As A FRIEND, YOU CAN HELP º - Depression ſect it. Defect it D EP A R T M E N T OF H E A L I H A N D H U M A N S E R V J C E S = P u b ic He c h S e i v i c e = | N C on c | | n s : U e s of He c h = No on a n s : if u e Of Me n C He c | f h º Notional Institute of Mentol Hedlth Puč RA | 6/5. A25/27 av,44-332% *— Depression: Ireqt it. Defedt it. WHAT TODO WHEN A FRIEND (SDEDRESSED GUIDE FOR STUDENTS The University of Michigan - Public Health Library U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Hedlth Service NotionC Institutes of Hedlth 2. lºw tº ºne azºoet yzan, a ſe comfºcated and * Deº. 420, you ºne you want to ſº, on wºn tº 4ozºa º ſeat decatora. Somºza tº many dº, and * * * * * to evenu/cºm-woº. So a wºº wº; Žat ſºon twº to * * * * * yeº, ſº ſº, "4ewº" on &zoº. £º wººd aſ oº iſ one tº wº, a ſhº ºway and evateek or 4. way "Mow." ſon week, and ſº to aſſed yew, wºoºººº !! yeº know non-zerº 44, 14a, yew, ſº nºt ſe aſſº; ſºon dºwnto. As a ſhºº, zoº a 62%. 1 FIND OUT MORE ABOUT DEDRESSIOW. Q. Who? is depression? A. Depression is more thon the blues or the blohs; it is more thon the normol, everyday ups ond downs. When J that “down" mood, along with other symptoms, lasts for more thon d couple of weeks, the condition moy be clinicol depression, Clinicol depression is d serious hedlth problem thof offects the tofol person. In dodition to feelings, it con chdnge behdvior, physical hedlth onc oppedronce, ocodemic performonce, sociol dctivity ond the obility to honole everyddy decisions ond pressures. Q. Whot couses clinicol depression? A. We do not yet know dll the couses of depression, but there seem to be biological and emotional foctors that moy increase the likelihood that on individual will develop d depressive disorder. Resedrch over the post decode strongly suggests d genetic link to depressive disorders; depression con run in fomilies. Bod life --~~~ experiences dnd certoin persondlify potterns such ds difficulty honoling stress, low self-esteem, or extreme pessimism Cibout the future con incredSe the chonces of becoming depressed, Q. How common is if? A. Clinicol depression is d lot more common thon most people think. It offects 15 million Americons every yeor. One-fourth of dll women ond one-eighth of dll men will Suffer of ledst one episode or occurrence of depression during their lifetimes, Depression offects people of dll dges but is less common for teendgers thon for doults. Approximately 3 to 5 percent of the teen populdtion experiences clinicol depression every year. Thdt medns dmong 100 friends, 4 could be clinicolly depressed, Q. IS if Serious? A. Depression con be very serious. If hos been linked to poor School performonce, frudncy, dlcohol dnd drug dbuse, running dwdy, dnd feelings of worthlessness dnd hopelessness. In the lost 25 years, the rote of suicide dmong teendgers dnd young doults hos incredsed dromoticolly, Suicide often is linked to depression, Q. Are Cill depressive disorders Glike? A. There dre vorious forms or types of depression. Some people experience only one episode of depression in their whole life, but mony hove Severol recurrences. Some depressive episodes begin Suddenly for no opporent redson, while others con be dssocioted with d life situotion or stress, Sometimes people who dre depressed connot perform even the simplest doily