9%. GRAD HU 3034 •F56X 1923 Вина FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE BLUE ANCHOR SOCIETY AID TO THE SHIPWRECKED WOMEN'S NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Originator, Mrs. Gabriel Kent Founded 1880 27 - ANCHOR N BLUE W Lood ·Z SOCIETY UNIV. OF MICH AUG 28 1923 LIBRARIAN'S OFFICE adid OFFICE - UNITED CHARITIES BUILDING FOURTH AVENUE AND TWENTY-SECOND STREET, NEW YORK ९ 4 CR. 1919 Dec. 31 1920 Dec. 31 Steamship Collections Grad / Buhr HV 3034 ·F56X. 1923 To Balance Working Fund. "Interest Account.. (( (( (( << CASH Savings Bank. Annual Subscribers. (C Donations. Interest Victory Bonds. · 1920 Dec. 31 Invested in Mortgages. • White Star Line. International Mercantile Marine.. Invested in Victory Bonds. Balance Working Fund. Examined and found correct Irma Kühne Louise St. J. Butler • • • • • BLUE ANCHOR SOCIETY TREASURER'S ACCOUNT $1,100 00 451 66 Auditors • • • • 1920 1920 $914 04 Dec. 31 286 2 35 25 23 28807 2 25 50 00 00 75 1,551 66 $2,838 20 $5,500 00 500 00 1,468 92 Expense Account By Rent, One Year. "C · Clothing and Material "Packing Cases . " Transportation and Express. "Directory "Printing Treasurer's Report. Postage for Same.. (( "Postage. (( (( CASH Paper and Twine. Camphor. • "Safe Deposit Box. "Fees for Porters. "Miss Kühne.. "Miss Schwab. "Xmas Expenses. Respectfully submitted D · • • • · • • • • • · • · · • • $7 00 7 50 3 00 6 00 88888888 15 00 5 00 "Funeral Flowers.. "Christmas Gifts, 177 Coast Guard Special Fund.'. "Balance Working Fund. 00 10 00 E. LOUISE YOUNG Treasurer ▸ DR. $264 658 17 18 00 09 70 *88*288 47 1 00 36 00 8 50 28 22 58 50 15 00 292 02 1,468 92 $2,838 20 ... i } 1 : CR. 1920 Dec. 31 1921 Dec. 31 CASH To Balance Working Fund. "Interest Account. "Interest Savings Bank. "Interest Victory Bonds. "Annual Subscribers. (6 Donations. " • • Examined and found correct Irma Kühne Louise St. J. Butler · 1921 Dec. 31 Invested in Mortgages. Invested in Victory Bonds. Balance Working Fund. • • • · • • Auditors • • • BLUE ANCHOR SOCIETY TREASURER'S ACCOUNT • • 1921 1921 $1,468 92 Dec. 31 286 24 2 68 23 75 00 35 25 00 LO LO $1,841 59 $5,500 00 500 00 597 97 Expense Account By Rent, One Year.. (C Clothing and Material " Shoes. "Insurance, 3 years. Packing Cases. "Transportation and Express. "Directory. " << • CASH • Respectfully submitted "Red Cross Hand Book. Postage and Office. Paper and Twine. Camphor.. "Safe Deposit Box. "Fees for Porters. "Miss Kühne.. "Miss Schwab. "Mrs. Young. • • • • · • * · • • • E. LOUISE YOUNG 25 $6 6 75 3 00 6 16 50 • ŁO LO LO 5 00 00 00 888888** "Christmas Gifts, 180 Coast Guard "Balance Working Fund.. Treasurer • · DR. $264 347 209 86888588 1 00 19 60 19 00 29 51 1 00 00 53 50 298 28 597 97 $1,841 59 CR. 1921 Dec. 31 1922 Dec. 31 To Balance Working Fund. . . . "Interest Account. "Interest Savings Bank. "Annual Subscribers. (( Donations.. "Donations.. " «< CASH (< * • • "Junior League Balance from Bank.. Mortgage Called. "Sale $700.00 of Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds.. Steamship Collections: Holland-American Line. 1922 Dec. 31 Invested in Mortgages. Liberty Bonds.. Balance Working Fund Examined and found correct Irma Kühne Ada Schwab • • • Auditors • BLUE ANCHOR SOCIETY TREASURER'S ACCOUNT • • • • 1922 $597 97 Dec. 31 1922 123 74 2 74 40 00 30 888 13 00 5 00 65 3,253 61 728 45 504 40 48 00 $5,347 56 $2,250 00 2,300 00 399 92 By Rent, One Year... CASH Clothing and Material " Shoes.. "Packing Cases. • "Transportation and Express "Directory.. "Postage. "Paper and Twine. "Camphor.. "Safe Deposit Box. "Fees for Porters.. "Miss Kühne.. " Mrs. Hume. "Mrs. Young. "Office Expenses.. Respectfully submitted • • • • · • • • · • • • • • $7 1 12 1 00 6 00 7 208888888 00 10 00 2 85 5 00 10 00 "Purchase Liberty Bonds.... "Christmas Gifts for 169 Coast Guard "Balance Working Fund.. E. LOUISE YOUNG • • Treasurer DR. $264 00 1,040 30 166 28 74 26 98 28 1 00 80***8 50 85 3,025 40 274 79 399 92 $5,347 56 BLUE ANCHOR SOCIETY President Mrs. FREDERIC T. HUME, 116 West 85th St., New York Treasurer and Acting Secretary Mrs. E. LOUISE YOUNG, 215 Manhattan Ave., N. Y. C. Receiving Committee Miss ADA SCHWAB, Chairman Packing Committee Miss IRMA KUHNE, Chairman Legal Adviser Mr. WILSON M. POWELL, 7 Wall Street, New York STEAMSHIP LINES From some of which we have received contributions. We offer sincere thanks and hope others will remember this work. Christmas Gift Committee is greatly indebted to the Corp of Knitters for their continued help and to all who have sent donations of money, books, games, and other gifts for the Coast Guards. E. LOUISE YOUNG, Chairman. 1 · · · ... I 4 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03254 1271 From Annual Report of THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD - - - 1922 BLUE ANCHOR SOCIETY, AID FOR THE SHIPWRECKED, WOMEN'S NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. The above-named organization was established 42 years ago. The object of the association, as its name indicates, is to furnish relief to sick, injured, and destitute survivors of marine casualties and other situations of distress or misfortune. Incidental to the rescue work of the Coast Guard stations along the coasts is that of sheltering and aiding the destitute and oftentimes sick and injured survivors of shipwrecks and other casualties. This benevolent society, without in- terruption since its establishment, has been of invaluable assistance to the Coast Guard in the humanitarian work of relieving want among the unfortunates temporarily in the care of the stations' crews by donating stores of clothing and other wearing apparel for men, women, and chil- dren. This benefaction meets a most serious need, the value of which may be understood when it is known that persons rescued or given succor by the service crews are sometimes scantily clad, often their clothing is badly torn, and they are nearly always drenched to the skin. It sometimes happens, also, that they have been subjected to long hours of exposure in severe winter weather. Orders from the stations are promptly honored, and the supplies are forwarded to destination at the association's expense. The Coast Guard renews its expressions of appreciation of the society's benevolent work. During the past three years we have sent 51 cases of clothing.