-? : „ ...* *T*…-- - - - ---“) Éſ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.titliſtſ№;, , , , , , , ºº , !-~---&|- ERœ Œ œ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •№ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •§E§################■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■• • • • • • • • • • • Tae|- ·Ë§§|-þ=ł ſae ĶÅ º. ~±L| Z \, ºN I IIIHill||||||| II. UE º vºy Q, J. Jº.º. º.º. A | IIIſ F CHI «), * inhuntentinunnºtiºnitºrºntline Stillºtilitiitiitºnºminiſ º \ex. * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * ~ as a resº = e = e º ºs ºs s = º ...] ºf Jº. J. My Nº Hºllinum OFMI FT OF \\ --- E GI W., \- FI # - Bºº §§ tººlſilliºtº & №tae, §. № Ķī£§$% ſaeº,Ķī£X®!”., t. · , , )|№Lºſ: ::: ~ ſă,3% ſãº?ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ ĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒáříſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒ |||||||||||||| Sºº - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cºrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Fliſſiſtilitiºnilinºint N #!. ∞ √° √æ√، ، ،∞ √¶ ¡ ¿ Elliterritºntinuinºtiºn ºntºnitºurnitutºrºlºrºthº Kost- The Marvellous Rogers' Typograph and what will Be Accomplished with It, - The New York world on Sunday pub- lished an interesting article descriptive of - the wonderful new type-setting machine, the Rogers Typograph, from which the TRIBUNE reprints the main features. The Typograph will be handled in Mich- igan by the Michigan Typograph associa- tion, which is a company capitalized at $1,000,000, and of which Joseph Tayloris. president, M. W. O'Brien treasurer and Ford Starring secretary. The other stock- | holders are D. M. Ferry, Senator James McMillaii, D. Whitney, Jr., Francis F. º S. Smith, E. J. Hecker, E. W. Cottrell, Henry Russell, H. M. Duffield, George W. Hopkins, William C. McMil- lan, W. K. Anderson and others. - - - After&iving a lengthy historical review of the jogress of the printing art and of the many unsuccessful attempts at mak- $ng ºnery do the wºrk of typesetting,' which ºriºg the time, cf. Gutenberg of . las Ween donº by hand, the World reacº's *ſon. inventiou of Rog- *C1'S: “N r" . . . . . . - -- *~. S. stºcrºss AT LAST. Well, after (all these preliminary experi- ments, part aſ successes and partial fail- ures, whi". Whe have cited, there has been :* npt on paper, but in metal and | daily operation; a composing 54 & A. sk, a p]f H -- " . § * — the way, is said to # ! º | amount of practice and fa stated, over 25 per cent. . . | lustration, takes up only 4x4 f fee | The publisher can give his paper a | dress éach - | when desired, thºs closing the in | count for the tº pe metal. ' cept it ºblishers of directories | the matter &taudièg any length | may be kept st | with but trifling Queen’s printer, Mr. A man of unusually pro GREATEGON It is fair to assume tha • * : * the machine will reduce The length of line and the l type bar may be altered utes, and the machines conve boxes have been provided. which is shown in the accom floor, and stands about 4 high over all; its weight bein pounds. Its running makes less that of a Remington or Calig º writer. . . . . . . . N ADVANTAGE TO ALL. The advantages which this mach work\o publishers, to comp - * the public at large gºe almost incal ay. It is cheap y tra sets, of thatrices than to g fonts of \type. It is possible t . º million eins of without Éaving to wait. lock up any quantity £erestou expensiveliyº, to put the whole affair in There \'s no book corn position so la that the tºser of these machines c - but nominalleost and altº an line in it at auy time.” Wi ular or temporary, 3; any Ye DAILLES IN ALL | Thousands of so us ge Reilly handed down an intere ſº- ig opinion yesterday in the libel cases ºf - Thomas McGrath and of Orsland, et al. respectively against the Free Press, which |&# uits were begun Dec. 1, 1886. The # pinion was substantially as follows: # The declarations in these cases are identſ: al, and allege that the Princess Produce & | ionºmission go., was the owner or lessee df | he frame building known as the Princeſs rink; situated on the corner of High and Second streets in this city; that the plaintiffs, ; n or about the 21st day of August, 1886, § rented stalls in said market, and commenced . arrying on their business as vendors of pro- # duce and articies of merchandise of yarious º kinds; that the defendant, on Oct., 11, 1886, ; published , of and concerning the said | - - Princess rink, and of and concerning the . . . . . ". . #. §. *. § the sº sº - . . . — tiffs, the following false, malicious and scan- ; ; ; ; T : 4-4-1.- . * : *. †: º *::::::"; “The º: market |º O, Little Feet is not a howing success; at no time Were |& TVſ, c.4 xxx..., , , , 42 - A \ there more than a dozen people in the mar: }; Must wander O º kº º;"; . l d ......}º #. | To these declarations general demurrèrs ſº Yoº c 111/4 lºve rºº | were interposed. When ºthese cases were ; . . . You should be #. ~ called for argument at the commencement || || it, but we will try * } ºf . ^ of the present term the court was informed # , . . . H !----- ~~ § - \that counsel were º: ready to go Q . § |º present Hosiery sto ºf . Ontinuance to Some future time Waſs asked | # lines nearl was low, as or. As the cases had been on the docket & lines near ly- as low as, ‘seyeral terms, I declined to postpone the << wº º - - - § HDaisy”? .. :* them as submitted, with t pljivilege to | #. . . . 'alls ... ". El 7. º briefs. Thej, files were # to read them until the brićfs were re. # A. Poptriar Had I done sº, howevºr, counsel # gº... and dura uld have sºstained the demurrers at , ºswiſ'I H &A's -. ... for Boys an Böys' extra, Heß . sal Tr: “... . . . armig, but stated that I would/consider | # - We have a full | up to me, but of course l; had no oc- - . . . . . . . . . have been Spared any further trouble, Extra, hºwy. 4.''' ** - - the law made the use of juch weri'' e Princess. Amarkets is not ſa, howling : ess; at no time were *here minore than a ºn people in the market 9%. Saturday | t,” actionable per 86, thus gºing the ten- . s of the Princess market a riftht of action | # nst the publisher of £hese words eyond my º T certainly have no recobºction of any language in bo for 'º, any aftijudicated case ...th;3 slightest, tofvard sustaining he plaintiff's politigh. If such far- | * * leapfings can W. ascribed to these | ºr - § :aintiff, the sooner | lau Rºzºº §§ o, informed the better, as we . . . ch individual suits of this na- || || d upon headings newspapers su In S - { 17 tº we occasionally # ºuiet in tha Wº *Čºit, yesterday, that the entiro time of each judge Was Ocotl: , pied with a single case, while on 9ther days i º) or 30 cases may have been disposed, of To the reporter business seemed dull, but what a diabolical assault upon this court and each of its members! Or suppose the publication had been, “Business on the isoard of Trade was dull yesterday, there were not to exceed 50 transactions,” what a | jibel upon the Board of Trade, giving to each member a cause of action against the publisher, if the contention of plaintiffs is correct. But it is not. The policy of the law is not to foster and encourage such litiga- tion by looking with favor upon such decla- rations as are filed in these cases, in which meanings unnatural and repugnant tº coin- mon sense have been assigned. The demut" rers are sustained with costs. THE “HAIR-CUTTER” AGAIN. Miss Tillie Kuhn Attacked but Man- aged to Save Eler Hair. About 6 o'clock last evening Miss Tillie Kuhn, a clerk in Mrs. Keiter’s millinery store, 158 Randolph street, was attacked | by the “hair-cutter” on Miami avenue, near Gratiot. He did not secure all of her hair, as it was done up close to her * head and she made a vigorous resistance, striking him several times with her umbrella. He had evidently not expected such a reception, and disappeared With the threat that he would “get it Soſne other time.” Miss Kuhn thinks she must have cut his face with the umbrella, as the latter was sprinkled with blood. She | could give no accurate description of her | assailant. This ** . . . - is the hair cutter's | eleventh victim. . . . | says the woman Robbed Him. | Sunday night at 8 o'clock Herb Doctor George W. King of 29' Champlain street ; was summoned to the house at the corner of Fort add Brush streets to prescribe for a sick woman. The woman proved to be * Retta Brown, colored. The doctor says | that upon entering the room the woman A barricaded the door with a scantling and *hen proceeded to rob him, and as he is a | sisall man, she succeeded -ºº overcoming || hiſ and got $36 from his &jercoat pocket. She ºnlet him.99% but when an officers -º-º:-. ºrs. *********, *, +,-,-,-, sº the Šºćus money in her possession. fiti . . . . jB'R. T'R win Dv'L |N__ ; NW Cloudy § NW Rain ». .....|30, 16| 48 ||NE 12 |Cloudless ... ... 30.06; 52 |N| | 12 |Cloudy . . . . . .30.18|42 |NE | 8 |Cloudless 29.02 ; : - . ie...; : ..... 32.0: 50 |N 8 |Cloudy rand Havenlä0.12 48. N. || 10 |Cloudless * , e. e. ei e s = Marquette.... 30.20 33 ||NW |L't Gloudless Milwaukee...:30. 14' 48 |N| || 8 |Cloudless New York...|29.8%. Sº NW 13 ||Rain Rain M.39.16|| |Cloudless N ; , 4 4 S Cloudy Cloudy * * * * * * ; i the fact, being, perhaps, s | School of Shorthand, English Trai #! add §§ tºº “sº jºr & " sº .*.*.ſ.º.Tryitányº ~s - -* sº §YRAGHT3... . - *. i the little p companion º Even agreeable collar or a woman whº house. But nobody being a pig under any ºft school of Mechanical Drawing, Set departments in the BUSINESS tº sions. Open to Ladies equally with University Building, 11 to 19 Wł, east cai or send for Illustrated * … , 1 ; ; ; ' ' ' . . .” :ase, she had disappºisºte: 1 day afternoon Patrolman Hayes captured tº the woman, but she did not have the * Signal service reports: The following ob- érxations were made at the same moment le at the stations named at 8 P. M., 75th weather || t|Pt. Cloudy || |Builders' is Roofers' M Pt. Cloudy | * 4.0|Nw 9 LºtRain 3|NW 10 Cloudy * * * * * * * * : * ' ºr w w w e ºs e s sº e º a s is preceded by show portion: slightly warmer. for Öhi wrºvºweather || * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * 's a orecasts: , For lower , Michigan–Fair, eded by showers in extreme southeast- o-Fair, except, showers along the : sº *. Jake; warmer by Wednesday. f.p., º sº §§§ºffs º lsº º * - º §: §ºš | – lºſſº’ \'º | Presents in the most elegant form | THE LAxATIVE AND NUTRITious Juice # —of the- | Figs OF CALFORNIA, | Combined with the medicinal | virtues of plants known to be | most beneficial to the human | and effective laxative to perma- nently cure Habitual Consti- pation, and the many ills de- ' pending on a weak or inactive | condition of the | KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. | It is the most excellent remedy known to | cleMMSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated | Pure Bloop, REFREshino sigEP, | HEALTH and 6tremoth | – RATURALLY Follow. . - | Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. - f AsK Your DRUGGIST FOR . | sºrrºwji=" or Isºtºrs MANUFAOTURED only BY | CALIFORNIAFIG.SYRUP C0. SAN FRANCISG0, GAL, | 2008Willº, ſy. . . . EW WO??, ?, ?, | system, forming an agreeable It is the aim and purpose of the mena: courteous and fair treatment, 2nd to offer. Conae arid oper: Josef with sound banking. A . ** * '' wºol, Es: * WAREHOUSE AND Dock, sº ſº this ºne tº º . . R - * .. . . . . . . . ." - Sººººººººººººººº. ºº:: 3& sº a - * r sº - º *:: ºrse, ºº w-yº . , *.*.*.*.*.*.*. 5695 MINUTEs ~ : - -ºº---. CALIFORN IA —VIA THE-- I SANTA FE RouTE. You get the only line of through cars with out Chàngúº - Chicago to Los Angeles, and to Save 27 Hours Time. GEO. E. GILMAN, Pass. Áget, 68 Griswold st. Detrol: Afiel IF A TIE TNTT's THQS.S. $PRAGUE & SON., Attorneys ºn: Solicitº's or Patents, United States ºd śî. eign. QQ1 respondelºge, solicited. Jastriºti. Pºmphlet free. , 37 West Congress .." $t., rºs Mich. Established 1857. tºº;" t regist tº 1 operation n from as “souleut of parts and pearance of the matter pro- ūtūre - . . . . . * > . . sitºl ºr, i.ity tº *A). & . . ; * ~ * * beautiful ap Yiu (: ed. This machine, called the Rogers typo- graph, has what is well known in all Euglish-speaking countries as the Rem- ington keyboard. The operator touches 'the key for the required charactor, the prop ºr matrix is released and slides down an inclined wire-guide until it reaches its position opposite the casting box. When tle line is filled, by touching letter-keys and space-keys, CNZactly as in the Reming- ton typewriter, a pressure of the foot jus- tifies and spaces the lines by rotating all the spaces, which are circular wedges, until the matrix line is just full. The lige is cast by the machine itself, and the frame which carries the matrices is tilted back by about the same motion as is used In the 1èennington typewriter to raise the arriage to inspect the work. The frame is dropped as the Remington carriage is dropped, and another line is set. The matjices are suspended on wires attached to a frame, and are released one at a time by touching the proper keys; but no mat- rix e º er leaves its guide. The Operations of justifying, aliguing, casting, releasing | power) three seconds suffice, during which time the operator is “getting his line” from the copy, so that the working of the machine is practically continuous. ' Thé spacing unay be by the Spacing disks alone, | thinner } closer j | by any # to-em machine if desired. %, + - | The ſmelting pot will hold and keep A melted about 30 pounds of metal, re- than a three-to-em space, so that other method; or ordinary three- costing a cent an hour, or an amount of gasoline costing even less. The opera: tion by foot-power is not fatiguing and the than where power is used. MARVELLOUs SPEED. . oved by the fact that from memorizeł. mauve over 7,000 ems of minion an hou have been set in 16-piea measure. Oi the same machine which did this C. W. Thullen has set from copy 4,700 ems of minion an hour; and on the same me. chine alsº A. V. Phister of Typographical Union No. 18 of Detroit set up, after a *} W + §§ Sº is º t º-f - % * { t * y . f | # A k’s steady practice, 3,000 ems an ur, with less than half a dozen rrors per 3,000 , ems. He has since attained a speed of 4,000 ems per hour. Three compositors, J. W. Shiffer, Samuel C. Head and Ralph Donath, taken fl m the World composing room, Set up, 3,000 nonparei, ems per hour, to 12% pica em measure. Mr. Shiffer having exceeded some of his hours' runs 3,500 ems. The 3:TWTTºre- … ---. - T support of a daily, and depositiug the type-line on the galley take about five seconds in the foot-power machine, but if the machine is driven by Thelt, carrying about one-eighth-horse || the thir; nest portions of which are || ustification can be obtained than || spaces may be interspersed by the *quiring about eight cubic feet of gas, speed only about 10 per cent less .*.*.*.* - : * '....... . . . ;-e-. --~~~~…~ rºº - sº - - - - - -- **! 㺠ºšº 4xx. ºº:: &: ---, . 3: ifixt-or ºperator, SST tº fiºring tº past. Tw Inquirer, North American, Heral and Bulletin, of Philadelphia; th public at large, while being relieve , , ; ... ſº - : absolutely free from risk. * . . . . — The World, which already leads a cººr pºr,T. rºl º *I * • - ; : •. -------> -----. iſ . . Aºise ºne Marriors. | other newspapers in the number (In effect setting the type.) speed of its power presses, has after less than two weeks’ practice, over | t-page section of the World of Sept. without, risk to the publisher. This ſcature alone will cause an increase in the amount of composition done, far in the excess of the increased amount over what every compositor can do by hand; thus paying employment will be found for every one capable of run- ning the machine. Compositors and proof-readers will also find the machine work beneficial to their eyesight, partic- ularly where the type face is small, and in German offices. The public will profit by the ability to have more local papers, to make the present local press local in fact as well as in name, and by being able to . | M RELEASING THE MATRICEE. (In effect distributing type.) print more “locals;” and by the mere f of every paper using the machine having a new dress every day, the good accruing to the public eyesight will be no smal/ one. ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . NERAL ADOPTION OF THESE M. The wonderful simplicity of t * 2-dºº-- . . . . . ... i produce it in quantity and che enable the builders—the Rogers Typ graph Co. of Cleveland—to put out about five machines a day after next January, and this output will be largely increased The company has now in hand or --- over 900 machines. Among the lea newspapers which have ordered them a the World, Sun, Times, Mail and Expr Post and Commercial Advertiser, C city; the Chicago Herald; the Press, T Herald and the Globe; the Cil Commercial Gazette; the St. Louis Dispatch and the Republic; Clev Plain Dealer and the Press; the News, Tribune, Times and Sun; the - burg Chronicle-Telegraph; Albany Pres and many others, . . . The machines are put out at a uniform rental of $1 per day for each working day or $300 per year for weekly papers, which price the cºmpany agrees to k them in repair. The company has sta unusual care in the matter of patents will assume at its own expense à!! Suit that may be brought for any allege fringement. As its financial standin backing are of the highest pub may feel assured that by the introd of the Rogers Typograph they º, money and benefit their employes à any Qutlay for machines and rem the Rogers Typograph, and has orderé: for, immediate use 100 of the machine or enough to enable it to do over 50 I cent more composition than at prese and by keeping its forms open somewh later, giving the news-reading public th benefit of the change. Long-Lost Husband Found, Mrs. McIver of 292 Gratiot av recently discovered that her ", pages 23 to 30 inclusive, wag, with the textian-º- tº advěřtisements and s, &et up with the Rogers Typograph three operators, working in turn, eight "àours at a time, in four days 23 hours and : 35 minutes, in which time the proof was read, corrections made, heads set and the type placed in chases and made ready for stereotyping by the Sarne operators at a total cost of $67.22, the operators being paid at the rate of $27 per week (the regular scale for time work on morning newspapers set by the piece in this city.) This work, had it been done by hand would have icost, including time, making ready and proof reading, $173.01, or more than two nd a half times as (nuch. These were inskilled operators, having never before beetrº type-Betting machine, and having had lèss than two weeks’ practice on the | typogral. , Owing to the failure of the iniotor useſ to run the machine, not over 75 per cent of its efficiency was realized. AgSociate;1 with Prof. Rogers in the de- yelopment of the typograph has been Mr. Fred E. Bright, an inventor of considerable *üputation before he entered in the new | field opened up by the typograph. Mr. Bright has made many valuable improve- ments in the Typograph, patents for which have been taken out afid are owned by *tie Rogers Co. The foreign patents of both Messrs, Rogers and Bright are owned by the In- |teriational Typograph Co. of Cleveland, of high President Thomas W. Palmer, of te World’s fair, is president. This goli)any recently sold its Canadian to the Mºnts for $400,000 in money º Co., which has established a large factory at Windsor, ont. The dominion company has orders for by ºr 300 Typographs from leading newspapers of Canada. A committee ap. point&d by the Canadian parliament to examine into the subject of typesetting machiº reported recentiy in favor of \ who left-bºx serºyears ago, I the city last month and has beet fined in the House of Correcti on a charge of vagrancy. Weakness of mind was the cause of his leaving her, and the irrationality appears to continue, so that Mrs. McIver has ap- plied to the superintendent of the poor to have hiln sent to the Wayne County asylum, there being no room at . Pontiac. Fle will shortly be released from the House of Correction and will then be taken care of by the poor commission. MARRIAGE LicensEs. Gustav Frantz, 25, and Amelia Dillman, 25. Detroit. - - . . . Michael Wisniewski, 21, and Rosie Had- ryan, 17, Detroit. ... John Williams, 24, and Sarah Shorts, 20, Detroit. . . . . - - - - - - John A. Kruntz, 25, and Bridget De Beul, 27, J.)etuolt. - T'rank Sturm, 25, troit. Henry Petz, 24, Wayn Cyril 13 Detroit. Ralph [...ove, 36, Grand Led Russell, 20, Detroit. - 3. Frank Kukler, '2, and Mamie Smith, 30, I)etroit. . - * * * Walter Clapp, Jr., 28, and Carrie Haderer, 19. Detroit. . James Finley, 56, and Mary A. Clune, 32, Hagemeister, TXetroit. Albert Krenz, 25, 1)etroit. Stanislaus Pasternacki, 25 Stuniszewski, 18, Detroit. William J. Garrett, 33, Detroit, and Carrie E. Iłichardson, 30, Romeo. ... Patrick J. Healy, 38, and Mary Mcis in 26, Detroit. and Katie Meier, 20, De- 24, Detroit, and Annie Whise, 6. * . . . . - . . . . Noyes, 32, and . Ida Howland, 24, ge, and Julietta 28, and Pauline , and Catherine Mrs. non. FITS-All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Hestorer. No Fits after first day's use. Marvelous Gures. Treatise and $2 trial iſottle free to Fit oases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. ë $9 T a. * * ... . . . . * J* * e . ... • * * - r * * * *s, * * ; ** • №...) º.s 3 *** … , ſy ſº.« *? » §§§§§· șºſz: º ; ſaeſ?, ¿-,\* • * * ¿.*) *(.*¿?,?+ * - șšříž! 5§§§***ș….** {* ( …•;& …ſº ſº «º ? -« …’ , *;- 3.3% §:È ;& �*¿¿ $¢ººg �žšſ (; \; :: *& *:)*?};&șş, 。 *-ț¢ £8 ¿ &: £&{;• § ¶ • $§§§* # : ;& ¿??¿ § & . tº ºx *.* ... 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