. John Macpherson, aft. sir John. Geo., Earl Macartney - Chas., E., aft. M. Corn- wallis. M.-gen. Wm. Medows, aft. Sir W. Sir John Shore, aft. la. Teignmouth. The same - * * Geo., M. Cornwallis, again. Sir Alured Clarke * Rd. Colley, E. of Morn- ington, aft. la, and M. Wellesley. Geo., M. Cornwallis, again. Sir Geo. Hilaro Barlow, bt. Geo., ld, aft. E. Minto. Fras., E. of Moira, aft. M. of Hastings. Hon. John Adam, senior councillor. of 8.8 Geo. Canning - s App. by the Court. Nov. 23, 1759 - - Succ. on resign. of Vansittart, Nov. 26, 1764. June 1, 1764 – <- Succ. on resign. of lá. Clive, Jan. 20, 1767. Succ. on resign. of Verelst, Dec. 16, 1769. Apr. 25, 1771 - tºº Assumption of govt. July 27, 1760 Dec. 3, 1764 - May 3, 1765 - Jan. 29, 1767 Dec. 20, 1769 Apr. 13, 1772. First Coun- cil held Oct. 20, 1774. GOVERNORS-GENERAL. Under the Regulation Act 1773, 13 Geo. III., cap. 63. Named in the act -> Succ. Hastings - *g App. by the court to succ. Hastings, Feb. 17, 1785. Feb. 24, 1786 - *g Apr. 28, 1790 - * App, Apr. 11, 1786, to succ. to the next wa- cancy. App. Sept. 19, 1792, to succ. E. Cornwallis. Feb. 1, 1797 - * Sept. 20, 1797 - º Oct. 4, 1797 - * Jan. 9, 1805 * - Oct 10, 1805; succ., provisionally, on ld. Cornwallis’ death. July 9, 1806 - - Nov. 18, 1812 - & Jan. 13, 1823, under 33 Geo. III., cap. 52. Mar. 27, 1822 - - Wide supra - Feb. 1, 1785 - Declined the office. Sept. 12, 1786 Appt. appr. by Mr. Pitt. Oct. 28, 1793 But did not proceed. Apr. 6, 1798 - May 17, 1798 July 30, 1805 Conf. in the govt. by the court, Feb. 19, 1806. July 31, 1807 Oct. 4, 1813 - Jan. 13, 1823 Did not go out Time of quitting. Res. Nov. 26, 1704. May 3, 1765; res. on arrival of li. Clive. Res. Jan. 20, 1767. Res. Dec. 16, 1769. Ordered to quit the govt. in the last ship of the season after Mr. Hastings’ arrival. App. gov.-gen., vide infra. Feb. 1, 1785; res. to Macpherson. Feb. 12, 1786; res. to la. Cornwallis. Res. to Shore, Oct. 28, 1793. But relinq, by gen. Medows. Res. to Clarke, Mar. 12, 1798. Relinq. the appt., Aug. 2, 1797. May 17, 1798; res.to ld. Mornington. July 30, 1805; res. to lö. Cornwallis. Oct., 5, 1805; d. on his way to the upper provinces. Succ. by la. Minto, July 31, 1807. Oct. 4, 1813; res. to ld. Moira. Jan. 9, 1823. Aug. 1, 1823; res. to lá. Amherst. Relinq. appt. Sept. 16, 1822. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 649 App. by the Court. Assumption of govt. Time of quitting. Wm., ld., aft E. Am- Oct. 23, 1822 - - Aug 1, 1823 - Mar. 10, 1828. herst. Wm. Butterworth Succ., provisionally, as Mar. 13, 1828 July 4, 1828. Bayley. senr. councillor. Ld. Wm. Cavendish- July 18, 1827 - - July 4, 1828 - Wide ºnfra. Bentinck, G. C. B. , G. C. H. g By 3 and 4 Wm. IV., cap. 85 (Aug. 28, 1833), it was declared that the supreme direction and control of the whole of the civil and military government of all the territories and revenues in India should be vested in a governor-general and council, to be styled the governor-general of India in council. And it was further declared that the person who should be governor-general of the presidency of Fort William in Bengal on Apr. 22, 1834, should be the first governor-general of India, under the act. The governor-general of Bengal, as head of the chief presidency, had been usually denominated “Governor-General ”; Madras, Bombay, &c., being subject to his supreme control; but it was not until the passing of this act that the “Governor- General of India,” actually so constituted, existed as well in name as in authority. Ld. Wm. Cavendish Ben- Contd. in the govt., First Gov.- Mar. 20, 1835. tinck, vide supra. Apr. 22, 1834. Gen. of In- dia under the above act. Sir Chas. Theoph. Met- Succ. provisionally - Mar. 20, 1835 Mar. 4, 1836. calfe, bt., aft. lil. Met- calfe. Wm., ld. Heytesbury, Jan. 28, 1835. Did not pro- Appt. vacated by the G.C.B. ceed. crown, May 5, 1835. Geo., ld., aft. E. of Aug. 12, 1835 - - Mar. 4, 1836 – Feb. 28, 1842. Auckland. Edwd., ld., aft. E., of Oct. 20, 1841 - - Feb. 28, 1842 Removed June 15, Ellenborough. 1844. Wm. Wilberforce Bird, Succ. provisionally as June 15, 1844 Res. to Hardinge, memb. of council. next in rank in the July 23, 1844. council. Sir Hy. Hardinge, aft. May 2, 1844 * - July 23, 1844 Jan. 12, 1848. visc. Hardinge, G.C. B. Jas. Andrew, E., aft. M., Aug. 4, 1847. Jan. 12, 1848. of Dalhousie. Chas. John, visc. Can- - - - º - Feb. 29, 1856 Made viceroy, vide ning. *nfra. Since Nov. 1, 1858, on the passing of 21, and 22 Vict., cap. 106 (see Introduction, ante, p. 643), the Governors-General have been appointed by the Crown, and are dis- tinguished by the additional title of Viceroy. VICEROYS AND GOVERNORS-GENERAL of INDIA. From Nov. 1, 1858. App. by the Crown. Assumption of govt. Chas. John, visc. Can- Appt. contd. - - Appt, contd. ning, vide supra. Jas... E. of Elgin and Jan. 21, 1862 - - Mar. 12, 1862. Rincardine, K.T., G.C.B. Sir John Laird Mair Dec. 5, 1863 es - Jan. 12, 1864. Lawrence, bt., G.C.B., - K.C.S.I.;aft.ld. Lawrence. Richd Southwell, E. of Oct. 27, 1868 - - Jan. 12, 1869. Mayo. Thos. Geo., ld., aft. E., Mar. 14, 1872 - - May 3, 1872. of Northbrook. Edwd. Robt. Lytton, ld, Feb. 12, 1876 - - Apr. 12, 1876. aft. E., of Lytton. 650 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. App, by the Crown. Assumption of govt. Geo. Fredk. Sam I., M. May 6, 1880 - - June 8, 1880. of Ripon, K.G. Fredk. Temple, E. of Oct. 21, 1884 - - Dec. 13, 1884. Dufferin, K.P., G.C.B., G.C.M.G. ; aft. M. of Dufferin and Ava. Hy. Chas. Keith, M. of 1888 dº #º - Dec. 10,1888. Lansdowne, G.M.S.I., G.C.M.G., G. M.I. E. COMMANDERS IN CHIEF IN INDIA. Appointed. Assumed command. Quitted command. Lt.-gen. John Clavering. Feb. 7, 1774 s - Oct. 27, 1774 Aug, 30, 1777, when he d. On the death of gen. Clavering the duties were carried on by the military board; but on Oct. 16 following brigr.-gen. Giles Stibbert, provincial comm.-ch., assumed command of the army, which he held until the arrival of Sir Eyre Coote. Lt.-gen. Sir Eyre Coote. Apr. 17, 1777 - - Mar. 25, 1779 Apr. 27, 1783; d. º Apr. 30, 1783. Brigr.-gen. Stibbert again assumed the chief command, and held it until lt.-gen. Sloper arrived. Lt.-gen. Robt. Sloper - Oct. 27, 1784 - - July 21, 1785 Sept. 12, 1786. Geo., E., aft M., Corn- Apr. 11, 1786 - - Sept. 12, 1786 Oct. 28, 1793. wallis, gov.-gen. Col. Mackenzie and col. Auchmuty were apptd. to the command-in chief in the absence of là, Cornwallis in 1790 and 1793. Maj.-gen. Sir Robt. Aber- Sept. 19, 1792 - - Oct. 28, 1793 Apr. 30, 1797. cromby. Maj.-gen. Morgan held the chief command in the absence of gem. Abercromby. Lt.-gen. Sir Alured Oct. 4, 1797 * - May 17, 1798 July 31, 1801. Clarke. He had held the provl, command from Apr. 30, 1797. Lt.-gen. Gerard Lake, Aug. 13, 1800 - - July 31, 1801 July 30, 1805. aft. li. Lake. Geo., M. Cornwallis, Mar. 20, 1805 - - July 30, 1805 Oct. 5, 1805; d. Oct. again; gov.-gen. 5, 1805. Lord Lake held the provl. command in the absence of là. Cornwallis. Lt.-gen. Gerard, ld, aft. Feb. 19, 1806 - - Oct. 10, 1805 Oct. 17, 1807. visc., Lake Ld. Lake held the command from the death of the marq. Cornwallis, in his capacity of provl. comm.-ch. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Hewett- Dec. 23, 1806 - - Oct. 17, 1807 Dec. 18, 1811. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Nugent- Mar, 13, 1811 - - Jan. 14, 1812 Oct. 4, 1813. On the arrival of là. Moira, Sir Geo. Nugent assumed the provl. command, agreeably with the court's resolution of the 18th Nov. 1812. Gen. Fras., E. of Moira, Nov. 18, 1812 - - Oct. 4, 1813 – Jan. 13, 1823. aft. M. of Hastings, gov.-gen. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Edwd. June 2, 1822 - - Jan. 13, 1823 Oct. 7, 1825. Paget, G.C.B. Gen. Stapleton, ld., aft. Feb. 9, 1825 - - Oct. 7, 1825 - Jan. 1, 1830. visc., Combermere, G. C. B., G.C. H. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 651 Appointed. Assumed command. Quitted Command. Lt -gen. Geo., E. of Dal- Feb. 17, 1829 - - Jan. 1, 1830 - Jan. 10, 1832. housie, G.C.B Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Oct. 17, 1830 - - Jan. 10, 1832 Oct. 16, 1833, Barnes, G.C.B. Ld. Wm. Cavendish Ben- May 18, 1833 - - Oct. 16, 1833 Wide infra. tinck, G.C. B., G.C.H., gov.-gen. Ld. Wm. Cavendish Ben- Re-app. by a new com- Apr. 22, 1834 Sept. 5, 1835. tinck, gov.-gen. and mission under 3 & 4 commr.-chief. Wm. IV. cap. 85. Gen. Sir ‘Hy. Fane, Feb. 4, 1835 - - Sept. 5, 1835 Dec. 7, 1839. G. C. B. Gen. Sir Jasper Nicolls, Aug. 14, 1839 - - Dec. 7, 1839 - Aug. 11, 1843. IK. C. B. Gen. Sir Hugh Gough, - * * - - Aug. 11, 1843 May 7, 1849. G. C. B. ; aft. visc. Gough. Gen. Sir Chas, Napier, Mar. 7, 1849 - - May 7, 1849 - Dec. 6, 1850 G. C. B. Gen. Sir Wm. Maynard Sept. 18, 1850 - - Dec. 6, 1850. Gomm, R.C.B. Gen. hon. Geo. Anson. Nov. 20, 1855 - - Jan. 23, 1856. Lt.-gen. Sir Colin Camp- July 11, 1857 - - Aug. 13, 1857. bell, G.C. B. ; aft. la Clyde. Gen. Sir Hugh Hy. Rose, May 18, 1860 - - June 4, 1860. G.C.B., R.C.S.I.; aft. ld. Strathnairn. Gen. Sir Wm. Rose Mans- - * º - - Mar. 23, 1865. field, K.C.B., G.C.S.I. ; aft. li. Sandhurst. Gen. Robt. Cornelis, ld - - - * - Apr. 9, 1870. Napier of Magdala, G. C.B., G.C. S. I. Gen. Sir Fredk. Paul - - - - - Apr. 10, 1876. Haines, K.C.B. Gen. Sir Donald Martin - * - - - Apr. 8, 1881. Stewart, bt., G.C. B., C. I. E. Gen. Sir Fredk. Sleigh - * * * - Nov. 28, 1885. Roberts, bt., V.C., G. C. B., C.I.E. BENGAL. THE PRESIDENCY OR PROVINCE OF BENGAL, sometimes styled the presidency of Fort William, from the small settlement out of which it has risen, is the youngest of the three presidencies, but has for many years been considered as the principal one, its governor having been, by the Regulation Act 1773 (13 Geo. III., cap. 63), made ea:-officio governor-general of the whole of the dominions of the East India Com- pany. By the 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 85 (Aug. 28, 1833), the title of “Governor-General of India.” was first officially created, and provision was made for the division of Bengal into two provinces, to be called Fort William, in Bengal, and Agra, with a deputy or lieut. governor for each. By the 5 & 6 Wm. IV., cap. 52 (Aug. 31, 1835), the East India Company was empowered to suspend this division, and it was never made. By 16 & 17 Vict, cap. 95 (Aug. 20, 1853), and 652 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 17 & 18 Vict., cap. 77 (Aug. 7, 1854), further provision was made for the division of Bengal; and under these various Acts, to which the reader is referred for details, the North-West Provinces were separated, and a lieutenant governor was appointed for the rest of Bengal. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS OF BENGAT. 1854. Fredk. Jas. Halliday, aft. Sir F., 1877. Hon. Ashley Eden, C.S.I., aft. Sir May 1. A., May 1. 1859. John Peter Grant, May 1. 1882. Aug. Rivers Thompson, C.S.I., 1862. Cecil Beadon, aft. Sir C., Apr. 23. C.I.E., aft. Sir A., Apr. 24. 1867. Wm. Grey, aft. Sir W. 1887. Sir Stewart Colvin Bayley, K.C.S.I., 1870. Geo. Campbell, aft. Sir G. C.I.E., Apr. 2. 1874. Sir Richd.Temple, bt., K.C.S.I., Apr.9. COMMANDERS IN CHIEF IN BENGAL. Appointed. Assumed command. Lt.-gen. Giles Stibbert - - - - - Sept. 26, 1776 - Oct. 16, 1777. Lt.-gen. Stibbert held the provl. command during the absence of sir Eyre Coote, at Madras, and continued to hold it after sir Eyre Coote's death until the arrival of lt.-gen. Sloper. Col. McKenzie - - - - - - During the absence of ld. Cornwallis. Col. Saml. Auchmuty, aft. Sir S. - - - During the absence of là. Cornwallis. Maj.-gen. Sir Robt. Abercromby - - - Sep. 19, 1792 - On Oct. 28, 1793, he assumed the chief command in India. Dec. 6, 1790 - Dec. 6, 1790. Aug. 15, 1793 - Aug. 15, 1793. Oct. 5, 1793. Maj.-gen. Morgan - - - - - - Jan. 17, 1797 - Jan. 17, 1797. During the absence of gen. Abercromby. Lt.-gen. Sir Alured Clarke, K.B. - - - Apr. 6, 1796 - Apr. 30, 1797. On May 17, 1798, sir A. Clarke assumed the chief command in India. Lt.-gen. Gerard, ld., aft. visc. Lake - - - Apr. 11, 1805 - July 30, 1805. On Oct. 5, 1805, on the death of the M. Cornwallis, ld. Lake assumed the chief command in India. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Nugent - - - - - Nov. 18, 1812 - Oct. 9, 1813. Pursuant to a resolution of the court, of Nov. 18, 1812, sir Geo. Nugent, on the arrival of the earl of Moira, assumed the provl. command, and held it until Dec. 28, 1814; from which time the separate appointment of comml.- chief in Bengal merged into the general appointment of comm.-chief in India. (See “Commanders in Chief in India,” ante, p. 650.) CHIEF JUSTICES OF BIFNGAL. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME CourT OF BENGAL. Appointed under 13 Geo. III., cap. 63 (June 16, 1773). 1774. Sir Elijah Impey, first judge, 1823. Sir Christr. Puller, d. May 26, Mar. 26. | 1824. 1791. Sir Robt. Chambers. ; 1825. Sir Chas. Grey, Feb. 2. 1798. Sir John Anstruther, bt. ; res. 1806. 1832. Sir Wm. Oldmall Russell. 1807. Sir Hy. Russell, knt.; bt. 1812. 1838. Sir Edwd. Ryan. 1813. Sir Edwd. Hyde East, knt.; bt. 1823. 1842. Sir Lawrence Peel. 1821. Sir Robt. H. Blossett, d. Feb. 1, 1855. Sir Jas. Wrm. Colvile. 1823. 1859. Sir Barnes Peacock. Supreme Court abolished on establishment of High Court of Judicature under 24 & 25 Vict., cap. 104 (Aug. 6, 1861). THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 653 CHIEF JUSTICEs of THE HIGH CourT of JUDICATURE FOR THE BENGAL DIVISION OF THE PRESIDENCY OF FORT WILLIAM. Appointed under 24 & 25 Vict, cap. 104, and Order in Council dated May 13, 1862. 1862. Sir Barnes Peacock, May 13, G. 1886. Sir Wm. Comer Petheram, Feb. 1870. Sir Richd. Couch, Apr. 1, G. 26, G. 1875. Richd. Garth, Mar.2; knt. May 13,6. DIOCESE OF CALCUTTA. THE bishopric of Calcutta was constituted under 53 Geo. III., cap. 155 (July 21, 1813). By 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 85 (Aug. 28, 1833), the bishop of Calcutta was declared to be the metropolitan of India. The ecclesiastical province of Calcutta comprises the sees of Bombay. | Lahore. Rangoon. Calcutta. Madras. Travancore and Cochin Colombo. | | BISHOPS OF CALCUTTA. 1814. Thos. Fanshawe Middleton, 1st bp., 1829. John M. Turner, d. 1832. Feb. 18; d. July 8, 1822. 1832. Danl. Wilson, Apr. 3, G. 1823, Reginald Heber, May 13, G.; d. | 1858. Geo. Edwd. Lynch Cotton, Mar. Apr. 2, 1826. | 29, G. 1827. John Thos. James, Apr, 25, G.; d. 1867. Robt. Milman. 1829. 1876. Edwd. Ralph Johnson, Nov. 21, G. NORTH-WEST PROVINCES AND OUDH. THE NoFTH-WEST PROVINCEs were separated from Bengal in 1853, and were placed under a lieutenant governor. See “Bengal,” ante, p. 651. OUDH was annexed in 1856, and placed under a chief commissioner. SINCE 1877 the offices of lieutenant governor of the North-West Provinces and chief commissioner of Oudh have been held by the same person. GOVERNORS, &c., OF THE NORTH-WEST PROVINCES AND OUDH. LIEUTENANT GovKRNORS OF THE NORTH-WEST PROVINCEs. 1853. John Russell Colvin, Oct. 14. 1874. Sir John Strachey, K.C.S.I. 1859. Geo. Fredk. Edmonstone, Jan. 20. 1877. Sir Geo. Ebenezer Wilson Couper, 1863. Hon. Edmond Drummond, Mar. 7. bt., C.B., K.C.S.I., C.I.E., Jan. 17. 1868. Sir Wm. Muir, K.C.S.I., Mar. 7. Office united to that of Chief Commissioner of Oudh, 1877, 654 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. CHIEF CoMMIssion ERs of OUDH. 1856. Maj.-gen. Sir Jas. Outram, K.C.B. 1871. Maj.-gen. Lousada Barrow. 1858. Robt. Montgomery, aft. Sir R. 1874. Sir Geo. Ebenezer Wilson Couper: 1859. Chas. John Wingfield. bt. 1866. John Strachey, aft. Sir J. 1876. John Forbes David Inglis. 1870. Robt. Hy. Davies. Office united to that of Lieut. Governor of North-West Provinces, 1877. LIEUTENANT GovKRNORS OF THE North-WEST PROVINCES AND CHIEF COMMISSIONERs of OUDH. 1877. Sir Geo. Ebenezer Wilson Couper, 1887. Sir Auckland Colvin, K.C.M.G., * bt., C. B., K.C.S.I., C.I.E. C.I.E., Nov. 21. 1882. Sir Alfred Comyns Lyall, K.C.B., Apr. 17. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE NORTH-WEST PROVINCES. The High Court of Judicature for the North-West Provinces was established in 1866 under 24 & 25 Vict., c. 104, sec. 16. 1866. Walter Morgan, Mar 3, G. ; knt. | 1884. Wm. Comer Petheram, Aug. 26, G.; June 13. knt. Sept. 26. 1871, Robt. Stuart, Sept. 22, G.; knt. | 1886. John Edge, aft. Sir J., May 27, G.; Oct. 3. aft. knt. THE PUNJAB. THE PUNJAB was annexed in 1849, and was until 1853 governed by a board of administration. In 1853 it was placed under a chief commis- sioner, who in 1859 was raised to the rank of lieutenant governor. GOVERNORS, &c., OF THE PUNJAB. PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUNJAB. 1849. Col. Sir Hy. Montgomery Lawrence, K.C.B. CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF THE PUNJAB. 1853. Jno. Laird Mair Lawrence, aft. Sir J., bt., and ló. Lawrence. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS of THE PUNJAB. 1859 Robt. Montgomery, aft. Sir R. 1877. Robt. Eyles Egerton, C.S.I., aft, sir 1865. Donald Friell McLeod, C.B. R., Apr. 2. 1870. Maj.-gen. Sir Hy. Marion Durand, 1882. Sir Chas. Umpherston Aitchison, BC. C.S.I., C.B. R.C.S.I., C.I.E., Apr. 12. 1871, Robt. Hy. Davies, C.S.I., aft. Sir R., | 1887. Jas. Broadwood Lyall, aft. Sir J. Jan. 20. Apr. 2. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 65 5 DIOCESE OF LAHORE. THE bishopric of Lahore was constituted in 1877, and is in the province of Calcutta. BISHOPS OF LAHORE. 1877. Thos. Valpy French, Dec. 17, G.; 1887. Hy. Jas. Matthew, Dec. 22, G. I’éS. THE CENTRAL PROVINCES. THE CENTRAL PROVINCEs were constituted in 1861. They were taken from the North-West Provinces and from Madras. They are governed by a chief commissioner. CHIEF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CENTRAL PROVINCES. 1862. Lt.-col. Edwd. King Elliott. 1883. Wrm. Brittain Jones, C.S.I. 1865. Richd. Temple, aft. Sir R., bt. 1885. Chas. Haukes Tod Crosthwaite, aft. 1867. Geo. Campbell, aft. Sir G. sir C. 1870. John Hy. Morris. 1887. Alexr. Mackenzie, C.S.I. BURMA. BURMA is now divided into UPPER and LOWER BURMA. Lower Burma, formerly known as BRITISH BURMA, was annexed to India partly in 1826, after the first Burmese War, and partly in 1852, after the second Burmese War. Upper Burma was annexed in February 1886, after the third Burmese War. The government is vested in a chief commis- SIOIſleI’. CHIEF COMMISSIONERS OF BURMA, 1862. Arthur Purvese Phayre. 1878. Chas. Umpherston Aitchison, C.s.I., 1867. Col. Albert Fytche. aft. Sir C. 1871. Hon. Ashley Eden, aft. Sir A., actg. 1882. Chas. Edwd. Bernard, aft. sir C. C. C. ; app. C. C. 1873. - 1887. Chas. Haukes Tod Crosthwaite, 1877. Augustus Rivers Thompson,aft.sirA. C.S.I., aft. Sir C. DIOCESE OF RANGOON, THE bishopric of Rangoon was constituted in 1877, and is in the province of Calcutta. BISHOPS OF RANGOON. 1877. Jonn. Holt Titcomb, Dec. 17, G.; 1882. John Miller Strachan, consec. res. 1882. May 1. 656 . THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, ASSAM. Ass AM was ceded by Burma in 1824, and was included in the govern- ment of Bengal until 1874, when it was made a separate province and placed under a chief commissioner. r CHIEF COMMISSIONERS OF ASSAM. 1874. Col. Richd. Harte Keatinge, V.C., | 1881. Chas. Alfred Elliott, C.S.I., aft. Sir s C C.S.I. e 1880. Sir Stuart Colvin Bayley, K.C.S.I. 1887. Dennis Fitzpatrick, C. s. 1. MADRA.S. THE PRESIDENCY OR PROVINCE OF MADRAs is sometimes called the Presidency of ForT ST. GEORGE, from the settlement in which it had its origin. This settlement was the first acquisition of territory by the original East India Company, who obtained possession of it about 1639. GOVERNORS OF MADRA.S. First appointed under 24 Geo. III., cap. 25 (Aug. 13, 1784). Appointed. Took his Seat. Geo., Earl Macartney * - - - - Sept. 2, 1784 - Feb. 12, 1785. Alexr. Davidson, councillor - * - - Succ. provisionally June 4, 1785. Sir Archd. Campbell - - - & - - Mar. 9, 1785 Apr. 6, 1786. John Hollond, councillor - - - - Succ. provisionally Feb. 7, 1789. E. J. Hollond, councillor - - - - - Succ. provisionally Feb. 13, 1790. M.-gen. Wm. Medows, aft. Sir W. - - - July 7, 1789 - Feb. 20, 1790. Sir Chas. Oakeley, bt. - - * - - Apr. 28, 1790 - Aug. 1, 1792. He had previously held the office of governor, in the absence of gen. Medows, from Oct. 15, 1790, to Dec. 21, 1791. Robt. Hobart, c.c. and aft. la. Hobart ; aft. E. of Buckinghamshire - - - - - Oct. 23, 1793 - Sept. 7, 1794. M.-gen. Geo. Harris, aft. gen, ld. Harris - - Oct, 4, 1797 - Feb. 21, 1798. Edwd., ld, Clive, aft. E. of Powis * - - Dec. 13, 1797 - Sept. 5, 1799. Lord Powis quitted the government, Aug. 30, 1803. The govr.-gen., ld. Morn- ington, held the office from Jan. 2, preceding. Ld. Wm. Cavendish Bentinck - - - - Nov. 17, 1802 - Aug. 30, 1803. Recalled by the court, Apr. 7, 1807; quitted Sept. 11, following. Wm. Petrie, councillor - - º - - Succ. provisionally Sept. 11, 1807. Sir Geo. Hilaro Barlow, bt. - - - - May 13, 1807 - Dec. 24, 1807. Lt.-gen. hon. John Abercromby º - - Nov. 20, 1812 - May 21, 1813, Hugh Elliot - - *- - - - - Dec. 3, 1813 - Sept. 16, 1814. Maj.gen. Sir Thos. Munro, bt., K.C.B. - - - - June 10, 1820. Hy. Sullivan Graeme •= - º - - Succ. provisionally July 10, 1827. Took charge of the govt. on the death of Sir Thos. Munro, which took place at Ghooty, July 6, preceding. - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 657 Stephen Rumbold Lushington - tº - sº Lt.-gen. Sir Frederick Adam, K.C.B. - tº- * John, ld. Elphinstone gº sº * sº * Lt.-gen. Geo., M. of Tweeddale, K.T., comm. ch. - Maj.-gen. Sir Hy. Pottinger, bt., G.C.B. - º Geo. Fras. Tobt., ld. Harris * - * - Sir Chas. Edwd. Trevelyan, K.C.B. - - - Sir Hy. Geo. Ward, G.C.M.G. - * * * Sir Wm. Thos. Denison, K.C.B. - - tº * Fras., ld. Napier, K.T. tº-3 - Eº * * Were Hy., ld. Hobart * * sº - amº Richd. Plant, &c., D. of Buckingham and Chandos Wm. Patrick Adam wº sº * - * Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant-Duff - * sº Robt. Bourke, aft. 16. Connemara, G.C.I.E. * COMMANDERS IN CHIEF IN MADRA.S. Lt.-gen. Robt. Sloper- wº wº- sº wº tºº Appointed. Jan. 17, 1827 Apr. 13, 1842 Aug. 4, 1847 Jan. 31, 1859 May 19, 1860 Oct. 30, 1860 Jan. 31, 1866 Mar. 14, 1872 July 28, 1875 Oct. 11, 1880 July 8, 1881 Sept. 4, 1886. G. Appointed. Oct. 7, 1784 Assumed chief command in India, July 21, 1785. Lt.-gen. Sir John Dalling, bt, - 3-e - * Lt.-gen. Sir Archd. Campbell; govr. - - - M.-gen. Sir Wm. Medows; govr. * * * The command was held by the senior officer until Gen. Medows’ M.-gen. Sir Alured Clarke - * i- sº sº Dec. 7, 1784 Apr. 11, 1786 July 7, 1789 Apr. 28, 1795 Took his seat. Oct. 18, 1827. Oct. 25, 1832 Mar. 4, 1837. Sept. 24, 1842. Apr. 7, 1848. Apr. 28, 1854. Mar. 28, 1859. Feb. 18, 1861. Mar. 27, 1866. May 15, 1872. Nov. 23, 1875. Dec. 20, 1880. Nov. 5, 1881. Dec. 8, 1886. Assumed command. June 17, 1785. July 21, 1785. Apr. 6, 1786. Feb. 20, 1790. arrival. Proceeded to assume the command in Bengal, Mar. 6, 1797; the held by the senior officer until his return, Lt.-gen. Jas. Stuart - * * * º tºº M.-gen. Sir John Fras. Cradock, aft. 16. Howden Lt.-gen. H. McDowall - * * º * Lt.-gen. Geo. Hewett, aft. bt. - sº & - M.-gen. Sir Saml. Auchmuty - sº - - Lt.-gen. hon. John Abercromby - - º * Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Hislop, bt. - rº e- * Lt.-gen. Sir Alexr. Campbell, bt., K.C.B. - * Dec. 10, 1800 Dec. 21, 1803 May 29, 1807 Feb. 14, 1810 Feb. 12, 1812 Dec. 3, 1813 Dec. 6, 1820 Gen. Bowser, senr. officer, then held command. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Townshend Walker, G.C.B. - Lt.-gen. Hon. Sir Robt. Wm. O'Callaghan, IC. C. B. Lt.-gen. Sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.B. sº tº- Lt.-gen. Sir Jasper Nicolls, K.C.B. - e-e tº- May 11, 1825 Oct. 17, 1830 Apr. 17, 1836 Took the office as comm. ch. of the forces in India, Dec. 7, 1839. Lt.-gen. Sir Saml. Ford Whittingham, K.C.B., IC. C. H. Lt.-gen. Sir Hugh Gough, bt., G.C.B., aft. Visc. Gough. Assumed office, commanding the expedition in China. in India, Aug. 11, 1843. Lt.-gen. Geo., M. of Tweeddale, K.T. ; govr., and comm. chief. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Hy. Fredk. Berkeley, K.C.B. - Lt.-gen, sir Rd. Armstrong, K.C.B. - - * Lt.-gen. Wm. Staveley, C.B. - - º sº Lt.-gen. hon. Geo. Anson, G.B. - * * sº Sept. 18, 1839 June 16, 1841. Apr. 20, 1842 Sept. 29, 1847 Jan. 15, 1796. command being Aug. 1, 1801. Oct. 17, 1804. Sept. 17, 1807. Apr. 10, 1810. Sept. 27, 1810. May 21, 1813. May 25, 1814. June 15, 1821; d. Dec.11, 1824. Mar. 3, 1826. May 11, 1831, Oct. 11, 1836. Dec. 21, 1838. Aug. 1, 1840. Comm. chief of the forces Sept. 24, 1842. Mar. 13, 1848. Sept. 29, 1851. Oct., 1853. Sept. 23, 1854. 42 658 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Appointed. Assumed Command. Lt.-gen. Sir Patrick Grant, K.C.B. - - - •º * * - June 10, 1856. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Hope Grant, G.C.B. - * * gº e * - Dec. 26, 1861. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Gaspart Le Marchant, R.C. B., * - * - May 25, 1865. G. C. M. G. Lt.-gen. W. A. McCleverty * º * * - º * - Nov. 8, 1867. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk. Paul Haines, K.C.B. - - tº gººm * - May 22, 1871. Gen. Sir Neville Bowles Chamberlain, G.C.B., º wº * - Feb. 2, 1876. G.C.S.I. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk, Sleigh Roberts, bt., V.C., - - gº - Nov. 28, 1881. G.C.B., C.I.E. Lt.-gen. Sir Herbert Taylor Macpherson, V.C., gºs - * - Mar. 7, 1886 K. C. B., IK.C.S.I. Sir Chas. Geo. Arbuthnot, K.C.B. * gº * sº- ºs * - Dec. 9, 1886 CHIEF JUSTICES OF MADRA.S. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME Cou RT OF MADRAS. Appointed under 39 & 40 Geo. III., cap. 79 (1799). 1800. Sir Thos. A. Strange, Dec. 26. 1842. Sir Edwd. J. Gambier, Mar. 11. 1815. Sir John H. Newbolt, Sept. 6. 1849. Christr. Rawlinson, aft. Sir C. 1820. Sir Edmd. Stanley, May 17. 1859. Sir Hy. Davison. 1825. Sir Ralph Palmer, Jan. 28. 1861. Colley Harman Scotland, aft. Sir C., 1835. Sir Robt. Buckley Comyns, July 1. Feb. 8, G. Supreme Court abolished on establishment of High Court of Judicature under 24 & 25 Vict. cap. 104 (Aug. 6, 1861). CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE HIGH CourT OF JUDICATURE FOR MADRAs. Appointed under 24 & 25 Vict. cap. 104, and Order in Council dated June 23, 1862. 1862. Sir Colley Harman Scotland, June | 1879. Hon. Chas. Arthur Turner, C.I.E., 23, G. Mar. 3, G. ; knt. Apr. 23. 1871. Sir Walter Morgan, Sept. 22, G. 1885. Arthur John Hammond Collins, Aug. 18, G. ; knt. same date. DIOCESE OF MADRAS. THE bishopric of Madras was constituted under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 85 (Aug. 28, 1833), and is in the province of Calcutta. BIs HoPs of MADRAs. 1835. Danl. Corrie, Feb. 14. 1849. Thos. Dealtry. 1837. Geo. Trevor Spencer. 1861. Fredk Gell, May 16, G. BOMBAY. THE island of Bombay, the foundation of the presidency or province of that name, came into possession of the English in 1661, being part of the dowry of the Infanta of Portugal, the queen of Charles II., by whom it was ceded to the East India Company in 1668. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 659 GOVERNORS OF BOMBAY. First appointed under 24 Geo. III., cap. 25 (Aug. 13, 1784). Appointed. Took his seat. Rawson H. Boddam - * * ** * - Sept. 3, 1784 – Jan. 6, 1785. Andr. Ramsay - ex - * * - - Sept. 10, 1784 - Jan. 9, 1788. M.-gen. Wrm. Medows, aft, sir W. - - - Sept. 5, 1787 - Sept. 6, 1788. Col. Robt. Abercromby, aft. Sir R. - * - Aug. 5, 1789 - Jan. 21, 1790. Quitted the presidency, Nov. 26, 1792, having been app. comm. ch. in India. Geo. Dick, councillor- tº º - gº - Succ. provisionally Nov. 26, 1792. John Griffith, councillor - - - --> - Succ. provisionally Nov. 9, 1795. Jonn. Duncan - º 4-, gºs - º - Nov. 12, 1794 - Dec.27,1795; d. in the govt., Aug. 11,1811. Geo. Browne, councillor - * sº gº - Succ. provisionally Aug. 11, 1811. Sir Evan Nepean, bt. - * * tº-º * - Jan. 7, 1812 - Aug. 12, 1812. Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone - sº wº- - Oct. 7, 1818 - Nov. 1, 1819. M.-gen. Sir John Malcolm, G.C.B. * * - Jan. 17, 1827 - Nov. 1, 1827. John, E. of Clare * sº *g - * * sº * gº - Mar. 21, 1831. Sir Robt. Grant, G.C. H. - - - - -- gº tº sº - Mar. 17,1835;d. in the govt., July 9, 1838. James Farish, councillor - - * * - Succ. provisionally July 11, 1838. Sir Jas. Rivett-Carnac, bt.- – - - - - * tº - May 31, 1839. Res. on account of ill health, Apr. 27, 1841. Geo. Wm. Anderson, aft. Sir G. tº- * - - * * Sir Wm. Hay Macnaghten, bt. - s gºs - July 28, 1841. At the time of his app. sir Wm. Macnaghten was resident at Cabul, where, on Dec. 23, 1841, he was assassinated during a deliberation respecting the evacuation of the place. - Apr. 27, 1841. Col. Sir Geo. Arthur, bt. - - tº * * $º * * - June 9, 1842. Res., on account of ill health, Aug. 6, 1846. Lestock Robt. Reid, councillor - * * - Succ. provisionally Aug. 6, 1846. Geo. Russell Clerk, aft. Sir G. - s * - Nov. 11, 1846 - Jan. 23, 1847. Lucius, visc. Falkland $º-> &- sº - - Feb. 1, 1848 - May 1, 1848. John, 13th lä. Elphinstone, G.C.B. - " - * * *= tº - Dec. 26, 1853. Sir Geo. Russell Clerk, K.C.B., again - * - April 23, 1860 - May 11, 1860. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, K.C.B. - tº- * * º - - Apr. 24, 1862. Wm. Robt. Seymour Vesey FitzGerald, aft. Nov. 19, 1866 - Mar. 6, 1867. ld. F. and W. - Sir Philip Edmond Wodehouse, K.C.B. tº- - Mar. 2, 1872 - May 6, 1872. Sir Richd. Temple, bt., K.C.S.I. - e- º - Feb. 26, 1877 - Apr. 30, 1877. Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt., K.C.M.G. * &= - Mar. 10, 1880 - Apr. 28, 1880. Donald Jas., ld. Reay, G.C.I.E. - *E- tº- - Feb. 27, 1885 - Mar. 30, 1885. COMMANDERS IN CHIEF IN BOMBAY. Appointed. Assumed command Brig.-gen. Lawrence Nilson º wº- * - Mar. 31, 1784 - Jan. 6, 1785. M.-gen. Wm. Medows, aft. Sir W., govr. - - Sept. 5, 1787 - Sept. 6, 1788. Previously to the arrival of gen. Medows, Rawson H. Boddam, the govr., was invested with the command of the army. Col. Robt. Abercromby, aft. Sir R., govr. - Aug. 5, 1789 - Jan. 21, 1790. M.-gen. Jas. Stuart - cº * º-s, * - Apr. 6, 1796 - Jan. 17, 1797 On Jan. 22, 1801, he proceeded to take the command at Madras. Previously to the arrival of gem. Stuart, the command had been held by the senior officer. 42 * 660 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Appointed. Assumed command. M.-gen, Oliver Nicolls - * sº sº ** - * sº-> Jan. 22, 1801. M.-gen. Hon. J ohn Abercromby- * *g - May 2, 1809 Nov. 28, 1809. On Oct. 10, 1812, he proceeded to take the command of the forces at Madras. Previously to the arrival of gen, Abercromby, the command was held by the M.-gen. Senior officer. Sir Thos. Hislop, bt. - tº Feb. 28, 1812. This officer was captured on the voyage outwards; and upon being exchanged, h Was app. to the command at Madras. Lt.-gen. Sir Miles Nightingall - sº sº - Jan. 10, 1815 Feb. 24, 1816. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Chas. Colville - - - - Nov. 4, 1818 Oct. 9, 1819. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Bradford, K.C.B. - - July 20, 1825 May 3, 1826. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Sidney Beckwith, K.C.B. - - May 17, 1829 Dec. 3,1829; d. in the govt., Jan. 15, 1831. The command was assumed by the senior officer. July 17, 1831 - Oct. 18, 1833 - Lt.-gen. Sir Colin Halkett, K.C.B. * -º - º Lt.-gen. Sir John Keane, K.C.B., G.C.H., aft. 16. Reane. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. McMahon, bt., K.C.B. - wº Jan. 21, 1832. July 2, 1834. Oct. 16, 1839 - Feb. 14, 1840. Lt.-gen. Sir Willoughby Cotton, G.C.B. - - Jan. 13, 1847 - Apr. 8, 1847. Lt.-gen. Sir John Grey, K.C.B. - * * gº * sº * - Dec. 30, 1850. Lt.-gen. 1d. Fredk. FitzClarence, G.C.H. - sº * em * - Nov. 22, 1852. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Somerset, K.C.B. º * - tº sº - - Mar. 26, 1855. It.-gen. Sir Wm. Rose Mansfield, K.C.B., aft. li. Sandhurst sº - May 16, 1860. Lt.-gen. Sir Robt. Cornelis Napier, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., i- sm; * - Nov. 30, 1865. aft. li. Napier of Magdala. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Augs. Almeric Spencer, K.C.B. - - - - Gen. Sir Chas. Wm. Dunbar Staveley, K.C.B. - * e- -: * Lt.-gen. Henry Jas. Warre, C.B. * - *g - - tº * Lt.-gen. hon. Arthur Edwd. Hardinge, C.B. - * * * mº, * Sir Chas. Geo. Arbuthnot, K.C.B. gº º- gº Arth. Wm. Patrick Albert, D. of Connaught, &c. Aug. 27, 1869. Oct. 9, 1874. Oct. 9, 1878. Mar. 30, 1881. Feb. 16, 1886. Dec. 14, 1886. CHIEF JUSTICES OF BOMBAY. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME CourT OF Bom BAY. Appointed under 4 Geo. IV., cap. 71 (July 11, 1823). 1823. Sir Edwd. West, Dec. 8. 1846. Sir David Pollock, Sept. 12. 1829. Sir J. Dewar, Apr. 4. 1847. Sir Thos. Erskine Perry, Sept. 18. 1831. Sir R. H. A. D. Compton, Apr. 11. 1852. Sir Wm. Yardley. 1839. 1840. Sir J. W. Awdry, Jan. 26. Sir Hy. Roper, Dec. 26. 1858. 1859. Supreme Court abolished on establishment of High Court of Judicature, under 24 & 25 Wict., cap. 104 (Aug. 6, 1861). Sir Hy. Davison. Sir Matt. Richd. Sausse. CHIEF JUSTICEs of THE HIGH CourT OF JUDICATURE FOR BOMBAY. Appointed under 24 & 25 Vict., cap. 104, and Order in Council dated June 23, 1862. 1862. Sir Matt. Richd. Sausse, June 23, G. 1870. Sir Michl. Roberts Westropp, Apr. 1866. Richd. Couch, Mar. 3, G.; knt. 1. G. June 13. 1882. Sir Chas. Sargent, May 28, G. TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 661 DIOCESE OF BOMBAY. THE bishopric of Bombay was constituted under 3 & 4 Wm. IV., cap. 85 (Aug. 28, 1833), and is in the province of Calcutta. BISHOPs of BoMBAY. 1837. Thos. Carr. 1868. Hy. Alexr. Douglas. 1851. John Harding. 1876. Louis Geo. Mylne, Apr. 29, G. PRINCE OF WALES’ ISLAND OR PENANG, MALACCA, AND SINGAPORE. See “STRAITs SETTLEMENTs,” post, p. 674. 662 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART XII. THE COLONIES. GOVERNORS AND BISHOPS OF THE COLONIES AND OTHER DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. INTRODUCTION. THIS section will be found much more complete than in the former editions. As far as possible a complete list of the governors of every colony is furnished, and lists of the colonial bishops have been added. There are monographs On most of the more important colonies; but for general information on the colonies as a whole the best authority is the official “Colonial List,” published annually. This useful work has been of great assistance in the compilation of this section, the lists of governors having been in every case collated therewith, and, where necessary, completed therefrom. The Isle of Man, Heligoland, and the Channel Islands are not strictly colonies, but are included in this Section as being that most applicable to them. The colonies are divided into ecclesiastical provinces and dioceses, much in the same manner as in England, but the bishops hardly possess the same powers. Sir Travers Twiss, the eminent civilian, in his article “Bishop,” in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, ninth edition, says on the subject of colonial bishops:— The first colonial bishopric of the Church of England was that of Nova Scotia, founded in 1787, since which time various colonial bishoprics have been established, some of which were constituted by Letters Patent of the Crown only, whilst others have been confirmed by Acts of the imperial or colonial legislatures. With regard to those bishoprics which have been constituted by Letters Patent of the Crown only, where the bishopric has been established in a Crown colony, the bishop is legally entitled to exercise the jurisdiction conferred upon him by the Letters Patent; but where the bishopric has been established in a colony possessing at the time an independent legislature, the bishop is not entitled to exercise such jurisdiction unless it has been confirmed to him by an imperial or colonial statute. The report of the judicial committee of the Privy Council in the case of the bishop of Natal (Moore's “Privy Council Reports,” N.S., iii., p. 115) is an exposition of the law on this subject. On the other hand, where bishoprics have been constituted by Letters Patent of the THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 663 Crown in pursuance of imperial statutes, as was the case of the East Indian bishoprics, or where bishoprics constituted by Letters Patent have subsequently been confirmed or recognised by colonial statutes, the bishop's jurisdiction is complete ; otherwise his authority is only pastoral or spiritual. The practice adopted by the Crown, since the decision of the judicial committee in the case of the bishop of Natal revealed the invalidity of the Letters Patent granted to many colonial bishops, has been to grant licences to the archbishop of Canter- bury to consecrate bishops for the colonies without any definite diocese, and without any authority to exercise coercive jurisdiction. The Crown has also revoked the Letters Patent erecting Gibraltar into a bishop's see, and the last appointed bishop has been consecrated under a licence from the Crown, and is a titular bishop, having only consensual authority in that colony. The following are the principal Acts of Parliament bearing on the appointment of colonial bishops:— 26 Geo. III. cap. 84 (1786). 15 & 16 Vict. cap. 52 (1852). 3 & 4 Vict. cap. 33 (1840). 16 & 17 Vict. cap. 49 (1853). 5 & 6 Wict. cap. 6 (1842). 37 & 38 Vict. cap. 77 (1874). The Orders in Council, or Letters Patent, under which the various colonial bishoprics were constituted will be found noted under each. The following list of colonial provinces and dioceses is taken from Crockford’s Clerical Directory, where each bishop's antecedents will be found noted. PROVINCE OF CANADA. Algoma. Montreal. Ontario. Fredericton. Niagara. Quebec. Huron. Nova Scotia. Toronto. PROVINCE OF RUPERT's LAND. Athabasca, now Mackenzie | Rupert's Land. | Saskatchewan. River and S. Athabasca. Qu'Appelle, formerly As- Moosonee. | siniboia. - | PROVINCE OF CALCUTTA. Bombay. Lahore. | Travancore and China. Calcutta. Madras. | Colombo. Rangoon. These bishops will be found in Part XI., “India,” ante, pp. 643–661. PROVINCE OF NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, formerly New | Dunedin. | Waiapu. Zealand. Melanesia. Wellington. Christ Church, N. Z Nelson. | PROVINCE OF SYDNEY. Adelaide. Grafton and Armidale. | Perth. Ballarat. Melbourne. Riverina. Bathurst. Newcastle, N.S.W. Sydney. Brisbane. N. Queensland, Tasmania. Goulburn. 664 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PROVINCE OF CAPETOWN. Bloemfontein, formerly | Grahamstown. St. Helena. Orange River Free State. Maritzburg, formerly Natal. St. John's, Kaffraria. Capetown. Pretoria. Zululand. PROVINCE OF THE WEST INDIEs. Guiana. Nassau. Jamaica. Trinidad. Antigua. Barbadoes. DIOCESES HOLDING MIssions FROM THE METRoPolitAN SEE or CANTERBURY. British Columbia. Newfoundland. Victoria (Hong Kong) Caledonia. New Westminster. Singapore, Labuan,and Sara- Falkland Islands. Sierra Leone. wak, formerly Labuan. Mauritius. MISSIONARY BISHOPRICs Hold1NG MIssions FROM THE METRoPolitAN SEE OF CANTERBURY. Central Africa. Japan. Niger District. Eastern Equatorial Africa. | Madagascar. North China. Honolulu. Mid China. | EUROPEAN BIs HoPRIC. ASIATIC BISHOPRIC. Gibraltar (see Introduction, ante, p. 663). Jerusalem. I. COLONIES, &c.—EUROPE. ISLE OF MAN. THIS island is situated in the Irish Sea. Its early history is uncertain, but it appears to have belonged first to Scotland, then to Denmark, then to Norway, and them again to Scotland. Early in the fifteenth century it was seized by Henry IV., who granted it to Sir John Stanley, the ancestor of the earls of Derby, in whom it continued until the death, in 1735, of James, the tenth earl, without issue. It then passed to the duke of Athole, as heir general of James, the seventh earl, and continued in the Athole family until their rights were bought up by the Crown at various times from 1765 to 1825. The Isle of Man now constitutes the whole of the diocese of SoDoR AND MAN. RINGS OF MAN, DANISH LINE. Olain, his brother. Orry, 1st King (10th century). Allen, poisoned. Guttred, his son. Macon. Reginald, assass. Fingal. Olave I., executed by K. of Denmark. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 665 1077 1093. 1102 1114. 1154. 1158. 1187. 1237. 1248. 1249. 1521. 1592. 1594. 1642. 1652. 1417. 1418. 1422. 1428. 1496. NORWEGIAN LINE. Godred Crovan, the Conqueror; d. 1093. On his death, the Island was con- quered by Magnus, K. of Nor- way, who appointed Octtan as governor. Some of the inhabi- tants chose Macmanus as gover- nor in place of Octtan, but he was defeated in battle, and K. Magnus continued to reign until his death in When the line of Godred Crovan was restored in the person of Lagman, his son, who abdicated, and after a regency of about 3 years was succeeded in By his younger brother Olave II., who was killed by his nephew Reginald about And was succ. by his son Godred, who was conq. in By Summerled, his brother-in-law, who usurped the Crown until conq. by Reginald above-named, who in his turn was conq. by Godred, who d. King, 1187. Olave III., son of Godred ; d. 1237. Harold, his son; d. 1248. Reginald, his brother; killed 1249. Magnus, his brother, last of Nor- wegian line; d. 1265. Norwegian 1305. 1395. 1399. 1414. 1441. 1460. 1504. 1344. 6 H. IV. Island 1404–5. 1406–7. Island granted to him and his SCOTTISH LINE. Alexr. III. conq. the island, and governed it by his thanes; then Maurice, Okerfair, and others. ENGLISH LINE. Sir Simon Montacute, who claimed through his wife, a descendant of Godred Crovan (vide supra). Sir Wm. Montacute, aft. E. of Salis- bury, crowned by order of Edwd. III. He claimed as a descendant of Godred Crovan (vide supra). Antony Beck, bp. of Durham. Sir Wm. Montacute (now E. Salisbury), again. Sir Wm. Scroope, aft. E. of Wilt- shire, who was beheaded. Percy, E. of Northumberland: island granted to him by Hen. IV., who aft. depr. him. granted to Stanley for life. of Sir John heirs. Sir John Stanley, his son. Thos., his son (cr. baron Stanley by Hen. VI.) Thos., his son (cr. E. of Derby by Hen. VII). Thos., 2nd E. of Derby, who re- nounced the title of King. LORDS OF MAN AND THE ISLES. HOUSE OF DERBY. Edwd., 3rd E. of Derby. Hy., 4th E. of Derby. Ferdinand, 5th E. of Derby; d. 1594, and succ. by his brother, Wm., 6th E. of Derby, who, being abroad, Sir Thos. Gerrard was 1735 app. governor by Q. Eliz. Jas I. º gave Wrm. a new grant of the Island. Jas., 7th E. of Derby ; beheaded at Bolton by the parlt. for support- ing Chas. I. : Island besieged by parly, forces and surrendered. Island granted by parlt. to lö. Fairfax. r 1660. 1672. 1702. 1764. On the restoration, the Derby family were reinstated in the person of Chas., 8th E. of Derby; d. 1672. Wm., 9th E. of Derby; d. 1702. Jas., 10th E. of Derby; d. 1735, s.p. Hous E of ATHOLE, On the death of Jas., 10th E. of Derby, without issue, the Island devolved on James, 2nd D. of Athole, who was descended from Lady Mary Sophia, youngest daughter of the 7th E. of Derby and wife of John, M. of Athole. The D. d. 1764. John, 3rd D. of Athole, who res. the Island to the British Govern- ment in 1765; d. 1774. GOVERNORS OF THE ISLE OF MAN. From the grant of the Island to Sir John Stanley, ut supra. 1497. 1505. John Letherland, L.G. John Fazakerley, L.G. John Walton, L.G. Hy. Byron, L.G. * * No record until Peter Dutton, L.G. 1508. * 1517. 1519. 1526. Hy. Radcliffe, abb. of Rushen, Dep. Randolph Rushton, Capt. Sir John Ireland, L.G. Randolph Rushton, again, Capt. Thos. Danisport, Capt. Richd. Holt, L.G. 666 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1529. 1530. 1532. 1533. 1535. 1537. 1539. lö40. 1544. 1552. 1561. 15, 2. 1566. 1567. 1569. 1575. 1580. 1591. 1592. 1593. 1594. 1596. 1597. 1599. 1600. 1609. 1610. 1612. 1621. 1622. 1623. 1625. 1626. 1627. 1628. 1629. 1634. 1635. I636. 1639. 1640. 1651. 1652. of Normandy still belonging to the British Crown. John Fleming, Capt. Thos. Sherburn, L.G. Hy. Bradley, dep. L.G. Hy. Stanley (No. 1), Capt. Geo. Stanley, Capt. Sir Thos. Stanley (No. 1), L.G. Geo. Stanley, again, Capt. Thos. Tydsley, Dep. Wm. Stanley, Dep. Hy. Stanley (No 1), again, Capt. Sir Richd. Sherburne. Sir Thos. Stanley (No. 2), L.G. Richd. Ashton, Capt. Sir Thos. Stanley (No. 2), again, L.G. Edwd. Tarbock, Capt. John Hanmer, Capt. Richd. Sherburn, Capt. Richd. Aderton, L. G. Cuthbert Gerrard, Capt. Thos. Martinier, Dep. Hon. Wm. Stanley, aft. 6th E. of Derby, Capt. Randolph Stanley, Capt. Sir Thos. Gerrard, Capt. Cuthbert Gerrard, again, Dep. Sir Thos. Gerrard, again, Capt. Robt. Molyneux, Dep. Cuthbert Gerrard, again, Capt. Robt. Molyneux, again, Dep. The same, Capt. John Ireland and John Birchall, Joint Gov.rs. Thos. Gerrard. John Ireland, again, L.G. and Capt. Robt. Molyneux, again, Capt. Edwd. Fletcher, Dep. The same, Gowr. Sir Ferd. Leige, Capt. Edwd. Fletcher, again, Dep. Edwd, Homewood, Capt. Edwd. Fletcher, again, Dep. Edwd. Christian, L.G. and Capt. John Ireland, again. Evan Christian, Dep. Sir Chas. Gerrard, Capt. John Sharpeless, Dep. Radcliffe Gerrard, Capt. John Greenhalgh, Gowr. Sir Phil. Musgrave, kt. and bt.,Gowr. Saml. Smith, Dep. 1652 1653. 1656. 1658. 1660. 1663. 1664. 1669. 1677. 1678. 1691. 1696. 1703. 1713 1714. 1726. 1734. 1739. 1747 1756. 1763. 1765. 1776. 1777. 1791. 1798. 1805. 1832. 1845. 1860. 1863. 1882 . Ld. Fairfax app. Jas. Chalomer, Robt. Dinely, and Jonathan Witton, commrs. for governing this year. Matth. Caldwell, Gowr. Wm. Christian, Gowr. Jas. Challoner, Govr. Roger Nowell, Govr. Richd. Stevenson, Dep. Hy. Nowell for one part of the year, and Thos. Stanley for the other part, Deps. Bishop Barrow, Gov. ; H. Nowell, Dep. Hy. Nowell, again, Govr. Hy. Stanley (No. 2), Govr. Robt. Hegwood, Govr. Roger Kenyon, Govr. Wm. Sacheverell, Dep. Col. Sankey, Govr. Hon. Capt. Cranston, Dep. Robt. Maudesley, Gowr. John Rowe, Dep. John Parr, Gowr. C. Stanley, 1)ep. Alexander Horne, Govr. Major Floyde, Dep. Thos. Horton, Gowr. James Horton, Gowr. Hon. Jas. Murray, 1st Govr. under D. of Athole. (? 1741). Patrick Lindesay. Basil Cochrane, Govr. John Taubman, Dep. John Wood, Gowr. Island sold to Gt. Britain. J. Hope, Dep. Gowr. Richd. Dawson, L.G. Edwd. Smith, Govr. Alexander Shaw, L. G. John, 4th D. of Athole, Govr. Col. Cornelius Smelt, L.G., June 15, G. Col. Jno. Ready, L.G., Jan. 29, G. Hon. Chas. Hope, L.G., Aug. 9, G. Fras. Pigott, aft. Pigott-Conant, L.G., Oct. 22, G. Hy. Brougham Loch, C.B., aft. Sir H., L.G., Feb. 14, G. . Spencer Walpole, L.G., Apr. 24, G. For bishops, see “Bishops of Sodor and Man,” ante, p. 483. THE CHANNEL ISLANDS, COMPRISING JERSEY, GUERNSEY, ALDERNEY, SARK, AND HERM. THESE wrDL-KNowN IsLAND's are the only portions of the old dukedom The islands were placed under the same governor until the reign of Henry VII., when THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 667 two separate governors were appointed, one for Jersey and one for Guernsey and its dependencies, the smaller islands of Alderney, Sark, and Herm. Besides the GovKRNOR the Crown appoints for each of the two principal islands a BAILIFF, who is the chief civil officer. THE CHANNEL ISLANDS are under the ecclesiastical charge of the bishops of WINCHESTER. 1111. 1154. 1167. 1198. 1199. 1203. 1226. 1227. 1232. 1271. 1284. 1299. 1312. 1323. * * GOVERNORS OF THE Down to the separation of Prince Jullien du Pracle, Gowr. and Ld. of the Isles. Sire Walter Dunker, Govr. of the Holy Isle of Guernsey. & Sire Peter Cornet, Govr., kpr., and capt. of the forts, places, and castles of Guernsey, called the Holy Island. John, E. of Mortain, aft. King John held the Islands as an appanage. Sire Wm. Orseth, Gowr. Genl. of the Islands. Gregory Balizon, gent. - of-arms, Govr. Genl., capt. and kpr. of the Holy Isle of Guernsey. | Richd. Grey, kpr. of the Isles. Wm. de St. John, kpr. of the Isles. Arnauldus de St. Amand and Philip de Carteret, kprs. of the Isles. , Philip de Albemar and Wm. St. John, kprs. of the Isles. 1430 Pr. Edwd., son of Hen. III., and aft. Edwd, I, held the Islands in appanage. Sire Stephen Waller, Govr., capt., and kpr. of all the forts, places, and castles of the king in the Islands. Hy. de Cobham, kpr. of the Isles. Sire Peter Cornet. Otto de Grandison. Walter de Weston, L.G. of Guern- sey. i 1839. 1342. 1350. 1356. 1360. | 1374. | 1376. 1388. J.397. 1415. 30. John, D. 1435. 1446. 1447. 1453. CHANNEL ISLANDS. the government, ut supra. 1330. 1335. John de Roches, warden of the Isles. Wm. de Montagou, Comte de Sal- biere and Hy. de Ferrure, war- dens of the Isles. Thos. de Ferrariis, kpr. of the Isles. Thos. Hampton, kpr. of the Isles. John Mantaners, warden of the Isles. Thos. Holland, warden of the Isles. Sir Edmond de Chene, kpr. of the Isles. Edmond Rosse, kpr. of the Isles. Hugh Calvilegh, kpr. of the Isles. John Golafre, kpr. of the Isles. Edmund, E. of Rutland, kpr. of the Isles. Edwd., D. of York, son of Edmund, D. of York, the 5th son of Edward III., held the Islands in appanage. of Bedford, Regent of France, bro. of Hen. V., held the Islands in appanage. Humphrey, D. of Gloucester, an- other bro. of Hen. V. Hy. de Beauchamp, E. of Warwick, king of the Isles of Wight, Guernsey, and Jersey Wardens and Wm. Bertram, and | Gov.rs. of the Nichs. Hault, Isles. John Nanfan, kpr. of the Isles. GOVERNORS OF JERSEY. From the separation of the Governments, wt supra. 1487–8. Matth. Baker. 1603–4. Sir Jno. Peyton, 1499–1500. Thos. Overay. × * Sir Thos, Jermyn. 1501–2. Sir Hugh Vaughan, ) jointly; aft. * * Hy. Jermyn, aft. E. of St. Albans David Philips, }* >; * Sir Geo. de Carteret. 1525–6. Sir Anthy. Ughtred. »; * Sir Thos. Morgan. 1533–4. Sir Arth. Darcy. >k * Sir Jno. Lanier. 1535–6. T. Vaux. >ić * Thos. lá. Jermyn. 1536–7. Edwd, visc. Beauchamp. × * Hy. Lumley. 1550–1. Sir Hugh Paulet. × * Sir Rd. Temple, aft. visc. Cobham. 2k * Sir Amias Paulet. Sk x's $ * >k * Sir Anthy. Paulet. 1807. Jno. E. of Chatham, K.G., Oct. 14, 1600–1. Sir Walter Raleigh. SW. 668 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES >k >k >k >k 1868. M.-gen. Philip Melmoth Nelson Guy, 1838. M.-gen. Sir Edwd, Gibbs. C.B., Oct. 1, G. 1847. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Hy. Rugnett, Jan. 1, 1873. M.-gen. Wm. Sherbrooke Ramsay G. Norcott, C.B., Oct. 1, G. 1852. M.-gen. Jas. Fredk. Love, C.B., | 1878. M.-gen. Lothian Nicholson, C.B., L.G., Apr. 9. R.E., Oct. 1, G. 1857. Col. Godfrey Chas. Mundy, Jan. 31, 1883. M.-gen. Hy. Wray, C.M.G., R.E., Oct. 1, º G.; res. Nov. 1, 1887. 1860. M.-gen, Robt. Percy Douglas, Aug. 1887. Lt.-gen. Chas. Brisbane Ewart, C.B., ~ 3 V8 e R.E., Oct. 18, G., to date from 1863. M.-gen. Burke Cuppage, Oct. 23, G. Nov. 1, 1887. BAILIFFS OF JERSEY >k >k >k >k 1848. Sir Thos. Le Breton, June 22, G. * * Hy. Fredk., ld. Carteret. 1858. Jno. Hammond, Feb. 16, G. 1826. Sir Thos. Le Breton, Aug. 1 and 19, 1880. Robt. Pipon Marett, Mar. 10, G.; G. knt.; May 3, G. 1831. Jno. De Veulle, Feb. 26, G. ; knt. 1884. Geo. Clement Bertram Bailiff, Dec. Mar. 2. 15, G. ; knt.; Aug. 1, G. For bishops, see “Bishops of Winchester,” ante, p. 470. DEANS OF JERSEY. * >}: >k >k 1802. Edwd. Dupré, Aug. 3, G. 1620. David Bandinel. 1823. Corbet Hue, Ap. 14, G. 1661. Philip Le Couteur. 1838. Fras. Jeune, Feb. 20, G. 1672. Clement Le Couteur. 1844. Jas. Hemery, Oct. 24, G. 1714. Thos. Le Breton. 1849. Wm. Corbet Le Breton, Dec. 26, 1729. Fras. Payn. G. 1775. Fras. Le Breton. 1888. Geo. Orange Balleine, June 23, G. GOVERNORS OF GUERNSEY AND ITS DEPENDENCIES, ALDERNEY, SARK, AND HERN. From the separation of the Governments, ut supra. 1470. Geffrey Wallifly, Capt. of Castle 1651. Col. John Bingham, L.G. Cornet and Gowr. of the I. of 1653. John Clarke, L.G. Guernsey. 1654. Chas. Waterhouse, L.G. 1482. Sir — Difthefield, Capt. of Guernsey. 1660. Sir Hugh Pollard, Gowr. 1483. Edwd. Brampton, Capt. of Guern- | 1661. Capt. Nathl. Darell, L.G. sey. 1662. Christr. 10. Hatton, Govr. 1488. John April, Lt. and Capt. of Guern- | 1664–5. Sir Jonn. Atkins, L.G. sey. 1670. Christr. 1d. Hatton, again, Gowr. * * Sir Wim. Weston. 1697. Col. Mordaunt, L.G. 1536. Sir Riohd. Weston. 1684. Capt. Hon. Chas. Hatton, L.G. 1541, Sir Richd. Lone. 1689. Bernard Ellis, L.G. 1551. Sir Peter Meautis. 1704. Sir Edmond Andros, L.G. ºw e • Gowrs. of 1711. Giles Spencer, L.G. 1555. Francis Chamberlain Guernsey. 1715. #. Dam. Harvey, Govr. 1570. Sir Thos. Leighton, Gowr. 1726. Lewis Dollon, L.G. * * Lord Zouche, Gowr. 1732. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, Govr. 1580. Thos. Wigmore, L.G. and Bailiff 1733. M.-gen. Richd. Sutton, Govr. 1581. º 1735. Hon. John Graham, L.G. 1610. Lord Geo. Carew Baron de Clapton, 1737. Fras., M. de Montandre, Govr. 1553. Sir Leonard *} Joint 1706. Chas. Churchill, Gowr. Gowr. 1742. Algernon Seymour, c.c. li. Percy 1621. Lord Hy. Danvers, Baron of Danby, aft. E. of Hertford and E. of North- Gowr. umberland, Govr. * * Sir Peter Osborne, L.G. 1745. Hon. Chas. Strahan, L.G. 1632. Peter Beauvoir, Dep. L. G. 1750. Sir John Ligonier, K.B., Govr. 1643. Robt. Russell, L.G. 1752. John, ld, de la Warr, Govr. 1644. Lord Warwick, Govr. 1756. Sir John Milne, bt., L. G. 1649. Col. Cox, L.G. 1766. Sir Richd. Littleton, K.B., Gowr. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 669 1770. Sir Jeffery Amherst, aft. la. Am- | 1848. M.-gen. John Bell, C.B., L.G., Jan. herst, Govr. 24, G. * * Lt.-col. Irving, L.G. 1854. M.-gen. Wm. Thos. Knollys, L.G., 1784. Lt.-col. Wm. Brown, L. G. July 1, G. 1793. Col. Dundas, L.G. 1855. M.-gen. Geo. Judd Harding, C.B., * * Col. Jas. Hy. Craig, L.G. L.G., Nov. 22, G. 1794. Col. Hon. John Small, L.G. 1859. M.-gen. Marcus John Slade, L.G., 1796. Sir Hugh Dalrymple, L.G. Apr. 1, G. 1797. Chas., ld. Grey of Howick, Govr. 1864. M.-gen. Chas. Rochfort Scott, L.G., 1803, Sir John Doyle, bt., K.B., &c., Apr. 1, G. L. G. 1869. M.-gen. Edwd. Frome, L.G., May 1, 1807. Geo. Augs., E. of Pembroke and G. Montgomery, K.G., Govr., Nov. - * * + 25, sº rºw. May 3, 1836. 1874. M. º Hº sº Foley, 1829. Sir Wm. Keppel, Govr., Nov. 16, SW. 1879. M.-gen. Alexr. Abercromby Nelson, * * M.-gen. John Ross. C.B., L.G., May 1, G. 1837. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Douglas, K.C.B., 1883. M.-gen, Hy. Andrew Sarel, C.B., L. G., Apr. 1, G. L.G., Oct. 10, G. 1842. M.-gen. Wm. Fras. Patr. Napier, 1885. M.-gen. John Hy. Ford Elkington, L.G., Apr. 1, G. C.B., L.G., Nov. 2, G. BAILIFFS OF GUERNSEY. >k × >k >k 1845. Peter Stafford Carey, aft. Sir P., June 28, G. * * Robt. Porret le Marchant. 1883. John de Havilland Utermark, July 1810. Peter de Havilland, aft. Sir P...Apr. 7. 23, G, - 1821. Danl. de Lisle Brock, Apr. 27, G. 1884. Edgar MacCulloch, Sept. 26, G.; 1842. John Guille, Nov. 28, G. knt.; May 8, 1886. For bishops, see “Bishops of Winchester,” ante, p. 470. GIBRALTAR. GIBRALTAR is a mere rock, of little value except as a fortress. It is situated at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea. It formerly belonged to Spain, of which it is geographically a part. It was captured by the English in 1704, and ceded to Great Britain by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. GIBRALTAR forms part of the diocese of that name, which comprises Gibraltar and Malta. GOVERNORS OF GIBRALTAR. 1704. Pr. Geo. of Hesse Darmstadt. 1739. Lt.-gen. Wm. Hargrave, Gowr. M.-gen. Shrimpton, L.G. 1749. Lt.-gen. Humphrey Bland, Gowr. 1706. Ltºgen. David, E. of Portmore, Col. Id. Geo. Beau- 9. Gowr. Y Occasional clerk, & :*. 1706, M.-gen. Ramos, command- Col. hon. Wrm. Her- sence of 1710. Col. Roger Elliot, - bert, * 1713. Col Raiph Congreve ants in ab- the Gowr. s tº 85 * | sence of 1759. Lt.-gen, Thos. Fowke, Gowr. 1716. Col. Stanhope Cotton, the Gowr. 1756. Lt.-gen. Jas., ld. Tyrawley, Govr. 1720. Brigr.-gen. Richd. Kane, L.G. 1756. M.-gen, Wm., E. of Panmure, se- 1727. Brigr.-gen. Jasper Clayton, L.G. cond in command. 1730, Lt.-gen. Jos. Sabine, Govr. 1758. M.-gen. Wm., E. of Home, Govr. ; 1738. Lt.-gen. Fras. Columbine, Gowr. d. 1761. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1770. 1776. 1787. 1790. 1792. 1794. 1795. 1798. 1802. 1804. 1810. 1814. 1842, G., and included Gibraltar and Malta. . M.-gen. Parslow, commandant. . Lt.-gen. hon. Gowr. 1831, . Col. Wm. Tovey, commandant till 1820. the arrival of Edwd. Cornwallis, M.-gen. John Irwin, commandant in the absence of the Govr. M.-gen. Robt. Boyd, aft. Sir R., L.G. Lt.-gen. Geo. Augs. Elliot, aft. li. Heathfield, Govr., Jan. 16. M.-gen. Chas. O’Hara, L.G. Lt.-gen. Sir Robt. Gowr., Oct. 16. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Calder, bt., L.G., Oct. 16. M.-gen. Chas. O'Hara, again, L.G., Apr. 10. ! Gen. Sir Hy. Clinton, K.B., Govr., 1865. July 19. Lt.-gen. Chas. O'Hara, now Govr. M.-gen. Sir Thos. Trigge, L.G. ; aft. Gowr. Edward, D. of Kent, Gowr., Mar. 24. Lt.-gen. hon. Hy. Edwd. Fox, L.G. M.-gen. Colin Campbell, L.G., Aug. 16. Lt.-gen. Geo. Don, aft. Sir G., L.G., Aug. 25. 1825. 1835. 1843. Lloyd, K.B., 1848. 1855. | 1859. 1870. 1876. 1882. 1886. Gen. John Pitt, E. of Chatham, K.G., Mar. 5 Gen. Sir Geo. Don, G.C.B., again, L.G., June 8. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Houston, G.C.B., L.G., Apr. 8. M.-gen. Sir Alex. Woodford, K.C.B., L.G., Feb. 28; Gowr., Sept. J, 1836, G. Gen. Sir Robt. Thos. Wilson, Gowr., Oct. 4, G. M.-gen. Sir Robt. Wm. Gardiner, I.C.B., Govr. G., Nov. 21, G. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Fergusson, K.C.B. Gowr., July 26, G. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Jno. Codrington K.C.B., Gowr., May 6, G. Lt.-gen. Sir Richd. Airey, K.C.B. Gowr., Sept. 20, G. Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, of Kars bt., K.C.B., Govr., Sept. 12, G. Gen. Robt. Cornelis, ld. Napier of Magdala, R.E., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., Gowr., July 30, G. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Miller Adye, R.A., G.C.B., Govr., Dec. 26, G. Gen. Hon. Sir Arth. Edwd. Hard- inge, K.C.B., C.I.E., Govr., Oct. 26. DIOCESE OF GIBRALTAR. THIs bishopric was originally constituted by Letters Patent, Sept, 29, These Letters Patent have since been revoked, and the present bishop is titular only. See Introduction, ante, p. 663. 1842. I863. THIS is a small island in the North Sea. BISHOPS OF GIBRALTAR. Geo. Tomlinson, Sept. 29, G. Walter Jno. Trower, form. Glasgow, Sept. 26, G. bp 1868. Hon. Chas. Amyand Harris, May 1, e G. 1874. Chas. Waldegrave Sandford. HELIGOLAND. It originally belonged to Denmark, from whom it was captured in 1807. 1807. 1814. 1817. 1840. 1857. GOVERNERS OF HELIGOLAND. Lt.-Col. J. D'Auvergne, L.G. Lt.-Col. Hamilton, L.G. Lt.-Col. Hy. King, aft. Sir H., L.G., Nov. 11, G. Capt. Jno. Hindmarsh, R.N., aft. adm. sir J., Sept. 28, G. Maj. Richd. Pattinson, L.G., Mar. 7, G. 1863. 1882. Lt.-Col. Maj. Hy. Fitzhardinge Berkeley Maxse, aft. Sir H., L.G., May 14, G.; app. Gowr. Apr. 25, 1864, G Jno. Terence Nicolls O'Brien, C.M.G., aft sir T., Gowr., Jan. 9, G. 1888. Arth. Cecil Stuart Barkly, Nov. 24. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 671 MALTA. THE ISLAND OF MALTA is situated in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1530 it was given by Charles V. of Spain to the Knights Hospitallers, who retained it till 1798, when it was taken by France. The British captured it in 1800, but by the Treaty of Amiens (1801–2) agreed to restore it to the knights. In consequence, however, of the threatening attitude of France, possession was retained, and it was ultimately guaranteed to Great Britain by the Treaty of Paris (1814). MALTA forms part of the diocese of Gibraltar. GOVERNORS OF MALTA. CIVIL COMMISSIONERs. 1799. Capt. Alexr. Jno. Ball, R.N., aft. 1802. Adm. Sir Alexr. Jno. Ball, bt. sir A. 1810. Lt.-gen. Sir Hildebrand Oakes, 1801. C. Cameron. G. C. B. GovKRNORs. 1813. Lt.-gen. Hon. Thos. Maitland, 1858. M.-gen. Sir Jno. Gaspard Le Mar- July 15, sw. | chant, Apr. 9, G. 1824. Gen. Fras., M. of Hastings, K.G., 1864. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Knight Storks, G.C.B., G.C. H., Mar. 22, G. G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Nov. 15, G 1826. M.-gen. Sir Fredk. Cavendish Pon- 1867. Lt.-gen. Sir Patr. Grant, G.C.B., sonby, L.G., L.P., Dec. 22. June 17, G. 1836. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Fredk. Bouverie, 1872. Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Thos. Van Strau- K.C.B., Oct. 18, G. benzee, K.C.B., May 25, G. 1843. Lt.-gen. Hon. Patr. Stuart, aft. 1878. Gen. Sir Arthur Borton, K.C.B., sir P., May 19, G. May 13, G. 1847. Richd. More O'Ferrall, Oct. 1, 1884. Gen. Sir Jno. Lintorn Arabin Sim- G. mons, G.C. B., Apr. 19, G. 1851. Lt.-Col. Wm. Reid, C.B., Sept. 12, 1888. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. D'Oyley Torrens, e G. | K.C.B., Aug. 3, G. For bishops, see “Bishops of Gibraltar,” ante, p. 670. CYPRUS. CyPRUs is a large island in the Mediterranean Sea. It has for some centuries belonged to Turkey, and still nominally forms part of the Ottoman Empire. By a treaty between England and Turkey, dated June 4, 1878, Cyprus was granted to England to be occupied and administered by that country so long as Batoum and Kars were retained by Russia. e tº - The government of Cyprus is by high commissioners appointed under the Foreign Jurisdiction Acts (see list in Index to Statutes), and Order in Council dated Sept. 14, and gazetted Oct. 1, 1878. HIGH COMMISSIONERS OF CYPRUS. 1878. Lt.-gen. Sir Garnet Jos. Wolseley, 1879. Col. Robt. Biddulph, C.B., aft. Sir R., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., aft. visc. Wolse- May 31, G. ley, July 12, G. 1885. M.-gen, sir Hy. Ernest Gascoyne Bulwer, G.C.M.G., Sept. 12. 672 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. II. COLONIES, &c.—ASIA. CEYLON. CEYLON is an island in the Indian Ocean. The Portuguese visited this island in 1505, and formed settlements there in 1517, but they were ousted by the Dutch about 1658. In 1795–6 the island was conquered by the British, who annexed it to the presidency of Madras. It was formally ceded to Great Britain at the Peace of Amiens (1801–2), and was then made a separate colony. CEYLON constitutes the diocese of Colom Bo. 1640, GOVERNORS OF CEYLON. DUTCH GOVERNORs. Taken from the Colonial List. 1726. 1729. 1782. William Jacobezen Coster. Jan Thuysz. Joan Matsoyker. Petrus Vuyst, Sept. 16. Stephanus Versluys, Aug. 29. Members of Council, Aug. 26. 1650. Jacob Van Kittenstein. Jacob Christiaan Pielat, Dec. 2. 1653, 1656, and 1661, Adrian Van Der 1734. Dideric Van Domburgh, Feb. 19. Meyden. 1736. Members of Council, June 7. 1660. Ryckloff Van Goens. 1736. Gustaaf Willem Van Imhoff, July | 1663. The same again, Apr. 6. | 24. Jacob Hustaart, Dec. 27. 1740. Willem Maurits Bruynink, Mar. 12. 1664. Ryckloff Van Goens, again, Nov. 19. 1742. Daniel Overbeck, ad. int., Feb. 8. 1674. Ryckloff Van Goems, the younger, 1743. Julius Valentyer Stein Van Gol- Feb. 24. lenesse, May 12. 1679. Laurens Pye, Dec. 19. | 1751. Gerrard Joan Vreelandt, Mar. 5. 1692. Thos. Van Rhee, Feb. 3. 1752. Jacob de Jong, Feb. 26. 1697. Gerrit De Heer, Feb. 22. Joan Gideon Loten, Sept. 30. 1702. Members of Council, Nov. 26. 1757. Jan Schrender, Mar. 17. #. . #º º May 12. 1762. Lubbert Jan Baron Van Eck, . Henrick Becker, Dec. 1. * * 1716. Isaac Augustin Rumpf, Dec. 5. 1765. Memº of Council, Apr. 1. 1723. Members of Council, June 11. Iman Willem Falk, Aug. 10. 1724. Joannes Hertenberg, Jan. 12. 1785. Willem Jacob Van de Graaff, Feb. 7. 1725. Members of Council, Oct 19. 1794. 1790. 1798. Johan Gerard Van Angelbeck, July 5. BRITISH Gover Nors. Completed from the Colonial List. The Gowr. of Madras in Council. 1831. Hon. Fredk. North, aft. E. of Guild- ford, Mar. 26. M-gen. Sir Jno. Wilson, k.o.o.,L.G. Robt. Jno. Wilmot Horton, Jan. 26, G.; knt.; June 22. 1805. M.-gen. Thos. Maitland, aft. Sir T., | 1837. Jas. Alexr. Stewart Mackenzie, Jan. 5, G. Mar. 29, G. 1811. M.-gen. Jno. Wilson, L.G. 1840. Lt.-gen. Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B. 1820. 1822. 1824. Lt.-gen. Robt. Brownrigg, Aug. 1, G. M.-gen. Sir Edwd. Barnes, L.G. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Edw. Paget, G.C.B., Sept. 11, G.; sw. May 5, 1821. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Campbell, K.C.B., L.G. 1847. 1847. 1850. Mºgen. sir Edw. Barnes, K.C.B., as 1850. Govr., Mar. 12, G. (not lå. Clyde), Nov. 17, G. Sir Jno. Emerson Tennent, L.G. Geo., visct. Torrington, Mar. 12, G. Chas. Justin MacCarthy, aft. Sir C., L.G., until arrival of Anderson. Sir Geo. Wm. Anderson, K.C.B., Oct. 1, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 673 1855. Chas. Justin MacCarthy, aft. sir C., 1876. Arthur Nonus Birch, C.M.G., aft. L.G., until arrival of Ward. sir A., L.G., May 6, G. 1855. Sir Hy. Geo. Ward, K.C.M.G., Feb. 1877. Sir Jas. Robt. Longden, K.C.M.G., 26, G. June 30, G. - 1860. Sir Chas. Justin MacCarthy, now 1878. Jno. Douglas, C.M.G., L.G., Aug. 13, Gowr., Aug. 23, G. G.; Actg. Gowr. in 1883 until 1863. M.-gen. Jno. Terence Nicolls O’Brien, arr. of Gordon. aft. Sir T., Actg. Gowr, during 1883. Hon. Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, absence of MacCarthy. G.C.M.G., July 23, G. 1865. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, 1885. Cecil Clementi Smith, C.M.G., L.G., Mar. 6, G. Aug. 6, G. 1872. Wm. Hy. Gregory, Jan. 8, G. DIOCESE OF COLOMBO. THIS bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent April 24, 1845, G. It is in the province of Calcutta. BISHOPS OF COLOMBO. 1845. Jas. Chapman, Apr. 24, G. 1871. Hugh Willoughby Jermyn, Oct. 26, 1862. Piers Calveley Claughton, May 8, G. -- G.; tr. from St. Helena. 1876. Regd. Stephen Copleston, Jan. 12, G. HONG KONG. HoNG KONG is an island on the south-east coast of China. It was ceded to Great Britain in 1842. Hong Kong constitutes the diocese of VICTORIA (Hong Kong). GOVERNORS OF HONG KONG. 1843. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Pottinger, bt., | 1869. M.-gen. Whitfield, L.G., actg. until G.C.B., Apr. 5, G. * return of Macdonnell in 1871. 1844. Jno. Fras. Davis, aft. bt., Feb. 9, G. 1872. Sir Arthur Edwd, Kennedy, C.B., 1847. Saml. Geo. Bonham, aft. bt., Nov. R. C.M.G., Feb. 20, G. 27, G. 1875. John Gardiner Austin, admr. until 1852. M.-gen. Wm. Jervoise, acting Gowr. return of Kennedy in 1876. until return of Bonham in 1853. 1877. John Pope Hennessy, C.M.G., aft. 1854. John Bowring, Jan. 10, G.; knt. sir J. ; Apr. 13, G. Feb. 16. 1882. Wm. Hy. Marsh, C.M.G., aft, sir H. ; Lt.-col. Caine, L. G. Actg. Gowr. until arrival of 1859. Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, June Bowen. 17, G.; knt. June 25; aft. bt. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., 1862. Wm. T. Mercer, Actg. Gowr. until Dec. 26, G. return of Robinson in 1864; again 1885. Wm. Hy. Marsh, C.M.G., again in 1865, until arrival of Mac- Actg.-Gowr, until return of Bowen. Donnell. 1887. Sir Geo. Wm. Des Voeux, K.C.M.G., 1865. Sir Richd. Graves MacDonnell, C.B., July 11, G. Oct. 19, G. DIOCESE OF VICTORIA (HONG KONG). THIs bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, May 11, 1849, G. It is classed as one of the dioceses holding mission from the see of Canterbury. 43 674 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES BIs HoPs of VICTORIA (HoNG KONG). 1849. Geo. Smith, May 11, G. 1873. John Shaw Burdon, consec. 1874. 1867. Chas. Richd. Alford, Feb. 4, G. ; res. 1872. THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. PRINCE OF WALES’ ISLAND OR PEN ANG. MALACCA. SINGAPORE. CHRISTMAS ISLAND. THE STRAITs SETTLEMENTs are on the west coast of the Malay Penin- sula, and take their name from their situation in the Straits of Malacca. They comprise PRINCE OF WALEs’ IsIAND or PENANG, MALACCA, SINGAPORE, CHRISTMAS ISLAND, and some minor dependencies. PRINCE OF WALEs’ IsI.AND is the official name of the island popularly known as PENANG, or PULO-PENANG. The East India Company established a settlement here in 1786, which was in 1806 made a pre- sidency of equal rank with Madras and Bombay. MALACCA originally belonged to the Portuguese, who settled there in 1511. They were succeeded by the Dutch in 1641. The Dutch in their turn were dispossessed in 1795 by the British, who restored it in 1818. It was finally ceded by Holland to Great Britain by treaty in 1824. The settlement of SINGAPORE consists of the island of that name and of a number of small adjacent islands. The English built a factory here in 1819, and acquired the islands by purchase in 1824. In 1826 MALACCA and SINGAPORE were incorporated with the pre- sidency of PENANG. The government remained at Penang until 1832, when it was removed to Singapore. Under 21 & 22 Vict. c. 106 (1858), and 29 & 30 Vict. c. 115 (1866), and Letters Patent Feb. 2, 1867, G., PRINCE OF WALES’ ISLAND, MALACCA, and SINGAPORE, with their dependencies, were separated from India and formed into an independent colony by the name of the STRAITs SETTLEMENTs. - THE Cocos or KEELING ISLANDs were transferred from Ceylon to the Straits Settlements by Letters Patent dated Feb. 1, 1886 (Feb. 3, G.), revoking Letters Patent of 10th Sept. 1878. CHRISTMAS ISLAND was annexed to the Straits Settlements by Letters Patent, Jan. 9, 1889, G. The territories forming the STRAITs SETTLEMENTs were formerly part of the diocese of CALCUTTA, but were in 1869 annexed to the diocese of LABUAN, and are now part of the diocese of SINGAPORE, LABUAN, and SARAWAK. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. GOVERNORS OF STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, SINGAPORE. 1867. Col. Harry St. Geo. Ord, R. E., C.B.; 1877. Sir Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson, aft. Sir H., Feb. 5. G. | K.C.M.G., Dec. 4. 1871. Lt.-col. Archd. Edwd. , Harbord 1879. M.-gen. A. E. H. Anson, admr * R.A., aft, Sir A., admr. again, Feb., until arrival of Weld Mar, , until arrival of Clarke. in May 1880 1873. Sir Andr. Clarke, R.E., K.C.M.G., Alay - C. B., Aug. 25, G. R.E., K.C.M.G., C.B., Apr. 7. G. . Col. A. E. H. Anson, R.A.. C.M.G., again admmr. Apr., until arrival of Robinson in Oct. 1880. . Col. Sir Wm. Fras. Drummond Jervois, l Fredk. Aloysius Weld, C.M.G., aft. sir F., Mar. 18, G. Cecil Clementi Smith, C.M.G., aft. Sir C., admr., Mar. , until return of Weld in Nov. 1885; app. Govr. Aug. 2, 1887. 1884. DIOCESE OF SINGAPORE. See under “Labuan,” infra. LABUAN. LABUAN is an island in the Malay Archipelago, on the coast of Borneo. In 1846 it was acquired from the sultan of Borneo by the English, who settled there in the following year. LABUAN forms part of the diocese of SINGAPORE, LABUAN and SARAWAK. e GOVERNORS OF LABUAN. Brooke, aft. Sir J., Nov. 27, 1867. John Pope Hennessy, aft. Sir J., Sept. 16, G. 1871. Hy. Ernest Bulwer, C.M.G. ; aft. sir John Scott, aft. Sir J., L.G. H., June 22, G. Hon. Geo. Warren Edwardes, Feb. 1875. Herbert Taylor Ussher, C.M.G., Oct. 13, G. 31, G. Jeremiah Thos. FitzGerald Cal- 1879. Chas. Cameron Lees, C.M.G. ; aft. laghan, Apr. 10, G. sir C., Sept. 29, G. Hugh Low, aft. Sir H., Actg. Govt. 1881. Peter, Leys, Sept. 3; Actg. Govt. until arrival of Hennessy. during vacancy. 1847. Ja.s. 1848. Wm. Napier, L.G. 1850. 1856. 1862. 1866. DIOCESE OF SINGAPORE, LABUAN, AND SARAWAR. THE bishopric of Labuan was constituted under Letters Patent, Aug. 7, 1855, G. * Under 32 & 33 Wict. c. 88 (1869), and Letters Patent, dated Nov. 15, and gaz. Nov. 16, 1869, the Straits Settlements were separated from the diocese of Calcutta and added to that of Labuan, whose bishops were thenceforward styled bishops of Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak. It is now classed as a diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOPS OF LABUAN. 1855. Fras. Thos. McDougall, May 15, G.; 1869. Walter Chambers, June 28, G. res. 1868. 43 * ($76 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BISHOPS OF SINGAPORE, LABUAN AND SARAwak. 1869. Walter Chambers, above-named, 1881. Geo. Fredk. Hose, consec. May 26. Nov. 15, G.; res. 1881. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. THIs TERRITORY uow belongs to the British North Borneo Company, who hold it under grants from the Sultans of Brunei and Lulu, dated Dec. 29, 1877, and Jan. 28, 1878, and a Royal Charter granted Nov. 1 and gazetted Nov. 8, 1881. The British protectorate was formally assumed May 12, 1888. There had previously been settlements under the East India Com- pany at Balambagan and Brunei, but these were abandoned early in the present century. GovKRNORS OF BRITISH North BORN Eo. 1881. Wm. Hood Treacher, June 1. | 1888. Chas. Vandeleur Creagh. ASIATIC DIOCESIES whose jurisdiction lies outside the British dominions. DIOCESE OF TRAVANCORE AND CHINA. This bishopric was constituted in 1879, and is in the province of Calcutta. Its jurisdiction extends over the native States of Travancore and China. BISHOP OF TRAVANCORE AND COCHIN. 1879. John Martimdale Speechley. DIOCESES OF NORTH CHINA AND MID-CHINA. The bishopric of North China was constituted in 1872, and that of Mid-China in 1880. The original bishopric of North China is now called Mid-China, the present bishopric of North China having a diffe- rent jurisdiction. Both dioceses are classed as missionary bishoprics holding missions from the metropolitan see of Canterbury. BIs HoPs of MID-CHINA, TORMERLY NoFTH CHINA. 1872. W. A. Russell. | 1880. Geo. Evans Moule, consec, Oct. 28. BISHOP OF NoFTH CHINA As Now CoNSTITUTED. 1880. Chas. Perry Scott, consec. Oct. 28. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. - 677 DIOCESE OF JAPAN. . This bishopric was constituted in 1883, and is classed as a mis- sionary bishopric holding missions from the metropolitan see of Canterbury. - BISHOPS OF JAPAN. 1883. Arth. Wm. Poole. | 1885. Edwd. Wm. Bickersteth, consec. 1886, DIOCESE OF JERUSALEM. This bishopric was constituted in 1841. BISHOPS OF JERUSALEM. 1841. M. S. Alexander. 1887. Geo. Fras. Popham Blyth, consec. 1846. Saml. Gobat. Mar. 25. 1879. Joseph Barclay, ceased 1881, III.-COLONIES, &c.—AFRICA. SOUTH AFRICAN COLONIES. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. NATAL. BRITISH BECHUANA- LAND. BRITISH KAFFRARIA. BASUTOLAND. GRIQUALAND, EAST AND WEST. THE division and government of the British possessions in SouTII AFRICA have been subject to many changes, a detailed and very accu- rate account of which will be found in the official Colonial List. The CAPE of Good HoPE or CAPE Colony originally belonged to the Dutch, who settled there about 1652 and retained it till 1795, when the British took possession of it in order to prevent its capture by the French. It was restored to the Dutch at the Peace of Amiens (1801–2), but on the renewal of hostilities between Great Britain and France it was again captured by the former in 1806, and finally ceded to this country in 1814. The district of Rode Valley was annexed to the Cape by Letters Patent, Aug. 2, 1887, G. NATAL was originally colonized by a secession of Dutch Boers from Cape Colony. In Aug. 1843 it was proclaimed a British colony by the authorities at the Cape. In Aug. 1845 it was annexed as a district to Cape Colony, and in Nov. 1845 it was constituted a separate govern- ment under a lieutenant governor subordinate to the Cape. By Letters Patent, July 15, 1856, G., Natal was altogether separated from the Cape and constituted a separate colony. BECHUANALAND was taken under British protection by convention of London dated Feb. 27, 1884, and on Sept. 30, 1885, part of that (378 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, country was declared to be British territory under the name of BRITISH BECHUANALAND, and the governor of the Cape was appointed its governor with a local administrator under him. The acquisition of BRITISH KAFFRARIA was the result of the second and third Kaffir wars (1846–7 and 1850–3). It was at first treated as part of Cape Colony, but in 1861 it was declared a separate colony under a lieutenant governor, subordinate to the Cape. In 1865, under 28 & 29 Vict, cap. 5, British Kaffraria was reunited to the Cape, of which it now forms the two divisions of King Williamstown and East London. BASUTOLAND became British territory in March 1868, and was annexed to the Cape in Aug. 1871 under an Act of the Colonial Legis- lature. As from March 13, 1884, it was separated from the Cape and formed into a separate colony under a commissioner subordinate to the High Commissioner for South Africa. GRIQUALAND WEST was made British territory on Oct. 27, 1871, and a lieutenant governor appointed, April 2, 1873. It was annexed to the Cape under Colonial Act No. 39, of 1877, and proclamation dated Oct. 15, 1880. (See London Gazette of Jan. 25, 1881.) The South African colonies are in the ecclesiastical province of Cape Town which province comprises the dioceses of Bloemfontein, formerly | Maritsburg, formerly Natal. | St. John's, Kaffraria. Orange River Free State. Pretoria. Zululand. Grahamstown. St. Helena. | GOVERNORS OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. See Introduction, ante, p. 677. DUTCH. Gove. RNORs. 1652. Johan Antony van Riebeck. 1714. Mauritz Pasquess de Chavo. 1662. Zacharias Wagenaar. 1724. Jan de la Fontaine; also Actg. Gov.r. 1666. Cornelis van Qualberg. in 1728; Govr. in 1730. 1668. Jacob Borghorst. 1727. Piet Gysbert Nood. 1670. Pieter Hackins. 1736. Adriaan von Kervel. 1671. Coenraad van Breitenbach. 1737. Daniel van den Henghell. 1672. Albert van Breugel. 1739. Hendrik Swellengrebel. Ysbrand Goske. 1751. Ryk Tulbagh. 1676. Johan Bax. 1771. Joachim van Plettenberg. 1678. Hendrik Crudare. 1773. Pieter Baron van Recd Van Oudt- Simon van der Still. schoorn; d. on voyage out. 1699. Wnn. Adriaan van der Still. 1785. Cornelius Jacobus van de Graaff. 1707. Johan Cornelis d'Abling. 1791. Johannes Isaac Rhenius. 1708. Louis van Assenburg. 1793. Abraham Jos. Sluysken, L. G. 1711. Willem Helot. BRITISH Gov ERNORs. 1795. J. H. Craig. 1801. Sylvester, ld. Glenbervie, Jan. 28, 1796. Geo., Earl Macartney, L.P., Dec. 30. G. Did not go over. 1798. Sir Fras. Dundas, L.G. Sir Fras. Dundas, again, L.G. 1799. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt., L.P., Mar. 23. Restored to Holland 1803. 1803. Jan Willem Jansens, Dutch Govr. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 6.79 Re-taken by the British, Jan. 18, 1806. 1806. Sir David Baird. M.-gen. hon. Hy. Geo. Grey, L.G. ; July 21, G. Dupré, E. of Caledon, July 2, G. Lt.-gen. Sir John Fras. Cradock, K.B. (aft. li. Howden); Mar. 8, G. 1811. 1812. M.-gen. hon. Robt. Meade, L.G. ; Feb. 21, G. 1813, Lt.-gen. Id. Chas. Hy. Somerset, Nov. 13, G. 1820. Sir Rufane Shaw Donkin, actg. until return of Somerset in 1821. 1825. M.-gen. Richd. Bourke, aft. Sir R., L.G., July 4, G. 1828. Gen. hon, sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, Jan. 9, G. 1833. Lt.-col. T. F. Wade, Actg. Gowr. until arrival of D'Urban. M.-gen, sir Benjn. D'Urban, July 4, G Andries Stockenstrom, aft. bt., L.G. eastern division, Feb. 2, G. . M.-gen. Geo. Thos. Napier, C.B.; aft. Sir G., Oct. 4, G. Col. John Hare, C.B., L. G. eastern division, Oct. 26, G. 1836. 1837. 1839. 1843. Lt.-gen. Sir Peregrine Maitland, R.C. B., Dec. 12, G. M -gen. Sir Henry Pottinger, bt., G.C.B., Sept. 25, G. Hy. Edwd. Fox Young, L.G. eastern division, Feb. 2, G. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Geo. Wakelyn Smith, bt., G.C.B., Sept. 10, G. M.-Gen. hon. Geo. Cathcart. Jan. 20, 1846. 1847. 1852. G. Chas, Hy. Darling, aft. Sir C., L.G., Jan. 20, G. . Sir Geo. Grey, K.C.B., July 24. Lt.-gen. John Jackson, L.G., Oct. 27, G. ; until arrival of Grey. . M.-gen. Robt. Hy. Wynyard, L.G., Mar. 14, G.; until return of Grey in 1860. Philip Edmond Wodehouse, C.B., aft, sir P., Oct. 28, G. Sir Robt. Percy Douglas, bt., L.G., July 9. Sir Hy. Barkly, K.C.B., Aug. 19, G. Lt.-gen. Sir Arthur Augs. Thurlow Cunyngham, K.C.B., Mar. 5, G. 1861. 1864. 1870. 1877. GOVERNORS OF THE CAPE AND HIGH CoMMIssion ERs For SOUTH AFRICA. 1877. 1878. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, M.-gen. hon, Fredk. Augs. Thesi- ger, C.B.; aft. la. Chelmsford, L.G., Jan. 30, G. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Hugh Clifford, v. C., K.C.M.G. and C.B., admr. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Cumine Strahan, 1880. R. C. M. G. ; temp. admr. and commr. until arrival of Robinson, Aug. 23, G. 1880. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, G.C.M.G., Aug. 23, G. 1882. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Leicester Smyth, K.C.M.G. and C. B., admr. until return of Robinson in 1883. 1886. Lt.-gen. D'Oyley Torrens, C.B., admr. until return of Robinson in 1887. DIOCESES OF CAPE TOWN AND GRAHAMSTOWN. The bishopric of Cape Town, as originally constituted under Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G., included the whole of Cape Colony and its dependencies and also St. Helena. By Letters Patent Nov. 23, 1853, G., the Cape portion of the diocese was divided into the separate bishoprics of Cape Town, Grahamstown, and Natal, and by other Letters Patent, Dec. 6, 1853, G., the bishop of Cape Town was made metro- politan to the other, two sees. In 1873 the bishopric of St. John's, Raffraria, was formed from part of that of Grahamstown. By Letters Patent, June 3, 1859, G., St. Helena was constituted a separate bishopric. BIs HoPs of CAPE Town. 1847. Robt. Gray, 1st bp , June 28, G.; 1853. The same, Dec. 6, G. (on division of diocese ut supra). App. bp. of Capetown, and metrop. of the Cape of Good Hope and its dependencies. 1874. Wm. West Jones. 680 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BISHOPS OF GRAHAMsTown. 1853. John Armstrong, 1st bp., Nov. 23, 1871. N. J. Merriman. G. 1883. Allan Becher Webb, tr. from 1856. Hy. Cotterill, Nov. 4, G. | Bloemfontein. GOVERNORS OF NATAL. See Introduction, ante p. 677. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORs. PR1OR TO SEPARATION FROM CAPE CoLONY. 1845. Martin West, Dec. 30, G. 1856. John Scott, Mar. 15, G. 1849. Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine, aft. sir B., Nov. 27, G. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS AFTER SEPARATION FROM CAPE COLONY. 1856. John Scott, above-named, July 15, G. 1875. M.-gen. Sir Garnet Jos. Wolseley, 1864. John Maclean, C.B., Oct. 6, G. | G.C.M.G., K.C.B., aft. visc. Wol- 1867. Robt. Wm. Keate, Feb. 20, G. seley; Feb. 24, G.; to administer 1872. Anthy. Musgrave, C.M.G., aft. Sir A., the govt. temporarily. May 25, G. 1875. Sir Hy. Ernest Bulwer, K.C.M.G., 1873. Sir Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine, July 6, G. R.C.M.G., May 31, G. GovIERNORs. 1880. Col. Sir Geo. Pomeroy Colley, 1882. Sir Hy. Ernest Bulwer, K.C M.G., K.C.S.I., C.B., C.M.G., Apr. 21, G.; Feb. 2, G.; also sp. commr. for also high commr. for S.E. Africa. Zulu affairs. 1881. M.-gen. Sir Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, 1885. Sir Arth. Elibank Havelock, bt., G.C.B., C.I.E., Mar. 7, G.; K.C.M.G., Sept. 12, G. also Govr. Transvaal and high commr. for S.E. Africa. DIOCESE OF NATAL, NOW STYLED MARITZBURG. The bishopric was separated from Cape Town by Letters Patent, Nov. 23, 1853, G., and was made suffragan to that province by Letters Patent, Dec. 6, 1853, G. BISHOP OF NATAL. 1853. John Wm. Colenso, 1st bp.,Nov. 23, G.; deposed (?) 1863; d. 1883. BISHOP OF MARITZBURG. 1869. Wm. Kenneth Macrorie, consec. Jan. 5. GOVERNORS OF BRITISH BECHUANALAND. The Governor of the Cape of Good Hope for the time being. See Introduction, ante, p. 677. Under him is a local administrator. ADMINISTRATORS OF BRITISH BECHUANALAND. 1884. Sir Chas. Warren, R.E., app. sp. 1885. Sidney Godolphin Alexr. Shippard, commr. for Bechuanaland,abt. Oct. aft. Sir S., Oct. For bishops see “Bishops of Bloemfontein,” post p. 681. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS OF BRITISH KAFFRARIA. See Introduction, ante p. 678. 1860. Jno. Maclean, C.B., Dec. 6, G. Re-united to the Cape in 1865. See ante, p. 678. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES (581 DIOCESE OF ST. JOHN’S, KAFFRARIA. This bishopric was formerly part of that of Grahamstown, from which it was separated in 1873. See ante, p. 679. BISHOPs of ST. Jo HN’s, KAFFRARIA. 1873. Hy. Callaway. 1883. Bransby Lancelot Key (coadj.); made bp. 1886. RESIDENT COMMISSIONERS GOVERNING BASUTOLAND UNDER THE HIGH COMMISSIONERS FOR SOUTH AFRICA. See Introduction, ante, p. 678. 1884. Lt.-col. Sir Marshall Jas. Clarke, Jan. For bishops see “Bishops of Bloemfontein,” infra. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS OF GRIQUALAND WEST. See Introduction, ante p. 678. 1873. Richd. Southey, C.M.G., Apr. 2, On Oct. 15, 1880, Griqualand West G. * was incorporated with Cape 1875. Maj. Wm. Owen Lanyon, aft. Sir Colony. See ante, p. 678. W., c.M.G., Sept. 1, G. | For bishops see “Bishops of Bloemfontein,” infra. SOUTH AFRICAN DIOCESES OF BLOEMFONTEIN (FORMERLY ORANGE FREE STATE). ZULULAND. PRETORIA. THE BISHOPRIC of the ORANGE FREE STATE was established in 1873. In 1886 its jurisdiction was extended and its name changed to Bloem- fontein. It now includes the Orange Free State, Griqualand West, Basutoland, and Bechuanaland, and is in the province of Cape Town. THE BISHOPRIC of ZULULAND was established in 1870. Its juris- diction extends over Zululand and the territories to the north and north-east thereof. It is in the province of Cape Town. THE BISHOPRIC of PRETORIA was established in 1878. Its jurisdic- tion extends over the Transvaal. It is in the province of Cape Town. - BISHOPS OF BLOEMFONTEIN, FORMERLY ORANGE FPI,E STATE. 1863. Edwd. Twells ; consec. Feb. 2. 1886. Geo. Wyndham Hamilton Knight- 1870. Allan Becher Webb ; tr. to Gra-. Bruce. hamstown, 1883. BISHOPS OF ZULULAND. 1870, Thos. Edwd. Wilkinson; ceased 1876. 1880. Douglas McKenzie ; consec. Now 3U. ($82 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BISHOP OF PRETORIA. 1878. Hy. Brougham Bousfield, consec. Feb. 2. ST. HELENA. ST. HELENA is an island in the South Atlantic Ocean, and whilst the route for India and Australia was round the Cape of Good Hope, more especially before the introduction of steam, most ships, both homeward and outward bound, called there for provisions and water. Since the opening of the Suez Canal its importance has some- what declined. The Island was discovered by the Portuguese, but was first colonized by the Dutch. It came into the possession of England in 1673, and was soon afterwards granted by Charles II. to the East India Company, by whom it was transferred to the Crown in 1833 under 3 & 4 Wm. IV. cap. 85, sec. 112. Prior to that date the governors of the island were appointed by the company, except during the detention of Napoleon Buonaparte from 1816 to 1821, when Sir Hudson Lowe was appointed governor by the Crown. GOVERNOR OF ST. HELENA during the detention of Napoleon. Buonaparte. 1816. Sir Hudson Lowe, arr. Apr. 14. GOVERNORS SINCE THE TRANSFER OF THE ISLAND FROM THE EAST INDIA COMPANY TO THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT. 1835. M.-gen. Geo. Middlemore, Oct. 12, G. 1863. W.-adm. Sir Chas. Elliot, K.C.B., 1841. Lt.-col. Hamelin Trelawny, Aug. 24, May 20, G. • 1870. Hudson Ralph Janisch, Actg. Gowr. 1846. M.-gen. Sir Patrk. Ross, G.C.M.G., until arrival of Patey. June 27, G. 1869. R.-adm. Chas. Geo. Edwd. Patey, 1850. Sir Jas. Iºmerson Tenment, Dec. 31, Dec. 6, G. G. ; did not proceed. 1873. Hudson Ralph Janisch, now Gowr., 1851. Lt.-col. Thos. Gore Browne, C.B., Oct. 1, G. aft. Sir T., May 20, G. 1884. Lt.-col. Grant Blunt, R.E., Actg. 1854. Edwd. Hay Drummond Hay, C. B. aft. Govr., Mar. 19. Sir E., Nov. 6, G. 1887. Wm. Grey-Wilson, Dec. 8, G. DIOCESE OF ST. HELENA. ST. HELENA was originally included in the diocese of Capetown, which was constituted under Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G. (See ante, p. 679.) By Letters Patent, June 3, 1859, G., St. Helena was formed into a separate diocese comprising that island and the island of Ascension. BISHOPs of ST. HELENA. 1859. Piers Calveley Claughton, June 3, 1862. Thos. Earle Welby, May 8, G. G.; tr. to Colombo, 1862. i THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. MAURITIUS. SEYCHELLES ISLANDS. THE ISLAND OF MAURITIUS is in the Indian Ocean. RODRIGUES. It was discovered by the Portuguese in 1507, colonised by the Dutch in 1598, abandoned by them in 1710, taken possession of by the French in 1710, and cap- tured by Great Britain in 1810. MAURITIUs has a number of small dependencies, the principal of which are the SEYCHELLES ISLANDs and RODRIGUES. These are governed by commissioners, who are subordinate to the governor o Mauritius. By Letters Patent, Jan. 2, 1889, G., fresh provision was made for the government of the Seychelles by an administrator. Mauritius and its dependencies constitute the diocese of MAURITIUS. 1722. 1728. 1728. 1734. 1746. 1750. 1755. 1759. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1772. 1776. 1810, 1811. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1822. 1828. GOVERNORS OF MAURITIUS. FRENCH GovIRNORs. Taken from the Colonial List. M. de Nyon, Jan. MI. Dumas, Aug. 28. M. de Maupin, Oct. 26. M. Mahé de Labourdonnais, Nov. 10. M. David, Apr. ; M. de Lozier-Bouvet. i M. Magon. M. Desforges Boucher. Col. M. Dumas, July 17. Brig.-gen. M. Steinatier, Nov. 29. Le Chevalier Des Roches, June 7. M. Steinailer, again, ad int., July to Nov. 1792. Le Chevalier d’Arzac de Ternay, Aug. 24. 1800. Le Chevalier de Guiran de la Bril- lanne, Dec. 2. 1779. 1785. 1787. 1789. 1790. 1803, Le Vicomte de Souillac, ad int., May 3; Govr. July 4, 1781. Col. Le Chevalier de Fresne, Apr. 5. Col. Le Chevalier de Fleur, ad int., June 28. Le Vicomte de Souillac, again, Nov. Le Chevalier de Bruni d'Entrecas- teaux, Nov. 5. Maréchal-de-Camp Conway, Nov. 14. Maréchal-de-Camp M. David Char- pentier de Cossigny, Aug. 26. Lt.-gen. Le Comte de Malartic, June 21. Gen. le Comte Magallon Morlière, ad int., July 29. Gen. Charles Decaen, Sept. 26. Le Comte de de la BRITISH Gover Nors. Completed from the Colonial List. Robt. Townshend Farquhar, Dec. 3. 1830. M.-gen. H. Warde, Actg. Gowr. from Apr. 9, until return of Farquhar, 1840. July 12, 1811. M.-gen. J. Gage Hall, Nov. 19. Col. Dalrymple, Actg. Govr. from Dec. 10 until app. of Darling. M.-gen. R. Darling, Actg. Gowr. from Feb. 6 until return of Farquhar, July 6, 1820; again, from May 20, 1823, till arrival of Cole in June 1823. Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, G.C.B., Aug. 31, G.; Feb. 21, 1823, sw. 1848. Lt.-gen, hon. Sir Chas. Colville, G.C.B., Jan. 9, G. 1840. 1842. 1842. 1846. M.-gen. Wm. Nicolay, Jan. 31 ; May 1, 1832, G. Col. J. Power, Actg. Gowr. from Feb. 20 until arrival of Smith, July 16. Sir Lionel Smith, bt., K.C.B., Jan. ( ; Uſ. Col. W. Staveley, Actg. Govr. from Jam. 3 until arrival of Gomm, Nov. 21, 1843. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Maynard Gomm, R.C.B., June 13, G. Lt.-col. T. Blanchard, Actg. Gov.r. from May 5 until app. of Sweeting. Lt.-col. H. L. Sweeting, Actg. Gowr. from May 21 until arrival of Anderson, June 8, 1849. 684 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1849. Geo. Wm. Anderson, Feb. 9, G.; Aug. 26, 1874, until arrival of knt. Feb. 22. Phayre, Nov. 21, 1874. 1850. M.-gen. W. Sutherland, Actg. Gowr. 1874. M.-gen. Sir Arthur Purves Phayre, from Oc . 19 until arrival of R.C.S.I., C.B., Nov. 14, G. Higginson, Jan. 8, 1851. 1878. Fredk. Napier Broome, Actg. Govr. 1850. Jas. Macaulay Higginson, Oct. 1, G. from Dec. 31 until arrival of 1854. M.-gen. W. Sutherland, aſſoin, Actg. Bowen, Apr. 4, 1879. Gov.r. during absence of Higginson | 1879. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., from Apr. 14 until app. of Hay. Mar. 31, G. 1855. M.-gen. C. M. Hay, Actg. Gowr. from 1880. Fredk. Napier Broome, C.M. G., L.G., Jan. 18 until return of Higginson, Sep. 2, G. June 12; again, from Sept. 11, 1883. Chas. Bruce, C.M.G., Actg. Govr. 1857, until arrival of Stevenson, from May 5 until arrival of Hen- Sept. 21. nessy, June 1, 1883. 1857. Wm. Stevenson, May 9, G. 1882. Sir John Pope Hennessy, K.C.M.G., 1863. M.-gen. M. C. Johnstone, Actg. Govr. Dec. 26, G. from Jan. 9 until arrival of 1884. H. N. Duverger Beyts, C.M.G., Actg. Barkly, Aug. 22. Govr. during absence of Hen- 1863. Sir Hy. Barkly, K.C. B., Sept. 17, G. messy from Sept. 24 to Oct. 15 ; 1870. Brig.-gen. E. Selby Smyth, Actg. again, from Sept. 30 to Oct. 28, Govr. from June 4 until arrival of 1886. Gordon, Feb. 21, 1871. 1885. Clifford Lloyd, L. G., Nov. 23, G. 1870. Hon. Arthur Hamilton Gordon, | 1886. Sir Hercules Geo. Robinson, G.C.M.G., C.M.G., Oct. 4, G. on sp. missm. in consequence of 1871. E. S. Smyth, Actg. Govr. (tſain disputes between P. Hennessy and during absence of Gordon, Aug. Lloyd ; held govt. from 15 to 18 19 to Sept. 29. - Dec. 1871. Edwd. Newton, Actg. Govr. during M.-gen. W. H. Hawley, Actg. Govr. absence of Gordon, Oct. 21, 1871, Dec. 18, until appt. of Fleming. to Oct. 28, 1872; again, from Jan. 1887. Fras. Fleming, Actg. Gowr, until 20 to Oct. 30, 1873; again, from return of Hennessy, Dec. 1888. DIOCESE OF MAURITIUS. The bishopric of Mauritius was orginally constituted under Letters Patent Nov. 27, 1854, G., but it is now classed as a colonial diocese holding missions from the see of Canterbury. Its jurisdiction extends over the island of Mauritius and its dependencies. BIs HoPs of MAURITIUs. 1854. Vincent Wm. Ryan, Nov. 27, G., 1st 1870. Hy. Constantine Huxtable, Nov. bp. res. 1868; d. Jan. 11, 1888. 19. 1869. Thos. Goodwin [Iatchard, Mar. 4, G. 1872. Peter Sorenson Royston, Dec. 15. CHIEF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SE YOHELLES ISLANDS. 1880. Capt. Fras. Theophilus Blunt, Sept. 1885. G. H. Griffiths. 11, G.; ch. civil comml. Sey- A. C. S. Barkly, again. chelles Islands. 1889. Thos. Riseley Griffith, Admr., Jam. 2, 1881. Arth. Cecil Stuart Barkly, Dec. 7, G. G. | WEST AFRICA. SETTLEMENTS. SIERRA LEONE. GAMBIA. GOLD COAST. LAGOS. SIERRA LEONE was first taken possession of by the British Govern- ment in 1787, and was in 1791 granted by charter to the Sierra Leone Company. In 1807 it was transferred back to Great Britain. THE BOOK OF L)IGNITIES 685 GAMBIA or the GAMBIA SETTLEMENTs were discovered by the Portu- guese. From 1588 to 1807 it was only a trading settlement, but in the latter year it was placed under the governor of Sierra Leone. In 1843 it was formed into an independent colony under 6 & 7 Vict. cap. 13. The GOLD CoAST Colony, formerly the GoLD COAST SETTLEMENTS, were originally under the government of trading companies, but were in 1843 taken over by the Crown under 6 & 7 Vict. cap. 13, followed by Order in Council dated Sept. 3, 1844 (Sept 6, G.). LAGOs was ceded to Great Britain by king Docemo by treaty dated Aug. 16 and gazetted Sept. 20, 1861, and together with its dependen- cies was created a distinct settlement by Letters Patent, Mar. 5, 1862, G. By Letters Patent, Feb. 19, 1866, G., SIERRA LEONE, GAMBIA, the GOLD COAST SETTLEMENTs, and LAGOs were united under the title of the WEST AFRICA SETTLEMENTs. By Letters Patent, July 24, 1874, G., the GoLD CoAST SETTLEMENTs and LAGOs were severed from the West Africa. Settlements and formed into the GoLD CoAST Colony. By Letters Patent, Dec. 17, 1874, G., and June 17, 1885, G., the WEST AFRICA SETTLEMENTs were reconstituted by the union of SIERRA LEONE and GAMBIA. By Letters Patent, Jan. 13, 1886, G., LAGOs was separated from the Gold Coast territory and made a separate colony. By Letters Patent, Nov. 28, 1888, SIERRA TEONE and GAMBIA were separated and became once more separate colonies. The title of WEST AFRICAN SETTLEMENTs then ceased. All the West African colonies are in the diocese of SIERRA LEONE. GOVERNORS OF SIERRA LEONE prior to its incorporation in the West Africa. Settlements in 1866. See Introduction ante, p. 684. Chas. Maxwell, Apr. 11, G. 1837, Lt.-Col. Richd. Doherty, Mar. 27, Chas. McCarthy, Sept. 6, G. | G M.-gen. Chas. Turner, C.B., June 24, 1811. 1815. 1824. 1840. John Jeremie, Oct. 15, G., knt. i Nov. 4. • ; G. M.-gen. Sir Neil Campbell, 1826. C.B., 1845. Wm. Fergusson, May 3, G. May 12, G. 1846. Norman Wm. Macdonald, Apr. 7, G. 1833. Octavius Temple, June 15, G. 1852. Arth. Edwd. Kennedy, Sept. 13, G. 1834. Maj. Hy. Dundas Campbell, Nov. 4, 1854. Lt.-col. Stephen John Hill, Nov. metropolitan see of Canterbury. For subsequent Governors to Nov. 1888. Capt. Jas. Shaw Hay, 6, G 1888, see post, p. 688. C.M.G., Nov. 29. DIOCESE OF SIERRA LEONE. This bishopric was originally constituted by Letters Patent, May 21, 1852, G., but it is now classed as a diocese holding mission from the West African Colonies. Its jurisdiction extends over all the 686 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, BISHOPS OF SIERRA LEONE. 1852. Owen Emeric Vidal, May 19, G. 1870. Hy. Cheetham, Nov. 10, G.; res. 1855. John Wills Weeks, May 10, G. 1882. 1857. John Bowen, Aug. 10, G. 1883. Ernest Graham Ingham, Feb. 6, 1860. Edwd. Hyndman Beckles, Jan. 5, G.; res. 1870. | GOVERNORS OF GAMBIA OR THE GAMBIA. SETTLEMENTS. See Introduction ante, p. 685. GovKRNORs. 1843. Commander Hy. Frowd Seagram, 1847. Richd. Graves MacDonnell, Oct. 1, G. R.N., June 23, G. 1852 Arth. Edwd. Kennedy, May 25, G. Commander Edmund Norcott, R.N., 1852. Maj. Luke Smyth O'Connor, Sep. 13, Nov. 20, G. G. 1844. Commander Chas. FitzGerald, R.N., 1859. Col. Geo. Abbas Kooli D'Arcy, May 3, G. | June 17, G. For subsequent Governors, see post, p. 688. CoMMISSIONERS OR ADMINISTRATORs. 1866. R.-adm. Chas. Geo. Edwd. Patey, 1877. Surg.-maj. Walesius Skipton Goulds- Oct. 22, G. bury, M.D., C.M.G., Mar. 15, G. 1871. T. F. Callaghan, C.M.G. 1884. Capt. Cornelius Alfd. Moloney, 1873. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, C.M.G., Feb. 2, G. Aug. 25, G. 1886. Jas. Shaw Hay, Jan. 14, G. 1875. Surg.-maj. Saml. Rowe, C.M.G., aft. Gilbert T. Carter (actg.); app. sir S., June 16, G. admr. Nov. 29, 1888. For bishops, see “Bishops of Sierra Leone,” supra. GOVERNORS, &c. OF THE GOLD COAST. See Introduction ante, p. 685. Gov.ERNORS AND ADMINISTRATOR'S OF THE GOLD COAST FORT OR SETTLEMENTs. 1843. Commr. Hy. Worsley Hill, R.N., 1851. Maj. Stephen John Hill, Apr. 1, G. - L.G., Mar. 6, G. 1856. Benj. Chilley Campbell Pine, Nov. 1845. Commr. Wm. Winniett, R.N., aft. Sir 4, G. ; knt. Nov. 28. W., L.G., Oct. 24, G.; made 1860. Edwd. Bullock Andrews, Mar. 7, G. Gowr., Jan. 24, 1850, G. 1863. Richd. Pine, Feb. 9, G. For subsequent Governors to 1874, see post, p. 688. ADMINISTRATORS. 1867. Herbert Taylor Ussher, Admr., 1872. Col. Robt. Wm. Harley, C.B., Admr., July 22, G. Sept. 12, G. GoLD COAST Colony constituted out of Gold Coast Settlements and Lagos, July 31, 1874, G. GovKRNORS OF GOLD COAST Colony. 1874. Capt. Geo. Cumine Strahan, R.A., 1876. Sanford Freeling, C.M.G., aft. Sir S., aft. Sir G., July 31, G. Dec. 4, G. - 1874. Chas. Cameron Lees, aft. Sir C., • + 3 ºn e L.G., Nov. 7, G. 1878. Chas. Cameron Lees, again, L.G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 687 1879. Herbert Taylor Ussher, C.M.G., C.M.G., Admr. during absence of May 26, G. Rowe. * 1879. Wm. Brandford Griffith, C.M.G., aft. 1882. Wm. Brandford Griffith, C.M.G., º 9 again, L.G. sir C. L.G., Nov. 29, 6. 1884. Wm. Alex. Geo. Young, C.M.G., 1881. Surg.-Maj. Sir Saml. Rowe, R. C.M.G., Feb. 28, G.; Actg. Gowr. during Jan. 25, G. absence of Rowe ; aft. app. Govr. 1882. Capt. Cornelius Alfred Moloney. 1885. W. B. Griffith, C.M.G., again, L.G Lagos separated from Gold Coast Colony, Jan. 13, 1886, G. 1886. Wm. Brandford Griffith, C.M.G., aft. Sir W. ; app. Govr. Jan. 13, G. For bishops, see “Bishops of Sierra Leone,” ante, p. 686. GOVERNORS AND ADMINISTRATOR'S OF LAGOS. See Introduction ante, p. 685. Gover NORs. 1861. Hy. Stanhope Freeman, Mar. 5, G. 1863. H. S. Freeman, again. 1863. J. Hawley Glover, R.N., L.G. 1864. J. Hawley Glover, R.N., L.G. For Governors from 1866 to 1874, see post, p. 688. For Governors from 1874 to 1886, see “Gold Coast Colony,” ante, p. 686. For Governors from 1886, vade infra. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OR ADMINISTRATORS UNDER GOVERNORS * OF THE WEST AFRICA SETTLEMENTs. 1866. R.-adm. Chas. Geo. Edwd. Patey, 1871. John Hawley Glover, R.N., again. R.N., Admr., Mar. 24, G. 1872. Henry Fowler (aetg.). Commr. John Hawley Glover, R.N., Geo. Berkeley. Admr., Oct. 22, G. 1873. Capt. Chas. Cameron Lees, aft. Sir 1870. W. H. Simpson. C. (actg.). TIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OR ADMINISTRATORS UNDER GovKRNORS OF THE GOLD CoAST COLONY. 1874. Capt. C. Cameron Lees, aft. Sir C., | 1882. Surg.-maj. Frank Simpson, Actg. L. G., July 31. Admr. 1875. John D. A.Dumaresq, Actg. Admr. Capt. C. Alf. Moloney, C.M.G., again, 1878. Malcolm J. Brown, Actg. Admr. Actg. Admr. 1878. Capt. Cornelius Alf. Moloney, Actg. 1883. Fredk. Evans, C.M.G., Dep. Govr. Admr. 1884. Commr. R. Murray Ramsey, R.N., 1879. Wm. Brandford Griffith, C.M.G., aft. Dep. Gowr. sir C., L.G., Nov. 29, G. Capt. Robt. Knapp Barrow, C.M.G., 1880. Capt. C. A. Moloney, again, Actg. Dep. Gowr. Admr. 1885. Fredk. Evans, C.M.G., Dep. Gowr. 1880, Wm. Brandford Griffith, C.M.G., | 1886. Capt. C. Alf. Moloney, C.M.G., again, again, L.G. from Dec.1880 to Mar. Admr. 1881, Oct. to Dec. 1882, and May Fredk. Evans, C.M.G., Actg. to Oct. 1885; Govr. Oct. 6, 1885. Admr. Gov ERNORS AFTER SEPARATION FROM GOLD COAST COLONY. Office of Governor reconstituted Jan. 13, 1886, G. 1886. Capt. Cornelius Alfred Moloney, C.M.G., Jan. 13, G. For bishops, see “Bishops of Sierra Leone,” ante, p. 686. ($88 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. GOVERNORS OF THE WEST AFRICA SETTLEMENTS, See Introduction ante, p. 685. CoMPRISING SIERRA LEONE, GAMBIER, GOLD COAST, AND LAGOs. 1866. Maj. Saml. Wensley Blackall, Feb. Actg. Govr. until arrival of Keate 23, G. in 1873. 1868. Sir Arthur Edwd. Kennedy, C. B., 1872. Robt. Wm. Keate, Nov. 30, G. Jan. 15, G. 1873. Geo. Berkeley, July 26, G. 1872. John Pope Hennessy, aft. Sir J., CoMPRISING SIERRA LEONE AND GAMBIA. ONLY. 1875. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, 1884. Surg.-maj. Sir Saml. Rowe, K.C.M.G., aft. Sir C., Jan. 27, G. again, Dec. 29, G. 1877. Surg.-maj. Saml. Rowe, C.M.G., aft. , 1886. Capt. Jas. Shaw Hay, C.M.G., July sir S., June 9, G. 5. G. 1881. Arthur Elibank Havelock, C.M.G., aft. Sir A., Jan. 26, G. Sierra Leone and Gambia soparated Nov. 28, 1888. See Introduction, ante, p. 685. For bishops, see “Bishops of Sierra Leone,” ante p. 686. THE NIGER PROTECTORATE. THE TERRITORY over which this Protectorate extends was brought under British protection in July 1824, under treaties with the native chiefs. Many of the treaty rights were granted to the Royal Niger Company by charter dated July 10, 1886. No British governor is appointed, the principal official being the consul, who has a certain jurisdiction over British subjects. For further particulars see the official Colonial List. AFRICAN DIOCESES whose jurisdiction lies outside the British dominions. DIOCESE OF CENTRAL AFRICA, FORMERLY ZAMBESI. This bishopric was constituted in 1861. It is classed as a missionary bishopric holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOPs of CENTRAL AFRICA. 1861. C. F. Mackenzie. 1883. Chas. Alan Smythies, consec. Now. 1863. Wm. Geo. Tozer, aft. bp. Jamaica. 30. 1874. Bdwd. Steele. DIOCESE OF EASTERN EQUATORIAL AFRICA. This bishopric was constituted in 1884. It is classed as a missionary bishopric holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOPS OF EASTERN EQUATORIAL AFRICA. 1884. Jas. Hannington. | 1886. Hy. Perrott Parker, consec. Oct. 18. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 689 DIOCESE OF MADAGASCAR. This bishopric was constituted in 1874. It is classed as a missionary bishopric holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOP OF MADAGASCAR. 1874. Robt. Kestell Kestell-Cornish. DIOCESE OF THE NIGER DISTRICT. This bishopric was constituted in 1864. It is classed as a missionary bishopric holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOP of THE NIGER DISTRICT. 1884. Saml. Adjai Crowther, consec. June 29. IV. —COLONIES, &C.—NORTH AMERICA. DOMINION OF CANADA. UPPER AND LOWER CANADA. ONTARIO. QUEBEC. NOVA SCOTIA. NEW BRUNSW ICK. CAPE BRETON. MANITOBA. RED RIVER, SETTLEMENT. R.UPERT’S LAND. N. W. T.E.R.R.1TO RIES. BRITISH COLUMBIA. VANCOUVER ISLAND. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. CANADA was discovered by Sebastian Cabot about 1497. It was taken possession of by the French in 1525; but it was not until 1608–9 that Quebec, the first settlement, was founded. In 1759 Quebec was cap- tured by the British under General Wolfe, in 1763 the rest of the country was ceded to Great Britain by the Treaty of Paris, and in that year, and again in 1774, provision was made for the government of the colony. In 1783, on the recognition of the independence of the United States, a considerable part of the Canadian territory was given up to that Republic. In 1791, under 31 Geo. III. cap. 31, Canada was divided into (1) Upper Canada, now Ontario, and (2) Lower Canada, now Quebec. These provinces were again united, in 1840, under 3 & 4 Wict. cap. 35, by proclamation made under Order in Council dated Aug. 10, and gazetted Aug. 14, 1840. Nova Scot1A was discovered by John Cabot about 1497, colonised by the French in 1598, and, with the exception of its occupation by the English from, 1627 to 1632, it was retained by the French until its cession to Great Britain at the Peace of Utrecht in 1714. 44 $690 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. NEw BRUNswick orginally belonged to the French, being called by them New France. It was ceded to Great Britain in 1763, and con- stituted a separated colony in 1785, having up to that time been annexed to Nova Scotia. CAPE BRETON originally belonged to France. It was captured by the British forces in 1745, restored to France at the Peace of Aix-la- Chapelle in 1748, again captured by Great Britain in 1758, and ceded to that country by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. It was then united to Nova Scotia, separated from it in 1784, and again united thereto in 1820. MANITOBA, or, rather, the nucleus of that province, was formerly known as the RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. It originally belonged to the Hudson’s Bay Company as part of RUPERT's LAND, and was granted by them in 1811 to Thos., 5th Earl of Selkirk, who founded a settlement on the banks of the Red River in 1813. It was repurchased by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1835. By 31 & 32 Vict. cap. 105 (1867) the company surrendered their rights over Rupert's Land to the Crown, and, under this Act and the Canadian Acts 33 Wict. cap. 3 (1870), and 44 Wict. cap. 14 (1881), the province of Manitoba, as now constituted, was formed. THE NoFTH-WEST TERRITORIEs were created by proclamation of Oct. 7, 1876, under Canadian Act 38 Vict. cap. 49 (1875). This Act was amended by Canadian Act 43 Wict. cap. 25 (1880). The North- West Territories consist of such portions of Rupert's Land and the old North-Western Territory as were not included in Manitoba. BRITISH CoIUMBIA was constituted a colony in 1858 under 21 & 22 Vict. cap. 99 (1858). WANCOUVER ISLAND was discovered in 1592, but the first regular settlement was by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1843. The island was secured to Great Britain by treaty in 1846, and was constituted a colony in 1849. WANCOUVER ISLAND was united to BRITISH Colu MBIA in 1866 under 29 & 30 Vict. cap. 67 (1866). PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND was discovered in 1497, and colonised by the French shortly afterwards. It was taken from them by Great Britain in 1758, annexed to Nova Scotia in 1763, and made a separate colony in 1770. The federation of the Canadian colonies, under the title of the Dom INION OF CANADA, is authorised by Acts of the Imperial Parlia- ment, 30 Vict. cap 3 (1867), 31 & 32 Vict. cap. 105 (1868), and by Orders in Council or proclamations thereunder; and by Colonial Acts 33 Vict. cap. 3 (1870), 30 Vict. cap. 49 (1875), and 43 Wict. cap. 25 (1880). The dominion was first formed by proclamation dated May 22 and gazetted May 24, 1867, and then consisted of the provinces of UPPER CANADA (then re-named ONTARIO), LOWER CANADA (then re-named QUEBEC), Nov A Scot1A, and NEW BRUNSWICK. RUPERT's LAND and THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 691 the N. W. TERRITORY, afterwards re-divided into the N. W. TERRI- TORIES and MANITOBA, were added on July 15, 1870, under Order in Council dated June 23, and gazetted June 24, 1870. BRITISH CoIUM- BIA was added on July 20, 1871, under Order in Council dated May 16, and gazetted May 19, 1871. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND was added on July 1, 1873, by Order in Council dated June 26, and gazetted July 4, 1873. By Order in Council dated July 31, 1880 (not gazetted in Eng- land), such parts of the British possessions in North America (except Newfoundland) as had not previously joined the dominion were an- nexed to it. THE DOMINION of CANADA forms the ecclesiastical provinces of CANADA, which comprises the dioceses of Algoma, Montreal, | Ontario, Fredericton, Niagara, Quebec, Huron, Nova Scotia, Toronto; and of RUPERT's LAND, which comprises the dioceses of Athabasca (now Mackenzie Moosonee, | Saskatchewan. River and S. Athabasca), Rupert's Land, GOVERNORS OF CANADA. Prior to the division into Upper and Lower Canada in 1791. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. 1765. Lt.-gen. hon. Jas. Murray, Nov. 21. 1774. Lt.-gen. Sir Guy Carleton, aft. li. 1766. Paulus AEmilius Irving (president), Dorchester, Oct. 11. June 30. M.-gen, Jas. Johnstone, L.G., Nov. 26 M.-gen, Guy Carleton, L.G., Sept. e 24. 1777. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Haldimand, Apr. 21. 1770. Hector C. Cramahé (president), 1786. Sir Guy Carleton, again; aft. la. Aug. 9. Dorchester; Apr. 11. GOVERNORS OF CANADA. After the division in 1791. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. GovKRNORS OF UPPER AND LOWER CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA, NEw BRUNSWICK, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, AND CAPE BRETON. 1796. Lt.-gen. R. Prescott. 1817. Lt.-gen. Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, 1807. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Hy. Craig, K.B., G.C.B., Jan. 29, G. Aug. 31, G. 1818. Chas., D. of Richmond, K.G., Apr. 1811. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Prevost, bt., Sept. 6, G. 10, G. 1819. Lt.-gen. Geo., 9th E. of Dalhousie, 1814. Lt.-gen. Sir Gordon Drummond, G.C.B., Apr. 20, G. L.P., Dec. 28. In 1820 Cape Breton was re-united to Nova Scotia. See Introduction, ante, p. 690. Gover Nors of UPPER AND LOWER CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNswick, AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 1830. Lt.-gen. Matth., ld. Aylmer, K.C.B., July 19, G. 1835. Archd., E. of Gosford, June 9, G. 1828. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Kempt, G.C.B., Aug. , G. 44 * 692 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. GovKRNORS-GENERAL of North AMERICAN PROVINCEs, 1838. John Geo., E. of Durham, G.C.B., | 1839. Chas. Poulett Thomson, aft, ld, Jan. 16, G. Sydenham, Aug. 29, G. Lt.-gen. Sir John Colborne, G.C.B., Dec. 14, G. In 1840 the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada were united. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. } GovKRNORs of CANADA, NEW BRUNswick, Nov.A. Scot1A, AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, AND GovKRNORS-GENERAL OF NoFTH AMERICAN PROVINCEs. 1840. Chas., ld. Sydenham, above-named, 1846. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine Aug. 28, G.; d. in office, 1841. Sept. 16, G. 1841. Sir Chas. Bagot, G.C.B., Sept. 27. G. 1854. Sir Edmd. Walker Head, bt., Sept. 1843. Sir Chas. Theoph. Metcalfe, G.C.B., 19, G. aft. la. Metcalfe, Jan. 25, G. 1861. Chas. Stanley, visc. Monck, Oct. 28 1846. Lt.-gen. Chas. Murray, E. of Cath- G. cart, R.C. B., Mar. 10, G. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was formed. See Introduction, ante, p. 690, Gover NORS-GENERAL OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 1867. Chas. Stanley, visc. Monck, June 4, 1872. Fredk. Temple, E. of Dufferin, K.P. G.; as from July 1, 1867. , K.C.B., aft. M. of Dufferin and 1869. Sir John Young, bt., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Ava, June 3, G. aft. 16. Lisgar, Jan. 2, G. The above were also governors of Prince Edward Island, which was not annexed to the Dominion until 1873. 1878. Sir John Douglas Sutherland Camp- 1883. Hy. Chas. Keith, M. of Lansdowne bell, K.T., G.C.M.G., c. c. M. of Aug. 24, G. * Lorne, Oct. 14, G. 1888. Fredk. Arthur, ld. Stanley of Pres l tom, G.C.B., May 1. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF UPPER CANADA, NOW ONTARIO, From the division into Upper and Lower Canada in 1791. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. For Governors prior to 1791, see “Governors of Canada,” ante, p. 691. LIEUTENANT-GovIRNORS OF UPPER CANADA. 1806. Fras. Gore, Mar, 1, G. 1835. Sir Fras. Bond Head, K.C. H., Now, 1817. M.-gen sir Peregrine Maitland, 27, G. - R.C. B., Jan. 8, G. 1837. Col. Sir Geo. Arthur, K.C.H., Dec. 1828. M.-gen. Sir John Colborne, R. C. B., 22. Aug. 14, G. | In 1840 the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada were united, see Introduction, ante, p. 689. For governors from 1840 to 1867, see “Governors of Canada, &c.,” supra. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was formed, and the name of Upper Canada was changed to Ontario, see Introduction, ante, p. 690. For governors since 1867, see ‘‘ Governors-General of the Dominion of Canada,” supra, and the following list of LIEUTENANT-GovKRNORS OF ONTARIO. Taken from the Colonial List. 1867. Lt.-gen. Sir H. W. Stisted, K.C. B. 1875. D. A. Macdonald. 1868. Wm. Pearce Howland, C.B., aft. Sir W. 1880. John Beverley Robinson, June 30. 1873, John W. Crawford. 1887. Sir Alexr. Campbell, K.C.M.G., Feb.8. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 693 DIOCESE OF QUEBEC. From 1793 to 1850 the bishops of Quebec had jurisdiction over part of Upper Canada. See “Bishops of Quebec,” post, p. 694. DIOCESE OF TORONTO. This diocese was constituted in 1839. By Letters Patent, Feb. 6, 1862, G., the see was divided and part of it formed into the bishopric of Ontario. Toronto is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. BIs HOPS OF Toronto. 1839. John Strachan, Aug. 5, G. 1879. Arthur Sweatmann, consec. May 1. 1868. A. N. Bethune. - - DIOCESE OF ONTARIO, This bishopric was constituted out of that of Toronto by Letters Patent, Feb. 6, 1862, G. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. BISHOP of ONTARIo. 1862. John Travers Lewis, Feb. 6, G. DIOCESE OF HURON. This bishopric was constituted in 1857, and is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. BIs Hops of HURON. 1857. Benjn. Cronym, Oct. 14, G. 1883. Maurice S. Baldwin, consec. Now. 1871. Isaac Hellmuth, res. 1883. 30. DIOCESE OF ALGOMA, This bishopric was constituted in 1873. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. BISHOPS OF ALGOMA. 1873. F. D. Fauquier. | 1882. Edwd. Sullivan, consec. June 29. DIOCESE OF NIAGARA. This diocese was constituted in 1875. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. - BISHOPS OF NIAGARA. 1875. Thos. B. Fuller. . | 1885. Chas. Hamilton, consec. May 1. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS OF LOWER CANADA, NOW QUEBEC. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. For governors prior to the formation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867 , See • Governors of Canada,” ante, p. 691. On the division of Canada into Upper and 694' THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Lower in 1791, Lower Canada was placed under the governors thereafter appointed ; lieutenant-governors being appointed for Upper Canada only. In 1840 the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada were united. For governors from 1840 to 1867, see “Governors of Canada, &c.,” ante, p. 692. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was formed, and the name of Lower Canada was changed to Quebec. See Introduction, ante, p. 690. For governors since 1867, see “Governors- General of the Dominion of Canada,” ante, p. 692, and the following list of LIEUTENANT-GovKRNORS OF QUEBEC. Taken from the Colonial List. 1867. Sir N. F. Belleau, K.C.M.G. 1884. Louis François Roderique Masson, 1873. R. E. Caron. Nov. 7. 1876. Luc Letellier de St. Just. 1887. Auguste Réal Angers, Oct. 24. 1879. Theodore Robitaille. DIOCESE OF QUEBEC. This bishopric was constituted in 1793, and originally extended over both Upper and Lower Canada. By Letters Patent, July 19, 1850, G., the district of Montreal was separated from it and erected into a sepa- rate diocese. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. BIs HoPs of QUEBEC. UNDIVIDED DIOCESE. 1793. I. Mountain. 1836. Geo. Jehosophat Mountain, Feb. 13, 1826. C. J. Stewart. G. BISHOPS OF QUEBEC. AFTER THE SEPARATION OF MonTREAL. 1850. Geo. Jehosophat Mountain, above | 1863. Jas. Wm. Williams. named, July 19, G. DIOCESE OF MONTREAL. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent July 19, 1850, G., and consists of so much of the original diocese of Quebec as com- prised the district of Montreal. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. BISHOPS OF MONTREAL. 1850. Fras. Fulford, July 19, G. 1879. Wm. Bennett Bond. 1869. A. Oxenden. GOVERNORS OF NOVA SCOTIA. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. For Governors, see “Governors of Canada " and “Governors-General of the Dominion of Canada,” ante, pp. 691–2. \ LIEUTENANT-GovIRNORs of Nov A SCOTIA. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1714. Saml. Vetch. 1752. Peregrine Thos. Hopson. 1717. Col. Rd. Phillips. 1754. Chas. Lawrence. 1749. Hon. Edwd. Cornwallis. 1756. A. Moulton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 695 1760. J. Belcher. 1819. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Kempt, G.C.B., Oct. 1761. Hy. Ellis (?) 20, G. 1764. Robt. Wilmot. 1826. M. Wallace (acting). - 1766. M. Franklin. 1828. M.-gen. Sir Peregrine Maitland, 1773. Fras. Legge. K.C.B., Aug. 14, G. 1776. M. Arbuthnot. 1834. M.-gen. Sir Colin Campbell (not lå. 1778. R. Hughes. Clyde), Jan. 24, G. 1781. Sir A. S. Hammond. 1840. Lucius Bentinck, visc. Falkland, G. 1782. Jno. P arr. 1846. M.-gen. Sir Jno. Harvey, K.C.B., 1783. P. Fanning. June 26, G. 1786. Sir Guy Carleton, aft. li. Dorchester. 1852. Col. Sir Jno. Gaspard Le Marchant, 1791. R. Bulkeley. June 18, G. 1792. Jno. Wentworth, aft. bt. 1858 1808. Sir Geo. Prevost, bt., Jan. 16, G. e 1811. Gen. Duncan Darroch (acting). Geo. Augs. Constantine, E. of Mul- grave, aft. M. of Normanby, Jan. 1811. Lt.-gen. Sir John Cope Sherbrooke, º 28, G. IC.B., Aug. 19, G. 1864. Sir Richd. Graves Mac Donnell, C.B., 1816. Gen. Smyth (acting). May 28, G. 1816. Lt.-gen. Geo., E. of Dalhousie, 1865. Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, bt., G.C.B., July 29. K.C.B., Oct. 20, G. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was formed, and Nova Scotia became one of its provinces. IIIEUTENANT-GovKRNORS OF NOVA Scot1A. Since the formation of the Dominion of Canada. Taken from the Colonial List. 1867. M.-gen. Sir Chas. Hastings Doyle, 1873. Adams G. Archibald, aft. Sir A. R. C. M. G. 1883. Matth. Hy. T. Richey, July 4. 1870. Sir Edwd. Kenny (acting). 1888. A. W. McLelan, July 9. 1873. Jos. Howe (acting). DIOCESE OF NOVA SCOTIA. This is the oldest of all the colonial dioceses, having been constituted as far back as 1787. Its jurisdiction extends over Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, and Prince Edward Island. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. BISHOPs, of Nov A Scorſ.A. 1787. Chas. Inglis. 1851. Hibbert Binney, Mar. 12, G. 1816. R. Stanser, May 20, G. 1888. F. Courtney. 1825. J. Inglis. GOVERNORS OF NEW BRUNSWICK. See Introduction, ante, p. 689. From 1763 to 1785 New Brunswick formed part of Nova Scotia. See lieutenant-governors of that colony, ante, p. 694. LIEUTENANT-Gover Nors of NEW BRUNSWICK. From its formation into a separate colony in 1786. 1786. Sir Guy Carleton, aft. li. Dorchester. 1824. J. M. Bliss, acting until arrival of 1787, E. Winslow. Douglas. 1788. Lt. -col. Johnston. Y ºn 4 -> il' H ard D las. bt. 1809. Gen. Martin Hunter, aft. Sir M. 1823. *; 5.G. O Wall Ouglas, 3 1811. M.-gen. Wm. Balfour. e 1817. M. gen, Geo. Stracey Smith, Feb. 1831. M. gem. Sir Archd. Campbell, G.C.B., 28, G. Mar. 21, G. 1823. Ward Chipman, acting until arrival 1837. M.-gen. Sir Jno. Harvey, K.C.B., of Douglas. Mar. 19, G. 696 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1841. Lt.-col. Sir Wm. Macbean George 1861. Hon. Arth. Hamilton Gordon, C.M.G., Colebrook, Mar. 25, G. aft. Sir A., Sept. 16, G. 1847. Sir Edmd. Walker Head, bt.,Oct. 26, G. 1866. M.-gen. Sir Chas. Hastings Doyle, 1854. Hon. Jno. Hy. Thos. Manners-Sut- IC. C.M.G. ton, July 1, G. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was formed, and New Brunswick became one of its provinces. LIEUTENANT-GovKRNORS of NEW BRUNSWICK. Since the formation of the Dominion of Canada. Taken from the Colonial List. 1867. Col. F. P. Harding, C.B. 1878. E. B. Chandler. 1868. Lemuel Allen Wilmot. 1880. Robt. Duncan Wilmot. 1873. Saml. Leonard Tilley, C.B., aft. 1885. Sir S. L. Tilley, K.C.M.G., C.B., Sir S. & | again, Oct 31. DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, April 24, 1845, G. Its jurisdiction extends over the province of New Brunswick. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Canada. Bishops of FREDERICTON. 1845. Jno. Medley, Apr. 24, G.; made 1881. Hollingworth Tully Kingdon, Coadj. Metrop. of Canada, 1879. GOVERNORS OF CAPE BRETON. See Introduction, ante, p. 690, and Nova Scotia, ante, p. 694. The island is within the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the bishops of Nova Scotia. GOVERNORS OF MANITOBA, FORMERLY RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. See Introduction, ante, p. 690. For Governors, see “Governors-General of the Dominion of Canada,” ante, p. 692. LIEUTENANT-Gover Nors of MANITOBA. Taken from the Colonial List. 1870. Adams, G. Archibald, aft. Sir A. | 1882. Jas. Cox Aikins, Oct. 8. 1873. Alex. Morris. 1888. Jonn, Christian Schultz, July 1. 1877. J. E. Cauchon. | For bishops, see “Bishops of Rupert's Land,” post, p. 697. GOVERNORS OF RUPERT'S LAND AND THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. See Introduction, ante, p. 690, Manitoba, supra, and North-Wes Territories, post, p. 697. The Governors-General of the Dominion o Canada were appointed Governors by Letters Patent dated April 1 1870 (June 24, 1870, G.). - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 697 DIOCESE OF RUPERT'S LAND. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, May 19, 1849, G. Its jurisdiction extends over Manitoba, and also over part of the N. W. Territory. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. BISHOPs of RUPERT's LAND. 1849. David Anderson, May 19, G. | 1865. Robt. Machray, consec. June 24. GOVERNORS OF NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. See Introduction, ante, p. 690. LIEUTENANT-GovKRNors of THE North-WEST TERRITORIES. Taken from the Colonial List. 1876. David Laird. 1888. Jos. Royal, July 1. 1881. Edgar Dewdney, Dec. 3. DIOCESE OF MOOSONEE. This bishopric was constituted in 1872. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. BIs HoPs of Mooson EE. 1872. John Horden, consec. T)ec. 15. DIOCESES OF ATHABASCA AND MACKENZIE RIVER, These dioceses are in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. The original diocese of Athabasca was constituted in 1874, and was divided in 1884, the northern portion being thenceforth styled Mac- kenzie River and the southern portion retaining the old name of Athabasca. BISHOP OF ATHABASCA–UNDIVIDED DIOCESE. 1874. Wm. Carpenter Bombas, consec. River on division of the diocese May 4; became bp. of Mackenzie wt supra. BISHOP OF ATHABASCA—PRESENT DIOCESE. 1884. Richd. Young, consec. Oct 18. BISHOP OF MACKENZIE RIVER, 1884. Wm. Carpenter Bompas, form. bp. of Athabasca ; vade supra. DIOCESE OF SASKATCHEWAN. This bishopric was constituted in 1874, and is in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. BISHOPs of SASKATCHEwAN. 1874, Jno. McClean. 1887. Wm. Cyprian Pinkham, consec. Aug. 7. 698 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF QU'APPELLE, FORMERLY CALLED ASSINIBOIA. This bishopric was constituted in 1884. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Rupert's Land. BISHOP of Qu’APPELLE. 1884. Hon. Adelbert Jno. Robt. Anson, June 24. Part of the N. W. Territories is under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the bishops of Rupert's Land. See “Bishops of Rupert's Land,” ante, p. 697. GOVERNORS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA See Introduction, ante, p. 690. 1858. Jas. Douglas, Sept. 3, G. 1869. Anthy. Musgrave, aft. Sir A., Nov. 1864. Fredk. Seymour, Feb. 8, G. 8, G. British Columbia was made part of the Dominion of Canada as from July 20, 1871, under Order in Council dated May 16, and gazetted May 19, 1871. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF BRITISH CoI,UMBIA. Since its annexation to the Dominion of Canada. Taken from the Colonial List. 1871. Joseph Wm. Trutch, C.M.G., aft.sir J. 1881. Clement Fras. Cornwall, June 25. 1876. Albert Norton Richards. 1887. Hugh Nelson, Feb. 8. DIOCESE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, NOW COLUMBIA. British Columbia, and Vancouver Island were constituted into the see of British Columbia by Letters Patent, Jan. 12, 1859, G. The see nas since been divided by the present jurisdiction of the bishop of Columbia, and extends over Vancouver and the adjacent islands. The see is now classed as a colonial diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOP of BRITISH COLUMBIA, Now COLUMBIA. 1859. Geo. Hills, Jan. 12, G.; consec. Feb. 24. DIOCESE OF CALEDONIA. This bishopric was constituted in 1879 as a colonial diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOP OF CALEDONIA. 1879. Wm. Ridley. DIOCESE OF NEW WESTMINSTER. This bishopric was constituted in 1879 as a colonial diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. - BISHOP OF CALEDONIA. 1879. Acton Windeyer Sillitoe, consec. Nov. 1. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. .699. GOVERNORS OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. See Introduction, ante, p. 690. For Governors, see “Governors of Canada,” ante, p. 691, and “Governors-General of the Dominion of Canada,” ante, p. 692. From 1763 to 1770, Prince Edward Island formed part of Nova Scotia. LIEUTENANT-GovKRNors of PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. From its formation into a separate colony in 1770. 1770. Walter Paterson. 1786. Lt.-gen. Edmd. Fanning. 1804. Col. Jos. Fredk. Wallett Des Banes, May 19, G. 1813. Chas. Douglas Smith. 1824. (? 1822). Lt.-col. Jno. Ready, May 1841. Commander Hy. Were Huntley, R.N., i 3, G. 22, G. 1854. Dominick Daly, aft. Sir D., May 8, G. | aft. Sir H., Aug. 20, G. 1847. Sir Donald Campbell, bt., Oct. 26, 1850. Aler. Bannerman, aft. Sir A., Dec. 1831. Capt. Sir Murray Maxwell, C.B., 1859. Geo. Dundas, Jan. 5, G. Mar. 14, G. 1867. Lt.-col. Archd. Edwd. Harbord Aretas Wm. Young, July 25, G. Anson, Feb. 27, G. 1836. Col. Sir Jno. Harvey, Feb. 2, G. 1868. Sir Robt. Hodgson (acting). 1837. Chas. Augs. FitzRoy, Mar. 19, G; 1870. Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson, aft. knt.; June. i sir W., Aug. 19, G. Prince Edward Island was made part of the Dominion of Canada as from July 1, 1873, by Order in Council dated June 26, and gazetted July 4, 1873. LIEUTENANT-GovKRNORS OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Since its annexation to the Dominion of Canada. Taken from the Colonial List. 1873. Sir W. C. F. Robinson, K.C.M.G., | 1879. T. H. Haviland. above named. 1884. A. A. Macdonald, Aug. 1. Sir Robt. Hodgson, acting.L.G. in 1874. For bishops, see “Bishops of Nova Scotia,” ante, p. 695. GOVERNORS OF WANCOU WER ISLAND. See Introduction, ante, p. 690; and British Columbia, ante, p. 698. GOVERNORS OF WANCOUVER ISLAND. 1849. Richd. Blanshard, July 13, G. 1863. Arth. Edwd. Kennedy, C. B., Dec. 1851. James Douglas, May 9. 4, G. United to British Columbia, August, 1866. See “British Columbia,” ante, p. 698. For bishops, see “Bishops of Columbia,” ante, p. 698. NEW FOUNDLAND. NEwfounDLAND was discovered in 1497, and was formally taken possession of by the English in 1578. Their right was, however, not admitted by the fishing fleets of the other nations frequenting the coast, and it was not until the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 that New- foundland was formally ceded to the British. 700 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. NEWFOUNDLAND is the only part of British North America not included in the Dominion of Canada. - GOVERNORS OF NEW FOUNDLANI). The names of the Governors down to 1757 are taken from the Colonial List. From 1713 to 1729 the captain of the first ship on the coast was admiral for the fishing season. 1729. Capt. Osborn. 1737. Capt. Vanbrugh. 1740. Capt. 1d. Geo. Graham. 1816. Adm. Fras. Pickmore, May 20, G 1818. v.Adm. sir Chas. Hamilton, bt., 1741. Capt. aft. adm. Hon. Jno. Byng May 13, G. (executed at Portsmouth Mar. 1825. Capt. Sir Thos. John Cochrane, Apr. 14, 1757). 16, G. 1744. Capt. Sir C. Hardy. 1834. Capt. Hy. Prescott, Sept. 24, G. 1749. Capt. Geo. Brydges Rodney, aft. 1841. Maj.-gen. Sir John Harvey, K.C.B., adm. li. Rodney. Apr. 29, G. 1750. Capt. Drake. | 1846. Hon. Fredk. Adolphus Bruce, L.G., 1753. Capt. Bonfoy. June 27, G. 1755, Capt. Dorrill. Lt.-Col. Sir John Gaspard Le Mar- 1757. Captain Edwards. chant, Dec. 28, G. 1760. Capt. aft. adm. Jas. Webb. 1852. Ker Baillie Hamilton, Oct. 8, G. 1761. Capt. Groves. 1855. Chas. Hy. Darling, aft.sir C. (admr.), 1764. Capt. aft. adm, sir Hugh Palliser, May 26, G.; Gowr. May 3, G. bt., Mar. 31. 1864. Anthy. Musgrave, aft. Sir A., July 1769. Capt. hon. John Byron, June 3. 29, G. 1772. Commodore Molyneux, ld. Shuld- 1867. Sir Alexr. Bannerman, Feb. 9, G. ham, Mar. 10. 1869. Col. Stephen John Hill, C. B., aft. Sir 1775. Commodore aft. adm. Robt. Duff, S, Sept. 29, G. Apr. 24. 1876. Commander Sir John Hawley Glover, 1776. Adm. John Montagu, Mar. 31. G.C. M. G., Mar. 31, G. 1779. Adm. Richd. Edwards, Feb. 19. 1881. Sir Fredk. Bowker Terrington 1782. Adm. John Campbell, Mar. 24. Carter, K.C.M.G., admr. until ar- 1786. Adm. John Elliot, Mar. 25. 1789. rival of Maxse. Adm. Mark Milbanke, Sept. 21. Lt.-Col. Sir Hy. Fitzhardinge Ber- 1792. Adm. Sir Richd. King, bt., July 7. keley Maxse, K.C.M.G., July 6, G. 1794. Adm. sir James Wallace. 1882. Carter, agavn, admr. until arrival of 1797. Adm. hon. Wm. Waldegrave, aft. Glover. ld. Radstock. 1883. Sir John Hawley Glover, G.C.M.G., 1800. Adm. Chas. Morice Pole. i again, Dec. 17, G. 1802. Adm. Jas. Gambier, aft. la. Gambier. 1885. Carter, again, admr. until arrival of 1804. Adm. sir Erasmus Gower, May 31. Des Voeux, 1807. Adm. John Holloway, Apr. 10, G. 1886. Sir Geo. Wm. Des Voeux, K.C.M.G. 1810. Adm. Sir John Thos. Duckworth, 1887. Hy, Arthur Blake, C.M.G., aft. sir K. B., May 4, G. | H., July 11, G. 1813. Adm. Sir Richd. Godwin Keats, K. B., | 1888. Sir John Terence O’Nicolls O’Brien, Mar. 9, G. i K.C.M.G., Nov. 24. DIOCESE OF NEWE'OUNDLAND. This bishopric was founded in 1839. It is now classed as a colonial diocese holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOPs of NEWFOUNDLAND. 1839. Aubrey Geo. Spencer, Aug. 5, G. 1844. Edwd. Feild, Mar. 22, G. 1876. Jas. Butler Kelly, (coadj. aft. Bishop of Moray. | 1878. Llewellyn Jones, consec. May 1; f now styled Bishop of Newfound- 1867), land and the Bermudas. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 701. THE BERMUDAS OR SOMERS ISLANDS. THESE ISLANDs are situated in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 600 miles from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. They were discovered by Bermudez, a Spaniard, in 1527, but remained uninhabited until 1611, when, attention having been drawn to them by the shipwreck of sir Geo. Somers there in 1609, they were included in the grant to the Virginia Company, and have from that time remained a British Colony. THE BERMUDAs from 1844 to 1877, and from 1879 to the present time, have been attached to the diocese of Newfoundland, the present bishop (Llewellyn Jones) being styled Bishop of Newfoundland and the Bermudas. GOVERNORS OF BERMUDA. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1612. Richd. Moore. 1781–2. Wrm. Browne. 1616. Danl. Tucker. 1788. Hy. Hamilton. 1619. Capt. N. Butler. 1794. Jas. Crawford. 1622. Capt. J. Bernard. 1796. Wm. Campbell, June 1. 1623. Capt. Woodhouse. 1797. Geo. Beckwith, aft. Sir G., L.P., 1626. Capt. P. Bell. Apr. 7. 1629. Capt. Roger Wood. 1805. Fras. Gore. Jan. 23, G. 1637. Capt. T. Craddock. 1806. Brig.-gen. John Hodgson, Mar. 1, G. 1641. Capt. W. Sayle. 1811. Sir Jas. Cockburn, Mar. 14, G. 1642. Capt. J. Forster. 1819. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Lumley, K. B., June 1643. Capt. W. Sayle, again. l, G. 1644. W. Sayle, – Paynter, and — Wilkin- 1825. Lt.-Gen. Sir Hilgrove Turner, K.B. son (jointly). and K.C. H., May 28, G. 1645. Capt. J. Forster. 1831. Col. Stephen Remnant Chapman, Sayle, Paynter and Wilkinson, again. C. H., April 23, G. 1647. Capt. J. Turnor. 1838. Sir Andrew Leith Hay, Feb. 6, G. 1650. John Trimingham. 1839. Lt.-Col. Wm. Reid, C.B.. Nov. 1, G. Capt. J. Forster, again. 1846. Capt. Chas. Elliott, R.N., Sept. 25, C. 1659. Capt. W. Sayle, again. 1854. Lt.-Col. Freeman Murray, July 24, 1663. Capt. F. Seymour. G. 1668. Capt. S. Whalley. 1861. Lt.-Col. Harry St. George Ord, R.E., 1669. Sir John Haydon. Feb. 14, G. 1681. Capt. F. Seymour, again. 1867. Col. Sir Fredk. Edwd. Chapman, 1684. Richd. Coney. - R. E., K.C.B., Apr. 8, G. 1686. Sir R. Robinson. 1870. Col. Sir Thos. Gore Browne, K.C.M.G., 1689. Isaac Richier. C. B., admr., July 11. G. 1692. Capt. Goddard. 1871. M.-Gen. John Hy. Lefroy, R.A., C.B., 1698. Saml. Day. Apr. 8, G. | 1700. Capt. Bennett. 1713. Hy. Pullein. 1721. John Bruce Hope, aft. Sir J. . Lt.-Gen. Thos. Lionel John Gallwey, 1727. Capt. John Pitt. + R. E., June 2, G. 1737. Alured Popple. 1888. Lt.-Gen. Edwd. Newdigate Newdi- 1745. Wm. Popple. gate, C.B., Aug. 7, G. 1764. Geo. Jas. Bruere. 1877. Col. Robt. Michl. Laffan, R. E., aft. Sir R., Apr. 23, G. I 8 S 2 For bishops, see Introduction, Supra, and Diocese of Newfoundland, ante, p. 700. 702 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. W.—COLONIES, &c.—AUSTRALAS1A. NEw SouTH WALEs, formerly known as Port Jackson, was the founda- tion of the Australian colonies, and it is from the subsequent division, of this territory and from the colonization of other parts of the Australian continent and the adjacent islands that the present Austra- lasian colonies have arisen. These colonies now comprise:— New South Wales and Nor- | South Australia, New Zealand, folk Island, Western Australia, Fiji Islands, Victoria, Tasmania (formerly Van British New Guinea. Queensland, Diemen's land), The first discovery of the Australian Continent is involved in some doubt, and still more dispute. It is said to have been known to the Portuguese early in the sixteenth century. During the seventeenth century both Spanish and Dutch navigators made voyages of discovery, some records of which still linger in “Torres” Straits, “Van Die- men’s ” Land, and other places; but it was not until the voyages of captain Cook (1769–77) that any practical result was obtained. In 1788 the first attempt at colonization was made, Port Jackson (now Sydney, N.S.W.) being founded as a convict settlement by the British, who have been allowed to take undisputed possession of the entire con- timent, as well as of the neighbouring islands of Tasmania and New Zealand. The Australasian colonies form the ecclesiastical provinces of SYDNEY, which comprises the dioceses of Adelaide, Grafton and Armidale, Perth, W. A., Ballarat, Melbourne, Riverina, Bathurst, Newcastle, Sydney, Brisbane, North Queensland, Tasmania; Goulburn, and of NEW ZEALAND, which comprises the dioceses of Auckland, formerly New Dunedin. Waiapu, Zealand, Melanesia, - Wellington, Christ Church, N.Z., Nelson, NEW SOUTH WALES. THIS is the oldest of the Australian colonies, a convict settlement having been established at Port Jackson in 1788. In earlier times the governors of New South Wales were also appointed governors over the other colonies, which were placed under the direct control of lieutenant- governors only. GOVERNORS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. A few of the earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1788. Capt. A. Phillip, R.N., Jan. 26. 1800. Capt. P. G. King, R.N., Sept. 28. 1792. Capt. F. Grose, R.N., L.G., Dec. 11. 1805. Capt. Wm. Bligh, R.N., Apr. 27, G. 1794. Capt. Wm. Paterson, L.G., Dec. 13. 1808. Lt.-col.G.J ohnstone, Lt.-col. Foveaux, 1795. Capt. Hunter, R.N., Sept. 27. and col. Wm. Paterson, Jan. 26. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, '703 1809. Lt.-col. Lachlan Macquarrie, Apr. 1857. Col. Hy. Keane Bloomfield, John 22, G. Hubert Plunkett, and Chas. 1821. Gen. Sir Thos. Brisbane, K.C.B., Feb. Cowper, admrs. during absence 8, G. of Denison, Sept. 17 to Oct. 27. 1824. Col. Geo. Arthur, Gowr. N. S. Wales 1859. Col. John Maxwell Perceval, sir and W. D. Land. Wm. W. Burton, and C. Cowper, 1825. Col. Stewart. Actg. Gowr, until ar- admrs. during absence of Deni- rival of Darling, Dec. 6 to Dec. son, June 16 to July 8. 18. 1861. Lt.-col. John Kempt, admr. until M.-Gen. Ralph Darling, Gowr. N. S. arrival of Young, Jan. 23 to Mar. Wales and W. D. Land, Apr. 20, G. 21. 1831. Col. Lindsay, C.B., Actg. Govr. until Sir John Young, bt., K.C.B., G.C.M.G., arrival of Bourke, Oct. 22 to aft. la. Lisgar, Mar. 6, G. Dec. 2. 1867. Sir Trevor Chute, K.C.B., admr. M.-gen. Richd. Bourke, Apr. 27, until arrival of Belmore, Dec. 25 G. to Jan. 7, 1868. 1837. Lt.-col. K. Snodgrass, L.G., Actg. Somerset Richd. Lowry, E. of Bel- Gowr. until arrival of Gipps, Dec. more, Aug. 22, G. 6 to Feb. 23, 1838. 1872. Sir Alfred Stephen, C.B., ch. just. ; Sir Geo. Gipps, July 24, G. Actg. Gowr. until arrival of Robin- 1846. Sir Maurice O'Connell, Actg. Gowr. son, Feb. 23 to June 2. until arrival of Fitzroy, July 12 Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, to Aug. 2. K.C.M.G., Mar. 4, G. Sir Chas. Augs. Fitzroy, Feb. 13, 1875. Sir Alfred Stephen, K.C.M.G., C.B., G. App. Govr. N. S. Wales, W. D. L.G., Nov. 29. G. Land, Victoria, S. Australia, and 1879. Sir Augs. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Lof- Gov.-gen. of all the colonies of tus, G.C.B., c. c. 1d. Augs. Loftus, Australia, including W. Australia, May 3, G. Jan. 27, 1851, G. 1885. Sir Alfred Stephen, L. G., actg. as 1854. Capt. Sir Wm. Thos. Denison, Govr. Govr. until arrival of Carrington N. S. Wales and Gowr.-gen. N. S. on Dec. 11. Wales, W. D. Land, Victoria, S. Chas. Robt., ld. Carrington, Apr. Australia, and W. Australia, 11, G. Sept. 19, G. DIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA. The bishopric of Australia was first constituted in 1836, and com- prised all such parts of the Australian continent as were then colonised. By Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G., the bishopric was divided into the four dioceses of Sydney, Newcastle, Adelaide, and Melbourne, all in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOP OF AUSTRALIA. 1836. Wm. Grant Broughton, June 15, G. June 28, 1847; wide supra et Became bp. of Sydney, N.S.W., infra. DIOCESE OF SYDNEY, N.S.W. This diocese was formed out of that of Australia by Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G. See, “Diocese of Australia,” supra. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOPs of SYDNEY, N.S.W. 1847. Wm. Grant Broughton, form. bp. of 1854. Fredk. Barker, Oct. 17, G. Australia, June 28, G. 1884. Alfred Barry, consec. Jan. I. DIOCESE OF NEWCASTLE, N.S.W. This diocese was formed out of that of Australia by Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G. See “Diocese of Australia,” supra. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. 704 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BISHOPs of NEwcASTLE, N.S.W. 1847. Wm. Tyrrell, June 28, G. | 1880. Josiah Brown Pearson. DIOCESE OF GOULBURN, N.S.W. This bishopric was formed out of that of Sydney by Letters Patent, March 25, 1863, G. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOPS OF GOULBURN, N.S.W. 1863. Mesac Thomas, Mar. 25, G. DIOCESE OF BATHURST, N.S.W This bishopric was constituted in 1869. province of Sydney. It is in the ecclesiastical BISHOPS OF BATHURST, N.S.W. 1869. Saml. Edwd. Marsden, res. 1885. 1887. Chas. Edwd. Camidge, consec. Oct. 18. * DIOCESE OF GRAFTON AND ARMIDALE. This bishopric was constituted in 1867. province of Sydney. It is in the ecclesiastical BISHOPS OF GRAFTON AND ARMIDALE. 1867. W. C. Sawyer. | 1869. Jas. Fras. Turner, consec. Feb. 24. DIOCESE OF RIVERINA. This 'bishopric was constituted in 1884. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BIs Hop of RIVERINA. 1884. Sydney Linton, consec. May 1. VICTORIA. Victoria was, under the name of Port Philip, originally a part of New South Wales. 1851, under 13 & 14 Wict. cap. 59. It was separated and constituted a separate colony in GOVERNORS OF VICTORIA. See also “Governors of New South Wales,” ante, pp. 702–3. 1839. Chas. Jos. La Trobe, Supt. of Port Philip, Sept. 30; L. G. Victoria, Jan. 27, 1851, G. 1854. John Vesey Fitzgerald Foster, Actg. Gowr., May, till arrival of Hotham on June 22. 1853. Capt. Sir Chas. Hotham, K.C.B., L. G., Dec. 6, G.; Gowr. Feb. 1, 1855, G. 1856. M.-gen. Edwd, Macarthur, Actg. Govr., Jan, 1, until arrival of Barkly, Dec. 26. Sir Hy. Barkly, K.C.B., Nov. 24, G. 1863. sº Hy. Darling, K.C.B., June 6. G. ' 1866. Brig.-gen. Geo. Jackson Carey, C.B., Actg. Gowr., May 7, until arrival of Manners-Sutton, Aug. 15. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 705 1866. Hon. John Hy. Thos. Manners-Sut- ton, aft. visc. Canterbury, May 19, G. 1873. Sir Wm. Foster Stawell, Actg. Govr., Mar. 3, until arrival of Bowen. 1873. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., May 31, G. 1875. Sir Redmond Barry, Actg. Govr. during absence of Bowen, Jan. 3 to Jan. 10. 1875. Sir W. F. Stawell, again, Actg. Govr. during absence of Barry, Jan. 11 to Jan. 14, 1876. 1879. Geo. Augs. Constantine, M. of Nor- manby, G.C.M.G., Feb. 24, G. 1884. Sir F. Stawell, again, Actg. Govr., Apr. 18, until arrival of Loch, July 15. Sir Hy. Brougham Loch, K.C.B., Apr. 18, G. DIOCESE OF MELBOURNE. This bishopric was formed out of that of Australia, and was consti- tuted by Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G. See “Diocese of Aus- tralia,” ante, p. 703. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOPS OF MELBourn E. 1847. Chas. Perry, June 28, G.; res. 1876. 1876. Jas. Moorhouse, tr. to Manchester. 1887. Field Flowers Goe, consec. Feb. 24. DIOCESE OF BALLARAT. This bishopric was constituted in 1875. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOP OF BALLARAT. 1875. Saml. Thornton, consec. May 1. NORTH AUSTRALIA. IN 1846 a governor and lieutenant-governor of “North Australia.” were appointed, but these titles were not continued ; the territory over which their jurisdiction extended would seem to be the northern portion of what are now South Australia and Queensland. GovKRNORS OF NoFTH AUSTRALIA. 1846. Sir Chas. Augs. Fitzroy, Govr. Feb. 1846. Lt.-col. Geo. Barney, L.G Feb. 24, 24, G. G. QUEENSLAND. QUEENSLAND was, under the name of Moreton Bay, originally a part of New South Wales. It was separated and constituted a separate colony under Letters Patent, June 3, 1859, G. GOVERNORS OF QUEENSLAND. See also “Governors of New South Wales,” ante, pp. 702–3. 1859. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, K.C.M.G., 1868. Saml. Wensley Blackall, May 4, June 3, G. G 1868. Col. Maurice Chas. O'Connell, aft. sir M., admr., Jan. 4, until ar- rival of Blackall. 1871. Col. Sir M. C. O'Connell, again, admr., Jan 2, until arrival of Normanby. 45 706 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1871. Geo. Augs. Constantine, M. of Nor- 1880. Joshua Peter Bell, admr., Mar 19, manby, Apr. 8, G. during absence of Kennedy. 1874. Col. sir M. C. O'Connell, again, 1888. Sir Arthur Hunter Palmer, K.C.M.G., admr., Nov. 12, until arrival of admr., May 2, until arrival of Cairns. t Musgrave. Wm. Wellington Cairns, c.M.G.. aft. Sir Anthy. Musgrave, K.C.M.G., *.*.*.*.*.*.*.* ... july 2, Gºd issä * e 1886. Sir A. H. Palmer, again, admr. 1877. Col. Sir M. C. O'Connell, again, during absence of Musgrave. admr., Mar. 14, until arrival of 1888. Sir Hy. Arth. Blake, K.C.M.G., Kennedy. | nom. but declined the appt. Sir Arthur Edwd. Kennedy, K.C.M.G., 1889. Sir Hy. Wylie Norman, G.C.B., C.B., Jan. 6, G. | G.C.M.G., C.I.E., Jan. 2, G. | } DIOCESE OF BRISBANE. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, June 3, 1859, G. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOPS OF BRISBANE. 1859. Edwd. Wyndham Tufnell, June 3, G.; 1885. Wm. Thos. Thornhill Webber, consec res. 1875. & June 5. 1875. Matthew Blagden Hale, tr. from Perth, W. A.; res. 1885. DIOCESE OF NORTH QUEENSLAND. This bishopric was constituted in 1878. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOP OF NORTH QUEENSLAND. 1878. Geo. Hy. Stanton, consec. June 24 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. THIs colony was constituted under 4 & 5 Wm. IV. cap. 95 (1834-5), and Letters Patent, May 4, 1835, G., and Feb. 2, 1836, G. Additions to or alterations in the constitution of this colony have been made by 13 & 14 Vict. cap. 59 (1850), 24 & 25 Vict. cap. 44 (1861), 25 & 26 Vict, cap. 11 (1862), and 28 & 29 Wict. cap. 63 (1865). GovIERNORS of SouTH AUSTRALIA. See also “Governors of New South Wales,” ante, pp. 702–3. 1836. Capt. John Hindmarsh, R.N., Feb. , 1861. Sir Dominick Daly, Oct. 28, G.; d. 2, G. Feb. 1868. On his death lt.-col. Geo. Milner Stephen, Actg. Gowr, ad Hamley administered the govt. 2nt. until arrival of Fergusson, Feb. 1838. Lt.-col. Geo. Gawler, Apr. 28, G. 16, 1869. 1840. Geo. Grey, aft. Sir G., Dec. 15, G. 1869. Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt., Jan. 1, 1845. Maj. Fredk. Holt Robe, L.G., July G 15, G. 1872. Sir R. D. Hanson, ch. just., admr., 1847. Sir Hy. Edwd. Fox Young, L.G., Dec. 7, until arrival of Mus- June 11, G. grave. Boyle Travers Finniss, Actg. Govr. 1873. Anthy. Musgrave, C.M.G., aft. Sir A., ad int. Mar. 6, G. 1851. Sir Hy. Edwd. Fox Young, now 1877. S. J. Way, ch, just, admr., Jan. Govr., Jan. 27, G. 29, until arrival of Cairns, Mar.24. 1854. Richd. Graves MacDonnell, C. B., aft. Wm. Wellington Cairns, C.M.G., aft. sir R., Nov. 6, G. | sir W., Jan. 8, G. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 707 1877. S. J. Way, again, admr., May 18, Aug. 14; and again during ab- until arrival of Jervois, Oct. 2. sence of Robinson in 1883. Col. Sir Wm. Drummond Fras. Jer- || 1882. Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson, vois, R.E., K.C.M.G., C.B., July 5,6. K.C.M.G., Dec. 2, G. 1878. S. J. Way, again, admr. during | 1889. Algernon Hawkins Thomond, E. of absence of Jervois, Feb. 14 to Kintore, Jan. 3, G. DIOCESE OF ADELAIDE. This bishopric was formed out of that of Australia, and was consti- tuted by Letters Patent, June 28, 1847, G. See “Diocese of Australia,” ante, p. 703. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOPS OF ADELAIDE. 1847. Augs. Short, June 28, G. 1882. Geo. Wyndham Kennion, consec. Nov. 30. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. THIs Colony was originally known as the Swan River Settlement, which was first founded in 1826. The colony was founded June 1, 1829, and its constitution was modified in 1850 by 13 & 14 Vict. cap. 59. GovIFNORs of WESTERN AUSTRALIA. See also “Governors of New South Wales,” ante, pp. 702–3. 1829. Capt. Jas. Stirling, R.N., aft. Sir J., Sept. 10, G.; did not act, being L.G. June 1. transferred to Leeward Islands. 1832. Capt. Irving, Actg. L. G., Sept. 1868. Lt.-col. John Bruce, again, Actg. 1833. Capt. Daniel, Actg. L.G., Sept. Gowr., Nov., until arrival of 1834. Capt. Beete, Actg. L.G., May 11 to Weld, Sept. 30, 1869. May 24. 1869. Fredk. Aloysius Weld, aft. Sir F., Capt. Jas. Stirling, R.N., aft. Sir J., Apr. 7, G. Gowr. Feb. 15, G. 1874. Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson, C.M.G., 1838. John Hutt, Apr. 28, G. aft. Sir W., Nov. 14, G. 1845. Lt.-col. Andr. Clarke, Aug. 12, G. 1877. Lt.-col. R. D. Harvest, admr., Aug. (acted from Feb. 1840). 28, till arrival of Ord in Nov. 1847. Lt.-col. Irwin, Actg. Gowr., Feb., M.-gen sir Harry St. Geo. Ord, till arrival of Fitzgerald, Aug. I.C.M.G., C B., Dec. 4, G. 1848. 1880. Sir Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson, Chas. Fitzgerald, commander, R.N., R. C.M.G., again, Feb. 3, G. Oct. 1, G. 1883. Hy, Thos. Wrenfordsley, admr., 1854, Arthur Edwd. Kennedy, Nov. 6, G. Feb. 14, until arrival of Broome, 1862. Lt.-col. John Bruce, Actg. Gowr., June 2. Feb. 17, until arrival of Hamp- 1882. Fredk. Napier Broome, C.M.G., aft. tom, Feb. 27. sir F., Dec. 29, G. 1861. John Stephen Hampton, Oct. 28, 1884. Alexr. Campbell Onslow, admr. e during absence of Broome, from 1868. Sir Benj. Chilley Campbell Pine, Nov. 11 to June 15, 1885. DIOCESE OF PERTH, W.A. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent, January 11, 1856, G. It is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. PISHOPs of PERTH, W.A. 1856. Matthew Blagden Hale, Jan 11, G.; 1876. Hy. Hutton Parry, form. coadj. bp. tr. to Brisbane. of Barbadoes. 45 * 708 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. TASMANIA, FORMERLY WAN DIEMEN'S LAND. WAN DIEMEN’s LAND was discovered by Tasman in 1642. It was taken possession of by the British in 1803, separated from New South Wales and constituted a penal settlement by 4 Geo. IV. cap. 84 (1824) and Order in Council dated June 23, and gazetted August 17, 1824. The name was changed from Van Diemen’s Tand to TAS MANIA in 1853. GovKRNors of WAN DIEMEN’s LAND. See also “Governors of New South Wales,” ante, pp. 702–3. Col. David Collins, Feb. 19. 1836. Lt.-col. K. Snodgrass, actg. from Lieut. Edwd. Lord, Mar. 24 Oct. 31, till arrival of Franklin, Capt. Murray, 8.T. Z4. } Jan. 5, 1837. Lt.-col. Geils, Feb. 1836. Capt. Sir John Franklin, Apr. 19, Lt.-col. Thos. Davey, Feb. 21, G.; arr. Feb. 4, 1813. Col. Wm. Sorell, Apr. 9. Col. Geo. Arthur, May 14. 1804. 1810, 1812. G. 1843. Sir John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot, bt., Mar. 27, G. 1846. Chas. Jos. Latrobe, Oct. 13; actg. 1817. 1824. 1825. M.-gen. Ralph Darling, Govr. N. S. Wales, Dec. 3; actg. during ab- sence of Arthur, who returned Dec. 6. until arrival of Denison, Jan. 26, 1847. 1846. Capt. Wm. Thos. Denison, R.E., aft. Sir W., June 27, G. Gover NORS OF TASMANIA. 1854. Sir Hy. Edwd. Fox Young, Sept. 19, 1862. Col. Thos. Gore Browne, C.B., Mar. 5, G. Lt.-col. W. C. Trevor, C.B., Dec. 30; admmr. until arrival of Du Cane, Jan. 15, 1869. Chas. Du Cane, aft sir C., Jan. 1, G. Sir Valentine Fleming, admr., Mar. 26 to Nov. 30. Sir Fras. Smith, admr., Nov. 30 till arrival of Weld, Jan. 13, 1875. 1868. 1869. 1874. 1874. Fredk. Aloysius Weld, aft. sir F., Sept. 7, G. 1880. Sir Fras. Smith, admr., Apr. 6 till Oct. 21. 1880. Lt.-gen. Sir John Hy. Lefroy, IC. C.M.G., C.B., Aug. 23, G.; admr. from Oct. 21 till arrivah of Strahan, Dec. 7, 1881. 1880. Maj. Sir Geo. Cumine Strahan, K.C.M.G., June 30, G. 1886. Sir Robt. Geo. Crookshank Hamil- ton, K.C.B., Dec. 14. DIOCESE OF TASMANIA. This diocese was constituted by Letters Patent, Sept. 29, 1842, G. ſt is in the ecclesiastical province of Sydney. BISHOPS OF TASMANIA. 1842. Fras. Russell Nixon, Sept. 29, G. 1864. Chas. Hy. Bromby, June 27, G. ; ros. 1882. 1883. Daniel Fox Sandford, consec. Apr. 25; res. 1889. 1889. H. H. Montgomery; bp, design., Mar. NEW ZEALAND. THE sov EREIGNTY of the islands which form New Zealand was vested in the Crown by treaty of Waitangi, Feb. 5, 1840, and proclamation thereunder dated May 21, and gazetted Oct. 2, 1840. It was consti- tuted a separate colony by Letters Patent, Nov. 20, 1840, G. See also 9 & 10 Wict. cap. 103 (1846), and charter thereunder dated Dec. 23, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. - 709. and gazetted Dec. 29, 1846; 11 & 12 Vict, cap. 5 (1848); 15 & 16 Vict. cap. 72 (1852); 20 & 21 Vict. cap. 53 (1857); 25 & 26 Vict. cap. 48 (1862); and 31 & 32 Vict. cap. 92 (1868). GovKRNORS OF NEW ZEALAND. 1840. Capt. John (? Wm.) Hobson, R.N., | 1843. Capt. Robt. Fitzroy, R.N., Apr. 3, Nov. 20, G. 1842. W. Shortland, Actg. Gowr. G. 1845. Geo. Grey, aft. sir G., July 15, G. New Zealand was divided into— - New Ulster, | New Munster, under 9 & 10 Vict. c. 103 (1846), and L. P. Dec. 23, gaz. Dec. 29, 1846. 1846. Geo. Grey, aft. Sir G., Gowr. New 1851. Lt.-col. Robt. Hy. Wynyard, L.G. Zealand, Dec. 28, G. New Ulster, Nov. 25, G.; Actg. Edwd. John Eyre, L.G. New Ulster Gowr. New Zealand, 1854, until and New Munster, Dec. 28, G. arrival of Browne. By 15 & 16 Vict, cap. 72 (1852) the division into New Ulster and New Munster was discontinued, and the colony was divided into six provinces, each under a superin- tendent. This system was again abolished in 1875 under a Colonial Act. 1854. Col. Thos. Gore Browne, C.B., Nov. 1879. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, 6, G. G.C.M.G., Feb. 24, G. 1861. Sir Geo. Grey, K.C.B., admr. June 1880. Hon. Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, 3, G.; Gowr. Aug. 7, G. G.C.M.G., Aug. 11, G. 1867. Sir Geo. Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., 1882. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Fras. Drummond Nov. 16, G. Jervois, R.E., G.C.M.G., C.B., Dec. 1873. Sir Jas, Fergusson, bt., Mar. 3, G 2, G. o 1888, Wm. Hillier, E. of Onslow, K.C.M.g., 1874. Geo. Augs. Constantine, M. of Nor- Nov. 27, G. manby, K.C.M.G., Nov. 14, G. DIOCESE OF NEW ZEALAND, NOW AUCKLAND. This bishopric was first constituted in 1841, and its jurisdiction then extended over the entire colony. The diocese of Christchurch, N.Z., was formed out of it by Letters Patent Aug. 1, 1856, G., and the rest of the district was reconstituted by Letters Patent, Oct. 5, 1858, g., and formed into the four dioceses of New Zealand, Welling- ton, Waiapu, and Nelson. The name of the diocese of New Zealand was afterwards changed to Auckland. It is in the ecclesiastical province of New Zealand. BISHOPS OF NEW ZEALAND, Now AUCKLAND. 1848. Geo. Augs. Selwyn ; diocese divided | 1869. Wm. Garden Cowie. Sept. 27, 1858, vide supra; tr. to Lichfield, 1868. - DIOCESE OF CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z. This diocese was formed out of that of New Zealand, and was con- stituted by Letters Patent dated Aug. 1, 1856, G. See “Diocese of New Zealand,” supra. On the reconstitution of the diocese of New Zealand in Sept. 1858, Christchurch was removed from the province of Australia (now Sydney) to that of New Zealand. BISHOP of CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z. 1856. Hy, Jno. Chitty Harper, Aug. 1, G, 710 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF WELLINGTON, This bishopric was formed out of that of New Zealand, and was constituted by Letters Patent Sept. 27, 1858, G. See “Diocese of INew Zealand,” ante, p. 709. It is in the ecclesiastical province of New Zealand. BISHoPs of WELLINGTON, 1858. Chas. John Abraham, Sept. 27, G.; 1870. Octavius Hadfield. res. 1870. DIOCESE OF WAIAPU. This bishopric was formed out of that of New Zealand, and was constituted by Letters Patent, Sept. 27, 1858, G. See “Diocese of New Zealand,” ante, p. 709. It is in the ecclesiastical province of New Zealand. BISHOPs of WAIAPU. 1858. Wm. Williams, Sept. 27, G. | 1877. Edwd. Craig Stuart, consec. Dec. 9. T)IOCESE OF NELSON. This bishopric was formed out of that of New Zealand, and was constituted by Letters Patent, Sept. 27, 1858, G. See “Diocese of New Zealand,” ante, p. 709. BIs HoPs of NELSON. 1858. Edwd. Hobhouse, Sept. 27, G.; res. 1866. Andrew Burn Suter, consec. Aug. 1865. 24. g DIOCESE OF DUNEDIN. This bishopric was constituted in 1866. BISHOPS OF DUNEDIN. 1866. Hy. Lascelles Jenner, res. 1871. | 1871. Saml. Tarratt Nevill, consec. June 4. AUCKLAND ISLANDS. THESE ISLANDs are a dependency of New Zealand. The only separate governor was 1849. Charles Enderby, L.G., June 16, G. The islands were granted by the British Government to Messrs. Enderby as a whaling station, but were abandoned by them in 1852. For bishops, see “Bishops of Christchurch, N.Z.,” ante, p. 709. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 711 . FIJI. THE FIJI IsLANDs were ceded to Great Britain by deed dated Oct. 10, 1874, and created into a colony by Letters Patent dated Feb. 4, and gazetted Feb. 5, 1875. The island of Rotumah and its dependencies j annexed by Letters Patent dated Dec. 17, and gazetted Dec. 31, GOVERNORS OF FIJI. 1875. Hon. Sir Arth. Hamilton Gordon, Nov. 10, 1883, to July 23, 1884; Feb. 4, G. again, 1885–6, L.G., 1886. 1880. Geo. Wm. Des Voeux, C.M.G., aft. 1886. Lt.-col. Sir Chas. Bullen Hugh sir G., Oct. 5, G. Mitchell, K.C.M.G., Aug. 3 John Bates Thurston, C.M.G., aft. 1887. Sir John Bates Thurston, K.C.M.G., Sir J., admr. during absence of now Govr. ; Dec. 9. Gowr., Oct. 17, 1882; again, DIOCESE OF MELANESIA. This bishopric was constituted in 1861. Its jurisdiction extends over the Islands of the Melanesian Archipelago. It is in the eccle- siastical province of New Zealand. BISHOPS OF MELANESIA. 1861, J. C. Patteson. 1877. John Richardson Selwyn, consec. Feb. 18. WESTERN PACIFIC HIGH COMMISSION, CREATED under 35 & 36 Vict. cap. 19 (1872), and 38 & 39 Vict. cap. 51 (1875), and Orders in Council of 1877, 1879, and 1880 (not gazetted). HIGH COMMISSIONERS. 1877. Hon. Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, 1886. Sir Chas. Bullen Hugh Mitchell, K.C.M.G., Sept. 27, G. K.C.M.G., Aug. 3. 188–, Geo. Wm. Des Voeux, C.M.G., aft. Sir | 1887. Sir John Bates Thurston, K C.M.G., G., assist. commr., 1880; actg. Dec. 9. high commr., 1882. BRITISH NEW GUINEA. THIs TERRITORY was constituted by Letters Patent. Oct. 27, 1888, G., as “a separate possession and government,” by the name of BRITISH NEW GUINEA. ADMINISTRATOR OF BRITISH NEW GUINIEA. 1888, Wm. Macgregor, C.M.G., June 9, (Oct. 27, G.). 712 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. DIOCESE OF HONOLULU. This bishopric was constituted in 1861. It is classed as a missionary bishopric holding mission from the see of Canterbury. Its jurisdic- tion is over the Sandwich Islands. |BISHOPS OF HONOLULU. 1861. Thos. Nettleship Staley. | 1872. Alfred Willis, consec. Feb. 2. VI—coLONIES, &c. WEST INDIES. JAMAICA. JAMAICA is the largest and most important of the British West Indian possessions. It was discovered by Columbus in 1494, and taken possession of by Spain; captured by the English in 1655, and formally ceded to England by Spain in 1670 by the Treaty of Madrid. THE TURKS AND CAICos IsIANDs were annexed to Jamaica by 86 & 37 Vict. cap. 6 (1873), and Order in Council dated Aug. 4, 1873. They had previously been made subordinate thereto by Letters Patent, Nov. 21, 1848, G. Morant Cays and Pedro Cays were annexed by Letters Patent dated Mar. 13, and gazetted Mar. 14, 1882. The island now forms the entire diocese of Jamaica. GOVERNORS OF JAMAIC A. 1656. G. D'Oyley. - 1711. Ld. Archd. Hamilton. 1661. Thos., ld. Windsor. 1714. Peter Heywood. 1662. Sir Chas. Lyttleton. 1716. Thos. Pitt. 1664. Col. Sir Thos. Lynch, pres. 1718. Sir Nichs. Lawes. 1666. Sir Thos. Modyford. 1722. Hy., D. of Portland; d. 1726, in 1671. Sir Thos. Lynch, again, L.G. office. 1675. Sir Hy. Morgan, L.G. ** 1726. John Ayscough, pres. John, ld. Vaughan. 1727. M.-gen. Robt. Hunter. 1678. Sir Hy. Morgan, again, L.G. 1734. John Ayscough, again, pres. Chas., E. of Carlisle. 1735 John Gregory, pres. 1680. Sir Hy. Morgan, again, L. G. Hy. Cunningham. 1682. Sir Thos. Lynch, again. 1736. Edwd. Trelawney. 1684. Col. Hender Molesworth, L.G. 1752. W.-adm. Chas. Knowles, aft. bt. Sir P. Howard. 1687. Christr., D. of Albemarle. 1688. Sir Fras. Watson, pres. 1756. Hy. Moore, L.G. 1758. Brig.-gen. Geo. Haldane. 1759. Hy, Moore, again, L.G. 1690. Wm., E. of Inchiquin. 1762. Wm. Hy. Lyttelton, aft. la. Westcote. 1692. John White, pres. 1766. Roger Hope Elletson, L.G. John Bourdon, pres. 1767. Sir Wm. Trelawney, bt., capt. R.N. ; 1693. Sir Wm. Beeston, L.G. (l. Dec. 1772. 1701. M.-gen. Wm. Selwyn. 1773. Sir Basil Keith, capt. R.N., Mar. 20; Peter Beckford, L. G. d. Aug. 1777. 1702. Chas., E. of Peterborough; did not 1777. Lt.-gen, John Dalling, Sept. 1. come over, and in his absence, 1782. M.-gen. Archd. Campbell. M.-gen. Thos. Handasyde acted as 1790. Thos., E. of Effingham. govr. 1794. Alexr., E. of Balcarres, Oct. 20. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 713 1801. M.-gen. Geo. Nugent, L.G., May 16, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., temp. govr. dur- ſº ing inquiries, Dec. 12, G.; govr. 1806. Lt.-gen. Sir Eyre Coote. Dec. 21, G. 1807. Wm., D. of Manchester, sw. Jan. 6, 1866. Sir John Peter Grant, K.C.B., July 1808. 16, G. 1808. Wm. Anne Villettes, L.G., Jan. 8, G. 1870. Edwd. Everard , Rushworth, admr. 1809. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Morrison, L.G., June until return of Grant in 1870, and 10, G. L.G. in 1872, until return of 1828. Somerset, E. of Belmore, Aug. 9, G. Grant in 1873. 1832. Hy., E. of Mulgrave, Mar. 16, G. 1873, Wm. Alexr. Geo. Young, admr. 1833. Howe Peter, M. of Sligo, Dec. 8, G. until arrival of Grey. 1836. M.-gen. Sir Lionel Smith, Oct. 15, G. 1874. Sir Wm. Grey, K.C. s.I., Mar. 14, G. 1839. Sir Chas. Theoph. Metcalf, bt., Edwd. Everard Rushworth, L.G., G. C.B., July 11, G. Apr. 17, G. 1842. Jas., E. of Elgin and Kincardine, 1877. Sir Anthy. Musgrave, K.C.M.G., June Mar. 16, G. 8, G. 1846. Sir Chas. Edw. Grey, Sept. 25, G. 1878. Edwd. Newton, C.M.G., L.G., Feb. 1853. Sir Hy. Barkly, K.C.B., Aug. 9, G. 23, G.; Actg. Gowr. from Aug. 7, 1855. M.-gen. Edwd. Wells Bell, L.G., 1879, until return of Musgrave, Mar. 30, G. June 3, 1880. 1857. Chas. Hy. Darling, aft. Sir C., Feb. 1883. M.-gen. Gamble, C.B.; admr. from 9, G. May 4, until arrival of Norman. 1860. M.-gen. Pringle Taylor, K.H., L.G., Gen. Sir Hy. Wylie Norman, K.C.B., Mar. 29, G. C.I.E., Oct. 27, G. 1864. Edwd. John Eyre, July 15, G. 1889. Sir Hy. Arth. Blake, K.C.M.G., Jan. 1865. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Knight Storks, 3, G. DIOCESE OF JAMAICA. This bishopric was formed in 1824, and is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands were added to it by Letters Patent, Nov. 21, 1843, G., but were separated from it by Letters Patent, Nov. 6, 1861, G., and formed into the diocese of Nassau, q.v. post, p. 716. BISHOPS OF JAMAICA. 1824. Christr. Lipscomb, July 9, G. 1879. Wm. Geo. Tozer, bp. of Jamaica; 1843, Aubrey Geo. Spencer, Nov. 20, G. form. bp. of Centr. Afr. ; res. 1880. 1856. Regd. Courtenay, coadj. bp. of 1880. Enos Nuttall, consec. Oct. 28. Ringston, Feb. 13, G. 1888. — Douet, assist. bp. ; consec. Now. 1872. Regd. Courtenay, bp. of Jamaica; 30. res. 1879. TURES AND CAICOS ISLANDS. THESE ISLANDs are situated to the north of Jamaica. They were origi- nally a part of the Bermudas, but were transferred to the Bahamas in 1799. They were separated from the Bahamas and placed under the supervision of the governor of Jamaica by Letters Patent Nov. 21, 1848, G. Finally they were annexed to Jamaica by 36 & 37 Vict. cap. 6 (1873), and Order in Council, Aug. 4, 1873. They are locally under the government of a commissioner. COMMISSIONERS FOR THE TURES AND CAICOS ISLANDS, 1874. D. T. Smith. 1885. Capt. Hy. Moore Jackson, Oct. 24. 1879. Robt. Baxter Llewelyn, Jan. 10, G. For bishops prior to 1861, see “Bishops of Jamaica,” supra. Tor bishops after 1861, see “Bishops of Nassau,” post, p. 716. 714 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BRITISH HONDURAS OR BELIZE. THIs Colony is situate on the east coast of Central America, in the Caribbean Sea. It was discovered by Columbus in 1502, and the Spaniards claimed sovereignty over it, but did not colonise it. The early government was of a very primitive kind, the settlers practically managing their own affairs. In 1786, superintendents were appointed by the British government, and, with an interval from 1790 to 1797, were continued until 1862, when a lieutenant-governor was appointed subordinate to Jamaica. By Letters Patent proclaimed Oct. 31, 1884, a governor was appointed, and the colony was thenceforward indepen- dent of Jamaica. British Honduras is at present temporarily attached to the bishopric of Jamaica, but is to be shortly formed into a separate diocese, with its own bishop. GOVERNORS, &c. OF BRITISH HONDURAS. SUPERINTENDENTs. Taken from the Colonial List. 1786. Col. Edwd. Marcus Despard 1822. M.-gen. Allan Hampden Pye. 1790. Col. Peter Hunter. 1823. M.-gen. Edwd. Codd. 1790–97. Magistrates elected annually. 1829. Maj. Alexr. McDonald (actg.). 1797. Col. Thos. Barrow, 1830. Lt.-col. Fras. Cockburn. 1800. Gen. Sir Richd. Basset, 1837. Lt.-col. Alexr. McDonald. 1805. Lt.-col. Gabriel Gordon. 1843. Col. Chas. St. John Fancourt, K. H. 1806. Lt.-col. Alexr. Mark Kerr Hamilton. 1851. Philip Edmd. Wodehouse. 1809. Lt.-col. John Nugent Smyth. 1854. Wrm. Stevenson. 1814. Maj. Geo. Arthur. 1857. Fredk. Seymour. LIEUTENANT GovI&RNORs. 1862. Fredk. Seymour, above named, July 1876. Capt. Mitchell, R.N., admr. until 19, G. arrival of Barlee. 1864. John Gardiner Austin, Feb. 1, G. 1877. Fredk. Palgrave Barlee, May 10, G. 1867. Jas. Robt. Longden, Dec. 5, G. 1883. Col. Robt. Wrm. Harley, C.B., C.M.G., 1870. Wm. Wellington Cairns, aft. Sir W., aft. Sir R., Apr. 18, G. July 6, G. Hy. Fowler, admr. until arrival of 1871. Lt.-col. Harley, C.B., admr. until Goldsworthy. return of Cairns in 1872. 1884. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, C.M.G., 1874. Capt. Mitchell, R.N., admr. until aft. Sir R., May 31, G. ; app. arrival of Mundy. - govr., wt infra. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy, Mar. 4, G. GovKRNORs. 1884. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, C.M.G., aft. Sir G., above-named, Oct. 7, G. Eor bishops, see Introduction, supra, and “Diocese of Jamaica,” . ante, p. 713. BRITISH GUIANA. BERBICE, UEMERARA, ESSEQUIBO. THESE SETTLEMENTs were first established by the Dutch West India Company in 1580. Afterwards, as the result of various wars, they were from time to time taken by Great Britain, France, and Holland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 715, Ultimately they were taken by Great Britain in 1803, and finally ceded to that country in 1814. PRIOR to 1831, DEMERARA and EssEQUIBo formed one colony, and BERBICE another. BRITISH GUIANA. In that year they were all united under the title of THIS COLONY constitutes the diocese of Guiana. 1806. Hy. Bentinck, Feb. 1, G.; app. Gowr. 1808. 1810. 1831. 1833. 1835. 1838. 1848. 1854. 1857. 1861. 1866. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF DEMERARA AND ESSEQUIBO. Dec. 13, 1808, G.; sw. Jan. 4, 1809. 1824. M.-Gen. Sir Benjn. D'Urban, K.C.B., Jan. 5, G. For subsequent Governors, see “Governors of British Guiana,” infra. - 5 3 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF BERBICE. Wm. Woodley, Oct. 8, G. Robt. Gordon, May 2, G. 1821. Hy. Beard, Jan. 22, G.; sw. Jan. 30, 1826. For subsequent Governors, see “Governors of British Guiana,” infra, GovKRNORS OF BRITISH GUIANA. M.-gen. Sir Benjn. D'Urban, K.C.B., 1866. Feb. 15, G. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Carmichael Smyth, 1868. bt., L.G., June 8, G.; again app. L. G. Feb. 26, 1835, G. M.-gen. Sir Lionel Smith, Gowr. B. Guiana, Trinidad, and St. Lucia, Feb. 26, G. | M.-gen Sir Jas. Carmichael Smyth, L.G., June ; app. Gov.r., Oct. 18, 1877. 1836, G. Hy. Light, May 1, G. W. Walker, May 20; Actg. Gowr. until arrival of Barkly. Col. Sir Wm. Macbean Geo. Cole- 1879. brooke; app. Apr. 28, G., but did not proceed. Hy. Barkly, aft. Sir H., Dec. 12, G Philip Edmd. Wodehouse, aft. sir P., Feb. 10, G. W. Walker, July 25, Actg. until return of Wodehouse, May 10, 1858; again, May 9, 1861, until arrival of Hincks. | Fras. Hincks, aft. Sir F., Dec. 5, G. | Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy, L.G., May 1887. 29 ; until app. of Watson. 1873. i 1874. 1882. Govr. 1884. 1885. Hy. Watson, Oct. 11; admr. until return of Hincks, Aug. 12, 1867. John Scott, aft. Sir J., Dec. 31, G. " to Dec. 26, 1873. Edwd. Everard Rushworth, D.C. L.,. C.M.G., June 27 ; admr. until arrival of Longden. Jas. Robt. Longden, C.M.G., aft. Sir J., Mar. 14, G. Wm. Alexr. Geo. Young, C.M.G., Mar. 8; admr. until arrival of Kortright. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, C.M.G., aft. Sir C., July 14, G. Wm. Alexr. Geo. Young, C.M.G., L.G. ; actg. from Apr. 6, 1879,. until return of Kortright, Dec. 4, 1879; again, from Dec. 13, 1881, until arrival of Irving, Sir Hy. Turner Irving, Mar. 7, G. Wm. Fredk. Haynes Smith, LL.D., actg. from Apr. 26, until return of Irving, Sept. 2, 1884. IX.C. M. G. 3. Chas. Bruce, C.M.G., L.G., Nov. 2, G. ; actg. during absence of Irving. Jenico Wrm. Jos., visc. Gormanston, K.C.M.G., Dec. 14, G. BISHOPRIC OF GTIANA, This diocese was constituted by Letters Patent, Sept. 29, 1842, G. It is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. BISHOP of GUIANA. 1842, Wm. Piercy Austin, Sept. 29, G. T16 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. BAHAMA ISLANDS. THESE ISLAND's lie between Cuba and the coast of Florida on the North American continent. St. Salvador, one of the group, was dis- covered by Columbus in 1492. Being abandoned by the Spaniards the islands were occupied by the English in 1629, and in 1670 New Provi- dence was granted by Chas. II. to a trading company. From 1703 to 1718 the islands were in the hands of the French and the Spaniards. In 1718 the British resumed possession of them, but surrendered them to the Spaniards in 1781. They were finally restored to Great Britain in 1783 by the Treaty of Versailles. THE TURKS AND CAICos IsIANDs, which belong to the group, were separated from it by Letters Patent, Nov. 21, 1848, G., and placed under Jamaica. See “Jamaica,” ante, p. 712. The Bahama Islands were formerly a part of the diocese of Jamaica, but with the Turks and Caicos Islands were separated from it in 1861, and formed into the diocese of Nassau. GOVERNORS OF THE BAIHAMIA ISLANDS. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1671. Wentworth Johnson. 1834. Lt.-Col. Wrm. Macbean Geo. Cole- 1673. — Chillingworth. brook, L.G., Sept. 9, G. 1677. — Clark. 1837. Col. Fras. Cockburn, L.G., Mar. 28, 1684. — Lilburne, G. 1687. — Bridges, 1838. Sir Lionel Smith. 1690. Cadwallader Jones. 1840. Col. Fras. Cockburn, as Gowr., Apr. 1694. — Trott. 18, G. Nichs. Webb. 1844. Geo. Benvenuto Mathew, Mar. 26, 1700. Elias Haskett. G. Ellis Lightfoot. 1848, John Gregory, Dec. 16, G. 1704. — Birch. 1854. Sir Alex. Bannerman, May 8, G. 1717. Woodes Rogers. 1857. Chas. John Bayley, Feb. 23, G. 1721. Geo. Phinny, or Finny. 1864. Rawson Wm. Rawson, C.B., aft. Sir 1728. Woodes Rogers, again. R., Nov. 15, G. 1783. Richd. Fitzwilliam. 1869. Sir Jas. Walker, K.C.M.G., C.B., Apr. 1738. John. Tinker, 15, G. 1759. Wm. Shirley. 1873 John Pope Hennessy, C.M.G., aft. Sir 1767. Thos. Shirley, aft. Sir T. J., Mar. 13, G. 1774. Mountford Browne. 1874. Wm. Robinson, C.M.G., aft. Sir W., 1779. John Maxwell. L.G., Oct. ; Gowr. 1875. 1787. John, 4th E. of Dunmore. | 1880. Geo. Wm. Des Voeux, C.M.G., aft. 1796. John Forbes, L. G. | Sir G., Aug. 3, G. 1797. Wm. Dowdeswell. 1880. Thos. Fitzgerald Callaghan, C.M.G., 1801. John Halkett, Dec. 2, G. Sept. 11, G. 1803. Chas. Cameron, Dec. 22, G.; sw. | 1881. Chas. Cameron Lees, C.M.G., aft. Sir May 3, 1804. C., Oct. 5, G. 1820. M.-gen Lewis Grant, Jan. 1, G. 1884. Hy. Arthur Blake, aft. Sir H., Jam. 1829. Sir Jas. Carmichael Smyth, bt., 15, G. May 8, G. 1887. Sir Ambrose Shea, K.C.M.G., July 1833. Blayney Townley Balfour, L.G., 11, G. Mar. 6, G. BISHOPRIC OF NASSAU. The Bahama Islands were by Letters Patent, Nov. 21, 1843, G., made part of the diocese of Jamaica. By Letters Patent, Nov. 6, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 717 1861, G, the Bahama Islands and its dependencies and the Turks and Caicos Islands were separated from Jamaica, and constituted into the see of Nassau. The diocese is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. - BISBOPs of NASSAU. 1861. Chas. Caulfeild, Nov. 6, G. 1878. Fras. Alexr. Cramer Roberts. 1863. * Robt. Peel Venables, 1886. Edwd. Townson Churton. OW. G. THE WINDWARD ISLANDS. MARTINIQUE (Now RESTORED To FRANCE); BARBADOS, TRINIDAD, AND TOBAGO, (Now SEPARATE Colon IEs); AND GRENADA, ST. VINCENT, AND ST. LUCIA. THE WINDWARD ISLANDs are the most southern of the West Indian. group, and are situated in the Caribbean Sea. Geographically they comprise all the islands above-named, besides some smaller dependen- cies; but the colonies now grouped together for the purpose of govern- ment under the name of the Windward Islands comprise Grenada, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia only. MARTINIQUE was discovered by Columbus in 1493, and colonised by the French in 1635. It was taken by Great Britain in 1762, but restored to France by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. It was again taken by Great Britain in 1794, again restored to France at the Peace of Amiens in 1802–3; again taken by Great Britain in February 1809, and finally restored to France in 1815. BARBADos is believed to have been discovered by the Portuguese. It was colonised by the English in 1625, and has ever since continued one of the British possessions. TRINIDAD is the most southerly of the West Indian Islands. It was discovered by Columbus in 1498, colonised by Spain in 1532, captured by Great Britain in 1797, and ceded to that country by the Treaty of Amiens in 1802–3. - ToBAGo was discovered by Columbus in 1498, but, as with many other of the Spanish discoveries, no attempt was made to colonise the island. It was claimed by the English in 1580, and some attempts made to colonise it, but these failed; and after various disputes con- cerning it between the English, French, and Dutch, the island was declared neutral by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748). In 1763 it was ceded to England by the treaty of Paris, but on the renewal of hostilities it was captured by France in 1781, surrendered to France in 1783, captured by Great Britain in 1793, restored to France in 1802, recaptured by Great Britain in 1803, and ultimately ceded to that country in 1814. 718 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, GRENADA was discovered by Columbus in 1498, colonised by French settlers about 1650, annexed to France in 1674, captured by the British in 1762, and ceded to them by the treaty of Paris in 1763. It was re-taken by the French in 1779, but finally restored to Great Britain at the treaty of Versailles in 1783. THE GRENADINEs are a number of small islands lying between Grenada and St. Vincent. They are included in the government of one or other of those colonies. ST. WINCENT was discovered by Columbus in 1498. It was granted by the kings of England, (by what authority it is rather hard to say), to James, Earl of Carlisle, in 1627; to Williau), Lord Willoughby of Parham, in 1672; and to John, Duke of Montagu, in 1722; the in- tervals being filled up by declarations of “neutrality " between England and France. In 1762 the island was taken possession of by the British, and was ceded to them by the treaty of Paris in 1763. It was surrendered to France in 1779 (Sept. 28, G.), and ultimately restored to Great Britain in 1783 by the treaty of Versailles. St. Lucia was discovered by Columbus in 1502. Its possession was disputed between England and France with varying success from 1635 to 1763, when it was secured to France by the treaty of Paris. It was conquered by Great Britain in 1782, restored to France by the treaty of Versailles in 1783, surrendered to Great Britain in 1794, restored to France by the treaty of Amiens in 1802–3, again captured, and ever since retained, by Great Britain in 1803 (July 30, G.). THE WINDWARD ISLANDs have from time to time been grouped together in various combinations for the purposes of government, and, for some years, Dominica, which is classed as one of the Leeward Islands, was joined with them. Some care is, therefore, necessary in searching the following lists of governors. In 1763 a governor was appointed for the “SOUTHERN CARIBBEE ISLANDs’’ of GRENADA, Dom(INICA, ST. WINCENT, and ToBAGo. In 1833 (Feb. 13, G.), BAR- BADos, ST. VINCENT, GRENADA, and ToBAGO were united under one governor resident at Barbados, with lieutenant-governors for the other islands, and ST. LUCIA was added to this federation in 1838. By Letters Patent (May 4, 1885, G.) the office of “Governor and Com- mander in Chief of the WINDWARD ISLANDs,” eo nomine, was created, with jurisdiction over GRENADA, ST. VINCENT, ToBAGo, and ST. IUCIA. The governor was made resident at Grenada, and the other islands were placed under lieutenant-governors or administrators. BARBADos thenceforth became a separate and independent colony. The government of Trinidad was generally distinct from that of the other islands, but, as will be seen below, was occasionally joined with them under one governor. By 50 & 51 Vict. c. 44 (1877), and Order in Council dated Nov. 17, and gazetted Nov.30, 1888, ToBAGO was separated from the WINDwARD IsLANDs, and as from Jan. 1, 1889, joined with TRINIDAD as one colony, to be called TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. The Windward Islands constitute the dioceses of BARBADos and Trinidad. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 719 GOVERNORS OF THE WINDWARD ISLANDS, or of two or more of them, arranged chronologically, with their appointments specified. See Introduction, ante, pp. 717–8. GovKRNORs of BARBADos, GRENADA, ST. VINCENT, AND TOBAGO. M.-gen. Sir Lionel Smith, K.C.B. 1835. App. Gowr. B. Guiana, Trinidad 1833. App. Gowr, Barbados, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia, Feb. 26, G. Grenada and Tobago, Feb. 13, 1836. Sir Evan John Murray Macgregor, G. Oct. 17, G. GovKRNOR OF BARBADos, ST. VINCENT, TobAGo, TRINIDAD, AND ST. LUCIA. 1841. Sir Chas. Edwd. Grey, Aug. 24, G. GOVERNORS of BARBADos, GRENADA, ST. VINCENT, TOBAGO, AND ST. LUCIA. 1846. Lt.-col. Wm. Reid, R.E., Sept 25, G. 1876. John Pope Hennessy, aft. Sir J., 1848. Col. sir Wm. Macbean Geo. Cole- Jan. 15, G. brooke, Aug. 11, G. 1876. Capt. Geo. Cumine Strahan, R.A., 1856. Fras. Hincks, aft. Sir F. C.M.G., aft. Sir G., Dec. 2. 1861. Jas. Walker, aft. Sir J., Dec, 5, G. 1882. Sir Wm. Robinson, K.C.M.G. 1869. Rawson Wm. Rawson, C.B., aft, sir R., Apr. 15, G. By Letters Patent dated March 17, 1885, (May 4, 1885, G.), Barbados became a separate government, and the colony of the WINDWARD ISLANDS was constituted, con- sisting only of Grenada, St. Vincent, Tobago, and St. Lucia. GovKRNORS of THE WIND WARD ISLANDS. 1885. Walter Jos. Sendall, May 4, G. For bishops, see “Bishops of Barbados,” post, p. 721. BRITISH GOVERNORS OF MARTINIQUE. See Introduction, ante, p. 717. 1809. M.-gen. Hon. John Brodrick, June | 1812. M.-gen. Chas. Wale, Feb. 21, G. 10, G. GOVERNORS OF BARBADOS. See Introduction ante, p. 717. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1625. Wm. Deam. 1666. Hy. Willoughby, 1628. Chas. Wolferston. Hy. Hawley, Joint Gowrs. l629. Jno. Powell, Saml. Berwick, Robt. Wheatley, Joint Gowrs. 1667. Wm., ld, Willoughby of Parham. Sir Wrm. Tufton, 1668. Christr. Codrington, Dep. Gowr, in 1630. Hy. Hawley. absence of là. Willoughby, 1633. Richd. Peers, Dep. Gowr. until 1669. Wm., ld. Willoughby, returned. return of Hawley in 1634. 1670. Christr. Codrington, again, Dep. Govr. 1634. Richd. Peers, again, Dep. Govr. in absence of là. Willoughby. until return of Hawley in 1636. 1672. Wm., ld, Willoughby, returned. 1638, Wm. Hawley, Dep. Gowr. until 1673. Sir Peter Colleton, bt., Dep. Gowr. return of H. Hawley in 1639. 1674. Sir Jonathan Atkins. 1640. Sir Hy. Hunks. 1680. Sir. Richd. Dutton. 1641. Philip Bell. 1683. Sir John. Witham, Dep. Gowr. 1650. Fras., ld. Willoughby of Parham. | 1684. Sir Richd. Dutton. 1651. Sir Geo. Ayscue. 1685. Edwin Stede, Dep. Gowr. 1652. Daniel Searle, Dep. Govr. 1690. Jas. Kendal, 1660. Thos. Modifod. 1694. Hon. Fras. Russell. 1663. Fras., ld. Willoughby, again. 1696. Fras. Bond, pres. 720 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1698. 1701. 1703. | 706. 1707. 1710. 1711. 1714. 1715. 1720. Hon. Ralph Grey, aft lå. Grey. John Farmer (? Turner), pres. Sir Bevil Granville. Wm. Sharpe, pres. Metford Crowe. Geo. Lillington, pres. Robt. Lowther. Wm. Sharpe, pres. Lowther. Robt. Lowther, returned. John Frere, pres. in absence of 1720–1. Saml. Cox, pres. I 721. 1722. 1728. 1731. Richd. Wisc. Irwin, before setting out. John, ld. Belhaven; drowned on his passage out. Hy. Worsley. Edwd. Ashe. Saml. Barwick, pres. app. but d. 1733. Jas. Dotin, pres. 1735. Emanuel Scrope, Wisc. Howe, d. 1735. Jas. Dotin, pres. 1739. Hon. Robt. Byng. 1740. 1742. Jas. Dotin, again, pres. Sir Thos. Robinson, bt. 1747. Hon. Hy. Grenville. 1753. 1766. Ralph Weeks, pres. Chas. Pinfold. Saml. Rous, pres. 1767-8. Wm. (? Chas.) Spry. 1771. 1772. 1773. 1780. 1783. 1784. 1790. Saml. Rous, again, pres. Hon. Edwd. Hay. John Dotin, again, pres. Jas. Cunninghame. John Dotin, again, pres. David Parry. Hy. Frere, pres. during absence of Parry. David Parry, returned; d. in office. 1793. 1794, 1800. 1800. 1803. 1804. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1816. 1820. 1821. 1825. 1826, 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1832. Wm. Bishop, pres. Geo. Poyntz Ricketts. Wm. Bishop, again, pres. Fras. Humberstone, ld. Nov. 26, sw. John Ince, pres. during absence of Seaforth. Ld. Seaforth, returned. John Spooner, pres. Hugh Elliot, Apr. 10, G. Lt.-Gen. Geo. Beckwith, aft, Sir G. Oct. 8, G. John Spooner, pres. Lt.-Gen. Sir Jas. Leith, G.C.B., May 10, G. John Spooner, again, pres. during absence of Leith. Sir Jas. Leith, returned. John Foster Alleyne, pres. until arr. of Combermere. Gen. Stapleton, ld., aft. visc. Com- bermere, G.C.B., Dec. 24, G. John Braithwaite Skeete, pres. Saml. Hinds, pres. Lt.Gen. Sir Hv.Warde, K.C.B., Feb.8,6. J. B. Skeete, again, pres. during absence of Warde. Sir Hy. Warde, K.C.B., returned. J. B. Skeete, again pres. Seaforth Lt.-Gen. Sir Jas. Lyon, K.C.B., Mar. 17, G. J. B. Skeete, again, pres, during absence of Lyon. Sir Jas. Lyon, returned. J. B. Skeete, aſſain, pres. during absence of Lyon. Sir Jas. Lyon, returned. J. B. Skeete, again, pres, until arr. of Smith. From 1833 to 1885, the Governors of Barbados were appointed Governors of other islands also. marked thus— See Introduction, ante, p. 718. In the following list the Governors * were Governors of Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, and Tobago. 2 3 Barbados, St. Vincent, Tobago, Trinidad, and St. Lucia. 5 5 Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent, Tobago, and St. Lucia. The lieutenant-governors, administrators, and presidents were for Barbados only. + f 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1841. *M. Gen. Sir Lionel Smith, K.C.B. Feb. 13, G. John Alleyne Beccles, pres. during absence of Smith. *Sir L. Smith, returned. J. A. Beccles, again, pres, during absence of Smith. *Sir L. Smith, returned. J. A. Beccles, again, pres. during absence of Smith. *Sir L. Smith, returned. *Sir Evan John Murray M'Gregor bt., K.C.B., Oct. 17, G. John Brathwaite Skeete, pres. until app. of Darling. H. C. Darling, L.G. 1841. 1846. 1847. 1848, 1849, 1850. +Sir Chas. Edwd. Grey, Aug, 24, G. iLt.-Col. Wm. Reid, R.E., Sept. 25, G. J. R. Best, pres. during absence of Reid. :Wm. Reid, C.B., returned. J. S. Gaskin, pres. during absence of Reid. †Wm. Reid, C.B., returned. Col. Sir Wm. Macbeam Geo. Colebrooke, C. B., Aug. 11, G. J. S. Gaskin, again, pres. during absence of Colebrooke. jSir W. M. G. Colebrooke, returned. J. R. Best, pres. during absence of Colebrooke. tSir W. M. G. Colebrooke, returned. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 721 1851. K. B. Hamilton, admr. until appt. 1875. Sanford Freeling, C.M.G., aft. Sir S., of Gaskin. admr. until arr. of Hennessy. 1852. J. S. Gaskin, again, pres. during 1876. f.John Pope Hennessy, C.M.G., aft. absence of Colebrooke. Sir J., Jan. 15, G. fSir W. M. G. Colebrooke, re- f(Japt. Geo. Cumine Strahan, R.A., turned. C.M.G., aft. Sir G., Dec. 2, G. 1856. TR'ras. Hincks, aft. Sir F. Geo. Dundas, C.M.G., L.G. during Grant E. Thomas, pres, during ab- absence of Strahan. sence of Hincks. †Maj. G. C. Strahan, returned. 1858. Fras. Hincks, returned. 1878. Geo. Dundas, C.M.G., again, L.G. 1859. Jas. Walker, aft. Sir J., admr. during absence of Strahan. during absence of Hincks. 1879. {Maj. Sir G. C. Strahan, K.C.M.G., 1860. Sir Fras. Hincks, K.C.M.G., C.B., re- returned. turned. 1880. M.-gen. D. J. Gamble, C.B., admr. 1861. Jas. Walker, C.B., aft. Sir J., now until appt. of Robinson. Gowr., Dec. 5, G. Wm. Robinson, aft. Sir W., L.G. 1865. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy, aft. Sir R., 1881. Col. Sir Robt. Wm. Harley, C.B., admr. during absence of Walker. K.C.M.G., admr. until appt. of £Sir Jas. Walker, K.C.M.G., C.B., re- Robinson. turned. 1882. IWm. Robinson,aft. sirW., now Gowr. 1869. £Rawson Wm. Rawson, G.B., aft. Sir 1884. M.-gen. Browne, admr. during ab- R., Apr. 15, G. sence of Robinson. SEPARATE GOVERNMENT of BARBADos. See Introduction, ante, p. 718. 1884. Sir Wm. Robinson, K.C.M.G., May 4, 1885. Sir Chas. Cameron Lees, K.C.M.G., Sept. 4. DIOCESE OF BARBA DOS. This bishopric was originally created by Letters Patent dated July 24, 1824, and enlarged or altered by subsequent patents dated April 2, 1825, May 11, 1826, and Sept. 24, 1838. By Letters Patent (Sept. 29, 1842, G.), all previous patents were revoked, and a diocese constituted, comprising Barbados, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Geneva, and Tobago. A separate diocese of Trinidad was constituted in 1872. Barbados is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. BISHOPS OF BARBADos. 1824. W. H. Coleridge. 1873. J. Mitchinson. 1842. Thos. Parry, Sept. 29, G. 1882. Herbert Bree, consec. May 1. GOVERNORS OF TRINIDAD. See Introduction, ante, pp. 717–8. The earlier names are taken from, and the whole list corrected by, the Colonial List. SPANISH GovKRNORs. 1735. Lt.-col. E. S. de Linany Vera, Oct. 1762, J. A. Gil-Knight. 11. 1765. J. de Bruno, June 19. 1745. F. de la Monteras, Dec. 4. 1766. Juan de Flores. 1746. Juan José Salcedo, June 19. 1773. J. de Dios Valdez. 1752. F. Manclares. * 1776. Manuel Falquez, Nov. 30. 1757. Pedro de la Moneda. 1779. Maria de Salavaria, Aug. 1760. Juan San Juan. 1783. José Maria de Chagon, Sept. 1, 46 722 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1797. 1803. 1810. 1811. 1813. 1821. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1833. 1835. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. |BRITISH GovKRNORs. Sir Ralph Abercrombie, Feb. 18. Brig.-gen. Thos. Picton, Apr. (May 26, 1801, G.) Col. Wm. Fullerton Brig.-gen. Thos. Picton Commodore Saml. Hood Brig.-gen. Thos. Hislop, July 20. (Jan. 21, 1806, G.) Lt.-col. Tolly (acting), Jan. 9. Col. Munro, Apr. 25. Sir Ralph J. Woodford, bt., June 14. (Sept. 21, 1812, G.) Lt.-col. A. W. Young, Apr. 12; acting until return of Woodford, Feb. 18, 1823. Maj. Capadose, Apr. 1; acting until arrival of Grant. Sir Chas. F. Smith, R.E., Apr. 18; acting until arrival of Grant. Col. Farquharson, July 26; acting until arrival of Grant. M.-gen. Lewis Grant, Mar. 10. (Aug. 9, 1828, G.) Lt.-Col. Doherty, acting during ab- sence of Grant; Nov. 20 to Feb. 15, 1830, and May 15 to June 3, 1830. Lt.-col. Sir Chas. F. Smith, acting during absence of Grant; June 3 to Dec. 5, 1831. Sir Geo. Fitzgerald Hill, L.G., June 9. M.-gen. Sir Lionel Smith, app. Gowr. B. Guiana, Trinidad and St. Lucia, and sir G. F. Hill, L. G. Trinidad, Feb. 26, G. Lt.-col. Mein, Mar. 8; acting until arrival of McGregor. Col. Sir E. M. McGregor, Gowr., Mar. 24. Lt.-col. Mein (Feb. 2, 1839, G.), ac- ting until arrival of Macleod, Mar. 28. Col. Sir Hy. Geo. Macleod, L.G., Apr. 13; app. Gowr. May31,1842, G. NoTE.—Sir Chas. Edwd. Grey was Governor from Aug. 24, 1841, G., to Mar. 31, 1842, G. See “Bar- bados,” ante. p. 720. Maj. Barlow, acting during absence of Macleod, Nov. 11. Maj. Tyler, acting during absence of Macleod, Dec. 14. Lt.-col. Sir Chas. Chichester, acting during absence of Macleod, Sept. 25 to May 9, 1842. Maj. F. Fuller, acting during ab- sence of Macleod, June 29 to Aug. 8. Lt.-col. Sir Chas. Chichester, acting during absence of Macleod, Aug. 8 to May 3, 1843. Commr.S., 3. Il. 1845. 1846. 1851. 1853. 1854. 1856. 1857. 1860. 1861. 1864. 1866. 1868. 1870. 1872. 1874. 1876. 1877. 1880. Lt.-col. E. C. Archer, acting during absence of Macleod, Feb. 8 to July 2. Lt.-col. Brown, Apr. 21; acting until arrival of Harris. Geo. Fras. Robt., ld. Harris, L.G., Apr. 22. (May 5, 1846, G.) App. Gowr, Nov. 3, 1846, G. Lt.-Col. Ward, R.E., acting during absence of Harris, June 12 to Feb. 11, 1853. Maj. Halliday, acting during absence of Harris, Feb. 11 to Feb. 25. Maj. L. Bouchier, acting until arrival of Elliott, Jan. 26. Capt. Chas. Elliott, aft. K.C.B., Mar. 10. (Jan. 11, G.) Lt.-col. B. Brooks, acting until arrival of Keate, Oct. 27. Robt. Wm. Keate, Jan. 26. (Nov. 6, 1856, G.) Jas. Walker, C.B., L.G., Apr. 7. (Mar. 13, G.) Maj. Holworthy, acting during ab- sence of Keate, Mar. 25 to May. Maj. Thompson, admr. until arrival of Manners-Sutton, July 5. Hon. John Hy. Thos. Manners-Sut- ton, aft. visc. Canterbury, Sept. 6. (June 24, G.) E. E. Rushworth, admr. arrival of Gordon, Apr. 24. Hon. Arthur Hamilton Gordon, C.M.G., Nov. 7. (June 30, G.) Maj. Bostock, admr. during ab- sence of Gordon, Apr.8 to Apr. 20. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, aft. Sir C., admr. during absence of Gordon, June 25 to Dec. 21. Jas. Robt. Longden, C.M.G., aft. Sir J., June 25. (July 18, G.) W. H. Rennie, admr. during absence of Longden, July 11 to May 21, 1873. J. Scott Bushe, admr. until arrival of Cairns, Apr. 27. Wm. Wellington Cairns, C.M.G., aft. sir W., May 2. (Mar. 14, G.) J. Scott Bushe, admr. until arrival of Irving, May 27. Hy. Turner Irving, C.M.G., aft. Sir H., Nov. 20. (Sept. 7, G.) J. Scott Bushe, C.M.G., admr. during absence of Irving, Dec. 9 to Feb. 3, 1877. Geo. Wm. Des Voeux, C.M.G., aft. Sir G., L.G., acting during absence of Irving, Feb. 3 to Jan. 2, 1878. W. R. Pyne, admr., acting until arrival of Freeling, July 27 to Aug. 27. until THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 723 1880. Wm. Alexr. Geo. Young, C.M.G., admr. until arrival of Freeling, Aug. 27. Sir Sanford Freeling, K.C.M.G., Nov. 2. (Oct. 4, G.) 1882. J. Scott Bushe, C.M.G., admr. during absence of Freeling, June 28 to Sept 1. 1884. J. Scott Bushe, C.M.G., admr., Mar. 28; until arrival of Havelock. 1884. Sir Fredk. Palgrave K.C.M.G., L.G., June 19; arrival of Havelock. J. Scott Bushe, C.M.G., admr., Aug. 8; until arrival of Havelock. 1885. Sir Arthur Elibank Havelock. K.C.M.G., Jan. 24. Sir Wm. Robinson, K.C.M.G., Oct. 9. 1886. J. Scott Bushe, admr. during ab- sence of Robinson, May 29 to July 16. Barlee, until Trinidad and Tobago were united into one colony as from Jan. 1, 1889. See Introduction, ante, p. 718. For bishops prior to 1872, see “Bishops of Barbados,” ante, p. 721. DIOCESE OF TRINIDAD. This bishopric was constituted in 1872. It is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. BISHOPS of TRINIDAD. 1872. Richd. Rawle, consec. June 29. | 1888. Jas. Thos. Hayes. GOVERNORS OF TOBAGO. See Introduction ante, p. 717. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1764. — Browne, L.G. 1768. Brig.-gen. Robt. Melville, Govr. of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Tobago. 1770. — Stewart. 1771. Brig.-gen. Wm. Leybourne Ley- bourne, Gowr. of Grenada, Domi- nica, St. Vincent and Tobago. Maj. Young, L.G. — Ferguson, L.G. From 1781 to 1783 the Island was in the possession of the French. 1784. — Dillon. 1794. — Ricketts. 1795. — Lindsay. 1796. — Delaney. 1800. — Masters. #. iº French Governors. 1803. — Picton, L.G. — McDonald, L.G. — Johnstone, L.G. John Halkett, Oct. 27. — Balfourn. Sir Wm. Young. — Campbell, pres. Gen. Sir Fredk. Phillip Robinson, K.C.B., Feb. 13, G. 1806. 1807. 1810. 1816. 1819. — Cumine, pres. 1820. — Robley, pres. 1823. — Nichol, pres. 1826. — Brasmell, pres. 1827. — Piggott, pres. 1828. Gen. Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B., Feb. 27, G. M.-gen. Nathl. Blackwell, Apr. 17, G. For Governors from 1833 to 1885, see “Governors of Barbados,” ante, pp. 720–1. For Governors since 1885, see “Governors of Windward Islands,” ante, p. 719. LIEUTENANT-GovKRNORS AND ADMINISTRATORS OF TobAGO. 1833. M.-gen. Hy. Chas. Darling,L.G.,Mar. 1 1845. Maj. Laurence Graeme, Aug. 18, G. 1851. David Robt. Ross, L.G., Feb. 14, G. 1851. Fredk. Daly, L.G., Sept. 16, G. 1854. Willoughby Shortland, L.G., Jan. 10, G. 1857. Ja.s. 'Vickery Drysdale, L.G., Apr. 1, G. 46 % 724 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1864. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, aft. Sir C., L.G., Oct. 14, G. 1872. Herbert Taylor Ussher, C.M.G., L.G., Sept. 12, G. 1875. Col. Robt. Wm. Harley, C.B., C.M.G., aft. Sir R., L.G., Aug. 9, G. 1877. 1881. 1883. 1885. Augs. Fredk. Gore, L.G., Sept. 29, G. Edwd. Laborde, admr., Oct. 6, G. John Worrell Carrington, admr. Loraine Geddes Hay, admr. Robt. Baxter Llewelyn, admr. 1886. Loraine Geddes Hay, again, admr. Trinidad and Tobago were united into one colony as from Jan. 1, 1889. See Intro- duction, ante, p. 718. For bishops, see “Bishops of Barbados,” ante, p. 721. GOVERNORS OF GRENADA. See Introduction, ante, p. 717. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1764. Brig.-gen. Robt. Melville, Gowr. of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Tobago. Ulysses Fitzmaurice, L.G. Brig.gen. Wm. Leybourne Ley- bourne, Gowr. of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Tobago. Wm. Young, L.G. Sir Geo. Macartney, K. B., aft. la. M. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Matthew. Saml. Williams, Pres. Ninian Home, L.G. Alexr. Houstoun, L.G. Col. Chas. Green, aft. Sir C. Hon. Geo. Vere Hobart, L.G. Thos. Hislop, L.G., Feb. 5, G. M.-gen. Wm. Douglas McLean Clephane, L. G. 1804. M.-gen. John Stuart, L.G., Jan. 25, G.; knt., Aug. 18. 1768. 1771. 1775. 1776. 1784. 1789. 1793. 1796. 1797. 1802. 1803. 1821. 1805. Brig.-Gen. Fredk. Maitland, Mar. 9, G. 1808. A. C. Adye, pres, during absence of Maitland. M.-gen. F. Maitland, returned. A. C. Adye, again pres. until app. of Ainslie. Col. R. Ainslie. Vice-Gov.r. M.-gen. Sir Chas. Shipley, Feb. 27, 1810, 1812. 1813. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Townshend Walker, K.C.B., vice Stuart decd., Apr. 7, 1815. G. M.-gen. Phineas Riall, Feb. 17, G. Andr. Houstoun, pres, during ab- sence of Riall. M.-gen. P. Riall, returned. Geo. Paterson, Pres. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Campbell, K.C.B., May 23, G. 1831. Felix Palmer, pres. 1816. 1817. 1825. For Governors from 1833 to 1885, see “Governors of Barbados,” ante, pp. 720–1. For Governors since 1885, see “Governors of Windward Islands,” ante, p. 719. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS AND ADMINISTRATOR'S OF GRENADA. 1833. M.-gen. Geo. Middlemore, L.G., Feb. 13, G. 1835. Lt.-col. John Hastings Mair, L.G., Mar. 26, G. 1836. Lt.-col. Chas. Jos. Doyle, L.G., June 26, G. 1846. Ker Baillie Hamilton, L.G., Jan.13, G. 1853. Robt. Wm. Keate, L.G., Oct. 11, G. 1856. Cornelius IHendericksen Kortright, aft. Sir C., L.G., Nov. 15, G. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy, aft. Sir R., L.G., Sept. 18, G. 1863. 1871. Edwd. Laborde, admr. until arr. of Freeling, 1871. Sanford Freeling, aft. Sir S., L.G., Apr. 11, G. Edwd. Laborde, again admr. until arr. of Graham. 1876. Cyril Clerke Graham, L.G., Jan. 13, G 1877. Col. Robt. Wm. Harley, C.B., C.M.G., aft. Sir R., L.G., Sept. 28, G. Thos. Kerr, admr. during absence of Harley. Col. R. W. Harley, returned. Capt. Irwin Chas. Maling, admr. during absence of Harley. Col. R. W. Harley, returned ; transf. to Br. Honduras, 1883. Capt. I. C. Maling, 1878. 1879. 1881. 1882. º d ** - again, admr., ...; * Boger Tuckfield Golds- } after worthy, C.M.G., aft. º Sir G., admr., of Harle 1883. Edwd. Laborde, admr. J y. Since the constitution of the colony of the Windward Islands the seat of government has been at Grenada, the other islands being under local administrators. For bishops, see “Bishops of Barbados,” ante, p. 721. THE BOOK OF LIGNITIES. 725 GOVERNORS OF ST. VINCENT. See Introduction, ante, p. 718. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1765. Brig.-gen. Robt. Melville, Govr. of 1783. Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, 1798. and Tobago. 1802. 1775. Brig. - gen. Wm. Leybourne Ley- 1805. bourne, Govr. of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, and | 1808. Tobago. 1776. Valentine Morris, 1830. Jas. Seton. Wm. Bentinck. Hy. Wm. Bentinck, Feb. 24, G. M. gen. Geo. Beckwith, aft. Sir G., Jan. 2, sw. Capt. Sir Chas. Brisbane, Oct. 8, G.; Nov. 16. Sw. Sir Geo. Fitzgerald Hill, bt. For Governors from 1833 to 1885, see “Governors of Barbados,” ante, pp. 720–1. For Governors since 1885, see “Governors of Windward Islands,” ante, p. 719. LIEUTENANT-Governors AND ADMIN 1833. Capt. Geo. Tyler, R.N., aft. Sir G., L.G., Feb 13, G. 1871. ISTRATORs of ST. VINCENT. Wm. Hepburn Rennie, L.G., Apr. 11, G. 1840, Lt.-col. Richd. Doherty, aft. Sir R., | 1872. Edwd. Laborde, admr., July 2. L.G., Nov. 20, G. 1874. Augs. Fredk. Gore, admr., May 2. 1845. Sir John Campbell, bt., L.G., June Geo. Dundas, C.M.G., L.G., Oct. 31, 3 we G. 1852. Richd. Graves MacDonnell, C.B., 1878. Edwd. Laborde, again, admr. L.G., Feb. 23, G. during absence of Dundas, May 1854. Edwd. John Eyre, Nov. 6, G. 28. 1859. Wm. Chas. Sargeaunt, aft. sir W., | 1879. Augs. Fredk. Gore, ditto. admr., Mar. 31, G. Anthy. Musgrave, aft. Sir A., admr., May 20; L.G., May 13, 1862, G. Geo. Berkeley, L.G., July 29, G. For bishops, see “Bishops of B 1861, 1864. 1880. 1888. Geo. Dundas, returned Mar. 27. Augs. Fredk. Gore, again, admr. May 4, G.; L.G., Aug. 5, G. Robt. Baxter Llewelyn, admr. arbados,” ante, p. 721. GOVERNORS OF ST. LUCIA. See Introduction, ante, p. 718. Att >k * >k 1830. 1801. Brig.-gen. Geo. Prevost, L.G., May 1831. 3 ºn e >k * 1834 1816. M.-gen. Richd. Augs. Seymour, June 28, G. 1818. M.-gen.sir.John Keane, K.C.B.,Jan.19,6. 1835 1825. M.-gen. John Montagu Mainwaring, Oct. 7, G. i M.-gen. Geo. Mackie, July 19, G. M.-gen. Jas Alexr. Farquharson, Nov. 23, G. . Col. Sir Dudley St. Leger Hill, L.G., Apr. 15, G.; and Feb. 26, 1885, G. . M.-gen. Sir Lionel Smith, Govr. Br. Guiana, Trinidad, and St. Lucia, Feb. 20, G. For Governors from 1838 to 1885, see “Governors of Barbados,” ante, pp. 720–1. For Governors since 1880, see “Governors of Windward Islands,” ante, p. 719. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS AND ADMINISTRATOR'S OF ST. LUCIA. 1838. Col. Sir Dudley St. Ledger Hill, 1877 above named, contal, as L.G. 1881 1847. Chas. Hy. Darling, L.G., Dec. 21, G. 1852 1858 1865 1869 . Maurice Power, L.G., Feb. 23, G. . H. Hegart Breen, L.G. . J. M. Grant, admr. . Geo. Wm. DesVoeux, aft. Sir G., admr. J 884 1885 . Capt. Macnamara Dix. , Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, C.M.G., aft. Sir R., admr., Jan. 10, G. . Clement Courtenay Knollys, admr., May. . Edwd. Laborde, Sept. 19, G. C.M.G., admr., For bishops, see “Bishops of Barbados,” ante, p. 721, 726 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, THE LEEWARD ISLANDS. ANTIGUA, MONTSERRAT, ST. CHRISTOPHER, OR ST. KITTS, NEVIS, DOMINICA, VIRGIN ISLANDS, AND THEIR, DEPENDENCIES. THE LEEWARD ISLAND's lie to the north of the Windward Islands. They were discovered by Columbus during the last ten years of the fifteenth century. Besides those mentioned above, which belong to Great Britain, there are others belonging to France, Holland, 1 n Denmark. The British Leeward Islands were formed into one colony in 1871. as stated below. ANTIGUA was discovered by Columbus in 1493; colonised oy the English in 1632; granted by Chas. II, to Fras, Lord Willoughby of Parham, in 1663; conquered by France in 1666, but reconquered by the English, and confirmed to them by the Treaty of Breda in 1667. BARBUDA AND REDONDA are dependencies of Antigua. MonTSERRAT was discovered by Columbus in 1493; colonised by the English in 1632; taken by the French in 1664; restored to England in 1668, again captured by the French in 1782, and finally restored to Great Britain in 1784. ST. CHRISTOPHER OR ST. KITTs and NEVIs were discovered by Columbus in 1498, and colonised by the English in 1628. ANGUILLA is a dependency of these islands. Domſ.INICA was discovered by Columbus in 1493. It was included in the grant made by Jas. II. to Jas., Earl of Carlisle in 1627; but as the island lay between the French possessions of Guadaloupe and Mar- tinique, the earl’s right to it was disputed by France. By the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) the island was declared “neutral,” but on the renewal of hostilities it was captured by the British in 1756, and ceded to them by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. It was retaken by the French in 1778, restored to Great Britain in 1783. once more captured by France in 1802, and finally restored to Great Britain in 1814. It was at one time joined, for administrative purposes, with some of the Windward Islands. See “Windward Islands,” ante, pp. 717–8. THE VIRGIN ISLANDs are a numerous group. St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix belong to Denmark, the rest being British. The prin- cipal British islands are Virgin Gorda, Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Tortola, Bieques, and Peters Island. - These islands were discovered by Columbus in 1494, and the English settled in Tortola in 1666. St. Thomas and St. John were taken from Denmark in 1801, and again in 1807, but restored in 1802 and 1815. THE LEEWARD ISLANDs were from time to time grouped together in various combinations under one governor, with lieutenant-governors for each separate island. - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 727 In 1871, under 34 & 35 Wict. cap. 107, and proclamation thereunder, ANTIGUA, MonTSERRAT, ST. CHRISTOPHER, Nºvis, DownNICA, and the, VIRGIN ISLANDs were formed into six presidencies of one colony called the LEEWARD ISLANDs, with power to include other West Indian Islands in the colony. ST. CHRISTOPHER and NEVIs were afterwards united into one presidency by Colonial Act No. 2 of 1882. THE LEEWARD ISLANDs constitute the greater part of the diocese of Antigua. GOVERNORS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS, or of two or more of them, arranged chronologically, and with their appointments specified. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. GOVERNORS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDs. Taken from the Colonial List. 1668. Wm., ld. Willoughby of Parham. | 1730. Wrm. Matthew. 1672. Philip Warner. 1752. Sir Geo. Thomas. 1675. Rowland Williams. 1766. James Werchild. 1682. Sir Wm. Stapleton. 1771. Sir Ralph Payne, aft. li. Lavington. Nathl. Johnson. 1776. Wm. H. Burt. 1689. Christr. Codrington. 1781. Sir Thos. Shirley. 1704. Sir Wm. Matthew. 1790. The same, again. 1706. Col. Parke. 1795. M.-gen. Leigh. 1710. Gen. Hamilton. 1801. Ralph, ld. Lavington, again. 1711. Walter Douglas. 1808. Hugh Elliot, Oct. 8, G., and Apr. 1715. Gen. Hamilton, again. 12, 1809, G. 1721. John Hart. 1814. Tut.-gen. Sir Jas. Leith, K.C.B., Feb. 1728. Ld. Londonderry (Thos. Pitt). 15, G. GOVERNORS OF ANTIGUA AND MONTSERRAT. 1816. M.-gen. Geo. Wm. Ramsay, Feb. 13, 1820. M.-gen, sir Benjn. D'Urban, K.C.B., G. Jan. 22, G. ; Apr. 8, sw. GOVERNORS OF ST. CHRISTOPHER, NEVIS, AND WIRGIN ISLANDs. 1816. Thos. Probyn, Feb. 13, G. 1831. M.-gen. Wm. Nicolay, Jan. 13, G. 1819. Chas. Maxwell, May 21, G. GovKRNORS OF ANTIGUA, MonTSERRAT, BARBUDA, ST. CHRISTOPHER, NEVIS, -ANGUILLA, VIRGIN ISLANDS AND DOMINICA. 1832. Sir Evan John Murray-Macgregor, 1850. Robt. Jas. Mackintosh, Oct. 1, G. Dec. 19, G. 1855. Ker Baillie Hamilton, Mar. 26, G. 1837. Lt.-col. Wm. Macbean Geo. Cole- 1860. The same, again. brook, Jan. 11, G. ; knt.; Mar. 1863. Col. Stephen John Hill, aft. Sir S., 31. Feb. 9, G. 1841. Sir Chas. Augs. FitzRoy, Aug. 3, G. 1867. The same, again. 1846. Jas. Macaulay Higginson, June 26, 1869. Sir Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine G. Apr. 15, G. Gover Nors of THE LEEWARD ISLANDS on the “Leeward Islands Act, 1871,” 34 & 35 Vict. cap. 107, coming into operation ; vide supra. 1871. Sir Benj, Chilley Campbell Pine, 1873. Hy, Turner Irving, C.M. G., aft, air now K.C.M.G., Dec. 8. H., June 11, G. 728 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1874. Geo. Berkeley, C.M.G., aft, sir G. 1885. Jenico Wm. Jos., visc. Gormanston Nov. 14, G. Sept. 4. r 1881. Sir John Hawley Glover, R.N., | 1887. Sir Chas. Bullen Hugh Mitchell, G.C.M.G., Dec 7, G. K.C.M.G., Dec. 14. 1882. Neale Porter, admr. 1887. Wm. Fredk. Haynes Smith, C.M.G., 1884. Sir Chas. Cameron Lees, K.C.M.G., temporary admr. until arrival Jan. 2, G. of Mitchell, Dec. 14; app. Govr., 1885. Chas. Monroe Eldridge, admr. Nov. 8, 1888. For bishops, see “Bishops of Antigua,” infra. GOVERNORS OF ANTIGUA, See Introduction, ante, p. 726. For Governors from 1668 to 1824, and from 1832 to present time see “Governors of Leeward Islands,” ante, p. 727. Gover Nors of ANTIGUA on LY, FROM 1824 to 1832. 1824. Lt.-gen sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B., | 1825. M.-gen. Sir Patr. Ross, May 23, G. - Jan. 6, G.; did not proceed. g LIEUTENANT-GovKRNORs, &c., OF ANTIGUA. The earlier names are taken from the Colonial List. 1668. Saml. Winthrope, Dep. G. 1836. Lt.-col. Hy. Senior, L.G., Jan. 14, G. 1698. Col. John Yearmans, L.G. Hy. Light, Iu.G., Apr. 13, G. 1710. The same, again, L.G. 1840. Maj. John Macphail, L.G. 1768, Wm. Woodley, L.G. 1845. C. J. Cunningham, L.G. 1788. John Nugent, L.G. 1859. Sir HerculesGeo. Robt. Robinson, L.G. 1791. The same, again, L.G. B. E. Jarvis, pres. 1792. Wm. Woodley, again, L.G. Edwd. John Eyre, L.G., Mar. 31. 1793. John Stanley, L.G. 1860. Sir Wm. Byam, pres. 1799. Wm. Woodley, again, L.G. 1863. The same, again, pres. After the passing of the “Leeward Islands Act, 1871,” see Introduction, ante, p. 727, Antigua was under the direct control of the Governor of the Leeward Islands, the other islands being placed under commissioners or presidents subordinate to him. CoMMIssionERS OR PRESIDENTs of ANTIGUA DURING ABSENCE of GovIRNOR. 1883. Neale Porter, June, to Jan. 1884, 1887. Chas. Monroe Eldridge. and July to Sept. 1884. DIOCESE OF ANTIGUA. This bishopric was constituted by Letters Patent (Sept. 29, 1842, G.). It comprises the British Islands of Antigua, Barbuda, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, and the Virgin Islands, and also the foreign islands of St. Croix, St. Thomas, Porto Rico, and St. Bartholomew. It is in the ecclesiastical province of the West Indies. BISHOPS OF ANTIGUA. 1842. Daniel Gateward Davis, Sept. 29, G. 1860. Wm. Walrond Jackson, May 14, G. 1858. Stephen Jordan Rigaud, Jan. 14, G. 1882. Chas. Jas. Branch, coadj. GOVERNORS OF MONTSERRAT. See Introduction, ante, p. 728. - For Governors, vide “Governors of Leeward Islands,” &c., ante, p. 727. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 729 COMMISSIONERS or PRESIDENTs of MonTSERRAT. 1854. Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, aft. 1872. Neale Porter, June, sir H., Feb. 14, G. 1882. Jas. Meade, actg. 1868. W. Rowland Pym, actg. 1887. John Spencer Churchill. 1872. S. S. Odlum. For bishops, see “Bishops of Antigua,” ante, p. 728. GOVERNORS OF ST. CHRISTOPHER, See Introduction, ante, p. 726. For Governors, see “Governors of Leeward Islands,” ante, p. 727. LIEUTENANT-Gover Nors, &c. of ST. CHRISTOPHER. 1883. Lt.-col. J. Lyons Nixon, L.G., | 1859. Sir Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine, St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla May. and Virgin Islands, Feb. 7, G. 1862. J. E. Tudor, pres. ) During 1835. W. G. Cooke, pres. J. H. King, pres. > absence of i836. Lt.-col. Hy. §eo. Macleod, L.G., | 1864. j. H. Holigan, pres. "Fine Oct. 8, G. 1866. J. R. Holligan, pres. until app. of 1889. Chas. Cunningham, L.G., Apr. 6, Rumbold. G. 1867. Sir Arth. Carlos Hy. Rumbold, bt.,. 1847. Robt. Jas. Mackintosh, L.G., Mar. admr. until arr. of Mackenzie. 12, G. 1866. Capt. Jas. Geo. Mackenzie, R.N., 1850. Edwd. Hay Drummond Hay, L.G., Sept. 22, G. Oct. 1, G. 1869. Wm. Wellington Cairns, aft. Sir W., 1854. Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson, aft. Jan. 14, G. Sir H. ; L.G., Nov. 6, G. 1870. Fras. Spencer Wigley, C.M.G., admr. 1856. Thos. Price, admr. ; After the passing of the “Leeward Islands Act, 1871,” see ante, p. 727, commis- sioners or presidents of St. Christopher were substituted for lieutenant-governors, and, in 1882, the Islands of St. Christopher, Nevis, and Anguilla were united into one presidency. See ante, p. 727, - COMMISSIONERS OR PRESIDENTs of ST. CHRISTOPHER. 1872. J. S. Berridge. | 1873. Alexr. Wilson Moir. CoMMISSIONERS OR PRESIDENTs of ST. CHRISTOPHER AND NEv1s. 1883. Chas. Monroe Eldridge, actg. 1885. Chas. Monroe Eldridge, again. 1885. Fras. Spencer Wigley, C.M.G., actg., | 1886. Fras. Spencer Wigley, C.M.G., again, May. actg. For bishops, see “Bishops of Antigua,” ante, p. 728. GOVERNORS OF NEWIS. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. For Governors, see “Governors of Leeward Islands,” &c., ante, p. 727. LIEUTENANT-GovKRNORs, &c., of NEv1s. 1833. Lt.-Col. J. Lyons Nixon, L.G. St. 1842. Maj. Graeme, pres. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, and | 1845. Willoughby Shortland, pres Virgin Islands, Feb, 7, G. 1854. Fredk. Seymour, Jan. 10, G., pres. 1841. R. B. Cleghorn, pres. 1857. Sir Arth. Rumbold, bt., pres. 730 THE BOOK OF DIGN1TIES. 1860. Anthy. Musgrave, aft. Sir A., actg. 1866. Capt. Jas. Geo. Mackenzie, R.N., pres. during absence of Rumbold. L.G., Sept. 22, G. 1863. J. P. L. Dyett, pres. 1869. Wm. Wellingtºn Cairns, aft. Sir W., 1864. Jas. W. Sheriff, pres. L.G., Jan. 14, G. 1865. W. Maynard, pres. 1870. Fras. Spencer Wigley, admr. After the passing of the “Leeward Islands Act, 1871,” see ante, p. 727, commis- Sioners or presidents of Nevis were again substituted for lieutenant-governors. In 1882 the islands of St. Christopher, Nevis, and Anguilla were united into one pre- sidency. See ante, p. 727. CoMMIssion ERs or PRESIDENTs of NEVIs. 1871. Fras. Spencer Wigley, above named. 1877. Capt. Arth... Elibank Havelock, aft. Sir A. 1873. Capt. Melfort Campbell. 1879. John Spencer Churchill, actg. ; Apr. 1876. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, aft. C. S. Salmon. Sir R., May. 1882. Wm. Hy.Whyham,actg.; July to Dec. CoMMISSIONERS OR PRESIDENTs of UNITED PRESIDENCIEs of ST. CHRISTOPHER AND NEWIs. See ante, p. 729. For bishops, see “Bishops of Antigua,” ante, p. 728. ANGUILLA. Anguilla was formerly a dependency of St. Christopher, q.v. ante, p. 729. It is now included in the united presidency of St. Christopher and Nevis, q.v. ante, pp. 729–30. GOVERNORS OF DOMINICA. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. * * Sir Wm. Young, bt. 1816. Lt.-col. Chas. W. Maxwell, Jan. 1770. Thos. Shirley. 29, G. 1783, Capt. John Orde, aft. bt. 1819. Sir Saml. Ford Whittingham, May 1794. Hy. Hamilton. 21, G. 1797. Lt.-col. hon. Andr. Cochrane 1821. Hans Fras., E. of Huntingdon, Dec. Johnston. 12, G.; Mar. 28, 1822, sw. 1802. Col. Geo. Prevost, aft. bt., Sept. 23, 1824. M.-gen. Wm. Nicolay, Apr. 27, G. G. 1807. Wm. Lukin, Apr. 10, G. 1831. Col. Sir Evan John Murray-Mac- 1808. Brig.-gen. Jas. Montgomerie, May Gregor, July 25, G. 27, G. For subsequent Governors, see “Governors of Leeward Islands,” ante, p. 727. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF DOMINICA. 1813. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Maitland, Jan. 30, 1851. Saml. Wensley Blackall, Apr. 1, G. G. 1857. Maj. Harry St. Geo. Ord, R.E., 3& >k k * Sept. 2,6. 1833. Capt. Sir Chas. M. Schomberg, R.N., | 1861. Thos. Price, Dec. 30, G. Feb. 7, G. 1865. Jas. Robt. Longden, aft. Sir J., Sept. 1835. Lt.-col. John Hastings Mair, Feb. 5, G. 19, G. 1867. Hon. Hy. Ernest Gascoyne Bulwer, 1838. Maj. John Longley, May 10, G. aft. Sir H., C.M.G., actg. L.G., Mar. Maj. John Macphail, Nov. 3, G. 1868. Sanford Freeling, aft. Sir S., Dec. 1845. Lt.-col. Geo. Macdonald, Jan. 14, G. 31, G. After the passing of the “Leeward Islands Act, 1871,” see ante, p. 727, commis- sioners or presidents of Dominica were substituted for lieutenant-governors. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 731 CoMMIssion ERs or PRESIDENTS OF DOMINICA. 1872. Chas. Monroe Eldridge. 1887. Geo. Ruthven Le Hunte. 1882. John Spencer Churchill, Dec. For bishops, see “Bishops of Antigua,” ante, p. 728. GOVERNORS OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. See Introduction, ante, p. 726. For Governors, vide “Governors of Leeward Islands,” ante, p. 727. LIEUTENANT-GovKRNoFs of THE VIRGIN ISLANDs. * º xt x: ; >k 1812. Lt.-col. Chas. Napier, Feb. 21, G. pher, Nevis, Anguilla, and Virgin 1816, Col. Jas. Bathurst. Jan. 18, G. Islands, Feb. 7, G. 1833. J. Lyons Nixon, L.G. St. Christo- COMMISSIONERs or PRESIDENTS OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. 1854. Cornelius Hendericksen Kortright, 1879. R. H. Dyett, actg. aft. Sir C., Mar. 16, G. and Apr. John Spencer Churchill, Apr., to 25, 1855, G. Jan. 1881. 1865. Sir Arth. Carlos Hy. Rumbold, bt., | 1881. R. H. Dyett, again, actg. Nov. 17; d. June 12, 1869. 1885. J. A. Pickering, actg. 1869. Alexr. Wilson Moir. 1886. R. H. Dyett, again, actg. 1873. Capt. R. M. Hickson 1887. Edwd. Jas Cameron. For bishops, see “Bishops of Antigua,” ante, p. 728. FALKLAND ISLANDS. THESE ISLAND's lie in the South Atlantic Ocean, and occupy a position quite isolated from all other British colonies. They were discovered by John Davis in 1592, and after having nominally belonged to France . Spain they were finally taken possession of by Great Britain and colonised. The islands form the missionary diocese of the Falkland Islands. GOVERNORS OF THE FAILKLAND ISLANDS. From 1833 to 1842 the Settlement was in 1866. Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson, aft. charge of a naval officer. sir W., May 19, G. 1841. Lieut. Richd. Clement Moody, R.E., 1870. Col. Geo. A. K. D'Arcy, Feb. 24, G, L.G., Aug. 20, G.; Gowr., June 1876. Thos. Fitzgerald Cal aghan, May 23, 1843, G. 18, G. 1847. Geo. Rennie, Nov 27, G. 1880. Thos. Kerr, Sept. 13, G. 1855. Capt. Thos. Edwd. Laws Moore, 1886. Arthr. Cecil Stuart Barkly, L.G., R.N., July 2. G. Jan. 16, G.; acted during ab- 1862. Capt. Jas. Geo. Mackenzie, R.N., sence of Kerr. Sept. 10, G. DIOCESE OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. This bishopric was constituted in 1869. It is classed as a colonial diocese, holding mission from the see of Canterbury. BISHOP OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. 1869. Waite Hockin Stirling. 732 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART XIII, ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD, &c., CONNECTED WITH THE BRITISH EMPIRE. THE Orders here dealt with comprise: THE GARTER. ST. MICHAEL AND ST. | STAR OF INDIA. THE THISTLE. - GEORGE. CROWN OF INDIA. ST. PATRICK. GUELPHIC ORDER. INDIAN EMPIRE. THE BATH. Many works have been written upon Orders of Knighthood in general, and individual Orders in particular, but the best work on the British Orders is beyond doubt that of Sir Harris Nicolas, published in 1842–7 in four large volumes. The following lists have been care- fully collated with, and corrected by, those given by Nicolas, and the Guelphic knights which were not given in the former editions of this work have been compiled entirely from his list. The Indian Orders are of comparatively recent date, and can hardly yet be said to have a history. Reference is, therefore, simply given to the Letters Patent or Statutes creating or enlarging them. THE ORDER OF THE GARTER. THE GARTER is considered both the oldest and the most illustrious Order of Knighthood now existing, not only in this country but in the world. It was undoubtedly instituted by Edward III., but the time is uncertain, various dates from 1844 to 1351 being given by different writers. Sir Harris Nicolas, who is the latest and probably the most trustworthy authority, says, “Edward III. founded the Order in 1344, but did not completely establish it until between Oct. 12, 1847, and Aug. 1348.” The Order originally consisted of the Sovereign and twenty-five knights, and so continued until 1786, when the sons of Geo. III. were made eligible, notwithstanding the chapter being complete. In 1805 this privilege was extended to the lineal descendants of Geo. II. except THEY BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 733 the Prince of Wales for the time being, who was declared to be “a constituent part of the original institution; ” and in 1831 it was further extended to the lineal descendants of Geo. I. The principal foreign sovereigns are frequently admitted by special statutes, which are also occasionally passed for the admission of extra knights. The latter are generally absorbed into the ordinary twenty-five as vacancies arise. The officers of the Order are: PRELATE. CHANCELLOR. The Order is styled— REGISTRAR. RING AT ARM8. USHER. THE MosT Noble ORDER OF THE GARTER. RNIGHTS OF THE GARTER. (K.G.) THE reigning sovereign becomes, on his accession to the throne, the head of the Order. As a rule, he has previously been admitted a member of it. EDWARD III. THE ORIGINAL RNIGHTS. R. Edw. III., d. 1377. Edwd., pr. of Wales (the Blk. prince); d. 1376. º Hy., D. of Lancaster; d. 1362. Thos., E. of Warwick; d. 1369. Piers or John de Greilly, capt. de Buche; d. 1376. Ralph, E. of Stafford; d. 1372. Wm., E. of Salisbury ; d. 1397. Roger, E, of March ; d. 1360. Sir John Lisle, or baron Lisle ; d. 1356. Sir Barth. Burghersh, or lä. B. ; d. 1369. Sir Jno. Beauchamp, d. 1360. Sir John Mohun, or lä. M. ; d. 1373. Sir Hugh Courtenay, d. 1374. Sir Thos. Holland, aft. E. of Kent; uſ. 1360. Sir John Grey, baron of Codnor; d. 1392. Sir Richd. FitzSimon. Sir Miles Stapleton, d. 1373. Sir Thos. Wale, d. 1352. Sir Hugh Wrottesley, d. 1380. Sir Nele Lorim, or Loring ; d. 1385. Sir John Chandos, d. —. Sir Jas. Audley, d. 1386. Sir Otho Holland, d. 1359. Sir Hy. Earn, d. —. Sir Sanchet Daubrichcourt, d. —. Sir Walter Pavely, d. 1375. SUBSEQUENT CREATIONS. 1349 (about). Wm., 1st E. of Northamp- ton; d. 1360. Wm. Fitzwarine, d. 1361. 1353 (about). Regd., 1st là. Cobham, d. 1861. Robt., 1st E. of Suffolk ; d. 1369. 1356 (about). Richd. de la Vache, d. 1366 * Thos., 1st ld. Ughtrede; d. 1365. 1360 (about). Walter, 1st ld. Manny; d. 1372. Frank Van Hale, d. 1375–6. Sir Thos. Ufford, d 1368. 1361. Lionel, E. of Ulster, and D. of Clarence; d. 1368. John, E. of Richmond, aft. D. of Lancaster and K. of Castile and Leon; d. 1399. Edmd., E. of Cambridge, aft. D. of - York; d. 1402. 1361 (about). Edwd., 5th ld, le Despencer; d. 1375. 1362 (about). Wm., 4th ld. Latimer; d. 1381. John Sully, or Sulby; d. 1388. 1365 (about). Humphrey, 7th E. of Here- ford ; d. 1373. 1366 (about). Ingelram, 1st E. of Bed- ford; d. 1397. Hy. Percy, aft. 4th lá. Percy, and E. of Northumberland; d. 1407. 1369 (about). Ralph, 4th lä. Basset of Drayton; d. 1390. Richd. Pembrugge, d. 1375. John, 3rd lá. Neville of Raby; d. 1388. 1370 (about). Robt. de Namur, d. 1392, John, 2nd E. of Pembroke; d. 1375. Thos. Granston, or Gramston; d. 1375–6. Guy, 1st là. Bryan; d. 1390. 1372 (about). Guichard D'Angle, aft. E. of Huntingdom ; d. 1380. 734 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1373. Alam Buxhull, or Boxhall; d. 1381. 1373 (about). Thos., 4th E. of Warwick; d. 1401. 1376 (about). John de Montfort, D. of Brit- tany and E. of Richmond; d. 1399, (? 1401). Hugh, 2nd E. of Stafford; d. 1386. Wm., 2nd E. of Suffolk; d. 1382. Thos. Banestre, d. 1379. 1376. Thos., E. of Kent; d. 1397. Thos. Percy, aft. E. of Worcester; d. 1403. 1378. Wm. Beauchamp, sometimes called ld. Bergavenny or Abergavenny; d. 1410. 1377, Richd., pr. of Wales, aft. K. Richd. Apr. 23. II. ; dep. 1399; d. 1400. Hy., E. of Derby, aft. D. of Lam- caster and K. Hen. IV. ; d. 1413. RICHARD II. 1378. Sir John Burley, d. —. Sir Lewis Clifford, d. 1404. 1380. Bermond Arnand de Preissac Soudan de la Trau, d. —. 1380 (about). Thos., E. of Buckingham- shire,aft.D. of Gloucester; d. 1397. 1381. Thos, Felton, d. 1381. 1382 (about). John Holand, aft. E. of Huntingdom and 1st D. of Exeter; d. 1400. Sir Simon Burley, d. 1388. Sir Brian Stapleton, d. —. Sir Richd, Burley, d —. 1384. Thos., E. of Nottingham, aft. D. of Norfolk; d. 1413. 1385. Robt., E. of Oxford, and M. of Dublin; aft. D. of Ireland; d. 1392. 1386. Richd., E. of Arundel, aft. E. of Surrey; d. 1397. 1387 (about). Sir Nichs. Sarnsfield, d. —. 1388 (about). Edwd., E. of Rutland, aft. D. of Albemarle and D. of York; d. 1415. Hy. Percy (Hotspur), d. 1403. * * Sir Matthew de Gournay (?). Said to be a companion in Apr. 1386. 1388-9. Sir John D'Evereux, or lò. Deve- reux; d. 1394. Sir Peter Courtenay, d. 1409. 1389 (about). Thos., 6th Id. le Despencer and 1st E. of Gloucester; d. 1400. 1391 (about). Wm., D. of Guelderland; d. 1402. Wm. of Bavaria, E, of Ostrewart, aft. D. of Holland, Hainault, and Zealand; d. 1417. 1393 (about). John, 2nd lä. Bourchier; d. 1400. 1394 (about). John, 1396. 1395 (about). Wm., ld. Scrope, aft. E. of Wiltshire; d. 1399. 1396 (about). Sir Wm Fitzalan, alias Arundel, d. 1400, 1397 (about), Sir John Beaufort, aft. E. of Somerset and M. of Dorset; d. 1410. - Thos., E. of Kent, aft. D. of Surrey; d. 1400. 1398 (about). John, 3rd E. of Salisbury; d. 1400. ld. Beaumont ; d. Albert, count Palatine, D. of Bavaria and D. of Holland; d. 1404. Sir Simon Felbrigge, d. —. 1399 (about). Sir Philip de la Vache, d. —. -*- -ºsmºs--- *Michl., E. of Suffolk; d. 1389. *Sir Robt. Knollys. *Sir Robt. Dunstavil. *Sir Standich de Franc, alias San- chet de la Tour. HENRY IV. 1399. Henry, pr. of Wales, aft. K. Hem. W., about Sept. ; d. 1422. 1400 (about). Hy. III., K. of Spain; d. 1406. Thos. of Lancaster, E. of Albe- marke and D. of Clarence ; d. 1421. John, E. of Kendal and D. of Bed- ford; d. 1435. Humphrey, E. of Pembroke, aft. D. of Gloucester; d. 1446. Thos., 7th E. of Arundel; d. 1415. 1402 (about). Ralph, 1st E. of Westmor- land; d. 1425. Richd. Beauchamp, aft. 5th E. of Warwick; d. 1439. Thos. Beaufort, aft. E. of Dorset and D. of Exeter; d. 1417. Sir Thos. Rampston, d. —. 1401 (about). Sir Thos. Erpingham, d. —. 1402 §.3. Edmd., 5th E. of Stafford; d. 1403. Wm., 5th lä. Willoughby de Eresby; d. 1410. 1403 (about). Edmd., 4th E. of Kent; d. 1407. Wm., 7th lá. Roos; d. 1414. Richd., 4th Id. Grey of Codnor; d. , 1405 (about). Sir John Stanley, d. 1413. Eric X., K. of Denmark; d. 1459. John, ld. Lovel; d. 1408. Hugh, ld. Burnell; d. 1420. * These names are not included in Sir Harris Nicolas's list, and are doubtful, or more than doubtful. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 735 1407 (about). John I., K. of Portugal; d. 1433 Edwd., ld. Cherleton of Powis; d. 1422. 1408. Thos., 4th E. of Salisbury; d. 1428. 1409 (about). Sir John Cornwall, aft. 1d. Fanhope ; d. 1443. Sir John Arundell (?), d. —. 1409–13. Sir Robt. de Umfreville, d. 1437. 1410 (about). Hy., 3rd ld. Scrope of Masham ; d. 1415. 1411 (about). Hy., ld. Fitzhugh ; d. 1424 Thos., id. Morley; d. 1417. 1413 (about). Gilbert, 5th lä. Talbot; d. 1418. *Robt. or Rupert, count Palat., D. of Bavaria, aft. Emp. of Ger- many: d. 1410. HENRY V. 1413. Sir John Daubrichcourt, about Apr. d 1415. Thos. de Camois, or lá, Camois; d. 1421. 1415–16. Wm., 4th lä. de la Zouche of Haryngworth; d. —. Sir. Wm. Harrington, d. 1457. John, E. of Huntingdon, aft. D. of Exeter; d. 1446. Richd., 11th E. of Oxford; d. 1417. 1416. Sigismund, Emp. of Germany, May; d. 1437. Robt., 6th lä. Willoughby de Eresby; d. 1452. 1417. Sir John Blount, d. —. 1418 (between Aug. and Nov.). Hugh, ld. Bourchier; d. 1421. 1418–19. Sir John Robsart, d. 1450. Sir Wm. Philip, aft. la. Bardolf; d. 1439. 1419–20. John, E. of Tankerville; d. 1421. 1421. Sir Walter Hungerford, aft, la, H., before May 3; d. 1449. 1421, Sir Lewis Robsart, aft. li. Bour- May 3. chier; d. 1431. John Mowbray, E. Marshal, aft. 2nd D. of Norfolk; d. 1432. Wm., E. of Suffolk, aft. M. and D. of Suffolk; d. 1450. John, ld. Clifford; d. 1422. Sir Hy. Van Clux, d. temp. Hen. W. 1422. Philip le Bon, D. of Burgundy; decl. in Apr. 1424; d. 1467 HENRY WI. 1424. John, ld. Talbot, aft. E. of Shrews- bury, Apr. 22; d. 1453. 1425. Thos., ld, Scales, Apr. 22; d. 1460. 1426. Sir John Falstaff, or Fastolf, Apr. 22; d. 1463. 1427. Peter, D. of Coimbra, Apr. 22; d. 1449. 1429, Humphrey, 6th E. of Stafford, Apr. 22, aft. D. of Buckingham; d. 1459. Sir John Ratcliffe, d. 1437. 1432. John, E. of Arundel and lá. Maltravers, Apr. 12; d. 1434. 1433. Richd. Plantagenet, D. of York, Apr. 22; d. 1460. 1435. Edwd., K. of Portugal, May 8; d. 1438. 1435–6. Edwd. Beaufort, I. of Morton, aft. E. of Dorset and D. of Somerset ; d. 1455. Sir John Grey, d. —. 1438. Richd., E. of Salisbury; d. Apr. 22. 1460. Albert, D. of Austria, aft. Albert II., Emp. of Germany; d. 1439. 1438–9. Gaston de Foix, E. of Longue- ville, capt. de Beat sh; d. 1440 (about). John, 3rd E. of Somer- set, aft. D. of Somerset and E. of Kendal; d. 1444. Wm., ld. Falconburgh or Faucon- berg, aft. E. of Kent; d. 1462. Ralph Boteler, aft. Id. Sudely; d. 1473. 1440–3. John, 1st visc. Beaumont; d. 4 1443 (about). Alphonso V., K. of Portugal; d. 1481. Alphonso V., K. of Arragon; re-elect. 1450; d. 1458. Hy., D. of Visen in Portugal; d. 1460. John, ld. Beauchamp of Powyck, before May; d. 1475. John de Foix, aft. E. of Kendal, May 12; d. abt. 1485. Alvaro Vasquez d’Alamada, count D'Avranches; d. 1449. Thos. Hoo, aft. Id. Hoo and Hastings; d. 1453–5. sº Francis Surienne, Nov. 27; 1445. 1445, July 11. 1450, Casimir IV., K. of Poland; d. Aug. 4. 1492. Wm., D. of Brunswick; d. 1482. Richd., ld, Rivers, aft. E. Rivers; d. 1469. John, 3rd D. of Norfolk, May 28; d. 1461. 1452 (about). Hy., 1st visc. chier, aft. E. 1483. Sir Philip Wentworth, d. —. 1451. Bour- of Essex; d. * This name is not included in Sir Harris Nicolas's list, and is doubtful, or more than doubtful. 736 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1453. Sir Edwd. Hull, May 7; d. 1453. 1457 (before May 13). John, 2nd E. of Shrewsbury; d. 1460. Lionel, 6th lä. Welles; d. 1461. Thos., 1st lå. Stanley; d. 1458. 1457. Fredk. IV., Emp. of Germany, May 14; d. 1493. 1458. Jasper, E. of Pembroke, aft. D. of Bedford; d. 1495. 1459 (before Apr. 23). Jas., 5th E. of Ormond and 1st E. of Wilt- shire; d. 1461. John, 4th lä. Dudley; d. 1482. John, lst là. Berners ; d. 1474. 1460 (about July). Richd. Neville, aft. E. of Warwick and Salisbury; d. 1471, Wm., 1st là. Bonvill; d. 1460. EDWARD IV. 1461. Geo., D. of Clarence; d. 1477. 1461 (about). Ferd. II., K. of Naples; d. 1496. Fras. Sforza, D. of Milan; d. 1466. s Jas., E. of Douglas; d. 1488. John, 5th lä. Scrope of Bolton; d. 1494. Gaillard de l)urefort, Duras; d. —. Sir Wm. Chamberlayne, d. —. Sir Robt. Harcourt, d. 1470. 1462 (before Mar. 1). John, 1st E. of Worcester; d. 1470. Wm., ld. Hastings; d. 1483. John, ld. Montague, aft. E. of Northumberland and M. of Montague; d. 1471. Wm., 1st là. Herbert, aft, E. of Pembroke ; d. 1469. Sir John Astley, d. —. Richd., D. of Gloucester, aft. R. Richd. III., before Feb. 4; d. 1485. Anthy., ld, Scales and Nucells, aft. E. Rivers; about Apr. ; d. 1483. Inigo D'Avalos, count de Monte Odorisio, about Apr. ; d. —. 1469 (about). Chas., D. of Burgundy; ld. of 1466. 1467. d. 1477. 1472 (before). Wm., 11th E. of Arun- del; d. 1487. 1472, John, ld. Howard, aft. D. of Norfolk; d. 1485. John, 1st E. of Wiltshire; d. 1473. Walter, 6th lá. Ferrers of Chart- ley; d. 1485. Walter, ld. Montjoy; d. 1474, John, 4th D. of Norfolk; d. 1475. Apr. 23. 1472 (about). John, folk; d. 1491. 1474, Hy., 2nd D. of Buckingham; d. Feb. 26. 1485. - * Thos., ld. Maltravers, aft. E. of Arundel; d. 1524. Sir Wm. Parr, of Kendal; d. —. 3rd D. of Suf- 1474, Fredk., D. of Urbino; d. 1482. Aug. 18. Hy. , 4th E. of Northumberland; d. 1489. 1475, Edwd., Pr. of Wales, aft. Edwd. May 15. V. ; d. 1483. Richd., D. of York; d. 1483. 1476. Thos., 1st M. of Dorset; degr. 1483; rest. 1485; d. 1501. 1477. Sir Thos. Montgomery, Apr. ; 1480, Ferdinand W., K, of Castile and Feb. 10. Leon, aft. K. of Spain; d. 1516. Hercules d'Esté, D. of Ferrara ; d. 1505. 1482. John II., K. of Portugal, Sept. 15; re-elect. 1488; d. 1495. *Richd., ld. Mountgryson, in Apulia. EDWARD V. No creations. RICHARD III. 1483 (before June). Thos., E. of Surrey, aft. D. of Norfolk; d. 1524. Fras., 9th la. and 1st visc. Lovell; d. 1487. Sir Richd. Ratcliffe, d. 1485. Between June 1483 and Aug. 1485– Sir Thos. Burgh, aft. li. Burgh; d. 1496. Thos. la. Stanley, aft. E. of Derby; d. 1504. Sir Richd. Tunstall, d. —. Sir John Conyers, d. 1490. HENRY WII. Between Aug. 1485 and May 1486– John, 13th E. of Oxford; d. 1513. John, 1st visc. Welles; d. 1498. John, 1st là. Dynham, or Der- ham; d. 1509. Sir Giles D'Aubeney, aft. li. D. ; d. 1507. Between Aug. 1485 and 1487— Sir Wm. Stanley, d. 1494. Sir John Cheney, d. 1495. 1847 (before Apr.). Geo., 3rd ld. Strange; d. 1497. * This name is not included in Sir Harris Nicolas's list, and is doubtful, or more than doubtful. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 737 1487 (before Apr.). Sir Edwd. Wyde- ville, c.c.ld. Wydeville; d.1488. Geo., 4th E. of Shrewsbury, Apr. 27 ; d. 1541. Sir John Savage, Nov. 10; d. 1492. Maximilian, K. of the Romans, aft. Emp. of Germany, Oct. ; re-elect. 1502; d. 1519. Arthur, Pr. of Wales, Apr. 8; d. 1502. Alphonso II., D. of Calabria and Naples, K. of Sicily and Jerusalem, Mar.; d. 1495. 1494 (before). Edwd., 7th E. of Devon- shire; d. 1509. Robt., ld. Brook, or Willoughby de Broke ; d. 1503. Sir Edwd. Poynings, d. 1521. John, K. of Denmark; d. 1513. Hy., D. of York, aft. Pr. of Wales and Hen. VIII. ; d. 1547. Between Apr. 1494 and Apr. 1499– Edmd., 3rd D. of Buckingham ; 1488. 1489. 1491. 1493. d. 1521. Hy., 5th E. of Northumberland ; d. 1427. Edmd., 6th E. of Suffolk; d. 1513. Hy., 2nd E. of Essex; d. 1539. Sir Chas. Somerset, aft. li. Her- bert and E. of Worcester; d. 1526. Sir Gilbert Talbot, of Grafton; d. 1516. 1499. Sir Richd. Pole, Apr. 23; d. —. 1503 (before May). Philip I., Archd. of Austria, &c., aft. K. of Cas- tile; d. 1506. Thos., 2nd M. of Dorset ; d. 1530. Sir Regd. Bray, d. 1503. Sir Thos. Lovell, d. 1524. Sir Richd. Guildford, d. —. 1504 (before Feb. 20). Guido Ubaldo, D. of Urbino; d. 1508. 1504 (before May). Gerald, 8th E. of IKildare; d. 1513. 1505 (before May). Hy., ld. Stafford, aft. E. of Wiltshire; d. 1523. Richd., 3rd E. of Kent, Apr. 22; d. 1523. 1506 (before May 23). Thomas; d. —. Sir Thos. Brandon, May 10; d. —. 1508. Chas., Archd. of Austria, Pr. of Spain, aft. Emp. Chas. W. of Germany, Dec. 20; d. 1558. HENRY VIII. 1509, Thos., ld. Darcy; d. 1538. May 18. Edwd., 5th lä. Dudley; d. 1530. 1510, Emanuel, K. of Portugal; d. 1505. Sir Rys Ap 1507. Apr. 23. 1521. 1510, Apr. 23. 1513, Apr. 23. 1514, Apr. 23. 1518, Apr. 24. 1523. 1524, Apr. 23. 1525, Apr. 23. 1525, June 7. Thos., ld. Howard and E. of Surrey, aft. 8th D. of Norfolk; d. 1552. Thos., ld. De la Warr; d. 1525. Sir Hy. Marney, aft. la. Marney; d. 1524 Geo., 3rd lá. Abergavenny; d. 1535. Sir Edw. Howard, d. 1513. Sir Chas. Brandon, aft. D. of Suffolk; d. 1545. Julian de Medicis, D. of Nemours; d. 1516. Edwd., 1st là. Monteagle; d. 1523. Thos., 2nd lå. Dacre of Gilles- land ; d. 1525. Sir Wm. Sandys, aft. la. Sandys ; d. 1542. Hy., 8th E. of Devonshire, aft. M. of Exeter, Apr. 24; d. 1539. Ferdinand, Pr. and Infant of Spain, Archd. of Austria, aft. Emp. Ferdinand I. of Ger- many, Apr. 23; d. 1564. Sir Richd, Wingfield; d. abt. 1525. Sir Thos. Bullen, or Boleyn, aft. visc. Rochford and E. of Wilt- shire and Ormond, May 10; d. 1538. - Walter, 3rd ld. Ferrers, aft. visc. Hereford, July 13; d. 1558. Arth. Plantagenet, visc. Lisle, nat. son of Edwd. IV. ; d. 1541. Robt., visc. Fitzwalter, aft. E. of Sussex; d. 1542. Wm., E. of Arundel ; d. 1543. Thos., ld. Roos, aft. E. of Rut- land ; d. 1543. Hy. Fitzroy, nat. son of Hen. VIII. ; aft. E. of Nottingham and D. of Richmond and Somer- set ; d. 1536. Ralph, 4th E. of Westmoreland; d. 1549. Wm., 4th lä. Montjoy; d. 1535. Sir Wrm. Fitzwilliam, aft. E. of Southampton; d. 1543. Sir Hy. Guildford; d. —. Fras. I., K. of France; d. 1547. John, 15th E. of Oxford; d. 1539. Hy., E. of Northumberland, Apr. 23; d. 1537. Anne, count de Beaumont and D. de Montmorency; d. 1567. Philip Chabot, E. of Newblanc. Jas. W., K. of Scotland, Jan. 20; d. 1542. Sir Nichs. Carew, Apr. 23; d. 1539. Hy., E. of Cumberland, Apr. 23; d. 1542. 47 738 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1537. 1539, Apr. 24. 1540, Apr. 23. 1541. 1541, Apr. 23. 1543, Apr. 23. 1543. 1544, Apr. 24. 1545, Apr. 23. 1547, Feb. 17. 1549, Apr. 24. 1549, Dec. 1. 1551, Apr. 24 1551. 1552, Apr. 24. 1554, Apr. 24. Thos., ld. Cromwell, aft. E. of Essex, Aug. 5; d. 1540. John, 1st là. Russell, aft. E. of Bedford, d. 1554. Sir Thos. Cheney, d. 1558. Sir Wm. Kingston, d. 1541. Thos., ld. Audley of Walden; d. 1544. Sir Anthy. Browne, d. 1548. Edwd., 1st E. of Hertford, aft. D. of Somerset, Jan. 9; d. 1552. Hy. Howard, c. c. E. of Surrey; d. 1546. Sir John Gage, d. 1556. Sir Anthy. Wingfield. John, visc. Lisle, aft. E. of War- wick and D. of Northumber- land; d. 1553, Wrm., ld, St. John of Basing, aft. E. of Wiltshire and M. of Win- chester; d. 1572. Wm., ld. Parr of Kendal, aft E. of Essex and M. of Northamp- ton ; d. 1571. Sir John Wallop, Dec. 24; d. 1551. Hy., E. of Arundel; d. 1579. Sir Anthy. St. Leger, d —. Fras., E. of Shrewsbury; d. 1560. Thos., ld Wriothesley, aft. E. of Southampton; d. 1550. EDWARD VI. Hy., 3rd M. of Dorset, aft. D. of Suffolk; d. 1554. Edwd., 3rd E. of Derby; d. 1574. Thos., ld. Seymour of Sudley; d. 1549. Sir Wm. Paget, aft. li. Paget; d. 1563. Fras., 2nd E. of Huntingdom ; d. 1560. Geo., 4th lä. Cobham ; d. 1558. Thos., ld. De la Warr; d. 1554. Sir Wm. Herbert, aft. li. Her- bert of Cardiff and E. of Pem- broke; d. 1559. Hy. II., K. of France; d. 1559. . Edwd., 8th lä. Clinton, aft. E. of Lincoln; d. 1585. Thos., ld. Darcy of Chiche, Sept. 28; d. 1558. Hy. , 5th E. of Westmoreland; d. 1563. Sir Andr. Dudley, d. —. MARY. Pr. Philip, aft. Philip II., K. of Spain, consort of Q. Mary; d. 1598. Hy., 2nd E. of Sussex; d. 1556. 1554. Emanuel Philibert, D. of Savoy, 1555, Apr. 23. 1557, Apr. ; 1559, Apr. 24. 1561, Apr. 22. 1563, Apr. 22. 1564, Apr. 23. 1574, Apr. 24. 1575, Apr. 23. 1578, Apr. 24. 1579. 1584, Apr. 23. 23. Aug. 6; d. 1580. Wm., ld. Howard of Effingham, Oct. 9; d. 1573. Anthy., 1st visc. Montagu : d. 1592. Sir Edwd. Hastings, aft. lil. Hastings of Loughborough ; d. 1558. Thos., 3rd E. of Sussex; d. 1583. Wm., 13th lä. Grey of Wilton; d. 1562. Sir Robt. Rochester, d. Nov. 28, 1557. ELIZABETH. Thos., D. of Norfolk; d. 1572. Hy., 2nd E. of Rutland; d. 1563. Sir Robt. Dudley, aft. E. of Leicester ; d. 1588. Adolphus, D. of Holstein, June 10; d. 1586. E. of Shrewsbury; d. 1590. Hy., 1st là. Hunsdon ; d. 1596. Thos., E. of Northumberland; d. 1572. Ambrose, E. of Warwick; d. 1589. Chas. IX., K. of France; d. 1574. Fras., 2nd E. of Bedford; d. 1585. Sir Hy. Sydney, d. 1586. Maximilian II., Emp. of Ger- many, April 23; d. 1576. Hy., 3rd E. of Huntingdon ; d. 1595. Wm., 3rd E. of Worcester; d. 1589. Fras., D. de Montmorency; d. 1579. Walter., 2nd visc. Hereford, aft. E. of Essex; d. 1576. Wm., 1st là. Burleigh ; d. 1598. Arthr., ld, Grey of Wilton; d. 1593. Edmd., 2nd ld. Chandos; d. 1573. Hy., 4th E. of Derby; d. 1592. Hy., 2nd E. of Pembroke; d. 1601. Hy. III., K. 1589. Chas., 2nd lå. Howard of Effing- ham, aft. E. of Nottingham ; d. 1624. Rodolph II., Emp. of Germany; d. 1612. Fredk. II., K. of Denmark; d. 1588. John Casimir, Ct. Palatine of the Rhine, &c., Feb. 8 ; d. 1592. Edwd., E. of Rutland; d. 1587. Wm., 5th ld. Cobham; d. 1596. of France ; d. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 739 1584, Apr. 23. 1588, Apr. 24. 1589, Apr. 24. 1590, Apr. 24. 1592, Apr. 23. 1593, Apr. 1593. 1597, Apr. 23. 1599, Apr. 1601, Apr. 1603, June 14. 1603, June 25. 1605, Apr. 24. 1606, Apr. 1608, Apr. 1611, Apr. 23. 23. 23. 23. 24. 23. Hy., 9th lä. Scrope of Bolton; d. 1592. Robt., 2nd E. of Essex; d. 1600. Thos., E. of Ormond; d. 1614. Sir Christr. Hatton, d. 1591. Hy., 4th E. of Sussex; d. 1593. Thos., 1st là. Buckhurst, aft. E. of Dorset ; d. 1608. Hy. IV., K. of France ; d. 1610. Jas. VI., K. of Scotland, aft. K. Jas. I. of England; d. 1625. Gilbert, E. of Shrewsbury; d. 1616. Geo., E. of Cumberland; d. 1605. Hy., E. of Northumberland; d. 1632. Edwd., 4th E. of Worcester; d. 1628. Thos., ld, Borough, or Burgh ; d. 1597. Edmd., 3rd ld. Sheffield, aft. E. of Mulgrave; d. 1646. Sir Fras. Knollys, June 25 ; d. 1596. Fredk., D. of Wurtemberg ; d. 1608. Thos., ld. Howard of Walden, aft. E. of Suffolk; d. 1626. Geo., 2nd ló. Hunsdon ; d. 1603. Chas., 8th lá. Mountjoy, aft. E. of Devonshire ; d. 1606. Sir Hy. Lee, d. 1611. Robt., 5th E. of Sussex; d. 1629. Hy., 8th lä. Cobham ; d. 1619. Thos., 10th lä. Scrope of Bolton ; d. 1612. Wm., 6th E. of Derby; d. 1642. Thos., 2nd lá. Burleigh, aft. E. of Exeter; d. 1622. JAMES T. Hy. Fredk., aft. Pr. of Wales; d. 1612. Christian IV., K. of Denmark; d. 1648. Ludwick, D. of Lenox, aft. E. and D. of Richmond; d. 1624, Hy., 3rd E. of Southampton ; d. 1624. John, E. of Mar; d. 1634. Wm., 3rd E. of Pembroke; d. 1630. Ulrick, D. of Holstein ; d. 1624. Hy. , 1st E. of Northampton; d. 1614. Robt., 1st E. of Salisbury; d. 1612. Thos., d. 1582. Geo., 1st E. of Dunbar; d. 1611. Philip, 1st E. of Montgomery, aft. E. of Pembroke; d. 1650. Thos., E. of Arundel, aft. E. of Norfolk; d. 1646. 3rd visc. Bindon; * 1611, Apr. 23. I611. 1612, Dec. 19. 1615, Apr. 24. 1616, Apr. 24. 1616. 1623. 1624. 1624, Dec. 31. 1625, May 15. 1625. 1627, Apr. 24. 1628. 1630, Apr. 1630. 1633, Apr. 18. 1633, Nov. 7. 1635. 18. Robt., 1st visc. Rochester, aft. E. of Somerset ; d. 1645. Chas., D. of York, aft. Chas. I., Apr. 24; d. 1649. Fredk., Ct. Palatine of the Rhine, aft. K. of Bohemia, son- in-law of Jas. I. ; d. 1632. Maurice de Nassau, Pr. Orange ; d. 1625. Thos., visc. Fenton, aft, E. of Rellie; d. 1639. Wm., 1st là. Knollys, aft. E. of Banbury; d. 1632. Fras., 6th E. of Rutland; 1632. Sir Geo. Williers, aft. E., M., and D. of Buckingham ; d. 1629. Robt., Wisc. Lisle, aft. E. Leicester, May 26; d. 1677. Jas., 2nd M. of Hamilton and 1st of (l. of E. of Cambridge, Feb. 2; d. 1624. Esmé, D. of Lenox and E. of March, Apr. 22 ; d. 1624. Christian, D. of Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel; d. 1626. Wm., 2nd E. of Salisbury; d. of Carlisle; d. CHARLES I. Edwd., 4th E. 1652. Hy., 1st E. of Holland; d. 1649. Thos.. 1st visc. Andover, aft. E. of Berkshire; d. 1699. Claude de Loraine, D. of Chev- reuse, July 4, d. 1657. Gustavus Adolphus, Sweden ; d. 1632. Fredk. Hy. of Nassau, Pr. of Orange ; d. 1647. Theoph., E. of Suffolk; d. 1640. Wm., 1st E. of Northampton, Sept. 25 ; d. 1630. Richd., ld. Weston, aft. E. Portland; d. 1634. Robt., 1st E. of Lindsey; d. 1642. Wm., 2nd E. 1640. Jas., 3rd M. of Hamilton and 2nd E. of Cambridge, aft. D. of Hamilton, Oct. 5; d. 1648. Chas. Louis, Ct. Palatine of the Rhine and D. of Bavaria ; d. 1680. Jas., D. of Lenox, aft. E. of March and D. of Richmond; d. 1655. Hy., E. of Danby; d. 1643. Wm., E, of Morton; d. 1648. Algernon, E. of Northumber- land, Apr. 23; d. 1668. of Dorset; d. K. of of of Exeter; d. 47 s 740 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1638. 1640. 1642, Apr. 20. 1645, Mar. 2. 1649, Sept. 18. 1650, Jan. 1658. 1660. 1661, Apr. 1. 1662. Chas., Pr. of Wales, aft. Chas. II., May 20; d. 1688. Thos., 1st E. of Strafford, Sept. 12; d. 1641. Jas., D. of York, aft. James II. ; d. 1710. Pr. Rupert, Ct. Palatine of the Rhine, &c., aft. D. of Cumber- land ; d. 1682. William II. of Nassau, Pr. of Orange ; d. 1660. Bernard de Nogaret de Foix, D. d'Espernon, &c.; d. 1661. CHARLES II, Pr. Maurice, Ct. Palatine of the Rhine; d. 1654. Jas., 1st M. of Ormond, aft. D. of Ormond; d. 1688. Pr. Edwd., Ct. Palatine of the Rhine ; d. 1663. Geo., 2nd D. of Buckingham ; d. 1687. Wm., M. of Hertford, aft D. of Somerset ; d. 1660. Wm., 2nd D. of Hamilton and 3rd E. of Cambridge ; d. 1651. Thos., 4th E. of Southampton; d. 1667. Wm., 1st M., aft. 1st D. of New- castle ; d. 1676. Jas., M. of Montrose ; d. 1650. Jas., 7th E. of Derby ; d. 1651. Geo., 2nd E. of Bristol, Jan. ; d. 1697. Hy., D. of Gloucester; d. 1669. Hy. Chas. de la Tremouille, Pr. of Tarente ; d. 1672. William III. of Nassau, Pr. of Orange, aft. K. William III. of England, Apr. 25 ; d. 1702. Fredk. Wm., Margrave and Elector of Brandenburg, D. of Prussia, Jan. 23; d. 1688. Jno. Gaspar Ferd. de Marchin, Count de Graville, &c., Feb 26; d. —. Geo., 1st D. of Albemarle, May 26; d. 1670. Edwd. Montagu, aft. 1st E. of Sandwich, May 27; d. 1672. Aubrey, E. of Oxford, May 31; d. 1702. Chas., 4th D. of Richmond and Lenox ; d. 1672. Montague, 2nd E. of Lindsey ; d. 1666. Edwd., E. 1671. Wm., 2nd E. of Strafford; d. 1695. Christian, Pr. of Denmark, aft. R. Christian V., Nov. 6; d. 1 (399. of Manchester; d. 1663. 1666. 1668, June 19. 1670. 1672. 1672, May 29. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1677. 1680, Aug. 31. 1680. 1681. 1684. 1684, Jan. 10, 1685. 1687. 1688, Sept. 28. Jas., D. of Monmouth and Buc- cleuch, Mar. 28; d. 1685. Jas... D. of Cambridge, Dec. 3; d. 1667. Charles XI., K. of Sweden; d. 1697. Jno. George II., Saxony; d. 1680. Christr., 2nd D. of Albemarle, Feb. 4; d. 1688. Jno., 2nd E., aft. D. of Lauder- dale, Apr. 18; d. 1682. Hy. , 3rd M. of Worcester, aft. D. of Beaufort ; d. 1699. Hy., 1st E. of St. Albans; d. 1683, Wm., 5th E. aft. 1st D. of Bed- ford; d. 1700. Hy., 1st E. of Arlington, June 15; d. 1685. Thos. Butler, c.c. E. of Ossory, Sept. 30; d. 1680. Chas. Fitzroy, c.c. E. of South- ampton, aft. D. of South- ampton and Cleveland, Apr. 1; d. 1730. Jno., 3rd E. of Mulgrave, aft. D. of Buckingham, Apr. 23; d. 1720. Hy., D. of Newcastle, Feb. 17; d. 1691. Thos., E. of Danby, aft. M. of Carmarthen and D. of Leeds, Apr. 19; d. 1712. Hy., 1st D. of Grafton; d. 1690. Jas., 3rd E. of Salisbury; d. 1683. Charles II., Ct. Palatine of the Rhine and D. of Bavaria, Sept. 15; d. 1685. Chas., 1st D. of Richmond and Lenox, Apr. 7; d. 1723. Geo., Pr. of Denmark, aft. D. of Cumberland, Consort of Q. Anne, Jan. 1; d. 1708. Chas., D. of Somerset ; d. 1748. Geo., D. of Northumberland; d. 1716. Elector of JAMES II. Hy., D. of Norfolk, May 6; d. 1701. Hy., 2nd E. of Peterborough, June 18; d. 1697. Lawrence, 1st E. of Rochester, June 29; d. 1711. Louis, 1st E. of Feversham, June 30; d. 1709. Robt., E. of Sunderland, Apr. 26; d. 1702. Jas., D. of Berwick, nat. son of James II. His election de- clared void, Jan. 1, 1690. Jas., 2nd D. of Ormond ; 1715. d. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 741. 1689. 1690. 1692, Feb. 2. 1694. 1696. 1697. 1698. 1700, May 14, 1701, June 18. 1702, Mar. 14. WILLIAM III. Fredk., 1st D. of Schomberg, Apr. 3; d. 1690. Wm., 4th E., aft. 1st D. of Devonshire, May 14; d. 1707. Frederick III., Elect. of Branden- burg, aft. K. Frederick I. of Prussia; d. 1712. Geo. Wm., D. of Brunswick and Lunenburg Zell, c.c. D. of Zell, Dec. 30; d. —. º George IV., D. of Saxony; Chas., E. of Dorset and 1st E. of Middlesex; d. 1706. Chas., 1st D. of Shrewsbury, Apr. 25 ; d. 1718. Pr. Wm., c.c. D. of Gloucester, Son of Q. Anne, Jan. 6; d. 1700. Wm., 1st E. of Portland, Feb. 19; d. 1709. Jno., D. of Newcastle, May 30; d. 1711. - Thos., 8th E. of Pembroke and 5th E. of Montgomery; d. 1733. Arnold Joost, 1st E. of Albe- marle ; d. 1718. Geo. Lewis, Elect. of Hanover, &c., aft. K. Geo. I. of Eng- land; d. 1727. Jas., 2nd D. of Queensberry and D. of Dover ; d. 1711. ANNE. Wriothesley, 2nd D. of Bedford; d. 1711. Jno., E., aft. 1st D. of Marl- borough ; d. 1722. 1703. Meinhardt, 3rd D. of Schomberg 1704. 1706. 1710, Mar. 22. 1712, Oct. 25. 1712. 1713. and 1st D. of Leinster, Aug. 12; d. 1719. Sidney, 1st là., aft. 1st E. of Godolphin, July 6; d. 1712. Geo. Augs., Electoral Pr. of Hanover, &c., aft. K. Geo. II. of England, Apr. 4; d. 1760. Wm., 2nd D. of Devonshire; d. 1729. Jno., D. of Argyle, and E., aft. D., of Greenwich; d. 1743. Jas., 4th D. of Hamilton and 1st D. of Brandon; d. Nov. 15, 1712. Hy., D. of Kent; d. 1740. Jno., 1st E. Poulett ; d. 1743. Robt., 1st E. of Oxford and E. Mortimer; d. 1724. Thos., 3rd E. of Strafford; d. 1739. Hy., 2nd D. of Beaufort, Oct. 26; d. 1714. Chas., 3rd E. of Peterborough and 1st E. of Monmouth, Aug. 3; d. 1735. 1714, Oct. 16. 1716, July 3. 1718, Mar. 31. 1719. 1721, Mar. 27. 1722, Oct. 10. 1724, July 9. 1726, May 26. 1730, May 18. 1733, June 12. 1738, Feb. 20. 1741, Mar. 20. GEORGE I. Chas., 2nd D. of Bolton ; d. 1722. Jno., 2nd D. of Rutland; d. 1721 of Dorset and Middlesex; d. 1763. Chas., 1st E. of Halifax; d. 1715. Pr. Fredk. Lewis, aft. D. of Gloucester, D. of Edinburgh, and Pr. of Wales; d. 1751. Ernest Augs., bp. of Osnaburg and D. of York; d. 1728. Chas., 1st D. of St. Albans ; d. 1720. Jno., 2nd D. of Montagu ; d. 1749. Thos. Holles, D. of Newcastle; d. 1768. Jas., 3rd E. of Berkeley; d. 1736. Evelyn, 1st D. of Kingston, Apr. 29; d. 1726. Chas., E. of Sunderland, Nov. 21; d. 1722. Chas., 2nd D. of Grafton; d. 1723. Hy., E. of Lincoln ; d. 1728. Chas., 3rd D. of Bolton; d. 1754. Jno., 3rd D. of Rutland; d. 1779. Jno., 1st D. of Roxburghe; d. 1741. E. of Scarborough ; d. 1740. Chas., 2nd visc. Townshend ; d. 1738. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lenox ; d. 1750. Sir Robt. Walpole, aft. E. of Or- ford; d. 1745. GEORGE II. Wm. Augs., D. of Cumberland; d. 1765. Philip Dormer, E. of Chester- field; d. 1751. Richd., E. of Burlington and Cork ; d. 1735. Wm. Chas. Hy. Friso, Pr. of Orange ; d. 1751. Wrm., 3rd D. of Devonshire; d. 1755. - Spencer, E. of Wilmington; d. 1743. Wm., 3rd E. of Essex; d. 1743. 1st E. Waldegrave; d. grave, of Hesse Cassel ; d. 1785. Chas., 2nd D. of St. Albans ; d. 1751. Chas., D. of Marlborough ; d. 1758. 742 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1741, Mar. 20. 1745. 1749, June 22. 1749, June 22. 1752, Mar. 13. 1752. 1756, Nov. 18. 1757. 1759. 1760. 1762, May 27. 1764, Apr. 23. 1765, Dec. 26. 1767. 1768. Geo., D. 1771. Evelyn, 2nd D, of Kingston; d. 1773. Wm., 2nd D. of Portland; d. 1762. Frederick III., D. of Saxe Gotha, May 2; d. 1772. John Adolph, D. of Saxe Weissen- fels, Apr. 24; d. 1746. Pr. Geo. Wm. Fredk., aft. Pr. of Wales and Geo. III. ; d. 1820. Chas. Wm. Fredk., Margrave of Brandenburg - Anspach ; d. 1757. Thos., 4th D. of Leeds; d. 1789. Jno., 4th D. of Bedford; d. 1771. Wm. Anne, E. of Albemarle ; d. 1754. Jno., 1st E. Granville; d. 1763. Pr. Edwd. Augs., aft. D. of York, bro. to Geo. III. ; d. 1767. Wm. V., Pr. of Orange; d. 1806. Daniel, E. of Winchelsea and Nottingham ; d. 1769. Geo., 4th E. of Cardigan, aft. D. of Montague ; d. 1790. Hy., 9th E. of Lincoln, aft. D. of Newcastle, June 4; d. 1794. Wm., 4th D. of Devonshire; d. 1764. Hy., E. of Carlisle; d. 1758. Hugh, E., aft. D., of Northumber- land ; d. 1786. Fras. Seymour, E., aft. M., of Hertford; d. 1794. Jas., E. Waldegrave, June 30; d. 1763. Pr. Ferdinand of Brunswick, Aug. 16; d. 1792. Chas. Watson, 2nd M. of Rock- ingham, Feb. 4; d. 1782. Richd., 1st E. Temple, May 6; d. 1779. GEORGE III. Pr. Wm. Hy., bro. to Geo. III., D. of Gloucester and Edin- burgh; d. 1805. Jno., E. of Bute ; d. 1792. Adolphus Frederick IV., D. of Mecklenburg-Strelitz; d. 1794. Geo., 5th E. of Halifax; d. 1772. Geo. Augs., Pr. of Wales, aft. George IV. ; d. 1830. Chas. Wm. Ferd., hered. Pr. of Brunswick-Wolffenbuttel ; d. 1806. Geo., 3rd E. of Albemarle; d. 1772. Pr. Hy. Fredk., D. of Cumber- land and Strathern, Dec. 21; d. 1790. of Marlborough, Dec. 12; d. 1817. Pr. Fredk., bp. of Osnaburgh, aft. D. of York and Albany, July 25; d. 1827. 1771. 1769. 1772. 1778, June 3. 1782, Apr. 19. 1782. 1786, June 2. 1788, Apr. 9. 1790, Dec. 15. 1793, June 14. 1794. Granville Leveson, E. Gower, aft. 1st M. of Stafford, Feb. 11; d. 1803. Augs. Hy., 3rd D. of Grafton, Sept. 29; d. 1811. Sir Fredk. North, c.c. lá. North, aft. E. of Guilford, June 18; d. 1792. Hy., E. of Suffolk and Berk- shire; d. 1779. Wm. Hy., 5th E. of Rochford; d. 1781. Thos., visc. Weymouth, aft. 1st M. of Bath; d. 1796. Pr. Wm. Hy., aft. D. of Clarence and William IV. ; d. 1830. Chas. , 7th D. of Richmond and Lenox; d. 1806. Wm., 5th D. of Devonshire; d. 1811. Wm., 2nd E. of Shelburne, aft. 1st M. of Lansdowne; d. 1805. Chas., 4th D. of Rutland, Oct. 3; d. 1787. Pr. Edwd., aft. D. of Kent; d. 1820. Pr. Ernest Augs., aft. D. of Cumberland and K. of Han- over; d. 1851. Pr. Augs. Fredk., aft. D. of Sussex; d. 1843. Pr. Adolphus Fredk., aft. D. of Cambridge; d. 1850. Wm. Geo., Landgrave of Hesse- Cassel ; d. 1821. Hy. , 5th D. of Beaufort ; d. 1803. Geo. Nugent Temple, M. of Buckingham; d. 1813. Chas., E., aft. 1st M. Corn- wallis; d. 1805. Jno. Fredk., D. of Dorset; d. 1799. t Hugh, D. of Northumberland; d. 1817. Ernest Lewis Fredk., Saxe-Gotha ; d. 1800. Fras. Godolphin, 5th D. of Leeds; d. 1799. Jno., 2nd E. of Chatham ; d. 1835. Jas., 1st M. of Salisbury; d. 1823. Jno., 10th E. of Westmorland; d. 1841. Fredk., E. of Carlisle; d. 1825. Hy., 3rd D. of Buccleuch and 5th D. of Queensberry, May 28; d. 1812. Pr. Wm. Fredk., aft. D. of Gloucester, July 16; d. 1834. Wm. Hy., 3rd D. of Portland, July; d. 1809. D. of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 743 1797, Richd., E. Howe; d. 1799. June. Jno. Jeffries, 2nd E., aft. 1st M. Camden ; d. 1840. Geo. Jno., 2nd E. Spencer; d. 1834. 1801. Jno., 3rd D. of Roxburghe, May 29; d. 1804. 1803, Jno. Hy., 5th D. of Rutland; d. Nov. 25, 1857. Philip, E. of Hardwicke; d. 1834. 1805, Hy. Chas., 6th D. of Beaufort; Jan. 17. d. 1835. Jno. Jas., 9th M. of Abercorn; d. 1818. - Geo. Augs., E. of Pembroke and Montgomery; d. 1827. Geo., 8th E. of Winchelsea and 4th E. of Nottingham; d. 1826. Philip, E. of Chesterfield; d. 1813. 1805. Geo., E. of Dartmouth, May 27 ; d. 1810. 1806. Jno., D. of Bedford; d. 1839. Geo. Granville, 2nd M. of Staf- ford, aft. 1st D. of Sutherland, Mar. 22; d. 1833. 1807, Fras., M. of Hertford; d. 1822. July 18. Wm., E. of Lonsdale ; d. 1844. 1810. Richd. Colley, Marq. Wellesley, Mar. 3; d. 1842. Chas., D. of Richmond and Lennox; d. 1819. Jas., 3rd D. of Montrose; d. 1836. Fras., E. of Moira, aft. M. of Hastings, June 12 ; d. 1824. Hy. Pelham, 4th D. of New- castle, June 19 ; d. 1851. Arthur, M., aft. D. of Welling- ton, Mar. 4; d. 1852. Alexander I., Emp. of Russia, July 13; d. 1825. Louis XVIII., K. of France, Apr. 21; d. 1824. Francis I., Emp. of Austria (form. Francis II., Emp. of Germany); d. 1835. Fredk. William III., K. of Prussia ; d. 1840. Robt. Banks, 2nd E. of Liver- pool; d. 1828. Sir Robt. Stewart, c.c. visc. Castlereagh, aft. 2nd M. of Londonderry, June 9 ; d. 1822. Ferdinand VII., K. of Spain, Aug. 10; d. 1833. Wm. Fredk., Pr. of Orange, aft. R. William I. of the Nether- lands, Aug. 22 ; d. 1843. Pr. Leopold, &c., of Coburg, aft. K. of the Belgians, May 23; d. 1865. Hy., E. Bathurst, July 24; d. 1834. 1812, Mar. 26. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1814, June 9. 1814. 1816. 1817. 1818. Hy. Wm., 1st M. of Anglesey, Feb. 19 ; d. 1854. 1819. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, Nov. 25; d. 1847. GEORGE IV. 1820. Richd., 2nd M., aft. 1st D. of Buckingham, June 7; d. 1839. Frederick VI., K. of Denmark; d. 1839. John VI., K. of Portugal; d. 1826. Geo. Jas., M. of Cholmondeley, July 22; d. 1827. Fras. Chas., M. of Hertford, Nov. 22; d. 1842. Thos., 2nd M. of Bath, July 16; d. 1837. Charles X., K. of France, June 7; d. 1836. Chas., 5th D. of Dorset, Jan. 30; d. 1843. Nichs. I., Emp. of Russia, Mar. 16; d. 1855. Geo. Wm. Fredk., 6th D. of Leeds; d. 1838. Wm. Spencer, 6th D. of Devon- shire; d. 1858. Brownlow, 2nd M. of Exeter; d. 1867. - Chas., D. of Richmond and Len- mox, May 13; d. 1860. Geo., E. of Ashburnham, June 22; d. 1830. 1822, Feb. 13. 1822. I829. WILLIAM IV. 1830, Bernard, D. of Saxe-Meiningen ; July 26. , -, Wm. I., K. of Wurtemberg; d. 1864. Chas., 2nd E. Grey, May 27; d. 1845. Augs. Louis Wm. Max. Fredk., D. of Brunswick, June 20; d. 1884. Bernard Edwd., D. of Norfolk, Aug. 13; d. 1842. Geo. Hy., 4th D. of Grafton, Dec. 20; d. 1844. 1835. Walter Fras., 5th D. of Buc- cleugh, and 7th D. of Queens- berry, Feb. 23; d. 1884. Pr. Geo. Fredk., &c., of Cum- berland, Crown Pr. of Hanover, aft. D. of Cumberland and K. of Hanover, Aug. 15 ; d. 1878. Pr. Geo. of Cambridge, aft. D. of Cambridge, Aug. 15. Alexr., 10th D. of Hamilton and 7th D. of Brandon ; d. 1852. Hy., 3rd M. of Lansdowne; d. 1863. Geo., 6th E. of Carlisle, Mar. 17; d. 1848. Edwd. A dolphus, 11th D. of Somerset, Apr. 19 ; d. 1855. 1831. 1834. 1836, Feb. 5. 1837. 744 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1837. 1838. 1839, Apr. 17. 1839. 1841, Mar. 11. 1842. 1842, Apr. 11. 1844. 1844, Dec. 12. 1846, Jan. 19. 1847. 1848. 1849, Mar. 23. 1851. 1853, Jan. 19. 1855, Feb. 7. VICTORIA. Chas. Wm. Fredk. Emicon, Pr. of Leiningen, July 14; d. —. Ernest Anthy. Chas. Lewis, reigning D. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, July 16; d. 1844. Wm. Hy., 1st D. of Cleveland; d. 1842. Edwd. Smith, 13th E. of Derby; d. 1851. Fras. Albert Augs. Chas. Em- manuel, Pr. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, aft. consort of Q. Victoria, Dec. 16; d. 1861. Geo. Granville, 2nd D. of Suther- land; d. 1861. Robt., 2nd E. and 1st M. of West- minster; d. 1845. Fredk. William IV., R. of Prussia, Jan. 25 ; d. 1861. Fredk. Augustus Saxony; d. 1854. Hy., 7th E). of Beaufort ; d. 1853. Richd. Plantgt. &c., 2nd D. of Buckingham and Chandos; d. 1861. Jas. Brownlow Wm., 2nd M. of Salisbury; d. 1868. Hy., 2nd D. of Cleveland; 1864. Louis Philippe, K. of the French, Oct. 11; d. 1850. Ernest II., D. of Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha. Thos. Philip, E. de Grey; d. 1859. Jas., 2nd M. and 1st D. of Aber- corn; d. 1885. Chas., 2nd E. Talbot; d. 1849. Edwd., 2nd E. of Powis; d. 1848. Geo. Chas., 2nd M. of Camden; d. 1866. Richd., M. of Hertford; d. 1870. Fras. , 7th D. of Bedford, Mar. 26; d. 1861. Hy. Chas., D. of Norfolk, May 11; d. 1856. Geo. Wrm. Fredk., 4th E. Clarendon; d. 1870. Fredk., 4th E. Spencer; d. 1857. Constantine Hy., 1st M. of Nor- manby, Feb. 19 ; d. 1863. Chas. Wm., 5th E. Fitzwilliam, Nov. 4; d. 1857. Algernon, D. of Northumber- land ; d. 1865. Chas. Wnn., 3rd M. of London- derry; d. 1854. Geo. Wm. Fredk., 7th E. of Car- lisle ; d. 1864. Fras., 1st E. of Ellesmere ; d. 1857. Geo., 4th E. of Aberdeen; d. 1860. II., K. of d. Of 1855. 1858, Mar. 25. 1858. 1859, June 28. 1860. 1861. 1862, May 21. 1862, July 5. 1863, June 10. 1864, May 24. 1864. 1865. Napoleon III., Emp. of the French, Apr. 18; d. 1873, Victor Emanuel, K. of Sardinia, aft. K. of Italy, Dec. 5; d. 1878. Hugh, 2nd E. 1861. - Hy. John, visc. Palmerston; d. 1865. Abdul Medjid, Sultan of Turkey, Nov. 5; d. 1861. Granville Geo., 2nd E. Granville. Richd., 2nd M. of Westminster ; d. 1869. Fredk. Wm. Nichs. Chas., Cr. Pr. of Prussia, aft. Frederick III. Emp. of Germany and K. of Prussia, Jan. 28; d. 1888. Arthur Richd., 2nd D. of Wel- lington; d. 1884. Wm., 7th D. of Devonshire. Pedro V., K. of Portugal, May 27 ; d. 1861. Albert Edwd.,, Pr. of Wales, Nov. 9. Dudley, 2nd E. of Harrowby ; d. 1882, Edwd. Geoffrey, Derby; d. 1869. Hy. Pelham, 5th D. of Newcastle, Dec. 17; d. 1864. William I., K. of Prussia, aft. emp. of Germany, Mar. 6; d. 1888. Chas. John, Earl Canning ; d.1862. John, 1st E. Russell ; d. 1878. Edwd. Adolphus, D. of Somerset, d. 1885. Anthy., E. d. 1886. Wm. Thos. Spencer, 6th E. Fitz- william. Pr. Fredk, Wm. Louis Chas. of Hesse, aft. Gr. D. Louis IV. Fortescue ; d. 14th E. of of Shaftesbury; Fredk Wm., &c., Gr. D. of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Hy. Geo., Earl Grey. Pr. Alfd. Ernest Albert, aft. D. of Edinburgh. Geo. Granville Wrm., 3rd D. of Sutherland. Geo. Wm. Fredk., Ailesbury; d. 1878. Hy., 4th M. of Lansdowne, Oct. 10; d. 1866. John Poyntz, 5th E. Spencer, Jan. 14. Harry Geo., 4th D. of Cleveland, Apr. 10. Christian IX., K. of Denmark, Apr. 25. Louis, K. of Portugal, May 4. Louis III., D. of Hesse, June 6 ; d. 1877. Fras. Thos, De Grey, 7th E. Cowper, Aug. 5. -- 2nd M. of . THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 745 1866. Hy. Richd. Chas., 1st E. Cowley, 1878. Humbert, K. of Italy, Mar. 2. Feb. 3.; d. 1884. Pr. Ernest Augs. Wm. Adolphus Leopold II., K. of Belgians,Feb. 12. Geo. Fredk. of Hanover, D. Pr. Christian of Schleswig-Hol- of Cumberland and Teviotdale, Stein, July 9. ! July 20. 1867, Chas. Hy., 6th D. of Richmond Benjn., E. of Beaconsfield, July Feb. 6. and 1st D. of Gordon. 22; d. 1881. Chas. Cecil John, 6th D. of Rut- Robt. Arthur Talbot, M. of Salis- land; d. 1888. bury, July 30. 1867. Hy. Chas. Fitzroy, 8th D. of 1880. Fras. Chas. Hastings, 9th D. of Beaufort, Mar, 19. Bedford, Dec. 1. Pr. Arthur Wrm. Patr. Albert, 1881. Alexander III., Emp. of Russia, aft. D. of Connaught, May 31. Apr. 2. Fras. Jos., Emp. of Austria, Oscar II., K. of Sweden and Nor- July 25. way, May 17. Alexander II., Emp. of Russia, Alfonso XII., K. of Spain, Oct. July 28; d. 1881. 24; d. 1885. Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Turkey, 1882. Albert, K. of Saxony, Feb. 20. Aug. 14; d. 1876. º William III., K. of the Nether- 1868. John Winston, D. of Marl- lands, Apr. 26. borough, May 23; d. 1883. Augs. Chas. Lennox, 7th D. of 1869. Pr. Leopold Geo. Duncan Albert, Grafton, Feb. 3. aft. D. of Albany, May 29; d. Pr. Albert Victor of Wales, 1884. Sept. 3. 1869, Stratford, visc. Stratford de Red- 1884, Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyle. Dec. 11. cliffe; d. 1880. July 15. Edwd. Hy., 15th E. of Derby. Geo. Fredk. Saml., E. de Grey | 1884. Pr. Geo. Fredk. Ernest Albert of and Ripon, aft. M. of Ripon. Wales, Aug. 4. 1870. Hugh Lupus, 3rd M., aft. Íst D. 1885, John, E. of Kimberley. of Westminster, Dec. 6. July 9. Wm., M. of Northampton. 1871. Pedro II., Emp. of Brazil, July 11. Wm. Philip, 4th E. of Sefton. 1872. Thos., 2nd E. of Zetland, Dec. 1855. Pr. Hy. Maurice of Battenberg, 26; d. 1873. July 22. 1878. Nasr-ul-Din, Shah of Persia, 1886, Algernon Geo., D. of North- June 26. Feb. 22. umberland. Thos.W.m., E. of Leicester June 30. Wm., M. of Abergavenny. 1876. Geo., 1st K. of the Hellenes Hy., D. of Norfolk. (Greece), July 12. 1887. Rudolph, Cr. Pr. of Austria, d. Pr. Fredk. Victor Albert of 1889. Prussia, aft. Empr. Wm. II. 1888. Chas. Stewart, 6th M. of Londom- of Germany, Jan. 27. derry, inv. May 7. OFFICERS OF THE GARTER. PRELATEs. The Bishops of Winchester in regular succession from Wm. de Edington, Edendon, or Edindon, who d. 1366. See “Bishops of Winchester,” ante, p. 470. CHANCELLORs. 1475. Richd. Beaucham, bp. of Salisbury, * * Chas, E. of Worcester, ld, chambn. ; Oct. 10; d. 1842. chanc. in. Aug. 1523; d. 1526. * * Lionel Wydville, or Woodville, bp. 1553. Sir Wm. Cecil, sec. st., Mar. of Salisbury; d. 1484. | Sir Wm. Petre, sec. st., Sept. 27; * * (?) Thos. Langton, bp. of Salisbury, d. 1572. tr. to Winchester, 1493. 1572. Sir Thos. Smith, sec. st., Apr. 25; 1491. John Morgan, or Young, dean of d. 1577. Windsor; bp. of St. Davids, 1496; 1578. Sir Fras. Walsingham, sec. st., Apr. d. 1504. 22; res. 1588. * * (?) John Blyth, bp. of Salisbury; 1588. Sir Amyas Paulet, Apr. 22; d. Sept. d. 1499. | 1588. - 746 THE BO)OK OF DIGNITIES, 1589. Sir John Woolley, Apr. 23; d. 1596. 1596. Sir Edwd. Dyer, Apr. 23; d. 1608. 1608. Sir John Herbert, sec. st. ; d. 1660. Sir Hy. de Vie, bt., Sept. ; d. 1671. 161;7. 1661. Sir Richd. Fanshaw, dep. chanc., 1638. Sir Jas. Palmer, dep, chanc., May | 1623. Sir Geo. More (? 1610); res. 1628. Jan. 14. | 4; chanc. Mar. 2, 1645; d. 1657. 1628. Sir Fras. Crane, Apr. 23; d. 1636. 1671. Seth Ward, bp. Salisbury, Nov. 25, 1636. Sir Thos. Roe, Dec. 5; d. abt. and his successors down to bp. 1644. Burgess, who d. Feb. 19, 1837. See “Bishops of Salisbury,” ante, p. 466. 1837. Hon. Richd. Bagot, bp. of Oxford, Feb. 25, and his successors. See “Bishops of Oxford,” ante, p. 456. REGISTRARs. * * John Covingham, can. Windsor in * * Wm. Atwater, can. Windsor in 1499; 1414; d. 1445. | bp. Lincoln, 1514. 1446. John Depeden, can, Windsor, May. | * * Nichs. West, dean of Windsor in 1460. Jas. or Thos. Goldwell, can. Wind- 1510; bp. Ely, 1515. sor ; bp. Norwich, 1472. * * John Vosey, dean of Windsor in 1481. Thos. Danett, can. Windsor. 1515; bp. Exeter, 1519. * * Oliver King, can. Windsor in 1488; ' * * Richd. Sydnor, can. Windsor in bp. Salisbury, 1491. | 1518; d. 1534. * * Richd. Nix, or Nikks, can. Windsor * * Richd. Sampson, dean of Windsor in 1496; bp. Norwich, 1501. in 1523; bp. Chichester, 1536. * * Christr. Urswick, can. Windsor in 1534. Robt. Aldridge, can. Windsor, May 1490, and dean in 1495; d. 1505. 27; bp. Carlisle, 1537. * * Thos. Rowthall, dean of Salisbury; 1555. Owen Oglethorpe, dean of Windsor, bp. Durham, 1508. May 1, and his successors. 1510. Thos. Wolsey, dean of Lincoln, &c. See “Deans of Windsor,” ante, p. 474. KINGS OF ARMs. See “Garter Kings of Arms,” ante, p. 327. THE ORDER OF THE THISTLE. THE THISTLE is a Scotch Order. Like the Garter, the date of its institution is somewhat obscure. It is said by some to have been originally formed as far back as 787, and by others to have been founded in 1500, and revived in 1540. King James VII. of Scotland and II. of England, by warrant dated May 29, 1687, ordered Letters Patent to be made out for “reviving and restoring the Order of the Thistle to its full glory, lustre, and magnificency.” At the same time a set of statutes and orders was passed for regulating the Order, and it is considered by Sir Harris Nicolas and some other writers that until this date the Order as an organized fraternity did not exist. The Order remained in abeyance during the reign of William and Mary, but Queen Anne again revived it, by statutes and orders dated Dec. 31, 1703. These were subsequently modified by statutes of Geo. III. dated Feb. 17, 1715, and of Geo. IV. dated May 8, 1827, by the last of which the number of knights of the Order was extended from twelve to sixteen. Extra knights are occasionally admitted by special statute. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 747 The officers of the Order are : DEAN. SECRETARY. The Order is styled— THE MOST ANCIENT AND Most Nobſ.F. ORDER OF THE THISTLE. 1687, June 6: 1704. 1704, Feb. 7. 1705, Oct. 30. 1706, Aug. 10. 1710. 1713. 1716, June 22. 1717. 1721. 1725, Mar. 2. KING AT ARMS. USHER. KNIGHTS OF THE THISTLE. (K.T.) From the foundation or restoration of the Order by James II. in 1687. JAMES II. Geo., D. of Gordon; d. Dec. 1716. John, M. of Athole; d. May 1703. Jas., E. of Arran, aft. D. of Hamilton; d. 1712. Alexr., E. of Moray; d. Nov. 1700. Jas., E. of Perth ; attainted. Kenneth, E. of Seaforth; attainted. Geo., E. of Dumbarton. John, E. of Melfort; attainted. ANNE. John, D. of Argyll, Feb. 4 ; quitted for the Garter, 1710. John, D. of Athole; d. Nov. 1724. Wm., M. of Annandale; d. Jan. 1721. Jas., E. of Dalkeith ; d. Mar. 1705. - Chas., E. of Moray; d. Oct. 1735. Geo., E. of Orkney; d. Jan. 1737. Jas., E. of Findlater and Sea- field; d. Aug. 1730. Wm., M. of Lothian; d. Feb. 1722. Chas., E. of Orrery; d. Aug. 1731. John, E. of Marr; attainted 1715. Hugh, E. of Loudoun ; d. Nov. 1731. John, E. of Stair, Mar. 25 ; d. May 1747. David, E. of Portmore, Jan. 17 ; d. Jan. 1730. GEORGE I. Wm., E. of Cadogan ; d. July 1726. John, E. of Sunderland ; d. June 1733. Thos., E. of Haddington, Mar. 1; d. Nov. 1735. Chas., E. of Tankerville, Mar. 28; d. May 1722. Wm., E. of Essex; quitted for the Garter, 1738. Francis, E. of Dalkeith, aft. D. of Buccleuch; d. Apr. 1751. 1725, Mar. 2. 1726. 1730. 1732. 1734. 1738, July 10. 1739. 1741. 1742. 1743. 1747. 1752. 1753, Mar. 29, 1755. 1763, Apr. 13. 1765. 1767, Dec. 23. Alex., E. of Marchmont ; d. Feb. 1740. Jas., D. of Hamilton, Sept. 23; d. Mar. 1743. GEORGE II. Chas., E. of Tankerville, May 16; d. Mar. 1753. Chas., E. of Portmore, Jan. 2; d. July 1785. Jas., D. of Athole, Feb. 11; d. Jan. 1764. Wm., M. of Lothian; d. July 1767. Jas., E. of Morton; d. Oct. 1768. Chas., E. of Hopetoun; d. Feb. 1742. John, E. of Bute ; quitted for the Garter, 1762. Augs., E. of Berkeley, June 7; d. Jan. 1755. Jas., E. of Moray, Feb. 23; d. July 1767. John, E. of Hyndford, June 22; d. July 1767. Lionel, E. of Dysart, Mar. 29; d. Mar. 1770. Cosmo Geo., D. of Gordon, Feb. 10; d. Feb. 1747. John, E. of Dumfries and Stair, Mar. 11; d. July 1768. John, E. of Rothes; d. Dec. 1767. Fras., E. Brooke and E. of War- wick; d. July 1773. Jas., D. of Hamilton and Bran- don, Mar. 18; d. Jan. 1758. GEORGE III. Wm., E. of March, aft. D. of Queensberry ; d. Dec. 1810. Chas., ld. Cathcart; d. Aug. 1766. John, D. of Argyll, Aug. 7 ; d. Nov. 1770. Hy., D. of Buccleuch and Queens- berry ; quitted for the Garter, 1794. John, D. of Athole; d. Nov. 1774. Fredk., E. of Carlisle; quitted for the Garter, 1793. 748. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1768. 1768, Nov. 23. 1770. 1771. 1773. 1775. 1776, Oct. 11. 1805. 1808. 1812, May 22. 1814, May 23. 1815. 1819. 1820. 1821, July 17. Wm., M. of Lothian, Oct. 26; d. Apr. 1775. David, visc, Stormont, aft. E. of Mansfield; d. Sept. 1796. John, D. of Roxburghe; d. Mar. 1804. Pr. Wm. Hy., aft. D. of Clarence and Wm. IV., Apr. 5; d. 1837. * Neil, E. of Rosebery, Mar. 4; d. Mar. 1814. Robt., E. of Northington, Aug. 18; d. July 1786. Alexr., D. of Gordon, Jan. 11; d. June 1827. John, E. of Galloway, Nov. 1; d. Nov. 1806. Wm. John, M. of Lothian ; Jan. 1815. Douglas, D. of Hamilton and Brandon; d. Aug. 1799. Thos., E. of Aylesbury; d. Apr. 1814. d. Jas., D. of Montrose ; quitted for the Garter, 1812. John, Earl Poulett; d. Jam. 1819. Geo., E. of Morton; d. July 1827. John, D. of Athole; d. Sept. 183 Wm. Schaw, Earl Cathcart, Nov. 23; d. June 1843. Geo., E. of Aberdeen, Mar. ; d. Dec. 1860. Chas. Wm. Hy., D. of Buccleuch and Queensberry ; d. Apr. 1819. Hugh, E. of Eglinton ; d. Dec. 1819. Hy., E. of Abergavenny ; d. Mar. 1843. Geo., E. of Galloway; d. Mar. 1834. Thos., ld. Erskine, Feb. 23; d. Nov. 1823. Chas. Bruce, 2nd E., aft. Ist M. of Ailesbury, May 20; d. Jan. 1856. GEORGE IV. Wm., M. of Lothian, Apr. 26; d. Apr. 1824. Geo., 8th M. of Tweeddale, May 22; d. Oct. 1876. Chas., M. of Queensberry; d. Dec. 1837. Archd., I. of Cassilis, aft. M. of Ailsa ; d. Sept., 1846. Jas., E. of Lauderdale ; d. Sept. 1839. Robt., visc. Melville; d. June 1851. 1827, May 10. 1827, Sept. 3. 1830. 1834. 1835. I838. 1840, Mar. l 8. 1842. 1843, June 13. 1845. 1847, July 12. 1848, May 12. 1853, Oct. 28. 1856. 1857. 1859. 1860. Geo., E. of Aboyne, M. of Hunt- ley, aft. D. of Gordon; d. May 1836. Hy, Richd., E. Brooke and E. of Warwick; d. Aug. 1853. Jas., E. of Fife; d. Mar. 1857. Fras., E. of Moray; d. Jan. 1848. WILLIAM IV. Augs. Fredk., D. of Sussex, July 19; d. Apr. 1843. Walter Fras., D. of Buccleuch and Queensberry, Nov. 5; quitted for the Garter, 1835. Wm. Geo., E. of Erroll, Apr. 16; d. Apr. 1846. David Wm., E. of Mansfield, Mar. 4; d. Feb. 1840. VICTORIA. John, 2nd M. of Breadalbane, Mar. 21; d. Nov. 1862. Jas. Hy. Robert, 6th D. of Rox- burghe; d. Apr. 1879. Archd. John, E. of Rosebery; d. Mar. 1868. Pr. Albert, consort of Her Majesty; decl. a knt. by spec. stat. Jan. 17; d. Dec. 1861. John, M. of Bute; d. Mar. 1848. Wm. David, 4th E. of Mans- field. Jas., 4th D. of Montrose, Mar. 12; d. Dec. 1874. John Hamilton, 8th E. of Stair; d. Jan. 1853. Jas., 8th E. of Elgin and 12th E. of Elgin and Kincardine; d. Nov. 1863. Jas. Andr., 10th E., aft. 1st M., of Dalhousie ; d. Dec. 1860. Robt. Dundas, 1st E. of Camper- down ; d. Dec. 1859. Alexr. Geo., 16th lä. Saltoum, Mar. 25 ; d. Aug. 1853. Archd. Wm., 13th E. of Eglinton, June 18; d. Oct. 1861. Thos., 9th E. of Haddington, Oct. 25; d. Dec. 1858. Geo. Aug. Fredk, John, 6th D. of Athole ; d. Jan. 1864. Fox, ld. Panmure, aft. E. Dalhousie ; d. July 1874. Geo. Douglas, D. of Argyll, May 2. Geo. Wm. Fox, 9th lä. Kinnaird, July 6; d. Jan. 1878. Archd., 2nd M. of Ailsa, Mar. 7; d. Mar. 1870. Jas., 5th E. of Fife, Mar. 2; d. Aug. 1879. of THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 749 1861, July 1. 1862. 1864. 1865. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1763. 1767. 1787. 1791. 1803. 1830. 1617. 1704. 1737. 1765. Thos., 2nd E. of Zetland; d. May 1873. Robt. Montgomerie, 8th lá. Belhaven and Stenton; d. Dec. 1868. David Graham Drummond, 9th E. of Airlie, Feb.; d. Sept. 1881. Fras., 9th ld. Napier and 1st là. Ettrick, June. Thos. Alexr., ld. Lovat; d. June 1875. John Hamilton, 10th E. of Stair. Pr. Alfred Ernest Albert, aft. D. of Edinburgh. Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales. John Jas. Hugh Hy. , 7th D. of Athole. Pr. Arth. Wm. Patr. aft. D. of Connaught. Jas., E. of Southesk. Wm. Hugh, 3rd E. of Minto. Pr. Leopold Geo. Duncan Albert, aft. D. of Albany; d. Mar. 1884. John Douglas Sutherland Camp- bell, c.c. M. of Lorne. Albert, { { ! i t 1874. 1875. 1876. 1878. 1879. 1881. 1882. 1887. Chas, John, 8th lä. Colville of Culross. John Patr., 3rd M. of Bute. Wm. Hy. Walter Scott, c.c. E. of Dalkeith, aft. 6th D. of Buccleuch and 8th D. of Queensberry. Sir Wm. Stirling-Maxwell, bt. ; d. Jan. 1878. Wm. Alex. Louis Stephen, 12th D. of Hamilton and 9th D. of Brandon. Schomberg Hy., Lothian. John Chas., 7th E. of Seafield; d. Feb. 1881. Douglas Beresford Malise Ronald, 5th D. of Montrose. Alex. Wm. Geo., 6th E. of Fife. John Wm., 13th E. of Dalhousie; d. Nov. 1887. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. of Cambridge. Alan Plantagenet, 10th E. of Galloway, Dec. 16, G. 9th M. of OFFICERS OF THE THISTL E. Wm. Muir, June 10. Norman Macleod, July 26, G. John Macleod, Aug. 10, G. John Tulloch, June 19, G. Jas. Cameron Lees. Wm. Bertram, d. 1819. Lt.-Col. 1d. Robt. Kerr, Aug. 24, G. Sir John Stewart Richardson, bt., Aug. 2, G. Jas. Thos. Stewart Richardson, aft. bt., Nov. 11, G. DEANs. (Deans of Chapel Royal, Scotland.) John Jardine. 1845. Robt. Hamilton. 1869. Geo. Hill, Apr. 9. 1872. Archd. Davison. 1882. Wm. Laurence Brown, Oct. 4, G. 1886. Geo. Cook, June 19, G. SECRETARIES. Sir Andr. Forrester, May 31; 1818. I'êS. 1819. Sir David Nairn, Jam. 29; d. Aug. 2, 1734. 1843. Geo. Drummond, Jan. 28. Lt.-gen, sir Hy. Erskine, bt., 1875. Apr. 10; d. Aug. 9, 1765. Geo. Dempster, Aug. 21 ; d. Feb. 13, 1818. RINGS OF ARMs. See “Lyon Kings of Arms,” ante, p. 513. THE ORDER OF ST. PATRICK. THIs Order is of comparatively recent date, having been instituted by Ring Geo. III. by warrant dated Feb. 5, 1783, the statutes being signed on Feb. 28, and the first investiture being held on Mar. 11, 1783. 750 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. As originally constituted the Order consisted of the Sovereign, the grand master (the lord-lieutenant for the time being), and fifteen knights. The number of knights was temporarily increased by Geo. IV. and Wm. IV. at their coronations, and, in Jan. 1833, was permanently fixed at twenty-two. The officers of the Order are or were: PRELATE. SECRETARY. RING OF ARMs. CHANCELLOR. GENEALOGIST (now discon- USHER. REGISTRAR. tinued). The Order is styled— THE Most ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER OF ST. PATRICK. GRAND MASTERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. PATRICK. 1783, Geo. Grenville, 3rd E. Temple, Feb. 5. aft. M. of Rockingham ; lá. See “Lord Lieutenants of Ireland,” ante, p. 557. lieut. of Ireland, and his suc- CôSSOTS, RNIGHTS OF ST. PATRIOR. (K.P.) GEORGE III. Hy., E. of Ely, nom. ; but d. May THE ORIGINAL RNIGHTS, NOM. F.E.B. 5, 1783, without having been 1783. º * invested. Pr. Edwd., aft. D. of Kent; d. SUBSEQUENT CREATIONs. Jan. 1820. 1784. John Joshua, E. of Carysfort, Wm. Robt., D. of Leinster; d. Feb. 5; d. Apr. 1828. Oct. 1804. 1794. Chas., visc. Loftus, E., aft. M. Hy. Smyth, E., aft. M. of Clan- of Ely, Dec. 12; d. Mar. ricarde; d. Dec. 1797. 1806. Randall Wm., E. of Antrim ; d. 1795. Wm. Hy., E. of Clermont, Mar. July 1791. 30; d. Sept. 1806. Thos., E. of Westmeath; d. Sept. 1798, Walter, E. of Ormond and 1792. Mar. 19. Ossory; d. Aug. 1820. Murrough, E. of Inchiquin, aft. Chas., visc. Dillon ; d. Nov. M. of Thomond ; d. Feb. 1808. 1813. Chas. , E., aft. M. of Drogheda ; 1800. John Denis, E. of Altamont, aft. d. Dec. 1822. M. of Sligo, Aug. 11; d. Jan. Geo. de la Poer, E. of Tyrone, 1809. aft. 1st M. of Waterford ; d. 1801. Hy., Marq. Conyngham, Jan. 22; Dec. 1800. d. Dec. 1832. Richd., E. of Shannon; d. May 1806. Hy. de la Poer, 2nd M. of Water- 1807. ford, Mar. 14; d. July 1826. Jas., E. of Clanbrassil; d. Feb. Thos., M. of Headfort, May 15; 1798. d. Oct. 1829. Richd. Colley, E. of Mornington, Robt., E. of Roden, Nov. 13; d. aft. M. Wellesley; quitted for June 1820. the Garter, 1810; d. Sept. 1842. 1807. John, M. of Ely, Nov. 3; d. 1845. Arthr. Saunders, E. of Arran; 1808. Hy., E. of Shannon, Apr. 5; d. Oct. 1809. d. Apr. 1842. Jas., E. of Courtoun; d. Mar. 1809. Chas. Hy., Earl O’Neill, Feb. 13; 1810. d. Mar. 1841. Jas., E. of Charlemont ; d. Aug. Wm., M. of Thomond, Nov. 11; 1799. d. Aug. 1846. Thos., E. of Bective ; d. Feb. 1810. Howe Peter, M. of Sligo, Mar. 24; 1795, d. Jan. 1845. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 751 1810. 1813. 1821, Aug. 20. 1821. 1821, July. 1831, Oct. 7. 1833. 1834, Apr. 8. 1835, July 22. 1837. 1839. 1841. 1842. 1845, Jan. 4. 1845, John Willoughby, E. of Ennis- killen, Apr. 27; d. Mar. 1840. Thos., E. of Longford, Dec. 17; d. May 1835. Ernest Augs., D. of Cumber- land, aft. K. of Hanover ; d. Nov. 1851. Geo. Augs., M. of Donegal; d. Oct. 1844. Dupré, E. of Caledon, Aug. 28; d. Apr. 1839. Chas. Chetwynd, Earl Talbot, July; quitted for the Garter, 1844. Jas., M. of Ormond, July ; d. May 1838. John Chambre, E. of Meath; d. Mar. 1851. Arth. Jas., E. July 1836. Jas. Geo., E. of Courtown ; d. June 1835. Robt., 3rd E. of Roden; d. Mar. 1870. Arth., 3rd M. of Downshire ; d. Apr. 1845. |Ulick John, 1st M. of Clanri- carde ; d. Apr. 1874. Fras. Wm., E. of Charlemont; d. Dec. 1863. Fras. Jas., E. Mar. 1833. Fras. Nathl., 2nd Marq. Conyng- ham, Mar. 27; d. July 1876. Nathl., 2nd E. of Leitrim ; d. Dec. 1854. John, 3rd E. of Donoughmore ; d. Sept. 1851. Edmd., 8th E. of Cork and Orrery; d. June 1856. Thos., 3rd E. of Howth ; d. Feb. 1874. Thos. Anthy., 3rd visc. South- well, Sept. 12; d. Feb. 1860. Thos., 2nd M. of Headfort, Apr. 15; d. Dec. 1870. Wm., 2nd E. of Listowel, Apr. 29 ; d. Feb. 1856. Jos., 4th E. of Milltown, Mar. 13; d. Jan. 1866. Philip Yorke, 4th E. of Arran, May 6; d. 1844. Wm., 4th E. of Wicklow, Now. 9; d. Mar. 1869. Pr. Albert, consort of Q. Victoria, by spec. stat, dated Jan. 25 ; d. Dec. 1861. Wm., 3rd E. of Rosse ; d. Oct. 1867. Hy., de la Poer, 3rd M. of Water- ford; d. Nov. 1866. John, E. of Clare; d. —. of Fingal ; d. of Landaff; d. Sept. 17. John, 2nd M. of Ormond; d. Sept. 1854. 1845. 1846. 1851. 1857. 1860. 1863. 1865. 1868. 1868, Nov. 17. 1869. 1869, June 2. 1871, Aug. 2. 1872, Feb. 20. Hy., 7th lá. Farnham, Nov. 12; d. Aug. 1868. Arth. Jas., 9th E. of Fingal, Oct. 12; d. Apr. 1869. John Skeffington, visc. Masse- reene and Ferrard, July; d. Apr. 1863. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. of Cambridge. Richd., ld., aft. E. Dartrey. Fredk. Wm. Robt., 4th M. of Londonderry; d. Nov. 1872. Geo. Arth. Hastings, 7th E. of Granard. Geo. Hamilton, 3rd M. of Done- gall; d. Oct. 1883. Richd. Edmd. St. Lawrence, 9th E. of Cork and Orrery. Fredk. Temple, ld., aft. E. Dufferin and M. of Dufferin and Ava. Chas., 2nd ló. Lurgan ; d. Jan. 1882. Jas. Molyneux, 3rd E. of Charle- mont. Edwin Richd., 3rd E. of Dum- raven; d. Oct. 1871. Hy. Fras. Seymour, 3rd M. of Drogheda, Feb. 7. Albert Edw., Pr. of Wales, Apr. 18. Jno. Hy. De la Poer, 5th M. of Waterford. John, 3rd E. of Erne, Nov. 17; d. 1885. Richd. Southwell, 6th E. Mayo ; d. Feb. 1872. Pr. Arth. Wm. Patr. Albert, aft. D. of Connaught, Apr. 2, G. Archd. Brabazon Sparrow, 4th E. of Gosford. Granville Leveson, 4th E. Carysfort; d. May 1872. Mervyn, 7th visc. Powerscourt. Thos. Arth. Jos., 4th visc. Southwell; d. Apr. 1878. Robt. Shapland, 2nd lå. Carew ; d. Sept. 1881. Wm., 3rd E. of Listowel. Val. Aug., 4th E. of Kenmare, June 3. Wm., 5th E. of Carysfort. Geo. Hy. Robt. Chas. Wrm., 5th M. of Londonderry; d. 1884. Windham Thos., 4th E. of Dun- raven, May 13. & Wm. Drogo, 7th D. chester. Hy. Jno. Reuben, 3rd E. Portarlington, Feb. 10. Alfred Ernest Albert, D. Edinburgh, May 14, G. Of of of Man- of of 752 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1881. Thos., 1st là. O'Hagan, Jan. 17 ; º 1882. cºm. ld, Carling- || 1885, gº * visc. Wolseley. tº wººl"; ºr: 1885. Luke, 2nd iá. Annaly, Feb. 9; of Ormonde, Apr. 26. 5 d. 1888. | 1889. Jno. Hy., 4th E. of Erne, Apr. 1885. Thos. Spring, 2nd lå. Monteagle, OFFICERS OF ST. PATRICK. PRELATEs. 1783, Mar. 11. Richd., ld. Rokeby, abp. of Armagh, and his successors. See “Archbishops of Armagh,” ante, p. 595. CHANCELLORs. 1783, Mar. 11. Robt. Fowler, abp. of Dublin, and his successors down to abp. Trench. After his resignation in 1884 the office was transforced to the Chief Secretary for Ireland. See “Archbishops of Dublin,” ante, pp. 616–7, and “Chief Secretaries for Ireland,” ante, p. 563. REGISTRARs. 1783, Mar. 11. Wm. Cradock, dean of St. Patrick's, and his successors. See “Deans of St. Patrick,” ante, p. 618. SECRETARIES. 1783. Geo. Fredk. Nugent, c.c. visc. visc. Forbes; inv. Mar. 17; d. Delvin, aft. 7th E. of West- Nov. 13, 1836. meath, Mar. 11; res. Sept. 1791. 1837. Hon. Robt. Edwd. Boyle; inv. 1793. Sir Richd. St. George, bt., inst. Sept. 15; d. 1856. Fob. 15 ; res. 1853. Lowry Vesey Townley Balfour. * * Sir Fredk, Jno. Falkiner, bt., ; | 1878. Gustavus Wm. Lambart. (l. 1815. 1887. Gustavus Fras. Wm. Lambart, 1828. M.-gen. Geo. Jno. Forbes, c.c. Jan. 24. GENEALOGISTs. 1783. Chas. Hy. Coote, aft. li. Castle- 1841. Sir Wm. Edwd. Leeson; inv. coote, inv. Mar. 11; res. May 6 ; d. 1885; when the 1804. Sir Stewart Bruce, bt. ; inv. office was discontinued. Dec. 18; d. Mar. 1841. KINGS OF ARMs. 1783. Feb. 28. Wm. Hawkins (No. 2), aft. Sir W., Ulster K. of Arms, and his successors. See “Ulster Kings of Arms,” ante, p. 572. THE ORDER OF THE BATH. THIS ORDER is of very ancient origin. On the coronation of Hen. IV. “ Knights of the Bath” were undoubtedly created eo nomine, and this year is frequently treated as being that of the foundation of the Order. It is, however, certain that the ceremonies of watching and bathing as a preparation for knighthood are of much more ancient origin, and were practised both in this country and in Germany from very early times. Sir Harris Nicolas begins his list in the reign of King John, but adds that it cannot be treated as accurate or complete until about the reign of Hen. VII. From the reign of Hen. IV. to that of Chas, I. it was customary on the coronation of the sovereign or his queen, the creation of a prince THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 753 of Wales, and other occasions of exceptional rejoicing, to create a number of Knights of the Bath. After the coronation of Chas. I., this practice was discontinued, and the Order remained in abeyance until it was revived and remodelled by Geo. I., who, by Statute dated May 18, 1725, decreed that the Order should consist of the Sovereign, a great master, and thirty-six companions. In 1815 the Order was again remodelled and mnch enlarged, princi- pally with the view of rewarding the services of the numerous military and naval officers engaged in the long war then terminating. cº Statute dated Jan. 2, 1815, the Order was made to consist of three a SS6S :— I.—KNIGHTS GRAND CRoss—Not exceeding in number 72, exclusive of the Sovereign and princes of the blood Royal. Of these 72 a number not exceeding 12 might be appointed for civil ser- vices. All the then existing Knights of the Bath were to become Knights Grand Cross. II.-KNIGHTS Comm ANDERS–Not at first to exceed in number 180, exclusive of foreign officers to the number of 10, but with power to increase the number in the event of future wars, &c. III.-CoMPANIONs—Number not limited. As remodelled, the Bath remained a reward exclusively for military or naval services, except the 10 Civil Knights Grand Cross; but by Statute dated April 1, 1847, the Knights Commanders and the Companions were divided into two divisions, military and civil, and the numbers fixed as under:— I.—KNIGHTS GRAND CRoss ... Military 50 ... Civil 25 II.-KNIGHTS COMMANDERS ... 3 y 123 . . . 25 80 III.-CoMPANIONS * * * a tº º 3 y 690 ... ,, 250 These numbers are exclusive of the Royal family, distinguished foreigners, and foreign officers. Power was also reserved to increase the number on special occasions. The officers of the Order are or were:— GREAT MASTER. GENEALOGIST. REGISTRAR. (Now filled by the Sovereign.) (Discontinued.) SECRETARY. DEAN, (Now united.) KING OF ARMS. USHER. The Order is styled THE MOST HonorABLE ORDER OF THE BATH. MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE BATH. GREAT MASTER. 1725. John, 2nd D, of Montagu, May 18; d. July 5, 1749. 48 754 THE BOOK OF I).IGNITIES. ACTING GREAT MASTERS. * * Pr. Fredk., aft, D. of York and 1837. Aug. Fredk., D. of Sussex, uncle Albany, 2nd son of Geo. III. ; of Q. Victoria, Dec. 16 ; d. d. Jan 5, 1827. Apr. 21, 1843. 1827. Wm. Hy., D. of Clarence, aft. Wm. IV. The Sovereign is now considered the Great Master of the Order. KNIGHTS COMPANIONS OF THE BATH. (K.B.) From 1204 to 1815. JOHN. 1204. Thos. Esturmy, July 17. | Theod. le Tyes, Nov. 5. HENRY III. 1249. Stephen de Salinis, July, 1252. Alexr. III., K. of Scotland, and John de Simnevil, Dec. 25. 20 others, Dec. 25. 1254–5. Matth. Hanybal. EDWARD I. 1302–3. Peter de la Foix. 1304–5. Thos. de Latimer. John de Horne. Richd. Grey. Robt. de Ufford. Peter Skerk. John de Felton. John de Waterville. Richd. de º John le Strange. John de Dagworth. Hugh de Crofte. Richd. de Stratton. Barth. Dynevil. Jno. de Cormailles. 1306, Edw. Pr. of Wales, aft. Edw. II Wm. de Botetourt. May 22. John de Warren. John de Berkeley. John de Arundell. John Giffard. Thos. de Greyley. Philip de Neville. | 1306, Thos. de Vere, aft. E. of Ox- 1304–5. Pain de Tibelot. | May 22. ford. Geo. de Thorpe. Thos. Bardolf. Jno. Douvedale. and numerous others. Jno. de Neville. EDWARD II. 1316, Richd. de Rodney, July 3. 1326, Roger Only. 1322 Hy. Percy, Sept. 10. Apr. 19. Matth. Fitzherbert. 1323. John de la Haye, June 1. Jno. de Gras. Wm. de Dounton. Thos. West. Wm. Waykam. Ryce ap Griffith. Hy. Tilly. Thos. de Weston. Hy. Longchamp. Nichs. de Cantelon. Raymond Durant. Thos. de Gonshull. 1324. Hugh de Poyntz, Aug. 10. Hy. de Harnhall. 1324, Peter de Bexstede. Adam de Moleston. Aug. 13. Richd. Pyke. Walter de Fauconberge. Thos. de Marlebergh. Wm. de Albemarle. 1324. Peter de la Horse, Oct. 24. John de Kirketon. Hugh de Plessis, Oct. 31. Hy. le Vavasour. 1325. Hugh de Neville, Apr. 2. Roger Deyncourt. 1326. Jas. Botiller, Mar. 31. Wm. Peverell. 1326, Wm. de Montacute. 1327, John de Bohun. Apr. 19. Eubulo le Strange. Jan. 20. Edmund de Mortimer. Roger de Bourne. Roger de Mortimer. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 755 1327. Geoffry de Mortimer. Jan. 20. Gerard de la Bret. Hugh de Courtenay. Ralph de Wylinton. Ralph Daubeney. John de Willoughby. Edwd. Stradling. Ralph de Stafford, aft. la. and E. of Stafford. John de Moeles. , Wm. de Percy. Gerard de Lisle. Peter Breton, Roger le Strange. Ernomville de Poitiers. John de Neville. Wm. de Willoughby. 1327. John de Ralee. Jan. 20. Ralph de Bloyon. Odo Botetourt. Wm. Daubeney. Robt. Brente. John de Chernstone. John de Sutton. Alexr. de Cobledyl. Sayer de Rocheford. Wm. Cheyney. Regd. de la Mare. , Robt. de Brens. Simon FitzRalph. Hugh Abetot. John de Rous. Wm. de Evereux. John de Hotham. EDWARD III 1327. The King, Jan. 31. 1332. Thos. Bacon (just. C.P.). 1329, Jno. de Cambridge (just. itin.). 1333. Jno de Shordich (bar. ex.). Oct. 22. Edwd, le Blount. Wm. de Shareshull (just. C.P.). Peter de Thorntone. Nathl. de Bath. Richd. de Bajocis. Simon FitzRichard. Banco de Lere. Robt. de Scardeburgh (just. C.P 1330. Thos. de Bradeston, and K.B.) Edma. de Cornwall. Jno. Petit. Wm. de Pomeroy. Nichs. Giffard. 1331. Walter de Manny. 1347, Maurice FitzThomas. 1832. Robt. de Scoresburgh (just.itin.). Dec. 25. Philip de Staunton. Wm. de Denum (bar, ex.). Thos. de Fencotes (just. C.P.). Rd. de Aldeburgh (just. C.P.). Jno. Mowbray (just. C.P.). Jno. de Shardelowe (just. C.P.). Wm. de Skipwith (just. C.P.). RICHARD II. 1385, Jno. Holt (just. C.P.). 1394, O’Neale, K. of Meath. Dec. 25. Wm. Burgh (just. C.P.). Mar. 25. Brian de Thomond, K. of 1389. Geoff. de la Vale, Feb. 28. Thomond. 1389. Walter de Clopton (ch.just.K.B.). Arth. MacMorough, K.of Leinster. Apr. 23. Robt. de Charleton (ch.just.C.P.). Connor, K. of Chenow and do 1390, Roger, 4th E. of March. Erpe. Apr. 23. Thos. E. of Stafford. | Thos. Ourgham. Alphonso, son of the Count of Jno. or Jonn. de Pado. Denia in Arragon. HENRY IV. On the eve of his coronation. Thomas, aft. D. of Clarence. Sons of John, aft. D. of Bedford. the Humphrey, aft. D. of Gloucester.) King. Thos. Fitzalan, E. of Arundel. Rd. Beauchamp, aft. E. of Warwick. Edmd., 5th E. of Stafford. Hugh Courtenay, son of and aft. E. of Devon. Hy., 5th lä. Beaumont. — Willoughby, bro. to Wm., 5th lá. Willoughby. Hugh Stafford, bro. to the E. of Stafford. Richd. Camois, son of Thos., ld. Camois. The Lord of Paule. Peter, 7th lä. Mawley. Mar. 17, 1400. Jno., 5th la. Latimer. Ralph, 3rd ld. Deyncourt. Almaric, 3rd ld. Scyntismond or St. Amand. Thomas Beauchampe. Thomas Pelham. John Luttrell. John Lisle. Wm. Hankford (just. C.P.). Wm. Brenchesley (just. G. P.). Parth. Rochford. Giles Daubeney. Wm. Butler. John Ashton. Rd. Snape or Sanope. Jno. Tiptoft. 48 ° 756 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Rd. Francis. Hy. Percy (Hotspur). Jno. Arundel. Wm. Strall or Stralley. Jno. Turpington. Ailmer Saint. Edw. Hastings. John Greisley. Gerald Sotill. John Arden. Robt. Chalons. Thos. Dymock. Walter Hungerford. Wm. Gebethorpe. Wm. Newport. HENRY W. On the eve of his coronation. Edw. E. of March. Roger Mortimer, his brother. Jno., E. of Huntingdon. Richd. Holland, his brother. Richd., ld. le Despencer. Apr. 1413. 1418, Lewis Robsart. Apr. 23. Roger Salveine. Jno. Stewart. Jno. Shotesbrooke. Jno. Montgomery, and 10 IQ Ol'0, Jno. Phelip. 1421, Jas. I., K. of Scotland. Jno. Rothenhale. Apr. 23. Humphrey, E. of Stafford. Thos. West. HENRY, WI. 1426, The King. 1426, Robt. Hungerford, son of Walter, May 19. Rd., D. of York. May 19. 1st ld. Hungerford. Thos. Jno. Mowbray, son of Jno., 2nd D. of Norfolk. Jno., E. of Oxford. Rd., E. of Westmorland. Hy. Percy, son of Hy., E. of Northumberland. Thos., 14th Id. Roos. Jno. Cornwale. Lord Maltravers. Jno., ld. Tankerville. Wm. Neville, aft. la, Fauconberg. Jno., 5th la. Latimer. Leo., 6th la. Welles. Jas., ld. Berkeley. Jno., son of Jno., 12th lá. Talbot. Ralph Gray. Rd. Gray. Bros. to Robt. de Vere. ſ Jno., 12th E. of de Vere. l Oxford. Robt. Wyngfelde. Jno. Boteler. Regd. Cobham. Jno. Paslen. Thos. Constable. Thos. Chediolº. Ralph Longford. Thos. Drusy. Wm. Ap Thomas. Richd. Carbonel. Richd. Wodewyk. | Ralph Shirley. Nichs. Bloncat. Ralph Radclyf. Edmund Trayford. Wm. Cheyne (just. K.B.). Wm. Babington (ch. just. C.P.). Jno. Ivyn or Juyn (just. C.P. and ch. bar, ex.). Gilbert Bowcham. Coronation of Henry VI. Nov. 6, 1429. 30 knights made ; names not recorded. 1449, Edmund Tudor, aft. Half- Xmas. E. of Richmond. brothers Jasper Tudor, aft. to E. of Pembroke. J the King. Sons of Richd., E. of Salisbury. 1449, Thos. Neville. Xmas. Jno. Neville. } Wm. Herbert. Roger Lewknor. Wm. Catesby. EDWARD IV. At his coronation. Geo., D. of Clarence. Rd., D. of Gloucester, aft. Rd. III. Jno. Mowbray, s. and h. to the D. of Norfolk. lºw. to the King. Jan. 27, 1461. Jno. Stafford, aft. E. of Wiltshire. Thos. Fitzalan, c. c. la. F., son and aft. E. of Arundel. Jno., ld. Strange of Knokyn. Jno. Markham. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 757. Robt. Danby. Wm. Yelverton. Jno. Wingefield. Walter Blount. f Robt. Markham. Robt. Clifden or Clifton. Wm. Stanley. Nichs. Byron. Wm. Cantelewe. On the coronation of Elizabeth, Q. of Edward IV May 26, 1464. Hy., 2nd D. of Buckingham. Stafford, his brother. Jno., 13th E. of Oxford. Thos., 2nd Wisc. Lisle. Jno., ld. Maltravers, son of Jno., 2nd E. of Arundel. Geo. Grey, son of Edwd., 1st E. of Kent. Richd. Wydvile. Jno. Wydvile. Ralph Josselyne. Richd. Bingham (just. C.P.). Robt. Danvers (just. K.B.). Jno. Needham (just. C.P.). Richd. Choke (just. C.P.). Walter Moyle (just. K.B.). Richd. Illingworth (ch. bar, ex.). Hyngham. Jno. Arundelle. Wm. Calthorp. Thos. Brewce or Bruce. Geo. Darelle. Richd. Harecourt. Walter Maunfelle. Edma. Rede. Wm. Hawte. Jno. Clifford. Jno. Say. Jno. Cheney of Canterbury. Robt. Darcy. Thos. Ovedale. Jno. Durward. Jno. Henyngham. Jno. Savage. Roger Corbet of Murtone. Nichs. (?) Culpeper. Hugh Whyche. Thos. Cooke. Jno. Plomer. Hy Wafyr. Matth. Philip. ld. Duras. Bartelot de Robaire. At the creation of prince Edward, the King's eldest son, as prince of Wales. April 18, 1475. Edw., Pr. of Wales, aft. Ed W. W. Rd. D. of York. Thos., E. of Huntingdon, cr. M. of Dorset. Rd. Grey, his brother. Jno., E. of Lincoln, son of Jno., D. of Suffolk. Geo., E. of Shrewsbury. Edw., E. of Wiltshire. Edw. Wydeville. Ralph (? ld. Neville). Wm. Berkeley, son of Jas., ld. Berkeley. Jas. Touchet, son of Jno., ld. Audley. Rd., ld. St. Amand. Geo. Stanley, son of Thos., 2nd lá. Stanley. Jno. Stourton, son of Wm., 2nd ló. Stourton. The King's sons. Edwd. Hastings, Hastings. Jno. Devereux, son of Walter, 6th lä. Ferrers. Herbert (? Richd.), bro. to Wm., E. of Pembroke. Thos. Vaughan. Thos. Bryan (ch. just. C. P.). Thos. Lyttelton (just. C.P.). Hy. Bodryngam. Bryan Stapilton. Wm. Knyvett. Jno. Pilkynton. Rd. Ludlow. Rd. Charleton. son of Wm., 1st là. On the marriage of Richd., D. of York, the King's 2nd son, to Ann, daughter of John, D. of Norfolk. Jan, 17, 1478. Hy., son of Wm., ld, Bourchier, and grand- John Beauchamp, son of ld. Beauchamp. son of and aft. E. of Essex. Richd., ld. Latimer. Jno., ld. Berners or Barnes. Jno. (?), ld, Powis. Hy., ld. Morley. Thos., ld. De la Warr. Jno., 3rd ld. Mountjoy. Thos. Howard, son of Jno., 1st là. Howard. Thos. (? Jno.) Bourchier. Thos. St. Leger. - Jno. Elrington (treasr, hbold \. Giles Daubeney. Wm. Stoner. Guy Fairfax. 758 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Wm. Gascoigne. Robt. Broughton. Thos. Froweck. Hy. Talboys or Tailboys. Wm. Redman. Hy. Wentworth. Rd. Delabere. Rd. Lakyn. RICHARD III. On his coronatzon. Edmd. de la Pole, son of and aft. D. of Suffolk. Jno. Grey, son of Edmd., E. of Kent. Wm. Zouche, bro. of Jno., ld. Zouche. Wm. (? Geo.) Nevill, son of Geo., ld. Abergavenny. Christr. Willoughby. Wm. Berkeley. Hy. Banington. Thos. Arundel. July 6, 1483. Thos. Bolayne, or Boleyn, Edmd. Bedingfield. Gervase Clifton. Wm. Say. Wm. Enderby. Thos. Tuewkenor. Thos. Ormond. Jno. Browne. Wm. Barkeley. Edm. Cornwall, bar. of Burford HENRY WII. On his coronation. Edwd. Stafford, aft. D. of Buckingham. Jno., 12th lil. Fitzwater. Thos. Cokesay. Roger Lewkenor. Oct. 28, 1485. Hy. Heydon. Regd. Bray. John Werney. On the coronation of Elizabeth, Q. of Henry VII. Nov. 1487. Wm., ld. Courtenay, son of Edwd., E. of Guy de Wolston. Devon. Edwd., 6th lä. Dudley. Jno. or Wm. Gascoyne. Thos. Butler. Edwd. Berkeley. Wm. Lucy. Thos. Hungerford. Thos. or Richd. Pemery. Jno. or Ralph Sheldon. Hugh Luttrell. Thos. Pulteney. Hugh Conway. Nichs. Lisley. On the creation of prince Arthur as prince of Wales. Nov. 29, 1489. - Arthur, Pr. of Wales (the King's son). Hy., E. of Northumberland. Thos., ld. Maltravers, aft. E. of Arundel. Richd. Grey, c.c. ld. Grey of Ruthyn, son of Geo., E. of Kent. Wm., 4th la. Stourton. Thos. West, son of ld. De la Warr. Jno. St. John. Hy. Vernon. Jno. Hastings. Wm. Griffith. Wm. Tyndall. Nichs. Montgomery. Wm. Uvedall. Matth. Browne. Thos. Darcy. Thos. Cheney. Edmd. Gorges. Walter Denis. Wm. Scott. Jno. Guyse. On the creation of prince Henry as D. of York. Nov. 1, 1491. & Pr. Henry, D. of York, aft. Hen. VIII. Thos. Grey, ld. Harynton, son of M. of of Dorset. Hy., 14th lä. Clyfford. Jno., 11th lá. FitzWarin. Thos. Fienes. Thos., 7th lä. Dacre of the South. Thos. Stanley, son of ld. Strange, and grandson of and aft. E. of Derby. Jno. Arundell. Walter Gryffith. Gervase Clifton. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 7.59 Edwd. Traford. Robt. Harcourt, or Hardecourt. Hy. Marney. Roger Newburgh. Ralph Rider. Thos. Bawde. Jno. Speke. Humphry Fulford. Robt. Lytton, or Litten. Piers Edgecombe. Robt. Clere. Thos. Fairfax. Richd. Knightby. Jno. Chooke, or Cheoke. On the marriage of Arthur, prince of Wales. Nov. 17, 1501. Richd., ld. Willoughby de Eresby. Jno., 10th lä. Clinton. Geo., son of Edwd., 2nd lù. Hastings. Wm. Fenys, or Finnis. Gryffithe ap Rys Thomas. Robt. Corbet. Jno. Wogan. Thos. Laurence. Hy. Rogers. Wm. Walgrave. Wm. Seymour. Robt. Throgmorton. Jno. Bassett. Thos. Grenefield, or Grenville. Jno. Arundel of Trerico. Roger Strange. Jno. Scrope of Castlecomb. Jno. Paulet. Walter Baskervyle. Robt. Waterton. Jno. Gyfford. Jno. Aston. Wm. Fyllioll. Thos. Ingilfield. Wm. Martyn. Wm. Callwey. Geo. Putnam. Nich. Biron. Thos. Hawte. Richd. Warr. Alnathe Malyverer. Wm. Rede. Jno. Trevelyan. Jno. Foster. Walter Strykeland. Thos. Long Jno. Philpot. Jno. Lee of Wiltshire. Wrm. Hartwell. Nichs. Griffin. Lancelot Thyrkyll. Jno. Norton. Roger Ormiston. Geo., or Gerard, Fyldynge. Thos. Curwyn. Hugh Loder. Thos. Sampson. Richd. Fowler. Thos. Woodhouse. Philip Bothe. Geo. Inwardby. Hy. Frowick. Jno. Leghe of Stokewell. Wm. Ascue. Thos. Kemp. Morgan Kydwell. Jno. Gyllot. On the creation of Henry, D. of York (aft. Henry VIII.), as prince of Wales, Feb. 18, 1503. Jno., 4th visc. Lisle. Thos., ld, Dacre of the North. Myles Bussy. IEdwd. Pomery. Jno. Mordaunt. Brian Stapilton. Ranff Gray. Jas. Hubert. HENRY WIII. On his coronation. Robt., ld. FitzWalter. Hy., 7th lä. Scroope of Bolton. Geo., 7th lá. FitzHugh. Wm., 4th lä. Mountjoy. Hy., ld. Daubeney. Robt., 2nd lå. Willoughby de Broke. Morris Barkeley. Hy. Clyfford. Thos. Knevet. Amdr. Windsor. Thos. Parr. June 23, 1509. Thos. Boleyn. Richd. Wentworth. Hy. Owtred. Fras. Cheney. Hy. Wyotte, or Wyatt. Geo. Hastings. Thos. Metham. Thos. Bedingfield, Jno. Skelton. Giles Allington. Jno. Trevanyon, 760 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Wm. Crowmer. Jno. Heydon. Edwd., or Godard Oxenbridge. Hy. Sackveyle, or Sacheverell. Steph. Jenyns, ld, may, London, 1508. On the coronation of Anne Boleyn, Q. of Henry VIII. May 30, : Wm. Windsor, son of Andr., 1st ld. Wind- Hy., 5th M. of Dorset. Edwd, 3rd E. of Derby. Hy. Clifford, c. c. 1d. Clifford, son of Hy., 1st E. of Cumberland. Hy. Ratcliffe, c. c. 1d. FitzWalter, son of Robt., E. of Sussex. Fras. Hastings, c. c. 1d. Hastings, son of Geo., E. of Huntingdon. Wm. Stanley, son of and aft. li. Mont- eagle. Thos., 2nd lá. Vaux of Harroden, Hy. Parker, son of Hy., 8th ld. Morley. 1533. SO]". Jno. Mordaunt, son of Jno., 1st là. Mor- daunt. Fras. Weston. Thes. Arundell. Jno. Hudleston. Thos. Poynings. Hy. Savell. Geo. FitzWilliams of Lincolnshire. Hy. Jermoy. EDWARD VI. On his coronation. Hy., D. of Suffolk. - | Edwd., E. of Hertford, aft. D. of Somerset. Jno., 16th E. of Oxford. Thos., 10th E. of Ormond. Hy., ld, Maltravers. Geo. Talbot, c.c. la. Talbot, son of Fras. , E. of Shrewsbury. Edwd. Stanley, c. c. ld. Strange, son of 10. of Derby. Wm. Somerset, c. c. 1d. Herbert, son of and aft. E. of Worcester. Jno., 4th lil. Lisle. Gregory, ld. Cromwell. Hy. Hastings, c.c. 14. Hastings, son of Fras., E. of Huntingdom. Chas. Brandon, bro. of Hy., D. of Suffolk. Hy. Scropo, son of Jno., ld. Scrope of Bolton. Thos. Windsor, Windsor. IFras. Russell, Anthy. Browne (son of m. horse). Richd. Devereux. Hy. Seymour, son of Wm., 2nd ló. Feb. 20, 1547. Jno. Yates. Anthy. Cook of Essex. Alexr. Umpton of Oxford. Geo. Norton. Val. Knightby. Robt. Lytton. Geo. Vernon of the Peak. Jno. Porte. Thos. Josselyn. Edmd. Molyneux, Serjt. law, aft. C.P. Christr. Barker, Garter K. A. Jas. Hailes, or Halles. Wm. Bapthorpe. Thos. Brykomell. Thos. Neville. Angel Mareym, or Marnia. Jno. Holcrofte. Jno. Cuff, or Cuyt. Hy. Tyrrell. Wm. Sherington. Wimond Carewe. Wm. Sneath. just. MARY. At her coronation. Edwd., E. of Devon, Thos. Howard, son of Hy., E. of Surrey. Hy. Herbert, c.c. ld. Cardiff, son of and aft. E. of Pembroke. Hy., ld. Abergavenny, or Bergavenny. Hy., 12th la. Berkeley. Jno., 6th la. Lumley. Jas., 6th Id. Mountjoy. Hy. Clinton, son of Edwd., 8th lä. Clinton. Sept. 28, 1553. Wm. Paulet, son of Jno., ld. St. John, grandson of and aft. M. of Winchester. Hugh Rich, son of Richd., 1st ld. Rich. Hy. Paget, son, of Wm., 1st ld. Paget. Hy. Parker. Robt. Rochester (comptr. hbold.). Hy. Jerningham. Wm. Dormer. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 761 ELIZABETH. At her coronation. Jno., 3rd lö. Darcy of the North. Jno., 2nd ló. Sheffield. Jno., 2nd ld. Darcy of Chiche. Robt. Riche. Roger North. Jno. Souwche, or Zouche. Jan. 15, 1559. Nichs. Poynes. Jno. Berkeley. Edwd. Umpton. Hy. Weston. Geo. Speke. JAMES I. At his coronation. Philip Herbert, aft. E. of Montgomery. Thos., ld. Berkeley. Wm., 2nd lù. Evres. Geo. Wharton. Robt. Rich, aft. E. of Warwick. Robt. Carr, aft. E. of Somerset (? Robt. Rerr, aft. E. of Ancram). Jno. Egerton, aft. E. of Bridgewater. Hy. Compton, bro. of Wm., ld. Compton, who was aft. E. of Northampton. Thos. Erskine (son of E. of Mar), aft, E. of Buchan. Wm. Anstruther. Patr. Murray, aft. I. of Tullibardine. Jas. Hay, ld, Yester. Jno. Lindesay (? ld. Wolmerstown). Richd. Preston, aft. E. of Desmond. Oliver Cromwell of Huntingdonshire. Edwd. Stanley. Wm. Herbert, aft. li. Powys. Fulke Greville, aft. li. Brooke. Fras. Fame, aft. E. of Westmorland. Robt. Chichester. Robt. Knowles. Wm., or Gervase, Clifton of Notts. Fras. Fortescue. Edwd. Corbet. Edwd. Herbert, aft. li. Herbert in Eng- land and Ireland. Thos. Langton. Wm. Pope. Arth. Hopton. Chas. Morison, or Moryson. Fras. Leigh. July 25, 1603. Edwd. Montague, aft Boughton. Edwd. Stanhope. Peter Manwood. Robt. Harley. Thos. Strickland. Christr. Hatton. Edwd. Griffin. Robt. Bevill. Wm. Welby. Edwd. Harwell. Jno. Mallet. Walter Aston. Hy. Gawdy. Richd. Musgrave. Jno. Stowell. Richd. Amertes. Thos. Leeds. Thos. Jermyn. Ralph Hare. Wm. Forster. Geo. Speke, or Speeke. Goo. Hyde. Anthy. Felton. Anthy. Browne. Thos. Wise. Robt. Chamberlaine. Anthy. Palmer. Edwd. Heron. Hy. Burton. Robt. Barker. Wm. Norris. Roger Bodenham. ld. Montague of On the creation of prince Charles (aft. Charles I.) as D. of York. Jan. 5–6, 1605. Chas., D. of York and Albany, second son Allan Percy, bro, of IIy., E. of Northum- of the K., aft. Chas. I. Robt. Bertie, ld, Willoughby de Eresby, aft. E. of Lindosey. Wrm. Compton, c. c. 1d. Compton, aft. E. of Northampton. Grey, ld. Chandos. Fras., ld, Norris, aft. E. of Berkshire. berland. Fras. Manners, aft. I. of lèutland. I'ras. Clifford, bro. of and aft. E. of Cum- berland. Thos. Somerset, son of lºdwd., E. of Wor- cester; aft. visc. Cashel in Ireland. Thos. Howard, son of E. of Suffolk; aft. li. of Berkshire. Wm. Cecil, son of Robt., visc. Cranborne, John Harrington, son of John, ld. Harring- aft. E. of Salisbury ton of Exton. 762 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. On the creation of prince Henry as prince of Wales. June 2, 1610. Henry, 18th E. of Oxford. Geo. Gordon, c.c. la. Gordon, son of E. of Huntley, aft. M. of Huntley. Hy., ld. Clifford, aft. E. of Cumberland. Hy. Ratcliffe, c. c. 1d. Fitzwalter, cousin of and aft. E. of Sussex. Edwd., ld. Fitzwarine, aft. E. of Bath. Fras. Hay, c.c. lá. Hay. Jas. Erskine, c.c. 1d. Erskine, son of E. of Mar, and aft. E. of Buchan. Thomas, ld. Windsor. Thos., ld. Wentworth, aft. E. of Cleveland. Chas. Somerset, 3rd son of Edwd., E. of Worcester. Edwd. Somerset, 4th son of Edwd., E. of Worcester. Thos. Ratcliffe, 2nd son of E. of Sussex. Fras. Stuart, son of E. of Moray. Ferd. Sutton, son of Edwd., ld. Dudley. Hy. Carey, son of John, ld, Hunsdon, aft. visc. Rochford and E. of Dover. Oliver St. John, c.c. la. St. John, son of Oliver, ld, St. John ; aft. 1st E. of Boling- broke. Gilbert Gerard, son of Thos., ld. Gerard. Chas. Stanhope, son of and aft. li. Stan- hope of Harrington. Edwd. Bruce, s. and h. of 1d. Kinlosse. Wm. Stewart, son of Walter, ld. Blantyre. Robt. Sydney, c.c. li. Sydney, son of visc. Lisle, aft. 2nd E. of Leicester. Ferd, or Mervyn, Touchet, son of Geo., ld. Audley, and E. of Castlehaven. Peregrine Bertie, bro. of Robt., 11th lá. Willoughby de Eresby, who was aft. 1st E. of Lindsey. Hy. Rich, bro. to E. of Warwick; aft. E. of Holland. Edwd. Sheffield (son of là. Sheffield), aft. E. of Mulgrave. Wm. Cavendish, bro. of là. Ogle ; aft. visc. Mansfield and E. of Newcastle. On the creation of Charles, D. of York (aft. Chas. I.), as prince of Wales. Nov. 3, 1616. Jas. Howard, c. c. 1d. Maltravers, son of Thos., E. of Arundel. Algernon Percy, c.c. la. Percy, son of E. of Northumberland. Jas. Wriothesley, c.c. la. son of E. of Southampton. Theoph. Clinton, c.c. lá. Clinton, son of Thos., E. of Lincoln. Edwd. Seymour, ld. Beauchamp, gr. son of Edwd., E. of Hertford. John Erskine ; Mast. of Fenton, c. c. 1d. Erskine, son of E. of Mar. Hy. Howard, 2nd son of E. of Arundel; aft. Id. Maltravers. Robt. Howard, 3rd or 5th son of Thos., E. of Suffolk. Edwd. Sackville, aft. E. of Dorset. Wm. Howard, 4th or 6th son of Thos., E. of Suffolk. Edwd. Howard, 5th or 7th son of Thos., E. of Suffolk. Wriothesley, Wm. Seymour, 2nd son of ld. Beauchamp, aft. E. of Hertford. Montague Bertie, son of Robt., ld, Wil- loughby, aft. E. of Lindesey. Wm. Stourton, son of and aft. li. Stour- ton. Hy. Parker, son of and aft. li. Mont- eagle. Dudley North, son of and aft. li. North. Wm. Spencer, son of and aft. 16. Spencer. Spencer Compton, son of Wm., ld. Comp- ton. Rowland St. John, bro. to Oliver, ld. St. John. John Cavendish, 2nd son of Wm., E. of Devonshire. Thos. Neville, son of Edwd., ld. Aberga- venny. John, 1st là. Teynham. John North, bro. of Dudley, ld. North. Hy. Carey, aft. visc. Falkland. CHARLES I. At his coronation. Geo. Fielding, c.c. visc. Callan, son of Wm., E. of Denbigh. Jas. Stanley, c.c. 1d. Strange, aft. 7th E. of Derby. Chas. Cecil, c.c. visc. Cranborne, son of Wm., E. of Salisbury. Chas. Herbert, c.c. li. Herbert, son of Philip, E. of Montgomery. Robt. Rich, c.c. 1d. Rich, Son of and aft. E. of Warwick, Feb. 1, 1625. Jas. Hay, c. c. 1d. Hay, son of Jas., E. of Carlisle. Basil Fielding, c. c. la. Fielding, son of Wm., E. of Denbigh. Oliver St. John, c. c. 1d. St. John, son of Oliver, E. of Bolingbroke. Mildmay Fane, c. c. 1d. Burghersh, son of E. of Westmorland. Hy. Paulet, c.c. li. Hy. Paulet, son of Wm., M. of Winchester. Edwd.Montagu, son of Hy., visc.Mandeville. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 763. John Cary, son of and aft. visc. Rochford and E. of Dover. Chas. Howard, son of and aft, visct. An- dover of Berkshire. Wºłoward, son of Thos., E. of Arun- €1. Robt. Stanley, 2nd son of Wm., 6th E. of Derby. Pawlet St. John, 2nd son of Oliver, E. of Bolingbroke. Fras. Fane, 2nd son of Fras., E. of West- - moreland. Jas. Howard, son of Theoph., ld. Howard de Walden. Wm. Cavendish, eldest son of la. Caven- dish (? E. of Devonshire). Thos. Wentworth, son of Thos., ld. Went- Worth, who was aft. E. of Cleveland. Wm. Paget, son of Wm., ld. Paget. Wm. Russell, son of Fras., ld. Russell; aft. E. of Bedford. Hy. Stanhope, son of Philip, ld. Stanhope of Shelford. Richd. Vaughan, son of John, ld, Waughan of Mullingar. Christr. Neville, 2nd son of Edwd., ld. Abergavenny. Roger Bertie, 2nd son of Robt., ld. Wil- loughby de Eresby. Thos. Wharton, 2nd son of Thos., ld. Wharton. St. John Blunt, or Blount, bro. of Mount- joy, ld. Mountjoy. Ralph Clare. John Maynard, bro. to lö. Maynard. Fras. Carew. John Byron. Roger Palmer (mast, hbold.). Hy. Edmonds (treasr. hold.). Ralph Hopton. Wm. Brooke. Alexr. Ratcliffe. Edwd. Scot. Christr. Hatton. Thos. Sackville. John Manson, or Monson. Peter Wentworth. John Butler. Edwd. Hungerford. Richd. Lewson. Nathl. Bacon. Robt. Poyntz. Robt. Bevill. Geo. Sandes. Thos. Smith, or Smythe, aft. visct. Strang- ford. Thos. Fanshawe, Miles Hobart. Hy. Hart. Fras. Carew. John Baccus, or Backhouse. Matth. Monins. John Stowell, or Stawell. John Jennings. Stephen Harvey, CHARLES II. At his coronation. Edwd. Clinton, c.c. lá. Clinton, grandson of and aft. E. of Lincoln. John Egerton, c.c. 1d. Brackley, son of and aft. E. of Bridgewater. Philip Herbert, 2nd son of Philip, E. of Pembroke and Montgomery. Wm. Egerton, 2nd son of John, E. Bridgewater, Were Vane, 2nd son of Mildmay, E. of Westmorland. Chas. Berkeley, aft. 2nd E. of Berkeley. Hy. Belasyse, aft. 2nd lå. Belasyse. Hy. Hyde, son of Edwd., ld. Hyde, ld. chanc. Rowland Bellasyse, bro, to Thos., visct., aft. E. Fauconberg. Hy. Capell, 2nd son of Arth., ld. Capell, and E. of Essex. John Waughan, 2nd son of E. of Carberry. Chas. Stanley, gr. son of Chas., 8th I. of Derby. Fras. Vane and Hy. Vane, “gr. sons of the late E. of Westmorland” (? sons of Mild- may, E. of Westmorland). Sir Wm. Portman, bt. of Sir Richd. Temple, bt. Sir Wm. Ducie, bt., aft. visct. Downe. Apr. 23, 1661. Sir Thos. Trevor, bt. Sir John Scudamore, bt. Sir Wm. Gardiner, bt. Chas. Cornwallis, son of sir Fredk., aft. ld. Cornwallis. John Nicholas, son of E. Nicholas, sec. st. John Monson. Bourchier Wray. John Coventry. Edwd. Hungerford. John Knyvet. Philip Butler. Adrian Scroope. Richd. Knightley. Hy. Heron. John Lewkinor. Geo. Browne. Wm. Terringham, or Tiringham. Fras. Godolphin. Edwd. Baynton. Grevill Werney. Edwd. Harley. Edwd. Walpole. Fras. Popham. Edwd. Wise. Christr. Calthorpe. Richd. Edgcumbe. 764 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Wm. Bromley. Thos. Bridges. Thos. Fanshawe. John Denham. Nichs. Bacon. Jas. Altham. Thos. Windy, or Wendy. John Brampston. Geo. Freeman. Nichs. Slaning. Richd. Ingoldsby. John Rolles. Edwd. Heath. Wm. Morley. John Bennet. Hugh Smith. Simon Leech. Hy, Chester. Robt. Atkins. Robt. Gayer, or Gayre. Richd. Powle, Hugh Darcy, or Ducie. Stephen Hales. Ralph Bash. Thos. Whitmore. ORDER REVIVED BY GEO. I. MAY 18, 1725. See Introduction, ante, p. 753. KNIGHTS COMPANIONS, (K.B.) Invested May 27, and Installed June 17, 1725. Pr. Wm. Aug., 2nd son of Geo., Pr, of Wales, and grandson of Geo. I. ; aft. D. of Cumberland. John, 2nd D. of Montagu (Great Master). Chas., 6th D. of Richmond (not inv.). Wm., 2nd D. of Manchester. Chas. Beauclerk, c.c. E. of Burford, son of and aft. D. of St. Albans. John, 6th E. of Leicester. Wm. Anne, 2nd E. of Albemarle. Hy., 1st E. of Delorain. Geo., 2nd E. of Halifax. Talbot, E. of Sussex. Thos., 1st E. of Pomfret. Nassau Paulet, c. c. la. N. Paulet, son of Chas., 3rd D. of Bolton. Adm. Geo., 1st visct. Torrington. Geo. Cholmondeley, c.c. visct. Malpas, Son of and aft. E. of Cholmondeley. John Campbell, c.c. visct. Glenorchy, son of and aft. E. of Breadalbane. John, ld. De la Warr, aft. 1st E. De la Warr. Hugh, 13th lá. Clinton, aft. E. of Clinton. Robt., ld. Walpole, aft. 2nd E. of Orford. Hon. Spencer Compton (son of Jas., 3rd E. of Northampton), aft. E. of Wil- mington ; quitted for the Garter, Aug. 1733. Wm. Stanhope, son of Philip, E. of Ches- terfield. Conyers D'Arcy. Hon. Thos. Lumley Saunderson, aft. 3rd E. of Scarborough. Paul Methuen. Sir Robt. Walpole, aft. 1st E. of Orford; quitted for the Garter, 1726. Robt. Sutton. Lt.-Gen. Chas. Willis. - Sir John Hobart, bt., aft. li. Hobart and E. of Buckinghamshire. Sir Wm. Gage, bt. Robt. Clifton, son of sir Gervase Clifton, bt. (? aft. Sir R.). Michl. Newton (? aft. bt.) Wm. Yonge, aft, bt. Thos. Watson Wentworth, aft. E. of Malton and M. of Rockingham. John Monson, aft. 16. Monson. Wm. Morgan. Thos. Coke, aft. Id. Lovell, visct. Coke, and E. of Leicester. Wm., 4th E. of Inchiquin, inv. May 28, 1725 John, visct. Tyrconnell, inv. May 28, 1725. GEORGE II. 1732, Hy. Brydges, c.c. M. of Carnar- Jan. 12. von, aft. 2nd D. of Chandos. Wm., 1st visc. Bateman. Sir Geo. Downing, bt. 1732. Chas. Gunter Nicol, Jan. 17. 1743, Lt.-gen. Hon. Jas. Campbell. July 12. Lt.-gen. John Cope. F. M. sir John Ligonier, aft. Id visc. and E. Ligonier. I744, Rd., 6th visc. Fitzwilliam. 1742. Sir Thos. Robinson, bt., aft. li. May 28. Sir Chas. Hanbury Williams. Grantham, June 26. 1743. Lt.-gen. Philip Honywood, July 12. : Hy. Calthorpe. Thos. Whitmore. Sir Wm. Morden Harbord, bt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 765. 1747. 1749, May 2. 1752. 1753, Aug. 27. 1761, Mar. 23. 1761. 1764. 1765, 1767. 1768. 1770, May 18. 1770, June 28. 1771, Feb. 18. 1772, Jan. 15. 1772. 1773. 1774, Aug. 3. 1775. 1776. R.-adm. Peter Warren, May 29. 1753, W.-adm. Edwd. Hawke, aft. li. Aug. 27. Hawke, Nov. 14. Lt.-gen. Hon. Chas. Howard. Gen. Sir John Mordaunt. M.-gen. Chas. Armand Powlett. John Savile, aft. la. Pollington 1753. and E. of Mexborough. Rd., 3rd ló. Onslow, Mar. 12. 1754. Edwd. Walpole, 2nd son of Robt., 1756. 1st E. of Orford. GEORGE III. John, 1st la. Carysfort. 1776. Lt.-gen. Hon. Jos. Yorke, aft. Id. Dover. Sir Jas. Gray, bt. 1777. Sir Wm. Beauchamp, bt. 1778. Sir John Gibbons, bt. 1779. Adm. Geo. Pocock. M.-gen. Sir Jeffrey Amherst, aft. ld. Amberst. M.-gen. John Griffin Griffin, aft. 4th lä. Howard de Walden. 1780, Fras. Blake Delaval. Nov. 13. Chas. Frederick. 1780. Geo. Warren, Mar. 26. W.-adm. Chas. Saunders, May 16. 1781. Chas. Cook, aft. E. of Belmont or Bellamont, Jan. 16. 1782. M.-gen. Robt., 1st ld. Clive, Apr. 24. 1783, Andr. Mitchell, Dec. 13. Jan. 8. Lt.-gen. Wm. Draper, Dec. 27. Pr. Fredk., Bp. of Osnaburgh, aft. D. of York; nom, 1st and 1785. ppal. compn., Dec. 30. Sir Horace Mann, bt., Oct. 25. Robt., 1st E. of Catherlough. W.-adm. Sir John Moore, bt. R.-adm. sir John Lindsay, bt. 1786, M.-gen. Eyre Coote. Dec 20. Lt.-gen, sir Chas. Montagu. Ralph Payne, aft. li. Lavington ; 1788, d. 1807. May 7. Wm. Lynch. M.-gen. Sir Chas. Hotham (aft. 1788. Hotham-Thompson), bt. 1791. Wm. Hamilton. Lt.-col. Robt. Murray Keith, Feb. 1792, 29. Aug. 15. Geo. Macartney, aft. li., visc. and E. Macartney, May 29. Lt.-gen. Jas. Adolphus Oughton, 1793. Feb. 22. Robt. Gunning, aft. bt., June 2. 1794, Lt.-gen, sir Geo. Howard, bt. May 30. Lt.-col. John Blaquiere, aft. 1d. Blaquiere. 1794. Wm. Gordon, Feb. 3. Lt.-gen. John Irwin, Dec. 15. 1795. Gen. Guy Carleton, aft. 1d. Dor- chester, July 6. Lt.-gen. Chas. Paulet, aft. 5th D. of Bolton. Edwd. Hussey Montagu, aft. Id. and E. Beaulieu. Lt.-gen. Hon. Rd. Lyttelton, bro. of Geo. la. Lyttelton. Sir Wm. Rowley, adm. of the fl., Dec. 12. Benj. Keene, Sept 23. Lt.-gen, Wm. Blakeney, aft. li. Blakeney, Nov. 27. M.-gen. Hon. Wm. Howe, aft. visc. Howe, Oct. 13. Lt.-gen. John Clavering, Nov. 9. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Clinton, Apr. 11. R.-adm. Edwd. Hughes, Dec. 9. Jas. Harris, aft. la. and E. of Malmesbury, Feb. 24. M.-gen. Hector Monro, Mar. 23. Randal Wrm., 6th E., aft. 1st M. of Antrim, May 5. Lt.-gen. Rd. Peirson. Thos. Wroughton. Adm. Sir Geo. Bridges Rodney, bt., aft. li. Rodney, Nov. 14. Lt.-gen. Edwd., 2nd visc. Ligonier, Dec. 17. Capt. John Jervis, aft. E. of St. Vincent, May 29. Gen. Geo. Augs. Elliot, aft. Id. Heathfield. Gen. Chas. Grey, aft. li. and E. Grey. Lt.-gen. Robt. Boyd, Jan. 28. Lt.-gen. Fred. Haldimand, Sept. 30. M.-gen. Archd. Campbell, Sept. 30. Lt.-gen. Wm. Fawcett. Robt. Monckton, 4th visc. Gal- way. Sir Geo. Yonge, bt. W.-adm. Alexr. Hood, aft. li. and visc. Bridport. Lt.-gen. Robt. Sloper, June 6. Morton Eden, aft. Id. Henley, Dec. 16. Lt.-gen. Wm. Augs. Pitt. Lt.-gen. Hon. John Waughan. M.-gen. Wm. Medows. M.-gen. Robt. Abercromby. Chas. Whitworth, aft. li. Whit- worth, Sept. 27. R.-adm. Hon. Geo. Keith Elphin- stone, aft. li. and visc. Keith. Capt. Sir John Borlase Warren, bt. M.-gen. Adam Williamson, Nov. 18. Sir Jos. Banks, bt., July 1. M.-gen. Ralph Abercromby, July 22. 766 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1796. R.-adm. Hugh Cloberry Chris- tian, Feb. 17. 1797, M.-gen. Alured Clarke. Jan. 14. M.-gen. Jas. Hy. Craig. 1797. R.-adm. Horatio Nelson, aft. Id. and visc. Nelson, May 27. 1798. W.-adm. John Colpoys, Feb. 14. 1799. Lt.-gen. Hon. Chas. Stuart. 1800, W.-adm. Hy. Harvey. Jan. 8. W.-adm. Sir Andr. Mitchell. 1801. R.-adm. Thos. Graves, May 14. M.-gen. Hon. John Hely-Hut- chinson, aft. li. Hutchinson, and 2nd E. of Donoughmore, May 28. 1801, Lt.-gen. Thos. Trigge. June 6. R.-adm. John Thos. Duckworth. 1801. R.-adm sir Jas. Saumarez, bt., Sept. 5. 1802. M.-gen. Eyre Coote, May 19. 1803. M.-gen. John Fras. Craddock, Feb. 16. Lt.-gen. Sir David Dundas, Apr. 2 8. 1804. Hon. Arth. Paget, May 21. M.-gen. hon. Arth. Wellesley, aft. D. of Wellington, Aug. 28. 1804, M.-Gen. hon. Geo. Jas. Lud- Sept. 26. low. M.-gen. John Moore. Commod. Saml. Hood. 1806, R.-adm. Wm., 7th E. of North- Jan. 29, esk. R.-adm. sir Richd. John Strachan, bt. 1806. R.-adm, hon. Alexr. Forrester Inglis Cochrane, Mar. 29. M.-gen. Sir John Stuart, Sept. 13. Philip Francis, Oct. 29. Sir Geo. Hilario Barlow, bt., Oct. 29. 1808. Percy Clinton Sydney, 6th visc. Strangford, Mar. R.-adm. Richd. Goodwin Keats, Oct 15. 1809, Lt.-gen. Sir David Baird, bt. Apr. 21. Lt.-gen. Geo. Beckwith, Lt.-gen. hon. John Hope, aft. 1d. Niddry. M.-gen. Brent Spencer. 1809, Capt. Thos. Cochrane, c.c. ld. Apr. 21. Cochrane, aft. 10th E. of Dun- donald; exp. July 15, 1814, but re-adm. as G.C.B., Sept. 22, 1847. 1809. , M.-gen, John Cope Sherbrooke, Sept. 16. 1810. Lt.-gen. Wm. Carr Beresford, aft. li. Beresford, Oct. 16. 1812, Lt. gen. Thos. Graham, aft. la. Feb. 22. Lynedoch. | Lt.-gen. Rowland Hill, aft. Id. and visc. Hill. f M.-gen. Sir Saml. Auchmuty. Hy. Wellesley, aft. la. Cowley, Mar. 10. Lºn. Hon. Edwd. Paget, June } 1812. Lt.-gen sir Stapleton Cotton, bt., aft. la. and visc. Combermere, | Aug. 21. Chas. Stuart, aft. li. Stuart de Rothsay, Sept. 26. M.-gen. Isaac Brock, Oct. 10. Aº hon. Geo. Cranfield Berke- ey. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Nugent, bt. Lt.-gen. Wm. Keppel. Lt.-gen. Sir John Doyle, bt. Lt.-gen. Wrm. Cavendish Ben- tinck, c. c. la. W. C. B. M..gen. Jas. Leith. | | | 1813, Feb. 1. M.-gen. Thos. Picton. M.-gen. hon. Galbraith Lowry Cole. M.-gen. hon. Chas. Wm. Stewart, aft. la. Stewart and 3rd M. of Londonderry. 1813, Lt.-gen. hon. Alexr. Hope. June 29. M.-gen. Hy. Clinton. 1813, Lt.-gen Geo., 9th E. Sept. 11. housie. Lt.-gen. hon. Wm. Stuart. M.-gen. Geo. Murray. M.-gen. hon. Edwd. Michl. Paken- ham. Adm. Wm. Young, July 12. Col. Wm. Fredk. Hy. of Nassau, hered. pr. of Orange, aft. Wm. ić K. of the Netherlands, Aug. 16, of Dal- 1814. ORDER REMODELLED, JAN. 2, 1815. See Introduction, ante, p. 753. KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS—MILITARY DIVISION. (G.C.B.) GEORGE III. Former Knights of the Bath declared to be Knights Grand Cross under the new division of the Order. 1815, Fredk., D. of York. Jan. 2. Adm. John, E. of St. Vincent. Gen. Sir Robt. Abercromby. 1815, Adm. Geo., visc. Keith. Jan. 2. Adm. Sir John Borlase Warren, bt. } | \ \ | THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 767 1815, Jan. 2. 1815, Jan. 2. 1815. 1815, Gen. Sir Alured Clarke. Adm. Sir John Colpoys. Gen. li. Hutchinson. Adm. Sir John Thos. Duckworth. Adm. Sir Jas. Saumarez. Gen. Sir Eyre Coote. Gen. Sir John Fras. Cradock. Gen. Sir David Dundas. F.M. Arth., D. of Wellington. Gen. Geo. Jas., E. of Ludlow. W.-adm. Sir Saml. Hood. Adm. Wm., 7th E. of Northesk. V.-adm. sir Richd. John Strachan. W.-adm. hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane. Lt.-gen. Sir John Stuart. W.-adm. Sir Richd. Keats. - Gen. Sir David Baird. Gen. Sir Geo. Beckwith. Lt.-gen. John, ld. Niddry. Lt.-gen. Sir Brent Spencer. Lt.-gen. Sir John Cope Sher- brooke. Lt.-gen. Wm. Carr., ld. Beres- ford. Lt.-gen. Thos., ld. Lynedoch. Lt.-gen. Rowland, ld., aft. visc. Hill. Lt.-gen. Sir Saml. Auchmuty. Goodwin 1815, Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Paget. Jan. 2. Lt.-gen. Stapleton, ld., aft. visc. Combermere. Adm. hon, sir Geo. Berkeley. Gen. Sir Geo. Nugent, bt. Gen. Sir Wm. Keppel. Lt.-gen. Sir John Doyle, bt. Lt.-gen. Wm. Cavendish Bentinck, c. c. 1d. W. C. B. - Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Leith. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Picton. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole. Lt.-gen. Chas. Wm., ld. Stewart aft. 3rd M. of Londonderry. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Alexr. Hope. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Clinton. Lt.-gen. Geo., 9th E. housie. Lt.-gen. hon. Wm. Stewart. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Murray. M.-gen, hon. Sir Edwd. Michl. Pakenham. Gen. Wm. Fredk. Hy. of Nassau, hered. Pr. of Orange, aft. Wm. I., K. of the Netherlands. Cranfield of Dal- Subsequent appointments. Adm. Wm. Hy., D. of Clarence, aft. Wm. IV. ; actg. Great Master, 1827. F.M. Edwd., D. of Kent. F.M. Ernest Augs., D. of Cum- berland. F.M. Adolphus Fredk., D. of Cambridge. F.M. Wm. Fredk., D. of Glou- cester. Adm. sir Wm. Young. Adm. Saml., visc. Hood. Adm. Sir Richd. Onslow, bt. Adm. hon. Wm. Cornwallis. Adm. Wm., ld. Radstock. Adm. Sir Roger Curtis, bt. Adm. Geo. Montagu. Lt.-gen. Hy. Wm., E. of Uxbridge, aft. M. of Anglesey. Lt.-gen. Robt. Brownrigg. Lt.-gen. Sir Harry Calvert, bt. Lt.-gen. hon. Thos. Maitland. Lt.-gen. Wm. Hy. Clinton. Richd., 2nd E. of Clancarty, Apr. 1. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir John Aber- cromby, Apr. 7. M.-gen. hon. Sir Chas. Colville, Apr. 7. Adm. Jas., 1st là.Gambier, June 7. F.M. Pr. Schwartzenburg. Aug. 18. F.M. Alb. Louis Leopold, Pr. Blucher. 1815, F.M. count Barclay de Tolly. Aug. 18. F.M. sir Chas. Philip, Pr. Wrede. Gen. Wm. Fredk. Chas., Pr. and aft. K. Wm. I. of Wurtem- burg. 1815. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Kempt, June 22. 1816. Adm. Edwd., 1st là. Exmouth, Mar. 16. Gen. Leop. Geo. Fredk., D. of Saxe, &c.; aft. Leop. I., K. of the Belgians, May 23. M.-gen. Sir David Ochterlony, bt. Dec. 10. 1817. Lt.-gen. Sir Gordon Drummond, Jan. 7. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Townshend Walker, bt., Mar. 11. 1818, Adm. Sir Chas. Morice Pole, bt. Feb. 20. R.-adm. Sir Thos. Fras. Fre- mantle. Rººm. Sir Geo. Cockburn, aft. 1818, Gen. Fras. Oct 14. Hastings. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Hislop. 1819, Gen. Pr. Volkonsky. Apr. 17. Gen. count Woronzow. Gen. count Zieten. Gen. baron Frimont. 1819. Mººn. Sir Jno. Malcolm, Nov. Rawdon, 1st M. of 768 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. GEORGE IV. 1820. Lt.-gen. Kenneth Alexr., 11th lä. Howard of Effingham, Mar, 17. 1820, Adm. sir Wm. Domett. May 16. W.-Adm. Sir Thos. Foley. 1820, Gen. Wm., 2nd E. Harcourt. May 20. Adm. sir Benjn. Caldwell. Adm. Sir Richd. Rodney Bligh. Gen. Sir Hy. Johnson, bt. Gen. Hy., 1st E. of Mulgrave. Adm. sir Chas. Hy. Knowles, bt. Adm. hon. Sir Thos. Pakenham. Gen. Geo., 1st là. Harris. Gen. Sir Banastre Tarleton, bt. Gen. Sir Geo. Hewett, bt. Gen. Sir Geo. Don. Gen. Jas. St. Clair, 2nd E. of Rosslyn. 1820. Adm. Sir Geo. Campbell, June 8. Gen. Chas., count Alten, Aug. 12 1821. v.a.am. sir Geo. Martin, Feb. 23. 1822, W.-adm. Sir Thos. Sept. 14. Thompson, bt. W.-adm. Sir Harry Neale, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir John Oswald, Feb. 25. Boulden 1824. Adm. Sir Edwd. Thornbrough. Adm. Sir Eliab Harvey. W.-adm. Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, Oct. 4. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Vane, Jan. 24. M.-gen. Sir Archd. Campbell, bt., 1825, Jan. 11. 1825. 1826. Gen. Geo., ld. Gordon, c.c. M. of Dec. 26. Huntly ; aft. 5th D. of Gordon. 1827. W.-adm. sir Edwd. Codrington, Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Cregan Crau- Nov. 13. furd. 1830. W.-adm. Sir Thos. Byam Martin, Lt.-gen. Sir Hildebrand Oakes, bt. Mar. 3. \ WILLIAM IV. t 1830. Bernard, D. of Saxe-Weimar, 1834. Lt.-gen. Sir Herbert Taylor, Apr. Aug. . 16. 1830, Adm. sir Jas. Hawkins Whitshed, F. M. Chas., Archd. of Austria, Nov. 17. bt. May 23. Adm. sir Philip Chas. Henderson- Lt.-gen, ct. Walmoden, Aug. 19. Durham, aft. Calderwood-Hen- Adm. Sir John Wells, Oct. 6. derson-Durham. Lt.-gen. Sir Robt. Edwd. Hy. 1831. Ernest Fredk. IIorbert, Ct. Somerset, c.c. la. R. E. H. Münster, Feb. 16. Somerset, Oct. 17. 1831, Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Houstoun, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Hy. Pringle, Feb. 24. Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Barnes. Dec. 19. Lt.-gen. Sir John Byng. 1835. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Edwd. Stopford, 1831. Adm. sir Hy. Trollope, May 19. Mar. 28. 1831, Adm. hon. Sir Robt. Stopford. Adm. Sir Amelius Beauclerk, c.c. Juno 6. Adm. sir Benjn. Hallowell Carew. ld. A. Beauclerk, Aug. 3. 1831, Gon, hon. Sir Hy. Geo. Grey. 1835, Lt.-gen. Ernest, &c., Pr. of Sept. 13. Gen. Sir Ronald Craufurd Fer- || Aug. 29. Hesse. guson. Lt.-gen. Ernest, Pr. of Hesse- Gen. Sir Hy. Warde. Philippsthal-Barchfield. Adm. Sir Thos. Williams. 1836. W.-adm. sir Graham Moore, Mar. Adm. sir Wm. Hargood. 11. Lt.-gen. hom. Sir Wm. Lumley. Gen. Louis Wm. Fredk., Landgr. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Willoughby of Hesse-Homburg, June 11. Gordon, bt. Lt.-gen. Matth. Whitworth, 4th R.-adm. Sir Thos. Masterman ld. Aylmer, Sept. 10. Hardy, bt. 1837. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Makdougall 1833. Adm. sir Davidge Gould, Jan. Brisbane, bt., Feb. 6. 24. Adm. Sir Lawrence Wm. Halsted, Adm. Sir Chas. Tyler, Jan. 29. Feb. 24. W.-adm. sir Pulteney Malcolm, 1837, Lt.-gen. Sir John Doveton. Apr. 24. Mar. 10. M.-gen. Sir John Whittington 1833, Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Anson, Adams, nom. ; but d. Mar. 9, July 29. Lt.-gen. Sir John Ormsby Wande- 1837, in India. leur. 1837. Lt.-gen. Sir Richd. Hussey- 1833. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Dallas, Aug. 1. Vivian, bt., May 30. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 769 1837. 1838. 1838, July 19. 1838, July 20. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1840, June 20. 1840, July 4. 1840. 1841. 1842, Feb. 23. 1842. 1842, Dec. 2. 1843. 1845, May. 8. 1846. VICTORIA. Pr. Paul Anthy. Esterhazy, July 12 Lt.-gen. sir John Colborne, aft. ld. Seaton, Jan. 29. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Bradford, Feb. 15. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Worsley, Feb. 16. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk. Philipse Robinson, Apr. 20. Adm. sir Wm. Sidney Smith. Lt.-gen. Sir John Lambert. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Robt. O'Callaghan. M-gen. Sir Alexr. Caldwell. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Law Lushing- ton. M.-gen. Sir Alexr. I. Dickson, July 23. Wm. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Geo. Augs., D. of Saxe Coburg and G., June 12. Lt.-gen. Sir John Keane, aft. li. Keane, Aug. 12. Adm. sir IIy. Wn. Bayntun, Oct. 25. M.-gen. Sir Willoughby Cotton, Jan. 21. F.M. Fras. Albert Augs. Chas. Emanuel, Consort of Q. Vict. , Mar. 6. Lt.-gen, sir Fredk. Adam. Lt.-gen. Benjn. D'Urban. Lt.-gen. Andr. Fras. Barnard. Adm. Sir Wm. Iſotham. Adm. sir Josias Rowley, bt. W.-adm. sir Chas. Rowley, bt. V.-Adm. sir David Milne. Gen. Daldomero Espartero, Ct. of Luchana, &c., July 20. M.-gen. sir Jos. O'Halloran, Feb. 12. M.-gen. IIugh. 14. Gough, aft. visc. Gough ; Oct. 14. Adm. hon, sir John Talbot. Adm. Sir Robt. Barlow. Adm. Sir lly. Digby. Lt.-gen. Ct. Mensdorf, May 30. Col. Sir Robt. Hy. Sale, June 16. Archduke Fredk. Chas. of Austria, Nov. 5. V. adm. Sir Wm. Parker. M.-gen. Geo. Pollock. M.-gen. Wm. Nott. M-gon. Chas. Jas. Napier, July 4. Pr. Fredk. Wm. Chas, of Prussia, Aug. 18. Adm. Sir Robt. Waller Otway, bt. V.-adm. sir Edwd. Wm. Campbell Richd. Owen. Col. Sir IIy. Geo. Wakelyn Smith, Apr. 7. 1847, May 22. 1847, Sept. 17. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1849, June 5. 1852, Apr. 6. 1855, July 5. 1856, Jan. 3. 1858, July 6. 1859. V.-adm. Thos., 10th E, of Dun- donald; (see “Cochrane” under K. B., Apr. 21, 1809, ante, p. 766.) Lt.-gen. Fitzroy Jas. Hy. Somer- set. c.c. la. Fitzroy Somerset, aft. la. Raglan. Lt.-gen. Sir John Macdonald. Gen. Sir Colin Halket, Dec. 30. MI.-gen. Sir John IIunter Littler, Jan. 31. Sir Jas. Lillyman Caldwell, Aug.25. Lt.-gen.sir Edwd. Blakeney, May 7. M.-gen. Sir Jos. Thackwell. MI.-gen.sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert. Adm. sir Chas. Ekins. Gen. Sir Peregrine Maitland. Adm. Sir Thos. Bladen Capel. Lt.-gen. Sir Alexr. Woodford. Lt.-gen. Sir Hv. Fredk. Bouverie W.-adm. sir Chas. Bullen. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Fox Burgoyne. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Brown. W.-adm. Jas. Whitley Dundas. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. Cambridge. Lt.-gen. Sir De Lacy Evans. Lt.-gen. Sir Richd. England. Lt.-gen. Sir Colin Campbell, aft. ld. Clyde. R.-adm. Sir Edmd. Lyons, bt. Adm. sir Graham Eden IIamond. Adm. sir Jas. Alexr. Gordon. Gen. Sir Jas. McDonell. Gen. Sir Hew Dalrymple Ross. Le Comte Vaillant, Marshal of France, Oct. 16. Gen. Jas. Simpson, Oct. 16. Gen. Marmora, Oct. 25. Marshal Pelissier, Nov. 12. Gen. Bosquet. Gen. de Salles. Gen. MacMahon. Gen. Regnault d'Angély. Gen. Morris. Pr. Fredk. Wm. Louis of Prussia. aft. K. Wrm. I. of Prussia and Emp. Wm. I. of Germany, Jan. 1. Adm. Ferd. Alphonse Hamelin, May 7. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Outram, July 30 M.-gen, sir 1 Iugh Hy. Rose, aft. ld. Strathnairn. H.H. Maharajah Bahadoor Koon- war Ranajee. R.-adm. sir Michl. Seymour, May 20. Jas. Howard, 3rd E. of Malmes- bury, Jan. 15. Deans of de St. John 49 770 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1859. 1859, June 21. 1860, May 18. 1860. 1861. 1861, June 28. 1862, Nov. 10. 1865. 1865, Mar. 28. 1865. 1867, May 13. Sir John Pakington, bt., June 15. Gen. Sir Thos. McMahon, bt. Gen. Chas. Murray, 3rd E. Cath- Cart. Gen. Sir Wm. Maynard Gomm. Gen. Sir Robt. Wm. Gardiner. Adm. sir John West. Adm. Sir Wm. Hall Gage. Adm. sir Fras. Wm. Austen. Gen. Sir Jas. Douglas. Gen. Sir Geo. Scovell. Gen. Ulysses, ld. Downes. Adm. Sir Thos. John Cochrane. Adm. Sir Geo. Fras. Seymour. Gen Sir Fredk. Stovin. Gen. Sir Jas. Fergusson. Lt.-gen. Sir John Bell. Lt -gen. Sir Chas. Yorke, June 29, Lt.-gen. Jas. Hope Grant, Nov. 9 M.-gen. sir Patrick Grant, Mar. 1 Gen. Sir Arthur Benjn. Clifton. Adm. Sir Phipps Hornby. Gen. Sir Jas. Archd. Hope. Gen. Sir Thos. Wm. Brotherton. Gen. Sir Saml. Benjn. Auchmuty, Adm. sir Barrington Reynolds. Gen. Sir Thos. Will, bt. W.-adm. sir Maurice Fredk. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley. Lt.-gen. Sir Harry David Jones. Gen. Sir John Wright Guise, bt. Gen. Sir John Forster FitzGerald. Adm. Anthy. , 10th E. of Lauder- dale. Adm. Sir Edwd. Tucker. Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales, Feb. 10. Adm. Sir Edwd. Harvey. Adm. sir Fairfax Moresby. Gen. Sir Wm. Rowan. Adm. Sir Houston Stewart. Gen. Sir Wm. John Codrington. Gen. Sir Geo. Augs. Wetherall. Adm. sir Hy. Ducie Chads. Gen. Sir Jas. Fredk. Love. Gen. Sir Jas. Jackson. Lt.-gen. Sir John Cheape. Lt.-gen. Hy., 3rd visc. Melville. V.-adm. hom. Sir Fredk. Wm. Grey. V.-adm. Sir Jas. Hope. Adm. Sir Geo. Robt. Lambert, June 7. Adm. sir Stephen Lushington. Lt.-gen. Sir John Lysaght Penne- father. Lt.-gen. Sir Richd. Airey. Adm. Sir Chas. Howe Fre- mantle. M.-gen. Sir Archdale Wilson, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Lugard. 1867, May 13. 1868. 1869, June 2. I870. 1871, May 20. 1873, May 24, 1875, May 29. Gen. Sir John Aitchison. Gen. hon. Sir Chas. Gore. Gen. Geo., 8th M. of Tweeddale. Lt -gen. Sir Robt. Cornelis Napier, aft. li. Napier of Magdala, Apr. 27. Adm. sir Hy. Prescott. Gen. Geo. Chas., 3rd E. of Lucan. Gen. Sir Richd. Jas. Dacres. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Jas. Yorke Scarlett. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Buller. W.-adm. Sir Augs. Leopold Kuper. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Rose Mansfield, aft. la. Sandhurst, May 14. Adm. hon. Sir Hy. Keppel. Gen. Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams. bt. Adm. Sir Alexr. Milne. Adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres. Gen. Sir Robt. John Hussey Vivian. Lt.-gen. Sir John Michel. Lt.-gen. Wrm. Paulet, c.c. Id. Wm. Paulet. Gen. Sir Hy. Geo. Andrew Taylor. Gen. Sir Geo. Bowles. Adm. sir Provo Wm. Parry Wallis. Adm. sir Wm. Fanshawe Martin. Gen. Sir Abraham Roberts. Gen. Sir Jas. Chas. Chatterton, bt. Thos., 11th E. of Lauderdale. Adm. sir Lewis Tobias Jones. Gen. Sir Wm. Hy. Elliott. Lt.-gen, sir Sydney John Cotton. Lt.-gen. Sir John Bloomfield. Lt.-gen. Sir Duncan Alexr. Cameron. Gen. Sir Thos. Reed. Gen. Hy. la. Rokeby. Gen. Sir John Bloomfield Gough. Gen. Sir Chas. Thos. Wan Strau- benzee. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Augs. Almeric Spencer. V.-adm. Sir Hastings Regd. Yel- verton. Lt.-gen. Stuart. Lt.-gen, sir John Garvock. Lt.-gen. Sir Neville Bowles Cham- berlain. M.-gen. Sir Alfd. Hastings Hors- ford. Gen. Jioji Rao Sindia Maharaja of Gwalior, Jan. 1. Adm. Sir Geo. Rodney Mundy. Gen. Sir Wm. Wyllie. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk. Edwd. Chap- IX180/1. sir Chas. Shepherd THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 771 1877, June 2. M.-gen. Sir John Douglas. 1878. Cunynghame, June 13. Gen. Pr. Fredo. Chas. of Prussia, July 3. Gen. Sir Simmons, July 29. 1879. Chelmsford, Aug. 19. 1880, Apr. 23. Adm. Sir Thos. Symonds. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk. Paul Haines. Lt.-gen, sir David Edwd. Wood. Gen. Sir Arth. Augs. Thurlow Nichs. John Lintorn Arabin M.-gen. Frede. Augs., 2nd lù. Adm. Sir Geo. Rose Sartorius. Mathew Chas. Adm. hon. Sir Jas. Robt. Drum- mond. Lt.-gen. Sir Garnet Josh. Wol- seley, aft. visc. Wolseley, June 19 Lt.-gen. Donald Martin Stewart, Sept. 21. M.-gen. Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, Sept. 21 1881, May 24, ford. Gen. Wm. Lygon, 4th E. of Long- W.-adm. Sir Fredk. Beauchamp Paget Seymour. 1882. 15. Gen. Sir Chas. Hy. Ellice, Apr. Lt.-gen. Sir John Miller Adye, Nov. 17. Adm. Nov. 24. Adm. Sir Wm. Robt. Nov. 24. 1883. sir Anthy. Cooper Key, Mends, F. M. Fredk. Wm. Nichs. Chas., Cr. Pr. of Prussia, aft. Emp. Fredk. III. of Germany and K. of Prussia, Jan. 25. Gen. Sir Chas. Staveley. 1884, May 24. Wm. Dunbar Gen. Sir Collingwood Dickson. Gen Sir Arthr. Borton. 1884, May 24. 1885. 1886. 1886, May 29. 1886. 1887, June 21. L887. Gen. Sir Hy. Chas. Barnston Daubeney. Gen. Sir Jas. Brind. M.-gen. Sir Peter Stark Lumsden, Alexr. Louis Geo. Fredk. Emile of Hesse, July 22. Adm. Sir Geoffrey Thos. Phipps Hornby, Dec. 19. Gen. Sir Fredk. Chas. Stephenson, Jan. 30. Adm. Clarence Edwd. Paget, c.c. ld. Clarence Paget. Gen. Geo. Fredk., visct. Temple- town. Gen. Sir Wm. Jones. Gen. Sir Chas. Reid. Gen. Sir Geo. Malcolm. Gen. Sir Danl. Lysons. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk. Fras. Maude. Adm. John Hay, c.c. la. John Hay, July 30. Pr. Alexr. of Bulgaria, Dec. 10. Adm. sir Geo. Greville Welles- Arthr. ley. Adm. Sir Edwd. Gennys Fan- shawe. Gen. Sir Edwd. Cooper Hodge. Gen. Sir Thos. Montagu Steele. Gen. Sir Edwin Beaumont John- SOIl. Gen. Sir Hy. Wylie Norman. Adm. Sir Wim. Houston Stewart. Adm. Sir John Edma. Com- merell. Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Lawrence D’Aguilar. Lt.-gen. Sir Archd. Alison, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Hy. Brownlow. Gen. Pr. Wm. Augustus Edwd. of Saxe Weimar. -Adm. Ernest Leopold, &c., Pr. of Leiningen. July 1 and Sept. 27. RNIGHTS GRAND CROSS—CIVIL DIVISION. 1815, Sir Robt. Gunning. Jam. 2. Jas., E. of Malmesbury. Morton, ld. Henley. Chas., ld. Whitworth. Sir Jos. Banks, bt. Sir Arth. Paget. Sir Philip Francis. Sir Geo. H. Barlow. Percy Clinton Sydney, (G.C.B.) GEORGE III. 1815, Jan. 2. Strangford in Ir. ; aft. la Pens- hurst in Gr. Brit. Hon. Sir Hy. Wellesley, aft. 1st ld. Cowley. Hon. Sir Chas. Stewart. Sir Robt. Linton, Oct. 21. Sir Wm. A 'Court, bt., aft. li. lſeytesbury, Oct. 20. 49 % 772 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1820, May 20. 1822. 1825. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1837. 1838, July 19. 1838. 1839. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. GEORGE IV. Sir Chas, Long. 1827. Sir Chas. Bagot. Sir Edwd. Thornton, Mar. 8. M.-gen. Sir Benjn. Bloomfield, 1829, aft. 1st ld. B., Apr. 1. Dec. 7. Granville, 1st visc. and E. Gran- ville, May. WILLIAM IV. Sir Robt. Adair, Aug. 3. 1834. Hy. John, 3rd visc. Palmerston, June 6. 1835. Chas. Manners Sutton, aft. visc. Canterbury, Aug. 31. John, 2nd ló., and aft. 1st visc. Ponsonby, Mar. 3. VICTORIA. John Geo., 1st E. of Durham, June 27. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Williers, aft. 4th E. of Clarendon, Oct. 19. Augs. Fredk., D. of Sussex; app. first G.C.B., Dec. 15, and actg. Gr. Mast., Dec. 16. Achd., 2nd E. of Gosford. Col. Geo. Wm. Russell, c.c. ld. G. W. Russell. Chas. Augs., 6th lä. Howard de Walden. Richd. Jenkins, July 20. John McNeill, Apr. 15. Lt.-gen. Sir Howard Douglas, bt., Aug. 27. Chas. Wm., 1st ld. Sydenham, Aug. 19. Lt.-gen. Sir Lionel Smith, bt., Aug. 27. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Pottinger, bt., Dec. 2. Arth. Aston, Nov. 10. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Hardinge, aft. visc. H., June 1. Capt. Sir Edmd. Lyons, bt., R.N., July 10. | Edwd., 1st E. of Ellenborough, Oct. 30. Chas. Cecil Cope, 3rd E. of Liverpool, Dec. 11. Lt.-gen. John, 11th E. of West- morland, June 24. | Sir Geo. Hy. Seymour, Jan. 21. Constantine Hy., M. of Nor- manby, Dec. 10. | Sir Geo. Grey, bt., Mar. 31. Sir Hy. Lytton Earle Bulwer; aft. ld. Dalling and Bulwer, Mar. 1. John Cam, ld. Broughton, Feb. 23. Fredc. Jas. Lamb, aft. li. Beau- * and visc. Melbourne, Dec. 13. Sir Stratford Canning, aft. visc. Stratford de Redcliffe. Sir Robt. Gordon. Gilbert, 2nd E. of Minto, Sept. 16. Geo., 2nd ló., aft. 1st E. of Auckland, Aug. 29. Sir Chas. Theoph. Metcalfe, bt., Sept. 12. 1853. Hy. Richd. Chas., 2nd Id. and 1st 1854. 1858. 1859. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1866, July 6. E. Cowley, Feb. 21. Sir Jas. Robt. Geo Graham, bt., Apr. 15. Fox, 2nd ló. Panmure; aft. 11th E. of Dalhousie, Oct. 29. Sir Chas. Wood, bt., aft. visc. Halifax. Edwd. Granville, 3rd E. of St. Germans, Jan. 24. Sir John Laird Mair Lawrence, aft. Id. Lawrence, Nov. 11. M.-gen. John Hobart, ld. Howden, Mar. 5. John Arth., 2nd ló. Bloomfield Sept. 3. Jas., 8th E. of Elgin, and 12th E. of Kincardine, Sept. 28. Chas. John, visc. Canning, Mar. 31. John, ld. Elphinstone. Richd. Bickerton Pemell, 2nd ld, and aft. 1st visc. Lyons, Jan. 24. John Robt., 3rd visc. and aft. 1st E. Sydney, Mar. 10. Sir Jas. Hudson, Aug. 11. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Knight Storks, July 1. Hon. Sir Fredk. Wm. Adolphus Bruce, Mar. 17. The Bey of Tunis, June 1. Sir Robt. Peel, bt., Jan. 5. Capt. Ernest Leopold, &c., Pr. of Leiningen, R.N., Jan. 29. Fras. Paul Chas. Louis Alexr., Pr. of Teck, June 12. Sir Andr. Buchanan. Hon. Augs. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, c c. 1d. Augs. Loftus. Sir Arth. Chas. Magenis. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 773 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1872. 1873. 1876. 1879. 1880, Apr. 20. 1881. 1815, Jan. 2. Ismail Pacha, Viceroy of Egypt, Dec. 18. Pr. Hohenlohe-Langenburg, May 8 Sir John Young, bt., Nov. 13. Hy. Geo. Elliott, Nov. 22. Robt. Vernon, 1st là. Lyveden, July 13. Hy. Fras. Howard, July 13. Sir Alexr. Jas. Edmd. Cockburn, bt., ld, ch. just., K. B. Hon. Odo Wm. Leopold Russell, c.c. la. Odo Russell ; aft, ld. Ampthill. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, aft. bt., May 17. The Hered. Gr. D. of Mecklen- burg-Strelitz, Apr. 17. Edwd. Robt. Lytton, 2nd lå. and aft. 1st E. of Lytton. Jan. 1. Austen Hy. Layard, June 11. Gen. Fras. Hugh Geo., M. of Hertford, Jam. 24. Pr. Alexr. Jos. of Battenberg, Pr. Elect of Bulgaria, June 6. Stephen Cave. Richd. Assheton visc. Cross. Sir Stafford Hy. Northcote, bt., aft. E. of Iddesleigh. Hon. John Jas. Robt. Manners, c. c. 1d. John Manners; aft. 7th D. of Rutland. Pr. Hy. of Prussia. Aug. 13. Hy. Bouverie Wm. Brand, aft. visc. Hampden, Sept. 20. Cross, aft. 1883. 1883, Aug. 21. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887, June 21. 1887. 1888. Fredk. Temple, E. of Dufferin, aft. M. of Dufferin and Ava, June 15. Sir Edwd. Thornton. Sir Augs. Berkeley Paget. Sir John Alexr. Macdonald, Nov. 1. Hy. Austin, ld. Aberdare, Jan. 7. Geo. Augs. Constantine, M. of Normanby, Jan. 9. Sir John Savile Lumley, June 15. Chas., visc. Eversley, June 30. Robt., visc. Sherbrooke, June 30 Fredk. Arth. Stanley, aft. li. Stanley of Preston, Feb. 2. Sir Edwd. Baldwin Malet, Feb. 2. Gr. D. Serge Alexandrovitch of Russia. Ern. Louis Chas. Albert Wm., Hered. Gr. D. of Hesse. Bernard Fredk. Wrm. Albt. Geo., Hered. Pr. of Saxe-Meiningen. Mehemed Tewfik, Viceroy or Khedive of Egypt. Gen. Hon. Sir Hy. Fredk. Pon- sonby. V.-Adm. Victor Ferd., &c., Pr. of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. Pr. Louis Alexr. of Battenberg. Sir Robt. Burnett David Morier, Sept. 30. Pr. Christian Fredc. Wm. Chas. , Cr. Pr. of Denmark, Mar. 10. Sir Wrm. Arth. White. June. 21. |RNIGHTS COMIMI.ANDERS–MILITARY DIVISION. (K.C.B.) GEORGE III. Adm. Jas., ld. Gambier. Adm. Sir Chas. Maurice Pole, bt. Adm. Jas. Hawkins Whitshed. Adm. Adm. Adm. Adm. Adm. sir Robt. Calder, bt. sir Richd. Bickerton, bt. John Knight. IEdwd. Thormbrough. Geo. Campbell. Adm. Sir Albemarle Bertie, bt. Adm. Edwd., 1st là. Exmouth. W.-adm. Wm. Domett. W.-adm. Geo. Murray. V.-adm. John Sutton. V.-adm. Wm. Essington. W.-adm. Eliab Hervey. V.-adm. sir Edm. Nagle. V.-adm. Richd. Grindall. W.-adm. Sir Geo. Martin. W.-adm. Sir Wm. Sydney Smith. 1815, Jam. 2. Lt.-gen. Gordon Drummond. W.-adm. Herbert Sawyer. Lt.-gen. hon. John Abercromby. W.-adm. hon. Robt. Stopford. V.-adm. Thos. Foley. Lt.-gen. Ronald Craufurd Fer- guson. lit.-gen. Hy. Warde. V.-adm. Chas. Tyler. W.-adm. Alan Hyde, ld. Gardner. V.-adm. Winn. Mitchell. W.-adm. Sir Thos. Williams. V.-adm. Sir Thos. Boulden Thompson, bt. Ilt.-gen. Wm. Houston Lt.-gen. Wm. Lumley. Lt.-gen. Wroth Palmer Acland. Lt.-gen. Miles Nightingale. Lt.-gen. Hy. Fredk. Campbell. W.-adm. Wm. Hargood. 774 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1815, W.-adm. Robt. Moorsom. 1815, R.-adm. sir Josias Rowley, bt. Jan. 2. W.-adm. Lawrence Wn. Halsted. Jan. 2. R.-adm. Edwd. Codrington. V.-adm. Sir Harry Neale, bt. W.-adm. Sir Jos. Sidney Yorke. W.-adm. hon. Arth. Kaye Legge. M.-gen. Alan Cameron. M.-gen. hon. Chas. Colville. M.-gen. Hy. Fane. M.-gen. Geo. Anson. M.-gen. Kenneth Alexr. Howard, aft. 11th lä. Howard of Effingham. R.-adm. Thos. Fras. Fremantle. R.-adm. Sir Fras. Laforey, bt. R.-adm. Philip Chas. Durham. R.-adm. Israel Pellew. M.-gen. Hy. Bell. M.-gen. John Oswald. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Anson, bt. M.-gen. Edwd. Howorth. M.-gen. Chas. Wale. M.-gen. John Ormsby Vandeleur. M.-gen, hon. Edwd. Stopford. M.-gen. Geo. Townshend Walker. R.-adm. Benjn. Hallowell. R.-adm. Geo. Hope. R.-adm. Amelius Beauclerk, c.c. ld. A. Beauclerk. R.-adm. Jas. Nicoll Morris. R.-adm. Thos. Byam Martin. M.-gen. Jas. Kempt. M.-gen. Robt. Rollo Gillespie, nom., but d. in India, Oct. 31, 1814. M.-gen. Wm. Hy. Pringle. R.-adm. Wm. Johnstone Hope. R.-adm. Hy. Paulet, c.c. 1d. Hy. Paulet. R.-adm. Geo. Cockburn. R.-adm. Graham Moore. R.-adm. Hy. Wm. Bayntun. R.-adm. Sir Richd. King, bt. R.-adm. Richd. Lee. M.-gen. Fredk. Philipse Robin- SOI), M.-gen. Edwd. Barnes. M.-gen. hom. Wm. Ponsonby. M.-gen. John Byng. M.-gen. Thos. Brisbane, aft. Makdougall-Brisbane. M.-gen. Denis Pack. M.-gen. Robt. Edwd. Hy. Somer- Set, c.c. 1d. R. E. H. Somerset. M.-gen. Thos. Bradford. M.-gen. John Lambert. M.-gen. Jas. Willoughby Gordon. M.-gen. Manley Power. M.-gen. Saml. Gibbs. M.-gen. Matth., 5th lä. Aylmer. R.-adm. Wm. Hotham. R.-adm. Pulteney Malcolm. R.-adm sir John Gore. R.-adm. hon. Hy. Hotham. R.-adm. Geo. Burlton. R.-adm. Horne Popham. R... adm, sir Chas. Rowley, bt. M.-gen. Colquhoun Grant. M.-gen. Sir Thos. Sidney Beck- with. M.-gen, hon. Robt. Wm. O'Calla- ghan. M.-gen, Jno. Keane. M.-gen. Colin Halkett. M.-gen.sir Hy. Edwd. Bunbury,bt, M.-gen. Richd. Hussey Vivian. M.-gen. Hy. Torrens. - Capt. Sir Geo. Eyre. Capt. Sir Chas. Brisbane. Capt. John Talbot. Capt. Sir Edwd. Berry, bt. Capt. Sir Edwd. Hamilton. Caps. Edwd. Wm. Campbell Richd. Owen. Capt. Sir Thos. Masterman |Hardy, bt. Capt. Sir Jahleel Brenton, bt. Capt. Sir Michael Seymour. Capt. Sir Thos. Laire. Capt. Sir Philip Bowes Vere Broke, bt. Capt. Sir Wm. Hoste, bt. Capt. Sir Christopher Cole. Capt. Sir Geo. Ralph Collier, bt. Capt. Sir Jas. Lind. Capt. Jas. Alexr. Gordon. Capt. Sir Thos. Staines. Capt. Sir Edwd. Tucker. Capt. Sir Jas. Lucas Yeo. Col. Jno. Elley. Col. Chas. Philip Belson. Col. Wm. Howe Delancey Col. Benjn. Durban. Col. Geo. Ridout Bingham. Col. hon. Chas. Jas. Greville. Col. Haylett Framingham. Col. Andr. Fras. Barnard. Col. Wm. Robe. Col. Hy. Walton Ellis. Col. John Cameron. Col. hon. Robt. Le Poer Trench. Col. Chas. Pratt. Col. Edwd. Blakeney. Col. John M'Lean. Col. Richd. Downes Jackson. Col. Wm. Douglas. Col. Colin Campbell. Col. John Colborne. Col. Archd, Campbell. Col. Thos. Arbuthnot. Col. Hy. Fredk. Bouverie. Lt.-col, Wm. Williams. Lt.-col. Hy. Hollis Bradford. Lt.-col. Alexr. Leith. Lt.-col. hon. Robt. Lawrence Dundas. Lt.-col. Robt. Arbuthnot. Lt.-col. Sir Chas. Sutton. Lt.-col. Jas. Douglas. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 7 7 5 1815, Jan. 2. 1815, Apr. 7. 1820. 1820, May 20. 1822. Dec. 3. 1823. Lt.-col. Hy. Hardinge, aft. visc. H. Lt.-col. Geo. Hy. Fredk. Berkeley. Lt.-Col. Jeremiah Dickson. Lt.-col. Sir John Milley Doyle. Lt -col. Sir Thos. Noel Hill. Lt.-col. Robt. Macara. Lt -col, hon. Alexr. Gordon. Lt.-col. Hy. Wm. Carr. Lt.-col. Chas. Broke Vere. Lt.-col. Fitzroy Jas. Hy. Somer- set, c.c. la. Fitzroy Somerset; aft. la. Raglan. Lt.-col. Jas. Wilson. Lt.-col. Alexr. I. Dickson. Lt.-col. John May. Lt.-col. Geo. Scovell. Lt.-col. Wm. Maynard Gomm. Lt.-col. Ulysses Burgh. Lt.-col. Fras. D'Oyley. Lt.-col. Richd. Williams. Lt.-col. Jas. Malcolm. Lt.-col. Jas. Archd. Hope. Rut.-col. Augs. Frazer. Lt.-col. Hew Dalrymple Ross. Lt.-col. Edm. Keynton Williams. Lt.-col. Maxwell Grant. Lt.-col. Fredk. Stovin. Lt.-col. Jos. Hugh Carncross. Lt.-col, Robt. Gardiner. Lt.-col. John Dyer. Lt.-gen. Chas., baron Linsingen. Lt.-gen. count Walmoden. Lt.-gen. count Nugent. M.-gen. Sigismund, baron Low. M.-gen. Chas., baron Alten. M.-gen. Hy. de Hinuber. M.-gen. Wilhelm de Dornberg. Col. I're dk., baron de Arentschildt. Lt.-col. Fredk. Augs. de Hertz- berg. Lt.-col. Julius Hartmann. Lt.-gen. Moore Disney. M.-gen. Wm. Inglis. M.-gen. Jas. Lyon. Lt.-gen. John Macdonald. M.-gen Robt. Blair. M.-gen. Geo. Wood. 1815, Apr. 7. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819, Apr. 17. 1819, Aug. 12. 1819, Nov. 26. GEORGE IV. Lt.-gen. sir Hy. Tucker Montresor, Mar. 17. Adm. sir Hy. Trollope. Adm. Hy. D'Esterre Darby. V.-adm. John Wells. W.-adm. Hy. Nicholls. Capt, sir Robt. Barlow. Capt. hon. Sir Geo. Grey, bt. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Kerr Grant. M.-gen. Jas. Campbell. M.-gen. Lionel Smith, aft, bt. M.-gen. Theoph Pritzler. M.-gen. Thos. Brown, July 23. 1827. 1828, M -gen. Hector McLean. M.-gen. Thos. Dallas. M.-gen. John M. Chalmers. M.-gen. John Horsford. M.-gen. Hy. White. M.-gen. Gabriel Martindell. M.-gen. Geo. Sackville Browne. M.-gen. Geo. Holmes. M.-gen. David Ochterlony. Col. John Malcolm. Col. Augs. Floyer. Col. Robt. Barclay. W.-adm, sir Davidge Gould, June 7. M.-gen. Geo. Cooke, June 20. M.-gen. Peregrine Maitland, June 22 M.-gen. Fredk. Adam, June 22. Lt.-gen. Miguel Alava, Oct. 10. Lt.-gen. Bar. de Muffling, Oct. 20. R.-Adm. Chas. Winicombe Pen- rose, Jan. 3. M.-gen. sir Hudson Lowe, Jan. 23. R.-adm. sir David Milne, Sept. 19. V. adm. Bar. Van de Capellen, Oct. 4. Lt.-gen, sir Alexr. Campbell, bt., Jan. 7. Lt.-gen. Richd. Jones, Feb. 3. Lt.-gen. Robt. Macfarlane, Mar. 11 Lt.-gen. Thos. Hislop, Sept. 5. M.-gen. Dyson Marshall, Oct. 14. M.-gen. Rufane Shaw Donkin, Oct. 14. Gen. Nichs. Chas., baron Vincent. Gen. count Pozzo de Borgo. Gen. De Reede. Lt.-gen. — Lamotte. W.-adm. Manley Dixon. R.-adm. hon. Sir Hy. Blackwood, . Sir John Poo Beresford, bt. M.-gen. M.-gen. M.-gen. sir Thos. Munro, bt. Wm. Toone. John Doveton. R.-adm. Wm. Chas. Fahie, Jan' 13. R.-adm. Robt. Waller Otway, June 8. M.-gen. Thos. Reynell. . M.-gen. Jasper Nicholls. M.-gen. Sir Saml. Ford Whitting- ham M. gen. sir Thos. McMahon, bt. . Lt.-gen, Thos. Bowser M.-gen. John Arnold. Lt.-gen. Baron de Hugel, Oct. 2. Adm. Louis, Count de Heiden. Mar. 14. R.-adm. H. Re Rigny. 776 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1830, Nov. 17. 1831. 1831, May 19. 1831, June 8. 1831, Sept. 13. 1831, Sept. 26. 1837. 1838. 1838, Apr. 20. 1838, July 19. WILLIAM IV. W.-adm. sir Willoughby Thos. Lake. R.-adm. sir Fredk. Lewis Mait- land. V.-adm. Hy. Digby. Mar. 14. W.-adm. Edwd. Griffith Col- poys. W.-adm. Edwd. Jas. Foote. V.-adm. Chas. Ekins. R.-adm. Thos. Baker. Lt.-gen. Saml. Venables Hinde. M.-gen. John. Wright Guise. M.-gen. Jas. Bathurst. M.-gen. Jas. Stevenson Banks. R.-adm. Sir Robt. Laurie, bt. M.-gen. John Macdonald. M.-gen. Alexr. Woodford. M.-gen. hon. I'redk. Cavendish Ponsonby. R.-adm. Geo. Scott. R.-adm. Thos. Dundas. R.-adm. Sir Graham Hamond, bt. M.-gen. John Buchan. M.-gen. Ilugh Gough, aft, ld, and visc. Gough. M.-gen. Chas. Ashworth. M.-gen. Chas. Bruce. M.-gen. John Foster l'itzgerald. M.-gen. John Ross. M.-gen. Dugald Little Gilmour. M.-gen. Wm. Macbean. M.-gen. Geo. Iºlder. M.-gen. Alexr. Knox. - M.-gen. Sir John Whittington Adams. M.-gen. Hy. Worsley. M.-gen. Hopton Stratford Scott. M.-gen. Robt. Scot. M.-gen. Amdr. Macdonald. Eden Mar. 10. 1832, Feb. 20. | 1832. 1833. 1833, Apr. 24. 1833, June 1. 1833, Sept. 16. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1837, Feb. 28. 1837, VICTORIA. M.-gen. Wm. Johnston, June 2. Col. De Lacy Evans, Peb. 13. MI.-gen. John Iºane, c, c. 1d. Burg- hersh, I'eb. 15. M.-gen. Donald Macleod, Feb. 16. ‘M.-gen. Chas. Somerset Manners, c.c. li. C. Manners. - M.-gen. Sir Jas. Macdonnell. Adm. John Lawford. M.-gen. Andr. Pilkington. M.-gen. John Gardiner. M.-gen. Sir Arth. Benjn. Clifton. M.-gen. Chas. Murray Cathcart, c.c. 14. Greenock. - M.-gen. Willoughby Cotton. M.-gen. Sir John Geo. Woodford. M.-gen. Patr. Lindesay. W t | i July 20. M.-gen. 1838, July 19. 1838, R.-adm. John Tremayne Rodd. R.-adm. hon. Thos. Capel. M.-gen. John Waters, Mar. 1. M.-gen. Hugh Fraser, Apr. 7. Adm. Sir Chas. Hamilton, bt., Jan. 29. R.-adm. Thos. Harvey. R.-adm. Richd. Hussey Hussey. V.-adm. John Harvey. W.-adm. Geo. Parker. M.-gen. Arth. Brooke. M. gen, sir John Alex. Wallace, bt. Sir Wm. Parker, July 14. R.-adm. Edwd. Bruce, Oct. 6. M.-gen. John Taylor, Oct. 17. M.-gen. Richd. Bourke, Jan. 26. M.-gen. hon. Hy. King, Mar. 28. R.-adm. Chas. Adam, Aug. 10. R.-adm. Patrick Campbell, Apr. 11. M.-gen. Wm. 16. M.-gen. Hy. Dec. 21. M.-gen. Sir John Wilson, Feb. 6. V.-adm. Ross Donnelly. R.-adm. Fras. Wm. Austen. R.-adm. Geo. Mundy. M.-gen. Jas. Iillyman Caldwell. M.-gen. Alexr. Caldwell. M.-gen. T)avid Leighton. M.-gen. Chas. Deacon. M.-gen. Jos. Russell. M.-gen. Sir Jos. O'Halloran. M.-gen. Robt. Houstoun. M.-gen. Robt. Stevenson. M.-gen. Wm. Casement. M.-gen. Jas. Law Lushington. Bladen Thornton, Sept. Sheehy Keating, M.-gen. Chas. Jas. Napier. M.-gen. Sir Evan John Murray Macgregor, bt. M.-gen. Edwd. Gibbs, M.-gen. Geo. Thos. Napier. M.-gen. Hon. IIercules Robinson Pakenham. - M.-gen. Sir John Thos. Jones, bt. M.-gen. John Hervey. M,-gen. Leonard Greenwell. M.-gen. Robt. Hy. Dick. M.-gen. Neil Douglas. John Acworth Ommamey. Alexr. Cameron. John Fox Burgoyne. John Rose. Thos. Corsellis. M.-gen. M.-gen. M.-gen. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 777 1838, July 20, 1839, Apr. 18. 1839. 1839, Oct. 25. 1839, Dec. 20. 1840, July 4. 1840, July 18. 1840. 1841, Jan. 12. 1841, June 29. 1841. 1842, Dec. 24. 1843, July 12. 1843, Sept. 23. 1844, May 2. 1844, Oct. 30. 1845. 1846. M. -gen, Chas. Wm. Pasley, Dec. 1847. 1848, Mar 2. M.-gen. Wm. Richards. M.-gen. Thos. Whitehead. M.-gen. John Doveton. M.-gen. David Foulis. M.-gen. Thos. Amburey. R.-adm. Sir Chas. Bullen. R.-adm. Sir Saml. Warren. Lt.-gen. Jas Watson, July 5. R.-adm. Saml. Pym. M.-gen. Sir John Boscawen Savage. Col. Thos. Willshire. Col. Jos. Thackwell. Col. Robt, Hy. Sale. W.-adm. John West. R.-adm. Sir Chas. Dashwood. R.-adm. sir John Wentworth Loring. R.-adm. sir Robt. Barrie. | R.-adm, sir Jas. Hillyar. ! R.-adm. Wnn. Fitzroy, c.c. lá. Wm. Fitzroy. Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Kerrison, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Howard Douglas, bt. Commod. Chas. Napier, Dec. 4. R.-adm. Fras. Baron de Bandiera. Capt. Baldwin Wake Walker. V -adm. John Chambers White. R.-adm. Chas. Richardson. i T.-adm. Sir Arth. Farquhar. - Commod. Sir Jas. John Gordon Bremer. - R.-adm. Fras. Mason, Aug. 24. Capt. Thos. Herbert, R.N., Oct. 14. M.-Gen. Alexr. Geo., 16th ld. , Saltoun. Col. Robt. Bartley (? Bartlay). Col. Jas. Holmes Schoedde. Capt. Thos. Bourchier. i Col. John McCaskill. - Lt -gén. Jas. Baron de Washing- tom. Lt.-gen. Maxm. Schreibershofer. M.-gen, sir Chas. Felix Smith. Col. Itich.d. Jºngland. . M.-gen. John Grey. M.-gen. Hy. Geo. Wakelyn Smith. M. gen. Jas. Rutherford Lumley. M.-gen. John Hunter Littler. Col. Jas. Dennis. Col. Thos. Valiant. R.-adm. sir Edwd. Chetham, aft. Chetham-Strode, May 8. Capt. Chas. Hotham, Mar, 9. M.-gen. Walter Raleigh Gilbert, Apr. 3. 21. R.-adm, sir Hugh Pigot, July 8. R.-adm. sir Thos. John Cochrane, Oct. 29. - - M-gen. Sir Dudley St. Ledger Hill. - M.-gen. John Rolt. 1848. 1849, June 5. 1850, Aug. 16. 1851. 1852. 1852, Apr. 6. 1852. 1853, May 30. 1853, Dec. 9. 1854, May 30. 1855, July 5. M.-gen. Wm. Fras. Patr. Napier, Apr. 27. M.-gen. Archd. Galloway, Aug. 25. Col. hon. Hy. Dundas. Col. Colin Campbell, aft. Clyde. M.-gen. Wm. Samson Whish. Col. John Cheape. Sir John Bisset. Sir Jas. McGregor, bt. Sir Wm. Burnett. Jas. Thomson. Col. Hugh Massey Wheeler. M.-gen. Geo. Bowles, July 22. M.-gen. John Owen, Feb. 23. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Downman. V.-adm. sir Geo. Fras. Seymour. W.-adm. hon. Sir Anthy. Mait- land. Lt.-gen. Lt.-gen. Lt.-gen. Lt.-gen. Lt.-gen. Lt.-gen. R.-adm. R.-adm. roll. Col. Jas. Tennant. Lt.-gen. Chas. McLeod, June 29. Hon. Geo. Cathcart. M.-gen. Hy. Somerset. M.-gen. Hy. Godwin. Brig.-gen. ScudamoreWinde Steel. Commander Geo. Robt. Lam- bert. Lt.-gen, hon. Geo. Cathcart. M.-gen. Hy. Somerset. Lt.-gen. Geo. Chas, , 3rd E. of Lucan. Lt.-gen. Hy. J. W. Bentinck. Lt.-gen. John Lysaght Pemme- father. R.-adm. Houston Stuart. R.-adm. Jos. Hanway Plumridge. M.-gen. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Bruce, c.c. E. of Cardigan ; aft. 2nd M. of Ailesbury. M.-gen. Wn. John Codrington. M.-gen. I&ichd. Airey. ld. sir Archd. Maclaime. Geo. Chas. D’Aguilar. sir Richd. Armstrong. Hy. Goldfinch. John Bell. Geo. Brown. Phipps Hornby. Wm. Fairbrother Car- M.-gen. hon. Jas. Yorke Scar- lett. - M.-gen, Harry David Jones. M.-gen. Arthur Wellesley Tor- 1 CIRS, M.-gen. Geo. Buller. M.-gen. Winn. Eyre. M.-gen, Richd. J. Dacres. R.-adm. Hon. Montagu Stopford. R.-adm. Hy. Ducie Chads. R.-adm. Michael Seymour. R.-adm. Hy. Byam Martin. Capt. Stephem Lushington. Adm. Fredk. Wm. Aylmer. 778 THE BOOK OF DIGN1TIES. 1855, July 5. 1856, Jan. 3. 1856, Feb. 5. 1856, May 3. 1857, Jan. 2. Gen. Edwd. Nicolls. Lt.-gen. Jas. Fergusson. Lt.-gen. Thos. Wm. Brotherton. V.-adm. Hy. Hope. W.-adm. John Hy. Coode. R.-adm. Maurice Fredk. Fitz- hardinge Berkeley. R.-adm. Fairfax Moresby. M.-gen. Hugh Hy. Rose, aft. la. Strathnairn ; Oct. 16. Gen. de Martimprey. Gen. F. A. Thiry. Gen. Niel. Gen. Camon. Gen. Paté. Gen. d’Antemarre d'Ervillé. Gen. d’Allonville. Gen. Levaillant. Gen. Dulac. Gen. Dalesme. Gen. Herbillon. Gen. Bouat. Adm. Rigault de Genouilly. Gen. d’Aurelles de Paladines. Gen. Mellinet. Adm. Penaud. Gen. Jas. W. Sleigh. Lt.-gen. Richd. Goddard Hare Clarges. W.-adm. Hy. Prescott. Lt.-gen. John McDonald. Lt.-gen. Wm. Rowan. V.-adm. Barrington Reynolds. Lt.-gen. Wm. Geo. Moore. M.-gen. Jas. Fred. Love. M.-gen. Jas. Jackson. M.-gen. Chas. Yorke. R.-adm. hon. Richd. Saunders Dundas. M.-gen. Lovell Benj. Lovell. M.-gen. Wrm. Fenwick Williams, aft. bt. M.-gen. Geo. Augs. Wetherall. Sir Geo. Maclean. John Hall. M.-gen. Hy. Wm. Barnard. Hy. , ld. Rokeby. Lt.-gen. Sam. Benj. Auchmuty. Lt.-gen. Nathl. Thorn. R.-adm. Chas. Howe Fremantle. R.-adm. hon. Fredk. Wm. Grey. Col. Robt. Garrett. Col. Hy. Storks. Lt.-gen. Geo. Petre Wymer. Lt.-gen. Patrick Grant. Jas. Macauley Higginson. W.-adm. Leonard Victor Jos. Charner. Adm. Marie Jos. Alphonse Odet- Pellion. Adm. Jean Lugeol. Adm. Louis Edouard Bouet Willaumez. Adm. Octave Pierre Antoine De Chabannes Curton. 1857, Jan. 2. 1857. 1858, Jan. 21. 1858, Mar. 24. 1858. 1859, May 16. 1859. 1860. 1860, May 18. 1860. Adm. Jean Pierre Edmond Julien de la Graviere. Lt.-gen. Chevalier Giovanni Du- rando. - Lt. - gen. Chevalier Ardingo Trotti. M.-gen. Robt. John Hussey Vivian, Jan. 22. M.-gen. John Bennett Hearsey, July 4. R.-adm hon. Hy. Keppel, Sept. 12. M.-gen. Hy. Havelock, Nov. 11. Col. Archdale Wilson, Nov. 14. M.-gen. John Eardley Wilmot Inglis. Capt. Wm. Peel, R.N. Col. Edwd. Lugard. Col. Jas. Hope Grant. Col. Sidney John Cotton. Col. Wm. Rose Mansfield, aft. la. Sandhurst. Col. Thos. Seaton. M.-gen. Chas. Thos. Van Strau- benzee, June 18. M.-gen. Thos. Harte July 27. Col. Robt. Cornelius Napier, aft. ld. Napier of Magdala, July 27. Capt. Adolphus Slade, R.N., Aug. 18 Franks, R.-adm. Sir Hy. John Leeke, Oct. 1. Col. John Jones, Nov. 16. Sir John Young, bt., Feb. 4. Sir Thos. Hastings, Mar. 9. M.-gen. John Michel, Mar. 22. Col. Chas. Shepherd Stuart, Mar. 22 Col. Robt. Walpole. Col. Geo. Robt. Barker. Col. John Douglas. M.-gen. Hy. Gee Roberts. M.-gen. Geo. Cornish Whitlock. John Macandrew, June 10. Gen. Hy. Wyndham, June 21. Lt.-gen. John Aitchison, June 21. Col. David Edwd. Wood, Aug. 17. Col. Alfd. Hastings Horsford, May 9. Gen. hon. Hy. Murray. Lt.-gen. Philip Bainbrigge. Lt.-gen. Thos. Erskine Napier. Lt.-gen. hon. Chas. Gore. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Chas. Whinyates. Lt.-gen. Saml. Burdon Ellis. W.-adm. Arthur Fanshawe. W.-adm. Provo Wm. Parry Wallis. Lt.-gen. Geo. Judd Harding. R.-adm. Robt. Lambert Baynes. Col. Anthy. Coningham Sterling, July 21. Col. Richd. Denis Kelly, July 30. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 779 1860. 1861. 1861, June 28. 1861. 1862. 1862, Nov. 10. W.-adm. Jas. Hope, Nov. 9. M. Guillaume Marie Appoline Antonine Cousin-Montauban, Mar. 1. Adm. Edwd. Harvey. Lt.-gen. Wm. Hy. Sewell. Lt.-gen. Geo. Wm. Paty. Lt.-gen. Jas, Shaw Kennedy. Lt.-gen. Geo. Leigh Goldie. Lt.-gen. John Michell. V.-adm. Hy. Wm. Bruce. W.-adm. Wm. Fanshawe Martin. M.-gen. Wrm. Brereton. R.-adm. Lewis Tobias Jones. Col. Wm. Lygon, E. of Long- ford. M.-gen. Thos. Simson Pratt, July 16. . M.-gen. Stuart Corbett, Jan. 28. Adm. hon. Geo. Elliott. Gen. hon. Hugh Arbuthnot. Gen. Sir John Hanbury. Gen. Geo., 8th M. of Tweeddale. Adm. Sir Lucius Curtis, bt. Gen. Wm. Greenshields Power. Gen. Hy. Geo. Andrew Taylor. Adm. Wrm. Bowles, Gen. Alexr. Lindsay. Gen. Sir Jas. Hy. Reymett. Gen. Richd. Llewellyn. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1865, Mar. 28. Gen. Chas. Grere Ellicombe. Lt.-gen. Geo. Turner. W.-adm. stone. Lt.-gen. Jas. Freeth. Lt.-gen. John Low. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Chas. Chatter- ton, bt. Lt.-gen. Alexr. Kennedy Clark - Kennedy. - Lt.-gen. Michl. White. Lt.-gen. David Capon. W.-adm. Jas. Scott. M.-gen. Sir Abr. Josias Cloete. R.-adm. Chas. Talbot. M.-gen. Wm. Hy. Elliott. R.-adm. John McDougall. R.-adm. Geo. Rodney Mundy. Lt.-gen. Saml. Robt. Wesley. Col. Neville Bowles Chamberlain, Apr. 11. Commissy.-gen. John Wrm. Smith, Dec. 31. - Sir John Liddell, Feb. 9. M.-gen. Duncan Alexr. Cameron, Feb. 20, R.-adm. Sir Alexr. Milne, Feb. 25. R.-adm. Augs. Leopold Kuper, Feb. 25. M.-gen. John Garvock, Aug. 25. W.-adm. Jean Louis Chas. Jaures, Feb. 23. Gen. Wm. Wood. Gen. Thos. Kenah. Wm. Jas. Hope John- 1865, Adm. sir Geo. Rose Sartorius. Mar. 28. Gen. Abr. Roberts. 1865. 1867, Lt.-gen. Thos. Monteath Douglas. Lt.-gen. Wm. Cator. Lt.-gen. Patr. Montgomerie. Lt.-gen. Thos. Reid. Lt.-gen. John Scott. Lt.-gen. Wm. Wyllie. Lt.-gen. Chas. Ash Windham. W.-adm. Thos., 11th E. of Lau- derdale. V.-adm. Robt. Smart. W.-adm. John Kingcome. V.-adm. Horatio Thos. Austin. Lt.-gen. John Edwd. Dupuis. Lt.-gen. Fortescue Graham. R.-adm. Sidney Colpoys Dacres. M.-gen. 1d. Wm. Paulet. M.-gen. hon. Augs. Spencer. M.-gen. Robt. Wm. Honner. Col. John Wm. Gordon. Col. Edwd. Harris Greathed. Col. Chas. Wm. Dunbar Staveley. Jas. Brown Gibson. Wm. Linton. Wm. Jas. Tyrone Power. Gen. Chas. Menzies, Apr. 19. M.-gen. Chas. Warren, Apr. 19. Robt. Gilmore Colquhoun, May Almeric 3. Adm. Edwd. Collier, June 7. W.-adm. Peter Richards, June 7. Alexr. Bryson, June 7. W.-adm. Hy John Codrington. Mar. 13. W.-adm. Josh. Nias. 1868. W.-adm. Sir Edwd. Belcher. Lt.-gen. Edmd. Finucane Morris. Lt. - gen. Peter Edmondstone Cragie. Lt.-gen. John Bloomfield Gough. Lt.-gen. Geo. Hy. Lockwood. M.-gen. Maurice Stack. M.-gen. Edwd. Green. Lt.-gen. Geo. Brooke. M.-gen. Jas. Rowland Smyth. Adm. Fredk. Thos. Michell. V -adm. Thos. Matthew Chas. Symonds. - R.-adm. Wm. Hutcheon Hall. M.-gen. Geo. Bell. Col. Fredk. Edwd. Chapman. David Deas. Lt.-gen. Thos. Holloway. Capt. Sir Wm. Saltonstall Wise- IO 31I]. - Lt.-gen. Wm. Bell. Lt.-gen. John Bloomfield. Lt.-gen. Anthy. Blaxland Stran- sham. M.-gen. Wm. Bates Ingilby. M.-gen, Trevor Chute. M.-gen. Hy. Tombs, Mar. 14. M.-gen. Geo. Malcolm, Aug. 14. Capt. Leopold Geo. Heath, Aug. 14, 780 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. June 2. 1871, May 20. 1871. 1872, Sept. 10. 1873, May 24. 1869, W.-adm. Wm. Ramsay. Lt.-gen. Geo. Fredk. visc. Tem- pletown. W.-adm. Clarence Edwd. Paget, c. c. la. Clarence Paget. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Huthwaite. V-adm. Hy. Kellett. M.-gen. Fredk. Horn. M.-gen. Arthur Augs. Thurlow Cunynghame. M.-gen. la. Geo. Augs. Fredk. Paget. M.-gen. Arthur Johnstone Law- I'011C0. M.-gen. Horatio Shirley. R.-adm. Hastings Regd. Yelver- ton. M.-gen. Wm. Jones. R.-adm. Barth. Jas. Sulivan. M.-gen. John St. George. M.-gen. Edwd. Chas. Warde. M.-gen. Jas. Drind. M.-gen. Percy Egerton Herbert. M.-gen. John Lintorn Arabin Simmons. M.-gen. Archd. Ilittle. Col. Alföl. Thos. Wilde. Thos. Galbraith IIogan. Lt.-gen. Jas. Alexander. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Walter Forestier Walker. Lt.-gen. John JFowler Bradford. M.-gen. David Russell. M.-gen. Hy. Wm. Stisted. M.-gen. Chas. Richd. Earl de la Wal'1'. M.-gen. M.-gen. M.-gen. M.-gen. Frodk. Paul Haines. Thos. Montagu Steele. Collingwood Dickson. Chas. Reid. M.-gen. Jas. Wm. Fitzmayer. M.-gen. Hy. Chas. Barnston Dau- beney. R.-adm. Wim. Robt. Mends. R.-adm. Wm. Ring ſlall. T)avid Dumbreck. Wm. Hy. Drake. Alexr. Armstrong, June 17. M.-gen. Geo. Bourchier. Col. Chas. IIy. Brownlow. Adm. Hy. Smith. Adm. Sir Thos. Sabine Pasley, bt. Adm. Chas. Eden. Lt.-gen. I'ras, Warde. W.-adm. Geo. St. Vincent King. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Wm. Hamilton. V.-adm. hon. Jas. Robt. Drum- mond. Lt.-gen. Arth. Mitford Beecher. Lt.-gen. Chas. Trollope. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Cooper Hodge. Lt.-gen. hom. Alexr. Hamilton Gordon. Lt.-gen. John Fordyce, 1873, May 24. 1874, Mar. 31. 1875, May 29. Lt.-gen. Philip Melmoth Nelson Guy. M.-gen. Hy. Hugh Manvers Percy, c.c. 1d. Hy. Percy. M.-gen, Chas. Hy. Ellice. M.-gen. Richd. Wilbraham. R.-adm. Astley Cooper Key. M.-gen, Jas. Duncan Macpher- SOI). M.-gen. Edma. Haythorne. M.-gen. Hy. Drury Harness. R.-adm. John Walter Tarleton. R.-adm. Chas. Fredk, Alexr Shadwell. M.-gen. Hy. Wylie Norman. Col. John Miller Adye. Surg.-gen. Wm. Mure Muir. M.-gen. Sir Garnet Josh. Wolse- ley; aft. visc. Wolseley. Capt. John Edma. Commerell. . Capt. Wm. Nathan Wrighte Hewett. Col. sir Archd. Alison. Col. John Chetham McLeod. Dep.-surg.-gen. Anthy. Dickson Home. Tut...gen. Burke Cuppage. W.-adm. Richd. Collinson. V.-adm. Claude Hy. Mason Buckle. - V.-adm. Geo. Giffard. Lt.-gen. hom. Geo. Cadogam. W.-adm. Wm. Loring, 1876. 1877, June 2. 1878. It.-gen. Sir Fras. Seymour, bt. Lt.-gen. Wm. O'Grady Haly. V.-adm. Edward Southwell Sotheby. Lt.-gen. Edwd. Alan Holdich. M.-gen. Edwin Beaumont John- SOIl. M.-gen. Hy. Domimick Daly. Surg.-gen. John Campbell Brown. M.-gen. hon. Fras. Colborne, Mar. 23. Adm. Geo. Elliot. Lt.-gen. Arth. Borton. Lt.-gen. Richd. Waddy. V.-adm. Fredk. Beauchamp Paget Seymour. - Lt.-gen. Hy. Dalrymple White. M.-gen. Wm. Sherbrooke Ram- say Norcott. M.-gen. Daniel Lysons. M.-gen. Chas. Lawrence D’Aguilar. M.-gen. Jas. Talbot Airey. M.-gen. Alexr. Taylor. M.-gen. Michl. Galwey. M.-gen. Geo. Wade Guy Green. R.-adm. Wm. Houston Stewart. M.-gen. Thos. Hurdle. Wm. Richd, Edwin Smart. lºt.-gen. Sir Arnold Burrowes JKemball, July 29. W.-adm. Geoffrey Thos. Phipps Hornby. Aug. 12. "I"H]. BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 781 1878. 1879. 1879, July 25. 1879. 1880. M.-gen. Fredk. Augs. 1d Chelms- ford, Nov. 11. Col. Hy. Evelyn Wood, June 23. Commiss.-gen. Edwd. Strickland, June 23. Gen. Hy. Bates, June 28. Lt.-gen, Donald Martin Stewart. Lt.-gen. Sir Saml. Jas. Browne. Lt.-gen. Fredk. Fras. Maude. M.-gen. Michl. Anthy. Shrapnel Biddulph. M.-gen. Fredk. Sleigh Roberts. Col. Peter Stark Lumsden. R.-adm. Fras. Wm. Sullivan, Nov, 27. Col. Chas. Patton Keyes, Mar. 6. Col. Campbell Clay Grant Ross, Mar. 6. - Adm. Geo. Greville Wellesley, 1881, Feb. 22. 1881, May 24. 1882. 1882, Nov. 17. Apr. 23. M.-gen. Fredk. Alexr. Campbell, Apr. 23. Lt. - gen. Bright. M-gen. Jno. Ross. M.-gen. Jas. Hills. M.-gen. Robt. Phayre. Col. Herbert Taylor Macpherson. Col. Chas. Hy. Palliser. Col. Chas. Jno. Stanley Gough. Col. Thos. Durand Baker. Col. Chas. Metcalfe Macgregor. Col. Hugh Hy. Gough. Adm. Hon. Chas. Gilbert Jno. Brydone Elliot. Adm. Edwd Gennys Fanshawe. Gen. Geo. Colt Langley. Gen. Wm. Montagu Scott M’Murdo. Gen. Mark Kerr, c. c. 1d. Mark Kerr. Gen. Pr. Wm. Augs. Edwd. of Saxe Weimar. Gen. Jno. Thornton Grant. Lt.-gen. Geo. Vaughan Maxwell. Lt.-gen. Alexr. Macdonell. Lt.-gen. Chas. Pyndar Beauclamp Walker. Lt.-gen. Jno. 1'orbes. W.-adm. Jno. Hay, c. c. 1d. Jno. Hay. M.-gen. Hon. Jno. Coke. Capt. Fredk. Wm. Richards, R.N. Col. Chas. Geo. Arbuthnot. Col. Chas. Cooper Johnson. Capt. Walter Jas. Hunt-Grubbe, Aug. 14. W.-adm. Wm. Montagu Dowell. Lt.-gen. Geo. Harry Smith Willis. Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Bruce Ham- lev. Rººm. Anthy. Hiley Hoskins. Commiss -gen. Edwd. Morris. M.-gen. Gerald Graham. M.-gen. Drury Curzon Drury- Lowe. Robt. Onesiphorus 1882, Nov. 17. 1882, Nov. 24. 1884, Lt.-gen. May 21. 1885. 1885, Aug. 25. 1885. 1886. 1886, May 29. 1886, Nov. 25. 1887, June 21. Col. Chas. Butler Peter Nugent Hodges Nugent. Col. Oriel Vivash Tanner. Col. Sir Baker Creed Russell. Dep. Surg.-gen. Jas. Arthur Hanbury. Col. Cromer Ashburnham. Lt.-gen. Rd. Chambre Taylor. Lt.-gen. Arthur Jas. Herbert. Lt.-gen. Edmø. Augs. Whitmore. M.-gen. Chas. Wm. Adair. Jno. Watt Reid. Hayes M -gen. Sir Jno. Carstairs Mc- Neill. Fredk. Chas. Arthur Stephenson. Col. Herbert Stewart. Adm. Alfd. Phillips Ryder. V.-adm. Geo. Ommanney Willes. Adm. Sir Jno. Chas. Dalrymple Hay, Aug. 11. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Richards Greaves. M.-gen. Sir Redvers Hy. Buller. Col. Jno. Hudson. Col. Hy. Peter Ewart. Col. Sir Chas. Wm. Wilson, Capt. Robt. Hy. More Moly- neaux, Nov. 7. M.-gen. Harry North Dalrymple Prendergast, Dec. 8. V.-adm. Arthur William Acland Hood, Dec. 19. Gen. hon. Arth. Edwd. Hardinge, Jan. 9. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Leicester Smyth, Jan. 16. Alfd. Ern. Alb., D. of Edinburgh, Feb. 18. M.-gen. Edwd. Gascoigne Bulwer, Apr. 1. Gen. Frank Turner. Adm. Arth. Farquhar. Gen. Hy. Jas. Warre. Lt.-gen. hon. Sir Geo. Foley. Lt.-gen. Hy. Errington Longden. Gen. Wm. Olpherts. - Adm. Jno. Corbett. W.-adm. Sir Geo. Hy. Richards. Lt.-gen. Julius Richd. Glyn. Lt.-gen. Wm. Pollexfen Radcliffe. Lt.-gen. Wm. Payn. M.-gen. Jno. Watson. Col. Fras. Booth Norman. Col. Fras. Wallace Grenfell. Col. Wrm. Fras. Butler. Col. Geo. Stewart White. Adm. Hy. Chads. Gen. Jas. Macleod Banmatyne Fraser-Tytler. Adm. Chas. Farrell Hillyar. Gen. Pomrose Chas. Penrose. Adm. Sir Edwd. Augustus Ingle- field. Gerald 782 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1887, June 21. * * 1848. Apr. 27. 1848, Dec. 26. 1849. 1850. 1851, Mar. 1. 1851, Oct. 25. 1852. 1853. Adm. Arth. Cumming. Gen. Wm. Parke. Adm. Sir Regd. John Macdonald. Gen. John Alexr. Ewart. Adm. Edwd. Bridges Rice. Adm. Augs. Phillimore. Adm. Richd. Jas., E. of Clanwilliam. Gen. Chas. London Barnard. Lt.-gen. John Luther Vaughan. Lt.-gen. Lothian Nicholson. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Marshman Have- lock-Allan, bt. Lt.-gen. Robt. Hume. Lt.-gen. Hy. D'Oyley Torrens. V.-adm Richd. Vesey Hamilton. W.-adm. Thos. Brandreth. 1887, June 21. July 1. 1888. Surg.-gen. John Harrie Ker Innes. V.-adm. Wrm. Graham. V.-adm. Nowell Salmon. M.-gen. Geo. Hutt. Insp.-gen. of Hospitals Mackenzie. Insp.-gen. of Hospitals and Fleets Jas. Jenkins. M.-gen. Martin Dillon. M.-gen, Geo. Byng Harman. R.-adm. Geo. Tryon. Col. Robt. Cunliffe Lowe. Wm. Stephen Alexr. Lockhart. M.-gen. Regd. Gipps, C. B., Jan. 16. Wm. RNIGHTS COMMANDERS–CIVIL DIVISION. (K.C.B.) Under Statute of Apr. 1, 1847. See Introduction, ante, p. 753. VICTORIA. Count Alexr. Mensdorf. Hy. Lytton Earle Bulwer, aft. la. Dalling and Bulwer. Hy. Ellis. Richd. Pakenham. Jas. Brooke. Geo. Russell Clerke. Hy. Light. Geo. Grey. Chas. Edw. Trevelyan. Sir Randolph Isham Routh, V.-adm. Beaufort. Jas. Stephen. M.-gen. Wm. Morison. Lt.-col. Hy. Montgomery Law- l'éIl C6. Lt.-gen. Duncan McGregor. Lt.-col. Chas. Rowan. Hy. Miers Elliot, June 5. Thos. Nichs. Redington, Aug. 28. Saml. Geo. Bonham, Nov. 22. Sir Geo. Wm. Anderson, Nov. 22. Jno. Arth., 2nd ló. Bloomfield. Hy. Rd. Chas., 2nd lá., aft. 1st E. Cowley. Geo. Nicholls. Sir Hy. Watkin Wm. Wynn, bt. Hon. Wm. Temple. Hon. Ralph Abercromby. Lt.-col. Wm. Reid. Richd. Mayne. Jno. Hobart, 2nd ló. Howden, Reb. 23. Wm. Gore Ouseley, June 29. Bedford Hinton Wilson, Dec. 23. Hy. Barkly, July 18. Jas. Cosmo Melvill, Sept. 5. 1854. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1860, May 18. Sir Chas. Augs. Fitz Roy, June 12. Sir Jno. Fras. Davis, June 12. Proby Thos. Cautley, July 29. Lt.-col. Justin Sheil, Jan. 23. Jas. Hudson, Mar. 2. Maj. Hy. Creswick Rawlinson. . Jno. Laird Mair Lawrence, aft, ld. Lawrence. M.-gen. Wm. Hy. Sleeman. M.-gen. Jas. Outram. Benj. Hawes. Lt.-gen. Mark Cubbon, May 26. Lt.-col. Sir Wm. Thes, Denison, July 19. R.-adm. Chas. Elliot, July 19. Hon. Jno. Duncan Bligh, Sept. 30. Arthur Chas. Magenis, Sept. 30. Jno. Fiennes Crampton, Sept. 30. Jno. Geo. Shaw-Lefevre, Jan. 22. Hon. Thos. Wyse, Mar. 27. Col. Alexr. Murray Tulloch, Apr. 17. - Col. Hon. Chas. Beaumont Phipps, Jan. 21. Andr. Smith, July 9. Richd. Madox Bromley, Sept. 6. Thos. Tassell Grant, Sept. 6. R.-adm. Alexr. Milne, Dec. 20. Col. Joshua Jebb, Mar. 25. Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere, May 20. Robt. Montgomery, May 20. Rowland Hill, Feb. 10. Fredk. Jas. Halliday. Sir Robt. North Collie Hamilton, bt. M.-gen. Richd. Jas. Hollwell Birch. Col. Peter Melvill Melvill. Lt.-Col. Herbert Benjn. Edwardes. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 783 1860. Chas. Lennox Wyke, May 22. Andr. Buchanan, May 25. M.-gen. Thos. Aiskew Larcom, 1861. 1862. 1862, July 23. 1863. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1866, June 23. 1866, July 6. 1867. 1868, Dec. 7. l,869, July 27. 1870. June 19. - Geo. Lloyd Hodges, Aug. 6. Richd. Bickerton, ld., aft. visc. Lyons, Dec. 11. Sir Edma. Walker Head, bt., Dec. 11. Fredk. Temple, ld. Dufferin & Claneboye, aft. E. of Dufferin and M. of Dufferin and Ava, June 18. M.-Gen. Geo. June 25. - Jno. Peter Grant, Feb. 14. Jno. Hay Drummond Hay, May 20. Harry Smith Parkes, June 20. Rutherford Alcock, June 20. Wm. Stevenson. Philip Edmd. Wodehouse. Chas. Hy. Darling. M.-gen. Edwd Macarthur. Augs. Wm. Fredk. Spencer Loftus, c.c. 1d. Augs. Loftus, Dec. 12. Hon. Fredk. Wm. Adolphus Bruce, Dec. 12. - Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, Feb. 3. Henry Fras. Howard, Mar. 3. Col. Thos. Myddelton Biddulph, Mar. 10. Augs. Berkeley Paget, Mar. 17. Capt. Pr. Ern. Leop., &c., of Leiningen, Aug. 7. Jas. Douglas, Aug. 11. Geo. Fredk. Edmonstone, Dec. 11. M.-gen. Wm. Marcus Coghlan, June 7. Lt.-gen. Hall McGregor, Sir Jno. Gaspard Le Marchant, Aug. 9. , Maj. Jno. Clayton Cowell, Aug. 23 Wm. Hutt, Nov. 27. Pr. Victor Ferd., &c., of Hohen- lohe-Langenburg, Jan. 29. Sir Alexr. Malet, bt. Hon. Chas. Augs. Murray. Hon. Jno. Hy. Thos. Manners- Sutton. Sir Jas. Clark, bt. Thos. Erskine May, aft. lil. Farm- borough. Chas. Pressly. Gen. Wm. Thos. ICnollys, Apr. 3. Jno. Alexr. Macdonald, June 29. Wm. Rose, Oct. 14. R.-adm. Jas. Craufurd Caffin. W.-adm. Robt. Spencer Robinson. Antony Panizzi. - Lt.-gen. Edwd. Sabine. M. Wm. Erskine Baker, 1871. 1872. 1873, Mar. 27. 1874. 1877. 1877, Aug. 6. 1878. 1879. 1879, May 31. 1879. 1880. 1881, May 24. 1881. Edwd. Thornton, Aug. 9. Wm. Geo. Anderson, Dec. 6. Col. Jno. Stewart Wood, Dec. 19. M.-gen. Thos. Townsend Pears, June 13. Lt.-col. Howard Craufurd El- phinstone, July 3. Wm. Hy. Stephenson, Nov. 7. Sir Wm. Jenner, bt., Jan. 20. Geo. Biddell Airy, June 17. V.-adm. Hon. Edwd. Alfred Jno. Harris, July 13. Arth. Helps, July 18. Hy. Thring, aft. la. Thring. Alfa. Power. Lt.-Col. Jas. Macnaghten Hogg, aft. McGarel-Hogg and lå. Magheramorne, May 16. Hy. Cole, Mar. 25. Col. Hy. Atwell Lake, Mar. Thos. Fras. Wade, Nov. 25. Chas. , 5th lá. Suffield, May 17. Capt. Geo. Strong Nares, Nov. 29. Col. Jno. Stokes, July 23. Lt.-Col. Edmd. Fredk. Du Cane. Col. Sir Lewis Pelly. . Commiss.-gen. Hy. Wm. Gordon. Edmd. Yeamans Walcot Hender- son, Mar. 15. Chas. Stuart Aubrey, 3rd la. Tenterden, July 29. Jno. Savile Lumley, Oct. 10. Sir Rd. Wallace, bt., Nov. 14. Lt.-gen. Hy. Fredk. Ponsonby, Mar. 12. Sir Fras. Rd, Sandford, Ralph Robt. Wheler Lingen, aft. ld. Lingen. Jno. Lambert. Maj. Pierre Louis Cavagnari, July 19. sº. Drummond Wolff, Sept. 4) × * O. Napoleon Theodore Martin, May 20. Hon. Adolph. Fredc. Octavius Liddell, Apr. 20. Jno. Tilley, Apr. 20. Luitbert Alexr. Geo. Lionel Alphonse Freiher Von Pawel- Rammingen, May 24. Edwd. Jas. Reed, Aug. 14. Hy. Brougham Loch, Sept. 18. Cuas. Juo. Herries, Oct. 27. Lt.-col. Wm. Fitzwilliam Lenox Conyngham. Lt.-Col. Hambleton Fras. tance. • Lt.-Col. Thos. Heron, visc. Rane- lagh. Lt.-Col. Robt. Loyd Lindsay. Thos. Brassey, aft. la. Brassey. Capt. Fredk, Jno. Owen Evans. Alfd. Comyns Lyall. Edwin Baldwin Malet, Oct. 8. Cus- .784 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1882. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. John Anstis (No. 2), May 1725. Sackville Fox, Feb. 28, 1755. John Suffield Brown, June 30, 1757. 1725. 1755. 1785. Jas. Caird, June 2. Ralph Wood Thompson, June 2. Geo. Kettilby Rickards, June 24. Robt. Burnett David Morier, Oct.16. Robt. Geo. Wyndham Herbert. Dec. 26. Regd. Earle Welby, Dec. 26. Lyon Playfair, Apr. 9. Col. Jno. Graham McKerlie, Sept, 15. 1885. Geo. Edwd. Paget, Dec. 26. 1886, Col. Jas. Fraser. Feb. 2. Wm. Stuart Walker. 1886. Fras. Brockman Morley, Feb. 2. Col. Fredk. Winn Knight, Feb. 5. Hy. Robinson, May 29. Sir Fras. Philip Cunliffe Owen, June 28. - Algernon Edwd. West, July 30. Col. Donald Matheson. Prof. Richd. Owen, Jan. 5. 1887. Lt.-gen. Sir Dighton Macnaghten Robt. Geo. Crookshank Hamilton, June 21. Probyn. Jan. 12. - r Maj. Sir Evelyn Baring. Robt. Hawthorn Collins, Apr. 15. Stevenson Arthur Blackwood. Prince Louis Alexr. of Batten- Chas. Thos. Newton. burg, Apr. 29. John Simon. Hon. Spencer Cecil Brabazon Hugh Owen. Ponsonby-Fane, May 24. Wm. Fraser. Hy. Wentworth Acland, M.D., Chas. Lister Ryan. May 24. - Sir Edwd. Walter. Nathl. Barnaby, June 15. Capt. Douglas Galton. - Augs. Keppel Stephenson, June IMaj. Fleetwood Isham Edwards. 30. Arthur Mitchell. Gen. Alexr. Nelson, visc. Brid- Col. Geo. Ashley Maude. port, July 22. Col. Walter Rice Olivey. Ralph Allen Gosset, Aug. 11. Lt.-col. Donald Matheson, Arthur Lawrence Halliburton, 1888, Sir Robt. Rawlinson. Aug. 25. Jan. 7. Sir Chas. Warren. Thos. Crawford, Aug. 25. 1888, Edwd. Geo. Jenkinson. Philip Hy. Wodehouse Currie, June 2. Sir Julian Pauncefote. Dec. 1. 1888. Edw. Blount, June 15. OFFICERS OF THE BATH. DEANs. 1725, May 23. Saml. Bradford, dean of Westminster, and his successors. See “Deans of Westminster,” ante, p. 471. GENEALOGISTs. Geo. Nayler, aft. Sir G., June 15, 1792. Walter Aston Blount, Nov. 22, 1831; res. 1859; no succ. app. See ““Blanc Couriers Heralds,” ante, p. 339. REGISTRARs. Hon. Edwd. Young, aft. K. Arms, 1745. Col. Thos. Kokayne. May 23. 1750. Chas. Newton. See “Registrars and Secretaries,” infra. SECRETARIES. Edwd. Montagu. | 1749. See “Registrars and Secretaries,” infra. Sir Jno. Jenour, bt. REGISTRARS AND SECRETARIES. Wm. Whitehead (Poet Laur.). 1805. Maj. hon. Wm. Fauquier, Sept. 24. hope. Chas. Banks Stan- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 785 1809. Jno Chas. Herries, Jan. 1827. Capt. Michl. Seymour, aft. r.- 1822. Lt.-col. Wm. Lewis Herries, aft. adm. sir M. ; Apr. 4. Sir W., Aug. 31. 1859. Alb. Wrm. Woods, aft. Sir A. RINGS OF ARMs. See “Bath and Gloucester Kings of Arms,” ante, p. 330. Grey Longueville, May 1725. Thos. Gery Cullum, aft. bt., Dec. 14, 1771. Hon. Edwd. Young, form. regr., Dec. 5, Fras. Townsend. deputy, 1788–1812. 1745. John Palmer Cullum, Apr. 3, 1801. Wm. Woodley, 1756–7. - Maj. Algn. Greville, Aug. 20, 1829. Saml. Horsey, Jan. 12, 1757. W.-adm. hom. Geo. Grey, 1865. THE ORDER OF THE GUELE’HS—HANOWER. THIS Order was instituted on Aug. 12, 1815, to commemorate the raising of Hanover into a kingdom. The kings of England being also kings of Hanover, the Order was often conferred upon British subjects; but when, on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837, the two kingdoms became separated, the Order thenceforth became entirely a foreign one. The Order consisted of the King of Hanover as Sovereign and Grand Master, and of three classes of knights not limited in number—Knights Grand Cross, Knights Commanders, and Knights, each class being also sub-divided into civil and military divisions. The officers of the Order were— CHANCELLOR. SECRETARY. WICE-CHANCELLOR. KING OF ARMs. The Order was styled— “THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS.” The following lists are confined to British subjects, and stop on the separation of Hanover from England in 1837. Those entered as ap- ointed by King Ernest of Hanover were nominated by William IV., who died before their appointments were completed. - MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. Those marked “C” belong to the Civil Divisions. RNIGHTS GRAND CROSS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. (G.C.H.) 1815, Fredk., D. of York and Albany. 1815, Ernest Augs., D. of Cumberland. Aug. 12. Wm. Hy., D. of Clarence, aft. Aug. 12. Aug. Fredk., D. of Sussex, nom., Wm. IV. but did not accede until 1830. Edwd., D. of Kent. Adolph. Fredk., D. of Cambridge. 50 786 "THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 1815, Wm. Fredk., D. of Gloucester. Aug. 12. Geo. Fredk. P., D. of Cumberland, 1815, 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. aft. K. of Hanover. Geo. Fredk Wm. Chas., aft. D. of Cambridge. Pr. Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, aft. K. of the Belgians, Mar. 22. F.M. Arth., D. of Wellington, Gen. Hy., M. of Anglesea. Gen. Chas. Wm., ld. Stewart, aft. M. of Londonderry. Thos. Trevor, visc. Hampden, C. Robt., ld. Castlereagh, aft. M. of Londonderry, C. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Clinton. Gen. hon. Sir Chas. Colville. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Kempt. Gen. Rowland, ld. Hill. Gen. Sir Geo. Don. Lt.-gen sir Geo. Murray. Gen. Chas., 3rd E. of Harrington. Geo. Jas. M. of Cholmondeley, G. Gen. Sir Thos, Maitland. W.-adm. Sir Edmd. Nagle. Gen. Sir Harry Calvert, bt. Gen. Id. Wm. Cavendish-Ben- tinck. Gen. Sir Jas. Campbell, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Lyon. Lt.-gen. Jno., ld. Burghersh. Gen. Sir Alexr. Mackenzie, bt. Gen. Sir Edwd. Howorth. Gen. Stapleton, visc. Comber- IOleI'ê. * Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Tucker Montresor. Gen sir Jno. Murray, bt. Gen. Sir Hy. Fredk. Campbell. Gen. Wrm. Carr, visc. Beresford. W.-adm. Sir Thos. Fras. Fre- mantle. Gen. Fras., 1st M. of Hastings. Fras. Chas., E. of Yarmouth, aft. M. of Hertford, C. Jno., E. of Mayo, C. Adm. Sir Jno. Borlase Warren, bt. Gen. Sir Chas. Hastings, bt. Sir Geo. Rose, C. Alleyne, ld. St. Helens, G. F. M. sir Saml. Hulse. Lt.-gen. Benj., ld. Bloomfield. Lt.-gen. Sir Colin Halkett. Gen. Sir Jno. Macleod. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Hope. Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Asgill, bt. Richd., E. of Clancarty, G. Gen. Hy., M. Conyngham. Sir Brook Taylor, C. Jas., E. of Fife, C. Fras. Nathl., E. of Mount Charles, aft. M. Conyngham, G. Sir Wm. Knighton, bt., C. Sir Fras. Nathl. Burton, G. Gen. Sir Rufane Shaw Donkin. Percy Sidney Clinton, visc. Strangford, C. 1824. 1826. 1827. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. Lt.-gen. Sir Jas. Willoughby Gordon, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Herbert Taylor. Richd., 3rd E. of Clanwilliam, G. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Byng, aft. 1d. Strafford. Gen. Sir Fras. Thos. Hammond. Gen. Sir Tomkyns Hilgrove Tur- Ile I’. Lt.-gen. Sir Jos. Fuller. Gen. Sir Wrm. Houston, bt. Sir Wrm. Fremantle. Lt.-gen., ld. Geo. Thos. Beresford. Gen., 3rd E. of Ashburnham. Sir Robt. Gordon, C. Wm. Geo., 16th E. of Erroll, C. Rd. Wm., E. Howe, G. Sir Hy. Halford, bt., C. Sir Jonn. Wathen Waller, bt., C. Jno. Delaval, E. of Tyrconnell, G. Wm., ld. Maryborough. Gen. Sir Jas. Stewart, bt. Geo., 4th E. 6f Glasgow, G. Gen. Hon. Sir Hy. Geo. Grey. Lt.-gen. Sir Richd. Hussey Vivian, bt. Adm. sir Wm. Hargood. Adm. la. Amelius Beauclerk. Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Kerrison, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Macdougall. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Keane, aft. li. Keane. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Bradford. Lt.-gen. Sir Colquhoun Grant. Geo. Hamilton, E. of Belfast, aft. 3rd M. of Donegal, C. Lucius Bentinck, 10th visc. Falk- land, G. W.-adm. li. Jas. O'Bryen. Sir Robt. Wilmot Horton, bt., G. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Smith. Gen. Geo. Cockburn, aft. bt. Sir Gore Ouseley, bt., G. Sir Philip Chas. Sidney, aft, ld, De L'Isle and Dudley, C. Ld. Fred. FitzClarence, G. Sir Hy. Watkin Williams Wynn, bt., C. Sir Edwd. Cromwell Disbrowe, Gen. Sir Josiah Champange. Gen. Sir Martin Hunter. Gen. Sir Jno. Fraser. Capt.ld. Adolphus FitzClarence, G. W.-adm. hon. Sir Chas. Paget. Constantine Hy., E. of Mulgrave, aft. M. of Normanby, C. Adm. sir Isaac Coffin, bt. W.-adm. Sir Peter Halkett, bt. W.-adm. Sir Edwd. W. C. R. Owen. W.-adm. hon. Sir Hy. Blackwood; d. 1832. Gen. Sir Fredk. Augs. Wetherall. Wm. Basil Percy, E. of Denbigh, G. Gen. hon. Sir Alexr. Duff. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 787 1833. 1834. 1835. 1837. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. Before Sir Chas. Richd. Vaughan, C. Geo. Wm., D. of Argyll, C. Wm. Chas., E. of Albemarle, G. Lt.-gen. Sir Andr. F. Barnard. Sir Thos. Cartwright, C. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. Bayly. Adm. Sir Chas. Edmd. Nugent. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Wheatley. Lt.-gen. Sir Robt. Bolton. V.-adm. sir Wm. Hall Gage. Jno., 1st E. Brownlow, C. Sir Robt. Grant, C. Capt. Sir Geo. Fras. Seymour. M.-gen. Sir Benjn. Chas. Stephen- SOI]. Wm. Pitt, 1st E. Amherst, C. Geo., 5th E. of Jersey, C. Thos., 2nd E. of Wilton, C. Richd., M. of Chandos, aft. D. of Buckingham and Chandos, C. Gen. Sir Jno. Slade, bt. V.-adm. Sir Jno. Gore. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Keir Grant. 1835. 1836. 1837. Jno., E. of Clare. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Cockburn, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Ralph Darling. V.-adm. Sir Chas. Rowley, bt. W.-adm. Richd. Dacres. Sir Geo. Hamilton Seymour, C. Gen. Sir Saml. Hawker. Adm. sir Jno. Poo Beresford, bt. Jno. 13th lä. Elphinstone, C. Sir Astley Paston Cooper, G. Lt.-gen. Sir Edwd. Blakeney. Capt. 1d. Jno. Fredk. Gordon, R.N., G. Lt.-gen. Sir Lionel Smith, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Colborne, aft. li. Seaton. Lt.-col. Sir Richd. Church. M.-gen. Alexr. Geo., 16th la. Saltoun. Gen. Sir Jno. Gustavus Crosbie. Sir Chas. Edwd. Grey. Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Wm. Doyle. APPOINTED BY KING ERNEST OF HANOVER. See Introduction, ante, p. 785. Jos. Planta, C. (K.C.H.) M.-gen. Sir Jas. Lyon. 1822. M.-gen. Sir Benjn. Bloomfield. Lt.-gen. Sir Robt. Bolton. M.-gen. Sir Colquhoun Grant. 1824. M.-gen. Sir Colin Halkett. Col. Philip Roche. 1826. M.-gen. Sir Rd. Hussey Vivian, bt. 1827. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Adam Wood. M.-gen. Sir Alexr. Dickson. Sir Wm. Congreve, bt. Before Lt.-gen. Sir Benjn. D'Urban. 1828. R.-adm. Sir Home Riggs Popham. 1828. Lt.-gen. Sir Jno. Elley. M.-gen. Sir Andrew F. Barnard. 1829. Lt.-gen. Sir Fras. Thos. Hammond. M.-gen. Herbert Taylor. 1820. Lt.-gen. Sir Tomkyns Hilgrove 1830. Turner. R.-adm. hon. Chas. Paget. M.-gen. Sir Haylett Framingham. Col. Sir Wm. Rose. Col. Sir Robt. Wm. Gardiner. 1831 1821. M.-gen. Jas., ld. Glenlyon. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Airey. Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Wm. Doyle. Lt.-gen. Sir Saml. Ford Whit- tingham. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Augs. Quentin. Col. Thos. Hy. Browne. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Keir Grant. Col. Sir Hy. Fredk. Cooke. Gen. Geo. Cockburn, aft. bt. M.-gen. Sir Edwd. Kerrison, bt. | 1837. M.-gen. Sir Chas. Wade Thornton. RNIGHTS COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELEPEIS. Lt.-Col. Sir Richd. Church. M.-gen. Louis Wm., visc. Chabot. M.-gen. Sir Jno. May. Col. Sir Jas. Hy. Reynett. M.-gen. Sir Jno. Harvey. Col. Sir Wm. Lewis Herries. Sir Fredk. Beilby Watson, C. Sir Jno. Conroy, bt. Col. Sir Jno. Macra, C. Sir Hy. Halford, M.D., C. Sir Jonn. Wathen Waller, bt. Capt. hon. Robt. Cavendish Spencer. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Carmichael Smyth, bt. Ld. Albert Conyngham, C. Col. Augs. Fredk. D'Este, C. Hon. John Kennedy Erskine. M.-gen. Sir Willoughby Cotton. Sir Philip Chas. Sidney, C. M.-gen. Sir Alexr. Bryce. M.-gen. hon. Sir Fredk. Cavendish Ponsonby. Lt.-gen, sir Jas. Chas. Dalbiac. M.-gen. Sir Chas. Wade Thornton. M.-gen. Sir John Brown. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Campbell. Sir John Hall, C. Sir Geo. Harrison, C. Col. Sir Wm. Gosset. Capt. Sir Geo. Fras. Seymour. Capt. Sir Thos. Ussher. Sir Matth. Tierney, bt., C. 50 * 788 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1831. 1832. Col. Sir Hy. Wheatley. M.-gen. Sir Benjn. Chas. Stephen- SOIn , Col. Sir Jos. Whatley. M.-gen. Sir Steph. Remnant Chapman. Sir Wm. Burnett, M.D., C. Lt.-col. hon. Edwd. Cust. Sir Geo. Baillie Hamilton, C. Lt.-gen. Sir Phineas Riall. Lt.-gen. sir Wm. Hutchinson Lt.-gen. Sir Lewis Grant. Lt.-gen. M.-gen. Sir Amos Godsill Robt. Norcott. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Cockburn, bt. Col. Sir Michael McCreagh, M.-gen, sir Evan John Murray MacGregor, bt. M. gen, sir Thos. Downman. M.-gen. Sir Neil Douglas. Col. Sir Archd. Christie. Capt. Sir Wm. Howe Mulcaster. M.-gen. Wm. Tuyll. Sir John Bedingfield, C. Tit.-gen. Sir Saml. Hawker. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Bulteel Fisher. Sir Wm. Pym, M.D., C. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Hay. Gen. Sir Warren Marmaduke Peacocke. Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Bulkeley Egerton. Lt.-gen. Wm. Sheridan. M.-gen. Sir John Fredk. Sigismond Smith. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Paterson. Lt.-gen. Sir Wm. Nicolay. M.-gen. Sir Arth. Benjn. Clifton. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Whitmore. M.-gen. Sir Leonard Greenwell. M.-gen. Sir Robt. Hy. Dick. M.-gen. Sir Fredk. Wm. Trench. Capt. Sir Wm. Augs. Montague. Sir Wm. Franklin, G. Sir Hy. Seaton, C. Lt.-gen. Sir John Macleod. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk. Wm. Mul- caster. M.-gen. Fras., count Rivarola. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Parker Carrol. M.-gen. Sir John Hanbury. M.-gen. Sir David Ximenes. Capt. Sir John Marshall. Sir John Webb, M.D., C. Lt.-gen. Sir Jos. Straton. M.-gen. Sir John Geo. Woodford. Sir Goo. Hamilton Seymour, C. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Douglas. Lt.-gen, sir Thos. Browne. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Cornwallis Eustace. Capt. Sir Nisbet Josiah Wil- loughby. Capt. Sir Andr. Pellet Green. sir Geo. Pownall Adams. | 1832. 1833. 1834. In 1834. 1835. R.-adm. Sir Arth. Farquhal Commiss.-gen. Sir John Bisset, G. Sir John Deas Thompson, C. Capt. Sir Chas. Marsh Schom- berg. Sir Geo. Jackson, C. Capt. Sir Humphrey Fleming Senhouse. W.-adm. hon. Courtenay Boyle. Lt.-gen. Sir David Latimer Tinling Widdrington. Lt.-gen. Wm. Geo., ld. Harris. R.-adm. Sir Edwd. Durnford Ring. Capt. Sir Fras. Augs. Collier. Capt. Sir Richd. Spencer. M.-gen. Sir John Boscawen Savage. - Capt. Sir John Saml. Brooke Pechell, bt. Lt.-gen. Sir Hy. John Cumming. Lt.-gen. Sir Evan Lloyd. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Gage Mon- tresor. • Lt.-gen. Sir Saml. Trevor Dickens. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Rearney. M.-gen. Sir Lorenzo Moore. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Viney. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Willoughby Rooke. M.-gen, sir Patr. Ross. M.-gen. Sir Hy. King. R.-adm. Sir John Ferris Devon- shire. R.-adm. Sir Jas. Hillyar. R.-adm. Sir Salusbury Davenport. Commiss.-gen. Sir Wm. Hy. Robinson, C. Commiss.-gen. Sir Robt. Hugh Kennedy, C. Sir John Woolmore, C. Lt.-gen. Sir Jos. Maclean. R.-adm. sir Hugh Pigot. R.-adm. Sir Robt. Barrie. Col. Sir Saml. Gordon Higgins. Lt.-col. Sir Filmd. Currey. M.-gen. Sir Patr. Lindesay. Capt. hon. Sir Hy. Duncan. R.-adm. Sir Chas. Bullen. Capt. Sir Wm. Hy. Dillon. Capt. Sir Wm. Elliott. Capt. Sir ICdmd. Lyons, bt. M.-gen. Sir Thos. Bligh St. George. Col. Patr. Doherty. M.-gen. Sir Thos. Pearson. M.-gen. Sir Maurice O'Connell. M.-gen. Sir Octavius Cary. Capt. lil. Jas. Townshend. Col. hon. Horatio Geo. Powys Townshend. R.-adm. sir Saml. Warron. W.-adm. sir Robt. Lewis Fitz- gerald. * Chas. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 789 1885. 1836. I837. 1837. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. Maj. sir. Fras. Bond Head, bt., C. Lt.-gen. Sir Wiltshire Wilson. M.-gen. Sir Chas. Wm. Maxwell. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Gabriel Davy. Capt. hon. Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds Pellew. Capt. hon. Jas. Ashley Maude. Capt. Sir John Strutt Peyton. Capt. Richd. O'Conor. Capt. Sir Hy. Hart. Capt. Sir Jas. Bremer. Sir Robt. Ker Porter, C. Capt. Sir John Franklin, C. John Gordon Sir John Nicol Robt. Campbell, G Lºgen. Sir Alexr. Halkett. 1837. Lt.-gen. Sir Robt. Barton. Lt.-gen. Sir Augs. De Butts. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Hawker. - V.-adm. Sir Adam Drummond. Capt. Sir David Dunn. Capt. Sir Edwd. Chetham. Capt. Sir Thos. Mansell. Sir Woodbine Parish, C. M.-gen. Sir Edwd. Bowater. M.-gen. Sir Jas. Macdonell. M.-gen. Sir Robt. McCleverty. R.-adm. Sir John Wentworth Loring. Col. Sir Geo. Arthur. Sir David Davies, M.D., C. Wm. Fredk. Chambers, M.D., G. Capt. Thos. Barker Devon. APPOINTED BY KING ERNEST OF HANOVER. See Introduction, ante, p. 785. M.-gen. Sir Fredk. Walker. Capt. Sir John Duff Markland. Col. Sir Wm. Verner. Sir Chas. Ferd. Forbes, M.D., G. 1837. Capt. Sir Watkin Owen Pell. Col. Sir Wrm. Chalmers. Sir Robt. Alexr. Chermside, M.D., IKNIGHTS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. (K.H.) Sir Geo. Nayler, York Her., aft. Garter; K.A. of the Order. Col. Peter Augs. Lautour. Maj. Wm. Havelock. Sir Jas. Robt. Grant, M.D., C. Capt. Thos. Carey. Capt. Arthur Farquhar. Lt.-Col. Sir Wm. Osborne. Lt.-col. John Mervin Cutliffe. Col. Stephen Remnant Chapman. Col. Archd. Christie. Col, Richd. D. Hamagan. Capt. Andr. Pellet Green. Col. Chas. Ashe A'Court. Col. Chas. Philip de Bossett. Col. Gideon Gorreguer. Col. Sir Felton Elwill J3athurst Hervey. Lt.-col Jas. Reynett. Lt.-col. Nathl. Eckersley. Lt.-col. Thos. Hy. Brown. Col. Sir Alexr. Bryce. Lt.-col. Wm. Thornhill. It.-col. Archd. McDonald. Lt.-col. Chas. Wade Thornton. Capt. Jas. MacGlashan. Capt. Thos. Barker Devon. Sir Andr. Halliday, G. Benjm. Chas. Stevenson, C. Capt. Vicomte Thos. De Grenier Fomblanque. Col. Sir Evan John Murray McGregor. Maj. Robt. Hutchinson Orde. Capt. D'Arcy Todd. Sir Danl. Bayley. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1831. Lt.-col. Edwd. Chas. Whinyates. Sir David Scott, bt., G. John Hall, C. M.-gen. Geo. Jas. Reeves. Lt.-col. Sir Wm. Davison. Maj. Roche Meade. Sir John Meade, M.D., G. Maj. Richd. Hardinge. Sir Jonn. Wathen Waller, bt., G. Lt.-col. Edwd. Anthy. Angelo. Capt. hon. Chas. Southwell. Timothy Brent, C. Lt.-col. Sir John Mark Smith. Col. Sir Jas. Maxwell Wallace. Lt.-col. John Hobart, ld. Howden. Capt. Wm. Augs. Montague. Col. Thos. Noel Harris. Ool. Saml. Gordon Higgins. Col. Jas. Robertson Arnold. Lt.-col. Jas. Jones. Capt. Edwd. Sparshott. Capt. Andr. Atkins Vincent. Col. Geo. Cowper. Lt.-col. Mathias Everard. Lt.-col. Chas. Wright. Col. John Mordlyon Wilson. Lt.-col. John Hastings Mair. Col. Jas. Fredk. Love. Lt.-col. Robt. Simson. Col. Geo. Brown. Sir Robt. Alexr. Chermside, M.D., Fredk. G. Wm. Taylor Money, C. Maj. Thos. Hy. Shadwell Clerke. 790 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1831. It.-col. Alexr. Kennedy Clark Kennedy. Lt.-Col. Chas. Menzies. Chas. König. Sir John. Fredk. Wm. Herschel, bt., C. Sir. Chas. Bell, C. Jas, Ivory, G. Sir David Brewster, C. Sir John Leslie, C. Lt.-Col. Chas. Diggle. Lt.-Col. Alexr. Campbell. Sir Nichs, Harris Nicolas, G. In 1831. Lt.-coi. Gustavus du Plat. 1832. 1833. Col. Wm. Riddall. Col. Hy. Rainey. Lt.-Col. St. John Augs. Clerke. Lt.-Col. Jas. Considine. Lt.-col. Wrm. Thorn. Lt.-Col. John Cox. Lt.-col. Digby Mackworth. Maj Wm. Beckwith. Sir Saml. Rush Meyrick, G. Sir John Whiteford, C. Richd. Mellish, C. Capt. Robt. Smart. Col. Robt. Ross. Col. Hy. Daubeney. Col. Walter Tremenheere. Col. Geo. Wm. Paty. Col. Robt. Nickle. Lt.-Col. Hy. Madox. Lt.-col. Geo. Graydon. Lt.-Col. John Reed. Lt.-col. Thos. Eccles. Lt.-col. Chas. Barker Turney. Lt.-Col. Sir Michl. Creagh. Maj. Archd. Stewart. Maj. Jas. Waller Samo Waller. Col. Nathl. Thorn. Col. Wm. Chalmers. Col. Edwd. Walker, Col. Hy. Jas. Riddell. Lt.-Col. Wnn. Beresford. Lt.-Col. Jas. Chas. Chatterton. Lt.-Col. Robt. Christr. Mansell. Lt.-Col. John Peddie. Lt.-col. Leslie Walker. Stepney Cowell, C. Lt.-col. Steph. Holmes. Maj. Wm. Onslow. Lt.-Col. Geo. E. Jones. Lt.-col. John Marshall. Sir Fredk. Madden, C. Nichs. Carlisle, C. Sir Fras. Palgrave, C. Sir Hy. Ellis, C. Edmd. Lodge (Clarencieux K.A.) C M.-gen. Sir Geo. Teesdale. Lt.-col. Saml. Dales. Lt.-col. Robt. Bull. Col. Thos. Staunton St. Clair. Lt.-col. Chas. Archd. Macalister. Col. Geo. Augs. Wetherall. 1833. 1834. 1835. Lt.-col. Edwd. Thos. Fitzgerald. Col. Alexr. Fisher Macintosh. Lt.-col. Hy. Hanmer. Lt.-col. Jas. Freeth. Lt.-col. Chas. King. Lt.-col. Chas. Holland Hastings Lt.-col. Sir Robt. Moubray. Commdr. Chas. Haultain. Lt.-col. John Wright. Col. John Owen. Lt.-col, John Garland. Maj. Wm. Fredk. Forster. Maj. John Arnaud. Lt.-col. John Chas. Hope. Maj. John Fitzmaurice. Maj. Jeremiah Ratcliffe. Lt.-col. Ronald Regd. Macdonald. Col. Fras. Maule. John Clarke, M.D., C. Maj. Geo. Doherty. Capt. Sir Geo. Tyler. Sir Chas. Wilkins, C. Sir Graves Chamney Haughton, G. Robt. Wm. St. John, C. Col. Wrm. Greenshield Power. Lt.-col. Wm. Gardner Freer. Col. John Hare. Col. Sir Andr. Leith Hay. Lt.-col. Warner Westenra Higgins. Lt.-col. Alexr. Hope Pattison. Lt.-col. Jas. McMair. Col. Robt. Burd Gabriel. Lt.-col. Chas McGrigor. Col. Hy. Somerset. Lt.-col. John Cross. Maj. Barth. Vigors Derinzy. Col. Sir Joseph Thackwell. Lt.-col. Wm. Gordon Cameron. Lt.-col. Rice Jones. Lt.-col. Nathan Wilson. Maj. Wm. Mackie. Lt.-col. Robt. Winchester. Maj. Geo. Antoine Ramsay. Maj. Sir Fras. Bond Head. Commdr. Joseph Chappell Wool- nough. Col. Thos. Abernethie. Capt. Edwd. Lloyd. Sir Geo. Magrath, M.D., G. Col. Fras. Sherlock. Lt.-col. Wm. McAdam. Lt.-col, Wm. Granville Eliot. Lt.-Col. John Elliot Cairnes. Lt.-col. Sir Thos. Stephen Sorell. Col. Harry Bulteel Harris. Capt. Robt. Fair. Capt. John Toup Nicolas. Lt.-col. Jos. Wallack. Capt. Sir Eaton Travers. Lt. Col. Chas. Hamilton Smith. Sir Wm. Woods (Garter K. A.), G. Sir Alexr. Ferrier. Lt. Col. Sir Wm. Macbean Geo. Colebrooke. Col. Saml. Rice. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 791 1835. 1836. 1836. Col. Wm. Wood. Capt. Wm. Willmott Henderson. Lt.-col. John Jordan. Col. Richd. Roberts. Lt.-Col. Chichester Shanks. Lt.-Col. Edwd. Jackson. Col. Thos. Bunbury. Lt.-col. John Spink. Lt.-col. Wm. Pearce. Lt.-col. Wm. Bush. Lt.-col. li. Robt. Kerr. Lt.-col. Lovell Benjn. Lovell. Lt.-col. Chas. Stisted Col. Wm. Jervois. Col. Robt. Barclay Macpherson, Lt.-col. Jas. Harvey. Lt.-col. Sir John Rowland Eustace. Lt.-col. John Tyler. Lt.-col. Geo. Disbrowe. Lt.-col. Thos. Hy. Morice. Lt.-col. Thos. Wm. Nicholson. Lt.-col- Sir Hy. Bayly. Lt.-col. Fredk. MacBean. Lt.-col. Wm. Cox. Maj. Jos. Anderson. Maj. Arthur Hill Trevor. Maj. Donald John McQueen. Maj. Thos. Ryan. Maj. Saml. Thorpe. Lt-col. Pringle Taylor. Lt.-col. Wm. Freke Williams. Maj. Jas. Forlong. Maj. Robt. Mullen. Maj. Robt. Bidwell Edwards. Commdr. Sir Wm. Brown. Commdr. Walter Kirby. Lt.-col. Hy. Booth. Lt.-col. John Campbell. M.-gen. Love Parry Jones Parry. Col. Nathl. Burslem. Col. Sir Chas. Webb Dance. Col. John Potter Hamilton. Col. Miller Clifford. Col. Steph. Arth. Goodman. Lt.-col. Harris Corke Hailes. Col. Thos. Thornbury Wooldrige. Col. Geo. Dean Pitt. Lt.-Col. Saumarez Brock. Col. Thos. Valiant. Col. Nichs. Hamilton. Lt.-col. Gervase Turborvill. Lt.-col. Geo. Gore. Col. Geo. Augs. Henderson. W. Crook- Lt.-col. Chas. Leslie. Lt.-col. Robt. Anderson. Col. John McCaskill. Lt.-col. Alexr. Findlay. Lt.-col. Paul Phipps. Col. Jas. Campbell. Col. Richd. England. Lt.-col. John Geddes. Col. hon. Chas Gore. Lt.-col, John Christr. Harrison. Col. Alexr. Munro. 1837. Lt.-col. John Oldfield. Lt.-Col. Edwd. Wildman. Lt.-col. Thos. Weare. Lt.-col. Cudbert French. Col. Sir Hy. Geo. Macleod. Lt.-col. Archd. Montgomery Maxwell. Lt.-col. Alexr. Clerke. Col. Hy. Balneavis. Lt.-col. Edwd. Thos. Fitzgerald. Lt.-col. Norcliffe Norcliffe. Maj. John. Wilson. Maj. Jas. Henderson. Maj. John Robyns. Lt.-col. Wm. Hy. Newton. Tut.-col. Edwd. Charleton. Lt.-col. Hy. Herbert Manners. Maj. John Paul Hopkins. Maj. Nichs. Wilson. Maj. Robt. Edwd. Burrowes. Maj. Wm. Edwd. Page. Maj. Geo. Pipon. Maj. Thos. Molyneux Williams. Maj. Plomer Young. Lt.-col. Alexr. Barton. Lt.-col. Arth. Du Bourdieu. Maj. Chas. Cornwallis Michell. Maj. Robt. Garrett. Maj. John Salisbury Jones. Capt. Wilson Braddyll Bigland. Capt. Stanhope Lovell. Capt. Buckland Stirling Bluett. Capt. John Carpenter. Capt. Sir Hy. John Leeke. Capt. Saml. Radford. Capt. Wm. Hotham. Capt. Alexr. Barkclay Branch. Commdr. Jos. Sherer. Maj. Jas. Butler. Lt.-col. Abrm. Josias Cloete. Geo. Fredk. Beltz (Lancaster Her.), G. Sir Wm. Jackson Hooker, C. Capt. John Hindmarsh. Commdr. Sir Jas. Pearl. Commdr. Alexr. Maconochie. Sir Jos. de Courcy Laffan., bt., G. John M. Brackenbury, C. Maj. Fredk. Chidley Irwin. Sir John Robison, C. Capt. Jas. Ryder Burton. Capt. Jas. Wm. Gabriel. Capt. Chas. Warde. Commdr. Benjn. Morton Festing. Capt. Wm. John Cole. Commdr. John Powney. Commdr. Christr. Knight. Capt. Wm. Slaughter. Lt.-col. Geo. Paris Bradshaw. Lt.-col. Turtcliff Boger. Lt.-col. Chas. Cadell. Col. John Carter. Lt.-col. Alexr. Cairncross Lt.-col. John Crowder. Lt.-col. Wm. Elliott, 792 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1837. 1837. 1815. 1815. 1815. Col. Chesborough Grant Fal- COIlàl". Lt.-col. Jas. Forrest Fulton. Lt.-col. Geo. Gawler. Lt.-col. John Hodge. Col. Thos. Phipps Howard. Lt.-col. Jas. Jackson. Lt.-col. John Leslie. Lt.-col. Thos. Marten. Lt.-col. Donald Macpherson. Lt.-col. John Moore. Lt.-col. Jas. Poole Oates. Lt.-col. Thos. Powell. Lt.-col. Wm. Sall. Lt.-col. Robt. Walton. Lt.-col. Geo. Wilkins. Maj. J. Jocelyn Anderson. Lt.-C, l. John Austen. Maj. Hy. Andrews. Lt.-col. Hy. Baynes. Maj. Wm. Bruce. Maj. Jas. Briggs. Maj. John Bogue. Maj. Wm. Burney. Lt.-col. Wm. Brereton. Maj. Peter Bishop. Lt.-col. Andr. Clarke. Maj. Robt. Noble Crosse. Maj. Eyre John Crabbe. Maj. John Clark. Lt.-col. John Crowe. Maj. Chas. Deane. Maj. Wm. Ily. Elliott. Maj. Robt. Fraser. Lt.-col. Wm. Green. Maj. Grove, Maj. Alexr. Grant. 1837. Maj. John. Wm. Henderson. Maj. Jos. Mark Harty. Maj. Jas. Price Hely. Lt.-Col. Bissell Harvey. Maj. Norman Lamont. Maj. Hy. Fredk. Lockyer. Maj. Robt. Law. Maj. Piearce Lowen. Lt.-col. Chas. Levinge. Maj. Monson Molesworth Madden. Lt.-col. Geo. Marshall. Lt.-col. Wm. Miller. Lt.-Col. John Pennycuick. Maj. Edwd. Jonn. Priestley. Lt.-col. Jas, Hy. Philps. Maj. Jas. Kerr Ross. Maj. John Singleton. Maj. Geo. Fitzgerald Stack. Maj. Jos. Clavell Sladdon Sly- field. Maj. Peregrine Fras. Thorne. Maj. Jas. Travers. Maj. Jas. Badham Thornhill. Maj. Abrm. Beresford Taylor. Maj. Robt. Hy. Willcocks. Lt.-col. Wm. Leighton Wood. Jas. Arthur, M.D., C. Wrm. Lurie, C. Robt. Purkis Hillyar, C. Chas. F. Forbes, M.D., C. Capt. Sir Spencer Lambert Hunter Vassall. Lt.-Col. John Falconar Briggs. Sheffield Grace, C. Jas. Burns, M.D., C. Sir Chas. Augs. Fitzroy, C. APPoinTED BY KING ERNEST OF HANOVER. See Introduction, ante, p. 785. Commdr. Thos Gordon. Capt. H. S. Stephens. Capt. Geo. Gosling. Lt.-col. Benjn. Orlando Jones. Lt.-col Thos. Cox Rirby. Capt. Jas. Morgan. Maj. R. Wilkinson. Maj. Geo. John Belson. Col. John Rolt. Lt.-col. Anthy. Singleton King. Maj. Arth. Gore. Maj. North Ludlow Beamish. OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF THE GUELPHS. CHANCELLORs. Earnest Fredk. Hy., Count Munster, Aug. 12; res. 1831. 1831. Louis Conrad Geo., Baron Ompteda; res. 1837. WICE-CHANCELLORs. G. H. Nieper; res. 1824. SECRETARIES. | 1833. Geo, Christr. Lichenburg; res. | 1837. - John Geo. Lewis Moeller, Aug. ; res. 1833. 1824. Geo. Ernest Fredk. Hoppenstedt. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 793 RINGS OF ARMs. 1815, Geo. Nayler, aft. Sir G.; York | * * Augs. Neubourg. Aug. and Blanc Coursier Her., and aft. Clarencieux and Garter R. A.; d. Oct. 28, 1831. THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST.GEORGE. THIS ORDER has probably undergone more changes than any other. It was originally instituted by Statutes of Apr. 27, 1818, and was then confined to “natives of the United States, of the Ionian islands, and of the island of Malta and its dependencies, and to such other subjects of his Majesty as may hold high and confidential situation in the Mediterranean.” The Order at first consisted of the King of the United Kingdom as Sovereign, the Grand Master, 8 Knights Grand Cross (including the Grand Master), 12 Knights Commanders, and 24 Knights. It was enlarged by Statutes of Aug. 16, 1832, and then consisted of the Sove- reign, who was also Grand Master, 15 Knights Grand Cross, 20 Knights Commanders, and 25 Companions. Under Letters Patent of Dec. 31, 1850, and Statutes of Jan. 31, 1851, the constitution of the Order was modified, but it still remained confined to the Ionian Islands and Malta. The Ionian islands were ceded to Greece in 1863, and shortly after- wards the Order was completely reconstituted. By Statutes of Dec. 4, 1868 (gazetted July 1, 1869), as modified by Statutes of Apr. 3, 1869 (gazetted July 1, 1869), the persons admissible into the Order were to be natural-born or naturalized British subjects who had held office in or rendered services in relation to the Colonies. By the same Statutes the Order was declared to consist of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, 25 Knights Grand Cross, 60 Knights Commanders, and 100 Companions, with power to the Sovereign to appoint extra members of the first and second classes, and to increase the numbers of each class. By Statutes of May 30, 1877, (gazetted same day), the numbers were increased to 35 Knights Grand Cross, 120 Knights Commanders, and 200 Companions, with power to appoint extra and honorary members. By Statutes of May 24, 1879, the Order was extended to reward services rendered to the Crown in relation to foreign affairs, and the numbers were again increased to 50 Knights Grand Cross, 150 Knights Commanders, and 260 Companions, power to appoint extra members and to increase the numbers being still reserved to the Sovereign. By Statute of June 28, 1886, 8 Knights Commanders and 9 Companions were added as additional members, and by a later Statute of Mar. 21, 1887, these were made ordinary members, the numbers of the Order being increased to this extent. The officers of the Order now are— PRELATE. SECRETARY. REGISTRAR. CHANCELLOR. KING OF ARMs. OFFICER OF ARMs. The Order is styled— THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. 794 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND GRAND 1818. 1825. F.M. Adolphus ST. GEORGE. MASTERS AND PRINCIPAL KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Maitland, gr. mast., Apr. 27; d. 1824. Fredk., D. of Cambridge, gr. mast., June 20; decl. 1st, or ppal. G.C.M.G., Aug. 16, 1832; d. July 8, 1850. 1851. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. of Cambridge, app. 1st or ppal. G.C.M.G. ; re-app. as gr. mast. and 1st or ppal. G.C.M.G., May 23, 1869, G., and May 30, 1877, G. KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. (G.C.M.G.) 1818. Lt.-gen. Sir Thos. Maitland, Apr. 1818, Nov. 18. 1818. Dec. 16. 1819. 1828. 1829. 1831. 1832. 27 (Gr. M.). Emanuel Baron Theotoky. Stamo Calichispulo. Antonio, Ct. Comuto. W.-adm. Sir Chas. Penrose. Giuseppe Borg Olivier. Raffaele Crispino Xerri. W.-adm. sir Thos. Fras. mantle, Oct. 26. Fredk, 6th E. of Guildford, Oct. 26. Vinicombe Fre- Adm. Sir Graham Moore, Sept. 28; res. 1823; re-inv. Aug. 24, 1832. Lt.-gen. Sir Fredk. Adam, Dec. 27 Ct. Nicolo Anino, Mar. 1. Adm. sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt., Jan. 16; res. 1826; re- inv. Aug. 24, 1832. F.M. Pr. Adolphus Fredk. D. of Cambridge(Gr.M., &c.),June 20. Marino Veja, July 30. Adm. Sir Edwd. Codrington, Apr. 23; res. 1828; re-inv. Aug. 24, 1832. M.-gen. hon. Sir Fredk. Caven- dish Ponsonby, Nov. 5. Adm. sir Pulteney Malcolm, Jan. 21 ; res. 1831; re-app. Aug. 16, 1832. W.-adm. hon. Sir Hy. Hotham, July 4. Giuseppe May 28. Giovanni Cappadoca, June 6. Angiolo Condari, June 6. Sir Jas. Macdonald, bt., June 22. Lt.-gen. Sir Alexr. Woodford. June 30. Geo., &c., ld. Nugent (son of Geo., Calcedonio Debono, 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837, May 10. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1842. 1843. 1844. 2nd E. Temple and 1st M. of Buckingham), Aug. 12. Col. Fredk. Hankey, May 4. R.-adm. Thos. Briggs, June 26. Spiridion Vittor, Ct. Bulgari, July 7. Adm. Sir Feb. 22. Lt.-gen. Sir Howard Douglas, bt., Mar. 18. Paolo, Ct. Parisio, Apr. 2. Lt. gen. Sir Hy. Fredk. Bouve- rie, Sept. 28. Gen. Hy. Pigot. Gen. Thos., ld. Lymedoch. Adm. hon, Robt. Stopford. Adm. Sir Geo. Martin. Gen. Sir Martin Hunter. Gen. Wm. Wilkinson. Lt.-gen. Sir Chas. Egerton. Gen. Sir John Oswald. Lt.-gen. Sir Hudson Lowe. W.-adm. Sir Richd. Hussey Hus- sey. M.-gen. Sir Patr. Ross. Pietro Petrezzopulo, Apr. 26. V.-adm. Sir Geo. Eyre, May 2. Sir Wittor Caridi, Aug. 31. Sir Francisco Muzzan, July 7. Sir Pietro Coidan, July 7. Sir Nichs. Harris Nicolas, Oct. 6. Pr. Fras. Albt. Augs. Chas. Emanuel, Pr. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Consort of Q. Vic- toria, Jan. 15. Demetrio, Ct. Della Decima, Jan. 21. Sir Agostino Randon, Mar. 18. Lt.-gen. John, ld. Seaton, July 3. Lºn. hon. Patr. Stuart, July Josias Rowley, bt., Bulkeley Antonio, Ct. Theotoky, Dec. 16. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 795 1845. 1850. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1860. 1864. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1869, Tune 30. 1870. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877, May 30. 1878. Pr. Geo. Fredk. Wm. Chas., aft. D. of Cambridge, June 26; aft. Gr. M. Spiridione Facco Stefano. Hy. Geo. Ward. Demetrio, Ct. Salomon, Sept. 7. Candiano, Ct. Roma. Demetrio, Ct. Carrusa. Vincenzo Casolani. Alessandro Damaschini. Sir John Young, bt. Sir Ignatius Gavin Bonavita. Giuseppe Maria, Baron de Piro. Sir Demetrio Valsamachi. Dionisio, Ct. Flamburiari. Col. Hy. Knight Storks. M,-gen. John Gaspard Le Mar- chant. Geo. Fergusson Bowen, Apr. 16. Sir Paolo Dingli. Sir Pietro Armeni Braila, May 21. Sir Georgio Marcoran. Sir Adriano Dingli, Apr. 24. Sir Edwd. Victor Houlton, Apr. 24. Lt.-gen. Sir Patr. Grant, Sept. Chas. Stanley, 4th visc. Monck, June 23. Edwd. Geoffr., 14th E. of Derby. Hy. Geo., 3rd E. Grey. John, 1st E. Russell. Alf. Ern. Alb., D. of Edinburgh, July 2. Edwd. Geo. Earle Lytton, 1st là. Lytton, Jan. 15. Pr. Arth. Wm. Patr. Alb., aft. D. of Connaught, &c., Apr. 16. John Hy. Thos., 3rd visc. Canter- bury, June 25. Sir Hy. Barclay, Mar. 9. Sir John Peter Grant, Mar. 9. M.-gen. Sir Garnet Jos. Wolse- ley, aft. visc. Wolseley, Mar. 31. John Hawley Glover, May 8. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robin- son, Jan. 28. Sir Datu Tummongong Abubakr Sri, Mahar. of Johore, May 1. Fredk. Temple, E. of Dufferin, &c., aft. M. of Dufferin and Ava, May. 26. Alb. Edwd., Pr, of Wales. Geo. Aug. Constantine, 2nd M. of Normanby. Lt.-gen.sir Arthur Purves Phayre, Jan. 24. Hon. Sir Arth. Hamilton Gordon, Feb. 6. M.-gen. Sir Wm. Fras. Drummond Jervois, May 25. | Sir Alexr. Tilloch Galt, May 25. Sir Hy. Drummond Wolff, Aug. 15. The King of Siam, Sept. 7. Sir John Douglas Sutherland 1879, May 24. 1879, Aug. 29. 1879. 1880, May 28. 1881, May 24. 1881. 1882. 1883, May 24. 1883. 1884. 1885, June 6. 1885. 1886. 1886, May 29. 1887. 1887, May 24. 1887, June 21 Campbell, c.c. M. of Lorne, Sept. 23. Sir John Rose, bt., Oct. 29. Richd. Bickerton, ld. Lyons. Odo Wm. Leopold Russell, c. c. ld. Odo Russell ; aft. la. Ampt- hill. Sir Antonio Micallef. Sir Chas. Lennox Wyke. Sir Richd. Wood. Nuba. Pasha, Oct. 9. Somditch Pra Paramindr Maha. Chulalonkorn, K. of Siam, Nov. 22. Pr. Leopold Geo. Duncan Albt., aft. D. of Albany. Gen. Sir Arth. Borton. Sir Arth. Edwd. Kennedy. Gen. Sir Harry St. George Ord. Ralakana, K. of the Hawaiian Islands, July 23. Sir Harry Smith Parkes, Nov. 26. M.-gen. Sir Hy. Evelyn Wood, Feb. 17. John Hy. Brand, Pres. Orange Fr. St., Mar. 23. Fred., ld. Blachford. Sir Hy. Ernest Bulwer, Sir Jas. Robt. Longden. Seyyid Barghash-bin-Said, Sultan of Zanzibar, Oct. 29. Hy. Chas. Keith, 5th M. Lansdowne, Jan. 28. Sir Robt. Richd. Torrens, May 24, Sir Alfred Stephen, May 24. Sir John Hay Drummond Hay, Dec. 4. Chas. Robt., 3rd ld. Carrington. M.-gen. Sir Andr. Clarke. Sir Anthy. Musgrave. Sir Fredk. Aloysius Weld. Sir Edwd. Baldwin Malet, June 26. Lt.-gen. Sir Gerald Graham, Aug. 25. M.-Gen. Sir Chas. Warren, Oct. 4. Sir Julian Pauncefote, Dec. 1. Sir Wm. Arthur White, Jan. 28. Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., aft. la. Knutsford, Jam. 28. Sir Chas. Tupper, Feb. 1. Sir John Kirk, Feb. 2. Sir Robt. Burnett David Morier, Feb. 13. Lt.-gen. Sir Robt. Biddulph. Sir Fras. Clare Ford, May 29. M.-gen. Sir Geo. Cumine Strahan, Jan. 29. Gen. Sir John Simmons. Gen. Sir Hy. Wylie Norman. Sir Hy. Brougham Loch. Sir Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson. Sir Edwd. Wm. Stafford. Sir Thos. Elder. of Lintorn Arabin 796 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1888. Sir Ronald Ferguson Thomson, Jan. 10. Sir Hy. Parkes, Jan. 28. Sir Hy. Turner Irving, May 24. Sir Danl. Cooper, bt., May 24. 1888. 1889. KNIGHTS COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER 1818. Nov. 18. 1818. 1819. 1820, Feb. 26. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1825. 1832. 1833, Feb. 9. 1833. 1835. 1836. 1839. 1840. 1842. 1844, May 27. 1844. 1849. 1850. 1854. GEORGE. (K.C.M.G.) Vittor Caridi. 1854. Antonio, Ct. Theotoky. 1855. Dionizio Bulzo. 1856. Col. Fredk. Hankey. Giuseppe Nicolo Zammit, Dec. 16. Rd. Plasket, Dec. 16. M.-gen. Sir Patr. Ross, Nov. 9. Capt. hon. Anthy Maitland. Nicolo, Ct. Anino. Giovanni Cappadoca. Marino Veja. Col. Sir Fredk. Stovin. Alexr. Wood. Basilio Zavo, July 19. Demetrio, Ct. Foscardi, Mar. 14. Giacomo Calichiopulo Manzaro, Mar. 14. Paolo, Ct. Parisio, Jan. 31. M.-gen. Robt. Travers, Feb. 20. Francesco Muzzan, Mar, 1. Pietro Coidan, June 30. Angiolo Condari, June 30. Jos. Russell, June 22. Sir Nichs. Harris Nicolas (with rank of senior K.C.M.G.), Aug. 16. Vincenzo Casolani. Giuseppe Marq. Testaferrata. Spiridion Vittor, Ct. Bulgari. Pietro Petrizzopulo Edwd. Stuart Baynes. June 26. Vincenzo, Ct. Mandu.ca, July 17. Claudio Vincenzo Bonnici, June 11. Ignatius Gavin Bonavita, Apr. 2. Hector Greig, Jan. 26. Stamo Gangadi, Aug. 30. Agostino Randon, Aug. 30. M.-gen. Fras., Ct. Rivarola, Nov. 30. Demetrio, Ct. Della Decima, July 7. Altavilla Calichiopulo, Sept. 14. Angiolo Calichiopulo, Jan. 21. Giuseppe Maria, Baron de Piro, Mar. 18. Demetrius Valsamachi. Plato Petrides. Dionisio, Ct. Flamburiari. Georgio Cazzaiti, Dec. 16. Antonio, Ct. Dusmani, Dec. Anastasio Tipaldo Xidian. Alessandro Damaschini. Agostino Portelli. Georgio Marcoran. 1857. 1859. 1860, 1862. 1864. 1868. 1869, June 23. 1869, June 30. 1870. 1871. 1872. Sir Evelyn Baring, June 2. Sir Chas. Johnson Brooke, June 2. The Sultan of Zanzibar. Mortimer, ld. Sackville, Sept. 10. Sir Hugh Lowe, Jan. OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST Jno. Fraser. Spiridione Valsamachi. Pietro Armeni Braila. Wm. H. Thornton. Geo. Fergusson Bowen. Paolo Dingli. Demetrio, Ct. Curcumelli, July 9. Andrea Mustoxidi. Jas. Philip Lacaita, Mar. 30. Sir Chas. Eurwicke Douglas, bt. Apr. 4. Antonio Micallef. Adriano Dingli. Victor Houlton. Peter Smith. Spiridiome Valaoriti, July 14. Hy. Drummond Wolff. Chas. Sebright, May 27. Major Wilfred Brett, Oct. 13. Ct. Nichs. Scebarras Bologna. Col. Thos. Gore Browne. . Fras. Hincks. Jas. Walker. M.-gen. Chas. Hastings Doyle. Paul Edma. de Strzlecki. Geo. Wm., Baron Lyttelton. Fredk. Peel, Chas Bowyer Adderley, aft. li. Norton. Sir Fredc. Rogers, bt. Sir Hercules Geo. Robt. Robinson. Alexr. Tilloch Galt, Hy. Taylor. Thos. Fredk. Elliot. Jno. Rose, Jan. 15. Thos. Wm. Clinton Murdoch, Jan. 15. Hon. Wm. Coutts Keppel, c.c. visc. Bury; aft. li. Ashford, Aug. 24. Lt.-gen. hon. Jas. Lindsay, Dec. 22. Col. Garnet Jos. Wolseley, aft. visc. Wolseley, Dec. 22. Hon. Arth. Hamilton Gordon, Feb. 23. tº Sir Rd. Graves MacDonnell, Feb. 23. Sir Arth. Edwd. Kennedy, Sept. 29. Sir Benjn. Chilley Campbell Pine, Sept. 29. Chas. Cowper, Feb. 23. Geo. Frede. Verdon, Feb. 23. Somerset, Rd., E. of Belmore, Mar. 27. * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 797 1872. Robt. Tºd. Torrens, Aug. 31. Hy. Ayers, Nov. 30. 1873. Col. Andr. Clarke, Mar. 27. 1874, Geo. Augs. Constantine, M. of Mar. 9. Normanby. Sir Alfr. Stephen. Sir Jas. McCulloch. Jno. O'Shanassy. Jno. Scott. 1874. Col. Fras. Worgan Festing, May 8. 1874, Col. Stephen Jno. Hill. May 28. Col. Wm. Fras. Drummond Jervois. Penrose Goodchild Julyan. Hy. Ernest Bulwer, July 23. Donald Maclean, July 23. 1874, Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt. Sept. 28. Edwd. Deas Thomson. Jno. Sealy. 1875, Chas, Du Cane. Mar. 5. Geo. Macleay. 1875, Fras. Fortescue Turville. May 28. Hon. Geo. Wm. Hamilton, c.c. visc. Kirkwall; aft. E. of ()rkney. Chas. Sladen. Julius Vogel. Anthy. Musgrave. Rawson Wn). Rawson. Wm. Hy. Gregory, Feb. 19. Jas, Robt. Longden, Mar. 13. Chas, Peter Layard, Mar. 13. Theophilus Shepstone, Aug. 14. Sir Hy. Thurstan Holland, bt., aft. la. Knutsford. Wm. Wellington Cairns. Lt.-col. Hy. Fitzharding Berkeley Maxse. Wm. Fitzherbert. M.-gen. Sir Harry St. Geo. Ord. Sir Redmond Barry. Sir Hy. Watson Parker. Jno. Bayley Darwall. Steph. Walcott. Wm. Cleaver Fras. Robinson. Maj. Robt. Miller Mundy. M.-gen. Patr. Leonard M*Dougall. M.-gen. Jno. Hy. Lefroy. M.-gen. Edwd. Selby Smyth. Brig.-gen. Robt. Michael Laffan. Jno. Robertson. Hy. Parkes. Arthur Blyth. Sir Chas. Gavan Duffy. Gen. Jno. Jarvis Bisset. Rd. Wood. Albert Smith. Hy. Turmer Irving. Sanford Freeling. Sir Jas. Milne Wilson. Jno. Hay. Archd. Michie. Fredk, B. T. Carter. 1878. Fras. Philip Cunliffe Owen, Oct. 29. 1875, Aug. 30. 1876. 1877, May 1. 1877, May 30. 1877, Dec. 10. 1878, May 25. J 1879. 1879, May 24. 1879. 1880. Somditch Chas. Phya Sura- wongse, formerly regent of Siam, Jan. 29. The Raja Ahmed Taj Udin bin Sultan Zain Alrashid Kedah, Apr. 30. Rachad Pacha. Sir Narcisse Fortunat Belleau. Wm. Taylour Thomson. Wm. Pearce Howland. Chas. Tupper. Saml. Leonard Tilley. Geo. Buckley Mathew. Geo. Welsh Kellner. M.-gen. Edwd. Wolstenholme Ward. Dr. Ferdinand Von Mueller, Geo. Brown. Alexr. Campbell. Rd. Jno. Cartwright. Edwd. Wm. Stafford. Wm. Fox. Riaz Pasha, July 31. Sir Daml. Brooke Robertson, Aug. 29. Jno. Luke Geo., E. of Donough- more, Oct. 9. M.-gen. hon. Hy. Hugh Clifford, Dec. 19. Col. Chas. Knight Pearson, Dec. 19. Sir Julian Pauncefote. M.-gen. Edwd. Bruce Hamley, Jan. 12. Chas. Rivers Wilson, Jan. 12. Col. Wm. Owen Lanyon, Apr. 6. Col. Baker Creed Russell, Apr. 6. Thos. Geo. Knox, Apr. 12. 1881. 1881, May 24. 1881. M.-gen. Robt. Biddulph, Apr 12. Jno. Pope Hennessy, Apr. 21. Surg.-Maj. Saml. Rowe, Apr. 21. Maj. Geo. Cumine Strahan, May 28. Frdk. Aloysius Weld, May 28. Wm. Vallance Whiteway, May 28. Chao Phya Bhanuwongse Maha Kosa Tibodi Phraklang, July 10, cº Jno. Carstairs McNeill, Aug. 7. Sir Daml. Cooper, bt., Oct. 25. Patrick Jennings, Oct. 25. Virgile Naz, Nov. 3. Spenser St. John, Mar. 28. Sir Fras. Dillon Bell. Geo. Berkeley. Hector Louis Langevin. M.-gen. Geo. Richd. Greaves. Arthur Hunter Palmer. Lt.-gen, Jno. Summerfield Haw- kins. Lt.-col. Chas Wm. Wilson. Donald Currie, July 25. Patr. Jos. Keenan, July 25. Jno. Kirk, Sept. 5. Joshua Peter Bell, Nov. 24, Auckland Colvin, Nov. 26. 798 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 1882. 1882, May 24. 1882. 1882, Aug. 18. 1883, May 24. 1883. 1884, Feb. 1. 1884. 1884, May 24. 1884. 1885. 1885, June 6. 1885, June 26. Gen. I'dwd. Stanton, Feb. 1. Sir Jno. Hy. De Williers, Feb. 17. V.-adm. Richd. Jas., E. of Clan- william, Mar. 3. Fras. Savage Reilly, Apr. 17. Robt. Hart, Apr. 17. Cornelius Hendericksen Kort- right. Wm. Brampton Gordon. Col. Wm. Bellairs. Geo. Stoddart Whitmore. Saul Samuels. Count Giorgio Sérafimo Ciantar (Palislogo) Barone di San Giovanni. Jno. Hall. Edwd. Mortimer Archibald, Aug. 12. Jno. Chas. Molteno. Wm. Chas. Sargeaunt. M.-gen. Archd. Edwd. Harbord Anson. Mohamed Sultan Pasha, Oct. 28. Wm. McArthur, Nov. 17. Thos. McIlwraith, Nov. 17. Col. Redvers Hy. Buller, Nov. 24. Wrm. Robinson. Geo. Wm. Des Voeux. Col. Robt. Wm. Harley Chas. Cameron Lees. Fredk. Palgrave Barlee. Jno. Douglas. Chas, Hutton Gregory. Lt.-col. Chas. Bullen Hugh Mit- chell. Hugh Low. Wm. Morgan. Ambrose Shea. Col. Chas. Warren. Constantine Geo. July 9. Lt.-gen. hon. Leicester Smyth. Sir Geo. Wigram Allen. Fredk. Whitaker. Lt.-col. Fras. Walter de Winton. Sir Chas. Augs. Hartley, Feb. 19. Surg.-gen. Wm. Guyer Hunter. Thos. Chas. Scanlen. Col. Wm. Crossman. Fredk. Napier Broome. Arthur Elibank Havelock. David Lewis Macpherson, July 28. Ronald Ferguson Thomson, Aug. 14. Moustapha Bey Jawer, Mudir of Dongola, Dec. 3. Wm. Arthur White, Mar. 16. Hy. Percy Anderson, Mar. 16. Gerald FitzGerald, May 15. Adams Geo. Archibald. Chas. Mills. M.-gen. Peter Ily. Scratchley. Alexr. Stuart. Hon. Lionel Sackville Sackville West. Zerondacchi, 1885. June 26. 1885, 1885, Aug. 25. 1885. 1886. 1886, May 29. 1886, June 28. 1886. 1887, Apr. 18. 1887, May 24. 1887, June 21. 1887, June 21. Fras. Clare Ford. Thos. Williers Lister. Halliday Macartney, Aug. 10. Josh. Phillippe René Adolphe Caron. M.-gen. Fredk. Dobson Middleton. Edwd. Zohrab Pasha. Jno. Fowler, Sept. 1. Col. Jno. Underwood Bateman- Champain, Dec. 31. Frank Cavendish Lascelles, Jam. 28. Hon. Fras. Rd. Plunkett, Feb. 13. Capt. Rd. Fras. Burton, Feb. 13. Abdul Samat Samat, Sultan of Selangore. Sir Jno. Coode. Lt.-col. Marshall Jas. Clarke. Cecil Clementi Smith. Donald Alexr. Smith. Robt. Stout. Hon. Wm. Stuart. Chas. Crespigny, ld. Vivian. Hon. Edma. Jno. Monson. Lt.-col. Robt. Lambert Playfair. Sir Saml. Devonport. Fras. Knollys. Arth. Nonus Birch. Arth. Hodgson. Jno. Fras. Julius Von Haast. Augs. Jno. Adderley. Jas. Fras. Garrick. Graham Berry. Saml. Walker Griffith, July 23. Sir Horace Rumbold, Aug. 6. Francis Ottiwell Adams, Aug. 6. Francis Beilby Alston, Aug. 6. Sir Wm. Foster Stawell, Oct. 25. Jno. Gordon Sprigg, Oct. 25. Jno. Staples (ld. may. London), Nov. 9. Walter Lawry Buller, Nov. 9. Robt. Thorburn. Jno. W. Downer. Thos. Upington. Jas. Ilorimer. Robt. Wisdom. Wm. Hillier, E. of Onslow. Jenico Wrm. Jos., visc. Gormans- town. Jas. Hector. Wm. Brandford Griffith. Lt.-col. Jno. Terence Nicolls O’Brien. Col. Fredk. Carrington. Jno. Bates Thurston. Edwd. Newton. Malcolm Fraser. Wm. Hy. Marsh. Sidney Godolphin Alexr. Shippard. Jno. Wm. Akerman. Jas. Alexr. Grant. M.-gen. Christr. Chas. Teesdale. Col. Colin Campbell Scott Mon- crieff. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 799 1887, June 21. 1887. 1888. 1888, Jan. 28. 1888, May 24. Wm. Kirby Green. Col. Chas. Edwd. Mansfield. Clement Lloyd Hill. Jno. Hy. Fawcett. Geo. Dashwood Taubman Goldie. Mustapha Fehmy Pasha. Jno. Antoimadis. Edgar Vincent, Aug. 1. Sir Thos. Hy, Sanderson. Aug. 18. Col. Robt. Murdoch Smith, R.E., Jam. 2. John Pender, Jan. 2. Geo. Smyth Baden-Powell. Harry Albert Atkinson. Edwin Thos. Smith. Fredk. Young. Michael Hy. Gallwey. Hon. Walter Francis Hutchinson. 1888, May 24. 1888, June 2. 1888. 1889, Jan. Hely- John Fredk. Dickson. Edwd. Noel Walker. Capt. John Chas. Ready Colomb. Chas. Alfred Cookson. Jas. Wm. Redhouse. Alfred Dent. Fredk. Wm. Smythe. Zulfikar Pasha. Osman Pasha Orphi. John Sparrow David Thompson. Jas. Spearman Winter John. Hy. Gibbs Bergne. Hy. Arth. Blake, Nov. 7. Sir Herbert Bruce Sandford. Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy. Jos. Wm. Trutch. Lt.-gen. Thos. Lionel John Gall- wey. OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE. 1818, 1818. 1840. 1832. 1818. 1818. 1832. 1818, 1822. * - - 1826. PREIATEs. Wiscoro Macario, Prelate in Ionian Islands, Nov. 17; d. Sept. 14. 1827. Giuseppe Bartolomeo Xerri, 1877. prelate in Malta, Dec. 15; d. Nov. 28, 1841. 1878. Crissanthos Masullo, abp. of CHANCELLORs. Sir Nichs. Harris Nicolas, Aug. 1877. 16 ; d. 1848. Duties performed by ch. clk. in Colonial Office until SECRETARIES. Col. Fredk. Hankey, Nov. 17, res. 1877. June 20, 1833. Duties performed by ch, clk. in Colonial Office until Corfu, May 21, and the abps. of Corfu for the time being until Geo. Augs. Selwyn, bp. of Lich- field, May 30, G. Chas. Perry, bp. of New Zealand, May 25, G. Chas. Cox, aft, Sir C., May 30, G Robt. Geo. Wyndham Herbert, aft. Sir R., May 30., G. RINGS OF ARMs. Sir Geo. Nayler (Garter K. A.), Nov. 17; d. Oct. 28, 1831. Sir Nichs. Harris Nicolas, May 20; made Chanc. Aug. 16, 1832. Chas. Eurwicke Douglas, aft. Sir C., Oct, 12. 1859. 1869. REGISTRARs. Capt. Wm. Richd. Pepper Arden, 1832. Nov. 17 ; res. 1822. Lieut. Hy. Dundas Maclean, Feb. 20; res. 1824. Lt.-col. Jos. Rudsdell, aft. Sir J., Apr. 10; res. 1832. 1877. Hy. Drummond Wolff,aft. Sir H., Apr. 5. Albert Wm. Woods, aft. Sir A. ; on reconstitution of order, wt. supra. Geo. Hildeyard Tennyson Deyn- court, Nov. 12; res. Apr. 1839. Duties performed by ch. clk. in Colonial Office until hº Robt. Hy. Meade, May 30 800 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. THIS ORDER was instituted by Iletters Patent dated Feb. 23, 1861 (gazetted June 25, 1861), and is, as its name implies, essentially an Order connected with the British Empire in India. As originally constituted the Order consisted of the Sovereign, a Grand Master, and 25 Knights, together with such extra and honorary knights as the Sovereign should appoint, with power to confer the Order on native princes and chiefs of India. The Viceroy of India for the time being was made ea:-officio Grandmaster of the Order. By Letters Patent dated March 28, 1866 (gazetted May 25, 1866), the Order was reconstituted so as to consist of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, 25 Imights Grand Commanders, 50 Knights Commanders, and 100 Companions, with power to appoint extra and honorary members. The constitution of the Order was again extended in 1875 and 1876, and now consists of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, 30 Knights Grand Commanders, 72 Knights Commanders, and 144 Companions, with power to appoint extra and honorary members as before. The Statutes enable the Sovereign to confer the dignity of Knight Grand Commander upon princes and chiefs of India, who have entitled themselves to the Royal favour, and upon such British subjects as have by important and loyal services rendered by them to the Indian Empire, merited the Royal favour; and to confer the dignity of Knight Com- mander and Companion upon persons who by their conduct or services in the Indian Empire have merited the Royal favour. The officers of the Order are— REGISTRAR. SECRETARY. The Order is styled— THE Most ExALTED ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. GRAND MASTERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. 1861. June 25. Chas. Jno., visc. Canning, Viceroy of India, and his successors in that office. See “Viceroys of India,” ante, p. 649. KNIGHTS GRAND COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. (G.C.S.I.) Promotion or KNIGIITs COMMANDERS ON THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE ORDER IN 1866, ut supra. 1866, Albert Edwd., Pr, of Wales. 1866, Geo. Fras. Robt., 3rd la. Harris. May 24, Nizam-ool-Moolk Nuwab Tuzinat May 24. Mahar. Dhuleep Sing. : Ali Khan, Nizam of Hydera- Runbeer Singh, Mahar. of Cash- bad. In 01 0. Gen. IIugh Wisc. Gough. Sir Geo. Russell Clerk. Jyajeo Rao Sindhia, Mahar. of Tookoojee Rao Holkar, Mahar. Gwalior. of Indore. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 801 Mahar. Khunde Rao, Guico war of Baroda. Sir John Laird Mair Lawrence, bt., aft, ld. Lawrence. Nuwab Sekunder, Begum of Bhopal. Gen. Sir Hugh Hy. Rose, aft. li. Strathnairn. Yoosuf Ali Khan, Nuwab of Ram- pore. - Gen. Sir Geo. Pollock, bt. Seramudi Rajahye Hindostan Raj. Rajender Sree Mahar. Dheeraj 1866, May 24. 1866, Sewall Ram Sing, Bahadoor May 24. of Jyepore. Furgund Dilbund Rasekhul Itgad Dowlut-i-Englishia, &c., Bahadoor of Kuppoorthulla. Mahar. Rughoo Raj Sing, Baha- door of Reevar. Sir lly. Bartle Edwd. Frere. The Mahar. of Joudpore. Sir Robt. Montgomery. The Mahar. of Travancore. Gen. Sir Wm. Rose Mansfield, aft. la. Sandhurst. The Mahar. of Kerowlee. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTS. Erishnar Raj. Wadyah, Mahar. of Mysore, May 24. Lt.-gen, Sir Robt. Napier, aft lá. Napier of Magdala, Sept. 16. Ismail Pasha of Egypt, Aug 27. Sir Wm. Robt. Seymour Vesey FitzGerald, Dec. 8. The Rana of Dholepore, June 2. Alfred lùrnest Albert, D. of Edin- burgh, Feb. 7. Mohender Sing Mahar. of Puttiala, May 28. The Nawab Salar Jung Bahadoor, May 28. Ferd. de Lesseps, Aug. 19. Dhoraj Sumbho Sing, Mahar. of Oodeypore, May 20. The Rao Pragmuljee of Cutch, May 20. Thos. Geo., E. of Northbrook, May 3. - The Newab Shah Jehan, Begum of Bhopal, May 31. Mahar. Jung Bahadoor Kunwar Ranajee. Gen. Sir Jno. Low. Lt. gen. Sir Neville Bowles Cham- berlain. 1873. Hajee Murza Hussein Khan, July 4. 1875. Pr. Tewfik Pasha, aft. Khedive of Egypt, May 3. 1875, Raj. Rajessur Mahar. Dhiraj. Dec. 31. Jeswunt Sing, Bahadoor of Jodh- Ull". Fºund Dilpizir Nawab Mahum- mad Kulb Ali Khan, Bahadoor of Rampore. Furzund Dilbund Rasekhul Itgad Dowlut-i-Englishia Raj. Rugbir Sing, Bahadoor of Jheend. 1876. Edwd. Robt. Lytton, E. of Lytton, Apr. 12. w 1876, Rd. Plant., &c., D. of Bucking- June 28, ham and Chandos. Sir Philip Edmd. Wodehouse. 1877, Arth. Wm. Patr. Albert, D. of Jan. 1. Connaught. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873, May 24. 1877, Ram Sing, Mahar. of Bundi. Jan. 1, Jaswant Sing, Mahar. of Bhurt- pore. Shri Prasad Sing Narain, Mahar. of Benares. Azim Jah Bahadoor Zapir-ud- dowla, Pr. of Arcott. 1877. Pr. Leopold Geo. Duncan Albert, aft. D. of Albany, Jan. 25. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. Cambridge, June 2. 1878, Cherif Pasha. Jan. 1. Sir Rd. Temple, bt. of 1878. Sir Jno. Strachy, Apr. 30. Safvet Pasha, Aug. 27. 1879, Mir Khodadad, Rhan of Khelat. July 29. Gen. Sir Fredk. Paul Haines. The Raj. of Nabha. 1880. Gathorne, visc. Cranbrook, Apr. 20. The Nawab of Bahawulpur,Nov.9. 1881. Sujjun Sing, Mahar. of Udaipur, May 24. 1882, The Mahar. of Travancore. May 23, Nawab Ikbal-ud-dowlah of Oudh (Bagdad). 1884, Chama Rajendra Wadeir, Mahar. of Mysore, May 23. Asaf Jah, Nizarn of Hyderabad, Nov. 17. 1885. Sir Jas. Fergusson, bt., Feb. 25. Abdul Rahman Khan, Amir of Afghanistan, Apr. 11. Gen. Sir Donald Martin Stewart, bt., Dec. 7. 1886, Syud Toorkee, Sultan of Muscat. Jan. 1. Mahar. Mangal Sing of Ulwar Takht Sinhji Thaken, Sahib of Bhaunagar 1887, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone July 28. Grant-Duff. 1887, Mahar. Sayaji Rao, Bahadoor, Feb. 15. Gaekwar of Baroda. The Maharama Futteh Sing Bahadoor of Meywar, Oodey- pore. Raja Shamsher Prakash, Baha- door of Sirmur (Nahum). 51 802 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1887. The Mahar. Holkar of Indore, June 30. Massond Mirza Yemin-ed-dowleh, Zil-es, Sultan of Persia, Nov. 1. 1888. The Mahar. Sawai Madhu Sing of Jeypore, Jan. 1. The Mahar. Rama Varma of Travancore, May 24. RNIGHTS COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. 1831, June 25. 1861, Aug. 19. 1863, Nov. 11. 1864, Dec. 10. 1866, Feb. 12. 1866, May 24. ORIGINAL KNIGHTS. Fras. Albert, &c., Pr. Consort of Q. Victoria. Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales. Nizam Ool Moolk Nuwab Tuyinat Ali Khan, Nizam of Hydrabad. Gen. Hugh, visc. Gough. Jyajee Rao Sindhia, Mahar. of Gwalior. Geo. Fras. Robt., 3rd ld. Harris. Mahar. Duleep Sing. Gen. Colin, ld, Clyde. Runbeer Sing, Mahar. of Cash- IOleI'ê. Sir Geo. Russell Clerk. 1861, June 25. Tookoojee Rao, Holkar, Mahar. of Indore. Mahar. Khunde Rao, Guicowar of Baroda. Sir Jno. Laird Mair Lawrence, bt., aft. li. Lawrence. Nurendur Sing, Mahar. of Putiala. Lt.-gen Sir Jas. Outram. - Nerwab Segumder, Begum o Bhopal. Gen. Sir Hugh Hy. Rose, aft. li. Strathnairn. Yoosuf Ali Khan, Nuwab of Ram- pore. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTS. F. M. Stapleton, visc. Comber- IOleI’6. Gen. Sir Geo. Pollock, aft. bt. Seramudi Rajahye Hindostan Raj. Rajender Sree Mahar. Dheeraj Sewall Ram Sing, Bahadoor of Jyepore. Furzund Dilbund Rasekool Ilah- gad Dowlut-i-Englishia Raj. Suroop Sing Bahadoor of Jheend. Fuzzund Dilbund Rasekhul Itgad Dowlut-i-Englishia, Bahadoor of Kuppoorthulla. Mahar. Rughoo Raj. Sing, Baha- door of Reevar. Sir Hy. Bartle Edwd. Frere. The Mahar. of Joudpore. Sir Robt. Montgomery. The Mahar. of Travancore. Gen. Sir Wm. Rose Mansfield, aft. ld. Sandhurst. The Mahar. of Kerowlee. The Rajah Shreemun Mahar. Chuttroputtee Shahabe Dam Altaphoo. Cecil Beadon. The Nawab Jung Salar, Bahadoor of Hyderabad. Donald Friell McLeod. The Mahar. Jeypercash Sing, Bahadoor of Deo in Behar. Hy. Ricketts. The Mahar. Mirza Gajapoti Raz Maune, Sultan Zemindar of Vizianagram Bahadoor. Hy. Byng Harrington. The Mahar. Dig Bijye Sing. 1866, May 24. 1866. 1867, Feb. 8. 1867, May 24. Walter Elliot. Sharf-ul-Omrah Bahadoor. Thos. Pycroft. Rajah Jymungal Sing. John Macpherson McLeod. The Raj. Dinkur Rao. M.-gen. Isaac Campbell Coffin. The Raj. Redhakauth Deb. M.-gen. Geo. St. Patrick Ten Ce. The Raj. of Drangadra. M.-gen. Geo. Moyle Sherer Sherer. Rajah Deo Narain Sing. M.-gen. Sir Arth. Thos. Cotton. Meer Shere Mahomed. M.-gen. Sir Neville Bowles Cham- berlain. The Raj. Sahib Dyal Missar. Geo. Udny Yule. Tanjore Madava Rao Dewan. Chas. John Wingfield. The Thakoor Rawul Jeswunt Singjee. Col. Sir Herbert Benj. Edwardes. Hakeem Saadut Ali Khan. Col. Arnold Burrowes Kemball. Sirdar Nihal Sing Chachi. Lt.-col. Thos. Wilkinson. Lt.-col. Robt. Wallace. Lt.-col. Wm. Hy. Rhodes Green. Maj. Geo. Wingate. Datu Tummongong Abubakr Sri, Mahar, of Johore, Sept. 17. Col. Hy. Marion Durand. Wm. Muir. The Mahar. Sree Jowan Singjee. Danl. Eliott. Geo. Fredk. Harvey. Law- THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 803 1867, May 24. 1867, Sept. 16. 1867. 1868, Aug. 24. 1869, June 2. 1870, May 28. 1871, May 20. 1871. 1872, May 31. 1873. 1873, May 24. 1873, May 30. 1874. 1875. 1875, Dec. 31. 1876, May 7. 1877, Jan. 1. M.-gen. Wm. Hill. M.-gen. Vincent Eyre. The Raj. Jodhbir Nadown. Hy. Lacon Anderson. Richd. Temple, aft. bt. Col. Arthur Purves Phayre. The Mahar. Maun of Oude Sing. Col. Edwd. Robt. Wetherall. Col. Wrm. West Turner. Wm. Robt. Seymour Vesey Fitz- Gerald, Oct. 22. M.-gen. Edwd. Lechmere Rus- sell. Col. Wm. Ilockyer Merewether. The Raj. of Cochin. Lt.-gen. John Campbell. M.-gen. Geo. Le Grand Jacob. Wm. Grey. Pr. Gholam Mahomed. The Newab Mohsin-ood Dowlah, |Bahadoor of Oude. Mohubut Khan Newab of Joonag- hur. M.-gen. Geo. Inglis Jameson. John Wm. Kaye. Hy. Summer Maine. Col. Fredk. John Goldsmid, Nov. 1. John Strachey. John Cracroft Wilson. Lt.-col. Fredk. Richd. Pollock, Feb. 6. Nawab Khan Bahadoor Khwajah Muhammed Khan Kuttuk. Geo. Campbell. Alexr. John Arbuthnot. M.-gen. Harry Burnett Lumsden. Robt. Hy. Davies. Col. Richd. John Meade. Col. Lewis Pelly. Thos. Douglas Forsyth, July 27. Barrow Helbert Ellis, Oct. 5. Wm. Rose Robinson. Rudur Pertab Sing Mahundur Bahadoor, Mahar. of Punnah. Shamshir Prakash Bahadoor, Rajah of Nahun. Rao Kasee Rao Holkar Dad, Saheb of Indore. Gen. Rumodeep Sing Bahadoor. Rao Raj. Ganput Rao Kirkee Shamshir Bahadoor Dewan of Gwalior. Messutaz-ud-Dowlah Nawab Ma- hummad Faiz Ali Khan Baha- door, Prime Min. of Kotah. Col. hon. Hy. Ramsay. M.-gen. Saml. Jas. Browne. M.-gen. Dighton Macnaghten Probyn. Surg.-gen. Jos. Fayrer. Shivaji Chatrapati, Raj. of Kol- hapore. Chund, of Rana 1877, Jan. 1, 1877, June 2. 1878. 1878, May 25. 1879, July 29. 1880. 1881, May 24. 1881. 1882, May 23. 1882, Nov. 17. 1883. 1885, Jan. 1. 1885. 1886. 1886, May 29. 1887, Feb. 15. 1888, Jas. Fitzjames Stephen. Raja Anand Puar, Rao of Dhar. Arthur Hobhouse. Man Singjee Sahib, Raj. Drangdra. Edwd. Clive Bayley. The Vibhajee Jam Shri of Nauma- 3.1". Sir Geo. Ebenezer Wilson Couper, bt. R.-adm. Regd. Jno. Macdonald. Josh. Dalton Hooker, M.D. Thos. Lawrence Seccombe. M.-gen. Mich. Kavanagh Kennedy, Jan. 1. Hon. Ashley Eden. Stuart Colvin Bayley. Robt. Eyles Egerton. Lt.-col. Owen Tudor Burne. Col. Geo. Pomeroy Colley. Maj. Robt. Groves Sandeman. The Nawab Gholam Hussun Khan Alazai Khan Bahadoor. Mahar. Kirtee Sing of Munee- pore, Feb. 18. Sirdar Dewa Sing, Dec. 9. Gen. Orfeur Cavenagh. Chas. Umpherston Aitchison. Tukht Singh Thakur, Saheb of Bhaunagar. Jas. Davidson Gordon. Jno. Forsyth. Lepel Hy. Griffin. Momeshur Bux Sing, Mahar Domraon, Oct. 29. The Mahar. Jotendro Mohun Tagore. Lt.-col. Oliver Beauchamp Coven- try St. John. R.-adm, sir. Wm. Nathan Wrighte Hewett. M.-gen. Sir Herbert Taylor Mac- pherson. Jno. Hy. Morris, May 24. Maj. Evelyn Baring, Aug. 4. Augs. Rivers Thompson. Chas. Grant. Col. Edwd. Ridley Colbourne Bradford, June 6. Col. Josh. West Ridgeway, July 20. Mahar. Pertab Sing, Jan 1. Juland Danvers, Eeb 8. Theodore Cracroft Hope Chas. Edwd. Bernard. Nawab Khwaja Abdul Ghani Meeah of Dacca. Wm. Chicheley Plowden. Chas. Alfd. Elliott. of of Wm. Wilson Hunter. Mahar. Sri Keshri Sing of Idar. Wm. Geo. Davies. Jas. Johnstone. Jas. Braithwaite Peile, Jan, 1. 51 * 804 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1888, Moulvi Saiyid Ahmad Bahadoor. 1889, David Miller Barbour. Jan. 1. Jas. Browne. Jan. 1. Nawab Muhammad Akram Khan 1888, Jas. Broadwood Lyall. of Amb. May 24, Chas. Hankes Tod Crosthwaite. OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF THE STAR OF INDIA. REGISTRAR. 1861. Alb. Wrm. Woods, aft. sir A. SECRETARIES. - 1861. Col. Hy. Marion Durand, aft. sir H. 1876. Thos. Hy. Thornton (?). 1865. Wm. Muir, aft. Sir W. 1877. C. U. Aitchison, again (?). 1868. Sir Rd. Temple, bt. 1878. Alf. Comyns Lyall, aft, sir A. 1869. Chas. Umpherston Aitchison, aft. 1881. Chas. Grant. sir C. 1885. Hy. Mortimer Durand, aft. Sir H. THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. THIS Order was instituted on Jan. 1, 1878, by Royal warrant dated Dec. 31, 1877. It is intended to reward services rendered to the Queen’s Indian Empire, and to commemorate Her Majesty’s adoption of the title of Empress. As originally constituted the Order consisted of the Sovereign, the Grand Master, and Companions only. The Viceroy of India for the time being was ea:-officio Grand Master, and Members of the Council of India. were ea:-officio and for life Companions of the Order. By Letters Patent dated August 2, 1886, (gazetted Feb. 15, 1887), the constitution of the Order was altered so as to consist of the Sove- reign, the Grand Master, 50 Knights Commanders, and Companions not limited in number. Power was given to appoint descendants of Geo. I. as extra Knights Commanders. - By Letters Patent dated June 1, 1887, (gazetted June 21, 1887), the constitution of the Order was further altered, and it now consists of the Sovereign, the Grand Master,25 Knights Grand Commanders, 50 Knights Commanders, and Companions not limited in number, with power to the Sovereign to appoint any prince of the blood royal being descen- dants of Geo. I. as extra Knights Grand Commanders. The officers of the Order are— REGISTRAR. SECRETARY. The Order is styled— THE MOST EMINENT ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE, GRAND MASTERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. 1878, Edwd. Robt. Lytton, ld., aft. E. of Lytton, Viceroy of India, and his suc- Jan. 1) cessors. See “Viceroys of India,” ante, p. 649. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 805 KNIGHTS GRAND COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. (G.C.I.E.) ORIGINAL KNIGHTS ON THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE ORDER, JUNE 21, 1887, ut supra, 1887, Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales. 1887, Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas., D. of June 21. Alfred Ernest Albert, D, of June 21. Cambridge. Edinburgh. Donald Jas., ld. Reay. Arth. Wm. Patr. Albert, D. of Robt., ld. Connemara. Connaught. Gen. Sir Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, bt. SUBSEQUENT APPoſNTMENTs. 1887. The Rao of Kutch, June 30. Bahadoor of Kuch Behar, Feb. 1888. Mahar. Nripendra Narayan Bhup, 23. EONIGHTS COMMANDERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. (K.C.I.E.) ORIGINAL KNIGHTS ON THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE ORDER, FEB. 15, 1887, ut supra. 1887, Gen. Sir Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, 1887, Donald Campbell Macnabb. Feb. 15, bt. Feb. 15. Nawab Munir-ud-Daula Salar Hon. Edmd. Drummond. Jung Bahadoor. Sir Alfred Comyns Lyall. Sir Geo. Christr. Molesworth Robt. Anstruther Dalyell. Birdwood. Maxwell Melvill. Raja Ranjit Sing of Rutlam. M.-gen. Alexr. Cunningham. Surj.-gen. Benjn. Simpson. Thakur Saheb Bhakwut Sing of Albert Jas. Leppoc Cappel. Gondal. Nawab Ali Kadir Sayid Husan Rana Shankar Baksh Sing Ba- Ali Bahadoor, of Moorshedabad. hadoor. Mahar. Lachmessur Sing Ba- Dietrich Brandis. hadoor, of Darbhanga. Sir Monier Williams. Bapu Sahib Awar. Mahar. Pasupati Ananda Gaja- Donald Mackenzie Wallace. pati, Raj of Vizianagram. Alfred Woodley Croft. Alexr. Meadows Rendel. Bradford Leslie. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTs. 1887, The Thakore Sahib of Morvi. 1888, Fredk. Russell Hogg. June 30. The Thakore Sahib of Limri. May 24. Sirdar Naoroz Khan, of Kharam. 1887, Gerald Seymour Vesey Fitzgerald, Surg.-gen. Wm. Jas. Moore. Aug. 17. Nawab Imam Baksh Khan. 1888, Chas. Arthur Turner. Sirdar Afar Sing, of Bhadour. Jan. 1. Nawab Bushir-ud-Dowla Amir-i- Raja Velugoti Sri Krishna Yach- Akbar Asman Jah Bahadoor. endra, of Ventagiri. Nawab Shams-ul-Amara Amir-i- | 1888, Mahar. Harendra Kisher Sing Kabir ſhushed Jah Bahadoor. June 28. Bahadoor, of Bettia, Sir Edwin Arnold. Sir Gregory Chas. Paul. Mahar. Radha Prosad Sing of Mahar. Narendra Krishna Deb Dumraon. Bahadoor. Wiankerala Varma Elarga, 1889, Hy. Mortimer Durand. Raja of Cochin. Jan. 1. Mahar. Krishna Partab Sahi, 1888. Arthur Nicolsom, Mar. 20. Bahadoor of Hatwa. 1888, Raymond West. Arth. Geo. Macpherson. May 24, Nawab Nawazish Ali Khan. Wm. Markby. Guilford Lindsay Molesworth. Hy. Stuart Cunningham. COMPANIONS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE, (C.I.E.) Ex-off ICIO Com PANIONs. See “Members of the Council of India,” ante, pp. 646–7. 806 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1878, Jan. 1. 1879. Jan. 1. 1879, June 30. 1880, Jan. 1. ORDINARY COMPANIONS. ORIGINAL COMPANIONS, JAN. 1, 1878. Mir Mahmud, Khan of Khelat. Louis Steuart Jackson. Col. Sir Rd. John Meade. Rao Bahadoor Bukht Sing, Rao of Bedea. John Muir. Dietrich Brandis. Sri Rajamani Raja Deo, Zemindar of Mandasa, Madras. Sir Chas. Arth. Turner. Mir Ali Khan of Lus FChelat. Gregory Chas. Paul. Sirdar Asad Khan, Chief of the Sarawan Brahuis, Khelat. Col. Sir Owen Tudor Burne. Sirdar Gohur Khan, chief of the Jalawan Brahuis, Khelat. Richd. Kaye Puckle. Dep.-surg. Wm. Jameson. Syud Wilayut Ali Khan of Panta. Col. Wm. Geo. Mainwaring. Rai Bahadoor Rajendra Lala Mitra. Surg.-gen. John Fullarton Beat- SOIl. Surg.-gen. Jas. Ross. Norman Robt. Pogson. Wm. Wilson Hunter. Col. Chas. S. Hearn. Beyla, Tyrell Carter 1878, Jan. 1. Col. Edwd. Chas. Williams. Rai Bahadoor Kristodas Pal. M.-gen. Alexr. Cunningham. R.-Adm. John Bythesea. Morarji Gokuldas. Col. Bendyshe Walton. Col. Hy. Moore. Tiruvarur Muthiswami Aiyar. Col. Wm. Gordon. Rhan Bahadoor Saleh Hindi of Joonaghur. Sparshott . Donald Graham. Surg.-Maj. Thos. Gillham Hew- lett. Cettepaliem Ranga Charloo. Col. Chas. Metcalfe Macgregor. Robt. Berkeley Shaw. Johann Geo. Buhler. Bapu Diva Shastri. Patr. Carnegy. Thos. Maltby. Thos. Mitchell Gibbon. Ebenezer Roper Lethbridge. Babu Bhuder Mukerji. Geo. Smith. John Hy. Rivett-Carnac. Capt. Hon. Geo. Campbell Napier. Roscoe Bocquet. Jas. Blackburn Knight. Pundit Nain Sing. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTs. Geo. Wm. Allen. Bahmanji Tamasji Dastur. Wm. Digby, Fredk. Salmon Growse. Lt.-col, Shaikh Hidayat Ali. Lt.-col. Eugene Clutterbuck Impey. Baba Khem Sing. Maj. Edwd. Saml. Ludlow. Raja Mangal Sing Bahadoor, Guilford Lindsay Molesworth. Moung Oon. Surg. Daml. Robt. Thompson. Col. Jas. Fras. Tennant. Andr. Wingate. Pierre Francois Henri Nanquette. Sir Fras. Philip Cunliffe Owen. Sirdar Atar Sing. Arth. Coke Burnell. Surg.-Maj. Wm. Robt. Cornish. Lt..gen. Sir Hy. Dominick Daly. Pandit Ishwara Chandra, Vidya Săgără. Rev. Eugene Lafont. Steph. Paget Walter Vyvyan Luke. 1880, Jan. 1. 1880, Apr. 19. 1880. 1880, Nov. 9. 1881, Feb. 5. Chas. Jas. Lyall. Chas. Gordon Welland Macpher- SOIl. Mir Humayun Jah Bahadoor. Thos. Ormeston. Chas. Edwd. Pitman. M.-gen. Sir Fredk. Sleigh Roberts. Pandit Surup Narain. Kazi Shahab-ud-din. Geo. Sibley. Babu Sourindio Mohun Tagore. Ronald Ferguson Thomson. Monier Williams. Capt. Wm. John Williamson. Johann Eliza de Vry, July 14. Sirdar Jugjat Sing, of Jhind. The Dewan Bishen Sing, of Nabha. - Sirdar Nabhi Bakhsh, of Kuppur- talla. w David Ross. Maurice Le Breton. Richd. Isaac Bruce. Alexr. Fredk. Douglas Cunning- ham. Jas. Thos. Christie. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES 807 1881. 1881, May 24. 1882, Jan. 1. 1882, May 23. 1882, Nov. 18. 1883, Jan. 1. 1883, May 24. Husein Ali Khan, Feb. 5. Jas. Ferguson. Sir Steuart Colvin Bayley. Dep.-insp.-gen. Chas. Morehead. Pandit Mohesh Chandra Nyar- atna. Dep.-Surg.-gen. Norman Chevers. Capt. Wm. Hutt Curzon Wyllie. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Surg.-M. Edwd. John Waring. Maj. Trevor John Chichele Plowden. Brig.-Surg. Oliver Barnett. Shahzadah Sultan Jan Suddozaie. Surg.-Maj. John Anderson. Shorabji Shapurji Bengali. Surg. Chas. Wm. Owen. Hy. Lucius Dampier. M.-gen. Jno. Aug. Fuller. Jno. Lambert. Rao Bahadoor Mahadeo Vasudeo Barve. Geo. Felton Mathew. Harry Marten. Wm. Patr. Andrew. Mirza Abbas Khan. Rao Bahadoor Tantia Gorey. Rao Bahadoor Hittu Ram. Abdul Hak. |Khan Bahadoor Husain. Khan Bahadoor Pestonji Jahangir. Capt. hon. Jno. Robertson. Wm. Mackinnon. Syud Lutf Ali Khan. Moung Shway Kyee. Rama Shankar Bakhsh Sing Bahadoor. Dep.-surg.-gen. Wm. Jas. Moore. Edwd. Ronald Douglas. Ressaldar Major Tahour Khan Sirdar Bahadoor. Subadar Major Mowladad Sirdar Bahadoor. Ali Kuli Khan, the Mukhbar-ud- Dowla of Persia, Anund Rao Puar, Mahar, of Dhar. Hy. Christr. Mance. Hy. Geo. Keene. Surg.-maj. Jas. Edwd. Tierney Aitchison. Mohendro Lall Sircar. Nawab Abdul Lateef. Raghunath Narayen Khote. Syed Bakir Ali Khan. Maj. Oliver Probyn. Capt. Claude Clerk. Caspar Purdon Clarke. Surg.-maj. Geo. Bidie. Lt.-col. Dav. Wilkinson Campbell. Lt.-col. Fredk. Peterson. Lt.-col. Thos. Ross Church. Lt.-col. Saml. Jackson, Fredk. Chas. Berry. Alexr. Grant. Saivad Aulad 1883, May 24. 1884, Jan. 1. 1884, May 23. 1885, Jan, 1. 1885, June 6. 1886, Jan, 1. 1886. 1886, May 29 Fras. Langford O’Callaghan, Thakur Bichu Sing of Dholpur. Fredk. Augs. Hugh Elliot. Baden Hy. Baden Powell. Nawab Imam Baksh Khan. Sirdar Ajit Sing. Geo. Alfd. Barnett. Navroji Fardunji. The Zemindar of Punganur. Babu Chota Lall Sijwar. Diwan Het Ram. Jno. Faithful Fleet. Col. Robt. Home. Alfd. Woodley Croft. Rev. Wm. Miller. Kashinath Trimbak Talang. Benjn. Lewis Rice. Geo. O'Brien Theodore Carew. Sheikh Shuruf-ud-din Raees of Sheikhuppur. Rai Bahadoor Kanai Lal Dé. Col. Chas. Edwd. Stewart. Durga Charan Laha. Edwd. Thomas. François Alfd. Puton. Lucien Boppé. Maj. Lewis Conway-Gordon, Rev. Kistna Mohun Banarji. Jas. Macnabb Campbell. Rao Saheb Mahipatram Rupram Lilkanth. Ralph Thos. Hotchkin Griffith. Ranwar Harnam Sing. Peter Mitchell. Nawab Nawazish Ali Khan. Resseldar Major Isri Pershad Sardar Bahadoor. Demetrius Panioty. Maj. Robt. Parry Nisbet. Fras. Day. Jas. Baboneau Nickterlien Hen- nessey. Dulputram Dayabhoy. Capt. Adelbert Cecil Talbot. Jas. Burgess. Geo. Hamnett. Ramaswami Mudalier. Mortimer Sloper Howell. Mohammed Hassan Khan. Baboo Sarat Chandra Das. Colin Arrott Robertson Browning. Dharain Narain Pandit. Raja Jung Bahadoor Khan. Lt.-col. Andrew Higgins. M.-gen. Wm. Leslie de la Poer Beresford. Sirdar Bahadoor Man Sing Res- saldar. Sir Frank Hy. Souter. Arth. Naylor Wollaston, Sir Arthur Edwd. Hardinge, Jan. 22. Maj. Hugh Rd., visc. Downe, Mar. 10. Surg.-gen. Michael Cudmore Fur- nell. 808 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1886, May 29. 1886, June 28. 1887, Jan. 1. 1887, Feb. 15. 1887. 1887, July 25. 1887, Aug. 8. 1887. Leichman Das Seth, of Muttra. Edwd. Spence Symes. Rao Bahadoor Ranchoulal Choto- lal of Ahmedabad. Dep.-Surg.-gen. Alexr. Morrison Dallas. Fredk. Chas. Kennedy. Jas. Watt. Jno. Wm. Tyler. Col. Augs. Le Messurier. Maj. Rd. Nevill. Mancherjee Nerwanjee Bhowmag- gree. Jos. Ralph Edwd. Jno. Royle. Colman Patr. Louis Macaulay. Sirdar Jewan Sing Buria. Jno. Lockwood Kipling. Franz Kielhorn. Rai Mahta Punno Lall. Brig.-Surg. Hy. Elmsley Busteed. Pestonji Hormusji Cama. Carl Ludolph Griesbach. Capt. Fredk, Duncan Raikes. Rao Bahadoor Mahadeo Govind Ranadè. Wm. Wordsworth. Capt. Albt. Fredk. de Laessóe. Sirdar Shere Ahmed Khan. Sirdar Muhammad Aslam Khan. Hy. Montagu Matthews. T’alle Chentsal Rao Puntulu. Col. John Stewart, R. A. Syud Ameer Ali. Hy. Seymour King. Geo. Jamieson Swann. Thos. Beatson Christie, M.D. Wm. Jas. Maitland. Moung U Pe Zi Linkedaw Myo Wun. Eumar Sri Kalooba, June 30. Capt. Chas. Wemyss Muir. Ressaldar Major Nizamuddin Khan, Sirdar Bahadoor. Ressaldar Shir Sing. Ressaldar Jafar Ali Khan. Col. Geo. Ritso Goodfellow. Col. Chas. Wodehouse. M.-gen. Thos. Dennehy, Sept. 17. 1888, Jan. 1. 1888. 1888, May 24. Frank Forbes Adam. Munshi Newab Kishore. Rao Bahadoor Krishnaji Lak- shaman Nulkar. Col. Hy. Ward. Fredk. Thos. Granville Walton. Ney Elias. Shahzada Nadir. Razi Syud Ahmed Khan Baha- door. Syed Ameer Hosseni. Reinhold Rost. Col. Chas. Smith Maclean, Mar. 20. Edma. Forster Webster. Alexr. John Lawrence. Col. Jas. Cavan Berkeley. Edwd. Chas. Kayll Ollivant. Heera Sahib Lall Ramanuj Per- shad Sing. Maj. Wm. Sinclair Smith Bisset. Meirjibai Kuvarji, Dewan of Rholapur. Chas. Hy. Tawney. Col. Thos. Weldon. Hy. Irwin. Capt. Buchanan Scott. Arth. Hedding Hildebrand. Jas. Walker. - Ressaldar Major Muzaffar Khan, Sirdar Bahadoor. Constantine Evelyn 1888. Jas. McFerran, Nov. 19. 1889, Jan. 1. Lt.-col. Edwin Hy. Hayter Col- len. S. Subramaniya Aiyer, Rai Ba- hadur, Edwin Felix Thos. Atkinson. Capt. John Hext. Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkar. Wm. Brereton Hudson. Surg.-maj. John Findlay. Saiyid Mihrban Ali. Hy. Josiah Whymper. Raja Sudhal Deo of Bamva. Fredk. Wm. Stevens. Babu Protab Chunder Rai. Alfred Wallis Paul. OFFICERS OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE. REGISTRAR. 1878, Jan. 1. Sir Alb. Wm. Woods, Garter King of Arms. SECRETARIES. 1878. Alfd. Comyns Lyall, aft. Sir A. 1881. Chas. Grant. 1885. Hy. Mortimer Durand. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 809 THE ORDER OF THE CROWN OF INDIA. THIs Order was instituted on Jan. 1, 1878 by Royal Warrant dated Dec. 31, 1877, and gazetted Jan. 4, 1878. It is exclusively for ladies, and is intended to commemorate the assumption by the Queen of the title of Empress of India. It consists of the Sovereign and of the fol- lowing ladies as the Sovereign may think fit:—(1) Princesses of the Royal House, (2) the wives and other female relatives of Princes of the Indian Empire, (3) other Indian ladies, and (4) the wives and other female relatives of any persons who have held or may hold the office of Viceroy and Governor-General of India, Governor of Madras or Bombay, or Principal Secretary of State for India. The 1st of January in every year is to be deemed the anniversary of the institution of the Order. The only officer of the Order is the REGISTRAR. The Order is styled— THE IMPERIAL ORDER OF THE CRowN of INDIA. MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE CROWN OF INDIA. (CR.I.) ORIGINAL APPOINTMENTS. Jan. 1, 1878. 1878, The Prss, of Wales. 1878, Dilawar un-Nissar, Begum Saheb Jan. 1. The Cr. Prss. of Germany, aft. Jan. 1. of Hyderabad. Empress Fredk, ; Prss. Roy. Nawab Kudsia, Begum of Bhopal. of Gt. Britain and Ireland. Vijaya Mohenu Mukta Boyi Am- The Grd. Dss. of Hesse, Prss. manee, Rajah Saheb of Tan- Alice of Gt. Britain and Ire- jore. land ; d. Dec. 1878. Maharanee Hai Nornoyee of Cos- Prss. Christian of Schleswig- simbazar. Holstein, Prss. Helena of Gt. Eliz. Georgiana, Dss. of Argyll ; Britain and Ireland. d. May 1878. Prss. Louise, Mss. of Lorne. Georgina Caroline, Mss.of$alisbury. Prss. Beatrice, aft. Prss. Hy. of Henrietta Anne Theodosia, Mss. of Battenberg. Ripon. Marie Alexandrovna, Dss. of Lady Mary Temple-Nugent- Edinburgh, Gr. Dss. of Russia. Brydges-Chandos-Grenville. Augusta Wilhelmnia Louisa, Dss. Mary Louisa, Countess Dowager of Cambridge; d. 1889. of Elgin and Kincardine. Augusta, &c., Gr. DSS. of Meck- Blanche Julia, Countess of Mayo. lenburg Strelitz; Prss. Augusta Lady Susan Georgina Bourke, of Cambridge. aft. Lady Connemara. Mary, &c., Dss. of Teck; Prss. Mary, viscss. Halifax. Mary of Cambridge. Mary Catherinie, Lady Hobart. The Maharanee Dhuleep Sing. Lady Jane Emma Baring. Nawab Shahjihan, Begum of Anne Jane Charlotte, Baroness Bhopal. Napier, aft. Napier and Ettrick, Maharanee Seta Velass Dewajee Edith, Baroness, aft. Countess of Ammanee Anaro of Mysore. Lytton. Maharanee Jumna Bai Saheb Harriette Katherine, Baroness Gaekwar of Baroda. Lawrence. 810 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1878, Jan. 1. 1878. 1879. 1879, May 31. 1881. 1881, Oct. 8. 1882, Cecilia Frances, Lady Northcote, aft. Countess of Iddesleigh. Catherine, Lady Frere. 1878, Jan. 1. Mary Augusta, Lady Temple. Caroline Lucy, Lady Denison. Ratherine Jane, Lady Strachey. SUBSEQUENT APPOINTMENTS. Jane, viscss. Cranbrook, Apr. 20. Prss. Frederica of Hanover, June 27. Prss. Mary of Hanover, June 27. Thyra, Dss. of Cumberland, Feb. 25. Louise Margt., &c., Dss. of Con- naught, Mar. 13. Mary Cecilia, Baroness Napier of Magdala. Fras. Eliz., Lady Cunynghame, c.c. the hon. Lady Cunyng- hame. Susanna Maria, Dowager Lady Pottinger; d. Lakshmi Bhayie, Senior Rani of Travancore, Mar. 2. Olive, Lady Fergusson ; d. Emily Eliza Adam, aft. Lady Adam. Helene Frederica Augusta, Dss. of Albany, Apr. 26. May 2. 1884. 1885, Aug. 18. 1886. 1887. 1887, Aug. 6, 1889. Florence, Countess of Kimberley. Anna Julia Grant Duff, aft. Lady Grant Duff. Sidh-Sri-Maharaj Kumari Patela Wali Maharani Sateba Kunwar Devi of Dholpur. Edith Helen Fergusson, Sept. 4. Harriet Georgina, Countess of Dufferin, aft. Mss. of Dufferin and Ava, Dec. 15. Jennie Churchill, c.c. Lady Ran- dolph Churchill. Fanny Georgina Jane, Baroness Reay. Georgina, viscss. Cross, Aug. 24. Maharanee Sunity Devee of Kuch Behar, Mar. 18. Prss. Louisa Victoria Alexandra Dagmar of Wales. Brss. Alexandra Olga Mary of Wales. Maud Evelyn, Mss. of Lansdowne. OFFICER OF THE ORDER OF THE CROWN OF INDIA. REGISTRAR. 1878, Jan. 1. Sir Alb. Wm. Woods. Garter King of Arms. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 811 PART XIV, NAWAL. LORD HIGH AIDMIRALS AND LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY. See Part III., ante, p. 169. SECRETARIES TO THE ADMIRALTY. See Part IIL, ante, p. 186. TREASURERS OF THE NAVY. See Part III., ante, p. 256. CONTROLLERS AND STURVEYORS OF THE NAVY. See Part III., ante, p. 257. JUDGES OF THE HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY, ENGLAND. See Part III., ante, p. 422. ADMIRALTY ADVOCATES. See Part III., ante, p. 423. 812 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. JUDGES OF THE HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY, - SCOTLAND. See Part IX., ante, p. 524. JUDGES OF THE HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY, IRELAND. See Part X., ante, p. 587. ADMIRALS. THE ADMIRALs are arranged according to the following Lists :- LIST A. ADMIRALs from the Restoration to 1836, with the dates of their first promotion as Rear Admirals. LIST B. ADMIRALs of the Fleet from 1837. LIST C. ADMIRALs of the United Kingdom from 1837. LIST D. ADMIRALs of the Red, White, and Blue from 1837 to the discontinuance of the division into three Squadrons in 1864. LIST E. ADMIRALS on the Active List from 1864. LIST F. PROMOTION OF ADMIRALs transferred from the Active to the Retired List. LIST G. ADMIRALs on the Reserve Half-Pay List from 1851 to the closing of the List. - LIST H. Captains promoted to the List of Retired Admirals. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 813 % ºf: 1666. 1670, 1675. 1683. 1688. 1690. 1691. 1692. 1693. LIST A. ADMIRALS. From the Restoration to the end of the year 1836. The dates refer to the time when the officers were appointed Rear-Admirals. Geo. Monk. aft. D. of Albemarle ; d. 1670. Pr. Rupert, D. of Cumberland, &c.; d. 1682. Sir Jno. Lawson, d. 1665. Edwd., E. of Sandwich, d. 1672. Sir Richd. Stayner. Sir Robt. Holmes. Sir Thos. Allen. Sir Wrm. Penn. Robt. Sampson. Sir Thos. Tyddiman. Sir Geo. Ayscue. Sir Wm. Berkeley, d. 1666. Sir Jos. Jordan. Sir Christr. Mings, d. 1666. Sir Jno. Herman. Sir Jeremiah Smith. Sir Edwd. Spraggs, d. 1673. Sir Wm. Jennings. Robt. Utber (Uthurt 2), d. 1699. Sir Jno. Kempthorne. Thos., E. of Ossory, son of the D. of Ormond. Sir Fretcheville Holles, d. 1672. Sir Jno. Chicheley, ld, admy., 1682. Sir Jno. Narborough. Geo., ld. Dartmouth. Wm. Davies. Sir Jno. Berry. Sir Roger Strickland. Arthur Herbert, aft. E. of Tor- rington. Sir Richd. Haddock, navy; d. 1714. Jno., ld, Berkeley of Stratton ; d. 1697. * Hy. Killigrew, ld. admy., 1693. Edwd. Russell, aft. E. of Orford, &c., first là, admy. Sir Cloudesley Shovel, d. 1707. Sir Ralph Delaval, ld, admy., 1693. Sir John Ashby. Sir Geo. Rooke, ld, admy., 1702; d. 1709. Richd. Carter, d. 1692. Matth. Aylmer, aft. li. Aylmer; ld. admy., and r.-adm. Gr. Br. ; d. 1720. Sir David Mitchell, d. 1710. Sir Fras. Wheeler, d. 1694. Hon. Edwd. Nevill, bro. to lö. Abergavenny. Sir Thos. Hopson, d. 1717. comptr. 1694. 1698. 1701. 1702. 1703. 1705. 1706. 1707. 1708. 1710. 1718. 1722. 1723. 1727. John Benbow, d. 1702. Peregrine, M. of Carmarthen, aft. D. of Leeds ; d. 1729. Geo. Meeze. Sir John Munden. Geo. Churchill, bro. to John, D. of Marlborough ; ld. admy. Sir Stafford Fairborne. John Graydon, dism. Sir Wm. Whetstone, dism. 1706. Sir John Leake, r.-adm. Gr. Br., and commr. admy. ; d. 1720. Sir Geo. Byng, aft. visc. Tor- rington, r, -adm. Gr. Br., and first là, admy. Sir Thos. Dilkes, d. 1707. Basil Beaumont, d. 1704. Sir Jas. Wishart, dism. 1715. Sir John Jennings, r.-adm. Gr. Br., 1732; d. 1745. Chas., E. of Peterborough and Monmouth. Sir Edwd. Whitaker, dism. 1715. Sir John Norris, ld, admy., and adm. fl. ; d. 1749. Jas., visc. Dursley, aft. E. of Berkeley, v.-adm. Gr. Br., and first ld, admy. ; d. 1736. John Baker, d. 1716. Jas. Littleton, d. 1722. Sir Chas. Wager, treasr. navy, and first là. admy. ; d. 1743. Sir Hovenden Walker, dism. 1715; d. 1725. Sir Thos. Hardy, d. 1732. Chas. Cornewall, d. same year. Geo. Delaval, d. 1723. Jas. Mighells, res. to be a commr navy. Fras. Hosier, d. 1727. Sir Geo. Walton, res. Chas. Strickland, d. 1724. Salmon Maurice, res. 1734; d. 1741. Robt. Hughes, d. 1728. Edwd. Hopson, d. 1728. Philip Cavendish, ld, admy. ; d. 1743. Sir John Balchan, d. 1744. Edwd. St. Looe, d. 1729. Hon. Chas. Stewart, son of visc. Mountjoy ; d. 1740. Thos. Matthews, dism. Feb. 1744; d. 1748. Sir Geo. Saunders, commr. navy; d. 1734 814 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1734. 1739. 1740. 1743. 1744. 1745. 3.747. 1755. Nichs. Haddock, d. 1746. Sir Tancred Robinson, bt., res. 1741; d. 1754. Geo., ld. Forbes, aft. E. of Granard, govr. Leeward isl. ; d. 1765. John Hagar, res. 1748. Edwd. Vernon, dism. 1746 ; d. 1757. Sir Chaloner Ogle, adm. fleet ; d. 1751. Jas. Stewart, adm. fleet, 1751; d. 1757. Richd. Lestock. Sir Chas. Hardy, ld, admy. ; d. 1744. Thos. Davers, d. 1747. Hon. Geo. Clinton, son of the E. of Lincoln ; govr. New York, 1742; d. 1761. Sir Wm. Rowley, K.B., ld, admy., 1751; adm. fleet, 1762; d. 1768. Wm. Martin, d. 1756. Isaac Townshend, govr. Green- wich hosp. ; d. 1765. Hy. Medley, d. 1846. Lord Were Beauclerk, aft. li. Vere, ld. admy. ; quitted the service; d. 1781. Geo. Anson, aft. la. Anson, first ld, admy., 1751; adm. fleet, 1761; d. 1762. Perry Mayne, d. 1761. Sir Peter Warren, K.B., d. 1752. Hon. John Byng, shot by sentence of ct.-martl. on board the Monarch, at Portsmouth, Mar. 14, 1757. Hy. Osborne, v.-adm. Gr. Br., 1763; d. 1771. Hon. Fitzroy Hy. Lee, son of the E. of Lichfield ; d. 1752. Thos. Smith, d. 1762. Thos. Griffin, d. 1771. Sir Edwd. Hawke, K.B., aft. la. Hawke, first ld, admy. 1766; res. 1771; d. 1781. Wrm. Chambers, d. 1753. Sir Chas. Knowles, bt., r.-adm. Eng., 1765; d. 1777. Hon. John Forbes, ld. admy. ; gen. of marines, 1762; adm. fleet, 1781. Hon. Edwd. Boscawen, son of visc. Falmouth ; gen, of marines, 1760; la. admy, from 1751 to his death, 1761. Robt. Mitchell, d. before 1758. Chas. Watson, d. 1757. Temple West, ld, admy. ; d. 1757, Sir Geo. Pocock, K.B., res. 1766; d. 1792. Hon. Geo. Townshend, d. 1769. 1755. 1756. 1758. 1759. 1761. 1762. 1764. 1770. Savage Mostyn. comptr. navy, 1749; d. 1757. Fras. Holburne, Id. admy. ; govr. Greenwich hosp. ; d. 1771. Hy. Harrison, d. 1759. Thos. Cotes, d. 1767. Sir Thos. Frankland, bt., d. 1784, Lord Harry Poulett, aft. D. of Bolton. Hy. Norris. Thos. Broderick, d. 1769. Sir Chas. Hardy, govr. York, 1756; d. 1780. Geo., E. of Northesk, d. 1792. Sir Chas. Saunders, K.B., lt.-gen. of marines, 1760; lil. admy., 1765; first là, admy., 1766; d. Dec. 1775. Sir Thos. Pye, lt.-gen. of marines, 1781; d. 1785. Chas. Stevens, d. 1761. Philip Durell, d. 1766. Chas. Holmes, d. 1761. Sir Saml. Cornish, bt., d. 1770. Sir Fras. Geary, bt., d. 1796. Smith Callis, d. 1761. Sir Geo. Brydges Rodney, aft. la. Rodney; v.-adm. Gr. Br. ; d. 1792. Pr. Edwd. Augs., D. of York; bro. of Geo. III. ; r.-adm. blue, 1761; v.-adm. blue, 1762; d. 1767. Sir Wm. Burnaby, kt. and bt., d. 1776. Jas. Young, d. 1789. Sir Piercy Brett, ld, admy. ; d. 1781. Sir John Moore, K.B. and bt., d. 1779. Richd. Tyrrell, d. 1765. Alexr., ld. Colville, d. 1770. Sir Jas. Douglas, kt., aft. bt., d. 1787. Sir John Bentley, d. 1770. Wm. Gordon, d. 1768. Geo., ld. Edgcumbe, aft. visc. Mount Edgcumbe and Valle- tort, d. 1795. Robt. Swamton, d. Aug. 1765. Saml. Graves, d. 1787. Wm. Parry, d. 1779. Hon. Augs. Keppel, aft. visc. Reppel, made first là. admy., 1782; d. 1786. John Amherst, d. 1778. Hy., D. of Cumberland and Strathearn, d. 1790. Sir Peter Dennis, bt., d. 1778. Robt. Hughes, d. 1774. Matth. Buckle, d. 1784. Robt. Mann, ld, admy. ; d. 1783. Clerk Gayton, d. 1785. John Barker, d. 1777. Sir Richd. Spry, d. 1775. New THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 815 1770. 1775. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780. Lucius O'Brien, d. 1771. John Montagu, d. Sept. 1795. Hon. Thos. Craven, bro. to lö. Craven; d. 1772. Sir Robt. Harland, bt., ld, admy. ; d. 1784. Jas. Sayer, d. 1777. Richd. Howe, visc. and E. Howe, first ld. admy., 1783; d. 1799. Washington, E. Ferrers, d. 1778. Hugh Pigot, ld. admy. ; d. 1793. Molineux Shuldham, aft. li. Shuldham, d. 1798. Sir Jos. Knight, d. 1775. John Vaughan, d. 1789. John Lloyd, d. 1778. Robt. Duff, d. 1787. John Reynolds. d. 1788. Sir Hugh Palliser, bt., lt.-gen. marines, ld, admy.,.gov.r. Green- wich hosp. ; d. 1796. Hon. John Byron, d. 1786. Augs. John, E. of Bristol, d. 1779, Geo. Mackenzie, d. 1780. Matth. Barton, d. 1795. Sir Peter Parker, kt. and bt., adm. fleet, Sept. 16, 1799; d. 1811. Hon. Saml. Barrington, lt.-gen. marines, 1786; d. 1800. Marriot Arbuthnot, d. 1793. Robt. Rodham, adm. red; d. 1808. Geo. Darby, r.-adm. Gr. Br. ; ld. admy., 1781; d. Feb. 1790. John Campbell, govr. Newfound- land, 1782 to 1784; d. 1791. Christr. Hill, d. 1778. Jas. Gambier, d. 1788. Wm. Lloyd, d. 1796. Fras. Wm. Drake, d. 1788. Sir Edwd. Hughes, K.B., d. 1795. Sir Hyde Parker, bt. (No. 1), disapp. 1782. - John Evans, d. 1796. Mark Milbanke, d. 1804. Nichs. Vincent, d. adm. red., 1809. John Storr, d. 1783. Sir Edwd. Vernon, d. 1794. Joshua Rowley, cr. bt., 1786; d. 1790. Richd. Edwards, d. 1794. Thos. Graves, aft. 13. Graves, d. Feb. 1802. Hon. Robt. Digby; d. adm. red, 1814. Sir John Lockhart Ross, bt., d. 1790. Chas. Webber, d. 1783. Wm. Langdon, d. 1785. Benjn. Marlow, d. 1794. Alexr. Hood, aft. la. and visc. Bridport, v.-adm. Gr. Br. and gen, marines; d. 1814. 1780. 1784. 1787, Sept. 14. 1790, Sept. 21. 1790, Dec. 3. Sir Chaloner Ogle, kt., aft. bt. ; d. senior adm. of Br. navy, 1816. Sir Saml. Hood, bt., aft. li. and visc. Hood; d. adm. red, 1816. Matth. Moore, d. 1787. Sir Richd. Hughes, bt. ; d. adm. red, 1812. Richd. Kempenfelt, d. 1782. Sir Edma. Affleck, bt., d. 1789. John Elliot, d. adm. red, 1809. Wm. Hotham, aft. li. Hotham; d. adm. red, 1813. Sir John Lindsay, K.B., d. June 1788. Jos. Peyton, d. 1804. John Carter Allen, d. 1800. Sir Chas. Middleton, bt., aft. la. Barham, ld, admy., 1794; d. adm. red, 1813. Sir John Laforey, bt., d. 1796. John Dalrymple, d. 1798. Herbert Sawyer, d. 1798. Sir Richd. King, bt., d. 1806. Jonthn. Faulknor, d. 1795. Philip Affleck, d. 1799. Sir Richd. Bickerton, kt., aft. bt., d. 1792. Hon. John Leveson Gower, d. 1792. Sir John Jervis, aft. li. and E. St. Vincent, G.C.B., first ld. admy, 1801; adm, fleet, 1821; d. 1823, Adam Duncan, aft. visc. Duncan, d. 1804. Sir Chas. Douglas, bt., d. 1789. Sir Geo. Bowyer, bt., d. Dec. 1800. Richd. Braithwaite, d. 1805. Phillips Cosby, d. adm. red, 1808. Saml. Pitchford Cornish, d. adm. red, 1816. Thos. Fitzherbert, d. 1794. John Brisbane, d. 1807. John Houlton, d. 1791. Chas. Wolseley, d. adm. red 1808. Chas. Inglis, d. Oct. 1791. Saml. Cranston Goodall, d. 1801. Hon. Keith Stewart, d. 1794. Wm. Hy., D. of Clarence, aft. Wm. IV. ; adm, fleet, Dec. 24, 1811; ld. h. adm., May 2, 1827; res. latter rank, Aug. 12, 1828; d. June 20, 1837. º 1793, Sir Richd Onslow, bt., G.C.B., d. Feb. 1. adm. red. 1817. Sir Robt. Kingsmill, bt., d. 1805. Sir Geo. Collier, d. Apr. 1795. Sir Hyde Parker (No. 2), d. 1807. Rowland Cotton, d. 1794. Benjn, Caldwell, d. adm, red, 1820. Hon. Sir Wm. Cornwallis, G C.B., d. r.-adm. U. K., 1819. $16 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1793, Feb 1. 1794, Apr. 11. 1794, July 4. 1795, June 1. Wm. Allen, d. 1805. John M*Bride, d. 1800. Geo. Vandeput, d. 1800. Chas. Bucknor, d. adm. 1811. Wm. Dickson, d. 1803. John Gell, d. 1806. Sir Alan Gardner, aft. la. Gard- ner, la, admy., 1790; d. Dec. 1808 John Lewis Gidoin, d. 1796. Geo. Gayton, d. 1797. Geo. Murray, senr., d. 1797. Robt. Linzee, d. 1804. Sir Jas. Wallace, d. 1803. Wm. Peere Williams Freeman, adm. fleet, 1830; d. 1832. Thos. Pasley, aft. bt., d. 1808. John Symons, d. 1799. Sir Thos. Rich, bt., d. 1803. Chas. Thompson, aft. bt., T 803. Jas. Cumming, d. 1808. John Ford, d. 1796. Sir John Colpoys, G.C.B., ld. red, d. admy., 1804; d. adm. red, 1821. Skeffington Lutwidge, d. adm. red, 1814. Archd. Dickson, aft. bt., d. 1803. Sir Geo. Montagu, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1829. Thos. Dumaresque, d. 1801. Hon. Sir Geo. 1 (eith Elphinstone, aft, visc. Keith; G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1823. Jas. Pigot, d. adm. red, 1822. Wm. Waldegrave, aft. lá. Rad- stock, d. adm. red, 1825. Thos. Pringle, d. 1803. Thos. Mackenzie, d. 1813. Hon. Wm. Clement Finch, d. 1794. Roger Curtis, aft. kt. and bt. ; d. adm. red, 1816. Sir Hy. Harvey, K.B., d. 1811. Robt. Mann, junr., d. adm. red, 1813. Wm. Parker, aft. bt., d. 1804. Chas. Holmes Everett Calmady, d. 1807. John Bourmaster, d. Dec. 1807. Sir Geo. Young, d. 1810. His son was created a bt. in 1813. John Henry, d. adm. red, 1829. Sir Richd. Rodney Bligh, G.C.B. d. adm. red, 1821. Alexr. Graeme, d. adm. red, 1818. Geo. Reppel, d. 1805. Saml. Reeve, d. 1803. Robt. Biggs, d. 1803. Fras. Parry, d. 1803. Isaac Prescott, d. adm. red, 1830. John Bazeley, d. 1809. Christr. Mason, d. 1802. 1795, June 1. 1797, Feb. 20. 1799, Thos. David Spry, d. adm. red, 1828. Sir John Orde, bt., d. adm. red, 1824. Sir Wm. Young, G.C.B., ld. admy. 1795; d. adm. red, 1821. Jas. Gambier, aft. la. Gambier G.C. B. Three times lä. admy ; adm. fl. 1830; d. April 1833. Sir Andr. Mitchell, K.B., d. 1806. Chas. Chamberlaine, d. 1810. Peter Rainier, d. 1808. Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian, K. B. d. 1799. Wm. Truscott, d. 1798. Lord Hugh Seymour, d. 1801. John Stanhope, d. 1800. Christr. Parker, d. 1804. Philip Patton, d. adm. red, Dec. 1815. Sir Charles Morice Pole, G.C.B.; ld. admy, 1806; d. adm. red, 1830. John Browne, d. 1808. John Leigh Douglas, d. 1810. Wm. Swiney, d. adm. red, 1829. Sir Chas. Edmd. Nugent, G.C.H. ; adm. fl. 1833 (see List B., post); d. 1844. Wm. Fooks, d. 1798. Chas Powell Hamilton, d. adm. red, 1825. Edmd. Dod, d. 1815. Sir Horatio Nelson, aft. li. and visc. Nelson, and D. of Bronté, d. 1805. Thos. Lenox Frederick, d. 1799. Sir Geo. Home, bt. d. 1803. Sir Chas. Cotton, bt., d. 1812. Matth. Squire, d. 1800. Roddam Home, d. 1800. John Thomas, d. 1810. Feb. 14. Jas. Brine, d. 1814. Sir Erasmus Gower, d. 1814. John Holloway, d. adm. 1826. John Blankett, d. 1801. Geo. Wilson, d. adm. red, 1826. Sir Chas. Hy. Knowles, bt., G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1831. Hon. Sir Thos. Pakenham, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1836. Robt. Deans, d. Jan. 1815. Cuthbert Collingwood, aft. la. Collingwood, d. 1810. Sir Jas. Hawkins Whitshed, bt., G.C.B.; adm, fl. 1844 (see List B., post); d. 1849. Arth. Kempe, d. adm, red, 1823. Smith Child, d. 1813. Chas., ld. Lecale, second son of Jas., D. of Leinster; d. 1810. Thos. Taylor, d. 1812. Sir John Thos. Duckworth, d. 1817. red, THE BOOK 817 OF DIGNITIES. 1799, John Knowles, d. 1800. Feb. 14. John Willett Payne, d. 1803. Sir Robert Calder, bt., K.C.B., d. 1818. Jas. Richd. Dacres, senr., d. 1810. Hon. Sir Geo. Cranfield Berkeley, G.C.B., d. B'eb. 1818. Thos. West, d. Feb. 1821. Jas. Douglas, d. adm. red, 1839. Peter Aplin, d. 1817. Hy. Savage, d. adm. red, 1823. Barth. Saml. Rowley, d. Oct. 1811. Sir Richd. Hussey Bickerton, bt., K.C.B., d. adm. red, 1832. Geo. Bowen, d. adm. red, 1823. Robt. Montagu, d. adm, red, 1830. John Fergusson, d. 1818. John Howorth, d. 1799. Edwd. Edwards, d. 1815. Sir John Borlase Warren, G.C.B., d. 1822. 1801, Edwd. Tyrrell Smith, d. 1824. Jan. 1. Sir Thos. Graves, K.B., d. 1814. Thos. Macnamara Russell, d. 1834. Sylverius Moriarty, d. 1809. Sir Hy. Trollope, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1839. Hy. Edwyn Stanhope, aft. bt., d. 1814. Robt. M*Dowell, d. 1816. Billy Douglas, d. 1817. John Wickey, d. adm. red, 1833. John Inglis, d. 1807. John Fish, d. adm. red, 1834. Jahleel Brenton, senr., d. 1802. Sir John Knight, K.C.B., d. adm. red, 1831. Sir Edwd. Thornbrough, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1834. Jas. Rempthorne, d. 1808. Sampson Edwards, d. adm. red, 1840. Sir Geo. Campbell, G.C.B., d. adm. red, Jan. 1821. Thos. Hicks, d. 1801. Hy. Cromwell, d. 1814. Arth. Philip, d. Aug. 1814. Sir Wm. Geo. Fairfax, d. 1813. Thos. Totty, d. 1802. Sir Jas. Saumarez, bt., aft, ld. de Saumarez, G.C.B., v.-adm. Eng., 1831; d. 1836. 1804, Thos. Drury, d. adm. red, Sept. April 23, 1832. Sir Albemarle Bertie, bt., G.C.B., d. Feb. 1824. Wm., E. of Northesk, G.C.B., d. r.-adm. Gr. Br., 1831. Jas. Washon, d. 1827. Sir Wm. Hy. Douglas, bt., d. 1809. Thos. Wells, d. 1812. 1804, 1805, 1807, Oct 2. Apr. 23. Nov. 9. Sir Edwd Pellew, bt., aft. visc. Exmouth, G.C.B.; v.-adm. Eng., 1832, d. 1833. Sir Isaac Coffin, bt., G.C.H. d. adm. red, 1839. John Aylmer, d. adm. red, 1841. Saml. Osborne, d. 1816. Richd. Boger, d. 1822. Jonn. Faulknor, jun., d. 1809. John Child Purvis, d. 1825. Theoph. Jones, d. Nov. 1835. Sir Wm. Domett, G.C.B., d. 1828. Wm. Wolseley, d. adm. red, 1842. John Manley, d. 1816. Sir Geo. Murray, K.C.B., d. 1819. Sir John Sutton, K.C.B., d. 1825. Robt. Murray, d. 1834. Hon. Sir Alexr. Inglis Forrester Cochrane, G.C.B., d. 1832. Sir Thos. Troubridge, bt. ; ld. admy., 1801; d. 1810. John Markham, ld. admy., 1801 et seq. ; d. 1827. Chas. Stirling, d. 1833. Sir Hy. D'Esterre Darby, K.C.B., d. 1823. Edwd. Bowater, d. 1829. Geo. Palmer, d. 1834. Wm. O'Bryen Drury, d. 1811. Sir Wm. Essington, K.B., d. 1816. Sir Thos. Louis, d. 1807. John M*Dougal, d. adm. 1814. Jas. Alms, d. June 1816. Sir Eliab Harvey, G.C.B., d. Feb. 1830. John Peyton, d. July 1809. Sir Edmd. Nagle, G.C.B., d. 1830. Sir John Wells, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1841, Sir Richd. Grindall, K.C.B., d. 1820. Sir Geo. Martin, G.C.B.; aft. adm. fl. and v.-adm. U.K. (see Lists B. and C., post); d. 1847. Sir Alexr. John Ball, bt., d. 1809. Sir Richd. John Strachan, bt., G.C.B., d. 1828. Sir Wm. Sidney Smith, G.C.B., d. , 1840. Thos. Sotheby, d. 1831. Edwd. O'Brien, d. 1809. Nathan Brunton, d. 1814. Wm. Hancock Kelly, d. 1811. John Schanck, d. 1823. Hon. Michl. de Courcey, d. 1824. Wm. Bentinck, d. 1813. Paul Minchin, d. 1810. Philip D'Auvergne, Pr. of Bouil- lon, d. 1816. John Hunter, d. 1821. Fras. Pender, d. 1820. Wm. Albany Otway, d. 1814. Geo. Lumsdaine, d. 1812. red, 52 818 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1807, Oct. 2. 1808, April 28. 1809, Oct. 25. 1810, July 31. Sir Saml. Hood, bt., K.B., d. 1814. Sir Hy. Nicolls, K.C.B., d. 1830. Sir Herbert Sawyer, K.C.B. d. 1833. Sir Davidge Gould, G.C.B., aft. v.- adm. U. K. (see List C., post); d. 1847. Sir Richd. Godwin Keats, G.C.B., govr. Newfoundland, 1813; d. 1834. Robt. d. 1826. Sir Edwd. Buller, bt., d. 1824. Hon. Sir Robt. Stopford, G.C.B., aft. r.-adm. U. K. (see List C., post); d. 1847. Mark Robinson, d. 1834. Thos. Revell Shivers, d. 1827. Chas. Cobbe, d. 1809. Fras. Pickmore, d. 1818. John Stevens Hall, d. 1814. John Dilkes, d. 1827. Wm. Lechmere, d. 1816. Sir Thos. Foley, G.C.B., d. 1833. Sir Charles Tyler, G.C.B., d. 1835. Robt. Carthew Reynolds, d. 1811. Robt. Watson, d. 1819. Alan Hyde Gardner, aft. visc. Gardner, d. 1815. Sir Manley Dixon, bt., K.C.B., d. Feb. 1837. Geo. Losack, d. 1829. Sir Wm. Mitchell, K.C.B., d. 1816. Geo. Hart, d. 1812. Thos. Bertie, aft. 1825. Rowley Bulteel d. 1820. Wm. Luke, d. 1819. Isaac Geo. Manley, d. adm. red, 1837. John Osborne, d. Jan. 1820, Edmſl. Crawley, d. 1834. Chas. Boyles, d. 1816. Sir Thos.Williams, G.C.B.; d. 1841. Thos. Hamilton, d. 1815. Sir Thos. Boulden Thompson, bt., G.C.B., d. 1828. Geo. Countess, d. 1811. John Laugharne, d. 1819. Sir Wm. Hargood, G.C.B., G.C. H., d. 1839. Geo. Gregory, d. 1814. John Ferrier, d. 1836. Richd. Incledon Bury, d. 1825. Sir Robt. Moorsom, K.C.B., d. 1835. Sir Chas. Hamilton, bt., d. Sen. adm. red, 1849. Hon. Hy. Curzon, d. adm. red, 1846. Wm. Bligh, d. 1817. Sir Lawrence Wm. Halsted, G.C.B., d. 1841. Sir Edwd. Oliver Osborne, 1820. Devereux Fancourt, sir T., d. d. 1810, July 31. 1811, Aug. 1. 1812, Aug. 12. Sir Harry Burrard Neale, bt., G.C.B., ld, admy., 1804 et seq.; d. 1840. Sir Joseph Sidney Yorke, bt., K.C.B., ld, admy., 1810 et seq.; d. 1831. Hon. Sir Arth. Kaye Legge, K.C.B., d. 1835. Fras. Fayerman, d. 1820. Geo., E. of Galloway, K.T., d. 1834. Sir Thos. Fras. Fremantle, G.C.B., ld. admy., 1806; d. 1819. Sir Fras. Laforey, bt., K.C.B., d. June 1835. Sir Robt. Barlow, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1843. Sir Philip Chas. Calderwood Hen- derson Durham, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1845. Sir Israel Pellew, K.C.B., d. 1832. Alexr. Frazer, d. 1829. Sir Benjn. Hallowell Carew, G.C.B., d. 1834. Sir Geo. Johnstone Hope, K.C.B., ld. admy., 1812 et seq.; d. 1817. Lord Amelius Beauclerk, G.C.B., G.C.H., d. adm. red, 1846. Wrm. Taylor, d, adm, red, 1842. Sir James Nicol Morris, K.C.B., d. 1830. Geo. Burdon, d. 1815. Wm. Browne, d. 1814. Sir Thos. Byam Martin, G.C.B.; aft. adm. fl. and v.-adm. U. K. (see Lists B. and C., post). Sir John Lawford, K.C.B., d. adm. red, 1842. Frank Sotheron, d. 1839. Thos. Wolley, d. 1826. Sir Wm. Johnstone Hope, G.C.B., ld. admy., 1807 et seq. ; d. 1831. - Lord Hy. Paulet, K.C.B.; la. admy. , 1813, et seq.; d. Jan. 1832. Chas. Wm. Paterson, d. adm. red, 1841. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C.B.; la, admy., 1818 et seq. ; aft. adm. fl. and r-rdm. U. K. (see Lists B. and C., post). Thos. Surridge, d. 1820. Saml. Hood Linzee, d. 1820. Jas. Carpenter, d. 1845. Robt. Barton, d. 1831. Sir Graham Moore, G.C.B.; ld. admy., 1816 et seq.; d. 1843. Matth. Hy. Scott, d. 1836. Jos. Hanwell, d. 1839. Sir Hy. Wm. Bayntun, G.C.B., d. 1840. Hon. Fras. Farrington Gardner, d. July 1821. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 819 1812, Aug. 12. 1813, Dec. 4. 1814, June 4. Sir Richd. King, bt., K.C.B., d. 1834. Sir Edwd. Griffith Colpoys, K.C.B., d. 1832. Sir Edwd. Jas. Foote, K.C.B., d. 1833. Sir Richd. Lee, K.C.B., d. 1837. Wm. Pierrepont, d. 1813. Sir Peter Halkett, bt., G.C.H., d. 1839. Wm. Bedford, d. 1827. Bhilip Wilkinson Stephens, d. 1846. Wm. Shield, d. 1842. Hon. Chas. Elphinstone Fleeming, d. 1840. - Sir Chas. Vinicombe Penrose, K.C.B., d. 1830. Sir Wm. Hotham, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1848. Geo. Hopewell Stephens, d. 1820. Sir Pulteney Malcolm, G.C.B., d. 1838. Wm. Nowell, d. 1828. John Bazeley, d. 1828. Jas. Bissett, d. 1824. John Clements, d. 1825. Sir John Gore, K.C.B., G.C. H., d. 1836. g Sir John Harvey, K.C.B., d. 1837. Hon. Sir Hy. Hotham, K.C.B., d. 1833. Sir Geo. Burlton, K.C.B. Chas. Dudley Pater, d. 1818. Sir Home Riggs Popham, K.C.B., d. 1820. Sir Josias Rowley, bt., G.C.B., d. 1842. Sir Edwd. Codrington, G.C.B., d. adm. red, 1851. Sir Geo. Parker, K.C.B., d. adm. red, 1847. Fredk. Watkins, ret. Robt. Pamplin, d. 1834. Edwd. Leveson Gower, res. 1821. Hon. Sir Hy. Blackwood, bt., K.C.B., d. 1832. John Erskine Douglas, d. adm. red, 1847. Geo., visc. Torrington, d. 1831. Sir Ross Donnelly, K.C.B., d. 1840. Sir John Poo Beresford, bt., K.C.B., G.C. H., d. 1844. Hy. Lidgbird Ball, d. 1818. Thos. Eyles, d. 1835. Thos. Le Marchant Gosselin, d. adm. red. Sir Chas. Rowley, bt., G. C. H., d. 1845. Thos. Rogers. Saml. Jas. Ballard, d. 1829. Robt. Rolles, d. 1839. Walter Locke, d. 1835. Sir David Milne, G.C.B., d. 1845. Geo. Dundas. G. C. B. 5 1814, June 4. 1819, Aug. 12. 1821, July 19. Jas. Young, d. 1833. Jas. Macnamara, d. 1826. Donald Campbell, d. 1819. Sir Robt. Waller Otway, bt., G.C.B., d. 1846. Richd. Dacres, G.C.B., d. 1837. Thos. Western. John Wm. Spranger, d. 1822. Wm. Lukin Windham, d. 1833. Shuldham Peard, d. 1832. Edwd. Fellowes, d. 1841. Sir Willoughby Thos. K.C.B., d. 1847. Sir Chas. Ogle, bt., aft. adm. fl. (see List B., post). Hy. Raper, d. 1845. Sir Wm. Chas. Fahie, K.C.B., d. 1833. Sir Geo. Eyre, K.C.B., d. 1839. Robt. Lambert, d. 1836. Jos. Bingham, d. 1825. Robt. Dudley Oliver, d. adm. red, 1850. D’Arcy Preston, d. 1847. Man Dobson, d. 1847. Thos. Boys, d. 1832. John Clarke Searle, d. 1824. Sir Chas. Brisbane, K.C.B., d. govr. St. Vincent, 1829. Hon. Sir John Talbot, G.C.B., d. adm. red. John Richd. Delap Tollemache, d. July 1837. John Giffard, d. adm. red. Sir John West, K.C.B., aft. adm. fl. (see List B., post). Joseph Bullen, d. adm. red. Stephen Poyntz, d. 1847. John, ld. Colville, d, sen. adm. white, 1849. John Cochet, d. adm, red. Sir Archd. Collingwood Dickson, bt., d. 1827. Robt. Winthrop, d. 1832. Sir Hy. Digby, G.C.B., d. 1842. Sir Chas. Ekins, R.C.B. John Sprat Rainier, d. 1822. Benjn. Wm. Page, d. 1845. Hon. Philip Wodehouse, d. 1838. Thos. Alexander, d. 1843. Andr. Smith, d. 1831. Sir Edwd. Berry, bt., K.C.B., d. 1831. Sir Wrm. Prowse, G.C.B., d. 1826. Lord Mark Robt. Kerr, d. 1840. Sir Jas. Athol Wood, d. 1829. Sir Thos. Harvey, K.C.B., d. 1842. Richd. Hussey Moubray Hussey, d. 1842. Hy. Richd. Glynn, d. adm. red. John Bligh, C.B., d. 1831. Peter Puget, d. 1822. Sir Edwd. Hamilton, bt., K.C.B., d. 1851. Sir Thos. Baker, K.C.B. Lake, §2 * 820 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1821, Saml. Sutton, d. 1832. July 19. Hy. Evans, d. 1842. 1823, Apr. 9. 1825, May. 27. 1830, July 22. Hon. Sir Courtenay Boyle, K.C.H., d. 1844. Sir Robt. Laurie, bt., K.C.B., d. 1848. Sir Wm. Hall Gage, G.C.H., ld, admy., Sept. 1841 to July 1846; aft. adm. fl. and adm. U. K. (see Lists B. and C., post). John Maitland, d. 1836. Stair Douglas, d. 1826. Wm. Cuming, C. B., d. 1824. Jas, Walker, C.B., d. 1831. The hon. Sir Chas. Paget, G.C.H., d. 1839. Robt. Williams, d. 1827. Richd. Worsley, d. 1838. Aiskew Paffard Hollis, d. 1844. Sir Hy. Heathcote. Andr. Fitzherbert Evans, d. 1826. Sir Edwd. Wm. Campbell Rich Owen, G.C.B., G.C. H., d. 1849. Geo. Fredk. Ryves, d. 1826. Geo. Jas. Shirley, d. Aug. 1845. Sir Geo. Scott, K.C.B., d. 1841. Sir Thos. Dundas, K.C.B., d. Mar. 1841. Geo. Fowke, d. 1832. Richd. Harrison Pearson, d. 1838. Geo. Astle, d. 1830. Sir John Tremayne Rodd, K.C.B., d. 1838. Sir Thos. Masterman Hardy, bt., G. C. B., d. 1839. Wm. Cumberland, d. 1832. Jas. Keith Shepard, d. 1843. Sir Graham Eden Hamond, bt., K.C.B., aft. adm. fl. and adm. U. K. (see Lists B. and C., OSt ). Robt. Honyman, d. 1848. Sir Robt. Lewis Fitzgerald, R. C.H., d. 1844. Volant Washon Ballard, d. 1832. Hugh Downman. Hon. Sir Thos. Bladen Capel, IK. C. B. Wm. Hanwell, d. 1830. Thos, Manby, d. 1834. Lord Jas. O'Bryen, G. C. H., aft. M. of Thomond. Richd. Matson, d. 1848. Richd. Raggett, d. 1829. John Mackellar. Geo. Barker. Sir Chas. Adam, K.C.B., ld, admy. Nov. 1834 to Sept. 1841. John Styles, d. 1830. Wm. Granger, d. 1848. Sir John Chambers White, K. C. B., d. 1845. 1830, Hy. Garrett, d. 1846. July 12. Sir Adam Drummond, K.C. H., d. 1849. Robt. Hall, d. 1842. John Chesshyre, d. 1843. Robt. Lloyd, d. 1846. Sir Thos. Livingstone, bt. Sir Lucius Ferdinand Hardyman, d. 1834. Joshua Sydney Horton, d. 1835. Sir Edwd. Brace, K.C.B., d. 1843. Sir Jahleel Brenton, jun., bt., K.C.B., d. 1844. Sir Fras. Wm. Austem, K.C.B., aft. adm, fl. and adm. U. K. (see Lists B. and C., post). Sir Bendall Robt. Littlehales, d. 1847. Sir Patrick Campbell, K.C.B., d. 1841. t Narborne Thompson, d. 1844. Sir Michl. Seymour, bt., K.C.B., d. 1834. Edwd. Stirling Dickson, d. 1844. Thos. Jas. Maling, d. 1848. Sir John Acworth Ommanney, IC. C. B. Hy. Stuart, d. 1840. Zacchary Mudge. Hy. Hill, d. 1849. Chas. Wollaston, d. 1845. Alexr. Wilmot Schomberg, d. 1850. Sir Edwd. Durnford King, K.C.H. Hy. Vansittart, d. 1843. Sir Geo. Mundy, K.C.B. Geo. Sayer, d. 1831. Sir Philip Bowes Were Broke, bt., K.C.B., d. 1841. Chas. Tinling, d. 1840. Sir Fredk. Lewis IC.C.B., d. 1839. Fredk. Warren, d. 1848. Richd. Peacocke, d. 1846. Jas. Carthew. Sir Thos. Briggs, G.C. M. G. John Broughton, d. Oct. 1837. Hon. Geo. Heneage Lawrence Dundas, d. 1834. Thos., E. of Dundonald, G.C.B. (late lil. Cochrane), aft. r.-adm. U. K. (see List C., post); d. 1860, Nichs. Tomlinson, d. 1847. Sir Wm. Parker, bt., G.C.B., ld, admy., Nov. 1834 et seq.; aft. adm. fl. and r.-adm. U. K. (see Lists B. and C., post). . . Sir Robt. Tristram Rickets, bt., d. 1842. Geo. M'Kinley. Jas. Katom, d. 1845. Sir Chas. Dashwood, K.C.B.,d. 1847. Maitland, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 821 LIST B. ADMIRALS OF THE FLEET. From 1837 to the present time. Name. Sir Chas. Edmd. Nugent, G.C. H. Sir Jas. Hawkins Whitshed, G.C.B. Sir Geo. Martin, G.C.B. ... tº tº tº Sir Thos. Byam Martin, G.C.B. ... Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C.B. Sir Chas. Ogle, bt. tº º º Sir Jno. West, K.C.B. ... - - - Sir Wm. Hall Gage, G.C.B., G.C. H. e º 'º Sir Graham Eden Hamond, bt., G.C.B. Sir Fras. Wm. Austem, G.C.B. Sir Wm. Parker, bt., G.C.B. Sir Lucius Curtis, bt., K.C.B. tº e e Sir Thos. Jno. Cochrane, G.C.B. ... tº e º Sir Geo. Fras. Seymour, G.C.B., G.C. H. tº º º Sir Jas. Alexr. Gordon, G.C.B. (Reserved List) Sir Wm. Bowles, K.C. B. ... tº e e tº e e º º º Sir Geo. Rose Sartorius, K.C.B.... Sir Fairfax Moresby, G.C.B. Sir Houstom Stewart, G.C.B. e & Sir Provo Wm. Parry Wallis, G.C.B. Sir Hy. Jno. Codrington, K.C.B. Hon. Sir Hy. Keppel, G.C.B. * * Thos., E. of Lauderdale, G.C.B. tº e Sir Geo. Rodney Mundy, G.C.B. ... G - e. Sir Thos. Matt. Chas. Symonds, K.C.B. Sir Jas. Hope, G.C. B. ... tº º - e is e Sir Alexr. Milne, bt., G.C.B. Hon. Sir Chas. Gilbert Jno. Brydone Eliot, R&B. º Sir Alf. Phillipps Ryder, K.C.B. Alb. Edw. Pr. of Wales (Honorary) Sir Geoffr. Thos. Phipps Hornby, G.C.B. Lord Jno. Hay, G.C.B. * - - tº ºn tº ;..."; Admi, Fl. A. 24 Apr. 33. A. 8 Jan. 44. C. 9 Nov. 46. C. 13 Oct. 49. C. 1 Jul. 51. A. 8 Dec. 57 A. 25 Jun. 58. C. 20 May 62. C. 10 Nov. 62. C. 27 Apr. 63. (). 5 3 D. 11 Jan. 64. C. 23 Sep. 65. C. 20 Nov. 66. D. 3 Feb. 68. C. 15 Jan. 69. (). 2 Jul. 69. ( ). 21 Jan. 70. T). 20 Oct. 72. C. 11 Dec. 75. E. 22 Jan. 77. E. 5 Aug. 77. E. 27 Dec. 77. " E. 3 3 E. 15 Jun. 79. E. 3 3 lº. 10 Jun. 81. E. 1 l)ec. 81. lº. 29 Apr. 85. - 18 Jul. 87. E. 1 May 88. lº. 15 Dec. 88. 822 TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST C. ADMIRALS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. From 1837 to the present time. R.A.U.K.—Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom. W.A.U.K.—Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom. Pro- | Pro- Name. moted | R.A.U.K. v.A.U.K. moted #; to List ist | Sir Geo. Martin, G.C.B. ... to e º A. ...... 28 Jan. 33. B. Hon. Sir Robt. Stopford, G.C.B. A. | Bef. 1837. ...... º e e Sir Davidge Gould, G.C.B. A. ...... 1846. tº e & Sir Thos. Byam Martin, G.C.B. A. | ...... 1847. B. Sir Geo. Cockburn... tº A. 1847. ...... B. Sir Wm. Hall Gage... e tº tº e e de A. | 24 Oct. 53. 6 Nov. 54. B. Thos., 10th E. Dundonald, G.C.B. tº ſº º A. 6 Nov. 54. ...... tº e de Sir Graham Eden Hamond, bt., G.C.B. ... A. 22 Nov. 60.| 5 Jun. 62. B. Sir Fras. Wm. Austen, G.C.B. A. 5 Jun. 62. 11 Dec. 62. B. Sir Wrm. Parker, bt., G.C.B. - e. e. Q e A. | 11 Dec. 62.] ...... B. Sir Thos. Jno. Cochrane, G. C. B. ... tº gº D. ...... 16 May 63. B. Sir Geo. Fras. Seymour, G.C.B. ... tº º D. 16 May 63. 23 Sep. 65. B. Sir Wm. Bowles, K.C.B. ... © tº º * @ D. 23 Sep. 65. 26 Nov. 66. B. Sir Wm. Phipps Hornby, G.C.B. ... e ſº D. 26 Nov. 66 • * * * * * e & Sir Geo. Rose Sartorius, K.C.B. ... tº e D. ...... 1 Mar. 69. B. Sir Fairfax Moresby, G.C.B. e tº º e D. 20 Apr. 67. 17 Jul. 69. B. Sir Provo Wm. Parry Wallis, K.C.B. .. D. 17 Jul. 69. 12 Feb. 70. B. Sir Wm. Jas. Hope Johnstone, K.C.B. D. 12 Feb. 70.] ...... tº º tº Sir Michl. Seymour, G.C.B. º º tº tº º º D. ...... 15 Jan. 76. Sir Wm. Fanshawe Martin, bt., G.C.B. ... D. 19 Sep. 78. ...... § LIST D. ADMIRALS OF THE RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. From 1837 to the discontinuance of the three Squadrons in 1864. R.A.B.-Rear-Admiral of the Blue. W.A. B.—Vice-Admiral of the Blue. A.B.-Admiral of the Blue. R.A.W.- ..., 3 * 5 3 White. W.A.W.- , , 23 ,, White. A.W.- , , ,, White. R.A.R.— , , * 5 5 3 Red. V. A.R.— , , 5 ,, Red. A.R.— , , ,, Red. * Those marked thus were on the Retired List when raised to flag rank. Name. R.A.B. B.A.W. R.A.R. W.A.B. V.A.W. V.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. lºa in List *Jno. Winne dº º º © e tº ... 10 Jan. 37.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... * e º e º ſº i e º º e º e Richd. Curry ... & ſº tº e e º e s tº º e is 10 Jan. 37.] ...... . ...... 9 Nov. 46. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Wm. Skipsey ... tº $ tº e e a e º e º º is 95 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * Hon. Fredk. Paul Irby ... tº e º & © tº º ſº tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir John Wentworth Lorin K.C.B.; K.C.B. . . . tº tº e tº e & I e º & ſº tº º 5 3 s • * * * * 9 Nov. 46. ...... . ...... 8 Jul. 51.1 ...... . ...... . ...... Sir Robt. Howe Bromley, bt. ... . ...... 3 y | * * * * * * 3 5 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * 21 Aug. 51. 21 Jan. 54.] ...... . ...... Hon.Duncombe Pleydell Bouverie ...... 5 3 || s • * * * * 25 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * *Richd. Poulden ... tº ſº tº ... 10 Jan. 37.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... John Dick... tº º º & ſº tº tº e º H is e º ſº º is 10 Jan. 37.] ...... 9 Nov. 46. . ...... . ...... 19 Jan. 52.1 ...... . ...... . ...... *Peter Ribouleau... e tº º ... 10 Jan. 37.1 ...... . ...... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * *Matth. Buckle (No. 2) ... tº e º 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * G. *John Allen tº dº º tº ſº tº 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * G. *Jas. Noble gº tº tº & © e tº e tº 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 5 § { * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Saml. Warren, K.C.B., K.C.H. ...... 10 Jan. 37.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ..... . ...... Anselm John Griffiths ... tº ſº tº a g º ſº º º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * , , , , s ] , , , , , , *Fras. Holmes Coffin ... ... 10 Jan 87. “.... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... *Jeffery, ld. Raigersfeld tº ſº a 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * : * * * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * , , , , , *Christr. John Williams Nesham 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 9 Nov. 46. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . . ... G. Sir Chas. Bullen, K.C.B., K.C.H. ...... 10 Jan. 37.] ...... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 30 Jul. 52. ...... . ...... . ...... Richd. Byron ... tº tº e ... 10 Jan. 37.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... Geo. Tobin tº gº tº gº tº ſº g ſº gº e º & & º gº 10 Jan. 37.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. Webley-Parry... & e º tº e º e a º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * e s e e s e ] e o e s e s e s s a s e *John Wight e tº º & ſº tº ... 10 Jan. 37.] ...... . ...... 9 Nov. 46. ...... 14 Jan. 50.1 ...... . ...... . ...... G. *Hy. Folkes Edgell tº e gº tº º e 9 3 | * * * * * * ) • * * * * * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! • * * * * * § Name. B.A.B. R.A.W. R.A.R. W.A.B. V.A.W. W.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. Pro- moted in List *Cornelius Quinton *Wm. Butterfield *Wm. Young tº € $ *Wm. Hy Darnell *Jacob Walton Augs. Brine Edwd. Galwey John Hayes tº º e Saml. Campbell Ro *Bulkeley Mackworth Praed *Saml. Mottley wley. º *Edwd. Walpole Browne *John Ronett Smollett ... *Hon. Wm. Le Poer Trench *Edwd. Sneyd Clay *Chas. Carter Thos Browne *Fras Godolphin Bond ... *Wm. Hy. Browne Tremlett Sir Saml. Pym, K.C.B. *Saml. Butcher ... Robt. Jackson Sir Robt. Barrie, k.c.B. k.ci. Chas. Payne Hodgson Ross, C. B. *Robt. O’Brien Sir Chas. Malcolm Fras. Wrm. Fane ... Hon. Geo. Elliot ... Wm. D'Urban Sir Jas. Hillyar, Ech., K.C.B." Ld, Wm. Fitzroy, K.C.B. Ld. Geo. Stuart ... *Matthew Godwin 10 Jan. 37. tº e s tº º is tº gº º º tº ſº & © tº e tº º, º tº e tº tº 4 tº a tº & is g º º º e g º tº º ºs © g º is tº º tº e º ſº tº * tº e º 'º $ tº * * * * * * tº º º ſº º & tº e e º nº e tº tº £ tº º º tº º tº e s & tº gº ſº tº $. gº tº º te e º * * * * * 4 * e º $ tº a tº e º gº tº º & ſº tº 6 tº º e e g º sº e * * * * * * e ſº e º º º 26 Jul. 47. * e º e º 'º tº ºn g : * * * * * * * * § g g g tº º © º g tº tº a tº g º B & 8 tº e s & e & sº e s m e ºs tº e º ſº º gº a º e º ſº º tº º º e º º * * * * * * tº a tº e º 'º gº tº dº tº g tº 2 Sep. 50. tº e º is º º tº e º 'º e a tº ſº º $ tº ſº 21 Mar. 51. 8 Apr. 51. 29 Apr. 51. e e º E & tº * * * : * * tº e º 'º º ſº. * tº e º 'º ſº tº e g º dº tº tº $ ſº e º tº .# 5 Mar. 53. tº º e g º º 2 Apr. 53. tº ſº g tº e is º ºs e tº e is º e º 'o ºn tº $ tº tº tº ſº. w g º e º 'º tº ſº tº & © tº tº e º & gº tº tº e º º is tº tº ºp tº e º & • * g g g tº e is © & © & tº e º tº º q tº gº tº € 9 tº is tº e º ſº º e e º ſº º & tº G & º º & tº ſº tº tº º tº e º ſº e & § Name. R.A.B. B.A.W. R.A.R. W.A.B. V.A.W. V.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. *Jas. Master is g & g & Sir Hugh Pigot, K.C.B., K.C. H. ... John Tower ë is e & & ºt • * * *Sir Salusbury Pryce Humphrys Davenport, K.C. H. tº tº a º Edwd. Hawker e tº º Sir Chas. Richardson, K.C.B. *Fras. Temple . Sir Arth. Farquhar Hy. Gordon & tº ſº tº is tº º Sir Jas. Alexr. Gordon, K.C.B.... Hon. Frdk. Wm. Aylmer, aft. li. Aylmer ... * * * ſº tº 9. & a s Richd. Thomas Jas. Richd. Dacres *John Surman Carden John Sykes g is & tº t & *John Wentworth Holland *John Impey tº $ tº *Hy. Manaton Ommanne * Archd. Duff John Hancock ... tº e tº Hon. Donald Hugh Mackay Sir Fras. Mason, K.C.B. ... *Hon. Major Jacob Henniker Thos. Brown * * * tº º sº Alexr. Shippard ... Robt. Henderson ... Sir Lucius Curtis, bt. Sir John Louis, bt. Brian Hodgson Hood Hanway Christian Sir Josiah Coghill Coghill, bt. ... tº e º tº º tº . 10 Jan. 87. . 38. 28 Nov. 41. & º e g º gº tº e º ºs º & * * * * * * tº tº $ & ſº tº tº $ 4 tº gº tº 9 & . g is © * - ſº º º º tº e g g e tº ſº tº º & © * @ is ſº gº & & tº tº gº è tº s & tº is ſº ºf tº º º tº & & is e º e º e tº $ $ g º & * tº $ tº º tº gº tº $ tº g tº º ſº gº © tº tº e º ſº tº º tº º & º º & tº tº º º e is gº tº º e º s & e º gº tº # gº tº gº tº e tº gº tº g º & ſº tº $ $ tº tº 20 Mar. 23 Mar. 1 Jun. tº e e º 'º gº 15 Sep. 9 Oct. 18 Oct. ë & tº gº tº ſº. . 47. 49. 49. 49. g is & gº tº g g is © tº e tº • * * * * * gº tº gº e g g e e º 'º tº º tº e º ſº tº ſº e º ſº º te tº & ſº * * * * & © & 3 g (º . 50. . 50. . 50. . 50. . 51. $ 51. . 51. . 51. tº e º is ſº tº tº $ tº g g tº {e tº * * * * tº e º g g tº tº e º 'º º º tº g g g º º tº e º e º ſº. e g tº tº $ tº * * * * * * tº tº tº g º wº . 51. . 48. . 51. , 52. . 52. gº tº e º º is tº £ tº $ tº º * @ tº $ tº wº tº g º ºs º º e tº tº e º is tº tº $ tº & tº ſº tº e º 'º . 53. . 54. . 55. . 55. . 55. tº gº tº e s & is g º ºs e tº tº º ºs º º ſº tº ſº tº e º º • * * * * & e tº tº e º ſº e g º º tº º e e g º º g g tº ſº e º e ſº tº tº tº º e tº º is tº º tº º ºs e º 'º 22 Aug. 57. tº e º e º 'º tº e º 'º e º tº gº tº e º gº * * * * * * tº $ tº e º 'º * * * * * * tº p is a º º tº e º 'º e G g e º 'º º e tº e º 'º º tº tº º & Q tº dº e e º e º e tº º ºs e g & tº tº e º 'º º tº tº e e º 'º tº º e º E. G. tº º tº e º tº tº º ºs e º 'º tº º ºs e º ºr § Name. R.A.B. R.A.W. R.A.R. W.A.B. V.A.W. V.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. º in List Nathl. Day Cochrane ... 23 Nov. 41.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... John Ayscough ... & e - tº 3 5 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * 24 Dec. 49. 8 Jul. 51, 28 May 53. 3 Oct. 55.|28 Nov. 57, 18 Feb. 61.j ...... Sir Thos. John Cochrane 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 14 Jan, 50.| 21 Aug. 51, 4 Jul. 53. 31 Jan. 56. 8 Dec. 57.| 15 Jan. (.2. C. Wm. Furlong Wise 9 3 ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edmd. Boger tº € ſº ſº tº tº 35 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Jones Lye ... tº e tº tº gº tº 33 - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Sir Geo. Fras. Seymour, G.C.H. 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 27 Mar. 50, 19 Jan. 52, 17 Sep. 53. 14 May 57.|13 Feb. 58. 20 May 62. C. Hon. Geo. Poulett, aft. Sir G. ... 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 21 Jun. 50. 4 Jun. 52. 21 Jan. 54.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Jas. Haldane Tait tº € $ tº e ºn 3 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Wm. Beauchamp Proctor, bt. 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * 2 Sep. 50.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Chas. Jas. Johnstone tº gº tº 5 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * 6 Nov. 50. 30 Jul. 52. 16 Feb. 54.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Edwd Ratsey tº ſº gº tº º º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 11 Nov. 50.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Richd. Turner Hancock... ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chas. Philip Butler-Bateman 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 21 Mar. 51, ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Mauritius Adolphus Newton de Starck ... we dº º gº tº º tº º ſº ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Arth. Lysaght 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 8 Apr. 51: ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Hon. Josceline Percy ... tº º ſº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 29 Apr. 51. 17 Dec. 52. 15 Apr. 54. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Hon. Sir Anthy. Maitland, K.C.M.G., aft. E. of Tlauderdale ... tº gº tº 3 : ] . . * * * * | * * * * * * 11 Jun. 51. 5 Mar. 53. 11 Sep. 54. 18 Jun, 57.| 6 Mar. 58, 10 Nov.62. ...... Hon. Granville Leveson Proby, aft. E. of Carysfort ... tº º tº 33 • * * * * * : * * * * * * 16 Jun, 51.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Granville Geo., ld. Radstock 39 • * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 2 Apr. 53. 3 Jul. 55.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Geo., E. Cadogan e 23 • * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 22 Apr. 53. 4 Jul. 55. 9 Jul. 57.| 25 Jun. 58, 23 Mar. 63. ...... Sir Edwd. Tucker, K.C.B. 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * 8 Jul. 51. 28 May 53, 9 Jul. 55. 30 Jul. 57. ...... . ...... . ...... Wm. Maude gº tº tº 2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Saml. Hood Inglefield , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * Sir Wm. Augs. Montague, K.C.H. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 21 Aug. 51.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Valentine Collard ge tº dº à tº & ; , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Sir Edwd. Chetham Strode 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * 19 Jan, 52. 4 Jul. 53. 27 Sep. 55. 22 Aug. 57.| 2 May 60. ...... ...... Reuben Callaud Mangin... 2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * Wm. Croft e tº º tº tº tº 33 • * * * * * | * . . . . . . . . * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * G. Fras. Beauman $ & tº e º e tº e º e º ºs § Name R.A.B. R.A.W. R.A.R. W.A.B. W.A.W. V.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. moted in List } Jas. Robt. Philips ... 23 Nov. 41. ...... gº º ſº tº tº º s ſº is & tº a tº & e º $ tº • * * * * * | * * * * * * | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pringle Stoddart ... ſº ... 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Wm. Bowles, aft. Sir W. tº e e 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 8 Mar. 52, 17 Sep. 53. 3 Oct. 55. 28 Nov. 57.| 1 Nov. 60.|27 Apr.'63. C. Hyde Parker (No. 3) ... tº º º 3 3 • * * * * * | * * * * * * 4 Jun, 52. 21 Jan. 54.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Chas. Sibthorpe John Hawtayn 3 3 ; * * * * * * | * * * * * * 30 Jul. 52.) 11 Feb. 54.) 31 Jan. 56.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Jas. Whitley Dean Dundas, aft. Sir J. ... tº E tº ſº tº ſº tº º e 5 3 } • * * * * * | * * * * * * 17 Dec. 52. 15 Apr. 54. 21 Oct. 56. 8 Dec. 57.| 11 Feb. 61. ...... ...... Saml. Jackson ... tº tº º tº wº 3 5 • * * * * | * * * * * * s e º | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * s e ] e e s , s e Sir Edwd. Thos. Troubridge, bt. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * . . . . . . . . . . Chas. Gordon ... ... tº ſº ge 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Jas. Murray Gordon * 9 Nov. 46. ...... 14 Jan. 50.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Sir Wm. Hy. Dillon, K.C. H. 3 * 1 s • * * * * 27 Mar. 50. 5 Mar. 53. 26 May 54. 12 May 57. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Thos. Searle tº ſº º tº tº dº • 2 • * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * { . . . . . . Hy. Hope, aft. Sir H. * 5 a • * * * * 21 Jun, 50. 2 Apr. 53. 11 Sep. 54. 14 May 57. 20 Jan. 58. 15 Jan. 62.27 Apr. 63, ...... Sir Thos. Usher, K.C.H.... • 2 . . . . . . . * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e Wm. Ward tº gº tº g tº ſº * * * 5 * * * * * * * 2 Sep. 50.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ' ...... Sir Saml. John Brooke Pechell,bt. 3 * > . . . . . . . * * * * * } • * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robt. Elliott tº e º gº tº e tº gº tº 35 • * * * * * 6 Nov. 50.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... G. Cuthbt. Featherstone Daley ... 5 3 - e < * * * 11 Nov. 50.1 ...... . ...... . ...... " ...... " ...... ...... . ...... Hon. Sir Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds Pellew tº º ºn tº e g 3 5 • * * * * * 30 Dec. 50. 22 Apr. 53. 3 Jul. 55. 18 Jun. 57. 13 Feb. 58. ...... ...... . ...... Sir Fras. Augs. Collier, K.C. H. ... 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * | . . . . . . Hon. Jas. Wm. King 3 * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * | . . . . . . Sir Chas. Napier, K.C.B. 3 * 1 s e s = e 21 Mar. 51. 28 May 53. 4 Jul. 55. 9 Jul. 57.| 6 Mar. 58. ...... ...... . ...... John Brett Purvis 5 2 • * * * * * 8 Apr. 51. 4 Jul. 53. 9 Jul. 55.] 30 Jul. 57.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. Shirreff 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * | * , , , , , Richd. Arthur ... tº e e tº º gº 3 3 | * * * * * * 29 Apr. 51. 17 Sep. 53. ...... ...... . ...... . ...... | 2 | * * * * I e g c s s a Wm. Phipps Hornby, aft, sir W. 3 5 • * * * * * 11 Jun, 51. 21 Jan. 54. 27 Sep. 55. 22 Aug. 57. 25 Jun, 58. 12 Apr. 62. 24 Nov. 63. C. Hon. Wm. Gordon * * * tº tº dº 5 3 | * * * * * * 16 Jun, 51. 11 Feb. 54. 3 Oct. 55. 10 Sep. 57.| ...... . ...... ...... . ...... Chas. John Austen 3 3 | * * * * * * 8 Jul. 51: ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . . .... Philip Browne ... tº º º tº tº e 55 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * G. Hy. Prescott, aft. Sir H. ... , 24 Apr. 47.] ...... 21 Aug. 51. 15 Apr.'54. 31 Jan. 56. 10 Sep. 57.| 2 May 60. ...... ...... . ...... Sir Nesbit.Josiah Willoughby, K.C.H. 28 Apr. 47.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... ...... Pro- Name. R.A.B. B.A.W. P.A.R. W.A.B. V.A.W. V.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. moted in List Edwd. Wallis Hoare ... 13 May 47. ...... gº. … . . . .” “… “… . .” G. John Coode º . 26 Jun. 47. ...... 19 Jan. 52. 26 May 54. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Sir Thos. Fellowes * * ... 126 Jul. 47, ...... . ... ... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Edwd. Hy, A'Court Repington... 6 Aug. 47, ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... G. John Pasco * * * º e tº ... 22 Sep. 47. ...... 8 Mar, 52. ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . Wm. Fisher * * & © tº ... 2 Dec. 47. ...... 4 Jun. 52. ...... ...... . ...... . . ...... ... • * * * * * | * * * * * * } • * * * * * Edwd. Harvey, aft. sir E. ... 17 Dec. 47. ...... 30 Jul. 52. 11 Sep. 54. 21 Oct. 56. 2 Oct. 57. 9 Jun. 60."20 May 62. 3 Dec. 63. ...... Wm. Fitzwilliam Owen ... ... 21 Dec. 47. ...... 1 Oct. 52.; 27 Oct. 54. ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... " ...... Manley Hall Dixon ... 27 Dec. 47. ...... 8 Oct. 52. 7 Feb. 55. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Hon. Alexr. Jones 3 Jan. 48. ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Peter John Douglas * e - ... 7 Jan. 48. 14 Jan. 50. 26 Oct. 52. 3 Jul. 55. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... • * e º e º e º e º 'º & Barrington Reynolds, aft. Sir B. 8 Jan. 48. 27 Mar. 50 17 Dec. 52. 4 Jul. 55. 12 May 57.| 28 Nov. 57. 1 Nov. 60. ...... . ...... ...... Hon. Geo Alfd. Crofton... . 30 Jan. 48. 21 Jun. 50. 5 Mar. 53. 9 Jul. 55. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Williers Fras. Hatton ... [14 Feb. 48. 2 Sep. 50. ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Chas. Sotheby ... te e tº ... 20 Mar. 48. 6 Nov. 50. 2 Apr. 53. ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ * * * * Sir Aug. Wm. Jas. Clifford, bt.... 23 Mar, 48. 11 Nov. 50. 22 Apr. 53. 27 Sep. 55. 14 May 57.| 8 Dec. 57.| 7 Nov. 60 4 Oct. 62. 11 Jan. 64.] ...... Sir Joshua Rickets Rowley, bt... 3 Apr. 48, 30 Dec. 50. 28 May 53. 3 Oct. 55. ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... Alex. Renton Sharpe . || 1 Jun. 48. 21 Mar. 51. 4 Jul. 53. 30 Nov. 55. 18 Jun. 57.| ...... . ...... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gordon 'Thos. Falcon 1 Aug. 48. 8 Apr. 51. 17 Sep. 53. ...... ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... Sir Watkin Owen Pell ... ... 5 Sep. 48. 29 Apr. 51. 17 Nov. 53. 28 Dec. 55. ...... ...... . ...... ...... . ...... G. Wm. Fairbrother Carroll, aſt. Sir W. g = 0 gº e º tº gº º ... [24 Jun. 49. 11 Jun. 51.1 5 Dec. 53.] ...... ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... Sir Andr. Pellat Green, K.C.H... 3 Mar. 49. 16 Jun. 51. ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... G. Wm. Bowen Mends ... 19 Mar. 49. 21 Aug. 51. 12 Jan. 54. 31 Jan. 56. ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... G. Geo. Ferguson ... ... 4 May 49. ...... . ...... . ...... ; e - e s - e i = < * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * G. Sir Geo. Rose Sartorius ... ... 9 May 49. 19 Jan. 52. 21 Jan. 54. 31 Jan. 56. 9 Jul. 57.| 20 Jan. 58. 11 Feb. 61. 10 Nov. 62. C. Robt. Wauchope ... gº tº e ... 21 May 49, 8 Mar. 52.27 Jan. 54.21 Jul. 56. 30 Jul. 57. 11 Feb. 58. 29 Jul. 61. ...... . ...... [...... Sir John Gordon Sinclair, aft. bt. 8 Jun. 49. 4 Jun. 52. 11 Feb. 54. 17 Oct. 56. 22 Aug. 57.| 13 Feb. 58. 5 Aug. 61, 23 Mar. 63. ...... . ...... Geo. Edwd. Watts ... 1 Sep. 49 ...... . ...... . ... ... ...... . ...... . ...... ! ...... . ...... G. Sir Jas. John Gordon Bremer, h K. C. B. . . . & e - tº e & ... [15 Sep. 49. ...... . ...... . ...... | “.... . ..... * } • e º s s e ] e. e. e. e. e. e. • * g g g e i e º ºs e s 6 Ralph Randolph Wormeley 9 Oct. 49. ...... . ...... . . ...... ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... º e º ſº tº Hayes O'Grady tº Q tº . (18 Oct. 49 ...... . ...... . ...... * & e º e º º e º e º ſº º º • * * > tº e º º º º º e º 'º º § Pro- Name, B.A.B. R.A.W. R.A.R. W.A.B. W.A.W. W.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. mºa in List Maurice Fred. Fitzhardinge Berkeley, aft. sir M. and ló. Fitzhardinge * * * ... 30 Oct. 49.30 Jul. 52.15 Apr. 54. 21 Oct. 56.10 Sep. 57.| 6 Mar. 58. 15 Jan. 62. 27 Apr.63. ...... . ...... Sir David Dunn, K.C.H. ... ... 5 Nov. 49.; 4 Oct. 52. . . ...... . . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ..... ...... G. Fairfax Moresby, C.B., aft. Sir F. 24 Dec. 49. 8 Oct. 52. 26 May 54. 12 Nov. 56. 10 Sep. 57. 25 Jun, 58. 12 Apr. 62. 27 Apr. 63. ...... C. Geo Anson, ld. Byron ... 24 Dec. 49.] ... . . . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Sir Edmd. Lyons, bt., G.C.B., K.C.H., aft. Id. Lyons... . 14 Jan. 50. 26 Oct. 52. 11 Sep. 54. 19 Mar. 57.| 2 Oct. 57. ...... ...... ...... ...... . ...... Sir Chas. Sullivan, bt. .. 15 Feb. 50. 9 3 27 Oct. 54 12 May 57.|28 Nov. 57.| 2 May 60. 20 May 62.] ...... . ...... . ...... Sir John Marshall, C.B., K.C.H.... 27 Mar. 50. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . . . . ...... Jas. Erskine Wemyss ... 21 Jun. 50. ...... . . . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . . . ...... Fras. Erskine Loch 2 Sep. 50.; 17 Dec. 52. 7 Feb. 55. 14 May 75. 8 Dec. 57. 9 Jun. 60. 16 Jun. 62. ...... . . . ...... Edwd. Collier 1 Oct. 50. 5 Mar. 53. 3 Jul. 55. 18 Jun. 57. ...... . ...... . ...... ...... ... David Price & © tº tº e & ... 6 Nov. 50. 2 Apr. 53. ... ... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Algn, D. of Northumberland ... 11 Nov. 50. ...... . ...... ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . . John Toup Nicolas, C.B., K.H. ... 30 Dec. 50. ...... . . ...... . ...... ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Wm. Willmott Henderson, C.B., K.H. 21 Mar. 51. 22 Apr. 53. ...... . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Sir John Hill e e ... 2 Apr. 51. 28 May 53. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... John Carter & © e 8 Apr. 51: ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... G. Hy. Meynell ... ... . ... 29 Apr. 51. ...... . . . . . . ...... . ...... . . ...... . ...... . ...... . ... G. Arth. Fanshawe, C.B., aft. Sir A. | 11 Jun. 51. 4 Jul. 53. 4 Jul. 55. 9 Jul. 57. 5 Jan. 58. 1 Nov. 60. 4 Oct. 62. 24 Nov. 63. ... ...... Houston Stewart, C.B., aft. Sir H. 16 Jun. 51.; 17 Sep. 53. 9 Jul. 55.30 Jul. 57.| 20 Jan. 58. 7 Nov. 60. 10 Nov. 62. 14 Nov. 63. ... Sir Jas. Stirling ... & ºf ... 8 Jul. 51. 17 Nov. 53. 27 Sep. 65. 22 Aug. 57. 11 Feb. 58. 11 Feb. 61. 22 Nov. 62. 3 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... Ld John Hay tº º ºs tº ſº e ... 31 Aug. 31 ...... . ...... . ..... . . . … . . . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Provo Wm. Parry Wallis, aft. Sir P. 27 Aug. 51. 5 Dec. 53. 3 Oct. 55. 10 Sep. 57.| 13 Feb. 58. 29 Jul. 61. 21 Mar. 63. 11 Jan. 64, ... C. Wm. Walpole tº e ºs ... 19 Jan. 52. 12 Jan. 54. 30 Nov. 55. 23 * * * * * * | * * * * * * | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. Armar Lowry Corry 8 Mar. 52. 21 Jan. 54. ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . . . ...... Sir Wm. Edwd. Parry 4 Jun, 52.27 Jan. 54. ...... ...... . . ...... . . ...... ...... . ...... . . . . Hy. Wm. Bruce, aft. Sir H. 30 Jul. 52.) 11 Feb. 54. 28 Dec. 55. 2 Oct. 57. 6 Mar. 58. 5 Aug. 61. 27 Apr. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... Wm. Jas. Mingaye tº e g ... 1 Oct. 52. 15 Apr. 54. 31 Jan. 56, 4 Nov. 57. 25 Jun. 58. ...... . ...... ...... ...... G. Jas. Hanway Plumridge, aft sir J. 8 Oct. 52. 26 May 54. 5 5 28 Nov. 57. 24 Nov. 58. 15 Jan. 62. 27 Apr. 63. ...... ...... . ...... Sir John Franklin, K.C. H. 26 Oct. 52. . . ...... . . . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . . . . Sir Thos. Herbert, K.C.B. ... ... 13 Jul, 54. 31 Jan. 56, 8 Dec. 57, 16 May 59.] ...... ...... . ...... . . . . § Pro- Name. T.A.B. R.A.W. R.A.R. W.A.B. W.A.W. W.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. moted in List Hon. Hy. John Rous 17 Dec. 52. 11 Sep. 54.21 Jul. 56. 5 Jan. 58. 2 May 60. 12 Apr. 62. 25 Jun, 63. 15 Jun. 64. ...... . ...... Edwd. Boxer, C.B. 5 Mar. 53. 27 Oct. 54. ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Geo. Fredk. Rich... tº e & ... 2 Apr. 53. 24 Nov. 54. 17 Oct. 56. 20 Jan. 58. ...... . ...... . ...... ...... ...... Wm. Jas. Hope Johnstone, aft. Sir W. ... is º ºs © $ tº ... 22 Apr. 53. 22 Jan. 55. 21 Oct. 56. 11 Feb. 58. 9 Jun. 60. 20 May 62. 24 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... C. Wm. Fanshawe Martin, aft. Sir W. 28 May 53. 7 Feb. 55. 12 Nov. 56. 13 Feb. 58. 1 Nov.60. 16 Jun. 62 14 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... C. Hon. Richd. Saunders Dundas, C. B., aft. Sir R. tº gº tº ... 4 Jul. 53. 2 May 55. 19 May 57. 1 Mar. 58. 7 Nov. 60. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Ld. Adolph. FitzClarence, G.C.H. 17 Sep. 53. 6 Jun. 55.] ...... . ...... ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... Hy. Dundas ſº gº tº g 9 tº ... 17 Nov. 53 || 3 Jul. 55. 12 May 57. 6 Mar. 58. 11 Feb. 61. 4 Oct. 62. ...... ...... . ...... . ...... Hon. Montagu Stopford, aft. Sir M. 5 Dec. 53, 4 Jul. 55. 14 May 57. 25 Jun. 58. 4 Jun. 61. 10 Nov. 62. 30 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... ..... Hy. Ducie Chads, c.B., aft. Sir H. 12 Jan. 54. 9 Jul. 55. 18 Jun. 57. 24 Nov. 58. 29 Jul. 61. 22 Nov. 62. 3 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... Sir Geo. Robt. Lambert, K.C.B... 21 Jan. 54. 5 3 9 Jul. 57, 16 May 59. 5 Aug. 61. 23 Mar. 63. 15 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... Alexr. Thos. Emeric Vidal 27 Jan. 54. 27 Sep. 55. 30 Jul. 57. 27 Jun. 59 3 3 | " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * | * * * * * * John Leith tº º º & g tº 11 Feb. 54. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . . . . Chas. Hope tº e º tº º & ... 1 Apr. 54. ...... . ...... 27 Feb. 60.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Hy. John Leeke aft. Sir H. ... 15 Apr. 54. ...... . ...... 2 May 60. 15 Jan. 62. 27 Apr. 63. 11 Jan. 64. ...... ...... . ...... Chas. Howe Fremantle, aft. Sir C. 15 Apr. 54. ...... 22 Aug. 57. 9 Jun. 60. 12 Apr. 62. 23 Mar. 63. 9 Feb. 64. ...... ...... . ...... Michl. Seymour, aft. Sir M. . 26 May 54. 30 Nov. 55. 10 Sep. 57. 1 Nov. 60. 20 May 62. 25 Jun. 63. 5 Mar. 64.] ...... . ...... Hy. Byam Martin, C.B., aft. Sir H. 13 Jul, 54. 28 Dec. 55. 5 5 7 Nov. 60.| 16 Jun. 62. 12 Sep. 63. 15 Jun. 64. ...... ...... . ...... Hy. Eden ... * * g. tº º º ... 7 Aug. 54. 31 Jan. 56. 2 Oct. 57. 11 Feb. 61. 4 Oct. 62. 24 Nov. 63. ...... ...... e is tº e º s Fredk. Wm. Beeche 11 Sep. 54. 3 5 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * : * * * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Scott, C.B., aft. Sir J. 26 Oct. 54, 3 * 4 Nov. 57.| 4 Jun. 61. 10 Nov. 62. 14 Nov. 63.] ...... . ...... . ...... Wm. Sandom tº gº tº ... 27 Oct. 54. 19 May 56. 28 Nov. 57.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... sº tº $ tº e º e º º is ſº tº Geo. Wm. Conway Courtenay ... 24 Nov. 54. 21 Jul. 56. 8 Dec. 57.| 29 Jul. 61. 22 Nov. 62. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Hon. Fredc. Wm. Grey, C.B., aft. sir F. ... tº º tº ſº tº º ... 22 Jan. 55. 17 Oct. 56.] 5 Jan. 58. 5 Aug. 61. 6 Feb. 63. 30 Nov. 63. ...... ...... . ...... E. Robt. Lambert Baynes, C.B., aft. Sir R. ... * e º tº ſº tº ... 7 Feb. 55. 21 Oct. 56. 20 Jan 58. 5 3 23 Mar. 63. 3 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... E. Thos. Bennett 2 May 55. 12 Nov. 56. 11 Feb. 58. 15 Jan. 62. 1 Apr. 63. ...... . ...... ...... ...... G. Peter Richards, C.B. 6 Jun, 55.] 1 Dec. 56. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Hy. Smith, C.B, ... e e e ... 3 Jul. 55. 14 Feb. 57. 13 Feb. 58. 12 Apr. 62. 27 Apr. 63. 15 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... ...... E. Steph. Lushington, aft. Sir S. ... 3 2 19 Mar. 57.| 1 Mar. 58. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. § Pro- Name, R.A.B. F.A.W. P.A.R. V.A.B. W.A.W. V.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. moted in List Jno. Alexr. Duntze * * 9 Jul. 55. 12 May 57.| 6 Mar. 58. 20 May 62.[27 Apr.63. 11 Jan. 64. ...... . ...... . ...... E. Fred. Thos. Michell, C.B. 2 3 14 May 57.| 25 Jun. 58. 16 Jun. 62. 25 Jun. 63. 9 Feb. 64.] ...... ...... . ...... . ...... Sir Thos. Hastings, C.B.... ... 27 Sep. 55. 18 Jun. 57.| 24 Nov.58, 4 Oct, 62. 12 Sep. 63. 5 Mar. 64. ...... " ...... . ...... . ...... Charles Ramsay Drinkwater Bethune, C.B. ... & Cº º 3 Oct. 55. 9 Jul. 57.| 16 May 59. 10 Nov. 62. 24 Nov. 63. 15 Jun. 64.] ...... ...... ...... E. Chas. Graham, C.B. & e a 30 Nov. 55.130 Jul. 57.1 ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Chas. Talbot, aft. Sir C. ... 28 Dec. 55. 22 Aug. 57.| 27 Jun, 59. 22 Nov. 62. 3 Nov. 68.] ...... . ... ... " ...... ...... E. Thos. Wren Carter, C.B. 31 Jan. 56. 10 Sep. 57.| 2 May 60.| 6 Feb. 63. 14 Nov. 63. ...... .... . . ...... . ...... F. Sir Thos. Sabine Pasley, bt. 5 5 2 3 9 Jun. 60. 23 Mar. 63. 30 Nov. 63. ....... . ...... . ...... . ...... E. Christr. Wyvill ... . ... 5 5 2 Oct. 57.| 1 Nov. 60.1 ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Hy. Fras. Greville, C.B. ... 19 May 56.] 4 Nov. 57.| 7 Nov.60.| 1 Apr. 63. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Lord Geo. Paulet * * * 21 Jul. 56, 19 Nov. 57.|11 Feb. 61. 3 Apr. 63. 3 Dec. 63. ...... ...... . ...... ...... F. Lord Edwd. Russell, C.B. 17 Oct. 56. 28 Nov. 57.| 4 Jun. 61. 27 Apr. 63. 15 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... E. Hy. Wolsey Bayfield 21 Oct. 56. 8 Dec. 57.| 29 Jul. 61. 3 5 11 Jan, 64.] ...... . ...... . . . . . . . . ...... F. Hon. Geo. Grey ... 12 Nov. 56.] 5 Jan. 58.| 5 Aug. 61. 25 Jun. 63. 9 Feb. 64. ...... . ...... ...... . ...... F. Sir Jas. Clarke Ross ... 1 Dec. 56. 20 Jan. 58. 35 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , t → • * * * * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jos. Nias, C.B., aft. Sir J. ... 14 Feb. 57.| 11 Feb. 58. 15 Jan. 62, 12 Sep, 63. 5 Mar. 64. ...... ...... . ... . . . ...... F. Hy. Jno. Codrington, C.B., aft. Sir H. * g e e e ºs e tº tº ... 19 Mar. 57 | 13 Feb. 58, 4 Apr.62. 14 Nov. 63. 15 Jun. 64. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... E. Jno. M*Dougall, aft. Sir J. 12 May 57.| 1 Mar. 58, 12 Apr.62. 3 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... ...... Michl. Quin tº ſº º tº e e ... 14 May 57, 6 Mar. 58. 19 May 62, 14 Nov. 63.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Sir Thos. Maitland, C.B., aft. E. of Lauderdale ... ge & ... 18 Jun, 57.|21 Jun. 58. 20 May 62. 30 Nov. 63. ...... ...... ...... ...... . ...... E. Robt. Smart, K.H., aft. Sir R. 9 Jul. 57.|24 Nov. 58. 16 Jun, 62. 3 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ....., | ...... E. Geo. Rodney Mundy e e is ... 30 Jul. 57, 16 May 59. 4 Oct. 62. 15 Dec. 63.] ....., | ...... . ...... ...... ...... E. Hon. Hy. Keppel, C.B., aft. Sir H. 22 Aug. 57.| 27 Jun. 59. 10 Nov. 62. 11 Jan. 64.] ...... ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... E. Jno. Jervis Tucker tº e 9 ... 10 Sep. 57.| 2 May 60.|22 Nov. 62. 9 Feb. 64.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... G. Jno. Kingcome, aft. Sir J. 5 3 9 Jun. 60.|30 Jan. 63.] 5 Mar. 64.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... F. Fredk, Bullock tº º ſº ... 12 Oct. 57.| 1 Nov. 60.| 6 Feb. 63. 28 Mar, 64.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... Jno. Elphinstone Erskine ... 4 Nov. 57.| 7 Nov. 60. 23 Mar. 63. 15 Jun. 64.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... E. Jas. Hope, C.B., aft. Sir J. ... 19 Nov. 57.| 11 Feb. 61. 1 Apr. 68.' ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . . . . . ...... |E. Horatio Thos. Austin, C.B. ... 28 Nov. 57.| 4 Jun. 61. 3 Apr 68.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . . . . . ...... E, Wm. Ramsey, C.B., aft. Sir W. ... ; 8 Dec. 57.| 29 Jul. 61. 27 Apr. 63. ...... . ...... " .... * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * I e º 'º e º s E. § Hon. Chas. Gilbert John Brydone Elliott, C.B. ... tº tº º tº $ tº Hon. Jos. Denman gº tº e & ſº tº Geo. St. Vincent King, C.B., aft. sir G. ... is º º & © tº tº ſº tº Edwd. Pellew Halsted Geo. Goldsmith 5 5 15 Jan. 62. 4 Apr. 62. . 12 Apr. 62. 19 May 62. 25 Jun, 68. 12 Sep. 63 24 Nº. 63. 3 Nov. 63. tº e º gº tº tº tº º ſº tº gº tº e - tº us tº & * * * * * * e tº e º 'º e & & e º is e tº tº is e º 'º © tº º ſº ſº º * @ e º ºs t e º º º tº sº. gº e º g º º ſº e º is tº º tº e º e º 'º tº º E & tº ſº Pro- Name. R.A.B. B.A.W. B.A.R. W.A.B. W.A.W. V.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.R. moted in List | Sir Baldwin Wake Walker. bt., | R. C. B. . . . tº tº º tº º º ... 5 Jan. 58. 5 Aug. 61. 27 Apr. 63. ...... . ...... . .'..... . ...... . ...... ...... E. Alexr. Milne, aft. Sir A.... ... 20 Jan. 58. 5 3 25 Jun. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... " ...... E. Lord Clarence Edwd. Paget, C.B. 11 Feb. 58. 15 Jan. 62. 12 Sep. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ..... . ...... E. Richd. Laird Warren ... 13 Feb. 58, 4 Apr. 62. 24 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... : ...... . ...... E. Geo. Elliot tº e tº tº e ſº ... 1 Mar. 58. 12 Apr.62. 3 Nov. 63 | ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... E. Hon. Fred. Thos. Pelham, C.B. 6 Mar. 58.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... . ...... Sidney Colpoys Dacres, C.B., aft. sir S. ... tº tº º tº º º ... 25 Jun. 58. 19 May 62. 14 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . . ...... E. John Shepherd . |24 Nov. 58. 20 May 62.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . . ...... . ...... i e s s • * * | * * * * * * Thos. Henderson ... tº tº s ... 16 May 59. 16 Jun. 62. 30 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ..... . ...... ...... " … Lewis Tobias Jones, C.B., aft. Sir ſº * tº tº e & tº gº tº . 27 Jun. 59. 4 Oct. 62. 3 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ..., . . ...... E. Robt. Fanshawe Stopford ... 2 May 60. 10 Nov. 62. 15 Dec. 63.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ..... . ...... E. Robt. Spencer Robinson, aft. sir R. ... tº e tº gº tº ſº. ... 9 Jun. 60. 22 Nov. 62. 11 Jan. 64.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... E. Thos. Matth. Chas. Symonds, C.B., aft. sir T. ſº tº g ... 1 Nov.60. 30 Jan. 63. 9 Feb. 64.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... E. Thos. Leeke Massey 7 Nov. 60.| 6 Feb. 63. 5 Mar. 64.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... F. Sir Edwd. Belcher, C.B. ... 11 Feb. 61. 23 Mar. 63. 28 Mar. 64.] ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... F. Jas. John Stopford tº & ... 4 Jun. 61. 1 Apr. 63. 15 Jun. 64.] ...... . ..... * | * * * * * * I e º is e º e s a s a e i º e º e º e E. Woodford, John Williams ... 122 Jun. 61.] 3 Apr. 63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... E. Augs. Leopold Kuper, C.B., aft. Sir A. ... gº º gº ... " ... 29 Jul. 61. 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Chas. Eden, C.B. 5 Aug. 61.127 Apr.63. ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... . ...... ...... . ...... E. E. E. E. E. F. E. Chas. Frederick ... ... 20 May 62. 14 Nov. 63. is e tº e e tº º tº gº tº wº * * * tº º º e e º e º e CO § Name. R.A.B. R.A.W. IR.A.R. V.A.B. V.A.W. V.A.R. A.B. A.W. A.T. Pro- moted in List Hy. Kellett, C.B. ... tº º ſe tº gº º Wm. Hy. Anderson Morshead, C.B. Richd. Collinson, C.B., aft. Sir R. Geo. Ramsay, C.B., aft. E. of Dalhousie © $ ſº tº gº Hastings Regd. Yelverton John Adams tº º tº & 9 º' Geo. Hy. Seymour Fredk. Hutton * tº º º tº $ tº Wm. Butcheon Hall, C.B., aft. sir W. ... tº e º tº e º tº e ſº Geo. Greville Wellesley, C. B. | 16 Jun. 62.' 30 Nov. 63. 4 Oct. 62.' 3 Dec. 63. 10 Nov. 62. 15 Dec. 63. } ..., |22 Nov. 62. 11 Jan. 64. . 30 Jan. 63. 9 Feb. 64. 6 Feb. 63. 5 Mar. 64 23 Mar. 63. 28 Mar. 64. 1 Apr. 63. 15 Jun. 64. 3 Apr. 63. ...... 3 3 - e > * * * Hon Geo. Fowler Hastings, C.B. 27 Apr. 63. ...... Hon. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie .. 35 - - - - - - Hy. Lyster gº º gº tº ſº a ... 25 Jun. 63. ...... Fredk. Warden, C.B. ... . 12 Sep. 63. ...... Edwd. Gennys Fanshawe ... 3 Nov. 63. ...... Claude Hy. Mason Buckle, C.B... 14 Nov.63. ...... Arth. Lowe gº tº e tº dº is ... 24 Nov. 63. ...... Hon Thos. Baillie . 130 Nov. 63.' ...... Geo. Giffard, C. B. tº e is ... 3 Dec. 63.' ...... Sir Fredk. Wm. Erskino Nichol- | son, bt., C.B. ... * @ º ... 15 Dec. 63.' ...... Hon. Jas. Robt. Drummond, C.B., aft. sir J. tº gº º © tº ... 11 Jan. 64. ...... John Lort Stokes... s & ſº ... 9 Feb. 64. ..... dº Hy. Mangles Denham, aft. Sir H. 5 Mar. 64. ...... Arth. Forbes ſº º tº § º & ... 28 Mar. 64.' ...... Hy. Edmd. Edgell (e º Jun. 64. e tº º ſe e ºs tº º ºs º is tº tº e º ſº º te is ſº ºf ſº tº gº * * * * tº gº e e º is e ∈ tº tº ſº tº º º tº º tº º ſº tº tº e º e º ſº tº e g is & & gº tº gº tº ſº & tº e º ºs e tº ſº º ſº e º & tº tº º ſº º ſº tº gº tº º s e tº s º g º º * * * * * * & # * g º º tº e º 'º e & to º ſº tº e & • * * * > * * * g º & © * * * * * * tº tº $ tº tº º in & e º ſº tº tº e º is e in tº ſº tº e e g tº dº ſº tº * * Ö tº º e º ſº tº ſº & tº e tº e tº tº g º º § tº º º * * * * * * © º e º 'º gº & e º 'º º e * * B & © tº e e º ſº tº a is a ſº tº ſº tº * G & º º º iº e º 'º $ tº $ tº s tº lº tº º ſº tº $ tº * * * * * * e e º e º 'º e e is e e = * tº e g º e tº e º ſº tº tº tº $ tº tº º tº e º 'º º & * * * * g & : tº e º is tº º * † ºn tº º ſº * * * * * * By Order in Council dated July 9, and gaz, Oct. 18, 1864, the division of the fleet into Red, White, and Blue Squadrons was discontinued, and a uniform flag adopted. 834 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST E. ADMIRALS ON THE ACTIVE LIST. From the discontinuance of the division of the Fleet into Red, White, and Blue Squadrons in 1864 to the present time. See note at foot of List D, ante, p. 833. Com- Name. #." v.-Adm. Adm. Cººl List Hy. Eden tº tº tº D. ...... 16 Sep. 64. tº º Sir Jas. Scott ... tº tº º * & © D. ...... 10 Feb. 65. © e Hon. Sir Frede, Wm. Grey, C.B. D. ...... 24 Apr. 65. tº e tº Sir Robt. Lambert Baynes ... D. ...... 5 May 65. © º te Hy. Smith, C.B. tº º º is tº gº D. ...... 12 Sep. 65. s & e John Alexr. Duntze ... & ſº e g tº e D. ...... 2 Dec. 65. tº # e. Chas. Ramsay Drinkwater Bethune D. ...... 2 Apr. 66. tº tº Sir Chas. Talbot, K.C.B. ... D. ...... 9 3 tº º tº Sir Thos. Sabine Pasley, bt... D. ...... 20 Nov. 66. tº º º Lord Edwd. Russell ... tº º tº D. ...... 20 Mar. 67. tº gº tº Sir Hy. John Codrington, K.C.B. D. ...... 18 Oct. (37. B. Thos., E. of Lauderdale D. ...... 8 Apr. 68. |B. Sir Robt. Smart, K.H. D. ...... 15 Jan. 69. tº e tº Geo. Rodney Mundy ... £ tº º D. ...... 26 May 69. B. Hon. Sir Hy. Keppel, K.C.B.... D. ...... 2 Jul. 69. B. John Elphinstone Erskine D. ...... 10 Sep. 69. g ſº º Sir Jas. Hope, K.C.B. º tº º D. 16 Sep. 64. 21 Jan. 70. B. Horatio Thos. Austin, C.B. ... D. 20 Oct. 64.] ...... tº tº º Wm. Ramsey, C. B. ... ºn tº º tº e e D. 12 Nov. 64.] ...... F. Sir Baldwin Wake Walker, bt., K.C.B. D. 10 Feb. 65. 27 Feb. 70. tº gº tº Sir Alexr. Milne tº gº tº tº gº tº ge e e D. 13 Apr. 65. 1 Apr. 70. B. Lord Clarence Edwd. Paget... D. 24 Apr. 65. 3 3 & de g Richd. Laird Warren... * † D. 5 May 65. 9 3 tº @ & Geo. Elliot e º 'º D. 12 Sep. 65. 5 * tº º º Sir Sidney Colpoys Dacres D. 17 Nov. (35. 9 3 © tº gº Sir Lewis Tobias Jones tº º e tº º D. 2 Dec. 65. ...... F. Robt. Fanshawe Stopford ... e tº º D. 2 Apr. 66. ...... F. Robt. Spencer Robinson, aft. Sir R... tº tº gº D. 9 3 | * * * * * * F. Thos. Matth. Chas. Symonds, C.B., aft. Sir T. D, 3 5 14 Jul. 71. B. Jas. John Stopford ... tº gº tº © tº º ... D. 5 3 | * * * * * * tº gº tº Woodford John Williams D. 3 5 | * * * * * * F. Sir Augs. Leop. Kuper D. 6 Apr. 66. 20 Oct. 72. tº gº º Chas. Eden, C. B. © tº e tº e # tº $ tº tº ſº g D. 3 3 | * * * * * * F. Hon. Chas. Gilbert John Brydome Elliott, C.B. D. • 3 8 Feb. 73 B. Hon. Jos. Denman & e & e tº € $ ... D. 20 Nov. 66.] ...... is tº gº Sir Geo. St. Vincent King D. 20 Mar. 67.|20 Apr. 75. tº tº ºn Edwd. Pellew Halsted D. 24 May 67.| ...... § tº º Chas. Frederick D. 18 Oct. (37.| ...... F. Hy. Kellett, C. B. tº º tº tº ſº tº tº e & D. 8 Apr. 68. ...... tº º ſº Wm. Hy. Anderson Morshead, C.B.... D. | 15 Jan. 69.] ...... F. Richd. Collinson, C. B. tº º º tº º º tº t tº D 17 Mar. 69.] ...... F. Geo. Ramsay, C.B., aft. 12th E. of Dalhousie D. • 3 | * * * * * * F. Hastings Regd. Yelverton is a tº ... D. 26 May 69. 30 Jul. 75. tº gº º Geo. Hy. Seymour ... * e & D. 2 Jul. 69.] ...... tº tº e Geo. Greville Wellesley, C.B. D. 26 Jul. 69. | 11 Dec. 75. Hon. Geo. Fowler Hastings, C. B. D | 10 Sep. 69. ...... tº º º Hon. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie D. 21 Jan. 70.1 ...... F. Edwd. Gennys Fanshawe D. 1 Apr. 70.| 18 Jan. 76. * * * Arth. Lowe ... § tº º D. 27 Feb. 70. ...... F. Hon. Thos. Baillie tº º g tº $ wº ... D. 1 Apr. 70. ...... F Sir ſºredk. Wm. Erskine Nicolson, bt., C.B. D. 5 * | * * * * * * F Hon. Sir Jas. Robt. Drummond, K.C.B. D. 2 Jun, 70. 22 Jan. 77. wn tº º THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Con- Name. R.Adm. v-Adm. || Adm. |*.* List Fred. Hy. Hastings Glasse, C.B. ... 16 Sep. 64.] ...... . . . ... F. Chas. Gepp Robinson... © C & • 2 e 20 Oct. 64.] ...... . ...... F. Geo. Thos. Gordon © - e. e p → 28 Oct. 64.] ...... . ...... F. Erasmus Ommaney * G & tº gº & 12 Nov. 64. 14 Jul. 71.] ...... F. Douglas Curry © tº e tº e ºs 10 Feb. 65. ...... . ...... e c º Geo. Wm. Douglas O'Callaghan 11 Apr. 65. ...... . ...... F. Chas. Wise ... tº e g * - e. 13 Apr. 65. ...... . ...... F. Thos. Pickering Thompson ... ... 24 Apr. 65. ...... . ...... F. Wallace Houstoun ... e - tº e q & ... 5 May 65. ...... . ...... F. Wm. John Cavendish Clifford, C.B., aft. bt. ... C & e is a º * G - tº E & ... 12 Sep. 65. 1 Oct. 71. ...... F. Thos. Fisher ... tº º ºs * * * . 17 Nov. 65. ...... . ...... F. Thos. Harvey ... tº e ºs * - e. . 2 Dec. 65. ...... . ...... • & © Wm. Loring, C.B., aft. Sir W. . 7 Mar. 66. 2 Nov. 71. 1 Aug. 77. ... Sir Wm. Hoste, bt. . 2 Apr. 66. ...... . ...... tº º John Fulford ... • * º º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Alf. Phillipps Ryder ... º 2 3 7 May 72. 5 Aug. 77. B. Hy. Chads, aft. Sir H. -> 3 5 20 Oct. 72. 16 Sep. 77.| ... Fras. Scott ... 6 tº e tº e º * 3 8 Feb. 73.] ...... g tº a Sir Adolphus Slade, K.C.B. ... º * 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Arth. Farquhar tº e ºs tº e º e e e - * 3 6 Apr. 73. 9 Mar. 78.] ... Edwin Clayton Tennyson D'Eyncourt º • * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Thos. Hy. Mason tº - - tº e ºs º 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Sidney Grenfell • * g. • * * ... 6 Apr. 66.] ...... . ...... |F. Richd. Strode Hewlett, C.B. ... tº gº º e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Sir Joun Chas. Dalrymple Hay, bt... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Jas. Horsford Cockburn tº a tº 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * tº e º Jas. Willcox, C.B. 3 3 • * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Hugh Dunlop, C.B. ... * - º 3 5 • • * * * * | * * * * * * F. Astley Cooper Key, aft. Sir A. 20 Nov. 66.30 Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78.] ... Fredk. Byng Montresor 20 Mar. 67.] ...... . ...... F. Chas. Farrel Hillyar ... 24 May 67.|29 May 73. 26 Sep. 78.] ... Edwd. Codd * @ e : 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Thos. Hope ... - - - * - e. 31 May 67.| ...... . ...... * * * Edwd. Southwell Sotheby, C.B. 1 Sep. 67.| ...... . ...... F. Michl. De Courcy t- tº e - tº ſº tº 18 Oct. 67.] ...... . ...... F John Walter Tarleton, C.B., aft. Sir J. 8 Apr. 68. 25 Aug. 73. ...... F. lord Fredc. Herbert Kerr ... s e tº 9 Apr. 68.' ...... . ...... F. Edmd. Heathcote ... • e < tº e ∈ ... 1 Jan. 69.] 1 Jan. 74.] ...... F. Geoffr. Thos. Phipps Hornby, aft. Sir G ... 2 3 1 Jan. 75. 15 Jun. 79.) B, Chas. Fred. Alexr. Shadwell, C.B., aft. sir C. tº e & tº tº º & © tº tº º ſº ... 15 Jan. 69. 20 Apr. 75. 2 Aug. 79.] ... Wm. King Hall, C.B., aft. Sir W. 17 Mar. 69. 30 Jul. 75.] 2 Aug. 79.] ... Thos. Wilson, C.B. ... e - tº e tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Edwd. Augs. Inglefield, aft. Sir E.... 26 May 69. 11 Dec. 75. 27 Nov. 79.] ... Wm. Edmonstone, C.B., aft. bt. 2 Jul. 69.1 ...... . ...... F. Jas. Fras. Ballard Wainwright 26 Jul. 69.] ... ... . ...... * * * Jas. Newburgh Strange 10 Sep. 69. ...... . ...... F. Jas. Chas. Prevost ... © e - is tº & ... 16 Sep. 69.] ...... ...... F. Sir Wm. Saltonstall Wiseman, bt., K.C.B. ... 12 Nov. 69. ...... . ...... tº q tº Jas. Aylmer Paynter... º is e e 21 Jan. 70.1 ...... . ...... F. Arth. Cumming, C.B. .. & G & * * * 27 Feb. 70. 22 Mar. 76.. 9 Jan. 80.] ... Arth. Parry Eardley Wilmot, C. B. ... 1 Apr. 70. ...... . ...... F. Robt. Coote tº e e º e - e º 5 3 18 Jun. 76. 3 Jan. 81. ... John Bourmaster Dickson ... tº g tº 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Houston Stewart, C.B., aft. Sir W. º 35 12 Nov. 76. 23 Nov. 81. Hon. Arth. Auckland Leop. Pedro Coch- rane, C.B. • * * º, º ſº tº tº º | 2 Nov. 76. 1 Dec. 81 Freak. Archd. Campbell • * > * > * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Con- Name. R.-Adm. | W.-Adm. Adm. thºd t List Fred. Beauchamp Paget Seymour, C.B., aft, Sir F. and ló. Alcester ... tº ſº dº ... 1 Apr. 70.|31 Dec. 76. 6 May 82 ... Hon. John Welbore Sunderland Spencer ... 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * F. Regd. John Jas. Geo. Macdonald, aft. Mac- donald-Blomfield and Sir R. tº e “ ... 1 Apr. 70. 22 Jan. 77.| 9 Jun. 82. ... Geo. Hy. Richards, aft. Sir G. 2 Jun, 70. ...... . ...... F. Sir Fras. Leopold McClintock 1 Oct. 71.] 5 Aug. 77.| 7 Jul. 84. ... Sir Leopold Geo. Heath, K.C.B. 20 Dec. 71. ...... . ...... F. Hy. Schank Hillyar, C.B. ... 11 Feb. 72. 16 Sep. 77.| ...... F. Geo. Granville Randolph, C.B. 24 Apr. 72. 3 * | * * * * * * F. Lord John Hay, C.B. ... tº tº º 7 May 72. 31 Dec. 77.| 8 Jul. 84. B. Geo. Hancock ... tº ſº º º 20 Oct. 72.] ...... . ...... e & gºs Hon. Fras. Egerton ... 8 Feb. 73.] ...... . ...... F. Edw. Bridges Rice 12 Feb. 73. 9 Mar. 78. 27 Oct. 84.] ... Thos. Miller tº & ſº e tº e 6 Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78. ...... F. Hon. Geo. Disney Keane, C.B. 30 Apr. 73. ...... ...... F. Sherard Osborn, C.B.... * * * 29 May 73. ...... . ...... tº e Rowley Lambert, C.B. e g tº 25 Aug. 73. 21 Mar. 78.] ...... tº e tº Augs. Phillimore, aft. Sir A. 1 Jan. 74. 30 Jan. 79.] 30 Oct. 84. ... Wm. Chas. Chamberlain gº tº º 19 Jan. 74.] ... ... . ...... tº tº º Geo. Ommanney Willes, C.B., aft. Sir G. 11 Jun. 74. || 1 Feb. 79. 27 Mar. 85.] ... Wrm. Garnham Luard, C.B. ... 1 Jan. 75. 15 Jun, 79. 31 Mar. 85.] ... John Corbett, C.B. ... tº ºn tº 20 Apr. 75.] 2 Aug. 79, 7 Apr. 85.] ... Edwd. Winterton Turnour, C.B. 25 Apr. 75. 9 Sep. 79, ...... F. Algn. Fred. Rous De Horsey 7 May 75.[27 Nov. 79. 29 Apr. 85.] ... Hy. Boys gº tº gº tº ſº gº & ſº 30 Jul. 75. 9 Jan. 80. 1 Jun. 85.] ... Robt. Jenkins, C.B. ... tº ſº dº tº $ tº ... 4 Nov. 75.] ...... . ...... F. Wm. Montague Dowell, C.B., , aft. Sir W. ... 11 Dec. 75. 20 Jan. 80. 1 Jul. 85. ... Arth. Wm. Acland Hood, C.B., aft. Sir A.... 22 Mar. 76. 23 Jul. 80.|18 Jan. 86. ... Chas. Fellowes, C.B. ... g a e tº 9 º' ... 18 Jun. 76. 31 Dec. 80.1 ...... é º º Chas. Wake & Cº. º. e & & e e 4 ... 21 Sep. 76. 3 Jan. 81. ...... F. Sir John Edmd. Commerell, K.C.B., v. C. ... 12 Nov. 76. 19 Jan. 81. 12 Apr. 86. ... Richd. Jas., ld, Gilford, aft. E. of Clan- william gº º q tº ſº º * * * tº tº e ... 31 Dec. 76. 26 Jul. 81. 22 Jun. 86.] ... Hon. Fitzgerald Algn. Chas. Foley 35 23 Nov. 81.] ...... F. Ernest, &c., pr of Leiningen, G.C.B. 55 1 Dec. 81. 7 Jul. 87.] ... Fred. Hy. Stirling 22 Jan. 77.| 31 Dec. 81.] ...... & ſº ſº Chas. Webley Hope ... 1 Aug. 77.] ...... . ...... gº º tº Wm. Gore Jones, C.B. e tº ſº 5 Aug. 77.| 6 May 82. 15 Jul. 87, .. Hon. Hy. Carr Glyn, C.B., C.S.I. ... 16 Sep. 77.| 9 Jun. 82. ...... e º º Richd. Vesey Hamilton, aft. Sir R.... 27 Sep. 77.| 17 Feb. 84 18 Oct. 87.] ... Chas. Ludovic Darley Waddilove ... 31 Dec. 77.| 1 Apr. 84. 1 May 88.] ... John Dobree McCrea... e 9 º' 55 • * * * * | * * * * * * º º & Leveson Eliot Hy. Somerset... 28 Feb. 78. 7 Jul. 84. | 19 Jun. 88.] ... John Eglinton Montgomorie ... tº t tº ... 9 Mar. 78.1 ...... . ...... F. Sir Wm. Nathan Wrighte Hewett, K.C.B., W.C. . . . * - ſº tº º ve tº G & tº gº tº ... 21 Mar. 78. 8 Jul. 84. ...... Algn. McLellan Lyons tº º 26 Sep. 78. 27 Oct. 84.|15 Dec. 88 Alf. Ern. Alb., D. of Edinburgh 30 Dec. 78. 30 Nov. 82. 18 Oct. 87. Thos. Brandreth is ſº gº gº tº tº 31 Dec. 78.] 30 Oct. 84.] ...... Thos. Bridgeman Lethbridge º tº ſº º 55 27 Mar. 85.] ...... Fras. Wm. Sullivan, C.B., C.M.G., aft. Sir F. ... & ſº tº tº º º e tº º ſº 55 31 Mar. 85.1 ...... * Edwd. Hardinge, C.B. 30 Jan. 79, 7 Apr. 85.] ...... tº Wm. Graham, C.B. ... tº tº tº tº gº & 1 Feb. 79. 29 Apr. 85. ...... g Anthy. Hiley Hoskins, C.B., aft. Sir A. 15 Jun. 79.] 1 Jun. 85.] ...... g Nowell Salmon, V.C., C.B. tº 2 Aug. 79. 1 Jul. 85. * John Clark Soady & 9 Sep. 79. 24 Nov. 85. ...... tºº Edw. Henry Howard ... 27 Nov. 79. 26 Nov. 85. ...... * * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 837 Con- Name. R.-Adm. | V.-Adm. Adm. tied List John Kennedy Erskine Baird 31 Dec. 79. 18 Jan. 86 ...... Chas. Thos. Curme tº 4 º' 1 Jan. 80. 9 Mar. 86.] ...... Geo. Willes Watson ... 9 Jan. 80.|12 Apr. 86. ...... Hy. Dennis Hickley 20 Jan. 80. 22 Jun. 86. ...... Fred. Anstruther Herbert 14 Feb. 80. ...... . ...... Hy. Bourchier Phillimore 8 Apr. 80. 24 May 87.| ...... FIon. Wm. John Ward & ºn 3 23 Jul. 80. 7 Jul. 87. ...... Hy Rushworth Wratislaw ... 31 Dec. 80.| 15 Jul. 87. ...... Wm. Hy. Whyte 3 Jan. 81. 18 Oct. 87.| ...... Hy. Duncan Grant, C.B. 19 Jan. 81. 6 Jan. 88.] ...... John Moresby... tº 4 e 26 Jul. 81. 1 May 88.] ...... John Crawford Wilson 23 Nov. 81.] ...... . ...... Sholto Douglas, C.B. ... 1 Dec. 81.] ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. Edye e - - - 31 Dec. 81. 14 May 88. ...... Arth. Thos. Thrupp ... * - © 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Michl. Culme Seymour, bt. tº a tº 6 May 82. 19 Jun. 88. ...... Sir Fredk. Wm. Richards, IC. C. B. ... 22 25 Oct. 88.] ...... Ralph Peter Cator . tº e - e e ºs 31 Dec. 82.] ...... . ...... Hon. Walter Cecil Carpenter 55 8 Nov. 88. ...... Theod. Morton Jones... e - 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Gordon Douglas 8 Jan. 83. 15 Dec. 88.] ...... Chas. Trelawney Jago tº º º e sº e ... 20 Mar. 83.] ...... . . . ... Wm. Saml. Brown, aft, W. S. Grieve ... 17 Feb. 84. ...... . ...... Geo. Tryon, C.B., aft. Sir G. e e is ... 1 Apr. 84. ...... . ...... Algern. Chas. Fieschi Heneage 7 Jul. 84.1 ...... . ...... Sir Walter Jas. Hunt-Grubbe, K.C.B. 8 Jul. 84.] ...... . ...... Chas. John Rowley ... e ‘º º 27 Oct. 84.] ...... . ...... Tichd. Wells ... • 6 tº • * * 30 Oct. 84.] ...... . ...... Thos. Le Hunte Ward, C. B. ... 27 Mar. 85.1 ...... . ...... Wm. Arthur, C.B. ... • * * g tº e ... i 31 Mar. 85.1 ...... . ...... Hon. Edm. Robt. Fremantle, C.B., C.M.G. ... 7 Apr. 85. ...... . ...... John Ommaney Hopkins e tº tº 29 Apr. 85. ...... . ...... Geo. Caulfield D'Arcy Irvine, C.B. ... 1 Jun. 85.1 ...... . ...... Hy. Fairfax, C.B. ... • * e tº o º 1 Jul. 85.1 ...... . ...... Wm. Elrington Gordon 5 Jul. 85.] ...... . ...... Alf. John Chatfield 1 Jan. 86. ...... . ...... Thos. Barnardiston Ilindesay Brine * - e. Jas. Elphinstone Erskine Geo. Lydiard Sulivan Wm. Codrington, C. B. & © º IHy. Fredk. Nicholson, C.B. ... Alexr. Buller. C. B. º tº e - Loftus Fras. Jones Geo. Stanley Bosanquet Wm. Hy. Cuming .. Fras. Mowbray Prattent Edwd. Kelly ... tº tº e • * tº Fredk. Chas. Bryan Robinson tº º e Edwd. Stanley Adeane, C.M.G. e tº º e 9 º' Richd. Edwd. Tracey tº º & e tº e e e Chas. Fredk. Hotham, C.B. ... e s s e - e. Lord Chas. Thos. Montague Douglas Scott, C. B. . . . & © tº e º 'º e - e. tº º ſº - © 6 Sir Robt. Hy. More Molyneux, K.C.B. Robt. O'Brien Fitzroy, C. B. ... • * * Nathl. Bowden-Smith 5 5. 18 Jan. 86. 9 Mar. 86. 12 Apr. 86. 22 Jun. 86. 1 Jan. 87. 2 3 5 5 6 Apr. 87. 24 May 87. 10 Jun. 87. 7 Jul. 87. 1 Jan. 88. 6 Jan. 88. 3 Apr. 88. 1 May 88. 14 May 88. 19 Jun. 88. • * - e º º • * ~ e º a • e - e º e e e º e º c tº e º 'º º ºs • * * * * * • e e s e e e - e. e. e. e. • * * * * * - e º 'º º & e e º 'º e & * - © tº tº º tº º dº e º º 838 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST F. PROMOTIONS OF ADMIRALS THE ACTIVE TO THE RETIRED LIST. TRANSFERRED FROM Under Order of 24th March 1866. Retd. A., Retired Admiral. R.W.A., Retired Vice-Admiral. Name. ; R.V.A. Retd., A. Thos. Wren Carter, C.B. D. ...... 20 Nov. 66. Lord Geo. Paulet, C.B. ... D. ...... 20 Mar. 67. Hy. Wolsey Bayfield D. ...... 18 Oct. 67. Hon. Geo. Grey ... D. ...... 5 * Sir Jos. Nias. K.C.B. tº § D. ...... 2 3 Sir John Kingcombe, K.C.B. D. ..... 10 Sep. 69. Sir Wm. Ramsay tº gº tº E. ...... 27 Feb. 70. Sir Lewis Tobias Jones ... E. ...... 14 Jul. 71, Robt. Fanshawe Stopford E. ...... 5 3 Sir Robt. Spencer Robinson, K.C.B. E. ...... 2 s Thos. Leeke Massey D. ...... 20 Oct. 72. Sir Edwd. Belcher tº ſº º D. ...... 5 3 Woodford Jas. Williams D. ...... 33 Chas. Eden, C. B. º E. ...... 8 Feb. 73. Geo. Goldsmith, C.B. D. 18 Oct. 67. 30 Jul. 75. Chas. Frederick ... tº tº º tº º tº E. ...... 5 5 Wm. Hy. Anderson Morshead, C.B. E. ...... 5 3 Sir Richd. Collinson, K.C.B. E. ...... 3 5 Geo., 12th E. of Dalhousie E. ...... 3 3 Sir Wm. Hutcheon Hall, K.C.B. D. 26 Jul. 69. 11 Dec. 75. Hon. Swynfen Thos. Carnegie, C.B. E. ...... 18 Jun. 76. Arth. Lowe g º º tº º e ë e ſº E. ...... 5 3 Hon. Thos. Baillie e tº e tº e ºl e tº º tº gº ºn E. ...... 22 Jan. 77. Claude Hy. Mason Buckle, C.B., aft. Sir C. ... D. 1 Apr. 70. 2 3 Geo. Giffard, C.B., aft. Sir G. e & © tº ge D. 5 3 2 3 Sir Fredk. Wm. Erskine Nicolson, bt., C.B. ... E. ...... 3 3 John Lort Stokes e is g & º ºt tº $ tº D. 14 Jul. 71. 1 Aug. 77 Sir Hy. Mangles Denham D. 9 3 3 5 Arth. Forbes tº ſº tº tº º tº ſº gº D. 3 5 3 * Harry Edmø. Edgell ... & e g D. 2 3 | * * * * * * Fredk. Hy. Hastings Glasse, C.B. E. 9 3 1 Aug. 77. Chas. Gepp Robinson ... tº $ e E. 5 3 | * * * * * * Geo. Thos, Gordon tº E. 3 2 1 Aug. 77 Erasmus Ommaney tº gº tº tº e º tº º º E. tº º e º 'º 5 * Geo. Wm. Douglas O'Callaghan, C.B.... E. 1 Oct. 71. 5 5 Chas. Wise & & & © tº tº º & ge ſº tº E. 3 3 3 5 Thos. Pickering Thompson E. * * 9 3 Wallace Houstoun tº º ºs tº gº tº tº tº & E. 5 5 5 3 Sir Wm. John Cavendish Clifford, bt. C. B. E. ...... 2 3 Thos. Fisher e is g tº £ tº tº tº g gº tº it E. 2 Nov. 71. 5 3 John Fulford ... © e º * * g. tº º ſº E. 7 May 72. 5 Aug. 77. Sir Adolph. Slade, bt., K.C.B. ... e & ſº E. 6 Apr. 73. ...... Edwin Clayton Tennyson D'Eyncourt E. 30 Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78. Thos. Hy. Mason ... & º º gº º º E. 5 3 9 3 Sidney Grenfell, C.B. E. 5 3 3 5 Richd. Strode Hewlett, C.B. ... © & tº E. 5 3 | * * * * * * Sir John Chas. Dalrymple Hay, bt., C.B. E. * 3 21 Mar. 78. Jas. Willcox, C. B. tº tº tº tº we ge tº gº º E. 3 * | * * * * * * Hugh Dunlop, C.B. E. 30 Apr. 73. 21 Mar. 78. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 839 Thos. Miller tº $ tº Hon. Geo. Disney Keane Edwd. Winterton Turnour, C.B. Robt. Jenkins, C.B. e Chas. Wake tº gº tº e tº º tº º º Hon. Fitzgerald Algernon Foley John Eglinton Montgomerie, C.B. Name. ; R.v.A Fredk. Byng Montresor E. 29 May 73. Edwd. Codd ... tº º º tº tº ſº & © tº tº g tº E. 25 Aug. 73. Edwd. Southwell Sotheby, C.B., aft. Sir E. ... E. 35 Michl. De Courcy, C B. ... tº e tº is & º E. 33 Sir John Walter Tarleton, K.C.B. E. ...... Lord Fredk. Herbt. Kerr tº gº º tº gº tº jº º is E. 1 Jan. 74. Sir Wm. Robt. Mends (ret. r.-adm. 1 Jan. '69.”) tº e º 9 3 Edma. Heathcote § º is º dº tº e & © tº de E. ...... Thos. Wilson, C. B. e tº tº tº dº tº g E. 11 Dec. 75. Sir Wm. Edmonstone, bt., C.B. & E. 22 Mar. 76. Jas. Newburgh Strange tº E. 3 5 Jas. Chas. Prevost s & © tº E. 3 * Jas. Aylmer Paynter ... is º ºx tº dº E. 2 3 Arth. Parry Eardley-Wilmot, C. B. ... dº E. 18 Jun. 76. Hon. John Welbore Sunderland Spencer E. 22 Jan. 77. Sir Geo. Hy. Richards, C.B. ... tº e & E. 5 Aug 77. Sir Leopold Geo. Heath, K.C.B. E. 16 Sep. 77. Hy. Schank Hillyar, C.B. tº $ tº E. ...... Geo. Granville Randolph, C.B. ... E. ...... Hon. Fras. Egerton tº gº º E. 9 Mar. 78. E. E. E. E. E. E. E. 21 Mar. 78. § e º e g tº $ 9 tº e º º . 80. 84. Retd. A. 26 Sep 78. 15 Jul. 79. 9 3 27 Nov. 79. 9 Jan. 80. tº a º ºs º is e e º ſº º º * * s a s a 8 jui. 84. 5 5 9 3 30 Oct. 84. 3 3 29 Apr. 85. 1 Jul. 85. 12 Oct. 86. 24 May 87. 15 Dec. 88 * Special appointment. See Gazette. 840 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST G. ADMIRALS ON THE RESERVE HALF-PAY LIST. Under Order of June 25, 1851; gaz. June 27, and July 1, 1851. THIS LIST Is Now CLos ED. R. A., R.H.P.L., Rear-Admiral Reserve Half-Pay List. W.A., R.H.P.L., Vice-Admiral Reserve Half-Pay List. A., R.H.P.L., Admiral Reserve Half-Pay List. Name. ####| Râși, Riº L. Fredk. Watkins A. ...... 1 Jul. 51. Jno. Giffard A. | ...... 2 3 Hy. Rd. Glynn... A. ...... 33 Sir Hy. Heathcote A ...... 9 3 Hugh Downman A. ...... 5 3 Jno. Mackellar tº & © A. ...... 3 * Matth. Buckle (No. 2) D. ...... 30 Jul. 52 Jno. Allen e g tº tº gº & tº gº º D. ...... 5 * Christopher Jno. Wms. Neshan D. ...... 3 3 Rd. Curry tº dº tº ſº tº D. ...... l Jul. 51 Jno. Wight ... tº º º tº ſº tº D | ...... 17 Dec. 52 Wm. Hy. Browne Tremlett ... D. ...... 5 5 Fras. Temple ... to º º D. ...... 21 Jan. 54 Hy. Gordon ... tº º ºs D. ...... 55 Fredk. Wm., ld. Aylmer D. 1 Jul. 51. 11 Sep. 54. Jno. Surman Carden ... D. ...... 3 Jul. 55 Jno. Impey e tº º º D. ...... 4 Jul. 55. Hy. Manaton Ommaney D. ...... 5 * Archd. Duff tº ſº tº D. ...... 2 3 Brian Hodgson... tº ºn tº tº tº º g e º D. 22 Apr. 53. ...... Sir Wm. Beauchamp Proctor, bt. D. tº dº ſº tº ſº 18 Jun. 57. Edwd. Ratsey . . . . ... tº º ſº D. ...... 2 3 Chas. Philip Butler Bateman D. ...... 35 Arth. Lysaght... * * º tº e de tº º ºs D. ...... '35 Granville Leveson, E. of Carysfort... D. ...... 9 Jul. 57. Wm. Croft e º 'º tº § {e D. 8 Mar. 52. 28 Nov. 57. Chas. Gordon, C. B. D. 5 Mar. 53. 20 Jan. 58. Wm. Ward D. 22 Apr. 53. ..... Robt. Elliott º D. 22 Apr. 53. ...... Philip Browne ... tº º tº D. 15 Apr. 54. ...... Edwd. Wallis Hoard ... tº º ſº D. 26 May 54. 9 Jun. 60. Edwd. Hy. A’Court Repington D. 11 Sep. 54. ...... Manley Hall Dixon ... tº $ tº D. ...... 1 Nov. 60. Hon. Alexr. Jones .. D. 3 Jul. 55 55 Williers Fras. Hatton ... D. 27 Sep. 55. ...... Sir Watkin Owen Pell D. ...... 11 Feb. 61. Sir Andr. Pellat Green, K.C. H. D. 27 Sep. 55. ...... Wm. Bowen Mends ... tº e g D. ...... 11 Feb. 61. Geo. Ferguson ... tº tº º * * I). 31 Jan. 56. 5 3 Geo. Edwd. Watts, C.B. D. 21 Oct. 56. ...... Hayes O'Grady... & D. 3 y 15 Jan. 62. Sir David Dunn, K.C.H. D. 12 Nov. 56.] ...... Geo. Anson, ld. Byron D. 19 Mar. 57.|20 May 62. Edwd. Collier, C.B. ... & e tº * * * D. ...... 4 Oct. 62. Algn., D. of Northumberland, K.G... D. 9 Jul. 57. 95 Jno. Carter § º º tº º º º ºg L). $ 3. 9 3 Hy. Meynell D. 5 3 5 3 Wm. Walpole ... D. ...... 27 Apr. 63. Wm. Jas. Mingaye D. ...... 5 3 Geo. Fredk. Rich. D. ...... 24 Nov. 63. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 84 1 Name. ####| R}#1, R.H.I. Thos. Bennett ... # * * * D. ...... 12 Sep. 65. Peter Richards, aft. Sir P. D. 12 Apr. 62. 33 Sir Steph. Lushington, K.C.B. D. 1 Oct. 65. 2 Dec. (35. Michl. Quin ... tº g tº e e & D. ...... 8 Apr. 68. Jno. Jervis Tucker D. ...... 10 Sep. 69. R.A., V.A., A., R.H.P.L. R.H.P.L. IR.H.I’.L. Sir Jno. Ross, C.B. ... tº e & 8 Jul. 51.1 ...... . ...... ‘Constantine Richd. Moorsom 27 Aug. 51. 10 Sep. 57. ...... -Geo. Jas. , 6th E. of Egmont... 9 3 5 3 23 Mar. 63. Sir Geo. Augs. Westphal 33 3 3 5 5 Domat Henchy O'Brien 8 Mar. 52. 2 Oct. 57. ...... IZdwd. Lloyd, K. H. ... g & ſº y 5 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Benedictus Marwood Kelly ... 5 5 2 Oct. 57.| 27 Apr. 63. Norwich Duff ... tº e ºp . . . 8 Oct. 52. 28 Nov. 57. ...... Sir Chas. Christr. Parker, bt. 33 3 3 27 Apr. 63. Jno. Edwd. Walcot ... tº e is 35 5 3 5 5 IFredk., Earl Spencer, K.G., C. B. 3 3 3 5 e < * * * * Sir Geo. Tyler, K. H. ... * * * is tº º 26 Oct. 52. 8 Dec. 57.| ...... Sir Geo. Richd. Brooke Pechell, bt. 17 Dec. 52. 5 Jan. 58. ...... Herbert Brace Powell... e g & tº e ºs 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Ryder Burton, R. H. 28 May 53. 13 Feb. 58. 14 Nov. 63 IPercy Grace ... tº e º as e is 17 Nov. 53. 6 Mar. 58.) ...... Chas. Philip, E. of Hardwicke 12 Jan. 54. 24 Nov. 58. 3 Dec. 63. Chas., ld. Colchester ... is ſº tº 1 Apr. 54. 2 May 60. 11 Jan. 64. Sir Hy. Jno. Leeke, K. H. 15 Apr. 54. ...... . ...... Thos. Martin ... * * g. * 5 9 Jun. 60. 9 Feb. 64. IIy. Edwards 35 9 3 5 * Wm. Keats & & 5 5 2 May 60. 11 Jan. 64. Richd. Augs. Yates ... s & e 13 Jul. 54. 7 Nov. 60. 15 Jun. 64. Edwd. Le Cras Thornbrough 5 § • * * * * * | * * * * * * “Chas. Grenville Randolph 5 5 7 Nov. 60. 15 Jun. 64. Iºdwd. ltichd. Williams : 3 $ 5 33 Saml. Thornton e 11 Sep. 54. ...... ...... "Octavius Vernon Harcourt ... © º º tº gº tº ... 26 Oct. 54. 4 Jun. 61. ...... Hy. Jno. Chetwynd, E. Talbot, C.B., aft. E. of Shrewsbury and Talbot ... e & ſº e tº e tº it wº 3 3 3 5 10 Feb. (5. Sir Wm. Symonds, C. B. sº tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Richd. Grant * 7 Feb. 55.] ...... . ...... lion. (2 ed. Fredk. Hotham 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Jno. Burmet Dundas 5 5 5 Aug. 61. 5 May 65. I'ollett Walrond Pennell 2 May 55. 15 Jan. 62. 12 Sep. 65. Wm. Alexr. Daillie Hamilton Fdwd. Purcell ... * * tº Chas. Elliot, aft, Sir C. Hy. Gossett tº º Jno. Furneaux... Jodrell Leigh .. Josh. O’Brien ... Hy. Algn. Eliot Jas. Wigston is tº º Geo. Fredk. Ryves, C. B. |Hon. Thos. Best & e e Hon. Geo. Jno. Cavendish Sir Jno. Hindmarsh, R. H. Chas. Hamlyn Williams Jno. Milligan Laws 9 3 • 3 . 12 Apr. 62. 3 3 * e º $ tº º . 22 Nov. 62. tº e º 'º º & & © tº $ tº º 5 * * * * g g g 4 g º & tº º sº e º 'º e a * * * * tº e 842 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. A. R.B.I.P.L. Sir Burton Macnamara Jno., Marq. Townshend Hon. Arth. Duncombe Robt. FitzRoy ... & ſº tº tº tº gº a e gº Hon. Jno. Fredk. FitzGerald de Ros Chas. Hy. Swinburne ... & ſº a e º 'º Hy. Dundas Trotter Sir Geo. Back ... tº e is Wm. Hillyar ... g Lord Jno. Fredi. Gordon Hailyburton, g.cº. Wm. Fredk. Lapidge ... Jas. Brazier or Brasier Rchd. Comtart McCrea Jno. Balfour Maxwell ... Jno. Rivett-Carnac Wm. Hargood ... tº gº gº tº gº º tº e ſº Sir Thos Raikes Trigg Thompson, bt. Sir Wm. Dickson, bt. ... tº gº tº tº º º Wm. Sydney Smith Edwd. Hinton Scott Geo. Augs. Elliott Wrm. Holt, Brunswick Popham Thos. Ogle Geo. Evans Jno. Hackett tº ſe & Julius Jas. Farmer Newell Russell Elliott ... Edwd. Stanley ... EIon. Edwd. Howard Richd. Crozier ... Richd. Hy. King gº tº ſº & # * & e is Hon. Plantagenet Pierrepoint Cary ... Robt. Cragie ... tº e º g tº tº & tº e Jno. Bunch Bonne Maison McHardy ... Nichs. Cory ... tº º º tº º º tº º º Fras. Decimus Hasting Geo. Hathorn Sackett Hope Patr. Jno. Blake Wm. Warren, C. B. Jno. Venour Fletcher ... Talavera, Vernon Anson Josh. Gape Mark Jno. Currie Wrm. Burdett Dobson .. Wm. Turner ... tº º º Fredk. Moore Boultbee Josh. Sherer, K.II. Edma. Yonge ... e G & & 9 º' Hon. Edwd. Thornton Wodehouse Wm. Langford Castle ... tº ſº Jas. Beckford Lewis Hay e is a tº e tº gº º tº Hon. Edwd. Alfr. Jno. Harris, aft. Sir E. ... Wrm. Ward Percival Johnson ... tº gº ge º 'º Digby Marsh * * * Jno. Washington Hon. Keith Stewart .. Geo. Wm. Chas. Lydiard Wm. Griffin e is tº tº º ºs 21 Jul. 55. 1 Dec. 55. ... 14 Feb. 57. 5 5 19 Mar. 57. 5 3 ... 12 May 57. 14 May 57. 2 3 e 3 3 18 Jun. 57. 9 Jul 57. 22 Aug. 57. 10 Sep. 57. 33 20& 57. 2 3 5 5 3 * 3 * 4 Nov. 57. ... 5 Jan. 58. . 20 Jan. 58. ... 11 Feb. 58. . 13 Feb. 58. 1 Mar 58. 3 2 ... 24 Nov. 58. 27 Jun. 59. 2 May 60. 4 Jun. 61. 3 Apr. 63. 12 Sep. 63. s & tº g º º 12 Sep. 63. 24 Nov. 63. 14 Nov. 63. 30 Nov.63. 3 Dec. 63. 11 Jan. 64. 9 Feb. 64. 28 Mar. 64. * * * * * * tº gº è & tº º 6 Apr 66. .124 May 67. 3 3 3 3 © tº e tº tº g e e º & © tº & e º $ $ tº tº e º 'º º & gº tº e º ºs & s e º e º & e tº º ſº tº º •. 67. . 67. . 67. . 67. •. 68. ... 68. , 69. , 69. . 69. . 69. . 69. . 70. 2. 70. •. 70. . 71. . 72 , 72 2 3 . 75. . 75. . 75. . 75. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R#1. Rāśi, R.H.E.I. Hon. Hy. Anthy. Murray 20 May 62. ...... . ...... Jno. Hallowes ... tº gº tº tº e ge 55 18 Oct. 67.| 30 Jul. 75 Sir Robt. Hagan ... 22 Nov. 62.] ...... . ...... Andr. Drew . 30 Jan. 63. 26 May 69. 30 Jul. 75. Jas. Vashon Baker 35 3 5 5 5 Edwd. Josh. Bird ... 6 Feb. 63. 2 Jul. 69. 11 Dec. 75. Wm. Smyth . 23 Mar. 63. 53 5 5 Geo. Dobson ... tº e º 5 3 5 5 35 Richd. Hy. Stopford . 27 Apr. 63. 21 Jan. 70.|18 Jun. 76 Jas. Paterson Bower ... 12 Sep. 63. 27 Feb. 70. 2 3 Jno. Russell © tº tº g is tº s tº . 30 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... Barth. Jas. Sulivan, C. B.. aft sir B. 3 Dec. 63. 1 Apr. 70.|22 Jan. 77 Hy. Bagot tº tº º tº º ºs & e e 53 33 33 Hon. Walter Bourchier Devereux tº tº tº º 25 • * * * * * | * * * * * Sir Geo. Nathl. Brooke Middleton, bt., C.B.... 33 1 Apr. 70.|22 Jan. 77 Sir Geo. Graham Otway, bt. ... tº tº e tº tº gº 11 Jan. 64. || 2 Jun. 7 32 Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, bt. 3 9 35 | * * * * * * Edwd. Barnett ... tº º º © tº tº 9 Feb. 64. 14 Jul. 71. 1 Aug. 77 Chas. Geo. Edwd. Patey 5 5 5 5 5 5 Hy. Broadhead tº º tº 2 3 5 5 35 Alexr. Leslie Montgomery 3 3 3 3 3 5 Thos. Sparke Thompson . 15 Jun. 64. 5 5 • * * * * * Horation Beauman Young ... 16 Sep. 64. 5 5 1 Aug. 77 Edwd., ld. Dunsany ... to gº . 12 Nov. 64. 5 5 3 Cospatrick Baillie Hamilton, C.B. ... Jas. Crawford Caffin, C. B., aft. Sir J. Robt. Tryon tº tº e ſe tº e Q tº e º Thos. Fras. Birch 17 Nov. 65. 2 Dec. 65. ... 20 Mar. 67. 2 Nov. 71. * * * * * * 844 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. CAPTAINS PROMOTED TO LIST OF RETIRED ADMIRALS. Under Orders of Sept. 1, 1846, Oct. 31, 1846, Apr. 24, 1847, June 25, 1851, May 7, 1858, Aug. 1, 1860, July 9, 1864, March 24, 1866, and Feb. 22, 1870. R.R.A., Retired Rear-Admiral. R.W.A., Retired Vice-Admiral. Ret.A., Retired Those marked * were appointed R.W.A. May 17, 1858, with seniority from the dates given in the List. Name. R.R.A. B.V.A. Ret.A. Jas. Wilkes Maurice ... Jas. Prevost e e C Sir Fras. Beaufort, K.C.B. Spelman Swayne Thos. White Jas. Lillicrap ... Walter Grosset *Jno. Thompson g Thos. Folliott Baugh... Saml. Martin Colquitt Gust. Stupart ... * * * © e º *Thos. Fras. Chas. Mainwaring Wm., Earl Waldegrave *Jno. Hollinworth Clement Sneyd... Jno. Duff Markland *Abel Ferris gº tº tº *Robt. Merrick Fowler Donald Campbell Sir Hy. Hart, K.C.H. ... *Geo. Henderson Thos. Tudor Tucker, C.B. Hy. Bourchier ... © tº e tº e º *Robt. Worgan Geo. Festing, C.B Geo. Morris gº tº ſº tº º e Jno. Tancock ... tº tº º tº e e *Jas. Pattison Stewart, C. B. ... Christr. Bell, C.B. Jas. Stevenson... g tº º tº º tº *Hon. Edm. Sexton Pery Knox *David, E. of Leven & Melville Colin Campbell e tº º tº º & Jos. Symes ... tº º tº g Hon. Wm. Hy. Percy ... *Jas. Pringle ... tº º ſº Saml. Leslie . Edw. Ellicott ... Peter Rye Jas. Gifford *Geo. Le Geyt, C.B. Hy. Gage Morris Iºdw. Aug. Down Thos. Whinyates Jno. Wm. Andrew, C. B. *Robt. Mitford... e g 1 Oct. 46. tº gº tº º is tº tº e º ſº tº tº e e º 'º & © º ſº tº º te * e is tº e is e tº e tº º ſº * * * * * * 5 3 11 Sep. 54. 27 Oct. 54. e º e º 'º º 27 Sep. 55. 27 Sep. 55. tº e º 'º º tº 27 Sep. 55. * @ & tº e & 3 Oct. 55. s tº e º & º 28 Dec. 55. tº º gº © º e tº tº gº tº e tº tº e º ſº e º tº º e º is tº º e º 'º º º tº ſº tº gº e is tº º te e º 'º * * * * * * tº º is tº º is tº tº ſº e º e tº e º e º º e º 'º e º 'º e g º is ſº tº tº e º is © tº tº a s g º & tº º te ſº tº º g & © tº € $ g tº gº e º & tº e º 'º e º tº e º ſe e dº tº gº tº gº tº e tº § 3 e º º tº $ tº e º e is tº gº tº º * * * * > * e tº e e º ſº & e º e º 'º e g º 'º gº tº tº ſº tº º tº ſº * ~ * * * * 11 Feb. 61. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 845. Name. R.I.A. | B.V.A. | Ret.A. *Henderson Bain Clement Milward tº º º *Jos. Needham Tayler, C.B. ... Jno. Fordyce Maples, C.B. Robt. Bloye, C.B. . ... *Thos. Edwd. Symond *Lewis Hole ... tº $ tº Jas. M'PCerlie ... tº ſº º Fred. Jennings Thomas *Hy. Thos. Davies *Hon. Hy. Dilkes Byng *Geo. Gustavus Lennock *Robt. Gambier Chas. Fred. Payne Colin Macdonald Abrm. Lowe Chas. Bertram... Geo. Hills Hy. Fanshawe ... tº $ tº *Isaac Hawkins Morrison Geo. Barne Trollope, C.B. Sir Thos. Mansell, K.C.H. Thos. Groube ... tº e *Hercules Robinson Wm. Black Jno. Harper *Thos. Dick *Wrm. Isaac Scott º *Bertie Cornelius Cator *Fred. Edw, Vernon Harcourt *Kemelm, ld. Somerville *Hy. Jenkinson *Edwd. Saurin... John Hardy Godby Christr. Strachey *Arden Adderley º Sir Richd. O’Connor ... Thos. Ball Sulivan, C.B. David Scott ... & ſº tº e º º Nichs. Lechmere Pateshull ... *Rowland Money º e G *John Sheridan tº ſº tº tº 9 º' *Sir Hy. Loraine Baker, bt. ... *Geo. Wm. Hughes D’Aeth ... Robt. Ramsay ... *John Chas. Gawen Roberts, aft. Rºberts-Gawen. Archd. Tisdall... e * e º Jos. Gulston Garland ... tº dº º *Wm. Stanhope Lovell, K.H. *Jos. Digby tº º º e ‘º *Chas. Warde, K. H. *Wm. Ffarington *Jas. Rattray ... tº e John Allen ... e e g *Arth. Philip Hamilto Danl. Lawrence g Robt. Henley Rogers ... *Geo. Bentham g *Jas. Arth. Murray *Hy. Higman ... ſº *Geo. Hewsom ... tº º tº tº º º * * * | i 1 Oct. 46. 28 Dec. 55. 11 Feb 61. * * * * * * : * * * * * * 11 Feb. 61. 56. 15 Jan. 62. * * * * * * I e e º e º se 3 3 18 Oct. 49.] ...... . ...... 30 Oct. 49. 21 Oct. 56. 15 Jan. 62. 5 3 5 | * * * * * * 5 Nov. 49.12 Nov. 56.112 Apr. 62. 24 Dec. 49. 19 Mar. 57.|20 May 62. 14 Jan. 50. • * 3 3 27 Mar. 50. 14 May 57.| 16 Jun. 62. 21 Jun. 50. 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 2 Sep. 50. 14 May 57.| 16 Jun. 62. 1 Oct. 50.1 ...... º 6 Nov. 50.1 ... º: 5 3 9 Jul. 57.] ..... $. 33 3 3 | * * * * * * 35 3 3 | * * * * * * 5 y 5 3 4 Oct. 62. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 3 3 9 Jul. 57.| 4 Oct. 62 11 Nov. 50.] ...... . ...... 30 Dec. 50, 9 jui 57. ... 21 Mar, 51. 9 3 || s • e e s s 5 3 5 y 4 Oct. 62 9 3 5 5 9 3 3 5 9 3 9 3 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 11 Jun. 51, 9 Jul. 57.| 4 Oct. 62. 3 5 e e s • * ~ | * * * * * * 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 5 3 9 Jul. 57. & & g º & 16 Jun. 51.] 30 Jul. 57.| ...... 3 3 9 3 a e o e s e 5 3 3 3 | * * * * * * 846 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R.R.A. B.V.A. Retd. A. John Macpherson Ferguson ... º º º e tº dº ... 16 Jun. 51.] ...... . ...... John Gourly ... tº e g º º & Cº º tº º º tº º º 33 & º e º º 'º s e s a e e *Augs. Baldwin tº tº ſº gº e e * © º º Q º & 33 30 Jul. 57.| 10 Nov. 62. *Hy. Colins Deacon ... tº º tº tº e > tº e º te 35 5 * 53 *Edwd. Barnard tº º º g tº tº tº º e tº º . 8 Jul. 51. 22 Aug. 57. 22 Nov. 62. *Wm. Bateman Dashwood ... tº e de tº º ſº tº º º 9 3 33 2 *Martin White... © Q tº e is tº tº gº tº e tº gº * tº e 35 3 9 . John Cookesley tº º tº gº º º tº e tº • e ſº tº e 9 3 tº e º 'º e G ". *Chas. Geo. Rodney Phillott... tº ſº © tº 3 3 22 Aug. 57.|22 Nov. 62. *Wm. Wolrige tº $ tº tº e º tº º ſº e e 33 2 3 2 3 *Geo. Brine ... * † tº tº º º tº º tº tº º ºs ... 21 Aug. 51. 10 Sep. 57. 23 Mar. 63. *Hon. John Gordon e 27 Aug. 51. 53 *Wm. Popham tº E tº g 33 2 3 º Jas. Hay * * > & º º & © tº tº º ºs e e & tº gº tº 3 3 || e e o e s e i e o e5tº e º Sir Chas. Thos. Jones e & Cº. & e º tº e & © tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Robt. Riddell Carre... gº º º tº e e g º C. g 9 3 10 Sep. 57.| ...... *Hugh Patton ... & © tº tº e e gº º º 19 Jan. 52 33 27 Apr. 63. *Hon. Chas. Orlando Bridgman 9 3 53 • * * * * * Sir Hy Shiffner, bt. ... e tº tº 9 3 } • * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Forbes ... tº tº e 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * *Alexr. Montgomerie... gº tº 8 Mar. 52. 2 Oct. 57.| 7 Apr.63 *John Wm. Montagu ... * G & 53 3 5 5 Hon. Geo. Pryse Campbell ... 93 l e s s s e s s • * *º *Wilson Braddyll Bigland, K.H. 9 3 2 Oct. 57.] ...... *Geo. Cornish Gambier 5 2. 3 3 27 Apr. 63. John Gore 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * John Gedge 9 3 || s • * * * * * * * * * * * *Sir Chas. Burrard 1 Oct. 52. 4 Nov. 57.|27 Apr. 63. *Thos. Ladd Peake 8 Oct. 52. 28 Nov. 57. 9 3 Wm. Hendry ... tº º tº tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * *Hy. Theodosius Browne Collier 17 Dec. 52.1 5 Jan. 58 25 Jun. 63. *John Brenton tº ſº tº 33 3 5 | * * * * * * Wm. Ramsden 33 s = e s • * | * * * * * * *Hy Stanhope ... tº e º 3 3 5 Jan. 58. 25 Jun. 63. *John Townshend Coffin 5 3 2 3 *Edwd. Curzon, C.B. ... 5 5 2 3 ". Septimus Arabin 9 3 } e s e < e s ] e e s s e s *Thos. Ball Clowes 5 Mar. 53.] 5 Jan. 58. 24 Nov. 63. *Wm. Hy. Smyth 28 May 53. 13 Feb. 58. 14 Nov. 63. *Richd. Saumarez 5 3 3 5 5 5 *Jas. Montague * 4 Jul. 53. 24 Feb. 58. 30 Nov. 63. Thos. Prickett tº e ſº tº º ſº tº º º tº it ſº 17 Sep. 53. ...... . ...... *Alexr. Dundas Young Arbuthnot, aft. Sir A. 2 3 6 Mar, 58.] 30 Nov. 63. Wm. Hotham, K. H. ... tº º ſº tº º º * * * 5 Dec. 53. 25 Jun. 58. 9 3 John Shekel ... tº ſº tº 12 Jan. 54. ...... . ...... Geo. Ourry Lempriere 5 * 24 Nov. 58. 3 Dec. 63. John Gore gº tº ſº 21 Jan. 54. 16 May 59. 15 Dec. 63. Chas. Bowen 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * John Geo. Graham 27 Jan. 54. ...... . ...... John Geo. Aplin 15 Apr. 54. 14 May 60. ...... John Pakenham tº tº dº 13 Jul. 54. 7 Nov. 60.| 15 Jun. 64. Fredk. Augs. Wetherall 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Litchfield tº wº 5 3 2 3 5 5 W m. Webb 3 3 • 5 5 3 Chas. Simeon 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Patton ... tº º ſº 7 Aug. 54. 11 Feb. 61. 16 Sep. 64. Robt. Aitchison tº º tº 9 3 3 3 | * * * * * * John FitzGerald Studdert 27 Oct. 54.29 Jul. 61. 25 Apr. 65. Chas. B. Gordon tº º tº 22 Jan. 55.] 5 Aug.61. 2 3 Theobald Jones e ſº º ſº ſº º 2 May 55. 15 Jan. 62. 12 Sep. 65 Geo. Lloyd *I dº gº e º º TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. B.R.A. R.W.A. Robt. White Parsons Abrm. Crawford Russell Hy. Manners Jas. Thorne tº tº º Sir Eaton Travers, K.H. Wm. Morier Geo. Scott tº º º Wm. Bohun Bowyer ... Philip Parker King ... ... Courtenay Wm. Edmd. Boyle Rowland Mainwaring... tº º ſº John Wyatt Watling ... Richd. Pridham Jno. Lyons ... Philip Westphal & ſº Edwd. Sparshott, K.H. Wm. Blight ... * * * * Geo. Woollcombe John Wilson Andrew Atkins Vincent, K.H. Saml. Radford, K.H. ... Jos. Harrison ... Hy. Shoveli Jones Marsham... Chas. Crowdy ... Thos. Mansell ... e Wm. Townsend Dance Wm. Hamley ... tº º º Abrm. Mills Hawkins John Drake ... tº º º Edwd. Augs. Frankland Jas. Burney tº $ tº Jas. Morgan ... tº º ºs Wm. Slaughter, K.H. ... Thos. Gill te tº e g Wm. Allan Herringham Robt. Gordon ... tº º ºs Richd. Owen tº º e Wm. Robertson tº ſº º Hy. Ommaney Love ... John Fredk. Appleby... IRichd. Devonshire Chas. Rich Robt. Deans Wm. Richardson Geo. Chas. Blake Wm. Pearce Stanley ... Wm. Hy. Pierson John Parker Alfr. Luckraft ... Edwd. Chappell John Monday ... Thos. Bushby ... Wm. Shepheard Wm. Luckraft ... it tº e Saml. Perkins Pritchard Hy. Stroud ... tº $ tº Wm. Hext tº º & ſº Wm. Haydon ... © tº 2 Wm. Benj. Suckling ... Wm. Gordon e tº º Thos. Sanders ... 3 Jul. 55. 30 Nov. 55. 19 May 56. 21 Jui, 56. 21 Oct. 56. 3 5 ... 12 Nov. 56. . || 1 Dec. 56. 14 Feb. 57. 5 3 19 Mar. 57. 14 May 67. 2 Oct. 57. 4 Nov. 57. 20 Jan. 58. 6 Mar. 58. 16 May 59. 29 Jui. 61. 12 Apr. 62. 3 3 * g e º & e 12 Apr. 62. tº gº e º ſº tº tº gº tº e º 'º 4 Oct. 62. 22 Nov. 62. & © tº $ tº º 27 Apr. 63. 12 Sep. 68. 12 Sep. 63. 24 Nov. 63. |11jan. 64. 9 Feb. 64. 9 Feb. 64. e ‘º e º e º 28 Mar. 64. 15 Jun. 64. 13 Apr. 65. e e º e < * 2 Dec. 65. 6 Apr.66. 24 May 67. tº e e º 'º & * * * * g e tº & © e º is is tº e g º & tº e tº gº tº º tº º ſº ſº tº & e º ſe e º º tº tº $ tº gº tº $ tº gº tº e * * tº e s s s & © e º ºs 848 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R.B.A. IR.V.A. Ret. A. Douglas Cox ... * e e 12 Apr. 62, ...... . ...... Tºdwin Ludlow Tich 5 5 24 May 67.] ...... Evan Nepean ... • * * 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Vernon Jackson ... º 3 y 24 May 67. 30 Jul. 75. Chas. Colville Frankland º 3 5 2 3 33 Wm. Geo. Hyndman Whish ... e 5 5 3 5 35 Edwd. Reeves Philip Mainwaring ... ; : | " " ' " " " | . . . . . . Thos. Fraser ... © tº ºn tº º tº ſº 5 y 24 May 67.] ...... Fras. Deane Hutcheson ſº 3 5 5 5 30 Jul. 75. Chas. Basden ... - e 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Edwd. Coffin e 5 5 24 May 67.] 30 Jul. 75. Fras. Vere Cottom º 5 3 3 5 5 3 Chas. Smith º 3 5 3 5 5 5 Fras. Harding ... e - e. º 3 5 3 3 | * * * * * * John Williams Aldridg e 3 3 3 3 | * * * ... • * Wm. Allen 8 tº Q tº 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * John Baker Porter Hay º 5 5 24 May 67.|30 Jul. 75. Edwd. Iggulden Parry & 30 Jan. 63. ...... . ...... Chas. Keele ... tº e - º 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * IEdwd. Burnaby Tinling º 23 Mar. 63. ...... . ...... Wm. Kelly ... ſº e - º 5 3 2 Jul. 69.] ...... Jas. Pulling s 27 Apr. 63.] ...... . ...... Wm. Nevill g 15 Dec. 63. 1 Apr. 70. ...... Joseph Pearse ... e 5 3 , 3 } | * * * * * Regd. Yorke e 9 Feb. 64.] ...... . ...... Geo. Guy Burton º 15 Jun. 64.] ...... . ...... Hy. Layton ... g tº - e 5 3 14 Jul. 71. 1 Aug. 77. Wm. Hewgill Kitchen e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Fitzgerald Gambier o 3 3 14 Jul. 71. 1 Aug. 77. Sir Cornwallis Ricketts, bt. ... e 3 3 2 3 3 3 Wm. Hy. Jervis is tº º e 2 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Jas. Hamilton Ward ... iº 16 Sep. 64. 3 2 | * * * * * * Edwd. St. Leger Cannon e 5 5 5 5 1 Aug. 77. Ralph Barton ... e e - e º & e 3 3 5 5 5 3 Richd. Burridge tº e - & G & e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Louis ... tº e - tº & º 28 Oct. 64. 14 Jul. 71. 1 Aug. 77. Chas. John Bosanquet {} 5 5 55 • * * * * * Courtney Osborne Hayes º 2 3 55 1 Aug. 77 Wm. Knighton Stephens º 10 Apr. 65. 1 Oct. 71 3 3 Geo. Hy. Parlby White tº 5 5 3 5 3 3 Wm. Windham Hornby tº e 2 3 3 3 5 3 David Peat ... tº e º º 13 Apr. 65. 33 5 3 Thos. Vernon Watkins 24 Apr. 65. ...... . ...... Wm. Clark e & © 2 Dec. 65. ...... . ...... Thos. Lewis Gooch ... 5 3 2 Nov. 71 © tº e º ºr Geo. Anthy. Halsted ... 3 3 7 5 | * * * * * º Robt. Sharpe ... tº º º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Louis Sherringham 17 Dec. 65, 2 Nov. 71.] ...... Geo. Knyvett Wilson ... 2 Apr. 66. ...... . ...... John Thos. Talbot 3 3 6 Apr. 73. ...... Alexr. Murray 2 5 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * John Hay © tº º 3 * 6 Apr. 73. 9 Mar. 78. Wm. Radcliffe ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Edmunds 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Kerr 6 Apr. 66. 30 Api 73. 21 Mar. 78. Jas. Anderson ... } % } } * 5 John McDougall tº tº º tº e º Sir Robt. J. Le M. McClure, C.B. Herbert Schomberg g Thos. Saumarez Brock Geo. Davies 20 Mº. 67 $ ſ tº t e º 'º & * * * * * * 29 May 73. - * * * * * * * * * * * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 849 Name. RRA R.W.A. i Ret. A. Edwd. Codd . tº º º Chas. Fredk. Schomberg Fredk. Patten ... & s & Arth. Wm. Jerningham Archd. McMurdo Hy. Jno. Douglas Wm. Brown Oliver Thos. Edwd. Law Moore Richd. Robt. Quin Jas. Gabriel Gordon ... Jno. Reeve ... • * * Geo. Flower Herbert ... Thos. Geo. Forbes .. Wm. Newton Fowell ... Geo. Summer Hand, C.B. Hy. Harvey ... • * * Louis Symonds Tindal Colson Festing... 0 - - tº e e Edmd. Gardiner Fishbourne, C.B. Thos. Chaloner * @ * * * Wm. Cornwallis Aldham, C.B. Colin Yorke Campbell Nichs. Lefebore tº º º tº g tº tº tº gº e - © Lord Wm. Compton, aft. M. of Northampton Hy Richd. Foote • * * e tº tº o o º * * * Thos. Baldock... • e e º Geo. Augs. Bedford ... Jas. Stoddart ... Edwd. Tatham... * * * Hy. Chas. Otter, C.B.... Geo. Wodehouse tº e - e is e Edwd. Hollinworth Delafosse Thos. Furber ... • - - e e º Jno. Cornwall ... Spencer Smyth * @ e Chas. Calmady Dent ... Robt. Loney ... * * * Chas. Wilson Riley ... º Godfrey Lamplugh Wolley ... Cheesman Hy. Binstead Wm. Cheselden Browne Hy. Duncan Twysden... Geo. Parker ... & © & Richd. Aldworth Oliver º Edwd. Philips Charlewood .. Geo. Williams ... & © tº tº e e Thos. Abel Bremage Spratt, C.B. Arth. Mellersh... * - © g º e Chas. Jos. Fredk. Ewart, C. B. Fredk, Chevallier Syer & Q tº Richd. Ashmore Powell, C.B... Jno. Borlase, C.B. & Q & tº tº wº © º º Vincent Amcotts Massingberd g a tº Jas. Rawstone ... tº º Robt. Hall, C.B. - - Jno. Montagu Hayes, C.B. Chas. Luxmoore Hockin Hy. Alexr. Story tº a º tº e & - e tº Edwd. Pelham Brenton Von Donop Oliver Jno. Jones tº s º s tº º º e & Octavius Cumberland, C.B. 1 Jul. 67. 5 5 18 Oct. 67. 9 Apr. 68. 17 Mar. 69. 2 Jul. 69. 26 Jul. 69. 3 5 33 J 12 Feb. 73. 2 3 5 3 3 y 24 May 67. 31 May 67. 1 Sep. 67. 10 Sep. 69. 16 Sep. 69. 1 Apr. 70. 8 Feb. 73. 6 Apr. 73. 30 Apr. 78. 25 Aug. 73. e - e º 'º - * * * * * * • * * * * * • e º & 6 º' 30 Jul. 75. 3 3 11 Dec. 75. 22 Mar. 76. 29 May 73. 22 Mar. 76. 12 Nov.76. 25 Aug. 73. 30 Jul. 75. 22 Mar. 76. * * * * * * & & © tº dº º a s tº e º 'º' 30 Jul. 75. 26 Sep. 78. * * * * * * • e s tº e & • * * * * * & # * * * * • * c e º 'º * * * * * * • * * tº e e * 6 º ºs º gº • * * * * * * * * * * e • * * s 4 e & e º in ſº a 27 Nov. 79. 9 Jan. 80. • e º e s tº * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * > • * e º e & • * * * * * tº º tº º e - tº t e º e - & © tº £ tº ſº. • * e g g tº • tº e s e is * - e º a tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * s e º © tº e º 'º e • * * * * * * * * * * * ºr e º ºs e e • * * * * * 850 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R.R.A. Ret.A. Geo. Wm. Preedy, C.B. Thos. Etheridge tº º º Fredk. Lamport Barnar Jas. Edwd. Katon ... tº e g Edwd. Westby Wansittart, C.B. Wm. Abdy Fellowes... tº tº gº Jno. Jas. Kennedy, C.B. Jnó. Barling Marsh .. Matthew Stainton Nolloth Hy. Gage Morris tº ſº tº Richd. Dunning White Alexr. Bridport Beecher Jno. Ormsby Johnson... Alan Hy. Gardner, C.B. Wm. Jas. Saml. Pullen Hon. Geo. Hy. Douglas Geo. Le Geyt Bowyear, C.B. ... Jas Dirom tº gº tº º tº tº $ tº Hy. Croft tº e e tº e ºs e e < * * * Fredk. Augs. Buchaman Craufurd ... Augs. Hy. Ingram tº º ſº e º 'º Hy. Dumaresq... Wm. Ellis tº tº ſº Jas. Geo. Mackenzie ... Chas. Starmer... tº º º Gec. Stewart Reynolds Jno Bettinson Cragg ... Augs. Sinclair Booth ... Wrm. Hoseason tº gº & tº tº º Wm. Heriot Maitland Dougall Edwd. Peirse ... tº e e * * * Steph. Smith Lowther Crofton Gilbert Brydone Rutherford... Albert Heseltine g tº g ſº Chas. Richardson Johnson .. Gerard Jno. Napier ... Iewis Maitland º º tº Richd. Brydges Beeche Wm. Hugh Dobbie Hy. Need * Richd. Purvis... Thos. Cochran... g e & Edwd. King Barnard ... Jas. Hosken gº gº tº Jas. Saml. Akid Dennis Jos. Martin Mottley ... Edwd. Franklin JPhilip Somerville Arthur Trevor Macgregor Alexr. Boyle ... * * tº Byron Drury ... tº º Wm. Morris º tº º tº tº ſº tº & © tº Wm. Rae Rolland g is º tº gº tº tº -º º Richd. Moorman g & Cº. tº ſº tº * * * Fredk. Augs. Maxse ... tº a tº tº º gº tº gº º David Robertson, aft. Robertson-Macdonald Saml. Mercer ... e º e tº ſº º e e gº e dº º Wm. Norton Taylor ... Geo. Clarke Mends tº g tº tº º ſº tº º & Jonas Archer Abbott... tº ſº º tº º º tº e ſº John Luke Richd. Stoll tº e & * * * * @ a 1 Jan. 74. 3 3 19 Jan. 74. 30 Jan. 79, 1 Feb. 79, * * * g e tº 1 Feb. 79. 1 Feb. 79. tº gº tº tº º ſº 1 Feb. 79. 1 Feb. 79. 15 Jun. 79. e e º ſº e & 15 Jun. 79. tº tº º ºs º º 15 Jun. 79. 15 Jun. 79. tº a e º gº tº 15 Jun. 79. tº e º 'º e & is tº tº g º º 9 Sep. 79. . 27 Nov. 79. . 20 Jan. 80. 27 May.85. 27 Mar 85. 27 Mar 85. 27 Mar. 85. 31 Mar 85. 31 Mar 85. * * * ~ * > 31 Mar. 85. 31 Mar. 85. tº e º & © & tº tº e º $ tº ..] 31 Mar. 85. tº ſº º tº $ tº tº tº º ſº tº gº e e º is tº e gº tº tº e º e gº e & © tº º e e e º 'º & g is tº £ tº tº * * * * * * * 7 Apr.85. * * * * g e 29 Apr. 85. 1 Jul. 85. 1jui. 85. 1 Jul. 85. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R.R.A. JR.V.A. Philip Augs. Helpman John Ross Ward s & Q Edwd. Banbury Nott ... Wm. Boys tº Geo. Johnson ... Matth. Connolly * @ tº Jas. Archd. Macdonald Geo. Mason e tº º Alexr. Crombie Gordon Robt. Robertson Jasper Hy. Selwyn Fras. Hy. Shortt Robt. Jocelyn Otway ... Victor Grant Hickley... s º a Julian Foulston Slight, C.B. ... & º º Wm. Hy. Haswell ... tº º º * * *e Thos. Saumarez, C.B. ... * º º tº º ſº Saml. Hoskins Derriman, C.B. Peter Fredk. Shortland tº Fredk. Leopold Augs. Selwyn Chas. Hy. May tº $ tº tº gº ºn Richd. Wm. Courtenay ſº Donald McLeod Mackenzie ... John Seccomb ... tº e º Pr. Victor Ferd., &c., of Gleichen * * * Jos. Grant Bickford ... º, º ſº tº ſº tº Wm. Everard Alphonso Gordon, C.B. Robt. Dawes Aldrich ... e - © tº gº º Hy. Trollope $ tº tº Jack Hy. Murray * - ſº tº ſº º tº º º tº º º Jno. Orlebar ... tº tº º tº º tº tº º º tº tº gº tº & Fras. Marten ... tº º º º º º tº Wm. Andrew Jas Heath, C.B. Jno. Wrm. Dorville ... ę º ſº. s e ºs Elphinston D'Oyly D'Auvergne Aplin Wm. Cornish Bowden e ſº tº * * g. Geo. Hy. Gardner ... & ſº ſº. tº e Jno. Clarke Byng * tº tº º Jno. Bythesea, V.C., C.B. Hy. Saml. Hawker Fras. Arden Close Arth. Wilmshurst, C.B. Wm. Wood ... tº e G Hy. Jno. Blomfield * tº º & Jno. Fras. Campbell Mackenzie Jas Beautine Willoughby David Spain ... tº º º Jno. Rashleigh Rodd ... Geo. Otway Popplewell Fredk. Thos. Chetham Strode Jno. Wallace Douglas M’Donald Jas. Minchin Bruce ... g º º Wm. Horton, C.B. Richd. Bulkeley Pears e tº Herbert Philip de Kantzow ... Geo. Augs. Cooke Brooker, C.B. Norman Bernard Bedingfeld Hy. Wm. Hire, C.B. ... tº ſº º Wm. Alfd. Rumbledon Pearse Jos. Hy. Marryat, C.B. tº º Hohenlohe, c.c. Count 11 Dec. 75. 2 3 2 3 21 Sept.16. 3 5 tº e e s is º tº º tº º tº º tº º e º 'º e J19 Jan. 81. .# 23 Nov. 81. 5 3 35 28 Nov. 81 tº & © tº e º tº º º dº tº e .17 Feb. 84. 35 33 tº $ tº º is g tº e º ſº º ſº . 81. 1 Apr. 84. * * tº º tº tº tº º © tº © tº e ºs * * * * tº ſº º º * * * * 2 3 * 9 * tº s º & e º 'º gº tº e is ii. 87. ii. 87. ii. 87. gº is tº gº * * g º . 87. . S7. * tº ſº tº © tº º º tº g º º * * tº e 852 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. R.R.A. R.V.A. Ret.A. Trevenen Penrose Coode Chas. Murray Aynsley, C.B. ... Montague Fredk. O'Reilly Edwd. Lacy ... e º º Montagu Buccleuch Dunn ... Sir Malcolm McGregor, bt. ... Jas. Richd. Veitch © e tº Hy. Fredk. McKillop ... Hy. Jas. Raby, v. C., C.B., Jno. Fras. Ross tº e º * * * Fredk. Wm. Pleydell-Bouverie Edwd. Jas. Bedford ... tº º º Hy. Christian ... e - a Chas. Wright Bonham Jno. Halliday Cave, C.B. Saml. Hood Henderson tº e e Jno. Edwd. Parish º Richd. Dawkins e e - & © & Wm. Chas. Fabie Wilson, C.B. Hon. Thos. Alexr. Pakenham Herbert Fredk. Winnington Ingram... Francisco Sangro Tremlett ... David Miller • * Hubert Campion, C.B.... Lewis Jas. Moore Benj. Spencer Pickard Fredk. Wm. Gough, C.B. Richd. Chas. Mayne, C.B. John Wm. Whyte Mark Robt. Pechell Hy. Hamilton Beamish, C.B. ... Fredk. Harrison Smith Arthur Lukis Mansell Hugh Maxn. Elliott John Laisné Perry ... * tº e tº º ºn Thos. Hutchinson Mangles Martin ... Wm. Fitzherbert Ruxton e e ſº Chas. Bayley Calmady Dent tº tº Q Geo. Teal Sebor Winthrop ... Wm. Hy. Fenwick ... e e a Hon. Maurice Horatio Nelson Geo. John Malcolm º Wm. Cox Chapman ... • * * Hon. Armar Lowry Corry . Chas. Fenton Fletcher Boughey Geo. Hy. Parkin e - 0 • * * Jas Andrew Robt. Dunlop D’Arcy Spence Preston Hy. Bedford Woollcombe Philip Saumarez tº º tº Stapleton Jas. Greville Chas. Matth. Buckle ... Cortland Herbert Simpson Fras. Regd. Purvis Chas. Richd. Fox Boxer Alexr. Phillips... tº º º Robt. Anthy. Edwd. Scott Fredk. Wm. Sidney Jos. Saml. Hudson - tº º Wm. Burley Grant ... • e e Thos. Baker Martin Sulivan... 9 Mar. 78. 20 Mar. 88. 3 3 5 5 17 Feb. 84. 7 Jui. 84. 27 Mar. 85. 5 3 29 Apr. 85. 3 5 8 Jul. 84. g tº s tº e & e e º e º e e is 6 - e. e. e e e º 'º & ..] 26 Nov. 85. e e s e º º 7 Jul. 87. . 14 May 88. e tº f * ~ * e e º e º 'º tº e º e º & g & © tº º º e e º e º 'º tº e º e º e tº gº tº dº º º tº tº e º ſº s * * * * * * * e º G & © tº e º 'º s º º e º 'º e tº tº e º tº e e e - - - e º tº tº dº e º & e e º e º ſº e - © to e ∈ tº e º 'º e e º e º q & © tº e º 'º & tº & e s - e. e. e e º 'º & º e - e º e º tº ſº º & © tº q & e º 'º e e s e s e. • tº e º º º e a c e º º e e º ºs e º tº e s = e tº * * * * * * e e º ºs º º • * ~ * * * tº ſº tº ºr e > * * * * * e e º 'º - © º w tº e a e e THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 853 Name. R.R.A. R.V.A. Ret. A. Mountford Steph. Lovick Peile tº º tº 29 Apr. 85.] ...... . ...... Macleod Baynes Cockcraft ... tº ſº tº tº º tº 1 Jun. 85.] ...... . ...... Chas. David Lucas, v. C. tº ſº tº tº º º tº e e 53 I e s • * * * : * * * * * * Horatio Lawrence Arth. Lennox Maitland... 22 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * John Wm. Pike tº & e • * * 1 Jul. 85.1 ...... 4t Edwin John Pollard ... tº º º tº º te tº g tº 32 e < * * * * : * * * * * * Saml. Philip Townsend tº e tº † : * tº e tº 9 3 s • * * * * | * * * * * * Richd. Bradshaw, C.B. e is tº © tº º * G e 9 3 e • * * * * * * * * * * * Thos. Edwd. Smith * º e e & Cº sº 33 e e s e e * It tº sº. Bedford Clapperton Tryvellion Pim e 5 Jul. 85.1 ...... . ...... Thos. Hounsom Butler Fellows, C.B. & 1 Jan. 86.1 ...... 1 ...... Marcus Lowther & ſº ºn & © º tº º ſº g 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Louis Hutton Westurme tº º º ſº 33 e s e s e s e < e < e e Ralph Abercrombie Otho Brown e 9 Mar. 86. ...... . ...... Robt. Owen Leach ... º gº tº tº tº e tº ſº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Arth. Woodall Gillett... tº º tº is is ºn tº º º 3 5 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Wandesford Comber tº º º º 3 5 s = e s • * : * * * * * * Edwd. Field ... e º 'º tº G & ſº gº 9 3 e º e s - a e s e e o e Richd. Carter ... e tº tº tº & 3 5 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * Morgan Singer * tº º e & © tº tº º ve gº tº º 12 Apr. 86. ...... . ...... Hy. McClintock Alexander ... tº º e tº º ºs 3 3 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sir Geo. Strong Nares, K.C.B. & © e 1 Jan. 87.1 ...... . ...... Valentine Otway Inglefield ... 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Doherty Broad ... g tº gº 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alb. Hy. Wm. Battiscombe e tº º 33 ſ = • * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Jas. Bullock ... tº gº tº tº $ & tº ſº tº 3 3 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hy. Anthy. Trollope ... tº º tº tº e ſº tº tº dº 23 • * * * * * : * * * * * * Hy Matth. Miller ... & E → tº ſº tº gº º 6 Apr. 87.| ...... . ...... Philip Howard Colomb tº tº gº © º & 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hamilton Edwd. Geo. Earlie 24 May 87.] ...... ...... Philip Ruffle Sharpe tº ſº º e tº e tº e º 10 Jun. 87 ...... . ...... Elibank Harley Murray º º vº tº º º tº º º 9 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * e Jas. Augs. Poland ... ſº tº º tº a tº tº º te 1 Jan. 88.1 ...... . ...... Jno. Parry Jones Parry tº a ſe tº e ſº tº tº º 9 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Jas. Wylie East tº & tº tº e º tº tº e tº a tº 3 3 } • * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Lowe Holder ... # º ºs tº º tº tº º ſº 9 3 | * * * * * ~ | * * * * * * Chas. Fras. Walker ... tº gº tº tº º º tº tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fredk. Wm. Hallowes tº ſº º tº º tº tº ºr g 3 Apr. 88.] ...... . ...... Jno. Child Purvis e © tº º tº º tº & º ºs Geo. Northland * & © tº gº tº * @ me tº tº º 19 Jun, 88. tº tº º ſº tº º, 854 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1708. 1714. 1720. 1744. 1746. 1754. 1765. 1771. 1780. 1796. 1816. 1821. 1834. GOVERNORS OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. Sir Wm. Gifford. Adm. Matth. Aylmer. Adm. Sir John Jennings. Adm. sir John Balchan. Ld. Archd. Hamilton. Adm. Isaac Townsend. Adm. sir Geo. Bridges Rodney, bt. Adm. Fras. Holburne. Adm. sir Chas. Hardy. Adm. sir Hugh Palliser. Adm. Saml. visc. Hood, Mar. 20. Adm. sir John Colpoys, Feb. 9. Adm. sir Richd. Godwin Keats, G.C.B., Apr. 5. R.-adm. Sir Thos. Masterman Hardy, bt., G.C.B., Apr. 9. 1837. 1841. 1847. 1853. 1869. 1872. 1884. Adm. hon. Chas. Elphinstone Fleming, Oct. 12. - Adm. hon. Sir Robt. Stopford, G.C.B., Apr. 7. W.-adm. Sir Chas. Adam, K.C.B., July 3. W.-adm. Sir Jas. Alexr. Gordon, K.C.B., Oct. 28. Adm. Sir Houston Stewart, G.C.B., Feb. 15. Adm. Sir Sydney Colpoys Dacres, G.C.B., Dec. 2. Adm. Sir Lewis Tobias Jones, G.C.B., Mar. 25. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 1704. 1705. 1718. 1737. 1740. 1750. 1754. 1761. 1774. 1778. 1781. 1784. 1793. Capt. John Clements. Robt. Robinson. Thos. Cleasby. Jos. Soanes. Teudor Trevor. Chas. Smith. Fras. Dansays. Jas. Lloyd. Wm. Boys. Thos. Baillie. Jarvis Maplesden. Broderick Hartwell. Jas. Ferguson. Wm. Locker. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. Capt. 1800. 1805. 1809. 1831. 1840. 1853. 1855. 1862. Capt. Sir Richd. Pearson. Capt. Jno. Bourchier. Capt. Wm. Browell. R.-adm. Sir Jahleel Brenton, K.C.B., aft, bt., Aug. 8. R.-adm. Sir Jas. K.C.B., July 6. R.-adm. Sir Wm. Edwd. Parry, Dec. 6 Alexr. Gordon, R.-adm. Sir Wm. Fairbrother Carroll, K.C.B., Aug. 13. R.-adm. Sir Stephen Lushington, K.C.B., May 17. Office abolished Sept. 1865, by 28 & 29 Vict. cap. 89. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 855 ° 1674. 1690. 1691. 1695. 1711. 1744. 1745. 1757. 1766. 1778. 1782. 1793. 1660. I678. 1702, 1711. PART XV. MILITARY. COMMANDERS-IN-CHIEF. Jas., D. of Monmouth (nat. Son of Chas. II.), Mar. 30; be- headed 1685. John, E., aft. D. of Marlborough, June 3; d. 1722. Meinhardt, D. of Leinster, Apr. 30. Meinhardt, D. of Leinster, now D. of Schomberg, K.G., May 9; d. 1719. Jas., D. of Ormond, Jan. 1; attainted 1715; d. 1746. John, E. of Stair, K.T., Jan. 1; d. May 1747. Geo. Wade, Mar. ; d. 1748. John, visc., aft. E. Ligonier, Oct. 24 to 1759; d. 1770. The office vacant. John, M. of Granby, son of John, 3rd D. of Rutland, Aug. 13 ; res. 1769; d. 1770. The office vacant. Jeffrey, ld. Amherst, gen. On the staff, Mar. 19. Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway, Mar. 29; d. 1795. Jeffrey, ld. Amherst, again, gem. on the staff, Jan. 21; d. 1797. 1795. 1809. 1811. 1827. Fredk., D. of York, F.M. on the staff, Feb. 11; comm. ch., Apr. 3, 1798. Sir David Dundas, bt., Mar. 25, d. 1820. Fredk., D. of York, again, May 29, to Jan. 5, 1827, when he d. Vacant to Jan. 21, 1827. Arthur, D. of Wellington, K. G., G. C. B., Jan. 22, to May 5, same year. Vacant from May 6 to Aug. 26, 1827. 1827. 1828. 1842. 1852. 1856. Arthur, D. of Wellington, again, Aug. 27, to Feb. 14, 1828. Vacant to Feb. 24, 1828. Rowland, visc. Hill, G.C. B., G.C. H., gen. on the staff, Feb. 25. to Aug. 14, 1842; d. Dec. 1842. Arth., D. of Wellington, again, Aug. 15, by L.P. Hy., 1st visc. Hardinge, G.C.B., gen. on the staff, Dec. 28; res. and d. 1856. Geo. Wm. Fred. Chas., D. of Cambridge, K.G., &c., gen. On the staff, July 15; comm. ch., Nov. 26, 1887. CAPTAINS-GENERAL. Geo., D. of Albemarle, Aug. 3. Jas., D. of Monmouth, Apr. 27, to Sept. 11, 1679; d. 1685. Jno., E., aft. D. of Marlborough, Apr. 24, to Feb. 19, 1711. Jas., D. of Ormond, Feb. 20, to Sept. 22, 1714. 1714. 1744. 1799. Jno., D. of Marlborough, again, Sept. 23, to 1717; d. 1722 Wm. Aug., D. of Cumberland, Mar. 8, to 1757; d. 1765. Fredk., D. of York, Sept. 4 to Mar. 24, 1809. This title is now become obsolete. 856 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. FIELD-MARSHALS. 1736, Geo., E. of Orkney, govr. of Edin- Jan. 14. burgh Castle; d. 1737. Jno., D. of Argyll and Green- wich; d. 1743. 1739, Richd., visc. Shannon. •uly 2. Fras., M. de Montandre. 1742, Jno., E. of Stair. Mar. 28. Richd., visc. Cobham; d. 1749. 1743. Geo. Wade, Dec. 14; d. 1748. 1757. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. ; d. 1768. Nov. 28. Richd., visc. Molesworth; d. 1758. Jno., ld., aft. visc. and E. Ligonier; d. 1770. 1763. Jas., ld. Tyrawley, June 10; d. 1773. 1793, Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway; d. Oct. 12, 1795. Wm. Hy., D. of Gloucester, K.G. ; d. 1805. Sir Geo. Howard, K.B.; d. 1796. Fredk., D. of York and Albany, K. G., Feb. 10. 1796, Jno., D. of Argyll ; d. 1806. July 30. Jeffrey, ld. Amherst, K.B.; d.1797. Jno. Griffin, ld. Howard de Wal- den; d. 1797. Studholme Hodgson, d. 1798. Geo., Marq. Townshend; d. 1807. Ld. Fredk. Cavendish, d. 1803. Chas., D. of Richmond, K.G. ; d. 1806. 1805, Edwd., D. of Kent and Strathern, Sept. 5. K.G.; d. 1820. 1813. Arth., D. of Wellington, K. G., June 21. 1813, Ernest Aug., D. of Cumberland, Nov. 26. K.G. (K. of Hanover in 1837). Adolphus Fredk., D. of Cam- bridge, K. G.; d. 1850. 1816, Wm. Fredk., D. of Gloucester, May 24. K. G.; d. 1834. Leopold Geo. Fredk., D. of Saxe and Pr. of Coburg Saalfeld, K. G.; aft. K. of the Belgians. 1821, Chas., M. of Drogheda, K. P. ; d. July 19. 1822. Wm., E. Harcourt, K.C.B.; d. 1830. 1830, Sir Alured Clarke, G.C.B.; d. July 22, 1832. Sir Saml. Hulse, G.C. H., G.C.M.G. ; d. 1837. 1840, Fras. Albert Aug. Charles Eman- uel (Consort of Her Majesty Queen Victoria), D. of Saxony, Pr. of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, K.G., K.T., K.P., &c.; d. 1861. 1795. 1845, Wm. II., K. of the Netherlands, July 28. K. G.; d. 1849. 1846, Sir Geo. Nugent, bt., K.C.B.; d. Nov. 9. 1849. Thos. Grosvenor; d. 1850. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, K.G., G. C. B. ; G. C. H. 1854, Fitzroy, Jas. Hy., ld. Raglan, Nov. 5. G.C.B.; d. 1855. 1855, Stapleton, visc. Combermere, Oct. 2. G.C.B.; d. 1865. Jno., E. of Strafford, G.C.B.; d. 1860. Hy., Visc. Hardinge, G.C.B.; d. 1856. 1860, Jno., ld. Seaton, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.; Apr. 1. d. 1863. 1862, Sir Edw. Blakeney, G.C.B., G.C. H.; Nov. 9. d. 1868. Hugh, visc. Gough, K.P., G.C.B., K. S.I.; d. 1869. Geo. Wm. Fred. Chas., D. of Cambridge, K.G., K.P., G.C.B., &c. Colin, ld. Clyde, G.C.B., K. S.I.; d. 1863. 1868, Sir Alexr. Woodford, G.C.B., Jan. 7. G.C.M.G. ; d. 1870. Sir Wm. Maynard Gomm, G.C.B.; d. 1875. Sir Hew Dalrymple Ross, G.C.B.; d. 1868 Sir Jno. Fox Burgoyne, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1871. 1870, Sir Geo. Pollock, bt., G.C.B., May 24, G.C.S.I.; d. 1872. 1875, Sir Jno. Forster FitzGerald, G.C.B.; May 29, d. 1877. Geo., M. of Tweeddale, K.T., G.C.B.; d. 1876. Alb. Edw., Pr. of Wales. 1877, Sir Wm. Rowan, G.C.B.; d. 1879. June 2. Sir Chas. Yorke, G.C.B.; d. 1880. Hugh Hy., ld. Strathnairn, G.C.B., G. C. S.I.; d. 1885. 1883, Robt. Cornelis, ld. Napier of Mag- Jan. 1. dala, G.C.B., G.C.S.I. 1883. Sir Patr. Grant, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., June 24. 1886, Sir Rd. Jas. Dacres, G.C.B.; d. Mar. 27, 1887. Sir Jno. Michel, G.C.B.; d. 1886. 1886. Wm. Paulet, c.c. li. Wm. Paulet, July 10. 1887. Geo. Chas., E. of Lucan, G.C.B., June 21; d. 1888. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 857 GENERALS. THE GENERALs are arranged according to the following lists:— LIST A. OFFICERs who attained the rank of GENERAL, down to June 1854. LIST B. OFFICERs who attained the rank of LIEUTENANT-GENERAL, down to November 1846. LIST C. OFFICERs who attained the rank of MAJOR-GENERAL, down to January 1837. LIST D. MAJOR-GENERALs from 1837, with their subsequent promotions to LIEUTENANT-GENERALs and GENERALs. IIST A. GENERALS. Officers who attained the rank of General, down to June 1854. 1690. Fredk., D. of Schomberg, Apr. 19; d. 1690. Chas., D. of Schomberg, his son, May 29; d. 1693. Meinhardt, D. of Schomberg, bro. of the last-named, Aug. 16; d. 1719. Hy. de Massue, E. of Galway, July 3; d. 1720, Chas., E. of Peterborough; d. 1735. Chas. Churchill, bro. of John, D. of Marlborough, Jan. 1. Richd., E. Rivers, Apr. 22; d.1712 1709. Danl. Hervey, Jan. 1. 1711, Wm. Stewart. Jan. 30. Thos. Erle. David, E. of Portmore, govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1730. Hon. Hy. Lumley. Chas. Ross, Apr. 1. John Richmond Webb, June 16. Chas., ld. Tyrawley, Nov. 13. Wm., ld., aft. E. Cadogan, July 12. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, Mar. 1; d. 1733. 1703. 1704. 1705. 1707. 1708. 1712. 1714. 1717. 1727. 1730, Sir Chas. Wills, K.B. ; d. 1746 July 2. Thomas Wetham. Jos. Sabine. Wm. Evans. 1743, Sir Philip Honywood, K.B.; d. Feb. 1. 1752. Lord Mark Ker. 1745. Sir Robt. Rich, bt., Mar. 29. John, E. of Dunmore, May 30; d. 1752. 1746. Richd., visc. Molesworth, Dec. 28; d. 1758. Sir John Ligonier, aft. li., visc., and E. Ligonier, Dec. 30. 1747. Robt. Dalzell, Mar. 24. Gervase Parker, Mar. 24. Alg., D. of Somerset, Mar. 26; d. 1750. John, D. of Montagu, Mar. 28; d. 1749. Wm., E. of Harrington, Mar. 30; d. 1756. Chas., D. 1758. David Montolieu, baron de St. Hippolite. 1758, July 10. of Marlborough; d. 858 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1761, Mar. 1765, Feb. 22. 1770, Apr. 13. 1772, May 26. 1777, Sept. 6. 1778, Mar. 19. 1778, Apr. 2. 1782, Nov. 20. John, E. of Westmorland, d. 1774. Roger Handasyde, d. 1763. Jas., ld. Tyrawley. Chas. Otway, d. 1764. Chas., ld. Cadogan, d. 1776. Hon. Jas. St. Clair. John Guise. John, E. of Rothes, d. 1773. Harry Pulteney, d. 1767. Hon. Sir Chas. Howard, K.B.; d. 1765. John, D. of Argyll, K.T. ; d. 1770. Jas. Edwd. Oglethorpe, d. 1785. John, E. De la Warr, K.B.; d. 1776. Sir John Mordaunt, K.B. Hon. Jas. Cholmondeley, d. 1775. Peregrine Lascelles, d. 1772. Ld. John Murray. John, E. of Loudoun, d. 1782. Wm., E. of Panmure, d. 1781. Wm. Hy., M. of Lothian, K.T. ; d. 1775. Wm., E. of Harrington, d. 1779. Hugh Warburton. Cuthbert Ellison. Peregrine Bertie, D. of Ancaster and Kesteven, d. 1778. Evelyn, D. of Kingston, R.G. ; d. 1773. Hugh, visc. Falmouth, d. 1782. Simon, Earl Harcourt, d. 1777. Hy. Arth. Herbert, E. of Powis, d. 1772. Michl. O'Brien Dilkes, d. 1775. John, E. of Sandwich, d. 1792. Hon. Hy. Seymour Conway, d. 1795. Jas. Abercrombie, d. 1781. Geo., E. of Albemarle, K.G. ; d. 1772. Fras. Leighton, d. 1773. Ld. Robt. Manners, d. 1782. John Mostyn. John, E. Waldegrave, d. 1784. Wm. Hy.. D. of Gloucester, K.G. ; d. 1805. Sir. Geo. Howard, R.B. Hon. Sir Jos. Yorke, Dover, K. B. ; d. 1792. Wm. Belford, d. 1780. Ld. Robt. Bertie, d. 1782. Philip Honywood, d. 1785. John, D. of Argyll, d. 1806. Hon. John Fitzwilliam, d. 1789. Wm. A 'Court Ashe. Jeffrey, ld. Amherst, K.B. ; d. 1797. John Griffin, ld. Howard de Walden, d. 1797. Studholme Hodgson. Geo. Augs. Elliot, K.B., aft. 16. Heathfield ; d. 1790. John Lambton, d. 1794. John Parslow, d. 1786. aft. la. 1782, Nov. 20. 1783, Feb. 19. 1793. 1793, Hon. Thos Gage, d. 1787. Geo., Marq. Townshend, d. 1807. Ld. Fredk. Cavendish. Chas., D. of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny, K. G.; d. 1806. Hy., E. of Pembroke, d. 1794. John Severn, d. 1787. Sir John Sebright, bt., d. 1794. Hon. Geo. Cary. Hon. Jas. Murray, d. 1794. Cyrus Trapaud, d. 1801. Sir Wm. Boothby, bt., d. 1787. Benjn. Carpenter, d. 1788. Bygoe Armstrong. Wm., E. of Shelburne, d. 1805. Wm. Haviland, d. 1784. Sir John Irwin, K.B. ; d. 1788. Chas. Vernon, d. 1810. David Graeme, d. 1792. Fredk., D. of York, R. G.; Apr. 12. Robt. Melville, d. 1809. Oct. 25. Moriscoe Frederick, d. 1801. 1793, Oct. 25. 1796, May 3. Robt. Dalrymple Horn Elphin- stone, d. 1794. Jas. Johnstone. Jas. Johnston. Chas., M. of Drogheda, d. 1821. Sir Wm. Augs. Pitt, K.B.; d. 1809. Lord Adam Gordon, d. 1801. Hon. Sir Alexr. 'Maitland, bt., d. 1820. Archd., E. of Eglintoun, d. 1796. Hunt Walsh. Guy, ld. Dorchester, K.B., govr of Canada; d. 1808. Sir Chas. Thompson, bt. Robt. Clerk. Robt. Cunninghame, Rossmore; d. 1801. Hon. Sir Wm. Howe, K. B., aft visc. Howe; d. 1814. Ld. Geo. Hy. Lenox, d. 1805. Hy. Fletcher, d. 1803. Jno. Hale, d. 1806. Sir Robt. Boyd, K. B., govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1794. Sir Hy. Clinton, K. B. ; d. 1795. Chas., ld. Southampton; d. 1797. Bernard Hale. d 1798. Fras. Craig, d. 1811. Hugh, D. of Northumberland, K.G. ; d. 1817. Wm. Taylor. Chas., Marq. Cornwallis, K.G.; d. 1805. Sir David Lindsay, bt. ; d. 1797. Bdwd. Maxwell Brown, d. 1803. Jas. Robinson. Eyre, ld. Clarina ; d. 1804. Geo. Warde, d. 1803. Flower Mocher, d. 1801. Sir Robt. Sloper, K.B.; d. 1802. Staates Long Morris, d. 1800. Ralph, E. of Ross; d. 1802. aft. la. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 859 1796, May 3. Sir Jno. Dalling, bt., K.B.; d. 1798. Russel Manners, d. 1800. Thos. Hall, d. 1809. James Grant, d. 1806. Sir Wm. Faucett, K.B. ; d. 1804. Wm. Jno., M. of Lothian; d. 1815. Sir Chas. Grey, K.B., aft. E. Grey; d. 1807. Sir Thos. Spencer Wilson, bt. ; d. 1798. Geo. Morrison, d. 1799. Thos. Clarke, d. 1799. Chas. Rainsford, d. 1809. Edwd. Matthew, d. 1805. Jan. 26. Jas Pattison, d. 1805. 1798, Jan. 1. 1799, 1801, Jan. 1. 1802, Hon. Hy, St. John, d. 1818, Jno. Campbell, d. 1807. Sir Geo. Osborne, bt. ; d. 1818. Sir Thos. Shirley, bt. ; d. 1800. Patr. Tonym, d. 1804. Gabriel Christie, d. 1799. Jno. Reid, d. 1807. Sir Wm. Green, bt. ; d. 1811. Geo. Scott, d. 1811. Chas. O'Hara, lt.-govr. and aft. govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1802. Loftus Anthy. Tottenham, d. 1810. Wm. Rowley, d. 1807. Peter Bathurst. Hon. Wm. Gordon, d. 1815. Robt. Prescott, d. 1815. Hon. Wm. Harcourt, d. 1830. Hy. Lawes, E. of Carhampton; d. 1821. Wm. Dalrymple, d. 1807. Wm. Picton, d. 1811. Sir Hector Munro, 1806. Hon. Wm. Hervey, d. 1815. Jno. Fletcher Campbell, d. 1808. Fras. Lascelles, d. 1799. Sir Wm. Medows, K.B. ; d. 1813. Edwd. D. of Kent, K.G., May 10; d. 1820. Edwd. Smith, d. 1808. Thos. Bland, d. 1816. Felix. Buckley, d. 1823. Geo. Ainslie, d. 1804. Benj. Gordon, d. 1803. Jas. Adeane, d. 1802. Hy. Watson Powell. Sir Thos. Stirling, bt. ; d. 1808. Geo. Garth, d. 1819. Tich.d. Grenville, d. 1823. Jno. Leland, d. 1808. K.B. ; d. Apr. 29. Jas. Hamilton, d. 1803. Jno. Stratton, d. 1803. Jas. Rooke, d. 1805. Chas. Crosbie, d. 1807. Jno., E. of Suffolk; d. 1820. Hon, Chapple Norton, d. 1818. Geo. Hotham, d. 1806. 1802, Apr. 29. 1803, Sept. 25. 1808, Apr. 25. Sir David Dundas, d. 1820. Sir Robt. Abercromby, G.C.B.; d. 1827. Gerard Lake, aft. Id. and visc. Lake; d. 1808. Sir Thos. Musgrave, d. 1812. Jas. Coates, d. 1822. Ralph Dundas, d. 1814. Richd. Whyte, d. 1807. Sir Alured Clarke, 1832. Wm. Shirreff, d. 1804. Saml. Hulse. G.C. H. Hon. Albemarle Bertie, aft. E. of Lindsey: d. 1818. Chas. Walancey, d. 1802. Jno. Thos., E. of Clanricarde ; d. 1808. Sir Jas. Steuart (Denham), bt., G.C.H. ; d. 1839. Thos. Carleton, d. 1817. Jas. Marsh, d. 1804. Wm. Grinfield. Cavendish Lister, d. 1823. Chas. Leigh, d. 1815. Jas. Ogilvie. Sir Robt. Laurie, bt. ; d. 1804. Wm. Edmeston, d. 1804. David Home, d. 1810. Hugh Debbeig, d. 1808. Montgomery Agnew, d. 1813. Alexr., E. of Balcarres; d. 182 Cornelius Cuyler, aft. bt. ; 1819. Chas., E. of Harrington, G.C.B., G.C. H. ; d. 1829. Hon. Richd. Fitzpatrick, d. 1813. Nisbet Balfour, d. 1823. Edma. Stevens, d. 1825. Sir Thos. Trigg, K.B., lt.-govr., and aft. govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1814. Fras., E. of Moira, aft. M. of Hastings, govr.-gen, of India, and subsequently govr. of Malta; d. 1826. Peter Craig, d. 1810. Ernest Aug., D. of Cumberland, K. G., R.P., G.C.B., aft. K. of Hanover. Adolphus Fredk., D. of Cam- bridge, K. G. G.C.B., G.C.B. Edmd. Fanning, d. 1818. Hy. Johnson, aft. bt., G.C.B.; d. 1835. Hon. Hy. Edwd. Fox, lt.-govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1811. R. B. 5 K.B. ; d. 5. d. Jno. Watson Tad. Watson, d. 1826. Lowther Pennington, aft. Id. Muncaster; d. 1818. Fras. Edwd. Gwin, d. 1822 Robt. Morse, d. 1818. 860 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1808, Apr. 25. 1809, Oct 25. Fras., ld. Heathfield; d. 1813. Thos. Sloughter Stanwix, 1815. Sir Jas. Pulteney, bt. ; d. 1811. Wm. Fredk, D. of Gloucester, K.G. Robt. Donkin, d. 1821. Jas. Balfour, d. 1823. Sir Jas. Duff, knt.; d. 1839. Hy., ld. Mulgrave, aft. E. of Mulgrave, G.C.B.; d. 1831. Grice Blakeney. d. 1811, Arth., visc., aft. E., M., and D. July 31. 1812, Jan. 1. 1813, June 4. of Wellington, G. C. H. Sir Paulus AEmilius Irving, bt. ; d. 1828. Geo. Harris, G.C.B., aft. li. Har- ris ; d. 1829. Richd. Wyse, d. 1825. Wm., visc., aft. E. Cathcart, K.T. ; d. 1843. Sir Banastre Tarleton, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1833. Sir Hew Dalrymple, bt. ; d. 1830. Gordon Forbes, d. 1828. Sir John Floyd, bt. ; d. 1818. Oliver de Lancey, d. 1822. Sir Jas. Hy Craig, K. B. ; d. 1812. Anthony Farrington, aft, bt. ; d. 1823. Jas. Stuart. John White. Andr. John Drummond. John Wm., E. of Bridgewater; d. 1823. Ellis Walker. Sir Wm. Maxwell, d. 1837. Geo., E. of Pembroke, K. G.; d. 1827. John, E. of Chatham, K.G., govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1835. Alex. Campbell, d. 1832. Wm. Morshed, d. 1822. Fras. Dundas. d. 1824. Alex. Ross, govr. of Fort George ; d. 1827. Hon. Fras. Needham, aft. visc. and E. Kilmorey; d. 1832. Sir Hy. Pigot, G.C.M.G.; d. 1840. Geo. Bernard, d. 1820. Sir Geo. Nugent, bt., K.B. John Barclay, d. 1823. Wm. Macarmick, d. 1815. Sir Robt. Stuart, bt. Sir Wm. Keppel, G.C.B., govr. of Guernsey; d. 1834. John, ld. Hutchinson, G.C.B., aft. E. of Donoughmore ; d. 1832. John Hamilton, d. 1835. Alexr. Leith Hay, d. 1838. Jas. Stewart, d. 1815. Sir Chas. Hastings, bt., G.C.H. ; d. 1823. Robt. Manners, d. 1823. Wm. Loftus, d. 1831. R. G. 3. G. C.B. 2 1813, June 4. 1814, June 4. 1814, July 25. 1816, May 2. 1819, Aug. 12. Oliver Nicolls, d. 1829 Alexr. Mercer, d. 1816. Sir Geo. Hewett, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1840. Philip Martin; d. 1821. Sir Eyre Coote, K.C.B., K.H. Chas., D. of Richmond, K.G., ld. lt. of Ir., govr.-gen. of the Canadas; d. 1819. John Adolphus Harris, d. 1827. Wm. John Arabin, d. 1828. Sir Geo. Don, G.C.B., G.C. H., lt.- govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1832. Sir John Fras. Cradock, or Cara- doc, G.C.B., K.H., aft. li. How- den; d. 1839. Lord Chas. Fitz-Roy, d. 1829. Napier Christie Burton, d. 1835. Richd. Rich Wilford. d. 1822. Edwd. Morrison, d. 1843. Sir Chas. Asgill, bt., G.C. H.; d. 1823. Thos. Garth, d. 1829. Vaughan Lloyd. Jas., E. of Rosslyn, G.C.B.; d. 1837. Andr. Cowell, d. 1821. Jos. Dusseaux, d. 1823. Colin Mackenzie, d. 1815. John Dickson, d. 1816. John Money. Sir Geo. Beckwith, G.C.B., govr. of Barbadoes in 1808; d. 1823. Thos. Murray, d. 1816. Thos. Roberts. Geo. Jas., Earl Ludlow, G.C.B.; d. 1842. Richd., E. of Cavan, K.B.; d. 1837. Sir David Baird, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1 Hon. Fredk. St. John, d. 1844 Ld. Chas. Hy. Somerset; govr. of Cape of Good Hope ; d. 1831. John Despard, d. 1829. Wm. Wemyss, d. 1839. Wm. Fredk. Hy., hered. Pr. of Orange, G.C.B.; aft. K. of the Netherlands. Leopold Geo. Fredk., D. of Saxe and Pr. of Coburg Saalfeld, R. G.; aft. K. of the Belgians. Hon. Robt. Taylor, d. 1839. Geo. Milner, d. 1836. Geo., M. of Huntly, G.C.B., aft. D. of Gordon ; d. 1836. Hon. Edwd. Finch, d. 1843. Isaac Gascoyne, d. 1841. David Douglas Wemyss, d. 1839. Hon. John Leslie Cuming, d. 1824 Hy. Wynyard, d. 1838. Duncan Campbell, d. 1837. Thos. Grosvenor. John Calcraft, d. 1829. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 861 1819, Aug. 12. 1821, July 19. 1825, May 27. John, E. of Hopetoun, G.C.B.; d. 1823, Jas., ld. Forbes; d. 1843. Hy. Wm., M. of Anglesey, K.G., G. C. B., G. C. H. Sir John Doyle, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1834. Sir Robt. Brownrigg, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1833. Wm. Knollys, d. 1834. Hon. Edmd. Phipps, d. 1837. Wm. Cartwright, d. 1827. Ferd., Ct. Homspesch; d. 1831. Sir Baldwin Leighton, bt. ; d. 1828. John Coffin, d. 1838. John Murray, d. 1824. Sir Chas. Green, bt. ; d. 1831. Thos. Hartcup, d. 1820. Sir Thos. Blomefield, bt. ; d. 1822. Gother Mann, d. 1830. John Pratt. Sir Josiah Champagné, G.C. H. ; d. 1840. Sir Harry Calvert, bt., G.C.B., G.C.II. ; d. 1826. Sir Geo. Cockburn, G.C. H.; 1847. Edwd. Dunne, d. 1844. Jas. Drummond, d. 1831. Wrm. Dowdeswell, d. 1828. Sir Alexr. Mackenzie, bt., G.C.H. Geo. Moncrieff, govr. of Carrick- fergus ; d. 1830. Thos. Meyrick, d. 1830. Thos. Graham, ld. Lynedoch, G.C.B.; d. 1843. Geo. Hy. Vansittart, d. 1824. Hon. Chas. Fitz-Roy, d. 1831. Fras. Hugonin, d. 1836. Wm. Scott, d. 1836. Fras. Fuller d. 1841. Sir Jas. Affleck, bt. ; d. 1833. Geo. Vaughan Hart, d. 1832. Geo. Warde, d. 1830. Mervyn Archdall, d. 1839. Sir John Cope Sherbrooke, G.C. B. govr. of Canada; d. 1830. Sir Gordon Drummond, G.C.B.; govr. of Canada. Jas. Wharton, d. 1841. Sir Wim. Payne, bt., d. 1831. Hon. Edwd. Bligh, d. 1840. Ld. Wm. Cav. Bentinck, G.C.B., G. C.II. ; d. 1839. Edmd, E. of Cork, R.P. Hon. Sir Hy. Geo. Grey, G.C.B.,, G.C.II. ; d. 1845. Hon. Sir Edwd. Paget, G.C.B., govr. of Ceylon; d. 1849. Sir Brent Spencer, G.C.B.; d. 1828. Stapleton, ld., aft. visc. Comber- merc, G. C. B., G. C. H. Saml. Dalrymple, d. 1832. Hon. Wm. Stapleton, d. 1826. d. 1825, May 27. 1830, July 22. 1837, Jan. 10. Denzil Onslow, d. 1838. Sir John Murray, bt., G.C. H.; d. 1827. Wm. Twiss, d. 1827. Hon. Chas. Hope, d. 1828. Sir Geo. Pigot, bt. ; d. 1841. Rowland, visc. Hill, G. C. B., G.C. H. d. 1842. Fredk. Maitland, d. 1848. Sir Martin Hunter, G.C. H.; d. 1846. Wm. Carr, visc. Beresford, G.C.B., G. C. H. ; govr. of Jersey. Geo. E. of Dalhousie, G.C. H. ; d. 1838. Thos. Baker, d. 1849. Hy. Williams, d. 1845. Hy., M. of Conyngham, K.P., G. C. II. ; d. 1833. Hon. Sir Alexr. Hope, G.C.B. ; d. 1837. Sir John Fraser, G. C. H.; d. 1843. Peter Heron, d. 1848. John Ramsay, d. 1845. Sir John Delves Broughton, bt. ; d. 1847. Wm. Dyott, d. 1847. Sir Ronald Craufurd Ferguson, G. C. B. ; d. 1841. Sir Robt. Macfarlane, G.C. H.; d. 1843. Sir John Gustavus Crosbie, G.C.H.; d. 1843. Bdwd. St, clº, d. 1833. Hon. John Brodrick, d. 1842. Sir Hy. Warde, G.C.B., govr. of Barbadoes ; d. 1834. Jas. Durham, d. 1840. Hon. David Leslie, d. 1838. John Manners Ker, d. 1843. Thos. Scott, d. 1842. Sir Hillgrove Turner, G.C.H.; d. 1843. Christr. Chowne, d. 1834. Hon. Wm. Mordaunt Maitland, d. 1841. John, ld. Crewe. d. 1835. Hon. Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole, G.C.B.; d. 1842. Quin Jno. Freeman, d. 1834. Geo., E. of Granard, d. 1837. Fras. Moore. Robt. Edwd., visc. Lorton. Sir Wm. Hy. Clinton, G.C.B.; d. 1846. Sir Fras. Thos. Hammond, G.C.B.; d. 1850. Robt. Dudley Blako, d. 1850. Hon. Robt. Meade, d. 1849. Sir Wm. Houston, or Houstoun, bt., G.C.B. and G.C.II. ; lt.-govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1842. Geo. Michel, d. 1846. Sir Thos. Hislop, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1843. K.C.B., 862 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1837, Jan. 10. 1838, June 28. Thos., E. of Elgin; d. 1841, David Hunter, d. 1846. Sir Jno. Slade, bt., G.C. H. Sir Fredk. Augs. Wetherell, G.C. H.; d. 1842. Jno. Daniell Arabin, d. 1838. Hon. Sir Wm. Lumley, G.C.B.; d. 1850. Sir Moore Disney, K.C.B.; 1846. Jno. Mº Kenzie. Alexr. Graham Stirling, d. 1849. Jno. Michel, d. 1844. Sir Wm. Wilkinson, G.C.M.G. ; d. 1840. Sir Hy. Tucker Montresor, R. C.B., K.C. H. ; d. 1837. Jno. Hodgson, d. 1846. Richd. Thos. Nelson, d. 1842. Sir Jas. Hay, K. C.H. ; d. 1837. Jas. Robertson, d. 1845. Edwd. Wm. Leyburn Popham, d. 1843. Sir Fitzroy Jeffries Maclean, bt., d. 1847. Sir Hy. Fredk. Campbell, K.C.B., G.C. H. Wm. Burnett, d. 1839. Chas. Wm., M. of Londonderry, G.C.B., G. C. H. Sir Jno. Smith, d. 1837. Lewis Bayly Wallace, d. 1848. Jno. Sulivan Wood, lt. Tow. of Lond. Hon. Sir Chas. Colville, G.C.B., G. C. H. : d. 1843. Fredk. Chas. White. Gore Browne, d. 1843. Sir Hy. Fane, G.C.B.; d. 1840. Sir Geo. Anson, G.C.B.; d. 1849. Kenneth Alexander, E. of Effing- ham, G.C.B.; d. 1845. Thos. R. Charleton, d. 1849. Wm. Thos. Dilkes, d. 1841. Sir Jno. Oswald, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.; d. 1840. Pinson Bonham. Sir Wm. Anson, bt., K.C.B.; d. * 1847. Chas. Terrot, d. 1839. Sir Thos. Saumarez, d. 1845. Campbell Callendar, d. 1845. Jas. Meredyth, d. 1841. Robt. Hill Farmar, d. 1839. Jno. Stratford Saunders, d. 1846. Geo. Wilson, d. 1841. Sir Warren Marmaduke Peacocke, K.C.B.; d. 1849. Jno. Pare, d. 1839. Sir Chas. Wale, K.C.B.; d. 1845. Sir Jno. Ormsby Wandeleur, G.C.B.; d. 1849. Chas. Pye Douglas, d. 1844. Robt. Browne Clayton, d. 1845. d. Grafton G.C. H. ; 1838, June 28. 1841, Nov. 23. 1846, Nov. 9. Alexr. Jno. Goldie, d. 1848. Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe, bt. Hon. Sir Alexr. Duff, G.C.H. ; d. 1851. Sir Rufane Shawe Donkin, K.C.B., G. C.H. ; d. 1841. Wm. Eden. Sir Geo. Townshend Walker, bt., G.C.B. ; d. 1842. Sir Jno. Hamilton Dalrymple, aft. E. of Stair. Sir Geo. Murray, G.C.B., G.C. H. ; d. 1846. Sir Jas. Kempt, G.C.B., G.C.II. ; lt.-govr. of Fort William. Sir Evan Lloyd, K.C.H. ; 1846. Matthew Sharpe, d. 1845. Richd. Blunt. Sir Hy. Bayly, G.C. H.; d. 1846. Fras. Slater Rebow, d. 1845. Gerrard Gosselyn. Sir Frédk. Philips . G. C. B. Sir Arth. Richd. Dillon, bt. ; d. 1845, Duncan Darroch ; d. 1847. Sir Phineas Riall, K.C. H.; 1850. Wm. Brooke, d. 1843. John Vincent, d. 1848. Jos. Walker, d. 1848. Sir Wm. Hutchinson, K.C. H.; d. 1845. John, ld., aft. E. of Strafford, G. C. B: , G. C. H. Sir Thos. Macdougall Brisbane, bt., G.C.B., G. C. H. Sir Alexr. Halkett, K.C.H. " Sir Wm. Keir Grant, G. C. H. - Ld. Robt. Edwd. Hy. Somerset, G.C.B.; d. 1842. Hon. Arth. Annesley, d. 1849. Boyle Travers. Sir Thos. Bradford, G.C.B., G.C. H., Jno. Granby Clay, d. 1846. Gage John Hall. Hon. Wm. De Blaquiere, aft. la. De Blaquiere. Sir Thos. Browne, K.C. H.; d. 1843. Sir John Lambert, G.C.B.; d. 1847. Sir Jas. Willoughby Gordon, bt., G.C.B., G.C. H.; d. 1851. Sir Thos. Gage Montresor, K.C. H. Sir Ralph Darling, G.C.H. Sir Robt. Thos. Wilson, govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1849. Matthew, ld. Aylmer, G.C.B., govr. of Canada, &c.; d. 1850. Sir Chas. Imhoff. Gabriel Gordon. Chas. Craven, d. 1850. d. Robinson, d. K.C.B., THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 863 1846, Nov. 9. 1851, Nov. 11. Jas. Orde, d. 1850. Sir Chas. Bulkeley Egerton, G.C.M.G., G.C. H. Sir Hy. John Cumming, K.C. H. Thos. Birch Reynardson, d. 1847. John, E. of Carysfort. Sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.B., govr. at the Cape, &c. Hon. Thos. Edwd. Capel. Godfrey Basil Mundy, d. 1848. Sir Colin Halkett, G.C.B., G.C.H. Sir Fredk. Adam, G.C.B., G.C.H., G. C. M. G. Sir Lewis Grant. Peter Carey. Sir John Alexr. Wallace, bt., K. C. B. Hastings Fraser, C.B. Sir Geo. Pownall Adams. Sir Loftus Wm. Otway, C.B. Sir Edwd. Kerrison, bt., K.C.B., G. C. H. Sir Robt. Barton. Sir John Wright Guise, bt. K. C. B. Paul Anderson, C.B. Sir Andr. Jno. Fras. Barnard, G. C. B. Richd. Pigot. Sir Jas. Watson, K.C.B. Sir Aug. De Butts. Sir Richd. Bourke, K.C.B. Hon. Sir Patrick Stuart, G.C.M.G. Hy. Otway, ld. Dacre, C. B. Sir Howard Douglas, G.C.B. G. C. M. G. Hon Arth. Percy Upton, C.B. Samuel Huskisson. Hy. Monckton. John Maister. Samuel Browne. Dennis Herbert. John Bruce Richd., visc. O’Neill. Sir Edwd. Blakeney, G.C.B., G.C. S.I. Sir Thos. Hawker, K.C.S.I. Sir John Wilson, K.C.B. John, ld. Seaton, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G. C. S. I. Sir Thos. McMahon, bt., K.C.B. Sir Alexr. Woodford, G.C.B., G. C. M. G. - John, E. of Westmorland, G.C.B., G.C. S.I. 1854, Fitzroy Jas. Hy., ld. Raglan, G.C.B. June 20. Ld. Chas. Somerset Manners, I.C. C. B. Robt. Ellice. Cosmo Gordon. Hugh, visc. Gough, G.C.B. Sir Jas. Macdonell, K.C.B., K.C.S.I. Jas. Wallace Sleigh, C.B. Sir Wm. Gabriel Davy, C.B., R. C. S. I. - Jonathan Yates. Sir John Forster Fitzgerald, FC. C. B. Sir Arthur Benj. Clifton, K.C.B., K. C. S. I. Wm. Cornwallis Eustace, C.B., K. C. S.I. Chas. Murray, E. Cathcart, K.C.B. Sir Alexr. Leith, K.C. B. Sir Jno. Brown, K.C.S.I. Hon. Hugh Arbuthnott, C.B. Sir Jas. Douglas, K.C.B. Sir Wm. Macbean, K.C.B. Hy. visc. Hardinge, G.C.B. Sir Willoughby Cotton, G.C.B., K.C. S.I. Sir Jno. Hanbury, K.C.S.I. Hy. Beauchamp, E. Beauchamp. Hon. Edwd. Pyndar Lygon, C.B. Sir Geo. Whitmore. Hy. Shadforth. Jno. Millet Hamerton, C. B. Sir Wm. Tuyll, K.C.H. Sir Geo. Hy. Fredk. Berkeley, R. C. B. Sackville Hamilton Berkeley. |Helier Touzel. Sir Hy. King, C.B., K.C. H. Sir Geo. Thos. Napier, K.C.B. Sir Geo. Scovell, K.C.B. |Ulysses, ld. Downes. Geo., M. of Tweeddale, K.T., C.B. Sir Fredk. Wm. Trench, K.C. H. Hy. Wyndham. Fredk. Rennell Thackeray, C.B. Jno. Fras. Birch. Gustavus Nicolls. Hy. Evelegh. Hon. Wm. Hy. Gardner. Geo. Wright. Fredk. Walker. Sir Edwd. Bowater. Jos. Webbe Tobin. Sir Wm. Maynard Gomm. 864 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Sk º 1678, May 1. 1688, Nov. 6. 1689. 1690. 1690, Dec. 22. 1693, Apr. 3. 1693, Apr. 16. 1694. 1694, Oct. 24. 1696, June 2. 1704, Jan. 1. 1706. 1707, Jan. 1. 1709, Jan. 1. 1710, Jan. 10. LIST B. LIEUTENANT-GENERALS. Officers who attained the rank of Lieutenant-General, down to November 1846. Geo., E. of Linlithgow. Wm., E. of Craven. Geo., E. of Dunbarton. Sir Jno. Lanier, d. 1692. Jas. Douglas, d. 1692. Arth., E. of Granard. Jan. 10. Wm. Hy., E. of Rochford, Sept. 12. Piercy Kirke. Robt. Mackay Jas. FitzJames, D. of Berwick; d. 1734. Jas., E. of Arran and D. Hamilton ; d. 1712. Aubrey, E. of Oxford. Thos. Talmash, Jan. 1694, Sir Hy. Bellasyse. Richd., E. of Scarborough. Hy., E. of Romney. Hon. Sir Fras. Compton. Wm., visc. Montgomery, M. Powis. Jno., ld. Cutts. Thos. visc. Tiviot. Geo. Ramsay. Richd. Ingoldsby. M. of Miremont. Fras. Langston. David, E. of Leven, Apr. 6. Hy. Withers. Cornelius Wood. Thos., E. of Strafford. Chas., E. of Arran. Algm., E. of Essex. Edmd. Mayne. Wm. Seymour. Hatton Compton. Robt. Echlyn. Wm., M. of Lothian. Jno. Tidcomb. Hugh Windham. Jas. Maitland. Thos., visc. Windsor. Thos. Meredyth. |Fras. Palmer. Jas., E. Stanhope. Geo. Macartney. Jno., visc. Mordaunt. |Hon. Harry Mordaunt. Thos. Farrington. Wm., visc. Mountjoy. Richd. Gorges. Nichs. Sankey. Jno., E. of Crawford. Hy. Holt. of 8; d. of 1710, Jan. 10. 1711, Mar. 12. 1712. 1715. 1727, Mar. 1. 1735, Oct. 17. 1735, Nov. 2. 1739, July 2. 1742, Feb. 18. 1743, Feb. 1. 1743, Mar. 26. 1745, May 27. 1745, June. Geo., D. of Northumberland, K.G. Geo., ld. Carpenter. Chas., ld. Mohun ; d. 1712. Jas., E. of Barrymore. Wm., ld. North and Grey. Geo., E. Marischal. Sir Wm. Douglas. Geo. Kellum, Apr. 5. º I. of Sutherland, Nov. 6. Owen Wynne. Wm. Tatton. Hayman Rooke. Thos. Pearce. Richd. Sutton. Andr. Bisset. Humphrey Gore. Hy. Gore. Robt. Napier. Jas. Dormer. Thos. Panton. Geo. Preston. Albt. Borgard. Fras. Columbine. Richd. Franks. Chas. Churchill. Wm. Barrel. Jasper Clayton. Piercy kirke. Jas. Tyrrell. Edmd. Fielding. Jno. Peter Desbordes. Wm. Ker. Richd., E. of Scarborough. Hy., E. of Pembroke. Sir Daniel O'Carrol, bt. Hon. Sir Jas. Campbell, K.B. ; d. 1745. Clement Nevill. Sir Jno. Arnot, bt. Wm. Hargrave. Hy. Cornwall. Hy. IIarrison. Thos. Howard. Sir Jno. Cope, K.B. Peter Campbell. Jas. Scott. Jno. Jones. Richd. Philips. Hy. Hawley. Joshua Guest. Phineas Bowles. Philip Anstruther. Jno. Foliot. Adam Williamson. Thos. Wentworth. THE BOOK OF 865 DIGNITIES. 1745, June. 1745. 1747, Aug. 1747, Sept. 1758, Jan. 1759, Jan. 30. 1759, Feb. 4. 1759, Mar. 28. 1759, Apr. 17. I760, Feb. 22. Chas., D. of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny, R. G. Wm. Anne, E. of Albemarle. Chas., D. of Bolton, Dec. 24. Geo. Read. Archd. Hamilton. Richd. Onslow. Philip Bragg. Jno. Huske. Chas. Frampton. Alexr. Irwine. Richd. St. George. Wm., ld. Blakeney, K. B. Humphrey Bland. Jno., E. of Crawford Geo. Churchill. Hy. Skelton. Jno. Johnson. Edwd. Wolfe. Jno. Wynyard. Thos. Bligh, Mar. 23. Thos. Fowke, Apr. 30, d. 1765. Hy. de Grangues, May 3. Jas. Cochrane. Jno. Brown. Sir Jno. Bruce Hope, bt. Jno. Foliot. Hon. Thos. Murray. Hon. Jas. Stuart, d. 1768. Maurice Bocland. Ld. Geo. Beauclerk, d. 1768. Ld. Geo. Sackville, d. 1785. Wm. Shirley. Sir Wm. Pepperell, bt. Jno., D. of Guilford, K.G. ; d. 1771. Jno., M. of Granby; d. 1771. Geo., E. of Cholmondeley, K. B. Geo., E. of Halifax, K. G.; 1771. Wm., E. of Home, govr of Gib- raltar; d. 1766. Jas. Kennedy. Lewis Dejean. Hy. Holmes. Sir Andr. Agnew, bt. ; d. 1771. Robt. Napier. Sir Richd. Lyttelton, K. B. ; d. 1770. Edwd. Pole. Hon. Edwd. Cornwallis, govr. of Gibraltar; d. 1776. Edwd. Carr. Hon. Geo. Boscawen, d. 1775. Thos., E. of Effingham, d. 1763. Sir Robt. Rich, bt. ; d. 1785. Sir Jno. Whiteford, bt. Wm. Kingsley. Chas., ld. Cathcart, 1776. Wm. Whitmore. Alexr. Duroure. Hon. Bennet Noel, d. 1766. Jno. Adlercron, d. 1766. Thos. Dunbar. d. K.T.; d. 1760, Dec. 1765, Jan. 19. 1770, Apr. 30. 1772, May 26. 1777, Aug. 29. Jas. Durand. Jno., M. of Lorne. Danl. Webb, d. 1773. Jas. Paterson. Robt. Anstruther. Sir Chas. Montagu, K. B. ; 1777. Geo., E. of Granard. Jno. Stanwix, d. 1796. Chas. Jeffreys. Wm. Strode, d. 1776. Jos. Hudson, d. 1773. Sir Hy. Erskine, bt. ; d. 1765. Robt. Armiger, d. 1770. Sir David Cunningham, bt. Hon. Thos. Brudenell, d. 1767. Wm. Skinner. Hon. Robt. Monckton, govr. New York; d. 1782. Jno. Hy. Bastide. Edwd. Sandford. Theodore Dury. Jno. Parker. Hon. Chas. Colville, d. 1775. Wm. Browne. Jno., E. De la Warr; d. 1777. Hy. Whitley. Sir Jno. Clavering, 1778. Sir Geo. Grey, bt. ; d. 1773. Jas. Adolphus Oughton, aft. Sir J. Jas., D. of Leinster; d. 1773. Jas. Prescott Mackay. Jno. Gore, d. 1773. Geo. Williamson, d. 1781. Hon. Wm. Keppel, d. 1782. Sir Richd. Pierson, K.B. ; 1781. Jno. Owen, d. 1775. Edwd. Harvey. Wm. Rufane, d. 1773. Hamilton Lambert. Cadwallader, ld. Blaney; d. 1775. Wm. Gansell, d. 1774. Edwd. Ulmston. Robt. Melville. Wm. Evelyn, d. 1783. Jas. Gisborne. Fras. Grant. Wm. Alexr. Sorrell. Richd., E. of Cavan ; d. 1778. Hon. Simon Fraser, d. 1782. Thos. Desaguliers, d. 1780. Geo. Preston, d. 1784. Jno. Thomas. Hon. Philip Sherrard, d. 1790. Hon. Geo. Lane Parker, d. 1791. Sir Fredk. Haldimand, K. B. IIon. Alexr. Mackay. Jno. Pomeroy, d. 1790. Sir Wm. Draper, K. B., govr. of Minorca; d. 1787. Sir Robt. Hamilton, bt. Edwd., E. Ligonier, d. 1782. Sir Eyre Coote, K.B.; d. 1783. d. d. IC. B. ; d. 55 866 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1782, Nov. 20. 1787, Sep. 26. 1793, Oct. 12. 1796, May 3. 1797, Jan. 16. 1799, June 16. 1801, Jan. 1. 1802, June 29. 1803, Sep. 25. 1779, Wm. Amherst, d. 1782. Fob. 27. Jordan Wren. Launcelot Baugh, d. 1792. Hy. Smith, d. 1794. Jno. Bell, d. 1798. Robt. Watson, d. 1791. Danl. Jones. Jno. Mackenzie, d. 1791. Sir Jno. Burgoyne, bt. ; d. 1785. Hezekiah Fleming, d. 1784. Wrm, Stile. Hy. Lister. Robt. Skene. Thos. Calcraft. Sir Chas. Thompson, bt. Robt. Robinson. Wm. Taylor, d. 1794. Edwd. Maxwell. Wm. Tryon, d. 1788. Jas. Cuninghame. Jos. Gabbett. Hon. Jno. Vaughan. Sir Robt. Pigot, bt. ; d. 1796. Sir Robt. Murray Keith, K.B.; d. 1795. Richd. Prescott. Spencer Cowper. Wm. Wynyard, d. 1789. Rd. Burton Phillipson, d. 1792. Fras. Smith, d. 1791. Jno. Douglas, d. 1795. Hon. Alex. Leslie, d. 1794. Saml. Cleveland. Sir Wm. Erskine, bt. ; d. 1795. Thos. Osbert Mordaunt, d. 1808. Jos. Broome, d. 1796. Chas. Ross. Jno. Mansell, d. 1794. Anthy. Geo. Martin, d. 1800. Hon. Thos. Bruce. Chas. Wilson Lyon, d. 1799. Wynter Blathwayte, d. 1801. Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B. ; d. 1801. Wm. Gardiner, d. 1806. Jas. Lumsdaine, d. 1807. Wm. Spry, d. 1802. Horatio Spry, d. 1811. Wm. Souter Johnston. Harry Innes, d. 1806. Alexr. Campbell, d. 1808. Jas. Fras. Perkins, d. 1803. Fras. D'Oyly, d. 1803. Maurice Wemyss. Andrew Gordon, d. 1806. Jno. Graves Simcoe, d. 1806. Chas. Horneck, d. 1804. Hy. Bowyer, d. 1808. Jos. Walton, d. 1808. Abraham d'Aubant, d. 1805. Duncan Drummond, d. 1805. Count C. D. de Meuron, d. 1806. Philip Goldsworthy. Baron Chas. Homspech, d. 1812. Jno. Bowater. 1803, Sep. 23. 1805, Jan. 1. 1805. 1805, Oct. 30. 1808, April 25. 1809, July 1. 1809, Oct. 25. 1810, July 25. 1811, June 4. Thos. Awarne, d. 1805. Jas. Hethersett, d. 1812. Jas. Campbell, d. 1808. Chas. Tarrant. Jno. Freke. Richd. England, d. 1812. Thos. Goldie, d. 1804. Robt. Douglas. Simon Fraser, d. 1813. Thos. Davies, d. 1812. Sir Wm. Myers, bt. ; d. 1805. Wm. Borthwick, d. 1808. Harry Burrard, aft. Sir H.; d. 1813. Arth. Ormsby, d. 1808. Hy. Read, d. 1821, Jeffrey Amherst, d. 1815. Count Pierre Fredk. de Meuron, d. 1812. Lucius Barber, June 8; d. 1808. Jas. Ferrior, d. 1809. Archd. Robertson. Miles Staveley. Edwd. Jas. Urquhart, d. 1810. Geo. Churchill, d. 1808. Hon. Eyre Power Trench, d. 1808. Sir Jno. Moore, K.B.; d. 1809. Hon. Hy. Astley Bennet; d. 1815. Sir Chas. Ross, bt. ; d. 1814. Jno. Whitelocke. Hay Macdowall, d. 1810. Wm. Anne Villettes, d. 1808. Garret Fisher, d. 1810. Geo. Benson. Geo., ld. Southampton; d. 1810. Fras., ld. Seaforth. Hon. Sir Brydges Honiker, d. 1816. Wm. Thornton, d. 1841. Sir Jno. Stuart, K. B., and Count of Maida (Sicilian title); d. 1815. Hon. Were Poulett, d. 1812. Chas. Barton, d. 1819. Alex. Makenzie Fraser, d. 1809. Sir Wm. Congreve, bt., K.C. H. ; d. 1814. Fredk. Wm., D. of Brunswick; d. 1815. Geo. Elliott, d. 1820. Richd. Chapman, d. 1812. Richd. Armstrong. Wm. St. Leger, d. 1818. Richd. Northey Hopkins, d. 1845. Patr. Sinclair, d. 1820. Wm. Orch. Huddlestone, d. 1814. Geo. Fead, d. 1815. Jas. Sowerby, d. 1811. Donald M*Donald, 1812. Forbes Champagne, d. 1816. Sir Chas. G. Craufurd. Fredc., bar. Dreschsel, German Legion; d. 1826. Chas., bar. Linsengen, K.C.B. G.C. H.; d. 1830. Geo. Rochfort, d. 1821. Trecothick THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 867 1811, June 4. 1812, Jan. 1. 1813. 1813, June 4. 1814, June 4. Fras. Grose. Hy. Richmond Gale. Jno. Spens, d. 1821. Robt. Tipping, d. 1823. Archd. Campbell. Alex. Trotter. Jno. Robinson, d. 1819. Hon. Thos. Maitland, G.C.B., govr. of Malta and the Ionian Islands; d. 1824. Richd. Bright, d. 1831. Wm. Ramsay, d. 1827. Jas. Campbell. Jno. Skerrett. Sir Hildebrand Oakes, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1822. Sir Colin Campbell. Sir Geo. Prevost, bt. ; d. 1816. Wm. Waller, d. 1819. Wm., E. of Craven; d. 1825. Lord Wm. Bentinck. Arthur Whetham, d. 1813. Wm. Johnstone. Jno. Leveson Gower; d. 1816. Richd., E. of Donoughmore; d. 1825. Hon. Jno. Abercromby, G.C.B.; d. 1817. Count Walmoden, Jan. 21; d.1818. Jno. Evelegh, d. 1815. Geo. Porter, aft. bar. de Hoche- fried; d. 1828. Sir Jas. Erskine, d. 1825. Robt. Lawson, d. 1816. Thos. Peter, d. 1828. Hon. Montague Matthew, d. 1819. Andrew Gammell, d. 1815. Sir Saml. Auchmuty, K.B.; d. 1822. Sir Jas. Leith, K.B. ; d. 1816. Wm. Robertson, d. 1821. Matth. Baillie, d. 1825. Wm. Simson. Wm. Munro, d. 1821. Sir Jas. Campbell, bt. ; d. 1819. Sir Thos. Picton, K.B., K.C. H.; d. 1815. Jno. Gordon Cuming Skene, d. 1828. Sir Gonville Bromhead, bt. ; d. 1822. Stafford Lightburne, d. 1827. Jno. Hy. Loft. Edwd. Stephens, d. 1815. Hon. Sir Wm. Stewart, K.B.; d. 1827. Sir Jno. Hamilton, bt., d. 1835. Robt. Douglas, d. 1827. Jno. Prince, d. 1824. Jno. Macleod, d. 1883. Walter Cliffe, d. 1816. Wm. Wynyard, d. 1819. Alexr. Wood, d. 1817. Alexr. Dirom, d. 1830. Anthy. Lewis Layard, d. 1823. 1814, June 4. 1819, Jno., E., aft. M. of Breadalbane ; d. 1834. Wm. Spencer, d. 1829. Saml. Graham, d. 1831. Jas. Montgomerie, d. 1829. Wm. Wright, d. 1818. Wm. Buchanan, d. 1830. Wm. Murray, d. 1818 Robt. Brereton, d. 1818. Jno. Timms Hervey Elwes, d. 1824. Wm. Thomas, d. 1848. Fredc., count von der Decken, G. C.H. : d. 1840. Christr. Darby, d. 1832. Sir Albt. Gledstanes, d. 1818. Chas. Stevenson, d. 1828. Sir Wrothe Palmer Acland, or Ackland, K.C.B.; d. 1816. Nichs. Nepean, d. 1824. Jas. Taylor, d. 1825. Sir Miles Nightingall, K.C. B. ; d. 1829. Wm. Cockell, d. 1831. Leonard Shafto Orde, d. 1820. Richd. Bingham, d. 1829. Jno. Lee, d. 1821. Sir Hy. Clinton, G.C.B., G.C.H.; d. 1829. Jno. Sontag, d. 1816. Jas. Dunlop, d. 1832. Walter Kerr, d. 1833. Sir Alexr. Campbell, bt., K.C.B. ; d. 1824. Wm. Cuppage, d. 1832. Aug. 12. Thos. Seward, d. 1831. Fras. Laye, d. 1828. Bayly Willington, d. 1823. Jno. Croker, d. 1833. Sir Jno. Hope, G.C. H.; d. 1836. Geo. Meyrick. Sir Alan Cameron, 1828. Thos. 1834. Hon. Stephen Mahon, d. 1828. Danl. O’Meara, d. 1821. Fras., bar. Rottenburg, d. 1882. Lewis Lindenthal, d. 1837. Roger Cochlan, d. 1834. Sir Robt. Bolton, G.C. H.; d. 1836. Robt. Cheney, d. 1820. Sir Harry de Hināber, K.C.B., K.C. H.; d. 1833. Sir Hy. Bell, K.C.B.; d. 1835. Thos. Strickland, d. 1828. Thos., ld. Hartland, d. 1835. Sir J. Shaw Maxwell, bt., 1830. Hy. Rudyerd, d. 1828. Wm. Doyle, d. 1823. Jno. Hatton, d. 1821. Sir Edwd. Howorth, K C. B. ; a. 1827. K.C.B.; d. Andrew, ld. Blaney; d. d. 55 tº 868 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1819, Aug. 12. 1821, Jno. Dorrien, d. 1825. Thos. Desbrisay, d. 1823. Wm. Fyers, d. 1829. Geo. Glasgow, d. 1820. Robt. Winter, a. 1822. Wm. Bentham, d. 1826. July 19. Edwd. Stehelin, d. 1827. 1825, May 27. Jno. Augustus Schalch, d. 1828. Hy. Hutton. Jno. Simon Farley, d. 1824. Jno. Jenkinson, d. 1830. Theoph. Lewis, d. 1833. Fras. Delawal, d. 1828. Richd. Williams. Lawrence Desborough, d. 1825. Jno. Mackelcan, d. 1838. Jno. Thos. Layard, d. 1828. Jno. Skinner. Watkin Tench, d. 1833. Lachlan Maclean, d. 1829. Saml. Rimington, d. 1826. David Ballingall, d. 1833. David Shank, d. 1830. Jno. Jas. Barlow. Christr. Jeafireson, d. 1824. Wm. Minet, d. 1829. Sir Wm. Cockburn, bt., d. 1835. W. Waldegrave Pelham Clay, d. 1822. Jno. Le Couteur, d. 1835. Robt. Burne, d. 1825. Sir Wm. Ayllett, knt.; d. 1834. Jno. Rigby Fletcher, d. 1830. Hugh Mackay Gordon, d. 1823. Robt. Ballard Long, d. 1825. Jno. Hughes, d. 1832. Sir Geo. Airey, knt., K.C.H. ; d. 1833. Hon. Sir Edwd, Stopford, G.C.B.; d. 1837. Sir Geo. Cooke, K.C.B.; d. 1837. Thos. Jos. Backhouse, d. 1828. Fras. Gerard, visc. Lake, d. 1836. Richd. Stovin, d. 1825. Sir Kenneth Mackenzie Douglas, d. 1833. Sir Fras. Jno. Wilder, d. 1823. Geo., ld. Walsingham ; d. 1831. Sir Saml. Hawker, G.C.EI., d. 1838. Wm. Raymond, d. 1830. Terence O'Loghlin, d. 1843. Chas. N. Cookson, d. 1830. Wm. Johnston, d. 1827. Jno. Burton, d. 1830. Sir D. Latimer Timling Widdring- ton, K.C.B., d. 1839. Wm. Guard, d. 1830. Sir Thos. Richd. Dyer, bt. ; d. 1838. Hy. Conran, d. 1829. Sir Wm. Hy. Pringle, G.C.B.; d. 1840. Philip Kearney Skinner, d. 1826. 1825, May 27. 1830, July 22. Jno. Grey, d. 1837. Jno. Murray, d. 1841. Arth. Aylmer, d. 1831. Jno. Mackenzie, d. 1833. Sir Edwd. Barnes, G.C.B., govr. of Ceylon; d. 1838. Edm. Reiley Cope, d. 1835. Sir Thos. Molyneux, bt. ; 1841. Geo. Andr. Armstrong, d. 1834. Sir Augustine Fitzgerald, bt. ; d. 1834. Benjn. Forbes Gordon, d. 1840. Wm. Peachy, d. 1838. Jas. Butler, d. 1836. Sir Wm. Inglis, K.C.B.; d. 1835. Geo. Lewis, d. 1828. Robt. Lethbridge, d. 1831. Danl. Seddon, d. 1839. Geo. Robt. Ainslie, d. 1839. Richd. O'Donovan, d. 1829. Chas. Neville, d. 1837. Hon. Thos. Wm. Fermor, aft. E. of Pomfret ; d. 1833. Hugh Swayne, d. 1836. Hon. Wm. Fitzroy, d. 1837. Chas. Griffiths, d. 1829. Fredk. Wm. Buller. Alexr. Cosby Jackson, d. 1827. Michl, Head, d. 1829. Sir Jos. Fuller, G.C. H.; d. 1841. Sir Manley Power, K.C.B.; d. 1826. Geo. Horsford, d. 1840. Sir Herbert Taylor, G.C.B., G.C. H.; d. 1839. Jno. Humfrey, d. 1832. Alexr. Adams, d. 1834. Godfrey, ld. Macdonald; d. 1832. Saml. Nead, d. 1839. Edwd. Webber, d. 1845. Thos. L'Estrange, d. 1845. Jos. Foveaux, d. 1846. Geo. Kinnaird Dana, d. 1837. Jas. Moore, d. 1848. Sir Hy. Maghall Mervyn Vava- sour, bt. ; d. 1838. Hy. Raleigh Knight, d. 1836. Sir Saml. Venables Hinde, K.C.B.; d. 1837. Thos. Norton Wyndham, d. 1839. Berkenhead Glegg, d. 1842. Hon. Jas. Ramsay, d. 1837. Lewis Mosheim, d. 1830. Sir Colquhoun Grant, G. C.H. ; d. 1835. Sir Jas. Lyon, IC.C.B., G.C. H.; d. 1842. Sir Thos. Sydney IC. C.B.; d. 1831. Sir Chas. Phillips, knt.; d. 1846. Hy. Bruce, d. 1837. Sir Wm. Sheridan, bt. ; d. 1836. Hon. Sir Robt. Wm. O'Callaghan, G.C.B., K.C. H.; d. 1840. d. IK.C.B. 3. Beckwith, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 869 1830, July 22. 1837, Jan. 10. Sir Jno. Keane, G.C.B., G.C.H., aft. ld. Reane; d. 1844. Ld. Geo. Thos. Beresford, G.C.H. ; d. 1839. Robt. Campbell. d. 1837. Robt. Balfour, d. 1837. Robt. Alexr. Dalzell, E. of Carm- wath ; d. 1839. Jas. Cuming, d. 1839. Hy. ICustace, d. 1844. Sir Hy. Edwd. Bunbury, bt., IC. C.B. Sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., govr. of St. Helena ; d. 1844. Sir Hussey Vivian, G.C.B., G.C. H.; d. 1842. IBenj., ld. Bloomfield, G. C. H.; d. 1846. Geo. Cookson, d. 1835. Sir Jno. Elley, K.C.B., K.C.H. ; d. 1839. Sir Hy. Sheehy Keating, K.C.B.; d. 1847. Sir Arth. Brooke, K.C.B.; d. 1843. Hy. Shrapnel, d. 1842. Jno. M'Nair, C.B.; d. 1840. Sebright Mawby, d. 1850. Jno. Montague Mainwaring; d. 1842. Hon. Jno. Meade; d. 1849. Sir John M'Leod, K.C. H. Hy. Elliott, d 1841. Overington Blunden, d. 1837. Sir Benj. D'Urban, G.C. B., G.C.H. ; d. 1849. Jno. Locke, d. 1837. Geo. Wulff, d. 1846. Sir Jno. Taylor, K.C.B. ; d. 1843. Sir Saml. Trevor Dickens, K.C. H.; d. 1847. Sir Willshire Wilson, K.C.H. ; d. 1842. Sir Thos. Reynell, bt., K.C.B.; d. 1848. Sir Wm. Nicolay, C.B., R.C. H.; d. 1842. Sir Lionel Smith, bt., K.C.B., R. C. H. ; d. 1842. Sir Wm. Paterson, d. 1849. Sir Chas. Wm. Doyle, G.C. H.; d. 1842. Sir Jas. Bathurst, d. 1850. Jas., ld. Glenlyon, K.C.H.; d. 1837. Spencer Claudius Parry, d. 1845. Geo. Wm. Phipps, d. 1841. Wm. Millar, d. 1838. Sir Jas. Stevenson Barns, K.C.B., K.C.; d. 1850. Wm. Geo., ld. Harris, K.C. H.; d. 1845, Sir Theophilus Pritzler, K.C.B.; d. 1839. G. C. B. > K.C. H.; IC. C. B. ; 1837, Jan. 10. 1838, June 28, 1841, Nov. 23. Montagu Burrows, d. 1848. Sir Jno. Cameron, K.C.B.; d. 1844. Geo. Salmon, d. 1848. Hon. Geo. Murray, d. 1848. Sir Hy. Askew, bt. ; d. 1847. Hon. Wm. Stuart, d. 1837. Sir Jasper Nicolls, K.C.B.; d. 1849. Jno. Ross, d. 1843. Hon. Sir Hy. King, K.C.B.; d. 1839. Sir Wm. Thornton, K.C.B.; d. 1840. Sir Jos. Maclean, R. C. H.; d. 1839. Richd. Dickinson, d. 1846. Sir Jno. Macdonald, G.C.B.; d. 1850. Anthy. Salvin, d. 1844. Anthy. Walsh, d. 1839. Sir Wm. Johnston, K.C.B.; 1844. Fras. Newbery, d. 1847. Alexr. Armstrong. Daml. Fras. Blommart, d. 1844. Sir Jos. Straton, K.B., K.C.H. ; d. 1840. Sir Jas. Chas. Dalbiac, K. C. H. ; d. 1847. Sir Jno. Maclean, K.C.B.; d. 1848. Jas. Home, d. 1849. Sir Richd. Downes d. 1845. Sir Geo. Augs. Quentin, K.C.H. Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B.; d. 1847. Sir Saml. Ford Whittingham, K.C.B., K. C. H. ; d. 1841. Sir Archd. Campbell, bt., G.C.B.; d. 1843. d. Jackson, Sir Thos. Arbuthnot, K.C.B.; d. 1849. Sir H. F. Bouverie, R.C.B., G. C. M. G. Hy. Evatt. Sir Fredk. Wm. Mulcaster, K.C.II., R.A.; d. 1846. Sir Jno. Buchan, K. C. B. ; d. 1850. Edwd. Pritchard, ; d. 1845. Sir Maurice Chas. O'Connell, d. 1848. Sir Andrew Pilkington, K.C.B. Alexr. Bethune, d. 1848. Sir Jno. Gardiner, K.C. B. Geo. Middlemore, d. 1850. Jas. Lomax, d. 1848. Alexr. Nesbitt, d. 1849. Sir Chas. Wm. Maxwell, K.C. H.; d. 1848. Robt. Beevor, R.A. ; d. 1843. Mark Napier, d. 1843. Jno. Wardlaw, d. 1848. Wm. Augs. Johnson, ret. 1842. Sir Jas. Kearney, K.C. H.; 1846. Thos. Foster, d. 1843. d. 870 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1841, Jno. Le Mesurier, d. 1843. Nov. 23. Hon. Jno. Ramsay, d. 1842. Robt. Owen, d. 1846. Jas. Shortall, d. 1846. Robt. Crawford, d. 1850. Effingham Lindsay, d. in France, 1848. Philip Philpot, d. 1843. Count sir Fras. Rivarola, K.C.H. Hon. Sir Robt. Laurence Dundas, K.C.B.; d. 1844. Sir Robt. Arbuthnot, K.C.B. Geo. Guy Carleton L’Estrange, d. 1848. Sir Thos. Pearson, K.C.H. ; d. 1847. Sir Dugald Little Gilmour, K.C.B.; d. 1847. Sir Gregory Holman Bromley Way; d. 1844. Sir Jno. Waters, K.C.B.; d. 1842, Sir Wm. Parker Carroll, K.C.H. ; d. 1842. Jno. Clitherow. 1846, Elias Walker Durnford, d. 1850. Nov. 9. Arth. Lloyd. Darry Jones Parry, K.C.H. Sir David Ximenes, K.C. H.; d. 1848. Daniel Colquhoun, d. 1848. Chas. Nicol, d. 1850. Sir Chas. Jas. Napier, G.C.B. Sir Jeremiah Dickson, K.C.B.; d. 1848. Sir Chas. Wade Thornton, K.C.H. Sir Edwd. Gibbs, K.C.B.; d. 1847. Hon. Sir Hercules Robt. Paken- ham, K.C.B.; d. 1850. Sir Jno. Harvey, K.C.B., K.C. H. Sir Thos. Downman, K.C.H. Sir Neil Douglas, K.C.B., K.C.H. Alexr. Geo., ld. Saltoun and Abernethy, K.C.B., IK. C. H. Sir Steph. Remnant Chapman, R.C. H.; d. 1851. Sir Jos. Hugh Carncross, K.C.B.; d. 1847. Alexr. Watson, d. 1849. Edwd. Waughan Worsley, d. 1850. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 871 LIST C. MAJOR-GENERALS. Officers who attained the rank of Major-General, down to January 1837. 1690. Chas. Trelawney, Dec. 2. 1696, Arnold Joost, E. of Albemarle; Mar. 30. d. 1718. Michl. Richards. 1696, Richd. Leveson, June I. Wm. Lloyd. Wm., Count de Marton. 1697. Geo., Pr. of Hesse-Darmstadt, June 27; d. 1705. 1702. Wm. Selwyn, June 10. 1704, Gusts., visc. Boyne; d. 1723. Jan. 1. Jno. Shrimpton. Hy. Cunningham, d. 1706. Arth. E. of Donegal; d. 1706. Sir Bevil Granville, govr. of Barbadoes. Jas., E. of Derby. Fredk. Hamilton. 1705, Robt. Killigrew, d. 1707. Jan. 1. Jas. Ferguson. 1707, Emanl. Howe. Jan. 1. Thos. Brudenell. Wm., visc. Charlemont; d. 1728. Chas., ld. Baltimore. 1709. Samson de Lalo, Jan. 1; d. 1709. 1710, Thos. Handasyde. Jan. 1. Jno. Bayne. Barth. Ogilvy. Sherrington Davenport. Jno. Livesay. Fdwd. Braddock. Gilbert Primrose. Edwd. Pearce. Roger Elliot. Jno. Pepper. Jos. Wightman. Jno. Newton. Thos. Crowther. Chas. Sybourgh. Richd. Holmes. Chas., E. of Orrery. Thos. Pulteney. 1712. Christr. 1d. Slane, Jan. 1. Jno. Hill, July 27; d. 1732. 1727, Hy. , E. of Deloraine. Mar. Richd. Russel. Robt. Wroth. Nichs. Price. Ld. Jno. Ker, d. 1728 Thos. Stanwix. Jas. Crofts. Daml. Creighton. Amdr. Wheeler. Robt. Hunter. 1735. Sir Jas. Wood, bt., Oct. 27. 1735, Nov. 4. 1739, July 2. 1743. 1745, 17%. Sep. 1760. 1761, Feb. 1761, Mar. 1762, Paul de Gually. Jas. Moyle. Jno. Cavalier. Balthazar Rivas de Foisac. Jas. Douglas. Jno. Orfeur. Jno. Armstrong. Chas., ld. Cathcart; d. 1740. Hon. Steph. Cornwallis, d. 1743. Fras., E. of Effingham, d. 1763. Fras. Fuller. Hon. Hy. Ponsonby, d. 1745. Wm. Merrick. Anthy. Lowther. Sir Wim. Gooch, bt. Sir Chas. Armand Poulett, K.B. ; d. 1765. Geo., ld. Torrington; d. 1750. Jas. Fleming. Jno. Price. Richd. O’Farrel. Edwd. Richbell. Edwd. Braddock, d. 1755. Hon. Wm. Herbert, Feb. 21. Richd, ld. Edgcumbe, Mar. 10 Alexr. Drury, Feb. 2; d. 1758. Hedworth Lambton. . Peregrine Thos. Hopson, d. 1759. Ld. Chas. Hay, d. 1760. Paul Mascareen. Granville Elliott, d. 1759. Jas. Wolfe, d. 1759. Jno. Parsons. . Julius Caesar, d. 1762. Geo. Walsh. Andr. Robinson. . Ld. Chas. Manners. David Watson. Hon. Jno. Barrington. Sir Jas. Lockhart Ross, bt. Borgard Michelson. Jno. Grey. Stringer Lawrence, Dec. 9; d. 1775. Edwd. Whitmore. Alexr., la. Lindores. Hon. Sharrington Talbot, d. 1766. Wm. Petitot. Hon. Jno. Boscawen, d. 1767. Jno. Lafusille, d. 1763. Jno. Toovey. Jno. Furbar. | June 10. Ralph Burton. Marcus Smith. 872 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 1764. 1770, Apr. 30. 1772, May 26. 1777, Aug. 29. 1779, Feb. 27. 1781, Oct. 19. 1782, Nov. 20. Robt., ld. Clive, May 11; d. 1774. Wm., E. of Glencairn ; d. 1775. Wm. Deane, d. 1775. Jno. Salter, d. 1787. Thos. Erle, d. 1777. Richd. Worge, d. 1774. Nevill Tatton. Richd. Bendysh. Jno. Scott, d. 1775. Wm. Napier. Thos. Townshend. Jno. Bradstreet, d. Jno. Barlow. Val. Jones. Wm. Phillips. David Erskine Wm. Thornton. - Aug. Prevost, d. 1786. Geo. Ogilvie. Jas., E. of Loudoun. Jas. Bramham, d. 1786. Arth. Preston. - Robt. Sandford. Jno. Roberts. Anthy. St Leger. Jas. Stuart, d. 1793. Archd. McNab. Wm. Roy, d. 1790. Chas. Ross. Harry Trelawney. Jas. Paterson. Hy. Gladwin. Sir Jno. Burgoyne, bt. ; d. 1785. Thos., ld. Say and Sele; d. 1788. Humphrey Stevens, d. 1791. Jno. Mackenzie, ld. Macleod ; d. 1789. Sir Hy. Calder, bt., govr. of Gib- raltar; d. 1792. Hy. Pringle, d. 1800. Sir Jno. Wrottesley, bt. ; d. 1787. Jas. D'Auvergne. Arth. Tucker Collins, d. 1793. Hon. Jas. Murray, d. 1794. Saml. Townsend. Arth. Geo. Martin. West Hyde. |Hon. Thos. Bruce. Walter Carruthers. Philip Skene. Thos. Marriott. 1774. Thos. Cox. 1787, Sept. 28. Sir Archd. Campbell, K. B. ; d. 1791. Hon. Edwd. Stopford. Thos., E. of Lincoln, aft. D. of Newcastle; d. 1795. Jno. Campbell, d. 1794. Alan Campbell, d. 1794. Saml. Birch. Jno. Martin. Alexr. Rigby. Jno. Gunning. 1790, Apr. 28. 1793, Oct. 12. 1794, Oct. 3. 1795, Feb. 26. 1796, May 3. 1798, Jan. 1. 1798, June 18. 1801, Jan. 1. 1802, Nov. 2. 1803, Sept. 25. 1795, Feb. 26. Gust. Guy Dickens. Jno. Mansel. Geo. Morgan. Alexr. Stewart, d. 1794. Jas. Hugonin, d. 1817. Hon. Mark Napier, d. 1809. Thos. Jones, d. 1801. Jno. Phipps, d. 1798. IPatr. Bellew, d. 1799. Benjn. Stebelin, d. 1796. Fras. Richmond Humphreys, d. 1812. Jno. Hughes, d. 1796. Wm. Fawcett, d. 1826. Wm. Crosbie, d. 1798. Jno. Small, d. 1796. Robt. Mason Lewis, d. 1800. Welbore Ellis Doyle. Alexr. Ross, d. 1801. Chas. Graham, d. 1800. Jno. St. Leger, d. 1800. Richd. Bettesworth, d. 1801. Wm. Johnstone. Geo. Campbell. Wm. Robt., visc. Fielding ; , d. 1799. Thos. Duval, d. 1807. Wm. Maddox Richardson, 1822. Wm. Lewis, d. 1798. Thos. Davis. Jas. Hartley, d. 1800. Colebrooke Nesbit, ret. 1798. Hon. Chas. Monson, d. 1800. Wm. Brady, d. 1800. Mackay Hugh Baillie, d. 1804. Chas. Jackman. Jno. Joinour Ellis, d. 1804. Wm. Wemyss, d. 1799. Robt. Douglas, ret. 1799. Archd. Robertson. Bryan Blundell. Hon. Jno. Knox, d. 1800. Jas. Campbell. Wm. Gooday Strutt, d. 1848. Jno. Stewart, d. 1807. Hy. Magan, d. 1806. Chas. Barnett, d. 1804. W. D. Maclean Clephane, 1803. Steph. Poyntz, d. 1837. Ilay Ferrier, d. 1824. Geo. Cunninghame, d. 1803. Fredk. Halkett, d. 1803. Wm. Caulfield Archer, d. 1807. Wm. Knollys, called E. of Ban- bury. Duncan Campbell, d. 1809. Patr. Wauchope, d. 1807. Patr. Sinclair, d. 1808. Jno. Smith, d. 1807. Alexr. Mackay, d. 1809. Edwin Hewgill, d. 1810. Thos. Pakenham Wandeleur, d. 1804. d. d. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 873 1804. 1805, Jan. 1. 1805, Oct. 30. 1808, Apr. 25. 1809, Oct. 25. 1810, July 27, 1811. June 4. Otto, bar. Schutte, Aug. 18. ; ret. 1810. Hy., visc. Gage, d. 1808. Chas. Wm. Este, d. 1812. Roger Aytoun, d. 1811. Jas. Webber, d. 1808. Geo., E. of Craufurd, d. 1808. Stair Park Dalrymple, d. 1808. Sir Wm. Clarke, bt. ; d. 1808. Jas. Hall. Coote Manningham, d. 1809. Richd. Mark Dickens, d. 1808. Sir Geo. Chas. B. Boughton, bt., d. 1810, Chas. Baillie, d. 1810. Edwd. Fage, d. 1809. Jas. Thewles, d. 1811. Hugh Lyle Carmichael. Jno. Randoll M*Kenzie, d. 1809. Sir Wm. Erskine, bt. ; d. 1813. Nathl. Wm., ld, Clarina; d. 1810. Fredk. de Watteville. Jno. Barnes, d. 1810, Archd., ld. Montgomerie; d. 1814. David Hunter. Wm. Balfour, d. 1812. Lawrence Bradshaw, ret. Geo. Wm. Rich Harcourt. Andr. Burn. * Augs., bar. Weltheim; d. 1829. Geo., bar. Bock. Thos. Trotter, d. 1825. Peter du Plat, d. 1824. Augs., bar. Honstedt. Victor, bar. Alten; d. 1820. Sigismund, bar. Low, K.C.B., K. C.H.; d. 1846. . Adolphus, bar. Barsse ; d. 1834. Chas., bar. Alten; d. 1840. Wm. Grant, d. 1812. Sir Montague Burgoyne, bt. ; d. 1817. Daml. Hoghton, d. 1811. Barnard Foord Bowes, d. 1812. Benj. Fisher, d. 1814. Thos. Nepean, d. Nov. 1816. Sir Chas. Shipley, d. 1815. J. Gaspard Le Marchant, d. 1812. Jas, M. Hadden, d. 1817. John Bouchier. Sir Isaac Brock, K.B., d. 1812. Geo. Wm. Ramsay, d. 1819, Robt. Craufurd, d. 1812. Thos. Barrow, d. 1820. Jno. Wood, dism. 1817. Horace Churchill, d. 1817. Thos. Dunbar, d. 1815. Alexr. Keith, d. 1812. AEneas Shaw, d. 1815. Geo. Dyer, d. 1817. Andr. Hay, d. 1814. Sir Jno. Douglas, d. 1814. Trevor Hull, d. 1816. Jas. Kemmis, d. 1820. 1811, June 4. 1812, Apr. 1. 1813, June 4, 1814, Jum. 4. Jno. Wilson. Jno. Agmond Vesey, d. 1812. Flower M. Sproule. Wm. Borthwick, d. 1820. Harry Chester, d. 1821. Jno. Lindesay, d. 1820. Richd. Hulse, d. 1813. Geo. Stracey Smith. Hon. Sir Edwd. M. Pakenham, G.C.B.; d. 1815. Hy. M*Kinnom, d. 1812. Sir Robt. Rollo Gillespie, K.C.B.; d. 1814. Jos. Baird, d. 1816. Wm. Wheatley, d. 1812. Jas. Hare, d. 1820. Oliver Thos. Jones, d. 1815. Andr. Ross, d. 1813. Wm. Kersteman, d. 1820. Wm. Alexander, d. 1825. Chas. Campbell, d. 1822. Fras. Stewart. Hy. Davis. Hon. sir Wm. Ponsonby, K.C.B.; d. 1815. Benj. Gordon Forbes. Haviland Smith, d. 1817. Wm. Fredk. Spry. Hy. Procter, d. 1822. Jno. Browne, d. 1816. Jno. Hall, d. 1823. Jno. Byrne Skerrett, d. 1814. Sir Denis Pack, K.C.B.; d. 1823. Sir Granville Thos. Calcraft, d. 1820. Jno. Picton, d. 1815. Edwd. Scott, d. 1844. Wm. M'Caskill, d. 1815. Jno. Crowgy, d. 1815. Thos. Gerard Elrington. Wm. Lockhart, d. 1817. Robt. Ross, d. 1814. Hy. Green Barry, d. 1838. Lewis de Watteville, d. 1836. Adam Gordon. Matth. Chit. Darby Griffith, d. 1823. Jno. Fras. Kelly, d. 1814. Randolph Marriott, d. 1821. Lachlan Maquarie, d. 1824. Sir Saml. Gibbs, K.C.B.; d. 1815. Sir Robt. Thos, Wilson, rem. 1821; subseq. rest. See “Generals,” 1841. Digby Hamilton, d. 1820. Sir Chas. Holloway, ret. 1824; d. 1827. Archd. Stewart, d. 1823. Thos. Norton Poulett, d. 1824. Sir Edwd. Ger. Butler, d. 1825. Michl. Edwd. Jacob, d. 1815. Sir Thos. Brooke Pechell, bt., d. 1826, - Wm. Latham, d. 1823. David l)ewar. 874 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 1814, Edwd. Baynes, ret. 1828; d. 1829. June 4. Jas. Stirling, d. 1834. 1819, Aug. 12. Robt. Young, d. 1815. Edwd. Vicars, d. 1820. J. Millar, ret. Wm. Geo. Dacres, d. 1824. Robt. Douglas, d. 1828. Fras. Streicher, d. 1828. Chas. Auriol, 1821. Wm. Gifford, d. 1829. I., baron de Sonnenberg, ret. Chas. Irvine, d. 1820. Sir Wm. Nicholson, bt., d. 1820. Thos. Carey, d. 1824. Wm. Grant, d. 1826. Geo. Johnstone, d. 1826. Wm. John, visc. Molesworth, d. 1815. Wm. Hy. Beckwith, d. 1844. Dugald Campbell, d. 1824. Richd. Augs. Seymour. Sir Hy. Torrens, K.C.B.; d. 1828. Ld. Fredk. Bentinck, d. 1828. Isaac Pattison Tinling, d. 1822. Sir Wm. Douglas, K.C. H. ; d. 1834. - Thos. Wm. Kerr, d. 1825. Fredk. Hardyman, d. 1821. John Fredk. Sigism. Smith, K.C.H., d. 1834. Wm. Mutge. Saml. Warren, d. 1833. Patr. Mackenzie, d. 1820. Wm. Needham, d. 1844. Robt. Walter, ld. Blantyre, K.C.B.; d. 1830. Sir Jas. Campbell, K.C.B., K.C. H.; d. 1835. Edwd. Codd, d. 1829. Robt. Sewell, d. 1835. Chas. Amadee Harcourt, d. 1831. Geo. Hill, d. 1830. Saml. Swinton, d. 1832. Sir C. Philip Belson, K.C.B., d. 1830. Wm. Augs. Prevost. Sir J. Pringle Dalrymple, bt. ; d. 1829. Robt. Kelso, d. 1823. Jno. Nugent Smyth, d. 1838. Jno. Lamont, ret. 1824; d. 1829. Wm. Armstrong, d. 1837. Robt. D'Arcy, ret. 1824; d. 1827. Geo. Brydges. Geo. Wm. Dixon, d. 1836. Sir G. Ridout Bingham, K.C.B.; d. 1833. Sir Thos. Bligh St. George, C.B., K.C. H.; d. 1836. Jno. Murray, d. 1832. Hon. Sir Chas. Jas. K.C.B.; d. 1836 Alexr. Mark Ker Hamilton, d. 1842. Sir Geo. Leith, bt., d. 1842. Greville, 1819, Aug. 12. 1821, Jul. 19. 1825, May 27. Sir Geo. Allan Madden, d. 1828. Jno. Miller, d. 1825. Jno. Dalrymple, d. 1835. Brooke Young, d. 1835. Sir Haylett Framingham, K.C.B.; d. 1820. Allen Hampden Pye, d. 1833. John Shaw, d. 1835. Geo. Ramsay, d. 1834. Jno. Lemoine. Jno. Rowley, d. 1824. Martin Campbell Cole, d. 1835. Robt. Evans, d. 1833. Richd. Harry Foley, d. 1825. Jno. Thos., ld. Muskerry, ret. 1823; d. 1824. Hon. Hy. Brand. Jas. Graves, ret. 1826. Jos. Gubbins, ret. 1829; d. 1832. Geo. Duncan Robertson, ret. 1828; d. 1842. John Nugent, d. 1830. Louis Wm., visc. de Chabot, ret. Wm. Binks, d. 1833. Sir Patr. Ross, G.C.M.G. ; d. 1850. David Walker, ret. 1827; d. 1840. Chas. Turner, d. 1826. Fras. Hepburn, C.B.; d. 1835. Hy. Darling, d. 1835. Wm. Hy. Rainsford, d. 1822, Wm. Stewart, ret. 1831; d. 1836. Hy. Chas. Darling, ret. 1829; d. 1845. John Harris, d. 1833. Sir Geo. Adam Wood, K.C. H.; d. 1831. Hy. Tolley, C.B., d. 1837. Sir Chas. Pratt, K.C. B. ; d. 1838. Nathl. Blackwell, d. 1833. David Stewart, d. 1829. Alexr. Murray Macgregor, ret. and d. 1827. Hon. Granville Anson Chetwynd Stapylton, ret. 1825; d. 1834. Richd. Buckby, d. 1830. Robt. Stewart, d. 1837. Lewis Davies, d. 1828. Sampson Freeth, d. 1835. Sir Alexr. Bryce, K.C.B.; d. 1832. Fras. Burke, d. 1827. John Pyne Coffin, d. 1829. Sir Geo. Bulteel Fisher, K.C. H. ; d. 1834. Sir Neil Campbell, d. 1827. Sir Thos. Hawker, K.C.B. Sir Jas. Campbell, K.C. H. Geo. Mackie, d. 1831. Sir Robt. Travers, 1834. Hon. Sir Fredk. Cavendish Pon- sonby, R.C. B., K.C. H. ; d. 1837. Chas. Palmer, ret. Hon. Hy. Augs. Berkeley Craven, d. 1836. Geo., visc. Forbes, d. 1836. C. B. ; d. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 875 1825, May 27. 1830, July 22. 1837, Jan, 10. Sir Jas. Carmichael Smyth, bt., C.B., K.C. H. ; d. 1838. Robt. Pilkington, d. 1834. Wm. Hy. Ford, d. 1829. Norman M'Leod, d. 1831. Jas. Patr. Murray, ret. 1831; d. 1834. Sir Jas. Viney, C.B., K.C.H. d. 1841. Geo. Elliot Winicombe, d. 1841. Sir Lorenzo Moore, C.B., K.C. H.; d. 1837. Thos. Marlay, d. 1831. Sir Wm. Williams, K.C.B.; d. 1832. Sir Chas. Ashworth, K.C.B.; d. 1832. Archd, Campbell, C.B.; d. 1838. Edwd. Jas. O'Brien, ret. Jas. Alexr. Farquharson, d. 1834. Sir Amos Godsill Robt. Norcott, C.B., K.C. H.; d. 1838. Sir Chas. Bruce, K.C.B.; d. 1832. Richd. Legge, d. 1834. Wm. Stewart, ret. 1841. Sir John Ross, K.C.B.; d. 1835. Lord Robt. Wm. Manners, C.B.; d. 1835. Sir. Geo. Elder, K.C.B.; d. 1836. Sir Hy. Willoughby Rooke, K.C.H.; ret. 1832. Sir Geo. Woodford, K.C.B., K.C.H.; ret. 1841. Sir Howard Elphinstone, bt., d. 1846. John Pringle, ret. 1837, Sir Jas. Kyrle Money, bt., d. Jan. 10. 1843. Jno. Stafford, d. 1846. Sir Patr. Lindesay, K.C.B., K.C. H. ; d. 1839. Sir Octavius Carey, K.C.H. ; d. 1844. Hy. Fredk. Cooke, C.B., K.C.H. ; d. 1837. Sir Evan Jno. Murray MacGregor, bt., K.C.B., K.C. H. ; d. 1841. Sir Chas. Broke Vere, K.C.B.; d. 1843. Sir Alexr. Dickson, G.C.B. K.C. H. : d. 1840. Sir Jno. Thos. Jones, bt., d. 1843. Sir Leonard Greenwell, K.C.B., K.C. H.; d. 1844. Sir Robt. Hy. Dick, K.C.B., K.C.H. : d. 1846. Wm. Keith Elphinstone, C.B.; d. 1842. Sir Jno. Boscawen Savage, K.C. H.; d. 1843. Cornelius Mann, d. 1840. Steph. Galway Adye, C.B.; d. 1838. Hy. Phillot, C.B.; d. 1839. Peter Fyers, d. 1846. Jno. Hassard, C.M.G. ; d. 1838. Alexr. Macdonald, C.B.; d. 1840. Sir Robt. M'Cleverty, C.B., K.C. H.; d. 1838. Clement Hill, d. 1845. Percy Drummond, d. 1843. 876 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. LIST D. MAJOR-GENERALS. From 1837, with their subsequent promotions to LIEUTENANT-GENERALS AND GENERALS. Note.—The Indian General Officers are included in this list. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Hugh Stacey Osborne * - Sir Jas. Lillyman Caldwell, ko.n. º: Geo. Carpenter & º e tº tº gº Sir Alexr. Caldwell, K.C.B. ... Wm. Roome ... tº tº º Jno. Luther Richardson Sir David Leighton, K.C.B. ... Wrm. Blackburn e Sir Chas. Deacon, K.C.B. Jas. Welsh tº e - Wm. Brooks Thos. Corsellis... Jno. Nichs. Smith Chas. Farran ... s & © Sir Jas. Russell, K.C. B. Donald Macleod Sir Jos. O'Hallaran, K.C.B. Martin White ... & © Edwd. Boardman Goo. Wahab is tº º David Courtenay Kenny Josiah Marshall tº tº 6. Richd. Podmore Sir Robt. Houston, K.C.B. Arth. Molesworth Jno. Greenstreet tº º - Sir Robt. Stevenson, K.C.B. ... Christr. Fagan... tº º º Sir Wm. Casement, K.C.B. Wm. Croxton ... tº tº e Jas. Rutherford Lumley Wm. Comyn ... tº is tº Sir Geo. M. Cox, bt. ... Manasseh Lopez Pereira Thos. Pollock ... Jno. Rose Wm. Munro Geo. Rees Kemp Hy. Roome Jno. Munro in a º Jno. Cunningham ... Chas. Thos. Geo. Bisho Jno. Alexr. Paul Macgregor... Alexr. Limond s ſº tº tº 6 - Jas. David Greenhill ... tº e - Jeffrey Prendergast, aft. Sir J. Wm. Richards ... * * * e e - Alexr. Duncan ... 10 Jan. 37. 9 Nov. 46. 9 Nov. 46. 9 Nov. 46. © tº e º 'º º • * g g º º 9 Nov. 46. 9 Nov. 46. & © g & it tº • * * * * 9 Nov. 46. 9 Nov. 46. 9 Nov. 46. * - 4 & 8 & 4 - 6 tº $ tº * - e º - e. 9 Nov. 46. • * * * * * 9 Nov. 46. 9 Nov. 46. 9 Now 46. 9 Nov. 46. tº e º 'º tº 8 s e º e º º * @ 6 g º e • * - e º e tº e - e º e s & e º & º is º a e º & * tº 6 ºn tº gº * c e º is e . 54. . 54. . 54. . 54. . 54. . 54. . 54. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 877 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Thos. Whitehead 10 Jan. 37. 9 Nov. 46. ...... Robt. Jas. Latter 9 3 5 3 20 Jun. 54. Thos. Stewart ... - tº º * - © 2 - © e ſº tº 5 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Jerry Fras. Dyson ... e - © º e - e C & y 3 3 3 20 Jun. 54. Wm. Douglas Cleiland e tº º tº Q tº e tº e 55 3 2 | * * * * ~ * Wm. Hill Perkins tº - 9 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Jno. Doveton ... • 2 º' • * > 5 5 5 3 20 Jun. 54. Alexr. Fair tº e º tº e º e - © 5 3 55 * 3 David Foulis ... 9 @ & • e e 3 3 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Duncan M'Pherson 3 3 9 Nov. 46. ...... Clements Brown 3 3 | * * * * * * : , , , , , , Wm. Farquhar 3 3 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Wm. Hopper ... * - e. tº - e. 3 3 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Sir Thos. Anburey ... e - e. 3 3 | * * * * * * : . . . . . . Sir Jas. Law Lushington, K.C.B. 3 5 9 Nov. 46. 20 Jun. 54. Benj. Wm. Dowden Sealy ... 3 y 22 - - - - - - Wm. Chas. Fraser tº e e y 5 3 5 20 Jun. 54. Wm. Gilbert tº e G - e º e - © e e Q $ 3 33 9 3 Hy. D'Oyly ... e tº G * - e. © e - 28 Jun. 38. 11 Nov. 51. 30 Jan. 55. Foster Coulson • e q © tº e e - © 95 | * * * * * * | . , , , , , Richd. Uniacke © e tº tº º º ſº º º 53 11 Nov. 51. 16 Dec. 56. Geo. Irving ... tº e e • a e tº e G 93 9 3 3 3 Sir Francis Hastings Doyle, bt. ... 35 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Wm. Gray © º & * - e. e - © e - © 35 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Edwd. Darley ... tº º e tº e º tº º º 3 y 11 Nov. 51. ...... Wm. Vincent Hompesch 9 3 | * * * * * * : . . . . . Christr. Hamilton, C.B. e - © e º 'º 35 | * * * * * * : . . . . . Sir Geo. Teesdale, K.H. 35 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Geo. Jas. Reeves, IC. H. 3 * : * * * * * * | . . . . . . Hon. Hy. Murray ... e - - 5 3 11 Nov. 51. 16 Feb. 55. Hon. Lincoln Stanhope e - © e e Q 35 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Sir Jno. Grey, K.C.B. ... º º º tº º º 5 y 11 Nov. 51. 20 Feb. 55 Sir Alexr. Cameron, K.C.B. ... e - © 3 2 * * * * * * | . . . . . . Matth. Mahon ... & © & & © 2 tº e º 33 • * * * * * | . . . . . . Sir Jas. Wilson, K.C.B. © tº & tº e - 9 3 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Sir Jno. May, K.C.B., K.C. H.... 3 y | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Sir John Fox Burgoyne, K.C.B. 9 3 11 Nov. 51. 5 Sep. 55. Thomas Dalmer tº e e G - e. 9 3 92 | " . . . . . Sir Hy. Watson e e 3 3 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Edwd. Walker, K. H. ... 35 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Thos. Evans ... tº a º 9 3 11 Nov. 51. 18 May 55. Brackley Kennett 5 5 y 3 28 Nov. 55. Wm. Innes & a Hº º º ºs tº @ Q & © - tº e º 35 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Jno. P. Dunbar tº e e tº º º tº tº º tº º is 3 y | * * * * * * Andrew Aitcheson * - © e - e. tº tº º 33 • * * * * * | . . . . . . Wm. Turner e e e tº º e tº e - º e e 33 • * * * * * | . . . . . . Adam Hogg ... ºn e º © º º tº º º © e º 35 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Christr. Hodgson © e e & Q - tº e tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Richd. Whish ... tº e e e - © º 3 J 11 Nov. 51. ...... Aug. Andrews ... º e e tº e e tº 3 3 3 y 16 Mar. 55. Gabriel Richd. Penny ... tº e 53 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Jas. Ahmuty e 95 11 Nov. 51. 15 Sep 55. Jas. Cock tº ſº º e e sº tº e Q e - © 3 3 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Wm. Hull 35 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Sir Jas. Limond 92 • * * * * * | . . . . . . Chas. M'Leod ... 9 3 11 Nov. 51. ...... Thos. Garner ... 33 • * * * * | . . . . . . Robt. Pitman ... e e e 92 | * * * * * * . . . . . . . Christr. Sullivan Faga 32 • * * * * * | . . . . . . Edmund W. Shuldham 33 11 Nov. 51. ...... Wm. Saml. Heathcote 3 3 s = e º e a 878 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Richd. H. Yates * * 28 Jun. 38. ...... Jno. Mayne e . . . . . . Anthy. Monin .. .., | ...... . . * * * * Wm. Sandwith... 33 11 Nov. 51. º º Mossem Boyd ... 3 5 5 5 9 Apr. 56 Jno. M'Innes ... tº tº º 3 5 4 Jul tº 56. Jas. Fallowfield Salter 5 5 5 3 18 Jul 56. Sir Ephraim G. Stannu 5 5 ". e e Patr. Byers ... tº gº º I 1 N. 51. ...... Wm. Burgh ... tº gº tº . sº 51. ...... Edmund Cartwright ... Il Nov. 1. ...... FIy. Geo. Andr. Taylor . ov. 51. 23 son. 57 Alfr. Richards ... * * * 2 3 3 3 p. b / . Sir Jas. Sutherland 35 º ... . ...... Herbert Bowen . . . . . Archd. Watson 11 No. 51. ...... Wm. Dickson ... . sº 51. ...... Jno. Wells East 3 5 º . . . Wm. Phillips Price 5 3 ... . . Jas. Durant . . . . . Robt. Hampton tº e & ſº . . . . ...... Jno. Staples Harriott ... e 2 3 tº e º e º 'º º: Brook Bridges Parlby e 33 11 Nov. 51. | 13 Oct. 57. THy. Hodgson ... tº gº tº tº º º tº e 33 Tetcheville Dykes Ballantine tº º 5 5 ..! ... . . Fras. Jas. Thos. Johnstone ... tº ſº . . . . . Wm. G. Pearse... tº gº tº tº tº ſº º º º . . . . . §ir Robt. Hy. Cunliffe, bt. ... g 2 3 11 Nov. 51. 13 öct. 57 Wm. Clapham ... tº gº tº g tº e 5 3 e e g º & Cº. … Jno. Truscott ... fe 53 11 Nov. 51. 27 Jan. 58. Jno. Woulfe tº gº 5 * Edwd. Edwards e 3 * .” & e º e º ſº Thos. Webster º º . Gilbert Waugh... tº º ºs ..., | ...... ...... Thos. Hatcher Smith... e g tº . . . . . Edwd. Millian Gullifer Showers 11 Nov. 51. 4 Mar. Wm. Woodhouse º, º ſº tº º ſº . l Nº. 51. 4 Mar. 58. Hy. Faithfull ... is º gº 53 ... . . Fras. Wm. Wilson 3 5 11 Nov. 51. ...... Jno. Tombs ... 53 e * tº e º 'º e º Jno. Hickie Collett ll N & s tº º e º e º e ºs Geo. L. Wahab .. sº 51. gº Patr. Cameron 9 5 ll Nov. 51. 24 Oct. 58. Jno. Carfrae ... tº e º tºº tº 3 3 5 Mar. 59 Richd. West 3 9 !, g ºr ºf e Geo. Jackson ... ū." Saml. Goodfellow . 5 5 ; sº ; Chas. A. Walker 33 ..” y Dö. Richd A. Willis . . . . . Fredk. Bowes ... * 9 3 º: . . . Jas. Stewart Fraser ... º 52 11 Nov. 51 2 jun. 60 Isaac Kinnersley g 9 3 * & vºz wºº & Peter de la Motte g 11 Nov. 51. 16 jun. Hy. Huthwaite e º 1 Nov. 51. | 16 Jun. 60. Thos. Wilson ... © tº e 3 3 35 | * * * * * * Felix Vincent Raper ... 9 3 9 3 | * * * * * * Geo. Swiney ... tº gº tº l N & J & © & ſº tº tº s º Geo. Pollock, aft. Sir G. . l º 51. # § ; Alexr. Lindsay 95 5 3 11 Sep 53. Jas. Alexander 5 y e e tº Vans Kennedy 9 3 ... . . THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 879 Name. M.-Gen. Walter Raleigh Gilbert, aft, sir W. bt. 28 Jun. 38. Thos. Paterson Smith { } @ & tº º g 35 Edwd. Frederick 3 y Geo. Benj. Brooks 2 3 Archd. Robertson 33 Wm. Clinton Baddeley 3 3 Hy. Bowdler... tº gº º 5 5 Peter Lodewick º 5 3 Jas. Fullerton Dundas 3 * Jas. Morse ... 32 Edwd. H. Simpson 3 3 Jas. Hackett ... 3 3 Thos. Newton ... 5 3 Jno. Andr. Biggs 55 Edwd. H. Bellasis 5 3 Wm. Nott tº tº º 3 3 Geo. Cooper ... & © tº 3 5 Suetonius Hy. Todd ... 22 Jno. Briggs ſº º 5 3 Harry Thompson ... Sir Archd. Maclaim ... Jas. Hay tº º º & e tº Wm. Wood, K. H. Sir Wm. Warre tº º ſº tº ſº º tº ſº tº Chas. Ashe A’Court Repington, K.H. Geo. Chas. D’Aguilar e e gº tº e e Sir Chas. Wm. Pasley, K.C.B. Jacob Glen Cuyler ... is tº º Geo. O'Malley ... e e > tº e e Edwd. Rowland Jos. Cotton ... Charles Turner tº tº e * * * Wm. Fras. Bentinck Loftus... Geo. Burrell tº a ſº James Ogilvie ... James Farrer ... tº º º Thos. Brabazon Aylmer Hy. Jas. Riddell, K.H. Richd. Goodall Elrington Hy. Chas. Edwd. Vernon John Ready tº º tº tº gº tº Sir Jas. Archd. Hope, K.C.B. Sir Robt. Jno. Harvey Sir Hew Dalrymple Ross, K.C.B. ... Sir Dudley St. Ledger Hill, K.C.B.... Sir Edmd. K. Williams, K.C.B. Sir Burges Camac ... * & © Robt. M*Douall * Sir Richd. Armstrong Sir Fredk. Stovin, K.C.B. Sir Guy Campbell, bt. e tº tº Richd. Goddard Hare Clarges Sir Chas. Felix Smith, K.C.B. Alexr. Thompson tº º tº tº e tº Chas. Grene Elicombe Hy. Goldfinch tº º º Jas. Webber Smith Fredk. Geo. Heriot ... Wm. Crosse ... tº ſº tº tº e & e e º Sir Wm. Fras. Patrick Napier, K.C.B. John Duffy ... tº e dº tº gº º © tº º |Hy. Daubeney, K.H. ... 28 Nov. 41. 5 5 5 5 5 3 e is e º 'º e tº e e is º º tº e g g º C. tº e º 'º º tº tº $ tº gº º ºn tº º sº tº we e & e º ſº tº º . 51. . 51. & ſº tº ſº tº E tº gº º y º gº tº gº tº $ tº º 6 Feb. 5 Jun. e e º is tº ſº tº e º e º º tº tº e º 'º º * * * * * g. e tº dº ſº e e tº e º ſº g tº * & © tº e º e e g º º tº & e º 'º e ſº is a e º e sº * tº tº e º º & © º ſº º º & Q & © º º tº º º tº º * e º e º º & ſº tº g º g . 60. . 60. . 61 . 61. 61. . 61. 55. . 55. . 56. . 60. . 56. . 57. . 59. . 59. . 59. . 54. . 59. . 61. . 59. 880 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. Douglas Mercer Fras. Miles Milman John Reeve Jacob Tonson ... Wm. Alexr. Gordon tº º ſº Steph. Arth. Goodman, K.H. Thos. Kemah $ tº gº * G & Sir Robt. Wm. Gardiner, K.C.B. Saml. Lambert tº e tº º ſº Jno. Wm. Fremantle... s & ſº Ld. Geo. Wm. Russell, G.C.B. Edwd. Buckley Wynyard Jas. Fergusson, aft. Sir J. Thos. Win. Brotherton, aft. jr T. ... Sir Adolphus Jno. Dalrymple, bt. Sir Jas. Hy. Reynett, K.C. H. Wm. Smelt tº tº º tº gº º Jas. Robertson Arnold, K.H. Wm. Wemyss ... tº & º g Geo., E. of Munster Robt. Pym ... tº e & e e Q Walter R. Tremenheere, R.H. By. Percival Lewis John Bell, aft. Sir J. ... Saml. Benj. Auchmuty Thos. Lightfoot tº e g Alured Dodsworth Faunce George Brown, K.H., aft. Sir G. Ld. Fredk. Fitz-Clarence, K.C.H. Geo. Prescott Wingrove Richd. Secker Brough Andr. Bredin ... tº gº e Jas. Power ... tº a tº Chas. Younghusband Geo. Crawford tº e sº Jno. Aitchison, aft. Sir J. Jas. Kennedy ... Benj. Roope . Philip Le Fevre Sir Jeremiah Bryant ... Chas. Wm. Hamilton ... Thos. Murray ... tº º º Edmol. Fredk. Waters Jos. Nesbitt Wm. Martin Burton Jas. Wahab ... § tº e Wrm. Samson Whish ... Wm. Battine * * * Geo. Hunter ... * * * Richd. Collyer Andrée Archd. Galloway Edgar Wyatt ... tº gº tº Geo. Mackenzie Steuart Mark Cubbon ... tº º Saml. Roger Strover ... Horatio Thos. Tapp ... Thos. Shubrick g Wm. Hy. Kemm e tº º Thos. King ... Wm. Monteith... Michl. Riddell ... M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. 23 Nov. 41. 11 Nov. 51. ...... 53 3 * | * * * * * * - 35 | 9 3 7 Dec 59. 53 tº e º tº e º e º g g º º 2 3 11 Nov. 51. ...... 5 3 s • e s e s ] e s • * * s 9 3 11 Nov. 51. 26 Dec. 59. 5 5 3 * 28 Nov. 54. 3 9 e o e s e s ] = e o e s a 9 3 tº º º e º 'º tº e is a e g 9 3 e s e s a e i e s e s e e 5 5 11 Nov. 51. 28 Jan. 60. 3 * * 3 13 Feb. 60. 5 5 3 5 I Apr 60. 5 5 5 y 11 Apr. 60. 9 3 5 y 5 May 60. : 9 9 y | * * * * * * 5 5. 9 3 | . * * * * * * 3 * 5 5 | * * * * * * 35 i s s e s e s ] e s a • * * 9 3 | * * * * * e ] , s e e s e e 5 9 11 Nov. 51. 28 Nov. 54 * 3 * * * * g e i is e º e g is y 5 11 Nov. 51. 15 Jun. 60. 3 y * 3 19 Jun. 60. 5 5 5 3 | * * * * * * 9 3 ë e is tº tº a tº e º g º gº 9 y 11 Nov. 51. 7 Sep. 56. 3 5. 9 3 | * * * * * * 3 9 9 * * * * e i s e g º º a 5 3 11 Nov. 51. | 16 Dec. 56. 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 92 e s e e s e i e a e s e e 9 3 e º a s e a e e s a • * 5 3 11 Nov. 51. 30 jui. 60 5 3 3 3 | * * * * * * 9 3 9 3 | * * * * * * 3 3 * * * * g º , º, e º 'º º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 9 3 11 Nov. 51. 2 Sep. 61. 3 9 : * * * * * * | * e s e o s 3 3 | 11 Nov. 51. 17 Sep. 61 9 3 | * * * * * | * e s • e s 9 3 11 Nov. 51. ...... 3 3 || s • * * * * | * * * * * * 5 5 11 Nov. 51. ...... . 3 3 | * * * * * * : * e s e e s 9 3 11 Nov. 51. ...... 3 3 * 3 2 Nov. 61 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * q 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * e o a s 5 9 11 Nov. 51. ... ... 3 3 9 3 e o e º 'º e * 3 33 e = e s s s 3 5 ; * * * * * > . . s a e s so 5 y 11 Nov. 51. 6 Apr. 62. 5 5 5 9 || e º e s e e 9 3 9 3 } e s e a s e 3 3 | * * * * * * : * c s se tº e º e º a THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 881, Name. Jno. Turner Trewman Peter Fearon ... Richd. Lacy Evans Wm. Morison ... tº Thos. Morgan ... tº $ tº Lechmere Coore Russell Duncan Macleod Jno. Dun Wm. Cullen Wm. Dunlop Johnstone Napier David Barr Jno. Ogilvie Robt. Hume ... e tº e tº g tº Jno. Hunter Littler, aft, sir J. Wm. Vincent ... tº gº & tº e ſº Thos. Manett ... tº g tº Jno. Anthy. IIodgson... Saml. Smith ... & E is Thos. Hy. Paul Ezekiel Barton... * @ Kº Hy. Tuffrel Roberts ... Jno. Thos. Gibson Fras. Farquharson Fredk. Tºome ... Foster Walker... tº s e Sir Hy. Pottinger, bt.... Jas. Caulfield ... tº & Cº Richd. Tickell... tº e º tº ſº º ge e º tº $ tº Pr. Geo. Wm. Fredk. Chas. of Cambridge, aft. D. of Cambridge © tº & tº gº tº tº tº gº Sir Hy. Geo. Wakelyn Smith, bt., G.C.B. Chas Edwd. Conyers ... 8 tº º e e & Geo. Augs. Henderson, K.H., Geo. Parke e ‘º º & © tº Robt. Barclay Macpherson, K.H. Philip Jas. Hay & & ſº tº Jno. Slessor Jas. Irving Jas. Allen Archd. Money David Forbes ... Jno. Fredk. Ewart Hy. Adolphus Proctor Wm. Jervoiso, K.H. Wm. Riddall, R.II. Thos. Fenn Addison ... Sir Fras. Cockburn Thos. Steele º Carlo Jos. Doyle Thos. Charretie tº º º * * & e e Q Hon. Sir Geo. Robt. Arthur, bt., K.C.H. Patr. Campbell tº º º tº £ tº Edwd. Parkinson Thos. Hunter Blair Richd. Lleuellyn Peter Augs. Latour, K.H. Jno. Hare ſo tº gº tº Richd. Egerton g tº ſº tº * * * * tº º Sir Wm. Chalmers, K.C. H. ... * - © & ſº tº Jno. Boteler Parker ... & ſº M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. 23 Nov. 41. ...... . ...... 33 • • - - - ) • * * * * * 99 || - - - - - - ) • * * * * * º 11 Nov. 51. º: º 11 Nov. 51. ...... 33 - - - - - - | * * * * * * 2 y | - - - - - ) • * * * * * 53 • e s e s e i s e º 'º e e 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 2 3 11 Nov. 51. ...... 9 x 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 3 • e s s e e | * * * * * * 2 3 11 Nov. 51. ...... 5 3 35 | * * * * * 5 5 35 . . . . • * * * 3 3 • - - - - - | * * * * * * 3 5 11 Nov. 51. ...... 3 9 3 9 22 Noy 62 3 3 33 . . . . * * * * * 35 3 3 • * * * * * . 11 No. 51. G jam. 63. 9 3 ... • * * * * | * * ~ * * * 2 3 | . . . . . . . . . . * * * 3 3 11 Nov. 51. ...... 5 5 3 3 || - - - - - - 5 5 35 | * * * * * * 7 May 45. 19 Jun. 54. 15 Jul. 56 7 Apr. 46. 10 Sep. 47. ...... 9 Nov. 46. 20 Jun. 54. ...... 9 3 9 3 | * * * * * * .. 20 jun. 54. º: 5 3 e e g g g g : * * * * * * . 20 jun. 54. 4 Feb. 57. !, 20 jun. 54 º . 20 jun. 54 º 3 5 3 3 | * * * * * * 2 3 5 3 3 Aug 60. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * º 20 jun. 54. | 12 Nov. 60. 3 * | - - - - - - | * * * * * * 3 * | * - - - - - | * * * * * * 3 2 - - - - - - | * * * * * * 5 5 20 Jun. 54. ...... . 20 jun. 54 º . 20 jun. 54. | 18.jan. 61. 35 9 3 9 Mar. 61. . 20 jun. 54. ...... y 3 3 y | * * * * * * 25 t < * * * * * • * * * * 882 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Hy. ‘Rainey, K. I. . . . Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Chas. Beckwith . ... 9 Nov. 46. . ...... . ...... Wm. Campbell • e e tº tº tº 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Claude Bourchier s a tº tº e de 3 5 20 Jun. 54. ...... Jas. Grant © tº 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Wm. Taylor 9 3 ; * * * * * * | * * * * * * Lawrence Arguimbau. . 2 3 20 Jun. 54. ...... Felix. Calvert ... - 3 3 9 3 | * * * * * * Wm. Staveley • * * 3 5 , , " " - - - - - - *** g e º ºs Sir De Lacy Evans, K.C.B. ... 32 20 Jun. 54. 10 Mar. 61. Wm. Hy. Scott * { * * tº gº tº 3 3 , , , || 23 Mar. 61. Hugh Percy Davison ... gº º º 3 3 H → • * * * * : * * * * * * Sir Thos. Willshire, bt., ix.C.B. 2 3 20 Jun. 54. 20 Apr. 61. Hon. Hy. Edwd. Butler 32 3 3 | * * * * * * Edwd. Fleming . . ... gº º ºs 3 3 33 | * * * * * * Sir Wm. Gossett, K.C.B., K.C. H. 3 5 ; * * * * * * : * * * * * * Sir Jno. Rolt, K.C. B. • 2 20 Jun. 54. ...... Geo. Cardew ... tº º e a s tº 2 3 .* * * * * * : * * * * * * Philip Bainbrigge, aft. sir P. 3 3 20 Jun. 54. 24 Aug. 61. Wm. Greenshields Power, K.H. 3 * 3 51 4 Feb. 57. . Thos. Erskine Napier, aft. Sir T. 33 2 3 20 Sep. 61. Nathl. Thorn, K. H. . ... º ºg - 52 3 5 • * * * * * Wm. Hy. Sewell, aft. sir W. © º º 2 3 3 3 10 Nov, 61. Wm. Lindsay Darling tº º tº •º gº e 2 3 3 5 15 Dec. 61. Sir Jos. Thackwell, G.C.B., K. H. 5 3 3 3 • * * * * Alexr. Macdonald , ... tº e - 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Winn. Lewis Herries, K.C. H. 32 20 Jun. 54. ...... Jno. M*Donald, aft. Sir J. tº º º 33 92 7 Mar. 62. Thos. Staunton St. Clair, K. H. . ... 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Wm. Paty, K. H., aft. Sir G. ... 35 20 Jun. 54. 14 Mar. 62. Lord Jas. Hay... - - - º 3 3 9 3 1 Jun. 62. Thos. Jas. Wemyss 53 3 3 | * * * * * * Robt. Burd Gabriel, K.H. 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Thomas ... tº e tº 35 20 Jun. 54. ...... Wm. Rowan, aft. Sir W. © tº tº 5 5 2 3 13 Aug. 62. Jas. Shaw Kennedy, aft. Sir J. 2 3 * 3 19 Aug. 62. Arth. Wm., ld. Sandys .5 3 3 5 | * * * * * * Sir Thos. Hy. Browne, K.C.H. 3 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Richd. W. H. Howard Vyse ... 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Phipps Howard, K.H. • gº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Archd. Maclachlan ... tº tº e * * * 3 3 20 Jun. 54. ...... Robt. Wm. Mills e - © .5 x , ) • * * * * * e e º is et e Edwd. Nicolls ... tº tº º tº gº tº 5 3 20 Jun. 54. 28 Nov. 54. Fredk. Ashworth, aft. Sir F. 33 3 3 | * * * * * * Robt. Bryce Fearon ... tº gº © 3 3 | * * * * * * } • * * * * * Hy. Balneavis, C.M.G., K.H. ... 2 3 20 Jun. 54. ...... Vincent Edwd. Tyre ... 9 | . . . . . * * : * * * * * * Jno. Whetham ... tº º tº & © tº 9 3 . . . * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Thornbury Wooldridge, K.H. 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Lee Goldie, C.B., aft. Sir G. 2 3 20 Jun. 54. 6 Nov. 62. Geo. Powell Higginson e e e 3 5 3 3 9 Nov. 62. Geo. Bowles, aft. sir.G. e e < * * * * * 2 3 3 3 33 Thos. Bunbury' . . . . . . . . ... tº C & 2 3 > 5 , | * * * * * * Hon: Hy. Fredk. Compton Cavendish 3 y , , 3 3 9 Nov. 62. Philip Ray ... e & tº e gº e º º tº e 35 ... • * * * * * | * * * * * * , , , Jno. Wm. Aldroſl 3 5 20 Jun. 54. ...... Hy. Godwin ... e & e tº e - . 3 3 . . . * * * * * * | * * * * * * . Thos. Wm. Robbins ... ... ... 2 3 20 Jun., 54. | 9 Nov. 62. Roderick MºW cil, or Macneil " * ſº e 9 3 33 . 21 Dec. 63. Geo: Dean Pitt tº º º tº c & * @ 9 e • 2 3 , *, * * * * * * I e º 'º e º º : Wrm. Sutherla ad * @ e • * * 2 3 20 Jun, 54. ..... • a tº º º • 35 , , ; 2 . . . . • * * *, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 883 | Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen Hon. Chas. Gore, K.H. tº 9 Nov. 46. 20 Jun. 54. 12 Feb. 63. Robt. Dalyell ... . ... g . 3 × . . . . . . . . ' ' ...... Wm. Lovelace Walton º 33 20 Jun. 54. 13 Feb. 63. Thos. Fyers ... tº º p “in” s 35 . . .” - * * * * | a s e º k • Edwd. Fanshawe * 2 3 | * * * * * * ...... Thos. Cunningham, ... 23 . ] = * * * * * ...... Thos. Jno. Forbes, 33 . . " - - - - - 16 Jan. 59. . Alexr. Munro ... tº º º 3 3 . . . * * * * * * | “.... Jas. Pattison Cockburn * 3 | * * * * * * | . . . . . . Thos. Colby ... 9 3 . . .” - * * * * ...... Robt. Hy. Birch 5 3 ... • - - - - i e < * * * * Chas. Richd. Fox 9 3 20 Jun. 54. 6 Mar. 63. Jas. Armstrong * 5 5 is º is is sº º ' s e s ∈ C & Thos. Paterson * - tº ſº tº gº tº ge e ‘º 33 . . .” - - - - - - - - - - - Nathl. Wm. Oliver ... * * * f ee tº º 33 • * * * * * . . . . . . . Richd. Jno. Jas. Lacy g tº 5 3 tº de e º e º e º s e º tº Geo. Lewis ... tº º º * 3 2 . . . * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . - Elias Lawrence g • 3 20 Jun. 54, 20 Jun. 55. Geo. Jones tº e º 2 3 5 5 2 3 Thos. Benjn. Adair ... ſº 5 5 ... • - - - - • - - - - - Wm. Hallett Connolly {j 35 20 Jun. 54. 20 Jun. 55. Chas. Augs. Shawe y 5 5 2 3 6 Mar. 63. Peter Brown ... tº g 3 2 | * * * * * * } • - - - - - Geo. Beatty ... tº g tº tº tº º . 27 Dec. 46. 20 Jun. 54. 20 Jun. 55. Albert Edwd., Pr. of Wales... * I gº tº gº tº e ºl - ... • * * * * * 9 Nov. 62. Hy. Somerset ... tº g tº tº º º . 16 May 51. 26 Jan. 55. ...... - Thos. Adams Parke, C.B. . 11 Nov. 51. 20 Jun. 55. 6 Feb. 57. Fredk. Campbell g 2 3 28 Nov. 54. 25 Sep. 59. Chas. Menzies ... & 9 3 20 Jun. 55. 1 Jul. 57. Mildmay Fame... • ? 5 3 30 Jan. 55. 27 Mar. 63. Jno. Martin ... & g º g 3 3 , - - - - - - I - - - - - - -4 Sir Jas. Maxwell Wallace & 9 3 6 Feb. 55. 8 Jun. 63. Hon. Jno. Finch, C.B. g 5 3 20 Feb. 55. ...... Jas. Lindsay † 33 18 May 55. ...... Wm. Geo. Moore gº 35 5 Jun. 55. sº tº º sº Sir Hy. Floyd, bt. § 2 3 ... • * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Campbell ... & 2 3 ... • * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Geo. Cochrane ... e tº e • ? 3 5 5 Dec. 56. ...... Hy. Somerset, C.B., aft. sir H. • ? 3 3 29 Jan. 57. * * Nichs. Wodehouse tº º º • ? . 32 5 Sep. 57. ...... Hy., D. of Cleveland, C.B. ... e ‘º º • ? 3 3 8 Sep. 57. 23 Oct. 63. Geo. Aug. Wetherall, C.B., aft. Sir G. • p 33 5 3 3 3 Wm. Douglas ... e e ſº tº º º tº º ºs * 2 3 23 Nov. 58. 3 Apr. 62. Jas. Simpson, aft. Sir J. ... g tº º 3 2 29 Jun. 55. 8 Sep. 55. Jas. Fredk. Love, C.B., aft. Sir J. ... 33 26 Sep. 57. 10 Aug. 64. Hon. Geo. Anson sº e ſº tº e º tº º º 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Duncan McGregor, K.C.B. - 3 3 12 Dec. 57. 28 Oct. 64. Nichs. Hamilton tº º & tº º º , 35 11 Jan. 58. ...... Sir Jas. Dennis, K.C.B. * * * tº º • 2 | * * * * * * •e tº e sº Chas. Anthy. Ferd. Bentinck tº o 3 9 15 Jan. 58. ...... Jno. Gregory Baumgardt, C.B. & Cº 53 - - - - - - | * * * * * * Sir Robt. Nickle © º 39 . . . . * * * * | * * * * * * Griffith Geo. Lewis, C.B. ... tº a , 23 - | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Judd Harding, C. B. ... tº e 3 9 J - * * * * * : * * * * * * Chas. Geo. James Arbuthnot tº tº 2 3 13 Mar. 58. 25 Nov. 64. Christr. Grant Falconar tº • A *. • 20 Jul. 58. ...... Sir Richd. England, I.C. B. ... tº e ºs * * * .. 3 3 4 Jun. 56, 6 Jul. 63. Chas. Middleton , ... tº º º ‘tº gº tº * *, *, *. 3 3 - - - - - - | * * * * * * x Alexr. Fisher Mackintosh e * * * * 55 2 Aug. 58. 27 Dec. 64. Beaumont, ld. Hotham © tº º • s • y 3 9 26 Aug. 58. 12 Jan. 65, Jos. Paterson ... ... ... . . ... • Qe 33 , , 53 , i < * * * * * 884 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Geo. Turner, C.B., aft. sir G. 11 Nov. 51. 28 Nov. 54. 24 Jan. 63. Sir Jno. Owen, R.C.B., K.H. ... sº 5 5 & * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Wright, K.H. ... tº € * ... tº 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Alexr. Reid wº 3 9 * * * * * * | * * * * * Jno. Home tº º tº tº º 5 5 22 Sep. 58. ...... Mathias Everard, C.B. tº e 53 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Cecil Bishopp, C.B. ... e tº º 3 5 tº e g is tº º tº e º e º ſº Sir Wm. Robt. Clayton, bt. ... 9 3 26 Oct. 58. 12 Jan. 65. Hon. Geo. Cathcart ... e 5 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Spink tº e > 3 y 26 Oct. 58. | 12 Jan. 65. Jas. Jackson, aft. Sir J. * 3 's 5 6 Feb. 65. |Robt. Christr. Mansell 5 9 * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Paris Bradshawe s tº Q 5 5 ' ' | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Drummond tº e º * tº . 33 26 Oct. 58. | 10 Feb. 65. Jas. Freeth, aft. 'sir J. tº go º tº ſº º 33 3 2 9 Mar. , 65. Sir Chas. Routledge O'Donnell tº ſº º 5 5 5 5 2 Apr. 65. Jno. Leslie . . . ... & E tº g $ 2 3 y | * * * * * * Robt. Bartlett Coles ... 5 5 '3 × 31 May 65. Edwd, Pery Buckley © 3 9 '53 17 Aug. 65. Sir Richd. Doherty & 5 y 9 3 • * * * * * Edwd. Byam tº º ſº & 53 16 Nov. 58. ...... Wm. Rogers ... is e e º 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. O'Neil Prendergast * § 5 ' ' ' | * * * * * * l • * * * * * Geo. Chas., E. of Lucan e 3 2 14 Dec. 58. 28 Aug. 65. Chas, Yorke, aft. Sir C. & '99 13 Feb. 59. 5 Sep. 65. Jno. Hy. Richardson ... e '3 × 2 Apr. 59. 12 Jan. 66. Sir Jno. Rowland Eustace º * 9 9 3 | * * * * * * Berkeley Drummond ... & 3 5 9 Apr. 59. ...... Hon. Sir Edwd. Cust. ... º 5 5. 3 5 12 Jan. 66. Dennis Daly ... tº gº tº º 5 5 12 Jun. 59. ...... Wm. Chamberlayne ... & 9 3 17 Jul. 59. 14 Jan. 66. Hy. Dwyer . 20 Jun. 54. ...... . ...... Jeremiah Taylor e 33 17 Jul. 59. ...... Fras. Jno. Davies ſº 9 3 14 Aug. 59. ...... Jno. Fraser & 3 * 17 Oct. 59. ...... Jonathan Peel... & 3 5 7 Dec. 59. ...... Marcus Beresford tº º we e is & 5 3 7 Dec. 59. 4 Mar. 66. Jas. Chas. Chatterton, aft. Sir J. e 5 5 13 Dec. 59. 31 Mar. 66. Jno. Hobart, ld. Howden, K.C.B., K.H. tº 35 26 Dec. 59. ...... Robt. Douglas... tº º º e g * ‘2 3 28 Nov. 54. 25 Sep. 59. Jas. Alexr., E. of Rosslyn ... © 5 3 26 Dec. 59. 20 Apr. 66. Wm. Thos. Knollys tº º & & 5 y 11 Jan. 60, 17 Jun. 66. Edwd. Studd ... e º 'º ſº tº ge tº e tº • b '55 | * * * * * * I • * * * * * Chas. Stuart Campbell, C.B. tº e º tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Hy. Robt. Ferguson Davy, bt. ... 3 y 28 Jan. 60. 25 Jun. 66 Ernest Fred. Gascoigne tº e º tº $ tº 5 9 13 Feb. 60. 20 Jan. 67. Lovell Benj. Lovell, aft. Sir L. e º ... 3 3 1 Apr. 60. ...... St. John Aug. Clarke, K.H. ... ſº tº ſº ... 2 3 11 Apr. 60. 8 Mar. 67. Sir Jas. Holmes Schaedde, K.C.B. ... --- 5 5. 23 Apr. 60. ...... Hy. Jno. Wm. Bentinck, aft. Sir H. tº ſº tº 3 5 24 Apr. 60. 8 Dec. 67. Alexr. Kennedy Clark Kennedy, C.B. te 5 5 3 May 60. ...... Thos. Reed, C.B., aft. Sir T. ... gº º e tº ſº. 5 * 4 May 60. 1 Jan. 68. Hy., visc. Melville, K.C.B. ... ... º dº tº 9 3 5 May 60. 3 3 Horatio Geo. Broke or Brooks tº tº ſº º, º º 2 3 15 May 60. ...... Edwd. Chas. Whinyates, C.B., K.H., aft. sirlº. 9 3 1 Jun. 56. 10 Dec. 64. Thos. Hutchessen ... tº º gº tº is e © tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * • * * * * Jno. Oldfield, K.H. ... tº º ſº e o e tº º º 9 3 10 May 59. 3 Apr. 62. Thos. Dynely, C.B. ... tº º ºs tº ſº º tº tº ºn 92 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B. aft. li. Clyde ... 2 3 4 Jun. 56. 14 May 58. Geo. Petre Wymer, aft. Sir G. tº gº tº º, ºr tº 93 8 Jum. 56. 9 Sep. 63. ë is gº 33 18-Jul. 56, 9 Oct. -63. Wm. Pattle tº $ & - • * & tº ſº º tº gº º THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 885 ! Wm. Cox, R.H. tº º º tº gº tº e i º sº a dº e º is Name. M.-Gen. L-Gen. Gen. Edm. Finucane Morris, C.B.... g º e ... 20 Jun. 54. 17 Jun. 56. 13 Mar. 68. Peter Edmonstone Craigie, C.B., aft. sir P. 9 3 19 Jun. 56. 21 Jan. 68. Hy. Colvile ... ſº tº º is tº g º $ tº tº º 32 20 Jun. 56. 27 Mar. 68. Geo. Cobbe tº tº º 5 3 4 Feb. 57. 15 Dec. 64. Alexr. Cavalie Mercer 53 29 Aug. 57. 9 Feb. 65. Abrm. Roberts tº gº tº tº $ tº 3 2 13 Oct. 57. 3 Oct. 64. Everard Wm. Bouverie tº gº º q is a 5 5 30 Jul. 60. 9 Apr. 68. Hon. Thos. Ashburnham, C.B. 2 3 3 Aug. 60. 19 Apr. 68 Michl. White, C.B. ... g tº º 5 5 31 Aug. 60. ......* Jno. Scott, C.B., aft. Sir J. .... tº e g tº e ºs 33 13 Oct. 60. 1 May 68. Jno. Lysaght Pennefather, C.B., aft. Sir J. ... 33 12 Nov. 60. 9 May 68. Thos. Perronet Thompson * e tº tº a 2 3 27 Dec. 60. 12 Jul. 68. Wm. Bush, Ir.H. tº 3 9 - - - - - - : * ~ * * * * Fred. Thos. Buller 23 - - - - - - • * * * * * Hy. Despard, C.B. ... * * * 3 3 • - - - - - - - - - - - Sir Jno. Mark Fredk. Smith... 5 3 25 Oct. 59. 3 Aug. 63. Edw. Wells Bell tº º e tº tº 9 33 27 Dec. 60. 12 Jul. 68. Jno. Reid tº tº ge 3 3 | * * * * * * ...... Jas. Jones, K.H. 3 2 | * * * * * * § º $ tº gº º º Edw. Carlyon ... tº e ſº & g g & e * * *g 2 5 * * * * * > * | “… Sir Wm. Macbean Geo. Colebrook, C.B., K.H. 3 9 16 Jan. 59. 26 Dec. 65 Thos. Burke ... tº e g tº º ſº tº e tº tº º & 35 18 Jan. 61. * * * * * Thos. Saml. Trafford... • 3 | * * * * * * sº tº e g º º Hy. Bristow ... & tº º 53 - - - - - - R x...' Wm. Cator, aft. Sir W. 2 3 25 Sep. 59. 5 Apr. 66 “Geo. Saunders Thwaites 35 13 Feb. 61. ...... Jos. Jerrard 33 • * * * * * . . . . . . Arth. Morris gº tº e 2 3 . . . . * * * * * ...... Jas. Thos., E. of Cardigan 5 5 13 Feb. 61. ...... Wm. Cowper Coles 2 3 9 Mar. 61. * g º e º ſº Sir Michl. Creagh, K.H. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * John Eden, C.B. ſº º º 35 9 Mar. 61. 25 Aug. 68 Humphrey Robt. Hartley 35 | - - - - - - ' ' s , , , s Hy. Wm. Barnard § 3 3 | * * * * * * … Jas. Campbell, K.H. 2 3 * * g º º ºs e º # 8 & Hon. Chas. Grey & a e tº e e ... 3 9 10 Mar. 61. 29 Aug. 68. Wm. Lennox Lascelles, aft. li. De Ros $ 3 12 Mar. 61. 10 Nov. 68. Jno. Geddes, R.H. g tº we e tº º º 3 5 23 Mar. 61. ...... Wm. Hy. Cornwall .. 3 3 || - - - - - - | * e º 'º º ºs JPhilip Spencer Stanhope 5 3 20 Apr.61. 22 Nov. 68. Alexr. Maclachlan 9 3 22 Jun. 60. ...... ‘Chas. Murray Hay 5 5 24 Aug. 60. ...... Hy., ld. Rokeby 5 3 20 Sep. 61. 8 Mar. 69. Chas. Gilmour... 5 3 | * * * * * * . . . . . . Hy. Edw. Porter 3 5 10 Nov. 61. 5 Sep. 69 Jno. Dawson Rawdon... 5 3 15 Nov. 61. ...... Wm. Beckwith, K.H. ... ... ... 5 5 26 Nov. 61. 28 Oct. 69 Hy. Edw. Robinson ... * * g. tº tº º 35 | * * * * * * . . .''” Hy. Wm. Breton © e tº º º 3 * 15 Dec. 61. 18 Dec. 69, Allan T. McLean 5 2 20 Dec. 61. ...... Steph. Kirby ... § º º § º º tº gº º 3 3 - - - - - - ) •,• * * * * Arth. Rd., D. of Wellington ... tº º º 3 5 2 Feb. 62. ...... Jno. Julius Wm. Angerstein... tº gº & 5 5 5 3 | * * * * * * .Jno. Wilson Kettlewell tº º te tº ſº tº 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * "Thos. Martin, K.H. ... § * 9 3 16 Feb. 62. ...... IMatth. Chas. Dixon ... 22 •,• * * * * ...... T’atr. Doull Calder 53 •,•,• * * . . . . . . • # Thos. Gerrard Ball 32 7 Mar. 62. 10 Jan. 70 Eaton Monins ... § º e § - e. º, e is 33 * e º $ tº º * * * * * * * Guy Carlton Coffin ... tº º ſº º e º 22 * * * * * * * | “.... 886 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES., Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen i Jas. Stokes Bastard ... 20 Jun, 54. 24 Jan. 57. ...... Geo. Morton Eden 3 5 14 Mar. 62. ...... Geo. Dixon ... $ 3 30 May 62. 1 Apr. 70. Fred. Maunsell gº º $ 2 1 Jun. 62. 9 Aug. 70. Wm. Jno. Codrington. • 35 6 Jun, 56. 27 Jul. 63. Duncan Grant ... 3 ; ' ' | . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hy. Alexr. Scott 3 3 24 Jan. 63. 12 May 66. Wm. Wylde 33 22 Feb. 63. 24 Aug. 66. Wm. Turnor 3 3 ' | * * * * * * | * * * * * * - Wm. Fludyer ... e - e. 3 3 3 Jun. 62. ...... Jno. Wharton Frith ... 3 5 13 Aug. 62. ...... Thos. Falls ... 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Chas. Russell 4 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Ferguson... $ 5 ' | . . . . . . . . * * * * * Jno. Hall tº e º e - tº $ 3 19 Aug. 62. 10 Oct. 70. Peter Margetson Wallace * } 5 28 Nov. 54. 22 Feb. 63. Richd. Jones, (? sir) ... tº e tº tº e º º P & 3 * 3 3 | * * * * * * Jno. Mitchel, or Mitchell, C.B. aft. Sir J. ... } 3 2 3 27 Jun. 64. Jno. Henry ... tº e tº tº e tº e tº º º § 5 3 Aug. 55. ' ...... Chas. Ramsay Skardo 5 3 22 Aug. 55. ...... Saml. Swinhoe... = e tº 3 3 15 Sep. 55. 29 Jun. 63. Jno. Anderson (No. 1) 3 * 5 Dec. 55. 13 Jan. 64. Fredk. Young ... * ~ * 3 * 18 Feb. 56. 28 Mar. 65. Thos. Monteath Douglas 3 * 18. Mar. 56. 9 Apr. 65. Wm. R. C. Costley 33 2 Apr. 56. 13 Jun. 65. Chas. Herbert ... 55 . 9 Apr. 56. 26 Apr. 66. Geo. Petre Wymer 3 3 8 Jun. 56. ...... Alexr. Dick 9 3 4 Jul. 56. 3 May 66. Wrm. Pattle 5 3 18 Jul. 56. ...... Thos. Fiddes ... 5 * 15 Sep. 56. ...... Jas. Perry '• 3 6 Dec. 56. ...... Hugh Ross ... tº gº º '35 29 May 57. ...... Jno. Anderson (No. 2) 2 23 Sep. 57. ...... Jas. Kitchen e e - '3 × 13 Oct. 57. ....., Abrm. Roberts, C. B. ... 5 * * 5 • * * * * * Jno. Morgan, C.B. ... & e a 2 3 27 Jan. 58. 27 May 66. Chas. Arth. Grenado Wallington * } 4 Mar. 58. 12 Jun. 66. Thos. Oliver ... tº º tº tº ſº tº 5 5 4 May 58. 19 Jun. 66. Michl. Edwd. Bagnold 5 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Duncan Gordon Scott... 3 3 23 Jul. 58. ...... Hy. Hall, C. B. ... 5 3 24 Oct. 58. 23 Jul. 66. Julius Geo. Griffith 3 3 4 Feb. 59. 17 Sep. 66. Saml. Shaw e e Q e 2 3 5 Feb. 59. ...... Fredk. Larkins Doveton 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Henderson Dunsterville... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Butler James ... 9 3 15 May 59. 6 Dec. 66. Matthew Coombs Paul 5 5 17 May 59. ...... Chas. Payne º '3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Polgase James 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Jno. Cheape, K.C.B. '3 × 26 May 59. ...... Jno. Low, C.B., aft. Sir J. 3 3 30 May 59. 18 Jan. 67. Jos. Harris '3 × 29 Aug. 59. ...... Jno. Tulloch, C.B. 2 3 11 Sep. 59. 6 Mar. 68. Richd. Powney e º ſº e tº dº & º & 5 3 21 Sep. 59. ... ... Sir Hugh Massey Wheeler, IK.C.B. ... 3 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geo. Edwd. Gowan, C.B. tº e 3 y 27 Sep. 59. ...... Patr. Montgomerie, C.B. 22 21 Dec. 59. ...... Jas. Stuart, C.B. e G & 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Chas. Orans .. & 5 3 • * * * * * | * > . . . . Wm. Hy. Hewitt ." " ; ; 30 Dec. 59. ...... Jno. Home - tº tº a tº º THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 887 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen. Goo. Wm. Aylmer Lloyd, C.B. 20 Jun. 54. || 2 Jun. 60. ...... Alexr. Tulloch, C.B. ... . ... 2 3 16 Jun. 60. ...... Archd. Brown Dyce ... 53 26 Jun. 60. ...... Jno. Wheeler Cleveland 53 30 Aug. 60. 6 Mar. 68. Robt. Blackall... * * * 3 5 18 Dec. 60. ...... - David Capon, C. B. ... 5 y 25 Jan. 61. ...... Wm. Donald Robertso 3 5 30 Jan. 61. ...... Duncan Sim • * * 33 6 Feb. 61. ...... Geo. Sandys ... e - e. 5 3 21 Jan. 61. ...... Sir Patr. Grant, G.C.B. 28 Nov. 54. 24 Oct. 62. 19 Nov. 70. Sir Robt. Vivian, K.C.B. 2 3 + 3 3 22 Nov. 70. Wm. Wylie, C.B. 2 3 5 3 24 Feb. 70. Geo. Conran ... º 5 * 24 Jan. 65. ...... Edwd. Garstin... - e. '3 × 21 Dec. 65. 1 Mar. 67. Sir Geo. Brooke, K.C.B. * - 32 19 Jun. 66. 24 May 70. Fred. Frankland Whinyates... 3 2 14 Jul. 67. 21 Jan. 72. Adam Fife Crawford ... * - - - - - - - - 3 5 • - - - - - | * * * * * * Chas. Montauban Carmichael, C.B.... - - - 5 5 14 Apr. 62. 18 Jan. 70. Wm. Bolden Dundas, C. B. ... - 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Wm. Gordon, C.B. f 3 3 19 May 63. ...... Fredk. Markham, C.B. * * * ‘5 3 || - - - - - - - - - - - - Geo. Hy. Lockwood, aft. Sir G. 5 5 3 Sep. 62. 22 Oct. 70. Jos. Darby - - tº - e. 3 * 27 Jun. 64. 1 Jan. 68. Jas. Eckford, C.B. 3 3 24 Apr. 64. ...... Mathew Soppitt 2 3 29 Apr. 64. 6 Mar. 68. Andr. Hervey, C.B. ... tº e & • * - 5 3 23 Jul. 64. ...... Sir Scudamore Windo Steel, K.C.B. .... 5 3 2 Sep. 64. ...... Jos. Leggett tº a º 3 3 || - - - - - - | * * * * * * Fredk. Schuler 5 5 17 Sep. 64. | ...... Geo. Moore 3 2 2 Nov. 61. ...... Foster Stalker, C. B. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Maurice Tweedie * * 5 5 6 Apr. (;2. ...... Hy. Lechmere Worrall 3 5 10 Jun. 62. 30 Mar. 69. Jno. Bennet Hearsey, C.B. 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Richd. Pemberton 5 3 6 Sep. 62. - e º 'º - * Donald Macleod - * > 32 2 Oct. 62. ...... Steph. Davis Riley ... 3 3 5 Oct. 62. ...... Christr. Godby, C. B. ... 9 3 22 Nov. 62. ...... Nichs. Penny, C.B. 3 * : * * * * * * : * * * * * * David Cunninghame .. 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Dennis Dun 3 5 6 Jan. 63. ...... Jas. Parsons, C.B. 3 3 18 Mar. 63. ...... Geo. Warren • * * ,, . . 6 Apr. 63. 23 Aug. 69. Hy. Fisher Salter, C.B. ' 5 3 14 Apr. 63. ...... Richd. Benson, C. B. ... 5 3 * * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Mathew Taylor 2 3 17 Apr. 63. 8 Feb. 70. Howard Dowker 5 5 21 Apr. 63. ...... Hy. Sargent ... 2 29 Jun. 63. ...... Geo. Jas. Wilson . . . . 5 5 13 Jan. 64. | ...... Lewis Wentworth Watson "3 2 S < * * * * | * * * * * * Jos. Garnault ... 5 3 25 Jun. (34. 22 Feb. 70, Robt. Hawkes... • * tº * ~ * * - e. • * * * 3 3 17 Aug. 64. 25 Jun. 70. Archd. Fullerton Richmond, C. B. ... • * * * '3 × 21 Oct. 64. | ...... Jos. Bell s tº º 4 * * * * * '3. 3 8 Jan. 65. 25 Jun. 70. Geo. Comran - - - * 3 5. 4 * * * * * | * * * * * * Patr. Grant, C.B. * * * tº e ºb e - G * * * 3 3 * * * * * * * | * * * * * * Christr. Dixon Wilkinson, C.B. - © tº • * * * 5 5 12 Mar. 65. 25 Jun. 70. Wm. Taylor 5 y 28. Mar. 65. ...... Westrop Watkins '3. 5 * * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Laurie ... • * e ‘55 ' ' ' ' ' - - - - - - | * * * * * * Fredk. Parkinson Lester '55 ' | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 888 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. I.-Gen Gen. Jas. Edwin Williams ... 28 Nov. 54. 5 Jun. 65. 25 Jun. 70. Fras. Turnley Farrell 35 13 Jun. 65. . ...... Wm. Hy. Marshall 32 23 Jul. 65. ...... Robt. Alexander 3 3 22 Aug. 65. 25 Jun. 70. Jno. Day Stokes tº º º 9 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Roger Williamson Wilson, C.B. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Spencer Hawkins, C.B. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Jno. Butterworth, C.B. 2 5 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Kynaston Luard, C.B. ... 2 3 20 Nov. 65. 25 Jun. 70. Jno. Graham tº gº tº 35 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Edwd. Garstin ... 23 • * * * * | * * * * * * Adolphus Derville 2 3 22 Dec. 65. 25 Jun. 70. Richd. Home ... tº º a 3 3 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Jno. Hussey Vivian 23 • • - - - - • * * * * * Thos. Littleton Green * 2 26 Apr. 66. 25 Jun. 70. Alexr. Carnegy, C.B. ... 3 3 • • * * * * } • * * * * * Geo. Tomkyns... 2 3 29 Apr. 66. 25 Jun. 70. Hy. Geo. Roberts • ? I • - - - - - | * * * * * * Wm. Cavaye 2 3 3 May 66. 25 Jun. 70. David Forbes ... tº º 2 3 - - - - - | * * * * * * Jno. Jas. Farrington ... 33 I - - - - - - i • * * * * * Fras. Straton ... tº gº º tº e ºs 2 3 27 May 66. 25 Jun. 70. . Chas. Richd. Wm. Lane, C. B. 3 2 12 Jun. 66. 2 3 * * Wm. Jno. Gairdner, C.B. 35 | - - - - - - ) • * * * * * Geo. Brooke, C.B. 3 * | * * * * * * : - - - - - - Jno. Yaldwyn ... e g is 5 5 23 Jul. 66. 25 Jun. 70. Benj. Robertson Hitchins 2 3 26 Aug. 66. ...... Steph. Moody ... tº e g tº e g § tº º • 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Watkin Lewis Griffies Williams, aft. bt. • 2 17 Sep. 66. 25 Jul. 70. Eyre Evans Bruce 9 * * tº e e 2 3 6 Nov. 66. 3 Sep. 71. Hy. Coningham 22 6 Dec. 66. ...... Wm. Justice 2 3 9 3 | * * * * * . Jno. Clough 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Thos. Dickinson tº º ºs tº gº tº 33 • - - - - - | * * * * * * Hy. Chambers Murray Cox .. 33 18 Jan. 67. 9 Dec. 71. Jno. Hoggan, C.B. tº $ tº 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Geo. Huyshe, C. B. ... 3 5 12 Feb. 67. 19 Feb. 72. Fredk. Blundell, C. B. ... tº e e 3 2 1 - - - - - - | * * * * * * Jno. Campbell. C. B., aft. Sir J. 2 3 1 Mar. 67. 21 Mar. 72. Thos. Bowes Foster ... . ... * 9 3 Jul. 67. ...... Fras. Frankland Whinyates... 5 3 14 Jul. 67. ...... Jas. Adam Howden & 8 º' 2 3 9 Dec. 67. ...... Augs. Clarke ... tº tº º 3 5 15 Dec. 67. 23 Apr. 72. Chas. Hamilton, C. B. ... 2 3 30 Jan. 68. 16 May 72. Edwd. Armstrong ... • 3 6 Mar. 68. 9 Dec. 72. Chas. Waddington, C.B. 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Hy. Sleeman e tº tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Thomson Reid, C.B. ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Maurico Stack, C.B., aft. Sir M. 39 6 Mar. 6S. | 8 Mar. 73. Jas. Outram, C. B. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Wyllie, C.B. & © tº 3 3 | * * * * * * ... I e s e e s • Walter John Browne, C.B. 3 9 6 Mar. 68. 29 Aug. 73. Sir Chas. Hopkinson, C.B. 2 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Hanbury Raynsford ... 55 • * * * * * | * * * * * *. Brice Wakeford Lee ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Smith ... tº gº tº 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Augs. Litchford... 3 x 1 - * * * * * | * * * * * * Wrm. Miles ... tº º ſº 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * Andr. Campbell 25 • * * * * * : * * * * * * Thos. Dickinson 32 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Stanley Bullock 23 ° e < * * * * * * * * * * * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Jno. Harvey Stevens ... • * * * tº gº Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. | Tichd. Airey, aft. Sir R. ... 12 Dec. 54. 24 Oct. 62. 9 Apr. 71 Jas. Bucknall Bucknall Estcourt ... tº e º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Iługh Hy. Rose, C.B., aft. Sir H. and lá. Strathnairn ... s sº gº & © tº e e sº tº $ & 3 3 28 Feb. 60. 4 Feb. 67 FIy. Wm. Adams, C.B.... & ſº º tº tº 3 3 - - - - - ) • * * * * * Fion. Jas. Yorke Scarlett, aft. Sir J. 2 3 9 Nov. 62. 25 Oct. 71 Sir Jno. Campbell, bt. { } tº E tº 23 - - - - - - I - - - - - - Harry David Jones, aft. Sir H. 5 y 6 Jul. 60. ...... Arth. Wellesley Torrens s s ] . . * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Buller, C.B., aft. sir G.... 2 3 9 Nov. 62. 25 Oct. 71. Wm. Eyre, C.B. tº º º 39 • - - - - - ) - - - - - - Wm. Jas. Jones - 13 Dec. 54. ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. Slade 5 3 - - - - - - " * * * s • e Richd. Thos. King 3 3 27 Jun. 64. ...... Chas. Dixon : 5 20 Sep. 60. ..... Thos. Grantham tº gº º tº gº & 9 3 • - - - - - - - - - - - Thos. Blanshard, C.B. gº tº tº * * * * 16 Dec. 54. ...... ...... Wm. Brereton. C. B., R.H., aft. Sir W. 3 * 27 Jun, 64. ...... Sherburne Williams 2 3 20 Sep. 60. , 1 Jan. 68. Jas. C. Victor ... 3 s , . . . . . • ...... |Hy. Robt. Milner 29 Dec. 54. ...... ...... Fras. Rawdon Chesney 6 Jan. 55. 28 Jul. 64. 1 Jan. 68. Irwin Whitty ... 3 3 • * * * * * …. Chas. Dalton © g e 4 tº e 3 3 | * * * * * * … Richd. Burne Rawnsley * = & 3 3 • * * * * * | . . . . . . Jno. Heneage, Grubbe 2. 9 Jan. 55. ...... ...... Philip Barry ... 13 Jan. 55. ...... | “… Fred W. Whinyates 3 3 | * * * * * * . . . . . . . Fdwd. Vicars ... 3 3 • * - - - - . . . . . . Jno. Hawkshaw & & © tº tº * 3 | * * * * * * : ...... Jno. 13]oomfield Gough, C.B. ... 30 Jan. 55. ...... ...... Wm. Furneaux... tº º gº º 7 Feb. 55. ...... ! . . . . . . R. G. B. Wilson 3 3 - - - - - - … Hon. Arth. Upton 20 Feb. 55. ...... - Kº I’hilip Fras. Story, c.13. 13 Apr. 55. 6 Mar. 68. 17 Nov. 73. Alexr. Woodburn, C.B. 1 May 55. ...... tº e º & © tº Jno. D. Syers ... tº tº º 7 May 55. ...... . . . . . . . Jas. Archd. Chalmer ... 15 May 55. ...... ...... Ambrose Lane... tº tº gº 18 May 55. ...... ...... Anthy. Emmett tº º gº 21 May 55. ...... ... ... Marcus Antonius Waters • * * , 2 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walt. Powell . . 20 Jun. 55. . . . ... ...... Abrm. Hy. Gordon • 3 - - - - - - f = • * * * * Jno. Montresor Pilcher 5 s • * * * * * ...... Thos. Stevens... * * * 3 3 • - - - - - - - - - - - David Anderson Gibsone ; : • - - - - - • * * * * * Jno. Rawlings Coryton 5 5 (3 Feb. 57 8 Sep. 58 Robt. Mercer tº ſº e • 3 || - - - - - - ; * * * * * * Saml. Burdon Ellis, C.B. 3 3 || - - - - - - | * * * * * * Jno. Robyns, K.H. 3 3 - - - - - - • * * * * * Jos. Walker 3 * : . . . . . . . . . * * * * Jas. Whylock .. 3 ; ; . . . . . . . . . . * * * Thos. Waring . 3 3 • . . . . . . . * * * * * Geo. Butt Bury 2 3 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jas. Irwin Willes 3 3 • * * - - - | * * * * * * David McAdam 3 ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . • Chas. Compton Pratt 3 3 || - - - - - - • • - - - Donald Campbell 5 9 • * * * * * i ...... Hy. Jas. Gillespie • 3 • * * * * ...... Saml. Garmston 33 • - - - - - ! . . . . . . 890 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. . Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Thos. Scott Reignolds . 22 Jun. 55. ...... . ..... Sir Richd. Jas. Dacres, K.C.B. ... . ... 29 Jun. 55. 10 Dec. 65 2 Feb. 68. Jno. Jos. Hollis © & Cº tº dº & s ſº º ... 6 Jul. 55. ...... . ...... Hugh Evans ... - e. g. . 10 Jul. 55. ...... . ...... Hy. Ivatt Delacombe ... 14 Jul. 55. 22 Dec. 60. 28 May 66. Geo. Grantham & © tº º & tº e - ... 3 Aug. 55. 6 Mar. 68. ...... Hy. Cracklow ... ... ... ... ... 22 Aug. 55. , , , 28 Mar. 74. Jas McHaffie ... - it & . 31 Aug. 55. 12 Nov. 62. ...... Robt. Blake Lynch 3 s • * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Campbell 3 x 1 - - - - - - ) • * * * * * Cassius Matth. Johnson 3 3 e e e s e s : * * * * * * Chas. Diggle, K.H. .. 33 • . . . . . . * * * * * * Jno. Murray Belshes ... * 5 12 Nov. 62. ...... Benjn. Orlando Jones... 9 3 5 3 - - - - - - Thos. Peacocke 9 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Daml. Baby .. 3 3 | * * * * * * Geo. Nicholls .. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Crokat 5 5 21 Dec. 62. 25 Oct. 71. Robt. Bateman , , ! ...... . . . . . . Peter Dudgeon... , , , ...... . ...... Jno. Mitchell 3 3 | * ~ * * * * | * * * * * Norcliffe Norcliffe, K.II. 3 y | - - - - - - | * * * * * * Robt. Martin Leake tº º º s e - , , 21 Dec. 62. 25 Oct. 71. Sir Abrm. Josias Cloëtte, C.B., K.H. 9 3 , , 5 3 Geo. Macdonald e tº º º 7 Sep. 55. 29 Jan. 63 5 3 Barth. Vigors Derinzy, K.H. ... s 9 . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Chas. Ash Windham, C.B. 8 Sep. 55. 5 Feb. 63. ...... Wm. Prescott ... tº º º tº ſº to e tº º ... 15 Sep. 55. 25 Jun. 70. 10 Apr. 74. Patr. Yule ... - e. g. a º e º e º e ... 9 Oct. 55. ...... . ...... Fras. Haultain 18 Oct. 55. ...... . ...... Jas. Gordon 27 Oct. 55. ...... . . . ... Jno. Ashmore ... • * g. 29 Oct. 55. ... . . . . . . . . . . Chas. Otway ... - e. e. gº º º º e e ... 2 Nov. 55. 15 Dec. 64. ...... Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, IK.C.B., aft. ot. ,, 3 5 2 Aug. 68. Jno. Edwd. Dupuis, C.B., aft. Sir J. 2 3 9 Feb. 65. . ...... Hy. Lawrence ... tº e º c º e º 5 Dec. 55. 25 Jun. 70. 23 May 74. Jno. Cox 18 Dec. 55. ... ... . . . . . . . Richd. Budd 10 Feb. 56. 25 Jun. 70. 8 Jul. 74. Geo. Hicks, C.B. 18 Feb. 56. ...... . . . . . . . Hy. Fras. Caley 18 Mar. 56. ...... . ...... Hope Dick 2 Apr. 56. 25 Jun. 70. 28 Apr. 75 Jos. Nash, C.B. © ºn tº 9 Apr. 56. 23 Mar. 69. ...... Wm. Hy. Law ... * - e. tº º 16 May 56. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jas. Alexander, C.B., aft. Sir J. 18 May 56. 6 Mar. 68. 1 Aug. 72 Sir Wim. Reid, K.C.B. ... 30 May 56. ...... . ...... Anthy. Marshall 3 * 20 Apr. 61. ...... Robt. Sloper Piper 35 3 * | * * * * * * Robt. Andrews 7 Jun. 56. ... . . . . . . . . . . Jno. Theoph. Lane 8 Jun. 56. 6 Mar. G8 6 Oct. 72. Fredk. Hy. Baddeley ... 10 Jun. 56. ...... . ...... Peter Faddy ... © tº e 14 Jun. 56. 20 Sep. 65. 7 Feb. 70. Hassel Richd. Moore ... * 3 ... . . . . . . . . . . - Edw. Sabine ... - © tº 3 * 20 Sep. 65. ...... Fras. Ringler Thomson 14 Jun. 56. ... . . . . . . . . . . Jas. Robertson Crawfurd 19 Jun. 56. | 12 Feb. 63. 25 Oct. 71 Geo. Hutton 4 Jul. 56. ...... ...... Tobt. Clarke ... tº º º 7 Jul. 56. ...... . ...... C. Brownlow Cumberland 8 Jul. 56. ...... . ...... Itobt. Geo. Hughes 11 Jul. 56. '...... . ...... Andr. Spens 18 Jul. 56. ...... ...... Thos. Budgeon 1 Aug. 56. THE BOOK OF LIGNITIES. 891 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Pennel Cole ... . ... g 11 Aug. 56. ...... . ...... Wm. Stewart Balfour... & ſº 22 Aug. 56. 13 Feb. 63. ...... Wm. Yorke Moore tº gº ... 5 Sep. 56.- ...... ...... Edw. Matson ... e ‘º . 10 Sep. 56. * * * * * * e e º 'º s e & Robt. Stewart ... e i e 15 Sep. 56. ...... . ...... Wm. Booth . tº º 23 Sep. 56. ...... . ...... Edw. Pettingal 4 Nov. 56 s & e e s e i s e e s e º Richd. Greaves 9 Nov. 56. ...... ...... Hy. Hancock ... 28 Nov. 56. 25 Jun. 70. ...... Jno. Alves is tº º 5 Dec. 56. ...... . ...... Hy. Jno. Wood, C.B. ... 6 Dec. 56. ...... . ...... Alexr. Fraser ... tº gº º 8 Dec. 56. 27 Jul. 63. ...... Ld. Chas. Wellesley ... 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Gordon Higgins tº $ tº tº tº º 24 Jan. 57. 26 Dec. 65. tº e º Wm. Hy. Elliott, K.H., aft. Sir W. ... 29 Jan. 57. 27 Jul. 63. 25 Oct. 71. Saml. Hawkins tº gº tº tº e G 2 Feb. 57. ...... . ...... Jno. Alexr. Philips 6 Feb. 57. 29 May 63. ...... Fortescue Graham 20 Feb. 57. | 11 Mar. 65. , 10 Nov. 66. Jas. Clarke 3 9 • * * * * * ' e s • * * * Jno. Tothill 3 3 • * * * * | “.... Jno. Eyre tº e e 23 Feb. 57. ...... ...... Edw. Huthwaite, C.B. 14 Mar. 57. 6 Mar. 68. ...... Jos. Childs tº sº º 31 Mar. 57. ...... . . . . . . . Peter Edwards {e e ſº © tº g 14 Apr. 57. 9 Oct. 63. 19 Nov. 71. Wm. Freke Williams, R. H. ... 25 | * * * * * * | - - - - - - Wm. Cartwright 16 May 57. 9 Oct. 63. 19 Nov. 71. Arth. Gore 5 5 5 5 | * * * * * * David Goodsman 53 3 5 tº e º 'º & © Loftus Owen ... 3 3 | * * * * * * ! . . . . . . Pringle Taylor... tº gº 9 3 9 Oct. 63. 19 Nov. 71. Thos. Orlando Cator ... tº º ſº 26 May 57. ...... tº e º 'º e tº Isaac Campbell Coffin, aft. sir I. 29 May 57. 25 Jun. 70. ...... Thos. Robt. Swinburne 4 Jun. 57. 31 Jan. 64: ' ...... Geo. Whichcote 5 5 3 3 5 Dec. 71. Jas. Arth. Butter . 2 3 2 3 | 3 * Thos. Hy. Johnston ... e e ºs e ‘º º & 5 3 31 Jan. 64. 5 Dec. 71. Geo. Cornish Whitlock, aft. Sir G. ... 27 Jun. 57. 9 Apr. 64. ...... Jno. McArthur tº º ſº tº º º 1 Jul. 57. ...... e e e g º ºr Saml. Robt. Wesley ... 2 3 11 Apr. 62. ...... Hy. Aitchison Hankey 6 Jul. 57. 29 Apr. 64. . ...... Jno. Campbell... 9 Jul. 57. 4 Jul. 64. ...... Plomer Young, K.H. ... tº e tº 17 Jul. 57. ...... . ...... Hy. Havelock, C.B., aft. bt. ... 30 Jul. 57. ...... . ...... Fredk. Geo. Lister * & 22 Aug. 57. ...... . . . . . . . Wm. Dunn 29 Aug. 57. ...... . . . . . . . Wm. Bell ,, . 27 Feb. 66. 31 Jan. 72. Jas. Fogo tº ſº º tº º º 2 3 3 3 • * * * * * Hon. Wm. Arbuthnot... 35 2 3 29 Mar. 73. Hy. Blachley ... 3 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Geo. Jno. Belson 3 5 3 3 | * * * * * * Robt. Franck Romer ... 5 2 5 3 29 Mar. 73. Richd. C. Molesworth 2 5 • - - - - - • * * * * * Chas. Ogle Streatfeild 2 Sep. 57. ...... . ...... Hy. Dive Townshend... 5 Sep. 57. 8 Aug. 64. || 31 Dec. 71. Thos. Wright, C.B. ... tº ſº tº 8 Sep. 57. 10 Aug. 64. ...... Sir Archdale Wilson, bt., K.C. B. 14 Sep. 57 || 6 Mar. 68. ...... David Downing tº e tº tº º tº 15 Sep. 57. 25 Jun, 70. 23 Aug. 75. Thos. Macknight Cameron ... 3 Oct. 57. ...... . ...... - Wm. Nugent Thos. Smee 13 Oct. 57. 2 Jan. 70. 26 Nov. 75. Thos. Chase Parr , , 25 Jun. 70. 15 Feb. 76. Fredk. Hervey Sandys 15 Oct. 57. 25 Jun. 70. ...... - ‘892 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Day Hort Macdowall ... e J. Price Holy ... tº e Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Jos. Ellison Portlock ... tº e ºs e - e. 25 Nov. 57. ...... . ...... Sir Jno. Eardley Wilmot Inglis, K.C.B. 26 Nov. 57. ...... . ...... IIy. Prior tº e - * * * tº e tº & © 2 2 Dec. 57. ...... . ...... Michl. Johnson © tº º 3 Dec. 57. ...... . ...... Fredk. Chas. Griffiths 12 Dec. 57. ... . . . ...... Jno. Hungerford Griffin 22 Dec. 57. ...... . ...... Thos. Wood ... • * * 11 Jan. 58. 9 Sep. 64. || 1 Jan. 72. TVWm. Hassall Eden 15 Jan. 58. 10 Sep. 64. || 4 Mar. 72. Jno. Moule ... © s > 27 Jan. 58. ...... . ...... Edwd. A. Parker tº e g 24 Feb. 58. 11 Sep. 64. | ...... Sir Jas. Hope Grant, K.C.B. ... 26 Feb. 58. 3 Oct. 64. || 23 Apr. 72. Ilouis Saunders Bird ... 4 Mar. 58. 25 Jun. 70. ...... Jos. Clarke ... © tº e ę & © 16 Mar. 58. 28 Oct. 64. ...... Sir Jno. Gaspard Le Marchant 22 Mar. 58. 29 Oct. 64. || 6 May 72. Hale Young Wortham 1 Apr. 58. ...... . ...... Chas. Gascoyne 3 Apr. 58. 25 Nov. 64. | 10 May 72. I)avid Birrell ... 25 Apr. 58. 25 Jun. 70. 23 Jul. 76. "Thos. Polwhele tº a tº & © tº 1 May 58. : 3 13 Dec. 76. Richd. Jas. Holwell Birch, C.B. tº tº º ... 4 May 58. ...... ...... Sir Wm. Rose Mansfield, aft. la. Sandhurst 18 May 58. 27 Dec. 64. || 23 May 72. Wm. Fraser ... • * > tº e Q e - e. ... 5 Jun. 58. ...... . ...... Geo. Moncrieff... • * > 14 Jun. 58. 22 Jun. 64. | ...... Jas. Casimir Harold ... 1 Jul. 58, ...... . ...... Geo. Campbell, C. B. 4 Jul. 58. 11 Dec. 68. 21 Jul. 74. Peter Innes - • e tº • * tº tº tº º 13 Jul. 58. 25 Jun. 70, ...... 'Thos. Hartz Franks, aft, sir T., C.Is. 20 Jul. 58. ...... . ...... Sir Edwd. Lugard, K.C.B. 2 3 12 Jan. 65. 24 Oct. 72. Alexr. Wm. Lawrence tº a º 2 3 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Fredk, Abbott, C. B. tº tº dº e - e. 23 Jul. 58. ...... . ...... Jno. Fowler Bradford, C. B., aft. Sir J. 5 2 25 Jun. 70. 19 Dec. 76. Thos. Jas. Valiant ... ºn tº º º 6 Aug. 58. ...... . ...... Poole Wallancey England 9 Aug. 58. 5 Apr. 66. 20 Mar. 73. Jno. Gordon º © tº e 35 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Wm. Cuthbert Ward ... 12 Aug. 58. 20 Sep. 60. ...... Geo. Elliott & © & 24 Aug 58. ...... . ...... Wm. Bookey Langford 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Marcus Jno. Slade 26 Aug. 58. 6 Feb. 65. ...... Harry Meggs Graves ... 27 Aug. 58. ...... . ...... Jno. Tatton Brown 8 Sep. 58. 28 Nov. 65. 13 Feb. 67. Geo. Hy. MacKinnon, C.B. 22 Sep. 58. 10 Feb. 65. 19 Jan. 73. Denj. Fras. Dalton Wilson 10 Oct. 58. ...... . ...... Chas. Grant, C. B. 14 Oct. 58. 14 lyec. 68. 1 Oct. 77. Archd. Spiers Logan ... 24 Oct. 58. 25 Jun. 70. ...... Saml. Brandam Boileau tº e - ... 26 Oct. 58. ...... . ...... Hon. Geo. Fredk. Upton, C.B., aft. visc. Templetown tº tº tº tº e e g = tº º º Lº 2 y 9 Mar. 65. ...... IHon. Arth. Alexr. Dalzell, aft. E. of Carn- - warth # tº º tº º º tº tº ſº tº º & tº e de 5 5 2 Apr. 65. 14 Apr. 73. Thos. Simson Pratt, C. B. $ 2 31 May 65. 26 May 73, Orlando Felix ... e tº º 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Nelson Hutchinson 2 3 17 Aug. 65. 29 May 73. Hy. F. Lockyer, C. B. ... 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Simcoe Baynes... e e s tº g tº * - a 5 5 28 Aug. 65. ...... Montague Cholmondley Johnstone ... 2 3 5 Sep. 65. 29 Dec. 73. Fredk. Meado ... tº º e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Fredk. Forster ... 5 3 24 Oct. 65. | 6 Jan. 74. Fredk. Johnstone 3 5 12 Jan. 66. 7 Jan. 74. Albert Goldsrnid © tº e . . . 9 * * 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * Edwd. Macarthur, C.B., aft. sir E. ... 3 3 14 Jan. 66. ...... tº º tº ſº tº 2 3 4 Mar. 66. ...... THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 893. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Chas. Robt. Bowers ... 26 Oct. 58, 10 Mar. 66. ...... J. Arnauld , , ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fredk. Towers.. * tº & 2 * | - - - - - - - - - - - Sir Robt. Garrett, K.C.B. 5 * 10 Mar. 66. ...... Richd. Connop... tº gº & 3 2 31 Mar. 66. ...... Thos. Molyneux Williams 9 3 * 3 | * * * * * * W. Nepean ... • * * 35 i < * * * * * | * * * * * ** Arth. Hill Trevor tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * Richd. Rich Wilford Brett 5 3 tº º ºs e e is • * * * * * W. Holmes Dutton ... tº is wº 3 5 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Thos., E. of Albemarle 2 3 31 Mar. 66. 7 Feb. 74. Geo. Thos. Colomb ... tº e ſº tº º sº 9 3 3 * 5. Fras. Nathl., M. of Conyngham, K. P. 3 3 20 Apr. 66. 21 Mar. 74. Sir Sydney Jno. Cotton, K.C.B. tº tº 9 3 5 3 • * * * * * Maurice Barlow w º º tº e & 5 3 24 Apr. 66. 21 Mar. 74- Jno. Napper Jackson... 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Botet Trydell ... * 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * *. Jno. Clark, K. H. tº ſº e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * *. Redmond W. Brough... tº e ſº tº e º . . . 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * * Edwd. Hungerford Delaval Elers Napier ... 2 3 6 May 66. ...... Edwd. Harvey... ſº e ſº * A tº e is gº 3 5 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Jas. Robt. Young ... * e g 2 3 17 Jun. 66. ...... Geo. Brooke, aft. Sir G. ... 3 5 19 Jun. 66. ...... Jno. Michell, C.B., aft. Sir J. 3 3 25 Jun. 66. 28 Mar. 74. Robt. Percy Douglas, aft. bt. • ? 6 Jan. 67. 14 Apr. 74. Chas. Craufurd Hay ... 3 3 20 Jan. 67. ...... Wm. Longworth Dames 3 * 4 Feb. 67. ...... Chas. Warren, C.B. ... 3 3 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * Geo. Alexr, Malcolm, C.B. 33 8 Mar. 67. 16 May 74. Robt. Hy. Wynyard, C.B. 5 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Geo. Durnford & tº e 3 3 24 Aug. 66. ...... Richd. Hardinge, K.II. 5 5 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Jos. Hanwell ... tº º º tº a º tº º tº tº ſº º 5 3 24 Aug. 66. ...... Philip Sandilands tº a tº tº º e gº º tº e e tº 3 5 5 : * * * * * * Browne Willis ... gº º º tº º ºs tº gº º tº ſº º 5 * 1 Mar. 64. | ....... Benj. Hutchison Vaughan Arbuckle 3 3 24 Aug. 66. ...... Jno. Harbridge Freer... tº $ tº & © . • * * 5 3 3 5 | * * * * * * Archd. White Hope ... tº ſº º tº gº tº • * * 2 3 5 3 | * * * * * *. Jno. Louis Smith tº º gº tº º * 5 5 3 5 | * * * * * * W. Cochrane Anderson 5 9 (?) ...... Wm. Redman Ord ... 1 Nov. 58. 20 Apr. 61. ...... Chas. AEneas Shirreff 14 Nov. 58. ...... . ...... Hy. Eyre tº gº º tº º ſº 16 Nov. 58. 3 Sep. 67. 23 Sep. 74. Hy. Jno. Savage 23 Nov. 58. 3 Apr. 62. ...... Edwd. Messiter * tº º º g e e 5 * 25 Jun. 70. 8 Feb. 77. Ld. Wm. Paulet, C.B., aft. K.C.B. ... 13 Dec. 58. 8 Dec. 67. 7 Oct. 74. Philip M'Pherson, C.B. 24 Dec. 58. ...... . ...... Nath. Massey Stack ... * tº 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Richd. Say Armstrong & º º 16 Jan. 59. ...... . ...... Stuart Corbett, C.B. ... e º s 4 Feb. 59. ...... * * * * * * Chas. Wm. Ridley, C.B. 13 Feb. 59. * * * * * * • * * * * * Jno. Patton . tº e º tº º ſº & º º ... 20 Feb. 59. 1 Jan. 68. 10 Oct. 74- Hugh Manley Tuite ... tº º ſº tº tº º ... 2 Mar. 59. ...... . ...... Hy. Macan ... tº e a & © tº e tº º ... 5 Mar. 59. 25 Jun. 70. 24 May 77. Wm. Sage • . * * * tº e º tº º º ... 13 Mar. 59. ...... . ...... Duncan Alexr. Cameron, C.B., aft. Sir D. ... 25 Mar. 59. 1 Jan. 68. 5 Dec. 74 Thos. Matheson • a s tº º & g & ds ... || 2 Apr. 59. 21 Jan. 68. ..... '• Geo. Bell, C.B., aft. Sir G. ... tº º is ... 9 Apr. 59. 28 Jan. 68. 8 Mar. 75. Sir Justin Sheil 's s e . . . . . . . ... 26 Apr. 59. 25 Jun. 70. ...... IHoratio Nelson Vigors ** * s * e ſº ... 1 May 59. ...... . ...... Chas. Wahab ... • * * * 6 May 59. 25 Jun. 70. ...... 894 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen. Crighton Grierson 10 May 59. 3 Aug. 63. ...... Lewis Alexr. Hall • * * • e & 2 5 9 3 | * * * * * * Robt. Richardson Robertson, C.B. ... 14 May 59. 31 Jan. 68. 13 Apr. 75. Jas. Manson ... tº ſº tº tº a tº 15 May 59. ...... ...... Geo. Twemlow tº e tº 17 May 59. ...... . ...... Thos. Assheton Duke 26 May 59. 25 Jun, 70. 1 Oct. 77 Nathl. Jones e e s 30 May 59. s = < * * * | * * * * * * Saml. Braybrooke 12 Jun. 59. 21 Feb. 68. 16 Apr. 75. Daml. Bolton 20 Jun. 59. ...... . ...... Augs. Flemyng 8 Jul. 59. ...... . ...... Tobt. Law ... e tº º tº º tº 17 Jul. 59. 13 Mar. 68. ...... 1Fdwd. L'Estrange ... tº º e 19 Jul. 59. • * * * * - I - - - - - - Jas. Clarke Charnock Gray ... 20 Jul. 59, 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. *Usher Williamson ... tº e - º e e ... 5 Aug. 59. ...... . ...... Sir Chas. Thos. Van Straubenzee, K.C.B, ... 14 Aug. 59. 27 Mar. 68. 29 Apr. 75. Hy. Wm. Parke tº tº gº ºn tº & ºt ... 23 Aug. 59. ...... . ...... Thos. David Carpenter tº - e. © tº e ... 29 Aug. 59. ...... . ...... Sir Alexr. Murray Tulloch, K.C.B. ... tº e 9 Sep. 59. ...... . ...... Thos. Alexr. Augs. Munsey... ... 11 Sep. 59. ...... . ...... 1Edwd. Hely Hutchinson ... 16 Sep. 59. ...... . ...... Jno. Bloomfield, aft. Sir J. ... 25 Sep. 59. 12 May 66. 26 Nov. 75. Robt. Thorpe . ... 27 Sep. 59. ...... . ...... Alexr. Jardine tº º 7 Oct. 59. ...... . ...... Wm. Geo. Gold e 17 Oct. 59. 29 Mar. 68. ...... "Thos. Foster ... ... 25 Oct. 59. 8 Feb. 66. 8 Jun. 71. Jas. Scott e - © e - e. 3 x . . . . . . . . . . * * * * Charlton Holl ... ... 28 Nov. 59. 25 Jun. 70. . ...... Thos. Hurdle, C.B. e * - © 2 Dec. 59. ... • * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Peard Dwyer ... ſº tº tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Hamilton Stewart tº e 33 l = < * * * * | * * * * * * Hon. Robt. Bruce ... tº e - tº º 7 Dec. 59. ...... . ...... Arth. Cunliffe Van Notten Pole ... 13 Dec. 59. 9 Apr. 68. ...... Chas. Hewetson e º º e - © • e e ... 21 Dec. 59, 25 Jun. 70. ...... Edwd. Walter Forrestier Walker, C. B. ... 26 Dec. 59. 19 Apr. 68. 13 May 75. Morden Carthew & © tº . * * * ... 30 Dec. 59. 3 9 1 Oct. 77. Augs. Abbott, C.B. & 2 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Forbes tº t e tº º º e - 1 Jan. 60. e < * * * * | * * * * * * - Thos. Armstrong Drought ... ... 11 Jan. 60. 21 Apr. 68. 29 May 75. Robt. Hy. Lowth, C.B. ... 24 Jan. 60. ... • * * * * * : * * * * * * Chas. Stuart ... tº e e .,. 28 Jan. 60. 1 May 68. 29 May 75. Hy. Powell Wulff tº 4 º' tº º º ... 31 Jan. 60. ...... . ...... Hon. Augs. Almeric Spencer, aft. Sir A. ... 13 Feb. 60. 9 May 68. 14 Sep. 75. Philip Austin Smyly ... tº e e 14 Feb. 60. ...... . . . ...... Jno. Singleton... tº e 21 Feb. 60. p < e < e < e e s see. Chas. Ashmore tº tº e 1. Mar. 60. 12 Jul. 68. 19 Oct. 75. Anthy. Robinson Harrison 8 Mar. 60. . . ...... ...... By. Richd. Wright , - 3 3 , a e º e s e I e s a s • * Fras. Warde, aft. Sir F. 3 5 . 24 Aug. 66. 15 Apr. 77. Augs. Geo. Blachford 9 Mar. 60. • * * * * * e e s a tº e Hy. Keane Bloomfield 1 Apr. 60. 13 Aug. 68. ...... Jno. Lawrenson e tº e 6 Apr. 60. 25 Aug. 68. 2 Nov. 75. Studholme Jno. Hodgson 11 Apr. 60. 29 Aug. 68. 2 Feb. 76. Augs. Abbott ... tº dº tº tº tº tº 13 Apr. 60. , s = * * * * I e e s s is e Jno. Douglas Johnstone, C.B. 17 Apr. 60. ...... . . ...... .Chas. Franklyn, C.B. 23 Apr. 60. ..... e e e g º º e Godfrey Chas. Mundy ... 24 Apr. 60. ...... . ...... Jno. Glasfurd tº e º ... 27 Apr. 60. ...... . ...... Robt. Farquhar, C.B. • * * * . . . . ...... . ...... Jas, Edwd. Gordon Morris ... ... ... 30 Apr. 60. ...... . ...... Fras. Hugh Geo. Seymour, aft. M. of Hertford 4 May 60. 10 Nov. 68. 10 Feb. 76. Wm. Anson M'Cleverty * * * • --- . . 25. 22 Nov. 68. 17 Mar. 76. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 895 Name, M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Lewis Duncan Williams 5 May 60. 23 Nov. 68. ...... Chas. Wright ... tº e - 17 May 60. ...... . ...... Jas. Edw. Gordon Morris 2 Jun. 60. ...... • - - - - - Robt. Blucher Wood, C.B. 3 Jun. 60. 10 Dec. 68. ...... Claud Douglas... 4 Jun. 60. 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Emilius Gold 15 Jun. 60. 27 Dec. 68. ...... Josh. Hale ... 16 Jun. 60. 23 Feb. 69. ...... Chas. Algn. Lewis ... º tº e 19 Jun. 60. ...... 5 Apr. 76. Wm. Bates Ingilby, aft. Sir W. 22 Jun. 60. 1 Jan. 68. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Goodwyn ... • e - to g tº 26 Jun. 60. 1 Mar. 67. 14 Jul. 71. Wm. Fanshaw Bedfor 3 Jul. 60. ...... . ...... Geo. Conolly Ponsonby e is a tº sº º . 2 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Michl. Francklyn Willoughby, C.B. 3 * : * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Chas. Wells ... º e g tº a tº 2 5 • * * * * * : * * * * * * Chas. Jas. Green ... 3 5 • * * * * * : * * * * * * Jno. Grant ... g is e e & tº tº & © tº e - 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Ceo. Fk., &c., D.of Cumberland, K. of Hanover ...... ...... 27 May 76. Chas. Campbell º is e ºs tº o 0. ... 3 Jul. 60. tº º e º º º ...... Edwin Hy. Atkinson ... * 5 s • * * * * : * * * * * * Sir Joshua Jebb, K.C.B. 6 Jul. 60. ...... ...... Hy. Sandham ... © e 2 3 3 Aug. 66. ...... Wm. Geo. Whito 3 3 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Richd. French... 11 Jul. 60. ...... . ...... Chas. Gostling... 13 Jul. 60. ...... . ...... Wm. Parlby 17 Jul. 60. 21 Mar. 69. 22 May 76. &eo. Congreve... © º º 20 Jul. 60. ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. Pickering ... 21 Jul. 60. ...... . ...... Jno. Thos. Hill • . . 30 Jul. 60. 14 Jun. 69. 24 Jun. 76. Geo. Evans Hunt 31 Jul. 60. ...... . ...... Thos. Coryndon Luxmore 2 Aug. 60. 7 Sep. 67. 8 Jul. 71. 'Wrm. Faris • * e & O , , , , 5 3 Montgomery Williams 3 3 3 3 12 Apr. 72. Jno. Longfield, C.B. 3 Aug. 60. 5 Sep. 69. 19 Jul. 76. Jas. Fitzgerald tº tº º © tº g 30 Aug. 60. 25 Jun. 70. ...... Chas. Wm. Morley Balders, C.B. ... 31 Aug. 60. 28 Oct. 69. ...... Fred. Wm. Hamilton, C.B., aft. Sir F. , , 18 Dec. 69. 21 Nov. 76. Coghill Glendower Ottley © º º 11 Sep. 60. ...... . ...... Chas. Hastings Doyle, aft. Sir C. ... 15 Sep. 60. 10 Jan. 70. 15 Mar. 77. Thos. Hore ... ' '... & e e 20 Sep. 60. 1 Jan. 68. ...... Richd. Jno. Stotherd... , , 1 Jan. 68. 19 Jun. 72. 'Chas. Edw. Michel 21 Sep. 60. ...... . ...... Clement Clemons 29 Sep. 60. ...... . ...... Chas. Haldane... . ... ... 7 Oct. 60. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fred. Horn, aft. Sir F. tº º & 13 Oct. 60. 18 Jan. 70. 2 Jun. 77. Alexr. Hy. Edmonstone Boileau 18 Oct. 60. ...... . ...... Jno. Skardon Ramsay tº $ tº tº ſº tº 6 Nov. 60. ...... . ...... Jno. Fras. Glencairn Campbell; C.B. 12 Nov. 60. 3 Feb. 70. ....:. Fred. Brooke Corfield e e & tº e > 18 Nov. 60. 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Ld. Fredk. Paulet tº º ſº 13 Dec. 60. 12 Feb. 70. ...... Edw. Green, C.B., aft. Sir E. ... - 18 Dec. 60. 25 Jun. 70. 2 Jun. 77. Wm. Clendon ... e - © e tº tº ... 22 Dec. 60. ...... . ...... Anthy. Blaxland Stransham, aft. Sir A. 23 Aug. 66. 1 Apr. 7 0. Jno. Rowland Smyth, C.B. ... © º º 2 : 1 Apr. 70. … ‘Wnm. Jas. D'Urban . . . . . . . 27 Dec. 60. 20 Jun. 70. ...... Benj. Crispin ... " 15 Jan. 61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hy. Jno. French 18 Jan. 61. 9 Aug. 70. ...... Geo. Farquharson º & © & 25 Jan. 61. 25 Jun. 70. ...... Wm. Robt. Corfield ... & º ºs 30 Jan. 61. 25 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Robt. St. John... e e e 4 Feb. 61. ...... . ...... Richd. Horsford 6 Feb. 61. ...... . ...... Terence O'Brien 896 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. M-Gen. Name. L.-Gen. Gen. Sir Robt. Cornelis Napier, K.C.B., aft. la. Napier of Magdala ... tº º tº $ tº ... 15 Feb. 61. 1 Mar. 67. 1 Apr. 74 Chas. Wm. Wingfield 21 Feb. 61. ...... i ...... Jno. Ffolliott Crofton... 9 Mar. 61. 21 Aug. 70. 23 Aug. 77. Jno. Grattan tº dº ſº 10 Mar. 61. 15 Sep. 70. ..... ‘e Hon. Jas. Lindsay 12 Mar. 61. 10 Oct. 70. ...... Wm. Sullivan, C. B. ... 23 Mar. ($1. ... ... . ...... Josh. Webb Goldsworthy 29 Mar. 61. ...... . ...... Herbert Jacob ... & ſº º 2 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Richd. Rodney Ricketts 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edw. Hume Hart 3 3 | * * * * * * , ~ * * * * * Edw. Trevor 1 Apr. 61. ...... . ...... Alex. Gordon ... tº e & * tº 20 Apr. 61. ...... s is e g º e Jno. Hankey Bainbrigge ... tº tº tº tº @ ſº 33 22 Oct. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Arth. Aug. Thurlow Cunynghame, C.B., aft. Sir A. tº º e tº ſº tº tº e º tº gº º tº gº º 3 3 3 3 3 * Arth. Mitford Becher, C.B., aft. Sir A. 27 Apr, 61. 25 Jun. 70. 2 Jun. 77. Jno. Fordyce ... tº € 9 tº tº e ſº tº gº 29 Apr. 61. 21 Jan. 72. ...... Wm. Jas. King © tº º * e & 1 May 61. ...... . ...... Wm. Abraham Le Mesurier ... 3 * 19 Nov. 70. ...... Jno. Swinburn... e 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Kelly 2 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Jas. Kerr Ross 5 5 19 Nov. 70. ...... Eardley Wilmot 5 3 3 3 • * * * * * Edw. Basil Brooke * 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. FitzMaurice 7 May 61. ...... . ...... Fredk. Hope ... © tº & 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Stanhope Wrm. Jephson 24 May 61. ...... . ...... Hy. Poole ... ſº tº º 5 Jun. 61. ...... . ...... Lewis Alexr. During ... 17 Jun. 61. 19 Nov. 70. | 1 Oct. 77. Joshua Simmons Smith 5 5 33 3 3 Thos. Ferguson Flemyng 11 Jul. 61. 25 Jun. 70. ...... Fras. Wheler, aft. Sir F. 21 Jul. 61. 3 3 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Studholme Hodgson 23 Jul. 61. ...... . ...... - Thos. Townsend Pears, C.B.... 6 Aug. 61. ...... . ...... Sir Andr. Scott Waugh . | “.... . ...... Hy. Arth. O’Neill , 22 Nov. 70. ...... Horatio Shirley, C.B. ... * * * 8 Aug. 61. ...... . ...... Arth. Johnstone Lawrence, C.B. 14 Aug. 61. ...... . ...... Richd. Parker... ... ... 24 Aug. 61. 2 Jan. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Kennedy McCausland ... 29 Aug. 61. ...... . ...... Jno. Hobson tº gº tº tº e º 2 Sep. 61. 25 Jun. 70. 11 Jul. 77. Walter Scott 5 Sep. 61. 1 Mar. 67. 31 Mar. 75. Robt. Wm. Honnor, C.B. 17 Sep. 61. ...... ...... Chas. Trollope, C. B. ... * * * 20 Sep. 61. 24 Feb. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. St. Patrick Lawrence, C.B. 25 Sep. 61. ...... . ...... Wm. Halpin 8 Oct. 61. ...... . ...... Jas. Somers Down 2 Nov. 61. 25 Jun. 70. ...... Andrew T. Hemphill... we tº & tº º º 10 Nov. 61. ...... . ...... Ld. Geo. Aug. Fredk. Paget, C.B. ... 11 Nov. 61. 28 Feb. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Peter Hamond... ... tº º e tº e tº 15 Nov. 61. ... ... . ...... Wm. Hy. Miller, C.B.... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Brook Jno. Taylor ... , , 9 Apr. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Burton Daveney .. 13 Dec. 61. ...... . ...... Jas. Stuart ... ... we tº º 3 * ...... . ...... Geo. Thos. Conolly Napier, C.B. 15 Dec. 61. 30 Apr. 71. ...... Edwd. Sterling Farmar tº tº tº 31 Dec. 61. ...... . ..... tº 1 Jan. 62, 25 Jun. 70. . ...... Willoughby Trevelyan gº tº ſº tº º e Fras. Rowcroft, C.B. ... tº º is tº º Jno. Macoustie Shortt Jas. Matthie - - & a dº ſº tº º tº e º ſº º º THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 897 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen Edwd. Rowley Hill 2 Feb. 62. 27 May 71. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Wm. Key 6 Feb. 62. 30 Jul. 71. 39 Edw. Pole s e e 16 Feb. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 2 3 Arth. Shirley ... 7 Mar. 62. ...... . ...... Fred. Holl Robe 14 Mar. 62. ...... . ...... Edwd. Rea. ... tº e º tº º 25 Mar. 62. ...... . ...... Sandy Stawell Walsh, C. B. ... 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Biddlecombe Marlow 26 Mar. 62. ...... . ...... AleXr. Anderson e tº 33 10 Nov. 66. 1 Apr. 70. Benj. Spicer Stehelin... 3 Apr. 62. 17 Mar. 68. ...... Chas. Alfr. Browne 6 Apr. 62. tº º tº e º 'º tº as tº tº * * Robt. Jno. McKillop ... 11 Apr. 62. ...... . ...... Sir Arth. Thos. Cotton 14 Apr. 62. 1 Mar. 67. 20 Mar. 76. Geo. Macan & gº º 20 Apr. 62. ...... . ...... Sir Robt. Walpole, K.C.B. 30 May 62. 25 Oct. 71. ...... Noel Thos. Lake, C.B. tº tº gº # * * tº G is 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Arth. Johnstone Lawrence, C.B., aft. Sir A. 1 Jun. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Hon. Geo. Cadogan, C.B. tº e g 3 Jun. 62. 33 3 3 Thos. Chas. Cotton Moore 10 Jun. 62. ...... . ...... Hugh Troup $ 8 tº 5 3 25 Jul. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Inglis Jameson ... 15 Jun. 62. 18 Apr. 71. ...... Fred Darby Cleaveland 20 Jun. 62. ...... . ...... Simon Fraser ... tº e tº 24 Jun. 62. ...... . ...... Jno. Chas. Hope Gibsone 28 Jun, 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Alexr. Cunningham 30 Jun. 62. ...... . ...... Wm. Maule Ramsay ... 1 Jul. 62. 11 May 71. ...... Chas. P. Ainslie 7 Jul. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Piercy Benn 16 Jul. 62. ...... . ...... Humphrey Lyons 5 5 20 May 71. ...... Jno. Fraser tº º 18 Jul. 62. ..... . ...... Sir Archd. Bogle 2 Aug. 62. 20 May 71. ...... Freeman Murray ë º º & º # e. e. ... 13 Aug. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct 77. Hon. Alexr. Nelson Hood, aft. visc. Bridport | 19 Aug. 62. 5 3 39 David Russell, C.B., aft. Sir D. tº e tº is º 3 Sep. 62. 3. 5 3 Richd. Albt. Bayley ... & º tº ... 6 Sep. 62. 4 Jul. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Arnold Edwd. Burmester, C.B. . 23 Sep. 62. ...... ...... David Simpson º & º tº ſº tº 2 Oct. 62. 3 Sep. 71. ...... Horatio Shirley, C.B., aft. Sir H. 24 Oct. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Wm. Saml. Newton, aft. sir W. 6 Nov., 62. 5 5 9 3 Geo. Dixon, C.B. tº tº J e tº º 7 Nov. 62. ...... . ...... Hamilton Vetch 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Arth. Sanders e tº º * e tº tº º º 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Egerton Chas. Wm. Miles Milman ... 9 Nov. 62. ...... . ...... Spencer Perceval § º º 5 3 25 Oct, 71. ...... Hy. Cooper 5 5 3 5 1 Oct. 77. Randal Rumley e ſº tº º º tº º ºs 5 3 3 3 5 J Sir Hy. Knight Storks, K.C.B., G.C.M.G. 12 Nov. 62. 3 y | * * * * * * Edwd. Altham Cumberlege tº Q 22 Nov. 62. 17 Sep. 71. ...... Fredk. Gaitskell, C.B. & e tº 23 Nov. 62. ...... . ...... Jno. Macdonald © tº ºn 12 D, c. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Thos. Charlton Smith 21 Dec. 62. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Wm. Sutton, C.B. 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * - Stephen Pott ... 31 Dec. 62. ...... . ...... Chas. Jno. Cooke 6 Jan. 63. ...... | | * * * * * * Andr. Rowland 3 5 1 Aug. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Hill * * 13 Jan. 63. ...... . ...... Hy. Jos. Morris 20 Jan. 63. ...... . ...... Hy. Pester tº e de tº tº ſº & © & * * * ... 24 Jan. 63. 11 Sep. 64. | ...... Hon. Geo. Cecil Weld Forester, c.c. li. G. F. 29 Jan. 63. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Edwd. Cooper Hodge, C.B., aft. Sir E. 30 Jan. 63. 55 y 9 Thos. Crombie tº ſº § º º ê g º 5 Feb. 63. 3 y 5 5 898 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Philip Jno. Bainbrigge 6 Feb. 63. ...... ...,.. Hy. Edwd. Doherty, C.B. 8 Feb. 63. 25 Oct. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Aug. Halifax Ferryman, C.B. 12 Feb. 63. 19 Nov. 71. 5 3 Jno. Wray Mitchell ... • * * s 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Jno. Ridley 13 Feb. 63. ...... . ...... Fras. Burton Boileau. 20 Feb. 63. ...... . ...... Geo. James 22 Feb. 63. 2 Feb. 68. ...... Hy. Palliser • * * 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Raikes Faber ... 9 Mar. 63. 5 Dec. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Fras. Claude Burnett ... • * * 10 Mar. 63. & º e s tº ſº * * * * * * Sir Chas. Shepard Stuart, K.C.B. 12 Mar. 63. 25 Oct. 71. ...... Jno. Walpole ... . . ... • * * 17 Mar. 63. ...... . ...... Thos. Hy. Shuldham ... 18 Mar. 63. 15 Nov. 71. ...... Thos. Jas. Galloway 27 Mar. 63. 7 Dec. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Garvock, aft. Sir J. 1 Apr. 63. 29 Dec. 71. ...... Jno. Butler tº te tº * * * 3 Apr. 63. 9 Dec. 71. ...... Wm. Jones, C.B., aft. Sir W. 5 3 31 Dec. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Wm. Barclay Goodfellow 6 Apr. 63. 14 Jul. 71. 3 5 Chas. Edwd. Faber tº ſº º 7 Apr. 63. ...... . ...... Sir Wrm. Marcus Coghlan, K.C.B. 14 Apr. 63. 6 Oct. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Burney ... * @ tº tº º º 17 Apr. 68. ...... . ...... - Thos. Anderson 21 Apr. 63. ...... . ...... Geo. Munro ... tº ſº tº tº tº e tº dº tº 1 May 63. ...... . ...... Sir Wm. Fenwick Williams, K.C.B. ... 19 May 63. ...... ...... Thos. Holloway, C.B. • * * * * * * ... 29 May 63. 10 Nov. 66. 1 Apr. 70. Hon. Alexr. Hamilton Gordon,c.B., aft. Sir A. | 8 Jun. 63. 1 Jan. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Maxwell ... fºr tº º tº e & tº 9 ... 12 Jun. 63. ...... . ...... Haughton James 19 Jun. 63. 14 Dec. 71. ...... Wm. Lang w 29 Jun. 63. ...... . ..... Fredk. Spence, C.B. 30 Jun. 63. ...... . ...... Corbet Cottom ... 6 Jul. 63. 5 Jan. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Jas. Bowen Woosnam 13 Jul. 63. ...... . ...... Hy. Servanté .. 3 Aug. 63. 7 Nov. 68. 27 Aug. 72. Vincent Eyre, C.B. ... 1 Sep. 63. ...... . ..... Jno. Maxwell Glasse ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Croft Wormald... . . . . . . . . . . ...... Jno. Pottinger, C.B. ... 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Wm. Smyth Scott 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Barr tº º ºs tº te tº 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Bladen West Black 5 : • * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Lacon Ommanney 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Joshua Margary 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Gore Boland Munbee ... 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Ilbert Birdwood 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Becher Young ... is ſº º 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Saml. Edgar Owen Ludlow ... 3 * | * * * * * | * * * * * * Matth. Smith ... e º e § tº tº 9 Sep. 63. 4 Mar. 72. ...... Chas. Bertie Symons ... 20 Sep. 63. ...... . ...... Hy. Bates e # tº º 9 Oct. 63. 8 Mar. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Owen Crawley 11 Oct. 63. ...... . ...... Alf. Geo. Goodwyn 13 Oct. 63. ...... . ...... Jno. Mac Duff, C.B. ... 23 Oct. 63. ...... . ...... Edmø. Neal Wilford ... 2 Nov. 63. ...... . ...... 'Thos. Charlton Smith 21 Dec. 63. ...... . ...... Wm. Sutton, C.B. * * * g g tº 5 5 • * * * * * : * ~ * * * Jno. Twiss • - - & © & tº gº tº tº e ºr 5 Jan. 64. | ...... . ...... Edwd. Frome ... gº tº g tº g e g tº dº 5 5 20 Apr. 70. 21 Nov. 74. Thos. Maitland Wilson tº e tº b e is 7 Jan. 64. || 23 Apr. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Staunton ... tº gº tº tº e º g º 12 Jan. 64. 33 y 5 St. Geo. Danl. Showers, C.B. 13 Jan. 64. | ...... . ...... Chas. Cornwallis Johnstone ... 15 Jan. 64. | ...... . ...... THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 899 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen Wm. Couperus Macleod ... 18 Jan. 64. 19 Feb. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. King ſº tº e tº g 19 Jan. 64. • - - - - - . . . . . . . . - Chas. Crutchley 31 Jan. 64. || 23 Apr. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Walter Hamilton, C.B. 3 Feb. 64. | ...... . ...... Richd. Jno. Nelson 5 Feb. 64. | ...... . ...... Fras. Dick ... 12 Feb. 64, ...... ...... Edwd. Thos. Lloyd 15 Feb. 64. | ...... . ...... Chas. Rochfort Scott ... 21 Feb. 64, ...... . ...... Jas. Hy. Burke 27 Feb. 64. | ...... . ...... Archd. Macbean º 1 Mar. 64. || 2 Feb. 68. ...... Robt. Longmore Garstin 5 5 5 3 | * * * * * * Burke Cuppage tº e g • * ~ 1. 33 3 3 • * * * * * Mark Kerr Atherley ... ... 12 Mar. 64. || 6 May 72. 1 Oct. 77. Trevor Chute, aft. Sir T. 9 Apr. 64. | 10 May 72. 5 5 Fredk. English, C.B. ... 19 Apr. 64. | ...... ...... Wm. Gust. Brown 29 Apr. 64. || 23 May 72. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Jervis 17 May 64. 24 Oct. 72. * 5 Hy. Aylmer 20 May 64. | ...... ...... Colin Troup, C.B. 26 May 64. 21 Mar. 72. ...... Geo. Alexr. Baillie 28 May 64. || 23 Apr. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Welchman 25 Jun. 64. • * * * * * : * * * * * * Robt. Burn ... & & © 27 Jun. 64. || 2 Aug. 68. 1 Oct. 77. Michl. Wm. Smith, C.B. is tº e 4 Jul. 64. | 19 Jan. 73. 5 3 Richd. Beaumont Burnaby . 21 Jul. 64. | 10 Nov. 68. ...... Wm. How Hennis & e g 5 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Daml. Thorndike 5 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Harry Stow ... tº tº e 28 Jul. 64. || 7 Feb. 70. ...... Chas. Hy. Mee... tº e & 2 3 || - - - - - - - - - - - - Wm. Wallace D’Arley 3 5 7 Feb. 70. ...... Jno. Tylden ... tº e - 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Hoolton Hyde º tº º 3 3 7 Feb. 70. 1 Oct. 77. Thos. Petres Flude ... * @ e tº gº tº 5 3 3 x . 3 5 Sir Neville Bowles Chamberlain, R.C. B. 5 Aug. 64. || 1 May 72. 5 3 Jno. Noble Arbuthnot Freese 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Maxwell Perceval, C.B. ... * * > 8 Aug. 64. || 14 Feb. 73. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Wm. Stisted, C.B., aft. Sir H. ... 10 Aug. 64. | 15 Feb. 73. ...... David Babington e e e tº tº º gº º º ... 17 Aug. 64. | 16 May 72. ...... Philip Nelson Melmoth Guy, C.B., aft. Sir P. 9 Sep. 64. || 6 Apr. 73. 1 Oct. 77. Fras. Seymour, C.B., ft. Sir F. ... ... 10 Sep. 64. || 14 Apr. 73. 5 5 Jno. Mitchell ... e g 20 Sep. 64. | ...... .. ". . . . Chas. Steuart, C.B. ... tº ſº º 3 Oct. 64. || 6 May 73. ...... Wm. Robt. Andr. Freeman ... 21 Oct. 64. || 2 Oct. 72. ...... Chas. Fredk. North ... 24 Oct. 64. ... • * * * * | * - - - - - Jno. Leslie Dennis ... is º º e tº tº ... 28 Oct. 64. | 15 Oct. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Richd. Sackville, ld. West, C.B., aft. E. de la Warr .. tº e tº e e tº ... 29 Oct. 64. | ...... . ...... Wm. Friend Hopkins, C.B. . 4 Nov. 64. | ...... . ... ... Jno. Geo. Aug. Ayles... tº e º e 3 * | * * * * * | * * * * * * Fredk. Paul Haines, aft. Sir F. . 25 Nov. 64. || 23 May 73. 1 Oct. 77. Wrm. Radcliff ... * * * e is 9 . 9 Dec. 64. | ...... . ...... Alexr. Tulloh . 10 Dec. 64. || 5 Jul. 67. ...... Hy. Geo. Teesdale . 15 Dec. 64. 21 Jun. 71. ...... Thos. Akers Shone ... • * * . 18 Dec. 64, 13 Sep. 71. 1 Oct. 77. Ashton Ashton Shuttleworth * 3 3 5 3 | * * * * * * Jno. Arth. Lambert, aft. Sir J. . 27 Dec. 64. 26 May 73. 1 Oct. 77. Wm. Fergusson Beatson * 8 Jan. 65. ...... . ...... Wm. O'Grady Haly, aft. Sir W. 12 Jan. 65. 26 May 73. 1 Oct. 77. Saunders Alexius Abbott 24 Jan. 65. ...... . ...... Chas. Saml. Reid 5 * | 5 Apr. 73. • - - - - - Hy. Phipps Raymond... 6 Feb. 65, 26 May 73. 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Herrick Burnaby 9 Feb. 65, 31 Jan. 72. 900 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Jno. Geddes Walker ... 9 Feb. 65. 31 Jan. 72. ...... Jno. McCoy ... tº - © tº tº tº tº º º tº e ſº 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Ld. Hy. Hugh Manvers Percy, c.c. visc. Percy | 10 Feb. 65. 29 May 73. 1 Oct. 77. Wm. C. E. Napier tº º º tº e tº ... 9 Mar. 65. 22 Aug. 73. 3 5 Thos. Lemon, C. B. .. tº e e 11 Mar. 65. ...... . ...... Jno. Edmonstoune Landers ... 12 Mar. 65. 9 Dec. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Hy. Ellice, C.B., aft. Sir C. 23 Mar. 65. 28 Sep. 73. 3 5 Edwd. Rowland Mainwaring... 28 Mar. 65. ...... . ...... Richd. Cornwallis Moore, C.B. ... 29 Mar. 65. 10 May 74. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Richmond Jones, C.B. ... tº e º ... 2 Apr. 65. 5 Dec. 74. 5 y Ferd. Whittingham, C.B. * - G - - - ... 7 Apr. 65. ...... . ...... Auchmuty Tucker, C. B. 9 Apr. 65. 14 Dec. 73. 1 Oct. 77. Harry Rivers ... * * 14 Apr. 65. ...... . ...... Hy. Austin Turner ... 0 - e. tº º º 19 Apr. 65. ...... . ...... Sir Thos. Myddelton Biddulph, K.C.B. 31 Apr. 65. 29 Dec. 73. 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Balfour, C.B., aft. Sir G. - - - ... 5 Jun. 65. 21 Jul. 74. 3 2 Geo. Aug. Fred. De Rinzy ... tº e G • b & 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Gallway Byng Payne ... g & º ſº. 12 Jun. 65. ...... . ...... Philip Harris ... e e & 13 Jun. 65. . ...... . ...... Wm. Wynne Lodder ... 18 Jul. 65. . ...... . ...... Jas. Travers e e 23 Jul. 65. 5 Feb. 73. 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Hagart, C.B. ... © º º 28 Jul. 65. 6 Jan. 74. • 3 Wm. Erskine Baker, aft. Sir W. . . . 2 Aug. 65. 1 Apr. 74. 3 5 Thos. Montague Steele, C.B., aft. Sir T. 17 Aug. 65. 7 Jan. 74. 5 * Jno. Liptrap ... tº - tº tº º º © tº º 22 Aug. 65. 8 Mar. 73. 3 3 Wm. Chambré... tº º º 28 Aug. 65. 26 Mar. 73. ...... Hon. Arth. Chas. Legg 5 5 , , 1 Oct. 77. Melville Dalyell tº º ſº 3 5 3 3 5 3 Jno. Birtwhistle tº tº tº & © e 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Creagh ... e e - * - e. © e - • & e 5 * 26 Jan. 74. ...... Robt. Fitzgerald Crawford, aft. Copland- Crawford ... tº e - tº e - • * , ... 31 Aug. 65. 31 Jan. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Sykes Stephens ... 5 Sep. 65. 7 Feb. 74. 3 5 Jas. McQueen ... - * 3 3 5 5 3 3 Chas. Smith 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Westenra 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edgar Gibson .. 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Last tº e - ^ - e. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. St. George, C.B., aft. Sir J. 20 Sep. 65. 29 Mar. 73. 1 Oct. 77. Fras. Plunket Dunne... tº - e 26 Sep. 65. 7 Feb. 74. ...... Rawdon Jno. Popham Vassall 3 3 3 3 1 Oct. 77 Jas. Pattoun Sparke, C.B. 3 3 5 3 3 * Jno. Wm. Grey 10 Oct. 65. ...... . ...... Hubert Marshall 5 3 11 May 73. 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Liddell 12 Oct. 65. ...... . ...... Richd. Chetwode tº e 24 Oct. 65. ...... . ...... Jno. Parson Westropp 3 5 20 Feb. 74. || 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Marm. Reeves, C. B. 9 3 | * * * * * * : * ~ * * * * Wm. Henderson t 1 Nov. 65. ...... . ...... Thos. Tapp ... . 4 Nov. 65. ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. March . . 20 Nov. 65. ...... . ...... Edw. Darvall ... º 35 20 Feb. 74. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Carr Tate... e tº º • * * . 28 Nov. 65. 1 Apr. 70. 22 Jul. 75. Aug. Dover Lyddon Farrant . 12 Dec. 65. ...... . ...... Hy. Blois Turner * * * * & s ... 21 Dec. 65. 1 Apr. 74. 21 Dec. 77. Geo. Hy. Swinly -> t ... 22 Dec. 65. ...... . ...... .Wm. Robt. Nedham ... . . 26 Dec. 65. ...... . ...... Edwd. Chas. Fletcher 12 Jan. 66. ...... . ...... Edwd. Bagot ... 3 3 • * * * * * ! . . . . . Jas. Scargill 3 3 21 Mar. 74. ...... Robt. Lewis ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * ... • º, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 901 Name, M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Saml. Tryon tº e tº 14 Jan. 66. ...... . ...... Thos. Williams, C.B. ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Richd. Clement Moody tº º e tº gº º 25 Jan. 66. ...... . ...... Richd. Wilbraham, C.B., aft. Sir R.... 26 Jan. 66. 21 Mar. 74. || 1 Oct. 77. Fredk. Aug. Yorke e ſº gº 2 Feb. 66. ' ...... . ...... Hy. Palmer ... tº gº tº 7 Feb. 66. 28 Mar. 74. || 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Edmd. Wilkinson 8 Feb. 66. ...... . ...... David Pott ... tº º º tº gº tº ge e ge 15 Feb. 66. 14 Apr. 74. | 1 Oct. 77. Edwd. Chas. Warde, C.B., aft. Sir E. 27 Feb. 66. 17 Nov. 75. • 3 Wrm. Irwin * * * tº º tº • * > 3 Mar. 66. 14 Apr. 74. 2 3 Frank Adams, C.B. 4 Mar. 66. ...... . ...... Jas. Robt. Brunker 10 Mar. 66. ...... . ...... Hy. Darby Griffith, C.B. 31 Mar. 66. 14 Apr. 74. || 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Wm. Ormsby ... 5 Apr. 66, ...... . ...... Wrm. Turnbull Renwick 10 Apr. 66. 8 Jun. 71. 27 Feb. 76. Geo. Freeman Murray 17 Apr. 66. ...... ...... Jas. Webber Smith, C.B. ... 20 Apr. 66. 15 May 74. 1 Oct. 77. Luke Smyth O'Connor, C.B. ... 24 Apr. 66. ...... ...... Chas. Lncas ... gº tº e tº º º 26 Apr. 66. ...... ...... Hy. Chas. Gosling ... gº tº tº 3 May 66. ...... ...... Fredk. Darley George, C.B. ... 6 May 66. 17 May 74. 1 Oct. 77. Arth. Jos. Taylor ... gº tº e 12 May 66. 24 Oct. 70. ...... Peter. Thos. Cherry ... . . 27 May 66. 17 Nov. 73. 1 Oct. 77 John Wm. Croggan 12 Jun. 66, 10 Apr. 76. ...... John Hind, C.B. 15 Jun. 66, ...... . ...... John Yorke, C.B. 17 Jun. 66. 1 Aug. 74. 1 Oct. 77. Jas. Abbott ... tº tº º g e is 19 Jun. 66. 27 Feb. 77. 5 3 Hy. Dunn O'Halloran... tº º º tº tº & ... 25 Jun. 66. ...... . ...... Pr. Fredk. Christian Chas. Aug. of Schleswig Holstein ... tº e ſº tº s tº ... 3 Jul. 66. 14 Aug. 74. | 1 Oct. 77. Wm. Thos. Blewett Mountstephen ... 20 Jul. 66. ...... . ...... Fras. Gregor Urquhart © tº tº gº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Philip Kearney McGregor Skinner, C.B. 23 Jul. 66. 14 Aug. 74. | 1 Oct. 77. Chas Beamish ... tº tº Q e tº º * * * 27 Jul. 66. ...... . ...... Sir John Wm. Gordon, R.C. B. $ tº e 3 Aug. 66. ...... . ...... Chas. Jas. Buchanan Riddell, C. B. .. 8 Aug. 66. ...... ...... John Hawkins Gascoigne ... & e º 23 Aug. 66. 1 Apr. 70. 22 Dec. 75. Collingwood Dickson, C.B., aft. Sir C. 24 Aug. 66. 8 Jun. 76. l Oct. 77. Wm. Edwd. Mulcaster g tº º º “º º ... 26 Aug. 66. 31 Aug. 74. • 3 John Hamilton Elphinstone Dalrymple ... 28 Aug. 66. 23 Sep. 74. 3 * Orfeur Cavanagh tº $ tº ... ... ... 17 Sep. 66. 7 Sep. 74. 22 John Stafford Paton ... 29 Oct. 66. 7 Oct. 74. 3 * Hy. Jos. Pelly... 6 Nov. 66. | 10 Oct. 74. 3 * Geo. Colt Langley 10 Nov. 66. 23 Feb 75. 7 May 77. Jos. Oates Travers, C.B. tº e g 5 § • * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Robt. Maxwell ... tº tº e tº tº e tº º º 5 5 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Macleod Bannatyne Fraser Tytler ... 13 Nov. 66. 10 Oct. 74. 1 Oct. 77. John Coussmaker Heath tº * * * * 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Romer Younghusband 6 Dec. 66. 3 * 2 * Arth. Geo. Burrows ... e tº 53 e < * * * * | * - - - - - Danl. Rainier ... tº $ tº 6 Jan. 67. ...... . ...... Frank Turner, C.B. ... 18 Jan. 67. 4 May 77. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Hope Graham, C.B. 20 Jan. 67. 20 Nov. 74. * 3 Jas. Duncan Macpherson 24 Jan. 67. ...... . ...... . Hy. Renney g 2 Feb. 67. 5 Dec. 74. | 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Campbell, C.B. 4 Feb. 67. 8 Mar. 75. ...... Hayes Marriott ge & © tº gº tº 13 Feb. 67. 7 Mar. 77. 1 Oct. 77. Robt. Nichs. Faunce ... tº e 26 Feb. 67. ...... . ...... 1 Mar. 67. ...... . ...... Sir Hy. Marion Durand, C.B., K.C.S.I. Edwd. Lawford & Chas. Wm. Tremenhere, C.B 3 5 5 5 tº tº e º ſº a tº º ºs e s e $ tº & tº e & 902 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. • L.-Gen. Gen Jno. Jarvis Bisset, C.B. 8 Mar. 67. 13 Apr. 75. 1 Oct. 77. Sir Hy. Tombs, K.C.B. 11 Mar. 67. • * * * * * i • * * * * * - Jas. Walker Bayley ... • * - 13 Mar. 67. ...... . ...... Hy. Willoughby Trevelyan, C.B. 25 Mar. 67. ...... . ...... Sir Chas. Reid... tº e tº tº e - 5 Apr. 67. 16 Apr. 75 1 Oct. 77. Geo. Gardiner Alexander, C.B. 9 Apr. 67. ....., | ...... Geo. Briggs ... tº ſº ºn • * * 6 May 67. ...... . ...... Jas. Brind, C.B., aft. Sir J. ... 1 Jun. 67. 1 Oct. 77 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Armstrong, C.B. ... e - © 6 Jul. 67. ...... . ...... Sir David Edwd. Wood, K.C.B. 3 5 26 Nov. 76 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Vansittart Cockburn ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Irving, C.B. ... tº G 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Rawlings Mould 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edmä. Twiss Ford * 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Hamilton Elliot ... 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Pierrepont Hy. Mundy 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * David Wm. Paynter, C.B. ; 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Bethel Gardner ... 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Andrew Beatty 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Paget Christie 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Benj. Dennis • 2 - - - - - - | * * * * * * Jas. Wm. Gosset tº tº º 3 3 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Graeme Alexr. Lockhart, C.Is. 13 Jul. 67. ...... . ...... Robt. Raikes Kinleside 14 Jul. 67. ...... . ...... Thos. Josephus Deverell 31 Jul. 67. ...... . ...... Geo. Graydon ... g tº e 19 Aug. 67. ...... ..... Chas. Harris Blunt ... e - © 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Alan Holdich, aft. Sir E. iº 3 Sep. 67. 28 Apr. 75. 1 Oct. 77. Sir Fred. Edwd. Chapman, K.C.B. ... 7 Sep. 67. 12 Apr. 72. 3 * Sir Chas. Wm. Dunbar Stavely, K.C.I. 25 Sep. 67. 29 Apr. 75. 5 3 Alf. Huyshe ... tº s tº - © - e tº e 31 Oct. 67. 1 Oct. 77. $ 3 Richd. Geo. Conolly .. 29 Nov. 67. ...... . ...... Robt. Newton Philips 8 Dec. 67. 13 May 75. 1 Oct. 77. . Geo. Palmer Whish 9 Dec. 67. 29 May 75. 5 5 Geo. Malcolm, aft. Sir G. * @ 15 Dec. 67. 9 3 - : 5 Jas. Wm. Fitzmayer, aft. Sir J. e - . 29 Dec. 67 || 15 Apr. 77. 3 * Sir Alfr. Hastings Horsford, K.C.B. tº - - 1 Jan. 68. 2 Aug. 75. 5 3 Walt. D. Phillips Patton, aft. Patton-Bethuno 3 3 14 Sep. 75. • 5 Wm. Harrison Askwith tº e - a s sº - - - 3 3 20 Apr. 77. 27 Jun, 79. Wm. Edwd. Delves Broughto 5 * 19 Jun. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Wm. Elliot Morton ... 0 - - * > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albert Geo. Austen 10 Jan. 68. ...... . ...... Geo. Jackson Carey, C.B. ... tº º º ... 21 Jan. 68. ...... . ...... Hon. Percy Egerton Herbert, c.B., aft. Sir P. 28 Jan. 68. 22 Sep. 75. ...... Edwd. Lechmere Russell, aft. Sir E. ... 30 Jan. 68. 23 Aug. 75. 1 (Ict. 77. Arthur Borton, C.B., aft. Sir A. 31 Jan. 68, 19 Oct. 75. 4 Dec. 77. Franklin Dunlop, C.B. 2 Feb. 68. 23 Apr. 68. ...... David Elliot Mackirdy 21 Feb. 68. 2 Nov. 75. 19 Mar. 78. Hy. Fredk. Dunsford, C.B. 22 Feb. 68. 11 Dec. 75. 1 Oct. 77. Chas. Fras. Skyring ... 4 Mar. 68. ...... . ...... Conolly McCausland ... e - e. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Kensington Whistler ... 5 Mar. 68. 1 Oct. 77. | 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Studholme Brownrigg ... e e s ... 6 Mar. 68. 2 Feb. 76. 20 Mar. 78. Jno. Lintorn Arabin Simmons, aft. Sir J. ... 3 3 27 Aug. 72. 1 Oct. 77. Wm. Montague McMurdo 3 3 10 Feb. 76. 20 May 78. Wm. Munro, C.B. ... 5 5 3 * 25 Jun. 78. Arnold Chas. Erringto © º º , , 3 5 10 Aug. 78. Clement Alexr. Edwards, c. 13. 5 3 17 Mar. 76. * 3 Saml. Tolfrey Christie, C. B. ... 35 5 Apr. 76. ...... Chas. Jas. Dalton • * * 35 1 Oct. 77. ...... Wrm. Mark Wood 53 22 May 76. 16 Sep. 78 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 903 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen. Hy. Smyth, C.B. © tº dº tº dº º 6 Mar. 68. 24 Jun. 76. 29 Sep. 78. Lord Mark Kerr, C.B. tº º º 3 3 13 Jul. 76. 11 Nov. 78. Fred. Marow Eardley Wilmot 2 3 1 Oct. 77. ...... Hy. Wase Whitfield ... tº a º 9 3 19 Jul. 76. ...... Jno. Wilkie .. tº º ſº 3 3 6 Oct. 76 || 21 Dec. 78. Hy. Percival de Bathe 33 8 Oct. 76. 1 Jan. 79. Richd. Waddy, C.B. 5 3 21 Nov. 76 5 Feb. 79. Jno. Hy. Francklyn, C.B. 3 5 1 Oct. 77. 13 Nov. 80. Thos. Holmes Tidy 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edmd. Haythorne 3 3 23 Dec. 76. 15 Mar. 79. Thos. A. Brooke & g & tº tº ſº; 3 5 15 Mar. 77. 27 Apr. 79. Hy. Dalrymple White, C.B. ... tº tº * 33 31 Mar. 77. 27 May 79. Wm. Sherbrooke Ramsay Norcott, C.B. 5 3 2 Jun. 77. 11 Jul. 79. Geo. Wm. Young Simpson © tº 5 3 1 Oct. 77. 1 Oct. 77. Jno. Maitland ... tº € º tº º e 9 3 5 3 | * * * * * * Danl. Lysons, aft. Sir D. ... tº e tº 5 3 2 Jun. 77. 14 Jul. 79. Wm. Lygon, E. of Longford, K.C.B. 3 5 3 3 31 Jul. 79. Pr. Wm. Aug. Edwd. of Saxe Weimar 5 3 6 Jul. 77. 14 Nov. 79. Gloucester Gambier, C.B. ... e tº º 35 • - - - - - I - - - - - - Archd. Little, C.B., aft. Sir A. 3 3 11 Jul. 77. 21 Jun. 80. Saml. Netterville Lowder, C.B. 3 * 1 Oct. 77. 2 Dec. 77. Jno. Douglas, C.B., aft. Sir J. tº e º • * * 3 3 23 Aug. 77. 30 Jan. 80. Hy. Chas. Barnson Daubeney, C.B., aft. Sir H. 5 5 1 Oct. 77. 4 Mar. 80. Hon. Richd. Wm. Penn Curzon, C.B., aft. E. Howe... § a tº tº º º tº e º & a º # tº º 3 3 3 5 16 Mar. 80. Thos. Tapp, C.B. 5 5 2 Oct. 74. ...... Hy. Forster, C.B. tº gº tº tº $ tº tº gº º 33 • . . . . . . . . . . . . Sir Thos. Westropp McMahon, C.B. 9 3 1 Oct. 77. 12 Apr. 80. Alexr. Maxwell, C.B. ... & º º is a g 5 3 9 3 19 Apr. 80. Richd. Thos. Farren, C.B. 9 3 3 * 29 Apr. 80. Hy. Sebastian Rowan, C.B. ... 3 3 9 * | * * * * * * Robt. Wardlaw, C.B. ... 5 5 33 8 May 80. Jno. Thornton Grant, C.B. 3 5 3 3 21 May 80. Alexr. Low, C.B. tº º 3 9 3 3 22 May 80. Percy Hill, C.B. & © tº g º tº tº º º 5 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Sir Edwd. Harris Greathed, K.C.B.... 3 3 5 3 1 Jul. S0. Sir Jno. Jones, K.C.B. tº $ tº tº ſº º 5 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Gilbert Jno. Lane Buchana 3 3 || - - - - - - - - - - - Edwd. Wm. Durnford 3 3 1 Apr. 74. 1 Oct. 77. Wm. Neville Custance, C. B. ... 5 3 l Oct. 77. 7 Sep. 80 Arth. Cavendish Bentinck 9 3 3 * | * * * * * Sir Richd. Denis Kelly, K.C.B. * 3 5 5 5 Nov. 80. Jno. Ramsay Stuart, C.B. .. 5 3 5 s 3 1)ec. 80. Hon. Robt. Rollo 3 * 5 * 19 Dec. 80. Geo. Lambrick © º ºn is º g 3 5 5 3 25 Dec. 77. Geo. Augs. Schomberg, C.B.... 3 3 || - - - - - - I - - - - - - Sir Hy. James... tº e ºs * * * 3 5 21 Nov. 74. ...... Geo. Wynne tº tº e 5 3 27 Feb. 76. 1 Oct. 77. Arth. Broome, C.S.I. ... e e g 3 3 • * - - - - ) • * * * * * Evelyn Hy. Fredk. Pocklington 3 5 1 Oct. 77. ...... Hy. Jas. Warre, C.B. ... tº ſº º 5 3 5 3 26 Dec. 80. Julius Edmd. Goodwyn, C.B. 3 5 3 * 10 Jan. 81. Rodolph De Salis, C.B. tº & 9 3 3 5 • * * * * * Alfr. Thos. Hayland ... º 5 3 3 3 12 Apr. 81. Geo. Vaughan Maxwell, C.B. § 3 3 3 18 Jun. 81. Edwd. Selby Smyth, aft. Sir E. 5 3 3 * 9 Mar. 81. Thos. Becket Fielding Marriott 33 * 3 • - - - - - Edmd. Richd. Jeffreys, C.B. ... * * * 3 5 = 3 1 Jul. 81. Hon. Fras. Colborne, C.B., aft. Sir F. y 3 3 3 1 Apr. 81. Hy. Drury Harness, C.B., aft. Sir H. 5 3 7 May 77. , 1 Oct. 77. Hon. St. Geo. Gerald Foley, C.B. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. 904 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Name. Hy. Righy tº $ tº e tº * Calledon Richd. Egerton Chas. Elmhirst gº tº e Richd. Strachey * * g. tº $ in g ſº e tº º e Richd. Chambre Hays Taylor, C.B., aft. Sir R. Hon. Arth. Edwd. Hardinge, C.B. ... tº e C Robt. Newport Tinley gº tº º tº tº ſt g Edwd. Arth. Somerset Arth. Cyril Goodenough ... tº º gº Patr. Leonard McDougall, aft, sir P. Chas. Erskine Ford ... tº t e s: º º Thos. Elwyn tº it Chas. Alexr. Orr Chas. Jas. Wright ... tº tº e Alexr. Macdonell, aft. Sir A.... Regd. Edwd. Knatchbull Anthy. Benn ... * * * Julius Aug. Robt. Raines Jno. Alfr. Street, C.B. ë e Chas. Herbert, C.B. ... e is º Jno. Wm. Sidney Smith, C.B. Fras. Pym Harding, C.B. ... gº tº º Iºdwd. Stopford Claremont; C.B. ... Geo. Ramsey ... & ſº º e is ºn tº $ tº Hy. Prichard ... 9 s e tº e º Crawford Trotter Chamberlain Harry Burnett Lumsden, aft. Sir H. Chas. Cameron Shute, C.B. e ſº tº Jas. Wells Armstrong, C.B. .. Thos. Sydenham Conway, C.B. Lord Alfred Paget ... 6 º' tº Chas. Hind & & e º º e é º Aug. Fras. Ansell Wm. Jas. Smythe Edwd. Kaye, C.B. Geo. Sandham ... tº º tº tº ſº Thos. Hooke Pearson, C.B. ... Lawrence Fyler, C.B. ... Sir Jas. Edwd. Alexander Percival Brown & º & • * * Richd. Hy. Jno. Beaumont ... e & Alexr. Hy. Louis Wyatt tº º º * * * * é º º Chas. Lawrence D’Aguilar, C.B., aft. Sir C. Robt. Gorges Hamilton . tº º is Jaspar Byng Creagh ... g º º Edwd. Angier Godfrey Muller Archd. Inglis Lockhart, C.B.... Thos. Edgar Lacy ... & 4 º' Geo. Wynell Mayow, C.B. Edwd. Blagden Hale, C.B. Jno. Alexr. Ewart, C.B. s º g is ſº tº Wm. Chas. Hadden ... tº g tº * * * Wm. Parke, C.B. e is gº tº tº tº tº g Chas. L. Barnard, C.B., aft. Sir C. Chas. Fredk. Parkinson tº º & Edwin Beaumont Johnson, aft. Sir E. Geo. Bent, C.B. tº e & Eustace Fane Bourchier § º º Hy. Errington Longden, C.B., C.S.I.... Hy. Alexr. Carleton, C.B. e iº s & º it e & Mountford S. H. Lloyd * & º tº e ∈ tº ſº º b = s. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen. 6 Mar. 68. 31 Mar. 75. 15 Aug. 78. 5 3 * | * * * * * * e º e º e g 9 3 1 Oct. 77. 25 Oct. 82. 3 3 23 Feb. 75. ...... 5 5 1 Oct. 77. 1 Apr. 83. 3 y 3 5 5 3 3 * * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 5 * 1 Oct. 77. 1 Aug. 83. 9 3 5 * | * * * * * * 3 * 9 3 1 Oct. 83. 9 3 5 5 1 Oct. 77. 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * y 5 20 Mar. 76. ...... 9 3 1 Oct. 77. 13 Feb. 81. 5 3 3 5 1 Apr. 82. 3 5 1 Aug. 72. ...... 9 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * 3 3 1 Oct. 77 1 Jul. 81. * 5 5 * 23 Oct. 83. 9 3 3 y | * * * * * * 3 3 5 § 1 Jul. 81. 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 3 * 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. 2 3 1 Oct. 77. 35 9 3 20 Aug. 78. 5 * 3 y 1 Jan. 80. 5 3 1 Dec. 73. 5 5 5 * 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. 5 5 55 | * * * * * * 3 * 5 3 1 Jul. 81. 5 3 9 3 9 3 3 5 3 5 | * * * * * * 5 3 3 3 1 Jul. 81. * 3 3 3 5 3 y ) 1 Aug. 72. • * * * * * 5 3 1 Oct. 77. 13 Nov. 80. 5 y 3 3 1 Jul. 81. * 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 5 y 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 2 3 1 Oct. 77. 1 Apr. 84. 2 3 5 5 1 Jul. 81. 5 * 95 | * * * * * * 55 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 5 * 1 Oct. 77. ...... $ 3 3 3 | * * * * * * 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 3 5 1 Oct. 77. ...... 3 5 3 5 13 Jan. 84. 5 3 5 5 1 Jul. 81. 3 3 3 5 1 Apr. 82. 5 3 | * * * * * * 5 Oct. 86. 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 3 3 1 Oct. 77. | 1 Oct. 77. 3 5 23 May 73. ...... 2 3 1 Jun. 73. ... .. "3 2 1 Oct. 77. | 1 Jul. 81. 5 5 5 3 10 Jul. 79. * * * * * * TEIE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 905 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. John Roche # tº gº 6 Mar. 68. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. Hy. Roxby Benson, C.B. 25 2 3 5 : Wrm. M'Pherson tº g tº 3 3 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Robt. Haliday ... e s & tº tº e 2 3 1 Oct. 77. ...... Jas. Talbot Airey, C.B., aft. Sir J. 2 3 • 3 1 Jul. 81. Wilmot Hy. Bradford tº º c & Cº tº 9 3 • 3 3 5 Chas. Lennox Brownlow Maitland ... 9 3 • 2 1 Dec. 84. Wm. Twisleton Layard g 9 3 5 * 1 Jul. 81. Jos. Hy. Laye... • * * * * * 5 3 5 5 2 3 Wm. Chas. Forrest ... 3 * * 5 9 3 Arth. Thos. Phillpotts 3 * • 3 23 May 81. Hy. Jas. Stannus, C.B. y 3 • 3 25 Jun. 79. Geo. Prince Sealy ... ſº tº ſº tº tº tº tº º º 9 3 : 3 8 Dec. 79. Hon. Jas. Wm. Bosville Macdonald, C.B. ... 5 3 : 5 1 Jul. 81. Robt. Julian Baumgartner, C.B. 3 3 * 5 3 * Geo. Calvert Clarke, C.B. 5 5 2 3 * 3 Chas. F. Fordyce, C.B. tº º tº 2 3 * 3 2 3 Fredk, Amelius Whimper, C.B. 2 3 5 * ! . . . . . . Robt. Wm. Disney Leith, C.B. 9 3 * > 1 Jul. 81. Wm. Richd. Preston ... tº ſº e. 2 3 5 * 32 Edwd. Stanton, C.B ... tº ſº º 5 2 5 * 3 * Thos. Conyngham Kelly, C. B. • 3 3 * 3 9 Hy. Fredk. Ponsonby tº º ſº 5 5 3 * 5 3 Edmd. Ogle ... is tº º 5 3 5 * 35 Oliver Paget Bourke ... 5 3 • 3 | * * * * * * Geo. Iºrskine ... gº tº º 3 3 5 : 1 Jul. 81. Edwd. Geo. Wynyard 5 5 • 5 5 3 Thos. Pattle, C.B. e e tº & 3 3 & ſº l & & e & º º Wm. Lenox Ingall, C.B. g is tº tº º tº 33 3 * 1 Jul. 81. Chas. Pyndar Beauchamp Walker, C.B. 5 3 9 3 7 Oct. 84. Wm. Clarke e tº tº tº tº º º tº tº º 5 3 * > 1 Jul. 81. Arth. Jas. Herbert, C.B., aft, sir A. 3 5 • 5 19 Mar. 85. Jas., ld. Seaton © tº º © º º is º is 3 3 : 3 1 Jul. 81. Nathan Smith Gardiner 5 § 1 - - - - - - | * * * * * * Saml. Wells, C.B. 3 5 4 Dec. 77. 1 Jul. 81. Hy. Geo. Hart ... 3 5 3 3 | * * * * * * Robt. Pratt, C.B. ge tº gº tº & © tº • 3 12 Dec. 77. ...... Hon. Leicester Smyth, C.B., aft. Sir L. 3 3 13 Feb. 78. | 18 Jul. 85. Jno. Williams Reynolds tº º tº * * * tº g tº 3 3 • * * * * * : - - - - - - Fredk. Chas. Arth. Stephenson, aft. sir. F. 3 3 23 Feb. 78. 12 Jan. 8 i. Edma. Aug. Whitmore, C.B., aft. Sir 12. 35 18 Mar. 78. 19 Mar. 86. Ld. Alexr. Geo. Russell ... tº tº e 3 5 20 Mar. 78. 7 Apr. 86. Jno. Cameron, C.B. ... e e e tº & C 3 3 1 Oct. 77. ...... Jno. Summerfield Hawkins ... 5 3 5 3 1 Jul. 81. Jno. Reid Becher, C.B. tº ſº tº = 3 7 Oct. 76. 29 Nov. 78. Harry Wainwright Bax Bell... 3 3 30 Mar. 76. ...... Alexr. Taylor, C.B., aft. Sir A. * * * * * 3 * 1 Oct. 77. 31 Dec. 78. Sir Garnet Jos. Wolseley, IK.C.M.G., C. B. ; ; aft. visc. Wolseley ... g tº tº tº º ſº * 3 25 Mar. 78. 18 Nov. 82. Robt. Maclagan § 2 º 2 3 1 Oct. 77. 31 Dec. 78. Chas. Jas. Conway Mills ... 2 3 25 Jun. 78. 1 Jul. 81. Jno. Josiah Hort, C.B., aft. bt. $ g e : 9 10 Aug. 78. • 3 Sir Arnold Burrowes Kemball, K.C.S.I., c. 1'. • 3 1 Oct. 77. 26 Feb. 80. Jno. Simpson, C.B. tº º º * † º tº g tº * 3 29 Aug. 78. ...... Hy. Garner Rainey * 5 9 Sep. 78. 1 Jul. 81. Jno. Amber Colo e * - e. 5 * 16 Sep. 78. 3 * Richd. Waltr. Lacy ... u º º tº gº º $ $ 2 35 29 Sep. 78. : 3 Fredk. Fras. Maude, C.B., v. C., aft. Sir F. 5 3 1 Oct. 78. 5 Nov. 85. Edwd. Herbert Maxwell, C. B. 5 5 11 Nov. 78. 1 Jul. 81 Jno. McNeill Walter ... tº º º 2 3 21 Dec. 78. 33 Jos. Edwin Thackwell, C.B. ... 22 IDec. 78. 906 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. David Reid ... tº º e • * > 6 Mar. 68 . . ...... * | * tº s tº e tº Jno. Douglas Campbell, C.B. 5 3 - 1 Jul. 77, ...... Jos. Edwd. Addison ... tº g tº 55 1 Jan. 79. 1 Jul. 81. Edmd. Roche .. 5 5 5 Feb. 79. 35 Wm. Inglis 5 5 15 Mar. 79. 5 5 Lawrence Shadwell 3 * 27 Apr. 79. 5 5 Chas. Jno. Foster ... tº g tº tº e º $ 3 27 May 79. 13 Mar. 85. Geo. Fredk. Stephenson Call, C.B.... * 5 14 Jul. 79. 1 Jul. 81. Jas. Croft Brooke, C.B. & e c # * g 9 5 . . . . * * * * * * ... I & e º e s e Robt. Bruce e tº tº ſº we gº º 3 5 31 Jul. 79. 1 Jul. 81. Regd. Younge Shipley, C.B. ... 3 9 11 Aug. 79. 30 Sep. 82. Horace Wrm. Montagu, C.B. ... 33 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. Jno. Elias. Collings, C.B. 3 5 18 Sep. 79. 5 * Ralph Budd tº º º 5 5 14 Nov. 79. 3 * Hy. Bingham ... 33 • . . . . . . . . . . . . Hy. Hamilton, C.B. 3 5 30 Nov. 79. 1 Oct. 81. Thos. Addison, C.B. ... 35 30 Jan. 80. 1 Jul. 81. Wm. Stratton Aslett ... tº º ſº $ tº º 3 5 e e g º e º is $ $ tº e is Michl. Kavanagh Kennedy, aft. Sir M. 2 3 21 Dec. 77. 10 May 81. Colin Campbell McIntyre, C.B. 5 3 4 Mar. 80. 1 Oct. 81. Jas. Maurice Primrose, C.s.I. 3 3 2 3 1 Apr. 82. Fredk. Robt. Elrington, C.B. $ 2 14 Mar. 80. 1 Jul. 81. Geo. Warren Walker ... tº e . 5 5 15 Aug. 78. 28 Nov. 85. Chas. Lavallin Nugent $ tº dº 5 s 16 Mar. 80. 1 Jul. 81. Jno. Hy. Lefroy, C.B., aft. Sir J. 5 * 1 Oct. 77. 10 May 82. Percy Archer Butler, C.B. ... $ tº º tº e g 3 3 12 Apr. 80. 1 Jul. 81. Robt. Onesiphorus Bright, c, B., aft. Sir R. 2 3 13 Apr. 80. 1 Oct. 87. Edwd. Wm. Derrington Bell, C.B., v.c. 3 * | * * * * * * . . . . . . Wm. Sankey ... g is e tº gº tº tº e & 2 3 19 Apr. 80. 1 Jul. 81. Edmd. Wodehouse 5 * 25 Apr. 80. 3 3 Fowler Burton, C.B. ... 2 3 5 5 5 3 Christr. Birdwood 3 5 18 Feb. 76. 1 Oct. 77. Hy. Wm. Matthews tº º º 5 5 19 Dec. 76. 22 Dec. 77. Jno. Drummond Stewart ... * 5 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Prior - 5 * 8 Feb. 77. 20 Aug. 78. Geo. De Saumarez 6 Apr. 68. 23 Mar. 77. 20 Aug. 78. Fred. Wm. Burroughs 20 Apr. 68. 24 May 77. 18 Jul. 79. Wm. Knox Babington... 22 Apr. 68 1 Jan. 77. ...... Alfred de Lisle 12 May 68. ...... . ...... Wm. Gordon, C.B. ... tº º tº 28 Jun. 68. 29 Apr. 80. 1 Jul. 81. Stephen Chas. Briggs... tº $ tº tº e º tº dº gº 9 3 || - - - - - - | * * * * * * Geo. Harry Smith Willis, C.B., aft. Sir G. ... 5 3 8 May 80. 11 May 87. Jno. Hope Wingfield ... tº tº º tº e º tº º g 3 3 19 May 80. 1 Jul. 81. Ld. Augs. Chas. Lennox Fitzroy, C.B. 9 3 21 May 80. 3 5 Jas. Daubeney, C. B. ... tº $ tº ë tº tº * 5 22 May 80. 2 3 Robt. Warden, C.B. .. 9 3 7 Jun. 80. • * Chas. Hy. Morris, C.B. 2 3 1 Jul. 80. $ 3 Chas. Wm. Thompson 3 5 5 Oct. 80. * 3 Michl. Bruce tº gº tº tº ſº tº & e # 5 5 31 Oct. 80. * > Julius Richd. Glyn, C.B., aft. Sir J. 5 5 5 Nov. 80. 1 Oct. 86. Wm. Olpherts, C.B., v.C. .. © e & 5 5 1 Oct. 77. 31 Mar. 83. Arth. Scudamore, C.B. © tº º 3 3 - - - - - - | * * * * * * Sir Jno. Miller Adye, K.C.B.... 5 * 27 Jun. 79. 20 Nov. 84. Steph. Chas. Briggs ... g 3 * 1 Oct. 77. 15 Dec. 80. Edwd. Price, C. B. tº tº º tº ſº º 5 3 27 May 80. 1 Jul. 81. Robt. Walter Macleod Fraser 9 3 3 Dec. 80. 3 9 Jas. Conolly, C.B. tº $ tº tº $ tº 2 3 26 Dec. 80. 19 Feb. 85. Geo. Wm. Powlett Bingham, C. B. 3 5 19 Dec. 80. 1 Jul. 81. Wm. Hope, C.B. tº e tº $ tº 9 3 10 Jan. 81. 3 5 Chas. Fanshawe 9 3 1 Jul. 78. - Jno. Archd. Ballard, &n. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 907 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen. Hy. Hamilton Maxwell, C.B.... 16 Aug. 68. 1 Oct. 77. 31 Mar. 83. Wm. Fredk. Curtis tº gº º 35 8 May 81. ...... Jno. Archd. Ballard ... & ſº º 9 3 29 Nov. 78. 31 Dec. 78. Wm. Arden Crommelin, C.B.... 9 3 31 Dec. 78. ...... Lionel Stephen Hough * 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Peter Maclean ... tº tº gº 22 Aug. 68. ...... . ...... Allan Hamilton Graham 35 | * * * * * * Richd. Hy. Crofton 5 5 - I - - - - - - I - - - - - - Thos. Knox tº tº º tº º e 55 | * * * * * * : I < * * * * * Hon. Geo. Talbot Devereux $ tº tº ... 30 Sep. 68. ...... . . ...... Hugh Archd. Beauchamp Campbell, C.B. ... 9 3 - - - - - - I - - - - - - Robt. Talbot ... e e ſº * tº e tº gº º e is g 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Wm. Blake 19 Oct. 68. 1 Oct. 77. 18 Jul. 79. Thos. Edmd. Knox 28 Oct. 68. 8 May 81. 1 Jul. 81. Wm. Jas. Loftus, C.B. ,, . . 18 May 81. 3 5 Jas. Wrm. Domville 5 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Westby Donovan 5 5 18 Jun. 81. 1 Apr. 87. Hy. Poole Hepburn, C.B. 3 3 1 Jul. 81. 1 Jul. 81. Richd. Mordesley Best 9 3 • 5 • * * * * * Richd. Knox ... tº º º 9 3 tº º H & º ºs e º e Richd. King Clavell ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. David Aitken 5 5 1 Oct. 77. 31 Mar. 83. Wm. Jno. Chamberlayne º 3 3 13 Jul. 81. 15 Jan. 82. Jas. Edmd. Tannatt Nicolls 3 3 31 Dec. 78. ...... David Anderson tº $ tº * & © 3 3 15 Jan. 82. 17 Jul. 88. Fredk. Green Wilkinson ſº 3 3 9 Dec. 81. tº s º º e tº Wm. Pollexfen Radcliffe, C.13. 5 5 9 Mar. 82. 1 Apr. 87. Reynell Geo. Taylor ... * 35 1 Oct. 77. 15 Dec. 80. Thos. Hy. Pakenham... tº $ tº $ tº e 3 5 1 Apr. 82. ...... Fred. Alexr. Campbell, aft. sir F. ... 5 3 8 Nov. 80. 5 Jul. 86. Wm. Payn, C.B., aft, sir W. ... - 9 3 1 Apr. 82. 12 Aug. 88. Thos. Ross tº º ºr º g 3 5 14 Nov. 81. ...... Sir Wim. Thos. Dennison, K.C.B. 7 Nov. 68. 23 Nov. 70. ...... Fitzwilliam Walker tº e e 3 5 • * * * * * : - - - - - - Hy. Edwin Weare, C.B. 9 Nov. 68. 12 Aug. 81 | ...... Hy. Meade Hamilton, C.B. 5 5 1 Jul. 81. ...... Chas. Bondler Fuller... * 3 • 3 31 Mar. S3. Hy. Philip Goodenough 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * John Turner, C.B. ... 3 3 13 Nov. 80. ...... Geo. Sandham ... & ſº tº tº º º * * * 10 Nov. 68. 1 Oct. 77. ...... Chas. Duesbury Robertson ... tº º º tº º ſº 5 3 || s • * * * * : * * * * * * Hon. Fredk. Aug. Thesiger, C.B., aft. la. Chelmsford ... tº gº tº * @ tº & ſº tº * * * 5 3 1 Apr. 82. 16 Feb. 88. Michl. Galway, C.B., aft. Sir M. 5 3 1 Oct. 77 ... & e º e º e Hon. Chas. Dawson Plunkett 18 Nov. 68. ...... . ...... Broadley Harrison & * † tº # * g. 2 3 23 Mar. 82. ...... Edw. Wm. De Lancey Lowe, C.B. ... 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Albert Fytche, C.S.I. ... * c º ſº ſº 5 3 . 1 Oct. 77. ...... Walter Birch ... tº º 28 Nov. 68, ...... . ...... Geo. Malcolm ... tº º 0 tº º º & a e 15 Dec. 68, ...... . ...... Hon. Aug. Geo. Chas. Chichester ... 24 Dec. 68, 2 Jun. S2. ...... Wm. Albert Stratton... # e tº 3 5 14 Apr. 82. ...... Wm. Hy. Seymour, C.B. 35 30 Sep. 82. 1 Jan. 84. Sir Wm. Russell, bt., C.B. 35 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Spencer Westmacott ... 3 5 1 Jul. 81. 13 Aug. 81. Penrose Chas. Penrose, C.B. ... 5 3 2 Sep. 78. 4 Jun. 79. Danl. Geo. Robinson ... & a g 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Donald Martin Stewart, C.B.... 5 5 - 1 Oct. 77. ...... John Harley Maxwell 31 Dec. 68. ...... . ...... Wm. Fras. Foote * * * tº e. e. * * * ... 27 Feb. 69. ...... . ...... Sir Edwd. Robt. Wetherall, C.B., K.C.S.I. ... 8 Mar. 69. e g g tº e º * * * * * g. 908 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Jyrmyn Chas. Symonds 17 Mar. 69. ...... . ...... Matth. Chas. Dixon ... tº º º tº tº gº ... 19 Mar. 69. ...... . ...... Sir Fredk. Wellington Jno. FitzWygram, bt. 23 Mar. 69. 1 Apr. 83. ...... Jno. Christºr. Guise, C.B., V.C. # tº gº e 9 tº 9 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jno. Wm. Cox, C.B. ... 5 5 21 Sep. 82. ...... Fras. Hornblow Rundall tº º 2 3 31 Dec. 78. 28 Nov. 85 Hy. Wylie Norman, aft. Sir H. 9 3 1 Oct. 77. ...... Hy. Lynedoch Gardiner * * g. tº º e ... i 30 Mar. 69. 26 Nov. 80. 1 Oct. 82. Michl. Anthy. Shrapnel Biddulph, C.B., aft. Sir M. ... ë tº & tº g º tº º gº tº & C 5 5 13 Feb. 81. 1 Nov. 86. Alfr. Augs. Chapman is a tº * * * 3 5 1 Jul. 81. ...... Geo. Wade Guy Green, aft. Sir G. ... 5 5 1 Oct. 77. 11 Jun. 79 Chas. Hy. Gordon, C.B. tº º ve tº tº º 1 Apr. 69. ...... . ...... Sir Harry St. George Ord, C.B. 16 Apr. 69. ...... . ...... Robt. Fredk. Mountain 5 May 69. ...... . ...... Richd. Hamilton, C.B. 8 May 69. 1 Oct. 77. ...... Hy. White Hitchins .. is tº e 12 May 69. ...... ...... Geo. Wm. Alexr. Higginson, C.B. 17 May 69. 1 Apr. 83. ..... Thos. Geo. Alexr. Oakes, C.B. 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Hume, C. B. & tº tº © tº º 33 1 Aug. 83. Chas. Wm. Green 9 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Andr. Browne, C.B. 5 3 3 5 | * * * * * * Jno. Gwilt, C.B. 9 3 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fras. Peyton ... tº e 5 5 1 Oct. 83. 30 Sep. 85 Barth. O’Brien, C. B. ... 5 5 1 Jul. 81. ...... Robt. Parker Radcliffe tº tº º 3 5 1 Sep. 83. ...... Chas. Wright Younghusband tº º ºf 5 * . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edwd. Bruce Hamley, C.B., aft. Sir E. 5 5 10 May 82. ...... Saml. Enderby Gordon, C.B.... : . 5 3 25 May 82. 1 Nov. 82 Hon. Edwd. Thos. Gage, C. B. 5 3 1 Nov. 82. ...... Chas. Stuart Henry, C B. 32 1 Oct. 82. ...... Cadwallader Adams, C.B. ... tº ºn tº 5 3 23 Oct. 83. ...... Geo. Whitworth Talbot Rich, C.B. ... 2 3 1 Jul. 81. ..... Alexr. Robt. Manson... tº dº tº º ºs 3 * 1 Oct. 79. 23 Aug. 84 Jas. Mitchell MacDonald 6 Jun. 69. ...... . ...... Jno. Fraser tº gº tº # tº e 23 Jun. 69. ...... . ...... Jno. Wellesley Thomas, C.B. 18 Jul. 69. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Wrm. Thos. Dickson ... •. 5 5 3 5 • - - - - - Wm. Wilby, C.B. tº º tº $ tº º 32 1 Apr. 82. ...... Alfr. Thos. Wilde, aft. Sir A. 2 3 1 Oct. 77. ...... Hy. Harpur Greer, C.B. 22 Jul. 69. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Hy. Bird tº tº e & º gº 2 3 3 3 • * * * * Robt. Carey, C.B. is tº º 3 3 • * * * * * : * * * * * * Robt. Wm. Lowry, C.B. 5 5 1 Oct. 82. ...... Hy. Jas. Darr ... tº º ſº tº ſº º 9 3 1 Oct. 77. ...... Thos. Lightfoot, C.B. ... tº º tº 1 Aug. 69. 27 Dec. 82. ...... Hon. Hy. Hugh Clifford, C.B. 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * , Hy. D'Oyley Torrens, C.B. 5 3 13 Jan. 84. ...... Wm. Forbes Macbean 5 3 1 Oct. 82. ...... Wm. Templer Hughes 3 Aug. 69. 1 Oct. 77. ...... Chas. Wilson Moore 15 Aug. 69. ...... . ...... Doveton Hodson, C.B. ... tº º ºs 19 Aug. 69. ...... . ...... Wm. Augs. Tyers, C.B. tº º ºs 23 Aug. 69. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jno. Forbes, C.B., aft. Sir J. ... 3 9 1 ()ct. 77. 3 Feb. 86 Roger Stewart Beatson 9 @ 9 ë tº º 20 Oct. 69. ...... -, * * * * * * Agmondisham Jno. A. Vesey Kirkland 24 Nov. 69. ...... . ...... Edwd. Mourrice Boxer * g e 20 Dec. 69. ...... . . ...... Chas. Scudamore Longden 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Jno. Lake, C.S.I. 1 Jan. 70. ...... . ...... Wm. Drysdale, C. B. 2 Jan. 70. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jas. Chas. Innes 9 9 1 Oct. 77. .... . THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, 909 Name. M.-Gen, L.-Gen Gen. Hy. Hope Crealock, C.B. . ... 2 Jan. 70 4 Sep. 84. ...... Hy. Dominick Daly aft. Sir H. 4 Jan. 70. 1 Oct. 77. | 1 Dec. 88. Chas. Sawyer ... * * * tº e is 11 Jan. 70. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jno. Neptune Sargent, C. B. ... 5 3 7 Oct, 84. ...... Richd. Geo. Amherst Luard ... 5 3 1 Dec. 84. ...... Hy. Milne * * * * * * 5 3 1 Oct. 77. | . . . . . . Edwd. Seager, C.B. ... 15 Jan. 70. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Dudley Chas., ld, de Ros 5 3 • 2 - - - - - - Hy. Ralph Browne ... iº & ºr 2 3 1 Jan. 85. 8 Jul. 85. Jno. Luther Vaughan, aft. Sir J. 3 3 1 Oct. 77. || 1 Dec. 88. Chas. Hy. Hutchinson... - 5 Feb. 70. ...... . ...... Thos. Robt. Crawley ... 6 Feb. 70. ...... . ...... Arnold Thompson * - 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Humphreys Kirby 5 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Geo. Jno. Peacocke e tº e 3 3 1 Oct. 82. ...... Jas. Robt. Steadman Sayer, C.B. 9 3 13 Mar. 85. ...... Wm. Collier Menzies ... e e Q 33 1 Jul. 81. 19 Oct. 81. Saml. Jas. Browne, aft. Sir S. - e ºs 3 3 1 Oct. 77 1 Dec. 88. Sir Robt. Michael Laffan, K.C.M.G. ... 8 Feb. 70. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Alexr. Cunningham Robertson, C.B.... 2 3 3 3 • - - - - - Geo. Saml. Montgomery, C.S.I. * 3 1 Oct. 77. 3 Feb. 86. Jas. Frankfort Manners Browne, C. B. 22 Feb. 70. 13 Aug. 81. 12 Feb. 88 Alaster McIan McDonald 3 5 19 Mar. 85. ...... Chas. Cureton ... tº tº º • * ſº 33 1 Oct. 77 1 Dec. 88. Robt. White, C.B. * * * tº º º 1 Mar. 70. 8 Jul. 85. ...... Jno. Blick Spurgin, C.B., C.S.I. 3 3 | * * * * * * : - - - - - - Augs. Wm. Murray, C.B. e 5 5 18 Jan. 82. ...... Dominick Jacotin Gamble, C.B. 5 3 18 Jul. 85. ...... Geo. Bryan Milman, C.B. º : 3 30 Dec. 84. ...... Edwd. Hy. Fisher ... c e º 3 5 * * * * * * : * ~ * . . . Eyre Challoner Hy., ld. Clarina 3 5 5 Nov. 85. ...... Jno. Ross, C.B., aft. Sir J. 5 3 12 Jan. 86. ...... Wm. Freeland Brett ... 3 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Robt. Beaufoy Hawley 35 18 Apr. 83. ...... Fredk. Arth. Willis, C.B. 5 3 19 Mar. 86. ...... Wm. Philip Hampton... 9 3 1 Oct. 77. ...... Fras. Carey ... tº º º * - e. 5 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Chas. Edwd. Parke Gordon, C.B. 3 3 3 * - - - - - - Jas. Robt. Gibbon, C.B. s e e 18 Mar. 70. ...... . ...... Wm. Fredk. Marriott 5 5 1 Oct. 77. ...... Robt. Stuart Baynes .. 26 Mar. 70. 1 Jul. SL. ...... Chas. Douglas... • a e tº 9 º' - e º © tº º 2 3 1 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81, Hy. Edwd. Landor Thuillier, C.S.I., aft. Sir H. 3 3 10 Jul. 79. * 5 Hy. Radford Norman, C.B. ... - - - - - - 5 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Granville Geo. Chetwynd Stapylton 2 3 * * * * * * * * * Geo. Courtenay Vialls, C.B. ... * - G 3 3 | * * * * * * } . . . . . . Ilousada Barrow 5 3 1 Oct. 77. ...... Jno. Hy. Lefroy e 1. Apr. 70. ...... . ...... Wm. Kinnaird Worcester 30 Apr. 70. ...... . ...... Jas. Hy. Craig Robertson 16 May 70. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Chas. Arth. Barwell ... tº e º - * * 33 1 Oct. 77. ...... Hon. Percy Robt. Basil Feilding, C.B. 26 May 70. 7 Apr. 86. ...... Wm. Thos. Laird Patterson ... * * * 2 3 1 Jul. Sl. ...... Herbert Edw. Stacy Abbott... * 13 Jun. 70. 1 Oct. 77. ...... Sir Chas. Wrm. Dunbar Staveley, K.C.B. 20 Jun. 70. ...... . ...... Hy. Blankley Harrington Rogers 1 Jul. 70. ...... . ...... Jno. Harvey Elwyn ... tº tº º * c & - a tº 4 Jul. 70. ...... . ...... Dighton Macnaghten Probyn, C.B., v.C., aft. - sir D.... tº 2 & tº e e is e e * * * ... 25 Jul. 70. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Dec. 88. Robt. Jno. Eagar, C.B. 5 3 1 Jul. 81. Jno. Guize Rogers Aplin 3 3 910 º, THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen. Chas. Hood e g . e. e. e. * - G * - - ... 25 Jul. 70. , 1 Jul. 81. ...... Chas. Crauford Fraser, V.C., C.B. ... 3 3 1 Oct. 86. ...... Hon. Somerset Jno. [Gough] Calthorpe 5 5 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jas. Pickard ... & º º & e e & e º ... 1 Aug. 70. ...... . ...... Robt. Hughes ... tº a 4 ... 12 Aug. 70. ...... ...... Chas. Edwd. Dawton Hill 15 Oct. 70. ...... ...... Chas. Scott * * tº º 17 Oct. 70. ...... . ...... Jno. Arthur Gildea 24 Dec. 70. ...... . ...... Jas. Geo. Balmain 31 Dec. 70. ...... . . . .... |Robt. Patton ... c - - * * * * - e. 1 Jan. 71. ...... ...... Jno. Richd. Anderson, C. B. ... ... 15 Mar. 71. ...... . ...... Brooke Boyd ... - 18 Apr. 71. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Dec. 88. Fras. Elliot Voyle 11 May 71. ...... ...... Jno. Liptrott ... 20 May 71. 1 Oct. 77. 1 Dec. 88. Andr. Hunter • * * , 10 Jun. 71. ...... . . . .* * * * Edwd. Jno. Rickards... 2 × . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Thos. Elwyn ... e - - - e. e. tº $ tº ... 21 Jun. 71. 20 Jul. 81. ...... Colin Mackenzie, C.B.... • * * & t tº * - vº 4 Jul. 71. 1 Oct. 77. ...... Paul Bernard Whittingham ... 12 Jul. 71. • * * * * * | * * * * . . Wm. Hamilton Cox ... * 6 & tº t e ... 20 Jul. 71. ...... . ...... Sir Arthur Purves Phayre, K.C.S.I., C.B. ... 9 Aug. 71 1 Oct. 77. ...... Fredk. Octavius Salusbury ... & 19 Aug. 71. ...... . ...... Hy. Young Darracott Scott, C.B. * 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * ~ * Wm. Rice Dickinson ... & a º 1 Sep. 71. ...... . ...... Fredk. Maitland 3 Sep. 71. ...... . ...... Hy. Arth. White 13 Sep. 71. ...... . ...... Hy. Nott e tº - - 17 Sep. 71. 1 Oct. 77. ...... Fras. Hutchinson Synge 20 Sep. 71. ...... ...... Edwd. Arth. Green 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * ~ * .Jno. Talbot Shakespear 26 Sep. 71. 20 Oct. 77. ...... Mortimer R. S. Whitmore 1 Oct. 71. ...... . ...... Edw. Adams ... • 6 - 16 Oct. 71. ...... • | ...... Wm. Hy. Delamain 31 Sep. 71. ...... . ...... Lewis Grant ... 18 Nov. 71. ...... . ...... Jas. Holt Freeth 14 Dec. 71. ...... . ...... .Jno. Barrett ... • * * * s º 3 3 2 May 78. ...... Wm. Manley Hall Dixon, C.B. 23 Dec. 71. ...... . . ....... Evan Maberly, C. B. • a e 17 Jan. 72. ...... . ...... Wm. Geo. Hamley 27 Jan. 72. ...... . ....... Hy. Craigie Brewster e 3 Feb. 72. ...... . ...... Wm. Hindley Crighton, C. B. ... 17 Feb. 72. ...... . ...... Edwd. Patr. Lynch - e. e. 19 Feb. 72. 20 Aug. 78. ...... . Hy. Clerk tº º tº * e e 24 Apr. 72. ...... . ...... Richd. Lloyd Thompson : 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * , Jno. Jas. Jenkins * | ...... . ...... Jas. Campbell tº º º 1 May 72. ...... ...... Robt. Jno. Hawthorne 3 3 18 Jul. 79 || 1 Dec. 88. Tºdwd. Moubray 15 May 72. ...... . ...... Wm. Stewart Furneaux 8 Jun, 72. ...... . . . ... Hy. Philip Tyacke 19 Jun. 72. ...... . ...... Sampson Freeth 26 Jun. 72. ...... . ...... Chas. Vyvyan Cox, C.B. 1 Aug. 72. ...... . ...... John Hall Smyth, C.B. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Geo. Bourchier, R.C.B. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jos. Lyon Barrow, C.B. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Hammond... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Ernle Kyrle Money 3 3 , , s = < * * | * * * * * * Gerard Potter Eton 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Maxwell ... 3 5 . . . . * * * * * * . . . . . * * * * * * Thos. Brougham 3 y | *, * * * * * | * * * * * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 911 Natne. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Thos. Hay Campbell ... 1 Aug. 72. ...... . ...... . John Eliot ſº tº e tº e º 35' • I e s tº a s e i g e g º Aº Q Hy. Lewis tº 5 3 - | . ~ * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo Eliot Voyle 3 5 . . * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alfr. Wintle ... s e - 33 . . * * * * * * : * * * * * * Fredk. Geo. Nuthall ... 5 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Anthy. Maxtone Murray 3 3 - | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Saml. Woodcock 3 3 | * * * * * * : * ~ * * * * . Wm. Bainbrigge Marshall 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hickman Thos. Molesworth ... 3 3 : ] , , , s • * * | * * * * * * Walker King Fooks & e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Tobt. Geo. Hunter Grant 9 5 . . . . . . e. e i < * * * * * Chas. Vincent Bowie ... > 3 > . , s = < * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Regd. Courtenay... 9 3 - | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fredk. Conybeare 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Donald McNeill 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Erskine Hicks 5 * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Atlay, C.B. 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Alexr. Morse * 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * David Greenhill Anderson 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * : * ~ * Jos. Skekleton... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Jas. Barton 3 2 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Colin Cookworthy 3 3 H = • * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Maister tº e - 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Brown Melhuish ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * John Ramsay Sladen ... 9 3 } • * * * * * : * * * * * * Hy. Friend Kennedy ... 21 Aug. 72. ...... . ...... Fras. Percy Nott 1 Oct. 72. ...... . ...... David Watson ... - - - 5 Oct. 72. ...... . ...... John Cowell Bartley ... 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Steph. Fras. Macmullen 31 Dec. 72. 18 Jul. 79 1 Dec. 88. Sir Thos. Peyton, bt.... 15 Jan. 73. ...... . ...... Gibbes Rigaud... tº e G 1 Feb. 73. ...... . ...... Burdett Richd. Powel 5 Feb. 73. 13 Aug. 79. ...... Thos. Hy. Clifton - Millington Hy. Synge ... Hy. Reynolds Werge ... Geo. Sturrock ... Evelyn Bradford John Wedderburn Wm. Murray tº º º Miller Clifford ... • * * John Hamilton Cox, C.B. Thos. Bernard Collinson Chas. Triganee Franklin, C.B. Fras. Gilbert Hamley... Chas. Louis ... * Q & Wm. Driscoll Gosset ... tº e e Andr. Pellett Scrimshire Green Jas. Robt. Mann © & tº e º Fredk. Macgowan • , e. e. e. Thos. de Courcy Hamilton, V.C. Robt. Barlow M*Crea... - Augs. Fredk. Fras. Lennox ... Fredk. Llewellyn Alexander Jas. Edwd. Westropp... Albt. Hy. Andr. Hervey Paget Bayly ... tº a tº Arth. Comyn Pigou Gother Fredk. Mann, C.B. Stapylton Robinson 12 Feb. 73. 8 Mar. 73. 13 Apr. 73. 23 Apr. 73. 3 5 21 Jun. 73. 5 Jul. 73. 2 Aug. 73. 9 Aug. 73. 18 Sep. 73. 8 oct. 73. 18 Oct. 73. 12 Nov. 73. 4 Feb. 74. 11 Mar. 74. 8 Apr. 74. 10 Apr. 74. 17 Jun. 7 4. 13 Aug. 74. 31 Oct. 74. • s = e s g • - - - - - • * g e º º * * * * * * tº tº e s is a ... • a e s e a • a 9 s tº e tº e º e º º tº e º e º e & ºn e º e G * - e º te gº & tº tº e º & tº º tº * is e º e º e a e ... • * * * * * º e º 'º tº º tº tº tº º 'º º e e s tº e is • e e s a e tº t e º 'º º º e º & we tº tº tº e º te tº tº e e s a e tº º te e g e º e º e º os • * * * * * tº s 6 - - - tº e º 'º - - • * * * * * tº e º 'º - - & e º a tº - tº q ^ - - - • * * * * > tº e º e º - • * * * * * tº e º 'º - e. e e < * * * tº º e º 4 & * e º 'º e e s e º 'º e e tº s º º - a & © tº º tº e e e º 'º º º s s e e s - • * * * * * • * * * * * * & 4 tº e º • e e º a º tº e º e s - s e º e º e • * * * * * e e a e º º * * * > * > 912 - THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Hy. Chas. Adlam Wm. Russell Eliott Jno. Wm. Bristow Robt. Unwin ... Chas. Fredc. Smith Jno. Elphinstone Fraser Henley Thos. Bartlett Wm. Skene Row tº e ge tº e º Hy. Boileau Adolph. Poulton Chas. Stephen Fowle ... * * * Alexr. Mackay Mackenzie Geo. Delane ... tº tº º Hy. Jno. Templar Chas. Wm. Miles tº e º Hy. Duncan Twysden... to e º Arth. Loftus Steele ... tº º Chas. Jno. Bradley ... Fras. Mitchell Haultain Wrm. Dacres Stanley ... tº º º © º º Lumley Hodgson Huskisson Holland Jas. Orr e e is * * * e e & e e º Chas. Thos. Harkness tº e & Wm. Sidney Smith Mulcaster Arth. Sage ... tº $ tº tº º º Jno. Hy. Lyte Kerr ... Horatio Edwd. Walpole Chas. Osbaldiston Lukin Geo. Paxton ... * * * Chas. Pulley Alexr. Cannan... Saml. Thacker ... Ross Balfour Moore Hy. Burdon Hodgson ... Jno. Hy. Reynolds Jas. Black tº e & tº ſº º Wm. Abercrombie Dick Walter Montrion Jas. Fras. Eaton Travers Tºdwin Alexr. Rowlatt Hy. Mein Wilson tº gº tº Chas. Basil Gibbons Bacon ... Davd. Briggs ... tº e e tº tº tº Jno. Anstruther Angu tº $ tº Sir Chas. Walters D'Oyly, bt. Wm. Hy. Stubbs * * * tº gº tº Wm. Elwyn * * * tº º º Chas. Andrews tº º º Chas. Fredk. Browne... Hy. Provost Babbage... Chas. Holroyd... & e tº Geo. Edwd. Holmes ... Jas. Dawson MacDonald Roderick Donald Macpherson Holled Wallace Hy. Coxe Jno. Seymour Dunbar Jno. Innes Gibbs Jas. Young Gowan Chas. Irvine Chas. Murray ... * * * * Neil Edmonstone Boileau Hugh Lowman Pester 25 Nov. 74. 18 Jan. 75. 23 Jan. 75. © tº e º 'º º tº e is tº $ tº & # tº s tº º $ t e º 'º º tº tº tº $ & © tº & e º a te * & e º e tº * * * * * * tº $ tº º s & & e e e º s tº tº e º e e * * * * * * tº e g º te & # * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º tº º & tº e º tº g tº tº s & © tº & * * * * * * & e º ºs e g tº $ tº tº gº tº s g º a 9 º' tº º sº º ſº tº * g tº e º ſº tº gº tº gº º is & e º 'º º º tº º ſº tº º º tº e º 'º is º tº € $ tº $ tº & e º 'º º & # tº & E & º & Cº. & e º ºs g 4 tº e º º tº º º $ tº º * * * * * * tº e º & 9 tº • * * * * * tº º gº tº e & tº e º tº 4 e * * * * * * s & © e º 'º * * * * * * tº ſº tº º ſº tº * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº g º tº $ tº tº e < * * * * * * * * * * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 913: Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen, Fredk. Nepean Smith... 23 Jan. 75. ...... . ...... Jno. Geo. Palmer ... 9 5 • - - - - - | * * * * * * Wm. Powell Stuart Smyth 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Herbert Cuming 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Graves a tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Clerk ... e tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Dillon Gustavus Pollard 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Robt. Fraser ... 3 3 | * * * * * * : I < * * * * * Jno. 1)aniel e tº ºn 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Hoseason ... tº gº tº & © º tº e e 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Fredk, Jno. Goldsmid, C.B., K.C. s.I. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Wm. Taylor tº º ºs tº e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Augs. Saunders 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Rhodes Morgan ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Napper Pace ... 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Richd. Baugh ... 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Saml. Jones 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Daniel Williams ... 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Ashburner e e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Edmonstone Macleod 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Jno. Combe 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Pirie e tº gº * @ gº tº º e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Wm. Hy. Rodes Green, C.B., K.C.S.I. 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. McBain Barnes Farquharson ... 5 5 ' | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Guillam Scott ... tº e º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Hope Smith Bowdich... 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Edwd. Francis ... º e ' 9 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Wm. Playfair - 3 Feb. 75. ...... . ...... Edwd. Andrée Wyld ... 8 Feb. 75. ...... . ...... Webber D. Harris : ... 25 Feb. 75. ...... . ...... Geo. Buckmall Shakspear 10 Mar. 75. ...... . ...... Guy Rotton. ... g tº º 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Valentime Thos. Mairi 1 Apr. 75. ...... . ...... Chas. Jas. Hodgson ... 3 May 75. ...... . ...... Geo. Remington Cookson 5 Jun. 75. ...... . ...... Chas. Need ... tº e - 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Robt. Cunningham 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Regd. Ouseley ... . . . . tº º e 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Richd. Wellesley Chambers ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Fullerton Carnegie • * * 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Briggs ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jermy Chas. West 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Imlach Bett - - - 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Bobt. Maxwell Johnstone 3 * | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Hugh Geo. Robison : 9 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Gray tº º º ºn tº e 35 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wm. Croughton Stileman 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Albert Balcombe Beatson 23 Jun. 75. ...... . ...... Geo. Faithfull ... te 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Steuart Allen ... 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Barnett Ford ... tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Davison ... g tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Robt. Mackenzie... 7 Jul. 75. ...... . ..... & Geo. Hy. Vesey 24 Jul. 75. ...... . ...... Jno. Geo. Boothby 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Singleton ... e - 35 • * * * * * : * * * * * * Geo. Ward ... º, º º 1 Sep. 75. ...... . ...... Wm. Forbes e - 5 3. | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Nisbett 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Fullerton tº º tº 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Larkins Robertson 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * 914 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Hy. Le Poer Trench ... 1 Sep. 75. ...... . ...... Linnaeus Tripe 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Wm. Cox * * 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Selwood Hewett ſº tº º $ tº e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Gustavus Hamilton Lockwood Milman 8 Sep. 75. ...... . ...... Fras. Montagu Maxwell Ommaney... 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Baillie ... tº e ºs 6 Oct. 75. ...... . ...... Edwd. Hy. Blomfield 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Harper Saxton ... 32 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Octavius Hamilton 23 Oct. 75. ...... . ...... IEdmd. Hy. Cullen Wintle 3 3 | * * * * * *. I • * * * * * Wrm. Jno. Tweedie ... 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwin Luddington Scott 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Willoughby Lake Briggs, C.B. , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evan Murray McGregor 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Hy. Shadwell Earle 13 Nov. 75. ...... . ...... Edwd. Smalley 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Fras. Stafford 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Richd. King Freeth ... 17 Nov. 75. ...... . ...... Wm. Vine tº e e tº ſº e 26 Nov. 75. 13 Jan. 81. 1 Dec. 88. Bannastre Pryce Lloyd 1 Dec. 75. ...... . ...... Richd. Godfrey Jones , , , ...... . . . . . . . St. Jno. O'Neill Muter 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Milles ... & e º © º º 18 Dec. 75. ...... . ...... Alexr. Kennedy Clark-Kennedy 5 Jan. 76. . . . ... . ...... Jas. Price Clarkson ... gº tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Wellwood Rutherford . 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Iºdmd. David Russell Ross ... 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hugh Lindsay Christie 2 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Bannerman Ramsay ... 35 | p = • , , , | * * * * * * Mathew Bligh Ford † - 15 Jan. 76. ...... . ...... Wm. Jno. Doveton 26 Feb. 76. ...... . ...... Hy. Manning Eliott 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Arth. Chauncy Phillips 5 5 e s sº e s • * * * * * Fras. Rawdon Chesney 1 Apr. 76. ...... . ...... Chas. Parker Catty ... 31 May 76. ...... . ...... Alexr. Wm. Gordon ... 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Augs. Ray Moffat 14 Jun. 76. ...... . ...... Herbert Raban 2 9 s e s • e ] e e s e s • Geo. McAndrew 35 | * * * * * e ] e s a see Fredk. Hy. Smith tº ſº tº 3 J W = e s e e s ] s = e s e e Fras. Geo. Stainforth $ 9 tº 3 3 } • * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Ruxton Eneas Alexander 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * e Jno. Peter Wm. Campbell 3 3 i e º 'º e s • s e s e s a Jno. Richardson Auldjo 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Hutchinson, C.B., C.S.I. 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Applegath 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fredk. Phillips tº gº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * , , , , e. Hamilton Robt. Hathway 3 3 | * * * * * * | * a • e s s Patr. Maxwell tº tº gº 9 3 | • * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Thos. Armstrong & 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Jas. Stewart Wallace ... 15 Jul. 76. ...... . ...... Wm. Geo. Owen - is º º 4 Aug. 76. 1 Jul. 81 1 Dec. 88. Hy. Mills © º º tº ſe tº 12 Aug. 76. ...... . ...... Thos. Wollams Holland 9 3 || * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Pierce ... & © e tº e de tº tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hugh Norris Hodgson e is tº tº ſº e 9 3 | * * * * * * | * g e o a s Augs. Prichard is q s tº e º tº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Roberts Michael Westropp tº e 22 e o s • * * : * * * * * * Geo. Elliot Ashburner © tº tº sº º º Wm. Boyd Irwin tº ºn tº & 26 Aug. 76. tº $ tº e º 'º THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 915 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen, Gen. Wm. Jno. Ward * * * • s ºn ... 26 Aug. 76. ..... tº e º º ſº º º Chas. Maxton Shakespear tº e ſº 32 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Hy. Stoddard • e e & G 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edmond Tudor Boddam e 5 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Arthur Jacob Macan Rainey g 33 e < * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Shaw Kemball * @ 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Evelyn Waddington ... e ‘º 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Angelo Edwd. Osborne . . 28 Oct. 76. . ...... . ...... Jno. Robertson Pughe e e e g 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Norman Perkins e e 2 3 I e s see e ſ = e s • * * Fredk. Jno. Ellis º 3 3 || s • e s s • | * * * * * * Wm. Agnew ... 55 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Gill Moxon 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Gordon Cavenagh 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wrm. Paske 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Roper Boswall ... tº & tº e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Duncan Campbell Wallace e & 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Geo. Roche Forlong e 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Wrm. Dun e - © w is g 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Edmund Antoine Hy. Bacon 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Thos. Bowen ... * * * 53 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Ebenezer Jacob ... tº º º 9 3 I see e s s | * * * * * * Jno. Ruggles tº e - tº e e 11 Nov. 76. ...... . ...... Josh, Fletcher Richardson, C.B. 3 2 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Chester Dandridge 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd Chas. Marston º e g 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chamberlen Wm. Walker ... 2 y | * * : * ~ * - I • * * * * * Wm. Vine tº e e - º º tº tº e ... 26 Nov. 76. ...... . ...... Chas. Scrope Hutchinson ... 30 Dec. 76. ...... . ...... Jioji Rao Sindia s = e i s e º 'º º e i e s a e s e 1 Jan. 77 Rambir Singh • e s i º e º 'º e º s a e º 'º e 5 5 Hy. Clyde Fletcher ... 17 Jan. 77. ...... . ...... Geo. Markham Carter tº e 33 I e e s see | * * * * * * Robt. Jno. Baker 3 3 || s e e s • * | * * * * * * Jas. Edmund Mayne ... 31 Jan. 77. ...... . ...... Chas. Crauford Mason J 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Walter Weldon tº tº º 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Jno. Thos. Neild 3 5 o e º e º e | * * * * * * Saml. Brougham Faddy 8 Feb. 77. 1 Jul. 81 1 Dec. 88 Richd. Andr. Doria , , 3 2 3 2 Arthur Butcher tº a * * * 10 Mar. 77. ...... . ...... Jas. Creighton Wood tº tº ſº 4 Apr. 77. ...... . ...... Sir Arthur Hy. Freeling, bt. 7 Apr. 77. ...... . ...... Chas. Hodgkinson Smith, C.B. 18 Apr. 77. ...... ...... Thos. Augs. Carey ... e e e 24 Apr. 77. 8 Feb. 78. 3 Nov. 78 Stephen Jas. Keate Whitehill 2 May 77. 2 May 78. ...... Geo. Drury ... • * * & º & 3 May 77. ...... ...... Hamilton Chas. Smith 5 May 77. ...... . ...... Jas. Anthy. Steel 32 e s s e < * | * ~ * * * * Wm. Nembhard tº tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Beresford Smyly 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Jerome ... • * * 23 May 77. ...... . ...... Jno. Fendall 33 e < * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Geo. Davidson 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Davidson ... Jno. Desborough, C.B. Jno. Everett Thring ... Robt. Corcyra Romer... Jas. Cockburn... tº e 4 Hy. Wm. Holland, C.B. Sydney Jos. Hire 30 May 77. 11 Jun, 77. 28 Jun. 77. 30 Jun. 77. 5 3 º, º e - - - • * * * * * tº e º º a º tº e º a tº º • * * * * * s • * * * * * e g tº sº e :916 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. - M.-Gen. • L.-Gen Gen. Wm. Walker ... e e º • e is ... ...] 30 Jun. 77. * * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Irvine ... {º º tº e e is tº º ſº **te • 35 * * * | * * * * * g e º s º º ſº Josh. Miles ... tº e e tº dº e tº ſº tº {e 3 9 • I • . . . . . . . . . . . Geo. Shaw, C.B. tº º ſº g . I 1 Jul. 77. ...... . ...... Ralph Young ... tº º vº tº º ... I 4 Jul. 77. ...... . ...... Chas. Vanbrugh Jenkins ... & ... I 11 Jul. 77. * * * * * * e i s a e s a s Fras. Robt. Glanville... tº º gº ... I 14 Jul. 77. ....... . ...... Robt. Boyle, C.B. ſº e tº is º º tº e º ... 20 Jul. 77. ...... . ..... * Edwd. Wolstenholme Ward, C.M.G. ... ... I 11 Aug. 77. ...... . ...... Wm. Bolton Girdlestone & e is e ... 16 Aug. 77. ...... . . ...... Richd. Armstrong Roberts ... & º º . 22 Aug. 77. ....... . ...... Antonio Mattei, C.M.G. & C dº º ºr ... 5 Sep. 77. ...... . . ...... Saverio Gatt ... © tº ſº e 5 5 * | * * * * e s e e ] e e º e s e Hy. Ferrers Waddington • 35 ' ' ' ' " " " - e i s - e s - * Jno. Alfred Brereton ... • 3 3 ' ' ' " " - - - - | * * * * * * Jas. Puckle g 5 9 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Elphinstone & ſº tº tº dº º tº & e • 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Jas. Bruce ... tº º ſº ſº º º tº e sº - 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Arthur Francis ë tº * 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Fredk. Berthon ... 3 y | * * * * * * : * * tº º º sº. Jas. Hyde Champion ... 9 3 ' | * * * * * * : * * * * * * * Jno. Pitcairn Sandwith • 35 ' " " - e < * * | * * * * * iº Wm. Browne Salmon ... * 1 Oct. 77 2 May 78. ..... * Jas. Knox Spence ... & e ºs tº º ºs 95. 20 Aug. 78. ...... Geo. Mytton Hill tº º e tº tº gº & © e 3 9 3 Nov. 78. ..... * Thos. Stock tº e ºl tº º º º 5 5 11 Jun. 79. ...... Geo. Jackson ... tº e e * 93 17 Nov. 79. ...... Wm. Geo. Woods, C.S.I. 3 5 3 y | * * * * * * Robt. Napier Raikes ... 9 x 18 Dec. 79. ...... Edwd. Every Miller . 93 e s • * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Selby g 2 3 8 Dec. 79. 1 Jul. 81. Geo. Werner 5 9 1 Jan. 80. ...... Edwd. Wray, C.B. a tº • * * tº $ tº 2 3 31 Dec. 78. ...... Hon. Sir Hy. Ramsay, K.C.S.I., C.B. 5 y 1 Jan. 80 s a e s e is Alexr. Boyd ... e tº º tº tº º tº e 5 5 16 Jan. 80. . ...... Richd. Chas. Lawrence, C.B. 2 3 25 Jan. 80. ...... Hy. Nicoll tº gº tº º ſº 9 3 25 May 80. ...... Jno. Worgan ... tº º ſº tº º 5 y 31 Dec. 78. ...... Wm. Sparkes Hatch ... * ºf * 5 5 26 Feb. 80. 12 May 82. Andrew Wm. Macintire, C.B. 3 y 1 Sep. 81. 31 Mar. 83. Jno. Gordon Petrie, C. B. * * * 5 5 31 Dec. 78. ...... Goodricke Armstrong Fisher 3 9 14 Jul. 80. ...... Crawford Cooke tº º 5 3 21 Jul. 80. ...... Jno. Wilson ... tº e ſº 3 9 15 Dec. 80. ...... Septimus Harding Becher 3 3 18 Dec. 80. ...... Fredk. Dayot Atkinson 9 3 21 Dec. 80. ...... Annesley Inox Gore ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Harris * * * 3 5 18 May 81. ...... Fras. Hy. Scott tº ſº tº & © tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Saml. Drury Tullock tº º 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Wm. Russell tº 9 tº tº & & a tº 9 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Molyneux Capel Spottiswood 35 e < * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Man * e & º, º tº & ſº tº 5 : I < * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Lionel Showers... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Augs. Turner ... & tº e e is 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Grice de Tessier ... tº tº º 5 2. 1 Sep. 81. 31 Mar. 83. Craven Hildesley Dickens, C.S.I. 9 3 31 Dec. 78. ...... I)onald Campbell Vanrenen ... 3 3 5 5 • * * * * * Fredk. Wm. Swinhoe... tº g tº tº e ºs 55 3 5 | * * * * * * Wm. Chas. Robertson Macdonald, C. B. 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Fitzroy Miller Mundy... 5 y “ I” - " - - - - | * * * * * * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 917 Jas. Eardley Gastrell ſe tº gº e e ſº Olaus Jno. Macleod Farrington ... Robt. Thos. Leigh ... tº dº tº tº s & Geo. Swiney ... § º º tº e G t Chas. Geo. Hy. Coote... ... . ... | 13 Oct. 77. tº e º e s tº Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Anthy. Robt. Thornhill ... ... I 1 Oct. 77..] ...... . . ...... Jno. Patk. Redmond, C.B. ... e & Cº tº º ºf o • 25 s 1 Jul. 81. ...... Edwd. Gascoigne Bulwer, C.B., aft. Sir E. ... • 23 3 21 Jan. 87. ...... Jno. Chiop Brooke ... .... tº tº te 95 - I - - - - - - | * * * * * * Robt. Woolley... tº g tº tº º & • * 33 • - - - - - | * * * * * * Edwd. Tuite Dalton, C.S.I. ... • a . . .33 a . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * Hy. Le Geyt Bruce, C.B. • * : 235 31 Dec. 78. ...... Lothian Nicholson, C.B. e & © º º 33 19 Oct. 81. ...... Hon. Hussey Fane Keane, C.B. tº 3 3 × . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Geo. Hy., M. of Conynghame º •5 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Wm. Hardy, C.B. º º is ... • * 2 3 1 Oct. 82. ...... Jno. Walpole D'Oyly ... . ſº • 23 9 1 Jul. 81. Alexr. Tod Cadell , -99 31 Dec. 78. ...... Edwd. Fellowes .5 x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * Robt. Richards © tº º .23 - . 1 - - - - - - | * * * * * * Coote Synge Hutchinson 22 5 1 Jul. 81. ...... Pearson Scott Thompson, C.B. 35 & . I • - - - - - | * * * * * * Jno. Hy. Ford Elkington *5 S 1 Apr. 87. * * Augs. Fredk. Steele ... tº tº º 2 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Augs. Hy. Lane Fox-Pitt-Rivers 5 3 1 Oct. 82. • * * Hy. Grierson ... tº $ tº * † tº • 35 1 Jul. 81. ...... Stephen Fras. Chas. Annesley 3 3 3 * | * * * * * * Hon. Jno. Jocelyn Bourke .5 3 1 Oct. 82. ...... Sir Archd. Alison, K.C.B. 5 5 18 Nov. 82. ...... Lindsay Farrington -3.3 1 Oct. 82. ...... Jno. Bayly, C.B. tº tº º s e º . . is a e tº dº tº • 2 3 23 Mar. 82. 26 Apr. 82 Sir Wm. Fraser Drummond Jervois, C.B., IC. C.M.G. ... tº gº tº is º º 25 a - I - - - - - - ) • * * * * * Thos. Brydges Rodney, C.B.... s s º *35 º e º sº e º e º e º e º Peregrine Hy. Fellowes e tº a * * * * 2 3 4 Jun. 79. 1 Feb. 86 Jno. Wm. Collman Williams, aft. Sir J. p •5 3 5 Oct. 86. 21 May 88 Augs. Barnard Hankey tº e e o 2 3 1 Oct. 82. ...... Thos. Raikes ... • * tº tº ſº tº tº tº º in , 2 3 . . . . . . . • • * * * * * Edwd. Newdigate Newdegate, C.B. ... º • *5 3 11 May 87. ...... Wm. Fredk, , ld. Abinger, C.B. tº º º º •3 5 1 Oct. 82. e e º sº tº * Chas. Wm. Adair. C.B., aft. Sir C. ... e tº 3 7 Nov. 85. 18 Jul. 86 Chas. Vaughan Wilkinson Q & © e 9 3 tº ſº ºn tº e º e º ºs e º 'º Wm. Wilberforce Harris Greathed, C.B. ... 33 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Gordon Caulfield tº g & tº º ºt & © tº * 35 1 Jul. 81. 1 Dec. 88 Fras. Faithful Warden ſº 3 3 5 3 | * * * * * * David Scott Dodgson, C.B. & 5 5 2 3 1 Dec. 88. Chas. Edwd. Beale so 35 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Wm. Hy. Freese * tº ſº * tº e e º 3 5 1 Jul. 81. ...... Alexr. Crombie Silver tº º º & © º 9 3 3 3 1 Dec. 88. Jno. Penrose Coode •55 2 3 2 3 Edwd. Dayot Watson... 9 3 53 33 Jno. Wrm. Schneider, C.B. 33 2 3 2 3 Douglas Hamilton te e ſº tº e ſº •2 3 20 Mar. 82. | 1 Dec. 88. Jno. Sherbrooke Gell... * * * tº ſº º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * David Brown ... tº º tº tº gº tº {} e 5 3 20 Mar. 82. | 1 Dec. 88. Wm. Jno. Dorehill © 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Cockburn... º 5 5 | * * * * * * a || E & tº ºn tº º Geo. Staple Dobbie . 2 Oct. 77. 1 Apr. 82. ...... Chas. Robt. West Hervey e º .5 3 * I e e is a g º tº e º ºs º e Edwd. Harrison tº $ tº ... 4 Oct. 77. ...... . ...... Arth. Newbolt Rich ... ... 11 Oct. 77. 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. tº º 'º º tº º sº e º is tº º tº º sº tºº sº. 918 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Geo. Butler Stoney ... tº a º º Geo. Mein © º is e tº e tº e g tº º º 8 Apr. 78. tº G & º e tº Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen. Jno. Fredk. Lester ... © º (º & © tº ... 13 Oct. 77. ...... tº ſº is tº G Thos. Smith Warden... tº tº dº Ó e º tº º º y 9 || - - - - - - , , s = < e < Jno. Crawford Millar... © tº tº $ e e tº e Q ; , | . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geo. Edwd. Thomas ... { } & wº © e & e º 35 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Gustavus Nigle Kingscote Anker Yonge ... 19 Oct. 77. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Augs. Wm. Hy. Meyrick ... e e Q & s tº 9 3 3 3 | * * * * * * Fredk. Marshall, C.M.G. ſº e dº tº e de ... 20 Oct. 77. 5 Sep. 84. ...... Jno. Roe ſº tº ſº tº º & & © tº e e ſº ... 31 Oct. 77. ...... . . ... . Sussex Chas. Milford... © tº gº is a 4 to tº º 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Lacy gº tº º tº e ſº © tº º & © & ... 1 Nov. 77. ...... . ...... Jas. Baillie ... * * * tº e ſº tº º is tº e & 5 5 ; * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Cole Faulkner ... * c º tº º 0. tº º & 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Danl. Hy. Loudoun Mackinnon ... tº tº dº 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Cockburn .. * † dº o º ºs tº a º tº g tº 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Harrison * g. ge © tº 9 & a tº ... 24 Nov. 77. • * * * * - I - - - - - - Wm. Lewis Devenish Meares tº e & tº e tº 95 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Abbott Anderson & e e tº gº tº ... 26 Nov. 77. ...... . ...... Jno. Hy. Stewart tº ſº º tº e & e e ge ... 2 Dec. 77. ...... . ...... Fredk. Mould ... tº º & tº ſº º tº º º ... I 5 Dec. 77. ...... . ...... Rodk. Bannatyne MacLeod ... • * * ... 8 Dec. 77. ...... . ...... Archd. Hugh Hope ... © tº º tº e º tº e e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Fredk. Stoddard tº tº tº º º tº e e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Josh. Hume Spry Pierce ... tº a g ë e e 3 5 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Renton ... * * * tº dº gº º º tº e º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alfred Bassano, C.B. ... & © e tº º º ... 12 Dec. 77. ...... . ...... Jno. Alexr. Dalzell ... tº e e * c & ... I 19 Dec. 77. ...... . ...... Chas. Spalding S. Evans Gordon ... & tº e 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. St. Clair Wilkins... tº º e tº a 4 ... 21 Dec. 77. 31 Dec. 78. 18 Jan. 82. Geo. Wm. Forbes © tº tº e a tº º º ... 25 Dec. 77. ...... . ...... Hy. Augs. Adams ... tº º G tº ſº tº ... 1 Jan. 78. 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Robt. Hamilton Currie tº gº º ë tº e ... 23 Jan. 78. ...... . ...... Benj. Geo. Wander Gucht ... gº º tº tº e ſº 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Jno. Wild * * * tº º e tº e dº tº e e 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Blair Thos. Reid & ſº º tº it e º e º ... 2 Feb. 78. ...... . ...... Hy. Dimsdale Manning * * * tº e & tº º tº 5 5 | -- - - - - I - - - - - - Fredk. Duffin ... & © & tº º º tº º ſº tº e & 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Money Battye gº tº dº 53 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Hy. Paget gº tº º © º e tº gº gº 3 3 tº e º e e s a e e Jno. Dwyer ... tº ºr e tº e ºn tº gº tº * * * ,, . . ...... . ...... Thos. Thompson tº dº ſº tº º dº ... 8 Feb. 78. ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. Beaumont De Horsey ... 13 Feb. 78. 13 Feb. 83. ] ...... Wm. McBean, v.C. .. gº tº e ... 16 Feb. 78. ...... . ...... Hy. Hyde tº º ſº & © & ... 17 Feb. 78. ...... . ...... Lennox Jas. Farquharson tº e is ... 2 Mar. 78. ...... . ...... Robt. Patr. Anderson tº e ∈ º e ∈ e e 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Cornwallis Phillips tº º 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Percy Lee Holmes * @ e tº º º © tº 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Geo. Hodgson ... . ... & e e º ºg 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Hy. Hessey * * gº tº º gº tº 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Archd. Wm. Graham ... tº a 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Carmichael Russell ... 13 Mar. 78. ...... . ...... Jno. Bean tº tº it tº e tº e e e * tº ... 18 Mar. 78. ...... . ...... Sir Hy. Marshman Havelock, bt., v.C., C.B.; 3. aft. Havelock-Allan tº º º tº t tº º º tº 5 5 9 Dec. 81. ...... Edwd. Jno. Dickson ... tº º ºs tº º ºs ... 20 Mar. 78. ...... . ...... Richd. Buckley Prettejohn, C.B. tº dº tº 3 5 1 Jul. 81. ...... Conyers Tower, C.B. ... ºn tº gº * tº ge e ſº 33 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Alexr. Mackenzie, C.B. * * * º º º ... 27 Mar. 78. ...... . ...... Valentine Fredk. Story ... 1 Apr. 78. ...... THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 919 Wm. Calcott Clarke ... e e is Edmund L'Estrange ... tº e G • * * * * * tº e º 'º - e. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen, Gen. Jno. Goddard ... tº s q tº dº e e e e ... | 17 Apr. 78. ...... . ...... Jno. Lawrence Bolton & e e Q & & 6 * e 3 9 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Wm. Alexr. Kennedy 20 Apr. 78. ...... ...... Chas. Hopkins Byers... • & e 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Geo. Alexr. St. Peter Fooks... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Wm. Younghusband, C.S.I. ... 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Wm. Josh. Fitzmaurice Stafford, C.B. 1 May 78. ...... ...... Robt. Alexr. Napper ... - º º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Hardy Chamberlain 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Goodson Adye... & tº e e e º º 33 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Shewell ... * e e tº º ºs tº e Q 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Fredk. Moore ... & s e tº e º 35 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Chas. Powlett Lane & & 4 95 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Martin Dillon, C.S.I. ; aft. Sir M. 53 22 Nov. 87. ...... Chas. Edwd. Astell . 4 May 78. ..... * | * * * * * * Hy. Drummond e ‘e & e G & © e = ... 1 Jun. 78. ...... . ...... Arth. Stevens ... tº $ tº e e º 0 0 & ... 12 Jun. 78. ...... . ...... Wm. Gordon Cameron, C.B. ... e ... 25 Jun. 78. 17 Jul. 88. ...... Thos. Lionel Jno. Gallwey ... 1 Jul. 78. 26 Apr. 82. ...... Fredk. Wrm. Graham... º, º ſº 7 Aug. 78. ...... . ...... Jas. Geo. Fife ... e tº Q tº e º & e - 15 Aug. 78. 31 Dec. 78. ...... Geo. Alexr. Leckie ... e e G • * * 20 Aug. 78. ...... . . ..... Chas. Baring ... e e & º º © e - 23 Aug. 78. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jenkin Jones 24 Aug. 78. 31 Dec. 78. ...... Wm. Hill tº e & e is & 29 Aug. 78. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Hy. Campbell Johnstone 31 Aug. 78. ...... . ...... Hy. Arth. Dwyer tº º e e & * 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Farquhar Webster ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Leonard Raisbeck Christopher 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Lane Magniac ... e tº e 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fleetwood Jno. Richards 2 Sep. 78. 1 Feb. 85. ...... Wm. Cosmo Trevor, C.B. 16 Sep. 78. 25 Jul. 84. ...... Fras. Jno. Richards 35 | * * * * * * | * * * . . . Chas. Herbert ... 25 Sep. 78. ...... . ...... Saml. Crozier Law 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * . . . Edmd. Lewin Taverner 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * . . . Saml. Josh. Thorp 5 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Edwd. Burgoyne Cureton & C º 29 Sep. 78. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Sir Jno. Chetham McLoed, K.C.B. ... 2 Oct. 78. 12 Aug. 88. ...... Wm. Tod Brown, C.B.... tº a º • e ºs 16 Oct. 78. ...... . ...... Hy. Buckley Jenner Wynyard 1 Nov. 78. ...... . ...... Hy. Dyett Abbott, C.B. e s e e 3 Nov. 78. ...... . ...... Wm. Warden Anderson © º º • * * 35 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Mark Walker, V.C., C.B. º 11 Nov. 78. 16 Dec. 88. ...... Hy. Wellington Palmer 13 Nov. 78. ...... . ...... Benj. Parrott ... tº º º 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Wm. Chas. Rich 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Ambrose Hare ... 35 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Thos, Gordon Moore Lane 53 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alfr. Becher ... tº tº º 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Augs. Phillip Chesshyre 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Darling Ker ... º e & 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * ~ * Hy. Lowther Chermside, C.B. 16 Nov. 78. ...... . ...... Harry Vince Timbrell... tº tº 3 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Fras. Wm. Stubbs ... • G & & a tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * - Chas. Waterloo Hutchinson ... • e º 29 Nov. 78. 31 Dec. 78. 28 Nov. 85. Wm. Conrad Hamilton tº wº 30 Nov. 78. ...... . ...... Adrian Hugh Paterson 9 3 a • * * * * | * * * * * * Vincent Jno. Shortland 3 9 || * * * * * * | * * * * * * & e º is tº e 920 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Jno. Fraser Raper ... ... • * * ... 9 Dec. 78. ...... . ...... Alfr. Hales Heath { 3, | ...... . ...... Alfr. Digby Denmiss ... 14 Dec. 78. " ...... . ...... Hy. Andrew Sorel, C.B. 22 Dec. 78. 1 Nov. 85. ...... Sir Wrm. Russell is e & 24 Dec. 78. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Edwd. Archd. Foord ... 30 Dec. 78. 31 Dec. 78. ...... Saml. Stallard... e ſº 31 Dec. 78. ...... . ...... Hy; Francis º tº gº 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alfr. Light ... e e º 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Stirling Dundas ,, . ...... . ...... Chas. Metcalf Young ... tº º tº 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * T)avid Jno. Falconer Newall... ,, . ...... . ...... Jno. Stewart Tulloch... º, "... . ...... Geo. Rodney Brown ... 3 2 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * Geo. Alexr. Renny, V.C. ,, . ...... ...... Chas. Hy. Cookes 35 | - - - - - - I - - - - - - Hy. Parlett Bishop > 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Mcwhirter Mercer ,, . ...... . ...... Wallis Dowell ... tº e º tº tº $ e ſº º is tº º ,, . ...... . ...... Andrew Vance Falls ... tº ſº º e e is tº tº , ! ...... * * Fredk. Wnn. Bond ... is e e tº gº ,, . ...... . ...... Chas. Macleod Jno. Thornton ,, . ...... . ...... Edwd. Wrm. Dance tº ſº tº ,, . ...... . ...... Lancelot Fras. Chas. Thomas 5 3 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Douglas Gaye ... tº g ºf © tº º º, ...... . ...... Hill Wallace, C.B. ,, . ...... . ...... Geo. Gleig Brown 5 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Clements Hailes ... 5, ...... . ...... Jas. Hy. Reid ... tº º º 3 3 || - - - - - - | * * * * * * Thos. Jas. Maclachlan 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Carlisle Crowe... ,, . ...... . ...... Robt. Cadell 5 5 27 Feb. 82. 31 Mar. 83. Jas. Thos. Walker º, 10 May 81. 12 Jan. 84. Alexr. Fraser, C. B. ... , , 18 Jan. 82. 16 Sep. 86. Wm. Fras. Clarke Gosling 3 5 12 May 82. 31 Dec. 83 Jno. Augs. Fuller 1 Feb. 82. ...... Jas. Crofton * * * 3 3 17 May 82. ...... Jno. Anthy. Angelo ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Cadell ... tº º 33 28 Jan. 82. ...... Arth. Bunny, C.B. ...... . ...... Wm. Jno. Gray 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Wm. Gulliver g a º 2 3 16 Sep. 82. ...... Napier Geo. Campbell $ tº º 5 5 31 Mar. 83. ] ...... Fredk. Richd. Maunsell, C.B. 3 9 12 Jan. 84. 21 Feb. 87. Chas. Pollard ... tº e tº tº gº tº 2, ...... . . . ... Fredk. Sleigh Roberts, aft. bt. 5 5 26 Jul. 83. Jno. Mackenzie Macintyre •. 11 Sep. 82. ...... Peter Pierce Lyons-O'Connell 5 5 ...... " ...... Fras. Jno. Moberly 53 • * * * * * | * * * * * Jno. Salusbury Trevor 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Stirling Oliphant 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Felix Thackeray Haig 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Arthur Scott Moberly , , , ...... . ...... Alexr. Davidson tº a ſº tº gº tº 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Urquhart Hamilton Finch 3 5 | * * * * * * } • , s • a s David Thomson tº ſe tº . . s is 2, ...... . ...... Randal Josh. Feilden, C.M.G. 1 Jan. 79. 5 Jan. 83. ...... Regd. Onslow Farmer , , | “.... . ...... Chas. Brenton Basden 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Ramsay ... * * * Chas. Jno. Fullerton ... THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 921. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Fredk. Jas. Stephenson © tº e ... 29 Jan. 79. ...... . . . . . . . Wm. Byrie Alexander . ... te e º to tº º 3 ; . . . . . . . . . . * * * * Douglas Scott ... tº tº Q . tº e e , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jno. Bedingfield Knocker 18 Feb. 79. ...... . ...... Jno. Lindridge Elgee ... 19 Feb. 79. ...... . ...... Hy. Stuart Bivar 32 - - - - - - ) • * * * * * Wm. Hy. Binny o e - 32 • - - - - - • * * * * Jas. Sebastian Rawlins 3 3 || - - - - - - , , ; * * * * * * Geo. Bligh Bowen ... © C - 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * Edwd. Macalister Gilbert Cooper 35 . . . . . . . . * * * * Benj. Jno. Chouvel Prior ,, . . ...... . ...... Geo. Owen Bowdler ... 15 Mar. 79. ...... . ...... Hy. Cadogan Craigie ... tº e - 9 3 - I - - - - - - | * * * * * * Sir Roger Wm. Hy. Palmer, bt. 5 3 1 Jul. 81. ...... Chas. M*Arthur * c & tº gº ºn 13 Apr. 79. 9 May 86. 15 Apr. 87. Sir Seymour Jno. Blane, bt., C.B. 27 Apr. 79. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Paul Winsloe Phillips-Treby 17 May 79. ...... . ...... David Blair Lockhart 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Laws Pym 4 Jun. 79. 18 Jul. 86. 22 Jun. 87. Jno. Field, C.B. tº dº tº 11 Jun. 79. 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Edwd. Wm. Boudier ... • ‘º 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fred. Geo. Pym, C.B. ... tº e G tº tº º tº º º 7 Jul. 79. ...... . ...... Jas. Hills, C.B., v.C., aft. Sir Jas. Hills-Johnes, K.C.B... tº tº a s & tº * 4 º & tº tº ... 10 Jul. 79. 31 Dec. 83. ] ...... Archd. Richd. Harenc 11 Jul. 79. 25 Oct. 82. ...... Jas. Gubbins ... te e 0 tº tº s 14 Jul. 79. 1 Jul. 81. ...... - Jno. Gusts. Halliday ... is e e tº º º 18 Jul. 79. 1 Apr. 82. 1 Dec. 88. Gerald Littlehales Goodlake, V.C. ... 11 Aug. 79. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jno. Gordon tº e - tº tº a 13 Aug. 79. 7 May 82. 1 Dec. 88. Sir Jno. Clayton Cowell, K.C.B. 1 Sep. 79. ...... . ...... Richd. Burnaby * - & © º 13 Sep. 79. ...... ...... Hon. Richd. Monck 18 Sep. 79. ...... . ...... Jno. Crosbie Graves ... 17 Oct. 79. ...... • e s - * * Wm. Thos. Williams ... 18 Oct. 79. 1 Jul. 82. | 1 Dec. 88. Jas. Clerk Rattray, C.B. 14 Nov. 79. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Solomon Richards 17 Nov. 79. ...... . ...... Sisley Jno. Batten & 20 Nov. 79. 16 Dec. 79. ...... Chas. Wilson Randolph 30 Nov. 79. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jno. Richd. Hume ... tº e - 6 Dec. 79. ...... . ...... Edwd. Walker Ellis Walker ... 8 Dec. 79. ...... . ...... Montagu Jas. Turnbull & 18 Dec. 79. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Lancelot Fras. Chas. Thomas 31 Dec. 79. ...... . ...... Robt. Phayre, C.B. ... tº º - 1 Jan. 80. ...... . ...... Jno. Hy. Melville Babington... 16 Jan. 80. ...... Chas, Campbell McCullum ... 25 Jan. 80. ...... . ...... Hy. Geo. Woods tº ſº e tº º º 30 Jan. 80. 30 Jan. 85. ...... Hy. Woodbine Parish, C.B. ... 25 Feb. 80. ...... . ...... Geo. Godfrey Pearse ... 26 Feb. 80. 7 Sep. 85. ...... Fras. Locker Whitmore • * * 4 Mar. 80. || 1 Jul. 81. ...... Hon. Wm. Hy. Adalbert Feilding 35 | . * * * * * * Richd. D'Oyly Compton Bracken 11 Mar. 80. ...... . ...... Fred. Wrm. Burroughs, C.B. ... 16 Mar. 80. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Jas. Emerson ... tº e tº tº º tº 24 Mar. 80. ...... . ...... Jno. Fulton ... tº º o tº º º 25 Mar. 80. 5 Nov. 83. ] ...... Chas. Fredk. Torrens Daniell 12 Apr. 80. ...... . ....... Wm. Kelty McLeod ... © º º 19 Apr. 80. 3 Apr. 85. ...... Edwd. Howard Wyse ... 25 Apr. 80. 25 Apr. 85. ...... Jno. Jeffreys Fulton ... tº º º 3 5 * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Abercromby Nelson, C.B. 29 Apr. 80. 10 Oct. 83. ...... Edwyn Sherard Burnaby - * - tº e - 3 3 . . ] = * * * * * : * * * * * * Wm. Wigram Barry, C.B. ... ... i.. I 1 May 80. 1 Apr. 84. ...... 922 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen Gen Hon. David Macdowall Fraser, C.B.... 1 May 80. 1 Apr. 84. | 1 Jul. 85 Hy. Peel Yates, C.B. ... 5 y 24 Nov. 84. | 1 May 85 Jno. Edwd. Michell, C.B. tº º º tº tº º 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Nathl. Octavius S. Turner, C.B. ... & a tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Arth. Williams, C.B. ... © e º 3 5 1 May 85. ...... Percy Scudamore Cunningham 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fras. Walker Drummond 3 May 80. 1 Jul. 82. 1 Dec. 88 Wm. Roberts ... tº º & 4 May 80. 21 Aug. 83. ...... Jonathan Keer... Q & & 8 May 80. ...... ...... Wm. Rickman... * * * 19 May 80. 1 Apr. 85. ...... Fredk. Geo. Thos. Deshon 21 May 80. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Thos. Greenaway ... © E & * * * 25 May 80. ...... . ...... Geo. Wanderheyden Johnson... tº gº tº ... 27 May 80. 10 Dec. 83. ...... Arth. Wm. Patr. Alb., D. of Connaught and Strathern tº 9 tº o a tº © tº º ... 29 May 80. ...... . ...... Hy. Peter Sykes 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Dean-Pitt... 7 Jun. 80. 30 Aug. 82. ...... Hy. Hilhouse Firth ... gº tº ſº 11 Jun. 80. ...... . ...... Walter Rathbone Lambert ... 3 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Neeld Boldero 1 Jul. 80. 1 Jul. 85. ...... Hamond Weston Gwyn 4 Jul. 80. 15 Apr. 87. ...... Chas. McClintock Cotton 8 Jul. 80. ...... . ...... John Peel e to tº ſº * & # 11 Jul. 80. 11 Jul. 85. ...... Chas. Malcolm Barrow, C.B. 14 Jul. 80. 1 Apr. 82. ...... Danl. Boyd ... tº e & gº º tº 21 Jul. 80. 2 3 | * * * * * * St. Geo. Mervyn Nugent ... 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Fredk. Parkinson 3 * I e º e s - e i s • e • * * Jno. Ingle Preston 4 Aug. 80. ...... . ...... Fras. Chas, Trevor .. 1 Sep. 80. ...... . ...... Hercules Atkin Welman 1 Oct. 80. ...... . ...... Jno. Theoph. Ussher... 5 5 a • * * * * | * * * * * * Lewis Edwd. Knight ... 5 Oct. 80. ...... . ...... Wm. Earle, C.S.I. e tº º ſº 31 Oct. 80. & sº tº ſº tº a s e e e s is Patr. Robertson-Ross, C.B. ... 5 Nov. 80. ...... . ...... Jas. Farrell Pennycuick, C.B. 8 Nov. 80. 1 Jul. 85. 4 Jan. 86 Philip Gosset Pipon, C.B. 13 Nov. 80. 4 Jan. 86. 1 Apr. 86 Geo. Thos. Field º 26 Nov. 80. 16 Dec. 85. ...... Fras. Young ... tº tº º tº tº e 15 Dec. 80. ...... . ...... Jno. Colpoys Haughton, C.S.I. 18 Dec. 80. ...... . ...... Richd. Herbert Gall, C.B. 19 Dec. 80. ...... . ...... Geo Saml. Young tº gº º e ‘º º tº tº tº 5 5 18 Nov. 86. ...... Thos. Fourness Wilson, C.B., C.I.E. 21 Dec. 80. ...... . ...... Shurlock Henning, C.B. 26 Dec. 80. 26 Dec. 86. ...... Alfr. Wm. Lucas, C.B. tº ºn tº 31 Dec. 80. ...... . ...... Hy. Hastings Affleck Wood, C.B. 13 Jan. 81. ...... . ...... Horace Parker Newton tº * * * ... 13 Feb. 81. ...... . ...... Jno. Dennis Swinburne, ch. Paymr. ; to rank as M.-Gen. ... tº º tº tº º tº E & to 1 Apr. 81. ...... . ...... Cecil Robt. St. Jno. Ives 6 Apr. 81. ...... . ...... Arthur Wombwell 8 May 81. 1 Jul. 81. ...... Chas. Thornton Stewart 10 May 81. 26 May 83. ...... Fras. Adams Ellis Loch, C. B. 18 May 81. ...... . ...... Chas. Tyrwhitt, C.B. ... tº ſe ſº 5 5 1 Jul. 81. ...... Horatio Harbord Morant 5 5 1 Apr. 85. ...... Wm. Lambert, C.B. 8 Jun. 81. ...... . ...... Geo. Wolfe ... tº dº & 29 Jun. 81. ...... . ...... Alexr. Robinson 9 * * 1 Jul. 81. ...... . ...... Fras. G. Kempster 3 y | * * * * * * : * * * * * * C. P. Moloney * * * a 2 & tº $ tº * * g. 53 I • * * * * * | * * * * * * H. Hopkinson, C.S.I. ... tº º ºs tº e & & e Q 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * R. R. Mainwaring THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 923 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. M. T. Ffrench & e is tº a º is º $ 1 Jul. 81. ...... . . . . . . . Alfr. Fox Place & a s ſº tº dº • * * ; , . . . . . . . . . * * * * * H. K. Burne, C.B. ... tº e 9 e G & ; , . . . . . . . . * * * * * * W. S. Simpson tº e tº º ſº tº º ſº ; , , . . . . . . . . * * * * * * O. T. Aitchison, C.B. ... & 9 º' & e > , , . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Sir R. J. Meade, K.C.S.I., C.I.E. ... 35 | . . . . . . . * * * * * * J. M. McGregor * * * º 33 . . . . . . . * * * * * * Geo. Holroyd ... 3, . . . . . . . . * * * * * * J. R. McMullen e gº tº º © e & 3; • . . . . . . * * * * * * F. J. B. Priestley ... tº dº - • e & ; , , . . . . . . . * * * * * * F. P. Layard ... © tº gº dº º º tº º ſº 2, • . . . . . . * * * * * * Alfr. Cooper ... 35 | . . . . . . . * * * * * * Arth. Howlett, C.B. .. 3 3 | . . . . . . . * * * * * * Geo. S. Alexr. Anderson 2; • . . . . . . * * * * * * Sir Chas. Hy. Brownlow 2, • . . . . . . * * * * * * Sir Chas. Patton Keyes, K.C.B. 32 20 Dec. 86. . ...... Wm. Domett Morgan 33 3 - | * * * * * * Thos. Wright, C.B. ... 3 3 ; , ) • * * * * * Geo. Cliffe Hatch, C.S.I. 2 3 8 Jan. 87. ...... Sweedland Mainwaring , , . . . . . . . . * * * * * * Augs. Hy. Ternan ... tº º e & ſº & 5 3 8 Jan. 87. ...... Sir Campbell Claye Grant Ross, K.C.B. 2 3 ; , | * * * * * * Sir Peter Stark Lumsden, K.C.B., C.S.I. 35 ; 3 • * * * * * Jno. Watson, C. B., aft. Sir J. tº e de 2 3 14 Jan. 87. ...... Edwd. Jas. Lawder ... is tº & 3 3 ; : I • * * * * * Andr. MacQueen e tº º 25 • . . . . . . * * * * * * Geo. Robt. Phillips 5 3 14 Jan. 87. ...... Robt. Nixon Tronson g a º tº e & , , , . . . . . . . * * * * * * Wm. Coussmaker Anderson, C.S.I. ... 2 3 14 Jan. 87. ...... Edmd. Fras. Burton ... & 5 3 3 ; ) - - - - - - Geo. Uvedale Price 5 * ; , ) • * * * * * Robson Benson 5 3 3; • * * * * John Matth, Cripps 5 * ; 3 | * * * * * Julius Bentall Dennys... 9 3 3 y | * * * * * * John Cockburn Hood ... 5 y ; ; ) • * * * * * Fras Mardall . º ; ; ) . . . . . . . . . * * * * Geo. Baldock ... 5 5 14 Jan. 87. ...... Wm. Legh Cahusac 5 3 35 | * * * * * * Chas. Curtis Drury 3 y 35 | * * * * * * Edwd. Thos. Fasken ... 5 5 ; ; ; * * * * * * John Allen Wright ; : I • . . . . . . . * * * * * Richd. Drapes Ardagh 3 y 14 Jan. 87. ...... Fredk. Saml. Blythe, C.B. 5 3 1 Jul. 86. . ...... Jno. Hart Dunne tº e 35 | . . . . . . . . * * * * Thos. Casey Lyons, C.B. 3 3 - - - - - - ) • * * * * * Regd. Gipps, C. B. ... 23 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. J. H. Elliot, C.B. 3 2 | . . . . . . . . . . * * * Hugh Rowlands, V.C., C.B. 3 3 | . . . . . . . . . * * * * Robt. Abrm. Logan, C. B. 3 3 6 May 82. ...... Wm. Wilkinson Taylor 3 5 19 Mar. 83 1 Dec. 88. Geo. Strangways tº ſº tº y 5 19 Mar. 83. 5 y Fredk. Chas. Maisey... ?? 3 * 5 * Hy. Borlase Stevens ... 33 16 Jul. 83. 5 y Jas. Buchanan... 3 3 ! 3 y 3 Wm. Hy. Watts © tº tº $ 5 5 3 3 y Geo. Travis Radcliffe... tº º 3 y 1 Aug. 83. 3 3 Chas. Raper Stainforth tº a tº 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Jackson... tº e e e tº º 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wredenhall Queiros Pogson ... 3 y 23 Aug. 84. ...... Ffolliott Walker Baugh tº 3 y 3 3 || s • * * * * Thos. Rochfort Snow... 32 3 Feb. 86. ...... 924 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Chas. Joc. Cecil Sillery Name. M.-Gen. , T1.-Gen. Gen. Chas. Dumbleton . ... “. . ... 1 Jul. 81. | 3 Feb. 86. ..... Chas. Gibson Anderson e 35 35 | * * * * * * Geo. Reynolds Scott Burrows , s 5 53 • * * * * * Edwd. Wm. Blackett... 33 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Saml. Peters Jarvis, C.M.G. ... 5 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Butler , 9 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * John Nason '... tº º ſº * * * tº º º 10 Jul. 81. 1 Apr. 85, ...... Sir Chas. Geo. Arbuthnot, K.C.B. 16 Jul. 81. 1 Apr. 86. ...... Raymond Herb. White to º º 27 Jul. 81. ...... . ...... Sir H. Evelyn Wood, v. C., K.C.B. 12 Aug. 81. ...... . . . ... Wilbraham Oates Lennox, V.C., C.B. 13 Aug. 81. 12 Feb. 88. ..... º Geo. Skene Hallowes ... tº º º 14 Aug. 81. ...... . . ...... Robt. Thos. P. Cuthbert 15 Aug. 81. ...... . ...... Hy. Prim. Hutton 24 Aug. 81. ...... . ...... Jas. Nowell Young ... 2 3 14 Jan. 87. ...... Edwd. Douglas Harvest 35 | - - - - - - | * * * * * * Abingdon Augs. Bayley 1 Sep. 81. 7 Sep. 85. ...... Thos. Maunsell, C.B. ... 10 Sep. 81. ...... . . . . . . . Tras. Edwd. Drew 14 Sep. 81. ...... ...... Josh, Reay 1 Oct. 81. ...... . ...... Wm. Winson ... 3 2 . . . . . . . • | * * * * * * Hy. Tras. Williams tº º ºf 11 Oct. 81. 25 Sep. 85. ...... Gerald Graham, C.B., aft. Sir G. 19 Oct. 81. 21 May 84. ...... Wm. Chas. Gott 1 Nov. 81. 18 May 86. ...... John Loudon ... gº tº º 3 3 14 Jan. 87. ...... Graeme Auchmuty Fulton 8 Nov. 81. ...... . ...... Geo. Byng Harman, C.B. 14 Nov. 81. ...... . ...... Frank Chaplin ... tº tº º 19 Nov. 81. ...... ...... Benjn. Bousfield Herrick 3 Dec. 81. ...... . ...... Philip Harris g º º tº º & tº tº º tº º ºs 33 • . . . . . . . . . . . " Drury Curzon Drury-Lowe, C.B., aft. Sir D. 35 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herbert Dawson Slade 5 * | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Fras. Williams 10 Dec. 81. ...... . ...... Hy. Alexander ... tº º tº 17 Dec. 81. ...... . ...... Hugh Heefke O'Connell 10 Jan. 82. 14 Jan. 87. ...... Chas. Jas. Merriman, C.S.I. ... 18 Jan. 82. 21 Jun. 84. 22 Feb. 87. Wm. Taylor Corrie 5 5 - - - - - - | * * * * * * Wm. Hy. Hore West ... 24 Jan. 82. ...... . ...... Tºdw. Wm. Bray, C.B. ... 28 Jan. 82. ...... . ...... Richd. Temple Godman 31 Jan. 82. ...... . ...... Edma. Jno. Scovell 8 Feb. 82. ...... . ...... Thos. Scovell Bigge ... ... 22 Feb. 82. ...... . ...... Wm. Alexr. Riach & ſº 1 Mar. 82. 14 Jan. 87. ...... Augs. Ritherdon tº º º * g e & 3 5 35 | * * * * * * Jonn. Augs. Spry Faulknor ... tº º 5 5 1 Jul. 86. ...... Jno. Irvine Murray, C.B. e º 2 Mar. 82. 14 Jan. 87. ...... IPercy Fortescue Gardiner .. tº e 2 3 33 • * * * * * Wm. Hy. Crompton-Stansfield tº e 7 Mar. 82. ...... . ...... Duncan Jas. Baillie ... tº gº tº º 9 Mar. 82. 9 Mar. 87. ...... Wm. Barwell Browne Barwell ... I 11 Mar. 82. ...... . ...... Valentine Ryan tº e ... 18 Mar. 82. ...... . ...... Chas. Geo. Gordon, C.B. ... 23 Mar. 82. ...... . ...... Jno. Hackett ... tº tº º tº º 1 Apr. 82. ...... . ...... Chas. A. Boswell Gordon tº ſº 3 2 | * * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Sinclair Thomson tº e º * @ tº tº e 5 3 2 Dec. 82. ...... Chas. Osborne Creagh-Osborne, C.B. * @ 2 3 20 Dec. 85. ...... Arth. Jas. Lyon-Freemantle ... dº º gº tº tº 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Thos. Gillian ... .... tº gº tº tº º º tº tº 35 22 Jan. 87. ...... Lewis Pelly, aft. Sir L. º º * = * * § tº 9 3 2 3 | * * * * * * * * Anthy. Chas. Cooke, G.B. i... . º, ... . 82. º gº tº p & º |THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 925 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Geo. Bayles Heastey ... ... 13 Apr. 82. ...... . ...... Hy. Adair tº gº º tº g tº e ‘º 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Wray, C.M.G. tº tº e tº a dº ... 26 Apr. 82. ...... ...... Fredk. Thos. Whinyate º ºg 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Alexr. Hugh Cobbe, C.B. e e dº ...] 6 May 82. ... ... . ...... Hy, Pye Phillips © tº º º * @ * 5 9 | * * * * * * Chas. Richd. Ogden Evans ... : 10 May 82. 28 Mar. 83. ...... Jas. Edw. Cordner ... tº g tº ... 12 May 82. 31 Dec. 88. ...... Edw. Josh. Ridgway Conolly... 4 Jun, 82. ...... . ...... Hy. Rawlings Drew ... tº º tº 29 Jun. 82. 22 Jan. 87. ...... Chas. Hayes Abdy 9 3 3 5 | * * * * * * Jno. Thos. Francis 1 Jul. 82. 3 3 | * * * * * * Augs. Fraser Baird 3 3 3 5 | * * * * * * Jas. Marquis . . 9 3 5 3 e s a • * * Alfr. Butler Little 5 5 3 3 | * * * * * * Jno. Louis Nation, C.B. e is ſº tº tº ‘5 3 4 Mar. 87. ...... Allen Bayard Johnson, C.B. ... tº ſº º tº º º 3 3 9 3 | * * * * * * Sir Herb. Taylor Macpherson, K.C.B., K.C. S.I. 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Ponsonby Watts, C.I.E. ... tº e ſº sº tº e 2 3 1 Jul. 87. ...... Wm. Gordon, C.S.I. 3 * 3 9 - || s s e s s e Jas. Gathorne Cookson 5 5 20 Dec. 86. ...... Patr. Geo. Scot... tº º º 35 3 3 | * * * * * * Owen Lewis Cope Williams 21 Jul. 82. 21 Dec. 86. ...... Geo. Harrington Hawes 3 9 || * * * * * * : * * * * * * Chas. Clarke ... tº tº dº 5 3 1 Oct. 82. ...... Robt. Russell Woodhouse 1 Sep. 82. ...... . ...... Jno. Wimburn Laurie... tº e º tº it tº ... 13 Sep. 82. 31 Dec. 87. ...... Harry North Dalrymple Prendergast, V.C., - C. B. . . . * @ º tº e º tº tº º tº º tº ... 16 Sep. 82. 28 Nov. 85. 21 Feb. 87. Richd. Thos. Glyn, C.B., C.M.G. 30 Sep. 82. 30 Sep. 87. ...... Fras. Wm. Hastings ... tº e ſº 1 Oct. 82. 5 Jul. 86. 1 Oct. 87. Geo. Hyde Page 9 3 1 Apr. 85. ...... Geo. Edw. Baynes 33 10 Dec. 85. ...... Wm. Cooper ... tº º º * gº tº tº º º tº g tº 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Jno. Carstairs McNeill, K.C.M.G., V.C., C. B. . . . tº $ tº & © tº * * * tº º ſº tº e ſº 5 3 | * * * * * * : , , , , , , Chas. Lyons-Montgomery 3 3 1 Jul. 87. ...... Alexr. Dawson ... g 2 3 19 Jan. 83. ...... Elliot Minto Playfair ... Hy. Thornhill ... Arth. Thornton Gratwicke Pearse ... Thos. Priaulx Carey ... Alexr. Hadden Hutchinson Jno. Edw. Ruck-Keene Hy. Alexr. Cockburn ... tº gº º ſº Sir Geo. Richards Greaves, I.C.M.G. Geo. Murray Miller, C.B. tº Hy. Augs. Smyth Hon. Jas. Charlemagne Dormer, C.B Wm. Martin Cafe tº tº º * * * Fiemmes Middleton Colville, C. B. Were Hunt Bowles tº gº º Walter Doyly Kerrick... Robt. Straker Turton Edwd. Chippindall, C.B. David Jas. Welsh - ... Geo. Bagot g tº º e tº & s ſº tº Sir Robt. Biddulph, K.C.M.G., C.B. Archd. Robertson Gloag tº gº tº t Sir Chas. Inight Pearson, R. C.M.G., Wm. Chas. Bancroft 9 C. B. tº e g C. B. 1 Apr. 83. 3 Apr. 83. 9 3 25 Oct. 82. 31 Oct. 82. 1 Nov. 82. 18 Nov. 82. 28 Nov. 82. 2 Dec. 82. 5 Jan. 83. 19 Jan. 83. 2 Feb. 83. 13 Feb. 83. 24 Feb. 83. 23 Mar. 83. 28 Mar. 83. 31 Mar. 83. 31 Dec. 88. tº $ tº º º º 20 Dec. 86. 25 Dec. 86. 12 Oct. 87. 14 May 87. 31 Dec. 88. * * * * * * 22 Dec. 86. 1 Oct. 87. 31 Dec. 87. tº e º # e. g. $ & # e º e $ tº e º 'º & * * * * * * * e & 4 tº tº tº $ ſº tº tº º © tº º e º e * e º ſº º is * * * * g e tº tº dº ſº tº e 926 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Alexr. Chas. Hector Stewart... & Cº 10 Apr. 83. ] ..... e • * Somerville Geo. Cam. Hogge º 14 Apr. 83. ...... . ...... Jno. Ignatius Macdonell tº º º * @ 18 Apr. 83. 27 Mar. 86. ...... Philip Edw. Victor Gilbert ... º 1 May 83. ] ...... . ...... Robt. Jno. Hughes, C.B. & e e • * 5 May 83. ] ...... . ...... Wm. Andr. Armstrong e 13 May 83. ...... . ...... Jas Fras. Tennant, C.I.E. . 26 May 83. 10 Jan. 84. ...... Richd. Hieram Sankey, C.B. ... 4 Jun. 83. 11 Jan. 84. ...... Geo. Fredk. de Berry... 13 Jun. 83. ] ...... . ...... Jno. Thos. Dalyell 27 Jun. 83. 2 Oct. 86. ...... Chas. Van Notten Pole 1 Jul. 83. ] ...... . ...... Hy. Way Mawbey ... tº º º 3 Jul. 83. ... ... . ...... Wm. Hy. Worthy Bennett 4 Jul. 83. ...... . ...... Jno. Julius Johnstone... * * * 21 Jul. 83. ...... . ...... Thos. Ignatius Maria Hog ... 26 Jul. 83. 11 Feb. 85. ...... Jno. Davis 0 - e. tº e º e s tº 1 Aug. 83. ] ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. Knight - tº o tº a wº 7 Aug. 83. ...... . ...... Fras. Edwd. Edwards Wilson 8 Aug. 83. ] ...... . ...... Claud Alexander º e Q 21 Aug. 83. ...... . ...... Geo. Leslie tº e tº & © - 1 Sep. 83. 22 Apr. 87. ...... Edmd. Hy. Cox © e. e. tº a º 3 Sep. 83. 5 Oct. 86. 21 May 88. Chas. Bulkeley Nurse 8 Sep. 83. ...... . ...... Edwd. Langford Dillon º 14 Sep. 83. ...... ...... Geo. Fredk. Campbell Bray ... 26 Sep. 83. ] ...... . ...... Hy. Fras. Bythesea ... tº e - 1 Oct. 83. 27 Mar. 86. ...... Hy. Kent - e. Q & © * G - 23 Oct. 83. 28 Aug. 86. ...... Sidney Chalmers 24 Oct. 83. 4 Mar. 87. ...... Chas. Fitzgerald 30 Oct. 83. ] ...... . ...... David MacFarlan 5 Nov. 83. 31 Dec. 88. ...... EIy. Cardew ... º us tº * @ a 16 Nov. 83. ...... . ...... Needham Thompson Parsons 17 Nov. 83. ...... . ...... Edwd. Horatio Hy. Foster 28 Nov. 83. ...... . ...... Edmond Fredk. Waterman .. 10 Dec. 83. 1 Jul. 87. ...... Chas. Phayre Hildebrand ... 5 3 6 Mar. 87. ...... Jno. March Earle tº e - 16 Dec. 83. 1 Jul. 87. ...... Edwd. Saml. Jackson... tº e - 2 3 35 | * * * * * * Chas. Shaw de Neufville Lucas 31 Dec. 83. ...... . ...... Geo. Smart e tº tº º º tº e - 1 Jan. 84. 2 Aug. 87. ...... Jas. Cadogan Parkinson Baillie 3 * 2 Sep. 87. ...... Robt. Blair 25 3 3 | * * * * * * Fredk. Schneider 2 3 1 Jul. 87. ...... Fredk. Alexander 5 5 3 3 | " - e = * * Geo. Byres Mainwaring e 2 3 35 | * * * * * * Chas. Hight e 2 3 5 * | * * * * * * Geo. Pringle e tº º tº º 5 5 5 5 | * * * * * * Richd. Harte Keatinge º • 3 5 3 | * * * * * * Jno. Dovan ... * * * º 33 3 3 j e s s a s a IHarry Smith Obbard ... e 35 3 3 | * * * * * * Chas. Thos. Palin & * 5 9 3 | * * * * * * Hugh Rose ... tº e º Q & © e 2 3 5 3 | * * * * * * Robt. Mackenzie Macdonald... • tº 32 3 3 | * * * * * * Jno. Gray Touch tº e e e 5 3 : 3 || e e s • * * Chas. Thompson tº e e • e tº 5 5 9 3 I e e s a a Chas. Fredk. Hicks ... 9 * * 5 3 5 3 | * * * * * * Alexr. Carnegie © e e s e º * 3 5 3 Cuthbert Ward Burto 9 Jan. 84. ...... . ...... Jno. Fredk. Fischer ... 11 Jan. 84. | 16 Sep. 86. 27 Jan. 87. Wm. West Goodfellow 12 Jan. 84. 22 Jan. 87. ...... Jos. Alexr. Smith 29 Jan. 84. ...... . ...... Hy. Jno. Maclean tº dº a e - 1 Feb. 84. | ...... . ...... Richd. Bateson * * * º e 6 * ~ * 7 Feb. 84. | 8 Jun. 87. ...... THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Enox Rowan Niven ... 5 Mar. 84. ...... . ...... Wm. Alexr. Patr. Wyllie 12 Mar. 84. ...... . ...... Wm. Roberts Farmar tº a º 14 Mar. 84. ...... . ...... Robt. Crosse Stewart, C. B. ... 15 Mar. 84. ...... . ...... Gaspard Le Marchant Tupper 1 Apr. 84. 25 Oct. 87. ...... Hy. Jas. Bell ... tº º tº & © º 23 Apr. 84. ...... . ...... Sydney Darling tº e º 24 Apr. 84. ...... . ...... Jno. Edwd. Swindley... 29 Apr. 84. ...... ...... Sir Andr. Clarke e 21 May 84. 27 Jul. 86. ...... Duncan Jno. McGregor 9 3 2 5 | * * * * * * Sir Redvers Hy. Buller e s º 3 3 3 3 H → • * * * * Jno. Jas. Silverston O'Neill ... 9 Jun. 84. ...... . ...... Horace Alb. Browne ... tº gº tº 10 Jun. 84. 20 Sep. 87. ...... Fredk. Ernest Appleyard, C.B. 11 Jun. 84. ...... . ...... Hy. Fras. Hancock ... e tº e 21 Jun. 84. ...... . ...... Alfr. Wm. Adcock 2 Jul. 84. ...... . ...... Geo. Farquhar Kaye ... 16 Jul. 84. ...... . ...... Jno. Mullins ... - - - 20 Jul. 84. 8 Sep. 86. ...... Julius Geo. Medley 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Miller tº e º tº e - 29 Jul. 84. ...... . ...... Thos. Netherton Harward 1 Aug. 84. 20 Mar. 85. ...... Wm. Robt. Houghton... 23 Aug. 84. 31 Mar. 88. ...... Wm. Butler Butler Shawe 5 3 20 Sep. 87. ...... Geo. Chas. Girardot ... 27 Aug. 84. ...... . ...... Sir Wm. Bellairs, K.C.M.G. 4 Sep. 84. 7 Dec. 87. ...... Chas. Renny Blair 7 Sep. 84. 19 Oct. 87. ...... Lewis Wm. Buck, C.B. tº - - 5 5 31 Mar. 88. ...... Chas. Jas. Hope Johnstone ... 10 Sep. 84. ...... . ...... Jas. Murray Straton ... tº º º . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hon. Chas. Wemyss Thesige 7 Oct. 84. | ...... . ...... Edwd. Wm. Lloyd Wynne 11 Oct. 84. ...... . ...... Arth. Becher Marsack 25 Nov. 84. 31 Mar. 88. ...... Chas. Scott Elliot 5 3 5 3 | * * * * * * Harry Cortlandt Anderson 5 3 3 * | * * * * * * Wm. Watts Corban ... tº º º 26 Nov. 84. | ...... . ...... Alexr. Geo. Montgomery Moore 30 Dec. 84. | ...... . ...... Sir Herbert Stewart, K.C.B. ... 19 Jan. 85. ...... . ...... Chas. Brisbane Ewart, C.B. 27 Jan. 85. 20 Jul. 88. ...... Fitzwilliam Fredk. Hunter ... 30 Jan. 85. ...... . ...... Thos. Elliott Hughes 11 Feb. 85. ...... . ...... Andr. Nugent º º tº tº º tº 19 Feb. 85. 13 Nov. 86. ...... Stephen Hy. Edwd. Chamier 26 Feb. 85. 27 Oct. 86. ...... Thos. Andr. Lumsden Murray 1 Mar. 85. ...... . ...... Chas. Jas. Horne e - - tº tº º 4 Mar. 85. ...... . ...... Herbert Henderson James 14 Mar. 85. 31 Mar. 88, ...... Wm. Fraser Stephens 3 * 3 3 | * * * * * * Fras. Fisher Hamilton, C.B. 19 Mar. 85. ...... . ...... Edwd. Marcus Beresford 20 Mar. 85. ...... . ...... Sir Wm. Hamilton, bt. 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Tito Brice 1 Apr. 85. ...... . ...... Fredk. Hardy ... tº a º 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * FIon. Wm. Hy. Herbert 3 Apr. 85. ...... . ...... Horatio C. N. Blanckley . 3 3 H → • * * * * | * * * * * * Hon. Bernard Mathew Ward 25 Apr. 85 2 Oct. 86. ...... Wm. Edmd. Moyses Reilly ... 1 May 85. ...... . ...... Sir Jno. Stokes tº º º is g º 6 May 85, 25 Jan. 87. ...... Jno. Jago Trelawney 13 May 85. ...... . ...... Wm. Hy. Edgcom. 24 May 85. ...... . ...... Thos. Nuttall tº e - 31 May 85. 1 Dec. 88. ...... Robt. W. Bland Hunt 4 Jun. 85. ...... . ...... Hy. Brackenbury, C.B. 15 Jun. 85 1 Apr. 88 ...... 928 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Jas. Archd. Ruddell ... 21 Jun. 85. ...... . ...... Jno. Fredk. Sanders ... 2 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Patr. Stokes 23 Jun. 85. ...... . ...... Jos. Jordan, C.B. s tº 24 Jun. 85, ....., | ...... Chas. Elgee ... e º º * * * 27 Jun. 85. ...... . ...... Walter Tuckfield Goldsworthy 1 Jul. 85, ...... . ...... Geo. Hy. Jno. Alexr. Fraser • * * tº º & 5 5 1 Apr. 88. ...... Fredk. Dobson Middleton, C.B.; aft. Sir F... 3 5 4 Nov. 87. ...... Jno. Prevost Battersby © tº tº gº ... 2 Jul. 85. ...... Andrew C. K. Lock ... 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Eichd. Preston, C.B. ... 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Fuller Walker 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jas. Blair 55 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Mowbray Thomson ... * e & tº e tº 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Chas. Jno. Stanley Gough, K.C.B. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Hereford e tº º tº º º tº $ tº 8 Jul. 85. ...... . ...... Geo. Vincent Watson ... tº tº º 5 5 31 Dec. 87. ...... Brymer Fras. Schreiber, C.B. 11 Jul. 85. ...... . ....... Hon. Savage Mostyn, C. B. tº ſº $ 3 9 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * , Jno. Sprot tº e ſº tº e ſº e tº $ e sº º 18 Jul. 85. 19 Oct. 87. ...... Chas. Edmund Webber, C. B. 22 Jul. 85. ...... . ...... Wm. Starke ... • * * gº º ſº 15 Aug. 85. ...... . ...... O’Bryen Bellingham Woolsey 26 Aug. 85. ..... . . . ...... Richd. Lewis Dashwood & © 6 Sep. 85. ...... . ...... Thos. Nicholl 7 Sep. 85. ...... . ...... Hy. Edwd. Jerome, v.C. 9 Sep. 85. ...... . ...... Cecil Mangles, C. B. .. 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Elphinstone Rennie 16 Sep. 85. ...... . ...... Cornwallis Oswald Maude 19 Sep. 85. ...... ...... Jno. Alexr. Matth. Macdonald , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arth. Drury ... tº º º tº º is 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Scougall Macbea 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Irwin Willes • 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Geo. Mainwaring tº § & 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Anthy. Gib, C.B. e tº ge tº a º 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * Somerset Molyneux Wiseman Clarke 25 Sep. 85. ...... . ...... Jas. Sturgeon Hamilton Algar 9 Oct. 85. ...... . ...... Denzill Hammill gº e G tº º ºn 10 Oct. 85. ...... . ...... Robt. Nevill Gream tº º tº 28 Oct. 85. ...... . ...... Michael Tweedie & $ tº gº & 1 Nov. 85. ...... . ...... Hon. Jas. Charlemagne Dormer 35 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Sylvester W. F. Moor Wilson 5 Nov. 85. ...... . ...... Edwd. M. Manningham-Buller 3 9 | * * * * * * | * * ~ * * * Stanley De Burgh, C.B. tº $ tº 6 Nov. 85. ...... . ...... Jno. Michl. De Courcy Meade 7 Nov. 85. 22 Jun. 87. ...... Dawson Stockley Warren, C.B. 16 Nov. 85. ...... . ...... Fras. Eteson tº º tº tº e ſº 17 Nov. 85. ...... . ...... Robt. Comyn Lavie ... e is ſº 20 Nov. 85. ...... . ...... Jas. Jno. McLeod Innes, V.C. 28 Nov. 85. | 16 Mar. 86. ...... Wrm. Nassau Lees e 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Paterson tº e ºs 6 Dec. 85. ...... . ...... Noel Hamlyn Harris ... 9 Dec. 85 | ...... . ...... Thos. John .. tº gº & • e ºs 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fredk. Richd. Solly Flood, C.B. 10 Dec. 85. ...... . ...... Chas. Vernon Jenkins tº ºn 11 Dec. 85. ...... . ...... Walter Coningham 3 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Jno. Hay 16 Dec. 85. ...... . ...... Arth. Tulloch 18 Dec. 85 | ...... . ...... Robt. Hale is 20 Dec. 85. ...... . ...... Rowley Sale Hill * 2 y | * * * * * * | * * * * * * 26 Dec. 85. ...... . ...... IEdwd. Hy, Clive THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 929 Name, M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Wm. Jno. Williams. C. B. Geo. F. Blake s ſº tº Hy. Blakeney Hayward Nathl. Stevenson tº º Geo. Wm. Fraser tº tº º tº e g Hungerford Meyer Boddam ... Alexr. Bond ... e 6 e tº e e Wm. Chase Parr tº gº º • a ſe Geo. Herbert Murray Aynsley Sir Chas. Cooper Johnson Geo. Crommelin Hawkin Edwd. Winterton Dun Abrm. Chas. Bunbury Fras. Dawson ... • * * Geo. Forbes Hogg Clifford Parsons s tº º * * * tº º te Edwd. Thos. S. Lawrence McGwire... Jno. Granvill Harkness tº tº º º Geo. Briggs ... . Fras. Wm. Thomas ... Chas. Wm. Campbell ... ... e - e. Harry Chippindale Plunkett Rice .. Chas. Pulteney Forbes e tº tº Fredk. Roome ... tº e º Brooking Soady tº º º Thos. Gilbert Kennedy Geo. Hearn to a tº • - tº Howard Codrington Dowker... Hy. Evelyn Coningham Fras. Towry Adeane Law Mangles Jas. Brander Jas. Michael, C. S.I. Saml. Black ... Lewis Blyth Hole Robt. Andrew Cole ... * - e. Cyril Hugh Pennycuick Ducat Robt. Holt Truell - e º • - - Sir Geo. Tomkyns Chesney, C.S.I. ... Andr. Robt. Clephane 6 º' tº Robt. Stephenson Mosely Ern. Augs. Wm., &c. D. of Cumberland, Kö. Hy. Jas. Buchanan Robt. Cotton Money ... Fitzmaurice Beauchamp ... Hon. Chas. Jno. Addington ... Hales Wilkie ... tº tº e tº t e Wm. Howley Goodenough Jno. Chas. Hay - Woulfe Hay Geo. Hy. Waller Geo. Lodwick Warder Brownlow Hugh Mathew Jno. Gordon Graham ... Geo. Fergus Graham ... Philip Bedingfield Edwd. Harnett © tº tº a º º Alexr. Hy. Edwd. Campbell Geoffrey Mairis e tº tº º e jºid witson taughton Chas. Hy. Hall * * * |Edwd. Owen Leggatt. . 4 Jan. 86. 5 Jan. 86. 13 Jan. 86. 14 Jan. 86. 17 Jan. 86. 21 Jan. 86. 29 Jan. 86. 31 Jan. 86. 1 Feb. 86. 55 3 Feb. 86. 4 Feb. 86. 6 Feb. 86. 10 Feb. 86. 12 Feb. 86. 13 Feb. 86. 16 Feb. 86. 9 3 24 Feb. 86. 28 Feb. 86. 3 Mar. 86. 16 Mar. 86. 17 Mar. 86. 19 Mar. 86. 20 Mar. 86. 27 Mar. 86. 5 5 1 Apr. 86. 4 Apr. 86. 7 Apr. 86. 8 Apr. 86. 9 Apr. 86. 10 Apr. 86. ... 20 Apr. 86. 23 Apr. 86. 1 May 86. 9 May 86. 10 May 86. 18 May 86. 2 3 º, º e º & © • * * * * * * e e = * * • * * * * * • * g a e e * * * * * * * * * * * * & b tº e - e. • * * * * * * - & 9 - e. * * * * * * tº e º e º ſº tº t tº e g e * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * • - tº e - e. * * * * ~ * • * * * * * • * * * * * * * tº e º º * - e º 'º e * * * * * * * * * * * * & tº e o 'º - * * * * * * * * * * * * tº º - © tº º ºf a Q & 9 º' * * * * e. e. e is e - © e © tº ſº º ºs e * = & © e e • * g e º & e s g c e sº * * * * * * • s e º e de * * * * g a • * g e º e tº $ tº º tº º • * * * * g. • e e º ºs tº p & & a tº º tº g º º is g * * * * * * & e º 'º e º tº e º 0 tº tº • e s - e. g. * c e º & e • * * * * g. - e. e. e. e. e. • * * * * * * tº e º 'º e • * ~ 0 tº e • * * * * * tº t e tº º º 930 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. Richd. Alexr. Moore ... Chas. Edwd. Bates Jno. Miles is a º e e & Wm. Chas. Robt. Mylne Chas. Nedham... © º º Jno. Wood Rideout Walter Theodore Chitty Thos. Mowbray Baumgartner Robt. Murray, C.S.I. ... © tº & Jas. Kempt Couper Wm. Jas. Pratt Barlow Regd. Quinton Mainwaring ... Chas. Batchelor Hy. Geo. White • * * * @ e Thos. Parkyns Smith... tº tº e Jas. Richd. Knox Tredemnick Chas. Edwd. Oldershaw Wm. Hy. Graham Wm. Hall Noble Harry de Brett Jno. Jas. Heywood Jas. Black Reid • * > Edwd. Lindsay Hawkins Hardress Edmond Waller Augs, Kirkwood Comber Wm. Robt. Gordon Jas. Burn gº tº º s & tº tº - tº Alfr. Fitzhugh... © tº tº e - © Fredk. Peere Williams Freeman Ernest Archd. Berger tº ſº e Augs. Fredk. De Butts Dixo Jas. Lawson ... - e. g. tº º º Chas. Annesley Benson e tº ſº tº Fredk. Cortland Anderson ... • b > Montgomery Hunter ... tº e & tº º º Philip Smith • C. tº º e , * G - Edwd. Dandridge tº e Chas. Jas. Jennings ... e - e. Jas. Nichs, Brutton Hewett ... Patr. Jno. Campbell ... Hy. McDonell De Went Douglas Regd. Colvil Wm. Mitford Howard Sutton Jones • tº º Fredk. Robt. Cameron Crofton Gordon Douglas Pritchard ... Edwd. Jno. Oldfield ... Alured Clarke Johnson Clennell Collingwood tº e & Wm. Godfrey Dunham Massy Dawson Kelly Evans ... © tº a Sir Thos. Durand Baker, K.C.B. Geo. Brydges • * e * * * Jno. Wm. Cleland-Henderson Edwd. Morris Cherry Hy. Alexr. Brownlow Hy. Wortham * @ e Sir Cromer Ashburnham | Edwd. Tanner e e is tº tº º Edwd. Chas. Sparshott Williams Wm. Stafford Bailey ... tº t tº 18 May 86. 19 May 86. 1 Jan. 86. 3 Jun. 86. 12 Jun. 86. 5 3 14 Jun. 86. 15 Jun. 86. 18 Jun. 86. 23 Jun. 86. i jui. 86. § sep. 86. 5 3 13 Sep. 86. 15 Sep. 86. 16 Sep. 86. 19 Sep. 86. • * e s e e * * * * * * • tº e º e & • * * * * * e e g º & e e i s e º 'º * * g º º & * e º is tº e tº e g º O © e - e s tº tº e º e º 'º • * g e º 'º tº s º º is e • * * * * * • * e s e e • * * * * * * - e. e. e. e. tº e º e º & • e º e º e * @ e º 'º º s e e s e e tº º ºs e º 'º e e º e º e © tº e º e & • * * * * * • * * * * * © e º E & © tº e º e º a • * ſº e º º • * * * * * • * g e º e & © tº e º 'º * * g e º 'º * * g e º º • * e º e g * * * * * * tº @ Q 9 tº a * * * * * e * - e º 'º - © tº e º 'º º º tº e o 'º º * * * * * * tº ºr g º ºs & * - e e s e * * * * * * tº e s is e e * * * * * * • * * * * * tº e e º e ºs tº e º e º 'º • - e º e e * - - e º 'º • * * * * * * * * * * * & e g = * * • * * * * * * * * * * * tº tº º e º e * G - * * * e s s a e - * * * e e * * * * * * s s sº e º e tº e º 'º - e * G - © to º • ſº e º 'º e s tº gº tº & wº tº e º e º e e e º e º 'o e g º e º 'º & e º e º 'º * * * * * = e e º e º ºr º e - © 2 & tº e º e º 'º e & © e º º • e º º 6 tº tº º tº - e. e. ºr a Q & 4 º' * * * * g. * * * * * * s e e º e we e e º 'º º º is tº e º tº tº & © ºn tº a tº is e a e º º * * * * * * • * * * * * THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 931 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Chas. Jas. Hughes ë tº tº * @ & 26 Sep. 86. ...... ...... Geo. Buchanan Bevan tº e º • * * 27 Sep. 86. ...... . ...... Jno. Newbold Wilson... 28 Sep. 86 ...... ...... Thos. Obbard tº G 30 Sep. 86. ...... ...... Geo. Robt. Fitzroy 1 Oct. 86. ...... . ... .. Edwd. McLaughlin ... ę & © 3 5 e s - e o f * * * * * * Wm. Hanbury Hawley º, º c to ſº º 2 Oct. 86. ...... . ...... Arth. Lyttelton Lyttelton Annesley 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Chas. Lorrain Woodruffe tº e º 19 Oct. 86. ...... . ...... Jno. Thos. Twigge ... 53 • * * * * , , ) - - - * * * Regd. Gother Thorold 5 5 s - e = e s ] * * * * * * Geo. Stanley Hooper * * * 20 Oct. 86. ...... . ...... Thos. Edwd. Gordon, C.B., C.S.I. 21 Oct. 86. ...... . ...... Benjn. Lumsden Gordon, C.B. 27 Oct. 86. ...... . ...... Fredk. Close .. e tº ſº • * * 1 Nov. 86. ...... . ...... Jas. Miller ... s tº $ is e 4 Nov. 86. ...... . ...... Robt. Stanwix Robertson 5 Nov. 86. ...... . ...... Hy. Barlow Maule ... ê tº 6 Nov. 86. ...... . ...... Townsend Aremberg de Moleyns 5 5 I • * * * * * | * * * * * * Wm. Hy. Wardell ... * * * 3 3 | * * * * * ~ | * * * * * * Thos. Trophinus Hodges 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Geo. Fredk. Gildea tº e º 10 Nov. 86. . ...... . ...... Emeric Streatfield Berkeley... 11 Nov. 86. . ...... . ...... Jno. Keith Fraser ... tº º ſº 13 Nov. 86. ...... . ...... Fras. Gellie gº e & 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Fanshawe Davies 18 Nov. 86. ...... . ...... Fras. Edwd. Halliday 22 Nov. 86. 21 May 88. ...... Jos. Bonus tº tº gº tº 25 Nov. 86. ...... . ...... Robt. Hoskins Phelips 1 Dec. 86. ...... . ...... Sir Jno. Wm. Campbell 8 Dec. 86. ...... . ...... Arth. Stewart Hunter 33 I e < * * * * | * * * * * * Richmond Houghton ... 9 Dec. 86. ...... . ...... Alexr. McGoun 12 Dec. 86. ...... . ...... Wm. Bannerman te 20 Dec. 86. . ...... . ...... Thos. Spence Hawkes g 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Isaac Forsyth MacAndrew ... 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Jas. Hood Gordon tº º ºs tº e º . 3 3 • * * * * * : * * * * * * Hy. Melvill ... s e s tº º º * † tº e e & 3 5 s • * ... • * | * * * * * * Edwd. Staveley * * * tº e e ... 21 Dec. 86. . ...... . ..... * Hy. Edmeades... tº º º * > * 5 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Richd. Legge Newdigate 22 Dec. 86. ...... . ...... Wm. Munnings Lees ... tº ſº º 25 Dec. 86. . ...... . ...... Edwd. Melville Lawford 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Lord Jno. Hy. Taylour 29 Dec. 86. ...... . ...... Richd. Barter ... g is º 8 Jan. 87. ...... . ...... Geo. Julius Melliss 5 3 - - - - - - I - e < * * * Wm. Smith ... tº e º e e º tº º º 11 Jan. 87. ...... . ..... * Douglas Gordon Seafield St. Jno. Grant 14 Jan. 87. ...... . ...... Mostyn de la Poer Beresford ge e 16 Jan. 87. 14 Dec. 87. ...... Richd. Crundel Brook 17 Jan. 87. ...... . ...... Godfrey Clerk... e e ſº * e tº 21 Jan. 87. ...... . ...... Sir Chas. Metcalfe MacGregor 22 Jan. 87. ...... . ...... Fras. Wm. Hamilton ... tº º ſº e tº º 23 Jan. 87. ...... . ...... Chas. Grant ... e 2 tº tº º º tº º º ... 28 Jan. 87. ...... . ...... Sir Howard Craufurd Elphinstone, K.C.B., | | ...... .. * e º tº C. M. G. tº º º tº ſº º tº tº º is tº ſº ... 29 Jan, 87. ...... . ...... Thos. Mansell Warren ſº 3 5 • * * * * * | * * * * * Wm. Edwd. Marsden... tº e º tº e º 31 Jan. 87. ...... . ...... Hon. Raymond H. de Montmorency 1 Feb. 87. ...... . . ...... Jas. Kiero Watson ... tº tº º • * * 2 Feb. 87. ...... . ..... 932 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Geo. Andr. Walker 6 Feb. 87. ...... . ...... Geo. Arnold Laughton 9 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Robt. Mallaby... * 3 } • * * ... • * | * * * * * * Brudyshe Walton e - a 3 3 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Sir Hugh Hy. Gough... 3 3 | * * * * * *, • * * * * * Jno. Edwd. Allen 12 Feb. 87. ...... . ...... Richd. Longford Leir 3 5 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Fredk. Earslake Walter Newman & Chas. Jos. McMahon ... Geo. Ayton Crastor e - Jno. Le Mesurier e e - & © tº Archd. Geo. Douglas Logan... Wm. Hy. Abbott e º 'º e ſº e Alan Murray ... e - e. * Jno. Pringle Sherriff ... Jas. Gunter - - - Luke O'Connor e - 0 Hy. Clement Wilkinson AEneas Perkins Lewis Percival... Chas. Picot Jas. Briggs ... & © tº Jno. Hubbard White ... Thos. Edmd. Byrne ... Julian Hamilton Hall... Wm. Wiltshire Lynch... Lionel Smith Warren... Geo. Nesbitt Stephens Wm. Harris Burland ... Arth. Donald Butter ... Jno. Ormsby Wandeleur Wm. Dobree Carey ... * * * * * * * Hon. Edwd. Archd. Brab. Acheson... Jas. Morris Toppin ... e vº º º Fredk. Gasper Le Grand Sir Christr. Chas. Teesdale ... Chas. Augs. Fitzgerald Creagh Robt. Jno. Jocelyn Stewart ... Archd. Lewis Playfair Wm. Knox Leet Robt. Bennett ... Jno. Blaksley ... Herbert Le Cocq Geo. Digby Barker Wm. Booth ... tº e - Fredk. Wm. Best Parry Hugh Shaw Edmd. Davidson Smith Wm. Jno. Chads º Chas. Lewis Raikes Saml. Jas. Graham ... Algn. Augs. Stewart .. Nathl. Cricklow Ramsay Horatio Gordon Robley Thos. Talbot ... tº tº º Wm. Stewart Richardson Harry Hammon Lyster Sir Geo. Stewart White Jno. Pennock Campbell Jno. Wm. Green 3 3 15 Feb. 87, 17 Feb. 87. 21 Feb. 87. 22 Feb, 87. 2 Mar 87. 4 Mar. 87. 7 Mar. 87. 9 Mar. 87, 5 3 3? 11 Mar. 87. 16, Mar. 87. 18 Mar, 87. 24 Mar. 87. 31 Mar, 87. 1 Apr. 87. 5 3 22 May 87. 30 May 87. 8 Jun. 87. 22 Jun, 87. 27 jun. $7. 29 Jun, 87. I jui. 37. • & e º 'º s tº tº tº tº º ſº • * tº tº tº & * * * * * * • - e - © tº tº e º e º it * * * * e > • * - - - - * - © tº tº º tº ſº tº e º 'º * @ 8 tº Q tº 4 - - - © tº • * * * ~ * & a tº e s tº tº ſº tº ſº º ſº tº º e º & G • * * * * * - tº 3 º' tº a e tº º tº º º tº ſº tº º tº ſº * c e º O - • * * * * * tº º - e. e. e. * - - - - - * * > * * * - - - - - - 0 • * * * * * * - - - - - • * * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - * - - - - - © tº e º tº o • * * * * * * e º 'º - e. 6 - - - - - • * * * * * Wº tº 8 - tº tº 6 tº º e º tº tº e º 'º - tº • * * * * * tº e º e º 'º * * * * * * tº e s - e, e. & © tº , - a tº • * * * * * * * * * * * s e º e s e • * * * * * * - - - 4 tº * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 * * * * * º e º ſº S e • * * g e s • * * * * * tº º tº e º 'º * * * * * * tº e & ſº e tº tº e º s sº a e i s 6 & - * ~ * ~ * * @ e º e wº * * * * * tº e e º g is e * * * g e is r • * > is e e s & s g º º tº e º e º 'º e is is a tº e a s a s e e © tº a g º is 4 * * * * * tº dº º is s & tº e º s e e • * * * * * - © e - e. * * * * * * • q e e a * e G s e º ſº a tº gº & A. ' tº gº ºn tº * * tº g e g º º tº º e º e ſº • a • *, * & B e. e. e. e. c tº & tº º wº e tº a • * * e e is a s = © a e º ſº tº • * * * * * © º & © º º tº g º & G & & G tº e º ſº tº tº 4 g º Gº * * * g º º tº º & ºr e º tº g º e º gº tº e º 'º & ºt • * * * * * tº º e º ſº º • ‘º e º e g tº º te tº e de tº 0 e º 'º º tº $ tº º º º THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 933 Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Basil Clifton Westby... Jno. Charley e c & Arth. Hales .. tº e e Astley Fellowes Terry Arth. Hy. Taylor Wm. Moore Dickinson Wm. Richd. White Hugh Mackenzie ... Geo. Shepherd Stevens - - - Wm. Cooke O'Shaughnessy ... Wrm. Octavius Foord ... © tº º Thos. Lynden Bell Thos. Wm. Sneyd Jas. Landon Watt Thos. Lowndes... tº º g tº e - Geo. Farquhar Irving Graham Stephen Wm. Barrow Sherman Sir Jno. Hudson, K.C.B. Fredk. Edwd. Sotheby Hy. Geo. Delafosse Josias Dunn Edwd. Birch ... Robt. Fras. Firth Wm. Edwd. Montague Thos. Prittie Cosby ... St. John Bally... Chas. Edwd. Blowers... Hy. Moore, C.B., C.I.E. Norman Macdonald Fredk. Fras. Daniell ... Chas. Edmd. Layard ... Jno. Crossland Hay Hy. Thos. Arbuthnot Hugh Parker Montgomery Fredk. Wheeler e s 2 Arth. Fredk, Warren Wm. Stirling Chas. Jas. Tyler Jas. Peattie Morgan Richd. Sadlier ſº º ºs Chas. David Chalmers Thos. Clarke ſº tº & Edmd. Ghuznee Morrogh Hy. Spencer Palmer ... Robt. Barton ... tº º º © tº º Robt. Owen Jones ... G - Talbot Bradford Middleton Giascock Wm. de Wilton Roche Thackwell Jas Harwood Rocke - Fredk. Horace Arth. Seymour Thos. Alphonso Cary . . . Colin Mackenzie tº e tº Hy. Holden Steward e - Wm. Drummond Scrase Dickins Hy. Ellenborough Dyneley Geo. Hy. Wm. Fagan Grant Blunt ... tº tº º Chas. Edwd. Luard ... * @ tº Chas. O'Loughlin Prendergast Richd. Oldfield • * tº e e º Arth. Hill & 1 Jul. 87. 5 Oct. 87. 16 Oct. 87. 17 Oct. 87. J9 Oct. 87. 21 Oct. 87. 24 Oct. 87. & ſº º dº º º * - G - © & • * * - - - • * * * * * tº a 9 s (→ • • * ~ * * * e - © - - - tº a tº e - - e - - - - tº º is © tº º * - 6 - - - * * * * * * & 4 - º º & * * * * * * tº º - - - - e - - - - - tº e º 'º - © tº e º 'º - a * - e º 'º º e - e º 'º º * - - - - - • * * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - * * * * * * • - - - - - * * * * * * a • * * * > * < e º 'º G - - - - - - * - - - - - • * * * * * - - - - - - • * - e s a - - - - - - * * * * * * - * ~ * ~ * • * * * * * • * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * - e º 'º º - - - - - - * & © 4 tº e • e < * * * - * * * * * © & M & M & 25 Oct. 87. 26 Oct. 87. • * * * * * e - © tº 4 - * @ - * * * 934 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES, Name, M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen Jas. Gibbons Smyth ... e - © 26 Oct. 87. ...... . ...... Wm. Lambert Yonge e - tº 29 Oct. 87. ...... } ...... Geo. Stewart * tº º & 31 Oct. 87. ...... . ...... Geo. Carden ... e is e 5 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Clement Jas. Griffiths 1 Nov. 87. ...... . ...... Oliver Richardson Newmarch 5 3 | * * * * * * : * * * * * * Markham Le Fer Taylor 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Edwd. Keate ... & © to 35 | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Donald Roderick Cameron 35 • * * * * * | * * * * * * Hy. Bond tº tº 3 3 || | * * * * * * | * * * * * * Jno. Thompson 4 Nov. 87. ...... . ...... Jas. Bevan Edwards 5 Nov. 87, ...... . ...... 9 Nov. 87. ...... . ...... Alex. Lyon Emerson ... tº e - Jas. Murray Thos. Simpson ... Jno. Charlton Kinchant Edw. Dorrien Newbolt Fredk. Wm. Lambton Edwd. Wm. Saunders Wrm. Morritt Barn. Bond Alfred Templeman Sir Hy. Peter Ewart Wm. Jno. Gillespie ... e tº e Wm. Hy. Deedes tº gº & © tº e Tobt. Children Whitehead, C.B. Jno. Haughton... tº e e e - e. Eust. Beaum. Burnaby e e Q Hy. Chamberlayne Farrell ... Geo. Alf. Wilson Jno. Macvicar Burn ... Fitzroy Somerset Talbot Richd. Carruthers Bud Wm. Keith ... tº º tº Hy. Darley Crozier Wm. Hy. Brooke Peters Jno. Byron e e º tº tº 0 Fredk. Chenevix Trench Jno. Tilly tº q tº & © & § 0 & Jno. Ryder Oliver ... tº e º Fredk. Milkington Kenyon Stow Wm. Fredk. Sandwith & © & Edwd. Jno. McNair Nadolig Ximenes Gwynne Geo. Hay Moncrieff ... tº e º e tº º Fredk. Wm. Edwd. Forestier Walker Robt. Rollo Gillespie a gº tº Geo. Balfour Traill & Q & Maunsell Mark Prendergast ... Robt. Wheeler Wm. Bally Ponsonby Sheppard Robt. Sandham e e e e tº º © tº º Percy Guillemard Llewellyn Smith... Edwd. Hy. Courtney tº a tº e e & Edwd. Micklem tº e g tº e - tº tº & Jno. Fretcheville Dykes Donnelly ... Wm. Chas. F. Molyneux e e ºs Richd. Wm. Erskine Dawson Arth. Phelps tº º º e tº e Jno. Woulfe Keogh Clement Metcalfe Browne 19 Nov. 87. 22 Nov. 87. 24 Nov. 37. 30 Nov. 87. 7 Dec. 87. 14 Dec. 87. 15 Dec. 87. I7 Dec. 87. 21 Dec. 87. 18 Jan. 88. ... 3i jan. 88. tº ſº $ tº º tº e s tº e º º s e º e º 'º & º º ºs e - s e s tº e - • * * * * * tº e º 'º º tº º ºg e º 'º - © e º & e e g is e e º º e & B e. e. e. * e e º e º e & t e º & e g º e º - tº e º is 4 - tº e º e º 'º tº e a s 6 tº tº g º º tº º e g g º e - e e e º c & tº dº º º º º e & e º 'º - p > & © e - tº º º ºs º º tº s e º e s © e º e º tº e e º t e - e e s e º e e e º e s tº tº e º ºs º a * @ 4 e º º & e º 'º º º & e º 'º e - to e º te e e tº gº & E & tº tº º e º ſº e s e º 'º - e. tº e º 'º we & * @ e º s - © tº e º s a * * * * * * tº e º ºs e - • e e º e e tº e g tº a ºn • * * * * * * * - - - - e s p * ~ * e s e º 'º - * * * * - - s s º º sº e * * * * * * • a e - - - * * * * - - e tº e - - - tº sº * ~ - * * * * * * e s tº e º a e tº e - - - tº a 4 & 8 - * * * tº º o * G - e - © a s s a tº e tº dº tº º º e e º s e e tº 0 tº s - a tº e 4 - e - tº e º e º º & e º 'º - - THE BOOK OF 935 DIGNITIES. Name. M.-Gen. L.-Gen. Gen. Wm. Jas. Stuart & ſº tº Arth. Edwd. Augs. Ellis Alexr. Gordon Duff ... Philip Story ... tº º º tº e Lionel D’Arcy Dunsterville .. Chas. Doxat Clementson & Thos. Wm. West Pierce, C.B. Thos. Lamb ... tº tº º & © tº Hastings Fraser Wm. Munro ... tº de jº Chas. Alexr. McMahon Jervis Harpur ... & e e Thos. Edwd. Webster Griffith Turner Jones... tº g tº Wm. Hy. Apostoly Buttler ... Alb. Hy. Wilmot Williams Harry McLeod tº tº Hy. Brasnell Tuson, C.B. Wm. Cooper ... g Simpson Hackett tº e & Geo. Alexr. Arbuthnot Rd. Harrison ... tº º 'º Hy. Cook tº a ſe tº gº tº Chas. Mansfield Clarke Ardley Hy. Falwasser Barny Herbert Mark Garrett Purvis Geo. Battye Fisher g Richd. Jas. Combe Marter Chas. Thos. Haig Jno. Brenton Cox ... Rowland Robt. Wallace Ernest Aug. Green ... Octavius Ludlow Smith Jno. Durham Hall Wm. Turton Fagan ... Thos. Wolrich Stansfeld ge Adam Hugh Montgomery Dickey Clements Robt. Shaw... tº tº º Clement Jno. Smith ... Edwd. Lewis Hankin... Thos. Fras. Lloyd ... Brabazon Hy. Pottinger .31 Mar. 88. 12 Feb. 88. 23 Feb. 88. 17 Mar. 88. 23 Mar. 88. 31 Mar. 88. g e º ſº º º ſº e º 'º £ tº g tº dº tº º tº te e g º & & tº e º e s tº tº e º e º te gº º º gº tº º e tº e º 'º e e ‘g tº º tº tº º tº ſº tº dº is º º ſº Q tº e e s m º º tº e e º 'º º © gº tº g º ºn tº e g a tº e tº e s tº º º tº gº e s tº ge 3 Dec. 88. 16 Dec. 88. 31 Dec. 88. * * * * * * tº e º 'º e a tº º te tº º is tº e º 'º ſº tº tº $ tº e º & * @ e º º º & ſº tº º $ tº * * * * * * tº º e º & © § e º $ $ * e g º e e is gº e º º ſº tº e it tº tº & 936 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES GOVERNORS OF CHELSEA HOSPITAL. 1691. Sir Thos. Ogle, Mar. 3. 1849. Gen. Sir Geo. Anson, G.C.B., May 18. 1702. Col. Jno. Hales, Nov. 10. 1849. Gen. Sir Colin Halkett, K.C.B., 1714. Brig.-gen. Thos. Stanwix, Jan. 13. Nov. 26. 1720. Col. Chas. Churchill, June 6. 1856. Gen. Sir Edwd. Blakeney, G.C.B., 1727. Lt.-gen. Wm. Evans, June 20. Sept. 25. 1740. Sir Robt. Rich, bt., May 6. 1868. F. M. sir Alexr. Woodford, G.C.B., 1768. Lt.-gen. Sir Geo. Howard, Feb. 13. G.C.M.G., A'ig. 3. 1795. Gen. Geo., Marq. Townshend, July 6. 1870. Gen. Sir Jno. Lysaght Pennefather, 1796. Gen. Sir Wm. Fawcett, K.B., July 12, G.C.B., Aug. 27. ' 1804. Gen. Sir David Dundas, K.B., Apr. 3. 1872. Lt.-gen. Sir Sydney Jno. Cotton, 1820. Gen. Sir Saml. Hulse, Feb. 19. K.C.B., May 10. 1837. Gen. hon. Sir Edwd. Paget, G.C.B., 1874. Gen. Sir Patr. Grant, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Jan. 10. Feb. 24. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS OF CHELSE A HOSPITAT). 1695. David Craufurd, Jan. 1. 1807. Gen. Saml. Hulse, Mar. 1715. Col. Thos. Chudleigh, Jan. 14. 1820. Lt.-gen. Sir Harry Calvert, bt. 1726. Col. Wm. Wyndham, Apr. 15. G.C.B., Feb. 19. 1730. Col. Thos. Norton, Apr. 22. 1826. Lt.-gen. Hon.Sir Alexr. Hope, G.C.B., 1748. John Cossley, July 3. Sept. 6. 1765. Nathl. Smith, Nov. 6. 1837. Lt.-gen, Sir Geo. Townshend 1773. John Campbell, Feb. 11. Walker, bt., G.C.B., May 24, 1777. Bernard Hale, May 1. 1842. Gen. Sir Wm. Hy Clinton, G.C.B., 1798. Gen. Wm. Dalrymple, Mar. 28. Nov. 17. 1846. Gen Sir Geo. Anson, G.C.B., Feb. 23. 1868. Col. Chas. Lennox Brownlow 1849. Lt.-gen. Sir Andrew Fras. Barnard, Maitland, May 9. G.C.B., G.C.H., Nov. 26. 1874. Col. Richd. Herbert Gall, C.B., 1855. Gen. Sir Edwd. Blakeney, G.C.B., Mar. 1. G., C.H. Feb. 6. 1881. Col. Richd. Wadeson, Mar. 26. 1856. Gen. Sir Alexr. Woodford, G.C.B., | 1855. Col. Edwd. Andr. Stuart, Mar. G.C.M.G., Sept. 25. 13. JUDGE-ADVOCATES GENERAL. THE Judge-Advocate General and Judge Martial of all the Forces is an officer of considerable responsibility. He is the legal adviser of the sovereign and of the commander-in-chief in military cases, and by his authority all general courts-martial are held. In his office are deposited the originals of all such proceedings, and on his receipt of them they are examined, and either deposited as correct, or communicated upon, or submitted by the Judge Advocate General to Her Majesty for royal approval, or for pardon, or revision, as, in the opinion of this officer, the case may require. The office has for many years been a political one, the holder resign- ing on a change of ministry. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 937 days later than those adopted in this list. JUDGE-ADVOCATES GENERAL. Down to 1847 the dates are those of the actual entrance upon office, not of the appointment, which is usually a few days earlier; or of the patent, commonly some From 1847 the dates are those of the Gazette notices of the appointment. 1666. 1684. 1705. 1715. 1734. 1741. 1768. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1817. 1827. 1828. 1830. 1834. 1834. 1835. 1838. 1839. 1841. 1846. Dr. Saml. Barrowe, Jan. Geo. Clarke. Thos. Byde. Edwd. Hughes. Sir Hy. Hoghton, bt. Thos. Morgan. Chas. Gould, aft. Sir Chas. Gould- Morgan, bt. ; knt. 1779; cr. a bar. 1792, when he assumed the name of Morgan. Nathl. Bond, Mar 8. Richd. Ryder, Dec. 4. Chas. Manners-Sutton, Nov. 8. John Beckett, aft. bt., June 25. Jas. Abercromby, May 12; aft. la. Dunfermline. Sir John Beckett, bt., again, Feb. 2. Robt. Grant, aft. Sir R., Dec. 2. Robt. Cutlar Fergusson, July 7. Sir Jno. Beckett, bt., again, Dec. 22. Robt. Cutlar Fergusson, again, Apr. 25. Wm. St. Julien Arabin, Nov. 6. Sir Geo. Grey, bt., Feb. 21. Richd. Lalor Shiel, June 26. Jno. Nicholl, Sep. 14. Jas. Stuart Wortley, Jan. 31. Chas. Buller, July 14. 1847. 1849. 1852. 1858. 1859. 1866. 1868. 1870. 1871. 1873, 1874. 1875. 1880. 1885. 1886. 1886, Wm. Goodenough Hayter, aft. Sir W., Dec. 30. Sir David Dundas, May 26, G. Geo. Bankes, Feb. 28, G. Hon. Chas. Pelham Williers, Dec. 30, G. Jno. Robt. Mowbray, Mar. 13, G. Thos. Emerson Headlam, June 24, G. Jno. Robt. Mowbray, again, July 12, G. Sir Colman Michael O'Loghlen, Dec. 16, G. Jno. Robt. Davison, Dec. 28, G. Sir Robt. Jos, Phillimore, D.C. L., Judge of the Admy.Court, May 17, G. Held the office pending a re- arrangement of its duties. Acton Smee Ayrton, Aug. 21, G. Stephen Cave, Mar. 7, G. Geo. Augs. Fredk. Cavendish-Ben- tinck, Nov. 24, G. Geo. Osborne Morgan, May 7, G. Wm. Thackeray Marriott, aft. Sir W., July 13, G. Jno. Wm. Mellor, Feb. 22, G. Wm. Thackeray Marriott, aft. Sir W., again, Aug. 9, G. 938 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PART XVI. MISCELLANEOUS. UNDER this heading are included a few lists which cannot be classified under any of the preceding titles, and which, indeed, can hardly be considered as strictly of an official character. PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF ENGLAND. PHYSIGIANs were first incorporated in 1518 under letters patent, followed by acts of parliament, 32 Hen. VIII., cap. 40 (1540), and 1 Mary, SeSS. 2, cap. 9 (1558). The title of “Royal " was first adopted in 1858. t PRESIDENTS OF THE RoxAL Col.1.BGE of PHYSICPANs OF ENGLAND FROM 1800. 1796. Thos. Gisborne. 1862. Thos. Watson, aft, bt. 1804. Sir Lucas Pepys. 1867. Jas. Alderson, aft. Sir J. 1811. Sir Fras. Milman, bt. 1871. Geo. Burrows, aft. bt. 1813. John Latham. 1876. Jas. Risdon Bennett, aft. Sir J. 1820. Sir Hy. Halford, bt. 1881. Sir Wm. Jenner, bt. 1844. John, Ayrton Paris. 1888. Sir Andr. Clark, bt. 1857. Thos. Mayo. MASTERS AND PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. BARBERs AND SURGEONs were first incorporated in 1540 under 32 Hen. VIII., cap. 42. In 1745 the SURGEONs were formed into a separate THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 939 corporation under 18 Geo. II., cap. 15. The title of “Royal," was first adopted under a charter obtained in 1848. 1800, 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810, 1821 1822. 1823. 1824, 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. MASTERs of THE ROYAL Col.BGE of SURGEONS FROM 1800. Chas. Hawkins. Wm. Long. Geo. Chandler. Thos. Keate. Sir Chas. Blicke. David Dundas, aft. bt. Thompson Forster. Chas. Hawkins, again. Sir Jas. Earle. Geo. Chandler, again. Thos. Keate, again. Sir Chas. Blicke, again. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. David Dundas, again Thompson Forster, again. Sir Everard Home, bt. Sir Wrm. Blizard. Hy. Cline. Wm. Norris. Sir Jas. Earle, again. Geo. Chandler, again. Thos. Keate, again. Sir David Dundas, bt., again. Thompson Forster, again. PRESIDENTs of THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. Sir Everard Home, bt., again. Sir Wm. Blizard, again. Hy. Cline, again. Wm. Norris, again. Wm. Lynn. John Abernethy. Sir Astley Paston Cooper, bt. Sir Anthony Carlisle. Honoratus Leigh Thomas. Richd. Clement Headington. Robt. Keate. Ditto. - John Painter Vincent. Geo. Jas. Guthrie. Anthony White. John Goldwyer Andrews. Sir Astley Paston Cooper, again. Sir Anthony Carlisle, again. Honoratus Leigh Thomas, again. Robt. Keate, again. John Painter Vincent, again. Geo. Jas. Guthrie, again, Anthony White, again. John Goldwyer Andrews, again. Sir Benj. Collims Brodie, bt. Saml. Cooper. Wm. Lawrence. Benj. Travers. Edwd. Stanley. Jos. Hy. Green. Jas. Moncrieff Arnott. John Flint South. Caesar Hy. Hawkins. Jas. Luke. bt., 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879, 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. Geo. Jas. Guthrie, again. Wm. Lawrence, again. Benjn. Travers, again. Edwd. Stanley, again. Jos. Hy. Green, again. Jas. Moncrieff Arnott, again. John Flint South, again. Caesar Hy. Hawkins, again. Jas. Luke, again. Fredc. Carpenter Skey. Jos. Hodgson. Thos. Wormald. Richd. Partridge. John Hilton. Richd. Quain. Edwd. Cock. Sir Wm. Fergusson, bt Geo. Busk. Hy. Hancock. Thos. Blizard Curling. Fredk. Le Gros Clark. Sir Jas. Paget, bt. Prescott Gardner Hewett, aft. bt John Birkett. John Simon, C.B. Luther Holden. b John Eric Ericsen. Sir Wm. Jas. Erasmus Wilson Thos. Spencer Wells, aft. bt. John Marshall. John Cooper Forster. Wm. Scovell Savory. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. 94 () THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. THE ROYAL SóCIETY was established about 1660, and incorporated by Chas. II. by Charters dated July 15, 1662, April 22, 1663, and April 8, 1669, under the title of “The President, Council, and “ Fellowship of the Royal Society of London for improving Natural “Knowledge.” PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. (From Haydn's Dictionary of Dates.) 1660. Sir Robt. Moray, up to incorpora- 1768. Jas. West. tion. 1772. Jas. Burrow, again. 1663. Wm., visc. Brouncker, 1st Pres. aft. 1772. Sir Jno. Pringle. incorporation. 1778. Sir Jos. Banks. 1677. Sir Jos. Williamson. 1820. Wm. Hyde Wollaston. 1680. Sir Christºr. Wren. Sir Humphry Davy. 1682. Sir Jno. Hoskins. 1827. Davis Gilbert. 1683. Sir Cyril Wyche. 1830. Aug. Fredk., D. of Sussex. 1684. Saml. Pepys. 1838. Spencer Josh. Alwyne, M. of 1686. John, E. of Carberry. Northampton. 1689. Thomas, E. of Pembroke 1848. Wm., E. of Rosse. 1690. Sir Robt. Southwell. 1854. Jno., ld. Wrottesley. 1695. Chas. Montague, aft. E. of Halifax. 1858. Sir Benj. Collins Brodie, bt. 1698. John, ld, Somers. 1861, M.-Gen. Sir Edw. Sabine. 1703. Sir Isaac Newton. 1871. Geo. Biddell Airy, aft. Sir G. 1727. Sir Hans Sloane. 1873. Jos. Dalton Hooker, aft. Sir J. 1741. Martin Folkes. 1878. Wm. Spottiswoode. 1752. Geo., E. of Macclesfield. 1883. Thos. Hy. Huxley. 1764. Jas., E. of Morton. 1886. Geo. Gabriel Stokes, aft. bt. 1768. Jas. Burrow. PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION, THE ROYAL INSTITUTION was established in March 1799 and incorporated by Geo. III., Jan. 13, 1800, under the title of “The Royal Institution “ of Great Britain for the diffusing knowledge and facilitating the “general introduction of useful mechanical inventions and improvements, “ and for teaching by courses of philosophical lectures and experiments “the application of science to the common purposes of life.” Its con- stitution was enlarged in 1810 under 50 Geo. III., cap. 51 (Loc, and Pers.) - PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION. 1799. Sir Jos. Banks. 1817. Edwd. Adolphus, D. of Somerset. 1800. Geo., E. of Winchilsea and Not- 1842. Algn., ld. Prudhoe, aft. D. of Nor- tingham. thumberland. 1813. Geo. Jno., E. Spencer. 1865. Sir Hy. Holland, bt. 1815. Thos., E. of Chichester. 1873. Algn. Geo., D. of Northumberland. THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. 941 | PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. THE ROYAL ACADEMY was incorporated Dec. 10, 1768. Previous to this *. there had been a Society of Artists which met in St. Peter's Court, St. Martin's Lane about 1739, and was afterwards established as the Society of Incorporated Artists, which held its first exhibition in 1760. 1768. 1792. 1805. 1806. 1820. 1830. 1675. 1719. 1742. 1762. PRESIDENTS OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY. (From Haydn's Dictionary of Dates.) Joshua Reynolds, aft. Sir J. 1850. Chas. Lock Eastlake, aft. Sir C. Benjn. West, res. 1805. 1866. Sir Edwin Landseer, elect. but Jas. Wyatt. decl. Benjn. West, again. - Fras. Grant, aft. Sir F. Sir Thos. Lawrence. 1878. Fredk. Leighton, aft. Sir F. Martin Archer Shee, aft. sir M. ASTRONOMERS ROYAL. (From Haydn's Dictionary of Dates.) 1765. Nevil Maskelyne. 1811. John Pond. 1835. Geo. Biddell Airy, aft. Sir G, 1881. Wm. Hy. Mahoney Christie. John Flamsteed. Edmd. Halley. Jas. Bradley. Nathl. Bliss. § 942 THE BOOK OF DIGNITIES. ADDFNT)UM. AMBASSADORS TO ECUADOR. (Accidentally omitted from p. 135.) 1854. Walter Cope, ch. d’a. and C.G., | 1867, Frede. Hamilton, ch. d’a. and C.G. 11 Oct. 11. Feb. 9; min. res. and C.G., Dec. 1861. Geo. Fagan, ch d'a, and C.G., |. 12, 1872. Apr. 7. 1883. Christian Wrm. Lawrence, min, res. 1865. Lt.-col. Edwd. St John Neale, ch. and C.G., Apr. 28. d'a. and C.G., Aug. 14. 943 INDEX OF NAMIES. THE names appear in this Index, as in the body of the work, according to the actual style or title of the official at the date of his appointment to each particular office. Cross references are given to each of his prior or subsequent titles, provided his name appears in the body as holding office whilst enjoying that title —ear. gr. Pole, Hon. Wm. Well, aft. 1d. Maryborough and 3rd E. of Mornington, q.v., P.C. 208; C. Treas. Ir, 561; Ch. Ex. Ir. 561; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563. Maryborough, Wm., ld., form. Hon. W. W. Pole, q.v., aft. 3rd E. of Mornington, q.v.; L.T. 160; M.B.H. 303; Postm. G. 238. *ś, Wm., 3rd E. of, form. Hon. W. W. Pole and lá. Maryborough, q.v., º e e 7 º Therefore, to obtain a complete list of all the offices held by each person, reference must be made to each title. It is believed that, except in the case of cross references, each entry refers to a separate and distinct person. Cases of doubtful identity are noted thus:– * Michael, bp. Clr. 596. | * Methven, Jno., Ld. Chanc, Ir. 576. sk bp. Gall. 538. Sk Jno., M. Chy. 396. * Prob. Same pers. | * 2 same pers. Some observations will be found in the Preface as to the variations in spelling, particularly amongst the earlier names. As far as possible the risk of a fruitless search for a name actually in the Index has been avoided, either by grouping the names under the most usual mode of spelling with cross references to the others, ea. gr. MacGregor and MacGrigor MacGrigor, see MacGregor or by cross references only, ev. gr. Marston, See also Merston The former mode is adopted where it was found that the name of the same person had been variously spelt in different parts of the book; the latter where it was found that although the name itself was spelt diffe- rently, the name of each person bearing it was spelt alike throughout. The variations in spelling are, however, so numerous that the reader must, to some extent, rely on himself, and, if he cannot find a name under the expected heading, try under Some other letter frequently substituted for it; ea. gr.—I. and J., I. and Y., U. and W., AE. and E., are frequently used indifferently both at the beginning and in the middle of a name. The names of the earlier ecclesiastical and legal dignitaries *. 944 INDEX OF NAMES. are sometimes used in their English and sometimes in their Latin form. Emperors, Kings, &c., and also Royal Princes are entered under their Christian names; but where English Princes have been created Dukes or Earls, they are entered under their later titles also. Where a name applies both to surnames and to titles of nobility, the latter are grouped together at the end of the former ;-ea. gr. Gordon, Adam, 1st là., follows possible abbreviation of each dignity. Gordon, Wm. Considerations of space have necessitated the use of the shortest Wherever practicable, a form has been adopted the meaning of which is obvious, but, to provide for any case of difficulty or uncertainty, a complete list of the abbreviations is here given. LIST OF ABBREWIATIONS USED IN INDEX OF NAMES Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. A.D. Aus. Archduke of Austria. Amb. Ambassador, &c. to— A.G. Attorney General. — McO. — Morocco. A.G. Ir — Ireland. — Mda. — Modena, Abp. archbishop, see bp. (bishop). — Mex. — Mexico. Acct. G. Accountant General. — MgO. — Montenegro. Adm. (A.) Admiral, List A. — MSct. — Muscat. — (P.) - 5 y ,, B. — N.G. — New Grenada, — (C.) 37 ,, C. — NCls. — Netherlands. — (D.) 55 ,, D. — Pers. — Persia. — (E.) 3 y ,, E. — Pgl. — Portugal. — (F.) y 5 ,, F. — Pgy. — Paraguay. — (G.) 3 y ,, G. — Pld. Poland. — (H.) 33 ,, H. — Prma. — Parma. Adm. Adv Admiralty Advocate. — Pr. — Prussia. Adm. Ind Administrator of India. — Pu. — Peru. Amb. Ambassador, &c. to— — R. Pl. — Rio de la Plata. — Abyss — Abyssinia. || — Rep. Col. — Republic of Colombia, — Arg. — Argentime Confederation || — Rima. — Roumania. Or Republic. — Russ. — Russia. — Aus. — Austria, — Scy. — Two Sicilies, — B. St. — Barbary States, — Sd. Is. — Hawaiian or Sandwich — Bdn — Baden. Islands. — Bga. — Bulgaria. — Sda. — Sardinia, — Bgm — Belgium. — Si. — Siam, — Brio. — Borneo. — Sp. — Spain. — Bol. — Bolivia. — Sva. — Servia. — Bva. — Bavaria. — SW. — Sweden. — Bz.I. — Brazil. — Sw, and N. — Sweden and Norway. — C. Am — Central America. — Swz. — Switzerland. — C. R. — Costa Rica. — SXy. — Saxony. — Ch. — China. — Tky. — Turkey. — Ch. and — China, and Corea. —— Tum. — Tunis. Cor * — Tusc. — Tuscany. — Chi. — Chili. — TXs. — Texas. — D. pr. — Danubian principalities. || — U.S.A. — United States of America, — Dk. — Denmark. — U.S.C. *- Columbia. — Dom Rep. — Dominican Republic. — Ugy. — Uruguay. — ECr. — Ecuador. — Vce. — Venice. — Eg. — Egypt, — Vza. — Venezuela. — Fr. — France. — Wog. — Wurtemburg. — G. St. — German States. — Zur. — Zanzibar. — Gr. — Greece. Ant. P.A. Antelope Pursuivant. — Grmy. — Germany. Arund. H. Arundel Herald. — Guat. — Guatemala. ASS. C. and A. | Assistant Comptroller and — H. Dt. — Hesse Darmstadt. Auditor. — H. Tris. — Hanse Towns. Astr. Roy. Astronomer Royal. — Hnr. — Hanover. Ath. P.A. Athlone Pursuivant. — Hti. — Hayti. Aud. Ex. Auditor of the Exchequer. — It. — Italy. B.C. Member of the Board of Con- — Jap. — Japan. trol. — Lca. — Lucca. B. Ex. Baron of Exchequer. INDEX OF NAMES. 945 Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. B. Ex. Ir. Baron of Exchequer, Ireland. || abp. bp. Ordn. archbishop, bishop, or dean — SC. — Scotland. — Cloy. — Cloyne. B. and G. K.A. | Bath and Gloucester King of — Clr. — Clogher. Arms. — Cmbo. ' — Colombo. E.T. Member of the Board of — Cness — Caithness. - Trade. | — Cnr. ! — Connor. B. Tun. Bey of Tunis. — Cnwall. — Cornwall. Barnes P.A. Barnes Pursuivant. — Colch. — Colchester. IBath K.A. Bath King of Arms. — Crk. — Cork, Per W. P.A. Berwick Pursuivant. — Crk. and , — Cork and Cloyne. B1. C. H. Blanc-Coursier Herald. Cl. Bl. L. P.A. Blanch-Lion Pursuivant. — Crk., Cl — Cork, Cloyne and Ross. B1. M. P.A. Bluemantle Pursuivant. and R. Bl. Sang. P.A. | Blanch Samglier Pursuivant. — Crk. and — Cork and Ross. Blf. Gsey. Bailiff of Guernsey. R. — Jsey. — Jersey. — Dbln. — Dublin. #. suff. ; v ide infra. - Pºin. and — Dublin and Glendalough. abp. archbisho — Dblin., G. — Dublin, Glendalough and bp. bishop p tºº. Of and K Kildare. g bp. suffr. bishop suf F. . Wii — Dev. — Devonshire. fragan as bel G — Dham — Durham. dn. dean 8,S O61OW. — Dkld. — Dunkeld. — Abdn. — Aberdeen. — Dlxld. and — Dunkeld and Dunblane. — Abdn. and — Aberdeen and Orkney. Dribl. Ork. — Dribl. — Dumblane. — Ach. — Achonry. — Dorch. — Dorchester. — Adel. — Adelaide. — Dorch. and — Dorchester and Sidna- — Alg. — Algoma. Sir, Cester. — Antig. — Antigua. — Dov. — Dover. — Ard. — Ardagh. — Down. — Down. — Ardf. and — Ardfert and Aghadoe. — Down and — Down and Connor. Agh. Cnr. — Arg. — Argyll. — Down, C. — Down, Connor and Dro- — Arg. and — Argyll and the Isles. and D. Ill OI’é. Isl. — Dronn — Dromore. — Allm. — Armagh. — Dry. —— Derry. - º and — Armagh and Clogher. - º, and — Derry and Raphoe. . Pll. — Athab. — Athabasca. — Dun. — Dunedin. — Auckl. N.Z. — Auckland, N.Z. — Dunw. — Dunwich. — Austr. — Australia. — E. Ang. — East Angles. — B. and W. — Bath and Wells. — E. Eq, Afr. — Eastern Equatorial — Ball. — Ballarat. Africa. — Bbay — Bombay. — Edinb. — Edinburgh. — Bóloes — Barbadoes. — Elm, — Elmham. — Bedf — Bedford. — Elm. and — Elmham and Dunwich. — Belºw — Berwick. Dunw. — Bgr. — Bangor. — Elph. — Elphin — Bhurst — Bathurst. — Ely — Ely. — Blfm. — Bloemfontein. — Emly — Emly. — B. Kaffr — Kaffraria. — Enachd. — Enachdune. — Brisb. — Brisbane. — Ex. — Exeter. — Brk. — Bristol. — Falk. Isl. — Falkland Islands, — Brm. — Brechin. — Foton. — Frederiction. — C, Afr. — Central Africa. — Ferns — Ferns. — C. Th. — Cape Town. — Ferns and — Ferns and Leighlin. — Calc. — Calcutta. L. — Caled — Caledonia. — Fife. — Fife. — Cant — Canterbury. — Fife, D. — Fife, Dunlveld and Dun — Carl. — Carlisle. - and D. blane. — Cash. — Cashel. — Gall. Galloway. — Cash. and — Cashel and Emly. — Gibr. — Gibraltar. Eml. — Glasg. — Glasgow — Cash., E., — Cashel, Emly, Waterford || – Glasg. and — Glasgow and Galloway W. and L and Lismore. Gall. — Cbia. — Columbia. — Glend. — Glendalough. — Chest. — Chester. — Glr. — Gloucester. — Chich — Chichester. — Glr. and — Gloucester and Bristo — Chr. Ch. — Christ Church, Dublin. |Br. Dbln. — Goulb — Goulburn. — Chr. Ch. — Christ Church, N.Z. — Gºrtºn. — Grahamstown. N.Z. — Graft. and — Grafton and Armidale. — Chr. Ch. , — Christ Church, Oxford. TIll. Oxf. — Guiana, Guiana. — Cld. — Clonard. — Guildf. — Guildford. — Clonf. — Clonfert, — Her. — Hereford. — Clonf. and — Clonfert and Kilmac- || — Hex. — Hexham. R. duagh. — Honol. — Honolulu. — Clonm. — Clonmacnois. — Hull — Hull. 60 946 INDEX OF NAMES. Abbreviation. abp. bp. or din. — Huron — Ipsw. — Isl. — Jam. — Jpn. — Jslm. — Kild. — IWilf. — Killa, — Killa. and Ach. — Rilloe. — IXilloe, and IXilf. — Išillo.e., R., Cl, and IX. — Kilm. — Kilm. and Ard. — Kilm., E. and A. — Kilmacd. — Labn. — Leic. — Lhore. — Lich. — Lich, and Cow. — Lilm. — Lim., and A. — Linc. — Lindisf. — Lism. — Llff, — Llin. — Ilond. — Lpl. — M.-Ch. — M. Riv. — Mad. — Manch. — Marlb. — Mayo — Mburg. — Mdras. — Melan. — Melb. — Mont. — Moos. A. — ViOl'. — Mor. and Ross — Mth. — Mtius. — N. Ch. — N. Q. Land — N. Sc. — N. Westºr. — N.Z. — Nass. — Nat. — Nels. — NCWC., N.S.W. — Newc. T. — Nowfd. — Niag. — Nig. Dist. — Norw. — Nottm. — Ont. — Ork. — OSS, — Oss., F.and L. i Dignity. archbishop, bishop, or dean — Huron. — Ipswich. — Of the Isles, — Jamaica, — Japan. — Jerusalem. — Kildare. — Kilfenora. — Killala. Rillala and Achonry. — Killaloe. — Killaloe and Kilfenora. — Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clon- fort and Kilmacduagh. — Killmore. — Kilmore and Ardagh. — IKilmore, Ardagh — IXilmacduagh. — Labuan, — Leicester. — Lahore. — Lichfield, — Lichfield and Coventry, Elphin and — Limerick, — Linnerick, Aghadoe. — Lincoln. — Lindisfarne. — Lismore, — Tilandaff. — Leighlin. — London. — Liverpool. — Mid-China. — Mackenzie River. — Madagascar. — Manchester. — Marlborough. — Mayo. — Maritzburg. — Madras. — Mclanesia, — Melbourne. — Montreal. — Moosoneo. — Moray. — Moray and IRoss. Ardfort and — Moray, Ross and Caith- 11GSS. — Mortlach, — Meath. — Mauritius. — North China. — New Queensland. — Nova Scotia, — New Westminster. — New Zealand, — Nassau. — Natal, — Nelson. — Newcastle, Wales. — Nowcastle-on-Tync. Newfoundland. — Niagara. — Niger District. — Norwich. — Nottingham. — Ontario. — Orkney. — Ossory. - Qºry, Ferms and Leigh- 1I]. New South ſ * | i ! Abbreviation. abp. bp. Ordn. ! — Oxf. — Pboro. — Penr. — Perth, W.A. — Pret. — Qu'app. ueb all 8. — Rip. — Riv. — Roch. — Ross — Ross and — Si. Le. — Sidr. — Sing., L. and S. — Southwell — St. Al — St. Andr. — St. Andr, Dkld, and Dnbl. — Tim. — Trm., K. and A. — Tor. — Tr. — Tr. and Coch, — Trin, — Tru. — Vict. (H. Kong) — Wiſord. and L. — Winch. — Winds, — Wltºn. 4-sº-sº-sº Wºº. — W pu. — YIR. — Zld. C. and A.G. C. Acc. Ir. C. Alçn. C. Anht. C. Anj. C.B. Ex. — Ir. — Sc. Dignity. archbishop, bishop, or dean Oxford. — Peterborough. — Penrith. — Perth, Western Australia. — Pretoria. — Qu'appelle. — Quebec. — Rangoon. — Ripon. — Riverina. — Rochester. — Ross. — Ross and Caithness. — Raphoe. — Rupert's Land. — Sodor and Mall. — Saiger. — Salisbury. — Saskatchewan, — Selsey. — Shaftesbury. — Sherborne. — Shrewsbury. — Sierra Leone. Sidnacester. — Singapore, Labuan and Sarawak. — Southwell. — St. Alban's. — St. Andrew's, — St. Andrew, Dunkeld and Dumblane, — St. Asaph. — St. David's. — St. Helena. — St. Paul's. — St. Patrick's, — Sydney. — Tasmania, — Taunton. — Thetford. — Tuam. — Tuam, Rillaloe Achonry. — Toronto, — Travancore. — Travancore and Cochin. and — Trinidad. — Truro. — Victoria (Hong Kong). — Wellington. — Wells. — Westminster. — Wakefield. — Waterford. — Waterford and Lismore. — Winchester. — Windsor, — Wilton. Comptroller and Auditor- General. Commissioner of Accounts, eland. Count of Alençon. — Anhalt. — Anjou. k Chief IBaron, Exchequer, — Ireland. — Scotland, INDEX OF NAMES. 947 Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. C.C. Bbay Commander-in-Chief, Bom- || Ch. Sec. Ir. Chief Secretary for Ireland. ay. | Chambn. Ex. Chamberlain of the FXche- — Bgal. — Bengal. r quer. — Ind. — India. — Lond. — London. — Mdras — Madras. Chanc. Gart. Chancellor, Order of the Gar- C.C.J. County Court Judge. ter. C.C.P. Chief Commissioner of — Guelph. — Order of the Guelphs. Police. — M.G. — Order of St. Michael and C. Ch. Commander-in-Chief. - St. George. C. Cus. Commissioner of Customs. | Chest. H. Chester Herald. — Ir. — Ireland, Chn. E.I. Co. Chairman of the East India, — Sc, — Scotland. Company. C.D.L. Chancellor of the Duchy of || Clar, I.A. Clarencieux King-of-Arms. Lancaster. | Clk. O. Clerk of the Ordnance. C. EXC Commissioner of Excise, Pells. Clerk of the Pells. — Ir. — Ireland. COff. H. Cofferer of the Household. — Sc. — Scotland. Com. Io. Isl. Commissioner to the Ionian C. Fld. Count of Freisland. Islands. C. FlrS — Flanders. Connf. P.A. Comfort Pursuivant. C.G.A. Captain of Gentlemen-at- || Comm. F. Ir. Commander of the Forces in Arms. Ireland. C.G. Ex Comptroller-General of Ex- || Commr. Ir, Commissioner, Lord Lieu- chequer. tenancy of Ireland. C.G.P Captain, Gentlemen Pen- || Comm, Serjt. Common Serjeant of London. Sioners. Lond. C.G.S. Commissioner of Great Seal. Comm. Tr. Ir. Commissioner of the Treasury, — Ir, — Ireland. Ireland. — Sc. — Scotland. — — Sc. - Scotland. C. Hld. Count of Holland. Compt. H. Connptroller of the House- C. Hlt. — Hainault. hold. C.I.E. Companion, order Indian || — N. Navy. Empire. — SC. — Scotland. C.I.R. Commissioner of Inland IRe- || Comst. T.L. Constable of the Tower of Welllle. London. i C.J. Bank. Chief Judge, Bankruptcy. W. Cast. — Windsor Castle. — Bbay. Chief Justice of Bombay. Cph. Aba. Caliph of Arabia. — Bgal. — Bengal. '. I. Molnbcl: Ord. Crown of India. — C.P. — Common Pleas. CS1. Fr Consul of France. — — Ir. - Ireland. Curs. B. Ex, Cursitor Baron of Exchequer. — Chest. — County Palatinate Ches- || D. Algn Duke of Alençon. ter. D. Ant. Anhalt. — IX.B. — King's Bench. D. Arch Dean of Arches. — — Ir. - Ireland. D. Aus Duke of Austria, — Mdras — Madras. D. Bbt. — Brabant. — N.W. Pl — North-West Provinces. D. Bóly — Burgundy. — Q.B. — Queen's Bench. D. Brma, — Bohemia. — — Ir — —— Ireland. D. Bcl-.. — Brunswick. w C. Trux Count of Luxemburg. D. Bry. — Brotagne or Brittany. C.P.R. Count Palatime of the Rhine. D. Bva. — Bavaria. C. R.O. Consul of IROne. D. Chanc. Ir. Deputy Chancellor, Ireland. C. Sec Colonial Secretary. D. Fac, Sc. Dean of Faculty of Advocates, C. St. Commissioner of Stamps. Scotland, —- L.L. — Ireland. D. FCà. Duke of Franconia. C. St. aid Tx, Commissioner of Stamps and || D. Humr. Hanover. Taxes. D.L.IX. Ir. Deputy Lord Keeper, Ire- C, Svy. Count of Savoy. land. C. Treas. Ir. Commissioner of Treasury, D. L.ca. Duke of Lucca. Ireland. D. Line. Lorraine. — Sc. — Scotland. D. MIda, — Modena, C. TX. Commissioner of Taxes. D. Nass. — Nassau. C.W.F., &c. Commissioner of Woods, D. Ndy. — Normandy. Forests and Land IRevenue. D. Olyg. — Oldenburg. C.W.P.B., Commissioner of Works and || D. Pld. — Poland. Public Buildings. D. Pnna, — Parma. C.Y.G. Captain of the Yeomen of the D. Pr. Prussia. Guard. D. S. Alt. — Saxe-Altenberg. Cal. P.A. Calais Pursuivant. D. S.C.G. — Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Capt. Gem Captain-General. D. S.G.A. — Saxe-Gotha-Altenberg, Carl. H. Carlisle Herald. D. S. Mgn Saxe-Meiningen, Ch. Com. Ass, Chief Commissioner of || D. S. Wr. — Saxo-Weimar. Assam, D. Su. — Suabia. — Blma. — Burnha. D. Svy. Savoy. — Cent. Pr. — Central Provinces. D. Sxy. — Saxony. — Oudh. — Oudh. D. Thay. — Tuscany. — Tºjab. Punjab. D. Wog. — Wurtemberg, Ch. Fºx. Clancellor of the Exchequer. Dec. Iło. Decemvir of Rome. — Ir, — Ireland Dep. E.M. Deputy Earl Marshal, Ch. Jr. Chief Justiciary. Dep. L.G.C — Great Chamberlain. Ch. Lond. Chancellor, Diocese of LOn- || Dep. Tr. Sc — Treasurer, Scotland, dom, Il. Dean ; see bp. (bishop". 948 INDEX OF NAMES. Br.N. Guin. New Guinea. Abbreviation. Dignity. Dn. Thist. Dean, Order of Thistle. Dt. Mex. Dictator of Mexico. Pgy. — Paraguay. — Pu. — Peru. RO. ROnne. E.M. Earl Marshal. E.S.P. Iºxaminor of Stage Plays. El. Bva. Elector of Bavaria. — Hinr. — Hanover. — H. Csl. — Hesse-Cassel. Šxy. Saxony. Emp. Aus. Emperor of Austria. BZl. I3razil. — Ch. — China. E.E. Eastern Empire, — Fr. — Prance. — Gmy. — Germany. — Hti. — Hayti. — Mex. — Mexico. — Ro. — löOnne. — Russ. — Russia. — Tzde. — Trebizonde. — W.E. — Western Empire. F.M. Field-Marshal. F. Sec. Foreign Secretary. Fitzal. P.A. Fitzalan Pursuivalnt. G. Antig. Governor Antigua. G. Antig, &c. — Antigua, &c. G. Auck. Isl. — Auckland Islands. G. Bah. Isl. — Bahama, Islands. G. Basut. — 13asutoland. G. Bbay. — Bombay. G. Bdoes. — Barbadoes. G. J3does, &c. — Barbadoes, &c. G. Berb. — Berbice. G. Brmda. — JBermuda. G. I31. Bland. — British 136 Chuanaland. G. Br. Cbia. ----- Columbia, G. Br. Gu. --- Guiana. G. Br. Hond. - - Honduras. G. IB). Raffl'. --- IKaffraria, G. Br. N. J.3mo. — North Borneo. G. G .C.IX. G.C.G.H. &c. G.C.H. G.C.I.E. G.C.M.G. G.C.S.I. G. Can. G. Ceyl. G. Ch. Hosp. G. Ch. Isl. G. Cypr. G. D. J.3dn. — H. Dt. —- M. Sch, — M. Str. — Obg. — S. Wr. — Thy. G. Donn. E8s. G. Dnca. }. Falk. Isl. . Fiji (+.G. Can. G.G. Ind., G.G. Prov. G. Gamb. g and N. Am. *m-ºs- Knight Grand Cross of the Bath. Governor of the Cape of Good Hope. — Cape of Good Hope and High Commissioner for South Africa. I(night Grand Cross Order of the Guelphs. Knight Grand Commander, Order Indian Empire. Knight Grand Cross St. Michael and St. George. IKnight Grand Commander Star of India. Governor of Canada. — CCylon. — Chelsea, Hospital. — Channel Islands. — Cyprus. Grand Duke of IBaden. — Hesse Darmstadt. — Mecklenburg-Schwerin. — Mecklenburg-Strelitz. — Oldenburg. — Saxe Weimar. — Tuscany, Governor of Domerara, and Essequibo. — Dominica, — Falkland Islands. Fiji. | Gowr. Gen1, of Canada. India. & North American Provinces. | Governor of Gambia. Abbreviation. Gibr. Gld, Cst. Gld. CSt.Col. Gr. Hosp. Gl.ld, W. Gren, Gsey. H. Kong. Hgld, I, Man. Jam. Jsey. Iſabi). Lag. Tueew. Isl, Mart, Mdras. Mlta. Monts. MItius. MtOba. New, Newfol. Ont. I?r. Ed. Isl. Q. Land. Queb. Seych. Isl. S. Austr. Si. Le. St. Hel, St. Luc. St. Vin. St. Xtr. St. Xtr., &c. Str. Sett. T.and C. Isl. Tasm. Tob, Trin. Upp. Can. V. D. lol, Vanc. Isl. Vict, Virg. Isl. W. Afr. Sett, W, Austr. W. Pacif, WW(i. Isl. art. IX.A. Gen. (A.) B.) — (C.) gen D.) eneal. Bath. — St. Patr. Gr, M. Bath Gl. M. M.G. Gl’. St. Guelph K.A. Guis. P.A., H .C.P. Sc. H. Mya. H. Rºma. H. H. Sec. WCa, Han. H. Dignity, Governor of Gibraltar. — Gold Coast. *-* Colony. — Greenwich Hospital. — Griqualand West. — Grenada, — Guernsey. — Hong Kong. — Heligoland. — Isle of Man. — Jamaica. — Jersey. — Labuam. — Lagos. — Teeward Islands. — Martinique. — Madras, — Malta. — Montserrat. — Mauritius. — Manitoba. — New Brunswick. — New South Wales. — Nova Scotia. North-West Territory. — New Zealand. Natal. — Nevis. — Newfoundland. — Ontario. Prince Edward Island. — Queensland. — Quebec. — Seychelles Islands. — South Australia. — Sierra Leone. — St. Helena. — St. Lucia, — St. Vincent. — St. Christopher. — St. Christopher, &c. — St. Christopher Nevis. — Straits Settlements, — Turks and Caicos Is- lands. — Tasmania. — Tobago. — Trinidad. — Upper Canada, — Van Diemen's Land. — Vancouver Island. — Victoria. — Virgin Islands. — West Africa, Settlement. — Western Australia. — Western Pacific. Windward Islands. Garter King of Arms. General, List #. * } % 3 y C. and 5 § 3 * D. Genealogist, order of the 3ath. — Order of St. Patrick. Great Mºter order of the Bath. St. Michael almd St. George. Groom of the Stole. Guelph King of Arms. Guisnes Pursuivant. Lord High Commissioner to l?arliaments of Scotland, Hospodar of Moldavia. — Roumania. Home Secretary. Hospodar of Wallachia, Hanover Herald. INDEX OF NAMES. 949 Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. Hps. P.A. Hampmes Pursuivalnt. K. Pers Išing of Persia. Ir. K.A. Ireland King of Arms. R. Pgl — Portugal. J.A.G., Judge-Advocate General. K. Pld —— Poland. J. Adm. Court Judge Admiralty Court. I. Pr. — Prussia. — Ir. — Ireland. R. Rºma. — Roumania. — SC — Scotland. K. Ro. — Rome. J. Bank Judge in Bankruptcy. I.C. S. and N — Sweden and Norway. J. Bank Ir — Ireland. K. Sc. — Scotland. J.C.P. Justice, Common Pleas. R. Scy — Sicily. J.C.P. II — Ireland. IK. Sd. Is — the Sandwich Islands. J.C.P.D Justice, Common Pleas Divi- || IS. Sda, — Sardinia. Sion, High Court of Justice. K. Si. — Siam. J.C.P.D. Ir * Ireland. K. Sp. — Spain. J. Ch. D. Justice, Chancery Division, || K. Sva. — Servia. High Court of Justice. R. Sw — Sweden. J. Ch. D. In -*- Ireland. K. Sxy — Saxony. J. Chest. Justice, County Palatine of K.T. Knight of the Thistle. º Chester. K. 2 Scy King of the Two Sicilies. J. Div. Judge, Divorce Court. K. Whg. — Wurtemberg. J. Ex. D. Justice, Exchequer Division, || K. Wls. — Wales. High Court of Justice. Kt. Mar. Sc. Knight Marischal of Scot- J. Ex. D. Ir. * Ireland. land. J. It. Justice Itinerant. L. Admy Lord or Commissioner of the J.K.B. Justice, Iking's Bench. Admiralty. J.K.B. In — —— Ireland. L. App Lord of Appeal. J.P.D.A. Judge of Probate, Divorce and || L.C. Lord Chamberlain of the Admiralty Division, High Household. Court of Justice. L.D. Ir. Lord Deputy of Ireland. J. P. and M. Ir. Judge of Probate and Matri- || L.G. Bgal Lieut.-Governor of Bengal. monial Causes Ireland. L.G.C. Lord Great Chamberlain. J. Pr. Ct. Judge of the Prerogative || — Sc. — of Scotland. Court of Canterbury. L.G., Ch. Hosp. Lieut.-Governor of Chelsea, J. Prob, Judge Probate Court. Hospital. J.Q.B. Justice, Queen's Bench. — Gr. Hosp. — Greenwich Hospital. J.Q.B. Ir — Ireland. — N.W. Pr. — North-West Provinces. J.Q.E.D Justice, Queen's Bench Divi- || — — and — and Oudh. Sion, High Court Justice. Oudh J.Q. B.D. Ir. - Ireland. L.G.O. Lieutenant - General of the Jud. Com, P.C. Judicial Committee of Privy Ordnance. Council. L.G. Pjab. Lieut.-Governor of the Pun- Jy. Justiciary. jab. Jy. Sc Judge of Justiciary, Scotland. || L.H.A. Lord High Admiral. IQ. Adv King's Advocate. — Sc. — Of Scotland. R. Arr King of Arragon. L.H.C.K. Sc. Lord High Commissioner to R.B. Knight Companion of the IXirk of Scotland. Bath. L.H. Const. Lord High Constable. R. Bdy King of Burgundy. — Sc. — Scotland. IX. Bgn). — the 13elgians. L.B.I.S. Lord High Steward. K. Brma. — Bohemia. — Sc. — Scotland. K. BVa. — Bavaria. L.H.T. Lord High Treasurer or Lord IX.C. IXing's Counsel. Treasurer. IC.C.B Knight Commander of the — Sc. — Scotland. Bath. L.J. App. Lord Justice of Appeal. K.C.E. Išing Consort of England. — App. In — Ireland. IQ.C.H. IXmight Commander, order of — Clk. Lord Justice Clerk. the Guelphs, — Gen — General. IV.C.I.E — Order Indian Empire. — Ir, — Ireland. IK.C.M.G. — St. Michael and St. i. L.IX. Lord Keeper. George. — Ir. — Ireland. IX.C.S.I — Star of India, — SC. — Scotland. IX. Cle. Ring of Castile. L.L.— Lord Lieutenant of IC. Dk. — Denmark. — Abdul, — Aberdeenshire. I.C.E. — England. — Ang. — Anglesey. FC. Fr. — France. — Arg. — Argyleshire. R.G. Išmight of the Garter. — Arm. — Armagh. R. Glº. Išing of Greece. — Ant. — Antrim. |K.H. IXmight, order of the Guelphs. || — Ayrsh. — Ayrshire. Ix. He. King of the Hellenes. — Beds. — Bedfordshire. IX. Hgy. — Hungary. — Berks. — Berkshire. R. Hall: — Hanover. — Berw. — Berwickshire. IS. Ir. — Ireland. 13ffsh. — Isanffshire. K. It. — Italy. — 13rec. — Brecomshire. s R. J.Sm. — Jerusalem. — IBucks. — Buckinghamshire. IK. Linnd — the Lombards. — Butesh. — Buteshire. IS. Mad — Madagascar. —- Cambs. — Cambridgeshire. IS. Mall — Isle of Man. — Card. — Cardiganshire. IX. Nav. — Navarre. — Carlow Carlow. R. Nds. — the Netherlands. — Carm. — Carmarthenshire. I.C. NIs. — Naples. — Carn. — Carnarvonshire. IK.P. Enight of St. Patrick. — CaV. — Cavaln. 950 INDEX OF NAMES. Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. L.L.- Lord Lioutenant of - Lord Lieutenant of- — Chesh. — Cheshire. — Rutl. —— Rutlandshire. — Clare. — Clare. — Salop — Shropshire. — Clkmm. — Clackmannanshire. — Sells — Selkirkshire. — Cnwall. — Cornwall. — Sligo — Sligo. — Chess. — Caithness-shire, | — Soms. — Somersetshire. — Crk. — Cork. — Staffs. —— Staffordshire. — Crom. — Cromarty. — Stirl. — Stirlingshire. — Cumb. — Cumberland. i — Suff. — Suffolk. — Dblin. — Dublin. i — Sulºr. — Surrey. — Dby. — Derbyshirc. — Suss. — Sussex. — Denb. — Denbighshire. | — Suth. — Sutherlandshire. — Devon. — Devonshire. — S. Wales | — South Wales. — Dgal. — TXonegal. — Tipp. — Tipperary. — Dham. — Durham. | — Tyr. — Tyrome. — Dors. — Torsetshire. | — Warw — Warwickshire. — Downsh. — Downshire. | — Wexf — Wexford. — Dumb. — Dumbartonshire. — Wſord — Waterford. — Dumfr. — Dumfries-shire. — Wickl — Wicklow. Edinb. — Edinburgh, — Wigt — Wigtonshire. — Elgn. — Elginshire. ' — Wilts — Wiltshire. — ESX. — Fºssex. — W. Meath — Westmeath. — Ferm. —— Fermanagh. i – Wmland. — Westmoreland. — Fifesh. — Fifeshire. | — Worc. — Worcestershire. — I'lints. — Flintshire. —Yorks, E.R. — Yorkshire, East Riding. — Forf. — Forfarshire. — Yorks, N. — North Riding. — Galw. — Galway. IR. — Glam. — Glamorganshire. — Yorks, W. — West Riding. — Glouc. — Gloucestershire. IR. — Hadd. — Haddingtonshire. L.M. Lord Marshal. — Hants. — Hampshire. L.M. Dblin. Lord Mayor of Dublin. — Hav. — HaverfordWest. L.M. Lond. — London. — Heref. — Herefordshire. I.P.C. Lord President of the Council. — Herts. — Hertfordshire. L.P. Ct. Sess. — Court of Session. — Hunts. — Huntingdonshire. L.P.S. Lord Privy Seal. — Inv. — Inverness-shire, T.P.S. Sc. — Of Scotland — Ir. — Ireland. L. ProV. Lord Provost of Edinburgh. — K. Co. — IXing's County. Edinb. — Išent — IXent. Tu.S.H.I. Lord Steward Of the House- — Kerry — IXerry. hold. — Kild. — Rildare. L.T. Lord of the Treasury, or Com- — Išillk. — Rilkenny. missioner of the Treasury. — Kilnc. — I(incardineshire. L. Treas. Il’. Lord Treasurer of Ireland. — Kinr. — Kinross-shire. L.W.S. Lord Warden of the Stan- — Kirkc. — IXirkcudbright. maries. — Lanc. — Lancashire. Lanc. H. Lancaster Herald. — Leic. — Leicestershire. Land Comm...Ir. Land Commissioner, Ireland, — Leitr. — Leitrim. Land J. Ir. Land Judge, or Judge of — Lim. — Limerick. Landed Estates Court, Ire- — Linc. — Lincolnshire. | land. — Linlithg. — IJinlithgowshire. Ld. Adv. Lord Advocate. — Linrk. — Lanarkshire. Ld. Chanc. Lord Chancellor. — Londy. — Londonderry, | — Ir, — Ireland. — Longf. — Longford. | — SC. — Scotland. — Louth — Louth. | Ld. Clk. Beg. Lord Clerk Register. — Mayo — Mayo. | Ld. Mam. Lord of Isle of Man. — Moath — Mcath. | Ld. Scss. Lord of Session. — Mdx. — Middlesex. | Leic. H. Leicester Herald. — Mer. — Merionothshire. Lg. H. Cs1. Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. — Mid-I. — Mid-Lothian. – H. Dt. — Hesse-Darmstadt. — Monaghan — Monaghall. | — H. H.bg. — Hesse-Homburg, — MO]nm. — Monmouthshire. — Hse. —— Hesse. º — Montg. — Montgomeryshire. ILt. Edinb. Lieutenant of Edinburgh. Nbland. Northumberland. — T.L. — Tower of London. — Norf. Norfolk. Ly. Dep. Tuyon Depute. — Notts. Nottinghalmshire. — IX.A. — King of Arms. — Nrmlsh. — Nairnshire. MI. A us. Margrave of Austria. — Nton. — Northamptonshire. M.I3.H. Master of the Buckhounds. — N. Wales | — North Wales. M. Bóln, Margrave of Baden. — Ork.amd Z. — Orkney and Zetland. — Brg. — Brandenberg. º — Oxon. — Oxfordshire. M.C.I. Member of the Council of Pbls. — Pechleshire. India. — Pennb. l’embrokeshire. M. Chy. Master in Chancery. IPrth. — Perthshire. M. Fa. Marquis of Ferrara. — Q. Co. — Queen's County. M.G. IX.A. ISing , of Arms, Order St. — Radn. — Radnorshire. Michael and St. George. — Rºnfuw. — Renfrewshire. M.G.O. Master General of the Ord- — IROSC. — Roscolºnnn Oll. 118,11CC. — ROSS — Ross-shire. M.G.W. Master of the Great Ward- — Roxb. — Roxburghshire, robe. INDEX OF NAMES. 951 Abbreviation. Dignity. M.H. Master of the Horse. M. Jap. Mikado of Japan. M.M. Master of the Mint, M.R. — Rolls. Ir, - Ireland. M. Robes Mistress of the Robes. Mait. H. Malta, Herald. Mast. Coll, Master, Royal College of Sur- Surg. geons. Mch. K.A. Marche King of Arms. Mod. IX. Sc. Moderator of General As- sembly of Iširk of Scotland. Mowb. H. Mowbray Herald. Mt. Org. P.A. | Mont-Orgueil Pursuivant. Norf. H. Norfolk Herald, Norr. K.A. Norroy King of Arms. Nottºm. P.A. Nottingham Pursuivant. Off. Nap. Officer of Napoleon Buona- parte. P.C. Privy Councillor. P.L.C. Poor Law Commissioner. P. Laur. Poet Laureate. IP.P. Holder of Patient of Prece- dence. P. R.O. Pope of Rome. Paym. G. Paymaster-General. Portr. Lond. Portreeve of London. T’ortsm. P.A. IPortsmouth Pursuivant. Postm. G. Postmaster-General, In’. — Ireland. — Sc. Scotland. Pr. Bga. Prince of Bulgaria, — Bp. Sc. “Primus ” Bishop of Scotland. — E. Prince or Princess of England. — Fr. — France, — L. Dtd — Lippe-Detmold. — L. Sch — Lippe-Schaumberg. — Ltºn. — Liechtenstein. — M. Sch — Mecklenburg-Schwerin. — M. Sty — Mecklenburg-Strelitz. — MgO. — Montenegro. — Mkg, — Mecklenburg. — MnO. — Monaco. — Nass. — Nassau. — Or. — Orange. — R. Gr. — Reuss-Greiz. — R. Sch — Reuss-Schleiz. — Rºma. — Roumania. — S. Rºdt — Schwarzburg - Rudol- stadt. — S. Som — Schwarzburg-Sonder- hausen. — Sva, — Servia. — Tva, — Transylvania. — W.E. — Wales (son of Sovereign of England). — W. Pyr — Waldeck Pyrmont. — Wls. — Wales (native). Prel, M.G. Prelate, ord. St. Michael and St. George. Prem. Premier Or Prime Minister. Pres, Arg. President of Argentine Re- public. — B. Ay. — Buenos Ayres. — B.C. — Board of Control. ...— B.H. --- Health, -— B.T. --- Trade. — Bol. — J3olivia. — C.P.D. — Common Pleas Division, High Court of Justice. — C.P.D. Ir, — — Ireland. — C.R. — Costa Rica. — Chi. — Chili, — Coll. Ph. — Royal College of Physi- cians, — Coll. Surg. — Royal College of Sur- geons, — Dn, Rep. — Dominican Republic. — ECr, — Ecuador. Abbreviation. Pres. Ex. D. — Ex. D. Ir. — Fr. — Gua. — Hólas. — Hti. — L.G.B. — Lib. — Mex. |Prot. E. 3 3 d . s º ; : § ;Pl :d i. § . Nds. R . Bge, P.A. lö. Russ. Rblk, P.A. IRec. Dbln. — Lond. Regr. Bath CT, I, Gart. — I.E. — M.G. — S.I. — and Sec. Bath. Rel. Nap. Richm. H. IRose P.A. Dignity. President, Exchequer Division, High Court of Justice. Ireland. — French Republic. — Guatemala. — Honduras. — Hayti. — Local Government Board. — Liberia. — Mexico. New Grenada. Nicaragua. — Orange Free State. Privy Council, Scotland. Poor Law Board. — Panama. — Paraguay. — Punjab. — Peru. — Queen's Bench Division, High Court of Justice. Ireland. — Royal Academy of Arts. — Royal Institution. — Royal Society. — St. Domingo. — Sam Salvador. — Spanish Republic, — Swiss Confederation. — Transvaal. — United States of America. Columbia. — Uruguay. — Vera, Cruz. — Venezuela. Protector of England. Portcullis Pursuivant. Queen's Advocate. Queen of Arragon. Queen's Counsel. Queen Consort of England. Queen of Castile. Dennark. England. — Jerusalem. — Madagascar. — Navarre. — Portugal. — Poland. — Scotland. — Sandwich Islands. | — Spain. — Sweden. IRose Blanche Pursuivant. Rouge-Croix Pursuivant. Rouge-Dragon Pursuivant. Ruler of the Netherlands, i.e. either Governor or Stadt- holder. Rose Rouge Pursuivant. Ruler of Russia prior to the title of Emperor assumed in 1721 by Peter I, Riseballk Pursuivant. Recorder of Dublin. London. Töegistrar, order Bath. Crown of India. Garter. Indian Empire. — — St. Michael and St. George. Star of India. — and Secretary, order of Bath, Relative of Napoleon Bona- parte. Richmond Herald. Rose Pursuivant, * * -º-º-º-º 952 INDEX OF NAMES. Abbreviation. Dignity. Abbreviation. Dignity. S.G. Solicitor-General. St., O. Storekeeper of the Ordnance. — Ir. — Ireland. | Suff. H Suffolk Herald. — Sc. — Scotland. | Sulºr. H Surrey Herald. - S.G.O. Surveyor-General of the Tell. Ex Teller of the Exchequer. Ordnance. Tr. Ch. Treasurer of the Chamber. S.L. Serjeant-at-Law. Tr, II. — Household. — Ir — Ireland. T1:... N. — the Navy. S.L.R. Surveyor of Land Revenues. Tr. Rome Triumvir of ROme. S. McO Sultan of Morocco. Trib. Rome Tribune of Rome. S. St. Secretary of State. |U.S. C. Under Secretary, Colonies. S. Try Sultan of Turkey. TJ.S. F. — Foreign. S.W.F Surveyor of Woods and || U.S. Home — Home. Forests. - |U.S. Ind. — India. S. Zr. Sultan of Zanzibar. U.S. II. — for Ireland. Sc. bp. Scotch Bishop without see. |U.S. S. — of State. Sec. Adm. Secretary to the Admiralty. |U.S. Wal: — Walº. — at W. — at War. TJ.S. W. and C. — War and Colonies. — T3.C. — Board Of Control. Ulst. K.A. |Ulster King of Arms. — B.T. *mºm a.de. V. A. Sc. Vice-Admiral of Scotland. — Bath — Order of the Bath. W.C.H. Vice-Chamberlain of the — Guelph --- the Guelphs. Household. — I.E. * Indian Empire. V. Chanc. Vice-Chancellor. — Ind. — of State for India. — Guelph — order of the Guelphs. — L.G.B —Local Government Board. Ir. — Ireland. — M.G. — order St. Michael and St. V. Eg. Viceroy of Egypt. George. V.P.B.T. Vice-President, Board of — P.L.B. — Poor Law Board. Trade. — P.O. Post Office. V. P. Ed. — Education Committee of — S.I. — Order Star of India, the Privy Council. — Sc. — for Scotland. W.P. Ed. SC. --- Scotland. . — St. Ir. — of State, Ireland. V. Treas. Ir, Vice-Treasurer Ireland. — St. Patl. — order St. Patrick. Vic, Gen. Vicar-General to archbishop — St. Sc. — of State, Scotland. of Canterbury. — Thist — order Thistle. W.C.P. Warden of the Cinque Ports. — Tr. — Treasury. W. and C. Sec. War and Colonial Secretary. — Tr. In - Ireland. W. Sec. Secretary of State for War. Sh. Pers Shah of Persia. Wdn. Chr. Ch. Warden of Christ Church, Som. H. Somerset Herald. Manch. Manchester. Sp. H.C. Speaker of the House of || Wän. M. Warden of the Mint, Commons. WindS. H. Windsor Herald. Sr. N Surveyor of the Navy. Yk. H. York Herald. INDEX OF NAMES. 953 A. A— bp. Cness. 531 Aba, K. Hgy. 59 Abbadie, Jas., dm. Killoe. 637 Abbas, V. E.g. 98 — I. to III., Sh. Pers. 99 Abbasides, Cph. Aba, 98 Abbingworth, Gilb. de, J It. 366 Abbot, See also Abbott. — Chas., aft, 1st ld. Colchstr., q.v., C. Treas. Ir, 561; Ch Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 207; Sec. St. Ir. 562; Sp. H.C. 250 — Geo., a,bp. Cant. 431; byp. Tich. & COV. 444; bp. Lond. 452; dri. Winch. 471. — Robt., b.p. Sal. 467 — Thos.; L.M. D'bln. 642 Abbott, See also Abbot. — Aug., gen. (D) 894 — Ch. and Sir C., aft. 1st lil. Tenterden, q.v. C.J.K.B. 370 ; J.C.P. 380; J.K.B. 373; P.C. 210; S.L. 413 — Sir Fk., gen. (ID) 892 — Geo., L.T. 154 — Hy. Dy., gen. (D) 919 — Herb. Ed. S., gem. (D) 909 — Jas., gem. (D) 901 — Jonas A., adm. (H) 850 — sir Maur., L.M. Lond. 491 — Saund, Alex., gem. (D) 899 — Wm. Hy., gem. (D),932 Abd-er Rhaman, S. Mco. 101 Abdul-Ahnled, I. and II., S. Tky. 98 —-Aziz, S. Try. 98 ; K.G.745 Ta -Medjid, S, TRy. 98; K.G. 7 4 Abdy, Anthy. T., K.C. 415 — Ch. Hayes, gen. (D) 925 Jno. Th., C.C.J. 405 A’IBecket, Th., abp. Camt. 430; Ld. Chanc. 353 Abel, bp. St. Andr. 529 — K. DK. 93 — Jno., B. Ex. 383 Abendon (or Abyndon), Rd. de, B. Ex. 383 Abercorn, E. M. and D. of Jas., 7th E. of, P.C. 198 — Jno. Ja.s., 9th E. aft. 1st M. of, K.G. 743 — Wm., 1st Id., IIN T) E X. Abercorn, E., M.,and D.of—comt. — Jas., 2nd M. aft. 1st D. of, L.L. Dgal. 569; L.L. Ir. 558; K.G. 744; P.C. 214 56 Ja.s., 2nd D. of, L.L. Dgal. 69 Abercrombie and Aber- cromby — Alex., Ld. Sess. 520 — Sir Geo., C. Ex. Sc. 505 — Geo., see löl. A., infra. — hom. Geo. Ralph. See lá. A. tnfra. — Jas., gen. (A) 858 — Jas., C.B., Ex. Sc. 523 — Jas., afu. 1st ld. Dunferm- lime, q.v., J.A.G. 937; M.M. 247; P.C. 211; Sp. H.C. 250 — hon. Jno. and sir J., C.C. Bbay. 660; C.C. Mdras. 657; G. Mdras. 658; gen. (IE) 867; G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 773 — Ralph and sir R., Comm. F. Ir. 564; G. Trin. 722; Gen. (B) 866; K.B. 765 — hon. Ralph and sir R., aft. 2nd Id. Dunfermline, q.v., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Nds. &c. 123; Amb. Sda. 114; Amb. Tusc., &c., 115; K.C.B. 782 — Bt. and sir R., C.C. Bbay. 659; C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650; G. Bbay. 659; gen. (A) 859; I.B. 765 ; G.C.B. 766 Abercromby, lds. — Geo., 2ndld., L.L. Stirl. 512 — hon. Geo. Ralph, aft. 3rd ld. A., L.L. Clkm). 509 Aberdare, Hy. Aust., ld., form. H. A. Bruce, g. v., G.C.B. 773 Aberdeen, E. of . Geo., 1st E. of, form. Sir G. Gordon, q.v., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Geo., 4th E. of, Amb, Aus. 117; C.D.L. 243; F. Sec. 228; R.G. 744; K.T. 748; L.L. Abdn. 508; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 209; Prenn. 148; W. & C. Sec. 231 — Jno. Campbell, 7th E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.L. Abdn. 508; L.L. Ir. 558; P.C. 220 Aberg'avenny, lds., E. and M. Of Leauchamp Family. form. Beauchamp, q.v., K.G. 734 Neville Family. — Geo., 3rd lù., K.G. 737; W.C.P. 319 — Hy., 4th lä., K.B. 760 — Geo., 15th lä. aft. 1st E. of, L.L. Suss. 312 — Hy., 2nd E. of, K.T. 748 W. Abergavenny—cont. — Wrm., 5th E. aft. 1st M. of, E.G. 745 Abernethie, Th., K.H. 790 Abernethy, Jno., byp. Cness. 532 Jno., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — la., see Saltoun and A. Abetot, Hugh, K.B. 755 ałº, G. D’., Pres. Dom. Rep. 1 Abingdom, See also Abyngdone Abingdon, E. of — Montg., 2nd E. of, Const. T.L. 321 ; P.C. 195 — Montg., 5th E. of, L.L. Berks, 306 — Montg., 6th E. of, L.L. Berks, 306 Abinger, Jas., 1st. li., form. sir J. Scarlett, q.v. 91 Wm. Fk., 3rd ld., gen. (I)) 7 Abling, Johan Cornelis d', G.C.G.H. 678 Abney, Th, and sir T., B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. 379; K.C. 415; S.L. 412. — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Abool-Fatteh-Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Aboyne, Geo., 5th E. of, also M. of Huntley, q.v.; aft. D. of Gordon, q.v., K.T. 748 *Abrahana, bp. St. As. 462 *— bp. Dmbl. 532 *— bp. St. Dav. 464 * 1’rob, some same pers. Comp. dates. — Ch. Jno., b.p. Wellii. 710 Abree ( or Leycester), Fras., dn. PbOro. 45S * Abrincis, Wrm. de, J. It. 365 Abubeker, Cph. Aba. 98 Abyndon, see Abendom Abyngdone, See also Abing- dom — Steplı. (le, L.A.I. Lond, 489 Acca, See also Ecca. — bp. Dunw. 454 — (Saint) bp. Hex. 4S0 Accursii, F., S. St. 222 Achaicus, L. M., C.Ro. 44 Achaius, IX.Sc. 18 Acha, J. M. d’, Pres. Bol. 109 Achard, WIm., J. It. 366 Acheson, See also Atcheson and Aicheson Sir Archd., Ld. Sess, 517, 519; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Hon. Ed. Archd. Bralo,, Gen. (D) 932 Achmet, see Ahmed Acilius, Mſ., C. Ro. 47 Ackland, see Acland I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. (31 954 INDEX OF NAMES. Ackworth, Jacob and sir J., Sr. N. 257 Acland, Ch. T. Dyke, Sec. B.T. 269 — Hy. Wentw., K.C.B. 784 — sir Th. Dyke, P.C. 220 (or Ackland,) Wroth. Palm. and sir W., gem. (B) 867; K.C.B., 773 Acle, Itegd. de, J. It. 368 Acosta, S., T’res. U.S.C. 107 A’Court, Ch. Ashe, K.H. 789 — Wnn. and sir W., aft. 1st Id. Heytesbury q.v., Amb. B. St. 131; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Scy. 115; Amb. Sp. 124; G.C.B. 771; P.C. 209 Acton, Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Adair, Archd., dm. Rph. 602; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; b.p. Wford, and L. 627 — Ch. Wnn. and sir C., gem. (D) 917; K.C.B. 781 — Hy., gem. (ID) 925 — Jas., C.J. Chest. 386; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 412 — Rt. and sir R., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Pgm. 123; Amb, Pr. 168; Amb. Thy. 129; G.C.E. 772: P.C. 211 — Thos. IB., gem. (D) 883 Adalbert, I, to III., D. Thy. 57 *Adam, lop. Brm. 531; Ld. Channc. Sc. 515 *— bp. Cness. 531 *— bp. Cmr. 603 *— bp. Gall. 538 bp. St. As. 462 bp. Winch. 470 *— J.C.I’. 376 * I’rob. Solne Salme pers. Comp. dates. Ch. and sir C., adm. (A) 820; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; K.C.B. 776 : L. Admy. 182-3; L.L. Kinr. 510 Emily Eliz., aft. lady A., CT. In (l. 810 Frank F., C.I.E. 808 — Flo, and sir F., Com. Io. Isl. 129; G.C.I.S. 769; G.C.M.G. 794; G. Mdras. 657; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 775; P.C. 212 —- Jas., Jy. Sc. 523; Lól. Sess. 521 hom. Jno., G.G. Ind. 648 — Wrm., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524; P.C. 209 — Wm., IK.C. 415 — Wnn., L.L. Kinr. 510 — Wnn. Geo., Acct. G. and M. Chy. 397; [.C. 416 Wm. I’atr., C.W.P.B. 272; G. Mdra.s. 657; L.T. 161–2; I?.C. 218; IPaym. G. 245 Adams, Alex., gem. (B) 868 -— Arth. B., Q.C., 418 IBerm., bp. Išilf. 635; bp. Lim. 638 Cadw., gen. (D) 908 Ed., gen. (D) 910 Fras. Ott, and Sir F., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Swz. 114; IX.C.M.G. 798 —— Frank, gen. (D) 901 — Geo. F., Lanc. H. 333; T. Dr. P.A., 338 — Sir Geo. Powis, gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 788 — Hy. Augs, gen. (D) 918 ––– Hy. Wm., gen. (D) 889 —— Jesse, Q.C. 418 Jas., L. Admy. 180 * :}; Adams—comt. ' — Jno., Adm. (D) 833) — Jno., Pres. U.S.A. 102 — Jno., P.P. 416; S.L. 413 — Jno. Q., Pres. U.S.A. 102 — sir Jno. Whitt., G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 776 — Sir Rd., B. Ex. 385; Rec. Ilond. 494; S.L. 412 — Saml., dm. Cash. 627 — sir Th., L.M. Lond, 491 — Wm. D., C.W.F. &c. 271-2 — Wrm. Pitt, Amb. Bol. 135; Amb. Pu. 135 Adamson, Jno., L.M. D'bln. Patr., abp. St. Andr. 529 Adawaldus. K. L.md. 49 Algock, Åif, wm, gem. (D) 927 Adda, K.E. 2 Addenbrook, Jmo., dn. Lich. 445 Afterley, Arden, Adm. (H) 45 — Aug. Jno., K.C.M.G. 798 — Chas, M.H. 302 — Chaºs. B., aft. Sir C. and 1st là. Norton, q.v., P.C. 216; K.C.M.G. 796; P.C. 216; Pres, B.H. 255; Pres. B.T. 269 ; U.S.C. 235; V.P. Ed. 255 Addington, hon. Ch. Jno., gen. (D) 929 — Hav. Jno., C. St. 284 — Hy., aft. hon. H., Cl. Pells 168 g — Hy., aft. 1st visc. Sidmouth (ſ.v., Ch. IEx. 165; L.T. 158; P.C. 205; Prem. 144; Sp. H.C. — Hy. Unw., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Spin. 124; P.C. 216; |U.S.E. 230 Jno. Hiley, IB.C. 252; L.T. 158; P.C. 207; Paym. G. 245; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Home, 227 Addison, Jno., C.C.J. 403 Tai Jno. Edm. Wentw., Q.C. 9 — Jos., B.T. 264; P.C. 197 — Jos., S. St. 224; U.S.S. 225 — Jos. Ed., gen. (ID) 906 — Lanc., dm. Tich. 445 — Th., gem. (D) 906 — Th. F., gen. (D) 881 Adeane, Ed. Stanley, (E) 837 — Ja.s., gen. (A) 859 Adela (dau. Wrm. I.), Pr. E. 9 Adelaide, Q.C.E. 8 Adelbert, abp. Yk. 485 Adelicia, Q.C.E. 7 Adelmare, Hy., dun. Tºly, 435 Adelmus and Ardhelm, see also Athelm — (or Ascelimus), dn. Linc. 7 Adelwalch, K.E. 1 Adeodatus, P. Ro. 33 (St.) abp. Cantº. 429 Aderton, Rd., G. I. Man, 666 Adhelm (or Aldhelm) (St.) bp. Shbn. 466 Adil, Sh. Pers. 99 Adlam, Hy, Ch., gem. (D) 912 Adlercron, Jno., gen. (B) 865 Adolphus, C.P.R. 68 — D. Nass. 76 — E. Gnny. 62 — (of Cleves) R. Nds, 82 — I. to IV., Pr. Nass. 75 — -Fredk, K. Sw, 92 adm. Adolphus—comt. — -Fredk, Pr. E. (son Geo. #) aft. D. Cambridge, q.v., {} —-Fredk., Pr, Mkg. 74 —-Fredk, II, to IV., Pr. M. Str. 75 — -Fredlº. III. (Pr. M. Str.), R.G. 742 — -Geo, Pr. L. Sch. 73 — Jno. Leyc., C.C.J. 404 Adored, bp. Worc. 472 Adrian, abp. Cant, 430 — bp. šč. Andr. 528 Jºrmp. Tºo. 47 — I. to VI., P. Ro. 33-4-5 Adryan, Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 *Adulfe, abp. Yk. 485; bp. WOro, 472 *Adulfus (or Aldulfus), bp. lºoch. 459 *Adulphus, abp. Lich. 443 º abp. º: 485; bp. Worc. 72 *Adulse, abp. Yk, 485 *Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Ady, Jno., J.C.I’. Ir. 581 Adye, A. C., G. Gren. 724 — Goods., gem. (D) 919 — Jno. Mill., and sir J., G.C.B. 771; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (D) 906; K.C.B. 780; S.G.O. 260 — Steph. Galw., gem. (C) 875 AE, See also under E AEdan, Pr. Wls. 16 ZEdgeme, bp. ISild. 616 Ædulphus (2), bp. Dev. 436 AElfgar, bp. Lich. 443 JElfstan, see CElfstan AElphunus, bp. Dunw. 454 AEmilianus, Emp. Ro. 48 — Q. F. M., C. Ro. 44 AErleanus, I.C. Sc. 18 AEsc, K.E. 1 AEthelnotus, see Ethelmoth Affleck, sir Edm., adm. (A) 815 — Sir Jas., gem. (A) 861 — Ph., adm. (A) 815; L. Admy, 180 Afthanistan.Amirot.g.cs.i. Africanus, L., C. Ro., 46 IP. C. S. (2), C. Ro. 43-4 Aga - Mahonimed - Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Agapetus I. and II., P. Ro. 33-4 Agar, Chas., aft. Visc. Somer- ton and E. of Normanton, (ſ.v., bp. Cash, and Eml. 626; bp. Cloy. 631; dim. ISilm. 609 — Jas., aft. 1st là. and visc, Clifden, q.v., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Jno., S.L. 412. — Laur., S. L. 411 — Th., S.W.H. 271 — Welb. Ell., C. Cus. 276 — Wrm., I.C.C. 415 Agar-Ellis, see Ellis Agatha (dau. Wm. I.), Pr. 3}. 9 Agatho, P. Ro. 33 Ageired, see Ethelricus Aghton, Wm., M. Chy. 394 Agila, K. Sp. 85 Agilbertus, bp. Dorch. 446 — bp. Winch. 470 Agilulphus, K. Lmd. 49 Aglionby, Geo., dn. Cant. 431 — Wnn., K.C. 415 Wm., U.S.S. 225 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 955 Agna, Eust. de, dm. Lim. 639 Agnes, D. Bva. 67 Agnew, Sir Andr., gen. (B) — Montg., gen. (A) 859 — Wm., gen. (D) 915 Agrippa, M. (3), C, Ro. 46–7 Aşero, J. de la R., Pres. Pu. Aguila (or Aquila), Nichs. de, % Chich, 432; dm. Chich. Aguilar, See Daguilar Aguillon, Rd. de, L.H.A. 170 Aºirre, A. C., Pres. Ugy. Ahala, C. S. S., C. Ro. 38-9 40 Q. S. (2), C. Ro. 40; Dt. Ro. Ahenorbarbus, C. D., C. Ro. 43-4-5-7 — L. D., C. Ro. 45-6 Ahmed I. to III., S. T.Ky. 97 Aºmedabad, Rao of, C.I.E. 08 Ahmuty, see also Auchmuty — Jas., gen. (D) 877 Ai–, See also Ay— Aicheson and Aichison, Séé Aitcheson and Acheson Aiºliley, Rd., L.M. Lond. 49 *Aid (St.), bp. Kild. 616 *Aidan, bp. Glend. 615 *— (St.), bp. Clr. 596; bp. Lin- (lisf. 473 *— bp. Mayo, 611 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. Aidanus, K. Sc. 18 Alºns, Jas. Cox, G. Mitoba. 9 - Ailbe, St., bp. Emly, 625 Ailchu, bp. Cld. 598. Aildergoidh, IV. Ir, 20 Ailesbury, E, and M. of —Robt., 1st E. of, L.C.H. 295; P.C. 191-2 — Th., 2nd E. of, L.C.H. 295 — Th., 4th E. of, form. Id. Bruce, q.v., R.T. 748; L.L. Wilts. 313 — Chas, 5th E. aft. 1st M. of, K.T. 748 — Geo. Wrm. Flk., 2nd M. Of, form. E. of Cardigan, q.v., I.G, 744; L.L. Wilts. 313; M.H. 302; P.C. 216 — Erm. A.C., 3rd M. of, form. ld. E. Bruce, q.v., L.L. Bucks. 306 0 Ailil, bp. Clr. 596 Aililä (2), bp. Arm. 595 Ailnothus, bp. Dorch, and Sidr., 446 Ailred, K.E. 2 Ailsa, M. of — Archd., 1st M. of, form, E. of Cassilis, q.v. — Archd., 2nd M. of, IX.T. 748; L.L. Ayrsh. 508 Ailstone, IRt, le, L.H.T. 153 Aimon, C. Svy. 54 Ainmereach, K. Ir. 21 Ainmire, bp. Arm. 595 Ains—, see also Ayns— Ainsley, Jno., L.M. Lond. 402 Ainslie, Chas. P., gen. (D) 897 — Geo. gem. (A) 859 — Geo. Rt., gem. (B) 868 — R., G. Grem, 725 — Sir Rt., Amb. Thy, 129 Airey, See also Airy — Sir Geo., gen. (B) 868 E.C.H. 787 — Jas. Talb., and sir J., gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 780 — Rd. and Sir R., G., Gibr. 670; gen. (D) 889; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 Airlie, E. of Dav., 8th E. of, L.L. Forff. 510 Day. Gr. Dr., 9th E. of, R.T. 749; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 Airmeadach, bp. CIr., 596 Airy, See also Airey Geo. Bidd., Astr. Roy. 941; R.C.B. 783; Pres. R. Soc. 940 Aiscough, see Ayscough Aislabie, Jno., L.T. 156; Ch. IEx. 165; L. Admy. 177; L.T. 156; P.C. 196; Tr. N. 256 Aitcheson, see Aitchison and Acheson Aitchison, Amdr., gen. (ID) 877 — C. T., gem. (D) 923 — Ch. Umph. and sir C., Ch. Com. Pnna. 655; K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. Pjab. 654; Sec. S. I. 804 — Ja.s. Ed. T., C.I.E. 807. — Jno. and sir J., gen. (ID) 880; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778. — Rt., Adm. (H) 846 Aften, Wm. Dav., gem. (D) 9 907 Aitkin, Jas., bp. Gall. 539; bp. Mor. 534 Akerman, Jno. Wm., K.C.M.G. 798 Akers-Douglas, see Douglas Aket, sir Cuthb., L.M. Lond. 491 Alain, III. to V., D. Bry, 27-8 — -Fergent, D. Bry. 28 Alan, bp. Arg, 537 — dun. Kild. 619 — (abb. of Tewkesbury), J. It. 366 Aland, Jno. Fort. and sir., J., aft. 1d. Fortescue, q.v., B. Ex. 364; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373; S.G. 401; S.L. 411 Alard, Gerv., L.H.A. 170 — Steph., L.H.A. 171 Alaric, I. and II., K. Sp. 84-5 Alava, Mig., K.C.B., 775 Albanus, bp. IBgr. 425 Albany, D. of, See also York IRt., D. of, L.G.C. Sc. (1383) 509 Alexr., D. of, L.H.A. Sc. (1482), 499 Išeop., &c., D. Leopold, Pr. — Hel. Fred. Aug., DSS. of, Cr. Ind. 810 Albermar, Ph. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Albemarle, Wm. de, K.B. 754 Albemarle, E. and D. of — Wm., E. of (1189), form. Wm. Mandeville, q.v., aft. E. of Essex, q.v. I’lantagemet I'amily. — Edwd., D. of, form. E. of Rutland, q.v., aft. D. Of York, q.v.; Comst. T. L. 320 - — Th., 9th E. of, also D. of Clarence, q.v., K.G. 734 Monck Fannily. — Geo., 1st D. of, form. Sir G. Monk, q.v.; L.T. 155; B.T. 263; M.H. 302; L.L. Esz. 308; Of, - S60 Albemarle, E. and D. of cont. L.L. Ir. 555; K.G. 748; capt. gen. 855 —Chris., 2nd D. of, P.C. 191; L.L. ESX. 308; G. Jam. 712; K.G., 740 Reppel Family. — Arn. J., 1st E. of, gen. (ID) 871; K.G. 741 Wm. A., 2nd E, of, gen. (IB) 865; Gr. St. 304; K.B. 764; K.G. 742; P.C. 199 — Geo., 3rd E. of, gen. (A) 858; K.G. 742; P.C. 200 — Wrm. Ch., 4th E. of, G.C.H. 787; M.B.H. 303; M.H. 302; P.C. 211 — Geo. Th., 6th E. of, gen. (D) 893 Albert, Pr. (consort of Q. Victoria); Const. W. Cast. 322; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 769; G.C.M.G. 794; IK.C.E. 7 ; K.C.S.I. 802; K.G. 744; K.P. 751; K.T. 748; L.W.S. 323; P.C. 214 *— (of Cologne), abp. Arm,595 *— abp. Yk. 485 *— (Alberthus), 454 -*- bp. Dunw. :: (Albertus), bp. Her. 441 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — C. Hld. 82 — (C. P. R.) IX.G. 734 — (d’Alsace) D. Line. 29 — K. Brma. 59 — K. Hgy. 60 — (of Mkg.) IV. Sw. 92 — K. Sxy. 78; K.G. 745 — Pr. Nass. 75 — Pr. S. Rolt. 79 — (of Austria) R. Nds. 82 — (of Saxony) (2) R. Nds. 82–3 — I. and II., Emp. Gmy. 62 — I. and II., D. Brk. 69 — I. and II., M. Aus. 58 — I. to III., D. Bya. 68 — I. to III., El, Sxy. 77 — I. to III., M. Brg. 65 — I. to IV., Pr. Mkg. 74 — I. to V., D. Aus. 58 — II. (D. Aus., aft. E. Gmy.); K.G. 735 — VI., A.D. Aus. 58 — -Edward (son of Q. Vict.); Pr. E. 15; Pr. W. E. 9. See also Pr. of \Wales — -Jno. Ch. F. Alfr. Geo. (g. son Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 — -Victor Chr. Ed. (g. son Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15. See Pr. Of Wºº |H — -Wnn. Hy. (g. son Q. Vic- toria), Pr. E. 1; Q Alberthus, see Albert Alberto, M. Fa, 53 Albertus and Alberus, sec Albert Albin (or Alwyn), bp. Brn. 530 Albini, see also Earls of Arundel — Sir Ph. de, L.H.A. 170 — Wm. de; 2nd E. of Arundel, $ºst. W. Cast. 322; J. It. 366 Albinus, A. P., C. Ro. 42–4–5 — L. 12. (3), C. RO, 43–4 — S. P., C. Ro. 40–1–4–5 Alboinus, K. It. 49 Albright, Jno., dn. Rph. 602 Albrincis, Wan, de, W.C.P. 317 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 61 * 956 INDEX OF NAMES, Albus, see White alºntara, F. L., Pres. Wzla. 1. Alcester, Flt.J3., 1st là., form. Sir F. B. Seymour, q.v., L Admy. 186 Alcfrid, K.E. 2 Alcock, Alex., dn. Lism, 629 — Geo., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Hugh, dm. Bgr. 426 — Jno., dh. Ferns. 623 — Jno., b.p. Ely, 435 ; Boch, 460; byp. Worc. 473; Id. Chanc. 355; M.R. 387 — Ruth, and Sir R., Amb, Ch. # Amb. Jap. 131 ; K.C.B. 78; Aidan, K.Sc. 18 Ajºy, Wóln, Chr. Cll. Malnch. 81 Aldberry, Jno., bp. Linc. 446 Aldbertus, see Albert Aldeburgh, Rd. de, A.G. 398; J.C.P. 377; K.B. 755; S.L 406 Alderbury, Walt, de, dm, St. P. 453 Alderman, Jac., L.M. Tuond. 88 4 Alderson, Edw. H. and Sir E. B, Ex. 385; J.C.P. 380; S.L. 413 — Jas. and Sir J., Pres. Coll. Plm, Q38 Aldham, Wm. Cornw, adm. (HI) 849 Aldithley, see Audley Aidovranáino, J. and II., M. Fa. 53 g Aldreby, Jno. d’, by. Timc. 446 Aldred and Aldredus * — abp. Yk, 485; bp. Worc. 472 7 *— (2) bp. Chnwall, 436 *— bp. Dorch. 446 *— bp. Lindisf, 478 * Poss. Some same perS. Comp, dates. — Jno. Wm., gen. (ID) 882 Aldrich, Hy.; dri. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 lit., by). Carl. 475 IRt. Dawes, adm. (HI) 851 — Wnn., L.M. D'blin. 641 Aldridge, Jno., Clk. O. 260; St. O. 260 – Jno. Wms., admi. (H) 848 — Rt. Cl., Itegr. Gart. 746 Aldulf and Aldulfus, see also Adulfus — IK. E. 2 Aldune, see Aldwin Aldwin, Aldwinus, or Al- dune, bp. Dham, 478 ; b.p. Limilisſ., 478; by. L910,451, Aldworth, Rd. N., U.S.S. 226 Aldwulf, K.R. 2 Aldwyn, by). Lich. 443 Alem, Jhio., Ch. Ex, Ir, 56.1 Alencoln, Jno. de Ld. Chamc. * } {{*} 5 — Herb. d’, J. It. 367 *Alexander, bp. Gall, 538 :k bp, Linc. 446 : (2) by. Ross, 535 dın. Wells, 428 * Prob, some San 10 perS. Comp. (lates. — (Farmese), D. I’ma. 53 — (de Medici) D. Thy. 57 — Emp. E.R. 50 — R. Pld. 91 — L.J. gem. 522 #. bp. Alexander—Convt. +carageorgevies) Pr. Sva, 9 — (of Parma), R. Nds. 82 — (Newski), R. Russ. 89 — (g. son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 — I., H. Rºma. 95 — I., Pr. Bga. 95; G.C.B. 771 — I, to III. (Emp. Russ.), 90 — I. (Emp, Russ.), K.G. 743 — II. (Emp, Russ.), K.G. 745 — III. (Emp. Russ.), K.G.745 — I. to III., IK. Sc. 19 — III., K. Sc., K.B. 754; K. Man, 665 — I. to VIII., P. Ro. 32-4-5-6 —-Albert (g, son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 — -Chas., D, Amht. 66 — Claud, gen. (D) 926 — Flº, gen. (D) 926 — FK, Llew., gem. (D) 911 — Geo. Gard, gen. (D) 902 — Hy, gen. (I)) 924 — Hy, McCl., adm. (H)853 — Jas., gen. (D.) 878 — Ja.s. and sir J., gem. (D) 890; K.C.B. 780 — Sir Jas, Ed., gem. (IX) 904 — Sir Jerome, J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Jno., bp. Dkld. 542 — M. S., bp. Jslm. 677 — Nathl., bp. Clom.f. and K. 636; bp. Down and Cmr. 604; bp. Killo.e. and Kilf. 635 — Rt., gen, (D) 888 — litt., K.C., 416 — Th., adm. (A) 819 — Wrm., bp. Dry, and Rph. 602; dr. Emly, 628 — Wrm., gem. (C) 873 — Wnn., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Wm., see ld, A. infra, —Wm.and sir"W., C.B. Ex.382; Jud. Conn. l’.C. 360; K.C. 415; * Chy. 397 ; P.C. 210; S.L. — Sir Wim., Sec. St. Sc, (1626) 502 — Wm. Byr., gem. (ID) 92.1 — Wm. Jno., Q.C. 417 — Wrm, Rux. IX., gen. (D) 914 Alexander, ld, — Wim., ld., aft E. of Stirling, q.v., Ld. Sess. (1635) 517 Alexandra-Louise - Olg.-Vict. (g, dau, Q, Vict.), Pr. E. 16 Alexis, D. Amht. 66 — R. Russ. 90 — I. to III., Emp. E.E. 51 — I. to IV., Tºmp. Tzde. 98 Aleyrle, see Alleyme $3 Alf—, see also Alph– Alfgar, see Wulfgar Alfhelmils, b]). Dorch, and Sidr. 446 Alfine, bb, Lindisf,478 Alfonso and Alphonso, C. Amj. 27 — (son of Count of Denia), IK.13, 755 — (son of Edw. I.), Pr, E. 10 — R. Nav. 85 — I. Scy. 86; also K. Nls. — I, and II., R. Nls. 56 — II. (IS. Nls.), TX.G. 737 — I. to IV., D. MIda. 53 — I, to V., K. Alºr. 86 — v. (R. Päij, Kö.735 — I. to XIII., R. Sp. 85-6-7 — XII. (K. Sp.), IX.G. 745 Rd., bp, Vict, * Alford, Ch. (H.K.) 674 — Hy., dn. Cant. 432 Laur., Bl. M. P.A. 336; R. B1. P.A. 344 *Alfred, bp. Dev. 436 *— bp. Sels. 432 *— bp. Shbn. 466 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp, dates. — K.E. 3; L.H.A. 170 — (son Geo. III.) Pr. E. 15 —-Ern.-Alb. , (son Q. Vict.) Pr. E. 16; K.G. 744; K.T. 749; See also D. of Edinburgh —-Alex,-Wrm.-Ern,-Alb., Pr. E. 16 Alfredus, see Alfred *Alfric (or Elfric, or Aluri- cius), abp. Cant. 430; bp. Wltn. 466; abp. Ylö. 485 *— bp. Elm, and Dumw. 454 *— bp. Her. 441 *—- bp. Shbn. 466 *Alfrid, bp, Elm, and Dunw. 454 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. Alfstan, see Ealstan *— bp. Wltºn. 466 *Alfstanus, bp. Roch. 459 . * Poss. same pers, Alfsius, by. Winch. 470 Alfwine, bp. Winch. 470 Alfwold (2) bp. Dev. 436 — (or Elfwold), bp. Shbn, 466 — K.E. 2 Alfwoldus, see Alfwold Alfwolfus, bp. Dev. 436 Alfwy, bp. Lond. 451 Algar, bp. Dev. 436 — bp. Elm. and Dunw, 454 º a.S. Sturg. Halm, gen. (D) Algarus, see Algar Algericus, bp. Sels. 432 Algllied, byp, Cld, 598 Alherdus, bp. Jºlm. 454 Alhmund, bp. Winch. 470 — bp. Her. 480 Alhnael, abp. St. Day. 463 Ali, Cph. Aba. 98 Alice (dau. Wim. I.), Pr. E, 9 — (dau. Tºdw, I.), Pr. E. 10 — -Mary-Vict.-Aug.-Paul. (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 — -Maud-Mary (dau, Q. Vict, Gr. Dss, of Hesse), l’r, E. 15; Cr. Ind. 809 Alifregus, Eln). Dunw, 454 Ali Mooraa-khan, Sh. Pers. Alison, sir Archd., M.C.I. 647; gen. (D) 917; G.C.B. 771; IN.C.B. 780 Ch., Anub, Pers. 130 Allan, See also Alam, Allem and Allinn *— bp. C'mess. 531; Ld,Chanc, SC. 515 *— by, Isl. 539; by). S. and M. 483 bp. and * 2 Same pers, — L.J. gen, 522 — Sir Hy. Marshn. Havelock-, K.C.B. 782. See also Havelock — Th., C. Cus, 276; C. Cus, Ir, 565 — Wrm., L. Prov, Edinb. 548 Allanson, sir Geo. Wy., IB. Ex. Sc. 524 Allunton, Rt., Ld. Chanc, Ir 575 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 957 Allen, 86e Cºlso Allam and Allin —ºp. Isl, 539; bp. S. and M. — K. Man. 664 — Alex. St., gen. (ID) 913 — Anthy, M. Chy. 396 — sir Geo. Wigr., K.C.M.G. 798 — Geo. Wrm., C.I.E. 806 — Hy. Geo., Q.C. 419 — Hugh, bp. Down and Cnr. 604; bp. Ferns, 621 — Jas., dm. St. Dav. 465 — Ja.s., gen. (D) 881 — Jno., adm. (D) 823; (G) 840 — Jno., adm. (Hi) 845 — Jno., M.B. Ir. 585 — Jno., aft. Sir J., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; L.IX. and Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno. Cart., adm. (A) 815 — Jno. Edw., gen. (T)) 932 — Jno. Hast., dun. I&illoe, 637 º' OS., bp, Brl. 439; bp. Ely, — sir Josh., L.M. D'blm. 640 — Nichs., b.p. Meath, 599; L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Rt., P.P. 417; S.L. 413 — Th., dn, Chest. 477 — sil: Th., adm. (A) 813 — Sir Tim., L.M. D’bln. 641 — Wrm., adm. (A) 816 — Wrm., adm. (HI) 848 — sil: Wnn., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wºm. Perm, L.M. Tuond, 492 Anºrthorpe, Lawr., B. Ex. JAlley, Jno., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Wm., bp. Exr. 437 Alºne and Aleyrie, see (tlso G]] — sir Jas., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 — Jno., B. Ex. 383 — Jno., dm. St. Pat. 618 — Jno. Fost., G. Bdoes. 720 — Py., L.M. Lond. 488 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Allibone, Rd. and sir R., J.I.C.B. 372; K.C. 415; S.L. 411 Allin, See also Allan and Allen — Jos and Sir J., Sr. N. 257 Allington, Giles, K.B. 759 — Winn., L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Wnn., Sp. H.C. 248-9 — Wnn. la., Comst. T.L. 321 Allix, Pet., dul. Ely, 435; dim. Glr. 440 Allot, Jimo., L.M. Lond. 491 — Rd., dm. Rph. 603 Allonville, gen. d’, K.C.B. 778 Almaly or Almary, Walt., drl. Winds. 474 Almaric, K. Sp. 85 Almary, see Almaly Alms, Jas., adm. (A) 817 Alneto, Jrmo. de, bp. Rph. 601 Alniewick and Alnwick, Wrm., bp. Linc. 446; bp. Norw. 455; S. St. 222 JAlois, Jos., Pr, Ltn., 73 Alph—, See also Alf— Alphage, see Elphege Alphege, see Elphege Alphegus, see Elphegus Alphonso, see Alfonso Aiºnwuid, IX.E. 2 Alpin, bp. Dmbl., 532 Alpine, lx. Sc. 19 Aired, K.E.2 Alric, IX.E. 1. Alsina, V., pres. Arg, 110 ; preS. #. Ay. 110 Alsius, bp. Lindisf. 478 Alsop, Rd., L.M. Lond, 492 Alston, Fras. Beilb., K.C.M.G. 798 Altamont, Jno. Denis, 3rd E. of, aft. 1st M. of Sligo, q.v., I.P. 750 Altaphoo, Raj. &c., K.C.S.I. 802 Alten, Chas., bar, or count, gen. (D) 873 ; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 Vict., bar., gem. (C) 873 Altham, Ja.s. and sir J., B.Ex. 384; K.B. 764;S.L. 409 — Rd., ld, form. hon. R. Annesley, q.v. Althorpe, visc. — Geo. Jno., visc., aft. 2nd E. Spencer, q.v., L.T. 158 — Jno. Ch., visc., aft. 3rd E. Spencer, q.v., Ch. EX. 165 ; L.T., 158, 160; P.C. 211 Alubertus or Alubrithius, bp. Sels. 432 Alured, bp. Worc. 472 — K.E. 2. , Aluricius, see Alfric Alvanley, I&d. P., ld., form. sir R. P. Arden, q.v. Alverez, J., Pres. Mex. 103 Alves, John, gen. (D) 890 Alwi, see also Alwy Alwigh, bp. Sidr. 446 Shreemum, *Alwinus (or Ealfwyn), bp. Wells 427 *— bp. St. Andr. 528 §: bp. Worc. 472 Alword, see Elfward Alwyn, see also Albin *— bp. Elm and Dumw. 454 *Prob. Some same pers. Comp, dates — Nich., L.M. LOmd. 490 Amadeus, K. Sp. 87 — I. to VII., C. Swy. 54 — VIII. and IX., D. Swy. 54 Amalgaid, bp, Arnn. 595 agaurus, I. and II., K. J.Sm. 9 Amb, Nawab of, K.C.S.I., 804 Amberkeletus, IN, Sc. 18. Ambler, Ch., lx.C. 415 Ambly, Wnt, de, J. It. 367 Ambrose, Wm., Q.C. 419 Ambustus, C. F., C. Ro. 40 — M. F., C. Ro. (3), 40; Dt. RO. 40 Tai Q. F. V., C. Ro. 39; Dt. Ro. Amcotes, Sir Hy., L.M. Lond. 490 Amelia (dau. Geo. III.) Pr. E. 1 — -Eliz., Lg. H. Cs1. 72 T4 -Soph., (dau, Geo. II.) Pr. E. Amertes, Rd., R.B. 761 Amherst, Jeffr., gem. (8) 866 — Jeffr., see la. A. infra, — Jno., adm. (A) 814 — Rd., S. L. 409 Wm., gem. (B) 866 Amherst, lds. and E. — Jeffr, and Sir J., aft. 1st là. A., C. Ch. 855; F.M. 856; G. Gsey. 669; gen. (A) 858; K.B. 765; L.G.O. 259; P.C. 202. — Wrm. Pitt, 2nd lol. and 1st E.; Amb. Ch. 131; Amb. Scy. 114 ; G.C.II. 787; G.G. Ind. 649; P.C. 209 Amlave, abp. Arm. 595 Amos, Andr., C.C.J. 403 Ampadan, bp. Glend. 615 Amphibalus, bp. Isl. 539 Amphlett, Rd. P. and Sir R., P.C. 219; i3. Ex. 385; J. Ex. D. 385; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; I.J. App. 389; Q.C. 418; S.L. 414 Ampthill, Odo. Wm. L., ld., form. li. Odo. Russell, q.v. Amucaid, bp. Kild. 616 Amund (Colbremner), K. SW. 92 — (Slemme), K. SW. 92 Amuraith, I. to V., S. Try. 97-8 Amyand, Cl., C. Cus. 276; U.S.S. 226 Amye, Sir Jno., M. Chy. 395 Anacletus, P. Ro. 32 Anarawd, Pr. Wls. 16 Anastatius, I. and II., Emp. E.E. 50 — I. to IV., P. R.O. 33-4 Amburey, Th. and Sir T., gen. (D) 877; K.C.B. 777 Ancaster [and Kesteven], D O Peregr., 2nd D. of, L.G.C. 285; P.C. 197 Peregr., 3rd D. of, gen. (A) 858; L.G.C. 288 ; L.L. Linc. 310; M.H. 302; P.C. 198 — Robt., 4th D. of, form. F. and M. of Lindsey, q.v., L.G.C. 288; L.L. Limc. 310; P.C. 203 — Brownl., 5th D. of, L.L. Linc. 310 Ancelin or Ancelinus, dn. Her. 442 Ancram or Ancrum, E. Of — lºt., 1st E. of, form. Rt. Rerr, q.v. — Wm., E. of, aft, 6th M. of Lothian, q.v. Ancus-Martills, K. R.O. 36 Anderdon, Th. Ol., Q.C. 417 Anderson, Ad., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jy. Sc. 523; Lá. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 521; S. G. Sc. 527 Alexr., gen. (D) 897 — Ch. Gibs., gen. (D) 924 — Ch. Hy., Q.C. 420 — Dav., bp. Rup. Ld. 697 — Dav., gem. (D) 907 — Daw. Gr., gen. (D) 911 — Edm. amd Sir E., C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 408 — Edw. Abb. gem. (D) 918 — Fk. Cortl., gen (D) 930 — Geo. S. Alex., gen. (D) 923 — Geo. Wm. and sir G., G. Bbay 659; G. Ceyl. 672; G. MItius. 684; IS.C.B. 782 — Harry Cortl. gen. (D) 927 — Hy. Lac., K.C.S.I. 803 — Hy. Perc., K.C.M.G. 798 — Jas., adm. (IHI) 848 Jas., Q.C. 417 — Jno., gem. (ID) 886 — Jno., Surg., C.I.E. 807 — Jno. Bd., gen, (D) 910 — sir Jno. Wrm., L.M. Lond. 492 — J. Josc., IX.H. 792 — Jos., IX.H. 791 Paul, gem. (A) 863 — litt., R.H. 791 — Rt. Patr., gem. (D) 918 — Th. gem. (ID) 89S — W. Cochr, gem. (ID) 893 — Wrm. Couss., gen. (ID) 923 Wm. Geo. and sir W., ASS. C. and A. 169; IS.C.]3. 783 Wrm. Ward, gem. (D) 919 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 958 INDEX OF NAMES. Andover, visc. — Th., visc., aft. 1st E. of Berkshire, q.v., K.G. 739 — Cl., visc., form. Ch. Howard, q.v., aft. 3rd E. of Berkshire, (1.7). Andreas, bp. Dmbl. 532 agºree, Rd. Coll., gem. (D) Andreossi, Off. Nap. 26 *Andrew, bp. Arg. 537 *— (2) bp. Cness, 531 :k bp. Drom. 604 *— bp. Gall. 538 bp. Ork. 535 — bp. St. Dav. 464 dun. Kilm). 609 — (abb. of Melrose), L.H.T Sc. 496 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — I, and II., R. Russ. 89 — I. to III., K. Hgy. 59–60 — (or Andrews), Geo., b.p. ºns and L. 622; dri. Lim. — Jas., L.M. Lond. 489 — Jno., Ch. Tond. 422 — Jno. Wim., adm. (H) 844 — Wm., bp. Ach. 612; bp. Mth. 599 — Wrm. Patr., C.I.E. 807 Andrews, Aug. gen, (D) 877 — Biggs, K.C. 416 — Ch., gen. (ID) 912 :*: : —ºd. Bull., G. Gld. CSt. — (Or Andrew) Geo. See Andrew — Ger., dn. Cantº. 431 — Hy., K.H. 792 . — Jno. Goldw., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Lanc., bp. Chich, 433; byp. Ely, 435; by. Winch. 471; dri. Westºr. 469 — Rd., dn. Ylk. 487 — Rt., gen. 890 — Th., L.M. D'blin. 641 — Th., L.M. Lond, 491 — Th., P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 — Wm. Dr., J. Ex. D. Ir. 584 Andronicus, I. to III. Emp. E.E. 51 — I. to III. Emp. Tzde, 98 Amºros, Sir Edm., G. Gsey. Angarville (or Bury), IRd. de, bp. Dham. 478; dm. Wells 428; L.H.T. 153; Ld. Chanc. 354 Angelbeck, Joh. Ger. Wan, G. Ceyl, 672 Angelo, Ed. Anthy. K.H. 789 — Jno. Anthy, gem. (ID) 920 Aggers, Aug. IRéal, G. Queb. Angerstein, Jno. Julius Wm., gen. (D) 885 Angharad (2), Pr. Wls. 16–7 Angle, Guich. D', aft. E. of intingdon, q.v., K.G. (1372) 73 Anglesey, E. and M. of Ammesley Family. — Arth., 1st. E. of, form. li. Annesley, and 1st visc. Valen- tia, q.v., L. Admy. 175; T.P.S. 240; P.C. 191; Tr. N. 256 — Jno., 4th E. of, P.C. 195; W. Trea.S. Ir. 559 — Arth., 5th E. of, P.C. 196; W. Trea.S. Ir, 559 Anglesey, E. and M. of comt. Paget Family. — Hy. Wnn., 1st M. of, form. E. of Uxbridge, q.v., F.M. 856; G.C.H. 786; gem. (A) 861; R.G. 743; L.H.S. 287; L.L. Ang, 314; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. §ºns. 312; M.G.O. 259; P.C. — Hy, 2nd M. of, form. E. of Uxbridge, q.v. ** Anglicus, Jno., dun. Yk. 486 Anguish, Th., M. Chy. 396; Acct. G. 397 Angus, Jno. Anst., gen. (D).912 Angus, lds, and E. of — Archd., 5th E. Of, L.H.A. Sc. 499; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Archd., 6th E.of, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 — Archd., ld. (Son of Wnn., 11th E., aft. E. of Ormond), Ld. Sess. 517 Angusianus, K. Sc. 18 Angusius (2), bp. Isl. 539 Anian and Anianus, See also Enion. *— abp. St. Dav. 463 Sk bp. Bgr. 425 *— (2) dim. St. As, 462 * Prob. Some S3,1116. pers. Comp. dates. Anicetus, P. Ro. 32 Amino, Ct. Nic., G.C.M.G. 794; E.C.M.G. 796 Anluain, bp. Saig. 620 Anna, Emp. TZde, 98 — K.E. 2 Annally, lds. Gore Family. — Jno., ld., form. Jno. Gore, Q,t). TWhite Family. — Hy., 1st li., form. H. White, q.v. — Luke, 2nd lù., White, q.v., K.P. 75 Annas, K.E. 2 Annandale, Wrm., E., aft. 1st M. of, Commr. Tr. Sc. 497-8; R.T. 747; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.K. Sc. 503; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 196; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Anne, D. Bry, 28 — E. Russ. 90 — (iss. Edw. III.) (2) Pr. E. 10-11 — (dau. Edw. IV.), Pr. E. 12 — (dau. Chas. I.), Pr. E. 13 → ſ* Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13; 6 Q.E. — (dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 — (of Bohemia), Q.C.E. 7 — (Boleyn), Q.C.E. 8 — (of Cleves), Q.C.E. 8 — (of Denmark), Q.C.E. 8 — (Hyde), Q.C.E. 8 — (of Warwick), Q.C.E. 8 —-Sophia (dau. of Q. Anne), Pr. E. 14 — Alexr, Rec. Lond. 493 Annesley, Arth., see lá. A., infra, — hom. Arth., gen. (A) 862 — Arth. Lytt. L., gem. (D) 931 - Sir Fras, aft, ld, Mount- ii.orris, q.v., Sec. St. Ir. 562; V. Treas. Ir. 559 — Hon. Rd., aft. 1d. Altham, q.v., dn. Exr. 437 — Hon. Rd., See E. of A., imfra, form. L. 2 + Annesley—Comt. — Steph. Fras. Ch., gen, (D) 917 — Hon. Wm., dn. Down, 605 Annesley, lds, and E. Of — Arth., aft. Id. A. and 1st M. of Anglesey, q.v., Comm. Ir. 554; P.C. 190 — Rd., aft. 2nd E. of, C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Amieli, Aug. Fras., gem. (D) 0 An elm (Saint), abp. Cant. 43 Anson, hon. Adelb. Jno. Rt., bp. Qu'App. 698 — Archd. Edw. Harb., G. Pr. Edw. Isl. 699; G. Str. Sett. 675; K.C.M.G. 798 — Fk., dn. Chest. 477 — Geo., see lá. A. infra, — Geo. and Sir G., gem. (A) 862; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — Hon. Geo., C.C. Madras, 657; C.C. Ind. 651; Clk. O. 260; gen. (D) 883; St. O. 261 - Palaw. Vern., adm. (G) 84 — Sir Winn., gen. (A) 862; R.C.B. 774 Anson, lds, and visc. — Hon. Geo., aft. 1st là. A., adm. (A) 814; Clk. O. 260; L. Admy. 178; P.C. 199 — Thos. Wrm., 2nd visc., aft. 1st. E. of Lichfield, q.v, M.B.EI. 303; P.C. 212 Anstie, Jas., Q.C. 419 Anstis, Jno. (No. 1), Gart. R.A. 327; Norf. H. 341 — Jno. (No. 2), Bl. C.H. 339; Gart. K.A. 327; Geneal. Bath. 784 Anstruther, sir A., P.C. 208 — Jno. and Sir J., C.J. Bgal. 652; K.C. 415 — Ph., gen. (B) 864 — Rt., gem. (B) 865 — Sir Rt., L.L. Fifesh, 510 — Wm., K.B. 761; Ld. Sess. 520 Anterus, P. R.O. 32 - Añºnelm (Saint), bp. Winch. 47 Anthermius, Emp. W.E. 49 Anthony, See also Antony — bp. Rph. 601 — K. Pgl. 88 — Pr. Mlno. 31 — -Clement T., K. SXy. 78 —-Ulric, D. Brk, 70 —-Ulric, D. S. MIgn. 79 Anthun, K.E. 1 Antoinadis, Jno., K.C.M.G. 799 - - Anton I. (or Anton Gunther), D. Ob , , D, Obg. 76. Antoninus-Pius, Emp. Ro. 4 7 Antonius, dh. Cash. 627 — Tr. Ro. 46 — C., C. Ro. 46 — M. (2) C. Ro. 45-6 - Antony, See also Anthony — C. Lux. 84 — D. Bbt. 29 — D. Line. 30 — D. Prmal. 53 Antrim, Rand. Wim., 6th E. and 1st M. of, K.B. 765; K.P. 750 Iſor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES, 959 Ajdh (3) K. Ir. 21 — -Ruadh, K. Ir. 20 —-Uaireodhnach, K. Ir. 21 Aongus-Olmuchać K, Ir. 20 I-Tiurimheach, K. Ir. 21 Aplin, Elph. D'Oyl. D'Auv., adm. (H)851 — Jno. Geo., adm. (H) 846 — Jno. G. Rog., gen. (D) 909 — Pet., adm. (A) 817 Appleby, Jno. de, dm. St. P. 453 — Jno. Fla., adm. (H)847 — Th. de, bp. Carl. 475 Applegath, Fras., gen. (D) 914 Appleyard, Fk. Erm., gem. (D) 927 Appuleius, S., C. Ro. 47 April, Jno., G. Gsey. 668 Apsley, sir All., Lt. T. L. 321 — sir Pet., Coff. H. 293 Apsley, lds. — Hy., ld, aft. 2nd E. Bath- urst, q.v., L.T. 158; Ld. Chanc. 357; P.C. 202 — Hy., ld, aft. 3rd E. Bath- urst, q.v., B.C. 252; L. Admy. 180; P.C. 205; Tell. Ex. 168 — Hy, Geo., ld, aft. 4th E. Bathurst, q.v., B.C. 253 Apulia, Sim, de, bp. EXr. 436; dim. Yk, 486 Aºſablanca, Jno. de, dm. Her. 4 Aquila, (or Aguila), Nichs. de, bp. Chich. 432; dim. Chich. 433 Aquilinus, L. H., C. R.O. 38 — T. H., C. R.O. 37 Aquilius, MI., C. R.O. 45 Aºin, Jno. Danl., gem. (A) 8 — Jno. L., L.M. D'bln. 642 — Septimus, adm. (IH)846 — Wm. Jno., gem. (A) 860 — Wrm. St. Jul., J.A.G. 937; P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 Aram, Th., C. Exc. 279 Araric, K. It, 49 Arbuckle, Benj. Hutch. V., gen. (D) 893 aſſuthnot, Alex., C. Cus. Sc. 5 4 — Alexr., bp. Killoe. and Kilf. 635; dri. Cloy. 633 — Alexr. Dunda's Young and Sir A., adm. (IFI) 846 Alexr, Jno. and Sir A., R.C.S.I. 803; M.C.I. 647 — Ch., Amb. SW. 126; Amb. TRy. 129; IB.T. 268; C.D.L. 243; Sec. Tr. 163; P.C. 207 ; |U.S.F., 229 — Ch. Geo. and Sir C., C.C. Bbay. 660; C.C. MIdras., 658; gen. (D) 924; K.C.B. 781 Ch. Geo. Ja.s., gen. (D) 883 — Geo. Alexr., gem. (D) 935 — Hy. Th., gen. (D) 933 — hom. Hugh, gem. (A) 863; K.C.B. 779 — Jno., see visc. A., infra, — Marr., adm. (A) 815; G. N. Sc. 695 — Rt. and sir Rt., gem. (B) 870; K.C.B. 774 — Th. and Sir T., gem. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774 — Wrm. and Sir W., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — hon. Wnn., gen. (D) 891 — Wnn. Urq., M.C.I. 646 Arbuthnot, Wisc. Jno., 8th Wisc. L.L. Kinc. 510 - - Arcadius, Emp. E.E. 50 Archbold, see Archebold Archdall, Merv., gen. (A) 861 Archebold, Wm., B. Ex. Ir 583 Archer, Ch. Palm., T.M. Dblin, 642 — E. C., G. Trin. 722 — Jno. and Sir J., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 — Jno. 1e, L.D. Ir. 551; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 — Th., dn. Oss. 622 — Wrm. Caulf., gen. (C) 872 — Wm. Hy., L.M. D'bln. 641 Archibald, bp. Cness. 531 — bp. Mor. 534 — Adams Geo. and sir A., G. Mtoba. 696; G. N. Sc. 695; E.C.M.G. 798 — Ed. Mort., K.C.M.G., 798 — Th. D., aft. Sir T., J.C.P. 380; J.C.P.D. 380; J.Q.B. 374; S.L. 414 Arcott, Azim, &c., Pr. Of, G.C.S.I. 801 Arcy, see Darcy Ardagh, Huny of, bp. Dry. 601 tº ºil ºr gēn (Dºgg3 Arden, Jno., K.B. 756 — Ralph de, J. It. 366 — Rd. de, J. It. 366 — Rd. Pepp. and Sir R., aft. li. Alvanley, q.v., A.G. 400; B.T. 268; C.J.C.P. 376; C.J. Chest. 386 ; K.C. 415; M.R. 388; P.C. 204; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 — Wrm. Rd. Pepp., Regr. M.G. 799 Arden, lds. — Ch. Geo., 1st là., form. Hon. C. G. Perceval, q.v., B.C. 252; L. Admy. 180; L.L. Surr, 312; M.M. 247 Arderne, Jas., B. EX. 383; dun. Chest. 477 — Pet., C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Ardulf, K.E. 2 Areskine, See Erskine Arentschildt, F.R., bar, de, E.C.IB. 775 Aressey, Norm. de, J. It. 367 Arfastus (Or Herefast), bp. Elm. and Dumw. 454; Lud, Chanc. 352 Argadus, L.J. Gen. 522 Argentine, Giles de, J. It. 368 — Regd. de, J. It. 366; Jy. 364 Arguinnbau, Lawrence, gen. , (D) 882 *Argusteil, bp. St. DaV. 464. *Argwistil, bp. Llff. 448 * 2 Same pers. Argyll, Sir Jno. of, L.H.A. (1311) 170 - Argyll, E., M., and D. of. See also M. of Lorne — Col., 1st E. of, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Col., 3rd E. Of, L.J. Gen. Q 'Archd., 4th E. of, L.J. Gen. 522 — Archd.,5th E. of, Ld. Chanc. SC. 515 Gilespick, E. of, L.J. Gen. (1567) 522 Col., 6th E. Of, L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Archd., 7th E. of, lu.J. Gen. 522 5 Argyll, E., M., and D. of comt. — Archd., 8th E. and 1st M. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 517 •. Archd., 9th E. of, Ld. Sess. 517 Archd., 10th E. aft. 1st D. of, C.G.S. Sc. 515; Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 ; Ld. Sess. 517 — [and Greenwich] Jno., 2nd D. of, F.M. 856; H.C.P. Sc. 508; K.G.741; K.T. 747; L.S.H. 290; Ld. Sess. 517; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 195 — Archd. 3rd D. of, form. E. of Islay, q.v. — Jno., 4th D. of, gen. (A) . 858; K.T. 747; P.C. 201 — Jno., 5th D. of, F.M. 856; gen. (A) 858; L.L. Arg. 508 Geo. Wrm., 6th D. Of, G.C.H. 787; L.S.H. 290; L.K. §§ 503; L.L. Arg. 508; P.C. 212 Jno. D. E. N., 7th D. of, L.R. Sc. 503 Geo. Dougl., 8th D. of, K.G. 745; K.T. 748; L.L. Arg. 508; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 216; Postm. G. 239; Sec. Ind. 236 — Eliz. Georg., Dss. Of, Cr. Ind. 809; M. Robes, 304 Arias, C., Pres. Hólas. 106 Aribert, I. and II., K. Limd. 49 Arista, M., Pres, Mex. 103 Ariwaldus, K. Limd. 49 Arlington, Hy., 1st là, and E. of, form. Sir Hy. Bennet, q.v., K.G. 740; L. Admy. 175; L.C.H. 295; P.C. 191 Armiger, Robt., gen. (B) 865 Armstrong, Alex. and Sir A., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 780 — Alex. Th., gem. (D) 914 —— Bygoe, gen. (A) S58 — Edw., gen. (I)) 8SS — Geo. Amdr., gen. (13) 868 — Jas., gem. (ID) SS3 — Jas. Wells, gen. (D) 904 — Jno., b.p. Gr. Tm. 680 — Jno., dm. IXilf. 637 — Jno., gen. (D) 902 25 Jno., gem. (C) 871; S.G.O. 9 — Rd., gen. (B) 866 — Rd., S.L. Ir. 593 — sir Rd., C.C. Mdras. 657; gen. (ID) 879; K.C.B. 777 — Rd. Say.., gen. (ID) 893 — Rt. B., Q.C. 417 — Wnn., gem. (C) S74 Wm. Andr., gem. (D) 926 Arriauld, J., gen. (D) 893 Arnaud, Jno., IK.H. 790 Aſſºoid, Sir Edwin, K.C.I.E. — Jas. Hy., Adm. Adv. 423; Vic. gen. 422 — Jas. Robn., gen. (D) 880; R.H. 789 — Juno, K.C.B., 775 — Sir Nichs., L.J. Ir. 554 Arnot, Dav., bp. Gall. 538 — Hy., L.H.T. Sc. 496 — Sir Jmo., gem, (B) 864 — Rt., Compt. Sc. 498 Arnott, Jas. Momc., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Arnulf and Arnulph. See also Ermostus and Ranulph — C. Fld. 82 — C. H.lt. 81 — D, Bwa, 67 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 960 INDEX OF NAMES. Arnulf and Armulph—comt. — E. Gnny. 61 — I. to III., C. Fers. 81 Aſſemena, J., Pres. Pan. 1 Arouse, Jno., L.P.S. Sc. 500; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Sec. St. Sc. 501 Arran, Earls of Stewart Family. — Jas., 1st E. of, L.H.A. Sc, 499; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. SeSS. 517 Dutler Family. 1st Creation. — Rd., 1st E. Of, L.D. Ir, 555 2nd, Creation. - Chas. 1st E. of, gen. (IB) — Jas., E. of, aft. 4th D. of Hamilton, q.v., gen. (B) 864; R.T. 747; M.G.W. 296 Gore Family. — Arth. Saund., 2nd E. of, R.P. 750 — Ph. Y., 4th E. of, K.P. 751 — Arth. S. W. C., 5th E. of, form. Visc. Sudley, (ſ.v., L.L. Mayo, 570 Arrighi, Off. Nap. 26 Arses, K. Pers. 99 Artabanus, K. Pers. 99 Art-Aonfhir K. Ir. 21 Artaxerxes, I. and II., K. PerS. 99 Arthur (son Hy. II.), Pr. E. 9 — (son Hy. VII.), Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.E. 8. See also Pr. Of Wales — I. to III., D. Bry. 28 — -Fk.-Patr.-Alb. (g, son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 — Wnn.-Patr.-Alb. (son Q. Vict.), aft. D. of Connaught and Strathearn, q.v., Pr. E. 16; K.G. 745; K.P. 751; R.T. 749; P.C. 218 — C. A., Pres. U.S.A. 103 — Dav., dm. Lim. 639 Geo. and sir G., G. Bbay. 659; G. Br. Hond. 714; G. N.S.W. 703; G. Upp. Can. 692; G. W.D. Ld. 708; K.C.H. 789; P.C. 215 — Hon. Sir (D) 881 — Ja.s., TX.H. 792 — Rd., adm. (T)) 827 Th., b.p. Lim. 638 — Wrm., adm. (E) 837 Arthvalel, abp. St. Dav. 463 Artrigius, bp. Arm. 595 Geo. Bt., gem. *- Arundel, Arundell, and Arundelle — Jno., bp. Chich. 433 — Jno., bp. Exr. 436; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; dim. Exr. 437 — Jr.o., dm. Winds. 474 — Jno. (3), K.IB, 756–7–8 — Jno. de, I.B. 756 — Sir Jno., K.G. 735 Jno. (of Trerico), R.B. 759 — Hon. Rd., L.T. 157; M.M. 247; Tr. Ch. 294 — Rog., J. It. 366 — Th., K.IB. 758 — Th., IS.B. 760 — Th. de, abp. Cantº. 430; abp. Yk. 485; bp. Ely, 435; Ld. Chanc. 354-5 — (or Fitzalan), K.G. (1396) 734 Sir Wm., Arundel, Earls of. Search also under Fitzalan, Maltra- vers, Norfolk, and Surrey — Wrm, 2nd E. of, Comst. W. Cast. 322 Wrm., 3rd E. of, J y. 364 IFitzalan Family. — Rd., 8th E. of (also E. of Surrey, q.v.), L.H.A. 172 Föd., 9th E. of, K.G. 734; L.H.A. 173; L.H.T. 153; Ld. K. 354 Th., 10th E. Of, K.B. 755; K.G. 734; L.H.T. 153; W.C.P. 318 — Jno., 12th E. Of (also löl. Maltravers, q.v.), R.G. 735 — Wnn., 14th E. of, K.G. 736; W.C.P. 318 — Th., 15th E. Of, form. lot. Maltravers and lói. Fitzalan, q.v., K.B. 756 — Wrm., 16th E. of, K.G. 737; L.C.H. 294 (?) — Hy., 17th E. of, K.G. 738; L.C.H. 294 (?); L.H. Const. ; L.L. Suss. 312; L.S.H. Th., 19th E. of, C.G.S. 356; E.M. 326; K.G. 739; L.L. Surr. 312; L.L. Suss. 312; L.S.H. 290 — Hy. FR., 20th E. of, E.M. 326 — Hy., E. of, aft. 7th D. of Norfolk, q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322; L.L. Surr, (1682) 312 Arundel of Wardour, lds. — Hy., 3rd lól. I.P.S. 240; P.C. 193 Arvina, A. C. C. (2), C. Ro. 40; Dt. Ro. 41 — P. C. (2), C. Ro. 41 Asaph (St.), bp. St. As. 462 Ascelinus (or Adelmus), dn. Linc. 447 Ascelyn, bp. Roch. 459 Ascharn, See Askam Ascue, see also Aiscue, Ays- cue, and Askew — Wm., IV.B. 759 Agºwardly, Ad. de..., J. It. 7 Ascwinus, Sidr. 446 Asgill, sir Ch., G.C.H. 786; gen. (ID) 860 — Sir Ch., L.M. Lond. 492 Ash, See also Ashe — St. Geo., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Cloy. 631; bp. Dry. 601 Ashbourne, Ed., ld., form, Ed. Gibson, q.v., P.C. 220 Ashburner, Geo. Ell., gen. (D) 914 — Wnn., gen. (ID) 913 Ashburnham, Bertr. W.C.P. 317 Cromer and Sir C., gen. (ID) 930; K.C.B. 781 — sir Denny, C. Exc. 278 — Elias de, C.J.K.B. Dr. 577 — Hon. Th., gen. (ID) 885 — Wm. and sir W., bp. Chich. 433; dn. Chich. 434 — Sir Wnn., Chambn. Ex. 166; COff. H. 293 Ashburnham, lds. and E. Of — Jno., 3rd 1d., aft. 1st E. of C.Y. G. 298 — Jno. 2nd E. of, Gr. St. 304; M.G.W. 296; L.L. Suss. 312; P.C. 201; Gr. St. (1775) 304 bp. Dorch, and de, Ashburnham, lds. & E. of cont. — Geo. 3rd E. Of, G.C.H. 786; F.G. 743 Ashburton, lds. I)wnqving Family. — Jno., ld, form. Jimo. Dum- ning, q.v., C.D.L. 243 Parimg IFamily. — Alex., 1st lá., form. A. Baring, q.v., Amb. U.S.A. 132 — Wrm. B., 2nd ló., form. hon. W. B. Baring, q.v. Ashby, Sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 — Nichs., b.p. Llff. 449 — Wnn., Ch. Ex. 153, Ashe. See also Ash Xianus, B. Ex. 383 *— Ed., B.T. 264 *— Ed., Clk. O. 260 :k Ed., G. Bdoes. 720 *Prob. same pers. — Wnn. A’Court, gem. (A) 858 Asher, Alex., S.G. Sc. 527 Ashford, Wm. C., lcl., form visc. Bury, q.v. Ashley, hom. Anth. E. M., Sec. B.T. 269; U.S.C. 235 — hon. Anthy. Jimo., Q.C. 418 — Fras., S.L. 409 Ashley, lds. — Anthy. A., 1st lél., form. Sir A. A. Cooper, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Shaftesbury, q.v. ; Ch. Ex. 164; T.I. Dors. 307; L.T. 155 — Anthy., ld, aft. 7th E. of Shaftesbury, q.v., B.C. 253; L. Admy, 182 Ashley-Cooper, see Cooper Ashman, Rt., L.H.A. 171 Ashmole, Elias, Winds. H. 131 Ashmore, Ch., gem. (ID) 894 — Jno., gen. (ID) 890 Ashraff, Sh, Pers. 99 Ashton and Assheton, See Gulso Aston — Jno., K.B. 755 — Rd., G. I. Man, 666 as Rd., wan. Chr. Ch. Manch. 81 — Rd. or Rt. and sir R., L.H.A. 172; L.H.T. 1531; L.J. Ir, 551; Ld. Chamc. Ir. 574; W.C.P. 318. These references apparently all relate to the same person, although the , names differ. Comp. dates. Ashurst, Sir Hy, C. Exc. 278, 279 — Sir Wnn., C. Exc. 279 — Sir Wim. Hy. C.G.S. 357; J.I.B. 373; S.L. 412 Ashway (or Aswy), Rauf, L.M. Lond. 488 Ashwell, Jno., Clar. K.A. 328 — Jno. de, A.G. 398 Ashworth, Ch. and Sir C., gen. (C) 875; I.C.B. 776 — Fk. and sir F. gen. (D) 882 Ariatious, L. C. S., C. Ro. 43, Asicus (St.) bp. Elph. 608 C. S. (2), C. Ro. 42 . S., C. Ro. 43 Ask (or Aske), Rd., J.R.B. 372; S.L. 40 . 409 Askam and Askhann — Walt., S.L. 407 — Wm., L.M. Lond. 489 Aske, see Ask Askeby, Robt. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574; M. Chy. 393 Asina, C. P. I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 961 Askew, See also Ascue, Ayscue, C. — Sir Chr., L.M. Lond. 490 — Sir Hy., gen. (B) 869 Askham, see Askam Askwith, Wm. Harr., gen. (D) 902 Aslett, Wm. Str., gen. (D) 906 Aspinall, Jno., S.L. 412 — Jno. Br., Q.C. 418 Jaspland, Linds. M., Q.C. 420 Assenburg, Louis Van, G.C.G.H. 678 *Asser, abp. St. T)aw. 463 *— bp. Shbn. 466 2. * Poss. same pers. JASSerius, Reg, de, bp. Winch. Assheton, see Ashton Asshebournllam, see Ash- burnham Assiat, bp. Arm. 595 Astell, Ch. Ed., gen. (ID) 919 — Wrm., Chin. E.I. Co. 645 Astle, Geo. Adm. (A) 820 Astley, Herb., dm. Norw, 456 — sir Jacob, B.T. 264 — Sir Jmo., IK.G. 736 Astolphus, K. Limd. 49 Aston, See also Ashton — Arth. and sir A., Amb. Fr. ; Amb. Spm. 124; G.C.B. Jas. Jones, Q.C. 419 — Jno., K.B. 759 — Rd. and Sir R., C.G.S. 357; C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; J.K.B. 373; R.C. 415; S.L. 412 og., Const. T.L. 320 ; Lt. T.L. 321 — Theod., Q.C. 419 Walt., K.B. 761 — Sir Wim., J.I.B. Ir. 579 Astry, Jas., M. Chy. 396 — (or Ostrich), Rauf., L.M. Lond. 490 Astwolfus, by). Dumw. 454 Aºy, Hy., C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. Aswy, see Ashway Atana.gildo, K. Sp. 85 Atar Sing, &c., C.I.E. 806; R.C.I.E. 805 - Ataulfo, K. Sp. 84 Atcherley-Jones, See Jones Atcheson, see also Acheson and Aicheson Athalaric, K. It, 49 - Athelard (or Ethelard), abp. Cant. 430; bp. Winch. 470 Athelm (or Adelmus), abp. Cant. 430; bp. Wells 427 Athelred (or Ethelred), abp. Cant. 430; bp. Winch. 470 Athelric, bp. Shbla. 466 'aºheistan (2), bp. Cmwll. 3 :: bp. Elm. and Dumw. 454 *— bp. Her. 441 * Poss. Some same pers. Comp, dates. — K.E. 3; L.H.A. 170 Athelwald, abp. Yk. 485 Athelward (or Athelwolf), bp. Carl. 475 Athelwolfus, bp. Elm, 454 Athequa (or Attien), Geo., bn. Llff. 449 Atherley, see also Hatherley — (or Hatherley), Jno., L.M. Tuond. 490 — Mark. IXerr, gem. (D) 899 Atherton, Jno., bp. Wíord. and L. 627 Atherton—comt. — Wnn. and sir W., A.G. 400; Q.C. 417; S.G. 402 - - Athey, John de and Sir J., L.H.A. 170, 171 Athill, Ch. H., B1. M. P.A. 337 Athirco, K. Sc. 18 Athlumney, Wrm. Mered., 1st ld., form. Sir Wim. Somer- ville, q.v., aft. Id. Meredyth, Q.7). Athol, Athole, or Atholl, E., M., and D. of Jno. Stewart, E. of, Ld. Chanc. Sc. (1578) 515 — Jno., 5th E., aft. 1st M. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; K.T. 747; L.P.S. Sc. 501; L.J. gen. 522; Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno., 2nd M., aft. 1st D. Of, form. 6th E. Of Tullibardine, q.v.; K.T. 747; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Sess. 517 — Ja.s., 2nd D. of, I.T. 747; L.K. Sc. 503; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Man. 665; P.C. 198 — Jno., 3rd D. of, K.T. 747; Ld. Man. 665 — Jno., 4th D. of, G. I. Mam. 666; K.T. 748; L.L. Prth. 511; P.C. 206 — Geo. Aug. Fred. Jno., 6th D. of, K.T. 748 — Jºno. Jas. Hugh Hy., 7th D. of, K.T., 749; L.L. Prth. 511 - Anne Dss. Of, M. Robes, 3 - Athowe, Th., S.L. 409 Athulf, bp. Elm. and Dunw. 454 ; bp. Her. 441 Atkins and Atkyns — Ed. and sil: E. (No. 1), B. Ex. 384; C. Exc, 277; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 Ed. and Sir E. (No. 2); * 384; C.B. Ex. 381; S.L. 1 — Jno., L.M. Lond, 492 — Jno. Tr., Curs. B. Ex. 386 — G. Gsey. 668 — Sir Jonn., G. Bdoes. 719; G. Gsey. 668 — Rt. and Sir R., C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 379; R.B. 764; S.L. 410 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 — Wrm., dm. Ferms, 623 Atkinson and Atkynson — Ed., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Hps. P.A. 343; Som. H. 332 Ed. Hy., gem. (ID) 895 — Ed. Tindal, Q.C. 420 Edwin Fel. Th., C.I.E. 808 — Fk. Day, gem. (D) 916 — Geo., S.L. 413 — Harry Alb., K.C.M.G. 799 —ºy. Timdal, C.C.J. 405; S.L. 1 — Jno., R. Cr. P.A. 335; Som. H. 332 — Rd., L.M. Dbln. 642 Atkyns, See Atkins Atkynson, See Atkinson Atlay, Ed., gem. (ID) 911 — Jas., b.p. Her. 442 Atratinus, A. S. (2), C. Ro. 37 — C. S., C. R.O. 39 — L. S. (2), C. Ro. 38, 46. Atterbury, Fras., bp. Roch. 460; dm. Carl. 476; dim. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; dun. Westr, 469 Atticus, A. M. T. (2), C. Ro. 42 Attien, See Athequa, Atwater, Wm., bp. Linc. 447; dm. Sal. 468; Regr. Gart. 746 Aubant, Abrm. d’, gen. (B) 866 Auberville, Wm. (le, Jy. 363 Aubigny, see Richmond, Lenox, and A. Aubrey, see also Awbrey — Geo., L.L. Glam, 315 — Jno. and Sir J., L. Admy. 180; L.T. 158 42 Wm., M. Chy. 395; Vic.Gen. 1. 4 Aucher, Hy. Fitz., Const. T.L. 320 Auchinleck, Sir Geo.,Ld. Sess. 519 Auchmuty, see also Ahmuty — Jas., dm. Arm. 597; & Emly, 628 Saml. and sir S., C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650; C.C. Mdras. 657; Comm. F. Ir. 564; G.C.B 767; gen. (B) 867; K.B. 766 — Saml. Benj. and sir S., gen. (D) 880; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 Auckland, lds, and E. Of Wm., 1st. li., form. Wm. Eden, q.v., Amb. Nds. &c. 122; Postm. G. 238; Pres. B.T. 268 — Geo., 2nd lá., aft. 1st E. Of, Aud. Ex. 167; G.C.B. 772; G.G. Ind. 649; Ld. Admy. 182-3; MI. M. 247; P.C. 211; Pres. B.T. 26S Rt. Jno., 3rd lói., form. hon. H. J. Edell, q.v., bp. P. and W. 428 Audeley and Audley — Edmd., bp. Her. 441; bp. Roch. 460; bp. Sal. 467 — (or Aldithley), Jas. de, and Sir J., J. It. 368; L.J. Ir. 550 — sir Jas., R.G. 733 — Maur. de, Jy. 364 — Th. and sir T., aft. 1d. A. of Walden, K.G. 738; Ld. K. and Ld. Chanc. 355; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 Audonnaire, Hy. de P., Jy. 364 Augereau, Off. Nap. 26 Augurinus, L. M. E., C. R.O. 38; Dec. Ro. 38 — M. G., C. Ro. 38 — M.I. M., C. R.O. 37 — P. M., C. R.O. 37 — Q. M. E., C. Ro. 38 — T. G., C. Ro. 38; Dec. Ro. 38 — T. M., C. R.O. 41 Augusta (g. dall. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 1 4 -Car.-Charl.-Eliz. (g. dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 ; Cr. Ind. 809 -Soph. (dau. Geo. III.), Pr. 3. 1: Augustin and Augustine — abp. Cant. 429 — bp. Wíord. 626 — Emp. Mex. 103 Augustulus, R., Emp. W. E. Augustus, see Vlall U18 (2) D. Brk. 70 — din. Dromm. 606 — El, Sxy. 78 — Emp. Ro. 36 — (2) G. D. Obg. 76 — Fredk., D. S. MIgn. 79 — (som Geo. III.), aft. D. Sus- sex, q.v. Pr. E. 15; R.G. 742 also Octa- For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 962 INDEX OF NAMES. Augustus—comt. — -Wm., D. Brk, 70 —-Wm.-Geo, M. Böln. 67 Auldjo, Jno. R., gem. (D) 914 Aumari, Rt. de, Jy. 364 Aungerville or ... Aunger- Vyle, see Angarville Aungier, Sir Fras., aft, ld, A., L.K. Ir, 576; M.R. Ir, 585 Aunt reseye, Rog. de, J. It, 367 Alire, Jno. de, J. It. 368 Aurelian, Emp. Ro. 48 Aurelio, K. Sp. 85 Aurelius, IN. Sp. 85 — -Caracalla, A., Emp. Ro. 47 — M., Emp. Ro. 47 Auriol, Ch., gem. (C) 874 Auruncus, P. C. (2), C. Ro. 37 Aust, Geo., U.S.F. 230 Aºten, Alb, Geo., gem. (D) — Ch. Jno., adm. (ID) 827 — Fras. Wnn, and sir F., adm. (A) 820; (IB) 821; (C) 822; G.C.I3. 776; K.C.B. 776 — Jno., IK.H. 792 — Rd., L. Admy. 176 Austin, Ch., P.P. 417 — Hor. Th., adm. (D) 831; (E) 834; K.C.B. 779 — sil: Jno., C. Cus. 274 — Jno. Gard., G. Br. Hond. 714; G. H. Kong, 673 — Wrm. P., b.p. Guiana, 715 Austria, Ch., Archd. of, G.C.lb. 768 Hººk. Ch., Archd. of, G.C.B. Auver lierque, Hy. de N. d’, M.H. § Cl y Autharis, IX. Imd. 49 Ayºon, Jno., visc., L.L. Surr. Avarne, Th., gen. (B) 866 Aveland, lds. — Gilb. J., 1st là., L.L. Linc. 310 — Gilb. Hy., 2nd lá., Dep. L.G.C. 288; IP.C. 219 — Clema. Eliz., lady, aft. lady Yºu. de Eresby, q.v., L.G.C. Avellaneda, N., Pres, Arg. 110 alºnbury, Giles de, dan. Her. 2 Avenon, Alexr., L.M. Lond. 490 Aventinensis, C.G. C. Ito. 40 L. G., C. Ro. 40-1 Averell (or Averill), Jno., bp. Tuinn. A. and A. 639; dim. Emly, 628; din. Lim. 640 Ayerenches, Will. de, W.C.P. 7 3 Averill, see Averell Aviles, J. M., l’res. Ecr. 108 Avisa, Q.C.E. 7 Avitus, M. M., Emp. W. E. 49 Avonmore, Barry, ld, and visc., form. Ił. Yelverton, q.v. Awbrey, see also Aubrey Andr., L.M. Lond. 489 — Wnn., M. Chy. 395; Vic. Gen. 421 Awdry, sir J. W., C.J. Bbay, 660 Awkeſburne, I ſawr. (le, bp. Sal, 467 Ay—, see also Ai- Aydanus, bp. Tilfſ. 448 Ayers, Hy., R.C.M.G. 797 les, Jno. Geo. Aug., gen. (D) 899 - Aylesbury, see Ailesbury Aylesford, E. of — Heneage, 1st E. of, form. Hen. Finch and 1st Id. Guernsey, q.v., C.D.L. 242 — Heneage, 4th E. Of, B.T. 267; L.S.H. 290; C.G.P. 300; §6. 298; L.S.H. 290; P.C. Ayleston, Rt. de, B. Ex. 383 Aylett, Rt., M. Chy. 395 — Sir ºwn. gen. (B) 868 Aylmer, Arth., gen. (B) 868 — hon. Flº. Wm., see lil, A. infra. — Gerald and sil: G., C. B. Ex. 583; C.J.I.B. Ir, 577; J.C.P. Ir. 581; L.J. Ir. 553 — Hy., gen. (ID) 899 +– Jno., adm. (A) 817 — Jno., bp. Lond. 451 — Matth., see lă. A., infra, Aylmer, lds. — Matth., aft. 1st lél. A., 177; adm. (A) 813; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; L. Admy. 177 — Matth., 5th lil., G. Can. 691; gen.(A)862; G.C.B.768; K.C.B. 774 — hon. Flº. Wrm., aft. 6th lä. A., adm. (ID) 825; (G) 840; R.C.B. 777 — Thos. Br., gem, (D) 879 Ayloff, or Ayloffe, Wm., J.Q.IB. 372; S.L. 408 Wrm., S.L. 409 Ayns—, see also Aims— Aynsley, Ch. Murray, adm. (H) 852 — Geo. Herb. Murr., gen. (D) 929 Ayremin, Ayremy.mile — Rd. Čle, M.R. 387 — Wrm., bp. Carl, (?) 475; bp. Norw. 454; L.H.T. 153; Ld. K, 354; M.R. 387 Ayrton, Acton Sm., C.W.P.B. .272; J.A.G. 937; P.C. 218; Sec. Tr, 164 Ayscoghe, Wm., J.C.P. 378 Ayscough, Fras., dm. Bri, 440 — Jno., adm. (ID) 826 — Juno., G. Jam, 712 — Wm., b.p. Sal. 467 Ayscue, Sir Geo., adm. (A) 813; G. Bdoes. 719 Ayshton, Rd. or Nichs., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Ayton, Andr., Ld. Sess. 519 Aytoun, Rog., gen. (C) 873 Azzo, V. to Wifi. M. F. 32-3 *-* Ayremyn, and B. Baalun, Jno. de, J. It, 367 — Iłog. (le, J. It. 367 Babbage, Hy. Prev., gon. (D) 12 9 Baber, Ed., S.L. 408 Babington, Brut, bp. Dry. 601 — Dav., gen, (ID) 899 — Gerv., b.p. Exr. 437; bp. Llff. 449; bp. Worc. 473 Hºno. Hy. Melv., gem. (ID) — Wrm., A. G. 398; C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; R.B. 756; S.L. 407 — Wnn, Kn, gen, (D) 906 Babthorpe, Wm., A.G. 398 Baby, Dalml., gen. (ID) 895 Fºynghe, Jno., abp. Trn. j Baccus, see Backhouse Bache, Alexr., bp. St. As. 462 — Anthy., M.M. 246 Back, sir Geo., adm. (G) 842 Backhouse, Jno., C. Exc. 282 — (or Baccus) Jno., IX.B. 763 — Juno., U.S.F. 230 — Th. Jos., gen. (IB) 868 Bacon, Ch., B.G., gen. (D) 912 — Edm. Ant. Hen., gen. (D) 915 — Edw., B.T. 265 — Fras. and Sir F., aft. li. Verulam, and visc. St. Albans, q.v., A.G. 399; J.IX.13. 372; K.C. 414; Ld. Chanc. and L.K. 356 ; Q.C. 414; S.G. 401; S.L. 409 — Fras. Hy., C.C.J. 405 — Ja.s..and sir J., C.J.Bank,392; Jud. Com. P.C. 362 ; P.C. 221; Q.C. 417; V. Chanc. 390 — Jno. , J.C.P. 377 — Nath., J. Adm. Ct. 423 — Nath., K.B. 763 — Nichs., IX.B. 764 35 sir Nichs., L.P.S. 240; L.K. 3 6 —Th., J.C.P. 377; J.R.B. 371; IX.]3. 755 anºeley, Flº. Hy., gem. (D) — Wm. Cl., gem. (D) 879 Baden, Giles, dm. Ardf. 640 Baden-Powell, see Powell Badlesmere, Barth, de, aft. ld. Burghersh, q.v., W.C.P. 318 3 IBaduilla. IC. It, 49 Baez, B., Prés. Dom. IRep. 105 Baggallay, lºd. and Sir R., A.G. 400; Jud, Com. P.C. 361; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 219; Q.C. 418; S.G. 402-3 Bagley, Ch. Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Bagnold, Michl. Ed., gen. (ID) 886 Bagod, See Bagot Bagot, holl. Chas, and Sir C., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Nds. &c. 123; Amb.Russ. 125; Amb. U.S.A. 132; G.C.B. 772; G. Can. 692; P.C. 209; |U.S.F. 229 - — Daml., dm. Dronn, 606 — Ed., gen, (D) 900 — Geo., gell. (TD) 925 — Hy., a.dln. (GF) 843 Lewis, bp. B11. 439; bp. Norw, 455 ; bp. St. As. 462; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — Rd., C. Exc. 280 — hom. Iłd., byp., B. and W. 428; bp, Oxf. 457: dhn. Cant. 432 Bagot, Bagod, Iłigod, or Bigot, Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 581; J.K.B. Ir. 578 Bagshawe, Hy. Red., C.C.J. 404; Q.C. 417 Fon', List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 963 Bagshawe-cont. - Wrm. H. G., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 419 Bagwell, Jno., L.T. 161 - Rd., dn. Cir. 598; dim. Kilmacd. 638 Bahawulpur, Nawab of, G.C.S.I. 801 *śmanji, T. Dastur, C.I.E. Bailey, See also Baily, Bayley, and Bayly — Fk., Q.C. 419 — Sir Jos. Russ., L.L. Brec. — Wm., C. St. 283-4 — Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 —Wm. Staff., gem. (IP) 930 Baillie, Ch., gem. (C) 873; Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 521 ; S.G. Sc. 527 — Cuthb., L.H.T., Sc. 497 — Dunc. Ja.s., gen. (D) 924 — Geo., B.T. 264; Dep. Tr. ; 498; L. Admy. 177; L.T. — Geo. Alex., gen. (ID) 899 +Hamilton W.A., Sec. Adm. 1 — Hans., L.M. D bln. 641 — Hy, Jas., P.C. 217 ; B.C. 254; U.S. Ind. 236 Hugh Dumc., L.L. Ross. 512 Ja.s., gen, (D) 918 -jas. Cad. Parkm., gen. (D) — Jno., gen. (ID) 914 — Mack. Hugh, gen, (C) 872 — Matth., gen. (B) 867 — Hon. Thos., adm. (ID) 833; (E) 834; (F) S38; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Wm. (Provand), L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 518 - — (Polkemmit), Ld. Sess. 520 Baillie-Hamilton, see Ham- ilton Bailol, Josc. de, bp, Sal. 466 Baily, see also Bailey, Bay- ley and l3ayly — Jno., Q.C., 417 — Why)., by. Clonf. and K. 636 Bain, Edwin Sand, S.L. 413 — Hend., adm. (H) 845 Sec. Bainbridge and Bain- brigge — Chr., abp. Ylk., 486; bp. Dham, 478; dh, Winds. 474; dın. Yk. 487; M.R. 387 — Jno. Hank, gem. (D) 896 Ph. and Sir P., gen, (D) 882; K.C.B. 778 - Ph. Jno., gem. (D) 898 Baines, see (tlao Banes and Baynes — Matth. Talbot, C.D.L. 243; P.C. 215; Pres. P.L.B. 262; Q.C. 417 . . — Ralph., byp. Lich, and COV. 444 — Wm., C.C.J. 403 Baird, Augs. Fraser, gen. (D) 925 — Sir Dav., Comm. F. Ir. 564; G.C.G.H. 679; gen; (A) 860; G.C.B. 767; K.B. 766 — Sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 519-20 — Jno. Rennedy Erskine, adm. (E) 837 — Jos., gem. (C) 873 IBaitan, bp, Clonm. 599 Bajazet, I. and II., S. T.Ky. 97 Bajocis, Rd, de, K.B. 755 Baker, —, S.L. 408 62 Geo., bp. Wíord. and L. 7 — Sir Hy. Lorraine, adm. (H) 845 — Jas. Vashon, adm. (G) 843 — Jno., adm. (A) 813 — Jno. and sir Jno., A.G. 398; Rec. Lond. 493; Sp. H.C. 249 — Matth., G. Jsey. 667 — Rt. Jno., gen. (ID) 915 — Th., gen. (A) 861 — Th. and sil: Th., adm. (A) 819; IK.C.B. 776 — Th. Dur. and sir Th., gen. (D) 930; K.C.B. 781 — Wm., bp, Bgr. 426; bp. Norw. 455 — Wrm. Ersk. and sir. W., gen. (ID) 900; K.C.B. 783; M.C.I. 646 IBalam, Rd. de, dm. Lich. 445 Balbinus, Emp. Ro. 47 Balbus, L. C., C. Ro. 46 — L. N., C. R.O. 45 — M.A., C. Ro. 44-5 Balcanquall, Walt., Dham. 479; dri. Roch. 461 Balcarras or Balcarres, E. O — Alexr., 1st E. of, Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Colim, 3rd E. of, Comm. Tr. SC. 497 — Alexr., 6th E. of, G. Jam. 712; gem. (A) 859 Balchain, sir Jno., adm. (A) 813; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Balders, Ch. Wm. Morl., gen. (ID) 895 Baldewyn, see Baldwin Baldoc and Baldock — Geo., gen. (D) 923 — (or Baudake), Ralph de, bp. Lond. 451; dim. St. P. 452; Ld. Chanc, 353-4 — Rt. de, bp. Norw, 454; Ld. Chanc. 354 — Rt. and Sir R., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 — Th., adm. (HI) 849 Baldred, K.E. 1 Baldric (or Galdric), Chanc. 353 dn. Ld. — (or Baldry) sir Th., L.M. Lond, 490 Baldwin, Baldwyn, and Baldewyn — abb. Cant. 430; byp. Worc. 2 47 — (son of Stephen), Pr, E, 9 — I. and II., Emp. B.E. 51 — I. to V., K. J.Sm. 97 — I. to VI., C. H.lt. 81 — I. to IX., C. Flrs. 81 — Augs., adm. (H) 846 — Jno. and Sir J., C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 408 — Maur. S., b.p. Huron, 693 — Saml., S.L. 410 — Tim., M. Chy. 396 — (Baldewyne), Wm., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Bale, Jno., b.p. Oss. 620 Balfour, Arth. Ja.s., Ch. Sec. Ir, 563; L.R. Sc. 503; P.C. 220; Pres. L.G.I.3. 256; Sec. Sc. 502; V.P. Ed. Sc. 500 — Blayn. Townl., G. Bah, IS1. 716 — Sir Dav., Lud. Sess. 519 Balfour—cont. — Geo. and sil: G., gem. (D) 900; K.C.B. 783 — Jaş., gen. (A) 860 — Jas., Ld. Sess. 517-8 — Sir Jas., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Sir Jas., Ly. K.A. 513 — Sir Jas., Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jno., bp. Brn. 531 — Jno. Bl., P.C. 220; D. Fac. Sc. 527; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 220; S.G. Sc. 527 — Lowry V. Townl., Sec. St. Patr. 752 — Michl., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Nisb., gem. (A) 859 — Rt. (c.c. 1d. Burleigh), Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 — Rt., gen. (B) 869 — Wrm., G. N. Brk. 695; gen. (C) 873 — Sir Wm., Lt. T.L. 321 — Wm. St., gen. (D) 891 Balfourn, –, G. Tob. 723 Baigay, jno. K.C. 416 Baliconingham, Jno. de, bp. Cork, 630 Baliol, See also Bailol Ld. Chanc. Sc. *— Alexr., 514 *— Sir Alexr., L.G.C. Sc. 506 * 2 Same pers. — Ed., K. Sc. 19 — Hy. de, L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Jno., IX. Sc. 19 aſſizon, Greg., G. Ch. Isl. Ball, Alexr. Jno. and sir A., adm. (A) 817; G. Mita. 671 — Hy., . Cr. P.A. 335; Winds. H. 331 — Hy. Lidgb., adm. (A) 819 — Jno., S.L. Ir., 592 — Jno., U.S.C. 235 — Jno. Thos., A.G. Ir, 588; Ld. Chanc. Ir, 577; S.G. Ir. 590 Nichs., A.G. Ir. 588; J.C.P. Il:. 582 ; S.L. II. 593 — Th., dn. Chich, 434 → Thos. Gerrard, gen. (D) Ballantine, Fletchw. Dykes, gen. (D) 878 — Wnn., P.P., 418; S.L. 413 Ballard, Jno. Archd., gem. (ID) 07 9 Ph., dm. Worc. 473. — Saml. Ja.s., adm. (A) 819 — Vol. Vash., adm. (A) 820 — Wnn., MIch. IX.A. 339 Ballaricus, Q. C. M., C. Ro. 4 sileine, Geo. Or., dm. Jsey. 66 Ballenden and Bellenden Adam, bp. Abdu. 530; bp. Dmbl. 532 — Sir Jno., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. 518 — Sir Lew., L.J. Clk.516; Ld. Sess. 518 — Th., L.J. Clk. 516 — Th, (2), Ld. Sess. 518 Ballingall, Dav., gem. (B) 868 Ballivian, A., Pres. Bol. 109 — J., Pres. Bol. 109 Bally, St. Jno., gen. (D) 933 — Wnn., gen. (D) 934 Ballygamrin, Jno. de, dm. OSS. 622 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-052. 964 * INDEX OF NAMES. animaeeda, J. M., Pres. Chi. 1 Balmain, Jas., C. Exc. Sc. 505 — Ja.s. Geo., gem. (D) 910 Balmerino, lds. — Jas., 1st là., form. Ja.s. Elphinstone and sir J., q.v., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 — Jno. Ja.s., 2nd lá. H.C.P. Sc. 507; Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno., 5th Id., form. hon. Jas. Elphinstone, q.v. Balmyle, Nichs, de, bp. Dmbl. 532; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Balnavis, Balneaves; and Balileavis (ID) 882; K.H. gell. — Hy. (No. 1) L.J. Clk. 516; Lći. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 518 — Hy. (No. 2) Ld. Sess. 518 Ballreput, Wm. de, dm. OSS. 622 Balsch, T. R., H. Mva. 94 Balscot, Alexr., bp. Mth, 599; bp. Oss. 620; L.J. Ir. 551; L. * Ir. 558; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 74 - Hy., 1. Balsham, Hugh de, bp. Ely, 434 Balta, J., Pres. Pu. 109 Balthazar, Pr. Mkg. 74 — Pr. Nass. 75 Baltimore, lds. — Geo., 1st là., form. Sir G. Calvert, q.v. — Chas., 4th lä., gen. (C) 871 — Ch., 6th lä., L. Admy. 178 Baltroddi, Walt. de, bp. Chess. 531 Bamme, Ad., L.M. Lond. 489 Bampfield, Th., Sp. H.C. 249 Banarji, Kistna Moh. C.I.E. 807 Bana stre and Banau Stre, See also Banister — Alard., J. It. 365 — Th., K.G. 734 — Th., B. Ex. 383 Banaustre, see Bana Stre and Banister Banbury, E. Of – Wm., 1st E. of, form. 1d. IX.nollys and 1st visc. Walling- ford, q.v. — Wrm. Inollys, called E. Of, gen. (C) 872 Bancroft, Jno., bp, Oxf. 456 — Rd., abp. Cant, 431; b.p. Lond. 452 — Wrm. Ch., gem. (D) 925 Bandinthel, DOW., dm. JSey. 668 Bandiora, Fras., bar. de, IX.C.B. 777 Bandon, E. of Jas., 2nd E. of, L.L. Cork, 569 — Fras., 3rd E. of, L.L. Cork, 5 — Jas. Fr., 4th E. of, L.L. Cork, 569 Banerit, Hugh, Ch. Sec. Ir. 561; L. Treas. Ir, 558 Banes, see also Baines and Baymes — jos. Flº. Wall. Des., G. Pr. Ed. IS. 699 Bamington, Hy., IK.B. 758 Banister and Bannister, See also Bama stre and BanauStre — Wm. and Sir W., B. EX. 384; S. L. 411 Banke, Rd., B. Ex. 383 — Th., B. Ex. 383 Bankes and Banks — Geo., B.C. 253; Curs. B. IEx. 386; J.A.G. 937; L.T. 159-60; P.C. 215; Sec. B.C. 254 *— Hy., C. Cus. 276 *— Hy., K.C. 415 * 2 same pers. — Jas. Stev., K.C.B. 776 — Jno. and Sir J., A.G. 399; C.J.C.P. 375; L.L. Dors. 307; L.J. 154; S.L. 409 — Sir Jos., B. Tr. 268; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 765; P.C. 206; Pres. R. Inst. 940; Pres. R. SOc. 940 — Th., dm. St. As. 463 Bankhead, Ch., Amb. Mex. 133; Amb. Tºy. 129 Banks, See Bankes Bankwell (or Baukwell), Jno. de, J. It. 368 — Rog. de, J.R.B. 371 aganatyne, Jas., Ld. Sess 9 — Th., Ld. Sess. 518 — Wm. McL., Ld. Sess. 520 Bannerhassett, Sir Jmo., B. EX, Ir. 584 Bannerman, Alexr. and Sir A., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Newfa. 700; G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 669 Hy. Campbell-, Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 220; Sec. Adm. 187; U.S. War, 233; W. Sec. 232 Wm., gem. (D) 931 Bannister, see Banister Banquel, Jno. de, B. Ex. 383 Baodan, K. Ir. 21 Bapthorpe, Wm., K.B. 760 Baptist, Jno., bp. Drom, 604 Bapu Diva, Shastri, C.I.E. 806 — Sahib Avar, IX.C.I.E. 805 Bar, Alexr., b.p. Mor, 534 Barantin, Hugh de, Const. W. Cast. 322 Barbar, Jno., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Barbatus, M. H., C. Ro. 38 — P. C. S., C. Ro, 41; Dt. Ro. 41 — T. Q. C. (6), C. Ro. 38-9 sºper, C. Chapman, C.C.J. 405 — Ch. Hy., K.C. 416 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Luc., gen. (B) 866 — Wnn., Q.C. 419 Rºour, Day. Mill, R.C.S.I. 8 IBarbula, L. AE., C. Ro. 42 — M. AB., C. Ro. 43 Q. AE., C. Ro. 41 sºuth, Jno. D., Sec. P.O. 23% Barclay and Berclay, See also Barkly and Berkeley — Sir Hy., G.C.M.G. 795 — Jno., gem. (A) 860 — Jos., bp. JSlm. 677 w — Rt., dm. Cllr. 597 — Rt., K.C.B. 775 — Walt. de, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Bard, Pet., L.H.A. 170-1 Barde, Gauteur de, M.M. 246 Bardelby, Rt. de, L.R. 354; M. Chy. 393 — Wrm. (le, M.R. Ir. 585 IBardolf, Hugh, J. It. 366; Jy. 363 — Th., K.B. 754 — Sir Wm., L.H.A. 174 Bardolph, Wm., ld, form. Sir Wm. Philips, q.v. ańsey, Arth. de, dm. Bgr. Bardsley, Jno. W., b.p. S. and M. 484 Bareiro, C., Pres, Pgy. 110 Bººntyne, Dr., L.M. Lond. Barford, see Bereford Bargash, B. S., S. Zr. 102 Bargrave, Is., dm. Cant. 431 Barham, Nichs., S.L. 408 — Ch., 1st lél. form. Sir C. Middleton, q.v., Compt. N. 257; L. Admy. 180; P.C. 207 Barillas, M. L., Pres. Gua. 106 Baring, AlexT., aft. 1st là. Ashburtom, q.v., M.M. 247; P.C. 213; Pres. B.T. 268 — Ch., bp. Dham, 479; bp. Gl. and Br. 439 — Ch., gem. (D) 919 — Evel, and sir E., Amb. Eg. 130; G.C.M.G. 796; K.C.B. 784; K.C.S.I. 803 — Fras., Chm. E.I. Co. 644 — Fr. Th, and sir F., aft. 1st ld. Northbrook, q.v., Ch. EX. 165; L. Admy. 183; L.T. 160; P.C. 214; Sec. Tr. 163 — Hy. B., L.T. 160-1 — Jane Emma, lady, Cr. Ind. 09 80% — Walt., Amb. Mgo. 128 — Wm. B., aft. 2nd ló. Ash- burton, q.v., 12.C. 214; Paym. G. 244; Sec. B.C. 254 — hon. Thos. Geo., aft. 2nd ld, and 1st E. Northbrook, q.v., L. Admy. 183-4; Sec. Adm. 187; U.S. Home, 228; TJ.S. Ind. 236 Bark—, see also Berk— Barkeley, see Barkley and Berkeley Barker, Chr., Cal. P.A. 342; Gart. K.A. 327; K.B. 760; Norr. K.A. 329; R. Dr. P.A. 337; Richm. H. 333 — Ed., Curs. B. Ex. 386 — Fla., bp. Syd. 703 — Geo., adm. (A) 820 — Geo. Digb., gen. (D) 932 — Geo, Rt., lx.C.B. 778 — Jno., adm. (A) 814 — Just., R. Cr, P.A. 335; Rbk. P.A. 344 — Rt., K.B. 761; S.L. 409 — Wnn., dm. Rph. 603 Barkey, Anthy., L.M. Dbln. 41 *ham, Sir Ed., L.M. Lond. 91 — Geo., Lanc. H., 333 Barking, Rd. de, B. Ex. 383; L.EI.T. 152 Barkley, see also Barclay and Berkeley — Mor., K.B. 759 — Sir Rd., Lt.T.L. 321 — Wrm., K.B. 758 — Arth, Cec. St., G. Falk. Isl. 731; G. Hlgld. 670; G. Seych, Isl. 684 — Hy. and sir H., G. Br. Gn. 715; G. C.G.H. 674; G. Jam. 713; G. Mtius. 684; G. Vict. 704; K.C.B. 782 Barlee, Flº. Palgr. and sir F., G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Trin. 723; K.C.M.G. 798 Barlow, sir Geo. Hil., G.G. Ind. 648; G. Mdra.s. 656 G.C.B. 771; K.B., 766 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 965 Barlow—cont. — sir Ja.s., L.M. Dblin. 641 — Jno., dn. Worc. 473 — Jno., gen, (C) 872 — Jno. Ja.s., gen. (B) 868 — Maur., G. Trin. 722; gen. (ID) 893 — Ralph, dn. Llin. 623; dri. Wells 429 — Rand., abp. Trn. 611; dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 — Sir Rt., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 775 — Th., bp. Linc. 447 — Wm. (No. 1), bp. B. & W. 428; bp. Chich. 433; bp. St. As. 462; bp. St. Dav. 464 — Wm. (No. 2), bp. Linc. 447; bp. Roch. 460; dim. Chest. 477 — Wrm. Ja.s. Pr., gen. (D) 930 Barnaby, Nath., K.C.B. 784 Barnard, See also Bernard — Andr. [Jno. 1 Fras. and Sir A., gen. (A) 863; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. ; K.C.B. 774; jºi. 787; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 93 — Ch. L. and sir C., gen. (D) 904; K.C.B. 782 — Ed. King, adm. (H) 850 — FK. Lamp., adm. (H) 850 — Hy. Wm., gen. (D) 885; E.C.B. 778 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Thos., see Bernard — (or Bernard), Wm., b.p. Dry. 601; bp. Rph. 602; dm. Roch. 461 IBarnardiston, Arth., M. Chy. 395 — Th., adm. (E) 837; S.L. 412 Barne, Barne, C. TX. 285 — sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 490 Snowd., C. Cus. 276; L.T. 159 IBarnes and Barns — Ed. and sir E., C.C. Ind. 651; G. Ceyl. 672; gen. (B) 868; G.C.B. 768; R.C.B. 774 — sir Geo., L.M. Lond, 490 — sir Jas. St., gen. (B) 869 — Jno., gen. (C) 873 L.M. — (or Bernes) Jno., TIOInd. 489 — Rd., bp. Čani. 475; bp. Dham. 479; bp. Suff. Nottm. 447 — (or Barons), Wm., bp. Lond. 451; L.R. 355; M.R. 387 Barnes, lds. — Jno., ld, see Berners Barnet, Jno., b.p. B. & W. 428; bp. Ely 435; bp. Roch, 460; bp. Worc. 472; lu.H.T. 153 Barnett, Ch., gem. (C) 872 — Ed., adm. (G) 843 — Geo. Alfr., C.I.E. 807 — Ol., C.I.E. 807 Barnewall, see also Bernewall — Barnaby, J.C.P. Dr. 581 — Ch., S.L. Ir. 591 — Chr., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Ed., Ch. Ex. Ir, 561 — Jas., A.G. Ir. 588 Sir Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 584; IRec. D'bln. 642; S.L. Ir. 591 Sir Jno., aft. lil. Trimle- ston, q.v. — Patr., M.R. Ir. 585; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 591 — Nichs., C.J.C.P. Ir, 580 — Th., B. Ex. 383 Barney, Geo., G. N. Aust. 705 IBarns, see Barnes Ardl. Hy. Falw., gen. Baroda, Gaekwar of (No. 1), G.C.S.I. 801 — Gaekwar of (No. 2), G.C.S.I. 80 l | – Gaekwar of (No. 3), K.C.S.I. 802 — Maharanee of, Cr. Ind. 809 Baron, Jno., dn. Norw. 456 — Jno. le, dm. Oss. 622 — Milo, bp. Oss. 620 — Rt., bp. Ork. 535 — Rol., abp. Cash. 625 Barons, see Barnes Barowe, See also Barrow — Th., L.K. 355; M. Chy. 394; M.R. 387 anºguerel, Rt., Portr. Lond. 48 IBarr, Dav., gem. (ID) 881 — Hy. Ja.s., gen. (D) 908 — Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 *jor Finbarr), St., bp. Cork 63 — Wrm., gen. (ID) 898 Barré, Isaac, Cl. Pells, 168; P.C. 202; Paym. G. 245; Tr. N. 256; W. Treas. Ir, 560 — Rd., Jy. 363 Barrel, Wm., gem. (B) 864 Barrell (or Barwell). Fras., S.L. 410 * Barret, Amdr., bp. Llff. 449 — Patr., bp. Ferns, 621; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 — sir Paul, S.L. 410 — Wm., bp. Kild. 617 Barret, of Newburgh, ld, see Newburgh Barrett, Jno., gen. (D) 910 — MacWrm., dm. Killa. 614 — Rd., bp. Killa. 612 Barrie, sir Rt., adm. (D) 824; K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 788 Barrington, Benj., dm. Arm. 597 — hom. Daimles, J. Chest. 387; K.C. 415 — hon. Geo., L. Admy. 182 4 Jno. and Sir J., L.M. Dbln. 642 hon. Jno., gen. (C) 871 — sir Jonah, J. Admy. Ct. Ir. 587 — hon. Saml., adm. (A) 815 — hom. Shute, bp. Dham. 479; bp, Llff. 449; by. Sal. 467 Barrington, visc. — (or Shute) Jno. aft. 1st visc. B., M.R. [r. 585 — Wm. W. 2nd visc., Ch. Ex. 165 : L.H.A. 178; L.T. 157; M.G.W.296; P.C. 200; Postm. G. 238; Sec. at W. 233; Tr. N. 256 Geo. Wm. 7th visc., C.G.A. 300; C.Y.G. 298; P.C. 219; W.C.H. 292 ISarrios, G., Pres. S. Salv. 106 — J. F., Pres. Gua. 106 Barrow and Barrowe, see also Barowe — Ch. Malc. gen. (TD) 922 — Fras., C.C.J. 405 — Is., byp. S. and M. 484; bp. St. As. 462; G. I. Man, 666 — Jno. and Sir J., Sec. Admy. 187 — Jos. Ly., gen. (D) 910 Barrow and Barrowe—cont. — Luous., Ch. Com. Oudh, 654; gen. (D) 909 — Rt. Kn., G. Lag. 687 — Saml., J.A.G. 937 — Th., G. Br. Hond. 714; gen. (C) 873 —i.W m., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Carl. Barry, Alfr., bp. Syd. 703 - — Ch. Rt., A.G. Ir. 589; J.Q.B. Ir. 579; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 579; L.J. App. Ir. 586; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. In’. 593 — Sir Dav. de, L.J. Ir. 550 — Ger. de, bp. Cork, 630; dim. Cork, 632 — Hy. Gr., gen. (C) 873 — Ja.s. aft. Sir J. and lå. San- try, q.v., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; S.L. Ir, 591 — Jno., A.G. Ir. 588 — Jno., dm. Elph. 609 — Jno. Mac, L.T. 159; C. Treas. Ir. 561; L.T. 159 — Ph., gen. (ID) 889 — Redm., C. Acc. II. 567 — Sir Redm., G. Vict. 705; R.C.M.G. 797 — Rd., dm. Cash. 627 — Th., bp. Oss. 620; L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Wrm. Wigr., gen. (ID) 921 Barrymore, Jas. 4th E. of, gen. (#3) 864 *se, Adolp., bar., gen, (C) Bartane. Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 Barter, Rd., gen. (ID) 931 Barthon, see Barton Bartlay (or Bartley), Rt., IN.C.B. 777 Bºlett, Ell. Ashm., L.Admy. — Henl. Th., gen. (ID) 912 Bartley, see also Bartlay — Jno. Cow., gen. (ID) 9il Barton, Alexr., IX.H. 791 — Benj., L.M. Dblin. 641 — Ch., gem. (3) S66 — Ch. Jas., gen. (ID) 911 — Cutts, dh. Brl. 440 Ezek., gen. (D) SS1 — Hy., L.M. Lond. 489–90 — Jno., dri. Ard. 609 — Jno. de, J. It. 368 — Jimo. (No. 1), Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 407 — Jno. (No. 2), S.L. 410 — Matth., adm. (A) 815 — Pet. de, M. Chy. 393 — Ralph, adm. (KI) S48 — Rt., a.dm, (A) SIS — Rt., gen. (D)'933 Rt. de, dm. St. P. 452 Rt. and Sir R., Compt. Sc. 498; L.H.T. Sc. 497 ºir Rt., geln. (A) S63; K.C.H. 7 Barty, Jas. S., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Barvé, Rao B, MI., C.I.E. S07 as well, Ch. Arth., gem. (ID) — (or Barrell), Fras., S.L. 410 – Wm. B. Br., gen. (I)) 924 Barwick, Jno., du, Dham. 479; dun. St. P. 458 — Saml., G. Bdoes. 720 Basden, Ch., adm, (H) 848 — Ch. Br., gem. (ID) 920 Bash, Sir E., Chambn. Ex. 166 — Ralph, K.B. 764 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 966 INDEX OF NAMES, 1Basil, Emp, Tzde. 98 — I. to V., R., Russ. 89 — Wm., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 Basilius, I. and II., Emp. .E. 50 Basing, de, see Kingsmill — Ad., L.M. Lond, 488 — Saml., L.M. Lond. 488 Baskevyle, Walt., K.B. 759 Bassano, Alfr., gem. (ID) 918 IBassenet, Ed., dn. St. Pat. 618 Basset; and Bassett, — Alan, Jy, 364 — Fulke, bp. Lond. 451; dim. Yk. 486 — Jrmo., K.B. 759 — Jno. Jarv., I.C.M.G. 797 — Ph., Ch. Jr. 363; Const. T.L., 320 — Ralph, Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. 363 — Ralph, W.C.P. 318 — Ralph, see la. B. infra, Rd., Ch, Jr. 362; Jy, 363 — sir Rd., G. Br. Hond. 714 — Rt., L.M. Lond. 490 Sinn., J. It. 366 — Th.(No.1), J. It, 366; Jy. 363 — Th. (No. 2), J.K.B. 371; Jy, 365 — Th. (No. 3), W.C.P. 317 36 Wrm. (No. 1), J. It. 365; Jy. 363 — Wnn. (No. 2), J. It, 367 — Wnn. (No. 3) J.C.P. 377; J.R.B. 371 Bassett of Drayton, Ralph, 4th lä., IX.G. 733; W.C.P. 318 Bassing borne, Humphr. de, J. It. 366 Bastard, Jas. S., gem. (D) 886 — Wnn., J. It, 365 Bastide, Jno. Hy., gen, (B) 865 anºor Bate), Ger., L.M. Lond, 4 Bataile, Pet. de, M.M. 246 Batche, see Bathe Batchelor, Ch., gen. (D) 930 Bate—, see also Bat— — Jno., M. Chy. 394 Bateley, Wm., Sr. N. 257 Bateman, Ch. Ph., adm. (T)) 826, (G) 840 — sir Anthy., L.M. Lond. 491 — sir Ja.s., L.M. Lond, 491 — Rt., gen. (ID) 890 — Wm. (Wnn. de Norwich), bp. Norw. 455; dim. Linc. 448 Bateman, lds. and visc. — Wm., 1st visc., K.B. 764 — Jno., 2nd visc., L. Admy. 178; L.L. Heref. 308; M.B.W. 303; P.C. 200; Tr. H. 291 — Wm. B., 1st Id., L.L. Heref. 308 — Wm. Ił., 2nd lù., L.L. Heref. 308 Bateman-Champani, See Champain Baterley, Jno., abp. Trn. 611 Bates, Ch. Edw., gen. (D) 930 — Hy. and sir H., gem. (D) 898; K.C.B. 781 — Joah, C. Cus. 276 Batesford, Jno. de, J. It, 368 Bateson, Rd., gem. (D) 926 “Fiji. Hä Bath, Nath. de, K.B. 755 – Wm., W. Treas. Ir. 559 Bath, E. and M. of — Ed., 5th E. of, form. E. Fitzwarine, q.v. Bath, E. and M. of cont. — Jno., 7th E. of, form. Sir J. Grenville, q.v., also visc. Landsdowme, q.v., Gr. St. 303; L.L. Cnwall. 307; P.C. 190, 192 Wm., 10th E. of, form. Wrm, Pulteney, q.v., Coff. H. 293; L.L. Salop, 311; L.T. 142; Prenn. 142 — Th., 1st M. of, form. 3rd visc. Weymouth, q.v., 742 Th., 2nd M. of, I.G. 743; L.L. Soms, 311 — Jno. A., 4th M. of, Amb. Pgl. 125 Rºe, Hy. Perc. de, gem. (D) 3 g — Jas., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Jno. and Sir J., A.G. Ir, 588; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 ; Ch. Ex. Ir. 561; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 591 — Laur., see Booth — Th. (No. 1), C.B. Ex. Ir. 582 — (or Batche), Th. (No. 2), C.B. Ex. Ir. 582; L. Treas. Ir, 558 — Wm., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Bathonia, Hy. de, Ch. Jr. 363; ;P. 376; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 3 IBathurst, see also Bragge — Benj., Amb. Aus. 117 — sir Benj., Coff. H. 293 — Ch., C.D.L. 243; 247; Pres. B.C. 253 — Hy., bp. Norw. 455 — Hy., see Earl B., infra. Jas. and sir J., G. Virg. Isl. 731; gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 Peter, gem. (A) 859 — Ralph, dm. Wils. 429 Bathurst, lds. and E. — Allen, 1st 1d., aft. 1st E. C.G.P. 299; P.C. 198 — hon. Hy., aft, 1st là. Aps- ley, q.v., and 2nd earl B., C.G.S. 357; J.C.P. 379; K.C. 415; L.H.S. 287; L.P.C. 188; Ld. Chanc. 357; S.L. 412 — Hy., 3rd. E., form. li. Aps- ley, q.v., F. Sec. 228; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.G. 743; L.P.C., 188; M.M. 247; Pres. B.T. 268; W. and C. Sec. 231 Batline, Wm., Adm. Adv. 423 Battail, Jrmo, de, Lól. Chanc. and L.K. Ir. 574 Battayle, Rt., L.H.A. 171 Batte, Nich., L.M. Lond. 489 Biºten, Sisley Jno., gem. (D) 1 M.M. Battenberg, Pr. Alexr. Jos. of, G.C.B. 773 — Pr. Hy. Maur. of, K.G. 745 — Pr. Louis Alex. of, G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 784 Battersby, Jno. Prev., gem. (D) 928 Battine, Wm., gem. (D) 880 Battiscombe, Alb. Hy. Wm., admm. (IºT) 853 Battle, L., Pres. Ugy. 111 Battye, Geo. Mom., gem. (D) 918 Baudake, see Baldoc Baugh, Ch. Rd., gen. (D) 913 Tºfºil waii., §en. Dj j2; — Launc., gen. (B) 866 — Thos. Foll., adm. (H) 844 Baukwell, see Bankwell Baumburgh, Th. de, L.K. 354; M. Chy. 393 Baumgardt, Jno. Gregory, gen. (ID) 883 Baumgartner, Rt. Jul., gen. ID) 905 ( — Th. Mowbr., gen. (D) 930 Bavant, Ralph, Lt. T.L. 321 Bavier, S., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Bawde, Th., K.B. 759 Bawtry, L., S.L. 409 Bax, Joh., G. C.G.H. 678 Baxter, Mart., dm. Cmr. 605 — Wnn. E., Sec. Adm. 187; Sec. Tr. 164; P.C. 218 Bayeux, Jno. de, J. It. 366 Bayfield, Hy. Wolsey, adm. (D) 831; (E) 838 Bayford, Rt. Aug., Q.C. 420 Bayham, Jno. Jeff., visc., form. hom. J. J. Pratt, q.v., aft. 2nd E. and 1st M. Camden, q.v., B.T. 268; L. Admy. 180; L.T. 158 ; P.C. 205 Baylie, see Baillie and Bayly Baylis, Rt. and Sir R., C. Cus. 274-5; L.M. Lond. 491 — Th. Hy., Q.C. 419 Bayley, Baylie and Bayly, see also Bailey and Baily — Abingd.' Augs., gem. (D) 924 — Sir Daml., K. H. 789 — Ed., dun. Ardf. 640 — Ed. Cl., R.C.S.I. 803 — Fras., C.C.J. 404 — sir Hy., gem. (A) 862; G.C.H. 787; IX. H. 791 — Jno., dun. Killoe. 637; dr. Lism. 629 — Jno., gen. (ID) 917 — Jno, and sir J., B. Ex. 385; J.K.B. 373; Jud. Conn. P.C. 360; P.C. 212; S.L. 412 — Jas. Walt., gem. (D) 902 — Lewis, bp. Bgr. 426 — Sir Nichs., L.L. Amg. 314 |Paget, gen. (ID) 911 — Rd., dm. Sal. 468 — Rd. Alb., gen, (D) 897 — Stu. Colv. and sir S., C.I.E. 807; Ch. Com. Ass. 656; L.G. Bgal. 652; IS.C.S.I. 803 — Th., bp. Išilla. and Ach. 613; dun. Down, 605 — Wrm. Butt, Chm. E.I. Co. 645; G.G. Ind. 649 Baynard, Fulco., J. It, 367 — Rd., Sp. H.C. 248 — Rt., J.K.B. 371 Baynbrigge, see Bainbrigge Bayne, Jno., gem. (C) 871 Fºſſ bp. Lich. and Cov. Baynes, see also Baines and Balmes — Ed., gen. (C) 874 — Ed. Stu. and sir E., Amb. Tum. 132; K.C.M.G. 796 — Geo. Ed., gen. (D) 925 — Hy., K.H. 792 — Jno., S.L. 411 — Rt. Lamb. and sir R., adm. (D) 830; (E) 834; IS.C.B. 778 — Robt. St., gem (D).909 — Simc., gen. (D) 892 Bayning, Ch., ld, form. Ch. Townshend, q.v. Baynton, Ed., K.B. 763 Bayntun, Hy. Wm. and Sir H., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 774 Bazalgette, Evel., Q.C. 418 Bazeley, Jno., adm. (A) 816 — Jno., adm. (A) 819 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 967 IBeach, sir Michl. Ed. Hicks-, Ch. Ex. 166; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; T. T. 162; P.C. 219; Pres, B.T. 269; U.S. Home, 228 IBeachcroft, Sir Rt., L.M. Lond, 491 IBeaconsfield, Benjm., E. of, form. B. Disraeli, q.v., Amb. Gmy, and Pr. 116; T.G. 745; L.T., 162 Peadon, Cecil, aft. Sir C., R.C.S.I. 802; L.G. Bgal. 652 — Rd., bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Glr. 438 Beale, Ch. Ed., gen. (D) 917 — Wm., dm. Ely, 435 — Wrm. Ph., Q.C. 420 IBeales, Edmd., C.C.J. 405 Bealknap (or Belknap), Rt., C.J.C.P. 375; J. It. 369; S.L. 407 Beames, Jno., K.C. 416 Beamish, Ch., gem. (D) 901 — Hy. Ham., adm. (H) 852 — North Lindl., IS.H. 792 Bean, Jno., gen. (D) 918 Beanus (St.), bp. Mortl. 530 IBearcroft, Edw., C.J. Chest. 386; K.C. 415 Beard, Hy., G. Berb. 715 Beare, Geo., S.L. 410 IBearing all, K. Ir. 20 IBeasley, Wm. Cole, Q.C. 419 Beaton, see also Bethune — Dav. and sir D., L.H.T. Sc. 496; L.P.S. Sc. 501 IBeatrice, D. Tray. 57 — (dau. Hy. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 —-Leop. Vict. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 —-Mary Vict. Feod. (dau, Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16; Cr. Ind. 809 Beatson, Albert B., gen. (D) 913 1 — Jno. Full., C.I.E. 806 — Rog, Stew, gem. (D) 908 — Wrm. Ferg., gem. (ID) 899 Beatty, Andr., gem. (D) 902 — Geo., gem. (D) 883 Beauchamp, Fitzm., (D) 929 — Jno., K.B. 757 — Jno., Pt.c. P.A. 337 *— Jno. de, Const. T.L. (1360) 320 *— Sir Jno., IX.G. (1360) 733 *— Sir Jno., L.H.A. (1349) 172 *— Sir Jno., W.C.P. (1361) 318 * Prob, SOme Same pers. — Rd., b.p. Her. 441; bp. Sal. 467; Chanc. Gart. 745; dim. Winds. 474 — Rd. de, aft. E. of Warwick, q.v., K.B. 755; K.G. (1400) 734 — (or Bello Campo), Rt. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 — Th., K.B. 755 — Walt. de, J. It, 367 — Sir Walt., Sp. H.C. 248 — (or Bello Campo), Wm. de, B. Ex. 382 — Sir Wm., IV.B. 765 — Wm., aft. 1st là. Aberga- venny, q.v., K.G. (1378) 734 IBeauchamp of Hache, lds. and Visc, — Ed., 1st visc., form. Sir Ed. Seymour, q.v., G. Jsey. 667 — Ed. Seym, ld, aft. E. of Hertford, q.v., K.B. (1616) 762 gen. Beauchamp, Fras., visc., aft. E. of Yarmouth, q.v., and 2nd M. of Hertford, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; Coff. H. 294; L.T. 157-8; P.C. 203 Beauchamp of Powyck, lds. and E. — Jno., 1st là., K.G. 735; L.H.T. 153 — Hy., 4th E., gen. (A) 863 — Fla., 6th E., L.L. Worc. 313; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 218; Paym. G. 245 Beauclerk, ld. Amel., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 774 —ld. Geo., G. Gibr. 669; gen, (B) 865 — la. Ja.s., b.p. Her. 442 —ld. Sidn., P.C. 198; W.C.H. 297 — 10. V., aft. 1d. Vere, q.v., adm. (A) 814; L. Admy. 178 Beaudake, see Baldoc Beaudyll, sir Rt., L.H.A. 171 Beaufort, Fras. and sir F., adm. (HI) 844; K.C.B. 782 — Hy. de, bp. Linc. 446; bp. Winch. 470; dra. Wells, 429; Ld. Challc. 355 — Sir Jno., aft. E. of Somer- set and M. of Dorset, q.v., K.G. (1397) 734 — Sir Th., aft. E. of Dorset and D. of Exeter, K.G. (1402) 734; L.H.A. 173; Tud. Chanc. 355 Beaufort, D. of — Hy., 1st D. of, form. 7th E. and 3rd M. Of Worcester, q.v. — Hy., 2nd D. of, C.G.P. 299; IK.G. 741 — Hy., 5th D. of, K.G. 742; L.L. Brec. 315; L.L. Leic. 305; L.L. Monm. 310 — Hy. Ch., 6th D. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Brec. 315; L.L. Glouc. 308; L.L. Monm. 310 — Hy., 7th D. of, K.G. 744 — Hy. Ch. F., 8th D. of, M.H. 302; K.G. 745; L.L. Monm. 310; P.C. 216 Beaufoy, Hy., Sec. B.C. 254 Beaulieu, Ed., ld, and E., form. E. H. Montagu, q.v. Beauharnais, Eug. de, Rel. Nap. 26 Beauman, Fras., adm. (D) 826 Beaumond, see Beaumont Beaumont, Bas., adm. (A) 813 — (or Beaumond) Fras., J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 — Geo., dm. Dry. 602 — Sir Geo., L. Admy, 177; L.P.S. 240 — Hy., dn, Pboro. 458; dim. WindS. 474 — sir Hy., Sp. H.C. 248 — J. de, MI.R. 388 — Lew. de, bp. Dham. 478 — Rd. Hy. Jno., gen. (D) 904 Beaumont, 1ds. and visc. — Jno., 4th lä., K.G. 734; L.H.A. 173; W.C.P. 318 — Hy., 5th lá., K.B. 755 — Jno., 6th Id. and 1st Visc., K.G. 735 Beaupel, sir Rt., L.H.A. 172 Beauvale, FK. Ja.s. lá., form. hon. F. J. Lamb, q.v., aft. visc. Melbourne, q.v. Beauvoir, Pet., G. Gsey. 668 Beavy, Wm., bp. Llff. 449 Bebb, Jno., Chn. E.I.Co. 645 Bec, see Beck and Bek Becan, bp. Cld. 598 Beccles, Jno. All., G. Bdoes. 20 7 Beche, Nichs, de la, Const. T.L. 320 Becher, See also Beecher — Alfr., gem. (D) 919 — Ath. M. and sir A., gem. (D) 896; K.C.B. 780 — Jno. Reid, gen. (D) 905 — Sept. Hard, gem. (ID) 916 Beck, see also Bek — Anthy. de (No. 1), bp. Dham. 478 ; K. Man. 665 — Anthy. (No. 2), 455; dra. Linc. 448 Th., b.p. St. Daw. 464; L.H.T. 152 Becke, Hy., dm. Brl. 440 IBecker, Henrich, Adm. Ind. 647; G. Ceyl. 672 Becket and Beckett, see also A'Becket — Jno. and sir J., J.A.G. 937; L.T. 160; P.C. 209; U.S. Home 228 — Th., J. It. 365 — Wrm., S.L. Ir. 591 TBeckford, Pet., G. Jam. 712 — Wnn., L.M. Lond. 492 Beckingham, Elias de, J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368; S.L. 406 Peckington, Th., bp. B. & W. 428; S. St. 222 Hººkies, Ed. H., bp. Si. Leo. bp. Norw. 6 Beckwith, Ch., gem. (ID) 882 — Geo. and Sir G., Comm. F. Ir. 564; G. Bdoes. 720; G. Bmda. 701; G. St. Vin. 725; gen. (A) 860; G.C.B. 767: K.C.B. 774 —sir Th. Sidn., C.C. Brmbay, 660; gem. (B) 868; R.C.B. 774 — Wm., gen. (D) 885; K.H. 790 — Wnn. Hy., gen. (C) 874 Beckyngton, see Beckington Bective, Th., 2nd E. Of, aft. 1st M. of Headfort, q.v., K.P. 750 Bedea, Rao of, C.I.E. 806 Bedell, Wm., bp. Ard. 608; bp. Kilm. & Ard. 607 Bedenfield, see Bedingfield Beden oth, bp. Roch. 459 as ford, Čeč. Aug., adm. (IHI) 849 — Ed. Ja.s., adm. (IHI) 852 — Rt. de, dn. Glend. 619 — Wnn., adm. (A) 819 — Fansh., gen. (ID) 895 IBedford. E. and D. of - inger. de Courcy, E, of, K.G. (1366) 733 — Juo. Plantagenet, D. of (son of Hem. IV., see Pr. Jno.), also E. of Kendal, q.v., G. Ch. Isl. 667; K.B. 755; K.G. 734; L.H.A. 174 — Jasp. Tudor, D. of, form. E. of Pembroke, q.v., L.L. ſ.r. 553 I&ussell Family. — Jno., 1st E. of, form. Sir Jmo. and 1d. Bussell, q.v., L.W.S. 323 — Fras., 2nd E. of, K.G. 738; L.L. Dors, 307; L.W.S. 323 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 968 INDEX OF NAMES, Bedford, E. and D. of cont. — Wnn., 5th E. of, form. W. Russell, q.v., aft, MI. of Tavis- tock, q.v., and 1st D. of B., E.G. 740; P.C. 193 — Wrioth., 2nd D. of, K.G. 741; L.H. Comst. 289 — Jno., 4th D. of, Amb. Fr. 1.12; gem. (B) 865; K.G. 742: L. Admy. 178; L.H. Const. 289; L.L. Beds. 306; L.L. Dev. 307; L.L. Ir. 557; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 199; S. St. 224 — Jno., 6th D. of, R.G. 743; L.L., Ir. 557; P.C. 208 — Fras., 7th D. of, K.G. 744; L.L. Beds. 306; P.C. 215 — Fras. Ch. H., 9th D. Of, K.G. 745; L.L. Hunts. 309 Eliz., Dss. of, M. Robes, 304 Bedingfield, Edm., K.B. 758 — Hy. and sir H., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 sir Hy. Lt. T.L. 321 — sir Jno., R.C.H. 788 Norm. Bern., adm. (H) 851 Pll., gem. (D) 929 — sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 — Th., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409–10 — Th., R.B. 759 Bedmar, M., R. Nds. 83 Bedoya, J. D. de, Dt. Pgy, 110 Bedwell, Fras. A., C.C.J. 405 Bedwimus, bp. Elm. 454. Beecher, see also Becher — Alexr. Br., adm. (H) 850 — sir Ed., L.M. Tuond. 491 Beechey, FK. Wim., adm. (D) 830 — Rd. Brydg., adm. (HI) 850 Beere, sir Jno., S.L. Ir. 591 Beeston, sin: Winn., G. Jam. 712 Beete, captin., G. W. Austr. 707 Beevor, Rt., gen. (B) 869 Beg or Begg, Jno. J.K.B. Ir. 578 Beglatnell, bp. Cld. 598 Behar, Maharamee of, Cr, Ind. 810 Beide, Walt. de, Lid. Chanc. Sc. 514 Beir, See all so T3eck Anthy., Const. T.L. 320 — (or J3eke) Th., b.p. Linc. 446 — Th., M. Chy. 393 Bela, I to IV., IS. Hgy. 59, 60 .S. 226 Belaguier, —, U.S. Belasyse, see atlso Bellasyse Rowl., aft. E. Fauconberg, g.º. Belasyse, lds. — Jno., 1st là., C.G.P. 299; L.T. 155; P.C. 193 — Hy., aft. 2nd lå. B., K.B., 763 Belcher, sir Ed., adm. (ID)832; (F) 838; IX.C.B. 779 — J., G.N. Sc. 695 Beleanquall, Walt., Sée Bal- canquall - Beler, Rog., 13. Tºx. 383 Belers, Matth., W.C.P. 317 Belet, Michl., B. Ex. 382 — Michl., J. It. 366 ; Jy. 363 Belfast, Geo., E. of, aft. 1st lá: Ennishowen and 3rd M. Of Donegal, q.v., G.C.H. 786; L.L. Ant. 578; P.C. 211; W.C.H. 292 Belfield (or Benfield), Jno., S.L. 411 Belford, Wm., gen. (A) 858 Belgrave, Rt., visc., aft. 2nd E. Grosvenor and 1st M. of Westminster,g.v.,B.C. 252; L. Admy. 180; L.L. Flints. 314 IBelhaven, lds. — Jno., 2nd lå., L.H.T. Sc. 498; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Jno., 3rd lói., G. Bdoes. 720 — Robt. Montg., 8th lä., IK.T. 749; L.H.C. K. Sc. 546; L.L. Imrk. 511 Beli, Jago Ab., dn. Bgr. 426 Belknap, see Bealknap Beii, Amdr. Moār, K.Sc. 547 — sil: Ch., IK.H. 790 — Chr., adm. (HI) 844 — Ed. Wells, G. Jam. 713 ; gen. (ID) 885 -ºd. Wm. Derr., gem. (ID) 9 - — sil: Fras. Dill., K.C.M.G. 797 — Geo. and sir G., gen. (ID) 893; K.C.B. 779 — Harry W. Bax, gen. (ID).905 — Hy., gen. (B) 867; K.C.B. 774 — Hy. Ja.s., gen. (ID) 927 — Jno., bp. Mayo, 612 — Jno., b.p. Worc. 473 — Jno., dm. Ely, 435 — Jno., gen. (IB) 866 — Jno., R.C. 415 — Jno. and sir J., G. Gsey. 669; gen. (D) 880; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 — Jos., gen. (ID) 887 — Josh, Pet., G. Qland. 706; R.C.M.G., 797 — Ph., G. Bdoes. 719 ; G. Bnnda. 701 — Rd., bp. Carl. 475 — Rt. and sir R., C.B. Ex. 381; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249; U.S.S. 226 — Th., L.M. D'blin. 641 — Th. Lynd., gen. (ID) 933 — Wm., bp. St. Andr. 529 – Wm. gen. (ID) 891; K.C.B. 79 Rºlatorso, Rog. de, J. It. Bellairs, Wm. and Sir W., gen. (ID) 927; K.C.M.G. 798 Bellamont, Ch., 5th lä. Coote, q.v., and 1st E. of, Postm. G. Tr. 564 arliamy, Sir Ed., L.M. Lond. Bellasis, Anthy., M. Chy. 395 Ed., 131. M. P.A. 337; Lanc. — Ed., S.L. 413 Ed. H., gen. (D) 879 Bellasyse, see also Belasyse — Sir Hy., gen, (13) 864 Belleau, sir Narc. Fort., G. Queb. 694 bp. Belleganach, Cress, 531 Bellenden, see Ballenden Bellew, Patr., gen. (C) 872 — Sir Patr., L.L. Louth, 570 — Rd. M., L.T. 161 Belley, Jno., M. Chy. 395 Belling, see Bellyng Bellingham, Danl, and Sir D., L.M. D'bln. 640; M.M. 247 — sir Ed., L.J. Ir. 553 Bellini, Fr. G., Pres. Dom. Bep. 105 Bellishall, Rd. de, S.L. 406 Ferq., IBello-Canalpo, see Beauchamp Bellot, Hugh, bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Chest. 476 Bellyng, Rd., S.G. Ir. 589 Belmis, Rd. de Beaum., bp. Lond. 451 IBelmont, Ch., E. of, form. Ch. Cook, q.v. Belmore, E. of — Som., 2nd E. of, G. Jam. 713 — Som. Rd., 4th E. of, G. N.S.W. 703; IK.C.M.G. 796; U.S. Home, 228 Belºigne, Rd, de, Comst. T.L. 320 Belper, Ed., 1st là., form. Ed. Strutt, q.v., L.L. Notts, 311 Belsches, sir Alexr., Ld. Sess. 19 5 Belshes, Jno. Murr., gen. (D) 890 Belson, Ch. Ph. and Sir C., gen. (C) 874; K.C.B. 774 — Geo. Jno., gem. (D) 891; IK.H. 792 Beltz, Geo. FK., K.H. 791; Lanc. H. 333; Ptc. P.A., 337 Belvood, Rog., S.L. 411 Belzu, M. I., Pres. Bol. 109 Benares, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Benbow, Jno., adm. (A) 813 Bende, Jno., C. Exc. 278 Bendysh, Rd., gem. (C) 872 Bendings, Wm. de, J. It, 366; Jy. 363 Bendlowes, Wnn., S.L. 408 Benedict, b]p. Ach. 612 — bp. Toss, 631 — I. to XIV., P. Tºo. 33-6 Benefacta, Rd. de, Ch. Jr. 362 Benet, see Benedict, Bennet, and Bennett Benfield (or Belfield), Jno., S.L. 411 Benham, Dav., b.p. St. Amdr. 529; L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Hugh de, bp. Abdn. 530 Benjamin, Jud. Ph., P.P. 419 Benley, Wm., dm. Winds, 474 Benen (St.), bp. Arm., 595 Benn, Anthy., gem. (D) 904 — Anthy, and Sir A., Rec. LOnd. 494 — Piercy, gem. (I)) 897 — Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Bennet. Bennett and Benet — Ld. Chanc. 353 — captn. —, G. Brmda. 701 — sir Hy., aft. 1st là. and E. of Arlington, q.v., P.C. 190; S. St. 223 - — hon. Hy. Aste., gem. (B) 866 — Jas... b)). St. Andr. 529; L.G.C. Sc. 506 Jas. Tisd. and Sir J., Pres. Coll. Plm, 938 — Jno., bp. Cork and Cl. 631 — Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Jno., K.B. 764 — Jno., M. Chy. 396; S.L. 411 — Sir Jno., J. Pr. Ct. 421; M. Chy. 395 — Rt., bp. Her. 441; dim. Winds, 474 — Rt., gen. (I)) 932 — Th., adm. (D) 830; (G) 841 — Th., M. Chy. 395-96 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 — Wm., bp. Cloy. 631; bp. Cork and R. 632 — Sir Winn., C. Exc. Sc. 504 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 969 Bennet, Bennett, and Benet— COmt. — Wrm. Hy. Worthy, gen. (D) 926 Benolte, Th., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 329; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Winds. H. 331 Bense, L. Admy, 175 agºon, Ch. Ann., gen, (D) 3 9 — Et. A., Pres. Lib. 100 — Ed. W., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Tru. 469; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; P.C. 220 — Geo., dn. Her. 442 — Geo., gen, (13) 866. — Hy. Roxb., gen. (D) 905 — Mart., bp. Glr. 438 — Rd., gen. (D) 887 — Robs., gen. (ID) 923 — Rt., aft. 1st là. Dingley, q.v., Ch. JEx. 165; L.T. 156; P.C. 196 Wnn., dn. Westºr. 469 Benstede, Jno. de, J.C.P. 377; L.K. 353; S. St. 222 Bent, Geo., gen. (D) 904 Bentham, Geo., adm. (H) 845 — Th., bp. Lich, and COV. 444 Wm., gen. (B) 868 Bentinck, Arth. Cav., gen. (D) 903 — Ch. Anty. Ferd., gen. (ID) 883 — 16. Fk., gen, (C) S74 — Geo. Aug. Fk. Cav., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 219; Sec, B.T. 269 — Hy., G. Dem, and Ess. 15 71. — Hy. Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 884 ; K.C.B. 777 — Hy. Wnn., G. St. Vin. 725 *— Wrm., adm. (A) 817 *—Warn., G. St. Vin. 725 * Prob. Same. pers. Wm., aft. 1st Visc. Wood- stock and 1st E. of Port- land, q.v., P.C. 193 —ld. Wm. Hy. Cavendish- (d. 1839), Amb. Scy. 114; C.C. Ind. 651 ; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; G.G. Ind. 649; : G. Midras. * 51; (B) 867; * Tr. H, 291 Bentley, sir Jmo., adm. (A) 814 Benyon, Saml. Y., K.C. 415 Beonina, b]). Her. 441 Beorhtric, K.E. 2 Beorn, K.E. 2 Beornegus, bp. Sels. 432 Beormmod (or Boernredus), bp. Roch. 459 Beornred, K.E. 3 Beornredus, see Beormmod Beornulf, K.E. 3 IBerangera, see Berengara Berclay, see Barclay sº, Mont., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 41 Bereford, see also Beresford — (or Berford), Edmd. de, S.L. Ir. 590 — Ralph, J. It. 369 d. de, J. It. 369; L. Treas. Ir. 558; Lud. Chanc. Ir, 574 — Wm. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368 Berengara (or Berangera), (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 -º-º-º- Berengaria, Q.C.E. 7 Berenger (de Rennes), Bry. 28 — I. and II., K. Limd. 49 Beresford, 3ee also Bereford — ld. Ch. de la P., L. Admy. 186 — Ed. Marc., gen. (D) 927 — Geo. de la P., byp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607; dra. Kilm. 609 — lá. Geo. Th., Compt. H. D. 293; G.C.H. 786; gen. (B) 869; P.C. 209 — hom. Jno., B.T. 268; C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566; C. Treas. Ir. 560; P.C. 204 — Jno. Cl., L.M. Dblin. 641 — lit. Jno. Geo. de la P., abp. Arm. 596; abp. Arm. and Clr. 597; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Clr. 596; bp. Cork and R. 632; bp. Rph. 602; dim. Cllr. 598 60 Jno. M. Massey-, dm. Kilm. 609 — Sir Jno. Pov., adm. (A) 819; G.C.H. 787; K.C.B. 775; L. Admy, 182 — Marc., gen. (D) 884 — Marc. Gerv., abp. Arm. and bp. Clr. 597; bp. Kilm. E. and A. 608 - — Most. de la P., gen. (D) 931 — Wrm., C.C.J. 405 — Wm., K.H. 790 23 Wrm., P.C. 215; Sec. at W. 34 — hon. Wrm., abp. Tra. 611; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Oss. 620 — Wm. Gesl.de la P., C.I.E.807 Beresford, ld, and visc. — Wm. Carr, ld, aft. visc., gen. (A) 861; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; K.B. 766; L.G.O. 259; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 210 Beresford–Hope, see Hope 1Berew, Jno., dn. Her. 442 Berewyk, Jno. de, J. It. 368 Berested (or Berstede), Walt. de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; Jy. 365; W.C.P. 317 Berford, see Burford and Bereford Bergavenny, see Aberga- venny Berger, Erm. Archd., gen, (D) 930 Berghsted, Th, de, dm. Chich, 434 Bergne, Jno. Hy. G., IK.C.M.G. 799 Berk—, see also Bark– Berkeley, see also Barkley and Barclay — Arm. de, B. EX. 382 — Ch., see E. of B., infra, — sir Ch., aft. Visc. Fitzhar- dinge and E. of Falmouth, q.v., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 190 — Ch. L. G., Sec, P.L.B. 262 — Ed., K.B. 758 — Emer. Str., gem. (D) 931 — Geo., bp. Cloy, 631; dri, Drom, 606; du, Dry. 602 — Geo. and Sir G., G. Leew. Isl. 728; G. St. Vin. 725; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688; K.C.M.G. 797 — hon. Geo. Cr. and sir G., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 767; R.B. '766; S.G.O. 260 — Geo. Hy. Flk, and sir G., C.C. Mdras. 657; gen. (A) 863; R.C.B. 775; S.G.O. 260 Berkeley—comt. — Gilb., bp. B. and W. 428 — Granv. C. L., C. Cus. 277 — hon. Hy., M.H. 302 — Hugh de, L.J. Gen. 522 — Jas. de, bp. Exr. 436 — Jas. Cav., C.I.E. S08 — Jno., K.B. 761 — Jno. de, K.B. 754 — Josh., dm. Trn. 613 — Maur. de, Comst. T.L. 320 — Maur. de, J. It. 366 — hon. Maur. Fk. Fitzh., aft. sir M. and 1d. Fitzhardinge, q.v., adm. (IP) 828; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778; L. Admy. 182-3; P.C. 216 Norb., aft. 1d. Bottetourt, q.v., L.L., Glouc. 308 — Rt. (le, J. It. 365 — sir Rt., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 — Sackv. Ham., gen. (A) 863 — Wm., see lú. B. of Stratton, infra. — Wrm., IK.B. 757 — Wnn., K.B. 758 — sir Winn., a dim. (A) S13 Berkeley, lds. and E. — Th., 5th 10., L.H.A. 173 — Jas., 6th lä., K.B. 756 — Hy., 12th lá., IN.B. 760 — Th., ld. (son of Hy., 12th ld.), K.B. 761 — Geo., 13th 1d., aft. 1st E., B,C, 263 ; P.C. 191-2 — Ch., 2nd E. of, form. Ch. Berkeley and visc. Dursley, q.v., IK.B. 763; L.J. Ir. 555; L.L. Surr. 312 — Jas., 3rd E. of, form. Visc. Dursley, q.v., K.G. 741; L. Admy. 177; P.C. 197 — Aug., 4th E. Of, K.T. 747 Fk. A., 5th E. of, L.L. Glouc. 308 Berkeley of Stratton, lds. — Jno., 1st là., L.L. Ir. 555; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 190 — Jno., 3rd li., adm. (A) 813 — Wrm., 4th lot., form. Whn. P., C.D.L. 242; M.R. [r. 585; Phºes. B.T. 264 — Jno., 5th lél., C.G.P. 299; C.Y. G. 298; Const. T.L. 321 ; P.C. 199; Tr. H. 291 Berkshire, E. of Norreys I'amily. — Fras. Norreys, E. of, form. ld. Norris or Norreys (1603), ..?). Gl Howard Family. — Th., 1st E. Of, form. Th. Howard and 1d. H. and visc. Andover, q.v., P.C. 190 — Hy, B., 4th E. of, Dep. E.M. 327 Berkstead, Jno., Lt. T.L. 322 Berkstede, Sim. de, bp, Chich. 432 Bermingham and Ber- myngham, see also Pirm— — Jno. de, D. Chanc. Ir. 575; J.K.B. Ir, 578; S.L. Ir. 591 63 Jos, Ald, din. Kilmacd. 6: 8 — Patr., C.J.K.B. [r. 577 Ph., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 — Rd. de, J. It. 369 — sir Walt., L.J. [r. 551 — Wm. de, abp. Trn. 611 — Wnn, de, C.J.R.B. 577 Wnn, de, dra. Her. 442 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, (32 970 1NDEX OF NAMES. Bernadotte, K. S. and N. 92; Off. Nap. 26 Bernard and Bernhard, See also Barnard *— bp, Ach. 612 sk bp. Carl. 475 :k bp. S. and M. 483 ::: (Bernardus), bp. St. Dav. 464 * Poss. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — C. Amht. 66 — D. S. Mgn. 79 — (bp. Bayonne), L.H.A. 170 — Ld. Chanc, SC. 515 — I. and II., D. Sxy. 77 — III., El. Sxy. 77 — I. to IV., M. Bdn. 67 For non-reigning Dukes of this name, see under the title of their Duke- doms. — Andr., P. Laur. 300 — hon. Ch. Brod., bp. Th. K. and A. 613 — Ch. Ed. and Sir C., Ch. Com. Brma, 655; K.C.S.I. 803 — Ch. Ed., K.C.S.I. 803 — Ed., adm. (IHI) 846 ºrich, D. S. Mgn. 79; K.G. 7 Fras. and sir F., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566; J.C.P. Ir, 581; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir, 2 59 Geo., gem. (A) 860 — J., G. Brinda. 701 — Jno., C. St. 283 — Mont., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; F.C. 218 Nichs., dn. Ard. 609; dun. IKilm, 609 Hºhon. Rd. Boyle, dm. Llin. 62 — Rt. and sir R., S.L. 409-10 — Scr., U.S.H. 228 — (or Barnard) Th., b.p. Killoe, and Kilf. 35; bp. Lim. A. and A. 639; dr. Dry. 602 — Th., L.L. K. Co. 570 Wm., see Barnard Bernardus, see Bernard Berners, Ralph de, Const. T.T., 320 Perners, lds. Jno., 1st là., Comst. W. Cast. 322; K.G. 736 (Or Barnes), Jno., ld, K.B. 757 Bernes, see Barmes Bernevall (or Barnewall) Chr., C.J.I.B. Ir. 577; J.K.B. Ir. 578 Bernhard, see Bernard 38ern red, K.E. 3 Bersald, C. Swy. 54 Berridge, J. S., G. St. Xtr. 729 Berro, B. P., Pres. Ugy. 111 Berry, Sir Ed., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 774 — FR. Ch., C.I.E. 807 Geo., R. Cr. P.A. 335 — Geo. FK. de, gen. (I)) 926 Grah., K.C.M.G. 798 — sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 Bersted (or Berstede), I3erested Berthgwyn, bp. Llff. 448 Berthier, Off. Nap. 26 Berthold, D. Bwa, 67 Berthon, Jno. Fk., gen. (D) 916 S620 Berthulf, K.E. 3 Berthum, R.E. 1 — bp. Lich. 443 Bertie, hon. Albem., aft, 9th E. of Lindsey, gem. (A) 859 Sir Albem., adm. (A) 817; I.C.B. 773 — Mont., aft. 2nd E. of Linde- sey, q.v., K.B. 762 — Peregr., K.B. 762 hon. Peregr., P.C. 194; Tell. Ex. 167; W.C.H. 296-7 ld. Rt., gem. (A) 858 — Rog., K.B. 763 — Th, and Sir T., adm. (A) 818 — Vere, B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 Bertram, dn. Lich. 445 — Ch., admm. (HI) 845 — Geo. Clem., Blf, Jsey. 668 — Rog., J. It. 367 — Wim., G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Wm., Sec. Thist, 749 Bertric, K.E. 2 Bertulf, bp. Winch. 470 IK.E. 3 Berwick, Sir Rt., L.P. Ch. Sess, 516 — Samml., G. Bdoes. 719 — Walt., J. Bank. Ir. 587; S.L. Ir, 5.93 Berwick, ld, and D. of — Jas., D. of, gen. (B) 864; K.G. (?) 740; Pr. E. 14 — —, ld., form. – Hill, q.v. Besborough, see Bess- borough Besley, Rt., L.M. Lond. 492 Besliz, Matth., W.C.P. 317 Bessborough, E. of — Brab., 1st E. of, L.J. Ir., 557 — Wrm., 2nd E. of, form.Visc. Duncannon, q.v.; P.C. 201; POStºm. G. 238 — Jno. Wrm., 4th E. Of, form. ld, and visc, Duncannon, q.v.; L.L. II. 557 — Jno. Geo. Br., 5th E. of, T.L. Car). 568; L.S.H. 290; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 215 Besset, Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Bessieres, Off. Nap, 26 Best, sir Elias, L.M. Dbln. 640 — Jno., bp. Carl. 475 — Juno., C.Y.G. 298 — J. R., G. Bdoes. 720 — Rd. Mord., gem. (D) 907 — hom. Th., adm. (G) 841 — Winn. Dr., aft. Sir W. and ld. Wynford, q.v., C.J.C.P. 376; C.J. Chest. 386; J. Chest. ; J.K.B. 373; P.C. 210; S.L. l Bestia, L.C., C. Ro.45 Bethell, Chr., b.p. Bgr. 426; bp. Exr. 437; bp. Glr. 439 ; dri. Chich. 434 IRd. and Sir R., aft. li. Westbury, q.v.; A.G.400; 1st }} Chanc. 358; Q.C. 417; S.G. 402 Slingsby, L.M. Lond. 492 Betham, W. and Sir W., Ulst. IK.A. 572 Bethune, See also Beaton — Alex., gem. (B) 869 — A. N., bp. Tor. 693 — Ch, Rams. Dr., adml. (ID) 831; (E) 834 — Dav., abp. St. Andr. 529; Tud. Chanc. Sc. 515 — (or Beaton), Jas. (No. 1), abp. Glasg, 537; abp. St. Bethune—comt, Andr. 529; bp. Gall. 538; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 → *. (No. 2), abp. Glasg. — Pattom-, form. Pattom, q.v. — Robt. de, bp. Her. 441 Betour, Wrm. dé, L.H.A. 170 Bett, Hy. Iml., gen. (D) 913 Bettesworth, Jno., Adm. Adv. 423; Ch. Lond, 422; D. Arch, 420; J. Pr. Ct. 421; Vic. Gen. 421 — Rd., gem. (C) 872 — Rd., S.L. Ir. 592 aggia, Mahar. of, K.C.I.E. Betts, Rd., b.p. Kilf. 635 Betulin, See Bethune Beaton Bevan, Ch. D., C.C.J. 404 — Geo. Buch., gen. (D) 931 — Hy., L.M. D blin, 641 Bever, Th., Adm. Adv., 423 Rºgeridge, W., b.p. St. As. Beverley, St Jno. of, abp. Yk. 485; bp. Hex. 480 Beverley, E. of — Geo., 2nd E. of, form. Id. LaVaine, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; IP.C. 214 Beversham, Wm., M. Chy. 9 Bevill, Rt., K.B. (1603) 761 — Rt., K.B. (1625) 763 Bevir, Ed. Ja.s., Q.C., 419 Bewcham, Gilb., K.B. 756 Bewes, Thos., Arund, H. 339 Bexhall, Jno., dm. Chich. 434 Bexley, Nichs., ld., form. N. Vansittart, q.v. Bexstede, Pet. de, K.B., 754 Beynvill, Rd. de, J. It. 367 Fººts, H. N. D., G. Mſtius. 68 Bhaunagar, Sah, of, G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 803 Bhopal (Rudsia), Beg, of, Cr. Ind. 809 — (Shahsiham), Beg. Of, Cr. Imd. 809 . — (Segumde), Beg. of, G.C.S.I. 801 ; R.C.S.I. 802 — (Shah Jeham), Beg. G.C.S.I. 801 Bhowmaggree, Manch. Nerw. C.I.E. 808 Mahar. and of, Bhurtpore, of, G.C.S.I. 801 Biarrh, bp. Ork. 535 Bibesco, Geo., H. Woa, 94 Bibulus, M. C., C. Ro. 46 Bickersteth, Ed., dm. Lich. 445 — Ed. Hy., b.p. Exr. 437; dim. Glr. 440 — Ed. Wm., b.p. Jpn. 677 — Hy., aft. li. Langdale, q.v.; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416 ; M.R. 388; P.C. 213 — Rt., b.p. Rip. 482 Bickerton, sil: Rd., adm. (A) 815; K.C.B. 773; Ld. Admy. 1 81 — Sir Rd. Huss., adm. (A) 817 alºford, Josh, Gr., adm. (HI) 85 Bickley, Th., bp. Chich. 433 Bicknell, Rt., M. Chy. 397 Bicknor, Bykmore, or Bython, Alexr. de, abp. Dblm, and Gl. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES, 971 Bicknor, Bykhore. or Bython —CO%t. 615; dm. St. Patr. 617; L.D. Ir, 551; II. Treas. Ir. 558; Lud. Chanc. Ir. 574 Bidder, Geo. Park, Q.C. 419 Biddulph, Michl. Anthy. Shr. and Sir M., gem. (D) 908; R.C.B. 781 — Midd., L.L. Demb, 314 — Rt. and sir R., G. Cypr.671; gen. (D) 925; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 — Rt. Midd., L.L. Denb. 314 — Th. *: d. and sir T., gem. (G) 900; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 219 Bidie, Geo., C.I.E. 807 Bidum, Rd., or Walt. de, bp. Dkld. 533; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Bifus, bp. E. Ang. 454 Biggar, Walt., L.G.C. Sc. 506 Bigge. Th. Sc., gen. (D) 924 Biggs, Jno. Andr., gen. (D) 879 –– Rt., adm. (A) 816 Bigham, Jno. Ch., Q.C. 420 Bigland, Ed., S.L. 410 - — Ralph (No. 1), Bl. M. P.A. 336; Clar, R.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 329; Som. H. 332 — Ralph (No. 2), Gart. K.A. 328 ; Norr. K.A. 330; R. Dr. P.A. 338; Richm. H. 334 — Wils. Bradd., adm, (H) 846; K.H. 791 Bigod, see Bagod and Bigot, Bigot and Bigod — Hugh, or Rog, de, Ch. Jr. ; Const. T.L. 320; W.C.P. — Roger (2), aft. E. Norfolk, (1.l.). Bill, Wm., du. Westºr. 469 Billers, sir Wim., L.M. Lond, 491 allesdon, Nichs, dm. Sal. 46 — Rt., L.M. Lond. 490 Billing, Rt. Cl., bp. Suff. Beds. 452 — (or Billyng), Th. and Sir T., C.J.K.B. 370 ; J.K.B. 371; Rec, Lond, 493; S.L. 407 Billingsly, sir Hy., L.M. Lond. 491 Billington, Sir Wim., L.M. T}blm, 640 Billyng, see Billing Rilson, Th., byp. Winch. 471; bp. Worc. 473 Biºmori, sir Geo., C. Exc. 277-8 Binckes, see also Binks — Wm., dm. Lich. 445 Bindley, Jas., C. St. 283-4 — Jno., C. EXC, 280 Bindon, Thos., dm. Lim. 640 Bindon, visc. and E. Of — Hy., 1st E, of, form. Hy. Howard and lá. Walden, q.v., aft. E. of Suffolk, q.v., Dep. E.M. 327; P.C. 195 — visc.,see Howard of Bindom Binge, Th., M. Chy. 395 - Bingham, Geo. Rid, and Sir G., gem. (C) 874; K.C.B. 774 — Geo. Wrm. P., gem. (D) 906 — Hy, gem. (D) 906 — Jno., G. GSey, 668 — Jos., adm. (A) 819 — Rd., gem, (B) 867 . — Rd., J.K.B. 371; K.B. 757; S.L. 407 Bingham—com.t. — hon. Rd. C., Amb. Vza. 134 — Rt. de, bp. Sal. 466 Bingley, Rt. 1st id., form. R. ºnson, q.v., P.C. 198; Tr. H. Binks, See also Binckes — Wm., gem. (C) 874 Binney, Hibb., bp. N. Sc. 695 Binning, Dav. M., C. Cus. 277 Binning, Ids. — Th. H., 1st là., form. Sir T. H. Hamilton, q.v., aft. Ist E. of Melrose, q.v., L.P. Ch. Sess. 516 — Th., ld., aft. 9th E. of Had- ºston, q.v., B.C. 252–3; P.C. Binny, Wm. Hy., gen. (ID) 92.1 Binstead, Cheesman Hy., adm. (H) 849 Birch, –, G. Bah. Is. 716 Arth. Nom. and Sir A., G. Ceyl. 673; K.C.M.G. 798 — Ed., gen, (D) 933 — Ed., S.L. 410 — Jno., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 408 — Jno., Curs. B. Ex. 386; S.L. 411 — Jno., C. Exc. 278 — Jno. Fras., gen. (A) 863 — Rd. Ja.s. Holw., K.C.B. 782; gen, (ID) 892 — Rt. Hy., gen. (D) 883 — Saml., gen. (C) 872 Sanal., L.M. Lond. 492 — Th. and sir T., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 411 — Th. Fras., adm. (GF) 843 — Th. J., C.C.J. 403 *-* — Walt., gen. (D) 907 as Wm., Wän. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Birchall, Jho., G. I. Mam, 666 Bird, Birde and Byrde — Ed. Josh, adm. (G) S43 — Hy., gem. (D) 908 — Jno.,bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Chest, 476; bp. Suff, Penr. 482 — (or Brid), Jno., bp. Cloy. 630 — Jno., C. St. 283 — Louis Sand., gen. (ID) 892 — Th., M. Chy, 396 (or Byrd),sir Wm., D, Arch. ;: J. Pr. Ct. 421; M. Chy. — Wnn. Wilb., G.G. Ind. 649 Birdwood, Chr., gen, (D)906 sir Geo., Chr. M., K.C.I.E. 805 Wrm, Ilb., gen, (D) 898 Birger II., K. Sw. 92 IBirine (or Birimus), Saint, bp. Dorch. 446; bp. Winch. 470 Birkbeck, Wm. Ll., Q.C. 420 Fiºrett, }no., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Biºhead. Edm., bp, St. As. 46 Birla.co, Wm. de, M. Chy, 393 Birmingham, sec Berming- halm Birmie, sir Andr., Ld. Sess. 519 Biron, see also Byron Nichs., K.B. 759 — Rt. Jºlo., Q.C. 419 Birrell. Dav., gen. (ID) 892 Birtwhistle, Jno., gem. (D) 900 Bishop, Ch. Th, Geo., gen, (D) 876 Bishop—cont. — Hy. Parl., gem. (ID) 920 — Jno., C.C.J. 405 — Pet., K.H. 792 — Wm., G. Bdoes. 720 Bishopp, Cecil, gen. (ID) 884 — Sir Geo., dn. Lism. 629 Bisse, Ph., bp. Her. 442; bp. St. Day. 465 Bisset and Bissett — Andr., gen, (B) 864 — Jas., adm. (A) 819 — Sir Jno., K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 788 — Jno. Jarv., gem. (ID) 902 — Wm., b.p. Rph. 602 — Wrm. Sinc. Sm., C.I.E. 808 Bisshopp, see Bishopp Bisus, bp. F. Ang. 454 Bitton (or Button), Wm. (2), bp. B and W. 427 Bivar, Hy. St., gem. (D) 921 Blacadder, see Blackadder Biach, see Black Blachford, Aug. Geo., gen. (IO) 894 — B. P., L. Admy. 181 — Jyo., L.M. Lond. 492 Blachford, lds. — FK., 1st id., form. Sir F. Rogers, q.v., G.C.M.G. 795 Blachley, Hy.; gen. (D) 891 Black, Adam, L. Prov. Edinb. 8 54 — Bladen West, gen. (D) 898 — Jas., gem. (D) 912 — (or Blach), Patr., dn. Elnachd. 613 —- Saml., gen, (D) 929 — Wnn., adml. (HI) $45 Black—, see also Blak— Blackadder, Rt., bp. Abd. 530; abp. Glasg. 537 Blackall, see also Blackhall Rt., gen. (D) 887 — Salml. Wensl., G. Dmca. 730 ; G. Qland. 705; G.W. Afr. Sett. 688 Blackburn and Blackburne — Colin, see lá. B., infra, — Fras., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578; L.J. App. Ir. 585; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; M.R. Ir. 585; S.L. L.E., 593 — Jno., R.C. 416 Lanc., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Exp. 437; din. Exr. 437 ; P.C. 197 — Nichs., L.H.A. 173 — Pet., b.p. Abdn. 530 Pet., L.T. 16] Th., Wän. Chr, Ch. Manch. ſ", — Wnn., gen. (D) 876 Blackburn, lds. — Colin and Sir C.,aft, 1st. 1d., J.Q.B. 373; J.Q.B.D. 374; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L. App. 358; P.C. 219; S.L. 414 Blacker, Stew, dm. Llin. 624 markett, Ed. Winn., gem. (ID) 9 Blackhall, see also Blackall . — Geo., L.M. D’blin. 640 — Offs., b.p. Exr. 437 — Sir Th., L.M. D'blin, 641 Blackleach, Huan, bp, S. and M. 483 Blackston, Jno., L. Treas. Ir, 558 Blackstone, Wm. and sir W., J.C.P. 379 ; J.K.]3, 373; K.C. 415; S.L. 412 For List-of Aubreviations, see pp. 944-952. 62 * 972 INDEX OF NAMES Blackwall, Rt., M. Chy. 394 Blackwell, Jno., L.T. 154 — Nathl., G. Tob. 723; gen. (C) 874 Blackwood, hon. Hans, C. Acc. Ir, 567 — hom. Sir Hy., adm. (A) 819; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B, 775 — S. A. and sir S., IK.C.B. 784; Sec. P.O. 239 Bladen, Mart., B.T. 264 — Th., dn. Ardf. 640 Bladus (St.), bp. Isl. bp. S. and M. 483 Blaesus, C. S., C. Ito. 42 Blagge, Rt., B. Ex. 383 Blague, Th., dm. Roch. 461 Blaine, Del. Rt., C.C.J. 405 Blair, Ch. Bemmy, gem. (D) 927 — Jas., gen. (D) 928 Jas. Humter, L. Prov. Edin. 548 — Jas. K., C.C.J. 404 — Rt., gem. (ID)926; K.C.B. 775 — Rt., D. Fac, Sc. 527; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; S.G. Sc. 526 — Th. H., gem. (ID) 881 — Wrm., C. St. 283; C. TX. 284; L.I’.S. 241 Blakburn, see Blackburn Blake, Geo. Ch., adm. (H) S47 — Geo. F., gem. (D) 929 — Hy. Arth. and Sir H., G. IBah. Isl. 716; G. Jam. 713; G. Newfa, 700; G, Qland. 706; I.C.M.G. 799 — Hy. Wm., gen. (D) 907 — Patr. Jno., adm. (G) 842 Rt., Ld. Admy. 175; W.C.P. 9 31 — Rt. Dudl., gem. (A) 861 — Walt., bp. Clonm. 600 Blakedon, Ja.s., b.p. Ach. 612; bp. Bgr. 426 Blakeley, Theoph., dm. Ach. 614; dun. Cnr,605; dum. Down 605 IBlakeney and Blakeny — Ed. and sir IE., Comm. F. Ir, 564; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 787; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B.774; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — Grice, gen. (A) 860 Jas., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 — Juno., C.J.C.P. II. 580 Blakeney, ld. Wm., aft. li. B., gem. (IB) 865; K.B. 765 Blakesley, Jos. Wms., Linc. 448 Blaksley, Jno., gen. (D) 932 Blakiston, sir Matth., L.M. Lond. 492 Blanch and Blanche — (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 — (de la Tour—dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Hy, IV.), Pr. E. 11 — Q. Nav., 87 Blanchard, Rd., G. Vanc. Isl. 699 — Th., G. Mtius. 684 Blanche, see Blanch Blancke, sir Th., L.M. Lond. 539; dn. 490 Blanckley, Hor. C. N., gen. (ID) 927 Bianco, A. G., Pres. WZla, 108 Bland, Hy., dm. Dham, 479 — Jaś., dm. Ardf. 640 — Humph., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (B) 865 — Th., gem. (A) 859 Blandford, Walt., b.p. Oxf. 456; by. Worc. 473 Blandford, M. of, see also D. of Marlborough — Geo., M. of, aft. 4th D. of Marlborough, q.v., L.T. 158 Blane, Sir Seym. Jno., gem. (D) 921 { Blaney, see Blayney Blankett, Jno., adm. (A) 816 Blans hard, Th., gem. (ID) 889 — Wim., C.C. J. 404 31antyre, lds. — Walt., 1st 1d., form. W. Stewart, q.v., L.H.T. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 517. — Wnn., 2nd Id., form. Wrm. Stewart, q.v. — Rt. Walt., 11th lä., gem. (C) 874 ; L.L. Rºmfw. 511 Blaquiere, sir Jno., aft. 1st ld, de Bl., Ch. Sec. Ir, 562; R.B. 765 — Hon. Wnn., aft, 3rd lå. de Bl., gen, (A) 862 Blasio, C. C. (2), C. Ro. 42 Blaston, Th. de, B. Ex. 383 Blathmac, K. Ir. 21 Blathwayte, Wm., B.T. 263; Sec. at W. 233 — Wynt., gen. (B) 866 Blaum deston (or Brandes- tom), Hy. de, bp. Sal. 467 ; dim. Sal. 468 Blayne, Maur., dm. St. As. 463 Blayney and Blaney — Ch. Talb., dn. Killoe. 637 Blayney, lds. — Cadw., 9th lá., gen. (B) 865 — Amdr. Th., 11th lä., gem. (B) 867 Blebury, Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 Bleddyn, Pr. Wls. 16 (ab Cynwyn), Pr. Wls. 17 Bledri, bp. Llff. 449 Bleithud, bp. St. Daw. 464 Blencowe, Jno. and Sir J., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 411 Blennerhassett, Arth., J.K.B. Ir, 579; S.L. Ir. 592 — sir Jmo., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Rt., S.L. Ir. 591 Blesinton, Murr., Visc., L.J. Ir. 555 Blethyn, Wm., b.p. Llff, 449 Blicke. Sir Ch., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 Bligh, Hon. Ed., gem. (A) 861 — Jno., adm. (A) 819 — Hon. Jno. Dunc. and Sir J., Annb. G. St. 122; Amb. Hmr. 120; Amb. Nds, &c. 123; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Sw. & N. 127; K.C.B. 782 — sir Rd. Rodney, adm. (A) 816; G.C.B. 768 — Rt., dm. Elph. 609 — Th., gen. (B) 865 — Wrm., adm. (A) 818; G. N.S.W. 702 Blight, Wm., adm. (H) 847 Bliss, Hy., Q.C. 417 MI., G. N. Brk, 695 Nath., Astr. Boy. 941 Blizzard, sir Wim., Mast. & Pres. Coil. Surg. 939 Blockley, Jno. de, B. Ex. 383 Blodwell, Dav., dm. St. As. 463 — Jno., ân. St. As 463 Bloet (or Bluet), Rt., bp. Linc. 446; Ch, Jr. 362; Ld. Chanc. 35 53 — Sinn., dh. Linc. 447 - ty. , Blois, Hy, de, bp. Winch. 470 — Wrm, de, bp. Linc. 446; bp. Worc. 472 Blomefield, see also Blomfield and Bloomfield | — siſ. Th., gem. (A) 861 Blomfield, See also Blomefield and Bloomfield Ch. Ja.s., bp. Chest. 477; bp. Lond, 452; Jud. Com, P.C. 360; P.C. 211 — Ed. Hy., gen. (D) 914 — Hy, Jno., adm. (H) 851 — —Macdonald, form. Mac- donald, q.v. Blommart, Daml. Fras., gem. (B) 869 Bloncat, Nichs., K.B. 756 Blonde, Jno. le, bp. Cork, 630; dn. Cloy, 632 t Blondy, Rd., b.p. Ex. 436 Blood, Nept. (2), dn. Kilf. 637 Bloomfield, See also Blomfield and Blomefield Alf., b.p. Suff. Colch. 461 — sir Benjn., see lá. Bl., infra, — Hy. Kean., G. N.S.W. 703; gen. (D) 894 — Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 894; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779 — Jno. A. D., see löl. B., infra, Bloomfield, lds. — sir Benj., aft. 1st li. B., Amb. Sw. & N. 127; gen. (IB) 869; P.C. 209; G.C.B. 772; gº 786; K.C.H. 787; P.C. 0 — Hon. Jno. Arth. D., aft. 2nd ld., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 126; G.C.B. 772; K.C.B. 782; P.C. 217 alººse, Hy. Tuynch, dm. Tilff. alººsett, sir Rt. H., C.J. Bgal. ...) IBlount, Ed., R.C.B. 784 — Ed. le, K.B. 755 — Geo., C. Tx. 284-5 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 — Sir Jno., K.G. 735 — Sir Michl., St. T.L. 321 — Sir Rd., Lt. T,L. 321 — (or Blunt), St. Jno., IC.B.763 — Sir Walt., aft. la Mount- joy, q.v., K.B. 757; L.H.T. 153 — Walt. A., Bl. C. H. 339; Chest. H. 331; Clar. R.A. 328; gºeal Bath, 784; Norr. K.A. Blowers, Ch. Ed., gen. (D) 933 alºrham, Mark, L.M. Dbln. l Bloye, Rt., adm. (H) 845 Bloyon, Ralph de, iº Blucher, Alb. Louis Pr., G.C.B. 767 Bludworth, Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Bluet, see Bloet Bluett, Buckl, St., K.H. 791 Blººd, Peter de, Const, T.L. 0 Blundell, sir Archd., W. Treas, Ir. 559 — Br., gen. (C) 872 — Dix, dm. Kild. 619 — Fred... gem. (D) 888 Blunden, Qver, gen.(B) 869 Blundeville (or Blunwill), #. ". bp. Norw. 454; Comst. T.L. 3 alºndy, Rd., abp. Cant. (desig.) I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 94-952. INDEX OF NAMES, 973 Blunt, Ch. Harris, gen, (D) 902 — Fras. Theoph., G. Seych. Isl. 684 — Grant, G. St. Hel. 682; gen, (D) 933 — Jno. Elij., M. Chy. 397 — Rd., gen. (A) 862 º, or IBlount), St. Jno., K.B. 7 Blunvill, see Blundeville Blyth and Blythe — Arth., K.C.M.G., 797 Fk. Saml., gem. (ID) 923 — Geoff., bp. Lich. & Cov. 444; dr. Yk. 487 -i. Geo. Fras, P., bp. JSlm. — Jno., b.p. Sal. 467; Chanc, Gart. 745; M.R. 387 — Rt. bp. Down. &. Cmr. 604 Boardman, Ed., gen. (ID) 876 Boate, Godf., J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 592 agº, Hugh de, J. It, 366; Jy. Bock, Geo., Bar., gen. (C) 873 Bocland, Geoffr. de, Jy. 363-4 - Hugh de, Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. — Hugh de, J. It, 365 — Maur., gen. (B) 865 IBocquet, Rosc., C.I.E. 806 Boddam, Edmond Tud., gem. (D) 915 — Hung. Mey., gem. (ID) 929 — Rawson H., G. Bbay, 659 Bodeco, see Dudoco Bodekin, Chr., abp. Th. 611; bp. ISilmacd. 636 Boden, Geo., Q.C. 418 Bodenham, Rog., K.B. 761 Bodmin, Jno., Wisc., form. lit. IRobartes, q.v., aft. E. of Rad- nor, q.v. Bodryngham, Hy., K.B. 757 Boeff, Wm., S.L. 407 Boerley, Wm., Sp. H.C. 248 Boger, Edmd., adm. (ID) 826 — Rd., adm. (A) 817 — Turtcl., R.H. 791 Bogle, sir Archd., gem. (D) 897 Bogram, L., Pres, Hdas. 106 Bogue, Jno., K.H. 792 Bohun, Jno. de, IX.B. 754 — Sir Wim. de, aft. E. Of Northamptom, q.v., L.H.A. 172 7 Boileau, Alex. Hy. Edm., gem. (ID) 895 — Fras. Bart., gem. (ID) 898 — Neil Edm., gen. (D) 912 (ID ) —ºami. Brand., gem. 89 Boircech (Tigermach), bp. Cld. 599 Boiroimhe, K. Ir, 22 Boisel, bp. Worc. 472 Bolrerell, Amdr., L.M. Lond. 488 Bokingham, Jno. de, dm. Lich. 445; bp. Linc. 446 Bolayne, see Boleyn Bolcomp, Jno., bp. Wíord. and L. 627 Boldero, Geo. Neeld, gem. (D) 922 — Hy. Geo., Clk. O. 260 Bole, Jno., abp. Arm. 595 Bolebec, Hugh de, J. It, 367 Boleslas, I. to III., D. Bma. 59 — I. to IV., R. Pld. 90-1 Boleyn (or Boleine), Geoffr., L.M. Lond. 490 aſ (or Bo len), Geo., dn. Lich. 5 — Th., R.B. 759 — (or Bullen), sir Thos., aft. visc. Wiltshire and Ormond, q.v., K.B. 758; K.G. 737; Tr. H. 291 aglingbroke, Nichs. de, J. It. Bolingbroke, wisc. and E. of Ol., 1st E. of, form. O. St. John, q.v., C.G.S. 356 — Hy., 1st visc., form. H. St. John, q.v. Bolivar, Dt. Pu. 109 Bolland, Wm., aft. Sir W., B. Ex. 385; S.L. 413 Bollen, see Boleyn Bolles, Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 Bolling, Wm., B. Ex. 383 Bologna, Ct. Nichs. Sceb., R.C.M.G. 796 Bolter, Rog., dm. Exr. 437 Bolton, Danl., gem. (D) 894 — sir Ed., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; S.G. Ir, 589 — Hugh, dyn. Wíord. 628 — Jas. Cl., S.L. 412 — Jno., dm. Dry. 602 — Jno. Lawr., gen. (D) 919 Itd. and sirlº., C.B. EX. Ir. 583; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; Rec. Dbln. 642; S.G. Ir. 589 — Rt., dm. Carl. 476 — sir Rt., gen. (B) 867; G.C.H. 787; IX.C.H. 787 — Theoph., abp. Cash. and Bml. 626; bp. Clonf. and K. 636; byp. Elph. 608 — Th., L.M. D'blin. 641 Whn., dm. ROSs. 633 — Wrm., M. Chy. 394 — sir Wm., L.M. Lond, 491 Bolton, lds. and D. of — Chas., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Winchester, q.v.; K.G. 741; L.C.H. 275; L.J. Ir. 555; L.L. Dors. 307; L.L. Ir. 556; P.C. 194 — Ch., 3rd D. of, C.G.P. 299 ; Const. T.L. 321; K.G. 746 ; gen. (B) 865; L.L. Dors. 307; L.L. Glam. 315; P.C. 197 — Harry, 4th D. of, form, ld. H. Poulett, q.v., P.C. 199 — Ch., 5th D. of, form. C. Poulett and M. Of Winnches- ter, q.v., L.L. Hants. 311 — Harry, 6th D. of, form. lot. H. Poulett, q.v., L.L. Hants. 311; P.C. 202 — Th., 1st la., form. Th. Orde, q.v., L.L. Hants. 311 Bompas, Ch. Carp., P.P. 416; S.L. 413 — Hy. Mason, Q.C. 419 — Wm. Carp., bp. Athab. 697; bp. M. Riv. 697 Bonaparte, see Buonaparte Bonar, Alf. G. G., Amb. Swz. 114 Bonaventure, bp. Ross. 631 Bonavita, Ign. Gav, and sir I., G.C.M.G. 795; R.C.M.G.796 Boncour, see Bonquer Bond, Alexr., gem. (D) 929 — Fras., G. Bdoes. 719 — Fras. God., adm. (D) 824 — Flk. Wm., gem. (ID) 920 |Bochford and E. of Dond—comt. — Geo., S.L. 412 — Sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 490 ., dm. — Jno., M. Chy. 395 — Nathl., B.T. 268; J.A.G. 937; K.C. 415; L.T. 158; P.C. 207; V.P.B.T. 269 — Nathl., S.L. 411 — Wens., dr. Ross. 633 — Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 — Wm. Benn., b.p. Montr. 694 -ºwn. Morr. Barn., gem. (ID) Bondelez, Nig., dm. Bgr. 426 Bondington, Wm, de; b.p. glºss. 536; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 5 & Boneville, Wm. de, A.G. 398 Bonfoy, Capt., G. Newfa. 700 Bongay, Raym. Or Tºeg., L.M. Lond. 488 Bºnam, Ch. Wr., adm. (HI) — Fras. Rt., St. O. 261 — Pins., gen. (A) 862 — Saml. Geo. and sir S., Amb. Ch. 131 : G. H. Kong 673 ; K.C.B. 782 Bonham-Carter, see Carter Bonhault, Greg., M. Chy. 395 Boniface (of Savoy), abp. Cant. 430 — bp. F. Ang. 454 — C. Svy. 54 — I. and II., D. Thy. 57 — I. to IX., P. R.O. 33-4-5 Bonner, Edmd., bp. Her. 441; bp. Lond. 451 — Pet., M. Chy. 396 — Rd. B.M., dn. St. As. 463 agºnici, Cl. Vinc., lx.C.M.G. 79 Bonnor, sec Bommer Bonquer (or Boncour), Wm., J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 Bonus, Jos., gem. (ID) 931 Bonvill, Wm., 1st. li., K.G. 736 Bonython, Ch., S.L. 411 Booker, Fras., L.M. D'blin. 641 Boone, Gilb., S.L. 409 — Th., C. Cus. 276 Booth, Aug. Simcl., adm. (H) 850 — Ch., bp. Her. 441 — Geo., C. Cus. 274 — Geo. Scl., P.C. 219; Pres. L.G.B. 256 ; Sec. P.L.B., 262; Sec. Tr. 164 — Hy., K.H. 791 — Jas. Sec. B.T. 270 *— Jno., bp. EXr. 436 *— Jno., Wöln. Chr. Manch. 481 * Prob. same pers. — Lawr., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Dham. 478 ; dim, St. P. 453; Lól. Chanc. 355 — Pen., dm. Winds. 474 — hom. Rt., dm. Brl. 440 — Sir Robt., C.J.C.I’. Ir. 580; C.J.R.B. Ir. 578 ; J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Wm., abp, York 486; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 — Wnn., gem., (D) 891 — Wrm., gem. (D) 932 Bººthby, Jno. Geo., gem (YD) Ch. 91 — Wm. and sir W., C. Cus. 276-7; C. Cus. Ir. 566 — Sir Wim., gem. (A) 858 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 974 INDEX OF NAMES. Bootle, Ed., S.L. 412 — Sir Rt., L.L. Sligo, 57.1 — Th., K.C. 415 ###: Lucien, C.I.E. 807 Bordeaux, Oliver de, Const. W. Cast. 322 Boreham (or Borham), Herv. ; B. Ex.382; J.C.P.377; Jy. 3 Borg'ard, Alb., gem. (B) 864 *śghorst, Jac., G. C.G.H. Borgo, Ct. Pozzo de, K.C.B. 775 - Borham, see Boreham Boris-Gordonof, R. Russ. 90 Borlase, Jno., adm. (H) 849 — Sir Jno., L.J. Ir. 554 — Wm. C., Sec. I.G.B. 256 Borough (or Boroughs), Jas, Mowb. H. 340 — Thos., 1d., see Burgh Borrero, A., Pres. Ecr. 108 Borrett, Jno., M. Chy. 396 Borso, ſº Máa. 53 Borthwick, Dav., Ld. Sess. 518 Wm., gen. (B) 866 — Wrm., gen. (C) 873 Borton, Arth., and Sir A., G. Mlta. 671 ; gen. (ID) 902 ; G.C.B. 771; G.C.M.G. 795; IS.C.B. 780 agaivoi. I. and II., D. Bma. {} Bosa, See also Osa, — (Saint), Abp. Yk. 485 Bosanquet, Ch. Jno., adm. (IHI) 848 —Fk. Alb., Q.C. 420 — Geo. Stanley., adm. (E) 837 — Jac., Chn. E.I.Co. 644 Jno. B. and sir J., C.G.S. 358; J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 212; S.L. 413 Bosbury, Th. de, dm. Her. 442 Boscawen, hon. Edw., adm. § 814; Ld. Admy. 178; P.C. — hon. Geo., gen’ (IB) 865 — Hugh, see löl. B., infra — holl. Jno., gem. (C) 871 Boscawen, ld. — Hugh, aft. ltl B. and 1st visc. Falmouth, q.v., Compt. H. 292; L.W.S. 323; P.C. 193; V. Treas. Ir, 559 Boscehall, Wm. de, J. It. 368 Bosch, Wm. de, Ld. Clk, Teg. 524 Bosco, see also Wood — Jno. de, A.G. 398; 368 — Wrm. Cle, see Wood Bººl (or Boselus), bp. Worc. 7 J. It. Boson, D. Thy. 57 Bosquet, gem.; G.C.B. 769 Bossett, Ch. Ph. de, K.H. 789 Bostock, Majr., G. Trim. 722 Boswall, Jas. Rop., gen. (I)) 915 Boswell, Alexr., Jy. Sc. 522; Ld. Sess. 520 — Cl. Irv., Ld. Sess. 520 — Rt., Ly. Dep. 513 Bosworth, sir Wnn., Chambn. Lond. 493 Boteler, see also Butler and IBotiller — Alexr. le, J. It, 365 — Jno., J.C.l’. 378; K.D. 756; S.L. 407 Boteler—comt. — Nichs, le, J. It. 367 — Ralph, aft. li. Sudeley, q.v., I.G. 735 — Wnn. F., K.C. 416 Botetourt, Jno. de, and sir J, J. It. 369; L.H.A. 170 — Odo, IX.P. 755 — Wnn. de, K.P. 754 Botetourt, ld. — Norb., 3rd lå., form. N. Berkeley, q.v. Botevillin, Rt., dm. Yk. 486 Both, see Booth Bothe, Ph., K.B. 759 — Rt., dm. Yk. 487 Botheby, Jno. de, Ld. Chanc. Adam, Ir, 574 Bothwell, bp. Ork. 535; Ld. Sess. 517-8 — Fras., Ld. Sess. 518 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 — Rd., Ld. Sess. 518 IBothwell, Tºlarls of . Hºpburn I'amily. 49 Patr., 1st E. of, L.H.A. Sc. 9 — Adam, 2nd E. of, L.H.A. Sc. 499 - Patrº 3rd E. of, L.H.A. Sc. — Jas., 4th E. of and D. of Orkney, q.v.; L.H.A. Sc. 499 Stewart IFamvily. -ºras, 1st E. of, L.H.A. Sc. Botiller, see also Boteler and Butler — Jas., K.B. 754 Bottlesham, Jno. de, bp. Roch. 460 — Wrm., bp. Llff. 449; bp. Boch. 460 Bouat, Genl., K.C.B. 778 Boucher, Desf., G. Mtius. 683 Bouchier, see also Bourchier — Jno., gen. (C) 873 — maj. L., G. Trin. 722 agaier, Ed. Wm., gem. (D) 1 Boudon, Wm. de, B. Ex. 383 Boughey, Ch. Fent. Fl., adm. (HI) 852 Boughton, Sir Geo. C. B., gen. (C) 873 Bouillon, Phil. D'Auvergne, Pr. of, aim. (A) 817 Boukton, Jno. de, L. Treas. Ir. 558 Bouland, Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 Boulger, Barn., dn. Oss. 623 Boulogne, Eust., E. Of..., L.H.A. 170; W.C.P. 317 Boultbee, FR. Moore, adm. (G) 842 Boulter, Hugh or Hugo, abp. Arm. 596; bp. Brl. 439; dim. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; L.J. Ir. 556 Boulton, Hy. Cr., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Bound, Jno., R. Cr. P.A. 335 Bourchier, See also Bouchier — Eust. Falme, gen. (D) 904 — Geo. and Sir G., gen. (ID) 910; K.C.B. 780 — Hy., adm. (H) 844 — Hy., aft. 2nd E. Of Essex, K.]3. 757 — Jas. C., gem. (D) 882 — Jno., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 (or Bousser) Jno. J.C.P. 377 de, Bourchier—cont. e — (or Burgehier), Sir Rt., Ld. Chanc. 354 — Th., K.C.B. 777 — Th., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Ely 435; bp. Worc. 473; L.H.T. 153; "L.K. and Ld. Chanc, 355 — Th. (or Jno.), K.B. 757 — sir Th., Const. W. Cast. (1474) 322 — Sir Wm., Const. T.L. 320 Bourchier, lds, and visc. — Jno., 2nd lù., K.G. 734 — Hugh, 4th lä., R.G. 735 — Lewis, 5th lá., form. Sir L. IRobsart, q.v. — Hy., 1st visc., aft. E. Of Essex, K.G. 735; L.H.T. 153 Bourde, see Bourne Bourdieu, Arth. Du, IX.H. 791 Bourdon, Jno., G. Jam. 712 Bourmaster, Jno., adm. (A) 16 Bourke, see also Burke — Jno., aft. 1st là. NaaS and 1st E. Mayo, q.v., C. Cus. Ir, 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 — hon. Jno. Joc., gen. (D) 917 — hon. Jos., dn. OSS. 623 — hon. Jos. Deane, aft. 3rd E. of Mayo, q.v., abp, Tm. 611; bp. Ferns. and L. 622; Dn. Drom. 606; dim. Killoe 637 — Oliver Pag., gen. (D).905 — hon. Bt., aft. 16. Conne- mara, q.v., G. Mdras. 657; P.C. 219; U.S.F. 230 IRd. and Sir R., G. C.G.H. 679; G. N.S.W. 703; gem. (A) 863; K.C.H. 776 — hon. Rd., dun. Ard. 609; bp. Wíolºd, and L. 627 lady Susan Georg., aft. lady Commemara, Cr. Ind. 809 Sir Th., L.D. Ir. 551 Bourn (or Bourde), Gilb., bp. B. and W. 428 Bourne, sir Jno., S. St. 223 Rd., dm. Trn. 613 — Roger de, K.B. 754 — Wnn. Sturges, B.C. 253; C.W.F. &c. 271; H. Sec. 227; L.T. 158; P.C. 209; Sec. Tr. 163 Bousser, see Bourchier Bousfield, Hy. Br., bp. Pret. hon. 682 Dunc. Pl., adm. (ID) 823 Bouverie, hon. Ed. . Pl., P.C. 216 ; Paym. G. 245; Pres. I’.L.B. 262; U.S. Home 228; V.P.B.T. 269 — Everard Wrm., gen. (D) 885 — Flk. Wnn., adm. (IHI) 852 — Hy., C. St. 284 — Hy. Flº, and sir H., G. Mlta, 671; gem. (B) 869; G.C.B. 769 G.C.M.G. 794; IX.C.B. 774 — Hy. Ja.s., C. Cus. 277 Bouvet, see Lozier-Bouvet Bovill, St. Sew. de, abp. Yk. 485; dri. Ylº. 486 — Wrm. almd Sir W., P.C. 217; C.J.C.P. 376; Jud. Conn. P.C. 361; P.C. 217; Q.C. 417; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 — Wm. Jno., Q.C. 419 agine, Jno. de, Const. T.L. 3 0 Bovington, Walt. de, J. It. 366 I'or List of Abbreviation3, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 975 18Owater, Ed., adm. (A) 817 -ºir Ed., gen.(A) 863; K.C.H. — Jno., gen. (B) 866 Bowden, Jno. Wrm., C. St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285; C. TX. 285 —ºwn. Cornish-, adm. (H) Bowden-Smith, see Smith Bowditch, Edw. Hope Sm., gen. (ID) 913 agyaier, Geo. Ow., gen. (D) — Hy., gem. (D) 879 18owen, Ch., adm. (H)846 — Ch. S. C. and sir C., J.Q.B.D. 374; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 220 — Ed., dm. Rph. 603 — Geo., adm. (A) 817 — Geo. Bl., gen. (D) 921 — Geo. Ferg. and sir G., G. H. Kong. 673; G. Mtius. 684; G. Qland. 705; G. Vict. 705; G. N.Z. 709; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796; P.C. 221 — Herb., gen. (D) 878 — Jas. Wrm., Q.C. 419 — Jno., b.p. Si. Le. 686 — Wnn. Th., gem. (I)) 915 IBower, Fost., K.C. 415 — Jas. Paterson, adm. (GF) 843 Bowerman, Jno., dm. Ard. 609 Bowers, Ch. B., gen. (D) 893 — Geo, Hall, dn. Manch, 481 — Th., bp. Chich. 433 Bowes, Barm. Foord, gen, (C) 73 — Flk., gen, (D) 878 — sir. Geo., L.L. Dham, 308 — Jno., Sp. H. C. 248 — Jno., see Wnn., infra. — Jno., see la, B., infra, — Mart. and sir S., Tu.M. LOnd. 490; M.M. 246 — Sir Rt., M.R. 388 — Wm. or Jno., Rec, Lond. 493 Bowes, ld. — Jno., aft. 1d. B., A.G. Ir. 588; C. Acc. Ir, 567; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; L.J. Ir, 557; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 592 Bowet and Bowett, :# Hy., abp. Yk. 485; bp. B. and W. 428; L.H.T. 153 Hy., dm. St. Patr. 617 * 2 same person. Bowie, Ch. Vinc., gem. (D) 911 Bowlby, Th., C, Ex. 280 Bowle, see Bowles Bowles, Geo. and Sir G., gen. (D) 882; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777; Lt. T.L. 322 — (or Bowle), Jno., bp. Boch. 460; dim. Sal. 468 — Phim., gem. (B) 864 — Phin., Sec. Adm. 186 — Vere Hunt, gen. (D) 925 — Wnn. and Sir W., adm. (B) 821; (G) 822; (ID) 827; K.C.B. 7 79 Bowley, Rt., M.M. 246 Bowring and Bowryng — Juno, and sir J., Amb. Ch. 131; Amb. Si. 131; G. H. Kong. 673 — Th., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 Bowser, Th., C.C. Mdras, 657; K.C.B., 775 Bowstead, Jas, bp. Lich. 444; bp. S. and M. 484 :; Bowyear, Geo. Lely, adm. (HI) 850 Bowyer, Sir Geo., adm. (A) 815 — Hy., gen. (B) 866 — Jno. Wyndh., C. Exc. 280-1 — Sir Wm., L.M. Tuond. 490 — Wnn. Bohun, adm. (IH) 847 Boxall and Boxhall — Jno., dn. Norw. 455; drl. Pboro. 458; dn. Winds. 474; S. St. 223 Boxer, Ch. Itd. Fox, adm. (H) 852 — Ed., adm. (ID) 830 — Ed. Mourr., gen. (ID) 908 Boxha,11, see Boxall and Bux- hull Boyce, Jos., L.M. Dbln. 642 Boyd, Alexr., gen. (D) 916 Andr., bp. Arg. 538 — Arch., din. Exr. 438 — Brooke, gen, (D) 910 — Ch., C. Cus. Ir. 566 — Daiml., gen. (ID) 922 — Ja.s., abp. Glasg. 537 — Moss, gen. (ID) 878 Rt., J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Rt. and sir R., G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 858; K.B. 765 Th. J. and sil: T., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Walt., J. Bank. Ir. 587 506; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 IRt., 4th lil., Ld. Sess. 517 Boydell, Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 Boyer, Jno. Pet., Pres. Hti. 105; Pres. S. Dom. 105 Boyland, Rd, de, J. It, 368 Boyle, Alexr. R., adm. (HI) 850 — Bellingham, C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Ex. Ir. 566 — hon. Court. and Sir C., adm. (A) 820; K.C.H. 788 — Court. Whn. Edmund, adm. (HI) 847 — Dav., Jy. Sc. 523; L.J. Clk. 516; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 520; P.C. 210; S.G. Sc. 526 Dav., see la . B., infrat — Geo. Dav., dm. Sal. 46S — Hy., see visc. B., infrat, — hon. Hy., aft. lil. Carleton, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 155; L. Treas. Ir. 559 — Hy., P.C. 194; S. St. 224 Jas., C. Exc. Sc. 504 -ºas. bp. Cork, Cl, and R. 1 — Michl., abp. Arm. 596; abp. D'blin. and Gl. 616; bp. Cork, Cl. and R. 631 ; bp. Wſord. and L. 627; din. Cloy, 633; dun. Lism. 629; L.J. Ir. 555; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 — hon. Patr., Ld. Sess. 520 — ltd., abp. Th. 611; bp. Cork, Cl. and R. 631 ; bp. Ferns and L. 622; dim. Linn. 639; du. Wford. 628 — Rt., gem. (D) 916 – hon, Rt. Fd., Sec. St. Patr. 752 Roger, bp. Cllr. 596; bp ºwn and Cmr. 604; din. Cork, 632 Wm., C. Cus. Sc. 503 IBoyle, lds. and visc. — Dav., ld., Dep. Tr. Sc. 498 Boyle, lds, and visc.—comt. — Dav., 1d., aft. E. of Glas- gow, q.v. — Hy., aft. 1st visc. B. and E. of Shanluon, q.v., Ch. EX. Ir. 562; L.J. Ir. 556 Boyles, Ch., adm. (A) 818 agae, Gusts., visc., gen. (C) 7 Boynton, Sir Jno., S.L. 410 Boys, Hy., adm. (E) 836 — Jno., C. Exc. 279 — Jno., dm. Cantº. 431 — Th., adm. (A) 819 Wm., adm. (H) 851; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Brabazon, Rog. de or le, ºb. 369; J. It. 368; J.K.B. 71 Wm. and sir W., L.J. Ir. 553; V. Treas. Ir. 559 Braboeuf, Wm. de, J. It. 368 Brabourne, E. H., 1d., form. E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen, (1.7). Brace, sir Ed., adm. (A) 820 Brackell (or Bracknell), Walt., b.p. Oss. 620 Bracken, Rd. D'Oyl., Compt. gen. (D) 921 arºkenbury, Hy., gen. (D) 7 — Jno. M., K.H. 791 — Rt., M.M. 246 — Sir Th., Const. T.L. 320 Bracklesham, Wrm. de, dm. Chich. 434 Brackley, Id. and visc. Jno., ld., aft. 3rd E. Of Bridgewater, q.v., K.B. 763 — Th., visc., form. Sir T. Egerton, q.v., and 16. Elles- l'Ilelſe Bracknell, see Brackell Braction, see also Breton and Britton — Hy. de, Ch. Jr. 363; J. It. 368; Jy. 364 Bradbridge, Wm., bp. Exr. 437 ; dri. Sal. 468 Braddock, Ed., gen, (C) 871 Bradstreet, sir Saml., Rec. Dbln. 642 Bradbury, Geo., Curs. B. Ex. 386 — Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Bradleston, Th. de, p. * K.B. 755 Bradfield, Jno. de, bp. Roch. 459 - Bradford, Ed. Ridl. Colb., R.C.S.I. 803 — Evel., gem. (ID) 911 — Hy. Holl., K.C.B. 774 — Jno. Fowl. and Sir J., gem. (D) 892; K.C.B. 780 — Saml., bp. Carl. 476; bp. Roch. 460; dim. Westr, 469 — Th. and Sir T., C.C. Bbay. 660; gen, (A) 862; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 774 — Wilm. Hy., gen. (D) 905 Bradford, E. of Newport Family. — Fras., 1st E. of, form. li. and visc. NeWPort, q.v., Compt. H. 292; Tr. H. 291 — Rd., 2nd E. of, P.C. 195 Bridgeman l'a mily. — Orl. G. C., 3rd E. of, form. visc. Newport, q.v., L.C.H. º: L.L. Salop, 311 ; M.H. 302 I'O' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 976 INDEX OF NAMES. Bradley, Ch. Jno., gem. (ID) 912 — Geo. Gr., dn. Westr. 469 — Hy., G. I. Man. 666 — Ja.s., Astr. Roy. 941. — Jno., bp. suff. Shaft. 467 Bradshaw, Geo. Paris, gem. (D) 884; K.H. 791 —- Hy., A.G. 398; C.B. Ex. 381; S.G. 401 Jno., C.D.L. 242; C.G.S. 356; C.J. Chest. 386; S.L. 409 Jno., Ił. Cr. I’.A. 335; R. Rge. P.A., 344; Winds. H. 331 — Lawr., gem. (C) 873 — Tèd., adm. (IH)853 Th., C. TX. 284; L. Admy. 179; Sec. Tr. 163 — Th. Jos. C., C.C.J. 405 — Wnn., b.p. Brl. 439 ; dr. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — Wm. Rigby, C. Tx. 285 Bradstreet, Jno., gem. (C) 872 Tjºsami. & S.“iº. J.K.B. Ilº. 579 aſſºwardine, Th., abp. Cant. *-*. Brady, Hugh, bp. Meath, 599 — Jno. or Rd., bp. Rilm. 607 Maz., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. EX. Ir, 583; Ld. Chanc, Ir. 577; S.G. Ir, 590 Nichs., bp. Rilm. 607 º Nichs. Wrm., L.M. D'bln. — Rd. or Jno., b.p. ISilm. 607 — Rod., b.p. Kilm. 607 — Th., b.p. Kilm. 607 — Wrm., dn. Alrd. 609 — Wm., gem. (C) 872 Bragg, IPh., gem. (B) 865 IBragge, Ch., aft. Bragge- Bathurst, B.T. 268; P.C. 207; Pres. B.C., 253; Sec. at W. 234; Tr. N. 256 Braila, Pietr. Arm.and sir P., G.C.M.G. 755; K.C.M.	 Braiosa, Wm. de, J. It. 365-6 ańsford, Matth., dm. Wells, 4 ash;thwaite, Iöd., adm. (A) Bramhall, Jno., abp. Arm. 596; bp. Dry, 601 Bramham, Jas., gen, (C) 872 Brampston, see Bramston Brampton, Ed., G. Gsey. 668 Bramston, Bramstone, and Brampstone — Fras. and sir F., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 410 — Jno., dn, Winch. 471 — Jno., R.J8, 764 — Jno., U.S.C., 236 — Jno. and sir J., C.J.I.B. 370 Bramwell, Geo. W. W. and Sir G., aft. la. B., B. Ex. 385; J. Ex. D. 385; Jud. Com. IP.C. 361; L.J. App. 389; Q.C. 417; S.L. 413 Branch, Alexr. Barcl., K.H.791 — Ch. §as, bp. Antig. 728 Branche, Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 90 Brand, hon. Hy., gen. (C) 874 — hon, Hy. IB. W. and Sir H., aft. visc. Hampden, q.v.; G.C.B. 773; L.T., 161; P.C. 217; Sec. Tr. 163; Sp. H.C. 251 — hon. Hy. Rt., S.G.O. 260 — Jno. Hy. and Sir J., Pres. O.F.S. 101; G.C.M.G. 795 Brandan (St.), bp. Isl. 539 Brander, Mangles Jas., gem. (D) 929 Brandesford, Wolst. de, bp. WOrC. 472 Brandeston (or Blaundeston), Hy. de, bp. Sal. 467; dri. Sal. 468 Brandis, Dietr., C.I.E. 806; R.C.I.E. 805 Brandon, Ch., K.B. 760 — sir Ch., aft. D. of Suffolk, q.v., I.G. 737 — Sir Th., K.G. 737 Brandon, D. of, see Hamilton and Br. Brandreth, Jn., dn. Arm, 597; dn. Brmly, 628 — Th. and Sir T., adm. (E) 836; Compt. N. 258; L.Admy. 185-6, K.C.B. 782 Brandt, Rt., C.C.J. 403 Bººkere, Jno. de, M. Chy. 93 Branlı, Geo., b.p. Droin, 604; bp. Flph, 608 Brantlıwaite, Rd., S.L. 408 Branthwayt, Wm., S.L. 411 Braos, Ph. de, S.L. Ir, 550 Braose, see Bruse Brasier (or Brazier), adm. (GF) 842 Brasnell, G. Tob. 723 Brassey, Th., aft. sir T. and ld. B., K.C.B. 783; L. Admy. 185-6 ; Sec. Adm. 187 Braun, Col., Amb. Swz. 113 IBraundon, IReg. de, M. Chy. 393 9 Bravo, Dt. Mex. 103 IBray, sir Edmd., Const. T.L. 321 — Ed. Wnn., gem. (ID) 924 — Geo. I'lk. Campb., gen. (D) 926 — Juno., M. Chy. 393 — Jno., see lil. B. infra, sir Reg., I.B. 758; IK.G. 737; C.D.L. 242; L.H.T. 154; Sp. H.C. 249 Steph., C.B. Ex. Ir. 582; Jas., 577 — Th., dm. Rph, 603 Bray, ld. *— Jno., ld., C.G.P. 299 Bray - broc, - broke, & - brooke *— Hy, de, J. It. 367; Jy. 364; W.C.P. 317 * (?) all same pers. — Tºt., b.p. Lond. 451; dum. Sal. 468; J. It. 366; Ld. Chanc. # Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575; S. St. <! Saml., gem. (ID) 894 Braybrooke, ld. Titã, 3rdiá.i.L. Ess. 308 Braylegh, Rd. de, dm. Exr. 437 Brayton, Th. de, T.K. 354 — (or Drayton), Th. de, M. Chy. 393 Brazier, see Brasier Breadalbane, E. and M. of — Jno., 2nd E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 497 — Jno. 3rd E. of, form. visc. Glenorchy, q.v., L.P.S. Sc. 501 ; P.C. 202; V.A. Sc. 499 — Jno., 4th E. aft. 1st M. of, gen. (B) 867 Breadalbane, E, and M. of - convt. — Jno., 2nd M. of, Amb. Pr. 118; K.T. 748; L.C.H. 295 ; L.L. Arg. 508; P.C. 215 — Gavin, 7th IE. of, P.C. 219; Tr. H. 292 Breaute, Faulkes de, J. It, 367 Brechin, Thos., E. of, form. T. Erskine, q.v. 13recknock, Geo. Ch., E. of, aft, 2nd. M. Camden, q.v., T. Admy, 182 Bredin, Amdr., gem. (D) 880 free, Herb, b.p. ișāoes. 721 Breen, H. Heg., G. St. Luc. 725 Pregvin, abp. Cant. 430 Breitenbach, Coenr. Van, G. C.G.H. 678 Iłrekderle, Jno., IB. Ex. Ir, 583 Brennbyr, Nichs., L.M. Lond. 489 Bremer, sir Jas. Jno. Gord., adm. (ID) 828; IX.C.B. 777 ; IK.C.B.I. 789 Brenchesley, Wm., J.C.P. 378; K.B. 755; S.L. 407 Brendinus, bp. S. and M. 483 assadoc, Dav., bp. Clonm. 60 Brendan, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639; din. Ardf. 640 Brens, Rt. de, R.B. 755 Brent, Humphr., C. Cus. 275; . C. Cus. Sc. 503 — sir Nathl., Vic, Gem, 421 — Tim., K.H. 780 Brente, IRt., K.P. 755 IBrentford, Patr., E. of, P.C. 189 Brentingham, Th., bp. EXr. 436; L.H.T. 153 Brenton, Jahl. (No. 1), adm. (A) 817 — Jahl. (No 2) and Sir J., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 774; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Jno., adm. (IH) 846 Brereton, sir Jmo., S.L. Ir, — Jno. Alf., gem. (ID) 916 — Rt., gem. (B) 867 — Wm. and sir W., gem. (ID) 889; K.C.B. 779; K.H. 792 — sil: Wrm., L.J. Ir. 553 Brerewood, Rt. and sir R., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 400 Bret, see Brett Bretayne, Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 89 Breteville, Rd. de, A.G. 398 Brethenain, see MacBreohan Bretislas, I. to III., D. Brma. 59 Breton, see Brettom IBrett, and Bret —Ch., L. Admy. 179-80 — Gerard de la, K.B. 755 — Harry de, gem. (D) 930 * | — sir Piercy, adm. (A) 814 L. Admy. 179 — Rd., C. Exc. 278 — Rd. Rich Wilf., gem. (D) 893 — Wilf., IK.C.M.G. 796 — Wm. B. and Sir W., aft, 1st ld. Esher, q.v., J.C.P. 380; J.C.P.D. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; L. J. App. 389; M.R. 388; P.C. 219; Q.C. 418; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 — Wrm. Fr., gen, (D) 909 I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 977 '13rettan, Jno., B. Ex, Ir. 583 Bretton and Breton, see also Bracton — M. §: 395 — Fras. le, dm. JSey. 668 - ſº Bracton), Hy, de, Jy. — Hy. Wm., gem. (D) 885 — Jno. and Sir J., L.M. Lond. 489 — (Or Bretum, or Bracton), Jno. de or le, bp. Her. 441; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365 — Jno. le, J. It, 369 — Maur. le, C.I.E. 806 — Peter, K.B. 755 — Rd., C. Cus, 274 — Thos. le, dr. Jsy. 668 — sir Th. le (2), Blf. Jsy. 668 — (or Brito), Wm. le, J. It. 368; Jy. 364 — Wm. Corb. le, dm. Jsy. 668 *sel, Alb. Van, G.C.G.H. Breuse, Hugh de, dn. Her. 442 Brevint, Danl., dn, Linc. 448 Brewce, see Bruce Brewer, Wm., bp. Exr. 436 Brewster, Abraham, A.G. Ir. 588; L.J. App. Ir, 585; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; S.G. Ir. 590 — Sir Dav., K.H. 790 — sil: Fras., L.M. Dblin, 640 — Hy. Cr., gem. (ID) 910 Brian, see Bryan Brice, dn. Arm. 597 — (or Bricius), bp. Mor. 534 — Geo. Tito, gen, (D) 927 — Hugh, M.M. 246 — Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 — Sew. Wnn., Q.C. 420 Bricius, see Brice IBrictius, bp. Lim. 638 Brid, see Bird Brideoake, Ralph, bp. Chich. 433; dim. Sal. 468 Bridgeman, hom. Ch. Orl., adm. (IHI) 846 Hy., bp. S. and M. 484; dim. Chest. 477 Jno., bp. Chest, 477 — sir Jno., C.J. Chest. 386; S.L. 409 — Sir Orl., B.T. 264; C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.C.P. 375; L.K. 357; P.C. 190; S.L. 410 86 186; — Wm., . Sec. Adm. Bridgen, Wrm., L.M. Lond. 492 TJ.S.S. 225 IBridges, see also Brydges For members of the Chandos Peerage, see Brydges — — G. Bah. Isl. 716 — Jno., bp. Oxf. 456; dm. Sal. 468 — Jno., C. Cus. 274 — Th., K.B. 764 — sir Th., Lt. T.L. 321 — Wnn., C. EXc. 2 78 Bridget (dau. Ed. IV.), Pr. E. 12 º Bridgewater, Earls of — Hy. Daubeney, E. of, form. ld. Daubeny, q.v. Egerton Family. — Jno., 1st E. of, form. J. Egerton, q.v. — Jno., 2nd E. Of, B.T. 263; L.L. Chesh. 306; L.L. Herts, 309; P.C. 190-1 Bridgewater, Earls of comt. — Jno., 3rd E. of, form lil. Brackley, q.v.; B.T. 263; L. Admy. 176; P.C. 194 — Jno. Wm., 7th E. of, gen. (A) 860 IBridgman, see Bridgeman Bridport, Giles de, bp., Sal. 466; dim. Wells, 428 Bridport, lds. and visc. — Alex., 2nd ló. and 1st Visc. (1st Cr.); form. Alex. Hood, (1.7). Alex. N., 3rd ló. and 1st visc. (2nd Cr.); form. A. N. Hood, q.v., R.C.B. 784 Briesley, Sim. de, dm. Lich. 445; din. Linc. 448 Briggs, Dav., gem. (ID) 912 — Geo., gem. (ID) 902 — Geo., gen. (ID) 929 — Jas., gen. (ID) 932; 792 — Jno., gen. (ID) 879 — Jno. Falc., K.H. 792 — Steph. Ch., gen. (D) 906 — Th., S.L. 407 — Th, and Sir T., adm. (A) 820; G.C.M.G. 794 — Will. Lake, gen. (D) 914 — Wm., gem. (D) 913 Bright, Geo., dn. St. As. 463 Jno., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 218; Pres. B.T. 269 IRd., gen. (IB) 867 — Rt. On. and sir R., gen. (ID) 906; K.C.B. 781 — Th., b.p. Down, 603 Brigid or Brigidian, Moel (No. 1), bp. Rild. 616 — Moel (No. 2), bp. Kild. 616 See also Moelbrigidian Brigilsus, bp. E. Ang. 454 Brihtwald, abp. Camt. 430 Brillanne, Chev. de Guir de la, G. Mtius. 683 IBrind, Jas. and Sir J., gen. º 902; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 7 Brine, Aug., adm. (ID) 824 — Geo., adm. (HI) 846 — Jas., adm. (A) 816 — Lindesay, adm. (E) 837 Brinkley, Jno., bp. Cloy. 631 aństan (St.), bp. Winch. 7 IX. H. 4 Brinton, Th. de, bp. Roch. 460 Brisbane, Sir Ch., adm. (A) ; & ºt."vin. 25. R.C.E. 77 — Jno., adm. (A) 815 — Th, and sir T., aft. Mak- dougall-Brisbane, G. N.S.W. 703; gen. (A) 862; G.C.B. 768; R.C.B. 774 Bristol, E. and M. of I)igby IFamily. — Jno., 1st E. of, form. sir J. Digby, q.v. — Geo., 2nd E. of, K.G. 740; P.C. 189 — Jno., 3rd E. of, L.L. Dors. 307 Hervey Family. — Geo. Wm., 2nd E. of, Amb. Spn. 123; Gr. St. 304; L.L. Ir, 557; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 202 — Aug. Jno., 3rd E. of, form. hon. A. J. Hervey, q.v. adm. (A) 815 — Fk. Augs., 4th E. of, form. hon. F. A. Hervey, q.v. Bristol, E. and M. of cont. — Fk. Wm., 5th E. of, aft. 1st E. Jermyn (q.v.) and 1st M. of Br. ; form. Id. Hervey, q.v. — Fk, Wm. Jno., 3rd M. Of, L.L. Suff. 312 Bristow and Bristowe — Hy., gen. (D) 885 — Hy. Fox, Q.C., 418 — Jno. Wm., gen. (ID) 912 — Saml. B., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 419 Brithelm alld Brithelmus — bp. Winch. 470 bp. Lond. 451 *— bp. Wells, 427 % bp. Winch. 470 * Poss. same pers. Brithman, D., Ld. Sess. 518 Brithmar, bp. Lich. 443 Brithwaidus, see Burwoldus Brithwold (St.), bp. Winch. 470; bp. Wlton. 466 Brithwyn (2), bp. Shbn. 466; bp. Wells, 427 Britland, Reg., S.L. 411 Brito, Rd., J. It. 366 — (or Breton), Wm. le, J. It. 368; Jy. 364 IBriton and Britton — Ja.s., dm. Oss. 623 — Ralph, J. It. 366 Brittany, Jno., D. of, see E. Of Iłichmond Britteagus, bp. Worcs. 472 Britton, see Briton Britwynus, bp. Cnwall. 436 Briwer, Wm., B. Ex. 382; J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Briwes, Jno. de, Jy. 364 — löt. de, J.C.P. 377 Broad, Geo. Doh., adm. (HI) 853 Broadhead, Hy., adm. (G) 843 Broadhurst, Hy., U.S. Home Brocas, Jno., du. Killa. 614 Sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 — Theoph., din. Killa. 614 Brock, see also I3rok — Daiml. de L., Blf. Gsey. 669 — Isaac, gem. (D) 873; K.B. 66 Saunn., K.H. 791 — Th. Saum., adm. (HI) 848 Broclesby, Wm. de, B. EX. 383 Broder, Ph., (in. Cash. 627 Broderick, see Brodrick Brodie, Alexr., Ld. Sess. 519 — Alexr., Ly. K.A. 513 — sir Benj. Coll., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939; I’res. R. Soc. 940 Hugh Fife Ashley, L.L. Nrnsl). 511 Jas., L.L. Nrnsh. 511 Jas. Campb. Jno., Nrnsh. 511 — Th., Ly. Dep. 513 — Wnn., L.L. Nrmsh, 511 Brodrick, Alam, aft. 1st, ld. and visc. Midleton, q.v., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.Q. B. Ir, 578; L.J. Ir. 556; Lól. Chanc. Ir, 576; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 591 — Allam, C. Cus. 275 — hom. Ch., abp. Cash. and Eml. 626; by). Clom.f. and K. 636; bp. ISilm, 607 — Jno. or St. Jno., S.L. 411 — hom. Jno., G., Mart. 719 ; gen. (A) 861 Llu. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 978 INDEX OF NAMES. Brodrick—comt. — Th., adm. (A) 814 — hon. Th., U.S. Home — Wnn., S.L. Ir. 592 — hon. Wnn., Sec. B.C. 254; L.T. 158-9 — hon. Wnn. Jno., aft./th Wisc. Midleton, q.v., dm. Exr. 438 - Wm. St. J. F., U.S. War, 3 Brogan, Steph. de, dm. St. P. tº Brogden, Jas., L.T. 159 Broghill, Roger Ld., Comm. Tr. 555 IBrok, see also Brock — Lawr. del, Jy. 365 Broke, see also Brooke — hon. Geo., gen. (D) 884 — sir Ph. Bowes Vere, adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 774 — Willoughby de, see W. sºmby, Ch. Hy., b.p. Tasm. 70 Brome, see also Broome — Ad. de, J. It. 369; M. Chy. 393 IBromfeld and Bromfield — Edmøl., b.p. Llff. 449 — Sir Ed., L.M. Lond. 491 — Leol. de, bp. St. As. 462 — Wrm., M.M. 247 Bromhead, sir Gonv., gen.(B) 867 Bromley, Ed. and Sir E., B. Ex. 384 ; S.L. 409 Nichs., dn. St. Patr. 617 — Rd. Madd., K.C.B. 782 — sir Rt. Howe, adm. (D) 823 — Rog., Bl. M. P.A., 336; Chest. H. 330 — Th. and sir T. (No. 1), job. 370; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 8 — Th. (No. 2), Ld. Chanc. 356; Rec. Lond. 493; S.G. 401 — Wrm., I.B. 764 — Wrm., P.C. 196; S. St. 224; Sp. H.C. 250 Wm. de, Ch. Ex, Ir. 561; dn. St. Patr. 617; L.K. Ir. 574; L. Treas. Ir, 558 arºmwich, Jno. de, L.J. Ir. IBron, see Brown Bronscombe, Walt., b.p. Exr. Bronte, see Nelson and B. Brokley, Jno., L.M. Lond, 490 Brook and Brooke, see also Broke —, (2), S.L. 408 — Arth. and sir A., gen. (IB) 869; K.C.B. 776 — sir Ch. Johnson, G.C.M.G. 796 — Dav. and sil: D., C.B. Ex. 381; S.L. 408 — Ed. Bas., gem. (D) 896 — Geo. and Sir G., gen. (ID) 887; K.C.B. 779 — Hy. Rd., see Earl Br., infra — Jas. and sir J., Amb. Brmo. 131; G. Labn. 675; K.C.B. 782 — Jas. Cr., gem. (D) 906 — Jno. Ch., R. Cr. P. A. 335; Som. H. 332 — Jno. Chiop., gen. (ID) 917 — Ralph, R. Cr. P.A. 335; Yk. H. 334 — (or Broke), Ról. C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 378; Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 408 Brook and Brooke—comt. — Rd. Cr., gen. (I)) 931 — (or Broke), Bt. and Sir R., C.J.C.P. 375; Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; J.K.B. (?) 372; Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 — Th., dn. Chest. 477 — Th. A., gen. (ID) 903 — Wm., C.G.S. Ir. 577 — Wnn., gen. (A) 862 — Wnn., K.B. 763 Brooke, lds. and E., see also Warwick — Fulke, Jist là., form. F. Greville, q.v. — (and Warwick), Fras., 1st E. of, K.T. 747 -Hºy. Rd. aft. 3rd E. of, K.T. — see also Willoughby de Broke Brooker, Geo. Aug. Cooke, adm. (IHI) 851 Brookes and Brooks — B., G. Trin. 722 — Geo., gen. (ID) 888 — Geo. Benj., gen. (D) 879 — (or Broke), Hor. Geo., gen. (D) 884 * — Jas., bp. Glr. 438 — Maur., L.M. D'blin. 642 — Wm., gen. (ID) 876 Bººksbank, Stamp, C. Exc. 1 — Josh., dn. Clonf. 637 | Broome, Arth., gen. (D) 903 — Fk. Nap., G. Mtius. 684; G. W. Austr. 707; K.C.M.G. 798 — Jos., gem. (IB) 866 — (or Brome) Th., S.L. 410 Brotherton, Th. Wm. and sir T., gem. (D) 880; G.C.B. 770; R.C.P. 778 Brothwick, Dav., Ld. Adv. jº {} º sºugh, IRedm. W., gen. (D) — Rd. Seck., gen. (ID) 880 Wnn., dm. Glr. 440 Brougham, Hy., dn. Lism. 629 — Hy., see lá. B. infra. — Jno., C. Exc. 279 — Th., gen. (ID) 910 — Wm., M. Chy. 397 Brougham, ld. — Hy., aft. Id. B. and Vaux, Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416; Ld. Chanc. 358; P.C. 211; P.P. 416 Broughton, Jno., adm. (A) 820 — sir Jno. Delves, gem. (A) 861 — Rt., K.B. 758 — Th., C. Exc. Sc. 504 — Wm. Ed.D., gem. (ID) 902 — Wrm. Gr., bp. Austrl. 703; bp. Syd. 703 Broughton, ld. — Jno. Cam., ld., form. J. C. Hobhouse, q.v., G.C.B. 772 Broun, see Brown Brouncker, Ed., dm. Lism. Brouncker, visc. —Wm., visc., L. Admy. 175; Pres. Ił. Soc. 940 Browell, Wm., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 1Brown and IBrowne — Maj.-Gen. —, G. (1884) 721 Ddoes. Brown and Browne—comt. — —, G. Tob. (1764) 723 — Lt.-Col. —, G. Trin. (1846) 722 — Andr., gen. (ID) 908 — Andr., Modr. K. Sc. 547 49 Anthy., Chambn. Lond. 9 3 — Anthy., K.B. (1547) 760 — Anthy., K.B. (1603) 761 — Anthy., L.M. Lond. 492 — Anthy. and sir A., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Sir Anthy., K.G. 738; M.H. 301 — Arth., C. Acc. Ir. 567; S.L. Ir, 592 — Clem., gen, (D) 877 — Clem. Metc., gen. (D) 934 — Ch. Alf., gen. (D) 897 — Ch. Flk., gem. (D) 912 — Dav., gen. (ID) 917 — Denis, dm. Emly. 628 — Dom., aft. li. Oranmore and Br., q.v., L.L. Mayo, 570 — Dougl., Q.C. 418 Ed., dm. Th. 613 — Ed. Har., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Winch. 471 — Ed. Mavor, gen. (A) 858 — Ed. Walp., adm. (ID) 824 — Fras., dm. Elph. 609 — Geo., abp. D'blin. and Gl. 51 6 —— Geo., B1. M. P.A. 336 — Geo., bp. Dkld. 533 — Geo., C. Exc. Sc. 505 — Geo., G. Bbay. 659 — Geo., K.B. 763 — Geo., K.C.M.G. 797 — Geo., Ld. Sess, 520; Jy. Sc. 523 — Geo., S.L. 408 — Geo. and sir G., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (ID) 880; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 777; K.H. 789 — Geo. Gl., gem. (ID) 920 — Geo. Rodn., gem. (ID) 920 — Geo. Sackv., K.C.B. 775 — Gore, gen. (A) 862 — Hy., Amb. Ch. 130 — Hy., C. Cus. 274 — Hy. Mont., dn. Lism. 629 — Hy. Ralph, gem. (D) 909 — Horace Alb., gen. (ID) 927 — Hugh, S.L. Ir. 590 — Humphr. and sir H., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Jas., S.L. Ir. 592 — sir Ja.s., K.C.S.I. 804 — Jas. Fr. Manners, gen. (D) 909 — Jemm., abp. Trn. 611; bp. Cork and R. 632; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Elph. 608; bp. Killoe, 634; dim. Ross 633 — Jno., admm. (A) 816 — Jno., gen. (B) 865 — Jno., gen. (C) 873 — Jno., K.B. 758 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 — Jno., S.L. 408 —sir Jno.,gen.(A)863; K.C.H. 787 — Jno. Campb., R.C.B. 780 — Jno. Hutt. Balf., Q.C. 420 — Jno. Suff., Bl, C.H. 339; Geneal. Bath, 784 — Jno. Tatt., gem. (ID) 892 — Jonn., dm. Her. 442 — Jos., Q.C. 418 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES 979 Brown and Browne—cont. — Perc., gen. (ID) 904 — Pet., bp. Cork and R. 632 — Pet., dm. Ferns, 623 — Pet., gem. (D) 883 — Ph., adm. (D) 827; (G) 840 35Ralph Abercr., adm. (H) — (or Broun), Rd., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Sir Rd., C, Exc. 277; L.M. Lond. 491 — Rt., B. Ex. 384 — (or Bron), Rt.,dn.Wford.628) Rt., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Guis. P.A. 343; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Bichm. H. 333 - — Saml., gen. (A) 863 — Saml, and sir S., C.G.S. 356; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; P.P. 414; S.L. 409-10 — Saml. Ja.s. and sir S., gen. gº 909; K.C.B. 781; K.C.S.I. — Steph., bp. Itoss, 631 — Steph., L.M. Lond. 490 — Th., adm. (D) 824 — Th., adm. (ID) 825 — Th., B1. M. P.A. 336 — Th., bp. Norw. 455; bp. Roch. 460; dri. Sal. 468 — Th., Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328; Lanc. H. 333 — Th., Norr. K.A. 329 — Th. and sir T., gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 775; K.C.H. 788 — Th. Gore and Sir T., G. Brmdal, 701; G. N.Z. 709; G. St. Hel. 682; G. Tasm. 708; K.C.M.G. 796 tº ſo 882; — Th. • 3 K.C.H. 787; K.H. 78 — Walt., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Walt. Jno., gen. (ID) 888 — Wim., adm. (A) 818 — Wnn., G. Brmda. 701 — Wm., G. Gsey. 669 — Wrm., gen. (B) 865 — Wrm., and sir W., L.M. Lond. 490 — Sir Wm., K.H. 791 - Wm. Cheselden, adm. (IH) — Wnn. Gust., genr. (D) 899 — Wrm. Laur., din. Thist. 749 — Wrm. Saml., aft. W. Grieve, adm. (E) 837 — Wim. Todd, gem. (ID) 919 Browning, Col. Air. R., C.I.E. 807 — Jno., M. Chy. 396 — Saml., M. Chy. 396 Brownlow, Ch. Hy, and sir C., gen, (D) 923; G.C.B. 771; R.C.B. 780 — Hy. Alex., gen. (D) 930 — Jno., dun. Clonm. 600 Brownlow, lds, and E. — Jno., 2nd lá., aft, 1st E., G.C.H. 787; L.L. Linc. 310 — Adelb. W. B., 3rd E., L.L. Linc. 310; P.C. 221; Paym. G. 245; Sec. L.G.B. 256 Brownrigg, Jno. Stud., gen. (D) 902 — Ralph, bp. EXT. 437 — Rt. and sir R., G. Ceyl, 672; G.C.B. 767; gen, (A) 861 Bruce, see also Bruse — Alexr. Ja.s., gen. (ID) 916 Bruce—cont. — Andr., bp, Dkld. 533; bp. Ork. 535 — Ch., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Mtius. 684 — Ch. and sir C., gen. (C) 875; R.C.B. 776 — Ch. L. C., Sec. B.C. 254 — lá. Ch. W. B., P.C. 219; — Ed., K.C.B. 776 — Ed., aft. Id. Kinloss, q.v., Ld. Sess. 519; M.R. 388 —ld. Ern. Augs. Ch., aft. 3rd M. of Ailesbury, q.v., P.C. 214; W.C.H. 297 — Eyre E., gen. (D) 888 — hon. Fk. W. A. and sir F., Amb. Bol. 135; Amb. Ch. 131 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132; Amb. Ugy. 137; G. Newfol. 700; G.C.B. 772; K.C.B. 783 — Gainsf., Q.C. 420 — Geo. Wyndh. H. Knight-, bp. Blfn. 681 — Hy., gen. (B) 868 — Hy. Aust., aft. 1st Id. Aber- dare, q.v., H. Sec. 227; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; L.P.C. 188; P.C. 217; U.S. Home, 228; V.P. Ed. 255 -i. Hy. Herv., L.L. Londy. 7 — Hy. Le G., gen. (ID) 917 — Hy. Wnn. and sir H., adm. (D) 829; K.C.B. 779 Ja.s., b.p. Dkld. 533; bp. glºss. 536; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 15 — Jas. Lewis Knight- and sir J., Jud. Com. P.C. 360; R.C. 416; L.J. App. 388; P.C. 214; V. Chanc. 390 85 Jas. Minchin, adm. (HI) 1. — Jno., G. W. Austr. 707 — Jno., Sec. B.C. 254 — Jonn, dm. Kilf. 637; dim. Trn. 613 — Michl., gen. (D) 906 — Rd. Is., C.I.E. 806 — Rt., gem. (ID) 906 — Rt., K. Sc. 19 — Rt., Ld. Sess. 519 Rt., J. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 hon. Rt., gem. (ID) 894 -ºir Stew., Geneal. St. Patr. — Th., C. CUIS. Sc. 504 — Th., K.B. 757 — hon. Th., gem. (B) 866 — hom. Th., gen. (C) 872 — Wm., K.H. 792 Bruce, lds. —Th., ld., aft. E.Jof Ailesbury, q.v., (cr. 1776), P.C. 203 Bruchilla, see Burghill Brudenell and Brudnell — Edmél., A.G. 398 — hon. Ja.s., B.T. 264 — Rt., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 408 — Th., gen. (C) 871 — hon. Th., gen. (B) S65 aſſera, Gilb. de, dm. St. P. Bruere, Geo. Ja.s., G. Brmda. 701 Bruge, Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Bruges, 86e Bridges Brugge, Walt. de, B. Ex. Ir. 583 — (or Brugges), Sir Wm., Gart. K.A. 327 Brun, From. le, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Brune, Dav., Compt. Sc. 498 Brundish, Rt., J.K.B. 371 Bºnker, Jas. Rt., gen. (D) 901 Bruno, D. Line. 29 — J. de, G. Trin. 721 Brunton, Alexr., Modr. K. Sc. 54 7 — Nathl., adm. (A) 817 Brus, Pet. de (2), J.It. 367–8 Rt. de, C.J.K.B. 369; Jy. 364 Bruse, see also Bruce - — (or Braose), Giles de, bp. Her. 441 . — Wm. de, bp. Llff.,449 Brusele, Hy. de, M.M. 245-6 Brutus, C. J. B. (3), C. Ro. 41; Dt. R.O. 41 — D. J., C. Ro. 44–5 — L. J., C. Ro. 37 — M. J., C. Ro. 44 Bruyn, sir Hy., L. Treas. Ir. 5 58 Bruynink, Wilh. M., G. Ceyl. 672 Bryan and Brian — Boromy, K. Ir. 22 — Sir Fras., L.J. Ir. 553 — Guy, see lă. G., infra, — Regd., bp. St. Dav. 464; bp. Worc. 472 — Th., C.J.C.P. 375; K.B. 757; S.L. 407 Bryan, lds. — Guy and Sir G., aft. 1d. B., K.G. (1370) 733; L.H.A. 172 Bryant, sir Jerem., gen. (D) 880 Bryce, sir Alex., gen. (C) 874; K.C.H. 787; K.H. 789 — Hugh, L.M. Lond. 490 — Jas., U.S.F. 230 Brydges, see also Bridges — Geo., gen. (C) 874 — Geo., gen. (ID) 930 — Geo., L.M. Lond. 492 — sir H. Jones—, form. Jones, amb. Pers. 130; P.C. 213 — hon. Ja.s., aft. E. of Car- narvon and D. of Chandos, q.v., L. Admy, 177; Paym. G. 244 — sir Jno., aft. li. Chandos, q.v., Lt. T.T., 321 Wrm., S.G.O. 259 — Wrm., S.L. 411 Brykenell, Th., K.B. 760 Bryson, Alexr., K.C.B. 779 Bubbewith, Bubbewyth, or IBubwith, Nichs., bp. B. and W. 428; b.p. Lond. 451; bp. Sal. 467; L.H.T. 153; M. Chy. 394; M.R. 387 amºgicus, C. J. B. (2), C. Ro. 1–2 Buccleuch, D. of, see also Monmouth and Queensberry — Fras., 2nd D. of, form. E. of Dalkeith, q.v. — Hy., 3rd D. of, K.G. 742; IV.T. 747; L. L. Mid.-L. 509; L.L. Roxb. 512 — Chas. Wnn. Hy., 4th D. of, form. E. of Dalkeith, q.v.; K.T. 748; L.L. Mid-L. 509 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 980 INDEX OF NAMES. Buccleuch, D. of comt. — Walt. Fr., 5th D. of, Jud. Com, P.C. 360; K.G, 743; K.T. 748; L.L., Mid-L. 509; L.L. Roxb. 512; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 214. — Wrm. Hy. W., 6th D. of, form. E. of Dalkeith, q.v. — Touisa, J., Dss. of, M. Robes (1885) 304 — Charlotte, DSS. of, M.Robes (1841) 304 Buchan, Jno. and sir J., gem. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 Buchan, Earls of Comyn on Cwm/min Family. — Wrm., 1st E. Of, L.J.Gen. 522 Alexr., 2nd E. of, L.J. Gen. 522 Jno., 3rd E. of, Sec.St.Sc.501 Stewart Family. — Jno., 2nd E. Of, L.G.C. Sc. (d. 1424) 506 Stewart and Erskine I'a????lies. — Jas., 1st E. of, L.G.C. 506 — Jas., 7th E. of, form. J. Erskine, q.v. — Dav., 4th la. Cardross and 9th E. Of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 Buchanan, Andr. and sir, A., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Dk. 127 ; Amb. Nds. &c. 123 ; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Tuss. 126; Amb. Spm. 124; Amb. Swz. 113; G.C.B. 772; IS.C.B. 783; 17 — Geo., L.P.S. Sc. 501 — Gilb. Jno. L., gen. (D) 903 — Hy. Ja.s., gem. (D) 929 — Jas., C. Cus, Sc. 504 — Jas., gem. (ID) 923 — Jas., Pres. U.S.A. 102 — Wrm., din. Ach. 614; dri. Rilla. 614; din. Trm. 613 — Wm., gem. (IB) 867 Buchamam-Riddell, see Rid- G Buche, capt. Piers or Jno. de, K.G. 733 aghevet, Andr., Portr. Lond, Buck, Lew. Wrm., gen. (D) 927 Buckby, Rd., gen. (C) 874 — (Bugby or Buckleby), W., S.L. 410 Buckeridge, Jno., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Roch. 460 - Buckhurst, 1ſls. — Th., 1st là., aft. 1st E. of Dorset, q.v., C.G.S. 356; E.M. 326; K.G. 739; L.H.T. 154; Ld, Chanc. 356 — Rd., ld, aft. 3rd E. Dorset, q.v., L.L., Suss. 312 — Ch., 1d., aft. 6th E. of Dor- set, q.v., L.L. SuSS. 312 Buckingham, Jno. de, B. EX. 383 — Sir Owen, L.M. Lond. 491 Buckingham, E., M., and D.Of Plantagemet Family. — Th., E. of, aft. D. of Gloucester (son of Ed. III.), IX.G. 734 Stafford Family. — Humphr., 1st D. of, form. (1429) E. Stafford, q.v., W.C.P. 31 — Hy., 2nd D. Of, K.B. 757; IX.G. 736; W.C.P. 319 — Ed., 3rd D. of, form. IE. Stafford, q.v., K.G. 737 Buckingham, E., M., and D. of —CO7tt. Williers Family. — Geo., 1st E., M., and D. of, form. Geo. Williers, Sir G. and visc. V., q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322; E.M. 326; L.H.A. 174; II.H. Const. 289; M.H. 302; W.C.P. 319 — Geo., 2nd D. of, IX.G. 740; L. Admy. 175; M.H. 302; P.C. 189-9 — Rd. C., D. of, form. (1806) E. Temple, q.v. Nugent-Temple-Grenville IFamily. — Geo., 1st M. of, form. Geo. Grenville, Geo. Nugent, almd 2nd E. Temple, q.v., R.G. 742; L.L. Ir. 557 — Rd., 2nd M. of, aft. 1st D. of, form. E. Temple, q.v., K.G. . L.L. Bucks. 306; L.S.H. 90 — Rd., 2nd D. of, form. M. Of Chandos, q.v., K.G. 740; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 214 Rd., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Chandos, q.v., C. Sec. 235; G.C.S.I. 801; G. Mdras. 657; Jud. Colm. P.C. 361; L.L. ººks. 306; L.P.C. 188; P.C. 1 7 Buckinghamshire, E. and D. of. See also Normanby Sheffield Family. — Jno., 1st D., form. E. Mul- grave and M. of Nor- manby, q.v., T.P.C. 188; L.S.H. 290 Hobart Family — Jno., 1st E. of, form, sir Jno. and lól. Hobart, q.v. — Jno., 2nd E. of, form, ld. Hobart, q.v., Amb. Iłuss. 125; L.L. Ir. 557 — Rt., 3rd E. of, form. hon. R. and lói, Hobart, q.v., C.D.L. 243; Postm. G. 238; Pres. B,C, 253 Bººkland, Wm., dm. Westr, Buckle, Ch. Hy. Mason and sir C., adm. (D) 833; (E) 838; IX.C.IB. 780 Ch. Matth, (H) 852 Sir Cuthb., L.M. Lond, 491 — Matth. (No. 1), adm. (A) 814 — Matth. (No. 2), adm. (ID) 823; (G) 840 Buckleby, see Buckby Buckler, Ch. Alb., Surr. H. adm. 334 aggley, Ed. Pery, gem. (D) — Felix, gem. (A) 859 — Hy. Burt., Q.C. 420 Buckner, Jno., bp. Chich. 433 Bººkmin, Th. Towns., Q.C. Bucknor, Ch., adm. (A) 816 Buckworth, sir Jno., C. Cus. 273-4 — Theoph., bp. TXrom. 604 Budd, Ralph, gen. (D) 906 — Rd., gem. (D) 890 — Rd. Carr., gen. (D) 934 Budgeon, Th., gen, (D) 890 Buerlaco, Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir, 574 Bugby, Sée Buckby #. Reg. de, dn. Exr. 437 Euáier, joh. Geo. Gijóð Buiric, bp, Roch. 459 Buist, Geo., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Bulbus, C. A. (2), C. Ro. 42 — Bulfim P., L.M. Dbln. 642 IBulgari, count Sp. Vitt., Gºrº. 734. R.C.M.G. 796 Bulkeley, Arth., bp. Bgr. 426 -ºwne, abp. Dbln and Gl. 616 — R., G. N. Sc. 695 — sir löd. B.W., L.L. Carm. 314 Bulkeley, visc. — Th. Ja.s., 7th visc., L.L. Carn. 31.4 Bull, Daml., C.T.A. 284 — FR., L.M. Lond. 492 — Geo., b.p. St. Dav. 465 — Geo., dm. Cmr. 605 — Rt., K.H. 790 — Wm. bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639; dri, Cork, 632 Bullen, See also Boleyn — Ch. and sir C., adm. (D) 823; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 777; F.C.H. 788 — Jos., adm. (A) 819 — -Smith, see Smith Buller, Alex., adm. (E) 837 — Cháš., J.A.G. 937; Pres. P.L.B. 262; Q.C. 417; Sec. B.C. 254 — sir Ed., adm. (A) 818 — Ed. M. Mann., gem. (ID) 928 — Fras, and sir F., J.C.P. 379; J. Chest. 387; J.K.B. 373; K.C. 415 ; S.L. 412 — Flk. Th., gem. (ID) 885 — Fk. Wm., gem. (B) 868 — Geo. and sir G., gem. (D) 889; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 — Jas., L. Admy. 181 — Jn )., C. Cus. 276; C. EXc. 281; L. Admy. 179; L.T. 158 — Redv. Hy, and Sir R., gen. (D) 927; K.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. 798; U.S. Ir. 563 t — Walt, Lawr., IS.C.M.G. 798 — Wrm., bp. Exr. 437; dri. Cant. 431; dri. Exr. 438 Bullingham, Jno.,bp. Br].439; bp. Glr. 438 — Nichs., bp. Linc. 447; bp. WOTC, 473 Bullock, Ch. Ja.s., adm. (IFI) 53 — Ed., Comm. Serjt, Lond. 495 — Fla., adm. (ID) 831 — Stanley, gen. (D) 888 — Th., dm. Norw. 456 — sir. Wm. L.G.C. Sc. 506 Bulnés, M., Pres, Chi, 111 Bulströde, Th., M. Chy, 396 Bulteel, Rowl, adm. (A) 818 Bulwer, Ed. Gasc, and Sir E., gen. (ID) 917; K.C.B. 781 * — Hy: Ernest Gasc. and Sir H., G. Cypr. 671; G. Dnca. 730; G. Labm. 675; G. Nat. 680; G.C.M.G. 795; I.C.M.G. 97 7; — Hy. Lytt, and sir H., aft. ld. Dalling and B., q.v.; Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Bgm.123; Amb. Spm. 124; Amb. TRy. 129; Amb. Tusc, 115; Amb. U.S.A. 132; G.C.B. 772; K.C.B. 782; P.C. 214 Jas. IRedf., Q.C. 418 Bulwer-Lytton, see Lytton I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 981 Bulzo, Dion., K.C.M.G. 796 *bury, Abrm, Ch., gem. (D) → Hy. Ed. and sir H., gen. (B) *is Rob. Tº Usw, and — Th., dn. Lim. 640 - The gen. (ID) 882; K.H. IBunch, Rt., Amb. C. Am. 134; fºb. U.S.C. 134; Amb. Vza. Bundi, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Bunny, Anth., gen. (D) 920 Buonaparte, Annon. Car., Rel, Nap. 26 — Eliz., Rel. Nap. 26 — Jer, Rel. Nap. 25 — Joseph, IRel, Nap. 25; K. Nls, 56; K. Sp. 86 — Louis, Pr. Or. 83 — Louis N., Emp. Fr. 24-5 — Lucien, Rel. Nap. 25 — Maria-Paul, 26 – Nap., Emp. Fr. &c. 24-5; See also Napoleon agºchardt, I. and II., D. Su. Bºhett, Josh., Sec. Adm. Burchull, see Buxhill Burdett, Geo., dm. Llin. 623 — Jno., dm. Clonf. 637 Burdon, Geo., adm. (A) 818 Tºno Sh., bp. Vict. (H.K.) Burdred, K.E. 3 Burford, Ch., E. of, aft, 2nd #. of St. Albans, q.v., K.B. IEd., bar. Of, see Ed. Corn- Wall Burge, Wm., K.C. 416 Burgers, T. F., Pres. Trl. 101 Burges, Jno. Sm., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Burgess, Geo., C. Exc. Sc. 505 rººf. &ji. 80% 22 Jas. B., L.P.S. 241; IJ.S.F. 9 — Rt, de, W.C.P. 318 — Saml., dm. Llin. 623 — Th., bp. Sal. 467; bp. St. DaV. 465 Burgh, see also Burke — Geoffr. de, bp. Ely, 434 — Herb. de, bp. Lim. 638 — Hubert de and Sir H., aft. E. of Kent, q.v., L.H.A. 170; W.C.P. 317 Hugh, L. Treas. Ir. 558 *— Hugh de, B. Ex. Ir, 583; C.B. Ex. Ir, 582 Hugh de, M. Chy, 393 * Prob. same pers. — Jno. de, Const. T.L. 320 — Lucas (le, S.L. 406 — Raym, de, bp, Emly, 625 — Rd. do, L.D. Ir. 550 — Stanl. de, gen. (D) 928 — Th., bp. Emly, 625 — Th., § Acc. Ir. 567; C. Cus. Ir. 565-6; Sec. Tr. Ir. 561 Sir Th. de, L.D. Ir. 551; L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Th., see ld. B., infra, — Th. Juſo., din. Cloy. 633 Ulyss., b.p. Ard. 608; dm. Emly, 628 Ulysses and sir U., aft, ld. Downes, q.v. ; IX.C.B. 775; S.G.O. 260 #: Burgh—comt. Walt. Huss., C.B. Ex, Ir. 583; S.L. Ir. 592 Wm., gen. (D) 878 — Wm., J.C.P. 378; K.B. 755 — Wm. de, bp. Llff. 449 Burgh, lds. -ºir T., aft. 1st là. B., K.G. 73 — Th., 5th lä., K.G. 739; L.D. Ir. 554 Burghersh, Barth., see lil. B., (infra, — Hy. de, bp. Tinc. 446 ; L.H.T., 153; Lól. Chanc. 354 —iº. de (? 1 or 2), W.C.P. 3 — Sir Wim., L.H.A. 171 Burghersh, lds. IBurghem’sh Family. — Barth., 1st 10., form. B. Burghersh, or Badlesmere, W.C.IP. 318 Barth., 2nd lól., Const. T.L. 320, K.G. 733 I'ame Family. — Mildm. F., ld., aft. 2nd E. *Westmoreland, q.v.; K.B. 7 | — Jno., lci., aft. 11th E. of Westmoreland, q.v.; Pr. 118; Amb. Scy. 115; Tusc. &c. 115; G.C.H. 786; IK.C.B. 776; P.C. 210 Burghill, Fras., Mowb. H. 340; Som. H. 332 — (or Bruchilla) Jno., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; bp. Llff. Burghley, see Burleigh Burgo, Dav. de, bp. Clonf. 636 — Hub. Čle, L.H.T. 152 — Jno. de, abp. Trn. 611 — Milo. Cle, dn. Linn. 639 — Rol. de, bp. Clonf. 636; bp. Elph. 608; dum. Clonf. 637 — Th. de, bp. Clonf. 635 Bºison, Jno. Winn., din. Chich. 4. Burgoyne, Jno. and sir J., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (B) 866; (C) 872 — Jno. Fox and sir J., Const. T.L. 321; F.M. 856; gen. (I)) 877; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 — Mont., Chambn. Ex. 166 — sir Mont., gem. (C) 873 — Wnn., C.D.L. 242 Burgundy, Ch., D. of, K.G. 36 7 — Ph. le Bon., D. of, K.G. 735 Burhired, I.C.E. 8 Burke, see also Bourke and Burgh — Edm., P.C. 203; Paynn. G. 245 — Fras., gem. (C) 874 — Hy. F., R. Cr, P.A. 336; Som. H. 332 — Jas. Hy., gem. (D) 899 — Jas. St. Geo., Q.C. 418 — Jno. Bern, and sir J., Ulst. K.A, 572 Pet., S.L. 414 — Rd., Sec. Tr. 163 — (or Bourke) Th., dm. Elph. 609 — Th., gem. (D) 885 — Th. Hy., U.S. Ir, 563 — Wrm., U.S.S. 226 — (or Burgh) sir Wnn., L.L. Ir, 550 Burland, Jno. and sir J., B. Ex. 385; S.L. 412 — Wrm. Harr., gen. (D) 932 Burleigh and Burghley, See also Burley Wm., dn. Emly, 628 — Wm. A. C., see li. B., infra Burleigh, lds. Cecil Family, — Wnn., 1st la., form. Sir Wm. Cecil, q.v., C.G.S. 356; E.M. 326; K.G. 738; L.H.T. 154; L.K. 356 — Th., 2nd lå., aft. 1st E. of Exeter, q.v., K.G. 739 — Brownl., ld., aft. 9th E. of Exeter, q.v., L.L. Rutl. 311 — Wrm. Allen Cecil, c.c. 1d., P.C. 217; Tr. H. 292 IBalfour Family. — Robt., ld., Comm. Tr. Sc. (1649) 497 Burley, See also Burleigh — Sir Jno., K.G. 734 — sil: Rd., K.G. 734 — Sir Sim. de, Const. W. gº. 322; K.G. 734; W.C.P. 31. — Th., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 — Wnn., dri. Clonm. 600 Burlington, E. of IBoyle I'amily. (See also E. Of Cork.) — Rd., 1st E. of, also E. Cork, q.v. — Ch., 2nd E. Of, P.C. 194 — Rd., 3rd E. of, C.G.P. 299; I.G. 741; P.C. 197 Cavendish Family. Of | — Wm., 2nd E. of, L.L. Lanc. 309 Burlton, Geo. and sir G., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 774 Burmester, Arn. Edw., gen. (ID) 897 Burn, see also Burne — Amdr., gen. (C) 873 Jas., gen. (D) 930 — Jno. Macv., gem. (ID) 934 — Rt., gen. (ID) 899 asºnaby, Ch. Herr., gen. (I)) S9% — Ed. Sh., gem. (ID) 921 Eust. Beaum., gem. (ID) 934 — Jno. D., C.C.J. 403 — Rd., gem. (I)) 92.1 — Rd. Beaum., gen. (ID) 899 — Sherr. B., Vic. Gen. 422 — sir Wim., adm. (A) 814 Burne, see also Burn — H. K., gen. (ID) 923 — Owen Tud. and sirC., C.I.E. 806; K.C.S.I. 803; M.C.I. 647 — Rt., gem. (IB) 868 — Wrm. de, J.C.P. 377 Burnell, Arth. Coke, C.I.E. 806 — Hy., J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; Rec. Dbln. 642 — Hugh, see löl. B., infra, — Jno., L.M. Lond, 492 — Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Rt., abp. Cant, 430; bp. B. and W. 427; L.H.T. 152; Ld. Chanc. 353 — Wm., dm. Wells, 428 Burnell, lds. — Hugh, 2nd lå., K.G. 734 Burnet, Alexr., abp. Glasg. 537; abp, St. Andr. 529; bp. Abdn, 530; Ld. Sess. 517 — Gilb., bp. Sal. 467 — Gilb., C. Exc. Sc. 504 For Tºst of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 982 INDEX OF NAMES. Purnet—cont. — Rt., Ld. Sess. 519 — Th, and Sir T., J.C.P. 379; agnett, Fras. Cl., gen. (D) — Geo., Ly, Dep. 513; Ly. K.A, 513 — Ja.s., Ld. Sess. 520 510 Jno., J. Adm. Sc. 524 — Sir Th., L.L. Kimc. 510 — Wm. and sir W., gen. (A) S62; K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 788 Burney, Geo., gem. (D) 898 — Ja.s., adm. (IHI) 847 — Wrm., K.H. 792 Bºnham, Al. de, dn. St. P. 452 — Jno. de, L. Treas. Ir. 578 — Th. de, J. It, 369 Burnley, Jos. H., Amb. Sxy. 121 Burns, Jas., K.H. 792 Burnton, Wm. de, J. It. 368 Burnwulf, K.E. 3 Burrard, sir Ch., adm. (H) 846 — Harry and sir H., gen. (B) 66 8 Burrell, Geo., gen. (D) 879 — Pet., S.L.R. 271 — Sir Pet. aft. 1d. Gwydyr, q.v., Dep. L.G.C. 288 — Wnn., C. Exc. 280-1 Burrhieus (or Burrie), Roch. 459 Burridge, Rd., adm. (H) 848 Burrie, see Burrhieus Burrough, Jas. and Sir J., J.C.P. 380; K.C. 415; S.L. 413 Burroughs, F.R. Wrm., gem. (D) 906 — Flº, Wm., gem. (D) 921 — Jmo. and Sir J., Gart. K.A., 327; Norr. I.A. 329 — Saml., M. Chy. 396 Burrow, Jas., Pres. R. SOC. 4 bp. Burrowes, Hy., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Rt., dm. Cork, 632 — Rt. Ed., K.H. 791 Burrows, Arth. Geo., gem.(D) 901 s — Geo. amd sir G., Pres. Col. I?h, 938 — Geo. Teym. Sc., gen. (D) 92 Mont., gem, (B) 869 Burscough, Wm., dm, Lism. 629; bp. Tim. A. and A. 639 Burslem, Nathl, K.H. 791 Burstall, Wm., M.R., 387 IBurston, Daml., dm. Wíord. º Burt, Wm. H., G. Leew. Isl. 72 7 Burton, S.L. 406 — Benj., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 — Benj., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Ch., J.R.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Ir. 593 — Sir Ch., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Cuthb. Ward, gem. (D) 926 — Edm., dm. Killa. 614 — Edm. Fras., gem. (D) 928 — Fowl., gem. (D) 906 — Fras., J. Chest, 387; K.C. 415 — Sir Fras. N., G.C.H. 786 sir Jas. Horn, L.L. Kinc . Burton—coºvt. — Geo. Guy, adm. (H) 848 — Hy., K.B. 761 — Jas. Ryder, adm. (G) 841; R.H. 791 — Jno., gen. (B) 868. — Jno. de, M.R. 387 — Nap. Chr., gen, (A) 860 — Ralph, gen, (C) 871 — Rd. Fras., K.C.M.G. 798 — Th., bp. S. and M. 483 — Wm., C. Exc. 280 — Wrm., C. Treas. Ir. 561 — Wm. Mart., gen. (ID) 880 — Sir Winn. W., G. N.S.W. 703 Burton, lds. — Hy., ld, form. H. Paget, q.v., aft. E. of Uxbridge, q.v. Burwaldus or Burwold, bp. Wells, 427 Burwoldus (or Brithwaldus), bp. Cnwall. 436 Bury, Ad. de, L.M. Lond. 489 — Geo. Butt, gen. (D) 889 — Rd. de, see Angarville — Rd. Inc., adm. (A) 818 — Th. and sir T., B. Ex. 384; C.B., Ex. 382; S.L. 411 — Wrm., Commr. Ir. 555 Bury, visc. — Wrm. Coutts, visc., aft. Id. Ashford, R.C.M.G. 796; P.C., # Tr. H. 291; U.S. War. 23 Busby, Wm. Beaum., dn. Foch. 461 Bush, Bushe, and Busshe — Ch. Kend., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir, 592 — Fras. Whitt., Q.C. 420 — Gerv. Park., C. Acc. Ir. 567; C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 — Jno., M. Chy. 393 — J. Scott, G. Trin. 722-3 — Paul, bp. Brl. 439 -ºwn. gen. (D) 885; K.H. 7 Bushby, Th., adm. (H) 847 Bushe, see Bush Bushell, Th., M.M. 246 Bushey, sir Jmo., Sp. H.C. 248 Bushir - ud - Dowlah, &c., K.C.I.E. 805 Bººk, Geo., Pres, Coll. Surg. 93% Busshe, see Bush Bussy, Myles, K.B. 759 *Bustamente, Pres. Mex. 103 *— M. B., Pres, Ugy. 111 * * same pers. Bustamento, Jno. bp. Ach. 612 austeed, Hy. Elmo., C.I.E. S0 Buszard, Marst. Cl., Q.C. 419 Butcher, Arth., gem. (D) 915 — Saml., adm. (D) 824 — Saml., bp. Meath, 599 Bute, E and M. of — John, 3rd E. of, Gr. St. 304; K.G. 742; K.T. 747; L.T. 157; P.C. 200; Prem. 143; S. St. 224 — Jno., 4th E. and 1st M. Of, form. Visc. Mountstuart, q.v.; Amb. Spin. 124; L. L. Butesh. 508; L. L. Glam. 315 Jno., 2nd M. of, K.T. 748; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.L. Butesh. 508; L,L, Glam, 315 — Jno. Patr., 3rd M. of, K.T. 749 de, Buteo, M. F., C. Ro. 42; Dt RO. 43 — N. F., C. Ro. 42 Buthtir, G. Tob. 723 Butiler, see Butler Butler, see also Boteler — Barth., Hps, P.A. 343; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Ulst. K.A. 572; YK. H. 334 — Ch., IN.C. 416 — Edmél., abp. Cash. 625 — Edmoi., A.G. Ir, 588; J.K.B. Ir. 578 — (or Boteler), sir Edmd., L.L. Ir. 550 — Sir Ed. Ger., gem. (C) 873 — Geo., dun. PbOro. 459 — Hy., gem. (D) 924 — hon. Hy. Ed., gem. (D) 882 — Hy. Mont., dm. Glr. 440 — Jas., gen. (B) 868 — Ja.s., K.C. 414 Jas., K.H., 791 Jas., aft. visc. Thurles, and 9th E. of Ormond, q.v. ; L. Treas. Ir. 559 — Jas. Arth., gem. (D) 891 Hºno, bp. Her. 442; bp. Oxf. 45 — Jno., gem. (I)) 898 — Jno., IX.B. 763 — Jos., b.p. Brl. 439; Dham. 479; dun. St. P. 453 — Lill., din. Ard. 609 — Capt. N., G. Brmdal. 701 — Sir Nichs., C. Cus. 273-4; P.C. 193 —- Percy Archd., gem. (D) 906 — Ph., Ath, P.A. 341 - — Ph., IX, B. 763 — Regd., b.p. Her. 441; bp Lich. and Cov. 444 — Rd., dm. Clonm. 600 — Saml., b.p. Lich. and COV. and Lich. 444 Theob. and Sir T., L.J. Ir. 550; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 591 Th., dh. Tha. 613 — Th., dun. Winds. 474 — Th., IN.B. 758 — Wm., K.B. 755 — Sir Wim., L.M. Lond, 490 — (or Boteler), Wm. Fitz- Thos. le, L.D. Ir. 552 — Wrm. Fras., K.C.B. 781 — Wm. Hy. Ap., gen. (ID) 935 Wm. Jno., dn. Linc. 448 Butler-Bateman, see Bate- IYY all But son, Chr., bp. Clomf, and K. 636; bp. Killoe. K. Cl, and R. 636; dun. Wíord. 628 - Chr. Hy. G., dm. Kilmacd. 63 - Butt, Chas. P., and Sir C. J.P.D.A. 391; Q.C. 418 — Geo. Medd, Q.C. 417 auger, Arth. Don, gen, (D) 9 anºerneia, Wm., adm. (D) bp. Butterworth, Wm. J., gen, (ID) 888 Buttler. See Butler Buttolph, Th., dm. Rph. 602 Button, see also Bitton – Th. de, bp. Exr. 436; dm. Wells 428 Butts, Sir Augs. de, gem. (A) §§§ Rö. Hº — Eyt., dm. Cloy, 633 Iöt., b.p. Ely, 435; bp. Norw. 455; dia, Norw, 456 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 983 Buxhill, Buxhull, or Bur- chull, Alan, Const. T.L. 320; K.G. 734 Byam, Ed., gem. (D) 884 — Sir Wm., G. Antig. 728 Byde, Th., J.A.G. 937 Byerly, Rt., L.P.S. 240 *yºrs, Ch. Hopk., gen. (ID) — Patr., gen. (D) 878 IByknore, see Bicknor Byles, Jno. Barm. and Sir J., J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. ; P.C. 218; P.P. 417; S.L. Byng, Sir Geo., see lá. B., infra, — Capt. Geo. Stev., aft. Visc. Enfield, q.v., and lå. and, 2nd E. Strafford, q.v.; Compt. H. 293; L.T. 160; P.C. 213; Sec. B.C. 254; Tr. H. 291 — Sir Jno., aft. 1st là. and E. Strafford. q.v.; G.C.H. 786 -i.hon. Hy. Dilke, adm. (IHI) — Jno. and sir J., Comm. F. Ir. 564; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774 — hom. Jno., aft. 5th Wisc. Torrington. q.v.; C. St. 284 hon. Jno., adm. (A) 814; G. Newf, 700 — Jno. Clarke, adm. (IHI) 851 — hom. Pattee, aft. 2nd visc. Torrington, q.v.; P.C. 198; Tr. N. 256 — Hon. Rt., G. Béloes. 720 — Th., D. Arch. 420 Byrng, lds. — sir Geo., aft. la. B. and 1st visc. Torrington, q.v., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 177; P.C. 197; Tr. N. Byngham, see Bingham Bynteworth, see Wentworth Byrd, see Bird Byrne, Edm. Widd., Q.C. 420 — Jas., dm. Clonf. 637 — Th. Edm., gen. (D) 932 * Byron, See also Biron -— Hy., G. I. Man, 665 — Jano., gem. (D) 934 — hon, Jno., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfol. 700 — Jno. and sir J., K.B. 763; Lt. T.L. 321 — Niclas., K.B. 757 — Rd., adm. (D) 823 Byron, lds. — Geo. Ans, 7th lá, adm, (D) 829; (G) 840 Byshe, – Winds. H. 331 — Ed, and sir E., Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. R.A. 327; Lanc. H. 3 333 Bysley, Th., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Rbk. P.A. 344; Yk. H. 334 Bysse, Jno., C.B. Ex. Ir, 583; Jºec. D'blin. 642 *gºesea, Hy. Fras., gen, (D) 926 6 — Jno., adm. (IH) 851; C.I.E. 806 Bython, see Bicknor C. Cabanas, T., Pres. Häas. 106 Cabellero, B., Pres. Pgy. 110 Cablathaick, K. Ir. 21 cºal, J. M., Pres. Dn. Rep. Caceres, A. A., Dt. Pu. 109 Cadamo, Jno. de, M. Chy, 393 Cadar, abp. Lond. 450 Caddel, Jno., Rec. D'bln. 642 Cadell (2), Pr. Wls. 17 — Alexr., gen. (ID) 920 — Alexr. Tod., gen. (D) 917 — Ch., K.H. 791 — Rt., gen. (ID) 920 Cadeth (2), Pr. Wls. 17 Caldimano, J. M. P., Pres. Ecr. 108 Cadogan, hon, Cl. Sl., See lá. C., infra, — hom. Geo., gen. (ID) 897; K.C.B. 781 Cadogan, lds. and E. 1st Cº'eation. — Wm., aft. 1st là. and E. Cad., Clk. O. 260; gen. (A) 857; K.T. 747; Lt. T.L. 322; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 197 — Ch., 2nd lói., gem. (A) 858 277& Creation, — hon. Ch. Sl., aft. 3rd ld, and 1st E. Cad., M.M.C. 247 — Geo., 3rd E., adm. (ID) 826 — Hy. Ch., 4th E., C.Y.G. 298; P.C. 217 Geo. Hy., 5th E., L.P.S. 241; P.C. 220; U.S.C. 235; J.S. War, 232 Caducan (2), bp. Bgr. 425 Cadw allon ab Jevaf, Pr. Wls. 16 Cadwgan ab Bleddyn (2), Pr. WIS. 17 Cae—, see also Cea, Caecus, A. C. (2), C. Ro. 41 Caedicius, Q., C. Ro. 42 Caena, abp. Yk. 485 Caenfelad, bp. Emly, 625 Caepio, see also Scipio S., C. Ro. 42-3 . S., C. Ro. 44-5 Caer (Cahir or Carr), Jas. dn. Trm. 613 Calermerill, bp. St. Dav. 464 Caesar, see also Octavianus and Augustus Ch., Tr. N. 256 — Sir Ch., M. Chy. 395; M.R. 388 — C. J. (5), C. R.O. 46; (4) Dt. Ro. 46; Tr. Ro. 46 — (d'Este), D. MIda. 53 — Hy., dm. Ely, 435 — Jul., gen, (C) 871 — Jul. and Sir J., J. Adm. Ct. 422 — Jul, and sir Jul., C.G.S. 356; M. Chy. 395; M.R. 388 — Tu. J., C. RO, 45-6 — S. J., C. R.O. 44-5 — Th., Curs. B. Ex. 386 cºminus, L.C.P., C. Ro. Cafe, Wm. Mart., gen. (D) 925 Caffin, Jas. Crawf, and Sir J., adm. (G) 843; K.C.B. 783 Cahir, see Caer cºasac, Wm. Legh., gen. (D) Caiian (St.), bp. Down, 603 cºllard, Camille F. D., C.C.J. 40 Caine, lt.-col., G. H. Kong, 673 Wm. S., L. Admy. 186 Cairbre-Cinncait, K. Ir. 21 — -Liffea chair, K. Ir. 21 Caird, Ja.s., K.C.B. 784 Cairioll, K. Ir. 21 Cairlan, bp. Am. 595 Cairncross, see also Carn- CIOSS — Alexi., abp. Glasg. 537; bp. Brn. 531; b.p. Rph. 601 — Alexr., K.H. 791 — Rt., bp. Ross. 535; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Cairnes, Jno. Ell., K.H. 790 Cairns, Hugh, see la, C. infra. — Wm. Wellm. and sir"W., G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Nev. 730; G., Qland. 706; G. S. Austr. 706; G: St. Xtr. 729; G. Trin. 722; K.C.M.G. 797 Cairns, lds, and E. — Hugh McC., aft. Sir H. and 1st là. and E. Cairns, A.G. 400 ; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; Ld. Chanc. 358; T.J. App. 389; P.C. 217; Q.C. 417 ; S.G. 402 Cairny, Rt. de, bp. Dkld, 533 Caithnessy E. of, see culso E. of Orkney — Geo., E. Of, L.H.A. Sc. 499 — Wm., E. of, L.H.A. Sc. 499 — Jas., 12th E. of, L.L. Cness. 509; Postm. G. Sc. 503 14th E. of, L.L. Cness. 509 — Geo. Ph. Alexr., 15th E. of, L.L. Cness. 509 §: Pr. Ro. 33 alatinus, A. A. (2), C, * ci. # º, A. (2) Fo alcraft, Sir Gramv. Th., gen. (C) 873 geIn — Hy. Geo., Sec. B.T. 270 — Jno., Clk, O. 260; P.C. 211; Paym. G. 244 Jno., gen, (A) S60 — Th., gem. (IB) 866 Calder, sir Hy., G. Gibr. 670; gen. (C) 872 — Sir Jas., C. St. 2S3 º sº (D) 885 — Sir Rt., adm. (A tº R.C.E. 773 (A) 817; – Wm., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 cºlderon, F. G. Pres. Pu. Calderwood, sir W., Ld. Sess. 520 Calderwood - Henderson - Durham, see Durham Caldus, C. C., C. Ro. 45 Caldwall, Wm., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Caldwell, Alexr. and Sir A., gen. (D), 876; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 Hºpeniº adm. (A)815; G.C.B. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-950 984 INDEX OF NAMES. Caldwell—cont. — Jas. Lill. and Sir J., gen. (D) 876; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 : — Matth., G. I. Man. 666 Caledon, Dupré, 2nd E. Of, G.C.G.H. 679; K.P. 751; L.L. Tyr. 571 Calentis, Q. F., C. R.O. 46] Caleto, Jno. de, Jy. 365 Caley, Hy. Fras., gen. (D) 890 Calfe, Rd. (2), bp. Down, 603 Calfhill, Jno., bp. Worc. 473 Calichiopulo, Alt., K.C.M.G. 796 — Amg., K.C.M.G. 796 — Stamo, G.C.M.G. 794 Caligula, Emp. R.O. 47 Calixtus, I. to III., P. Ro. 32, 34-5 Call, Geo. Flº. H., gem. (D) 906 Callaghan, Jerem. Th. Fitz-G., G. Labm. 675 — Th. Fitz-G., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Falk. Isl. 731; G. Galmb. 686 Callan, Geo. Field, visc., K.B. (1625) 762 Callaway, Hy, bp. Br. Kaffr. 681 4 Callendar, Campb., gem. (A) •) RQ $62 Callice, Rt., S.L. 409 Callis, Smith, adm. (A) 814 Callow, Wrm., J.C.P. 378 Callwey, Wm., K.B. 759 Calmady, Ch. Holmes Ev., adm. (A) 816 Callowe (or Collow), Wm., S.L. 0 7 º Calpurnianus, M. P. P., C. RO. 46 O. Calthorp and Calthorpe – Ch. and sir C., A.G. 588; J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Chr., lx.13. 763 ., K.B. 764 — Le S., S.L. 410 — (or Colthrop) Mart., L.M. Lond. 491 hom. Som. Jno. (Gough), gen. (D) 910 Walt., bp. Norw, 454 — Wm., K.B. 757 Calthrop, Hy., Rec. Lond. 94 4 Calverley, sir Hugh, L.H.A. 173 Calvert, Felix, C. Exc. 278; gen. (D) 882 — Flk., Q.C. 417 e — sir G., aft. li. Baltimore, q.v., S. St. 223 — sir Harry, G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — Pet., D. Arch. 421; J. Pr. Ct. 421; Vic. Gen. 422 Th. J., Wän. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 sir. Wm., L.M. Lond, 492 Calvilegh, Hugh, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Calvinus, C. D. (4), C. Ro. 40, 4 — C. S., C. R.O. 45 — T. V. (2), C. Ro. 40-1 Calvo, B., Pres. Pan, 107 Calvus, C. C. S., C. Ro. 43 — L. C. M., C. Ro. 44 Calwylegh, Dav. de, dm. St. As. 463 Camac, Sir Burg., gen. (D) 879 t Camargo, S., Pres. C.R. 106 Cambacérès, Csl. Fr. 24; Off. Nap. 26. - Carmbell, see also Campbell — Sir Ja.s., L.M. Lond. 491 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Cambhou, Walt. de, J. It. 368 cºrege, Wrm., L.M. Lond. Cambrensis, Gir., bp. St. Dav. 464 Cambridge, Jno. de, K.B. 755 Cambridge, E. and D. of Plantagemet Family. — Edmd., 1st E. of, aft. D. York, q.v., IK.G. 733; W.C.P. 318 Hamilton Family. — Jas., 1st E. of, also 2nd M. of Hamilton, q.v. — Wrm., 3rd E. of, also 2nd D. Hamilton, q.v., K.G. 740 Stuart Family. — Ja.s., 1st D. of, K.G. 740 Issue of Geo. III. — Pr. Adolph Flº., 1st D. of (see also Adolphus), F.M. 856; .C.B. 767; G.C.H. 785; G.C.M.G. 794; gem. (A) 859; Gr. Mast. M.G. 794; K.G. 742; P.C. 207 Pr. Geo. Wm. Fk. Ch., 2nd D. of (see also George), C. Ch. 855; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 786; G.C.I.E. 805; G.C.M.G.,795; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 881; Gr. Mast. M.G. 794; K.G. 743; K.P. 751; K.T. 749; P.C. 216 — Augusta, W. L., DSS. of, Cl. Ind. 809 Cambuslang, Walt., bp. Dnbl. 532 Cambyses, K. Pers. 99 Camden, Wm., Clar. IX.A. 328; Richm. H. 333 Camden, lds., E., and M. — Ch., 1st lá, and 1st E., form. Sir Ch. Pratt, q.v., L.P.C. 188; Ild. Chanc. 357 — Jno. Jeffr., 2nd E. and 1st M., form. J. J. Pratt and visc. Bayham, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.G. 743; ! ..L. Ir. 557; L.L. Rent, 309; #9. 188; W. and C. Sec. 30 — Geo. Ch., 2nd M., form. E. of Brecknock, q.v., K.G. 744; L.L. Brec. 315 Camelford, Th., 1d., form. Th. Pitt, q.v. Camell, See also Cammell — Wni. de, dm. Wells 428 Camera, Wm. de, LJ. Clk. 516 Camerinus, S. S., C. Ro. 39 Cameron, Alan and Sir A., gen. (B) 867; K.C.B. 774 — Alexr. and Sir A., gem. (D) 877; K.C.B. 776 Ch., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Mlta. 671 — Don., L.L. Ind. 510 — Don. Rod., gem. (D) 934 — Duncan Alexr. and Sir D., gen. (D) 893; G.C.B. 770; R.C.B. 779 —- Ed. Jas., G. Virg. Isl. 731 — JnJ. bp. Glasg, 536; Lid. Chanc. Sc. 515; L.P.S. Sc. 500; Sec. St. Sc. 501 — Jno., gen, (D) 905 Cameron—cont. — Jno. and Sir J-, gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774 — Patr., gen. (D) 878 — Th. Mackm, gem. (ID) 891 K Wm. Gord., gen (D) 919; H. 790 cºidge, Ch. Ed., bp. Bhurst. Camillus, L. F. (2), C. Ro. 40-1; Dib. Ro. (2) 40 h — M. F. (5), Dt. Ro. 39–40 Cammell, see also Camell — Jno., M. Chy. 394 Camois and Camoys — Ralph de, W.C.P. 318 — Rd., K.B. 755 — Th. de, or lòl, C., K.G. (1415) 735 Camon, gem., K.C.B. 778 - Campbell, See also Cambell, Camlmell, and Cannell — — G. Tob. (1810) 723 — Alam., gem. (C) 872 — Alexr., b.p. Brm. 531 — Alexr., C. Exc. 281-2 — Alexr., gen. (A) 860 — Alexr., gen. (B) 866 — Alexr., K.H. 790 — Alexr. and Sir A., C.C. Mdras. 657; gen. (IB) 867; I.C.B. 775; G. Ont, 692 ; R.C.M.G. 797 — sir Alexr. (Cesmock), aft. 2nd E. Of Marchmont, q.v., Lól. Sess. 520 - — Alexr. Hy. Ed., gen, (ID) 929 — hon. Alexr. Hume, R.C. 415; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Andr., gen. (ID) 888 — Archd. and sir A., C.C. Mdras. 657; G. Jam. 712; G. Mdras. 656; gen. (C) 872; R.B. 765 — sir Archd., G.C.B. 768 ; G. N. Brk. 695; gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774 — Archd., gen. (B) 867 — Archd., gem. (C) 875 — Archd., L.L. Renfw. 511 — Archd., Ld. Sess. 520 — hon. Archd., bp. Abdn. 540; Sc. b.p. 545 Tº" Archd., Comm. Tr. Sc. — Ch., gen. (C) 873 — Ch., gen. (ID) 895 — Ch. Stuart., gen. (D) 884 — Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 929 — Colin, adm. (IHI) 844 — Colin, C. Cus. 275; C. Cus. SC, 504 — Colin and sir C., aft. 16. Clyde, q.v., C.C. Ind. 651 ; G.C.B. 769; gen. (ID) 884; E.C.B. 777 — Colin and sir C., G. Ceyl. 672; G. N. Sc. 695; G. Tob. 723; gem. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774 — sir Colin, G. Gibr. 670; gen. (B) 867 — sir Colin, Ld. Sess. 520 — Colin Yorke, adm. (HI) 849 — Dav. Wilk., C.I.E. 807 — Den., dn. Lim. 639; bp. Dry. 601 — Donald, adm. (A) 819 — Donald, adm. (HI) 844 — Donald, bp. Brn. 531 ; Ld. Sess. 518 — Donald, gen. (ID) 889 I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. . INDEX OF NAMES. 985 Campbell—comt, -ºir Donald, G. Pr. Ed. Isl. — Dug., gem. (C) 874 — Dumc., gen. (A) 860 — Dunc., gen. (C) 872 — Fras., gen. (ID) 890 — FK., gen. (D) 883 — lá. Fla., B.C. 252; B.P. 267; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; P.C. 201; V. Treas. Ir. 560 — FR. Archd., adm. (E) 835 — Fk. Alexr. and Sir F., gen. (D) 907; K.C.B. 781 — Geo., gen. (C) 872 — Geo., gen. (ID) 892 — Geo., gen. (D) 901 — Geo. and sir G., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Geo., Ch. Com. Cent. Pr. 655; K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. Bgal. 652; M.C.I. 647 Tºon Geo. Pryse, adm. (HI) — sir Guy, gen. (D) 879 — sir Hy., C. Tx. 285 — Hy. Dund., G. Si. Le. 685 — Hy. Fk. and Sir H., gen. #! 862; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. — sir Hew, Ld. Sess, 519 —ºugh Archd. B., gen. (ID) 7 — Ilay, Ld. Adv. 526; L.P. Ch. Sess. 516; S.G. Sc. 526 — J., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Jas., gen. (B) 866 — Jas., gen. (B) 867 — Jas., gen, (C) 872 — Jas., gen. (ID) 883 Hºus, gen. (ID) 885; K.H. — Jas., gen. (ID) 910 — Jas. and sir J., G. Ceyl. 672; G. Gren. 724; gen. (C) 874; K.C.B. 775; K.C.H. 787 — hon. Ja.s. aft. Sir Jas., gem. (IB) 864; K.B. 764 — sir Jas., C. Cus. 275; C. Cus. Sc. 503 — Sir Jas., Compt. Sc. 498 — Sir Jas., G.C.H. 786; gen. (B) 867 — sir Jas., gen. (C) 874 — Sir Jas., Ly. K.A. 513 — Jas. C., b.p. Bgr. 426 — Jas. Macm., C.I.E. 807 — Jno., see lil. C. infra, 39 Jno., Acct G. 397; M. Chy. 7 Jno., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfol. 700 Jno., bp. Arg. 538 — Jno., b.p. Isl. 539 — Jno., C. Cus. 275; C. Cus. So, 503 — Jno., gen. (A) 859 — Jno., gem. (C) 872 — Jno., gen. (D) 891 →ºno, Jy. Sc. 523; Tud. Sess, 5 — Jno., K.H. 791 2}: Jno., L. Admy, 178 ‘k Jno., L.T. 157 * Poss. Same, pers. — Jno., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Jno. and sir J. (of Lundy), L.H.T. Sc. 497; Lud. Sess. 518 — Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 888; K.C.S.I. 803 Campbell—cont. *— Sir Jmo., G. St. Vin. 725 >}: sir Jno., gen. (ID) 889 * Prob. same pers. — Jno. Dougl., gen. (D).906 — Jno. Fl., gen. (A) 859 Jno. Fras. Gl., gen. (D) 895 — Jno. Hooke, Ly. K.A. 513 Ts sir Jno. Nichs. Rt., K.C.H. 789 — Jno. Penn., gen. (D) 932 91 Jno. Pet. Wm., gen. (D) — sir Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 931 — Melf., G. Nev. 730 — Napier Geo., gen. (ID) 92 — Neil, bp. Arg. 538 — Neil, bp. Isl. 540 — sir Neil, G. Si. Le. 685; gen. (C) 874 — Patr., gen. (ID) 881 — Patr., Ld. Sess. 520 — Patr. and sir P., adm (A) 820; K.C.B. 776 — Patr. Jno., gen, (D) 930 — Pet., gen. (IB) 864 — Pryse, L.T. 157 — Rt., gem. (B)869 → *. and Sir R., Chm. E.I. Co. — Theoph., dm. Drom. 606 — Th. Hay, gen. (ID) 911 — Wm., C. St. Ir. 568 — Wrm., G. Brmdal, 701 — Wm., gen. (ID) 882 Campbell, lds. — Jno., aft. Sir J. and 1st là.C., A.G. 400; C.D.L. 243; C.J.Q.B. 370; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416; Lá. Chanc, 358; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; P.C. 214; Q.C. 417; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Campbell-Bannerman, see Bannerman Campejus, Lawr., bp. Sal. 467 Camperdown, Rt. Dund., 1st E. of, K.T. 748 — Rt. A. P. H., 3rd E. of, L. Admy, 185 Campero, N., Pres, Bol. 109 Campion and Campyon — Abrm., dm. Linc. 448 — Hub., adm. (HI) 852 — (or Champion), Wm., dm. Ferns, 623 W. B., S.L. Ir. 593 Campo, R., Pres. S. Salv. 106 Campyon, see Campion Camvill, Ger. de, J. It. 366 — Rd. de, L.H.A. 170 — Th. de, Jy. 364 Canal, B., Pres. Hti. 105 Canalizo, Pres. Mex. 103 Candy, Gco., Q.C. 420 Cane, Maur., C. Acc. Ir. 567 Canina, C. C. (2), C. Ro. 41 Caning Or Canings, Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Canmore, Ev., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 4 --- 51 Cannan, Alexr., gem. (D) 912 Canning, Geo., Amb. Pgl. 124; B.C. 252; Ch. Ex. 165; F. Sec. 228; G.G. Ind. 648; L.T. 159; P.C. 206; Paym. G. 244; Prem. 146; Pres. B.C. 253; Tr. N.256; |U.S.F. 229 — Geo., aft. 1st lá. Garvagh, QI.19. — Hy., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. H. Tras. 120 Canning—cont. — Stratford and sir S., aft. 1d. Str. de Redcliffe, q.v. Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Gr. &c. 128; Amb. Russ. 125; Amb. Spn. 124; Amb. Swz. 113; Amb. TRy. 129; Amb. U.S.A. 132; G.C.B. 772; P.C. 210 Canning, visc. and E. Ch. J., 2nd Visc., aft. 1st E., C.W.F. &c. 272; G.C.B. 772; G.G. Ind. 649; K.G. 744; P.C. # ; Postm. G. 239; U.S.F. -ms 0 Cannon, Ed. St. Leger., adm. II) 848 — Rt., dn. Linc. 448 Canseco, P. D., Pres. Pu. 109 Cant, Andr. Or Dav., bp. Glas. 543; Sc. Bp. 545 Cantelon, Nichs. de, K.B. 754 Cantebrig, Jno. de, J.C.P. 377; S.L. 406 — Th. de, B. Ex. 383; C.B. Ex. 381 Cantelewe, Wm., K.B. 757 Canterbury, Ch., 1st visc., form. C. Manners-Sutton, q.v. — Jno. Hy. Th., 3rd visc., form. hon. J. H. Manners Sutton, q.v.; G.C.M.G. 795 cºupe, Arm. F. de, dn. St. . 45 — (or Normannus), Sim. de, L.K. 353 — Th. de, bp. Her. 441; Ld. Chanc. 353 — Walt. de, bp. Worc. 472; J. It. 367 — Wm. de, J. It. 367; Jy. 364 Cantock, Th., bp. Emly, 625; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Cantok, Jno., dm. Cloy, 632 Canton, Gerald, bp. Cloy. 630 Cantrell, Jos. T., C.C.J. 403 Cantwell, Jno., abp. Cash. 625 — Ol., bp. Oss, 620 Canute, K.E. 4 — K. Sw. 92 — II. to VI., K. DK. 93 Calolbhach, K. Ir, 21 Capadose, Maj., G. Trin. 722 Capel and Capell, see also Cappel — Ed., E.S.P. 301 — Hy., see lä. C. infra — hon. Th. Bl. and Sir T., adm. (A) 820; G.C.B. 749; R.C.B. 776 — hon. Th. Ed., gen. (A) 863 — Sir Winn., L.M. Lond. 490 Capel, lds. — Hy, and sir H., aft. la. C. of Tewkesbury, R.B. 763; L. Admy. 175; L.J. Ir, 555; L.T. 155; P.C. 192-3 Capella, see IRupella, cºelianus, Petr., dm. Kild. l — Wm., Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 Capellen, bar. Van de, IX.C.B. 75 Cappela and 7 cagenhurst, Th. de, M. Chy. 93 Capito, C. F., C. Ro. 47 Capitolinus, M. M., C. Ro. 39 — P. M., Dt. Ro. 40 — S. T. M., C. Ro. 38 — T. Q. C., Dt. Ito. 39 Capon, Dav., gen. (I)) .887; K.C.B. 779 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 63 986 INDEX OF NAMES. Cappadoca, Giov., G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 Cappel, see also Capel so; b. Jas. Lepp., K.C.I.E. Cappela, Rd, de, bp. Her. 441 Caprarius, C. C. M., C. Ro. 45 Caractacus, K. Sc. 18 Caradoc, see also Cradock — Jno. Pras. and Sir J., aft. 1st là. Howden, q.v., C.C. Mdra.s. 657; G. C.G.H. 679; gen. (A) 860; G.C.B. 767 ; K.B. 766 — hon. Jno. Hob., aft. 2nd ld. Howden, q.v., Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. TRy. 129 Carberry or Carbery — Rd., ld. Vaugham, and 2nd E. of, P.C. 190 — Jno., 3rd E. of, L. Aduly. 176; Pres. R. Soc. 940 Carbo, C. P. (3), C. Ro. 45 Carbonel, Rd., K.B. 756 Carden, Geo., gem. (TD) 934 — Jno. Surm., adm. (ID) 825; (G) 840 Tºº Rt. Walt., L.M. Lond. 49 — Sir Th., Lt. T.L. 321 Cardenas, A., Pres. Nic. 106 Cardew, &eo. gen. (ID) 882 — Hy., gen. (D) 926 Cardiff, E. of — Hy., ld., aft. E. of Pem- broke, q.v. K.B. 760 Cardigan, E. of — Geo., 4th E. of, aft. 1st D. of Montagu, q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322; K.G.742 — Jas., 5th E. of, Comst. W. Ca,St. 322 — Jas. Th., 7th E. of, gem. (ID) 885 — Geo. Wm. Fk., 8th E. Of, also 2nd M. of Ailesbury, q.v., K.C.B. 777 Cardonnell, Jas., C. Cus. Sc. 50 4 — Mansf., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Cardross, lds., see E. of |Buchan Cardwell, Edw., aft. 1st Visc., C.D.L. 243; C. Sec. 235; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 216; Pres. B.T. 269; Sec. Tr. 163; W Sec. 232 Carent, Nichs., dm. Wells, 429 Carew and Carewe — Sir Benj. Hall., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768 — Fras. (2), K.B. 763 Geo., dn. Brl. 440; dri. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; dm. Exr. 437; dr. Winds. 474 — Geo., M. Chy. 395 — Sir Geo., aft. E. of Totnes, q.v., L.G.V. 259 — 1d Geo., see lá. Clapton — Geo. O'Br. Theod., C.I.E. 807 — Hy., Tell. Ex. 167 — sir Jno. de, L.J. Ir. 551 — Sir Matth., M. Chy. 395 — Nichs., C. St. 283 — Sir Nichs., Chambn. EX. 166 — Sir Nichs., K.G. 737; M.H. 301 — Reg. P., B.T. 268; P.C. 207; |U.S. Home, 227 — Rd. de, bp. St. Dav. 464 — Sir Th., L.H.A. 173 — Wym., K.B. 760 Carew, lds. — Rt. Sh., 2nd ló., K.P. 751; II.I. Wexf. 571 Carey and Cary — Fras., gen. (ID) 909 — Geo., dm. Exr. 437 — sir Geo., L.J. Ir. 554 — hon. Geo., gen. (A) 858 — Geo. Jackson, G. Vict. 704; gen. (D) 902 - — Hy. and Sir Hy., aft. 1st visc. Falkland, q.v., Compt. H. 292; K.B. 762 — Hy., aft. 1st visc. Rochford, and 1st E. of Dover, q.v., R.B. 762 — Jas., b.p. Exr. 436; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 — Jno., B. Ex. 383; C.B. EX. 381; S.L. 407 — Jno., aft. Visc. Rochford, and 2nd E. Of Dover, q.v., R.B. 763 — Mordecai, bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Rilla. and Ach. 613 — sir Oct., (C) 875; E.C.H. 788 — Pet. Stafford, aft. Sir P., Blf. Gsey. 669; gen. (A) 863 — hon. Plant. P., adm. (G) 842 — Bt., gen. (ID) 908 Th., B. Ex. Ir. 584 — Th., K.H. 789 — Th., gen. (C) 874 — Th. Alph., gem. (D) 933 — Th. Aug., gem. (D) 915 — Th. Pr., gen. (ID) 925 — Val., bp. Exr. 437; dr. St. P. 453 — Walt., B.T. 264 — Wrm., b.p. Exr. 437; bp. St. As. 462 — Wrm. Dob., gen. (ID) 932 Carfrae, Jno., gem. (ID) 878 Carhampton, E. of Hy. L., 2nd E. of, Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (A) 859 — Jno., 3rd E. of, form. hon. J. Luttrell and Luttrell- Olmius, q.v., C. Cus. 282 Caridi, sir Vitt., G.C.M.G. 794; R.C.M.G. 796 Carilefo (or Carilepho), Wm. ; bp. Dham, 478; Ch. Jr. 36 gen. Carinus, Emp. Ro. 48 Carhill, Chr., Carl. H. 339; Norr. K.A. 329 Carlaverock, sir Eum. M., 1d., L.G.C. Sc. (1258) 506 Carleton and Carlton, see also Karleton — Dudley, see lá. C. infra — Geo., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Llff. 449 — Ger., dm. Pboro. 458 — Guy, bp. Brl. 439 ; Chich. 433; dri. Carl. 476 — Guy and sir Guy, aft. 1st ld. Dorchester, q.v., G. Can. 691; G. N. Brk. 695; G. N. Sc. 695; K.B. 765 — Hy. Alexr., gen. (ID) 904 — Hugh, C.G.S. Ir. 576; C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; S.G. Ir, 589; S.L. Ir. 592 — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Jno. de, B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Jno. de, dm. Wells, 428 — Pet., dn. Killoe. 637 — Rt., dn. Cork, 632 bp. Carleton and Carlton—cont. — (or Charleton), Rt. de, C.J.C.P. 375; K.B. 755 — Th., gen. (A) 859 — (or Karleton), Wm. de, B. Ex. 382; C.B. Ex. (?) 381 Carlton, lds. Carleton Family. — Dudley and Sir D., aft. lil. C. and visc. Dorchester, q.v., S. St. 223; W.C.H. 296 JBoyle Family. — Hy., 1st là., form. hon. Hy. Doyle, q.v., L.P.C. 188; L. Treas. Ir. 559; P.C. 196 Carlingford, Chich. S., ld., form. Chichester S. Fortes- cue, q.v., aft. 2nd ló. Cler- mont, q.v., Jud. Com, P.C. 362; L.P. 752; L.P.C. 188; Tu.P.S. 241 Carlisle, sir Anthy., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Nichs., K.H. 790 Carlisle, Earls of Bay Family. — Jas., 1st E. of, form. li. Hay, q.v.; K.G. 739 Howard I'amily. — Ch., 1st E. of, G. Jam. 712 — Ch., 3rd E. of, Const. T.L. 321; Const. W. Cast. 322; Dep. E.M. 327; L.T. 155-6; P.C. 194 t — Hy., 4th E. of, K.G. 742 — Fk., 5th E. of, K.G. 742; R.T. 747; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313; L.P.S. 241; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 203; Pres. B.T. 266; Tr. H. 291 — Geo., 6th E. of, form. Visc. Morpeth, q.v.; C.W.F. &c. 271; K.G. 743; L.P.S. 241 — Geo. W. F., 7th E. of, form. ld. Morpeth, q.v. ; C.D.L. 243; K.G. 744; L.L. Ir. 557-8 Carlorna.m. (2), K. Fr. 23 Carlos, D. Pnna. 53 Carlton, see Carleton Carlyon, Ed., gen. (D) 885 Carmarthen, M. of — Th., 1st M. of, form. Th. and lå. Osborne, visc. Lati- mer, and E. of Danby, q.v., aft. 1st D. of Leeds, q.v.; L.H.S. 286 — Pereg., M. of, aft. 2nd D. of Leeds, q.v., adm. (A) 813 — Fk. G., M. of, aft. 5th D. of Leeds, q.v., H. Sec. 226; Amb. Fr. 112; L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313; P.C. 203 Carmichael,Ch.M.,gen.(ID)887 — Sir Danl., Comm. Tr. Sc, 497 — Geo., b.p. Glasg. 536 — Hugh Lyle, gen. (C) 873 — sir Jas., Comm. Tr. Sc. § L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. 9 — hon. Wnn., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Meath, 599 Carmichael, lds. — Jno., ld., aft. E. Hyndford, q.v., L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.P.S. SC, 501 Carnac, Jas. Rivett- and sir J., ºn. Co. 645; G. Bbay. *) Jno. Rivett-, adm. (G) 842 — Jno. Hy. Rivett-, C.I.E. 806 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 987 Carnarvon, E. and M. of Brydges IFamily. — Hy., M. of, aft. 2nd D. of Chandos, q.v., K.B. 764 Herbert Family. — Hy, 1st E. of, M.H. 302; P.C. 208 — Ja.s., M. of, aft. 1st D. of gºndos, q.v., L.L. Hants, 1 — Hy. H. M., 4th E. of, C. Sec. 235; L.L. #ºnts; 311; #" Ir. 558; P.C. 217; U.S.C. Carncross, See also Cairm- Cl’OSS — Jos. Hugh and sir J., gem. (B) 870; K.C.B. 775 — Ed. and sir E., M. Chy. 394 Carnegie and Carnegy — Alexr., gen, (ID) 888 — Alexr., gem. (ID) 926 — Dav., Ld. Sess., aft. 1d. C. and 1st E. of Southesk, 517 — Geo. Full., gem. (D) 913 — Sir Jas., aft. E. of Southesk, (1.7)., $1855), L.L. Kinc. 510 Patr., C.I.E. 806 — sir Rt., Ld. Sess. 518 — hon. Swynf. Th., adm. (ID) 833; (E) 834; (F) 838; L. Admy. 184; L.T. 161 Carney (or Kermey), sir Rd., Ulst. K.A. 572 cºmot, M. F. Sadi-, Pres. Fr. Carnoth, Jno. de, bp. Brm. 531 Carnwarth, Rt. Alex., 7th E. of, gen. (B) 869 Arth.Alex., 10th E. of, form. hom. A. A. Dalzell, q.v. Carnsto, Th. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Caro, J. J., Pres. Mex. 103 Caroline (2), Q.C.E. 8 — -Augusta-Maria (iss. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 — -Matilda (g. dall. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 Caron, Josh. Ph., K.C.M.G. 798 — R. E., G. Queb. 694 Carpenter, Benj., gen. (A) 858 — Geo., gem. (ID) 876 — Jas., adm. (A) 818 — Jno., § WOrc. 473 — Jno., K.H. 791 — Th. Dav., gen. (ii)) 894 — hon Walt. Cec., adm. (E) 83 7 — Wm. Boyd, bp. Rip. 482 Carpenter, lds. — Geo., ld., gem. (B) 864 Carr and Carre, Seá also Caer and Kerr — Ch., b.p. Killoe. 634 — Ed., gen. (B) 865 — Geo., Ld. Sess. 520 — Hy. Wm., K.C.B. 775 — (or Kerr), Jno., dm. Ard. 609 — Rd., aft. E. of Somerset, q.v., K.B. (1603) 761 — sir Rt., C.D.L. 242 ; P.C. 191-2 — Rt. Riddell, adm. (IHI) 846 — Rt. Ja.s., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Worc. 473; dim. Her. 442 — Th., b.p. Bbay. 661 — Wrm., C. Exc. 279 — Wnn., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Carrell, Jno., S.L. 408 Carrera, R., Pres. Gua. 105 Carrerg, Alexr. de, Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 Carrick, sir Jno., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Carrinas, C., C. Ro. 46 dºington, Fk., K.C.M.G. 7 - — Jno. Worr., G. Tob. 7 Carrington, lds. — Rt. Jno., 2nd Id., L.L. Bucks, 306 — Ch. Rt., 3rd lä., C.G.A. 300; G.C.M.G. 795; G. N.S.W. 703; L.G.C. 288; P.C. 220 - Charl A. A., lady, L.G.C. Carrion, G., Pres. Ecr. 108 cºon, Sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 49 — Redm., L.M. D'blin. 642 — Wm. and Sir W., L.M Dbln. 642 — Wm. Fairbr. and Sir W., adm. (ID) 828; K.C.B. 777 ; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Sir Winn. Park, gen. (IB) 870; K.C.H. 788 Carrow, Jno. M., C.C.J. 403 cºusa, Ch.Demet., G.C.M.G. 9 7 cºuthers, Walt., gem. (C) 87 Carson, Th., dn. Kilm. 609; bp film. E. and A. 609 Carswell, Jno., b.p. Isl. 539 Cartaret, see Carteret Carter, Ch., adm. (D) 824 — Fk. Bowk. Tedd. and sil: F., G. Newfol. 700; K.C.M.G. 797 — Geo. Markh., gem. (ID) 915 Gilb. T., G. Gamb. 686 — Jno., adm. (ID) 829; (G) 840 — Jno., K.H. 791 — Juno., L.M. Lond. 492 — Jno. Bonham-, L.T. 161 — Lawr. and Sir L., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 411 — Rd., adm. (A) 813 — Rd., adm. (H) 853 — Th., dm. Th. 613 — Th., M.B. Ir. 585; Sec. St. Ir. 562 — Th. Wren, adm. (IP) 831; (E') 838 Carteret and Cartaret, Ed. Postm, G. 238 — sir Geo., B.T. 263; G. Jsey. 667; L. Admy, 175; P.C. 190; Tr. N. 256; V.C.H. 296; V. Treas. Ir. 559 — Ph, de, G, Ch. Isl. 667 Cartaret, lds. Carteret Family. — Jno., ld., aft. 2nd Visc. C. and E. Granville, q.v., L.L. It. 556 Thymme Family. — Hy. Fk., aft. 1st là. C., form. hom. H. F. Thynne, #;" Blf. Jsey, 668; Postm. G. — Jno., ld., form. li. Jno. Thynne, q.v. Carthage (St.), bp. Lism. 626 Carthagh (St.), bp. Oss. 620 Carthew, Jas., adm. (A) 820 — Mord., gen. (I)) 894 — Th., S.L. 411 Carthilinthus, K. Sc. 18 Cartier, Jno., adm. Ind. 648 cºwright, Edm., gen. (ID) 87 — Rd. Jno., K.C.M.G. 797 - — Th., bp. Chest. 477; dm. Rip. 482 — Th. and sir T., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Nds. &c. 123; Amb. Sw. and N. 127; G.C.H. 787 — Wrm., gen. (A) 861 — Wm., gen. (ID) 891 Carus, M. A., Emp. Ro. 48 — Th., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Carwen, see Curwen and Cur- wyn Cary, see Carey Caryl, Jno., S.L. 408 Carysfort, lds. and E. of — Jno., 1st 1d., K.B. 765; L. Admy. 178-9 — Jno. Josh., 2nd lå. and 1st E. of, Amb. Pr. 118; B.C. 252; B.T. 268; K.P. 750; M.R. # 585; P.C. 208; Postm. G. 23 — Jno., 2nd E. of, gen. (A) 863 — Granv. Lev., 3rd E. of, form. hon. G. L. Proby, q.v. — Granv. Lev., 4th, E. of, K.P. 7 51 — Wm., 5th E. of, K.P. 751 Cas—, see also Cass— Casa major, Lewis, Amb. Russ. 125 Casberd, Rd. M., J. Chest. 387; K.C. 416; P.P. 416 Case ment, Wm. and sir W., gen. (ID), 876; K.C.B. 776 Casey, Jno., dm. Lich. 445 —Wm., bp. Lim. 638 Cash, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Cashel, Carm. O. M., bp. Killoe. 634 Cashel, Th., visc., form. Th. Somerset (1605) q.v. Cashmiere, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 800; K.C.S.I. 802 Casimir, I. to V., K. Pld. 90–1 — IV. (K. Pld.), K.G. 735 — Jno., K.G. 738 Casolani, Vinc., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 Cassels, Andr., M.C.I. 647 Cassey, see Cassy Casilis, E. of — Gilb., 3rd E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 497 — Jno., 6th E. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno., 7th E. Of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 — Archd., 12th E. of, aft. 1st M. of Ailsa, q.v., R.T. 748 Cassineto, Wm. R. de, dn. Tal. 468 Cassy (or Cassey), Jno., C.B. Ex. 381 Castainaga, MI. of, R. Nds. 83 Castel—Rodrigo, M. of (2), R. Nds. 83 Castelar, E., Pres. Sp. 87 Castellanos, V., Pres. Hólas. 106; Pres. Hiti. 105 Castello, Adrian de, bp. B. & W. 428; bp. Her. 441 Castilion, Jno., dm. Rocli. 461 Castilla, M. S. del, Pres. S. Salv. 106 — R., Pres. Pu. 109 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 63 * 988 INDEX OF NAMES. Castle, Edm., dm. Her. 442 — Ed. Ja.s., Q.C. 420 — Wm. Langf., adm. (G) 842 Castlecomer, Chr. W., visc., Sec. at W. 233 Castlecoote, C. H., 1st là., form. C. H. Coote, q.v., C. Cus. Ir. 565-6 Castlemaine, lds. and E. Of — Rog., E. of, P.C. (1686) 193 57 Rd., 4th lá., L.L. Wmeath, 71 Castlereagh, visc. — Rt., visc., aft. 2nd M. of Londonderry, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Buss. 125; C. Treas. Ir. 560 and 561; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; F. Sec. 228; G.C.H. 786; K.G. 743; P.C. 206; Pres. B.C. 252; Sec. St. Ir. 562; W. and C. Sec. 231 — Fk. Wnn. Bt., Wisc., aft. 4th M. of Londonderry, q.v., L. Admy. 182; L.L. Downsh. 569; P.C. 21.3; V.C.H. 297 Castlerosse, Val. Aug., Visc., aft. 4th E. of Kenmare, q.v., Compt. St. 293; L.L. Kerry, 569; P.C. 216; V.C.H. 297 Castleton, sir Jno., L.M. Dbln. 640 — Wrm., dry. Norw. 455 Castletown, Jno. W., 1st 1d., form. J. W. Fitzpatrick, q.v. Castreton, Ad. de, Jy. 365 Castro, Gerv. de, bp. Bgr. 426 — J., Pres. Vzla. 108 — J. M., Pres. C. R. 106 Caswell, Tim., C. Exc. 281 Catalan, P. Mino. 31 Catasach (2), bp. Arm. 595 Catellus, see Catullus Catelyn, Catlin and Catlyn — Nathl, and Sir N., Rec. Dbln. 642; S.L. Ir. 591 — Rd., S.L. 408 — Rt. and sir R., C.J.Q.B. 370; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Catesby, Jno. and Sir J., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Wrm., K.B. 756 — Wrm., Sp. H.C. 249 Catguaert, bp. Llff. 448 Cathal, bp. Cork, 630 Catharine and Catherine, see also Katharine — (dau. Hy. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Ja.s. II.), Pr. E. 13 — (of Braganza), Q.C.E. 8 — Q. Nav, 88 — I. and II., E. Russ. 90 -Laura (dau. Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 - Cathart, Dav., Ld. Sess. 520 Cathcart, hon. Fred., Amb. 121; G. St. 122; Amb. Russ. 125 —hon. Geo. and Sir G., G. C.G.H. 679 ; gen. (D) 884; R.C.E. 777 Cathcart, lds., Visc. and E. See also lils. Shaw — Ch., 8th lá., gen. (C) 871 — Ch. S., 9th 1d., Amb. Russ. 125; gen. (B) 865; IX.T. 747; L.H.C. K. Sc. 546; P.C. 202 — Wm. S., 10th 1d., aft. 1st visc. and E., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Russ. 125; Comm. F. (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 Cathcart, lds., visc, and E.- COvt. Ir. 564; gen. (A) 860; K.T. § L.L. Clkmm. 509; P.C. 206 — Ch. Murr., 2nd E., G.C.B. § G. Can. 692; gen. (A) Catherine, see Catharine Catherlough, Rt., 1st E. of, K.B. (1767) 765 Cathmogan, bp. Cork, 630 Cathoire, Mor., K. Ir, 21 Cathrow, Jas., aft. Cathrow- Bºy, R. Dr. P.A. 338; Som. H. 332 cººlin and Catlyn, see Cate- yn Cato, C. P., C. Ro. 45 L. P., C. Ro. 45 — M. P., C. Ro. 43, 45 dººr, Bertie Corn., adm. (IH) 845 — Ralph Pet., adm. (E) 837 — Th. Orl., gen. (ID) 891 — Wm. and sir W., gen. (D) 885; K.C.B. 779 Catryk, Jno., see Ketterick cºy, Ch. Park., gen. (D) Catullus, abp. St. Dav. 463 Catulus, C. L., C. Ro. 42-3 Q. L., C. Ro. 45 -rºoger Malus, Ld. Chanc. Caturco, Jrmo. de, M.M. 245 Catus, S. AE. P., C. Ro. 43 Cauchon, J. E., G. Mtoba. 696 Caudex, A. C., C. Ro. 42 Caudinus, L.C.L., C. Ro. 42 P.C.L., C. R.O. 42 Caulaincourt, Off. Nap. 26 Caulfeild, Ch., b.p. Nass. 717 — Jas. M., L.L. Arm. 568 Caulfield, Gord., gen. (D) 917 — Ja.s., gem. (ID) 881 — St. Geo., A.G. Ir. 588 ; C.J.K.B., Ir. 578; S.G. Ir. 589 — Wrm., J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Tr. 591 Caundish, See also Caven- dish — Rt., S.L. 407 — Steph., L.M. Lond. 489 cºnton, Sir Jno. de, L.H.A. 17 Caurden, Rd., dn. Chich. 434 Causton, Rt. de, L.H.A. 172 Cautley, Prob. Th., and sir P., I.C.B.782; M.C.I. 646 Cavagnari, Pierre L. Nap. and sir P., K.C.B. 783 Cavalier, Jno., gem. (C) 871 Cavan, E. of — Rd., 6th E. of, gem. (IB)865 — Rd., 7th E. of, form. Visc. Kilcoursie, q.v., gem. (A) 860 Cavanagh and Cavenagh See also IXavanagh Daml., bp. Llim. 622 — (or Kavemagh), Derm., dm. Llin. 623 — Gord., gen. (ID) 915 soºrt, gen. (D) 901; K.C.S.I. 0 Cavalye, Wm., gen. (D) 888 Cavaza, E., Pres. Nic. 106 Cave, sir. Amb., C.D.L. 242 — Hugh de, J. It. 368 — Jno. de, J.K.B. 371 — Jno, de, Jy. 365 — Jno. Halliday, adm. (H) 852 Cave—comt. — Lewis Wm. and sir L., J. jºk 392; J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 19 — Steph. and sir S., Amb. Eg. 130; G.C.B. 773; J.A.G. 937; P.C. 217; Paym. G. 245; V.P.B.T. 269 Cavenagh, see Cavanagh . Cavendish, see also Caundish ld. Fk., F.M., 856; gen. (A) 858 ld. FK. Ch., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.T. 162; Sec. Tr. 164 — hom. Geo., Sec. Tr. Ir. 561 — hon. Geo. Jno., adm. (GF)841 — lá. Geo., Compt. H. 292; L.L. Dby. 307; P.C. 201 — Sir Hy., C. Treas. Ir. 560 — hom. Hy. Fk. Compt., gen. (D),882 — Jno., K.B. (1616) 762 — Jno. de, C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. 378; J. It. 369; S.L. 407 ld. Jno., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 157; L.T. 158; P.C. 203 Ph., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 178 — Rd., C. Cus. 275-6 — hon. Sp. Compt., c.c. 1d. Hartington, q.v. — Wrm., K.B. (1625) 763 — Wrm., aft. visc. Mansfield, and E. Of Newcastle, q.v., IX.B. (1610) 762 Cavendish, lds. — Wrm., ld., P.C. (1679) 192 — Wm., ld, form. c.c. M. of Hartington, q.v., aft. 4th D. of Devonshire, q.v. Cavendish-Bentinck, see Bentinck Cawdor, E. of — Jno. Fla., 1st E., T.L. Carm. 315 — Jno. Flº. V., 2nd E., L.L. Carm. 315 Caxton, Jer, de, Jy. 364 Cay, R. H., J. Adm. Sc. 524 Cayley, Jno., C. Cus. Sc. 503 — Wrm., C. Exc. 280 Cazzaiti, Georgio, K.C.M.G. 796 Cea—, see also Cae— Ceadda, St. (or St. Chad), bp. Lond. 450 Ceadwal, K.E. 2 Cearmna, K. Ir. 20 Ceawlin, K.E. 2-3 Ceballos, M.J., Pres. Mex. 103 Cecil, Ch., bp. Bgr. 426; byp. Brl. 439 — Ed., see lö. C., infra, — lil. Eust. B. H. C., S.G.O. — Rt., B.T. 263 — Rt., aft. Sir Rt. and 1st E. of Salisbury, q.v., C.D.L. 242; S. St. 223 — Wrm., aft. 2nd E. Of Salis- bury, q.v., K.B. 761 — sir Wm., aft. 1st lél. Bur- leigh or Burghley, q.v., Chanc. Gart. 745; S. St. 223 Cecil, lds. — sir Ed., aft. 1st là. C. and 1st visc. Wimbledon, q.v. Cedde, bp. Her. 441 Ceili, bp. Ard. 607 Cele, Pet., bp. Arm. 595 Celer, Q. C. M., C. Ro. 46 cºlºne, I. to V., P. Ro, 33-4- I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 989 Cellach, bp. Emly, 625 Top figh. Aft; Celman, M. J., Pres. Arg. 110 Celmund, bp. Her. 441 Celred, K.E. 3 Celsus, bp. Arm. 595 Celwold, K.E. 2 Cely, Jno., bp. Down 603 Cemeliauc, see Cimeliau Cenauc, abp. St. Dav. 463 Cendred, see Cenred Cenelm, K.E. 3 Ceneu, abp. St. Dav. 463 Cenfada, bp. Emly. 625 Cenfail (St.), bp. Clr. 596 Cenred (or Cendred), K.E. 2-3 Censorinus, L. M., C. Ro. 44, 46 Centho, C. C., C. Ro. 42; dt. Ro. 43 Centumalus, C. F. M., C. Ro. 41, 43; dt. Ro. 42 Centwine, K.E. 2 Centulf, K.E. 3 Cenwall, K.E. 2 Cenwald, K.E. 2 Cenwalh, R.E. 2 Ceolulfus (or Kenulphus), bp. Dorch. 446; bp. Dorch. and Sidr. 446 Ceolbertus, bp. Lond. 451 Ceolnoth, abp. Cant. 430 Ceolred, K.E.3 Ceolredus, bp. Dorch. 446 Ceolric, K.E. 2 Ceolwulf (3), K.E. 2-3 Ceorl, K.E. 3 Cerco, Q. L., C. Ro. 42 . Cerdicus, K.E. 2-3 Cerenhire, bp. Llff. 448 Ceresole, P., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Cerna, V., Pres. Gua. 106 cºrretanus, Q. A. (2), C. Ro. Cerpain, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Cestria, see also Chester — Jno. de, A.G. 398 Cethegus, C. C., C. Ro. 43 — M. C., C. R.O. 43-4 — P. C., C. R.O. 44 Ceynemundus, mund Cettepaliem, Charloo, C.I.E. 806 Chabot, Louis Wm., visc. de, gen, (C) 874; K.C.H. 787 Chachi, Sird. N. S., lx.C.S.I. 02 8 Chagon, José Mar. de, G. Trin. 721 Chad (St.), abp. Yk. bp. Lich. 443 — Geo. Wm., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Nds. &c. 123; Amb. Pr. 118; , Amb. Rep. Col. 134; Amb. Sxy. 120 Chaddesworth, see Chads- worth Chalderton, Ed., M. Chy. 394 — Wnn., b.p. Chest. 476; bp. Linc. 447; Wöm. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Chads, Hy, and Sir H., adm. (E) 835. K.C.B. 781 — Hy. Ducie and Sir H., adm. (D) 830; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 — Wnn. Jno., gem. (D) 932 Chadsworth (or Chaddes- worth) Th. de, abp. Dibln. and Gl. 615; dim. St. Patr. 617 see Cume- 485; Chadwick, Geo. Alexr., dm. Arm. 597 — Ja.s., C. Cus. 274 cºworth, Jno., bp. Linc. Chaffe, Rt., dm. Ardf. 640 Chaine, Jno., dn. Cnr. 605 Challenor, see Chaloner Challis, Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Challoner, see Chaloner Chalmer, Jas. A., gen. (D) 889 Chalmers, Ch. Dav., gen. (ID) 933 — Dav. (2), Ld. Sess. 518 — Jno. M., K.C.B. 775 — M. D., C.C.J. 405 — Sidm., gen. (ID) 926 — Th., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Wrm. and sir W., gen. (ID) 881; K.C.H. 789; K.H. 790 Chaloner, Challoner and Chalienor — Jas., G. I. Man, 666 — Jno., Sec. St. Ir. 562 TH t., B1. M. P.A. 336; Lanc. . 333 — Th., adm. (IHI) 849 Chalons, Rt., K.B. 756 Chalton, Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Chalyner, Jno., Rec. Lond. 493 Chamberlain-e and Cham- berlayn-e — Ch., adm. (A) 816 — Crawf. Trott, gen. (ID) 904 — Ed., Sec. Tr. 163 — Fras., G. Gsey. 668 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 — Jos., P.C. 219; Pres. B.T. 269 ; Pres. L.G.B. 256 — Sir Leon., G. Gsey. 668 Nev. B. and sir N., C.C. Mdra.s. 658; G.C.B. 770; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 779; K.C.S.I. 802 — Rt., K.B. 761 Tank., J.C.P. Ir, J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Th., dn. Brl. 440 — Th. and sir T., C.J. Chest. 386; J.C.P. 379 ; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 — Th. Hardy, gen. (D) 919 — Wm., gem. (D) 884 — sir. Wm., K.G. 736 — Wm. Ch., adm. (E) 836 — Wnn. Jno., gen, (D) 907 chambers, Jno., b.p. Pboro. 8 — Mont., Q.C. 417 — Rd. Well., gen. (ID) 913 — sir Rt., C.J. Bgal. 652 — Th. and sir T., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495 ; Q.C. 418; Rec. Lond. 494 — Walt., byp. Labn. 675; bp. Sing. L. and S. 676 — Wrm., adm. (A) 814 — Wrm., L. Prov. Edin. 548 — Wrm., L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Wnn. Fla., K.C.H. 789 Chambre, Alan and sir A., #9 Ex. 385; J.C.P. 380; S.L. 41 — Jno. de la, dm. Winds. 474 — Wm., dn. St. Patr. 617 — Wrm., gen. (D) 900 582; Chamier, sir Anthy., U.S.S. 226 Steph. Hy. Ed., gen. (D) 927 chamorro, F., Pres. Nic. 106 — P. J., Pres. Nic. 106 Champagne, –, Off. Nap. 26 — Arth., dn. Clonm. 600 — Forbes, gen. (B) 866 — sir Josiah, G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861 Champain, Jno. Und. Bate- man, R.C.M.G. 798 Champion, See also Campion — Jas. Hyde, gen. (ID) 916 — sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 Champflower, Walt., L.K. Ir. 575 Champneis, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Champneys, Wm. Weld., dn. Lich. 445 Chandeler and Chandler — E. B., G.N. Brk. 696 — Ed., bp. Dham. 479; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 — Geo., dn. Chich. 434 Toº Geo., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 — Jno., bp. Sal. 467; dn. Sal. 468 — Rd., C. Cus. 275 — Th., din. Her. 442 Chandless, Th., Q.C. 417 Chandos, sir Jno., K.G. 733 Chandos of Sudeley, lds — Jno., 1st là., form. sir J. Bridges, q.v.; Lt. T.L. 321 — Edm. (2nd), 16... [.G. 738 — Grey, 5th lä., K.B. 761 Chandos, M. and D. of ; see also Buckingham — Rd., M. of, aft. 1st D. of jºkm. and C., q.v., G.C.E. 787 — R. P. C. T. N., M. of, aft. 2nd D. of Buckm. and C., q.v.; L.T. 161 — Jas., 1st D. of, form. hon. J§ Bridges, q.v.; L.L., Heref. 3 — Hy., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Carnarvon, q.v. — Jas., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Carnarvon, q.v.; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 203 Chandra, Das, C.I.E. S07 # Channell, Arth. M., Q.C. 420 — Wm. F. and Sir W., B. Ex. 385; P.P. 417; S.L. 413 Chantrell, Wm., S.L. 407 Chanvill, Wm., Jy. 364 chºplin, Sir Fras., L.M. Lond. 91 — Frank, gen. (ID) 921 — Hy., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 220 Chapman, Alfr. Augs., gen. (ID) 908 — sir Benj. Ja.s., L.L. W. Meath — Fredlk. Edw. and Sir F., G. Brmda. 701; G.C.B. 770; R.C.B. 779; gen. (I)) 902 — Jas., bp. Crmbo. 673 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Rd., gen. (B) 866 — Steph. lxemm. and sir S., G. Brmda. 701; gen. (IB) 870; K.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 — Th., S.L. 409 — Wnn. Cox, adm. (HI) 852 Chappel, Chappell, and Chapple — Ed., adm. (IHI) 847 — Jno., dum. Ross, 633 — Wm., bp. Cork and R. 631; dn. Cash. 627 — Wm. and Sir Wm., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 990 INDEX OF NAMES Chardelaw, see Shardelow Charden, Jno., bp. T)own and Cnr. 604 Charebert, K. Fr. 22 Charlemagne, E. Glmy. 61; R. Fr. 23 Charlemont, visc. and E. of — Wm., 2nd visc., gem. (C) 8 71 — Jas., 1st E. of, IX.P. 750 — Fras. Wrm., 2nd F. IK.P. 751; L.L. Tyr. 571 Jas. Mol, 3rd E. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Tyr. 571 *Charles, bp. Kilf. 635; dim. Kilf. 637 *— dri. Ard. 609 *— din. Išillo.e. 637 * Poss. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — C. Ang. 27 — C. Firs. 81 — C. Lux. 84 — (the Bold), D. Bóly. 29 ; R.G. 736 — D. Brk. 70 — (de 131ois), D. Bry. 28 — (of IFrance), D. Line. 29 — (archd. of Austria), G.C.B. 768 — K. Blma. 59 — (Martal), K. Fr. 23 — K. Hgry, 60 — (of Austria), IX. Nls. 56 -— (of Spain), K. Nls. 56 — (of Anjou), K. Scy. 55 — K. Whg. 81 — Lig. H. Csl. 72 (son Jas. I.), aft. D. Of York and Chas. I., q.v., Pr. 10. 13 — (son Chas. I.), aft. Chas. II., q.v., 1*r. E. 13 — (son Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 Pr. Mkg. 74 — Pr. and K. Rºma. 95 — (Gunther), Pr. S. Son. 79 — R. Nds. 83 (Pr. of Lorraine), R. Nds. *— I. and II., K.E. 6 — II. (IK.E.), L.H.A. 176 I. and II., M. Bdn. 67 — I. to III., D. Svy. 54 — I, to III., IK. Nav. 85, 87 ... to III., lx. Nls. 56 ... to III., Pr. Mno. 31 to IV., C. Alçn. 26 ... to IV., ID. Line. 29, 30 ... to IV., R. Sp. 86 ... to VII., Emp. Grmy. 61–2 — V. (Emp. Grmy.), K.G. 737 — I. to X., K. I'r. 23–4–5 — IX, (K. Fr.), R.G. 738 — X. (IV. Fr.), l\.G. 743 — II., C.IP.R. 68; K.G. 740 — II. and III., D. Pnna. 54 — VII. to XIV., K. Sw. 92 — XIII. to XV., K. S. and N. 2 XI. (R.Sw.), K.G. 740 — -Albert, El. BVa. 68 — -Albert, IX. Sda. 55 — -Alexr., D. Włog. 81 — Arth. and Sir A., J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 419 — -Alex-Aug., G.D. S. Wr. 79 — -Aug., D. S. Wr. 79 — -Aug., G.D. S. Wr. 79 — -Aug., Pr. Nass. 76 — -Christian, Pr, NaSS. 76 — -Edward (g. son Jas. II.), Pr. E. 14 of, * Charles—comt. — -Emmanuel, I. and II., D. Svy. 55 —-Emmanuel, I. and II., K. Sda. 55 —-Eugene, D. Whg. 81 — -Felix, K. Sda. 55 -Frederick, D. S. Mgn. 79 —-Frederick, G.D. IBdm, 67 — –Frederick, G.D. S. Wr. 79 — -Frederick, M. Bdm. 67 —-Frederick (M. of Branden- burg Anspach), K.G. 742 — Fk. W. A., D. Brk. 71 — –Leopold, Pr. M. Sch. 74 67 -Leopold Fred., G. D. Bóln. — Lewis (g, son. Ja.s. I.), Pr. E. 13 — -Louis, C.P.R. 68; K.G. 739 — -Louis, D. Lica. 52 — -Louis, G.D. Thy. 57 — -Louis-Fred., G.D., Bdn. 67 — -Louis-Fred., G.D.M. Str. 75 -Louis-Fred., I. and II., IPT. M. Str. 75 (or Carles), Nichs. Bl. L. P.A. 341; Lanc. H. 333 -Philip, C.P.R. 68 T13 -Philip (iss. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 3 — -Theodore, C.P.R. 68; El. IBVa. 68 — -Winn., M. IBdn. 67 — -Wm.-Ferd., D. Brk. 70; IK.G. 742 — -Wm.-Fl. (Pr. of Leinin- gen), K.G. 744 Charleton, see Charlton Charlewood, Ed. Ph., adm. (H) 849 Charley, Jno., gem. (D).933 — Wrm. T. and sir W., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; Q.C. 419 Charlotte, Q.C.E. 8 — (g. dau. Ja.s. I.), Pr. E. 13 — -Augusta, Matilda (dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 14 — -Augusta-Louisa (dau. Wrm. IV.), Pr. E. 15 — -Caroline - Augusta, Geo. IV.), l’r. E. 15 — -Maria (dau. Ja.s. II.), Pr. E. 13 Charlton and Charleton, See also Carleton — Andr., L.P.S. 240 Ed., K.H. 791 — Job and sir J., C.J. Chest. 386; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410; Sp. H.C. 249. — sir Jno., L.J. Ir, 551 — Lewis de, bp. Her. 441 — löd., IX.]3, 757 . de, C.J.C.P. 375; K.B. 755 - Th., bp. Her. 441; L.D., Ir. 551; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574; L.H.T. 153 — sir Th., Sp. H.C. 248 — Th. R., gem. (A) 862 cºrnels, Wm., b.p. Ferns, 621 (dau. Charner, Leon. Vict. Jos., K.C.B. 778 Charobert, K. Hgy. 60 Charretie, Th., gen. (D) 881 Chase, Th., L.K. Ir. 575 Charteris, hon, Fras, W., L.T. 161 Charterpool, Hy., ld., also 6th E. of Suffolk, q.v. — Wm., Chastillon, Hy. de, Jy. 364 cºmela, Alf. Jno., adm. (E) * 7 º — Flº., Amb. Guat, and C.R. 133 Chatham, E. of — Wnn., 1st E. of, form. W. Pitt (No. 1), q.v.; L.P.S. 241; Prenn. 143 — Jno., 2nd E. of, G. Gibr. 670; G. Jsey. 667; gen. (A) 860; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; R.G. 742; L. Admy. 180 ; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 204 Chatterton, Hedges Eyre, A.G. Ir. 588; J. Ch. D. Ir. 586; S.G. Ir. 590; V. Chanc. Ir, 586 — Jas., S.L. Ir. 592 — Jas. Ch. and sir J., É. (ID) 884; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779; K.H. 790 chºworth, Th., L.M. LOnd. 49 Chaucer, Geoffr., P. Laur. 300 — Th., Sp. H.C. 248 Chaucomb, Hugh de, J. It, 366 Chauncey, Hy., S.L. 411 Chause, Rt., bp. Carl. 475 Chavo, Maur. Pasq. de, G.C.G.H. 678 cºworth, Sir Rd., Ch. Lond, Chawry, Itd., L.M. Lond. 490 Cheale, Jno., Arund. H. 339; Norr. [.A. 329 Cheap, Th., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Cheape, Jno. and Sir J., gem. (ID) 886; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 Chediok, Th., K.B., 756 Cheek, Th., Lt. T.L. 322 Cheetham, see also Chetham —Hy., b.p. Si. Le. 686 - Cheevers (or Chevyrs), Wm., D. Chanc. Ir. 575; J.K.B. Ir. 578; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Cneke, sir J., S. St. 223 Chelmsford, lds. — Fk., 1st ld., form. Sir F. Thesiger, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; Ld. Chanc. 358 Fk. Aug., 2nd lá., form. F. A. Thesiger, q.v., G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 781; Lt. T.L. 322 Chelred, K.E. 3 Chelreye, Edm., J. It, 369 Chene, Cheyne, Cheney, and Cheyney, See also Chesney — Ch., C. Cus. 273 — Sir Edm. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Edw., dim. Sal. 468 — Fras., K.B. 759 — Jno. (of Canterbury), K.B. 757 — sir Jmo., R.G. 736; Sp. H.C. 248 — Ralph, L.D. Ir. 551; L.K. IP. 575 — Rd., bp. Brl. 439; byp. Glr. 438 — Rt., gen. (B) 867 — Rt. de, bp. Linc. 446 — Th., Comst. W. Cast. 322 — Th., dm. Linc. 448; dm. Wilmch. 471 — Th., K.B. 758 — Sir Th., IK.G. (1539, d. 1558) 738; Tr. H. 291; W.C.P. 319 — Wrm., K.B. 755 L.P.S. 240; Rec. Lond, 493 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 991 Chêne, Cheyne, Cheney, and Cheyney–cont. — Wm. and Sir W., C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.I’. 378; J.K.B. 371; K.B. 756; S.L. 407 Chenevix, Rd., b.p. Killoe. 634; bp. Wſord, & L. 627 Cheney, see Cheme Cheoke, see Chooke Cheolmund, bp. Roch. 459 Cheorl, K.E. 3 Cherif Pasha, G.C.S.I. 801 Cherleton of Powis, Ed. 1d., K.G. (1407) 735 Chermside, Hy. Lowth, gen. (D) 919 — sir Rt. Alex, K.C.H. 789; R.H. 789 Chernstone, Jno. de, K.B. 755 Cherry, Ed. Morris, gen. (D) 930; Pet. Th., gen. (ID) 901 Chertsey, abb. of, J. It. 365 Cheryton, Th., bp. Bgr. 426 Cheshire, Jno., S.L. 411 Chesney, see also Chene — Fras. Rawd., gen. (D) 889 — Fras. Rawd., gen. (ID) 914 T92 sir Geo. Tomk., gen. (D) 9 Chesshyre, Augs. Ph., gen. (ID) 919 — Jno., adm. (A) 820 Chester, see also Cestria, — Harry, gem. (C) 873 — Hy., R.B. 764 — Jno. de, A.G. 398 — Pet. de, B. Ex. 382; J. It. 368 — Th., bp. Elph. 608 — Sir Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wm. Benn., b.p. Killoe. K. Ch. & K. 636 Chester, E. of — Ran. Blundevil, E. of, Jy. (1193-4) 363 Chesterfield, E. of — Phil., 2nd E. of, P.C. 192 — Phil., 3rd E. of, P.C. 197 — Phil. D., 4th E. of, form. li. Stanhope, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; R.G. 741; L.L. Ir. 556; L.S.H. 290; S. St. 224 — Phil., 5th E. of, Amb. Spn. 123; Postm. G. 238; * - - M.H. Pucks, 306; K.G. 743; 302; M.M. 247; P.C. 204 — Geo., 6th E. of, M.B.H. 303; P.C. 213 chºtrerola, Jno. de, M. Chy. 39 3 Chetham, see also Cheetham — Sir Edw. aft. Chetham- Strode, q.v., K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 789 — Hy., S.L. 411 — -Strode, see Strode Chetwode, Rd., gem. (D) 900 Chetwood, Kn, dm. Glr. 440 Chetwynd, U.S.S. 226 — Ed., dn. Brl. 440 — Jno., B.T. 264 — Wm., E.S.P. 301 Chetwynd, dS. and Visc. — hon. Wm. Rd., aft, 3rd visc. C., L. Admy. 177; M.M. 247 — —, ld, Sec. B.T. 270 Cheverel, Rt. de, bp. Carl. 475 Chevars, Jno., dm. Llin, 623 Chevers, Nichs., bp. Llin. 621 — Norm., C.I.E. 807 Chevreuse, Claude deLoraine, D. de, K.G. 739 Chevyrs, see Cheevers Chewton, Geo., visc., aft. 5th E. of Waldegrave, q.v., P.C. 203; V.C.H. 297 cºyam, Jno. de, bp. Glasg. Cheyn, Cheyne, and Chey- ney, see Chene Chi—, see also Chy— Chibon, Jno., S.L. 409 ãºise, Rd., L.M. Lond. 89 Chicheley, see also Chycheley Hy., abp. Cant. 431; bp. St. Dav. 464 — sir Jno., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 175-6; M.G.O. 258 — Rt., L.M. Lond. 489 — Sir Th., C.D.L. 242; L. Admy, 175; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 191-2 Chichester and Chychester — Sir Arth. (see löl. C., infra) T90 hon. Aug. Geo. Ch., gen. (D) — Sir Ch., G. Trin. 722 — la. Ed., dn. Rph. 603 24 Jno., L.M. Lond. 489; M.M. — Rt., bp. Exr. 436; dim. Sal. 468 — Rt., K.B. 761 Chichester, lds. and E. of — Sir Arth., aft. li. C., L.D. Ir. 554; L. Treas. Ir. 559 - Leigh. Family. Fras., 1st E. of, form. la. Dunsmore, q.v. Hy. Th., 3rd E. of, L.L. Suss. 312 IPelham Family. — Th., 1st E. of, form. T. Pelham, q.v. — Th., 2nd E. of, form. hon. T, and ld. Pelham, q.v., Hºm G. 238; Pres. R. Inst. Chidley, Rt., S.L. 408 child, Sir Fras., L.M. Lond. — sir Lacon. Wrm., M. Chy. 396 — Lawr., b.p. St. As. 462 — Sm., adm. (A) 816 — Wm., M. Chy. 395-6 Childebert, I. to III., IK, Fr. 22-3 cºllerie, I. to III., K. Fr. Childers, Hugh C. E., C.D.L. 243; Ch. Ex. 166; H. Sec. 227; L. Admy. 184-5 ; L.T. 162 ; P.C. 218 ; Paym. G. 245; Sec. Tr. 163; W. Sec. 232 Childs, Jos., gem. (D) 891 chºſenden, Wm., abp. Cant. Chillery, Edmø., S.L. 407 Chillingworth —, G. Bah. Isl. 716 Chilperic, K Bdy, 28 Yi and II. Kiš. 323 Chilton, Geo., C.C.J. 404; K.C. 416 Chineferth, bp. Roch. 459 Chinnery, Geo., bp. Cloy, 631; bp. Killoe. and Kilf. 635; dn. Cork, 632 — -Haldane, see Haldane Chipman, Ward, G. N. Brk. 695 chippindau, Edw., gen. (ID) hon. Chisholm, see also Chisolme — Ja.s., b.p. Dmbl. 532 — Wm. (2), bp. Dnbl. 532 cºaun, Gilb. de, M. Chy, 39 — Jno. de, bp. Lond. 451; din. St. P. 452; L.H.T. 152; L.K. 353 Chisolme, see also Chisholm — Wm., Tud. Sess. 518 Chitterne, Jno. de, M. Chy. 394 Chitting, Hy., Chest. H. 331 Chitty, Jos. W. and sir J., J. Ch. D. 391; Q.C. 419 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 492 — Walt. Theod., gen. (ID) 930 Chiverton, Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 Chlorus, C., Emp. Ito. 48 Choke, Rd. and sir R., C.J.C.P. (?) 375; J.C.P. 378; K.B. 757: S.L. 407 Cholmeley, Ran., Rec. Lond. 493 ; S.L. 408 — sir Rog., C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.K.B. 370; Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 408 Cholmondeley, Geo. Ja.s., C. St. 283; C. Exc. 281 — Hugh, dn. Chest. 477 — hon. Ja.s., gen. (A) 858 — Sir Rd., Lt. T.L. 321 Cholmondeley, las., visc., E. and M. Of — Hugh, ld, and 2nd Visc., aft. 1st E. of, Compt. H. 292; L.L. Chesh. 306; L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314 ; 12.C. 195; Tr. H. 291 Geo., 2nd E. of, G. Gsey. 668; gen. (A) 857; L.L. | Chesh. 306; L.L. N. and S. | # *===- Wales, &c. 314 — Geo., 3rd E. of, form. Visc. Malpas, q.v., C.D.L. 242; gen. (IB) 865 ; L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 198; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Geo. Ja.s., 4th E., alt. 1st M. of, Amb. Pr. 118; C.Y.G. 298; G.C.H. 786; K.G. 743; L.L. Chesh. 306; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 204 — Geo. Jas. Horatio, 2nd M. of, L.G.C. 288; P.C. 211 — Wm. Hy. Hugh, 3rd M. of, II.G.C. 288 — Georgina, Ctss., aft. Mss. of, L.G.C. 288 Chomeley, H., S.L.R. 271 Chooke (or Cheoke), Jno., K.B. 759 Chorleton, sir Job, see Charl- t Oll Chouiski, V., R. Russ. 90 Chowne, Chr., gem. (A) 861 Chri—, see also Chry— *Christian, bp. Ardf. Agh. 639 *— bp. Emly, 625 *— bp. Gall. 538 *— bp. Isl. 539 *— bp. Kilf. 635 * Poss. Some same pers. Comp, dates. — D. Brk. 70; K.G. 739 — (of Schleswig-H.), Pr., K.G. 45 7 — K. Sw. 92 — (iss. Ja.s. I.), Pr. E. 13 — I. and II., El. Sxy. 78 — I. to IX., K. Dlº. 93-4 and ::*>'s x IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 992 INDEX OF NAMES, Christian—comt. — IV. (K. Dk.), K.G. 739 — V (K. Dk.), K. G. 740 — IX. (K. Dk.), K.G. 744 — VIII., D. Obg. 76 — Ed., G. I. Man, 666 — -Ernest, D. S.C. and G. 78 — Evan, G. I. Man, 666 — F. W. C., Pr., see Denmark — Hy., adm. (IHI) 852 — Hood Hanw., adm. (I)) 825 — Hugh Clobb, and sir H., adm. (A) 816; IS.B. 766 — Jonn., J.C.P. Ir. 582; L.J. App. Ir. 585; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 — -Louis, D. Brk. 70 — -Louis, Pr. Mkg. 74 — -Louis, II., Pr. M. Sch. 75 — Vict. Alb. Ludw. Ern. Anton. (g. son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. — Wrm., G. I. Man, 666 Christianus, see Christian Christie, Archd, and sir A., K.C.H. 788; IK.H. 789 — Gabr., gen. (A) 859 — Hy., Sc. bp. 545 IPag., gen. (ID) 902 — Hugh Linds., gen. (D) 914 — Jas. Th., C.I.E. 806 — Saml. Tolfr., gen. (ID) 902 — Th. Beats., C.I.E. 808 — Wm. D., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. Pgy. 136 — Wm. Hy. Mahoney, Astr. Roy. 941 Christina, Q. Sw. 92 Christophe, H., Pres. Emp. Hti. 104 Christopher, bp. Drom. 604 — D. Whg. 80 — Emp. E. E. 50 and — I. to III., K. Dk. 93 — III., R. Sw. 92 — –Bathori, pr. Twa. 60 — Griff., bp. Lism. 626? — Leon. Raisb., gen. (D) 919 — Rt. A., C.D.L. 243 ; P.C. 215 Christopherson, Jno., Chich, 433; dn. Norw. 455 Christy, see Christie Chry—, see also Chri— Chrystal, Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 *) Chudleigh, Th., C. Cus. 273-4 Th., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Chudworth, Jno., ld., L.L Glouc. 308 Church, sir Rd., G.C.H. 787; R.C.H. 787 — Rd. Wnn., dm. St. P. 453 — Th. Ross, C.I.E. 807 Churchill, Ch., G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (IB) 864 — Ch., G. Gsey. 668; gen. bp. (A) 35%; it. Ti. 323 — Geo., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 176-7 — Geo. (2), gen. (IB) 865-6 — Horace, gen. (C) 873 — Jno. and Sir J., K.C. 414; M.R. 388 — Jno. Sp., G. Dnca. 731; G, Monts. 729; G. Nev. 730; G. Virg. Isl. 731 — lil. Rand. H. S., Ch. Ex. 166; L.T. 162; P.C. 220; Sec. Ind. 236 — lady Rand., Cr, Ind. 810 Churchill, lds. Tjno, id., aft. 1st E. and 1st #.of Marlborough, q.v., P.C. Churton, Ed. Towns., bp. Nass. 717 Chute, Chaloner, Sp. H.C. 249 — Trev. and Sir T., G.N.S.W. 703; gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 779 — Wnn., L.L. Hants 311 Chwang-lei, Emp. Ch. 100 Chy—, see also Chi- Chycheley, see Chicheley Chychester, see Chichester Chyckwell, Ham., L.M. Lond. 489 cºme. sir Reyn., T.G.C. Sc. cºrinton, Wm. de, M. Chy. 9 Cibber, Colley, P. Laur. 301 Cicely (dau. Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. Ed. IV.), Pr. E. 12 Cicero, M. T., C. Ro. 46-7 Ciceter, Pet. de, dm. Wells 428 Cicurinus, C. V. G., C. Ro. 38 . V. G., C. Ro. 37 — S. V. C., Dec. Ro. 38 — T. V. G., C. Ro. 37-8 Cillenius, bp. Ferns, 621 Cimeliau (or Cemeliauc), bp. Llff. 448 Cincinnatus, C. M., C. Ro. 38 as . Q., C. Ro. 38 Dt. Ro. -9 — T. Q., Dt. Ro. 39 — T. Q. P. (2), C. Ro. 39 Cinda Suinto, K. Sp. 85 Cineferth, bp. Lich. 443 Cinna, L. C. (4), C. Ro. 45 Cional oth, K. Ir. 21 Cionfaola, K. Ir. 21 Cissa, K.E. 1 Claggett, Nichs., 437; bp. Boch. 461 Clanbrassil, E. of — Jas., E. of, K.P. (1783) 750 Clancy, Boet., dm. Killoe. 637 — Jno. de, L.H.T. 152 — Jos. de, L.H.T. 152 Clancarty, E. of — Rd., 2nd E. of, form. visc. Dunlo, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Nds. &c. 122-3; B.T. 268; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; M.M. 247; P.C. 208; Postm. Gen. 238; Postm. G. Ir, 564; PreS. B.T. 268 cºmeboye, see Dufferim and bp. Exr. St. Daw. 465; dm. Clanricarde, E. and M. of — Ulick, 5th E. aft. M. Of, L.D, Ir. 554 — Wnn., 7th E. of, L.J. Ir. 55 — Hy., 12th E. aft. M. of, IX.JP. 750 — Jno. Th., 13th E. of, gen. (A) 859 — Ulick J., 14th E. aft. M. of, Amb. Russ. 126; C.Y.G. 298; K.P. 751; II.L. Galw. 569; T.P.S. 241; P.C. 212; Postm. G. 238; U.S.F. 230 Clanwilliam, E. of — Rd., 3rd E. of, Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.H. 786; U.S.F. 229 — Rd. Ja.s., 4th E. of, form. ld. Gilford, q.v., K.C.B. 782; K.C.M.G. 798 Clapham, Wm., gem. (D) 878 Clappa, K.E. 2 Clapton, ld. Geo. Carew, bar. de, G. Gsey. 668 Clare, Ralph, K.B. 763 — Rd. (Or Matth.) de, W.C.P. 317 Clare, visc. and E. of ; see also D. of Newcastle Nugent Family. — Rt., 1st Visc., form. R. Nugent, q.v., aft. E. Nugent, q.v., W. Treas. Ir. 560 Clare Family. — Rog., 5th E. of, J. It. 365 Holles Family. — Jno., 4th E. of, aft. D. of Newcastle, q.v. Fitzgibbon Family. — Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno., ld. and visc. Fitzgibbon, q.v. — Jno., 2nd E. of, G. Bbay. 659; G.C.H. 787; K.P. 751; P.C. 211 — Rd. Hob., 3rd E. of, form. R. H. Fitzgibbon, q.v. Clare, de, see Earls of Pem- broke clºſemont, Rid. H., gem. (ID) 9 Clarence, E. and D. of — Th., E. of, see Th.Lancaster — Lion., D. of (son of Ed. III.), K.G. 733; L.L. Ir. 551 — Th., D. of (son of Hen. IV.), form. Pr. Th., q.v. ; also E. of Albemarle, q.v., K.G. 734 — Geo., D. of (bro. of Ed. IV.), form. Pr. Geo., q.v., K.B. 756; K.G. 736; L.L. Ir. 552 — Wm. Hy., D. of, aft. Wrm. IV., q.v., adm. (A) 815; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 785; Gr. M. Bath, 754; L.H.A. 182; P.C. 205 Clarendon, Earls of ; See also Bochester Hyde Family. — Ed., 1st E. of, form. Sir E. Hyde, q.v., also visc. Corn- bury; L.H.S. 286 — Hy., 2nd E. of, form. Id. Hyde, q.v., L.L. Ir. , 555; I.P.S. 240; P.C. 191; P.C. 192 — Ed., 3rd E. of, P.C. 196 — Hy., 4th E. of, form. li. Hyde, q.v. Williers Family. — Th., 1st E. of., form. 1d. Hyde, q.v., B.T. 267; C.D.L. 243; Postºm. G. 238 — Geo. Wm. F., 4th E. Of, form. G. W. F. Williers, q.v., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Pr. 118; C.D.L. 243; F. Sec. 229; K.G. 744; L.L. Ir. 557; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 214; Pres. B.T. 269 Clarges, Rd. Godd. Hare, gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 778 Clarina, lds. — Eyre, 1st là., gen. (A) 858 — Nath. Wnn., 2nd ló., gen. (C) 873 — Eyre C1. Hy., 4th lá., gen, (ID) 909 Clark and Clarke, see also Clerc, Clerk, and Clerke — G. Bah. Isl. 716 — Alured and sir Al., C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650; C.C. Mdras. 657; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 767; G.G. Ind. 648; gen. (A) 859; R.B. 766 — Alured, dn. Exr. 438 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 993 Clark and Clarke—cont. — Andr. and Sir A., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Str. Sett, 675; G. W. Austr. 707; gen. (ID) 927; K.C.M.G. 797; K.H. 792 — sir Amdr., Pres. Coll. Ph. 938 Andr. Ruth., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Tud. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 Aug., gen. (D) 888 — Casp. Purd., C.I.E. 807 — Ch., B. Ex. 385; S.L. 412 — Ch., gen. (D) 925 — Ch., Q.C. 419 — Ch. Mansf., gem. (D) 935 — Ed., C. Exc. 279 — Ed., M. Chy. 395 — Sir Ed., L.M. Lond, 491 — Ed. Geo. and sir E., Q.C. 419 ; S.G. 403 — Flº. Le Gros, Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Geo., J.A.G. 937; L. Admy. 177; Sec. Adm. 187; Sec. at W. 233 — Geo. Calv., gen. (ID) 905 — Hy., S.L. 409 — Ja.s., gem. (ID) 891 — Sir Jas., K.C.B. 783 — Jno., see Clerk — Jno., dn. Sal. 468 — Jno., G. Gsey. 668 — Jno., gen. (D) 893; K.H. 792 — Jno., K.H. 790 3. — Jos., gen. (ID) 892 — Marsh. Ja.s. and sir M., G. Basut. 681; K.C.M.G. 798 Nathl. G., K.C. 415 —ºnathi. R., C.C.J. 403; S.L. — Rd., Chambn, Lond. 493; L.M. Lond. 492 — Rt., dn. Trn. 613 — Rt., gem. (ID) 890 — Rt. and sir R., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 408 — St. Jno. 884; K.H. 79 — Salml., C. Cus. 273-4 — Saml., dn. Clonm. 600 — Saml., M. Chy. 396 Som. Molyn. W., gem. (D) Th., gen. (A) 859 — Th., gem. (D) 933 — Th. and sil. T., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — sir Th., M.R. 388; P.C. 199 — Th. Ja.s., Q.C. 418 — Wrm., adm. (H) 848 — Wrm., dn. Winch. 471 Wim., gem. (ID) 905 Wm., J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421 as Wrm. and Sir W., Sec, at W. Augs, gen. (ID) 92 :* * 2 same person. — sir Wnn., gen. (C) 873 — Wrm. Calc., gem. (ID) 919 — Wrm. Stanl., Chin. E.I. Co. 645 Clark-Kennedy, see Kennedy Clarkson, Eug. Com., Q.C. 419 — Jas. Pr., gen. (D) 914 Claude, D. Bry. 28 Claudia, Pr, Mno. 31 Claudius, I. and II., Emp. RO. 47-8 Claudus, C. Q., C. Ro. 42 Claughton, Piers. Calvi, bp. Cmbo. 673; bp. St. Hel. 680 — Th, Lee, bp. Roch. 460; bp. St. Alb. 461 — Jasp., G. 864 Clavell, Rd. King, gem. (D) 907 Claver, Jno., J. It. 369 Clavering, Jno. and Sir J., C.C. Ind. 650; gen. (B) 865; R.B. 765 — Rt., bp. Llff.449; bp.Pboro. 458; dm. Her. 442 Clay, Edmd. del, C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; S.L. 407 Ed. Sneyd, adm. (D) 824 — Jno. Gr., gem. (A) 862 — Steph. de, J. It. 366 — Wm. and sir W., Sec. B.C. 254 — W. Wald. Pelh., gen. (B) 868 Claydon, Rt., M. Chy. 394 Clayton and Cleyton Gibr. 669; gen. (IB) — Jno., dn. IKild. 619 — Ralph, S.L. 412 — Rd., C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; K.C. 415 — Rd., dn. Pboro. 458 — Rt., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Cork and R. 632 ; b.p. Killa. and Ach. 613 sir Rt., C. Cus. 274 Sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 * Prob. same pers. — Rt. Br., gem. (A) 862 :k sk. — Wrm., aft, ld. Sundon, q.v., L.T. 156 — sir Wrm. Bt., gen. (ID) 884 Cleasby, Anthy. and sir A., B. Ex. 385; J. Ex. D. 385; Q.C. 418; S.L. 414 — Th., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Cleaveland, see also Cleve- land — Fk. Darby, gen. (I)) 897 Cleaver, Euseby, abp. Dhlm. and Gl. 616; bp. Cork and R. 632; bp. Ferms and L. 622 — Wrm., b.p. Bgr. 426; bp. Chest. 477; b.p. St. As. 462 cºorne, Wm., dim. Kild. 1 . Cledaluc or Cledauke, abp. St. Daw. 463 Clederon, Nichs, or Jno., bp. Bgr. 426 Cleere, Dav., dm. Oss. 623 — Ja.s., dn. Oss. 622 Cleeve, Dav., dm. Wíord. 628 Cleghorn, R. B., G. Nev. 729 Cleiland, Wm. Dougl., gem. (ID) 877 Cleland, Wm., C. Cus. Sc. 503 Cleland - Henderson, see Henderson Clement, bp. Dmbl. 532 — I. to XII., P. Bo. 32, 34, 35, 36 Clements, Hy. Jno., C. Treas. Ir, 561 — Juno., adm. (A) 819; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Rt., aft. 1st là., visc., and E. of Leitrim, q.v., C. Cus. Ir. 565 Clementson, Ch. Dox., gem. (D) 935 Clemons, Clem., gem. (ID) 895 Clen, Hy, le, byp. Abdn, 530 Clench, Jno., B. Ex. 384; J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Clendon, Wm., gen. (ID) 895 Cleophis, IN. It. 49 Clephane, Andr. Rt., gem. (D) 929 Dav., C. Exc. Sc. 505 Clephane—cont. — Wm. Dougl. McL., G. Gren. 724; gen. (C) 872 Clepsina, C. G. (2), C. R.O. 42 — L. G., C. Ro. 42 Clerach, Muredach, bp. Killa. 1 - 612 Cleragh , (or Clerk), Th., bp. Rilla. 612 - Clerc, see Clerk Clere, Rt., K.B. 759 Clerk, Clerke and Clerc, see also Clarke — Alexr., K.H. 791 — Barth., D. Arch. 420 — Claude, C.I.E. 807 — Ed., dn. Cloy, 633 Ed., K.C. 415 — sir Geo., Clk. O. 260; L Admy. 181-2; M.M. 247; P.C. 214; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Home, 227; V.P.B.T. 269 Geo. Russ. and Sir G., G. Bbay. 659; G.C.S.I. 800; E.C.B. 782; K.C.S.I. 802; M.C.I. 646; Sec. B.C. 254; TU.S., Ind. 236 — Godfr., gen. (I)) 931 — Hy., gen. (ID) 910 — Jas., B. Ex. Sc. 524 — Jno., B. Ex. 383 — Jno., b.p. B. and W. 428; dn. Winds. 474 — Jno., L.T. 154 — Jno., M.R. 387 — Jno., Q.C. 418 — Jno., S.G. Sc. 526; Ld. Sess. 520 — Jno., S.L. 409 — Jno. le, J. It. 365 Nichs. le, L. Treas. Ir. 558 Rt., gen. (A) 858 — St. Jno. Aug. (see Clark) 61 ſor Cleragh) Th., bp. Rilla. 6 — Th., dra. Chest. 477 — Th., gen. (D) 913 — Th., K.C. 415 — Th. Hy. Shadw., K.H. 789 Clermont, lds, and E. of — Chich. S., 2nd ló., form. Chich. S. Fortescue, q.v., and ld. Carlingford, q.v. — Wm. Hy., 1st E. of, K.P. (1795) 750; Postm. G. Ir. 564 Cletheroe, see Clitheroe Cleveland, see also Cleave- land — Gr., Pres. U.S.A. 103 — Jno., Sec. Adm. 186-7 — Jno. W., gen. (D) 887 — Saml., gen. (B) 866 Cleveland, E. and D. of Wentworth Family. — Th., E. of, form. 1d. Went- worth, q.v., C.G.P. 299 IFitzroy Family. — Ch., 2nd D. of, form. E. of Southampton, q.v. Yane Family. Wm. Hy., 1st D. of, form. 3rd E. Of Darlington, q.v., R.G. 744 — Hy., 2nd D. of, gen. (D) 883 : K.G. 744 — Harry Geo., 4th D. of, K.G. 744 Cleyton, see Clayton Cli—, see also Cly— Cliderhou (or Clyderhou), IRd., L.H.A. 173 — Rt. de, J. It, 369 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 994 INDEX OF NAMIES. Clifden, see also Clifton rºi. K.B. iś — Jas., 1st là., aft. 1st visc., form. Jas. Agar, q.v., C. Cus. Ir, 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566; Postml. G. Ir. 564 Cliff—e and Clyff—e — Hy, de, L.IX. 354; M.R. 387 — Jno., S.L. Ir. 592 —º Wolm. Chr. Ch. Manch. — Walt., gen. (IB) 867 Wm. de, M. Chy. 393 — (or Clifford), Wm. de, B. Ex. 382 Cliffer, Walt., L.J. Gen. 522 Clifford and Clyftord — sir Aug. Wm. Ja.s., adm. (ID) 828 — Hy., K.B. 759 — hon. Hy. Hugh and sir H., G. C.G.H. &c. 679; gen. (D) 908; K.C.M.G. 797 — Jno., K.B. 757 — sir Lew., K.G. 734 — Mill., gen. (D) 911; IS.H. 791 — Rd., bp. Ił. and W. 428; bp. Tond. 451; bp. Worc. 472; drl. Yk. 486 — löt. Čle, L.M. 325 — Rog. de (2), J. It. 368 — S., 'I'ell. Ex. 167 — sir Th , see la. Clifford of Chudleigh, infra. — Wm. de, bp. Emly, 625 Tº" Cliff) Wrm, de, B. Ex. —. Wm. Jno. Cav., adm. (S) 835; (E) 838 Clifford, lds. — Jno., 11th lá., K.G. 735 — Hy., 14th lä., IK.B. 758 — Hy, 15th lü., K.B. 760 — Fras. 1d.,aft,4th E. of Cum- berland, q.v., K.B. 761 — Hy. lil., aft. 5th E. of Cum- berland, q.v., K.B. 762 Clifford of Chudleigh, Sir Th. C., aft, ld., Compt, H.292; L.H.T. 140; L.T. 155; Tr. H. 291; P.C. 190 ; Prem. 140 - Clifton, see also Clifden — Sir Arth. Benj., gen. (A) 863; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 788 — Gam., dm. Her. 442 — Gerv. (2), IX.B. 758 — Rt., K.B. 757 — Rt. and sir R., K.P. 764 — Th., L.L. Cambs. 306 — Th. Hy., gem. (D) 911 — (of Notts.) Wm. or Gery., K.B. 761 Cline, see also Clyne — Hy., Mast. and Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Clinton and Clynton — Geoffr. de, Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. 363; L.H.T. 152 — hon. Geo., adm. (A) 814 * º R.B. 760 y, and sir H., gen. (IB) 867; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; I.B. '766 — sir Hy., G. Gibr. 670; gon. (A) 858; K.B. 765 — (or Clynton), Pet., B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Rog. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 443 — Wrm, de and Sir W., aft. E. of Huntingdom, q.v., L.H.A. 171-2; W.C.P. (1331) 318 Clinton and Clynton—cont. Wm. Hy, and Sir W., G.C.B. 767; gen. (A) 861; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936; L.G.O. 259 Clinton, lds. and E. — Jno., ld, K.B. (1501) 759 — Ed., ld, aft, 1st E. of Lincoln, Const. T.L. 320; IX.G. 738; I.H.A. 174 — Theoph., c.c. 1d. C., aft. 4th E. of Lincoln, I.B. 762 — Ed., c.c. li. C., aft. 5th E. of Lincoln, IX. B. 763 — Hugh, la., aft. 1st E. of, R.B. (1725) 764 — Ch. Rod., ld., form. hom. C. R. Trefusis, q.v. — C. H. R., 1d., L.L. Dev. 307; U.S. Ind. 236 Clipping, Jno., b.p. Chich. 432; dri. Chich. 433 Clitheroe and Cletheroe — Sir Chr., L.M. Lond. 491 Clitherow, Jno., gen. (B) 870 Clive and Clyve — Ed. and Sir E., B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 412 — Ed. Hy, gen. (D) 928 — Geoffr. de, bp. Her, 441 — Geo., C.C.J. 403 — Geo., Curs, B. Ex. 386 — Geo., U.S. Home, 228 — sir Geo., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 — Hy., U.S. Home, 227 — Rt., see löl. C., infrat, — Wm., dm. Chest, 477 Clive, lds. — Rt., aft. 1st là. C., Adm. Ind. 647-8; gen, (C) 872; K.B. 765; L.L. Montg. 315; L.L. Salop, 311 — Ed., 2nd lå., aft. E. of Powis, q.v., G. Mdras. 656; L.L. Salop, 311 Cloal, Nichs, dn. Llin. 623 Clodianus, C. C. L., C. Ro. 46 Clodion, lx. Fr. 22 Clodius, K. Fr. 22 — Emp. Ro. 47 Clodomir, K. Fr. 22 Cloete, Abrm). Jos. and Sir A., gen. (I)) 890; K.C.B. 179; K.H. 791 Clogh, Don, or IRt., dn. Cllr. 597 Clonbrock, lºt., ld., L.L. Galw. 569 cione (or Clove), Jno. de, A.G. 398 Clonin, Nehemh., bp. Clr. 596 Clonmel, Jno., W. and E. of, form. Jno. Scott, and la. Earlsfort, q.v. Cloos, Jno., dn. Chich. 434 ologº and Cloptone — Hugh or Hy., Bl. L. P.A. 341 ; lö. Dr. P.A. 338 — Hugh, L.M. Lond. 490 — Rt., L.M. Lond. 490 — Walt. de and Sir W., C.J.K.B.370; K.B. 755; S.L. 407 Close, Fras., dn. Carl. 476 — Fras. Arden, adm. (IH)851 — Fk., gen. (ID) 931 — Nichs., bp. Carl. 475; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 Clotaire, I. to IV., K. Fr. 22-3 Clough, Ch. Butl., dn. St. As. 463 — Jno., gen. (D) 888 Clove, see Clone Clovis, I. to III., IK. Fr. 22-3 Clowes, Th. Ball, adm. (H} 846 Clutterbuck, hom. Th., L. Admy. 178; L.T. 156; P.C. 198; Tr. N. 256 Cluvius, C., C. Ro. 47 Clux, sir Hy. Van, IX.G. 735 Cly—, see also Cli— Clyde, Colin, ld, form. Sir C. Campbell, q.v.; F.M. 856; I.C.S.I. 802 Clyderhou, see Cliderhou Clyff, see Cliff Clyfford, see Clifford Clyne, see also Cline — Dav., Ly. Dep. 513 Clymton, see Clinton Clyve, see Clive Coates, see also Cootes — Jas., gem. (A) 859 Cobbe, Alex, Hugh, gen. (D) 925 — Ch., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Kild. 617; b.p. ISilla. and Ach. 613; dn. Ard. 609; dn. Chr. Ch. D'blin. 618 — Ch., adm. (A) 818 — Geo., gen. (ID) 885 Cobbeham, see Cobham Cobethorn, Jno., dm. Exr. 437 Cobham and Cobbeham. — Hy, de, J. It, (1218-9) 367 — Hy. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667; W.C.P. 318 r— Hy, de, W.C.P. (2) 318 Jno. de, B. Ex. 352; J.C.P. 376; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365; S.L. 406 — Jno. de, Jy. 364 — sir Jno., L.H.A. 171 — lºegd., IK.B. 756 Regd., Sge lil. C., infra. &egd. de, J. It. 368; W.C.P. 7 31 — Th., abp. Cant, 430; WOro. 472 —- Wnn. (le, J. It. 368 Cobham, las, and visc. Cobham I'amily. — IRegd. and sir R., aft. 1st ld. C., K.G. 733; L.H.A. 172; W.C.P. 318 JBrooke Family. — Geo., 4th Id., K.G. 738 — Wm., 5th lä., C.G.S. 356; R.G. 738; L.L. Kent, 309; L.K. 356; W.C.P. 319 — Hy., 6th lä., K.G. 739; L.L. Išent, 309; W.C.P. 319 Temple amd Grenville I'amilies. — Rd., 1st là. and visc., form. sir IR. Temple, q.v.; Const. W. Cast. 322; F.M. 856; P.C. 196 Cobledyk or Cobledyl, Alexr. de, I&.B. 755 Cobthach, bp. Saig, 620 Cocherne, see Cochrane Cochet, Jno., adm. (A) 819 Cochin, Raj. of, K.C.I.E. 805; I.Gj. Sj Cochlan, Rog., gem. (IB) 867 Cochrane (or Cocherme), Ly. IX.A. 513 — hon. Alex. Ingl. Forr. and sir A., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 767; K.B. 766 — hon, Arth. Auckl. D. Leop., adm, (E) 835 — Bas., C. Cus. Sc. 504; C. Exc. Sc. 505; G. I. Man, 666 — Jas., gen. (IB) 865 — Jno. Hy., C. Cus. Sc. 504 bp. I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, Cochrane (or Cocherme)—comt. — Nathl. Day, adm. (D) 826 — Th., adm. (H) 850 — Th., vide là C., infra w —- sil: Th. Jno., adm. (B) 821; (C) 822; (ID) 826; G.C.B. 770; G. Newfa. 700; K.C.B, 777 — Wrm. Geo., gen. (D) 883 Cochrane, lds. — Jno., ld, aft. 2nd E. of Dumdonald, q.v., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 — Th., ld., aft, 6th E. of Dum- donald, q.v., C. Ex. Sc. 505 Th., ld, aft. 10th E. Of Dundonald, q.v., K.B. 766 Cock—, see also Cok— Cock and Cocke — Alf., Q.C. 420 — Ch. Geo., J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421 — Ed., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Jas., gen, (D) 877 Jno., Lanc, H. 333; Ptc. P.A. 337 Cockain, Cokayne — Fras., L.M. Lond. 492 — Geo. E., Lanc. H. 333; Norr. IS.A., 330 — Juno., C.I3. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 378 — Th., Rec. Lond. 493 — Sir Winn., L.M. Lond. 491 Cockburn—e & Cokburn—e — Ad., L.J. Clk. 516; Dep. Tr. Sc. 498; Ld. Sess. 520 — Alex., Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. H. Thg. 120; Amb. Rep. Col. 134 — Alex, and Sir A., J. Adm. Sc. 524; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Alex. Ja.s. E. and sir A., A.G. 400 ; C.J.Q.B. 370; G.C.B. 773; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; P.C. 216; Pres. Q.B.D. 371; Q.C. 417; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 — Archd., Bar, Ex. Sc. 524 — Ch., C. Ex. Sc. 504 — Ch. Vansitt., gen. (D) 902 — Fras. and Sir F., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Br. Hond. 714; gen. (D) 881 — Geo., Compt. N. 257 — Geo. and sir G. (No. 1), adm. (A) 818; (B) 821; (C) 822; G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 774; L. Admy. 181-2-3 ; P.C. 210 — Geo. and sir G., bt. (No. 2), G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861; |S.G.H., 787 Hy., J. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520; S.G. Sc. 527 Hy. Alex., gem. (D) 925 — Ja.s., Compt. Sc. 498 — Ja.s., gen, (D) 917 — Jas. and Sir J., G. Bmda. 701; G.C.H. 787; K.C.H. 788; U.S.W. & C. 231 — Jas. Horsf., adm. (E) 835 — Jas, P., gen, (D) 883 — Jno., B.T. (1715) 264 — Juno, L, Admy. (1730) 177-8 — Juno., Ld. Sess, 517-8 Jno. and sir Jno., L.J. Clk. 516 löd. and sir Rd., L.P.S. Sc. 501; Tid, Sess, 518; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Rt., bp, Ross. 535 — Wayn., dn. Yk. 487 sir Wim., gen, (B) 868 * Cockayne, and C.J.C.P. 376; INDEX OF NAMES, Cockcraft, Macleod R. Baynes, adm. (H) 853 Cocke, see Cock Cockell, Wm., gen. (B) 867 Wm., S.L. 412 Cockerell, Sir Ch., B.C. 253 Cocks, sir Ch., aft. 10. Somers, q.v., Clk. O. 260 — Sir Hy., Coff. H. 293 — Rd., C. Exc. 279 Cockys, Jno., D. Arch. 420; Vic. Gen. 421 Cocq, Herb. Ile, gen, (D) 932 cº, , Ed., adm. (E) 835; (E) Ed., adm. (THI) 849 — Ed., G. Br. Hond. 714; gen. (C) 874 Codrington, Chr., G. Bdoes. 719 ; G. Leew. Isl. 727 — Ed. and Sir E., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. : G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.B. 774 — Hy. de, M. Chy. 393 — Hy. Jno. and sir H., adm. (B) 821; (D) 831; (E) 834; K.C.B. 779 — Jno. de, M. Chy, 393 — Tuath., dm. Kilf. 637 , a.dm, (E) 837; L. . Jno. and sir W., G.C.B. 770; G. Gibr. 670; IS.C.B. 777; gen. (D) 886 Coe—, see also Cae— Coeliomontanus, C & Dt. Ito., See Tricostus Coell, Jno., M. Chy. 396 Coerm gene, see Kevin Coena, abp, Yk, 485 Coenredus, bp. Sels. 432 Coffin, sir Ísaic, adm. (A) 817; G.C.H. 786 — Isaac Camp., and sir I., gen. (D) 891 ; K.C.S.I. 802 — Fras. Holmes, adm. (D) 823 — Guy C., gem. (D) 885 — Hy, Ed., adm. (H) 848 — Jho., gem. (A) 861 — Jno. Pyne, gen, (C) 874 sº no. Townshend, adm. (HI) Cogan, Jno., L.J. Ir. 550 cº, Sir Josh. Cogh., adm. (ID) 825 — Marm., Ch. Ex, Ir. 562 . *-*. Cºghiº, Wm. Marc. and Sir gen. (D) 898; K.C.B. 783 Cogley, Patr, M.R. Ir. 585 Cohen, Arth., Q.C. 419 Coidan, Pietr, and sir P.. G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 Coigley, Qu., bp. Dronn. 604 Coimbaloth, K, Ir. 20 Coimbra, Pet., D. of, IX.G. 735 Cok—, See also Cock— Cokam (or Cokeyn), Jno., Rec. Lond. 493 . Cokburn—e, see Cockburn—e Cokayne, see Cockaine Colre, see also Cook and Cooke — Edw., aft. Sir E., A.G. 399; C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.R.B. 370; Rec. Lond. 494; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 409; Sp. H.C. 249 — sir Jno., L. Admy. 175; I.T. 154; S. St. 223 — hon. Jno., gem. (ID) IX.C.B. 781 — Th., aft. la. Lovell, visc. Coke and E. of Leicester, q.v., K.B. 764; P.C. 195; Postm. G. 238; Tell. Ex. 167; W.C.H. 297 — Hy. Warn., 995 Coke—cont. — (or Cooke) Wnn., J.C.P. 378; M. Chy. 395; S.L. 408 Cokefield (or Cokefeud), Jno. ; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B., 371; Jy. 6 *X — Rt. de, J. It. 367 Cokesay, Th, K.B. 758 Cokeyn, see Cokam - Colborne, hon. Fras, and Sir F., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 — Jno. and sir J., aft. Id. Seaton, q.v., G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 787; G.G., N. Am. Prov, 692; Can. 692 ; K.C.B. 774 — Wrm., R. Dr. P. A. 338; Yk. H. 334 Colby, Th., gem. (D) 883 — Wrm. de, dn. Yk. 486 Colchester, lds, and visc. Savage Family. —Th., 1st visc., aft. 1st E. Rivers, q.v., L.L. ESX. 308 — Rd., visc., aft. 4th E. Rivers, q.v., L.L. Chesh. 306 r Abbot I'amily. — Ch., 1st là., form. C. Abbot, (ſ.3). - Ch., 2nd 1d., adm. (GF) 841 ; P.C. 215; Paym. G. 245; Postm. G. 239; W.P.B.T. 269 Coldwell, Jno., bp, Sal. 467; dm. Roch. 461 Cole, Ch., Chambn. Ex. 166 — sir Chr., IX.C.B. 774 — hon, Galbr. Lowry and Sir G., G.C.B. 767; G.C.G.H. 679; G. Mtius. 683; gen. (A) 861; R.B. '766 — Hy., D. Arch. 420; Vic. Gen. 421; J. Pr. Ct. 421 ; dh. St. P. 453 - — Hy., K.C.B. 783 — Hy. Th., Q.C. 418 C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 — Jno. Amb., gen. (D) 905 →Mart Campb., gen. (C) 7 — Pennel, gem. (D) 891 — Rt. Andr., gem. (I)) 929 — Th., dn. Norw. 456 — Wrm., dri. Linc. 448 — Wnn, Jrmo., IX.H. 791 — hon. Wrm. Montg., dm. Wford. 628 Colebrooke, Rt., Amb. H. Tns. 120; Amb. Thy. 129 Sir Th. Ed., L.L. Llïrk. 511 - Wrm. Macbean Geo. and sir W., G. Antig, &c. 727; G. Bah. Isl, 716; G, Bdoes, &c. 719-20-21 ; G. Br. Gu. 715; G. N. Brk. 696; gen, (D) 885; K.H. 790 cºnso, Jno. Wm., b.p. Nat. 6 Colepeper and Colepepper, See also Culpeper — Jno. (No. 1), J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Jno. (No. 2), see lá. C., infra — Mart., dn. Chich. 434 Colepeper, lds, — Sir Jno. (No. 2), aft. 1st là. C., Ch. Ex, 154; M.R. 388; P.C., 189 — Th., 2nd lá., B.T. 263; L.T. 155 Coleridge, Jno. D., see lá, C., infra, For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 996 INDEX OF NAMES, Coleridge—3ont. — Jno. T. and sir J., J.K.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 216; P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 — W. H., bp. Bdoes. 721 Coleridge, lds. — Jno. D. and sir J., aft. li. C., A.G. 400; C.J.C.P. 376; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; Pres. C.P.D. 376; Pres. Q.B.D. 371; Q.C. 418; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 cºlºs, Rt. Bartlett, gem. (D) — Wm. Cowp., gem. (D) 885 Colet, Hy., L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno., dri, St. P. 453 Coleton, Rog. de, dm. Exr. 437 Coleville, see Colville Colla-Uais, K. Ir. 21 Collard, Val., adm. (ID) 826 Collatinus, L. T., C. Ro. 37 Collen, Edwin Hy. Hayt., C.I.E. 808 — Geo. W., Pt.c. P. A. 337 Coller, Bl. M. 12.A. 336 Colleton, sir Pet., G. Bdoes. 719 cºllett, Jno. Hick., gen. (ID) 878 Colley, see also Cowley — Geo. I’om. and sir G., G. Nat. 680; K.C.S.I. 803 Collier, See also Collyer — Ed., adm. (ID) 829; (G) 840; K.C.B. 779 Sir Fras. Aug., adm. (D) 827; K.C.H. 788 Geo., Wan. Ch. Manch. 481 — Sir Geo., adm. (A) 815 — sir Geo. Ralph, K.C.B. 774 84 Hy. Theod. Br., adm. (H) 6 — Jno. Fr., C.C.J. 405 — Rt. Porr. and sir R., aft. ld. Monkhouse, q.v., A.G. 400; J.C.P. 380; Jud. Conn. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; IP.I2. 417; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 Collings, Jesse, Sce. L.G.B. 256 — Jno. El., gon. (ID) 906 Collingham, Hugh, dm. St. As. 463 — Juno., b.p. Iºmly. 625 Collingwood, Clemmell, gen. (D) 930 — Cuthb., see Id. C., infl'a. — lèalph, dn. Lich. 445 Collingwood, lds. — Cuthb., aft. li. C., adm. (A) 816 Collins, Arth. Jno. Hamm. and sir A., C.J. Midras. 658; Q.C. 419 Arth. Tuck., gen. (C) 872 — Dav., G. V.D.Ld. 708 — Jas., dn. Killa. 614 — löd. Henn., Q.C. 420 — Rt. Hawth., K.C.B. 784 — Wm. Anthy., Q.C. 418 Collinson, Rd. and Sir IR., adm. (ID) 833; (E) 834; (E') 838: K.C.B. 780 — Th. Bern., gen. (ID) 911 Collow (or Colowe), Wm., S.L. 407 Collyer, sce also Collier — Jno., C.C.J. 403 — Th., Clar. K.A. 328; Ir. R.A. 338 Collyrie, Jno., dn. Wſord, 628 Chr. *Colman bp. Cld. 598 *— bp. Clonm. 599 *— bp. Lindisf.478 *— (or Mocholmoc), Tlism. 626 x (St.), bp. Clonf. 635 *— (St.), bp. Cloy. 630 • *— (St.), bp. Drom. 604 *— (St.), bp. Kilmacd, 636 * Prob. Some Same pers. Comp. dates. — Geo., E.S.P. 301 Colneye, Wm. de, J. It. 369 Colocair, bp. Clonm. 599 Coloman, I. Hgy. 59 Colonib, Geo. Th., gem. (ID) 893 — Jno. Ch. Iteady, K.C.M.G. 7 — Tºhil. How., adm. (H) 853 Colonsay, Duncan, ld., form. D. McNeill, q.v. Colowe, see Collow Colpoys, Ed. Gr. and Sir E., adm. (A) 819; R.C.B. 776 — Jno. and Sir J., adm. (A) 816; G.C.B. 767; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; K.B. 766; L. Admy. 180 Colquhoun, Archd., Ld. Adv. 526 — Dan., gen. (B) 870 — sir Jas., L.L. Dumb. 509 — Jno. and sir J., Compt. Sc. 498; L.G.C. Sc. 506 — sir Patr. MacC., Q.C. 418 — Rt., bp. Arg, 537 — I&t. Gilm. and Sir R., Amb. D. Pr. 128; Amb. Eg. 130; K.C.B. 779 Colquitt, Saml. Mart., adm. (HI) 844 bp. Colthrop, see Calthrop Coltman, Th, and Sir T., J.C.P. 380; R.C. 416; S.L. 413 Colton, Jno., abp. Arm. 595; dın. St. Pat. 617; L.J. Ir. 551 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558; Ld. Chanc. ll. 574 Columbariis and Colum- biers, Gilb. de, J. It. 366 — Matth. de, J. It. 368 Columbine, Fras., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (IB) 864 Colvile, Colvill—e, and Coleville — Alexr. (2), Ld. Sess. 518 — hom. Ch., gem. (3) 865 — hon. Ch. and Sir Ch., C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; G. Mtius. 683; gen. (A) 862 — Fiemmes M., gen. (D) 925 — Gilb, de, Jy. 363 — Hy., gen. (ID) 885 — Hy. de, J. I.G. 368 — sir Jas., Compt. Sc. 498 — sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 518 — sir Jas. Wm., C.J. Bgal. 652; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 216 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 — Rt., [..IP.S. Sc. 501 Colville of Culross, lds Alexr., 5th la., adm. (A) 814 — Jno., 7th lä., adm. (A) 819 — Ch. Jno., 8th lá., K.T. 749; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 217 A ...t’l. Colvin. Auckl, and Sir jºo ºf Gºjº. L.G. N.W.f. and Oudh, 654 — Jno. Russ., L.G. N.W.Pr. 653 Coman, bp. Ferns, 621 Combe, Jas. Jno., gem. (ID) 913 Comber, Augs. ISirkw., gen. (ID) 930 Ts; Hy. Wandesford, adm. (HI) 853 — Th., dm. Dham, 479 Combermere, Stapleton, 1st ld, and visc., form. Sir S. Cotton, q.v., C.C. Ind. 650; Comm. F. Ir. 654; Comst. T.L. 321; F.M. 856; G. Bdoes. 720; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861; K.C.S.I. 802; P.C. 213 Comegern, see Commergius Comerford, Edm., bp. Ferns, 621; dn. Oss. 622 Ger., B. Iºx. Ir. 584 — Wm., dm. Oss. 622 Comergius (or Comegern), bp. Llff. 448 Comin—s, see Comyn–s Commerell, Jno. Edm. and Sir J., adm. (E) 836; G.C.B. 771; R.C.B. 780; L. Admy. 185 Commodus, Emp. Ro. 47 Comonfort, Ig., Pres. Mex. 103 Conluto, Ant. Ct., G.C.M.G. 79 Compton, ld. Alwyne, bp. Ely, 435; dm. Worc. 474 — hom. sil: Fras., gen. (B) 864 — hom. Geo., aft 6th E. of Northampton, q.v., L.T. 157 — Hatt, and sir H., gem. (B) 864; Lt. T.L. 322 Hy., b.p. Lond. 452; Oxf. 456; P.C. 191-2-3 — Hy., K.B. 761 — Sir R. H. A.D., C.J. Bbay. 660 — Sp., K.1%. 762 — hon. Sp., aft, lil, and E. of Wilmington, q.v., K.B. 764; P.C. 196; Paym. G. 244; Sp. H.C. 250 — lil. Wm., aft. 1st. E. of Northampton, q.v., IV.B. 761 — lil. Wnn., aft. 4th M. of Northampton, q.v., adm. (HI) 84 lop. 9 Sir Winn., Ld. Chamc. Ir. 575 Sir Wm., M.G.O. 258; P.C. 190 Comyn and Comyns — Jno., abp. Dblm. 615 — sir Jno., B. Ex. 384; C.B. Ex. 382; J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 411 — Nichs., bp. Ferns, 621; bp. Wford, and L. 627 — Rd., S.L. 411 sir Rt. Buckl., C.J. Mdras. 658 Wm., gem. (ID) 876 Conaire, R. Ir. 21 — -Mor, K. Ir. 21 Conall-Cla.On, K. Ir. 21 — Jno. de, dm. Kild. 619 Conan and Conanus abp. Lond, 450 §: bp. Cnwall. 436 *— bp. S. and M. 483 * Prob, same pers. — (St.) bp. Isl. 539 — K. Włs. 16 — I. to IV., D. Bry. 28 Conant, see Pigott-Conant Conarus, R. Sc. 18 Conchabhar, K. Ir. 21 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 997 *Conchovar, bp. Saig. 620 *Concovar, Fiachry, bp. Cld. 599 * PoSS. same pers. Condari, Ang., ãº. 794; K.C.M.G.7% Conduit, Jno., M.M. 247 cºluyte. Reyn., L.M. Lond. Coney, Rd., G. Brmda. 701 Congal - Cionnaghair, Ir. 21 Congall, K. Ir, 22 cºnganus, I. to III., K. Sc. K. Congleton, Sir Hy. B. and lå. C., form. Sir H. B. Parnell, (1.7). Congreve, Geo., gen. (D) 895 — Ralph, G. Gibr. 669 Sir Wm., gen. (B) 866; IX.C.H. 787 Congusa, bp. Arm. 595 Coniers, see Conyers Conindicus or Conindrius, bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M., 483 Coningham, see also Conyng- ham — Hy., gem. (ID) 888 — Hy. Ev., gen. (ID) 929 — Walt., gen. (ID) 928 Coningsby and Comyngsby Humph., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 07 —— Th., see li. C. infra, — Wnn., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 408 Coningsby, lds, and E. — Th., aft. li. and Earl C., L.J. Ir. 555; L.L. Heref. 308; I?.C. 194; V. Treas. Ir. 559 Conlaeth (St.), bp. Kild. 616 *Conmach, bp. Arm. 595 *— bp. Saig. 620 * Poss. same pers. Connla,ol, K. Ir. 20 Connaught [and Strath- earn], Arth. W. P. A., D. of (son Q. Vict.), see also Pr. Arthur, C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.I.E. 805; G.C.M.G. 795; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 922; K.T. 749; P.C. 218 Louise Margt., DSS. Cr. Ind. 810 Conn-Ceadchadhach, K. 21 of, Ir. Connell, Jno. and Sir J., J. Adm. Sc. 524 Connemara, Rt. 1d., form. T. Bourke, q.v.; G.C.I.E. 805 — Susan, lady, form, lady Susan Bourke, q.v. Connesburgh, Edmd., abp. Arnn. 595 Connolly, see Conolly, Connop, lèd., gem. (D) 893 Connor, K. Ir, 21 — Geo. Hy., dn. Winds. 474 — K. of Chenow and de Erpe., K.]3. (1394) 755 Conober, D, Bry. 27 Comolly and Connolly -— Edw. Josh. T., gem. (D) 925 —— Jas., gen. (D) 906 — Matth., adm. (HI) 851 — Rd. Geo., gen. (D) 902 — Wnn., L. J. Ir. 556 — Wrm. H., gem. (D) 883 Conon, P. Ro, 33 Conrad, C.1°.R. 68 — (2), D. Llle, 29 — D. Thy. 57 º Conrad—comt. — K. Bdy. 28 — K. J.Sm. 97 — I, and II., C. Lux. 841 — I. and II., D. Brmal. 59 — I. and II., D. B.Va. 67 — I. and II., K. Scy. 55 — I. to IV., D. Su. 80 — I. to IV., E. Gnny. 61 — I. to VII., D. FCa. 71 Conradin, D. Su. 80 Conran, Geo., gen. (ID) 887 — Hy., gem. (B) 868 Conroy, sir Jno., K.C.H. 787 Considine, Jas., K.H. 790 Constable, Jno., dn. Linc. — Rt., S.L. 407 — Th., K.B. 756 Constance, D. Bry. 28 — (dau. Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 TTI (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 1 — Juno. de, bp. Worc. 472 Constans, Emp. Ro. 48 — II., Emp, E.E. 50 Constantine, P. Ro. 33 — R. Russ. 89 — I. and II., Emp. Ro. 48 — I to IV., I. Sc. 18-9 III. to XIII., Emp. E.E. 50-1 Earl. Ld. Chanc. Sc. (1094) 514 Constantiis, Walt. de, bp. Linc. 446; Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. 363; Ld. Chanc. 353 Constantius, I. and II., Emp. O. 48 Contentus (St.), bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 483 Continisanus, L. H. A., C. RO, 38 Conuil, see O'Cmail Conveal, IX. Ir. 20 Conway, Comte de, G. Mtius. 583 6 — Ed., see lil. C., infra. hon. Hy. Seym., C. Ch. 855; F.M. 856; gen. (A) 858; P.C. 201; S.G.O. 259 ; S. St. 224 Ed., M. Chy. 396 Hugh and sir H., IS.B. 758; L. Treas. Ir. 559 Th. Syd., gen. (ID) 904 Conway, lds., visc. and E. of — sir Ed., aft. 1st 10. and visc., S. St. 223 Ed., 3rd visc. and 1st E, of, P.C. 192; S.St. 223 Convay-Gordon, see Gordon — Seymour-, see Hertford Conybeare, Fredk, gen. (D) — Jno., bp. Brl. 439; dra, Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — W. D., dm. Llff. 450 Conyers and Coniers — Ch. Edw., gen. (ID) 881 — sir Ger., L.M. Lond. 491 — Jno., K.C. 415 — sir Jno., K.G. 736 — sir Jno., Lt. T.L. 321 — Trist., S.T.u. 410 — Wrm., S.L. 409 Conyngsby, see Coningsby Comyll, Nichs., dm. Kild. 619 Conyngham, See also Coming- ham and Cunyngham — la. Alb., K.C.H. 787 — lá. Fras., See Marq. C. infra, Conyngham—comt. Wm. Burt, C. Treas. Ir. 560 Wm. Fitz Len., K.C.B. 783 Conyngham, M. — Hy., 1st M., Const. W. Cast. 322; G.C.H. 786; gell. (A) 861; K.P. 750; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 210 Fras. N., 2nd M., form. Id. Fras. C. and E. of Mount- Charles, q.v.; . (D) 893; R.P. 751; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Meath, 570; P.C. 213; Postm. G. 238; U.S.F. 229 — Geo. Hy., 3rd M. of, gen. (D) (1877) 917 Coode, Jno. or Jno. Hy., adm. (D) 828; K.C.B. 778 — Sir Jno., K.C.M.G. 798 — Jno. Penr., gen. (D) 917 — Trev. Penr., adm. (H) 852 Cook and Cooke, see also Coke — Anthy., K.B. 760 — Anthy. Ch., gen. (D) 924 — Ch. and sir C., B.T. 264 — Ch., aft. E. of Belmont, q.v., K.B. 765 — Ch. Jno., gen. (ID) 897 — Crawf., gen. (D) 916 — Daml., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Ed., C.C.J. 404 — Ed., U.S.F. 229; U.S. Ir. 563; U.S.W. and C. 231 — (or Coke), Geo., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Her. 442 — Geo., dn. Thist. 749 — Geo., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Geo., Paym. G. 245 — Geo. and sir G., gen. (B) 868; K.C.B. 775 — Hy., gen. (ID) 935 — Hy. Fk. and sir H., gen. (C) 875; K.C.H. 787 *— Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579 sk Jno., S.G. 401 * Prob. same pers. — Jno., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Jno. and Sir J., D. Arch. #: K. Adv. 422; Vic. Gen. Miles, M. Chy. 396 — Sir Rd., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; Sec. St. Ir. 562 —– Rt., Chest. H. 331 ; Clar. K.A. 328; R. Bl. P.A. 344 Sir Saml., L.M. Dblin. 641 — Th., R.B. 757 — Th., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wm., D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 422; J. Pr. Ct. 421 — Wm., dm. Ely 435 — Wnn., K.C. 415 — Wm. (see Coke) — W. G., G. St. Xtr. 729 —ºwn. Hy., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. Cookes, Ch. Hy., gen. (D) 920 Cookesley, Jno., admm. (IHI) 846 cºison, Ch. Alf., K.C.M.G. 799 Ch. N., gem. (B) S68 — Geo., gen. (3) 869 Geo. Item., gem. (ID) 913 Jas. Gast., gen. (ID) 925 — Mont. H., aft. Cookson- Crackamthorpe, Q.C. 419 cººkworthy, Colin, gen. (D) Coombe, Harv. Chr., L.M. Lond. 492 IFon. List of .ſbbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 998 INDEX OF NAMIES. Coombe-Comt. —- Jno., C.J. Chest. 386; J. Chest, 387 Coomber, Th., dm. Call. 476 Cooper, Alfr., gem. (D) 923 — sir A. A., aft. la Ashley and E. of Shaftesbury, q.v., P.C. 189 Sir Ast, Past., G.C.H. 787; Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Ch, Purt., I&.C., 416 →hon. Cropl. Ashl., Clk O. 2 — sir Daml., G.C.M. J. 796; K.C.M.G. 797 — E. H., I,...ſu. Sligo 571 Edw. Mac. Gilb., gen. (ID) 921 Geo., gen. (D) 879 Grey and sir G., T.I.T. 158; P.C. 206; Sec. Tr. 163 Hy., gen. (D)897 — Jno., S.L. 408 — Jno. S., C. St. Ir. 568 Saml., Pres. Coll., Surg. 939 — Th., I.C.C. 415 — Wm., gen. (I)) 925 — Wrm, gen, (D) 935 cºrteyse, Rd., dn. Chich. 43 Coote, Ch., dn. Kilf, 637 — Sir Ch., aft. E. of Mount- rath, ſq.v., Comm. Ir. 555 — Chas. Geo. Hy., gem. (ID) 917 —Ch. Hy., aft. li. Castlecoote, q.v., C. Acc. Ir, 567; C. Cus. Ir, 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566; Geneal. St. Patr. 752 Eyre amd Sir E. (No. 1), C.C. Ind. 650; G. Jam. 713; gen. (B) 865; K.B. 765 Iºyre and sir E. (No. 2), G.C.]3. 767; gem. (A) 860; K.B. 766 — löt., adm. (E) 835 — Th., C.G.S. Ir. 576; J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; Rec. D'bln. 642 — Th., R. Rge. P.A. 344 — Wm., dm. Down. 605 Coote, lds. —— Ch., 5th lá. See E. Bella mont Cootes (or Coates), L.M. Lond. 490 Cope, Anthy, dn, Arm. 597 — Anthy., dyn. Elph. 609 — Edm. Ril., gen, (B) 868 — Jno. and sir J., K.B. 764; gem. (B) 864 — Walt... Amb. Ecr. 942 — Walt., bp. Clom.f. and K. 636; bp. Ferns and L. 622; dll. Drom. 606 Copeland, Wm. P., L.M. Lond, 492 Copinger, see Coppinger Copland, Crawford-, form. Crawford, q.v. Copleston, Ed., bp. Llff 449; dim. Chest. 477; dm. St. P. 453 — Iteg. Steph., bp. Cmbo. 673 Copley, Jno. Rt., dn. Kilf. 637 — Jno. S. and Sir J., aft, ld. Lyndhurst, q.v., A.G., 400; C.J. Chest. 386; Ld. Chanc. 357; M.B. 388; P.C. 210; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Copping, Jno., dm. Cllr. 597 coppiº ger and Copinger, — Maur., S.L. Ir. 592 — sir Wim., L.M. Lond. 490 Of Corach, Fintain, bp. Clonf. 635 Corban, Wm. Watts, gen, (D) 9 927 Corbet and Corbett — Ed., R.B. 761 — Ed., S.L. 411 Iºdwin, Annb, BZl. 135; Amb. C. Am. 134; Annib. Gr. 129 ; Amb, Sw. and N. 127; Amb. Swz. 114 — Fras., dun, St. Patr, 618 —ºno, adm. (E) 836; IS.C.IB. 7 1 — Jno., S.L. 410 Miles, C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.G.S. Ir. 576; Comlu. Ir. 554-5 Begd., J.Q. B. 372; S.L. 408 — Rd., bp, Norw. 455; bp. Oxf. 456; din. Chl. Ch. Oxf. 457 . IRt., K.B. 759 — Sir IRt., C. Cus. 275 — (of Murtone), lêoger, 13.B. 757 — Stuart, , gem. (D) 893; ! C.B. 779 "h., Sec, Adm. 186-7 — Uvedale, C.C.J. 403 Corbiere, —, U.S.S. 225 Corbois (or Corbyl), Wm., abp., Cantº. 430 Corbred, I. and II., K. Sc. 18 Corbridge or Corbrigge, Th., abp. 485 Corbyl, see Corbois Cordell, Wm. and sir M.R. 388; S.G. 401; 4- W., Sp. H.C. 249 Cordner, Jas. Ed., gen. (ID) 925 Cordova, G., Pres. Bol. 109 cºfield, Flº. Br., gen, (D) 95 — Wrm. Rt., gen. (D) 895 Cork, E. See also Burlington and Orrery — Rd, 1st E. of, L.J. Ir, 554; Iu. Treas. Ir. 559 — Rd, 2nd E. of, L. Treas. Ir. 559 — Ch., 3rd E. Of, L. Treas. Ir. 559 |Rd., 4th E. of, L. Treas. Ir., 559-60 Edm., 8th E. of, gem. (A) 861; K.P. 751 — Rd. Edm. St. L., 9th E. of, IC.P. 751; L.L. Soms. 311; #Ph. 303; M.H. 302; P.C. 17 *Cormac and Cormacus *— bp. Ach. 612 bp. Ard. 607. t bp. Arm. 595 *— (2), bp. Cld. 598 sk *f; 3: bp. Doln. 615 X; bp. Dkld. 533 *— bp. Mortl. 530 — bp. Saig. 620 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. Cormac-Ulfhada, K. Ir, 2] Cormailles, Jno. de, IX.B Cornbury, visc., see F Clarendon *Cornelius, abp. Arm, 59 º : 54 Of :k abp. Trn. 611 :}; bp. Ach. 612 *— bp. Cnr. 604 # bp. Drom. 604 × bp. Elph. 608 Cornelius—cont. *— bp. Kilmacd, 636 *— dun. Cash, 627 # dul. Llin. 623 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates — P. RO, 32 — L., C. Ro. 47 Corner, lºd, de la, bp, Mith, . 559 * — Wrm, de, bp. Sal. 467 cºnet, sir Pet., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Cornewall, see Cornwall Cornewallis, see Cornwallis Cornhill, Gerv. de, J.It 365 ; Jy. 363 — Hyde, dn. St. P. 452 — Regd. de, Jy, 364 — (or Cornhull), Wum. (le, % Ilich. and Cov. 443; J. It. 36 cornhull, See Cornhill Cornicen, P. AE. E., C. Ro. 39 — S. O., Dec. Ro. 38 Cornificius, L., C. Ro Cornish, Hy., C. St. 283 — Rt. K. Išestell- (See also Restell), bp. Madr. 689 — sil: Saml., adm. (A) 814 — Saml. Pitchf., adm. (A) 815 — Wrm, Iſèt., C.I.E. 806 Cornutus, Q.S.C., C. Ro. 37 S. S. C., C. lºo. 37-8; Dec. *- - RO, 38 Cornvale, Jno., IS.B. 756 Cornwall and Cornewall — Ch., adm. (A) 813 r — Ch. W., L.T. 157-8; P.C. 203; Sp. H.C. 250 — Clem. Fras., G., 13r. Cbia. 698 — Edmud, de, K.B. 755 — Edmol. (bar. of Burford). IX. B. 758 f — F. H. W., bp. Brl. 439; by). Her. 442; bp. Worc. 473; dun. Cant. 431 — Hy., gen. (B) 864 — Jas., C. Exc. 282 — Jno., adm. (IHI) 849 — sir Jno., aft. 14, Fallhope, q.v., K.G. 735 — Wnn. Hy., gem. (D) 885 Cornwall, D. of, see Pr. of Wales Cornwall, E. of Piers Gaveston, E. of (see also Gaveston), L.L. Ir. 550 Cornwallis and Corne- wallis — hon, Ed., C. Gibr. 670 : (#. N. Sc. 694; gen. (B) 865 —— Flc., see 16. C., infra. — hom. Fla., º Cantº. 431; bp. Lich, and Cov. 444; din. St. P. 453; P.C. 202 — (or Cornewalsche), L.H.A. 173 — (or Cornewalsh), JaS., C.13. EX. Ir, 582 — hon, Jas., see E. of C., infra, — hon. Steph., gen. (C) — sir Th., Compt, H. 292 — hon. Wnn, and sir W., adml. (A) 815; G.C.B. 767 Cornwallis, lds., E. and M. — sir Fla., aft. 1st là. C., P.C. 190; Tr. H. 291 - — Ch., aft. 2nd lá. C. K.13. 768 Jaš., For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES, 999 Cornwallis, lds., E. and M.– CO77 U. Ch., 3rd ld., L. Aduny, 176; C. 194 — Ch., 4th lä., Paym. G. 244; Postºm, G. 238 — Ch., 5th la., aft. 1st E., Comst. T.L. 321; P.C. 198 — Ch., 2nd E., aft. 1st M., Amb. Fr. 112; C.C. Ind. 650; Comm. I'. Ir. 564; Const. T.L. 321 ; G.G. Ind. 648; gem. (A) 858; K.G. 742; L.L. Ir. 557. M.G.O. 259; P.C. 202; V. Treas. Ir, 560 — Ch., 3rd E. and 2nd M., M.B.H. 803 — hom. Ja.s., aft. 4th Earl C., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; dm. Cant, 431; dim. Dham, 479; din. Winds. 474 Cornwallsche, see Carnwallis Cornwalshe, see Cornwallis Corr, Rd., bp. Lism. 626 Corre, Dav., bp. Clonf. 635 Corrie, Daml., bp. Mdras, 658 -— Wnn. Tayl, gem. (D) 924 Corrin, Dav., dm. Llin. 623 Corry, see also Cory — hon. Arm. Lowr., adm. (D) 829; adm. (HI) 852 — hom. Hy.Th. Lowr, Compt. H. 293; L. Admy, 183—4; P.C. 213; Sec. Adm. 186—7; V.P. Ed. 255 — Isaac, B.T. 268; C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Treas. Ir. 560–1; Ch. Ex, Ir. 562; P.C. 306 Corsellis, Th., gem. (D) 876; I.C.E. 776 Coruncanius, T., C. Ro. 42; Dt., R.O. 42 Corvinus, M., K. Hgy. 60 . V. M., C. Ro. 41, 47 Corvus, L. F., C. Ro. 41 — M. V. (6), C. Ro. 40-1; Dü. RO. 40-1 Cory, see also Corry — Milo, bp. Clonm. 600 — Nichs., adm. (GF) 842 Corye, Arthr., S.L. Ir. 591 Coryngham, Jno., L. Treas. Ir. 558 Coryton, Jno. R., gen. (D) 889 Cosby, D. A. S., aft. li. Sydney, q.v., Amb. Dk, 127 Phillips, adm. (A) 815 — Th. Pri., gen. (D) 933 Coshalett, Wm. de, B. Ex tº-º-º-º-º: 383 Cosin and Cosyn Jno., bp. Dham. 479; dim. PbOro. 458 Rd., D. Arch. 420; M. Chy. 395 ; Vic. Gen. 421 — Wrm., dm. Wells, 429 Cosno, I. to III., G.D. Thy, 57 Cossigny, Dav. Ch. de, G. Mtius. 683 Cossimbazar, Maharamec of, Cr. Ind. 809 Cossley, Jno., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 36 936 Cossus, A. C., C. Tºo. 39; Di. RO, 39 — C. C., C. Ro. 39 — P. C. M., C. Ro. 39 — P. C. R., Dt. IRo. 39 Coster, Wm. Jac., G. Ceyl. 672 Costley, Wm. R. C., gem. (D) 886 Cosyn, see Cosin Cot—, see also Cott- Coterell, see Cotterell Čotes, Ch. 6., ii.162 — Geo., bp. Chest. 476 — Jno. de, dn, Lim. 639 — Th., adm. (A) 814 — Wash., dn. Lism. 629 Cotesmore, see Cottesmore Cotgrave, Hugh, R.Cr. P.A. 335; Richm. H. 333 Cotismore, see Cottesmore Cott—, see also Cot— Cotta, C. A., C. Ro. 42, 43, 46 — L. A., C. Iło. 44-5-6 — M. A., C. R.O. 46 Cottenham, Ch. Chr., 1st là. and E. of, form. Sir C. C. IPepys, q.v., Ld. Chanc. 358 Cotterel, Cotteril and Coterell — Sir Ch., L.P.S. 240 Patr., T.H.A. 173 — Rt., J.K.B. Ir. 578 — Steph. and sir St., L.P.S. 241; Sec. B. T. 270 — Walt., S.L. Ir. 591 — Wrm., bp. Ferns and L. 622; dm. Rph. 602 Cotterill, Hy., bp. Edinb. 543; bp. Gr. Th. 680 Cottesloe, T. F., ld., form. Sir T. F. Fremantle, q.v. Cottesmore (or Cotismore), Jno., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; S L. 407 Cottingham and Cotyng- harm. — Hy., dm. Clonm. 600 — Th. de, L.K. 354; M. Chy. 393 Cottington, Fras., 1d., Ch. ſºx. 154; Const. T.L. 321 ; Tu. Admy. 175; L.H.T. and L.T. 140 ; L.L. Dors. 307; P.C. 189; S. St. 223 Cotton, sir All., L.M. Lond. 491 — sir Arth. Th., gem. (ID) 897; R.C.S.I. 802 — sir Ch., adm. (A) 816 — Ch. McCl., gem. (ID) 922 — Corb., gen. (TD) 898 → Baw. l{owl. Jos., gell. (ID) 87% — Fras, Vere, adm. (HI) 848 — Geo., dm. Chest. 477 — Geo. Ed. L., byp. Calc. 653 — Hy., bp. Sal. 467 — Hy., dm. Lism. 629 — Hy. and sir H., Jud. Conn. l?.C. 361; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 219; Q.C. 418 Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 — Juno. Hy., dm. Bgr. 427 — sir Jno. Hinde, B.T. 264; Tr. Ch. 294 — Sir litt., Postm. G. 237 — Rowl., adm. (A) 815 — Stanh., G. Gibr. 669 — sir Stapleton, aft, ld, and visc. Combermere, q.v., R.B. 766 — Syd, Jno. and sir S., G.C.B. 770; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (D) 893; K.C.B. 778 — Wm., byp. Exr, 437 — Wm. Jas, R., L.M. Lond. 492 — Willoughby and sir W., C.C. Bbay, 660; G.C.B. 769; . (A) 863; K.C.B. 776; R.C.H. 787 Cottrell, see Cotterell | Cotyngham, see Cottingham Couch, Rd. and Sir R., C.J. Bbay. 660; C.J. Bgl. 653; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; P.C. 219 Coulson, Foster, gen. (D) 877 — Walt., Q.C. 417 Coulter, Wm., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Countess, Geo., adm. (A) 818 Coupar, Wm., bp. Gall. 538 Coupar, ld. — Juo., ld., Ld. Sess. 517 Couper, see also Cooper and Cowper — Geo. Eb. W. and Sir G., C.C. Oudh. 654; Ch. Com. Oudh, 654; IS.C.S.I. 803; L.G. N.W. Pr. 653; L.G. N.W. Pr. and Oudh, 654 — Jas. Kempt., gen. (D) 930 Couplith, Jas., bp. Cnr. 604 Couraud, Jno., U.S.S. 225 Courcey and Courcy — Edmd., bp. Clr. 596 Ross, 631 — hom. Michl. de, adm. (A) 817; (E) 835; (E) 839 Courtenay and Courteney, See also Courtney — Ceo. Wm. Conway, adm. (D) 830 — Hy. Reg., b.p. Brl. 439 ; bp. EXr. 437 — Hy. Reg., gen. (ID) 911 — Hugh, see Id. C., infra, — Jno., L.T. 158 — Jno., S.G.O. 260 bp. Pet , bp. Exr. 436; bp. Winch. 470; dn. Exr. 437; dn. Winds. 474 * — Pet. de, Const. W. Cast. 322; K.G. 734 Ph., R.C. 416 Ph. de and sir P., L.H.A. 172-3; L.L. Ir. 551 lºegd., bp. Jam. 713 — lºd., dm. St. As. 463; Wells, 429; bp. Norw. 455 — Bd. Wm., adm. (HI) 851 — Th. P., B.C. 253; P.C. 211; Sec. B.C. 254; V.P.B.T. 269 — Wm., abp. Cant. 430; §: Her. 441; by. Lond. 451; Ld. Chanc. 354; M. Chy. 397 Courtenay, lds. — Hugh de, aft. 5th lä. C. and 1st E. of Devon (1st Cr.), q.v., K.I.B. 755 — Sir Hugh (son of 2nd E. of Devon), K.G. 733 — Hugh, aft, 4th E. Of Devon, q.v., R.B. 755 — Wrm., ld., aft. 2nd E. of Devon (2nd Cr.), q.v., IX.B. dm. 58 Wm. Reg., visc., aft. 3rd E. of Devon (3rd Cr.), q.v., Sec. P.L.B. 262 Courteney, see Courtenay Courthorpe, Wm., R. Cr. P.A. 336; Som. H. 332 Courtney, see also Courtenay — Ed. Hy., gen. (ID) 934 — F., b.p. N. Sc. 695 — Leon. H., Sec. Tr. 164 ; U.S.C. 235; U.S. Home, 228 Courtown, E. of Jas., 2nd E. of, K.P. 750 ; P.C. 204 ; Tr. H. 291 Jas. Geo., 3rd E. of, form. visc. Stopford, q.v., C.G.P. 300 ; C.Y.G. 298; K.P. 75l Cousin-Montauban, S08 Montauban I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1000 INDEX OF NAMES. Couteur, Jno. Le, gem. (IB) Couza, Pr. A. J., H. Rima. 95 Coveley, Th., A.G. 398 Coventre, see Coventry Coventry, Hy, and sir H., B.T. 263; L. Admy. 175; P.C. 191-2; S. St. 223 — Jno., K.B. 763 — Jno., L.M., 490 — Millis, C.C.J. 406 — Th. and sir Th., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 409 — Th., see also lö. C., infra, — Sir Wrm., T.T. 155 Coventry, lds and E. of Williers Family. — Geo., 1st E. of, form. M. and aft. D. of Buckingham, QI."). — sir Th., aft. 1st là. C., A.G. 399; L. K. 356; Rec. Ilond. 494; S.G. 401 — Wrm., 5th E. of, P.C. 197 — Geo. W., 6th E. Of, L.L. WOrc, 313 — Geo. Wrm., 7th E. Of, form. visc. Deerhurst, q.v. — Geo. W., 9th E. of, C.G.A. 300; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 219 cºverdale, Miles, bp. EXr. 4. Covingham, Jno., Regr. Gart. 746 Covinis, Rog. de, dm. Lich. 445 -. Cowan, sir Ed. Port., L.L. Ant. 568 L. Prov. Edinb. — JaS., 548 — Jno., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond, 492 Coward, Wm., S.L. 411 Cowell, Andr., gem. (A) 860 — Jno., Vic. Gen. 421 — Jno. Cl, and Sir J., gem. (D) 921 ; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 221 — Stepm., K.H. 790 Cowen, see Cowan Cowie, Benj. M., dn. EXr. 438; dri. Manch. 481 — Hugh, Q.C. 419 — Th. H., Q.C. 419 Wm. Gard., bp. (N.Z.) 709 Cowland, Rd., dm. Bgr. 426 Cowley, see also Colley — Rt., M.R. Ir. 585 — Walt., S.G. Ir. 589 Cowley, lds and E. — Hy., 1st. la., form. hom. H. and sir H. Wellesley, q.v., Amb. Fr. 113 — Hy. Rd. Ch., 2nd ló. and 1st E., form. hom. H. R. C. Wel- lesley, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Swz. 113; K.C.B. Auckl. 782; K.G. 745; G.C.B. 772; I’.C. 215 Cowper, see also Couper - 5 . N.S.W. 703 ; R.C.M.G. 796 — Geo., C. St. 283 — Geo., K.H. .H. 789 Sp., C.J. Chest. 386; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 411 — Sp., gem. (B) 866 — hon, Sp., dn. Dham. 479 — Th., dn. Chr, Ch. Qxf. 457; dm. Gir. 440; bp. Linc. 447; bp. Winch. 471 -- Cowper—cont. — hon. Wm. F., aft. li. Mount- Temple, q.v., C.W.P.B. 272; L. Admy. 183; L.T. 160; P.C. 216; Paym. G. 245; Pres. B.H. 255; V.P.B.T. 269; V.P. Ed. 255 Cowper, lds. and E. m., aft. Sir W., visc. Fordwick, q.v., and 1st là. and 1st Earl , K.C. 415; Ld. Chanc. 357; L.H.S, 286 ; L.K. 357; L.L. Herts. 309; P.C. 195 — Geo. Aug., 6th E., L.L. Kent, 309 — Fras. Th. de Gr., 7th E., C.G.A. 300; K.G. 744; L.L. Beds. 306; L.L. Ir, 558; P.C. 218 Cox and Coxe, See also Cocks — Ch. and sir C., Chanc. M.G. 799 — Ch. Vyv., gen. (ID) 910 — Ch. Wm., gem. (I)) 914 — col. —, G. Gsey. 668 — Dougl., adm. (IHI) 848 — Edm. Hy., gen. (D) 926 — Ed. Wrm., S.L. 414 — sir Geo. M., gen. (ID) 876 — Hy. Ch. M., gen. (D) 888 91Hon. Wall. Hy., gem. (ID) 1 — Homersham, C.C.J. 405 *— Jno., gen. (D) 890 *— Jno., K.H. 790 * 2 same pers. — Jno. Br., gen. (D) 935 — Jno. Ham., gen. (D) 911 — Jno. Wrm., gem. (D) 908 a — Michl., abp. Cash. and Eml. 626; bp. Oss. 620 — Rd., b.p. Ely,435; bp. Norw. 455; dri. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; dr). Westle. 469 — Sir Rd., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 — Sir Rd., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578; J.C.P. Ir. 581; L.J. Ir. 555; Ld. Chanc. Ir, 576 — Saml., G. Bdoes. 720 — Saml. Compt., M. Chy. 397 - — Th., dm. Ferms, 623 — Th., gem. (C) 872." — Wm., gen. (D) 885; K.H. 791 — Wm. Ham, gem. (D) 910 Coxe, see Cox cº (or Quin), Jno., bp. Tim. Cozens, Alex., T. Cr. P.A. 335 — -Hardy, see Hardy Crabbe, Eyre Jno., K.H. 792 Crackanthorpe, see Cook- son-Crackanthorpe Crackhall, Jno., L.H.T. 152 Cracklow, Hy., gem. (D) 890 Craddock and Cradock, See also Caradoc — Jno., abp. D'blin. and Gl. 616; bp. Kilm. 607 — Rog., b.p. Llff. 449; bp. WíOld. 626 — capt. T., G. Brmda. 701 — Wm., dun. St. Patr. 618 Cradock, see Craddock Cragg, Jno. Bettinson, adm. (HI) 850 Craggs, Jas., P.C. 197; Postm. G. 238; S. St. 224; Sec. at W. 233; Sec. P.O. 239 Craig, Fras., gen. (A) 858 — Jas. Hy., G. C.G.H. 678; G. Cam. 691; G. Gsey. 669; gen. (A) 860; K.B. 766 — Sir LeW., Ld. Sess. 519 — Peter, gem. (A) 859 Rd., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Rd. Davis, Q.C. 417 →Wm. J. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. — Wrm. Gibs. and sir W., L.T. 161; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 ; P.C. 217 crisie, Geo. Clerk, Ly. Dep. — Hy. Cad., gen. (D) 921 — Peter Edmonstone, (ID) 885; K.C.B. 779 — Rt., adm. (GF) 842 — Rt., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 520 Craik and Craike — Alexr., bp. Kild. 617; drl. St. Patr. 618 — Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Craike, see Craik Crail, Adam, bp. Abdn. 530 Cramahé, Hect. C., G. Cam. 591 69 Crambeth, Matthw. de, bp. Dkld. 533 cºmer, Jno. A., dm. Carl. 7 gen. Crampton, Jno. F. T. and Sir J., Amb. Hnr. 120; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Spm. 124; Amb. U.S.A. 132; K.C.B. 782 — Ph., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Ph. Cecil, J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.G. Ir. 590 Cranborne, Visc. — Ch., visc. (son of 2nd E. Of Salisbury), K.B. 762 — Jas., visc., aft. 6th E. Of Salisbury, q.v., L.L. Herts, 309 — Jas., visc., aft. 7th E. and 1st M. of Salisbury, q.v., Tr. H. 291 Jas. Br. Wm., visc., aft, 2nd ; of Salisbury, q.v., B.C. 53 — Rt. A. T., visc., aft. 3rd M. of Salisbury, q.v., P.C. 217 ; Sec. Ind. 236 Cranbrook, Gathorne, 1st visc., form. G. Hardy, q.v., C.D.L. 243; G.C.S.I. 801; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; L.P.C. 188; Pres. P.L.B. 262; W. Sec. 232 — Jane, Viscss., Cr. Ind. 810 Crancumb, Geoff. de, Const. T. L. 320 cºme. Sir Fras., Chanc. Gart. Cranfield, Randal, M.M. 246 Cranfield, ld. - — Lionel, 1st là., aft. E. Of Middx., q.v., L.H.T. 139, 154 Cranley, Th., abp. Dblin. and Gl. 616; L. J. Ir. 552; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Cranley, lds. and visc. — Geo., 1st là. and Visc., form. Geo. Onslow, q.v., aft. 4th lä, and 1st Visc. Onslow, (1.7). cºmmer, Th., abp. Cant. 1 Cranston, hom. Capt., G. I. Man. 666 Cranstoun, Geo., Sc. 527; Ld. Sess. 520 Fac. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF 1001 NAMES. Cranworth, Rt. Mons., 1d., form. Sir R. M. Rolfe, q.v.; # App. 388; Ld. Chanc. Crassus, –, Tr., Ro. 46 . L., C. Ro. 44 — C.P., C. Ro. 39 — L. L., C. Ro. 45 — L. P. (3), C. Ro. 39, 40, 41; Dt. Ro. 40 — M. L. (3), C. Ro. 46-7 — M. O., C Ro. 42 *-*. → M. P., C. Ro. 39; Dt. Ro. — P. C., C. Ro. 46 — P. L., C. Ro. 44-5 —Rd., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; L.K. 353 — T. O. (2), C. Ro. 42 Gºtor, Geo. Ayt., gen. (D) Crathilimthus, K. Sc. 18 cºcombe, Jno. de, M. Chy. Crauford, and Craufurd ; See also Črawford — Arch., Ld. Sess. 518 — sir Ch. Cregan, G.C.B. 768; gen. (IB) 866 Tººk. Augs. Buch., adm. (H) — Jas., Jy. Sc. 523 Jas., Ld. Sess. 521; S.G., SC. 527 — sir Jas., amb, Dk. 127; amb. G. St. 121 ; amb. H. Th9. 120 — Rt., gen. (C) 873 Crauford, lds. and E. of - Paw. ld., L.G.C. Sc. (1256) — Dav., 5th E. of, aft. D. of Montrose, q.v., Sc. 499; L.J. Gen. 522 — Jno., 17th E. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 517 — Wnn., 18th E. of. Comm. º Sc. 497; Pres. P.C. Sc. 0 — Jno., 19th E. of, gen. (IB) 864 º — Jno. 20th E. of, gen. (IB) 865 — Geo., 22nd E. of, gem. (C) 873; L.L. Fifesh. 510 Craufurd, see Crauford Craven, Ch., gem. (A) 862 — hon. Hy. Aug. Berk., gen. (C) 874 — hon. Th., adm. (A) 815 — sil: Wrm., L.M. Lond. 491 Craven, lds. and E. Of 1st Creation. — Wrm., 1st là. and 1st E. Of, B.T. 263; gem. (B) 864; L. Admy. 175; P.C. 190,192 — Wnn., 6th Id., L.L. Berks. 306 2nd Creation. — Wrm., 7th lä. and 1st E. of, gen. (B) 867;, L.L. Berks. Wm., 2nd E. of, L.L. Wal:W. 312 Geo. Gr., 3rd E. of, L.L. Berks. 306 Crawford and Crawfurd, See also Crauford — Abraham, adm. (H) 847 — Adam Fife, gen. (ID) 887 — Archd., L.H.T. Sc. 496 — Dav., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — Geo., gen. (D) 880 Crawford and Crawfurd—comt. — Gibbs, Clk. O. 260 — Ja.s., G. Brmdal. 701 — Jas. R., gen. (D) 890 — Jno. W., G. Ont, 692 — Nichs., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. 518 - — Rt., gen. (IB) 870 Rt. F., aft. Copland-Craw- ford, q.v. (D) 900 — Th., K.C.B. 784 — Th., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Crawford, lds. and E. of, see Crauford Crawley, Edm., adm. (A) 818 — Fras., Curs. B. Ex. 386 — Fras. and Sir F., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 — Hy. Ow., gen. (D) 898 — Th. Rt., gem. (ID) 909 Crayford, Jno., dm. Emly. 628 Creagh, Andr., dn. Lim. 639 932 h. Augs. Fitzg., gen. (D) 3 —ºn. Vand., G. Br. N. Brmo. 7 - — Dav., Abp. Cash. 625 — Ja.s., gen. (ID) 900 — Jaspar Byng, gen. (D) 904 — sir Michl., gen. (IP) 885; E.H. 790 — sir Michl., L.M. Dbln. 640 — Wm., bp. Lim. 638 Creagh-Osborne, SeeOsborne Crealock, Hy. Hope, gen. (D) 909 crºsch, Wm., L. Prov. Edinb. Creevy, Th., Sec. B.C. 254 Creighton, Abnn., Ld. Sess. 518 — Daiml., gen. (C) 871 — Juo., dm. Ferns. 623 — (or Crichton), Rt., Ld. Adv. 526; Ld Sess. 518 Crepping, Rd. de, J. It. 368 Walt. de, J. It. 366; Jy. 364 cºheld, IRd., J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. Crespo, J., Pres. Vzla., 108 Cresset (or Cressett), Ed., bp. Llff. 449; dri. Clr. 597; dri. Her. 442 Cressi, see Cressy cºsingham, Hugo de, J. It. Cressy and Cressi — Hugh, dm. Llim. 623 — Hugh, J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Hugh de, J. It. 366; Jy. 363 — Wm. de (2), J. It. 367, 369 Cresswell and Creswell — CressW. and sir C., J.C. P. 380; J. "Div. 391; J. Prob. 391; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.C. 416 ; P.C. 216; S.L. 413 — Jno., J.C.P. 379 33jor Treswell), Rt., Som. H. 3 Creswick, Saml., dm. Brl. 440; dm. Wells, 429 Creticus, Q. C. M., C. Ro. 46 Crevequer, Ham, de, W.C.P. 317 Crew and Crewe — Nthl., see lö. C. infra, — Ram. and Sir R., C.J.K.B. 370; S.L. 409; Sp. H.C. 249 — Th. and sir T., S.L. 409; Sp. H.C. 249 Crewe of Stene, lds. Nathl., aft. 3rd ld. C., b.p. Dham. 479; bp. Oxf. 456; dri. Chich. 434; L.L. Dham. 308; P.C. 191, 193 Crewe of Crewe, lds. — Jno., 2nd. 1d., gen. (A) 861 Creye, Wm. de, L.H.A. 170 Crichton, see also Crighton and Creighton — Geo., bp. Dkld. 533; L.P.S. Sc. 501 — sir Jas., L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Rt., b.p. Dlxld. 533 — (or Creighton), Rt., Ld. Adv. 526 ; Ld. Sess. 518 Crichton, lds. — Sir Wnn., aft. 1d. C., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Crida, K.E. 3 Cridda, K.E. 3 Crigan, C1., bp. S. & M. 484 Crighton, see also Crichton and Creighton . — Jno., aft. E. of Erme, q.v., L.L. Ferm. 569 — Wm. Hindl., gen. (AD) 910 — Jno. Hy., Visc., L.T. 162 Criol (or Crioyle), Bert. de, Const. T.L. 320; W.C.P. 317 Nichs. de, B. Ex. 3S2; W.C.P. 317 Criomthan, K. Jr. 21 Crioyle, see Criol Cripps, Hy. Wm., Q.C. 418 — Jno. Matth., gem. (D) 923 — Wm., L.T. 160-1 Crispe, Hy., Comm. Seljt. Lond. 495 — Sir Nichs., C. Cus. 273 Crispin and Cryspyr. — Benj., gen. (D) 895 — Wm., din. Llin. 623 Crispinus, T. Q. P. C., C. Ro. (2) 40, 43; Dt. Ro. 40 Crispyn, see Crispin Croft and Crofte, see also Crofts — Alf. Woodl., C.I.E. 807; R.C.I.E. 805 — Sir Archer, B.T. 264 — Hy., adm. (HI) $50 — Herb., bp. Her. 442; din. Her. 442 — Hugh de, K.B. 754 . — sir Jas., L.D. Ir. 553 — Sir Rd., Tr. H. 291 — Th., MI. Chy. 396 Wm., adm. (I)) 826; (G) 840 cºſton, Fk. Rt. C., gen. (D) hon. Geo. Alf., adm. (D) S28 Jas., gen. (D) 920 — Jno. Foll., gen. (ID) 896 — Rd. Hy., gen, (D) 907 — Steph. Sm. Lowth., adm. (HI) 850 — Th., dm. Elph. 609 Crofts, see also Croft — Jas., gem. (C) 871 — sir Jas., Compt. H. 292 — Jno., dm. Norw. 456 crºssan, Jno. Wm., gen, (ID) 901 Crokat, Wm., gem. (D) 890 Croke and Crooke s — Geo. and sil: G., J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 — Jno., Ch. Lond. 422 — Jno. and sir J., J.K.B. 372; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 409; Sp. H.C. 249 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 64 1002 INDEX OF NAMES. Croke and Crooke—cont. — Jno., M. Chy. 395 — Rd., Nottm. P.A. 343; R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Rd., S.L. 410 — Unt On, S.L. 409 Wnn., S.L. 408 Crokedayk, Ad. de, J It. 368 Crokefield, Rt. de, J. It. 367 Croker, Jno., gen. (B) 867 — Jno. Wils., P.C. 211; Sec. Adm. 186 Crokesley, Jno. de, J. It. 368 — Rd. de, B. Ex. 382 Cromarty, Geo., 1st E. of, form. G. Mackenzie and Visc. Tarbat, q.v., L.J. Gen. <! cºmbie, Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 7 — Th., gem. (D) 897 Cromer, Geo., abp. Arm. 595; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 Crommelin, Wm. Ard., gen, (D) 90 Cromp, Lawr., Pt.c. P.A. 337; Yk. H. 334 Crompton, Ch. and sir C., łºb. 373; Q.C. 419 ; S.L. — Th. and sir T., Ch. Lond. 422; J. Adm. Ct. 422; M. Chy. 395; Vic. Gen. 421 —-Stansfield, see Stans- field Cromwell, see also Crumwell — Hy., adm. (A) 817 — Hy., Comm, Ir. 554; L.L. Ir. 555 — Sir Juo. de, L.H.A. 171 — Ol. (of Humtingdonshire), R.B. 761 — Ol., L.L. Ir. 554; Prot. E. 6 — Rd., Prot. E. 6 — Th., see lá. C. infra, Cromwell of Tatshall, lds. — Ralph, 3rd lù., L.H.T. 153 Cromwell of Wimbledon, lds. 1st Creation. — Th., aft. 1st lá. C. and E. of Essex, q.v., dm. Wells, 429; IX.G. 738; L.H.T. and Ch. Ex. 154; L.P.S. 240; M.R. 388; S. St. 223 2nd Creation. — Greg., 1st là., K.B. 760 Cronan (St.), bp. Lism. 626 Cronym, Benj., bp. Huron, 693 Crooke, see Croke Crookshank, Alexr., J.C.P. Ir. 582 — Chich. W., K.H. 791 Cropery, bp. Clonm. 599 Crosbie and Crosby — Brass., L.M. Lond. 492 — Ch., gen. (A) 859 — Jno., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 — (or Crosseby), Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 —— sir Jno. Gust., G.C.H. 787; gen. (A) 861 — hon. Maur., dm. Lim. 640 — Wm., gen. (C) 872 — Wrm. Arth., C. St. Ir. 568 Cross and Crosse — Fras., M. Chy. 397 — Jno., K.H. 790 — Jno. and Sir J., J. Bank. 392; S.L. 413 — Jno. ISyn., U.S. Ind. 236 — Rd. A., see visc. C., infra, — Rt. Noble, K.H. 792 Cross and Crosse—comt. — Wm., dm. Ferns, 623; drl. Tism. 629; dim. Llim. 623 — Wrm., gen. (D) 879 Cross, visc. — Rd. Assh., aft. Visc. C., G.C.B. 773; H. Sec. 227; P.C. 218 ; Sec. Ind. 236 — Georg., viscss., Cr. Ind. 810 Crosseby, see Crosbie Crossley, Jno. Th., Q.C. 419 Crossman, Saml., dm. Brl. — Wrm., K.C.M.G. 798 Crosthwaite, Ch. H. T., Ch. Com. Brma. 655; Ch. Com. Cent. Pr. 655; K.C.S.I. 804 Crow and Crowe — Ch., bp. Cloy. 631 — Jno., K.H. 792 — Metf., G. Bdoes. 720 — Th. Carl., gen. (D) 920 — Wm., dm. Clonf. 637 Crowder, Jno., K.H. 791 — Jno., L.M. Lond, 492 — Rd. B. and Sir R., J.C.P. 380; K.C. 416; S.L. 413 Crowdy, Ch., adm. (H) 847 Crowe, see Crow Crowgy, Jno., gem. (C) 873 Crowmer, Wm., K.B. 760 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 489-90 dºwne, Wm., R. Dr. P.A. Crowther, Saml. Adj., b.p. Nig. Dist. 689 — Th., gen. (C) 871 Croxton, Wm., gen. (D) 876 crºſſier, Hy. Darl., gem. (D) — Rd., adm. (G) 842 cºare, Hendr., G. C.G.H. Crum-Ewing, see Ewing Crump, Flº. Oct., Q.C. 420 Crumwell, see also Cromwell — Jno. de, Const. T.L. 320 Crunnmoel, bp. Kild. 616 Crus, L. C. L., C. Ro. 46 Crutchley, Ch., gem. (D) 899 Cryspyrn, see Crispin Cuadra, V., Pres. Nic. 106 Cuan, bp. Emly, 625 Cubborn, Mark, gen. (D) 880; IX.C.B. 782 Cubitt, Geo., P.C. 219 Wrm., L.M. Lond. 492 Cucatha ch, bp. Saig. 620 Cuddon, Th., M. Chy. 397 49 sil: Th., Chambn. Lond. 93 Cudiniscus, bp. Arm, 595 Cuff (or Cuyt), Jno., K.B. 760 Culenius, K. Sc. 19 Culeworth, see also Culwurth — Wm. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 Culfwolf, bp. Her. 441 Cullen, K. Sc. 19 — Arch., K.C. 416 — Ch., dm. Oss. 623 → * Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. — Wnn., gen. (D) 881 Culliford, Wm., C. Cus. 274; C. Cus. Sc. 503 Cullin, Patr., bp. Clr. 596 Cullum, Jno. Palm., B. and Gl. R.A. 330; Bath K.A. 785 — Th. G., B. and Gl. I.A. 330; Bath K.A. 785 Cully, Geo., C.W.F. &c. 273 Culme, Benjn., dn. St. Patr. 618 Culpeper and Culpepper, See also Colepeper — Nichs., K.B. 757 Culross, Abbot of, Ld. Sess. 518 ...” Culross, lds. — see Colville of C. Culto, Abrm., C. Exc. Ir. 567 Culwurth, see also Culeworth — Rd. de, Comst. T.L. 320 Cumasach, bp. Arm, 595 Cumba, Jno. de, bp. Cloy. 630 Cumberlege, Ed. Alth., gem. (D) 897 Cumberland, C. Br., gem. (ID) 890 — Dem., bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Kilm. 607 — Octavius, adm. (IHI) $49 — Rd., bp. Pboro. 458 — Wm., adm. (A) 820 Cumberland, E. and D. of Search also under their Christian names — Hy., 1st E. of, K.G. 737 — Geo., 3rd E. Of, K.G. 739 — Fras., 4th E. of, form. Fr. Clifford, q.v. — Hy., 5th E. of, form. 1d. Clifford, q.v. — Rupert, D. Bupert — Geo., D. of (cons. Of Q. Ammo), see Pr. George of Denmark — Wm. Aug., D. of (d. 1765), capt. gem.855; K.B. 764; K.G. 741; P.C. 198 — Hy. Fla., D. of (d. 1790), $ºn. (A) 814; K.G. 742; P.C. (Descendants of R. Geo. III.) — Erm. Aug., 1st D. of, aft. K. of Hanover, q.v., F.M. 854; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 785; 3.” (A) 859; K.P. 751; P.C. — Pr. Geo. Flk., &c. of, aft. 2nd D. Of C. and R. Of Han- * q.v., G.C.H. 786; K.G. 7 Pr. Erm. Aug. Wm., &c. of, aft. 3rd D. Of C. and Pr. Of Hanover, gem. (D) 929; K.G. 745 -ithyra Dss, of, Cr. Ind. of, see Pr. cºhert (Saint), bp. Lich. Cumin, see Cummim Cunline, –, G. Tob. 723 Cuming, see Cumming Cummin and Culmin. — Jno., J. It. 365; Jy. 363 — Th., Ld. Adv. 526 — Wnn., L. J. Gen. 522 Cumming, Cuming Cumyrng — Arth., adm. (E) 835; IN.C.B. 82 — sir Hy. Jno., gem. (A) 863; I.C.H. 788 — Jas., adm. (A) 816 — Ja.s., gen. (IB) 869 — hom. Jno. Lesl., gem. (A) 860 — Wrm., adm. (A) 820 — Wrm., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 — Sir Wnn., Ly. K.A. 513 — Wrm. Hy., adm. (E) 837 — Wrm. Herb., gem. (ID) 913 and I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1003 Cunemund (or Ceynemundus), bp. Her. Cunibert, K. Lmd. 49 cººline, Sir Rt. Hy., gen. (D) Cunningham—e, also Cunyngham — A., dn. Rph. 602. — Ad., Ld. Sess. 519 — Alex., C.I.E. 806; gen. (D) 897; K.C.I.E. 805 - — Alex. Fk. D., C.I.E. 806 — C. J., G. Antig. 728 — Ch., G. St. Xtr. 729 — Dav., b.p. Abdn. 530 — Dav., gem. (D) 887 — Sir Dav., gem. (B) 865 — Geo., gem. (C) 872 — Hy., G. Jam. 712 — Hy., gen, (C) 871 Hy. Sta., K.C.I.E. 805 — Jas., G. Bdoes. 720 — Jas., gen. (IB) 866 — Jno., gen. (ID) 876 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 520; S.G. Sc. 527 — Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Percy Sc., gen. (D) 922 — Rt., aft. li. Rossmore, g. v., gam. F. Ir. 564; gem. (A) — Th;, gen. (ID) 883 Wm., bp. Arg. 538 — Wrm. Rt., gem. (D) 913 Cunyngham—e, see Cunningham—e — Arth. Aug. Thurl, and Sir A., G.C.B. 771; G. C.G.H. º gen. (D) 896; R.C.B. S6262 also — hon, Fras. Eliz., Cr. Ind. 810 Burke, G. Jsey Cuppage, g R.C.B. 668; gen. (D) 899; 780 — Geo., dn. Cmr. 605 — Wm., gem. (E) 867 Curcumelli, Dem., I.C.M.G. 796 Cureton, Ch., gem. (ID) 909 — Edw., Burg., gem. (D) 919 Curio, L. S., C. Ro. 45 Curk, see Cusack Curle (or Curll), Walt., b.p. B. and W. 428; bp. Iłoch. 460; bp. Winch. 471; dn. Ilich. 445 Curling, Th. Bl., Pres, Coll. Surg. 939 Curll, see Curle cºme, Ch. Th., adm. (IE) 7 Curragh, Pet., bp. Lim. 638; L. Treas. Ir, 558 Curran, Dav., dm. Llim. 623 — Jno. Philp., M.R. Ir. 585 Currey, sir Edm., K.C.H. 788 Currie, Bert. Wodeh., M.C.I. 54 647 — Dom., K.C.M.G. 797 ir Fk., Chn, E. I. Co. 646; M.C.I. 646 — Mark Jno., adm. (G) 842 hil. H. W. and Sir P,. R.C.B. 784; U.S.F. 230 — Rt. Ham., gem. (D) 918 Curry, Doug., adm. (E) 835 Rd., adm. (ID) 823; 840 — Wm., S.L. Ir. 593 Cursor, L. P. (5), C. Ro. 40-1-2; Dt. IRO. 41 Curteis, Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Ct., (G) For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Curteys, Rd., bp. Chich. 433; dm. Chich. 434 cºhopp, Jas., dn. Pboro. 4 º Curtis, sir Luc., adm. (B) 821; (D) 825; K.C.B. 779 — Rog. and sir R., adm. (A) 816; G.C.B. 767 — Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Wrm., and sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 — Wna. Fla., gen. (ID) 907 Curton, Oct. P. A. de Ch., R.C.B. 778 Curvus, see Corvus Curwen, Curwin, and Cur- wyn - Dav., dn. Llin. 623 — Hugh, abp. Dblin. & Gl. 616; bp. Oxf. 456; dri. Her. 442; L.J. Ir. 553; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 —ºin, K.B. 759 Curzon, Ed., adm. (H) 846 — hon. Hy., adm. (A) 818 — hon. Rd. Wm. P., aft. Earl Howe, q.v., gem. (D) 903 — Rt., B. Ex. 384 Cusack and Cusake — Ad., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Tº" Curk), Jno., dm. Oss. — Sir Jno., M.R. Ir. 585 Nichs., b.p. Kild. 616 — Rt., B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Th. and Sir T., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561; J.C.P. Ir. 581; L.J. Ir. 553; L.R. Ir. 576 Cusake, see Cusack Cusans, Wm. de, L.H.T. 153 Cuserugge, Baldw. Öle, J. It. 36 cº, Arth. P. Purey-, din. Yk. — hon. Ed. and sir E., gen. (ID) 884; K.C.H. 788 — Fras. C., K.C. 415 → * Jmo., P.C. 201; Sp. H.C. — Rd., dn. Linc. 448; dun. Boch. 461 — hon. Wm., C. Cus. 277 Custance, Hamb. Fras., K.C.B. 7 — Wrm. Nev., gem. (ID) 903 Cutch, Rao of, G.C.S.I. 801 Cuthard (or Cutheard), bp. Lindisf. 478 Cuthbert, abp. Cant. 430; bp. Her. 441 — (St.), bp. Lindisf. 478 — Dav., C. Ex. Sc. 505 — Jno., S.L. 411 Rt. Th. P., gen. (D) 924 Cutheard, see Cuthard Cutherwolf, bp. Roch. 459 Cuthfrid, bp. Lich. 443 Cuthred, K.E. 1, 2 Cuthwynlls, bp. Dunw. 454 Cutler, Ed., Q.C. 420 — Jno., S.L. 408 — Wm., S.L., 408 Cutliffe, Jno. Merv., K.H. 789 Cutto, Abrm, C. Exc. 282 Cutts, Jno., ld, gem. (IB) 864; L.J. Ir. 555 Cuyler, Corm. and Sir C., gem. (A) 859 — Jacob Gl., gem. (D) 879 Cuyt, see Cuff Cwichelm, K.E. 2 Cygony, Fug. de, Const. W Cast. 322 Cyman, K. Wls. 16 Cynegils, K.E. 2 ... Cynewolf, bp. Lindisf. 478 &newſuif, R.E. 2 Cynric, K.E. 2, 3 Cyrus, K. Pers. 99 D’., see De D***, dn. Emly, 628 Daborne, Rt., dn. Lism. 629 IDabrichcourt, see Daubrich- Court Dacca, Meeah of, K.C.S.I. 803 Daccombe, Jno. and Sir J., C.D.L. 242 Daichuan (or Mochuan Llla- chra), bp. Ferns, 621 Dacre, Ran. de, Const. T.L. 320 - Dacre, Lords Fiemes Family. — Rd., 1st lå., Const. T.L. 320 — Th., 2nd lå., K.B. 758 — Hy. Otw., 15th lä., gen. (A) 863 — Th. Cr. Wm., 16th Id., L.L. ESX. 308 I) acre Family. — (of the North) Th., 2nd lù., E.B. (1503) 759 — (of Gillesland) Th., 2nd lói., I.G. (1518) 737 Dacres, Jas. Rd., adm. (A) 817; (ID) 825 Rd., adm. (A) 819; G.C.H. 7 Rd. Ja.s. and sir R., Const. T.L. 321; F.M. S56; G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 890; K.C.B. 777 — Sydn. Colp., and sir S., adm. (D) 832; (E) S34; G.C.B. 770; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; K.C.B. 779; L. Admy. 184-5 — Wm., Geo., gem. (C) 874 Daeth, Geo. Wm. Hughes, adm. (EI) 845 Dagnall, Allen, Guis. P.A. 343; Ptc. P.A. 337; Yk. H. 334 Pagobert, I. to III., IK. Fr. 78 Daguilar, Ch. Law. and Sir C., G.C.B. 771; gem. (ID) 904; K.C.B. 780 — Geo. Ch., gem. (ID) 879; R.C.B. 777. Daivill, Jno. de, J. It. 367 IDakin, Th, and sir T., L.M. Lond. 492 Dalam, Rd de, dun. Lich. 445 Dalbiac, sir Jas. Ch., gen. (IB) 809; IK.C.H. 787 Dale, Rt., Bl. L. P.A. 341; Rich. H. 334 — Th., dn. Roch. 461 (§4. * 1004 INDEX OF NAMES. Dale—cont. — Val., dn. Wells, Adm. Ct. 422 Dales, Saml., K.H. 790 Dalesme, Geml., K.C.B. 778 IDaley, see Daly Dalhousie, E. & M. of — Geo., 8th E. of, L.H.C. K. Sc. 546 Geo., 9th E. of, C.C. Ind. 651; G.C.B. 767; G. Can. 691; G. N. Sc. 695; gen. (A) 861; IK.B. 766 — Jas. Andr., 10th E. and 1st M. of, G.G. Ind. 649; K.T. 748; Ld. Clk. Beg. 525; P.C. 214; Pres, B.T. 269; V.P.B.T. 269; W.C.P. 319 — Fox, 11th E., form. Fox Maule and 1d. Panmure, q.v. — Geo., 12th E. of, form. Geo. IRamsay, q.v., adm. (E') 838 — Jno. Wm., 13th E. of, K.T. 749; L.IX. Sc. 503; P.C. 221; Sec. Sc. 502; V.P. Ed Sc. 500 Dallison, Ch., S.L. 410 Wm., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 IXalkeith, Earls of — Jas., E. of, son of 1st D. of Buccleugh, I.C.T. 747 — Fras., E. of, aft, 2nd D. Buccleugh, q.v., K.T. 747 — Ch. W. Hy., E. of, aft. 4th D. Buccleugh, q.v., L.L. Dumfr. 509; L.L. Selk. 512 — Wim. Hy. W., E. of, aft. 6th D. of Buccleugh, q.v., R.T. 249 ; L.L. Dumfr., 509 Dallas, Alexr. Morr., C.I.E. 808 Geo., IX.C. 415 IRt. and Sir R., C.J.C.P. 376; C.J. Chest. 386; J.C.P. 380; P.C. 210; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 Th. and sir T., G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 Dalling, Jno. and Sir J., C.C. Mdras. 657 G. Jam. 712; gem. (A) 859 IDalling and Bulwer, Hy. &c., ld., form. Sir H. L. Bulwer, q.v. Dalmaticus, L. C. M., C. R.O.45 Dalmeny, A., ld, L.Adm. 182-3 Dalmer, Th., gen. (D) 877 Dalrymple, Sir Adolph. Jno., — Ch., L.T. 162 — col. —, G. Mtius. (1818) 683 — Dav. (Westhall), Ld. SeSS. 5 429; J. Sir Day. (Hailes), Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 Sir Dav., Ld, Adv. 526 — Hy., Jy. Sc. 522 — Hew. Ld. Sess. 520 — Sir Hew, G. Gsey, 669; gen. (A) 860 sir Hew, L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 — Jno., adm. (A) 815 — Jno., gen. (C) 874 — Jno., L. Tºrov. Edinb. 548 Sir Jno., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 — Juno. Halm. Elph., gem. (D) 901 sir J. Pr., gen, (C) 874 — Jas. and Sir J., aft. 1st Visc. Stair, q.v., L.IP. Ch. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 519 hon. Jno., and sir J., aft. 2nd visc. and 1st E. of Stair, q.v., L. J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 524; Ld. Sess. 520; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Palºlº. - — Jno., visc., aft. 6th E. of, Stair, q.v., Amb. Pld. 126; Amb. Pr. 118 — Sir Jno. Ham., aft. 8th E. of Stair, q.v., gen. (A) (1838)862 — Jno. Ham., aft. visc. D. and 10th E. of Stair, q.v., L.L Wigt. 512 — Saml., gen. (A) 861 — Stair Park, gen. (C) 873 — Wm., gen. (A) 859; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 IDalrymple, visc., vide Supra, Dalton, Ch., gen. (D) 889 — Ch. Ja.s., gem. (D) 902 — Ed. Tuite, gen. (ID) 917 — Jno., dm. Wſord. 628 - — Laur., Cal. P.A., 342; R. Cr. |P.A. 335; Norr, K.A. 329; Bichm, H. 333 — Rt. de, Const. T.L. 320 — Th., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 Daly and Daley . —ºuthb. Feath., adm. (D) — Dennis, gen, (D) 884 — Denis, J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Dom. and sir D., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 ; G. S. Austr. 706 — Fk., G. Tob. 723 - — Hy. Dom. and sir H., C.I.E. 806; gen, (D) 909; R.C.B. 780 — Rt., bp. Cash. E. W. and L. 627; dn, St. Patr. 618 — Rt., bp. Rild. 617 — St. Geo., B. Ex. Ir. 584; J.K.B. Ir, 579; S.L. Ir. 592 Pºlyell, Jno. Th., gen. (D) — Melv., gen. (D) 900 — Rt., gem. (ID) 883 — lºt. Anstr., K.C.I.E. 805; M.C.I. 647 Dalzell, hon. Arth. Alexr., aft. E. Of Carmwarth, q.v.; gen. (D) 892 — Jno. Alexr., gen. (ID) 918 — Rt., gem. (A) 857 Damaschini (or Damoschimi), *.G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 7. Pºmasus, I. and II., P. Ro. 3Damer, hom. Geo. L. Dawson-, Compt. H. 293; P.C. 214 — Jno., C. Acc. Ir. 567 Dames, Wm. Longw., gen. (D) 893 Damianus, bp. Roch. 459 Dammartin, Mans. de, J. It. 365 Damoschini, See Damaschini Dampier, Hy. and sir H., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 — Hy. Luc., C.I.E. 807 — Th., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Roch. 460; dr. Dham. 479; dm. Roch. 461 Dana, Geo. Rinn., gem. (B) Danby, Rt. and sir R., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; IK.B. 757; S.L. 407 - Danby, lds. and Earls of IDanven's family. — Hy., 1st E. of, form. 1d. Danvers, q.v., G. Gsey. 668; K.G. 739 Osborne family. — Th., 1st E. of, form. Visc. Latimer, q.v., aft. M. of Car- Danby, lds, and E. of comt. marthen, and D. of Leeds q.v., L. Admy. 175; L.P.C 187; K.G. 740 Dancaster, Jno., B. Ex. 384 Pºlice, Sir Ch. Webb, K.H. l — Edw. Wm., gen. (D) 920 — Wrm. Towns., adm. (IHI) 847 Dandridge, Ch. Chest., gem. (ID) 915 — Ed., gen. (D) 930 Danesport, Th., G. I. Man. 665 Danett, Th., dm. Winds. 474; Regr. Gart. 746 Dangely; Regn. de St. John, G.C.B. 769 Daniel and Daniell × 2 (or St. Daniel), bp. Bgr. 425 bp. Cloy, 630 bp. Rilf. 635 bp. Llin, 621 bp. Ross, 631 bp. Sels, 432 — bp. Winch. 470 dn, Kild, 619 * Prob. SOme Salme pers. Comp, dates — (3) R. Ir. 21-2 — I., P. Mgo. 95 — -Alexandrowitz, R. Russ. 89 - :: × :k >k sk * >}: — capt., G. W. Austr, 707 — Edw., dm. Her. 442 — Ch. Fk. Torr., gen. (ID) 921 - — Flº. Fras, gen. (ID) 933 Jno., gem. (ID) 913 *— Rd., dm. Arm. 597 *— Rd., dm. Down, 605 * Prob. same pers. — Saml., P. Laur. 301 — Ter., dun. Arm. 597 — Wnn., abp. Thi. 611 — Wnn, and Sir W., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Wrm. Th. Sh., C.C.J. 404; Q.C. 417 Damsays, Fras., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Dantsey, bp. Meath, 599; L.D. Ir. 552 ; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Danvers, Hy., see lá, D., infr — Jno., C. Exc. 279 * — Juland, K.C.S.I. 803 — Rt., Comm. Sergt. Lond. 495; J.C.P. 378; K.B. 757; Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 407 Tao Wm., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 07 Danvers, lds, Hy., ld., aft. 1st E. of Danby, q.v. Dany, Jno., S.L. 409 Pºphanga.Maharotko IE. 05 Darby, Chr., gen. (B) 867 Geo., adm. (A) 815; L. Admy. 179 — Hy. D'Est, and sir H., adm. (A) 817; K.C.B. 775 — Jno. Lion, dn. Chest. 477 — Jos., gen. (D) 887 Darcey, Darcie and Darcy — Sir Arth., G. Jsey, 667; Lt. T.L. 321 — hon, Conyers and sir C., Compt. H. 292; K.B. º M.H. 302; P.C. 198 y I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1005 Darcie, Darcy, and Darcey— cont — Geo. Abb. K., G. Falk. Isl. 731; G. Gamb. 686 — Hy., L.M. Lond. 489 — (or Ducie), Hugh, K.B. 764 — Jno. (2), Comst. T.L. 320 — Jno., L.M. D'bln. 642 — Sir Jno., L.D. Ir, 551; L.J. Ir. 551 — sir Ph., L.H.A. 173 — Rt., gen. (C) 874 — Rt., K.P. 757. — Rog. and sir R., L.J. Ir. . 551; L.K. Ir. 574 — Th., dm. St. Patr. 618; M.R. Ir, 585 — Th., see lá. D., infra, Darcy of Chiche, lds. — Th. and sir T., aft. 1st là., C.Y.G. 298; K.G. 738; L.C.H. 294; W.C.H. 296 — Jno., 2nd lå., K.B. 761 Darcy of Darcy, lds. — Th., aft, 1st 1d., R.B. 758 (?); IK.G. 737 — Jno., 3rd lå., K.P. 761 Dardanus, K. Sc. 18 Pººys, Barth., J.C.P. Ir, *} Darell, Nathl., G. Gsey. 668 Darelle, Geo., K.B. 757 Darius, I. to III., K. Pers. 99 Darley, Ed., gen, (D) 877 Fk., L.M. Dbin. 641 — Jno. It., b.p. Kilm., E. and A. 609 — Wrm. Wall, gem. (D) 899 Darling, Chas. Hy, and sir C., G. C.G.H. 679; G. Jam. 713 ; G. Newfol. 700; G. St. Luc. 725; G. Vict. 704; I.C.B. 783 — Ch. Jno., Q.C. 420 — Hy., gen. (C) 874 — Hy. Ch., G. Bdoes. 720; G. Tob. 723; gem. (C) 874 — Jno., dm. Emly, 628 — Moir Tod. St., S.G. Sc. 527 — Ralph and sir R., G.C.H. 787; G. Mtius. 683; G. N.S.W. 703; G. V.D.Ld. 708; gen. (A) 862 — Syd., gem. (D) 927 — Wnn. L., gen. (ID) 882 Darlington, E. of — Hy., 1st E. of, form. hom. Hy. Vane, q.v.; L.L. Dham. 308; L.T. 157, Paym. G. 244 —º 2nd E. of, L.L. Dham. — Wm. Hy., 3rd E. of, aft. D. of Cleveland, q.v., L.L. Dham., 308 Darmall (or Darnell), Jno., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 411 Pºnen, Wm. Hy., adm. (ID) 8 Darnley, Ed., 5th E. of, L.L. Meath, 570 Daron, Jno. D., dm. Bgr. 426 Darragh, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 1. 64 IDarrell, sir Marm., Coff. H. 293 I) arroch, Dumc., G. N.Sc. 695; gen. (A) 862 Dartas, Samps, Ch. EX. Ir. 561 - Darta'sso, Jas., L.H.A. 173 Lartmouth, lds. and E. of — Geo., 1st là., form. Geo. Legge, q.v., adm. (A) 813; Const. T.L. 321; T.G.O. 259 £ºmº, Dartmouth, lds, and E. of CO’nt. — Wrm., 2nd 1d., Lewisham and 1st E. of D., B.T. 263; .S. 240; P.C. ;: Pres. B.T. 265; S. St. — Wm., 2nd E. of, C. Sec. 234; L.P.S. 241; L.S.H. 290; IP.C. 201 Geo., 3rd E. of, form. Visc. Lewisham, q.v., K.G. 743 ; L.C.H. 295; L.S.H. 290; Pres. E.C. 252 — Wrm. Wals., 5th E. of, L.L. Staffs. 312 Dartrey, Rd., 3rdlä. aft.1st E., K.P. 751; L.L. Monaghan, 570 Darvall, Ed., gen. (D) 900 Tjño. Bayi.i.d.M.G. i07 Dasent, Jno. B., C.C.J. 404 Dashwood, Sir Ch., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 777 — Sir Fras., aft. li. le De- Spencer, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. and C.E. 157; P.C. 200; Tr. Ch. 294 — sir Hy. Wm., L.L. Oxon. 311 — Rd. Lew., gen. (ID) 928 — Sir Sl., C. Exc. 279 — sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 ºwn. Bateman, adm. (1H) Date, sir Thos., L.D. Ir. 551 IPathy, K. Ir. 21 Daubeny, Giles, K.B. 755 — Giles, see lil. D., infra, — Hy., gem. (I)) 879; K.H. 790 aft. Visc. — Hy. Ch. B. and Sir H., G.C.B. 771; gen. (D) 903; I.C.B., 780 — Jas., gem (D) 906 — Ralph, K.B. 755 — Wrm., IK.B. 755 Daubeny, lds. Giles, aft. 1st là. D., K.B. 757; K.G. 736; M.M. 246 Hy., 2nd ló., aft, E. of Bridgwater, q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322; K.B. 759 Dauber, Rd., C. Exc. Sc. 505 Daubrich court and Da- brich court, — sir Jno., Const. T.L. 320; K.G. 735 — sir Sanchet, K.G. 733 Dauncey, Ph., P.P. 415 Daunt, Achill., dm. Cork, 632 Dauvergne, J., G. Hlgld, 670 — Jas., gen. (C) 872 Davall, Pet., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 396 Ilavemant, Ch., C. Exc. 278 — Jno., bp. Sal. 467 — Sir Winn., P. Laur. 301 Davencester, Ph. de, Jy. 363 Daveney, Burt., gem. (D) 896 Davenport, Humph, and sir H., C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 409 — sir Salusb. Price Humph., adm. (ID) 825; K.C.H. 788 — Sherr., gen. (C) 871 —iſh. K.C. or P.P. 415; S.L. 41 Davers, Th., adm. (A) 814 Davey, see also Davy and Davie - — Horace and sir H., Q.C. 419 ; S.G. 403 — Th., G. V.D. Ld. 708 *I)avid (St.), abp. St. Daw. 463 × (2), bp. Ach. 612 David—comt. bp. Arg. 537 3. bp. Arm. 595 bp. Bgr. 425 — bp. Cness. 531 • * bp. Dkld. 533 - & (of Chirbury), bp. Dronn. 604 bp. Rild. 617 (of Fmly), bp. Killoe. (.34 — bp. Mor. 534 s (4), bp. St. As. 462 — bp. Wſord. 626 dm. Cash. 627 × dn. Kilmacd. 637 × dn. St. As. 462 × din. Wíord. 628 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — Emp. Tzde. 98 — (abb. of Aberbrothock), I.P.S. Sc. 501 — ab Llewelyn, Pr. Wls. 17 — ab Owain Gwynedd, Pr. WIS. 16 — I. and II., IX. Sc. 19 — Mont., G. Mtius. 683 Davidson, see also Davison — Alexr., G. Mdras. 656 — Alexr., gen. (ID) 920 — Alexr. Geo., gen. (D) 915 — Dunc., L.L. Ross. 512 — Ja.s., gem. (ID) 915 Rand. T., dn. Winds. 474 Davie, see also Davy and Davey — sir Hy. Tobt. Ferguson, gen. (D) 884 Davies, Davis and Davys — Daml. Gatem., b.p. Antig. 728 — Sir Dav., IX.C.H. 789 — Fras., bp. Llff., 449 — Fras. Jno., gem. (D) 884 — Geo., b.p. Pboro. 458; dri. Chest. 477 — Geo., adm. (IHI) 848 — Hart, C. Exc. 282 — Hy., gem. (C) 873 — Hy. Fansh., gen. (D) 931 — Hy. Th., adm. (HI) 845 — Jno., gen. (D) 926 — Jno., S.L. 409 — Sir Jno., A.G. Ir. 588; S.G. Ir. 589; Sec. St. Ir. 562 — Sir Jno., C. Exc. 278 — Jno. Fras. and sir J., Amb. Ch. 131; G. H. I\ong 673; IK.C.B. 782 — Lewis, gem. (C) S74 — Sir Paul, Sec. St. Ir. 562 — Rd., bp. St. As. 462; b.p. St. Dav. 464 — Rd., L.L. Ang. 31.4 — Rt. Hy. and sir R., Ch. Com. Oudh, 65.ſ; K.C.S.I. ;: L.G. Pjab. 654; M.C.I. 7 — Rowl., dm. Cork, 632; dm. BOSS. 633 — Th., b.p. St. As. 462 — Th., gem. (IB) 866 — Th., gen. (C) S72 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 — Wm., adm. (A) 813 — Sir Wm., C.J.I.V.E. Ir. 578 Rec. D'blin. 642; S.L. Ir. 591 — sir Wm. Geo., IX.C.S.I. 803 Davis, see Davies - Davison and Davyson, see also Davidson — Archd., dm. Thist, 749 — Geo., gen, (D) 913 . : x >g >k *:: × × k I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1006 INDEX OF NAMES. Davison and Davyson—comt. — sir Hy., C.J. Bbay. 660; C.J. Mdras, 658 — Hugh P., gen. (ID) 882 — Jno., dri. Sal. 468; Winds, 474 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 Jno. Rt., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 218; Q.C. 418 — Wrm., S. St. 223 — Sir Wm., K.H. 789 Davoust, Off. Nap. 26 drl. Davranches, Aly, de Alm., Count, K.G. 735 Davy, see also Davie and — sir Humph., Pres. R. Soc. 940 — Wm., S.L. 412 — sir Wim. Gabr., gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 789 Davys, see Davies IDavyson, see Davison Dawes, Th., R. Cr. P.A. 335 — sir Wm., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Chest. 477; P.C. 196 Pºſkins, Ed. Ja.s., Amb. Gr. 1 — Hy., C.W.F. &c. 271-2 — Rd., C. Exc. 281-2 — Rd., adm. (IHI) 852 Payney, hon. Guy C., S.G.O. 26 Daws, Rd., dm. Her. 442 Dawson, Alexr., Adm. Ind. 647 — Alexr., gen, (I)) 925 — Arth., B. Ex, Ir. 584; C. ACC. Ir. 567 — Ch., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Fras., gen. (D) 929 *— Geo. ltt., C. Cus. 277 *— Geo. Rt., P.C. 212; Sec. Adm. 186; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Honne, 227 - * 2 same pers. — Hy. Itd., dun. St. Pat. 618 — Rd., G. I. Man, 666 — R. Peel, L.L. Londy. 570 — Rd. Wrm. Firsk., gen. (D).934 — Rt., bp. Clonf. and K. 636; dn. Down 605 ; din. Dronn. 606 — Th. Vesey, dm. Clonm. 600; dim. ISilla. 614 Day, Fras., C.I.E. 807 — Geo., bp. Chich, 433 — Jno. Ch. and J., J.Q.I3.D. 374; Q.C. 419 — Jno. Godfr., dn. Ardf. 640 — Maur. Fitzg., bp. Cash. E. W. and L. 627; dry. Lim. 640 — Rt., J.K.IB. Ir. 579 — Saml., G. Bmda. 701 — Wm., bp. Winch. 471; dri. Winds, 474 Dayabhoy, Dulp., C.I.E. 807 Daza, H., Pres. Bol. 109 IDe and D? Names with these prefixes will be found under the Subsequent surname— e.g. for Jno. De Courcy, see Courcy, Jno. de Deacon, Ch, and sir C., gen. (D) 876; IK.C.B. 776 — Hy. Colins, adm. (HI) 846 Dealtry, Th., bp. Mdras. 658 Dean and Deane, see also Dene — —, L. Admy. 175 — Ch., K.H. 792 — (or Dene), Hy. (No. 1), abp. Cant. 431; bp. Sal. 467; L.R. 355 Dean and Deane—comt. — Hy. (No. 2), bp. Bgr. 426; Ld. Chanc, Ir. 575; L.J. Ir, 553 — Ja.s. Park. and Sir J., Adm. #y. 423; Q.C. 418; Vic. Gen. — Jos., C.B. Ex, Ilº. 583 Iöd., bp. Oss. 620; dim. Oss. 623 Sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 — Rd. B., C. Cus. 276-7 — Th., dn. Cloy. 633 — Wrm., G. Bdoes. 719 — Wnn, gen. (C) 872 —-Pitt, see Pitt Deane, Sée Dean Deans, Rt., adm. (A) 816 — Rt., adm. (HI) 847 Deas, Dav., IK.C.B. 779 Geo. Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. SC. 527 — Jno., Jy. Sc. 523 Deasy, Rickard, A.G. Ir. 588; B. Ex, Ir, 584; L.J. App. Ir. ; ; S.G. Ir, 590 ; S.L. Ir. 3 - Debbeig, Hugh, gem. (A) 859 Phonoguiescale, G.C.M.G. Decaen, Ch., G. Mtius. 683 Decan, Ad., dn. Bgr. 426 Decianus, C. P. (2), C. Ro. 41 Decima, Ct. Della, G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 Decius, M., Emp. Ro. 47 Decken, Fredc. Count von der, gen. (B) 867 Decula, M. T., C. Ro. 45 Dedder, Louis, dm. Oss. 622 Dedwin (or Theodwin), abp. Lond, 450 Serjt. Dee, Dunc., Euond. 495 — Fras., b]). Pboro. 458; dh. Chich. 434 48 f no., WCln. Chr. Ch. Manch. Comm. 4 Deedes, Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 934 Deerhurst, Geo. W., visc., aft. 7th E. of Coventry, q.v., L.L. Worc. 313 De Eresby, see Willoughby de Eresby Deering, see Dering Deey, I&t., L.M. Dbln. 640 Deicola, bp. Emly, 625 Dejean, Lew., gem. (B) 865 Pºbere. Jno., b.p. St. Dav, — Rd., K.B. 758 Pºcombe, Hy. W., gem. (D) 890 Delafield, -, dm, Oss. 622 Delafosse, Ed. Hollinw., adm. (IHI) 849 — Hy. Geo., gen. (D) 933 Delahyde, Rd., C.J.C.P. Ir, 580; Ch. Ex, Ir. 561 Chr., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Delamain, Wm. Hy., gen, (D) 910 Delamere, Hy., 2nd lá., aft. 1st E. Of Warrington, q.v., Ch. Ex. 164; L.L. Chesh, 306; L.T. and Ch. Ex. 155; IP.C. 193 Delancey, Wm. Howe, IX.C.B. 774 7 Delane, Geo., gen. (D) 912 I)elaney, —, G. Tob. 723 Delany, Patr., dn, Down, 605 Delaval, Fras., gem. (B) 868 — Fras. Bl., K.B. 765 — Geo., adm. (A) 813 — sir Ralph, adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 176 Delawarr, lds, and E. 1st Creation. — Th., 8th lä., K.B. 757; K.G. 737 — Th., 9th lá., K.G. 738 2006, Greation. Jno., 6thld., P.C. 198; Tell. Ex. 167; Tr. Ch. 294 — Jno., 7th lä. and 1st E., G. Gsey, 668; gem. (A) 858; R.B. 764; Tr. H. 291 — Jno., 2nd E., gem. (3) 865 Geo. J., 5th E., L.C.H. 295; P.C. 214 Ch. Rd., 6th E., form. 1d. West, q.v., K.C.B. 780 Delisle and Dudley, Ph. Ch., 2nd ló., form. Sir P. C. Sidney, (1.7). Delme, sir Pet., L.M. Lond. 491 Deloraine, Hy., 1st E. of, gem. (C ; K.B. 764 Delves, Jno., J.C.P. 377 Delvin, lds, and visc. Rd. Nug., 1st lél., L.D. Ir. 553 Geo. Fred. Nug., visc., aft. 7th E. Of Westmeath, q.v., Sec. St. Patlº. 752 Demetrius, I. to III., R. Russ. 89, 90 e Dempster, Geo., Sec. Thist. 749 Den, Th., b.p. Ferns, 621 (or Dene), Wm., L.J. Ir. 550 Denbigh, E. of — Winn., 1st E. of, form, ld. and visc. Fielding, q.v. — Bas., 4th E. of, Tell. EX. 168 — Bas., 6th E. of, P.C. 200 — Wnn. Bas. P., 7th E. G.C.H. 786; P.C. 212 Dendy, Ed. S., Chest. H. 331 ; R. Dr. P.A., 338; Surr. H. 334 Dene, see also Dean and Den — Pet. de, M. Chy. 393 — Ralph de, J. It, 365 Denebert, byp. Worc. 472 Denefrith, byp. Shbn. 466 Ilenewulf, bp. Winch. 470 Denham, Hy. Mangles and Sir H., adm. (D) 833, (F) 838 — Juno., K.B. 764 — Jno. and sir J., B. EX. 384; C.B. Ex. II. 583; C.J.IX.B. Ir. 578; L.J. Ir, 554; S.L. 409 Denier, Ph.J., M.M. 246 Denis, see also Dennis bp. Clonf. 636 (or Dionysius), dn. Arm. dın. Thin. 613 * Poss. Salme pers. — K. Pgl. 88 — (O'Brian), K. Ir. 22 — Walt., IX.]3. 758 Denison and Dennison — Car. Lucy, lady, Cr. Ind. 810 Fólm. Beck., aft. li. Grim- thorpe, q.v., Q.C. 417 — Ed., b.p. Sal. 467 — Jno. Evel., aft. visc. OS- sington, q.v., L. Admy, 182; P.C. 216; Sp. H.C. 250 Of, 3% 597 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1007 Denison and Dennison—comt. — Th, and sir,T., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 — Wºm. Th. and Sir W., G. Mdras. 657; G. N.S.W. 703; G. V. D. li. 708; gen. (D) 907; R.C.I.B. 782 Denman, hom. Geo., J.C.P.380; J.C.P.D. 380; J.Q.R.D. 374; Q.C. 418; S.L. 414 — hom. Josh., adm. (ID & E) 832, 834 — Th., see ld. D., infra, Denman, lds. —Th., aft. Sir T. and 1st là. D., A.G. 400; C.J.I.S.B. 370; Ch. Ex. 165; Comm, Serjt. Lond. 495; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.H.S. 287; P.C. 212; P.P. 416; S.L. 413 Denmark, Christian Flº. Wm. Ch., Cr, Pr. Of, G.C.B. 773 Geo., Pr. of, also styled D. of Cumberland, q.v., Comst. W. Cast., 322; L.H.A. 176–7; P.C. 192; W.C.P. 319 Denn, Vinc., S.L., 411 Dennehy, Th., C.I.E. 808 Dennis, see also Denis and Dennys — bp. Ross, 631 — Alf. Digb., gen. (D) 920 Jas. and sir J., gen. (I)) 883; K.C.B. 777 — Ja.s., aft. li. Tracton, q.v., C.B. Ex. Ir, 583; S.L. Ir. 592 F- Jas. Benj., gen. (D) 902 Jas. Saml. Akid, adm. (HI) 850 Jno. Lesl., gem. (ID) 899 — sir Pet., adm. (A) 814 IDennison, see Denison IXenny, Ed., B. Ex. 383 Dennys, see also Denmis *. — Jul. Bent., gen. (D) 923 Densell, Jno., S.L. 408 Dent, Alfr., K.C.M.G. 799 Ch. Bayl. Calm., adm. (H) 852 - Ch. Calm., adm. (H) 849 — Digby, Compt, N. 257 — Th. de, C.J.C.P. Ir, 580 Demta, L. C. M., C. Ro. 42 Pºtatus, M. C. (3), C. Ro. 41- Denter, M. L., C. Ro, 41 Denton, Alexr., J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 411 — Ja.s., din. Lich. 445 Demum, Jno. de, S.L. 406 — Wnn. de, B. Ex. 383; IX.D. 755 ; S.L. 406 IDeodatus, see also Adeodatus and Deus-dedit — bp. Mith, 599 Deo - in - Behar, IX.C.S.I. 802 * Deo Narain, Taj., K.C.S.I. Bah. Of, Deora, see Diora Deorlaf, b]), Her, 441 Depeden, Jno., Regr. Gart. 746 Depham, Rog. de, Rec. Lond. 493 Deping, Jno., b.p. Wíord. and L. 626 Derby, Jno., M. Chy. 394 *— juio, de, dm. Lich. 445 *— Juno. de, M. Chy. 393 * Prob. sanne pers. — Winn., B. F.X. 383 Derby, Earls of — Hy., E. of, aft. K. Hy. IV., q.v., K.G. 734 Stanley Family. Search also under lùs. Strange. — Thos., 1st E. of, form. li. Stanley, q.v., K. Man. 665 — Thos., 2nd E. of, form. Th. Stanley, q.v., K. Man. 665 — Ed., 3rd E. of, K.B. 760; R.G. 738; L.L. Chesh. 306; L.P.S. 240; Ld. Man. 665 — Hy., 4th E. of, K.G. 738; L.L. Chesh. 306; Ld. Man. r: 665 — Ferd., 5th E. of, Ld. Man. 665 — Wm., 6th E. of, K.G. 739; H.L. Chesh. 306; Ld. Man. 665 — Jas., 7th E. of, form. lot. Strange, q.v., K.G. 740; L.L. Chesh. 306; Lid. Man. 665 — Ch., 8th E. of, T.L. Chesh. 306 ; Ld. Mali. 665 — Wnn. R. G., 9th E. Of, L.L. Chesh. 306; L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314; Lól. Man. 665 Jas., 10th E. of, C.D.L. 242; C.Y.G. 298; gen, (C) 871; Ld. Man. 665; P.C. 195-6 — Ed., 12th E. of, C.D.L. 243; P.C. 204, 212 — Ed. Sm., 13th E. of, K.G. 744; L.L. Lanc. 309 — Ed. G., 14th E. of, form. ld. Stanley, q.v., G.C.M.G. 795; K.G. 744; L.T. 161; Prem. 148 Ed. Hy., 15th E. of, form. ld. Stanley, q.v.; C. Sec. 235; jee. 229; K.G. 745; U.S.F. Dereham, Th., A.G. 398 Derham, id. see Dynham Dering and Deering — Ch., C. TX. 284-5 — Sir Ed., C. Cus. 273; L.P.S. 240; L.T. 155 — Heneage, dm. Rip. 482 Derinzy, Barth. Vigors, gem. (ID) 890; IX.H. 790 Derlington, Jno. Dblin. and Gl. 615 Dermod, bp. Rilm. 607 — (St.), bp. Arm. 595 Dermot, dm. Dry. 602 Derqui, S., Pres. Arg, 110 Perick, Sir Gilb., Gart. K.A. 27 Derriman, adm. (IHI) 851 Pºyne, Adolph., gen. (ID) 8 Th., gem. (B) de, abp. Saml. Hoskins, Desaguliers, 86 Desart, Jno. Olway, 2nd E. of, L.T. 159 Desbordes, Jno. Pet., gem. (IB) 864 Desborough, Jimo., gem. (D) 915 — Juno., W.C.P. 319 — Lawr., gen. (B) 868 Desbrisay, Th., gen. (B) 868 Ileshon, F.R. Geo. Th., gem. (ID) 922 Desiderius, K. Limd. 49 Deskford, lds. — Jas., ld, aft. 1st Visc. and 4th E. of Seafield, q.v., Sec. St, SC. 502 Deskford, lds.-cont. *— Ja.s., 1d., aft. 6th E. Of Find- later, and 3rd E. of Seafield, q.v., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Desmond, E. of — Ja.s., 15th E. of, L. Treas. 5% Ir, 559 Rd., E. of, form. R. Preston. q.v. (K.B. 1603) I)esmyniers, Jno., L.M D'blin. 640 — Lewis, L.M. D’bln. 640 Despard, Ed. Marc., G. Br. Hond. 714 — Hy., gem. (ID) 885 — Jno., gen. (A) 860 Despencer, search also under Spencer — Hugh le, Ch. Jr. 363; Const. T.L. 320 ; J. It. 368 — sir Hugh le, aft. E. Of Gloucester, q.v., L.H.A. 171 Despencer, lords le Despencer Family. Ed., 5th 1d. Ie, K.G. 733 — Th., 6th lä. le, aft. E. of Gloucester, q.v., K.G. 734 — Rd., 7th lá., K.B. 756 ID&shwood Famvily. — Fras., ld., form. Sir Fras. Dashwood, q.v.; L.L. Bucks, § M.G.W. 296; Postm. G. 8 Dessalinis, J. J., Emp. Hti. 104 Deste, Aug. Fk., K.C.H. 787 Dethick, Gilb., Hps. P.A. 343; Norr. IX.A. 329; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Richm. H. 333 — Hy., r. P.A. 335 ; IRichlm. H. 333 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Nich., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Wilhd.S. H. 331 — Wrm., Gart. K. A. 327 : R. Cr. P.A. 335 ; Som. H. 332 ; Yk. H. 334 Deucher, A., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Deus-dedit, P. Ro. 33. See also Adeodatus and Deodatus Devaynes, Wm., Chm. E.I. Co. 644 Devenesche, Jno., bp. Winch. 4 70 IDevenish, Rt., R.A. 329; Yk. H. 334 Deverell, Th. Jos., gen. (D) 902 Devereux, Alex., bp. Ferns.621 — hon. Geo. Talb., gem. (D) 907 — Jno., bp. Ferns, 621; dra. Fellns 623 — Jno., R.B. 757 Sir Jno. Or lòl., W.C.P. 318; K.G. 734 — Rd., K.B. 760 — hon. Walt. Bourch., adm. (G) 843 Devon, Thos. IBark., K.C.H. 789; K.H. 789 Norr. I)evon and Devonshire, E. of Courtemay IFamily. Iºd., E. of, L.H.A. (succ. 1387, 173 — Hugh, E. of, form. H. Cour- tenay, q.v. (succ. 1419), IX.B. 755 — Ed., E. of (succ. 1485), K.G. 3 737 — Hy., E. of, aft. M. of Exeter, q.v. (succ. 1511), IX.G. 737 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1008 INDEX OF NAMES. Devon and Devonshire, E. Of- — Ed., E. of, aft. M. of Exeter, q.v. (succ. 1553), K.B. 760 — Ch., E. of, form. lil. Mount- joy, q.v. (succ. 1603); M.G.O. 258; E.M. 326 Wm. Reg., E. of, form, visc. Courtenay (succ. 1859), q.v., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 917; Pres. P.L.B. 262; Sec. P.L.B. 262 Cavendish Family. See Devonshire. Devonport, Sir K.C.M.G. 798 Devonshire, sir Jno. Ferr., K.C.H. 778 — Rd., adm. (RI) 847 Devonshire, E. and D. of Courtenay R'at?mily. See Devon. Cavendish Family — Wm., 3rd E. of, B.T. 263 — Wnn., 4th E. of, aft. M. of Hartington, q.v., and 1st D. of D., K.G. 741; L.H.S. 286; T.S.H. 290; P.C. 193 — Wm., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Hartington, q.v.; K.G. 741; #0. 188; L.S.H. 290; P.C. — Wm., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Hartington, q.v.; C.G.P. 299; K.G. 741; L.L. Ir. 556; Hºs. 240; L.S.H. 290; P.C. l — Wm., 4th D. of, form. M. of Hartington, q.v.; K.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Dby. 307; L.T. 157; L. Treas. Ir. 560; Prem. 142 — Wnn., 5th D. of, K.G. 742; #;" Dby. 307; L. Treas. Ir. 560 Wm. S., 6th D. of, Amb. Russ, 126; R.G. 743; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Dby. 307; P.C. 210 — Wrm., 7th D. of, K.G. 744; L.L. Dby. 307; P.C. 219 Dewan, Tanj. Mad. K.C.S.I. 802 Dewar, Dav., gen. (C) 873 — Sir J., C.J. Bbay. 660 Psydney, Edg., G. N.W. Terr. 7 Deyn, Wm. de, bp. Abdn. 530 D'Eyncourt, Edmä., J. It. 369 Edwin Clayton Tenn., adm. (E) 835; (E) 838 — Geo. Hild. Tenn., Regr. M.G. 799 — Roger, K.B. 754 — Ralph, 3rd ld., IK.B. 755 — form. Tennyson D'Eyn- court, see Tennyson. Dhar, Mahar. of, C.I.E. 807 — Rao of, K.C.S.I. 803 Dheeraj, Mahar., G.C.S.I. 801 Dhiraj, Mahar., G.C.S.I. 801 Dholepore, Rana of, G.C.S.I. Saml., Rao., 801 Dholpur, Maharamee, Cr. Ind. 810 — Thakur, &c. of, C.I.E. 807 Dhuleep Sing, Mahar., G.C.S.I. 800 — — Maharamee of, Cr. Ind. 809 IDiadematus, P. C. M., C. Ro. 45 Liarmuid (2), IS. Ir. 21 Diaz, M. M., Pres, Pan. 107 — P., Pres. Mex. 104 Diceto, Ralph de, dn. St. P. 452 Dick, Alexr., gen. (D) 886 — Fras., gen. (D) 899 — Geo., G. Bbay. 659 — Hope, gen. (ID) 890 — Jno., adm. (D) 823 — sir Rt. H., gen. (C) 875 ; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 788 — Th., adm. (H) 845 — Wm. Aberc., gen. (D) 912 Dickens and Dickins — Craw. Hild., gen. (D) 916 — Gust, Guy, gen. (C) 872 — Rd. Mark, gem. (C) 873 — sir Saml. Trev., gem. (IB) 869; K.C.H. 788 — Wm. Drumm. S., gen. (D) 933 Dickenson and Dickinson — Ch., bp. Mth. 599 — Jas., Q.C. 418 — Marshl., L.M. Lond. 492 — Rd., gem. (IB) 869 — Th., gem. (ID) 888 — Th., gen. (ID) 889 — Th. P., C. Cus. 277 — Wm., C. Cus. 273-4 — Wm., L. Admy. 180-1 — Wm. Moore, gen. (ID) 933 — Wn. Rice, gen. (ID) 910 Dickey, Ad. Hugh M., gen. (ID) 935 Dickins, see Dickens Dickinson, see Dickenson Dickson, see also Dixon — Alex. I. and sir A., G.C.B. 769; gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 775; K.C.H. 787 — Archd, adm. (A) 816 si Sir Archd. Coll., adm. (A) 1 9 — Coll. and sir C., gem. (D) 901; G.C.B. 771; R.C.B. 780 — Ed. Jno., gen. (ID) 918 — Ed. St., adm. (A) 820 — JaS., dn. Elph. 609; dim. Down, 605 — Jerem, and sir J., gem. (IB) 870; K.C.B. 775 — Jno., gem. (A) 860 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 — Jno. Bourne, adm. 835 — Jno. Fk., K.C.M.G. 799 — Sir Rt., C. Cus. Sc. 503 — Wm., adm. (A) 816 Wm. bp. Down and Cmr. — Wrm., gem. (D) 878 — Wm., L.M. Dblin. 641 — sir Wm., adm. (G) 842 — Wm. J., Amb. U.S.C. 134 — Wm. Th., gen. (D) 908 Didier, K. Lmd. 49 Didius, T., C. Ro. 45 Difthefield, Sir —, G. Gsey. (E) 668 Pigsilye, Mahar., K.C.S.I. Digby, Essex, bp. Drom. 605; dn. Cash. 627 — Hy. and sir H., adm. (A) S19; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 — Sir Jno., see lil. D., infra, — Jos., adm. (H) 845 — hom. Rt., adm. (A) 815 —'Simon, bp. Elph. 608; bp. Lim., A. and A. 639; dim. Rild. 619 — Wnn., C.I.E. 806 — hon. Wm., dm. Clonf. 637; dm. Dham. 479; dim. Worc. 474 Digby of Sherborne, lds. — sir Jno., aft. 1st là. D. of S. and 1st E. of Bristol, q.v., Lt. T.L. 321 ; W.C.H. 296 — Geo., ld, aft. 2nd E. of Bristol, q.v. ; S. St., 223 Digby of Geashill, lds. and E. — Hy., 7th lil., aft. 1st E., ; Admy, 179; L.L. Dors. 07 Ed., 8th Id. and 2nd E., L.L. Dors. 307 Digges and Diggs, Sir Dudl., M. Chy. 395; M.R. 388 — Rd., S.L. 409 Piggle, Ch., gem. (ID) 890; K.H. 790 - Diggs, see Digges Dighton, Wm. de, L.R. 354 Dilke, sir Chas. Wentw., P.C. ; Pres. L.G.B. 256; U.S.F. 3 0 Dilkes, Jno., adm. (A) 818 — Michl. O'Br., gen. (A) 858 — Sir Th., adm. (A) 813 — Wnn. Th., gem. (A) 862 Dillon, --, G. Tob. 723 — sir Arth. Rd., gem. (A) 862 — Barthw. and Sir B., C.B. Ex. Ir. 582; C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; J.K.D. Ir, 578; V. Treas. Ir. 559 — Ed., dn. Rild. 619 — Ed. Longf., gem. (ID) 926 — Ger., J.K.B. Ir. 579; Rec. Dblin. 642; S.I. Ir. 591 — Lucas, A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 Martin and Sir M., gen. (ID) 919; IX.C.B. 782 Rd., J.K.B. Ir. 578 *— Rt., P. Ex. Ir. 584 *— Rt., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 * Prob. same pers. — Rt. and Sir R., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; J.C.P. Ir. 581; J.K.H. 578 — Th., b.p. Išild. 617 — Th., J.C.P. Ir. 581 sir Wm. Hy., K.C.H. 788; adm. (ID) 827 Dillon, lds. and visc. — Rt., ld., L.J. Ir. 554; L.K. Ir, 576 - Chas., 12th visct., K.P. 750 IDimall, bp. Rild. 616 Dimmock, see Dymock Dimsdale, F. T., C.C.J. 403 Dinan, see Dymham Dinely, Rt., G. I. Man. 666 Dingli, Andr. and sir A., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 — Paolo and sir P., G.C.M.G. 795; R.C.M.G. 796 Dingwall, Jimo., Ld. Sess. 518 Pºin, Rao Raj., K.C.S.I. 0 Diocletian, Emp. Ro. 48 IDionysius (or Denis), dn. Arm. 597; din. Crk. 632; dim. Ferns, 6 — IV. Pgl. 88 — P. Ro. 32 Diora (or Deora), bp. Roch. 459 Diothorba, IX. Ir. 20 Diratus, bp. Ferns, 621 Dirle (or Dule), Wm., Ferns, 623 Dirom, Alex., gen. (B) 867 — Jas., adın. (H) 850 dn. I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1009 Disbrowe. Edw. Cr. and sir E. Amb. Näs, ºc. 133 Åmb. Russ. 126; Amb. Sw. and N.. 127; Amb. Swz. 113; G.C.H. 786 — Geo., K.H. 791 — Jno., L.T. 154 Disibode, bp. Dbln. 615 Disney, Brań. Wm., dn. Arm. 597; dim. Emly, 628 — Moore and sir M., gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 775 — see Cathrow-Disney Disraeli, Benj., aft. E. of IBeaconsfield, q.v., Ch. Ex. 166; L.P.S. 241; L.T. 161-2; P.C. 2:15; Prem. 150 Jas., C.I.R. 286 Diuma, bp. Lich. 443 Dives, i. C. R.O. 46 P. L. C., C. Ro. 43 Dix, Macm., G. St. Luc. 725 Dixie, Sir Wolst., L.M. Lond. 490 Dixon, See also Dickson — Augs. Fredk, De B., gen. (ID) 930 — Ch., gem. (ID) 889 — Geo., gen. (ID) 885 — Geo., gen, (l)) 897 — Geo. Wm., gem. (C) 874 s — Manley and sir M., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 775 — Maml. Hall, adm. (ID) 828; (GF) 840 — Matt. Ch., gem. (ID) 886 — Matt. Ch., gen. (ID) 908 — Nichs., B. Ex. 383 — Rd., bp. Cork and Cl. 631 Rt. J.C.P. II. 581; S.L. Ir. 592 Wm. Maml. H., gen. (D) 910 Dobbes, see Dobbs Dobbie, Geo. St., gem. (D) 917 Wm. Hugh R., adm. (IHI) S50 - Dobbs and Dobbes — Rd., dn. Cmr. 605 — sir Rd., L.M. Lond, 490 — Wrm. Carey, Lamd J. Ir, 587 Dobson, Geo., adm. (G) 843 — Mam., adm. (A) 819 — Wrm. Burdett, adm. (GF) 842 Dod, see also Dodd — Edmd., adm. (A) 816 — Rog., b.p. Mth, 599 — Th., dn. Rip. 482 Dodd, see also Dod — Sir Saml., C.B. Ex. 382; S.L. 411 I}odds, Greg., dm. EXr, 437 Doderidge, Jno. and Sir J., J.K.B. 372; S.G. 401; S.L. 409 Dodgson, see also Dodson — Ch., b.p. Elph, 608; bp. OSS. (320 — Dav. Sc., gem. (ID) 917 Dodington, Geo., L. Admy. 177 — Geo. Bubb, aft. Id. Mel- combe, q.v., L.T. 156; P.C. 199; Tr. N. 256 I}odinsele, see Odinsele Dodmer, Ralph, L.M. Lond. 490 Dodson, see also Dodgson — Jno. and Sir J., adm. Adr. 423; D. Arch. 421; J. Pr. Ct. 421; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K. Adv. 422; P.C. 215; Vic. Gen. 422 Dodson—cont. — Jno. Geo., aft. 16. Monk- Bretton, q.v., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 218; Pres. I.G.B. 256; Sec. Tr. 164 Dodswell, Rd., C. Exc. Sc. 505 Dodwell, Hy., dn. Killa. 614 pºeiae, Sim., L.M. Lond. Dogworth, Jno. de, K.B. 754 Doherty, Geo., K.H. 790 — Hy. Ed., gem. (D) 898 — Jno., C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; S.G. Ir. 589 — Patr., K.C.H. 788 — Rd. and Sir R., G. Si. Le. 685; G. St. Vin. 725; G. Trin. 722; gen. (ID) 884 Dolabella, C. C., C. Ro. 44-5 C., C. R.O. 46 — Li . O Dolben, Dav., bp. Bgr. 426 — Sir Gilb., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Jno., abp. Yk. 486; Roch. 460; dn. Westr. 469 — Wrm, and Sir W., J.K.B. 372; Bec. Lond. 494; S.L. 410 IPolgfinnus, bp. Ork. 535 IXollon, Lew., G. Gsey. 668 Domangard, K. Sc. 18 Domett, Wm. and sir W., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 768; I.C.B. 773; L. Admy, 181 Domingue, M., Pres. Hti. 105 Dominique, Paul, B.T. 264 Dominus, Marc. Ant. de, dn. Winds. 474 Domitian, Emp. Ro. 47 Domraon, Mahar. of, K.C.S.I. bp. 803 Pºville, Jas. Wnn., gen. (D) 7 — Wrm. and Sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 — Sir Wnn., A.G. Ir. 588 Don, see also Donne — Geo. and Sir G., G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; G. Gibr. 670; gen, (A) 860 — The O. Conn., Tu.T. 161 Donagh and Donnagh — K. Ir. 21 — K. Ir. 22 Donald, bp. Arm. 595 — bp. Dry. 601 — dm. Rph. 602 — I. to VII., K. Sc. 18-9 Donat, bp. Dbln. 615 — bp. Kilm, 607 — bp. Llin. 621 Donative, Jno., M.M. 246 Doncaster, Jno. de, J.C.P. Doncaster, Wisc. and E. Search under D. of Buc- cleuch, E. Of Dalkeith, ld, Hay, and D. of Monmouth Donchad, K. Ir, 21 Donegal, E, and M. of L — Arth., 3rd E. of, gem. (C) 871 — Geo. Aug., 2nd M. of, IX.P. 751; II.L. Dgal. 569 — Geo. H., 3rd M. of, form. E. of Belfast and lå. Ennis- howen, q.v., C.Y.G., 298; K.P. 751; L.L. Amt. 568 Donell, dn. Louth, 598 Donellan, Jas, and Sir J., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Nehem., abp. Tm. 611 — Nehem., B. Ex. Ir, 584; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.G.S. Ir. ;: Rec. Dblin. 642; S.L. Ir. 1 Dongal, K. Sc. 18 Dongari, Jno., bp. Dry. 601 ; bp. Down, 603 Th., B. Ex. Ir. 584; J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Wm., Rec. D'bln. 642 Dongardus, K. Sc. 18 Dongola, Mudir of, K.C.M.G. 98 - 7 Donkan, Jno., bp. S. and W. 483 Donkin, Rt., gem. (A) 860 — Ruf. Sh. and Sir R., G. C.G.H. 679; gen. (A) 862; ºb. 775; G.C.H. 786; S.G.O. 260 Donnagh, see Donagh Ponne, see also Don — Jno., dm. St. P. 453 — Wrm. B., E.S.P. 301 Donnelly, Jno. Fr. D., gen. (TP) 934 — Ross and sir R., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 776 Donop, Ed. Pelh, br. aćlm. (1H) 849 Donortius, bp. Mortl. 530 Donough (2), K. Ir, 22 Donoughmore, lds., and E. Of Rd. Hely, 2nd lói. and 1st visc. and E. of, form. Rd. Hely Hutchinson, q.v., B.T. 268; C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566; gen. (B) 867; P.C. 208 Post.nl. G. Ir. 564 — Jno., 2nd E. of, form. Jno. and ló. Hutchinson, q.v., K.B 766 - — Jno., 3rd E. Of, K.P. 751; L.L. Tipp. 571 — Rd. Jno., 4th E. of, P.C. 216; Paym. G. 245; Pres. B.T. 269; V.P.B.T. 269 Jno. Luke Geo., 5th E. Of, R.C.M.I.G. 797 Donovan, Ed. Westb., gem. (D) 907 - Domus, I. and II., P. Ro. 33-4 Dopping, Anthy., bp. Kild, 617; bp. Meath 599; bp. Oss. 620; dun. Clonna. 600 Doran, Maur., bp. Llin. 622 Dorchester, lds. and Visc. Carlton Family. . — Dudley, visc., form. Sir D. and ló. Carleton, q.v. — Guy, 1st là., form. G. Carleton, q.v., gen. (A) 858 Pierrepoint Family. 1st Creation. - — Hy”, 1st M. of, E.M. 326; P.C. 190 2nd Cº'ecution. — Evelyn, 1st M. of, aft. D. Of IXingston, q.v., P.C. 195 I)ammer Pamily. Geo. 2nd E. of, form. Wisc. Milton, q.v., L.L. Dors. 307 Dore, Peter, Bl. M. P.A. 336; Norr. K.A., 329; Itichm. H. 334 Pºehm, Wm. Jno., gen, (ID) 7 VOn, visc. Doresme, Arm. de, S.L. 406 Doreword, Jno., Sp. H.C. 248 Pººja, Rd. Andr., gem. (ID) 915 Pºislaus, Is., J. Adm. Ct. Pºmer, Fleetw., M. Chy. 6 - — Jas., gen. (B) S64 JFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1010 INDEX OF NAMES, DOrmer—COTut. — hon. Jas. Ch., gen. (D) 925 — Sir Michl., L.M. Lond. 490 —— Rt. and sir R., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 411 — Wrm., K.B. 760 Dornadilla, K. Sc. 17 Pºbers, Wilh. de, IN.C.B. 5 Dornburgh, Did. Van., G. Ceyl. 672 Dorrien, Jno., gen, (B) 868 Dorrill, Capt., G. Newfil. 700 Dorsell, Rt., dn. Chest. 477 Dorset, E., M. and D. of — St. Osm., E. of, bp. Sal. (1078, d. 1099) 466, see also Osmund Beaufort Family. 1st Creation. — Jno., 1st E. and MI. of, form. Sir J. Beaufort, q.v.; L.H.A. 173 ; W.C.P. 318 — Th. 2nd E. of, form. Sir T. l3eaufort, q.v., aft. D. of Exeter, q.v.; L.H.A. 173 2nd Creatwom. — Ed. B., 1st E. and MI. of, form. E. of Morton, q.v., aft. D. of Somerset, q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322 Gºrey Famwly. — Th., 1st M. of, form. E. of Huntingdon, q.v., Const. ...” 320 ; K.B. 757, IX.G. 736 — Th., 2nd M. of, IN.G. 737 - 3rd M. of, aft. 1st D. Suffolk, q.v., K.B. 760; IX.G. 738 L.H. Const. 289 Sackville Family. — Th., 1st E. of, form. li. Buckhurst, q.v.; E.M. 326 Ed., 4th E. of, form. lī. Sackville, q.v.; K.G. 739, L. Admy. 175; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Suss. 312 —iºd. 5th E. of, L.L. Suss. 12 [and Middlesex}, Ch., 6th E. of, K.G. 741; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Suss. 312; P.C. 193 — Lionel Cr., 7th E. and 1st D. of, Gr. St. 303; K.G. 741, L.H.S. 287; L.P.C. 188; L.L. Ir. 556 7; L.L. Kent, 309; L.S.H. 290 ; #. 302, P.C. 196, W.C.P. 319 — Ch., 2nd D. of, form. E. of Middlesex, q.v.; L L. Kent 309; P.C. 202 — Juno. Fla., 3rd D. of, amb. Fr. 112; C.Y.G.298; K.G.742; L.L. Rent 309; L.S. H. 290; I?.C. 203 — Ch., 5th D. of, K.G. 743; M.H. 302; P.C. 210 Dorso, M. F., C. Ro. 40 Pºville, Jno. Wm., adm (H) 1 Dotin, Jas. (or Jno.), G. Bdoes. 720 Doubleday, Edw., M.M. 246 I}oubridge, Wm., B. Ex. 383 IJouet, bp., Jam. 713 Dougal, bp. Dmbl. 532 — K. Sc. 18 Dougall, Wm. Heriot Maitl., adm. (IHI) 850 Pºgshes, Th. de, B. Ex. Ir. Doughtie, Ed., dm. Her. 442 Louglas, Alex., bp. Mor. 534 — Andr., Amb. Nds., &c. 123 — Archd., Ld. Sess. 518 — Archd., Postm. G. Sc. 502 — Archd, and Sir A., L.H.T. Sc. 497; L.J. Gen. 522; L.P.S. Sc. 501 — Aretas Akers-, Sec. Tr. 164 — hon. Arth. Gasc., b.p. Abd. and Ork. 541 — Billy, adm. (A) 817 — Ch., gen. (ID) 909 — sir Ch., adm. (A) 815 — Ch. Eurw, and Sir C., I.C.M.G. 796; M.G.K.A. 799 — Chas., aft. 5th M.of Queens- berry, q.v. — Ch. Pye., gen. (A) 862 — Claud, gen. (ID) 895 — Dav. Ld. Sess. 520 — Ed. Archd., dm. Ardf. 640 — Ed. Ron., C.I.E. 807 Fras. Br., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Gavin, bp. Dkld, 533 — Geo., bp. Mor, 534 85 hon. Geo. Hy., adm. (IH) 0 — Hy. Alex., b.p. Bbay. 661 — Hy. Jno., adm. (H) 849 — Hy. McDonell de W., gem. (D) 930 — sir Howard, Com. Io. Isl. 129; G.C.B. 772; .C.M.G. 794; G. N. Brk. 695; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 777 — Jas., adm. (A) 817 — Jas., C. EX. Sc. 505 — Jas., gen. (B) 864 — Ja.s., gem. (C) 871 Jas., G. Br. Cbia. 698; G. Vanc. Isl. 699; K.C.B. 783 — Jas, and sir J., G.C.B. 770; G. Gsey. 669; gen. (A) 863; R.C.B. 774 — sir Jas., adm. (A) 814 — Jno., abp. St. Amdr. 529 — Jno., bp. Carl. 476; bp. Sal. 467; dry. Winds. 474 — Jno., gen. (B) 866 — Jno. and slr J., gem. (ID) 903; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 778 — Jno. and Sir J., G. Ceyl. 673; K.C.M.G. 798 — sir Jno., gen. (C) 873 — Jno. Ersk., adm. (A) 819 — Jno. Leigh, adm. (A) 816 86 sir Kenn. Mack., gen. (B) 8 a- — Neil and Sir N., gen. (IB) 870; K.C.B. 776; IK.C.H. 788 — Pet. Jno., adm. (D) 828 — Rt., bp. Brm., 531; bp. Dnbl. 532 — Rt., gem. (IB) 866 — Rt., gen. (B) 867 — Rt., gen. (C) 872 — Rt., gen. (C) 874 — Rt., gen. (ID) 884 — Rt. Gord., adm. (E) 837 — Rt. and Sir R., 679 ; G. Jsey. — Sholto, adm. (E) 837 — Stair, adm. (A) 820 — Sylv., aft. li. Glenbervie, q.v., B.C. 252; B.T. 268; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; K.C. 415; L.T. 158; P.C. 205 - ., gen. (D) 886; R.C.R. 779 - waii. G. Leew. Isl. 727 Douglas—cont. — Wnn., gem. (D) 883 — Wrm., lx.C.B. 774 — Winn., Ld. Sess. 518 — sir Wim., C. Ex. Sc. 504 — sir Wm., gem. (B) 864 — sir Wim., gen. (C) 874; E.C.H. 788 — sir Wm. Hy., adm. (A) 817 — Wm. Rt. K., L. Admy. 181-2 Douglas, lds., E. and MI. Of — Jas., E. Of, K.G. 736 — Archd., ld., aft. 9th D. of Hamilton, q.v., L.L. Forf. 510 — Alexr., M. of, aft. 10th D. of Hamilton, q.v., Amb. Russ. 125; L.L. Lnrik. 511; P.C. 208 Wm. Alexr., &c., M. of, aft. 11th D. of Hamilton, q.v., Kt. Mar. Sc. 507 Doune, Jas., ld, Ld. Sess. 517 Dounton, Wm. de, K.B. 754 Douvedale, Jno., K.B. 754 T}ovan, Jno., gem. (D) 926 Dove, Th., bp. Pboro. 458; dri. NOrw. 455 TNovedall, Th., see Dowdall Dover, Jno. le, J. It. 365 Dover, Earls of, see also Queensberry Carey Family. — Hy., 1st. E. of, form Hy. Carey, and visc. Rochford, Q.'). — Jno., 2nd E. of, form. Visc. Rochford, q.v. Jermyn Family. — Hy, 1st là., aft. li. Jer- myn, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 559, L.T. 155; P.C. 193 Yorke Family. — Jos., 1st lá., form. hon. Sir J. Yorke, q.v. Pºyeton, Fred. L., gen. (D) — Jno., gem. (D) 877; K.C.B. 7 7 — Jno. and Sir J., G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 — Whn. Jno., gem. (D) 914 Dovey (or O'Dove), Maur., dn. Arnn. 597 Dowdall, Geo., abp. Arm. 595 — Jas., C.J.I.B. Ir. 578; J.C.P. Ir. 581; J.K.B. Ir. 578; S.G. Ilº. 589 — Rt., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; S.L. II. 591 5s (or Dovedall), Th., M.R. Ir. 585 Dowden, Jno., b.p. Edinb. 543 pºwdeswen, Geo. M., Q.C. 41 — Juno. E., M. Chy. 397 Wm., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 157; P.C. 201 Wrm., G. Bah. Isl. 716 — Wrm., gen. (A) 861 Dowell, Wallis, gen. (I)) 920 — Wm. Mont. and Sir W., adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. 781 Psyker, Howard, gem. (D) 7 — Howard Codr., gen. (D) 929 Dowling, Alf. S., C.C.J. 404; S.L. 413 Down, Ed. Aug., adm. (IHI) 844 — Jas. Somers, gen. (D) 896 Downe, visc. Dºtcie Family. Wm., 1st visc., form. Sir W. Ducie, q.v. IFor Lºst of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1011 DOWne, visc.—cont. Dawnay Family. -zhugh Rd., 8th visc., C.I.E. Pºyner, Jno. W , K.C.M.G. Pºynes, Lewis, din. Kilm. — Rt., b.p. Down and Cnr. 604; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Rph. 602; dr. Dry. 602 Downes, lds. — Wnn., aft. la. D., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Ulysses, ld., form. U. de Burgh or Borough, q.v., G.C.B. 770; gen. (A) 863; S.G.O., 260 Downham, Geo., bp. Dry. 601 — Ja.s., dn. Arm. 597 Downing, Dav., gen. (D) 891 — Geo. and sir G. (No. 1), C. Cus. 273; Tell. Ex. 167 — Geo. and Sir G. (No. 2) Tell. Ex. 167 — sir Geo. (No. 3) K.B. 764 Downman, Hugh, adm. (A) 820; (G) 840 — Sir Th., gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 788 — Wrm., bp. Chest. 476 Pºns, Dive, bp. Crk. and R. — Dudl., R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Hy., bp. Dry. 601; bp. Elph. 608; bp. Rilla. and Ach. 613; bp. Mth, 599 Downshire, MI. of , .. — Wills., 1st M. of, form. E. of Hillsborough, q.v. — Arthr., Bl. S. T., 3rd M. of, IS.P. 751; L.D. Downsh. 569 Pºſse, Jno. Rt., dm. Ferns, 6 Rd., A.G. Ir. 589; B. Ex. Ir. 584; J. Ex. D. Ir. 584; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 Pºgliora, JRt. de, dm. St. P. Doyle, Ch. Hast. and sir C., G. N. Brk. 696; G. N.Sc. 695 gen. (D) 895; K.C.M.G. 796 — Ch. Jos., G. Gren. 724; gen. (D) 881 — Sir Ch. Winn., G.C.H. 787 ; gen. (B) 869; K.C.H. 787 — Sir Fras. Hast., gen. (D) 877 — Sir Fras. H. Ch., C. Cus. 277; C. Exc. 281-2 '— Sir Jmo., G.C.B. 767; G. ºy. 669; gen. (A) 861; K.B. 766 — Sir Jno. Mill., K.C.B. 775 — P. W., Amb. Mex. 133 — Welb. Ell., gem. (C) 872 — Wm., gem. (B) 867 Doyley and Doyly — Sir Ch. Walt., 912 — Chr., U.S.C. 255 — Fras., gem. (B) 866; K.C.B. 7 — Geo., G. Jam, 712 — Hy., gen. (D) 877 — Jno. Walt., gen. (D) 917 - Th., P.P. 416; S.L. 413 — Sir Winn., C. Exc. 277; Tell. Ex. 167 IDoyne, Ch., dim. Llin. 623 — Robert, C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J.C.P. II. 580 - I}oythwal, abp. St. Dav. 463 gen. (ID) Drang dra, Raj. of, K.C.S.I. 802 — Raj. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Draiton, see Drayton Pºe, capt. —, G. Newfa. 7 — Fras., Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Vce, 116 — sir Fras. S., L. Admy. 180 — Fras. Wm., adm. (A) 815 — Jno., adm. (HI) 847 — Rog., Adm. Ind. 647 — sir Wrm., L. Admy. 177 — Wrm. Hy., K.C.B. 780 I}raper, sir Chr., L.M. Lond. 490 — Rd., S.L. 412 — Rt., bp. Ard. 608; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607 — Wum. and sir W., gen. (IB) 865; K.D. 765 Draycote (or Draycott), IB. Ex. Ir. 583; Ch. Ex 561; M.R. Ir. 585 Drayton and Draiton — Nichs. de, B. Ex. 383 — (or Braytom), Th. de, M. Chy. 393 Hy., . Ir. ! — sir Th., L.H.A. 171 — Wnn., D. Chanc. II. 574 Drelincourt, Pet., dn. Arm. 597 - Dreschel, Fredc. Bar., gen. (B) S66 Drew, Andr., adm. (G) 843 — Ed., Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 408 — Fras. Ed., gen, (ID) 924 — Hy. Rawl., gen. (ID) 925 Droes, Hugh de, J. It. 367 Drogheda, E. and M. of — Hy., 3rd E. of, L.J. Ir. 555 — Ch., 6th E., aft. 1st M. Of, Ch. Sec. Ir, 562; F.M. 856; gen. (A) 858; K.P. 750; L.J. Ir. 557; Postm. G. Ir. 564 — Hy. Fr., 3rd M. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Kild. 569 Drogo, D. Bry. 28 — IX. Scy. 55 — L.R. 353 Drokenesford, Jno. de, A.G. 398 ; bp. B. and W. 427; L.H.T. 152 Drope, Rt., L.M. Lond. 490 Drought, Th. Armstr., gem. (ID) 894 Drouss, Rt., L.H.A. 172 Droz, N., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Dru, Laur., A.G. 398 Druce, Geo., Q.C. 418 Druck, H., Pres, Sw. C. 31 IDrumlanrig, E. and visc, Jas., E. of, aft. 2nd D. of Queensberry, q.v., L.H.T. Sc. 497 — Archd. Wnn., visc., aft. 7th M. Queensberry, q.v., Compt. H. 293; L.L. Dumf, 509; P.C. 216 Drummond, Sir Ad., adm. (A) 820; K.C.H. 789 Alexr., Ly. K.A. 513 — sir Alexr., Tud. Sess, 517 — Amdr. Jimo., gen. (A) 860 — Berkeley, gen. (ID) 884 — Dunc., gem. (B) 866 — hon. Edm. K.C.I.E. 805; L.G. N.W. Pr. 653; M.C.I. 647 — Fras. Walk., gen. (D) 922 — Geo., C. Cus. 275; C. Exc. Sc. 504 Drummond—cont. — Geo., C. Exc. Sc. 505 — Geo., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Geo., Sec. Thist. 749 — Gord. and sir G., G.C.B. 767; G. Can. 691; gen. (A) 861; K.C.B. 773 — Hy., gen. (ID) 919 — Jas., bp. Brn. 531 — Jas., gen. (A) 861 — hon. Ja.s. Rt., and Sir J., adm. (D) 833; (E) 834; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780 ; L. Admy. 184 — Jno., gen. (D) 884 — Jno., aft. visc. Melfort, &c. q.v., P.C. 192 — Percy, gen. (C) 875 — hon. Rt., abp. Yk. 486; by). Sal. 467; bp. St. As. 462; P.C. 2 Th., U.S. Ir. 563 —ºviet A. W., Amb. Bya. 1. 11% — Walt., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Wm., Amb. Scy. 114; Amb. Tky. 129; P.C. 207 — hom. Wm., aft. Visc. Strath- sºn, q.v., Comm. Tr. Sc. 7 4 — Wm. Abern., b.p. Brm. 541; bp. Edinb. 542 Drummond, lds. — Jno. Ld., L.J. Gen. 522 Drummond-Hay, see Hay Drury, Alexr., gen. (C) 871 — Arth., gen. (ID) 928 — Byron, adm. (HI) $50 — Ch. Cort., gem. (D) 923 — sir Dr., Lt. T.L. 321 — Geo., gen. (ID) 915 — Rt., Sp. H.C. 249 — Th., adm. (A) 817 — Wnn., J. Pr. Ct. 421 — sil: Wrm., L.J. Ir. 554 — Wnn. O'Br., adm. (A) 817 Drury-Isowe, see Lowe Drusus, C. L., C. Ro. 44 — M. L., C. Ro. 45 Drusy, Th., IN.D. 756 Dryby, Simon de, L.H.A. 171 Dryden, Jno., P. Laur. 301 Prysdale, Jas. Vic.., G. Tob. 7. — Wm., gem. (ID) 90S IDuach-Fionn, K. Ir. 20 Dubdalethy, I. to III., bp. Arm. 595 Dubritius (St.), bp. Llff. 448 Dubs, J., Pres, Sw. C. 31 Dubtach, I. and II., b.p. Arm. 595 Duc, Rog. le, L.M. Lond. 488 IDucane, Ch. and sir C., C. Cus. 277; G. Tasm. 708; K.C.M.G. 797; L. Admy. 184 — Edm. Fk., K.C.B. 783 Ducasse, Pasch (or Paul), dn. Clr. 597; du. Ferns, 623 IXucat, Cyril Hugh Penn, gem. (ID) 929 Ducie and Ducy — (or Darcy), Hugh, K.B. 7 — Sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 — Sir Winn., aft. Visc. Downe, q.v., K.B. (1661) 763 Ducie, ld, and E. of — Matth., 2nd ló., form. M. Morton, q.v., L.L. Glouc. 308 — Hy. Jimo., 3rd E. of, C.Y.G. 298; L.L. Glouc. 308 ; P.C. 216 Fon: List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1012 INDEX OF NAMES. *IPuck, Arth., M. Chy. 395 *Dulcke, Arth., Ch. Lond. 422 * 2 Salme pers. Pºet, Sir Lionel, L.M. Lond. Duckett, Geo., C. Exc. 279-80 Duckworth, Juo. Th. and sir J., adm. (A) 816; G.C.IX. 767; G. Newfa. 700; K.B. 766 Saml., M. Chy. 397 Ducy, see Ducle Dudda, bp. Winch. 470 Dudgeon, I’eter, gen. (D) 890 Dudley, sir Andr., IX.G. 738 Edm., Sp. H.C. 249 — Sir Malth., C. Cus, 274 — Sir or lòl. Iłt., aft. E. of LelcCŞter, q.v., Comst. W. Cast. 322; K.G. 738; M.H. 302 — Wm., bp. Dharm. 478; dim. Winds. 474 — sir Wm., Ld. Chanc, Ir. 575 Dudley, lds, Suttom famvuly. — Jno., 4th la., Comst. T.L. 320; IS.G. 736; L.L. Ir. 552 Ed., 5th lá., IK.B. 758; K.G. 737 Dudley and Ward, Jno. Wm., 4th visc., aft. Darl D., P.C. 210; F. Soc. 228 Dºgoco or Bodeca, bp. Wlls. 427 Duénas, F., Pres, S. Salv. 106 Duff, K. Sc. 19 — horl. Sir Alex., gem. (A) 862; G.C.H. 786; L.L. Elgin. 509 — Alex. Gord., gem. (ID) 935 — Anna Jul. Grant, aft. Lady Grant D., Cr. Ind. 810 - Archd. admm. (ID) 825; (G) — Geo, Skome, L.L. Elgm, 509 — Sir Jas., gen. (A) 800 Duff, Jas., aft. 5th E. of Fife, (ſ.v., L.L. Bffsh. 508 — Mountst. Elph. Grant- and Sir MI., G. Mdras, 657; G.C.S.I. 801; P.C. 219; U.S.C. 235; U.S. Ind, 236 — Norwich, admm. (G) 841 — Rt., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfol. 700 — Rt. Wm., L. Admy, 186; L.T. 162 Dufferin, Fk. T., 5th lá., aft. 1st E. and 1st M. of D. and Ava, form. Fk. and lói. Temple, (ſ.v., Amb. E.g. 130; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Thy. 130; C.D.L. 243; G.C.B. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; G.G. Cam. 692; G.G. Jind. 650; IS.C.]3. 783; IK.P. 751; L.L. Downsh. 569; P.C. 218; Paymn. G. 245; U.S. Indi. 236 — Harr. Georg., Ctss. Of, aft. Mss. of D. and Ava, 810 Duffield, see Doffelte Duffin, Fla., gon. (D) 918 Duffus, K. Sc. 19 Duffe, Comp, with O'Dubhai and O’Duffy. — Sir Ch. Gord., I.C.M.G. 797 — Jno., gem. (D) 879 Dugdale, Jno. and Sir J. Nºwº. H. 340; Norr. K.A. 329; Winds. H. 331 Dugdale—cont. — Jno. Str., Q.C. 420 — Wm. Chest. H. 331; Gart. K.A. 327; Norr. I.A. 329 ; R. Cr, P.A. 335 Dugmore, Wm., Q.C. 418 Pºlius, Č., d. Roº; it. Ro, — K., C. Ito. 40 Duina (or Dunnus), bp. Boch. 459 Duke, Sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 492 Tiſh. Åssi.º. (Ijº, Duket, lèd., J. It, 367 Dulac, Geml., K.C.B. 778 Dule, see Dirlo Dunia, bp. Lich. 443 Dumaresq., Hy., adm. (H) 850 — Jno. D. A., G. Lag. 687 Pºmaresque, Th., adm. (A) Dumas, Mons., G. MItius. 683 Dumbarton, Gco., 1st. E, of, gen. (B) 864; K.T. 747 Dumbert, see Dumbert Dumblane, Th., visc., form. Sir T. Osborne, (ſ.v., aft. E. of Danby, &c., q.v. Dumbleton, Ch., gen. (D) 924 Dumbreck, Dav., lx.C.B. 780 Dumfries, E. of, see E. of Stair Dunmumer, Edmd., Sr. N. 257 Dumraon, Mahar of, I.C.I.E. 805 Dun, Chas. D., gon. (ID) 887 — Ch. Wm., gem. (ID) 915 — sir Dam., D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 423 — Ed. Wint., gem. (ID) 929 — Jno., gen. (ID) 881 Dunbar, Archd., Ld. 518 Columba, bp. Mor. 534 — Gavin, abp. Glasg. 537; bp. Abdul. 530; Lól. Chanc. 515; Ld. Clk. Iłeg. 525 (not Dav, as In body) — Jno. P., gen, (I)) 877 — Jno. Seym., gem. (IP) 912 — Rt. de, Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 — Th., gen. (B) 865 — Th., gen. (C) 873 — Wm., bp. Abdm, 540; bp. Mor. 544 #6. 169; Sess. — Sir Wm., C. and C.G. Ex. 169; L.T. 16 Dunbar, E. of — GCo., 1st E. of, form. li. Hume of B., q.v., K.G. 739; L.H.T. S.C. 497 IXunbarton, see Dumbarton Lumbert (or Dumbert), bp. Winch. 470 Duncan, bp. Dkld. 533 — I. and II., K. Sc. 19 — Adam, 8ee visc. D., infra, — Alexr., bp. Glasg. 543; gen. (D) 876 — Amdr., Mod. IX. Sc. 547 — Hy., Mod. IX. Sc. 547 — hom. Hy, and sir H., Lt. O. 261; K.C.H. 788 — Jno., bp, Isl. 539 — Jonn., G. Bbay. 659 Duncan, Visc. Adam, aft. 1st. Visc. TX., Adm. (A) 815 — Adam, c.c. visc. D., T.T. 161 Duncannon, Visc. — Wm., visc., aft, 2nd E. of Bessborough, q.v., L. Admy. 168-9-80; L.T. 157 *º-º-º-º-º: Duncannon, visc.—cont. — Jno. Wm., visc., aft. 4th E. of Bessborough, q.v., C.W.F., &c. 272; H. Sec. 227; L.L. Car- low, 568; L.L., Kulk. 570; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 212 Duncombe, hon. Arth., adm. (G) 842; L. Admy. 183 — hon. Aug., dm. Yk. 487 — Sir Ch., L.M. Lond. 491 — sir Jno., Ch. Ex. 164; L.T. 155; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 190 — Wm., L.J. Ir. 555 Pºdas, Chas. St., gem. (D) 9 — Dav, and Sir D., C. Ch. 855; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; G. Gsey. 669; G.C.B. 767, gem. (A) 859; R.B. 766 Sir Dav., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 215; Q.C. 417; S.C. 402 93 sir Dav., Mast, Coll. Surg. 939 — Dunc., Ly. K.A. 513 — Fras, and Sir F., G. C.G.H. 678; gen. (A) 860 — Fk., L.L. Ork. and Z. 11 — Geo., adm. (A) 819 — Geo., G. Bdoes. 721; G. St. Vllm. W25 — Ceo., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 — Geo., Ld. Sess. 521 — hon. Geo. Heneage Lawr. adm. (A) 820; Compt. N. 257 L. Admy, 182 — Hy., admm. (ID) 830 — Hy., aft, 1st visc. Melville, q.v., B.C. 252; B.T. 267; H. Sec. 226; I.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Adv. 526; Pres. B.C. 252; P.C. 203; Tr. N. 256; P.C. 203; W. and C. Sec. 230 — Hy., aft. 3rd visc, Melville, q.v., K.C.B. 777 — Jas., b.p. Down and Cnr. (50 — Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 — sur Ja.s., Ld. ScSS. 519 — Jas. Full., gem. (D) 879 Jas. Wh, Deams, and Sir J., adm. (ID) 827, Clk. O. 260; G.C.B. 769; L. Admmy. 183 — Jno., Ly. Dep. 513 — sir Jno. Burmet, adm. (G) 4 1 Jno. Chas., L.L. Ork. and Z. 511 — hon. Jno. Ch., L.L. Ork. and Z. 511 — Sir Laur., see lil. D., Mujrat — Ralph, gen. (A) 859 IRalph Pet., C. EXc. Ir. 566 hon. Tºd. Saunders and Sir R., adm. (ID) 830; IS.C.B. 778; L. Admy, 183-4 lºt. (No. 1), L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Lól. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 520 Rt. (No. 2), L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Tud. Adv. 520 Rt. (No. 3), Ld, Adv. 526 — hon. Rt. Laur. and Sir R., gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 774 — Rt. Sand, aft. 2nd Visc. Mclville, q.v., C.B. Ex. Sc. 523; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 208; Pros. B.C. 252-3 — Th., Ly. Dep. 513 — Sir Th., adml. (A) 820; R.C.B. 776 — Th., see li. D., infra, For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1013 Dundas—comt. *— Wm., B.C. 252; Ld. Clk. . 525; P.C. 206; Sec. at W. *— Wm., L. Admy, 181 * 2 same pers. — Wm. Bolden, gem. (D) 887 IXundas, lds. — Sir Th., aft. 1st là. D., L.L. Ork, and Z. 511 — Lawr., 2nd lå., aft 1st E. of Zetland, q.v., L.L. Ork, and Z. 511; P.C. 202 — Th. Jno., ld., aft, 2nd E. of Zetland, L.L., Yorks. N.R. 313 Dundermore, Steph. de, bp. Glasg. 536 — (or Dumdumore), Th. de, bp. Ross. 535 Dundonald, E. of — Jno., 2nd E. of, Comm. Tr. SC. 497 — Thos., 8th E. of, form. Th. Cochrane, q.v. — Th., 10th E. of, form, lil. Cochrane, q.v. ; adm. (A) 820; (C) 822; G.C.B. 769 Dundumore, see Dundemore Pºe, Rog. de la, Const. T.L. 320 Dunetus, L.J. Gen. 522 Dunfermline, lds, and E. of — Geo., E. of, form. (1533) ld. Fyvie, q.v. — Alexr., 1st E. of, form. Sir Alexr. Seton and lå, Urqu- hart, q.v.; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Ch., 2nd E. of, L.H.C. K Sc. 546; L.P.S. Sc. 501 — Jno. 3rd E. of, Ld. Sess, 517 Abercromby Family. — Ja.s., 1st làl., form. Jas, Abercromby, q.v. — Ralph, 2nd lói., form, Sir R. Abercromby, q.v. pºſtower, Walt, de, M.M. 5 Dungaillion, Arth., 1st visc., form. hon. A. Trevor, q.v., C. Cus. Ir, 565 Dunglass, lds. — Cosp. A., lcl., aft. 11th E. of Home, q.v., U.S.F. 230 — Ch. Alexr., ld, aft. 12th E. of Home, q.v., L.L. Berw. 508 Dungarvan, Ch., visc, (son of 5th E. Of Cork), L. Treas. Ir. 559 Dunker, Sir Walt., G. Ch. Isl, 7 Dunkit, Robt. de, dm. Oss. 622 Durlio, Rd., visc., aft, 2nd E. of Clancarty, q.v., B.C. 252 Dunlop, Frankl., gem. (D) 902 — Hugh, adm. (E) 835; (E') 839 — Jas., gen. (B) 867 Jas. Amdr. Rt., adm. (H) 852 Wm., gem, (D) 881 Dunmore, E, of — Jno., Ithis. of, G. Bah. Isl. 716; gen. (A) 857 — Ch. Adolph., 7th E. of, L.L. Stirl, 512 Dumm, sir Day, adm. (D) 829; (G) S40; K.C.H. 789 — Josias, gem, (D) 933 – Mont. Buccl., adm. (H) 852 — Wm., gem. (ID) 891 – Wm., L.M. Dbln. 641 l Dunne, Ed., gen. (A) 861 — Fras. P., Clk. O. 260; gen. (D) 900 — Jeremh., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Jno. Hart., gen, (ID) 923 Dunning, Jno., aft. 1st là, Ash- burton, q.v., P.C. 203; S.G. 402 Dunnus, 800 Duina IXunow, Jno., bp. Linnk. 638 Dunraven, E. of Edw. Rd., 3rd E. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Lim. 570 Windh. Th., 4th E. of, K.P. 751; U.S.C. 235 Dunsany, lds. — Ed. W., 14th lä., Meath, 570 L.L. — Ed., 16th lá., adm. (G) 43 8 Pºsford, Hy. Fla., gem. (ID) 02 Dunsmore, Fras., 1st là., aft. 1st E. of Chichester, q.v., C.G.P. 299 Dunstan, See also Kitchin (St.), abp. Cant. 430; bp. Lond. 451 ; bp. Worc. 472 Dunstavil, see Dunsterville Dunsterville, Jas. H., gen. (D) 886 — Lion. D'Arcy, gen. (ID) 935 — (or Dunstavil) sir Rt., R.G. (?) 734 Duntze, Jno Alexr. adm. (D) 831 ; (E) 834 Duport, Jas. dn. Pboro. 458 Duppa, Br., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Sal. 467; bp. Winch. 471; dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Dupré, Ed., dm. Jsey. 668 Duppiin, visc. Geo., 1st visc., form. Sir Geo., and 1st là. Hay., q.v., aft, 1st E. Of Kinnoull, q.v. — Geo., Hy., visc., aft. 7th E. of Kinnoull, q.v., Tell. Ex. (1711) 167 — Th., visc., aft, 8th E. of IXinnoull, q.v., B.T. 264-5; C.D.L. 243; L.T. 157; P.C. 200; Paymn. O. 244 Dupuis, Jno. Ed. and sir J., gen. (ID) 890; R.C.B. 779 Duquerry, Hy., S.L. Ir. 592 Durand, #y. Mar, and sir H., gen. (D) 901; K.C.S.I. 802; L.G. Pjab. 654; M.C.I. 646; Sec. S.I. 804 **** — Hy. Mort. and Sir H., K.C.I.E. 805; Sec. I.E. 808; Sec. S.I. 804 Jas., gen. (B) 865 Durando, Giòv., K.C.B. 778 Durant, Ja.s., gen. (ID) 878 — Raym., K.B. 754 — Th., M. Chy. 393 *Duras, ld, IX.B. (1464) 757 *— Gaillard de Durefort, ld. of, IK.G., 736 * Poss. same pers. D'Urban, Benj., and sir B., G. Antig., &c. 727; G. Br. Gu. 715; G. C.G.H. 679; G. Denn. and Ess. 715; G.C.B. 769; gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774; R.C.H. 787 — Whn., adm. (ID) 824 — Wm. Ja.s., gem. (ID) 895 Durdent, Walt., bp. Lich, and Cov. 443 Durdin, Rt. G., L.M. Dbln. 642 Duredent, Walt., J. It. 367 Durell, Jno., dm. Winds. 474 Ph., adm. (A) 814 IXurem, Jno., B. Ex. 383 Durham, Sir Alexr., Ly. K.A. 513 Jaš., gen. (A) 861 — Sir Ph. Ch. Calderwood- Henderson-, adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 774 Durham, las, and E. of — Jno. Geo., 1st la., aft. 1st E. of, form. J. G. and visc. Lambton, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Pr, 118; Amb. Russ. 126; G.C.B. 772; G.G. N. Am. Prov. 692; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 211 Geo. F. D'A., 2nd E. of, L.L. Dharm. 308 — Jno. Geo., 3rd E. of, L.L. Dharm. 308 Durie, Andr., bp. Gall. 538; Ld. Sess. 518 | — Geo., Ld. Sess. 518 Wm., K.H. 792 During, Lewis Alexr., gen. (ID) S96 Pºmford, Ed. Wm., gen. (ID) 90; Elias Walk., gem. (B) 870 — Geo., gen. (D) 893 — JRd., bp. Chich, 433 Durninge, Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Duroc, Off. Nap. 26 Duroure, Alex., gen. (B) 865 Dursley, visc. — Ch., visc., aft. 2nd E. Berkeley, q.v., P.C. 194 Jas., visc., aft, 3rd E. of ºrkeley, q.v., adm. (A) (1707) 81: Durstus, IN. Sc. 17 Dury, Theod., gen. (B) S65 Durward, Jno., IX.B. 757 DuSnlani, Ant., Count, K.C.M.G. 796 Dusseaux, Jos., gem. (A) S60 Duthlac (St.), b]). Ross, 535 Dutton, Pet., G. I. Man, 665 — sir Rd., G. Bdoes. 719 — W. Holmes, gem. (I)) S93 Alex., (c.c. 1d. D., also c.c. M. of Douglas and Cl., q.v., aft. 10th D. of Hamilton, (I. U. Duval, Th., gem. (C) 872 Dwyer, Hy, gem. (D) 884 — Hy. Arth., gel). (ID) 919 — Jno., gen, (D) 918 — Th, Peard., gen. (ID) 894 I}wyna, bp. Lich. 443 Dyacon, Michl., bp. St. As. 462 Dyal-Missar, Iłajah, IX.C.S.I. 802 Dyce and Dyche, see Dyke Iyer, Archd. B., gen. (D) 887 sir Rd., Chanc. Gart. 746 — Geo., gen. (C) 873 — Jas. and Sir J., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; J.Q.I. 372; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 — Jno., IX.C.B. 775 — sir Th. Rd., gem, (B) 868 Dyes, Tras., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Winds. H. 331 Dyett, J. P. L., G. Nev. 730 — R. H., G. Virg. Isl. 731 Dyke, Dyce and Dyche Rt., L.R. Ir. 575; M.R. Ir. 585 IFor List of Abby'eviations, see pp. 944-952. 1014 INDEX OF NAMES. Dyke, Dyce, and Dyche—comt. sir Wm. Hart-, Ch. Sec, Ir, 563; P.C. 219; Sec, Tr. 164; V.P. Ed. 255 Dymock (or Dimmock), Andr., 13. Ex. 383 ; S.G. 401 — Th., IK.B. 756 Dyneley, Hy. Ell., gem. (D).933 Dynely, Th., gen. (ID) 884 Dynevil, Barth., K.I3. 754 Dynevor, Geo., 4th Id., L.L. Carm. 315 Dynham (or Derham), Jno., aft. 1d. D., (d. 1509), Iš.G. 736; L.H.T. 154; Chanc. Ir, 575 Dyott, Rd., C. St. 283 — Wm., gem. (A) 861 Dysart, E. of — Lion., 3rd E. of, IS.T. 747 — Whn. J. M., 8th E. of, L.L. Töutl. 311 Dyson, Jer., B.T. 265-6; Coff. H. 294; L.T. 157; P.C. 203; Sec, Tr. 163 — Jerry Fras., gem. (D) 877 Dyvnwall, K. Wls. 16 E. E—, see also AE– ad—, see (tlso Ed— Eadbald and Eadbaldus, R.E. 1 — by). Lond. 451 IEadbert and Eadbertills — (St.), bp. Lindisf. 478 — bp. Sels. 432 — bp. Worc. 472 — K. E. 1-2 Eadbrightus, bp, Lond, 451 Ealdfarthus, bp. Dumw. 454 Eadfrid (St.), bp. Lindisf. 478 Ealdhedus, bp. Sidr. 446 Eadhelmus, bp. Sels. 432 Eadhericus, bp. Dorch. & Sidr. 446 Eadilfridus, bp. Elm, 454 Eadmerus, bp. St. Amdr. 528 Eadmund, see Edmund Eadna-Airgtheach, K. Ir. 20 Eadmothus, bp, Dey, 436 — (2) bp. Dorch. & Sidr. 446 Eadred, bp. Dham, 478 Eadsige (or Eadsimus), abp. Cant. 430 Eadsinus, bp. Winch. 470 Eadstanus, bp. Lond, 451 Eadulphus, I. and II., bp. Sidr. 446 Eagar, Rt. Jno., gen. (D).909 Eagle, Fras. K., C.C.J. 403 Ealdferth, K.E. 2 Ealfwyn, see Alwinus Ealstam (or Alfstan), bp. Shbn. 466 Earmer, Sir Jmo., L.M. Lond, 492 Eanes, Jno., C. Tx. 284-5 — Jno., M. Chy. 397 Eanbald (2), abp. Yk. 485 Banbert, bp. Hex. 480 — byp. Lindisf. 478 Earlfrid, K.E. 2 #º See Wilmot Earduff, bp. Roch, 459 Eardulph, bp. Lindisf. 478 Earl, Ed., C. Cus. 277; C. Cus. Ir. 504 — Th., T.J. Ir. 555 Earle, see also Erle — Alfr., b.p. suff. Marlb. 452 — Aug., C. Exc. 280 — (or Erle), Erasm., S.L. 409-10 — Giles, L.T. 156 — sir Jas., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 — Jno., bb. Sal. 467; bp. Worc. 473; dm, Westle, 469 — Jno. March, gem. (D) 926 — Ralph A., Sec. P.L.B. 262 — Wm., L. Admy. 175 — Wm., gem. (ID) 922 — Wrm., S.L. 411 — Wrm, Hy. Sh., gen. (ID) 914 — Wrm. R., Clk. O. 260 Earlie, Hamilton Ed, Geo., adm. (HI) 853 Earlsfort, Jno., 1st là., form. Jno. Scott, q.v., aft. 1st V & II, of Clonmel, q.v. Earn, sir Hy., K.G. 733 Earnulph (St.), bp. Roch. 459 East, sir Ed. Hyde, C.J. Bgal. ; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 1 — Jas. Wyl, adm. (H) 853 Eastlake, Ch. L. and Sir C., Pres. IR.A. 941 Easton, Ad., lm. Yk. 486 Eastwick, Wm. Jos., M.C.I. 646 Eastwood, Jno., L.M. D'blin. 64() Eata (or Estata), St., b.p. Hex. 480; bp. Lindisf. 478 Eat headus, bp. Lich, 443 Eathored, bp, Worc. 472 Eberhard. D. Bva, 67 — I. to III., D. Foa. 71; D. Wog. 80-1 — Tuouis, D. Whg. 81 Ebringtºn, Hugh, visc., aft. 2nd E. Fortescue, q.v., L.L. Dev. 307; L.L. Ir. 557; L.T. 161; P.C. 213; Sec. P.L.B. 262 IEoroicis, Steph, de, J. It, 367 Eburnus, Q. F. M., C. Ro. 45 Ebury, Rt., 1st là., form, hom, Ił. Grosvenor, q.v. Ecbert, see also Egbert — l'C.E. 1 ºcca, (or Acca), bp. Her. 441 Eccles, sir Jno., L.M. D'blin. 641 — Th., IK.H. 790 Ecclesia, Wm. de St. Maria, bp. Lond, 451; Jy. 363 Ecfrid. R.E. 2 Echénique, J. R., Pres, Pu. 109 Echlin, sir Hy., B. Ex. Ir. 584; J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 591. — Rt., bp. Down. & Chr. 604; (ln, Tim, 613 Echlyn, Rt., gen. (B) 864 Eck, Lubb. Jan. baron Van, G. Ceyl, 672 Eckersley, Nathl., K.H. 789 Eckford, Jas., gen. (D) 887 Ed—, see also Ead— Edan, St., bp. Ferns. 621 Edbert and Edbertus — bp. Dorch. 446 — IX.E. l aggevine, St. Cle, Comst. T.L. 20 Eddis, Arth. Sh., C.C.J. 405; Q.C .C., 418 Eddisbury, E. J., ld., form. E. J. Stanley, q.v., aft. lil. St. of Alderley, q.v. Bden, hon. Ash. and Sir A., Ch. Com. Brma. 655; K.C.S.I. §: L.G. Bgal. 652; M.C.I. 547 Ch., adm. (D) 832; (E) 834; º 838; K.C.B. 780; L. Admy. 184 — Geo. Mort., gen. (ID) 886 — Hy., adm. (IO) 830; (E) 834; L. Admy. 183-4 — Juno., gen. (HD) 885 — Morton and Sir M., aft. 1st ld. Hemley, q.v., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Gamy. 117; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Spm, 124; Amb. Sxy. 120; IS.B. 765; P.C. 206 — Rt., b.p. Mor, Ross and Cness, 544; Pr. bp. Sc. 540 — Rt. Henley, aft, 2nd ló. Henley, q.v., M. Chy. 397 hon. lºt. Jno., aft, 3rd lit. Allclºl., q.v., b.p. S. and M. 484 — Th., L. Admy. 175 — Th., M. Chy. 395 — Wum., gen, (A) 862 — Wnn., M. Chy. 306 — Winn., aft. 1st là. Auckland, q.v., Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Spm. 123; B.T. 266-7; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; P.C. 204; U.S.S. 226; V. Treas, Ir, 560 — hon. Winn, Fk., Tell. Ex. 168 - — Wm. Hass., gen. (D) 892 Edendon, see Edington Edenhani, Geoff., J.IX.B. 71 agenstowe, Hy. de, M. Chy. 393 Ederus, K. Sc. 18 Edgar and Edgarus *— bp. Her. 441 :* bp. Tuond. 451 >k bp. Sidr. 446 * l’rob, some same pers, Connp. (lates. — IX.R. 3; L.H.A. 170 — IX. Sc. 19 — (son Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 — Hy., b]). Fife, 543 — Jas., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Higsom, Wm. Hy., gem. (D) 7 Edgcombe and Edgecumbe, See also Mount-Edgcumbe — G., see lèl. E., infra. Piers., K.B. 759 — Rd., K.B. 763 — Rd., see lil. E., infra, — sir Rd., Compt. H. 292 Edgcumbe, lds, — hon. Rd., aft. 1st la. E., C.D.L. 243; L.L. Cnwall. 307; L.T. 156; P.C. 199; V. Trea,S. Ir, 559-60 — hon. Rd., aft. 2nd Id. E., B.T. 265; Compt. H. 292; gen, (C) 871; L. Admy. 178; IP.C. 200 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMEs. 10] 5 Edgcumbe, lds.-cont. — Geo., 3rd, ld, aft. 1st visc, Mount Edgcumbe and Valle- tort, adm. - (A) 814; C.G.P. 299; L.L. Cnwall. 307; P.C. 201; Tr. H. 291; V. Treas. II. 560 Edge, Jas. Br., C.C.J. 406 - Jno. and sir J., C.J. N.W. Pr. 654; Q.C. 420 Edgell, Harry Edmd., adm. (D) 833; (E) 838 — Hy. Folker., adm. (D) 823 Edgeworth, Ed., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 Edgore, Geo., S.L. 408 Edigein or Edigen, Th., dm. Elph. 609 Edilbinus, bp. Llff. 448 Edilwach, IV.E. 1 Edilwald, K.E. 1-2 Edinburgh, Pr. Ern. Alb., aft. D. of, q.v. ; see also Pr.Alfred; adm. (E) 836; G.C.I.E. 805; G.C.M.G. 795; G.C.S.I. 801; R.C.B. 781; K.P. 751; K.T. 749; P.C. 217 — Marie Alex., Dss, of, Cr, Ind. 809 Edington (or Evendon), Wm., abp. Camt. 430; b.p. Winch. {} L.H.T. 153; Lól. Chanc, Eäisbury, Jno, or Jas., M. Chy. 396 sºn, Pet. H., aft. Sir P., Q.C. Edline, Ed., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 Edmeades, Hy., gen. (D) 931 Edmeston, Wm. gen. (A) 859 Edmondes, sir Th., Compt. II. 292; Tr. H. 291 Edmonds, Hy., K.D. 763 Edmondson, Jos., Mowb. H. Geo. Fk., K.C.B. 783; L.G. N.W. Pr. 653 — Wrm., adm. (IE) 835; (F) 9 Edmonstone, Edmund and Eadmund *— bp. Dham. 478 *— bp. Lim. 638 *—(or St. Hamund), bp. Shbn. 466 *— bp. Winch. 470 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. (lates. — (som Hy. III.), Pr. E. 9 — (som Ed. I.), Pr. E. 10 — (son Ed. III.), Pr. E. 10 -— (iss. Ed. III.), Pr. E. 10, 11 — (son Hy. VII.), Pr. E. 12 (Mortimer) (iss. Ed., III.), Pr. E. 10 (Tudor) (som Owen Tudor), Dr. E. 11 — I. and II., K.E. 3, 4 Edmundi, see Fitzedmund Edmunds, Ch., adm. (H) 848 Edmann, Th., bp, Bgr. 426 Ednevet, Howell Ap., bp. St. As. 462 Edred, K. E. 3 Edric, K.E. 1 , . — (Duke), L.H.A. 170 Edulph, bp, Her. 441 Edwal ab Meyric, Pr. Wls. 16 – Voel, Pr. Wls. 16 Edward, bp. Abdn, 530 *— bp. Brn. 531 Edward—com.t. * L.G.C. S.G. 506 :}; L.H. ConSt. Sc. 507 *— Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — C. Svy. 54 — D. Prma. 53 — K. Pgl. 88; IK.G. 735 — K. Sc. 19 — M. Bdn. 67 — (the Confessor), Iš.E. 4 — (the Elder), K.E. 3 — (the Martyr), K.E. 3 — I. to VI., . K.E. 4, 5; see also under Princes of Wales and Princes of England, imfra, — III. (K.E.), K.G. 733; K.B., 755; L.H.A. 172 . — (son of Hy. III.), aft. Ed. 1st, q.v., G. Ch. Isl. 667; L.J. Ir. 550; Pr. E. 9 — (Son Ed. I), aft. Ed. II., q.v., I.B. 754; Pr. E. 10; Pr. W.E. 8 — (son Ed. II.), aft. Ed. III., q.v., Pr. E. 10 — (Blk. Pr., som Ed. III.), Pr. E. 10; Pr. W.E. 8 of York, q.v.; Pr. E. 11 — (iss. Ed. III.) (2), Pr. E. 11 — (son of Blk. Pr.), Pr. E. 10 — (son Hy. VI.), Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.E. 8 — (son Ed. IV.), aft. Ed. V., q.v., Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.E. 8 — (son Rd., III.), Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.I.E. 8 — (son Hy. VIII.), aft. Ed. VI., q.v., Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.E. 8 — (g. son Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — -Augustus (g. son Geo. II.), aft. D. of York, q.v., Pr. E. 14; IK.G. 742 — (son Geo. III.), aft. D. of ICent, q.v., Pr. E. 14; IS.G. 742; K.P. 750 — Pr. (Ct. Pal. Ith.), KG, 740 — -Charles, L.H.A. 170 Edwarde, Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Wnn., L.M. Lond. 490 Edwardes and Edwards — Arth. Wnn., dm. Cork, 632 — capt., G. Newfol. 700 — Clem. Alex., gem. (ID) 902 — Ed., admm. (A) 817 — Ed., gen. (ID) 878 | Edwin, K.I., 2, 3 — (St.), bb. Worc. 472 — sir Humphrey, C. Exc. 279; L.M. Lond. 491 Edwy, K.E. 3 Edye, Wm. Hy., adm. (E) 837 Eedes, Rd., dn. Worc. 473 Eeles, Jno., dm. Wſord. 628 Effingham, Nichs. de, bp. Cloy. 630 Effingham, lds. Howard of, see Howard of Eff. Effingham, Earls of 1st Creation. — Fras., 1st E. of, form. 7th ld. Howard of E., q.v., Dep E.M. 327; gen. (C) 871 Th., 2nd E. of, Dep. E.M. 327; gen. (B) 865 Th., 3rd E. of, J3.T. 267; Dep. E.M. 327; G. Jam. 712; MI.M. 247; P.C. 203; Tr. H. 291 2nd Creation, — Kenn. Alexr., 1st E. of, form. 11th lol. Howard of E. (ſ. v., gem. (A) 862 Egbald, bp. Winch. 470 Egbert, see also Ecbert — (St.), abp. Yk. 485 (2), bp. Lindisf. 478 — R.E. 1, 2, 3 Egeblaunch (or Egueblank), I’et. de, bp. Her. 441 Bgelmar, bp. Elm. and Dumw. 454 Egelric, bp. Dham. 478 Egelwine, bp. Dham. 478 Egerton, hom. Algm. F., Sec. Adlum. 187 — Call. Itd., gen. (ID) 904 — sir Ch. Bulk., G.C.M.G. #. gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 78 Fól. C., U.S.F. 230 — Edwin Hy., Amb. Fr. 113 — hon. Fras., adm. (IE) 836; (F) S39 — lol. Fras., form. lot. F. L. Gower, q.v.,aft. 1st E. of Elles- mere, q.v., Sec, at W. 234 — hon, Hy., bp. Her. 442 — hom. Jno., bp. Bgr. 426 : bp. Dham. 479 ; b.p. Lich, and Cov. 444, dm. Her. 442 Jno., aft. 2nd visc, Hrack- ley, and 1st E. of Bridge- Water, q.v., K.B. 761 Rd., gem. (D) 881 — Rt. Eyles and sir R., K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. Pjab. 654 — Fl. Ish., K.C.B. 784 hon. Geo. Warr., G. Labn. 675 Hy., adm. (G) 841 — Hy., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 396 — Hy, Th., dm. Bgr, 427 — Herb, Benj. and sir H., R.C.P. 782; K.C.S.I. 802 — sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 491 — Jas. Bev., gem. (ID) 934 — Juno., Q.C. 419 Pet., gen, (D) 891 — Rd., adm. (A) 815; Newfol. 700 — Rd., M. Chy. 396 — hon. Rd., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. G. St. 122; Amb, Vza, 134 — Rt. Bidw, K.H. 791 — Samps., adm. (A) 817 — Th., Ch. Iond. 422 — Wrm., S.L. 411 G. — Th., M.M. 246 g Sir Th., aft. 1st là. and E. of Ellesmere, and visc. | Brackley, q.v., A.G. 399; L.K. 356; M.R. 388; S.G. 401 — Wm., K.B. 763 Egerton of Tatton, Wm. T., 1st li., L.L. Chesh. 307 Egferth, K.E. 3 Estº, bp, Lindisf. 478 – IV. H. 2-. Egica, or Egiza, K. Sp. S5 Eglasius, bp. Dunw. 454 Eglescliffe, Jno. de, bp. Cmr. 604; bp. Llff. 449 Fººton and Eglintourn, E. O Alexr., 6th E. of, Commr. Tr. Sc. 497 Alexr., 9th E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 498 Archd., 11th E. of, gen, (A) 858; L.L. Ayrsh. 508 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1016 INDEX OF NAMES. Eglinton and Eglintoun-comt. Hugh, 12th E. of, K.T 748; L.L. Ayrsh. 508 | — Archd. Wm., 13th E. of, IX.T. 748; L.L., Ayrsh. 508; L.L. Ir. 557-8 ; P.C. 215 Egmont, E. of — Jno., 2nd E. of, L. Admy. 179; P.C. 199; Postm. G. 238 — Jno. Ja.s., 3rd E. of, L.L. Soms. 311 — Geo. Ja.s., 6th E. of, adm. (G) 841 IEgremont, see Hertford Egremont, E. of — Ch., 2nd E. of, L.L. Suss. 312; IP.C. 200; S. St. 224 — Geo. O'Br., 3rd E, of, L.L. || Suss. 312 Egric, K.F.. 2 Egueblank, see Egeblaunch Egwolfus, bp. TOnd, 450 Egwyn (St.), bp. Worc. 472 Egypt, MI. T., Khedive of, G.C.B. 773 Eithrial, K. Ir. 20 Ekins, Chas. and Sir C., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 — Jeffr., dm. Carl. 476 — Jno., dm. Sal. 468 Elanc, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elappeal, IX.L. 2 Eichöjds. — Dav., ld, aft, 3rd E. of Wemys, q.v., Comm. Tr. Sc. 49S — Fras., ld, aft. 9th E. of Wemyss, q.v., T.T. 161 Elde, Fras., M. Chy, 396 Elder, Geo. and sil: G., gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 776 — Th., L. Prov, Edim, 548 — Th., l’osthm. G. 502 — Th. and sir T., G.C.M.G. 79.5 - Eldon, Jno., 1st là. and E. of, form sir Jno. Scott, q.v. ; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; Ld. Chall c. 357 Eldridge, Ch. Momr., G. Antig. 728; G. Dmca. 731; G. Leew. Isl. 728; G. St. Xtr. and Ney, 729 Eldunen, abp. St. Dav. 463 Eleanor, Q. Nav, 85, 87 — (of Aquitaine), Q.C.E. 7 — (of Castile), Q.C.E. 7 — (of 1°rovence), Q.C.E. 7 — (dau. K. John), Pr. E. 9 —— (dau. Hen. II.), Pr. E. 9 (g. dau. Hen. II.), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. Fºlw. I.) (2), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Iºdw. II.), Pr, Iº. 10 (iss. IEdw. III.), Pr. E. 10 12 (g. dau. Hy. VII.), Pr. E. 1 Elerius, B. Ex. 382 - Eleutherius, bp. Cld. 599 — (St.), bp. Winch. 470 Eleutherus, P. Ro. 32 Elffine, bp. Winch. 470 Blfric, see Alfric Elfsig, bp. Lindisf._478 Elfsimus (St.), bp. Winch. 470 Elfward (or Alword), bp.Lond. 451 Elfwinus, dm. St. P. 452 Elfwold, see Alfwold Elgee, Ch., gem. (D) 928 — Jno. Lindr., gen. (D) 921. Elgin, see also Ailesbury and Kincardille | Elgin, E. of . I — Th., 7th E. of, Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Gnny. 117; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Thy. 129; gen. (A) 862; L.L. Fifesh. 510; | P.C. 206 | — Jas., 8th E. of, Amb. Ch. 131; Amb. Jap, 131; Amb. ; U.S.A. 132; G.C.B. 772; G. Cam. 692; G.G. Ind. 649; G. Jam. 713; K.T. 748; L.L. Fifesh. 510; P.C. 216; Postm. G. 239 — Vict. Alexr., 9th E. of, C.W.P.B. 273; L.L. Fifesh. 510; P.C. 220; Tr. H. 292 — Mary L., Css. dow. of, Cr. Ind. 809 Elgistil, bp. Llff. 448 Filgulen or Elgune, bp, St. Dav. 464 - Elias, bp. Clonm. 600 Ney, C.I.E. 808 Elibank, Alexr., 7th lil., L.L. PblS. 511 Elicombe, see Ellicombe Elinn, K. Ir, 21 mºsham, Th. de, M. Chy. 39: Elion, Hubert, M.M. 245 Eliot and Eliott, see Elliot Elisaeus, bp. Gall, 538 Eliud, see Thelian Elizabeth, C. Lux. 84 — E. Russ. 90 — Q.E. 5 — (Woodville), Q.C.E. 7 — (of York), §§ 8 — (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 — (g, dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (iss. IEdw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (dau. Edw, IV.), Pr. E. 12 — (dau. Hy, VII.), Pr. E. 12 — (dau. Hy, VIII., aft. Q. E.), q.v., Pr. E. 12 e — (dau. Chas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — (dau. Ja.s. I.), l’r. E. 13 — (g, dau, Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — (g, dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 — (dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 — -Caroline (dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 — -Caroline (g. II.), Pr, E. 14 — Georg. Adel. (dau. Whn, IV.), Pr. E. 15 Elkington, Jno. Hy. Ford, G. Gsey. 669; gen. (I)) 917 Ella, bp. Lich. 443 rººk. i.i. Ellan, Den., dn. Kild. 619 Ellarker, Jno., S.L. 407 Ellauri, j ., Pres. Ugy. 111 Ellenborough, lils. and E. of — Ed., 1st lit., form. Ed. Law., q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; P.C. 207 — Edw., 2nd lól., aft. 1st E. of, G.C.IB. 772; G.G. Ind. 649; I. Admy, 183; L.l’.S. 241; L.T. 160; P.C. 211; Pres. B.C. 253-4 Ellerker, sir Jno, de, L. Treas. Ir, 558 4. Ellesmere, Rog., bp. Cork, 630 Ellesmere, lds, and E. of — Th., 1st lil., form. Sir T. Egerton, q.v., aft. visc, Brack- ley, q.v., L.T. 154 — Fras., 1st E. of, form. li. F. L. Gower, and lól. F. Egerton, q.v., K.G. 744; L.L. Lanc. 309; Sec. at W. 234; |U.S.W. & C. 231 dau. Geo. allºworth, Sinn. Čle, J. It. 6 Fletson, Rog. Hope, G. Jam, 71 Elley, Jno. and Sir J., gem. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774; K.C.H. 787 Ellice, see also Ellis and Ellys — Ch, Hy, and aft. Sir C., gem. º 900; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 78 — Ed., P.C. 212; Sec. at W. 234; Sec. Tr. 163 — Rt., gem. (A) 863 — Russ., Chri. E.I.Co. 646 Elliconibe, Ch. Gr., gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 779 Ellicott, see also Flliott — Ch. Ja.s., bp, Gl, and Br. 439; dry. Exr. 438 — Ed., adm. (H) 844 Elliot, Elliott, Eliot, and Eliott, — Alexr. J. H., gem. (ID) 923 — Ch, and sir C., adm. (G) 841; Amb. TXs. 132; G. Brmda. 701; G. St. Hel. 682; G. Trin. 722; K.C.B., 782 — Ch. Alfr. and Sir C., Ch. Com. Ass. 656; K.C.S.I. 803' — Ch. Sc., gem. (D) 927 . — hom. Ch. Gilb. Jno. Bryd. and Sir C., adm. (B) 821 ; (ID) 832; (E) 834; K.C.B. 781 — Dalml., K.C.S.I. 802 — Ed., B.T. 265-6 — hom. Ed. Ja.s., B.C. 252; L.T. 158 - — Ed. King, Ch. Com. Cent, Pl'. 655 — FK. Augs. H., C.I.E. 807 — Geo., adm. (I)) 832; (E) 834; K.C.B. 780 — Geo., gen. (B) 866 — Geo., gen. (ID) 892 — hom. Geo., adm. (D) 824; R.C.B. 779; Sec. Adm. 186 — Geo., aft. Sir G., and 1st là. Heathfield, q.v., Comm. F. Ir. 564; G. Gibr. 670; gem. (A) 858; K.B. 765 Geo. Augs., adm. (G) 842 — Gilb., din. Brl. 440 — sir Gilb. (No. 1), Jy. Sc. 522; Ld. Sess. 520 Sir Gilb. (No. 2), Ld. Sess, 520; L.J. Clk. 516 J– Gilb, and sir G. (No. 3), T. Admy. 178; L.T. 157; P.C. 201; Tr. Ch. 294; Tr. N. 256 — sir Gilb. (No. 4), aft. 1st lol. and E. of Minto, q.v., P.C. 205 — Granv., gen. (C) 871 — Hy., gem. (B) 869 — Hy. Algm., adm. (G) 841 — hon. Hy, Geo. and Sir H., Amb, Aus. 117; Amb. Dk, 127; Amb. Gr. 129; Amb, It. 114; Amb. Scy. 115; Amb. Tºy. 130; G.C.B. 773; P.C. 217 — Hy. Maur., gem. (D) 914 — Hy. Miers, K.C.B. 782 — Hugh (No. 1), Amb. TX. 127 : Amb. G. St. 121; Amb, Pr. 118; Amb, Scy. 114; Amb. Sxy. 120 Hugh (No. 2), G. Bdoes. 720; G. Mdras. 656; G. Leew. Isl. 727; P.C. 209 — Hugh Maxm., adm, (H) 852 — Jno., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfol. 700 — Jno., gen, (JD) 911 — Sir Jno., B. Iºx. Ir, 584 I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX ().H.' NAMES. 1017 IElliot, Elliott Eliot, and Eliott —CO??, º, — hon. Jno. E., Sec. B.C. 254 — Rd., C. Exc. 279-80 —— Rd., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 —— Rt., adm. (ID) 827; (G) 840 62ſor Elyot), IRt., bp. Wíord. —— Rog., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (C) 871 — Russ., adm, (G) 842 — Th. Fk, and sir T., K.C.M.G. 796; U.S. C. 236 — Walt., K.C.S.I. 802 — Wrm., C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 208 — Wm., M.R. 387 — Wm. and Sir W., K.C.H. 788; K.H. 791 — Wm., see lá. E., infra, — Wnn. Granv., K.H. 790 — Wm. Ham., gem. (D) 902 — Wm. Hy. and sir W., G.C.B. 770; gen. (ID) 891; K.C.B. 779; K.H. 792 — Wm. Russ., gem. (ID) 912 IEliot, lds. — Wrm., ld., form. hon. Wm. Eliot, q.v., aft, 2nd E. of St. Germans, q.v., Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Nds., &c. 122; L. Admy, 180; L.T. 158-9; U.S. F. 9 Ed. Gr., ld., aft. 3rd E. of St. Germans, q.v., Amb. Spm. 124; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.T. 159-60; P.C. 214 Ellis and Ellys, see also Ellice — Anthy., bp. St. Dav. 465 — Arth. Ed. Augs., gem. (ID) 935 — Barr. Helb. and Sir B., K.C.S.I. 803; M.C.I. 647 — Bern., G. Gsey. 668 — Fras., aft. Ellis-McTag- gart, C.C.J. 404 — Fk. Jno., gen. (ID) 915 — Geo. J. W., C.W.F. &c., 272; IP.C. 211 — Hy., G. N.Sc. 695 — Hy, and sir H., Amb, BZl. 135; Amb. Ch. 131; Amb. Pers. 130 ; B.C. 253 ; Clk. Pells, 168; K.C.B. 782; K.H. 790; P.C. 212 — Hy. Walt., K.C.B. 774 — Jno., dm. Her. 442; U.S.S. 225 — Jno. Join., gen. (C) 872 — Jno. W. and Sir J., L.M Lond. 492 — Saml. Burd., gem. (ID) 889; R.C.E. 778 — Th., dm. Kild. 619 — Welbore, bp. Kild. 617; bp. Mth. 599; din. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 Welbore, aft, 1st là. Men- dip, q.v., . Sec. 234 ; L. Admy. 178; P.C. 200; Sec. at W. 233; Tr. N. 256; W. Treas, Ilº. 560 — Wnn., A.G. 398 — Wnn., adm. (HI) 850 — Wrm. B., Ex. 383 — (or Ellys) Wm. and sir W., J.C.P. 379; S.G. 401; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. 410 IEllison, Cuthb., gem. (A) 858 — Th., C.C.J. 404 IEllys, see Ellis and Ellice Elmarus, bp. Sels. 432 Elmer, bp. Shbn. 466 Elmham, sir Wm. de, L.H.A. 73 1 Elmhirst, Ch., gen. (D) 904 *Hººg, Wm., C.C.J. 404; 17 Einaeth, abp. St. Dav. 463 * e and Elphegus, see also Alphege and Alphage *— (St.), abp. Cant. 430; bp. Winch. 470 *— bp. Lich. 443; by). Wells, 427 * Poss. Same Comp, dates. Elphinstone, Alexr., see lá E., taufra, — Sir Geo., L.J. Clk. 516 — hon sir Geo. Keith, aft. 1st ld. and visc. Keith, q.v., adm. (A) 816 ; K.B. 765 — sir How., gem. (C) 875 — How. Crawf, and sir H., gen. (D) 931; K.C.B. 783 — Jas., aft, 1st lil. Balmerino, q.v., Tud. Sess. 518; Sec. St. SC, 502 — Sir Jas. Dalrymple How., L.T. 162 — Jno., gen. (D) 916 — hon. Jno., aft. 5th lil. Bal- merino, q.v., Ld. Sess. 520 — hom. Mountst., G. Bbay. perS. Dalr. Horn., gen. ., b.p. Abdn. 530; bp. 535; L.P.S. Sc. 500; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — sir Wnn., L.J. Gen., 522; Ld. Sess. 519 hon. Wm. Fullerton, Chn. E.I. Co. 645; L.L. Dumb. 509 Wm. Reith, gen. (C) 875 Blphinstone, las. —Alexr.,Master of, and aft. 4th ld. E., L.H.T. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 517 Jno., 11th lá., L.L. Dumb. 509 Jno., 12th id., L.L. Dumb. 509 50 Jno., 13th lä., G. Bbay. 659; G.C.B. 772; G.C.H. 787; G. Mdras. 657; P.C. 213 IElrington, Fredk. Rt., gen. (ID) 906 — Jno., K.B. 757 — Rd. Good., gen. (ID) 879 — Th., bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Ilim, A. and A. 639 s — Th. Ger., gen. (C) 873 Elsley, Ch. H., C.C.J. 403 Elstan, see Leovingus Elstanus, bp. Lond, 451 IElton, Ch. Is., Q.C. 420 Filton head or Elton hed, Ed. M. Chy. 395 — Jno., S.L. 409 Eludgeth, abp, St. Dav. 463 Eluid, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elva, L. A., C. Ro. 38 — T. AE., C. Ro. 37 Elvanus, abp. Lond. 450 Elva oth, abp. St. Dav. 463 IElves, sir Jno., C. Exc. 278 Elvoed, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elvogus, bp. Ilff. 448 Elwaed, abp. St. Dav. 463 Elwald, K.E. 2 Elwes, Jno. Timms H., gen, (IB) 867 rºya, Jno. Harv., gen. (D) — Th., gen. (D) 904 — Th., gem. (D) 910 — Wm., gen. (ID) 912 Bly, Nichs. de, bp. Winch. 470; bp. Worc. 472; L.H.T. 152; Ld. Chanc. 353; L.K. 353 Philip de, L.H.T. 152 — Ralph de, B. Ex. 382 — Rd. Cle, L.H.T. 152 Wm. de, Jy. 364; L.H.T. 152 Adam, Loftus of, See Loftus Ely, E. and M. of 1st Creation. — Hy. 1st E. of, form 4th visc. Loftus, q.v., K.P. 750 2nd Creation. — Ch., 1st E. aft, 1st M. of, form. lī, and visc. Loftus, q.v., Postm. G. Ir. 564 — Jno., 2nd M. of, IX.P. 750 Elyot (or Eliot), Rt., bp. Wíord. 626 Emanuel and Emmanuel — K. Pgl. 88; K.G. 737 Philibert, D. Svy. 54; K.G. 738; R. Nds, 82 Embercus, bp. Sidr. 446 Emeldon, Rt. de, Ch. Ex. Ir. 56] Hºlden, Wm. de, M. Chy. visc. Emeric, K. Hgy. 59 Emerson, Alexr. Lyon, gen. (ID) 93.4 — Jas., gen. (D) 921 — Th., L.M. Dblin. 641 Emilius-Augustus, D. S.G.A. 78 Emly, Ed., dm. Dry. 602 Emly, lds. — Wm., ld., form W. Monsell, (I.U. **** (g. dau. Hen. I.), Pr. Emmanuel, see Emanuel Emmett, Anth., gem. (ID) 889 Empson, Rd. and Sir R., Sp. IX.C. 249 ; C.D.L. 242 — Wm., L.M. Dbln. 641 Finderby, Ch., G. Auck. Isl. 710 — Wrm., K.B. 758 Eneuris, bp. St. Dav. 464 Enfant, Walter L', C.J.R.B. II. 577 Enfield, visc. — Geo. Stev., visc., form. hon. G. S. Byng, q.v., ld, and aft. 2nd E. of Strafford, q.v. — Geo. Hy. Ch., visc., aft. li. and 3rd E. of Strafford, q.v., L.L. Mdk. 310; Sec. P.L.B. U.S.F. 230; U.S. Ind. Engaine, Warm., J. It. 368 Engilbert, R. Nds. 82 England, l’oole Vall., gem. (D) 892 — Rd., gen. (B) 866; 18.H. 791 — Rd. and Sir Rd., gen. (D) 883; G.C.13. 769; K.C.B. 777 Englefeld and Englefield — Alam de, J. It. 367 — Matth. de, bp. Bgr. 425 — Th., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Th. and Sir T., Sp. H.C. 249 Wm. de, J. It. 368; Jy, 365 I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 65 1018 INDEX OF NAMES, English, FK., gem. (D) 899 Enion (or Anian, q.v.) (2), bp. St. As. 462 - Ennish owen, Geo. Ham., ld., form. E. of Belfast, q.v., aft. 3rd M. of Donegal, q.v. Enniskillen, Jno. Will., 2nd ; of, K.P. 751; L.L. Ferm. Britrecasteaux, Chev. de Br. d’, G. Mtius. 683 Eochaidh, K. Ir, 21 —-Eadgothac, K. Ir. 20 — -Gunait, K. Ir, 21 — -Moidhmeodhain, K. Ir. 21 — -Mumho, K. Ir. 20 Eolla, bp. Sels. 432 Eorpwald, K.E. 2 Er, K. Ir. 20 Erard (St.), bp. Ard. 607 Fºrcembert, K.E. 1 Erchenwim, K.E. 2 Erchwine, K.E. 2 Ercole, see also Hercules — I. to III., D. Mda. 53 Ercombert, K.E. 1 Erdington, Giles de, J.C.P. 377; Jy. 364 Erdulf, K.E. 2 Eresby, see Willoughby de Eresby Ergham or Erghum, Ralph, bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Sal. 467; C.D.L. 242 Firic and Erich, D. Brk. 69 — Pr. Mkg. 74 — X. (IŠ. Dk.), K.G. 734 Ericsen, Jno. Eric, Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Erispoe, D. Firkenwald 50 Erle, see also Earle — Erasm., S.L. 409 — Pet. P.C. 218; Q.C. 417 — Th., gen. (A) 857; L.G.O. 259; P.C. 195 — Th., gem. (C) 872 — Wm. and sir W., C.J.C.P. 376; J.C.P. 380; J.Q.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.C. 416 ; P.C. 216; S.L. 413 Ermenric, K.E. 1 Ermensind, C. Lux. 84 Ermyn, Wm., B. Ex. 383 Ernald, bp. St. Amdr. 528 Erne, E. of — Jimo., 3rd E. of, form. J. . Crichtom or Crighton, q.v., K.P. 751 — Jno. Hy., 4th E. Of, K.P. 2 75 IErnest, D. Bva. 68 — D. S. Alt. 78 — El. Sxy. 77 — M. Aus. 58 — M. Bdm. 67 — R. Nds. 82 — I., D. S.G.A. 78 — II., D. S.C. and G. 78; IS.G. 744 — I. and II., D. Brk. 69-70 — I. and II., D. Su, 80 — -Anthony, D. S.C. and G. 78; K.G. 744 — -Aug., D.S.W. 79 — -Aug., D. Hnr. 70; E1. Hmr. 70 Bry. 27 (St.), bp. Lond. — -Aug. (bro. of Geo.I., bp. | of Osnaburg and D. of York), R.G. 741; Pr. E. 13 Ernest—Comt. — -Aug., Pr., aft. D. of Cum- berland, q.v., and K. Hnr. ; K.G. 742; K. Hnr. 71; P.C. 206; Pr. E. 15 -Aug. Const., D. S. Wr. 79 -A. W., &c., D. Brk. 71 -Casimir, Pr. Nass. 76 -Fredk., D.S.C. and G. 78 -Fredk., M. Bdn. 67 -Fredk., I. and II., D. S. Alt. -Fredk. Chas., D. S. Alt. 78 -Fredk., P.G., D. S. Alt, 78 -Louis, Lg. H. Dt. 72 Louis I. and II., D.S. Mgn. For non-reigning Dukes and Princes, see under their territorial names. Ernle and Ermley - — Jno., A.G. 398; C.J.C.P. 375; S.G. 401 te — sir Jno., B.T. 263; Ch. Ex. 164; L. Admy. 175; L.T. 155; P.C. 191-2 Ernostus (or Arnulph), bp. Roch. 459 Erpingham, Sir Th., K.G. 734; W.C.P. 318 Erpwald, K.E. 2 Errazuriz, F., Pres. Chi. 111 Errington, Arnold Ch., gem. (ID) 902 Xirroll, family of — L.H. Const. Sc. 507 Erroll, E. of - — Gilb., E. Of (1321), form. sir G. Hay, q.v. — Wm., 15th E. of, Kt. Mar. Sc. 507; L.H.C. K.Sc. 546 Wm. Geo., 16th E. of, G.C.H. 786; K.T. 748; IXt. Mar. Sc. 507; L.L. Abdn. 508; ###. 290; M.B.H. 303; P.C. l Erskine or Areskine — sir Alexr., Ly. R.A. 513 — Ch., Jy. Sc. 522; L.J. Clk. ; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 0 — sir Ch., Ly. K.A. 513 — Dav., gen. (C) 872 — Dav., lid. Sess. 520 — hom. Ed. M., Amb. Gr. 129; Amb. Sw, and N. 127 — Geo., gen. (D) 905 — Sir Geo., Ld. Sess. 519 — hon. Hy., Ld. Adv. 526 — hon. Ja.s., Kt. Mar. Sc. 507 — Sir Jas., gen, (B) 867 — Jas. Elphinstone, adm. (E) 837; L. Admy. 186 — Jno., dn. Cork, 632. — Jno. Elphinstone, adm. (ID) 831; (E) 834 — Jno. Išenn., K.C.H. 787 — sir Hy., gen. (B) 865; Sec. Thist. 749 —hom. Hy. Dav., dm. Rip. 482 — Ja.s., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 — Jas., L.J. Clk. 516 — Jas., Ld. Sess., 520 hon. Ja.s., Ld. Sess. 520 Rt. (ld. of Erskine), L.G.C. SC, 506 IRt. de, L.J. Gen. 522 * Prob. same pers. :k >k Erskine or Areskine—cont. — Th, and sir T., aft. E. of Brechin, Ld. Sess. 518; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — hon. Th., C.J. Bank. 392 J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416; P.C. (1831), see errata for p. 212; S.L. 413 — hon. Th., see lá. E., infra — sir Th., aft. 1st Visc. Fen- ton and E. Of Kellie, q.v., C.Y.G. 298 t — Wrm., abp. Glasg. 537 — Wnn., Ld. Sess. 520 — sir Wm., gen. (B) 866 — sir Wm., gen. (C) 873 Erskine, lds., see also E. of Mal: Scotch Title. — Jno., ld., Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno., ld, K.B. 762; Ld. Sess. 517 Th. Id., aft. E. of Bucham, K.B. 761 — JaS., ld., aft. 7th E. of Buchan, IX.B., q.v., 762 IEnglish Title. — hon. Th., aft. 1st là. E., K.C. 415; K.T. 748; L.H.S. § ; Ld. Chanc. 357 ; P.C. — Dav. Montagu, 2nd lå., *. Bva. 119; Amb. U.S.A. Ert, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 *ºne, gen. de Ant. d’, K.C.B. *s-s-s Ervigio, K. Sp. 85 Ervigius, K.Sp. 85 Ervin, bp. St. Dav. 464 Esca (or Escus), R.E. 1 Eschaid, bp. Arm. 595 Escobar, Pres. Pgy. 110 Escuris, Matth. de, J. It, 365 Escus, see Esca, Escwine, K.E. 2 Fºile, Sir Jas., L.M. Lomd. 49 Esher, Wnn. B., ld, form. Sir W. B. Brett, q.v. Esmond, Jno., bp. Emly, 625; bp. Ferms, 621 Esmonde, Jno., L.T. 161 Esna, bp. Her. 441 Espartero, Bald., Ct. of Lu- chana, &c., G.C.B. 769 Bºspernon, Bern. de N. de F. D. D’, K.G. 740 Espinasse, Jas., C.C.J. 403 Espinosa, 3. Pres. ECr. 108 Fºuhinus, See also Tricos- 8,S — L. S., Dec. Ro. 38 Esquivel, A., Pres. C.R. 106 Esseby, Rt. de, Jy. 364 Esseburne, Rt. de, J.C.P. 376 Esseby, Jord. de, J. It. 367 Essendon, sir Wm. de, L. Trea.S. Ir. 558 Essex, lds. and E. of — Hy de, or E. of, J. It. (1155-6) 365; W.C.P. 317 Mamdeville Family. — Wnn., 1st E. Of, L.H.A. 170 I'itz-Peter Or Fitz-Piers JFamily. — Geoff., 1st E. of, form. G. Pitz-Peter, q.v., J. It, 365 t — Geoff., 2nd E. of, form. G. Ritz-Piers, q.v De Bohum Family. — Humphr., 1st E. of, see Hereford and Essex IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1019 Essex, lds. and E. of—cont. Bowrchier Family. — Hy, 1st E. of, form. 1st Visct. Bourchier, q.v.; T.H.T. 153; L.K. 355 — Hy., 2nd E. of, C.G.P. 299; K.G. 737 Cromwell Family. — Th., E. of, form. Thos. and ld. Cromwell, q.v. Parr Family. — Wm., 1st E. of, form. lī. Parr, of Kendal, q.v., aft. M. of Northampton, q.v. Deverewa: Family. — Walt., 1st E. of, form. 2nd visc. Hereford, q.v. — Rt., 2nd E. of, E.M. 326; K.G. 739; L.L. Ir. 554; M.G.O. 258; M.H. 302 — Rt., 3rd E. of, L.C.H. 295 Capel Family. — Arth., 1st E. of, L. Admy. 175; L.L. Ir. 555; L.L. Herts, 309; L.T. 155; P.C. 191-2; Prem. 140 — Alg., 2nd E. of, Const. T.L. 321; gem. (B) 864; L.L. Dors. 307; L.L. Herts, 309; P.C. 195 — Wrm., 3rd E. of, C.Y.G.298; #. 741; K.T. 747; P.C. — Wm. Anne. H., 4th E. of, L.L. Herts, 309 →Seo. 5th E. of, L.L. Heref. Fºssington, Wm. and sir W., adm. (A) 817; K.C.B. 773 Fºstata, see Eata, Fºstcourt, Jas. Bucknall Buck- mall, gen. (D) 889 — Th., M. Chy. 395-6 — Th. H. S. Sotheron-, H. Sec. 227; P.C. 216; Pres. P.L.B. 262 Fiste, Ch., bp. Oss. 620; bp. Wíord, and L. 627 — Ch. Wm., gem. (C) 873 Listerhazy, Pr. Paul Anthy., G.C.B. 769 Iºstfeld or Estfield, Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Esturmy, Th., K.B. 754 — sir Wm., Sp. H.C. 248 IEteson, Fras., gen. (D) 928 Etfinus, K. Sc. 18 IEth, see Ath and Aeth — K. Sc. 19 Ethelan, bp. Worc. 472 Ethelard (or Athelard), abp. Cºgº bp. Winch. 470 - º 4 Ethelbald, abp. Yk. 485 — (2) bp. Shbn. 466 — K.E. 3 IEthelbert and Ethelbertus — bp. Gall. 538 — bp. Hex. 480 — K.E., 1, 2, 3 — Pryn, K.E. 1 IEthelbyrht, K.E. 2 Etheleage, bp. Shbn. 466 IEthelfrith, K.E. 2 IEthelgarus, abp. Cant. #30; — bp. Dev. 436 Ethelheard, K.E. 2 IEthelhere, K.E. 2 Ethelhune, bp. Worc. 472 IEthelmar, bp. Elm. Dunw. 454 IEthelmen, abp. St. Dav. 463 and Fºoth and Ethelno- liS — (or Æthelnotus), abp. Cant. 430 — bp. Lond. 451 Ethelred, abp. Cant. 430 — (several) K.E. 2, 3 Ethelric (2), K.E. 2 Ethelricus (or Agelred), bp. Sels. 432 Ethelsius, bp. Shbn. 466 Ethelstan, bp. Wltn. 466 Ethelulphus, bp. Sels. 432 Ethelwald and Ethelwold × bp. Lich. 443 (St.) bp. Lindisf. 478 (2) bp. Shbn. 466 (St.) bp. Winch. 470 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. — K.E. 2 Ethelwardus, bp. Lond. 451 Ethelwold, see Ethelwald Ethelwolf, K.E. 3 Ethelwin and Ethelwinius *— bp. Sidr. 446 *— bp Wltn. 466 *— bp. Wells, 427 * Prob some same pers. Comp dates. Etheridge, Th., adm. (H) 850 ańodius . and II., K. Sc. 1. Ethus, K. Sc. 19 *ś, Gerard Pott., gen. (I)) 1 : × × Ettrick, see Napier and E. Etwal, abp. St. Daw. 463 Euan-Smith, Ch. B., amb. Zr. 132 Eudes, K. Fr. 23 — I. to IV., D. Bdy. 28 Fudocia, Emp. E.E. 51 Eugene, See also Eugenius *— abp. Arm. 595 - bp. Ach. 612 *— bp. Arm. 595 bp. Cld. and Meath, 599 *— bp. Cmr. 604 *— dm. Cloyne, 632 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — (Pr. of Savoy), R. Nds. 83 Bugenius, See also Eugene — dh. Cloy. 632 — Emp. W.E. 49 — I. to IV., P. R.O. 33–4–5 — I. to VIII., K. Sc. 18 Eunan, St., b.p. Rph. 601 Eure, Th. de, dm. St. P. 453 Euric, K. Sp. 85 Eusden, Laur., P. Laur. 301 Eusebius, P. Ro. 33 Eustace and Eustachius — bp. Cmr. 603; L. Treas. Ir. 558 —bp. Ely 434; dn. Sal. 468; Jy, 364; Ld. Chanc. 353 — (son Stephem), Pr. E. 9 — Hy., gem. (B) 869 — sir Jno. Rowl., gen. (D) 884; K.H. 791 — Sir Maur., L.J. Ir. 555; Ld. Chanc. Ir, 576; M.R. Ir. 585; S.L. Ir. 591 — Wrm. Cornw. and sir W. gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 788 Euston, Geo. Hy., E. of, aft. 4th D. of Grafton, q.v., L.L. Suff. 312 Eutychianus, P. Ro. 33 Evaldus, bp. Arg. 537 Evance, Steph., C. Exc. 279 × >< Fº k : Evandale, And..., 1st lá., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 agºns, Andr. Fitzh., adm. (A) 820 — Ch. Rd. Ogd., gen. (D), 925 — Dav., dn. St. As. 463 — Daws. Kelly, gen. (D) 930 — De Lacy and sir D., G.C.B. 769; gen. (D) 882; K.C.B. 776 — Fk., G. Lag. 687 — Fk. Jno. Owen, K.C.B. 783 — Geo., adm. (G) 842 — Hy., adm. (A) 820 - — Herb. Davies, L.L. Card. 315 — Hugh, dn. St. As. 463 — Hugh, gen. (ID) 890 — Jno., adm. (A) 815 —ºno, bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Mth, — Jno., K.C. 416 — Rd. L., gen. (ID) 881 — Rt., gen. (C) 874 Rt., dn. Bgr. 426 — Th., gem. (D) 877 — Wm., G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 857 Evarico, K. Sp. S5 Evaristus, P. Ro. 32 Evatt, Hy., gen. (IB) 869 — Jno., dn. Elph. 609 Evelegh, see also Everleigh — Hy., gen. (A) 863 — Jno., gen. (IB) 867 Evelyn, Jno., L.IP.S. 240 — Sir Jno., C. Cus. Postm. G. 238 — Wm., dm. Emly, 628 — Wm., gen. (B) 865 Evenus I. to III., K. Sc. 17-18 Everard, bp. Norw. 454 — Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579 - Math. gen. (ID) 884; K.H. — Th., C. Ex. 279 Everdon, Jno. de, B. Ex. 383; dri. St. P. 453 — Silv. de, bp. Carl. 475; J. It. 368; L.K. 353 — Th. de, dn. St. Patr. 617; #. Ir. 585; V. Chanc. Ir. — Wm. de, B. Ex. 383 Everleigh, see also Evelegh — Jno., dn. Boss, 633 Everett, Ed., C.C.J. 403 - Evereux, Wm. de, K.B. 755 Everitt, Fras. W. E., Q.C. 419 Eversden, see Everdon Eversley, Ch., 1st visc., form. gºshaw-Lefevre q.v., G.C.B. 7: Everus, bp. St. Dav. 464 Every, Th. de, dn. St. P. 453 Evesham, Jno. de, bp. Worc. 274-5; — Simon de, bp. Ferns, 621 — Siv. de, bp. Worc. 472 — Th. de, M.R. 387 Evesk, Hy. de, J. It. 367 Evre, see Eyre Evres, W., 2nd lå., K.B. 761 Ewyndem, Rd., b.p. Bgr, 426 Ewart, Ch. Brisb., G. Jsey, 668; gen. (D) 927 — Ch. Jos. Fla., adm. (H) 849 — Hy. Pet, and sir H., gen, (ID) 934; K.C.B. 781 — Jno. Alexr., gen. (D) 904; E.C.B. 782 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 65 * 1020 INDEX OF NAMES. Ewart—cont. — Jno. Fla., gen. (D) 881 — Jos., Amb. Pr. 118 Ewe, Rd., E. of, W.C.P. 317 Ewens, Matth., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 408 Ewer, jno, bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Llff. 449 Ewing, Alexr., byp. Arg. and Isl. 541 — Humphrey Ewing Crum-, L.L. Dumb. 509 — Rt., dn. Emly, 628 Exeter, Rd. d’, L.J. Ir. 550 Bxeter, lds, E., M., and D. of Bolland l'amvily (1). — Jno., 1st D. of, form. Jno. Holand, q.v., and E. of Hunt- ingdon, q.v. JBeaufort I'amily. — Th., D. of, form. Th. Beau- fort, sil: T., and E. of Dorset, (1.1). Hollamd, I'amily (2). — Jno., 1st D. of, form. E. of Huntingdom, q.v., Const. T.L. 320, L.H.A. 174 — Hy., 2nd D. of, L.H.A. 174 Cowrtenay I'timily. — Hy., 1st M. of, form. 8th E. of Devonshire, q.v. Cecil I'amily. — Th., 1st E. Of, form. Th. Cecil, q.v., and lå. Burghley, (1.7). — Wm., 2nd E. of, K.G., 739 — Brownl., 9th E. of, form. li. Burleigh, q.v. — Brownl., 2nd M. of, IX.G. 743; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Nton. 310; L.L. Butl. 311 ; L.S.H. 290; IP.C. 214 →Wm. A., 3rd M. of, C.G.A. 30 Exmewe, sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 9 Bxmouth, Edw., 1st là, and visc., form. Sir E. l’ellew, q.v., G.C.]3. 767; K.C.B. 773 Fixon (or Oxon) Jno., bp. Winch. 470 JRd. de, C.J. C.P. Ir. 580 Exshaw, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Fixton, Ev., Lt. Cr. P.A. 335; Richm. H. 333 — Jno., J. Adm. Ct. 423 — Nich., L.M. Lond. 489 — sil: Th., Ch. Lond. 422; D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 423 Eyer, Sim., L.M. Lond. 490 Eyles, Irwin, Amb. Ch. 130 sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491; Postm. G. 238 Th., adm. (A) 819 Eynefeld, Hy. de, J. It. 368 Eyre, Ed. Jno., G. Antig. 728; G. Jam. 713; G. N.Z. 709; G. St. Viln. 725 — sir Geo., adm. (A) 819; G.C.M.G. 794; 18.C.B. 774 — Giles, dm. Chich. 434 — Giles and Sir G., J.K.D. 373; S.L. (1689) 411 — Giles or Eyles, S.L. (1724) 411 — Hy., gen, (D) 893 — sit Jäs., bp. Ex. 385; C.B. Ex. 382; C.G.S. 357; C.J.C.P. 376; P.C. 205; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 412 — Jno., gen. (D) 891 Jul. or Giles, dh. ISilloe, 637 Eyre—cont. — Rt., C. Exc. 280 — Rt. and Sir Rt., C.B. Ex. 382; C.J.C.P. 376; J.Q.B. 373; P.C. 197; Q.C. 415 — Samps., S.L. 409 F. Faber, Ch. Ed., gem. (D) 898 — Wm. Raikes, gen. (D) 898 Fabian, P. Ro. 32 Eachman (St.), bp. Ross, 63 Factna, bp. Arm. 595 Eaddy, Peter, gem. (ID) 890 — Saml. Br., gem. (ID) 915 Fagan, Chr., gem. (D) 876 Chr. Sull., gen. (D) 877 — Geo., Amb, C. Ann. 133 Amb. Ecr. 942; Amb. Wza, 135 — Geo. Wm. Hy., gem. (ID) 933 — Wm. Turt., gen. (I)) 935 Fage, Ed., gen. (C) 873 Fahie, Wm. Ch, and sir W., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 775 Fair, Alex., gem. (ID) 877 — Itt., K.H. 790 Fairborne, Staff. and Sir S., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 177 Fairfax, Brian, C. Cus. 275 Ch., dn, Down, 605 — Guy or Guido, J.K.B. 372; IX.B. 757; S.L. 407 — Hy., adm. (E) 837 — Hy., dun. Norw. 456 — Rt., L. Admy. 177 — Th., K.B. 759 — Th., S.L. 408 — Th., see lil. Fairfax, infra. — Wm., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Sir Wm. Geo., adm. (A) 817 Fairfax, lds. — Th. and Sir T., aft. 3rd ló., Const. T.L. 321 ; Ld. Man, 665 Fairfowl, Andr., abp. Glasg. 537 Fairlewe (or Fellow), Nichs., Cal, P.A. 342 L'airley, Jas., bp. Arg. 538 Faithfull, Geo., gen. (D) 913 — Hy., gem. (D) 878 IFaithman, bp. Cld. 598 Falcon, Gord. Th., adm. (D) 828 — J. C., Pres. Vza. 108 Falconar and Falconer — see also Falkiner, Faulk- ner, Faulknor and Fawcomer — Sir Alexr., Ld. Sess, 519 —ºon. Ch. J. Keith-, C.I.R. 6 — Chesb. Gr., K.H. 792 — Christºr. Grant, gen, (D) 883 - Falcomar and Falconer—comt. — Colin, bp. Arg. 538; bp. Mor. 534 — Sir Dav., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 519 — Ja.s., Ld. Sess. 520 — Jno., Sc. bp. 545 — Th., C.C.J. 404 Wm., bp. Cness. 541; bp. Edinb. 542; bp. Mor. 544; bp. Ork. 545; pr. bp. Sc. 540 Falconbridge, see Faucon- bridge Falconburgh, berg Falconer, see Falcomar Faleise, Wm. de, Jy. 364 **, Imam Wilh., G. Ceyl. 57 - See Faucon- rºiner, See also Falconer, C. — Daml., L.M. Dbln. 641 Sir Fk. Jno., Sec. St. Patr. 752 Fk. Rd., Rec. D'blin. 642 rººkingham, Ed., Compt, N. 57 Falkland, visc. — Hy., 1st visc., form. Hy. Carey, q.v., L.D. Ir. 554 — Luc., 2nd visc., S.St. 223 — Anthy., 5th Visc., L. Admy. 176; P.C. 194; Tr. N. 256 — Luc., 10th visc., C.Y.G. 298; G. Bbay. 659; G.C.H. 786; G. N.Sc. 695; P.C. 213 Fallan, Wm. B.Ex. 383 Falls, Andr. V., gen. (ID) 920 — Th., gem. (D) 886 Falmouth, visc. and E. of JBerkeley Family. See also Berkeley. — Chas., E. of, form. Visc. Fitzharding, q.v. I}oscawent Family. — Hugh, 1st visc., form. Hugh and li. Boscawen, q.v., W. Treas. 1r. 559; C.Y.G. 298; Gem, (A) 858; P.C. 200 — Geo. Ev., 3rd visc., C.G.P. 300; P.C. 205 Falquez, Man., G. Trin. 721 Falshaw, Jas. and Sir J., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Falstaff (or Fastolf), sir Jno., K.G. 735 , 73 ristore, Th., bp. St. Dav. 54 6 Falto, P. V., C. Ro. 42 — Q. V., C. Ro. 42 Fancourt, Chas. St. J., G. Br. Hond. 714 — Rt. Dev., adm. (A) 818 Fane, Fras, B.T. 264-5 — Fras., K.B. 763 — Fras., aft, 1st E. of West- morland, q.v., K.B. 761 — Fras, W m., adm. (ID) 824 Hy., aft. Sir H., C.C. Ind. 651; gen, (A) 862; K.C.B. 774; S.G.O. 260 — sil: Hy, C. Exc. 278 — Jno., C. Tx. 284 — hon. Jul. Hy, Ch., Amb. Fr. 113 — Mildm., gem. (D) 883 Ponsonby-, hon. Sp. Cec. Br., K.C.B. 784 Fanhope, Jno. 1d., form. Sir J. Cornwall, q.v. Fanning, Edmd., gem. (A) 859; G. l’r. Ed. Isl. 699 P., G. N.Sc. 695 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1021 Fanshawe, Arth., adm. (D) 829; K.C.B. 778 — Ch., gen, (D) 906 — Ed., gen. (ID) 883 — Ed. Genn, and sir E., adm. (D) 833; (E) 834; G.C.B. 771; R.C.B. 781; L. Admy, 184 — Hy., adm. (H) 845 — sir Rd., Chamc. Gart. 746; P.C. 190 — Th., K.B. 763 — Th., K.B. 764 Faranan, bp. Arm. 595 rºcomb, Th., L.M. Lond. Fardunji, Navr., C.I.E. 807 rºbrother, Ch., L.M. Lond. IFarewell, Jno., Lt. T.L. 322 Fººges, Bertr, de, dn. Sal. 8 Farias, Pres. Mex. 103 Faringdon, see Faryngdone IFaris, Wm., gem. (D) 895 IFarish, Jas., G. Bbay. 659 Farington, see Farrington Farley, Jno. Sim, gem. (B) 86 8 Farmar, Ed. Sterl., gen, (JD) 96 — Rt. Hill, gem. (A) 862 — Wrm. Roberts, gen. (D) 927 º' Turner) Jno., G. Bdoes. 720 Fºrmer, Regd. Onsl., gen. (ID) 920 1Farnborough, lds. Lond Family. — Ch., 1st là., form. Ch. Long and Sir C., q.v., Paym. G. 244 May Family. — Th. E., 1st lá., form. T. E. May, q.v. Farnese (3), D. Prma, 53 Farnham, Nichs. de, Dham. 478 IFarnham, lds. — Hy., 7th lä., IX.P. 751 Farquhar, Arth. and Sir A., adm. (D) 825; K.C.B. 777; R.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 — Arth., adm. (E) 835; K.C.B. 781 — Rt., gem. (D) 894 — Rt. Towns, G. Mtius. 683 Wm., gem. (ID) 877 * *Farquharson, col., G. Trim. 722 *— Fras., gem. (D) 881 * 2 same pers. — Geo., gen. (ID) 895 — Geo. McI8. Barmes, gen. (D) 913 — Jas. Alexr., G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (C) 875 — Lenn. Ja.s., gem. (IP) 918 Farran, Ch., gen, (D) 876 Farrant, Aug. Dov. Lydd., gen. (D) 900 Farrar, see also Farrer — Wm., K.C. 415 Farrell, Ferg., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Fras, T., gen. (D) 888 — Hy. Chamberl., gem. (D) 934 Farren, Rd. Th., gem. (D) 903 Farrer, see also Farrar and Ferrar - — Jas., gen. (D) 879 — Jas. Wm., M. Chy. 397 — Th. H. and Sir T., Sec. B. T. 270 bp. Farrington, Ffarrington and Faryngton — Anthy., S.L. 410 - Anthy. and Sir A., gem. (A) — Hugh de, B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Jno. J., gen. (D) 888 — Linds., gen. (ID) 917 T91 Olaus. Jno. M., gen. (D) 917 — Rt. de, L. Treas, Ir. 558; M. Chy. 394 — Th., C. St., 283; C. Exc. 280 — Th., gem. (B) 864 — Wm., adm. (IHI) 845 Faryngdone, Nichs., Lond. 489 Faryngton, see Farrington Fasken, Ed. Th., gen. (D) 923 Fast, Jno. Wells, gen. (D) 878 Fastidius, app."fond 150 Fastolf, see also Falstaff ichs., J. It. 369; J.K.B. Ir. 378 Faucett, see Fawcett Fauconberg and Faucon- 'bridge, Eust. de, bp. Lond. 451; Jy. 364; L.H.T. 152 Walt. de, K.B. 754 Fauconberg, Ids., visc. and E. Of Neville family. — Wm., Id., form. W. Neville, q.v., aft. E. of Kent, q.v.; Iš.G. 735 Belasyse family. See also Belasyse. Ist Creation. — Th., 2nd visc., aft. 1st E. L.L. Dham. 308; C.G.P. 299; P.C. 191–2–3 2nd Ch'eation. — Hy., 2nd E., L.L. Yorks, N.R. 313 Faukes, Jno., M. Chy. 394 Faulkner and Faulknor, See also Falc— 24 (or Falconer), Jno., M.M. — Jonn., adm. (A) 815 — Jonn., adm. (A) 817 gº' Omn. Augs. Spr., gen. (ID) — Hy. Cole, gem. (D) 918 Faunce, Alured Dods, gem. (D) 880 — Rt. Nichs., gem. (D) 901 Faunt, Wm., J.K.B. 371 - Fauquier, F. D., bp. Alg. 693 – Wm. Regr. and Sec. Bath, 7 Faustin, Emp. Hti. 105 Faux, Jno., dm. Winds. 474 Favila, K. Sp. 85 IFawcett and Faucett, —ºy. P.C. 219 ; Postm. G. — Jno. Hy., K.C.M.G. 799 — Wnn, and sir Wm., gem. (C) 872; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 859; K.B.765; P.C. 206 Fawconer, Jno. le, A.G. 398 — Th., L.M. Lond. 489 Fawkner, see also Falc- and Falls— Everard and sil: E., Postm. G. 238; C. St. 284 *— Wm., Amb. Pgl. 124; *. Russ. 125; Amb. Tusc. 11 *— Wrm., Sec. B.T. 270 * 2 same pers. T.M. Faye, Chas. de la, U.S.S. 225 Fayernman, Fras., adm. (A) Fayery, Rt., Pt.c. P.A. 337 Fayrer, Jos., K.C.S.I. 803 Fazakerley, Jno., G. I. Man. 665 — sir Wm., Chambn. Lond. 493 Fead, Geo., gem. (B) 866 Fearaidhach, Fionfachtna, R. Ir. 21 Feargal, K. Ir. 21 Feargria, IX. Ir. 20 Feargus (2), K. Ir. 21 -Forthamhuil, K. Ir. 21 Fearne, Ch., Sec. Adm. 187 Fearon, K. Ir. 20 — Peter, gen. (ID) 881 — Rt. Br., gen. (ID) 882 Featherston, see Fetherston Feckenham, Jno., dn. St. P. 453 Feidhlimhidh, K. Ir. 21 Feidlimid, bp. Cl. 596 Feil—, see Fiel— Feilden, Rand. (D) 920 Felbrigge, Sir Sim., K.G. 734 Felde, Th., dm. Her. 442 Feldyng, Geoffr., L.M. Lond. 490 *Felix, bp. Lism. 626 # bp. Mor. 534 (St.), bp. E. Ang. 454 (St.) bp. Oss. 620 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates, — I. to V., P. Ro., 32, 33, 35 L. C. S., C. Ro. 45; see also Sulla, Orl., gen. (D) 892 Fell, Jno., b.p. Oxf. 456; dri. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Saml., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; dim. Lich. 445 Th., C.D.L. 242; J. Chest. 386 Fellow, see also Fairlewe — Hy., Guis. P.A. 343 IFellowes and Fellows — Ch., adm. (IE) 836 — Edw., adm. (A) 819 — Edw., gen. (D) 917 — Peregr. Hy., gen. (D) 917 — sir Th., adm. (ID) S28 — Th. Hounson Butler, adm. (HI) 853 Wm., Guis. P.A. 343; Lanc. H. 332; Norr. K.A. 329; Ptc. P.A. 337 — Wrm., M. Chy. 396 — Wm. Abdy, adm. (H) 850 Felter, Wm., dm. Yk. 487 Felton, Anthy., R.B. 761 *— Jno. de, K.B. 754 *— Sir Jmo., L.H.A. 171 * Prob. same pers. — Nichs., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Ely, 435 — Th., IX.G. 734 — Sir Th., Compt. H. 292 E"encotes, Jno. de, J. It. 369; S.L. 407 Th. de, J.C.P. 377; K.B. 755 ; S.L. 406 Fendall, Jno., gem. (D) 915 Fenn, sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 Tenner, Ed. and sir E., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Fenrother, Rt., M.M. 246 Fenton, sir Geoffr., Sec. St. Ir, 562 Josh., gem. :% :k For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1022 INDEX OF NAMES. Fenton, Visc. — Thos., visc., form. Sir Th. Erskine, q.v., aft. E. of Kellie, q.v., K.G. 739 Fenwick, Hy., L. Admy. 184 — Wm. Hy., adm. (H)852 Fenys, see Finnis Feodor, see Theodore Ferchard, I. and II., K. Sc, 18 Ferdachry, bp. Arm. 595 Ferdinand, C. Flrs. 81 — D. Plma. 53 Emp. Aus. 58 — (2), K. Arr. 86 — (2), K. Scy. 56 — (Pr. Brk.), K.G. 742 — Pr. Bga. 95 — R. Nds. 82-3 — I., IK. Brma. 59 — I., K. Pgl. 88 — I. to III., E. Gmy. 62 — I. (E Gmy.), K.G. 737 — I. to IV., G. D. Thy. 57 — I. to IV., IX. Nls. 56 — II. (R. Nls.), K.G. 736 — I. to V., R. Cle. 56, 85-86 — I. to V., R. Hgy. 60 — I. to VII., R. Sp. 85-6 — V. (K. Sp.), K.G. 736 — VII. (IX. Sp.), K.G. 743 . — II., K. 2 Scy. 56 — V., IS. Nay, 88 —-Albrecht, D. Brk, 70 — -Hy. I'k., Ilg. H. H.bg. 73 — —Mary, El. Bya. 68 Ferdomnac, bp. Kild. 616 — bp. Trn. 611 Feredach, bp. Saig. 620 Fergie, see I'orgie Fergus (St.), bp. Down, 603 — I. to III., R. Sc. 178 Ferguson and Fergusson — —, G. Tob. 723 — Sir Ad., B.T. 266 — Edith Hel., Cr. Ind. 810 — Geo., admm. (I) 828; (G) 840 — Geo., Tud. Sess. 520 — Jas., C.I.I. 807 Ja.s., gen. (C) 871 — Jas., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Ja.s., Ld. Sess. 520 — Jas. and Sir J., G.C.B. 770; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (D) 880; IX.C.B. 778 — sir Jas., G. Iłbay. 659; G.C.S.I. 801; G. N.Z. 709 ; G. S. Austr. 706; I.C.M.G. 797; IP.C. 218; U.S.F. 230; U.S. Home, 228; U.S. Ind. 236 — Sir Jas., Jy. Sc. 522; Lól. Sess. 520 — Jno., adm. (A) 817 — Jno. Macpherson, (IHI) 846 — Olive, lady, Cr. Ind. 810 — lºt., L.L. I'ifesh. 510 Sir lºt. A., L.L. Londy. r: 570 IRt. Cutl., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 213 — Iłon. Crauf. and sir R., gen. (A) 861 ; G.C.B. 768 ; IX.C.T3. 773 — Wrm., ( ; , Si. Lc. 685 — Wnn., gen). (ID) 886 — Sir Wm., Pros. Coll. Surg. 939 Feria, D. of, R. Nds. 83 Feringes, Geoff. De, dm. St. P. 452 Ferings, IRd. (le, abp. Dblin. and Gl. 615 adm. Fermanagh, Ralph, visc, aft. ld. Werney, q.v. Fermbaud, Nichs., J. It. 369 Fermor, hom. Th. Wnn., aft. is of Pomfret, q.v., gem, (B) Fermoy, Edm. B., 1st là., L.L. Crk. 569 P., Pres, C.R. Fernandez, 106 Ferne, Hy., bp. Chest. 477; dim. Lly, 435 Ferquhard, bp. Isl. 539 Ferral, Lisach, bp. Ard. 608 — (or O'Ferrall), Rd., bp. Ard. 607; dri. Ard. 609 Ferrall, see O'Ferrall Ferrar (or Farrer), Rt., bp. S. and M. 483; bp. St. Dav. 464 Ferrara, Herc. d’Esté, D. of, IK.G. 736 Ferrard, visc., see Massareeme and F. rºariis, Th. de, G. Ch. Isl. ;67 Ferrant, Jno., Mch. K.A. 339 IE"errars — Sir IRalph, L.H.A. 172 rººrers of Chartley, lds, and + —Walt., 7th ld., K.G. 736 — Walt., 8th lä., aft. visc. Hereford, q.v., K.G. 737 — Robt., 13th lil., aft. Visc. Tamworth, q.v., and E. Ferrers, l’.C. 194 — Geo., 16th lá., aft. E. of Leicester and M. Of Towns- hend, q.v., C.G.P. 229; P.C. 203 — Wasl., 5th E., adm. (A) 815 Ferri, I. to IV., D. Line. 29 Ferriby, Th., B. Ex. 383 Ferrier, sir Alex., IX.H. 790 — Ilay, gem. (C) 872 — Jas., gen. (B) 866 — Jno., adm. (A) 818 L. H., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Ferris, Abel, adm. (IHI) 844 Ferte, Rajpi, ie in, j. ft. 367 rºute, Hy. de, G. Ch. Isl, 67 Ferryman, Alug. Hal., gen, (D) 898 - ) Fesch (Cardinal), Rel. Nap., 26 L'eschamp, St. Rem, de, bp. Dorch., Sidr. and Linc. 446 Festing, Benj. Mort., R.H. 791 — Colson, adm. (HI) 849 — Fras. Worg., IK.C.M.G. 797 → *. Worg. Geo., adm. (H) 4 E"eth-Ali, Sh. Pers. 99 Fethelmachus, IK. Sc. 18 E"etherston, I'ra.s., L.M. D'blin. 641 — Jno., dm. Llin. 623 Fettes, Wm., L. l’rov. Edinb. 548 Feversham, Louis, 2nd E. of, R.G. 740 Fevre, l’h. Inc, gen. (ID) 880 E"f—, see F- Fi—, see also Fy— Fiachade-Labhrium, IX. Ir. 20 IFiachadh (2), IX, Ir. 20 — -Fion, IV. Ir. 21 — -Tionohudh, K. Ir. 21 — -Fionsgothach, K. Ir, 20 Fiachre, bp. Cld. 598 Fidatra, Donato, abp. Arm. G95; bp. Ch. 596 Fiddles, Th., gen. (D) 886 Fidenas, L. S. (2), C. Ro. 39. — Q. S. P. S. (2), Dt. Ro. 39. Fiedlimid, byp. Arm. 595 Field, Ed., adm. (H) 853 — Ed., b.p. Newfl. 700 — Geo. Th., gen, (ID) 922 — Jno., gen. (D) 921 — Rd., dm. Glr. 440 — Theoph., *g Her. 441; bp. Llff. 449; bp. St. Dav. 464 — Th., bp. Llin. 622 — Wnn. Ventr, and Sir W., J.Q.B. 374; J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 418 ; S.L. 414 Fielding and Feilding ; see also Fyldyng — Edmd., gen. (IB) 864 — hon. Percy Rt. Bas., gen. (ID) 909 — hon. Wm. Hy. Ad., gen. (ID) 92.1 — Bas., ld., aft. 2nd E. of Denbigh, l.B. 762 — Wm., visc., aft, 3rd E. of Denbigh, M.G.W. 296 — Wm. Itt., Visc., son of 6th E. of Denbigh, gem. (C) 872 Fienes and Fiennes — Alan de, W.C.P. 317 — Ingelr. de, W.C.P. 317 — Jas. de (2), W.C.P. 317 — Jas. de., aft. 1st lá. Say and Sele, q.v. — Jno. de, W.C.P. 317 Nathl., called lù. F., C.G.S. 356 Th., IK.B. 758 Fife, Jas. Geo., gen. (ID) 919 Fife, E, of -Töonst., E. of, L. J. Gen. (11–) 522; Lál. Chanc. Sc. 514 Jas., 2nd E. of, L.L. Bffsh. 8 Jas., 4th E. of, G.C.H. 786; R.T. 748; L.L. Bffsh. 508 — Jas., 5th E. of, form. Ja.s. Duff, q.v.; K.T. 748 — Alexr. Wm. Geo., 6th E., aft. 1st D. of, form. Visc. Mac- duff, q.v.; C.G.A. 300; K.T. 749; P.C. 219 — Louise, dss. of, see PrSS. Louise of Wales Fifyne, Th. de, bp. Poss. 535 Figueras, I’res, Sp. 87 Figulus, C. M., C. Ro. 46 Fillmore, M., l’res. U.S.A. 102. Finnbria, C. F., C. Ro. 45 Finan (st.), bp.'findisf. Aſ8 Finantls, lx. Sc. 17 Finbarr, see Barr Finch, –, S.L. 410 — Alexr. Urq. Ham, gen (D) 920 50 — Daml., see lil, I', infra — hon. Ed., gem. (A) 860 — Fras., C. It Xc. 278 — Heneage, and sir H., RCC. Lond, 494; S.L. 400; Sp. H. CO. 249 — hon, Honeage, S.G. 401 — Heneage, aft. Id. Guernsey and E. of Aylesford, q.v. — Heneage, see lá. F., wilf'(t — Hy., dn. Yk. 487 — Hy., S.L. 409 — hon. Jno., gen. (ID) 883 — Jno., see la, F, infra — Nath., S.L. 409 — Wum., bp, Suff. Taunton, 428. 29 hon. Wm., P.C. 198; V.C.H. 97 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1023 Finch—cont. hon, Wm. Cl., adm. (A) 816 Finch of Fordwich, lds. — Jno., aft. Sir J. and lå. F., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 379; K.C. 414; L.K. 356; S.L. 409; Sp. H.C. 249 Finch of Daventry, lds. — Heneage, aft. Sir H. and 1st là. F., and 1st E. of Not- tingham, q.v.; A.G. 399; L. Admy. 175; L.H.S. 286; Ld. Chanc. 357; L.K. 357; P.C. 191; S.G. 401 — hon. Danl., aft. 2nd E. of Nottingham, and E. of Win- Chelsea, q.v., L. Admy. 175; P.C. 192 — Daml., ld, aft, 3rd E. of W. and N., q.v., Compt. H. 292; L.T. 156; P.C. 197 Finch-IIatton, see Hatton Finchad (St.), bp. Itoss, 631 Fincham, see Fymcham Bincornmachus, K. Sc. 18 Findlater and Finlater, E. of, see also Deskford and Seafield — Jas., 3rd E. of, K.T. 747 — Ja.s., 4th E. of, form visc. and E. of Seafield, q.v.; L.K. Sc. 503; P.C. 197 — Jas., 5th E. of, V.A. Sc. 499 Findlay and Finlay Tºº,” Arg. 537; bp. Dmbl. 53 — Alexr., IK.H. 791 — Jno., C.I.E. 808 — Rt. Bann., Q.C. 419 IF'indochus, K.Sc. 18 IFineux (or Fineaux), Jno. and Sir J., C.J.I.C.B. 370; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Fingal, K. Man, 664 Fingal, E. of Arth.jas, 8th E. 751 Arth. Ja.s., 9th F. 751; L.L. Meath, 570 Fingask, Thos. de, bp. Cness. 531 of, IX.P. of, K.P. Finglas, See also Fymglass 3.d., S.G. Ir, 589; S.L. Ir, 591 *) Finian (St.), bp. Cld. 598 Finlater, see Findlater Finlay, see Findlay IFinlayson, Jas., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Finnachta, bp. l'erns, 621 Fºis, Th. Q., L.M. Lond. 49 — (or Femys), Wm., R.B. 750 Finniss, Boyle Trav., G.S. Austr. 706 Finny (or Phinny), Geo., G. IBah. Isl. 716 IFinucane, Matts., J.C.P. Ir. {582 Fion-Fin, IX. Ir, 20 Fionachta, IX. Ir. 20 — -I'leadha, IX, Ir, 21 Firth, Hy. Hillh., gem. (D) 92.2 — Rt. Fras, gen, (D) 933 — Wm., S.L. 413 Fischer, see I’isher Fish. Jno. adm. (A) 817 Fishbourne, Edmd. Gard., adm. (IHI) 849 Fishburn, Th., J., It. 368 Fisher and Fischer — Benj., gen. (C) 873 Chr., b.p. Elph, 608 * Ed., C. Exc. 281 *— Ed., U.S.F. 229 * Poss. same pers. — Ed, Hy., gen. (ID) 909 — Garret, gem. (IB) 866 — Geo. Batt., gen. (ID) 935 — Sir Geo. Bult., gen. (C) 874; IK.C.H. 788 — Goodr. Armst., gen. (D) 916 - — Jno., bp. Exr. 437; bp. Sal. 467 — Jno., bp. Roch. 460 — Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Jno. Fk., gen. (D) 926 — Rt. A., C.C.J. 405 — Th., adm. (E) 835; (E) 838 — Th. Halh., Q.C. 419 Wm., adm. (ID) 828 — Wnn., C. St. 283 Fishide, Wm. de, S.L. 407 Fitch, see also Fytche — Col., Lt. T.L. 322 Fitton, Sir Alexr.,Lord Chanc. Ir. 576; L.J. Ir, 555 — sir Edw., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Fitz — Search also under the name without this prefix. rº-Adam, Jno., C.J.C.P. Ir. i) Fitz-Ailwyn, see FitzAlwyn Fitz-Alan, see also under Arundel, E. of — librian, J. It . 367 — sir Rd., L.H.A. 172 — (or Arundel), Th., Cant, 430 Wm., J. It. 366 73 (or Arundel), sir Winn., K.G. 34 Fitz-Alan, lds. Thos., ld, aft. E. of Arun- del, R.D. (1461) 756 Fitz-Aldelm (or Andelm), Wnn., Jy. 363; L.L. Ir. 550 Fitz-Alexander, Nig., Jy. 363 Fitz-Alwyn, Hy., Jy. 364; L.M. Lond. 488 — Rog., L.M. Lond. 488 Fitz-Bernard, I&t., J. It, 366 — Th., J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Fitz-Clarence, ld, Adolph., a.m. ºrjão, G.C.H. 786 —ld. Fk.,C.C.Bbay.660; G.C.H. ...; gen. (ID) 880; Lt. T.L. 22 abp. — Geo., aft. E. of Munster, q.v. Fitz-Edmund, Jno., bp. Cork and Cl. 631 — Jno., dm. Cloy, 632 Fitz-Ernise, Ph., J. It. 365 Fitz-Eustace, sir Ed., L.D. Ir, 552; Ld. Chanc. Ir, 575 — Rt. L., L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Roland and sin: B., aft. la. Portlester, q.v., L.D. Ir. 552; L. Treas. Ir, 558 sir IRd. (2), Ld. Chanc, Ir, 575 Fitzgerald and Fitzgerold — Sir Aug., gen. (B) 868 — Ch., G. Gamb. 686; G. W. Austl. 707 — Ch., gen. (ID) 926 — lil. Ch., C. Cus. Ir, 565 — Dav., bp. St. Dav. 464 - Paw. Fitzja.s., dh. Cloy. 3 Fitzgerald and Fitzgerold— Comt. — Ed., C. St. Ir. 568 Ed. Th., K.H. 790 — Fras. Alex., B. Ex. Ir. 584; J. Ex. D. Ir. 584 — Ger., K.C.M.G. 798 — Ger., L. Treas. Ir. 559 — Ger. Fitzja.s., dn. Lism. 629 — Ger. Seym. Ves., K.C.I.E. 805 — Hy., J. It. 365; Jy. 363 — lit. Hy., Postm. G. Ir, 564 — Hy. Ves., see la. F., infra, — Jas., gem. (ID) 895 — Jas., S.L. Ir. 592 — Sir Ja.s., L.D. Ir. 553 63 Jno., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 — Jno., du Cork, 632 — Jno. Dav., see la. F. infra, — Sir Jno. Forster, F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770; gen. (A) 863; F.C.B. 776 — Maur., abp. Cash. 625 — Maur., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; L. Adm. 182; L.T. 159 — Maur., L.J. Ir. 550 — Maur. and sir M., L.D. Ir. 55: — lél. Maur. L.L. Wexf. 571 — Maur. Fitzm. L.J. Ir. 550 — la Otho., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 217; Tr. H. 292 Pat., J.C.P. Ir. 581; Rec. — litt., S.L. Ir. 592 — sir Rt. Lew., adm. (A) 820; R.C.H. 788 — la. Rt. S., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Pgl. 124; Amb. Swz. 113 — Th., D. Chanc. Ir. 575; Lól. Chanc. Ir, 575 — Th. Iłurt., C. St. Ir. 568 — Th. Maur., L.J. Ir. 550 — Wm., by Clonf. and IX. 636; by). Cork, Cl. and R. 632; bp. Killoe, K,. Cl. and K. 636; dn. Cloy. 633 — Wnn. Rt. Seym. Wes., G. Bbay. 659; G.C.S.I. 801; lºst 803; P.C. 217; U.S.F. 30 — Wm. Wes., see löl. F., infra, Fitzgerald, lds. Jno. D., aft. la F., A.G. Ir. 588; J.Q. B. Ir. 579; J.Q.D.D. Ir. 579; Jud. Com. P. C. 362; L. App. 358; P.C. 220; S.G. I). 590 Fitzgerald and Vesci, 'lds. — Wrm. Vesey, aft. 1st li. F. and V. ; almb. Sw, and N. 127; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Iºx. Ir. 562; I.I. Clare, 569; L.T. 159; 12.C. 209; Paymn. G. 244; IPres. H.C. 254; Pres, B.T. 268; Tr. N. 257 — Hy. Vesey, aft. 2nd ld. F. and V., dm. Emly. 628; du. IXilm, 609 Fitzgerold, see Fitzgerald Fitzgibbon, Ger., L.J. * Ir. 586; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 Fitzgibbon, lds, and visc. — Jno., aft. lt. and visc. F., and 1st E. of Clare, q.v., A.G. Ir. 588; L.J. Ir. 557; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; P.C. 205 — hom. Rd. Hob., aft. 3rd. E. of Clare, q.v., L.L. Lim, 570 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1024 INDEX OF NAMES. Fitz-Gilbert, Rd., Ch. Jr. 362 — Wnn., Lól. Chanc. 353 Fitz-Guido, (or FitzGuy) Wm., din. St. Pat. 617 Fitzharding, visc. and E. — Ch., visc., form. Sir C. Berkeley, q.v., aft. E. of Fal- #%;" q.v., Tr. Ch. 294; Tr. .;291 — Jno., visc., Tell. Ex. 168 —— Wm. F. E., form. lil. Segrave, q.v. — Maur. F. F., 1st là., form. Sir Maur. Berkeley, q.v. Fitzharris, Jas, Ed., visc., aft. 2nd E. of Malmesbury, q.v., L.T. 158; U.S.F. 229 Fitz-Helton, Wm., J. It. 365 Fitz-Henry, Meiler, L.J. Ir. 550 Iła.m., J. It. 367 Fitzherbert, Alleyne, aft. li. St. Helens, q.v., Amb. St. G. 121; Amb. Nds. &c. 122; Amb. Russ. 125; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 204 — Anthy., J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 — Matth., J. It. 367 — Matth., IX.B. 754 — Th., adm. (A) 815 — Wm., B.T. 265-6 — Wrm., K.C.M.G. 797 Fitz-Hervey, Hy., J. It. 366 — Osb., J. It, 366; Jy. 363 Fitzhugh, Alf., gem. (ID) 930 — Geo., (ln. Linc. 448 — Jno., Jy. 364 — Rt., bp. Lond. 451 Fitzhugh, lds. — Hy., 3rd ló., I.G. 735; L.H.T. 153 — Geo., 7th lä., K.B. 759 Fitz-James, Jno. and sir J., A.G. 398; C.B. Ex. 381; ºb. 370; J.K.B. 372; S.L. — Rd., bp. Chich. 433 ; bp. Lond. 451; bp. Roch. 460 Fitz-Joceline, Reg., abp. Cant. 430; bp. B. and W. 427 — War., J. It. 367; Jy. 364 Bºitz-John, Milo, bp. Cork, 630; din. Cork, 632 — Nichs., (ln. Oss. 622 — Rd., dm. Cash. 627 — Th., J. It. 368 — Wrm., abp. Cash, 624; bp. Os3. 620; L.L. Ir. 551; Lól. Chanc. Ir. 574 — Wm., J. It. 365 Fitz-Martin, Wm., J. It. 365; Jy. 363 Fitzmaurice, ld, Edma. G. I?., TJ.S.F. 230 — Jas., b.p. Ardf. and Agh. 639 —"Jno., gen. (D) 896; K.H. 0 79 — Ulyss., G. Gren. 724 I'itzmayer, Jas. Wm. and sir J., gen. (I)) 902; K.C.B. 780 Fitz-Moore, Edm., Q.C. 418 IFitz-Neale or Fitz-Nigel, Iłd., bp. Lond. 451; dun. Limc. 447; J. It. 365; Jy. 363 — Wrm., J. It. 365 Fitz-Oger, Oger, Jy. 364 Fitz-Osborne, Wm., E, of Hereford, Ch. Jr. (Wnn. 1.) 362 Fitz-Other, Walt., Const. W. Cast. 322 Fitz-Otho, Hugh, Comst. T.L. 320 Fitzpatrick, Denn., Ch. Com. Ass. 656 — Jno. Wils., aft. li. Castle- town, q.v., L.L. Q. Co. 571 — Patr. P., C, Exc. 282 — hon. Rd., Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; gen. (A) 859; L.G.O. 259; P.C. 204; Sec. at W. 234 Fitz-Peter, Geoff., aft. E. of Essex, q.v., Ch. Jr. (1198) 362; J. It. 366; Jy. 363; W.C.P. 317 — Sinn., Jy. 363 Fitz-Pier, see Fitz-Peter Fitz-Ralph, Ger., J. It, 365 — Rd., abp. Arm. 595 ; din. Lich. 445 — Rt., b.p. Worc. 472 — Simon, IX.B. 755 — Wrm., J. It. 365; Jy. 363 Fitz-Ranulph, Ralph, J. It. 368 Fitz-Reginald, Ralph, J. It. 367 Fitz-Renfred, or Fitz-Rein- fred, or ñº, Rog., Const. T.L. 320; J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Fitz-Richard, Gerald, bp. Crk, and Cl. 631 — Sinn., C.J.C.P. Ir, 580; J.C.P. Ir. 581; K.B. 755; S.L. Ir. 590 — Wrm., J. It. 365-6 — Wm., L.M. Lond. 489 Fitz-Robert, Jno., B. Ex. 382; J. It. 367 — Ph., J. It, 366 — Iłand., J. It. 367 — Walt., J. It. 366; Jy. 363 — Walt., J. It, 367 Fitz-Roger, Rt., J. It. 366 : Jy. 364 — Rog., L.M. Lond. 488 — Wm., J. It. 367 Fitz-Rosceline, Wm., J. It. 367 Fitzroy, ld, Augs. Ch. Lenn., gen. (D) 906 — hom. Ch., gem. (A) 861 — lél. Ch., gem. (A) 860 — lä. Ch., P.C. 213; W.C.H. 297 — Ch. Augs. and Sir C., G. Antig. &c. 727; G. N. Austr. 705; G. N.S.W. 703; G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 ; IK.C. B. 782; IS.H. 792 — Geo. Itt., gen. (D) 931 — Hy., aft. E. of Notting- ham, and D. of Richmond and Somerset, q.v., (1525) 737 hon. Hy., C.W.P.B. 272; L. Admy. 183; P.C. 216; U.S. Home, 228 — Rt., adm. (G) 842; G.N.Z. 09 — Rt. O'Brien, adm. (E) 837 — hom, Wm., gen, (B) 868 — lil. Wm., adm. (ID) 824; IK.C.B, 777 Fitzsimon, Fitzsimons, and Fitzsymon. - Ed., A.G. Ir. 588; M.R. Ir, 585; — Sir Rd., K.G. 733 — Turst., J. It. 365; Jy. 363 — Walt., abp. Dblm, and Gl. 616; L.D. Ir, 553; Ld. Chanc. Ir, 575 - Fitz-Stephen, Ralph, J. It. 365; Jy. 363 — Wm., J. It, 366; Jy. 363 Fitzsymon, see Fitzsimon Fitz-Thomas, Jno., dm. Ardf. 640 — Maur., K.B. 755 — Th., L.M. Lond. 489 — Wm., Ld, Chanc. Ir. 575 Fitz-Torold, Nichs., J. It. 366 Fitz-Walter,sir Walt.,L.H.A. 173 Wm., Comst. W. Cast. 322 Fitz—Walter, lds, and E. — Benj., 1st Earl, L.L. ESX. 308; P.C. 198; Pres. B.T. 264; Tr. H. 291 Jno., 12th lä., K.B. (1485) Bt., 13th lit., aft. 1st visc. F. and E. of Sussex, q.v. R.B. 759; IS.G. 737 — Hy., lil., aft. 2nd E. of Sussex, q.v., K.B. 760 — Th., visc., aft, 3rd E. of Sussex, q.v., L.D. Ir. 553 — Hy. Batcliff, ld., I.C.B. (1610) 762 Fitz-Warine, Falco., Jy. 365 — Wnn., J. It. 367 — Sir Wrm., K.G. 733 Fitz-Warine, lds. — Jno., 11th lil., K.I.B. 758 Ed., ld, aft. 4th E. of Bath, q.v., K.B. 762 Fitzwarren, see Fitzwarine Fitzwigram, see Fitzwygram Fitzwilliam and Fitzwil- liams — Adam, J. It. 367; Jy. 364 — Geo., K.B. 760 — Hugh de, J. It. 368 — hon. Jno., gem. (A) 858 — Osb., Jy. 364 — Otho., Jy, 363 — Balph, J. It. 369 — I'd., G. Bah. Isl. 716 — lºt., J. It. 367 — Th. and sir T., Rec. Lond. 493; Sp. H.C. 249 — Sir Th., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Wm., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 Wnn., dm. Wells, 429 — sir Wm., L.D. Ir. and L.J. Ir. 554; L.K. Ir, 576 — sin: Wm., aft. 1st E. Of Southampton, q.v., C.D.L. 242; K.G. 737; Tr. H. 291 Fitzwilliam, E. Wnn., 4th IE., L.L. Tr. 557; L.L. Yorks, W.R. 313; I.P.C. 188; P.C. 205 — Chas. Wm., 5th E., IV.G. 44 7 — Wm. Th. Sp., 6th E., form. visc. Milton, q.v.; K.G, 744 Fitzwilliam of Meryon, visc. Rd., 6th visc., C. Treas. Ir. 559; IX.]3. 764 FitzWygram, sir Fk. Well. Jno., gem. (ID) 908 Flaccinator, M. F., C. Ro. 41 Flaccus, C. F., C. Ro. 44 — C. N., C. Ro., 46 — C. V., C. Ro. 45 — C. V. P., C. Ro. 40 — L. V., C. Ro., 42-3-4-5 — M. F., C. Ro. 42, 45 IP. V., C. Ro. 43 — Q. F. (4) C. Iło. 42-3-4; Dt. Bo. 43 S. F., C. Ro. 44 75 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1025 Elaithbheartagh, K. Ir. 21 1Flambard, IRalph or Ran., bp. Dham. 478; Ch. Jr. 362; L.H.T., 152 Flamburiari, Ct. Dion., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 Elaminius, C., C. Ro. 43-4 rºminimus, L. Q., C. R.O. — T. Q., C. Ro. 43-4-5 rººmsteed, Jno., Astºr. Roy. Iºlan-Febla, bp. Arm. 595 Flannagan, Steph. W., Land. J. Ir. 586-7; P.C. 220 — Wnn., dn. Ach. 614; Killa. 614 Iºlandrensis, Rd., Jy. 364 IPlann-Sionna, K. Ir, 22 Elannan (St.), bp. Killoe. 634 Flathguss, bp. Ferns, 621 Flathiem, bp. Saig. 620 IFlavius, L., C. Ro. 47 Flavus, L. L., C. Ito. 39 — S. L., C. Ro. 37 — T. L., C. Ro. 37; Dt. Ro. 37 t Fleeming, see Fleming IFleet, sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 9 — Jno. Faithf., C.I.E. 807 Fleetwood, Ch., Comm. Ir. 55. Wöiº. 313 Jas., by). Worc. 473 — Wim., bp. Ely 435; bp. St. As. 462 — Wm., Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 408 Fleming and Flemyng — Aug., gem. (D) 894 — (or Fleeming), hom. Ch. Elph., adm. (A) 819; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Chr., A.G. Ir. 588 Ed., gen. (D) 882 — Fras., G. Mtius. 684 — Geo. and Sir G., bp. Carl. 476; dun. Carl. 476 — Hy., Sec. L.G.B. 256; Sec. P.L.]3. 262 — Hez., gem. (B) 866 — Hor. Towns., dm. Cloy. 633 — Jas, gem. (C) 871 — Jas., Q.C. 418 - Jno., G. I. Man. 666 — Jno. Smyth, L.M. Dbln. 641 — Michl. le, dm. Lism. 628 Nichs., abp. Arm. 595 — Rd., abp. Ylö. 485 — Rd., b.p. Linc. 446 — Rd., b.p. Llim. 621 — Rt., dm. Linc. 448 — Th., b.p. Llin, 622 — Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 — (or Flemyng), Th, and sir T., C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.K.B. 370; Rec. Lom. 494; S.G. 401; S.L. 408 — Th. Ferg., gen. (D) 896 — sir Val., G. Tasm. 708 — Walt. le, dm. Tism. 628 — Winn., C. Ex. 279 — Wm. le, bp. Lism. 626 Fleming, lds. — Jno., 2nd lå., L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Malc., 3rd lá., L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Jas., 4th lá., L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Jho., 5th lá., L.G.C. Sc. 506 Flemyng, see Fleming IFleshmonger, Wm., Chich, 434 dn. dn. Fletcher, Andr., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. 520 — Sir Andr., Ld. Sess. 519 — Dav., bp. Arg. 538 — Ed., G. I. Man, 666 — Ed. Ch., gen. (ID) 900 — Geo., Yk. H. 334 — Hy., gen. (A) 858 —ºy. and sir H., Chn. E.I.Co. — Hy. Ch., gem. (D) 915 — Sir Jno., Ld. Adv. 526 — Jno. Rigg, gen. (B) 868 — Jno. Venour, adm. (G) 842 — Ph., dm. Kild. 619 Rd., b.p. Brl. 439; bp. Lond. 451; bp. Worc. 473; dn. PbOro. 458 — Th., bp. Drom. 605; bp. Kild. 617; dim. Down, 605; dim. Chr. Ch. D'blin. 618 — Th., S.L. 409 — Wnn., dn. Išild. 619 — Wrm., J.C.P. II. 582 Fleur, Chev. de, G. Mtius. 683 Flint, Th., S.L. 410 Flood, sir Fk., C. Acc. Ir. 567 — Flº. Bd; Solly, gen. (D) 928 Hy., P.C. 203; V. Treas. Ir. Ward., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J. K.B. Ir, 578; J. Admy. Ct. Ir. 587; S.G. Ir. 589 *Florence, bp. Cloy. 630 :k bp. Emly, 625 *— bp. Glasg. 536; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 3k bp. Ross. 631 *— dm. Rph. 602 * Prob. Some same pers, Comp, dates. ––– I., C. Fld. 82 — I. to V., C. Hld. 82 Florentius, see Florence Flores, J. J., Pres. Ecr. 108 — Juan de, G. Trim. 721 — V., Pres. Ugy. 111 Florestan, I., Pr. Mmo. 31 Florez, see Flores Florian, Emp. Ro. 48 Florus, C. A., C. Ro. 42 Fiower, Ch. and sir C., L.M. Lond. 492 — Cyril, L.T. 162 — Ph., dm. Kilf. 637 — Rt., Som. H. 332 — Rog., Sp. H.C. 248 Wm., Chest. H. 331; Guis. P.A. 343; Norr. IS.A. 329; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Flowerdew, Ed., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 408 Floyd, sir Hy., gem. (I)) 883 — sir Jno., gem. (A) 860 Floyde, Maj., G. I. Man, 666 Floyer, Aug., K.C.B. 775 Flude, Th. Pet., gen. (D) 899 rºyer , Sir Saml., L.M. Lond, 9 — Wnn., gen. (D) 886 Flyn, Wm., dm. Clonm, 600 Foche, Jno., C. Exc. 279 Foda, Cumin, bp. Clonf. 635 Foeldobar, bp. Clr. 596 Foendelach, bp. Arm. 595 rºsamair, O'Moel, bp, Killa. 12 5 Fogartach, K. Ir. 21 (2) bp. Saig. 620 Fogg, Laur., dm. Chest, 477 Fogo, Jas, gem. (D) 891 Foisac, Balt. R. de, gen. (C) 871 Foix, Jno. de, aft. E. of Ken- dal, q.v., K.G. (1435) 735 — Pet. de la, K.B. 754 Polan, Jno., bp. Lim. 638 Folco, M. Fa. 53 Foley, hon. Fitz. Algn. Ch., adm. (E) 836; (E) 839 — Paul, Sp. H.C. 250 — Rd. Harry, gen. (C) 874 — Rt., dm. Worc. 474 — hom. St. Geo. Ger., G. GSey. 669; gen. (ID) 903; K.C.B. 781 — Saml., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 ; dri. Ach. 614 — Th. and sir Th., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Foley, lds. I'oley Family. 2nd Creation. — Th., 3rd ló., C.G.P. 300; L.L. Worc. 313; P.C. 212; Postm. G. 238 — Th. Hy., 4th lá., C.G.A. 300; C.G.P. 300; L.L. Worc. 313 1: Foliot, Gilb. or Rt., bp. Her. 441; bp. Lond. 451 — Hugh, Jy. 364 — Jno., gen. (IB) 864 — Jno., gem. (B) 865 — Rt. or Gilb., b.p. Her. 441 ; bp. Lond. 451 — Walt., J. It. 367 Foljambe, Jeffr., J.K.B. Ir. fº 578 Folkes, Mart., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Folkestone, Wm., visc., son of 4th E. of Radnor, P.C. 220; Tr. H. 292 Folkyngham, M. Chy. 394 Follett, Brent. Sp., Q.C. 417 — Wm. W, and sir W., A.G. 400; K.C. 416; S.G. 402 Formosus, P. Ro. 33 Fonblanque, Jas., P.P. 415-16 — Wisc. Th. de Gr., K.H. 789 Fontaine, Jam. dela, G.C.G.H. Jno. de, 678 Fontibus, Jus. de, bp. Fly, 434; L.H.T. 152 Formtinalis, A. A. V., C. R.O. 38 Fooks, Geo. Alex. St. P., gen. (D) 919 — Walk. King, gem. (D) 911 — Wm., adm. (A) 816 — Wm. Crac., Q.C. 418 Foord, see also Ford Ed. Archd., gen, (D) 920 — Wrm. Oct., gen. (D) 933 Foote, Ed. Ja.s. and Sir E., adm. (A) 819 ; K.C.B. 776 — Hy. Rd., adm. (IH)849 — Th., L.M. Lond. 491 — Walt., L.P.S. Sc. 500 — Wrm. Fras., gem. (D) 907 Forannan, St., b.p. Kild. 616 Forbes, Alexr., b.p. Abdn. 530; bp. Chess. 532 — Alexr., C. Exc. Sc. 504 — Alexr. Penr., b.p. Brn. 541 — Arth., admm. (ID) 833; (F) 838 — sir Arth., L.J. Ir. 555 — Benj. Gord., gem. (C) 873 — Ch. Ferd, and sir IK.C.H. 789 ; IX.PI. 792 — Ch. Pult., gem. (D) 929 — Dav., gen. (D) 881 — Dav., gen. (D) 888 — Dunc., L.P. Ct. Sess, 516; Id. Adv. 524 C., For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1026 INDEX OF NAMES, Forbes—coºvt. — Sir Fras., L.M. Lond, 491 — hom. Fras, Reg., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Sxy. 120–21 — Geo., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Geo. Wm., gem. (ID) 918 — Gord., gem. (A) 860 — Hy., adm. (HI) 846 — Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 716 — Jno., gem. (ID) 894 — Jno., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Jno., Q.C. 419 — Jno. and Sir J., gem. (D) 908; K.C.B. 781 — hon. Jno., adm. (A) 814; L. Admy. 178-9 — Jno. Hay, Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 — Lewis W., Modr. R. Sc. 547 Patr., bp. Cness. 532 and 541 Patr., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Rt., bp. Ork. 545; bp. Ross and Chess. 545 Th. Geo., adm. (IHI) 849 — Th. Jno., gem. (ID) 883 — Wm., bp, Edinb. 533 — Wm., geri. (ID) 913 — Wrm., L.M. Dbln. 641 Forbes, lds. and visc. — Jas, Och., 17th lá., gen. (A) 861 ; L.H.C. R. Sc. 546 — Geo., ld., aft. 3rd E. of Granard, q.v., adm. (A) 814 Geo. Jno., visc., son of 6th E. Of Granard, gen. (C) 874; #" Longf. 570; Sec, St. Patr. Forbes-Mackenzie, see Mac- kenzie Ford, see also Foord — Barn., gem. (ID) 913 — Ch. Ersk., gen. (D) 904 — Edm. Tw., gem. (D) 982 — Fras. Cl, and Sir F., Amb. Arg, 136; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. Gr. 129; Amb. Spm. 124; Amb. Ugy. 137; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 798 — Jno., adm. (A) 816 — Matth. Bl, gen. (D) 914 — Sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 — Wm., B. Ex. 383 Wm. Hy., #. (C) 875 Fordham (or l'rodsham),Jho., bp. Dham, 478; bp. Ely, 435; dn, Wlls, 428 Fordhere, bp. Shbn. 466 Fordwich, Geo. Augs. F., Visc., aft. 6th E. Cowper, q.v., U.S.F. 230 Fordyce, Ch. F., gen. (D) 905 -juo, gen. (D) 896; R.C.B. 7 — Jno., S.L.R. 271 Foreman, See also Forman — Amdr., abp. St. Andr. 529; bp. Mor. 534; Ld. Chanc, Sc. 514 Forest, see Forrest Forester, see Forrester Forfar, Archd., 2nd E. of, I.H.T. Sc. 498; L.P.S. Sc. 501 Forgie (? Fergie), lºt., dn. Ixilla. 614 Torlong, Jas., IX.H. 791 — Jas. Geo. 13., gem. (D) 915 Forman, see also Foremain — sir Rt., Ly, K.A. 513 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 Formay, Walt., bp. Ross, 631 Fornerod, Pres, Sw. C. 31 IForrest, and Forest — Ch., L.M. Dblin. 641 — Jas, and sir J., L. Prow. Edinb. 548 — Jno., dm. Wells, 429 — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 640 — Wm. Ch., gen. (ID) 905 Forrester and Forester Ad., L.J. Clk. 516 — Sir Andr., Sec. Thist. 749 — Dunc., Compt. Sc. 498 — G. C. W., see lit. F., infra Sir Jno., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; L.G.C. Sc. 506 Walt., º: Brn. 531 Forrester, lds, — Jno. Geo., 2nd lå., C.G.A. 300; P.C. 214 - — hon. Geo. Cecil Weld., aft. 3rd ld. F., Compt. H. 293; gen. (ID) 897; P.C. 215 Forster, see also Foster — Hy., gen. (D) 903 — captn. J., G. Brmda. 701 --- Jas., S.L. 412 — Juno., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.C.P. Ir, 580; Rec. Dbln. 642; S.G. Ir. 589 — Jno. Coll. Surg. 939 — Nichs., b.p. IGilloe. 634; bp. Rph. 602 — Steph., L.M. Lond. 490 Tog Thomps., Mast. Coll. Surg. 39 — Wm., bp. S. and M. 483 Wm., dn. Kilmacd. 638 Coop., Pres. — Wrm., K.B. 761 Wm. Edw., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 218; U.S.C. 235; V.P. Ed. 255 — Wm. Fk., gen. (D) 892; R.H. 790 Forsyth, Jno., IS.C.S.I. 803 — Th. Dougl., K.C.S.I. 803 — Wºm., Q.C. 417 Fort, Th., bp. Ach. 612 Fortescue, Chich., aft. Č. Uſistić.A.;; Chich, Saml., aft, 1st lil. Carlingford and 2nd lói. Clermont, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.L. Esk, 308; L.T. 161; P.C. 217; Pres. B.T. 269; U.S.C. 235 — Fras., K.B. 761 — Ger., Ulst, K.A. 572 — Hy., C.J.I.B. Ir. 577 — hon, Hugh, see lá. F., infra, — Jno. and sir J., C.J.K.B. 370; S.L. 407 — Sir Jno., C.D.L. 242; Ch. Ex. 154 Lew., B, Ex. 384 — Matt., C.C.J. 404 — Wm. and sur W., B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. 379; IK.C. 415; M.I. 388; P.C. 198; S.L. 412 Fortescue, lds. and E. — Jno. F., 1st là., form. Sir J. F. Aland, q.v. — Hugh, 3rd ld, and 1st E., form, visc, Ebrington, q.v.; Tu.T. Dev. 307 — Hugh, 2nd E., form. Visc. Ebrington, q.v.; K.G. 744; T.S.H. 290; Sec. P.L.B. 262 Hugh, 3rd E., form. Visc. IEbrington, q.v. Forth, M. Chy. 395 — Jno. D., Pt.c. P.A. 337 Sir Forth—cont. Wm., C. Exc. 278 Fortze, Wm. de, L.H.A. 170 Forward, Rt., dn. Drom. 606 rºwood, Arth. B., Sec. Adm. 187 Foscardi, Ct., IK.C.M.G. 79 Foster, see also Forster — Anthy., C. Acc. Ir. 567; C.B., Ex, Ir, 583 — Aug. Jno. and Sir A., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Sda. 114; Amb. U.S.A. 132; P.C. 210 — Ch. Jno., gen. (D) 906; M.C.I. 647 — Edw. Hor. Hy., gen. (D) 926 — Jno., K.B. 759 — Jno., L.J. Ir. 557 — Jno., aft. li. Oriel, q.v., IB.T. 268; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Ex, Ir. 562; L.T. 158-9 ; P.C. 204 — Jno. Fitzg., G. Vict., 704 — Jno. Lesl., B. Ex. Ir. 584 — Michl, and sir M., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 — (or Fostin), bp. Elph. 608 — Rt. and sir R., C.J.K.B 370; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 — Th., gen. (B) 869 — Th. B., gem. (D) 888 — Th., gem. (ID) 894 — Th. and Sir T., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 409 — Th. Campb., Q.C. 419 hon. Th. Hy., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Treas. Ir. 561 Wm., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Cork and R. 632; bp. Kilm. 607 IFostin. See Foster Fothadus, bp. St. Amdr. 528 Fotherby, Ch., dn. Cant, 431 — Martin, bp. Sal. 467 Fotheringham, Flº., C. Exc. SC, 505 Fouché, Off. Nap. 26 IFoulis and Fowlis y” — Dav., gem. (I)) 877; K.C.B. 777 Demetr. ($ —— Jas. or Jno. (Collington), Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 518 Sir Jas. (Collington), L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. 519 — sir Jas. (IReidfurd), Ld. Sess. 519 — Jno. Suprat, — Wrm., IL.P.S. Sc. 500; Sec. St, SC, 501 Foulkes (or Ffoulkes), Wm.W., C.C.J. 405 Foung-Chih, Emp. Ch. 100 Fountain, Jno., C.G.S. 356; S. L. 410 Fountayne, Jno., dm. Yk, 487 Foveaux, Jos., G. N. 702; gen, (E) 868 Fowell. Wnn. Newton, adm. (HI) 849 Fowke, Geo., adm. (A) 820 — Th., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (B) 865 Fowkes, Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Fowle, Ch. St., gen. (D) 912 — Jno., C. Exc. 279-80 Fowler, Ed., bp. Glr, 438 Hy., G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Lag. 687 — Hy. H., P.C. 221; Sec. Tr. 164; U.S. Home, 228 or Jas., see Ja.s. tº I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES, 1027 Fowler—cont. — Jno., K.C.M.G. 798 — Moses, dm. Rip. 482 — Rd., K.B. 759 — Rd. and sir R., C.D.L. 242; S.G. 401 — Rt., abp. Dplm. and Gl. 616; bp. Killoe and Kilf. 635; C.G.S. Ir. 576 — Rt., bp. Oss. F. and L. 622 — Rt., dn. St. Pat. 618 — Rt. Merr., adm. (HI) 844 — Rt. Nichs. and Sir R., L.M. Lond, 492 Fowlis, see Foulis Fºnes, sir Wm., L.M. Dbln. Fox, Ch., Paym, G. 244 — hon. Ch. Ja.s., F. Sec. 228; L. Admy. 179; L.T. 157; P.C. 203, 208; Prem. (?) 144 Ch. Bd., gen. (D) 883; S.G.O. 260 — Ed., bp. Her. 441 — Ed., M.M. 247 — Hy., aft. 1stld. Holland, q.v., L.T. 157; P.C. 199; Payan. G. #: S. St. 224 ; Sec. at W. — hom. Hy. Ed. (son of 1st là. Holland), Amb. Scy. 114; Comm. I'. Ir. 564; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 859 — hon. Hy. Ed., aft. 4th lä. Holland, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Tusc. &c. 115 — Hy. Steph., Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. R. Pl. 136; Amb. U.S.A. 132 — Luke, J.C.P. Ir. 582 — Rd., bp. B. and W. 428; bp. EXr. 436; bp. Dham. 478; bp. Winch. 471; L.P.S. 240; S. §. — Sackv., Bl. C.H. 339; Geneal. Bath, 784 — sir Steph., L.T. 155; Paym. G. 244 — Wm., IK.C.M.G. 797 Fox-Pitt-Rivers, see Rivers Fox - Strangways, S 6 (2 Strangways Foxall, Jno., abp. Arm. 595 Foxfoord, Rd., Ch. Lond, 422 Foxle, Jno. de, B. Ex. 383 — Th. de, Const. W. Cast. 322 Fºy, Nathl., bp. Wſord. and L. 7 * Franmingham, Hayl. and sir H., gem. (C) 874; K.C.B. 774; R.C.H. 787 Frampton, Ch., gen. (B) 865 — Rt., B. Ex. 383 —º bp. Glr. 438; din. Glr. Fºne, sir Stand. de, K.G. (?) 73. Frances (gr. dau. Hy, VII.), Pr. E. 12 *ranch (or Franke), Hy., Yk, H. 334 Ffranche, or Franke, Th., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Guis, P.A. 343 Fºncia, J. G. R., Dt., Pgy. 1] Francillon, Jas., C.C.J., 403 Francis, see also Fraunceys — Pr. Mino. 30 — I. (of France), D. Bry. 28 — I., D. Prma. 53 Francis—comt. — I. (form. Fras. II. of Ger- gºy). Emp. Aus. 58; K.G. 43 — I., K. Hgy. 60 — I. and II., D. Bry, 28 — I. and II., D. Line. 30 — I. and II., Emp. Gmy. 62 — I. and II., K. Fr. 24 — I. (K. Fr.), K.G. 737 — I. and II., K. 2 Scy. 56 — I. to V., D. Mda. 53 — -Augs. Ch. Em., Pr. Cons. of Engl., see Albert — Arth. gen. (D) 916 — Fras. Ed., gem. (D) 913 —-Fk., D.S.C.G. 78 — Hy., gen. (D) 920 — -Hyacinth, D. Svy. 55 — Jno., dn. Llim. 623 — Jno., dm. Lism. 629 — Jno. Th., gen. (D) 925 — -Joseph, D.S.C. and G. 78 — -Joseph, Emp. Aus. 58; K.G. 745 — —Joseph, K. Hungary, 60 — -Mary, I. and II., G. Tiny. 57 Ph. and Sir P., G.C.B. 771; K.B. 766 —-Phoebus; IC. Nav. 85, 88 — Rd., K.B. 756 49 — Rd., b.p. Wíord. 626 —istorae (D. Milan), K.G. — -Steph., D. Line. 30 Francisca - Josepha, &c. (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 IFrancisco-Mello, R. Nds. 83 Franck—, see Franc— Franco, G., Pres. Ecr. 108 Frank, Jno., M. Chy. 394 Franke, see Franche Frankfort, Lodge, ld, form. L. Morris, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 561 Frankland, Ch. Colv., adm. (IHI) 848 — Ed. Aug., adm. (H) 847 — B'k., C. Exc. 280 — Jno., dm. Ely 435; dim. Glr. 440 — Rd., C. TX. 284 — Th. and Sir T., B.T. 264; C. Cus. 274 ; C. Exc. 279 ; L. Admy. 177-8; Postm. G. 237-8 — sir. Th., adm. (A) 814 — W., L. Adny. 181 Franklin and Franklyn. — Ch., gem., (D) 894 — Ch. Tr., gen, (ID) 911 — I'd., adm. (HI) 850 — Jno., M. Chy, 396 — Sir Jno., adm. (ID) 829; G. V.D.Ld. 708; K.C.H. 789 — Juno. H., gen. (ID) 903 — M., G. N.Sc. 695 — Wrm., dm. Winds. 474 — Sir Wun., K.C.H. 788 Franks, lèd., gem. (B) 864 — Thos. Hartz. and sir T., gen. (IP) 892; IS.C.B. 778 Fraser and Prazer — Alexr., adm. (A) 818 — Alexr., gen. (D) 891 — Alexr., gen. (D) 920 Alexr. and Sir A., Jy. Sc. 522; Ld. Sess. 520 Sir Alexr., L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Alexr, Mack, gen. (B) 866 — Alexr. Rt., gen. (IO) 913 — Aug., K.C.B. 775 — Ch. Cr., gem. (D) 910 Fraser and Frazer—cont. Ch. Hy., Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. H. Ths. 120; Amb. Spm. 123 — hon. Dav. Macd., gen. (D) 22 — Geo. Hy. Jno. Alex., gen. (ID) 928 — Geo. Wm., gen. (D) 929 — Hast., gem. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 — Hast., gem. (ID) 935 — Hugh, Amb. Chi. Amb. Jap. 131 — Jas., }: Manch. 480 — Jas., K.C.B. 784 — Jas. St., gen. (ID) 878 — Jno., bp. Ross. 535 — Jno., gen., (D) 884 — Jno., gen. (I)) 897 — Jno., gen. (ID) 908 — Jno., K.C.M.G. 796 — Jno., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — sir Jno., gen. (A) 861 ; G.C.H. 786 — Jno. Elph., gen. (D) 912 — Jno. F., C.C.J. 403 — Jno. Keith, gem. (ID).931 — Malc., K.C.M.G. 798 — Patr., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Ld. Sess. 521 — Rt., K.H. 792 → *. Walt. Macl., gen. (D} 137; — Simon., gen. (IB) 866 — Simon, gen. (D) 897 — hon. Simon., gen. (B) 865 — hon. Simon, aft. li. Lovat, q.v., L.L. Inv. (1873) 510 — Th., adm. (IHI) 848 — Wm., bp. St. And. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 — Wrm., gen. (ID) 892 — Wnn., lx.C.B. 784 — Wrm., L.P.S. 241; U.S.F. 229; U.S.S. 226 — Wm. Ch., gem. (D) 877 Praser-Tytler, see Tytler Fraunceis, see Fraunceys Fraunces, Jno., L.M. Lond. Fraunceys, see also Francis — Ad., L.M. Lond., 489 * — (or Fraunces), Jno., L.K. 54 — Jno. le, M. Chy. 393; B. Ex, 382; Jy, 365 — Sim., L.M. Lond. 489 Fraunke, Jno., M.B. 387 Fray, Jno., B. Ex. 383; C.B. Ex. 381; Rec. Lond. 493 Frazer, see Fraser Freake, see Freke Freckmann, Jno., abb. or dum. Westr. 469 Frederic and º'rederick A.D. Aus. 58 — (Ct. Pal. Rh., aft. K. of Bohem.) IK.G. (1612) 739 — C. Lux. 84 — D. Amht, 66 — D. Brma. 59 — D. IBrk, 69, 70 — D. FCa. 71 — (of Luxemburg), D. Lune. 29 — D. Pr. 65 — D. S. Alt. 78 — D, Thy. 57 — IV, JSm. 97 — (som Goo. III.), bp. Osma- burgh, aft. D. of Yk. and Alb., q.v., Pr. Iº. 14; K.B. 765; K.G. 742; P.C. 204 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. T028 INDEX OF NAMES. Frederic and Frederick—comt. — Pr, Na,SS. 76 — Pr. M. Sch. 75 — I., K. Sw. 92 — I., IS. Whg. 81 — I., M. Fa, 52 — I. and II., D. Line. 29 — I. and II., D. Whg. 81 — I. (D. Whg.), R.G. 739 — I. and II., K. Pr. 65 — I. (K. Pr.), K.G. 741 — I. and II., Lg. H. Csl. 72 — I. (Lg. H. Csl.), K.G. 741 — I. and II., M. Brg. 65 — I. to III., D. Aus. 58 — I. to III., El. Sxy. 77 — I. to III., K. Scy. 55-6 — I, to IV., D. S.G.A. 78 — III. (D. S.G.A.), K.G. 742 — I. to IV., E. Gnny. 61-2 — IV. (E. Gmy.), K.G. 736 — I. to V., C.P.R. 68 — I. to VI., D. Su. 80 — I. to VII., K. Dk. 93-4 — II. (R. Dk.), R.G. 738 — VI. (K. DK.), K.G. 743 — II. to VII., M. Bdn. 66-7 — III., IK. Nls. 56 — -Aug., D. Obg. 76 T3 -Aug. (iss. Jas. I.). Pr. E. 1 — -Aug., I. and II., I.C. Pld. 91 — -Aug., I. and II., K. Sxy, 78 — -Aug., II. (K. Sxy.), K.G. 744 — -Aug., I. to III., El. Sxy. 78 — Ch. and sir C., adm. (ID) 832; (E) 834; (E) 838; L. Admy. 184; K.B. 765; S.G.O. 260 — -Ch. (Pr. Pruss.), G.C.B. 771 — -Ch. (Archd, Austr.), G.C.B. 769 — -Ch. Augs. (Pr. of Schl. Holst.), gen. (I)) 901 —-Chr., El. Sxy. 78 — Ed., gen. (ID) 879 — -Eug., D. Whg. 81 — -Fras., Pr, M. Sch. 75 —--Fras., I. to III. G.D.M. Sch. 75 —-Geo. (D. Saxe-C. and G.), G.C.B. 769 — -Gunther, Pr. S. Rdt. 79 —-Hy. (g. son Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — -Hy., Pr, Or. 83 ; R. Nds. 83; K.G. 739 — Jno., C. Cus. 276 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — -Jos., Lg. H. H.bg. 73 — -Lewis (son Geo. II.), aft. D. of Glouc. and Pr. of Wales, q.v., Pr. E. 14; Pr. W.E. 9; IP.C. 197; K.G. 741 -Louis V., Lg. H. H.bg. 73 — Morisc., gen. (A) 858 — Th. Len., adm. (A) 816 — -Ulrick, D. Brk. 70 — -Wm., D. Nass. 76 — -Wm., D. Brk. 70; gen. (IB) (1809) 866 — -Wm., D. Pr. 65 — -Wm., El. H. Csl. 72 — -Wm. (g. son Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 —-Wrm. (g. Som Q. Vic.), Pr. E. 15 — -Wm., Pr. M. Sch. 74 — -Wm., Pr. Mkg. 74 — -Wnn., Pr, Nass. 76 —-Wm., I, to IV. R. Pr. 65 — -Wm., III. (K. Pr.)I{.G. 743 — -Wm., IV. (K. Pr.) K.G. 744 Frederic and Frederick—comt. — -Wm.-Nich.-Ch., Pr, of Pruss., aft. Fk. III., Emp. of Ger., and K. of Pruss, G.C.B. 771; K.G. 744 º -Wm.-Ch. &c., G.D. M. Str. 75; K.G. 744 -Wm.-Leop., Pr. L. Dtd. 73 — -Wm. (Marg. and E1, of Brandenburg), K.G. 740 —-Wm.-Louis (Pr. of Pruss., aft. K. Pr. and Emp. Gmy.), G.C.B. 769 —-Wm.-Vict.-Alb. (g. son Q. Vict., aft. Emp. Wm. II. of Gmy.) Pr. E. 15; K.G. 745 Frederica (Prss, of Ham.), Cr, Ind. 810 Frederika, - Wilh, - Am. - Vict. (g. dau. Q. Vict.) Pr. E. 15 Freebairn, Dav., b.p. Edinb. 542; bp. Gall. 543; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Freeling, sir Arth. Hy., gen. (ID) 915 — Fras., Sec, P.O. 239 — sir Geo. Hy., C. Cus. 277 Sanf. and sir S., G. Bdoes. 721; G. Dmca. 730; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 686; G. Gren. 724; G. Trin. 723; K.C.M.G. 797 Freeman, FR. P. Wms., gen. (D) 930 — Geo., K.B. 764 — Hy. Stanh., G. Lag. 687 — Quin, Jno., gen. (A) 861 — Ralph. and Sir R., L.M Trond. 491; M.M. 246 — Rd., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; L.J. Ir. 555; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 — Saml., dm. Pboro. 458 — Wnn. P. Wrms., adm. (A) 816 Tº" m. Rt. Andr., gem. (IP) Freemantle, see Fremantle Freer, see also Frere — Jno. Harbr., gen. (ID) 893 — Wnn. Gard., K.H. 790 Freese, Jno. Nob. Arb., gen. (D) 899 — Wm. Hy., gem. (ID) 917 Freeth, Jas., aft, sir J., gen. (ID) 884; K.C.B. 779; I.H. 790 — Jas. Holt., gem. (ID) 910 — Rd. Išing, gem. (ID) 914 Samps., gem. (C) 874 — Samps., gem. (D) 910 Freind, see Friend Freire, Dt. Chi. 111 Freke and Freake Edmd., b.p. Norw. 455; bp. Roch. 460; bp. Worc. 473; dim. Roch. 461; dim. Sal. 468 — Jno., gen. (B) 866 Fremantle and IFreemantle 92 Arth. Ja.s. Lyon-, gem. (D) 924 — Ch. Howe and sir C., adm. (D) 830; G.C.P. 770; K.C.B. 778 7 — hon. Edmot, Bt., adm. (E) 837 — Hy., Sec. Tr. 163 — Jno. Wnn., gem. (ID) 880 — Thos. Fras., aft, sir T. (No. 1), adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; G.C.M.G. 794; IX.C.B. 774; L. Admy, 181 — Sir Th. Fras. (No. 2), aft. ld. Cottesloe, q.v.; C. Cus. 277; Ch. Sec. Ir, 563; P.C. 214; Sec. Tr. 163; Sec. at W. 234 Fºntle and Freemantle— CO77.l., Wrm. Hy. and Sir W., B.C. 253; G.C.H. 786; P.C. 210; Tr. H. 291 Wm. Rt., dm. Rip. 482 French and Efrench — Cudb., K.H. 791 — Daiml. O'C., Q.C. 420 — Fk. Wm., St. O., 261 — Hy. Jno., gen. (D) 895 — Humphr., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Jno., C. St. Ir. 568 — Jno., L.M. Lond, 489 — Jno., dn. Elph. 609 | — Jno., dn. Rph. 602 — M.T., gen. (ID) 923 — Rd., gen. (D) 895 — Rd., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 582 — Th. Yº Lhore. 655 — Val., dn. Ross. 633 — Wm., dn. Ard. 609 rººftonvin, Wm. de, J. It. 7 Frenyngham, Ralph de, J.C.P. 377 Freodwulf, K.E. 2 Frere, see also Freer — Barth., Amb. Spm. 124 Amb. Thy. 129 — Cath., Lady, Cr. Ind. 810 — (or Frier), Guy, Const. T.L. 320 — Hy., G. Bdoes. 720 — Hy. B.E. and sir H., Amb, Msct. 130; Amb. Zr, 132; G. Bbay. 659; .C.B. 782; M.C.I. 646; P.C. 218 — Jno., G. Bdoes. 720 — Jno. H., Amb. Pgl. 124; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Spm. 124; P.C. 207; U.S.F. 229 Wm., S.L. 412 rigºne, Chev. de, G. Mtius. 68; Frethewaldus, bp. Gall. 538 Frethone, see IFrettom 18"reton and Fretton. — (or Frethome), Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 — lºog. de, dm. Chich. 434 Frevyle, Geo., B. Ex. 384 Frewerl, Acc., abp, Yk, 486; bp. Lich, and Cov. 444; din. Glr. 440 Frewin, IRd., C. Cus. 276 Frey, Jas., dn. Arm. 597 Freyne, Arth., 1st lél. de, L.L. ROSC. 571 - Frias, T., Pres. Iłol. 109 Friend and IE"reind — Jno., C. Exc. 278 — Wm., dn. Cant, 431 Frier, see Frere Frilington, sir Jno., Const. W. Cast. 322 Frimont, Baron, G.C.B. 767 Frisby, Wm., S.L. 407 Friskeney, Walt. de, B. Ex. 383; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371 Frith, see also Fryth — Jno. Wharton, gen. (ID) 886 Fritharis, I. Sc. 17 Frithebert, bp. Hex. 480 Frithstan (St.), bp. Winch. 470 Frodsham, see Fordham Froila, I. and II., K. Sp. 85 Frome, Ed., gem. (D) 898; G. Gsey, 669 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMIES. 1029 Fromiata, M. of, R. Nds, 83 Frowcester, Edm., dm. Her. Frow, see Frowedk rºwde, Philip, Postm. G. 37 Froweck, and Frowyck — Hy., lx.B. 759 -i." Frow), Hy., L.M. Lond. 9 — Jno. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 — Th., C.J.C.P. 375 ; S.L. 407 — Th., K.B. 758 Frugi, L. C. P., C. Ro. 44 Fry, Ed. and sir E., g Com. P.C. 362; Just. Ch. D. 391; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 220; Q.C. 418 Frowick, Fryer, sir Jmo., L.M. Lond. 491 Fryseby, Rd. de, A.G. 398 Fryston, Rd., M. Chy. 394 Eryth, see also Frith Rowl., Mowb. H. 340; Lanc. H. 333 Fulburn, Steph. de, bp.Wſord. 626; L.D. Ir. 550; L. Treas. Tr. 558 — Walt. de, bp. Wíord. 626; dm. Wíord. 628; Ld. Chanc. In’. 574 — Wrm. (le, B. Ex. 383 Fulford, Fras., bp. Montr. 694 — Humphr., K.B. 759 — Jno., adm. (E) 835 ; (E') 838 — Jno. de, bp. Llff. 449 Fullarton, see Fullerton Fuller, Ch. Bondl., gen. (D) 7 — Maj. F., G. Trin. 722 — Fras., gen. (A) 861 — Era.s., gem. (C) 871 — Fras., S.L. 411 — Jno. Aug., C.I.E. 807; gen. (D) 920 — sir Jos., G.C.H. 786; gem. (B) 868 — I&d., Adm. Adv. 423 — Saml., dm. Linc. 448 — Th. B., bp. Niag. 693 — Wm., bp. Ardf. almd Agh. 639; byp. Lim. A. and A. 639; bp. Linc. 447 ; dri. Dham. 479; dim. Ely, 435 ; dam. St. Pat. 618 IFullerton and Fullarton Ch. Jno., gen. (D) 920 Jno., bp. Edinb. 542; Pr. Pp. Sc. 540 *— Jno., Sc. Bp. 545 * Prob. Same pers. — Jno., Ld. Sess. 520 — Th., C. Cus. Sc. 503 — Wrm., G. Trim, 722 — Wnn., gen. (D) 913 IFullerton-Elphinstone, see lºlphinstone Fulton, Graeme Auchm., gen. (D) 924 — Jas. Forr., IK.H. 792 — Jno., gem. (D) 921 — Jno. Jeffr., gem. (D) 921 Fulc, see l'ulke Fulco, J.C.12.377 — I. to IV., C. Anj. 27 Fulcon, Rt., Jy. 365 Eulertach, bp. Cld. 598 Eulke, I.C.J.Sm. 97 — (or Fulc), Rt., J.C.P. 377 Fulke-Greville, see Greville Fullo, L. A., C. lºo. 43 sk Fulthorp and Fulthorpe — Rt., or Rog. de, J.C.P. 378; J. It. 369; S.L. 407 — Th., J.C.P. 378 — Th., S.L. 407 Fulvianus, M. A., C. Ro. 44 Fulwar, Th., abp. Cash. and ºl. 626; bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Fundulus, C. F., C. Ro. 42 Furbar, Jno., gem. (C) 871 Eurber, Th., adm. (H) 849 Furneaux, Jno., adm. — Wm., gem. (D) 889 — Wrm. St., gen. (ID) 910 Furmeis, Adam de, dn. St. Patr. 617 Furnell, Michl. Cudm., C.I.E. 807 Furnellis, Alam de, J. It, 366; Jy. 363 — Hy. de, Jy. 364 — Sim. de, J. It. 368 — Wnn. de, Jy. 364 Furner, Wm., C.C.J. 403 Furmese, Hy., L.T. 157 Furnius, C., C. Ro. 47 Furnival, Th., ld., L.H.T. 153 Furrer, J., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Furzer, Dam., Sr. N. 257 Eust, see Jenner Fusus, A. F. M., C. Ro. 38 — C. F. P., C. Ro. 39 — L. F. M., C. Ro. 38 P. F. M., C. Ro., 38 — Sex. F. M., C. Ro. 37 — Sp. F. M., C. Ro. 37-8 Ey—, see also Fi– | Eyche, Geo., dm. St. Patr. 618 Eyers, Pet., gem. (C) 875 — Th., gem. (D) 883 — Wm., gen. (IB) 868 Fyldynge, see also Fielding — Geo. or Ger., K.B. 759 Fyler, Lawr., gem. (ID) 904 Fyllioll, Wm., K.B. 759 Fyncham, Ad. de, A.G. 398 Elyricheden (or Fymchedom), Wm. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Fyngale, Geoff. de, A.G. 398 Fynglass, see also Finglas l?atr., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 Eytohe, Alb., Ch. Com. Bma. 655; gen. (D) 907 — Wm., Adm. Ind. 647 Fyvie, Geo., ld., aft. E. of Dunfermline, q.v., L.P.S. Sc, (G) G. G*** (son of Peter), B. Ex. 382 G***, bp. Brm. 531 G***, dm. Crk. 632 Gabbett, Jos., gen. (B) 866 Gabinios, A., C. R.O. 46 gºriel, I. and II., Pr. Tva. — Jas. Wm., K.H. 791 — Rt. B., gem. (ID) 882; K.PI. 790 — Th. and Sir T., L.M. Lond. 92 Gadderar, Jas., b.p. Abdn. 540 Gaerst, Hugh de, J. It. 366 ; y. 363 Gafney, Chr., bp. Oss, 620 Gige hon. Ed. Th., gem. (ID) 908 — hon. Th., gen. (A) 858 — sir Jmo., C.D.L. 242; Compt. H. 292; Const. T.L. 320-21; K.G. 738; W.C.H. 296 — sir. Wm., IK.B. 764 —— sir Wim. Hall, adm. (A) 820; (IB) 821; (C) 822; G.C.B. 770; G.C.H. 787; L. Admy. 183 Gage, visc.— — Hy., 3rd visc., gen. (C) 873 Gage-IIa.11, see Hall Gainsborough, Wm. de, bp. Worc. 472 Gainsborough, E. of — Ch. Geo., 2nd E. of, L.L Rutl. 311 Gairdner, see also Gardiner and Gardner — Wrm. J., gen. (ID) 888 Gaisford, Th., dm. Chr. Ch. Xf. 457 Gaitskell, Fk., gem. (D) 897 Galba, S. S., C. lto. 44-5; Emp. RO. 47 Galbraith, Rt., Ld. Sess. 518 Galdric, see Baldric Gale, Ch. Ja.s., C.C.J. 403 — Geo., M.M. 246 — Hy. Bichm., gen. (IB) 867 —ºog. C. Exc. 279-80; C. St. — Th., dm. Yk. 487 Galeatius, bp. Drom. 604 Galerius, M., Emp. Ito. 48 Galfragus, Wm., bp. Elm. & Dunw. 454 Galfrid and Galfridins, see also Geoffrey bp. Abdn. 530 bp. Llff. 449 bp. St. As, 462 Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 *Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. Gallinole, Th., M.M. 246 Gall, Rd. li erp., gen, (D) 922; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Gºlakan, Redm., b.p. Killa. 61. Gallienus, Emp. Ro. 48 Galloway, All. Cle, L.H. Const. Sc. 507 Archd. and Sir A., Chu. E.I, Co. 645; gen, (ID) S80; Ix.C.B. 777 — Th. Ja.s., gen. (ID) 898 Galloway, E. of — Jas., 5th E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 498 — Jno., 7th E. of, form, ld, or visc. Garlies, q.v., K.T. 748; L.L. Wight, 512 — Geo., 8th E. of, form. li. Or Visc. Garlies, q.v., adm. (A) 818; IX.T. 748; L.L. Kirkc. 510; L.L. Wigt. 512 — lºand., 9th E. of, form. Visc. Garlies, q.v. — Al. 1'lant., 10th E. of, K.T. 749; L.H.C. R. Sc. 546 *: :K #: Sk I'or List of Albbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1030 INDEX OF NAMES. Gallus, C. S., C. Ro, 42, 44 — Hostilius, Emp. Ro. 47 — L. A., C. R.O. 44 — L. C., C. R.O. 46 — P. V. A., C. Ro. 38 — Q. O., C. Ro. 42; Dt. Ro. 42 Gallwey, see also Galwey rººf, # gen. (I)) 919; R.C.M.G. 79 — Michl. Hy., K.C.M.G. 799 Galsagus, Wm., bp. Elm. & Dunw. 454 Galt, Alex. Till, and sir A., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 Galton, Dougl., K.C.B. 784 Galway and Galwey, see also Gallwey — Ed., adm. (ID) 824 — Michl. and sir M., gen. (ID) 907; K.C.B. 780 Galway, visc. and E. of — Hy. de Mass., 1st E. Of, gen. (A) 857; L.J. Ir. 555-6 ; P.C. (1715) 196 — Jno., 1st visc., S.L.R. 271 — Rt. M. A., 4th visc., Amb. G. St. 121; Compt. H. 293; K.B. 765; P.C. 204 Gamaliel, bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. & M. 483 Gamarra, A., Pres. Pu. 109 Gambier, sir Ed. J., C.J. Mdra.S. 658 — Geo. Cornish, adm. (IHI) 846 — Glouc., gen. (ID) 903 — Ja.s., adm. (A) 815 — Jas., see lö. G., infra. — Rt., adm. (H) 845 — Rt. FitzG., adm. (H) 848 Gambier, lds. — Jas., aft. 1st là. G., adm. (A) 816; G. Newfil. 700; G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 773; L. Admy. 180–1 Gamble, Dom. J., G. Bdoes. 721; G. Jam, 713; gen. (D) 909 &ameline, bp. St. Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Gammell, Andr, gem. (B) 867 Gane, Jno. Lawr., Q.C. 420 Gangadi, Stamo, K.C.M.G. 796 - Gansell, Wm., gen.(B) 865 Gant, Maur. de, J. It. 367 — Rt. de, dm. Yrk. 486; Ld. Chall.c. 353 Gape, Josh., adm; (G) 842 Gapper, Abrm., S.L. 412 Garbh, St. Senach, bp. Clonf. 635 Garcia, M., Pres. Gua. 106 . Garcias, I. to IV., K. Nav. 85 and 87 — -Ramirez, K. Nav. 85 —-Ximenes, K. Nav. 87 Garden, Alex., Compt. Sc. 498 Fraš., Jy. Sc. 523; Lú. Sess. 520 Gardener and Gardiner, see also Gardner * — Sir Brocas C. St. 283 — Geo., dn. Norw. 455 — Hy. Lyn., gen. (D).908 — Jno. and Sir J., gem. (IB) 869; K.C.B. 776 — Matth., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Nathan Sm., gen. (ID) 905 — Percy Fort., gem. (D) 924 — Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 — Rd., dn. St. Patr. 617 — Rt. and Sir R., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; L.J. Ir. 554 ion. Jno., G. Brmda. | Gardener and Gardiner—comt, — Rt. Wm. and Sir R., G.C.B. 770; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (D) 880; K.C.B. 775; K.C.H. 787 — Steph., bp. Winch. 471; Ld. Chanc. 355; S. St. 223 — Th. and sir T., A.G. 399; Rec. Dond. 494; S.G. 401 — Wrm., Amb. Pld. 126 — Wm., gem. (IB) 866 — sir Wm., K.B. 763 Gardner, see also Gardener — Alan, see löl. G., infra, — Alan Hy., adm. (IHI) 850 — Anthy. W., Pres. Lib. 100 --- jon. Fras. Far., adm. (A) 81 — Geo. Hy., adm. (IH)851 — Jno., bp. Linc. 447 — Rt., S.L. 408 — Wm. Beth., gen. (ID) 902 - Hon. Wm. Hy., gen. (A) Gardner, lds. and visc. — Alan, aft. Sir A. and 1st là. - º adm. (A) 816 ; L. Admy. 1. Al. Hyde, aft. 2nd lói. and (?) 1st visc. G., adm. (A) 818; R.C.B. 773 Garfield, J. A., Pres. U.S.A. 103 Gººgrave, sir Th., Sp. H.C. 4 Garland, Hy. % dm. Chich,434 — Jno., K.H. 79 — Jno. de, J. It. 366 — Jos. Gulston, adm, (HI) 845 Garlies, lds, and visc. Jno., ld, or visc., aft. 7th E. of Galloway, q.v., B.T. 266 — Geo., ld. or visc., aft, 8th E. of Galloway, q.v., L. Admy. 181; L.L. Kirkc. 510 Rand., visc., aft. 9th E. of Galloway, q.v., L.L. Kirkc. 510; L.L. Wigt. 512 Garlike, Benj., Amb. Dk, 127; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 125 Garmston, Saml... gem.(D) 889 Garnault, J #. gºn. (D) 887 — Th., gen. (D) 877 Garnet, Jno., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Ferns and L. 622 Garnett, Jno., dm. Exr. 438 Garnier, Th., dm. Linc. 448; dm. Rip. 482; dr. Winch. 471 Girard, sir Saml., L.M.Lond. 91 — Th., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495 Garratt, Jno., L.M. Irond. 492 Garrett, Hy., adm. (A) 820 — Rt. and sir R., gen. (ID) 893; K.C.B. 7781; K.H. 791 Garrick, Jas. Fras., K.C.M.G. 798 Garrow, Wm. and sir W., A.G. 400; B. Ex. 385; C.J. Chest. 386; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 415; P.C. 212; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 | Garstin, Ed., gen. (D) 888 — Rt. Longm., gen, (D) 899 Garth, Ch., C. Exc. 281 — Geo., gem. (A) 859 Rd. and sir R., 653; P.C. 221; Q.C. 418 — Th., gen. (A) 860 gºthshore, W., L. Admy. 1 Garton, Th. de, B. Ex. 383 Garvagh, Geo., 1st là., form. G. Canning, L.L. Londy. 570 Garvey or Garvie — Jno., abp. Arm. 595 ; b.p. Rilm. 607; dim. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618; dn. Ferns, 623 Garvock, Jno. and Sir J., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 898; R.C.E. 779 Gºway, sir Hy., L.M. Lond. 91 — Wnn., C. Cus. 273 Gascoigne and Gascoyne — Bamber, B.T. 265-6; L. Admy, 179 - — Ch., gem. (ID) 892 — sir Crispe, L.M. Lond. 492 — Edmd. de, W.C.P. 317 — Ern. Fk., gen. (ID) 884 — Is., gen. (A) 860 — Jno. or Wm., K.B. 758 — Jno. Hawk, gen. (D) 901 — Rt. de, W.C.P. 317 — Wm. or Jno., K.B. 758 — Wn. and Sir W., C.J.R.B. 370; S.L. 407 Gººglee, Steph., (No. 1), S.L. — Steph. (No. 2), and sir S., J.C.P.; 380 K.C. 416; S.L. 413 Gºalsey, Jno., dm. Lich. 445 gasifeii, jas. M. f.i. 160 Gaskin, J. S., G. Bdoes. 720-l Gasper, bp. Ach. 612 Gastrell, Fras., bp. Chest. 477 — Jas. Eardl., gem. (D) 917 Tº" P. Harris-, Amb. U.S.C. Gate, see Gates Gºl, Talph de, Const. T.L. Gates (or Gate), Sir Jno., C.D.L. 242; V.C.H. 296 419 Ph. C., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. — Th., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 409 Gatesden, Jno. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 Gatt, Sav., gen. (D) 916 Gºa, Laur. de la, R. Cr. P.A. 3 Gatty, Alf. S., R. Dr. P.A. 338; Yk, H. 334 Gºleby, Hugh de, M. Chy. 9 Gauden, Jno., bp. Exr. 437; bp. Worc. 473 Gaunt, Jno. de, A.G. 398 Gauntstede, Sim., L.K. 355; M. Chy. 394; M.R. 387 Gaudy and Gawdy — Fras. and Sir F., C.J.C.P. 375; J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 — Hy., K.B. 761 — Th., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 — Th. (senr.), S.L. 408 Gaveston, Piers, see E. of Cornwall Gawdy, see Gaudy Gawen, Roberts-, form. RO- berts, q.v. Gawler, Geo., G. S. Aus. 706; R.H. 792 Gaye, Dougl, gem. (D) 920 Gºyer (or Gayre), Rt., K.B. 764. Gynesburg, Wm., bp. Worc. 7 Gayre, see also Gayer — sir Jmo, L.M. Lond, 491 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944–952, INDEX OF NAMES. 103] Grayton, Clerk, adm. (A) 814 — Geo., adm. (A, 816 Geale, Benj., L.M. Dbln. 641 Geary, sir Fras., adm. (A) 814 Gebethorpe, Wm., K.B. 756 Geddes, Jno., gen. (D) 885; K.H. 791 3.5; Ralph de, Jy. 363 Gedge, Jno., adm. (H)846 Gedney, Jno, L.M. Lond. 490 Gee, Ed., dm. Linc. 448 — Wnn., dm. Pboro. 458 Geeres, Th., S.L. 411 Geffrey, see Geoffrey Geffrard, N. F., Pres. Hti. 105 Geide-Olgothach K. Ir. 20 Geils, Lt.-Col., G. V.D. Ld. 708 Geisa, I. and II., K. Hgy. 59 Gelasius, abp. and bp. Arm. 595 bp. Down, 603 — I. and II., P. Ro. 33-4 Gell, Fk., bp. Mdras. 658 — Jno., adm. (A) 816 — Jno. Sh., gen. (D) 917 Gellian, Th., dn. OSs. 622 Gellie, Fras., gem. (T)) 931 Gemeticensis, Rt., abp. Cant. 430 Geminus, C. S., C. Ro. 43 †. S. º. o. fo 43 — P. S. (2), C. Ro. 42 Geneville, sir Geoffr. de, L.J. Ir. 550 Genouilly, Rigault de, K.C.B. 778 Gent, Th., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 408 - Geoffrey, see also Galfrid and Jeffrey *— bp. Lim. 638 *— (of Monmouth), bp. St. As. 462 *— (of Turvill), bp. Oss. 620 *— bp. St. Dav. 464 *— (bp. Coutance), Ch. Jr. 362 dm. Chich. 433 (archdm. Berks.), J. It, 366 (archdn. Norw.), L.H.T. L.K. 353 * Prob. Some same perS. Comp. dates. — (g. som Hy. I.), Pr. E. 9 — (son Hy. II.), Pr. E. 9 — (2), dn. Her. 442 - — I. to III., D. Bry. 28 — I. to VI., C. Anj. 27 George, bp. Kild. 616 — Emp. Tzde. 98 — (son of là. Hastings), K.B. (1501) 759 — cons. of Q. Anne, also Pr. of Denmark, D. of Cumber- land, q.v., K.C.E. 7; K.G. 740; P.C. 192 — (abb. of Holyrood House) L.P.S. Sc. 501 — (iss. Ed. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (son Ed. IV.), Pr. E. 12 — (son Q. Anne), Pr. E. 14 — I., K. He. 96; K.G. 745 — I. and II., Sg. H. Dt. 72 — I. and II., Pr, TVa. 60 — I. to III., R. RuSS. 89 — I. to IV., K.E. 6, See also under George, Pr. W. E., P E., El. Hnr. and K. Hmr. — II. (K.E.), K.G. 741 — II., D.S. Mgn. 79 :k :k :::: 152 -k George—comt. — —Albert, Pr. S. Rdt. 79 —-Aug. (aft. Geo. II., K.E.), El. Hnr. 71; K.G. 741; P.C. 196; Pr. E. 14; Pr. W. E. 9 — -Aug. Fred. (S., aft. Geo. IV., K.E.) Pr. E. 14 ; Pr. W. E. 9; K. Hnr. 71 — -Ch. Fk., D.S. Alt. 78 — Den., B. Ex, Ir. 584; Rec. Dbln. 642 — –FR., D.S. Mgn. 79 —-Fk., M. Bdn. 67 — -Fk. Ch. Jos., G.D. M. Str. 75 — –Flö. Darl., gen. (D) 901 — –Fk. Erm. Alb. (g. som Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15 k. &c., form. D. of Cumb. q.v., K. Hnr. 71; gen. (D) 895 —-FK. Hy., Pr. W. Pyr. 80 —-Fk. Wm. Ch. (g. son Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 — Jno., J.Q.B. Ir. 579; S.G. Ir, 590 —-Lewis (aft. Geo. I., K.E.), #. Hnr. 70; K.G. 741; Pr. E. 1 —-Podiebrad, K. Brma. 59 — -Victor, Pr. W. Pyr. 80 — –Wnn. (c.c. D. Of Zell), D. Brk. 70; K.G. 741 —-Wrm., D. Pr. 65 T 14 -Wm. (son Geo. II.), Pr. E. —-Wm., Pr. L. Sch. 73 — Wrm., dn. Linc. 448 — –Wm. Fk. Pr.,(aft Geo. III.), El. Hnr. 71; K.G.742; K. Hnr. 71; Pr. E. 14; Pr. W. E. 9 *Gerald, bp. Cork,630 : bp. Cork and Cl. 631 *— (St.), bp. Mayo, 611 >; dri. Ard, 609 * Prob. Same Comp. dates. Geran, bp. Saig. 620 Gerard and Gerrard — abp. Yk. 485; bp. Her. 441 — bp. Drom. 604 — (d. Alsace), D. Line. 29 — (abp. Aix), L.H.A. 170 — And..., b.p. Abdn. 540 — sir Ch., G. I. Man, 666 — Cuthb., G. I. Man, 666 — Gilb., K.B. 762 — Gilb., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — sir Gilb., A.G. 398; Ld. Chanc. 356 ; M.R. 388 — sir Gilb., C.D.L. 242 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Radd. G. I. Man, 666 — Th., G. I. Man, 665-6 — Wm., dm. St. Pat. 618; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 — Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Gºwan, Flor., bp. Clonm. - * 0 Gerlach, Pr, Nass. 75 Germaine, see li. Geo. Sack- ville; see also Jermyn and St. lbans Germanus, bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 483 Gernenue, Ad. de, J. It. 365 Gernoun, Jno.; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 Gernum, Ralph, J. It. 367 Gerrard, see Gerard Gervais, Isaac, dm. Trn. 613 Gervase, bp. Drom, 604 — bp. St. Dav. 464 Gery, Th., M. Chy, 396 Gesalric, K. Sp. 85 pers. Gese, Jno., b.p. Wſord. and L. 627 Gestling, Jrmo. de, Jy., 364 Geta, C. L., C. Ro. 45 S., Emp. Ro. 47 Gethin, Abs., dn. Oss. 623 Gettour, Wrm., L.H.A. 171 Gex, Jno. Pet. de, aft. Sir J. Óð. 415 * Geyt, Geo. le, adm. (H)844 Gheast, Edm., bp. Boch. 460; bp. Sal. 467 Ghika, A., H. Wea. 94 — Pr. A. D., H. Weal.94 — G. A., H. Mva. 94 Ghinucci, Jer. de, bp. Worc. 473 Gholam Hussum, &c., Nawab, F.C.S.I. 803 Ghulam, Mirza, C.I.E., 807 Gib, Wm. Anthy., gen. (D) 928 — Gavin, Modr. K. Sc. 547 Gibbervin, Geoff., Jy. 364 Gibbon, Gybon, and Gybbon — Ed., B.T. 266 Ed. H., Mowb. H. 340; Norr. K.A. 330; Yk. H. 334 Jas. Rt., gem. (D) 909 — Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 — Jno., L.H.A. 172 — Matth. C. H., Richmd. H. 3 334 — Ph., S.L.R. 271 — Th., dn. Carl. 476 — Th., S.L. 411 — Th. Mitch., C.I.E. 806 Gibbons, Ed., C. Cus. 274 ——sir Jno., K.B. 765 — Phil., L.T. 157 — Sills, J. and sir S., L.M. LOnd. 492 — Wnn., L.M. Dbln. 641 Gibbs, Ed. and sir E., G. Jsey. 668; gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 776 — Fk. Waym., Q.C. 419 — Jno. Innes, gen. (D) 912 — Michl., L.M. Lond. 492 — Saml. and sir S., gen. (C) 873; K.C.B. 774 — Vic. and Sir V., A.G. 400; C.B. Ex. 382; C.J.C.P. 376; C.J. Chest. 386; J.C.P. 380; R.C. 415; P.C. 209; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 Gibson, sir Alex., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 519 — Edg., gem. (D) 900 — Edm., bp. Linc. 447; bp. Lond. 452; P.C. 197 — Ed., aft. li. Ashbourne, q.v., A.G. Ir. 589; Ld. Chamc. Ir. 577 - — Jas. Brown, K.C.B. 779 — Jno. dn. Down. 605 — sir Jno., J. Pr. Ct. 421 — Jno. Geo., A.G. Ir. 589; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. II. 593 — Jno. Th., gem, (D) 881 — Th. Milner, P.C. 215; Pres. B.T. 269; V.P.B.T. 269 — Wnn., Ld. Sess. 518 Gibsone, Dav. A., gem. (D) 889 — Jno. Ch. Hope, gem. (D) 897 Gidney, Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Gidoin, Jno. Lew, adm. (A) 816 Giffard, see also Gifford Geo., adm. (D) 833; (E) 838; K.C.B. 780 — Geo. M. and sir G., Jud. Com, P.C. 361; L.J. App. 389; ;” 218; Q.C. 418; V. Chanc. 3 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1632 INDEX OF NAMES. Giffard—comt. - — Godfr., bp. Worc. 472; J. It. 368; Ld. Chanc. 353 — Hard. St., aft. Sir S. and ló. Halsbury, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 362; Ld. Chanc. 358; P.C. 220; Q.C. 418; S.G. 403 — Hy. Alexr., Q.C. 419 — Hugh, Const. T.L. 320; J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 — Jno., adm. (A) 819 — Jno., adm. (GF) 840 — Jno., K.B. 754 — Jno. W. de L., C.C.J. 405 — Nichs., K.P. 755 — Rd., J. It. 366 — Walt., abp. Yk. 485; bp. B. & W. 427; Comst. T.L. 320; L.H.T. 152; Ld. Chanc. 353 — Wm., bp. Winch. 470; Ld. Chanc. 352–3 Gifford, see also Giffard — Ad., Ld. Sess. 521 — Godfr., see Giffard — Ja.s., adm. (IHI) 844 — (or Gyfford), Jno., K.B. 759 — lºt., see lil. G., infra, — Th., bp. Kild. 616 — Wrm., gen. (C) 874 — Sir Wm., C. Exc. 279 ; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 S.L. 413 Gigles, Jno., bp. Worc. 473 — Silv., bp. Worc. 473 Gilbert, Gillebert, Giselbert :: abp. Arm. 595; bp. Rph. 601 *— bp. Ardf. & Agh. 639; dim. Ardf. 640 *— bp. Brm. 530 *— bp. Clonm. 600 *— bp. Cork, 630 *— bp. Dkld. 533 bp. Gall. 538 *— bp. Isl. 539 - (Gille or Gillebert), bp. Linn. 638 (Universalis), bp. Lond, bp. St. As. 462 *— (of Galloway), bp. S. and MI. 483 *— dri. Clonm, 600 *— dm. Cloy. 632 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — C. Lux. 84 — D. Bdy. 28 — D. Line. 29 — Ash. T., bp. Chich. 433 — Davis, Pres. B. Soc. 940 — Geoffr. or Jeff. and Sir G., B. Ex. 384; C.B. Ex. 382; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; J.K.B. Ir. 579; L.K. and C.G.S. 357; S.L. 411 — Jno., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Llff. 449; bp. Sal. 467 ; dim. Exr. 438; IP.C. 200 — Jno., b.p. Bgr. 426; bp. Her. 441; bp. St. Dav. 464; L.H.T. 153 Ph. Ed. V., gem. (D) 926 — Rt., bp. Lond. 451; dim. Yk. and }: #: × >< 2k 451 º × 487 — Walt. Ral. and Sir W., gem. (D) 879; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 777 — Wm., gem. (D) 877 Gilbertus, see Gilbert Gildea, Geo. FK., gen. (D) 931 — Jno. Arth., gen. (I)) 910 Giles (or Gyles), Edm., M. Chy. 395 Gilford. Rd. Ja.s., ld., aft. 4th E. of Clanwilliam, q.v., adm. (E) 836; L. Admy, 185 Gill, J. B., Pres, Pgy. 110 — Th., adm. (IH)847 Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 Gillan, Jno., bp. Dnbl. 542; Sc. bp. 545 — Rt., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Gille and Gillebert, Gilbert Gillespie, Hy. Ja.s., gen. (D) Sé6 — Rt. Rollo and Sir R., gen. (C) 873; (ID) 934; K.C.B. 774 — Wnm. Jn., gem. (ID) 934 Gillett, Arth.W., adm. (IHI) 853 gºt (Or Gyllot), Jno., K.B., 7 Gillian, Th., gen. (D) 924 Gillies, Ad., Ld. Sess. 520 Gillus, K. Sc. 17 Gilmore, sir Ch., B.T. 264 Gilmour, Ch., gem. (ID) 885 — Dug. Little. and sir D., gen. (B) 870; I.C.B. 776 — Sir Jno., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 Gilpin, Ch., Sec. P.L.B. 262 Gipps, sir Geo., G. N.S.W. 703 - Resa, gen, (D) 923; IX.C.B. 7 Girardot, Geo. Ch., gen, (D) 927 Girdler, Jos., S.L. 411 X- Girdlestone, Saml., Q.C. 417 — Wrm. Bolt., gen. (D) 916 Giró, J. F., Pres. Ugy. 111 Gisborne, Ja.s., gen. (B) 865 — Th., Pres. Coll. Ph.938 Giselbert, see Gilbert Giselham, Wm. de, A.G. 398; J.C.P. 377 ; S.L. 406 Giselherus, bp. Sels. 432 Giso, bp. Wlls. 427 Gisors, or Gysors — Jno. de, Comst. T.L. 320 — Jno. de, L.M. Lond. 488-9 Glabrio, M. A., C. Ro. 43-4-6 Gladstanes, Gladstaines and Gladstone, see also Gledstames — Geo., abp. St. Amdr. 529; bp. Cness. 531 — Herb. Jno., L.T. 162; U.S. War, 233 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 — Sir Th., L.L. Kinc. 510 — Wnn. Ewart, Ch. Ex. 166; Com. Io. Isl. 129; L.P.S. 241; L.T. 160-1-2; M.M. 247; P.C. 214; Prem. 150-1; Pres. B.T. 269; U.S.W. and C. 231; V.P. B.T. 269; W. and C. Sec. 231 Wm. Hy., L.T. 162 Gladwin, Hy., gen, (C) 872 Gla haul, Hugh de, J. It. 367 Glamis, lds. - — Jno., 1st là., L.G.C. Sc. 506; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Jimo., 3rd ld., L.J. Gen. 522 Jno., 8th lil., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Lól. Sess. 517 Gland, Jno., B. Ex. Ir, 583 Glandie, Jno., dn. Cash. 627 Glandore, Jno., 2nd E. Of, MI.P., Tr. 585 Glanville, Barth. de, J. It. 367 — Fras. Rt., gen. (ID) 916 — Gilb, de, bp. Roch. 459 J. It. 366; Jy. 363 — Jno. J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Jno. and sir J., Sp. H.C. 249 ; S.L. 409 — Osb. de, Jy. 363 — Ran. de, Ch. Jr. 362; J. It. 366; Jy. 363 — Wrm. de, Jy. 364 Glappa, K.E. 2 Glascock and Glasscock — Ed., C. St. Ir, 568 — Talb. Br. M., gen. (ID) 933 Wm., M. Chy. 395-6 Glasfurd, Jno., gen. (ID) 894 Glasgow, Geo., gen. (IB) 868 Glasgow, E. of — Dav., 1st. E. of, form. Dav. and lå. Boyle, q.v., L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Tr. Dep. Sc. 498 — Jno., 3rd E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 — Geo., 4th E. of, G.C.H. 786; L.L. Ayrsh. 508; L.L. Rºmfw. 511 5 Jas., 5th E. of, L.L. Rimfw. 11 — Geo. Fk., 6th E. of, Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Glasscock, see Glascock Glasse, FK. Hy. Hastings, adm. (E) 835; (F) 838 — Jno. Maxw., gem. (D) 898 — Wm. B., Q.C. 417 Glastonbury, Jas., ld., form. Jas. Grenville, q.v. Gledstaines, see also Glad- StaneS — sir Alb., gen. (B) 867 Glegg, Berk., gen. (B) 868 Gleichen, ct., see Hohenlohe, Pr. Vict. Ferd. Of Gleig, Geo., b.p. (Brm, 541; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Glenbervie, Sylv., ld., form. S. Douglas, q.v., B.C. 252; C.W.F. &c. 271; G.C.G.H. 678; L.T. 158; Paym. G. 245; S.W.F. 271; V.P.B.T. 269 Glencairn, E. of — Wrm., 9th E. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; P.C. 190 — Wnn., 12th E. of, gen. (C) 872 Glendoning, Matth., b.p. Glasg. 536 Glenelg, Ch., 1st là, form. Ch. Grant, q.v. Glenham, Hy., b.p. St. As. 462; dum. Brl. 440 Glenlyon, Jas., 1st. 1d., form. Jas. Murray, q.v., gen. (B) 869; IX.C.H. 787 Glenorchy, Jno., visc., aft. 3rd E. of Breadalbane, q.v., K.B. 764; L. Admy. 178 Glentworth, lds. — Wnn. Cecil, 1st là., form. W. C. Pery, q.v. — Edmol. Hy., ld., aft. 1st visc. and E. Of Limerick, q.v., Sec. St. Ir. 562 Glicia, M. C., Dt. Ro. 42 Giggs, Archd. R., gen. (ID) Gloucester, Milo, see E. of Hereford — Walt. de, B. Ex. 383; J. It 369; dm. Chlch. 434 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, INDEX OF NAMES. 1033 Gloucester, E. and D. of — Hugh de Audley, E. of (1327), form, Sir H. le De- Spencer, q.v. — Th. Plantagenet, D. of, (6th son of Edw.III.), form. E. of Buckingham and 6th lä. º, Despencer, q.v., L.L. Ir. — Humphr. Plantagenet, D. of (son of Hen. IV.), form. E. of Pembroke, q.v., K.G. 734; G. Ch. Isl. 667; K.B. 755; Ld. K. 355; W.C.P. 318; see also Pr. Humphrey -— Rd. Plantagenet, D. of (aft. Rd. III., q.v.), K.B. 756; K.G. 736; L.H.A. 174; W.C.P. 318 y., D. of (son of Ch. I)., K.G. 740; P.C. 189 — Wm., D.of (son of Q. Anne), K.G. 741 — Wm. Hy., D. of (g. son of Geo. II.), F.M. 856; gen. (A) 858; K.G. 742; P.C. 201 — Wm. Flº., D. of, son of last D., F.M. 856; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 860; K.G. 742; P.C. 207 Glover, Jno. Hawl. and sir J., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Lag. 687; G. Leew. Isl. 728; G. Newfa. 700 — Rt., Ptc. C.A. 337; Som. H. 332 — Wm., S.L. 413 Glycerius, Emp. W.E. 49 Glyn, Glynn, and Glynne — hon. Geo., Wolverton, q.v., Sec. Tr. 164 Tºon Hy. Carr, adm. (E) — Hy. Rd., adm. (A) 819 — Jno., dn. Bgr. 426 — Jno., S.L. 412 — Jno. and sir J., C.J.K.B. 370; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 409-10 — Julius Rd. and sir J., gen. (D) 906; K.C.B. 781 — Sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 492 Tºº Rd. Carr, L.M. Lond. 2 — Rd. Th., gen. (ID) 925 — Sir St. Rd., L.L. Flints, 314 — Wm., bp. Bgr. 426 Gºre, Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. l Gobat, Saml., bp. JSlm. 677 Głodbolt, Jno., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 Godby, Chr., gen. (D) 887 * — Jno. Hardy, adm. (H) 845 Gºaara, Captn., G. Bmda. 7 — Guib., S.L. 410 — Jno., gen. (D. 919 — Th., M.M. 247 Godefridus, see Godfrey *Gºodeleigh, Jno., bp. Exr. (nonn.) 436 *— Jno. de, dum. Wells, 428 * Prob. same pers. Goderede, Wm., J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Goderick, see Goodricke Goderich, see also Goodrich — Fk. Jno., visc., form. F. J. Robinsom, q.v., aft. E. of Ripon, q.v.; L.T. 159; W. and C. Sec. 231 Godericus, bp. St. Andr. 528 aft. 2nd lå. Godfrey, Godfridus, Godefridus — bp. B. and W. 427 — (or Wm.) bp. Chich. 432 — bp. St. As. 462 — C. Hlt. 81 — D. Thy. 57 — (de Bouillon), K. J.Sm. 97 — I. to IX., D. Line. 29 — Rd., M. Chy. 396 Godley, Jno. Arth., C.I.R. 286; U.S. Ind. 236 Gºodman, Jos., Sec. P.O. 239 — Rd. Temp., gen. (ID) 924 Godmundus, bp. Roch. 459 Godolphin, Ch., C. Cus. 274 — Hy., dm. St. P. 453 — Fras., K.B. 763 — Fras., see E. of G., infra, — Jno., J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421 Godolphin, lds. and E. of — Sydney, aft. 1st là. and E. of G., and Visc. Rialton, q.v., Ch. Ex. 164; K.G. 741; L.H.T. 140; L.T. 141,155; L.L.Cnwall. 307; P.C. 192, 4; Prem. 140-1; S. St. 224 — hom. Fras., visc. Rialtón, q.v., aft. 2nd E. of G., Coff.H. 293; Gr. St. 303-4; T.P.S. 240; P.C. 197; Tell. Ex. 167 Godred (Crovan) I., K. Man. 665 — (Crovan) II., K. Man. 665 Godschal, sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Gºodson, Rd., Q.C. 417 Godwin, Godwinus, Godwyn bp. Lich. 443 º dun. St. P. 452 (3) byp. Norw. 459 (3) bp. Roch. 459 *— Fras., bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Llff. 449 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — Hy., gen. (D) 882; K.C.B. — Matt., adm. (D) 824 — Th., abp. B. and W.428; dri. Cant. 431; dim. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — Tim., bp. Cash. and Eml. 626; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607 Goe, Field Pl., b.p. Melb. 705 Goems, Ryck, Van (No. 1), G. Ceyl. 672 -ºck. Van (No. 2), G. Ceyl, 57 and and . . sk Grogan, see GOrgan Gogh, Jno., M. Chy. 393 Gogwan (or Gucanor or Gu- canus), bp. Llff. 449 Gohur, &c., C.I.E. 806 Goiafre, Jno., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Golborne, Chr., dm. Rild. 619 Golbourn, Wm., bp. Kild. 617 Gold, Ch. Emil, gem, (D) 895 — Wm. Geo., gen. (D) 894 Goldbeter, Barth., M.M. 246 Goldesburgh, see Golds- borough Goldfinch, Hy., gen. (D) 879; IK.C.B. 777 Gºlgie, AleXr. Jno., gem. (A) 62 Geo. Dashw. T., K.C.M.G., 99 — Geo. L., (D) 882; IK.C.B. 779 — Th., gen. (B) 866 gel). Golding, Ed., B.C. 252; L.T. 158 — Walt., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Goldington, Wm. de, J. It. 6 369 gºrough and Goldes- g — Ed., B. Ex. 383 — Godfr., b.p. Glr. 438 — sir Jno., Sp. H.C. 248 — Th., B. Ex. 383 Goldsmid, Alb., gen. (ID) 892 — Fras. Hy., Q.C. 418 — Fk. Jno. and Sir F., gen. (ID) 913; K.C.S.I. 803 Goldsmith, Ed., dm. Elph. 609 — Geo., adm. (ID) 832; (E') 838 — Is., dm. Cloy. 633 — Leofst., Portr. Lond. 488 Goldsworthy, Burrington, C. St. 283 — Josh. Webb., gen. (D) 896 — Ph., gen. (IB) 866 — Rog. Tuckf. and sir R., G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Gren. 724; G. Nev. 730; G. St. Luc. 725; K.C.M.G. 799 — Walt. Tuckf., gen. (D) 928 Goldwall, Jas., bp. Norw.455; dn. Sal. 468; Regr. Gart. 746 — Th., bp. Oxf. 456; bp. St. As. 462 Grollenesse, Jul. Val. St. Van, G. Ceyl. 672 Gomen.soro, T., Pres. Ugy. 111 Gomm, Wm. Mayn. and Sir W., C.C. Ind. 651; Const. T.L. 321; F.M. S56; G.C.B. 770; G. Mtius. 683; gem. (A) 863; R.C.E. 775 Gondemar, K. Bdy. 28 Gondibert, K. Limd, 49 Gondulph, K. Sc. 19 Gonshull, Th. de, K.B. 754 Gontran, K. Fr. 22 Gºnzales, Ig., Pres. Dom. Rep. 105 — M., Pres. Mex. 104 — St. J., Pres. S. Salv. 106 Gooch, Th., b.p. Brl. 439; bp. Ely, 435; bp. Norw. 455 — Th. Lewis, adm. (HI) 848 — sir Wim., gem. (C) 871 Goodacre, Hugh, abp. Arm. 595 - Goodall, Sam. Crainst., adm. (A) 815 Goode, Wm., dn. Bip. 482 Goodenough, Arth. Cyr., gen. (ID) 904 — Edm., dm. Wils. 429 — Geo. Tr., C. Tx. 285 — Hy. Ph., gem. (ID) 907 — Saml., bp. Carl. 476 ; dim. Roch. 461 — Wrm. Howl., gen. (D) 929 Goodfellow, Chr., S.L. 410 — Geo. Ritso, C.I.E. S08 — Saml., gem. (D) 878 — Wm. Barke, gen. (T)) 898 — Wm. West, gen. (ID) 926 Goodier, sir —, C.Y.G. 298 Goodinge, Th., S.L. 411 Gººdlake, Ger. Litt., gem. (D) 92.1 Goodman, Gabr., dm. Westr. 469 — Godfr., b.p. Glr. 438; bp. Her. 441; dim. Roch. 461 — Jhno., dhn. Wils. 429 — Steph. Arth., gen. (ID) 880; R.H. 791 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 66 1034 INDEX OF NAMES. Goodrich and Goodricke, See also Goderich Fras, K.C., 414 — sir Hy., L.G.O. 259; P.C. 194 — Sir Jmo., Amb. Sw. 126; B.T. 267; P.C. 203 — Rd., M. Chy. 395 — Th., b.p. Ely, 435; Ld. K. and Ld. Chanc. 355 Goodsman, Dav., gem. (D) 891 Goodwin and Goodwyn — Alfr. Geo., gen. (ID) 898 — Harv., bp. Carl. 476; dh. Ely, 435 — Hy., gen. (D) 895 — Julius Edm., gen. (ID) 903 — Rt., Comm. Ir. 554 — Wrm., dr. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Goold, Th., S.L. Ir, 593 Goranus, K. Sc. 18 Gordianus, I. to III., Emp. RO, 47 Gordon, Abrm. Hy., gem. (D) 890 — Ad., gem. (C) 873 — li. Adam, gem. (A) 858 — Alexr., bp. Abdm. 530; L.P.S. S.C. 500 — Alexr., b.p. Gall. 538; bp. Isl. 539; Lud. Sess. 517 — Alexr., gen. (D) 896 – hom. Alexr., K.C.B. 775 — hon. Alexr., Ld. Sess. 520 — Alexr. Crombie, adm. (H) 851 — Sir Alexr. Duff, C.I.R. 285 — hon., Alexr. Ham. and Sir A., gem. (I)) 898; K.C.B. 780 — Alexr. Wm., gen. (ID) 914 — Amdr., gen. (B) 866 — hon. Arth. Ham. and Sir A., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Ceyl. 673; G. Fiji, 711; G. Mtius. 684; G. N. Brk. 696; G. N.Z. 709; G. Trim, 722; G. W. Pacif. 711; K.C.M.G. 796 — Benj., gen. (A) 859 — Benj. Forbes, gem. (B) 868 — Benj. Lumsd., gen. (ID),931 — Ch., adm. (D) 827; (G) 840 Ch. A. Bosw., gen. (ID) 924 — Ch. B., adm. (H) 846 — Ch. Ed. P., gen. (D) 909 — Ch. Geo., gen. (ID) 924 — Ch. Hy., gen. (D) 908 — Ch. Sp. S. E., gem. (D) 918 — Cosm., B. Ex. Sc. 524 — Cosm., gen. (A) 863 — Edw. Str., see lá. G. infra, * — Gabr., G. Br. Hond. 714; gen. (A) 862 — Geo., dm. EXr, 438; dim. Linc. 448 — Sir Geo., aft. 1st là. Haddo and E. of Aberdeen, q.v., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 519; Pres, P.C. Sc. 500 — Geo. Jno. Iłobt., Amb. Hmr. 120; Amb. Sw, and N. 127; Amb. Swz. 114; Amb. Ugy. 137 - — Geo. Th., adm. (E) 835; (E') 838 — Hy., adm. (D) 825; (G) 840 — Hy. Wm., gem. (D) 887; JK.C.B. 783 — Hugh Mack, gen. (B) 868 — Ja.s., gem. (ID) 890 — Jas. Alexr. and Sir J., adm. (B) 821; (D) 825; G.C.B. 769; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; K.C.B. 774; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Gordon—cont. — Jas. Dav., R.C.S.I. 803 — Jas. Gabr., adm. (H) 849 — Jas. Murr., adm. (ID) 827 — Jas. Will, and sir J., G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774 — Jno., bp. Gall. 538 — Jno., bp. Gall. 539 — Jno., dri. Sal. 468 — Jno., gen. (ID) 892 — Jno., gen. (ID) 921 — hon. Jno., adm. (IHI) 846 — ld, Jno. Flº., G.C.H. 787 — Jno. Jas. Hood, gen. (D).931 — Jno. Wm. and sir J., gen. (D) 901; K.C.B. 779 — Lewis, Ld. Sess. 520 — Lewis, Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Lewis Conway, C.I.E. 807 — Rt., adm. (IHI) 847 Rt., B.C. 253; Sec. B.C. 254; Sec. Tr. 163 Rt., G. Berb. 715 — Rt., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — hon. Rt. and sir R., Amb. Aust. 117; Amb. BZl. 135; Amb. TRy. 129; G.C.B. 772; G.C.H. 786; P.C. 210 — Saml. Edw., gen. (ID) 908 — Th., K.H. 792 — Th. Ed., gen. (D) 931 — Wrm., adm. (A) 814 Wm., adm. (IHI) 847 Wm., K.B. 765 Wm. and Sir W., Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Dk, 127 * 2 Same pers. — Wm., bp. Abdn. 530 — Wnn., C.C.J. 403 - —Wm., C.I.E. 806; gen. (ID) 925 — Wm., gen. (ID) 906 — hon. Wm., adm. (ID) 827; L. Admy. 183 — hon. Wrm., gem. (A) 859 — lá. Wm., V.A. Sc. 499 — Wrm. Alexr., gen. (D) 880 — Wnn. Br., K.C.M.G. 798 — Wnn. Elr., adm. (E) 837 85 Wm. Evr. Alph. adm. (H) 51 — Wm. Rt., gen. (D) 930 Gordon, lds, and D. of. See also Richmond and Gordon — Ed. Str., aft. 1d. G., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jud. Com. IP.C. 361; L. App. 358; Lá. Adv. 526; P.C. 219; S.G. Sc. 527 — Geo., ld., aft. 2nd M. of Huntley, q.v., K.B. 762 — Geo., 1st D. of, K.T. 747 — Cosmo Geo., 3rd. D. R.T. 747 :# :k of, — Alexr., 4th D. of, K.T. 748; L.K. Sc. 503; L.L. Abdn. 508 — Geo., 5th D. of, form. E., of Aboyne and M. of Huntley, q.v., L.K. Sc. 503; P.C. 211; L.L. Abdn. 508 Gordon-Lennox, see Lennox Gore, Ann. Km., gen. (D) 916 — Arth., gen, (D) 891; K.H. 792 — Arth. Kn., T.L. Sligo, 571 — Augs. Flº., G. St. Vin. 725; G. Tob. 724 — hom. Ch. and sir C., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 883; K.C.B. 778; R.H. 791 — hon. Ch. Alexr., C.W.F. &c., 272-3. Gore—comt. — Fras., G. Brmdal, 701; G. |Upp. Cam. 692 — Geo., A.G. Ir. 588; J.C.P. Ir, 581 - Geo., K.H. 791 — hon. Geo., dn. Killa. 614 — Hy., gen. (B) 864 — Hugh, bp. Wíord, and L. 627; dm. Lism. 629 — Humph., gem. (B) 864 — Sir Jno., adm. (A) 819; G.C.H. 787; K.C.B. 774 — (2) Jno., adm. (IHI) 846 — Jno., gen. (IB) 865 — Jno., aft. lil. Annaly, q.v., C.J.K.B. Ir, 578; S.G. Ir. 58) — Ralph, L.M. Dbln. 641 — sir Ralph, Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; L.J. Ir. 556 — Rd., C. Cus. Ir. 565 — hon. Rt., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Ugy. 136 — Wm., bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Elph. 608; bp. Lim., A and A. 639; dn. Cash. 627 — Wrm., C. St. Ir. 568 — Wm., dn, Cllr. 597; Down, 605 — sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Gorgan (or Gogan), abp. St. Daw. 463 Gorges, Edm., K.P. 758 — Ralph de, L.D, Ir. 551 — Rd., gen. (B) 864 — Rt., dr. Kilmacd. 638 — Saml., J.C.IP. Ir. 581 Goring, Geo., 1st lá., aft. E. of Nºrwich, q.v., W.C.H. (1640), 9 dın. Gormanstown, visc. — Rt., 1st visc., L.D. Ir. 553 T55Wm. 2nd visc., L.J. Ir. 5 — Jem., 7th visc., C. Treas. Ir, 559 — Jen.Wrm. Jos., 14th visc. G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Leew. Isl. 728; K.C.M.G. 798 Gormo, R. Dk. 93 Gorreguer, Gid., K.H. 789 Gorst, Jno. Eld, and. Sir J. § 419 ; S.G. 403 ; U.S. Ind. 6 Gorwysc or Gorwyst, abp. St. Dav. 463 Goschen, Geo. J., Amb. Thy. 130; C.D.L. 243; Ch. Ex. 166; L. Admy. 185; L.T. 162; P.C. 217; Paym. G. 245; Pres. L.G.B. 256; Pres. P.L.B. 262; V.P.B.T. 269 Gººselin, Th. Le M., adm. (A) 9 Gosselyn, Ger., gen. (A) 862 Gosset and Gossett, — Hy., adm. (G) 841 — Jas. Wm., gen. (D) 902 — Raph. All. and Sir R., R.C.B. 784 — sir. Wm., gen. (D) 882; R.C.H. 787; U.S. Ir. 563 — Wrm. Dr., gen. (D) 911 Gosford, E. of. — Archd., 2nd E. of, C.Y.G. 298; G.C.B. 772; G. Can. 691; L.L. Arm. 568; P.C. 213 — Archd., Br. Sp. 4th E. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Arm. 568 Goske, Ysbr., G. C.G.H. 678 Gosling, Geo., K.H. 792 — Hy. Ch., gen. (D) 901 Wm. Fras. Cl., gen. (D) 920 I'o). List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1035 Gosnel or Gosnold, Jno., M. Chy.395; S.G. 401 Gostling, Ch., gen. (D) 895 Gote, Reg. de, dn. Yk, 486 Groth, Raym, de la, dn. Linc. # dn. Sal. 468; dri. St. P. {} aghelon, I. and II., D. Line. Gott, Jno., dm. Worc. 474 — Wm. Ch., gem. (D) 924 Goubert, P. J. Pres. Trl. 101 Gough, Ch. Jno. and Sir C., ge. (b) ºr of 78i — Fras., b.p. Lim. 638 — Fk. Wm., adm. (H) 852 — Hugh, see visc. G. infra — Sir Hugh Hy., gen. (D) 932; K.C.B. 781 — Jno. Bloomf. and Sir J., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 889; R.C.B. 779 — Th. Bunb., dm. Dry. 602 Gough: lds, and visc. — Hugh, aft. Sir H. and 1d. and Visc. G., C.C. Ind. 651; C.C. Mdras. 657; F.M. 856; e . 769; G.C.S.I. ; K.C.B. 776; K.C.S.I. 802; P.C. 216 Gºburn, Ed., P.P. 416; S.L. — Ed. Meyr., dm. Norw, 456 — Fla., C. Cus. 277 - — Hy., Ch. Ex. 165; Ch. Sec Ir. 563; H. Sec. 227; L.T. 159, 60, 61; P.C. 210; U.S. Home, 227; U.S. W. and C. 231 Gould, Ch. and Sir C. Gould- Morgan, J.A.G. 937; see tulso Morgan — Sir Pºgº adm. (A) 818; % 822; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. {} — G. F., Amb. Swa. 128 — Hy., S.L. 411 — Hy, and Sir H., B. Ex. 385 ; J.C.P. 379; K.C. 415; S.L. 412; J.K.B. 373 gººdsbury, Val., G. Gamb. gºlston, Jos., dn. Chich. Gourly, Jno., adm. (HI) 846 dºnay, sir Matth. de, K.G. Gowan, Geo. E., gem. (D) 886 — Jas. Young, gem. (D) 912 Gowen, Th., dn. Clr. 597 º hom. Bapt. Tieveson, .T. 264 — Ed. Lev., adm. (A) 819 — sir Erasm., adm. (A) 816; G. Newfol. 700 — lá. Fras. Leveson, c. c. 1d. Fras. Egerton, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Ellesmere, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir, 563; L.T. 159; P.C. 211; Sec. at W. 234; U.S.W. and C. 21 3 — Geo. Gr. Lev., L.T. 162 —ld. Gr. Lev., aft, 1st Visc. and E. Granville, q.v., Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 125; L.T. 158; P.C. 207; Sec. at W. 4 23 — Hy, bp. St. Dav. 464 — Jno. Lev., gem. (B) 867 — hon. Jno. LeV., adm. (A) 815; L. Admy. 180 — hon, Jno. Lev., see ld. G., infra, — hon. Rd. Lev., U.S.S. 226 Gower, lds. and E. — Sir Jno. Lev., aft, 1st là. G., C.D.L. 242; P.C. 195 — Jno. Lev., 2nd lá., aft. 1st E., L.P.S. 241; P.C. 198 — Gr. Lev., 2nd Earl, c.c. ld. Or Wisc. Trentham, q.v.. aft. 1st M. of Stafford, q.v.; K.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Staffs. 312; L.L. Suth. 512; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; M.G.W. 296; M.H. 302; P.C. 200 — Geo. Gr., c.c. 1d. or Earl G., aft. 2nd M. of Stafford, and 1st D. of Sutherland, q.v. ; Amb. Fr. 112; L.L. Staffs. 312; L.L. Suth. 512; P.C. 205; Postm. G. 238 — Geo. Gr., c.c. Earl G., aft. M. of Stafford, and 2nd D. sºutherland, q.v., L.L. Suth. 51 Gowrie, Wm. Ruthven, aft. 1st E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 497 Graaff, Corn. Jac. Van de, & 6&.H. 673 → win. Jac. van de, G. Ceyl. 7 Gracchus, T. S. (3), C. Ro., Grace, Percy, adm. (G) 841 — Sheff., K.H. 792 Graeme, Alex., adm. (A) 816 — Dav., gem. (A) 858 | — Hy. Sull., G. Mdras. 656 — maj. Laur., G. Nev. 729; G. TOb. 723 Grafton, D. of. — Hy., 1st D. of, K.G. 740; L.H. Const. 289 — Chas., 2nd D. of, K.G. 741 ; L.C.H. 295; L.H.S. 286; L.J. and L.L. Ir. 556; P.C. 196 — Aug. Hy., 3rd D. of, K.G. 742; L.L. Suff. 312; L.P.S. 241; L.T. 157; P.C. 201; Prem. 143; S. St. 224 — Geo. Hy., 4th D. of, form. E. of Eustom, q.v.; K.G. 743 — Augs. Chas. Lenn., 7th D. of, K.G. 745 Graham, Allan Ham., (D) 907 — Andr., bp. Dmbl. 532 — Archd., bp. Isl. 540 — Archd. Wm., gem. (D) 918 — Ch., adm. (D) 831 — Ch., gen. (C) 872 — Cyr, Ch., G. Gren. 724 — Dom., C.I.E. 806 — Fort., gen. (D) 891; K.C.B. 79 7 — Fk. Wm., gem. (ID) 919 — Geo., bp. Drmbl. 532; bp. Ork, 535 - — Geo., L.L. Rimr. 510 — li. Geo. G. Newf. 708 — Geo. Farq. Irv., gen. (D) 933 — Geo. Perg. gem. (D) 929 — Ger. and sir G., G.C.M.G. 795; gen. (D) 924; R.C.B. 781 Hy. Hope, gen. (D) 901 — Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 — sir Jas. Rt. Geo., G.C.B. 772; H. Sec. 227; L. Admy. 182-3; P.C. 212 — Jno., bp. Chest. 477 — Jno., gem. (D) 888 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 — Jno., Modr. R. Sc. 547 — hom. Jno., G. Gsey. 668 — Jno. Geo., adm. (H) 846 gen. Graham—comt. . — Jno. Gord., gen. (I)) 929 — Jos., Q.C. 419 — Patr., b.p. Brn. 531; abp. St. Andr. 529 — Rd., C. Exc. 278 — Rd., R. Cr. P.A. 335 — Rt., C. Exc. Sc. 505 — Rt., L.T. 160 — Rt. and Sir R., B. Ex. 385; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 415; P.C. 212; S.L. 412 — Saml., gen. (B) 867 — Saml. Ja.s., gem. (D) 932 — Th., M.M. 247 ld. Lynedoch, q.v., K.B. 766 — Wm. and sir W., adm. (E) 836; Compt. N. 258; K.C.B. 782; L. Admy. 186 — Wm., dn. Carl. 476; dn. WllS. 429 — Wm. Hy., gen. (ID) 930 Graham, E. of, see Montrose Graham, M. of. — Jas., M. of, aft. 3rd D. of Montrose, q.v., L.L. Hunts, 309; L.T. 158; P.C.205; Paym. G. 244; Pres. B.T. 268; V.P. B.T. 269 — Ja.s., M. of, aft. 4th. D. of Montrose, q.v., B.C. 253; P.C. 210; W.C.H. 297 Gramston, see Granston Granard, visc. and E. of. — Arth., 1st visc., aft. 1st E. of, L.J. Ir. 555; gen. (IB) 864 — Geo., 3rd E. of, form. li. Forbes, q.v. — Geo., 4th E. of, gen. (IB) 865 — Geo., 6th E. of, gem. (A) 862 — Geo. Arth. Hast., 7th E. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Leitr. 570 Granby, M. of. — Jno, M. of (son of 3rd D. of Rutland, d.v.p.), M.G.O. 259 — Juno., M. of (som of 4th D. of Rutland, d.v.p.), C. Ch. 855; gen. (B) 865; L G.O. 259; L.L. Dby. 307; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 200 — Ch. C. J., M. of, aft. 6th D. ºf Rutland. q.v., L.L. Linc Gramcurt, Wm. de, B. Ex. 382 Granden, Warr. de, J. It. 367 Grandison, Jno., b.p. Exr. 436 — sir, or Bar. Otho or Otto de, G. Ch. Isl. 667; L.H.A. 171 — W.C.P. 318 Grandison, visc. — Oliver, 1st visc., form Sir Oliv. St. John q.v., L. Treas. Ir. 559 — Geo., 4th Visc., C.Y.G. 298 Graney, Leonard, ld. Grey and visc., L.D. Ir. 553 Granger, Th. C., Q.C. 417 — Wm., adm. (A) 820 Grangues, Hy. de, gem. (B) 865 Granston (or Gramston), Th., R.G. 73: .G., 7 Grant, Alexr., K.H. 792 — Alexr., C.I.E. 807 — Sir Alexr. C., B.C. 253 — Amdr., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Ch., Chm, E.I. Co. 645 — Ch., gem. (ID) 892 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 66 ºt 1086 INDEX OF NAMES. Grant—cont. — Ch., gen. (D) 931 Ch., K.C.S.I. 803; Sec. I.E. 808; Sec. S.I. S04 — Ch., aft. la. Glenelg, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.T. 159; Pres. B.C. 253; Pres. B.T. 268; P.C. 210; Tr. N. 257; yºbºt. 269; W. and C. Sec. 1 — Colq. and sir C., G.C.H. 786; gen, (13) 868; K.C.B. 774; K.C.H. 787 — Dougl. Gord. S. St. J., gem. (D) 931 — Dunc., gen. (D) 886 — Fras., gem. (B) 865 — Fras., aft. Sir F., Pres. R.A. 941 — Sir Fras., ld. Sess. 520 — hon. Fras. Wnn., aft. 6th #oof Seafield, q.v., L.L. Inv. l — Hy. Dunc. adm. (E) 837 . M., G. St. Luc. 725 — Jas., gen. (A)859 — Ja.s., gen. (D) 882 — Ja.s., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Ja.s. Alexr., K.C.M.G. 798 — Jas. Hope and sir J., C.C. Mdras. 658; G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 892; K.C.B. 778 — sir Jas. Jno., L.L. Inv. 510 — Sir Jas. Rt., K.H. 789 — Jno., Bar, Ex, Sc. 524 — Jno., gem. (D) 895 — Jno. Pet. and Sir J., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Jam. 713; R.C.B. 783; L.G. Bgl. 652 — Jno. Thornt., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 781 — Lewis, gen, (D) 910 — Lewis and sin: L., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Trin. 722; gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 788 — Maxw., K.C.B. 775 — Patr. and sir P., C.C. Mdras. 658; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770; . Ch. Hosp. 936 ; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Mlta. 671; gen. (D) 887; K.C.B. 778 Patr., Jy. Sc. 522 — Patr., Ld. Sess. 520 y — (or Weathershed), Rd., abp. Cant. 430 — sir Rd., adm. (G) 841 — Rt. and Sir R., B.C. 253; G. Bbay. 659; G.C.H. 787; J.A.G. 937; P.C. 212 Rt. Geo. H., gen. (D) 911 — Th. Tass., K.C.B. 782 — Ulyss. S., Pres. U.S.A. 103 — Wrm. and Sir W., C.J. Chest. 386; K.C. 415; M.R. 388; P.C. 207; S.G. 402 — Wm., gen, (C) 873 — Wm., gen, (C) 874 — Wm., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 520 — Wm. Burl., adm. (IHI) 852 — Sir Wrm. Iš., G.C.H. 787; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 775; JK.C.B. 7S7 Grant-Duff, see Duff Grantham, Geo., gen. (D) 890 — (or Graumtham), Jno. L.M. I/Ond. 489 — Th., gen. (D) 889 – Wm. and sir W., J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 419 Grantham, lds. and E. of – Hy. of Nassau, E. of, P.C. 197 Grantham, lds, and E. of comt. — Th., 1st là., form. Sir T. Robinson, q.v., M.G.W. 296; Postm. G. 238 — Th., 2nd lù., form. hon. Th. Robinson, q.v., Amb. Spn. 123; B.T. 267; H. Sec. 226; Pres, B.T. 266 — Th, Ph., 3rd ld, aft. E. dé Grey, q.v., L.L. Beds. 306 Grantley, Fl., 1st là., form. Sir F, Norton, q.v., B.T. 267 Granville, sir Bev., G. Bdoes. 720; gem. (C) 871 — Den., dn. Dham. 479 — Geo., aft. 10. Lansdowme, q.v. Sec, at W., 233 Granville, lds, and E. Granville Family. — sir Jmo., ld. Gr., aft. 1st E. of Bath, q.v., L.W.S. 323 — hom. Jno., aft. la. Gr. of Potheridge, L.G.O. 259; L.L. Cnwall. 307; L.W.S. 323; P.C. 195 Carteret Family. — Jno., 2nd E., form. Id. Car- teret, q.v., K.G. 742; L.P.C. 188; S. St. 224 Leveson-Gowen' Family. — Granv., 1st visc. and E. Gr., form. li. Gr. Leveson- Gower, q.v., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Nds. &c. 123; G.C.B. 772; Sec. at W. 234 — Gr. Geo., 2nd E., form. 16, Leveson, q.v., Amb. Russ. 126; C.D.L. 243; C. Sec. 235; F. Sec. 228-9; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.G. 744; L.P.C. 188; M.B.H. 803; 269; W.C.P. 319 Gras, Jno. (le, K.B. 754 — Nichs. le, J. It. 368 Gratian, Emp. W.E. 49 Grattan, Jas., Rec, Dbln. 642 — Jno., gen. (D) 896 — Sir Rd., L.M. D'blin, 641 Grauntham, see Grantham Grave, Rt., bp. Ferns and L., ; ; b.p. Llin. 622; dr. Cork, Graves, Ch., b.p. Lim. A. and A, 639; dr. Clonf. 637 — Harry Meggs, gen. (D) 892 — Jas, gen. (C) 874 — Jno. Cr., gen, (D) 921 Nichs., dm. Drom. 606 — Rd., dm. Ard. 609 — Saml., adm. (A) 814 — Th., dm. Cnr. 605 — Th, and Sir Th., adm. (A) 817; K.B. 766 — Th., see li. G., infra — Wrm., gen. (D) 913 — Wnn., M. Chy. 397 Graves, lds. — Th., aft, 1st lél. G., adm. (A) 815 — Thos. N., 2nd lå., C. Exc. 282 Gravesend, Ben. or Rd, de, bp. Linc. 446; bp. Lond. 451; dn. Linc 448 — Steph. de, bp. Lond. 451 Graviere, Jean P. E. J. de la, K.C.B. 778 Graville, Jno. G. F. de M. Count de, K.G. 740 Gray, see also Grey - →ama. Dwyer, L.M. Dbln. 4 Gray—convê. —Fras., see lä. Gr., infra — sir Jas., Amb. Scy. 114; *. Spn, 123; K.B. 765; P.C. 02 — Jas. Cl. Charm., gen, (D) 8 94 — Jno., Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 — Jno., Q.C. 418 — Rt., bp. Br]. 439 — Ralph, K.B. 756 — Ralph, K.B. 759 — Rd., K.B. 756 — Rt., bp. C. Th, 679 — Rog., L.J. Ir. 552 — Th., dm. Ardf. 640; Wford. 628 — Wnn., gen. (D) 877 — Wrm., gen. (D) 913 — Wrm. Jno., gem. (ID) 920 Gray, lds. — Andr. Ld., L.J. Gen. (1504) 522 - — Patr. Ld., Ld. Sess. (1584). 517 — hon. Fras., aft. Id. G., Postm. G. Sc. (1807) 503 Graydon, Geo., gen, (D) 902; R.H. 790 — Jno., adm. (A) 813 Gream, Rt. Nev., gem. (D) Greathed, Ed. Harr. and Sir E., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 779 — Wm. Wilb. H., gen. (D) 917 Greaves, Ch. Spr., Q.C. 417 — Geo. Richards and Sir G., gen. (D) 925; K.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. 797 — Jno. Ern., L.L. Carn. 314 — Rd., gem. (ID) 891 — Th., dn. Ardf. 640 Grecielus, bp. Llff, 448 Greeke, Th. 3. fºx. 384 Green, Greene, and Grene — Andr. Pell. and sir A., adm. (D) 828; (G) 840; gen. (D).911; K.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 — Ch., Lanc. H. 333 — Ch. and sir C., G. Gren. 724; gen. (A) 861 Ch. Ja.s., gen. (D) 895 — Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 908 — Ed. and sir E., gen. (D) 895; K.C.B. 779 — Ed. Arth., gen. (D) 910 — Erm. Aug., gen. (ID) 935 — Geo. Wade Guy and sir G., gen. (D) 908; K.C.B. 780 — G., L. Admy. 175 and K.A. — Hy., Leic. H. 340 — Hy. and sir H., C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; *; 406 4 dm. — Jno., bp. Linc. 447; dim. Linc. 448 — Jno., bp, S, and M. 483 — Jno., bp. Worc. 472 × Jno., Rec. Lond. 494 *— Jno., S.L. 409 * Prob. same pers. — Jno., S.L. 411 — Jno., Sp. H.C. 248 — Jno. and Sir J., Amb. D. Pr. 128; Amb. Rima. 128 — Jno. S. T., C.C.J. 403 — Jno. Wm., gen, (D) 932 — sir Jonas, Rec. D'blin. 642 Tºos. Hy., Pres. Coll. Surg. For List of Abbreviation 8, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1037 Green, Greene, and Grene— CO%t. — Rd. Wilson, A.G. Ir. 588; B. Ex. Ir. 584; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 — Th., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Norw. 455 — Th., dn. Sal. 468 — Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Th.L., gen. (D) 888 — Th. W., Q.C. 418 — Wm., dm. Ach. 614 — Wm., K.H. 792 — sir Wm., gen. (A) 859 — Wm. Com., dm. Chr. Dblin. 619 — Wrm. Hy. R. and sir W., gen. (D) 913; K.C.S.I. 802 — Wrm. Kirby, Amb. Mco. # Amb. Mgo. 128; K.C.M.G. Greenaway, Th., gen. (D) 922 Greene, see Green Greenfeld and Greenfield, See also Grimfield — Jno., S.L. 407 -i (or Grenville) Th., K.B. — Wm. de, abp. Yk, 485; dra. Chich, 434; Ló. Chanc. 353; M. Chy. 393 Greenford, Jno. de, bp.Chich, 433 in Chich 433 Greenhalgh, Jno., G. I. Man, 666 Greenhill, Jas. Dav., gen. (D) 876 Greenhow, Wm. T., C.C.J. 4 Greenlaw, Gilb., b.p. Abdn. 530; bp. St. Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 'Greenock, ld. Ch. Cathc., K.C.B. 776 Graenstreet, Jrmo., gem. (D) Ch. Murr. 7 Greenwell, leon., and Sir L., gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 776; E.C.H. 788 Greenwich, D. of, see Argyll and Gr. Greenwood, Jno., Q.C. 417 dººr, Hy. Harp., gem. (D) 8 “Greg, Wm. R., C. Cus. 277 Gregg, Jno.' bp. Cork, Cl, and B. 63 — Rt. Saml., bp. Cork, Cl. and R. 632; bp. Oss. F. and L. 622 Gregorius and Gregºry >k abp. Trm. 611; bp. Elph. t S *— bp. Brn. 530 *— bp. Cork, 630 *— bp. and abp. Dblin. 615 >k (No. 1), bp. Dkld 533; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Sk (No. 2), bp. Dkld. 533 :k bp. Mor. 534 sk bp. Ross. 535 *— bp. St. Andr. 528 >; Ld, Clk. Reg. 524 * Prob. same pers. Comp. dates. — K. Sc. 19 — I. to XVI., P. Ro. 33-4-5-6 — Ch. Hutt., IK.C.M.G. 798 — Dav., dm. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — Geo., adm. (A) 818 — Geo., St. O. 260 — Jas., dm. Kild. 619 — Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 716 Gregorius and Gregory—cont. — Jno., G. Jam. 712 — Rt., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 — Wm., C. Exc. Ir. 566 ; U.S. Ir. 563 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wm. and Sir W., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 410; Sp. H.C. 249 — Wm. Hy., G. Ceyl. 673 — Wm. Hy., K.C.M.G. 797 Gregson, Wm., U.S. Home 27 Greig, Hect., K.C.M.G. 796 Greinville, see Grenville Greisley, Jno., K.B. 755 Grene, see Green Grenefeld and Grenefield, see Greenfeld Greneford, see Greenford Grenehurst, Ralph, M. Chy. 394 Grenfell, Fras. Wall., K.C.B. 781 -ºšian, adm., (E) 835; (E') Grenville and Greinville, see also Granville and Temple — Ad. de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; Jy. 365 — Eust, de, Const. T.L. 32 — hom. Geo., aft. Nugent- Temple, 2nd E. Temple and 1st M. Of Buckingham, q.v., Tell. Ex. 167; Ch. Ex. 165; L. Admy. 178; L.T. 157; P.C. 199; Prem. 143; S. St. 224; Tr. N. 259 — hom. Geo. Nev., dm. Winds. 474 — hom. Hy., Amb. Thy. 129; C. Cus. 276; G. Bdoes. 720 Jas., aft. la. Glastonbury, B.T. 267; L.T. 158; P.C. 204 — hom. Ja.s., B.T. 264–5; Coff. H. 294; L.T. 157; P.C. 200; V. Treas. Ir. 560 — lady Mary J. N. B. C., Cr. Ind. 809 Rd., gen. (A) 859 — (or Grenefield), Th., K.B. 759 — Thos., Ld. Admy. 181; P.C. 206 ; Pres. B.C. 252 — Wnn. Wyndh., aft. Jol. G., Aud. Ex. 167; B.C. and Pres. E.C. 252; B.T. 267; C. Treas. Ir, 561 : Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; F. Sec. 228; H. Sec. 226; L.T. 158; Pres. B.C. 252; P.C. 204; Paym. G. 245; Prem. 144; Sp. H.C. 250; V.P.B.T. 269 Gresham, Sir Jmo., L.M. Lond. 490 — sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 Gretton, Geo., dn. Her. 442 Greville and Grevyl — Algm., Bath R.A. 785; B. and Gl. K.A. 330 — Algm. W. F., see löl. Gr., infra — hon. Chas., P.C. (1783) 204; Tr. H. 291; B.T. 266; U.S. Home 227 — Ch. Fulke, V.C.H. 297 -i.hon. Ch. Fras., L. Admy. 17 — hom. Ch. Ja.s. and sir C., gen. (C) 874; K.C.B, 774 ulke, Amb. G. St. 121 — sir Fulke, aft. 1st là. #ºoke Ch. Ex. 154 ; K.B. 761 Greville and Grevyl—cont. d. Geo., aft. 2nd E. of Warwick, q.v., B.T. 266 — Hy. Fras., adm. (D) 83 — Stapl. Ja.s., adm. (H) 852 — Wm. J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Greville of Clonyn, lds. — Fulke, S., 1st là., L.L. W. Meath, 571 — hon. Algn. W. Fulke, aft. 2nd lå. G., L.T. 162 Grévy, F. P. J., Pres. Fr. 25 Grevyl, see Greville Grey, see also Gray — hon. Ch., gem. (ID) 885 — sir Ch., G.J. Bgal. 652 — sir Ch. Ed., G. Bdoes., &c. 719-20; G.C.H. 787; G. Jam. 713; G. Trin. 722; P.C. 213 — hon. Edw., b.p. Her. 442; dri. Her. 442 — hon. FC. Wm. and Sir F.; adm. (ID) 830; (E) 834; K.C.B. ſº G.C.B. 770; L. Admy. Geo., K.B. 757 — hon. Geo., adm. (ID) 831; (F) 838 ; B. and Gl. K.A. 330 ; Bath [.A. 785 — hom. Geo. and sir G., G. C.G.H. 679; G. N.Z. 709; G. S. Austr. 706; K.C.B. 782 — sir Geo., C.D.L. 243; C. Sec. 234; G.C.B. 772; H. Sec. 227; J.A.G. 937; P.C. 213; |U.S.W. and C. 231 — sir Geo., gen. (B) 865 — hon. Sir Geo., K.C.B. 775 — Hy. Geo. and Sir H., G.C.B. 768; G. C.G.H. 679; G.C.H. 786; gem. (A) 861 — Jno. de, abp. Cant. (nom.) 430; bp. Norw, 454; J. It. 368; Jy. 364; L.J. Ir. 550 — Jno., dm. Lism. 629 — Jno., gem. (B) 868 — Jno., gen. (C) S71 — Jno., R.B. 758 — Jno. and sir J., C.C. Bbay. 660; gen. (D) S77; K.C.B. 777 — Sir Jmo. de, K.G. 735; L.L. II. 552 — Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 900 — Ralph, see lil. Gr., infra — Ralph W., Sec. P.L.B. 262; C. Cus. 277 — Rd., G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Rd., K.B. 754 — Rd., K.B. 757 — Rd. de, W.C.P. 317 — Sim. de, W.C.P. 318 — Th. de B.T. 266; U.S.C. 235 — sir Th., E.M. 326 — Walt. de, abp. Ylk. 485; bp. Lich. and Cov. 443; bp. ; Comst. T.L. 320 ; Jy. 364; L.H.T. 152; Ld. Chanc. 353 — Wm., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Linc. 446; bp. Lond. 451; din. Yk. 487 — Wrm. and Sir W., G. Jam. º R.C.S.I. S03; L.G. Bgal. 652 — Wnn, de, aft. Sir Winn. and ld.Walsingllam, q.v., A.G. 399; C.J.C.P. 376; IK.C. 415 ; P.C. 202; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 — hon. Wm. G., Amb. Fr. 113 Grey, lds., see North and Grey IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1038 INDEX OF NAMES. Grey of Codnor, lds. — Jno., 3rd ld., K.G. 733 Rd., 4th lä., lx.G. 734; L.H.A. 173 Grey of Howick, lds, and E. — Ch., aft. 1st lol, and 1st E. Gr., G. Gsey. 669; gem. (A) 859; K.B. 765; P.C. 206 hon. Ch. (visc. Howick, q.v.) aft, 2nd Earl Grey; K.G. 743; L. Admy. 181; L. T. 160; P.C. 208; Prena. 146. — Hy. Geo., 3rd E., form. Visc. Howick, q.v., G.C.M.G. 795; K.G. 744; L.L. Nbland. 310; W. & C. Sec. 231 Grey of Ruthyn, lds. — Edm., 4th lcl., aft. E. of Kent, q.v., L.H.T. 153 — Rd., 6th lä., aft. E. of Kent, q.v., K.B. 758 Grey of Wake or Werke, lds. — Wm., 1st là., C.D.L. 242; C.G.S. 356 — hon. Ralph, aft. 4th lä. Grey of W., G. of Béloes. 720 Grey of Wilton, lds. — Wm., 13th lä., K.G. 738 — Arth., 14th lä., K.G. 738; L.D. Ir. 554 Grey and Ripon. — Th, Ph., 2nd E. de, form. 3rd Id. Grantham, q.v., K.G. 744; L. Admy. 182; L.L. Ir, 557; P.C. 213 Geo. Fk. Saml., 3rd E. de, and 2nd E. of lºipon, aft. M. of Ripon, q.v., form. G. F. S. IRobinson, q.v. and ló. Grant- ham, Jud. Conn. P.C. 361 ; K.G.745; L.P.C. 188; P.C. 217; Sec. Ind. 236; U.S. War. 232; W. Sec. 232 Grey-Wilson, see Wilson Greyley, Th. de, K.B. 754 Gºyetanes, Iöt., bp. Dham. 478 Greystoke, Hy. de, A.G. 398; I3. Ex. 383 Grierson, Crighton, gem. (D) 894 — Hy., gem. (D) 917 Griesbach, Carl Ludl., C.I.E. 808 Griesley, Sim. de, see Briesley Grieve, Jno., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 R—, C. Exc. Sc. 505 — W. S., form. W. S. Browne, Q.'U. Griff'ri, bp. St. Dav. 464 Griffin, -, S.L. (1504) 408 Ed., A.G. 398; S.G. 401 — Ed., K.B. 76] — Sir Ed., Tr. Ch. 294 — Hy., bp. Lim. A. & A. 639 — Jno., b.p. Llin. 621; bp. OSS. 620 — Jno. Gr., aft. 4th lá. Howard de Walden, q.v., K.B. 765 — Jno. Hung., gen. (ID) 892 — Lep. Hy., K.C.S.I. 803 — Maur., bp. Roch. 460 — Michl. C.I.3. EX. Ir, 582 — Nichs., K.B. 759 — Ralph, dn. Linc. 448 — Th., adm. (A) 814 — Wm., adm. (G) 842 Griffith, Griffiths, Gryffith, Gryffiths, and Grufydd — ap Conam (or Cynan), Pr. Wł8. 16 Griffith, Griffiths, Gryffith, Gryffiths, and Grufydd-comt. — ab Llewelyn (2), Pr. Wls. IG — ab Meredydd, Pr. Wls. 17 — ab Ithys, Pr. Wls. 17 — ap Ryce, K.B. 754 — (or Griffin), ap Yerward, bp. Bgr. 425 — (ld. Rhys), Pr. Wls. 17 — Anselm Jno., adm. (ID) 823 — Ch., gen. (IB) 868 — Ch. Marsh, Q.C. 419 — Clem. Ja.s., gen. (D) 934 — Edm., bp. Bgr. 426; dri, Bgr. 426 — Fk. Ch., gen. (D) 892 — Geo., bp. St. As. 462 — G. H., G. Seych. Isl, 684 — Hy. Darb., gen. (D) 901 — Jno., dn. St. As, 463 — Jno., G. Bbay. 659 — Jul. Geo., gen. (ID) 886 — Lewis, dn. Glr. 440 — Matt, Ch. D., gen. (C) 873 — Ph., Amb. N.G. 134 — Ralph Th. Ho., C.I.E. 807 Rd., dn. Ross. 633 — Rt., S.L. Ir. 591 — Saml. Walk, K.C.M.G. 798 — Sylv., dn. Her. 442 — Th. Ris., G. Seych. Isl. 684 — Walt., K.B. 758 — Wrm., K.B. 758 — Wm., M. Chy. 395 — Wm., G. Gld. Cst. Col. 687; G. Lag. 687; K.C.M.G. 798 — Wrm. Downes, C.C.J. 405 Sºriffits, Jas. O., Q.C. 419 Grimaldo, I. to IV., Pr. Mno. 3 Grimbald, Pet. de, B. Ex, 382 — Rt., J. It. 368 Grimesby (or Grymesby) — Edm. de, M. Chy. 393 — Elias de, M. Chy. 393 Grimoald, K. Lrnd. 49 Grimsby, see Grimesby Grimstead, –, M. Chy, 395 Grimstone (or Grymstone) — Ed., M. Chy., 395 — Sir Harb., M.R. 388; Sp. H.C. 249 Grimthorpe, Edm. Beck., ld., form. E. B. fenison, Q.?). Grimus, IC, Sc. 19 Grindal or Grindall, Edmél., abp. Cant. 431; abp. ºk. 486; bp. Lond. 451 — Rd. and sir R., adm. (A) 817; K.C.B. 773 Grinfield, see also Greenfield : Wm., gen. (A) 859 Grinkettel or Grimketellus, bp. Elm, and Dumw. 454; bp. Sels. 432 Grinvode, Rd., R. Cr. P.A. 335 *-*. Gºnow, Hyw. Ab., dm. Bgr. Gros, Anc. le, bp. St. Dav. 464 — Raym, le, L.L. Ir. 550 Gººse, capt. F., G. N.S.W. 70 — Fras., gen. (B) 867 — Fras., ltichm. H. 334 — Nash and sir N., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 Gºseid, Geoff., bp. Ferns, 62]. Grosset, Walt., adm. (H) 844 Grosthead, IRt., b.p. Linc. 446 Grosvenor, ld. Rd., P.C. 218; Sec. Tr. 164; V.C.H. 297 — la. Rt., aft. la. Ebury, .v., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 212; r, H. 291 * 2 —ld, Rt., see E. Gr., infra — Th. F.M. 856; gen. (A) 860 Grosvenor E. — Rt., 2nd #. form, visc, Bel- grave, q.v., aft. 1st M. of Westminster, q.v. - Groube, Th., adm. (IH)845 Grouchy, Off. Nap. 26 - Grouthed, Rt., b. Linc. 446. Grove, –, K.H. 792 — Jas. or Jno., S.L. 411 — Rt., bp. Chich. 433 — Wm. Rt. and sir W., J.C.P. 380; J.C.P.D. 380; J.Q.B.D. 374; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; P.C. 221; Q.C. 417; S.L. 414 Gºyes, capt. Th., G. Newfii. 700 - Growse, FK. Salm., C.I.E. 806 Gººbe, Jno. Hen., gem. (D) 9 — walt. Jas. Hunt- and sir }; adm. (E) 837; K.C.B. 781 Grufydd, see Griffith Gry—, see Gri— Gryffiith, see Griffith Grymesty, see Grimesty Grymstone, see Grimstone Gual, P., Pres, Vzla. 108 Gualafer, bp. Dblin. 615 Gually, Paul de, gen, (C) 871 Gualterius, see Walter Guard, Wm., gen, (B) 868 Guarden, W. W. H., C. Treas. Ir. 561 Guardia, Sant. de la, Pres. Pan. 107 Tom., Pres. C.R. 106 Gºrdiola, S., Pres. Häas. 106 Guarinus, see Warine Gubbins, Jas., gem. (D) 921 — Jos., gem. (C) 874 Gucanor or Gºucanus, See GOgwan Gucht, Benj. Geo. van der, gen. (ID) 918 Guelderland, W., D. of, K.G. 734 Guelph, D. Thy. 57 — I. and II., D. Bva. 67 Guerdain, Aar., M.M. 246 Guernsey, Hen, ld, form: Hen. Finch, q v., aft, E. of Aylesford, q.v., P.C. 195 Gueroc, de Nantes, D. 8 2 Guerrero, Dt. Mex. 103; Pres. Mex. 103 Guest, Josh, gem. (B) 864 - Guidelium (or Guiteline), abp. Lond. 450 Guido, see also Guy — I. and II., Pr, Mno. 30 Guildford and Guilford — Sir Ed., W.C.P. 319 — Sir Hy., C.Y.G. 298; K.G. J -- Sir Rd., K.G. 737 Guilford, lds, and E. of — Fras., 1st là., form. F. North, q.v. - — Fras., 2nd ló., P.C. 196; Pres. B.T. 264 — Flº., 2nd E. of, form. li. North, q.v. Bry. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1039 Guilford, lds, and E. of cont. Fk., 5th E. of, form. hon. Fk. North, q.v., Chambn. EX. 166; G.C.M.G. 794 Guilermus, dn. St. P. 452 Guilford, see Guildford Guille, Jno., Blf. Gsey. 669 Guillermo, C., Pres. Dom. Rep. 105 Guinness, Benjn. Lee and sir B., L.M. Dbln. 642 Guise, Jno., gem. (A) 858 — Jno. Chr., gen. (ID) 908 — Jno. Wr. and Sir J., G.C.B. 770; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 Guiteline, see Guidelium Guideford, #y dejöß.377; J. It. 368 Gulfridus, bp. Llff. 448 Gulielmus, see William Gºver, Hy. Wm., gen. (D) Gully, Wm. Court., Q.C. 419 Gulston, Wm., bp. Brl. 439 Gundebaud, I. Bdy. 28 Gundermar, K. Sp. 85 Gunderic, K. Bdy. 28 Gººdevil, Hugh de, J. It. 365 Gundicar, K. Bdy. 28 Gundred (dau. Wrm. I.), Pr. E. 9 Gundry, Nathl, and Sir N., J.C.P. 379; K.C. 415; S.L. 412 Gundulph, bp. Boch. 459 Gunter, Jas., gen, (D) 932 Gunther II., Pr. S. Son. 79 Gunthorpe, Jno., dm. Wells, 429; M. Chy. 394 — Wrm., B. Ex. 383 Gunning, Jno., gem. (C) 872 — Pet., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Ely, 435 — Rt. and Sir R., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Pr. 117; Amb. Russ. 125; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 765 Guodloiu, bp. Llff, 448 Gurdon, Adam, J. It, 368 Gººges, Q. F. M. (3), C. Ro. Gurmallion, D. Bry, 28 Gurney, Jno. and Sir J., B. EX. 385; K.C. 416; S.L. 413 — sirºſłd., L.M. Lond. 491 — Russ., P.C. 217; Q.C. 417; Pec. Lond. 494 Gurmven, abp. St. DaV. 463 Gurvan, bp. Llff. 448 — (de Renmes), D. Bry. 27 Gustavus (g. Som Jas. I.), Pr. E. — I. to IV., IK, Sw, 92 — II. (R. Sw.), IX.G. 739 —-Adolphus Fredk, Lg. H. Hbg. 73 — (Vasa), K. SW. 92 Guthard, bp. Sels. 432 Guthred, R.E. 1 Guthrie, Dav. and Sir D., Compt. Sc. 498; L.H.T. Sc. 496; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Geo. Ja.s., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Hy., b.p. Dlxld, 533 — Juo., bp. Mor, 534 Gutierraz, S., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Guttred, K. Man. 664 Guy (or Guido), bp. Bgr. 425 — D. º B7 — (dn. of Waltham), Jy. 363 — de Dampierre, C. FlrS. 81 Guy (or Guido)—comt. — de Lusignan, K. J.Sm. 97 de Tours, D. Bry. 28 Hy., C. Cus. 274 Hy., M.H. 302 * Prob. same pers. — Ph. Melm. Nels., and sir P., G. Jsey 668; gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 780 Guyse, Jno., IK.B. 758 Guzman, F., Pres. Nic. 106 Gwalior, Mahar of, G.C.B. 770; G.C.S.I. 800; K.C.S.I. 802 — Raj. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Gwent, Rd., D. Arch. 420 Gwenwin win or Gºwenwyn- wyn, Pr. Wls. 17 Gwillim, Jno., Portsm. P.A. 344; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Gwilt, Jno., gen. (D) 908 Gwin, see Gwyn and Gwynne Gºgant, Nichs. ap, bp. Llff. 9 4 Gwydyr. 1ds. wº ld., form. sil: P. Burrell, q.v., Dep. L.G.C. 288 — Pet. Rt., 2nd lå., aft. li. Mºhoughby De Eresby, P.C. 10 Gwyn and Gwin, See also Gwynne — Jno., dm. Dry. 602; dri. Rph. 603 — Sir Rowl., Tr. Ch. 294 — Fras., B.T. 264; Sec. War, 233 — Fras. Ed., gen. (A) 859 — Ham, West., gen. (D) 922 — Rice, S.L. 409 Gwynne, see also Gwyn — Marm., C. St. 283 — Maid, Xim, gen, (D) 934 >k #: at Gybbon and ybon, see , Gibbon Gyfford, see Giffard and Gifford Gyles, see Giles Gyllot, see Gillot Gyndellor Gyndwelle, Jno., bp. Linc. 446 Gysors, see Gisors H. Haast, Jno. Fras. Jul. Wom, K.C.M.G. 798 Hac Huargusa, Malheus, bp. Emly. 625 IHachet, Geoff., J. It. 366 IHacket, Amdr., M. Chy. 396 — Dav., b.p. Oss. 620 aſ Jno., bp. Lich. and Cov. 44 — Nichs., dm. Oss, 622 — Pet., abp. Cash. 625 — Rd., dm. Killoe. 637 — Th., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 — sir Th., L.M. Dblin. 640 Hackett, Jas., gen. (D) 879 — Jno., adm. (G) 842 — Jno., gen. (D) 924 — Simps., gen. (D) 935 Hackins, Pieter, G. C.G.H. 678 Hººkren, Th., dn. Cork, 53 Hadden, Jas. M., gen. (C) 873; S.G.O. 260 — Wm. Ch., gen. (D) 904 Haddington, E. of — Th., 1st E. of, form. Sir T. Hamilton, q.v., L.P.S. Sc. 501; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Th., 6th E. of, K.T. 747 H.Ch., 8th E. of, L.L. Hadd. 5 — Th., 9th E. of, form. li. Binning and lå. Melros, q.v., JB.C. 253; C.D.L. 243; K.T. 748; L. Adm. 183; L.L. Ir. 557; L.P.S. 241 Ged., 10th E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 — Geo., 11th E. of, L.L. Hadd. 510 IIaddo, Geo., 1st là., form. Sir Geo. Gordon, q.v., aft. E. of Aberdeen, q.v. Hºdock, Nichs., adm. (A) — Rd. (No. 1), Compt. N. 257 — Sir Rd. (No. 2), adm.(A) 813; Compt. N. 257 Haddon, Jas., dm. Exr. 437 — sir Rd., L.M. Lond, 490 — Walt., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Hadenham, Alexr. de, A.G. 398 Hadfield, Oct., bp. Welln. 710 — Walt. de, J. It. 365 Hadley, Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Hadlow, see Handlo, Nichs. Hadrian, see Adrian Halernunen, abp. St. Day. 463 Hagan, sir Rt., adm. (G) 843 IHagar, Jno., adm. (A) 814 Hagart, Ch., gen. (ID) 900 Haghrman, see Hawman Haig, Ch. Th., gen. (D) 935 — Felix Thack, gen. (ID) 920 Hailes, see also Hales — Danl., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Pld. 126; Amb. SW. 126 — Harris C., K.H. 791 — (or Halles), Jas., IX. B. 760 — Jno. Cl., gen. (ID) 920 IHaines, see also Heynes — lºk. Paul and sir F., C.C. Ind. 651; C.C. Mdras. 658; G.C.B. 771; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 781 Hak, Abd., C.I.E. 807 Hakeem, Saadut, &c., K.C.S.I. 802 IIakenshawe, Rog., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Hakewell, Wm., M. Chy. 395 Halcombe, Jno., S.L. 413 Haldane, Cll, gem. (ID) 895 — Jas. Rt. A. Chinnery-, bp. Arg. and Isl. 541 — Jno., C. Cus. Sc. 503 — Jno., L.J. Gen. 522 Patr., C. Exc. 279 — Rt., Mod. IX. Sc. 547 Halden, Whn, de, Bec. Lond. 493 Haldimand, F.R. almd sil: Fla., . G. Cam. 691; gen. (IB) 865; IX.B. 765 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 1040 INDEX OF NAMES, Hale, Bern., gen. (A) 858; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — Bern). and Sir B., B. Ex, # C.B. Ex. Ir, 583; S.L. 11 — Ed, Bl, gen. (D) 904 — Frank Van, K.G. 733 — Hy., C. Cus. 275 — Jno., gen. (A) 858 — Josh., gem. (ID) 895 — Matth. and sir M., C.B. Ex. 381; C. Exc. 277; C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409-10 — Matth. Bl, bp. Brisb. 786; bp. Perth W.A. 707 — Rt., gen. (ID) 928 — Sim. de, J. It, 367 — Warr. St., L.M. Lond, 492 Hales, see also Hailes — Arth., gen. (ID) 933 — (or Halys), Chr., A.G. 398; M.R. 388; S.G. 401 — Ed. and sir E., L. Admy. 175-6 : Lt. T.L. 322 — Humphr., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Yk. H. 334 — Jas. and sir J., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — (or Halys), Jno., B. Ex. 383 — (or Hals), Jno... bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; dm. Exr. 437 — Jno., G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — sir Rt., L.H.A. 172 — Steph., K.B. 764 BIales, lds. — Patr. Ld., L.J. Gen. 522 IIalford, sir Hy., G.C.H. 786; R.C.H. 787; Pres. Coll. Ph.938 BIa1ghton, see Halton Haliburton, see Halliburton Haliday, see Halliday Halifax, Saml., bp. Gbr. 438; bp. St. As. 462 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 492 IHalifax, lds., visc., E. and M. Saville Family. — Geo., 1st visc., E., and M. of, B.T. 263; L.P.C. 187; L.P.S. 240; Pl. 191; P.C. 192; P.C. 193 Montague and Dumlc Families. Ch., 1st làl. and 1st E. of (1st Cr.), form. Ch. Montague, q.v., K.G. 741; L.L., Surr. 312; L.T. 156; Prem. 141 — Geo., 2nd ló. and 1st E. of (2nd Cr.), form. Geo. Monta- gue, q.v., K.B. 764; P.C. 197 — Geo., 2nd E. Of, form. Geo. Montague, q.v., gen. (B) 865; R.G.742; L. Admy. 179; L.L. Ir, 557; L.L. Nton, 310; L.P.S., *-* 241; P.C. 199; Pres. B.T. 265; S. St. 224-5 Wood Family. — Ch., 1st visc., form. Sir C. Wood, q.v., L.P.S. 241 — Mary, Wiscss. Of, Cr. Ind. 809 1: Talket, and Halkett, — sir Alex., gen. (A) 862; E.C.H. 789 — Col. and Sir C., C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 786; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 774; K.C.H. 787 — Fk., gen. (C) 872 — Jno., G. Bah, Isl. 716; G. Tob. 723 — sir Peter, (A) 819; G.C.EI, 786 — Wm., L.J. Clk. 16 adm. Hall, sir Benjn., aft. li. Llan- over, q.v., C.W.P.B. 272; P.C. 216; Pres. B.H. 255 — Ch., Q.C. 419 — Ch. and sir C., V. Chanc. 390 — Ch. Hy., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; dim. Dham. 479 — Ch. Hy., gen. (D) 929 — Geo., bp. Chest. 477 Geo., bp. Drom. 605 *— Hy., bp. Killa, and Ach. Hy., dm. Cork, 632 * Prob. same pers. — Hy., gem. (D) 886 — Jas., gen. (C) 873 — Jno., bp. Brl. 439 — Jno., gem. (C) 873 — Jno., gen. (D) 886 — Jno., K.C.B. 778 — Jno., K.C.M.G. 798 — Jno. and Sir J., K.C.H. 787; K.H. 789 — Jno. Durh, gem. (D) 935 — Jno. Gage, G. Mtius. 683; gen. (A) 862 — Jno. Stev., adm. (A) 818 — Jos., b.p. Ex. 437; bp. Norw. 455; dri. Worc. 473 — Jul. Ham., gem. (I)) 932 — Lewis A., gen. (ID) 894 — Rt., adm. (A) 820 — Rt. adm. (H) 849; Compt. N. 258; L. Admy. 185; Sec. Admy, 187 — Saml., Q.C. 420 — Th., C. Cus. 274; C. Exc. 279 — Th., gen. (A) 859 — Tim., b.p. Oxf. 456 Wm., S.L. 407 — Wrm., S.L. 411 — Wm. Hutch., adm. (ID) 833; (F) 838; K.C.B. 779 — Wnn. King and sir W., adm. (E) 835; K.C.B. 788 Hallam, Hy., C. St. 284 — Jno., dm. Brl. 440 — (or Hallum), Rt., abp. Ylö. (nom.) 485; b.p. Sal. 467 IHalles, see Hailes Halley, Edmd., Astr. Roy. 941 Halliburton, Haliburton, and Hallyburton — Arth. Lawr., K.C.B. 784 × — Geo., bp. Abdn. 530; bp. Brn. 531 — Geo., bp. Dkld, 533 Geo. and sir G., Ld. Sess. ja. Jno. Fk. Gord., adm. (G) 8 — sir Walt. de, L.H.T. Sc. 496 Halliday and Haliday — maj., G. Trim. 722 — Sir And., K.H. 789 — Fras. Ed., gem. (D) 931 — Flº. Ja.s. and sir F., K.C.B. º: L.G. Bgal. 652; M.C.I. R — Jno. Gust., gen. (ID) 921 — Wm. Rt., gen. (ID) 905 Hallowell, Benj., K.C.B. 774 Hallowes, FK. Wm., adm. (HI) 853 — Geo. Sk., gen. (ID) 924 — Jno., adm. (GF) 843 Halloway, see Holloway Halls (or Hals), Jno., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Hallum, see Hallam Halpin, Wm., gen. (D) 896 Hals, see Halls and Halse Halsay, Th., b.p. Llin. 622 Halsbury, Hard. St., 1st 1d., form. Sir H. S. Giffard, q.v., Ld. Chanc, 358; P.C. 220 Halse (or Hals), Jno., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; dn. Exr. 437 Halsey, Jno., M. Chy. 396 Halstan, K. Sw. 92 Halsted, Ed. Pell, adm. (ID) 832; (E) 834 — Geo. Anth., adm. (H) 848 — Lawr. Wm. and Sir T.I., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774 Haltoft, Gilb., B. Ex. 383 Halton (or Halghton), Jno. de, bp. Carl. 475 — Rt., S.L. 408 & Haly, Wm. O'Gr. and sir W., gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 780 Halys, see Hales Hambury, Hy. de, C.J.C.P. II. 580 Hamelin, Ferd. Alph., G.C.B. 9 76 — Th., B1. T.P.A. 341 Hamelinus, dm. Linc. 447 Hameltone, see Hamilton Hamerton, Jno. Mill, gen. (A) 863 Hamilton, Alexr. Mark K., gen. (C) 874; G. Br. Hond. 714 — Sir Andr., Ld. Sess. 519 — Archd., abp. Cash. and Eml. 626; bp. Killa, and Ach. 613 — Archd., gen. (B) (1747) 865 — lil. Archd., Gr. Hosp. 854; G. Jam, 712; "L. Admy. 177-8 — Arth. Ph., adm. (H) 845 — Ch., bp. Niag. 693 — Ch., gem. (D) 888 - — sir Ch., adm. (A) 818; G. Newfa. 700; K.C.B. 776 — Ch. Jas. H., Amb. Fr. 113 — Ch. PoW., adm. (A) 816 — Ch. Wm., gen. (ID) 880 — Chr., gen. (D) 877 — la. Claude J., L.T. 161 ; P.C. 215; Tr. H. 291; V.C.H. 297 — Cosp, Baill, adm. (GF) 843 — Dav., b.p. Arg. 538 — Digby, gem. (C) 873 — Dougl., gen. (D) 917 — sil: Ed., adm. (A) 819; R.C.B. 774 — Fras. Fisher, gem. (ID) 927 — Fras. Wrm., gen. (D) 931 — FC., Amb. Ecr. 942 — Fo., G. Leew. Isl. 727; gem. (C) 871 — Fk. Wm. and sir F., gem. (D) 895; K.C.B. 780 — Gav., bp. Gall, 538 — Gav., Ld. Sess. 517 Geo., B. Ex. Ir. 584; S.L. Ir. 592 Geo., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Geo. A., P.C. 218; Sec. Tr. 163-4 — Sir Geo. Baill., Amb. Tusc. 115; K.C.H. 788 —ld. Geo. F., L. Admy. 186; P.C. 219; U.S. Ind. 236; V.P. Ed. 255 Amb. Bzl. 36 Ham. Ch. J., 135; Amb. R. Pl. 1 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 104L Hamilton—cont. — Hy., C. Cus. Ir. 566 Hy., G. Bmda. 701; G. Dnca. 730 — Hy., gen. (ID) 906 — Hy. Meade, gem. (D) 907 — Hy. P., dn, Sal. 468 — Hugh, bp. Clonf. and K. ;: bp. Oss. 621 ; dm. Arm. — Jas., bp. Arg. 538 — Jas., bp. Gall. 538 — Jas., gem. (A) 859 — Jas., L.M. Dblin, 641 — Ja.s., Ld. Sess. 520 — Jas. Archd., dn. Cloy. 633 — Jno., abp. St. Andr. 529; bp. Dkld. 533; L.H.T. Sc. 497; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Sess, 518 — Jno., dn. Drom. 606 — Jno., gen. (A) 860 — sir Jno., gen. (B) 867 — Sir Jno. (Orbieston), L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. 519 — sir Jno. (Magdalens), Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 517; Ld. Sess, 519 - — sir Jno. (abb. of Paisley) Ld. Sess. 518 — Sir Jno. (Halcraig), Ld. Sess. 520 - — Jno. Pott., K.H. 791 — Ker Baill., G. Antig., &c. 727; G. Bdoes. 721; G. Gren. 724; G. Newfol. 700 . -º-col —, G. Hlgld. (1814) 7 - Male, abp. Cash. and Eml. — Nichs., gen. (D) 883; K.H. 791 — Oct., gen. (ID) 914 — Patr., Compt. Sc. 498 — Sir Patr., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Rd., gen. (D) 908 — Rd. Ves. and sir R., adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. 782 — Rt., dn. Thist. 749 — Rt., Ld. Sess. 520 — Sir Rt. gem. (B) 865 Geo. Cr. and sir R., G. Tasm. 708; R.C.IB. 784; U.S. Ir. 563 - — Rt. Gorg, gem. (D) 904 — Sir Rt. North Coll., K.C.B. 782 — Sackv., U.S. Ir. 563 — Th., adm. (A) 818 — Th., Ld. Sess. 519 — Th., S. St. 223 — Sir Thos., aft. li. Binning and Byres, 1st E. of Melros and of Haddington, q.v., Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Clk, Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 518 — Th. de C., gen. (D) 911 — Walk, K., bp. Sal. 467 — Walt., gem. (ID) 899 — Walt., L. Prov, Edinb. 548 Wm. de, dm. Yk, 486; J. It. 368; L.K. and Ld. Chanc. 353; M. Chy. 393 Wm. and sir W., Amb. Scy. 114; K.B. 765; P.C. 205 — Sir Wnn., gen. (ID) 927 — Sir Wm. (Whitelaw), L.J. Clk, 516; Ld. Sess. 520 — Sir Wim. (Sanquhar) Ld. Sess. 518 — Wm. Alexr. Baillie, adm. (G) 841 — Wrm. Conr., gen. (D) 919 — Rt. Hamilton—cont. — Wrm. Gerard, B.T. 265; C. Acc. Ir. 567; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562 — Wm. Rd., Amb. Scy. 115; |U.S.F. 230 Hamilton, M. and D. of — Jas., 2nd M. of, and 1st E. of Cambridge, q.v., H.C.P. Sc. 507; K.G. 739; L.S.H. 290 — Jas... 3rd M. and 1st D., also 2nd E. of Cambridge, q.v., (d. 1649), H.C.P. Sc. 507; K.G. § L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; M.H. — Wm., 2nd D. of and 3rd E. of Cambridge, q.v., form. E. of Hºmark q.v., K.G. 740; P.C. 1 — Wm., 3rd D. of, form. E. of Selkirk, q.v., C.G.S. Sc. 515; Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; H.C.P. Sc. 507; L.H.A. Sc. 499; Ld. Sess. 519; P.C. 193 — Ja.s., 4th D. of, and 1st D. of Brandon, q.v., form. 3rd E. of Arran, q.v., R.G. 741; M.G.O. 258 — Jas., 5th D. of and 2nd D. of Brandon, I.T. 747 — Ja.s., 6th D. of and 3rd D. Of Brandon, K.T. 747 — Dougl., 8th D. of and 5th D. of Brandon, K.T. 748; L.L. Lnrk. 511 — Archd., 9th D. of and 6th #. of Brandon, L.L. Lnrk. l — Alexr., 10th D. of and 7th D. of Brandon, form. M. of Douglas and Cl., and ld. Pºtton, q.v., K.G. 743; L.H.S. 7 — Wm. Alexr. &c., 11th D. of and 8th D. of Brandon, form. M. of Douglas and Cl., q.v., L.L. Limrk. 511 — Alexr. L. S., 12th D. of and 9th D. of Brandon, K.T. 749 Hamilton, Baillie-, see Baillie- Hamilton IIamley, Ed. Br. and sir E., G. S. Austr. 706; gen. (ID) 908; K.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. 797 — Fras. Gilb., gen. (ID) 911 — Wrm., adm. (YH) 847 * — Wrm. Geo., gen. (ID) 910 Hammer, B., Pres. Sw. C. 31 — Th., K.C. 414 Hammersley, sir Hugh, L.M. Lond., 491 Hammill, Denz., gen. (D) 928 Hammond and Hamond — sir Andr. Sm., adm. (G) 843; Compt. N. 257; G. N. Sc. 695 — Edmd., see ld. H., infra — sir Fras. Th., G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 861; K.C.H. 787 Geo., Amb. U.S.A. 132; TJ.S.F. 230 - — Sir Grah. Eden, adm. (A) 820; (B) 821; (C) 822; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 — Hy., gen. (D) 910 — Jno., Blf. Jsey. 668 — Jno., Ch. Lond. 422 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 — Pet., gen. (ID) 896 — Th., S.L. 4 BIammond, lds. Edm., aft. li. H., P.C. 217; .S.F. 230 Hamnett, Geo., C.I.E. 807 *Hamo, dm. Linc. 447 × dn. Yk. 486 * 2 Same pers. Hamond, see Hammond IHampden, Renn. D., bp. Her. 42 Rd., Ch. Ex. 164; L.T. 5 *— Rd., P.C. 197; Tell. Ex. 168; Tr. N. 256 * 2 same pers. — hon. Rt., Postm. G. 238 Hampden, visc. Trevor Family. — Th., 2nd visc., G.C.H. 786 IBrand Family. — Hy. B. W., 1st visc., form. sir H. B. W. Brand, q.v., L.L. Suss. 312 Hampson, Rd., S.L. 410 Hºpton, Chr., abp. Arm. {} — Jno. Steph., G. W. Austr. 707 — Rt., gen. (D) 878 — Th., G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wm. Ph., gen. (ID) 909 Hampton, lds. — Jno. S., 1st là., form. Sir J. S. Pakington, q.v. Hamund, see Eadmund Hanagan, Rd. D., K.H. 789 Hanbury, Hy. de, J.K.B. 371 — Jas. Arth., K.C.B. 781 — sir Jno., gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 779; K.C.H. 788 — Th., S.L. 411 Hanbury-Tracy, see Tracy Hancock and Handcock — Geo., adm. (E) 836 — Hy, gen, (ID) 891 — Hy., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Hy. Fras., gen. (D) 927 — Jno., adm. (D) 825 — Rd., dn. Ach. 614 — Rd. S., adm. (ID) 826 — Steph., dn. Clonm. 600; dim. Kilmacd. 638 — Sir Wrm., Rec. Dbln. 642 Hand, Geo. Sumn., adm. (H) × Handasyde and Handyside Rt., Jy. Sc. 523; Lól. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 — Rog., gen. (A) 858 ºth, G. Jam, 712; gen. (C) Handcock, see Hancock Handlo (or Hadlow) Nichs. de, J.C.P. J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365 Handyside, see Hamdasyde Hanemere, Dav., J.K.B. 371 #key, Augs. Barn., gen. (D) 7 l — Fredk., G.C.M.G. 794; I.C.M.G. 796; Sec. M.G. 799 Hankford, Wm. and Sir W., C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. 378; K.B. 755; S.L. 407 IHankin, Ed. Lew., gen. (D) 935 Hanlain, Ph., dn. Th. 613 Hanmer, Hy., K.H. 790 — Jno., bp. St. As. 462 — Jno., G. I. Man, 666 — sir Th., Sp. H.C. 250 Hannemere, Dav., S.L. 407 BIannen, Ja.s. and sir J., J.P. and D. 391; J.P.D.A. 391; J.Q.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; S.L. 414 *-*. 377 ; For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1042 INDEX OF NAMES, Hannibal, Hennibal — Matth., K.B. 754 — Th., bp, Worc. 472 ha Th., ; sº annington, Jas., bp. E. Eq. *gton, p Q. *son, Sir R. D., G. S. Austr. — Sir Reg., L.M. Lond. 492 — Sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 IIanwell, Jos., adm. (A) 818 — Jos., gem. (ID) 893 — Wrm., adm. (A) 820 Hanybal, see Hannibal Harald, see also Harold g. — I. to III., K. Dk.93 Hººpert, Sir Jno., J. Adm. Ct. Harbord, sir C., S.L.R. 271 *— Wrm., P.C. 193; V. Treas. Ir, 559 Wm., S.L.R. 271 * Prob. same pers. — Wrm. A., aft. 2nd lói. Suf- field, q.v., L.L. Norfolk, 310 — sir Wim. Mord., K.B. 764 Harby, sir Job, C. Cus. 273 Harcourt, Harecourt, and l:Iardecourt — Ch. Am., gen. (C) 874 — hon. Bd. Ven. Vermon-, abp. Yk. 486; bp. Carl. 476; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 208 —ºk. Ed. Vernon-, adm. (IHI) — Geo. Wm. B., gem. (C) 873 — Oct. Vermon, adm. (G) 841 — Ph. de, dn. Linc. 447 — ltd., IX.P. 757 — (or Hardecourt), Rt., R.B. 7.59 — Sir Rt., IK.G. 736 — Sim., see lá. H., infra — hon. Wm., gen. (A) 859 — Wrm. G. G. Ven. Vernon and sir W., Ch. Ex. 166; H. Sec. 227; L.T. 162; P.C. 219; Q.C. 418; S.G. 402 IHarcourt, lds, and E. — Sir Sim., aft. 1st là. H., A.G. 399; Ld. Chanc. 357; Ld. K. 357; P.C. 195; S.G. 401 — Sim., 2nd ló. and 1st E., Amb. Fr. 112; gen. (A) 858; L.L. Ir, 557; P.C. 199 — Wrm., 3rd E., F.M. 856; G.C.B. 768 IHardecourt, see Harcourt Biardell, IRd., L.M. Lond, 489 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 488 IIarden, Jno. W., C.C.J. 403 IHardicanute, R.E. 4 Hardie, see also Hardy — Rt., M.C.I. 647 IHarding, Fras., adm. (H)848 — Fras. Pym, G. N. Brk. 696; gen. (ID) 904 — Geo., IX.C. 415 Geo. Judd, G. Gsey. 669; gen. (D) 883; K.C.B. 778 Jno., b.p. Bbay. 661 — Jno. Dorn. and sir J., Q. Adv. 422; Q.C. 418 IIardinge, hon. Arth. Ed. and sir A., C.C. 13bay. 660; C.I.E. 807; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (D) 904; K.C.I3. 781 Ed., adm. (E) 836 — Hy., see visc. H., infra, — I'd., gen. (D) 893; R.H. 789 Hanybal, and Sk Hardinge, visc. — Hy, aft. Sir H. and 1st visc. H., C. Ch. 855; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; Clk. O. 260; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 772; G.G. Ind. 649; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 775; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 211; Sec. at W. 234 — Ch. St., 2nd visc., U.S. War, 232 Hardres, Rt. de, J. It, 366 — (or Hardy) Th., S.L. 410 Hardulfus, bp. Dunw. 454 Hardwick, lds, and E. Phil., 1st là. and E., form. Ph. Yorke and sir P., q.v., L.H.S. 287; Ld. Chanc. 357 — Ph., 2nd E. of, form. hon. Ph. Yorke, and visc. Royston, Q.7). — Ph., 3rd E. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Cambs. 306; L.L. Ir. 557; P.C. 206 Ch. Ph., 4th Earl of, adm. (G) 841; L.L. Cambs. 306; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 215; Postm. G. 239 Ch. Ph., 5th E. of, M.B.H. 303 Hardy, see also Hardie — Benj., Q.C. 418 — sir Ch., adm. (A) 814; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; G. Newfl. 700; L. Admy. 178 — Flc., gem. (D) 927 — Gaith., aft, visc. Cran- brook, q.v., H. Sec. 227; P.C. 217; Pres. P.L.B. 262; Sec. lmd. 236; U.S. Home, 228; W. Sec. 232 — Herb. H. Cozens-, Q.C. 419 — Nathl., dn. Roch. 461 — (or Hairdres), Th., S.L. 410 — Sir Th., adm. (A) 813 — Sir Th. Ma.St., adm. (A) 820; G.C.B. 768; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; K.C.B. 774; L. Admy. 182 Wm., gen. (ID) 917 Hardyman, Flº., gen. (C) 874 — sil: Luc. Herd., adm. (A) 820 Hare, Fras., bp. Chich. 433; bp. St. As. 462; dri. St. P. 453; dim. Worc. 473 Hy. Ambr., gen. (D) 919 F Jas., Anib. l’ld. 126 Jas., gem. (C) 873 — Jno., G. C.G.H. 679; gen. (D) 881; K.H. 790 — Jno., B. Dr. P.A. 338; IRichm. H. 334 — sir Nichs., M.R. 388; Sp. H, C, 249 — Ralph, K.B. 761 — Th., drl. Oss. 623 Harecourt, see Harcourt Hºene, Archd. Rd., gen. (D) Hareng, Ralph, Jy. 364 Harewell, see also Harwell — Jno., bp, B. and W. 428 Harewood, Iº. of — Hy., 2nd i. of, form. Visc. Lascelles, q.v. — Hy., 3rd E., L.L. of Yorks. W.R. 313 Hargood, Wm., adm. (G) 842 — Wm. and sir W., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 773 - Hargrave, Fras, IS.C. 415 — Wm., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (B) 864 Hºsraves, Jas., dm. Chich. Hargreave, Ch. Jas., Land. J. Ir. 587; Q.C. 417 Harington, see Harrington Hºrness, Ch. Th., gen. (ID) — Jno. Granv., gen. (D) 929 Harland, sir Rt., adm. (A) 815; Lä. Admy. 179 Harlardus, bp. Dorch. 446 Harlech, Wm. Rd., 2nd lå, L.L. Leitr. 570 g IHarlewin (or Herlewin), bp. Llin. 621 Harley, Ed., K.B. 763 — Jno. bp. Her. 441 — hom. Jno., bp. Her. 442; dn, Winds. 474 *— Rt., K.B. (1603) 761 *— Sir Rt., M.M. (1625) 246 * 2 same pers. — Robt., aft. 1st E. of Oxford and Mortimer, q.v., Ch. EX. 165; L.T. 156; P.C. 195; S. St. 224; Sp. H.C. 250 — Rt. Wrm. and Sir R., G. IBdoes. 721; G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Gld. Cst. 686; G. . 724; G. Tob. 724; K.C.M.G. 798 hon. Th., L.M. Lond. 492; P.C. 202; B.T. 267; L.L. Radn. 316 Harlowe, sir Rt., Lt. T.L. 321 Harman, Cutts, dm. Wíord. 628 Ed. Rt. King-, L.L. ROSC. 571; U.S. Ir. 564 Geo. Byng, gen. (D) 924; K.C.B. 782 — J., see Veysey e Harness, Hy. Dr., and Sir H., gen. (D)'903; K.C.B. 780 Harnett, Ed., gem. (ID) 929 Harnhall, Hy. de, K.B. 754 IIarold, see also Harald — bp. Lim. 638 — K. Man, 665 — (g. son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16. — I. and II., IX.E. 41 — II. (K.E.), L.H.A. 170; W.C.P. 317. — Jas. Cas., gen. (D) 892 — Jno., dri. Her. 442 Haroun - Al-Baschid, Cph. Aba, 98 IHarper and Harpur — Jerv., gem. (ID) 935 — Jno., adm. (H)845 — H. Jno. Chitty Chr., bp. Ch. N.Z. 709 — Rd., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — sir Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 Harpisfield, see Harpsfield Harpole and Harpoll — (or Hartpoole), Walt., dn. Llin. 623 sº Harpsfield and Harpisfield — Jno., dm. Norw. 455 — Nichs., D. Arch. 420 Harpur, see Harper Harrac-Rohrau, C. of, R. Nds. 83 Harrington and Harington. — Hy. Byng, K.C.S.I. 802 — Jas., dm. Yk. 487 — Jno., K.B. 761 — Rd. and sir R., C.C.J. r: Wm., M. Chy. 395 — Sir Wrm., K.G. 735 I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMIES. 1043. Harrington, lds. and E. of — Wm., 1st là. and E. of, form. Wm. Stanhope, q.v., gen. (A) 857; L.L. Ir. 556; L.P.C. 188; S. St. 224 Wm., 2nd E. of, gen. (A) 858 Ch., 3rd E. of, Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Pr. 118; Comm. F. Ir. 564; Const. W. Cast. 322; gen. (A) 859; P.C. 206 Harriott, see also Haryot — Jno. St., gen. (ID) 878 Harris, –, M. Chy, 395 — Ch., gen. (D) 916 -i.hon. Ch. Am., b.p. Gibr. 0 7 — Sir Ed., J.K.B. Ir. 579 hom. Ed. Alfr. Jno., and sir E., Amb. Chi, 137; adm. (G) 841; Amb. Nds., &c. 123; Amb. Pu. 135; Amb. Swz. 114; K.C.B. 783 — Geo., Adm. Adv. 423 — Geo. see la. H., infra, — Hy., C. St. 283 — Harry Boot., K.H. 790 — Jas. T. Admy. 179; L.T. 157 — Jas.and sir J.,aft.1st là.and E. of Malmesbury, q.v., Amb. Nds, &c. 122; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 125; Amb. Spm. 123; K.B. 765; P.C. 204 — Jno., bp. Llff. 449; dm. Wells 429 — Jno., gem. (C) 874 — Jno., S.L. 408 — Jno. Adolph., gem. (A) 860 — Jos., gem. (D) 886 — Noel Haml., *; (D) 928 — Th. Noel, K.H. 789 — Webber D., gem. (I)) 913 IHarris, lds. — Geo., 1st là. G.C.B. 768; G. Mdras. 656; gen. (A) 860 — Wnn. Geo., 2nd ld., gen. (IB) 869; K.C.H. 788 — Geo. Fras. B., 3rd ló., G.C.S.I. 800; G. Mdras. 657; G. Trin. 722; K.C.S.I. 802 — G. R. C. 4th lä. U.S. Ind. 236; U.S. War. 232 IHarris - Gastrell, see Gas- trell IIarrison, Anth. Bobn, gen. (D) 894 — Broadl., gem. (D) 907 Ed., gem. (D) 917 — Ed., gem. (D) 918 — Ed., Post, G. 238 — Geo., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Clar. I.A. 328 ; Norr. IX.A. 330; Winds. H. 331 — Geo. and sir G. K.C.H. 787; Sec. Tr. 164 — Geo. and Sir G., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Geo. H. Rogers-, 131. M. P.A. 337; Winds. H. 332 — Hy., adm. (A) 814 — Hy., gen. (B) 864 — Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 — sir Jno., C. Cus. 273 — Jno. Chr., K.H. 791 — Josh., adm. (HI) 847 Harrison—cont. — Michl., J. Bank. Ir. 587; J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; J.Q. B.D. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir. 590 IRd., gen. (ID) 935 — Theoph., dn. Clonm. 600 Th., C. Exc. 282; C.I.B. 285; C. St. and Tx. 285 Tºir Th., Chambn. Lond. — Wrm., K.C. 415 — Wrm. Geo., Q.C. 419 — Wm. Hy., Pres. U.S.A. 102 — Wm. T., bp. Glasg. and Gall. 544 Harrowby, lds, and E. — Dudley, 2nd ló. and 1st E., also 1st visc. Sandon, q.v., form. hon. D. Ryder, q.v., C.D.L. 243; b. Pr. 118; Amb. Huss. 125; F. Sec. 228; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.P.C. 188; Pres. B.C. 252 — Dudley, 2nd E. of, form. Dudley Ryder, and visc. Sandon, q.v., C.D.L. 243; K.G. 744; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 216 — Dudl. Fr. St., 3rd E. of, form. Visc. Sandon, q.v., L.P.S. 241 Harsnet, Saml., abp. Yk. 486; bp; Norw. 455; bp. Chich. 433 Hart, Anthy. and sir A., K.C. 415; Ld. Chanc, Ir. 577; P.C. 210 ; V. Chanc. 390 - — Ed. Hume, gen. (D) 896 — Geo., adm. (A) 818 — Geo. Vaugh., gen. (A) 861 — Hy., K.B. 763 — Hy., L.M. D'blin. 641 — sir Hy., adm. (HI) 844; K.C.H. 789 — Hy. Geo., gem. (D) 905 — Jno., Chest. H. 331 — Jno., G. Leew. Isl. 727 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Sir Rt., Amb. Ch. and Cor. 131; K.C.M.G. 798 — Walt., bp. Norw. 455 — Wrm., Ld. Adv. 526 Hart-Dyke, see Dyke Hartcup, Th., gem. (A) 861 Hartington, M. of, see also Cavendish and Devonshire — Wnn., M. of, aft. 2nd D. of Dev., q.v., C.Y.G. 298 — Wm., M. of, aft. 3rd D. Of Dev., q.v., C.G.P. 299 — Wrm., M. of, aft. 4th D. of DeV., q.v., L.L. Ir. 557; L. ºne. Ir. 560; M.H. 302; P.C. — Spenc. Compt. Cav., c.c. M. of, son of 7th D. of Dev., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L. Admy. 184; P.C. 217; Postm. G. 239; Sec. Ind. 236; U.S. War. 232; W. Sec. 232 Hºtland, Th., ld., gen. (B) 67 Hººley, sir Ch.Aug.,IX.C.M.G. 79 — Humphr. Rt., gem. (ID) 885 — Ja.s., gem. (C) 872 Hartman, Jul., IX.C.B. 775 Hart poole, see Harpoll Hartstonge, Jno., b.p. Dry. 601 ; bp. Oss. 620 — Sir Stand., B. Ex. Ir. 584 Hartwell, Brod., L.G. Gr, Hosp. 854 — Wrm., K.B. 759 Harty, Jos. Mark, K.H. 792 — Sir Rt. Way, L.M. Dbln. 642 Harvest, Ed. Dougl., G. W. Austr. 707; gen. (D) 924 Harvey, Harvie, Hervey — (or Hervoeus), bp. Bgr. 425; bp. Ely, 434 — (or Hausir) bp. Ork. 535 — Albt. Hy. Andr., gen. (D) 911 —ld. Alf., L.T. 161 — Andr., gen. (ID) 887 —ld. Arth. Ch., bp. B. and W. 428 and — hon. Aug. Jno., aft. 3rd E. of Bristol, q.v., L. Admy. 179; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562 — Biss., K.H. 792 — Ch. Rt. W., gen. (D) 917 — Danl., G. Gsey. 668; gen. (A) 857 — Ed. and sir E., adm. (D) 828; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779 Ed., gem. (B) 865 Ed., gen. (D) 893 — Eliab, K.C. 415 — Ellab and Sir E., adm. (A). 817; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 — sir Felt. Elw. B., K.H. 789 — Fras. and sir F., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 — hon. Fk. Augs., aft. 4th E of Bristol, q.v., bp. Cloy, 631; bp. Dry. 601 — Fk., see lö. H., infra, — sir Geo., Lt. T.L. 321 — Geo. Fk., IK.C.S.I. 802 — Hy., adm. (H) 849 — Hy., M. Chy. 395 — Hy. and sir H., adm. (A) 816; K.B. 766 Jas., K.H. 791 — sir Ja.s., L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno., dn. Her. 442 — Jno. and sir J., adm. (A) 819; IK.C.B. 776 — Jno. and sir J., G. N. Brk. 695; G. N. Sc. 695; G. Newfa. 700; G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 ; gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 787 — Jno. A., see ld. H., infra — Jno. Spr., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 397 — Lionel, Amb. Spn. 124 — Sir Rt. Jno., gen. (ID) 879 — Sir Seb., L.M. Lond. 491 — Steph., K.B. 763 — Th., adm. (E) 835 — Th. and sir T., adırı. (A). 819; K.C.B. 776 — sir Walt., L.M. Lond. 489 — Wnn., Bl. M.P.A. 336; Clar. R.A. 328; Hps. P.A. 343; Norr, IN.A. 329 ; Sonn. H. 332 hon. Wm., gem. (A) 859 — lol. Wnn., Amb. Fr. 113 Hervey, lds., see also Jermyn — Jno., ld., son of 1st E. of Bristol, L.P.S. 240; P.C. 198 V.C.H. 297 Jno. Augs., ld, son of 4th E. of Bristol, Amb. Tusc. 115 — Flk. Wm., Id., aft. 5th E. and 1st M. of Bristol, q.v., TJ.S.F. 229 Harvie, see Harvey I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 104.4 INDEX OF NAMES. 1Iarward, Ch., dm. Chich, 434; dn. Exr. 438 — Th. Neth, gem. (D) 927 IHarwedon, Rt. de, J. It. 369 IHarwell, see also Harewell Trºi. Kjø. IHarwood, see also Harewood — Ch., C.C.J. 403 Hºynton, See also Harring- OIl — Th. Grey, ld., K.B. (1491) 758 IIaryot, see also Harriott — Win., L.M. Lond. 490 IHascard, Greg., dm. Winds. 474 IHaseley, Jno., dn. Chich. 434 Haselshaw, Walt. de, bp. B. and W. 427; din. Wells, 428 #ºkett, Elias, G. Bah. Isl. IHassal, Jno., dm. Norw. 456 IIassan, Cph. Aba. 98 — (Muley), S. Mco. 101 — (Mohammed) C.I.E. 807 IHassard, Jno., gen. (C) 875 Hastings, sir Ch., G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 860 — Ch. Holl., K.H. 790 — Ed., K.B. (1400) 756 — Ed. (son of Wm. 1st là. H.), K.B. (1475) 757 — Ed., see also lá. H., infra, — Fras. Dec., adm. (GF) 842 — Fras. Wnn., gem. (D) 925 — Geo., K.B. 759 — hon. Geo. Fowl., adm. (D) 833; (E) 834 — Grah., Q.C. 419 y., Som. H. 332; R. Cr. P.A. 335 — Jas., dm. Ach. 614 — Jno., K.B. 758 — sir Th., adm. (ID) 831; R.C.B. 778; St. O. 261 — Warron, Adm. and G.G. Ind. 648; P.C. 209 — Wm., Nottm. P.A. 343; PtC. P.A. 337; Sonn, H. 332 Hastings, lds., see also Hoo and H. — Wrm., 1st lél., K.G. 736 ; M.M. 246 — Fras, ld., aft. 2nd E. of Huntingdon, q.v., K.R. 760 — Hy., ld, aft. 3rd E. of Huntingdom, q.v., K.B. 760 — Fras, 1st M. of, form. E. of Moira, q.v., Const. T.L. 321; G. Mlta. 671; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; M.G.O. 259 Hastings of Loughborough, Sir Edw., aft. 1d., K.G. 738; L.W.S. 323 Haswell, Wm. Hy., adm. (H) l 85 IHatch, Geo. Cl., gem. (D) 923 — Wm. Sp., gem. (D) 916 IIatchard, Th. GoodW., b.p. Mtius. 684 Hatchell, Jno., A.G. Ir. 588; S.G. Ir. 590 Hatcliffe, W., S. St. 222 Hatfield, Th. de, bp, Dham. 478 — Walt., dn. Llin. 623 Hatherley, see also Atherley — Wm. P., ld., form. Sir W. P. Wood, q.v. Hatherton, Ed. Jno., ld, F. j.“j. Littleton, q.v., L.L. Staffs, 312 Hathorn, see also Hawthorn — Geo., adm. (GF) 842 Hathway, Ham. R., gen. (D) 914 Hatsell, Hy. and sir H., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 411 *on, hom. Ch., G. Gsey. — Chr., IV.B. (1603) 761 — sir Chr., C.Y.G. 298; R.G. 739; Ld. Chanc. 356 ; W.C.H. 296 — Chr., see also lö. H., infra, — Ed. Finch-, C. St. 284; U.S. Home, 227 — Geo., C. St. Ir, 568 — Jno., gen. (IB) 867 — Rd., M. Chy. 394 — (or Hutton), Rt., S.L. 409 —Williers Fras, adm. (D)828; (GF) 840 Hatton, lds. Chr., aft. Sir C. and lå., Compt. H. 292; G. Gsey. 668; K.B. 763; P.C. 190 Hºwa, Mahar. Of, K.C.I.E. Haugh, Jno., J.C.P. 378 #####n, Sir Graves C., R.H. 790 — Jno., gen. (D) 934 — Jno. Colp., gen. (ID) 922 Hault, Nichs., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Haultain, Ch., K.H. 790 — Fras., gen. (D), 890 — Fras. Mitch., gen. (ID) 912 Haunsar, Wm. de, J. It. 367 Hausir, see Harvey Hauteyn, Ham., J. It. 368 Havelock, Arth. Elib. and Sir A., G. Nat. 680; G. Nev. 730; G. Trim. 723; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688; IX.C.M.G. 798 — Hy. and Sir H., gem. (D) 1 — sir Hy. M., aft. Havelock- #ºn, gen. (D) 918; K.C.B. 77 — Wnn., K.H. 789 Havelock-Allan, See Allan Haverhull, Wm., L.H.T. 152 Havers, Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 337 Haversham, Jno., 1st là., L. Admy. 176 Haviland and Havilland — Jno. V. S. de, R. Cr. P.A. 336; Yk. H. 334 — Pet. de and Sir P., Blf. Gsey. 669 — T. H., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 — Wrm., gem. (A) 858 Hawarden, Corm., 4th visc., aft. 1st E. de Montalt, q.v., L.L. Tipp. 571 Hawes, Benj. and sir. B., Dep. Sec. at W. 234; K.C.B. 782; § W. and C.231; U.S. War, 3 — Geo. Har., gem. (D) 925 — Jas., L.M. Lond. 490 Hawford, Ph., dm. Worc. 473 Hawick, Amdr. de, Sec. St. Sc. 501 Hawise, Q.C.E. 7 Hawke, sir Ed., aft, 1st, ld. H., adm, (A) 814; K.B. 765; L. Admy. 179; P.C. 202 IIawker, Ed., adm. (ID) 825 — Hy. Saml., adm. (H) 851 — Jos., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 330; R. Cr. P.A. 335; IRichm. H. 334 — Sir Saml., gem. (B) 868; G.C.H. 787; IK.C.H. 788 - Hawker—cont. — Sir Th., gem. (A) 863; (G) 874; K.C.H.789 Hawkes, Rt., gem. (ID) 887 — Th. Sp., gem. (ID) 931 Hawkesbury, lds. - Ch., 1st lá., form.C. Jenkin- son, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Liver- ool, q.v., C.D.L. 243; Pres. T. 268; Sec. at W. 234 . . — Rt. B., ld. (R. B. Jenkin- son), aft. 2nd E. of Liverpool, q.v., B.C. 252; B.T. 268; F. Sec. 228; H. Sec. 227; M.M. 247; P.C. 206; W.C.P. 319 Hººkeslow, Wm., Clar. lx.A. 328 Hawkey, Hy. Aitch., gem. (IP) 891 Hykin, Geo. Cr., gen. (D) Hawkins, Abrm. Mills, adm. (HI) 847 — Caes. Hy., Pres. Coll. Surg. 93 9 — Ch., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 — Ed. Linds., gen. (D) 930 — Fras., dm. Chich. 434 — Fras. S., gen. (D) 888 — Hy. and sir H., J. Ex. D. 386; J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 418 — Jas., b.p. Drom. 605; b.p. Rph. 602; dri. Emly, 628 — Jno., Ulst. K.A. 572 — Jno. Summ., gem. (D) 905; I.C.M.G. 797 — Saml., gen. (D) 891 — Th., dm. Clonf. 637 — Wm., S.L. 411 — Wm. (No. 1), Ulst. K.A. 572 — Wm. and sir W. (No. 2), Ulst, I.C.A. 572 Haykanaw, Jno., gen. (D) Hawles, Jno. and Sir J., K.C. 415; S.G. 401 Hawley, Hy., G. Bdoes. 719 — Hy, gen. (B) 864 — Rt. Beauf., gen, (D) 909 — Th., Carl. H. 339; Clar. I.A. 328; R. Bl, P.A. 344; R. Cr, P.A., 335 — Wnn., G. Bdoes. 719 — Wrm. Hamb., G. Mitius. 684; gem, (D) 931 IHawnman (Or Nichs., B. Ex. 383 Haws, Jno., S.L. 407 Hawtayne, Ch. Jno. Sibth., adm. (D) 827 Hawte, Th., K.B. 759 — Wrm... K.B. 757 Hawthorne, Ch. St., C. Exc. Ir. 567 — Rt. Jno., gen, (ID) 910 Haxey, Th., M. Chy. 394 Hay —, see also Hey— Hay, see also Haye †Alexr. and Sir A. (Easter Kemmet), Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 518 — Alexr. (Fosterseat), Ld. Sess. 519 — Alexr. and sir A. (Newton), ; Sess. 519; Sec. St. Sc. 50 — sir Alexr. (Whitburgh), Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — sir Alexr. (Landor), Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Haghman), — Sir Alexr., S. St. (1609) - 223 — Alexr. Leith, gen. (A) 860 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1045. Hay—comt. -> — Andr., gen. (C) 873 — Andr. L. and sir A., Clk, O. 260 ; G. Bmda. 701; K.H. 790 — Ch., Ld. Sess. 520 — lit. Ch., gen. (C) 871 — Ch. Cr., gen. (D) 893 — Ch. Murr., G. Mtius. 684; gen. (D) 885 — hon. Ed., Amb. Pgl. 124; G. Bóloes. 720 — Ed. Hay Drummond- and sir E., G. St. Xtr. 729; G. St. Hel. (1854) 682 — Ed. Wm. Aur. Drummond-, Amb. Mx.co. 132 — Fras., c.c. li. H., K.B. (1610) 762 — Geo., L. Admy, 178-9 — Geo., Ld. Sess. 518 — Geo. and sir G., Ch. Lond. 422; D. Arch. 421; J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421; K. Adv. 422; Vic. Gen. 422 — sir Geo., aft. 1st Visc. Dup- plin, and 1st E. of Kin- noull, q.v., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Clk. Beg. 525 — sir Gilb., aft. c.c. E. of Erroll, Q.'v., L.H. Const. Sc. (1321) 507 * — Jas., adm. (H) 846 — Ja.s., b.p. Ross, 535 — Jas., gen. (ID) 879 — Sir Jas., Compt. Sc. 498 — sir Jas., gem. (A) 862; R.C.H. 788 —ld. Ja.s.. gem. (D) 882 — Jas., c.c. 1d. H., aft. 1st. visc. Doncaster and E. of Carlisle, q.v., M.G.W. 296; IX.B. (1625) 762 — Jas. Beckford Lew., adm. (G) 842 — Jas. Shaw, G. Gamb. 686; G. Si. Le. 685 — Jno., adm. (H) 848 — Jno., K.C.M.G. 797 — sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 517 and 5.j9 — lá. Jno., adm. (B) 821; (D) 829; (E) 836 ; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 781; L. Admy.183-4-5-6 — Jno. Bak. Port., adm. (IH)848 — Jno. Ch., gem. (ID) 929 — Jno. Ch. Dalr, and Sir C., adm. (E) 835; (E) 838; K.C.B. 781; L. Admy. 184-5 ; P.C. 219 — Jno. Cr., gen. (D) 933 — Jno. H. Drummond- and Sir J., Amb. Mco. 132; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 221 — Lor. Geddes, G. Tob. 724 *-*. Ph. Jas., gen. (ID) 881 — Rt. Jno., gen. (D) 928 Rt. Wm., U.S.C. 235; U.S.W. and C. 232 :k Th., dm. Ferns, 623 *— Th., Ld. Sess. 518 *— Th., Sec. St. Sc. 502 * Prob. all same pers. — Th., Ld. Sess. 520 — Wm., bp. Cmr. 604 — Wm., bp. Mor. 534 — Wrm., C.C.P. 261 — Wm., C. Cus. 276 — Woulfe, gem. (D) 929 Hay of Yester, lds., see Yester IIaya, Rt. de, J. It. 368 Haydell, Jno. de; A.G. 398 Haydock, Gilb., M. Chy, 394 — sir Hy. de, C.D.L. 242 Haydon, see also Heydon *º-º-º-º-º: Haydon—comt. — Sir Jno., G. Bmda. 701 — Wm., adm. (HI) 847 — Sir Wm., L.G.O. 259 Haye, see also Hay — Jno. de la, K.B. 754 — Wm. de la, L.D. Ir. 550 Hºges, Courtn. Osb., adm. (IHI) — Edmél., S.G. Ir. 590; J.Q.B. Ilº. 579 — Geo. and sir G., J.Q.B. 373; P.P. 4 i8; S.L. 413 — Horace, C. Tx. 285 — Jas. Th., bp. Trim. 723 — Jno., adm. (ID)824 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Jno. Mont., adm. (IHI) 849 — Ruth. B., Pres. U.S.A. 103 — Saml., C. St. Ir. 568 Hºgland, Alfr. Th., gem. (D) 3 Hayley, Th., dm. Chich. 434 — Wrm., dn. Chich. 434 IHaymie, see Heym Haynes, see Haines Heynes Hayter, sir Arth. D., L.T. 162; U.S. War, 233 — Thos., b.p. Lond. 452; bp. Norw. 455; P.C. 200 — Wrm. Good, and Sir W., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 215; P.P. 417; Sec. Tr. 163 Haythorne, Edm., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 Hayton, W., S. St. 222 Hayward, see also Heyward — Abm., Q.C. 417 — Hy. Blak., gen. (ID) 929 — Jno., M. Chy. 395 Wrm., S.L. 412 Haywood, see Heywood Head, sir Edm. Walk., G., Can. 692; G. N. Brk. 696; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 216; P.L.C. 262 sir Fras. Bond, G. Upp. Can. 692; IX.C.H. 789; K.H. 790; P.C. 217 Jno., dm. Killoe, 637 — Michl., gem. (IB) 868 Headfort, E. and M. of — Th., 1st M. of, form. 2nd E. of Bective, q.v., I.P. 750 — Th., 2nd M. of, IN.P. 751; L.L. Cav. 569 — Th., 3rd M. of, K.P. 752; L.L. Meath, 570 Headington, Rd. Cl., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Headlam, Th. Emm., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 216; Q.C. 417 Headley, Th., S.L. 409 *Headda, bp. Lich. 443 *— (St.), bp. Winch. 470 * Prob. same pers. Headulacus, bp. Elm. 454 IIeald, Geo., K.C. 416 IHeale, Jno., S.L. 408 Heard, Isaac and Sir I., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Clar. R.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328; Lanc. H. 333; Norr. K.A., 329 Heardred, bp. Dumw. 454 — bp. Hex. 480 Hearn, Ch. S., C.I.E. 806 — Geo., gen. (D) 929 Hearsey, Jno. B., gen. (D) 887; K.C.B. 778 Hºy, Geo. Bayles, gen, 5 Heath, Alf. Hales, gen. (D) 920 — Dougl. D., C.C.J. 403 and Heath—cont. — Ed. K.B. 764 — Geo. Th., P.P. 416; S.L. 413. — Jno. and sir J., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 412 — Jno. Coulson, gen. (ID) 901 — Sir Leop. Geo., adm. (E). 836; (E) 839; K.C.B. 779 — Nichs., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Roch. 460; bp. Worc. 473; Ld. Chanc. 355 — Rd. and sir R., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 410 — Rt. and sir R., A.G. 399; C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; Rec. Lond. 494; S.G. 401; S.L. 409 — Th., M. Chy. 395 s5 Wm. Andr. Ja.s., adm. (HI) 851 Heathcote, Edm., adm. (E) 835; (E) 839 — Geo., C. TX. 284 — Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 — Sir Gilb., L.M. Lond. 491 Tºw Hy., adm. (A) 820; (G) — Ralph, Amb. G. St. 121 — Sir Wm., L.L. Hants, 311 — sir Wm., P.C. 218 — Wm. Saml., gen. (D) S77 Heathfield, lds. Geo. Augs., 1st là., form. hon. Ceo. Elliot, q.v. — Fras. Augs., 2nd lå., gem. (A) 860 Heathobertus, see Hechertus Heathored or Heathured, bp. Lindisf. 478 Heaton, see also Heton — Rd., dn. Clonf. 637 Heber, K. Ir. 20 — Reg., bp. Calc. 653 Heca, bp. Sels. 432 Hechertus (or Healthobertus) bp. Lond. 451 Hector, Jas., K.C.M.G. 798 Hedda, bp. Sels. 432 Hedges, Ch., and sir C., J Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421 P.C. 194; S. St. 224 Hedian, see Hodian IHedwige, Q. Pld. 91 Heende (or Hyende or Hind), Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Heer, Gerr. de, G. Ceyl. 672 — J., Pres. Sw, C. 31 Heera, Sahib, &c. C.I.E. 808 Hegham, Rog, de, A.G. 398; B. Ex. 383 Hegyood, lit., G. I. Man, 666 Heiden,_Louis Count de, R.C.B. 775 Haigham, Nichs., dn. Linc. y * ºf y 4 Helena-Aug.-Vict. (dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16; Cr. Ind. 869 Heliogabalus, Emp. Ro. 47 Hellen, Rt., J.C.P. Ir, 582; S.G. Ir, 589 Hºlimuth, Isaac, bp. Huron, Helmstan, bp. Winch. 470 Helot, Wilh., G. C.G.H. 678 Helpman, Ph. Augs, adm. (HI) 851 Helps, Arth., IX.C.B. 7S3 Hºwais, Sir Gerv., Lt., T.L. Hely, Jas. Pr., gen. (D) 892; K.H. 792 — sir Jno., C.B. Ex, Ir, 583 Sir Jmo., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1046 1NDEX OF NAMES. Hely-Hutchinson, see Hut- chinson #ºn or Helyun, Walt, de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; J.K.B. 371; Jy, 365 . IHemel, bp. Lich. 443 IIemenhale, Th. de, bp. Norw. 454 IHemery, Jas., dm. Jsey, 668 IHemming, Geo. Wirgm., Q.C. 41 Hemphill, Amdr. T., gem. (D) 896 — C. H., S.L. Ir. 593 IHempsham, Walt. de, abp. Cant. 430 Hºynsorsh, Rt., A.G. Ir. 5 Henchman, Humphr., bp. Lond. 452; bp. Sal. 467; P.C. 90 1 — Humphr., Ch. Lond. 422; J. Adm. Ct. 423 IIenden, Ed. and Sir E., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 409 IHenderson, Alexr., L. ProV. Edinb. 548 — C. A., Amb. Pgy. 136 -— Edm. Y. W. and Sir E., C.C.P. 261; K.C.B. 783 — Geo., adm. (THI) 844 — Geo. Aug., gen. (D) 881; R.H. 791 — Jas., K.H. 791 — Jas., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 525 — Jno. Wm., K.H. 792 — Jno. Wm. Cleland, gen. (ID) 930 — Rt., adm. (ID) 825 — Saml. Hood, adm. (IHI) 852 — Th., adm. (ID) 832 Th., Ld. Sess. 519 — Wm., gen. (ID) 900 — Wnn. Geo., dm. Carl. 476 — Wrm. Willmott, adm. (D) 829; K.H. 791 Henderson - Durham, Durham 1Hendry, Wm., adm. (IHI) 846 IHerne, Hy., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C.B.Ex. Ir, 583; S.L. Ir. 591 Heneage, Algn. Ch. F., adm. (E) 837 — Edw., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 220 — Geo., án. Linc. 448 — Sir T., C.D.L. 242; V.C.H. 296 Hengham, Ralph de, C.J.C.P. #ºjići. 355, joi. 37; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365 — Wrm. de, J. It, 367 Henghell, Danl. van den, & ºil. 673 Hengist, K. E. 1, 3 IHeniker, see Henniker Hernley, Jos. Warn., P.C. 215; Pres. B.T. 269 — Rt., C. Cus. 274 — Rt., see lá. H. infra, Henley, lds. Hemley Family. — Rt. and sir R., aft. 1st 1d. H. and E. of Northington, q.v., A.G. 399; K.C. 415; I.H.S. 287; Ld. Chanc. 357; L.K. 357; P.C. 200 — hon. Rt., aft. 2nd E. Of Northington, q.v., Tell. EX. 168 * S60 Iºdem. Family — Morton, 1st là., form. Sir M. Eden, q.v., G.C.B. 771 Henley, lds.-Comt. Fk. Mort., 2nd lù., B.T. Henlyn, Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Henn, Wm., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Hennessey, Jas. Bab. NickS., C.I.E. 807 — Jno. Pope and Sir J., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Bdoes. 719; G. Bdoes. &c. 721; G. H. Kong, 673; G.Labn. 675; G. Mtius. 684; G. W. Afr. 688 I.C.M.G. 797 Hennibal, see Hannibal IHenniker and Heniker — Albor., Q.C. 419 -i.hon. Sir Br. Tr., gen. (IB) — hon, major Jacob, adm. (D) 825 Henning, Shurl. gen. (D) 922 Henningberg, Rt. de, Chanc. Ir. 574 Hennington, Rd. de, J. It, 368; Jy. 365 Hºnis, Wm. How., gen. (D) 99 Henrietta (g. dau. Jas. I.), Pr. R. 13; — (dau. Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 — -Maria (dau. Chaºs. I.), Pr. JE. 13 -Maria, Q.C.E. 8 *H ſen (of ºdon), abp. bp. Emly, 625 — (2), bp. Gall. 538 (of T Wessenberch), Eild. 616 >}: (or Maurice), bp. Kilf. 635 *— bp. Llff. 449 *— (2), bp. Ork. 535 *— bp. Ross. 535 Sk bp. Wíord. 626 sk dm. Her. 442 *— dn. Sal. 468 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. (of Saxe), C.P.R. 68 (2), D. Brk. 69 (2), D. Thy. 57 — (Pr. Pruss.), G.C.B. 773 — K. Brma. 59 — K. J spºn. 97 — (2), K. Pgl. 88 , Pld, 91 — K. Scy. 55 — Ld. Sess. 517 — (son Wrm. I.), Pr. E. 9 — (g. son Hen. I., aft. Hen. II.), Pr. E. 9 — (son Hen. II.), Pr. E. 9 — (son K. John, aft. Hen. III.), Pr. E. 9 — (son Hen. III.), Pr. E. 9 — (son of Edw. I.). Tr. E. 10 11 (g. son, Edw. III.), Pr. E. 1 — (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (son. Hen. IV., aft. Hen. V.), Pr. E. 11; Pr. W.E. 8 — (son Hem. V.), Pr. E. 11 — (iss. of Hen. V., aft. Hen. VII.), Pr. E. 12 — (son Hen., VII., aft. Hen. VIII.), Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.E. 8 T12 (g. son Hem. VII.), Pr. E. — (son Hen. VIII.), Pr. E. 12 — (son Chas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — I., Emp. E.E. 51 — I., Emp. Hti. 105 Sk bp. :k 3k Henry—comt. — I. and II., D. Line. 29, 30 — I. and II, D. Su. 80 — I. to III., D. Sxy. 77 — I. to III., K. Nav. 88 — I to IV., D. Brk. 69 — I. to IV., K. Cle. 85-6 — III. (K. Cle.), K.G. 734 — I. to V., C. Lux. 84 — . to V., K. Fr. 23-4-5 — II. (K. Fr.), K.G. 738 — III. (K. Fr.), K.G. 738 — IV. (K. Fr.), K.G. 739 — I. to VI., Pr. Mkg. 74 — I. to VII., E. Gmy. 61-2 — I. to VIII., R.E. 4, 5 (See also under Pr. Wales, D. York and Pr. E, supra) — I. and II. (K.E.), L.H.A. 170 — II. (K.E.), K. Ir. 22 — VI. (K.E.), K.B. 756 — I. to X., D. Bwa. 67 — II., D. Aus. 58 — II., M. Aus. 58 — II. to IV., D. Bbt, 29 — XI. to XIV., Pr. R. Sch. 77 — XX, to XXII., Pr. R. Gr. 76 —-Benedict (g. son Jas. II.), Pr. E. 14 — —Borwin, I. and II., Pr. Mkg. 74 — -Crassus, K. Nav. 85 — –Fredk. (son Jas. I.), Pr. E. 12; Pr. W.E. 8 — –Fredk,!(g. son Geo. II., aft. D. of Cumb., q.v.), Pr. E. 14 — —Julius, D. Brk. 70 — Chas. St., gem. (ID) 908 — Jno., adm. (A) 816 — Jno., gem. (ID) 886 — Wnn., dm. Killoe. 637 Henryson, Ed., Ld. Sess. 517 Henslow, Jno., Sr. N. 25 IHenshawe, Jos., b.p. Pboro. 458; dri. Chich. 434 Henyngham, Jno., K.B. 757 Heodwulf, K.E.2 #ºurn, sir Ad., Ld. Sess. — Fras., gem. (C) 874 . — Geo., bp. Isl. 539; L.H.T. Sc. 497 — Geo. Puch., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524; J. Adm. Sc. 524 — Hy. Poole, gem. (ID) 907 — Jasa bp. Mor. 534; L.H.T. Scº" — Jno., bp. Brn. 531 — Jno., bp. Dmbl. 532 — Patr., bp. Mor. 534; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Rd., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Wnn., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 hºpescotes, Th. de, J.C.P. 7 Hepton, see Hopton Heraclius, I. and II., Emp. E.E. 50 IIerbert, bp. Glasg. , 536 ; L.G.C. Sc. 506; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 — Arth., see ld. H. of Torbay, infra, — Arth. Ja.s. and Sir A., gem. (D) 905; K.C.B. 781 — Ch., gen. (D) 886 — Ch., gen. (D) 904 — Ch., gen. (D) 919 — Denn., gen. (A) 863 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 104.7 IHerbert—cont. — Ed. and Sir E., A.G. 399; S.G. 401 Sir Ed., C.J.C.P. 375 — Sir Ed., C.J. Chest. 386; C.J.K.B. 370; K.C. 415; P.C. 192; S.L. 411 — Éd., see lá. H. of Chirbury, imf — hon. Geo., dn. Her. 442 adm. (BI) 849 — Hy., see lä. H. of Chirbury, infra, — Hy. Arth., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.L. Kerry, 569; P.C. 216 — Jno., A.G., 398 — Jno., dm. Wells, 429 — Sir Jno., Chanc. Gart. 746; S. St. 223 — Jno. M., C.C.J. 403 . — hon. Percy Eg, and Sir P., gen. (D) 902; K.C.B. 780; P.C. 217 ; Tr. H. 292 — Ph., K.B. 763 s — see also lá. H. of Cardiff, infra, — Rd. (?), K.B. 757 — Rd. Townsh., C. Acc. Ir. 567; C, St. Ir, 568 *— Rt., S.L.R. 271 -k hon. Rt., B.T. 264-5 * Prob. Same pers. – Rt. Geo. Wyndh. and Sir R., K.C.B. 784; Sec. M.G.799; U.S.C. 235-6 — hon. Sidn., see lá. H. Of Lea, infra Th. and Sir T., adm. (D) 829; K.C.B. 777; L. Admy. 1 83 – Wm., K.B. 756 — Wrm., aft. li. POWys, q.v., R.B. (1603) 761 — hom. Wm., dn. Manch. 481; Wdm. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 — hon. Wm., G. Gibr. 669; gen. (C) 871 — hon. Wm. Hy., gem. (D) 927 Herbert of Chepstow, lds. Herbert Family. – Wm., 1st là., aft. E. of Pem- broke, g. v., K.G. 736. Somerset Family. Ch., ld, form. Sir Ch: Somerset, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Worcester, q.v., L.C.H. 294 — Wm. and sir W., aft. 1d. W., and 3rd E. of Worcester, q.v., K.B. (1547) 760; M.H. 801 Herbert of Chirbury, lds. 1st Creation. — Ed., aft. 1st là. H. of C., K.B. 761 º 2nd Creation. — Hy., 1st là., B.T. 263-4; § #: #oardiff, a erbert of Cardiff, ICIS, He Sir Wm., aft. 1st 1d. H. Of C., and 1st E. of Pembroke, q.v., K.G.738 —t Ph., aft. 4th E. of Pembr. and 1st E. of Montg., q.v., R.B. 761 — Ch., c.c. 1d. H. of C. (Son of Ph., 4th E. of Pembr. and ist É. of Montg.), K.B. 62 78 Geo. Aug., ld, aft. 11th E. of Pembr., &c., q.v., P.C. 204; W.C.H. 297 — Geo. Flower, Herbert of Lea, ids. — Sidney, ld., form. hon. S. Herbert, C. Sec. 234; H. Sec. 227; L.T. 162; P.C. 214; Sec. Adm. 186; Sec. at W. 234; Sec. B.C. 254; W. Sec. 232 Herbert, of Torbay, lds. — Arth. and hon. A., aft. 1d. H. of T. and E. of Torring- g.u., adm. (A) 813; L. 7°C, k. Anstr., adm. (E) 837 3. º 3. º y. 176; P.C. 193 - lbillon, Geml, K.C.B. 778 Hercules, 8ee also Ercole — D. Mda. 5 — I. and II., Pr. Mno. 31 Herefast, see Arfastus IHereford, Ch., gen. (D) 928 — Geoff., b.p. Kild. 617 Hereford, Earls of Wm. FitzOsborne, E. of, Ch. Jr. (Wnn. I.) 362 De Bohun Family. — Humphr. de B., 1st E. W.C.P. 317 — Humphr. de B., 2nd E. J. It. 368 Humphr. de B., 7th E. K.G. 733 º Deverewa; Family. — Walt., 1st visc., form. lī. Ferrers of Chartly, q.v. — Walt., 2nd visc., aft. E. of Essex, q.v., K.G. 738 — Hy., 14th visc., C.G.A. 300; C.G.P. 300; P.C. 211 Herefrid, bp. Winch. 470 Heremon, K. Ir. 20 IHerennius, M., C. Ro. 45 Herewald, bp. Llff. 449 — bp. Shbn. 466 Herewin, bp. Lich. 443 Herford, Rt. de, Ch. Ex. Ir. 51 56 Herierd (or Heriet), Rd. de, y. Heriot, Fk. Geo., gen. (D) 879 IHerlaston, Wm. de, J. It. 369; L.K. 354; M. Chy. 393 Herle, sir Rt., L.H.A. 172; W.C.P. 318 — Th., Wän. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 8 — Wrm. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 377; S.L. 406 Herlewin, see Harlewin Herman, bp. Sal. 466; W1th. 466 — C. H.lt. 81 — I. to IV., D. Su. 80 — I. to IX., M. Bdn. 66-7 — Billing, D. Sxy. 77 — sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 Hermenric, K.E. 1 Hermington, Ad. de, Treas. Ir. 558 Hernum, bp. St. Dav. 464 Heron, D.C., S.L. Ir. 593 — Ed., and Sir E., B. Ex. 384; R.B. 761; S.L. 408 — Hy., K.B. 763 — Pet., gem. (A) 861 — Sir Rd., Ch. Sec. Ir. 562 Herosee, F. F., Pres. SW.C. of, of, *- of, bp. 3 Herrera, J. J., Pres, Mex. 103 — V., Pres. C.R. 106 Herrick, Benj. B. gem. (D) 92.1 Herries, Ch. Jno., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285; C. St. and Tx. 285; K.C.B. 783 Herries—cont. >k Jno. Ch., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 159; M.M. 247; P.C. 211; Pres. B.C. 254; Pres. B.T. ; ; Sec. Tr. 163; Sec. at W. Jno. Ch., Reg. and Sec. Bath 785 (?) same pers. — Wm. Lew. and sir W., gen. (D) 882; K.C.H. 787; Regr. and Sec. Bath 785 Herries, lds. — Marm., ld., L.L. Kirkc. 510; L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313 Herring, Thos., abp. Cant. 431; abp. Yk. 486; bp. Bgr. 426; dri, Roch. 461; P.C. 199 —Wm., dn. St. As. 463 Herringham, Wm. Allan, adm. (IHI) 847 Herschel and Herschell — Farr., see lö. H., infra, — Sir Jno. Fk. Wnn., K.H. 790; M.M. 247 IHerschell, lds. — Farr. and sir F., aft. 1st ld. H., Jud. Com. P.C. 362; Ld. Chanc. 358; P.C. 220 : Q.C. 419; S.G. 403 Hertpoll), Hertelpole (or Geoffr. de, J. It. 369; Rec. Lond. 493 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 Hººtenburg, Jno., G. Ceyl. 7: Hºstesburg, Giles de, M.M. 5 Hertford, see also Herford — Rt. de, dn. Sal. 468 — Rt. de, J.C.P. 377 Hertford, E. and M. of Seymour Family. 1st Creation. — Ed., 1st E. of, form. visc. Beauchamp, q.v., also D. of Somerset, g. v., K.B. 760; R.G. 738; L.H.T. 139, 154 2nd Creation. — Wm., 2nd E. of, form. Wrm. Seymour, q.v., aft. 1st M. and D. of Somerset, q.v., K.G. 740; P.C. 190 — Algn., 7th E. of, form. lī. A. Percy, q.v., aft. Of Northd., Egremont, &c., q.v. Seymowr-Comtway Family. — Fras., 1st E. of., form, 2nd ló. Conway, aft. 1st E. of Yarmouth, and M. Of Hert– ford, q.v., K.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Montg. 315; L.L. Warw. 312; M.H. 302; P.C. 201 — Fras. 2nd M. of, L.C.H. 295; L.L. Warw. 312; L.W.S. 323; K.G. 743; M.H. 302 — Fras. Ch., 3rd M. of, form. E. of Yarmouth, q.v., K.G. 743 — Rd., 4th M. of, form. E. of Yarmouth, q.v. K.G. 744 — Fras. H. G., 5th M. of, form. F. H. G. Seymour, q.v., jºb. 773; L.C.H. 295; P.C. Hºney, Jno. de, bp. Roch. >k Hertpoll, see Hertelpole Hertzburg, Aug. R.C.B. 775 Hervey, see Harvey nºwynton, Ad, de, M. Chy. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1048 INDEX OF NAMEs. Heseltine, Alb., adm. (HI) 850 Hesill, Wm., B. Ex. 383 Hesketh, Jno., Lanc. (H) 333; PtC. P.A. 337 Hesse, Alexr., Pr. of, G.C.B. 771 — Ern., gr. D. of, G.C.B. 773 — Ern., Pr. of, G.C.B. 768 — Fk. Wm. Louis, Pr., aft. gr. D. of, K.G. 744 - Hesse-Barchfield, Ph. Erm., Pr. of, G.C.B. 768 Hesse-Darmstadt, Geo. Pr. of, G. Gibr. 669; gen. (C) 871 Hessein, Sh. Pers. 99 Hessey, Wm. Hy., gem. (D) 918 Hºmerset, Jas., gem. (B) 66 Heton, see also Heaton — Mart., dm. Winch. 471; b.p. Ely 435 Hett, Jno., M. Chy. 397 Heureaux, U., Pres. Rep. 105 Hewetson, Chas., gen. (D) 894 IHewett and Hewitt — Geo. and sir G., C.C. Ind. 650; C.C. Mdras. 657; Comm. F. Ir, 564; G.C.B. 768; gen. (A) 860 — Jas., aft, ld, and visc. Lif- ford, q.v., J.K.B. 373; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; S.L. 412 hon. Ja.s., C. Acc. Ir, 567; C. Exc. 282; C. Exc. Ir. 566-7 hon. Ja.s., dm. Arm. 597 Jas. Nichs. Br., gem. (ID) Q30 - - —— hom. Jno., dn. Cloy. 633 — hon. Jos., J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 592 — Presc. Gardn. and Sir P., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Th., S.W.F. 271 — Wnn., C. St. 283 — Sir Wm., Amb. Abyss. 131 — Wrm, Hy., gen. (D) 886 Wm. Nath. Wri. and sir W., adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. 780; IS.C.S.I. 803; L. Admy. 186 — Wrm. Selw., gem, (D) 914 Hewgill, Edwin, gen. (C) 872 Hewlett, Rd. Strode, adm. * (E) 835; (E) 838 — Th. Gill., C.I.E. 806 Hewson, Geo., adm. (H) 845 Hewys, Th. de, L.H.A. 170 †e:É, jno di F. Sö8 — Wrm., adm. (H) 847 Hey—, see also Hay– IHeydon, see also Haydon — Benj., dn, Wells, 429 — Hy., K.B. 758 — Jno., I.B. 760 — Th. de, Jy. 364 Heyforde, Humphr., Lond. 490 Heygarth (or Heygate), Jno., du. Llin. 623 - Heygate, Wm. and Sir W., L.M. Lond, 492; Chambn. Ilond. 493 Heym and Hayme — Pet., J. It. 368 — Steph., J.C.P. 377; Jy, 365 Heyn, Jno., bp. Clonf. 635 Heynes, see also Haines — Sim., dm. EXr. 437 Heyrick, Rd., Wän. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Dom. L.M. Heyrun, Jord., J. It. 367 Heytesbury, Wm., 1st là., form. Sir W. A'Court, q.v., Amb. Russ. 126; G.G. Ind. 649 ; L.L. Ir. 557 Heyward, see also Hayward — Sir Rowl., L.M. Lond. 490 Heywood and Haywood — Jno. Ja.s., gen. (ID) 930 — J. M., L. Admy. 180 — Pet., G. Jam. TI2 — Saml., S.L. 412 Th., dn. Lich. 445 Heyworth, Wm., b.p. Lich. and Cov. 444 Hibbert, Jno. T., P.C. 220 ; Sec. Adm. 187; Sec. L.G.B. ; Sec. Tr. 164; U.S. Home, Hibbotts, Th., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 Hiccocks, Jno., M. Chy. 396 — Wrm., C. Exc. 278 Hichann, Rt., S.L. 409 IHickes, see Hicks Hººley, Hy. Demm., adm. (IE) 7 — Vict. Gr., adm, (HI) 851 Hickman, Ch., bp. Dry. 601 — Hy., M. Chy. 395 — Thos. Windsor-, aft. Wisc. Windsor, q.v. — sil: Wrm., M.G.O. 258 IHicks and Hickes — Ch. Fk., gen. (D) 926 — Geo., dn. Worc. 473 — Geo., gem. (D) 890 — Hy. Ersk., gen. (D) 911 — Th., adm. (A) 817 #son, R. M., G. Virg. Isl. Hicks-Beach, see Beach Hºyat, Shaik Ali, C.I.E. 80 - Hiddesley, Mark, bp. S. and M. 484 Hien-fung, Emp, Ch. 100 Hierologus, bp. Lism. 626 Higate, Jas., b.p. Kilf. 635 IHigbald, bp. Lindisf. 478 Higbert (2), bp. Ilich. 443 Higden and Hygden — Br., dn. Yk. 487 Jno., dm. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Higgin, Wm., b.p. Dry. and * 602; bp. Lim. A. and A. 6 — Wrm. Housm., Q.C. 418 Higgins, Andr., C.I.E. 807 — Anthy., dm. Rip. 482 — Clem., Q.C. 420 — Dem. O', Pres. Chi. 111 — Jos. Nap., Q.C. 419 — Saml. Gord. and Sir S., K.C.H. 788; IX.H. 789 — Th., gen. (ID) 891 — Warn. West., K.H. 790 — Wnn., dn. Lim. 640 Higginson, Geo. P., gen. (D) — Geo. Wnn. Alexr., gen. (ID) 908 — Jas. Mac., G. Antig., &c. 727; G. Mtius. 684; R.C.B. 778 Higgs, Griff., dm. Lich. 445 Higham, Clem. and Sir C., C.B. Ex. 381; Sp. H.C. 249 — Rd., S.L. 407 — sir Rog., L.H.A. 171 Hight, Ch., gen. (D) 926 Higman, Hy., adm. (H) 845 Hilary and Hillary — abp, Lond. 450 -ºp. Yk. 485; bp. Chich. — P. R.O. 33 37 Rog. C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 77 Hildebrand, K. L.md. 49 — Arth. Hedd., C.I.E. 808 — Ch. Phayre, gem. (D) 926 Hildersley, Jno. de, B. Ex. 3 #eyera, Hy., Chambn. Ex- — P., Chambn. Ex. 166 Hildyard, Jno., C.C.J. 403 — I&t. Ch., Q.C. 417 Hill, Abr., B.T. 263 — Alex., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Alex. St., Q.C. 418 — Arth., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 — Arth., gen. (D) 933 — la, Arth. M. C., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 214; Tr. H. 291 — lil. Arth. Wm., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 220 Ch. Ed. Dawt., gen. (ID) 910 — Chr., adm. (A) 815 — Clem., gem. (C) 875 — Clem. Ll., K.C.M.G. 799 — sir Dudl. St. Leg., G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 777 — Ed. Rowl., gen. (ID) 897 — Geo., dm. Thist. 749 — Geo., gen. (C) 874 — Geo., S.L. 412 — sir Geo. Fitz-Ger., C. Treas. Ir. 561; G. St. Vin. 725; G. Trin. 722; P.C. 209 — Geo. Mytt., gen. (D) 916 — Hy, adm. (A) 820 TH #" IR. Dr. P.A. 338; Winds. . 33 — Hy. Worsl., G. Gld. Cst. 686 — Hugh, aft. Sir H., J.Q.B. 373; Q.C. 417; S.L. 413 — Jno., C. Cus. 275 — Jno., dn. Kilma. 609 — Jno., gem. (C) 871; L.G.O. 259; P.C. 196 - — Jno., gem. (D) 897 — (or Hull), Jno., J.C.P. 378; J.R.B. 371; S.L. 407 — Sir Jno., adm. (ID) 829 — Jno. Th., gen. (D) 895 — Matth. Dav., P.P. 416 — Nichs., dn. St. Pat. 617 — Percy, gem. (D) 903 — Rd., bp. Lond. 451 Rd., L. Admy, 177; L.T. 155 (or Hull), Rt., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Rog., B. Ex. 384; J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 410 — Rowld, and Sir R., K.C.B. º Sec. P.O. 239; L.M. Lond. — sir Rowld., see lă. H. infra, — Rowley, bp. S. and M. 484 — Rowley Sale, gem. (D) 928 — Steph. Jno. and Sir S., G. Antig. &c. 727; G. Gld Cst. 686; G. Newfii. 700; G. Si. Le. 685; K.C.M.G. 797 Th., dn. Oss. 623 — sir Th. Noel, K.C.B. 775 -ºwn, gen. (D).919; K.C.S.I. Wnn., M. Chy. 394 For List of Abbreviations, 8ee pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1049 Hill—cont. — Wm., Sec. Tr. 164 — hon. Wm., aft, 3rd lä. Ber- Wick, Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. §. 115; Amb. Sda. 114; P.C. Hill, lds, and visc. — Rowl., aft. 1st lá, and visc. H., C. Ch. 855; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A)861; K.B 766; P.C. 211 —ºowl, 2nd Visc., L.L. Salop, Hillam, -, S.L. 407 Hillary, see Hilary Hills, Geo., adm. (HI) 845 — Geo., bp. Cbia. 698 — Ja.s., aft. Sir Jas. Hills- ſººnes gen. (D) 921 ; K.C.B. Hillsborough, Wills, 1st E. of, aft. M. of Downshire, q.v., C. Sec. 234; Compt. H. 292; P.C. 199; Postm. G. 238; Pres. º 265-6; S. St. 225; Tr. Ch. Hillyar, Ch. Farr., adm. (E) 835; K.C.B. 781 — Hy. Sch., adm. (E) 836; (F) 839 — Sir Jas., adm. (D) 824; K.C.B, 777 ; K.C.H. 788 — Rt. Purk., K.H. 792 — Wm., adm. (G) 842 Hilsey, Jno., b.p. Roch. 460 Hilton, Adam de, J. It. 368 — Jno., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Wm., B. Ex. Ir. 584; J.C.P. Ir, 581 Hinchcliffe, Jno., b.p. Pboro. 58 *— Jno., dr. Dham, 479 * 2 same pers. Hinchinbroke, Jno. visc., aft, 5th E. of Sandwich, q.v., #Ph. 303; P.C. 202; W.C.H. IIincks, Fras. and sir F., K.C.M.G. 796; G. Bdoes, &c. 719, 721; G. Br. Gu. 715 *Iind and Hinde, see also |Heemde — Ch., gen, (D) 904 — Jno., gen. (I)).901 — Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Saml. Ven. and sir S., gen. (B) 868; IK.C.B. 776 +ingmarch, Wm. M., Q.C. 1 Tindmarsh, Jno. and sir J., adm. (GF) 841; G. Higld. 670; G. S. Austr. 706; K.H. 791 Hinds, Saml., bp. Norw. 455; dr. Carl. 476 — Saml., G. Bdoes. 720 }Hinton, Jno., dn. Trn. 613 Hinton, Wisc. — Jno., 1st visc., form. 4th ld. and aft. 1st E. Poulett, q.v. Hintiber, Harry de and Sir H., gen. (B) 867; K.C.B. 775 IIire, Hy. Wm., adm. (H)851 — Sydn. Jos., gen. (D) 915 Hirtius, A., C. R. O. 46 Hisketh, Huan., bp. S. and M. 483 Hislop, Th. and Sir T., C.C. Bbay. 660; C.C. Mdras. 657; G.C.B. 767; G. Gren. 724; G. Trin. 722 ; gem. (A) 861 ; K.C.H. 775 Hispallus, C. C. S., C. Ro. 44 -Iispania, see ISpania. IHitch, Rt., dn. Yk. 487 IIitchins, Benj. R., gen. (D) 888 — Hy. Wh., gen. (D) 908 Hºu, Ram Rao Bah., C.I.E. 7 Hoadley, Benj., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Her. 442; bp. Sal. 467; bp. Winch. 471 — Jno., abp. Arm. 596; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Ferms and L. 622; L.J. Ir. 556 IHoard (or Hoare), Ed. W., adm. (ID) 828; (G) 840 1Hoare. See also Hore and Hoará — Ed. New., dn. Ach. 614; dra, W ford. 628 — sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 IHobart, hon. Geo. Vere, G. Gren. 724 — Hy. and sir H., A.G. 399; C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 409 — Sir Hy., C. Cus. 274 — hon. Hy. Lew., dm. Winds. 47 4 — Jno., see 16. H., infra, — Miles, K.B. 763 — Nathl., M. Chy. 395-6 — Rt., See li. H., infra, Hobart, lds. — Sir Jno., aft. 1st là. H. and 1st E. of Bucks, q.v., B.T. 264; G.C.P. 299; K.B. 764; P.C. 199; Tr. Ch. 294 — Jno., ld., aft. 2nd E. of Bucks, q.v., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 200 — Rt., aft. Id. H. and 4th E. of Bucks, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 560; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; G. Mdras. 656; P.C. 205; W. and C. Sec. 230 — Vere Hy., ld., som of 6th E. of Bucks, G. Mdra.S. 657 so Mary Cath., lady, Cr. Ind. 09 Hobbes or Hobbys, Th., dm. Exr. 437; dra. Winds. 474 IHobhouse, Arth., see lil. H., $mfra, — Benj. and sir B., Sec. B.C. 254 — Ed., b.p. Nels. 710 — Hy., P.C. 211; U.S. Home, — sir Jno. Calm, aft. li. Broughton, q.v., C.W.F. &c. 272; Ch. Sec, Ir. 563; P.C. 212; Pres, B.C. 253-4; Sec. at W. 234 Hobhouse, lds. h., aft. Sir A. and ló. H., Jud. Conn. P.C. 362; hºst 803; P.C. 220; Q.C. 4 Hºruss, Gerv. D., dm. St. P. *IHobson, Jno., gen. (D) 896 *— Jno., or Wim., G. N.Z. 709 * 2 same pers. Hoby, sir Ph., dm. Ardf. 640 Hochefried, Geo. Bar, de, form. Geo. Porter, q.v. Hºkia, Ch. Luxm., adm. (H) 9 sº-º-º-º-º: Hodge, Ed. Coop, and sir E., G.C.B. 771; gen. (D) 897; K.C.B. 780 — Jno., K.H. 792 Hodges, Geo. Ll., K.C.B. 783 — Hugh, S.L. 411 Hodges—cont. — col. L., Amb. H. Ths. 120 — Th., dn. Her. 442 — Th. Troph., gen. (D) 931 — Wm., L.M. D'bln. 642 Hodges-Nugent, see Nugent Hodgkins, Jno., bp. suffr. Bedf. 452 . Hodgson, see also Hodson — Arth., K.C.M.G. 798 — Briam, adm. (D) 825; (G) 840 — Ch. Ja.s., gem. (ID) 913 — Chr., gen. (TD) 877 — Fras. Geo., gen. (D) 918 — Hy., C. Tx. 285 — Hy., gen. (D) 878 — Hy. Burd., gen. (D) 912 — Hugh Norr., gen. (ID) 914 *— Jno., G. Brnda. 701 × Jno., gem. (A) 862 * * same pers. — Jno., Q.C. 417 — Jno. Anthy., gen. (ID) 881 — Jno. Studh., gen. (ID) 896 — Jos., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Rt., dr. Carl. 476; dn. Chest. 477 — Sir Rt., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 -ºudh. F.M. S.56; gen. (A) — Studh. J., gen. (D) 894 Biodian (or Hedian), Jno., dm. Cash. 627 Hodson, see also Hodgson — Doveton, gen. (ID) 908 Hody, sir Jmo., C.J.K.B. 370 — Wrm., A.G. 398; C.B. Ex. 381; S.L. 407 Hoel, V. and VI., D. Bry. 28 Sinnon or Harry, Hog, see Hogg Hogan, Donat, dm. Emly, 628 — Hugh, dm. Emly, 628 — (or Hogar), Rd., byp. Clonm. 600; bp. ISilloe. 634 Hogar, see Hogam Hogg, Hog, and Hogge —Ad., gem. (D) 877 — Fk. Russ., IK.C.I.E. 805 — Geo. Forbes, gem. (ID) 920 — Jas. Macn., aft. McGarel- Hogg and 1d. Magheramorne, K.C.B. 783 — Jas. Weir and Sir J., Chm. E.I. Co. 645–6; M.C.I. 646 ; P.C. 218 Sir Rog., Ld. Sess. 519 - — Som. Geo. Cann., gem. (D) 926 Th. Ign. M., gem. (D) 926 IHoggan, Jno., gen. (D) 888 IHogge, see Hogg Hoggins, Chr. A., Q.C. 417 Hoghton, see Houghton IHohenlohe, (Ct. Gleichen), See Victor Holand, see Holland Holbeach, Holbeche, and IHolbeck — Hy., bp. Linc. 447; bp. Roch. 460; bp. suffr. Brl, 43,9; dn. Worc. 473 — Hugh, dri. St. As. 463 Hoiburne, Fras., adm. (A) 814; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; L. Admy. 179 Holcrofte, Hy., Ch. Ex, Ir. 562 — Jno., IV.P. 760 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 67 1050 INDEX OF NAMES. Holden, Luther, Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Hºer, Hy. Lowe, adm. (HI) 8 Hºernesse, Alexr. de, J. It. — Rog. de, dm. Yk, 486 IBIoldernesse, E. of — Rt., 3rd E. of, P.C. 197; PreS, B.T. 264 — Rt., 4th E. of, L.L. Yorks. N.R. 313; P.C. 199; S. St. 224; W.C.P. 319 Holdich, Ed. Alan and sir E., gen. (D) 902; IX.C.B. 780 Hºsworth, R., dun. Worc. 47 Hole, Lewis, adm. (H) 845 — Lewis Bl., gem. (D) 929 — Saml. Reyn., dm. Roch. 461 Holford, Geo. P., Sec. B.C. 254 Pet., M. Chy. 396 Rd., M. Chy. 396 — Th. (No. 1), Pt.c. P.A. 337; WindS. H. 331 — Th. (No. 2), Bl. L. P.A. 341; PtC. P.A., 337 Holgate, Rt., . abp. Yk., 486; bp. Llff. 449 Holgin, Greg., dn. Kild. 619 Holgrave, Jno., B. EX. 383 Holiday, see Hollyday IIolkar (Mahar. of Indore), K.C.S.I. 802; G.C.S.I. 802 Holker, Jno. and Sir J., A.G. 400; Jüd. Com. P.C. 362; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 220; Q.C. 418; S.G. 403 Holi, Charlt., gen. (D) 894 Wm. H., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 419 Holland and Holand, See also Hollond — C., L.T. 154 — Geo., dm. Dry. 602 — Sir Hy., Pres, R. Inst. 940 — Hy. Ed., Amb. Tusc. &c. 115 — Hy. Thurston, aft. Sir H. and lil. Knutsford, q.v., C. Sec. 235; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797; P.C. 220 ; Sec. Tr. 164; U.S.C. 236; V.P. Ed. 255 — Hy. Wm., gem. (D) 915 — Sir Jno., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 195 — Jno., aft. E. of Hunting- ton, and 1st D. of Exeter, q.v., — Jno. or Ph., Pt.c. P.A. 337; R. Rge. P.A. 344 — Jno. Wentw., adm. (D) 825 — Luml. H. H., gen. (D) 912 — Sir Otho., K.G. 733 — Ph. or Jno., see Jno., Sup?'(t — Rd., K.B. 756 — sir Rt., L.H.A. 171 — Seth, dm. Worc. 473 — Th., G. Ch. Isl. 667 — sir Th., aft. E. of Kent (d. 1360), K.G. 733 — Th. Woll., gen. (ID) 914 Holland, lds. and E. of *ich Family. — Hy., 1st E. of, form. Hy. IR1ch, and 1d. Kensington, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; K.G. 739; Const. W. Cast. 322 Foa, Family. — Hy, 1st là., form. Hy. FOX, g."). — Hy. Rd., 3rd ld., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 208; L.P.S. 241 a- Holland, lds. and E. Of-Comt. — Hy. E., 4th lá., form. hon. H. E. Fox, q.v. Holles, see also Hollis — Denz., see lá. H., infra, — Sir Fretch., adm. (A) 813 — sil: Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 Holles, lds. — Denzil, aft. 1st 1d. H., P.C. 190, 192; L.L. Dors. 307 Holliday, see Hollyda Hºligan, J. R., G. §. Xtr. 7 Hollingworth, Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Rºbk. P.A. 344 — Rand, or Rod, dm. Ach. 614 — Th., Ylö. H. 334 Hºllinworth, Jno., adm. (IH) 4 4 IHollis, see also Holles — Aysc. Paff., adm. (A) 820 — D., L. Admy. 175 — Jno. Jos., gen. (D) 890 IHollist, Rd., K.C. 415 Hollond, see also Holland — E. J., G. Mdras. 656 — Jno., G. Mdra.s. 656 IHolloway and Halloway — Ch., S.L. 410 — Sir Ch., gen. (C) 873 Jno., adm. (A) 816; G. Newfol, 700 Rd. and Sir R., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 — Th., gen. (D) 898; K.C.B. 9 77; Hollyday, Sir Hy., L.M. Lond. 491 Holme, Jno., B. Ex. 383 — Th. and sir T., Clar. IS.A. 328; Winds. H. 331 Holmes and Holms — Ch., adm. (A) 814 — Geo., K.C.B. 775 — Geo. Ed., gen. (I)) 912 — Gilb., dm. Ardf. 640 — Hy., gem. (B) 865 — Hugh, A.G. Ir.589; J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir, 590 — Jno., L.T. 162; Sec. B.T. 269 — Percy L., gen, (D) 918 — Pet., C. Acc. Ir, 567; C. St. Il". 568 — Rd., gen, (C) 871 — Rt., dn. Winch. 471 — Sir Rt., adm. (A) 813 — Steph., I.C.H. 790 — Wnn., dm. Exr. 438 Holmewood, Ed., G. I. Man, 666 Holroyd, Ch., gen. (D) 912 — Geo., gen. (D) 923 — Geo. S. and sir G., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 413 Hy., C.C.J. 405 Holstein, Aug., D. of, K.G.738 Holt, Fras. Ludl., K.C. 416 *- #y, gen. (B) 864 — Jno., J.C.P. 378 ; K.B. 755; S.L. 407 — Jno. and sir J., C.G.S. 357; C.J.K.B. 370; P.C. 194; Rec. Lond, 494; S.L. 411 — Rd., G. I. Man, 665 — Th., S.L. 410 — Wrm., adm. (GF) 842 Holwell, Jno. Zeph., Adm. Ind. 647 Hºlworthy, Maj. —, G. Trin. 722 Holyman, Jno., bp. Brl. 439 Holywoole, Rt. de, B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.B. Ex, Ir. 582 #ºne, Anthy. Dicks, K.C.B. 7 — Dav., gem. (A) 859 — Dav., Ld. Sess. 520 — sir Ev., Mast, and Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — sir Geo., adm. (A) 816 Hy., Jy. Sc. 522; Ld. Sess. 520 Ja,S., gen. (B) 869 — Ja.s., Ly. Dep. 513 — Jno., gen. (ID) 886 — Jno. Home, gen. (D) 884 — Nin., G. Gren. 724 — Rd., gen. (ID) 888 — Rt., C.I.E. 807 — Rodd., adm (A) 816 Home, E. of — Wnn., 8th E. Of, G. Gibr. 669; gen. (IB) 865 Alexr., 10th E. of, L.L. Belºw, 508 — Cosp. Alexr., 11th E. Of, form, ld, Dunglass, q.v., L.K SC. 503 — Ch. Alexr., 12th E. Of, form. li. Dunglass, q.v. Homewood, see Holmewood Homs pesch, Wm. Vinc., gen. (D) 877 — Bar. Ch., gen. (B) 866 — Count Ferd., gen. (A) 861 Hone, Jno., M. Chy. 395 — Nathl., L.M. D'bln. 641 Honey—, see Homy— Hommer or Honnor, Rt. Wm., gen. (D) 896; K.C.B. 779 Honore, Hy., dn. Bgr. 426 Honorius (St.), abp. Cantº. 429 — Emp. W.E. 49 — I. to IV., P. Ro. 33-4-5 — I. to V., Pr. Mrlo. 31 IHonstedt, Augs., bar., gem. (C) 873 Honyman, Andr., bp. Ork. 535 — sir Geo. Ess., J.C.P. 380; Q.C. 418; S.L. 414 * — Rt., adm. (A) 820 — Sir Wm., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. SeSS. 520 Honywood, Mich., dm. Linc. 44 8 — Ph., gem. (A) 858 Ph. and sir P., gen. (A) 857; IS.B. 764 Hoo, Jno., S.L. 411 — Th., aft. la. Hoo and Hast ings, K.G. 735 Hood, Alexr., aft. 1st Id. and 1st visc. Bridport, q.v., adm. (A) 815; K.B. 765 — hon. Alexr. Nelson, aft, 3rd ld. and 1st visc. Bridport (2nd Cr.), q.v., gem. (ID) 897 — Arth. Wm. Acl. and Sir A., adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. 781; L. Admy. 185-6 — Ch., gen. (D) 910 — Jno. Cockb., gen. (D) 923 — Rd., dn. Kilmacd. 638 —Saml. and Sir S., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 767; G. Trin. 722; K.B. 766 — sir Saml., see 1d. H., infra, Hood, lds. and visc. — sir Saml., aft. li. and visc. H., adm. (A) 815; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; G.C.B. 767; L. Admy. 180 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1051 IIook, Jas., dun. Worc. 474 — Jno., S.L. 411 — Walt. F., dm. Chich. 434 Hººke-campbell, see Camp- € Hooker, Josh. Dalt. and Sir # Kosi, 803; Pres. R. Soc. — Rog., dn. Llin. 623 — Sir Wnn., L.M. Lynd. 491 — sir Wm. Jacks., K.H. 791 Hooper, Ed., C. Cus. 275-6 — Geo., b.p. B. and W. 428; bp. St. As. 462; dr. Cant. 431 — Geo. Stanl., gen. (D) 931 — Jas. J., C.C.J. 405 — Jno., b.p. Glr. 438 ; WOro. 473 — Jno. Kinn., L.M. Lond, 492 — Nichs. (or Rd.), S.L. 411 IHope, hon. Alex. and sir A., Amb. Dk. 127; G.C.B. 767; gen. (A) 861 : K.B. 766; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Alexr. Jas. B. Beresford- P.C. 219 *- — Archd., Lºl. Sess. 520 — Archd. High, gen. (D) 918 — Archd. Wh., gem. (D) 893 — Ch., adm. (ID) 830 — Ch., L.J. Clk. 516; L.P. Ct. #. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 21 hon. Ch., G. I. Man, 666 — hon. Ch., gen. (A) 861 — Ch. Webl., adm. (E) 836 — Fk., gem. (D) 896 — Geo., IN.C.B. 774 Geo. Johnst. and sir G., adm. (A) 818; L. Admy. 181 — Geo. W., U.S.W. and C. 231 — Hy. and sir H. adm. (ID) 827; K.C.B. 778 — Jas. and Sir J., adm. (B) 821; (D) 831; (E) 834; IX.C.B. bp. 779; G.C.B. 770 Sir Ja.s., Ld. Sess. 519 — Jas. Archd. and Sir J., gen. (D) 879; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 775 — Jas. Rt., P.P. 417 — Jno., D. Fac. Sc. 527; L.J. Clk. 516; P.C. 214; S.G. Sc. 527 Sir Jno., G. I. Man, 666 — hon. Jno. and Sir J., aft. ld. Niddry, and 4th E. of Hopetoun, q.v., Comm. F. Ir. 564; G.C.H. 786; gen. (IB) 867; K.B. 766 — Jno. or Th., See Th. — Jno. Bruce and sir J., G. Brmda. 701; gem. (B) 865 — Jno. Ch., K.H. 790 — Sackett, adm. (GF) 842 . — Theod. Cr., K.C.S.I. 803 — Th., adm. (E) 835 Th., or Jno. *— L.H.C., R. Sc. 546 Sk L.J. Gen, 522 :k Ld. Adv. 526 *— Ld. SeSS. 510 Sk Ld. Sess. 519 * Note.—There is some confusion in these T18, IlleS. Compare dates. — Wnn., gem. (D) 906 — Wnn. Johnst. and sir. W., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774; L. Admy. 181, 182; P.C. 212 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. Hope-Johnstone, see John- St. One Hopetoun, E. of — Ch., 1st E. Of, IX.T. 747; L.H.C., K. Sc. 546 2nd E. of, L.H.C., —Jas., 3rd E.of, L.L. Linlithg. 511 — Jno., 4th E. of, form. Sir Jno. Hope, and lù. Niddry, q.v., gen. (A) 861; L.L. Lim- lithg. 511 5th E. L.L. — Jno., Linlithg. 511 — Jno. Al., 6th F. Of, L.L. Linlithg. 511 — Jno. Ad. L., 7th E. of, T.H.C. R. Sc. 546 of, Hopkins, Benjm., Chambn. Lond. 493 Ezek., b.p. Dry. 601 ; bp. Rph. 601 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 — Jno. Omm., adm. (E) 837; Compt. N. 258 — Jno. Paul, K.H. 791 — Rd., L. Admy., 179, 180; T.I.T. 158 — Sir Rd., S.L. 410 — Rd. North., 866 — Th., U.S.S. 225 — Wm. Fr., gem. (ID) 899 Hºpkinson, Sir Ch., gen. (ID) — H., gen. (I)) 922 Hoppenstedt, Geo. Erm. FK., V. Chanc. Guelph, 792 Hopper, Wm., gen. (D) 877 Hopson, Ed., adm. (A) 813 — Peregr. Th., G.N. Sc. 694; gem. (C) 871 — Sir Th., adm. (A) 813 Hoptom, Arth., K.B. 761 — Jno., bp., Norw. 455 — Sir Owen, Lt. T.L. 321 — Ralph, see lö. H., infra — Walt. de..., B. Ex. 382; J. It. 368; J. K.I3. 371 — (or Hepton), Wm. de, A.G. 398; S.L. 406 Hopton, lds. Ralph, aft. 1st là. H., K.B. 763; P.C. 189 Hopwood, Ch. Hy., Q.C. 419 Horan, Jas., L.M. Dbln. 641 Horden, Jno., bp. Moos. 697 Hore, see also Hoare — Rt., A.G. Ir, 588 — Th., gen. (D) 895 Horley (or Horsey), Geo., dm. Ross, 633 HQrmisdas, P. Ro. 33 Horn. See Horne Hornby and Horneby — Geoffr. Th. Phipps, and sir gen. (IB) G., adm. (B) 821; (E) 835; G.C.B. 771; ſº, C.B. 780; L. Admy, 185 8 — Nathl., C. Exc. 278, 279 Phipps and sir P., G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777; L. Admy. 183 *— Wrm. de, A.G. 398 :}; Wm., S.L. 407 * Poss. same pers. — Wm. Ph. and Sir W., adm. (C) 822; (D) 827 — Wnn. Windh., adm. (IHI) 848 Horncastle, Jus. de, bp. Carl, 475 IHorne and Horn — Alexr., G. I. Man, 666 — Ch. Ja.s., gen. (D) 927 — Fk., and sir. F., gen. (D) 895; K.C.B. 780 — Geo., bp. Norw. 455; dri. Cant. 431 — Jno. de, K.B. 754 — Rt., bp. Winch. 471; din. JDham, 479 — Rt., D. Fac. Sc. 527 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wrm. and Sir W., A.G. 400; #9. 416; M. Chy. 397; S.G. Hºmebrook, P., B1. M. P.A. Horneby, see Hornby Horneck, Ch., gen, (3) 866 IHorse, l’et. de la, K.B. 754 Horsey, Algn. Flr. R. de, adm. (E) 836 Tºſor Horley), Geo., dm. Ross. — Saml., B. and Gl. K.A. 330; Bath K.A. 785; Han. H. 340 -i win. Hy. B. de, gen. (D) IHorsfall, Jno., bp. Oss. 620 Horsford, Alf. Hast., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 902; K.C.B. 778 Geo., gen. (3) 868 — Jno., K.C.B. 775 — Rd., gen. (ID) 895 Horsley, Saml., bp. Boch. 460; bp. St. As. 462 ; b.p. St. Dav. 465; dun. Westr. 459 — Wrm., Clar. K.A. 328 IHorsman, Ed., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.T. 160; P.C. 216 Hort, Jno. Jos., gen. (ID) 905 josiah, abp. Trn. 611; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Kilm. alld Ard. 607; dm. Ard. 609; dm. Cloy. 633 Hortensius, L., C. Ro. 45 — Q., C. Ro. 46; Dt. Ro. 41 IHorton, Ja.s., G. I. Man, 666 — Josh. Sydn., adm. (A) 820 ! — Rt. Jno. Wilm. and Sir R., G.C.H. 786; G. Ceyl. 672; U.S.W. and C. 231 — Rog., J.C.P. 378; J.R.B. 371 — Th., G. I. Man, 666 Wm, adm. (IHI) 851 Hose, Geoff., J. It. 366 — Geo. Fk., b]). Sing. L. and S. 676 Hoseason, Hy., gem. (ID) 913 — Wrm., adm. (IHI) $50 IHosier, Fras., adm. (A) 813 IHosken, Jas., adm. (HI) 850 IHoskins, Anthy. Hiley and sir A., adm. (E) 836; IX.C.B. 781; L. Admy. 185-6 Edm. or Edw., S.L. 410 — Juo., M. Chy. 396 — Jno., S.L. 409 — sir Jno., Pres, R. Soc. 940 Hospitali, Ralph de, J. It. 365 Hoste, Sir Wrm., adm. (E) 835; Kojš. 74 Hotham, Beaum., aft. Sir B. (7th Bart.), C. Cus, 275-6 — Beaum, see la. H. infra — Ch, and sir C., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Bol. 135; Amb. Pgy. 136; Amb. Ugy. 137; G. Vict. 704; K.C.B. 777 — sir Ch., K.B. 765 — Ch. FR., adm. (E) 837; L. Admy. 186 67 + 1052 INDEX OF NAMES. Hotham—cont. — Geo., gen. (A) 859 — hon. Geo. Fredc., adm. (G) 841 hon. Hy, and sir H., L Admy. 181-2; adm. (A) 819; G.C.M.G. 794; 1%.C.B. 774 Jno. (No. 1), bp. Clr. 596; bp. Oss. 620 — Jno. (No. 2), bp. Ely, 434; L.H.T. 152; L. Treas. Ir. 558; Ld. Chanc. 354 — Jno. de, K.B. 755 Wm. de, abp. Dbln. and Gl. 615 -ºwn, adm, (HI) 846; K.H. 791 — Wm, and Sir W., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 774 — Wm., see lá. H. infra, Hotham, lds. Wm., aft, 1st là. H., adm. (A) 815" — sir Beaum., aft. 2nd ló. H., 13. Ex. 385; C.G.S. 357; S.L. 412 *-* *º- — Beaum., 3rd ló., gem. (D) 883 Hothfield, Hy. Ja.s., 1st ld., form, sir H. J. Tufton, q.v. Houblon, sir Jno., L. Admy. 176; L.M. Lond. 491 Houbrug, Wm, de, J. It. 367 Hough, Jno., bp. Tich, and Cov. 444; bp. Oxf. 456; bp. WOrc. 473 — Lionel St., gen. (ID) 907 Houghton and Hoghton — Ad, bp. St. Dav. 464; Ld. Chanc. 354 — Daml., gem. (C) 873 — Sir Hy., J.A.G. 937 — Richm., gen. (D).931 — Rt. and sir R., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 — Wm. Bt., gen. (ID) 927 Houghton, lds. — R. M., 1st là., form. T. Monckton-Milmes, q.v. Houlditch; Rd., C. St., 283 Houlton, Tºd. Vict, and Sir E., G.C.M.G. 795; IK.C.M.G. 796 Jno., odm. (A-) 815 ... ouston and Houstoun --— Alex., G. Gren. 724 -— Amdr., G. Gren. 724 —-- Rt. and Sir R., gen. (D) 8,76; K.C.B. 776 ----- Wallace, adm. (E) 835; (F) 83% ..— Wm. amd Sir W., G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 861; K.C.B. 773 EIouton, Jno. (le, B. EX. 383; J. It, 3()7 How: See also Howe — Th., L.M. D'blin. 641 -— Wm. W., bp. Wſield. 484; bp. Suff. Bedf. 452 Howard, Ch., P.C. 190 — hon. Ch, and Sir C., gen. (A.) 858; K.B. 765 — Ch., see la. H., infrit — hon, Ch. Kenn., C.W.F. &c. & g — Ed., K.I3. (1616) 762 — sir Ed., or 1d. Fol., K.G. 737; L.H.A. 174 — hon. Ed., adm. (GF) 842 — Ed. Hy., adm. (E) 836 -— 10. ...d. G. F., see 10. H. ‘ O “on. infrat, oj ( — Ed, Staff., U.S. Ind, 236 Howard—comt. — Flº. Chris., C. Exc. 278 — Sir Geo., E.M. 856; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gem. (A) 858; K.B. 765; P.C. 206 — Hy., aft, ld. Maltravers, q.v., IK.B. (1616) 762 — hom. Hy. Ed. Jno., dn. Lich. 445 — Hy. Fras, and sir H., Amb. Bwa, 119 ; Amb. Bzl. 135; Annb. Hmr. 120; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 783 T11 hon. Hy. Geo., Amb. Tusc. 15 — Hy. Thos. Mol., Dep. E.M. 327 — hon. Hugh, C. St. Ir. 568 Jas., see löl. H., infra, *— sir Jmo., L.H.A. 171 × Sir Jno., L.H.A. 172 * I’Oss. same pers. — Jno., see ld. H., infra, — Jno. Morgan, C.C.J. 406; Q.C. 419 Jos. Jacks., Malt. H. 335 — sir P., bp. Jam. 712 — Rt., bp. Elph. 608; bp. Rilla. and Ach. 613; dn, Ard. 60 9 — Rt., IX.P. (1616) 762 — Sir Rt., Aud. Ex. 166 ; P.C. 198 — Th., gen. (B) 864 — Th., aft. D. of Norfolk, q.v., I.B. 757 (d. 1524) — Th., aft. D. of Norfolk, q.v., R.B. 760 (d. 1572) — Th., Tell. Ex. 167 H.Th. Ph., gem. (D) 882; K.H. 79 — Wrm., J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368 — Wnn., IX.B. (1616) 762 — Wrm., IK.B. (1625) 763 Howard, lds, and visc. — Jno., ld, aft. D. of Norfolk, K.G. 736 (d. 1475) — Jno. 1d., aft. D. of Norfolk, q.v., Const, T.L. 320; E.M. 326 (d. 1485) Howard of Bimdon, visc. — Th., 3rd visc., L.L. Dors. 307; K.G. 739 Howard of Castlerising, lds. — Hy., ld, aft. TX. of Norfolk, q.v., E.M. 326 (1692) 1:Ioward of Charleton, lds. — Th., 1st là., aft, 1st E. of Berkshire, q.v., K.B. (1605) 761 * — Ch., aft, visc. Andover and 2nd E. of Berkshire, K.B. 763 Howard of Effingham, lds. — Wm., 1st Id., L.H.A. 174; jº. 738; L.C.H. 294; L.P.S. 240 — Ch., 2nd lói., aft. E. Of Not- tingham, q.v., E.M. 326; R.G. 738 — Ch., ld., aft. 2nd E. of Not- tingham, q.v., L.H.A. 174; T.L. Surr. 312 — Kenn. Alex., 11th lä., IX.C.B. 774 ; G.C.B. 768 IHoward of Glossop, lds. — lil, Ed. G. Fitz-A., aft, ld. H. of Gl., Dep. E.M. 327; P.C. 215; V.C.H. 297 IHoward de Walden, lds. — Th., 1st là., aft. E. of Suf- folk, q.v., Const, T.L. 321; K.G. 739; L.H.T. 154 Howard de Walden, lds.-Comt. — Theop., 2nd lå., aft. B. of Suffolk, q.v., C.G.P. 299 — Jas. (son of là. H. deW.),aft. 3rd lä. H. de W., R.B. 763 — Jno. Gr., 4th lá., form. J. G. Griffin, q.v., F.M. 856; gen. (A) 858; L.L., ESX. 308 — Ch. Aug., 6th lä, and lå. Seaford, q.v., Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Sw, and N. 127; G.C.B. 772; U.S.F. 29 2 Howard-Elphinstone, see Elphinstone Howarth, see also Howorth — Hy., R.C. 415 Howden, Jas. A., gen, (D) 888 Howden, lds. — Jno. Fras., 1st là., form. Sir J. F. Cradock or Caradoc, (1.7). — Jno. Hob., 2nd ló., form, hon. J. H. Caradoc, q.v., Amb. Arg, 136; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. Sprl. 124; Amb. Ugy. 136; G.C.B. 772; gen, (D) 884; R.C.E. 782; IK.H. 789 Howe, see also How — Emanl., gem."(C) 871 — Jno., P.C. 195; Paym. G. 244 — Jos., G. N. Sc. 695 — Rd., see visc. H., infra, — Wrm., see visc. H., infrat Howe, visc. and E. Eman. Scr., 2nd visc., G. Bdoes. 720 — Rd., 4th visc. and 1st Earl H. (1st Cr.), adm. (A) 815; B.T. 267; IS.G. 743; L. Admy. 179-80; P.C. 200; Tr. N. 256 — hom. Sir Wrm., aft. 5th visc. H., gem. (A) 858; L.G.O. 259; IK.B. 765: P.C. 203 — Rd. Wm., aft, 1st E. (2nd Cr.), G.C.H. 786; P.C. 212 — Rd, W. P., 3rd E. (2nd Cr.), form. R. W. P. Curzon, q.v., L.L., Leic. 309 IHowel and Howell — (2), bp. Bgr. 425-6 ap. Jevaf, Pr. Wls. 16 — Dha, (3), Pr. Wls, 16, 17 — Fulk ap, Guis. P.A. 343; Lanc, H. 333; R. Dr. P.A. 337 — Jno. and sir J., Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 410 — Mort. Sl., C.I.E. 807 — Th., bp. Brl. 439 — Wnn., M. Chy. 396 Howie, Ja.s., dm. Cloy. 633 Howick, visc. — Ch., visc., form, hon. C. and aft. 2nd E. Grey, q.v. F. Sec. 228; P.C. 213; Sec. at W. 234 — Hy., visc., aft, 3rd E. Grey, q.v., U.S. Honne, 227; U.S. W. and C. 231 Hºyison, Hy., L.M. Dbln. Hºyland, IRd., bp. Pboro. {} — Wrm, Pearce and sir W., G. Ont, 692; K.C.M.G. 797 Howlett, Arth., gem. (D) 923 — Rd., dn. Cash. 627 Howley, Jno., S.L. Ir. 593 — Wm., abp. Cant. 431; B.T. 268; bp. Tuond. 452; Jud, Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 209 For List of Abbreviations, 860 ſpp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1053 Howorth, see also Howarth — Ed. and sir E., G.C.H. 786; gen. (B) 867; K.C.B. 774 - Jno., adm. (A) 817 Howson, Jno., b.p. Dham, 479; bp. Oxf. 456 — Jno. S., dm. Chest. 477 Howth, lds. amid E. of — Nichs., ld., form. N. St. Lawrence, q.v., Ld. Chanc. Ir, 575 — Thos., 3rd E. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Dbln. 569 —_Wm. Ul, Tr., 4th E. of, K.P. 752 Hoyte, Geo., L.M. Dbln. 642 Huarach, bn. Emly, 625 Hubarthorne, sir Hy., L.M. Tuond. 490 IIubbard, Jac., A.G. 398 — Jno. Gell., P.C. 219 Hubert, bp. St. Day, 464 — by. Worc. 472 — D, Thy. 57 — Pr. Mino. 30 — Ja.s., K.B. 759 — Jas. M. Chy. 394 — Walter, abp. Cant. 430; Ch. Jr. 362 Huddersfield, Jno., S.L. 407 Wm., A.G. 398 Huddleston and Hudles- ton — Jno., K.B. 760 — Jno. W. and Sir J., B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. 380; J. Ex. D. 385; #B.D. 374; Q.C. 417; S.L. 1 ºw — Wrm. Orch., gen. (B) 866 Hudson, Ed. Gust., dm. Arm. 597 Jas. and sir J., Amb. BZl. 135; Amb. It. 114 ; Amb. Sda. 114; Amb. Tusc. 115 ; G.C.B. 772; IX.C.B. 782 — Jno., b.p. Elph. 608; dri. Cllr. 597 — Jno. and sir J., gem. (D) 933; K.C.B. 781 — Jos., gen. (B) 865 Josh. Saml., adm. (HI) 852 - Wm. Br., C.I.E. 808 Hudsor, Wm., bp. Meath, 599 IIue, Corbet, dm. JSey. 668 Huet, sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 490 Hugel, Bar. de, K.C.B. 775 Hugessen, Sir Ed. * Knatchbull-, form. Sir E. H. Knatchbull, q.v., aft. li. Bra- bourne; q.v., L.T. 161; P.C. 218; |U.S. Home, 228 ; U.S.C. 235 Hugh and Hugo *— bp. Linc. 446 *— (3) by). Oss. 620 *— bp. St. Andr. 528 *— bp. St. As. 462 $: (or Odo), dn. Oss, 622 *— dn. Yk. 486 * Prob. Some same pers. § dates — (the black), D. Bdy. 28 — (the Great), D. Bdy. 28 . Su. 80 — D. Thy. 57 — K. Fr. 23 — K. Ir. 21 — K. Limd. 49 — I. to V., D. Bdy. 28 — -Alain, K. Ir, 21 —-Capet, K. Fr. 23 — -Fionnliath, K. Ir, 22 **º- Hugh and Hugo—comt, º'no. Fitz-, Const. W. Cast. — (-Slaine), K. Ir. 21 #hes, Ch. Ja.s., gen. (TD) 1 — Ed., J.A.G., 937 — Ed., K.B. 765 — Sir Ed., adm. (A) 815 — Hy. Geo., B. Ex. Ir. 584; S.G. Ir. 590 — Hugh, dn. Bgr. 427 —ºugh Rt., L.L. Flints. 3 — Jno., gen. (B) 868 — Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Josh., bp. St. As. 462 R., G. N. Sc. 695 — sir Rd., adm. (A) 815 — Rt., adm. (A) 813 — Rt., adm. (A) 814 — Rt., gen. (ID) 910 — Rt. Geo., gen. (D) 890 — Rt. Jno., gen. (D) 926 — Th., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 — Th. Ell., gen. (D) 927 — Wm., b.p. St. As. 462 — Wm. Temp., gen. (ID) 908 Hugo, see Hugh - Hugonin, Fras., gen. (A.) 861 — Ja.s., gen. (C) 872 Huick (or Huyck), Th., Ch. Lond. 422; M. Chy. 395 Huitta, bp. Lich. 443 Hulin, Off. Nap. 26 Hull, sir Ed., lx.G. 736 — (or Hill), Jno., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; S. L. 407 — (or Hill), Rt., J.C.P. 378 ; S. L. 407 — Rt. Trev. gen. (C) 873 — Wrm., gen. (D), 877 Hullock, Jno. and sir J., B. Ex, 385; S.L. 413 Hulot, Rd., bp. Kild. 616 Hulse, Hugh, J.IX.B. 371 — Jno., J.C.P. 378 —- - Rd., gem. (C) 878 — Saml. and Sil: S., F.M. 856; G.C.H. 786; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gem. (A) 859; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936; V.C.H. 297 IIumbert, (St.), bp. Elm. 454 — (2) bp. Lich. 443 — I., K. It. 51; K.G. 745 — I. to III., C. Svy. 54 Humbryct, bp. Elm. 454 Hume, hon. Alexr., Dep. Tr. Sc. 497 — sir Andr., Ld. Sess. 520 — Dav., U.S.S. 226 — Sir Geo., Compt. Sc. 498 — Jas., C. Cus. 276 Jno., bp. Brl, 439; b)). Oxf. 456; bp. Šal. 467; dim. St. P. 453 — Jno., dn. Dry. 602 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 — Sir Jno. Comm, Tr. Sc. 498 — Jno. Rd., gem. (ID) 92.1 — Jos. D., Sec. IX.T. 270 Patr., Compt. Sc. 498 — Sir Patr., aft, ld, Polworth, (I.2). — Rt., gem. (D) 881 —º. gen. (D) 908; K.C.B. 7 Hume, lds. Alex., id., L.G.C. Sc. (1488) 506 (of Berwick), Geo., ld, , aft. E. of Dunbar, q.v., Ch. Ex. 154; M.G. W. 296 Humfrey, Humplirey, and Hºpi. ſº — (or Humfridus), bp. Winch. 470 K. Scy. 55 — Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Pr. (son of Hen. IV., aft. E. Of Pembr. and . Of Glouc., q.v., Pr. E. 11; K.B. 755; K.G. 734 — Jno., gen. (18) 868 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 — Taur., dm. Glr. 440; Winch. 471 — Lebbens Ch., Q.C. 417 — Jos., M. Chy. 397; Q.C. 417 Humphreys, Fras. Itichm., gen. (C) 872 — Humph., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Her. 442; dim. Bgr. 426 —– Rt., dm. Kilf. 637; dn. Killoe. 637 — sir Winn., L.M. Lond. 491 IIulton, Wm. A., C.C.J. 403 Humston, Rt., bp. Down. & Cmr. 604 1Hundern, Jno., b.p. Llff. 449 IHunferthus, bp. Elm. 454 Hungerford, Ed., K.D. 763 — Rt., K.B. 756 — Th., R.B. 758 — Sir Th., Sp. H.C. 248 — Walt., see lá. H., infra FIungerford, lds. — Walt., aft. Sir W. and ló. H., Const. W. Cast. 322; K.B. 756 ; K.G. 735 ; L.H.A. 174; L.H.T. 153; Sp. H.C. 248 Hunks, sir Hy., G. Bdoes. 719 Hunsdon, lds. — Hy., 1st là., C.G.P. 299; E. M. 326; K.G. 738; L.C.H. 294; L.K. and C.G.S. 356 — Geo., 2nd ló., C.G.P. 299; K.G. 739; L.C.H. 294 Hunt, and Hillnte — Ed., Sr. N. 257 — Geo. Ev., gen. (ID) 895 — Geo., Ruthv. le, G. Dnca. & 1 - 73. — Geo. Ward, Ch. Ex. 166; L. Admy. 185; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 217; Sec. Tr. 164 — Jno., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 — Jno., or Wm., see Wm., infra — Percival, L.M. D'blin. 641 — Rd., A.G. 398 — Rd., dm. Dham. 479 Rt. W. Bl., gen. (D) 927 24 Rog., B. Ex. 383; Sp. H.C. 48 — Wm. le, S.L. 411 — Wrm. or Jno., M. Chy. 395 Hunt-Grubbe, see Grubbe IHunter, Andr, gen. (D) 910 — Arth. Stew.(gen. (ID) 931 — Cl. Steph. and Sir C., L.M. Lond. 492 — Dav., gem. (A) 862 — Dav., gen. (C) 873 — Fitzw, Flº., gen. (ID) 927 — Geo., gen. (D) 880 *— Jno., adm. (A) 817 3: Capt. —, G. N.S.W. (1795) 702 * * same pers. — Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 — Mart. and sir M., G.C.H. 786; G.C.M.G. 794; G. N. Brk. 695; gen. (A) 861 — Montg., gem. (ID) 930 Pet., G. Br. Houd. 714 dr. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 1054 INDEX OF NAMIES. Hunter—comt. — Rt., G. Jam.712; gen, (C)871 — Th. O., L. Admy. 178-9; L.T. 157 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 492 — Wrm. Guyer, K.C.M.G. 798 — Wrm. Wils. and Sir W., C.I.E. 806; K.C.S.I. 803 Huntercombe, Th, de, Const. W. Cast. 322 Huntingdom, Jno., Wöln. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 — Rt., bp Rph. 601 — Rt., C. Exc. 278 — Wrm. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Huntingdon, E. of — Dav., 5th E. of, bro. Of Wm., IX. of Scotland, L.J. Gen. 522 (d. 1219) Wm., E. of, form. Wnn. Clinton and sir W., q.v., Tu.H.A. 172 — Guich. E. of, form. G. D'Angle, q.v. Hollamd, Family. — Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno. Holand, q.v., aft. 1st D. Exeter, q.v., L.H.A. 173 — Jno., 2nd E. of, aft. D. of Exeter, q.v., K.B. 756; IK.G. 735; L.H.A. 174 Grey Family. — Th., E. of, aft. M. of Dorset, q.v., K.B. (1475) 757 Bastings IFamily. — Fras., 2nd E. Of, form. Fras. Hastings, q.v., K.G. 738 — Hy., 3rd E. of, form. Hy. Hastings, q.v., R.G. 738 — Theoph., 7th E. of, C. G.P. 299; P.C. 192 — Fras., 10th E. of, Gr. St. 304 ; M.H. 302; L.L. Yorks. W.R. 313; P.C. 200 — Hans Fras., 11th E. of, G. Dnca. 730 Hººtingfield, Rog. de, J. It. 366 — Wn. de, J. It, 366; W.C.P. 317 Huntingford, Geo. Is., bp. Glr. 439 ; bp. Her. 442 IHuntley and Huntly Hy. Vere and sir H., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 IIuntly, E. and M. of Geo., 2nd E. Of, L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Geo., 4th E. of, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Geo., 5th E. of, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Geo., 2nd M. of, form, ld. G. Gordon, and visc. Aboyne, (1.7), _4. Geo., M. of, and E. of Aboyne, aft. 5th D. of Gor- don, q.v., G.C.B. 768 ; gen. (A) 860; R.T. 748 Ch., 10th M. of, L.L. Abdm. Ch., 11th M. of, C.G.A. 300; P.C. 219 Hurd, Rd., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; bp. Worc. 473 Hurdle, Th., gem. (D) 894; E.C.E. 780 Hurley, Th., bp. Tºmly, 625 IIusain, Husein, and Hus- Sellº. — Ali Khan, C.I.E. 807 — Kh. Bah. Sair., C.I.E. 807 * 5 — Kh. Haj. Murz., G.C.S.I. 801 Husato, Hub. de, W.C.P. 317 Huscarl, Rit, or Rog., Jy. 364 Huse, see Husse and Hussey Husee, see also Hussey — Anthy., J. Adm. Ct. 422 Husein, see Husain Huske, Jno., gen. (B) 865 Huskissom, sir Jno. Ralph, form. Milbanke, q.v. Saml., gen. (A) 863 — Wm., B.T. 268; C.W.F. &c. 271; P.C. 209; Pres. B.T. 268; Sec. Tr. 163; Tr. N. 256 ; U.S.W. 231; W. and C. Sec. 231 Husse and Hussey — —, M. Chy. 395 — Hy., dm. Wils. 428 — Dudl., Iłec. D'bln. 642 — Jas., B. EX. 383 — Lawr., M. Chy. 395 — Rd., K.C. 415 — Sir Rd. Huss., aft. Hussey- Vivian, see Vivian — Rd. Huss. Moubr., adm. (A) 819; G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.B. 6 77 — Th., S.L. 412 — Walt., B. Ex. Ir. 583 — (or Huse, or Husse), Wm. and Sir W., A.G. 398; C.J.K.B. 370; S.L. 407 Husseburn, Th. de, J. It, 366; Jy. 363 Hussein, see Husain Hussey, see Husse ... - 1:Iussey-Vivian, see Vivian Hustaart, Jac., G. Ceyl. 672 Hutchens, 866 Hutchins Hutchenson, see Hutchinson Hutchessen, Th., gem. (D) 88 Hutchins, Geo. and Sir G., C.G.S. 357; S.L. 411 Hutchinson amd Hutchen- SOIl — hon. Abr. Hely-, C. Cus. 277; C. Cus. Ir. 565-6 — Alexr. Hadd., gen. (D) of. 925 — Arch., B.T. 264 — Ch. Hy., gem. (D) 909 — Ch. Scr., gem. (D) 915 — Ch. Wat., gem. (D) 919 — Coote Sy., gem. (D) 917 Ed. Hely-, gem. (ID) 894 Fras., Arund. H. Chest. H. 331 - — Fras., b.p. Down and Cnr. 604 339; — Geo., gen. (D) 914 — Jno. Hely-, l’.C. 204; S.L. Ir. 592; Sec. St. Ir. 562 — Jno. Hely-, see lil. H., infra, —— Rd. Hely-, aft. 2nd lü., 1st visc., and lst E. of Donough- more, q.v., C. Acc. Ir. 567; C. Cus. Ir. 565 — Saml., b.p. Killa, and Ach. 613; dri. Drom. 606 — hom. Walt. Fras. Hely-, K.C.M.G., 799 — sir Wm., gen, (A) 862 ; IX.C.H. 788 — Wm. Nels., gem. (D) 892 Hutchinsoll, lds. — Jno. Hely-, aft. la. H. and 2nd E. of Donoughmore, q.v., Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.B. 767; gen, (A) 860; K.B. 766 Hutchison, Fras. Deane, adm. (IHI) 848 — Geo., Modr. I. Sc. 547 Huthwaite, Ed., gem, (D) 891; |K.C.B. 780 — Hy., gem. (D) 878 Hutt, Geo., IS.C.B. 782 — Jno., G. W. Austr., 707 — Wm., K.C.B. 783; P.C. 217; Paym. G. 245; V.P.B.T. 269 Hutton, Cr., C.C.J. 405 — Fk., adm. (D) 833 — Geo., gem. (ID) 890 — Hy., gem. (B) 868 — Hy., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Hy. Pr., gem. (D) 924 — Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Guis. P.A., 343 - — Matth. (No. 1), abp. Yk. ;: bp. Dham. 479; dn. Yk. 7 — Matth. (No. 2), abp. Cant. 431; abp. Yk. 486; bp. Bgr. 426; P.C. 199 — Rd. and sir R., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 409 — Rt., S.L. 409 — Th., M. Chy. 394 #ley, Th. Hy., Pres. R. Soc. IHuxtable, Hy. Const., Mtius. 684 IIuycke, see Huick Huyshe, Alfr., gem. (D).902 — Geo., gem. (D) 888 Hy—, see Hi– Hyde, –, S.L. 410 — Alexr., bp. Sal. 467; dri. Winch. 471 — Ed., dm. Winds. 474 — Ed., see lil. H., imfra, — Fk., S.L. 410 — Geo., R.B. 761 — Geo. Hoolt., gem. (ID) 899 — Hy., gen. (ID) 918 — Hy., aft. 2nd E. of Claren- don, q.v. K.B. 763 — Laur., see visc. H., infra, — Nichs. and sir N., C.J.K.B. 370 ; S.L. 409 — Rt. and Sir R., C.J.R.B. 370; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 — Th., J. Adm. Ct. 423 — Th. de la, J. It. 369 —West, gem. (C) 872 Hyde, lds, and visc. FIyde Family. — Ed., aft. 1st là. H., visc. Cornbury, and E. of Claren- dom, q.v., B.T. 263; Ch. Ex. #; L.T. 155; L.K. 356; P.C. — Hy., aft. 2nd E. of Claren- don, q.v., K.B. 763 — Hy., 1d., aft. 4th E. of Clarendon, and 2nd E. of Iłochester, q.v., P.C. 195; Prem. 140; W. Treas. Ir. 559 — hon. Laur., aft. 1st visc. H. and E. Of Rochester (New Cr.), q.v., Ch. Ex. 164; L.T. 155; P.C. 192 Hyde of Hindon, lds. Williers Family. — Th., ld., aft. 1st E. of Clarendon, q.v., C.D.L. 243 P.C. 201; Postm. G. 238 Hyderabad, Salar Jung, Bah. of, K.C.I.E. 805 — Begum of, Cr. Ind. 809 — Niz. of, G.C.S.I. 800 — Niz. of, G.C.S.I. 801 — Niz. Of, K.C.S.I. 802 — Salar Jung, Bah. R.C.S.I. 802 Hyende, see Heemde bp. Of For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1055 Hygden, see Higden Hyginus, P. Ro. 52 #ſº Ed., M. Chy. 394 Hºſie, Th.M. i.i.d.º.o Hylton, Wm. Geo., id., form. Wm. Geo. Hylton-Jolliffe, q.v. Hyndestone, Wm., S.L. 407 IIyndford, E. of — Jno., 1st E. of, form. 2nd ld. Carmichael, q.v., Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jno., 3rd E. of, K.T. 747; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; P.C. 199; V.A. Sc. 499 Hyngham, -, K.B. 757 Hypsous, C. P. V. (2), C. Ro. — M. P., C. Ro. 45 Hºhe, Haymo de, bp. Roch. Hywel, see also Howel —Pr. Wls. I? — ab Jevav, Pr. Wls. 16 — Dha (3), Pr. Wls, 16, 17 Iago, see Jago Ibbestock or , Ibbestoke, Laur. de, dm. Lich. 445 Ibbetson, sir H. J. Selw., P.C. 220; Sec. Tr. 164; U.S. Home, 228 Ibbotson, Jno., Sec. Adm. 7 18 Ibrahim, S. TRy. 97 — W. E.g. 98 rºmaid, Jno., bp. Kilmacd. 63 Ida, K.E.2 Idar, Mahar of, K.C.S.I. 803 Iddesleigh, E. Of — Staff. Hy., 1st E. of, form. Sir S. H. Northcote, q.v., F Sec. 229; L.L. Dev. 307; L.T. 162 — Walt. Staff., 2nd E. of, form. W. S. Northcote, and visc. St. Cyres, q.v. — Countess of, form. Lady Northcote, g. v. rºlesworth, Hy. de, M. Chy. 39 t Idle, –, C.B. Ex. Sc. 523 Idurian, bp. Cld. 599 Idwallo, K. WIs, 16 Ifeld, Jno. de, J. It, 369 Iglesias, M., Dt. Pu. 109 Igor, R. Russ. 89 IIay, E. of, see Isla ... Ileyan, Greg., bp. Kilmacd. 636 — Maur., bp. Kilmacd. 636 — Nichs., b.p. Rilmacd. 636 Ilchester, Ad, de, dm. Sal. 468 Ilchester, E. of — Steph., 1st E. of, form. St. Fox-Strangways, q.v., P.C. 201 Ilchester, E. of Comt. — Hy. Steph., 3rd E. of, C.Y.G. 298; L.L. Soms. 311; JP.C. 213 . — Wm. Th. H., 4th E. of, form. W. T. H. Fox-Strang- Ways, q.v. — Hy. E., 5th E. of, C.G.A. 300; L.L. Dors. 307; P.C. 218 Illingworth, sir Rd., C.B. Ex. 381; K.B. 757 — Temp., dm. Emly, 628 Iltute, abp. Lond. 450 Imam Baksh, &c., C.I.E. 807; K.C.I.E. 805 Imhoff, Sir Ch., gen, (A) 862 -i. Gust W. Van, G. Ceyl. 7 Imperiosus, C. M. C. (2), C. P.O. 40 O. — L. M. C., Dt. Ro. 40 rºgey, Sir Elij., C.J. Bgal. — Eugene, Cl., C.I.E. 806 — Jno., adm. (D) 825, (G) 840 Imurily (or Smurily), Jno., bp. Boss. 631 Ina, K.E. 2 Inas, K.E. 2 Ince, Hy. Br., Q.C. 419 no., G. Bdoes. 720 Incent, Jno., dm, St. P. 453 Inchiquin, lds. and E. of — Murr., 5th lá, and 1st E. of, form. M. O'Brien, q.v., P.C. 189 — Wnn., 2nd E. of, G. Jam. 712 — Wnn., 4th E. of, K.B. 764 — Murr., 5th E. of, aft, 1st M. of Thomond, q.v., K.P. 750 — Luc., 13th lä., form. L. O’Brien, q.v. — Ed. D., 14th lil., L.L. Clare, 569 rººrwick, Fk. Amdr., Q.C. Indore, Mahar of, G.C.S.I. 800 — Mahar of, see Holkar — Saheb of, K.C.S.I. 803 Indrect, bp. Kilmacd. 636 Indulfus, K. Sc. 19 Ingaldesthorpe, see Ingle- thorpe Ingall, Wm. Lem., gem. (D) 905 Inge, Hugh, abp. Dbln, and Gl, 616; bp. Mth. 599; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 --- .P. 377 — Wnn., A.G. 398; C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; J. It, 368; S.L. 406 Ingelby, See Ingleby Ingeld, fº. SW. 92 Ingelram or **** bp. Glasg. 536; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 righam, Ern. Gr., b.p. Si. Le. — Rt., Q.C. 417 — Theoph. H., C.C.J. 403 Ingilfield, see Inglefield Ingrilby, see Ingleby Ingleby, Ingelby, Ingilby — Ch. and sir C., B. Ex. 384; B. Ex. Ir. 584; S.L. 411 — Jno., bp. Llff.449 — Th. de, J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371 — Wm. Bates and Sir W., gen. (D) 895; K.C.B. 779 and Inglefield and Ingilfield — Ed. Augs. and sir E., adm. (E) 835; K.C.B. 781 — Saml. Hood, adm. (ID) 826 — Th., K.B. 759 — Val. Otw., adm. (H) 85.3 Inglesham, Rt. de, Jy. 363 Inglethorpe (or Ingaldes- thorpe), Th. de, bp. Roch. 459; dri. St. P. 452 Inglis, Alexr., bp. Dkld. 533; Compt. Sc. 498; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Ch., adm. (A) 815 — Ch., b.p. N. Sc. 695 — Hugh and sir H., Chri. E.I. Co. 644-5 — J., bp. N. Sc. 695 — Jno., adm. (A) 817 — Jno., Chm. E.I. Co. 645 — Jno., D. Fac. Sc. 527; L.J. Clk. 516; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 216; S.G. SC. 527 — Jno., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Jno. Eardl. Wilm. and sir J., gen. (D) 892; K.C.B. 778 — Jno. Forbes Dav., Ch. Com. Oudh. 654 — Sir Rt. H., P.C. 216 — Wrm., gen. (ID) 906 — Wnn. and sir W., gen. (IB) 868; K.C.B. 775 Ingo, I. and II., K. Sw. 92 Ingºldesby, Jno., B. EX. 383 — Rd., gen. (B) 864; L.J. Ir. 555-6 — Rd., K.B. 764 rºgram, Sir Arth., Coff. H. 93 — Aug. Hy., adm. (H) 850 — Herb. Fk. Winn., adm. (IHI) 85 — Sir Th., C.D.L. 242; P.C. 190 Ingualdus, bp. Lond. 450 Innerkeithing and Inver- keithing — Rd. de, bp. Dkld. 533; Lá. Chanc. Sc. 514 Innermeath, Jas., ld., Ld. Sess. 517 Innes, Geo., bp. Brm. 541 — Harry, gem; (B) 866 — Jas. Ch., gen. (ID) 908 — Jas. Jno. McL., gen. (ID) 928 — Jno., b.p. Cness. 531 — Jno., b.p. Mor. 534 — Jno. Harr. R., K.C.B. 782 — Pet., gen. (I)) 892 — Rt., Ly. Dep. 513 — Wm., gem. (ID) 877 Innocent I. to XIII., P. Ro. 33-4-5-6 Insula, Brian de, J. It. 367 — Godfr. de, Jy. 364 —ºno. de, B. Ex. 383; J. It. 3 8 — Pet, de, M. Chy. 393 — Rog. de, dn. Yk. 486 — Rt. de, bp. Dham. 478 — Sim. de, Jy. 364 — Wm. de, J. It. 367; Jy, 364 Inverkeithing, keithing Invardby, Geo., K.B. 759 Tºpºgºye, Th. de, Const. Irby, hon. Fk. Paul, adm. (D) 823 See Inner- For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1056 INDEX OF NAMES. Ireland, Juo, dm. Westr. 469 — Jno., G. I. Man, 666 — Sir Jno., G. I. Man, 665 Irene, Emp. E.E. 50 — Emp. Tzde, 98 —-Marie-Louisa-Anna (g.dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 Ireton, Hy., L.D. Ir. 554 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Rod. de, bp. Carl. 475 Irgalach, bp. Saig. 620 Ironside, Ed., L.M. Lond. 492 -ºilo, bp. Brl. 439; bp. Her. Irvine, See also Irving — Ch., gen. (C) 874 — Alex., gen. (ID) 916 — Ch., gen. (ID) 912 --Geo. Caulf. D'A., Adm. (E) — sir J., Comm. F. Ir, 564 — Wnn., Sc. Bp. 545 Irving, see also Irvine — Alex., gen. (ID) 902 — Alex., Ld. Sess. 520 — capt. —, G. W. Austr. 707 — Geo., gen. (D) 877 — Hy. Turn, and Sir H., G. Br. Gu, 715; G.C.M.G. 796; G. Leew. Isl. 727; G. e 722; K.C.M.G. 797 —lt.-col. —, G. Gsey. 669 — Paul AE., G. Can. 491; gen. (A) 860 Irwin, Alex., dn. Ardf. 640 — Fk. Chidl., K.H. 791 — Hy., C.I.E. 808 — Jno. and sir J., G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 858 ; K.J3. 765 — lt.-col. —, G. W. Austr. 707 — Wm., gen. (D) 901 — Wnn. Boyd, gen. (I)) 914 Irwin, visc. —ººd. visc., G. Bdoes. (1720-1) Irwine, Alex., gen. (B) 865 Isaac (of Newcastle-upon- Tyne), bp. Cruz. 603 I. and II., Emp. E.E. 51 *Isaacson, Jas., C. Cus. Sc. 503 *— Jas... C. St. 283 * Prob. same pers. Isabel (dau. R. John), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 Isabella (dau. Ja.s. II.), Pr. E.13 — (of Angoulême), Q.C.E. 7 — (of France), Q.C.E. 7 — (of Valois), Q.C.E. 7 rºuzicus, l?. S. V. (2), C. Ro. 6 Iscanus, Barth., bp. Exr. 436 rººmei, Čarn. de, Const. T.L. 2 Isham, Jno., U.S.S. 225 — Edm., Adm. Adv. 423 Ishwara, Chandra, &c., C.I.E. 80 6 rºalaw, I. and II., R. Russ. 8 Isla, or Islay, Archd., E. of, aft 3rd D. of Argyll, q.v., L.J. Gen. 522; L.R. Sc. 503; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Lá. Sess. 517; P.C. 196 Islip, Sim, abp. Cant. 430 Ismail, Sh. Pers, 99 — Meerza, Sh. Pers. 99 Pacha, V. E.g. 98; G.C.B. 773; G.C.S.I. 801 rººnia, Jas. de, dm. St. Pat. Istlep or Isteley, Walt, de, L. Tr. Ir, 558 rºmar, Saint, bp. Roch. Iturvide, A., Emp, Mex. 103 Ivan I. to V., R. Russ, 89, 90 — VI., E. Russ. 90 Ives, Cec. Rt. St. Jno., gen. (D) 922 — Jno., Suff. H. 341 Ivo, dm. Wells, 428 Ivory, Jas., Jy. Sc. 523; K.H. 790; Ld. Sess. 520; S.G. Sc. 527 Ivyn, see Juyn - J. J # * *, dn, Lim. 639 Jackman, Ch., gen, (C) 872 Jackson, Alexr. Cosb., gem. (B) 868 — Andr., Pres. U.S.A. 102 — Ch., dm. Chr. Ch. Dblin. 618 — Ch., gen. (D).923 Ch., byp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Kild. 617 — Cyr., dm. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — Ed., K.H. 791 — Ed. Saml., gen. (D) 926 — Fras. J., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Fr. 1.12; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. TRy, 129; Amb. U.S.A. Geo., gen. (D) 916 — Geo. and sir G., gen. (D) 878; K.C.H. 788 — sir Geo., Sec. Adm. 187 — Geo. Vern., adm. (H) 848 — Hy. M., and sir H., J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 419 — Hy. Moore, G. T. and C. ISI. 713 — J., C. Exc. Sc. 505 — Jas. and Sir J., gen. (ID)884; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778; K.H. 792 — Jas. Ed., dm. Arm. 597 — Jno., b.p. Linc. 447; bp. Lond. 452; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218 — Jno., G. C.G.H. 679 — Jno. Napp, gem. (D) 893 — Jos. DeV., Ir, 582; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 — Louis Sten., C.I.E. 806 — Rand., Chest. H. 330; Mt. Org. P.A. 343 — Rd., K.C. 415 —— Rd., L.T. 158 — Rd. Downes and Sir R., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 774 — Rt., adm. (D) 824 — Saml., adm. (D) 827 — Saml., C.I.E. 807 — Th., Amb. Sda. 114 - Jackson—cont. Th., dun. Pboro. 458 — Wm., Amb. Ch. 130 — Wm., bp, Oxf. 457 — Wrm., C. Exc. 281 — Wrm., dm. Killa. 614 Wm. L., Sec. Tr, 164 — Wm. Walr., bp. Antig. 728 Jacob. See also Jacobe Yºd. ... — Geo. Legr., K.C.S.I. 803 — Hy. Eb., gem. (D) 915 — Herb., gen. (D) 896 — Sir Jno., C. Cus. 273 — Matth. Penn., C. St. Ir, 568 — Michl. Ed., gen. (C) 873 Jacobe. See also Jacob * †siſ #. S.G. ſ. 539 Jºbson, Wm., bp. Chest. 47 Jacobus, see James Jººpin, Taur. Pet., bp. Ach. 1 Jacquelina, C. Hld. 82 Jaenbert, see Lambert Jaffir Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Jago and Iago — Pr. Wls. 16 — ab Edwal, Pr. Wls. 16 — Ch. Trel., adm. (E) 837 Jahangir, Bah. Pest., C.I.E. 807 James and Jacobus - :k (abb. of Dunfermline) Compt. Sc. 498 #: dm. Clonf. 637 >k dum. Trn. 613 >k dn. OSS. 622 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates — (g. son Hy. VII.), Pr. E. 12 —(son Chas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — D. of Monmouth, q.v., (son Chas. II.) Pr. E. 13 — (son Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 — [Fras. Ed.] (Son Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 — I., Emp. Hti. 104 — I., K. Scy. 55 — I., M. Bdn. 67 — I. and II., IK. Arr. 86 — I. and II., IX.E. 5, 6 — II. (K. E.), form. D. of Yk., q.v., L.H.A. 176 — I. to VI., R. Sc. 19-20 — I. (R. Sc.), IX.D. 756 — V. (K. Sc.), K.G. 737 — VI. (K. Sc.), Iš.G. 739 (See Jas. I., K.E.) — Bart., L.M. Lond. 490 — Ch. B., gen. (ID) 886 — Edwd., Q.C. 417 — Edwin Jno., Q.C. 417 — Fras., M. Chy. 395 — Geo., gen. (D) 898 — Haught., gen. (ID) 898 — Hy. and sir H., A.G. 400; P.C. 220; Q.C. 418; S.G. 402 — Sir Hy., gen. (ID) 903 46 PIerb. Arm., dm. St. As. 3 — Herb. Hend., gen. (D) 927 — Jno., Amb. Nds. &c. 122 — Sir Jno., C. Exc. 278 — sir Jno. K., L.M. Dbln. 641-2 — Jrmo. Th., bp. Calc. 653 — Jno. Polg., gen. (D) 886 — Sir Walt. J., Wän. M. 245 — Wrm., b.p. Dham. 479; dri. §. Ch. Oxf. 457; dim. Dham. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMIES. J057 James and Jacobus—cont. — Wm., L.M. Dbln. 641 – Wm. and sir W., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 — Wm. M. and sir W., Jud. Qom, P.C. 361; L.J. App. 389; § 218; Q.C. 417; V. Chanc. Jameson, Geo. Ingl., gen. (D) 897; K.C.S.I. 803 — Wm., C.I.E. 806 sºleson, Rt., Modr. K. Sc. Jamys, Jno., M. Chy. 394 Jane, C. Flrs. 81 - "Toº Hij — D. Bbt. 29 — (Seymour), Q.C.E. 8 — Th., b.p. Norw. 455 — Wnn., dh. Glr. 440 Janisch, Huds. Ralph, G. St. Hel, 682 Jºens, Jan. W., G. C.G.H. Janssen, Sir Steph. Theoph., Chambn. Lond. 493; L.M. Lond, 492 Jºaslaw I. to III., R. Russ. Jardine, Alexr., gen. (D 894 y g (D) — Jno., dn. Thist. 749 Jarlath (St.), bp. Arm. 595; bp. Thi. 611 Jaromir, D. Brma. 59 rºopalk I. and II., R. Russ. Jaruman, bp. Lich. 443 Jarvis, E., G. Antig. 72S — Saml. Pet., gen. (D) 924 Jasper Tudor (son of Owen Tudor), Pr. E. 12 Jaures, Jean Louis Ch., K.C.B. 779 - Jay, Rd., S.L. 407 Jºyne, Fras. Jno...bp. Chest. 77 Jeaff—, see Jeff— Jebb, jño, bp. Lim., A. and A. 639 — Jno., dun. Cash. 627 — Jos. and sir J., gen. (D)895; K.C.B. 782 Rd., J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Ir, 3 59 Jefferay, see Jeffrey Jefferies, see Jeffreys Jefferson, Jeffreson, Jeffreyson — Chr., gem. (B) 868 — Jno. and Sir J., C.G.S. Ir. 576; J.C.P. Ir. 581; S.L. 410 — T., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Jeffery, see Jeffrey Jeffrey, Jeffery, and Jeffe- ray — Fras., D, Fac. Sc. 527; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 520 — Jno. and Sir J., C.B. Ex. 381; J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 — sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Jeffreson, see Jefferson Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jefferies' — Ch., gem. (B) 865 Ed., J. Chest. 387; Q.C. 415 - — Edmd. Rd., gen. (D) 903 — Geo., see d. J., infra — Jas., C. Cus. 276 — Jno., Wän. M. 245 — St. Jno., C. Acc. Ir. 567 and and Jeffreys, lds. | Jenny, 86e Jenney — Geo., aft. Sir G. and 1d. J., Jenour, Sir Jno., Sec. Bath C.J. Chest. 386; C.J.K.B. 370; - . Sergt. Lond. 495; R.C. 414; L.H.S. 286; Ld. Chanc. 357; P.C. 192; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 410 Jeffreyson, see Jefferson Jeffries, see Jeffreys Jeggon or Jegon, Jno., b.p. orw. 455; dri. Norw. 455 Jekyll, Jos., M. Chy. 397 — Jos. and Sir J., C.G.S. 357; C.J. Chest. 386; R.C. 415; M.R. 388; P.C. 197; S.L. 411 Jelf, Arth. Rd., Q.C. 419 Jellett, H. P., S.L. Ir. 593 Jenkin, Mered., L.M. Dbln. 641 Jenkins and Jenkyns, Ch. Vanbr., gen. (ID) 916 — Ch. Vern., gen. (ID) 928 — Ja.s., K.C.B. 782 — Jno. Ja.s., gen. (D) 910 — sir Leol., J. Adm. Ct. 423; # Pr. Ct. 421; P.C. 192; S. St. 2 4 3 — Lewis, C. St. 284 — Rd., Chn. E.I. Co. 645; G.C.B. 772 — Rd., dm. Wells, 429 — Rt., adm. (E) 836; (IF) 839 Jenkinson, Ch., aft. 1st là. Hawkesbury, and 1st E. of Liverpool, q.v., B.T. 267; L. Admy. 179; L.T. 157; P.C. 202; Sec. at W. 234; Sec. Tr. # U.S.S. 226; V. Treas. Ir. 0 — hon. Ch. C. C., aft. 3rd E. of Liverpool, q.v., U.S. Home, 227; U.S.W. and C. 231 — Ed. Geo., K.C.B. 784 — Hy., adm. (IHI) 845 — Jno., gen. (B) 868 — Jno. B., b.p. St. Dav. '465; . 479; din. Worc. — hon. Rt. B., aft.ld.Hawkes- bury, and 2nd E. of Liver- pool, q.v., B.C. 252 Jenkyns, see Jenkins Jºher, Hy. Lasc., bp. Dun. 710 — Herb., aft. Sir H, aft. Jen- ner-Fust, D. Arch. 421; J. Pr. Ct. 421; Jud. Conn, P.C. 360; K. Adv. 422; P.C. 213; Vic. Gen. 422 ; — Sir Th., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. #: Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 0 — Sir Winn., IX.C.B. 783; Pres. Coll. Ph, 93S Jenney and Jenny — Chr. and Sir C., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 40 Wm., J.K.B. 372 ; S.L. 7 **ings, Ch. Ja.s., gen. (D) — Jno., K.P. 763 — sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 ; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; L. Admy. 1 77 — Patr., K.C.M.G. 797 — Wm., dry. Glr. 440 — Wrm. (No. 1), Berw. P.A. 341; R. Cr, P.A. 335 — Wm. (No. 2), Lanc. H. 332; Guis. P.A. 343 — Wrm., Q.C. 415 — Sir Wm., adm. (A) 813 784 Jenyns, Soame, B.T. 265-6 | — Steph., K.B. 760; L.M. Lond. 490 i Jephson, Michl., dm. St. Pat. 618 — Stanh. Wm., gen. (D) 896 — Wm., dry. Lism. 629 — Wrm., S.L. 412 Jeremie, Jas. A., dn. Linc. 448 — Jno., G. Si. Le. 685; See also Jermey e Jermey, see also Jeremie — Hy., K.B. 760 Jermin and Jermyn — Hugh Will., b.p. Brn. 541; bp. Cmbo. 673; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 — Ph., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 — Thos. and Sir T., Compt. H. 292; G. Jsey. 667; K.B. 761; V.C.H. 296 Jermyn, lds. and E. Jermym. Family. — Hy., aft. 1st là. J. and 18t E. of St. Albans, q.v., G. Jsey. 667; P.C. 189 — Th., 2nd lù., G. J.sey. 667 — Hy., 3rd lù., form. I Dover, q.v. , Hervey Family. — Fredk. Wm., E., form. Id. Hervey, q.v., aft. 1st M. of Bristol, q.v., P.C. 214; Tr. H. 1. 29 Arth. Wm., Jerningham, adm. (IHI) 849 — hon. Geo. S. S., Amb. Nds. &c.123; Amb. Spm. 124; Amb. SW. and N. 127 — Hy. and sir H., C.Y.G. 298; K.B. 760; M.H. 301 — hon. W. G. S., Amb. Pu. 135 Jerome, Hy. Ed., gen. (D) 928 — Jno., gen. (D) 915 Jerraw, Jos., gen. (D) 885 Jersey, E. Of — Ed., 1st E. of, form. ld, and visc. Williers, q.v., L.C.H. 295; L.J. Ir. 555; P.C. 194; S, St. 224 — Wnn., 3rd E. of, P.C. 199 — Geo. B., 4th E. of, form. visc. Williers, q.v., C.G.P. 299; MI.B.H. 303 — Geo., 5th E. of, G.C.H. 787; L.C.H. 295; M.H. 302; P.C. 21 , 211 Vict. Alb. Geo., 7th E. Of, L.L. Oxon, 311 Jervis, Hy., gem. (ID) 899 — sir Humphr., L.M. D'bln. 640 — sir Jno., aft. 1d, and Iº. St. Vincent, q.v., adm. (A) 815; K.B. 765 — Jno., and sir J., A.G. 400; .J.C.P. 376; Jud. Com. P.C. 3:15; P.P. 416; S.G. 402; S.L. | | TG 413 . — Th., J. Chest. 387; P.P. 415; R.C. 416 — Wrm. Hy., adm. (H) 848 Jervoise, Wm., G. H. Kong, 673; gen. (ID) 881; K.H. 791 Wrm. Fras. Dr. and sir W., .C.M.G. 795; G. N.Z. 709; G. S. Austr. 707; G. Str. Sett. 675; gen. (D) 917; K.C.M.G. 797 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 1058 INDEX OF NAMES. Jessel, Geo. and sir G., Jud. Com., P.C. 361; M.R. 388; P.C. 218; Q.C. 418; S.G. 402 Jessop, Wm., J. Chest. 387 wºunt,Thakoor R. K.C.S.I. Jeune, Fras., b.p. Pboro. 458; dm. Jsey. 668; dri. Linc. 448 — Fras. Hy., Q.C. 420 Jevaf (or Jevav), Pr. Wls. 16 Jevan, bp. St. Dav. 464 Jevav, see Jevaf J exam, Sing Buria, C.I.E. Jewell, Jno., b.p. Sal. 467 t Jºypore, Mahar of, G.C.S.I. 8 Jheend, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. 801; R.C.S.I. 802 Jioji, Sindia, Bao, gen. (ID) 915 - Joachim I. and II., M. Brg. 65 — –Ernest, C. Anht. 66 — -Fredk., M. Brg. 65 Joan, Q. Cle. 86 — (dau. Hy. II.), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. K. John), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Edw. II.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 Joanna, (of Navarre), Q.C.E. 7 — I. and II., Q. Nis. 56 — I. to III., Q. Nav. 87-8 J gºon, Sir Fras., Lt. T.L. 3 Joceline and Joseline, see also Jocelyn, Josselynt, and Josselynn — bp. Glasg. 536; bp. B. and W. 427; Jy. 363 Jocelyn, see also Jocelimë, Josceline, Josselyn, and Josselyne — hon. Geo., C. Acc. Ir. 567 — hon. Jno., C. Cus, Ir. 565-6 — hon. Percy, bp. Clr. 596; bp. Ferns and L. 622 — Rt., See visc. J., imfra, Jocelyn, visc. — Rt., aft, ld, Newport, q.v., and 1st visc. J., A.G. Ir. 588; L.J. Ir. 556; L.J. [r. 557; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 592 — Rt., Visc., aft, 3rd E. of Roden, q.v., P.C. 209; Tr. H. 291; V.C.H. 297 — Rt., Visc. (son of 3rd E. Of Roden), Sec. B.C. 254 Joddrell, Paul, K.C. 415 J *pur, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Jofreir, bp. Ork. 535 *John, abp. Cant. (desig.) 430 :}: (St.) of Beverley, abp. Yk. 485 — bp. Abdn. 530 *— (2), bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 *— bp. Arg. 537 bp. Clonf. 635 - bp. Clonm. 600 - bp. Cress. 531 (2), bp. Cmr. 604 bp. Dry. 601 bp. Bown and Cmr. 604 bp. Drom. 604 . bp. Dkld. 533 bp. Elph. 608 *— bp. Gaii. 555 : = Sk := b D. E X r 4 3 6 John—comt. *— bp. Glas. 536; Ld. Chamc. Sc. 514 (5), bp. Isl. 539 sis (of Taunton), bp. Kild. *— bp. Kilmacd. 636; dim. t Kilmacd. 637 -k :K :}; bp. Llin. 621 :}; 0 (of Tatemale), bp. Oss. — bp. Rph. 601 — (2), bp. Roch. 459 *— (2), bp. Itoss. 535 (2), bp. St. As. 462 (2), bp. S. and M. 483 bp. Wíord. and L. 627 *— din. Ard. 609 *— dm. Cloy. 632 º dın. Kild. 619 — dri. OSS. 622 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. — C. Anj. 27 — (D’Avennes), C. Hlt.82 — C, Lux. 84 — D. S. Wr. 79 — D. H.nr. 70 — D. Bdy. 29 — (the Constant), El. Sxy. 77 — R. Brma. 59 — K. Dk.93; K.G. 737 — (form. E. of Mortain, q.v.), R.E. 4; Ld. Tr. 550; L.H.A. 170 — (De Brienne), K. J.Sm.97 — K. Scy. 56 — K. Sxy. 78 — (abb. of Peterborough), L.H.T. I52 — (prior of St. L.P.S. Sc. 500 — (son of Hy. II.), aft. K. John, q.v., Pr. E. 9 — (son of Hy. III.), Pr. E.9 — (son of Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 — (SOn Of Edw. II.), Pr. E. 10 — (g, son of Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 :k >k :: >}: :}; ::: :: × * sk Andrews), — (of Gaunt) (son of Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (Mortimer) (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (son of Hy. IV.), aft. E. of Išendal and D. of Bedford, q.v., Pr. E. 11; K.B. 755; K.G. 734 — Pr. Nass. 75 — of Austrla, (2), R. Nds. 82-3 — I. and II., C. Hld. 82 — I. and II., D. Alçn. 26 — I. and II., D. Bva. 68 — I. and II., D. Line. 29 — I. and II., K. Arr. 86 — I. and II., K. Cle. 86 — I. (K. Cle.), R.G. 733 — I. and II., K. Fr. 24 — I. and II., K. Nav. 85, 87 — I. and II., Pr. Mkg. 74 — I. and II., Pr. Mno. 31 — I. to III., K. Pld. 91 — I. to III., K. Sw. 92 — I. to III., M. Brg. 65 — I. to IV., D. Bbb. 29 — I. to IV., Emp. Tzde. 9 — I. to V., R. Russ. 89, 90 — I. to VI., D. Bry. 28 — I, to VI., Emp. E.E. 50-1 — . to VI., K. Pgl. 88-9 — I. (K. Pgl.), K.G. 735 John—cont. - — II. (K. Pgl.), K.G. 736 — VI. (K. Pgl.), K.G. 743 — I. to XXIII., P. Ro. 33-4-5 — II., Pr. Ltºn. 73 — -Adolph (D. of Saxe Weis- senfels), K.G. 742 . --Albert I., Pr. Mkg. 74 — d'Albret, K. Nav. 85 — (Baliol), K. Sc. 19 —-Ernest, D. S.C. and G. 78 — -Ernest, Pr. Nass. 76 — -Ernest, I. and II., D. S. Wr. 79 —-Fredk., D. Wog. 11 — –Fredk., El. Sxy. 78 —-Gastone, G. D. Thy. 57 *** * —-George, M. Brg. 65 is -George, I. to IV. El. Sxy. —ºgeorge II. (E1. Sxy.), K.G. 7 —-George IV. (El. Sxy.), K.G. 74.1 — -Kemin, Pr. Twa. 60 — -Louis, Pr. Nass. 75 —-Sigism., M. Brg. 65 — -Sigism., Pr, Tva. 60 —-Sigism., D. Pr. 65 — Th., gem. (ID) 928 — -Wm., D. S. Wr. 79 —-Wnn., C.P.R. 68 — Zapoly, Pr. Tva. 60 Johnes, see also Jones — Arth. J., C.C.J. 403 — Hills-, form. Hills, q.v. — Jno., C.C.J. 403 — Th , L.L. Card, 315 — Th., L.L. Carm. 315 Johnson, see also Jonson — Allen Bay., gen. (D) 925 — Alured Clarke, gen. (ID)930 Andr., Pres. U.S.A. 103 — Cass. Matt., gen. (ID) 890 — Ch. Coop. and Sir C., gem. (D) 929; K.C.B. 781 - — Ch. Rich., adm. (H) 850 — Ed. Ralph., bp. Calc. 653 — Edwin Beaum. and Sir E., gen. (D) 904; G.C.B. 771; R.C.B. 780; M.C.I. 647 — Geo., adm. (H) 851 — Geo., J. Chest. 387; M.R. 388; S.L. 410 — Hy. S., dn. Wells, 429 — Geo. Vamd., gem. (D) 922 — Hy. and sir H., G.C.B. 768; gen. (A) 859 — H. R. W., Pres. Lib. 100 — Jas., b.p. Glr. 438; bp. Worc. 473 — Jno., gen. (IB) 865 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 — Jno. Ja.s., Q.C. 418 — Jno. Ormsby, adm. (HI) 850 — Michl., gen. (D) 892 — Nathl., G. Leew. Isl. 727 — Nichs., Paym, G. 244 — Rt., B. Ex. Ir. 584 —iº bp. Cloy, 631; dn. Trm. 61 — Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 582 — Th., L.M. Lond. 492 — Wentw., G. Bah. Isl. 716 — Wnn., dm. Oss. 623 — Wm., J.C.P. Ir. 582 ; S.L. Ir. 593 — Wm. Aug., gen. (B) 869 — Wm. Moore, A.G. Ir. 589; J.Q. B.D. Ir, 580; S.G. Ir, 590 -- – Wm. Ward Percival, adm. (G) 842 f For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-95 INDEX OF NAMES. 1059 Johnston and Johnstone TO 23 *— –, G. Tob. 7 *— hon, Amdr. Cochr., G. Dnca. 730 * 2 Same pers. — sir Alexr., Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 212 — sir Archd., Ld. Adv. 526; # Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. — Ch. Cornw., gem. (ID) 898 — Ch. Ja.s., adm. (ID) 826 92 gh. Jas. Hope, gen. (ID) Ed. Jno., C. St. 284 — Fras. Jas. Th., gen, (D) 878 — FR., gen. (ID) 892 — Geo., B.C. 252 — Geo., G. N.S.W. 702; gen, (C) 874 — Hy. Campb., gen. (ID) 919 m. 691 ; G. N. — Jas., G. Ca Brk. 495; gen. (A) 858 — Jas., gen. (A) 858 *— Jas., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 *— Ja.s., Sec. St. Sc. 502 * Poss. same pers. — Jas., K.C.S.I. 803 — Jno. Dougl., gem. (D) 894 — Jno. Jul., gen. (ID) 926 — Mont. Cholm., G. Mtius. 684; gen. (D) 892 -— Rt. Maxw., gen. (D) 913 — Th. Hy., gem. (ID) 891 — Wnn., gen. (B) 867 — Wm., gen. (B) 868 — Wrm., gen. (C) 872 – Wm. and sir W., gem. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 — Wm. and sir W., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Wm. Jas. Hope- and sir W., adm. (C) 822; adm. (D) 830; K.C.B. 779 — Wm. Sout., gem. (B) 866 Johore, Mahar. of, G.C.M.G. | 795; K.C.S.I. 802 Jolantha, D. Lime. 30 Jºlies, Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 91 Jolliffe, Hy., dn. Brl. 440 →Wm. B.T. 266; L. Admy. 1 — sir Wm. Geo. Hylton, aft. ld. Hylton, q.v., P.C. 216; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Home, 228 Jolly, Alexr., bp. Mor. 544 Jonathan, bp. Dmbl. 532 Jones, See also Johmes — hom. Alexr., adm. (ID) 828; (G) 840 — Ambr., bp. Kild. 617 — Barzillai, dn. Lism. 629 — Benj. Orl., gem. (ID) 890; K.H. 792 — Cadw., G. Bah. Isl. 716 — Ch. Chad., S.L. 413 — Sir Ch. Th., adm. (IHI) 846 — Daiml., gen. (B) 866 — Dav. Br., C.C.J. 405 — Dav. Fras. Atcherly-, P.P. 416; S.L. 413 — Drury, L.M. Dbln. 641 — Ed., bp. Cloy. 630; b.p. St. As. 462; dm. Lism. 629 — Sir Fras., L.M. Lond. 491 — Geo., gem. (D) 883 — Geo. E., K.H. 790 — Geo. Lewis, bp. Kild. 617; bp. ISilm, 607; dm. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 619 — Griff. Turm., gen, (ID) 935 Jones—cont. — Harry Dav. and sir H., gen. (D) 889; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 — Hy., bp. Clr., 596; byp. Mth. ; dm. Ard. 609; dim. Kilm. 509 — sir Hy., aft. Jones- #yº, Amb. Pers. 130; P.C. 213 Hy. Bichm., gem. (D) 900 — Herb. Geo., C.C.J. 404; S.L. 413 — How. Sutt., gem. (D)'930 — Hugh, bp. Llff. 449 — Hugh Val., C. Cus. Ir. 565; |U.S.S. 226 — J–, dm. Bgr. 426 — Jas., gem. (D) 885; K.H. 89 7 — Jenk., gem. (D) 919 — Jno., Comm. Ir. 554-5 — Jno., gem. (B) 864 — Jno. and ’sir J., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 778 — Jno. Salisb., K.H. 791 — sir Jno. Th., gem. (C) 875; K.C.B. 776 × Lewis, bp. Killoe. 634 *— Lewis, dn. Ard. 609 *— Tiewis, dm. Cash. 627 * Prob. same pers. — Lewis Tobias, aft. Sir L., adm. (ID) 832; (E) 834; (E) 838; G.C.B. 770; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; K.C.B. 779 — Llew., bp. Newf. Bnada. 700 — Loftus Fras., adm. (E) 837 — Michl., Comm. Ir. 554 — Nathl., gen. (ID) 894 — Oliver, J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Oliver Jno., adm. (IH) 849 — Oliver Th., gen. (C) 873 — Ph., Yk. H. 334 — Rice, K.H. 790 — Rd., aft, visc. and E. of #ºnelagh, q.v., Ch. Ex. Ir 6 — Rd., dm. Elph. 609; dri. Wford, 628 — Rd., gem. (ID) 886 Rd., K.C.B. 775 — Rd. Godfr., gem. (D) 914 — Rd. Ow., gem. (D) 933 — Theob., adm. (HI) 846 sº Theod. Mort., adm. (E) 7 — Theoph., adm. (A) 817 — Th., abp. Dblin. and Gl. 616; bp. Mth. 599; dn. St. Pat. and 618; L.J. Ir. 554 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 — Th., gen. (C) 872 — Th., Q.C. 418 — Th. and Sir T., C.J.C.P. 375; J.K.B. 372; K.C. 414–5; S.L. 410 — Val., gen. (C) 872 — Wnn. and Sir W., A.G. 399; K.C. 414; S.G. 401; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; J.C.P. 378; J.K.B., 372; L.K. Ir. 576; S.L. 409 — Wnn. and sir W., gem. (D) 898; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780 — Wnn. Basil, bp. St. Dav. 465 Wm. Br., Ch. Com. Cent. Pr. 655 — Wnn. Gore, adm. (E) 836 Jones—cont. — Wnn. Ja.s., gen. (D) 889 Wm. Saml., gen. (ID) 913 — Wrm. West, bp. C. Th. 679 Jong, Jac. de, G. Ceyl. 672 Jonson, see also Johnson — Ben, P. Laur. 301 Joonaghur, Newab R.C.S.I. 803 — Saleh Hindi of, C.I.E. 806 Jordan, bp. Cloy. 630; bp. Cork and Cl. 631 — dim. Sal. 468 — Jno., K.H. 791 — Jos., gen. (D) 928 — sir Jos., adm. (A) 813 — Th. H., C.C.J. 405 Jorse, Roland, abp. Arm. 595 — Walt. de, abp. Arm. 595 Josceline and Joscelyn, see Jocelyn and Josselyn *Joseph, bp. Arm. 595 *— bp. St. Dav. 464 3% bp. Clonm, 599 *— bp. Llff. 449 *— dim. Arm. 597 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — K. Pgl. 88 — (Buonaparte) K. Sp. 86 — I. and II., E. Gnny. 62-3 — I. and II., K. Hgy. 60 — Geo. Fk., D.S. Alt. 78 Josephine, Emp. Fr. 25 Josina, K.Sc. 17 Josselyn and Josselyne, See also Joceline and Jocelyn — Ralph or Rauf, K.B. 757; L.M. Lond. 490 — Th., IK.B. 760 Jossus, C. Lux. S4 — E. Grmy. 62 — (the Beardless), M. Brg. 65 Joubert, P. J., Pres. Trl. 101 Joudpore, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 802 Jourdan, Off. Nap. 26 Jovellanos, S., Pres. Pgy. 110 Jovian, Emp. Ro. 48 Jowan, Mahar., K.C.S.I. 802 Joy, see also Shioy Hy., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 593 - — Hy. Hall, IX.C. 416 Joyce, Saml., Q.C. 419 Joyner, Jno., Comf. P.A. 342; R. Cr. P.A. 335 ; Norr. K.A. 329; Hichm. H. 333 Joynour, Wm., L.M. Lond. 4 88 Jºat, Wm. Lane, L.M. Dbln. 642 of, Juan, Juan Sam, G. Trim, 721 Juanna, (2), Q. Nav. 85 Juarez, Bem, Dt. Mex. 104; Pres. Mex, 104 ; Pres. V. Cr. 104 Jude, sir Andr., L.M. Lond. 490 Judicael, de Bemmes, D. Bry. 27 Jugjat Sing, C.I.E. 806 Jukel, Jno., J. Lt. 365 Julian, See also Julyan — Emp. Ro. 48 Julianus, D., Emp. Ro. 47 Julius, D. Brk. 70 - — I. to III., P. Ro. 33, 35 Julus, C. J. (4), C. Ro. 37-8.9; Dec. Ro. 38; Dt. Ro. 40 — L. J., C. Ro. 39 — V. J., C. Ro. 38 For List of Abbreviatºons, see pp. 944-9 1060 INDEX OF NAMES, Julyan, See also Julian - Penr. Goodch., K.C.M.G. *g, Nawab Salar, G.C.S.I. — &c., C.I.E. 807 Junot, Off. Nap. 26 Justice, Wm., gem. (D) 888 wºrtin i, and II., Emp, E.E. Justinian I. and II., Emp. E.E. 50 Justus (St.), abp. Cant, 429; bp. Roch. 459 Juxon, Wm., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Her. 441 ; bp. Lond. 452; dm. Worc, 473; L.H.T., 154; P.C. 190 Juyn or Ivyn — Jno. and sir J., C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B., #} K.B. 756; J.C.P. 378; S.L. Jye pore, Bah, of, G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 802 Jymungal, Itaj., K.C.S.I. 802 K. R—, see also C– ECalakaua, K. Sd. Is, 111; G.C.M.G. 795 Kamehameha I, to V., K. Sd. Is. 111 Kanai, Lal Dé, C.I.E. 807 Kane, Jos., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Nathl., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Rd., G. Gibr. 669 Rang-he, Tºmp. Ch. 100 Kantzow, Horb. Ph., adm.(HI) 851 ICanwar-Harilam, C.I.E. 807 Rardeston, Wm. de, J. It. 369 Earleol, Wrm. do, C.B. Ex. 381 Rarleton, see Carleton rºlett, Wm. de, B. Ex, Ir. 3 5 Karmicke, Th., dn, Wells, 429 Earslake, Ed. K., Q.C. 418 — Fk., gen. (ID) 932 — Jno. B. and Sir J., A.G. ;: P.C. 219; Q.C. 418; S.G. 40 — Wrm. Wall., Q.C. 419 Ratharine and Katherine, See also Catharine — (of Arragon), Q.C.E. 8 — (of Braganza), Q.C.E. 8 — (Howard), Q.C.E. 8 — (Parr), Q.C.E. 8 — (of Valois), Q.C.T. 7 — (dau. Bd. IV.), Pr. E. 12 HCaton, Jas., adm. (A) 820 — Jas. Fél., adm. (H) 850 Raune, Ikegd, D., J. It. 367 Ravanagh, see also Cavanagh — Arth. McM., L.L. Carl, 568 Ray, Ed. Eben. and Sir E., Just. Ch. D., 391; Q.C. 418 — (or Key), Jno., P. Laur. 300 — Jos., Q.C. 418 Ray - Shuttleworth, Shuttleworth Raye, Ed., gen. (ID) 904 — Goo. Farq., gen. (D) 927 º' no., b.p. Brl. 439; bp.Linc. — Jno. Wrm., K.C.S.I. 803 — sir Rd., dri. Linc. 448 1&azi Syud, &c. C.I.E. 808 Kean and Keane, see also Reen — Dav. D., Q.C. 418 — Geo. Disn., adm. (IE) 836; (E) 839 — hom. Hussey Fane, gen. (D) 917 — Jno., see löl. IX., infra, IKeane, lds. — sir Jno., aft. li. K., C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 786; G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (B) S66 869; I.C.B. 774 Kearney, see also Kerney — Sir jas, gen. (IB) 869; R.C.H. 788 — Jno., b.p. Oss, 621 Keate, Ed., gen. (D) 934 — Rt., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Rt. Wm., G. Gren. 724 ; G. Nat. 680; G. Trin. 722; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688 — Th., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 Reating and Keatinge — Cad., dn. Clr. 598 — Hy. Sh. and sir H., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 — Hy. Sing, and sir H., J.C.P. 380; Jud, Com. P.C. 361; P.C. #: Q.C. 417; S.G. 402; S.L. 1 4 — Jno., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 — Jno. Wm., dn. Trn. 613; dr. St. Pat. 618 — Michl, Jno., dm. Kilf. 637 — Rd., J. P. and M. Ir. 587 — Rd., S.L. Ir. 593 Bd. Hart., Ch. Com. Ass. 656; gen. (D) 926 Heats, Rd. Godw. and sir R., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 767; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; G. Newfél. 700; K.B. 766 — Wm., adm. (G) 841 IKeble and IKeeble Hy., L.M. Lond. 490 — Rd., C.G.S. 356; S.L. 409 — Th., S.L. 407 – wait.s.l. A07 Reck, Anthy. and C.G.S. 357; S.L. 412 — Saml., M. Chy. 396 Redah, Raja Ahmed, &c., K.C.M.G. ºft Reeble, see Keble Heele, Ch., adm, (H) 848 Reeling, see Kelyng Reen and Keene, See also Kean — Benj., B.T. 264; K.B. 765 — Ch., Amb. Sw. 126 — Edmd., bp. Chest. 477; bp. Ely, 435 — Hy. Geo., C.I.E. 807 — Jno., S.L. 411 — Jno. Ed. Tuck-, gen, (D).925 Ts Wh., B.T. 266; L. Admy. 180 Sir A., Keenan, Nichs., b.p. Ardf, and Agh. 639 — Patr. Jos., K.C.M.G. 797 IKeene, see Keen Reen-ſung, Emp. Ch. 100 Reer, Jno., gem. (D) 922 Kegworth, Sim, de, A.G. 398 Reightley, Th., C.G.S.Ir. 576; L.J. Ir, 555 Kei-King, Emp. Ch. 100 Reilwey, see also Keylway — Rt., S.L. 408 Reith (family of), E.M. Sc. 507 — Alexr., gem, (C) 873 — Alexr., Kt. Mar. Sc. 507 — Alexr. and sir A., Kt. Mar- Sc. 507 — sir Bas., G. Jam. 712 — Geo., H.C.P. Sc. 507 Rt., bp. Cness. 541; bp. Eife, 543; bp. Ork. 545; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 — Rt. Murr. and Sir R., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Grmy, 116; Amb. Russ. 125; Amb. SXy. 120; gen, (B) 866; K.B. 765; P.C. 205 — Wm., gen, (D) 934 — Wnn. (E. Marischal), Ld. Sess. (1541) 517 Wrm. (E. Marischal), Ld. Sess. (1561) 517 — Wril. (E. Marischal), L.P.S Sc. (1660) 501 Reith, lds, and visc. — Geo., ld. and Visc., form . Geo. R. Elphinstone, q.v., G.C.B. 766 Reith-Falconer, Fal- COIlCI' ICekewich, Arth, and Sir A., just "Gh. p.391. Q.C. 413 — Geo. G., C.C.J. 403 Relet, Wm., M. Chy. 394 ICellach, bp. Rilla. 612 — bp. St. Andr. 528 Kellawe, Rd, dc, bp. Dham. 4 Rellerman, Off. Nap. 26 Rellesay, Rd. de, J. It. 367 ICelleshull, Rd. de, J.C.P. 377 Kellett, Hy, adm. (D) 833; (E) 834; K.C.B. 780 . Kellie, see also Kelly Kellie, E. of — Thos. E. of, form. visc. Fonton, q.v. (1615), and Sir T. Erskine, q.v. (1603) — Th., E. of, L.L. Fifesh. (1824) 510 Kellner, Geo. Welsh, K.C.M.G. 797 Kellum, Geo., gen: (B) 864 Kelly, see also lyellie — Béned. Marw, adm. (G) 841 — Ed., adm. (E) 837 — Fitzr. and Sir F., A.G. 400; C.B. Ex, 382; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.C. 416; P.C. 217; Pres. Ex. D. 382; S.G. 402; S.L. 414 — Jas. Butl, bp. Mor., Ross. and Cness. 544; bp. Newfa. 700 — Jno. Fras., gem. (C) 873 — Ralph, abp. Ca$h, 625 — Tºd. Den and Sir R., gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 778 — Th., gen. (ID) 896 h., J.C.P. Ir, 582; S 626 Il. 592 S.L. I'07" List of Ablº'eviations, see pp. 944-952 INDEX OF NAMES. 1061 Kelly—cont. — Th., L.M. Lond. 492 — Th. Cumn., gen. (D) 905 Th. F., J. Admy. Ct. Ir. 587 Wm., adm. (IH) 848 Wm. Hanc., adm. (A) 817 Kelsall, Hy., C, Tx. 284 Keiso, Rt. gen. (3) gº Kelyng and Kelynge — Jno. and sir J. (No. 1), º .K.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; S.L. — Jno. and Sir J. (No. 2), K.C. 414 ; S.L. 410 Remball, Arm. Burr. and sir A., gem. (ID) 905; K.C.B. 780; K.C.S.I. 802 — Jno. Sh., gen. (D) 915 ICemble, Ch., E.S.P. 301 — Jno. Mitch., E.S.P. 301 rººm, Wm. Hy., gem. (D) • * Kemmis, Jas., gem. (C) 873 rººp, Geo. Rees, gen. (D) — Jno., abp. Cant. 431 — Th., K.B. 759 — Th. R., Q.C. 419 Kempe, Arth., adm. (A) 816 — Jno., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Chich. 433; bp. Ilond. 451; bp. Roch. 460; Ló. Chanc. 355 — Th., b.p. Lond. 451 — Wnn., S.L. 412 rºpenfelt, Rd., adm. (A) WY LO ICemplay, Jas., Q.C. 419 Kºpster, Fras. G., gen. (D) Kermpt, Jas. and Sir J., G.C.B. &C.H. 786; . Can. ; G. N. Sc. 695; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774; M.G.O, 259; D.C. 212 — Jno., G. N.S.W. 703 Kempthorne, Jas., adm. (A) 817 — Sir Jmo., adm. (A) 813 Rem, Th., bp. B. and W. 428 Kenah, Th., gem. (D) 880; K.C.B. 779 Rendal, H. de, M. Chy, 393 — Jas., L. Admy, 176 — Jas., S. St. 223 Kendal, E. of — Jno., E. Of, also D. of Bedford, q.v. (son of Hen. IV.), K.G. 734 — Jno., E. of, form. Jno. de Foix, q.v. —— Jno. (Beaufort), E. of, E. and aft. D. of Somerset, q.v.; (d. 1444) Rendall, Jas, G. Bdoes. 719 Rt. de, W.C.P. 318 Rendred, K.E. 3 ICendrek, Jno., L.M. Lond, 1 49 rºlesley, Ed. Vaugh., Q.C. 41 Renelm, IX.E. 3 Kenewold, see ICenwold Xenferth, bp. Lich. 443 Kenmare, E. Of Val., 2nd E. of, L.L. Kerry, 569 Val. Aug., 4th E. of, form. visc. Castlerosse, q.v.; K.P 751; L.C.H. 295 IKennedy, Alexr. Kenn. Clarke- (No. 1), gen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 779; K.H, 790 Kennedy—cont. Alexr. Kenn. Clarke- (No. 2), gen. (ID) 914 - Arth. Ed. and Sir E., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Gamb. 686; G. H. Kong, 673; G. Qland. 706; G. Si. Ile, 685; G. Vanc. Isl. 699; G. W. Afr. Sett, 688; 3.W. Austr. 707; I.C.M.G. 7 — Ed. Mitch., dn. Clonf. 637 — Fk. Ch., C.I.E. 808 — Hy. Fras., gem. (D) 911 —jas, boºkii. 533; bp. St. flººr. 529; Lid. Chanc. Sc. 15 — Jas., gen. (IB) 865 — Jas., gen. (D) 880 — Jas. Sh, and Sir J., gen. (ID) 882; K.C.B. 779 — Jno. Ja.s., adm. (IH) 850 —iºno. Wm. Alex., gen. (ID) 91 — Michl. Išav. and sir M., gen. (D) 906; K.C.S.I. 803 — Sir Rd., B. Ex, Ir. 584 — Sir Rt. Hugh, K.C.H. 788 — Th. Fras., C.W.F. &c. 272-3; Clk. O. 260 ; L.T. 160 — Th. Gilb., gen. (ID) 929 — Th. Le B., dm. Clghr. 598 — Vans, gen. (D) 878 — Wm. Rann, Q.C. 420 ICennedy, lds. * — Jno., 2nd ló., L.J. Gen. 522 || lºcennet, and Kennett — Brackley, gen. (10) 877 — Brackley, L.M. Lond. 492 — White, bp. Pboro. 458; dn. PbOro. 458 Renneth I, to III. K. Sc. 18, 19 Kennett, see Kenmet IKenney, see Kenny Kennion, see also Kenyon — Geo. Wyndh., b.p. Adel, 707 IKenny and IKenney — Arth. Hy., dm. Ach. 614 — Dav. Courtn., gen, (D) 876 — sir Ed., G. N. Sc. 695 IKenric, K.E. 2, 3 ###, Ad. E., dn. Bgr. 42 — Jno., C. St. 283 — Matth., C. St. 283 Kensington, lds. . Rich. Family. — Hy., 1st là., aft. 1st E. of Holland, q.v. Edwardes Family. — Wm., 2nd lå., L. Admy. 181 – win. 3rd lá., L.L. Pemb. 31 — Wnn., 4th 1d., Compt. H. 293; L.L. Pemb. 316; P.C. 219 Rent, Hy, gen, (ID) 926 — Jno., C. Cus. Sc. 503 — Th., M. Chy. 394 Kent, E., M., and D. of — Odo, E. of, Ch. Jr. 362; L.H.T. 152; W.C.P. 317 — Godw, E. of, W.C.P. 317 — Hub., E. of, form. H. de Burgh, q.v. (d. 1243), Ch. Jr. ; L.J. Ir. 550; Comst. T.L. 3 — Edmd. (of Woodstock), E. of (d. 1832), W.C.P. 318 Th., E. of, form. Sir T. Hol- land, q.v. (d. 1360) - The I. of (d. 1397), K.G. 7 *-** Rent, E., M., and D. of convi. Th., E. of, and D.Of Surrey, q.v. (d. 1400), E.M. 326; K.G. 734; L.L. Ir. 552 — Edm., E. of (d. 1407), K.G. 734 ; L.H.A., 173 m., E. of, form. Id. - ºnconberg (d. 1463), L.H.A. — Edm., E. of, form. li. Grey of Ruthym, q.v. (d. 1488) Rd., E. of (d. 1523), I.C.G. 737 — Hy., E. of (d. 1651), C.G.S. 356 — Hy., E., aft. M. and D. of (d. 1740), Const. W. Cast. 322; K.G. 741; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Heref. 308; L.P.S. 240; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 195 Ed., D. of (son of Geo. III.), form. Pr. Ed., q.v. (d. 1820), F.M. 856; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 785; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 859; P.C. 206 Kentigern, bp. St. As. 462 rººtwode, Reg., dm. St. P. smºsºms * *Kenulf and Kenulfus *— bp. Lindisf.478 * bp. Winch. 470 º (or Ceolulfus), bp. Dorch. * Poss. same pers. Comp. dates. — K.E. 3 Kenwälchus, bp. Lond. 451 IKenwold, bp. Worc. 472 Renwulf, K.E. 2 Kenyon, see also Kennion — Jno. Rt., Q.C. 418 — Ll., see ld. K., infra, — Rog., G. I. Man, 666 Kenyon, Ids. — Ll., aft, Sir T. and 1st li. K., A.G. 399; B.T. 267; C.J. Chest. 386; C.J.K.B. 370 ; K.C. 415; L.L. Flints. 314; M.R. 388; l?.C. 204; S.L. 412 rººsh, Jno. Woulfe, gen. (ID) 4 — Wrm., A.G. Ir. 588; J.C.P. Ir. 582; J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; S.G. Ir. 590 Keppel, infra — hon, Fk., bp. Exr. 437; dri. Winds. 474 Geo., adm. (A) 816 — hon, Hy. and sir H., adm. (B) 821 ; (ID) 831; (IE) 834 : G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 hon. Wm., gen. (B) 865 — Wrm. and sir W., G.C.B. 767; G. Gsey, 669; gen. (A) 860; K.B. 766; P.C. 211 - Reppel, visc. — hon, Aug., aft, visc. IX, adm. (A)814; L. Admy. 179-80; C. 208 Aug., see visc. K., Keppock or Keppok, Jno., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; J.K.B. Ir, 578; D. Chanc. Ir, 574 Rer and Kerr, see also Carr — Andr., Ld. Sess. 519 — sir Andr., Ld. Sess. 517 — la. Fo. Herb., adm. (E) 835; (F) 839 — Geo., Ld. Sess. 518 — (Or Carr), Jno., dr. Ard. 609 — li. Jno., gem. (C) 871 Jno. Hy. Lyte, gen. (ID) 912 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1062 INDEX OF NAMES, Ker and Kerr–comt. — Jno. M., gem. (A) 861 — Mark, Ld. Sess. 517 — Mark, aft. 1st E. of Lothian, q.v., Ld. Sess, 517 — lil. Mark, gen. (A) 857 ld. Mark, gem. (D) 903; IX.C.B. 781 ld, Mark Rt., adm. (A) 819 — Rt., adm. (IHI) 848 — Rt., aft. E. of Ancrum,Q. v., K.B. (1603) 761 — lá. Rt., IX. H. 791; Sec. Thist. 749 — Th., G. Falls. Isl. 731 ; G. Gren. 724 — Th. Darl., gen. (D) 919 — Th. Wrm., gen. (C) 874 Walt., gen. (B) 867 Wm., gen. (B) 864 ICeram (or Kyram), dn. Cash. 627 Rerdiffe, Ed., S.L. Ir. 591 — Jno., din. Clonm. 600 — Walt., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Rerney, see (tlso Kearney — Jas., b.p. Chr. 604 — (or Carmey), Sir Rd., Ulst. R.A. 572 f Kerovall, Steph., bp. Clonf. 636; bp. Rilmacd. 636 ICerowler, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 802 Rerr, see Ker and Carr *ECerrich, Walt. Cheese D'Oyl., gen. (ID) 925 *— Walt. Cheese D'Oyl., gen. (ID) 935 * 2 salme pers, HCerrison, sir Ed., gen. (A) 863; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 777 ; E.C.H. 787 Rersteman, Wm., gem. (C) 87 Rervel, Adr. von, G. C.G.H. 678 Reshan, Jno., L.M. D'blm. 642 Restell-Cornish, see Cornish ICesteven, D. of, see Ancaster and K. Ret, —, see also Kett— Retene, Jno. (le, bp. Ely, 434 Reterich, see IXetterich Rettel, Th., bp. Down, 603 Retterich (or Catryk), Jno., bp. Exr. 436; bp. Dich, and Cov. 444; bp. St. Dav. 464 Rettle, Jno., Winds. H. 331 — Rup. A. and Sir R., C.C.J. 404 Kettleby, Rt. J., S.L. 412 Rettleseye, R. do, M. Chy. 393 Rettlewell, Jno. W., gen. (D) 885 ( Revenagh, see Kavanagh and Cavanagh Revin (or Coemgeme), St., b.p. Glend. 615 Rey, Astl. Coop. and , Sir A., aim. (E) 835; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780; L. Admy. 185-6; B.C. 220 — Bransb. Lanc., bp. Br. Raffr. 681 — Geo. Wm., gen. (D) 897 — (or Kay), Jno., P. Laur. 300 — sir Jno., Chambn. Lond. 493; L.M. Lond. 492 Reyes, Ch. Patt, and Sir C., gen. (D) 923; K.C.B. 781 ICeylway, See also IXeilwey Rt., M. Chy. 395 Reys, Hy., M. Chy. 394 Tºeyser, Pol. de and sir P., L.M. Lond. 492 Rhalif, S. Zr. 102 rººran, Sirdar of, K.C.I.E. 5 Rhelat, Khan of, G.C.S.I. 801 — Khan of (Mir Ali), C.I.E. 806 — Khan of (Mir Mahmud), C.I.E. 806 Khem. Singh, C.I.E. 806 . . . Kholapur, Dewan of, C.I.E. 808 Rhote, Ragh. Nar., C.I.E. 807 HCiaran (St.), bp. Clonm, 599; bp. Saig. 620 Eidder, Rd., b.p. B. and W. 428; dm. Pboro. 458 Ridwelly (or Kydwell), Morg., A.G. 398; K.B. 759 Kielhorn, Franz, C.I.E. 808 IKilconcath, Wm. de, bp. Brn. 530 Rilcoursie, F. E. G., visc., aft. 9th E. of Cavan, q.v., P.C. 220; V.C.H. 297 IKildare, E. and MI. Of — Th., 2nd E. of, L.D. Ir. 551. Maur., 4th E. of, L.D. Ir. 551 Ger., 5th E. Of, L.L. Ir. Th., 7th E. of, L.D. Ir. 552; Tid. Chanc. Ir. 575 — Ger., 8th E. of, K.G. 737; L.D. Ir. 553 — Ger., 9th E. of, L.J. and T.D. Ir. 553 — Rt., 19th E. of, C.G.S. Ir. 576; L.J. Ir. 556 — Ja.s., 20th E. of, aft. 1st M. of K. and 1st D. of Leinster, (1.7). Hildelicht, Rt., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 C. Hildesby(or Ryldesbury), Wm. de, L.K., 354; M. Chy. 393 Kilgour, Rt., bp. Abdm. 541; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 *enny, Andr. de, dm. Exr. 437 — Wm. de, bp. Ely, 434; L.R. 353; M. Chy. 393 Rillach, Mel., bp. Emly. 625 Rillene (St.), bp. Ferns, 621 ; bp. Oss, 620 Rilligrew, Hy., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 176 — Rt., gen. (C) 871 rºlingbury, Rd., L.M. Lond. IKillingworth, Wm., S.L. 411 Rillmain, JaS., ld., also 2nd ld. Tyrawley, q.v. Rilm allock, Dom., ld., form. Sir D. Sarsfield, q.v. Rilmorey, Fras., 12th visc. and 1st E. of, form, hon. F. Needham, q.v. ICilmyrngton, Rd. de, dm. St. P. 453 55 Kiyaraby, Rt., abp. Cant. Rilwarden, Arth., visc., form. Arth. Wolfe, q.v. riſºnerley, Jonn., dm. Lich. {} ICimberley, E. of — Jno., E. of, form. Jno. and ld. Wodehouse, q.v.; C.D.L. 243; C. Sec. 235; K.G. 745; L.P.S. 241; Sec, Ind. 236; TJ.S.F. 230 Kimberley, E. of.-Comt. — Florence, Css. of, Cr. Ind. 810 ICinahan, Rt. Hy., L.M. Dblin. 642 Rincaird, Alexr., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Rincardine, E. of, see also Elgin and K. — Alexr., 2nd E. Of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 191; V.A. Sc. 499 Kindale, Rt. de, W.C.P. 318 Rindersley, Rd. Tor. and sir R., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.C. 416; M. Chy. 397; P.C. 217; V. Chanc. 390 Rinchant, Jno. Charl., gen. (ID) 934 Rinebert, or Kineberth, or I(imebertus, bp. Lich. 443 — bp. Winch, 470 — bp. Sidr. 446 Rinehard, bp. Winch. 470 Kinewaldus (or IXimewardus), bp. Wells, 427 Rineward, bp. Winch. 470 Rimewardus, see Kinewal- duS ICinfauns, Chart, de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Eing and Kyng — Abrm. Bradley and Sir A., I.M. Dbln. 641 — sir Anthy. L.M. Dbln. 641 — Anthy. Sing., K.H. 792 — Ch., K.H. 790 — Col. —, Lt. T.L. 322 — Ed., bp. Elph. 608 ; Elph. 609 — Ed., bp. Linc. 447 — Sir Ed. Durnf., adm. (A) 820; K.C.H. 788 — Geo., gen. (D) 899 — Geo. St. Vincent and sir G., adm. (I)) 832; (E) 834; IX.C.B. 780 — Gilb., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Greg., Lanc. H. 333; R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Hy., bp. Chich. 433; du. IRoch. 461 — hom. Hy. and sir H., G. Higld, 670; gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 — sir Hy., gen. (A) 863; IX.C.H. 788 — Hy. Seym., C.I.E. 808 — Hult. Smith, C. Acc. Ir. 567; C. Cus. 277; C. Cus. Ir. 566 J. H., G. St. Xtr. 729 — Ja.s., dn. Rph. 603 dri. hon. Ja.s. Wnn., adm. (D) 827 Jno., b.p. Lond, 452; dr. Chr. Ch. 457 — Jno., dum. Th. 613 — Jno., K.C. 414 — Jno., Sec. Tr. 163 — Jno., U.S. Home, 228 — Oliver, bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Exr. 436; dm. Her. 442; Regr. Gart. 746; S. St. 223 - Captn. |P. G., G. N.S.W. — Peter, see ld. K., infra — Ph. Park, adm. (IHI) 847 — Sir Rd. (No. 1), adm. (A): 815; G. Newfii. 700 — Sir Rd. (No. 2), adm. (A) 819; . K.C.B. 774 For Jist of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1063 King and Kyng—cont. — Rd. Hy., adm. (G) 842 — Rd. Th., gen. (D) 889 — Rt., b.p. Oxf. 456 — sir Rt., Comm. Ir. 554 — Th., gen, (D) 880 Th., M.M. 246 Th. * R. Dr. P.A. 338; Wait, bp. Roch. 460 — Wm., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Dry. 601; C.G.S. Ir. , 576; dim. St. Pat. 618; L.J. Ir. 556 — Wrm. Ja.s., gen. (D) 896 — Wm. Sm., dn. Llin. 624 Ring, lds. Peter, aft. Sir P. and 1d. K., C.J.C.P. 376; L.H.S. 286; Ld. Chanc. 357; P.C. 196; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 411 IKing-Harman, see Harman Ring come, Jno., adm. (D 831; (E) 838; K.C.B. 779 Kingdom, Rd., C. Exc. 278 Ringdon, Holl, Tull., bp. Foton. 696 — Th. K., Q.C. 418 King'estone, see Kingston Ring lake, Jno. Alexr., P.P. 417; S.L. 413 Col. R. N. F., Ringscote, C.W.F. &c. 273 Kingscotes, Jno., bp. Carl. 7 Ringsdown, Th. Pemb., ld., form. T. P. Leigh, q.v. Ringsley, Wm., gem, (B) 865 Kingsmill, Geo. and Sir G., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 * — Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — sil: Rt., adm. (A) 815 (or De Basing), Wm., dm. Winch. 471 Ringston and Kingstone — Ad. de, dm. St. Patr. 617 — Hy. de, J. It. 366 — Jno., C. St. 284 — Th., dn. Winds. 474 IX.G. 738; C.Y.G. 298 Kingston, E, and D. of King-Temison Family. — Hy. Erm. N., 8th E. L.L. Rosc. 571 Pierrepoint Family. Ev., 1st D. of, form. M. of Dorchester, q.v., R.G. 741; L.P.C. 188; LJP.S. 240 Ev., 2nd D. of, gem. (A) 858; K.G. 742; L.L. Notts, 311 Rinleside, Rt. Raikes, gem. (D) 902 IKinloss, Ed., ld., Brace, q.v. Rinnaird, Geo. Wnn. F., 9th ld., M.B.H. 303; P.C. 214; IX.T. 748; L.L. Prth. 511 IKinnatellus, K. Sc. 18 Kinnear, Alexr. Sm., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Ld. Sess. 521 Rinnersley, Is., gen. (D) 878 Rinninmund, or IXynnin- mund — Alexr. (2), bp. Abdn. 530 — Jno. de, bp. Brm. 531 — Matth. de, bp. Abdn. 530 Rinnoull, E. of — Geo., 1st E. of, form. Sir G. Hay, and 1st visc. Dupplin, (W.U). (I Geo., 2nd E. of, C.Y.G. 8 of, Jrm. Sir E. 29 sir Wm., Const. T.L. 320; . | Kinnoull, E. of—comt. h., 8th E. of, form. Visc. i Dupplin, q.v. — Rt. Aur., 9th E. of, Ly, R.A. 513; P.C. 206 — Th. Rt., 10th E. of, L.L. Prth. 511; Ly. K.A. 513 Kinsey, or Kinsius ! — bp. Lich. 443 — abp. Yk. 485 Kinton, Godfr. de, see Lud- ham Kintore, E. of — Jno., 1st E. of, Dep. Tr. Sc. 497; L.P.S. Sc. 501 — Anthy., 5th E. of, L.L. Kinc. 510 JFras. Alexr., 8th E. of, L.L. | Abdn. 508; L.L. Kinc. 510 — Algn. H. T., 9th E. Of, C.Y.G. 298; G. S. Austr. 707; P.C. 221 *śjing, Jno. Lockw., C.I.E. 0 — Th., dn. Pboro. 458 Kirby, see also Kirkeby — Cranl. Th., S.L. 412 — Jno., Ir. IX.A. 338 — Steph., gem. (ID) 885 — Th. Cox, K.H. 792 — Walt., IX.H. 791 — Wm. Humphr., gen. (D) 909 Kirk, see also IXirke | Jno. and Sir J., Amb. Zr. | 132; G.C.M.G. 795; IX.C.M.G. 797 ; Kirkaldie, sir Jas., L.H.T. | Sc. 497 | Kirke, see also Kirk g Piercy, gen. (B) 864 Kirkeby, see also Kirby * Gilb. de, J. It. 368 | — Jno. de, bp. Carl. (d. 1353), 475 *— Jno. de, bp. Ely, 434; bp. | Roch. 459 ; J.C.P. 376; J. It. 367; Jy. 364; L.H.T. 152; Ld. | Chanc. 353; M. Chy, 393 * It is doubtful whether : these all refer to the t same pers. Compare dates, and see Foss's Judges — Juno., M.R. [r. 585 — Th. de, MI.lº. 387 ICirketon, Jno. (le, K.B. 754 — Rog. de J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Kirkham, Rt., L.K. 355; M. Chy. 394; M.R. 387 — Walt. de, b]). Dham. 478; dın. Yk. 486 ICirkland, Agmond A. V., gem. (ID) 90S Rirkwall, Geo. Wm. H., visc., aft. 6th E. of Orkney, q.v., E.C.M.G. 797 IKirmingtoll, Josc. de, dn. Limc. 448 IKirtling, Geoff., dm. Limc. 447 Rirwan, Anth. La T., dm. Kilmacd. 638; dh. Limn. 640 — Walt. Bl., du. Išilla. 614 Eitchen and Kitchin. — (or Dunstan), Anth., bp. Llff. 449 Jmo. — Geo. Wnn., dm. Winch. 471 — Jas., gen. (D) 886 — VVnh. Hewg., adm. (HI) 848 Kite, Jno., abp. Arm, 595; bp, Carl. 475 — sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 492. Ki-tsiang, Emp. Ch. 100 Kittenstein, Jac. Van, G., Ceyl. 672 ICnapp, Fras., dn. Klla. 614 Enatchbull, sir Ed., P.C. 213; Paym. G. 244 — sir Ed. Hug., aft. Knatch- bull-Hugessen and ló. Bra- bourne, see Hugessen — Sir Jno., L.P.S. 240 — Reg. Ed., gen, (10) 904 Knatchbull-Hugessen, see Hugessen **worth, Th., L.M. Lond, 9 Enevet, see IXnyvet Knight, Chr., R.H. 791 Edmd., Chest. H. 331; jºr. IX.A. 329; R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Fk. Wm., Sec. P.L.B. 262 — col. FK. Winn, K.C.B. 784 — Hy. Edm., aft. Sir H., L.M. Lond. 492 — Hy. Ral., gem. (18) 868 — J. A. Gil., G. Trin. 721 — Jas. Blackb., C.I.E. 806 — Jas. Lew., aft. Knight- Bruce, see Bruce — Jno. and Sir J., adm. (A) 817; K.C.B. 773 — Sir Jos., adm. (A) 815 — Lewis Ed., gen. (D) 922 — Th., Chest. H. 331; R. Cr, P.A. 335 — Th., M.M. 246 — Wrm., bp. B. and W. 428 — Wrm., S. St. 223 — Wrm. Br., du. Llff. 450 Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 926 Knight-Bruce, see Bruce Knightby, Rd., K.B. 759 Val., K.B. 760 Knightley, Edm., S.L. 408 — Rd., K.B. 763 — Th., V. Treas. Ir. 559 Enighton, sir Wm., G.C.H.786 Knivet, see Knyvet Knocker, Jno. Bed, gen, (D) 921 *Hºli, Ed. de la, dn. Wells, 28 ECnolles, Th., L.M. Lond. 489 Enollys, see also Knowles and IXnowlys — Clem. C., G. St. Luc. 725 — Fras. and sir F., K.C.M.G., 798; C.Y.G. 298; Compt. H. 292: K.G. 739; Tr. H. 291 Sir Rt., K.G., (?) 734 — W m., gen. (A) S61 — Wm., called E. of Banbury, gen, (C) 872 — sil: Wnn., see li, K., infra Wm. Th, and sir W., G., Gsey. 669; gen. (ID) 884; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 218 Enollys, lds. — Sir m., aft. 1st Id. Kn., 1st, visc. Wallingford, q.v., and 1st E. of Banbury, q.v., Compt. H. 292; K.G. 739; Tr, H. 291 Rnovill, Gilb, de, J. It. 369 Knowles, see also Knollys and Knowlys ,9. adm. (A) — Ch. and Sir 814; G. Jam. 71 — Sir º adm. (A) 816 : G.C.B. 76 For List of Abbreviations, sº pºp. 944-952 1064 INDEX OF NAMES. Knowles—comt. — Jno., adm. (A) 817 — Rt., K.B. 761 IKnowley, Ch. Jas., Q.C. 417 ICnowlys, see also Knowles and Knollys — Newn., Comm. Sergt. Lond. 495; Rec. Lond. 494 — sir Wm., L.H.T. Sc. 496 1&nox, Alex., K.C.B. 776 — Amdr., bp. Isl. 540; bp. Rph. 601 — hon. Edm., bp. Killoe. and Kilf. 635; bp. Lim. A. and A. 639; dr. Down, 605 — hon. Edm. Sext. Pery, adm. (IHI) 844 — hon. Geo., C. Cus. Ir, 565; C. Treas. Ir. 561 — hon. Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Sir Jmo., L.M. D'blin. 640 — Rd., gen. (ID) 907 — Rt. Bent., abp. Arm. 597; bp. Down, C. and D. 605 — Th., b.p. Isl. 540 — Th., gem. (ID) 907 — Th. Edm., gem. (ID) 907 — Th. Geo., Amb. Si, 131 ; I.C.M.G. 797 — Wrm., U.S.C. 235 — Hon. Wm., b.p. Killoe. and Kilf. 635; b.p. Dry. 601 Rnyvet, Knyvett, Knevit, and Knivet — Sir Anthy., Lt. T.L. 321 — Jno., IK.B. 763 — Jno. and Sir J., C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. 377; Ld. Chanc. 354; S.L. 407 — Th. and Sir T., K.B. 759; M.H. 801 — Wrm., K.B. 757 Enyvet, lds. Th., 1d., M.M. 246 ICniisel, M., Pres, SW. C. 31 J&nutsford, Hy. T., ld., form. Sir H. T. Holland, q.v. * Jno. H., C.C.J. 403; Q.C. iºnigseck, C. Of, R. Nds. IKokayne, see also Cokayne Th., Regr. Bath. 785 \ Hºapore, Raj. of, K.C.S.I. Komei Tonno, M. Jap. 100 König, Ch., K.H. 790 Roonwar, Ranajee, G.C.B. 769; G.C.S.I. 801 *Cortright, Corn, Hend. and sir C., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Gamb. 686; G. Gren. 724; G. Tob. 724; G. Trim. 722; G. Virg. Isl. 731; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688; I.C.M.G. 798 Bºrishnaji, &c., C.I.E. 808 Xristodas Pal, C.I.E. 806 Kroma, Ph., &c., K. Si. 100 Xrüger, S. J. P., Pres, Trl. 101 Ruangsu, Emp, Ch, 100 IKuch, Behar Bah. of, G.C.I.E. 805 J&uclinus (or Ruclimus), bp. St. Dav. 464 & Rumar, Sri Kalooba, C.I.E.808 TKumill, Wm. de, Jy. 364 Kunwar, see Koonwar . Kuper, Aug. Leop. and Sir A., adm. (ID) 832; (E) 834; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779 ICup poorthulla, Bah. G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 802 — Sird. of, C.I.E. 806 Of Kureen, Khan, Sh. Pers. 99 Kutch, Rao of, G.C.I.E. 805 Kuttuck, Nawab, I.C.S.I. 803 IKy—, see also Ki- Kyee, Moung Sher., C.I.E. 807 Kydwell, see Kidwelly & Kyffen, How. ab M., dn. St. AS. 463 Kyffin, Rd., dn. Bgr. 426 Ryldesbury, see Kildesby Kyle, Saml., bp. Cork, C1. and ., 632 Ryme, Sim, de, J. It. 366 Kymer, Gilb., dm. Sal. 468 ICynaston, Wm., Curs. B. Ex. 386; M. Chy. 396 Kyndelw, dm. Bgr. 426 Kyng, see King Kyngton, Jno., M. Chy. 394 Ryran, see Keram Kyriel, sir Nich., L.H.A. 171 Kyrieli, sir T., K.G. (1460). See Errata for p. 736 £yrketon, see Kirketon Kyrkham, see Kirkham Kyrkin, Geo., M.M. 245 L. Isa. For mammes with this pre- fix search under the name next following ; eac. gr., La. Brise under Brise Labeo, Q. F., C. R.O. 44 Laborde, Ed., G. Gren. 724; G. Tob. 724; G. St. Luc. 725; G. St. Vin. 725 Labouchere, Hy., aft. līl. Taunton, q.v., C. Sec. 235; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L. Admy. 182; M.M. 247; P.C. 213; PreS. B.T. 268–9 : V.P.B.T. 269; U.S.W. and C. 231 Isabourdonnais, Mahé de, G. Mtius. 683 Lacaita, Jas. Ph., K.C.M.G. 96 7 Lacere, Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 Lacey, see Lacy * Lack, Th., Sec. B.T. 270 Lacu, Pet. de Mals. J. It, 369 Iſaacy and Inacey — Edm., bp. EXr. 436; bp. Her. 441 — Ed., adm. (H) 852 — Hugh de, aft. Es of Ulster, q.v., L.J. Ir. 550 Tess” Lees) Hugh, bp. Lim. 6 -— Jno. de, aft. 1st E. of Lin- coln, q.v., J. It. 367 — Jrio. de, L.J. Ir. 550 — Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 — Rd. Jno. Ja.s., gen. (ID) 883 — Rd. Walt., gen. (ID) 905 —- Rog. de, J. It. 366 — Th. Edg., gen. (ID) 904 — Wrm., gen. (D) 918 *roke, sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 1 Ladislas and Tsadislaus A.D. Aus. 58 — D. Aus. 58 — K. Nls. 56 — I. to VI., K. Hgy. 59, 60 — I. to VII., K. Pld. 90–1 — II. to IV., D. Brma. 59 — V. and VI., K. Bma. 59 Isaelius, C., C. Ro. 43 Isaenas, C. P. (2), C. Ro. 44 — M. P. (4), C. Ro. 40, 41, 44 — P. P., C. Ro. 45 rºsée. Alb. Fk. de, C.I.E. Laevinus, C. V., C. Ro. 44 — M. V., C. Ro. 43. — P. V., C. Ro. 42 s rºan, Sir Jos. de C., K.H. 791 — Rt. Mich. and Sir R., G. Bmda. 701; gen, (D) 909; I.C.M.G. 797 Mia font, Eug., C.I.E. 806 Laforey, Sir Fras., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 774 — sir Jno., adm. (A) 815 Lafusille, Jno., gen. (C) 871 Imagman, K. Man. 665 Tiago, Ralph, Bl. M. P.A. 336 Lagysse, Ralph, Cal. P.A. ;: Ptc. P.A. 337; Yk. H. Isaha, Durg. Ch., C.I.E. 807 Isaidgnerl, bp. Ferms. 621, Isaighne, K. Ir. 20 Laing, see also Lang and Leng — Jno., bp. Glasg. , 536; L.H.T. Sc. 496; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Saml., Sec. Tr. 163 Laird, - Dav., G. N.W. Terr. 697 Laire, sir Th., R.C.B. 774 Isake, Arth., b.p. B. and W. 428; dr. Worc. 473 — Ed. Jno., gen. (D) 908 — Ger., see lö. L. infra, — Hy. Atw., K.C.B.783 — Jno., bp. Brl. 439 ; bp. Chich. 483; bp. S. and M. 484 - Noel Th., gen. (D) 897 — sir Th., S. St. 223 — Walt., S.L. 408 — Warw., C. St. 284 — Wm. Ch., dn. Dham. 479 — Sir Will. Th., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 776 Isake, lds. and visc. —— Ger., aft. 1st là, and 1st visc. L., C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650; gen. (A) 859 — Fk. Ger., 2nd visc., gen. (B) 868 Isaken or Isakene, Wm., J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Lakyn, Rd., K.B. 758 Imalo, Sams. de, gen, (C) 871 Italy, Sée Mullaly and O'Mullaly Laman, Pres. Pu. 109 Lamb, And..., bp. Brn. 531 : bp. Gall. 538 — hon. Flº. Ja.s., aft. 1st ‘ld. Beauvale and 3rd visc. Mel- bourne, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bya. 119; Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Scy. 114; Amb. Spn. 124; G.C.B. 772; P.C. 210 — hon, Geo., U.S. Home, 227 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1065 Lamb—cont. — Jno., dm. Brl. 440 — Jno., dn. Ely, 435 — sir Jno., D. Arch, 420 — Matt., K.C. 415 — Rt., bp. Pboro. 458; Pboro. 458 — Th., gen. (D) 935 — Th. D., C. TX. 285 — Wrm., Ld. Sess. 518 — hon. Wm., aft. 2nd Visc. Melbourne, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 210 Isambard, sir Nich., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wrm., M. Chy. 395 rºbarde, Wm., Rbk. P.A. Lambart, Gust. Wm., Sec. St. Pat. 752 — Gust. Fras. Wm., Sec. St. Pat. 752 Isambert (or Jaenbert), abp. Cant, 430 dn. — Geo. Rt., and Sir G., adm. (D) 830; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777 — Ham., gen. (B) 865 — Ja.s., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Jno., C.I.E. 807; W.C.P. 319 — Jno. and Sir J., G.C.B. '769; gen. (A) 862; R.C.B. 783; P.C. 220; Sec. L.G.B. 256 — Jno. Arth. and Sir J., gen. (ID) 899 — Ralph, bp. Drom. 605; bp. Mth. 599; dra. Down. 605 — Rt., adm. (A) 819 — Rowley, adm. (E) 836 — Saml., gen. (ID) 880 – wait. Rathb., gen. — Wrm., gen. (ID) 922 Isamberton, Wm., bp. St. Andr. 529 (ID) Lambiey, Rand, de, bp. Abdn. 530 Isambrick, Geo., gen. (D) 903 rºston, Fk. Wm., gen. (D) — Hedw., gen. (C) 871 — Jno., gen. (A) 858 Isambton, Visc. — J. G., aft. visc. L. and ld. and E. of Durham, g. v. **ont, Dav., Modr. K. Sc. 7 — Jno., gem. (C) 874 — Norm., K.H. 792 rºotte, Lt. Gen. K.C.B. 77 Lamplugh, Th., abp. Yk. 486 bp. Exr. 437; dri. Roch. 461 rºport, Hugh, bp. Ferns, 621 Lamvallei, Wm. de, J. It. 366 Lanark, Wm., E. of, aft. D. of Hamilton, q.v., Sec. St. Sc. (1641) 502 Ilanatus, A.M., C. Ro. 37, 39 L. M., C. Ro. 39 — T. M., C. Ro. 38 Lancaster, Jno., bp. Wíord. and L. 627 — Jno. de, W.C.P. 318 — Rt. de, bp. St. As. 462 rººmsºmº K.C.B. 774; Lancaster—cont. — Th., abp. Arm, 595 ; bp. Kild. 617; dri. Oss. 623 — Th. de, and Sir Th., aft. D. of Clarence,:g.v., L.H.A. (1405) 173; L.L. Ir. 552 — Wm. de, J. It., 367 Iancaster, D. of — Hy., 2nd. D. of (d. 1362) R.G. 733 - — Jno. of Gaunt, D. of, also #, of Richmond, q.v., K.G. 7 rºcey, Oliver de, gen. (A) Lancy, Benjn., see Lant Landaff, see Llandaff rºden, Wm., b.p. St. Amdr. rººters, Jno. Edm., gen. (D) *do (or Tandonius), P. Ro. Landon, Wh., dn. Exr. 438 Landseer, sir Ed., Pres. R.A. (?) 941 Lane, Ambr., gem. (ID) 890 — Ch. Powl., gen. (ID) 919 — Ch. R. W., gen. (I)) 888 — Edmä., bp. Kild. 617 — Sir Geo. (? Ja.s.), aft. 1st visc. Lanesborough, q.v., Sec. St. Ir, 562 — Hy. M., Bl. M.P.A. 337; Chest. H. 331 — Jno. Theoph., gen. (ID) 890 — Rd. and sir R., C.B. Ex. ; ; L.K. 356; P.C. 189 ; S.L. — Th., M. Chy. 396 → Th. and Sir T., L.M. Lond. 49 — Th. Gord. M., gen. (ID) 919 rºesborough, visc. and E. O Lame Family. — Geo. (? Jas.), 1st visc., form. Sir Geo. Lane, q.v. Butler-Damvers Family. — Br., 2nd E. of, form. Id. Newtown, q.v. — Jno. V. D., 6th E. of, L.L. CaV. 569 Iºaney, Benj., see Lant Lanferthus, bp. Elm. 454 Tianfranc ($$.. abp. Cant. 430; Ch. Jr. 362 rang, See also Laing — Rd., bp. Kild. 617 — Wm., gen. (D) 898 Langdale, Hy., ld., form. H. Bickersteth, q.v., C.G.S. 358 Isangdon, Jno., bp. Roch. 460 — Wrm., adm. (A) 815 Ilangevin, Hect. E.C.M.G. 797 Langford, Ch., din. Her. 442 — Ralph de, dri, St. P. 452 — Walt. de, dm. St. P. 452 Langham, Simon, abp. Cant. 430; bp. Ely, 434; L.H.T. 153; Ld. Chanc. 354 Langland, see Longland rangºy. see also Longley — Geo. Colt., gen. (D) 901; K.C.B. 781 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond, 490 — Ralph, Wäm. Chr. Ch Manch. 481 — Wnn. de, A.G. 398 — Th., see Longley I’Anglois, Benj., B.T. 266; St. O. 260; U.S.S. 226 Louis, Langman, Ralph, Pt.c. P.A. 337; Yk. H. 334 Langport, Rd., M. Chy. 394 Langrishe, Herc. and Sir H., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Jas., dn. Ach. 614 — Rt. and sir R., C. Exc. Ir. 566–7 Langston, Fras, gen. (B),864 Langton, Jno. de, bp. Chich. ; Ld. Chanc. 353-4; M.R. 7 — Jno., b.p. St. Dav., 464 — Sim. de, abp. Yk. 485 — Steph., abp. Cantº. 430; Const. T.L. 320 — Th., abp. Cantº. 431; bp. Sal. 467; bp. St. Dav. 464; bp. Winch. 470; Chanc. Gart. 745 — Th., K.B. 761 — Walt. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; L.H.T. 152 — Wrm., dm. Clr. 598 — (or Langueton), Wm. de, abp. Yk. (?) 485; dim. Yk. 486 Langueton, See Langton Isanier, sir Jno., G. J.sey. 667; gen. (B) 864 Iºannes, Off. Nap. 26 Lansdowne, ld., Wisc., and E. of, see also Granville — Ch. Granville, visc., aft. 2nd E. of Bath, q.v., L.L. Cnwall. 307 — (of Bideford), Geo., ld., form. Geo. Granville, q.v., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 196; Tr. H. 291 — Wm., 1st M. of, form. 2nd E. of Shelburne, q.v. — Hy., 3rd M. of, form. Id. H. Petty, q.v., H. Sec. 227; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.G. 743; L.L. Wilts, 313; L.P.C. 188 — Hy., 4th M. of, form. E. of Shelburne, q.v., K.G. 744; U.S.F. 230 — Hy. Ch. K., 5th M. of, G.C.M.G. 795; G.G. Can. 692; G.G. Ind. 650; L.T. 161-2; U.S. War, 232 — Maud. Ev., Mss. of, Cr. Ind. 810 Isaint, Isancy, or Iºaney, Benj., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Linc. # ; bp. Pboro. 458; dn. Roch. 1 — Th., Pt.c. P.A. 337; Winds. H. 331 Lanyon, Wm. Owen and sir W., Gr. Ld. W. 681; K.C.M.G. 797 Isaoghaire, K. Ir. 21 — Lorck, K. Ir. 21 tºpiase, Wm. Fk., adm. (G) Inapuerta, L., Pres. Pu. 109 Larcom, Th. Aisk and sir T., K.C.B. 783; U.S. Ir. 563 Ilarge, Rt., T.M. Lond. 490 Targisius, bp. Kild, 616 Ilarke, Th., dm. Chich. 434 Ilarken, Arth S., Pt.c. P.A. 337; Richm. H. 334 Isaronius, L., C. Ro. 47 rºpent, Fras. S., C. Cus. 77 — Jno., E.S.P. 301 Lascelles, Fras., gen. (A) 859 F. C. and Sir F., Amb. Bga. # ; Amb. Rºma.128; K.C.M.G. 79 For List of Abbreviations, See pp. 944-952. 68 1066 INDEX OF NAMES. LaScelles—cont. — Peregrine, gem. (A) 858 — Th., S.G.O. 259 — Wrm. Lenn., aft. Id. De Ros, q.v., gen. (ID) 885 — hon. Wm. Sebr., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 215 I ascelles, visc. — Hy., visc., aft. 2nd E. of Harewood, q.v., L.L. Yorks W.R. 313 Isa serian (St.), bp. Clr. 596; bp. Llin. 621 Isasing by, Wm., C.B. Ex. 381 Last, Ed., gem. (D) 900 Lateef, Naw. Abd., C.I.E. 807 Tsateranus, L. S. S., C. Ro. 40 rºam, Jno., Pres. Coll. Ph. — Wnn., gem. (C) 873 Wm., Q.C. 420 Lathelle, Nichs., B. Ex. 383 Iºathom, Ed., 1st E. of, form. 2nd ló. Skelmersdale, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; L.C.H. 295 Latimer and Latymer — Hugh, * Worc. 473 — Th. de, K.B. 754 — Wm., dn. Pboro., 458 Latimer, lds. Latimer amd, Nevill Families. — Wrm., 4th lä., K.G. 733; W.C.P. 318 — Jno., ld. (? Jno. 1d. Nevill), K.B. (1400) 755 — Jno., 5th lä., K.B. (1426) 56 *- Nevill Family, — Rd., 2nd ló., K.B. 757 Osborne Family. — Th., visc., form. Th. Os- borne, and Sir T. and lói. O., q.v., aft. E. of Danby, M. of Carmarthen, and D. of Teeds, q.v., L. Admy. 175; L.H.T. 158; Prem. 140 Isatorre, T., Pres. Ugy. 111 Latour (or Lautour), Pet. Aug., gem. (D) 881; K.H. 789 Latrobe, Ch. , Jos., G. V.D. Ld. 708; G. Vict. 704 Latter, Rt. Ja.s., gem. (D) 877 Latymer, 866 Tatimer Laud, Wm., abp. Cant. 431; bp. B. & W. 436; by Lond. 452; bp. St. Dav. 464; dim, Glr. 440; L.T. 140, 154 Ilauder, See also Tawder — Geo., bp. Arg. 537 — Hy., Ld. Sess. 518 — Sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 520 — Rt., bp. Dmbl. 532 —- Rt. de, L.J. Gen. 522 — Wm., bp. Glasg. 536; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Wm. Bern., dm. Llin. 624 Lauderdale, lds., visc. E. and D. Of — Hugo de Morville, ld. Of, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 — Jno., 2nd lå., aft. 1st Visc. and E. of, Ld. Sess. 517, 519 — Jno., 2nd E., aft. 1st D. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; H.C.P. Sc. 507; IK.G. 740; L. Admy. 175; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 190, 192; Pres, P.C. Sc. 500; Sec. St. Sc. 502 - — Jno., 5th E. of, form. Sir J. Maitland, q.v. — Jas., 8th E. of, Amb. Fr. 1.12; K.T. 748; L.K. Sc. 503; 12.C. 208 Lauderdale, lds., visc., E. and D. of—cont. Ja.s., 9th E. of, L.L. Berw. 508 Anthy., 10th E. of, form. hon. Sir A. Maitland, q.v., G.C.B. 770 — Th., 11th E. of, form. Sir T. Maitland, q.v., adm. (B) 821; (E) 834; G.C.B. 770; R.C.B. 779 rºgharne, Jno., adm. (A) Inaughton, Dav. Wilson, gen, (D) 929 — Geo. Arm., gem. (I)) 932 Inaumfare, Jno. de, B. Ex. 382 Laurence and Laurentius, See also Lawrence — (St.), abp. Cant. 429 4. bp. Arg. 537 bp. Cork, 630 º bp. Dmbl. 532 º bp. Isl. 539 — bp. Boss, 631 º bp. S. and M. 483 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — P. RO, 33 Laurentio, Barth. de S., dm. Exr. 437 Laurentius, see Laurence Isaurie, Gilb., C. Ex. Sc. 505; L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Jno., gen. (D) 887 — Jno., Woodb., gem. (D) 925 — Sir Pet., L.M. Lond. 492 — Rt., byp. Brn. 531 — Rt., Clar, K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 330; R. Cr. P.A. 335; : × >k : WilhdS. H. 332 — Sir Rt., Kt. Mar. Sc. 507 — Sir Rt., adm. (A) 820; JK.C.B. 776 — Sir Rt., gen. (A) 859 Isautour, See Latour JLaval, Dalml. de, Amb, Dk. 127 Taavie, Rt. Com., gen. (D) 928 rºyington, Geo., bp. Exr. 37 Isavington, 1ds. — Ralph, ld., form. R. Payne and Sir R., q.v., G. Leew. Isl. 727; K.B. 765; P.C. 206 Law, hon. Ch. Ew., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; K.C. 416; Rec. Lond. 494 — Edm., bp. Carl. 476 — sir Ed., aft. 1st là. Ellen- borough, q.v., A.G. 400; gk.h. 370; K.C. 415; S.L. — Fras. Towry Ad., gen. (ID) 929 — Geo. Hy., b.p. B. & W. 428; bp. Chest. 477 — Hy., dm. Glr. 440 — Hugh, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; S.G. Ir, 590 — Ja.s., abp. Glasg. 537; bp. Ork. 535 — Jas., Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jno., bp. Clonf. & K. 636; bp. Elph. 608; bp. Rilla. & Ach. 613 — Rt., gem. (I)) 894: K.H. 792 — Saml. Cr., gem. (ID) 919 — Wm., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Wnn. Hy., gen. (ID) 890 Lawder, see also Lauder — Alexr., b.p. Dkld. 533 — Ed. Ja.s., gem. (D) 923 — Th., bp. Dkld. 533 rºyes, Ed. Hobs. Vitr., S.L. — Sir Nichs, G. Jam. 712 — Vitruv., P.P. 416; S.L. 413 Lawford, Ed., gem, (D) 901 — Ed. Melv., gem. (D) 931 — Jno. and sir J., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 776 Isawless, Steph., b.p. Lim. 638 — Wrm., dm. St. Pat. 617 Lawley, sir Fas., C. Cus. 273 Isawrance, Jno. Compt., Q.C. Isawrence, see also Laurence — Alexr. Jno., C.I.E. 808 — Alexr, Wm., gem. (ID) 892 — Arth. Johnst. amd Sir A., gen. (D) 896; K.C.B. 780 Chas., G. N. Sc. 694 — Chr. Wm., Amb. Ecr. 942 — Danl, adm. (H) 845 Elias, gen. (D) 883 — Geo. St. Patr., gen. 896; K.C.S.I. 802 — Hy., gen. (ID) 890 — Hy. Montg., K.C.B. 782; Pres. Pjab. 654 — Jas. Cl. and sir J., L.M. Lond. 492 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Jno. L.M., see lá. L., infra Rd., abp. Cash, and Eml. 626; abp. Cash., E. W. and L. 627 — Rd. Ch., gen, (D) 916 — Sould, and sir S., J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 — Str., gen. (C) 871 Th., K.B. 759 — Sir Th., Pres. R.A. 941 — Wm., Ld. Sess. 519 — Wrm., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Wm. and Sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 Isawrence, lds. — Jno. L. M., aft. Sir J. and ld. L., Ch. Com. Pjab. 654; G.C.B. 772; G.C.S.I. 801; G.G. Ind. 649; K.B. 782; K.C.S.I. 802; M.C.I. 646; P.C. 216 — Harriet Kath., Baroness, Cr. Ind. 809 Fºrenson, Jno., gen. (D) - (D) - Laws, Jno. Milligan, adm. (G) 841 Ilawson, Ch., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Jas... gem. (ID) 930 — Jas., Ld. SeSS. 518 — Ja.s. Anthy., A.G. Ir, 588; J.C.P. Ir. 582; J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580; P.C. , 218; S.G. Ir, 590; S.L. Ir. 593 — sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 — Just., C.G.S. Ir. 577 — Rd., L.J. Clk. 516; Adv, 525 — Rt., gen. (B) 867 rºom, Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 9 Ld Isayard, Anthy. Lew., gen. (B) 867 — Austen Hy. and sir A., Amb. Spn, 124; , Amb, Tky. 130; C.W.P.B. 272; G.C.B. 773; P.C. 218; U.S.F. 230 — Ch. Edm., gem. (D) 933 — Ch. Pet., dm. Brl. K.C.M.G. 797 — F. P., gen. (D) 923 — Jno. Th., gen, (B) 868 — Wm. Tw., gem. (D) 905 440 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1067 Isaye, Rog. de la, see Leye - fºrag. gen. (B) 867 — Jos. Hy., gen. (ID) 905 Isayton, Hy., adm. (H) 848 — Rd., dm. Yk. 487; M. Chy. 394 Inazo, R. Z. Y., Pres. S. Salv. 106 - Ise— For names with this prefix search under the name next following; eac. gr., Le Neve under Neve Teach, See also Leech — Jno. and sir J., C.J. Chest. 386; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 415; M.R. 388; P.C. 209; V. Chanc, 390 — Rt. Owen, adm. (HI) 853 Iseahy, Dav., C.C.J. 403 Leake, See also Leeke — Geo. M., Chest. H. 331 — Sir Jno., L. Admy. 177; adm. (A) 813 — Jno. M., Chest. H. 331 — Rt. Mart., gen. (ID) 890 — Steph. M. (No. 1), Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. I.A. 328; Lanc. H. 333; Norr. K.A. 329 —isteph. M. (No. 2), Norf. H. — (or Leeke), Wm., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 410 Inear, FraS., dun. Sal. 468 Isearmonth, sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 — Jno., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 I.'Eau, de, see Waters Leblanc, Simm. and sir S., J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 Ise Breton, see Breton Fºrum, Csl. Fr. 24; Off. Nap. 6 rºle, Chas. 1d., adm. (A) 1 Taech. Sir Ph., L.H.T. 153 Hºglade, IRalph de, dm. Wells, 4 — Th. de, dm. Exr. 437 Lechmere (or letchmere), Nichs. (No 1), B. Ex. 384; S.L. 411 — Nichs. (No. 2), see lil. L., infra — Wm., adm. (A) 818 Taechmiere, lds. — Nichs. and sir N. (No. 2), aft. li. L., A.G. 399 ; C.D.L. 242; P.C. 197; S.G. 401 Iseck, Jno., abp. Doln, and Gl. 615; L. Treas. Ir. 558 rººkie, Geo. Alexr., gen. (D) 91 Fºnteur, Clem., dm. Jsey. 66 — Ph., dm. Jsey. 668 Leipury, Steph. de, dn. Her. 442 Isedenham, Eust, de, J. It. 366 t Ise Despencer, see Despencer Ledgard, Fredk. T. D., Q.C 420 Isedisham, Th., dm. Oss, 623; dn. Wſold, 628 Ledred, Rd., bp, OSS. 620 Ledrede, Rt., L.H.A. 172 Ledwick, Edw., dm. Kild. 619 Lee, See also Leye and Leigh — Brice W., gen. (D) 888 Edw., abp. Ylc. 486 — hom. Fitzr. Hy, adm. (A) 814 Lee—CO7tt. — G., L. Admy. 178 — (or Ley), Geo., dm. Cork, 632 — Sir Geo., D. Arch. 420; J. Pr. Ct. 421; P.C. 199 — Sir Hy., IK.G. 739 — Jas. Pr., b.p. Manch. 480 — Jno., A.G. 399; K.C. 415; S.G. 402 — Jno., gen. (B) 867 — Jno., Q.C. 418 — Jno. (of Wiltshire), K.B. 75 9 — Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Rd., Clar. K.A. 328; Ptc. P.A. 337; Richm. H. 333 — Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 — Rd. and sir R., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 774 — Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 — Rt., Ld. Sess. 521 — Rowl., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; M. Chy. 394 — Th., Chest. H. 331 — Sir Th., L. Admy. 175-6 — Ussh., dm. Kilmacd. 638; drl. Wſold. 628 — Wrm., Sr. N. 257 — Wm. and sir W., J.K.B. 373; C.J.K.B. 370; Ch. Ex. 165; P.C. 198; S.L. 411 — Wm., 417 Iseech, See also Leach — Arth. Hy., dn. Cash. 627 — Ed., M. Chy. 395 Sim., K.B. 764 *Iseeds, Ed., M. Chy. 397 *— Ed., S.L. 412 * Poss. same pers. — Th., K.B. 761 Iseeds, D. of — Th., 1st D. of, form. Th. Osborn, sir T. and lù. O., visc. Latimer, E. of Danby, and M. of Carmarthen, q.v. — Per., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Carmarthen, q.v. — Th., 4th D. of, Coff. H. 293-4; K.G. 742; P.C. 200 — Fras. God., 5th D. of, form. M. Of Carmarthen, q.v., R.G. 742 — Geo. Wm. Fk., 6th D. of, I.C.G. 743; L.L. Yorks, N.R. 313; M.H. 302 Iseeke, See also Leake — Hy. Jno. and sir H., adm. (D) 830; (G) 841; K.C.B. 778; R.H. 791; L. Admy. 184 — Th., Curs. B. Ex. 386 — Wrm., see Leake Isees, Ch. Cam. and sir C., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Bdoes. 721; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 686; G. Labn. 675; G. Lag. 687; G. Leew. Isl. 728; R.C.M.G. 798 — Hugh (see Lacy) — Jas. Cam., dm. Thist. 749 — Wm. Munn., gen. (I)) 931 — Wm. Nass., gen. (ID) 928 Leeson, Wm., M. Chy. 395 — sir Wm. Ed., Geneal, St. Patr. 752 Taeet, Wm. Kn., gem. (ID) 932 Iefanu, Th. Ph., dm. Emly, 628 rºbore, Nichs., adm. (BI) 9 Lefebre, Off. Nap. 26 Lefevre, Ch. Shaw-, aft. Visc. Eversley, q.v., 1*.C. 213; Sp. H.C. 250 Lefevre—contt. Geo. J. Shaw-, C.W.P.B. 272; L. Admy. 184; P.C. 219; Postm. G. 239; Sec. Adm. 187; Sec. B.T. 269 — Jno. Geo. Shaw-, K.C.B. 782; P.L.C. 262; Sec. B.T. 270; U.S.W. &c. 231 Lefroy, G., dn. Drom. 606 — Jeffr., dn. Drom. 606 — Jno. Hy. and Sir J., G. Bmda. 701; G. Tasm. 708 ; gen. (D) 906; K.C.M.G. 797 — Th., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578; S.L. Ir. 593 — Th. E. P., C.C.J. 405 Legard, Rt., M. Chy. 396 Leggatt, see also Leggett — Ed. Owen, gen. (D) 929 Legge, hon. Arth. Ch., gen. (ID) 900 e — hon. Arth. K. and Sir A., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 774 — Colin, L.G.O. 259 — hom. Ed., bp. Oxf. 457; Winds. 474 — Fras., G. N.Sc. 695 — Geo., aft. 1st 1d. Dart- mouth, q.v., L.G.O. 259; M.G.O. 258; P.C.192 — Heneage, C. Exc. 281 — hon. Heneage, B. Ex. 385; K.C. 415; S.L. 412 — hon. Heneage, C. Cus. 277 — Hy., S.W.F. 271 — hom. Hy. Bils., Ch. EX. 165; L. Admy. 178; L.T. 157; IP.C. 199; Tr. N. 256 — Rd., gen. (C) 875 — Th., L.M. Lond. 489 dm. resº, see also Leggatt os., gen. (D) 887 Isegh, See also Leigh — Th. and sir T., MI. Chy. 394 Iseghe (of . Stokewell), Jno., R.B. 759 Isegrand, Alexr., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Fk. Gasp., gem. (D) 932 Iseheup, Isaac, C. Cus. 275 rº, Pet, de, bp. St. Dav. 4 Iseicester, see also Lester and Leycester — Jno. of, bp. Dkld. 533 Petr. de, B. Ex. 382; L.H.T. 152 Rog. de, J.C.P. 377; B. Ex. 382 — (or Lester, or Lyster), Whil., dm. Clonm. 600 Iseicester, E. of Beaumont or Bella'monut l'amily. Rt. de Beaumont, 2nd E. of, Ch. Jr. (1154) 362; J. It. 365 Ludley Family. — Rt., E. of, form. Sir R. or ld. R. Dudley, q.v., L.S.H. 290; L.R. 356 Sydney IFamily. — Rt., 1st E. of, form. li. Sydney, and visc. Lisle, q.v. – Rt., 2nd E. of, L.L. Ir. 554; P.C. 190 — Jno., 6th E. of, C.Y.G. 298; Comst. T.L. 321 ; Iš.[3. 764 ; P.C. 198; L.L. Kent, 309 ; W.C.P. 319 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 68 + 1068 INDEX OF NAMES, Leicester, E. of comt. Coke Family. 1st Creation. — Th., E. of, form. Th. Coke, § ld. Dovel, q.v., Postm. G. Townshend Family. — Geo., 1st E. of, form. Id. de Ferrers, q.v., aft. M.Towns- hend, q.v., B.T. 267; L.S.H. 290; M.M. 247; Postm. G. 238 Colce Family. 2nd Creation. — Th. Wnn., 2nd E. of, K.G. 745; L.L. Norf. 310 Iseige, sir Ferd., G. I. Man,666 Ineigh, see also Legh — Capel Hamb., L.L. Monm. — Ch., G. Leew. Isl. 727; gen. (A) 859 — hon. Ed. Chand., Q.C. 419 — Fras., K.B. 761 — Joddrell, adm. (GF) 841 — Rd., S.L. 412 - — Rt. Th., gem. (ID) 917 -ºr Lee) sir Th., L.M. Tuond. — Th. Pemb., aft. li. Kings- down, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 214. See also Pem- berton — Wm., dn. Her. 442 Leigh, lds. — Wrm. H., 2nd lå. (2nd Cr.), L.L. Warw. 312 Leighton, sir Baldw., gen. (A) 861 — Dav. and sir D., gen. (D) 876; IX.C.B. 776 — Fras., gen. (A) 858 —ºk and Sir F., Pres. R.A. — Hy, de, bp. Abdm. 530; bp. Mor. 534 -— Rt., abp. Glasg. 537; bp. Dmbl. 532 — Sir Th., G. Gsey. 668 — Sir Wrm., L.M. Lond. 492 Leiningen, Ern. Leop. &c., Pr. of, adm. (E) 836; G.C.B. 771-2; K.C.B. 783 Leinster, D. of Schomberg Family. — Meinh., 1st D. of, aft. 3rd D. of Schomberg, q.v., C. Ch. 855 Fitzgerald Family. — Jas., 1st D. of, form. 20th ; of Kildare, q.v., gen. (IB) 65 — Wnn. Rt., 2nd D. Of, K.P. 750; M.R. Ir, 585 — Augs. Fk., 3rd D. of, L.L. Kild. 569; P.C. 212 Ieir, Rd. Longf., gen, (D) 932 Leishman, Maith., Moā. K. Sc. 547 - Leith, Alexr. and Sir A., gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 774 — Sir Geo., gen. (C) 874 — Jas. and sir J., G. Bdoes. 720; G.C.B. 767; G. Leew. Isl. 727; gen. (B) 867; K.B. 76 6 — Jno., adm. (D) 830 — Jno. Farl., Q.C. 419 — Patr., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 Rt. Wm. Disn., gem. (D) 905 Leitrim, lds, and E. of — Rt., 1st 1d. and E. Of, form. R. Clements, q.v. Leitrim, lds. and E. of cont. Nathl., 2nd E. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Leitr. 570 Leiva, P., Pres. Húas. 106 Iseland, Jno., gen. (A) 859 *an, Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. Le Marchant, see Marchant Ine Mesurier, see Mesurier Laemoine, Jno., gen. (C) 874 Isemon, J., L. Admy. 180 — Th., gen. (ID) 900 Isempedlar, Gilb. de, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Isempriere, Geo. Ourry, adm. (HI) 846 Lendivord, abp. St. Dav. 463 Iae Neve, see Neve L'Enfant, see Enfant Iseng, Jno. (? Laing), bp. Norw. 455 - Lennard, see also Leonard Samps., P.A. 336; R. Rge. P.A. 344 Lenne, see Lynn Lennock, Geo. Gust., adm. (H)845 Lennox and Isenox —iºd. Arth., Clk. O. 260; L.T. l — Augs. Fk. Fras., gen. (D)911 — la. Geo. Hy., Const. T.L. 321; gen. (A) 858; P.C. 202 ld. Hy. Ch. Geo. Gord., C.W.P.B. 272; L.T. 161; P.C. 219; Sec. Adm. 187 — Wilbr. O., gem. (ID) 924 Isenmox, D. of, See also Rich- mond Stuart Family. — Esmy., 1st D. of, L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Ludovick, 2nd D. of, aft. E. of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and D. of Richmond, q.v. — Esmé, 3rd D. of, form. E. of March, q.v., K.G. 739; see D. Of Richmond — Jas., 4th D. of, and 2nd E. of March ; see D. of Rich- mond — Esmey, 5th D. of; see D. of Richlmond — Ch., 6th D. Of; see D. of Richmond - Lemmoa, Family. — Ch., 1st D. of, and 1st D. of Bichmond, q.v. Isens, Jno., S.L. 412 Lenthall, Wm., C.D.L. 242; C.G.S. 356; M.R. 388; Sp. H.C. 249 Lentulus, see also Clodianus Sura, — C. C., C. Ro. 43-4-5 — C. C. P., C. Ro. 45 — L. C., C. Ro. 41-2-3; Dt. B.O. 41 — P. C., C. Ro. 44 — S. C., C. Ro. 41 Iseo I. to VI., Emp. E. E. 50 — I. to XIII., P. Ro. 33-4-5-6 Leofardo, Jno. de S., dn. Chich. 434 Leoffius, bp. Worc. 472 Iseofgar, see also Leovegard — bp. Lich. 443 Leofric, bp. Dev., Cnwall. and EXT. 436 Leofwin, bp. Lich. 443 Leofwynus, bp. Dorch. and Sidr. 446 Leolinus Magnus, Pr. Wls. 16 Leonard, see also Lennard . It, 365 — Patr. M., C.C.J. 405 Leonius, dm. Wells, 428 Leontius, Emp. E. E. 50 Leopardo, St. Gilb, de S., bp. Chich. 43 Leopold, D. Line. 30 — Pr. L. Dtd. 73 — R. Nds. 83 — I. and II., D. BVa. 67 — I. and II., E. Gmy. 62-3 — I. and II., G. D. Thy. 57 — I. and II., K. Bgm. 83 — I. (K. Bgm.), form. Pr. Leop. of S. Coburg, F.M. 856; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 860; K.G. 743; P.C. 209 — II. (K. Bgm.), K.G. 745 — I, and II., K. Hgy. 60 — I. to VIII., M. Aus. and D. Alls. 58 —-Ch.-Ed.-Geo. Alb. (g. Son Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 —-Geo.-Dunc.-Alb., Pr., aft. D. of Albany, q.v., G.C.M.G. 795; G.C.S.I. 801; K.G. 745; E.T. 749; P.C. 219; Pr. E. 16 — Fk., D. Anth. 66 — Flº. Fras., D. Amht. 66 Iseosgar, bp. Lich. 443 *Leovegard (or Leofgar) (St.), bp. Here 441 *Leovegarus, dm. St. P. 452 * POSS. Same pers. Leovingus, see also Livingus 42 abp. Cant. 430; bp. Wells, 7 Lepidus, Tr. Ro. 46 M. AE., C. Ro. 41-3-4-5-6 — P. AE., C. Ro. 46 Isere, Banco de, K.B. 755 Lesko, IV., D. Pld. 90 — V. and VI., K. Pld. 91 Lesley and Leslie — Alexr., Compt. Sc. 498 — hon. Alexr., gen. (B) 866 — Bradf., K.C.I.E. 805 — Ch., K.H. 791 — Ch. Pow., L.L. Monaghan, 570 — hom. Dav., gem. (A) 861 — Geo., gen. (D) 926 — Hy., bp. Down and Cnr. º: bp. Mth. 599; dri. Down, 05 — Hy., dn. Cmr. 605 — Hy., dm. Drom. 606 — Jas., bp. Lim. A. and A. 39 — Jno., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Isl. ; bp. Rph. 601; dri. Bph. 60 — Jno., bp. Drom. 605; bp. Elph. and Kilm. E. and A. 608; din. Cork, 632 — Jno., b.p. Ross, 535; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jno., dm. Drom. 606 — Jno., dn. Dry. 602 -Hºno, gen. (D) 884; K.H. 7 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 — sir Jno., K.H. 790 — sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 — Sir Leon, L.H. Const. Sc. 507 — Rt., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Drom. 604; bp. Rph. 601 — Saml., adm. (IHI) 844 Lestock, Rd., adm. (A) 814 Isesseps, Count Ferd, de, G.C.S.I. 801 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1069 Isester, See also Leicester k. P., gen. (D) 887 — Jno. Fk., gen, (D) 918 — Rd., see Lyster Iaestrange, see also Strange — Edmd., gem. (ID) 919 — Ed., gen, (D) 894 -ºšeo. Guy Carl, gen. (IB) — Th., gen. (B) 868 Isetham, Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 Isethbridge, Eben. Rop., C.I.E. 806 — Rt., gen. (B) 868 — Th. Br., adm. (E) 836 *erland, Jno., G. I. Man, Isettson, W. G., Amb. Bol. 135; Amb, Mex. 133; Amb. Ugy. 137 I.euchars, Pat. de, bp. Brn. 531; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Iseuknore, see also Lewkenor — Geoffr. de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; Jy. 365 Lieutbert, K. Lnd. 49 Iseuvigildo, I&. Sp. 85 Inevaillant, geml., K.C.B. 778 Isevelyn, J., L. Admy. 175 rººm, E. of, see also Mel- V € — Dav., 2nd E. of, gem. (IB) 864 — Alexr., 5th E. Of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; Ld. Sess. 520 — Dav., 6th E. Of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 — Dav., 8th E. of, adm. (H) 844 *- Iseverous, see Liverous Levesham, Wm., B. Ex. 383 Leveson, Rd., gem. (C) 871 Iseveson, visc. — Gr. Geo., visc., aft, 2nd E. Granville, q.v., U.S.F. 230 Leveson-Gower, see Gower and Granville Levin, see Levinz Leving, Tim., S.L. 409 Levinge, Cr., see Levinz — Bapt., b.p. S. and M. 484 — Ch., K.H. 792 — sir Rd., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.C.P. Ir, 580; S.G. Ir. 589 Inevins, see Levin Z Levington, (Or Rd. de, J. It. 367 Inevingston, Th., K.C. 414 Levinz, Levins, or Levin — Cress. and sir C., A.G. 399; J.C.P. 379 ; K.C. 414; S.L. 410 Wm., C. Cus. 275-6 Levett, sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 49 1. — Wrm., dn. Brl. 440 Levua, K. Sp. 85 Lewen, Just. and Sir J., M. Chy. 395-6 — Wrm., J. Pr. Ct. 421; M.Chy. 395 — sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Lewes, see Lewis Lewin, sir Geo. A., Q.C. 417 Lewis and Lewes, See also Lºl, Bgr. 425-6 — ( ), p. Bgr. — (g. son Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — Ch. Algn., gem. (ID) 895 — (or Lewes), Dav., J. Adm. Ct. 422; M. Chy. 395 — Erasm., U.S.S. 225 — Evan, dn. Bgr. 427 Levinton), Lewis and Lewes—cont. — Geo., gen. (B) 868 — Geo., gen. (ID) 883 — Geo. Corn. and Sir G., Ch. Ex. 166; H. Sec. 227; L.T. 161; P.C. 216 ; P.L.C. 262; Sec. B.C. 254; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Home, 228 ; W. Sec. 232 — Geo. Pitt-, Q.C. 420 — Griffith Geo., gem. (ID) 883 — Hy., gem. (ID) 911 — Hy. Perc., gen. (D) 880 — Jno., dn. Oss. 623 — Jno. Trav., bp. Ont. 693 — Matth., Dep. Sec. at War. 234 — Pet., dm. Lism. 629 — Rd., b.p. Llff. 447 — Rt., gem. (ID) 900 — Rt. Mas., gem. (C) 872 — Theoph., gen. (B) 868 — Th. Fr., and Sir T., P.C. 211; P.L.C. 262; Sec. Tr. 163; Tr. N. 257; V.P.B.T. 269 49 Sir Watk., L.M. Lond. 92 — Wnn., gen. (C) 872 Wm. Dav., Q.C. 418 Lewisham, visc. — Wrm., 1st visc., form. 2nd. ld., and aft. 1st E. Of Dart- mouth, q.v. — Geo., visc., ld., and aft. 4th E. of Dartmouth, q.v., L.W.S. 323; P.B.C. 252; P.C. 207 — Wm. Heneage, visc. (son of 5th E. of Dartmouth), P.C. 220; V.C.H. 297 Lewkenor and Taewknor, See also Leukmore — Jno., K.B. 763 — Rd. and sir R., C.J. Chest. 386; S.L. 408 — Roger, K.B. 756 — Roger, K.B. 758 — Th., K.B. 758 Tewkyn (or Loufkin), Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Inewson, Rd., K.B. 763 Lexington and Inexinton — Hy. de, bp. Linc. 446; dim. Limc. 448 — Jno. de, Jy. 364; L.K. 353 — Rt. de, C.J.C.P. 375; Ch. Jr. 363; Jy. 364 — Wm. de, dm. Linc. 448 Lexinton, lds. — Rt., 2nd lù., B.T. 263; P.C. 194 Isey and Iseye, See also Lee — Jas. and sir J., aft. 1d. and E. of Marlborough, q.v.; C.G.S. 356; C.J.K.B. 370; C.J.R.B. II. 578; L.H.T. 154; L.K. Ir. 576; S.L. 409 —Rog. de la, B. Ex. 382; dim. St. P. 452 Leyat, Rd., dm. Sal. 468 Leyborne, Leybourn, Ley- bourne, and Iseyburn — sir Rt., L.H.A. 171 — Rog., bp. Carl. 475 — Rog. de, Const. T.L. 320; W.C.P. 317 — Sir Wim, de, L.H.A. 170 — Wrm. Leyb., G. Gren. 724; G. St. Vin. 725; G. Tob. 723 Leycester and Leycestre, See also Leicester — Fras., see Abree — Hugh, K.C. 415 Leycester and Leycestre—cont. — Jno. de, A.G. Ir. 588 — Wm. de, M. Chy. 893 Iseye, See Ley Leynagh, Jno., bp. Lism. 626 Leys, Pet., G. Labn. 675 Leyson, Griff., D. Arch. 420; J. Adm. Ct. 422 Li—, see also Ly— Libba, see Molibba Iliberius, P. Ro. 33 Libiau, bp. Llff. 448 Libo, L. J., C. Ro. 42 — L. S., C. R.O. 46 — M. P., C. Ro. 41 Lichenburg, Geo. Chr., Sec. Guelph, 792 Lichfield, see also Litchfield — Th. de, dm. Chich. 433 Lichfield, E. of Stuart Family. — Chas., E. of, aft, 3rd D. of Richmond, q.v. Lee Family. — Geo. H., 3rd E. of, C.G.P. 299; P.C. 201 Amsom, IFamily. — Th. Wm., 1st E. of, form. 2nd visc. Anson, q.v., Postm. G. 238 — Geo. Th., 2nd E. of, L.L. Staffs. 312 Ticinus, C. F. D., C. Ro. 42 — L. P., C. R.O. 44 — M. F., C. Ro. 42 Licinius, C., Trib. Ro. 39 — F. V., Emp. Bo. 48 Liddell and Isidell — hon. Adolph. Fk. Oct., and Sir A., K.C.B. 783; Q.C. 418; D.S. Home, 228 45 Hy. Geo., dm. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — Jno., gen. (ID) 900 — Sir Jno., K.C.B. 779 — Th., bp. Down, 603 Lidiard, see Lydiard Ilifford, Jas., 1st là. and visc., form. Ja.s. Hewitt, q.v., C Acc. Ir. 567; L.J. Ir. 557 Light, Alfr., gen. (D) 920 — Hy., G. Br. Gu. 715 — Hy., G. Antig. 728 — Hy., K.C.B. 782 Lightbourn, Jas., M. Chy. 396 Lightburne, Staff., gem. (B) S67 — Wm., dn. Dry. 602 — Wrm., L.M. Dbln. 641 rightfoot, Ellis, G. Bah. Isl. 71 — Jos. Barb., bp. Dham. 479 — Th., gem. (D) 880 — Th., gem. (D) 908 Ligonier, lds. Visc. and E. — Jno. and sir J., aft. 1st lá. visc. and E. of L., C. Ch. 855; F.M. 856; G. Gsey. 668; gen. (A) 857 ; K.B. 764; L.G.O. 259; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 199 — Ed., 2nd visc. and 1st E. Of º Cr.), gem. (B) 865; K.B. 7 Inigus, P. A., C. Ro. 44 Lilburne, G. Bah. Isl. 716 Isilkanth, R. S. M. R., C.I.E. 807 Lill, Godfr., J.C.P. Ir, 582; S.G. Ir, 589; S.L. Ir. 592 Lillicrap, Jas., adm. (H) S44 rºlington, Geo., G. Bdoes. 7 For List of Abbreviations see pp. 944-952. 1070 INDEX OF NAMEs. Tilly, Hy., R. Cr. P.A. 335; R. Rge. P.A. 344 Timberg, Ad. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Timerick, Edmd. Hy., 1st Visc. and E. of, form. Id. Glentworth, q.v. rºlesey, Rt. de, bp. Lich. Iimond, Alexr., gem. (D) 876 - Sir Jas, gen. (D) 877 Limri, Thakore Sahib of, R.C.I.E. 805 Irinares, J. M., Pres. Bol. 109 Isinch, see Lynch Lincoln, Abr., Pres. U.S.A. 102-3 — Alured de (2), J. It. 365, 367 — Jno. de, A.G. 398 — Th. de, S.L. 406 Iincoln. Earls of Tacy Family. — Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno. de Lacy, q.v. Le la Pole Family. — Jno., E. of, K.B. (1475) 757; L.L. Ir. 553 Clintom Family. — Ed., 1st E. of, form. Id. Clinton, q.v., L.H.A. 174 — Ed., 5th E. of, form lä. Clinton, q.v. — Hy., 7th E. of, Coff. H. 293.; Const, T.L. 321; K.G. 741; P.C. 196; Paym, G. 244 — Hy., 9th E. of, aft. 2nd D. of Newcastle, q.v., Aud. Ex. 167; Coff. H. 293; K.G. 742 Th., E. of, aft. 4th D. of Newcastle, q.v., gen. (C) 872 — Hy., E. of, aft. 5th D. of Newcastle, q.v., C.W.F. &c. 272; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.T. 160; P.C. 214 Lind or Lynde — Geo., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Sir Jas., K.C.B. 774 — Jrmo. de la, Const. T.L. 320 rºenthal, LeW., gen. (B) Iaindesay and Lindesey, see Lindsay and Lindsey Lindley, Nathl. and Sir N., J.C.P. 380; J.C.P.D. 380; J.Q.B.D. 374; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 220; Q.C. 419 ; S.L. 414 Ilindores, Abb. of, Ld. Sess. 518 Ilindores, lds. — Alexr., ld., gem. (C) 871 Ilindsay, Lindsey, Linde- say, and Lindesey — — G. Tob. 723 — Alexr., bp. Dkld. 533 - Alex. gen. (D) 878; K.C.B. 7 — Col. —, G. N.S.W. 703 — hon. Ch. Dalr., b.p. Kild. 617; b.p. Killoe. and Kilf. 635; dn. Chr. Ch. Dblin. 619 *— Dav., bp. Brm. 531; bp. Edin. 533 *— Dav., bp. Boss. 535 * Prob. same pers. — Dav. de, L.J. Gen. 522 — Sir Dav., gen. (A) 858 — Sir Dav., Ld. Sess. 519 — Sir Dav. (3), Ly. K.A. 513 — Eff., gem. (IB) 870 — hon. Hugh, Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindesay, and Lindesey—comt. — Ingeram, bp. Abdn. 530 — Jas., b.p. Dkld. 533 — Jas., gen. (ID) 883 — Jas., L.P.S. Sc. 500 — hom. Ja.s., gen. (D) 896; R.C.M.G. 796 — Sir Jerome, Ly. K.A. 513 — Jno., bp. Glasg, 536; L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Jno., gen. (C) 873 — Jno., aft. 1d. Wolmerstown, q.v., K.B. 761 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 — Sir Jno., adm. (A) 815; K.B. 765; L. Admy, 180 — sir Jno., Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Patr., abp. Glasg. 537; bp. Boss. 535; Ld. Sess, 517 — Patr., G. I. Man, 666 — Patr. and Sir P., gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 788 IRt., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Rt. Jas. Tuoyd-, aft. li. Wantage, q.v., K.C.B. 783; U.S. War, 233 — Th., abp. Arm. 596; bp. Rilloe. 634; b.p. Rph. 602; dra. St. Pat. 618; L.J. Ir. 556 — Walt. (Ld. St. John), Ld. Sess. 518 — Wm., Amb. Vee. 116 —ºwn. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. — Sir Wm., L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Wrm. Alexr., Pt.c. P.A. 337 Ilindsay of the Byres, lds. and E. Of — Jno., 1st Id., L.J. Gen. 522 — Jno., 5th lä., Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno., 10th lil. aft. E. Of, L.H.T. and Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; Tud. Sess. 517 Lindsey, E. and M. of IBertie Family. — Rt. B., E. of, form. lī. Will. de Eresby, q.v., K.G. 739; L. Admy. 175; P.C. 190 — Mont., 2nd E. of, form. M. Bertie, q.v., E.M. 326; K.G. 740; L.G.C. 287; P.C. 190 — Rt., 3rd. E. of, L.G.C. 288; P.C. 192-3 — Rt., 4th E. of, aft. 1st. M. of Lindsey and D. of Ancas- ter and K., q.v., P.C. 194; L.G.C. 288 - — Albem., 5th E. Of, form. A. Bertie, q.v. Ilindsell, Aug., b.p. Her. 441; }; Pboro. 458; drl. Lich. 44 Ilindsey, see Lindsay Ilingard, Rd., dm. Lism. 629 — Jno., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495 Lingen, Ralph Rt. Wh., aft. Sir R. and lå. I., K.C.B. 783; Sec. Tr. 164 Linlithgow, E. of — Geo., 3rd E. of, gen. (B)864; L.H.A. Sc. 499 — Geo., 4th E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 497 Linsengen, or Linsingden, Ch. Bar., gen. (13) 866; IS.C.B. 775 Linton, Bern. de, bp. Isl. 539 — sir Rt., G.C.B. 771 — Syd., b.p. lxiv. 704 — Wrm., K.C.B. 779 Ilinus, P. Ro. 32 Linzee, Rt., adm. (A) 816 — Sam. Hood, adm. (A) 818 Ision, see Lyon rigºl (son of Edw.III.), Pr. E. 1 Lionello, M. Fa. 53 - Lipscomb, Chr., bp. Jam. 713 Liptrap, Jno., gem. (IX) 900 Liptrott, Jno., gem. (P) 910 Lisburne, Wilm., 4th Visc. and 1st E. of, form. hon. W. Vaughan, q.v., B.T. 266; L.” Admy. 179 Lisgar, Jno., 1st 1d. form. Jno. Young, q.v., L.L. CaV. 569 Lisieux, Th., dm. St. P. 453 Lisle, See also Lyle Tº Affºde, gén."(ib) 906 — Gerard de, K.B. 755 — Jno., called lö. L., C.G.S. 356 — Jno., K.B. 755 — Jno. de, Const. W. Cast. 2 322 — Jno., L. Admy. 175; L.T. 1 — Jno., see ld. L., infra, — Saml., bp. Norw. 455; bp. St. As. 462 — Th., b.p. Ely, 434 — Wrm., M. Chy. 396 Inisle of Rugenmont, lds. . — Sir Jno., aft. 2nd lå., K.G. (1327) 733 Ilisle, lds. and Visc. - Talbot Family. — Th., visc., K.B. (1464) 757 Grey IFamvily. — Juno., Wisc., K.B. (1503) 759 Plantagemet Family. — Arth., visc., K.G. (1524) 737; W.C.P. 319 I)wdley Family. — Jno., 1d. and visc., aft. E. of Warwick, and D. of Northumberland, q.v., K.B. (1547) 760; K.G. 738; L.H.A. 174 Sydney Family. — Rt., Wisc., aft. 1st E. of Leicester, q.v., K.G. 739 — Phil., ld., aft. 3rd E. of Leicester, q.v., L.L. Ir. 554 Taisley, Nichs., K.B. 758 Isis more, Geo. Pons., 2nd visc., L.L. Tipp. 571 Isister, see also Lyster — Cav., gem. (A) 859 — Fk. Geo., gen. (ID) 891 — Hy., gen. (B) 866 h. Vill. and Sir T E.C.M.G. 798; U.S.F. 230 Liston, Rt. and sir R., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Nds. &c. 122; Amb. Spn. 123; Amb. Sw, 126; Amb. TRy. 129; Amb. U.S.A. 132 ; P.C. 209 Listowel, E. of — Wrm., 2nd E. of, K.P. 751 — Wrm., 3rd E. of, K.P. 751 rightord, Geo. A., gen. (D) Initchfield, see also Lichfield — Hy., adm. (IH)846 *ington, Wm., dn. Chich. 34 ºs-ºs- Isitten, see Lytton Iittle, Alfr. Butler, gen. (D) 925 — Archd. and sir A., gen. (ID) 903; K.C.B. 780 — Geo., Q.C. 418 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 107I Littlebiri #; ; fl. Jy. 365 Isittlebury, L.H.A. 171 Isittledale, Jos., aft, sir J., J.K.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 214; S.L. 413 º Littiehales, ’sir Bend. Rt., adm. (A) 820 Isittler, Jno. Hunt. and sir J., gen. (D) 881; G.C.B. 769; F.C.B. 777 — Ralph D. M., Q.C. 419 Isittleton, see Lyttleton Isitton, see also Lytton Tºd. Falc., Land Comm. Ir. Iiuva I. and II, K. Sp. 85 rigºrance, Galfr., b.p. Dkld. Mart. de, J.C.P. 368; J.K.B. 371; sir Humph., 33 Iniverous (or Leverous), Th., § Rild. 617; dry. St. Pat. Liverpool, E. of Ch., 1st E. of, form. C. Jenkinson, and lù. Hawkes- bury, q.v. — R. B., 2nd E. of, form. ld. Hawkesbury, q.v.; C. Treas. Ir. 561; K.G. 743; L.T. 159; Prem. 145-6; W.C.P. 319; W. and C. Sec. 231 — Ch. Cec. Cope, 3rd E. of, form. hon. C. C. C. Jenkinson, q.v.; G.C.B. 772; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 214; U.S. Home, 227 Isivesay, Jno., gen. (C) 871 Livianus, M.A. L., C. Ro. 45 Tsivingston and Living- stoun — Adam, Ld. Sess. 517 — Dav., L.P.S. Sc. 500 — Jas., bp. Dkld. 533; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 *— Rt. de, Compt. Sc. 498 *— Rt., L.H.T. Sc. 496 * 2 same pers. — Sir Th., adm. (A) 820 — sir Wm., Ld. Sess. 519 Livingston, lds. and mast, of — Ja.s., 1st là., L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Alexr., 5th lä., Ld. Sess. 517 — Alexr., mast. of, Ld. Sess. 517 Livingus, see also Leovingus — (or Livyngus), bp. Dev. # Cnwall. 436; bp. Worc. 7 Livinius, bp. Dbln. 615 Islandaff, Fras. Ja.s., 2nd E. of, E.P. 751 Iºlanover, Benj., ld, form, sir B. Hall, g. v., L.L. Monm, 310 Islewelyn ap Griffith, Pr, WIS. 17 — ab Sitsyllt (2), Pr. Wls. 16–17 — Ll., dn. St. Dav. 465 — Rd., gen. (D) 881; K.C.B. 779 -- — Rt. Baxt., G. St. Vin. 725; G. T. and C. Isl. 713; G. Tob. 724 Lloyd and Taoyd — Arth., gen. (B) 870 — Bann. Pr., gen. (D) 914 — Ch., byp. Oxf. 457 — Chr., dm. Elph. 609 — Cliff., G. Mtius. 684 — Dav., dn. St. AS.463 — Ed., adm. (G) 841; K.H. 790 Lloyd and Loyd–comt. — Ed., C. St. 283 -iºd. Jno., C.C.J. 404; Q.C. 7 — hon. Ed. Most., aft. 1d. Mostyn, g. v., L.L. Mer. 314 — Ed. Th., gen. (ID) 899 — Eug. or Owen, dm. Cmr. 605 — sir Ev., (A) 862; R.C.H. 788 — Geo., adm. (IHI) 846 — Geo., bp. Chest. 477; bp. S. and M. 483 — Geo. Aug., Amb. Bol. 135 — Geo. Wm. A., gen. (D) 887 — Hy., S.L. 411 — Hor., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 — Hugh, bp. Llff. 449 — Humph., b.p. Bgr. 426; dm. St. As. 463 — Jas., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Jno., adm. (A) 815 — Jno., bp. St. Dav. 464 — Jno., dim. St. As. 463 — Jno., K.C. 415 — Jno., S.L. 409 — Jno., S.L. Ir. 593 — Marm., J. Chest. 386 — Morg., Q.C. 419 90 Mountf. S. H., gen. (ID) 4 — Nathl. and sir N., Adm. Adv. 423; K. Adv. 422 — Owen, see Eug., supra, JPh., dn. Norw. 456 — Rd. and sir R. (No. 1), Adm. Adv. 423; D. Arch. 420 ; J. Adm. Ct. 423 — Rd. and sir R. (No. 2), B. Ex. 385; K.C. 415; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 — Rt., adm. (A) 820 — sir Rt., G. Gibr. 670 — Th., dm. Bgr. 427 — Th., L.L. Card. 315 — Th. Fras., gen. (D) 935 — Vaugham, gen. (A) 860 — Wnn., adm. (A) 815 Wm. (No. 1), bp. Killa, and Ach. 613; dri. Ach. 614 — Wrm. (No. 2), bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; bp. St. As. 462; bp. Worc. 473; dn. Bgr. 426 — Wm. (No. 3), bp. Llff. 449; bp. Norw. 455; bp. Pboro. 458 rº, Fras. Ad. Ell., gen. (D) — Fras, Ersk., adm. (ID) 829 — Geo., Q.C. 418 — Hy. B. and sir H., C.W.F. &c. 273; G.C.M.G. 795; G. I. * 666; G. Vict. 705; K.C.B. 783 — Jno., Chin. E.I. Co. 645 Isochin, bp. Rild. 616 *ś, Andr. C. R., gem. (D) Taocke, Jrmo., B.T. 263 — Jno., gem. (IB) 869 — Jno., Q.C. 417 — Matth., Sec. at W. 233 — Th., Clar. K.A. 328; Lanc. H. 333; Norr. IC.A. 330; R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Walt., adm. (A) 819 fºrer, Wm., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 4 Lockhart, Alan Eliot, L.L. Selk. 512 — Alexr., Ld. Sess, 520 — Archd. Ingl., gem. (ID) 904 gen. Tockhart—cont. — Day. Bl., gen. (D).921 — Sir Geo., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 520 —ºreme Alexr., (ID) — Sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 — sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 — sir Steph., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Th., C. Exc. Sc. 505 — Wm., gen. (C) 873 — Sir Wm., Tid. Sess. 519 -ºwn. Steph. Alexr., K.C.B. 78 Isockwood, Frank, Q.C. 420 Geo. Hy., gen. (D) 887; K.C.B. 779 Tiºh, dr. Chr. Ch. Dbln. gen. 61 Isockyer, Fras., dn. Pboro. 458 —ºy. Fk., gen. (D) 892; IS.H. 7 Taoco, Hugh de B., bp. Carl. 475 Inocock, Sidn., Amb. Bzl. 135; Āmb & Am.'134; Amb. Šva. 128 Taocton, see Lokton rºler, Wrm. Wymme, gem. (ID) 00 Isodelow, Th. de, C. B. Ex. 381; Rec. Lond. 493 Loder, Hugh, K.B. 759 Isodevick, Pet., gen. (D) 879 Lodge, Edm., Bl, M.P.A. 337; Clar. K.A. 328; K.H. 790; Lanc. H. 333; Norr. K.A. 330 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Iodington, Wm. de, A.G. 398; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Lodowic, see also Ludowick — Jno., M.M. 246 ... Lodowis, Th., b.p. Killa. 612 Isoft, Jno. Hy., gen. (B) 867 Loftus, Adam (No. 1), abp. Arm. 595; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; dim. St. Patr. 618; L.J. Ir. 554; L.R. and Ld. Chanc. II. 576 — Adam (No. 2), aft. Visc. L. of Ely, L.J. Ir., 554; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; V. Treas. Ir. 559 — sir Adam (No. 3), L.K. Ir. 576 —ld. Augs. Wrm. Fk. Sp., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bva. 119; Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 126; G.C.B. 772; G. N.S.W. 703; E.C.B. 783 — Ed., Rec. Dbln. 642 ; S.L. Ir. 591 — Hy., C. Acc. Ir. 567 — Wm., gem. (A) 860; T.L. 322 — Wrm. Fras. B., gen. (ID 879 Wm. Ja.s., gen. (D) 907 — 16. W. F. S., P.C. 217 Isoftus, of Ely, visc. — Adam, visc., see Adam Loftus (No. 2), Supra, Isoftus, lds. and visc. — Ch., 1st lá., form. C. Tot- tenham, q.v., aft. 1st E. and M. of Ely, q.v., K.P. 750; Postm. G. Ir. 564 — Jno., ld., aft. visc. L. and 2nd M. of Ely, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 561 Lt. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1072 INDEX OF NAMES. Isogan, Archd. Sp., gen. (D) 892 — Archd. Geo. Dougl., gen. (D) 932 - — Jno., b.p. Down, 603 – Rt. Abr., gen. (ID) 923 — Th. Galbr., K.C.B. 780 Isogie, Andr., Ld. Adv. 526 #. Th. de, M. Chy. 393 Loing seach, K. Ir. 21 Inoizaga, C., Dt. Pgy. 110 Lokton (or Locton), Jno. de, J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Lomax, Jas., gen. (B) 869 Lombard, see also Lumbard — Rt., dm. Wíord, 628 Ionlbardini, Pres. Mex. 103 Lomtuil, bp. Kild. 616 Inondon and Inondres — Edmél. de, M. Chy. 393 — Hy. de, abp. Dbln. & abr). Dbln. & Gl. 615; L.J. Ir, 550 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 — Lucas de, dm. Wíord. 628 — Walt. de, dm. St. P. 452; dn. Wells, 428 — Wrm. de, J. It. 367; Jy. 364 Londonderry, lds. and M. of Pitt Family. — Th., ld., form. Th. Pitt, q.v., G. Leew. Isl. 727 Stewart and Vame Tempest I'amily. — Rt., 2nd M. of, form, visc. Castlereagh, q.v. — Ch. Wm., 3rd M. of, form. hon. C. W. and lói. Stewart, q.v., gen. (A) 862; K.G. 744; L.L. Dham. 308 — Fk. Wm. Rt., 4th M. of, form. Visc. Castlereagh, q.v., K.P. 751 — Geo. Hy. Rt. Ch. Wnn., 5th : of, K.P., 751; L.L. Dham. 08 — Ch. Stu., 6th M. of, K.G. 745; L.L. Ir, 558; P.C. 221 Londres, see London Ione, sir Rd., G. Gsey. 668 Lionerg'an, See Longain Ioney, Rt., adm. (H)849 - Long, Ch., aft, 1st là. Farm- borough, q.v., C.Treas. Ir. 561 ; H.T. 268; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; G.C.P. 772; L.T. 158; P.C. 207; Paym. G. 245; Sec. Tr. 163 — Jno., abp. Arm. 595 — Lisleb. and sir L., Tec. Lond. 494; Sp. H.C. 249 Rt., P.C. 189 Sir Rt., Aud. Ex. 166; L.T. 155; Ch. Ex. 164; P.C. 191 * 2 same pers. — Rt. Ball, gen. (B) 868 — Th., dn. Cork, 632 — Th., I.C.B. 759 — Walt. H., Sec. I.G.B. 256 — Wm., Mast. Coll. Surg. 939 Isong champ, Hy., K.B. 754 — Wm. de, bp. Ely, 434; Ch. Jr. 362; Const. T.L. 320; Comst. W. Cast. 322; Jy. 363; Ld. Chanc. 353; W.C.P. 317 Longden, Ch. Sc., gen. (ID) 908 — Hy. Err., gen. (D) 904; K.C.B. 781 — Jas. Rt. and sir J., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Ceyl. 673; G. Dnca. 730; G. Trin. 722; G.C.M.G. 795; E.C.M.G., 797 x :# Longes pee, Nichs, bp, Sal. 467 * Rog. de (or de Molend), bp. High. and Cov. 444; L.H.T. 52 — Steph. de, L.J. Ir. 550 — Wnn. (F. of Salisbury), L.H.A. 170 Longfield, Jno., gem. (D) 895 — Mountefort, C. Cus. Ir. 565 Mountefort, Land. J. Ir. 587 IRd., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Ex. Ir. 566–7 Longford, Ralph, K.B. 756 — Wnn. Book., gen. (ID) 892 Inongford, visc. and E. of — Chr., 1st Visc., form. 22nd ld. Slane, q.v. — Th., 2nd E. of, K.P. 751 — Wrm. Lygon, 4th E. of, gen. (ID) 903; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 779; L.L. Longf. 570; TJ.S. Walº. 232 Taonginus, K. It. 49 . C., C. Ro. 44-5 — L. C., Q. C., C. Ro. 44 Inongland (or Langland), Jno., bp. Linc. 447; dum. Sal. 468 Inongley, See also Langley — Ch. T., abp. Cantº. 431; abp. Yk. 486; bp. Dham. 479; bp. Rip. 482; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 217 — Jno., G. Dnca. 730 — (or Langley), Th., abp. Yk. 485; bp. Dham. 478; dm. Yk. 486 ; L.K. & Ld. Chanc. 355 Longstrother, Jno., L.H.T. 153 rºstoft, Jno. de, M. Chy. 3 Isongueville, Grey, B. & Gl. K.A. 330; Bath R.A., 785; Han. H. 340 Inongueville, E. of — Gast. de Foix, E. of, K.G. 735 Inongus, C. S., C. R.O. 40-1; Dt. R.O. 41 — K. D., Dec. Ro. 38 — L. M. V., C. Ro. 42 — M. T., C. R.O. 37 — T. S., C. Ro. 43 Isongworth, Fras Tr. L.L. K. Co. 570 — Juno. A., Amb. Swa. 128 — Rd., din. Chest. 477 Isonison, Jno., M.M. 246 rººdale, Jas, Jno., C.C.J. 4 — Jno., b.p. Lich. 444 rºsaale, lds., visc., and E. O D., — Jno., 1st 1d, and visc., form. Sir J. Lowther, q.v., L.P.S. 240 — Hy., 3rd visc., Const. T.L. 321; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 197 — Jas., E. Of, form. Sir J. Lowther, q.v. (d. 1802) Wrm., E. of, form. Visc. Hºwther, q.v. (d. 1844), K.G. 743 — Wrm., 2nd E. of, form. visc. Lowther, q.v. (d. 1872), Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.P.C. 188; L.L. Cumb. 307; L.L. Wrmland. 313 — Hy., 3rd E. of, form. Hy. Lowther, q.v. (d. 1876) Isooft-Ali-Ehan, Sh. Pers. 99 * Isopes, Hy. C. and Sir H., J.C.P.D. 380; J.Q.B.D. 374; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; L.J. #P. 389; P.C. 220; Q.C. l — sir Mass., L. Admy. 185; P.C. 220 Isopez, C. A., Dt. Pgy. 110 — F. S., Dt. Pgy. 110 — V., Pres. Arg. 110 Isopham, Th., S.L. 407 Isoraine, Walch, de, E. of Northumberland, bp. Dham. 478 Lord, Ed., G. V.D. Ld. 708 — Ja.s., B. Ex. 384 Lorimer, Jas., K.C.M.G. 798 Lorin or Inoring, sir Nele, K.G. 733 — sir Jno. Wentw:, adm. (ID) 823 ; K.C.B. 777 ; K.C.H. 789 — Wm. and sir W., adm. (IE) 835; K.C.B. 780 Inorme, lds, and M. Of, See also Argy — Archd., ld., aft. 8th E. of Argyll, q.v., Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno., M. of, aft. 5th D. of Argyll, q.v., gen. (B) 865 — Jno., G. E. H. D. S., M. of, son of 8th D. of Argyll, G.C.M.G. 795; G.G. Can. 692; R.T. 749; P.C. 219 — Prss. Louise, Mss. of, Cr. Ind. 809; see Princess Louise Taorton, Rt. Ed., 1st visc., gen. (A) 861; L.L. Rosc. 571 Inosack, Geo., adm. (A) 818 Lose, Terric de, M.M. 245 Isosh, Jas., C.C.J. 404 Inosing, Rt., bp. Her. 441 Losinga, Herb., bp. E Dunw. and Norw. 454 Ioten, Joan Gid., G. Ceyl. 672 Isothair and Isothaire — K.E. 1 — K. Fr. 23 — K. Limd. 49 — I. and II., E. Gºmy. 61 Isother, K.E. 1 Isothebury, Rd. de, M.M. 245 Lothian, E. and M. of — Mark, 1st E. of, form. Mark Rer, q.v. — Wrm., 3rd E. of, Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Robt., 4th E., aft. 1st M. of, H.C.P. Sc. 508; L.H.C. R. Sc. 546; L.J. Gen. 522 — Wrm., 2nd M. Of, gem. (IB) 864; K.T. 747 — Wnn., 3rd M. of, K.T. 747; L.H.C. K. Sc. 546; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Wm. Hy., 4th M. of, gem. (A) 858; K.T. 748 — Wrm. Jno., 5th M. of, gen. (A) 859; K.T. 748 — Wm., 6th M. of, form. E. of Ancrum, q.v., K.T. 748; L.L. Mid-L. 509; L.L. ROXb. 512 — Jno. Wm. Rt., 7th M. of, C.Y.G. 298; L.L. Roxb. 512; P.C. 214 — Sch. Hy., 9th M. of, K.T. 749; L.K. Sc. 503; L.P.S. Sc. 501; P.C. 220; Sec. Sc. 502; V.P. Ed. Sc. 500 Loudham, Wm., J. It, 367 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. . - INDEX OF NAMES. 1073 Inoudon and Loudoun. — Jno. de, Const. W. Cast. 322 — Jno., gen. (D) 924 Ioudoun, E. of — Jno., 1st E. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 — Hugh, 3rd E. of, K.T. 747; L.H.C. K. Sc. 546; L.H.T. Sc. 498; L.K. Sc. 503; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 195; Sec. St. || Sc. 502 — Jno., 4th. E. of, gen. (A) 858 — Jas., 5th E. of, gen. (C) 872 Isoufkin, see Lewkyn Thoughborough, Alexr., ld, form. A. Wedderburn, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Rosslyn, q.v., C.G.S. 357; L.H.S. 287 Inougher, Rt., M. Chy. 395 Thoughlin, Arilan., dm. Clonf. 637 Louis, D. Swy. 54 — D. Wog. 81 — G.D. Thy. 57 — (the Great), K. Hgy. 60 — K. Limd. 49 —(Hutin), K. Nav. 85 — K. Nav. 87 — K. Pld. 91 — K. Sp. 86 — (de Requisens), — I., K. Brma. 59 — I., K. Hgy. 60 — I., K. Pgl. 89 ; K.G. 744 — I., K. Scy. 56 — I., Pr. Mino. 31 — I. and II., C. Flrs. 81 — I. and II., K. Bva. 68 — I. and II., M. Brg. 65 — I. and II., Pr, Nass. 75 —I. to III., D. BVa. 67 — I. to IV., E. Gºnny. 61–2 — I. to IV., G.D. H. Dt. 72 — III. (G.D. H. Dt.), K.G. 744 — I. to XVIII., K. Fr. 23-4 XVIII. (K. Fr.), K.G. 743 — II., G.D. Bdn. 67 — II. to VI., C.P.R. 68 — V. to X., Lg. H. Dt. 72 — —Buonaparte, Pr. Or, 83 — Ch., gem. (ID) 911 — -Eugene, D. Whg. 81 — –Fredk., Pr. S. Rdt. 79 — -George, M. Bdm. 67 — -Hippolyta, Pr. Mino. 31 — sir Jno., adm. (D) 825 —-Napoleon, aft. Nap. III., q.v., Pres. Fr. 25 — -Phillippe, K. Fr. 24-5; K.G. 44 7 — sir Th., adm. (A) 817 — Wm., adm. (H) 848 — -Wrm., M. Bdn.67 — –Wm.-Augs., G.D. Bdn. 67 —-Wm.-Fl., Lg. H. H.bg. 73; G.C.B. 768 Isouisa (dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 º NdS. 82 — -Anne, (g. dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 —-Caroline-Alb., (dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16; Cr. Ind. 809; aft. Mss. of Lorne, q.v. —-Hollandia (g. dau. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 —-Maria-Th. (dau. Ja.s. II.), Pr. E. 14 — -Vict.-Alex.-Dagm. (g, dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 Isouth, see Lowth Isouther, see Lowther L'Ouverture, Touss., Pres. Hti. 104 Taovaine, lds. Geo. 1d., aft. 2nd E. of Beverley, and 5th–6th D. of Northumberland, q.v., B.C 252–3; L.T. 158 A. G., ld., aft. 6th–7th D. of Northumberland, q.v., Admy. 184; Paym. G. 245 ; P.C. 216; V.P.B.T. 269 Inovat, lds. — Th. Alexr., ld., K.T. (1864) 749; L.L. Inv. 510 — Simon, ld., form. hom. S. Fraser, q.v. (succ. 1875) Love, Hyg., dm. Kilf. 637 — Hy. Omm., adm. (H) 847 — Jas. Fk. and Sir J., G.C.B. 778; G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D) 883; K.C.B. 778; K.H. 789 — Rd., dn. Ely, 435 Imoveday, Rog., J.C.P. 377 ; J. It. 368 Lovel, see Lovell Lovelace, Wm., S.L. 408 Lovelace, lds. and E. Ilovelace Family. — Jno., 3rd ló., G.C.P. 299 Ring Family. — Wnn., 1st E. of, L.L. Surr. 312 Inovel and Lovell — Fulke, bp. Lond. 451 — Hy. de, dn. Ch. 434 — Jno., J. It. 368; J.K.B. 371 — Benj., and Sir L., gen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 778; K.H. 791 — Ph., L.H.T. 152 — Sal. and sir S., B. Ex. 384; J. Chest. 387; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 411 *— Sir Th., Const. T.L. 320 ; R.G. 737 ; Tr. H. 291 Th., Sp. H.C. 249 * 2 same pers. Wm. Stanh., adm. (HI) 845; R.H. 791 Inovel, lds. Lovel I'amily. — Jno., 8th lil., K.G. 734 — Fras., 9th lil. and 1st visc., I.G. 736 Colce Family. — Th., ld., form. T. Coke, q.v., aft. E. of Leicester, q.v., POStºnn. G. 238 Lovet, Chr., L.M. D'blin. 640 Lovetot, Jno. de, J.C.P. 377 Lovibond, Hy., M. Chy. 396 Loving, J., Tell. Ex. 167 Low, see Lowe rºder, Saml. Nett., gen. (D) Lowe and Low — Abrm., adm. (HI) 845 — Alexr., gen. (D)903 — Arth., adm. (D) 833; (E) 838; (E) 834 — Dav., b.p. Mor. and Ross. 544; bp. Ross. 545 — Drury, Curz. Drury-, aft. # Dr., gen. (ID) 924; K.C.B. 7 Ea. aft. Sir E., M. Chy. 9 — Edw. Wm. De L., gem. (ID) 907 : — sir Huds., G. Antig. 728; G. St. Hel. 682; G.C.M.G. 794; gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 775 Lowe and Low—cont. — Hugh and sir H., G.C.M.G. 796; G. Labm. 675; K.C.M.G. 798 — Jno., bp. Poch. 460; bp. St. As. 462 — Jno. and Sir J., G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 886; K.C.B. 779 — (or Lupus), Jno. de, dm. OSs. 622 — Rt., aft. visc. Sherbrooke, q.v., Ch. Ex. 166; H. Sec. 227 ; L.T. 161 ; P.C. 216 ; Paym. G. 245; Sec. B.C. 254; V.P. B.T. 269; V.P. Ed. 255 — Rt. Cunl., K.C.B. 782 — Sigism. Bar., gen. (C) 873; K.C.B. 775 — sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 — Th. Hill., dn. Exr. 438 Lowen, Piearce, K.H. 792 Lowndes, Ch., Sec, Tr. 163 — Th., gen. (ID) 933 — Wm., C. Exc. 280-1; C. TX. 284-5 — Wnn., C.C.J. 403 — Wrm. L., Q.C. 417 Lowry, Rt. Wm., gem. (D) 9 08 Lowth and Isouth t., B.T. 267; 452; bp. Oxf. 456; Dav. 465; P.C. 203 — Rt. Hy., gen. (D) 894 Isouth, E. Of — sir Jno. Bermingham, E. of, L.J. Ir. (1321) 551 Lowther and Isouther — Anthy., gen. (C) 871 — Ger, and Sir G., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C.G.S. Ir. 576; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Hy., see lö. L., infra, — Hugh de, A.G. 398; J. It. 9 36 — Jas., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 219; U.S.C. 235 — Ja.s., St. O. 260 — Jno., see li. L., infra. — sir Lanc., B. Ex. Ir. 584 — Luke, L.M. D'blm. 640 — Marc., adm. (IHI) 853 — Rt., G. Bdoes. 720 — Th. de, J.K.B. 371 — Wnn., Amb. Arg. 136 — sir Wim., C. Cus, 273 Lowther, lds, and visc. — sir Jno., aft. 1st là. L. and visc. Lonsdale, q.v. (d. 1700), L. Admy. 176; L.T. 155; P.C. 193;-V.C.H. 296 — sir Jas., aft. li. and visc. L. and E. of Lonsdale, q.v. (d. 1802), L.L. Cumb. 307; L.L. Wrmland. 313 — Wm., visc., aft. E. Of Lons- dale, q.v. (d. 1844), L.L. Cumb. 307; L.L. Wrmland. 313 — Wnn., visc., aft. 2nd E. of Lonsdale, q.v. (d. 1872), B.C. 253; C.W.F. &c. 271 ; Admy. 181; L.T. 159; P.C 211; Postm. G. 238; Tr. N. 257; V.P.B.T. 269 — Hy., aft. 3rd E. Lons- dale (d. 1876) L.L. Cumb. 307; L.L. Wmland. 313 Lowys, Jno., M.M. 246 Taoyd, see Lloyd Loyd-Lindsay, see Lindsay Lozier-Bouvet, Mons. de, G. Mſtius. 683 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1074 INDEX OF NAMES. Isuard, Ch. Ed., gen, (I)) 933 — Jno., Kyn., gen. (ID) 888 —ºd. Geo. Amb., gen. (D) — Wrm. Garnh., adm. (E) 836 Islucan, Geo. Ch., 3rd E. of, F.M. 856; gen. (D) 884; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 777; L.L. Mayo, 570 rººms, Alfr, Wm., gen. (ID) — Anthy., C. Exc. 280-1 — Ch., gen. (ID) 901 — Ch. Dav., adm. (IHI) 853 — Ch. Sh. de N. gen, (D) 926 — Ed., U.S. Ir. 563 — Matth. P., L.M. Lond. 492 — Th., S.G. 401 - — Sir Th., called löl. II., Const. T.L. (1688) 321 ..Isuci, see Lucy Tºucian, Pr. M.no. 31 rugius I. to III., P. Ro., 32, Luckraft, Alf., adm. (IHI) 847 ! — Wrm., adm. (IHI) 847 Liuctacus, IK. Sc. 18 Isucullus, L. L., C. Ro. 44; C. Ro. 46 — M. T. V., C. Ro. 46 Tºucy and Luci — Sir Anth., L.L. Ir. 551 — Geoffr. de, dm. St. P. 452 — sir Geoffr, de, L.H.A. 170 — Godfr. de, bp. Winch. 470; J. It, 366; Jy. 363 — Regd. de, J. It, 365 — Rd. de, Ch, Jr. 362; Const. T.L. 320 ; Comst. W. Cast. 322; J. It, 365; Jy. 363 — Rt. de, J. It, 365 — Steph. de, J. It. 367 — Wril., byp. St. Dav. 464 — Wm., IK.B. 758 Iuda, Wm. de, bp. Ely, 434 Iudecan, K.I.C. 3 Isudelhani (or Ludham, or Kinton), Godfr. de, abp. Yk. 485; dun. Yk. 486 Ludlam, Sir Geo., Chambn. Lond, 493 Fºow, Eben., P.P. 416; S.L. — Edm., Comm, Ir. 554-5 — Ed. Saml., C.I.E. 806 — Geo. Ja.s. } See E. of L., — Peter, infra, — Rd., IK.B. 757 -ºšuml Edg. Ow., gem. (D) — Walt. de, dm. Wíord. 628 Isudlow, lds. and E, of Peter, 1st là. and E. of, Compt. H. 293; P.C. 203 — Geo. Jas., 3rd E. of, G.C.B. 767; gen. (A) 860; IX.]3, 766 Tudolph, D. Su. 80 Islı dowick, see also Lodo- Wick — Rodolph. D. Brk. 70 Iued with, abp. St. Dav. 463 Lugard, sir IEd., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 892; IS.C.B. 778; P.C. 218; U.S. War. 233 Lugeol, Jean, I.C.B. 778 Taughaidh (2), K, Ir, 21 — Riebdearg, IX. Ir. 21 Izug thacus, K. Sc. 18 Luic, Alex. N. de, M.M. 245 Tuighne, IX, Ir. 20 Iuiredus, dn. St. P. 452 Luitpert, K. Limd: 49 Luitprandus, K. Limd. 49 *Iuke, abp. Dblin. & Glr. 615 *— bp. Kilmacd. 636 >k Člm. Killoe, 637 #: dn. Lim. 639 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. — Jas., Pres, Coll. Surg. 939 — Nichs., B. Ex. 384 — Steph. Pag. Walt, Viv. C.I.E, 806 — Wrm. (or Walt.), J.K.B. 372 — Wrm., adm: (A) 818 Lukin, Ch. Osb., gen, (D) 912 — Geo. Wm., dn. Wells, 429 — Wm., G. Dnca. 730 Lullinn ore, see Lynn Lumbard, see also Lombard — Jno., J.K.B. Ir, 578 Lumley, hon. Ja.s., M.H. 302 — Jas. Ruth., gen. (ID) 876; R.C.E. 777 — Jno., see la. L., infra, — Jno. Savile-, and sir J., Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. It, 114; Amb. Swz. 114; Amb. Sxy. 12] , G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 783; l”.C. 220 Marm., bp. Carl. 475; bp. Linc, 447; L.H.T. 153 — Sir Mart., L.M. Lond, 491 *— Hy., G. Jsey. 667 *— hon. Hy., gen. (A) 857 * Poss. same pers. — Rd., see ld. L., infra — Wnn., and Sir W., G. Bnnda. 701 ; gem. (A) 862; G.C.B. 768 ; K.C.B. 773 — Wrm. Gold., Q.C. 418 Lumley, lds, and visc — Jno., ld., K.B. (1553) 760 — Rd., 2nd visc., aft, E, of Scarborough, q.v., L.L. Dham. 308; IP.C. 193 *sdaine. Geo., adm. (A) 17 — Ja.s., gem. (IB) 866 Isumsden, Andr., bp. Edinb. 542; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Harry Burn. and sir H., gen. (ID) 904; IK.C.S.I. 803 Pet. St. and Sir P., gem. (ID) 923; G.C.B. 771; IK.C.B. 781; M.C.I. 647 Lunalilo I., Q. Sd. Isl. 111 Lunapeius, bp. Tilff, 448 rºlin, Sir Rt., L.H.T. Sc. 96 Lundyne, Wm. Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Lunsford, Col. —, Lt. T.L. 321 Lunverd, bp. St. Dav. 464 Lupton, Rog., M. Chy. 394 Lupus, L. C. L., C. IłO, 44 62 (or de Tow), Jno., dm. Oss. G 2 — P. lt., C. Ro. 45 Lurgan, Ch., 2nd. li., K.P. 751; L.L. Arm. 568 Luscimus, C. F. (3), C. R.O. 42 Luscus, T. A., C. Ro. 44 Lush, Rt. and Sir R., J.Q.B. 373; J.Q.B.D. 374; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 219; Q.C. 417; S.L. 414 Lushborough (or Luxem- burgh), Louis de, bp. Ely, 435 Lushington, Godfr., U.S. Home, 228 — Jas. Lawr. and Sir J., Chm. E.I. Co. 645; G.C.B. 769; gen, (D) 877; K.C.B. 776 de, i Lushington—convt. — Steph, and Sir S. (No. 1), Chm. E.I. Co. 644-5 — Steph. (No. 2), Ch. Lond. 422; D. Arch. 421; J. Adm. Ct. 423; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 213 — Steph. and Sir S. (No. 3), adm. (D) 830; (G) 841; G.C.B., 770; K.C.B. 777; L.G. Gr. Hosp, 854 — Steph. Geo., C. Cus. 277 — Steph. Rumb., G. Mdras. Isusk, Andr. and Sir A., L.M. Lond. 492 Luttrell, Fras. F., C. Cus.276 C. TX. 284 — Hugh, K.B. 758 — hon. Ja.s., S.G.O. 260 — Jno., K.B. 755 — Rt., W. Chanc. Ir. 574 Th, and sir T., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 591 Luttrell-Olmius, see Olmius and Carhampton *widge, Skeff., adm. (A) 816 Lutwyche, Ed. and Sir E. öj. "Chºsh. 336; joi. 373} S.L. 410 — Th., Q.C. 415 Luxemburgh, See Lush- borough Luxmoore and Luxmore — C. Sc., dm. St. As, 463 — Jno., *; IBri. 439; b.p. Her. # bp. St. As. 462; dm. Glr. 440 — Th. Corynd., gen. (D) 895 Iyall, see also Lyell — Alfr. Com. and Sir A., R.C.B. 783; IX.C.I.E. 805; L.G. N.W. Pr. and Oudh. 654; M.C.I. 647; Sec. I.E. 808; Sec. S.I. 804 — Ch. Ja.s., C.I.E. 806 — Geo., Chn, E.I. Co. 645 — Jas. Broadw. and Sir J., K.C.S.I. 804; L.G. Pjab. 654 — Wnn. R., dm. Cant. 432 Lydiard, Geo. Wrm. Ch., adm. (E) 842 — Ralph de, J. It. 367 Lydington, Jno. de, B. EX. Ir, 583 *; Wm. Jones, adm. (ID) 826 Iyell, see also Lyall Rāj. Adm. Ct. 422; M. Chy. 395 Tºygh, Rog., Clar. K.A. 328 Lygon, hon. Ed. Pind...,gen.(A) 863 — hom. I'lº., L. Admy. 184 Lyhert, Walt., b.p. Norw. 455 Lyle, See also Lisle — Acheson, L.L. Londy. 570 ;" ld., L.J. Gen. (1488) *} rºbersh, Ad. de, B. Ex. 383 Lymington, Jno., Wisc., form. Jno. Wallop, q.v., aft. E. of Portsmouth, q.v. Tºynch and Ilinch — Andr. H., M. Chy. 397 — Dav., J. Bank. Ir. 587; Land. J. Ir. 587 Ed. Patr., gen. (D) 910 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1075 Lynch and Linch—cont. — Germ., 246 — sir Hy., B. Ex. Ir, 584 — Jno., bp. Elph. 608 — Jno., dm. Cantº. 431 — Marc., dn. Clonm. 600 — Rt. Bl, gen. (D) 890 — Rol., bp. Clonf. 636; bp Clonf, and K. 636; bp. Kil- macd. 636 — Stan. J., Land Comm. Ir. 588 — sir Th., G. Jam. 712 — Wm. and sir W., Amb Sda. 114; R.B. 765; P.C. 203 — Wm. Wiltsh., gen. (D) 932 Iºynde, see Tind Tºyndhurst, J. S., ld., form. J. S. Copley, q.v.; C.B.Ex. 382; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; Ld. Chanc. 358 Iyndon, Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 591 Lynedoch, Th., ld., form. Th. Graham and sir T., q.v., G.C.B. 767; G.C.M.G. 794; gen. (A) 861 rººm, Wm., Pres. Coll. Surg. — Wm., S.L. 410 — (Or Lenne or Lullimore), Wm. de, bp. Chich., 482; bp. Worc. 472; dri. Chich. 434 Ilynom, Th., S.G. 401 * (? Lyus), Adam, bp. Ard. +ºwood, Wm., bp. St. Dav. Lyon and Ision — Ch. Wils., gem. (B) 866 — Sir Jas., G. Bdoes. 720; G.C.H. 786; gen. (B) 868; IX.C.B. 775; IK.C.H. 787 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 — Sir Patr., Ld. Sess, 520 Th., and Sir T., Ld. Sess. 517 sir Th., L.H.T. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 518 — Wm., bp. Cork, Cl, and R., 631; b.p. Ross. 631 Iyon-Frennantle, mantle Tºyons, Algm. McLell., adm. (E) 836 See Fre- — Edm., see lá. L. infra, — Humph., gem. (D) 897 — Jno., adm. (1H) 847 — Rd, B. P., see la. L. imfra, — Th. Cas., gen. (D) 923 Lyons, lds. and visc. — sir Edm., aft. 1st là. L., adm. (D) 829; Amb. Gr. 128; Amb. Sw. and N. 127; Amb. Swz. 113; G.C.B. 769; G.C.B. 772; K.C.H. 788 — Rd. Bick. P., 2nd lù., aft. 1st visc., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb, Tky. 130; Amb, Tusc. 115; Amb. U.S.A. 132; G.C.B. 772; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 217 Lyons - Montgomery, Montgomery Lysaght, Arth., adm. 826; (ID S(26 and G) 840 Lysons, Daml. and Sir D., G.C.B. 771; gem. (D) 903; TX.C.B. 780 Lyster, see also Leicester and Lister — Harry Hamm., gen. (D) 932 | Lyster—cont. — H. Y., adm. (ID) 833 — Ja.s., dn. Llin. 624 — (or Lester), Rd., A.G. 398; C.P. Ex. 381; C.J.K.B. 370; S.G. 401 rºlescenes, Jno. de, J. It. *:::::::. Littleton, and Lyttleton Ch., bp. Carl. 476; dri. Exr. — Sir Ch., G. Jam, 712 Ed., see la. L. infra, — Ed. Jno., aft. li. Hather- ton, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 212 — Fish., Adm. Adv. 423 — Geo. see lá. L.infra, — Geo. Wm. & sº tº ºf iſ ºf — Jas., adm. (A) 813 — Jas., M. Chy. 395 — hon. Rd. and Sir R., G. ºy. 668; gen. (B) 865; K.B. 76 — Th., J.C.P. 378; K.B. 757; S.L. 407 — Sir Th. (No. 1), L. Admy. 175; L.T. 155; Sp. H.C. 250; TT. N. 256 — sir Th. (No. 2), L. Admy. 177-8 — Tim. and sir T., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 410 — Wrm., S.L. 409 — Wrm., see lit. L. infra. --- *:::: de, dm. Wells, 428 Lyttelton, lds. 1st Creation. — Ed. and Sir E., aft. la. L., C.J.C.P. 375; L.T. 154; L.K. 356; Rec. Lond. 494; S.G. 401; S.L. 409 2?vd Creation. — sir Geo., aft. 1st li. L., Ch. Ex. 165; Coff. H. 293; L.T. 157; P.C. 199 Th., 2nd ló., P.C. 203 3rd Creation. — Wnn. Hy., aft. la. Westcote and 1st là. L., Amb. Pgl. 124; G. Jam. 712 — Wm. Hy., 3rd lit., L.L. WOrC. 313 Geo. Wm., 4th lá., I.C.M.G. 796; L.L. Worc. ;: P.C. 218; U.S. W. and C. 23 Iytton, see also Litton — Rt., R.B. 759 — Rt., R.B. 760 — Sir Rd., L.L. Herts. 308 — Bulwer-, see Bulwer Lytton, lds. and E. — Ed. Geo. E. L., 1st là., form. sir E. Bulwer, q.v., C. ;: 235; G.C.M.G. 795; P.C. 1 — Ed. Rt. L., 2nd lá., aft, 1st E., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Pgl. 125; G.C.B. 773; G.C.S.I. 801; G.G. Ind. 649; P.C. 221 — Edith Bss., aft. Ctss. of, Cr. Ind. 809 Isylls, see Lyns Iyveden, Rt., ld, form. It. Vernon-Smith, q.v., G.C.B. ry { Lywarch, bp. St. Dav. 464 M. M*** bp. Dn.bl. 532 dim. Llin. 623 Maberly, Ev., gen. (D) 910 m. L., C. Cus. 277; Clk. O. 260; S.G.O. 260; Sec. P.O. 239 MI*—IMIc—and Mac— McAdam, Dav., gen. (D) 889 *W.K. #.7% MacABda, Malachy, abp. Trn. 611; bp. Elph. 608 Mac.A.Edain, Cornhac, Clonf. 635 MacAiblen, Gilla, bp. Clonf. ºf. 635 MacAilild, Colman, bp. Cld. 598 MacAirthir, bp. Lism. 626 MacAlister, Ch.Archd., K. H. bp. 790 IMIacallycan, Thos., Ld. Sess. 518 Macan, Geo., gen. (D) 897 — Hy., gen, (D) 893 — Jno., J. Bank. Ir, 587 Mac-an-Crossain, Hy, bp. Rph. 601 MIcAndrew, Geo., gell. (T)) 914 — Is. Fors., gen. (D) 931 — Jno., K.C.B. 778 Macara, Rt., K.C.B. 775 Macario, Vic., Prel. M.G. 799 Macarmick, Wm., gem. (A) 860 Macarroll, Jno., L.M. Dblin. 641 IMI’Arthur, Ch., gen. (D).921 . MacArthur, Ed. and Sir E., G. Vict. 704; gen, (D) 892; IX.C.B. 783 — Jno., gem. (D) 891 — Wrm., IK.C.M.G. 798; L.M. Lond. 492 Macartin (St.), bp. Cllr. 596 Macartney, Geo., see ld. M. infra Macartney, lds., E., and M. Geo. arid sir G. and lå., visc., and Earl M., gen, (B) 864; Amb. Ch. 130; Amb. Russ. 125; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; G. C.G.H. 678; G.G. Ind. 648; G. Gren. 724; G. Mdra.S. 656; K.B. 765; P.C. 205 — Hall, K.C.M.G. 798 Jas., J.C.P. Ir. 581; J.K.B. 579 Macaulay, Colm. Patr. L., C.I.E. 808 — Kenn., Q.C. 417. . — Th.B., see ld. B. infra Macaulay, lds. Th. B., aft. li. M., B.C. 253; P.C. 214; Paym, G, 244; Sec. at W. 234 ; Sec. B.C. 254 MacAward, Moelisa, bp. Clonf. 635 MacBaitherl, Dungal, bp. Glend. 615 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1076 INDEX OF NAMES. M“–Mc— and Mac— Macbean, Archd., gen. (D) 899 — Fk., K.H. 791 — Geo., gem. (ID) 928 — Wnn., gen. (D) 918 — Wm. and sir W., gem. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 — Wnn. Forbes, gem. (D) 908 Macbeth, bp. Ross, 535 — K. Sc. 19. Mººnrady, Amdr., bp. Kilm. — Gilb., byp. Ard. 607 Maclbredhan (or Brethe- main), Eug., b.p. Mayo, 612 MI*Bride, Jno., adm. (A) 816 MacErien, see also Mac- Bruyn — Ch., bp. Emly, 625 — Malachy, bp. Elph. 608 McBruyn (or McBrien),Arth., dn. Dry. 602 MacCaighwell, see also Mac- Camaill — Jas., abp. Cash. 625; abp. Cash. and bp. Emly, 626 MacCamaill and Mac- Camaeil — Arth., b.p. Clr. 596 — Bern., bp. Clr. 596 — (or McKamyll), Edmd., dm. Arm. 597 - º bp. Clr. 596; dim. ll. 597 — (or McRathmoyll), Jno.,dn. Clr. 597 — (or MacCaghwell), Wm., dn. Cllr. 597 — Wm., dn, Dry. 602 MacCarmacan, Menel., b.p. Rph. 601; dm. Rph. 602 Mºcarmie, Corm., bp. Bph. 1. — Jno., bp. Rph. 601 McCarthy, Ch., G. Si. Le. 685 Ch. Just. and sir C., G. Ceyl. 672-3 — Jno. Geo., Land. Comm. Ir. 588 — Thady, bp. Cork and Cl. 631 — Comamail, bp. Emly, 625 MacCarvill and MacCar- will, See also O'Carrol — Dav., abp. Cash. 624 ; dim. Cash. 627 — (or O'Carrol), Jno., abp. Cash. 625; bp. Cork, 630; bp. Meath, 599; dri. Cork, 632 — Maur., abp. Cash. 624 MacCasac, Wm., bp. Ard. 607 McCaskill, Jno., K.C.B. 777; R.H. 791 — Wnn., gen. (C) 873 MacCatasaid, Matth. (2), bp. C]r. 596 — Nichs, bp. Clr. 596 MacCathan, Coman,bp.IFerns, 621 MacCathasach, Rumold, bp. Cld. 598 Mºgausiana, Com., gem. (ID) 90 — Jno. Kenn., gen. (D) 896 MacCellaid, Feolan, bp. Emly, 625 MacCenfeolad, Owen, bp. Emly, 625 A. MacCiarucain, Colum, bp. Cork, 630 Macclerig, Eugene, bp. Trn. 611 Macclesfield, Nichs., L.H.A. 173 M’—Mc— and Mac— Macclesfield, lds. and E. of Gerard Family. — Ch., form. li. Gerard, and visc. Brandon, q.v., L.L. N. *: S. Wales, &c., 314; P.C. I?arker Family. — Th., 1st E. of, form. Sir T., ld, and visc. Parker, q.v. — Geo., 2nd E. of, Pres. R. SOc. 940 — Geo., 4th E. of, form. Geo. and visc. Parker, q.v., C.G.P. #: C.Y.G. 298; L.L. Oxon. 1 IMcClintock, sir Fras. Leop., adm. (IE) 836 — Jno., aft, ld. Rathdonnell, q.v., L.L. Louth, 570 McClure, sir Höt. J. Le M., adm. (IHI) 848 IMacCoghlan, ClOnna. 600 IMacColgau, bp. Ferns, 621 Magoonan, Flam., bp. Emly, IMacConoma, Corn., bp. Kilm. 607 Corm., dm. MacCormac, Cathald, bp. Clonf. 635 MacCoughlan, Corm, bp. Clonm. 600 McCoy, Jno., gem. (I)) 900 MacCragh, Donat, bp. Killoe. Ü34 — Matth., b.p. Killoe. 634; dum. Killoe, 637 — Thady, bp. Killoe. 634 McCrea, Jno. Dobree, adm. (E) 836 — Rd. Contart, adm. (G) 842 — Rt. Barl., gem. (D) 911 McCreagh, Sir Michl., K.C.H. 88 7 MacCrossain, Rd., b.p. Rph 601 MacCuanach, Arect., bp. Ferns, 621 MacCulenan, Cormac, bp. Lism. 626 — Cormac, bp. Cash. 624 MacCulloch, Edg., Blf. Gsey. 669 — Ja.s., Ulst. K.A. 572 — sir Ja.s., K.C.M.G. 797 McCullum, Ch. Campb., gem. (IN) 921 MacDermot, The, S.G. Ir. 590 — Ter., L.M. Dblin. 640 — Th. MacFerall, bp. Elph. 608 MacDonnuil, Dermod, bp. ROSS. 631 IMI*Donagh, McMulr., dm. Ach. 614 MIcDonaid and Macdonald, see also Macdonell - — —, G. Tob. 723 — Off. Nap. 26 — A. A., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 — Alaster McIan, gen. (D) 909 :k Alexr., G. Br. Hond. 714 *— Alexr., gem. (C) 875 * 2 same pers. — Alexr., gem. (D) 882 — Andr., k.C.B. 776 — Archd., K.H. 789 — Archd, and Sir A., A.G. 400; C.B. Ex. 382; K.C. 415; P.C. 205; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 MI*—MC— and Mac- McDonald and Macdonald— COmt. — Ch., C. Acc. Ir. 567 — Colin, adm. (H) 845 — Coll. Amb. Pers. 130 — D. A., G. Ont. 692 Dom., gem. (B) 866 >k Geo., G. Dnca. 780 *— Geo., gem. (D) 890 * 2 same pers. — sir Jas., B.C. 253; Com. Io. Isl. 129; G.C.M.G. 794 — gen. Sir Jas., see Mac- donell — Jas. Archd., adm. (II) 851 — Jas. Daws., gen. (D) 912 — Jas. Mitch., gen. (ID) 908 — hom. Jas. Win. Bosv., gem. (D) 905 — Jn J., gen. (D) 197 — Jno., K.C.B. 775 — Jno. and sir J. (No. 1), G.C.B. 769; gen. (B) 869 ; K.C.B. 776 — Jno. and Sir J. (No. 2), gem. (D) 882; K.C.B. 778 — Jno. Alexr. and Sir J., ºb. 773; K.C.B. 783; P.C. l — Jno Alexr. Matth., gen. (ID) 928 — Jno. Hay A. and Sir J., D. Fac. Sc. 527; L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 220; S.G. SC. 527 — Jno. Wall. Dougl., adm. (IHI) 851 — Norm., gen. (ID) 933 — Norm. H., U.S. Ir. 563 — Norm. Wnn., Si. Le. 685 — Regd. Jno. and Sir R., R.C.B. 782; K.C.S.I. 803 — Regd. Jno. Jas. Geo., aft. Macdonald-Blomfield, adm. (E) 836 — Rt. Mack., gem. (D) 926 — Ron. Reg., K.H. 790 — Wrm. Ch. R., gen. (ID) 916 Macdonald, lds. — Godfr., 3rd la., gen. (B) 868 Macdonald-Robertson, see Robertson MacDonegan, Florence, bp. Drom. 604 — Nelam, bp. Ferns, 621 Macdonell and Macdon- nell, see also McDonald — Alexr. and Sir A., gem. (D) 904; K.C.B. 781 — Sir Ed., L.M. Dblin. 642 — Hugh Guion, Amb. Bva. #: Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. Dk. 1. 7 — (or McDonald), sir Jas., G.C.B. 769; gem. (A) 863; R.C.B. 776; K.C.H. 789 — Jno. Cott., dm. Cash. 627 — Jno. Ign., gen. (ID) 926 — Rd. Graves and Sir R., G. Gamb. 686; G. H. Kong, 673; G. N. Sc. 695; G. S. Austr. #: G. St. Vin. 725; K.C.M.G. 79 MacLonennach, Laigdene, bp. Saig. 620 MacDongail, bp. Kild. 616 Macdonnell, see Macdonell Macdonogh, Rt., bp. Cork,630 'IDouall, Rt., gem. (ID) 879 McDougaii, Pras. Th., b.p. § 675; bp. Sing. L. and . 67 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES, 1077 M*—Mc— and Mac— McDougall—comt. — Jno., adm. (A) 817 — Jno., adm. (H) 848 — Jno. and sir J., adm. (D) 831; K.C.B. 779 — Patr. Leon and sir P., gem. (D) 904; K.C.M.G. 797 — sir Th., G.C.H. 786 Macdowal, Andr., Ld. Sess.520 Macdowall, Day Hort., gen. (D) 892 — Ferg., Ld. Clk. Reg, 525 H., C.C. Mdra.S. 657 — Hay, gen. (B) 866 — Wrm., L.L. R.nfw. 511 MI*IDowell, Rt., adm. (A) 817 IMacduff, Jno., gen. (I)) 898 Macduff, visc. — Alexr. Wm. Geo., visc., aft. 6th E. and 1st D. of Fife, q.v., L.L. Elgn. 509 MacDuibne, Fursey, Kilm. 607 — Matth., b.p. Kilm. 607 MacDunchad, Tola, bp. Cld. 598 MacDunecan, Condla, bp. Macedonicus, Q. C. M., C. Ro. bp. Llin. 621 Mºmohade, Corn., bp. Ross. Mºgeneol, Cong., bp. Kilm. 7 Mººrinus, M. G. (3), C. Ro. — P. G., C. Ro. 39 — T. G., C. Ro. 37 IMcfarlan and Macfarlane Andr., b.p. Mor. 544; bp. Ork. and Ross. 545 — Dav., gen. (D) 926 — Dunc. (2), Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Ja.s., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Patr., Mod. R. Sc. 547 — Rt., Ld. Sess. 521 — Rt. and Sir R... gen. (A) 861 ; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 775 - MacIP'ergus, Dubenr., b.p. Ferns, 621 McFerran, Jas., C.I.E. 808 MacFingail, Rudgall, bp. Emly, 625 MacFintain, Tuenoch, bp. Ferns, 621 MacFlamichellaic, Flan., bp. Emly, 625 MacIFlanagan, Ferdomnach, bp. Cld. 598 IMacFlam, Murechad, bp. Kild. 6 61 MacFlin, Florence, abp. Tim. 611 MacIFitzbran, Glend. 615 Maclºoelan, Mured, bp. Rild. 616 COrmac, bp. McGanysa, Comm., dm. DOWn, 605 IMI*Garel-Hogg, See Hogg MacGee, see Magee . MacGelany, Cornelius, bp. Kild. 616 McGenis, See also Magennis — (or McGinnis), Comm., dn. Down, 605 MacGilbride, Jno., bp. Rph. 601 0 TWIacgill, Dav. (Cranston Rid- del}, Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 519 Day. (Nisbet) Ld. Sess. 518 M'—MC— and Mac— Macgill—cont. — Jas. (Rankeilor Nether), Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 518 Sir Jas. (Cranston Riddel), Ld. Sess. 519 — Rt., Ld. Sess. 519 — Stev., Mod. K. Sc. 547 McGillew.ride, Corn., Rph. 602 MacGinnis, see MacGennis MacGirthid, Fienmale, bp. dn. Cld. 598 MacGlashan, Jas., K.H. 789 MacGorman, Matth., bp. Emly, 625 McGoun, Alexr., gen. (D) 931 Macgowan, Flº., gen. (D) 911 MacGragh, see Magragh MI*Graidin, Pierce, dm. Ard. 609 MacGraith and MacGrath, See Magrath MacGregor and MacGrigor — Alexr. Murr., gen. (C) 874 — Arth. Trev., adm. (IHI) 850 — Ch., K.H. 790 — Ch. Metc. and Sir C., C.I.E. 806; gen. (D) 931; K.C.B. 781 Dunc. and sir D., gen. (D) 883; K.C.B. 782 — Dunc. Jno., gem. (ID) 927 — Evan, Sec. Adm. 187 — sir Ev. Jno. Murray, G. Antig., &c. 727; G. Bdoes., &c. 719-20; G. Drica. 730; G. Trin. 722; gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 776; K.C.,H. 788; K.H. 789 — EV. Murr., gem. (ID) 914 — Geo. Hall, K.C.B. 783 — J. M., gen. (ID) 923 — Sir Jas., K.C.B. 777 — Jno., Sec. B.T. 270 -: no. Alexr. Paul, gen. (D) 7 — sir Malc., adm. (IHI) 852 — Wnn., G. Br. N. Guin. 711 Mºgutan, Fin., bp. Kild. 16 MacGuire, see Maguire McGwire, Ed. Th. St. Lawr., gen. (ID) 929 Machabaeus, see Matthaeus Machadh-Mongºuadh, Q. Ir. 20 Machado, Rog., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 329; Richm. H. 333 McHaffie, Jas., gen. (D) 890 MI*Hardy, Jno. Bunch Bonne Maison, adm. (G) 842 Machatus (St.), bp. Isl. 539 Machilla, bp. S. and M. 483 Machonochie, See MacOno- chie Mackray, Rt., bp. Rup. Ld. 697 Machutus, bp. S. and M. 483 McIlwraith, Th., IS.C.M.G. 798 MacInclodnai, Moelmorda, bp. Emly, 625 MacInlianaig, Ch., b.p. Elph. 608 — Gelasius, bp. Elph. 608 IMI*Innes, Jno., gem. (D) 878 MacIntire, see MacIntyre Macintosh, see Mackintosh MacIntire and IMIacIntyre — AEm, Jno., Q.C. 419 — Andr. Wm., gen. (ID) 916 — Colin Camp., gen. (D) 906 — Jno. Mack., gen. (D) 920 | M“—MC— and Mac- Mackarness, Geo. Rd., bp. Arg. and Isl. 541 — Jno. F., bp. Oxf. 457 McKathmoy11, see McCamaill McKamyll, see McCamaill Mackay, Alexr., gen. (C) 872 — hom. Alexr., gen. (B) 865 — D. J., aft. 1st là. Reay, Q.7). — hon. Don. Hugh, adm. (ID) 825 — Ja.s. Pr., gen. (B) 865 — Rt., gen. (B) 864 Magkeican, Jno., gen. (B) 6 MacKellach, Culean, bp. Eild. 616 Mºkellan, Ang., Mod. K. Sc. 547 —ºno. adm. (A) 820; (G) MacKelly, Dav., abp. Cash. ; bp. Cloy. 630; dm. Cash. 7 Mºkenny, Th., L.M. D'bln. 641 Mackenzie, Alexr., Ch. Com, Cent. Pr. 655 — Alexr., gen. (D) 918 — sir Alexr., G.C.H. 786; gen, (A) 861 — Alexr. Mack., gen. (ID) 912 C. F., bp. C. Afr. 688 Col., -, C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650 y Colln, gen. (A) 860 * 2 same pers. — Colin, gen. (ID) 910 — Colin, gen. (ID) 933 — Colin Jas., L.L. Pbls. 511 — Don., Ld. Sess. 521 --Don. McLeod, adm. (H) — Dougl., b.p. Z. Ld. 681 — Fra.S. Humb., aft. Id. Sea- forth, q.v., L.L. Ross. 512 — Geo., adm. (A) 815 — Sir Geo., aft. Visc. Tarbat and E. of Cromarty, q.v., L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Adv. 526; # Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 19 — sir Hed., L.L. Ross, 512 — Hy., bp. suffr. Nottm. 447 — Holt., B.C. 253; P.C. 212 — Hugh, gen, (D) 933 — Sir Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 — Jas. Alexr. St., B.C. 253 : Com. Io. Isl. 129; G. Ceyl, 672; P.C. 213; Sec. B.C. 254 — Jas. Geo., adm. (HI) 850; G. Falk. Isl. 731; G. Nev. 730; × º: G. St. Xtr. 729 — hon. Jas. St., Amb. Sda. ; L.P.S. Sc. 501; P.C. gº" Jas. Wemyss, L.L. Ross, Jno., gen. (A) 862 — Jno., gen. (IB) 866 — Jno., gen. (IB) 868 — Jno. Fras. Campb., adm. (HI) 851 — Jno. Rand., gen. (C) 873 — Jno. Rt., gen. (ID) 913 — Jno. Stuart, L.P.S. Sc. 501 — Josh. Hy., Jy. Sc. 523 ; Ld, Sess. 520 — Renn. Aug. M., Q.C. 420 —iºn Remn. Sm., L.L. Ross. — Kinc., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1078 INDEX OF NAMES. Mº-Mc— and Mac- Mackenzie—cont. — Murd., bp. Mor. 534; bp. Ork, 535 — Patr., gem. (C) 874 Pet., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Tºod., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. 520 Th., adm. (A) 816 Th., Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 Wm., K.C.B. 782 — Wnn. Forbes-, L.T. 160 ; Sec. Tr. 163 McKeogh, Sim., dm. Clonf. 3 637 MI’ICerlie, Jas., adm. (H) 845 — Jno. Gr., K.C.B. 784 Mackeson, Wm. W., Q.C. 418 Mackeston (or Makeson), Geo., dm. Arm. 597 Mackey, Jas. W. and Sir J., L.M. Dbln. 642 Mackie, Geo., G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (3) 874 — Wrm., K.H. 790 McKillop, Hy. I'k., adml. (H) 852 — IRt. Jno., gem. (D) 897 MacKinede, Olchobar, Emly, 625 MacKinfalaid, Malduin, bp. Rph. 601 MI’Rimley, Geo., adm. (A) 820 MI’ICinnom, Hy., gen. (C) 873 Mackinnon, Daml. Hy. L., gen. (D) 918 — Geo. Hy., gem. (D) 892 — Wm., C.I.E. 807 Mackintosh and Macintosh — Alexr. Fisher, gem. (D) 883; K.H. 790 — sil. Ja.s., B.C. 235; P.C. 211 — Rt. Ja.s., G. Antig., &c. 727; G. St. Xtr. 729 — Wrm., D. Fac. Sc. 527 Mackirdy, Dav. Ell, gem. (D) 902 Macknight, Th., Modr. K. SC, 547 Mackworth and IMacworth — Digb., K.H. 790 — Humphr., J. Chest, 386 — Jno., dn. Linc. 448 Maclachlan, Alexr., gon. (D) 885 — Archd., gen. (D) 882 — Th. Ja.s., gen. (D) 920 MacLactman, Bechan, Cld. 598 * — Finnacht, bp. Ferms, 621 Mac Cladach, Corm., bp. Saig. 620 Maclagan, Rt., gem. (D) 905 Wm. D., b.p. Lich. 444 MacLagenan, Columb, bp. Emly, 625 & MacLaighlin, Michl, bp. Dry. 601 e Maclaim-(e), Archd, amd Sir A., gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 777 Maciaisir, bp. Arm, 595 McLaren, Dumc., L. ProV. Edinb. 548 — Jno., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 521 McLaughlin, Ed., gon. (D) 931 Maclaurin, Jno., Ld. Sess. bp. bp. * 520 McLean, Allam T., gem. (D) 885 — Ch. Sm., C.I.E. 808 MI'—Mc— and Mac— McLean—cont. — Don, I.C.M.G. 797 — Fras. Wm., Q.C. 420 — sir Fitzroy Jeff. Gr., gem. (A) 862 — sir Geo., K.C.B. 778 — Hect., b.p. Arg. 538 — Hect., 13.C.B. 775 — Hy. Dund., Regr. M.G. 799 — Hy. Jno., gon. (D) 926 — Jno., b.p. Sask. 697 — Jno., G. Br. ICaffr. 630; G. Nat. 680 — Jno. and Sir J., gen. (IB) Jos., 869; K.C.B. 774 (B) 869; R.C.H. 788 — sir — Lachl., gen. (IB) 868 Pet., gen. (D) 907 — Rod., b.p. Isl. 539 Macleay, Geo., K.C.M.G. 797 McLelan, A. W., G. N. Sc. 695 McClelland, Jas., B. Ex, Ir. 584; S.G. Ir, 589 MI’Iseod, Ch., gen. (D) 877; R.C.P. 777 - Pon, gen. (D) 876; I.C.B. 776 ge]]. — Dom., gem. (ID) 887 — Don. Friell., K.C.S.I 802 ; L.G. Pjab. 654 — Dunc., gen. (D) 881 — Harry, gen. (D) 935 Hy. Geo. and sir H., G. St. #. 729; G. Trin. 722; K.H. 791 — Jno., Dn. Thist. 749 — Jno., gem. (B) 867 — Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — sir Jmo., G.C.H. 786; gen. (B) 869; K.C.H. 788 — Jno. Cheth, and Sir J., gen. (D) 919; R.C.B. 780 — Jno. Macph. and Sir J., R.C.S.I. 802; P.C. 218 — J. M., see löl. M., imfra, — Jos. Add., Q.C. 419 — Nor., Dn. Thist. 749 — Nor. (2), Modr. K. Sc. 547 Nor., gen. (C) 875 50 IRt. Br. Æm., L.L. Crom. 9 — Rod., L.L. Cronn. 509 — IRod. Bann., gen. (ID) 918 — Wm. Coup., gon. (D) 899 — Wrm. Edm., gem. (ID) 913 — Wrm. Kelly, gem. (ID) 921 Macleod, lds. — Jno. Mark, aft. li. M., gem. (C) (1782) 872 Maclerk, see Mauclerk M“Clery, Milor, dm. Clonm. 600 MI*Cleverty, Sir Rt., gem. (C) 875; K.C.H. 789 Wm. Ans., C.C. Mdra.S. 658; gem. (D) 894 MacTaoingle, bp. Arm. 595 MacIsongsee, Murchertach, bp. Cld. 599 MacLubney, IXillene St., bp. Saig. 620 Tibraid, MacMaelfin, Iºmly, 625 McMahon, Ch. Alexr., gem. (D) 935 — Ch. Jos., gem. (D) 932 — Dav., bp. Killoe. 634; dri. Rilloe, 637 Jno. and Sir J., P.C. 209 Jno., St. O. 261 * 2 same pers. bp. •k K M*—Mc— and Mac— McMahon—comt. — Mar. Patr. Maur., G.C.]3. 769; Pres. Fr. 25 — Patr., b.p. Ard. 608 Sir Th., C.C. Bbay, 660, G.C.B. 770; gen. (A) 863; I.C.B. 775 — Sir Th. Westr., gem. (D) 903 Wm. and Sir W., M.R. Ir, 585; S.L. Ir. 593 McMair, Jas., K.H. 790 MacManus, G. I. Man, 665 MacMasson, Th., bp. Dry. 601 Mac Mel Brenan, DCrmn., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Mac Mic Oeducan, Oeducan MacMoëlmorra, Fergall, bp. Saig. 620 S&G Mºśern, Lanfran, bp. Kild. 616 MacMolissa, Nichs., abp. Ann. 595 McMorime, Wm., Modr. IX. Sc. 547 McMullen, J. R., gen. (D) 928 — Steph. Fras., gen. (D) 911 McMurdo, Arch., adm, (H) 849 — Wrm. Mont. Sc., gen. (D) 902; K.C.B. 781 MacMurrough, Arth., R. Of Leinster, K.B. (1394) 755 McNab, Archd., gem. (C) 872 Macnabb, Don. Campb., R.C.I.E. 805 MacNaghten, Don., bp. Dkld. 533 — Edm. Alexr., C. Treas. Ir, 561; L.T. 159 — Ed., see ld. M., infra, — Ell., Chm. I.I. Co. 646; M.C.I. 646 Sir Wm. Hay, G. Bbay. 659 Macnaghten, lds. Ed., aft. li. M., Jud. Conn. P.C. 362; L. App. 358; P.C. 221; Q.C. 419 Mºſair, Ed. Jno., gem. (D) 934 Jno., gem. (B) 869 Macnamara, Sir Burt, adul. (G) 842 — Hy, T. J., C.C.J. 405 — Ja.s., adm. (A) 819 MacNaserda, Robertae, bp. Išild. 616 Macnaughton, Mac- maghten Macueale, Macneil, Mac- neile, and McNeill — Don., gem. (D) 911 — Dumc., aft. li. Colonsay, q.v., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jy. Sc. 523; L.P. Ct. Sess, 516; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 521; P.C. 216 ; S.G. Sc. 527 — Hugh, dm. Bip. 482 — Jno., Amb, Pors. 130 — Jno., dun. Down, 605 Jno. and Sir J., G.C.B. 772; P.C. 216 Jno. Carst. and Sir J., gen. ſº 925; K.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. — Iłod., gen. (D) 882 Macnisius, AEngus (St.), bb. Chr. 603 Macoge, bp. Lism. 626 S60 I'or List of Abbreviations, 866 pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1079 M’—Mc— and Mac— Macon, K. Man, 664 Macomochie and Machono- chie — Alexr., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Alex., J§: Sc. 523; Ind. Adv, 526; Ld. Sess. 520; S.G. Sc. 527 — Alexr., K.H. 791 T.And Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. — Ja.s., C.C.J. 406 wº O’Beghty, Hy., bp. Ach. G. Antig. Macpherson, Arth. Geo., R.C.I.E. 805 — Ch. Gord. W., C.I.E. 806 — Dav. Lew, K.C.M.G. 798 — Don., K.H. 792 — Dunc., gen. (D) 877 — Herb. Tayl. and Sir H. C.C. Mdras, 658; gen. (D) 925; K.C.B. 781; K.C.S.I. 803 — Jas. Dunc., gen. (D) 901; R.C.B. 780 —ºno. and Sir J., G.G. Ind. 6 — Ph., gen. (ID) 893 — Rod. Don., gen. (ID) 912 — Rt. Barcl., gen. (D) 881; K.H. 791 — Wm., gen. (D) 905 Macphail, Jno., 728; G. Dnca. 730 Macquarrie, Lachl.,G. N.S.W . 703; gen. (C) 873 Macquay, Geo., C. Exc. Ir. 566 Mºsqueen, Andr., gen. (ID) — Don. Jno., K.H. 791 — Jas., gem. (ID) 900 — Jno. Fras., Q.C. 418 — Rt., Jy. Sc. 523; L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. 520 Macra, sir Jno., K.C.H. 787 Mºraik, Matth., b.p. Clonf. Macrinus, M. O., Emp. Ro. 47 Macrobills, see Malchus MacBonan, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Macrorie, Wm. Kenn., bp. Mburg. 680 MacScanlain, Edchada, bp. Emly, 625 MacScelaigai, Gelasius, bp. Kilmacd. 636 MacSmarhadhan, bp. Ard. 607 McSwiney, Pet. Paul, L.M. Dbln. 642 - MacSwiny, Kenfoelad de, bp. Saig. 620 McTaggart, Wm., dm. Dry. 602 — Ellis-, see Ellis Macvicar, Neil, Edimb. 548 Macworth, see Mackworth Madan, Spenc., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Pboro. 458 IMadden, Dodgs. Ham., S.G. Ir, 590; S.L. Ir, 5.93 — Sir Fk., K.H. 790 — Sir Geo. All, gem. (C) 874 — Jno., S.W.R. 271 — Jno., dm. Kilm. 609 — Mons. Mol., K.H. 792 — Saml. Owen, dn. Cork, 632 Maddingley, Rt. de, J. It. 369 Maddison, see also Madison — Geo., U.S.F. 229 L. Prov. Maddocks, Jno., K.C. 415 Maddox and Madox — Hy., K.H. 790 — Is., bp. St. As. 462; bp. Worc. 473; dm. Wells, 429 Madenew, abp. St. Day: 463 Madison, see also Maddison — J., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Madoc ab Meredydd, Pr. Wls. 17 — Leol. ap, bp. St. AS. 462; dn. St. As. 462 Madock, Jno., bp. Kild. 616 Madox, see Maddox Mae—, see also Moe— Maelfinan, ºnly 625 6 — bp. Kild. Maelschwythe, abp. St. Dav. 4 6 Maenius, C., C. Ro. 40; Dt. IRO. (2) 41 Magan, Hy., gem. (C) 872 Magee (or Mageoir), Jno., bp. Ard. 607 — Wm., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Rph. 602; dim. Crk. 632 Wm. Conn., bp. Pboro. 458; dr. Crk. 632 IMagellus, L.P. (3), C. R.O. 41 Magenis and Magennis —Arth., bp. Drom. 604 — Arth. Ch. and Sir A., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Pgl. 125 ; Amb. Scy. 115; Amb. Sw, and N. 127; Amb. Swz. 113; G.C.B. 772; R.C.B. 782 — Conn., dn. Down, 605 Eug., b.p. Down and Cmr. 604; bp. Dry. 601 — Rd. (2), C. Acc. Ir. 567 Wm., dm. Kilm. 609 Mageoir, see Magee IMagheramorne, Jas., ld., form. Ja.s. McGarel-Hogg, q.v. Maglathin, Jeffr., bp. Dry. 601 0 Magminot, Wak, de, W.C.P. 317 Magnay, Chr., L.M. Lond. 492 Wrm. and Sir W., L.M. Lond. 492 Magniac, Fras. Lane, gen. (D) 919 Magnus, D. SXy. 77 — K. Dk.93; K. Man. 665 — K. Man. 665 — I. and II., D. Brk. 69 — I. and II., IK. Sw. 92 — I. and II., Pr. Mkg. 74 — C. P. (2), C. R.O. 46 — S. P. A., C. Ro. 44 Magodaig, Brendan, bp. Ard. 607 — Jos., b.p. Ard. 607 MIagon, Mons., G. Mtius. 683 Magonail, Domat, bp. Rph. 60 1 — Patr., bp. lºph. 601 Magragh and Macgragh — abp. Cash. and Eml. 626; bp, Ach, and Kill, and Ach. 612; bp. Clr. 596; bp. Wſord. and L. 627 * Magrath, sir Geo., IX.H. 790 $ Sim, bp. Ard. 607 :: Sim., dm. Elph. 609 * 2 same pers. Maguire, see also MacGwire — Ch., dn. Clr. 597 — Ed., dn. Down, 605 — Nichs, bp. Llin. 622 Maguire—comt. — Pet., bp. Clr. 596 — Rog., bp. Clr. 596 Mahadeo, &c., C.I.E. 808 Mahmoud, Sh. Pers. 99 Mahmud (2), S. T.Ky. 97-8 Mahomed (2), Sh. Pers. 99 — I. to V., S. T.Ky. 97 — Aslam, &c., C.I.E. 808 — Es Sadok, B. Tun. 101 — Ghol., K.C.S.I. 803 — Meer Sh., K.C.S.I. 802 — Sidy, B. Tum. 101 — Sult. Pash., K.C.M.G. 798 Mahon, D'Arcy, C. St. Ir. 568 — Jas., dn. Drom. 606; dim. Tn. 613 — Jno., C. Acc. Ir. 567 — Matth., gen. (ID) 877 Pet., dn. Elph. 609 — hon. Steph., gen. (B) 867 Mahon, visc. — Ph. Hy., visc., aft. 5th E. Stanhope, q.v., U.S.F. 230 — Arth. Ph. Hy., visc., aft. # E. Stanhope, q.v., L.T. 162 Mahta, Punno Lall, C.I.E. 808 Maida, Jno., Ct. of, see Jno. and Sir J. Stuart Maidstone, Jno. de, dm. Linc. — (or Maydenstume), Ralph de, bp. Her. 441; dim, Her. 442 — (or Maydenstune), Walt., bp. Worc. 472 Maihewe, see also Mayhew — Rd., M. Chy. 394 Mail, K. Ir. 21 Maillart, Wm., see Mullart Maine, see also Mayne — Hy. Ja.s. Sumn. and Sir H., K.C.S.I. 803 ; M.C.I. 646 U.S. Home (?) 228 - Mainus, K. Sc. 17 Mainwaring, IMainwer- inge, Mainwaring, and Maynwaring — Arth., C. Cus. 274 — Ed. Reeves Ph., (HI) 848 — Ed. Rowl., gen. (ID) 900 — Geo., Richm. H. 333 — Geo. Byres, gen. (ID) 926 — Jno. Mont., G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (B) 869 — Ph. and sir P., L.IN. Ir. 576; Sec. St. Ir. 562 -jesa. Quinton, gen. (D) — R. R., gen. (ID) 922 — Rog., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Rog., b.p. St. Dav. 464; dim. Worc. 473 Rowl., adm. (HI) 847 — Sweedl., gen, (ID) 923 — sir Th., M. Chy. 395 — Th. Fras. Ch., adm. (HI) 844 —Wnn, Geo., gen. (D) 928; C.I.E. 806 Mair, Jno. Hast., G. Dnca. 730; G. Gron. 724; K.H. 789 Mairis, Geoffr., gem, (D) 929 — Val. Th., gen. (ID) 913 Mºsey, Fk. Ch., gem. (I)) adm. Maister, Geo, gen. (D) 911 — Jno., gen. (A) 863 Maitland, Hon. Sir Alexr., gen. (A) 858 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1080 INDEX OF NAMES. Maitland—cont. — hon. Sir Anthy., aft. 10th E. of Lauderdale, q.v., adm. (D) 826; K.C.B. 777; K.C.M.G. 796 — Chas., Ld. Sess. 519 — hom. Ch., Dep. Tr. Sc. 497 — Chas. Lemm. Br., gen. (ID) 905; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936; Lt. T.L. 322 — Ed. F., Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 — Fk., G. Gren. 724; gen. (A) 861; L.G. Dmca. 730 — Fk., gen. (ID) 910 — sir Fk. Lew., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 776 — Horatio Lawr. Arth. Lenn., adm. (IH)853 — Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Jas., gem. (B) 864 — Jno., adm. (A) 820 — Jno., gem. (IO)903 — Jno., L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Sess. 518 — Jno. and Sir J., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Sess. 518; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Sir Jno. aft. 5th E. of Lau- derdale, q.v., Ld. Sess. 520. — Lew., adm. (IHI) 850 — Peregr, and sir P., C.C. Mdras. 657; G.C.B. 769; G. C.G.H. 679; G. N. Sc. 695; G. Upp. Can. 692; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 775 — Rd., aft. 4th E. of Lauder- dale, Dep. Tr. Sc. 497 — sir Rd. (Lethington), Tu.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Sess. 517-8 — sir Rd. (Pittrichie) Ld. Sess. 519 Rt., Ld. Sess. 518 Th., Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 hon. Th. and Sir T., B.C. 252; Com. Io. Isl. 129; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; G.C.M.G. 794; G. Ceyl. 672; G. Mlta. 671; gen. (B) 867; Gr. M. M.G. 794; P.C. 207 — sir Th., aft. 11th E. of Lauderdale, q.v., adm. (D) 831; (E) 834 — Wnn. and Sir W., Tud. Sess. 517-8; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Wm. Ja.s., C.I.E. 808 — hon. Wm. Mord., gen. (A) 861 Majendie, Hy. Wm., b.p. Bgr. 426; bp. Chest. 477 wº orianus, J. V., Emp.W.E. 9 Majoribanks, banks Makdougall, see Macdougall Makdougall-Brisbane, see Brisbane Makellan, see Mackellan Makemade, Wm., Rec. Lond. 493 8ee Marjori- Makeson, see Mackeston Mal, K. Ir. 21 º Malachy (O'Morgair), bp. Arm. 595 ; bp. Chr. 603; bp. Down, 603 — (3), bp. Down, 603 — I. and II., K. Ir, 22 IMala.kine, Nichs. M.M., 246 Malalo, Th., A.G. Ir, 588 Malartic, Comte de, G. Mtius. 683 Malberthorp, Rt. de, C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371 Malcallan, bp. Clonf. 635 *IMIalchus (or Macrobius), bp. Glend. 615 bp. Wíord. 626 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Malclerk, see Mauclerk Malcolm, bp. Cness. 531 — I. to IV., K. Sc. 19 — Alexr., Ld. Sess. 520 — sir Ch., adm. (ID) 824 — Geo. and Sir G. (No. 1), G.C.B. 771 ; gen. (D) 902; I.C.B. 779 — Geo. and sir G. (No. 2), gen. (ID) 907 — Geo. Alexr., gen. (ID) 893 — Geo. Jno., adm. (IHI) 852 — Jas., K.C.B. 775 — Jno. and sir J., G. Bbay. 659; G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 775 — Pult. and sir P., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. º Malduinus, bp. St. Andr. 528 — K. Sc. 18 Malduit, see Mauduit Malebysse, Rd., J. It. 366 Malepilys, B. de, M.M. 246 Malet, and Mallet, — sir Alexr., Amb. G. St. 122; R.C.E. 783 — Baldw., S.G. 401; S.L. 408 — Ed. B. and sir E., Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. Eg. 130 ; Amb. Gmy. and Pr. 116; Amb. TRy. 130 ; G.C.B. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 220 — Fras., bp. Sal. 467; dri. Linc. 448 — Jno., Clar. K.A. 328 — Jno., K.B. 761 — sir Louis, M.C.I. 647; P.C. 220; U.S. Ind. 236 — Rt., J.K.B. 371 — Th, and sir T., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 Malfechin, bp. Cld. 598 Maling, Chr. T., C. Exc. 281 — Irw. Ch., G. Gren. 724 — Th. Ja.s., adm. (A) 820 Malins, Rd. and sir R., Jud. Com. 3.C. 363; p.6.2% º 417; V. Chanc. 390 Mºisius (2), bp. St. Andr. Mallaby, Rt., gen. (D).932 Mºlarino, M. M., Pres. N.G. 7 Malleolus, M. P., C. Ro. 43 Mallet, see Malet Mallory, Th., dn. Chest. 477 ãňňāş, lds., Wisc., and Whartom Family. — Th., visc., form. Th. Wharton and lá. E. and M. of W., q.v. (d. 1715) Harris Family. — Jas., 1st là. and E. Of, form. Sir J. Harris, g. v. ; Amb. Fr. 112 ; Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.B. 771; L.L. Hants, 311 — Jas. Ed., 2nd E. of, form. visc. Fitz-Harris, q.v. G.C.M.G.' Malmesbury, lds., visc., and E. —CO727. — Jas. How, 3rd E. of, F. Sec. 228-9; G.C.E. 769; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 215 Malmore, bp. St. Andr. 528 Malo, see Mauley ºlone, Anthy., Ch. Ex. Ir. 56 Anthy., S.L. Ir. 592 * Prob, same pers. — Edmd., J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.L. Ir, 592 — Rd., S.L. Ir. 592 >k — (or O'Molan), Odo, dn. Clonm, 600 Malore (or Malorre), Pet., J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. Ir. 578 Mºorie, Sir Rd., L.M. Lond. Malorre, see Malore Malpas, Hy., M. Chy. 394 Malpas, lds. and visc. - — Geo., visc. (aft. 3rd E. of Cholmondeley, q.v., K.B. § L.H.A. 177; L.L. Chesh. — Geo., visc. (son of 3rd E. of Cholmondeley), L.T. 156 Malscoed, abp. St. Dav. 463 Maitby, iii. pp. cnich. 433 bp. Dham. 479 — Th. Wats., 1st E. of, form. T. W. Wentworth, q.v., aft. M. Of Rockingham, q.v. Maltravers, lds. Refer also to E. Of Arundel and D. of Norfolk — Jno. FitzAlan, Id., L.M. (1377 and 1383) 325 — —, ld., K.B. (1426) 756 — Jno., ld., K.B. (1464) 757 — Th., ld. (aft. E. of Arundel), #. (1489) 758; K.G. (1474) — Hy., ld, aft. E. of Arundel, K.B. (1547) 760 — Jas., ld., K.B. (1616) 762 — Hy., ld., form. H. Howard, q.v. (1616) — Hy. C., ld., form. E. of Surrey, q.v., aft. D. of Nor- folk, q.v. (succ. 1842) Mºugimensis, L. C., C. Ro. — M. C., Dec. Ro. 38 Malvane (or O'Malone) Ma- lach, dn. Rild. 619 Malvoisine, Wm., bp. Glasg. 536; bp. St. Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Malyverer, see Mauleverer Manmercinus, L. AE. (2), C Ro. 40 — L.P., C. Ro. 38; M. AE., C. Ro. 39; Di. Ro. (3), 39 ., C. Ro. 37 — T. AE., C. R.O. 40 Mºercus, L. AE. (3), C. Ro. 37- — T. AE., C. Ro. 38 Man, See also Mann — Alexr., bp. Cness. 531 — Hy., gen. (D) 916 — Jno., dn. Glr. 440 Manby, Pet., dm. Dry. 602 — Th., adm. (A) 820 Mance, Hy. Chr., C.I.E. 807 Manchester, Wm, de, dm. Lich. 445 —i For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1081 Manchester, E. and D. of - Hy., 1st E. of, form. H Montagu, and 1st visc. Man- jºine, q.v., L.P.S. 240 ; L.T. E. — Wm., 2nd D. of, C.Y.G. 298; K.B. 764 → *. 3rd D. of, L.L. Hunts. — Geo., 4th D. of, Amb. Fr. 1.12; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Hunts. 309; P.C. 203 — Wm., 5th D. of, G. Jam. 713; L.L. Hunts. 309; Postm. G. 238 +, win. Dr., 7th D. of, K.P. — Louise F. A., DSS. of, M. Robes, 304 Manchin, by. Llin, 621 Mancinus, A. H., C. Ro. 44 — C. H., C. Ro. 44 — L. H., C. Ro. 44 Manclares, F., G. Trin. 721 Mandasa, Zem. of, C.I.E. 806 Mºders, Bd., L.M. Dbln. Manderstone, Jno. L. Prov. mb. 548 Mandevil and Mandeville — Geoffr. de (1, 2, 3), Const. T.I.. 320 — Geoffr. de (No. 2), E. of Essex, J. It, 365 — Jno., dm. Pboro. 458 — J. H., Amb. R. Pl. 136; Amb. TRy. 129 — Wrm. de, Const, T.L. (Hen. I.) 320 — Wm. de, E. of Albemarle ; E. of Essex, q.v., Ch. Jr. Mandeville, visc. — Hy., 1st Visc., form. 1d. Montagu, q.v., aft, 1st E. of Manchester, q.v., C.G.S. 356 Mºduce, Vinc. Ct., K.C.M.G. 7 * Manett, Th., gen. (D) 881 Manfeld, Rt., M.M. 246 Manfield, Rt., M. Chy. 394 Manfred, K. Scy. 55 Mangal, Sing, C.I.E. 806 Mangin, Reuben Call., adm. (ID) 826 Mangles, Cec., gen, (D) 928 — Ross Don., Chn. E.I. Co. 646; M.C.I. 646 Manilius, MI., C. Ro. 44 — P., C. R.O. 45 Manisty, Hy, and sir H., J. Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 417 Manley, sir Fras., S.L. 410 — Isaac Geo., adm. (A) 818 — J., S.T.R. 271 — Jno., adm. (A) 817 — Pet, de, J. It. 369 — Wm., S.L. 412 — Wm., C. Exc. 281–2 Mann, see also Man — Corn., gen. (C) 875 — Goth., gem. (A) 861 — Gother Flº., gen. (D) 911 — Hy., bp. S. and M. 483; dn. Chest, 477 — sir Horace, Amb. Tusc. 115; IV.B. 765 '*— Th., S. S Mann—cont. Fºsaac, bp. Cork and R. — Jas. Rt., gen. (D) 911 — Rt. (No. 1), adm. (A) 814; L. Admy. 179 — Rt. (No. 2), adm. (A) 816; L. Admy, 180 Manners, ld. Ch., gen. (C) 871 . Ch. , Hy. Som., gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 . — Fras., aft. 6th E. of Rut- land, q.v., K.B. 761 — Hy. Herb., K.H. 791 — lil. Jno. J. R., aft. 7th D. of Rutland, C.D.L. 243; C.W.P.B. 272; G.C.B. 773; P.C. 215; Postm. G. 239 — Rt., gen. (A) 860 — Id. Rt. Wm., gen. (A) 858 — lá. Rt. Wm., gen. (C) 875 — Russ., gen. (A) 859 — Russ. Hy., adm. (H) 847 Manners, lds. — Th., 1st là., form. Th. Man- ners-Sutton, q.v., P.C. 208,210 Manners-Sutton, see Sutton Mannesin, Pet., bp. Oss. 620 TMIanning, Hy. Dimsd., gen. (ID) 918 — Jas., C.C.J. 403; P.P. 417; S.L. 413 — Th., bp. Suff. Ipsw. 455 Th., dn, Winds. 474 Th., M. Chy. 394 t. 222 * Prob. same pers. Mºningham, —, adm. Ind. 7 — Ch. Wnn., Tell. Ex. 168 — Coote, gen. (C) 873 Th., b.p. Chich. 433; dm. WindS. 474 Manningham-Buller, Buller Manny, Walt. de, aft. li. M., R.B. 755; K.G. 733; L.H.A. 171-2 * Mansel and Mansell — Arth. Lukis, adm. (IH) 852 Hy. Longv., dn. St. P. 453 Jno., Const. T.L. 320; L.E. 353 *— Jno., W.C.P. 317 * Poss. same pers. — Jno., gen. (B) 866 — Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Rt. Chr., gen. (D) 884; E.H. 790 — Th. (No. 1), adm. (IHI) 847 — Th. (No. 2) and Sir T., adm. (HI) 845; K.C.H. 789 — Th., see ld. M., infra Wnn. L., bp. Brl. 439 Mansell, lds. — Th. and sir T., aft. Id. M., Compt. H. 292; L.T. 156; P.C. 195; Tell. Ex. 167 Mansfield. Ch. Ed. and Sir C., Amb. išu. 135; Amb. Rima. 128; Amb. U.S.C. 134; Amb. Vza. 135; K.C.M.G. 799 — Hy, de, dm. Linc. 448 Jas. and Sir J., C.J.C.P. 376; C.J. Chest. 386; K.C. #; P.C. 207; S.G. 402; S.L. 41 — I × Sø62 Sk — Wnn. Rose and sir R., aft. ld. Sandhurst, q.v., C.C. Bbay. , 660 ; C.C. Ind. 651 ; Comm. F. Ir, 564; G.C.B. 770; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 892; K.C.B. 778; K.C.S.I. 802 Manuel, I. Mansfield, lds., visc. and E. Cavendish Family. — Wm., visc., aft. E. of New- castle, form. W. Cavendish (1610), q.v. Murray Family. — Wrm., 1st Id., form. Wm. Murray, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Mºnaheid: Ch. Ex. 165; P.C. — Dav., 2nd E. of, form. visc. Stormont, q.v., L.P.C. 188 - — Dav. Wm., 3rd E. of, K.T. 748; L.L. Clkmn. 509 — Wm. Dav., 4th E. of, K.T. 748; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.L. Clkmn. 509 wº Sing Ressaldar, C.I.E. 7 Mºson, Alexr. Rt., gen. (D) — Ja.s., gen. (ID) 894 — (or Monson), Jno., K.B., 763 Mant, Rd., bp. Down and Cmr. 604; bp. Down, C. and D. 605; bp. Killoe and Kilf. 635 Mºntaners, Jno., G. Ch. Isl. 7 Mantel, Rt., J. It. 365; Jy. 363 and II., Emp. E.E. 51 — I. to III., Emp. Tzde. 98 Manwaring, see Mainwaring Manwood, Pet., K.B. 761 — Rog., C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Mºzaro, Giac. Cal., K.C.M.G. 7 Maol-Ceachlin, I. and II., R. [r. 21 Maolcobha, K. Ir. 21 Map, Walt., J. It, 365 Mapenore, Hugh de, Her. 441 ; dm. Her. 442 Mapilton, Hugh de, bp. Oss. 20; dm. St. Pat. 617; Ld. Treas. Ir, 558 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 Mºgies, Jno. Ford., adm. (KI) 5 Maplesden, Jarv., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Mapletoft, Rt., dn. Ely, 435 Maq–, see Macq— Mar, Rt., bp. Brn. 530 Mar, E. of — Wm., E. of, L.G.C. Sc. (1266) 506 of, Tu.G.C. Sc. — Jno. E. of (d. 1632), L.H.T. 739 bp. (1358) 506 497; K.G. — Jno., E. of (d. 1732), K.T. 747; P.C. 195; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Mara, see Mare Marbury, see Merbury Marcellinus, P. Ro. 33 C. C. L., C. Ro. 46 Marcellus I. and II., P. Ro. 33, 35 — C. C. (2), C. Ro. 46 — M. C., C. Ro. 40, 41, 43, 44, 46; Dt. R.O. 41 — Q. C., C. Ro. 43 Marceur, Jno., M.M. 246 March, Wnn. Hy., gen. (ID) 900 March, E. of, see also E. of Wemyss and E. of Ulster Mortimer Family (see also 'wºnden" Mortimer). — Rog., 1st E. of, form. R. Mortinier, q.v. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 69 1082 INDEX OF NAMES, March, E. of comt. — Rog., 2nd E. of, K.G. 733; L.L. Ir. 551-2; W.C.P. 318 -Fºund. 3rd E. of, L.L. Ir. — Rog., 4th E. of, K.B. 755 — Edm., 5th E. of, K.B. 756; L.H.A. 174; L.L. Ir. 552 Stuart Family. — Esmé, 1st E. of, aft. D. of Lenox (1624), q.v. — Ja.s., 2nd E. of, aft. D. of Lenox (1633), q.v.; also D. of Richmond, q.v. Louglas Family. — Wm., 3rd E. of, aft. 4th D. of Queensberry, q.v., K.T. 747; V.A. Sc. 499 Gordom-Lemmoa. Family. — Ch. Hy., E. of, aft. 6th D. of Richmond and G., q.v. Marchant, E. of, see Camp- bell Marchant, Le, - — Den. and Sir D., Sec. B.T. § Sec, Tr. 163; U.S. Home, — Jno. Gasp. and sir G. (No. 1), G. Mlta. 671; G.N. Sc. §: G. Newfa, 700; gen. (C) — Sir Jno. Gasp. (No. 2), C.C. Mdras, 658; G.C.M.G. 795; gen, (D) 892; K.C.B. 783 — Rt. Porr., Blf. Gsey. 669 Marchia, Wm. de, bp. B. and W. 427; L.H.T. 152 Marcianus, Emp. E.E. 50 Marchmont, E. of — Patr., 1st E. of, form. P. Polwarth and 8th 1d, P., q.v.; Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546 — Alexr., 2nd E. of, K.T. 747; P.C. 197 Hugh, 3rd E. of, L.K. Sc. 503; P.C. 201 Marcluith, bp. Llff. 448 Marcoran, Georgio and Sir # G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. Marcus and Mark — (or Maurice), bp. Isl. 539 ; bp. S. and M. 483; Ld. Ch. Sc. 515 — P. Ro, 33 Mardall, Frag., gen. (D) 923 Mare and Mara, — Hy. de la, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 — Sir Peter de la, Sp. H.C. 248 — Regd. de la, K.B. 755 Mares call and Mareschall, See also Marischal and Mar- shall — Ger, le, bp. Lim. 638 — (or Marescallus), Jno., J. It. 367 — Th. de, S.L. 406 — Wm. de, B. Ex. 382 — Wrm., Jy. 363 m., E. of Pembroke, W.C.P. (1138-9) 317 Maret, Off. Nap. 26 Mºst , Rt. Pip., Blf. Jsey. Mareyn (or Marnia), Angel, K.B. 760 Margall, Pres. Sp. 87 Maº: C. Hld. 82 — C, Hlt. 82 — (of Anjou), Q.C.E. 7 * Margaret—cont. — (of France), Q.C.E. 7 . DR. 93 * *ºmº, — Q. Sc. 19 . SW. 92 → (or Austria) (2), R. Nds — (dau. Hy. III.), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (iss, Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (dau. Edw. IV.), Pr. E. 12 — (dau. Hy. VII.), Pr. E. 12 12 (g. dau. Hy. VII.), Pr. E. — (dau. Ja.s. I.), Pr. E. 13 — I. and II., C. Firs. 81 — -Beatr.-Feod, (g. dau, Q, Victoria), Pr. E. 15 — Vict. - Aug. - Charl. - Nora- Maud (g, dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 Mºsary, Hy. Josh., gem. (D) 9 sºmºmº- ‘Margetson, Jas., abp. Arm. 596; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; du. Chr. Ch. Lºblm, 618; dri. Dry. 602; dri. Wíord. 628 Maria, see also Mary — I. and II., Q, Pgl. 88-9 —-Beatrix, D. Mda. 53 — -Louisa, D. Luc. 52 — -Louisa, D. Pnna. 54 — -Louisa, Emp. Fr. 25 — -Theresa, E. Gmy. 62 —-Theresa, Q. Hgy, 60. Marie-Alexandra-Victoria (g. dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 Marines, Hugh de, dm. St. P. 452 Marinus, see also Martin RO.3: * * Maris, Wm. de, dn. St. P. 452 Mareschall, see Marescall Marischal, Earls, 866 also Marescall Wm., E., L.P.S. Sc. (1660) 501 Geo., E., gem. (B) (1711) 864 Marisco, Geoffy, de, L.L. Ir, 550 — Sir Jno. Fitz-Geoffr. de, II.J. Ir. 550 — Rd. de, B. Ex. 382; bp. Dham. 478; Jy. 364; Ld. Cºzanc, 353 Wm. de S., bp. Llff. 449 Mºscis, Rt. de, dra. Linc 44 Marius, C. (7), C. Ro. 45 Marjoribanks and Majori- banks — Campb., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 — hon. Ed., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 220 — Jno., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 — Th. and sir T., Ld. Clk. Reg, 525; Ld. Sess, 518 Mark. see Marcus marithy, wºm, K.C.I.E. 805 Markham, Flº, gen. (D) 887 — Geo., dn. Yk. 487 — Jno., adm. (A) 817; L. Admy, 180-1 — Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Jno. and Sir J., C.J.K.B 370; J.K.B. 371; K.B. 756; S.L. 407 — Sir Jno., Lt. T.L. 321 — Rt., K.B. 757 Markham—cont. — Wrm., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Chest. 477; dri. Chr, Ch, Oxf. 457; dm. Roch. 461; P.C. 203 Markland, Jno. D. and Sir J., adm. (H)844; K.C.H. 789 Marlay and Marley — Geo., bp. Drom, 605 t — Rd., bp. Wíord. and L. 627; bp. Clonf, and I.C. 636; din. Berns, 623 Th., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir, 583; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; S.G. Ir. 589 — Th., gen. (C) 875 Marlebergh, Th. de, K.B. (1324) 754 Marlborough, E. and D. of Ley Family. — Jas., 3rd E. of, form. Sir Jas. and lá. Ley, q.v., B.T. 3 Churchill Family. — Jno., 1st E. and D. of, form. li. Churchill, q.v., C. Ch. 855; Capt. Gen. 855; K.G., 741; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 193-4 — Ch., 3rd D. of and 5th E. of Sunderland, gen, (A) 857; K.G. 741; L.S.H. 290 ; L.P.S. 241; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 199 — Geo., 4th D. of, K.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; L.L., Oxon. 311; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 201 ,--Geo., 6th D. of, L.L. Oxon. 3.11 — Jno. Winst., 7th D. of, Jud. Com, P.C. 361; K.G. 745; L.L. Ir. 558; L.L. Oxon. 311; #0. 188; L.S.H. 290 ; P.C. — Sarah, Dss. of, Gr. St. and M. Robes. 303 Marley, see Marlay Marlow, Benj., adm. (A) 815 — Wrm. Bidd., gen, (D) 897 wºlowe, IRd., L.M. Lond. Marmion, Rt., J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Marrmont, Off. Nap. 26 Marmora, Geml., G.C.B. 769 Marney, Sir Hy., aft. 1st là. M. Çiği. 343;"dºg.”gå. #. 759; K.G. 737; L.P.S. Marnia, see Mareyn wºny, Hugh de, dn. St. P. Maroffe, Mart., Cal. P.A. 342; R. Dr. P.A. 338; Yk. H. 334 Mºjowe, Wm., L.M. Lond. 49 Marquis, Jas., gem. (D) 925 Marr, E. of, see Mar Mºriott, Hayes, gem. (D) — Jas. and Sir J., J. Adm. Ct. 423; K. Adv. 422 — Rand., gen. (C) 873 — Th., gen. (C) 872 — Th. Beck. F., gen. 908 — Wm. Fk., gen. (D) 909 — Wm. Thad. and sir W., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 220; Q.C. 419 Mºryat, Jos. Hy., adm. (IH) 85 — Saml., K.C. 416 Marrow, Th., S.L. 408 Marsack, Arth. Bech., gen (D) 927 (D) For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1083 Marsden, Alexr., C. Exc. Ir 566; U.S. II. 563 — Saml. Ed., b.p. Bhurst., N.S.W. 704 – Wm, Sec. Adm. 186-7 — Wm. Ed., gen. (D) 931 Marsh, Digby, adm. (G) 842 — Fras., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Ard. 608; b.p. Kilm. and Ard. 607; dri. Arm. 597; dn. Cnr. 605 — Herb., bp. Llff. 449; bp. Pboro. 458 — Jas., gen. (A) 859 — Jerem., dn. Kilm. 609 — Jno. Barling, adm. (H) 850 — Narc., abp. Arm. 596; abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; abp. Cash, and Iºml. 626; bp. Ferns and L. 622; L.J. Ir. 555 — Ralph de, J. It. 368 — Rd., dm. Yk. 487 — Wm. Hy. and Sir W., G. H. Kong, 673; K.C.M.G. 798 Marshal and Marshall, see also Marescall — Anthy., gen, (D) 890 Tºir Chapm., L.M. Lond. — Dyson, K.C.B. 775 — Fk., gen, (D) 918 — Geo., IK.H. 792 — Geo. W., R. Cr. P.A. 336 — Sir Hy., L.M. Lond, 491 —ºy. bp. Exr. 436; dn. Yk. — Hub., gen. (D) 900 — Jno., b.p. Llff. 449 — Jno., IK.H. 790 — Jno. L.M. 325 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 521 — Jno., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Sir Jno., adm. (D) 829 ; IK.C.H. 788 — Josiah, gen. (ID) 876 — Rd., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 → * J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.L. Ir. 592 — Saml., J. Chest, 387; S.L. 412 — Th., dm. Glr. 440 — Th. H., C.C.J. 403 — Wm., aft. 2nd E. of Pem- broke, q.v., L.M. (1199) 325 — Wm. Bainbr., gen. (D) 911 — Wrm. Hy., gen. (ID) 888 Marsham, Hy. Show. Jones, adm. (IHI) 847 Marston. See also Merston Tº Ed Gi. Gen. (pºſs Martel, Ph., M. Chy. 393 Marten, see also Martin — Alfr. Geo., Q.C. 419 — Fras., adm. (IHI) 851 — Harry, C.I.E. 807 — Hy., see Martin Marter, Rd. Jas. Combe, gen. (ID) 935 Mºtimprey.Gen. de, K.C.B. 77 Martin, see also Marten and artyn — bp. Arg. 537 — bp. Killa. 612 — K. Arr. 86 — I. and II., K. Scy. 56 — I. to V., P. Ro. 33-4-5 — Anthy., bp. Mth. 599; dim. Wford. 628 — Anthy. Geo., gen. (IB) 866 — Arth. Geo., gen. (C) 872 — Edm., dn. Worc. 473 — Ed., dn. Ely, 435 JFog" Martin—cont. — Frag., B1. M. T.A. 337; Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. I.A. 330; Winds. H. 332 — Sir Geo., adm. (A) 817; (B) 821; (C) 822; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.B. 773 — Hy., K.C. 415 — Hy., M. Chy. 397 — (or Marten), Hy. and Sir H., Ch. Lond. 422; D. Arch, 420; J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421 — sir Hy., Compt. N. 257 — Hy. Byam and Sir H., adm. (D) 830; K.C.B. 777 — Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Jno., gen. (ID) 883 — Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Lom., S.L. 412 — Moel, bp. Kild. 616 — Nathl., C. Exc. 278 — Pet., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Ph., gen. (A) 860 Rd., bp. St. Daw. 464 — Rd., b.p. Wíord and L. 627 — Rd., C. Acc. Ir. 567 — Rd., Bec. Lond, 494 — Sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 ; M.M. 246 — Rd. Junr., M.M. 246 — Sir Rog., Tu.M. Lond. 490 — Saml., Sec. Tr. 163 — Saml. and sir S., B. Ex. 385; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; Q.C. 417; S.L. 413 — Theod., I.C.C.B. 783 – "hº gen. (D) 885; K.H. 7 — Th., adm. (G) 841 — Th. Byam and sir T., adm. (A) 818; (B) 821; (C) 822; Compt. N. 257; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774 — Hutch. Mang., adm. (H) 852 — Wm., adm. (A) 814 — Wm. Fansh. and Sir W., adm. (C) 822; (D) 830; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779; L. Admy. 184 Mºtinden, Gabr., K.C.B. 77 IMartineau, Alf., C.C.J. 405 Martinez, T., Pres. Nic. 106 Martinier, Th., G. I. Man, 666 IMartival, Rog. de, dn. Linc. 448; bp. Sal. 467 Martley, Hy, Land. J. Ir. 587 Marton, Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 Wm. de, count, gen. (C) j * 871 Martyn, See also Martin — Dav., b.p. St. Dav. 464 — Edm., M. Chy. 394 — J., dm. Bgr. 426 — Rd., C. St. 283 — Rd., M. Chy. 394 Wm., J. It. 369 × Wm., K.B. 759 *— Wm., L.M. Lond, 490 * Poss. same pers. Martyns, see Mertins Mary (of Hanover), Prss., Cr. Ind. 810 — (dau. Stephen), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Edw. IV.), Pr. E. 12 — (dau. Hy. VII.), Pr. E. 12 — (dau. Hen. VIII.), Pr. E. 12; aft. Q.E. vide infra sº Mary—cont. — (dau. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — (dau. of Ch. I.), Pr. E. 13 — (dau. Q. Anne) (2) Pr. E. 14 — (dau. Jas. II.), Pr. E. 13 — (dau. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 — (dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 — (de Bohun), Q.C.E. 7 — (of Modena), Q.C.E. 8 .E. 5-6 . Scy. 56 — (of Aus.), R. Nds. 82 — -Adel.-Wilh.-Eliz. (g. dall. Geo. III.), aft. DSS. Teck, Pr. E. 15; Cr. Ind. 809 — -Anne (of Aus.), R. Nds. 83 — -Christina, R. Nds. 83 — -Eliz., R. Nds. 83 — -Vict. (g. dau. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 16 Maryborough, Wm., ld., form. Hon. W. Wellesley- Pole, q.v., aft. E. of Morn- ington, q.v., G.C.H. 786; L.T. ; M.B.H. 303; Postm. G. 3 Masca, Pand., bp. Norw. 454; Const. T.L. 320 Mºſcareen, Paul., gen. (C) IMaschal, Rt., b.p. Her. 441 Mascoed, abp. St. Dav. 463 IMaseres, Fras., Curs. B. EX. 386 Masham, Fras. C., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 396 — Sam]., see lil. M., infra, Masham, lds. — Saml., aft. li. M. Coff. H., 293 Maskelyne, Nev., Astr. Roy. 941 Maso, C. P., C. Ro. 43 Mason, Ch. Cr., gen. (D) 915 — Chr., adm. (A) 816 — Edm., dr. Sal. 468 — Fras. and sir F., adm. (D) 825; K.C.B. 777 — Geo., adm. (H) 851 — Geo., bp. S. and M., 484 — Sir Jno., dn. Winch. 471 — Jno. Monk, C. Cus. Ir. 565; gººse. Ir. 566; C. Treas. Ir. 6 — Rt., Rec. Lond. 494 — Th. Hy., adm. (E) 835 ; (E') 838 Massena, Off. Nap. 26 Massereene and Ferrard, Visc. — Jno. Skeff., 1831), K.P. 751 — Clotw. Jno. E., visc. (succ. 1863), L.L. Louth, 570 Massey and Massy — Ch., dn. Lim. 640 — Jno., dm. Chr. Ch. Oxf, 457 — Wnn. Godf. Dunh., gen. (D) 930 — Wm. N., P.C. 217; U.S. Home, 228 Massey - Beresford, |Beresford Massie, Th. Leeke, adm. (ID) 832; (E) 838 Massingberd, Vinc. adm. (IHI) 849 Masson, Louis Fras. Rod., G. Queb. 694 Massy, see Massey Master, Jas., adm. (D) 825 visc. (succ. Sø62 Amc., List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 69 & 1084 INDEX OF NAMES, Masters, –, G. Tob. 723 wºulio, Criss., Prel. M.G. 79% Mºhair, Concen, bp. Emly, Matham, Wm., L.T. 154 Mathew, see Matthew Matheson, Don, K.C.B. 784 — Sir Ja.s., L.T.u. Ross. 512 — Th., gem. (D) 893 Matho, M. P. (2), C. Ro. 43 IMIatilda, see also Maud — D. Thy. 37 — (of Boulogne), Q.C.E. 7 — (of Flanders), Q.C.E. 7 — (of Scotland), Q.C.E. 7 Matson, Ed., gem. (D) 891 — Rd., adm. (A) 820 Matsoyker, Jno., G. Ceyl, 672 Mattei, Ant., gem. (D) 916 IMatthaeus (or Machabaeus), bp. Ross. 535 Matthew and Mathew xt bp. Cloy. 630 *— bp. Kilmacd. 636 3% bp. Ross, 631 bp. W'ford, 626 (2) dr. Chich, 433 * Prob. Some same pers, Comp. dates. — I. and II., D. Line. 29 → Browni. Hugh, gen. (ID) — Ed., G. Gren. 724; gen. (A) 859 — Geo. B. and Sir G., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. BZl. 135; Amb. C. Am. 134; Amb. I’gy. 136; Amb, U.S.C. 134; K.C.M.G. 797 -Higeo. Benv., G. Bah. Isl. 7 — Geo. Felt, C.I.E. 807 — Hy. Ja.s., bp. Lhore, 655 — Jas. Ch. and Sir J., Q.P.D. 374 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 — hon. Mont., gen. (B) 867 — Tob., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Dham. 479; dum. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; dri. Dham. 479 Sir Wim. (No. 1), G. Leew. IS1. 727 — Wnn. (No. 2), G. Teew. Isl. 7 72 Matthews, Hy., H. Sec. 227; P.C. 221; Q.C., 418 — Hy, Mont., C.I.E. 808 — Hy. Wm., gem. (D) 906 — Rt., S.L., 413 — Th., adm. (A) 813 — Wilk., Q.C. 417 Matthias. E. ge * I a...iff. K. #gy. G0 — Emm., Amb. H. Ths. 120 Matthie, Jaš., gen. (IP) 896 Maturin, Gabr. Ja.s., dm. Rild. 619; dry. St. Patr. 618 — Pet., dm. Killa. 614 Malclerk or Mauclerk, Walt., by). Carl. 475; J. It. 367; L.H.T. 152 Malduit, see Mauduit Maud, see also Matilda (dau. Hy. I.), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. Stephen), Pr. E. 9 — (dau. Hy. II.), Pr. E. 9 — -Charl.-Mary-Vict. (g. dall. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15 — Cornw. Osw., gen. (D) 928 — Fk. Fras. and Sir F., G.C.B. 771; gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 81 xh zk J. Maud—comt. — Geo. Ashl., K.C.B. 784 — Jas. Ashl., K.C.H. 789 hon. I&t. Wm. Hy. dn. Clr. 598 Wm., adm. (IO) 826 Mºdesley, IRt., G.I. Man. 666 Mauduit and Malduit, — Jno., J. It, 366; Jy. 363 — Peers, R. Dr. P.A. 338; Winds. H. 331 — Rt., Jy. 364 — Wm., Jy. 363 TMaugere, bp. Worc. 472 Maugh old, bp. S. and M. 483 Mauhan, Ger., M.M. 245 Maule, Fras. IC.H. 790 — hon. Fox, aft. 2nd lå. Pan- mure, and 11th E. of Dal- housie, q.v., L.L. Forf. 510; |P.C. 214 ; Pres. B.C. 254; Sec. at W. 234; U.S. Home, 227; V.P.B.T. 269 — Hy., bp. Cloy, 631; bp. Drom, 605; bp. Meath, 599; dn. Cloy. 633 — Hy. Barl., gem. (ID) 931 — Jno., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 — Jno. Bl, Q.C. 418 — hon. L., S.G.O. 260 — Wm. Hy, and sir W., B. Ex. 385; J.C.l’. 380; Jud. Conn. P.C. 361; K.C. 416; P.C. 216; S.L. 413 Mauleverer or Malyverer, A., R.E. 759 Mauley or Malo Lacu, Pet. de, J. It. 369 Mauley, lds. - Pet, 7th 1d., K.B. (1400) 7 Maunsell, Flº., gen. (ID) 886 — FR, Rd., gen. (ID) 920 — Geo., dm. Llin. 624 — J., S. St. 222 — Th., gen. (D) 924 Mauntelle, Walt., K.B. 757 Mºrin, Mons, de, G. Mtius, Mauregato, K. Sp. 85 *Maurice, abp. Cash, 624 *— bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 *— bp. Arm. 595 *— (or Hy.), bp. Kilf. 635 *— bp. Rilm. 607 on (of Blanchville), bp. Llin. 621 *— bp, Lond. 451; Tid. Chanc. 352 *— (2) bp. Ross. 631 >k (or Marcus), Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — El, Sxy. 78 — Emp. I.R. 50 — Lig. H. Csl. 72 — (g. son. Ja.s. I.), Pr. E. 13 Pl', OT. 83 (Pr. of Nassau), R. Nds. 83 K.G. 739 4 −iºr. (Ct. Pal, Rhine), K.G. 7 — Andr., dn. St. As. 463 — Ed., § OSS. 620 — Jas. Wilkes, adm. (IHI) 844 — Pet., dm. Bgr. 427 — Salm, adm. (A) 813 Mauritius (or Meuricus), bp. IBgr. 425 — bp. Dmbl. 532 — (or Maurus), dn. Arm. 597 Maurus, see Mauritius Mºysey, Hy. Way., gen. (D — Sebr., gen. (IB) 869 Mºye. Leon, bp. B. and W Mawley, see Mauley Mawson, Ch., Chest. H. 331; R. Cr. P.A. 335 — Matth., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Ely, 435; º Llff. 449 — Rd., Pt.c. P.A. 337; Winds. H. 331 Maxentius, Emp. Ro. 48 Mºrey, Anthy, dm. Winds. 47 Maximianus, H., Emp. Ro. 4 8 Maximilian, A.D. Aus. 58 — El. Bwa. 68 — Emp. Mex, 104 — K. Hgy. 60 — Wrm. (iss. Ja.s. I.), Pr. E. 13 — I. and II., E. Gnny. 62 *— I. (E. Gnny.), K.G. 737 — II. (E. Gmy.), R.G. 738 — -Emanuel, El. BVa. 68 — -Joseph I. and II., Bwa. 68; K. Bwa, 68 Maximinus, C. J. W., Emp. RO. 47 Maximus, C. D. C., C. Ro. 42; Dt. Ro. 42 EI, . F., C. Ro. 43, 45; C. Ro. — S. C., C. Ro. 41, 42, 43 Maxse, Flº. Aug., adm. (H) 850 Hy. Fitz-Berk., and sir H., G. HIgld. 670; G. Newfol. 700; E.C.M.G., 797 Maxwell, Alexr... gem. (ID) 903 Arch. Montg., K.H. 791 Ch., G. Si. Le, (1811) 685 >k × Ch., G. St. Xtr., &c. (1819) 727 * 2 same pers. *— Ch. Wm., G. Dnca, 730 sk Ch. Wm., gen, (B) 869; R.C.H. 789 * Prob. same pers. — Ed., gen. (IB) 866 — Ed. Herb., gem. (D) 905 — Geo., gem. (ID) 898 — Geo. Cl., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Geo. Vaughan, gem. (D) 903; IK.C.B. 781 — hom. Hy., bp. Drom. 605; bp. Mth. 599 ; dr. Kilm. 609 — sir Herb. Eust., L.T. 162 — Hy. Ham, gen. (D) 907 — Jas., Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jno., abp. Thi. 611; bp. Killa, and Ach. 613; bp. Ross. 536; Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 710 — Sir Jno., Comm, Tr. Sc. 497-8; Ld. Sess. 520 — sir Jno., T.G.C. Sc. 506 — Jno. Balfour, adm. 842 — Jno. Harl, gen. (D) 907 -ºir Jno. Shaw, gen. (B) (G) I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1085 cº Maxwell—cont. — Rt., b.p. Ard. 608; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607; dn. Arm. 597 — Rt., b.p. Ork. 535 — Rt., see lá. M., infra, -ºir Murr., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. — Patr., gen. (D) 914 — Wm., gen. (D).910 — Sir Wm., gen. (A) 860 — Wm. Rt., gen. (D) 901 — Sir Wm. Stirling-, K.T. 749 Maxwell, lds, Rt., ld., L.H.A. Sc. (bet. 1502 and 1511) 499 Rt., ld, Ld. Sess. (1541) 517 May, Ch. Hy., adm. (HI) 851 — Geo. Aug. Ch., A.G. Ir. 589; C.J.Q.B. Ir, 578; Pres. Q.B.D. Ir. 578 — sir Hy., W.C.H. 296 — sir Humphry, C.D.L. 242; M.R. 388 — Jno. and sir J., K.C.B. 775; R.C.H. 787 — Rd. and Sir R., Curs. B. Ex. 386; B. Ex. 384 — Th., Chest. H. 331; R. Dr. JP.A. 338 — Th. Ersk., aft. Id, Farn- borough, q.v., K.C.B. 783; P.C. 220 Wm., abp. Ylº. 486; dri. St. P. 453 IMayart, Saml., J.C.P. Ir. 581 Maydenhithe, Jno. de, dm. Chich. 434 Maydenstune, see Maidstone Mayes, Jenk, dn. * *mm-ºs. &mºmº OSS. 623 Mayhew, see also Maihewe Tiſor ayo), Rd... bp. Her. Maynard, Hy., Tell. Ex. 167 — Jno., K.B. 763 — Jno. and sir J., C.G.S. 357; S.L. 409-10 — Th., C. Cus. 274-5 — W., G. Nev. 730 Maynard, lds, and visc. — Wm., 2nd lá., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 191 — Ch., 6th lä., aft. 1st visc., L.L., Suff. 312 — Hy., 3rd visc., Tu.L. ESX. 308 Mayne, See also Maine — Edmd., gen, (13) 864 — Ed., J.C.P. Ir, 582; J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Jas. Edmol., gen. (ID) 915 — Jno., gen. (ID) 878 — Perry, adm. (A) 814 — Rd. and sir R., C.C.P. 261 ; K.C.B., 782 — Rd. Ch., adm. (HI) 852 IMaynewaring, see Main- waring IMayo, see also Mayhew — Th., Pres, Coll. Ph. 938 Mayo, visc, and E. of — Jno., 1st visc. and E. of, form. Jno. Bourke and ld. NaaS, q.v. — Jos. Deane, 3rd E. Of, form. hom. J. D. TSourke, q.v. — Jno., 4th E. Of, form. la. Naas, q.v., L.C.H. 786 — Bd. Southw., 6th E. of, form, ld. Naas, q.v., G.G. Ind. 649; R.P. 751 — Bl. Jul., Css. Of, Cr. Ind. 809 Mayow, Geo. Wyn., gen. (D) 904 Mead and Meade — I'lc., gen. (ID) 892 — Ja.s., G. Monts. 729 — hon. Jno., gen. (B) 869 — Sir Jno., K.H. 789 Tºno Michl. de C., gen. (D) 9 — Nathl., S.L. 411 — Rd. Jno. and Sir R., C.I.E. § gen. (D) 923; K.C.S.I. — hon. Rt., G. C.G.H. 679; gen. (A) 861 — Rt. Hy., Regr. M.G. 799; U.S.C. 236 — Rochr., K.H. 789 — Saml., C. Cus. 275-6 — Th., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Wm., dm. Cork, 632 Meadows, see also Medows — Ed., C. Tx. 285 — sir Ph., B.T. 263; C. Exc. 279 Meagh and TMiagh. — Wm., b.p. Kild. 617; dm. Kild, 619 Mºsher, Wm., L.M. Dbln. Meales, see Meyler Meares, Wm. Lew. Dev., gen. (ID) 918 Mearms, D., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Meath, E. of — Jno. Chambre, 10th E. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Dbln. 569 — Wm., 11th E. of, L.L. Wickl. 571 Mºutis, sir Pet., G. Gsey. 66 Meaux, Nichs. de, bp. S. and M. 483 MI e c kle n burg-Strelitz, IIered. Gr. D. of, G.C.B. 773 For reigning Dukes see under their Christian Il{LIT16S. Medici, see page 57 - Medicis, Jul. de, bp. Worc. 473 Mºlina, J. M., Pres. Holas. 1 - Medjid, S. Zr. 102 Medley, Hy., adm. (A) 814 — Jno., bp. Foton. 696 — Jul. Geo., gen, (ID) 927 Medlicott and Medlycott — Jas., M. Chy. 396 Medows, see also Meadows Wm. and sir W., C.C. Bbay. 659; C.C. Mdras, 657; Comm. F. Ir. 564; G. Bbay. 659; G.G. Ind. 648; G. Mdras. 656; gen. (A) 859; K.B. 765 Mºuninus, L. F. (2), C. Ro. Mee, Ch. Hy., gem. (I) 899 Meeres, sir J., L. Admy. 175-6 IMIeeze, Geo., adm. (A) 813 Meggott, Rd., dn. Winch. 471 Mehermet Ali, V. E.g. 98 Meiklejohn, Hugh, Modr. K. Sc. 547 Mein, Geo., G. Trim. 722; gen, (D) 918 Melbourne, visc. — Wm., 2nd visc., form, hon, Wm. Tamb, q.v., H. Sec. 227; L.T., 160; Prem. 146-7 Melbourne, visc.—comt. F. J., 3rd visc., form. hon. F. J. Lamb, q.v., and lå. Beauvale q.v. Melchiades, P, Ro. 33 Melchuo, St., b.p. Ard, 607 Melcombe, Geo., ld., form. G. Dodington, q.v. Meldrum, Jas., Ld. Sess. 518 — Walt., b.p. Brn. 531 Meleborne, Jord. de, dn. Chich. 433 Melfort, Jno., 1st visc. and E. of, form. Jno. Drummond, q.v., K.T. 747; Sec. St. Sc. 502 IMelgarejo, M., Pres. Bol. 109 Melhuish, see also Mellish — Geo. Br., gen. (D) 911 Mell (St.), bp. Ard. 607 IMIeller, see Mellor Mellersh, Arth., adm. (H) 849 Mellinet, Genl., K.C.B. 778 Mellish, see also Melhuish — Ch., C. St. 284 — Ed., dn. Her. 442 — Geo. and sir G., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 218; Q.C. 418 Rd., K.H. 790 Wm., C. Exc. 280 Wm., Sec. Tr. 163 * Prob. same pers. Mºiss, Geo. Jul., gen. (ID) 31 IMellitus (or Miletus), (St.), abp. Cant. 429; bp. Lond. 45 Mellor and Meller — Jno., M. Chy. 396 — Jno. and sir J., J.Q. B. 373; J.Q. B.D. 374; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 919; Q.C. 417; S.L. 414 — Jno. Wm., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 221; Q.C. 419 Melross, see Hamilton Melton, Wm. de, abp. Yk. 485; L.H.T. 153; L.K. 354; S. St. 222 Mºugimensis, M. C., C. Ro. 3 — S. C. C., C. Ro. 37 Melun, Rt. de, bp. Her. 441 Melvill alnd Melville — hom. Alexr., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 — Hy., gen. (D) 931 — Jas. Cosm., K.C.B. 782 Jno. and sir J., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 Maxw., K.C.I.E. 805 Pet, Melr, I.C.13. 782 — Rt., G. Grem. 724; G. St. Vim, 725; G. Tob. 723; gen. (A) 858; (B) 865 — Sir Rt., Ld. Sess. 517 — Wrm., Ld. Sess. 518 Melville, lds., visc, and E. of, See also Leven and Melville Melville Family. — Geo., 4th Id, aft. 1st E. of, H.C.P. Sc. 508; L.P.S. 501; Pres, P.C. Sc. 500; Sec. St. Sc 502 I) undas IFamily. — Hy., 1st visc. form. H. Dundas, q.v., L. Admy. 180 IP.C. 203, 208; Pres. Ił.C. 252 — Rt. S., 2nd visc., IX.T. 748; L. Admy, 181-2; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Pres. B.C. 253 — Hy., 3rd visc., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 884 smºsºme xk $ * I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1086 INDEX OF NAMES. Melwer, Conrad, M.M. 246 Memmius, C., C. Ro. 46 Mendip, Weibore, 1st là., form, Welbore Ellis, q.v. wººds, Geo. Clarke, adm. (II) — Wm. Bower, (D) 828; (G) 840 — Wm. Itt. and sir W., adm. (F) 839; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. adm. 780 wºmendez, F., Pres. S. Salv. 106 — M., Pres. Pu. 109 Mensdorf, Ch., G.C.B. 769 — Ct. Alexr., K.C.B. 782 Menteith, E. of, see also Mon- teith — Wm., E. of, L.J. Gen. (1628) 522; Ld. Sess. 517 Mento, C. J., C. Ro. 39 Menzies, Archd., C. Cus. Sc. 404 — Ch., gen. (ID 883; K.C. B. 779; K.H. 790 — Th., Compt. Sc. 498 — Wnn. Coll., gem. (ID) 909 Meones, Nichs., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Mºeham, Sim., abp. Cant. Mephani, Rd., dn. Linc. 448 Merbury (or Marbury), Laur., D. Chanc. Ir. 575 ; l. Treas. Ir, 558 Mercer, Alexr., gen. (A) 860 — Alexr. C., gem. (IX) 885 — Ch. McW., gen. (ID) 920 — Dougl., gen. (ID) 880 — Rt., gen. (ID) 889 — Saml., adm. (IHI) 850 — Wrm. T., G. H. Kong, 673 Mercier, Wm., bp. Cmr. 604 Merdyth, see Meredith MIere, see Delamere Meredith, Meredyth, and Meridyth ; see also Mere- dydd — (ab Owain), Pr. Wls. 17 — (ap Owen), Pr. Wls, 16 — (ap Owen), Pr. Wls. 17 — Ch., dn. Ardf. 640 — Sir Ch., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 — Sir Hy., Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 — Sir Hy., J. Admy. Ct. Ir. 587 — Jas., gem. (A) 862 — Rd., bp. Llim. 622; dri, St. IPatr. 618 — Töd., dn. Wlls. 429 — Sir Rt., Comm. Ir, 554 — Rog., M. Chy. 396 — Th., gem. (IB) 864 — Sir Wm', L. Admy, 179 — Sir Wim., 12.C. 203; Compt. . 292 Meredith, lds. — Wrm., ld, form. la. Somer- ville, q.v. Meredydd, see also Meredith — Pr. Wls. 17 — (ab Bleddyn), Pr. Wls. 17 T (ab Owain) (2), Pr. Wls, 16, — (ap. Owain), Pr. Wls. 16 Merefield, Jno., S.L. 410 Merelay, Rog. de, J. It. 367 Merenda, T. A., Dec. Ro. 38 — S. C., C. Ro. 42 Meres, Rog. de, J.C.P. 378; J. It. 369 ; S.L. 407 Mereschall, see Marescall Merewell, Hy. de, bp. Winch. Merewether, Ch. Geo., Q.C. 419 —i. Hy Alw., Q.C. 417; S.L. — Jno., dn. Her. 442 — Wm. Lock, and Sir W., I.C.S.I. 803; M.C.I. 647 Merewith, bp, Wells, 427 Merfyn, see Mervyn Merick, see Merrick Mºington, Wm. de, A.G. Merino, F. A. de, Pres. Dom. Rep. 105 Meriton, Geo., dm. Pboro. 458; dri. York, 487 Merivale, Ch., dm. Ely, 435 — Herm., U.S.C. 235; U.S. Ind. 236; U.S. W. and C. 232 Merkes, Th., bp. Carl. 475 Merlin, Ed., Pt.c. P.A. 337 Merovaeus, K. Fr. 22 Merrick and Merick, also Meyrick — Jno., b.p. S. and M. 483 — Rowl., bp. Bgr. 426 — Wm., gen. (C) 871 — Sir Wm., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Mºriman, Ch. Ja.s., gem. (D) Søe 9 — Jno., b.p. Down and Cmr. 604 — N. J., b.p. Gr. Tm. 680 Merry, Anth., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Sw. 126; Amb. U.S.A., 132 — Wnn., Dep. Sec. at W. 234 Mershton, see Merston Merston. See also Marston #j}. ix. 333 — (or Mershton), Wm. de, A. G. 398 Mertins (or Martyns), Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 Merton, Jno. de, M. Chy, 393 — (or Myrton), Th. de, L.H.T. Sc. 496 — Walt. de, bp. Roch. 459; Jy. 365; Ld. Chanc. 353; L.K. 353 — Wm. de, dm. Wells, 428 Merula, L. C., C. Ro. 43, 45 Mervyn, and sir — Pr. Wls. 17 — sir Audl., S.L. Ir. 591 — Edm, or Edw., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 408 Merwe, Walt., M.M. 246 Messala, M. V., C. Ro. 43-4 P. V., C. Ro. 47 Messenden, Rog. de, J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 Messing, Rd., b.p. Drom, 604 Messiter, Ed., gen. (D) 893 Messutaz-ud-Dowlah, &c., IPr. Min. of Kotah, K.C.S.I. 803 Mesurier, Augs. Tue, C.I.E. 808 — Jno. Tie, gen. (IB) 870 — Jno. Le, gen. (D) 932 — Paul Le, L.M. Tuond. 492 — Wm. Abrm. Le, gen. (D) 896 Metallanus, K. Sc. 18 Metcalfe, C. T., see lil. M., infra, — Th., C.D.L. 242 Wm. Ja.s., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 419 Metcalfe, lds. — sir Ch. Theoph, aft, ld, M., G.C.B. 772; G. Can. 692; G.G. Ind. 649; G. Jam, 713; P.C. 213 Metellus, C. C., C. Ro. 45 — L. C., C. Ro. 42, 44, 45, 46; Dt. Ro. 43 — M. C., C. Ro. 45 — P. C., C. Ro. 45 T43 Q. C., C. Ro. 44-5-6; Dt. Ro. 3 Metford, see Mitford Metge, l’et., B. Ex. Ir. 584; S.L. Ir. 592 Metham, Th., K.B. 759 Methuen, Methven, Methven *— Jno., B.T. 263 *— Jno., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 * Jno., M. Chy. 396 * Poss. Same pers. *— Jno., Sec. St. Sc. 501 sº Sir Jno. Tud. Clk. Reg. 5 and * Prob. same pers. — Paul and .sir P., Compt. H. 292; K.B. 764; Ld. Admy. 177; L.T. 156; P.C. 196; S. St. 224; Tr. H. 291 Methwold, Wrm. and sir W., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; L.K. Ir. 576; S.L. 409 Metingham, Jno. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 406 Meuricus, see Mauritius Meuron, Count C. D. de, gem. (IB) 866 — Count Pierre F. de, gen. (B) 866 Mew or Mews, Pet., bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Winch. 471; dn. Boch. 461 Mexborough, Jno., E. of, form. Jno. Savile and 1d. Pollington, q.v. Mey, Jno., abp. Arm, 595; T.D. Ir. 552 — Jno., b.p. Carl. 475 Meyden, Adr. Van der, G. Ceyl. 672 Meyler (or Meales), Wm., dm. Clonm. 600 Meynell, Edg. J., C.C.J.,405 — Hy., adm. (D) 829; (G) 840 — Rt., S.L. 408 Meyners, Rt. de, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Meyrick, see also Merrick -i. Augs. Wm. Hy., gem. (D) 91 — Geo., gem. (B) 867 — sir Saml. R., K.H. 790 — Th., gen. (A) 861 Meywar, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Miagh, see Meagh Micallef, Amt, and Sir A., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796 *Michael, bp. Clr. 596 × bp. Gall, 538 × bp. Isl. 539 *— (of Exeter), bp. Oss. 620 * bp. S, and M. 483 Prob. Some same pers. Comp, dates. — Emp. Tzde. 98 — I. and II., Pr. Tva. 60 — I. to III., Pr, Sva, 95 — I. to III., R. Russ, 89 — I. to VIII, Emp, E.E. 50-1 — -Fedorowitz, R. Russ, 90 — -Koributh-Wiesnowiski, K. Pld. 91 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1087 Michael—comt. — Jas., gen. (D).929 m, Hy., Q.C. 419 Michel and Micheli, See also Mitchell — Ch. Ed., gen. (D) 895 — Geo, gen, (A) 861 — Jno., gen. (A) 862 — Jno. and Sir J., Comm. F. Ir. 564; F. M. 856; G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 893; K.C.B. 778 — Ch. Cornw., K.H. 791 — Fo. Th., adm. (D) 831; K.C.B. 779 — Hy., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir, 582; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 — Jno., K.C.B. 779 — Jno, L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno., M. Chy, 395 — Jno. Ed., gen. (D) 922 Mihelson, BOrgard, gen. (C) Michie, Archd., K.C.M.G. 797 — Jno., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 Micklejohn, see Meiklejohn Micklem, Ed., gen. (D) 934 Micklethwaite, Th., L.G.O. 259; L.T. 156 Middlemore, Geo., G. Gren. 724; G. St. Hel. 682; gen. (B) 869 Middlesex, E, of, See also Dorset and M. — Lion., E. Cranfield, q.v. — Ch., E. of, aft. 2nd D. of Dorset, q.v., L.T. 157 Middleton, Midleton, and Myddleton — Ad. de, J. It, 369 — Ch., gem. (D) 883 — Ch. and sir (C., aft. 1st là. Barham, q.v., adm. (A) 815; Compt. 257; L. Admy. 180 — Chr., J. Adm. Ct. 422 — Fk. Dobs. and sir F., gen. (D) 928; K.C.M.G. 798 —iºn Geo. Nat. Br., adm. (G) — Jno. de, dm. Her. 442 — Jno. de, S.L. 407 — Marm., b.p. St. Dav. 464; bp. Wíord, and L. 627 — Pet, de, J. It. 369 — Rd., L.L. Demb. 314 — Rd. de, J.C.P. 377; Jy. ; ; T.I.C. and Ld. Chanc. 353 — R. T. C., Amb. Vza. 135 . — Th. de, M. Chy. 394 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 — Th. Fansh., bp. Calc. 653 — Wnn, de, B. Ex. 382 — Wm. de, bp. Norw. 454 Middleton, E. of Middleton Family. Jno., 1st E. of, H.C.P. Sc. 507; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 190 Ch., 2nd E. of, Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 192; S. St. 224; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Midleton, visc. fºodrick IFamily. — Alan, 1st visc., form. li. Brodrick, q.v., L.J. Ir. 556 — Geo., 4th Visc., L.L. Surr. 312 — Wm. Jno., 7th visc., form. hon. W. J. Brodrick, q.v. Middylton, see Middleton Midleton, see Middleton , Miecislas, I., D. Pld, 90; K. Pld, 90-1 of, form. li. Mighells, Jas., adm. (A) 813; Compt. Nº. 257 Miguel, K. Pgl. 89 Miami V. K. Sva. 95 — Fras. Sf., D. of, K.G. 736 Milbanke and Millbanke — Jno., C. Cus. Ir. 565 — Jno. Ralph, aft. Sir J. R. Milbanke-Huskisson, (I.Q., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. BVa. 119; Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. §º &c., 123; Amb. Tuss. — Mark, adm. (A) 815; G. . Newfol. 700 Mºorne, Sir Jno.,L.M. Lond. 9 Milbourne, Rd., bp. Carl. Tiš, pp. §t. Dav. #64; an Roch. 461 Mildmay, Benj., C. Exc. 279 — Sir Wim., Ch. Ex. 154 Miles, Ch. Wm., gem. (D) 912 — Jno., gen. (D) 930 — Josh., gen. (D) 916 — Wm., gen. (D) 888 Miletus, see Mellitus Milford, Sussex Ch., gen. (D) 91 Milford, lds. 1st Creation. — Rd., 1st là., form. Sir R. Phillipps, q.v., L.L. Pemb. 316 2nd Creation. — Rd. B., 1st ld, form. R. B. Phillipps, q.v. Millar, see also Miller — Arth., bp. Edinb. 542; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 — Fk. Ch. Ja.s., Q.C. 419 — J., gem. (C) 874 — Jno., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 — Jno. Cr., gen. (ID) 918 Wm., gen. (B) 869 Millars, Wnn. de, Const. W. Cast. 322 Millbanke, see Milbanke Miller, see also Millar , K.C. 414 — Alexr. Ed. and sir A., Q.C. 419 — Coombe, dn, Chich. 434 — Dav., adm. (H) 852 — Ed., S.L. 411 — Ed. Ev., gen. (D) 916 — Geo. Murr., gen. (D) 925 — Hy, gem. (ID) 927 — Hy. Matth., adm. (H) 853 — Jas., gen. (D) 931 — Jno., gen. (C) 874 — Jno., IK.C. 416 — Sir Jno., Chambn. EX. 166 — Rt., C.C.J. 404; S.L. 413 — Stearne B., J. Bank. Ir. 587 — Th., adm. (E) 836, (P) 839 — Th., R. Dr. P.A. 337 — Th, and sir T., L.J. Clk. 516; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 529 — Wrm., C.I.E. 807 — Wrm., K.H. 792 — Wm., see Millar — Sir Wrm., Lud. Sess. 520 — Wrm. Hy., gen. (I)) 896 Milles, see also Mills — Jer., dm. Exr. 438 — Th., bp. Wſord. and L. 627 — Th., gem. (D) 914 — Th., K.C. 415 Mºjigan, Wm., Modr. K. Sc. 47 -* - Milling, Th., b.p. Her. 441 Millington, Fras., C. Cus. 273 Jno., S.L. 410 Mills, see also Milles — Ch., Chm. E.I. Co. 645 — Ch., M.C.I. 646 —— Ch., K.C.M.G. 798 — Ch. Jas. Conw., gen. (D) 905 — Hy., gen. (D) 914 — Hy., Q.C. 418 — Rt. Wnn., gen. (D) 882 Milman, Egerton Ch. Wm. Miles, gen. (ID) 897 — Sir Fras., Pres. Coll. Ph. 938 — Fras. Miles, gen. (D) 880 — Geo. Br., gem. (ID) 909 — Gustavus Ham. L., gen. (D) 914 — Hy. Hart, dn. St. P. 453 — Rt., bp. Calc. 653 Milne, see also Mylne × Alexr., C.W.F. &c. 272 *— Alexr. and Sir A., adm. (B) 821; (ID) 832; (E) 834; G.C.B. 770 ; L. Admy. 183-4; E.C.B. 779, 782 * 2 same perS. — Alexr., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516 — sir Dav., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 775 — Hy., gem. (ID) 909 — Sir Jno., G. Gsey. 668 Milner, see also Mylner — Geo., gen. (A) 860 — Hy. Rt., gen. (D) 889 — Is., dn. Carl. 476 Milnes, Jno., Sec. Adm. 187 — Rt. Monckton, aft. 1d. Houghton, q.v. Milo (of Dunstable), bp. Ard. 607 Milosch, I. and II.. I’r. Sva. 95 Milred, bp. Lindisf. 478 — bp. Worc. 472 Milton, Chr. and Sir Chr., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 41 1 Wm., dm. Chich. 434 Milton, Visc. Damer Family. — Geo., visc., aft. 2nd E. of Dorchester, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 206 I'itzwilliam Family. — Wm. Th. Sp., visc., aft. 6th E. Fitzwilliam, q.v., Yorks, W.R. 313 Miltown, Jos., 4th E. of, K.P. 1. 75 Milvani, Th., Q.C. 420 Milward, Clem, adm. (BI) 845 — Clem., Q.C. 418 — Rt., J. Chest. 387 — Rt., L.P.S. 240 — Th. and sir T., J. Chest. 386; S.L. 409 Minant, Hugh, bp. Lich, and Cov. 443 Minchin, Humphr., Clk. O. 26 0 — Paul, adm. (A) 817 Minet, Wm., gem. (B) 868 Mingaye, Wm. Ja.s., adm. (D) 829; (G) 840 Mings, sir Chr., adm. (A) 813 Minot, Th., abp. Dolm, and Gl. 616; dri. St. Pat. 61 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1088 INDEX OF NAMES. Minto, lds., visc., and E. of *= &iib. 1st lá., visc. and E. of, form. Sir G. Elliott, q.v., Amb. Gmy. 117; G.G. Ind. 648; Pres, B.C. 252 — Gilb., 2nd E. of, Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Scy. 115; Amb. Sda. 114; Amb. Swz. 113; Amb. Tusc., &c. 115; G.C.B. 772; L. Admy, 182-3; L.P.S. 241; P.C, 212 -ºwn. Hugh, 3rd E. of, K.T. C.I.E. Mºmon, M., Pres, Mex, 1 Mir, Humayun, &c., 806 Mirehouse, Jno., Comm. Serjt Lond, 495 Mºemont, M. of, gen. (B) Mºneia, Wm. de, M. Chy. Mirfine, Th., L.M. Lond. 490 Miscelus, bp. Emly, 625 Missenden, Jas., S.L. 408 Mºham, Sim. de, dn. Sal. —, -, M. Chy. 395 — Alexr. F., Mod. I. Sc. 547 — Andr, and Sir A., adm. (A) 816; K.B., 766 — Andr. and Sir A., Amb. Pr. 117; K.B. 765 — Arth., R.C.B. 784 — capt. —, G. Br. Hond. 714 — Ch. Bull. H. and sir C., G. Fiji,711; G. Leew. Isl. 728; is W. Pacif. 711; I.C.M.G., 79 — Day, bp. Abdn. 530 — sir Dav., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 176-7 — Jno., gem. (TD) 886 — Jno., gem. (ID) 890 — Jno., gen. (D) 899 — Jno. Wr., gen. (TD) 898 — Sir Michl., L.M. Dbln. 640 — Pet., C.I.E. 807 — Rt., adm. (A) 814 — Wm. and Sir Wim., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 773 Mºhinson, J., bp. Bdoes. 7 Mitford, sir Jno., aft, 1st 1d. Redesdale, q.v., A.G. 400; K.C. 415; Lid. Chanc. Ir. 577; P.C. 206; S.G. 402; Sp. H.C. 250 IRegd. C. W., gem. (ID) 930 *— Rd., b.p. Chich. 433; bp. Sal. 467; TI. Treas. Ir, 558 *— (or Metford), T&d., byp. St. Dav. 464 * 2 same pers. — Rt., adm. (H) 844 — Rt., C. Tx. 285 — Walt., dm. Wells, 429 Mitre, B., Pres. Arg. 110; Pres. B. Ay. 110 Miza, Abbas Khan, C.I.E. 807 Mºerly, Arth. Sc., gen. (ID) 9 — Fras. Jno., gen. (D) 920 — Geo., bp. Sal. 467 Mocher, Flower, gem. (A) 858 Mocholmoc, see Colman Mochuan, see Dachuan Mocoach, bp. Saig. 620 Moctean, bp. Cld. 598 Modesley, Th., dn. Chest, 477 Modiford, Th. and Sir T., G. Bdoes. 719; G. Jam. 712 Moedogair, bp. Ferms, 621 Moel-Brigid (or Brigidian), bp. Arm. 595; bp. Bmly, 625; bp. Rph. 601 Moelcob, bp. Arm. 595 Moeldarius, bp. Clonm. 599 Moeldoborean, bp. Kild. 616 Moeles, Jno. de, K.B. 755 *Moelisa, abp. Arm. 595; bp. Cllr. 596 × I., bp. Arm. 595 >k bp. Clr. 596 *— (O’Dorigh), bp, Rph. 601 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. Moeller, Jno. Geo. L., Sec. Guelph, 792 Moelmorda, bp. Emly, 625 Moelmury, bp. Arm. 595 Moelpatrick, bp. Arm, 595 Moels, Nichs. de, W.C.P. 317 Moena, (St.), bp. Clonf. 635 Moengal, bp. Kild. 616 Moeran, Edw. B., dm. Down. Moffat, Augs. K., gen. (ID) 914 * Nº.h. de, bp. Glasg. 536 IMIogaldus, K. Sc. 18 Mohamed, see Mahomed Mohesh, Chandra Nyaratna, C.I.E. 807 IMIohun and Moyun. — sir Jno., K.G. 733 36 IRegd. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 64 — Ch., 5th lil., gem. (B) 864 Moigne, see Moygne f Moir, Alexr. Wils., G. Virg. Isl. 731 — Dav., bp. Brm. 541 Moira, Fras., E. of, aft. 1st M. of Hastings, q.v., C.C. Ind. 650; Const. T.L. 321; G.G. Ind. 648; gen. (A) 859; R.G. 743; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 207 Molend, IRog. de ; see Longes- pee, Rog. de Tſoleston, Adam de, K.B. 754 Molesworth, Arth., gen. (D) 876 —- Guilf. Linds., C.I.E. 806; IC.C.I.E. 805 — Hender, G. Jam, 712 — Hickm. Th., gem. (ID) 911 — Jno., See visc. M., infra, — Rd., see visc. M., infra, — Rd. C., gen. (D) 891 — Rt., see visc. M., infra, — sir Wm., . Sec. C.W.P.B. 272; P.C. 216 — Wrm. Jno., see visc. M., infra Yºº olesworth, visc. — Rt., aft. 1st Visc. M., B.T. 264 — Jno., aft. 2nd visc. M., C. St. 283 — Rd., 3rd visc., F.M. 856; gen. (A) 857 — Tºt., aft. 5th visc. M., C. Cus, Ir. 566 — Wnn. Jno., 6th Visc., gen. (C) 874 Moleton, sir Th. de, L.H.A. 170 Moleyns, see also Molins — Towns. Allennb. de, gen. 4; (ID) 931 Mºba (or Libba), bp. Glend. 15 Molin (St.), bp. Ferns, 621 IMIolineux, see Molyneux Molins (or Moleyns), Ad., b.p. Chich. 433; din. Sal. 468 Mollo, K.E.2 Moloney, C. P., gen. (D) 922 — Corn. ., G. Gamb. 686; § Gld, Cst, Col. 687; G. Tag. 87 Molteno, Jno. Ch., IK.C.M.G. 798 Molyneux, Molineux, and Molyneaux — Danl., Ulst. I&.A. 572 — Edm. and Sir E., J.C.P. 378; K.B. 760; S.L. 408 — hon. Fras. Geo., Amb. G. St. 122 — Rt., G. I. Man, 666 — Rt. Hy. Moore and Sir R., adm. (E) 837; K.C.B. 781 — Th., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 — sir Th., gen. (B) 868 — Wm. Ch. F., gen. (D) 934 Mona, Guy de, bp. St. DaV. 464; L.H.T. 153 Monagas, J. T., Pres. Vzla. 107-8 Monahan, Jas. Hy., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; S.G. Ir. 590 Monarchus, Geoff., Jy. 363 Moncell, see also Monsell — Nichs., dm. Ferns, 623 Moncey, Off. Nap, 26 Monck, see also Monk — Geo., aft. 1st D. of Albe- marle, q.v., adm. (A) 813; L.T. 154-5; P.C. 189; Prem. 140 — hom. Rd., gem. (D) 92.1 Monck, lds, and Visc. — lá., see Albemarle — Ch. Staml., 4th Visc., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Can. 692; G.G. Can. 692; L.L. Dbln. 569; L.T. 161; P.C. 218 Monckton, Hy., gem. (A) 863 — Rt., B.T. 263- — hon. I&t., gem. (B) 865 . Moncreiffe and Moncrieffe — Col. Campb. Sc., IX.C.M.G. 798 — Dav. Stewart, Bar. EX, Sc. 524 — Geo., gem. (A) 861 — Geo., gem, (D) 892 — Geo. Hay, gem. (IP) 934 — Hy, J., Ld. Sess. 521 — Jas., see lá. M., infrat — sir Jas. W., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 — Rd., L.M. Dbln. 641 IMIoncrieff, lds. — Jas., aft. li. M., D. Fac. Sc. 527; L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 218; S.G. Sc. 527 Monday, see also Munday — Jno., adm. (KI) 847 s Moneda, Pedr. de la, G. Trin. 21 Money, archd., gen. (ID) 881 — Ermle Ky., gem. (D) 910 — sir Jas. ISyrle, gem (C) 875 — Jno., gem. (A) 860 — Rt. Cott., gem. (ID) 929 — Rowl., adm. (H) 845 — Wnn. Tayl., K.H. 789 Monim, Anthy., gem. (D) 878 Monins, Eaton, gen. (D) 885 — Matth., K.B. 763 Monk, see also Monck — Jas. Hy., bp. Glr. and Br. 439; dim, Pboro. 458 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1089 Monk—cont. — Jno., Q.C. 417 — Nichs., b.p. Her. 442 Monk-Bretton, Jno. Geo., ld., form, J. G. Bodson, Q.'U. Monkhouse, R. P., ld., form. R. P. Collier, q.v. Mºmouth, Jno. de, bp. Llff. — Jno. de, J. It. 367 Monmouth, E. and D. of ; refer also to Buccleugh and to Peterborough — Ja.s., D. of (see also James), K.G. 740; M.H. 302; P. 191; C. Ch. 855; Ld. Admy. 175; Capt. gem. 855; L.G.C. Sc. 506; Pr. E. 13; P.C. 191 — Ch., E. of, form. 2nd visc. Mordaunt, q.v., also E, of Peterborough, q.v. Monoux, Geo., L.M. Lond. 490 Monro and Monroe, See also Munro — Alexr., bp. Arg. 538 — Hect., K.B. 765 — Ja.s., Pres. U.S.A. 102 — Jno., L.J. App. Ir. 586 ; S.G. Ir. 590 * Monsell, see also Moncell — Wrm., aft. lil. Emly, q.v., Clk. O. 260 ; L.T.u. Lim. 570 ; P.C. 216; Paym. G.245; Postm. G. 239; Pres. B.H. 255; U.S.C. 235; V.P.B.T. 269 Monson, hom. Ch., gem. (C) 872 — hom. Edm. Jno., amb. Arg, 136; amb. DR. 127; amb. Pgy. 136; amb. Ügy. 137; K.C.M.G. 798 — Jno., R.B. 763 — Jno., see lá. M., infra, — Rt., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Monson, lds. — Jno., aft. 1st 1d., K.B. '764; P.C. 198; Pres. B.T. 264 — Wnn. Jno., 7th lä., C.Y.G. 298; P.C. 218; Tr. H. 292 Montacute, Sim, de, bp. Ely, 434; bp. Worc. 472 — Sir Sim. de, K. Man, 665; L.H.A. 170 — Th. de, dn. Sal. 468 — Wm. de, aft. 1st E. of Salis- bury, q.v., Const. T.L. 320 ; K.B. 754 ; L.H.A. 171 — sir Wm., aft. 2nd E. of Salisbury, q.v., K. Man (d. 1397) IMontagu, Montague, Montagou, and Mounta- gue — Basil, K.C. 416 — Ch., aft. 1st là, and E. Of Halifax, q.v., Aud. EX. 167; Ch. Ex. 165; L.T., 155; P.C. Prem. 141; Pres, R, Soc. 940 — Sir Ch., gem. (B) 865; K.B. SR 765 — Chr., Aud. Ex. 166; Ch. Ex. 279, 280; C. St. 283 — Ed., IX.]3. 762 — Ed., called ló. M., L.T. (1654) 154 — Ed., M. Chy. 397 — Ed., Sec. Bath, 784 — Ed., and sir E., C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 370 ; S.L. 40S — Sir Ed., Tr. H. 291 — Ed., aft. 1st E. of Sand- wich, q.v., K.G. 740; L.T. 155; P.C. 190 — Ed., see lá, M. infra Montagu, Montague, Monta- gou, and Mountague—cont. — Ed. Hass., aft. li. and E. Beaulieu, K.B. (1753) 765 — Ed. Wortl., T.T. 156 — FR., L.T., 158; P.C. 204 — lil. Fredk., Postm. G. 238 — Geo. and Sir G., adm. (A) 816; G.C.B. 767 — Geo., aft. 2nd E. of Halifax, q.v., Aud. Ex. 167 — Hy., M. Chy. 396 Hy. and sir H., aft. li. IXimbolton, visc. Mandeville and E. of Manchester, q.v., C.J.K.B. 370; K.C. 414; L.H.T. 154; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 409 — Hy. Seym., C. St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285 ; C, TX. 285 — Horace Wrm., gen. (D) 906 — Jas., adm. (IHI) 846 — Jas., b.p. B. and W. 428; bp. Winch. 471 ; dr. Lich. 445; dm. WOrc. 473 — Jas. and sir J., A.G. 399; B. Ex. 384; C.B. Ex. 382; .S. 357; ; S.G. 401; S.L. 411 — Jno., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfol. 700 — hon, Jno., dn. Dham. 479 — Jno. Wm., adm. (H) 846 — Ol., IS.C. 415 Rd., bp. Chich. 433; Norw. 455; dm. Her. 442 Rt., adm. (A) 817 — li.Rt., P.C. 217; V.P. Ed. 255 — Wm. and sir. W., C.B. Ex. 381 ; S.L. 410 — Wnn. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Wrm. Aug. and Sir W., adm. (D) 826; C. St. 284; K.C.H. 788; IX.H. 789 — Wnn. Ed., gen. (I)) 933 Montague, las., E. and D. of Neville Family. — Jno., ld., aft. E. of North- umberland, q.v., and M. of Montague (d. 1471), K.G. 736 IBrowne I'amily. — Anthy., 1st visc., K.G. 738 Montagu Family. — Ed., aft. li. M., K.B. (1603) 76i — Ralph, aft. 3rd ló. and 1st E, and D. of M., C.G.P. 299; M.G.W. 296; P.C. 191, 193 — Jno., 2nd D. of, C.G.P. 299; gen. (A) 857; Gr. M. Bath, 753 ; R.B. 764; K.G. 741; L.H. Const. 289; M.G.O. 259; M.G.W. 296; P.C. 198 IBrudenell I'amily. — Geo., 1st D. of, form. E. of Cardigan, q.v., L.L. Hunts, 309; M.H. 302; P.C. 203 — Hy. Ja.s., ld., L.L. Selk. (1823, d. 1845) 512 Montaigne, see Monteigne Montalt, Corm. Earl de, form. visc. Hawarden, q.v., L.L. Tipp. 571 Montandre, Fras. M. F.M. 856; G. Gsey. 668 Montauban, Guill. M. A. A. Cousin-, K.C.B. 779 Monteagle, lds, Stanley and Parker Families. Ed., 1st lél., IX.G. 737 — Wnn., 3rd lil., form. W. Stanley, q.v. — Hy., 5th lá., form. Hy. Parker, q.v. bp. de, Monteagle, lds,-cont. Ičice Family — Thos. Spring, 1st 1d., form. Th. Spr. Rice, C.G. Ex. 169 — Th. Spr., 2nd lá., K.P. 752 Montealegra, J. M., Pres. C.R. 106 Montealto, Jno. de, J. It. 368 Monteforti, Hy. de, Jy. 365 Monteigne, Geo., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Dham. 479; bp. Tinc. 447; bp. Lond. 452; dim. Westr. 469 Monteith, see also Menteith — Wm., gem. (IP) 880 Monte, Odorisio Inig. D'Av., Count de, K.G. 736 Monter, Rt., M. Chy. 394. . Monteras, F. de la, G. Trin. 721 Monterei, C. of, R. Nds. 83 Montez, J. F., Pres. Häa.S. 106 Montfichet, Rd. de, B. EX, 382; J. It. 367 Montford (or Mundfort), Wm. de, dm. St. P. 452 — (or Monteforti), Hy. de, J.C.P. 377; W.C.P. 317 — Pet. de, Sp. H.C. 248 — Simon, W.C.P. 318 Montgomerie and Mont- gomery — Alexr., adm. (H) 846 — Alexr., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Alexr. Lesl., adm. (G) 843 — Alf., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285; C. St. and Tx. 285 — Ch. Lyons, gem. (D) 925 — hom. Fras., L.H.T. Sc. 498 — Geo., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Dry. 601; bp. MIth. 599; bp. Rph. 601 ; dri. Norw. 456 — Geo. Saml., gem. (D) 909 — sir Graham Gr., L.L. Kimr. 510; L.T. 161 — sir Hy. Com., M.C.I. 646; P.C. 219 — H. H., bp. Tasm. 708 — Hugh Park., gen. (D) 933 — Jas, G. Dnca. 730; gem. (B) 867 — Jas, and Sir J. (No. 1), Ld. Adv. 526; C.B. Ex. Sc. 523 sir Jas. (No. 2), Ld. Adv. Jno., C. Exc. Sc. 504 — Juo., R.B. 756 — sir Jno. de, L.H.A. 172 — Jno. Egl., adm. (E) 836; (F) 839 Nichs., IX.B. 758 — Patr., gem. (D) 886; K.C.B. 779 — Rt., abp. Glasg. 537 — Rt., bp. Arg. 538 — Rt., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — lºt. and sir lº., Ch. Com. Oudh. 654, G.C.S.I. 801; R.C.B., 782; ſº.C.S.I. 802; L.G. Pjab. 654; M.C.I. 646 Sir Th., K.G. 736 — Wrm., C. Exc. Ir. 566 Montgomery, lds, visc. and E. of ; see also Pembroke Archd., ld, (son of 12th E. of Eglinton), gen, (C) S73 Ph., E. of, form. P. Her- bert, q.v., aft. 4th E. of Pem- broke, q.v. ; IX.B. 761; K.G. 739; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Kent, 309 &l — Wnn., visc., also E. and M. of Powis, q.v., gem. (B) S04 JFor List of Abbreviattoms, see pp. 944-952, 1090 INDEX OF NAMES Montjoy, see Mountjoy Montmain, Rt., b.p. Mth. IMIontmorency, hon. Harv. de, dm. Ach. 614 93 hon. Raym. H. de, gen. (D) l Montrimorency, D. of Anne, D. %#, and Ct. de Beaumont, K.G. 737 — Fras., D. of, I.G. 738 Mºntpesson, Sir Th., L.P.S. Montresor, Fk. Byng, adm. (E) 835; (E) 839 — sir Hy. Tuck, G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 775 — sir Th. Gage, gem. (A) 862; R.C.EI. 788 Mºtrion, Walt., gen. (D) 91 Montrose. E. and D. of findsay P'amily. — Dav., D. of, form. 5th E. of Crauford q.v., L.G.C. Sc. 506 Graham Fanvily. — Jno., 3rd E. of, H.C.P. Sc. 507; L.H.T. Sc. 497; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 ; Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno., 4th E. of, Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 — Jas., 1st MI. of, K.G. 740 -Hijas, 2nd M. of, Ld. Sess. 7 5 — Jas., 3rd M. of, Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 — Jas., 4th M., aft. 1st D. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 498 ; L.H.A. Sc. 499; L.R. Sc. 503; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; P.C. 195; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jas., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Graham, q.v., B.C. 252 ; K.G. 743; K.T. 748; L.C.H. 295; L.J. Gen. 522; L.L. Dumb. 509; L.L. Stirl. 512; M.H. % IPres. B.T. 268; Postm. — Jas., 4th D. of, form. M. Of Graham, q.v., C.D.L. 243 ; R.T. 748; L.L. Stirl, 512; L.S.H. 290; Postm. G. 239 — Dougl. B. M. R., 5th D. of, R.T. 749; L.L. Stirl. 512 Montt, M., Pres. Chi. 111 Montz, Hito, M. Jap. 100 Monymusk, Michl., bp. Dkld. 533; L.G.C. Sc. 506 Monypenny, Dav., Ld. Sess. 520; S.G. Sc. 527 IMooodie and IMIoody — Ja.s., C. Exc. Sc. 504 — Rd. Clem., G. Falk. Isl. 731; gen. (D) 901 — Steph., gem. (D) 888 — Wrm., bp. Cness. 531 Moon, Fras. Gr. and sir F., L.M. Lond. 492 Moor, Th., dm. St. P. 453 Moore, see also More — Alexr. Geo. Mont., gen. (D) 927 — Arth., B.T. 264 — Arth., dn. Ach. 614 — Arth., J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.L. Ir. 592 — Ch. Wils., gen. (D) 908 — Fras., gem. (A) 861 — Fras., S.L. 409 — Geo., gen. (ID) 887 — Geo. Fla., gen. (D) 919 Moore—cont. — Gr. and sir G., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.B. 774; L. 181 — Hass. Rd., gen. (D) 890 —ºy. C.I.E. 806; gen. (D) — Hy., G. Jam. 712 — Jas., gen. (IB) 868 — Jno., abp. Cant. 431; bp. #. 426; dm. Cant. 431; P.C. — Jno., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Norw. 455 — Jno., Comm. Ir. 554 — Jno., K.H. 792 — Jno., Norr. K.A. 329 ; Winds. H. 331 — Jno. and Sir J., gen. (IB) 866; R.B. 766 T6 Sir Jno., adm. (A 814; K.B. 765 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Lewis Jas., adm. (IHI) 852 — sir Lorenzo, gen. (C) 875; R.C.H. 788 — Matth., admm. (A) 815 Wnn., dn. Cash. 627; 579; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir, 593 — Rd., bp. Winch. 470 — Rd., dm. Emly, 628 — Rd., G. Brmda. 701 — Rd. Alex., gem. (D) 930 — Rd. Cornw., gen. (D) 900 — Rog., S.L. 411 — Ross. Balf., gem. (D) 912 — Th., Paym. G. 244 — Th. Ch. Cott., gen. (ID) 897 — Th. Ed. Laws, adm. (IHI) 849; G. Falk. Isl. 731 — Wnn., dm. Drom. 606 — Wnn. Geo., gen. (D) 883; R.C.B. 778 — Wrm. Ja.s., C.I.E. 807; K.C.I.E. 805 — Wrm. Yorke, gen. (D) 891 Moorhouse, Jas., bp. Manch. 480; bp. Melb. 705 Moorman, Rd., adm. (H) 850 Moorshedabad, Bah. Of, E.C.I.E. 805 Moorsom, Const. Rd., adm. (G) 841 — Jas. M., Q.C. 420 — Rt. and sir Rt., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 774; L. Admy. 181; S.G.O. 260 Mora, Jno. de, D. Chanc. Ir. 57 4 — J. R., Pres. C.R. 106 Morales, A., Pres. Bol. 109 Morant, Horatio Harb. gen, (D) 922 Morarji, Gokuldas, C.I.E. 806 Moravia, Amdr. de, bp. Mor. 534 Moray, Dav., b.p. Mor. 534 — Gilb., bp. Cness. 531 ; L.G.C. Sc. 506 — sir Rt., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Moray, Earls of — Alexr., 5th E. of, H.C.P. Sc. 507; K.T. 747; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 192; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Ch., 6th E. of, K.T. 747 — Jas., 8th E. of, K.T. 747 50 Fras., 9th E. Of, L.L. Elgn. 509 — Fras., 10th E. of, K.T. 748; L.L. Elgn. 509 Mordachus, K. Sc. 18 Mordant and Mordaunt — Col., G. Gsey. 668 — Hon. Harry, gen. (B) 864 — Jno., S.L. 407 *— Sir Jno., C.D.L. 242; K.B. 759 *— Sir Jno., Sp. H.C. 249 * Prob. same pers. -ºir Jno., gen. (A) 858; K.B. 7 — Jno., see lá. M. infra, — Th. Osb., gem. (B) 866 Mordaunt of Turvey, lds. — Jno., aft. 2nd ló. M., K.B. 760 Mordaunt of Avalon, &c., visc. — Jno., 1st Visc., Const. W. Ca,St. 322 — Ch., 2nd visc., aft. E. of Monmouth, and E. Of Peter- borough, q.v., L.T., 155; P.C. 193; Prem. 140 — Jno., visc. (son of 2nd visc.), d.ſv.p., gen. (B) 864 Morderl, sir Jno., C. Exc. 279 Morderl, lds. Chas., ld., see Hon. Chas. Yorke Mordon, Sim., L.M. Lond. 489 More, see also Moore *— sir Geo., Chanc. Gart. 746 *— sil: Geo., Lt. T.L., 321 * Prob. same pers. — Jno., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 372; Si. 408 — Jno., S.L. 409 — sir Reg., L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Rd., bp. Winch. 470 — Rd., M. Chy. 395 — sir Thos., C.D.L. 242; Ld. Chanc. 355; Sp. H.C. 249 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 489 Wm., bp, suff. Colch. 461 Morehead, Ch., C.I.E. 807 Morenman, Jno., dn. EXr. 437 Moreno, G. G., Pres. Ecr. 108 Moresby, Fairf. and Sir F., adm. (B) 821 ; (C) 822; (ID) 829; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 — Jno., adm. (E) 837 Moreton, see Morton Morevill, see Morvill Morewic, Hugh de, J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Malachy O', Morgair, Malachy Morgan, All, dm. Killoe. 637 Ch., C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650 — Ch., L.L. Brec. 315 — Sir Ch. Gould, P.C. 207 — Fras., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 — Fras. (or Geo.), Rec. Dblſh. 642 — Geo., gen. (C) 872 — Geo. Osb., J. A. G. 937; #. 219; Q.C. 418; U.S.C. 23 — Hamon., J. It. 366 — Hy., b.p. St. Dav. 464 — sir Hy., G. Jam. 712 — Hy. Rose, gen. (D) 913 — Hugh, dn. Bgr. 426 *— Ja.s., adm. (H) 847 Sk Jas., K.H. 792 * Prob. same pers. — Jas. Peatt., gen. (ID) 933 — (or Young), Jno., bp. St. Dav. 464; Chanc. Gart. 745; dn. Winds. 474 Sø6 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 109] Morgan—comt. t — Jno., dm. Wſord. 628 — Jno., gen. (D) 886 — Jno., L.L. Brec. 315; L.L. Monm. 310 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 — Ph., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Worc. 472 — Rd. and Sir R., C.J.C.P. 375 ; S.L. 408 — Rt., bp. Bgr. 426 — Th., gen. (ID) 881 — Th., J.A.G. 937 — Th., L.L., Brec. 315; L.L. Monm. 310 — Th., S.W.F., 271 — sir Th., G. Jsey. 667 — Walt. and Sir W., C.J. Mdras. 658; C.J. N.W.Pr. 654 — Wm., bp. Clff. 449; bp. St. As. 462 Wm., K.C.M.G. 798 *— Wm. (No. 1), L.L. Brec. 315; L.L. Momm. 310 *— Wm., and Sir W. (No. 2), K.B. 764; L.L. Brec. 315; P.L. Monm. 310 * Prob. same pers. — Wrm. Dom., gen. (D) 923 Morgan-Gould, form. Gould, U QI.U. Morgeneu, bp. St. Dav. 464 Mºgenveth, bp. St. Dav. Moriarty, Silv., adm. (A) 817 — Thos., Dn. Ardf. 640 Morice and Morys, see also Maurice — Humph., L.W.S. 323 Jno. and Sir J., L.D. Ir. 551; Ld Chanc. Ir. 574 Th. Hy., K.H. 791 Mºler, av. R., Amb. Swz. 3 — Ja.s., Amb. Pers. 130 — Jno. P., Amb. Sxy. 120 — Rt. B. D. and Sir R., Amb. Bva. 119 ; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Spn. 124; G.C.B. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 784; P.C. 220 — Wrm, adm. (IHI) 847 Moriertach, Nehem.h., bp. Cloy. 630 Morin, M.P., U.S.S. 226 — Ralph, J. It. 366 Moris, see Morris Morison, see Morrison Morland, sir Saml., C.Exc. 278 — (or Murland), Wm., dn. Winds. 474; M. Chy. 394; M.B. 387 Morley, Arnold, Sec. Tr. 164 —— Fras. Br., K.C.B. 784 — Geo., bp. Winch. 471; bp. Worc. 473; dim. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; P.C. 191 Herb., Lt. T.L. 322 -: no. Ch. Sec. Ir, 563; P.C. *— Rt. de, Const. T.L. 320 *— sir Rt., L.H.A. 172 * Prob. same pers. — Th., bp. suff, Marlb. 452 — Th., S.L., 411 — Wnn., R.B. 764 Morley, lds. and E. of Th., 4th lä., K.G. 735; L.H.A. 174 — Hy., 7th lä., K.B. 757 — Alb. Edm., 3rd E. Of, C.W.P.B. 273; P.C. 220; U.S. War, 232 Morliere, Mag. de la, G. Mtius. 683 Mornington, E. of — Rd., 2nd E. of, aft. li. and M. Wellesley, q.v., B.C. 252; G.G. Ind. 648; K.P. 750; L.T. 158; P.C. 205 Wnn., 3rd E. of, form. hon. W. Wellesley Pole, and lå. Maryborough, q.v. Morpeth, visc. — Geo. H., visc., aft. 6th E. of Carlisle, q.v., Amb. Pr. 118; B.C. 252; L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313; P.C. 208 — Geo. Wnn. Fk., visc., aft. 7th E. of Carlisle, q.v., C.W.F. &c. 272; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313; P.C. 213 Morrell, Th. Baker, bp. Edinb. 543 Morrice, Humphr., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 201 — Sir Wm., L.T. 155; P.C. 189; S. St. 223 Morris and Moris —, -, S.L. 407 — Alexr., G. Mtoba. 696 — Arth., gen. (D) 885 — Ch. Hy., gen. (ID) 906 — Corbyn, C. Cus. 276 — Den., dn. Lism. 629 — Edm. Finucane, gen. (D) 885; K.C.B. 779 — Edw., K.C.B. 781 — Edw., M. Chy. 397 — Genl., G.C.B. 769 — Geo., adm. (IHI) 844 —ºy. Gage (No. 1), adm. (H) 4 — Hy. Gage (No. 2), adm. (IHI) 850 — Hy. Jos., gen. (D) 897 — Jas. Ed. Gord., gem. (ID) 894 — Jas. Nic. and sir J., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 774 — Jno. Hy., Ch. Com. Cent. Pr. 655; K.C.S.I. 803 — Lodge, aft. li. and visc. Frankfort, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 560; U.S. Ir. 563 — Michl and Sir M., A.G. Ir. 588 ; J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; Pres. Q.B.D. Ir. 578; J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.G. Ir. 590 — Pet., dr. Dry. 602 — Staates Long, gem. (A) 858 — Val., G. St. Vin. 725 Wm., adm. (H) 850 IMIorrison and Morison. — Alexr., Ld. Sess. 519 — Arth., L.M. Dblin. 642 76!or Moryson), Ch., K.B. —ºd. G. Jam. 713; gen. (A) — Geo., gen. (A) 859 — Is. Hawk., adm. (HI) 845 — sir Rd., M.G.O. 258 — Wm., gem. (ID) 881; K.C.B. 782 Mºrosh, Edm. Gh., gem. (D) Morse, Jas., gen. (D) 879 — Rt., gen. (A) 859 — Rt. Alexr., gen. (ID) 911 Mºshead, Sir Jno., L.W.S. — Why. Hy. Anders., adm. (D) 833; (E) 834; (E) 838 Morshed, Wm., gen. (A) 860 Mortain, Jno., E. of, aft. K. John of Eng. q.v., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Moreton, see Morton TVIortier, Off. Nap. 26 Mortimer, Edm. de, K.B. 754 — Geoff. de, K.B. 755 Rog., K.B. 756 *— Rog. de, K.B. 754 >; Sir Rog., aft. E. of March, q.v., L.J. Ir. 551 * Prob. Same pers. — Sir Th. de, C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 — Wm. de, J. It. 368 Mortimer, lds. and E. of — Rt., E. of, form. Rt. Har- ley, q.v., also E. of Oxford, ..?). _4. Edm., ld. (d. 1331), L.M. 32 5 Mortlock, sir Jno. Cheet., C. Exc. 281-82; C. Exc. Ir. 567 Morton and Moreton. — Sir Alb., S. St. 223 — Jno., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Ely, 435; L.K. 355; M.R. 387 — Jno., C.J. Chest. 386; K.C. 415 — Matth. Ducie, aft. 1d. Ducie, q.v., W. Treas. Ir. 559 — Rt., bp. Worc. 473; M.R. 387 — Th., bp. Chest. 477; bp. Dham. 479; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; dn. Glr. 440; dim. Winch. 471 — Wrm., bp. Mth. 599; bp. Eild. 617; din. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 — Sir Wm., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 1 — Sir Wm., Rec. Lond. 494 — Wnn. Ell., gen. (ID) 902 Morton, E. Of, — Rt., E. of, Ch. Jr. (1078) 362 — Jno., E. of, T.L. Ir. (1177-9) 55 — Edm. (Beaufort), E. of, aft. E. of Dorset, and D. of Somerset, q.v. (d. 1455), K.G. 735 Douglas Family. — Jas., 4th E. of, L.H.A. Sc. 499; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Wrm., 9th E. of, C.Y.G. 298; R.G. 739; L.H.T. Sc. 497 — Geo., 15th E. of, V.A. Sc. 499 — Jas., 16th E. of, R.T. 747; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Pres. R. Soc. 940 — Geo., 18th E. of, K.T. 748; L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.L. Fifesh. 510; L.L. Mid. L. 509 Reymolds-Moreton Family. (See E. of Ducie.) Morvalel, abp. St. Dav. 463 Morvi, Thakore, Sahib of, K.C.I.E. 805 *Morvill, Hugh de, J. It. 365; >k Hugh de, L.H. Const. Sc. 507; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 * 2 same pers. — Rd. de, L.H. Const. Sc. 507 — Wrm. de, L.H. Const. Sc. 507 Morys, see Morris and Mau- rice Moryson, see Morrison Moseley, Rt.Stephemson, gem. (D) 929 — Ed., Ld. Sess. 519 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1092 INDEX OF NAMES. Moses, Wm., S.L., 411 Mosheim, Lew., gen. (B) 868 Mºley, Sir Nichs., L.M. Lond. Mosquera, T. C. de, Pres. N.G. 107; Pres. U.S.C. 107 Moss, Ch., b.p. B. and W. 428; bp. St. Daw. 465 — Ch., bp. Oxf. 457 — Rt., dm. Ely, 435 Mossom, Rt., dm. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618; bp. Dry. 601 — Rt., dn. Oss. 623 Mostyn, Jno., gen. (A) 858 — Sir Rog., L.L. Flints. 314 — sir Rog., Tell. Ex. 168 — Sav., adm. (A) 814; Compt. N. 257; L. Admy. 178 — hon. Sav., gen. (ID) 928 Mostyn, lds. — Ed. M., 2nd lå., form, hom. E. M. Lloyd, q.v. Motelow, Hy. de, J.C.P. 377 Mothel, Jno., bp. Lim. 638 Motte, Pet. de la, gem. (ID) 878 Motteram, Jas., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 419 Mºteux, Jno., Chm. E.I. Co. 64 Mºley, Jos. Mart., adm. (IHI) — Saml., adm. (ID) 824 Moubray, see Mowbray Mould, FR., gen. (ID) 918 — Th. Rawl., gem. (D) 902 Mºle, Geo. E. V., bp. M. Ch. 76 — Jno., gem. (P) 892 Moulson, Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 1 49 Moulton, A., G. N. Sc. 694 — Jno. Fl., Q.C. 420 Moulvi, Saiyid, &c., K.C.S.I. 804 MIoung, U. Pe, &c., C.I.E. 808 ***6. C. §06 Mounsey, Aug. Hy., Amb. U.S.C. 134 Mountague, see Montague IWIountain, Geo. Jehos., bp. Mount, Alexr. Hugh, E. Of, L.J. Ir, (1702) 555 Mount-Charles, Fras. N., E. of, aft. 2nd M. of Conyng- ham, q.v., G.C.H. 786; L.T. 159; U.S.F. 229 Mount-Edgcumbe, see Edg- Cumbe Mount-Edgcumbe, visc. and E. Of — Geo., 1st visc., form lá. Edgcumbe, q.v., W. Treas. Ir. 560 — Rd., 2nd E. of, C.G.P. 300; L.L. Cnwall. 307; P.C. 208 — Wm. H., 4th E. of, L.C.H. 295; L.L. Cnwall. 307; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 219 Mounteney, Rd., C. Acc. Ir. 567 Mountgryson, Rd. 1d., K.G. (?) 736 Mountjoy and Montjoy, lds. — M. B., 1d., aft. 1st E. Of Newport, q.v. JBlowmt I'amily. — Walt., 1st là., IK.G. 736 — Jno., 3rd ló., K.B. 757 — Wrm., 4th Id., K.B. 759; E.G. 737; M.M. 246 Mountjoy and Montjoy, lds,- COvt. — Ja.s., 6th lä., K.B. 760 — Ch., 8th lá., form. Sir Ch. Blount, q.v., aft. E. of Devon, g.'v., K.G. 739; L.D. Ir. 554 Stewart Family. -º-, Wm. 2nd visc., gen. (IB) Mountriey, Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 584 Mountrimorres, Herv., 4th visc., dm. Cloy. 633 Mountriorris, Fras., 1st là., form. Sir Fras. Amnesley, q.v. IMIountraſh, E. of — Ch., 1st E. of, form. Sir C. Coote, q.v., L.J. Ir. 555 — Ch., 2nd E. Of, L.J. Ir. 555 Mountstephen, Wm. Th. Bl., gen. (D) 901 Mount Stewart, and Mount- Stuart — Jno., visc., aft. 4th E. and 1st M. of Bute, q.v., Amb. Sda. 114; Amb. Spm. 123; L.L. Glam. 315; P.C. 203 Mowbray and Moubray — Ed., gen. (D) 910 — Jno., K.B. 756 — Jno. de, J.C.P. 377; K.B. 755; S.L. 406 —iºno. Rt., J.A.G. 937; P.C. — Sir Rt., K.H. 790 — Th. Jno., I.B. 756 Mowbray, lds. — Jno., ld., aft. 2nd D. of Norfolk, q.v., E.M. (1412) 326; K.G. 735 Mowse, Wm., D. Arch. 420; J. Pr. Ct. 421; M. Chy. 395; Vic. Gen. 421 Mºon, Geo. Gill., gen. (D) l Moyers, Geo., L.M. Dbln. 642 IMIoygne (or Moigne), Th., b.p. Ard. 608; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607; dry. St. Patr. 618 Moylan, Denis, L.M. Dbln. 642 — Denis C., C.C.J. 403 Moyle, Jas., gen, (C) 871 — Rt., See Walt. — Th., Sp. H.C. 249 - — Walt. Or Rt., J.C.P. 378 — Walt., K.B. 757; S.L. 407 Moyne, Jno. le, Jy. 365 Moyse, Shadr., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Moyun, see Mohun MIubire, Rt., b.p. Rph. 601 IMIucegros, Milo de, J. It. 366 — Rd. de, Jy. 364 IMucellus, bp. Her. 441 Mucianus, P. L. C., C. Ro. 45 Mudalier, Ram., C.I.E. 807 Mudge, Zach., adm. (A) 820 Mºlier, IFerd. von, K.C.M.G. 79 MIuffling, Bar. de, K.C.B. 775 Mugge, Wm., dm. Winds. 474 wºmanus, L. P. (2), C. Ro. 38-9 — M. P., C. R.O. 39 IMuhammad, see Mahomed Muimnech, Clothma, bp. Emly, 625 Muinhearmhoirm, K. Ir. 20 IMuinimone, K. Ir. 20 Muir, see also Mure — Alexr. Wils., G. St. Xtr. 729. — Ch. Wem., C.I.E. 808 — Jno., C.I.E. 806 — Win., dm. Thist. 749 Muir—convi. — Wm., Mod. R. Sc. 54 — sir Wm., M.C.I. 647; R.C.S.I. 802; L.G. N.W. Pr. 653; Sec. S.I. 804 — Wm. Mure, K.C.B. 780 Muirhead, Andr., b.p. Glasg. 536 — Rd., Tid. Clk. Reg. 525; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Muirmhne, K. Ir. 20 Muirreadach. K. Ir. 20 — -Tireach, K. Ir. 21 Mukerji, Babu Bhuder, C.I.E. 806 Mulcaster, sir Fk. Wm., gen. (B) 869; K.C.H. 788 — Wm. Ed., gen. (D) 901 — Sir Wrm. Howe, K.C.H. 788 — Wm. Sidm. Sm., gen. (D) 912 Muleton, Th. de, C.J.C.P. 375; Ch. Jr. 363; J. It. 367; Jy. 364 Muley, &c. (3), S. Mco. 101 Mulgan, Jno., bp. Llin. 622 Mulfield, Rt., b.p. Killoe. 634 Mulgrave, lds. and E. Of Sheffield Family. — Edmd., 1st E. of, form. 3rd ld. Sheffield, q.v. — Jno., 3rd E. of, aft. M. Of Normanby, and D. of Buck- inghamshire, q.v., K.G. 740; L.C.H. 295; P.C. 192 IPhipps Family. — Comst. J., 2nd lù., B.C. 252; B.T. 267; L. Admy. 179; IP.C. 204; Paym. G. 244 — Hy., 3rd lä., aft. Visc. Nor- manby and 1st E.of Mulgrave, q.v., C.D.L. 243; F. Sec. 228; G.C.B. 768; gen. (A) 860; L. Admy. 181; L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 207 — Const. Hy., 2nd E. of, affi. 1st M. of Normanby, q.v., G.C.H. 786; G. Jam. 713; L.L. Ir. 557; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 212 — Geo. Aug., E. of, aft. 2nd M. of Normanby, q.v., Compt. H. 293; G.N. Sc. 695; P.C. 215; Tr. H. 291 Mullaly (or Laly) Wrm., abp. Trn. 611; dri. Th. 613 Mullart (or Maillart), Wm., dn. Cash. 627 Mullen, Rt., K.H. 791 Muller, Ed. Anger. Godf., gen. (D) 904 Mullins, Jno., gem. (ID) 927 Multon, Sim. de, M. Chy. 393 Mºbee, Gore Bol., gen. (D) 8 Muncaster, lds. — Lowth., 2nd lá., form. L. Pennington, q.v. — Joselyn, Fr., 5th Id., L.L. Cumb. 307 Munchin (St.), bp. Lim. 638 Munday, see also Mundy and and Monday — Sir Jmo., L.M. Lond, 490 Mundell, Wm. A., Q.C. 418 Mundella, Amth. Jno., P.C. 219; Pres. B.T. 269; V.P. Ed. 255 Munder, Jno. de, S.L. 406 —- sir Jno., adm. (A) 813 Mundfort (or Montford), Wim. de, dn. St. P. 452 Mundy, see also Monday and Munday — Ch. Fitz Mill., gen. (D) 916 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, INDEX OF NAMES, 1093 Mundy—comt. — Geo., dn. Emly, 628 — Geo. and sir G., adm. (A) #: adm. (13) 821 ; K.C.B., — Geo. Rodn. and sir G., adm. (D) 831 ; (E) 834; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 779 — Godfr. Bas., gen. (A) 863 — Godfr. Ch., G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D) 894; U.S. War. 233 — Ja.s., S.L. 411 - Pierrepont Hy., gen. (D) 2 — Rt. Mill., G. Bdoes. 721 ; G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Br. Hond. #: G, Gren, 724 ; K.C.M.G. Munee pore Mahar. of, K.C.S.I. 803 IšIunro, see also Monro 79 Alex, gem. (IX) 883; 791 — sir Alexr., C. Cus. 276 — Col. —, G. Trin. 722 — Geo., gem. (ID) 898 — Sir Hect., gen. (A) 859 — Jno., gen. (ID) 876 — sir Th., G. Mdras. K.C.B. 775 — Wm., gen. (B) 867 — Wm., gen. (D) 876 — Wm., gen. (D) 902 — Wm., gen. (ID) 935 Munsey, Th. Alex. Aug., gen, (ID) 894 Newab IMunshi, C.I.E. 808 Münster, Ern. Fk. Herb. Ct., ºne. Guelph, 792; G.C.B. 7 Munster, Geo., 1st E. of, form. Geo. Fitz-Clarence, q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322; gem. º 880; Lt. T.L. 322; P.C. l K.H. 656 Kishore, Munzinger, J., Pres. Sw, C. 31 Murat, Joach., K. Nls. 56; Off. Nap. 26 Murchison, Sir Rod. Imp., K.C.B. 783 Murdac, see also Muredach — Hy", abp. Yk, 485 — Hugh, J. It, 366 — Ralph, J. It, 366; Jy. 363 Murdoch, Th. Whn. Cl., K.C.M.G. 796 Mure, see also Muir Dav., Jy, Sc. 523; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 Wm., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 Murechan, bp. Arm. 595 Muredach, see also Murdac — bp, Arm. 595 — bp. Mayo, 611 — (St.), bp. Killa. 612 Murena, L. L., C. Ro. 46 Muriertagh, K. Ir, 22 Murland, see Morland Mº, Eras. S., P.P. 417; 41 S.L. 582; & . Ir, 58 — Juo. Patr., Q.C. 419 Murray, Alan, gen. (D) 932 — Alex, adm. (H) 848 — Alex., dm. Killa. 614 — Alex., Ld. Sess. 520; S.G.' Sc. 526 — Amdr., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Andr, bp, Ross, 535 Murray—cont. — Anth. Maxt., gen. (ID) 911 — Augs. Wm., gen. (D) 909 — Capt. —, G. V.D. Ld. 708 — Ch., gem. (ID) 912 — hom. Ch. Augs. and sir C., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Pers. 130 ; Amb. Pg!. 125; Amb. Swz. 113; Amb. Sxy. 121; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 219 — sir Dav., Compt. Sc. 498 →ºlibank Harl., adm. (H) — Freem., G. Brmdal, 701; gen. (ID) 897 — Dav., aft. visc. Stormont, QI.Q). — Geo., bp. Roch. 460; bp. #ºnd M. 484; dri. OEC. 7 — Geo. adm. (A) 816 — Geo. and sir G. adm. (A) 817; K.C.B. 773 — Geo. and sir Geo., Comm. F. Ir., 564; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 862; K.B. 766; L.G.O. 259; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 211; W, and C. Sec. 231 — hon. Geo., gen. (B) 869 — lá. Geo., bp. St. Dav. 465 — Geo. Fr., gen. (ID) 901 — sir Gid., Compt. Sc. 498; Ld. Sess. 519 — hon. Hy., gen. (D) 877; K.C.B. 778 —sºon. Hy. Amth., adm. (G) 3 — Herb. H., C. Cus. 277 — Jack Hy., adm. (H) 851 — Jas., aft. 1st là. Glenlyon, Q.'v. — Jas., U.S.F. 230 — Jas. and sir J., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 520 *— hon. Ja.s., G. Can. 691; gen. (C) 872 *— hon. Ja.s., G. I. Man, 666 :: hon. Ja.s., gem. (A) 858 * 2 same person. — Jas. Arth., adm. (H) 845 — Jas. Patr., gen. (C) 875 — Jas. Wolfe, J. Adm. Sc. 524; Ld. Sess. 520 — Jno., Amb. Tºy. 129; Amb. Vce. 116 — Jno., dm. Killoe. 637 — Jno., gen. (A) 861 — Jno., gen. (B) 868 — Jno., gen. (C) 874 — Jno. (Drumcairn), Tid. Sess. 519 — Jno. (Bowhill), Lud. Sess. 520 — sir Jno., gen. (A) 861 ; G.C.H. 786 — lil. Jno., gen, (A) S58 — Jno. Archd. and Sir J., Tud. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 520 — Jno. Irv., gen. (ID) 924 Jno. Walton, dm. Cnr. 605 “k sir Patr., Bar. Ex. Sc. 524 *— Sir Patr., Sec. B, C, 254 * 2 same pers. — Patr., aft. E. of Tullibar- dine, q.v., K.B. (1603) 761 — Rd., dm. Ard. 609 — Rd., Wan. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 Rt., adm. (A) 817 — Rt., gem. (D) 930 — sil: Rt., Comm, Tr. Sc. 497; L. J. Clk, 516; Lid. Sess, 519 — Th., gem, (A) 860 Murray—cont. — Th., gem. (D) 880 — hon. Th., gem. (B) 865 — sir Th., Ld. Sess. 519 — Th. Andr. L., gen. (D) 927 — Wnn., bp. Kilf. 635; bp. Tilff. 449 — Wrm., gen. (IB) 867 — Wm., gen, (D) 911 — sir Wm., Compt. Sc. 498 — Hon. Wm., aft. 1st là. and E. of Mansfield, q.v., A.G. 399; C.J.K.B. 370; S.G. 401; S.L. 412 Murray, lds. — Jno., ld., aft. E. of Tul- libardine (?), Sec. St. Sc. (1696), 502 Murray-Macgregor, Sę6 Macgregor Murrieux, sir Thos. Const. T. 320 Murtough (2), K. Ir. 21-2 II. MacNeil MacLachlin, K. Mus, P. D. (4), C. Ro. 40-1 Musa-Chelebi, S. Try. 97 IMusard, Ralph, J. It. 367 Mºcat, Sultan of, G.C.S.I. Muschampe, Chr., B. Ex. 384 — Geoffr. de, byp. Lich. and COW. 443 Musgrave, Anthy., and Sir A., G. Br. Cbia., 698; G. Jam. 713; G. Nat. 680; G. Newfa. 700; G. Nev. 730; G. Qland. 706 ; G. S. Austr. 706; G. St. Vin. 725; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 Ch., Clk. O. 260 Sir Ch., L.G.O. 259 * Prob. same pers. — sir Chr., C.Y.G. 298 — Sir Chr., L.P.S. 240 — Sir Chr., M.G.O. 258 — Sir Chr., Tell. Ex. 167 — sir Ph., G. I. Man, 666 — Rd., TX.B. 761 31 sir Rd. C., L.L. Wmland. 3 — Th., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Her, 442; dim. Brl. 440; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 215 — Th., dm. Carl. 476 — sir Th., gen. (A) 859 — sir Wrm., C. Cus. 276 Musgrove, Jno. and sir J., i.Mi.Tond. 492 Muskerry, Jno. Th., 2nd id., gen. (C) 874 Mºkham, IRt. de, M. Chy., 3 Mustapha, B. Tum. 101 — I. to IV,. S. Try. 97-8 →ºehmy Pasha, K.C.M.G. Mºtoxide, Andrea, K.C.M.G. Milter, St. John O'N., gen. (D) Mutford, Jno. de, A.G. 398; J.C.P. 377; J. It. 369 Mutge, Wm., gen, (C) 874 Mºtton, sir Peter, M. Chy. 395 Mºra, L. D. Seth of, C.I.E. 8 Muzaffar Kham, &c., C.I.E. 808 Sk × Muzzan, Franc. and sir F., G.C.M.G., 794; K.C.M.G. 796 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1094 INDEX OF NAMES. My—, see wilso Mi- Myburgh, Ph. Alb., Q.C. 419 Myddelton and Myddleton, See Middleton Myers, sir Wm., gem. (B) 866 Mylne, see also Milne — Louis Geo., b.p. Bbay. 661 — Wm. Ch. Rt., gem. (D) 930 Mylner, see also Milner — Th. Cal. P. A. 342; Tamc. H. 332; R. Dr. P.A. 337 Mynne, Jno., Yk. H. 334 Myrton, see Merton Mysore, Mahar, of (2), G.C.S.I. 801 — Maharamee of, Cr, Ind. 809 N. Naas, lds. —Jmo., ld., form. Jno. Bourke, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Mayo, q.v. — Rd. Southwell, ld, aft. 6th E. of Mayo, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir., 563; P.C. 215 - Nabha, Dewan Bishen,Sing of, C.I.E., 806 — Raj, of, G.C.S.I. 801 Nadir, Sh. Pers. 99 Nadown, Raj. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Nagle, Sir Edm., adm. (A) 817; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 773 — Sir Rd., A.G. Ir. 588 Nahun, IRaj. of, K.C.S.I. 803 Nain Sing, C.I.E. 806 Nairn and Nairne — Alex., Compt. Sc. 498 Alex., Ly. IS.A. 513 Sir Dav., C. Cus. 274 Sir Dav., Sec. Thist. 749 * Poss. Same perS. — Sir Rt., Ld. Sess, 519 Wm. and sir W., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 Naish, see also Nash — Jno., A.G. Ir. 589; L.J. App. Ir. 586; Ld. Chanc Ir. 577; S.G. Ir. 590 Namis, abp. St. Day. 463 Namur, Rt. de, K.G. 733 Nanfam, Jno., G. Ch. Isl. 667 Nangle, Rd., bp. Clonf. 636 Nanose, Pres. Nic. 106 Nanquette, Pierre Franc. H., C.I.E. 806 b p. Naomh Gilda na (2), Glend. 615 Napier, Sir Alex, Ld. Sess, 51 *i; Arch., Ld. SeSS. 517, 519 Ch. and sir C., adm. (D) 827; K.C.B. 777 — Ch. Ja.s. and Sir C., C.C. Ind. 651; G.C.B. 769; G. Virg. Isl. 731; gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 776 × :k Napier—comt. Tag Ed, Hung del El... gem. (D 3 — Fras., see. lá. N. infra. —ion. Geo. Campb. C.I.E. 8 — Geo. Th. and sir G., G. C.G.H. 679; gen. (A) 863; IX.C.B. 776 — Geo. Th. Conolly, gem. (D) 896 — Ger. Jno., adm. (IH)850 — Johnstone, gen. (D) 881 Josh. and Sir J., A.G. Ir. 58S ; C.G.S. Ir. 577; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; Lól. Chanc. Ir. 577; P.C. 218 — Mark, gen. (B) 869 — Hon. Mark, gem. (C) 872 — Rt., gem. (E) 864 — Rt., gem. (B) 865 — Rt. C., see lil. N., infra, — Th. E. and Sir T., gem. (ID) 882; K.C.B. 778 — Wnn., gem. (C) 872 — Wm., G. Labn. 675 — Wnn. C. E., gem. (D) 900 — Wnn. Fras. Patr. and Sir W., G. Gsey. 669; gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 777 Napier, lds. — Fras., 7th lä., L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.L., Selk, 512 —Fras. 9th lä., aft. li. N. and Ettrick, Amb. Nds. &c. 123; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. U.S.A. 132; G. Mdra.s. 657; K.T. 749; P.C. 217 — Anne Jane Ch., bss., aft. N. and E., Cr. Ind. 809 Napier of Magdala, lds. — Robt. Corn. and Sir R., aft. ld. N. of M., C.C. Bbay. 660; C.C. Ind. 651; Const. T.L. 321 ; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770; G.C.S.I. 801; G. Gibr. 670 ; gen. (D) 896; K.C.B. 778 —ºry Cecilia, Bss., Cr. Ind. 8 Napoleon. See also Bona- partie — I., Csl. Fr. 24; Emp. Fr. 24 — II. and III., Emp. Fr. 25 — III. (Emp. Fr.), K.G. 744 — (Pr. Imp.), Pr. Fr. 26 IN apper, sir Rt., C. B. Ex, Ir. 583 — Rt. Alexr., gen. (ID) 919 Narbon and Narboone — Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Rbk. P.A. 344; Richm. H. 333 — Nichs, Bl. M. P.A. 336; Richm. H. 333; Ulst. K.A. 572 Narborough, sir Jno., adm. | (A) 813 Narendra Krishna, &c., R.C.I.E. 805 Nares, Geo. and sir G., J.C.P., 379. Si. 413 — Geo. Str. and sir G. adm. (HI) 853; K.C.B. 783 Narses, K. It. 49 INſash, See also Naish Jno. Hunter del, J.K.B. Ir, 578 Jos., gem. (D) 890 — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 492 Iſasical, L. C. S., C. Ro.43 — P. C. S. (2), C. Ro. 44-5 Nasrmith, Dav., Q.C. 420 Mason, Jno., gen. (D) 924 Nasr-ul-Din, Sh. Pers. 99; R.G. 745 Nathalocus, K. Sc. 18 Nathan, bp. St. Dav. 464 Nº. St. (or Nathy Cruim- thir), bp. Ach. 612 nºtion, Jno. Louis, gen. (D) Naunagar, Vibhajee of, R.C.S.I. 803 Naunton, sir IR., S. St. 223 Nawazish Ali Kahn, C.I.E. 807; K.C.I.E. 805 Nayler, Geo. and sir G., Bl. C.H. 339; Bl. M. P.A. 337; Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328; Geneal. Bath. 784 ; Guelph K.A. 793; K.H. 789; M.G.K.A. 799; Yk. H. 334 Naylor, Ch., dm. Winch. 471 — Rt., dn. Lim. 639; dim. Lism. 629 Naz, Virg., K.C.M.G. 797 Nead, Saml., gen. (B) 868 Neal and Neale, See also Neele and Neile. — Ed. St. Jno., Amb. Ecr. 942 — Rd., see Neile — Th., M.M. 247 Nearne, Jno., dm. Llin. 623 Neave, Wm., S.L. Ir. 591 Neaves, Ch., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527 Nectanus, bp. Mortl.-530 Nedham, Ch., gen. (D) 930 — Wm. Rt., gen. (D) 900 Need, Ch., gen. (D).913 — Hy., adm. (IHI) 850 Needham, hon. Fras., aft. visc. and E. Kilmorey, gem. (A) 860 — Jno., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; K.B. 757; S.L. 407 — Wrm., gem. (C) 874 Neele, Rd. and sir R., J.C.P., 378; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Negreti, Dt. Mex. 103 Negus, Fras., M.H., 302 INehemiah, bp. Cmr. 603; bp. Rild. 616 — dm. Killoe. 637 Neild, Hy. Jno. Th., gen. (D) 915 - Neile, see also Neal and Neyle — Jno., dn. Rip. 482 — (or Neale, or Neyle) Rd., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Dham. 479; bp. Tich. and Cov. 444; bp. Linc. 447; bp. Roch, 460; bp. Winch. 471; dr. Westr. 469 — Sir Harry Burr., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.B. 774; L. Admy. 180-1 Nelson, Alex. Aberc., G. Gsey. 669 ; gem. (ID) 921 — Geo., L.M. Lond. 492 — Hor., see lä. N. infra, — Hugh, G. Br. Cbia. 698 - Hon. Maur. Hor., adm. (HI) — Rd. Jno., gen. (D) 899 — Rd. Th., gen. (A) 862 Nelson, lds. and visc. — Sir Hor., aft. lī, and visc. Nelson and D.of Bronte, adm. (A) 816; K.B. 766 nºthorpe, Wm., C. Cus. Sc. sºnard, Wm., gen. (D) Nemours, Jul. de Medicis, D. of, K.G. 737 Nepean, Evan adm. (EI) 848 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1095 Nepean—cont. — Evan and Sir E., C. Treas. Ir, 561; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; G. Bbay. 659; L. Admy. 180-81; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 207; Sec. Adm. 186; U.S. Home, 228; TJ.S.W. 231 — Nichs., gen. (B) 867 — Th., gen, (C) 873 — W., gen. (D) 893 Nepos, J., Emp. W.E. 49 — Q. C. M., C. Ro. 45 Nºesford, Sir Rt. de, W.C.P. 7 Nergu, bp. St. Daw. 464 Nero, C. C., C. Ro. 43 47 T. C., C. Ro. 43; Emp. Ro. 7 Nerva, Emp. Ro. 47 — M. C., C. Ro. 46 Nesbit and Nesbitt, Nisbet Nesham, Chr. Jno. W., adm. (D) 823; (G) 840 Nessari (St.), bp. Cork 630 Nessefield, Wm. de, A.G. 398 Nethercoat, Wm., dm. Kil- macd. 638 Nettervill, Luke, abp. Arm. 595; J.K.B. Ir. 578 INeubourg, Aug. Guelph, R.A. 793 Neve, Pet. Lé, Norr. K.A. 329; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Richm. H. 333 — Ph., S.L. 411 — Wnn. Le and Sir W., Clar. R.A. 328; Mowb. H. 340; Norr. R.A. 329; Yk. H. 334 Nevell, see Nevill Nevil, Nevill, Neville, and Nevyll — Alan de (No. 1), Jy. 363 — Alan de (No. 2), J. It. 365 — Alexr., abp. 485 — Ch., gen. (B) 868 — Chr., K.B. 763 — Clem., gen. (IB) 864 — Sir Ed., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 — hon Ed., adm. (A) 813 — Geoffr. de, J. It. 368 — Geo., abp. Yk. 486; bp. EXr. 436; Ld. Chanc. 355 *. — Geo., see Wm., infra, — Hugh de, K.B. 754 — Jno. de, K.B. 754 — Jno., K.B. 755 — Jno., K.B. 756 — Joll. de. J.C.P. 376; J. It. 368; Jy. 364 — Laur., bp. Ferms, 621 — Phil. de, K.B. 754 — Ralph de, abp. Cantº. 430; bp. Chich. 432; dm. Lich. 445; J. It. 367; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574; L.K. and Ld. Chanc. 353 — Ralph de, Const. 320 — Ralph, L.T. 161 — Ralph, Q.C. 420 . — Ralph, see lá. N. infra — Rd., C. Acc. Ir. 567 — Rd., C.I.E. 808 — Rd.,aft. E. of Warwick and Salisbury, q.v., K.G. 736 (d. 1471) — Rt., b.p. Dham. 478 ; b.p. Sal. 467 — Rt. de (No. 1), Jy. 364 — Rt. (No. 2), J. It. 368 — Saml. Tarr., bp. Duned. 710 S66 T.L. Nevil, Nevill, Neville, Nevyll—cont. — (or Nevell), Th., dn. Cant. 431; dm. Pboro. 458 Toº" Nevylle), Th., dn. Ferns, 6 — Th., K.B. 756 — Th., R.B. 760 — Th., K.B. 762 — Sir Th., Sp. H.C. 249 — Wnn., adm. (IHI) 848 — Wm. or Geo., K.B. 758 — Wrm., aft. la. Fauconberg, q.v., IK.B. 756 — Sir Wm. de, L.H.A. 172 Neville of Baby, lds. — Jno., 3rd ló. K.G. 733; L.H.A. 172 — Ralph, ld., aft. 3rd E. of Westmorland, q.v. Nevoy, Sir Dav., ld. Sess. 519 Newall, Dav. Jno. F., gen. (D) 920 Newark (or Newerke), Hy. de, abp. Yk. 485; dn. Yk. 486 Newbald, see also Nymbol- they. — (or Newbold), Geoff. de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368 Newbery, Fras., gen. (B) 869 Newblanch, Ph. Chab., E of, R.G. 737 Newboiá, See Newbald Reybolt, Ed. Dorr., gen. (D) 93 — Sir Jmo. H., C.J. Mdras. 58 and 6 Newborough and New- burgh — Rog., K.B. 759 Newborough, lds. Wymm Family. — Th., 1st là. ; form. Th. Wynne, q.v. Newburgh, lds. IBarret Family. — Ed., ld. Barret of, C.D.L. 242; Ch. Ex. 154 Newcastle, E., M., and D. of Gävenäish IFamily. (See also Cavendish.) — Wrm., 1st E., M., and D. of, form. W. Mansfield, visc. Mansfield, q.v., R.G. 740; P.C. 189 — Hy., 2nd D. of, form. E. of Ogle, q.v.; K.G. 740; P.C. 192 PIolles Family. — Jno., D. of, form. E. of Clare, q.v., P.C. 195; K.G.741; L.P.S. 240 Holles, Pelham, and Clinton I'amilies. — Thos., 1st D. of, form T. Pelham, ld. P. and E.of Clare, q.v. (d. 1768), K.G. 741; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Md.K. 310; L.L. Notts. 311 ; L.P.S. 241; L.T. 157; P.C. 197; Prem. 142; S. St. 224 — Hy., 2nd D. of, from E. of Lincoln, q.v., L.L., Notts, 311 ; P.C. 202 — Th., 3rd D. of, form. E. of #coln, q.v.; L.L. Notts, 3 — Hy., 4th D. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Notts, 311 — Hy., 5th D. of, form. 2nd E. of Lincoln, q.v., C. Sec. 235; K.G. 744; L.L. Notts, 311; L.W.S. 323; W. Sec. 232; W. and C. Sec. 231 Nºwoombe, Benj., dn. Roch. — Danl., dm. Glr. 440 — Jno., dn. Boch. 461 — Rd., b.p. Llff. 449; bp. St. As. 462 — Wm., abp. Arm. 596; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Oss. 620; bp. Wíord, and L. 627 Newdigate, C. N., P.C. 220 — Ed. Newd., G. Brmda. 701; gen. (ID) 917 — Hy. Rd. Legge, gen. (D) 931 — Jno., S.L., 408 — Rd. and Sir R., C.J.K.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409, 410 Newell, Jul. Jas. Farm., adm. (G) 842 Newerk, see Newark nexhaven, Ch. Visc., C.Cus. 7 Newland, Hy., dm. Ferns, 623 Newman, Hor. Towns., dn. Cork, 632 — Th., M. Chy. 394 — Walter, gem. (D) 932 Newmarch, Oliv., gen. (ID) 934 Rºymarket, Ad. de, J. It. 367 Rºxaham, Geo. Lew., K.C. — Nath., L.M. Lond. 492 — Th. de, M. Chy. 393 — Wm. de, M. Chy. 393 Newport, Amd., C. Cus. 273 — Jno., S. L. 408 — sir Jno., C.G.Ex. 169; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; .C. 208 — Pat. de, dn. St. P. 452 — Rd. de, bp. Lond. 451; dim. St. P. 453 — Hon. Th., aft. li. Torring- tion, q.v., C. Cus. 274; L.T. 156 — Wm., K.B. 756 Newport, E. of IBlowmt Family. — Montj., 1st E. of, form. li. Montjoy, q.v., M.G.O. 258 Newport Family. — Fras., 2nd ló., aft. 1st visc. N. and E. of Bradford, q.v., Compt. 292; P.C. 190; P.C. 193; Tr. H. 291 — O. G. C., visc., aft. 3rd E. of Bradford, q.v., P.C. 215; W.C.H. 297 Jocelyn Family. — Rt., 1st là., form. Rt. Jocelyn, q.v., aft. 1st visc. J., q.v., L.J. Ir. 557 Newry, Jno., dn. Chich. 434 Newton, Ad., dm. Dham. 479 — Ch., Regr. Bath, 784 — Ch. Th., K.C.B. 784 — Ed., G. Jam, 713; G. Mtius. 684; K.C.M.G., 798 — Fras., dn. Winch. 471 — Hy, and sir H., Adm. Adv. 423; Ch. Lond. 422; J.Adm.Ct. 423; M. Chy. 396 — Horace Park, gen. (D) 922 — Isaac and sir I., M.M. 247; Pres. R. Soc. 940 — Jno., gen. (C) 871 — Michl. and sir M., K.B. 764 — Rd., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 —iºn, bp. Brl. 439; dr. St. P. — Th., gem. (ID) 879 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1096 w INDEX OF NAMES. Newton—comt. — Wrm. Hy., IK.H. 791 — Wm. Saml. and sir W., gen. (D) 897 Newtown, Brimsley, ld., aft. 2nd E. of Lanesboro', C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Ney, Off. Nap. 26 Neylan or Neyland, Danl., bp. Kild. 617; dm. Elph. 609; dm. OSS. 623 Neyle, see also Neile Tº Gjib. Nev. G.§ 284 Niall, K. Ir. 21 — -Caillie, K. Ir. 21 — -Frea.sach, IK. Ir. 21 — -Glundubh, K. Ir. 22 Nias, Jos. and sir J., adm. (D) 831; (E.) 838; K.C.B. 779 Niccolo, see Nicholas Nicephorus, I. to III., Emp. E.E. 50 Nichol, see Nicholl Nicholas, Nicolas, and Ni- colaus (3), bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 bp. Cness. 531 bp. Down, 603 — bp. Elph. 608 — bp. Emly. 625 bp. Isl. 539 bp. Kilmacd. 636 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514; Ld. Clk. Beg. 524; Sec. St. Sc. 501 — D. Line. 29 — I., E. Russ. 90; K.G. 743 — I., K. Dk. 93 — I., Pr. Mgo. 95 — (or Niccolo), I. to III., M. Fal. 53 — I, to V., P. Ro. 33-4-5 — Ambr., L.M. Lond. 490 — Ed., L.P.S. 240; Paynn. G. 244 — Sir Ed., L.T. 155; P.C. 189; S. St. 223 — Fras., D. Lime. 30 — Jno., R.B. 763 Jno. Toup, adm. (D) 829; R.H. 790 — Matth., dn. Brl. 440; dn. St. P. 453 — sir Nich. Harr., Chanc. M.G. 799; G.C.M.G. 794; E.C.M.G. º IX.H. 790; . 79 J.K.B. : : Nicholl, Nichol, Nicoll, and Nicol — G. Tob. 723 — Ch., gen. (B) 870 — Ch. Gunt, K.B. 764 — Fras., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Hy., gem. (D) 916 — Jno. and Sir J. (No. 1), IB.T. 268; D. Arch. 421; J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K. Adv. 422; P.C. 208; Vic. Gen. 422 — Jno. and Sir J. (No. 2), B.T. 268; J.A.G. 937; L.T. 160; P.C. 214 — Th., gem. (ID) 928 Nichols, Nicholls, Nicols and Nicolls — Aug. and Sir A., J.C.I’. 378; S.L. 409 I'07 Nichols, Nicholls, Nicols, and Nicolls—com.t. — Bened., bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. St. Dav. 464 -Hºd. gen. (D) 882; I.C.B. 77 — Geo., gen. (D) 890 — Geo., IK.C.B., 782; P.L.C. 262; Sec. P.L.B. 262 — Gust., gem. (A) 863 — Hy. and sir H., Adm (A) 818; Compt. N. 257; K.C.B. 775 º Jas. Iºdm. Tarr., gen. (D) 7 Jasp. and sir J., C.C. Ind. 651; C.C. Mdras. 657; gen. (B) 869; K.C. .C.B. 775 — Oliv. C.C. Bbay. 660; gen. (A) 860 — Wnn., C.C.J. 404 — Wm., dm. Chest. 477 Nicholson and Nicolson — Arth., K.C.I.E. 805 — sir FR. Wrm. Ersk., adm. (D) 833; (E) 834; (E) 838 — Sir Geo., Ld. Sess. 519 — Hy. Fk., adm. (E) 837 — Ja.s., bp. Dkld. 533 — Loth., G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D) 917; K.C.IS. 782 — Sir Th. Ld. Adv. 526 — Th. Wrm., IK.H. 791 Wm., abp. Cash. amd Eml. ; abp. Carl. 476; bp. Dry. — Wm., b.p. Glr. 438 — sir Wm., gen (C) 874 Nicholyn, Lotto, M.M. 240 Nickle, Rt. and sir R., gen. (D) 883; K.H. 790 Nicol, see Nicholl Nicolas, see Nicholas Nicolaus, see Nicholas Nicolay, Wm. and Sir W., G. Dnca. 730; G. Mtius. 683; G. St. Xtr. &c. 727; gen. (B) 869; K.C.H. 788 - Nicoll, see Nicholl Nicolls, see Nichols Nicols, see Nichols Nicolson, see Nicholson TNiddry, Jno., 1st lit., form. hon. J. Hope, q.v., G.C.B. 767 G. H., V. Chanc. Guelph, 792 Niel, Genl., IN.C.B. 778 Nigel or Nigellus, bp. Ely, 434; dim. Linc. 447; Jy. 363; L.H.T. 152 Niger, M. V. M., C. Ro. 46 P., Emp. Ro. 47 ' — Rog., bp. Tuond. 451 nightingale or Nightin- al, — Miles and sir M., C.C. IBbay, 660; gem. (B) 867; R.C.B. 773 Nikke or Nikks, Rd., see Nix Nilson, Laur., C.C. Bbay. 659 Ninian (St.) (2), bp. Gall, 538 Nºt, Nesbit, and Nes- — Alexr., gem. (B) 869 — Colebr., gem. (C) 872 — Jno., gem. (ID) 918 — sir Jmo., Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 519 — Jos., gem. (I)) 880 Patr., Ld. Sess. 519 — Rt. Parry, C.I.E. 807 Nison, Fras. and sir F., Dep. Sec, at W. 234 Nigen, IXnox Rowan gen, (ID) Nix (or Nikks) Rd., bp. Norw. 455; L.K. 355; Regr. Gart, 746 Nixºn, Fras, Russ., bp. Tasm. 7 — J. Lyons, G. Nev. 729; G. St. Xtr. 729; G. Virg. Isl. 731 Nizamuddin, &c., C.I.E. 808 Nobilior, M. F., C, lêo. 43-4 — Q. T., C. Ro. 44 — S, F, P., C. Ro. 42 INobis, bp. Llff. 448 Nchle, Jas., adm. (D) 823 — Jno., dm. Exr. 437 — Wnn. Hall, gem. (ID) 930 Noboa, D., Pres, Ecr. 108 Noctua, Q. C., C. Ro. 41 Ngº, hon. Bennet, gen. (IB) {} — hom. Gerard J., C.W.P.B. 272; L.T., 161; P.C. 219 — Rown., dm. Sal. 468 — hom. Wrm., C.J. Chest., 386; J.C.P. 379; R.C. 415; S.L. 412 Noell, see also Nowell Nomenoe, D. Bry. 27 Nonis, abp. St. Dav. 468 Nood, Piet. Gysb., G. C.G.H. 378 6 Norcliffe, Norc., gem. (ID) 890; K.E.I. 791 Norcott, sir Amos Gods. Rt., gen. (C) 875; K.C.H. 788 Edm., G. Gamb. 686 — Wm. Sh. R., G. Jsey. 668; gen. (D) 903; K.C.B. 780 Norfolk, E. and D. of Refer also to Arundlel, Howard, Maltravers and Mowbray JBigod I'amvily. (See also Bigod) — Rog. Big., 2nd E. of, Jy. 363 — Rog., 4th E. of, J. It. 367; L.M. 325 — Rog., 5th E. of, L.M. 325 JPlantagenet l'amily. — Th. (De Brotherton), 1st E. of, L.M. 325 — Margt., Cts.s., aft. DSS. of, L.M. 325 1Mowbray Family' Th., D. of, form. E. of Nottºm., q.v. (d. 1399) Jno., D. of, form. Jno. Mowbray, and E. of Nottm., q.v. (d. 1432) — Jno., D. of, form. E. Of IPlantagemet Family. — Rd., D. of, also D. of York, q.v. (d. 1483) Howard Family. — Jno., 1st D. of, form. li. Howard, q.v., L.H.A. 174 — Th., 2nd D. of, form, ld. Howard and E. of Surrey, q.v., L.H.A. 174 — Th., 3rd D. of, E.M. 326; L.K. 355 — Th., 4th D. of, E.M. 326; K.G. 738 • List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1097 Norfolk, E. and D. of cont. — Th., 1st E. of, form. E. of Arundel, q.v. (d. 1646) — Hy, 7th D. of, form. E. of Arundel, q.v., E.M. 326; K.G. 740; P.C. 193 — Th., 8th D. of, E.M. 326 — Ed., 9th D, of, E.M. 326 — Ch., 10th D. of, E.M. 326 — Ch., 11th D. of, form. E. of Surrey, q.v., E.M. 326; L.L. Suss. 312 — Bern. Ed., 12th D. of, E.M. 326; K.G. 743; P.C. 211 — Hy. Ch., 13th D. of, form. E. of Surrey, and lù. Mal- travers, q.v., E.M. 326; K.G. 744; L.S.H. 290; M.H. 302 Tºy. Gr., 14th D. of, E.M. — Hy., 15th D. of, E.M. 326; K.G., 745 Norgate, Ed., Bl, M.P.A. 336; Winds. H. 331 wºman, Fras. Booth, K.C.B. — Hy. Radf., gen. (D) 909 — Hy, Wyl. and Sir H., G.C.B. 771; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Jam. 713; G. Qland. 706; gen, (D) 908; K.C.B. 780; M.C.I. 647 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 488 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 — Lion., C. Cus. Sc. 503 Normanby, visc. M. and D. Of Sheffield Family. — Jno., 1st M. of, for, in. 3rd E. of Mulgrave, q.v., aft. 1st D. of N., and D. of Bucks, q.v., L.P.S. 240; P.C. 194-5 IPhipps Family. — Hy., 1st visc., form. 1d, and aft. E. of Mulgrave, q.v. Const. Hy., 2nd visc., aft. 1st M. of, form. E. of Mul- grave, &c., q.v., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Tusc. 115; G.C.B. 772; H. Sec. 227; IK.G. 744; W. and C. Sec. 231 — Geo. Augs. Const., 2nd M. of, form. E. of Mulgrave, q.v., C,G.A. 300; G.C.B. 778; G.C.M.G. 795; G. N.Z. 709; G. Qland. 706; G. Vict. 705; E.C.M.G. 797 Normandy, Hy., D. of, Ch. Jr. (1153) 362 Normannus, see Normanus Rºmanton, Wm., M. Chy. 39 Normanton, E. Of Ch., 1st E. of, form. Chas. * Agar, and lå. and visc. Somerton, q.v. Normannus and Nor- manus, see also Cantilupe — (or De Cantilupe), Simon, L.K., 353 — Ulf., bp. Dorch. and Sidr. 46 4 wºmanville, Th. de, J. It. 6 Norreis, see Norreys Norreys, see also Norris — (or Norreis), Pet, dn. St. Pat. 618 — Rt., Ch. Ex. Ir. 561 Norrie, Rt., b.p. Glasg. 543 Norris, see also Norreys — Hy., adm. (A) 814 — sir Jno., adm. (A 813; L. Admy, 177; P.C. 198 Norris—comt. — Jno. Fr., Q.C. 419 — sir Th., L.J. Ir. 554 — Wm., K.B. 761 — Wrm., Mast. and Pres, Coll. Surg. 939 Norris, lds. — Fras., 2nd lå., aft. 1st E. of Berkshire, q.v., K.B. (1605) 761 North, Br., bp. Lich. and Cov. 44; bp. inch. 471; bp. Worc. 473; dr. Cantº. 43) — Ch. Fk., gen. (ID) 899 — Dudley, see löl. N., infra — Sir Dudl., L.T. 155 — Ford and sir F., J.Q.B.D. # Just. Ch. D. 391; Q.C. — Fras. and sir F., aft, 1st ld. Guildford, q.v., A.G. 399; C.J.C.P. 375; K.C. 414; L.K. ; P.C. 192; S.G. 401; S.L. 1 — hon. FR., aft. 7th E. of Guildford, q.v., G. Ceyl. 672 — hon. Fk., 8ee lá. N., infra, — hon. G., U.S.Home, 227 — Jno., K.B. 762 Jno. Hy., J. Admy. Ct. Ir. 587 Jno. Sidney, P.C. 221 — Rog., K.C. 414-5 — Rog., see 1d, N., infra. North, lds. — Rog., 2nd ló., K.B. 761; Tr. FI. 291 — Dudl., aft. 3rd lå, N., K.B. 762 ; L. Admy. 175 — Wrm., 6th lä., gem. (B) 864; D.C. 196 — hon. Fk., c.c. 1d. North, aft. 4th E. of Guildford, q.v., Ch.Ex. 165; Chambn. Ex. 166; H. Sec. 226; K.G. 742; L.L. Soms. 311; L.T. 157-8; Paym. G. 245; P.C. 202; Prem. 143; W.C.P. 319 Northalis, Rd., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; bp. Oss. 620; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Nºhail, Rt. de, bp. Worc. 47 Northampton, Adam de, bp. Ferns, 621 — Hyde, J. It. 366. — Jno. de, L.M. Lond. 489 — Rd. de, bp. Ferns, 621 Northampton, E. and M. of. De Bohun Family. Wm., 1st E of, form. Sir W. de Bohun, q.v., K.G. 733; L.H.A. 172 Parr Family. — Wm., M. of, form. Id. Parr of IXendal, and E. of Essex, q.v.; C.G.P. 299 Howard Family. — Hy., E. of, E.M. 326; K.G. 739; L.P.S. 240; L.T. 154; W.C.P. 319 Comptom Family. — Wm., 1st E of, form. li. Compton, q.v., K.G. 739 29 Spencer, 2nd E. of, M.G.W. 6 — Jas., 3rd E. of, Const. T.L. 321; P.C. 191 — Geo., 4th E. of, Const. T.L. 321; P.C. 195 — Geo., 4th or 6th E. of, form. hom. G. Compton, q.v. High, 7th E. of, amb. Woe, 11 \ Northampton, E. and M. of cont. — Sp., 8th E. of, L.L. Nton. 10 3 — Ch., 9th E. aft. 1st M. of, L.L. Nton. 310 — Spenc. Jos. Alw., 2nd M. of, Pres. R. Soc., 940 — Wm., 4th M. of, form. Id. Wm. Compton, q.v., K.G. 745 Northatus, K. Sc. 17 Northbertus, bp. Elm. 454 Northbrook, Ids, and E. of — Fras. T., 1st là., form. Sir F.T. Baring, q.v. — Th. Geo., 2nd lå. aft. 1st E. of, form. hon. T. G. Baring, 185-6; P.C. 218; 187; U.S. War. 232 Northbrugh or North- burgh, Rog. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; L.H.T. 153 Northburg, Michl. de, bp. Lond, 451 Northbury, sir Jno., L.H.T. 158 Wm. de, J. It. 368 Northcote, hon. Hy. Staff., aft. Sir H., S.G.O. 260 ; U.S. War. 233 — Sir Staff. Hy., aft. 1st E. of Iddesleigh, q.v., Ch. Ex. 166; G.C.B. 773; L.T. 162; P.C. 217; Pres. B.T. 269; Sec. Ind. 236 — Walt. Staff., aft. visc. St. Cyres, and 2nd E. of Iddes- leigh, q.v., C.I.R. 286 — Cec. Fras., lady, aft. Css. of Iddesleigh, Cr. Ind. 810 Northcott, Chas...,dn.Kilmacd. 638 Northcote; E. of — Dav., 4th E. Of, L.H.T. Sc. 498 — Geo., 6th E. of, adm. (A 814 — Wm., 7th E. of, adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 761; K.B. 766 Northey, sir Ed., A.G. 399 — Wm. B.T. 266 Northington, E. of — Rt., 1st E. of, form, sir Rt. and ló. Henley, q.v., L.L. Hants, 311 ; L.H.S. 287; L.P.C. 188 — Rd., 2nd E. of, form. hon. R. Henley, q.v., K.T. 748; L.L. Tr. 557; P.C. 204 Northland, Geo., adm. 853 nºrthumberiana, E. and D. O — Walch. de Lovaine, E. Of, bp. Dham. (1072) 478 — Hy., E. Of (d. 1152), Lél. Chanc. Sc. 514 — Hugh Pudsey or Pusar, E. of (d. 1195), (see Pudsey) Percy Family. — Hy., 1st E. of, form. Hy. Percy, q.v. (d. 1408); K. Man, 665; L.H.A. 173 Nevill Family. — Jno., E. of, form, ld, aft. M. of Montague, q.v. Percy Family restored. —ºy. 4th E. of (d. 1489), K.G., — Hy, 5th E. of, K.B. (1489), 758; K.G., 737 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 70 1098 INDEX OF NAMES. Northumberland, E. and D. of —cont. º Tºg Hy., 6th E. of, K.G. (1537), 737 Dudley Family. — Jno., D. of, form. Visc. Lisle and E. of Warwick, q.v. % 1553); E.M. 326; L.S.H. 9 Percy Family restored. — Th., 7th E. Of (d. 1572), K.G. 738 — Hy., 9th E. of (d. 1632), K.G. 739; C.G.P. 299 — Algm., 10th E. of (d. 1668), E.M. 326; K.G. 739 ; L.H.A. 175; L.H. Const, 289; L.L. Dham. 308; P.C. 190 Fitzroy Family. — Geo., D. of (d. 1716), Const. W. Cast. 322; gen. (B) 864; K.G. 740; L.L. Surr. 312; P.C. 196 Seymour Family. — Algn., . of, form. li. Algn. Percy and E. of Hert- ford, q.v. (d. 1750) Smithsom, and Percy Families. Note.—These Dukes commence with 1st according to Burke, and 2nd according to Nicolas. — Hugh, E., aft. 1st-2nd D. of (d. 1786), K.G. 742; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Mdx. 310 ; L.L. Nbland. 310; M.H. 302; P.C. 201 — Hugh, 2nd-3rd D. of (d. 1817); gen. (A) 858; K.G. 742; L.L. Nbland, 310 — Hugh, 3rd-4th D. of (d. 1847), amb. Fr. 113; K.G. 743; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Nbland. 310 ; P.C. 210 — Algm., 4th-5th D. of, form. ld. Prudhoe, q.v. (d. 1865); adm, (D) 829; (G) 840; K.G. 744; Ld. Admy. 183 ; P.C. 21 5 — Geo., 5th-6th D. of, form. ld. Lovaine, and 2nd E. of Beverley, q.v. — Algn. Geo., 6th-7th D. of, form. li. Lovaine, q.v., K.G. 745; L.L. Nbland, 310; I.P.S. 241; Pres. R. Inst. 940 Northwell, Wm. de, B. Ex. 83 3 Northwold, Hugh, bp. Ely, 434 — (or Northwood) Rog. de, B. Ex. 382; W.C.P. 317; Jy. 364 Northwood, see Northwold Norton, hom. Chapple, gen. (A) 859 — sir Dudley, Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; Sec. St. Ir. 562 — Fletcher and Sir F., aft. 1st ld. Grantley, q.v., A.G. 399; R.C. 415; P.C. 202; S.G. 402; Sp. H.C. 250 —- hon. Fl., Bar. EX. Sc. 524 — Geo., K.B. 760 — Greg. de, Rec Lond. 493 — Jeff, de, Rec. Lond. 493 A.G. 398 , K.B. 759 —- Rd., C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 407 — Th., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — Wm., Amb. SWZ. 113 Norton, lds. — Ch. B., 1st là, form.sir C. B. Adderley, q.v. Nºwich, Geoff. de, dm. Yk. 8 — Sir Jno. de, L.H.A. 171 — Ralph de, Jy. 364 — Rt. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 — (or Norwico) W. de, B. Ex. ; C.B. Ex. 381; L.H.T. 152, — Wm. de, (W. Bateman), bp. Norw. 455; din. Linc. 448 Norwich, E. of Goring Family. — Geo., 1st E of, form. li. §ring q.v., C.G.P. 299; P.C. — Chas., 2nd E. Of, B.T. 263; C, Y.G. 298 INorwico, see Norwich Nothelmus, abp. Cant. 430 INott, and Notte — Ed. Bamb., adm (IH)851 — Fett., S.L. 411 — Fras. Percy, gem. (ID) 911 — Hy., gen. (ID) 910 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 — Wm., G.C.B. 769; gen. (ID) 879 Nottage, Geo. L.M. Lond. 492 Notte, see Nott. Nottingham, Jno. de, Limc. 448 — Rt. de, B. Ex. 383 — Rt. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 - Wm. de, A.G. 398; C.B. Ex. 3 — Wnn., J. It. 368 INT ottiºlº E. Of owbray Family. — Th., E. of, aft. D. of Nor- folk, q.v., E.M. 326; K.G. 734; L.M. 325 Plantagemet Family. — Rd., E. of (1476), also D. of York, g. v. IBerkeley Family. — Wrm., E. of (d. 1492), E.M. 326 I'itzroy Family. — Hy., E. of, form. Hy. Fitz- roy, q.v., aft. D. of Richmond and Somerset, q.v. FIoward Family. — Chas., 1st E. of, form. li. How. of Eff., q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322; E.M. 326; L.H.A. 174; L.L. Suss. 312 ; L.S.H. 290 Finch Family. — Heneage, 1st E. of, form. sir H. and ló. Finch, q.v. — Daml., 2nd E. of, form. hon. D. and lå. Finch, g. v., aft. 7th E. of Winchilsea, q.v.; Ld. Admy, 176; L.L. Kent, § ; L.P.C. 188; P.C. 195; S. St. Notton, Wm. de, J.K.B. 371; S.L. 406 No vant, Hugh, bp. Lich, and Cov. 443 Novis, abp. St. Dav. 463 Novitianus, P. Ro. 32 Nowell, see also Noell — Alex., dm. St. P. 453 —— Hy., G. I. Man, 666 — Lawr., dm. Lich. 445 — Rd., G. I. Man, 666 — Wm... adm. (A) 819 Sw., dm. Noy, Wm., A.G. 399 Nuad, bp. Arm. 595 nuadha:Fioum fail, R. Ir, 20 Nuba. Pasha, G.C.M.G. 795 Nucells, ld, see Scales and N. Nudd, bp. Llff. 448 Nugent, Amdr., gen, (D) 927 — sir Ch. Edmél., adm. (A) 816; (B) 821; G.C.H. 787 — Ch. B. P. N. Hodges-, E.C.B. 781 — Ch. Lav., gen. (ID) 906 — Count, K.C.B. 775 — Edm., bp, Kilm. 607 — sir Edm., L.M. D'bln. 642 — Geo., see ld, N., infra, — Geo. and sir G., C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 767; G. Jam. 713; gen. (A) 860; K.B. 766 Jno., G. Antig. 728 Jno., gen. (C) 874 * Poss. same pers. — Nichs., B.Ex. Ir. 583; C.J. C.P. Ir. 580; S. G. Ir. 589 — Rd., L.D. Ir. 552 — Rt., see ld, N., infra, — St. Geo. M., gem. (D) 922 — Th., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 ; J.K.B. Ir, 579 — Th., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495 INugent, lds. and E. — Rt., aft. 1st là. and E. Nu- gent and Visc. Clare, q.v., L.T. 157; P.C. 200; Pres. B.T. 266; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Geo., aft. 2nd E. Temple and 1st M. of Buckm., q.v., L.L. Bucks. 306 — Geo., ld., son of 1st M. of Buckm., Com. Io. Isl. 129; G.C.M.G. 794; L.T. 160 Numa Pompilius, K. Ro. 36 Numerianus, Emp. Ro. 48 nºmiaicus, Č. C. M., C. Ro. Nunant, Hugh, bp. Lich. and Gov. 443 Nünez, R., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Nurse, Ch. Bulk, gem. (D) 926 Nºthau, Fred. Geo., gen. (D) Nutley, Rd., J.Q.B. Ir. 579 Nuttall, Enos, bp. Jam, 713 — Jno., dn. Chest. 477 — Jos., L.M. Dbln, 641 — Th., gen. (ID) 927 Newbald), 5 Nymbolt he (or Nyon, Mons. de, G. Mtius. 683 × * Sim., R. Cr. P.A. 33 0. O'— See also under the name with- Out this prefix, which is Sometimes omitted in the Original lists from which this book is compiled. Oak—, see Oke— IFor List of Abbreviations, 8e6 pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1099 Oakeley, see Oakley Oakes, Sir Hild., G.C.B. 768; G. Mita. 671; ;en. (# 337; L.G.O. 259 - — Rd., Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Pld. 126 — Th. Geo. Alexr., gen. (D) 908 Oakham, see Okeham Oakley and Oakeley — Sir Ch., G. Mdras. 656 — Jno., dn. Carl. 476; Manch. 481 Oates, Jas. Poole, K.H. 792 Oatlawe, see Outlaw Oatley, Ad., M. Chy. 376 O'Bainan, Patr., bp. Cmr. 603 — Gelasius, bp. Cllr. 596 Obaldia, J. de, Pres. Pan. 107 Obando, J. M. y, Pres.N.G. 107 O’Bardain, dm. Kilm. 609 olºra, Harry Sm., gen. (D) — Th., gem. (I)) 931 oreira, Malachy, bp. Kild. 1 O’Beirne, Th. Lewis, Meath, 599; bp. Oss. 621 O'Beoda, Donat, bp. Killa. 612 Obinus, abp. Lond. 450 Obizzo, II. and III., M. Fa. 53 Obligado, Pres. B. Ay. 110 O’Braion, bp. Clonm, 599 O’Braloin, Steph. W., Mayo, 611 O'Brian, O'Brien, O'Bryen — Barth., gen. (D).908 — Const., bp. ISilloe. 634 — Don., bp. Clonm. 600 *— Don., b.p. Killoe. 634 *— Don., bp. Tim. 638 * Poss. Same pers. — Don. Hinchy, adm. (G) 841 —- Ed., adm. (A) 817 — Ed. Ja.s., gen. (C) 875 — Jas., J.Q.B. Ir. 579 ; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 593 — lil. Ja.s., aft. 3rd M. Of Thomond, q.v., adm. (A) 820; G.C.H. 786 — Jas. Th., bp. OSS., F. and L. 622; dr. Cork, 632 — Jno. Ter. Nic. and Sir J., G. Ceyl. 673; G. Hlgld. 670; G. Newfil. 700; K.C.M.G. 798 — Jos., adm. (GF) 841 — Kenn., dm. Emly, 628 — Luc., adm. (A) 815 — Sir Luc., aft. 13th lä. In- chiquin, q.v., L.L. Clare, 569 — Mariam, abp. Cash. 624; bp. Cork, 630 — Maur., bp. Rilf. 635; dri. Kilf. 637; bp. Killoe, 634 — Michl. Wnn., S.L. 414 — Percy W., L.T. 157 — Pet., A.G. Ir. 589; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir, 5.93 — Rt., adm. (D) 824 — Terence (3), bp. Killoe, 634 — Terence, gen. (I)) 895 — Thad., dn. Cash. 627 im. and sir T., L.M. Dblin, 642 — Wm., J.C.P.D. Ir. 582; J.Q.B.D. Ir. 580 O’Brogan, Bened., bp. Ach. 612 — Dav., bp. Clr. 596 — Nehem., bp. Cllr. 596 — Steph., abp. Cash. 624 dn. bp. bp. and Por List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. O’Brogy, Greg., bp. Clonf. 635; dra. Clonf. 637. O’Brolcan, Flathbert, Dry. 600 O’Bryen, see O'Brien ăila, Chas., bp. Emly, 5 O'Cahan (or O'Cane), Corm., bp. Rph. 601 — (or O'Cane), Dennis, bp. Kilf. 635 O'Cairil, Corn., b.p. Trn. 611 O'Callaghan, Fras. Langf., C.I.E. 807 — Geo. Wm. Dougl., adm. (E) 835; (E) 838 . — Hon. Rt. Wm. and Sir R., C.C. Mdras. 657; G.C.B. 769; gen. (B) 868; K.C.B. 774 O'Caine, see O'Cahan O'Caran, Gilb., abp. Arm. 595; bp. Rph. 601 O'Carellan, see O'Cherballen oğırmacain, Gilc., dn. Elph. O'Carolan, see O'Cherballen ogºrrol, sir Danl., gem. (E) 6 — Jno., see MacCarrill — Th., abp. Cash. 625; abp. TnT. 611 O'Cashin, Jno., bp. Killa. 612 O'Cassy, see O'Cuffy ogatan, Sluagad, bp. Llin. 521 O'Cathald, Rild. 616 bp. Muredach, bp. - ogºthian, Brigd., bp. Ferns, 621 — Moelisa, bp. Ferns, 621 O'Cathsuigh, Cormac, Kild. 616 O'Cellaic, Dungall, bp. Llin. 1 62 ogºrvanan, Hugh, bp. Clr. 9 5 O'Cherballen (or O'Carellan) Florence (2), bp. Dry. 600 — (or O'Carolan), Don., dn. Dry. 602 — (or Carellan), German or Gervase, bp. Dry. 601 otherlony, Alex., Bl. L. P.A. 41 oºltree, Michl., b.p. Drmbl. 5: bp. Ochterlonie, Ochterlony, and Ouchterlonie — sir Dav., G.C.B. 767; K.C.B. 775 — Jno., b.p. Brm. 541 Ochus, K. Pers. 99 oglerchen, Cellach, bp. Cld. 599 O'Clery, Gelisa, bp. Ach. 612 O'Cloghena, Florence or Finin, bp. Ross. 631 O'Clowan or O'Cluan, Mala- chy, bp. Killa. 612 oglumain, Oengus, bp. Ach. 12 O’Cruil (or Comuil), Cat., bp. Tn. 611 ogºny, Amlave, bp. Dry. 6 * — (or O'Dubthaic), Maur., bp Dry. 600 O'Coinderi, see O'Connery O'Colman (or Kellach), Gelas., bp. Ferns; 621 O’Colweny, Michl., dm. Ardf. 640 O'Con—, see also O'Conn— t O'Conlactain, Moelisa, bp Elph. 608 O'Conacty, Florence, bp. Kilm. 607 ogºnaing, Donat, bp. Cash. O'Conarchy, Christ., bp. Lism. 626 — Don., b.p. Ardf. and Agh. 639 O'Concubhair, see O'Connor O'Conellan, Abrm., abp Arm. 595; dri. Arm. 597 O'Congalan, Th., bp. Ard., 607 ogºning, Derm., b.p. Killoe. 4 O'Conn—, see also O'Con— O'Connell, Connor (2), bp. Killoe. 612 — Dainl., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Hugh Heefke, gen. (D) 924 — Maur. Ch. and Sir M., G. N.S.W. 703; G. Qland. 705-6; gen. (B) 869; R.C.H. 788 — Pet. Pierce Ly., gen. (D) 920 O'Conner, see O'Connor O'Connery, (or O'Coinderi), Th., dn. Kilm. 609 O'Connor, O'Conor, O'Conner — Ardg., bp. Elph. 608 — Bern., bp. Ross, 631 — Domat, bp. Elph. 608 — (Or O'Concubhair), Donat, bp. Killa, 612 — Jno., L.M. D'blm. 642 — Luke, gen. (D) 932 Luke S. M., G. Gamb. 686; gen. (D) 901 Maur., b.p. Elph. 608 — Milo, bp. Elph. 608 N. R., Amb. Bga. 128 — Owen, bp. Killa. 612; dm. Ach. 614 O'Conolly, Patr., bp. Chr. 596 — Rd. and Sir R., adm. (IHI) 845; K.C.H. 789 — Th., abp. Arm. 595 — Th., abp. Thi. 611; Elph. 608; din. Ach. 614 O'Conor, see O'Connor O'Conuil, see O'Cnuil ogerboy, Flam., b.p. Ferns, l O'Corcroin, bp. Clr., 596 O'Cormacain, Is., bp. Killoe, 634; dr. Killoe. 637 — Th., bp. Killoe. 634 — Wm., abp. Trn. 611; B. Cfert, 635 O'Cormagan, Dav., dr. Kil- loe, 637 O'Corrin, Jas., b.p. Killoe. 634 O'Corry, Maur., dm. Arm. 597 O'Coscry, Bened., b.p., Kil- loe. 634; dr. Killoe. 637 Octa, bp. Gall. 538 — K.E. 1 octavianus, See also Augus- llS — Emp. Ro. 47 — C. J. C. (7), C. Ro. 46-7; Tr. Ro. 46 Octavius (son Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 — C., C. Ro., 44-5 — (Farmese), D. Pnna. 53 — L., C. Ro. 46 Octtan, G. I. Man, 665 O'Cuffy (or O'Cassy), Dav., b.p. Emly, 625 | and bp. | 70 * 1100 INDEX OF NAMES O'Culean, Den., dn. Arm. 597 O'Cunga, Ultan, bp. Cld. 598 O'Cunlis, Corn., bp. Clonf. 636; bp. Emly, 625 ogºrran, Corm., dm. Llin. O'Currin, Sim., bp. Kilf. 635 oºithil, Conaing, bp. Fºrmly, O'Daly, Lewis, bp. Clonm. 600 O'Dea, Corn., b.p. Killoe. 634; bp, Lim. 638 — Denn., bp. Oss. 620 Odell, Th., C. Exc. Ir, 566-7 — Th., E.S.P. 301 Wm., C. Treas. Ir. 561; L.T. 159 Odet-Pellion, see Pellion Odiham, see Odyham Odinsele (or Dodinsele), Wm. de, L.J. Ir. 550 O’Diocholla, Eudocius, bp. Kild. 616 Odlamh-E'odhla, K. Ir. 20 Odlum, S. S., G. Monts. 729 *Odo, bp. Kilmacd, 636 *— bp. Mayo, 612 *— bp. Ross, 631 : dm. Clr. 597 — (or Hugh) dn. Oss. 622 * Prob. Some same persons. Comp. dates. — (bp. Bayeux and E. Of Rent), Ch. Jr. 362 — H. Severus, bp. Witn. 466 Odoacer, Emp. W.E. 49 — K. It 49 opºsherite, Phel., dm. Rph. O'Doherty, Gilb., bp. Emly, 625; dri. Emly, 628 opºnchada, Ch., dm. Cloy. 63 opºneman, Andr., dn. Ermly, 6 O'Donnel and O'Donnell — Sir Ch. Routl., gem. (D) 884 — Rodk., bp. Dry. 601; Rph. 602 — Thirl., dr. Arm, 597 —ºth. Mac Cormac, bp. Rph. 6 O'Donovan, Rd., gen. (B) 868 oºrish, Moelisa, bp. Rph. O'Dove, M., see Dovey O'Dowd, Const., dn. Trn. 613 O'Dowda, Mamus Fitz Fult., bp. Killa, 612 — Wnn., bp. Killa. 612 O'Dreaim, Gill., dm. Elph., 609 O'Dubery, bp. Cloy, 630 O'Dubliai and O’Duffy — Catholicus, abp. Trn. 611 — Cele, bp. Mayo, 611 — Don., b.p. Clonm. 599; bp. Flph. 608; bp. Trn. 611 — Flanachan, bp. Elph. 608 — Maur. Or Mur., bp. Trn. 611 — Wrm., bp. Clonm., 600 O'Dubhin, bp. Kild. 616 O'Dubthaigh, Muredach, bp. Rph. 601 O’Duffy, see O’Dubhai O’Duibditrib, Dav., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 oºnany, St. Felix, bp. Oss. 6; 2 O'Dunan, Miler or Melm., bp. Cash. 624 O’Dunluing, Tuethal, bp. Cld. 599 O'Dwyer, Dav., dn. Cash, 627 offſham, Walt. de, M. Chy. CE— See also AE– Gººcan, Mac-Mic, bp. Lism. 62 CElfstan (or Æfstan), bp. Lond, 451 o;gain, Ect., bp. Clonm. O’Erodain, see O'Roman tºy, bp. Dorch, and Sidr. O’Etegan, Wm., b.p. Elph. 608 O'Fallon, Don., bp. Dry. 601 O'Farrel, Rd., gen. (C) 871 O'Felan, Eug., bp. Killoe. 634 O'IFerral and O’Ferrall — Ch., bp. Ard. 607 — Corn., bp. Ard. 607 — Florence, bp. Rph, 601 — Owen, bp. Ard. 607 60 Rd., bp. Ard. 607; dri. Ard. 9 — Rd. More, G. Mlta. 671; L.T. 160; P.C. 215; Sec. Adm. 186; Sec. Tr. 163 — Wrm., bp. Ard. 607 Offa, K.E. 2-3 Offaley, Th. 1d., L.D. Ir. 553 Offley, Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wrm., dn. Chest. 477 Offord, Andr. de, M. Chy. 393 — Jno. de, see Ufford O'Fiana,cta, Suibney, bp. Eild, 616 O'Fin, Cormac, bp. Emly,625 — Matth., bp. Ross, 631 O'Findan, Wm., byp. Clonm. 600 O'Findsa, Jno., b.p. Elph. 608 orgaherty, Donat, bp. Killa. 1 — Domat, dm. Enachd. 613 O'Flain, Condla, Bp. Llin. 621 O'Flanagan and O'Flanna- garl — bp. Cloy, 630 *— dr. Elph. 609 Sk Barth., b.p. Dry. 601 * Poss. same pers. — Don., bp. Elph. 608 — Malach., dn. Elph. 609 O'Flanchua, bp. Emly, 625 oºlanua, Regd., bp. Emly, 625 oºlan, Dubdan, bp. Cld. O'Fogarty, Don, bp. Oss. 620 O'Foglada, Moelisa, bp. Cash. 624 O'Eollanmuin, Tuathal, bp. Cld. 599 O’Follomar, bp. Cld. 599 orgranaan, Cath., b.p. Kild. O’Fraic, Jno., bp. Ard. 607 Ö'Gaiachor, —, bp. Clonm. 600 — Laur. (2), bp. Rph. 601 ; dri. Rph. 602 ogºnagher, Edm., dn. Rph. Oger, J. It, 365 O'Germidider, bp. Killoe. 634 ognomelan, Jas., bp. Killoe. Ogilvie and Ogilvy — sir Alexr., Ld. Sess. 520 — Barth., gem. (C) 871 — Geo., gen, (C) 872 — Jas., gen. (A) 859 — Jas., gen. (D) 879 Ogilvie and Ogilvy—cont. — Jas., see ld. O., infra, — Jno., gen. (D) 881 — Patr. de, L.H.T. Sc. 496; L.J. Gen. 522 - — Sir Patr., Ld. Sess. 519 — sir Walt. (2), L.H.T. Sc. 496-7 Ogilvie, lds. — Jas., ld., Ld. Sess. 517 oß, * Chall. (No. 1), adm. (A) 81 —iºr Chall. (No. 2), adm. (A) — Sir Ch., adm. (A) 819; (B) 821 — Edmd., gen. (I)) 905 — Newt., dn. Winch. 471 — Th., adm, (G) 842 — Sir Th., G. Ch. Hosp. 936 Ogle, E. of — Hy., E. of, aft. D. of New- castle. g. v., P.C. (1670) 191 oºthorpe, Jas. Ed., gen. (A) — Owen, bp. Carl. 475; dri. Winds. 474; Regr. Gart. 746 — Sir Rt., B. Ex. Ir. 584 — Theoph., M.H. 302 oºrman, Finan, bp. Kild. l 6 O'Grada and O'Grady —ºyes, adm. (D) 828; (G) — Jno., abp. Cash. 625 — Jno., a,bp. Tha. 611 — Jno., abp. Elph. 608 — Standish, A.G. Ir. 588 C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 O'Griffa, Matth. or Mahoun, by). Killoe. 634 oºgan, Christian, bp. Cld. {X — Jno., Land Comm. Ir. 588; S.L. Ir. 593 O'Hagan, lds. Th., aft. 1d. O’H., A.G. Ir. 588; J.C.P. Ir. 582; K.P. 752; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 593 O'Hailgemen, Maclothod, bp. Cork, 630 oºingly, Don., bp. Dbln. — Saml., bp. D bln. 615 O'Halloran, Hy. Dunn., gen. gell. (D) 901 — sir Jos., (D) 876; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776 oiamire, Melisa, bp. Wſord. 626 O'Haneki, bp. Killa. 612; dri. Killa. 614 O'Hannada, Gilla Mac- Aiblen, bp. Ardf, and Agh. 3 639 O'Hara, Ch., C. Acc. Ir. 567; C. Treas. Ir. 561; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 859 — Murchard, bp. Ach. 612 O'Harachtain, Moelisa, bºp, Emly, 625 O'Harretaigh, Al., bp. Clonm, 599 O'Hathern, Alan., b.p. Ardf. and Agh. 639 O'Haurecan, Fogdath, bp. Ferns, 621 O'Hearny (or O'Heawo, or Shennagh), Don., dm. Kilf. 637 O'Hectigern, Christin., bp. ClOmm. 599 O'Heda, bp. Lism. 626 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, INDEX OF NAMES. 1101 O'Hedian, Jno., bp. Oss. 620 Rd., abp. Cash. 625 ~~ Wm., b.p. Emly, 625 oºdram, Nichs., b.p. Ach. O'Heffernan, see also O'Hif- fernan T.A.R., bp. Emly, 635 oºidigein, Th., dm. Elph. Q: Heir, Colman, bp. Cld. 598 O'Heirman (or O'Hiffernan), Th., dm. Cork, 632 O'Hene, Don., bp. Cash. 624 O'Heney, Ch., bp. Killoe. 634 — Corn., bp. Killoe. 634 —Matth., abp. Cash. 624 O'Henisy, Nichs., b.p. Wíord. and L. 627 oisoshain, Don., dm. Clr., — Pet., dm. Clr. 597 o; othy, Christin., bp. Ard. — Matth., bp. Ard. 607 oileremon, Aid., b.p. Kild. O'Herlihy, Th., bp. Ross, 631 O'Hethe, Jos., bp. Ferns, 621 O'Hiffernan, see O'Heirnan O'Higin, –, bp. Mayo, 612 origgin, Bern., bp. Elph. — Eriell, dm. Elph. 609 origgins, Dem., Pres. Chi. O'Himalan, Jno., bp. Kilf. 635 oiraghty, DaV., abp. Arm. O'Hislerman, bp. Ard. 607 O'Hogain, Matth., b.p. Killoe. 634; dim. Killoe. 637 — Maur., bp. Killoe. 634 — Th., bp. Killoe. 634 oºgan, Hugh, dn. Killoe. 7 3 O’Hoisin, Aid, abp. Trn. 611; bp. Trn. 611 — Edan., bp. and abp. Th. 611 oºran, Dom., dn. Killoe. 737 O'Houla,chan and O'Hulla- chain — Dom., abp. Cash. 624 — Jno., dn. Ross, 633 — Laur., bp. Ross, 631 — Pet., bp. Ross, 631 Oilliol, K. Ir. 20 —-Molt, K. Ir. 21 Oke—, see also Oak— orsete, Thadd., dn. Cloy. Okeham, Jno. de, B. Ex. 383 O'Kellach, Foelam, bp. Kild. 616 — Murtogh, bp. Kild. 616 O'Kellechuir, Dumch., bp. Saig. 620 O'Kelly, Edan, bp. Clr. 596 — Eochaid, bp. Cld. 599 — Maur., abp. Trm. 611; bp. Clonf. 635 — Michl. Or Nichs., dm. Clonf. *-* 637 — Th. (3), bp. Clonf. 635; abp. Trn. 611 O'Kennedy, Dom., bp. Killoe. 634 O’Kerney, Carbrick, bp. Ferns, 621 O'Kerny, Christm., bp. Cmr. 603 O'Kerry, Patr., dn. Arm. 597 ofºon, Jno. de, J. It, 368; Jy. Okey, sir Wm., C.D.L. 242 O'Killeen, Cormac, bp. Clonm. 599 Olaf, Skotkonung. K. Sw. 92 O’Lagenan, Moelisa, bp. Emly, 625 O’Laghnan, Laur., bp. Elph. 608; bp. Kilmacd. 636 — Marian, abp. Trm. 611; dri. Trn. 613 O'Laidig (or O'Loyn), bp. Killa. 612 O'Laigdnerl, Carbre, bp. Ferns, 621 — Constans, bp. Ferns, 621 — Corn., b.p. Ferns, 621 — March., bp. Ferns, 621 — Ugair., bp. Ferns, 621 Olain, K. Man, 664 O'Isaitin, Jno., bp. Killa. 612 ołºnnube, Jno., bp. Drom, O’Inapain, AEngus or Æneas, bp. Rph. 601 Olaus IV. and V., K. Dk.93 Olave, I. to III., K. Man. 664-5 Oldais, Jno., bp. Clonm. 600 Oldershaw, Ch. Ed., gem. (D) 930 olºneia, Ed. Jno., gen. (D) 93 — Jno. gen. (ID) 882; K.H. 791 — Rd., gen. (D) 933 Oldhall, Sir Wm., Sp. H.C. 248 Oldham (or Oldman), Hugh, bp. Exr. 436 — Rd., bp. S. and M. 483 Oldiss, see Oldyss Oldman, see Oldham Oldys, Wm., Nor. K.A. 329 Oldyss (or Oldiss), Wm., Adm. Adv. 423 O'Lean, Jno., bp. Clonf. 635 O'Leary, D. F., Amb. N.G. 134 Olegal, R. Russ. 89 O'Liathan, Colman, bp. Lism. 626 Oliford, Walt. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 O'Ligbai, bp. Emly, 625 Oliphant, see also Ollivant — Jas., Chrl. E.I. Co. 646 — Jas., see Wm., infra — Rt., Postm. G. Sc. 502 — Walt., L.J. Gen. 522 — Wrm, or Jas. and sir W., Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 519 — Wm. St., gen. (D) 920 Oliver, Jno., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; M. Chy. 395 — Jno., dm. Worc. 473 — Jno. Ryd., gen. (ID) 934 — Jord., J. It, 367 — Nathl, Wm., gem. (D) 883 — Rd. Aldw., adm. (H) 849 — Rt. Dudl., adm. (A) 819 — Th., gem. (D) 886 — Wm. Br., adm. (IHI) 849 Olivey, Walt. R., K.C.B. 784 Olivier, Giuss. borg., G.C.M.G. 794 Ollivant, see also Oliphant — Alfd., b.p. Llff. 449 — Ed. Ch. K., C.I.E. 808 Olmius, Hon. Jno. Luttrell-, aft. E. of Carhampton, q.v., C. Exc. 281 Olney, Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 oiºshian, Cong., bp. Kilf. O'Isoghlen, sir Colm. Michl., #6. 937; P.C. 218; S.L. Ir. 3 Michl. and Sir M., A.G. Ir. 588; B.Ex. Ir. 584; M.R. Ir. : S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. 5 O'Tºoghlin, Rd., b.p. Kilf., 635 — Ter., gen. (IB) 868 oºmersan, Alan, bp. Cloy. 3 — Donat (3), abp. Cash. 624 — Ired, bp. Killoe. 634 — Thady. bp. Killoe. 634 O'Isongain (or Lomugan), Th., dri. Clonf. 637 O'Lorchan, Don., dm Clonf. 637 O'Loyn, see O'Laidig oº:: Wm., gen. (D) 906; .C.B. 781 O'Inuchan (or O'Lucheran), Th., dm. Arm. 597 O’Lumlin, Corm. or Ch., bp. Clonf. 635 Olybrius, F. A., Emp. W.E. 49 O'Macturan, Christm., bp. Clr. 596 O'Mail, Corm., bp. Glend. 615 O'Mailduib, Neil, bp. Cork, 630 O'Maily, Edan, bp. Clonm. 599 O'Malfagamair, Jno., b.p. Rilla. 612 O’Malgebry, Carthag, bp. Ferns, 621 O'Malley, Geo., gen. (D) 879 — Pet. Fr., Q.C. 417 O'Malone, Hugh, bp. Clonm 600 63ſor O’Malvain), bp. Cloy 3 Omar, Cph. Aba. 98 O'Meara, Daml., gen. (B) 867 O'Meiciti (or O'Meleic), bp Emly. 625 O'Melider, Mor., bp. Clonm. 599 oºiachan, Denn., bp. Ach. 1 — Th., bp. Ach. 612 O’Mictllian, Walt., b.p. Ross, 631 Omma,ney and Ommany — Ed. Lac., gen. (D) 899 — Erasm., adm. (E) 835; (P) 338 — Fras. Mont. MaxW., gen. (D) 914 — Hy. Man., adm. (D) 825; (G) 840 — Jno. Ackw. and Sir J., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 776 Ommiades, Cph. Aba. 98 O'Modein, Moel., bp. Clonm. 599 O'Moeil, Ph., bp. Clonm. 600 O'Moelomair, Erc., bp. Trn 611 oroghan, Greg., abp. Th1. 11 O'MIolan (or Malone), Odo, dm. Clonm. 600 O'Moran, Macrait, bp. Ard. 607 O'Morda, Den., bp. Elph., 608 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1102 INDEX OF NAMES, onfordai, Petro, bp. Clonf. o'Morgair, Christm, bp. Cir. 596 — Malachy, see Malachy Ormpteda, Louis Conr. Geo., baron, Chanc. Guelph, 792 O Muctigern, Loetan, bp. Rild., 616 O'Mugin, Gilla AEda, bp. Cork, 630 oºlinic, Cleirec, bp. Llin. 621 O Mulkyran, Denis, bp. Elph. 608 ph. O'Mullaly (or Laly), Th., abp. Trn. 611 - Wº; abp. Trm. 611; dr. l Trn. 613 O'Mulledy, Corn., bp. Emly, 625; bp. Clonf. 636 opiunoy, Albin, bp. Ferns, 621 O'Mulrony, Florence Mack., bp. Elph. 608 O'Muredach, Cobthack (St.), bp. Kild., 616 O'Murrechan, Mur., bp. Clonm. 599 oMurredai, Adam, bp. Ard., O'Murry, Don., abp. Trn, 611 O'Mutan, Mugron, bp. Cork, 630 Ona cus (or Onachus), bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 483 O'Nathain, Th., bp. Rph. 601 O'Neale, K. of Meath, K.B. (1394) 755 — Odo, bp. Clr. 596 — Odo, bp. Dry. 601 O'Neil, O'Neile, O'Neill — Sir Bryan, J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Hy. Arth., gen. (ID) 896 —ºno. Jas. Silvn. gen. (D) 927 — Jno. Th., dn. Kilmacd. 638 O'Neill, visc. and E. — Chas. Hy., 2nd visc. and 1st E., K.P. 750 ; L.L. Ant. 568 ; Postm. G. Ir, 564 — Jno., Br. Rd., 3rd visc., gen. (A) 863, O'Niellan, Ch., dn. Arm. 597 O'Nioc, Murchad, bp. Trm. 611 — Murg., bp. Trn. 611 Only, Roger. K.B., 754 Onslow, Alexr. Camb., G. W. Austr. 707 — Arth., dm. Worc., 474 — Arth., P.C. 197; Sp. H. C. 250 — Arth., S.L. 412 — Arth., Tr. N. 256 — Denz., gen. (A) 861 — Foot, C. Exc. 279 — Rd., gem. (IB) 865 — Rd., Rec. Lond. 493; S.G. 401; Sp. H.C. 249 — Rd., see lá. O., infra, — sir Rd., adm. (A) G.C.B. 767 — Th., see lö. O., infra, — Wrm., K.H. 790 — Wrm. H., see E. of O., infra, Onslow, lds. and E. of — Sir Rd., aft. 1st ld. O., Ch. Ex. 165; L. Admy. I'76; L.L. Surr. 312 ; L.T. and Ch. Ex. 156; P.C. 195; Sp. H.C. 250; Tell. Ex. 167 and 815; Onslow, lds. and E. Of-comt. — Th., 2nd lå., L.L. Surr. 312; Tell. Ex. 168 - — Rd., 3rd lù., K.B. 765; L.L. Surr. 312 — Geo., aft. 4th lä. O., 1st id. and Visc. Cranley, q.v., and 1st E. of O., Compt. H. 292; L.L. Surr. 312; L.T. 157-8; P.C. 202; Tr. H. 291 — Wrm. Hill., 4th E. of, G. N.Z. 709; K.C.M.G. 798; Sec. B.T. 269; U.S.C. 235 ogºsypore,Maharoid .C.S.I. — Maharanee of, G.C.S.I. 801 Openshaw, Rt., dr. Clr. 597; dh. Cmr. 605 Opinius, L., C. Ro. 45 C. Ro. 44 O'Quin, Th., bp. Clonm. 600 Orange, Pr. of, see under their Christian names orithmin, Slog., b.p. Saig. Oranmore and Browne, Dom., 1st là., form.D.Browne, Q.7). Orans, Ch., gen. (D) 886 ofºtes, J. M., Pres. Gua. 1. Orbegoso, L. J., Pres. Pu. 109 Orbha, K. Ir. 20 Orcadensis, Chr., bp. S. and — Sim., b.p. S. and M. 483 Orchan, S. Tºy. 97 Ord, See also Orde TFras. M. Chy. 397 — Harry St. Geo. and sir H., G. Brmdal, 701; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Dnca. 730; G. Str. Sett. 675; G. W. Austr. 707; R.C.M.G., 797; gen. (D) 908 — Rt., C.B. Ex. Sc. 523 — Wrm. Hy., L.T. 160 — Wm. Redm., gen. (ID) 893 Ordbrightus, bp. Sels. 432 Orde, See also Ord — Jas., gem. (A) 863 — sir Jno., adm. (A) 816; G. Dnca. 730 — Leon. Sbr., gem. (B) 867 — Rt. Hutch., K.H. 789 — Th., aft. 1st là. Bolton, q.v., B.T. 267; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 204; Sec, Tr. 163; |U.S.H. 227 Ordogno or Ordono, I. to IV., K. S Gilla-Mocuda, ., E.S.. Sp. O'Rebacain, bp. Tism. 626 — Mal-Duin, bp. Lism. 626 O'Reilly, Mont. Fk., adm. (HI) 852 O'Reley, Jno., bp. Kilm. 607 — Rd., bp. Kilm. 607 Orestes, C. A., C. Ro. 46 *s- ., C. R.O., 44-5 Orevalle, see Orwell Orfeur, jno, gen. (C) 871 Orford, IRt. de, bp. Ely, 434 Orford, E. of - IRussell Family. — Ed., 1st E. of, form. E. Russell, q.v., L. Admy. 176-7; P.C. 195 … Walpole Family. 1st Creation, — Rt., 1st E. of, form. Sir R. Walpole, q.v. — Rt., 2nd E. of, form. lī. Walpole, q.v. Orford, E. Of-comt. - — Geo., 3rd E. of, L.L. Norf. 310 — Horatio, 4th E. of, form. ld. Walpole, q.v. 2nd Creation. — Horatio, 1st E. of, form. . ld. Walpole, q.v. O'Riagan, Flanagan, Rild. 616 Orial, Pet. de, L.H.T., 152 Oribe, M., Pres. Ugy. 111 Oriel, Jno., 1st là., form. Jno. Foster, q.v. Orivallis, see Rivallis Orkney, E. of, see also Caith- Ił6S bp. S Simclair Family. — Hy., 1st E. of (d. about 1418), L.H.A. Sc. 499 Wm., 3rd E. of, L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Lothwell Family. — Ja.s., D. of, and E. of Both- well, q.v., L.H.A. Sc. (1567) 499 JHamilton, and Fitzmaurice Families. — Geo., 1st E. of, F.M. 856; K.T. 747; P.C. 196 — Geo. Wrm. H., 6th E. Of, form. Wisc. Kirkwall, q.v. Orlebar, Jno., adm. (IH) 851 *— Jno., C. Exc. 280 *— Jno., M. Chy. 396 * Poss. same pers. Orleton, Ad. de, bp. Her. 441; bp. Winch. 470; bp. Worc. 472; L.H.T. 153 Ormathwaite. 1ds. — Jno., 1st ld. form. Sir J. Walsh, q.v. — Arth., 2nd lå., form. hon. A. Walsh, q.v. Orme, Alexr., dn. Ard. 609 — Ed., dm. Kilm. 609 — Fk. D., Amb. Bol. Amb. Vza. 134 Ormesby, see Ormsby Ormeston, Th., C.I.E. 806 Ormiston, Rog., K.B. 759 Ormond, sir –, L.H.A. 170 — Jas., see D. of O., infra, — Th., K.B. 758 Ormond, E., M., and D. of, See also under Wiltshire — Jas. Butler, 1st E. of, L.L. Ir, 551 — Ja.s., 2nd E. of, L.J. Ir. 551 — Ja.s., 3rd E. of, L.D. Ir. 551-2 — Jas., 4th E. Of, L.D. Ir. 552;. L.L. Ir. 552 — Ja.s., 5th E. of, also 1st E. of Wiltshire, q.v., K.G. 736; L.L. Ir. 552 — Pierce, 8th E. of, also E. of Ossory, q.v., L.D. Ir. 553 — Jas., 9th E. of, form. Ja.s. ... Butler and Visc. Thurles, q.v., L. Treas. Ir. 559 — Th., 10th E. of, K.B. 760; K.G. 739; L. Treas. Ir. 559; L.J. Ir. 554 — Jas., 12th E., aft, 1st M. and D. of, K.G.740; L. Admy. 175; L.H.S. 286; L.L. Ir. 554; L.L. Ir. 555; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 189, 92 135; ; K.G. 740; . 289; L.L. Ir. 555-6; P.C. 194; W.C.P. 319 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1103 oºd, E, M., and D. of C0%t. — Walt., 16th E. of, K.P. 750 — Jas., 19th E. and 1st M. of, ºw Cr.), K.P. 751; L.L. Kilk. 3) — Jno., 2nd M. of, K.P. 751 — Jas. Edm. Wm. Theob., § M. of, K.P. 752; L.L. Kilk. 7 Ormesby and Ormsby — Arth., gem. (IB) 866 — Coote, dm. Dry. 602 — Hy., A.G. Ir. 589; L.J. App. Ir. Š586; Land J. Ir. 587; S.G. It. 590 — Jno. Wnn., gen. (D) 901 — Wm. de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; J.K.B. 371 oºbhartaigh, dn. Louth, oºnan, Rinad, bp. Glend — (or O'Erodaim), Magr., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 — Mel. Brandan, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 Orr, Ch. Alex., gen. (ID) 904 — Jas., gen. (D) 912 of ºy, E. of, see also under OT — Rog., 1st E. of, L.J. Ir. 555; P.C. 190 — Ch., 4th E. of, gem. (C) 871; R.T. 747; P.C. 196 Orry, K. I. Man, 664 orgºth, sir Wm., G. Ch. Isl. 7 Orsini, Reyn., dn. Sal. 468 Orthamach, bp. Kild. 616 ornadan, Felix, abp. Trn. — Gillasius, bp. Ach. 612 — Imar, bp. Killa, 612 — Melruan, bp. Ach. 612 — Rugnald, bp. Kilmacd. 636 — Th., bp. Ach. 612 O'Rudican, Dermod, bp. Ferns. 621 O'Ruirk, Simon, bp. Kilm. 607 Orwell (or Orevalle), Hugh de, bp. Tuond. 451 — Th., bp. Killa. 612 Orwell, lds, and visc. — Fras., 1st là, and Wisc., form. Fras. Vernon, q.v., aft. E. of Shipbrooke, B.T. 265 Osa, (or Bosa), bp. Sels. 432 Osbaldeston, Geoffr., J.K.B. Ir, 579 — Rd., A.G. Ir. 588 — Rd., bp. Carl. 476; bp. Lond. 452; dri. Yk. 487; P.C. l 20 * Osbert, bp. Exr. 436; Ld. Chanc. 352 *— dim. Sal. 468 * Poss. Same pers. — bp. Dmbl.[532 Osborn and Osborne — —, K.C. 415 — Alexr., C. Cus, Sc. 504 — Ang. Ed., gen. (D) 915 — Capt. —, G. Newfii. 700 — Ch., C. Cus. 273 — Ch., J.K.B. Ir, 579 — Ch. Osb. Creagh-, gem. (D) 924 — Ed., L.M. Lond. 490 — sir Ed. Ol., adm. (A) — sir Geo., gem. (A) 859 — Hy., adm. (A) 814 — Hugh St., gem. (D) 876 Osborn and Osborne—comt. — Jno., Amb. Sxy. 120 — Jno., adm. (A) 818 F— Jno., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 -zºno. and sir Jno., S.L. Ir. — Jno. and sir J., L. Admy. 181 — Sir Pet., G. Gsey. 668 — R. Bernal, Sec. Adm. 187 — Rt., dr. Ferns, 623 — Rt., Sec. Adm. 187 — Saml., adm. (A) 817 — Sherard, adm. (E) 836 — Sidney F. G., C.I.R. 286 — Th., see lá. O., imfra, — sir Wm., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Ex. Ir. 566 — sir Wm., K.H. 789 Osborne, lds. — Sir Th., aft. la. O., Visc. Dunblane, visc. Latimer, E. of Danby, M. of Carmarthen, and D. of Leeds, q.v., L.T. 155; P.C. 191; Tr. N. 256 O'Scanlan, Patr., abp. Arm. 595; bp. Rph. 601 Oscar, K. Sw. 92 - — I. and II., K. S. and N. 92 — II. (R. S. and N.), K.G. 745 oflºoba, Carbrac, bp. Rph, O'Sedaghan, Dav., bp. Kil- macd. 636 O'Selbaic (2), bp. Cork, 630 — Cellach, bp. Cork, 630 — Clerech, bp. Cork, 630 — Moriertach, bp. Lism. 626 — Patr., bp. Cork, 630 O'Semican, Th., dn. Lim. 639 Osgodby or Osgodeby, Adam de, L.K. 353-4; M.R. 387 of hanassy, Jrmo., IK.C.M.G., O'Shaughnessy, Wm. Cooke, gen. (D) 933 o;agal, Conat, bp. Elph. 60 O'Sinaidaig, Clemens, bp. Ach. 612 Oskitell, abp. Yk. 485 Osman I. and II., S. TRy. 97-8 — Pasha, K.C.M.G. 799 Osmund (St.). (E. of Dorset), bp. Sal. 466; Ld. Chanc. 352 Osmundus (or Oswynus), bp. Lond, 451 osºleman, Maur., bp. Cloy. Ospina, M., Pres. N. G. 107 Osred (2), K.E. 2 Osric (2) K.E. (2) Ossenius, bp. Cld. 598 Ossington, Jno. Ev., 1st visc., form. J. E. Denison, q.v. Ossory, E. of ; see also Ormond and Upper Ossory — Pierce, E. of, also 8th E. of Ormond, q.v., L.D. Ir. 553 — Th., E. of (son of Jas. 1st, D. of Ormond), adm. (A) 813; R.G. 740; L. Admy. 175; L.D. Ir. 555; P.C. 190, 192 Ossulston, Ch. Augs., ld, aft. 5th E. of Tankerville, q.v., P.C.:208; Tr. H. 291 Ostforus, bp. Worc. 472 Ostrich, see Astry Osulf, K.E. 2 O'Sullivan, Alam, bp. Cloy. 630; bp. Lism. 626 — Laur., byp. Cloy, 630 Osulph, bp. Witn. 466 Oswald, K.E. 2, 3 — Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 — (St.), abp. Yk. 485; bp. Worc. 472 — Jas., B.T. 265; L.T. 157; P.C. 201; W. Treas. Ir. 560 — Jno., bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Drom. 605; bp. Rph. 602 — Jno. and sir J., gen. (A) 862; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794; Y.C.B. 774 Oswed, K.E. 2 Oswulf, K.E. 2 w Oswy, K.E. 2, 3 Oswynus, see Osmundus ofºora, T. E., Pres. U.S.C. 7 O’Tarpa, Carus, bp. Ach. 612 O'Tarpaid (or O'Torpy), Cor- mac, bp. Killa. 612 O'Teig, Teig, bp. Killoe. 634 Other, Walt. Fitz., Const. W. Cast. 322 Othman, Cph. Aba. 98 — S. T.Ky. 97 otho, (the Illustrious), C.P.R. — D. Aus. 58 — D. Bdy. 28 — (2), D. Brk. 69 — D. Foa. 71 — I. to III., D. Su. 80 — I. to III., D. Sxy. 77 — I. to IV., E. Gnny. 61 — I. to V., M. Brg. 65 — Hy., C.P.R. 68 — Hugh Fitz, Const. T.L. 320 — Wrm. Leopold, K. Bva. 68 O'Tiernay, see Tierney O'Tigernach, Corn., bp.Ardf. and Agh. 639 — Florence, bp. Kilf. 635 O'Tirlenan, bp. Ard. 607 Otley, see Ottley O'Toole (St. Laurence), abp. Dblin. 615 ofºrmais, Jocelin, bp. Ard. 7 O'Torpy, see O’Tarpaide O'Traffy (or Rory), Rod, bp. Ferns, 621 offington, Jno., L.M. Dbln. 40 Otter, Hy. Ch., adm. (H) 849 - wºm. bp. Chich, 433 Otterburn, Ad., L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 518 Nicol., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Wrm., Sec. St. Sc. 501 Ottley and Otley — Ad., bp. St. Daw. 465 — Coghill Gl., gen. (ID) 895 -º. or Rog., L.M. Lond. 4 Ottoman, S, TRy, 97 Ottway and Otway J. and Sir A., P.C. 220; U.S.F. 230 — Ch., gen. (A) 858 — Ch., gen. (D) 890 — Sir G. Gr., adm. (GF) 843 — J., K.C. 414 — L. C., Amb. MeX. 133 — Sir Loft. Wrm., gem. (A) 863 — Rt. Jocel., adm. (HI) 851 — Rt. Wall., and Sir R., adm. º 819; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 77 — Art For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1104 INDEX OF NAMES, Ottway and Otway—comt. — Th., bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; bp. Oss. 620 — Wm. Alb., adm. (A) 817 Ouchterlonie, see Ochterlonie Oude, Bah, of, K.C.S.I. 803 — Sing, Mahar. of, K.C.S.I.803 — Nawab of, G.C.S.I. 801 Oudenarde, Giles de, Lt. T.L. 321 Oudinot, Off. Nap. 26 Oudoceus, bp. Llff. 448 Oudtschoom, Pieter, &c., G. C.G.H. 678 oughton, Jas. Adolph., and Sir J., gen. (B) 865; IC.B. 765 ogºnal, Edm., b.p. Meath, Ourgham, Th., K.B. 755 Ouseley, Sir Gore, Amb. Pers. 130; G.C.H. 786; P.C. 210 — Regd., gen. (D) 913 — Wm. Gore and Sir W., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. BZl. 135; Amb. C. Am. 133; Amb. Ugy, 136; K.C.B. 782 Outlawe (or Oatlawe), Rog., #!. Ir. 551; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 7 Outram, Jas., and Sir J. Ch. Comm. Oudh, 653; G.C.B. 769; gen. (D) 888; K.C.B.782; I.C.C.S.I. 802 Qvedale, Th., K.B. 757 Overms, Ed., C.C.J. 404 overal, Jno., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; bp. Norw. 455; dim. St. P. 453 Overay, Th., G., Jsey, 667 Overbeck, Daml., G. Ceyl. 672 Overend, Wm., Q.C. 417 Overton, Benj., C. Cus. 274 Yº ſº. 3 ºsá — Wm., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 Owain, see Owen Owder, Th. Sc. and Sir T., i.M. ionä. 492 Owen and Owain — bp. Ard. 607 — K. Hgy. 59 — Yk. H. 334 — ab Grufydd (2), Pr. Wls. 17 — Ad., dn. Lim. 639 smºs-s wººl (or Hywel), Dha, IPI. WIS. 17 — Ch. Wm., C.I.E. 807 — Ed. Wrm. Camp. Rich. and Sir E., adm. (A) 820; Clk. O. 260; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 774; L. Admy. 182; S.G.O. 260 — Fras. Ph. Cuml. and Sir F., C.I.E. 806; K.C.B. 784; R.C.M.G. 797 — Geo., Norr. I.A. 329; It. Cr. P.A. 335; Ylö. H. 334 — Gwynedd, Pr. Wls. 16 — Hugh, K.C.B. 784 — Hugh, L.L. Pemb, 316 — Jno., b.p. St. AS.462 — Jno. Chr., dm. Oxf. 457. — Jno., dn. Clonm. 600 — Jno., gem. (B) 865 — Jno. and Sir J., gen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 777; K.H. 790 — sir Jno., L.L. Pemb, 316 — Loft., gen. (D) 891 — Morg., bp. Llff. 449 — Rd., adm. (H) 847 — Rd., I.C.C.B. 784 — Rt., gen. (B) 870 — Th., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Owen and Owain—covt. — Wnn., K.C. 416 — Sir Wm., L.L. Hav, 316; T.L. Pemb, 316 - Wm. Fitzwm., adm. (ID) — Wm. Geo., gem. (D) 914 — Wm. S., C.C.J. 405 Owens, Geo. Bolster and sir &jvſ. iSºln gº oyſgrave, Th., L.M. Lond, Owtred, Hy, K.B. 759 Oxenbridge and Oxon- bridge — Ed. or God., K.B. 760 — sir Rt., Lt. T.L. 321 — Th., S.L. 407 Oxenden, A., bp. Montr. 694 — Geo., D. Arch. 420; Vic. Gen. 421 — sir Geo., L.T. 156; L. Admy, 177 Oxenford, see also Oxynforde — Const.de, J. It. 366 Oxford, Jno. of, bp. Norw. 454; Ch, Jr. 362; du. Sal. 468; J. It, 366 Oxford, E. of De Vere Family. — Rt., 3rd E. of, form. Rt. de Vere, q.v.; J. It, 367 — Thos., 8th E. of, form. Th. de Vere, q.v. — Rt., 9th E. of, K.G. 734; L.f. fr. 55i — Rd., 11th E. of, K.G. 735 — Jno., 12th E. of, K.B. 756 — Jno., 13th E. of, C.Y.G. 298; Const. T.L. 320; K.B. 757; K.G. 736; L.H.A. 174 Jno., 15th E. of, K.G. 737 — Jno., 16th E. of, IC.B. 760 — Hy., 18th E. of, K.B. 762 — Aubrey, 20th E. Of, gen, (B) 864; K.G.740; P.C. 191-2-3 FIarley Family, See also Mortimer. — Rt., 1st E. of, also E. Mor- timer, q.v., form. Rt. Harley, q.v., K.G. 741; L.H.T. 156; Prem. 141 —iºd. 4th E. of, L.L. Radn. Oxmanton, Wm., ld, aft, 3rd E. of Rosse, q.v., L.L. K. Co. 570 Oxon—, see also Exon- Oxonbridge, see Oxenbridge Oxynforde, See also Oxen- ford — Jno. de, L.M. Lond. 489 w P. *P + 4 +, dm. Emly, 628 *P + + 4, dm. Lim. 639 * Poss. same pers. Pace, Rd., dm. Exr. 437; dim. St. P. 453; S. St. 223 — Wm. Napp, gen. (D) 913 Pacheco, G., Pres. Bol. 109 Pacilus, C. F. (2), C. Ro. 39, 42 Pack, Chr., L.M. Lond. 491 — Den. and sir D., gen. (C) 873; K.C.B. 774 Packhurst, sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 rººkington, See also Paking- OIl Wm. de, dm. Lich. 445 *aesley, Jno., L.M. Lond. × Jno., M.M. 246 * Prob. same pers. Paddy, Nichs., Lanc. H. 333; R. Dr. P.A., 338 Pade, Raym., dn. Sal. 468 Pado, Jno. or Jonn. de, K.B. 755 Paetinus, M. F., C. Ro. 41 — M. F. C., C. Ro. 41 Paetus, C. AE., C. Ro. 41 — P. A., C. Ro., 40, 46, 47 — P. AB., C. Ro. 43 — Q. AE., C. R.O. 44 Paez, J. A., Pres. Vzla. 107-8 Page, Benj. Wm., adm. (A 819 — Fras. and Sir F., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 eo. Hyde, gem. (D) 925 Jno., L.M. Dblm, 641 * Jno., M. Chy. 395 *— Jno. or Wm., Curs. B. Ex. 386 -*- * Prob, Same perS. — Rd., S.G. 401 — Wrm., see Jno., Supraº — Wrm. Ed., IV.H. 791 Pagerie, Steph. de la, Rel. Nap. 26 Paget, Lord Alfr., gen, (D) 904 —hon. Arth. and Sir A., Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Gmy. 117; Amb. Scy. 114; Amb. Tºy. 129; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 766; JP.C. 207 — Aug. B. and Sir A., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Dk. 127 : Amb. It. 114; Amb. Pgl., 125; Amb. Sw, and N. 127; Amb. Sxy. 121; G.C.B. 773; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 219 —hon. Berk, C. Exc. 282; L.T. 159 – Ch. and sir C., adm. (A) 820; G.C.H. 786; K.C.H. 787 —ld. Clar. Ed., adm. (D) 882; (E) 834; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. #86; P.C. 217; Sec. Adm. 187 — hom. Ed. and Sir E., C.C. Ind. 650; G.C.B. 767; G. Ceyl. 672; G. Ch., Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 861; K.B. '766 —ld. Geo. Aug. Fred, gen, (D) 896; K.C.B. 780 — Geo. Ed., K.C.B. 784 — Hy., K.B. 760 º — hon. Hy., see lă. P., inºfra — Ja.s., Curs. B. EX, 386 — sir Jas., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Wrm., K.B. 763 — Wm., see lă. P., infra — Wnn. Hy., gem. (D) 918 IPaget, lds. — sir. Wm., aft. 1st là, P., C.D.L. 242; Compt. H. 292; :* 738; L.P.S. 240; S. St. 223 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1105 Paget, lds.—comt. - Hy., aft. 7th 1d. P., form. ld. Burton, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Uxbridge, q.v.; C.Y.G. 298; #Admy. 177; L.T. 156; P.C. £º. Jno., bp. Worc. 472 Fain and Paine, see Payn and Payne Painter, see Paynter *#enham, Jno., adm. (IHI) — hon. Ed. Michl, and Sir E., G.C.B. 767; gem. (C) 873; K.B. 766 —hon. F. J., Amb. Arg. 136; #b. Chi. 137; Amb. Pgy. — hon. Hy., dn. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 619; dri. St. Pat. 618 — hon. Herc. Rt. and sir H., gen. (B) 870; K.C.B. 776 — Rd. and sir R., Amb. Mex. 133; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. #A. 132; K.C.B. 782; P.C. — sir Th., S.L. Ir. 591 * — hon. Sir Th., adm. (A) 816; G.C.B. 768 Tºon. Th. Alexr., adm. (IHI) - Th. Hy, gen, (D) 907 Fºlington, See also Packing- OI). — Jno., S.L. 408 — Sir Jno. Som., aft. 1st là. Hampton, q.v., G.C.B. 770; L. Admy. 184; P.C. 215; W. and C. Sec. 231; W. Sec. 232 Paladines, D'Aurelles de, R.C.B. 778 Palatio, Octavian de, abp. Arm. 595 Palgrave, sir Fras., R.H. 790 Wm. G., Amb. Bga. 128; #b. Si. 131 ; Amb. Ugy. Palin, Ch. Th., gem. (ID) 926 Palle, Chemtsal, &c., C.I.E. 808 Palles, Chr., A.G. Ir. 589; C.B. Ex, Ir, 583; Pres. Ex. D. Ir, 583; S.G. Ir. 590 Palliser, Ch. Hy., K.C.B. 781 — Hy., gen. (D) 898 — Hugh and sir H., adm. (A) 815; Compt, N. 257; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; G. Newfii. 700; L. Admy, 179 — Wm., abp. Cash, and Eml. 626; bp. Cloy. 630 Palmer, Anthy, K.B. 761 rth., C.C.J. 403; S.L. 412 — Arth. Hunt, and sir A., G., Qland. 706; I.C.M.G. 797 — Ch., gem. (C) 874 — Felix, G. Gren. 724 7– Fras., gen. (B) 864 *— Geoffr. and sir G., A.G. ; ; C.J. Chest. 386 ; S.G. 1 — Geo., adm. (A) 817 — Guy, S.L. 408 — Hy., gen. (ID) 901 — Hy. §: gen. (D) 933 — Hy, Well., gem. (D) 919 — sir Jas., Chanc. Gart. 746 — Jno., dn, Pboro. 458 — Jno. Geo., gen, (D) 913 — Jno. Hinde, Q.C. 418 — Jos., dn. Cash. 627 — Pet., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — sir Ralph, C.J. Mdras. 658 *º-º-º-º: “smºmºmº Palmer—cont. — Rog., K.B. 763 — Sir Rog. Wm. Hy., gen, (ID) 92.1 — Round., aft. Sir R. and 1st ld. and E. Selborne, q.v., A.G. 400; Ld. Chanc. 358 ; P.C. 218; Q.C. 417; S.G. 402 — Th., C. St. 283 Palmerston, visc. — Hy., 2nd visc., B.T. 265; L. Admy. 179; L.T. 158 — Hy, Jno., 3rd visc., F. Sec. 228; G.C.B. 772; H. Sec. 227; R.G. 744; L. Admy. 181; L.T. 161; P.C. 208; Prem. 148-9 ; Sec. at W. 234; W.C.P. 319 Palmes, G., Tell. Ex. 167 Palmys, Brian, jun., S.L. 408 Paludius, abp. Lond. 450 Paman, see Payman Pamplin, Rt., adm. (A) 819 Panåt, in Naji. E. ºf Panioty, Demetr., C.I.E. 807 Paniter (or Panter), Dav., bp. Iłoss. 535; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Patr., Sec. St. Sc. 502 IPanizzi, Ant., K.C.B. 783 Pannure, ld, and E. of — Wm., E. of, G. Gibr., (1756) 669; gen. (A) (1770) 858 — Fox, 2nd ló., form. hon. Fox Maule, q.v., aft. 11th E. of Dalhousie, q.v., G.C.B. 772; K.T. 748; L.P.S. Sc. 501; W. Sec. 232 Pansa, C. V., C. Ro. 46 — Q. A., C. Ro. 41 IPanta, Synd. &c., of, C.I.E 806 Panter, D., see Paniter Panton, Jas., J.K.B. 371 — Th., gen. (B) 864 Pantulf, Hugh, J. It. 366 Papelew, Rt., bp. Chich. 432 Paperna, M., C. Ro. 45 Papillon, Dav. (? 1 or 2), C. Exc. 280-1 — Q. A. (2), C. Ro. 42 Par, see also Parr *-*. fă. de, Portr. Lond, 488 Paramindr, &c. (K. Siam), G.C.M.G. 795 rºlshowe. Th. de, M. Chy. 9 Pare, Jno., gen. (A) 862 Paredes, Pres. Mex. 103 Parfew, Rt., see Purfoy Pargeter, Wm., M. Chy, 396 Pargitor, Sir Th., L.M. Lond 490 Parham, Benj., C.C.J. 403 Paris, Jno. Ayrt., Pres. Coll. b. 9. , 938 Parish, Hy. Woodb., gen. (D) 921 — Jno. Ed., adm. (BI) 852 — Woodb, and Sir W., C, Exc. 282; C. Exc. Sc. 505; K.C.H. 789 Parisio, Ct. Paolo, G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 Park, Jas. Al. and sir J., jöp. §§0, K.C. is ; Si. 413 Parke, Col. —, G. Leew. Isl. 727 — Geo., gem. (ID) 881 — Hy. Wm., gem. (D) 894 — Jas. and Sir J., aft. li. Wensleydale, q.v., B. Ex. 385; J.I.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 212; S.L. 413 Parke—cont. — Th. Adams, gem. (D) 883 — Wm., gen. (ID) 904; K.C.B. 2 78 *šiker, Sir Ch. Chr., adm. (G) 1 — Chr., adm. (A) 816 — Ed. A., gen. (ID) 892 — Geo., adm. (H)849 — Geo., see visc. P., infra, — Sir Geo., adm. (A) 819; R.C.B. 776 Ts6 hon. Geo. Lane, gen. (B) 5 —- Gerv., gen. (A) 857 — Hy. (2), K.B. 760 — Hy., aft. 5th lá. Monteagle, q.v., K.B. 762 — Hy. Perr., bp. E. Eq, Afr. 688 — Sir Hy. Wats., K.C.M.G. 797 — sir Hyde (No. 1), adm. (A) 815 — sir Hyde (No. 2), adm. (A) 815 — Hyde (No. 3), adm. (D) 827; L. Admy. 183 — Jas. and sir J., Q.C. 417; V. Chanc. 390 — Jno., abp. Dbln. and Gl. 616; abp. Th. 611; bp. Elph. 608 — Jno., adm. (IHI) 847 — Jno., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 409, 410 — Jno., dm. Llin. 623 — Jno., gen. (IB) 685 — Jno., L.T. 160; P.C. 216; Sec. Adm. 186; Sec. Tr. 163 — Jno., M.I. Ir, 585 — Jno. B., gen. (D) 881 — Kenyon Stev., Q.C. 417 — Matth., abp. Cant. 431; dri. Linc. 448 — sir Peter, adm. (A) 815 — Rd., gen. (D) 896 — Rog., dn. Linc. 448 — Saml., bp. Oxf. 456 — Th. and sir T., B. Ex. 385; C.B. Ex. 382; J.C.P. 379; P.C. 202; S.L. 412 — Th., see la. P., infra. — Wnn., adm. (A) 816 — sir Wm., adm. (A) 820; (B) 821; (C) 822; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 776; L. Admy, 182-3 -ºwn. and Sir W., J. l’r. Ct. Parker, lds. and visc. — Th., and Sir T., aft. 1st là. P., and 1st E. of Macclesfield, q.v., C.J.Q.IB. 370; Lól. Chanc. 357; P.C. 195; S.L. 411 — Geo., aft. visc. P, and 2nd E. of Macclesfield, q.v. — Geo., visc., aft. 4th E. of Macclesfield, q.v., Tell. Ex. 167; Compt. H. 293; P.C. 205 Parkes, Harry Sm, and sir H., Amb. Ch, and Cor. 131; Amb, Jap. 131; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783 — Hy. and sir H., G.C.M.G. 796; ISI.C.M.G. 797 rººkhurst, Jno., bp. Norw. 55 — Sir Wnn., M.M. 246 rººkin, Geo. Hy., adm. (IHI) 85 *śinson, Ch. Fk., gen. (D) — Ch. Fla., gem. (ID) 922 Ed., gen, (D) 881 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1 106 INT).EX OF NAMES. rºy, Brook Br., gen. (D) — Wm., gen. (D) 895 Parma, Pr. of, R. Nds. 83 Parnell, Hy. Br., and sir H. aft, 1st lá, Congleton, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Paym, G. 244; Sec, at W. 234; Tr. N. 257 — Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Jno, and Sir J., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566; C. Treas. #. 560; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; P.C. Parneys, Jno. L.M. Lond, 490 Parning or Parnyng Rt. and Sir ., C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; Ld. Chanc, 354; S.L. 406 Parr, see also Par - — Jno., G. I. Man, 666 — Jno., G. N. Sc. 695 — Rd., b.p. S. and M. 483 — Th., K.B. 759 — Th. Chase, gen. (D) 891 — Wnn. Chase, gem. (ID) 929 Fºr of Kendal, sir Wnn., K.G., 786 — Wm., ld., aft. E. of Essex, and M. of Northampton, q.v., K.G. (1543) 738 Parra, A., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Parrott, Benj., gem. (ID) 919 Parry, 'Benj. bp. Oss, 620; dn. Oss. 623; dm. St. Pat. 618 — Dav., G. Bóloes. 720 — Ed., b.p. Killoe, 634; dim. Lism. 629; dri. Wíord. 628 — Ed., b.p. Suff. Dow, 431 — Ed., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 — Ed. Igg., adm, (H) 848 — Fras., adm. (A) 816 — Fras., C. Exc. 278-9 — Fk. Wnn. Best, gen, (D) 932 — Hy, bp. Glr. 438 ; Worc. 473; dri. Chest. 477 70 Hy. Hutt, bp. Perth, W.A. 7 — (or Pavy), Hugh, bp. St. Dav. 464 — Jno., b.p. Oss. 620; dim. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 -nºno. Bill, C.C.J. 403; Q.C. 7 — Jno. H., P.P. 418; S.L. 413 — Jno. Parry Jones, adm. (H) 853 bp. — Love Parry Jones, (B) 870; K.H. 791 Rd., byp. St. As. 462; dn. Bgr. 426 — Rt., dn. Lism. 629 — Spencer Cl., gen, (13) 869 — Th., b.p. Béloes. 721 — sir Th., C.D.L. 242 — sir. Th., Compt. H. 292; Tr. H. 291 — Wm., adm. (A) 814 — Sir Wm. Ed., adm. (ID) 829 ; L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Wm. Hy. Webley-, (ID) 823 Parslow, Jno., G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 858 Parsons, Cliff., gem. (ID) 929 —ºir Humphr., L.M. Lond. — Jas., gen. (D) 887 — Jno., bp, Pboro. 458 ; dra. Brl. 440 — Jno., gen. (C) 871 gen. - adm. Parsons—cont. — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond, 491 — Sir Lawr., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C. Treas. Ir. 561 — Needh. Th., gem. (I)) 926 — Rt. White, adm. (H) 847 — Sir Wm., L.J. Ir. 554 Partridge, Hy., K.C. 415 — Rd., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Pascal I, and II., P. Ro. 33-4 Paschal, Jno., b.p. Llff. 449 1°asco, Jno, adm, (D) 828 Pashley, Rt., Q.C. 417 Paske, Wm., gen. (D) 915 Paslem, Jno., K.B. 756 Pasley, Ch. Wm. and sir C., gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 777 — Th., and sir T., adm. (A) 816 — Sir Th. Sab., adm. (D) 831; (E) 834; K.C.B. 780 **quito (de Vannes), D. Bry. 7 Passele, Edm. de, B. Ex. 383; S.L. 406 Passelewe, Rt., Ch. Ex. 152 — Sim., B. Ex. 382 Paston or Pastone, Wm., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Patchett, Wm., Q.C. 419 IPaté, Geml. —, R.C.B. 778 Pate, Rd., bp. Worc. 473 Pater, bp. Llff. 448 — Ch. Dudl., adm. (A) 819 Paterculus, C. S., C. Ro. 42 Paterson and Patterson. — Adr. Hugh, gen. (D) 919 — Ch. Wm., adm. (A) 818 — Geo., G. Gren. 724 — Jas., gen. (B) 865 — Jas., gen. (C) 872 — Jno., abp. Glasg. 537; bp. Edinb. 533; bp. Gall. 539; bp. BOSS. 536 — Jos., gem. (D) 883 — Marc., C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 592 — Th., gen. (ID) 883 — Walt., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 — Wrm., C.C.J. 406 — Wm., dm. Carl. 476 ; dri. EXI. 437 Wm., G. N.S.W. 702 Sir Wrm., K.C.H. 788 * 2 same pers. — Wm., gen. (D) 928 — Sir Wm., gen, (B) 869 — Wnn. Th. L., gen. (ID) 909 Pateshull and Patteshull — Hugh de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; L.H.T. 152 — Mart. de, Ch. Jr. 363; dm. St. P. 452; Jy. 364 — Nichs, Lechn]., adm. (H) 845 — Sim. do, J. It. 366 ; Jy. 363 — Walt. de, J. It. 367 Patey, see also l’at Ch. Geo. Ed., adm. (GH)843; G. Gamb. 686; G. Lag. 687 ; G. St. Hel. 682 Paton, Jas., bp. Dkld, 533 — Jno. Staff., gen. (ID) 901 Patricio, Pres. Nic. 106 Patrick (St.), bp. Arm. 595 × bp. Cloy. 630 bp. Dbln, 615 bp. Kilf. 635 bp. Kilm. 607 — bp. Lim. 638 — dn. Drom. 606 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates, × sk * >k x × × $. Patrick—cont. 51 (Master of Gray), Ld. Sess. 7 — Sim., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Ely, 435; dyn. Pboro. 458 Patrington, Steph., bp. Chich, 433; bp. St. Day. 464 Patroe (St.), bp. Cnwall. 436 Patten, Flº, adm. (H) 849 — (or Waynflete), Jno., dn. Chich. 434 — Jno. Wils., C.D.L. 243; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 217 — Merc., Bl. M. P.A. 336 Patterson, see Paterson Patteshuli, see Pateshull Patteson, Jno. and Sir Jº, J.K.B. 373; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 215; S.L. 413 — J. C., bp. Melan, 711 Pattinson, Rd., G. Hlgld. 670 Pºison, Alexr. Hope, K.H. 79 — Jas., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 — Jas., gen. (A) 859 Pattle, Th., gen. (D).905 — Wim., gen. (D) 886 Patton, Geo., L.J. Clk. 516; i. Adv. 526, F.C. 217; S.G. SC. 527 — Hugh, adm. (H) 846 — Jno., gen. (IP) 893 — Phil., adm. (A) 816; L. Admy, 180-1 — Rt., adm. (H) 846 — Rt., gen. (ID) 910 — Walt. D. Phillips, aft. Patton-Bethune, gen. (D) 902 Pattyn, see Patten and Wayn- ete Paty, see also Patey — Geo. Wrm., gem. (D) 882; R.C.B. 779; K.H. 790 Paul and Paull — bp. Cmr. 604, — Emp. Russ. 90 — I. to V., P. Ro., 33, 35-6 — -Alexr. Leop., Pr. L. Dtd. 73 — Alf. Wall., C.I.E. 808 —-Fredk, G.D. M. Sch. 75. — Geo., K. Adv. 422; Vic. Gen. 422 — Gregory Ch, and Sir G., C.I.E. 806; K.C.I.E. 805 — Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Jno., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — Matt. C., gen. (ID) 886 — Th., dm. Cash. 627 — Th. Hy., gen, (JD) 881 — Wrm., bp. Oxf., 456; dim. Lich, 445 — Wm. de, bp. Mth. 599 Paule, the Lord of, K.B. (1400) 755 Paulet and Pawlet, see also Poulett sir Amyas,Chanc.Gart,745 Sir Amias, G. Jsey, 667 ° * 2 same pers. — Sir Anthy., G. Jsey. 667 — Ch., aft, 5th D. of Bolton q.v., K.B. 765 — lá. FK, gem. (D) 895 sº|a. Geo., adm. (D) 831; (F) 3 — lil. Harry, aft. 4th D. of Bolton, *#3 adm. (A) 814; l × 4. L. Admy. — lil. Hy, K.B. (1625) 762 Hy., adm. (A) 818 K.C.B. 774; L. Admy, 181 — sir Hugh, G. Jsey. 667 — lil. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX () F NAMES. 1107 Paulet—comt. — Jno., IK.B. 759 '— ld. Nass., K.B. (1725)764 — lá. Wm., Tell. Ex. (1715) 168 — lil. Wm., F.M. (1886) 856; G.C.B. 770; gen. (D), 893; R.C.B. 779 — Sir Wm., aft. lī, St. John of . Basing, 1st E, of Wilt- Shire, and 1st M. of Winches- ter, q.v., Tr. H. 291 — Wm., aft, 3rd M. of Win- chester, q.v., K.B. 760 Paulinus (St.), abp. Yk. 485; bp. Roch. 459 Paull, see Paul Paullulus, S. P. A., C. Ro. 44 **s, L. AE. (2), C. Ro. 43, — M. A., C. Ro. 41-2 Pauncefote, sir.Jul., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 784; K.C.M.G. 797; U.S.F. 230; U.S.C. 236 Paunton, Jas. de, Jy. 365 Pauper, see Poor Pavely, sir Walt., K.G. 733 Pavy (or Parry), Hugh, bp. St. Dav. 464 Pawel-Rammingen, L. A. G. L.A. F. von, K.C.B. 783 Pawlet, see Paulet and Poulett Paxton, Geo., gen. (D) 912 *†, (or Pye), Adam, bp. Cloy. Paye, Steph. de, bp. St. Andr. 529 Payham, J., b.p. Worc. 472 Payman (or Paman), Clem., dn. Elph. 609 Payn, Payne, Pain, IPaine — Ch., gen. (D) 886 Ch. Fk., adm. (HI) 845 — Fras., dn. Jsy. 668 — Gallw. B., gen. (ID) 900 — Jno., bp. Mth. 599; M.R. Ir, 585 — Jas. S., Pres. Lib. 100 —- Jno. Home, Q.C. 420 — Jno. Will., adm. (A) 817; L.W.S. 323 — Sir Ralph, aft, ld. Laving- ton, q.v., G. Leew. Isl. 727; R.B. 765 — Steph., dn, Exr. 437 — Wrm., S.L. 413 — Wm. and Sir W., gen. (D) 907; K.C.B. 781 — Sir Wm., gem. (A) 861 Paynem, Glem, du. Elph. 609 Paynswick, Rt., dn. Chr. Ch. Dblin. 618 Paynter, G. Bmda. 701 — Dav. Wm., gen. (D) 902 — Jas. Aylm., adm. (E) 835; (E) 839 Payridon, Pres. Arg, 110 Peacock, Barnes and sir. B., C.J. Bgal. 652-3; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; Q.C. 417 — Geo., dm. Ely, 435 — Geo. Jno., gen. (D) 909 — Reg., bp. Chich, 433; bp. St. As. 462 Peache, sir Th., W.C.P. 318 Peachy, Wm., gem. (B) 868 Peacock, Peacocke, IPecocke — Rd., adm. (A) 820 — Sir Steph., L.M. Lond. 490 — Th., gem. (I)) 890 — Sir Warr. Marm., gen. (A) 862; K.C.H. 788 and and Peada, K.E. 3 Peake, Sir Hy, Tr. N. 257 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Th., P.P. 416; S.L. 413 — Th. Ladd, adm. (IHI) 846 — Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Pearce, see also Pearse and Peirse — Sir Edm., M. Chy. 396 — Ed., gen. (C) 871 — Th., gen. (B) 864 — Wm., dm. Ely, 435 — Wrm., K.H. 791 Zach., b.p. Bgr. 426; bp. Roch. 460; dim. Westºr. 469; dn. Winch. 471 Peard, Shuldh., adm. (A) 819 Pearl, sir Jas., K.H. 791 Pears, Th. Towns., gem. (D) 896 &.ć.783 Pearse, see also Pearce and Peirse 92 Arth. Th. Gr., gen. (D) 5 — Geo. Godfr., gen. (ID) 921 — Josh., adm. (H) 848 — Rd. Bulk., adm. (IH) 851 — Wm. Alf. Bumb., adm. (HI) 851 — Wm. G., gem. (D) 878 Pearson, see also Peirson — Alexr., Ld. Sess. 519 — Sir Ch. Kn., gen. (ID) 925; E.C.M.G. 797 — Jno., bp. Chest. 477 — Jno., L.M. D'blin. 641 — Jno. and sir J., Just. Ch. D. 391; Q.C. 418 -iſos. Br., bp. Newc. N.S.W. — Nathl., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Nichs., dn. Sal. 468 — Sir Rd., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Rd. Harr., adm. (A) 820 -ºir Th., gen.(B)870; K.C.H. — Th. Hooke, gen. (D) 904 — Wm., Q.C. 419 IPeat, Dav., adm. (IHI) 848 Pec. Rā āś, j. it. §§ Pecham (or Peche), Rt., bp. Lich. 443 Peche, Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 — Sir Jno., W.C.P. 318 — Rd., bp. Lich. and Cow. 443; L.J. Ir. 550 — Rt., see Pecham Pechell, sir Geo. Rd. Brooke, adm. (&) 841 — Mark Rt., adm. (IHI) 852 — Saml., M. Chy. 397 — sir Saml. Jno. Br., adm. (D) 827; K.C.H. 788; L. Admy. 182-3 — sir Th. Br., gen. (C) 873 Peck, see Pecke Peckard, Pet., dm. Pboro. 458 Pecke, Ed., S.L. 410 Peckham, sir Edm., M.M. 246 — sir Hy., S.L. 410 — Jno., abp. Cant. 430 — Rt., L.M. Lond, 492 Peckwell, Rt. Hy., S.L. 412 Pecoce, Dumc., Sec. St. Sc. 501 Pecocke, see Peacock Pecthelmus, bp. Gall. 538 Peddie, Jno., K.H. 790 Pede, Rd., dn. Her. 442 Pedius, Q., C. Ro. 46 Pedley, sir Nichs., S.L. 410 Pedor, Jno., dn. Worc. 475 Pedraza, Pres. Mex. 103 Pedro, all indexed under Peter Peebles, Jno., bp. Dkld. 533; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Rt., L.G.C. Sc. 506 Peel, see also Peile — Arth. Well., P.C. 220; Sec. B.T. 269; Sec. P.L.B. 262; Sec, Tr. 164; Sp. H.C. 251 — Fk. and sir. F., K.C.M.G. 796; P.C. 216; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S.C. 231, 235; U.S.W. and C. 231; U.S. War, 232 — Jno., dn. Worc. 474 — Jno., gen. (D) 922 — Jonn., gem. (D) 884; P.C. 216; S.G.O. 260; W. Sec. 232 — Laur. and Sir L., B.C. 253 : C.J. Bgal. 652; , Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 216 — Rt. and sir R. (No. 1), C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. Ex. 165; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; H. Sec. 227; L.T. 160-1; P.C. 209; Prem. 147; U.S.W. and C. 231 — sir Rt. (No. 2), Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; G.C.B. 772; L. Admy. 183; P.C. 217 — Wm., K.C.B. 778 — Wm. Yates, B.C. 253; L.T. 160; P.C. 213; U.S. Home, 227 Peers, Sir Ch., C. Cus. 274-5; L.M. Lond. 491 — Rd., G. Bdoes. 719 Peile, see also Peel — Jas. Br., K.C.S.I. M.C.I. (347 — Mountf. Steph. Lov., adm. (BI) 853 Peirs, see Piers Peirse, see also Pearce and Pearse — Ed., adm. (H) 850 Peirson, see also Pearson — Rd., K.B. 765 Pelagius, K. Sp. 85 I, and II., P. Ro. 33 Pelayo, K. Sp. 85 * IPelham, Edmd. and Sir E., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; L.R. Ir. 576; S.L. 409 — hon. FK. Th., adm. (D)832; L. Admy. 184 — hon. Geo., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Exr. 437; bp. Linc. 447 — Hy., C. Cus, 276 — Hy., Cl. Pells. 168 — Hy., L. Admy, 175 — hon. Hy., Ch. EX. 165; L.T. 156-7; P.C. 197; Prem. 142; Paym. G. 244; Sec. at W. 233; Tr. Ch. 294 — hon. Jno. Th., bp. Norw. 455 — Th., B.T. 264 — Th., R.B. 755 — Th., see lá. P., infra, — Sir Wm., L.J. Ir. 554 Pelham, lds. — Th., aft. 1st là. P., C. Cus. 274; L.T. 155 — Th., aft. 2nd ld. P. and 1st E. of Clare and 1st D. of Newcastle, q.v., B.T. 265 ; Compt. H. 292; L. Admy. 179; M.G.W. 296; P.C. 201 hon. Th., aft. li. P., and 2nd E. of Chichester, q.v., C.D.L. 243; C.Y.G. 298; C. Treas. Ir. 560; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; H. Sec. 226; P.C. 206; S.G.O. 260; Sec. St. Ir. 562 *— Th., B.C. 252 * 2 same pers. 803; sk For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1108 INDEX OF NAMES, Pelissier, Marsh., G.C.B. 769 Pell, Alb, and sir A., J. Bank. 392; S.L. 412 . — sir Watk. Owen, adm. (ID) 828; (G) 840; K.C.H. 789 Pellew, sir Ed., aft. 1st là. and visc. Exmouth, q.v., adm. (A) 817 — hon. Fleet. Br. R. and sir F., adm. (D) 827; K.C.H. 789 — Geo., dm. Norw. 456 — Isr. and sir I., adm. (A) 818; K.C.B. 774 Pellion, Marie Jos. Alph. Odet—, K.C.B. 778 Pelly, Hy. Jos., gen. (IP) 901 — Lewis and sir L., gen. (D) 924; K.C.B. 783; K.C.S.I. 803 Permber, Ed. Hy., Q.C. 419 Pemberton, sir Fras, C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; P.C. 192; S.L. 410 — Geo. R., gen. (D) 887 — sir Jas., lu.M. Lond. 491 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 — Jos., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Th., aft. li. Kingsdown, q.v., K.C. 416 Permbridge, Pembrigg, or Pembrugg, sir Rd. de, wójiš: R.C. 733 Pembroke, Hy., dm. Oss. 622 — Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Pembroke, E. of, see also wºnder Montgomery I)e Clare Family. — Gilb. De Clare, 1st E. of, L.M. 325 — Rd, (Strongbow), 2nd E. of, L.J. Ir. 550; L.M. 325 IMarshal Family. — Wm., 1st E. of, L.D. Ir, 550; L.L. Ir. 550 ; W.C.P. 317 — Wm., 2nd E. of, form. W. Marshall, q.v., L.J. Ir. 550; L.M. 325 — Rd., 3rd E. of, L.M. 325 — Gilb., 4th E. of, L.M. 325 — Walt., 5th E. of, L.M. 325 — Anselm, 6th E. of, L.M. 325 Bastings Family. — Jno., 2nd E. of, K.G. 733 IPlantagemet Family. — Humph., 1st E. of (son of Hy. IV.), aft. D. of Gloucester, q.v., R.G. 734 Tudor Family. — Jasper, 1st E. of, form. J. Tudor, q.v., aft. D. of Bed- ford, q.v., K.B. 756; K.G. 736; L.L. Ir. 553 Herbert Family. 1st Creation, — Wrm., 1st E. of, form, ld, Herbert of Chepstow, q.v. 27vd. Creation. — Wnn., 1st E. of, form. Sir Wm. Herbert, and aft. li. H. of Cardiff, q.v., L.S.H. 290 — Hy., 2nd E. of, form, ki. Cardiff, q.v., K.G. 738 — Wm., 3rd E. of, E.M. 326; R.G. 739 ; L.C.H. 294-95; L.S.H. 290; L.W.S. 323 — Ph., 4th E. of, also 1st E. of Montgomery and 1st lél. Herbert of Shurland, q.v., Const. W. Cast, 322; L.W.S. 3 The following were also E. of Montgomery:— — Wnn. 6th E. Of, B.T. 263 Pembroke, E. Of-comt. — Th., 8th E. of, K.G. 741; L. Admy, 176; L.H.A. 176-7; L.L. Ir. 555; L.L. S. Wales, 315; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 194; Pres. R. Soc. 940 — Hy., 9th E. of, gen. (B) 864; Gr. St. 304; P.C. 198 Hy., 10th E. of, gem. (A) 858; L.L. Wilts, 313 Geo. Augs., 11th E. of, form. li. Herbert, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; G. Gsey. 669; gen. § 860; R.G. 743; L.L. Wilts, — Geo. Rt. Chas., 13th E. of, TJ.S. War. 232 Pennery, Thor. Rd., K.B. 758 Penaud, Adm., K.C.B. 778 Pencestre or Penchester, Steph. de and Sir S., J.C.P. 377; W.C.P. 318 Penda, K.E. 3 Pendarves, Alexr., S.L.R., 271 Pender, Fras., adm. (A) 817 — Jno., K.C.M.G. 799 Pendergast, see Prendergast Penfold, see Pinfold Pengelly, Th. and sir T., C.B. Ex. 382; S.L. 411 Penkeston, Jas., J.K.B. Ir. 578 — Walt., J.K.B. Ir. 578 Penn, sir Wm., adm. (A) 813 Pennant, sir Saml., L.M. Lond. 492 Pennefather, Ed., C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578; S.G. Ir, 590; S.L. Ir. 593 Jno. Lys, and Sir J., G.C.B. 770; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (D) 885; K.C.B. 777 — Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C. St. Ir. 568; U.S. Ir. 563 Pennell, Foll. Walr., adm. (G) 841 Penney, see Penny Pennington, Alderman, Lt. T.L. 321 — sir Isaac, L.M. Lond. 491 — sir Jos., C. Cus. 276 — Lowth., aft. 2nd lá. Mun- caster, q.v., gem. (A) 859 Pennus, M. J., C. Ro. 44 Penny and Penney — Gabr. Rd., gen. (ID) 877 — Jno., bp. Bgr. 426; Carl. 475 — Nichs., dn. Lich. 445 — Nichs., gem. (ID) 887 Wrm., Ld. Sess. 521 Pennycuick, Jas. Farr., gem. (ID) 922 — Jno., I.H. 792 Permichyn, Ed. Gord., 1st là., L.L. Carn. 314 Penrice, Hy., Adm. Adv. 423; J. Adm. Ct. 423 Penros and Penrose — Ch., gem. (D) 907; K.C.B. 81 7 — Ch. Vin. and Sir C., adm. (A) 819; G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.B. 7 — Jno., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; J.C.P. 378 Penshurst, Percy Cl. S., 1st ld., form. V. Strangford, q.v. IPenson, Wm., Chest. H. 331; Lanc. H. 333 IPenton, Hy., L. Admy. 179 Penzance, Jas. Pl., 1st 1d., form. J. P. Wilde, q.v.; D. Arch. 421 bp. Pepin, K. Fr. 23 Peploe, Saml. (No. 1), Wäm. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 ; b.p. Chest. 477 — Saml. (No. 2), Wän. Chr, Ch. Manch. 481 - Pepper, Jno., gen. (C) 871 rºppereu, Sir Wnn., gen. (IB) Pepys, Ch. Chr. and sir C., aft. 1st là. and E. Cottenham, q.v.; C.G.S. 358; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416; Ld. Chanc. 358; M.R. 388 ; P.C. 213; S.G. 402 — Hy., b.p. S. and M. 484; bp. WOrc. 473 — sir Lucas, Pres. Coll. Ph. d., B. Ex. 384; C.G.S. II. 576; C.J.K.B. Ir, 578; S.L. 409 — Saml., Pres. R. Soc. 940; Sec. Adm. 186 — Wm. W., M. Chy. 397 Pera, M. J., C. Ro. 43; Dt. Ro. 43 — D. J., C. R.O. 42 Perbroun or Perburn, Jno. de, L.H.A. 171 Percenay (or Perchehay), Hy. de, B. Ex. 383; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Perceval and Percival — Alexr., L.T. 160 — hom. Ch. Geo., aft. 1st là. Arden, q.v., L. Admy. 180 — (or Persevall), Hugh, dn. Ross. 633 — Jno., L.M. Tuond. 490 — Jno. Maxw., G. N.S.W. 703; gen. (D) 899 — Lew., gem. (ID) 932 — Sp., gem. (ID) 897 — Sp. and sir S., Clk. O. 260; Tell. Ex. 167; U.S. Home, 227 —hon. Sp., A.G. 400; C.D.L. 243; C. Treas. Ir. 561; Ch. Ex. 165; K.C. 415 ; L.T. 158-9; P.C. 208; Prem. 145; S.G. 402 — Wm., dm. Emly, 628 Perchard, Pet., L.M. Lond, 492 Perchehay, see Percehay Percival, sée Perceval Percy, hon. Algn., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Swz. 113. — Algm., see lá. P., infra. — Allan, K.B. 761 — Hy., K.B. 754 — Hy. (Hotspur), K.B. 756; K.G. 734 — Hy., K.B. (1426), 756 — Hy., see 1d. P., infra, — hom. Hugh, dm. Cant. 432; bp. Carl. 476; bp. Roch. 460 — hon, Josc., adm. (ID) 826 — Pet. de, J. It. 368; Jy. 365 — Rt. de, J. It. 366 — Th., bp. Drom. 605; dim. Carl. 476 — Th., b.p. Norw. 455 — Th., aft. E. Of Worcester, q.v. (d. 1402), K.G.734; L.H.A. 173 - — (or Persey), Walt., S.L. 407 Wm., bp. Carl. 475 — Wm. de, J. It. 366 — Wrm. de, K.B. 755 — hon, Wm. Hy., adm. (H) 844; C. Exc. 282 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1109 Percy, lds., Wisc. and E. — Hy., aft. Id. P. and E. Northbd., q.v. (d. 1408), K.G. 733; L.M. 325 — Algm., aft. lil. P. and D. of igmba, q.v. (d. 1668), K.B. — li. Algn., aft. E. of Hert- ford, and E. of Northumber- and 7th D. of Somerset, q.v. (d. 1750), G. Gsey. 668 — Hy. Hugh Maur., visc. (son of Geo., 5th D. of Northbd.), gen. (D) 900; K.C.B. 780 . Geo., Earl, son of 6th D. of Northbd., P.C. 218; Tr. FI. 292 Pereira, Pres. Ugy. 111 – Mamass. Lop., gen. (D) 876 "Perez, J. J., Pres. Chi. 111 — S., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Periam (or Peryam), Wm. and sir W., C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Perkins, AEm., gen. (I)) 932 — Chr., dn. Carl. 476 — Ed. Norm., gem. (D) 915 — Jas. Fras., gen. (B) 866 — Wm. Hill., gen. (I)) 877 Perne, Andr., dm. Ely, 435 Perowne, Jno. Jas, S., dn. PbOro. 459 Perperna, M., C. Ro. 45 Perriam, see Periam Perrin, see also Perryn — Arth., L.M. D'bln. 642 — Louis, A.G. Ir. 588; J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 593 Pºins, Jno., L.M. Lond. 9 * Perrot or Perrott, sir Geo., B. Ex. 385; K.C. 415 ; S.L. 412 sir Jno., L.D. Ir. 554 Perry, Ch., bp. Melb. 705; Prel, MI.G. 799 — Jas., gem. (ID) 886 — Jno. Laisne, adm. (IHI) 852 — Mich., L.M. Lond. 491 — sir Th. Ersk., C.J. Bbay. 660; M.C.I. 646 Perryam, see Periam Perrym, see also Perrin — Rd. and sir R., B. Ex. 385; l{.C. 415; S.L. 412 Persevall, see Perceval Persey, Walt., see Percy Persia, Mukhbar ud Dowlah of, C.I.E. 807 — Sult. of, G.C.S.I. 802 Pertab, Mahar. of, K.C.S.I. 3 80 Pertharitus, K. Lmd. 49 Perth, Jas., 4th E. Of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; K.T. 747; L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 192 Pertinax, Emp. Ro. 47 IPery, Wm. Cecil, aft 1st 1d. Glentworth, q.v., b.p. Killa. and Ach. 613; bp. Lim. A. and A. 639; dim. Killoe. 637; dm. Dry. 602 ſº Peryam, see Perian Pester, Hy., gen. (D) 897 — Hugh Loam., gem. (D) 912 Pessulano, Rt. de M., bp. Lich, and Cov. 444 Pestonji, &c., C.I.E. 808 Peter and Pedro *— bp. Clonm. 600 * (of Dumath), bp. Cnr. 604 ź bp, Lich. 443 Peter and Pedro—comt. >k bp. Ork, 535 × dn. Dry. 602 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. g . 54 — (de Courtenay), Emp. E.E. 51 — (abb. of Tewkesbury), J. It. 367 — K. Cle. 86 — P. R.O. 32 — (de Fuentes), R. Nds. 82 — I., G.D. Obg. 76 — I., R. Russ. 90 — I. and II., D. Bry. 28 — I. and II., Emp. Bzl. 108 — II. (Emp. Bzl.), K.G. 745 — I. and II. K. Scy. 55 — I. to III., E. Russ. 90 — I. to IV., K. Arr. 86 — I. to V., K. Pgl. 88-9 — V. (K. Pgl.), K.G. 744 — -Ernest, K. Nds. 82 —-Fred., D. 6)bg. 76 —-Fred.-Louis, D. Obg. 76; G.D. Obg. 76 —-Leopold, G.D. Thy. 57 — -Louis-Farmese, D. Pnna. 53 — Th., gem. (B) 867 — Wnn. and sir W., M. Chy. 394 Peterborough, E. of, see also Monmouth Hy., 2nd E. of, Gr. St. 303; I.G, 740 ; P.C. 191-2 — Ch., 3rd E. of, also E. of Monmouth, g. v., adm. (A) 813; G. Jam. 712; gen. (A) 857; K.G. 741; P.C. 195 Peters, Wm. Hy. Br., gen. (D) Petersdorff, Ch. E., C.C.J. 404; S.L. 413 Peterson, Fk., C.I.E. 807 —Wm., dm. Exr. 437 Petheram, Wm. Com. and Sir W., C.J. Bgal. , 653; C.J. N.W. Pr. 654; Q.C. 419 rºicus, C. S. (2), C. Ro. 39, — C. S. (5), Dt. Ro. 40 Petion, A., Pres. S. Dom. 105 Petit and Pety't — Dunc., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Jno., B. Ex. 383 — Jno., K.B. 755 — Th., dm. Ferns, 623 — Wnn. le, S.L. Ir. 590; L.J. Ir. 550 Petitot, Wm., gem. (C) 871 Petow, Pet., bp. Sal. 467 Petre, Ed., P.C. 193 — Geo. Gl., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb., Pgl. 125; Amb, Pgy. 136; Amb. Scy. 115 — sir Wm., S. St. 223 Petre, lds. — Jno., 1st là., L.L. ESX. 308 Petr ezzo pulo, Pietr., G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 Petrides, Plato, K.C.M.G. 796 Petrie, Arth., bp. Edinb. 542; bp. Mor. 544 — Jno. Gord., gen. (D) 916 — Wrm., G. Mdras. 656 Petronilla, Q. Arr. 86 Petrus, see Peter Pettingal, Ed., gen, (D) 891 Petty, ld. Hy., aft. 3rd. M. Lansdowne, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165 L.T. 158; P.C. 207 Petyt, see Petit Peverel,. Peverell, and IPeveril — Hugh, Jy. 363 — Th., bp. Llff. 449; bp. Oss. 620; bp. Worc. 472 Wm., K.B. 754 — Wm., W.C.P. 317 Peyton, Fras., gen. (D) 908 — Jno., adm. (A) 817 — sir Jno., G. Jsey. 667; Lt. T.L. 321 — Sir Jno. Str., K.C.H. 789 — Jos., adm. (A) 815 Th., din. Th. 613 — sir Th., gen. (ID) 911 Pezet, J. A., Pres. Pu. 109 Pharamond, K. Fr. 22 Phayre, Arth. Purv. and sir A., Ch. Com. Brma. 655; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Mtius. 634; gen. (I)) 910; K.C.S.I. 803 —º. gen. (ID) 921 ; K.C.B. 781 Pheasant or Phesant — Jasp., dn. Killoe. 637 — Pet., J.C.P. 379; Rec. Lond, 494; S.L. 409 Phelip, see Philip Phelips, see Philips Phelps, Arth., gem. (I)) 934 — Rd., U.S.S. 226 Phlesant, see Pheasant Philbrick, Fk. Adolph., Q.C. 419 Philibert (de Chalons), Pr ... S3 Or. — I. and II., D. Swy. 54 — I. and II. M. Bdn. 67 Philip and Phelip >}: bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639 *— bp. Brn. 531 :: bp. Clonm. 600 *— (of Slane), bp. Cork, 630 *— (of Poictiers), bp. Dham, 478; Jy. 364 bp. Emly, 625 *— bp. Wíord. Wford. 628 dra. Clr. 597 dr. Cork, 632 dın. Emly, 628 dn. Lism. 628 *— Ld. Chanc. 353 * Prob. some same pers, Comp. dates. — (D’Alsace), C. Flrs. 81 — (the Hardy), C. Flrs. 81 — (the Ingenuous), C.P.R. 68 — (le Bon), D. Bbt. 29 — D. Pnna. 53 — D. Su. 80 — D. Thy. 57 — Emp. R.O. 47 — E. Gnny. 61. — (Ph. II. Spn.), K.C.E. 7 — K. Cle. 86; K.G., 737 — (2), K. Nav. 85 * : 626; dın. *: :: X; $: 7 — M. Bdn. 67 — (son Hy. II.), Pr. E. 9 — (gson. Ja.s. I.), Pr. E. 13 — Pr. Tu. Sch. 73 — (le Beau), R. Nds. 82 — I., C. Swy. 54 — I, to III., D. Bdy. 29 — III. (D. Bdy.), K.G. 735 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1110 INDEX OF NAMES. Philip and Phelip—cont. — I. to III., Pr. Nass. 75 — I. to V., K. Sp. 86 Tº II. (K. Sp.), K.C.E. 7; K.G. 738 — I, to VI., K. Fr. 23-4 — V., K. Nav. 87 — Arth., adm. (A) 8.7 -Fredk. -Lg., H. — (or Phelip), Jno. K.B. 756 — Matth., K.B. 757; L.M. Lond. 490 — Wnn., C.P.R. 68 — Wrm., Pr. Or. 83 Philipot, see also Philpot — Jno., Bl. L.P.A. 341; R. Dr. P.A. 338; Som. H. 332 Philippa (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E . 10 — (g. dau. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (Iss, Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 — (dau. Hy. IV.), Pr. E. 11 — Q.C.E. Philipps, see Phillips Philippas, L. M., C. Ro. 45-6 — Q.M., C. Ro. 42, 44 Philips, see Phillips Philipsom, see Phillipson Phillimore, Augs. and Sir A., adm. (E) 836; R.C.B. 782 — Hy. Bourch., adm. (E) 837 — Jno. Geo., Q.C. 417 — Jos. and sir J., Adm. Adv. 423; B.C. 253 — Rt. Jos. and Sir R., Adm. Adv. 423; D. Arch. 421; J.A.G. 937; J. Adm. Ct. 423; J.P.D.A. 391; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 217 ; Q. Adv. 422; Q.C. 418 — Walt. Geo. F. and sir W., P.P. 420 Phillip, Capt. A., G. N.S.W. 702 - Phillip i cus-Bardanes, Emp. E.E. 50 tº Phillips, Phillipps, Phi- lips, Philipps, and Phi- lips, see also Philps Pºlips, Alex. R., adm. (H) 85 — Amb., S.L. 411 — Arth. Chaumc., gen. (D) 914 — Benj. S. and Sir B., L.M. Lond. 492 — Sir Ch., gem. (B) 868 — Ch., Ed. Grigg, L.L. Hav. 316 — Dav., G. Jsey, 667 — Ed. and sir E., M.R. 388 ; S.L. 409; Sp. H.C. 249 — Fla., gem. (ID) 914 — Geo. Rt., gen. (D) 923 — Hy. Pye, gen. (ID) 925 — Jas. M., R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Jas. Rt., adm. (ID) 827 — Jno., bp. S. and Mſ., 483 *— Sir Jno., B.T. 264 *— Sir Jno., P.C. 201 * 2 same pers. — Jno. Alex., gem. (ID) 891 i — Jno. Hy., aft. Sir J. Phil- lips-Scourfield, L.L. Hav. 316 Rd., G. N.Sc. 694 *— Rd., gen. (B) 864 * Prob. same pers. — Rd., U.S.C. 235 — Sir Rd., aft. li. Milford (1st Cr.), q.v., L.L. Hav. 316 — Sir Rd. Bulk., aft. 1d. Mil- ford (2nd Cr.), q.v., L.L. Haw. 316 Phillips—cont. Rd. Ell., C. Cus. Sc., 504 — Rt., L.P.S. 240 — Rt. Hosk., gen. (D) 931 — Rt. Newt, gem. (D) 902 — Saml. March., P.C. 215; U.S. Home, 228 sir Th., Q.C. 418 — Walt., dm. Roch. 461 — Wnn., gen, (C) 872 — sir Wnn., aft. lil. Bardolph, R. G. 735 — Wrm. Cornw., gen (ID) 918 Phillips-Treby, see Treby Phillipson and Philipson. — Jno., S.W.F. 271 — Rd. Burt., gen (IB) 866 — T., L. Admy, 178 Phillott, Ch. Geo. Rodn., adm. (HI) 846 — Hy., gem. (C) 875 Phillpot, see Philpot Phillpott-s, see Philpott-s Philo, C. C., C. Ro. 38 43 L. V. (2), C. Ro. 43; Dt. Ro. 3 — Q. P. (4), C. Ro. 40–1; Diº. RO. 40 Philpot, Philpott, Phillpot, ; Phylpot, see also Phili- po — Hy., bp. Worc. 473 — Jno., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Jno., K.B. 759 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 — Ph., gem. (B) 870 Philpotts and Phillpotts — Arth. Th., gem. (D) 905 — Hy., bp. Exr. 437; dri. Chest. 477 Philps, Jas. Hy., R.H. 792 Philus, L. F., C. Ro. 44 Triº. 3 #S. ſ. **, IXenn. M., Modr. K. Sc. 47 — Th., P.P. 417 — Th., Sec. Adm. 187 Phinny, see Finny rººps, hon. Aug., C. Ex. 1- * — Benj., dm. Down, 605; dm. Ferns, 623 — hom. Ch. Beaum., K.C.B.782 — sir Const., L.J. Ir. 556; Ld. Chanc. Ilº. 576 — hom. Edm., gen. (A) 861 — hom. Edw., Q.C. 417 — Geo. Wm., gem. (B) 869 — Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Paul, K.H. 791 Phipson, Th. W., Q.C. 418 Phocas, Emp. E.E. 50 IPhra-Bat, &c., K. Si. 100 Phraklang - Chao, K.C.M.G., 797 Phyl—, see Phil— Piastus, D. Pld. 90 Picard, see Pickard IPicens, M. H., C. Ro. 46 Picheford, Geoffr. de, Const. W. Cast. 322; J. It. 368 &c., IPickard Picard, and fy cará — Benj. Sp., adm. (H)852 — Hy., L.M. Lond. 489 — Jas., gem. (D) 910 Pickering and Pykering, See also l’uckering — sir Jas., Sp. H.C. 248 — J. A., G. Virg. Isl. 731 — Perc. Amdr., Q.C. 417 39 Rt. de, dm. Yk. 486; M. Chy. 393 Pickering and Pykering—comt. — Wm. de, dm. Yk. 486; M Chy, 393 — Wm. Hy., gem. (ID) 895 Fiºrett, Wm., L. M. Lond. Pickmore, Fras., adm. (A) 818; G. Newfii. 700 Picot, see Pycot Picton, Jno., gen. (C) 873 — Th. and sir T., G.C.B. 767; G. Tob. 723; G. Trin. 722; gen. (B) 867; K.B. 766 Wm., gen, (A) 859 Pictor, C. F., C. Ro. 42 e #. C. Ro. 42 Pictuinus, bp. Gall. 538 Piel, see Pyell rºat, Jac. Chr., G. Ceyl. 67 Pierce, see also Pearce — F., Pres. U.S.A. 102 91 Josh, Hume Spr., gen. (ID) 918 T- Th., dm. Sal. 468 — Th., gen. (D) 914 } — Th. Wm. West, gem. (D) 935 — Wm., see Piers Pierola, N. de, Dt. Pu. 109 Pierreport, hon, Hy. M., Amab. Sw. 126; P.C. 208 — Wnn., adm. (A) 819 IPierrot. Pres. Hti. 105 * Piers, jmo, abp. Yk. 486; bp. Roch. 460; bp. Sal. 467; dri. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457; dri. Chest. 477; dn. Sal. 468 (or Pierce), Wm., bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Pboro. 458; dn. PbOro. 458 Pierse, see also Piers, Pearce, Pearse, and Pierce — Dudl., dum. Rilmacd. 637 Pierson, see also Pearson and Peirson — sir Rd., gen. (B) 865 — Wm. Hy, adm. (H) 847 Pietas, L.A., C. Ro. 46 Piggot, Piggott, Pigot, and Pigott + — —, G. Tob. 723 — Sir Arth., A.G. 400 — Dav. Rd., A.G. Ir, 588; 583; S.G. Ir. Ed. F. S., E.S.P. 301 — Fras., aft. Pigott-Conant, G. I. Man, 666 — sir Geo., gen. (A) 861 — Gill, and sir G., B. Ex. 385 ; P.P. 417; S.L. 413 — Hy. and sir H., G.C.M.G. 794; gen. (A) 860 — Hugh and sir H., adm. (A) 815; (ID) 825; K.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 788; L. Admy. 179, 180 — Ja.s., adm. (A) 816 — Rd., gem. (A) 863 Rd., S.L. 407 *— Rt., Wän. M. 245 *— Sir Rt., gen. (IB) 866 * 2 same pers. — Th., bp. Bgr. 426 — Th., S.L. 408 *#gu, Arth. Com., gen. (D) l — Fras., dm. Chich. 434 Pike and Pyke — Jno. Wm., adm. (H) 853 — Rd., K.B. 754 Pikenot, Rt., J. It. 366 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1111 Pilborough, Jno., B. Ex. 384 Pilcher, Jno. M., gen. (D) 889 Pilkington and Pilkyriton — Andr. and sir A., gen. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 — Jas., b.p. Dham. 479 — Jno., I.C.B. 757 — Rt., gen. (C) 875 — sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Pillar, Jas., S.L.R. 271 Pilmore, Jno., bp. Mor. 534; bp. Ross. 535 rºworth, Wm., bp. Kild. Pim, see also Pym. — Bedf. Clapp. Tryv. adm. (HI) 853 Pincernia, Nichs. de, J. It. 367 Pinckney, L., Tell. Ex. 167 — W., Tell. Ex. 167 Pine, see also Pyne — Benjn. Chill. Campb.. and Sir B., G. Antig., &c. 727; G. Gld. Cst. 686; G. Leew. Isl. 727; G. Nat. 680; G. St. Xtr. 29 : G. W. 729; e Austr. 707; K.C.M.G. 796 — Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 — Rd., G. Gld. CSt. 686 Pineda, L., Pres. Nic. 106 Pinfold, Ch., Adm. Adv. 423 — Ch., G. Bdoes, 720 — Th., Adm. Adv. 423 Pingo, Benj., R. Dr. P.A. 338; Yk. H. 334 Pinkeni, Gilb. de, J. It. 365 Pinkham, Wm. Cypr., bp. Sask. 697 Pinson, Ph., abp. Trm. 611 Pinto, Pres. Arg, 110 — A., Pres. Chi. 111 Pipard, Gilb., J. It. 366 — Pet., L.J. Ir. 550 Pipe, Rd., L.M. Lond. 490 — Rt. Sl., gen. (ID) 890 Pipon, Geo., K.H. 791 — Ph. Goss., gem. (ID) 922 Pirie, Jno. and sir J., L.M. Lond. 492 — Wrm., gem. (ID) 913 Wm. R., Mod. R. Sc. 547 Piro, Giuss. Mar. Bar. de, G.C.M.G., 795; K.C.M.G., 796 — Wm., bp. Glend. 615 Pirri, Martyn, M.M. 246 Piso, C. C., C. R.O. 44, 46 . C., C. Ro. 44 Pitcairne, Rt., Ld. Sess. 518; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Pitman, Ch. Ed., C.I.E. 806 — Rt., gem. (D) 877 Pitt, Geo., aft. 1st ld. Rivers, q.v., Amb. Sda. 114; Amb. Spn. 123 Geo. Dean-, gen. (D) 882; K.H. 791 — Geo. Dean-, gen, (D) 922 *— Jno., B.T. 264-5 Sk Jno., G. Brmda. 701 >k Jno., L. Admy. 178 *— Jno., S.W.F. 271 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. — Th., G. Jam, 712 — Th., aft. 1st lá. Camelford, q.v., L. Admy, 179; L.W.S. 323 — Th., M. Chy. 396 — Th., aft. li. Londonderry, QI.1). — Wm. (No. 1), aft. 1st E. of Chatham, q.v., P.C. 199; Paym, G. 244; Prem. 142; V. Treas. Ir. 560; S. St. 224 IPitt—comt. — Wm. (No. 2), B.C. 252; Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 158; P.C. 203; Prem. 144; W.C.P. 319 — Wm. Augs. and sir W., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gem. (A) 858; K.B. 765 Pitt-Lewis, see Lewis Pitt-Rivers, see Rivers Pittenweem, Abbot of, Ld. Sess. 518 Pitts, Saml., B.T. 264 Pium tellus, Wm., Const. T.L. 320 rigs I. to IX., P. Bo. 32, 35, 3 Q. C. M., C. Ro. 45 Place, Alfr. Fox, gen. (D) 923 Planché, Jas. R., R. Cr. P.A. 336; Som. H. 332 Plancus, L. M. (2), C. Ro. 46 Planta, Jos., B.C. 253; G.C.H. 787; L.T. 160; P.C. 213; Sec. Tr. 143; U.S.F. 230 Plantagallet, Geoffr., abp. Yk. 485; bp. Linc. 446; Ld. Chanc. 353 IPlasket, Rd., K.C.M.G. 796 Plat, Gust. du, K.H. 790 — Pet. du, gen. (C) 873 Platt, Th. Josh. and sir T., B. Ex. 385; K.C. 416; S.L. 413 Playfair, Archd. Lew., gen. (ID) 932 — Ell. Minto, gem. (D) 925 — Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 913 — Lyon and sir L., K.C.B. 784; P.C. 218; Postm. G. 239; V.P. Ed. 255 — Rt. Lamb, K.C.M.G. 798 Playnford, Rowl., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Yk. H. 334 Plegnmund, abp. Cant. 430 Plessetis, Jno. de, Const. T.L. 320 Plessis, Hugh de, K.B. 754 Pleste, Rt. de, B. Ex. 383 — Wrm. de, A.G. 398 Plesyngton, Rt. de, C.B. Ex. 381 Pletternberg, Joach. Van, G. C.G.H. 678 Pleydell - Bouverie, Bouverie Plomer, see also Plumer — Jno., K.B. 757 — Sir Wm., L.M. Lond, 492 Plot, Rt., Mowb. H. 340 Plowden, Trevor Jno. Chich., C.I.E. 807 — Wm. Chich., K.C.S.I. 803 Pºmbe, Saml., L.M. Lond. 9 4 Plume, Isaac, dm. Drom. 606 IPlumler. See also Plomer * †. Bī. 36.5 — Th. and sir T., A.G. 400; K.C. 415; M.R. 388; P.C. 209; S.G. 402; W. Chanc. 390 Plumptre, Ed. H., dm. Wells, 429 — Jno., C. St. 283 — Jno., dn. Glr. 440 Plumridge, Jas. HanW. and Sir J., adm. (ID) 829; K.C.B. 777 Plumstok, Rd. de, M. Chy. 393 Plunket and Plunkett — Alexr., Ld. Chanc. Dr. 575 — hon. Ch. Daws., gen. (D) 907 — Sir Chr., L.D. Ir. 552 $66 Plunket and Plunkett—comt. — hon. Dav. Rt., C.W.P.B. 273; P.C. 219; S.G. Ir. 590 — hon. Fras. B. and Sir F., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Jap. 131; Amb. Sw. and N. 127; K.C.M.G. 798 — Jno., C.J.K.P. Ir. 578 — Jno. Hubert, G. N.S.W. 703 — hon. Patr., J. Bank. Ir. 587 T55 Sir Nichs., L. Treas. Ir. 8 — Rd., C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; S.L. Ir. 591 — hon. Rt., dm. Trn. 613 — Th., C.J.K. B. Ir. 577 — hon. Th., dn. Down, 605; bp. Trn. K. and A., 613 — Sir Th. Fitz- Chr., S.L. Ir. 591 — Walt., M.M. 247 — Wm., C. Exc. 282; Ir. 567 — Wm. Com., see lă. P., infra. Plunket, lds, — Wm. Con., aft. 1st là. P., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.C.P. Ir, 581; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; P.C. 211-2; S.G. Ir. 589 — Wrm. Con., 3rd la., abp. Dblin, G. and K. 617; bp. Mth. 599; dri. Chr. Ch. D bln. 619 Plymouth, E. of — Th., 1st E. Of, P.C. 192 — Other L., 4th E. of, L.L. Glam. 315 Pocock, Geo. and sir G., adm. (A) 814; K.B. 765 —ººd. bp. Mth. 599; bp. OSs. Pocklington, Ev. Hy. Fk., gen. (D) 903 — Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 584; J. Chest. 387 Podda, bp. Her. 441 Podmore, Rd., gen. (D) 876 Poer, see also Poor — Miler le, bp. Llin, 62: — Rt. le, B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 — Rt. le, bp. Wſord. and L. 627; dry. Lim. 639 — Rt., le, L. Treas, Ir. 558 — Walt, le, J. It. 367 *ggson, Norman Rt., C.I.E. — Wred. Quir., gen. (ID) 923 Poitiers, Ern. de, K.B. 755 — Ph. de, bp. Dham. 478 — Rd., Archd. of, J. It. 365 Pºland, Jas. Aug., adm. (H) 8 C. Exc. Pole, see also Poole — Arth. Cunl.Van Nott., gen, (D) 894 — Ch. Mor. and sir C., adm. (A) 816; G.C.B. 767; G. Newfa. 700; K.C.B. 773; L. Admy. 181 — Ch. Van Nott., gem. (ID) 926 — (or Poole), Dav., b.p. Pboro. 458; D. Arch. 420; Vic. Gen. i 42 — Edmd. de la, aft. D. of Suffolk, q.v., K.B. (1483) 758 — Edw., gem. (IB) 865 — Edw., gen. (D) 897 — Sir Michl. de la, L.H.A. 172; Ld. Chanc. 354 S.L. — Ralph, J.K.B. 371 ; 407 — Regd., abp. Cant. 431; din. EXr. 437 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1112 INDEX OF NAMES, Pole—cont. — sir Rd., K.G. 737 — Wrm., S.L. 407 — Wrm. de la, L.H.A. 174 — Wrm. de la, B. Ex. 383 — hon. W. W., aft. la, Mary- borough and E. of Morning- ton, q.v., C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Ex, Ir. 562; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; Clk. O. 260; L.T. 159; Nº. 247; P.C. 208; Sec. Adm. 86 Polhill, Ch., C. Exc. 279-80 Polirac, Bertr. de, M.M. 245 Polk, J. K., Pres. U.S.A. 102 Pollard, Ch., gem. (ID) 920 — Dill. Gust., gem. (D) 913 — sir Hugh, Compt. H. 292; G. Gsey. 668; P.C. 190 — Jno., S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 — Lewis, J.C.P. 378 ; S.L. 408 Wm., dn. Bgr. 426 Pollexfen, Hy. and sir H., A.G. 399; C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 4.1.1 — Jno., B.T. 263 — Nichs., C. Exc. 279 Pollington, Jno., 1st là., form. Jno. Savile, q.v., aft. E. of Mexboro’, q.v. Pollio, C. A., C. Ro. 46 Pollock, Ch. Ed., and Sir C., B. Ex. 385; J. Ex. D. 385; J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 418; S.L. 414 — Dav, and sir D., C.J. Bbay. 660; K.C. 416 — FK, and sir F., A.G. 400; C.B. Ex. 382; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; K.C. 416; P.C. 214; S.L. 413 — Fk. Rd., K.C.S.I. 803 — Geo. and sir Geo., Const. T.L. 321 ; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 769; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 878; K.C.S.I. 802 — Jos., C.C.J. 404 — Pet., Ld. Sess. 517 — Th., gem. (ID) 876 Poltimore, Aug. F. G. W., 2nd lå., P.C. 218; Tr. H. 292 IPolton (or Pulton), Th., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Her. 441; bp. Worc. 473; dm. Yk. 486 Polwarth, lds. — Patr., ld., form. Sir P. Hume, q.v., aft. 1st E. Of Marchmont, q.v., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Sess. 517 — Alexr., ld., aft. 2nd E. Of Marchmont, q.v., Ld. Clk. Beg. 525 — Hy. Fras., ld, (d. 1867), L.L. Selk. 512 — Walt. Hugh, id. 1867), L.L. Selk. 512 Polwhele, Th., gen. (D) 892 Pomeroy, Arth., dm. Cork, 632 — Jno., gen. (B) 865 — Wrm. de, K.B. 755 Pomery, Ed., K.B. 759 Pomfret, Jno., R. Cr. P.A. 335 Pomfret, E. of — Th., 1st E. of, K.B. 764 — Geo., 2nd E. of, P.C. 202 — Th. Wm., 4th E. of, form. hon. T. Fermor, q.v. Pompeius, Tr. Ro. 46 — C., C. Ro. 47 - Q., C. Ro. 44 — S., C. Ro. 46 (SucC. Pompilius, N., K. Ro. 36 Pond, Jno., Astr. Roy. 941 Ponde, Jno. (or Th.), R. Cr. P.A. 335; Som. H. 332 Ponsonby, hon. Flº. Car. and sir F., G.C.M.G. 794; G. Mlta. 671; gen, (C) 874; K.C.B. 776; R.C.H. 78 .C.H. 787 — Geo., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; P.C. 208 — hon. Geo., L.T. 160 — Geo. Conw., gen. (D) 895 — hon. Hy. gen. (C) 871 — Hy. FR. and sir H., G.C.B. 773; gen. (D).905; K.C.B. 783; P.C. 219 — hon. Jno., C. Cus, Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566; L.J. Ir. 557 — Jno., See lă. P., infra, — hon. Rd., bp. Dry. 601; bp. Dry. and Rph. 602; bp. Rilloe. and Kilf. 635; dum. St. Bat. 618 — hon, Wm. and sir W., gen. (C) 873; K.C.B. 774 564 Wrm. Br., Postm. G. Ir. 5 Ponsonby, lds. and visc. — Jno., 2nd lù., aft. 1st visc., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. R. Pl. 136; Amb. Scy. 115; Amb. Tky. 129; G.C.B. 772 Ponsonby-Fane, see Fame Pont, Rt., Ld. Sess. 518 Ponte, Rd. de, J. It. 366 Pontianus, P. Ro. 32 rºtois, Jno. de, bp. Winch. 47 Poole, see also Pole — Arth. Rusc., Q.C. 420 — Arth. Wm., b.p. Jpn. 677 — Dav., S.L. 412 — Dav., see Pole — Hy., gen. (D) 896 — Hy. and sir H., C. Exc. 280 — Jacob, L.M. Dblin. 641 Pooley, Jno., bp. Cloy. 631; bp. Rph, 601; dri. Oss, 623 — Rt., C. St. 283 Poor, Poore, and Pauper See also Poer. — Herb. or Rt., b.p. Sal. 466; Jy, 363 —; Rd., b.p. Chich. 432; bp. Dham. 478; bp. Sal. 466; dā. Sal. 468; J. It. 367 — Rog., Tud. Chanc. 353 Pope, Saml., Q.C. 418 — Wrm., K.B. 761 IPopham, Brunsw., adm. (G) 84 —iºd. Wm. Leyb., gen. (A) 86 — Alexr., C. Tx. 284-5 Alexr., M. Chy. 397 x; Fras., K.B. 763 *— Fras., L. Admy. 175 * 2 the same pers. — Home Riggs and sir H., adm. (A) 819; K.C.B. 774; E.C.H. 787 — Jno. and sir J., A.G. 399; Jno., C.J.Q. B. 370; S.G. 401; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 248-9 — Wnn., adm. (H) 846 Poplicola, see also Potitus G. & ſo. 46 — M. V. (2), C. Ro. 40 — P. V., C. Ro. 37, 38, 40; Dt. RO. 40 Popple, Alured, G. Brmda. 701 — Wnn., G. Brmda. 701 Popplewell, Geo. Otw., adm. (HI) 857 Porche, Perciv. de, M.M. 245 — Rt. de, M.M. 246 Porcher, Jno., M.M. 245 Porcina, M. AE. L., C. Ro. 44 Port, Ad. de, J. It. 366 — Jno., J.K.B. 372; S.G. 401; S.L. 408 Portarlington, Hy. Jno., 3rd E. of, K.P. 751 Porte, Jno., K.B. 760 Portelli, Agost., K.C.M.G. 796 Porten, Stain. and sir S., C. ' Cus. 276; U.S.S. 226 Porter, Andr. M., A.G. Ir. 589; M.R. Ir, 585; S.G. Ir. 59 0 — Sir Ch., L.J. Ir. 555; Ld. Chanc. Fr. 576 — Geo., aft. bar. de Hoche- fried, gen. (B) 867 — Geo. R., Sec. B.T. 270 — Hy. Ed., gen. (ID) 885 — Jas., W.C.H. 296 — Jas. and sir J., Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. TRy. 129 — Jno., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 * — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Neale, G. Antig. 728; G. ºw. Isl. 728; G. Monts. 7 — Sir Rt. Ker, Amb. Vza. 134; IK.C.H. 789 *gerneia, Jno., abp. Glasg. 7 Porteseye, Ad. de, J. It. 367 Porteus, Beilby, B.T. 268; bp. Chest. 477; bp. Lond. 452; B.C. 204 Portington, Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Portland, Rt., bp. Emly, 625 Portland, E. and D. of TVeston Family. — Rd., 1st E. of, form. li. Weston, q.v. — Jerome, 2nd E. of, P.C. 190 Ch., 3rd E. of, B.T. 263 $Eentimek and Cavendish-B. JFamilies. — Wrm., 1st D. of, form. Wrm. Bentinck and visc. Wood- #ºk q.v., Gr. St. 303; K.G. 74 — Hy., 2nd E., aft. 1st D. of, G. Jam. 712 — Wirl., 2nd D. of, K.G. 742 Wm. Hy., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Titchfield, q.v., H. Sec. 226; K.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Notts. 31.1; L.P.C. 188; L.T. 158; P.C. 201; Prem. 144-5 — Wm. Hy., 4th D. of, Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 210 — Wm. J. A. C. J., 7th D. of, M.H. 302; P.C. 221 Portlester, Rowl., 1st là., form. Sir R. Eustace, g. v., L. ºns. Ir. 559; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 7 5 Portlock, Jos. Ell., gem. (D) 892 Portman, Wm. and sir W., C.J.Q.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; K.B. 763; S.L., 408 Portman, lds, and visc. — Ed. B., 1st là., aft. 1st Visc., L.L. Soms. 311; L.W.S. 323 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1113 Portmore, E. of — Dav., 1st E. of, G. Gibr. 669; gen. (A) 857; K.T. 747; P.C. 196 — Ch., 2nd E. of, K.T. 747 Portsmouth, Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno. Wallop and visc. Lymington, q.v. Fººtu, Maurice de, abp. Trn. Postumius, L., C. Ro. 42 Poterna, Jas. de, Jy. 364 Potitus, see also Poplicola — L. V., C. Ro. 37-8-9 — M. V. M., C. Ro. 41 Pott, Dav., gen. (D) 901 — Steph., gen. (ID) 897 Potter, Barn., bp. Carl. 475 hr., dn. Dham. 479; dim. WOrc. 473 — Jno., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Oxf. 456; P.C. 19S — Jno., dn. Cant, 431 — Jno., U.S.S. 226 — Th., dn. Wíord. 628 — Th., V. Treas. Ir. 560 — Wm., Q.C. 419 rººfinger, Brab. Hy., gen.(I)) — sir Hy., Amb. Ch. 131; G.C.B. 772; G.C.G.H. 679; H. Kong, 673; G. Mdras. 657; gen. (ID) 881; P.C. 214 — Jno., gem. (ID) 898 Ed., J. Chest. 387 — Rd., U.S.S. 226 — Sus. Maria, Dow. Lady, Cr. Ind. 810 Potton, Rd. de, bp. Abdn. 530 Poulden, Rd., adm. (IP) 823 Poulett and Powlett, see also Paulet — Ch. Arm. and sir C., gem. (C) 871; K.B. 765 — Geo., L.L. Hants, 311 — hon. Geo. and Sir G., adm. (D) 826 — Th. (or Wm.), S.L. 411 — Th. Nort., gem. (C) 873 — hon. Vere, gen. (B) 866 — Wrm., S.L. 407 — Wm., S.L. 411 Poulett, lds. and E. -— Jno., 3rd ló., L.L. Dors. 307 — Jno., 4th la., aft. Visc. Hinton, q.v., and 1st Earl P., K.G. 741; L.L. Soms. 311 ; L.T. 156; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 195 — Jno., 2nd E., L.L. Soms. 311 — Vere, 3rd E., L.L. Dev. 307 4th E., K.T. 748; Poulett - Thompson, see Thompson Poulton, Hy., Boil. A., gen. (D) 912 Poulteney, J., S.L.R. 271 Pounterney (or Pultney), Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Povey, sir Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578 Powell, Baden Hy. Baden-, C.I.E. 807 — Burd. Rd., gen. (D) 911 — Geo. Sm. Baden-, K.C.M.G. 799 — Hy. Wats, gen. (A) 859 — Herb. Br., adm. (GF) 841 — Jno., G. Bdoes. 719 — Jno. and sir J. (No. 1), J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 411 Powell—comt. — Jno. and Sir J. (No. 2), B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373 ; S.L. 411 - — Jno. Jos., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 — Mos., dn. Llin. 623 — Nathl., K.C. 415 — Rh., dn. Bgr. 426 — Rd. Ashm., adm. (IHI) 849 — Th., K.H. 792 — Th. and sir T., B. Ex. 384; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 Walt., gen. (ID) 889 — Wrm., dr. St. As. 463 — Wrm., S.L. 409 — Wnn. Ed., L.L. Card. 315 Power, Alfr., K.C.B. 783 — Dav., Q.C. 418 Ed., dn. Lism. 629 Col. J–, G. Mtius. 683 Jas., gem. (ID) 880 * 2 same pers. — Maml. and sir M. K.C.B. 774; gen. (B) 868 — Maur., G. St. Luc. 725 — Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 584 — Walt., M. Chy. 393 — Wrm. Gr., K.C.B. 779; K.H. 790; gen. (ID) 882 — Wm. Jas. Ty., K.C.B. 770 Powerscourt, visc. — Rd., visc., form. Rd. Wing- field, q.v. — Merv., 7th visc., K.P. 751 Powis and Powys — hon. Hor., b.p. S. and M. 484 — Lytt. H. and sir L., B. Ex. 384; J. Chest. 387 ; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 — Th., dm. Cant. 431 — Th. and Sir T., A.G. 399 ; J.Q.B. 373; S.G. 401; S.L. 410–11 Powis, lds., E., and M. of — Jno., ld. K.B. (1478) 757 EIerbert Family. 1st Creation. — Wrm., 1st là., form. W. Herbert and sir W., q.v. — Wnn., 1st E., aft. 1st M. of, P.C. 193 — Wrm., visc. Montgomery, q.v., and 2nd M. of, gen. (B) 8 :: :k Herbert Family. 2nd Creation. — Hy. Arth., 1st là. Herbert of Chirbury, aft. 1st E. of, Compt. H. 292; gen. (A) 858; L.L. Salop, 311; P.C. 200; Tr. H. 291 — Geo. Ed. H. A., 2nd E. of, L.L. Montg. 315 Clive amól, Herbert Families. 3rd Cºreation. — Ed., 1st E. Of, form. 2nd ld. Clive, q.v., L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Montg. 315 ; P.C. 207 Edw., 2nd E. of, K.G. 744; L.L. Montg. 315 Ed. Ja.s., 3rd E. of, L.L. Montg. 315 Powle, Hy. and sir H., M.R. 388; P.C. 192-3 ; Sp. H.C. 250 — Rd., R.B. 764 Powlett, see Poulett, Paulet, and Orde *Pownall, Jno., C. Cus. 276; C. EXC. 281 *— Jno., U.S.C. 235 * Prob. same pers. Powney, Jno., K.H. 791 — Rd., gen. (ID) 886 Powtrell, Nichs., S.L. 408 Powys, see Powis Poynes, Nichs., K.B. 761 Poynet, Jno., bp. Roch. 460; bp. Winch. 471 Poynings, sir Ed., Compt. H. 292; K.G. 737; L.D. Ir. 553; W.C.P. 319 — Th, K.B. 760 Poynton, Alexr. de, J. It. 366 Poyntz, Hugh de, K.B. 754 — Rt., K.B. 763 — Steph., adm. (A) 819 — Steph., gen. (C) 872 — Steph., P.C. 198 Poywick, Wm. de, J. It, 368; Jy. 365 Pracle, Pr. Jull. du, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Prado, Mar., Pres. Pu. 109 — Mar. Ign., Pres. Pu. 109 Praed, Bulk. Mackw., adm. (ID) 824 — Wrm. Mackw., C.C.J. 403; S.L. 412 — Winthr. M., Sec. B.C. 254 Pratt, Benj., dm. Down, 605 Ch. and sir C., gen. (C) 874; K.C.B. 774 — Ch. and sir C., aft, 1st li. and E. Camden, q.v., A.G. 339; C.J.C.P. 376; K.C. 415; P.C. 201; S.L. 412 — Ch. C., gen. (ID) 889 — Jno., gen. (A) 861 — Jno. and Sir J., C.G.S. 357; C.J.K.B. 370; Ch. Ex. 165; ; P.C. 197; S.L. — hon. Jno. Jeffr., aft. visc. Bayham, and 2nd E. and 1st M. Camden, q.v., L. Admy. 180; Tell. Ex. 167 — Rt., gen. (ID) 905 — Rt., M. Chy. 397 — Saml., dn. Boch. 461 — Th. Sims., gen. (D) 892; K.C.B. 779 — Wnn., dn. Cloy. 633 Prattent, Fras. Mowbr., adm. (E) 837 Pratty, Rd., bp. Chich. 433 Preedy, Geo. Wm., adm. (H) 850 Premislas, K. Pld. 91 — I. and II., K. Brma. 59 Prendergast and Pender- gast — Ch. O'L., gen. (ID) 933 — Ch. O’N., gen. (ID) 884 — Harris, Q.C. 418 — Harry N. Dalr., gen. 925; IN.C.B. 781 — Jeffr, and Sir J., gen, 876 — Jno., dn. Lism. 629 — Mauns. Mark, gen. (ID) 934 — Michl., Q.C. 417 — sir T., Postºrm. G. Ir. 564 — Wnn., b.p. Mayo, 612 Prene, Jno., abp. Arm. 595; dn. St. Pat. 617 Prentice, Saml., C.C.J. 405; C. 418 (ID) (ID) Prescott, Hy. and sir H., adm. (D) 827; G.C.B. 770; G. Newfa. 700; R.C.B. 778; L. Admy. 183 — Isaac, adm. (A) 816 Tèd., gen. (IB) 866 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 71 1114 INDEX OF NAMES. Prescott—comt. Rt., G. Can. 691; gen. (A) 859 Wm., gen. (ID) 890 Pressly, Ch., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285; C. St. and Tx. 285; K.C.B. 783 Preston, Arth., gem. (C) 872 — Arth. Jno., dn. Rild. 619; dn. Lim. 640 — sir Ch., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — D'Arcy, adm. (A) 819 — D'Arcy Spence, adm. (HI) 852 — Geo., gem. (IB) 86 — Gilb. de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 376; J. It, 368; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 364 — Jno., J.C.P. 378; Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 407 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 — Jno. and Sir J., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 518; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jno. Img., gem. (ID) 922 — Rd., gen. (IP) 928 — Rd., K.C. 416 — Rt. de and sir R., C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; D. Chanc. Ir. 575; L.D. Ir. 551; Ld. Chamc. and L.R. Ir. 575; S.L. Ir. 590 — Sir Rt., Ld. Sess. 519 — Rd., aft. 1st E. of Desmond, q.v., R.B. 761 — Rd., see visc. Pr., infra, — Rog. de, J.C.P. Ir. 581 ; J.K.B. Ir. 578 — Th., Pt.c. P.A. 337; Ulst. R.A. 572 — Wrm., b.p. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Rilla. and Ach. 613 — Wrm., L.D. Ir. 553 — Wrm. Rd., gem. (D) 905 Preston, visc. — Rd., 1st visc., P.C. 192; S. St. 224 Prestwyk, Wm., M. Chy. 394 Pretorius, M. W., Pres. Trl. 101 Prettejohn, Rich. Buckl.,gen. (D) 918 Pretyman, Geo., see Tomline Prevost, Aug., gen, (C) 872 — Geo. and Sir G., G. Can. 691; G. Dmca. 730; G. N. Sc. 695; G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (B) 86 — Jas., adm. (IHI) 844 — Jas. Ch., adm. (E) 835; (F) 839 — Wm. Aug., gem. (C) 874 Price, Pryce, and Pryse — Arth., abp. Cash. and Eml. 626; bp. Clonf, and K. 636; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Mth. 599; dim. Ferns, 623; dm. Lism. 629 — Ch., L.M. Lond. 492 — Cromw., C. Acc. Ir, 567 — Dnl., dm. Her. 442 — Dml., dm. St. AS.463 — Dav., adm. (D) 829 — Ed., gen. (ID) 906 — (or Pryse), Ed. Lewis, L.L. Card. 315 — Edwin Pl., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 — Geo. Uved., gen. (ID) 923 — Griff., K.C. 415 — Hy., ân. Cash. 627 — Jno., C. Exc. 279 Price, Pryce, and Pryse—cont. — Jno., gem. (C) 871 — Jno., L.L., Glam, 315 — Jno., W. Treas. Ir. 559. — Nichs., gem. (C) 871 — Rd., dm. Clonm. 600 — Rt., bp. Ferns and L. 622; dn. Chr. 605 — Rt. and Sir Rt., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 411-2 — Rt. Davis, L.L. Mer. 314 — Th., abp. Cash, and Eml. 626; bp. Rild. 617 Th., G. Dnca. 730; G. St. Xt). 729 — Wm. Ph., gen. (D) 878 Prichard, see also Pritchard — Augs., gen. (D) 914 — Hy., gen. (D) 904 — Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Prickett, Geo., S.L. 411 — Th., adm. (IHI) 846 Prideaux, Ch. Gr., Q.C. 418 Edm., A.G. 399; C.G.S. 356; K.C. 414 ; S.G. 401 Humphr., dn. Norw, 456 — Jno., bp. Worc. 473 — Jno., S.L. 408 Pridham, Rd., adm. (HI) 847 Fiestley, Ed. Jonn., K.H. 7 — F. J. B., gen. (ID) 923 Fºstman, H., L. Admy. Prieto, Pres, Chi. 111 Prime, Saml., S.L. 412 Primrose, sir Archd., L.J. Gen. 522; Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 519; Ld. Clk. Beg. 525 — Gilb., gen. (C) 871 — Jas. Maur., gen. (D) 906 Prince, Jno., gen. (B) 867 Pringle, Alexr., L.T. 160 — And.., Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 — Geo., gen. (D) 926 — Hy., gen. (C) 872 — Jas., adm. (HI) 844 — Jno., gen. (C) 875 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 520 — Sir Jno., Pres. R, Soc. 940 — Rt., Sec. at W. 233; U.S.S. 225 — Rt. Edgf., Ld. Sess. 520 — Th., adm. (A) 816 — sir Walt., Ld. Sess. 520 — Wrm. Hy. and Sir W., G.C.B. 768 ; gem. (B) 868; R.C.B. 774 *#sep, Hy. Thoty, M.C.I. Fiºr, Benj. Jno. C., gen. (D) — Ch., gem. (D) 906 — Hy., gen. (ID) 892 — Matth., B.T. 263; C. Cus. 274; U.S.S. 225 Priscus, T. N., C. Ro. 38 Prisot, jno, Sr. 407 Pritchard, see also Prichard — Ed., gen. (B) 869 — Gord. Dougl., gen. (D) 930 asſor Pritchet), Jno., bp. Glr. — Saml. Perk., adm. (HI) 847 Pritchet, see Pritchard Pritzler, sir Theoph., gen.(B) §§§ {&#: 775 Privermas, L. AE. M. (2), C. io. 40.T. iśt. Rö. Hoj Probus, M.A., Emp. Ro. 48 Fºy, sir Pet., L.M. Lond, 1. Proby, lds. — hom. Granville L., ld., aft. 3rd E. of Carysfort, adm. (D) 826; (G) 840 — Granville L., 1d., aft. 4th E. of Carysfort, q.v., Compt. H.293; P.C. 216 Probyn, Dight. Macn, and Sir D., gen. (D) 909; K.C.B. 784; R.C.S.I. 803 — Edm. and Sir E., C.B. Ex. 382; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 — Jno., dm. Llff. 450 — Ol., C.I.E. 807 — Th., G. St. Xtr. &c. 727 IProcter and Proctor — Anth., dm. Ferms, 623 — Hy, gen. (C) 873 — Hy. A., gen. (ID) 881 — Rd., M. Chy. 396 — sir Wm. Beaud., adm. (D) 826; (G) 840 Proculus, C. P., C. Ro. 40 Profit, J., S. St. 222 Prophet, Jno., dn. Her. 442; dın. Yk. 486 Prosper, bp. Cness. 531 rºab, Chunder Rai., C.I.E. 8 Proude, Nichs., dm. Clonf. 637 Prowde, Lewis, J.K.B. Ir. 579 rºwse, Sir Wm., adm. (A) 8 Prudhoe, lds., see also North- umberland — Algm., ld, aft. D. of North- umb., q.v., Pres. R. Inst. (1842) 940 Pry—, see also Pri— Pryce, see Price Prynne, Wm., C. Exc. 277-8 Pryse, see Price Prysot, Jno., C.J.C.P. 375 Prytherg, Rd., J. Chest. 386 Pucelle, Ger, la, bp. Lich, and Cov. 443 Puckering, see also Picker- ling —sir Jno., Ld. K. 356; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 Puckle, Jas., gem. (D) 916 Pudsey, sir Geo., S.L. 410 — Rd. K., C.I.E. 806 — (or Pusar), Hugh, E. of Northbd., bp. Dham. 478; Ch, Jr. 362; Const. W. Cast. 322; J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Puella, Ger., bp. Lich. and COV. 443 Puerta, L., Pres. Pu. 109 Puget, Pet., adm. (A) 819 Pugeys, Imb., Comst. T.L. 320 Pughe, Jno. Rt., gen. (D) 915 Pugolas, Hy., Bl, M. P.A. 336; Richm. H. 334 Pulcher, A.C., C. Ro. 43-4-5-6 . C., C. Ro. 44-5 P. C. C. R.O. 42, 44 Pulleine, Jno. Ja.s., bp. Suff. Penr. 482 Puleston, Jno., J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 409 wº- Pullein, Hy., G. Bmda, 701 — Saml., see Pullen Pullen (or Pulleim), Saml., abp. Trn. 611; dr. Clonf. 637 — Tobias, bp. Cloy, 630; bp. Drom. 605; dri. Ferns, 623 ºw”. Jas. Saml., adm. (IH {) I'Or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1115 Puller, Chr. and sir C., C.J. Bgal. 652; K.C. 416 Pulley, Ch., gen. (D) 912. Pulling, Alexr., S.L. 414 — Ja.s., adm. (IHI) 848 Pºison, Sir Ed., L.M. Lond. Pullus, L. J., C. Ro. 42 Pully, Rd., bp. S. and M. 483 ulman, Jas., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. K.A. 330; Ptc. P.A. 337; Richm. H. 334 Pulteney, Danl., B.T. 264; L. Admy. I'77 — Harry, gen, (A) 858 — Sir Jas., gen. (A) 860; P.C., 208; Sec. at W. 234 —ºno, B.T. 263-4; C. Cus. — Th., gen. (C) 871 — Th., K.B. 758 —Wm., aft. E. of Bath, q.v., P.C. 196, 198; Sec. at W. 233 — sir W111., L.P.S. 240 Pultney (or Pounteney), Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Pulton, Th., see Polton Pulvillus, C. H. (2), C. Ro. 38 — M. H. (2), C. Ro. 37 Pºchard, Wm., dm. Išild. Punganur, Zem. of, C.I.E. Fºnah, Mahar. of, I.C.S.I. Puntoyse, Jno. de, M.M. 245 Pupienus, Emp. Ro. 47 Purcell, see also Pursell — Ed., adm. (G) 841 — Jno. (2), bp. Ferns, 621 Pºchase, Wm., L.M. Lond. Purdon, Ed., L.M. Dblin. 642 — Hy., S.L. Ir, 592 Purefoy, Wm., J. Pr. Ct. 421 Purey-Cust, see Cust Purfoy, Parfew, or War- * bp. Her. 441; bp. St. As. 6 Purley, Fras., S.L. 411 Purpureo, L. F., C. Ro. 43 Pursell, see also Purcell T62 Th., bp. Wíord. and L. — Th., dra. Ferns, 623 Fººglove, Rt., b.p. Suff. Hull, 86 . Fºvie, Fras. Reg., adm. (IHI) 5 — Herb. Mark Garr., gen. (ID) 935 — Juo. Brett, adm. (ID) 827 — Jno. Child, adm. (A) 817 — Jno. Child, adm. (IHI) 853 — Rd., adm. (H) 850 — Th., Q.C. 417 Pulsar, see Pudsey Puskin, Rd., dm. St. As. 463 Putiala, Mahar., G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 802 Putnam, Geo., IK.B. 759 Puton, Franç., Alfr., C.I.E. 807 Putta, abp, Yk. 485 — byp. Dev. 436 — bp. Her. 441; bp. Roch. 459 Puttiala, see Putiala Py—, see also Pi— . Pybus, Ch. S., L. Admy, 180; L.T. 158 Pycard, Pickard see Picard and Pychard, Jno., dm. Chich. 434 Pycot, Jno., dn. Exr. 437 Pycroft, Th., K.C.S.I. 802 Pye, Adam, see Pay — All. Hampd., G. Br. Hond. 714; gen. (C) 874 — Hy. Ja.s., P. Laur. 301 — Laur., G. Ceyl. 672 — Rd., C. St. 283 — Sir Rt., Aud. Ex. 166 — Sir Th., adm. (A) 814 — Wm., dn. Chich. 434 Fish (or Piel), Jno., L.M. Lond. Pykering, see Pickering Pyke, see Pike IPym, see also Pim — Ed. Lawr., gen. (D) 92.1 — Fk. Geo., gen. (ID) 921 — Rt., gem. (D) 880 — Saml. and Sir S., adm. (D) 824; K.C.B. 777 — Sir Wm., K.C.H. 788 — W. Rowl., G. Monts. 729 Pymme, see Pym and Pyne *ºpen, Steph. de, dm. Wells, Pynchebek, Th., C.B. Ex. 381 * Pyne, see also Pine — Rd. and sir R., C.J.K.B. Ir, 578; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; L.K. Ir. 576 (or Pymme), B. Ex. 384 W. R., G. Trin. 722 Q. Quail, Wm., L.M. Dblin. 641 Quain, Jno. Rd. and Sir J., J.Q.B. 374; J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 418; S.L. 414 Rd., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Qualberg, Corn. Van, C.G.H. 678 uaplode, Wm., bp. Dry. 601 uarnle, Geo., C. Exc. 280; C. Tx. 284 Queensberry, M. and D. of, See also Buccleugh and Dover — Wrm., 3rd E., aft. 1st M. and D. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; H.C.P. Sc. 507; L.J. Gem, 522; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 192; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 - Ja.s., 2nd D. Of, also D. of Dover, H.C.P. Sc. 508; K.G. 741; L.H.T. Sc. 497-8; L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 195; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Ch., 3rd D. of, also D. of Dover, L.J. Gen. 522; L.IX. ; 503; P.C. 197; V.A. Sc. 9 — Wm., 4th D. of, form. 3rd E. of March, q.v., L.L. Dumfr. 509 For subsequent Dukes, see Buccleugh and Q. Queensberry, M. and D. of COnt — Ch., 5th M. of, form. Sir C. Douglas, q.v., K.T. 748; L.L. Dumfr. 509 — Jno., 6th M. of, L.L. Dumfl. 509 — Archd. Wm., 7th M. of, form. Visc. Drumlanrig, q.v. Quentin and Quintin — bp. Clonm. 600 — Sir Geo. Aug., gem. (B) 869; R.C.H. 787 oº::ceto, Rt. de, bp. Linc. Quichelmus (or Gulielmus), bp. Roch. 459 Quin (or Coyn), bp. Lim. 638 — Mark, L.M. Dbln. 640 -ºichi, adm. (D) 831; (G) — Rd. Rt., adm. (IHI) 849 Qui Th., L.M. Dbln. 640 uincey or Quincy, de, see ºney, Sim. de, Ld. Clk. Reg. 524 Emp. Ro. 48 See Quentin Corn. adm. (T)) 824 C. S., C. Ro. 46 Pet., bp. Exr. 436 R. Iº, dm. St. As. 462 Raban, Herb., gem. (D) 914 Babuleius, M., Dec. Ro. 38 Baby, Hy. Ja.s., adm. (II) 852 — Jno., S.L. 411 Raby, lds. — Th., 3rd lil., aft. visc. Wentworth and E. of Straf- ford, q.v., 1*.C. 196 Bachad, Pacha, K.C.M.G. 797 Badama I. and II., K. Mad. 101 Radcliffe and Radclyffe, (see also Ratcliffe Geo. Tr., gem. (D) 923 — Hy., G. I. Man, 665 — Rd. (or Ratcliffe), Barmes P.A. 341; Bl. M. P.A. 336 ; Sonn. H. 332 — (or Radclyf), Ralph, K.B. 756 — Rt. Park, gen. (ID) 908 . — (or IRadclyff), Rog., dn. St. P. 453 — Th., bp. Drom. 604 — Wm., adm. (H) 848 — Wnn., gen. (ID) 899 — Wna., R. Cr. P.A. 335 — Wm. Poll., gen. (D) 907; Ix.C.B. 781 Rºsolyve, Th. de, J. It, 69 Rºſenhale, Jno. de, J. It, 6 Rºswell, Itt. de, M. Chy. IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 71 * 1116 INDEX OF NAMES, * Radford, 847; K.H. **ington, Sir Jno., L.H.A. Radley, W., see Raleigh sºlington, Sir Jno., L.H.A. 17 *ºnor, Elias de, bp. Llff. Radnor, E. of Iéobartes Family. — Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno. Robartes, q.v., L.P.C. 187 — Ch. B., 2nd E. of, L.L. Cnwall. 307; L.W.S. 323; P.C. 194; Tr. Ch. 294 * 30 Hy., 3rd E. of, L.L. Cnwall. 7 w — Jno., 4th E. of, form, ld. Robartes and visc. Bodmin, Q.?). - Lowverie and Pleydell-B. IFamilies. — Jacob, 2nd E. of, L.L. Of, L.L. Sami, adm. (H) 791 Berks, 306 — Jacob, 4th E. Wilts, 313 Radstock, lds. — Wrm., 1st là., form. Sir Wrm. Waldegrave, q.v., G.C.B. 767 — Granv. Geo., 2nd lá., adm. (D) 826 Radulph and Radulphus, see Ralph Rae, see also Ray Dav. and sir D., Jy. Sc. ; L.J. Clk. 516; Ld. Sess. — Wnn., bp. Glasg. 536 — sir Wim., Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 211 Raff, W., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Raggad, or Ragged, Patr., bp. Cork, 630; bp. Oss. 620 Baggett, Rd., adm. (A) 820 Raginnbertus, K. Limd. 49 Raglan, Fitzroy Jas. Hy., 1st ld., form. Id. F. Somerset, q.v., F.M. 856; gen. (A) 863; IP.C. 216 IRaigersfeld, Jeff., ld., adm. (D) 823 Raikes, Ch. Lew., gem. (ID) 932 - — Fk. Dunc., C.I.E. 808 — Hy. Cec., P.C. 219; Postm. G. 239 — Rt. Nap., gen. (ID) 916 — Th., gen. (ID) 917 Rainald, C. H.lt. 81 Rainbow, Ed., bp. Carl. 475; dri. PbOro. 458 Raine, Jno., K.C. 415 Rainelm, bp. Her. 441 IRainer I. to III., Pr. Mno. 30-1 — Danl., gen. (ID) 901 Raines, Julius Aug. Rt., gem. (ID) 904 — Rd. and sir R., J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421 Rainey, see also Reiny — Arth. Jac. M., gen. (D) 915 — Hy., gen, (D) 882; K.H. 790 — Hy. Garm., gen. (D).905 *ier, Jno. Spr., adm. (A) 19 — Pet., adm. (A) 816 Rainsford, see Raymsford Rait, Jas., bp. Brm. 541 — Jr.o., bp. Abdn. 530 Raith, Alexr., ld., Dep. Tr. Sc. (1692) 497 Rajundra, Lala, Mitra, C.I.E. 806 Ralee, Jno. de, K.B. 755 *igh, Walt, dr. Wells, 9 — Sir Walt., C.Y.G. 298; G. Jsey, 667; L.W.S. 323 — Wrm. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; bp. Norw. 454; bp. Winch. 470; Jy. 364 Ralph, Raldulph and Ba- dulphus, See also Rodolf 45 abp. Cantº. 430; bp. Roch. 59 × bp. Brn. 530 *— bp. Chich. 432 :k bp. Dmbl. 532 >k bp. Down, 603 × (of Kilmessan), bp. Down, 603 -k bp. Gall. 538 *— (of Bristol), bp. Kild. 616; dın. St. Patr. 617 >k (le Petit), bp. Mth., 599 *— bp. Norw. 454; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 :k bp. Ork. 535 *— din. Chich. 433 *— (2), dn. Her. 442 — dra. Linc. 447 *— (archd. of Hereford), Jy. *— (archd. of Colchester), Jy. 363 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates Ralston, see Raulston Ram, sir Abel, L.M. Dbln. 640 — Diwan Het., C.I.E. 807 — Th. (No. 1), bp. Ferns and L. 622; dri. Cork, 632; dm. Ferns, 623 — Th. (No. 2), dn. Ferns, 623 Rambir, Singh, gem. (D) 915 Rambridge, Jno., dn. Lich. 445 - Rambar, Kell., bp. Saig. 620 Bamiro, I. and II., K. Arr. 86 — I. to III., K. Sp. 85 Ramkrishnar, &c., C.I.E. Ramos, M.-gen. —, G. Gibr. 669 Rampore, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. 801 — Nawab of, G.C.S.I. 801; R.C.S.I. 802 • Rampret, D. Thy. 57 - Rampston (or Rempston), sir Th.de, Comst. T.L. 320; K.G. 734; L.H.A. 173 Ramsay and Ramsey — Amdr., G. Bbay. 659 — sir Amdr., Ld. SeSS. 519 — Ed. Bann., gen. (ID) 914 — Geo., gen. (B) 864 — Geo., gen. (C) 874 — Geo., gem. (D) 904 — Geo., see ld. R., infra, — Geo. Ant., K.H. 790 — Geo. Wm., G. Antig., &c., 727; gen. (C) 873 — hon. Sir Hy., gem. (D) 916; R.C.S.I. 803 — Jas., bp. Dmbl. 532; bp. Ross, 536 — hon. Ja.s., gen. (B) 868 — Jno., gem. (A) 861 — hom. Jno., gen. (B) 870 — Sir Jno., L.H.T. Sc. 496 Ramsay and Ramsey—cont. — Jno. Sc., gen. (ID) 895 — Nathl., gen. (D) 932 — Pet. de, bp. Abdn. 530 — Rt., adm. (HI) 845 — R. Murray, G. Lag. 687 — sil: Th., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wrm., gen. (B) 867 — Wm., gen. (D) 920 — Wm. and sir W., adm. (ID) ; (E) 834; (E) 838; K.C.B. — Wm. Maule, gen. (ID) 897 Ramsay, lds. — Geo., aft. li. R. and 12th E. of Dalhousie, q.v., adm. (D) 833; (E) 834; (F) 838 Ramsden, sir J. W., U.S. War, 232 — Th., U.S.S. 225-6 — Wm., adm. (H) 846 Ramsey, see Ramsay Ramshay, Wm., C.C.J. 404 Ranajee, Mahar. Kunwar, G.C.S.I. 801 Ranavolona, I. to III., Q. Mad. 101 Randolf, (abb. of Evesham), J. It. 367 — Jno., J. It. 368 - — Ch. Grenv., adm. (G) 841 — Ch. Wils., gen. (D) 921 — Geo. Granv., adm. (E) 836; — Jno., B.T. 268; bp. Bgr. 426 ; bp. Lond. 452; bp. Oxf. 456; P.C. 208 — Jno., J. It. 369 — sir. Th., L.G.C. Sc. 506 Randon, Agost. and Sir A., & C.M. &.7.jāj.ö.M.G.795 Ranelagh, visc. and E. of — Rd., 3rd visc. and 1st E. of, form. Rd. Jones, q.v., P.C. 194; Paym, G. 244 — Th. Hor., 7th visc., K.C.B. 783 Ranger, see Reinger * Rankin and Rankine — Alexr., Mod. K. Sc. 547 *— Dav., bp. Glasg. 543 *— Dav., Sc. Bg. 545 * Prob. same pers. — Jno., Mod. R. Sc. 547 Ranulph, See also Arnulph — bp. Down, 603 — J. It. 366 35 (or Arnulph), Ld. Chanc. 53 Ranutio, I. and II., D. Pnna. 53 Raoul, D. Line. 29 Raper, Felix Vinc., gem. (D) 878 — Hy., adm. (A) 819 — Jno. Fr., gen. (ID) 920 Rapp, Off. Nap. 26 Rašoherina, Q. Mad, 101 Rastall, Saml., dm. Rilloe. 637 — Wnn., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Ratbod or Radboton, D. Tny. 57 Ratchis, K. Limd. 49 Ratcliffe, see also Radcliffe — Alexr., K, B. 763 — Geo., K.C. 414 — Hy., K.B. 760 — Jer., K.H. 790 — sir Jno., K.G. 735 — Rd., see Radcliffe — Sir Rd., K.G. 736 — Th., K.B. 762 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 INDEX OF NAMES, 1117 Rathdonnell, Jno., 1st lá, form. J. McClintock, q.v. Rafsay, Ed., adm. (ii) 826; (G) 840 Rattray, Jas., adm. (H) 845 — Jas. Či. gen. (ID) 921 -- Th., bp. Dkld. 542; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Raulston, Jno., bp. DKld. 533; Sec. St. Sc. 501 Raven, Jno., R. Dr. P.A. 338; Richm. H. 333 *yendale, Mich. de, M. Chy. *enser, Rd. de, M. Chy. IRavenshaw, Jno. Golds., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Ravilla, L. C. L., C. Ro. 45 Ravis or Ravys, Th., bp. Glr. 438; bp. Lond. 452; din. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Rawdon, Jno. Daws., gen. (D) 885 Rawle, Rd., bp. Trin. 723 sºlins, Jas. Seb., gen. (D) — Rd., bp. St. Daw. 464 — Th., S.L. 410 IRawlinson, Chr. and Sir C., C.J. Mdras. 658 — Hy. Cresw. and sir H., Amb. Pers. 130; K.C.B. 782; M.C.I. 646 — Sir Rt., K.C.B. 784 — Th., L.M. Lond. 492 — sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 — Wrm. and sir W., C.G.S. 357; S.L. 411 *ynsley, Rd. B., gen. (ID) Rawson, Geo., C.J. Ir. 568 — Jno., L. Treas. Ir. 559 — Rawson Wm. and sir R., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Bdoes. &c. 719, 721; K.C.M.G. 797 Rawstone, Ja.s., adm. (H) 49 Ray, See also Rae — Hy., Berw. P.A. 341 — Ph., gen. (ID) 882 Raymond, K. Arr. 86 — K. Cle, 85 — Hy. Ph., gem. (ID) 899 — Rt., see lö. R., infra, — Th. and sir Th., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 — Wm., gen, (B) 868 Raymond, lds. — Rt. and sir R., aft. 1st id. ; C.G.S. 357; 370; J.K.B. 373; S.G. 401; S.L. 411 — Rt., 2nd lå., P.C. 200 Raymundus, see Reymundus Raynsford and Rainsford — Ch., gen. (A) 859 — Hamb., gem. (D) 888 — Jno., W.C.P. 318 — Sir Mark, L.M. Dbln. 640 — Rd. and Sir R., B. Ex. 384; C.J.K.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 — Wrm. H., gen. (C) 874 Raynton, sir Nichs., L.M. Lond. 491 Rea, Ed., gen. (D) 897 Reachta-Righdhearg, K. Ir.21 Read, see also Reade, Rede, |Reed and Reid — Clare Sew., Sec. L.G.B. 256 Read—cont. . — Geo., gen. (B) 865 — Hy., gen. (B) 866 — Jno., S.L. 407 — Rd. and sir R., L.K. and Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; M. Chy. 395 — Rt. and Sir R., C.J.C.P. 375; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 407 — Saml., L.M. D'blin. 641 Reade, See also Read, &c. — Hy., C. Tx. 284 — Rt., bp. Carl. 475; bp. Chich. 433; bp. Wford. and L. 626 — sir Th., Amb. Tun. 132 — T. F., Amb. Tun. 132 — Wm., bp. Chich. 432 Beader and Eeder — Enoch, dn. Emly, 628; dn. Film. 609 — Enoch, L.M. Dbln. 640 62ſor Reder), Jno., dn.Wford. — Rd., dn. Emly, 628; dn. Išilm. 609 Ready, Jno., G. I. Man, 666 % Pr. Ed. Isl. 699; gem. (ID) Reay, Josh., gen. (I)) 924 Beay, lds. - — Don. Ja.s., 1st là., form. Sir D. J. Mackay, q.v., G. Bbay. 659; G.C.I.E. 805 — Fanny Georg. Jane, lady, Cr. Ind. 810 Rebilus, C. C., C. Ro. 46 Rebow, Fras. Sl., gen. (A) 862 Recaredo I. and II., K. Sp. 85 Recesuinto, K. Sp. 85 Rechila, (2), C. Hlt. 81 Rede, See also Read, &c. — Barth., see Reed — Edm., K.B. 757 . — Rd., C.B. Ex. Ir. 582; D. Chanc. Ir. 575 — Roger de, M.M. 245 — Walt. le, abp. Cash. 625; bp. Crk. 630 — Wm., K.B. 759 as eford, sir Hy., Sp. H.C. 4 Redenesse, Jno. de, C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; J.K.B. Ir. 578 Reder, see Reader Redesdale, Jno., 1st là., form. Sir J. Mitford, q.v., B.T. 268 Rºswell, Jno. de, B. Ex. 3 IRedevard, see Redward Bedhakaluth, Deb. R.C.S.I. 802 Raj., Redhouse, Jas. Wrm., K.C.M.G. 7 99 Redington, Th. Nichs. and Sir T., K.C.B. 782; Sec. B.C. 254; U.S. Ir. 563 Redman, Rd., Sp. H.C. 248 — Rd., b.p. Ely, 435; bp. Exr. 436; bp. St. As. 462 — Wm., bp. Norw. 455 — Wm., K.B. 758 Redmond, Jno. Patr., gem. (D) 917 Redwald, K.E. 23 Redward (or Redevard), abp. Yk. 485 IReed, see also Read, &c. *— Barth., L.M. Lond. 490 * Barth., M.M. 246 * Prob. same pers. — Ed. Jas, and sir E., K.C.B. 783; L.T. 162 Reed—comt. — Gen. de, K.C.B. 775 — Jno., gen. (D) 885; K.H. 790 — Th. and Sir T., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 779 Rees, see Rice Beevar, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. 801; R.C.S.I. 802 Reeve and Reve — sir Edm., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 — Jno., adm. (H) 849 — Jno., gen. (D) 880 — Saml., adm. (A) 816 — Th, le, bp. Lism. 626; bp. Wford. and L. 626; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 376; j.o.º. 379; K.C. ais; P.C. 198; S.L. 411 — Walt. le, dn. Wíord. 628 Reeves, Geo. Ja.s., gen. (D) 877; K.H. 789 — Geo. Marm., (ID) 900 — Isaac. Morg., dm. ROSS. 633 — Wm., b.p. Down, C. and D. 605; dn. Arm. 597 Refham, see Roffham Regillensis, A. C. C., see Sabinus 40 A. C. C., C. Ro. 40; Dt. Ro. 4 — A. C. S., C. Ro. 37-8 — A. P. A., C. Ro. 37-8; T)t. RO. 37 — C. C. C., Dt. Ro. 40 — C. C. S., C. Ro. 38 — S. P. A., C. Ro. 38; Dec. RO. 38 *Reginald, bp. Cloy. 630; bp. Down. 603 × bp. Cmr. 603 *— bp. Crk. 630 *— (2), bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 483 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — D. MIda. 53 — (2), K. Man. 664-5 — (or Reynold), Walt, abp. Cant. 430; bp. Worc. 472; L.H.T. 152; Ld. Chanc. 354 Regner I. to V., C. H.lt. 81 Regnier, Off. Nap. 26 Regulus, C. A., C. Ro. 423 — M. A., C. Ro. 40–1-2-3; Dt. Ro. 43 Reichel, Ch. Pars., b.p. Mth. 599; din. Clonm. 600 Reid, see also Read, &c. — Alexr. T., gen. (D) 880 — Blair Th., gen. (D) 918 — Ch. and sir C., G.C.B. 771; gen. (D) 902; K.C.B. 780 — Ch. Saml., gen. (ID) 899 — Dav., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Dav., gem. (ID) 906 — Geo. Alexr., gem. (D) 884 — Jas. Bl., gen. (ID) 930 — Jas. Hy., gen. (D) 920 — Jno., gen. (A) 859 — Jno. Walt., R.C.B. 781 — Lest. Rt., G. Bbay. 659 — Rt., b.p. Ork. 535; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess, 518 — Rt. Thr., Q.C. 420 — Th., Chin. E. I. Co. 645 — Wnn, and sir W., G. Bdoes. &c. 719-20; G. Brmda. 701; G. Mlta. 671; gen. (D) 890 ; R.C.B. 782 gen. IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1118 INDEX OF NAMES. Reignolds, see also Reynolds - Th. Sc., gen. (D) 890 Reilly, Fras. Sav., K.C.M.G. 798; Q.C. 419 — Jno., C. Acc. Ir. 567 -ºwn. Edmd. M., gen. (D) Reinaldus, bp. Ross, 535 Reiner, abp. Arm. 595 Reinerus (or Reyner), bp. St. As. 462 Reinger, Jno., B. Ex. 382 — Rd., Jy. 364 Reiny, see also Rainey — Jno. de, J. It, 367 Remington, see Reymington Rempston, see Rampston *enael,Alex, Mead., K.C.I.E, — Geo. W., L. Admy. 186 René (de Nassau), Pr. Or. 83 — I. and II., D. Line. 29 Benger, Rd., L.M. Lond. 488 Renney, Hy., gen. (D) 901 *ºnen, Th., dm. Winch. 7 *ºnie, Ch. Elph., gen. (D) — Geo., G. Falk. Isl. 731 — Wm. Hepb., G. St. Vin. 725; G. Trin. 722 *ºny, Geo. Alexr., gen. (ID) Renshaw, Th. Ch., Q.C. 419 — Walt. Ch., Q.C. 420 Renton, Rt., gem. (D) 918 IRºenulphus, bp. Lond. 451 Renwick, Wm. Turnb., gen. (D) 901 Reodaigh, bp. Ferns, 621 Rºbingdon, Ph. de, bp. Linc. Repington, Ch. Ashe A'Court, gen. (D)'879 Ed. Hy. A’Court, adm. (ID) 828; (G) 840 Repps, Wm., b.p. Norw. 455 IR essaldar, &c., C.I.E. 807 — Jafar Ali Khan, C.I.E. 808 — Shir Singh, C.I.E. 808 IRest, Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Restitutus, abp. Lond. 450 — bp. Lond. 450 Retford, Rt. de, J. It. 368 — Wnn. de, B. Ex. 383 Rethumus, bp. Dorch. 446 Reutha, or Reutherus, K. Sc. 17 Reve, see Reeve Reveley, Hy., C. Exc. 281 Rewys, Nichs., dn. Bgr. 426 Rex, Q. M., C. Ro. 45-6 Reygate, Jno. de, J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365 Reymington, L.M. Lond. 490 Reymundus (or Wymundus), bp. S. and M. 483 — dn. Lim. 639 Reynardson, Sir Abrm., L.M. Lond. 491 — Th. Birch, gen. (A) 863 Reynel and Reynell, See also Iłeynolds — Carew, bp. Down. and Cmr. 604; bp. Dry. 601 — (or Reynolds), Bd., C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; J.C.P. Ir. 581; J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir. 591 Th. and sir T., gen. (IB) 869; K.C.B. 775 Reyner, see Reinerus Jno., Reynett, Jas. Hy. and sir J., 880; 79 Reynolds, see also Reignolds and Reynel — Barr., and Sir B., adm. (ID) 828; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 — Ed., bp. Norw. 455; dm. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — Geo., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Geo. Stew., adm. (IHI) 850 — Ja.s. and Sir J. (No. 1), C.B. Ex. 382; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 — Jas. and sir J. (No. 2), B. ; 385; C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; S.L. — Jno., adm. (A) 815 — Jno., dm. Linc. 448 — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Jno. Hy., gen. (D) 912 — Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 905 94 Josh. and sir J., Pres. B.A. 1 — Rd., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Linc. 447; dm. Pboro. 458 — Sir Rd., see Reynell — Rt., A.G. 399; S.G. 401 — Rt. Carth., adm. (A) 818 —ºth, bp. Her. 441; dri. Exr. — Walt., see Reginald *son, Jno., L.M. Dbln. Rhee, Th. Van, G. Ceyl. 672 Rheinhold, Rost, C.I.E. 808 mºnius, Jno. Is., G. C.G.H. 67 Rhodes, see also Rodes — Chr., C. Exc, Sc. 505 — Godfr., dm. Dry. 602 Rhodri, R. Wls. 16 Rhydderch, Pr. Wls. 17 — ab Caradoc, Pr. Wls. 17 — ab Jestyn, Pr. Wls. 17 Rhys, See also Rice Pr. WIS. 17 — ab Grufydd (2), Pr. Wls. 17 — ab Tewdwr Mawr, Pr. Wls. — ab Owen, Pr. Wls. 17 Ri-, see Ry— *iºch, Wnn. Alexr., gen. (ID) Riall, Phim., G. Gren. 724; gen. (A) 862; R.C.H. 788 Rialton, visc. — Sidney, 1st visc., form. 1st ld. and aft. 1st E. Godolphin, Q.'U. — Fras., 1d., aft. 2nd E. Of Godolphin, q.v., L.W.S. 323 Riaz, Pasha, K.C.M.G. 797 Fºuleau, IPet., adm. (D) riºton, sir Geo., L.M. D'blin. 4 Rice, see also Rees and Rhys — Benj. Lew., C.I.E. 807 — hom. Ed., dm. Glr. 440 — Ed. Br., adm. (E) 836; IK.C.B. 782 — Fras., M.M. 247 — Geo., B.T. 265-6 ; P.C. 202; Tr. Ch. 294 — Jno. ap, L. Treas. Ir. 558 92 Harry Chipp. Pl., gen. (D) 929 — Saml., K.H. 790 — sir Steph., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C. Treas. Ir. 559 hom. Steph. E. Spring, C. CuS. 277 Bice—convi. — Th. Spring, aft. 1d. Mont- eagle, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T., 160; P.C. 212; Sec. Tr. 163; U.S. Home, 227; W. and C. Sec. 231 — hom. Th. C. W. Spring, |U.S.F. 230 IRich and Riche — Arth. Newb., gen. (ID) 917 — Ch., adm. (1H) 847 — Edmd., abp. Cant. 430 — Edwd., M. Chy. 395 — Edwin Ludl., adm. (H) 848 — Geo. Fla., adm, (ID) 830; (G) 840 . Talb., gen. (ID) 8 — Hy., L.T. 161 — Hy., aft. 1st E. of Holland, q.v., K.B. 762 — Hugh, K.B. 760 — J. B., Pres. Hti. 105 — Sir Pet., Chambn. Lond. 493 §: | See lá. B., infra, — Rt., M. Chy. 395 — sir Rt., G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gen. (A) 857; F.M. 856 — Sir Rt., gen. (B) 865 — Sir Rt., L. Admy. 176 — Sir Th., adm. (A) 816 — Wrm. Ch., gen. (ID) 919 Rich, lds. — Rd., aft. 1st là. B., Ld. Chanc. 355; S.G. 401; Sp. .C. 249 Rt., aft. 2nd lå. R. (?), K.B. (1559) 761 Rt., ld., aft. 2nd E. of War- wick, q.v., K.B. 761 — Rt., ld., aft. 3rd E. of War- wick, q.v., K.B. 762 *Richard, abp. Cant. 430 >k bp. Ach. 612 *— bp. Bgr. 425 *— (St.), bp. Chich. 432 >k bp. Clonm. 600 *— bp. Cmr. 604 (de Proebenda), bp. Dkld. 533; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 *— (2), bp. Isl. 539 *— bp. Lim. 638 *— bp. Mor. 534 *— bp. S. and M. 483 *— bp. St. Andr. 528 - bp. St. As. 462 º bp. Wíord. and L. 627 — (2), dn. Chich. 433 dr). Her, 442 º dm. Tich. 445 *— (Archd. Wilts), J. It. 366 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — D. Bdy. 28 — K.B. 754 — (SOn Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 — (son Hy. II.), aft. Rd. I., q.v., Pr. E. 9 * — (son R. John), Pr. E. 9 — (son Hy. III.), Pr. E. 9 — (son Blk. Pr.), aft. Rd. II., Pr. E. 10; Pr. W. E. 8 — (g. Som Ed. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (iss. Ed. III.), l’r. E. 11 — (iss. Ed. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (son Ed. IV.), Pr. E. 12 — Rose P.A. 344 — I. to III., D. Ndy. 30 — I. to III., K.E. 4, 5 I. (K.E.), L.H.A. 551 : >k : >k IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1119 Richard—cont. — II. (R.E.), Ld. Ir. 551 - Jno. ap, dn. Her. 442 Richards, Alb. Nort., G. Br. Cbia, 698 — Alf, gen. (D) 878 — Ed. L., C.C.J. 403 — Ed. Vaugh., Q.C. 418 - —iºleetw. Jno., gen. (D) — Fras. Jno., gen. (ID) 919 Tº", Wrm. and sir. F., adm. *g, K.C.B. 781 ; L. eo. Hy. and sir G., adm. (E) 836; (E) 839; K.C.B. 781 — Griff., Q.C. 417 — Jno., A.G. Ir. 588; B. Ex. Ir. 584; S.G. Ir. 590 – Jno., dm. Ardf. 640 — Jno., L.L. Glam. 315 →Michi, gen. (C) 871; S.G.O. - Pet. and six P., adm. (D) 830; (G) 841; K.C.B. 779; L. Admy. 183 — Rd. and sir R., M. Chy, and Acct. G. 397 -- Rd. and sir R., B. Ex. 385; C.B. Ex. 382; C.J. Chest. 386; #9. 415; P.C. 209; S.L. — Rt., gen. (ID) 917 — Rt. Vaughan, Q.C. 417 — Sol., gen. (D) 92.1 → win, gen. (ID) 876; K.C.B. 77 IRichardson, Ch. and sir C., adm. (ID) 825; K.C.B. 777 — Jas. Th. Stew. and sir J., Sec. Thist. 749 *— Jno., byp. Ard. 608 *— Jno., din. Her. 442 * Prob. same pers. — Jno., dm. Kilmacd, 638 — Jno. and sir J., J.C.P. 380; S.L. 413 — Jno. Hy., gen. (ID) 884 — Jno. Luther, gen. (D) 876 −iºr Jno. Stew., Sec. Thist. — Josh, Fl., gem. (ID) 915 — Rd., S.L. 411 — Rt., dm, Ard. 609 — Rt., L.H.T. Sc. 497 — Th, and sir T., C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 370; S.L. 409; Sp. H.C. 249 — Wm., adm. (HI) 847 — Wrm., S.L. 410 — Wm. Madd., gen. (C) 872 — Wrm. Stew, gem. (I)) 932 Richbell, Ed., gen. (C) 871 Riche, see Rich Richer I., C. H.lt. 81 Richense, Q. Pid. 90 Fighey, Matth, H. J., G. N. Sc. 59 Richier, Isaac, G. Brmda. 701 Richm—, S.L. 407 Richmond, Archd. F., gen. (D) 887 — Hy, C. Cus. 276-7 — Rd., byp, S and M. 484 Richmond, E. and D. of, see also March, Lenox, Gordon and Nottingham Le Drewa Family. — Peter de Savoy, 1st E. of, W.C.P. (1241) 317 — Jno. de Montford, 7th E. of, also D. of Brittany, k.G. (1376) 734 Richmond, E. and D. of—cont. Plantageºmet Family. Jno., E. of, aft. D. of Lancaster, q.v., and K. Castile (d. 1399), K.G. 733 — Jno., E. aft. D. of, L.H.A. (1421) 174 Tudor Family. — Edm., 1st E, of, form. E. Tudor, q.v. Fitzroy Family. — Hy., D. of, form. Hy. Fitzroy, and then E. of Not- tingham, q.v. (d. 1536), L.H.A. 174; W.C.P. 319 - Stuart Family. 1st Creation. — Lud., 1st E. and D. of, also D. of Lenox, q.v., C.G.S. 356; E.M. 326; H.C.P. Sc. 507; K.G. 739; L.G.C. Sc. 506; L.S.E.I. 290 20tcl. Creation. — Ja.s., 1st D. of, also E. of March and D. of Lenox, K.G. 739; L.G.C. Sc. 506; L.H.A. Sc. 499; L.S.H. 290; W.C.P. 319 — Esmé, 2nd D, of, also D. of Lenox, L.G.C. Sc. 506 — Ch., 3rd D. of, form. E. of Lichfield, q.v., also D. of Tenox, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Lenoa, Family. — Ch., 1st D. of, K.G. 740; L.G.C. Sc. 506;, L.H.A. Sc. ;: T.L. Kent, 309; M.H. — Ch., 2nd D. of, gen. (B) 865; IK.B. 764; K.G. 741; L.H. §st. 289; M.H. 302; P.C. 19 — Ch., 3rd D. of, Amb. Fr. 1.12; F.M. 856; gen. (A) 858; K.G. 742; L.L. Suss. 312; . 259; P.C. 201; S. St. 22 — Ch., 4th D. of, G. Can. 691; gen (A) 860; K.G. 743; L.L. #. 557; L.L. Suss. 312; P.C. 2 8 — Ch., 5th D. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Suss. 312 ; P.C. 211; Postm. G. 238 — Ch. Hy., 6th D. of and 1st D. of Gordon, Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.G. 745; L.K. Sc. 503; L.P.C. 188; L.L. Bffsh. 50S; Pres. B.T. 269; Sec. Sc. 502; V.P. Ed. Sc. 500 #ards, Ed. Jno., gen. (ID) 91 — Geo. Kett., K.C.B. 784 Rickets and Ricketts — Sir Cornw., adm. (IHI) 848 — Geo. Poy., G. Bdoes, 720; G, Tob. 723 — Hy., K.C.S.I. 802 — Rd. Rodn., gen. (D) S96 — sir Rt. Tr., adm. (A) 820 Rickhill, Wm., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 risinghaie, Jno., bp. Chich. 4 *-*. sigman, Wm., gen, (D) Riddall, Wm., gen, (D) 881; K.H. 790 Riddei, Riddell, and Ridel — Ch. Jas. Buch., gem. (D) 901 — Geoffr. (No. 1), Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. 363 Riddel, Riddell, and Ridel— convö. — Geoffr. (No. 2), bp. Ely, 434; Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. 363; L.H.T., 152 —ºy. Jas., gen. (ID)879; K.H. — Michl., gen. (D) 880 —ºd. bp. Ely, 434; J. It. 3 — Steph., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 —ºir Walt. Buchanan, C.C.J. — Wrm., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 aſſing, Geo., bp. Southwell, Biddoch, Jas. Compt. Sc. 498 Bidel, see Riddel *out, Jno. Wood, gen. (D) Rider, see Ryder Rideware, Wm. de, J. It. Bidgeway, Josh. West and Sir J., K.C.S.I. 803; U.S. Ir. 563 *śey, Ch. Wm., gen, (D) 8 — Sir Matth. W., Sec. Tr. 164; U.S. Home, 228 — Nichs., bp. Lond. 451; bp. Roch. 460 —— Nichs., M. Chy. 397 — Th. and sir T., M. Chy. 395; Wic. Gen. 421. — Wrm., bp. Caled. 698 — Wrm. Jno., gen. (D) 898 Biebeck, Joh. Anthy. Van, G. C.G.H. 678 Rier, Geo., L.L. Carm. 315 Rigaud, Gibbes, gen. (D) 911 — Steph. Jord., bp. Antig. 728 Rigby, Alexr., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 409 — Alexn’., gen. (C) 872 — sir Alexr., C. Cus. Sc. 503 — Chr., C. Tx. 284 — Ed., S.L. 410 — Jno., Q.C. 419 — Rd., B.T. 265; Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; M.R. Ir. 585; Paym. G. 244; V. Treas. Ir. 560 Biggs, Ed., C. Cus. 275 Righy, Hy, gen. (ID) 904 Rigny, H. de, K.C.B. 775 Riley, see also Ryley — Ch. Wils., adm. (IHI) 849 *— Ph., C. Exc. 279 >}: Ph., S.W.F. 271 * * same pers. — Steph. D., gem. (D) 887 Rimington, Saml., gen. (B) 8 86 *Rinaldo, D. Thy. 57 × M. Fa. 53 * 2 same pers. Ringstede, Th. de, bp. Bgr. 426 Jºinzy, Geo. Aug. Flº, de, gen. (D) 900 Ripariis, Rt. de, J. It. 368 Walt. de, J. It, 367 — Wrm. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Ripon, E. and M. of, see also Earl De Grey — Flk, Jno., 1st E. of, form. F. J. Robinson and visc. Goderich, q.v., L.P.S. 241; Paym. Gr. 244; Pres, B.C. 254; Pres. B.T. 268 JFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1120 INDEX OF NAMES, Ripon, E. and M. of cont. — Geo. FK., 1st M. of, form. E. De Grey and R. (see Grey), G.G. Ind: 650; L. Admy. 186; L.L. Yorks N.R. 313 — Henr. Anne Theod, Mss. of, Cr. Ind. 809 *berry, Jno., bp. Emly, Ritchie, Ch. T., P.C. 221; #s. L.G.B. 256; Sec. Adm. — Dav., Mod. R. Sc. 547 — Geo., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Rt., Amb. Vce. 116 – Wm., Mod. K. Sc. 547 Ritherdon, Augs., gen. (D) - 924 Rivallis, Ryevalis, or Ori- Vallis, Pet. de, B. Ex. 382; L.H.A. 170; L. Treas. Ir. 558; W.C.P. 317 Rivarola, C. A., Dt., and Pres. Pgy. 110 - Fras., Ct., gem. (B) 870; K.C.H. 788; K.C.M.G. 796 Rivera, F., Pres. Ugy, J11 Rivers, Augs. Hy. Lane Fox- Pitt-, gen. (ID) 917 — Jas., U.S.S. 226 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Bivers, lds. and E. Widvile Family. — Rd., 1st là., aft. 1st E., R.G. 735; L.H.T. 153 — Anthy., 2nd E., form, ld. Scales and Nucells, q.v. IDarcy and Savage Families. — Th., 1st E., form. Visc. Col- Chester, q.v. — Rd., 4th E., Comst. T.L. 321 ; gen. (A) 857; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 195 Pitt Hamily. — Geo., 1st là., form. Geo. Pitt, q.v., L.L. Dors. 307; L.L. Hants. 311 Riverston, Th., ld, C, Treas. Ir. (1689) 559 Rivett-Carnac, see Carnac Bizzio, Dav., Sec. St. Sc. 502 Roan or Roane, Jno., bp. Killoe, 634; dm. Clr. 597 Robaire, Bart. de, K.B. 757 IRobartes and Robarts — Fras., Tell. Ex. 167 — Iłuss., Tell. Ex. 167 Robartes. 1ds. — Jno., 3rd ld., aft. 1st visc. Bodmin and E. of Radnor, q.v., B.T. 268; E.M. 326; L.D. and L.L. Ir. 555; L.P.S. 240; L.T. 155; P.C. 190, 192 Robbins, See also Robins and Robyns — Th. Wm., gen. (ID) 882 Bobe, F.R. H., G. S. Austr. 706 gen. (D) 897 — Wm., K.C.B. 774 *Robert (the Norman), abp. Cantº. 430; bp. Lond, 451 *— bp. Ard. 607 — bp. B. and W. 427 - (2), bp. Brm 531 *— (2), bp. Clonf. 635 (of Flanders) bp. Cmr. 605 -*. #. Dkld. 533 (de Proebenda), bp. Dr.bl. 532 (of England), bp. Brmly, 625 : : . >} ! Robert—comt. :}; bp. Isl. 539 gº (of Askeaton), bp, Kild, :* bp. Killa. 612 *— (2), bp. Lim. 638 º (of Bedford), bp. Lism. *— (4), bp. Ross, 535 *— bp. Ross. 631; M.M. 246 *—bp. St. Andr. 528 ¥ (2), bp. Wíord. 626 *— dum. Ferns, 623 Sk x}: >k dn. Llin. 623 (2), dn. Sal. 468 (abbot of Holyrood House), L.H.T. Sc. 497 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp, dates. – (de Courtenay), Emp. E.E. 51 — (the wise), K. Nls. 56 — (som Wnn. I.), Pr. E. 9 — (Son James I.), Pr. E. 12 — I., D. Prma. 54 — I. and II., D. Bdy. 28 — I. and II., D. Ndy. 30 — I. and II., IK, Fr. 23 — I. to III., C. Firs. 81 — I. to III., K. Sc. 19 — (Guiscard), K. Scy. 55 Roberts, Abrm. and sir A., G.C.B. 770; gen (D) 885; gen, (D) 886; K.C.B. 779 — Ed., Cl. Pells. 168 — Fras. Alexr. Cr., b.p. Nass. 717 — FR. Sl. and Sir F., C.C. Ind. 651; C.C. MIdras. C.I.E. 806; G.C.B. G.C.I.E. 805; G. Nat. gen. (D) 920; K.C.B. Iš.C.I.E. 805 — Hy., C.I.R. 285 — Hy. G., gem. (ID) R.C.B. 778 — Hy. Tuff., gen. (D) 881 Jno., B.T. 265-6 Jno., Chri. E.I. Co. 644 Jno., Chm. I.I. Co. 645 * 2 same pers. — Jno., gen. (C) 872 75i : 888; *: >k — J. C., U.S.S. 226 — Jno. Ch. Gawen, aft. Roberts-Gawen, adm. (IHI) 845 — J. J., Pres. Tib. 100 — Rd., K.H. 791 — Rd. Armstr., gen. (D) 916 — Th., gen. (A) 860 — Wm., bp. Bgr. 426 — Wm., gem. (D) 922 — Ulst., K.A. 572 Robertson, Alexr. gen. (D) 909 — Archd., gen. (B) 866 — Archd., gem. (C) 872 — Archd., gem. (ID) 879 — Ch. Duisb., gem. (D) 907 — Sir Daiml. Br., K.C.M.G. Cunn., — Dav., aft. Robertson-Mac- donald, adm. (IH)850 — Dav., L.L. Berw. 508 — Geo. Dunc., gen. (C) 874 — Hy. Lark., gem. (ID) 913 — Herc. Ja.s., Ld. Sess. 521 — Jas., gen. (A) 862 — Jas., Ld. Sess. 519 — Jas., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Jas. Hy. Cr., gem. (D) 909 — Jno., K.C.M.G. 797 — hon. Jno., C.I.E. 807 Robertson—cont. — Patr. B., Ld. Adv. 526, S.G. Sc. 527 Patr., D, Fac. Sc. 527; Ld. Sess. 521 — Rt., adm. (H)851 — Rt. Rich., gen. (D) 894 — Rt. Stamw, gen. (D) 931 — Th., dm. Dham. 479 — Wrm., adm. (HI) 847 — Wnn., gen. (B) 867 — Wrm., Ld. Sess, 520 — Wnn., Postm. G. Sc. 502 — Wm. D., gen. (D) 887 Robertson-Ross, see Ross Robins, see also Robbins and Robyns — Jos. F., dm. Rillo.e. 637 . Robinson, see also Robi- SO]] — Alexr., gen. (ID) 922 — Andr., gen. (C) 871 — Benj. C., P.P. 419 ; 414 — Ch., J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Ch. Gepp., adm. (E) 835; — Sir Chr., Adm. Adv. 423; Ch. Lond. 422; J. Adm. Ct. 423; K. Adv. 422; P.C. 211 — Daiml. Geo., gem. (ID) 907 Fk. Ch. Br., adm. (E) 837 — hon. Flº. J., aft. 1st Visc. Goderich, and E. of Ripon, q.v., B.T. 268; Ch. Ex. 165; L. Admy. 181; L.T. 159; Paym. G. 245; Pres. B.T. 268; Tr. N. 256; U.S.W. & C. 231; V.P.B.T. 269 — Flº, Lacey, C.I.R. 286 — Fk. Ph. and sir F. G.C.B. 769; G. Tob. 723; gem. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774 — Geo., J.C.P. Ir. 581 . — Geo. Aberc. and Sir G., Chm. E.I. Co. 645 — Hy., bp. Carl., 475 — Hy., C. Exc. Sc. 504 — Hy., K.C.B. 784 — Hy. Ed., gen. (D) 885 — Herc., adm. (H) 845 — Herc. Geo. Rt. and Sir H., G.C.M.G. 795; G. Antig. 728; G. C.G.H. 679; G. Ceyl. 673; G. H. Kong, 673; G. Monts. 729 ; G. Mſtius. 684; G. N.S.W. 703; G. N.Z. 709; - :. 729 ; I.C.M.G. 796; P.C. 220 — Jas., gem. (A) 858 — Jas., S.L. Ir. 593 — Jno., b.p. Brl. 439; bp. Lond. 452; dri. Winds, 474; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 196 — Jno., S.W.F. 271 — Jno., gem. (B) 867 Jno., Sec, Tr. 163 *— Sir Jno., Const, T.L. 321 ; Lt. T.L. 322 Sir Jno., L.M. Lond, 491 * Prob. same pers, — Jno. Bev., G. Ont. 692 — sir Leon, Chambri. Lond. 493 — Mark, adm. (A) 818 — Nichs., b.p. Bgr. 426 — Sir R., G. Brmda. 701 — Rd., aft.] stild. Rokeby, q.v., abp. Arm. 596; bp. Ferms and L. 622; bp. Kild. 617; bp. Killa, and Ach. 613; dm. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 S.T.u. #: IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1121 Robinson—cont. – Rt., gen. (B) 866 – Rt., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 - Rt. Spencer and sir R., adm. (D) 832; (E) 834; (E) 838; Compt. N. 258; K.C.B. 783; L. Admy. 185 - Saml., Châmbn. Lond. 493 - Stapylt., gen. (D) 911 — T., Sec. P.O. 239 - Sir Tancr., adm. (A) 814 — Th., dm. Kilm. 609 -- Sir Th., aft. 1st là. Grant- ham, q.v., B.T. 265; C. Exc. 280; G. Bdoes. 720; K.B. 764; #ºw. 296; P.C. 199; S. St. − hon. Th., aft. 2nd lù. Grantham, q.v., B.T. 266; P.C. 202; V.C.H. 297 -- Wm. and Sir W., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Bdoes. &c. 719, #: G. Trin. 723; K.C.M.G. --Wrm. Cl. Fras. and Sir W., G. Falk. Isl. 731; G. Pr. Ed. ‘Is. 699; G. S. Austr. 707; G. Str. Sett. 675; G. W. Austr. 707; G.C.M.G.795; I.C.M.G. 797 – Wm. Foth., Q.C. 419 — Sir Wm. Hy., K.C.H. 788 - Wm. Rose, K.C.S.I. 803 Robison, see also Robinson — Hugh Geo., gen. (D) 913 T. Sir Jno., K.H. 791 ſ *itaine, Theod., G. Queb. Robles, F., Pres. Ecr. 108 Robley, -, G. Tob. 723 – Hor. Gord., gen. (ID) 932 Robsart, sir Jno., K.G. 735 — Lewis, aft. li. Bourchier, # (d. 1433), K.B. 756; K.G. Robson, Sim., dm. Brl. 440 Roby, Bapt., dn. Lich. 445 Robyns, see also Robins and Robbins — Jno., gen. (D) 889; K.H. 791 Boca, J. A., Pres. Arg. 110 — V. R., Pres. Ecr. IO8 Rocafuerte, V., Pres. Ecr. 108 Roceline, Ld. Chanc. 353 Roch, sil: Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 Roche, See also Roches — Edm., gem. (ID) 906 — Geo., abp. Cash. 625 — Hy., dm. Ferns, 623 — (or Rupe), Jno., bp. Cork, 630; dn. Cork, 632 — Jno., bp. Lism. 626 — Jno., gem. (ID) 905 — (or Roches), sir L.H.A. 173 — Milo., bp. Tilin. 622 — Ph., IK.C.H. 787 — Th., B. Ex. 383 — Wnn., bp. Cork and Cl. 631 Rocheford, see Rochford Roches, See also Roche — Chev. Des, G. Mtius. 683 — Jno. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Rochester, Rt. and sir R., C.D.L. 242; Compt. H. 292 ; K.B. 760; K.G. 738 — Solomon de, J. It, 368 Rochester, visc. and E. of, See also Clarendon and Somerset Cam'r IFamily. — Rt., 1st Visc., form. Robt. Carr, q.v., aft. E. of Somer- set, q.v., K.G. 739 Jno., Rochester, visc. and E of cont. PIQ/de Family. — Laur., 1st E. of, form. hon. L., ld. and visc. Hyde, q.v., L.L. Cnwall. 307; K.G. 740 ; L.H.T. and L.T. 155; L.L. Herts. 309; L.L. Ir. 555; #9. 187-8; P.C. 194; Prem. 1. — Hy., 2nd E. of, form. 1d. Hyde, q.v., aft. E. of Claren- don, q.v., L.L. Cnwall. 307; V. Treas. Ir, 559 Rochford and Rocheford — Barth., K.B. 755 — Sayer de, K.B. 755 Rºhford, lds., visc., and E. O IBoleym. Family. — Th., 1st visc., form sil: T. Boleyn, q.v., aft. E. of Wilt- shire and Ormond, q.v. — Geo., ld, and visc. (Son of Thos., 1st visc.), W.C.P. 319 Carey Famvly. — Hy., 1st visc., form. Hy. Carey, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Dover, q.v. — Jno., visc., form. Jno. Carey, q.v., aft. 2nd E. of Dover, q.v. Nassaw (of Zwlestein) Family, see also Zulestein. — Wrm. Hy., 1st E. of, form. W. H. Nassau de Zulestein, gen. (B) 864 — Wrm. Hy. N., 4th E. of, Amb. Fr. 112; Amb. Spm. 123; Gr. St. 304 ; R.G. 742; L.L. . 308; P.C. 200; S. St. 3) Rochfort, Geo., gen. (B) 866 — Maur., bp. Lim. 638; L.D. Ir, 55.1 — sir Maur., L.D. Ir. 550 — Rt., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; L.K. Ir. 576 → *. bp. Down and Cmr. — Simon, bp. Mth. 599 —— Th., dm. St. Pat. 618 Rock, Jas., R. Dr. P.A. 338 Rººke, Jas. Harw., gen. (D) 9 Rockele, Rt. de, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 Fockingham and Rokyng- ham — Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 Rockingham, lds., E., and M. Of — Lewis, 3rd lä., aft. 1st E. of, L.L. ICent, 309 — Lewis, 2nd E. of, L.L. Rent, 309 — Th., 3rd E. of, L.L. I\ent, 309 — Th., 1st M. of, form. T. W. Wentworth and 1st E. of Mal- tom, q.v. — Ch. 2nd M. of, I.C.G. 742; L.L. Yorks, W.R. 313; L.T. 157-8; P.C. 201; Prem. 143-4 Rocomb, Rd., bp. Llin. 622 Rodborough, Milo de, J. It. 369 Rodd, Jno. Rashl., adm. (H) S51 — Jno. Trem. and sir J., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 776 Rºeburn, Th., bp. St. Dav. 64 Roden, E. of :- Rt., 2nd E. of, form. Visc. Jocelyn, K.P. 750 ſº — Rt., 3rd E. of, form. Visc. Jocelyn, q.v., K.P. 751 aggerham, Jno. de, M. Chy. 39 * Rodes, see also Rhodes —- Frăs., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Roderic, Roderick, and IRodheric — bp. St. Dav. 464 — (O'Connor), K. Ir. 22 — K. Sp. 85 — (2), K. Wls. 16 — Ch., dr. Ely, 435 Rodham, Rt., adm. (A) 815 Rodheric, see Roderic Rodney, Geo. Br., see 14. R., tnfra, — Rd. de, K.B. 754 — Th. Br., gen. (D) 917 Rodney, lds. — Geo. Br., aft. Sir G. and 1st ld. R., adm. (A) 814; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; G. Newfa. 700; F.B. 765 — Geo., 3rd ld., L.L. Radn. 316 Rodoaldus, K. Limd. 49 Rödolf, Rodolph, and Ro- dolphus; see also Ralph and Rudolph — D. Aus. 58 — D. Bóly. 28 — D. Su. 80 — K. Bina. 59 — K. Fr. 23 — K. Hgy. 60 — K. Linnd. 49 — Pr. Tva. 60 — I. and II., C.P.R. 68 — I. and II., E. Gºmy. 62 — II. (E. Gnny.), K.G. 738 — I. to III., El. Sxy. 77 — I. to III., R. Bdy. 28 — I. to X., M. Bdn. 67 — -Aug., D. Brk. 70 Rodrigo, K. Sp. 85 Rºwen, Benj. B. H., Q.C. 41 — Edg., Q.C. 419 Roe, Geo., L.M. D bln. 642 — Jno., gem. (D) 918 — Jno., S.L. 408 — Sir Th., Chanc. Gart. 746 — Wm. Th., C. Cus. 276-7 Roebuck, Jno. Arth., P.C. 219; Q.C. 417 Roffham (or Refham), Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 *Roger, abp. Yk. 485 *— bp. B. and W. 427 ºn (of Appleby), bp. Oss. 620 (of Wexford), 620; dm. Kild. 619 × (2), bp. Ross. 535 *— bp. Sal. 466; Ch. Jr. 362; L.H.T. 152; Ld. Chanc. 353 *— bp. St. Andr. 528; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 bp. Wíord. and L. 626 *— (son of Rt., E. of Glo'ster), bp. Worc. 472 *— drl. Sal. 468 * Prob. some same pers. Comp. dates. — (O’Connor), K. Ir. 22 — I. and II., K. Scy. 55 — Lapine, M.M. 245 — (Mortimer) (iss. Ed. III.), Pr. E. 10 § bp. Oss. *** * IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1122 INDEX OF NAMES, Rogers, Arund., C.C.J. 405 — sir Ed., Compt. H. 292; W.C.H. 296 — Fras. J. N., K.C., 416 — sir Fredc., aft. 1st là. Blachford, q.v., K.C.M.G. 796; P.C. 218; U.S.C. 235 — Hy., K.B. 759 — Hy. Bl. Harr., gen. (D) 909 — Rd., b.p. suff. Dov. 431; dim. Cant. 431 — Rt. Henley, adm. (IH)845 — Th., adm. (A) 819 — Th., S.L. 407 — Wrm., gen. (D) 884 — Wm., M. Chy. 396 — Woodes, G, Bah. Isl, 716 Rogers-Harrison, see Harri- SOIl Rogerson, Jno., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; Rec. Dblin. 642; S.G. Ir. 589 — Sir Jno., L.M. Dbln, 640 Roghened (or Roughead), Wm., bp. Emly, 625; dm. Emly, 628 IRokeby, Ralph, S.L. 408 — (or lºookby), Th. and sir T., J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 411 — Sir Th., L.J. Ir. 551 — Wrm., abp. D'blin. and Gl. 616; bp. Mth. 599 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir, 575-6 - Rokeby, lds. — Rd., 1st là., form. R. Robinson, q.v., L.J. [r. 557 — Hy., 6th Id., gen. (ID) 885; K.C.B. 778; G.C.B. 770 Rokel, S.L. 406 Rokesley or Rokeslie, Greg., L.M.E.Lond. 489; M.M. 245 IRokh, Sh. Pers. 99 Rokyngham, see Rocking- halm Rolfe, Rt. M. and sir R., aft. 1d. Cramworth, q.v., B. Ex. 385; C.G.S. 358; Jud, Com. P.C. 360 ; K.C. 416; P.C. 215; S.G. 402; S.L. 413; V. Chanc. 390 — Th., S.L. 407 Roland, see also Rowland — Jno., dun. Cash, 627; Chy. 394 Rolland, Wm. Rae, adm, (H) 850 Rolle, Hy., C.J.K.B. 370 ; J.K.B. 372; L.T. 154; S.L. 409 — J., L. Admy. 175 Rolles, Juo., K.B. 764 — Rt., adm. (A) 8.19 Rollo, D. Ndy. 30 —— hon. Itt., gen. (D) 903 Rollock, Pet., bp. Dkld. 533.; Compt. Sc. 498; Ld. Sess. 517 Rolt, Jno. and Sir J., A.G. 400; Jud. Com. P.C. 361 ; L.J. App. 389; P.C. 217; Q.C. 417 — Jno. and sir J., gem. (ID) 882; K.C.B. 777; K.H. 792 Rolveston, Rog. de, dn. Linc. 47 4 Roma, Ct. Cam., G.C.M.G. 795 Romachus, K. Sc. 18 Romaine, See also Romayne — Wm. 3. Sec. Adm. 187 IRomanus, bp. Poch. 459 *:::: *.*.*, — P. Ro. 34 — I. to III., Emp. E.E. 50 Romayne, see also Romaine — Jno., abp. Yk. 485 — Th., L.M. Lond, 489 Rome, Flº., gen. (D) 881 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 Romer, Rt., Q.C. 419 — Rt. Corc., gen, (D) 915 — Rt. Fr., gem. (ID) 891 Romesei, see Romsey Romilly, FR., C. Cus. 277 — Jno., see ld, R., infra, — Saml, and sir S., K.C. 415; S.G. 402 Romilly, lds. — Juno, and sir J., aft. 1st Id. R., A.G. 400; Jud. Com, P.C. 360; M.R. 388; Q.C. 417; P.C. 215; S.G. 402 Formney, Ids. and E. Of Sydney Family. — Hy., E. of, form. IIy., ld, and visc. Sydney, q.v., gem. (B) 864; Gr. St. 303 Marchaſm. Family. — Ch., 3rd lói., aft. 1st E., L.L. Kent, 309 Romsey (or Romesei), Nichs. de, J. It. 368 — Walt. de, J. It. 367 Romulus, bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 483 — K. R.O. 36 Roman, bp. Lism. 626 Ronhale (or Rouhale), Tēd., M. Chy. 394 Rookby, see Rokeby Booke, sir Geo., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 176-7; P.C. 195 — Giles and sir G., J.C.P. 379 ; S.L. 412 — Hayman, gem. (IS) 864 — Sir Hy. Will., gem. (C) 875; IX.C.H. 788 — Jas., gem. (A) 859 Roolwer, bp, Isl. 530; byp. S. and M. 483 Roome, Flº., gen, (ID) 929 — Hy., gem. (TD) 876 — Wm., gem. (D) 876 Roope, Benj., gem. (IP) 880 Roos, sir Jno., L.H.A. 171 Foos, lds. — Wm., ld, 7th (12th), R.G. 734; L.H.T. 153 — Th., 9th (14th) lá., R.B. 756 — Th., 13th (18th) lil., aft. E. of Rutland, q.v., K.G. 737 Roper, Hy, dm. Clom.m. 600 — sir Hy., C.J. Bbay. 660 — Jno., A.G. 398 - Forey, Earl, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Ros, sir Jno. do, L.H.A. 171 -— hon. Jno. Fk. FitzGer, de, adm. (GF) 842 P. de, J. It. 366 — litt. de, Jy. 364 Bos, lds, de — Wrm, Lenn., 20th lá, de, form. Wm. L. Tascelles. g. v., C.Y.G. 298; P.C. 215 — Dudley Ch., 21st ld. de, gen. (D) 909 Rosas, J. M. de, Pres, Arg. 110 Roscommon, Wentworth, 4th E. of, C.G.P. 299 Rose, Alexr., bp. Edinb. 533; bp. Mor. 534; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Ch., b.p. Dkld. and Dnbl. 542; bp. Dmbl. 542 Geo., B.T. 268; P.C. 207; Paym, G. 245; Sec. Tr. 163; Tr. N. 256; V.P.B.T. 269 Rose—cont. — Geo. and Sir G., J. Bank. ; ; IK.C. 416 ; M. Chy. — Geo. Hy. and Sir G., Amb. BVa. 119; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. §4. 132; G.C.H. 786; P.C. — Jno., gem. (D) 876; R.C.B. 776 — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Jno, and sir J., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 796; P.C. 221 — Hy., J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Hugh, gem. (D) 926 — Hugh Hy, and sir H., aft. ld. Strathnairn, q.v., C.C. Ind. 651 ; Comm. F. Ir. 564; G.C.B. 769; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. º 889; K.C.B. 778; K.C.S.I. 8 *— Jas, bp. Glasg. 543 *— Jas, Sc. bp, 545 * Prob. Same pers. — sir Jno. Wm., Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 412 - — Sl., C. Ex. 282; C. Ex. Sc. 505 — Wnn., K.C.B. 783 — Sir Wrm., K.C.H. 787 — Wm.’ Anders, and Sir W., L.M. Lond, 492 Rosebery, E. of — Neil, 3rd E. of, R.T. 748 — Archd. Jno., 4th E. of, K.T. 748; L.L. Linlithg. 511; P.C. 212. — Archd. Ph., 5th E. of, C.W.P.B. 273; F. Sec. 229; L.L. Linlithg. 511; II.L. Mid. L. 509; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 220; TJ.S. Home, 228 Roslyn, see Rosslyn Foss and Rosse — Alexr., gem. (A) 860 26 Alexr., gen, (C) 872; S.G.O. 2 0 — Andr., gem. (C) 873 — Arth., abp, Glasg. 537; abp. St. Andr. 529; bp. Arg. 538; bp. Gall. 539 sir Campb. CI. Gr., gen, (D) 923; K.C.B. 781 *— Ch., C. Exc. 282 *— Ch., L. Admy. 182; L.T. 160 * 2 same pers. — Ch., gem. (A) 857 — Ch., gen. (B) 866 — Ch., gen. (C) 872 — Ch. Payne Hodgs., adm. (ID) 824 — Dav., C. Exc. Sc. 504 — Dav., C.I.E. 806 — Day., Lud. Sess. 520 — Day. Rt., G. Tob. 723 — Edm., G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Edm. Dav. Russ., gen. (ID) 914 i — Geo., see la. T., infra, — Hew. Dalr, and Sir H., F.M. 856; G.C.B. 769; gen. º 879; K.C.B. 775; L.G.O. — Hugh, gen. (D) 886 — Sir Jas. Clarke, adm. (ID) 831 — Jas. Kerr, gem. (D) 896; K.H. 792 — Sir Jas. Lockh., gen, (C) 87 — Jas. Tyr, Cart., C.I.E. 806 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1123 Ross and Rosse—comt. — Jno. de, bp. Carl. 475 — Jno., b.p. IDown, 603 — Jno., bp. Exr. 437 — Jno., gen, (B) 869 — Jno., Ld. Adv. 525 — Jno. and Sir J., gen. (C) 875; G. Gsey, 669; K.C.B. 776 - Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 909; K.C.B. 781 — Sir Jno., adm. (GF) 841 — Jno. Fras, adm. (HI) 852 - Sir Jno. Lockh., adm, (A) 815 — Matth., D. Fac. Sc. 527 — sir Patr., G. Antig. 728; G.C.M.G., 794; G. St. Hel. 682; gen. (C) 874; K.C.H. 788; K.C.M.G. 796 — Patr. Robertson, gen. (D) 922 — Rt., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir, 566 — Rt., gen, (C) 873 — Rt., K.H. 790 — Rt., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Th., gen. (D) 907 Ross, lds., E., and D. of — Walt., E. of, L.J. Gen. (1239) 522 Stuart Family. — Jas., 1st D. of, abp. St. *. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. {) $) Wm., 12th lä., I.H.C.K. Sc. 546; L.H.T. Sc. 498 Geo., aft, 13th lä, R., C. Cus. 275; C. Cus. Sc. 504; C. Exc. Sc. 504 Gore Family. -ºlph, 1st E. of, gen. (A) — Geo., 2nd E. of, C. Treas. Ir. 561 Rosse, E. of — Laur, 2nd E. of, Postm. G. Ir. 564 — Wm. 3rd E. of, form. li. OXmanton, q.v. ; IC.P. 751; Pres, lit. Soc. 940 Rossell, Ch., L.M. Dbln. 641 Rosslyn, E. of — Alex., 1st E. of, form. A. Wedderburn and lå. Lough- borough, q.v. — St. Cl. Ja.s., 2nd E. of, Amb. Pgl. 124; G.C.B. 768; gen. (A) 860; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.L. Fifesh, 510; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; L.T. 160; P.C. 211 Jas. A., 3rd E. of, gen. (D) 884; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 214 — Rt. Fras., 4th E. of, G.C.A. §: L.H.C.I.C. Sc. 546; P.C. 221 Rossmore, lds. — Rt., 1st là., form. G. R. Cunningham, q.v. — Hy. Rt., 3rd lá., L.L. Monaghan, 570 Rostislaw, R. Russ. 89 IRoswell, Wm. (error in body, iºd. Sé. 401 IRotharis, K. Tumd. 49 Rotheachta (2), IX. Ir. 20 Rothernhale, Jno., K.B. 756 Rotheram and Rotherham — Jno. and Sir J., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 411 — (or Scott), Th., abp. 486; bp. Limc. 447; bp. Roch, 460; Ld. Chanc, 355 *ºnerreia, Wm. de, bp. Carl. 5 Botherham, see Rotheram Rothes, E. and D. of — Wm. (? Geo.), 4th E. of, Ld. Sesºs. 517 — Jno., 7th E., aft. 1st D. of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; H.C.P. Sc. 507; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Sess, 517; P.C. 190; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 — Jno., 8th E. of, L.H.C.K. Sc. 546; V.A. Sc. 499 — Jno., 9th E. of, Comm. IF. # 564; gen. (A) 858; K.T. 7 Rothesay, Stuart de, See Stuart Rottenburg, Fras. Bar., gen. (B) 867 Botton, Guy, gen. (ID) 913 Roubury, Gilb. de, J. 377; J.R.B. 371 Boucliffe, Br., B. Ex. 383 Rouden, Wm., M. Chy. 394 Rºen, abp. of, Const. T.L. 20 Rough, Wm., S.L. 412 Rough head, see Roghened Rouhale, see Ronhale *ggpen, Geo. B., M. Chy. 397 — Rt. Pr., Q.C. 417 Rous, Anthy., din. Lich. 445 — Fras., Sp. H.C. 249 — hon. Hy. Jno., adm. (D) 830; L. Admy. 183 — Jno. de, K.B. 755 — Saml., G. Bóloes. 720 Rouse, C. W. B., Sec. D.C. 254 Sir Edmoi., L. and V. Treas. 559 Ir, — F., L. Admy, 175 Rºth, Sir Rand. Ish., K.C.B. 7 Routhall, see Ruthal Row, Wm. Sk, gem. (ID) 912 Rowan, Ch., and Sir C., C.C.P. 261'; K.C.B. 782 Hy. Seb., gen. (D) 903 Wm. and Sir W., F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 882; IK.C.B. 778 Rowcliffe, Hy., Q.C. 419 Rowcroft, Fras., gen. (D) 896 Rowe, sir Hy., L.M. Lond. — Jno., G.I. Man. 666 Nichs., P. Laur. 301 — Pet., C.J.R.H. Ir. 577 — Saml. and sir S., G. Gamb. 686; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 687; G. W. Afr. Sett. 688; IS.C.M.G. 797 — Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 490 — Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 — Wrm. Carp., Q.C. 417 Rowland, see also lºoland — Andr., gem. (D) 897 Rowlands, Hy., bp. Bgr. 426; dn. Bgr. 426 — Hugh, gem. (ID) 923 — Wrm. Bowen, Q.C. 419 Rowlatt, Edwin Alexr., gem. (D) 912 Rowlet, Ralph, M.M. 246 Rowley, 13.art. Saml., adm. (A) 817 — Sir Chas., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 769; G.C.H. 787; IS.C.]3, 774; L. Admy. 182 | — Ch. Jno., adm. (E) 837 Rowley—comt. — Jno., gen. (C) 874 — Josh., adm. (A) 815 -ºir Josh. Rick., adm. (D) — sir Josias, adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 769; G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.B. 774 -ºšam. Campb., adm. (ID) — Wm., C. Acc. Ir, 567; C. Cus. Ir. 565-6 — Wm., gen. (A) 859 — Wrm. and Sir W., adm. (A) 814; K.B. 765; L. Admy. 178 Rowthall, see Ruthal Roxburgh, Fras, and sir F., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 418 — Hugo de, bp. Glasg. 536; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Roxburgh, E. and D. of — Rt., 1st E. of, L.P.S. Sc. 501 — Jno., 5th E., aft. 1st D. of, R.G. 741; L.P.S. Sc. 501; P.C. 195; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jno., 3rd D. of, Gr. St. 304; K.G. 743; K.T. 748; L.L. Poxb. 512; IP.C. 206 — Jas. Hy. Rt., 6th D. of, R.T. 748; I.L. Berw. 508 — Jas. Hy. Itt., 7th D. L.L. Roxb. 512 — Anne, DSS. of, M. Robes, 304 Roy, Wm., gem. (C) 872 Rºyal, Jos., G. N.W. Terr. 7 Roye, Edw. J., Pres. Lib. 100 Royle, Jos. Ralph Ed. Jno., C.I.E. 808 Boyse, Geo., dn. Brl. 440 of, Royston, Pét. Sor., bp. Mtius. 84 6 Royston, Wisc. — Ph., visc., form, hon, P. Yorke, q.v., aft. 2nd E. of Hardwicke, q.v., L.L. Cambs. 306; P.C. 200 — Ch. Ph., visc., aft. 4th F. of Hardwicke, Compt. N. 293; P.C. 217 Ruby, Mons. de, Compt. Sc. 498; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 *honnet, L., Pres. Sw. C. l x Ruck-Keene, see Keene Ruclinus, see IXuclinus Rudd, Anthy, bp, St. Dav. 464 : dn. Glr. 440 Ruddell, Jas. Archd., gen. (D) 928 Ruderfield, Wm. de, abp. Yk. 485 Rudhale, Wm., S.L. 408 Rudolf (Cr. Pr. Austr.), K.G. 745 Rudsdell, Jos. and Sir J., Regr, M.G. 799 Rudstone, sir Tu.M. Lond, 490 Rudyard, Wm., dn. St. Pat. 617 Rudyerd, Hy., gem. (B) 867 IRufane, Wm., gen. (B) S65 Rufinus, P. C. (2), C. Bo. 41-2; Dt. Ro. 40, 42 Rufus (2), bp. Tuond. 451 — C. Ro, and Dt. Ro. ; see also Flavus and Malmercinus Jno., — A. C. C., C. Ito. 42 — Cornelius, bp. Elph. 608 — Geoffr., bp. Dham, 478; Ld, Chanc. 353 I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1124 INDEX OF NAMES. Bufus—comt. — T. A. L., C. Ro. 45 - Wny, J. It, 365; Jy. 363 Rugg, Hy., dn. Cloy. 633 – Wm., bp. Norw. 455 Ruggles, Jno., gen. (D) 915 Bugnett, sir Jas. Hy., G. Jsey. 668 Rule, Wm. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 — Sir Wm., Sr. N. 257 Rullianus, Q. F. M., C. Ro. (5) 41; Dt. Ro. (2) 41 Rumbold, sir Arth. C. H., G. Nev. 729; G. St. Xtr. 729; G. Virg. Isl. 731 — Sir Geo. Berr., Amb. H. ThS. 120 — Hor. and sir H., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Chi. 137; Amb. Gr. 129; Amb. Sw, and N. # ; Amb. Swz.114; K.C.M.G. Rumley, Rand, gen. (D) 897 Rumodeep, Sing, K.C.S.I. 803 Rumold, St., bp. Dblin. 615 *pt. Isaac Aug., G. Ceyl. IRºundall, Fras. Hornbl., gem. (ID) 908 Rundle, Th., b.p. Dry. 60I Runnington, Ch., S.L. 412 Rupe, see Roche Rupella (or Capella), sir Rd. de, L.J. Ir. 550 Rupert, E. Gnny. 62 — Pr. (g. son Jas. I), see also under D. of Cumberland; adm. (A) 813; C.P.R. 68; Const. W. Cast. 322; R.G. 740; L. Admy. 175; L.L. Surr. 312; P.C. 190-1; Pr. E. 13 — I. to III., C.P.R. 68 ... (C.P.R., aft. Emp. Gmy.), K.G. 735 Rupibus, Pet. de, bp. Winch. 470; Ch. Jr. 362; Jy. 364; Ld. Chanc. 353 Rupilius, C. Ro. 45 Rurick, R. Russ. 89 Ruse or Rushe, Anthy., dn. Chich. 434 Rushedon, Th., S.L. 408 Rushooke, Th., byp. Chich, 433; bp. Llff. 449 Rushout, sir Jno., L.T. 157; P.C. 199; Tr. N. 256 Rºhton, Rand., G. I. Man, 5 Rushworth, Ch. Powl., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285; C. St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285; C. TX. 285 — Ed. Ever., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Jam. 713; G. Trill. 722 Russe, Wm., M.M. 246 Russel and Russell — lil. Alexr. Geo., gem. (ID).905 — A. J., Pres. Lib. 100 — Bak. Cr. and Sir B., IS.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. 797 — Barth., J.K.B. Ir. 578 — Ch. Arth. and Sir C., A.G. 400; Q.C. 419 Russel and Russell—comt. Dav. and Sir D., gem. (ID) 897; K.C.B. 780 — Ed. Lechm. and sir E., gen. (D) 902; IS.C.S.I. 803 — Ed., aft. E. of Orford, q.v., adm. (A) (1690) 813; L. Admy. 76; P.C. 193; Tr. Ch. 294; Tr. N. 256 — lil. Ed., adm. (ID) 831; (E) 834 — El.., L.M. Lond. 489 — Fras., K.B. 760 - — hom. Fras., G. Bdoes. 719 — Geo. and sir G., C.C.J. 404 — Geo. Lake, C.C.J. 404 — Geo. Wrm., gen. (D) 916 — Ld. Geo. Wm., Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.B. 772; gen. (D) 880 — Geo. W. E., Sec. L.G.B. 256 — sir Hy., C.J. Bgal. 652; P.C. 209 — Hy. Ch., gen. (D) 886 — Jas., Q.C. 417 — Sir Jas., gen, (D) 876 — Juno., adm. (G) 843 — Jno., bp. Limc. 447; bp. Eoch. 460 ; Ld. Chanc. 355 — Jno., Sp. H.C. 248 — Jno., see lá. and Earl R., infra Tai Jno. Arch., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 18 — Jos., K.C.B. 776; K.C.M.G. 796 — Lechm. C., gen, (D) 881 — Michl., bp. Glasg. 543 — la. Odo Wm. Leop., aft. ld. Ampthill, q.v., Amb. G. St. 122; Amb. Gmy, and Pr. 116; G.C.B. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; P.C. 218; U.S.F. 230 — Rd., gen. (C) 871 — Rt., G. Gsey. 668 — Rog., dn. Lism. 628 — Th. Macm., adm. (A) 817 — Wnn., bp. Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 483 39 Wm., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 7 — Wm., see lá, R., infra, — sir Wm., gen. (D) 907 — Sir Wnn., gem. (D) 920 — sir Wnn., L.D. Ir. 554 —ld, Wm., Amb. Pgl. 125; L. Admy. 181 — W. A., bp. N. Ch. 676 Wm. Carm., gen. (D) 918 — Wm. Oldm. and Sir W., C.J. Bgl. 652; S.L. 413 —ld. Wr., dm. Exr. 438 Russell, lds. and E. — Sir Jno., aft. li. R. and 1st E. Of Bedford, q.v., Compt. H. 292; IS.G. 738; L.H.A. 174; L.P.Y. 240 — Wm., ld, aft. 5th E. of Bedford, q.v., K.B. 763 — la. Wm., son of 5th E. of Hºora (beheaded 1683), P.C. —ld. Jno., aft. 1st Earl R., Amb. Aus. 117; C. Sec. 234; F. Sec. 228–9; G.C.M.G. 795; H. Sec. 227; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; K.G. 744; L.P.C. 188; L.T. 161; P.C. 211; Paym. G. 244; Prem. 148-9; W. and C. Sec. 231 Russin, bp. Cork, 630 Rust, Geo., dn. Cmr. 605; bp. Drom. 605 Ruthal, Jno., L.H.T. 152 — or Routhall, or Rowthall, Th., bp. Dham, 478; dm. Sal, 468; D.P.S. 240; Regr. Gart. 746; S. St. 223 Rutherford and Ruther- furd — Andr., aft. Rutherford- Clark, q.v., Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 521; P.C. 215; S.G. Sc. 527 — Gilb. Bryd. R., adm. (H) 85 — Juno, Wellw., gen. (D) 914 Ruthven, lds., see also E. of GOWrie 1st Creation. Wm., 2nd lå., L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. Sess. 517 Wm., 4th lä, Ld. Sess. 2nd Creation. — Dav., 2nd Id., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497 Ruthyn, ld, Grey of, See Grey Rutilus, C. M., C. Ro. (4) 40-1; Dt. Ro. (2) 40 . — C. N. (2), C. Ro. 38-9, 41 — S. N., C. Ro. 37, 41 — see also Tricostus, P. V. Rutlam, Rajah of, K.C.I.E. 805 Rutland, E. and D. of Plantage met Family. — Ed., 1st E. Of (son of Edw. III.), aft. D. of, Albe- marle and D. of York, q.v., R.G. 734; L.H.A. 173; Comst. T.L. 320 — Edmél., E. of (son of Rd., ; of York), G. Ch. Isl. (1397) 67 — Edmél., E. of, Ld. Chanc. Ir. (1460) 575 lMammers Family. — Th., 1st E. of, form. 13th (18th) lil. Boos, q.v. º — Hy., 2nd E. of, K.G. 738 — Ed., 3rd E. of, K.G., 738 — Fras., 6th E. of, form. F. Manners, q.v., R.G. 739 — Jno., 2nd D. of, K.G. 741 — Jno., 3rd D. of, C.D.L. 242; K.G. 741; L.L. Leic. 309; L.S.H. 290; M.H. 302; P.C. 197 — Ch., 4th D. of, K.G. 742; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Leic. 309; L.P.S. 241; L.S.H. 290 ; P.C. 204 — Jno. Hy., 5th D. of, K.G. 743; L.L. Leic. 309 — Ch. C. J., 6th D. of, form. M. of Granby, q.v., K.G. 745; L.L. Leic. 309 — Jno. Ja.s. Rt., 7th D. of, form. li. Jno. Manners, q.v. Rutmel, bp. Clonf. 635 Rutter, Saml., b.p. S. and M. 48 4 Buxton, Wm. Fitzh., adm. (H) 852 Ruydocus, bp. Cnwall. 436 Ry —, see also Ri — Ryan, Ch. List. and sir C., Ass. C. and A. and C. and A.G. 169; K.C.B. 784 — Corn., dn. Rilloe. 637 — Donagh, dn. Emly, 628 — sir Ed., B.T. 268; C.J. Bgl. 652; Jud. Com. P.C., 360; P.C. 214 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1125 Ryan—cont. — Th., K.H. 791 – Val, gen. (D) 924 – Vinc. Wm., bp. Mtius. 684 *śarde, Jno., dn. St. Pat. 1 Ryder and Rider lfr. Ph. and sir A., adm. (B) 821; (E) 835; K.C.B. 781 — sir Dudl., A.G. 399; C.J.K.B. 370; P.C. 199; S.G. 401; S.L. 412 — hom. Dudley, aft. 2nd lå. and 1st E. of Harrowby q.v., B.C. 252; B.T. 268; Compt. H. 293; P.C. 205; Paym. G. 244; Tr. N. 256; U.S. F. 229; V.P.B.T. 269 — Hy., bp. Killoe. 634 — hon. Hy., bp. Glr. 439; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 — hon. Hy., dm. Wells, 429 — Jno. (No. 1), abp. Trn. 611; bp. Down and Cmr. 604; bp. Killoe. 634 — Jno. (No. 2), bp. Killoe. 634; drl. St. Pat. 618 — Jno., dn. Lism. 629 — Ralph, K.B. 759 — sir Wrm., L.M. Lond, 491 — hon, Rd., H. Sec. 227; J.A.G. 937; L.T. 158; P.C. 208 Rye, Pet., adm. (H) 844 Ryevalis, see Rivallis Rygwallon, Pr. Wls. 16 Rykenman, Rog., M.M. 245 Ryle, Jno. Ch., b.p. Lpool. 480; dn. Sal. 468 Ryley, see also Riley — —, Chest. H. 331 — Wm., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Clar. K.A. 328; Lanc. H. 333; Norr. R.A. 329; R. Rge. P.A. 344 Fynwell, Wm., L.M. Lond.490 Rytherch, Pr. Wls. 17 Rythmarch, bp. St. Dav. 464 Fyves, Br., dm. Chich. 434; dn. Winds. 474 — Geo. Flº., adm. (A) 820; (G) 1 84 — Jerome, dn. Killoe. 637; (im. St. Pat. 618 — Sir Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 584; L.R. Ir. 576; Rec. D'blin. 642; S.L. II. 591 — sir Wm., A.G. Ir. 588; J.K.B. Ir. 579 S. S***, dm. Oss. 622 Sabert (St.), K.E. 2 Sabine, Ed. and Sir E., gem. (D) 890; K.C.B. 783; Pres. R. Soc. 940 — Fras., dm. Dich. 445 Jos., G. Gibr. 669; gem. (A) 857 Sabinianus, P. Ro. 33 Sabinus, see also Regillensis; — A. C. C. R. (2), C. Ro. 38; Dec. R.O. 38 C. C., C. Ro. 46 — T. S., C. Ro. 37 Sabloil, Rt. de, L.H.A. 170 Sacheverell (or Sackveyle), Hy., K.B. 760 Wnn., G. I. Man, 666; L. Admy. 176 Sackveyle, see Sacheverell Sackville, see also Germaine — Ed., aft. 4th E. Of Dorset, q.v., K.B. 762 — lá. Geo., gen, (IB) 865 — lá. Geo., see ld. S., infra, — Jord. de, J. It. 367 — Rd., Sir R., Ch. Ex. 154; L.L. Suss. 312 — Th., K.IB. 763 Sackville, lds. and visc. —ld. Geo., aft. li. Geo. Sack- ville-Germaine and 1st visc. Sackville, Pres. B.T. 266; C. *- Sec. 234 ; L.G.O. 259; L. gºas. Ir. 560; P.C. 200; P.C. 01. — Mortim., ld., G.C.M.G. (1888) 796 Sackville-West, see West Saldernmen, abp. St. DaV. 463 Sadington, Rt. de, C.B. Ex. 381; Ld. Chanc. 354 — (or Sodington), Th. de, J. It. 368 Sadleir, Jno., L.T. 161 — Rd., gem. (D) 933 Sadler, Jno., M. Chy. 395 — sir Ralph, C.D.L. 242; S. St. 223 sºurnven, abp. St. Dav. 463 Saenius, L., C. Ro. 47 Safvet, Pasha, G.C.S.I. 801 Sage, Arth., gem. (D) 912 — Jno., Sc. Byp. 545 | Wm., gen. (D) 893 | Saget, N., Pres. Hti, 105 Saham, Rd. de, B. Ex. Ir. 382; L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Wrm. de, J.K.B. 371 Sahlerus (comes Winton), B. i EX, 382 Sahuliie —, G. Tob, 723 | said, V. Eg.'98 | Sainsbury, Th., L.M. Lond. Q 92 ! saint, Ailm., K.B. 756 | “Saint.” For popes and bishops bearing this prefix, see under their Christian names. Where “St.” forms part of the surname or title, the names are given below. St. Albans, visc., E. and D. of JBacom, JFamily. — Fras., visc., form. Fras. Bacon and ló. Verulam, q.v. Jermyn Family. — Hy., 1st E. of, form. Hy. Jermyn, q.v., K.G. 740; L.C.H. 295; P.C. 190 IBeauclerk Family. — Ch., 1st D. of, C.G.P. 299; R.G. 741 — Ch., 2nd D. of, form. E. of Burford, q.v., Const. W. Cast. 322; K.G. 741 — Geo., 3rd D. of, L.L. Berks. 306 St. Albans, visc., E. and D. of convi. — Wnn., A. A. De V., 10th D. of, C.Y.G. 298; L.L. Notts. 311 ; P.C. 218 St. Amand, sir Alm., see 1d. St. A., infra, — Arn. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Rd., see la. St. A., infra, St. Amand, lds. — sir Alm., aft. 2nd lå, St. A., L.J. Ir. 551 — (or Scyntismond), Almaric, 3rd lá., K.B. 755 — Rd., 4th lä., K.B. 757 St. Augustine (abb. of), J. It, 365 St. Barbara, Wm. de, bp. Dham. 478; dun. Yk. 486 St. Clair. See also Sinclair hon. jas. gen. (A) 858 — Th. S., gen. (D) 882; K.H. 790 St. Clere, Guy, W.C.P. 318 St. Cyr, Off. Nap. 26 St. Cyres, Walt. S., visc., form. W. S. Northcote, q.v., aft. 2nd E. of Iddesleigh, q.v. St. Pamuna, Rog. de, J. It. 36 — Wm. de, Const. T.L. 320; Jy. 364 sºGeorge, Arth., din. Ross, 6 — Hy. and sir H. (No. 1), Bl. M. P.A. 336; Gart. K.A. 327 ; Norr. K.A. 329; P. Rge. P.A. 344; Richm. H. 333 — Hy. and sir H. (No. 2), Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 327; Nolºr. IX.A. 329; Richm. H. 333 — Jno. and sir J., gen. (IP) 900; K.C.B. 780 — Rd., gen. (B) 865 — Rd. and Sir R., Berw. P.A., 341; Clar. K.A. 328; Norr. R.A. 329; Sec. St. Patr. 752; Ulst. K.A. 572; Winds. H. 331 — sir Th., Gart. K.A. 327; Norr. K.A. 329; Sonn. H. 332 — sir Th. Bl., gen. (C) 874; K.C.B.I. 788 St. German, Jno. de, bp, WOrc. 472 St. Germans, E. of — Jno., 1st E. Of, form. Jno. Eliot and 2nd lù. E., q.v., |U.S.F. 229 Wm., 2nd E. of, form. hon, Wrm. Eliot, q.v. Ed. Gr., 3rd E. of, form. ld Eliot, q.v., G.C.B. 772; L.L. Ir. 557; L.S.H. 290 ; POStºm. G. 238 St. Helena, Jno. de, J. It. 36 67 St. Helens, All., 1st lél., form. All. Fitzherbert, q.v., Amb, Nds., &c. 122; Annb. Russ. 125; G.C.H. 786 St. Hippolite, Dav. M., baron de, gem. (A) 857 sº Jacobo, Steph. de, Jy. 6 3 St. John, hon Flº, gen. (A) 860 — Fk. Bt., Amb. C. Am. 134; Amb. Sva. 128; Amb. U.S.C. 134 ; Amb. Vza. 135 — Hy., see la. St. J., infra. — hon. Hy., gen. (A) 859 — Jeffr., b.p. Ferns, 621 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1126 INDEX OF NAMES. St. John—comt. — Jno. bp. Ferns, 621 — Jno. de, J. It. 367; L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Jno., K.B. 758 — Jno., S.L.R. 271 — Ol., A.G. 399; C.G.S. 356; C.J.C.P. 375; L.T. 154; S.G. 401; S.L. 409 — Ol., see lö. St. J., infra, — Sir Ol., aft. 1st visc. Gran- dison, q.v., L.D. Ir. 554 T.9. Beauch. Cov., K.C.S.I. Pawlet, K.B. 763 — Rt., gen. (D) 895 Rt. Wm., K.H. 790 —I&Owl., K.B. 762 — hom. and rev. St. Andr., dn. WOrc. 474 — St. Andr., U.S.F. 229 — St. Andr., see la. St. J., imfra, — Spens. and Sir S., Amb. Bol. 135; Amb. Dom. Rep. 133; Amb. Hti. 133; Amb. Mex. 133; Amb. Pu. 135; K.C.M.G. 797 — Wrm., dum. Ferns, 623 — Wrm. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Wrm., seeld. St. J., infra, St. John, lds. — Walt. Lindesay, ld, Ld. Sess. (1537) 518 St. John of Bletsho, lds. — Ol., 4th lit., aft. 1st E. of Bolingbroke, q.v., K.B. 762 l., ld, aft. 2nd E. Of Bolingbroke, q.v., K.B. 762 — St. Andr., 13th Id., P.C. 208; C.G.P. 300 St. John of Lydiard Tre- goze, lds. — Hy., aft. 1st là. and visc. St. Johm, and 1st visc. Boling- broke, q.v., P.C. 195; S. St. 224; Sec. at W. 233 St. John of Basing, lds. Pawlet Family. — Wnn., ld., aft. E. Of Wilt- shire and M. of Winchester, q.v., K.G. 738; L.C.H. 294; L.H.T. 139; L.S.H. 290; Ld. R. 355 St. Just, Luc. Let. de, G. Queb. 694 St. Lawrence, Lawr. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 —— Nichg., aft. 1d. Howth, q.v. — Rt. de, Ch. Ex. Ir. 561; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 — (or Howth), Th., A.G. Ir. 588; J.K.B. Ir. 578 — hon. Th., bp. Cork and R., 632; dri. Cork, 632 St. Leger, —, Bl. Sang. P.A. 342 — Anthy., gem. (C) 872 — Anthy. and Sir A., K.G. 738; L.D. Ir. 553; L.K. Ir. 576; M.R. Ir. 585 — Jeff., b.p. Oss. 620 — Jno., gem (C) 872 — St. Jno., B. EX. Ir. 584 — Th., b.p. Mith., 599 Th., K.B. 757 :}; Wm., b.p. Llin. 621 +– Wm., bp. Mth. 599 * 2 same pers. — Wm., gem. (B) 866 St. Leonards, Ed. B., 1st là., form. Sir E. #. Sugden, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 360 St. Isoe, sir Wim., C.Y.G. 298 St. Isooe, Ed., adm. (A) 813 St. Martin, Lawr. de, bp. Boch. 459. — Ralph de, J. It, 366 — Rd. de, dm. St. Pat. 617 St. Omera, Wm. de, J. 368; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 365 sºfaul, Horace, Amb. Sw. — Jno. de, abp.Dbln. and Gl. 615; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574; Ld. IK. 354; M.R. 387 s: Quintin and St. Quin- 11 O — Walt. de, J. It. 366 It. *— Sir Wm., C. Cus. 274 × sir Wm., L.T. 156 *— sir Wm., W. Treas. Ir, 559 * Prob. all Sanne pºrº, St. Severino, (dm. of), M Chy. 394 sºyalerico, Jno. de, B. Ex. St. Vigore, Th. de, J. It. 368 St. Vincent, Jno., 1stlél. and E., form. Sir J. Jervis, q.v., Amb. Pgl. 124; G.C.B. 766 ; L. Admy. 180; P.C. 206 Sairt, Airtri, bp. Cork, 630 Sais, An, dn. Bgr. 426 Saisjed, Mihrban, C.I.E. 808 Salanon, See also Salomon — D. Bry. 27 — K. Hgy. 59 Salar Jung, see Hyderabad, Ea.h. of, 802 Salavaria, Maria de, G. Trin. 721 Salaverry, F. S., Pres. Pu. 109 Salbiere, Comte de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 Salcedo, Juan José, G. Trin. 21 Salceto, Rt. de, J. It. 368 Salcott, Jno., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Sal. 467 Sale, Rt. Hy., and sir R., G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 777 sºleman, Jno., bp. Norw. 454 Salern, Walt. de, abp. Trn. 611; dim. St. P. 452 Salgar, E., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Salimator, C. L., C. Ro. 44 — M. L. (2), C. Ro. 43; Dt. Ro. 43 Salinguerra I. and II., M. Fa. 52 Salinis, Steph. de, K.B. 754 — Wm. de, dm. St. Patr. 617 Salis, Rod. de, gem. (ID) 903 saiisbury, See also Salus- bury — Fulke., dm. St. As. 463 — Jno., bp. S. and M. 483; bp. suff. Thetf. 455; dn. Norw. 455 Salisbury, E. and M. of; see also Warwick t Longespée Family; see also Longespée. — Wrm., E. Of (d. 1250), L.H. A. 170; W.C.P.317 Montacute IFamily. — Wm., 1st E. of, L.M. 325 — Wnn., 2nd E. of, form. W. Montacute and Sir W., q.v., L.H.A. 172; K.G. 733; L.H.A. 172; L.M. 325 Salisbury, E. and M. of comt. — Jno., 3rd E. of, E.M. 326; I.G. 734 — Th., 4th E. of, K.G. 735 Nevill Family. — Rd., 1st E. of, K.G. 735; Ld. Chanc. 355 Cecil Family. — Rt., 1st E. of, form, ld. Cecil and visc, Cranborne, q.v., K.G. 739; L.H.T. 154 ; L.L. Herts. 308 — Wm., 2nd E. of, form. Wm. Cecil, q.v., C.G.P. 299; C.G.S. 356; K.G. 739; L.L. Dors. 307; L.L. Herts, 308 — Jas., 3rd E. of, K.G. 740 ; P.C. 19.1 .C. 19 — Jas., 5th E. of, L.L. Herts. 309 — Jas., 7th E., aft. 1st M. of, form. visc. Cranborne, q.v., R.G. 742; L.C.H. 295; P.C. 203; Postm. G. 238 — Jas. Br. W., 2nd M. of, form. Visc. Cranborne, q.v., B.C. 253; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; R.G. 744; L.L. Mdz. 310 ; #0. 188; L.P.S. 241; P.C. — Rt. A. T., 3rd M. of, form. ld. R. Cecil and visc. Cran- borne, q.v., Amb. Gmy. and Pr. 116; Amb. TRy. I30; F. Sec. 229; K.G. 745; L.T. 162; Prem. 151; Sec. Ind. 236 - Geo. Car., Mss. of, Cr. Ind. Salkeld, Lane, dn. Carl. 476 m., S. L. 411 Sall, Wm., K.H. 792 Salles, Genl. de, G.C.B. 769 Salley (or Sawley), Miles, bp. Llff. 449 - Salmeron, Pres. Sp. 87 Salmon, C. S., G. Nev. 730 — Geo., gen. (B) 869 — Jno., bp. Norw. 454; Ld. Chanc. 354 - Now, adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. — Th., bp. Ferns and L. 622 — Wm. Br., gen. (D) 916 Salnave, S., Pres. Hii. 105 Salomon, See also Salamon — Count Dem., G.C.M.G., 795 Salomons, Dav. and Sir D., L.M. Lond. 492 Salt, Th., Sec. L.G.B. 256 Saltenstall, sir Rd., L.M. Lond. 491 Salter, Ed., M. Chy. 395 — Greg. de, dn. Kild. 619 — Hy. Tish., gen. (ID) 887 — Jas. Fall., gen. (D) 878 — Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Wm. Talf., Q.C. 419 Saltoun, Alex. Geo., 16th lä., gen. (B) 870; $º R.C.B. 777; K.T. 748 Saltu, Hugh de, bp. Ferns, 621 Salusbury, see also Salis- bury — FK. Oct., gem. (D) 910 — Th., Adm. Adv. 423; J. Adm. Ct. 423 Salveine, Rog., K.B. 756 Salveyn, Ger., J. It. 369 Salvin, Anthy., gem. (B) 869 Salwey, Rd., L.T. 154 sºbach, sir Wnn., S.G. Ir. *mº For List of Abbreviatºoms, see pp. 944-952, INDEX OF NAMES. 1127 Samford, Th. de, Jy. 364 sºpson (St.), abp. St. Daw. — bp. Brn. 530 — bp. Worc. 472 ... Rd., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; dm. Lich. 445; dn. St. P. 453; du. Winds. 474; Regr. Gart. 746 — Rt., adm. (A) 813 Th., dn. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 — Th., K.B. 759 Sams, Wm., J. Adm. Ct. 423 Samson, see Sampson Samuels, Saul, K.C.M.G. 798 Sancho (Ramirez), K. Arr. 86 — I. and II., K. Pgl. 88 — I. to VII., K. Nav. 85-6-7 — II. to IV., K. Cle. 85-6 Sancroft, Wm., abp. Cant. 431; din. St. P. 453; dri. Yk. 487; P.C. 191-2 Sancta, Fide Alan de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Sandale, Jno. de, bp. Winch. 470; Ch. Ex. 152; dr. St. P. ;: L.H.T. 152; Ló. Chanc. sandbach, Sir Wm., S.L. Ir, 59 sºleman, Rt. Gr., K.C.S.I. 03 * Sanders, see also Saunders — Arth., C. Cus. 277 — Arth., gem. (ID) 897 — Jno. Fk., gen. (ID) 928 — Matth., bp. Llin. 622 — Th., adm. (IH)847 Sanderson, See also Saunder- SOIl — sir Jas., L.M. Lond, 492 — P., Amb. Rºma. 128 — Rt., bp. Linc. 447 — sir Th. Hy., K.C.M.G., 799 Sandes, Geo., K.B. 763 C., bp. Cash., E. L. 627; b.p. Killo.e., K., Cl, and K. 636 Sandford, Ch. Wald., b.p. Gibr. 670 — Danl., or Dav., b.p. Edinb. 542 — Daml. Fox, bp. Tasm. 708 — Ed., gem. (B) 865 — Fras., Lanc. H. 333; R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Sir Fras. Rd., K.C.B. 783; P.C. 220; U.S.C. 236 — Geo., dm. Ard. 609 — Hy. de, bp. Roch. 459 — Sir Herb. Br., K.C.M.G. 799 — Nichs. de, dm. Ferns, 623 — Rt., gen. (C) 872 Sandham, Geo., gen. (D) 904 — Hy., gem. (D) 895 — Rt., gen. (D) 934 Sandhurst, lds. — Wm. Rt., 1st lá., form. Sir W. R. Mansfield, q.v. — Wm., 2nd lá., U.S. War, 232 Sandilands, Phil., gen. (D) 893 Sandom, Wm., adm. (D) 830 Sandon, Vist. ºr dudi., visc., aft. 2nd E. of Harrowby, q.v., Sec. B.C. 254 — Dudl. Fras. St., visc., aft. 3rd E. of Harrowby, q.v., P.C. 219; Pres. B.T. 269 ; V.P. Ed. 255 Sandwich, Hy. de, bp. Lond. 15. W.G. p.317 — Ralph de, Const. T.L. 320 ; J.K.B. 371; L.M. Lond. 489; W.C.P. 318 — Sim. de, W.C.P. 317 — Sim. de and Sir S., W.C.P. 3.18 Sandwich, E. of — Ed., 1st E. of, form. Ed. and 1d. Montagu, q.v., adm. § 813; B.T. 263; M.G.W. — Jno., 4th E. of, Amb. Spm. 123; gen. (A) 858; Ld. Admy. 178; P.C. 199; Postm. G. 238; S. St. 224-5; V. Treas. Ir. 560 — Jno., 5th E. of, form. Visc. Hºchinbroke. q.v., Postm. G. — Jno. Wm., 7th E. of, C.G.A. 300; L.L. Hunts, 309; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 215 Sandwith, Jno. Pitc., gem. (D) 916 — Wm., gen. (D) 878 — Wm. Fk., gen. (ID) 934 Sandys, Ed., see 1d. S., infra, — Edwyn, abp. Yk. 486; bp. Lond. 451; bp. Worc. 473 — Fk. Herv., gen. (D) 891 — Geo., gen. (D) 887 — Saml., see la. S., infra, — Wm., see lil. S., infra, Sandys of the Vine, lds. — sir Winn., aft. 1st 1d. S., K.G. 737 ; L.C.H. 294 Sandys of Ombersley, lds. Samdys Family. — Saml., aft. 1st là. S., Ch. | Ex. 165; Coff. H. 293; L.T. 157; P.C. 198; Pres. B.T. 265; Tr. Ch. 294 — hon. Edwin, aft. 2nd lå. S., L. Admy. 178 Hill Family. – Arth. M. Wm., 2nd lå., gen. (D) 882 San Giovanni, Giorg., &c., Bar. de, K.C.M.G. 798 Samkey, Ed., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Hy. Gore, L.M. D'bln. 641 — Nichs. G.I. Man. 666; gem. (IB) 864 — Rd. Hier., gen. (ID) 926 — Wrm., gen. (ID) 906 San Martin, Pres. Pu. 109 — J. M., Pres. S. Salv. 106 San ope, see Snape San Ramon, Th., Pres. Pu. Benet. 109 Sanset un, de, Roch. 459 ; Jy. 364 Santa Anna, A. L. de, Pres. and Dt. Mex. 103 *Santa Cruz, Pres. Bol. 109 +: And, Pres. Pu. 109 , * 2 same pers. Santa, Maria, D., Pres. Chi. 111 bp. Santana, P., Pres. Dom. Bep. 105 Santhey, Jno., B. Ex, Ir. 584; C.J.IX.P. Ir. 578 Santos, M., Pres. Ugy. 111 Santry, Ja.s., 1st là., form. Sir J. Barry, q.v Sapiens, L. L., C. Ro. 44 Saracenus, Jno., dn. Wells, 428 Sardar,Bahadoor, R. M. J. P., C.I.E. 807 Sardenne, Wm. de, M. Chy. 393 sºl, Hy. Andr., G. Gsey. Sargeaunt, Wm. Ch. and Sir W., G. St. Vin. 725; K.C.M.G. 798 Sargent, sir Ch., C.J. Bbay. 660 Hy., gen. (D) 887 Jno., Clk. O. 260 Jno., Sec. Tr. 163 * Prob. same pers. — Jno. Nept., gen. (D) 909 sigood, Aug., P.P. 419 ; S.L. 1 :}; ‘. Sarmiento, D. F., Pres. Arg. 110; Pres. Ugy. 111 Sarnsfield, sir Nichs., K.G. 734 Sarsfield, sir Domnk., aft. 1st visc. Kilmallock, C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; J.K.B. Ir. 579 Sartorius, Sir Geo. Rose, adm. (B) 821; adm. (C) 822; adm. (D) 828; G.C.B. 771; E.C.B. 779 Satow, Erm. M., Amb. Si. 131 sºrael or Satrahel, K. Sc. 1. Saunarez and Sausmarez — Geo. de, gen. (D) 906 — Jas. de, see lá. S., infra, — Ph., adm. (HI) 852 — Rd., adm. (IHI) 846 — Th., adm. (IHI) 851 — Sir Th., gen. (A) 862 Saumarez, 1ds. — sir Jas. de, aft. 1st là. S. adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 767 F.E. 766 Saunders, see also Sanders — Aug. P., dm. Pboro. 459 — Ch., C.C.J. 404 — Ch. and Sir C., adm. (A) 814; Compt. N. 257; K.B. 765; L. Admy. 179; P.C. 202 — Edm. and sir E., C.J.K.B. 370; S.L. 410 — sir Edw., C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.Q.B. 370; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Edw. Augs., gen. (ID) 913 | — Edw. Wnn., gen. (ID) 934 — Sir Geo., adm. (A) 813 — Herb. Cliff., Q.C. 419 — Jno. Str., gen. (A) 862 — Morl., S.L. Ir, 591 — Rt., S.L. Ir. 591 Saunderson, see also San- derson — hon. Th., aft. 3rd E. of Scarborough, q.v., K.B.-764 Saunford, ... de, abp. Dbln. and Gl. 615 — Jno. de, abp. Dbln. and Gl. 615; dm. St. Pat. 617; J. It. 368 ; L.J. Ir. 550 Saurin, Ed., adm. (H) 845; C. Cus. 277; C. St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285; C. TX. 288 — Jas., bp. Drom. 605; du. Cork, 632; dr. Dry. 602 — Lewis, dm. Ard. 609 — Wm., A.G. Ir. 588 Sausmarez, see Saumarez Sausse, sir Matth. Rd., C.J. Bbay. 660 Sauvage, See also Savage — Geoffr. le, Jy. 364 — Jas, le, J. It, 367 →ºog. le, Const. W. Cast. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1128 INDEX OF NAMES. Savage, see also Sauvage — Sir Arn., Sp. H.C. 248 — Hy., adm. (A) 817 — Hy. Jno., gem. (ID) 893 — Jno. and sir J., K.B. 757; K.G. 737 — Sir Jno. Bosc., gen, (C) 875; R.C.B. 777; K.C.H. 788 — Ph., Ch. Ex. Ir, 562 — Th., abp. Yk. 486; Lond. 451; bp. Roch. 460 Savaricus, bp. P. and W. 427 Savary, Off. Nap. 26 Savell, Hy., K.B. 760 Savensby (or Stavensby), *. de, bp. Tich, and Cov. Saverrio, P. S., C. Ro. 41-2 Savile and Saville *— Hy., L. Admy. 175-6 *— Hy., V.C.H. 296 * 2 same pers. — Jno., aft. 1st là. Polling- tion and 1st E. Of Mexboro’, q.v., K.B. 765 — Jno., see lá. S., infra, — Jno. and Sir J., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 408 bp. — Sir Jno., form. Lumley, q.v., P.C. 220 Savile, lds, and visc. — Sir Jno., aft. 1st là. S. and E. of Sussex, q.v., Compt. H. 292 — Th., 2nd lå., aft. 1st visc., Tr. H. 291 Savory, Wm. Scov., Coll. Surg. 939 Savoy, Bern. de, Const. W. Cast. 322 *— Pet. of, bp. Worc. 472; dim. Sal, 468 sºbridge, Jno., bp. Winch. 7 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 492 — Th., dun. Ferns, 623 Sawley, see Salley Sawyer, Ch., gem. (D) 909 — Edm., M. Chy. 396 — sir Rt., A.G. 399; Sp. H.C. 49 — W. C., bp. Graft. and Arm. 704 — Herb., adm. (A) 815 — Herb. and sir H., adm. (A) 818; IK.C.B. 773 Saxby (or Saxelby), Ed., B. Ex. 384 Saxe – Coburg, Pr. of, see Albert Pres. Saxe-Meiningen, Bern. FR. &c., Pr. of, G.C.B. 773 Saxe-Weimar, Bern., D. of, G.C.B. 768 — Pr. Wm. A. E. Of, Comm. F. Ir, 564; G.C.B. 771; gem. (D) 903; K.C.B. 781 Saxelby, see Saxby Saxey, Wm., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Saxred, IN.E. 2 Saxton, sir Ch., U.S. Ir. 563 — Geo. Harp., gen. (ID) 914 Saxulf (or Sexulf) (St.), bp. Lich. 443 Say and Saye — Galfr. de, L.H.A. 171 — Sir Geoff., L.H.A. 171 — Jno. and sir J., C.D.L. 242; K.B. 757 — Jno., Sp. H.C. 248-9 — Wnn., dn. St. P. 453 — Wrm., I.C.B. 758 — Wnn. de, W.C.P. 317 Say and Sele, lds, and visc. — Jas., 1st lá., form. Ja.s. de Fienes, Const. T.L. 320 ; L.H.T. 153; W.C.P. 318 — Wm., 1st visc., L. Admy. 175; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 190 — Th., 10th lä., gen. (C) 872 Sayer, Exton, Adm. Adv. 423; S.L.R. 271 — Geo., adm. (A) 820 — Jas., adm. (A) 815 — Jas. Rt. St., gem. (D) 909 — Jos., S.L. 412 Sayle, Capt. W., G. Brmda. 701 Scaccario, Matth. de, A.G. 398 Scaeva, D. J. B., C. Ro. 41 P. M., C. Ro. 44 Scaevola, Q. M., C. Ro. 44-5 Scales, Th., ld, K.G. (1425) 73 5 Scales and Nucells, Anthy., ld., aft. 2nd E. Rivers, q.v., R.G. (1466) 736 Scaly, Jno., K.C.M.G. 797 Scambler (or Scrambler), Edm., bp. Norw. 455; bp. PbOro. 458 Scammell, Walt., b.p. Sal. 466; dri. Sal. 468 sºlºs (or Scannail), bp. scamien, Th. Ch., K.C.M.G. 798 Scannail, see Scandalus $carborough, see Scarde- burgh and Scorburgh Scarborough, E. of — Rd., 1st E. of, form. Bd., ld., and visc. Lumley, q.v., C.D.L. 242; gen. (IB) 864; L.L. Dham. 308; W. Treas. Ir, 559 — Rd., 2nd E. of, gen. (B) 864; K.G. 741; M.H. 302; P.C. 197; gem. (B) 864 IRd., 4th E. of, Coff. H. 294; Dep. E.M. 327; P.C. 201; V. Treas. Ir. 560 — Jno., 8th E. Of, L.L. Notts. 311 Scardeburgh, see also Scar- borough Rt. de, dm. Yk. 486 — Rt. de, K.B. 755; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371 — (or Scarborough), Rog. de, J. It, 367 Scardeville, Hy., dn. Cloy. 3 Scargill, Jas., gem. (D) 900 Scarle, Jno. de, Ld. Chamc. 354-5; M.R. 387 Sir Th., C.D.L. 242 Scarlett, Ja.s. and sir J., aft. 1st lél. Abinger, q.v., A.G. 400; C.B. Ex. 312; Jud. Com. P.C. ; R.C. 415; P.C. 213; S.L. 13 — Sir Jas. Yorke, G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 889; K.C.B. 777 — hon. Pet. C., Amb. BZl. 135; Amb. Gr. 129; Amb. Mex. 133; Amb. Tusc. 115 Scarsdale, Robt., 3rd E. of, C.G.P. 299 Scaurus, M.A., C. Ro. 45 — M. AE., C. Ro. 45 Scawen, Rt., C. Exc. 278 Sch—, see also Sh– Schaedde, see Schoedde Schalch, Jno. Augs., gen. (B) 868 Schanck, Jno., adm. (A) 817 Schaw, see Shaw Schenk, K., Pres. Sw, C. 31 Scherer, J. J., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Schives, Jno., Ld. Clk. Reg. 525 — Wm., abp. St. Andr. 529 Schneider, Flº., gen. (D) 926 — Jno. Wm., gen. (ID) 917 Schoedde, sir Jas. Holmes, gen. (D) 884; K.C.B., 777 sºley, Geo., L.M. Lond. 49 Schomberg, Alexr. Wilm., adm. (A) 820 — Ch. Flº., adm. (IH) 849 — Sir Ch. MI, G. Dnca. 730; R.C.H. 788 — Geo. Augs., gem. (ID) 903 — Herb., adm. (H) 848 — Jos. T., Q.C. 418 Schomberg, D. of — Fk., 1st D. of, gen. (A) 857; K.G. 741; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 193 — Ch., 2nd D. of, gem. (A) 857 — Meinhardt, 3rd D. of, also D. of Leinster, q.v., C. Ch. 855; gen. (A) 857; K.G. 741; P.C. 194 schooibred, Wm., Mod. K. SC. 547 Schreiber, Brym. Fras., gen. (D) 928 Schreibershofer, Maxn., R.C.B. 777 Schrender, Jan, G. Ceyl. 672 Schuler, FK., gen. (D) 887 Schultz, Jonn. Chrn., G. MtOba, 696 Schute, see Shute sºlutte, Otto, bar., gem. (C) 7 Schutz, Jno., L.W.S. 323 Schwartzenburg, Pr., G.C.B. 767 Scipio, See also Africanus, Asiaticus, Barbatus, Caepio, Calvus, and Nasica, L. C., C. Ro. 40-1-2 — P. C., C. Ro. 43-4 — Q. C. M. P., C. Ro. 46 Scoble, Andr. Rd., Q.C. 419 Scorburgh or Scores- burgh, Rt. de, B. Ex. 383; J. It. (?); K.B. 755 Scory, Jno., bp. Chich. 433; bp. Her. 441; bp. Roch. 460 Scot, see Scott Scotlaou, Wm. de, J. It. 369 Scotland, Colley Harm. and Sir C., C.J. Mdra.S. 658 Scotre, Rog. de, B. Ex. 383; C.B. Ex. 381 ; S.L. 406 Scott and Scot — Alexr., Ld. Clk. Beg, 525 — Benj., Chambn. Lond. 493 — Buch., C.I.E. 808 — Ch., gem. (ID) 910 — Ch. Perry, bp. N. Ch. 676 — Ch, Rochf., G. Gsey. 669; gen. (D) 899 — lá, Ch. Th. Mont. Dougl., adm. (E) 837 — Cuthb., bp. Chest. 476 — Dav., adm. (IHI) 845 *— Dav., Chn. E.I. Co. 644-5 sk sir Dav., K.H. 789 * 2 same pers. — Dougl., gen. (D) 921 — Dunc. G. gem. (D) 886 — Ed., gen. (C) 873 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1129 Scott and Scot—cont. — Ed., K.B. 763 — Ed. Hint., adm. (G) 842 — Ed. Wm. Sm. gen. (D) 898 — Edwin Ludd., gen. (D) 914 — Fras., adm. (E) 835 — Fras. H., gen. (D) 916 — Geo., adm. (HI) 847 — Geo., gen. (A) 859 — Geo. and sir G., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 776 — Geo. Lewis, C. Exc. 280-1 — Hy. Alexr., gen. (D) 886 — Hy. Y. Darr., gen. (D) 910 — Hopt. Stratf., K.C.B. 776 — Ja.s., gen. (B) 864 — Jas., gen. (D) 894 — Jas., Ld. Sess. 518 — Ja.s. and sir J., adm. (ID) 830; (E)834; K.C.B. 779 — Jno., aft. li. Earlsfort and Visc. and E. of Clonmel, q.v., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.K.B. Ir, 578; S.G. Ir, 589; S.L. Ir. 592 — Jno., B. Ex. 383; C.B. Ex. 381 — Jno., b.p. Dkld. 533 — Jno., b.p. St. Andr. 528 — Jno., dm. Lism. 629 — Jno., dm. Yk. 487 — Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Jno. and sir J., aft. 1st lá. and E. of Eldon, q.v., A.G. 400; B.T. 268; C.J.C.P. 376 : K.C. 415; P.C. 206; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 Jno. and sir J., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Labn. 675; G. Nat. 680; K.C.M.G. 797 — Jno. and sir J., gen. (D) 885; K.C.B. 779 — Sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 517, 519 — Sir Jno., W.C.P. 318 — Jno. Guill., gen. (D) 913 — Matth., b.p. Abdn. 530; bp. Dkld. 533; Lól. Chanc. Sc. 5 Matth. Hy., adm. (A) 818 — Patr. Geo., gen. (ID) 925 — Rt., dum. Roch. 461 — Rt., K.C.B. 776 — Rt. Anth. Ed. adm. (HI) 852 — Th., abp. York, &c.; see Botherann — Th., gem. (A) 861 — Th. (l’itgorn), L.J. Clk. 516 — Th. (Abbotshall), Ld. Sess. 518 — Th., T.M. Lond, 490 Walt., gen, (D) 896 — Wm., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C. Acc. Ir. 567; J.K.B. Ir, 579 ; S.L. Ir. 592 - — Wrm., gem. (A) 861 — Wrm. and sir W., aft, ld. Stowell, q.v., Adm. Adv. 423; IB.T. 268; Ch. Lond. 422; J. Adm. Ct. 423; P.C. 206; Vic, Gen. 422 — Wrm. and Sir W., C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371; .L. 406 :k Wm., IK.B. 758 *— Sir Winn., W.C.P. 319 * Prob. same pers. Wnn. (Balwerie), Ld. Sess. 5 Sir Wrm. (Clerkintoun), Ld. Sess. 519 — Wm. Carm., C.C.J. 404 — Wm. Hy, gen, (D) 882 — Wnn. Is., admm. (H. X45 Scougal, Jas., Ld. Sess. 520 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 — Patr., b.p. Abdn. 530 Scourfield, see Phillipps- Scourfield sººyen, Bdmd. Jno., gen. (D) 924 — Geo. and sir G., G.C.B. 770; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 775 Scrambler, see Scambler Scratchley, Pet. Hy., gen. (D) 1 Oct. 1882 (see Errata); IK.C.M.G. 798 sºven, Jno., P.P. 416; S.L. 13 Scrogie, Wm., b.p. Arg, 538 $croggs, Wm. and sir W., C.J.K.B. 370; J.C.P. 379; K.C. 414–5; S.L. 410 Scroop, Scroope, Scrope — Adr., K.B. 763 and A.G. * Lºſ & º ºs º a kº º J.C.P. J.K.B. 371; S.L. 406 — Hy. le, C.B. Ex. C.J.I.B. 369; J.C.P. 377 — Hy., see lá. S., infra, — (of Castlecombe), R.B. 759 Jno., C.G.S. 357 *— Rd., abp. Yk. 485; Lich. and Cov. 444 . sk Rd. de, dm. Chich. 434 * Poss. same pers. — Rd., bp. Carl. 475 — sir Steph. le, L.D. Ir. 552 — Th., b.p. Drom. 604 — sir Th. le, L.D. Ir. 551 Wm., see la. S., infra, Scrope of Bolton, lds. — Rd., 1st là., L.H.T. 153; L.K. 354 — Rd., 3rd ld., L.H.T. 153 — Jno., 5th la., K.G. 736 — Hy., 7th lä., R.B. 759 — Hy., aft. 9th 1d. Scr., K.B. 760; K.G. 739 — Th., 10th lá., K.G. 739 Scrope of Masham, lds. — Hy., 3rd ld., K.G. 735; L.H.T. 153 — Jno., 4th lél., L.H.T. 153 — Sir Winn., aft. lil. Scr. and 1st E. of Wiltshire, q.v., K.G. 734; K. Man. 665; L.H.T. 153 Scudamore, Arth., gem. (D) 906 — F. I., Sec. P.O. 239 — Sir Jhuo., K.B. 763 Scurlock, iºs Ol' Scurloke, Burnaby, A.G. Ir, SS 5 — Th., D. Chanc. Ir. 574 Scyntismond, Alm., see St. Amand Sea,chnasach, K. [r. 21 Seadhna (2), K. Ir. 20 Seafield, visc. and E. of, see also E. Of Findlater — Jas., 1st visc., aft. 1st E. of S., and 4th E. of Findlater, q.v., form, lil. Deskford, q.v., L.H.C.IX. Sc. 546 ; L.H.T. Sc. 498; Ld. Chanc, Sc. 515; P.C. 195; Sec. St. Sc. 502; P.C. 195 Fras. Wrm., 6th E. of, form. hon. F. W. Grant, q.v. -Hºno Ch., 7th E. of, K.T. 7 9 Seaford, Ch. Aug., 2nd lói., form. la. Howard de Walden, q.v., U.S.F, 229 398; 377; 381; Jno., bp. } Seaforth, lds. and E. of Scotch, Peerage. — Geo., 2nd E. of, Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Kenn., 3rd E. of, K.T. 747 Fºnglish Peerage. Fr. Humb., 1st là., form. F. H. Mackenzie, q.v., G. Bdoes. 720; gen. (B) 866 Seager, Ed., gen. (T)) 909 Seagram, Hy. Frowd, G. Gamb. 686 Seagrave, see Segrave Sealy, Benj. Wm. Dowd., gen. (D) 877 — Geo. Pr., gen. (D) 905 sºmer, Sir Th., L.M. Lond. 49 Searle, see also Serle — Daiml., G. Bdoes. 719 — Juno. C., adm. (A) 819 — Th., adm. (ID) 827 Seaton, see (tlso Seton — Sir Hy., K.C.H. 788 —— Th., IX.C.B. 778 Seaton, lds. — Jno., 1st là., form. Sir J. Colborne, q.v., Comm. F. Ir. 564; Comm. Io. Isl. 129; F.M. ; G.C.M.G. 794; gem. (A) Sö m. (D) 905 . 8S — Ja.s., 2nd ló., ge Sebastian, K. Pgl — Off. Nap.26 Sebba, K.E. 2 Sebbi, K.E. 2 Sebert (St.), K.E. 2 Sebright, Ch., K.C.M.G. 796 — Sir Jno., gen. (A) 858 Seccombe, Jno., adm. (H) 851 — Th. Lawr., IX, C.S.I. 803 Secker, Th., abp. Cant. 431 bp. Brl. 439; bp. Oxf. 456 dn. St. P. 453 ; P.C. 200 Sectalbrait, bp. Emly, 625 seguer, Alexr. le, B. 38 Seddon, Daml., gen. (B) 868 Sedgrave, see Segrave Sedgwick, Ed., U.S.S. 226 *— Jas., C. Exc, Sc. 505 Sk Jas., C. St. 284 * Prob. same pers. Sedna (St.), bp. Saig, 620 Sedulius (St.), bp. Dhln. 615 — (or Siedhul), bp. Rild. 616 Seel, Hy. How. Mol., Bl. M. P.A. 337; Richm. H. 334 Seele, Th., dn. St. Pat. 618 Seffride (or Seffridus) (2), bp. Chich. 432; dh. Chich. 433; J. It. 365 Sefton, E. of — Ch. Wm., 3rd E. of, L.L. Lanc. 309 Wrm. Ph., 4th E. of, Amb, Pgl. 125; K.G. 745; L.L. Lanc. 309 Segar, Rt., C.C.J. 404 — Th., Bl. M. P.A., 336 — Wnn, and Sir W., Gart. K.A. 327; Norr. K.A. 329; Ptc., P.A. 337; Som. H. 332 Segda, Ph., dn. Cloy. 632 Segene, bb, Arnn. 595 Segrave, Seagrave, Sed- grave, and Sydgrave — Gill), de, bp. Lond, 451 — Gilb. de, Jy. 364 — Hugh de, L.R. 354 Nichs., see 16. S., infra Patr., b. Ex. Ir, 584 Ex. I'Or List of Abbº'eviations, see pp. 944-952. 72 1130 INDEX OF NAMIES. Segrave, Seagrave, Sedgrave, and Sydgrave—comt. Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 583 *—— Rd., B. Ex. Ir. 584 ** Rd., C.B. Ex, Ir, 582 Rd., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 * Prob. Some same pers, Comp. dates. — Steph., abp. Arm. 595 ; dm. Lich. 445 — Steph. de, Ch. Jr. 363; Comst. T.L. 320; Jy, 364; W.C.P. 317 — Walt. de, dn, Chich, 434 Segrave, lds. Segrave IFamily. - — Nichs., ld, (d. 1380), L.M. 325 : × × IBerkeley Family. — Wm. FitzH., ld, aft. 1st E. Of Fitz Hardinge, q.v., L.L. Glouc. 308 Seinges, Rd. de, J. It. 366; Jy. 364 sºon, Geo., S.L. 408 signsore, Sult, of, I.C.M.G. 8 Selbaic, see O'Selbaic Selborne, Round., 1st là, and 1st E., form, sir R. Palmer, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; Ld. Chanc, 358 Selby, see also Seleby — Geo., gen. (D) 916 — Hy., S.L. 410 — Ja.s., Rec. Lond. (elect.) 494; S.L. 411 -— Ralph de, B. Ex. 383 Selden, J., L. Admy. 175 Seleby, see also Selby — Wm. de, A.G. 398 Selfe, Wm. Lyon, C.C.J. 405 Selim I, to III., S. Try. 97-8 Selkirk, E. of — Wrm, 1st E. of, aft. D. of Hamilton, q.v. -— Ch., 2nd E. of, L.H.T. Sc. 498; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; P.C. 198; Sec, St. Sc. 502 — Th., 5th E, of, L.L. Kirkc. 510 — Dumb. Ja.s., 6th E. of, L.K. Sc. 503; L.L. Kirkc. 510 Sellar, Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 Sellon, JBaker Jno., S.L. 412 Selred, IX.E. 2 Selwin and Selwyn — Ch. Jasp. and sir C., Jud, Com. JP.C. 361 ; L.J. App. ;: P.C. 217; Q.C. 417; S.G. 0 — Flk. Tueop. Augs., adm. (KI) 851 — Geo. Augs., b.p. Auckl. N.Z. 709; bp. Lich. 444; Prel. M.G. 799 — G. Aug., S.L.lt. 271 — Jasp. Hy., admm. (H) 851 — Jno. Bich., b.p. Melan. 711 — Wrm., G. Jam, 712; gem. (C) 871 — Wnn., K.C. 415 — Wm., K.C. 416 Selwin-Ibbetson, see Ibbet- SO]] Sempringham, IRalph du. Lich. 445 *Senach, bp. Arm. 595 *— bp. Cld. 598 * * same pers. Senchai, bp. Enmly, 625 Sendall, Walt. Jos., G. WW d. Isl, 719 de, Seneschallus, Walt., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Senhouse, sir Humph. Fl. E.C.H. 788 - Ră. bp. Carl. 475; dn. Glr. 440 Senior, Hy., G. Antig. 728 — Nass. Wm., M. Chy, 397 Seppings, sir Rt., Sr.N. 257 Seramudi, &c., G.C.S.I. 801 sºapio, P. C. S. N., C. Ro. Serbrethae, bp. Emly, 625 sºnnela, Rowl., b.p. Brl. Serge, Alexr., Gr. D. of Russ., & 53. Fº Sergius, I. to IV., P. Ro. 33-4 — L. (2), C. Ro. 39 Serle, see also Searle Rt., L.M. Lond. 488 Serlo, dm. Exr. 437 — dun. Sal. 468 Serrano, Pres. Sp. 86 Serranus, A. A., C. R.O. 44 — C. A., C. R.O. 45 — S. A., C. Ro. 44 Serred, K.E. 2 Serrurier, Off. Nap. 26 Servante, Hy., gen. (D) 898 servilianus, Q. F. M., C. Ro. 44 Servilius, C., C. Ro. 43; Dt. RO. 43 Servius, Tullius, K. Ro. 36 Sesse, Rt., dm. Cloy. 633 Seton, See also Seaton — Alexr. (Kilcreuch), Sess. 519 — Alexr. (Prior of Pluscar- dim), Ld. Sess. 517 — sir Alexr. (Pitmedden), Ld. Sess. 519 — sir Alexr., ld. Urquhart, aft, 1st E. of Dunfermline, q.v., L.P. Ct. Sess. (1593) 516 — Dav., Compt. Sc. 498 — Jas., G. St. Vin. 725 — IRog., see Seyton — Sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 517 — (or Setone), Th. de and Sir ., C.J.I.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 406 Seton, lds. Geo., ld., Ld. Sess. (1542) 517 Sevenoak, Wm., L.M. Lond. 489 Ld. Sever, Seveyer, or Sive- yer, Wm., b.p. Carl. 475; bp. Dham. 478 Severius. P. R.O. 33 Severn, j'no., gem. (A) 858 Severus, A., Emp. Ro. 47 — F. V., Emp. Ro. 48 —— Lib., JEmp. W.E. 49 — Luc. Sept., Emp. Ro. 47 — Od., abp. Cantº. 430 Seveyer, see Sever Seward, Th., gen. (B) 867 Sewell, I&t., gem. (C) 874 — Th, and Sir T., IN.C. 415 ; M.I.A., 388; P.C. 201 — Win. Hy; and Sir W., gen. (D) 882; K.C.B. 779 Sexburga, Q.E. 2 Sexh elm, bp. Lindisf. 478 Sexted, I.C.E. 2 Sextius, L., Trib. Ro. 39 Sexton, Th., L.M. Dbln. 642 Sexulf, see Saxulf Şey and Sele, see Say and Sele Seymour, Ch., dn. Dry. 602 — Ch. Hy., dm. Trn. 613 — Ed, and sir E., Compt. H. 292; L. Admy. 175; L.T. 155; P.C. 191,192, 194; Sp. H.C. 249; Tr. N. 256 — Edw. A., see lä, S., infra, — Fras, and sir F., gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 780 ld, Fras., dm. Wells, 429 — Fras. Hugh Geo., aft. 5th š, of Hertford, q.v., gen. (ID) — Fk., G. Brmda. 701 — Fk., G. Br. Cbia. 698; G. Br. Hond. 714 — FR., G. Nev. 729 — Fk. Beauch. Pag. and sir F., aft. 1d. Alcester, q.v., adm. (E) 836; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780; Ld. Admy. 185 Hººk. Hor. Arth., gen. (ID) — lä. Geo., C. Exc. 281-2 — sir Geo. Fras., adm. (IB) 821; (C) 822; (ID) 826; G.C.B. 770; G.C.H. 787; K.C.B. 777; R.C.H. 787; L. Admy. 183 Geo. Ham. and sir G., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Tusc. &c. 115; Amb. G. St. 121; G.C.H. 787; K.C.H. 788; P.C. 216 Geo. Hy, adm. (D) 833; (E) 834; G.C.B. 772; L. Admy. 184-5 — Hy., K.B. 760 — Hy. Danb., Sec. B.C. 254 — Horace A. D., C. Cus. 277 — lit. Hugh, adm. (A) 816; L. Admy, 180 — Sir Michl., adm. (A) 820 ; R.C.B. 774 — Michl. (Culme-Seymour), and sir M., adm. (C) 822; (D) 830; (E) 837; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 777; Regr, and Sec. Bath, 785 - — Rd. Aug., G. St. Luc. 725; gen. (C) 874 — Wrm., gem. (IB) 864 — Wrm., K.B. 759 — Wm., aft. 2nd E. and 1st M. of Hertford, q.v., K.B. 762 — Wm. Digby, Q.C. 418 — Wm. Hy., gem. (D) 907 — Ed. Ad., c.c. lá. S., aft, 12th D. of Somerset, q.v., C.W.F. &c. 373; C.W.jšiš' 272; L.T. 160; P.C. 215; Sec. B.C. 254; U.S. Home, 227 Seymour of Sudley, lds. → The ld., IK.G. 738; L.H.A. sºnour of Trowbridge, S. — Fras., 1st là., C.D.L. 242; P.C. 190 Seymour-Conway, way and Hertford Seys, A. N., bp. Bgr. 425 Evan, S.L. 409 ; S.L. 410 Seyton or Seytone, Itog, de, C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 Seyyid, B.B.S., S. Zr. 102; G.C.M.G. 795 — IC., S. Zr. 102 — M., S. Zr, 102 Shala, Edm., L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno. and sir J., L.M. Lond. 490; M.M. 246 See Con- For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1131 Shadforth, Hy., gen. (A) 863 Shadwell, Ch. Fk. Alexr. and #. C., adm. (E) 835; K.C.B. — Lanc, and sir L., C.G.S, 358; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; #9. 416; P.C. 211; W. Chanc. — Lawr., gen, (ID) 906 — Th., P. Laur. 301 sºftworth, Jno., L.M. Lond, Shaftesbury, lds. and E. of — Anthy., is: ld., form. Sir A. A. Cooper, and lù. Ashley, q.v., B.T. 263; L. Admy, 175; T.P.C. 187; Ld, Chanc. 357 — Anthy., 2nd E. of, P.C. 191 — Anthy., 4th E. of, L.L. Dors. 307; P.C. 200 — Cropley, 6th E. of, P.C. 209 — Anthy., 7th E. of, form. ld. Ashley, q.v., K.G. 744; L.L. Dors. 307 Shaftoe, sir Rt., S.L. 410 Shahab-ud-din, Kazi, C.I.E. 806 Shahzada, Nadir, C.I.E. 808 Shakespear, Ch. Maxt., gen, (D) 915 — Geo. (D) 913 - — Jno. Talb., gem. (D) 910 Shams - ul - Amara, &c. E.C.I.E. 805 Shand, Alexr. B., Ld. Sess. 521 Shank, Dav., gen, (B) 868 Shankar Bakhsh, &c., C.I.E. 807 — &c., K.C.I.E. 805 Shannon, visc. and E. Of 1st Creation. — Rd., 2nd visc., F.M. 856; L.J. Ir. 556 2nd, Creation. — Hy., visc. Boyle, and 1st E. of Sh., form. Hy. Boyle, ..?). —“Rd., 2nd E. of c. Treas. Ir 560-61; R.IP. 750; P.C. 203; V. Treas. Ir. 560 — Hy, 3rd E. of, K.P. 750; T.L. Crk. 569 Shapcott, Rt., S.G. Ir. 589 Shapter, Jno., Q.C. 418 Shardlelow (or Chardelawe), Jno. de, J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371; R.B. 755 — Rt. de, Jy. 364 Buckm., gen. Shareshull, Wm. de and Sir ., C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.K.B. 369 ; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371; R.B. 755; S.L. 406 shºrt-ul-omrah, K.C.S.I. 80 Sharp and Sharpe — Alex. Rent., adm. (D) 828 — Hy., M. Chy. 394 — Jas, abp. § Andr. 529 — Jno., abp. Ylö. 486; dh. Camt. 431; dim. Norw. 456; P.C. 195 — Jno., B.T. 264 — Matth., gem. (A) 862 — Phil. Ruff, adm. (II) 853 — Rt., adm. (H) 848 — Sutton, Q.C. 417 — Wrm., G. Bdoes. 720 Sharpeless, Jno., G. I. Man, 666 Sharrington, sir Wm., M.M. 246 Shaw and Schaw — AEn., gen. (C) 873 — Alexr., G. I. Man, 666 — Ch. Aug., gen. (D) 883 — Cl. Rt., gem. (D) 935 — Sir Fk., Rec. D'bln. 642 — Geo., gen. (ID) 916 — Geo., L.H.T. Sc. 496 — Hugh., gen. (ID) 932 — Jas., Compt. Sc. 498 — Sir Jas., Chambn. Lond. 493; L.M. Lond. 492 — Jno., gen. (C) 874 — sir Jmo., C. Cus. 273 — Sir Jno., S.L. 410 — Sam., gen. (D) 886 — Wrm., Q.C. 419 — Wm. B., gem. (D) 927 Shaw, Ids. — Ch., 14., aft. visc. and E. Cathcart, q.v., W.A. Sc. 499 Shaw-Lefevre, see Lefevre Shaxton, Nichs, bp. Sal. 467 Shea, see also Shee — Ambr. and sir A., G. Isl. 716; K.C.M.G. 798 Sheaffe, sir Rog. Hale, gem. (A) 862 Shecſield, -, M. Chy. 394 Shee, see also Shea, — sir Geo., Amb. Pr. 118; Sec. Tr. Ir. 561; U.S.F. 230; U.S. Home, 227; U.S.W. and C. 231 — Mart. Arch., Q.C. 418 — Mart. Arch, and Sir M., Pres, R.A. 941 — Wrm. and sir W., J.Q.B. 373; P.P. 417; S.L. 413 sºmela, sir Rt., Rec. Lond. 9 — sir Th., Sp. H.C. 249 — Wrm., dun. Yk. 487 Sheffield, lds. and E. of Sheffield, Family. — Jno., 2nd ló., K.B. 761 — Edmd., ld, aft. 1st E. of Mulgrave, q.v., R.G. 739 — Edw., aft. 2nd E. of Mul- grave, q.v., K.B. 762 - Holroyd, Family. — Jno., 1st là., aft. 1st E. of, B.T. 268; IP.C. 209 Sheikhuppur, Sheik of, C.I.E. 807 Sheil, see Shiel Shekel, Jho., adm. (H)846 shekieton, jos, gem (D) 011 Shelburne, E. of — Wrm., 2nd E. of, aft. 1st M. of Lansdowne, q.v., gem. (A) 858; H. Sec. 226; IS.G. 742; L.T. 158; P.C. 201; Prem. 144; Pres. B.T. 265; S. St. 224 — Hy., E. of, aft. 4th M. of Lansdowme, q.v., L.T., 161 ; TJ.S.F. 230 Sheldon, Gilb., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Lond. 452; P.C. 190 — sir Jos., L.M. LOnd. 491 — Jno. or Ralph, IX.13. 758 — (or Shilton), Rd. and Sir R., R.C. 414 ; S.G. 401 *Shelford, Hy., dm. Her, 442 *— Hy., M. Chy. 394 * Prob. same pers. Shelley, Jno. and sir J., P.C. 202; Tr. H. 291 — Rd., C. St. 283 — W m., J.C.P. 378 ; Lond. 493; 8 Shelton, Jno., K.B. 759 — Rd., C. St. 283 sºvooke, Geo., Sec. P.O. 9 Shennagh (or Heawo), Danl., dn. Kilf. 637 Shepard, see Sheppard Shepey, see Sheppey Shephard, Wm., S.L. 410 shºpheard Wm., adm. (H) 847 Shepherd, Arth., Bl. L.P.A. 341; R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Jas., S.L. 411 — Jas, Keith, adm. (A) 820 — Jno... adm. (ID) 832 — Jno., Chn. E. I. Co. 645-6; M.C.I. 646 — Saml. and Sir S., A.G. 400; C.B. Ex. Sc. 523; P.C. 210; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 Sheppard and Shepard, see also Shippard — Pons., gen. (ID) 934 Sheppey, Jno. de, bp. Roch. 460; dri. Linc. 448; L.H.T. 153 shºpstone, rheophºkong. 797 Sherborne (or Sherburn), Rt., bp. Chich. 433; bp. St. Dav. 464; dim. St. P. 453 Sherbrick, Th., gen. (D) 880 Sherbrooke, Jno. Cope and Sir J., G.C.B. 767; G. Can. 691; G. N. Sc.- 695; gen. (A) 861; K.B. 766 Sherbrooke, visc. — Rt., visc., form. Bt. Towe, q.v., G.C.B. 773 Sherburn, Rd. and sir R., G. I. Man, 666 — Iłt., see Sherborne — Th., G. I. Man, 666 Shere Ahmed IXhan, C.I.E. 808 Sherer, Geo. Moyle Sh., R.C.S.I. 802 Josh., adm. (G) 842; K.H. 791 Sheridan, Jno., adm. (H) 845 Pat., bp. Cloy. 630; dim. Cnr. 605 — Rol. Br., P.C. 208; Sec. Tr. 163; Tr. N. 256; U.S.F. 229 — Whyn., byp. Kilm. and Ard, § bp. Ard. 608; dri. Down, . (IB) S&C — Wrm. and sir W., gen 868; K.C.H. 788 Sheriff and Sherriff, also Shirreff — Jas. W., G. Nev. 730 — Jno. Pr., gen. (D) 932 — Th., R. Dr. P.A., 338 sheriffs, Jas., Mod. IV. Sc. Sheringham, Wm. Louis.; adm. (IHI) $48 sººrington, Walt., C.D.L. Wm., K.B. 760 Sherlock, D., S.L. Ir. 593 — Fras., K.H. 790 — Nichs., dm. lxild. 619 — Th., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Lond, 452; lop. Sal. 467; dim. Chich, 434; dn. St. P. 453; IP.C. 199 I'or List of Albbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1132 INDEX OF NAMES. Sherman, Steph. Wm. B., en. (ID) 933 Sherrard, hon. Ph., gem. (B) 865 Sherriff, see Sheriff sºftwood, Jno., bp. Dham. — Wnn., b.p. Mth, 599; L.D. Ir. 552; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Shewell, Hy., gen. (D) 919 sº Matth., b.p. Cork and Shiel and Sheil — Jas., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Justin and sir J., Amb. Pers. 130; gen. (D) 893; K.C.B. 782 — Rd. Lal., Amb. Tusc. 115; J.A.G. 937; M.M. 247; P.C. 214; V.P.B.T. 269 Shield, Hugh, Q.C. 419 — Wrm., adm. (A) 819 Shioy (or Joy), Wm., abp. Trn. 611 sºner, sir Hy., adm. (H) 8 Shilton, Rd., see Sheldom — Rd., K.C. 414 Shipbrooke, Fras., 1st E. of, form. Fras. Vernon and visc. Orwell, q.v. Shipley, Sir Ch., G. Gren. 724; gen. (C) 873 — Jno., bp. Llff. 449; bp. St. As. 462; din. Winch. 471 → Bega. Younge, gem. (ID) 9 — Wrm. DaV., dn. St. As. 463 Shippard, see also Sheppard —Alexr., adm. (I)) 825 — Sidn. God. Alexr., G. Br. Bland. 680; IS.C.M.G. 798 Shirland and Shurland — Alm, de, B. Ex. 383 — Sir Geoffr. de, W.C.P. 317 — Sir Rt. de, W.C.P. 318 Shirley and Shuriey — Arth., gem. (D) 897 — sir Geo. or sir Jno., C.J.K.B. Ir, 578 — Geo. Ja.s., adm. (A) 820 — Hor. and Sir H., gen. (ID) 897; K.C.B. 780 — Jno., S.L. 409 — Ralph., IV.B. 756 — Th. and Sir T., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. DInca. 730; G. Leew. Isl. 727; gen. (A) 859 +Walt Aug., b.p. S. and M. 4 — Wnn., G. Bah. Isl. gen. (B) 865 Shirreff, see also Sheriff Ch. Æn., gem. (D) 893 — Wrm., gem. (A) 859 — Wm. Hy., adm. (ID) 827 Shirton, see Sturton sºyers, Th. Rev., adm. (A) 81 Shone, Saml., b.p. ISilm. E. and A. 609 — Th. Ak., gen. (ID) 899 Shorabji, &c., C.I.E. 807 Shore, sir Jno., aft. 1st 1d. Teignmouth, q.v., G.G. Ind. 648 Shoredich, Jno. de, B. Ex. 383; K.B. 755 Shoreswood, Geo., b.p. Brm. 531; Lól. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Sec. St. Sc. 501 716; Short, see also Shortt — Augs., b.p. Adel. 707 — Th. Vowl., bp. S. 484; bp. St. As. 462 Shortall, Jas, gen. (B) 870 Shorthalls, Th., B. Ex. Ir 583 Shorter, Jno., C. St. 283 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 Shortland, Pet. FR., adm. (IHI) 851 — Vinc. Jno., gem. (ID) 919 — Will., G. N.Z. 709; G. Nev. 729; G. Tob. 723 Shortt, see also Short — Fras. Hy., adm. (H)851 — Jno. Mac., gem. (D) 896 Shotesbrooke, Jno., K.B. 756 Shottinden, Rt. de, Jy. 365 Shovel, sir Cloudesl., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy. 177 Shower, sir Barth., Rec. Lond. 49 Showers, Ch. Lion., gem. (D) 91 —iºd. Mill. Gull., gen. (D) 7 — St. Geo. Daml., gem. (ID) 898 Shrapnel, Hy., gem. (B) 869 Shrewsbury, Balph de, bp. E. and W. 428 — Rt. de, bp. Bgr. 425 t Shrewsbury, E. and D. of, See also Talbot — Jno., 1st E. of, form. Sir Jno. and 12th lá. and Earl Talbot, q.v. — Jno., 2nd E. of, K.G. 736; L.H.T. 153; L.L. Ir. 552 — Geo., 4th E. of, K.B. 757; R.G. 737; L.S.H. 289 — Fras., 5th E. of, K.G. 738 — Geo., 6th E. of, E.M. 326; K.G., 738 — Gilb., 7th E. of, K.G. 739 — Ch., 12th E., aft. 1st D. of, I.G. 741; L.C.H. 295; L.H.T. 156; L.L. Heref. 308; L.L. Herts, 309; L.L. Ir. 556; P.C. 193-4; Prem. 141; S. St. 224 — Hy. Jno., (? 18th) E. of, also 3rd E. of Talbot, q.v., C.G.A. 300 — Chas. Jno., 19th (? 20th) E. of, C.G.A. 300; P.C. 219 Shriggely, Jno., B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J.K.B. Ir. 577 Shrinlptom, Jno., G. Gibr. 669; gem. (C) 871 Shuckburgh, Rd., dm. Cmr. *(\tº 605 Shuldham, Edm.W., gem. (D) S77 — Molyn., see lil. S., infra, Th. Hy., gem. (ID) 898 Shuldham, lds. — Molyn., aft. 1st là. S., adm. (A) 815; G. Newfol. 700 Shun-che, Emp. Ch. 100 Shurland, see Shirland Shurley, see Shirley Shute, Ch. Cam., gem. (I)) 904 — Jno., aft. Jno. Barrington- Shute and 1st Visc. B., q.v., C. Cus. 274; M.R. Ir. 585 — (or Schute), Rt., B. Ex. 384; J.Q.B. 372; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 408 Shuttleworth, Asht. Asht., gen. (ID) 899 — Ph. N., b.p. Chich. 433 — IRd., S.L. 408 - Shuttleworth—comt. - — Sir Ugh. J. Kay-, C.D.L. 243; P.C. 221; U.S. Ind. 236 Shutz, Jno., C. St. 283 Si—, see also Sy— Siam, Surawongse Somd. C. P., Reg. of, K.C.M.G. 797 Sibley, Geo., C.I.E. 806 Sibthorpe, sir Chr., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Tºº bp. Kilf. 635; bp. Lim. — Th. de M. Chy. 393 Siculus, Q. C. V., C. Ro. 37 Sidenham, see Sydenham Sidi-Ali, B, Tun. 101 — -Mohamed, S. Mco. 101 Sidmouth, Hy., 1st Visc., form. H. Addington, q.v., H. Sec. 227; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241 Sidney, see Sydney Siedlhul, see Sedulius Sigarus, bp. Wells, 427 Sigbert (2), bp. Lich. 443 Sigebert (4), K.E. 2 — I. and II., K. Fr. 22-3 Sigebryt, K.E. 2 Sigefrid, C. Lux. 84 Sigehard, K.E. 2 Sigello, see Sigillo Sigelmus (or Sigfridus), bp. Sels. 432 — (or Swithelmus), I. and II., bp. Shbn. 466 Sigenard, K.E. 2 Sigered, K.E. 2 Sigeric (2), K.E. 2 Sigerico, K. Sp. 84 Sigfridus, see Sigelmus Sigher, K.E. 2 Sigillo or Sigello — Hugh de, bp. Dkld. 533. — Nichs. de, J. It, 365 — Rt. de, bp. LOrld. 451 Sigismund, E. Grmy. IK.G., 735 — K. Bdy. 28 — K. Brma. 59 — K. Hgy. 60 — IC. SW. 92 — M. Brg. 65 — (g. son Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 — I. and II, D. Line. 29 — I, to III., K. Pld. 91 —-Bathori, Pr. Tva. 60 — -Ragotzski, Pr. Tva. 60 Sijwar, Babu, Ch. L., C.I.E. 80 7 Silamus, D. J., C. Ro. 46 M. J., C. Ro. 45 Silk, Wm., bp. Mth. 599 Sillery, Ch. Joc. Cec., gen. (D) 924 Sillitoe, Ad. W., bp. N. Westr. 698 Silo, K. Sp. 85 Silver, Alexr. Cr., gem. (D) 917 62; Silverius, P. Ro. 33 Silvester, see Sylvester Sim, Dunc., gen. (D) 887 Simcocks, Th., dn. Cloy. 633 Simcoe, Jno. Gr., Amb. Pgl. 124; gem. (B) 866 Simeon and Symeon — -Breac, K. Ir. 20 — Ch., adm. (IHI) 846 — Geoff., dm. Chich. 434; dri. Linc. 448; M. Chy. 394 — Jno., M. Chy. 397 Simmonds, See also Symonds — Wnn., S.L. 408 IFor List of Abbreviat lºoms, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1133 Bimrmons, See also Symons — Jno. Lint. Ar. and sir J., G.C.B. 771; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Mlta. 671; gen. (D) 902; R.C.E. 780 Simnevil, Jno. de, K.B. 754 *Simon, bp. Dn.bl. 532 *— bp. Dry. 601 *— bp. Gall, 538 *— bp. Isl. 539 "sº (of Kilkenny), bp. Kild. *— bp. Mor. 534 *— bp. Ross, 535 *— bp. Worc. 472 *— dun. Chich. 433 *— dra. Linc. 448 *— (abb. of Reading), J. It. 367 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — (the Proud), R. Russ. 89 — Jno., K.C.B. 784; Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Jno., P.P. 418; S.L. 414 Simonds, see Symonds Simons, see Symons sºphinson, Jno. Aug. F., $implicius, P. Ro. 33 Simpson and Simson — Alexr. L., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Benj., K.C.I.E. 805 — Cortl. Herb., adm. (IHI) 852 — Dav., gen. (D) 897 — Ed. and sir E., Ch. Lond. #: D. Arch. 421; J. Pr. Ct. 1 — Ed. H., gem. (ID) 879 — Frank, G. Lag. 687 — Geo. Wm. Y., gen. (D) 903 — Jas. and sir J., G.C.B. 769; gen. (D) 883 º' als. Murr. Th., gen. (D) — Jno., gem. (ID) 905 -— Jno., S.L. 410 —– Rt., K.H. 789 — Th., Compt. Sc. 498 — Wnn., Curs. B. Ex. 386 — Wrm., gem. (B) 867 — Wm. Hy., G. Lag. 687 — W. S., gem. (D) 923 Sir clair, see also St. Clair *— Geo., Ld. Sess. 520 — Hy., bp. IRoss, 535; L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Sess. 518 — Jno., bp. Brm. 531; L.P. Ct. Soss. 516 4. — Jno., b.p. Cness. 531 — Jno. (dean of IRestalrig), Ld. Sess. 518 — Sir Jno., P.C. 209 — hon. Jno. (Muckle), Ld. Sess. 520 — sir Jno. Gord., adm. (ID) 828 — Patr., gem. (B) 866 — Patr., gem. (C) 872 — sir Rt., L.J. Clk, 516; Ld. Sess. 520 — Wrm., b.p. DKld. 533 ‘Sinell (St.), bp. Clr. 596 Singe, see Synge singer, Jos. Hend., b.p. Mth. 99 — Morg., adm. (HI) 853 — Wnn., Mod. R. Sc. 547 sigh, Mahar. Dhul., K.C.S.I. 8 Sirigleton, Hy., C.J.C.P. Ir. ; M.R. Ir, 585; S.L. Ir. .592 Singleton—comt. — Jno., gen. (D) 894 — Jno., K.H. 792 — Jno., gen. (ID) 913 — Mark, St. O., 260-1 Sinwell, Jno., b.p. Linc. 446 Siorlamh, K. Ir. 20 Siorna-Saoghalach, K. Ir. 20 Sírcar, Moh, Lall., C.I.E. 807 Sirdar-Ajit, C.I.E. 807 — Asad, &c., C.I.E. 806 — -Dewa, K.C.S.I. 803 Siricius, abp. Cant. 430; bp. Wltºn. 466 — P. R.O. 33 Sirmur, Bah. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Sisebert, Sisibut, or Sisebuth, R. Sp. 85 Sisenando, R. Sp. 85 Sisinnius, P. Ro. 33 Siveyer, see Sever Siward, bp. Roch. 459 Sixtus, I. to V., P. Ro. 32, 33,35 sºdon, Ch. R., gen. (D) 88 shººte, Jno. Br., G. Bdoes. 720 sºmngton, Th., b.p. Bgr. — Sir Wm., L.D. Ir. 553 Skelmersdale, Ed., 2nd lá., aft. 1st E. of Lathom, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; P.C. 219 Skelton, sir Bev., Lt. T.L. 322 — Hy., gen. (B) 86 — Jno., P. Laur. 300 Skene, Andr., S.G. Sc. 527 — Jas. and Sir J., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Ld. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 519 — Jno. and sir J., Ld. Adv. 526; Lól. Clk. Reg. 525; Ld. Sess. 518 — Jno. Gord. C., gen. (B) 867 — Ph., gem. (C) 872 — Rt., gem. (B) 866 Skerk, Pet., K.B. 754 Skerrett, Jno., gen. (B) 867 — Jno. Burn., gem. (C) 873 Skerwing, Rog. de, bp. Norw. 454 Skey, Fc. Carp., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Skiddy, Rog., bp. Crk. and Cl. 631; din. Lim. 639 Skilling, Michl., A.G. 398 Skinner and Skynner — Allam M., C.C.J. 404; Q.C. 417 — Brindl., C. St. 283 — Jno., bp. Abdm. 541; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 — Jno., gen. (B) 868 — Jno. and Sir J., C.B. EX. 382; J. Chest. 387; K.C. 415; P.C. 204; S.L. 412 — Matth., C.J. Chest. 386; S.L. 411 — Ph. K., gen. (B) 868 go Ph. IV. McGr., gen. (ID) 901 — Ralph, dn. Dham. 479 — Rt., bp. Brl. 439; bp. Oxf. 456; bp. Worc. 473 — Th., L.M. Lond. 491-2 — Wrm., bp. Abdn. 541; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 — Wrm., gem. (B) 865 Skipp, see Skypp Skipsey, Wm., adm. (D) 823 Skipton, Rd., M. Chy. 394 —Wm., dun. Killa. 614 Skipwith, sir Th., S.L. 410 —" Wm. de, C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.K.B. Ir. 577; J.C.P. 377-8; R.B. 755; S.L. 406 Skirlaw or 'Skirlow, Walt., bp. B. and W. 428; b.p. Dham. 478; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; L.K. 354; M. Chy. 393 Skirrow, Walt., K.C. 416 Skrene, Wm., S.L. 407 Skynner, see Skinner Skypp, Jno., bp. Her. 441 sºring, Ch. Fras., gen. (D) 90 Slack, Ch. Maur., bp. Clr. 597 Slacke, Rd., Winds. H. 331 Slade, Adolph. and Sir A., adm. (E) 835; (F) 838; K.C.B. 778 — Fk. Wm., Q.C. 417 — Herb. Daws., gem. (D) 924 — Sir Jno., G.C.H. 787; gen. (A) 862 — Marc. Jno., G. Gsey. 669; gen. (D) 892 — Saml., dn. Chich. 434 — Th. and Sir T., Sr. N. 257 WIm. H., gem. (ID) 889 Sladen, Ch., K.C.M.G. 797 — Jno. Rams., gem. (D) 911 Slake, Nichs., dn. Wells, 429 Slane, lds. — Chr., 13th Id., L. Treas. Ir. 559 — Chr., 22nd lá., aft. 1st Visc. Longford, q.v., gen. (C) 871 Slaming, Nichs., K.B. 764 Slanoll, K. Ir. 20 sºy, Sir Steph, L.M. Lond. 91 Slaughter, Wrm., adm. (H) 847; K.H. 791 Sledda, K.E. 2 Sleeman, Wm. H., gen. (D) 888; K.C.B. 782 Sleigh, Jas. Wall, gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 778 — Wrm. C., S.L. 414 Slessor, Jno., gen. (D) 881 Sley, Wm., dm. Arm. 597 slight, Jul. Foulst., adm. (H) 851 Sligo, M. Of — Jno. Den., 1st M. of, form. E. of Altamont, q.v. — Howe Pet., 2nd MI. Of, G. Jam. 713; IX.P. 750; L.L. Mayo, 570; P.C. 212 Slingsby, Hy., M.M. 246-7 Sloane, Hams, and Sir H., B.T. 266; Pres. R. Soc. 940 Sloper, Rt. and Sir R., Q.C. Ind. 650; C.C. Midras. 657; gen. (A) 858; K.B. 765 Wm., B.T. 265 - Sluaig - O'Mail, bp. Lism. 626 Sluysken, Abr. Jos., G.C.G.H. 6 78 Slyfield, Jos. Cl, Sl., K.H. 792 Smalbroke, Rd., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; bp. St. DaV. 465 Small, hom. Jno., G. Gsey. 669; gem. (C) 872 Smailey, Ed., gem. (D) 914 Smallridge or Smalridge - Geo., bp. Brl. 439; dr. Carl. 476; dm. Chr. Ch. Oxf. 457 Smallwell, Ed., b.p. Oxf. 456; bp. St. Dav, 465 — Matth., dm. Lich. 445 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1134 INDEX OF NAMES. Smalridge, see Smallridge Smart, Geo., gen. (I)) 926 — Jas., gen. (D) 886 — Rt. and sir R., adm. (ID) 831; (E) 834; K.C.B. 779; R.H. 790 — Wrm. Rd. Ed., K.C.B. 780 Smedley, Jonn., dn. Clr. 597; dın. Killa. 614 Smee, Wim. Nug. Th., gen. (D) 891 Smelt, Corn., G. I. Man, 666 — Leon., Clk. O. 260 — Wnn., gem. (ID) 880 Smerdis, K. Pers. 99 Smert (or Swertz), Jno. Gart. K.A. 327 Smith, see also Smyth and Smythe — Alb., K.C.M.G. 797 — Ad., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Andr., adm. (A) 819 — Andr., R.C.B. 782 — Archd. Lev. and sir A., J.Q.B.D. 374 — Arthr., abp. Dblin, and Gl. 616; bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Down and Cnr. 604 ; bp. Mth. 599; dri. Dry. 602; dm. Rph. 602 — Cecil Clem. and sir C., G. Ceyl. 673; G. Str. Sett. 675; R.C.M.G. 798 — Ch., adm. (IH)848 — Ch., gem. (ID) 900 Ch., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Ch. B. Euan-, Amb. Zr. 132 — Ch. Doug., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699 — Ch. Fk., gen. (ID) 912 — sir Ch. F., G. Trim. 722; gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 777 — Ch. Ham., K.H. 790 — Ch. Hodg., gen. (D) 915 — Chr., L.M. Lond. 492 — Clem. Jno., gen. (ID) 935 — Colim, Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Culling Ch., C. Cus. 277; |U.S.E. 229 Dom., L. Prov, Edinb. 548 Don. Alex., R.C.M.G. 798 D. T., G.T. and C.Isl. 713 — Edmd, Davidson, gen. (D) — Ed., bp. Down and Cnr. 604 ; dri. St. Pat. 618 Ed., G. I. Man, 666 Ed., gen. (A) 859 * 2 same pers. — Sir Ed., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 — Ed. Fras., Q.C. 418 — Ed. Tyrr., adm. (A) 817 — Edwin Th., K.C.M.G. 799 — Fras., gen. (B) 866 — Sir Fras., G. Tasm. 708 — Fk. Harris, adm. (IH)852 — Fk. Hy., gen. (TD) 914 — Flº. Nep., gen. (D) 913 — Geo., B. Ex. Ir. 584; C. Acc. Ir. 567 - — Geo., b.p. Vict. (H.K.) 674 — Geo., C.I.E. 806 — Geo., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 — Geo. Str., G. N. Brk. 795 ; gen. (C) 873 — Ham. Ch., gen. (ID) 915 — Hav., gen. (C) 873 — Hy., adm. (ID) 830; (E) 834; IK.C.B. 780 — Hy., gem. (B) 866 — Hy., gen. (D) 888 >}: ź Smith—comt. — Hy. Geo. W. and Sir H., G.C.B. 769; G. C.G.H. 679; gen. (ID) 881; K.C.B. 777 — Hugh, K.B. 764 — Jas., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 491 — Jas. Carm., see Smyth — Jas Rd. Bullen, M.C.I. 647 — Jas. Webb., gen. (ID) 879 — Jas. Webb., gem. (D) 900 — Sir Jer., adm. (A — Jno. (No. 1), B. — Jno. (No. 2), B. Ex. 384; S.L. 411 — Jno., bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; du, Lim. 639 — Jno., b.p. Llff. 449 *— Jno., C. Exc. 279 × Jno., Ch. Ex. 165; L.T. 155; P.C. 194; Sp. H.C. 250 * Poss. same pers. — Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 640 — Jno., P.C. 197; Tell, Ex. 167 — Sir Jno., G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 862 — Jno. FK. Sig. and sir J., gen. (C) 874; K.C.H. 788 — Jno. Geo. S., C.C.J. 403 — Jno. Louis, gem. (ID) 893 — Sir Jno. Mark Fk., gen. (D) 885; K.H. 789 — Jno. Nichs., gen. (ID) 876 — Jno. S., Amb. TRy. 129 — Jno. Wrm., K.C.B. 779 — Jno. Wrm. Sidn., gen. (D 904 — Jos. Alexr., gen. (D) 926 — Jos. Grace, C.C.J. 403 — Josh. Jomm., L.M. Lond. 492 — Josh. Simm, gen. (ID) 896 — Josiah Wim., C.C.J. 404; Q.C. 418 — Lionel and Sir L., G. Bah. Isl. 716 ; G. Bdoes. &c. 719-20; G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Mtius. 683; G. Jam. 713; G. St. Luc. 725; G. Trin. 722; G.C.B. 772; G.C.H. 787; gen. (B) 869; IS.C.B. 775 — Luml., Q.C. 419 — Malc., gem. (C) S71 — Matth., gem. (ID) 898 — Michl. and Sir M., B. Ex. Ir. 584; M.R. Ir. 585 — Michl. Wnn., gem. (D) 899 — Miles, bp. Glr. 438 — Mont. Ed. and sir M., J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; Q.C. 417; S.L. 414 — Nathl., Chm. E.I. Co. 644 —Nathl., L.G. Ch. Hosp. Nathl. Bowden, adm. (E) 7 Nichs., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 397 — Oct. Ludl., gen. (D) 935 — Perc. Guill. Ll., gem. (D) 934 — Pet., K.C.M.G. 796 — Ph., gen. (D) 930 — Rd. Hort., Q.C. 419 — Rt. Mard., K.C.M.G. 799 — Rt. Payne, dn. Cant. 432 — Rt. Vern., aft. li. Tyveden, q.v., L.T. 160; P.C. 214; Pres. B.C, 254; Sec. at W. 234; Sec. B.C. 254; U.S.W. and C, 231 Smith—cont. — Saml., G. I. Man, 666 — Saml., gen. (D) 881 -Isami, dm. Chr. Ch. Oxf. — Th., adm. (A) 814 — Th., bp. Carl. 476; dm Carl. 476 — Th., L.M. Lond. 492 — Th., aft. 1st visc. Strang- ford, see Smythe — sir Th., Chanc. Gart. 745; S. St. 223 — sir Th., dm. Carl. 476 — Th. Assh., L.L. Carn. 314 — Th. Berry Cusack, A.G. º M.R. Ir. 585; S.G. Ir. 9 5 — Th. Charlton, gem. (ID) 897 — Th. Ed., adm. (II) 853 — Th. Hatch., gen. (D) 878 — Th. Park., gen. (D) 930 — Th. Patr., gen. (TD) 879 — Wrm., bp. Killa. and Ach. 613; bp. Kilm. and Ard. 607; bp. Rph. 601; dim. Drom. 606 — Wm., bp. Lich. and COV. 444; b.p. Linc. 447 — Wm., dm. Chest. 477 — Wrm., gen. (D) 931 — Wm., L.M. Dbln. 640 — Wm., R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Wnn. Cusack and Sir W., B. Ex. II. 584; S.G. Ir. 589 — Wrm. Fk. Haynes, G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Leew. Isl. 728 — Wm. Hy., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L. Admy. 185; L.T. 162; l’.C. ; ; Sec. Tr. 164; W. Sec. 23 — Wm. Sydn., adm. (G) 842 — sir Wrm. Sidm., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 773 Smith-King, see King Smith-Stanley, Sée Stanley and E. of Derby Smollett, Jno. Rou., adm. (D) 824 Smurily, see Imurily Smyly, Andr. Ferg., dm. Dry. 602 — Jno. Ber., gem. (D) 915 — Ph. Aust., gem. (D) 894 Smyth, see also Smythe and Smith — Ed. Selb. and Sir E., G. Mtius. 684; gen. (ID) 903; K.C.M.G. 797 — (or Smith), Geo., B. EX. Ir. 584; C. Acc. Ir. 56 — Geo., Ld. Sess. 519 — Hy., gem. (I)) 903 — Hy. Augs., gem. (D) 925 — sir Jas. Carm., G. Bali. Isl. 716; G. Br. Gu. 715; gen. (C) 875; K.C.H. 787 — Jas. Gibb., gen. (D) 984 — Jas. Rowl., see Jno. Rowl. — Jno., B.T. 268; L. Admy. 180; L.T. 158; M.M. 247; IP.C. 207 * -— Jno., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Jno. Hall, gem. (D) 910 — Juno. Hy., U.S. Home, 227 — Jno. Nug., G. Br. Hond. 714; G. N. Sc. 695; gen, (C) 874 — Jno. (or Jas.) Rowl., gen. (D) 895; K.C.B. 779 — hon. Leic. and Sir T., G. C.G.H. &c. 679; gen, (D) 905;, R.C.B., 781; K.C.M.G. 798 — Rd., L.M. Dblm. 641 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMIES. 1135 Smyth—comt. — Spenc., adm. (H) 849 — Th., bp. Lim., A. and A. 639;... dr. Emly, 628 — Wm., adm. (G) 843 — Wrm. Hy., adm. (HI) 846 — Wrm. Pow. St., gen. (D) 913 Smythe, See also Smyth and Smith — Dav., Ld. Sess. 520 — Fk. Wm., K.C.M.G. 799 — hon, Geo, A. F. P. S., aft. ...” Strangford, q.v., U.S.F. — hon. Ph. Syd., dn. Dry. 602 y y — hon, Sidn. Staff, and Sir S., B. Ex. 385; C.B. Ex. 382; C.G.S. 357; K.C. 415; P.C. 203; S.L. 412 — Th., aft. 1st visc. Strang- ford, q.v., K.B. 763 — Th. (Bp.), see Smyth — Wm., dn. Ardf. 640 Wm, Jas., gem. (D) 904 Smythes, Jesse, S.G. Ir. 589 Smythies, Ch. Acan., bp. C. Afr. 688 Snagg and Snagge — Th., A.G. Ir. 588; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 — Th. W., C.C.J. 405 Snape (or Sanope), Rd., K.B. 755 Sneath, Wm., K.B. 760 Sned bran, bp. Kild. 616 Snell, Th., b.p. Oss. 620; bp. Wford. and L. 626 Smeterby, Reg., B, Ex, Ir, 583 Sneyd, Clem., adm. (H) 844 — Th. Wm., gen. (D) 933 Snigge, sir Geo., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 409 - snodgrass, K., G. N.S.W. 703; G. V.D. Ld. 708 shºw, Th. Rochf., gem. (ID) — Wnn., dn. Brl. 440 Snowdon, Rt., bp. Carl. 475 Snyterton, Th. de, J. It. 369 sºy, Brooking, gen. (ID) 9 - 2 — Jno. Clark, adm. (E) 836 Soame (or Some), sir Steph., L.M. Lond. 491 Soames, Jos., L.G. Gr. Hosp. 854 Sobhair, IX.E. 20 Sobiestas I. and II., D. Brma. R {) Socche, Godw., M.M. 245 Sodington, Sir Rd., L.H.T. 153 — Th., see Sadington Sogdianus, K. Pers, 99 Soilly, Hy. de, bp. Worc. 472 Solvathius, IX. Sc. 18 Solyman, Sh, Pers. 99 —I. to III., S. T.Ky. 97 Some, see Soame Somer, Hy., B. EX, 383 Somers, Jno., see 10. S., infra, — Rd., C. Cus. 275; C. Cus. Sc. 504; C. Exc. Sc. 504 Somers, lds, and E. Somen's I'amily. — Jno., aft. Sir J. and lå. S., A.G. 399; L.H.S. 286; L.P.C. 188; Ld. Chanc. 357; L.K. 357; P.C. 194; Pres. R. Soc. 940; Rec. Lond, 494; S.G. 401 Somers, lds. and E.-CO7vt. Cocles and Somers-Cocles J'aimſilies. — Chas., 1st là., form. Sir C. Cocks — Jno., 2nd ló., aft. 1st E. S., T.I.. Heref. 308 — Jno., 2nd E., L.L. Heref. 308 Somerset, Ch. (3rd son of ;w. 4th E. Of Worc.), K.B. 7 — Sir Ch., 1st là. Herb. and E. of Worcester, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; K.G. 737; L.C.H. 294 —ld. Ch. Hy., G. C.G.H. 679; Compt. H. 293; gen. (A) 860; P.C. 206; Paym. G. 244 — Ed. (4th Son of Edw., 4th E. of Worc.), K.B. 762 ... — Ed. Arth., gem. (ID) 904 —ld. Fitzr. Ja.s. Hy., aft. 1d. Raglan, q.v., Amb. Fr. 113; gº Bº ; K.C.B.775; M.G.O. — lá. Gr. Ch. Hy., C.D.L. 243; C.W.F., &c. 272; L.T. 159-60; TP.C. 213 — Gr. Rt. Hy., Q.C. 418 — Hy. de, dm. Exr. 437 — Hy. and Sir H., C.C. Bbay. 660; gen. (D) 883; K.C.B. 777; R.H. 790 — la. Hy. Rd. Ch., Compt. H. 293; P.C. 219 — Lev. El. Hy., adm. (E) 836 —ld. Rt. Ed. Hy., G.C.B. 768; gen. (A) 862; K.C.B. 774 ; L.G.O. 259; S.G.O. 260 — Th., aft. visc. Cashel, q.v., R.IB. 761 - Somerset, E., M., and D. of; See also Nottingham and JRichmond Beaufort Family. — Jno., 1st E. and M. of, form. Sir J. Beaufort, q.v., aft. M. of Dorset, q.v. — Jno., 3rd E., aft. D. of, also E. of Kendal, q.v., K.G. 735 — Ed., 4th E., aft. D. of, form. E. of Morton and E. of Dorset, q.v.; W.C.P. 318 JFitzroy Family. — Hy. (mat. son of Hen. VIII.) D. of Richmond and G., also E. of Nottingham, q.v. Carr Family. – Rt., E. of, form. Itt. Carr and visc. Rochester, q.v.; L.C.H. 294; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Seymou?' I'amily. — Ed., 1st D. of (cr. 1547), form. 1st E. of Hertford, q.v.; ºt. 326; K.B. 760; L.W.S. — Wnn. 2nd D. of, form. M. of Hertford, q.v. — Ch., 6th D. of, IX.G. 740; L.P.C. 188; M.H. 302; P.C. 194 — Alg., 7th D. of, form. li. Percy, q.v., also E. of Hert- ford and E. Of Northbd., q.v., gen. (A) 857; L.L. Suss, 312 — Ed., 9th D. of, P.C. 202 — Ed. Adolph., 11th D. Of, R.G. 743; Pres. R. Inst. 940 — Ed. Adolph., 12th D. of, form. li. Seymour, q.v., K.G. 744; L. Admy. 184; L.L. Dev. 307 — Eliz., Dss. of, Gr. St. and M. Robes, 303 Somerton, Ed., S.L. Ir. 591 Sonnerton, visc. — Ch., 1st visc., form. Ch. Agar, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Nor- manton, q.v., abp. DBln. and Gl. 616 sºmerville, Jas., L.M. Dbln. j41 — Ph., adm. (IHI) 850 — Sir Wrm. Mered., aft. 1st ld. Athlumny and lá. Mere- dyth, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 215; U.S. Home, 228 Somerton, lds. sº Kenelm., 17th lä., adm. (H) 5 Sommers, see Somers Sonnenberg, I., bar. de, gem. (C) 874 - Sontag, Jno., gen. (B) 867 Soofe, Sh. Pers. 99 Sophia (dau. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 3 — (the Electress—g. dau. Jas. I.), Pr. E. 13 — (dau. Geo. III.), Pr. E. 15 — (D. of Zell.), Q.C.E. 8 -Charlotte (iss. Ja.s. I.), Pr. E. 13 -Dorothea (dau. Geo. I.), Pr. E. 14 — -Dor. Ulr. Alice (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 - — -Matilda (iss. Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 Sophus, P. S., C. Ro. 41-2 Soppitt, Matt., gen. (ID) 887 Sorel and Sorell — Hy. Andr., gen. (D) 920 — Sir Th. St., K.H. 790 — Wrm., G.V.D. Ld. 708 — Wrm. Alexr., gem. (B) 865 Sorewell, Wm. de, J. It. 7 Sorrell, see Sorell Sosius, C., C. Ro. 47 Sotehill, see Sotill Soterus, P. Ro. 32 Sotheby, Ch., adm. (D) 828 — Ed. Southw., adm. (E) 835; (F) S39; K.C.B. 780 — Fk. Ed., gen. (D) 933 — Th., adm. (A) S17 Sothern, see also Southern — Jno., J.K.B. Ir. 578 scheron, Frank, adm. (A) 1 Sotheron-Estcourt, see Est- Court Sotherton, see Southerton Sotill, Ger., K.R. 756 T." Sotehill), Hy., A.G. 39 Soto, B., Pres. C.R. 106 — M. A., Pres. Hölas. 106 sºlette, C., Pres. Vzla. 107 Souillac, Vicomte de, G. MItius. 683 Soulouque, F., Pres, and Emp. Hti. 105 Soult, Off. Nap. 26 Sourindio, &c., C.I.E. 806 Souter, see also Suter — Sir Frank Hy., C.I.E. 807 South, Jho. Fl., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Southampton, lds., E. and D. Of Fitzwilliam Family. — Wrm., 1st E of, form. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, q.v.; L.H.A. 174; L.P.S. 240; K.H. 291 JFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1136 INDEX OF NAMES. sonºpton, lds., E. and D, of —CO7lt. Wriothesley Famly. — Thos., 1st E. of, form. li. Wriothesley, q.v. — Hy., 3rd E. of, R.G. 739 — Thos., 4th E. Of, B.T. 263; E.M. 326; K.G. 740; L.H.T. and L.T. 155; P.C. 189 Fitzroy Family. 1st Creation. — Ch. Fitzr., 1st E. of, aft. 1st D. of S. and of Cleveland, q.v., K.G. 740 - 2nd Cº-eation. — Ch., 1st là., gen. (A) 858 - Geo. F., 2nd ló., gem. (B) — Ch., 3rd lù., L.L. Nton. 310 Southcote, Jno., J.Q. B. 372; S.L. 408 Southern, see also Sothern — Hy., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. IBZl. 135 — Jas., Sec. Admy. 186 $outherton and Sotherton Jno., B.E. 384; Curs. B. EX. 386 Now., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Southesk, Jas., E. of, form. Sir Jas. Carnegie, q.v., K.T. 749 sºuthey, Rd., G. Gr. Ld. W. — litt., P. Laur. 301 Southgate, Th., Q.C. 418 Southwell, Ch., K.H. 789 — Ed. (No. 1), L.P.S. 240; Sec. St. In’. 562 — Ed. (No. 2), Sec. St. Ir. 562 — Rd., dn. Ardf. 640 — Rt. and sir R., B.T. 263; C. Cus, 274; C. Exc. 278 ; º R. Soc. 940; Sec. St. Ir, — Sir Rt., M.P. 388 Southwell, visc. - Th. Anthy., 3rd. visc., I.C.P. 7 — Th. Arth. Jos., 4th visc., R.P. 751 ; L.L. Leitr. 570 Souwche, see Zouch Sowerby, Jas., gem. (IB) 866 Sowler, Rt. Scarr., Q.C. 418 sºigne, Nichs. de, M. Chy. Spain, Dav., adm. (H) 851 Spakeston, Iłd, de, dn, Wells, 4 sºdewick, Wrm. de, J. It. 6 Spalding, Jno. de, J. It, 368 Spankie, I&t., I’.P. 416 ; S.L. 41. º Sparke, Bowy. Ed., bp. Chest. % bp. Ely, 435; dim. Brl. 4 — Jas. Patt., gen. (ID) 900 — Th., b.p. suff. Iłerw. 479 — Sir Wm., J.K.IB. Ir. 579 Sparkford, Th., bp. Wíord. and L. 626 Sparrow, Anthy., b.p. Exr, 437; bp. Norw. 455 Spairshott, Ed., adm. (H) 847; K.H. 789 Spearman, Alex. Y. and sir A., P.C. 218; Sec. Tr. 164 Speed, Wm., Q.C. 420 Speeke, see Speke Speechley, Jno. Mart., bp. Tr. and Coch. 676 Speke and Speeke — Geo., K.B. 761 — Jno., I&.B. 759 Spelman, Clem., Curs. B. EX, — Jno., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 408 Spence, Flº., gen. (D) 898 — Geo., K.C. 416 — Hy. D. M., dm. Glr. 440 — Jas. Km., gen. (D) 916 — Jno. Compt. Sc. 498 — Jno., Ld. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 518 — Th., b.p. Abdn, 530; bp. Gall. 538; L.P.S. Sc. 509 Spencer, see also Spenser — Aubr. Geo., byp. Jam. 713; bp. Newfa. 700 — hon. Aug. Almer. and Sir A., C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 770; gem. (IO) 894; K.C.P. 779 — Brent. and Sir B., G.C.B 767; gen. (A) 861; K.B. 766 —ld. Ch., Compt. H. 292; L. Admy. 179; M.M. 247; P.C. 201; l’ostm. G. 238; Tr. Ch. 294; V. Treas. Ir. 560 — lil. Fras. A., B.C. 252 — Geo. Trev., bp. Mdras. 658 — Giles, G. Gsey. 668 — Hy. le, bp. Norw. 455 — li. Hy. Jno., Amb. Nds. &c. 122; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. SW. 126 — sir Hugh de, aft. E. of ºucester (?), q.v., W.C.P. 8 — sir Ja.s., L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno., Adm. Ind. 648 — Jno., dm. Ely, 435 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — hom. Jno. Welbore Sun- derland, adm. (E) 836; (E) 839 — sir Rd., K.C.H. 788 — lit. Itt., B.T. 266; P.C. 203; S.W.F. 271 ; W. Treas. Ir. 560 — hon. Rt. Cav., IK.C.H. 787 — Wnn., gen. (B) 867 — Wrm., see lá. Sp., infra, — Wm. Rt., C. St. 284 Spencer of Wormleighton,lds. - Wm. aft. 1st là. Sp., R.B. Spencer of Althorpe, E. — Geo. Jno., 2nd E., Amb. Gmy. 117; H. Sec. 227; IS.G. 743; Ld. Admy. 180; L.P.S. # P.C. 206; Pres. R. Inst. — Jno. Ch., 3rd E., form. Visc. Althorpe, q.v. IFlc., 4th E., adm. (G) 841; IX.G. 744; L.C.H. 295; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 215 — Jno. Poyntz., 5th E., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; IS.G. 744; L.L. Ir. 558 ; L.L. Nton. 310 ; L.P.C. 188; P.C. 216 Spens, Andr., gen. (ID) 890 — Jno., gen. (IB) 867 Spenser, see also Spencer — Edmm., P. Laur. 301 Sphothad, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Spicer, Alexr., dn. Išilloe. 637 — Wm., M. Chy. 396 Spiers, Alexr., L.L. Remfw. 511 Spigºurnell, Hy., J.R.R. 371; S.L. 406 — sir ‘ Ralph, L.H.A. 172; W.C.P. 318 Spiller, Rd., C. Exc. 281 sº Jno... gen. (D) 884; ..H. 791 Spinks, Flº. L., S.L. 414 — Th., Q.C. 418 Spinther, P. C. L., C. Ro. 46 Spitigrieus I. and II., D. Brma. 59 spittal, Jas, and sir J., L. Prov. Edinb. 548; Lt. Edinb. 509 Spofford or Spofforth, Th., bp. Her. 441; bp. Roch. 460 Spooner, Jno., G. Bdoes. 720 — Wnn., C.C.J. 404 Spot, Nim, Compt. Sc. 498 Spottiswood, Jas., bp. Clr. 596 — Jno., abp. Glasg. 537; abp. St. Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Ld. Sess. 517 — Molyn. Cap., gen. (D) 916 — Sir Rt., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; # Sess. 517, 519; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Wnn., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Spraggs, Sir Ed., adm. (A) 813 spranger, Jno., M. Chy. 397 — Jno. Wrm., adm. (A) 819 Sprat and Spratt — Th., bp. Boch. 460; dm. Westl. 469 — Th, Ab. Br., adm. (H)849 Spridelington (or Sprinling- ton), Wm. de, bp. St. As. 462; dn. St. AS.463 Sprigg, Jno. Gord., K.C.M.G. 798 Spring-Rice, see Rice springthorpe, Jno., M. Chy. 94 Sprinlington, see Spride- lington Sprint, Jno., dn, Brl. 440 sºngthorpe, Jno., C.D.L. 242 Sprot, Jno., gen, (ID) 928 Sprotton, Jno., bp. S. and M. 48 spºule, Flower M., gem. (C) 87: Spry, Ch., see Wnn. - Hon. gen. (IB) 866 — Sir Rd., adm. (A) 814 — Th. Dav., adm. (A) 816 79 Wm. (? Ch.), G. Bdoes. 720 — Wm., gem. (IB) 866 — Wm. FR., gen. (C) 873 spºsin, Jno. Bl., gen. (D) Spurimus, Q. P., C. Ito. 44 Spurling, Jno., S.L. 408 Spyrmie, Wm., bp. Mor. 534 Squibb, Arth., Clar. K.A. 328 — L., Tell. Ex. 168 Squire, Matth., adm. (A) 816 — Saml., bp. St. Dav. 465; dr). Brl. 440 Stack, Ed., gem. (A) 861 — Geo. FitzG., R.H. 792 — Jno., bp. Ardf, and Agh. 63 9 — Maur., gen. (D) 888; IS.C.B 779 — Nath. Mass., gen. (ID),893 Stackpoole, Wm. Hy., dm. ISKilf, 637 Stafford, –, R.B. 757 — Aug. O'Brien, Sec. Adm. 187 — Edm., b.p. Exr. 436 For List of Abbreviations, 800 pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES, | 137 Stafford—cont. — Edm., Ld. Chanc, 354-5 — Edm., see E. of S., infra, — Ed., aft. D. of Bucking- ham, q.v., R.B. (1485) 758 — Ed. Wm. and Sir E., G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 — Hugh (bro. to E. of St.), R.B. (1400) 755 — Jno., abp. Cant. 431; bp. B. and W, 428; din. Wells, 429; L.H.T. 153; Ld. Chanc. 355 — Jno., dn. Oss. 622 — Jno., gen. (C) 875 — Jno., aft. E. of Wiltshire, q.v., IK.B. (1461) 756 — Jno. Fras., gen, (b) 914 - Nichs, bp. Ferms and L. — Ralph, see la. S., infra — Sir Th., M.G.O., 258 — Wna. Josh. Fitzm., gen. (ID) 919 Stafford, lds., E., and M. of Stafford Family. — Ralph de, aft. 10th lá, and 1st E. of S., IX.IB. 755; K.G. 733 — Hugh, 2nd E. of, K.G. 734 — Th., 3rd E. of, K.P. 755 — Edm., 5th E. of, I.B. 755; K.G. 734 — Humph., 6th E. of, K.P. 756; K.G. 735 Hy., . (Son of 7th E.), aft, 1st E. of Wiltshire, q.v., K.G. 737 Gower Family. — Gr., 1st M. of, form. 2nd E. Gower, q.v. — G. Gr. L., 2nd M. of, form. 3rd E. Gower, q.v., aft, 1st D. of Sutherland, q.v., K.G. 743 — Geo. Gr., M. of, form. E. Gower, q.v., aft. 2nd D. of Sutherland, q.v. — Geo. Gr. Wm., &c., M. of, aft, 3rd D. of Sutherland, q.v., L.L. Crom. 509 Stag, Jno., B. Ex; 383 Stainer, see Staymer Stanier $taines, sir Th., IV.C.B. 774 — sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 492 Stainforth, Ch. Bap., gem. (D) 923 – Fras. Geo., gen. (D) 914 sºng ave, Ad. de, J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371 Stair, Wisc. — Jas., 1st Visc., form. Sir Jas. Dalrymple, q.v. — Jno., 2nd visc. and 1st E. of, form. Sir Jno. Dalrymple, * and Q.?). — Jno., 2nd E. of, form. visc. Dalrymple, q.v., C. Ch. 855; F.M. 856; IX.T. 747; P.C. 196; V.A. Sc. 499 — Wrm., 4th E. of, also 4th E. of Dumfries, K.T. 747 — Jno. Ham..., 8th E. of, form. sir J. H. Dalrymple, q.v., I.T. 748; L.R. Sc. 503 — Jno. Ham., 10th E. Of, form. visc. Dalrymple, q.v., R.T. 749; L.H.C.R. Sc. 546; L.L. Ayrsh. 508 Staley, Th. Nett., bp, Honol. 712 Stalker, Foster, gen, (D) 887 Stallard, Saml. gen. (D) 920 Stamer, sir Tuovel, bp. Suff. Shrewsb. 444 — Sir Wrm., L.M. D’bln. 641 sºmford, Rog., Chest. H 30 — Taur. de, dn. St. P. 452 Stamford, E. of — Th., 2nd E. of, B.T. 263; C.D.L. 242; P.C. 194; Pres. IB.C, 263 — ſand Warrington], Geo. ºry, 5th E. of, L.L. Chesh. 306 — [and Warrington], Geo. Harry, 6th E. of, L.L. Chesh. 306–7 sºmp, sir Th., L.M. Lond. 491 Stämpfli, J., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Stanbery, Stanberry or Stanbury, Jrmo., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Her. 441; bp. Norw. 5 45; Standish, M. Chy. 395 — Hy., bp. St. As. 462 — Ja.s., W. Treas, Ir. 559 Stanes, Rd, de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; J.R.B. 371; Jy. 365 Stanhope, Arth., dn. Wíord. 628 Ch., see la. S., infra, TJ.S.S. 225 × • ? * tº *— hon. Ch., Tr. Ch. 294 * Prob. same pers. — hom. Ch. Banks, Reg. and Sec. Bath, 784 Ch. Lond. 422; *— Sir Ed., M. Chy. 395; Vic, Gen. 421 Ed., K.B. 761 * 2 same pers. — hon. Ed., C. Sec. 235; P.C. 220; Pres. B.T. 269; Sec. B.T. 269; U.S. Ind. 236; V.P. Ed. 255; W. Sec. 232 — Geo., dm. Cant. 431 — Hy., adm. (H) 846 — Hy. (som of Ph., ld. S.), K.B. 63 — Hy. Edwin, adm. (A) 817 — Jas., see Earl S., infra, — Jno., adm. (A) 816 — hon. Jno., L. Admy. 178 — Jno., see löl. S., infra, — hom. Limc., gem. (ID) 877 — Lovel, U.S.S. 226 - IPh., Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. H. Ths. 120; Amb. Sxy. 120 — Ph. D., see lá. S., infra, — Ph. Spenc., gen. (D) 885 — Wm., K.B. 764 — Wnn., aft, 1st là. and E. Of Harrington, q.v., P.C. 197; W.C.H. 297 Stanhope of Harrington, lds. — sir Jno., aft. 1st lil. S., V.C.E.H. 296 — Ch., aft, 2nd ló., K.B. 762 Stanhope of Elvastom and Mahon, lds., visc., and E. Jas., aft. 1st là., visc., and Earl S., Ch. Ex. 165; gen. (B) 864; L.T. 156; 12, C, 196; Prem. 141; S. St. 224 — l’h, Hy., 5th E. of, form. visc. Mahon, q.v. Stanhope of Chesterfield, lds. Ph. D., ld., aft. 4th E. of Chesterfield, q.v., C.Y.G. 298 Stanian, Temple, U.S.S. 225 Stanier (or Stainer), sil: Saml., L.M. Lond. 491 sºihurst, Jas., Rec. Dblin. 64 :k Stanislaus, D. Line. 30 I. and II., K. Pld. 91 Stanley, Arth. Penr., West. 469 — C., G. I. Man, 666 — Ch. (g. son of 8th E. Of Derby), K.B. 763 *— Edm., C. Acc. Ir. 567 2% IEdm., S.L. Ir. 592 * Prob. same pers. — Sir Edm., C.J. Mdra.S. 658 — Ed., adm. (G) 842 — Ed., b.p. Norw. 455 — Ed., K.B. 761 — Ed., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Ed. G., see lä. St. of Bick., imfra, — Ed. Hy., see 14. St. Of Bick., infra, — Ed. Jno., see ld. St. of Ald., infra — F. A., see d. St. of Prest, infra, — Geo., G. I. Man, 666 — Geo., K.B. 757 — Hans, Amb. Fr. 1.12; Amb. Russ. 125; Coff. H. 294; L. Admy. 179; P.C. 201 — Hy. (2), G. I. Man, 666 — Ja.s., bp. Ely, 435; W dr. Chr. Ch. Manch. 481 ; bp. S. alld M. 483 — Jas., M. Chy. 397 — Jno., G. Antig. 728 Jno. and sir J., C. CuS. 274-5; C. St. 283 — sir Jno. (d. 1414), Comst. W. Cast, 322; R.G. 734; K. Man, 665; L.L. Ir. 552 — sir Jmo., K. Mam (1414), 665 — sir Jno., Tell. Ex. (1700) 16 7 — Rand., G. I. Man, 666 — Rt., K.B. 763 Th., b.p. S. and M. 483 Th., dm. Wells, 429 Th., M.R. 387 * Tºrob. same pers. — Th., G. I. Mann (1663) 666 — sil: Th., C.D.L. 242 — sir. Th., G. I. Man (1537) 666 — Sir Th., G. I. Man (1562) (566 — sir Th., L.L. Ir. (1431) 552 — Sir Th., M.M. (1539) 246 — Th., see la. St., infra, — Wrm., dm. St. AS.463 — Wrm., G. I. Man, 666 — Wnn., IX.]3. 757 — sir Wim., L.D. Ir. 552 — Wm., aft. li. Monteagle, q.v., K.B. (1533) 760 — sir Wim., Ch. Ex. 154; K.G. 736; L.C.H. 294 — Wnn., aft. 6th E. of Derby, q.v., G. I. Man, 666 — Wm., see la. St., infra, — Wm. Dac., gen. (D) 912 — hom. Wnn, Owen, L.L.Ang. 314 — Wm. I’earce, adm. (H) 847 Stanley, lds., see also Strange and Derby — Th., ld, aft. 1st lél. St. (d. 1459), K.G. 736; K. Man, 665 Th., ld., aft. 1st E. of Derby, q.v.,736 — Th., aft. la, Strange and 2nd E, of Derby, q.v., K.B 758 Ed., ld, aft. 12th E. of Derby, q.v., L.L. Lanc. 309 * dm. × × tº-ºs-s-s I'07" List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1138 INDEX OF NAMES, Stanley of Bickerstaff, lds. — Ed., c.c. 1d. St., aft. 1st là. St. of B. and 13th E. of Derby, Q,t). — hon, Ed. G., aft. Id. St. of B. and 14th E. of Derby, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; P.C. 212; U.S.W. and C. 231; W. and C. Sec. 231; C. Sec. 235 — Ed. Hy., c.c. li. St. and 1d. St. of B., aft. 15th E. of Derby, q.v., F. Sec. 229; P.C. 216; Pres. B.C. 254; Sec. Ind. 236; U.S.F. 230 Stanley of Alderley, 1ds. d. Jno., 2nd ló., form. E. J. Stanley and lá. Eddisbury, q.v., P.C. 214; Paym, G.244-5; Postm. G. 239; Pres. B.T. 269; Sec. Tr, 163; U.S.F. 230; U.S. Home, 227; V.P.B.T. 269 Stanley of Preston, lds. — Fk. Arth., 1st là., form. F. A. Stanley, C. Sec. 235; G.C.B. 773; G.G. Can. 692; L. Admy. 184-5; P.C. 219; Pres. B.T. 269; Sec. Tr. 164; U.S. War, 233; W. Sec. 232 Stannard, Eton (or Eaton), Rec. D'blin. 642; S.L. Ir. 592 Stannus, sir Ephr. G., gem. (ID) 878 — Hy. Ja.s., gen. (ID) 905 — Jas., dn, lºoss. 633 Staniser, R., bp. N. Sc. 695 Stansfeld, Jas., C.C.J. 403; L.T. 161; P.C. 218; Pres. L.G.B. 256; Pres. P.L.B. 262; Sec. Tr. 164 — Jas., jumr., L. Admy. 184 — Th. Wolr., gen. (D) 935 — Wrm. Hy. Crompton, gem. (ID) 924 Stanton, Ed. and sir E., Amb. Bwa. 119; Amb. E.g. 130; gem. (D) 905; K.C.M.G. 798 To Geo. Hy., b.p. N. Q. Land, 706 — Herv. de, Ch. Ex. 152 Stanwey, Jno., dm. Her. 442 — Wrm. (le, dm. Exr. 437 Stanwix, Jno., gem. (B) 865 *— Th., G. Ch. Hosp. 936 *— Th., gen. (C) 871 * Prob, same pers. — Th. Sl., gen. (A) 860 Stanyan, A., L. Admy. 177 Stanyford or Stanyforth, Th., S.L. 412 Stapelton and Stapilton, see Stapleton Staple, Ad., L.M. Lond. 489 Staples, Ed., bp. Mith. 599 —Jno., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir, 566 - — Jno. and sir J., K.C.M.G. 798; L.M. Lond. 492 Stapleton, Stapelton, and Stapilton — Aug. G., C. Cus. 277 — Br., K.B. (1475) 757 — Br., Iš.B. (1503) 759 — Sir Br., IK.G. (1382) 734 — sir Miles, C. Cus. 276 - sºilº, K.G., 733 — Milo, s — Nichs., } See la. St., infra, — Ph., L. Admy. 175 — Walt., bp. Exr. 436; Const. T.L. 320; L.H.T. 153 — Sir Wm., G. Leew. Isl. 727 — hon. Wm., gem. (A) 861 - Stapleton, lds. — Milo de, aft, 1st ld. St., J. It, 369 — Nichs, de, aft. 2nd 1d. St., J.K.B. 371 Stapleton-Cotton,see Cotton Stapylton, hon. Granv. Ans. Chetw., gen. (C) 874 — Granv. Geo. Chet., (ID) 909 — Hy. D., C.C.J. 403 Starck, Maur. Adolph. N. de, adm. (ID) 826 Starke, Wm., gen. (IN) 928 Starkey, Humphr, and sir H., C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 378; Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 407 sºkie, Th., C.C.J. 403; K.C. Starmer, Ch., adm. (IH) 850 Statham or Stathum, Nichs., B. Ex. 383 Staunford, Wm., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 gell. staunton, Geo., gen. (D) 898 — Sir Geo. L., Amb. Ch. 130 — Herv. or Hy, de, B. Ex. 383; C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.K.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368 — Jno., S.L. Ir. 592 — Laur., dn. Tinc. 448 — Michl., L.M. Dbln. 642 — Ph. de, bp. Llff. 449 — Ph. de, K.B. 755 — Wrm. de, J. It, 368 Staurachius, Emp. E.E. 50 Staveley, Chas. Wm. Dumb. and sir C., C.C. Bbay. 660; G.C.B. 771; gen. (D).902; gen. (D) 909; K.C.B. 779 — Ed., gem. (ID) 931 — Wm., C.C. Mdra.S. 657; G. MItius. 683; gen. (D) 882 — Miles, gem. (B) 866 Stavensby, see Savensby Staverton, Jno., B. Ex. 383 Stawell, see also Stowell — sir Wm. Foster, G. Vict. 705; K.C.M.G. 798 Stayner, see also Stainer — sir Rd., adm. (A) 813 Stebbing, Saml., R. Cr. P.A. 335; Som. H. 332 Stede, Edwin, G. Bdoes. 719 Steel and Steele — — S.L. 410 — Arth. Iſoft, gen. (D) 912 — Augs. FR., gen. (D) 917 — Ed., b.p. C. Afr. 688 Jas. Anthy., gem. (D) 915 — Tºd., C. St. 283 — Rt., M. Chy. 397 — Scud. W. and sir S., gem. (D) 887; K.C.B. 777 Th., B.C. 252; P.C. 205; Paym. G. 245; Sec. Tr. 163 Th., gen. (D) 881 — Th. Mont. and Sir T., Connm. F. Ir. 564; G.C.B. R.C.R. 771; gen. (D) 900; 780 — Wrm., A.G. 399; C.B. Ex. 381 ; Comm, Ir, 555 ; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 409 Steere, Jno., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639; bp. Kilf. 635 — Wm., bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639; dim. Ardf. 640 Stefano, Sp. Facco, G.C.M.G. 795 Stehelin, Benjn., gen. (C 872 y J g ( — Benj. Sp., gen. (D) 897 - Ed., gen. (B) 868 - signauer, M., G. Mtius. Stenkill, K. Sw. 92 *Stephen, abp. Lond. 450 >k bp. Brn. 531 *— bp. Isl. 539 + Sk % pp. Wford. 626; abp. . 61 dr. Kild. 619 L. Treas. Ir. 558 * * Prob. Some same pers. . Comp. dates. - — D. Bwa. 68 — Emp. E.E. 50 K.E. 4 — K. Pld. 91 - — (g. sort of Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9 - —i. and II, Pr. Tva. 60 — I, to IV., K. Hgy., 59, 60 Tril sk × "— I. to IX., P. Ro. 32-3-4 — Sir Alf., G. N.S.W. 703; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 — Geo. Miln., G. S. Austr. 7 06 — Hy. Jno., P.P. 416; S.L.' 413 * — Jas., C.C.J. 405 — Jas., M. Chy. 397 — Ja.s. and sir J., B.T. 268; R.C.B. 782; P.C. 215; U.S.C. 235; U.S.W. and C. 232 - — Jas. Fitz. and Sir J., J. Ex, D., 386; J.Q. B.D. 374; R.C.S.I. 803; Q.C. 418 — Wnn., J. Adm. Ct. 423 — Wrm., b.p. Dmbl. 532 Stephens, see also Stevens — Archd. Jno., Q.C. 418 (See amte Stephen) — Ed., gem. (B) 867 — Geo. Hopew., adm. 819 — Geo. Nesb., gen. (ID) 932 — Hy. Sykes, gen. (D) 900; R.H. 792 — Pembr. Scott, Q.C. 419 — Ph, and sir P., L. Admy. 180–1; Sec. Adm. 186-7 (A) — Phil. Wilk., adm. (A) 819 - — sir Rd., J.K.B. Ir. 579; S.L. Ir, 591 - Wm. Fraser, gen. (D): 927 Wrm. Kn., adm. (H) 848 Stephenson, see also Steven- SOIl — Aug. Kepp, K.C.B. 784 — Benj. Ch. and sir. B., C.W. F. &c. 272; G.C.H. 787; K.C.H. 788; K.H. 789 — Sir Flº. Ch. Arth., G.C.B.: 771; gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 78.1 — Flº. Ja.s., gen. (ID) 921 — Geo., dn. Kilf. 637 - — Hy. Fk., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285 ; C. St. and Tx. 285 - — Sir Wim., L.M. Lond. 492 — Wm. Hy, and sir W., C.I.R. 286; K.C.B. 783 -- Stepney, Geo., B.T. 263 — sir Jno., Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. SXy. 120 Sterling, see also Stirling — Anthy. Com., K.C.B. 778 — Sir Saml., L.M. Lond 491 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1139 Sterne, Jno., bp. Clr. 596; bp. Drom. 605; dm. St. Pat. 618 — Jno., b.p. suff. Colch. 461 — Rd., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Carl. 475 Steuart, see also Stewart and Stuart — Ch., gem. (D) 899 — Dav., L. Prov, Edinb. 548 — Geo. Mack, gen. (D) 88 — sir Jas., 8ee Stewart — Rt., L.T. 160 Stevens, see also Stephens — Arth., gen. (D) 919 — Ch., adm. (A) 814 — Edm., gen, (A) 859 — Fk. Wm., C.I.E. 808 — Geo. Shep, gen. (D) 933 —Hy., S.L. 411 — Hy. Borl., gen. (ID) 923 — Humph., gen. (C) 872 — Jno. Harv., gen. (D) 889 — Rt., dn. Roch, 461 — lºt., S.L. 410 — Th., gen. (ID) 889 Stevenson, see also Stephen- SOIl — Ch., gem. (B) 867 — Jas., adm. (HI) 844 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 —Nathl., gem. (I)) 929 Bd., G. I. Man, 666 — Rt. and sir R., gen. (D) 876; K.C.B. 776 — Rt. H., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Wim, G. Br. Hond. 714; G. Mtius. 684; K.C.B. 783 steward, Gabr. T., C. Tx. — Hy. Hold., gen, (D) 933 — (or Stewart), Sir Nichs., Chambn. Ex. 166 — Rt., dm. Ely 435 Stewart, See also Steuart almd Stuart - — —, G. Tob. 723 — Col. —, G., N.S.W. 703 — Alexr., gen. (C) 872 malesr. Ch. Hect., gen. (D) Algn. Augs., gem. (D) 932 : Andr. (No. 1), bp. Cress, 531; L.H.T. Sc. 497 Andr. (No. 2), bp. Cness, 531; bp. Dkld, 533; bp. Mor. 534; L.P.S. Sc. 500 — Archd., gen, (C) 873 — Archd., K.H. 790 — Ch. (ld. Stuart de Rothe- say), see Stuart —hon. Ch., adm. (A) 813 — Ch. Ed., C.I.E. 807 — C. J., bp, Queb. 694 — Ch. Thornt., gen. (D) 922 — Ch. Winn., see ld. St, and M. of Lond., infra — Dav., bp. Mor. 534 — Dav., gen. (C) 874 — Dom. Mart. and sir D., C.C. Ind. 651; G.C.B. 771; G.C.S.I. 801; gen. (D) 907; K.C.B. 781; M.C.I. 647 — Dug., Ld. Sess. 520 — Ed., bp. Ork, 535 — Ed., dm. Winch. 471 — hom. Ed., C. Cus. 276 — Fras., gem. (C) 873 — Geo., gen, (D) 934 ilb., Ly. K.A. 513 — Hy., dm. Drom. 606 — Herb. and Sir H., gem. (D) 927; K.C.B. 781 -- Stewart—cont. — Houst. and Sir H., adm. (B) 821; (D) 829; G.C.B. 770; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; K.C.B. 777 ; L. Admy. 183 — Jas., adm. (A) 814 — Jas., bp, Mor. 534; L.H.T. Sc. 496 — Ja.s., gen. (A) 860 — Jas., L. Prov, Edinb. 548 — sir Jas., G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 859 — hon. Jas. Hy. Keith, C. Cus. 276-7; C. Cus. Ir. 566; C. St. 284; Sec, Tr. 164 — Jas. Patt., adm. (HI) 844 Jno., A.G. Ir. 588; S.G. Ir. 589 Jno., C.I.E. 808 — Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Jno., K.B. 756 — Jno. Dr., gem. (ID) 906 — Jno. Ham., gen. (D)894 — Jno. Hy., gen. (D) 918 — hon. Keith, adm. (A) 815 — hon. Keith, adm. (GF) 842 — sir Michl. Shaw, L.L. Renfw. 511 — sir Michl. Rt. Shaw, L.L. Renfw. 511 — (or . Steward), sir Nichs., Chambn. Ex. 166 — Rd., dn. Llin. 623 — Rt., Amb. N.G. 134 — Rt., bp. Cuess. 531 — Rt., gem. (C) 874 — Rt., gem. (ID) 891 — Rt., Ld. Sess. 520 — Rt., M. Chy. 396 — Rt. Cr., gen. (ID) 927 — Rt. Jno. Joc., gem. (I)) 932 — Th., gen. (D) 877 — Sir Th., Ld. Sess. 520 — Walt., aft. 1st là. Blan- tyre, q.v., L.P.S. Sc. 501; Ld. SeSS. 517 — Wnn., b.p. Abdn. 530; L.H.T. Sc. 497 — Wrm., gem. (A) 857 — Wrm, gem. (C) 874 — Wrm., gem. (C) 875 — Wrm., aft. 2nd Id, Blall- tyre, q.v., K.B. 762 — Sir Winn., L.M. Lond. 491 — sir Wm., Ly, K.A. 513 — hon. Wm., G.C.B. 767; gen, (B) 867; K.I3.766 Wm. Houston and sir W., adm. (E) 835; Compt. N. 258; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 780 — Sir Wm. Ja.s., Lól. Adv. 526 Stewart, lds. —hon. Ch. Wnn., aft. 1d St.and 3rd M. of Londonderry, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; K.B. 766; P.C. 209; U.S.W. and C, 231 Stewart - Moncreiffe, see Moncreiffe steyngrave, Ad. de, B. Ex. 3 Stibbert, Giles, C.C. Bgal. 652; C.C. Ind. 650 Stibbs, Ed., Chest. H. 331 Stidio, bp. Cnwall. 436 Stig and, abp. Cant. 430; bp. Elm. , and Dunw. 454; bp. Winch, 470 — byp. Sels. and Chich. 432 Stikesward, Rog. de, J. It. 366 Stile, Sir Jno., W. Treas. Ir. 559 — Wnn., gem. (B) 866 sºleman, Wm. Cr., gem. (D) 1. 3 Stiles, see also Styles m., C. Cus. 276 Still, Jno., bp. B. and W. 428 — Sim. Van der, G. C.G.H. 678 G. — Wm. Adr. Van der, C.G.H. 678 Stillingfleet, Ed., bp. Worc. 473; dim. St. P. 453 — Jas., dm. Worc. 473 Stillington, Rt., b.p. B. and W. 428; Ld. Chanc. 355 Stirbey, D. B., H. Wea. 94 stºcheleye, Walt. de, J. It. 36 Stirling, see also Sterling — Alex. Gr., gem. (A) 862 — sir Archd., Ld. Sess. 519 — Ch., adm. (A) 817 — Fk. Hy., adm. (E) 836 — Jas., gen. (C) 874 — Jas. and sir J., adm. (D) 829; G. W. Austr. 707 — Jas. and sir J., Just. Ch. D. 391 — Jas. and Sir J., L. ProV. Edinb. 548 — Jno., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Sir Th., gen. (A) 859 Waite Hock., bp. Falk. Isl. 731 Wm., gen. (D) 933 . Stirling, Wm., 1st Viscº, aft. 1st E. of, form. Sir Wm. Alexander, q.v., Ld. Sess. 517 Stirling-Maxwell, see Max- Well Stisted, Ch., K.H. 791 Hy. Wm. and sir H., G. Ont. 692; gen. (D) 899; K.C.B. 780 Stitchell, Rt., bp. Dham, 478 Stivicle, Josc. de; Jy. 364 Stock, Jino. Sh. Ed., Q.S. 418 — Jos., J. Admy. Ct. Ir, 587; S.L. Ir. 593 — Jos., bp. Killa, and Ach. 613; bp. Wíord. and L. 627 — Th., gen. (D) 916 - Stockenstrom, Andr. and Sir A., G. C.G.H. 679 Stockesley, Jno., bp. Lond. 451 Stockton, Jno., L.M. Lond. 4 *- *s- 490 — Th., J.K.B. Ir. 579 Stoddard, Jno. Fk., gen. (D) 91S — Th. Hy., gem. (ID) 915 Stoddart, Jas., adm. (H) S49 *— Jas., C. Exc. Sc. 505 *— Jas., L. Prov. Edinb. 548 * Prob. Same perS. — Pringle, adm. (ID) 827 Stody, Jno., L.M. Lond; 489 Stoke, Ralph de, Jy. 364 — Rd. de, J. It. 367 Stokes, Al. de, dm. St. AS.463 — Ch. Batr., gen. (D) 928 — Geo. Gabr. and Sir G., Pres, R. Soc. 940 — Jno., M. Chy. 394 — Jno. de, B. EX. 383 — Jno. and Sir J., gen, (D) 927; K.C.B.783 — Jno. D., gem. (D) 888 — Juo. Lort, adm. (D) 833; (F) S3S — Rd., B. Ex. 383 Stoll, Jno. Luke Rd., adm. (H) 850 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1140 INDEX OF NAMES. Stolo, C. L. C. (2), C. Ito. 40 stºdon, Wm., L.M. Lond, 48 Stone, Andr., B.T. 265; U.S.S. 225-6 Dav. Hy., L.M. Lond. 492 — Geo., abp. Arm. 596; bp. Dry. 601 ; bp. Ferns and L. 622; bp. Kild. 617; dr. Chr. Ch. Dblm. 618; dim. Dry. 602; dm. Ferns, 623; L.J. Ir. 556-7 — Jno., S.L. 409 — Jno., S. St. 222 — Wrm. Hy., dn. Rilm. 609 Stonehewer, Rd., C. Exc. 280; D.S.S. 226 Stonehouse, sir Jno., Compt. H. 292; P.C. 196 *Stoner, Wm., K.B. 757 *— Lt. T.L. 321 * Prob. same pers. Stoney, Geo. Butl., gen. (ID)918 Stonford, see Stouford Stonor, Hy. Ja.s., C.C.J. 404 Stomore, Jno. de, C.B. Ex. 381; C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 377; S.L. 406 Stopford, Ed., bp. Mth. 599 — hom. Ed. and sir E., G.C.B., 768; gen. (B) 868; K.C.B. 774 — hon. Ed., gem. (C) 872 — Jas., bp. Cloy. 631; dim. Rilmacd. 638 Jas. Geo., See visc. St., infra, — Jas. Jno., adm. (ID) 832; (E) 834 — hom. Mont., K.C.B. 777; adn]. (ID) 830 — Rd. Hy., adm. (G) 843 — hon. Rt. and sir R., adm. (A) 818; (C) 822; G.C.B. 768; G.C.M.G. 794; G. Gr. Hosp. 854; K.C.B. 773 — Rt. Fansh., adm. (ID) 832; (E) 834; (E) 838 — hom. Th., bp. Cork and R. 632; dr. Ferns, 623; dri. Rilloe. 637 Stopford, visc. — Jas. Geo., visc., aft. 3rd E. of Courtown, q.v., Tr. H. 291 Stopynden, Jno., M.R. 387 Storer, Anthy., B.T. 266-7 Storey, see Story Storke, Rd., IRbk. P.A. 344 Storks, Hy., C.C.J. 403; P.P. 416 ; S.L. 413 — Hy. Kn. and Sir H., Com. Io. Isl. 129; G.C.B. 772; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Jam, 713 ; G. Mita. 671; gen. (D) 897; K.C.B. 778; P.C. 217; S.G.O. 260 Stormont, visc. — Dav., 7th visc., form. D. Murray, q.v., aft. 2nd E. of Mansfield, q.v.; Amb. Fr. 1.12; Amb. Gmy. 116; Amb. Sxy. 120; K.T. 748; L. J. Gen. 522; L.P.C. 188; S. St. 225 — Wrm. D., visc., aft. 4th E. of Mansfield, q.v., L.T. 160 Storr, Jno., adm. (A) 815 Story and Storey — Ed., bp. Carl. 475; Chich. 433 — Geo. Walt., dm. Cnr. 605; dm. Lim. 639 — Hy. Alexr., adm. (FI) 849 — Jos., b.p. Killoe. 634; bp. Rilm. 607; dm. Ferns, 623 bp. P.C. 201; Story and Storey—comt. Ph., gem. (D) 935 — Ph. Fras., gen. (D) 889 — Val. FK., gen. (ID) 918 Stote, sir Rd., S.L. 410 stºmera, Rd. Jno., gen. (ID) Stouford, Stonford, Or Stovard, Jno. de, C.B. Ex. 381; J.C.P. 377; S.L. 406 Stourdza, M., H. Mya. 94 stºrton, Wm., Sp. H.C. — Wm., see ld. S., infra, Stourton, lds. — Jno., aft. 3rd lá. St., K.B. 7 75 — Wnn., 4th lä., K.B. 758 Wm. aft. 10th lá. St., K.B. 7 Stout, Rt., K.C.M.G. 798 Stovard, see Stouford Stovin, Fk. and sil: F., É. (D) 879; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 775; K.C.M.G. 796 — Rd., gem. (IB) 868 Stow, FR. Milk., gem. (IN) 934 — Harry, gem. (ID) 899 — Th., dm. St. P. 453 — Wrm. de, B. Ex. 383 Stowell, Jno., K.B. 761 — (or Stawell), Jno., K.B. 763 Stowell, lds. — Wm. li., form. Sir W. ;” q.v.; Jud. Com. P.C. 0 "stºvte, sir Fras., L.M. Dbln. 641 *— Fras., Rec. Dbln. 642 * 2 same pers. — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 Strabo, C. F., C. Ro. 44-5 — C. P., C. Ro. 45 Stracey, see Strachey Strachan, See also Strahan — Dav., b.p. Brm. 531 — Dav., Ld. Sess. 518 — Ja.s., Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Jno., bp. Prm. 541 — Jno., b.p. Tor. 693 — Jno. Mill., b.p. Rangn. 655 — sir Rd. Jno... adm. (A) 817 ; G.C.B. 761; K.B. 766 Strachey and Stracey — Chr., adm. (H) 845 — Geo., Amb. Sxy. 121 — Hy. and sir H., Sec. Tr. ;: St. O. 260 ; U.S. Home 7 — Jno., Rec. Lond. 494 — Jno. and Sir J., Ch. Com. Oudh. 654; G.C.S.I. 801; I.C.S.I. 803; L.G. N.W. Pr. 653; M.C.I. 647 Rath. Jane, Lady, Cr. Ind. 810 — Rd., gen. (ID) 904; M.C.I. 647 - Stradbroke, Jno. Ed. C., 2nd 1 E. of, L.L. Suff, 312 Stradling, Ed., K.B. 755 — Geo... dn. Chich. 434 sºrora, Edm. de, dn. Yk. 48 — Nichs., see Stratford Strafford, ld. and E. of Wentworth Family. Ist Creation. — Thos., 1st E. Of, form. Id. Raby and visc. Wentworth, q.v., K.G. 740 7m., 2nd E. of, K.G. 740 ; . 191 P.C. Strafford, ld, and E. of comt. 20yd Creatºo?". — Th., 1st E. of, gen. (IB) 864; R.G. 741; L. Admy, 177. ISymg Family. — Jno., 1st 1d. and E., form. sir J. Byng, q.v., F.M. 856; gen. (A) 862 — Geo. S., 2nd E. of, form. hon. G. S. Byng, ld. Str, and visc. Enfield. q.v. — G. H. C., ld. and aft, 3rd E. of, form. Visc. Enfield (in 1884) q.v. Strahan, see also Strachan — hon. Ch., G. Gsey. 668 — Geo. Cum, and sir G., G. IBdoes., &c. 719, 721; G.C.G.H. &c. 679; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 686; G. Tasm. 708; G.C.M.G. 795; E.C.M.G., 797 — Wnn., Adm. Adv. 423 sººn or Stralley, Wm., K.B. 75 Strang, see Strange Strange, Eubulo le, K.B. 754 — Guy le, J. It. 366 — Jas. Newb., adm. (E) 835; (IF) 839 (or Strang), Jno., dn. Oss. Jno., Amb. Vce. 116 — Jno. le, K.B. 754 — Jno. and sir J., K.C. 415; M.R. 388; P.C. 199; Rec. Lond 494; S.G. 401 — Rt., K.B. 759 — Rog. le, J. It. 368 — Rog, le, K.B. 755 — (or Straunge), Th, and sir T., D. Chanc. and Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575; L.D. Ir. 552; L. Trea,S. Ir, 55S Sir Th. A., C.J. Mdras. 658 Strange, lds. Stamley and Murray Families. (See also Stanley.) — Th., ld., form. Th. Stan- ley, q.v., aft. 2nd E. of Derby, (U) Q.7). — Ed. Stanley, c.c. 1d. Str. (gr. son of 3rd E. of Derby), R.B. 760 — Jas., 1st là., aft. 7th E. of Derby, q.v., K.B. 762 — Jas., ld. (? son of 2nd D. of Athole), C.D.L. (1762) 243; P.C. 201 — Jno. Sm., c.c. 1d. Str. (son of 11th E. of Derby), L.L. Lanc. 309 Strange of Knockyn, lds. — Jno., 12th lil., K.B. 756 — Geo., 13th la., K.G. 736 Strangeways, see Strang- ways Strangford, visc. — Th., 1st visc., form. Th. Smith (1625), q.v. Percy C., 6th visc., aft. 16. Penshurst, q.v., Amb. Pgl. 124; K.B. 766; P.C. 208; G.C.B. 771; Amb. Sw, and N. 127; Amb. Thy, 129; G.C.H. 786; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Bzl. 135 Geo. A. F. P. S., 7th Visc. form. hon, G. A. F. P. Š Smythe, q.v. Strangways and Strange- ways — Geo., gen. (D) 923 — Giles, P.C. 191 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1I41 strºys and StrangeWays —CO707. — Jas., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Sir Jas., Sp. H.C. 249 — hon. Wnn. Th. H. Fox-, aft. 4th E. of Ilchester, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. G. St. 122; U.S.F. 230 Stranshorn, Anthy. Bl, and sir A., gen. (D) 895; K.C.B. 77 Stratford, Fras. P., M. Chy. 7 — Hy. de, M. Chy, 393 — Jno. de, abp. Cant. 430 ; bp. Winch. 470; L.H.T. 153; Ld. Chanc. 354 × Nichs., dm. St. As. 463 *— Nichs., Wolm. Chr. Manch. 481 * 2 same pers. — Ralph de, bp, Lond. 451 — Rt. de, bp. Chich. 432; Ld. Chanc. 354 Stratford de Redcliffe Stratif., visc., form. Sir S. Canning, q.v., R.G. 745 Strathallan, Wm., 4th 1d. and 1st visc., form, hon. Wm. Drummond, q.v. Strath brock, Rt., b.p. Chess. 531 Strathearn, see Commaught and Str., Cumberland and Str., and Kent and Str. Strathmore, E. of — Patr., 3rd E. of, Ld. Sess. 517 — Claude, 13th E. of, L.L. FOlºf. 510 Strathnairn, Hugh H., 1st ld., form. Sir H. H. Rose, q.v., F.M. 886 ~ Ch. Stratorm and Stratton — Ad. de, B. Ex. 382 — Alex., Amb. Sw, 126 — Fras., gen. (D) 888 — Jas. Murr., (gen. (D) 927 — Jno., gem. (A) 859 — sir Jos., gem. (B) 869 ; R.C. H. 788 — Rd. de, K.B. 754 — Wrm. Alb., gem. (D) 907 Straubenzee, Ch. Th. Van and Sir C., G.C.B. 770; G. Mlta. 671; gem. (ID) 894; IX.C.B. 778 Straunge, see Strange Streatfeild, Ch. Ogle, gen. (D) 891 Street, Jrio. Alfr., gem. (D) 90 4 — Th. and sir Th., B. EX. 384; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 Streicher, Fras., gem. (C) 874 Stretely, Jno. de, dn. Linc. 448 Stretton, Rt., bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 — Th. de, dn. Lich. 445 Strickland, Ch., adm. (A) 13 8 — Ed., K.C.B. 781 — sirlºog., adm. (A) 813 — Th., gen. (B) 867 — Th., K.B. 761 — sir Th., L.P.S. 240 — (or Strykeland), K.B. 759 — Wrm., bp. Carl. 475 — Sir Wim., L.T. 156; P.C. 198; Sec, at W. 233 Striker, Th., dm. Cloy. 632 Walt., Stringer, sir Th., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 Stritche, Andr., dm. Lim. 639 Strode, Ch., S.W.F. 271 — sir Ed. Chetham-, form. Chetham, q.v., adm. (ID) 826 — Fk. Th. Chetham-, adm. (HI) 851 — Geo., S.L. 410 — Jno. de la, J. It. 368 — Th., S.L. 410 — Wrm., gen. (B) 865 Strong, Wm., C. Exc. 279 Stroud, Hy., adm. (H) 847 Strover, Saml. R., gen. (D) 0 88 Structus, see also Ahala, . S. P., C. Ro. 37-8 — Q. S. P. (2), C. Ro. 38; Dt. RO. 39 — S. S. P., C. R.O. 38 Strutt, Ed., aft. 1st là. Belper, q.v., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 215 — Wrm. Gooday, gen. (C) 872 Strykeland, see Strickland Stryvelin, Gilb. de, bp. Abdm. 530 — Th. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 Strzlecki, Paul Edm. de, R.C.M.G. 796 Stuart, see also Steuart and Stewart — family of, L.H.St. Sc. 505 — Alexr., abp. St. Andr. 529; Tid. Chanc. Sc. 515 — Alexr., bp. Mor. 534 — Alexr., K.C.M.G. 798 — Amdr., B.T. 266 — Andr. (bps., &c.) Stewart, — Ch., gen. (D) 894 — hon. Ch. and Sir C., see ld. St. de Rothesay, imfra, — Ch Sh. and Sir C., gen. º 898; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 77 — hon. Ch., K.B. 766 — sir Don. M., see Stewart — Ed. Amdr., L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — Ed. Cr., bp. WPu. 710 — Fras., K.B. 762 — id. Geo., adm. (D) 824 — Hy., adm. (A) 820 — H. V., see li. St. de Decies, infra — Houst., see Stewart Jas., C.C. Bbay. 659; C.C. Mdras. 657; gen. (A) 860 — Jas., gem. (C) 872 — Jas., gem. (ID) 896 — Jas., D. of Ross, q.v. — Jas. (L.H.T. Sc.), Stewart — hon. Ja.s., gem. (B) 865 Jas. Fk. D. C., L.L. Butesh. 508 Jno. and Sir J., Jud. Conn. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; Q.C. 417; V. Chanc. 390 — Jno. and sir J. (Count of Maida), K.B. 766; G.C.B. 767; G. Grem. 724; gem. (IB) 866 — sir Jno., C. EXc. Sc. 505 — Jno. Rams., gen. (D) 903 — hon. Patr. and sir P., G.C.M.G. 794; G. Mlta. 671; gem. (A) 863 ld. Patr. Jas. Herb. Cr., L.L. Butesh. 508 — Sir Nichs., see Stewart — Rd., dm. Chich. 434 S60 S626 Stuart—comt. — Rt., Amb. Dom. Rep. 133; Amb. Hti. 133 — Rt., C.J. N.W. Pr. 654 — Rt., Q.C. 418 — Sir Rt., gen. (A) 860 — Sir Simeon (2), Chambn. Ex. 166 — Th., bp. St. Andr. 529 — Walt., see Stewart — hon. Wm., abp. Arm. 596; bp. St. Dav. 465; P.C. 206 — hon. Wm., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Gr. 129; Amb. Nds., &c. 123; Amb. Pgy. 136; Amb. Ugy. 137; K.C.M.G. 798. — hon. Wm., gen. (B) 869 — hon. Wrm. and sir W., see Stewart — Wm. Jas., gen. (ID) 935 Stuart de Decies, lds. — Hy. Will., 1st Id., form. H. V. Stuart, L.L. Wíord. 571 Stuart de Rothesay, lds. — Ch., lci., form. Ch. Stuart, and Sir C., Amb. Fr. 112-13; Amb. Nds., &c. 122; Amb. Pgl. 124-25; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 126; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 766 Stuart-Wortley, see Wort- ey Stuart-Mackenzie, Mackenzie sºbs, Fras. Wrm., gen. (D) S626 — Wm., bp. Chest. 477; bp. Oxf. 457 — Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 912 Stubin, Dav., dun. Kild. 619 Studd, Ed., gen. (ID) 884 Studdert, Jno. Fitz Gu. adm. (IHI) 846 Stupart, Gust., adm. (HI) 844 Sturges-Bourne, see Bourne Sturmey or Sturmy, sir Jno., L.H.A. 170, 171 Sturrock, Geo., gen. (ID) 911 Sturton (or Shirton), Rt., dn. ROSS. 633 sºeville, Rt. de, bp. Dkld. — Rt. de, J. It. 365 — Wnn. de, J. It. 366 Styles, see also Stiles — Juno., adm. (A) 820 Suarez, J., Pres. Ugy. 111 Suatopluc, D. Brma. 59 Subadar, &c., C.I.E. 807 Subramaniya, &c., C.I.E. S0 Suchet, Off. Nap. sºlins, Edm., dm. Norw. — Sir Jno., Compt. H. 292 — Maur., Compt. N. 257 — Wrm. Benj., adm. (H) 847 Sudbury, Jno., dn. Dham. 479. — Sim. de, abp. Cant. 430; bp. Lond. 451; Ld. Chanc, 354 — Th. de, dm. Wells, 428 Suddozaie, Shahzadah, &c., C.I.E. 807 Sudhal, Deo, &c., C.I.E. SOS Sudeley, lds. IBoteler Family. — Ralph, 1st lol., form, R. Boteler, q.v., L.H.T. 153 Hambury-Tracey Family. Ch., 1st là., form. Ch. Hambury-Tracy, q.v., L.L. Montg. 315 Coff. H. 293; I'o), Lºst of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1142 INDEX OF NAMES Sudeley, lds,-cont. Th. C., 2nd Id., form. hon. Th. Ch. Hambury-Tracy, q.v., L.L. Montg. 315 — Sud. Ch. Geo., 3rd ló., L.L. Montg. 315 – Ch. D. Rd., 4th lä., C.G.A. 300; P.C. 220 Sudley, Rt. de, J. It. 368 Sudley, visc. - Ch. F., visc., aft. 5th. E. of Arram, q.v., C. Cus. 277 $uebricht, K.E. 2 Suenfrid, Kiš. 2 Suenon I. to III., K. Dk. 93 Suero, Pres. Bol. 109 Suffield, lds. — Wm. A., 2nd lå., form. W. A. Harbord, q.v. — Ch., 5th lä., K.C.B. 783; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 220 Suffolk, E., M., and D. of Ufford Family. — Rt., 1st E. of, form. Sir Rt. #ord, q.v., K.G. 733; L.H.A. 1. 7 — Wnn., 2nd E. of, K.G. 734 ; L.H.A. 172 I)e la Pole Family. *— Michl., 1st E. of, K.G. (?) 734 – Wm., 4th E., aft. 1st M. and D. of, K.G. 735 – Jno., 2nd D. of, K.G. 736 — Edm., 6th E. of, form. E. de la Pole, q.v., K.G. 737 IBramdom. Family. — Ch., 1st D. of, form. Sir C. Brandon, q.v., E.M. 326; L.K. 355; L.S.H. 289 Grey Family. - - Hy., 1st D. of, form. M. of Dorset, q.v. Howard Family. — Th., 1st E. of, form. 1st là. Howard de Walden, q.v., ºr. 299; E.M. 326; L.C.H. 94 ..— Theoph., 2nd E. of, form. ld. Howard de Walden, q.v., R.G. 739; L.L. Dors, 307; W.C.P. 319 — Jas., 3rd E. of, E.M. 326 — (and Bindon), Hy., 6th E. of, also li. Chesterford, q.v., IPres. B.T. 264; L.L. ESX. 308 — Ch. Wnn., 7th E. of, L.L. ESX. 308 — (and Berkshire), Hy., 12th E. of, Dep. E.M. 327; K.G. 742; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 202; S. St. 225 — Jno., 15th E. of, gem. (A) 859 ‘Sugden, Ed. B. and sir E., aft. 1st Id. St. Leonards, q.v., K.C. 416; Lól. Chanc. 358; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; P.C. 213; S.G. 402 0 Suibhne-Meain, I.C. Ir, 21 Suibhney, bp. Arm. 595 Suintila, K. Sp. 85 Suithulfus, see Swithulfus Sulby, see Sully Sulgheim. Or bp. St. Dav. 464 Sulhaithnay, abp. St. Dav. 46; Sulgeheyn, 63 Sulhidwr or Sulhidyr, bp. St. Dav. 464 Sulivan, see also Sullivan Barth. Ja.s. and Sir . adm. (G) 843; R.C.B. 780 * y Sulivan—comt. — Geo. Lyd., adm. (E) 837 — Lawrence and sir L., P.C. 215; Dep. Sec. at W. 234 — Lawr., see Sullivan — Steph. Hy., Amb. Chi. 137; Amb. Pu. 135 - Tººh. Baker Mart., adm. (IHI) — Th. Ball, adm. (H) 845 Sulla, L. C. (2), C. Ro. 45; Dt. Bo. 45 : — P. C., C. Ro. 46 Sulliard, see Sulyard Sullivan, see also Sulivan — sir Ch., adm. (D) 829 — Ed., bp. Alg. 693 Ed. and Sir E., A.G. Ir. 588; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; M.R. º S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. Ir. — Fras. Wm. and sil: F., adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. 781 — Jno., B.C. 252-3; B.T. 268; #” 207; U.S. W. and C. — Laur., Chn. E.I. Co. 644 — Lawr., see Sulivan - Tim. Danl., L.M. Dbln. — Wm., gen. (D) 896 sºy (or Sulby), Jno., K.G. Sulnay, abp. St. Dav. 463 Sulyard (or Sulliard), Jno., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 407 Sumeri, Rog. de, J. It, 368 Summerled, K. Man, 665 Sumner, Ch., C.C.J. 404 — Ch. Rd., bp. Llff. 449; bp. Winch. 471; dim. St. P. 453 47Geo. Hy. Guildf., b.p. Suff. 7 — Jno. B., abp. Cant. 431 bp. Chest. 477; Jud. Com. P.C. 360; P.C. 215 sºpter, Rt. de, dm. Exr. 37 Sunderland, E. of — Rt., 2nd E. of, L.C.H. 295; R.G. 740; L.P.C. 187; P.C. 191; S. St. 223-4 — Ch., 3rd E. of, Gr. St. 303; R.G. 741; L.L. Ir. 556; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 240; L.T. 141, 156; P.C. 195; Prem. 141; S. St. 224; V. Treas. Ir. 559 — Ch., 5th E. of, also 3rd D. of Marlborough, q.v. Sundon, Wm., 1st là., form. Wm. Clayton, q.v., L.T. 156 Sura, P. C. L., C. Ro. 46 Surien, sir Fras., K.G. 735 Surrey, lds., E., and D. of. Search also wºnder Arundel, Maltravers, and Norfolk TWaremme Family. (See also Warenne.) — Rd., 8th E. Of, form. E. of Arundel (1386), q.v. h. de Holland, D. of, form. E. of Kent (1397), q.v., E.M. 326; L.L. Ir. 552 Th., E. of, aft. 2nd D. Of Norfolk, q.v., (d. 1524), E.M. 326; R.G. 736; L.H.T. 154 — Th., ld. Howard and E. of, aft. 3rd D. of Norfolk, q.v. (d. 1554), K.G. 737; L.H.T. 154 ; L.L. Ir. 553 — Hy. Howard, C.C. E. of, R.G. (1541) 738 Surrey, lds., E., and D. of CO7vt. — Ch., E. of, aft. 11th D. of Norfolk, q.v., Dep. E.M. 327; L.L. Yorks, W.R. 313; L.T. 158 — Hy. Ch., E. of, aft. 1d. Mal- travers, q.v., and 13th D. of Norfolk, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; P.C. 213; Tr. H. 291 Surup, Narain, C.I.E. 806 surridge, Th., aim. (A) 818 Sussex, E. and D. of Ratcliffe Family. — Rt., 1st E. of, form. Visc. Fitzwalter, q.v. — Hy., 2nd E. of, K.G. 738 — Th., 3rd E. of, form. Visc. Fitzwalter, q.v., C.G.P. 299; K.G. 738; L.C.H. 294; L.D. Ir. 553 - Hy., 4th E. of, K.G. 739 — Rt., 5th E. Of, K.G. 739 Yelverton Family. — Talb., 1st. E. of, Dep. E.M. 327; K.B. 764; P.C. 197 — Aug. Fk., D. of (son of Geo. III.), form. Pr. Aug. FK., q.v., Comst. W. Cast. 322; G.C.B. 772; G.C.H. 785; Gr. M. Bath, 754; K.T. 748; P.C. 207; Pres. JR, Soc. 940 - sºline, Matth., dn. Exr. Suter, Andr. Burn, bp. Nels. 710 Suther, Th. G., bp. Abdn. and Ork. 541 Sutherland, sir Jas., gen. (D) 878 — Wrm., G. Mtius. 684; gen. (D) 882 Sutherland, E. and D. of — Jno., 13th E. of, L.P.S. Sc. 501 — Geo., 14th E. of, C.G.S. Sc. 515 — Jno., 15th E. of, gen. (IB) 864; K.T. 747; P.C. 197 — Geo. Gr., 1st. D. of, form. E. Gower and 2nd M. of Staf- ford, q.v. — Geo. Gr., 2nd D. of, form. M. of Stafford, q.v., K.G. 744; L.L. Salop, 311 — Geo. Gr. Wrm., 3rd D. of, form. M. of Stafford, q.v., K.G. 744; L.L. Suth. 512 — Harriett E. G., DSS. of, M. Robes, 304 — Anna, Dss. of, M. Robes, 304 sºmela, Walt, de, bp. Norw. 54 Suthflete, see Wuldham Suthill, Jno., J. It. 366 Suthworth, Matth. de, Rec. Lond. 493 Sutton and Suttone — Sir Ch., K.C.B. 774 — Ch. Manners-, abp. Cant. 431; bp. Norw. 455; din. Pboro. ;: dm. Winds. 474; P.C. 7 — Ch.Manners- and sir C., aft. 1st visc. Canterbury, q.v., G.C.B. 772; J.A.G. 937; P.C. 208; Sp. H.C. 250 —iſsuttone, Elias de, J.K.B. Eerd., K.B. 762 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1143 Sutton and Suttone—cont. >k Hy., dn. Dry, 602; dri. Wford. 628 *— Hy., dn. Lim. 639 * Poss. same pers. — Jno., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Jno. de, K.B. 755 — Jno. and (sir J., adm. (A) 817; K.C.B. 773 — hon. Jno. Hy. Th. Man- ners-, aft. 3rd visc. Canter- bury, q.v., G. N. Brk. 696; G. Trin. 722; G. Vict. 705; R.C.B. 783; U.S. Home, 228 — Ol., b.p. Linc. 446; dri. Linc. - Rd. G. Gsey. 668; gem. (B) § Rd., L.P.S. 241 *— sir Rd., L.T. 155 * Prob. same pers. — Rt., D.L.K. Ir. 575; M.R. Ir. 585; V. Chanc. Ir. 575 — Rt., dn. St. Pat. 618 — Rt., U.S.S. 226 — Rt. and sir R., K.B. 764; P.C. 197 - — Rog. de, M. Chy. 393 — Saml., adm. (A) 820 — sir Th. Manners-, aft, 1st ld. Manners, g. v., B. EX. 385; R.C. 415; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 577; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 — Wm., gen. (ID) 897 — Wrm., B. Ex. Ir. 583; M.R. Ir. 585 Swaffham, Jno. de, bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Giov. 630 R €C. Swalchyme, Rt. Lond. 493 Swale, sir Rd., M. Chy. 395 Swan, Ed. Bell, C. Acc. Ir. 567 Swanland, Sim. L.M. Lond. 489 Swann, Geo. Jam., C.I.E. 808 Swanston, Clem. Tudw. (No. 1), K.C. 416 — Clem. Tudw. (No. 2), Q.C. 418 Swanton, Rt., adm. (A) 814 — 'Th., Cornpt. N. 257 Swayn, Jno., abp. Arm. 595 Swayne, Hugh, gen. (B) 868 — Spelm., adm. (H) 844 Sweatman, Arth., bp. Tor, de, 693 Sweeting, H. L., G. Mtius. 684 . Sweetman, Milo, abp. Arm, 5 Sweit, sir Geiles, D. Arch. 420 - Swellengrebel, Hendr., G. C.G.H. 678 Swereford, Alexr. de, B. Ex. 382 Swerendon, Wm.; M. Chy. 39 Swerker I. and II., K. Sw. 92 Swertz, see Smert Swetenham and Swetten- haml — Edm. Q.C. 419 — Išillner, L.M. Dbln, 641 — Matth., L.H.A. 173 Sweyn I. and III., K. Dk.93 Swi-, see also Swy— Swiatopalk, R. Russ. 89 Swiatoslow, R. Russ. 89 Swift, Eras. Hy., dm. Clonm. 60 0 — Jonn., dm. St. Pat. 618 Swillington, Ralph, A. G. 398 Swinburn and Swinburne — Ch. Hy., adm. (G) 842 — Jno., gen. (D) 896 — Jno. Denn., gen. (D) 922 — Th. Rt., gen. (T)) 891 sºnaley, Jno. Ed., gen, (D) 7 Swinefield, Rd., bp. Her. 441 Swiney, Geo., gen, (D) 878 —— Geo., gen. (ID) 917 — Wm., adm. (A) 816 Swinhoe, FK.Wm., gen.(D)916 — Saml., gen. (D) 886 Swinly, Geo. Hy., gen. (D) 900 sºnerton and Swynner- O11 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Rog. de Const. T.L. 320 Swinton, Alexr., Ld. Sess. 520 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 520 — Saml., gen. (C) 874 Swith ed., K.E. 2 Swithelm and Swithelmus, See also Sigelmus — K.E. 2 - Swithin (St.), bp. Winch. 47 Swith red, K.E. 2 *Swithulf, bp. Roch. 459 *Swithulfus, bp. Lond. 451 * 2 same pers. Swy—, see also Swi- synford, Nichs., L.M. LOnd. 489 Swynnerton, see Swinnerton Sy—, see also Si- Sybba, bp. Elm. 454 Sybourgh, Ch., gen. (C) 871 Sydall, El., b.p. Glr. 438; bp. St. Dav. 465; dn. Cant. 431 Sydemanus, bp. Dev. 436 Sydenham and Sidenham — Benj., C. Exc. 281 — Rd., J.C.P. 378 — Sim., bp. Chich. 433; din. Sal. 468 — Th., Amb. Pgl. 124 — Wrm., called löl. S., L.T. 154 Sydenham, lds. — Ch., 1st lå., form. C. Poulett - Thompson, QI.U., G.C.B. 772; G. Can. 692 Sydeserf, Th., bp. Brn. 531; bp, Gall, 538; bp. Ork. 535 Sydgrave, see Segrave Sydney and Sidney — Fk. Wnn., a,ólnn. (IHI) 852 sir Hy., K.G. 738; L.J. Ir. 553; V. Treas. Ir. 559. Hy., see lö. S., infra, — sir Ph. Ch., aft. 1d. De L'Isle and Dudley q.v., G.C.H. 786; K.C.H. 787 Th., L.M. Trond. 492 — sil: Wrm., Lt. T.L. 321 Sydney of Penshurst, lds. -Rt., ld., aft. E. of Leicester, IK.B. 762 Sydney of Sheppey, lds, and VISC. — Hy., aft. lī, and visc. Syd., and 1st E. Of Romney, q.v., L.J. Ir. 555; L.L. Kent, 309; M.G.O. 258; P.C. 193; S. St. 224; W.C.P. 319 Sydney of Chislehurst, lds., visc., and E. Townshend, I'amily. — Th., 1st lil. and visc., form. T. Townshend, q.v., B.C. and Pres, B.C. 252; Pres. B.T. 267; Sec. at W. 234 Sydney of Chislehurst, lds., visc., and E.-60?vt. — Jno. Rt., 3rd visc., aft. 1st E., Amb. Bgm. 123; C.Y.G. 298; G.C.B. 772; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Kent, 309; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 216 Sydney, lds. Irish Peerage. — Dudl. A. S., 1st là., form. D. A. S. Cosby, q.v. Sydnor, Rd., Regr. Gart. 746 Syed, Ameer Hoss., C.I.E. 808 — Bakir Ali Khan, C.I.E. 807 Syer, Fk. Chev., adm. (H) 849 Syers, Jno. D., gen. (D) 890 Sykes, Hy. Pet., gen. (I)) 922 — Jno., adm. (ID) 825 — Wrm. Hy., Chn. E.I.Co., 646 Sylvester and Silvester — I. and II., P. Ro. 33-4 Jno., Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; Rec. Lond. 494 Rt., bp. Suff. Hull, 486 Symeon, see Simeon Symes, Ed. Sp., C.I.E. 808 — Jos., adm. (H) 844 — Sutt., dm. Ach. 614 Symmachus, P. Ro. 33 Symonds and Simonds — Jno., Rec. Lond. 493 — Jyrm. Ch., gen. (D) 908 — Th. Ed., adm. (IHI) 845 — Th. Matth. Ch. and sir T., adm. (E) 821; (ID) 832; (IE) 834; G.C.B. 771; IK.C.B. 779 — sir Wrm., adm. (G) 841; Sr. N. 257 Symons and Simons — Ch. Bert., gen. (ID) 898 — Corn. J., G. Ceyl. 672 — Jno., adm. (A) 816 Synge and Singe — Ed. (No. 1). bp. Ardf. and Agh. 639; bp. Crk., Cl. and R. § bp. Lim. 638; dm. Elph, 609 — Ed. (No. 2), abp. Trn. 611; bp. Rph. 602; bp. Clonf. and K. 636; bp. Cloy. 631; b.p. ºph. 608; bp. Ferns and L. 6 — Fras. Hutch., gen. (IO)910 — Geo., byp. Cloy. 630; Drom. 606 — Mill. Hy., gem. (D) 911 Saml., dn. IXild. 619 Nichs., b.p. ISilloe. 634; IXilloe, and IXilf. 635 Synterby, Nichs, de, B. Ex. [r. 583; J.C.P. Ir. 581 Syred or Syredus, abp. Cant. (?) 430; du. St. P. 452 Syud, Ameer Ali, C.I.E. 808 — Lutf. Ali Khan, C.I.E. 807 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1144 INDEX OF NAMES. T. T—, bp. Brm, 530 Taaf, Jno., abp. Arm. 595 Tablere, Dahl, le, dm. Trm. 613 Tabley, Geo., 2nd ld, de, P.C. 218; Tr. H. 292 Tablir, Ralph, J. It, 367 Tachmon, Hugh de, bp. Mth. 599; L. Treas. Ir. 558 Tacina (dau. of Owen Tudor), Pr. E. 12 Tacitus, Emp. Ro. 48 Taddy, Wm., S.L. 413 Tadmoth, bp. Roch. 459 Tages, M. O., I’res. Ugy. 111 Tagore, Mahar. Jot. Moh., K.C.S.I. 803 Tailboys, see Talboys Tailer, Wm., S.L.R. 271 Tailerand, dm. Yk. 486 Taillor, see also Taylor — Th., B. EX. Ir, 580 Tait, see also Tate — Archd. C., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Lond, 452 ; dh. Carl. 476; Júd. Com, l’.C. 361; P.C. 216 — Geo., Ly. Dep. 513 — Jas. Hold., adm. (D) 826 Talang, Kash. Tr., C.I.E. 807 Talbot, Adelb. Cec., C.I.E.807 — Bruno, C. Treas. Ir. 559; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562 — Ch., dm. Exr. 438; dim. Sal. 468 — hon Ch., see lil. T., infra — Ch. and Sir C., adm. (D) 831; (E) 834; K.C.B. 779 — Chr. Rice Mans., L.L. Glam. 315 — Fitzr. Som., gem. (D) 934 — Gilb. and sir G., J. It. 368; K.G. 737; L.H.A. 173; L.S.H. 289 – Ja.s., Amb. SWZ. 113 — Jno., see li. T., infra — hom. Jno., B.T. 265 — hom. Jimo., J. Chest. 387 – hon. Jno. and Sir J., adm. (A) 819; G.C.B. 769; K.C.B. 774 - — Jno. and Sir J., see ld. T., infra, – hom. Jno. C., Q.C. 417 — Jno. C., see E. Talbot, infra — Jno. G., Sec. D.T. 269 — Jno. Th., adm. (H) 848 — Rd., bp. Lond. 451; dim. St. P. 452 IRd., abp, D'bln. and Gl. 616; L.D. Ir. 552; Ld. Chanc. II. 575 Rd., dn. Chich. 434 * Prob. same perS. Rd., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — Rd., aft. 1st ID. and D. of Tyrconnel, (1.0. — Rt., gen. (D) 907 — hom. Sharr., gem. (C) 871 — Th., D. Chanic. Ir. 575 — Th., gen. (D) 932 — Wrm, bp. Dham. 479; by. Oxf. 456; bp. Sal, 467; dri. Worc. 473; L.L. Dham, 808 :}; $: Talbot-cont. — Wm., M.M. 247 — Wm., Rec. D'bln. 642 — Sir Wnn., M.R. Ir, 585 Talbot, lds, and E., see also Shrewsbury — Gilbert, 5th lä., R.G. (abt. 1413) 735 — sir Jno., aft. 12th lä. T. and 1st E. of Shrewsbury, q.v., R.G. 735; L.L. Ir. 552; Ld. Chanc. Ir, 575 — Jno., aft. 2nd E. of Shr., q.v., K.B. 756 — Geo., ld, aft, 6th E. of Shr., q.v., K.B. 760 Talbot of Hemsoe, lds. and E. — hom. Ch., aft. 1st là. T., Ld. Chanc. 357; P.C. 198; S.G. 401 — Wrm., 2nd lå., aft. Earl T. (1st Cr.), L.H.S. 287; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 200 — Jno., 3rd ló. and 1st E. (2nd Cr.), B.T. 267 — Chas., 2nd E. of, IX.G. 744; R.P. 751; L.L. Ir, 557; L.L. Staffs. 312; P.C. 209 — Hy. Jno., 3rd E., aft. E. of Shr. and T., q.v., adm. (G) 841; C.G.A. 300; P.C. 216 Talboys (or Tailboys), Hy, IX. B, 758 Talebot, see Talbot Talfourd, Th. N. and sir. T., J.C.P. 380 ; P.P. 416; S.L. 413 Talleyrand (de Perigord), Off. Nap. 26 Talmash, Th., gem. (B) 864 Tºmasp Or Thalmas Sh. Pers. Tametone, Wm. de, J. It, 367 Tamphilus, C. B., C. Ro. 44 — M. B., C. Ro. 44 Tamworth, sir Nichs., L.H.A. 7 Tamworth, visc, — Rt., visc., form, ld, aft. E. Ferrers, q.v. Tancock, Jno., adm. (H) 844 Tancred, K. Scy. 55 — Hy. Wnn., K.C. 416 Tanfield, Laur, and Sir L., * C.B. Ex. 381; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 Tanjore, Vijaya, &c., Rajah of, Cr. Ind., 809 Tankard, Jno., bp. ISilla. 612 Tankerville, E. O Grey Family. 1st Creation. — Jno., 1st E. of, K.G. (1419-20) 735; K.B. (1426) 756 2nd Creation. — Ford, 1st I. Of, B.T. 263; L.P.S. 240; L.T. 155; P.C. 194 JBennet I'd?) vily. — Ch., 1st E. Of, K.T. 747; P.C. 196; Postm. G. 238 — Ch., 2nd E. of, C.Y.G. 298; IX.T. 747 — Ch., 4th E. of, P.C. 204 — Ch. Augs., 5th E. of, form. ld. Ossulston, q.v. — Ch., 6th E. of, C.G.A. 300; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 217 Tanks, Wm., C.B. Ex. 381 Tanner, Ed., gem. (D) 930 — Jno., bp. Drom, 604; b)p. Dry. 601 — Oriel Viv., IX.C.B. 781 — Th., bp. St. AS. 462 Tantia, Gorey Raw. Bah., C.I.E. 807 Tany, Wm., L.D. Ir. 551; Ld. Chanc, Ir. 574 Tºng-kwang, Emp. Ch. Tapp, Hor. Th., gen. (D) 880 — Th., gem. (D) 903 Tappulus, P. V., C. Ro. 43 Tapton, Jno., dn. St. AS.463 Tarbat, Geo., 1st visc., form. G. Mackenzie, q.v., aft. 1st E. of Cromarty, q.v., Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; Sec. St. Sc. 502 Tarbock, Ed., G. I. Man, 666 Tarente, Hy. Ch. de la Tre- mouille, Pr. of, K.G. 740 Tarkinus, bp. Isl. 539 Tarleton, sir Bama'stre, G.C.B. 768 ; gen. (A) 860 — Jno. Walt., adm. (E) 835; (F) 839; K.C.B. 780; L.Admy. 185 Tarpey, Hugh, L.M. Dblin. 642 Tarquinius (Priscus), K. Ro. 36 — (Superbus), K. Ro. 36 Tarrant or Tarrent, Ch., dºm. Carl. 476; dim. Pboro. 458 — Ch., gem. (B) 866 Tash, Th., C. Cus. 276 Tate, see also Tait — Hy. Carr, gen. (D).900 — Jno., L.M. Lond, 490 — Jno., Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 41 1. — Nahum, P. Laur. 301 — Rt., L.M. Lond, 490 Tatham, Ed., adm. (H) 849 Tatius, #. Rö. 36 Tatton, Nev., gen, (C) 872 — Wrm., gen. (B) 864 Tatwine, abp. Cant, 430 Taubman, Jno., G. I. Man,666 Taunton, Jno. de, dm. St. IPat. 617 - Rd., b.p. suff, Dov. 431 – Wm. E., aft. Sir W., J.K.B. 373; K.C. 416; S.L. 413 Taunton, lds. — Hy., 1st là., form. Hy. Labouchere, q.v., C. Sec. 235; U.S. W. and C. 231 Taurello, M. Fa. 52 Taurus, T. S., C. R.O. 46 Taverner, Edm., L., gen. (D) 919 — Jno., S. W. F. 271 Tavistock, Wim., 1st M. of, form, 5th E., aft. 1st D. of Bedford, q.v. * (See also D. of Bedford.) Tawney, Ch. Hy., C.I.E. 808 Taxton, Jno., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Taylor and Taylour — Abrm. Ber., K.H. 792 — Alex, and sir A., gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 780 — Arth. Hy., gem. (D) 933 — Arth. Jos., gen. (D) 901 — Brooke and Sir B., Amb. I3va. 119 ; Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. Pr. 118; G.C.H. 786; P.C. 211 — Brook Jno., gen. (D) 896 —- Ch. Wnn., gen. (D) 913 — Ed., C. Exc. Ir. 566 — Geo., Rec. D'blin, 642 — Hy., K.C.M.G. 796. —Herb. and sir H., G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; gen. (IB) 868 ; K.C.H. 787 ; S.G.O. 260. I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX () F 1145 NAMES. Taylor and Taylour—cont. — Hy. Geo. Andr. and Sir H., G.C.B. 770; gen. (D) 878; K.C.B. 779 — Jas, gen. (B) 867 — Sir Jas., L.M. Dblin. 641 – Jeremiah., gen. (D) 884 — Jeremy, º Down. and Cmr. 604; bp. Drom, 605 — Jno., bp. Linc. 447; dm. Linc. 448 ..— Jno., M.R. 387 — Jno. and sir J., gem. (B) 869; K.C.B. 776 — la, Jno. (D) 931 — Jno. Pitt, C.C.J. 404 — Jos. Newh. adm. (A) 845 →Markh. Le F., gem. (D) — Michl. Ang., P.C. 212 — Pringle, G., Jam. 713; gen. (D) 891 ; K.H. 791 — Reyn. Geo., gen, (D) 907 — Rd., S.L. 409 — Rd. Ch. H. and sir R., gem. (D).904; K.C.B. 781 — Rt., dm. Clonf. 637 – hon. Rt., gem. (A) 860 — Saml., §§ 420 — Th. adm. (A) 816 — (or Taillor), Th., B. Ex. Ir, 583 — Th., L.M. D bln. 641 — Th., Mod. I. Sc. 547 - — Th. Ed., C.D.L. 243; L.T. 161; P.C. 217; Sec, Tr. 163 — Th. Matth., gen, (D) 887 — Th. Wm., gen. (D) 882 — Wm., adm. (A) 818 — Wrm., gem. (A) 858 — Wm., gen. (B) 866 — Wm., gen. (D) 887 — Wnn., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wm., Mod. IX. Sc. 547 — Wm. Nort, adm. (H) 850 — Wrm. Wilk., gen. (IP) 923 — Z., Pres. U.S.A., 102 Teate, Jos., dn. Oss, 623 Tººk, I'ra S., &c., D. of, G.C.B. Hy gen. — Mary, Dss of, see Mary Adel. &c. Tedfrid, bp. Dunw. 454 Tedder, Th., dm. Llin. 623 Teed, Jno., Godfr., C.C.J. 404; Q.C. 417 Teesdale, Chr. Ch. and Sir C., gen. (D) 932; ISI.C.M.G. 798 — Sir Geo., gen, (ID) 877; R.H. 790 —— Hy. Geo., gen, (D) 899 Tela, K. It. 49 Teignmouth, Jno., 1st là., form. Sir J. Shore, q.v., B.C. 252-3; P.C. 208 Tºda, S. L. de, Pres, Mex. 10. Telesphorus, P. Ro. 32 Telius, see Thelian Tempest, Th., A.G. Ir. 588 Tºplar, Hy. Jno., gem. (ID) 91 Templarius, G., L.H.T. 152 Temple, Chr., C.C.J. 404; IS.C. 416 — Fras., adm. (ID) 825; (G) 840 — Fk., b.p. Exp. 437; bp. Lond. 452; Jud. Conn. P.C. 362; P.C. 220 — FK., aft, ld, Dufferin, &c., q.v., U.S. Ind. 236 Temple—cont. :k Sir Jno., A.G. Ir. 588 *— Sir Jno., M.R. Ir. 585 *— Sir Jno., S.G. Ir. 589 × Sir Jno., V. Treas. Ir. 559 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — Leofr., Q.C. 419 — Oct., G. Si. Le. 685 Iöd, and sir R., Ch. Com. Cent. Pr. 655; G. Bbay. 659; G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 803; º Bgal. 652 ; Sec. S.I. — sir Rd., C. Cus. 273-4; K.B. 763 — Sir Rd., aft. li. and visc. Cobham, q.v., G. Jsey, 667 — Rt. Gr., C.C.J. 403 — Steph., Q.C. 417 Wrm. and Sir W., M.R. Ir. 585 Sir Wm., P.C. 192 —- hon. Wm. and Sir W., Amb, Russ. 126; Amb. Scy. 115; K.C.B. 782 Temple, Earls — Rd., 2nd E., K.G. 742; L. Admy. 178; L.L. Bucks. 306; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 200 — G. N., 3rd E., form. G. Grenville, q v., aft. 1st M. of Buckm., q.v., F. Sec. 228; L.L. Ir. 557; P.C. 203 — Rd., 4th E., aft. 2nd M. and 1st D. Of Buckm., q.v., B.C. 252; P.C. 207; Paym. G. 244; V.P.B.T. 269 - Mary Aug., lady, Cr. Ind. Templeman, Alfr., gem. (D) 4 Templetown, Geo. Fk., 3rd visc., form. hom. G. F. Optom, q.v. K.C.B. 780; G.C.B. 771 Tench, Watk., gen. (IB) 868 Tenham, ld., see Teynham Tenison, see Tennison and Tennyson Tennant, Jas., K.C.B. 777 — Jas, Fras., C.I.E. 806; gem. (ID) 926 Tenment, Jas. Emers, and sir ., G. Ceyl. 672; G. St. Hel. ; Sec. B.C. 254; Sec. B.T. 27 Tennison and Tenison, see also Tennyson — Ed., bp. Oss. 620 — Ed. IX., L.L. Leitr. 570; L.L. Rosc. 571 Rd., bp. Clr. 596; bp, Mth. 599; dim. Clr. 597; bp. Killa. and Ach. 613 — Th., abp. Cant. 431; bp. Linc. 447; P.C. 194 Th., J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.L. Ir. 592 Tennyson, see also Tennison — Alf., see lil. T., infra. — Ch., aft. Tennyson-D'Eyn- court, q.v., Clk. O. 260; l’.C. 212 Tennyson, lds. — Alf., aft, 1st là. T., P. Laur. 30] "fennyson-D'Eyncourt, see D'Eyncourt Tenterden, lds. — Ch., 1st là., form. Sir Ch. Abbot, g". — Ch. S. A., 3rd ló., K.C.B. 783; U.S.F. 230 Teoldus, bp. Worc. 472 Tergusius, W.C.P. 317 Terlying, Jno., M. Chy. 393 Tººnan, Augs. Hy., gen. (D) 923 Ternay, Chev. d’Arz. de, G. MItius. 683 Terrell, Th. H., C.C.J. 404 Terret, see Terrot Tºy, Astl. Fell., gen. (D) Terrick, Rd., b.p. Lond. 452; bp. Pboro. 458; P.C. 201 Terringham (or Tiringham), Wrm., IK.B. 763 Terrot, Ch., gen. (A) 862 — Ch. Hugh., bp. Edinb. 543; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 Terryll, Th., C.G.S. 356 Testa, Vit. de, dm. St. P. 453 Testaferrata, Gius. Marq., R.C.M.G. 796 Tºsier, Hy. Gr. de, gen. (D) 16 Teviot (or Tiviot), Wisc. Spencer Family. — Rt., visc., form. hon. I&t. Spencer, L.P.S. (1685) 240 Livingston Family. — Th., Wisc., form. Sir Th. ºyingston, gen. (IB) (1704) 64 Tew, Dav., L.M. Dblm. 641 — Jno., L.M. D'blin. 641 Tewfik, V. E.g. 98; G.C.S.I. 801 Teyes, Wal, de, W.C.P. 317 Teynham, lds. — Jno., 1st lit., K.B. 762 — Chr., 5th lä., L.L. Kent, 309 Thacker, Saml., gem. (D) 912 Thackeray, Fls. Renn., gem. (A) 863 Thackwell, Jos. and Sir J., G.C.B. 769; gen. (ID) 882 ; IK.C.B. 777; K.H. 790 — Jos. Edwin, gen. (D) 905 — Wm. de W. Roche, gen. (ID) 933 *Thady, bp. Ach. 612 *— bp. Down and Cmr. 604 *— bp. Dromm. 604 *— bp. Rilloe. 634 *— bp. Kilm. 607 :k bp. Ross, 631 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. lates. Thakur, &c., K.C.I.E. 805 Thalna, M. J., C. Ro. 44 Thamas, see Tannasp Thanet, E. of — Th., 6th E. of, P.C. 195 — Hy., 11th E. of, L.L. Rent, 309 Thayer, Humphr., C. Exc. 280 - Thean or Theanus, abp. Lond. 450 Thedred, abp. Lond. 450 Thefridus, bp. Dumw. 454 Thelian (or Telius, or Elad), bp. Llff. 448 - Thelwall, Ewb., M. Chy. 395 — Th. de, C.D.L. 242; M. Chy. 393; M.R. Ir. 585 .*Theobald, abp. Camt. 430 Ld. Chanc. 353 bp. Worc. 472 * 2 same pers. — C. Lux. 84 - — I. and II., D. Line, 29 — I, and II., IX. Nav, 85, 87 :k IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 73 1146 INDEX OF NAMES. Theodat, K. Sp. 85 Theodatus, K. It. 49 Theodebald, K. Fr. 22 — K. It. 49 Tººglebert I. and II., K. Fr. Theodiscle, K. Sp. 85 Theodolinda, K. Limd. 49 Theodora, Emp. E.E. 51 — Emp. Tzde. 98 Theodore, abp. Cant. 430 — P. R.O. 33 — I. and II., R. Russ. 90 — -Lascaris I. and II., Emp. E.E. 51 Theodoric, K. It. 49 — I. and II., IN. Sp. 84 Theºdorus I. and II., P. R.O. 3-4 *Theodred, bp. Elm. and Dunw. 454 *Theodredus, bp, Lond. 451 * 2 same perS. Theodric, K.E. 2 Theodosius I., Emp. W. E. — I. to III., Emp. E.E. 50 Theodwin, see Dedwin Theologild, abp. Cant. 430 Theonus, bp, Lond. 450 Theophilus, Emp. E.E. 50 Theotoky, Ct. Ant., G.C.M.G. 794; K.C.M.G. 796 — Bar. Elm., G.C.M.G. 794 Thereus, K. Sc. 17 Thermus, Q. M., C. Ro. 43 Therry, Jno., C. Exc, Ir, 566-7 Thesiger, hon. Alfr. Hy., Jud. Conn. P.C. 361; L.J. App. 389 ; P.C. 219; Q.C. 419 92 hon. Ch. Wemyss, gen. (TD) 927 — Fk, and sir F., aft. 1st là. Chelmsford, q.v., A.G. 400; R.C. 416; Ld. Chanc. 358; P.C. 216; S.G. 402 — hom. FR. Aug., aft. 2nd lå. Chelmsford, q.v., G. C.G.H. &c. 679; gen. (ID) 907 Theudis, K. Sp. 85 Theudisela, 18. Sp. 85 Theulph, bp. Worc. 472 The well, Wm. de, L.H.A. 171 Thewles, Jas., gem (C) 873 Thicknesse, Fras. Hy, bp. suff. Leic. 458 Thierry, C. Flrs. 81 — I. and II., D. Line. 29 — I. to IV., K. Fr. 22-3 — I. to IV., C. Fld. 82 — V. to VII., C. Hld. 82 Thiers, L. A., Pres. Fr.25 Thirkiiby, see Thurkilby Thirlby or Thirleby, bp. Ely, 435; bp. Norw. 455; bp. West]'. 469 Thirlwall, Conn., bp. St. DaV. 465 Thirij, F. A., K.C.B. 778 Thirninge (or Thyrnynge), Wm., C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 378 Thirwit, see Tirwit Tholozaine, See Tolason Thirkell, see Thyrkyll *Thomas (2), abp. Ylc. 485 #. bp. Clonf. 635 :: (2) bp. Clonm, 600 *— bp. Down, 603 *— bp. Down and Cmr. 604 »k 2}. + bp. Dmbl. 532 bp. E. Ang. 454 — blo. Emly, 625 Thomas—comt. :k (3), bp. Gall. 538 :}; bp. Isl. 539 >k bp. Kild. 616 *— (2) bp. Killa. 612 *— bp. Kilm, 607 × bp. Lism. 626 × (2) bp. Llin. 621 & bp. Ork. 535 *— bp. Boss. 535 × (2), bp. S. and M. 483 ::: (2), bp. St. As. 462 × :k >}: dın. Ardf. 640 dın. Cash. 627 dn. Clonm. 600 dm. Dry. 602 (of Woodford), dn. Lim. 9 dm, Th. 613 (abb. of Winchecumbe), J. It, 367 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp, dates. — C. Swy. 54 — (son Edw. I.), Pr. E. 10 — (son Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10; K.G., 734 — (g, son Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (iss. Edw. III.), Pr. E. 11 — (son Hy. IV.), aft. D. of × × >k :k Clarence, Pr. E. 11; K.B 755 27 sir Edm., B.T. 265; S.W.F. 71 — Ed., C.I.E. 807 — Fras. Wm., gem. (D) 929 — Flº, Jenn., adım. (HI) 845 — Sir Geo., G. Leew. Isl. 727 — Geo. Ed., gem. (ID) 918 — Grant E., G. Bdoes, 721 — Griff. ap, R.B. 759 — Hy., gen. (D) 882 — Hor. L., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Hugh, dm. Ely, 435 — Jas., Bl, M.P.A. 336; Chest. H. 331 — Jno., adm. (A) 816 — Jno. (No. 1), bp. Limc. 447; bp. Sal. 467; bp. St. As. 462; dın. PbOro. 458 Jno. (No. 2), bp. Pboro. 458; bp. Sal. 467; b.p. Winch. 471 — Jno. (No. 3), bp. Roch, 460 dm. Westl. 469 — Jno., gem. (18) 865 — Jno. Well., gen. (D) 908 — Lamb., dm. Chich, 434 — Lanc. Fras. Ch., gen. (D) 920 — Lewis, bp. suff. Shrewsb. 444 — Mes., bp. Goulb. 704 — Ralph, S.L. 413 — Rd., adm. (ID) 825 — Rowl., dn. Bgr. 426 — sir Rys ap, IX.G. 737 — Wrm., b.p. St. Dav. 464; bp. Worc. 473; dr. Worc. 473 — Wm., gen. (B) 867 — Wrm. ap, K.B. 756 Thomian, bp. Arm., 595 Thomlinson, see Tomlinson Thomond, Brian de, K. of Thomond, K.B. (1394) 755 Thomond, E. and M. of 30 Hy., 8th E. of, L.L. EsX. 08 Percy, 1st E. of, form. Percy Wyndham O'Brien, q.v., 294; L.L. Soms. 311 ; l”.C. 200; Tr. H. 291 | Thomond, E. and M. Of-cont. — Murr., 1st M. of, form. 5th E. Of º Q.?). — Wm., 2nd M. of, K.P. 750 — Jas., 3rd M. of, form. li. Jas. O'Bryen, q.v. Thompson, Thomson, and Tomson — Maj. —, G. Trim. 722 — Alexr., and sir A., B. Ex. 385; C.B. Ex. 382; M. Chy, and Acct, G. 397; P.C. 209; S.L. 412 — Alexr., gen. (D) 879 — Anthy., dm. Rph. 603 — Arnold, gen. (D) 909 — Aug. Riv. and sil: A., Ch. Com. Brma. 655; K.C.S.I. 803; L.G. Bgal. 652 — Benj., U.S.C. 235 — Ch., adm. (A) 816 — Ch., gen. (ID) 926 — Ch., K.C. 415 — Ch., M. Chy., 397 — Sir Ch., gen. (A) 858 — Sir Ch., gem. (IB) 866 — Ch. Hothalm-, form. Hot- ham, q.v. — Ch. Poulett-, aft. li. Syden- ham, q.v., G.G. N. Am. Prov. 692; P.C. 212; Pres. B.T. 268; Tr. N. 257; V.P.B.T. 269 — Ch. Wm., gen. (ID) 906 — Dalml. Rt., C.I.E. 806 — Dav., gen. (ID) 920 — Ed., L. Admy. 178 — Ed. Deas., K.C.M.G. 797 — Fras. Iłingl., gen. (D) 890 — Giles, bp. Glr. 438 ; drl. Winds. 474 — Harry, gen. (D) 879 — Hy., Ly. K.A. 513 — Ja.s., K.C.B. 777 — Jas. Sinc., gen. (D) 924 — Jno., adm. (IHI) 844 — Jno., gen, (D) 934 — Sir Jmo., L.M. Lond. 491 — sir Jno. Deas, K.C.H. 788 — Jno. Sp. Dav., R.C.M.G.799 — Jno. V., S.L. 413 — Mowbr., gen. (D) 928 — Narb., adm. (A) 820 — Pears. Sc., gem. (ID) 917 — Ralph Wood and sir W., K.C.B. 784; U.S. War. 233 — lºd., dn. Brl. 440 — Rd. Ll., gem. (ID) 910 — Rt., C. St. 283 — (or Toumson), Rt., bp. Sal. 467; dn. Westºr. 469 — Ron. Ferg. and sir R., Amb. Pers. 130; C.I.E.806; G.C.M.G. 796; K.C.M.G. 798 Saml., Pt.c. P.A. 337; WindS. H. 331 — Th., dm. Killa. 614 — Th., gem. (D) 918 — Th., Lanc. H. 333; R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Sir Th. Bould. adm. (A) 818; Compt. N. 257; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 — Th. Perr., gen. (I)) 885 — Th. Pick., adm. (E) 835; (E) 838 — Th. P. E., C.C.J. 405 — Th. Sp., adm. (G) 843 — sir Th. Raikes Tr., adm. (G) 842 — Wrm., abp. Yk. 486; bp. Glr. and Br. 439; Jud. Colm. P.C. 361; P.C. 217 Wm., L.M. Lond, 492 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, INDEX OF NAMES. 1147 Thompson, Thomson, Tomson—cont. & — Wrm., S.L. 411 —IWm. and Sir W., B. Ex. 384; Curs. B. Ex. 386; Rec. Lond. 494; S.G. 401; S.L. 411 — sir Wim., C. Cus. 273 — W. A., Mod. IV. Sc. 547 — Wnn. T. and sir. W., Amb. Chi. 137; Amb. Pers, 130 ; K.C.M.G. 797 Thoms, see also Toms. Jno., dn. Ferns, 623 Thomson, see Thompson Thonory, Jno., bp. Oss. 620 Thoralby, Jno., M. Chy. 394 Thorburn, Rt., K.C.M.G. 798 Thoresby, Jno. Čle, abp. Yk. 485; bp. St. Dav. 464; bp. Worc. 472; Lól. Chanc. 354; L.K. 354; M.R. 387 Thoresbye, Hy., M. Chy. 395 Thorimbergh (or Thurum- berd), Aym., Const. T.L. 320 Thorismund, K. Sp. 84 Thoriz, I&og. ãe, dn. Exr. 437 Thorn and Thorne — Jas., adm. (H) 847 Nathl., gen. (D) 882; IS.C.B. 778; K.H. 790 — Peregr. Fras., K.H. 792 — Steph. de, dun. Her. 442 — Wm., dm. Chich. 434 Wm., K.H. 790 Thorndon, see Thorntom Thornborough, Thorn- brough, Thornburg, and Thornburgh — Ed. and sir E., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 —— Ed. Le Cras, adm. (G) 841 — Jno., b.p. Brl. 439; bp. Lim. 638; bp. Worc. 473; dim. Yk. 7 — Th., Rec. Lond. 493 — Th., Winds. H. 331 Walt, de, Lud. Chanc. Ir. r: 4 Thorndike, Daml., gem. (D) 899 Thorne, see Thorn Thornhill, Anthy. Rt., gem. (D) 917 — Jas. Badh, K.H. 792 — Hy., gen. (ID) 925 — Wnn., R.H. 789 Thornton (or Thorndom), AEgedius, L. Treas. Ir. 558 — Ch. Macl. Jno., gen. (D) 920 — Ch. Wade and sir C., G.C.H. 787; gem. (IB) 870 ; K.C.H. 787; K.H. 789 — Ed. and Sir E. (No. 1), Amb. Dk. &c. 127; Amb. G. St. 121; Amb. H. Ths. 120; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Sw. 126; G.C.B. 772; P.C. 209 — Ed. and Sir E. (No. 2), Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Iłżl. 135; Almb. N.G. 134; Amb. Pgl. 125; Amb. Pgy. 136; Amb. Russ. 126; Amb. Tºy. 130 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132; Amb. Ugy, 137; G.C.B. 773; R.C.B. 783; P.C. 218 — Gilb. de, A.G. 398; C.J.I.B. 369; S.L. 406 — Jno., C.I.R. 285; C. St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285 ; C, Tx. 285 — Peter de, K.B. 755 — Rt., Chn, E.I. Co. 645 and — Saml., adm. (G) 841 } Thornton—cont. Saml., bp. Ballt. 705 — Th. H., Sec. S.I. 804 — Wm., gen. (B) 866 Wm., gem. (C) 872 — Wm. and Sir W., gen. (IB) 869; K.C.B. 776 — Wm. H., I.C.M.G. 796 Thorold, Anthy. Wils., Roch. 460 — Sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 — Regd. Goth., gem. (D) 931 Thorp and Thorpe — Ch., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Fras., B. Ex. 384; 409 — Geo. de, R.B. 754 — Gery., dn. Wíord. 628 — Jno. de, J. It. 369 — Jno. Th., L.M. Lond. 492 — Rt., gen. (ID) 894 - — Bt. de (No. 1), J.C.P. 377 — IRt. de and Sir R. (No. 2), C.J.C.P. 375; Ld. Chanc. 354; S.L. 406 . — Rt. de (No. 3), J. It. 369 — Saml., K.H. 791 Saml. Jos., gen. (D) 919 — (or Trop), Sim. de, J. It. 368 Th., B. Ex. 383; Ch. Ex. 153; Sp. H.C. 248 Wm. de and Sir W., A.G. 398; B. Ex. 383; C.J.I.C.B. 369; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 406 Thring, Jno. Ed., gen. (D) 915 — Hy., aft. 1st ld. T., K.C.B. 783 bp. S.L. Throckmorton and Throg- morton — Sir Nichs., Chambn. Ex. 166 6 — Rt., K.B. 759 — Wnn., M. Chy. 394 Thuillier, Hy. Ed. Land. and sir H., gen. (ID) 909 Thurbone, Jrmo., S.L. 411 Thurkilby (or Thirkilby, Rog. de, Ch. Jr. 363; J.C.P. 376; J. It. 368; J.K.B. 371 ; Jy. 364 Thurland, sir Ed., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 410 Thurles, Jas., visc., form. J. Butler, q.v., aft. 9th E. of Ormond, q.v. Tºlow, Ed., Ch. Sec. Ir. 56 — Ed., see lä. T., infra. hon. Th. Linc., bp. Dham. 479; bp. Linc, 447; dm. Roch. 461; dm. St. P. 453 Thurlow, lds. — Ed., aft. 1st là. E., A.G. 399; K.C. 415; L.H.S. 287; Ld. Chanc. 357; P.C. 203; S.G. 402; Tell. Ex. 168 — Thos. Jno., 5th lä., L.H.C. R. Sc. 546; P.C. 221; Paym. G. 245 Thursby, see Thoresby Thurstan, abp. Yk, 485 Thurston, Jno. Bates and sir J., G. Fiji, 711; G. W. Pac. 711; I.C.M.G. 798 — Mark, M. Chy. and Acct. G. 396 Thrupp, Arth. Th., adm. (E) 837 Thurumburd, See Thorim- bergh Thuysz, Jan., G. Ceyl. 672 Thwaites, Geo. Saund., gen. (ID) 885 — Th., C.D.L. 242 Thyn, see Thynne Thyn begh, see Tynebegh Thynne, Egr., S.L. 409 — Fras., Lanc. H. 333 —ld. Geo., aft. 2nd ló. Car- teret, q.v., B.T. 268; Compt, H. 293; L.T. 158; P.C. 207 — Hy., Tr. H. 292 — Hy. Fk. (No. 1), aft. 1st là. Carteret, q.v., C. Exc. 278; L.T. 155; P.C. 202 — la. Hy. Flº. (No. 2), P.C. 219 — lil. Jno., aft. 3rd la. Car- teret, q.v., B.T. 268; P.C. 207; W.C.H. 297 Thyrnynge, see Thirminge Thyrkyll, Lanc., K.B. 759 Ti—, see also Ty— Tibelot, Pain de, IK.B. 754 Tºrius, bp. Down and Cmr. 04 - — (3), Emp. Ro. 47 — II. and III., Emp. E.E. 50 Tichborne, see also Titch- bourn — sir Hy., L.G.O. 259; L.J. Ir. 554 — Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Tickel, Rd., C. St. 283-4 Tickell, Rd., gen. (D) 881 — Th., U.S.S. 225 Tickhill, Th., A.G. 398 Tidcomb, Jno., gem. (B) 864 Tidhelm, bp. Her. 441 Tidy, Th. Holmes, gen. (ID) 903 Tierney, Geo., M.M. 247; P.C. %; Pres, B.C. 252; Tr. N. — (or O'Tiermey), Jno., dun. IXilmacd. 637 — Sir Matth., K.C.H. 787 Tigermas, b. Ir. 20 *Tigernach (Boircech), bp. Cld. 599 *— (O'Moeleoin), bp. Clonm. 599 *— (St.), bp. Clonm. 599 *— (St.), bp. Clr. 596 :# (2), bp. Dronn. 604 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. Tighe, Ed., C. Acc. Ir. 567 — Hugh U., dun. Ard. 609; dim. Dry. 602; dim. Llin. 624 — W. Fk., L.L. Kilk. 570 Tºury, Rd. de, Comst. T.L. Tildeslegh, see also Tyldsley — Th., S.L. 407 Tilesworth, Wm., M.M. 246 Tilford, see Tydferth Tillmere, bp. Hex. 480; WOl'C. 472 Tilley and Tilly Hy., K.B. 754 — Jno., gen. (ID) 934 — Jno., IX.C.B. 783; Sec. P.O. 239 Saml. Theon. and sir S., G. N. Brk. 696; K.C.M.G., 797 Tillotson, Jno., abp. Cant. 431; din. Cant. 431; din. St., P. 453; P.C. 194 Tilly, see Tilley Tilred, bp. Lindisf, 478 Tilson, Geo., U.S.S. 225 Hy., bp. Elph. 608; Chr. Ch. D bln. 618 bp. dm. . For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 73 * 1148 INDEX OF NAMES. riºren, Harry V., gen. (D) Tindal, see also Tyndall' — Louis Sym., adm. (H) 849 — Nichs. C. and Sir N, C.J.C.P. 376; Jud. Com. P.C. ; P.C. 211; S.G. 402; S.L. Tinker, Jno., G. Bah. Isl. 716 ºinley, Rt. Newt., gen. (D).904 Tinling, Ch., adm. (A) 820 — Ed. Burn., adm. (H) 848 - Isaac Patt., gen, (C) 874 Tinningham, Ad. de, Abdn. 530 Tinney, Wm. Hy., K.C. 416; M. Chy. 397 Tippetts, sir Jno., Sr. N. 257 lipping, Rt., gen. (B) 867 Tiptoft, Jno. de and sir J., K.B. 755; L.H.T. 153; Sp. H.C. 248 — Jno., see lá. T., infra, — sir Rt., L.H.A. 170 Tiptoft, lds. ºte Jno., ld., see E. of Worces- €r Tirrtullus, bp. Her. 441 Tiringham, see Terringham Tirloch, K. Ir. 22 Tirrey, Dom., b.p. Crk, and Cl. 631 Tiruvarur, &c., C.I.E. 806 Tirwhit, see Tyrrwhitt Tirwit (or Thirwit), Rt., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Tisdall, Archd., admi. (H) 845 h., A.G. Ir. 588; S.G. Ir, ;: S.L. Ir. 592; Sec. St. Ir, 5 Tºyngton, Rd. de, M. Chy. 393 bp. Titchbourn, see also Tich- borne — Col. —, Lt. T.L. 322 Titchfield, Wm. Hy., M. of, aft, 4th D. of Portland, q.v., L.L. Mdz. 310; L.T. 158 Tºgomb, Jonn. H., bp. Rangn. 55 Titilus, K.E. 2 Titius, M., C. Ro. 47 Titulus, K.E. 2 Titus (3), Emp. Ro. 47 Tiviot, see Teviot Tobias, bp. Boch. 459 Tobin, Geo., adm. (ID) 823 — Jos. Webbe, gen, (A) 863 Tocliffe, Rd., b.p. Winch. 470; Ch. Jr. 362; J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Tod and Todd — Anth., Sec. P.O. 239 — Darcy, IX.P.I. 789 — Jno., b.p. Down. and Cnr. 604; bp. Drom. 604; dun. Cash, 627; dri, Oss. 623 — Suet. Hy., gen. (ID) 879 — Wm., dn. Drom. 606 Tola, bp. Kild. 616 Tola son (or Tholazaine), Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Toler, Jno., A.G. Ir, 588; C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; S.G. Ir. 589; S.L. Ir. 592 Tollemache, Jno. Rd, Delap., adm. (A) 819 Toller, Saml. B., Q.C. 418 Tolly, Count Barcl. de, G.C.B. 767 *— lt.-col. —, G. Trin. 722 *— Hy., gen. (C) 874 * Prob. same pers. Tombs, Hy. and sir H., gen, (ID) 902; Is...C.B. 779 — Jno., gem. (D) 878 Tomkyns, Geo., gen. (D) 888 Tomline, Geo. Pretyman, form. Pretyman, bp. Linc. 447; bp. Winch. 471; dim, St.P. 453 Tomlins, Rd., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Tomlinson and Thomlin- SO]]. — Geo., bp. Gibr. 670 — Matth., Comm. Ir. 554-5 — Nichs., adm. (A) 820 Torms see also Thoms — Peter, Pt.c. P.A. 337 Tomson, see Thompson Tonei, Simeon de, bp. Mor. 534 Tong or Tonge, Th., Clar. K.A. 328; Norr, K.A. 329; Yk, H. 334 Tonson, Jacob, gen. (D) 880 — hon. Ludl., bp. Killoe., K., Cl, and K. 636 ºforistall, see Tunstall Tony, Michl., L.M. Lond. 488 Tonyn, Patr., gem. (A) 859 Tooker, see Tucker Toone, Wm., K.C.B. 775 Toovey, Jno., gem. (C) 871 Topcliffe, Jno., C.B. Ex. Ir, 582; C.J.K.B. Ir, 577 Topham, Anthy., dm. Limc. 448 4 s Toppesfeld, Fras., B. Ex. Ir. 583 Toppin, Jas. Morr., gem. (ID) 932 Topping, Jas., P.iº. 415 Torbach, bp. Arm. 595 Torell, Wm., Jy. 363 Torgesius, bp. Lim. 638 Torkinus, bp. S. and M. Tornoura, Ad. de, J. It, 366 Toro, M. M., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Torquatus, A. M., C. Ro. 44 — L. M., C. RO , 46 — T. M., C. Ro. 41-2-3-4; Dt. Ro. 43 — T. M. J. (3), C. Ro. 40; Dt. RO. 40–1 Torr, Jno. B., Q.C. 419 Torre, M. G. de la, Pres. Ecr. 108 Torrens, Arth. Welles., gem. (D) 889; IK.C.B. 777 — Hy, and Sir H., gem. (C) 874; K.C.B. 774 Hy. D'O, and sir, H., G. C.G.H. &c. 679; G. Mlta. 671; gen. (D) 908; K.C.B. 782 — Rt., J.C.P. Ir. 582; S.L. Ir. 593 — Rt. Rd.,andsir R., G.C.M.G. 795; IK.C.M.G. 797 Torrington, Ph. Cash. 625 Tºngton, lds., Visc., and E de, abp. ... O Herbert Family. — Arth., 1st E. of, form. Arth. Herbert, q.v. Newport Family. — Th., 1st là., form. hom. T. and 1d. Newport, q.v., L.T. 156; P.C. 197; Tell. Ex. 167 Dyng I'amily. — Geo., 1st Visc., form. Sir G. and lù. Byng, q.v., K.B. 764; T.H.A. 177- Torrington, lds., visc. and E. of—comt. . — Pattée, 2nd visc., form. hon. P. Byng, q.v. C.Y.G.298; V. Treas. Ir. 560 sm Geo., 3rd visc., gem. (C) — Geo., 4th Visc., Amb. G. St. 121 — Geo., 6th visc., adm. (A) 819 . — Geo., 7th visc., Amb. Bgm. 123; G. Ceyl. 672 Torrismund, K. Sp. 84 Torry, Patr., bp. I kld, and Dnbl. 542; bp. Fife, Dkld., and Dnbl. 543 Tortherus, bp. Her. 441 Tostius, see Tuistius Total, see Totta, Tothill, Jno., gen. (D) 891 — Jno., M. Chy, 396 Totila, K. It. 49 Tºington, AleXr., b.p. Norw. 8): — Sams, de, J. It. 366 Totta, and Tota, — bp. Dorch. 446 — bp. Sels. 432 Tottenham, Loft, Anthy., gen. (A) 859 — Ch., aft, ld, Loftus, q.v., C. Cus. Ir, 565 ld. Rt. Ponsonby, bp. Clr. 596; b)). Ferms and L. 622; bp. Killoe. and Išilf. 635 Totnes, Geo., 1st E. of, form, Sir G. and lå. Carew, M.G.O. 2.8 Tºy, Sir Jno., L.M. Dbln, — Th., adm. (A) 817 Tºch, Jno. Gr., gem. (D) Touchet, Ferd, or Merv., R.B. 762 — Jas., K.B. 757 Tounson, Rt., see Thompson Tour, Sanch. dela, R.G. (?) 734 Tournay, Wm. de, dm. Linc, 7 Tourner, Tim., S.L. 410 Toutheby, Gilb. de, J. It. 369; S.L. 406 + Touzel, Helier, gen. (A) 863 Tovar, M. F., Pres, Vzla. 108 Tovey, Wm., G. Gibr, 670 Tower and Towre — Com., gen. (ID) 918 —Jno., adm. (ID) 825 — Rd. de la, R. Dr. 337 Towers, Fk., gen. (ID) 893 — Jno., b.p. Pboro. 458; dm. PbOro. 458 Towgood, Rd., dm, Brl. 440 Townley, Ch, and sir C., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328; Lanc. H.333; Norr. K.A. 329; Yk. H. 334 ch Watson, L.L. Cambs. P.A. Townsend, see Townshend Towre, see Tower Towse, Wm., S.L. 409 Townshend and Townsend sk Ch. (No. 1), L. Admy, 179; L.T. 167 *— Ch. (No. 2), Tr. N. 256 * Prob. same pers. — Ch. (No. 3), aft, 1st Id. Bayning, q.v., P.C. 203; V. Treas. Ir, 560 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, INDEX OF NAMES. 1149 Townshend and Townsend— cont. — hon. Ch. (No. 4), B.T. 265; Ch. Ex. 165; L. Admy. 178; L.T. 157; P.C. 200; Paym. G. 244; Pres. B.T. 265; Sec. at W. 233; Tr. Ch. 294 — Ch., see visc. T., infra. — Ed., dm. Norw. 456 — Fras., Bath K.A. 785; R. Cr. P.A. 335; R. Dr. P.A. 338; Winds. H. 331 – Seo, C. Exc. 279; C. St. — hon. Geo., adm. (A) 814 Geo., see visc. and marq. T., infra, — H., J. Chest. 386 — Ham., dn. Ach. 614 — Hy. Dive, gen. (D) 891 — hon. Hor., C. Exc. 280 — hon. Hor. G. P., K.C.H. 788 — Isaac, adm. (A) 814; G. Gr. Hosp. 854 — Ja.s., L.M. Lond. 492 — lil. Ja.s., K.C.H. 788 — Jno., C. Cus. Ir, 565; C. Exc, Ir, 566 — hon. Jno., aft. 1d. Jno. T., L. Admy. 179-80; P.C. .208 ; Paym. G. 245 — Jno., see marq. T., infra, — Jno. Fitzhenry, J. Admy. Ct. Ir, 587 — hon, Jno. Th., aft. 2nd visc. Sydney, q.v., L. Admy. ;: L.T. 158; U.S. Home, 7 — Rd., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 — Rt., S.L. 408 — Rog., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Saml., gem. (C) 872 — Saml. Ph., adm. (HI) 853 — Steph., dm. Exr, 437 — Th., gen. (C) 872 — Th. (No. 1), Tell. Ex. 167; U.S.S. 225 — Th. (No. 2), aft. 1st là. and 1st visc. Sydney, q.v., F. Sec. 228; L.T. 157; .C. 202; #m. G. 245; Sec. at W, 34 — Th. Stew., bp. Mth, 599; dn. Wford, 628 — Wrm. Chamb., dn. Trn. 613 — Wm. Ch., Q.C. 417 Townshend, visc. and M. — Ch., 2nd visc., L.L. Ir. 556; L.P.C. 188; K.G. 741; P.C. 195; S. St. 224 — hon. Geo., aft. 4th visc. and 1st M., F.M. 856 ; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; gem. (A) 858; L.G.O. 259; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. §t. 310; M.G.O. 259; P.C. — Geo., 2nd M., form. Id. de Ferrers and E. of Leicester, QI."), — Jno., 4th M., adm. (GF) 842 Tozer, Jno., S.L. 413 — Wm. Geo., bp. C. Afr. 688; bp. Jam. 713 Tracey, Ch. Hambury, aft. 1st là. Sudeley, q.v. — Hy. de, B. Ex. 382; J. It. 367 — Rd. Ed., adm. (E) 837 — Rt. and sir R., B. Ex. 384; C.G.S. 357; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. 411 Traction, Jas., 1st là., form. J. Dennis, q.v. Trafford and Traford — Ed., K.B. 759 — Rd. L., C.C.J. 403 — Th. Saml., gen. (D) 885 Trahaern ab Caradoc, Pr. WIS. 16 Trail, Jas., bp. Down. and Chr. 604 — Jas., E.S.P. 301 — Ja.s., U.S. Ir. 563 — Saml., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Walt., b.p. St. And. 529 Tºm, Geo. Balf., gen. (D) 934 Trahern, see Traheyron Traheron, Barth., dn. Chich. Traheyron (or Trahern), Th., Nottºm. P.A. 343; Ptc. P.A. 337; Som. H. 332 Trajan, Emp. Ro. 47 Tramerin, bp. St. Dav. 464 Trapaud, Cyrus, gem. (A) 858 Tºgº, Jno., 1st E. of, H.C.P. Sc. 507; L.H.C. K. Sc. 546; L.H.T. Sc. 497; Ld. Sess. 517 Trau, Berm. Arn., &c., K.G. 734 Traunt, Patr., C. Exc. 278 Travancore, Mahar. of (2), G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.S.I. 802 — Rani of, Cr, Ind. 810 Travers, Benj., Pres, Coll. Surg. 939 — Boyle, gen. (A) 862 — Eatom and sir E., adm. (IHI) 847; K.H. 790 *— Jas., gem. (ID) 900 *— Ja.s., K.H. 792 * * same pers. º' als. Fras. Eaton, gen. (D) 91 — Jos. Oates, gen. (ID) 901 — Pet., M.R. Ir. 585 — Rt. (No. 1), bp. ISilloe. 634 — Rt. (No. 2), bp, Llim. 622 — sir Rt. gem. (C) 874 — Saml., S.L.R. 271 Traverst, R., K.C.M.G. 796 Trayford, Edmd., K.B., 756 Trayner, Jno., Ld. Sess. 521 Treacher, Wm. Hood, G. Br. N. Blmo, 676 Trebonius, C., C. Ro. 46 Treby, Geo., L.T. 156 — Geo. and Sir G., A.G. 399 ; C.G.S. 357; C.J.C.P.375; Rec. Lond. 494; S.G. 401; S.L. 411 — Geo. and sir G., Sec. at W. 233; Tell. Ex. 167 — Paul Winsl. Phillips, gen. (D) 921 Tºothick, Barl.,L.M. Lond. 4 Tredegar, Ch., M. R., L.L. Brec. 315 Tredennick, Jas. Rd. Kn., gen. (D) 930 Treffnant (or Jno., b.p. Her. 441 Trefusis, hon. Ch. Rod., aft. ld. Clinton, q.v., C. Exc. 281, 282; C. Ex, Ir, 567 Tregonwell, Jno. and sir J., J. Adm. Ct. 422; M. Chy. 394 Tregrision, Ralph, dm. Exr. 437 Tregury, Michl., abp. Dbln. and Glr, 616; dun. St. Pat. 618 Trevenant), Trelawney, Ch., gen. (C) 871 *— Ed., C. Cus. 275 ‘Ed., G. Jam. 712 * Poss. same pers. — Ed., dn. Exr. 438 — Ham., G. St. Hel. 682 — Harry, gen. (C) 872 — Jno. Jago, gen. (ID) 927 sir Jonn., bp, Brl. 439; bp. Exr. 437; bp. Winch. 471 sir Wnn., G. Jam. 712 — sir Wm., L.L. Cnwall. 307 Trellick, see Trilleck Tremayle, Th., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 407 :: Tremayne, Jno.,Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; Rec. Lond. 493; S.L. 411 Tremen here and Tremen- heere — Ch. Wrm., gen. (D) 901 — Walt. R., gen. (D) 880; E.H. 790 Tremlett, Franciso Sangro, adm. (IHI) 852 — Wm. Hy. Br., adm. (D) 824; (GF) 840 Tremulus, Q.M. (2), C. Ro. 41 Trench, hom. Eyre Power, gen. (B) 866 — Fk. Chen., gen. (D) 934 — Sir Fk. Wnn., gem. (A) 863; R.C.E.I. 788 — Hy. Le Poer, gen. (D) 914 — hon. Power, abp. Thi. 611; abp. Trn. and bp. Kill, and Ach. 613; byp. Elph. 608; bp. Wford. and L. 627 — Rd. Chen., abp. Dbln. G. and K. 617; dr. Westºr. 469 — hon. Rt. Le Poer, K.C.B. 7 74 — Th., dm. Kild. 619 — hon. Wrm. Le Poer, adm. (ID) 824 Trenchard, Jno., C. Tx. 284, 5 Jno., C.J. Chest. 386; S.L. 411 Sir Jno., P.C. 194; S. St. 224 <! > ; * Prob. same pers. Trentham, Gr. L., visc., aft. 2nd E. Gower, q.v., L.H.A. 178 Tresham, Wm. and sir W., C.D.L. 242; Sp. H.C. 248 Tresilian (or Tresylian), Rt. and Sir R., C.J.K.B. 370 J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 Treslove, Th. C., K.C. 416 Treswell, Andrew, S.W.F. 271 — (or Creswell), Rt., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Som. H. 332 — Rt., S.W.F. 271 Tresylian, see Tresilian Trevaignon, Jno. de, J.C.P. 377; S.L. 406 Trevanyon, Jno., K.B. 759 Trevalur, Jno. (2), bp. St. As. Trevelyan, Ch. Ed. and sir C., G. Mdra.s. 657; K.C.B. 783; Sec. Tr. 164 Geo. Ott, and sir G., C.D.L. 243; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; L Admy, 185; L.K.Sc. 503; P.C. 220; Sec. Adm. 187; Sec, Sc. 502; V.P. Ed. Sc. 500 — Hy. Will., gem. (D) 902 — Jno., K.B. 759 — Will., gem. (D) 896 Trevenant, see Treffnamt Trevet, Th., J. It, 368; Jy, 365 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1150 INDEX OF NAMES, Trevor, −, Sec. at W. 233 — hon. Arth., aft. 2nd V. Dungannon, q.v., C. Cus. Ir, 565; C. Exc. Ir. 566 Arth. Hill, gen. (D) 893; K.H. 791 — Ed., gem. (D) 896 — Fras. Ch., gen. (ID) 922 — Hugh, L.M. Dblin. 641 — Jno., IK.C. 415 — Jno. and Sir J. (No. 1), C.G.S. 357; K.C. 414; M.B. 388; P.C. 194; Sp. H.C. 250 — sir Jno. (No. 2), P.C. 190; S. St. 223 — hon, Jno. (No. 3), L. Admy. 178 — hom. Jno. (No. 4), Amb. G. ; 121; Amb. Sda. 114; P.C. — Jno. Sal, gen. (ID) 920 — Sir Rd., J. Adm. Ct. 423 — hon. Rd., bp. Dham. 479; bp. St. Dav. 465 — Teudor, L.G. Gr. Hosp. 852 — Th, and sir T., B. Ex. 384; S.L. 409 — Th., see la, Tr., infra. — Wm. Cosm., G. Tasm. 708; gen. (D) 919 Trevor, lds. — sir Th. and lói. T., A.G. 399; C.G.S. 357; C.J.C.P. 376; R.B. 763; L.P.C. J.88; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 195, 197; S.G. 401; S.L. 411 Tºwnan, Jno. T., gem. (ID) Trewythosa, Sim. de, A.G. 398; S.L. 406 Trial-Faidh, I. Ir. 20 Tricinitinus, H. L., C. R.O. — L. L., C. Ro. 38 — L. L. F., C. R.O. 39 — S. L., C. Ro. 37 — T. L. (2), C. Ro. 37 Tricostus, A. V., C. Ro. 37-8 L. V., C. Ro. 39 — O. V., C. Ito. 37-8 — (Rutilus), P. V., C. Ro. 37 S. V., C. Ro. 38 — T. V., C. Ro. 37-8 Tridianus, see Tyrcheamus Trigeminus, P. C. F., C. Ro. 38; Dec. IRO. 38 Trigge, Th. and Sir T., G. Gibr., 670: gen. (A) 859; I.B. 766; L.G.O. 259 Trikingham, Lamb. do, B. Ex. 383; J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368- 9; J.R.B. 371 Trilleck or Trillock, Ad. de (2), dn. Oss. 622 — Jno., bp. Her, 441 — Th., bp. Roch. 460 ; dri. Her. 442; dri. St. P. 453 Timingham, Jno., G. Brmda. Trimleston, Jno., 3rd ló., form. Sir Jno. Barnewall, q.v., J.K.B. Ir. 578; L. Treas. Ir. 559; Ld. Channe, Ir. 576 Tºmmen, Wm., dn. Winch. 7 Trimmell, Ch., bp, Norw. 455; pp. Winch. 471 Trinder, Hy., S.L. 411 — Jno., M.M. 247 Tripe, Linn., gen, (D) 914 Tristram, Th. Hutch., Ch. Lond. 422; Q.C. 419 Trobe, see Latrobe Fo?" Trollope, Ch., gen, (D) 896; IK.C.B. 780 —— Ed., bp. suff. Nottm. 447 — Geo. Barne., adm. (IHI) 845 — Hy, adm. (H) 851 -— sir Hy. adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 — Hy. Amthy, adm. (H) 853 — sir Jno., P.C. 215; Pres. P.L.B. 262 w Trºmson, Rt. Nix., gen. (D) 9 Trop, see Thorp Trott, G. Bah. Isl. 716 Trotter, Alex., gem. (B) 867 -— Hy. fºund. adm. (GF) 842 — Rt., Postm. G. Sc. 502 — Th., gen. (C) 873 — Wm., L. Prov, Edinb. 548 Trotti, Ard., K.C.B. 778 Troubridge, sir Ed, Th., iºn. (D) 827; L. Admy, 182, — Sir Th., adm. (A) L. Admy. 180 Troup, Col., gen. (I)) 899 — Hugh, gem. (ID) 897 Troutbecke, Wm., C.D.L. 242 Trower, Ja.s., R.C. 415 ; M. Chy. 397 — Walt. Jno., bp. Gibr. 670; bp. Glasg, and Gall. 544 Tºll, Rt. Holt., gem. (D) Trujillo, J., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Trumbull, sir Wim., L.T. 155; |P.C. 194; S. St. 224 Trumhere, bp. Lich. 443 Tºmpington, Wm. de, J. It. 67 Truro, Thos., 1st là., form. sir T. Wilde, q.v. Truscott, Sir Fras. W., L.M. Lond. 492 — Jno., gen. (D) 878 — Wnn., admm. (A) 816 Trussell, Wm., J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 Wm., Sp. H.C. 248 Sir Wm., L.H.A. 172 * Prob. Same pers. Trutch, Jos. Wnn., G. Br. Cbia. 698; K.C.M.G. 799 Trydell, Botet, gen. (D) 893 Tryon, Geo. and sir G., adm. (E) 837; K.C.B. 782; Sec. Adm. 187 — Rt., adm. (GF) 843 — Saml., gem. (D) 901 — Wnn., gen. (B) 866 Tsai-t'ien, Emp. Ch. 100 Tuadcar, bp. Kild. 616 Tuathal, bp. Clonm. 599 — -Maolgarbh, IV. Ir. 21 — -Teachtmar, K. Ir. 21 Tubertus, A. P., Dt. Ro. 39 P. P. (2), C. Ro. 37 Tubman, Nichs., Hps, P.A. 343; Lanc. H. 333; R. Cr. P.A., 335 Tucca, C. S., C. Ro. 42 Tucker, Auchm., gen. (D) 900 — Benj., Sec. Adm. 187 — Danl., G. Bmda. 701 — Ed., C. St. 283; C. Tx. 284 — Ed, and sir E., adm. (D) 826; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B, 774 — Hy. St. Geo., Chn. E.I.Co. 645 — Jno., U.S.S. 225 — Jno. Jerv., adm. (D) 831; (G) 841 — Jos., dm. Glr. 440 817; × tº: Tucker—cont. — Jos., Tr. N. 257 — Steph. Is., R. Cr. P.A. 336; Som. H. 332 — Th. Tud., adm. (H) 844 — (or Tooker), Wm., Lich. 445 Tuda, bp. Lindisf. 478 Tuditanus, C. S., C. Ro. 45 — M. S., C. Ro. 42, 44 — P. S., C. Ro. 43 Tudor, Edm., aft. E. of Rich- mond, q.v., K.B. (1449) 756 — Jasp., aft. E. of Pembroke, q.v., K.B. (1449) 756 J. E., G. St. Xtr. 729 — Jos., C. Cus. Sc. 504 Tufnell and Tuffnell dm. ** | — Ed. Wyndh., bp. Brisb. 0 706 — Hy., L.T. 160; P.C. 215; Sec. Tr. 163 Tufton, Sir Hy. Ja.s., aft. 1st ld, Hothfield, q.v., e Wrmland, 313 — Sir Wm., G. Bdoes. 719 Tuistius (or Tostius), Wford. 626 Tuite, Hugh Manl., gem. (D) 893 Tulbagh, Ryk., G. C.G.H. 678 Tulca, K. Sp. 85 Tulga, K. Sp. 85 Tullibardine, E — Patr., 2nd E. Murray, q.v. — Jno., 6th E. of, aft. 1st D. of Athole, q.v., H.C.P. Sc. 508 Tullie, see also Tully — Th., dm. Carl. 476 — Th., dm. Rip. 482 Tulloch, Alex., gem. (D) 887 — sir Alexr. Murr., gem. (D) 894; R.C.B. 782 — Arth., gem. (D) 928 — Jno., dn. Thist. 749 — Jno., gem. (D) 886 — Jno., Mod. IX. Sc. 547 — Jno. St., gem. (D) 920 — Th. de, bp, Ork. 535 — Wrm., b.p. Mor. 534 ; bp. Ork. 535; L.P.S. Sc. 500 Tullock, Jno. Saml. Dr., gen. (D) 916 Tulloh, Alexr., gen, (D) 899 Tullus (Hostilius), K. Ro. 36 — L. V., C. Ro. 46-7 . Tully, see also Tullie bp. . Of of, form. P. — Rev. Ol' Riv., (lhi, Clonf. 637 — Rt., byp, St. Dav. 464 Tºse, sir Hy., L.M. Lond, Tumbert, bp. Hex, 480 Tumfriht, see Tumfrith Tunbright, bp, Lich, 443 Tunfrith (or Tumfriht), bp Lich. 443 Tunis, The Bey of, G.C.B. 772 Tunstall, Cuthb., bp. Dham. 479; bp. Lond, 451; dim. Sal. 468; L.L. Dham. 308; L.P.S. 240; M.R. 387 Sir Rd., K.G. 736 Sir Rd., M.M. 246 * Prob. same pers. Tuntgall, }. Saig. 620 Tupper, Ch. , and sir C., G.C.M.G. 795; IX.C.M.G. 797 — Gasp. le M., gen. (D) 927 Turbervill, Gerv., K.H. 791 rºpervine, Jas., b.p. EXr. 7 # Sk Čst of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1151 Eurbus, Wrm., bp, Norw, 454 Turgesius, K. Ir. 21 Turgot, bp. St. Andr, 528 Turke, L.M. Lond. 489 Turlough I. and II., K. Ir. § 22 — (O'Connor), K. Ir, 22 Tºnbum, Hugh, dm. Chich, — Mont. Ja.s., gem. (D) 921 — Wrm., b.p. Glasg. 536; byp. Dkld. 533; L.P.S. Sc. 500 tºnemire, Wm. de, M.M. Turner, Turnor and Turn- OULI' — Adolph, Amb. Ugy. 136 — Algm., Sec. P.O. 239 — Arth., J.C.P. Ir, 581 — Arth., S.L. 409 — Augs., gen. (D) 916 ºh, G. Si. Le. 685; gen. (C) — Ch., gem. (D) 879 — sir Ch., B.T. 264; L. Admy. 177; L.T. 156; Tell. Ex. 168 — Chas. Arth. and Sir C., C.I.E. 806; C.J. MIdra.s. 658; K.C.I.E. 805; M.C.I. 647 — (or Turnor), Chr. and sir C., B. Ex. 384; C. Exc. 277; S.L. 410 — Edm. Rt., C.C.J. 405 — (or Turmour), Sir Ed., C.B. fºx. 381; S.G. 401; S.L. 410; Sp. H.C. 249 — (or Turnour), Ed. Wint., adm. (E) 836; (E) 839 — Fras., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Roch, 460; dum. Winds. 474 — Frank, gem. (ID)901; K.C.B. 781 — Geo., gem. (ID) 884; R.C.B. 779 — Geo. Ja.s. and sir G., Jud. Com. P.C. 360; L.J. App. 389; § 215; Q.C. 417; W. Chanc. 90 — Hy., S.L. 411 — Hy. Aust., gem. (D) 900 — Hy. Bl., gen, (I)) 900 — Sir Hilgr., G. Bmda. 701; gen. (A) 861 — (or Turnor), J., G. Brmda. 701 — Jas. Fras, bp. Graft. and Arm. 704 — Jno., C. St. 283 — (? Farmer), Jno., G. Bdoes. 720 — Jno., gem. (D) 907 — Jno., S.L. 410 — Sir Jno., L.T. 157 — Jno. M., bp. Calc. 653 — Jos., dn. Norw. 456 — Nathl. Oct. S., gen. (D) 2 922 — Saml., L.M. Lond. 492 — Steph., dm. Rip. 482 Th., dm, Cant. 431; Roch. 461 — Tim., C.J. Chest. 386 — Sir Tomk. Hilgr., G. 786; K.C.H. 787 — Walt., dn. Ferms, 623 — Wm., adm. (G) 842 — Wrm., Amb. N.G. 134; Amb. Rep. Col. 134; Amb. Tºy. 129 — Wm., dm. Wells, 429 — Wm., gem. (ID) 877 — (or Turnor), Wm., gem. (D) 886 w *- dn. C.H. | | Turner, Turnor, and Turmour —cont. — Wrm. and Sir W., Adm. Adv. 423; J. Adm. Ct. 423; J. Pr. Ct. 421 — Sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 — Wm. West, K.C.S.I. 803 Turney, Ch. Bark., K.H. 790 Turnham, sir Rt. de, L.H.A. 170 — Steph. de, Jy. 364; L.H.A. 170 Turnor, see Turner Turnour, see Turner Turpin, bp. Brm. 530 — Rd., Bl. M. P.A. 336; Hps. P.A. 343; Winds. H. 331 Turpington, Jno., K.B. 756 Turri, Jord. de, Jy. 364 — Nichs. de, Ch, Jr. 363; J.C.P., 377; Jy. 364 Turrinus, C. M., C. Ro. 42 Turton, Jno. and sir J. Ex. 384; J.K.B. 373; 411 — Rt. Str., gen. (D) 925 • 3 . Ely, ; dim. Pboro. 459; din. Westr. 469 Turvil and Turville — Fras. Fortesc., K.C.M.G. 797 Geoffr. de, L. Treas. Ir. 558; V. Chanc. Ir. 574 Maur. de, J. It. 367 Tuscus, C. A., C. Ro. 37 Tºon, Hy. Brasm., gem. (D) 93 Tuthaldus, bp. St. Amdr. 528 Tuttebury or Tuttlebury Th., B. Ex. 383; dim. Wells, 429 Tuyll, Wm. and sir W., gen. (A) 863; K.C.H. 788 Twedy, Hy., M.M. 246 Tweeddale, E. and M. of — Jno., 2nd E., aft. 1st M. Of, Comm. Tr. Sc. 497; H.C.P. Sc. 508; L.H.T. Sc. 497-8; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 ; Ld. Sess. 517; Pres. P.C. Sc. 500 — Jno., 2nd M. of, form, ld. Yester, q.v., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515; Lól. Clk. Reg. 525 Jno., 4th MI. of, L.J. Gem. 522; Ld. Sess. 517; P.C. 198; Sec. St. Sc. 502 — Geo., 7th M. of, L.L. Hadd. — Geo., 8th M. of, C.C. Mdras. 657; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770; G. Mdra.s. 657; gem. (A) 863; K.C.B. 779; K.T. 748; L.L. Hadd. 510 Tweedie, Maur., gem, (D) 887 — Michl., gem. (D) 928 — Wm. Jno., gem. (ID) 914 Twells, Ed., bp. Blfm. 681 Twenlow, Geo., gemi. (D) 894 Twigge, Jno. Th., gen. (D) 931 Twisden, see also Twysden — Ph., bp. Rph. 602 — Sir Th., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409-10 Twistleton, Ed. T. B., P.L.C. QR Horace, 26 Twiss, R.C. 416 ; \U.S.W. and C. 231 — Jno., gem. (D) 898 — Wrm, gem. (A) 861 — Traw, and six T., Adm. Adv. 423; Ch. Lond. 422; Q. Adv. 422 ; Q.C. 418; Vic. Gen. 422 , B. S.L. Twylden, Jno., gem. (D) 899 Twynham, Walt., Ld. Chanc. Sc. 515 Twysden, see also Twisden — Hy. Dunc., adm. (IH) 849; gen. (ID) 912 Ty—, see also Ti– Tyacke, Hy. Ph., gen. (D).910 Tyddiman, sir Th., adm. (A) 813 *Tydferth, bp. Dumw. 454 *— (or Tilford), bp. Hex. 480 * * same pers. *yers, Wm. Augs., gem. (D) Tyery, Nichs., M.M. 246 Tyes, Theod. le, K.B. 754 Tyldsley, see also Tildeslegh Th., G. I. Man, 666 Tyler, Maj. —, G. Trin. 722 — Ch. and Sir C., adm. (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 — Ch. Ja.s., gem. (ID) 933 — Geo. and sir G., adm. (G) 841; G. St. Vin. 725; K.H. 790 — Jno., b.p. Llff. 449; dm. Her. 442 — Jno., K.H. 791 — Jno., Pres. U.S.A. 102 — Jno. Wrm., C.I.E. 80S Tºgh (or Thymbegh), Wm. de, A.G. Ir. 588 ; C.B. Ex. Ir. 582; C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; L.Treas. Ir. 558 Tyndall, see wilso Tindal — Humphr., dm. Ely, 435 — J. M., M. Chy. 395 → Saml. Wrm., L.M. Dbln. 64 * †wn., Guis. P.A. 343; Lanc. H. 332; R. Dr. P.A. 337 r: *— Wm., K.B. 758 * 2 same pers. Tyne begh, see Tymbegh Tyrawley, lds. — Ch., 1st là., gen. (A) 857 — Jas., 2nd lól., also lil. Kil- maim, F.M. 856; G. Gibr. 669; gen, (A) 858; P.C. 201 Tyrcheanus, or Tyrchan, * or Tridianus, bp. Llff. 448 Tyrconnel, E., Visc, and D. O Talbot Family. — Rd., 1st E., aft, 1st D. of, L.L. Ir. 555; L. Treas. Ir. 559; P.C. 193 I31 ownlow Family. — Jno., 1st visc., R.B. 764 Carpenter l'amily. — Jno. Delaval, 4th E. of G.C.BI. 786 Tyrell, see Tyrrell Tyrone, Geo. de la Poer, 2nd E., aft. 1st M. of Water- ford, q.v., IX.P. 750 Tyrrell and Tyrell — Hy., R.B. 760 — Ja.s., gem. (IB) 864 — Jas., L.l?.S. 240 — Jno., C.C.J. 403 — Jno., S.I. Ir. 590 — Jno. and sir J., Sp. H.C. 248 } — Ralph." Comst. W. Cast. 322 — Rd., adm. (A) 814 — Th. and sir T., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 410 – Wm. bp. Newc, N.S.W 7 * For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1152 INDEX OF NAMES. Tyrrwhitt, see also Tirwhit — Ch., gen. (D) 922 — Th, and sir T., L.W.S. 323 *gºer, Alexr. Fr., Ld. Sess. — Jas., Ly. Dep. 513 — Ja.s. Mc. L. Bann. Fraser, gen. (TD) 901 ; K.C.B. 781 U. Ubylwinus (or bp. Llff. 448 Uchtred, see also Ughtred and Uhtred — bp. Lindisf. 478 ujipur, Mahar. of, G.C.S.I. 801 Udalric, D. Blma. 59 TJ dry, Alexr., C. Exc. Sc. 505 Uffa, K.E. 2 Ufflete, Gill. de, S.L. 407 Tſfford (or Offord), Jno. de, abp. Cant. 430; dri. Linc. 448; Ld. Chanc. 354 — sir Ralph, L.J. Ir. 551 *— Rt. de, K.B. 754 x: Sir Rt., L.H.A. 171 * 2 same pers. and 2 aft. 1st E. of Suffolk — sir Rt. de, L. J. Ir. 550 — Sir Th., K.G. 733 TJgaine-Mor, K. Ir. 21 Ughtred, see also Uchtred and Uhtred Sir Anthy., G., Jsey. 667 Sir Th., L.H.A. 171 Th., 1st là., K.G. 733 * Prob. same pers. Uhtred, see also Uchtred and Ughtred — bp. Llff. 449 Ulderic, D. Thy. 57 TUlecot, Jno. de, J. It. 367 — Ph. de, J. It. 367 Tullock, Hy., dn. Iłoch. 461 TJ1mannus, See Ulstanus Ulric, D. Whg. 80 uţick, D. of Holstein, K.G. 73 — Pr. Mkg. 74 TJ11:ica-Eleanora, Q. SW. 92 10 Istan, or Ulstanus (Or Ulmannus), dn, St. P. 453 Tſlster, Earls of, See also March and Ulster — Jno. de Courcy, E. of, L.D. Ir, (1185) 550 4 — Hugh, E. of, form. (1189) H. de Lacy, q.v. ſº |Unelbicus), × × — Lion., E. Of, K.G. (1361) TJ1 war, Mahar. of, G.C.S 801 TJrmfreville, sir JRt. de, K.G. 735 Umpton, Alexr., IX.B. 760 — Ed., K.B. 761 Underdown, Emm. Mag., .C. 420 Underhill, Jno., bp. Oxf. 456 — Jos., Q.C. 419 Underwood, Rá., dm. Lism. 629 TJnelbicus, see Ubylwinus Uniacke, Rd., gen, (D) 877 Universalis, Gilb., bp. Lond. Unwin, Rt., gen, (D) 912 TJnwona, bp. Dorch. 446; bp. Sidr. 446 Upington, Th., K.C.M.G. 798 Upper-Ossory, Jno., 2nd E. of, L.L. Beds. 306 Upsale, Geoffr. de, J. It. 368 TJpton, Anthy., J.C.P. Ir. 581 — hon. Arth., gell. (ID) 889 — hon. Arth. Percy, gen. (A) — hon. Geo. Fk., aft. 3rd Visc. Templetown, q.v., gen. (D)892 — Jno., C. Cus. 273 utiºn, bp. Bgr. 425; bp. Llff. — I. to VIII., P. R.O. 32, 34-5-6 TJrban, D', see Durban Urbina, J. M., Pres. Ecr. 108 Urbino, FR., D. of, K.G. 736 73 Guido Ubaldo, D. of, K.G. 737 TJrgerieu, bp, St. Dav. 464 Uriarte, H., Pres. Pgy. 110 Uriell, Jas., C.B. Ex. Ir. 582 TJrlin, sir Sim., Rec, Lond. 494; S.L. 411 TJrmston, Ed., gen. (B) 865 uţºuhart, Ed. Ja.s., gem. (B) 866 — Fras. Gr., gen. (D) 901 — Th., b.p. Ross, 535 Urquhart, Ids. —Alexr., ld., from. Alexr. Seton, q.v., aft, 1st E. Dun- fermline, q.v., L.P. Ct. Sess. 516; Lól. Sess. 518 TJrquiza, J. J., Pres. Arg. 110 TJrraca, K. Cle, 85 usºula (iss, Edw. III.), Pr. E. l Urswick or Urswicke, Chr., dın. Winds. 474; dri. Ylk. 487 Regr. Gart. 746 Urswyke, Th., B. Ex. 383; C.B. Ex. 381; Comm. Serjt. Lond. 495; Rec. Ilond. 493 Uscher, Usher and Ussher — Ad., Ulst. R.A, 572 — Chr., Ulst. K.A. 572 — Hy., abp. Arm. 595 — Herb. Tayl., G. Gld. Cst. 686; G. Gld. Cst. Col. 687; G. Labn. 675; G. Tob. 724 — Ja.s., abp. Arm. 596; bp. Carl. 475; bp. Mth. 599 — Jno. Theoph., gen. (D) 922 — Rt., b.p. Kild. 617 — sir Th., adm. (ID) 827; K.C.H. 787 — Th. N., Amb. Hti. 133 Utber (or Uthert), Rt., adm. (A) 813 TJtellus, bp. Her. 441 Utermark, Jno. de Hay., Blf. Gsey. 669 TJ thert, see Utber Uthwayte, Rd., C. St. 283 TJtlagh, see Outlawe TUtlawe, see Outlawe Utterton, Jno. Sutt., b.p. Suff. Guildf. 471 'Uvedall, Wm., K.B. 758 Uxbridge, E. of 1st Creation. — Hy., 1st E. of, form, hon, Hy. Paget and 7th lä. P., and 1st là. Burton, q.v., C.Y.G. 298; P.C. 196 — Hy., 2nd E, of, L.L. Ang. 314 2nd Creation. Tai Hy., 1st E. of, L.L. Staffs, 312 — Hy. Wm., 2nd E. of, aft. 1st M. of Anglesey, q.v., G.C.B. 767; L.L., Ang. 314 — Hy., E. of, aft. 2nd M. of Anglesey, q.v., L.C.H. 295; P.C. 213 W. Vache, Sir Ph, de la, K.G. 734 — Rd. de la, Comst. T.L. 320; Const. W. Cast. 322; K.G. 733 Vaillant, Count, G.C.B. 769 Valaoriti, Spiri, K.C.M.G. 796 Valdez, J. de Dios, G. Trin. 72 1. Vale, Geoff. de la, K.B. 755 Valencey, Ch., gen. (A) 859 Valens, Emp. E.E. 49 Valentia, Geth., . Aym., Lud, de, bp. Winch. 470 Valentia, Visc. Arth., 2nd visc., aft. 1st E. of Anglesey, q.v., W. Treas, Ir. 559 Valentinian I. to III., Emp. W.E., 48–9 Valentimus, P. R.O. 33 Valerianus, Emp. Ro. 48 Valerius, N., C. Ro. 47 Valia, K. Sp. 84 valiant, Th., K.C.B. 777 ; K.H. 79 . 791 — Th. Ja.s., gem. (D) 892 Vallack, Jos., K.H. 790 Valle, A., Pres. S. Salv. 106 — Jno. de, bp. Ardf. and Agh. 63 9 — Steph. de, bp. Lim. 638; bp. Mth. 599; dim. Lim. 639; L. Treas. Ir. 558 valietort, see Mount-Edg- cumbe and V. vallibus, Pet. de, Const, T.L. 320 de vºn; L.H.A. 171 valoimes, Theob. de, J. It, 367 Valois, Hamo de, L.J. J.E. 550 valomiis, Ph. de, L.G.C. Sc. 506 – Wm. de, L.G.C. Sc. 506 Valsamachi, Demetr. and sir. D., G.C.M.G.795; K.C.M.G. 796 — Spir, K.C.M.G. 796 Or Waresius For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 INDEX OF NAMES. 1153 Valverde, J. D., Pres, Dom. Rep. 105 Vamba, K. Sp. 85 Vampage, Jno., A.G. 398 vººrugh, Capt., G. Newfii, — sir Jno., Clar. K.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 327 vºuren, M., Pres. U.S.A. Vance, Jas., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Patr., Ld. Sess. 518 Vandamme, Off. Nap. 26 Vandeleur, Jno. Ormsb. (No. 1), C. Cus. Ir. 565-6; C, Exc. Ir. 566 — Jno. Ormsb. and Sir J. (No. 2), gen. (A) 862; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 774 — Jno. Ormsb. (No. 3), gen. (D) 932 — Th. B., J.K.B. Ir. 579 ; S.L. Ir. 593 – Th. Pak., gen. (C) 872 viºlepert, Geo., adm. (A) Vanderesch, Jacob, C. St. 283 Vane, Fras., K.B. 763 y. (g. son of E. of West- moreland), K.B. (1661) 763 — sir Hy, G.C.B. 768 — sir Hy., Coff. H. 293; Compt. H. 292; L. Admy. 175; L.T. 154 ; Tr. H. 291; S. St. 223 — hon. Hy., aft. 2nd E. of Darlington, q.v., L.T. 157; V Treas. Ir. 560 — Vere, K.B. 763 Vºgoens, Ryck, G. Ceyl. Vanhomrigh, Barth., L.M. Dbln. 640 Vanmildert, Wm., bp. Dham. ; bp. Llff. 449; dry. St. P. Wannes, Pet., dm, Sal. 468 “mºº-ºº-ººm Vanremen, Don. Campb., gen. (ID) 916 Vansittart, Ed, Westby, adm. (HI) 850 — Geo. Hy., gen. (A) 861 — Hy., adm. (A) 820 — Hy., G.G. Ind. 648 — Nich, aft. 1st lá, Bexley, C.D.L. 243; Ch. Ex. 165; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; C. Treas. Ir. 561; L.T. 159; P.C. 207; Sec. Tr. 163 Wantort, J., dn. Bgr. 426 Warela, P., Pres. Ugy. 111 Vargas, Pres. Vzla. 107 Varro, C. T., C. Ro. 43 Varus, C. C., C. Ro. 46 Wasconcelos, Pres. S. Saly. 106 Washion, Jas., adm. (A) 817 Vassall, Rawd. Jno. P., gen. (ID) 900 — sir Sp. L. H., K.H. 792 Vatia, P. S., C. Ro. 45 Vaticanus, P. S. C., C. Ro, 38; Dec. Ro. 38 T. R. R., C. Ro. 38; Dec. Ro. 38 Watinius, P., C. Ro. 46 Vaugham, -, M. Chy. 395 — Ch. Jno., dm. Llff. 450 Vaughan—comt. - — Ch. Rd. and sir C., Amb. Spn. 124; Amb. Swz. 113; Amb. Tºy. 129; Amb. U.S.A. 132; G.C.H. 787; P.C. 210 — Ed., bp. St. Dav. 464 — Ed., L. Admy. 175 — Gwynn, C. Cus. 275-6 — Harl., S.L. 412 — sir Hugh, G. Jsey. 667 — JaS., dn. Ach. 614 — Jno., adm. (A) 815 — Jno., K.B. 763 — Jno., L.L. Carm. 315 — Jno. and Sir J. (No. 1), C.J.C.P. 375; S.L. 410 — Jno. and Sir J. (No. 2), B. Ex. 385; J.C.P. 380; Jud. P.C. 360; P.C. 212 ; S.L. 412 — hon. Jno., gem. (B) 866 ; K.B. 765 — Jno. Luth. and sir J., gen. (D) 909; K.C.B. 782 — Pet, dm. Chest. 477 — Rd., bp. Bgr. 426; bp. Chest. 477; bp. Lond. 452 — Rd., K.B. 763 — Steph., M.M. 246 — Th., K.B. 757 — hon. Wrm., aft. visc. and E. Of Lisburne, q.v., L.L Card. 315; L.L. Mer. 314 Vaughan, lds. — Rd., 1st là. (also 2nd E. of Carbery, q.v.), P.C. 190 — Jno., ld., aft. 3rd E. of Carbery, q.v., G. Jam. 712; L. Admy. 176 Waus, Geo., bp. Gall, 538 — Th. de, Sec. St. Sc. 501 Vaux, Jno, de, J. It. 368 — Lawr., Wan. Chr. Manch, 481 — Oliver de, J. It. 368 — Rt. de, J. It. 366 — T., G. Jsey. 667 Vaux of Harroden, lds. — Th., 2nd lù., K.B. 760 Vavasour, Hy. le, K.B. 754 Tsº." Hy. Magh. M., gen. (B) 6 — Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 — Wm., J. It. 366 — Wm. le, J. It. 369 Veele, Walt. de, bp. Kild. 616 Veintimilla, Ig. de, Pres. ECr. IO8 Veitch, Hy., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Ja.s., Ld. Sess. 520 — Jas. Rd., adm. (H) 852 Veja, M., G.C.M.G. I.C.M.G. 796 Velasco, Pres. Bol. 109 Weldon, Jno., Rec. Dbln. 642 Welson, Wm., Ld. Chanc. 352; See Welson vºheim, Aug. War., gen. (C) 7 3 Venables, Add. Rt. P., bp. Nass. 717 Geo. St., Q.C. 418 — Wnn., L.M. Lond. 492 Wenham, Gilb. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir, 575 Venno, L. P., C. Ro. 41 Venour, Wm., L.M. 8 489 Ventagiri, Raja of, K.C.I.E. 805 Ventidius, P., C. Ro. 46 Ventris, Peyt. and sir P., J.C.P. 379; S.L. 411 Ch. 794; Lond. i ; | | vº, E. S. de L., G. Trin. 721 vºphila, Jas., G. Leew. Isl. 727 Verdan, see Verdun Verdoen, sir Pet., L.M. Dbln. 1 64 Verdon, Geo. FC., K.C.M.G. 796 Verdun, Bertr. de, J. It. 366; Jy. 363 — Jno. de, J. It. 368 — (or Verdam), Sir Theob. de, L.L. Ir. 551 — Walt. de, Const. T.L. 320; J. It. 367 Vere, Alberic de, Ch. Jr. 362; 368 y. — Ch. Br. and Sir C., gen. (C) 875; K.C.B. 775 — Rt. de (bro. to 12th E. of Oxford), K.B. 756 — Th. de, aft. 8th E. of Ox- ford, q.v., K.B. 754 Wm. de, bp. Her. 441; J. It. 366; Jy. 364 — Wm. de, Ld. Chanc. 353 Were of Tilbury, lds. — Horatio, 1st lol., M.G.O. 258 Were of Hamworth, lots. — Vere, 1st là., form. 16. V. Beauclerk, q.v., L.L. Berks. 300 Vereker, Ch., C. Treas. Ir. 561 — hon. Jno. Preſid., L.M. Dbln. 642 Verelst, Hy., Adm. Ind. 648 Weremundo I. to III., K. Sp. 85 Vergu, bp. St. Dav. 464 Verner, Geo., gen. (D) 916 — sir Wm., K.C.H. 789 Werney, Geo., see lá. Wil- loughby de Broke — Grew., K.B. 763 — Sir H., P.C. 220 — Jno., dil. Lich. 445 — Jno., R.B. 758 — hon. Jno., C.J. Chest. 386; IX.C. 415; M.R. 388 ; P.C. 198 — Ralph, see Earl V., infra. Werney, E. — Rauf., L.M. Lond. 490 — Ralph, 1st E., form. visc. Fermanagh, q.v., P.C. 201 Vernon, Ch., gem. (A) 858; Lt. T. L. 322 Ed., adm. (A) 814 | — Fras., aft. 1st E. of Ship- brooke, q.v. — Sir Ed... adm. (A) 815 — hon. Ed. Verron-, aft. Vernon Harcourt, see Har- COUllºt, — Geo., IX.B. 760 — Geo. and Sir G., B. Fºx. 384; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409 — Hy., C. Exc. 280 —— Hy., IX.]3. 758 — sir Hy., C. Exc. 277 — Hy. Ch. Ed., gem. (ID) 879 — Jas., L.P.S. 240; P.C. 194;. S. St. 224; Tell. Ex. 167 |U.S.S. 225 — Jas, Jr., C. Exc. 279-80 — Rd., Sp. H.C. 248 — Sir Rd., Coff. H. 293 — Th., B.T. 264 — Th., Tell. Ex. 168 — Wnn. de, J. Lt. 367 Vernon-Harcourt, see Har- court For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 1154 INDEX OF NAMES. Verrucosus, Q. F. M. (5), C. Ro. 43; Dt. Ro. 43 Verschoyle, Ham., bp. Kilm. E. and A. 609; dim. Ferms, 623 — Ja.s., b.p. Killa. and Ach. 613; dim. St. Pat. 618 vºluys, Steph., G. Ceyl. Verulam, lds, and E. of — Fras., ld., form. Fras. Bacon, q.v., aft. visc. St. Al- bans, q.v. — Jas. Walt., 1st E. of, L.L. Herts. 309 — Jas. Walt., 2nd E. of, L.L. Herts. 309 Verus, L., Emp. Ro. 47 Vesci, Wm. de, L.J. Ir. 550 Vesci, visc. de — Jno., 2nd visc. de, L.L. Q. Co. 571 — Jno. Rt. Wm., 4th visc, de, L.L. Q. Co. 571 Vesey, Geo. Hy, gem. (D) 913 — Jno., abp. Trn. 611; bp. Limk., A. and A. 639; din. Crk. 632; L.J. Ir. 556 Jmo., see Voysey — Jno. Agm., gem. (C) 873 — Sir Th., bp. Killoe. 634; bp. Oss. 620 — Wrm. de, J. It, 368 Vesey-Fitzgerald, see Fitz- gerald Vespasian, Emp. Ito. 47 Westurme, Louis Hutton, adm. (H) 853 Vetch, Ham., gem. (D) 897 — Saml., G. N. Sc. 694 Veteriponte, Rt. de, J. It. 366-7 Vetus, C. A., C. Ro. 47 Veulle, Jno. de, Blf. Jsey. 668 Weym, Rd. de, J. It. 367 Veysey, see Voysey viºls, Geo. Court., gen. (ID) vibal, Dt. Pgy. 110 Vibulanus, K. F. (3), C. Ro, 37-8 — M. F. (2), C. Ro. 37-8; C. RO, 39 N. F., C. Ro. 39 — Q. F. (7), C. Ro. 37-8-9; Dec. Ro. 38 Vicars, Ed., gem. (C) 874 — Ed., gen. (D) 889 Vicedominus, P. Ro. 35 Victor, Off. Nap. 26 — I, to III., P. Ro. 32-4 —-Amadeus, K. Scy. 56 — - Amadeus I. and II., D. Svy. 55 — -Amadeus I. and II., IC. Sda, 55 — -Emmanuel I. and II., K. Sda. 55 — -Emmanuel II. (R. It.); K.G. 744 — -Ferd., &c., Pr. Of Hohen- lohe - Langenbourg (Ct. Gleichen), adm. (HI) 851; Const, W. Cast. 322; G.C.B., 773; K.C.B. 783 — Jas. C., gem. (ID) 889 Victoria, Q.E. 6; Pr. E. 15 — -Adel.-Mary-Louisa (dau. % Vict.), Pr. E. 15; Cr. Ind. 8 — -Alb.-Eliz.-Mat.-Mary (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 — -Alex.-Olga-Mary (g, dau, Q, Vict.) Pr. E. 15 Victoria—cont. — -Alix-Helen-Louise-Beatr. (g, dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 — -Eliz.-Aug.-Charl. (g. dau, Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 15 — -Eug.-Julia-Eva (g. dau, Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 — -Louise-Sophia-Aug.-Am,- Hel, (g. dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 1 —-Mel. (g, dau. Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 — -Patr.-Hel.-Eliz. (g. dau, Q. Vict.), Pr. E. 16 — G., Pres. Mex. 103 Vidal, Alexr. Th. Em., adm, (ID) 830 — F. A., Pres. Ugy. 111 — Owen Em., b.p. Si. Le, 686 Vidone, Walt. de, Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 viº sir Hy. de, Chanc. Gart. 746 Vigilius, P. Ro. 33 Vignoles, Ch., dm. Oss. 623 Vigors, Barth., bp. Ferms and L. 622; dm. Arm. 597; dm. Llim. 623 — Hor. Nels., gem. (ID) 893 Villahermosa, D. of, R. Nds. 83 Villenlore, Barth., Compt. SC. 498 villettes, Arth., Amb. Swz. 113 — Wm. Anne, G. Jam. 713; gen. (IB) 866 Williers, hom. Ch. Polh., J.A.G. 937; P.C. 216; Pres. P.I.R. 262 — Sir Ed., M.M. 246 — Fras., Tell. Ex. 168 —— sir Geo., see la. V., infra, — hon. Geo. W. F. and Sir G., aft. 4th E. of Clarendon, q.v., Amb. Spm. 124; C. Cus. 277; G.C.B. 772 — hon. Hy. M., bp. Dham. 479; bp. Carl. 476 — sir Hy., M.M. 246 — hon. Jimo. Chaºs., Amb. Pgl. 124; B.T. 268; Compt. H. 293; P.C. 204 —ºir Jno. Hy. de, K.C.M.G. 7 — hom. Th., L. Admy. 178 — Th. Hyde, Sec. B.C. 254 Williers, lds. and visc. — Sir Geo., aft. 1st visc. V. and E. M. and D. of Buck- ºgham, q.v., K.G. 739; M.H. 2 — Ed., 1st là. and visc., aft. 1st E. of Jersey, q.v., L.J. Ir, 555 Geo. B., Wisc., aft. 4th E. of Jersey, q.v., L.H.A. 179; P.C. 201; W.C.H. 297 viºla, Jno. de, bp. B. & W. 7 Vincent, see also St. Vincent — Amdr. Atk., adm. (IHI) 847; K.H. 789 — Aug., R. Cr. P.A. 335; R. Rge. P.A. 344; Winds. H. 331 — Edg., K.C.M.G. 799 — sir Fras., Amb. Vce, 116 — Sir Fras., U.S.F. 229 — Jas. V., dn. Bgr. 427 — Jno., gem. (A) 862 — Jno. Paint., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Nichs., adm. (A) 815 Vincent—cont. —isions. Ch. Car., K.C.B. 7 — Wm., dr. Westr. 469 — Wnn., gen. (D) 881 Vine, Wm., gen. (D) 914 Viney, sir Jas., gen. (C) 875; R.C.H. 788 Vinicombe, Geo. Ell., gem. (C) 875 Vinucius, L., C. Ro. 47 Violens, L. V. F. (2), C. Ro. 1 4 g Vipont, Th., bp. Carl. 475 viſcellinus, S. C. (3), C, Ro. 3 Visen, Hy., D. of, K.G. 735 Wisme, Louis de, Amb. G. St. 121 ; Amb. Sw. 126 Visolus, C. P. L., C. Ro. 40-1 — Q. P. L., Dec. Ro. 38 Vitalianus, P. Ro. 33 Vitellius, Emp. Ro. 47 Vitericus, K. Sp. 85 Vitiges, K. It. 49 Vitiza, K. Sp. 85 Vitulus, L. M., C. Ro. 42 Q. M., & ſó... 12 Vivian, Ch., C. St. 283 — Ch. Cresp., see la. V., infra — sir Hussey, see Hussey — Huss. Cresp., see ld, V., infra, — hon. Jno. C. W., L.T. 161, 162; U.S. War. 233 — Rd. Huss, and sir R., See ld. V., infra, — sir Rt., gen, (D) 887 — Rt. Jno. Huss, and Sir R., gen. (D) 888; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778; M.C.I. 646 Vivian, lds. * — Rd. Huss., aft. 1st lá. V., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (IB) 869; G.C.B. 768; G.C.H. 786; R.C.B. 774; K.C.H. 787; M.G.O. 259; P.C. 213 Ch. Cr., 2nd ld., L.L. Cunwall. 307 — hom. Huss. Cresp., aft. 3rd ld. V., Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Eg. 130; Amb. Rºma. 128; Annb. Swz. 114; R.C.M.G. 798 Mahar. Vizianagram, R.C.I.E. 805 — Zem. Of, K.C.S.I. 802 viºlimir I. and II., R. RuSS. 9 of, Vodimus, abp. Lond. 450 Voeux, Geo. Wm. Des, and sir G., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Fiji, 711; G. H. Kong, 673; G. Newfa. 700; G, St. Luc. 725; G. Trin. 722; G. W. Pacif. 711; K.C.M.G. 798 Vogel, Jul., K.C.M.G. 797 Vogorides, N. S., H. Mva. 94 Volcan, Jno., b.p. Drom. 604; bp. Oss. 620 Volkonsky, Pr., G.C.B. 767 Volusianus, Emp. Ro. 47 Volusus, C. V. P., C. Ro. 39 — M. V., C. Ro. 37 Vosey, see Voysey Woyle, Geo. El., gem. (D) 911 — Fras. Ed., gem. (D) 910 Voysey, Vosey, or Veysey, Jno. (iiids Harmam), bp. Exr. 436-7; dim. Exr,437; dri. Winds. 474; Regr. Gart. 746 viºlanat, Ger. J., G. Ceyl. 67 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1155 vºy; Johann Eliza de, C.I.E. Vulso, A. M., C. Ro. 38, 44; fee. Rö. 38 — C. M., C. Ro. 43 — L. M. (2), C. Ro. 42 Vuyst, Petr., G. Ceyl. 672 Vyner, Th., dn. Glr. 440 —- Rt. and sir R., M.M. 247; L.M. Lond, 491 — Th. and sir T., L.M. Lond. 491; M.M. 247 Vyse, Ed. How., gen. (D) 921 — Rd., gen. (A) 860 d., W. H. Howard, gem. ‘D) 882 W. *W***, dn. Flmly. 628 *W***, dm. Iim. 639 * Prob. same pers. Waad, sir Wm., Lt. T.L. 321 Wace, Wm.. bp. Wford. 626; dm. Wíord. 628 Waddell, Jno., Ld. Sess. 518 Waddilove, Ch. Lod., adm. (E) 836 — Rt. D., dm. Rip. 482 wagainston, Ch., gen. (ID) — Ed., b.p. Chich. 433 — Evelyn, gen. (D) 915 — Geo., dm. Dham. 479 — Hy. Ferr., gen. (ID) 916 Hor., P. C.,217; U.S. Home, Waddy, Rd., gen. (D) 903; IN.C.B. 780 — Saml. D., Q.C. 419 Wade, Geo., C. Ch. 855; F.M. 856; L.G.O. 259; P.C. 198 — Th. Fras. and sir T., Amb. Ch., ; G. C.G.H. 679; K.C.B. 783 Wadenhall, Ad. de, dm. St. Pat. 617 wageson, Rd., L.G. Ch. Hosp. Wadham, Jno., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 407 Waferton (or Waverton), Th. de, dn. Oss. 622 Wafyr, Hy., K.B. 757 Wagenaar, Zach., G. C.G.H. 678 Wager, sir Ch., adm. (A) 813; Compt. N. 257; L. Admy. 177-8; P.C. 198; Tr. N. 256 Wagonnai, Nichs., bp, Mayo, 612 Wahab, Ch., gen. (D) 893 — Geo., gem. (D) 876 — Geo. L., gem. (D) 878 — Jas., gen. (ID) 880 Wainfleet, see Waynflete Wainwright, Jno., B. EX. Ir, 584 Wainwright—comt. — Jas. Fras. Ball., adm. (E) 835 wººthman, Rt., L.M. Lond. 49 Walkbruge, –, S.L. 407 Wake, Ch., adm. (E) 836; (P) 839 — Th., Const. T.L. 320 — Wrm., abp. Cantº. 431; bp. Linc. 447; dm. Exr. 437; P.C. 196 . wºkebrug, Wm. de, J. It. •369 Wakefield, Dl., K.C. 416 — Hy., b.p. Worc. 472; L.H.T. 153 Wakeman, Jno., bp. Glr. 438 Wakering, Jno. de, bp. Norw. 455; C.D.L. 242; L.K. 355; M. Chy. 394; M.R. 387 Walcot, Walcott, and Wall- cott — Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 — Jno. Ed, adm. (GF) 841 — Steph., K.C.M.G. 797 — Th. and sir T., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 Waldby, Rt., abp. Dblin. and Gl. 616; abp. Yk. 485; bp. Chich. 433; bp, S, and M. 483; Lól. Chanc. Ir. 575 Waldegrave, see also Wal- grave — sir Rd., Sp. H.C. 248 — hon. Saml., bp. Carl. 476 — hon. Wm., aft. 1st là. Itad- stock, q.v., adm. (A) 816; G. Newfol. 700 Waldegrave, lds. and E. — Hy., 1st ld., Compt. H. 292 Jas., 2nd lói, and 1st E., P.C. 198; K.G. 741 — Jas., 2nd E., K.G. 742; L.W.S. 323; P.C. 199; Tell. Ex. 168 — Jno., 3rd E., gen. (A) 858; L.L. ESX. 308 — Geo., 4th E., form. Visc. Chewton, q.v. — Wrm., 8th E., adm. (IH) 844 Waldemar, K. Sw, 92 — M. Brg. 65 — Gouth. Flz., P.L. Ltd. 73 — (g, son. Q. Victoria), Pr. E. 15 — I. to III., IX. Dk. 93 Walden, Rog., abp. Cant. 430; bp. Lond. 451; dim. Yk. 486; L.H.T. 153 Walden, lds., see Howard de Walden Waldern (or Waldren), Wm., L.M. Lond. 489-90 Waldherus, bp. Lond, 450 Waldhull, Sim. de, J. It, 366 Waldimir, see Vladimir Waldric, Ld. Chanc. 353 Wale, Ch. and sir C., G. Mart. 719 ; gem. (A) 862; IS.C.B. 774 — Jas., b.p. IXild. 617 — sir Th., K.G. 733 Waledene, Humph. de, B. EX. 383 Waleis, see Waleys Waleran, Walerand, Wallerall — C. Lux. 84 — D. Line. 29 — bp. Roch. 459 — Jno., Comst. T.L. 320 — Itt., Jy. 364; W.C.P. 317 and Wales, Princes and Prin- cesses of. Search also under their Christian names. — Edw. Pr. of, aft. Edw. I., q.v., W.C.P. 318 — Edw., Pr. of (Blk. Pr.), F.G. 733 — Rd., Pr. of, aft. Rd. II., q.v., K.G. 734 — Hy., Pr. of, aft. Hy. V., q.v., K.G. 734; W.C.P. 318 — Ed., Pr. of (son of Hy. VI.), see Pr. Ed. — Ed., Pr. of, aft. Ed. V., q.v., K.B. 757; K.G. 736; S.L. Ir. 553 — Arth., Pr. of, 1st Son of Hy. VII., K.B. 758; K.G.737 — Hy. Fk., Pr. of, son of Jas. I., IK.G. 739 — Ch., Pr. of, aft. Ch. II., q.v., K.G. 740 — Fk., Pr. of, son of Geo. II., See also Pr. Fredk., P.C. 197 — Geo. Augs., Pr. Of, aft. Geo. IV., q.v., K.G. 742; P.C. 204 — Alb. Ed., Pr. of (son of Q. Vict.), adm. (B) 821; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 770; G.C.I.E. 805; G.C.M.G. 795; G.C.S.I. 800; gem. (ID) 883; K.C.S.I. 802; K.G. 744; K.P. 751; K.T. 749; P.C. 217 — Pr. Albert Vict. of, aft. D. of Clarence, K.G. 745; K.P. 752. See also Pr. Alb. Vict. Pr. Geo. FK. Erm. Alb. Of, IS.G. 745 — Alexandra, Prss. of, Cr. Ind. 809 — Prss. Alex. Olga, &c. of, Cr. Ind. 840 — Prss. Louise, &c. of, aft. Dss. Of Fife, Cr. Ind. 810 Waleys, Walleys, Waleis — Dav. le, dm. Wíord. 628 — Hy., L.M. Lond. 489 — Rd. de, bp. Emly, 625 — Wm. de, J. It. 367 Walgrave, see also Walde- grave — Sir Ed., C.D.L. 242 — Wm., K.B. 759 Walkeline (or Walkim), bp. Winch. 470 Walker, Baldw. Wake and Sir W., adm. (D) S32; (E) 834; Compt. N. 258; K.C.B. 777 ; Sr. N. 257 — Chamberl. Wm., gen. (D) 915 — Ch. A., gem. (D) 878 — Ch. Fras., adm. (IH) 853 — Ch. Pynd. Beauch., gen. (D) 905; K.C.B. 781 — Dav., gem. (C) 874 — Ed., gem. (D) 877 ; 790 — Ed., Sec. at W., 233 — Ed. and sir E., Bl. L. P.A. 341; Chest. H. 331; Gart. IX.A. 327; Norr. R.A. 329; R. Cr, P.A. 335 — Ed. Noel, IX.C.M.G. 799 — Ed. Walk. Ell., gem. (D) 921 - — Ed. Walt. Forr., gen. (ID) 894; K.C.B. 780 — Ellis, gem. (A) 860 — Fitzwim., gen. (D) 907 — Foster, gen. (D) 881 and K.H. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1156 INDEX OF NAMES. Walker—comt. — Fk., gen. (A) 863 — sir Fk., R.C.H. 789 — Fk. Wm. Ed. For., gen. (ID) 934 — Geo. Andr., gen. (ID) 932 — Geo. Full., gen, (ID) 928 — Geo. Towns. and sir G., C.C. Mdras. 657; G.C.B. 767; G. Gren. 724; gen. (A) 862; ºb. 774; L.G. Ch. Hosp. — Geo. Warr., gen, (D) 906 — sir Hov., adm. (A) 813 — Jas., adm. (A) 820 — Jas., bp. Edinb. 543; Pr. Bp. Sc. 540 — Jas., C.I.E. 808 — Jas. and Sir J., G. Bah. Isl. 716; G. Bdoes. &c. 719, # G. Trin. 722; K.C.M.G. 7 — Jas. Th., gem. (I)) 920 — Jno., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Jno., Q.C. 417 — Jno. Geddes, gen. (IO)900 — Jos., gen. (A) 862 — Jos., gem. (D) 889 — Lesl., K.H. 790 — Mark, gen. (D) 919 — Rog., dm. Chest. 477 — Saml., A.G. Ir. 589 ; S.G. II. 590 Th., C. Cus. 274-5 Th., S.L.R. 271 * Prob. same pers. — Th., M. Chy. and Acct. G. 397 ; S.L. 412 — Walt., J. Adm. Ct. 423; J Pr. Ct. 421 — W., G. Br. Gu. 715 — Wrm., C.C.J. 403 — Wrm., gen. (ID) 916 — Wrm., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Wnn., Rec. D'blin. 642 — Wrm. Stu., K.C.B. 784 Walkin, see Walkeline Walkingham, Al. de, A.G. 398; J. ſt. 368 Walkington, Ed., b.p. Down and Crir. 604 —— Th., dm. Exr. 437 Wall, Geo., S.L. 408 — Jno., dm. Drom. 606 — Pet., bp. Clonm. 600 — Th. and sir T., Bl.M. P.A. :: 336; Berw, P.A. 341; Cal. P.A. 342 ; Gart. K.A. 327; Lanc. H. 332; Norr. K.A. 329; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Winds. H. 331 Wallace, Ad., Compt. Sc. 498 — Ch. Ja.s. St., gem. (D) 914 — Don. Mart., lx.C.I.E.805 — Hill, gem. (D) 920 — Jas., A.G. 399; K.C. 415; S.G. 402 — Jas., Mod. K. Sc. 547 sir Jas., adm. (A) 816; G. Newfol. 700 sir Jas. MaxW., gen. (D) 883; K.H. 789 — sir Jno. Alexr., gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776 — Jno. Dunc. Campb., gen. (D) 915 — Lewis Bail., gen. (A) 862 — M., G. N. Sc. 695 — Pet. M., gen. (D) 886 — Sir Rd., IK.C.B. 783 — Rt., bp. Isl. 540 — Rt., K.C.S.I. 802 — Rowl. Rt., gen. (D) 935 Wallace—cont. — Th, see la. W., infra — Sir Th., Ld. Sess. 519 Wallace, lds. — Th., aft. 1st là., B.C. 252-3; L. Admy. 180; M.M. 247; P.C. 207; V.P.B.T. 269 Wallcott, see Walcot Wallensis, Th., bp. St. Dav. 464 Waller, Edm., Coff. H. 293 — Fk., Q.C. 419 — Geo., Hy., gen. (D) 929 — Hardress Edm., gen. (ID) 930 — Ja.s. Wall, S., K.H. 790 — sir Jonn. Wathem, G.C.H. 786; K.C.H. 787; K.H. 789 — Rt., C. Cus. Ir. 565; C. EXC. Ir. 5 . 566 — sir Steph., G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Th., S.L. 410 . — Th. W., Amb. Bgm. 123 — Wm., C. St., 283-4 — Wm., gen. (IB) 867 Walleran, see Waleran ..] Walleys, see Waleys Wallia, K. Sp. 84 Wallifly, Geffr., G. Gsey. 668 Wallinger, Arm., S.L. 413 Wallingford, Wm., 1st visc., form, ld. Knollys, q.v., aft. E. of Banbury, q.v. Wallington, Ch. Arth. G., gen. (D) 886 Wallis, Geo., Ulst. K.A. 572 — Hugo, bp. Linc. 446 — Ja.s., U.S.S. 226 — Prov. Wm. P. and sir P., adm. (B) 821 ; (C) 822; (ID) 829; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 — Th., dra. Wíord. 628 — Th., dm. Dry. 602 Wallop, sir Hy., L.J. Ir. 554; V. Trea,S. Ir. 559 — Jno., aft. 1st visc. Lyming- ton and E. of Portsmouth, q.v., L.T. 156 — Sir Jno., K.G. 738 — Rd., Curs. B. Ex. 386 Wallore, see Wollore Walmesley, Th, and sir T., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 Walmisley, Wm., dm. Lich. 445 Walmodern, Count, gen. (B) 867; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 Walmsley, see Walmesley Walpole, Edw, and sir E., Cl. Pells. 168; K.B. 765 — Ed., K.B. 763 — Galfr., Postm. G. 238 — hon. Geo., U.S.F. 229 — Hor., see lá. W., infra. — Hor. Ed., gen. (ID) 912 — Jno., gen. (ID) 898 — Jno., S.L. 408 — hon. Jno., Amb. Chi. 137 — Ralph de, bp. Ely, 434; bp. NOrw. 454 — Rt., see lö. W., infra, — Rt. and Sir Rt., gen. (D) 897; K.C.B. 778 — hon, Rt., Amb. Pgl. 124 — Rt. and sir R., aft. 1st E. of Orford, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; R.B. 764; K.G. 741; L. Admy. 177; L.T. 156 ; P.C. 196 ; Paym. G. 244; Prem. 141-2; Sec. at W. 233; Tr. N. 256 — Spenc., G. I. Man, 666 — Spenc. Hor., H. Sec. 227; P.C. 215; Q.C. 417 Walpole—cont. — hon. Th., Amb. G. St. 121 — Wrm., adm. (ID) 829; (G) 840 Walpole of Walpole, lds. — Rt., 1st id., aft. 2nd E. of Orford, q.v., Aud. Ex. 167; Cl. Pells. 168; K.B. 764 Walpole of Wolterton, lds. — Horatio, aft. 1st li. W., Coff. H. 293; P.C. 198; Tell. Ex. 168; U.S.S. 225 — Horatio, ld., aft. 1st E. of Orford (2nd Creation), q.v., Amb. Russ. 125; B.C. 253; L. Admy. 181 Walram. Pr. Nass. 75 Walrand, Rt., bp. Ferns, 621 Walrond, Wm. H., L.T. 162 Walsh and Walshe — Abel, dm. Trm. 613 — Anthy., gem. (B) 869 — hon. Arth., aft. 2nd lå. Ormathwaite, g. v., L.L. Radn. 316 — Dav., Mod. K. Sc. 547 — Fk. Wnn., J. Bank. Ir, 587 — Geo., gem. (G) 871 — Hunt, gen. (A) 858 — Jno., dm. Crk. 632 — (or Welsh), Jno., J.C.P. 378; L. 408 — Jno., dm. Cnr. 605 — sir Jmo., aft. 1st là. Orma- thwaite, q.v., L.L. Radn. 316 — Jno. Ed., A.G. Ir. 588; M.R. II. 585 — Nichs., bp. Oss. 620 — Sir Nichs., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Patr., bp. Wíord. and L. 627; dim. Wíord. 628 — Ralph, or Raphael, dn. Dronn. 606 — Sandy St., gen. (D) 897 — Th., B. Ex. 383 . — Walt., dri. Kild. 619 — Wrm., b.p. Mth. 599 — Wrm., dn. Lism. 628 — Wm. Pak., bp. Oss., F. and L. 622; din. Cash. 627 Walsham, sir Jno., Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Ch. and Cor. 131 Walshe, see Walsh Walshum, Rt. de, dm. St. AS. 463 Walsingham, sir Ed., Lt. T.L. 321 — sir Fras., C.D.L. 242; Chanc. Gart. 745; L.K. 356; S. St. 223 — Rd. de, J. It. 369 Walsingham, lds. — Wm., 1st là., form. Sir W. de Grey q.v. — Th., 2nd lå., B.C. 252; B.T. 267; P.C. 204; Postm, G. 238; W. Trea.S. Ir. 560 — Geo., 3rd ló., gen. (B) 868 Walstodus (or Wastoldus), bp. Her. 441 Walter, see also Gualterius :k bp. Dkld. 533 x bp. Gall. 538 :k. bp. Glasg. 536 *— bp. Her. 441 × * bp. Roch. 459 *— bp. St. Andr. 528 *— (3), bp. Wſord. 626 xk (Prior of Blantyre), Compt. Sc. 498 >k (abp. Rouen), Const. W. Ca,St. 322 - Fon' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952 INDEX OF NAMES. 1157 Walter—cont. *— din. Chich. 433 *— L.J. Gen. 522 *— Ld. Chanc. Sc. 514 * Prob. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — Dav., L.G.O. 259 . — sir Ed., K.C.B. 784 — Hub., abp. Cant. 430; bp. Sal. 466; Ch. Jr. 362; dri. Yk. 486; Jy. 363; Ld. Chanc. 353 — Jno. and Sir J., C.B. Ex. 381; S.L. 409 — Jno. McN., gen. (D) 905 — Theob., J. It. 366 Waltham, Jno., bp. Oss. 620 — Jno. de, bp. Sal. 467; #T. 153; L.K. 354; M.R. — Rog., B. Ex. 383 — Wrm., M. Chy. 394 Walton, see also Wauton — Bend., C.I.E. 806 —Br., bp. Chest, 477 — Brud., gem. (D) 932 Fk. Th. Granv., C.I.E. 808 — sir Geo., adm. (A) 813 — Jac., adm. (ID) 824 — Jno., G. I. Man, 665 Tai' mo., abp. Dbln. and Gl. — Saml., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Simm. de, see Wauton — Wrm., K.C. 416 — Wrm. T., gem. (ID) 883 Walwaine, Wm., L.H.T. 153 Walworth, Wm. de and Sir W., L.M. Lond. 489 Warmba, K. Sp. 885 Wandesford, Chr., L.J. Ir. #; L.K. Ir. 576; M.R. Ir. — Michl., dm. Dry. 602; dri. Lim. 639 "Wangford, Wm., S.L. 407 Wangrave, Jno. de, Rec. Lond. 493 Wanley, Fras., dn, Rip. 482 Wantage, Rt. Jas., 1st là., form. R. J. Lloyd-Lindsay, q.v., L.L. Berks. 306 "Waple, Jno., M. Chy, and Acct. G. 396 Warburton, Ch. Mong., bp. Cloy. 631 ; b.p. Lim., A. and A. 639; dim. Ard. 609; dm. Clonm. 600 — Geo., dm. Glr. 440; dry. Wells, 429 — Hugh, gem. (A) 858 — Jno., Som. H. 332 — Pet. (No. 1), J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — Pet. (No. 2), J.C.P. 379; J. Chest. 386; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 — Wrm., bp. Glr. 438; dn. Erl. 440 — Wnn., dm. Elph. 609 Warcup, Leon., Berw. P.A. s 341; Bl. M. P.A. 336; Carl. H. 339 Ward, see also Warde lt.-Col. —, G. Trin. 722 — hom. Bern. Matth., gem. (D) 927 — sir Ed., A.G. 399; C.B. EX. 382; C.G.S. 357; S.L. 411 — Ed, Michl., Amb. Sxy. 120; Amb. P&l. 125; Amb. Russ. 125 — Jos., gen. (IB) 866 t., R.H. 792 ...sm-mm- Ward—cont. Ed. Wolst., gem. (D) 916; K.C.M.G. 797 — Geo., gen. (ID) 913 — Hy. Const. Ev., C.I.E. 808 — Hy. Geo. and Sir H., Com. Io. Isl. 129; G.C.M.G. 795; G. Ceyl. 673; G. Mdras. 657; Sec. Adm. 186 — Ja.s., dn. Cloy. 633 — Jas. Ham., adm. (H) 848 — Jno., Amb. H. Tris. 120 — Jno., Bl. M. P.A. 336 — Jno., J. Chest. 387; Q.C. 415 — Jno., L. M. Dbln. 640 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Jno. Giff., dn. Linc. 448 — Jno. Ross, adm. (HI) 851 — Knox, Clar. K.A. 328 — Michl., bp. Dry. 601; bp. Oss. 620; dim. Lism. 629 — Michl., J.K.B. Ir. 579 — Sir Patience, C. Cus. 274; L.M. Lond. 491 — Rt., Clk. O. 260; L. Admy. 181; U.S.F. 229 — Rowl., S.L. 409 — Seth., b.p. Ex1:. 437; Chanc. Gart. 746; bp. Sal. 467; dn. Exr. 437 — Th., dn. Cmr. 605 — Th. Le Hunt, adm. (E) 837 — Wrm., adm. (D) 840; (G) 827 — Wrm., byp. S. & M. 484 — Wm. Cuthb., gen. (ID) 892 — Wnn. Jno., gem. (ID) 915 — hom. Wrm. Jno., adm. (E) 837 Warde, see also Ward — Ch., adm. (PI) 845; K.H. 791 -— Ed. Ch. and sir E., gen. (D) 901; IS.C.B. 780 — Fras. amd Sir F., gem. (ID) 894; K.C. B. 780 — Geo., Comm. F. Ir. 564; gen. (A) 858 — Geo., gen. (A) 861 — Hy. and sir H., G. Bdoes. 720; G. Mtius. 683; gen. (A) 861; G.C.B. 76S; K.C.B. 773 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 — Matth., dim. Kilmacd. 637 — Wnn., B. Ex. 383 Wardell, Wm. Hy., gem. (D) 931 Warden, Fras. F., gem. (D) 917 — Fk., adm. (D) 833 — Rt., gem. (ID) 906 — Th. Sm., gem. (D) 918 Warder, Geo. Lodw., gem. (D) 9 92 Wardlaw, Hy., b.p. St. Andr. 529 Jno., gem. (IB) 869 — Rt., gem. (ID) 903 — Walt., bp. Glasg. 536 Wardour, Wrm., Cl. Pells. 168 Ware, Hy., bp. Chich. 433 — Jno. de la, bp. Llff. 449 — Jos., dm. Elph. 609 — Rd. de, J. It. 368 Wareiwa,st and Warlewast, — Rt., byp. Exr. 436; dm. Sal. 468 — Wm., bp. Exr, 436 Waren, see Warren Warenne, Jno., see Earl W., infra — Regd. de, J. It. 365 — Wrm. de, J. It. 366; Jy. 364 — Wm., see Earl W., infra, Warennie, Earls — Wm. de, aft. Earl W. and Surrey, Ch. Jr. 362 — Jno. de, Earl W. Surrey, J. It. 368 wagham, Ralph de, bp. Chich. 43 — Wm., abp. Cantº. 431; bp. Lond. 451 : Ld. K. and Ld. Chanc. 355; M.R. 387 Warine (or Guarinus), Ld. Chanc. Or W. Chanc. 353 Waring, see also Warren — Ed. Jno., C.I.E. 807 — Holt, dri. Drom. 606 — Th., gem. (ID) 88% Warle, Warlee, or War- legh, Ing. de, B. Ex. 383; L.K. 354 Warlewast, see Warelwa st warmington, Corn. M., Q.C. 4 and Warmistry, Th., dn. Worc. 473 Warner, D. B., Pres. Lib. 100; dn. Lich. 445 — sir Ed., Lt. T.L. 321 — Jno., bp. Roch. 460; dn. Lich. 445; du. Winch. 471 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Ph., G. Leew. Isl. 727 — Th., C. St. 283 Warneville, Ralph de, Ld. Chanc. 353 Waroc, D. Bry. 27 Warr, De la, see De la Warr Warr, Rd., K.B. 759 — Rd., U.S.S. 225 Warre, Hy. Ja.s., C.C. Bbay. 660; gem. (D) 903; K.C.B. 781 — Sir Wim... gen. (D) 879 Warren and Waren, See also Wall:enne — Arth. Flx., gem. (ID) 933 — Ch., C.J. Chest. 386; K.C. 415 — Daws. St., gen. (ID) 928 — Ch. and Sir C. (No. 1), gen. (D) 893; K.C.B. 779 — Ch. and Sir C. (No. 2), C.C.P. 261; G. B. Bland. 680; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 784 ; F.C.M.G. 798 — Ed., dm. Emly, 628; OSS. 623 — Fk., adm. (A) 820 — Geo., gen. (D) 887 — Geo., K.D. 765 — Jrmo., b.p. Bgr. 426; byp. St. Daw. 465; dun. Bgr. 427 — Jno., J. Chest. 387 — Jno. de, l\.B. 754 — Sir Jno. Borl., adm. (A ) 817; Amb. l{uss. 125 ; G.C.B. 766; G.C.H. 786; K.B. 765; P.C. 207 — Lion. Sm., gen. (D) 932 Nathl., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Pet. and sir P., adm. (A) 814; K.B. 765 — Sir Ralph, L.M. Lond, 490 — Rd. de, L.H.T. 152 — (Waryn or Waryng), Rd., dri. Linn. 639 — Rd. B., S.L. Ir, 5.93 — Rd. Laird., adm. (D) 832; (E) 834 — Rt. Rd., A.G. Ir. 588; J.P. and M. Ir. 587; S.G. Ir. 590 — sir Saml., adm. (ID) 823; K.C.B. 777 ; K.C.H. 788 — Saml., gem. (C) 874 — Saml., L.M. Dbln. 642 (lm. For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1158 INDEX OF NAMES. Warren and Waren—comt. — Saml., Q.C. 417 — Th. Mans., gen. (D) 931 — Wrm., adm. (GF) 842 Warrender, sir Geo., B.C. 253; L. Adumy. 181; P.C. 210 Warrington, § 1st E. of, form. 2nd Id. Delamere, q.v. Warry, Geo. D., Q.C. 420 Warsup, Rt., M. Chy. 396 Warton, see also Wauton — (or Parfew, or Purfoy), Rt., bp. Her, 441; bp. St. As. 462 — Th., P. Laur. 301 wºrtre, Nichs., bp. Drom. 60 Warwick, Nichs, de, A.G. 398; S.L. 406 Warwick, lds., E., and D. of — Jno. de Plessitis, E. of, J. It. (1250) 368 JBeauchamp Family. — Th., E. of (d. 1369), K.G.733; L.H.A. 172 ; L.R. 354; L.M. 325 — Th., E. of (d. 1401), K.G. 734; L.H.A. 173; L.M. 325 — Rd., E. of, form. T. Beau- champ, q.v. (d. 1439), R.B. 755 Hy. de Beauchamp, E. of, aft. D. of W. (d. 1445), G. Ch. Isl. 667 Nevill Family. — [and Salisbury], Rd., E. of, form. Rd. Nevill, q.v. (d. 1471). K.G. 736; L.H.A. 174; W.C.P. 1 Dudley Family. Jno., E. of, form. Visc. Lisle, q.v., aft. D. of North- umberland, q.v. (d. 1553) — Ambr., E. Of (d. 1589), K.G. 738; M.H. 301 Rich Family. — Rt., 1st E. of, form. R. Rich, q.v. — Rt., 2nd E. of, G. Gsey. 668; L. Admy. 175; L.H.A. 175; L.L., ESX. 308; W.C.P. 319 — Rt., 3rd E. of, form. Iłt. Bich, q.v. Grevilla Family. See also Brooke and Warwick. — [and Brooke], Geo., 2nd E. of, form, ld. Geo. Greville, q.v., L.L. Warw. 312 — Hy. B., 3rd E. of, L.L. War W. 312 Waryn, see Warren Wasand, see Watsand Washington, Geo., |U.S.A. 102 — Jas., Bar. de, K.C.B. 777 — Jno., adm. (GF) 842 Wastoldus, see Walstodus Water, Ph., dm. Lim. 639 Waterford, M. of — Geo. de la P., 1st M. Of, form. 2nd E. of Tyrone, q.v. — Jno. Hy. de la P., 5th MI. of, K.P. 751; L.L. Wíord. 571; M.IB.H. 303 — Hy. de la P., 2nd M. of, E.P. 750 * — Hy. de la P., 3rd M. of, , K.P. 751 - — Jno. Hy. de la P., 5th M. of, K.IP. 751; L.L. Wíord. 571; M.B.H. 303; P.C. 220 waterhouse, Ch., G. Gsey, 66 — Sir Ed., Ch. Ex, Ir. 561 Pres. Waterlow, sir Syd. H., L.M. Lond. 492 - Waterman, Edm. FR., gen. (D) 926 — sir Geo., L.M. Lond. 491 Waters, Ed, FR., gen. (D) 880 — (or de l'Eau), Eust., bp. Lim. 638; dum. Lim. 639 — Jno., R. Bl. P.A. 344; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Yk. H. 334 — Jno. and sir J., gen. (IB) 870; K.C.B. 776 — Marc. Ant., gem. (ID) 890 — Th., Carl. H. 339; R. Cr. P.A. 335 Waterton, Rt., IN.B. 759 Waterville, Jno. de, K.B. 754 Watford, Rt. de, dm. St. P. r: {} Wath, Michl, de, L.K. 354; M.R. 38 , 387 Watkins, Flº., adm. (A) 819; (G) 840 . — Jno., dn. Her. 442 — Ll. Vaugh., L.L. Brec. 315 — Th. Vern., adm. (IHI) 848 — Westr., gem. (ID) 887 Watling, Jno. Wyatt, adm. (IHI) S47 Wats, see Watts Watsand (or Walsand), Al. (le, J.C.P. 376; Jy. 364 Watson, Alexr., gen, (B) 870 — Anthy, bp. Chich. 433; dim. Brl. 440 — Archd., gen. (D) 878 — Archd., Modr. K. Sc. 547 — sir Arth. Townl., Q.C. 420 — Sir Br., L.M. Lond. 492 — Ch., adm. (A) 814 — Dav., gen. (C) 871 — Dav., gem. (ID) 911 — Ed. Day., gen. (D) 917 — sir Fras., G. Jam., 712 — Fras. Metc., dn. Llin. 624 — Fk. Beilb. and sir F., C. Cus. 277; K.C.H. 787 Geo., C. Exc. 281 — Geo. Vinc., gem. (D) 928 —- Geo. Willes, adm. (E) 837 — Hy., G. Br. Gu. 715 — sir Hy., gen. (D) 877 — Ja.s., S.L. 412 Jas. and sir J., gen, (A) S63; K.C.B. 777 Jas. K., gem. (ID) 931 — Jno., Bl, M.P.A. 336 Jno., bp. Winch. 471; dim. Winch. 471 Jno., dun. Ferns, 623 — Juno. and sir J., gen. (D) 923; K.C.B. 781 — Jno. Wats. Tad., gem. (A) 859 —Jonn., bp. Dkld, and Dmbl. 542 — Lewis W., gen. (ID) 887 — Rd., bp. Llff. 449 — Rt., adm. (A) 818 — Rt., gen. (B) 866 Th., b.p. Linc. 447; Dhann. 479 — Th., bp. St. Dav. 464 — Th. and Sir T., Pres. Coll. Ph. 938 — Wrm., see lä. W., imfra Wm. Hy. and sir W., B. Ex. 385; Q.C. 417; S.L. 41 Watson, lds. — Wnn., aft. la. W., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jud. Com. P.C. 362; L. App. 358; Ld. Adv. 526; P.C. 219; S.G. Sc. 527 dn. Watt, Jas., C.I.E. 808 — Jas. Tand., gem. (ID) 433 whitevine, Fk. de, gen. (C) — Lewis de, gen. (C) 873 Watts and Wats — —, Adm. Ind. 647 - — Geo. Ed., adm. (D) 828; (G) 840 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Jno. Pons., gen. (ID) 925 — Rt., dm. Ferns, 623; dri. OSs. 623 — Wm., L.M. D'blin, 640 — Wm. Hy., gen. (D) 923 winchope, Jno., Ld. Sess. — Patr., gen. (C) 872 — Rt., adm. (ID) 828 Waude, Wm. de, dm. Sal. 468 wººsh, Sir Andr. Sc., gen. (D) 9 — Gilb., gen. (ID) 878 º'no., bp. Carl. 476; dim. Glr. — Jno., dm. Worc. 473 wºughton, sir Th., Sp. H.C. Wauton, see also Warton. — Jno. de, J. It. 367 (or Walton), Sim. de, bp. Norw. 454; J.C.P. 376; J. It, 368; Jy. 364 Waveney, Rt. Al. St., 1st 1d., L.L. Amt. 568 Waverton, see Waferton Way, sir Greg. Holm. Br., gem. (B) 870 — S. J., G. S. Austr. 706 Waykam, Wm., K.B. 754 Waynflete (or Pattem), Jno., Cln. Chich. 434 — Wrm. de, bp. Winch. 470; Ld. Chanc. 355 Weare, Hy. Edwin, gen. (D) 907 — Th., lx.H. 791 Wearg, sir Clem., S.G. 401 Weathershed (or Grant), Rd., abp. Cantº. 430 Weaver, see Weever Web, Webb and Webbe — All. Beech., b.p. Blfn. 681; bp. Gr. Th. 680 — Ch. Locock, Q.C. 419 — Daiml., gem. (B) 865 — Ezek., dm. Lim. 639 — Geo., b.p. Lim. 638 — Jas., G. Newfa. 700 — Sir Jno., K.C.H. 788 | — Jno. Bichm., gen. (A) 857; | K.C. 415 — Nichs., G. Bah. Isl. 716 ! — Noah, dum. Llin. 623 ! — Th., dm. Kilm. 609 ! — Th., S.L. 411 — Wrm., adm. (IHI) 846 — Wnn., dm. Dry. 602 — Sir Winn., L.M. Lond. 491 Webber, Ch., adm. (A) 815 — Ch. Edm., gen. (D) 928 — Ed., gen. (B) 868 — Fras., dh. Her. 442 — Hy., dm. Exr. 437 — Jas., dn. º 482 | — Jas., gen. (C) 873 t To Wrm. Thos. Th., b.p. Brisb. 706 Webley-Parry, see Parry Webster, Edm. Forst., C.I.E. 808 — Rd. Ev. and sir R., A.G. 400; Q.C. 419 For List of Abbreviations, See pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1159 Webster—cont. '- Rt. Farq., gen. (D) 919 — Th., gen. (I)) 878 — Th., Q.C. 418 — Th. Ed., gen. (D) 935 Wedderburn, Alex., aft. 1st ld. Loughborough and E. of Rosslyn, q.v., .G. 399; C.J.C.P. 376; K.C. 415; P.C. 203; S.G. 402; S.L. 412 — Alex., C. Exc. Sc. 504 Sir Dav., Postm. G. Sc. 503 JaS., b.p. Dmbl. 532 — Ja.s., S.G. Sc. 527 — Jno., gen. (I)) 911 — Patr., Ld. Sess. 520 — Sir Pet., Ld. Sess. 519 weeks, Jno. Wills, bp. Si. Le. — Ralph, G. Bdoes. 720 Weems, see Wemyss - Weever, Jno., Comm. Tr. 554 Welby, Reg. Earle and sir R., K.C.B. 784; Sec. Tr. 164 – "h. Earle, bp, St. Hel. — Wrm., K.B. 761 Welch, see Welsh Welchman, Jno., 899 Weld, Fredk. Aloys. and sir F., G. Str. Sett. 675; G. Tasm. 708; G. . Austr. 707; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 797 49 sir Humphr., L.M. Lond. 91 — Jos., S.L. 411 Weldon, Th., C.I.E. 808 — Walt., gen. (ID) 915 — Wm. Hy., R. Dr. P.A. 338; Winds. H. 332 Welford and Welleford — Geoff. de, M. Chy. 393 →alph de, J. It. 366; Jy. — Rd. G., C.C.J. 404 Welifed, Nichs., bp. Wíord, 626; dr. Włord. 628 Welleford, see Welford Welles, see also Wells — (or Wellis), Jno., Lond. 490 — Rt., dn. Ely, 435 — Sim. de, bp. Chich, 432 — Wrm., L.D. Ir. 552 — Wrm. de; J. It. 367 Welles, lds. and visc. — Leo (or Lionel), 6th lá., R.B. 756; K.G. 736 ; L.L. Ir. 552 Jno., 1st visc., K.G. 736 Wellesley, Arth. and Sir A., aft. 1st visc. E., M., and D. of Wellington, q.v., C. Treas. Ir, 561; Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; K.B. 766; P.C. 208 — lil. Ch., gen, (D) 891 — Geo. Grev. and Sir G., adm. (ID) 833; (E) 834; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 781; , L. Admy, 185 — hon. Ger., dm. Winds. 474 — hon, Hy. and Sir Hy., aft. 1st lä. Cowley, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Spm, 124; G.C.B. 771; K.B. 766; L.T. 158; Sec. Tr. 163; P.C. 209 hon. H. R., aft. 2nd ld. and 1st E. Cowley, q.v., Amb. Tºy. 129 gén. (D) L.M. — Rd., see Marq, W., infra, — Walt., b.p. Kild. 617 Wellesley, Marq. — Rd., Marq., form. 2nd E. of Mornington, q.v., Amb. Spn. 124; B.C. 252; C. St. 284; F. Sec. 228; K.G. 743; L.C.H. 295; L.L. Ir. 557; L.S.H. 290; L.T. 159 Wellington, visc., E., M., and D. Of — Arth., 1st visc., E., M., and D. of, form. Sir A. Wellesley, q.v., Amb Aus. 117; Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Pr. 118; Amb. Russ. 125-6 ; C. Ch. 855; Const. T.L. 321; F.M. 856; F. Sec. 228 ; G.C.B. 767; G.C.H. 786; . (A) 860 ; R.G. 743; L.H. Const. 289; L.L. Hants. 311; L.T. 159-60; M.G.O. 259; Prem. 146; W.C.P. 319 — Arth. Bd., 2nd D. of, gen. (ID) 885; K.G. 744; L.L. Mdz. 310; M.H. 302; P.C. 216 — Elizabeth, DSS. Of, M. IRobes, 304 | Wellis, see Welles ' Wells, see also Welles ! — Fras. Ch., gen. (IP) 895 — Hugh or Hugo de, bp. Linc. 446; J. It. 367; Jy. 364 — Jno., bp. Llff. 449 — Jno. and Sir J., adm. (A) 817; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 775 J. It. 367; Jy. 364 — Mord. L., S.L. 413 — Rd., adm. (IE) 837 — Saml., gen. (D) 905 — Th., adm. (A) 817 — Th. Spencer and sir T., Pres. Coll. Surg.939 — Wrm. de, bp. Roch. 460 — Sir Wrm., D. Chanc. Ir. 575 Wellwood, Jno., dn. I&ph. 602 Wellys, Rt., bp. Ach. 612 wºman, Herc. Atk., gen. (D) Welsh, Dav. Ja.s., gen. (D) 925 — Jas., gen. (ID) 876 — (or Walsh), Jno., J.C.P. 378 Welson, Wm., see Welson Welti, E., Pres. Sw. C. 31 Welward, Wm., Ld. Chanc. II. 574 Wemyss, Andr., Ld. Sess. 518 — Dav. Dougl., gen. (A) 860 (or Weems), Hy., b.p. Gall. 588 sir Jas., Ld. Sess, 519 — Jas. Ersk., adm. (ID) 829; L.L. Fifesh. 510 Jas. Haylºrsk., L.L. Fifesh. 510 Sir Jno., Ld. Sess. 519 — Maur., gen. (B) 866 — Th., Ld. Sess. 518 — Th. Ja.s., gem. (D) 882 Wm., gem. (A) 860 — Wm., gem. (C) 872 — Wnn., gen. (ID) 880 Wemyss, E. of, see also E. of March — Jno., 1st E. of, L.H.C.IX. SC. 546 — Dav., 3rd E. Of, L. Admy., º L.H.A. Sc. 499; V.A. Sc. 99 — Fras., 7th E. of, aft. E. of W. and March, L.L. Pbls. 511 — (and March), Fras., 8th E. of, L.L. Pbis. 511 { ! Wenceslas, D. Bbt. 29 — E. Gnny. 62 — M. Brg. 65 — I. and II., C. Lux. 84 — I. and II., D. Brma. 59 — III. to VI., K. Brma. 59 Wendy, see Windy wendover, Rd, de, bp. Boch, ...) Weneyve, Jno., C. St. 283 Wengham, see Wingham Wenlock, sir Jno., K.G. (1460) See errata; L. Treas. Ir. 559; Sp. H.C. 248 — Walt., L.H.T. 152 Wenlock, 1ds. — Paul B., Ist 1d., L.L.Yorks. E.R. 313 — Beilby Rd., 2nd lù., L.L. Yorks. E.R. 313 Wensleydale, Jas., 1st 1d., form. Sir J. Parke, q.v. Went, Jno., see West wººtsrave, Jno., L.M. Lond. Wentworth, Hy., K.B. 758 — Jno., G. N. Sc. 695 — Pet., dri. Arm. 597 — Pet., dn. Dry. 602 — Pet., K.B. 763 — sir Ph., K.G., 735 — Rd., K.B. 759 — (or Bynteworth), Rd. de, bp. Lond. 451; Lá. Čhanc.35% — Th., gen. (IB) 864 — Th., K.B. 763 — Th., see lă. W., infra — Th., aft. 1st E. of Malton, and 1st M. of Rockingham, q.v., K.B. 764 Wentworth of Nettlested,lds. — Th., 1st là., L.C.H. 294 — Th., 4th 1d., aft. 1st E. of Cleveland, q.v., K.B. 762 Wentworthof Woodhouse, lds. — Thos., visc, form. li. Raby, q.v., aft. E. of Strafford, q.v., L.D. Ir. 554; P.C. 189 Werden, sir Jno., C. Cus. 273-4 Werefrid, bp. Worc. 472 Weremund, bp. Roch. 459; bp. Worc. 472 Weremundus, bp. Dunw. 454 wºrse. Hy. Reyn., gen. (D) Werinbertus, bp. Dorch. 464 Werstane or Werstanus, bp. Dev. 436; byp. Shbn. 466 Weselham, Rog. de, bp. Lich. and Cov. 444; dim. Linc. 447 Wesley, see also Westley — Saml, Rt., gen, (ID) 891; IK.C.B, 779 West, Algll, E. and sir A., C.I.R. 286; R.C.B. 784 Aug. Wm., dm. Ard. 609 — Benj., Pres. R.A. 941 — Ch. R. S., see lă. S., infra — Edm., S.L. 410 — sir Ed., C.J. Bbay. 660 — Geo., Wan. Chr. Manch. 481 — Hy. Wynd, Q.C. 418 — Jac., L.M. D'blin. 642 — Ja.s., Pres. R. Soc. 940 — Jas., Sec. Tr. 163 — Jermy, Ch., gen. (D) 913 — Jno., C. Cus. Sc. 504 — Jno., dm. Chr. Ch. D'blin. 619; dra, St. Pat. 618 — Jno. and sir J., adm. (A) 819; (B) 821; G.C.B. 770; IK.C.B. 777 Ch. I'om' List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1160 INDEX OF NAMIES. West—CO7lt. — (or Went, Jno., dm. Cloy. 632 — hom. Lionel. Sackv. Sackv. and sir L., Amb. Arg. 136; Amb. Fr. 113; Amb. Spm. 124 ; Amb. U.S.A. 132; K.C.M.G. 798 — Mart., G. Nat. 680 -— Nichs., b.p. Ely. 435; dim. Winds. 474; Regr. Gart. 746 — Raym., K.C.I.E. S05 — Regd., dm. Her. 442 — Rd., gen. (D) 878 — Rd J l • ? .J. Ir. 556; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 Temple, adm. (A) 814; L. Admy, 178 — Th., adm. (A) 817 — Th., K.B. 754 — Th., K.B. 756 — Th., K.B. 758 — Wm. Cornw., L.L. Denb. 314 — Wm. Hy. Hore, gem. (D) 924 West, lds. — Ch. Rd. Sackv., ld., aft. 6th E. de la Warr, q.v.. gen. (D) 89% Westbury, Wm., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 — Rd., 1st là., form. Sir R. Bethell, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 217 Westby, Barth., B.E. 383 — Bas. Cl., gen. (D) 933 — Ward. Geo., C. Cus. 275-6 Westcote, Jno. de, J. It, 369 Westcote, lds. — Wm. Hy., 1st là, (W. H. Lyttelton in 1761), L.T. 158 Westernra, Fras., gen. (D) 900 Western, Th., adm. (A) 819 — Th. Burch., L.L. ESX. 308 Westfield, Th., bp. Brl. 439 Westhorp, Th., M. Chy. 394 Westlake, Jno., Q.C. 419 Westley, see also Wesley — Sir Rt., L.M. Lond. 491 Westmacott, Sp., gem. (D) 7 90 Westmeath, E. of — Th., 6th E. of, K.P. 750 — G. F., 7th E. of, form. Visc. Delvin, q.v. — Anthy. Fr., M. Of, L.L. W. Meath, 57.1 Westminster, Ed. de, B. EX. 382 Westminster, M. and D. of, — Rt., 1st M. of, form. Visc. Belgrave, and 2nd E. Gros- venor, q.v., K.G. 744 Rd., 2nd M. of, L.S.H. 290; K.G. 744; L.L. Chesh. 307; P.C. 215 — Hugh Lupus, 3rd M. and 1st D. of, K.G. 745 ; L.L. Chesh. 307; M.H. 302; P.C. 219 Westmoreland, E. of Nevill Family. (See also Nevill.) — Ralph, 1st E. of, E.M. 326; I.G. 734 — Ralph, 2nd E. of, K.B. 756 — Ralph, 4th E. of, K.G. 737 — Hy. 5th E, of, K.G. 738; L.L. Dham. 308 Fame Family. — Fras., 1st E. of, form. F. Fane, q.v. Westmoreland, E. Of-Comt. — Vere, 4th E. of, L.L. Kent, 30 — Th., 6th E. of, Pres. B.T. 264; P.C. 197 — Jno., 7th E. of, gem. (A) 858 — Jno., 10th E. of, form, ld. Burghersh, q.v., K.G. 742; L.L. Ir. 557; L.L. Nt On. 310 ; L.P.S. 241; M.H. 302; P.C. 205; Postm. G. 238 Jno., 11th E. of, form. li. Burghersh, q.v., Amb. Aus. 117; Amb. Bgm. 123; Amb. G. St. 122; G.C.B. 772; gem. (A) 863 Weston, Ed., U.S.S. 225-6 — Fras., K.B. 760 — Hy., K.B. 761 — Hugh, dm. Westr. 469; dm. Winds. 474 — Ja.s. and sil. J., B. EX. 384; S.L. 409 — Jno. de, Const. T.L. 320 — Jno., S.L. 407 — Nichs., bp. Dry. 601 — Ph. (le, dri. Yk. 486 — Rd. (No. 1), J.C.P. 378; S.G. 401; S.L. 408 — Rd. and Sir R. (No. 2), B. Ex. 384; S.L. 409 — Rd. and sir R. (No. 3), B. Ex. 384; S.L. 410 — Sir Rd., G. Gsey. 668 — sir Rd., see lá. W., infra, — Rt. and sir R., dn. Arch. 420; dri. St. Pat. 618; dim. Wells, 429; L.J. Ir. 554; Ld. Chanc. Ir, 576; M. Chy. 395 Steph., bp. Exr. 437 — Th. de, K.B. 754 — Walt. de, G. Ch. Isl. 667 — Sir Wim., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580 — sir Wim., G. Gsey. 668 Weston, lds. — sir löd., aft. 1st là. W. and E. of Portland, q.v., Ch. Ex. 154; K.G. 739; L. Admy. 175; L.H.T. 139 ; Ch. Ex. 154 Westphal, sir Geo. Aug., adm. (G) 841 — Ph., adm. (H) 847 wººtphaling, Herb., bp. Her. 1. 4 wººtropy, Jas. Ed., gem. (ID) — Jno. Pars., gen. (D) 900 — sir Michl. R., C.J. Bbay. 660 — Roberts Michl., gem. (D) 914 Westwode, Rog., B. Ex. 383 Wetenhall, Ed., bp. Cork and ; 632; bp. Rilm. and Ard. 607 Wetham, see also Whetham — Th., gem. (A) 857 Wetherall, see also Wetherell — Ed. Rt. and Sir R., gem. (D) 907; K.C.S.I. 803 — I'k. Augs., adm. (H) 846 — sir Flº. Aug., G.C.H. 786; gen. (A) 862 — Sir G. R., U.S. Ir. 563 — Th., M. Chy. 394 Wetherby, Jno., din. Cash. 627; dry. Emly, 628 Wetherell, see also Wetherall — Ch. and sir C., A.G. 400; P.P. 415; R.C. 416 ; S.G. 402 — Fk. Aug. (2), see Wetherall Wetherell—cont. — Geo. Augs, and Sir G., gem. (D) 883; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778; K.H. 790 — Nath, dm. Her. 442 Wetherhead, Th., byp.Włord. and L. 627 Wetton, Rd., M. Chy. 394 Wexford, Rog. de, dm. OSS.622 Weyland, Th. de C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; S.L. 406 Wm. de, J.C.P. 377; J. It. 368; Jy. 365 Weymouth, visc. — Th., 1st visc. B. T. 263; P.C. 195 — Th., visc., aft. 3rd M. of Bath, q.v., Gr. St. 304; K. 742; D.L. Ir, 557; P.C. 201 S, St. 224-5 winney, Captn. S., G. Brmda. 7 Wharncliffe, lds. — Jas. Arch., 1st Id., Jud. Com. P.C. 360 ; L.L. Yorks. W.R. 313; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 241; P.C. 213 — Jno., 2nd lå., form. hon. Jno. Stuart-Wortley, q.v. Wharton, Geo., K.B. 761 — Goodw., L. Admy. 176 — Jas., gem. (A) 861 — Sir M., L. Admy, 176 — Rd., Sec. Tr. 163 — Rt., C.C.J. 403 — Th., C. Exc. Sc. 505 — Th., K.B. 763 — Th., see lá. Wh., infra. Wharton, lds., E., and M. of — hon. Th., aft. 5th lä, and 1st E. and M. Of Wharton (also E. of Malmesbury, q.v.), Compt. H. 292; L.L. Ir. 555; L.P.S. 240; P.C. 193 Whateley and Whately — Rd., abp. Dbln. G. and K. 617; abp. Dbln. and Gl, 616 — Th., B.T. 266; Sec. Tr. 163 U.S.S. 226 — Wrm., Q.C. 417 Whatley, sir Jos., IX.C.H. 788 Wheate, sir Th., St. O. 260 Wheatley, sin: Hy., G.C.H. 787; K.C.H. 788 Rt., G. Bdoes. 719 — Wrm., gen, (C) 873 Wheeler, see also Wheler — Andr., gen. (C) 871 — Ed., Chm, E.I. Co. 644 — Sir Fras., adm. (A) 813 — Flc., gen. (D) 933 — Hugh Mass. and sir H., gen. (D) 886; K.C.B. 777 — Jonas (or Jas.), bp. OSs. 620; din. Chr. Ch. Dbln. 618 — Rt., gem. (ID) 934 — Th., C.C.J. 404; S.L. 414 — Th. Whitt., Q.C. 420 Wheelhouse, Wm. St. Ja.s. Q.C. 419 whºlan, Sir Th., L.M. Dbln. Wheler, see also Wheeler — Fras. and Sir F., gem. (D) 896 Whelpdale, Rog., bp. Carl. 475 Whetham, see also Wetham Arth., gem. (B) 867 — Sir Ch., L.M. Lond. 492 — Jno., C. Exc. 279, 280; C. Exc. Sc. 504 I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1161 Whetham—cont. — Jno., dn. Lism. 629 — Jno., gen. (D) 882 Whetstone, Sir Wm., adm. (A) 813 Whi—, see also Why— whichcote, Geo., gen. (D) Whiddon (or Whyddon), Jno., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408 Whigham, Jas., C.C.J. 404 Whimper, see also Whymper — Fk. Am., gem. (ID) 905 whinyates, Ch., Richm. H. 3 — Ed. C. and sir E., gen. (D) 884; K.C.B. 778; K.H. 789 — Fras. F., gem. (ID — Fk. F., gen. (D) 887 — FR. Th., gen. (ID) 925 — Fk. W., gen, (D) 889 — Th., adm. (IHI) 844 Whish, Geo. Palm., gen. (D) 902 — Mart., C. Exc. 281; C. St. 283 — Rd., gen. (ID) 877 — Wm. Geo. Hyndm., adm. (HI) 848 — Wm. Sams., gen, (D) 880; K.C.B. 777 Whistler, Th. Kims., gen. (D) 902 whitaker, sir Ed., adm. (A) 813 — Wm., S.L. 412 Whitby, see Whittey Whitbread, Gord., C.C.J. 405 — Saml., L. Admy. 184 Whitchister (or Wircestre), Rog., J.C.P. 377; Jy, 365 Whitcock, see Whittock Whitcombe, Jno., abp. Cash. and Eml. 626; bp. Clonf. and R. 636; bp. Down and Cmr. 504 60 White, see also Whyte and Albus — Anthy., Pres, Coll. Surg, 939 — hom. Ch. W., L.L. Clare, 569 — Fras., bp. Carl. 475; bp. Ely, 435; dim. Carl. 476; bp. Norw. 455 — Fk. Ch., gen. (A) 862 — FR. Meadows, Q.C. 419 — Geoffr., bp. Crk. 630 — Geo. Hy. Parlby, adm. (H) 848 — Geo. Stewart and Sir G., gen. (D) 932; R.C.B. 781 — Hy., K.C.B. 775 — Hy., aft. 1st là. Annaly, (1.79., §I. Longf. 570 — Hy. Arth., gen. (D) 910 — Hy. Dalr., gem. (D) 903; F.C.B., 780 — Hy. Geo., gem, (D) 930 — Hy. Hopley, Q.C. 418 (or Whyte), Jno., A.G. Ir. 588 Jno., gen. (A) 860 — Jno., G. Jam. 712 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno. Chamb. and Sir J., adm. (A) 820; K.C.B. 777 — Jno. Hubb., gen. (ID) 932 — Luke, L.L. Longf. 570 — Luke, aft. 2nd lá. Ammaly, q.v., L.T. 161 [art, adm, (H) 846 **- White—cont. — Mart., gem. (D) 876 +Michi, gen. (D) 885; K.C.B. 7 Patr. and Sir P., B. Ex. Ir. 583; J.K.B. Ir. 578 Pet., dn, Wiſord. 628 — (or Albus), Ph. in Crk.632 — Raym. Herb., gen. (D) 924 — Rd., L.D. Ir. 551; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 — Rd., L.M. D'bln. 641 — Rd. Dunn., adm. (IHL) 850 — Rt., bp. Dnbl. 542; bp. Fife, 543; pr. bp. Sc. 540 — Rt., gen. (ID) 909 — Tayl., J. Chest. 387 — Th., adm. (H) 844 — Th., bp. Pboro. 458 — Th., Clk. O. 260 — Th., dn. Ard. 609 —ºr Th. (2), L.M. Lond, 490, 49 — Wm., dn. Dry. 602 *— Wm., dn. Trm. 613 *— Wrm., dm. Kilf. 637 * 2 same pers. — Wrm., L.M. Lond. 490 — Wm. Arth. and sir W., Amb. Rºma. 128; Amb. Sva. 128; Amb. Thy. 130; G.C.B. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 798; P.C. 221 — Wm. Geo., gen. (ID) 895 — Wm. Rd., gen. (ID) 933 Whiteacre, Ch., S.L. 411 Ed., S.L. 411 wºreia, See also Whit- € — (or Witefeld), Rt. de, J. It. 366; Jy. 363 Whiteford, see also Whit- ford — Sir Geo., L.M. Dbln. 642 — sir Jno., gen. (IB) 865 — sir Jno., K.H. 790 Whitehall, Launc., C. Cus. Sc. 503 whitehead, Hugh, dm. Dham. 79 — Jas. and Sir J., L.M. Lond. 492 — Rt. Ch., gen. (D) 934 — Th., gen. (D) 877; K.C.B. 777 — Wm., P. Laur. 301; Regr. and Sec. Bath, 784 Whiteheare (or Whytere), Jno., dn. Brl. 440 Whitehill, Steph. Jas. K., gen. (D) 915 whitehorne, Jas. Ch., Q.C. 419 Whitehurst, Ch. H., Q.C. 417 Whitelock and Whitelocke, See also Whitlock — Bulstr., called li. W., C. Exc. 279; C.G.S. 356; Comst. W. Cast, 322; L. Admy, 175; L.T. 154; S.L. 409 — Jas. and Sir J., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 409 — Jno., gem. (B) 866 Whiteside, Ja.s., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.Q.B. Ir. 578; S.G., Ir. 590 Whiteway, Wm. Vall., K.C.M.G. 797 Whitfield, see also Whitefield *— maj.-gen. —, G. H. Kong, 673 *— Hy. Wasc., gen. (ID) 903 * 2 same pers. - — Ralph, S.L. 409 Whitford, see also Whiteford — (or Whitworth), Walt., bp. Brm. 531 Whitgift, Jno., abp. Cant. #. bp. Worc. 473; dn. Linc. 4 Whithers, &ee also Withers .." tº. §§...i Whiting, Th., Chest. H. 330 wºmaw, Archd., Sec. St. Sc. 50 wºmey, Geoffr., dn. Ferns, 6 — Hy., gen. (B) 865 Whitlock, see also Whitelock — Geo. Corn. and Sir C., gen. (D) 891; K.C.B. 778 — Jas., C.J. Chest. 386 — Wm., K.C. 415 Whitmarsh, Jas. F., K.C. 416 Whitmore, Ch. S., C.C.J. 404; C. 417 — Ed., gem. (C) 871 — Edm. Augs. and Sir E., gen. (IP) 905; K.C.B. 781 — Fras. Lock., gen. (ID) 921 — Geo., C. St. 283 — Sir Geo., gen. (A) 863; R.C.H. 788 — sir Geo., L.M. Lond, 491 — Geo. Stodd., K.C.M.G. 798 — Hy., L.T. 161 — Mort. B. S., gen. (D) 910 — Th., K.B. 764 — Wm., gen. (B) 865; Wän. M. 245 Whitshed, Jas, Hawk, and Sir J., adm. (A) 816; adm. (IB) 821; G.C.B. 768; K.C.B. 773 Wm., C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; S.G. Ir. 589 Whittaker, see Whitaker Whittey (or Whitby), IRt., bp. Ferns, 621 Whittingham, (ID) 900 — Paul Bern., gen. (D) 910 — sir Saml. Ford., C.C. Mdras. 657; G. Dnca, 730; Ferd., gen. gen. (B) 869; K.C.18, 775; IX.C.H. 787 — Wrm., dun. Dham. 479 Whittington, Rd., L.M. Lond. 489 — Th., B. Ex. 383 Whittlesey (or Wittlesey), Wm. de, abp. Cantº. 430; bp. Roch. 460; bp. Worc. 472 Whittock, Jno., bp. Cloy. 630; din. Cloy. 632 Whitty, Irw., gen. (ID) 889 Whitwell, sir Nathl, L.M. Dblin. 641 Whitwich, Jno., S.L. 409 — Th., Yk. H. 334 Whitworth, Ch., see lú. W., infra — Fras., S.W.F. 271 — Walt., see Whitford Whitworth, lds., visc., and E. — Ch., aft. 1st 1d., visc. and E., Amb. Dk, 127; Amb. Fr. 1.12; Amb. Pld. 126; Amb. Russ. 125; B.T. 268; G.C.B. §§ ...” 765; L.L. Ir. 557; .C. 206 Whorwode, Wm., A.G. 398; S.G. 401 wherwood, Jas., Winds. H. Why—, see also Whi— Whyche, Hugh, K.B. 757 l'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, 74 1162 INDEX OF NAMES, Whyddon, see Whiddon wºmam, Wm. Hy., G. Nev. 73 Whylock, Jas., gem. (D) 889 Whymper, see also Whimper — Hy. Jos., C.I.E. 808 Whyte, see also White and Albus — Hy., Ld. Sess. 518 — (or Whitc), Jno., A.G. Ir. 588 — Jno., bp. Ilinc. 447; byp. Winch. 471 — Jno. Wm., admm. (IHI) 852 — Nichs., M.I., Ir, 585 — Tödl., gen. (A) 859 — Wnn., dm. Kild, 619 — Wm., dm. Wíord, 628 — Wm. Hy., adm. (E) 837 Whytere, see Whitehcare Wi—, see also Wy— Wiatschelaw, R. lèuss, 89 Wibba, K.E. 3 Wich, see also Wycho — Rd. de la, bp. Chich. 432 Wichinton, Hy. de, Jy, 364 — Wm. do, J. It. 367 Wickart, Jno., dm. Winch. 71 4 Wickens, Jno. and sir J., V. Chanc, 390 Wickey, Jno., adm. (A) 817 Wickford, see Wikeford Wickham and Wyckham, see also Wykehann — Lewis, C. St. and Tx., 285 — Tob., dim. Yk. 487 — Wm., Amb. Swz. 113; B.T. 268; C. Treas. Ir. 561 ; Ch. Soc, Ir. 563; L.T. 158; P.C. 207; U.S. Home, 227 Wm., by). Linc. 447; bp. Winch. 471; din. Linc. 448 — Wm. (le, see Wykchann Wicklow, Wm. Forw., 4th E. of, K.P. 751; I.L. Wickl, 57.1 Wickwane, Wm., abp. Yk. 485 Widdrington, sil. I)av. Lab. Tirl., gen. (B) 868; R.C.H. 788 — Th, and sir T., C.13. EX. 381; C.G.S. 356; L.T. 154; S.L. 40%); S.L. 410; Sp. H.C. 249 Widmore, Jno. Frost, K.C. 415 Wigard, abp. Cant, 429 Wigenholt, Jno., J. It, 367 Wighedus, bp. Tuond. 450 Wight, Jno., adm. (D) 823; (GF) 840 Wighthun, bp. Sels, 432 Wighteinus, bp. Winch. 470 Wightman, Jos., gem. (G) 871 — Wm., and Sir W., J.Q.13. 373; S.L. 413 Wightred, K.E. 1 Wightwick, Th., Pt.c. P.A. 337 Wiglaf, K.R. 3 Wigley, Fras. Sp.,..., G. N 730; G. St. Xtr. 799; G. Xtr. and Nev. 729 Wigmore, Th., G.G.§cy, 668 Wigram, Jas, and sir J., Jud. Com. I’.C. 360; K.C. 416; l’.C. 214; V. Chanc, 390 — Jos. Cott, bp. Iłoch. 460 — Loft. Tott., Q.C. 417 – Wm., Chn. J.I.Co. 645 Wigston, Jas., adm. (G) 841 W#. bp. Winch. 470 Wihtred, I.C.E. 1 wireforé, see Wykford 4. NOV. G. St. Wilberforce, Ern. Rowl., bp. New C. T. 481 — Saml., bp. Oxf. 457; bp. Winch. 471; dim. Westr. 469 Wilbert, bp. Shbn. 466 Wilbraham, Ed., Q.C. 417 — Rd., gen. (D) 901; K.C.B. 80 — Rog., S.G. Ir, 589 — Th., Rec. Lond. 494 | Wilby, Wm., gen. (D).908 | Wilcocks, see also Willcocks — Jos., bp, Glr. 438; bp. Roch, 460; dim, Westr. 469 Wilcox, see also Willcox Ed., S.W.F. 271 — Jno., C. Tºxo. 278, 279 Wild and Wilde, see also Wylde — Alf. Th. and sir A., gem. (D) 908; K.C.B. 780; M.C.I. 647 — Ed, Jno., gem. (D) 918 — Geo., bp. Dry. 601 — Geo., S.L. 409 — Jas. P. and sir J., aft. 1d. Ponzamco, q.v., 13. Ex. 385; J. Prob. and Div. 391; Jud. Com, P.C. 361; P.C. 217; Q.C. 417; S.L. 414 Jno., C.B. Ex. 381; C.G.S. 356; K.C. 414; S.T. 409 Th. and Sir T., aft, ld. Truro, A.G. 400; C.J.C.P. 376; Jud. Conn. P.C. 360; I'd, Chanc. 358; IP.C. 215; S.G. 402; S.L. 413 — Wrm. and Sir W., J.C.P. 379; J.R.B. 372; Rec. Lond. 494; S.L. 410 Wildennan, see Wildman Wilder, sir Fras. Jno., gem. (B) 868 Wildman, Ed., IK.H. 791 — Jno., M.M. 246 — Iłd., C.C.J. 403 Wilferus, abp. Ylc. 485 Wilford, Edm. Neal, gem. (ID) 898 — Fras, dn, Jºly, 435 Gerv. de, B. Ex. 383; C,13. EX. 381 IRd. Rich., gen, (A) 860 *Wilfredus, bp. Dumw. 454 *Wilfreth (2), bp. Worc. 472 *Wilfride (2), abp. Ylö. 485 *— by). Sels. 432 * bp. St. Dav. 464 #: bp. Worc. 472 * I’rob. Some same pers, ilib Comp. dates. § #by,3 see Wilughby Wilkes, Jno., Chambn, Lond, 493; L.M. Lond. 492 Wilkie, Hales, gen, (D) 029 — Jno., gen. (D) 903 Wilkins, Ch., P.I’. 417; S.L. 1: 413 — Sir Ch., IK.H. 790 Geo., K.H. 792 — Hy. St. Cl., gen. (D) 918 — Jno., bp. Chest. 477; dim, Rip. 482 Wilkinson, —, G. Bmda. 701 — Andr., St. O. 260 — Ch. Iºdm., gen. (D) 901 — Ch. Vaughan, gen. (D) 917 — Chr. D., gen. (D) 887 — I'lk. Gr., gen. (I)) 907 — Geo. How, b]p. Tru. 469 — Geo. Hutt., C.C.J. 403 — Hy. Cl., gen, (D) 932 | Wilkinson—comt. — R., K.H. 792 — Th., K.C.S.I 802 . — Th., L.M. Dbln. 641 — Th, Iºd., b.p. Zld. 681 — Wrm, and sir W., G.C.M.G., 794; gem. (A) 862 Will, Jno. Shiress, Q.C. 420 — sir Th., G.C.B. 770 Willaumez, Louis Ed. Bouet, K.C.B. 778 Willcock, Jno. W., Q.C. 417 Willcocks, see also Wilcocks — Rt. Hy., K.H. 792 Willcox, see also Wilcox — Jas., adm. (E) 835; (F) 838 Willeby, Pet, Ch, Ex. 152 Willes, see also Wills — Ed., bp. B. and W. 428; bp. St. Dav. 465; dm. Linc. 448 — Ed., C. Acc. Ir. 567; C.B. Ex, Ir, 583 — Ed., J.K.B., 373; K.C. 415 S.G. 402; S.L. 412 — Geo. Omm, and Sir G., adm. (E) 836; K.C.B. 781 — Ja.s. Irw., gen, (D) 889 — Jas. Sh, and J., J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 218; S.L. 413 — Jno. and Sir J., A.G. 399; C.G.S. 357; C.J.C.]?. 376; C.J. Chest. 386; K.C. 415; J. Chest. 387; P.C. 198; S.T., 412 — Juno, Ilºw., gen. (TD) 928 — Wrm. Hy., C.C.J. 404 William, see (tlso Gulielmus *—— abp. Yk, 485 ::: bp. Arg, 537 *— bp, IBrm. 531 # bp. Bgr, 425 *— (or Godfrey), bp. Chich, 432 - *— bp. Cness. 531 *— (of I’ort IRoyal), bb. Cmr. 604 *— (of Jerepont), bp. Cork, 6 *— (3), bp, Dmbl. 532 *— by). I own, 603 *— bp. Drom, 604 *— bp. Finly, 625 *— bp. Isl. 539 *— bp. Rild. 616 *— (2) by. Llſſ. 449 *— bp. Llin. 621 *k (the Nornman), bp. Ilond. 451 :k bp. Mor, 534 *— (6), bp. Ork, 535 *— (of Kilkemmy), bp. Oss. 620 × (Gulielmus or Quichel- mus), bp, Boch. 459 *— bp. S. and M. 483 '-º'abb. of Ross.), Compt. Sc, *— (Commond. of Culross), Compt. Sc. 498 *— dh. Bgr. 426 :k dn. Chich, 433 *— (2), dn. Tich. 445 *— dul. St. P. 452 *— dn, Yk, 486 sº (archd. of Heroford), J. It, *— (archd. of Totmoss), Jy. 363 *— (of York), J W. 364 *— (prior of St. John's), Tud. Chanc. Ir. 574 *— Ld. Clk. Itog. 524 * Prob. Somo same pers, Comp. dates, For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944.052, INDEX OF, NAMES. 1163 William—cont. — C, Anj. 27 — (de Clito), C. Flrs. 81 — C. Lux. 84 — D. Aus. 58 — (2) D. Brk. 69, 70 — (Aug. L. &c.), D. Brk, 71; K.G. 743 — (2), D. Ndy, 30 — D.S. Wr, 79 — E. Gmy, 62 — (of Bavaria), IK.G. 734 . Sc. 19 (Earl Marischal), L.P.S. Sc. 501 — M. Bdn. 67 (Rufus—son of Wm. I.), Pr. E. 9, aft. Wm. II., q.v. (son of Hy. I.), Pr. E. 9 — (g. son of Hy. I.), Pr. E. 9 — (Son of Stephen), Pr. E. 9 — (son of Hy. II.), Pr. E. 9 — (son of Hy. III.), Pr. E. 9 — (son of Edw. III.), Pr. E. 10 TI (iss. of Edw. III.), Pr. E. l T3 (g. Son of Chas. I.), Pr. E. — (son of Q. Anne), Pr. E. 14 — (de Croi), IR. Nds. 82 — (of Nassau), IR. Nds. 83 – I., E. Gmy. 63, 65; R. Pr. 65; 1:C,G. 744 º I., IC. W.Bg. 81; G.C.B. 767; I.G. 743 — I. and II., D. Brk. 69 — I. (D. 13rk.), K.G. 735 — I. and II., D. Bwa, 68 — I. and II., El. H. CSl, 72 — I. to III., K. Scy. 55 — I. to IV., R.E. 45-6 Pr. Or., aft, Wm. III. (IK.E.), K.G., 740; and see Wm. III. (Pr. O.), infra, IV. (K.E.), form. D. of Clarence and Pr. Wm. Hy., infra, q.v., K.G. 742; IS. Hmr. 71; IX.T. 748 — I. to III., K. Nds. 83 — II. (IS. Nds.), F.M. 856; K.G., 745 — III. (IK. Nds.), see Wnn. I. (Pr. O.), infra, — I. to IV., R. Nds. 83 -— I. to VI., C. Hld. 82 — I. to VI., Princes of Orange. — I., Pr. Or. 83; R. Nds. 83 — II., IPr. Or. 83; l.G. 740 ; R. Ndls. 83 — III., Pr. Or. 83; K.E. 5; 1C.G. 740; R. Nds, 83 IV., Pr, Or. 83; K.G. 741; IR. Nds, 83 — V., Pr. Or. 83; I.G, 742 — VI., Pr. Or, 83 — -Fk. —, IPr. Or, 83; K. Nds. (Wm. I.), 83; gen. (A) 860; §º. 767; K.B. 766; K.G. sº-º-º-º: — IV. to IX., Lg. H. CS1. 72 — IX. (Lg. H. Csl.), aft. Wm. I., El. H. Csl., q.v., K.G. 742 — -Aug. (Son of Geo. II.), aft. D. of Cumb., q.v., Pr. E. 14 — -Erm., D.S. Wr. 79 —-Frodk, (iss. Of Geo. II.), Pr. E. 14 — –Fredk., Pr, Or., vićle supra, — -Geo,, D. Nass. 76 * #y. (g, son of Geo. II.), Pr, E William—cont. Hy. (Wrm. IV., IC.E., q.v.), IK, Hnr. 71; P.C. 205; Pr. E. 1. 4 — -Lewis, D. WDg. 81 Williams, Albt. Hy. Wilm, gen. (D) 935 — Benj. Fras, Q.C. 420 —ºeni. T., C.C.J. 405; Q.C. 1 — Ch. Fla., R.C. 416 — Ch. Haml., adm. (GF) 841; IK.I3. 764; L.L. Heref. 308 — Ch. J. Watk, and Sir C., J.Q.D.D, 374; Q.C. 419 1) * gº — Dav. and sir D. (No. J.K.B. 372; S.L. 408 — Dav. (No. 2), M.R. 387 — Edm. ICeyn, and Sir E. gen. (D) 879; K.C.B. 775 — Ed. Arth., gem. (D) 922 — Ed. Ch. Sp., C.I.E. 806; gen. (ID) 930 Ed. Rd., adm, (G) 841 — Ed. V. and sir E., J.C.P. 380; Jud. Com. P.C. 361; P.C. 217; S.L. 413 Geo., adm. (H) 849 Griff., b.p. Oss. 620 Gr., dum. Iłgr. 426 * Prob. same pers. — Gw., C.C.J. 405 — Hy. or Rd., dm. Lich, 445 — Hy., gen. (A) 861 — Hy. I'ra.s., gen. (T)) 924 — Jas. B., gen. (D) 888 — Jas. Wnn., bp, Queb. 694 — Jno. (No. 1), abp. Yk, 486; bp. Linc. 447; dum. Sal. 468; dm. Westºr. 469 ; L.R. 356 — Jno. (No. 2), bp. Chich. 433 — Jno., C. Cus. 276-7 — Jno., dn. Bgr. 426 — Jno., S.L. 412 Jno. and sir J., B. Ex. 385; J.R.B. 373; K.C., 416; S.L. 413 — Jno. and Sir J., Sr. N. 257 — sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 — Jno., aft. 1d. W., L.C.H. 294 — Jno. Daiml., gem. (ID) 913 — Jno. Wm. Colm. and sir J., gen. (D) 917 — Jos., dn. Clr. 597 — Josh., Q.C. 418 — Low. Dumc., gen, (D) 895 — Momier and Sir M., C.I.E. 806; K.C.I.E. 805 — Momt. Steph., Q.C. 420 — Montg., gon. (ID) 895 Owen Lew. Copc, gem. (D) 925 * Pomry, L.L. Brec. 315 l’h, K.C. 416 — Rd. or Hy, dm. Lich, 445 — löd., gen. (B) 868; K.C.B. 775 — Rt., adm. (A) 820 — I&t. Griff., Q.C. 419 — Rt. Vaugh., C.C.J. 404 — Rowl., G. Leew. Isl. 727 — Saml., G. Gren. 724 — Sherb., gem. (D) 889 — Th., du. Llff. 450 —— Th., Sp. H.C. 249 — Th., gen. (ID) 901 ir Th., adm. E :K * (A) 818; G.C.B. 768; IV.C.B. 773 — Th. Molyn., gem. (D) 803; IX. H. 791 *— Watk., L.L. Denb. 314 *— Watk., L.L. Mer, 314 * * same pers, Williams--comb —Watkin L. G. and Sir W., gen. (ID) 888 Wm., bn. Wpu. 710 # Wm., K.C. 415 *— Wm., Sp. H.C. 249 *— Sir Wm., S (#. 401 * 2 same pers. ates. Wm. and Sir Wrm., gen. (C) 875; IK.C.B. 774 — Wm. Fenw. (of Išars) and Sir W., Const. T.L. 321; G.C.I3. 770; G. Gibr. 670; G. N. Sc. 695; gem. (ID) 890, 898; IK.C.B. 778 gen. (I)) 891; — Wm. Fr., IK.H. 791 Wm. Jno., gon. (D) 929 — Wnn, Th., gen. (ID) 921 — Woodf. Jno., adm. (D) 832; (E) 834; (E) 838 Williams-Wynn, see Wynn Williamson, Ad., gem. (B) 864; K.B. 765 — Caes., dn. Cash. 627 — Dav., Ld. Sess. 520 — Geo., gen. (B) 865 — sir Jos., L. Admy. 175; IP.C. 191, 194; Pres. R. Soc. 940; S. St. 223 — Rt., C. Cus, 274 — Ush., gem. (D) 894 — Wnn. Jno., C.I.E. 806 Williby, see Willoughby Willimot, see Wilmot Willington, Bayly, gen. (B) 7 86 Willis, Alfr., by). Honol. 712 — Browne, gem. (ID) 893 — Ch., lx.B. 764 — Ed. Coop., Q.C. 419 — Fras., dn. Worc. 473 — Fras., U.S.S. 226 — Fls. Arth., gen. (D) 909 — Geo. Harry Sm. and Sir G., gen. (D) 906; IS.C.B. 781 — Jas., C. Cus. 276 — Rd., bp. Glr. 438; bp. Sal. 467; bp. Winch. 471 ; dum. Tilnc. 448 — ltd. A., gem. (D) 878 — Wm., Q.C. 419 Willmore, Grah., C.C.J. 401; Q.C. 417 Willmot, see Wilmot Willock, sir Hy., Chn. E.I. Co. 645 Willoughby, Wilughby, and Wyllughby — —, K.B. 755 — Chr., K.B. 758 — Ed., dm. Exr. 437 — Hy., G. Bdoes, 719 — Jas. Beaut., adm. (IHI) 851 — Jno. de, K.I.S. 755 — Jno. Poll., M.C.I. 646 — Michl. Fr., gem. (ID) 895 Sir Nesbit Josiah, adm. (D) 827; K.C.H. 788 (or Williby), Ph. de, dm. Linc. 448; B. Ex. 382 — Rd. de, C.J.R.B. 369 ; J.C.P. 377; J.K.B. 371 — Th., dn. Roch, 461 — Sir Th., J.C.1°. 378; S.L. 408 — Wnn, de, IX.]3, 755 Willoughby de Broke, lds. — Rt., 1st là., K.G., 737; L.S.H. 289 — Rt., 2nd lå., K.B. 759 — Geo., 4th lä., dm. Winds. 474 Comp. I'o). List of Abbreviations, sce pp. 944-952, 74 * 1164 INDEX OF NAMES Willoughby de Eresby, lds. — Wm., 5th lä., K.G. 734 — Rt., 6th lá., K.G. 735 — Rd. de Welles, ld, (husband of Joan, dau. of Rt., 6th lá. W. de E.), K.B. 759 , 10th (11th) lil., aft. E. of Lindesey, q.v., K.B. 761 ; I.G.C. 287 — Mont., ld., aft, 2nd E. of Lindesey, q.v., B.T. 263 — Rt., ld., aft. 3rd E. of Lindesey, q.v., C.D.L. 242 — Prisc, Barb. Eliz., 17th (18th) lady, L.G.C. 288 — Pet. Bt., 18th (19th) 16., form. li. Gwyder, q.v., L.G.C. 288; L.L. Carn. 314 — Alberic, 19th (20th) lä., L.G.C. 288 — Clema. Eliz., 20th (21st) lady, form. lady Aveland, q.v., L.G.C. 288 Willoughby of Parham, lds. -Hºrus, 5th lil., G. Bdoes. — Wm., 6th lä., G. Bdoes. 719 ; G. Leew. Isl. 727 Wills, see also Willes — Alf. and sir A., J.Q.B.D. 374; Q.C. 419 — Ch. and sir C., gem. (A) 857; L.G.O. 259; P.C. 197 Willshire, see also Wiltshire — Th. and sir T., gem. (D) 882; K.C.B. 777 Wilmington, Sp., 1st lá, and E. of, form. hon. Sp. Compton, q.v., K.B. 764 ; K.G. 741; L.P.C. 188; L.P.S. 240; L.T. 157; Prem. 142 Wilmore, see Willmore Wilmot and Willmot — Arth. Parry Eardley, adm. (E) 835; (E) 839 — Eardl., gem. (ID) 896 — I'k. Marr. Eardley, gem. (D) 903 — Jno., M. Chy. 397 — sir Jno. Eardley (No. 1), C.G.S. 357; C.J.C.P. 376; #B. 373; P.C. 202; S.L. 41 — sir Jno. Eardley Eardley (No. 2), C.C.J. 404 — Sir Jno. Dardley Eardley (No. 3), G. V. D. li. 708 — Lemuel All., G. N. Brk. 69 96 — (or Willmot), Nich., S.L. 410 — Rt., G. N. Sc. 695 — (or Willimot), Rt., L.M. Lond, 491 — Rt. Dunc., G. N. Brk. 696 Wilmshurst, Arth., adm. (H) 85 1. Wilmund, abp. Yk. 485 Wilson, Archd. and sir A., º gen. (D) 891; G.C.B. 770; F.C.B. 778 — Bedf. H. and Sir B., Amb. 135; Amb. V2a. 134; R.C.E. 782 — Benj. Fras. Dalt., gen. (D) 892 — Ch. Riv., R.C.M.G. 797 — Ch. Wm. and Sir W., K.C.B. 781; K.C.M.G. 797 — Chr, bp. Brl. 439 — Daml., bp. Calc. 653 — Fras. Ed. Edwards, gen, (D) 926 Wilson—comt. — Fras. Wrm., gen, (D) 878 Geo., adm. (A) 816 — Geo., gem. (A) 862 — Geo., K.C. 415 — Geo., S.L. 412 — Geo. Alfr., gen. (D) 934 — Geo. Ja.s., gem. (D) 887 — Geo. Knyv., adm. (IH)848 — Giff. and sir G., J. Chest. 387; K.C. 416; M. Chy. 397 — Gl., C. Cus. 276-7 — Hy. Mein, gem. (ID) 912 º' a.S., bp. Crk, Cl, and R, — Jas., dn. Trn. 613 — Jas., P.C. 216 ; Paym. G. 245; Sec, B.C. 254; Sec. Tr. 163; V.P.B.T. 269 — Jas, and sir J., gen. (I)) 877; K.C.B. 775 — Sir Jas. Milne, K.C.M.G. 797 — Jno., adm. (IHI) 847 — Jno., C.C.J. 403 — Jno., dn. Rip. 482 — Jno., gen. (D) 916 -: no. G. Ceyl. 672; gen, (C) 8 — Jno. and sir J., C.G.S. 357; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 412 — Jno. and sir J., gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776; K.H. 791 — Jno. Cracr., K.C.S.I. 803 — Jno. Crawf., adm. (E) 837 — Jno. Mord], IK.H. 789 — Jno. Newb., gen. (ID) 931 — Natham, K.H. 790 — Nathl., byp. Limk., A. and A. 639; dim. Rph. 602 — Nichs., R. H. 791 — Rd., b.p. Mth. 599 — Rt., dm. Ferns, 623 — R. G. B., gem. (ID) 889 — sir Rt. Th., gen. (A) 862 (C) 873; G. Gibr. 670 — Rog. W., gen. (D) 888 — Saml., L.M. Lond. 492 — Sylv. W. F. M., gen, (D) 928 — Th., adm. (E) 835; (F) 839 — Th., bp. S. and M. 484 Th., dm. Carl. 476 Th., dn, Dham. 479 Th., dn. Drom. 606 Th., dn. Lism. 629 Th., dn. Worc. 473 * Poss. Some same pers. Comp. dates. — Th., gen. (ID) 878 — Th., S. St. 223 — Th. Fourn., gen. (ID) 922 — Th. Maitl., gen. (ID) 898 — sir Th. Sp., gen. (A) 859 Wm. Ch. Fahie, adm. (IHI) 852 Wm. Grey, G. St. Hel. 682 — sir Wm. Ja.s. Erasm., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 — Wm. Sc., bp. Glasg. and Gall. 544 — sir Willshire, gen. (B) 869; K.C.BI, 789 Wilton and Wylton — (or Wyltone), Wm. C.J.C.P. 375; J.C.P. 376 — Gilb. de, bp. Carl. 475 — Laur. de, J. It. 367 — Rd. de, J. It, 365 -ºwn. de, Ch, Jr., 363; Jy. :k >k :k 2: :: #: de, Wilton, E. of — Th., 2nd. E. of, form. hon. Th. Grosvenor, q.v., Amb, Sxy. 120; G.C.H. 787; L.S.H. 290; P.C. 213 Wiltshire, E. of 4. Scroope on Le $ºp" Family. — Wrm., 1st E. of, form. Sir W. Scroope, or lä. Scrope, q.v., L.H.T. 153 Lºwtler Family. — JaS., 1st E. of, also 5th E. of Ormond, q.v., K.G. 736; L.H.T. 153 Stafford Family. 1st Creation, — Jno., 1st E. of, form. Jno. Stafford, q.v., K.G. 736 — Ed., 2nd E. of, K.B. 757 2nd Creation, — Hy., 1st E. of, form. Hy. or lòl, Stafford, q.v. IBoleym. Family. — (and Ormond), Th., 1st E. of, form. Sir Th. Boleyn and visc. Rochford, q.v., L.P.S. 248; Tr. H. 291 Paulet Family. See also Paulet, — Wm., 1st E. of, form. 1st ld. St. John of Basing, q.v., aft, 1st M. of Winchester, q.v., L.H.T. 154 — Chas. Ing., E. of, aft. 13th M. of Winchester, q.v., L.L. Hants, 311 Wilughby, see Willoughby Wimer, —, J. It. 365 Wimbledon, Ed., 1st visc., form. Sir Ed. and lå, Cecil, q.v., L.L. Surr. 312 Wimbush, see Wymbysh Wina, bp. Lond. 450; bp. Winch. 470 Wincelaus, El, Sxy, 77 Winch and Winche — Hy., Q.C. 420 — Humfr. and Sir H., C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; C.J.K.B. Ir. 578; J.C.P. 378; S.L. 409 — sir Humph., L. Admy. 175-6 Winchecombe, Tideman de, bp. Llff. 449; bp. Worc. 472 Winchelsea, and Winchel- sey, see Winchilsea Winchestede, Jno.,de, J. It. 367 — Hy., L.M. Lond. 492 — Jno., bp. Mor. 534 — Rt., R.H. 790 Winchester, E. and M. of De Quincey Family. — Saher. de, E. of (1211-2) Jy. 364; L.H. Const. Sc. 507 — Rog., 2nd E. of, L.H. Comst. Sc. 507 Pawlet Family. — Wm., 1st M. of, form. li. St. Jno. of Basing, and E. of Wiltshire, q.v., L.H.T. 154 — Wm., 3rd M. of, form. W. Paulet, q.v., L.L. Dors. 307 — Ch., 6th M. of, aft. 1st D. of Bolton, q.v., P.C. 191, 193 Ch., M. of, aft. 2nd D. of Bolton, q.v., L.J. Ir. 555; P.C. 194 — Ch. Paulet, M. of, aft. 5th D. of Bolton, q.v., P.C. 200 — Ch. Ing., 13th M. of, Gr. St. 304; P.C. 209 — Jno., 14th M. L.L. Hants. 311 of, For List of Abbreviation.6, 866 pp. 944-952, INDEX OF NAMES. 1165 Winchilsea, and Winchil- Sey — Rt., abp. Cant. 430 Winchilsea, E. of, see also Nottingham and Paulet — Heneage, 3rd E. of, L.L. Kent, 309 — Ch., 4th E. of, L.L. Kent, 309; P.C. 196; Pres, B.T. 264 — Daiml., 7th E. of, form. 1d. Finch, q.v. — Daiml. 8th E. of, K.G. 742; L.H.A. 178; L.P.C. 188 — Geo., 9th E. of, Gr, St. 304; IS.G. 743; L.L. Rutl, 311; P.C. 207; Pres. R. Inst. 940 Winchingham, Wm. de, J.C.P. 378 Windebank, sir Fras., L. #my. 175; L.T. 154; S. St. – Jas, L.P.S. 240 Windell, Rt., bp. Emly, 625 Windham, see Wyndham Windlesore, see Wyndlesore Windsor, Andr., K.B. 759 — hon. Dixie, St. O. 260 — Th., Const, W. Cast. 322 — Th., K.B. 760 — Wm., K.B. 760 -- Sir Wm. de, L.L. Ir. 551 Windsor, lds, and visc. Th. 6thii.º.B.º. — Th., 7th lä., G. Jam, 712 — Th., visc. (son of Th., 7th ld. W. and 1st E. of Ply- mouth), form. Th. Windsor- Hickman, q.v., gen. (B) 864 windy (or Wendy), Th., K.B. Wineffe. See Winniffe Winfride, bp. Lich. 443 Wing, Jno. Wm., C.C.J. 403 Wingate, Andr., C.I.E. 806 — Ed., C. Exc. 278 — Geo., K.C.S.I. 802 Winger, see Wyngar wingfield, sir. Amºny, C.Y.G. 298; Compt. H. 292; V.C.H. 296; K.G., 738 Ch. Jno., Ch. Com. Oudh. 654; K.C.S.I. 802 Ch. Wm., gen. (D) 896 — Ed., U.S.C. 236 — Fras., S.L. 410 — Jno., dn. Kilmacd, 637 — Jno., K.B. 757 — Jno., Yk, H. 334; Ptc. P.A. 337 — Jno. Hope, gen, (D) 906 — sir Rd., C.D.L. 242; K.G. 7 — Sir Rd., aft. 1st visc.Powers- court, q.v., L.J. Ir, 554; L.L. Ir. 554 — (or Wyngfelde), Rt., K.B. — Wm., K.C. 416; M. Chy. 7 39 - Wingham (or Wengham), Hy. de, bp. Lond. 451; L.K. 353 Wingrove, Geo. Presc., gen. (D) 880 Winn, see also Wynn * Rowl., L.T., 162 Winne, Jno., adm. (D) 823 Winniett, Wm. and sir W., G. Gºld. CSt. 686 Winniffe (or Wineffe), Th., bp. Linc. 447; dm. Glr. 440; dm. St., P. 453 winnington, Sir Ed., St. O. 0 Winnington—cont. — Fras, and sir F., K.C. 414; S.G. 401 i — Th, and sir T., L. Admy, 177-8; L.T. 156; P.C. 198; #m. G. 244; Sec. at War, Winram, Geo., Ld. Sess. 519 Winsey (or Winsius), bp. Lich. 443 Winslow, E., G. N. Brk, 695 — Th. Ewing, Q.C. 419 Winson, Wm., gen, (D) 924 winter, Jas. Sp., K.C.M.G. 7 — Rt., gen. (IB) 868 — Sank., dn. Kild, 619 — Th., dn. Cloy, 633 — Th., dn. Wells, 429 Winterbotham, Hy. S. P., U.S. Home, 228 Winterbottom, Th., L.M. Lond. 492 Winterburne, see Wynter- burne Winthrop, Geo. Teale Teb., adm. (IHI) 852 — Rt., adm. (A) 819 wºthrope, Saml., G. Antig. 728 Wintle, Alfr., gen. (I)) 911 — Edm. Hy. Cull., gem. (D) Fras. 914 Winton, Walt, de, K.C.M.G. 798 Winton, E. of, see E. of Win- . chester Winwood, sir R., S. St. 223 Wircestre (or Whitchester), Rog. de, J.C.P. 377 wife, Dav. Wms., L.M. Lond. 49 Wiro (or Wirus), St., b.p. Dbln. 615 8) Wisdom, Rt., K.C.M.G. 798 Wise, see also Wyse — Ch., adm. (E) 835; (E') 838 — Ed., IS.B. 763 — Th., K.B. 761 — Wrm. Furl., adm. (ID) 826 Wisebex, Regd. de, J. It. 366 Wise heart, and Wisehart see Wishart Wiseman, Capel, b]p. Drom. 605; dm. Rph. 602 Sk Sir Rt., C. Exc. 278 *— Sir Rt., D. Arch. 420 *— Sir Rt., J. Adm. Ct. 423 × Sir Rt., Vic. Gen. 421 * 2 same pers. — Wm., sir Saltonst., adm. (E) 835; K.C.B. 779 Wishart, Wisehart, Wiseheart; — Geo., b.p. Edinb. 533 — Sir Jas., adm. (A) 813; L. Admy, 177 — Jas., L.J. Clk, 516; Ld. Adv. 525 — Jno., b.p. Glasg. 536 — sir Jno., Compt, Sc. 498; Ld. Sess. 517 — Rt., bp. Glasg. 536 — Wm., bp. Glasg, 536; bp. # Andr. 529; Ld. Chanc. Sc. 1 Witchester (or Wircestre), see Whitchester Witefeld, see Whitefeld witham, sir Jno., G. Bdoes. 7 — Wm., dn. Wells. 429 Withernius, bp. Winch. 470 and wiſherington, Jno., S.L. Ir. 9 Withers, see also Whithers — Hy., gen. (B) 864 — Rd., Guis. P.A. 343; Ptc. P.A. 337 — sir Wm., L.M. Lond. 491 Withlafe, R.E. 3 With red, bp. Lindisf. 478 Witiza, K. Sp. 85 Witta, bp. Lich. 443 Witter, Daml., bp. Killoe. 634; dm. Ardf. 640; dn. Down, 605 Wittlesey, see Whittlesey Witton, Jonn., G.I. Man, 666 Wivill, see Wyvill Wo-, see also Woo- Wode, Jno., Sp. H.C. 249 Wodeford, see also Woodford — Th. de, dn. Lism. 628 Wodehouse, see also Wood- house — Ch., C.I.E. 808 — Edm., gen. (ID) 906 — hon. Ed. Thornt., adm. (G) 842 — Geo., adm. (HI) 849 — Jno. de, M. Chy. 393 — Jno., see la. W., infra, — Jas. Hay, Amb. Sd. Is. 137 — Nichs., gen. (D 883 — hon. Ph., adm. (A) 819 — Ph. Edm. and sir P. Amb. Vza. 134; G. Bbay. 659; G. IBr. Gu. 715; G. Br. Hond. 714; G. C.G.H. 679; G.C.S.I. 801; K.C.B. 783 — (or Woodhouse), Rt. de, B. Ex. 383; L.H.T. 153 Woodstock, lds. — hon. Jno., aft, 2nd ló. W., L.L. Norf. 310 — Jno., 3rd ló., aft. 1st E. Kimberley, q.v., Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Russ. 126; L.L. Ir. 558; P.C. 217; U.S.F. 230 Wodestoke, see also Wood- Stock — — Jas de, J.C.P. 377 Wodewyk, Rd., K.B. 756 Wodhele, Rog., dn. Bgr. 426 Wodington, Ad., Ld. Chanc. Ir, 574 Wogan, Jno. and sir J., J. It. 368; L.J. Ir. 550 — Jno., IK.B. 759 — Rd., Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575 Wogham, see Woogen Wolesley, see Wolseley Wolfe, see also Wolff OUUIC — Arth., aft. visc. Kilwarden, q.v., A.G. Ir. 588; C.J.K.B 578; S.G. Ir. 589 Ed., gen. (B) 865 — Geo., gem. (ID) 922 — Jas., gen. (C) 871 — Jno., C. Cus. Ir. 565 Wolfehelm, bp. Her. 441 Wolferstan, Ch., G. Bdoes. 719 Wolff, see also Wolfe and Woulfe — Hy. Dr. and sir H., Amb. Eg. 130; Amb. TRy. 130; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; K.C.M.G. 796; M.G.K.A. 799; P.C. 220 Wolfi, bp. Cnwall. 436 Wolfius, bp. Lich, 443 Wolfstan, see Wolstan wºmanton, Arth, Nayl,C.I.E. and For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, I166 INDEX OF NAMES, Wollaston—comt. — Ch., adm. (A) 820 — Sir Jno., L.M. Lond. 491 - Wm. Hy. de, Pres. R. Soc. Wollaveston, Hy, de, J. It. 368; Jy. 365 Wolley, see also Wooley — Ed., bp. Clonf. and K. 636 —isoat. Lampl., adm. (H) — Th., adm. (A) 818 Wollore (or Wallore), Dav. de, . L.K. 354; M.R. 357 Wolman, see Woolman Wolmerstown, Jno., ld, form. Jno. Lindsay, q.v., K.B. (1603) 761 Wolocus, bp. Cnwall. 436 Wolphelm or Wolpheimus (2), bp. Wells, 427 Wolrige, Wm., adm. (H) 846 Wolseley and Wolesley — Ch., adm. (A) 815 — Garnet Jos., see lil. and visc. W., infra, — Jno., dn. Rild. 619 — Ralph, B. Ex. 383 — Wnn., adm. (A) 817 — Wrm., L.J. Ir. 555 Wolseley, lds, and visc. — Garn. Jos., aft, sir G., and 1st là. and visc. W., Amb. Gmy, and Pr. 116; G. Cypr. 671; G. Nat. 680; G.C.B. 771; G.C.M.G. 795; gen. (ID) 905; IK.C.B. 780; K.C.M.G. 796; IK.P. 752; M.C.I. 647 Wolsey, see also Woolsey — Rd., b.p. Down and Cnr. 604 — Th., abp. Ylc. 486; bp. B. and W. 428; bp. Dham. 478; bp. Tinc. 447; bp. Winch. 471; din. Her. 442; dim. Linc. 448; dm. Yk. 487; Ld. Chanc. 355; Regr. Gart. 746 Wolsius, abp. Yk. 485 Wolstan and Wolstanus — (or Wolfstan) (2), abp. Ylº. 485; bp. Worc. 472 — bp, Lond, 451 Wolstenholme, sir Jno., C. CuS. 273 Wolston, Guy de, K.D. 758 Wolton, see Woolton and Walton Wolveden, Rt., dn. Lich, 445 Wolveridge, Jas. or Jno., M. Chy. 395 Wolverton, G.co. G., 2nd ló., form, hom. G. G. Glynn, q.v., P.C. 218; Paym. G. 245; Postºm. G. 239 wºmach, Lawr., bp, St. Dav. 46 Wombwell, Arth., gen. (ID)922 — Geo. and sil: G., Chm. E.I. Co. 644 Woo-, see also Wo— Wood, Alex., D. Fac. Sc. 527; Jy. Sc. 523; Ld. Sess. 520 — Alex., gen. (IB) 867 — Alex., K.C.M.G. 796 — Andr., b.p. Chess. 532; bp. Isl. 540 — Andr., Compt. Sc. 498 — Andr., L.H.A. Sc. 499 — Ch. and Sir C., aft. visc, Halifax, q.v., Ch. Ex. 165; G.C.B. 772; L. Admy. 183-4; L.T. 161; P.C. 215; Pres. B.C. 254; Sec. Adm. 186; Sec. Ind. 236; Sec. Tr. 163 Wood—comt. — Ch. Wm., Q.C. 419 — Corn., gen. (B) 864 — Dav., Compt. Sc. 498 — Dav. Ed. and sir D., gen. º 902; G.C.B. 771; K.C.B. 7 — Attiwell, S.L. Ir. 592 — Geo., K.C.B. 775 — Geo., S.L. 408 — Geo., and sir G., B. Ex. 385 ; S.T. 412 — Geo. and sir G., gen. (C) 874; K.C.H. 787 — Hy. Evel. and sir H., gem. º 924; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 781 — Hy. Hast. A., gen. (D) 922 — Hy. Jno., gem. (D) 891 — Jas., dm. Ely, 435 — Sir Jas., gen. (C) 871 — Sir Jas. Ath., adm. (A) 819 Jas. Cr., gen. (ID) 915 — Jno., C. Exc. 282; C.I.R. 285; C, St. 284; C. St. and Tx. 285; C. TX. 285 — Jno., G. I. Man, 666 — Jno., gem. (C) 873 — Jno., Ld. Sess. 517 — Jno. Sul., gem. (A) 862; Lt. T L. 322 — Jno. Stew., K.C.B. 783 — Matth., L.M. Lond. 492 Tºd. and sir R., Amb. Tun. 132 ; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.M.G. 79 97 — Sir Rd., L.H.T. 153 — Rt., U.S.S. 226 — Rt. Bl., gen. (ID) 895 — Rog., G. Brmda. 701 -— Th., C.J.C.P. 375; 378; S.L. 407 — Th., gem. (ID) 892 | — Th., b.p. Lich. and Cow. 444; dim. Lich, 445 — Wrm., adm. (IHI) 851 — Wrm., gen. (ID) 879; R.H. 791 — Wnn., K.C.B. 779 — (or Bosco), Wm. de, Ld. Chanc, Sc. 514 — Wnn. Leight., IK.H. 792 — Wm. Mark, gen. (T)) 902 — Wrm. Page and sir W., aft. | 1st là. Hatherley, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 361; L.J. App. 389; i Ld. Chanc. 358 ; P.C., 217; §” 417; S.G. 402; V. Chanc. | Woodall, Wm., S.G.O. 260 wºgaburn, AleX., gem. (D) J.C.P. 88 | Woodcock, Ch. Saml., gen, i (TD) 911 — Jno., L.M. Lond. 489 Woodford, see also Wode- ford — Alexr. and sir A., F.M.856; G.C.B. 769; G.C.M.G. 794; G. Ch. Hosp. 936; G. Gibr. 670; gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 776; L.G. Ch. Hosp. 936 — sir Geo., gem. (C) 875 — Jas. R., bp. Ely, 435 — Sir Jno. Geo., K.C.B. 776; IK.C.H. 788 — Ralph, Amb. Dk. 127 ; Amb. H. ThS. 120 — sir Ralph J., G. Trim, 722 wºgatorae, Woodf. F., C.C.J. 40 Woodhouse, see also Wode- house — capt—., G. Brmdal, 701 Woodhouse—comt. — Jno., C.D.L. 242 — Jno. C., dm. Lich. 445 — Rt., See Wodehouse — Rt. I&uss., gen. (ID) 925 — Th., K.B. 759 — Wm., gem. (D) 878 Woodley, Wm., B. and Gl. R.A. 330; Bath K.A. 785; Han. H. 340; G. Antig. 728; G., Berb. 715 Woodloke, Hy., b.p. Winch. 470 Woodrofe, sir Nichs., L.M. Lond. 490 : wººdruffe, Ch. Lorr., gen.(ID) 931 Woods, Alb. Wm. and sir A. (No. 1), Fitzal. P.A. 343; Gart. K.A. 328; Lanc. H.333; M.G.K.A. 799; Ptc. P.A. 337; Regr. Cr. I. 810; Regr. I.E. 808; Regr. S.I. 804; Regr, and Sec. Bath, 785 — Alb. Wm. (No. 2), R. Dr. P.A. 338 — Eug., dn. Arm. 597 — Hy. Geo., gem. (D) 921 — Wm. and sir •y * * *** * * P.A. 337; Clar. IS.A. 328; Gart. K.A. 328; K.H. 790 ; NOrf. H. 341 — Wrm. Geo., gem. (ID) 916 Woodstock, see also Wode- Stoke — Wm., 1st. visc., form. Wm. Bentinck, q.v., aft. 1st D. of Portland, q.v. Woodvile, Woodville, Wyd- vill, and Wydville — Ed. and sir E., K.B. 757; I.G., 737 — Jno., IK.B. 757 — Lion., bp. Sal. 467; Chanc. Gart. 745; dm. Exr. 437 — Rd., IK.B. 757 Woodward, Rd., dm. Clr. 598; bp. Cloy, 631 — Rd., M. Chy. 394 — Rt., din. Sal. 468 — Th., dn, Down. 605 Woogen (or Wogham), Wm., S.L. 411 Woolcombe and Wooll- Combe — Geo., adm. (H)847 — Hy. Bedf., adm. (H) 852 Wooley and Woolley, also Wolley — Sir Jno., Chanc. Gart. 746; dn. Carl. 476 — Rt., gem. (D) 917 Woollcombe, see Woolcombe Woolley, see Wooley Woolman, Rd., dn. Wlls. 429; M. Chy, 394 Woolmore, Sir Jno., K.C.H. 788 Woolnough, Jos. Ch., K.H. 790 Woolrich, Toby, M. Chy. 396 Woolridge, . Thornb. gen. (D) 882; K.H. 791 - wººlrych, Humphry W., S.L. 13 S60 Woolsey, see also Wolsey —ºp Bºyen Bell., gen. (ID) 9 - *Woolton, Jno., b.p. Exr. 437 *— Jno., Wöln, Chr. Manch. 481 * * same pers. wºganam, Jas. BOW., gen,(D) IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. INDEX OF NAMES. 1167 Worcester, Wm. Kenn., gen. (D) 909 Worcester, E. and M. of Percy Family. — Th., 1st E. of, form. Th. Fºey and Sir T., q.v., L.H.A. 17 Tiptoft Family. — Jno., 1st E. of, form, ld. Tiptoft, q.v., Const. T.L. 320; K.G. 736; L.H.T. 153; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 575; L.L. Ir. 552 Herbert Family. — Ch., 1st E. of, form. Sir C. Somerset and lói. Herbert, º Chanc. Gart. 745; L.C.H. — Wm., 3rd E. of, form, ld. Herbert, q.v., K.G. 738 — Ed., 4th E. of, E.M. 326; R.G. 739; L.H. Const. 289; L.P.S. 240; M.H. 302 — Hy., 3rd M. of, aft. 1st D. of Beaufort, q.v., K.G. 740; L.L. N. and S. Wales, &c. 314; P.C. 191-2 — Hy., M. of, aft. 7th D. of Beaufort, q.v., L. Admy. 181 Worcheley, Jno. de, Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574 Wordsworth, Ch., b.p. St. Andr., Dkld., and Dnbl. 545 — Ch. F. F., Q.C. 417 — Chr., bp. Linc. 447 — Jno., b.p. Sal. 467 — Wm., C.I.E. 808 — Wrm., P. Laur. 301 Worgan, Jno., gen. (D) 916 worge, Rä. gèn. (G) sº Wormald, Rt. Cr., gen. (D) 898 — Th., Pres. Coll. Surg. 939 Worm eley, Ralph Rand., adm. (ID) 828 Worms, bar. Hy, de, Sec. B.T. 259; U.S.C. 235 Woronus, bp. Cnwall. 436 Woromzow, Count, G.C.B 767 Worrall, Hy. L., gem. (ID) 887 Worseley and Worsley — Ed. Vaugham, gem. (B) 870 — Hy., G. Bdoes. 720 - — Hy. and sir H., G.C.B.769; K.C.B., 776 * — Rd., adm. (A) 820 — Sir Rd.; Amb. WCe. 116; Compt. H. 292; P.C. 203 — Wrm., dm. St. P. 453 Worth, Ed., bp. Rilloe. 634; dm. Crk. 632 — Jno., dm. Kild. 619; dri. St. Patlº. 618 — Jno., See Wrothe — Wrm., B, Ex. Ir. 584 Wortham, Hale Young, gem. (D) 892 — Hy., gem. (D) 930 Worthington, Sir Wim., L.M. Dbln. 641 - Wortledge, Jno., C.C.J. 404 Wortley, Ch. Balt. Stuart-, U.S. Home, 228 — hon. Jas. Archb. Stuart-, J.A.G.937; P.C. 215; Q.C. 417; Rec. Lond. 494; S.G. 402 — hon. Jno. Stuart-, aft. 2nd ld. Wharncliffe, q.v., Sec. B.C. 254 Wotton, Ed., see id., W., infra, — Nichs., dm. Cantº. 431; dim. Yk. 487; S. St. 223 — Nichs., L.M. Lond. 489-90 –– Wm., B. EX, 383 Wotton, lds. — Sir Ed., aft. 1st là. W., Compt. H. 292; Tr. H. 291 Woulfe, see also Wolfe and Wolff — Jno., gen, (D) 878 — Steph., A.G. Ir. 588; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583; S.G. Ir. 590; S.L. II. 593 Wrangham, Digby C., P.P. 417; S.L. 413 Wratislas I. and II, D. Brma. 59 {} Wratislau, Hy. Rushw., adm. (E) 837 Wray, Bourch., K.B. 763 Chr., L. Admy. 175 — Chr. and sir C., C.J.Q.B. 370; J.C.P. 378; J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 — Ed., gem. (D) 916 Too Hy., G. Jsey, 668; gem. (D) 925 Wrede, Pr. Ch. Phil., G.C.B. 767 4. Wren, Chr., dm. Winds. 474 — Sir Chr., Pres. R. Soc. 940 — Jord., gem. (IB) 866 — Matth., bp. Ely, 435 ; bp. Her. 441; bp. Norw. 455; dim. Winds. 474 Wrench, Flº. S., Land Com. Ir. 588 Wrenfordsley, Hy. Th., G. W. Austr. 707 Wrexworth, Jno., Gart. K.A. 327 *Wright, Ch., gen. (D) 895 *— Ch., K.H. 789 * 2 same pers. —— Ch. Ja.s., gem. (D) 904 — Geo., gen. (A) 863 — Hy. Rd., gem. (ID) 894 — JaS. and Sir J., Amb. Vce. 116 — Jno., gen. (ID) 884; R.H. 790 — Jno. All., gen. (D) 923 — Mart. and Sir M., B. Ex. 385; J.R.B. 373; S.L. 411 — Nath. and Sir N., L.K. 357; P.C. 194; S.L. 411 — Rt., b.p. Brl. 439; bp. Lich. and Cov. 444 — Rt. and Sir R., B, Ex. 384; C.J.C.P. 375; C.J.R.B. 370; J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 — Th., gen. (D) 891 — Th., gen, (D) 923 — Th., L.M. Lond. 492 — Wrm., gem. (IB) 867 — Wnn., M.M. 246 Wriothesley, see also wºnder Wrythe — Jas., c.c. Id. Wr., K.B. (1616) 762 — Jno., see Wrythe — Th., see lá. Wr., infra, Wriothesley, lds. — Ja.s., see Supra, — Th., ld, aft. E. Of South- ampton, q.v., R.G. 738; L.K. and Ld. Chanc. 355 ; S. St. 223 *. Writhe, see Wrythe Writheseley, see Wrythe Wroe, Rd., Wùm, Chr. Ch. Manch, 481 Wroth, -, S.L. 410 — (or Worth), Jno., Lond. 489 — Rt., gen. (C) 871 Wrothani, Wm. de, Jy. 364; W.C.P. 317 smºs- L.M. Wrottesley, sir Hugh, K.G. 733 — sir Jno., gen. (C) 872 — Sir Rd., dn. Worc. 474 Wrottesley, lds. — Jno., 2nd lå., Pres. R. Soc. 940 Arth., 3rd lá., L.L. Staffs. 312 roughton, Th, and sir T., Amb. Pld. 126; Amb. Sw, 126; K.B. 765 Wrythe and Writhe — Ch., Berw. P.A. 341; R. Cr. P.A. 335; Winds, H. 331 — (or Writhesley), Jno., Amt. P.A. 341; Gart. K.A. 327 ; R. Cr, P.A. 335 — (or Wriothesley), sir Th., Gart. K.A. 327 — (or Wriothesley), Wm., Yk. H. 334 Wrythens, Fras., K.C. 414 Wsewolod I. to III., R. Russ. 89 Wuffstan, bp. Lond. 451 Wuldham (or Suthflete), Th. de, bp. Roch. 459 Wulfehard, bp. Her. 441 Wulfelm, abp. Cant. 430 Wulff, Geo., gen. (B) 869 — Hy. Pow., gem. (D) 894 Wulfgar (or Alfgar), bp. Witn. 466 Wulfhere, abp, Yk. 485 — K.E. 3 Wulfine and Wulfillus — bp. Shbn. 466 — bp. Dorch. and Sidr. 446 Wulfius, abp. Yk. 485 — bp. Lond. 451 Wulfred, abp. Cant, 430 Wy—, see also Wi– Wyatt, see also Wyott — Alex. Hy. Lewis, gem. (ID) 90 904 — Edg., gen. (D) 880 — Edwim, S.L. 410 — (or Wyotte), Hy., — Jas., Pres. R.A. 941 Wyche, see also Wich — sir Cyril, L.J. Ir. 555; Pros. R.C. 940 — Hugh, L.M. Lond. 490 — Jno., B. Ex. Ir, 583 — sir Pet., Compt. H. 292 Wychingham, Wm. de, S.L. R.B. 40 Wychyngham, Geoffr., L.M. LOnd. 489 *Wyckham, see Wickham Wydvile and Wydville, see Woodville Wye, Rd., b.p. Cloy. 630 wºorde, Nichs., L.M. Lond. Wyke, Ch. Lenn. and Sir C., Amb. C. Ann. 133; Amb. Dk. 127; Amb. Hinr. 120; Amb. Mex, 133; Amb. Pgl. 125; G.C.M.G. 795; K.C.B. 783; JP.C. 220 Wykeham, see also Wick- hann - — Wm. de, bp. Winch. 470 Ld. Chamc. 354 Wykehampton, Rt, de, bp. Sal. 466; din. Sal. 468 Wykford and Wikeford — Rt. de, abp. Dbln, and Gl. 616; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 574; M. Chy, 393 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 1168 INDEX OF NAMES. Wyld and Wylde, see also Wild — Ed. Andr., gen. (ID) 913 — Th., C. Fix.c. 279-80 — Wm., gen. (D) 886 — Wm., see Wilde wºe, Walt. de la, bp. Sal. Wylie, see Wyllie winton, Italph de, K.B. Wyllie, Wm. and sir W., gen. º 888; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 79 9 Wm. Alexr. Patr., gen. (D) — Wnn. Hutt. Curz., C.I.E. 807 Wyllughby, see Willoughb ####"ºnenby wymburne, Walt. de, J.K.B. 371 wºmbysh, Nichs., M. Chy. — Geo. Petre and sir G., gen. (ID) 884; IK.C.B. 778 Wymond, abp. Yk. 485 Wymundham, Th. de, see Wyndham Wymundus (or Reymundus), % Isl. 539; bp. S. and M. 48 Wynard, Wm., S.L. 407 Wyndham, Wymundham, and Windharm. — Ch. Ash, gen. (ID) 890; K.C.B. 779 — Fras., J.C.P. 378; S.L. 408 — hon. F. W., Amb, Tusc. 115 — Geo. H., Amb. Bzl. 135; Amb. Swa, 128 -i. Hyº gen. (A) 863; K.C.B. 77 — Hugh, gen. (B) 864 — Hugh and sil: H., B. Ex. 384; J.C.P. 379; S.L. 409-10 — Jno., S.L. 410 — Th., C. Tx, 284 — Th., see la. W., infra Th. de, B. Ex. 382; L.H.T. 152 Th. Nort., gen, (IB) 868 — Wadh. and Sir W., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 — Wm., L.G. Ch. Hosp, 936 Wm. (No. 1), Ch. Sec. Ir. 562; P.C. 206; Sec. at W. 234; W. and C. Sec. 231 — Sir Wm. (No. 2), Ch. Ex. 165; P.C. 196; Sec. at W. 233 — Wm. Luk., adm. (A) 819 Wyndham, lds. — Th., aft. 1st là. W., C.J.C.P. Ir. 580; L.J. Ir. 556; Ld. Chanc. Ir. 576 Wyndlesore, Hugh de, Const. T.L. 320; W.C.P. 317 Wynford, W. D., 1st là., form. Sir W. . Best, q.v., Jud. Com. P.C. 360 Wyngar (or Winger), Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 Wyngfelde (or Wingfield), Rt., K.B. 756 Wynklegh, Rog. de, dn. EXr. 437 Wynn and Wynne, see also Winn — Ed. Wm. Ill., gen. (D) 92 — Ch. Watk. Wms., C.D.L. 243; P.C. 210; Pres. B.C. 253; Sec. at W. 234; U.S. Home, 227 Wynn and Wynne–cont. — Hy. Watk, and sir H., Amb. Dk, 127; Amb. Swz. 113; Amb. Sxy. 120; G.C.H. 786; K.C.B. 782; P.C. 210 — sir Watk. Wms. (4th bt.), L.L. Mer. 314 — sir Watk. Wms. (5th bt.), º Denb. 314; L.L. Mer. — sir Watk, Wms. (6th bt.), L.L. Mer. 314 — Geo., gen. (D) 903 — Jno., U.S. Ir. 563 — Owen, gen. (IB) 864 — Owen, S.L. 410. — Rd., S.L. 411 — Rt., C. Cus. Ir. 565-6 — Th., aft. 1st ld, New- borough, q.v., L.L. Carm, 314 — Wm. and sir Wm., B.T. 268; Ch. Lond, 422; D. Arch. 421; J. Pr. Ct. 421; K. Adv. 422; P.C. 205; S.L. 412; Vic. Gen. 422 — Wm. Hy., dm. Drom. 606 Wynterburne, Th., dn. St. P. 453 wynyard, Ed. Buck, gon. . (D) 880 — Ed. Geo., gen. (IO)905 — Hy., gen. (A) 860 — Hy. B. J., gem. (ID) 919 — Jno., gen. (B) 865 — Rt. Hy., G.C.G.H. 679; G. N.Z. 709; gen. (D) 893 — Wm., gen. (IB) 866 — Wm., gen. (B) 867 Wyott, see also Wyatt Ph., dn. Lism, 629 Wyredus, bp. Elm. Dunw. 454 Wyrley, Wm., R. Cr. D.A. 335 Wyse, See also Wise — Andr., V. Treas. Ir. 559 — Th, and sir T., Amb. Gr. 128; K.C.B. 782; L.T. 160; P.C. 215; Sec. B.C. 254 Wyseman, Rt., see Wiseman Wythens, sir Fras., J.K.B. 372; S.L. 410 Wyther, Wm., J. It. 368 Wytter, Daml, see Witter Wyvil, Wyvile, and Wy- ville Maj. —, M.M. 247 Chr., adm. (ID) 831 Chr., C. Exc. Sc. 505 * 2 same pers. — Chr., dn. Bip. 482 — Jno. de B. l. x. 382; J.C.P. 377; Jy. 365 — Sir Marm., C. Exc. 279 — Rt., bp, Sal. 467 and sk Sk X. Xerri, Gius. Bart., Prel. M.G. 799 — Raph. Cr., G.C.M.G. 794 Xerxes I. and II., K. Pers. 99 xiiian, Anast. Tip., K.C.M.G. 2Cimenes, Sir Dav., gen. (B) 870; K.C.H. 788 — J., Pres, C.R. 106 Y. *Yale, Th., D. Arch. 420; Vic. Gen. 421 *— Dav. or Th., M. Chy. 395 * Prob. same pers. , Yarborough, see also Yer- borough — Ch.A. W., 3rd E. Of, L.L. Linc. 810 Yard, Rt., M. Chy. 396 — Rt., U.S.S. 225 wººley, Sir Wm., C.J. Bbay. 66 xºford, Sir Jas., L.M. Lond. 49 Yarmouth, E. of Pastom. Family. — Wrm., 2nd E. of, Tr. H. 291 Seymown' Conway Family. — Fras., 1st E. of, aft. 1st M. of Hertford, q.v., form. Visc. Beauchamp, q.v. — Fras. Ch., E. of, aft. 3rd M. of Hertford, q.v., Amb. Fr. 112; G.C.H. 786; L.W.S. 323; P.C. 209; W.C.H. 297 — Hugh de Grey, E. of (son of 5th M. of Hertford), Compt. H. 293; P.C. 219 Yaldwyn, Jno., gen. (D) 888 Yates, Hy, Peel, gem. (D) 922 — Jno., K.B. 760 — Jonn., gem. (A) 863 — Jos. and sir J., J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 373; S.L. 412 — Jos. St. J., C.C.J. 403 — Rd, Augs., adm. (GF) 841 — Rd. H., gen. (D) 878 Yatington or Yattenden, Nichs. de, Const. W. Cast. 322; Jy. 365 Yaxley, Jno., S.L. 407 Yeamans, Jno., G. Antig. 728 Yeard, Jno., dn. Ach. 614 Yelverton, Barry, aft. 1st ld. and visc. Avonmore, A.G. Ir, 588; C.B. Ex. Ir. 583 — Chr. and Sir C., J.Q.B. 372; S.L. 408; Sp. H.C. 249 — Hast. Reg. and sir G., adm. (D) 833; (E) 834; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 780; L. Admy, 185 — Hy, and sir H. A.G. 399; J.C.P. 379; J.K.B. 372; S.G. 401; S.L. 409 371; K.B. — Wm., J.K.B. 757; S.L. 407 xº, Sir Jas. Lucas, K.C.B., I'or List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, INDEX OF NAMES. 1169 Yerborough, see also Yar- bºº — Sir Jno. De, C.D.L. 242 zºward, Griff. ap, bp. Bgr. Yester, lds. — Jas. (? Jno.), Hay, ld, K.B. (1603) 761 — Jno., Id., aft 2nd M. of ºyeedaale. q.v., L.H.T. Sc. Yonge, see also Young — Edmd., adm. (G) 842 — sir Geo., G. C.G.H. 678; K.B. 765; L. Admy. 179; M.M. 247; P.C. 203; Sec. at W. 234; V. Treas. It. 560 — Gust. N. K. A., gen. (D) 918 *— Jno., dn. Chich. 434 >k Jno., dr. Yk. 487 #: Jno., M.R. 387 * 2 same pers. — Jno., L.M. Lond. 490 — Ph., bp, Brl, 439; byp. Norw. 455 — Th., see Young — Wnn. and Sir W., Coff. H. 293; K.B. 764; L. Admy. 177 ; L.T. 156; P.C. 198; Sec. at W. 233; V. Treas. Ir, 560 — Wnn. Lamb., gem. (D) 934 York almd Yorke — Ch, and sir C., Const. T.L. 321; F.M. 856; gem. (D) 884; G.C.B. 770; K.C.B. 778 — hom. Ch., aft. 1st Id. Mor- ton, q.v., A.G. 399; IS.C. 415; Ld. Chanc. 357 ; P.C. 202; S.G. 402 — hon. Ch. Ph., H. Sec. 226; L. Adımy. 181; P.C. 206; Sec. at W. 234; Tell. Ex. 168 — Fk. Augs., gen. (D) 901 — hom. Gr. M., dm. Worc. 474 — hom. Ja.s., bp. Ely, 435; bp. Glr. 438; bp. St. Daw. 465; dc. Linc. 448 — Jno., dm. Down, 605; dim. Killmacd. 637 — Jno., gen, (D) 901 — Jno., M.M. 246 — hon. Jno., B.T. 265; L. Admy, 179 — hom. Jos. and Sir J., aft. 1st là. Dover, q.v., Amb. Nds. &c. 122; B.T. 267; gen. (A) 858; K.B. 765; P.C. 202 Sir Jos. Sid., adm. (A) 818; R.C.B. 774 ; L. Admy. 181 — Sir Ph., aft. 1st ld, and E. of Hardwicke, q.v., A.G. 399; C.J.K.B. 370; P.C. 198; S.G. 401 ; S.L. 412 — hon, Ph., aft. visc. ToySton and 2nd E. of Hardwicke, q.v., Tell. Ex. 168 — Reg., adm. (H) 848 — Rog., S.T.u. 408 — Wrm, de, bp. Sal. 466; Ch. Jr. 363; J. It. 367 — Wm. and Sir W., C. Acc. Ir. 567; C.J.C.P. Ir. 581; Ch. Ex. Ir. 562; J.C.P. Ir, 582 York, D. of, see also Albany Plantagemet IFamily. — Edm., 1st D. of, form. E. of Cambridge, q.v. — Ed., 2nd D. of (g, Son of Edw. III.), form, Pr, Edwd, E. of Rutland and D. of Albemarle, q.v., Const. T.L. ; G. Ch. Isl. 667; W.C.P. 31 York, D. of cont. — Rd., 3rd D. of, K.B. 756; IK.G., 735 — Rd., D. of (2nd son of Edw. IV.), also E. of Nottingham, and D. of Norfolk, q.v., E.M. 326; K.B. 757; K.G.736; L.L. Ilº. 552 — Hy., D. of, aft. Hem. VIII., q.v., E.M. 326; K.B. 758; K.G. § ; L.L. Ir. 553 ; W.C.P. — Ch., D. of, aft. Ch. I. q.v., K.B. 761; K.G. 739 k., D. of (son of Geo. III.), see Pr. Fredk. — Jas., D. of, aft. Ja.s. II., q.v., H.C.P. Sc. 507; K.G.740; L.H.A. 175; L.H.A. Sc. 499; P.C. 189; W.C.P. 319 — Ed. Aug., D. of (bro. of º: III.), adm. (A) 814; P.C. 2 — FR. D. of (son of Geo. III.), C. Ch. 855; Capt. Gen. 855; F.M. 856; G.C.B. 766; G.C.H. 785; gem. (A) 858; Gr. ; Bath, 754; K.B. 765; P.C. 4 Yotton, Jno., dn. Lich. 445 Young and Younge, See also Yonge Ad., C.I.R. 286 — Alexr., bp. Edinb. 533; bp. IöOss. 536 — Aretas Wm., G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699; G. Trin. 722 — Brooke, gen. (C) 874 — Ch. Becher, gem. (D) 89S — Ch. G. and sir- C., Gart. IK.A. 328; R. Dr. P.A. 338; Yk. H. 334 — Ch. Metc., gen, (D) 920 — Ed., b.p. Drom, 605; bp -ms Ferms and L. 622; dil. Că. 598 Ed., C. Tx. 284 — Ed., dm. EXT. 437 — Ed., dm. Sal. 468 — Ed., S.W.F. 271 — hom. Ed., B. and Gl, K.A. 330 Bath K.A. 785; Han. H. 340; Regr. Bath, 784 — Fras., gem. (D) 922 — Flc., gen. (D) 886 — Flº., K.C.M.G. 799 — Geo. (? hom.), P.C. 218; Ild. Adv. 526; Ld. Sess. 521; S.G. Sc. 527; Jy. Sc. 523 — sir Geo., adm. (A) 816 — Geo. Saml., gem. (D) 922 — Hor. Beaum, adm. (G) 843 — Hy. Ed. Fox and Sir H., G. C.G.H. 679; G. S. Austr. 706; G. TaSm. 708 — Jas., adm. (A) 814 — Jas., adm. (A) 819 — Jas. Now., gem. (D) 924 — Jas. Rt., gen, (D) 893 — Jno., bp. Arg. 538 — Juo., b.p. Llïm, 621 — Jno., b.p. Roch. 460 — (or Morgan), Jno., bp. St. Dav. 464; Chanc, Gart. 745; drl. Winds. 474 mo., Bl, M.P.A.336; Som. H. 332 — Jno., dn. Sal. 468 — Juno., dum, Winch. 471 — Jno., see Yonge •-º-º-º: Young and Younge—cont. — Jno., and Sir J., aft. 1st 1d. Lisgar, q.v., Ch. Sec. Ir. 563; Com, Io. Isl. 129; G.C.B. 773; G.C.M.G. 795; G.G. Can. 692; G. N.S.W. 703; G. Pr. Ed. Isl. 699; K.C.B. 778; L.T. 160; P.C. 216; Sec. Tr. 163 TgMath, bp. Clonf. and K. 3 — Plomer, gen, (D) 891; .H. 791 — Ralph, gen. (D) 916 — Rd., bp. Athab. 697 — Rd., b.p. Bgr. 426; bp. Roch. 460 — Rt., gem. (C) 874 → The abp., 486; bp. St. Daw. — (or Yonge), Th., J.C.P. 378; J.K.B. 371; S.L. 407 — Sir Walt., C. Cus. 274-5 — Wm., adm. (ID) 824 — Wm., G. Gren. 724; G. TOb. 723 — Wrm. and Sir W., adm. (A) 816; G.C.B. 767; K.P. 766 ; L. Admy. 180 — sir Winn. (bt.), G. Dnca. (d. 1788) 730 — Sir Wim. (bt.), G. Tob. (d. 1811) 723 — Wrm. Alexr. Geo., G. Br. Gu. 715; G. Gld. Cst. Col. § G. Jam. 713; G. Trin. 7 3 Younghusband, Ch., gen. (D) 880 — Ch, Wr., gen. (D).908 — Jno. Wm., gen. (D) 919 — Rt. Rom., gen. (D) 901 Yugworth, Rd., bp. Suff. DOW, 431 Yule, Geo. Udm., K.C.S.I. 802 — Hy., M.C.I. 647 — Patr., gen, (D) 890 Yung-ching, Emp. Ch. 100 Z. Zacharius, P. Ro zºua, F. J., Pres. U.S.C. 107 Zammit, Gius. Nic., K.C.M.G. 796 Zanzibar, Sult. of, G.C.M.G. 79 Zapolski, J., K. Hgy. 60 Zavala, J., Pres. Nic. 106 Zavo, Bas, K.C.M.G. 796 Zemb, J., Pres. SW. C. 31 Zeno, Emp. E.E. 50 Zephirinus, P. Ro. 32 Zerrondacchi, Const. Geo R.C.M.G. 798 IFor List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952. 75 1170 INDEX OF NAMES. Zetland, Thos., 2nd E. of, form. 1d. Dundas, q.v., K.G. 745; K.T. 749 Ziemomislas, D. Pld. 90 Ziemovitus, D. Pld. 90 Zieten, Count, G.C.B. 767 zºab, Ed. Pasha, K.C.M.G. Zosimus, P. Ro. 33 Zouche, Alanla, seeld.Z., infra — Ed. la, see lö. Z. infra, — Jno. de la, bp. Llff. 449 — (or Souwche), Jno., K.B. (1559) 761 Zouche—cont. — Rd., J. Adm. Ct., 423 Wrm., bro. of Jno., 8th lá. Z. of Haryngworth, K.B. (1483) 758 — Wrm. la, or Wm. déla, abp. # 485; dri. Yk, 486; L.H.T. 15 — Wm. la, see lá. Z., infra, Zouche of Ashby, lds. — Alan la, aft. 4th 1d. Z. Of A., Const. T.L. 320; J.K.B. 371; Jy. 264; . Ir. 550; L.M. Lond. 489 zºne of Haryngworth, S. *— Wnn, la, Const. T.L. 320 *— Wrm, de, J. It, 369 * Most likely same pers., . and also 2nd lå. Z, of H. — Wm., 4th lä., K.G. 735 — Ed., 12th lä., G. Gsey. 668; W.C.P. 319 Zuinski, R. Russ. 90 Zulestein, Wm. Hy. Nassau de, aft. 1st E. of Rochford, q.v. Zulfika, Pasha, K.C.M.G. 799 Zuloago, F., Pres. Mex. 104 For List of Abbreviations, see pp. 944-952, London: Printed by W. H. Allen & Co., 13 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. S.W. STANDARD WORKS ON INDIA. Now publishing in 6 crown 8vo, Voſs, each 6s, CABINET EDITION, HISTORY of the SEPOY WAR, by Sir J. W. KAYE ; and HISTORY OF THE INDIAN MUTINY, by Colonel G. B. MALLEson, C.S.I. (Originally published in 7 Volumes.) Edited by Colonel G. B. MALLESON, C.S.I. Vols I.-W. now ready. 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The work is a valuable addition to the long series that have preceded it, and is enriched by numerous illustrations, mostly from originals brought from Lhasa, and from photographs by the author, while it is fully indexed, and is provided with a chronological table and bibliography.”— Liverpool Cowrier. “A book of exceptional interest.”—-Glasgow Herald. “A learned and elaborate work, likely for some time to come to be a source of reference to all who seek information about Lamaism. . . . In the appendix will be found a chronological table of Tibetan events, and a bibliography of the best literature bearing on Lamaism. Thore is also an excellent index, and the numerous illustrations are certainly one of the dis- tinctive features of the book.”—Morning Post. “Cannot fail to arouse the liveliest interest. The author of this excel- lently produced, handsomely illustrated volume of nearly six hundred pages has evidently spared no pains in prosecuting his studies. . . . 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Mr Hensman enjoyed singular advantages during the first part of the war, for he was the only special correspondent who accompanied the force which marched out of Ali Kheyl in September 1879. One of the most interesting portions of the book is that which describes the march of Sir Frederick Roberts from Cabul to . Candahar. The description of the Maiwand disaster is given with combined clearness, simplicity, and power, and will be read with the utmost interest. Indeed, the book is in every respect interesting and well written, and reflects the greatest credit on the author.”—Athenaeum, SIR /OHAV F. W. HERSCHEL, Bart., K. H., &c., Member of the Institute of France, &c. Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. New Edition, crown 8vo, 6s. “We arc reminded of the rapid progress made by science within the last quarter of a century by the publication of a new edition of Sir John Herschel's Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. In 1861, spectrum analysis, as applied to the heavenly bodies, was referred to as a possibility; now it is not only an accomplished fact, but the analysis of the gases contained in the sun has lod to the discovery of one of them, helium, upon the earth. Some of the lectures, such as that on light, are practically popular treatiscs on the particular subject to which they refer, and can be read with advantage even by advanced students.”—The Westminster Review. For the Reduced Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. I3 A’Aº V. T. A. AE/OGAE//2.S. Dictionary of Islam. Being a Cyclopædia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs, together with the Technical and Theological Terms of the Muhammadan Religion. With numerous Illustrations, royal 8vo, 42. 2s. - “Such a work as this has long been needed, and it would be hard to find any one better qualified to prepare it than Mr Hughes. His ‘Notes on Muhammadanism,” of which two editions have appeared, have proved decidedly useful to students of Islam, especially in India, and his long familiarity with the tenets and customs of Moslems has placed him in the best possible position for deciding what is necessary and what superfluous in a ‘Dictionary of Islam." His usual method is to begin an article with the text in the Koran relating to the subject, then to add the traditions bearing upon it, and to conclude with the comments of the Mohammedan scholiasts and the criticisms of Western scholars. Such a method, while involving an inflnity of labour, produces the best results in point of accuracy and comprehensiveness. The diſficult task of compiling a dictionary of so vast a subject as Islam, with its many sects, its Saints, khalifs, ascetics, and dervishes, its festivals, ritual, and sacred places, the dress, manners, and customs of its professors, its commentators, technical terms, science of tradition and interpretation, its superstitions, magic, and astrology, its theoretical doctrines and actual practices, has been accomplished with singular success; and the dictionary will have its place among the standard works of reference in overy library that professes to take account of the religion which governs the lives of forty millions of the Queen's subjects. The articles on ‘Marriage,’ ‘Women,” “Wives,’ ‘Slavery,’ “Tradition,' ‘Sufi,” “Muhammad,” “Da’wah' or Incantation, “Burial,' and ‘God,” are especially admirable. Two articles deserve special notico. One is an elaborate account of Arabic “Writing" by Dr Steingass, which contains a vast quantity of useful matter, and is well illustrated by woodcuts of the chief varieties of Arabic script. The other article to which we refer with special emphasis is Mr F. Pincott on ‘Sikhism.” There is something on nearly every page of the dictionary that will interest and instruct the students of Eastern religion, manners, and customs.”—Athenoeum. Z)ictionary of AZuhammadan Zheology. Notes on Muhammadanism, by Rev. T. P. Hughes. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Foap. 8vo, 6s. “Altogether an admirable little book. It combines two excellent qualities, abun- dance of facts and lack of theories. . . . On every one of the numerous heads (over fifty) into which the book is divided, Mr Hughes furnishes a large amount of very valuable information, which it would be exceedingly difficult to collect from even a large library of works on the subject. The book might well be called a ‘Dictionary of Muhammadan Theology,’ for we know of no English work which combines a methodical arrangement (and consequently facility of reference) with fulness of information in so high a degree as the little volume before us."—The Academy. “It contains multum in parvo, and is about the best outlines of the tenets of the Muslim faith which we have seen. It has, moreover, the rare merit of being accurate; and, although it contains a few passages which we would gladly see expunged, it can- not fail to be useful to all Government employés who have to deal with Muhammadans; whilst to missionaries it will be invaluable.”—The Times of India. “It is manifest throughout the work that we have before us the opinions of one thoroughly conversant with the subject, and who is uttering no random notions. . . . We strongly recommend ‘Notes on Muhammadanism.” Our clergy especially, even though they are not missionaries, and have no intention of labouring amongst Muham- madans, or consorting with them, ought to have at least as much knowledge of the system as can be most readily acquired, with a very little careful study, from this use- ful treatise.”—The Record. S/A’ W. A. UAVTEA’. Bengal MS. Records. A Selected List of Letters in the Board of Revenue, Calcutta, 1782-1807, with an Historical Dissertation and Analytical Index. 4 vols., demy 8vo, 30s. A Statistical Account of Bengal. 20 vols., demy 8vo, Á6. Any Bookseller at Home and Abroad. I4 Great Reductions in this Catalogue • J. HUAVTEA', late Hon. Sec. of the British Bee-keepers’ Association. A Manual of Bee-keeping. Containing Practical Information for Rational and Profitable Methods of Bee Management. Full Instruc- tions on Stimulative Feeding, Ligurianising and Queen-raising, with descriptions of the American Comb Foundation, Sectional Supers, and the best Hives and Apiarian Appliances on all Systems. Fourth Edition, with Illustrations, crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. “We are indebted to Mr J. Hunter, Honorary Secretary of the British Bee-keepers' Association. His Manual of Bee-keeping, just published, is full to the very brim of choice and practical hints fully up to the most advanced stages of Apiarian Science, and its perusal has afforded us so much pleasure that we have drawn somewhat largely from it for the benefit of our readers.”—Bee-keepers' Magazine (New York). “It is profusely illustrated with engravings, which are almost always inserted for their utility. . . . . There is an old saying that “easy writing is hard reading,' but we will not say thus much of Mr Hunter's book, which, taken as a whole, is perhaps the most generally useful of any now published in this country.”—The Field. - MA/OA' LE/GH HUAV7, Madras Army, and ALEX. S. KENWY, AZ. A. C. S. E., A. A. C., Senior Z)emonstrator of Anatomy at Åing’s College, Zondon. On Duty under a Tropical Sun. Being some Practical Suggestions for the Maintenance of Health and Bodily Comfort, and the Treatment of Simple Diseases; with remarks on Clothing and Equipment. Second Edition, crown 8vo, 4s. - “This little book is devoted to the description and treatment of many tropical diseascs and minor emergencies, supplemented by some useful hints on diet, clothing, and cquipment for travellers in tropical climates. The issue of a third edition proves that the book has hitherto been successful. On the whole we can commend the hints which have been given for the treatment of various diseases, but in some places much has been left to the knowledge of the reader in the selection and application of a remedy.”—Scottish Geographical Magazine. “Is written more especially for the rougher sex, and is only less important than Tropical Trials’ because it has had many more predecessors. It is now in a third edition, and contains practical suggestions for the maintenance of health and bodily comfort, as well as the treatment of simple diseases, with useful remarks on clothing and equip- ment for the guidance of travellers abroad.”—Daily Telegraph. Tropical Trials. A Handbook for Women in the Tropics. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “Is a valuable handbook for women in the East, and, we are glad to see, now in its sccond edition. It does not treat theoretically of the maladies incidental to Europeans in hot climates, or go deeply into those matters which properly belong to the experi- enced doctor, but it gives plain, wholesome advice on matters of health, which, were it scrupulously followed, it is not too much to say would add fifty per cent. to the enjoyment of our countrywomen abroad. She could scarcely havé a better guide as to what to do and what not to do than this excellent handbook, which deserves to be included in cvery woman's foreign outfit.”—Daily Telegraph. JOHN H. INGRAM. tº a tº The Haunted Homes and Family Traditions of Great Britain. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. Fpitomised in One Volume by R. O'BYRAVE, F. R. G.S., &c. James' Naval History. A Narrative of the Naval Battles, Single Ship Actions, Notable Sieges, and Dashing Cutting-out Expeditions, fought in the days of Howe, Hood, Duncan, St Vincent, Bridport, Nelson, Camperdown, Exmouth, Duckworth, and Sir Sydney Smith. Crown 8vo, 5s. - - Aſor the A’educed Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. I 5 MA'S GRACE /OHAWSOAV, Silver Medallist Cookery, Exhibition. Anglo-Indian and Oriental Cookery. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. “Overflows with all sorts of delicious and economical recipes.”—Pall Mall Budget. “Housewives and professors of the gentle art of cookery who deplore the dearth º dishes will find a veritable gold mine in Mrs Johnson's book.”—Pall Mall 0.26tte. Appeals to us from a totally original standpoint. She has thoroughly and com- pletely investigated native and Anglo-Indian cuisines, and brought away the very best Specimens of their art. Her pillau and kedgree are perfect, in our opinion ; curries are scientifically classed and explained, and some of the daintiest recipes we have ever seen are given, but the puddings particularly struck our fancy. Puddings as a rule are so nasty The pudding that is nourishing is hideously insipid, and of the smart pudding it may truly be said that its warp is dyspepsia, and its woof indigestion. Mrs Johnson's puddings are both good to taste and pretty to look at, and the names of Some of her native dishes would brighten any menu. A. G. KEEAVE, C. Z.A., B. C.S., M.A.A.S., &c. History of India. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. For the use of Students and Colleges. 2 vols, with Maps. Crown Svo, I6s. - “The main merit of Mr Keene's performance lies in the fact that he has assimilated all the authorities, and has been careful to bring his book down to date. He has been careful in research, and has availed himself of the most recent materials. He is well l;nown as the author of other works on Indian history, and his capacity for his self- imposed task will not be questioned. We must content ourselves with this brief testi- mony to the labour and skill bestowed by him upon a subject of vast interest and importance. Excellent proportion is preserved in dealing with the various episodes, and the style is clear and graphic. The volumes are supplied with many useful maps, and the appendix include notes on Indian law and on recent books about India.”— Globe. “Mr IXeene has the admirable element of fairness in dealing with the succession of great questions that pass over his pages, and he wisely devotes a full half of his work to the present century. The appearance of such a book, and of every such book, upon India is to be hailed at present. A fair-minded presentment of Indian history like that contained in Mr Keene's two volumes is at this moment peculiarly welcome.”—Times. An Oriental Biographical Dictionary. Founded on Materials collected by the late Thomas William Beale. New Edition, revised and enlarged, royal 8vo, 28s. “A complete biographical dictionary for a country like India, which in its long history has produced a profusion of great men, would be a vast undertaking. The suggestion here made only indicates the line on which the dictionary, at some future time, could be almost indefinitely extended, and rendered still more valuable as a work of reference. Great care has evidently been taken to secure the accuracy of all that has been included in the work, and that is of far more importance than mere bulk. Tho dictionary can be commended as trustworthy, and reflects much credit on Mr IKeene. Several interesting lists of rulers are given under the various founders of dynasties.”—India. - - The Fall of the Moghul Empire. From the Death of Aurungzeb to the Overthrow of the Mahratta Power. A New Edition, with Correc- tions and Additions, with Map, crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. This work fills up a blank between the ending of Elphinstone's and the commence. ment of Thornton's Histories. Fifty-Seven. Some Account of the Administration of Indian Districts ..during the Revolt of the Bengal Army. Demy 8vo, 6s, Any Bookseller at Æome and Abroad. I6 Great Æeductions in this Catalogue DA’ TAZAOTZ’, and offers. Keble College Sermons. Second Series, 1877-1888, crown 8vo, 6s. “To those who desire earnest, practical, and orthodox doctrine in the form of short addresses, these sermons will be most acceptable ; and their lofty tone, their eloquent wording, and the thorough manliness of their character, will commend them to a wide circle of readers.”—Morming Post. “Dr Talbot has a second time thoughtfully placed on public record some of the lessons which were taught during his Wardenship in Sermons preached in the Chapel of Keble College, Oa;ford, 1877-1888. The sermons are fresh and vigorous in tone, and evidently come from preachers who were thoroughly in touch with their youthful audience, and who generally with much acuteness and skill grappled with the spiritual and intellectual difficulties besetting nowadays the University career.”— Chwrch T'innes. G. E. ÁTVAW-1 AE/AAV. A Handy Book of Rock Names. Foap. 8vo, 4s. “This will prove, we do not doubt, a very useful little book to all practical geo- logists, and also to the reading student of rocks. When a difficulty is incurred as to a species of deposit, it will soon vanish. Mr Kinahan's little book will soon make it all clear. The work is divided into three parts. The first is a classified table of rocks, the second part treats of the Imgenite rocks, and the third part deals with those rocks which are styled Derivate. Dama's termination of yte has been most generally used by the author, but he has also given the ite terminations for those that like them. The book will be purchased, for it must be had, by every geologist ; and as its size is small, it will form a convenient pocket companion for the man who works over field and quarry.”—Popular Science Review. AºA. W. F. G. Z.A.A., D. Z). (Vicar of A// Sain/s’, Zambe/h). The Church under Queen Elizabeth. An Historical Sketch. By Rev. F. G. Lee, D.D. (Vicar of All Saints’, Lambeth). Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “There is the same picturesqueness of detail, the same vigorous denunciation, the same graphic power, which made the earlier book pleasant reading even to many who disagree heartily with its tone and object. . . Dr Lee's strength lies in very graphic description.”—Notes and Queries. “This is, in many ways, a remarkably fine book, That it is powerfully written no one acquainted with Dr Lee's vigorous style would for a moment dispute.”—Morming Post. - “Presenting a painful picture of the degradation into which the Church had sunk in Elizabeth's reign.”—Daily Telegraph. - Sights and Shadows. Being Examples of the Supernatural. New Edition. With a Preſace addressed to the Critics. Crown 8vo, 6s. “This work will be especially interesting to students of the supernatural, and their name is legion at the present moment. It doals with more than one branch of what is commonly known as spiritualism. The introduction gives a brief resumé of various forms of magic and divination which have obtained credence in all ages, and later on we find well-authenticated accounts of apparitions, supernatural warnings, hypnotic experiments, and miracles of healing. Mr Lee evidently believes that “there are more - things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy,” and few sane people will disagree with him, though they may not be inclined to accept all his opinions and assertions as they stand.”—Lady. “Here we have ghostly stories galore, which believers in supernatural visitations will welcome as upholders of the faith that is in them. Dr Lee is a hard hitter and a vigorous controversialist, with a righteous contempt for your Darwins and Stuart Mills, and such like folk, and is not above suggesting that some of them have a decided worship of the god Self. As for ‘the pompous jargon and silly, cynicism which so many public scribes again and again make use of to throw discredit upon any phase of the supernatural,” I have nothing to say. They can take care of themselves. This much I know, that “Sights and Shadows gives one an eerie feeling as midnight approaches and the fire ſlickers on the hearth.”—Gentlewoman. Aſor the A’educed Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 17 CO/L. G. B. MAZZAZSOAV. History of the French in India. From the Founding of Pondicherry in 1674, to the Capture of that place in 1761. New and Revised Edition, with Maps. Demy 8vo, 16s. “Colonel Malleson has produced a volume alike attractive to the general reader and valuable for its new matter to the special student. It is not too much to say that now, for the first time, we are furnished with a faithful narrative of that portion of European enterprise in India which turns upon the contest waged by the East India Company against French influence, and especially against Dupleix."—Edinburgh Review. “It is pleasant to contrast the work now before us with the writer's first bold plunge into historical composition, which splashed every one within his reach. He swims now with a steady stroke, and there is no fear of his sinking. With a keener insight into human character, and a larger understanding of the sources of human action, he com- bines all the power of animated recital which invested his earlier narratives with popularity.”—Fortnightly Review. “The author has had the advantage of consulting the French archives, and his volume forms a useful supplement to Orme.”—Athenaeum. Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas. New Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. “EIow India escaped from the government of prefects and sub-prefects to fall under that of commissioners and deputy-commissioners; why the Penal Code of Lord Macaulay reigns supreme instead of a Code Napoleon ; why we are not looking on helplessly from Mahe, Karikal, and Pondicherry, while the French are ruling all over Madras, and spending millions of francs in attempting to cultivate the slopes of the Neilgherries, may be learnt from this modest volume. Colonel Malleson is always painstaking, and generally accurate; his style is transparent, and he nevor loses sight of the purpose with which he commenced to write.”—Saturday Review. “A book dealing with such a period of our history in the East, besides being interesting, contains many lessons. It is written in a style that will be popular with general readers.”—Athenoewm. “It strikes one as the best thing he has yet done. Searching, yet easy, his pen goes with unflagging power through the military wonders of a hundred years, connecting the accounts of battles by a sufficient historic thread.”—Academy. History of Afghanistan, from the Earliest Period to the Outbreak of the War of 1878, with map, demy 8vo, 18s. “The name of Colonel Malleson on the title-page of any historical work in relation to India, or the neighbouring States is a satisfactory guarantee both for the accuracy of the facts and the brilliancy of the narrative. The author may be complimented upon having written a History of Afghanistan which is likely to become a work of standard authority.”—Scotsman. - The Battle-Fields of Germany, from the Outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War to the Battle of Blenheim, with maps and one plan, demy 8vo, I6s. “Colonel Malleson has shown a grasp of his subject, and a power of vivifying the confused passages of battle, in which it would be impossible to name any living writer as his equal. In imbuing these almost forgotten battle-fields with fresh interest and reality for the English reader, he is re-opening one of the most important chapters of European History, which no previous English writer has made so interesting and instructive as he has succeeded in doing in this volume.”—Academy. Ambushes and Surprises, being a Description of some of the most famous instances of the Leading into Ambush and the Surprises of Armies, from the time of Hannibal to the period of the Indian Mutiny, with a portrait of General Lord Mark Ker, K.C.B., demy 8vo, 18s. —- Any Bookseller at Home and Abroad. I 8 Great Reductions in this Catalogue JAA/ES /A V/AW ZUPZOA, W. A. C. V.S., author of “The Externa/ - Amazowly of Zhe Horse,” &c. The Horse: as he Vas, as he Is, and as he Ought to Be, with Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. . : “Written with a good object in view, namely, to create an interest in the important subject of horse-brecding, more especially that class known as general utility horses. 'The book contains several illustrations, is well printed and handsomely bound, and we hope will meet with the attention it deserves.”—Dice Stock Journal. 7. /////AA MAGO///& E, AZ.A., LL. D. 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How he got to the front in spite of Russian prohibition, disguised as a camp follower, how his portmanteau was shelled a few inches behind his back, what he risked and what he saw in the memorable lines before Plevna, will be read with great interest. The book is well illustrated by many vigorous sketches, some of which are exceedingly humorous.”— Athenaeum. “A bright chatty record of wars, scenes, and adventures in various parts of the world.”—JEcho. Wanderings of a War Artist. Illustrated by the Author. New Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. “Mr Montagu is to be congratulated on an eminently readable book, which, both in style and matter, is above the average of productions in this kind.”—The Morning Post. “This is an enchanting book. Equally as writer and as artist, Mr Irving Montagu is a delightful companion. This beautiful and exceptionally interesting volume does not by any means exhaust the literary and artistic achievements of the well-known ‘special' of the Illustrated London News.”—The Daily News. “IIis own adventures are largely seasoned with stories of other people and anec- dotes he picks up. He went through the second siege of Paris under the Commune, and some of the best reading in the book is the picture he gives of the state of poor, beautiful Paris, seen by the eye of an observing, impartial man, who has no object in either exaggerating or under-colouring the work of the Commune."—The Spectator. “The adventures of Mr Montagu are narrated with humour, and are seldom dull reading.”—Glasgow Herald. - Aor the A’educed Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. I9 J. MORRIS, Author of “The War in Korea,” &c., thirteen years resident in Tokio under the Japanese Board of Works. Advance Japan. A Nation Thoroughly in Earnest. With over Ioo Illustrations by R. 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It has a good chapter on natural history, and an excellent chapter on diet, dress, and manners; it gives just enough of Japanese history to help the ordinary reader who wants to learn his Japan on easy terms ; it has also most useful and attractively conveyed information in its brief account of the principal cities of Japan, communications and armament, language and literature, mines and minerals.” —Queen. “He summarises clearly, concisely, the existing knowledge on the Japanese Parlia- mentary system, territorial and administrative divisions, natural history, domestic and national customs, dynastic changes, old feudal institutions, town populations, industries, mineral and other natural resources, railways, armaments, the press, and other subjects too many for enumeration. Even the chapter on language and litera- ture makes an appalling subject interesting. . . . Mr Morris has brought his very use- ful account of Japan up-to-date. He gives a good summary of the recent war with China, and then proceeds to make some well-considered suggestions on a matter of supreme importance to Europe no less than to the two Empires of the Far East.” CHARZAES MAR WIN. The Region of the Eternal Fire. An Account of a Journey to the Caspian Region in 1883. New Edition. With Maps and Illustra- tions. Crown 8vo, handsomely bound, 6s. “The leading authority of the English Press on the Central Asian Question is Charles Marvin, a man of iron industry, who has wielded his comprehensive knowledge of the region in such a manner as to render eminent service to his country.”—Opinion of Arminius Vambery. “Charles Marvin's services in respect of the Russo-Afghan Question have been invaluable. He has heard with his own ears the opinions expressed on the subject by Russian generals and diplomatists, and, for the love of England, has spent his own money to warn England's people.”—Opinion of Colonel Malleson, “The Russo-Afghan Question,” p. 55. . Amy Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 2O Great Reductions in this Catalogue W. O'CONAVOR MORAE/S, Great Commanders of Modern Times, and the Campaign of 1815. Turenne—Marlborough--Frederick the Great—Napoleon—Welling- ton—Moltke. With Illustrations and Plans. Royal 8vo, 21s. “Mr Morris certainly brings to his task vast reading and exhaustive research.”— Athenoewm. “We gladly welcome this handsome volume by Judge O'Connor Morris, which gives evidence on every page of careful reading and correct judgment. . . . An admirable book to place in the hands of any student who wishes to get some idea of the history of the art of war.”—Academy. - “To the students of war this book will prove of the utmost interest and the greatest possible service.”—National Observer. “Writes vividly and well.”—Times. C.4 Å’ D/AWA W. MAZ lºſ///AAV. Miscellanies from the Oxford Sermons of John Henry Newman, D. D. 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For the Reduced Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 2 I Zºranslation of the famous Passion Play. Passion Play at Oberammergau, The, with the whole Drama translated into English, and the Songs of the Chorus in German and English ; also a Map of the Town, Plan of the Theatre, &c. 4to, cloth, 3s. 6d. ; paper, 2s. 6d. “The author of ‘Charles Lowder' has done a real service in publishing a transla- tion of “The Passion Play at Oberammergau,” with a description of the play and short account of a visit there in 1880. To those who have already seen it, this little book will recall vividly the experience of what must be to all a memorable day, while to those who are going in 1890 it is simply invaluable.”—Guardian. AZAA’ Y A. AEA’A 7'7"EAV. My Hundred Swiss Flowers, with a short account of Swiss Ferns. With 60 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, plain plates, 12s. 6d. ; with pſales coloured by hand, 25s. “The temptation to produce such books as this seems irresistible. 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Raeburn (Sir Henry, R.A.), Life by his Great-Grandson, William Raeburn, Andrew, with an Appendix comprising a list of his works exhibited in the Royal Academy, Edinburgh. 8vo, IOS. 6d. “Mr Andrew's book, which on this occasion appeals to a wider public, makes no pretence to do more than to bring together the biographical fragments concerning Bael)urn gathered out of various publications and to “make them coherent with a little cement of his own.’ Possibly a fuller and more original biography of the greatest of our portrait-painters, who was at the same time one of the greatest ornaments of the Edinburgh Society of the boginning of the century, may yet see the light ; and in the meantime we can be grateful to Mr Andrew for bringing together and arranging so rich a store of topographical and personal details connected with his illustrious ancestor. In an appendix is a useful annotated catalogue of the 1876 exhibition of lèaeburn's works.”—Scotsman. Any Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 22 Great Reductions in this Catalogue A'. AZA/MEA, A. Z.S. The Land and Freshwater Shells of the British Isles. Illustrated with IO Photographs and 3 Lithographs, containing ſigures of all the principal Species. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 5s. “This handsomely got up little volume supplies a long-felt want in a very ingenious and trustworthy manner. The author is an enthusiastic conchologist, and writes both attractively and well, and in a manner so simple and natural that we have no fear, that any ordinarily educated man will easily understand every phrase. . But the feature of this book which strikes us most is that every species of British land and freshwater shell has been photographed, and here we have all the photographs, natural Size in the albertype process, so that the merest tyro will find no difficulty in identi- fying any shell he may find.”—Science Gossip. tº *. AZEXAAWDER A'OGERS (Bombay Civil Service, A’etired). The Land Revenue of Bombay, a History of its Administration, Rise, and Progress, with 18 Maps. 2 vols., demy 8vo, 30s. “Mr Rogers has produced a continuous and an authoritative record of the land changes and of the fortunes of the cultivating classes for a full half-century, together with valuable data regarding the condition and burdens of those classes at various periods before the present system of settlement was introduced. Mr Rogers now presents a comprehensive view of the land administration of Bombay as a whole, the history of its rise and progress, and a clear statement of the results which it has attained. It is a narrative of which all patriotic Englishmen may feel proud. The old burdens of native rule have been lightened, the old injustices mitigated, the old fiscal cruelties and exactions abolished. Underlying the story of each district we see a per- ennial struggle going on between the increase of the population and the available means of subsistence derived from the soil. That increase of the population is the direct result of the peace of the country under British rule. But it tends to press more and more Severely on the possible limits of local cultivation, and it can only be provided for by the extension of the modern appliances of production and distribu- tion. Mr lêogers very properly confines himself to his own subject. But there is ample evidence that the extension of roads, railways, steam factories, and other industrial enterprises, have played an important part in the solution of the problem, and that during recent years such enterprises have been powerfully aided by an abundant currency.”—The Times. - A’O/3 AE/C 7' SAE IV/2/2/. Analytical History of India, ſrom the earlicst times to the Abolition of the East India Company in 1858. Post 8vo, 8s. “Much careful labour has been expended on this volume.”—Athenæum. “The object of the author in compiling the following analytical sketch of Indian history has been to supply a want felt by most students of the more voluminous standard works of Mill, lºlphinstone, Thornton, and Marshman, for a condensed outline in one small volumo, which should serve at once to recall the memory and guide the eye. At the same time he has attempted to render it interesting to the general reader by preserving a medium botween a bare analysis and a complete history ; so that, without consulting the eminent authorities mentioned above, the mind may readily grasp the principal outlines of the early condition of India, and the rise and progress of the East India Company. For the more full comprehension of these facts the author has provided, in addition to a table of contents and a chronological index, an index to the geographical position of the places to which reference is made in the text, bearing the latitudes and longitude as given in Thornton’s “Gazetteer of India.’ This will be found not only to aid the student who is but partially acquainted with the map of India, but also by means of occasional accents to guide him in the ordinary pro- nunciation of the names.”—Preface. For the Reduced Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publicaſions. 23 G. A. SAAW/)AA’SOAV. Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India ; their Haunts and Habits, ſrom Personal Observation, with an account of the Modes of Capturing and Taming Wild Elephants. With 21 full-page Illustra- tions, reproduced for this Edition direct ſrom the original drawings, and 3 Maps. Fifth Edition. Feap. 4to, 12s. “We find it difficult to hasten through this interesting book; on almost every page Some incident or Some happy descriptive passage tempts the reader to linger. The author relates his exploits with ability and with singular modesty. His adventures with man-eaters will aſtord lively entertainment to the reader, and indeed there is no portion of the volume which he is likely to wish shorter. The illustrations add to the attractions of the book.”—Pall Mall Gazette. “This is the best and most practical book on the wild game of Southern and Eastern India that we have read, and displays an extensive acquaintance with natural history. To the traveller proposing to visit India, whether he be a sportsman, a naturalist, or an antiquarian, the book wiil be invaluable: full of incident and sparkling with anecdotc.”—Bailey's Magazine. “This—the fifth edition of a work as charming to read as it is instructive—will be welcomed equally by lovers of sport, and of natural history. Though he met with and shot many other kinds of wild beasts, the bulk of the volume, well written, well illus- trated, and generally well got up, deals chiefly with the clephant, the tiger, the bison, the leopard, and the bear. Mr Sanderson, with exceptional powers of observation, cultivated friendly intercourse with the natives; and he was consequently able to utilise to the utmost the singularly favourable opportunities enjoyed by him as director of elephant-capturing operations in Mysore and Chittagong. The result is a book which to graphic details of sporting adventures far surpassing the common, adds a correct natural history of the animals chiefly dealt with, and particularly the elephant. I'ronn this real king of beasts, Mr Sanderson carefully removes cvery exaggeration made both for or against him, which had been repeatcq without any good foundation by one writer after another ; he substitutes for fables a description of elephantine anatomy, size, habits, and character which may be said to sum up all that we know for certain about the animal, and nearly all that one can wish to know. We should have wished to see this cdition brought up to date. The book is more fascinating than a romance; and we have road it now the third time with as great a zest as when we revelled over the perusal of the first edition.”—Imperial and Asiatic Qwarterly IReview. AA’O/7/2.SSOA' SAE//E/C/DOAV. The Future of British Agriculture, how Farmers may best be bene- fited. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. “Fortunately Prof. Sheldon has no mind to play the part of a prophet, but from the plenitude of a long experience gives sage counsel how to farm abreast of the time and be ready for Whatever may ensue. . . . This little book is well worth reading, and it is pleasant to find that the Professor by no means despairs of the future of agriculturo in lºngland.”—Academy. “We welcome the book as a valuable contribution to our agricultural literature, and as a useful guide to those branches in which the author is especially qualiſied to instruct.”—Natwre. “In this beautifully printed and well-bound little book Professor Sheldon, in his usual happy style, surveys the agricultural field, and indicates what he thinks is the prospect in front of the British farmer. Like a watchman he stands upon his tower—and when asked, What of the night 2 he disavows not that we are in the might, but earnestly declares that the morning cometh a pace. The professor is an optimist ; he does not #. that the country is done, and still less does he favour the idea that, taking a wide survey, the former days were better than these. On the contrary, he urges that the way out of the wilderness is not by any by-path, but by going right ahead ; and, ere long, the man who holds the banner high will energe triumphant.” —Scottish Farmer, - J. SM/7/7, 21. L.S. Ferns: British and Foreign. Fourth Edition, revised and greatly enlarged, with New Figures, &c. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. Any Bookseller at Aſomte and Abroad. 24 Great Æeductions in this Catalogue G. BARAVAE 77 SM/Z H, Author of “ History of the English Parliament.” Leaders of Modern Industry. Biographical Sketches. Contents:—The Stephensons, Charles Knight, Sir George Burns, Sir Josiah Mason, The Wedgwoods, Thomas Brassey, The Fairbairns, Sir William Siemens, The Rennies. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “‘Leaders of Modern Industry’ is a volume of interesting biographical sketches of the pioneers of various phases of industry, comprising the Stephensons, Charles Knight, Sir George Burns, Sir Josiah Mason, the Wedgwoods, Thomas Brassey, the Fairbairns, Sir William Siemens, and the Rennies.”—World. Women of Renown. Nineteenth Century Studies. Contents:—Frederika Bremer, Countess of Blessington, George Eliot, Jenny Lind, Mary Somerville, George Sand, Mary Carpenter, Lady Morgan, Rachel, Lady Hester Stanhope. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. Mr Barnett Smith continues his biographical activity. It is not many weeks since a Volume appeared from his pen on “Christian Workers of the Nineteenth Century”; now we have “Women of Renown : Nineteenth Century Studies.” The later is the larger and more elaborate work of the two, but in design and execution it is not greatly dissimilar from the earlier volume. Desirous of showing what the women of eminence whom he has chosen for delineation really were—how they lived, moved, and acted—the author has presented them wherever he could “as painted by them. Selves or their contemporaries.” Autobiographies and biographies are thus, as far as available, laid under contribution. In the hands of so capable a compiler as Mr Barnett Smith such materials have been skilfully utilised, and the result is a series of brightly written sketches. The Life and Enterprises of Ferdinand de Lesseps—The only full and Complete English Account of New Edition. Revised, and brought up to the time of his death, with Portrait. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “A great part of M. de Lesseps' career already belongs to history, and is invested with a lustre which nothing can obscure. Mr G. Barnett Smith makes this clear in his useful and painstaking compilation. . . . It is skilfully executed, and illustrates aptly and not altogether inopportunely, both the poetry and the prose of M. de Lesseps' extraordinary career.”—The Times. “A very comprehensive life of Ferdinand de Lesseps has been produced by G. Barnett Smith, who has already proved his ability as a faithful and painstaking bio- grapher. The career of M. de Lesseps was one of great achievements and great vicissitudes. This biographer lauds his achievements. The facts of the prosecution in connection with the Panama Canal project are elaborately set forth in this volume, to which all readers interested in the question should refer for information on a matter which to people not resident in France must have appeared unusually complicated.”— Westminster Review. AAE 7/70/8 PENKATYN STAAWLAE Y, E). D. (Dean of Westminster). Scripture Portraits and other Miscellanies collected from his Published Writings. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. 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Indeed, all is praiseworthy, and the pity is that the Writer should have passed away without receiving the thanks of students.”—St James's Budget. “‘A History of Cabinets’ from the beginning of the Eighteenth Century down to the death of George II., which the late Mr. M'Cullagh Torrens regarded as ‘the work of his life,’ was published yesterday. It consists of two volumes of considerable bulk, showing at once that something more than the origin and progress of the Cabinet system had occupied the attention of the author. In fact, a history of Cabinets is a history of Governments, and a history of Governments is, in a great measure, a history of England.”—The Standard. A. V. WAZZ. Indian Snake Poisons. Their Nature and Effects. Crown 8vo, 6s. CONTENTS. The Physiological Effects of the Poison of the Cobra (Naja Tripudians).-The Physio- logical Effects of the Poison of Russell's Viper (Daboia Russellii).- The Physiological Effects produced by the Poison of the Bungarus Fasciatus and the Bungarus Coeruleus. —The Relative Power and Properties of the Poisons of Indian and othor Venomous Snakes.—The Nature of Snake Poisons.—Some practical considerations connected with the subject of Snake-Poisoning, especially regarding prevention and treatment.—Tho object that has been kept in view, has been to define as closely as possible, the con- ditions on which the mortality from Snake-bite depends, both as regards the physio- logical nature of the poisoning process, and the relations between the reptiles and their victims, so as to indicato the way in which we should best proceed with the hope of diminishing the fearful mortality that exists. JO///W W.4 ZSOAV, A. Z.S. Ornithology in Relation to Agriculture and Horticulture, by various writers, edited by John Watson, F.L.S., &c. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS.–Miss Eleanor A. Ormerod, late Consulting Entomologist to the Royal Agricultural Society of England; O. V. Alpin, F.L.S., Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union; Charles Whitehead, F.L.S., F.G.S., &c., author of “Fifty Years of Fruit Farming ”; John Watson, F.L.S., author of “A Handbook for Farmers and Small Holders”; the Rev. F. O. Morris, M.A., author of “A History of British Birds"; G. W. Murdoch, late editor of The Farmer ; Riley Fortune, F.Z.S.; T. H. Nelson, Member of the British Ormithologists' Union ; T. Southwell, F.Z.S. ; Rev. Theo. Wood, B.A., F.I.S.; J. H. Gurney, jun., M.P. ; Harrison Weir, F.R.EI.S.; W. H. Tuck. “Will form a textbook of a reliable kind in guiding agriculturists at large in their dealings with their feathered friends and foes alike.”—Glasgow Herald. “This is a valuable book, and should go far to fulfil its excellent purpose. It is a book that every agriculturist should possess.”—Land and Wate”. “It is well to know what birds do mischief and what birds are helpful. This book is the very manual to clear up all such doubts.”—Yorkshire Post. “In these days of agricultural depression it behoves the farmer to study, among other subjects, ornithology. That he and the gamekeeper often bring down plagues upon the land when they fancy they are ridding it of a pest i exceedingly well illustrated in this series of papers.”—Scotsman. . Aſor the A’educed Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications, 27 SA/UEZ WZZAZRA'OA’CE, D. D. (Bishop of Winchester). Heroes of Hebrew History. Crown 8vo, gilt top, 5s. “The tales which he relates are all good, and have a moral aim and purpose.”— Athenaeum. . “It is written with a natural and captivating ſervour.”—Londom Quarterly Review. “An interesting historical account.”—London Lit. Gaz. “Using his influence as a man of the world for the purpose of modifying those about him for good, and making them serve as his instruments for the furtherance of the objects which he had at heart. Iſe was the most delightful of companions, and the Wittiest talker of his time. Of his extraordinary versatility and extraordinary powers of work, it is impossible to speak at length hore, but both qualities are abundantly illustrated in his life by Canon Ashwell.”—Celebrities of the Century. S. WEZZS WZZZZAMS, ZZ. D., Professor of the Chinese Zanguage and Ziterature at Yale College. China—-The Middle Kingdom. A Survey of the Geography, Govern- ment, Literature, Social Life, Arts, and History of the Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. Revised Edition, with 74 Illustrations and a New Map of the Empire. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, 42s. Dr S. Wells Williams' Middle Kingdom has long occupied the position of a classic. It is not only the fullest and most authoritative account of the Chinese and their country that exists, but it is also the most readable and entertaining. This issue is practically a new work—the text of the old edition has been largely re-written and the work has been expanded so as to include a vast amount of new material collected by Dr Williams during the late years of his residence in China—as well as the most recent information respecting all the departments of the Empire. Many new illustrations havo been added and the best of the old engravings have been retained. An important feature of this edition is a large map of the Chinese Empire from the best modern authorities, moro complete and accurate than any map of the country hitherto published. HAARY WIZZIAMS, R, W. (Chief Inspector of Machinery). Dedicated, by permission, to Admiral II.R.II, the Duke of Edinburgh. The Steam Navy of England. Past, Present, and Future. . Contents:—Part I. —Our Seamen ; Part II.-Ships and Machinery; Part III. —Naval Engineering ; Part IV. —Miscellaneous, Summary, with an Appendix on the Personnel of the Steam Branch of the Navy. Third and enlarged Edition. Medium 8vo, 12s. 6d. “It is a series of essays, clearly written and often highly suggestive, on the still unsolved, or only partially and tentatively solved, problems connected with the man- ning and organisation, and propulsion of our modern war-ships, . . . being laudably free from technicalities, and written in a not unattractive style, they will recommend themselves to that small, but happily increasing, section of the general public which concerns itself seriously and intelligently with naval affairs.”—Times. “Mr Harry Williams, a naval engineer of long experience and high rank, discusses the future requirements of the fleet. He is naturally most at home when dealing with points which specially affect his own branch of the service, but the whole book is well worth study.”—Manchester Guardian, “Must be pronounced a technical book in the main, although its author expressly states that he wrote it “not so much for professional as non-professional men.” . Its manifest object is to promote the efficiency of our steam navy in times to come, keeping which aim steadfastly in view Mr Williams has brought great knowledge and ability to bear upon the endeavour to forecast what provision it would be well to mako in order to meet the full naval requirements of the British nation. His highly instructive work is divided into four parts, under the respective titles of “Our Seamen,' ‘Ships and Machinery,’ ‘Naval Engineering,' and ‘Miscellaneous,” which again are carefully summarised in some tifty pages of eminently readable matter. The three chapters of miscellamea deal principally with the coal-endurance, engine-room complements, elec- tric lighting, and steam-steering machinery of Her Majesty's ships.”—Daily Telegraph Any Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 28 Great Æeductions in this Catalogue Professor H. H. WILSON, author of the “Standard History of India.” Glossary of Judicial Terms, including words from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali, Uriya, Marathi, Guzarathi, Telugu, Karnata, Tamil, Malayalam, and other languages. 4to, cloth, 3OS. Wynter's Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. CONTENTS, The Buried IRoman City in Britain. IEarly Warnings, “Silvertown.” Dining IRooms for the Working Classes. Advertising. - * : IRailway and City Population. Vivisection. A Day with the Coroner. The New Eſotel Systom. The English in Paris. The Restoration of our Soil. The Times Newspaper in 1798. Half-Hours at the Kensington Museum. The Under-Sea, Railroad. Mudie's Circulating Library. 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Eighteen Hundred Miles in a Burmese Tat, through Burmah, Siam, and the Eastern Shan States. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 5s. “There is a good deal of jocular description in this book, which, as the reader will easily soo, has been introduced with an eye rather to amusement than to accuracy; but after all the volume will have repaid the reader for the fow hours which may be spent in its perusal if it conveys to him, as it is calculated to do, a fair impression of the diſſiculties which beset the wayfarer in a strange land who, when in search of the pleasuros of travel, begins his journey where he should leave off, and ends it where he should have started.”—Athenaeum. - - “Mr Younghusband's account of his adventures is written simply and without exaggeration, but on the whole we think we would rather read about the Shan country than travel in it.”—Literary World. Aor the A’educed Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 29 §cientific (Cloth.3 : incluoing JBotany, Flatural Thistory, &C, A. BOAVA V/A, M. D., Brigade-Surgeon, Zndian Medical Serzice. The Cultivated Oranges and Lemons of India and Ceylon. Demy 8vo, with oblong Atlas Volume of Plates, 2 vols. 3Os. A'. BAA/THWAZZZ, M. D., F. L.S., &c. The Sphagnaceae, or Peat Mosses of Europe and North America. Illustrated with 29 Plates, coloured by hand. Imp. 8vo, 25s. “All muscologists will be delighted to hail the appearance of this important work. . . . Never before has our native moss-ſlora been so carefully figured and described, and that by an acknowledged authority on the subject.”—Science Gossip. “Mosses, perhaps, receive about as little attention from bota.uists as any class of plants, and considering how admirably mosses lend themselves to the collector's purposes, this is very remarkable. Something may be due to the minuteness of the size of many of the species, and something perhaps to the difficulties inherent in the systematic treatment of these plants; but we fancy the chief cause of comparative neglect with which they are treated is to be sought in the want of a good illustrated English treatise upon them. In the work which is now before us, Dr Braithwaite aims at placing the British mosses on the same vantage-ground as the more favoured classes of the vegetable kingdom ; and judging from the Sample lately issued, he will succeed in his endeavours.”—Popular Science Review. A. CAA'R/WGTON, AZ. Z)., A. K. S. British Hepaticae. Containing Descriptions and Figures of the Native Species of Jungermannia, Marchantia, and Anthoceros. Imp. 8vo, sewed, Parts I to 4, plain plates, 2s. 6d. each ; coloured plates, 3s. 6d. each. M. C. COO KE, M.A., L.L. D. The British Fungi : A Plain and Easy Account of. With Coloured Plates of 40 Species. Fifth Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo, 6s. “Mr Cooke writes for those whose education and means are limited, and with pre- ominent success. It is really a pleasure to read the manuals which he has published, for they are up to the mark, and so complete as to leave hardly anything to be desired. The new work on the fungi appears to be equally valuable with those which he has already printed. It contains descriptions of the esculent fungi, the manner in which they are prepared for the table, how to discriminate the nutritious from the poisonous species, details of the principles of their scientific classification, and a tabular arrange- ment of orders and genera.” Handbook of British Hepaticae. Containing Descriptions and Figures of the Indigenous Species of Marchantia, Jungermannia, Riccia, and Anthoceros, Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 6s. “It is very creditable to Mr Cooke that the drawings in his book are all sketches from nature made by his own pencil. This shows work, and is more respectable than the too common practice of copying engravings from the authorities in the particular branch of science. This little book is valuable, because in some respects it is certainly a good guide-book to a number of edible fungi unknown to the public.”—Popular Science Review. “Probably no group in the British flora has received so little attention as the Hepaticae. Dr M. C. Cooke has now filled up the gap by producing a ‘Handbook of the British Hepaticae, containing full descriptions of all the species, about two hundred in number, known to inhabit the British Islands.”—Wature. - AM. C. Cooke's Books continued. Amy Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 3O Great Reductions in this Catalogue AZ. C. COO/CE, M.A., L.L. Z). —continued. Our Reptiles and Batrachians. A Plain and Easy Account of the Lizards, Snakes, Newts, Toads, Frogs, and Tortoises indigenous to Great Britain. New and Revised Edition. With original Coloured Pictures of every Species, and numerous Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, 6s. CONTENTS. Reptiles and Snake-stones. The Blind Worm. The Common Frog. The Common Lizard. The Common Snake. The Edible Frog. The Sand Lizard. The Smooth Snake, The Common Toad. The Green Lizard. The Viper, or Adder. Common Smooth Newt or The Natterjack. Great Water Newt, Eft. Palmate Nowt. Gray's Banded Newt. The Hawk'S-Bill Turtle. The Leathery Turtle. Amphibia or Batrachians. Appendix. “Mr Cooke has especially distinguished himself as a student of the fungi and the fresh-water algae, his works on these orders being the standard treatises in English. He has also paid some attention to zoology and chemistry, his education in these as in other sciences being obtained by persistent self-instruction.”—Celebrities of the Century. Rust, Smut, Mildew, and Mould. An Introduction to the Study of Microscopic Fungi. Illustrated with 269 Coloured Figures by J. E. Sowerby. Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with Appendix of New Species. Crown 8vo, 6s. Those of our readers who are the happy possessors of microscopes would welcome this book with delight, as opening the way to a definite study of a most interesting branch of plant life. The minute fungi, here so faithfully depicted by Mr Sowerby, and so carefully described by Dr Cooke, have not only beauty of form and colour, but wonderful life-histories. Every hedge or lane or piece of waste ground, even in the suburbs of largo towns, will provide specimens, which may be easily preserved on the plants which they attack or mounted as microscope slides. Zmportant to Bolands/s and Students of AWałural AE/istory. European Fungi (Hymenomycetum) — Synoptical Key to. Cooke (M. C.) and Quelet (L., M.D., &c.)—Clavis Synoptica Hymenomy- cetum Europaeorum. FCap. 8vo, 7s. 6d. ; or, interleaved with ruled paper, 8s. 6d. “Without pretending to high scientific quality, the work throughout is well fitted to instruct and to attract a class of readers who might shrink from grappling with a scientiſlo text-book.”—Saturday Review. AAA’O/W COWV/AEA’. The Animal Kingdom. With considerable Additions by W. B. Carpenter, M.D., F.R.S., and J. O. Westwood, F.L.S. New Edition, Illustrated with 500 Engravings on Wood and 36 Coloured Plates. Imp. 8vo, 21s. J. HUNTER, ſate Hon. Sec. of the British Bee-keepers’ Association. A Manual of Bee-keeping. Containing Practical Information for Rational and Profitable Methods of Bee Management. Full Instruc- tions on Stimulative Feeding, Ligurianising and Queen-raising, with descriptions of the American Comb Foundation, Sectional Supers, and the best Hives and Apiarian Appliances on all systems. Fourth Edition. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. “We cordially recommend Mr Hunter's meat and compact Manual of Bee-keeping. Mr EIunter writes clearly and well.”—Science Gossip. “We are indebted to Mr J. Hunter, Honorary Secretary of the British Bee-keepers' Association. His Manual of Bee-keeping, just published, is full to the very brim of choice and practical hints fully up to the most advancod stages of Apiarian Science, and its perusal has afforded us so much pleasure that we have drawn somewhat largely from it for the benefit of our readers.”—Bee-keepers' Magazine (New York). For the Keduced Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 3 I - G. A. A. WAWAA/AAV. A Handy Book of Rock Names. Feap. 8vo, 4s “This will prove, we do not doubt, a very useful little book to all practical geologists, and also to the reading student of rocks. Whom a difficulty is incurred as to a species of deposit, it will soon vanish. Mr Kinahan's little book will soon make it all clear. The work is divided into three parts. The first is a classified table of rocks, the second part treats of the Ingenite rocks, and the third part deals with those rocks which are styled Derivate. JDana's termination of yte has been most generally used by the author, but he has also given the ile terminations for those that like them. The book will be purchased, for it must be had, by every geologist; and as its size is small, it will form a convenient pocket companion for the man who works over fleld and quarry.”— Popular Science Review. Professor Æ. ZANA/EST/EA'. The Uses of Animals in Relation to the Industry of Man. New Edition. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 4s. Silk, Wool, Leather, Bone, Soap, Waste, Sponges, and Corals, Shell-fish, Insects, Furs, Feathers, Horns and Hair, and Animal Perfumes, are the subjects of the twelve lectures on “The Uses of Animals.” “In his chapter on “Waste,' the lecturer gives startling insight into the manifold uses of rubbish. . . . . Dr Lankester finds a use for everything ; and he delights in analysing each fresh sample of rejected material, and stating how each of its com- ponent parts can be turned to the best account.”—Athencewm. Practical Physiology: A School Manual of IIealth. With numerous Woodcuts. Sixth Edition. Foap. 8vo, 2s. 6d. CONTENTS. Constitution of the Human Body. Breathing, or the Function of Respira- Nature of the Food supplied to the Human tion. Ody. The Structure and Functions of the Digestion, and the Organs by which it is Skin. performed. The Movements of the Human Body. Nature of Blood and its Circulation by the The Brain and Norves. IHeart. . The Organs of the Senses. “Writing for schoolboys, Dr Lankester has been careful to consult their tastes. There are passages in this little work which will make it popular, and the instructor will probably be hailed by a name which is new to people of his class, that of a “regular brick.’”—Athenaeum. A/A’S / AAWAT/ES 7/2/0. - Talks about Health : A Book for Boys and Girls. Being an Explana- tion of all the Processes by which Life is Sustained. Illustrated. Small 8vo, Is. The Late EDWARD AWE WA/AM, F. Z.S. British Butterflies. With many Illustrations. Super royal 8vo, 7s. 6d. “The British butterflies have found a good friend in Mr Newman, who has given us a history of their lives—from larva to imago, their habits and their whereabouts— which is one of the most perfect things of the kind. And we are glad to read the author's statement that his work has attained, while in progress, a sale that is almost unattainable in English scientific works. Firstly, the work consists of a series of notices to the young who may be disposed to go butterfly-hunting. And in them we find the author's great experience, and we commend this part of his work to our readers. The next part deals with the subjects of anatomy, physiology, and embryo- logy of the insects; and finally we come to the separate account of each species. This latter is admirably given. ... First comes a capital engraving, life size, of the species, and then follows in order the life, history, time of appearance and locality, occupying from a page to a page and a half or two pages of a large quarto (or nearly so) volume. All this is done well, as we might expect from the author; it is clear, intelligible, and devoid of much of the rubbish which abounds in books of this kind generally. We must conclude by expressing the hope that all who are interested in insects will make themselves aquainted with the volume.”—Popular Science Review. Any Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 32 Great Reductions in this Catalogue MAA’ V A. PRA 7'7"EAV. My Hundred Swiss Flowers. With a Short Account of Swiss Ferns. With 60 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, plain plates, 12s. 6d. ; coloured plates, 25s. “The temptation to produce such books as this seems irresistible. The author feels a want ; the want is undeniable. After more or less hesitation he feels he can supply it. It is pleasantly written, and affords useful hints as to localitics.”— Athenaewºn. S. L. Z2O///PA/A2/E V. A Little Brown Pebble, with Io full-page cuts. Feap. 4to, 3S. 6d. “In the story of “A Little Brown Pebble,” its writer endeavours to introduce geo- logical science into the nursery, showing what strange creatures lived in the ancient seas, what monsters inhabited the primeval forests, and how our country alternated between torrid heats and an arctic cold. The accuracy of the information is guaran- teed by compotent authorities, and the illustrations are spirited. There is no reason why tho attempt should not succeed.”—Academy, 21st December 1889. A'. A'ſ/W/WEAE, A. Z.S. The Land and Freshwater Shells of the British Isles. Illus- trated with Io Photographs and 3 Lithographs, containing figures of all the principal Species. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 5s. “This handsomely got up little volume supplies a long-folt want in a very ingenious and trustworthy manner. The author is an enthusiastic conchologist, and writes both attractively and well, and in a manner so simple and natural that we have no fear that any ordinarily educated man will easily understand every phrase. But the feature of this book which strikes us most is that every species of British land and freshwator shell has been photographed, and here we have all the photographs, natural size in the albertype process, so that the merest tyro will find no difficulty in identi- fying any shell ho may flnd.”—Science Review. J. S///7/7, A. Z.S. Ferns : British and Foreign. Fourth Edition, revised and greatly en- larged, with many illustrations. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “Each genus is described, and the technical characters upon which it is founded are shown in the accompanying illustrations, and the indispensable technical terms are explained by examples. The meaning and derivations of the botanical names of ferns are also given in sufficient detail and with sufficient accuracy to meet the wants of amateurs, if not of scholars. But perhaps the most valuable part of the work is that devoted to instruction in the cultivation of ferns, which occupies some seventy pages of the book. A bibliography of the subject and an excellent index make up the remainder of this useful volume, which we recommend to all persons desirous of know- ing something more about forms than being able to recognise them by sight.”—I’ield. “Mr Smith's work entitles him to admiration for his industry and for the manifest care with which he has studied his subject ; and his present enlarged work will certainly become and be a standard library book of reference for all pteridologists and orna- mental gardeners (whether professional or amateur) who devote attention to filiculture. And there really is no family of plants which is more elegant than are ferns. Indi- genous British ferns alone afford a most interesting scope, of research and collection.” —Whitehall Review. “This is a new and enlarged edition of one of the best extant works on British and foreign ferns which has been called for by the introduction, during the interval of ten years which has elapsed since the issue of the first edition, of a number of exotic species which have been collected and arranged under their respective genera and tribes as an appendix. There are thus introduced 234 entirely new species. The sixty pages devoted to a treatise on the cultivation of ferns are invaluable to the fern-grower, professional or amateur, describing the conditions under which ferns, grow in their native country—knowledge which is e88cntial to their really successful cultivation in this.”—Rural World. w--------- ------------- /or the A’educed Prices apply to of Messrs Iſ’. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 33 J. E. 7A VZO/8, F. L.S., F. G.S. Flowers: Their Origin, Shapes, Perfumes, and Colours, Illus- trated with 32 Coloured Figures by Sowerby, and 161 Woodcuts. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d. - CONTENTS The Old and New Philosophy of Flowers—The Geological Antiquity of Flowers and Insects—The Geographical Distribution of Flowers—The Structure of Flowering Plants—Relations between Flowers and their Physical Surroundings—Relations between Flowers and the Wind—The Colours of Flowers—The External Shapes of Flowers—The Internal Shapes of Flowers—The Perfumes of Flowers—Social Flowers —-Birds and Flowers—The Natural Defences of Flowering Plants. “This is an altogether charming book, full of wisdom, cheerful, simple, attractive, and informed throughout with a high purpose. Its object is to place within reach of the general public in an agreeable form the results of the most recent and compre- hensive botanical research. The author is so bold as to ask why flowers were made, and is not without means to answer the question reverently and truthfully. He connects them by the aids that science supplies with the history of creation, and the records of the rocks, and with the history of man, and the progress of the agricultural and horticultural arts. He tells us how they are influenced by soil and climate, how changed and multiplied by insects and other agencies, how their seeds are blown about the world, and how by in numerable divine appointments it at last comes about that the life of a man is environed and beautified with flowers. The work is rich in the results of travel, and it happily connects the vegetable products of the globe with the conditions that favour them and the wants they satisfy. It is therefore a book for all ages, and for botanists and gardeners, as well as for such as rather too gladly confess they know nothing about plants. We should like to see it on every family table in the whole length and breadth of the United Kingdom.”—Gardeners' Magazime. The Aquarium : Its Inhabitants, Structure, and Management. Second Edition, with 238 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. “Few men have done more to popularise the natural history science than the late Dr Taylor. The work before us, while intended as a handbook to public aquaria, is responsible for many attempts, successful and otherwise, at the construction of the domestic article. The book is replete with valuablo information concerning persons and things, while the directions for making and managing aquaria are very clear and concise. The illustrations are numerous, suitable, and very good.”—Schoolmaster'. “The ichthyologist, be it known, is not such a fearful or horrific ‘sort of wild- fowl' as his name would seem to argue him. The prevalence of the breed, the extent of its knowledge, the zeal of its enthusiasm, and the number of the aquaria it has built for itself in town or country, are all part and parcel of that “march of science ' which took its impetus from Darwin and the “Origin of Species.” Those who do not already know that useful book, ‘The Aquarium,' by Mr J. E. Taylor, Ph.D., F.L.S., &c., should procure this new edition (the sixth). It forms a convenient handbook or popular manual to our public aquaria. The aquarium, its inhabitants, its structure and its management, are the author's especial care. And with the help of well-k- a works and a wide experience he has managed to put together a most praisewortny book.”—Science Sifting.8. Half-Hours in the Green Lanes. Illustrated with 3oo Woodcuts. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. “A book which cannot fail to please the young, and from which many an older reader may gleam here and there facts of interest in the field of nature. Mr Taylor has endeavoured to collect these facts which are to be recorded daily by an observant country gentleman with a taste for natural history; and he has attempted to put them together in a clear and simple style, so that the young may not only acquire a love for the investigation of nature, but may also put up (by reading this little book) an im- portant store of knowledge. We think the author has succeeded in his object. He has made a very interesting little volume, not written above the heads of its readers as many of those books are, and he has taken care to have most of his natural history observations very accurately illustrated.”—Popular Science Review. J. E. Taylor's Books conſinued. Amy Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 34 - Great Æeductions in this Catalogue * J. E. Z.A YLOR, F. L.S., F. G.S.—continued. Half-Hours at the Seaside. Illustrated with 250 Woodcuts. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. “The love of natural history has now become so prevalent, at least among purely English readers, that we hardly meet a family at the seaside one of whose members has not some little knowledge of the wonders of the deep. Now, of course, this love of marine zoology is being vastly increased by the existence of the valuable aquaria at the Crystal Palace and at Brighton. Still, however, notwithstanding the amount of admirable works on the subject, more especially the excellent treatisés of Gosse and others, there was wanted a cheap form of book with good illustrations which should give a clear account of the ordinary creatures one meets with on the sands and in the rock pools. The want no longer exists, for the excellent little manual that now lies before us embraces all that could be desired by those who are entirely ignorant of the subject of seaside zoology, while its mode of arrangement and woodcuts, which are carefully drawn, combine to render it both attractive and useful.”— Popular Science Review. Tribing, ljeterinary), alto Elgriculture. A. DPW,+ A*/O Z. AAV/O AEA’SOAV. How to Ride and School a Horse. With a System of Horse Gym- nastics. Fourth Edition. Revised and Corrected. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. “He is well worthy of a hearing.”—Bell’s Life. - “Mr Anderson is, without doubt, a thorough horseman.”—The Field. “It should be a good investment to all lovers of horses."—The Farmer. “There is no reason why the careful reader should not be able, by the help of this little book, to train as well as ride his horses.”—Land and Water. JAA/ES MA: MINAE ZOATON, F. R. C. V.S. The Horse, as he VVas, as he Is, and as he Ought to Be. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. “Written with a good object in view, namely, to create an interest in the im- portant subject of horse-breeding, more especially that class known as general utility horses. The book contains several illustrations, is well printed and handsomely bound, and we hope will meet with the attention it deserves.”—Live Stock Journal. |WZZZZAA/ PROCZ'OA”, Stud Groom. The Management and Treatment of the Horse in the Stable, Field, and on the Road. New and Revised Edition. Crown Svo, 6s. “There are few who are interested in horses will fail to profit by one portion or another of this useful work, Coming from a practical hand the work should recommend itself to the public.”—Sportsman. “There is a fund of sound common-sense views in this work which will be interesting to many owners.”—Ficló. GAZOA’GA2 G./CA.S.S. Ji'ZZ Z. The Diseases and Disorders of the Ox. Second Edition. Demy 8vo, 7s. 6d. - “This is perhaps one of the best of the popular books on the subject which has been published in recent years, and demonstrates in a most unmistakable manner the great advance that has been made in Bovine and Ovine Pathology since the days of Youatt. . . . To medical men who desire to know something of the disorders of such an important animal—speaking hygienically—as the Ox, the work can be recommended.” —The Lancel. 3. “It is clear, concise, and practical, and would make a very convenient handbook of reference.”—Saturday Review. Aor the Reduced Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 35 AROA'AºSSOA' SAMAZZLOOM. The Future of British Agriculture. How Farmers may best be Benefited. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. “Fortunately Prof. Sheldom has no mind to play the part of a prophet, 'but from the plenitude of a long experience gives sage counsel how to farm abreast of the time and be ready for whatever may ensue. . . . This little book is well worth reading, and it is pleasant to find that the professor by no means despairs of the future of agriculture in England.”—Academy. ‘‘We welcome the book as a valuable contribution to our agricultural literature, and as a useful guide to those branches in which the author is especially qualified to instruct.”—Nature. “In this beautifully printed and well-bound little book of 158 pp., Professor Sheldon, in his usual happy style, surveys the agricultural field, and indicates what he thinks is the prospect in front of the British farmer. Like a watchman he stands upon his tower—and when asked, What of the might 2 he disavows not that we are in the night, but earnestly declares that the morning cometh a pace. The professor is an optimist ; he does not believe that the country is done, and still less does he favour the idea that, taking a wide survey, the former days were better than these. On the contrary, he urges that the way out of the wilderness is not by any by-path, but by going right ahead; and, ere long, the man who holds the banner high will emerge triumphant.”—Scottish Farmer. JOHN WA ZSOAV, F. L.S. £)rnithology in Relation to Agriculture and Horticulture, by various writers, edited by John Watson, F.L.S., &c. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS.–Miss Eleanor A. Ormerod, late Consulting Entomologist to the Royal Agricultural Society of England; O. V. Aplin, F.L.S., Member of the British Ornithologists' Union ; Charles Whitehead, |F.L.S., F.G.S., &c., author of “Rifty Years of Fruit Farming ”; John Watson, F.L.S., author of “A Handbook for Farmers and Small Holders ”; the Rev. F. O. Morris, M.A., author of “A History of British Birds"; G. W. Murdoch, late editor of The Fariner, Riley Fortune, F.Z.S. ; T. H. Nelson, Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union; T. Southwell, F. Z.S. ; Rev. Theo. Wood, B.A., F.I.S.; J. H. Gurney, jun., M.P. ; Harrison Weir, F.R.H.S. ; W. H. Tuck. “Will form a textbook of a reliable kind in guiding agriculturists at large in their dealings with their feathered friends and foes alike.”—Glasgow Herald. - “This is a valuable book, and should go far to fulfil its excellent purpose. a * It is a book that every agriculturist should possess.”—Land and Water. “It is well to know what birds do mischief and what birds are helpful. This book is the very manual to clear up all such doubts.”— Yorkshire Post. “In these days of agricultural depression it behoves the former to study, among other subjects, ornithology. That he and the gamekeeper often bring down plagues upon the land when they fancy they are ridding it of a pest is exceedingly well illustrated in this series of papers.”—Scotsman. Any Bookseller at Home and Abroad'. 36 Great Reductions in this Catalogue 3mbia, Cbina, 3apan, anotbe East. SURGEON-MA/OR Z. A. WADA).EZZ, M.B., F. Z.S., F. R. G.S., Member of the Aoyal Asiatic Society, Anthropological /nstitute, &c. The Buddhism of Tibet, with its Mystic Cults, Symbolism, and Mytho- logy, and in its Relation to Indian Buddhism, with over 200 Illustra- tions. Demy 8vo, 31s. 6d. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS:—Introductory. Historical : Changes in Primitive Bud- dhism leading to Lamaism—Rise, Development, and Spread of Lamaism—The Sects of Lamaism. Doctrinal : Metaphysical Sources of the Doctrine—The Doctrine and its Morality—Scriptures and Literature. Monastic : The Order of Lamas—Daily Life and Routine—Hierarchy and Reincarnate Lamas. Buildings: Monasteries—Temples and Cathedrals—Shrines (and Relics and Pilgrims). Mythology and Gods: Pantheon and Images—Sacred Symbols and Charms. Ritual and Sorcery: Worship and Ritual— Astrology and Divination—Sorcery and Necromancy. Festivals and Plays : Festivals and Holidays—Mystic Plays and Masquerades and Sacred Plays. Popular Lamaism: Fººtie and Popular Lamaism. Appendices: Chronological Table—Bibliography— Index. “By far the most important mass of original materials contributed to this recondite study.”—The Times. “Dr Waddell deals with the whole subject in a most exhaustive manner, and gives a clear insight into the structure, prominent features, and cults of the system ; and to disentangle the early history of Lamaism from the chaotic growth of fable which has invested it, most of the chief internal movements of Lamaism are now for the first time presented in an intelligible and systematic form. The work is a valuable addition to the long series that have preceded it, and is enriched by numerous illus- trations, mostly from originals brought from Lhasa, and from photographs by the author, while it is fully indexed, and is provided with a chronological table and biblio- graphy.”—Lºverpool Cowrier. “A book of exceptional interest.”—Glasgow Herald. “A learned and elaborate work, likely for some time to come to be a source of reference for all who seek information about Lamaism. . . . In the appendix will be found a chronological table of Tibetan events, and a bibliography of the best literature bearing on Lamaism. There is also an excellent index, and the numerous illustrations are certainly one of the distinctive features of the book.”—Morning Post. “Cannot fail to arouse the liveliest interest. The author of this excellently pro- duced, handsomely illustrated volume of nearly six hundred pages has evidently spared no pains in prosecuting his studies. . . . The book is one of exceptional value, and will attract all those readers who take an interest in the old religions of the far East.”—Publishers' Circular. S/A' A D WIN A /&AWOZZ), AZ.A., Author of “The Zāght of Asia,” &c. The Book of Good Counsels. Fables from the Sanscrit of the Hitopadésa. With Illustrations by Gordon Browne. Autograph and Portrait. Crown 8vo, antique, gilt top, 5s. A few copies of the large paper Edition (limited to IOO copies), bound in white vellum, 25s. each net. - “‘The Book of Good Counsels,” by Sir Edwin Arnold, comes almost as a new book, so long has it been out of print. Now, in addition to being very tastefully and prettily reissued, it contains numerous illustrations by Mr Gordon Browne. As some few may remember, it is a book of Indian stories and poetical maxims from the Sanskrit of the Hitopadésa. The book is almost a volume of fairy tales, and may pass for that with the younger generation, but it is a little too heavily overlaid with philo- sophy to be dismissed wholly as such. In fact, like all that Sir Edwin Arnold has brought before us, it is full of curious fancies, and that it is a charming little book to look at is its least merit.”—Daily Graphic. Aor the Reduced Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 37 CAPTAIN /AMES AAAOTT. Narrative of a Journey from Herat to Khiva, Moscow, and St Petersburgh during the late Russian invasion at Khiva. With Map and Portrait. 2 vols., demy 8vo, 24s. The real interest of the work consists in its store of spirited anecdote, its enter- taining sketches of individual and national character, its graphic pictures of Eastern life and manners, its simply told tales of peril, privation, and suffering encountered and endured with a soldier's courage. Over the whole narrative, the maiveté and frank- ness of the writer cast a charm that far more than covers its occasional eccentricities of style and language. It has seldom fallen to our lot to read a more interesting narrative of personal adventure. Rarely, indeed, do we find an author whose constant presence, through almost the whole of two large volumes, is not only tolerable, but welcome. Few readers will rise from a perusal of the marrative without a strong feeling of personal sympathy and interest in the gallant Major ; even though here and there unable to repress a smile at some burst of ecstasy, some abrupt apostrophe, such as would never have been perpetrated by a practical writer, and a man of the world. S//& A. C. B.A V/LA. V. The Local Muhammadan Dynasties, Gujarat. Forming a Sequel to Sir H. M. Elliott’s “History of the Muhammadan Empire of India.” Demy 8vo, 21s. “The value of the work consists in the light which it serves to throw upon dis- uted dates and obscure transactions. As a work of reference it is doubtless useful. egarding the way in which its learned translator and editor has acquitted himself of his task it is scarcely necessary to write ; a profound scholar and painstaking in- vestigator, his labours are unusually trustworthy, and the world of letters will doubt- less award him that meed of praise, which is rarely withheld from arduous and con- Scientious toil, by assigning him, in death, a niche in the temple of fame, side by side with his venerated master, Sir Henry Elliott.”—Academy. “This book may be considered the first of a series designed rather as a supplement than complement to the ‘History of India as Told by its own Historians.” Following the Preface, a necessarily brief biographical notice—written in the kindly and appre: -ciative spirit which ever characterises the style of the learned editor of Marco Polo, whose initials are scarcely needed to confirm his identity—explains how on Professor Dowson's death, Sir Edward Clive Bayley was induced to undertake an editorship for which he was eminently qualified by personal character and acquaintance with the Originator of the project which constituted his raison d'être. But the new editor did not live to see the actual publication of his first volume. Scarcely had he completed it for the press, when his career was brought to a close. A singular fatality seems to have attended the several able men who have taken the leading part in preserving this particular monument of genuine history. Henry Elliott, John Dowson, Edward Clive Bayley, and more recently still (during the current year), Edward Thomas, the high- class numismatist, all have passed away, with hands upon the plough in the very field of Oriental research. Without asking to whose care the preparation of any future volumes may be entrusted, let us be thankful for the work, so far completed and—at this time especially—for the instalment which has just appeared.”—Athemawm. S/A GA2ORGE A/RD PWOOD, M. D. Report on the Old Records of the India Office, with Maps and Illustrations. Royal 8vo, 12s. 6d. “Those who are familiar with Sir George Birdwood’s literary method will appreciate the interest and the wealth of historical illustration with which he invests these topics.” —Times, Feb. 26, 1891. “Sir George Birdwood has performed a Herculean task in exploring, sorting, and describing the masses of old India Office records, which Mr Danvers has now got into a state of admirable arrangement, so that, with the help of Sir George's Index, they may be rendily and profitably consulted by students.”—Scotsman. Any Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 38 Great Reductions in this Catalogue A. BOAVA VIA, M. D., Brigade-Surgeon, Andžama Medical Serzyżce. The Cultivated Oranges and Lemons of India and Ceylon. Demy 8vo, with Atlas of Plates, 30s. “The amount of labour and research that Dr Bonavia must have expended on these volumes would be very difficult to estimate, and it is to be hoped that he will be repaid, to some extent at least, by the recognition of his work by those who are interested in promoting the internal industries of India."—Home News. “There can be no question that the author of this work has devoted much time and trouble to the study of the Citrus family in India. That the preparation of the book has been a labour of love is evident throughout its pages.”—The Englishman. F. C. DAWVERS, Registrar and Superintendent of Records, India Office, London. Report to the Secretary of State for India in Council on the Portu- guese Records relating to the East Indies, contained in the Archivo da Torre de Tombo, and the Public Libraries at Lisbon and Evora. Royal 8vo, sewed, 6s, net. “The whole book is full of important and interesting materials for the student alike of English and of Indian history.”—Times. “It is more than time that some attention was paid to the history of the Portuguese in India by Englishmen, and Mr Danvers is doing good service to India by his investi- gation into the Portuguese records.”—India. “We are very grateful for it, especially with the gratitude which consists in a long- ing for more favours to come. The Secretary of State spends much money on worse things than continuing the efforts of which the book under review is only the first result.”—Asiatic Quarterly Review. The visits of inspection into the records preserved in Portugal bearing on the history of European enterprise in Eastern seas, which were authorised by the Secretary of State for India in 1891 and 1892, have resulted in the production of a most interest- ing report, which shows that a vast store of historical papers has been carefully pre- served in that country, which deserves more thorough investigation. Mr Danvers, whose devotion to the duties of the Record Department is well known, hastened to carry out his instructions, and his report fully attests the earnestness with which he pursued his task. The documents range in date from 1500 to the present date, and contain clusters of documents numbering 12,465 and 5,274, and 1,783 in extent, besides many other deeply interesting batches of smaller bulk. It seems that no copies exist of most of these documents among our own records, a fact which invests them with peculiar interest. CAE O/O G.A. DOASOAV. Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia. Notes of a Journey from St Petersburg to Samarkand, Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. “The letters themselves have been expanded and rewritten, and the work contains seven additional chapters, which bring the account of the Transcaspian Provinces down to the present time. Those of our readers who remember the original letters will need no further commendation of our correspondent's accuracy of information and graphic powers of description.”—Times. “Offers a valuable contribution to our knowledge of this region. The author journeyed from St Petersburg to Samarkand by the Russian trains and steamers. He wonders, as so many have wondered before, why the break in the line of railway communication which is made by the Caspian Sea is allowed to continue. His book is. eminently impartial, and he deals with the question of trade between India and Central Asia in a chapter full of the highest interest, both for the statesman and the British merchant.”—Daily Telegraph. For the Reduced Prices apply to - of Messrs W. H. Alſen & Co.'s Publications. 39 RE V. A. J. D. D'ORSE Y, B. D., K.C., P.O.C. Portuguese Discoveries, Dependencies, and Missions in Asia and Africa, with Maps. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. CONTENTS. & Book I. Introductory. The Portuguese in Europe and Asia. Portugal and the Portuguese. Portuguese Discoveries in the Fifteenth Century. Portuguese Conquests of India in the Sixteenth Century. The Portuguese Empire in the Sixteenth Century. Book Iſ. The Portuguese Missions in Southern India. Early History of the Church in India. First Meeting of the Portuguese with the Syrians. Pioneers of the Portuguese Missions. The Rise of the Jesuits. The Jesuits in Portugal. St Francis Xavier's Mission in India. Subsequent Missions in the Sixteenth Century. Book III. - The Subjugation of the Syrian Church. Roman Claim of Supremacy. First Attempt, by the Franciscans. Second Attempt, by the Jesuits. The Struggle against Rome. Book III.—continued. The Archbishop of Goa. The Synod of Diamper. The Triumph of Rome. Book IV. Subsequent Missions in Southern India, with special reference to the Syrians. Badiation of Mission of Goa. The Madura Mission. Portuguese Missions in the Carnatic. Syrian Christians in the Seventeenth Century. Syrian Christians in the Eighteenth Century. Book W. The Portuguese Missions, with special reference to Modern Missionary efforts in South India. The First Protestant Mission in South India. - ‘. English Missions to the Syrians 1806-16. English Missions and the Syrian Christians. The Disruption and its Results. Present State of the Syrian Christians. The Revival of the Rolmish Missions in India. GENERAL GO KA)OAV, C.A. Events in the Taeping Rebellion. Being Reprints of MSS. copied by General Gordon, C.B., in his own handwriting ; with Monograph, Introduction, and Notes. Story of Chinese Gordon.” By A. Egmont Hake, author of “The With Portrait and Map. Demy 8vo, 18s. “A valuable and graphic contribution to our knowledge of affairs in China at the most critical period of its history.”—Leeds Mercury. “Mr Hake has prefixed a vivid sketch of Gordon's career as a “leader of men." which shows insight and grasp of character. The style is perhaps somewhat too emphatic and ejaculatory—one seems to hear echoes of Hugo, and a strain of Mr Walter Besant—but the spirit is excellent.”—Athenaeum. “Without wearying his readers by describing at length events which are as familiar in our mouths as household words, he contents himself with giving a light sketch of them, and fills in the picture with a personal narrative which to most people will be entirely new.”—Saturday Review. A. P. GAA. AEAVE, Military Attaché to the U.S. A.egation at St Petersburg. Sketches of Army Life in Russia. Crown 8vo, 9s. Amy Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 4O Great Æeductions in this Catalogue ------------ - - - - - - ------- -- - - - - - - --------- ---- - - - --- *-*---------------- A/. GAC/AF/7 H. India's Princes. Short Life Sketches of the Native Rulers of India, with 47 Portraits and Illustrations. Demy 4to, gilt top, 2 Is. LIST OF PORTRAITS. THE PUNJAUB. THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. H.H. the Maharaja of Cashmere. H.H. the Gaikwar of Baroda. H. H. the Maharaja of Patiala. H. H. the Rao of Cutch. H. H. the Maharaja of Kapurthalla. H.H. the Raja Kolhapur. RAJPUTANA. H.H. the Nawab of Junagarh. The Maharaja of Oudipur. H.H. the Thakore Sahib of Bhavnagar. The Maharaja of Jeypore. H. H. the Thalkore Sahib of Dhangadra. The Maharaja of Jodhpur. H.H. the Thakore Sahib of Morvi. The Maharaja of Ulware. JH. H. the Thakore Sahib of Gondal. The Maharaja of Bhurtpur. - CENTRAL INDIA. SOUTHERN INDIA. H.H. the Maharaja, Holkar of Indore, H.H. the Nizam of Hyderabad. H.H. the Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior. H.H. the Maharaja of Mysore. EI. H. the Begum of Bhopal. H.H. the Maharaja of Travancore. “A handsome volume containing a series of photographic portraits and local Views with accompanying letterpress, giving biographical and political details, carefully compiled and attractively presented.”—Times. C. A/A Al///, 7'OAV. Hedaya or Guide. A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws. Second Edition. With Preſace and Index by S. G. Grady. 8vo, 35s. “A work of very high authority in all Moslem countries. It discusses most of the subjects mentioned in the Koran and Sonna."—MILL'S Muhammadanism. The great Law-Book of India, and one of the most important monuments of Mussul- man legislation in existence. “A Valuable work.”—ALLIBONE. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. Of Zakat. Of Widda or Deposits. Of Nikkah or Marriage. Of Areeat or Loans. Of Rizza, or Fosterage. Of Hibba, or Gifts. Of Tala.k or Divorce. Of Ijaro or Hire. Of Ittak or the Manumission of Slaves. Of Mokatibes. Of Einman or Vows. Of Willa. Of Hoodood Ol' Punishment. Of Ikrah or Compulsion. Of Saraka or Larceny. Of Hijr or Inhibition. Of Al Seyir or the Institutes. Of Mazooms or Licensed Slaves. Of the Law respecting Lakects or Found- Of Ghazb or Usurpation. lings. Of Shaffa. Of Looktas or Troves. Of Kissmat or Partition. Of Ibbak or the Absconding of Slaves. Of Mozarea, or Compacts of Cultivation. Of Mafkoods or Missing IPersons. Qf Mosakat or Compacts of Gardening. Of Shirkat or Partnership. Of Zabbah or the Slaying of Animals for Of Wakf or Appropriations. Food. Of Sale. Of Uzheea, or Sacrifice. Of Serf Sale. Of IXiraheeat or Abominations. Of Kaſalit or Bail. Of the Cultivation of Waste Lands, Of Hawalit or the Transfer of the Razee. Of Prohibited Liquors. Of the Duties of the Razee. Of Hunting. Of Shahadit or Evidence. Of Rahn or Pawns, - Of Retractation of Evidence. Of Janayat or Offences against the Person. Of Agency. Of Deeayat or Fines. Of Dawee or Claim. - Of Mawakil or the Levying of Fines. Of Ikrar or Acknowledge. Of Wasaya or Wills. Of Soolh or Composition. Of Hermaphrodites. Of Mozaribat or Co-partnership in the Profits of Stock and L'abour. Aor the Reduced Prices app/y fo * of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 4 I AOWAA D HEAVSMAAW, Special Correspondent of the “Pioneer” (A//a/abad) and ſhe “A)az/y AVezvs " (Zondon). The Afghan War, 1879-80. Being a complete Narrative of the Capture of Cabul, the Siege of Sherpur, the Battle of Ahmed Khel, the March to Candahar, and the defeat of Ayub Khan. With Maps. Demy 8vo, 2 IS. “Sir Frederick Roberts says of the letters here published in a collected form that “nothing could be more accurate or graphic." As to accuracy no one can be a more competent judge than Sir Frederick, and his testimony stamps the book before us as constituting especially trustworthy material for history. Of much that he relates Mr Hensman was an eye-witness; of the rest he was informed by eye-witnesses immedi- ately after the occurrence of the events recorded. We are assured by Sir Frederick Roberts that Mr Hensman's accuracy is complete in all respects. Mr Hensman enjoyed singular advantages during the first part of the war, for he was the only special corre- spondent who accompanied the force which marched out of Ali Kheyl in September 1879. One of the most interesting portions of the book is that which describes the march of Sir Frederick Roberts from Cabul to Candahar. Indeed, the book is in every respect interesting and well written, and reflects the greatest credit on the author.”—Athenaeum. Sz7. H. Aſ UAV ZAZA’. A Statistical Account of Bengal. 20 vols. Demy 8vo, 46. 1. Twenty-four Parganas and Sundar- 7. Meldah, Rangpur, Dinajpur. bans. . Rajshahf and Bogra. 2. Nadiya and Jessor. 9. Murshidabad and Pabna. 3. Midnapur, Hugli, and Hourah, 10. Darjiling, Jalpaigurf, and Kutch 4. Hardwan, Birbhum, and Bankhura. Behar State. 5. Dacca, Bakarganj, Faridpur, and 11. Patna, and Saran. Maimansinh. 12, Gaya, and Shahabad. 6. Chittagong Hill Tracts, Chittagong, 13. Tirhut and Champaran. Noakhali, Tipperah, and Hill 14, Bhagalpur and Santal Parganas. Tipperah State. 15. Monghyr and Purniah. Bengal MS. Records, a selected list of Letters in the Board of Revenue, Calcutta, 1782-1807, with an Historical Dissertation and Analytical Index. 4 vols. Demy 8vo, 30s. “This is one of the small class of original works that compel a reconsideration of views which have been long accepted and which have passed into the current history -of the period to which they refer. Sir William Wilson Hunter's exhaustive examination of the actual state of the various landed classes of Bengal during the last century renders impossible the further acceptance of these hitherto almost indisputable dicta of Indian history. The chief materials for that examination have been the contem- porary MS. records preserved in the Board of Revenue, Calcutta, of which Sir William Hunter gives a list of 14,136 letters dealing with the period from 1782 to 1807. Nothing could be more impartial than the spirit in which he deals with the great questions involved. He makes the actual facts, as recorded by these letters, written at the time, speak for themselves. But those who desire to learn how that system grew out of the pre-existing land rights and land usages of the province will find a clear and authoritative explanation. If these four volumes stood alone they would place their author in the first rank of scientific historians; that is, of the extremely limited class of historians who write from original MSS. and records. But they do not stand alone. They are the natural continuation of the author's researches, nearly a genera- tion ago, among the District Archives of Bengal, which produced his “Annals of Rural Bengal’ in 1868 and his ‘Orissa’ in 1872. They are also the first-fruits of that comprehensive history of India on which he has been engaged for the last twenty years, for which he has collected in each province of India an accumulation of tested local materials such as has never before been brought together in the hands, and by the labours, of any worker in the same stupendous field, and which, when completed, will be the ſitting crown of his lifelong services to India. These volumes are indeed an important instalment towards the projected magmºm, opws ; and in this connection it is of good augury to observe that they maintain their author's reputation for that fulness and minahoness of knowledge, that grasp of principles and philosophic insight, and that fertility and charm of literary expression which give Sir William Hunter his unique place among the writers of his day on India.”—The Times. Amy Bookseller at Home and Abroad. - - 42 Great Reductions in this Catalogue A’E W. T. P. HUGA/ES. A Dictionary of Islam, being a Cyclopaedia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs, together with the Technical and Theological Terms of the Muhammadan Religion. With numerous Illustrations. Royal 8vo, 42 2s. - “Such a work as this has long been needed, and it would be hard to find any one better qualified to prepare it than Mr Hughes. His “ Notes on Muhammadanism,’ of which two editions have appeared, have proved de- cidedly useful to students of Islam, especially in India, and his long familiarity with the tenets and customs of Moslems has placed him in the best possible position for deciding what is necessary and what superfluous in a ‘Dictionary of Islam." His usual method is to begin an article with the text in the Koran relating to the subject, them to add the traditions bearing upon it, and to conclude with the comments of the Mohammedan scholiasts and the criticisms of Western scholars. Such a method, while involving an infinity of labour, produces the best results in point of accuracy and comprehensiveness. The difficult task of compiling a dictionary of so vast a subject as Islam, with its many sects, its saints, khalifs, ascetics, and dervishes, its festivals, ritual, and Sacred places, the dress, manners, and customs of its professors, its com- mentators, technical terms, science of tradition and interpretation, its super- stitions, magic, and astrology, its theoretical doctrines and actual practices, has been accomplished with singular success; and the dictionary will have its place among the standard works of reference in every library that professes to take account of the religion which governs the lives of forty millions of the Queen's subjects. The articles on ‘Marriage,’ ‘Women,’ ‘Wives,” “Slavery,’ ‘Tradition,' ‘Sufi,” “Muhammad,’ ‘Da'wah or Incantation, “Burial,” and ‘God,” are especially admirable. Two articles deserve special notice. One is an elaborate account of Arabic “Writing ' by Dr Steingass, which contains a vast quantity of useful matter, and is weli illustrated by woodcuts of the chief varieties of Arabic script. The other article to which we refer with special emphasis is Mr F. Pincott on ‘Sikhism.” There is some- thing on nearl every page of the dictionary that will interest and instruct the students of Eastern religion, manners, and customs.”—Athenaeum. ZXictionary of Muhammadan Theology. Notes on Muhammadanism. By Rev. T. P. Hughes. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. FCap. 8vo, 6s. “Altogether an admirable little book. It combines two excellent quali- ties, abundance of facts and lack of theories. . . . On every one of the numerous heads (over fifty) into which the book is divided, Mr Hughes furnishes a large amount of very valuable information, which it would be exceedingly difficult to collect from even a large library of works on the subject. The book might well be called a ‘Dictionary of Muhammadan Theology,’ for we know of no English work which combines a methodical arrangement (and consequently facility of reference) with fulness of informa- tion in so high a degree as the little volume before us.”—The Academy. “It contains multum in parvo, and is about the best outline of the tenets of the Muslim faith which we have seen. It has, moreover, the rare merit of being accurate ; and, although it contains a few passages which we would gladly see expunged, it cannot fail to be useful to all Government employés who have to deal with Muhammadams ; whilst to missionaries it will be invaluable.”—The Times of India. “The main object of the work is to reveal the real and practical character of the Islam faith, and in this the author has evidently been successful.”— The Standard. - - Aor the A’educed Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 43 MA'S GRACE /OHAWSOAV, Silver Medallist, Cookery Zxhibition. Anglo-Indian and Oriental Cookery. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. A. G. A.E.EAVE, C. M. E., A. C. S., AZ. A’. A. S., &c. History of India. . From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. For the use of Students and Colleges. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, with Maps, I6s. “The main merit of Mr Keene's performance lies in the fact that he has assimilated all the authorities, and has been careful to bring his book down to date. He has been careful in research, and has availed himself of the most recent materials. He is well known as the author of other works on Indian history, and his capacity for his self- imposed task will not be questioned. We must content ourselves with this brief testi- mony to the labour and skill bestowed by him upon a subject of vast interest and importance. Excellent proportion is preserved in dealing with the various episodes, and the style is clear and graphic. The volumes are supplied with many useful maps, and the appendix include notes on Indian law and on recent books about India.”— Globe. - “Mr Keene has the admirable element of fairness in dealing with the succession of great questions that pass over his pages, and he wisely devotes a full half of his work to the present century. The appearance of such a book, and of every such book, upon India is to be hailed at present. A fair-minded presentment of Indian history like that contained in Mr Keene's two volumes is at this moment peculiarly welcome."—Times. “In this admirably clear and comprehensive account of the rise and consolidation of our great Indian Empire, Mr Keene has endeavoured to give, without prolixity, ‘a statement of the relevant facts at present available, both in regard to the origin of the more important Indian races and in regard to their progress before they canne under the unifying processes of modern administration." To this undertaking is, of course, added the completion of the story of the “unprecedented series of events' which have led to the amalgamation of the various Indian tribes or nationalities under one rule. In theory, at least, there is finality in history. Mr. Keene traces the ancient Indian. races from their earliest known ancestors and the effect of the Aryan settlement. He marks the rise of Buddhism and the great Muslim Conquest, the end of the Pathans, and the advent of the Empire of the Mughals. In rapid succession he reviews the Hindu revival, the initial establishment of English influence, and the destruction of French power. The author records the policy of Cornwallis, the wars of Wellesley, and the Administration of Minto—the most important features in Indian history before the establishment of British supremacy. It is a brilliant record of British prowess and ability of governing inferior races that Mr Reene has to place before his readers. We bave won and held India by the sword, and the policy of the men we send out year by year to assist in its administration is largely based on that principle. The history of the land, of our occupation, and our sojourning, so ably set forth in these pages, is inseparable from that one essential fact.”—Morning Post. An Oriental Biographical Dictionary. Founded on materials collected by the late Thomas William Beale. New Edition, revised and en- larged, Royal 8vo, 28s. “A complete biographical dictionary for a country like India, which in its long history has produced a profusion of great men, would be a vast undertaking. The suggestion here made only indicates the line on which the dictionary, at some future time, could be almost indefinitely extended, and rendered still more valuable as a work of reference. Great care has evidently been taken to secure the accuracy of all that has been included in the work, and that is of far more importance than mere bulls. The dictionary can be commended as trustworthy, and reflects much credit on Mr Keene. Several interesting lists of rulers are given under the various founders of dynasties.”—India. The Fall of the Moghul Empire. From the Death of Aurungzeb to the Overthrow of the Mahratta Power. A New Edition, with Correc- tions and Additions. With Map. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. This work fllls up a blank between the onding of Elphinstone's and the commence- ment of Thornton's Bistories. Fifty-Seven. Some Account of the Administration of Indian Districts during the Revolt of the Bengal Army. Demy 8vo, 6s, - Any Bookselle” at Home and Abroad. 44 Greaf Reductions in this Catalogue G. A. AlſA1//A.S.O.M. History of the French in India. From the Founding of Pondicherry in 1674, to the Capture of that place in 1761. New and Revised Edition, with Maps. Demy 8vo, 16s. “Colonel Malleson has produced a volume alike attractive to the general reader and valuable for its new matter to the special student. It is not too much to say that now, for the first time, we are furnished with a faithful narrative of that portion of European enterprise in India, which turns upon the contest waged by the East India Company against French influence, and especially against Dupleix.”—Edinburgh Review. “It is pleasant to contrast the work now before us with the writer's first bold plunge into historical composition, which splashed every one within his reach. -He swims now with a steady stroke, and there is no fear of his sinking. With a keener insight into human character, and a larger understanding of the sources of human action, he com- bines all the power of animated recital which invested his earlier narratives with popularity.”–Fortnightly Review. “The author has had the advantage of consulting French Archives, and his volume forms a useful supplement to Orme.”—Athenæum. Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas. New Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. “How India escaped from the government of prefects and sub-prefects to fall under that of Commissioners and Deputy-Commissioners; why the Penal Code of Lord Macaulay reigns supreme instead of a Code Napoleon; why we are not looking on helplessly from Mahe, Karikal, and Pondicherry, while the French are ruling all over Madras, and spending millions of francs in attempt- ing to cultivate the slopes of the Neilgherries, may be learnt from this modest volume. Colonel Malleson is always painstaking, and generally accurate ; his style is transparent, and he never loses sight of the purpose with which he commenced to write.”—Saturday Review. “A book dealing with such a period of our history in the East, besides being interesting, contains many lessons. It is written in a style that will be popular with general readers.”—Athenæum. • History of Afghanistan, from the Earliest Period to the Outbreak of the War of 1878. With map. Demy 8vo, 18s. “The name of Colonel Malleson on the title-page of any historical work in relation to India or the neighbouring States, is a satisfactory guarantee both for the accuracy of the facts and the brilliancy of the narrative. The author may be complimented upon having written a History of Afghanistan which is likely to become a work of standard authority.”—Scotsman. The Battlefields of Germany, from the Outbreak of the Thirty Years' War to the Battle of Blenheim. With Maps and I Plan. Demy 8vo, I6s. “Colonel Malleson has shown a grasp of his subject, and a power of vivifying the confused passages of battle, in which it would be impossible to name any living writer as his equal. In imbuing these almost forgotten battlefields with fresh interest and reality for the English reader, he is re- opening one of the most important chapters of European history, which no previous English writer has made so interesting and instructive as he has succeeded in doing in this volume.”—Academy. Ambushes and Surprises, being a Description of some of the most famous instances of the Leading into Ambush and the Surprises of Armies, from the time of Hannibal to the period of the Indian Mutiny. With a portrait of General Lord Mark Ker, K.C.B. Demy 8vo, 18s. For the Reduced Prices apply to of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 45 A/A’S MAAW/V/AWG. Ancient and Mediaeval India. Being the History, Religion, Laws, Caste, Manners and Customs, Language, Literature, Poetry, Philo- Sophy, Astronomy, Algebra, Medicine, Architecture, Manufactures, Commerce, &c., of the Hindus, taken from their Writings. With Illustrations. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, 30s. J. MORRIS, Author of “The War in Korea,” &c., thirteen years resident in Tokio under the Japanese Board of Works. Advance Japan. A Nation Thoroughly in Earnest. With over Ioo Illustrations by R. Isayama, and of Photographs lent by the Japanese Legation. 8vo, I2s. 6d. “Is really a remarkably complete account of the land, the people, and the institu- tions of Japan, with chapters that deal with matters of such living interest as its growing industries and armaments, and the origin, incidents, and probable outcome of the war with China. . The volume is illustrated by a Japanese artist of repute; it has a number of useful statistical appendices, and it is dedicated to His Majesty the Mikado.”—Scotsman. DEPUTY SURGEON-GEAVERAL C. T. PASKAE, late of the Bengal Army, and Edited by F. G. A FZAZO. Life and Travel in Lower Burmah, with frontispiece. Crown 8vo, 6s. “In dealing with life in Burmah we are given a pleasant insight into Eastern life; and to those interested in India and our other Eastern possessions, the opinions Mr Paske offers and the suggestions he makes will be delightful reading. Mr Paske has adopted a very light style of writing in ‘Myamma,” which lends an additional charm to the short historical-cum- geographical sketch, and both the writer and the editor are to be commended for the production of a really attractive book."—Public Opinion. AZACXAAWDAEA' A'OGAEAES, Bombay Civil Service A’etired. The Land Revenue of Bombay. A History of its Administration, Rise, and Progress, 2 vols, with 18 Maps. Demy 8vo, 30s. “These two volumes are full of valuable information not only on the Land Revenue, but on the general condition and state of cultivation in all parts of the Bombay Pre- sidency. Each collectorate is described separately, and an excellent map of each is given, showing the divisional headquarters, market-towns, trade centres, places of pilgrimage, travellers, bungalows, municipalities, hospitals, Schools, post offices, telegraphs, railways, &c.”—Mirror of British Museum. “Mr Rogers has produced a continuous and an authoritative record of the land changes and of the fortunes of the cultivating classes for a full half-century, together with valuable data regarding the condition and burdens of those classes at various periods before the present system of settlement was introduced. Mr Rogers now presents a comprehensive view of the land administration of Bombay as a whole, the history of its rise and progress, and a clear statement of the results which it has attaimed. It is a narrative of which all patriotic Englishmen may feel proud. The old burdens of native rule have been lightened, the old injustices mitigated, the old fiscal cruelties and exactions abolished. Underlying the story of each district we see a per- ennial struggle going on between the increase of the population and the available means of subsistence derived from the Soil. That increase of the population is the direct result of the peace of the country under British rule. But it tends to press more and more severely on the possible limits of local cultivation, and it can only be provided for by the extension of the modern appliances of production and distribu- tion. Mr Rogers very, properly confines himself to his own subject. But there is ample evidence that the extension of roads, railways, steam factories, and other industrial enterprises, have played an important part in the solution of the problem, and that during recent years such enterprises have been powerfully aided by an abundant currency.”—The Times. Any Bookseller at Home and Abroad. 46 Great Æeductions in this Catalogue G. P. SAAWDAERSOAV, Officer in Charge of the Gozernment Alephant Áeddahs. Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India ; their Haunts and Habits, from Personal Observation. With an account of the Modes of Capturing and Taming Wild Elephants. With 21 full-page Illustrations, Reproduced for this Edition direct from the original drawings, and 3 Maps. Fifth Edition. FCap. 4to, I2s. “We find it difficuit to hasten through this interesting book; on almost every page some incident or some happy descriptive passage tempts the reader to linger. The author relates his exploits with ability and with singular modesty. His adventures with man-eaters will afford lively entertainment to the reader, and indeed there is no portion of the volume which he is likely to wish shorter. The illustrations add to the attractions of the book.”—Pall Mall Gazette. “This is the best and most practical book on the wild game of Southern and Eastern India that we have read, and displays an extensive acquaintance with natural history. To the traveller proposing to visit India, whether he be a sportsman, a naturalist, or an antiquarian, the book will be invaluable: full of incident and sparkling with anecdote.”—Bailey's Magazine. A’OAAEA’7” SAE WEZZ, Al/adras Cºzyżl Serzice. Analytical History of India. From the Earliest Times to the Aboli- tion of the East India Company in 1858. Post 8vo, 8s. “Much labour has been expended on this work.”—Athenaewm. A ZO IV.4A2/D 7A/OACAV7'OAV. A Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the Vice- roy of India. New Edition, Edited and Revised by Sir Roper Lethbridge, C.I.E., late Press Commissioner in India, and Arthur N. Wollaston, H.M. Indian (Home) Civil Service, Translator of the “Anwar-i-Suhaili.” In one volume, 8vo, I,000 pages, 28s. Hunter's “Imperial Gazetteer” has been prepared, which is not only much more ample than its predecessor, but is further to be greatly enlarged in the New Edition now in course of production. In these circumstances it has been thought incumbent, when issuing a New Edition of Thornton's “Gazetteer” corrected up to date, to modify in some measure the plan of the work by omitting much of the detail and giving only such leading facts and figures as will suffice for ordinary pur- poses of reference, a plan which has the additional advantage of reducing the work to one moderate-sized volume. It is obvious that the value of the New Edition must depend in a large measure upon the care and judgment which have been exercised in the preparation of the letterpress. The task was, in the first instance, undertaken by Mr Roper Lethbridge, whose literary attainments and acquaintance with India seemed to qualify him to a marked degree for an undertaking demanding considerable knowledge and experience. But in order further to render the work as complete and perfect as possible, the publishers deemed it prudent to subject the pages to the scrutiny of a second Editor, in the person of Mr Arthur Wollaston, whose lengthened service in the Indian Branch of the Civil Service of this country, coupled with his wide acquaintance with Oriental History, gives to his criticism an unusual degree of weight and importance. The joint names which appear on the title-page will, it is hoped, serve as a guarantee to the public that the “Gazetteer” is in the main accurate and trustworthy, free alike from sins of omission and commission. It will be found to contain the names of many hundreds of places not included in any former edition, while the areas and popula- tions have been revised by the data given in the Census Report of 1881. *...* The chief objects in view in compiling this Gazetteer are:— 1st. To fix the relative position of the various cities, towns, and villages with as much precision as possible, and to exhibit with the greatest practicable brevity all that is known respecting then) ; and 2ndly. To note the various countries, provinces, or territorial divisions, and to describe the physical characteristics of each, together with their statistical, social, and political circumstances. For the A’educed Prices apply fo of Messrs W. H. Allen & Co.'s Publications. 47 AA’ C. A. ZO WAR/D SA CHA U. Athár-Ul-Bākiya of Albirüni : The Chronology of Ancient Nations, an English Version of the Arabic Text Translated and Edited with Notes and Index. Imp. 8vo (480 pp.), 42s. * A book of extraordinary erudition compiled in A. D. 1000. A. V. WAZ.Z. Indian Snake Poisons: Their Nature and Effects. Crown 8vo, 6s. - CONTENTS. 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