-"^,o Tarn* ZfjXJ* ... r% 'Pr." ^ Iff ^ ^ ^ »'fi ■.'-.•>r>.v , '.-■-«* >w —-v- ,/-> riKilf/^M ^S^Sjr^ <& : J,:_'f*:-.-el ftsstj m i **-"M, ;-.a\! ^'^3L;>'^ -/-/ / %%? Bibliotheca Curios a -b VOL. I. % Jlcstvijptiuc OTatittcrgttc OF Q\)c Cihvav)} ANDREW J. ODELL, of New York, COMPRISING AN EXTREMELY INTERESTING; AND M< >ST VA LFABLE C< >LLE< TI< >N OF EARE, CURIOUS, AND STANDARD HOOKS, BOTH Ancient and Modern, in every Department of Literature; AMONG WHICH WILL BE FOUND OllOlOE EDITIONS OF THE (tKEEK and Latin Classics, Works on History, Biography, Early Voyages and Travels; Matt ©Itr mnsmi) tftacfc ILttttv 33oofcs, Early English Poetry, and the Drama; Shakespeariana; Fink Specimens of Works printed in the Fifteenth Century, Illustrated with Curious Wood Engravings; Privately Printed Books ;( )riginal Editions, and Reprints of Early French Poetry, Romances, Mysteries, Farces, and Works of Pleasantry. A very Choice Selection of Modern Latin Poetry; Fackti v., Jest Hooks, Ana, Proverbs, Emblems, AND SEVERAL pttssals Hidjlfi EHuimuatrt tu CKolTi auTr Colors; And Books Printed on Vellum. Scarce Works on Astrology, Alchemy, Chiromancy, Demonologv, and Witchcraft; Eine Copies of Rare Hooks printed at the Ald/ue, Giuuia, Stephens, and Elzei'it Presses; INCLUDING ALSO An Exceedingly Important Collection of TnE MOST VALUABLE, GENERAL AND SPECIAL WORKS (»N BIBLIOGRAPHY LITERARY HISTORY, AND THE HISTORY OF PRINTING AND WOOD ENGRAVING, ETC., ETC. The whole of which will be Sold at And ion By MESSRS. BANCS & CO., No. (tfG Broadway, New York, On Jlfondaj/, November ISbh-, find Following Days. Commencing at Halt-past Three o'Clock, P. M., each Day. The Collection will be ready lor Examination Three Days previous to the Sale. Neto ¥ot*fe: JUftcccIwDftt. Price Two Dollars. (ft a t a 10 4 tt i P& Bibliotheca Curios a -b OL*34*s*l*0+fl*tt*l[ xfr \) c *C\ b r a ry Andrew }. Odell iNotitia Licrerutri par's Hi fieri a? cfi\ nulli crudi- torum prtFtermittendar, qui cans as atquc i nfir u menta eruditionis neJjTc cuf<it.\> PREPARKD BY George P. Philes vol. I. Neto ¥orft SEARS* AND* COLE,* PRINTERS,* 51* MAIDEN* LANE ifW&ccelnriH'u « E siccome esser suoie. che Vuonio va cercando argento, e fnori della intenzione trova oro, lo quale occulta cagione presenta, non forsc sanza divino imperio; io, che cercava di consolare me, trovai non solamente alle mie lagrime rimedio, ma vocabolt d'anlori e di scienza e di libri.*—'Dante, II Convito, cap. xiii. 1$oH+ j|N the preparation of this Catalogue unusual care has been taken to transcribe the full titles of the books with scrupulous accuracy and literal fidelity to the text, and, at the same time, to point out all serious defects or slight imperfections in the internal condition of the books, which were discovered in a careful examination of each volume. That florid style of bibliographical exaggeration, which of late years, has become rather offensively conspicuous in works of this kind, has been studiously avoided. Numerous bibliographical Notes and References have been inserted, relating chiefly to the history, literary value, or some interesting peculiarity of the various works under which they appear; and it may also be stated, that not a single reference in the entire Catalogue is made to any bibliographical authority, which was not, at the time, directly under the eye of the compiler. A large proportion of the books in this Catalogue afford unquestion- able evidence that the present owner was not merely the collector of a most curious and valuable library, but that he was a diligent and critical Vlll NOTE. reader of the books he collected; and it is presumed their intrinsic value is, in no small degree, enhanced by the numerous learned and interesting MS. notes which many of them contain. It is proper to remark, that the owner's autograph will be found in nearly every volume. A small number of copies of this Catalogue, comprising over 250 pages, royal 8°, have been sumptuously printed on laid linen paper, with ornamental Initial Letters, Head-pieces and Titles of rare books, elegantly printed in colors. These copies have been reserved by the owner, almost exclusively, for private use. A very few copies only of this special edition will be offered for sale at $5.00 each volume. The Second Volume is in press, and when ready for distribution due notice will be given. Distant buyers and gentlemen who may be unable to attend the Sale, may have purchases made for them, at the usual rate of commission, by addressing their orders to Mr. Geo. P. Philes, care of the Auctioneers, Messrs. Bangs & Co., No. 656 Broadway, New York. New York, July, 187S. ■ 0 0 BRAHAMS (N. C. L.) Description des Manuscrits Francais du Moyen Age de la Bibliotheque Rovale de Copenhague, precedee d'une Notice Historique sur cette Bibliotheque. Copenhague: Imp rim erie de Tk iele. 1844. 40 boards, uncut, 3 plates of facsimiles. ADRIAN (J. VALENTINO). Catalogus Codicum Manu- SCRIPTORUM BlBLIOTHEC/E ACADEMICS GlSSONSIS. Francofurti ad Mcenum: 1840. 4° boards, red edges, with S large plates of'fat niles of ra re ma n uscripts. '7" 3 ADVICE to the OFFICERS of the BRITISH ARMY. A Fac- simile Reprint of the Sixth London Edition. With Introduction and Notes. [By Dr. William A. Hammond.] New York: Agathynian Club. i86j. S° cloth, UNCUT, PLATE. *** 120 copies only printed. N° 9S. 4 AGRIPPA C HENRICI 3 | CORNELII AGRIPPAE | ab Nettesheym a Consiliis et Archi- I uis Inditiarij Sacras CAESAREAE | Maieftatis: De OCCVL- | TA PHILOSO | PHIA Libri | Tres. | $W Nihil eft opertum quod non reueletur, \ &> occultum quod non fciatur. Matthai X. \ Cum gratia &* priuilegio Ccvfarecp Maieftatis ad triennium. \ In fine: OCCVLTAE PHILOSOPHIAE HEN- | rici Cornelij Agrippre, Finis, An- | no M.D.XXXIII. | Menfe Julio. \ f° sprinkled sheep, numerous diagrams, fine portrait of Agrippa on the title-page. Very rare. ***<iThe Second and Third Books of Occult Philosophy appeared first at Cologne, preceded by a new edition of the First Book, in July, 1533. There is a portrait on the title- page which, inasmuch as it is authenticated by the fact of its having been issued by himself, is the one chosen for transfer to the title-page of this Biography.*—H. Morley, Life of H. C. Agrippa. Vol. 1, /. 164. aEDiTio Rarissima,i> Vogt. Catalogvs Librorvm Rariorx<m. Edit. r?oj, p. r$. See, Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Tome 1, /. or. Niceron, Mdmoires des Hommes Illustres, Tome xvii, /. 20. Teissier, Eloges des Hommes Savans, Tome hi, //. 4J/-44J. Freytag, Analecta Litteraria, p. 10. Bauer, Bibliothecce Librorvm, etc'., Supplementorvm, Vol. 1, p.jo. 2 AGRIPPA. /■"/< J_ AGRIPPA. Les GEUVRES MAGIQUES de Henry Corneille Agrippa, par Pierre cTAlban, Latin et Francais. Avec des Secrets Occultes. Liege: 1547? (sic.) J2° French calf, plates. JV _^_ AGRIPPA (HENRICI CORNELII). De Incertitudine & Vanitate omnium Scientiarum & Artium Liber, lectu plane jucundus & elegans:— De Nobilitate & prczcellentia Fceminei Sexus, ejufdemquefupra Virilem eminentid Libellus, leclu etiam jucun- difsimus. Hag,e—Comitvm, Ex Typographia Adriani Vlaco. m.dc.liii. 18° vellum. /// _7_ AGRIPPA (HENRY CORNELIUS). The VANITY of ARTS and SCIENCES. London: Printed by R. E. for R. B. and are to be fold by C. Blount, at the Catherine- Wheel at Charing-Crofs. 1684. 8°plain calf. Portrait of Agrippa, engraved by Th. Burnford. ***«A work replete with deep knowledge of the world and human nature; to which readers of every class and profession in life may refer with profit, however severe may be the remarks they must expect to meet with, and unpalatable the truths profusely scattered throughout.»—Retrospective Review, Vol. xiv, p. 206. / 7 8 AGRIPPA. Female Pre-eminence: or the Dignity and Excel- lence of that Sex, above the Male. An Ingenious Discourse: Written Originally in Latine, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Knight, Doctor of Phyfick, Doctor of both Laws, and Privy-Counfellor to the Emperour Charles the Fifth. Done into Englifh, with Additional Advantages. By H. C. [LTenry Care.] London: Printed by T. R. and M. D. and are to be fold by Henry Million, at the Sign of the Bible in Fleet-Street. 1670. 12° calf. Scarce. %* An excellent analysis of this curious Treatise will be found in Morley's Life of Agrippa. Vol. i, /. qSct seq. /OO 9 AGRIPPA de Nettcsheim (HENRI CORNEILLE). Sur la = NOBLESSE, & EXCELLENCE du Sexe FEminin, de sa PRE- EMINENCE sur l'autre sexe & du Sacrement du MARIAGE. Avec le Traitte" sur 1'Incertitude, aussi bien que la Vanity des Sciences & des Arts. Ouvrage joli, et d'une ledure tout a fait agrtfable, traduit par le celebre Sr M. de Gueudeville. Leiden: chez Theodore Haak. 1726. 3 vols. sm. 8° calf, engraved frontispiece, and fine portrait of Agrippa. / 0 U 10 AGRIPPA. De l'Excellence et de la Superiority de la :==== Femme. Ouvrage traduit du Latin d'AGRiFPA avec les Commen- taires de RoEtig. Paris: 1801. —-—~ Des Avantages attaches h la Cloture des Femmes, et des InconvEniens Inseparables de leur LibertE, etc. par A. D. [A. Delpha.] Paris: 1816. 2 vols, in I vol. 12" half calf . ALBERTUS. 3 7X ii AGUEL (H. R.) The Book of Chess: Containing the Rudiments J r== of the Game, and Elementary Analyses of the most popular Openings. Exemplified in Games actually played by the greatest Masters. With Illustrations engraved from original designs. New York: D. Appleton c^ Company. 1854. 12° cloth. £,</' 12 AGUESSEAU. Catalogue des Livres Imprimes et Manus- - crits, de la Bibliotheque de feu Monsieur d'Aguesseau, Doyen du Conseil. Paris: m.dcc.lxxxv. .Y° boards. J'ery neatly priced. Rare. forti venerabilis domini Alberti magni. ordinis fratru pre- | dicato^. quoda epifcopi Ratifponen. materias otines frugi- | feras. varijs facre fcripture documentis fuleitas. predicato- | ribus verbi dei ac fancle contemplationis arcem diligenti- | bus maxime proficuas. | [Colophon on the verso of fol. /4Q.] C 3Eppltctt lifter bntcratnlfs tritt ^Itirrtt tnaguf ortrf- nin I prrtrtcato?: ttc wulictc fortf mtttttlatus Xmpreffua (tolonit opa atcp tmprntts i)0- | tuftt bfrf Jfymtiti dkutnttll tiuiu etuttJcm, *Noni$ mat). &n= | no tromfnt plflltCmo quattrmgniteftmo uouagcCmcmono* 4° calf antique, red edges, without paging or catchwords. The preliminary matter (jff. I-24), comprises signatures aa-dd. 0/ these, aa and CC have each eight leaves, and bb and dd have, each Jour leaves 7 he remainder of the book consists ofsignatures a-z, alternately in 8* and 4*. There are 40 lines to a full page. The principal initial letters are rubricated. On the verso of the last leaf is: 31 Unfit® tf* ttfttlfere fOVti * The following work is bound with the abo: 3P* fccclai Atioc Uifftcilui tcr- miuornj tmu rijcoIoaicaU- um nr JI1)ilof ojpljic ac?Xoaicc 1 In fine: C &rmanftf tic Ucllobtfu fttut orttfnto pTJfcatoy fratrte | tljro^opljfe pfcftorts cptm'j- uccno facrf palatfj apof^ 4 ALLAN. tolfcf magffttf benrmerftC* compentrfu TrfflKcfUfi termf^ noq tijcolofltt. pl)tlofopf)tr, atcp lofifcctteclaratfuu. Ion- Qin lucubrattouflms in florrtrttttmo agrfppfnentf ftutrfo trcuuo rcutfum climatu<p©pcra atq? imptniiu puftrf bfrt Rennet (SUtcntclI cfufs (ftolomnt accuratfttfme ejraratti jFelfct wctfja qufruft. in noiuifs ntacjrlffera aSartJjolo- nut profefto &nuo proximo ant* futnlrit cwtetfmft. 4° ioq unnumbered leaves, double columns, 46 lines on a full page. Beneath the title is a /flr^rwooD-cuT {in this copy, colored), representing- a Teacher, seated in a high desk, instructing- four pupils. The a Anno proximo ante iubileu centefimQ,D is the year 14Q9. A very fine, clean copy of this singular work. See, Panzer, Annates Typog-raphici, Vol. i, /. fJQ-20. Hain, Repertorium Biblio- graphicum, Vol. 1, Pars i, /. 222. [Pray], Index Rariorvm Librorvm, Pars i, p. 82. Denis, Sxpplementvm, Pars 1, /. 460. *** An excellent account of the Life and Works of Albertus Magnus will be found in B. Haureau's Philosophic Scolastique, Tome ii, /. / to 103, inclusive. /'O 14 ALBERTUS MAGNUS, £/>isc#J>i J?a?isJ?c>nensis, De Adhjerendo === Deo Libellvs. Accedit eiufdem Alberti Vita, Deo Adhasrentis exemplar. Antverpiae, ex Officina Planliniana. m.dc.xxi. 12° half calf . / 0j 15 ALGER (WILLIAM ROUNSEVILLE). A Critical History = of the Doctrine of a Future Life; including LITERATURE of the Doctrine of a FUTURE Life: or a Catalogue of Works relating to the Nature, Origin, and Destiny of the Soul. The Titles Classified, and arranged Chronologically, with Notes, and Indexes of Authors and Subjects. By Ezra Abbot. Philadelphia: George W. Childs. 1864. 8° cloth. *** Mr. Alger's part of this book reminds us of the Greek proverb, a A river of words and a spoonful of sense.t> itfa 16 ALLAN. A Catalogue of the Books, Autographs, Engrav- === ings, and Miscellaneous Articles, belonging to the Estate of the Late John Allan. Prepared by Joseph Sabin. New York: 1864. 8° paper. Uncut. *** The following mildly facetious Address on a Letter to John Allan, will, perhaps, be read with merciful indulgence by the surviving friends of the little octogenarian book-hunter: <r In a very good house, not far from the swamp; Lives a merry old gentleman, funny and frank, John A**** his name, Vandewater the street, Seventeen is the number, and there you will meet, The prince of good fellows. He's buckish and bookish, Though some of his <igunsx> may be called rather a rookish.D He's good at a joke, and none loves one better, So find him out quick, and deliver this letter. lihe 'j not at home, then give it his daughter, And a tell her I love her d—I wish I had caught her! No lady is sweeter, or better or brighter, But more I won't say for fear I should fright her. Then presto! away !—fly quick as a whistle, And deliver to either this funny epistle.d— Knickerbocker Magazine, July, 1848. Vol, xxxii, p. 8g. ANAS. 5 /,00 11 [ALLETZ.] L'Esprit des Journalistes de Hollande les plus = C£lebres, ou morceaux precieux de Literature, tires de l'oubli, & recueillis dans les Journaux de ce nom. [Par Pons-Aug. Alletz.~] Paris: chez la Veuve Duchesne, m.dcc.lxxviii. 2 vols. 12 ° calf, red edges. *** a Ouvrage egalement curieux et instructir par les Anecdotes, Traits d'Histoire, Disser- tations, Reflexions, et par la grande vartete" d'Articles interessans, choisis dans ce nombre infini [de] Livres dont ces Litterateurs ont rendu compte.p £.00 iS ALLUT (M. P.) Etude Biographique et Bibliographique = sur SYMPHORIEN CHAMPIER, suivie de Divers Opuscules Francois de Symphorien Champier, L'Ordre de Chevalerie, Le Dialogue de Noblesse, et Les Antiquites de Lyon et de Vienne. A Lyon: chez Nicolas SCHEURING, Libraire-Editeur, Rue Boiffac, n° g. u D ccc lix. 8° boards, uncut, fine portrait of Champier, plates, printers' marks, and Vignettes. *** a Nous croyons devoir nous dispenser de donner ici les Titres des autres ouvrages que Champier a Merits en Latin, ils sont tous exaclement d^crits dans le bean livre public" dernierement sous le titre suivant: Etude Biographique et Bibliographique sur Symphorien Champier, par M. P. Allut,d etc.—Brunet. /i00 19 ALMANACH DES GOURMANDS, servant de Guide dans les === moyens de faire excellente chere. Par Un Viel Amateur, [Grimod de la Reynitre et Coste.] Troisihne Edition. Paris: 1804-12. 8 vols.- =NOUVEL ALMANACH des GOURMANDS, servant de Guide dans les moyens de faire excellent chere. Dedic au Ventre. Par A. B. de Perigord [/. e. Horace Raisson.] Paris: 1825-j. j vols. TOGETHER // vols. l8° half calf, neat, with a series of savory gastronomic plates. Very scarce in this fine condition. *d~ 20 AMERICAN (The) Catalogue of Books: or, English Guide —— to American Literature, giving the full Title of Original Works published in the United States since the Year 1800, etc. London: Sampson Low, Son, &> Co. i8jd. 8° cloth. AMERICAN (The) HOYLE; or Gentleman's Hand-Book of ■ Games: containing all the Games played in the United States, etc., etc. By (Trumps.d Illustrated with numerous Diagrams and En- gravings. New York: Dick 6° Eitzgeraid. (1864?) 12° cloth. ,J7tSO 22 ANAS. ASINIANA, ou Recueil de Naivetes et d'ANERiES *==== \_par M. Armand Ragueneau?\ Frontispiece of an Ass speaking. FRIPONNIANA, ou Recueil d'ANECDOTES sur les Ruses em- ployees par les Filous et les Escrocs pour faire des Dupes. = GASTRONOMIANA, ou Recueil d'ANECDOTES, Reflexions, Maximes et Folies Gourmandes. ALEXANDRANA, ou Bons Mots et Actions Remarquables d'ALEXANDRE Ier et de Pierre-le-Grand. Paris et Lille, n. d. 4 vols, in 2 vols.j2° boards, UNCUT. A 6 ANTIQUA LITERARUM. J .So 23 [ANCILLON (CHARLES).] Traite" des EUNUQUES, = dans lequel on explique toutes les diff^rentes sortes d'Eunuque's, quel rang ils ont tenu & quel cas on en a fait, &c. On Examine principale merit sy Us sont prop res au Mariage, & s'il leur doit etre per- mis de se marier. s. L ImprimJ Van m.dcc.vii. 12° half morocco, uncut. Very curious. *** « On trouve dans cette Dissertation beaucoup de literature et des Remarques interes- santes.p—Bayle. ,/<* 24 ANDREWS (STEPHEN PEARL). Discoveries in Chinese, or the Symbolism of the Primitive Characters of the Chinese System of Writing, as a Contribution to Philology and Ethno- logy, and a Practical Aid in the Acquisition of the Chinese Language. New York: Chas. B. Norton. 1854. 12 ° cloth. ^ ,- 0 25 ANECDOTES AFRICAINES, depuis 1'Origine ou la Decou- verte des Differents Royaumes qui composent 1'Afrique. \_Par Jos. Gasp. Dubois-Rontanelle.]* Paris: chez Vincent, m.dcc.lxxv. 8° half morocco, red edges. / V 26 ANECDOTES. A Collection Comprising, viz.: I. The Arts and Artists, or Anecdotes and Relics of the Schools of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, by James Elmes.—j vols. =-—-- II. Dramatic Table Talk; or Scenes, Situations, and Adven- tures, Serious and Comic, in Theatrical History and Biography. [By Richard Ryan.]—j vols. — III. Lambeth and the Vati- can: or Anecdotes of Rome, of the Reformed Churches, and of Sects and Sectaries.—3 vols.==IV. Oxoniana. [Anecdotes of Oxford University, by J. Walker.]—4 vols.==V. Anecdotes of Music, Historical and Biographical. By A. Burgh.—j vols. .■■ —— Concert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes of Music and Musicians, Ancient and Modern, by Thos, Busby, Mus. D.— j vols. London: mdcccxxv. Together 19 vols. f2° half calf , gilt backs, with portraits, plates, and facsimiles. 'c (j 27 ANGELIS (ALEXANDRO de). ■ In Astrologos Coniectores Libri Qvinqve. Nvncprimvm prodit in lucem. Lvgdvni, Sumptibus Horatij Cardon. m.dc.xv. ./° vellum. /OO 28 ANTIQUA LITERARUM Monument a AVTOGRAPLIA - LUTHERI aliorumque celebrium Virorum, ab. A. 1517, usq: ad A. 1546. Reformations ^Etatem et Historiam egregie Illus- trantia. Brunsvig^e: Ann. m.dc.xc. S?n. 8° boards. Rare. //^ 29 APULEIUS. 7 ANTONINUS. The Commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus, containing his Maxims of Science, and Rules of Life. Wrote for his own Use, and addressed to Himself. Translated from the Original in Greek, by JAMES THOMSON, Gent. London: Printed by T.Parker, for the Translator, m.dcc.xlvii. 8° calf. VERY SCARCE. *** The only really literal translation into English of this famous work. The translator has conscientiously preserved in this version all the coarseness of the original text. //4' 30 APICII (CAELII). De OPSONIIS et CONDIMENTIS sive Arte Coquinaria Libri X. cum Lectionibus Variis atque Indice edidit Joannes Michael Bernhold. s. I. et a. [Markbreit : i/S/.~\ 72° boards. *** « The most roiotous glutton and bellie-god of his time.*—Pliny, Nat. Hist. Holland's Transl. Vol. i, p. 2q6. a This individual is said by Seneca to have spent upwards of two millions of dollars on his table; and to have destroyed himself, from a fear that he would die of hunger, having but ten millions sestertii, (upwards of 350,000dollars) remaining. Albanus Torinus, who found the Treatise in the Island of Maguelone, near Montpellier, and who published it in 1541, at Basil, has been much censured for asserting, that he immediately a smelts the true air of antiquity about the author, a olfaciebam statim autorem esse vetustissimum.v—Peignot. /0O 31 APPARATVS LITTERARIVS, Singvlaria, Nova Anecdota ~ Rariora ex omnis generis Ervditione depromems studio, etc. Witebergae: iji8. == Christiani Falsteri Supplementum Lingvo Latins, sive Observationes ad Lexicon Fabro—Cella- rianum. Flensburgi: A" ijij. 2 vols, in I vol. sm. S° calf. /, j O 32 APULEIUS. Comentarii a Philippo Beroaldo conditi in = ASINUM AUREUM Lucn Apuleii + In fine: Impreffum hoc opus Bononitz a Benedicto Hec ton's ipreffore foler- tiffimo, Adhibita filma diligentia, ut in manus honiinil uenirei q emen datijjimum. Anno falutis Millefimo qiiingctefimo Cat. Augufli. Inclyto Io. Bentiuolo fecundo flatus huiufce Bononienfis Florentifftrni habenas fozlicitcr Moderate. f° vellum. A remarkably fin* copy. Rare. *** See, Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum^ Vol. I,/, ffj. Brunet, Manuel, Art. Apuleius. /o0 33 APULEIUS: The Works of Apuleius, comprising the Meta- morphoses, or Golden Ass, the God of Socrates, the Florida, and his Defence, or a Discourse on Magic. A New Translation. London: Bohn. mdcccliii. Post S* cloth. o ARENA. l££ 34 ARABIAN (The) NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS, carefully revised, and occasionally corrected from the Arabic. To which is added A SELECTION of NEW TALES, now first translated from the Arabic Originals. Also, an Introduction and Notes, Illustrative of the Religion, Manners and Customs, of the Mahummedans. By Jonathan Scott, LL.D. Oxford. With Engravings from paintings by Smirke. London: Printed for Longman, 6° Co. 1811. b vols, post S° full, dark purple morocco, super extra, gilt backs, sides and edges. Very fine COPY. 6 0 35 ARENA. ANTONIUS | DE ARENA | Provencalis | de Bragardissima I villa de Soleriis | AD | suos compagnones, | Qui sunt de persona friantes, \ bafsas Dansas et Branlos prac- \ ticantes, nouvellos perquam plu- \ rimos mandat. \ Londini: [Paris.] 1758. 12° calf. *** This edition contains « Remigii Belleau Poema Macaronicum De Bello Huguenoticoj* and <i Michaelis Morini Grandissimiviri Funestissimus Trepassus, carmen macaronicum.» See, Clement, Bibliotheque Curie-use, Tome ii, /. /6. De Bure, Bibl. Instructive, Belles- Lettres, Tome i, /. 454. Vogt, Catalogvs Librorwi Rariorvm, edit. 1793, p. bi. [Du Roure] Analectabiblion, Tome I, p. J// et seg. Brunet, Manuel, Tome 1, p. JQ2. Delepierre, Macarone'ana, on Melanges de Literature Macaronique, p. 14S. Rouard, Note sur les Editions de la dMeygra Entrepriza,^ in the Bulletin du Bibliophile, i860, p. 1402-8. QuERARD, Les Supercherics Litte'raires De'voilies, Tome I, p.378. c 0 36 ARENA. ANTONIVS | DE ARENA | Provencalis, | De bragardissima I Villa de Soleriis. | Ad Svos Compagnones | Jludiantes, qui funt de perfona friantes, baffas \ Dansas 6° Branlos practicantes, nouuellos \ quarnplurimos mandat. \ His poflerioribus diebus graffis augmenta- | tus, & a mandatis Conardorum Abbatis | Y O, de Rothomago, in lucem | enuoyatus. | Stampatus in Stampatura Stampatorum, \ s. I. m.dc.lxx. === NOVA NOVORVM | Novissima, | sive | POEMATA | Stylo Macaronico confcripta; | Qua faciunt crepare Lectores ob nimium rifum, | 6° faltare eapras 6° femias, res nunquam \ antea vifa. \ Compofita & iam de nouo magna diligen- | tia reuifitata & augmen- tata per Bartho- | lomevm Bollam Bergamafcum, Poeta- | rum Apollinem, & noftro faeculo alterum | Coccaium. Accefferunt eiufdem Auctoris Poemata Italica, sed ex \ Valle Bergamafscorurn. \ Stampatus in Stampatura Stampatorum. s. I. m.dc.lxx. 12°pp. iqi, including Part II, which begins at /. 107 and has a separate title. Elegantly bound in green levant morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, dentelle borders, by Duru. %* « Edition la plus complete que Ton ait de ce recueil. La Seconde partie avait d'abord 6t6 imprimde separe'ment en 1604; elle contient des pieces en Italien et d'autres en patois de Bergame.p—Brunet. See, Antoine Arena, Notice Historique et Litte'raire, par M. Augustin Fabre. Marseille ARISTOTELIS 9 /AT 37 ARENA. MEYGRA ENTREPRIZA | Catoliqui Imperatoris Quado de anno Dni mille cccccxxxvi veniebat | per Prouensa | bene corrossatus impostam predere Fransa cum | villis de Prouensa propter grossas et menutas | getes reiohire per A: ARENAM bastifausata.QJ|31 Gallus regnat Gallus regnauit Gallus regnabit. \ Nouvelle Edition, entierement conforme k l'^dition originale de 1537. Preceded d'une Notice Bibliographique et Litt^raire, par Norbert Bonafous. Aix: Makaire, hnprimeur-editeur\ i860. 12° half crimson morocco, top gilt. Only a small edition reprinted. %* An excellent reprint of the rare original edition (1537) of this lively macaronic poem, a Cette petite piece est regarded comme un chef-d^ceuvre de poe"sie macaronique, et fort recherchee des curieux.D—De Bure. ^#^38 ARESTA I AMORVM I lii. | Accuratifsimis Benedicti Curtii r=== Sym- I phoriani comentariis ad vtriufque iu- \ ris rationem, foren- fiumque actionum \ vfum quam acutifsime ac com mo data. \ Parisiis, I Apud Carolum Angelier in magna aula palatij ad primam columnam. \ 1555. J parts, bound in 2 vols. 16 °plain calf. Rare. *** «The author of the Reports 0/the Courts 0/ Love was Martial de Paris, or d^ Auvergne, a French lawyer, poet, and wit, who flourished about the middle of the fifteenth century. Very little is known of his history. The Text of this edition is accompanied with the Commentaries of Benoit de Court, or Benedictus Curtius, a celebrated jurisconsult of the sixteenth century. These Notes, which are written in the same spirit as the Text, contain a vast fund of curious and amusing illustration, chiefly drawn from the classical authors of Rome, and from the books of the Civil and Canon Law. The Reports commence with a prologue in verse, which is exceedingly curious. It describes the Courts of Love, at which the author heard the judgments given which he has reported. A very peculiar account is given of the various personages who composed the Court, and even their dresses are minutely described; thus we are told, that the Lady Judges were clothed in green, with collars of gold, and so richly perfumed that it was impossible to sit near them without sneezing,*—See, Niceron, Mimoires des Hommes Illusires, Tome ix, /. iji. Retrospectize Review, Vol. \',p. 70 et seq. &.7S 39 ARISTOTELIS PROBLEMATA Latine, ex Interpretation ==== Theodorus Gazes (sic). In Fine: Expliciunt Arijlotelis problemata. Rome impreffa per Iohanem Reynard, de Eningen Que Theodorus Gazes. TeJJatonicenfis. olim e greco in latinu; cduertit. Eacp nuper ultima emendatione Emendauit. Sub Six to. Ill Ron. Max. Abfoluta funt. A. M.CCCCLxxv. xiiii. calend. Iunii. Foeliciter. LAVS DEO. 4° half calf, WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF NICOLAI GUPALATINI'S CURIOUS PREFACE TO THE WORK, NEATLY WRITTEN ON THE MARGINS OF THE FIRST TWO LEAVES. *** « Premiere Edition portant date d'ann^e.p—Santander, Diet. Bibliographique choisi du Quinziemc Siecle, Tome II, /. 95. See, also, Panzer, Annales Typographici, Vol. II, p. 460. AUDIFFREDI, Catalogus Historico-Criticus Romanarum Editionum Saeculi XV, p. tqS. Laire, Index Librorum, etc., Prima Pars, p. JJO. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, Vol. I, Pars, i, /. 2/j. Hoffmann, Lexicon Bibliographic-urn, Tom us 1, / .J*y. 10 AUSONIUS. — ^_±L ARNETT (JOHN ANDREWS). An Inquiry into the Nature and Form of the BOOKS of the ANCIENTS; with a History of the Art of Bookbinding, from the Times of the Greeks and Romans to the Present Day, Interspersed with Bibliographical References to Men and Books of all Ages and Countries. Illustrated with numerous Engravings, and a portrait of Roger Payne, the eccentric bookbinder. London: Richard Groombridge. 1837. 12° cloth. Scarce. ■■?■ 0 ^4i ART (L') de Desopiler la Rate, sive de modo C. Prudenter. En prenant chaque feuillet pour fe T. le D. Entremel<§ de quelques bonnes choses. {Par A. Jos. Panchouche.] A Gallipoli de Calabre, Z'an des Folies 175886. (1756?) 12° crimson levant mo-roccoy extra, gilt leaves. *** a II y a de tout dans cet ouvrage, nombre de renseignements bibliographiques, des extraits de livres rares, singuliers et peu connus, des analyses de vieux sermonnaires burlesques, et mSme quelques morceaux scatologiques.» etc. LG-ay] Bibliographic des Outrages relatifs a rAmour, Tome i, /. 314. J\, o 42 ART (L') de PETER, Essai Theori-Physique et Methodique, al'ufage des Perfonnes conftip^es, des Perfonnages graves et aufteres, des Dames melancoliques, & de tous ceux qui sont efclaves du prejuge. [Par P. T. N. Ifurtault.] Suivi de FHistoire de Pet-en- l'Air et de la Reine des Amazones, ou Ton trouve 1'origine des Vuidangeurs. Nouvelle Edition. Augmented de la Soci£te~ des Francs-Peteurs, pour ceux qui defireront y etre initios. En Westphalie: chez Florent-Q, rue Pet-en-Gueule, au Soufflet. m.dcc.lxxvi. 120 calf. Curious frontispiece. /Ij:_ 43 ASHER (A.) Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels, Edited and Published by Levinus Hulsius and his Successors at Nuremberg and Francfort from Anno 1598 to 1600. London and Berlin: A. Asher. i8jp. 4° board, a 120 number'd copies only are printed.d N° 14 presented to Mr. Boerner, with Mr. Asher's respects. ***A notice of the celebrated A nder Schijfifahrt (//) will be found on page 19 of this volume. 0Z~ 44 ATHENLEUS. The Deipnosophists or Banquet of the Learn- ed of Athenteus. Literally translated by C. D. Yonge, B. C, with an Appendix of Poetical Fragments, rendered into English verse by various Authors, and a General Index. London: Bohn. mdcccliv. 3 vols, post S° cloth. /S 45 AUSONIUS. D. Magni Avsonii Burdigalenfis Opera. Amsterodami apud Ioann. Ianfsonium, A° do Ioc xxix. 24 ° old red morocco. AVLI GELLII. 1X $r~ 46 AUBREY (JOHN). Miscellanies upon the following subjects. V =■= 1. Day-Fatality. II. Local Fatality. III. Ostenta. IV. Omens. V. Dreams. VI. Apparitions, Voices, Impulses, Knockings, Blows Invisible. VII. Prophesies, Marvels, Magick, Trans- portation in the Air. VII. Converse with Angels and Spirits, Glances of Love and Envy, etc., etc. To which is prefixed Some Account of his Life. London: 1721. 8" old calf. / »;, 47 AUCTIONEERING. The Ruinous Tendency of AUC- '=—- TIONEERING, and the Necessity of Restraining it for the Benefit of Trade, Demonstrated in a Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Bathurst, President of the Board of Trade. [Edited by Horace Rodd?] London: 1812. Reprinted 1848. 8° cloth, pp. 58. j\ 00 48 OT^iKS&KNTS- Xtutpft mtv titati att= = flufttnf I epf Trr facta btrstmtate. | In fine: C ffijrpHcft mtv fttatf aufluftim ept= | fcopf ttc fancta bitflfnftate- | l>-l- *■ <* *yp- "■! Sm. 40 half russia, rough edges, 21 leaves, 30 lines to a full page. Several leaves slightly wormed in the margin. *** A rare and beautiful specimen of very early typography. Panzer remarks, aOpusculum hoc, a nomine adhuc excitatum, ad primordia typographiae pertinere videtur. Typi proxime ad illos acccdunt, quibus usi sunt Moguntini.v See, Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. iv, /. 00. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, Vol. i, Pars i, A 2bi. /00 49 AVLI GELLII Lvcvlentissimi Seriptoris, NOCTES ATTICAE. ^^^ Accesservnt Ervditissimi niri Petri MofeUani in eafdem per docta adnotationes. Coloniae, Martinvs Gymnicus excudebat, Anno m.d.xlix. 8° hogskin boards, with clasps. Name cut from the lower margin of the title page. *** Beautifully printed in italic type. /•' / uu 5- /.0 0 53 JACHAUMONT. M£moires Historiques, Litt£raires, Politiques, Anecdotiques et Critiques de Bachau- mont Extrait des Me moires Secrets de la Re'pu- bliquc des Lettres, et mis en ordre par J. T. M...E. [/. e. Jean-Toussaint Merle.'] Seconde Edition, revue avec soin, et augmented d'un grand nombre de Pieces inedites et de Notes historiques. Paris: i8og. S vols. S* hill/ crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. Scarce. *** An exceedingly interesting collection of historical, literary, and dramatic Anecdotes, Bons-Mots, Epigrams; including critical notices of curious Books, Pamphlets, and Plays, and numerous biographical sketches of famous Actors, Artists, and Men of letters who flourished from 1762 to 1787. BACON (R.) The I MIRROR OF ALCHIMY, | Compofed by the thrice-famous and learned | Fryer, Roger Bachon, (sie) fome- times fellow of | Martin Colledge: and afterwards of | Brafen-nofe Colledge in | Oxenforde. Alfo a moil excellent and learned difcourfe of | the admirable foree and efficaeie of Art and Nature, | written by the same Author. I With certaine other worthie Treatifes of | the like Argument. | Vino vendibili non opus ejl hedera. | London | printed for Richard Oliue. I 1597. In fine: Printed at London by Thomas Creedc, \ for Richard Oliue. /f<?7- Sm. 40 sprinkled cal/~, extra, by Riviere. *** A beautiful copy of the First English translation of the Speculum Alchimce. VERY RARE. See, Emile Charles, Roger Bacon, sa Vie, ses Ouvragcs, etc. Paris: 1861. S°p.j6. BACON. The Naturall and Experimental!. History of Winds, ike. Written in Latine by the Right Honourable Francis Lo: Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. Translated into English by R. G. Gent. London: Printed for Humfdirev Moseley, etc. ddjj. J2° calf, portrait 0/ Bacon, engraved by T. Okoss. BACONI (FRANCISCI) OPERA OMNIA, quae extant: Piiilosophica, Moralia, Politica, Historica Jam vero sunimo studio colledta, uno volumine comprehensa, cum Indice Rerum ac Verborum Univerfali abfolutiffimo. Francofurti ad Moenvm: fmpenfis Joannis Baptist a? Schonwetteri. Anno m DC lxv. /° vellum. Portrait. J/-0-OO 54 A/2' 55 BARAT. 13 13&31K2IS* Sfatroci JSatrtf atcf= I fij stuitfere nauicule feu fcaphe Fata- | arum mulierum: circa fenfus quinq? ex- J teriores fraude nauigantium. | Stultifere naues fenfus animofq? trahentes | Mortis in exitium. | In Fine: Impreffit honeflus Johannes prufj Ciuis Argentinenfis. Anno falutis M.CCCCC.II. Sm. 40 24 unnumbered leaves, 33 lines to a full page\ not including the running title ; -with 7 VERY CURIOUS WOOD-CUTS, each occupying half a page. Elegantly bound in full russia, extra, gilt leaves, by F. Bedford. A beautiful copy, in per/ret preservation. Rare. *** This little aSHIP of FEMALE FOOLS,* must not be confounded with the more celebrated work by Sebastian Brant. It is written in prose and elegiac verse, excepting the 7th Section, which, is written in hexameters. See, Panzer, Annales Typographic!, Vol. vi, p. 28. Graesse, Trteor des Livres Rares et Precieux, Tome i, p. 274. Brunet, Manuel, Tome \,p. 607. Gresw ell, Annals of Parisian Typography, p. 173. Ibid., View ofthe Early Parisian Greek Press, Vol. i, /. 27 et seq. BALIVERNERIES ou CONTES NOUVEAVX D'EVTRA- PEL autrement dit Leon Ladvlfi. {Anagram of Noel du Fail, St de la JJ/rissaye.] A Paris par Estienne Groulleau, Jibraire, demourant en la Rue Neuve Nostre Dame, a VEnseigne Saint Jean Baptiste. 1548. [Chiswick: de I Jmprimerie de C. Whittingham. m dccc xv.] Jd'° half morocco. Uncut. *** Edited by S. W. Singer ; only/oo copies were reprinted of this rare book. Strkttell's copy sold for £i 13s. and Solars copy for 85 fr. Jy" 56 [BALLARD?] L'ECOLE de la MIGNATURE, dans laquelle —— on peut aisement apprendre a peindre sans Maitre, aussi que les Secrets de faire les plus belles couleurs; l'Or Bruni, &: l'Or en Coquille. Nouvelle Edition, revue & corrigee avec soin. {Par Christophle Ballard7] A Paris: chez J. B. G. Musier/A-, Jibraire. m.dcc.lxvi. 12* calf f^oa 57 BALZAC (H. de). Les CONTES DROLATIQUES Colligez ez Abbayes de Touraine, etc. Sixiesme Edition. Jllustre'e de 425 Dessinspar Gustave Dore. Paris: Gamier Freres. {/Sdi.] S° bro-wn calf, crimson edges. Brilliant impressions of the illustrations. Jt(jo 58 BANDINI (ANGELO MARIA) De Florentina Ivntarvm Typographia, etc. etc. Lvcae. do Id.cc.LXXXXI. 2 Parts in i vol. S° vellum. Fine copy. *** aOuvrage rempli d'eVudition. La premiere partie est historique, la seconde renferme les dditions des Junte.D—Pkignot. J.S 0 59 [BARAT (PIERRE).] Nouvelle Bibliotheque Choisie, ou Ton fait connoitre les bons livres en divers genres de Littera- ture, & l'usage qu'on en doit faire. Amsterdam: ch ez David Mor tier. m . d c c x 1 v. 2 vols in J vol 12° vellum. 14 BARINGII. ^ 60 BARBIER (ANT. ALEX.) Dissertation sur Soixante Tra- ductions Francaises de 1'Imitation de Jesus-Christ. Suivie De Considerations sur la Question relative a 1'Auteur de ITmitation. Paris: 1812. 120 half calf, scarce. %* More than three centuries have elapsed since the imitation of Chrijl by Thomas 2l Kempis has been confidered as the moft popular Manual of Devotion. Fontenelle and Leibnitz, indeed, have extolled it as the moft edifying piece of morality since the publication of the Gospels. On the continent, not only has the original Latin text been tranflated into a diver- fity of tongues, but a fharp controversy has been inftituted respecting the true author of the work—whether it was Thomas a Kempis or John Gerson. The more recent, and the better founded opinion seems to be that Gerson was the author. In the Third Part of this excellent work, M. Barbier discuffes, with much refearch andlearning, the respective claims of Gerson and a Kempis to the authorfhip. Whoever the author was he has scrupuloufly adhered to his own maxim, « Ama Nesciri d—Delight to be unknown. Jo 61 BARBIER et DESESSARTS. Nouvelle Bibliotheque d'un Homme de Gout, etc. par A. A. Barbier, et N. L. M. Desessarts. Paris: chez Duminil-Lesuer. m.dccc.viii-x. .->" zv/y. S° boards. *** a This is one of the best bibliographical works in any language. The criticisms are ably compiled, and it is a sure authority for all the best works in the French language.*— Ventouillac's French Librarian. BARETTI (GIUSEPPE). The Italian Library, containing an Account of the Lives and Works of the most Valuable Authors of Italy. London: Printed for A. Miller, in the Strand, mdcc.lvii. S° calf. *k* This volume contains also the Lives of Dante■, Petrarch, and Boccaccio, by J. Manetti. /,.- a 63 BARING-GOULD (S.) Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. —— First and Second Series. Complete. London : Rivingtons. 1868. 2 vols, post 8° cloth. With illustrations. /. b v'64 BARING-GOULD (S.) Legends of Old Testament Charac- ters, from the Talmud and other Sources. London and New York: Macmillan and Co. 1871. Post S° cloth. XoO 65 BARINGII (DANIELIS EBERHARDI) CLAVIS DIPLO- "=^ MATICA Specimina Vetervm Scriptvarvm tradens, Alphabeta nimirvm varia, Medii Aevi Compendia Scribendi, Notariorvm Vetervm Signa perplvra, cet. Singvla Tabvlis Aeneis Expressa. Praemissa est BIBLIOTHECA SCRIPTORVM REI DIPLOMA- TICAE. Iterata hac Editione sic ab Avctore recognita, emendata ac locvpletata, vt Novvm Opvs videri possit. Hanoverae. mdccliv. ./° half vellum, with numerous finely engraved plates of Alphabets, and a copious List of abbreviated words zuhich occur in Manuscripts, from the fourth to the beginning of the sixteenth century. The Second and Best Edition of this valuable work. BARTHOLUS. 15 rj.li 66 BARJAVEL (C. F. H.) Dictionnaire Historique, Biogra- phique et Bibliographique du Departement de Vaucluse, ou Recherches pour servir a 1'Histoire Scientifique, Litteraire et Artistique, ainsi qu'a 1'Histoire Religieuse, Civile et Mili- taire des Villes et Arrondissements d'AviGNON, de Carpentras, d'APT et d'ORANGE. Carpentras: Imprimerie de L. DevMario. 1841. 2 vols. S° half crimson morocco, top gilt. Scarce. c^.7^ 67 BARKER (E. H.) Literary Anecdotes and Contemporary Reminiscences, of Professor Porson and others. London: J. R. Smith. 1852. 2 vols, in J 7'ol. A'° calf, marbled edges. *** <r It is well-known that Barker was accustomed to make written memoranda of all Anecdotes and curious narratives which were told him during the day. These were generally written on scraps of paper, of all forms and sizes. After his death a large number of these papers were found among the effects which he left at the Globe Coffee-House, and from those papers the Anecdotes now published have been selected. Together with these original Anecdotes, were found, intermixed, a miscellaneous assemblage of Poems, original and select, Jokes, Charades, Conundrums, Extracts from. Nezuspapers, and, in short, everything curious or interesting, which arrested Mr. Barker's attention in the course of his daily reading, or public intercourse with mankind. t—Memoir of Barker. //.SO 68 [BARRETT (FRANCIS).] The Lives of Alchemystical = Philosophers: with a CRITICAL CATALOGUE of BOOKS in OCCULT CHEMISTRY, and a selection of the mod celebrated Treatises on the Theory and Practice of the Hermetic Art. London: i8ij. A-1" hnlf calf. *** This rare and curious work contains the Lives of Forty-five Adepts in Alchemy—a Catalogue of 751 Alchemical Books, and 34 Alchemical Treatises in English, including the a Seven Golden Chapters,!* and the a Emerald Tablet p of HERMES TRISMEG1STUS. q.uoj>2_ [©&3KE?1?<©IW*S irt Saroftrrato] §[ £rac= y tatus procurators rtrtttts fttti nomfnc | trfattolf: aft prtfft tugtttfa cor§ trco, et fita bfrflo | plana U oppofuft ctra fpm: tt otitfnuft- tucuo | oftmutuft pugua contra genus fjUIUatttttn* | Absque am/i, loei et typographi indicationc. [Sed Romae Steph. Plannck. Circa 1480.] Sm. 40 board, 10 leaves,32 lines on a full page. VERY FINE clean copy. Exceedingly rare. *** a Bartholus—l'un des plus grands jurisconsultes des temps modernes, mort a PeVouse en 1356. II commenfa a mettre de 1'ordre dans la jurisprudence; nnais on trouve la hizarrerie de son siecle dans quelques-uns de ses ouvrages. Ainsi, pour faire connaitre la marche d'une procedure, il irnagina un proces entre la Vierge et le Diable, jug^s par Jdsu.s. Les parties plaident en personne: le Diable demande que le genre humain rentre sous son ob&ssance; il fait observer qu'il en a &1& le mattre depuis Adam ■ il cite les lois qui tftablissent que celui qui a 6t6 dtSpouille' d'une longue possession a le droit d'y rentrer. La I'ierge lui r^pond qu'il est un possesseur de mauvaise foi, et que les lois qu'il cite ne le concernent pas. On ^puise des deux c6t^s toutes les ressources de hi chicane du quatorzieme siecle. Cependant la I'ierge gagne sa cnuse, et le Diable est d^boute' de ses pretentions.» See, Marchand's Diet. Historigue, art. Paladino. Dupin, Notice* Hist. Crit. et Bibliographigues. Paris: 1820, /. 73 et seg. Denis, Annalivm Typographicor*i<m, p. 644. / l6 BAYLEY. <j.6"0 7° BARTHI (CASP.) Erotodidasculus, sive Nemoralium Libri = v. Cum Figuris .Eneis. Hanovi^e. Anno mdcxxv.- Opuscula qwzdam Chemica. Georgii Riplei Angli Medulla Philosophise Chemicje; Helle Monachi Franciscani Speculum Alchymi^e; Ioan. Avrelii Avgvrelli Chrysoporiae Compendium Paraphrasticum; Artefii Clavis Majoris Sapientm; Ioan. Pontani Epistola de La- pide Philosophorum Francofvrti. m.dc.xiv. 2 vols, in i vol. sm. 8° boards. A Rare and curious Collection of Alchemical Works. . l:_V_ [BARTLETT (JOHN).] A Collection of Familiar Quota- tions, with complete Indices of Authors and Subjects. Third Edition, with Supplement. Cambridge: John Bartlett. i860. 160 cloth. *** Mr. Bartlett was assisted in the compilation of this excellent and exceedingly useful volume, by Rezin A. Wight, Esq., of this city—a modest gentleman of wide and accurate learning. 72 [BARTLETT (JOHN).] Familiar Quotations: Being an ~ attempt to trace to their Source Passages and Phrases in Common Use: chiefly from English Authors. With a Copious Verbal Index. Fourth Edition. Boston : Little, Brown and Company. 1863. lb ° glazed cloth. J__^ 73 BARTLETT (JOHN.) Familiar Quotations: Being an Attempt to Trace to their Source Passages and Phrases in Common Use. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company. 1868. rzJ cloth, uncut, LARGE PAPER, of which only 100 copies were printed. N° 31. j. ::S 74 BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). Dictionary of American- isms. A Glossary of Words and Phrases, usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. New York: Bartlett and IVelford. 1848. 8° half calf. Interleaved. zf.oo 75 BARTLETT (J. R.) Dictionary of Americanisms, etc. Third Edition, greatly improved and enlarged. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, i860. 8" cloth. / fo 76 BARTHELMESS (R.) Bibliographie der Friemaurerei in ""■ Amerika, etc. New York: Druck von G. B. Teubner, 17 Ann Street. i8j6. 8° paper, pp. 48. Privately printed. Very Scarce. 00 11 BAYLEY (JOHN). The History and Antiquities of the "~~~- TOWER of LONDON, with Memoirs of Royal and Distin- guished Persons, Deduced from Records, State-Papers and Manuscripts, and from other Original and Authentic Sources. London: Printed for T. Cadcll, in the Strand. 1821-5. 2 vols. 40 calf with 2q beautiful engravings, after drawings by Nash and Blore. Published at £6 16s. 6d. Scajrce. / b£gin. 17 \f^S 0 78 BASNAGE (J.) The History of the Jews, from Jesus Christ === to the Present Time: containing their Antiquities, their Religion, their Rites, the Dispersion of the Ten Tribes in the East, and the Persecutions this Nation has fuffered in the West. Being a Supplement and Continuation of the History of Josephus. Tranflated into Englifh by Tho. Taylor, A. M. London: 1/08. f° calf, gilt back, fine copy. Scarce. *** «The learning and research manifested in this work are amazing; and, on the subject, nothing better, nothing more accurate and satisfactory, can well be expected.»—Dr. Adam Clarke. Chapter hi, Book vi, treats of the Different Conjectures concerning the Origin of the Americans; and of the Correspondence of the Anierican and Jewish Rites. JS 79 BEAU-CLERK. Bibliotheca Beauclerkiana. A Catalogue === of the Large and Valuable Library of the late Honourable Topham Beauclerk, f. r. s. Comprehending an excellent Choice of Books, to the Number of upwards of THIRTY THOUSAND VOLUMES, in most Languages, and upon almost every Branch of Science, and Polite Literature Sold by Auction by Order of the Executors, by Mr. [Samuel] Paterson, April 9, 1781, and the Forty-Nine following Days. London: ij8i. 2 Parts in i vol. 8° calf Uncut. *** a Of the Two Parts of the Beauclerk collection, the Second is the most valuable to the collector of Englifh Antiquities and Hiftory, and the First to the general scholar. The arrange- ment of the books is very creditable to the bibliographical reputation of Paterson.p—Dibdin. .<5"yw8o BEAUPRfe (M. JEAN NICOLAS). Nouvelles Recherches de BlBLIOGRAPHIE LORRAINE, 1500-1700. Nancy: Imprimerie Grimblot. 1856. 3° half morocco, top gilt. *#* This excellent work contains some additional matter regarding Philesius Vogesigena (*'. e. Matthias Ringmann or Rithmami) and Walter Lud, who printed the famous Cosmo- graphice Introductio, etc., at Saint-Die\ 1507. <£t00 81 BEECHERI (JOH. JOACHIMI). Physica Subterranea. • * * * opus sine pari. Editio novissima, cura Georg. Ernestus Stahl. Lipsle: Anno mdccxxxiix. (sic.) 40 boards, curious emblematical frontispiece. ,JJ 82 BECKMANN (JOHN). A History of Inventions and Dis- === coveries. Tranflated from the German, by William Johnston. Second Edition, carefully corrected and enlarged. London: Printed for J. Walker and Co. 1814. 4 vols. S° half calf *** This Edition contains the valuable Index to the Authors and the Books quoted. /00 S3 B£GIN (£MILE AUGUSTE). Biographie de la Moselle, ou Histoire de toutes les Personnes N£es dans ce Departement, qui se sont fait Remarquer par leurs Actions, leurs Talents, leurs 6crits, leurs Vertus, ou leurs Crimes. Metz: Vcrronnais, imprimeur-libraire-e'diteur. 182Q-J2. 4 vols. S°. Uncut. *8 b£rard. ?J?.16 _&4_ BELON (P.) Les | OBSERVATIONS | de plvsievrs | Singv- laritez et Choses | Memorables, Trovvees I en Grece, Afie, Iudee, Egypte, x^rabie, & | autres pays eftranges, redigees en | trois liures, par Pierre Belon | du Mans. | Reueuz de nouveau & augmcntcz de Figures. | Paris: | chez Hicrofme de Marnef, er> la veitfue Guillaume CaucHat, \ an rnont S. Hilaire, a Penseigne du Pelican. | m.d.lxxxviii. 4° plain calf, •with a curious portrait of Belon, a large folding map of L'isle de Lemnos, du Mont Athos, etc., and numerous Engravings. Rare. *** a On trouve dans ce Livre des details curieux sur la G^ographie et sur les Moeurs et les Coutumes des peuples. II y a peu de voyageurs qui aient re*uni une aussi grande varied de connaissances, et qui soient entres dans si grands details sur la Gdographie ancienne et moderne, les Moeurs et les Usages des peuples orientaux. On peut se fier a l'exa<£titude de ses observations et a la veracity de ses nkits. De tous les e"crivains Francais du seizieme siecle, Belon est 1'un des plus remarquables.D—Biographic Universelle. See, Niceron, Memoires des Homines Illustres, Tome xxiv, /. 42. Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Tome hi, /. 101. Boucher de la Richarderie, Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages, Tome i, p. 200. Didot, Nouvelle Biographie Gdne'rale, Tome v, /. 2Qj. Brunet, Manuel, art. Belon. /^ 85 BELOT. Les | OEVVRES | de M. lean Belot | cvre de Mil- Monts, I Profeffevr avx Sciences | Diuines & Celefles. | Contenant la Chiro- | mence, Phyfionomie, l'Art de Memoyre de | Raymond Lulle; Traicle des Diuinations, | Augures & Songes; les Sciences Stegano- | graphiques, Paulines, Armadelles & Lul- | liftes; l'Art de doctement Prescher & | Haranguer, &c. | Derniere Edition, reuue, corrigee & augmentee | de diuers Traiclez. | A Rouen : chez Iac^ves Caii.loue, dans la Court du Palais, m.dc.xl. 3 Parts in 1 vol. stn. S° half calf . *■■,.- A very rare edition of the collected works of this eminent « Profefibr of Divine and Heavenly knowledge.» It was publifhed feven years earlier than Brunet and Graesse have recorded as the date of the frsi edition of Belot's works collectively. The volume is embel- lifhed with a feries of curious 1 figures* illuftrating the wonderful art of CHIROMANCY. On the verso of the fecond leaf, is a remarkable •wood-cut portrait of the author. In the Third Part of this Angular volume the author generoufly difclofes the following moft valuable, and highly important fecret:—a ART DE PRESCHER | Doctement sans Grande ; Estude, ny preparation pre'me'dite'e, sur \ tous diuers sujecls de VEscriture sainfle, \ secret contenu dans les arts de nojlre ceuure \ des ceuures, esclaircy & donne" familierement \ a entendre en fix lefons.v | Here is the whole Art of Preaching learnedly, taught in Six Leffons, and adapted to the n meaneft capacity.» %&0 86 BELTZ (GEO. FRED.) A Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, adjudicated 1803, and of the pretensions of Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, Part, to designate himself per Legem Terra Baron Chandos of Sudeley. London: R.Bentley. mdcccxxxiv. $° cloth. /-- 87 [BERARD.] Essai Bibliographique sur les Editions des Elzevirs les plus precieuses et les plus recherchees, precede d'une Notice sur ces Imprimeurs celebres. [Par Aug. Sim. Louis P/rard.] Paris: 1822. <?° half calf *** « VEssai de M. Bkrard, 1822, est estimable, mais ce bibliophile s'&ait contents de ddcrire les Editions qui figuraient dans sa collection d'ailleurs nombreuse et bien choisie.*— Gustave Brunet, Diet, de Bibliologiey p. 768. BERNARD. 19 //2~88 B&RAUD (F. F. A.) Les Filles Publiques de Paris, et la ==== Police qui les Rdgit. Paris et Leipzig: chez Desforges. i8jp. 2 vols, in I vol. T2° boards. /JJ- 89 B^RAUD (F. F. A.) Les Filles Publiques de Paris et la =^ Police qui les R6git. Prtkedees d'une Notice Historique sur la Prostitution chez les divers Peuples de la Terre. Bruxelles: Adeline. i8jp. 2 vols. 12° boards. JJ4 90 BERGERI (10. GVILIELMI). Stromatevs Academicvs. r=r=r Lipsiae: Apvd Carolvm Lvdovicvm Iocobi. cid idcc xlv. & Thick 40 calf. *** This huge reservoir of German erudition contains 138 Academical Dissertations on every possible subject, de omnibus rebus, etc., occupying 1,054 pages. The following examples are charaaeristic specimens of the topics discussed by this learned professor, viz.: I. Fl. Iosephus de Christo. II. De Breuitate Ingeniorum praecocium. III. Bonus Chris- tianus in Bono lureconsulto. IV. De Do<5li Indo6tique Differentia. V. Literatis convenire posse cum Divitibus. VI. Bonine, au Mali, plus attulerit hominibus Ars Typographica. VII. De Existimatione Uxoris Eruditae. VIII. Clarum Uxoris Matrisque instar. IX. De Chirographo, Cruci affixo. X. De Peregrinatione Sapientum. XI. Fecunditas Muliebris, cum Agra fertilitate comparata. £S 91 BERINGTON. Histoire Litteraire des Grecs pendant le ^^ Moyen Age. Ouvrage traduit de 1'Anglais de Joseph Berington, par A. M. H. Boulard. Paris: 1822. 2 7>ols. S° cloth. /t00 92 BERKELEY. The World's Laconics; or the Best Thoughts = of the Best Authors. By Everard Berkeley. (?) With an Introduc- tion by William B. Sprague, D. D. New York: Published by M. IV. Dodd. 1853. r.->° cloth. 93 BERNARD. A Catalogue of the Library of the late Learned Dr. Francis Bernard, Fellow of the College of Physicians, etc. Sold by Auction at the Doctor's late Dwelling House in Little Britain: on Tuesday Octob. 4. 1698. London: 1698. S° calf. *** a The learned collector of this library, who was Physician to King James II, was a man of learning, and well versed in Literary Hiftory: he had the best private collection of Scarce and Curious Books that till then had been seen in England, and was a good judge of their value.J—Horne. See, also, Dibdin's, Bibliomania, p. 316. Clarke, Repertorium Biblio- graphicum, p. 3Q"J. fOO 94 [BERNARD.] Eloge de 1'Enfer. Ouvrage Critique, Histo- ==== rique, et Moral. [Attribu/ a Jean Frederic Bernard] A la Ha ye: chez Pierre Gossey Junior, m.dcclix. 2 vols. 12* half calf. Curious Plates. *** « Assez Rare. L'Auteur anonyme passe en revue tous les grands hommes qui sont aux enters, et seme de la morale quand il pcut.*—Colin de Plancy, Diet. Infernal. Tome u, p. 422. 20 BEROALDUS. fTpo 95 BERNARD. Bibliotheca Bernardiana: or, a Catalogue of ■ the Library of the Late Charles Bernard, Esq., Serjeant Surgeon to Her Majesty. Containing a curious Collection of the beft Authors in Phyfic, Hijtory, Philology, Antiquities, &c. with feveral MSS. Ancient and Modern Sold by Auclion on Thurfday the 22d of March, 1710-11. London. 12° calf, gilt edges, by C. Smith. *** T. F. Dibdin's copy, with his Bookplate, neatly Priced. The celebrated Giordano Bruno's Spaccio de la Bestia Trion/ante. Parigi: 1584. Sm. 8°. Sold for £25. See/. 18b. AS J' 96 BERNARD (AUG.) Geofroy Tory Peintre et Graveur, Premiere Imprimeur Royal, Reformateur de TOrthographe et de la Typographie sous Francois Ier Paris: chez Auguste Aubry. m.dccc.lvii. S° uncut, with 14 illustrations. ,<dQ 97 BERNARTI (IOHANNIS). De Vtilitate legends Histo- ■ ri^e Libri Dvo. Antverpiae: Ex Officina Plantiniana, Apud Viduam, &> Ioannem Moretum. m.d.xciii. S° vellum. The margins of some leaves slightly wormed. *** A rare and interesting treatise on the utility of Reading History. See, Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Tome m, p. 202. Saxius, Onomasticon Literarivm, Vol. iv, p. 25. jj.uojz_ i3fEM©^2L3S2as. Beclamatto IWlfujJi | iScroattrf tic trfims fratrflb*: ctJtfofo: fcor- | tatore: altont nan minuu utilin cp tttcuntra, | C Uttttcfjou air JLectorcnt- UitlcCs epij^bc titl placeat lafior fjfc JSrtoaltrt Ne te corttmpant, ocia, bfua, Vtnuu C JJoSnfa JWurmeUfj atr futtctute tctrafttctjo. Sf tupiu atr berum Scots afpfrarc fttuentus 1Et fupmtm recta If mm aftfre bta Stt promt cfirtetas, prfceps procul alea, cect Wc faculty puert pcrcutfarc catte* In Fine: tL Ex officina Iratoria Albcrti Pafradi Anno a virgineopartu M.CCCCC.Xix Menfe Augujio. Sm. 40 rj leaves, 31 lines to a full page, elegantly bound in brotun levant morocco, gilt leaves, by W. Pratt. Very rare in this superb condition. *** This singular work was translated, or rather a conveyed» into English by Thomas Salter, and published under the following title: a A Contention between three Brethren: That is to say, the Whoremonger, the Dronkerde, and the Diceplayer, to approue which of them three is the worfte, by reason that their deceased Father had giuen his succefllon from the worfte of them three. 5 A worke no Jesse profitable then (sic) pleasurable to read, for so much as the vilenesse of those three vices, is herein sette oute at large. Compiled by Thomas Salter. Tout a r honneur de Dieu.v Imprinted at London, for Thomas Gosson, etc. 1581. 160. See, Hazlitt, Hand-Book to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Lit. of Great Britain, p. 531. Halliwell, Brief List to Old-Book Rarities, p. 3. BEVERLANDI. 2 1 af.16 99 BERTHE, ou le Pet Memorable; Anecdote du IXme Siecle; par l. d. L. ^Lombardde Zangres.] Suivie d'autres Contes en vers, par lememeAuteur. Nouvelle Edition. P a r i s: chez Leopold Collin. 1808. 18° half morocco. *** a Un vent lache' involontairement procure a la pauvre Berthe un manage des plus brillants.D See, Bibliotheca Scatologica, p. 34. N° 68. (Cj?</"ioo BEUGHEM. Incunabula Typographic sive Catalogus Librorum Scriptorumque proximis ab inventione Typographic? annis, ufque ad Annum Chrifti M.D. inclufive, in quavis lingua editorum. Accurante, Cornelio a Beughem, Embric. Amstelodami: Apud Joannem Walters. 1688. r8° calf. With the autographs of John Mitford and Jeremiah Markla.nd, o/.^V 101 BIBLIOTHECA BLANDFORDIENSIS. Catalogus Libro- rum quae in Bibliotheca Blandfordiense, Reperiuntur. [London :] 1812. 9 Parts in i vol. 40 half red morocco. Privately Printed. Presentation copy to Miss Frances Mary Richardson Currer, azuith Lord Sunderland's Compliments.d ***<iThis Catalogue was compiled by Mr. Triphook; the library, formerly at White Knights, was sold by auction by Mr. Evans, in T819; it contained, among other rare works, the celebrated Boccacio of 1471, for which the Marquis of Blandford gave £2,260 at the Roxburghe sale; it was purchased by Messrs. Longman and Co. for £918 15s., and transferred at the same price to the late Earl Spencer.d—Martin, Bibl. Catalogue of Privately Printed Books. Second Edition, p. 20/. j</0 102 [BEVERLANDUS (HADRIANUS).] PECCATUM I ORIGI- -~ — NALE I Kar iSox^jv sic nuncupatum, | Philologice | IJPO- BAHMATIKD.2 | Elucubratum | a THEMIDIS ALUMNO. | Vera redit fades, diffimulata | perit. | Pfalmographus Pf. lviii. commate iv. | Abalienati funt impii inde. a vulva, erraverunt \ ab titer o; loquentes mendacia, \proba merx facile emptor em reperit, tametfi I in abflrufo fita fit loco. | ELEUTHEROPOLL | Extra plateam obfcuram, fine privilegio | Aucloris, abfque Ubi & Quando | In fine: In Horto Hefperidum \ Typis Adami Evce Term Filii. \ 1678. Sm. 8° pp. 71—146 and 2 leaves at the end not paged. ***The ORIGINAL and UNMUTILATED EDITION of this EXCEEDINGLY RARE and very curious work. a Le but de l'Auteur est d'y d^montrer que le pt£che' d'ADAM a consiste* uniquement clans le commerce qu'il a eu avec Eve; et que le Pe'che' Originel n'est autre chose, que le de'sir naturel aux deux sexes, de s'unir l'un a l'autre. a Le Traite' de Bisverland, intit. Peccatum Originate, a &l6 relmprime plusieurs fois, mais Ton met une difference dans les Editions parce qu'elles ne sont point toutes <*galement bonnes. La meilleure et la plus rare, est celle que nous annoncons, a la fin du dernier feuillet de laquelle on lit ces mots: In Horto Hefperidum \ Typis Adami Ever \ Terra: Filii \ 167S. \ Cette Edition, qui est I'Originale, n'a pas e^e" mutil(5e, et elle renferme plusieurs passages employes par Beverland dans son De Projlibulis veterum.b—De Bure. JU,r 103 BEVERLANDI (HADRIANI). De PECCATO ORIGINALI, Ludg. Batav. ex Typographeio Danielis a Graesbeeck. m.dc.lxxix. 8° pp. 157. —Ejusdem Beverlandi De STOLA- TJE VIRGINITATIS Iure Lucubratio Academic a. Lugduni 22 BEZAE. in Batavis, Typis Joannis Lindani. clo.Io.c.Lxxx. 8° pp. 223. = Leonardi Ryssenii Justa DETESTATIO SceleratiJJimi Libelli Adriani Beverlandi, Icli, De Peccato Originali, Qua agitur de Stylo hominis, arbore vitas, fcientiae boni & mali, honeflate conjugii, peccato originali, integritate Scr. S. verfione Belgica &c. Accedit Descriptio Poetica Creationis, & lapsus, verfibus ex plerifque Poetis concinnata, cum vera methodo contrahendi Lin- guam Latinam. Gorinchemi, Ex Officind Cornelii Lever, Biblio- pole. Anno 1680. 8° pp. 56-13. 3 vols, in 1 vol. sm. 8° vellum. Very rare. *** aL'ouvrage de Biverland ■&. 6t6 reTute* par Leonard Ryssenius, et cette refutation est plus rare que l'ouvrage confcre lequel elle a 6t6 faite.s—De Bure. ,S 104 [BEVERLAND.] Etat de l'HOMME dans le Peche Ori- ginel. Ou Ton fait voir quelle eft la fource, et quelles font les caufes et les fuites de ce p^che' dans le Monde. [Traduit du Latin de B ever I and par Jean Fred. Bernard, Libraire d'Amsterdam.] Imp rim/ dans le Monde [Ifollande] En 1714. 12 ° calf, gilt edges. *** The Second Edition, enlarged and improved, of this extraordinary work, though the title and date are the same as the first. The translator or publisher remarks in the advertise- ment, a On n a pas juge" a propos de /aire connaltre dans le Titre les changemens considerables quon a /ait ici. Cest assez dire qu on de'savoue IEdition prdcidente, comme absurde, pleine de /antes et de negligences.D This copy has a symbolical engTaving of the Creation and Fall (La Vie d' A dam) inserted as a frontispiece, with 4 pp. of « Explication » beautifully engrossed on vellum. See, Niceron, Mdmoires des Hommes /llustres, Tome xiv, p. 340. Bayle, Diet. Historique et Critique, art. Beverland. Chaufepie, Noiivcau Diet. Historique et Critique, art. Beverland. Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Tome hi, pp. 270-280. Saxius, Onomasticon Literarirnn, Pars, v, //. 256. Walch, fjibl. Theologica Selccta, Vol. I. /. 759. Beyer, Metnoriae Librorum Rariorum, pp. 223-S. Vogt, Catalogvs Librorvm Rariorvm, edit. s7Q3y p. 114. Freytac, A nalecta Litteraria de Libris Rarioribvs, p. 03-5. Peignot, Diet, des Livres Condamne's au Feu, Tome (, /. 33. Collin de Plancy, Diet. In/emal, Tome i, /. 382. [Du Rouhe,] Analeflabiblion, Tome 11, pp. 436-8. [Gay,] Bibliographic des Ouvrages rclati/s a V Amour, etc., Tome v, /. 462. Barbier, Diet, des Ouvrages Anonytnes, edit. 1873, Tome 11, /. 2QO. The Athenaeum for June 23, 1877, contains a very interesting article on Adrian Beverland in England, by Mr. C. Elliot Brown ; from which we copy the following highly satisfactory testimonial: a Mr. Hadrian Beverland lodg'd a whole year in my house at Oxford 1690. He was always grave and serious also devoutly in his Bookes: When he came home from Scholars he was merry and witty but never meddled with me nor with any other of my family. Witness « Mary Bradfield.d ,0 105 BEZAE Vezelii (THEODORI). Poemata Varia. Sylv^e. = Epitaphia. Icones. Cato. Elegit. Epigrammata. Emblemata. Censorivs. Omnia ab ipfo auftore '171 vnutn nunc Corpus colic da &* recognita. Hanovi^e. Apud Guilielmum Antoniu?n. mdxcviii. /6° boards. Rare, %*The early editions of this distinguished reformer's poetical works, contain many poems which were omitted in subsequent editions, on account of their painful indecency. See, Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, etc. Tome hi, /. 287 et seq. BIBLIA. 23 /0.00 ^ ttiWix turn fumm&vioru apparatu pteuo quafirupltcfq? repertorfo fnffflutta: cut bltra cafttgatfone tttlfjjetffftma & fffluanter in bocatmlarfo Tnctfouu fjebrafca? bfif 5 mafo^ rt tut parte erat mcntrofa &r btttofa: atrtrfte funt marflfnalcs atftittoncg annates et flcutts cutufq? Out ea tja fjffto^ rtaa uqtates: cauouu quoqr atr facram fcrtpturam coucor= trantfa quaa crttce attnotautmuB, C Kn Ittirf commeutrattouem fjejrafttcon- SEmenTrata majjts fcaturft nunc fnfilfa tota dBcue tuft tn nttllo tempore bffa prtus* <$iua (oca cauoufct concordant ftnjjula turfs Xu fumma cafus que tenet &- capttum. <ffiata leflum betertfq? uout argumenta bfttentur ©nine felfct que ttfit terfa patet. In fine: liber Apocalypfis: C SEjrplfctt iiftlfa Trilfseutffffme cmetta^ ta: cu cocortrattjs n6 folu rittflrf: fetr ^r fu= tin cauontct: fummartjs omnfu capfttu ttfufftourtnts: quattuor repertortjs p poft^ tts: numerfcp folforum trfftfncttoue: bna cu? cSpeutrfolo tottus tiftiltr 5 r.Ptijmos Jrefcrfpto cftq? toera uomtuum Ijefcrafco^ ru tuterpretatfoue e uouo ementratorum, SLujjttuut in offfefua Jfacofct marefcljaL &uuo Tfitf> trectmououo fupra mtllrffmu Bectmofepttmo Baleutras Nouemtnus. S° black morocco, with clasps, rubricated ornamental initial letters. The printer's device on the title-page, representing Sr. Peter and St. Paul, holding in front of them the Sudarium of St. Veronica, is colored in red and yellow. There are manuscript notes throughout the volume. *** It will be observed that the date reads a nineteen aboz>e one thousand,* or ioiq. The correct date is 1519. See, Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. vii, /. 324. [Monfalcon,] Manuel du Bibliophile Lyonnais. Paris, 1857. S° /. />. 24 BIBLIOTHECA SMITHIANA. ^t£cl 107 BIBLIA. I r. stephanvs lectori. | en tibi Biblioru vulgata editio, in qua iuxta Hebraicorum | verfuum rationem fingula capita verfibus diflincta funt, | numeris prasfixis, qui verfuum numeris quos in Concor- | dantiis noflris nouis & integris, pofl literas margi- nales | abcdefg addidimus, refpondent: vt quaerendi | moleflia leueris, quum tibi tanquam digito, quod quae- | ris demonflrabunt. | Oliua Roberti Stephani. \ s. L m.d.lv. | In Fine: Excvdebat Roberto Stephano | Conradvs Badivs, Anno m.d. I lv.viii. Idvs Aprilis. I S° crimson morocco, extra, gilt back, sides, and edges: by J. Mackenzie. *** Collation: 12 unpaged leaves, containing the following matter -.— Title, as above, having in its centre the Device of Robert Stephen, with the motto, a Noli Altvm Sapere,i> (/ page); on verso—Ad Sacrarvm literarvm Studium exhortatio ex Sacris Uteris, (/ /.); Summa tot ins Sacrce Scripture?, (2 pp.) ; Index testimoniorvm a Chrijio et Apojlolis, etc. (j>Pp.); Ordo librorvm, etc. (/ /.) ; St. Jerome's Prologus, prefaces, etc. (ij pp.), verso of 12th leaf blank. The Old Tcjlament contains 303 folios numbered. [Unfortunately, the sheet or signature a 1 r> (1), comprising folios 65-72, is missing, and the deficiency is filled by a duplicate sheet of same folios, from the New Testament.~\ Then follows a blank leaf, succeeded by the New Testament on another series of folios, (/ to 74). The verso of the latter, and the three succeeding pages, are occupied by Hebraicorum, ChaldcEorum, Grcucorumque nominum interprctatio; at the end of which we read: a EXCVDEBAT ROBERTO STEPHANO | CONRADVS BADIVS, ANNO M.D. | LV.VIII. IDVS APRILIS.d The verso of the last leaf is blank. This edition is described by Le Long as the First which contained the division 0/the text into verses. But he was mistaken. This peculiarity had already appeared in Pagnini's Bible, published in 1527; and Stephen's New Testament of 1551 was thus divided. Henry Stephen says tbat his father (Robert) made the division of the New Testament, during a journey on horseback from Paris to Lyons. .jj 108 BIBLIOTHECA LIBRORUM Novorum Collegia a L. Neocoro. [Ludolph Kuester.'] Trajecti ad Rhenum: m dc xcvii-viii. j vols, in 2 vols. sm. 8° calf, folding plates. *#* This rare Literary Journal contains a very curious and learned Dissertation on Academical Degrees. See, Tome ii, p. 482 el seq. BIBLIOTHECA ROVERIANA, sive Catalqgvs Librorum, Matthiae Roveri. Insunt magno Numero Raro obvii, nonnulli Codices in Pergamena aut Charta Scripta, et Libri Erudi- torum manu Notati. Quorum Audio fiet Lugduni-Batavorum per Haak et Socios. 1806. S° calf. One cover loose. ***aA very excellent catalogue. The Bibliographical Notes, which accompany it, though short, are highly satisfactory.p—Horne. /.: S no BIBLIOTHECA SMITHIANA, seu Catalogus Librorum D. Josephi Smithii Angli, per cognomina Authorum dispositus. Venetiis: Typis Jo. Baptistae Pasquali. mdcclv. 40 calf. From the Library of T. F. Dibdin, with his Book plate. %* a Bibliotheca Smithiana, etc., is singularly well executed by Paschali, comprehending, by way of an Appendix, the Prefaces to those volumes in the collection which were printed in the fifteenth century.*—Dibdin. /0 io9 BIBLIOTHEQUE DE POCHE. 25 £S in BIBLIOTHECA UFFENBACHIANA, seu Catalogus Libro- rvm quos svmma Indvstria, magna cvra, ex variis regionibus collegit Zachar. Conradus ab Uffenbach. Francofurti ad Moenum. mdccxxxv. ./ vols, in I vol. sm. 8° half calf. afc 112 BIBLIOTHfeQUE BRITANNIQUE, ou Histoire des Ou- ,====- vrages des Savans de la Grande-Bretagne, depuis le Mois d'AvRiL 1733, jusqu'au Mois d'AvRiL 1747. La Have: chez Pierre de Hondt. m.dcc.xxxiii-xlvii. 25 vols. J2n calf, including the Index. *** Conducted by Pierre des Maiseaux. Barbier, Diet, des Ouvrages Anonymes. Ne-w Edit., Tome i, p. 411. 0O 113 BIBLIOTHEQUE GERMANIQUE, ou Histoire Litteraire = de 1'Allemagne, de la Suisse, et des Pays du Nord. [Par Lenfani, Beausobre, La Croze, Mauclerc, etc.] Amsterdam: chez Pierre Humbert, mdccxx-xli. 50 tomes in 23 vols. sm. S° half calf. Unxut. So 114 BIBLIOTHEQUE (Nouvelle) GERMANIQUE, ou Histoire = Litteraire de 1'Allemagne, de la Suisse et des Pays du Nord. [Par J. H. S. Formey et Jacques de Ptfrard.~\ Amsterdam: chez Pierre Mortier. mdccxlvi-lx. 20 vols. sm. S'° boards. Uncut. o'O 115 BIBLIOTHEQUE des PHILOSOPHES CHIMIQUES. [Pe- ^^^ cueillie par Guill. Salmon?] Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrigee et augmented de plusieurs Philosophes, avec des Figures et des Notes pour faciliter Intelligence de leur Doctrine. Par m' j. m. d. r. [Jean Maugin de Pichebourg.] j vols. BIBLIOTHEQUE des PHILOSOPHES, Alchimiques, ou Hermetiques, contenant plu- sieurs Ouvrages en ce genre tres-curieux et utiles, qui n'ont point encore parus, etc., etc. [Par Guill. Salmon.] Paris: chez Andre' Cailleau. m.dcc.xli.-liv. 4 vols. 12° calf, red edges. Very Scarce. *** a Le 40 vol. de cet ouvrage est rare, parce qu'il n'a 6t6 tire' qu'a 500 exemplaires quoique les 3 premiers Talent 6t6 a 1000. Les 4 vol. se vendaient autrefois de 40 a 60 fr.»— Brunet. //'~Ti6 BIBLIOTHfeQUE DE POCHE. Varietes Curieuses et Amusantes, des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts. Par une Soci^te de Gens de Lettres et d'firudits. Paris: iS^y-jp. ib vols. /6° half morocco^ tops gilt. Uncut. %* This valuable a Pocket Library» is composed of the following works: I. Curiosites litteraires. II. Curiosite's bibliographiques. III. Curiosite's biographiques. IV. Curiosit^s des traditions, le'gendes, usages, etc. V. Curiosit^s philologiques, ge'ographiques et ethnolo- giques. VI. Curiosite's de l'archeologie et des beaux-arts. VII. Curiosites militaires. VIII. Curiosite's des origines et des inventions. IX. Curiosite's historiques. X. Curiosit&s anecdotiques. XI. Curiosities de l'histoire des arts. XII. Curiosite's de 1'histoire des croyances populaires. XIII and XIV. Curiosite's de l'histoire de France. XV. Curiosites de l'histoire du vieux Paris. XVI. Ce qu'on voit dans les rues de Paris. 26 BOETHIUS. /:o"ii7 BIBLIOTHfeQUE de l'ECOLE des CHARTES. Revue d'^RUDiTiON consacree specialement a 1'Etude du Moyen Age. Paris: 1839-1853- IS voLs. S° half morocco, marbled edges. Very Scarce. *** A most valuable and deeply interesting publication relating to Mediaeval Manuscripts, and literature. / o 0 11S [BlfiVRE.] Le Parfait Ouvrage ou Essai sur la Coeffure, ~~~" traduit du Persan, par le Sieur L'allemand, Coeffeur. {Marquis de BiSvre.] A Cesaree, et en France, chez tous les Lib?aires qui vendent les bans Livres. m.dcc.lxxvi. S° boards. Engraved frontispiece. . fS'iK) [BINET.] Essay (sic) DES MERVEILLES de Natvre, et des plvs Nobles Artifices. Piece Tres-Necessaire, a tous ceux qui font profejfon d' Eloquence. Par Rene Fran£OIS [i. e. le P. Etienne Binet, Jesuiie.] Pr^dicateur du Roy. Septiesme Edition. Reueue, corrigee, & augmentee par l'Autheur. A Rouen, chez lean Osmont, dans la Cour du Palais, m.dc.xxix. 4° vellutn, wood-cuts. Very curious. / Ij:C 120 BLANC (M. CHARLES) Le Trevor de la Curiosite tire" des Catalogues de Vente de Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes, Livres, Marbres, Bronzes, Ivoires, Terres Cuites, Vitraux, Medailles, Armes, Porcelaines, Meubles, Emaux, Laques et autres Objets d'Art. Avec diverses Notes et Notices Historiques et Biographiques. Paris: chez Ve Jules Renouard. m dccc lvii. 2 vols. S° half morocco. /OC 121 BLOUNT (SIR THOMAS POPE). De Re Poetica: or RE- ■ MARKS upon Poetry, with Charactures and Censures of the most considerable Poets, whether Ancients or Modern. Extracted out of the Best and Choicest Critics. London: mdcxciv. 2 parts in J vol. sm. 40 plain calf. <*//•- 122 BOCACE. Contes et Nouvelles de Bocace, Elorentin. Tra- ~ duction libre, accommodee au gout de ce temps. Troisieme Edition, dont les Figures sont Nouvellement Gravies par les meilleurs Maitres, sur les dessins de Mr. Romain de Hooge. A Cologne: chez Jacques Gaillard. m.d.cc.xxxii. 2 vols. sm. 8° brown calf. Good impressions of the plates. o 123 BOETHIUS. C Auicij (sic) manilij torquati feuerini boecij "^^ ordina | rij patricij viri exconfulis de confolatione philofophie. | [Zibri K] C Sancti Thome de aquino fuper libris Boecij | de cofolatione ph'ie comentu cu expofitione felici- | ter incipit. In fine: C Libri quinq? de confolatone philofophie Boetij | rhomani ofulis ac oratoris fplendidiflimi vna cu omentaria editione / I24 BOETHIUS. 27 per I me Iohannem koelhoff de lubick in fancta ciuitate Colonia diligeter ela- | borati die vicefimo quito Maij expliciut. Anno gratie Millefimoquadrin | gentefimo octogefimo primo. [14S1.] f° Text, 47 leaves, 27 lines on a full page; Comment. 202 leaves, 40 lines on a full page; rubricated initial letters. Large, fine copy, oak boards. The following work is bound in the above volume. 4E In figuram biblie friictuofil | et vtile compendium : quod & aure I um alias biblie reportoriu nuncu | pater, prologus feliciter inchoat. | In fine: C Figuram biblie fructuofu & | vtile copendiu qd aureu biblie re | portoriu nolant Explicit feliciter. | Absque anm\ loci, et typographi indicatione. \Sed Colon. Ulr. Zell: circa 1475•] f° qS leaves, 2 columns, 41 lints on a full page; rubricated initial letters. A superb copy. The author's name was Antonius Rampigollis. *** See, Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. i, p. 333. Hain, Reperto-rium Biblio- graphicum, Vol. i, p. 462, Vol. iv, p. /go. Laire, Index Librorum, Pars, i, //. 175-4. Denis, Svppletnentum, p. 648. a The last of the ancients, and one who forms a link between the Classical period ot literature and that of Middle Ages, in which he was a favourite author, is Boethius, a man of 6ne genius, and interesting both from his character and Jhis death. The Consolation of Philo- sophy, the chief work of Boethius, was written in his prison. Few books are more striking from the circumstances of their production. Last of the classic writers, in style not impure, though displaying too lavishly that poetic exuberance which has distinguished the two or three preceding centuries, in elevation of sentiment equal to any of the philosophers, and mingling a Christian sanctity with their lessons, he speaks from his prison in the swan-like tones of dying eloquence.p—Hallam. a While Boethius, oppressed with fetters, expected each moment the sentence or the stroke of death, he composed in the tower of Pavia the Consolation of Philosophy: a golden volume, not unworthy of the leisure of Plato or Tully, but which claims incomparable merit from the barbarism of the times and the situation of the author.d—Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ('hap. xxxix. iS©I5@OTS (sic) mt tonioUtiont pi)iloio= p!)fe I cum commeuto Optimo, | In fine: Hffirf qufntp tit coufolatfoue ptjflofopJjfe Uoccfj eft cBmento per me | JJoljem ftoelfjoff tre Hutiecft (ftolonfe <£mc Trfltflenter elafcoratf &uuo | falutte ptcccclprrbtt'i* tpo tilt t)tl $ot}yin cijcnfoftomf ftnfut fclfcttcr *£> I C UoetfttS \_vcl potius Thomas Cantipratcnsis\ tit ftffcfplttta fcolartum I In fine: jFtmtur iUoecfus Be fcffcf= plftta fdjolarfum, jtFftrclttr^ necuS tJflfjjenter al | ma in bntuetfttate Houamcufi Cmpvcttua Kn ttomo magtftrf Joljannfs tit | toeftfalfa, &uuo tucarnatiflts tiomtmce, JttiUtftmo quaftrtufleteftmo octua | flemmoqufnto. | C <2Utctt(5e8 mafl(= | itxl Xoijams bcrfons fuper lh \ tiros etljtcorum Slrcftotelfs et | trrtus efuOrem. cum «n= 2% BOETHIUS. flttlart I trfltQCTTtta Corrects | [Wants dtabule* and I leaf at the end.] [ C Impreffe p Henricu \ Quentel, Ciuem alme ciuitatis Colonienfis. Anno | domini Millefimo cccc.xciiij. [1494.] J vols, in i vol. f° oak boards. *** See, Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, Vol. i, pp. 463 and 467, Vol. iv, pp. 4Q1-2. Panzer, Annales Typographici, Vol. i, /. 2Q8, 515. Lairb, Index Librorum, Pars, ii, p. 76. Holtrop, Catalog-US Librorum Saeculo xv° Impressorum, etc., 8° p. 44, N° 106. ^.ooJ^S_ BOETHIUS. DIVI SEVERI- | NI BOETII ARITHME- TIC A, I DVOBVS DlSCRETA LlBRIS: ADIE- I CTO COMMENTARIO, Mysticam Nvme- I rorum applicationem perftringente declarata. | C Vatnundatur apud SIMONEM COLI- | N^VM, e regione fchoice Decretorum. \ In fine: C Excubedat Simon Colinceus, Parifijs, Anno ^^ Quinto \ Idas Iulias. \ /* ump veuum, rare. *** a Belle Edition, assez estim^e.D—Brunet. /.00 126 BOETIUS. £&? ANITII | MANILII TORQVATI SE-| = VERINI BOETII ORDI | NARII PATRITII CON | fularis uiri, de Confolatione \ Philofophiaz liber. \ Epiflola ad lector em, cum author is uita \ Qua? de Boetianis carminibus tradidit \ Nicolaus Perottus. \ Centimetnun Seruij Grammatid \ Quot ?netrorum generibus, 6° quoties \ fingulis fit icfus Boetius. In fine: BASILEAE in SEdibvs Tho | mae vvolfii. vi. Ka~ LENDAS APRILES | ANNO. M.D.XXII. 8° half vellum, beautifully printed in italic type. Jj 127 BOETII (AN. MANL. SEVER.) Consolationis Philosophic. Libri v. Ejusd. Opuscula Sacra Aucliora, Renatus Vallinus recenfuit, & Notis illuflravit. Lugd. Batavorum: Apud Francifcum Hackium. A0 mdclvi. 8° calf. *** a A very elegant and correct edition; the Notes of Vallinus are learned and judi- cious, d—Dr. Harwood. 0 128 BOETHII (ANICII xMANILII TORQUATI SEVERINI). — De CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHISE Libri Quinque, ex Editione Vulpiana, cum Notis et interpretatione in Usum Del- phini, variis Lectionibus, Notis Variorum, etc. Londini: Cur ante et imprimente A. J. Valpy. A. M. 1823, 8° half morocco. J/c 129 BOEZIO I SEVERINO | Della Consolazione | Della Filo- "" "' sofia. I Tradotto di Lingva \ Latina, in volgare Fiore?itino, | Da Benedetto Varchi. | Aggivntovi Nvovamente | la tauola di tutte le cofe piu fegnalate, I & piu neceffarie. | In Fiorenza. | Nell a Stamp eria di Filippo Giunti. m d lxxxix. / BOILEAU. 29 /tKfo 130 BOECE. La CONSOLATION de la PHILOSOPHIE de === BOECE. Traduction nouvelle par m. c [Le'on Colesse.'] Paris: chez Gougue'. m.dcc.lxxi. 120 calf. //,yii>\ BOETIUS (ANICIUS MANLIUS SEVERINUS). Of the = CONSOLATION of J|^KIL<©S(©^?^¥. In Five BOOKS. Made Englifh and Illuftrated with NOTES, By the Right Honour- able RICHARD Lord Vifcount PRESTON. London: Printed by J. D.for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row; and Francis Hildyard Bookseller in York, mdcxcv. 8° plain calf. Portrait of Boetius. J.£<f 132 BOETIUS (ANICIUS MANLIUS TORQUATUS SEVERI- == NUS). His CONSOLATION of PHILOSOPHY, in Five Books. Tranflated into Englifh. [By William Causton.] London: Printed for the Author, mdccxxx. 8° plain calf. So 133 BOETTIGER (M. C. A.) Les Furies d'apres les Poetes et les Artistes Anctens. Traduction de 1'Allemand par T. F. Winchler. Paris: chez Auguste Delalain. An X—1802. 8° half morocco, top gilt, uncut, ivith 4 engravings 0/ Furies, two 0/ which are colored. Very scarce. 134 BOETTIGER (C. A.) SABINE, ou Matinee dune Dame Ro- maine a sa Toilette, a la fin du premier Siecle de 1'Ere Chre- tienne. Traduit de 1'Allemand [par M. Clavier.] Paris: chez Mar a dan. i8ij. 8° half morocco, uncut, with 13 curious illustrations. Scarce. *+* aOuvrage recherche\D—Brunet. This learned work contains a vast amount of curious information regarding the toilet, private life, and genteel amours of a fashionable Roman lady ^(ju 135 [BOILEAU.] De L'abvs des Nvditez de Gorge. [Attribu/a '=r=rr^ Jacques Boileau \ Seconde Edition. Reveue, corrigee, & aug- mented. A Paris: chez J. de Laize-de-Bresche. m.dc.lxxvii. 12° calf, with some amusing MS. notes in French, by a former owner. Rare. * + * The authorfhip of this singular little volume is commonly attributed to the eccentric Abbe Jacques Boileau, a brother of the celebrated French satirist, Nicolas Boileau Des- prkaux, but on what authority, neither Barbier nor Brunet has been able to ascertain. The work itself is a fiercely pious diatribe against that voluptuous and ostentatious display of the naked breasts, neck, and shoulders, which was so falhionable with the severely chaste maids and matrons of the Courts of Charles II, and Louis XIV. This Edition contains an exceedingly curious a Ordinance of the Vicars-General of Toulouse (the See being vacant), against Naked Arms, Necks, and Shoulders, and the indecency of Maids' and Women1 s apparel.v See [Du Roure] A naleclabiblion, Tome 11, /. 328. and [Lacroix] Knigmes et Dtcouve-rtes Bibliographiqnes. Paris: 1866. p/>. 276-2S0. 3° BONIFACII. :/ 136 BOIMARE (A. L.) Notes Bibliographiques et Raisonnees sur les Principaux Ouvrages publics sur La Floride et TAn- cienne Louisiane, depuis leur d^couverte jusqu'a^ 1'£poque actuelle. /olio, paper covers. [PARIS: I^SS-\ ***An interesting Bibliography of works relating to FLORIDA and LOUISIANA, printed in imitation of the author's manuscript. 5V i37 BOIS (R. D. PETRO JOSEPHO du). ERUDITIONIS tarn Sacr^e quam Prophan/e Gazophylacium continens perplura Ingeniosa, Seria, Rara, Moralia, Sancta, Apophthegmata Poetica, Exempla, sicut et Iovialia &c. in commodum Littera- torum Hominum, et veram Eruditionem Amantium. etc. August/e-Vindelicorum: Sumpt. Matthai Rieger. mdccliv. 3 vols. sm. 8° half calf. %* An extraordinary Common-place Book of curious quotations from rare, and neglected old books, with four copious Indices. 6l 1^ BOITEAU D'AMBLY (PAUL). Les Cartes A Jouer et la Cartomancie. Paris: Hachette. 1834. 16° half morrocco, top gilt, with 40 illustrations of curious playing cards. ,ot-- 139 [BOLTON.] Nero Cesar, or Monarchie Depraved. An Historicall Worke. Dedicated, with leaue, to the DVKE of Bvckingham, Lord Admirall. By the Translator of Lvcivs Florvs. [Edmund Bolton.'] London: Printed by T. S. for Thomas Walkley, at Britaines Burffe. 1624. f° plain calf, xvith engraved title, by Fr. Delaram, and the blanks for the coins filled up. %* Lowndes is mistaken in saying that, « the copies bearing date 1624, have not the blanks for the coins filled up.& They certainly are in this copy. r t 140 BONAPARTE. Catalogue des Ouvrages de Linguistique Europeenne. £dites par Le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte. [Londres: George Barclay. iSj<9.] /b ° paper. ***4 I certify that only 250 Copies of this Catalogue have been printed.r>—George Barclay. A 141 BONIFACII Ivrisconsvlti (Balthassaris) STICHIDLQN Libri xviii. etc. etc. ad Alexandrvm Estensem principem et Cardinalem Amplifs. Venetiis: Apud Pratum. mdcxix. ib° boards. c 142 BONIFACII Rhodigini (Balth.) Historia Ludicra. Opus ex "" omni disciplinarum genere, selecla & jucunda eruditione refertum. Editio Nova et Tersior: cui acceffit Vita Authoris, una cum Indice Rerum memorabilium locupletiffimo Brvxellm: Typis et ozre Joannis Mommarti. ciO.ioc.LVi. 4° vellum, with emblematic title-page, containing a portrait of the author, engraved by Richard Collin. *+* Best edition of this rare and very curious Common-Place Book, which is well- described in the following ecstatic language of Lucas de Penna, <i vas plenum sapientiae, hortus plenus fructibus, pratum floribus diftinctum, thesaurus immensus, aerarium inconsumptibile, paradisus, unde ejici non potes, noD cum volueris; amoenitas frugifera, qua" frui possis quamdiu velis; doctor gratuitus faciens te gnarum si reperit ignarum.j> a II y a un livre intitule: Bonifacii Historia Ludicra, c'est, a ce qu'on m'a dit, une dispute fac^tieuse entre les femmes sur la beauts des Fesses.D See, Niceron, Mhn. des Hommes Illustres, Tome xvi, p.37b. BOTFIELD. 31 /C<o 143 BOOK (The) of COMMON PRAYER and Adminiflration of r== the SACRAMENTS and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the Ufe of the CHURCH of ENGLAND. Together with the Pfalter or Pfalms of DAVID pointed as they are to be fung or faid in Churches. London: Engraven and printed by the permiffion of Mr. John Baskett Printer to the Kings mo ft Ex- cellent Majesty 1717. Sold by John Sturt Engraver, in Golden- Lion-Court in Alderjgate-Street. J?° old red morocco, gilt back, sides, and edges. Considerably tarnished with use by former owners; ruled throughout in red and gold lines. ***■ A fair copy of this remarkable volume. The whole Text comprising 166 pages is engraved on copper, and Illustrated with Portraits, Vignettes, and other ornaments by John Sturt. This copy contains «The whole Book of PSALMS, collected into English Metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and Others.p See, Dibdin's Bibl. Decameron, Vol. i, //. j16-1/7, and Lowndes, Manual. J. So 144 BOOT. Le Parfaict Ioaillier, ov HISTOIRE des PIERRE- ==== RIES: ov sont amplement descrites leur naiffance iufte prix, moyen de les cognoiilre, & fe garder de contrefaites, Facultez medecinales, & proprietez curieufes. Compose par Anselme Boece de Boot. Ale dec in de /'Empereur Rodolphe II. Et de novveau enrichi de belles Annotations, Indices et Figures, par Andre Toll, D06I. Med. de Leide. [Traduit par Iean Bachov.] Lyon: chez lean-Antoine Hvgvetan. m.dc.xliv. 8* half calf. *** « Ouvrage curieux, et dont les exemplaires ne sont point communs.t—De Bure. .o2S 145 [BORDELON.] Arlequin Comedien aux Champs Elis£es. Nouvelle Historique, All^gorique & Comique. [Par Laurent JBor- delon.] Suivant la Copie. Paris: chez Claude Barbin. m.dcc.xxxi. lS° boards. Curious plate. Rare. Jo 146 BORROW (GEORGE). Lavengro; The Scholar—The Gipsy ==== —The Priest. New York: G. P. Putnam. 1851. /2° cloth. Portrait. ^?Z6 147 BOTFIELD (BERIAH). Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. London: [ William Pickering.] Printed by Charles IVhitting ham, Chiswick. 1849. S° half morocco, top gilt. *** This volume contains an amusing account of the origin of Dibdin's a Littel Tome and hathe to name K%m IL*W«©1LN1B w©«sis«fifanir: DEYNGE A BKEFE TABLE OF CERTAINE BOKES IN THE POSESSION OF MA1STER THOMAS DiBDIN CLERK; WHICH BOOKES BE TO BE SOLD TO HIM WHO SHAL GYUE THE MOSTE FOR V" SAME.* A complete reprint of this fragrant Nosegay will be found in the above volume, //. 272 to 279 inclusive. Only 36 copies of the original edition were printed, and copies have sold as high as four guineas. The Books, nineteen in number, were purchased by Dibdin for rive hundred pounds, and passed into the libraries of Heber and Earl Spencer. 32 BRANDT. /oO 148 BOUCHER DE LA RICHARDERIE (G.) Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages, ou Notice Complete et Raisonnee de tous les Voyages Anciens et Modernes dans les differences Par- ties du Monde, etc., etc. Paris: chez Treuttel et Wiirtz. 1808. 6 vols. S° half morocco. *** « Boucher de la Richarderie has, in an especial manner, distinguished himself by his Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages, Paris: 1808. A work executed with care, minuteness and considerable interest. The Index to the Sixth volume will lead the reader to consult an account of some of the most ancient, rare, and curious publications of voyages which have ever appeared ; and Boucher «has deserved well» of the book world by this truly valuable and almost indispensable performance.»—Dibdin. -^\(jc> 149 [BOUFFLERS.] Le Chois de Plvsievrs Histoires et avtres chofes memorables tant anciennes que modernes, appariees, en- femble, pour la plufpart non encores diuulguees. [Par Adrien de Boufflers?\ Paris: chez P. Mettayer, Libraire et Imprimeur ordi- naire du Roy. M.DC.viii. S° pp. io6q, mottled calf, marbled edges. ,0^150 BOXHORNII (MARCI ZUERII). De Trapezitis, vulgb ^^^* Longobardis, qvi in F&dcrato Belgio menfas fcenebres exercent DISSERTATIO. Lugduni-Batavorum: ex Officina Isaaci Com- MELINI. ClD IOC XL. /20 paper covers. Very Rare. *** A very learned and exceedingly curious « Dissertation on PAWNBROKERS and EXCHANGE BANKERS.d See, Beckmann's History of Inventions, art. Lending-Houses. /.(jo 151 BRADY (JOHN). CLAVIS CALENDARIA; or, a Com- pendious Analysis of the Calendar. Illustrated with Eccle- siastical, Historical and Classical Anecdotes. London: Printed for the Author. 1812. 2 vols. S° half calf. /: J 152 BRAND and ELLIS. Observations on the Popular Anti- quities of Great Britain: chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar and Provincial Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. By John Brand, m. d. Arranged, Revised, and greatly Enlarged, by Sir Henry Ellis, f. r. s. London: H. G. Bohn. i8jj. j vols, post S° half calf antique. With numerous MS. NOTES and CORRECTIONS, by A. J. O. ./■ 6 o 153 BRANDT. Aff-ghebeelde NARREN SPEEL-SCHUYT, * * * Beschreben int Latyn ende Hooch-Duytsch, door den Hooch- gheleerden D. Sebastian Brandt. Getrouwelick overgheset in onse Nederdytsche sprake door a. b. [t* Amsterdam: by Jan Evertsz-Cloppenburgh. idjj.] Sm. 8° vellum, roj curious wood-cuts, good impressions. *** An imperfect copy of this singular book. The imprint at the bottom of the Title-page, has been cut off, but according to Graesse it should read as given above in brackets. The leaf signed « a 4 » is missing. BRANT. 33 y^oo i54 ©2&&N&- Kattfs Ctultffna a iromiuo it ~= fiattfano 33rant prtmu etrfficata: & Upttttfttmis teuto- nizt liriQUz rftljmfs trrcorata: Betntre aft Jacofio 2Lo cijcro pijtlomufo lattmtate trouata: & trttnu aft Joftoco JSatrto &fcnrfto toarto carmmfi getterc nfl fine coruntrtm famtltart tpplanatfonc flluftrata. In fine: Warns ftulttftrr opuaculu finft [Baf/eae] Xmprtttum 5 Ntcolau lamparter* &nno &rc* JW.ccc- [sic pro ccccc] bj\ trie bero ppbj\ mratfg glugustt. vSw. 40paper covers, ffjf large wood-cuts, good impressions, two small worm holes extend- ingthrough the entire volume, otherwise a fine, clean copy of this remarkable satire. *** a Cet ouvrage ne doit pas etre confondu avec la traduction de Locher: e'est plutot une imitation composed par Josse Badius et divis^e en 113 titres ou chapitres. Ce sont de nouvelles explications en vers de la Nef des fcls, avec des remarques en prose au-dessous des vers.D—Graesse, Tre'sor des Livres Rares et Prdcie ux, etc. 40 p. J2f. /So i55 BRANT. STVLTIFERA | NAVIS | MORTA- | livm, in Qva r=== Fa- I tvi Affectvs, Mores, | Conatvs atqve Stvdia, |- quibus uita haec noflra, in omni hominum | genere, fcatet, cunctis Sapientias cultoribus | depinguntur, & uelnt in Speculo ob oculos ponuntur. Liber falutaribus | doclrinis & admonitio- | nibus plenus. | OLIM A CLARISS. VIRO D. | SEBASTIANO BRANT. I iirifconfulto, \ Germanicis rhythmis conferiptus, 6° per IACOBVM I LOCHER Sueuum Latinitati donatus: nunc \ uerb reuifus, 6° elegantiffimis figuris \ rccens illujlratus. \ BASILE.E. I Cum Gratia &: priuilegio Ccef. Maiefl. | In fine: Basileae, Ex Officina Seba- | Jliani Henricpetri, Anno recuperatce Sa- \ I litis /w ma rue M. r>. lxxii. | Me fife Martio. Sm. 8° half vellum, margin closely cut to the text, and several plates disfigured by an attempt to color them. An indifferent copy. *** An interesting bibliographical notice of The Ship 0/ Fools [by Francis Douce?] will be found in The Athenceum, a Magazine 0/ Literary and Miscellaneous Information, conducted by J. Aikin, M. D. 8° Vol. hi, pp. 241 to 244. See also, Diddin, Bibl. Spcnceriana, Vol. hi, p. 203 et sea. //o 0 156 BRANT. STULTIFERE nauis In fine: Finis Narragonice nauis per Sebaflianum Brant | uulgari fermone theutonico quoda fabricate: atq? | iampridem per Iacobum locher cognometo philo- | mufum in latinum traducte: per q? pretaclii Sebaflia- | num Brant denuo reuife: aptiflimifqj concordantiis | & fuppletionibus exornate: Et noua quada exacla | q? eraendatione elimate: Atq? fupadditis quibufda | nouis admiradifq? fatuorum generibus fupplete: in | laudatifiiina urbe Pariiienfi: nap opera & 34 BRISSOT. pmotioe | Gofridi de marnef. Anno falutis noflre. M. CCCC. | XCViii. die. Viii. Martii. S?n. 4° half calf. Imperfect. Wants title-page■, 4 unnumbered preliminary leaves, and2 wood-cuts. *** This edition contains the following reference to the discovery of America. a Preftita cofmographi luftrat documeta Strabonis Inta<5lum toto nil finit orbe quidem. Quid geometer enim tantas in pectore curas Concipis? in caflum circulus ifla terit. Plinius errauit: quamuis fpeclabilis auctor: Errores uarios & Ptolomeus habet. In uanum fiquidem multorum corda laborant: Rebus in incertis quos ita fudor agit. Antea que fuerat prifcis incognita tellus: Expofita eft oculis & manifefla patet. Hefperie, occidue rex Fernandus: in alto Aequore nunc gentes repperit innumeras.D See, verso of leaf lxxvi. 'Oo 157 BRASSEUR de BOURBOURG. Manuscrit Troano. === Etudes sur le Systeme Graphique et la Langue des Mayas. Paris: Imprimerie Imperiale. M dccc lxix-lxx. 2 vols, large 40 paper covers. Uncut. With 70 COLORED LITHOGRAPHIC FACSIMILES. *** This copy contains also the Supplement to Tome i, to be placed between page 220 and the Table des Matieres. .ou 158 BRATHWAYTE'S (RICHARD) ODES; or Philomel's Tears. Edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. Kent: Printed at the Private Press of Lee Priory. ic?ij. Sm. S° dark green morocco, extra, gilt leaves. ONLY 80 COPIES REPRINTED. u c 159 BRIAN (THO.) The Pi. .e-Prophet, or, certain Pi..e-Pot ==== Lectures. Wherein are newly discovered the old fallacies, deceit, and jugling of those Quacks, and Empiricks; or other methodical Physicians who pretend knowledg of Diseases, by the Urine, in giving judgment of the same. Never heretofore published by any man in the English Tongue. London: Printed by S. and B. Griffin, and are to be sold by Ben. Thrale, at the sign of the Bible, at the lower end of Cheapside. \/6jy ?] 240 half russia, lower corner of the title page worn off, and several pages missing. Rare AND VERY CURIOUS. S6' 160 BRILLAT-SAVARIN. The Physiology of Taste or, Trans- "cendental Gastronomy. Illustrated by Anecdotes of Distinguished Artists and Statesmen of both Continents. Translated from the French by Fayette Robinson. Philadelphia: 1854. J2 ° cloth. y 161 [BRISSOT (J. P.)] New Travels in the United States of -—— America: Including the Commerce of America with Europe; particularly with France and Great Britain. To which is prefixed, a Sketch of the Life of Brissot. [London: i/p2.] 2 vols. <y° half green calf. Portrait missing. *** In the Appendix to Vol. ii will be found an interesting article, On the Duration of the American Commonwealth. BROWNE. 35 //0 162 BRITISH (The) APOLLO. Containing two Thousand Answers to Curious Questions in most Arts and Sciences, Serious, Comical and Humorous. Vols, i & 11. London: 1740. 2 vols. /S° calf. One cover broken. /.OO 163 BROSSARD (M. SEBASTIEN de). Dictionnaire de Musique, contenant une Explication des Termes Grecs, Latins, Italiens & Francois les plus usitez dans la Musique et un Catalogue de plus 900 Auteurs, qui on ecrit sur la Musique, en toutes sortes de Temps de Pays & de Langues. Amsterdam: \ji.d.] S° calf. Soitte leaves missing at the end. Very curious. ^7^164 [BROWN.] A DISCOURSE of Drinking Healths. Wherein == the Great Evil of this Prevailing Custom is Shewn; and the Obligation which lieth upon all good Christians to Suppress and Discountenance it to the utmost of their Power. By Peter [Brown] Lord Bishop of Cork and Rosse. London: Printed for Henry Clements, at the Half-Moon in St. Paufs Church-Yard, mdccxvi. Sm. S° sprinkled calf , extra, carmine edges. J7 Oa 165 BROWNE. Pfeudodoxia Epidemica: or, ENQUIRIES into very many Received TENENTS, and commonly Prefumed TRUTHS. By Thomas Brown (sic) Dr. of Phyfick. The Fifth Edition. With Marginal Obfervations, and a Table Alphabetical. Whereunto are now added Two Difcourfes, The one of URN-BURIAL, or Sepul- chrall Urns, lately found in Norfolk. The other of the GARDEN of CYRUS, or Network Plantations of the Antients. Both newly written by the fame Author. London: Printed for the Affigns of Edward Dod. 1669. 40 bright polished calf extra, gilt back, and edges, by F. Bedford. With very fine portrait of Browne. ***One of the most curious and entertaining works in the whole range of English literature. The First Book treats « Of the frst Cause of common Errors—Of the second Cause of popular Errors—Of Authors who have most promoted popular Conceits. The Second and Third Rooks treat of Minerals, Vegetables, and Animals. The Fourth Book treats of many popular and received tenents concerning Man. That Man hath only an erect figure, and that to look up to heaven. Of the Right and Left Hand. Of the custom of saluting or blessing upon Sneezing. That Jews stink. Of Pigmies. The Fifth Book is devQted to many things questionable as they are described in Pictures. Of the Picture of the serpent tempting Eve. Of the Picture of Adam and Eve with Navels. Of the Picture of our Saviour with long Hair. Of the Picture of Moses with Horns. The Sixth Book is Geographical and Historical. The Seventh and last Book, treats of many Historical tenents generally received and some deduced from the History of Holy Scripture. That the forbidden fruit was an Apple. That Man hath one rib less than a Woman. That there was no Rainbow before the Flood. Of the Wandering Jew. Of Pope Joan. Of Friar Bacon's Brazen head that spoke, and of some Relations whose truth we fear.» J,*£> 166 BROWNE, kt. m.d. (SIR THOMAS). Religio Medici.= A Letter to a Friend. = Christian Morals. = Urn Burial and other Papers. [With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by j. t. f. (James T. Fields.)] Boston: Tick nor and Fields. 1862. l6° cloth. Fine portrait of Sir Thomas, on India paper. LARGE PAPER, of which, ONLY 25 COPIES WERE PRINTED. 36 BRUNET. A6e i6t_ BRUCKMANN (FRANC. ERNEST). Catalogvs Exhibens Appellationes et Denominations omnivm POTVS Generum, quae olim in usu fuerunt et adhuc sunt per Totum Terrarum Orbem. Helmstadi: Anno mdccxxii. 4° half calf, top gilt. Rare. *** A highly important work for an accomplished Bartender. It contains an account of the peculiar drinks of all Nations. /: _i6S_ BRUGGEMANN (LEWIS WILLIAM). A View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors, with Remarks. Stettin: Printed by John Samuel Letch, mdccxcvii. S° half calf. Very scarce. *** A Supplement to this excellent work was published by BrIIggemann, in 1801. / 00 169 BRULLIOT (FRANQOIS). Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques Figurees, Lettres Initiales, Noms Abreges, etc. avec lesquels les Peintres, Dessinateurs, Graveurs et Sculpteurs ont D^signe leurs Noms. Nouvelle Edition revue, corrigee et augmented d'un grand Nombre d'Articles. Munich: 1832-34. 3 Parts, 40 half red morocco extra, tops gilt. Scarce. *** a Ouvrage tres-important. 11 est divise" en 3 part, contenant i° Les Monogrammes. ii° Les Lettres Initiales. m° Les Noms Abr£g£s et Estropies, ainsi que les Appendices et Registres. 40 a 50 (r.v—Brunet. // <j' * 170 BRUNET (GUSTAVE). Dictionnaire de Bibliologie Catho- ~ ~ lique, presentant un Expose des Principaux Objets de la Science des Livres, et surtout de ceux qui ont Rapport aux Etudes Theologiques, avec des details £tendus sur les Bibliotheques Publiques des divers Pays et sur les plus importantes Collections particulieres qui ont ete disperses ou qui existent encore, .... le tout accompagne de Notices Biographiques sur les Imprimeurs ou les Bibliographes celebres. Paris: chez J.P. Migne. i860. Imperial S° half morocco, top gilt. *** <i Ce beau travail, rdsultat d'immenses recherches, fait beaucoup d'honneur a l'estimable dcrivain, 1'un de nos Bibliographes les plus <;rudits et les plus consciencieux. Nous ferons remarquer que, malgre* son titre de Bibliologie Catholique, ce Dic~lio7tnaire renferme des notices et des details infiniment curieux sur toutes les panics de la Bibliographic, qui peuvent Stre lus aussi bien par le clerge1 que par les gens du monde et les Bibliophiles, auxquels il sera fort utile.v—Le Chasseur Bibliographe, p. 24. /,i/ 171 BRUNET (GUSTAVE). La France Litteraire au xve "Siecle, ou Catalogue Raisonne des Ouvrages en tout Genre Imprimes en Langue Francaise jusqu'a 1'An ijoo. Paris: Libra irie A. Fra nek. 1865. S° uncut, a Tire1 a joo cjcemplaires, papier vcrg^.v JSo 172 BRUNET (GUSTAVE). Imprimeurs Imaginaires et Libraires 'Supposes. £tude Bibliographique, suivie de Recherches sur quelques Ouvrages imprimes avec des Indications Fictives de Lieux, ou avec des Dates Singulieres. Paris: Tross. 1866. S° uncut. BULTEEL. 37 I .00 173 BRVSONII. L. DOMITII BRVSONII Con- \ tvrsini Lvcani = FACETIARVM | EXEMPLORVMQ. Libri vii. In fine: Impreffum Romce per lacobu Mazochiil Romance A cade mice bibliopold. XV. Kal\ Septe. 1318. y° vellum, margin of the title-page frayed. *** a Edition Originale et ires-rare de ces fac^ties; elle est regarded comme la seule qui n'ait pas 6t6 tronqu^e.K—Brunet. This work contains a collection of amusing facetiae, curious tales, bons-mots, etc., extracted from various sources by the compiler, L. Domitius Brusonius. This original Edition is not only the rarest, but the most valuable, as those published subsequently, have been very much mutilated. Col. Stanley's copy sold for ^40. 19^. See, Bibliotheca Stanleiana, p.2Q. N° 464. /.ooiiA BRVSONII. L. DOMITII I BRVSONII Con- | tvrsini == Lvcani, | Viri Clariss. | FACETIARVM | Exemplorvmqve | Libri vii. | Opus quidem eximum, ac mirabili cum rerum turn \ Sen- tentiarum fcitu digniffimarum atque iucundijfcma- \ nan varietate refertifftmum: nunc primurn ab innume- \ ris, quib. fcatebat, erratorum monjlris repurgatum, inq? \ lucem editum, opera ac Jiudio | Conradi Lycosthenis I Rvbeaqvensis. \ Lvgdvni: I Apitd Antonhim Vincentium. \ 1360. 8° pp. 4Q9, calf, ?narbled edges. Fine, clean copy. <cc 175 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). The Ruminator. Containing ==== a Series of Moral, Critical, and Sentimental Essays. London: Printed for Longman, etc. 181 J. 2 vols. J2 ° half calf. /<^Ti76 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). An Impartial Portrait of Lord Byron, as a Poet and a Man, compared with all the Evidence and Writings regarding him, up to 1825. Paris: Galignani. 1823. 12° paper covers. Uncut. J.SO 22L [BULTEEL?] A New | COLLECTION | of | Poems and ~ Songs. | Written by feveral Perfons. | Never Printed before. [By John Bu/iee/?] London: | Printed by J. C. for William Crook, at the I Green Dragon without Temple-Bar. \ 1674. Sm.S°pp. iv-156, full russia, extra. RARE. *** The name of aJOHN BULTEELd is written on the title-page by some former owner, as the Author or Editor of this singular Collection of Forms and Songs: many of which, it is proper to say, are nowise remarkable for refined sentiment or chaste expression. At the foot of p.ji the following curious Notc is introduced, having no reference, how- ever, to anything in the text: a. Having had fo many Crojfes, or, which is truer, feeing the little profit, I refolved to make no more Verfe, except the argument were Divine ar jforal; and fo refumed my old deflgne of Paraphrasing the Pfaints; which I began anno, Jan. J/, 1662, and finifiit the J of June f66j.it The Poem, under which this Note appears, is signed «S,i> and the author refers to his various productions, the titles of which are printed on the inside margin of p.jo, as follows: ( 7W»i'rf a My felf made there A nacreous Lute refound.D-, Anm-nron into { Eaglifh Verfe. ( Mad« feveral « Wherefore new Loves I did begin.jm Love-virftt to { CMm"<fc<W. « I Venus fang and ftolen joys.» j 4 Svirg. Who was this Foet of « many Croffes ?» 3& BURTON. , ^'>r 178 BURNETT (GEORGE). Specimens of English Prose ~ Writers, from the Earliest Times to the Close of the Seven- teenth Century, with Sketches Biographical and Literary, including an Account of Books as well as their Authors: with Occasional Criticisms. London : Printed'for Longman 6° Co. 1807. S 7'o/s. s?n. 8° half calf, gilt. J'y 179 BURNOUF. Catalogue des Livres Imprimes et Manuscrits ~ "composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. Eugene Burnouf, Membre de rinstitut. Paris: m.dccc.liv. 8° half morocco, top gilt. *** A valuable Catalogue for the student of Comparative Philology, and Sanscrit Literature. / /a 180 BURNS. The Principal Songs of Robert Burns Translated ■ into Medi/eval Latin Verse, with the Scottish Version collated. By Alexander Leighton. Edinburgh: Nimmo. mdccclxii. Square 8° cloth, gilt. i^.S^c 181 [BURTON (ROBERT).] The | ANATOMY OF\ MELAN- = CHOLY, I iwhat it is. | WITH ALL THE KINDES, | Cavses, Symptomes, Prog- | nostickes, and seue- | rail cvres of it. | IN THREE MAINE PARTITIONS | with their feuerall Sections, Mem- I bers, and Svbsec- | tions. | PHILOSOPHICALLY, ME- DICI- I nally, Historically, Ope- | ned and cvt vp. | By | Democritvs Junior. | With a Satyricall Preface, conducing to | the following Difcourfe. | [Motto] Macrob. Onine meum, Nihil meum. I At Oxford, | printed by Iohn Lichfield and Iames | Sh6rt, for Henry Cripps. | Anno Dom. 1621. Sm. 40 brown calf, red edges. FIRST EDITION. RARE. Collation: Title as above (i leaf):—Dedication (/ /<?«/):-4 Democritvs Ivnior to the Reader p (J>p. 1-72) .-—Synopsis of the frjl partitio7i. (./ unpaged leaves) :— Text {pp. 1-783): —Quotations from St. Avgvstin. (j page):—a The Couclufion (sic) of the Author to the Reader* (3 unpaged leaves), signed a Robert Bvrton. t> *** a 'Tis a book so full of variety of reading, that Gentlemen who have lost their time and put to a push for invention, may furnish themselves with matter for common or scholastical discourse and writing. Several authors have unmercifully stolen matter from said book without any acknowledgement, p—Wood, A thence Oxo?iiensis, fol. Vol. i,p.JJS. Warton praises its a variety of learning, its rude wit and shapeless elegance, its agreeable tales, and its uncommon quaintness of style. » In 1798 Dr. John Ferriar, of Manchester, created some sensation by showing that Sterne had copied passages verbatim, without acknowledgement. To many other authors it is thought to have supplied materials of easy and cheap scholarship. See, Ferriar's Illustrations of Sterne. Second Edit. Vol. \, p. 83 et seq. /Jt 182 BURTON (ROBERT.) The Anatomy of Melancholy, etc. === Seventh Edition. Corrected, and enriched by Translations of the numerous classical Extracts. Philadelphia: J. W. Moore. 1856 8° half morocco. BYNACI. 39 /.ot> 183 BURTON (ROBERT). The Anatomy of Melancholy, What "~^~^ it is, with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms, Prognostics, and several Cures of it. In Three Partitions. A New Edition. Corrected, and enriched by Translations of the Numerous Classical Extracts. New York: Sheldon and Company. 1862. 3 vols, post S° half calf , gilt backs, marbled edges. /.uu 184 BURY (RICHARD de). PHILOBIBLION. Excellent Traite =" sur 1'Amour des Livres, Traduit pour la premiere fois en Fran£ais, precede" dune Introduction, et suivi du Texte Latin revu sur les anciennes Editions, et les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Imp£riale, par Hippolyte Cocheris. Paris: chez Aug. Aubry. mdccclvi. S° dark blue morocco, extra, gilt top, panelled gilt sides, in Pawson and Nicholson's best style. One of 12 copies printed on colored paper. *** a The Earliest printed volume upon the love and advantages of book-colle<5ting was the Philobiblion of Richard De Bury. It is hardly possible to conceive a more active and enthusiastic Lover of Books than was this extraordinary character.!)—Dibdin, Bibliomania. /,< a 185 BURY. PHILOBIBLION, A Treatise on the Love of Books, = by Richard de Bury, Bishop of Durham, and Lord Chancellor of England. First American Edition, [Latin Text] with the Literal English Translation of John B. Inglis. Collated and corrected, with Notes, by Samuel Hand. Albany : J. MunselL mdccclxi. Sm. S° uncut. LARGE PAPER, only 30 copies printed. No. 8. //-.oo 186 BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras, with Notes by the Rev. === Treadway Russel Nash, d. d. A New Edition. Illustrated with 59 portraits, and 25 plates and Vignettes. London: Henry Washbourne. mdcccxlvii. 2 vols. S° half morocco, tops gilt. ,%Ti87 BYNACI (ANTONII). De Calceis Hebraeorum Libn Duo, !== ace edit ejusdem S omnium. Dordraci: 1715. = SELECT A RAB- BINICO-PHILOLOGICA cum Versionibus et Annotationibus Jo. Adami Scherzeri, Lipsice: 1705. = Disquisitio Medico- Sacra, De MODESTIA SCRIPTURE in Rebus Verecundis, a D. Christiano Warlitzio. Vitembergce: 1704. 40 plain calf. *** The Dissertation on the Shoes of the Hebrews is exceedingly curious. 4.o u 188 / /■ >o 190 / 3J 191 ABINET (Le) SATYRIQUE, ou Recueil Parfaict des VERS PIQUANS ET GAILLARDS de ce Temps, Tire des Secrets Cabinets des Sieurs de Sigognes, Regnier, Motin, Berthelot, Maynard et autres des plus signalez poetes du dix-septieme siecle. Nouvelle Edition Complete, Revue et Corrigee avec Glossaire, Variantes, Notices biographiques, etc. Gand: A la Librairie ancienne et moderne de Duquesne, rue des Champs. j vols in 2 vols, small S° brawn levant morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, dentelle borders. Only 134 Copies reprinted, the present is ONE OF 7 COPIES PRINTED ON COLORED PAPER. *** A sumptuous copy of this extraordinary work. See, [G.\y] Bibliographic des Ou- vrages relati/s a /'Amour, Tome ii, p. So. Viollet Le Due, Bibliotheque Poe'tique, Tome II, /. 7j. Brunet, Manuel, p. i.pj-5- CABINET (Le) de l'AMATEUR et de l'ANTIQUAIRE. Revue des Tableaux et des Estampes Anciennes; des Objets d'ART, d'ANTiQUiTE et de Curiosite. Paris: au Bureau du Jour- nal, rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, jy. 1842-46. 4 vols, royal 8* half crimson morocco, tops gilt, UNCUT, with facsimiles, plates, and nu- merous wood-cuts. *** A valuable work for collectors of rare prints and engravings. CAILLARD. Catalogue des Livres Rares et Prexteux de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Ant. Bern. Caillard. Paris: chez De Bure. m.dccc.viii X<> calf, gilt. NEATLY PRICED. [CAMDEN (WILLIAM).] REMAINES concerning BRIT- AINE: But especially England, and the Inhabitants thereof. Their Languages, Names, Syrnames, Allusions, Anagrammes, Ar- mories, Moneys, Empresses, Apparell, Artillerie, Wise Speeches, Prouerbes, Poesies, Epitaphs. The fourth Impression, reuiewed, corrected, and increased. London: Printed by A. I. for Simon Waterson, and arc to be sold at his Shop, at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard. 162Q. Sm. 4" plain calf. CANTVS BACHANALIS. 41 /,,Y/i92 CAMDEN. REMAINS Concerning BRITAINE: Their Languages, Names, Surnames, Allusions, Anagrammes, Armories, Monies, Emprefes, Apparell, Artillarie, Wife Speeches, Proverbs, Poefies, Epitaphes. Written by William Camden, Efquire, Claren- ceux, King of Armes, Surnamed the Learned. The fift Impreffion, with many rare antiquities never before imprinted. By the induftry and care of Iohn Philpot; Somerfet Herald. London: Printed by Thomas Harper, for John Waterfon, and are to be fold at his fhop in Pauls Church-yard, at the flgne of the Crowne. i6jj. Srn. 4 ° pla in calf. Portra it. /+< 193 CAMERARIUS. SYMBOLORVM | et Emblematvm ex | == Aqvatilibvs et Reptilibvs | Desumptorum | Centuria Quarta | A | Joachimo Camerario Medi. Nor. | coepta: abfoluta post eius obitum I a | Ludouico Camerario jct0 | Joach. Fil. | In qui itidem | res memorabiles pluri- | mae exponuntur. Francofurti. I Imp en sis I oh: Ammonij. 1654. 40 vellum. Beautiful impressions of the plates. *** See, Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell's Essay towards a Collefiion of Books Relating to Proverbs, E?nblems, Apophthegms, Epitaphs and Ana, etc. London: iS^q. S° p. iiq. t rj 194 [CAMPBELL (ARCHIBALD).] Lexiphanes, a Dialogue. Imitated from Lucian, and suited to the Present Times, etc. Third Edition Corrected. London: R. Faulder. mdcclxxxiii. a?° calf *** An amusing burlesque on the style of Dr. Johnson. See, Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1 vol. 8° p. 188. oS~i<)$ CAMUS (A. G.) Histoire et Proced£s du Polytypage et du r==== St£r£otypage. Paris: chez Ant. Aug. Renouard. ^-1802. 8° uncut. J 00 196 CANCIONERO | De Obras de Burlas | Provocantes a Risa. I Cum Privilegio. | En Madrid, por Luis Sanchez \ [London: William Pickering. 1S4J.] Sm. 8° vellum, extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day. Rare. ***a Cette collection cle ballades ou fac&ies, la plupart con expressions men che vereconde, a et^ imprimde d'apres une Edition de Valence, 1510, in ./°, dont le seul exemplaire connu se conserve au British Museutn. La r&mprefiion, fort bien executee, eft augmented d'un aver- tissenient de l'eVliteur de las La mentacio nes de a mores hechas por Garci-Sanchez de Badajoz, et d'un Glossaire. 11 n'en a 6t6 tire* qu'un petit nombre d'exemplaires.D—Brunet. / .:'.S 197 CANEL (A.) Histoire de la Barbe et des Cheveux en 'Normandie. Rouen: A. Lebrument. m.dccc.lix. 12° half morocco. Uncut. A small edition only printed. ,^""198 CANTVS BACHANALIS Stvdiosorvm Altorfinorvm qvem === Festo Academico Anniversario Cantitare solent. jr. /. mdcclxix.= CARMEN SATVRNALITIVM a proceribvs perillvstris Reipvbli- cae Moropolitaniae in Popina Primaria Descantatvm. [Aucl. Klozius.] s. I. mdcclxviii. 12° half morocco, tuith MS. Latin poem, satirizing the Jesuits, inserted. 42 CARDANVS. • *c l" CANTWELL. Histoire des Femmes, depuis la plus haute Antiquite" jusqu a nos jours. Avec des Anecdotes curieuses, etc. Traduit de l'Anglois, par M. [Michel] de Cantwell. Paris: chez Vauteur, rue Cassette, No. 20. 1791-4. 4 vols. 12° calf, -with 4 plates. ***This work is a translation of Alexander's well-known History 0/ Women. // 00 j^ CAPELLUS. Lectionum | BIBLIOTHECARIARUM f Memo- rabilium Synta- | gma, | continens differtationes | variorum: | de bibliothecis, & libris, Uteris, | & literatis, | editas | a Rudolfo Ca- pello S. Theol. D. | & Hiftor. P. P. | Hamburgh Sumptibus Georgii Wolfii, A. C. 1682. Bibliotheca me urn regnu, tempium atq; lycdum, Quin en's antidotum, bibliotheca, meum. E doclis, ceu fonte, fluit fapientia libris. Ufus habet laudem, crimen abufus habet. T2« vellum. With the Book Plate o/Y. A. Ebert, the well-known German bibliographer. Fine Copy, EXCEEDINGLY RARE. *#* 4 Un des recueils les plus piquans que cette e'tude ait produits, un de ceux qui, pour 1'inteVSt et la vari^te* des sujets, se font lire du commencement a la fin avec le plus de plai- sir.D—Ch. Nodier, Melanges Tire's d'une Petite Bibliotheque, p. 286. J,„ o 2oi CARDANI Mediolaiiensis Medici (HIERONYMI). De SVBTILITATE Libri xxi. Nvnc demum recogniti atcp perfecti. Basileae: per Lvdovicvm Lvcivm. Anno 1554. _/"° stamped hogskin, with clasps. Curious portrait of Cardan on the verso of the title-page. VERY RARE. *#* 4 Legitur in his editionibus longe rarissimis lacus quidam impius et scandalosissimus, qui in posterioribus editionibus fuit omissus.i> Vogt, Catalogvs Librorvm Rariorvm, edit. '793, /'■ --'• Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Tome vi, p. 270. Menagiana, Tome iv, /. joj. H. Morley, Life 0/ Girolamo Cardano, Vol. ii, pp. 56-70. ///.' 202 CARDANI (HIERONYMI). De Svbtilitate libri xxi. lam ~ postremo, ab authore plufquam mille locis illuftrati, non-nullis etiam cum additionibus. Addita infuper APOLOGIA aduerfus calumnia- torem, qua uis horum librorum aperitur. Cum gratia 6° priuilegio des. Maiejl. Basile/E : per Sebajlianum Henricpetri. Anno clr> Idc XL <?° //. 114S, vellum, portrait and diagrams. Fine copy. S/t.-u 203 CARDANI (HIERONYMI). De Rervm Varietate Libri "" ' xvii. Adiectus eft capitum, rerum & fententiarum notatu digniffi- marum Index. Basiled: Anno m.d.lvii. •5*° //. IIQ4, vellum, several preliminary leaves missing. *** a Edition Originals, et tres recherche'e.D—De Bure. r6jo 204 CARDANVS. Les | LIVRES DE HIERO- | me Cardanvs / ~~~ Medecin I Milannois, Intitvles de I la Subtibilite, & fubtiles inuentions, | enfemble les caufes occultes, & | raifons d'icelles, | Traduis de Latin en Francois, par Richard le Blanc. | Avec Privilege CATALOGUE. 43 dv Roi. | A Paris, \ par Charles V Angelier tenant fa boutique au \ premier pillier de la grand falle du Palais. 1556. 40 smooth calf gilt back arid edges. A remarkably fine clean copy. Rare. ***<iCette traduction a e^e" faite sur le Texte de 1554, et elle en reproduit les passages censures.p—Brunet. 4 Jerome Cardan was the most remarkable, and at the same time, one of the greatest men of the 16th Century. More was written and said about him, and he himself wrote more, than almost any other writer of the age. He was a mathematician, and is celebrated as the inventor of one of the most important rules in algebra, which goes by his name. He was a physician, an astronomer, an eminent metaphysician and moral philosopher. He was called a polypus of science—cut off one head and a score sprung up—refute him in one department, yet his fame and reputation stood upon the footing of half a dozen others.»— Retrospective Review, Vol. i, p. qb, ^fd 205 CASAVBONIANA sive Isaaci Casavboni varia de Scriptoribus Librisque judicia Observationes Sacr^e in utriusque Foederis loco, Philologice item & Ecclesiastic/e, ut et Animadversiones in Annales Baronii Ecclesiasticos ineditse. Nunc primum erutse a Jo. Christophoro Wolfio, etc. Hamburgi: Anno do Idcc X. Polycarpi Leyseri AMOENITATVM LITERARIARVM Reliqviae. Lipsiae: do Id cc xxix. 2 vols, in I vol. 8° half calf. From the collection of John Mitford, with his autograph. fyS 206 CASSAN^EI (D. BARTHOLONLEI). Catalogvs Gloria Mundi, Opvs in Libros XII. Divisvm, quibus omnis humanae gloriae fumma breuiter, artinciofecp continetur. Venetiis: M D LXXVl. /"° vellum. Wood-cut illustrations. /ZS 207 CATALOGUE Alphabetique des Ouvrages Condamnes, ou ■ releve' de toutes les Publications Officielles faites au <i Moni- teur,» en Execution de la Loi du 26 Mai 1819. Paris: au Bureau du Journal du Palais. 1836. 8° half morocco, uncut. Very Rare and Curious. /.,CJ~2o8 CATALOGUS BIBLIOTHECAE BRVHLIANAE. ^^^^ Dresdae: MDCCL-VI. 4 vols. f° calf *#* See, Peignot, Repertoire Bibliographique Universel, p. Sj. Jcf 209 CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the LONDON INSTI- TUTION. Systematically Classed. Preceded by An Historical and Bibliographical Account of the Establishment. London: m.dccc.xxx.v.-lii. 4 vols, royal 8° cloth, a Nor published. t> J^oo 210 CATALOGUE des LIVRES de la BIBLIOTPlfeQUE du Conseil d'etat, [par M. Antoine-Alexandre Barbier.] Paris: de P Impriinerie de la Rdpublique. An xi—iSoj. 2 tomes in I vol. folio, boards, uncut. *** a Of this Catalogue, which is ably drawn up and excellently printed, only 200 COPIES WERE PRINTED, 15 of which were on very beautiful paper. As the French Government took upon itself the distribution of the work, Copies are very rare, d—Hokne. 44 CHATFIELD. /•O0 2I1 CATALOGUE (A) of the Printed Books in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries of London. = An INDEX to the First Fifteen Volumes of ARCHAEOLOGIA; or, Miscel- laneous Tracts, Relating to Antiquity. London: 1809-16. 2 vols, in 1 vol. 40 half calf. /\ou 2^_ CATALOGUS van de BIBLIOTHEEK der STAD AMSTER- DAM. Amsterdam: 1856-8. 4 Parts in 2 vols. S° half calf gilt Sacks and tops. See, Pettzholdt, Bibliotheca Bibliographica, /. 61. /c., o 213 CAZIN, Sa Vie et ses Editions, par Un Cazinophile. [C. A. Brissart-Bmet.] Cazinopolis [/. e. Reims.']: m.dccclxiii. lS° dark blue morocco, extra, gilt leaves. Only 320 Copies printed. *** «Cazin a en Bibliographic une reputation d'e^gance, de nettete\ de correction meme, qui lui assigne un rang inconteste" dans les Annales de lalibrairie Francaise. «Ce fut Cazin qui mit a la mode, vers le milieu du xvine siecle, le joli format petit in-18 auquel son nom est attache. Ces livres, imprimis sur papier bleuStre et orn^s de vignettes par Cochin, Eisen, et Marillier, ont une sorte d'^legance particuliere au siecle et qui les distingue; ilsjustifient, apres tout, au point de vue typographique, la renommee que s'^tait acquise le libraire de Reims. >—F. Denis. , v c 2i^_ CERF (D. FILIPE le). BIBLIOTEQUE (sic) HISTORIQUE et Critique des Auteurs de la Congregation de St. Maur. La Haye: chez Pierre Gosse. m.d.CC.xxvi. Sm. S° calf. Scarce. / L S 215 CHAPMAN (GEORGE). An Epicede, or Funeral Song: on the most disastrous Death of the High-born Prince ol Men, HENRY PRINCE OF WALES, &c. &c. who Died the 6th of November, 1612. Kent: Printed at the Private Press of Lee Priory. 1818. 4° half russia. ONLY 100 COPIES REPRINTED. ^6" 216 [CHARLES.] The Voice of Christian Life in Song; or, Hymns and Hymn-Writers of many Lands and Ages. By the Author of The Chronicles of the Scho?iberg-Cotta Family. \Mrs. Elizabeth Charles.] New York: 1864. lb ° cloth. / /jo 217 CHARRON. De la | SAGESSE | Trois Livres. | par Pierre Charron, I Parifien, Docteur es Droicts. | Suivant la vraye copie \ de BOVRDEAVX. | A Leyde: chez les Elzeviers. do Id c xlvi. Sm. 12° calf, wants the frontispiece. Rare. %* « L'^dition de 1646, en supposant I'exemplaire beau, vaut de 30 a 40 fr.D—Berard. Pope's famous verse— « The proper study of mankind is man, t> was doubtless suggefted by Charron's, « la vraye science df le vray estvde de V homnte, c1'est I'homme.t) See, /. /, of this copy. / jy 218 CHATFIELD (C.) A Compendious View of the History of "" "the Darker Ages; Comprehending a General Sketch of Roman and Barbarian History. London: 1824. S° calf marbled edges. A utograph letter of the author inserted. CHliZONOMIE. 45 /.tC 219 CHASSEUR (Le) BIBLIOGRAPHE. Revue Bibliographique Litt£raire, Critique et Anecdotique. R<§dig£e par Une Soctitt de Bibliographes et de Bibliophiles, suivie d'une Notice de Livres Rares et Curieux, etc. Paris: Francois, Libraire. 1862. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. *+* This valuable Bibliographical Journal contains a series of interesting articles on Bibliography—Bibliographers—Book-colleilors, &c. and Critical Notices of Rare Books, in- cluding a bibliographical notice of the famous a Cosmographiae Introdvctio in/uper quatuor Americi VefPucijnavigationes.» See, N° xii, p. ib. /// 00 22o_ chaucer. The | works | of our | ancient, fLearnrtr, === & SfClIIint | English Poet, | JEFFREY CHAUCER: | As they have lately been Compar'd with the befl Manufcripts; | and feveral things added, never before in Print. | To which is adjoyn'd, | The STORY of the SIEGE of THEBES, | By John Lidgate, Monk of Bury. | Together with | The Life of Chaucer, | shewing I His Country, Parentage, Education, Marriage, Children | Reve- nues, Service, Reward, Friends, Books, Death. | Alfo a TABLE, wherein the Old and Obfcure Words in Chaucer are explained, and | fuch Words (which are many) that either are, by Nature or Derivation, Arabick, \ Greek, Latine, Italian, French, Dutch, or Saxon, mark'd with particular Notes for | the better underftanding their Original. | London: Printed in the Year, MDCLXXXVIL JSIacft ILtttZV. f° half red morocco, crimson edges. With a The true portraiture of GEFFREY CHAUCER the famous Englifi poet as by THOMAS OCCLEUE is defcribed, who liued in his time and was his Scholar.T> A good copy of the reprint of Speght's Edition. *** a Redith his werkis | ful of plesaunce Clere in sentence | in language excellent Briefly to wryte I suche his suffysafice What euer to saye | he toke in his entente His language was so fayr and pertynente It semeth vnto mannys heerynge Not only the worde | but verely the thynge. Redeth my chylde | redeth his bookes alle Refuseth none | they ben expedyente Sentence or langage | or bothe fynde ye shalle Ful delectable | for that good fader mente Of al his purpose | and his hole entente How to plese in euery audyence And in our tunge | was welle of eloquence.d —Caxton's Book of Curtesye. Early Eng. Text. Soc. reprint. CHtiZONOMIE (La) ou 1'Art de Ch * * * * . Poeme Didac- tique, en Quatre Chants; par Ch. R * * * . [M. Charles B/mard.] A Scoropolis, et se trouve a Paris, chez Merlin, m.dccc.vi. 12° half morocco, top gilt. *** « L'auteur de la Che'zonomie e^ait honime de precaution: craignant que son livre ne dispartlt par suite de l'usage irre>drentieux qu'on pourrait faire, il eut soin d'en faire tirer un exempiaire sur peau de ve'lin. Cet exemplaire fut paye* aoo francs a une vente qui se tit a Fontainebleau en iBoq.t—Bibliotheca Scatologica, p. 5. 46 CICERO. //^ 222 CHILD. English and Scottish BALLADS. Edited by Francis James Child. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. m.dccc.lx. 8 vols. i6° half morocco, tops gilt. *** « These volumes have been compiled from the numerous collections of Ballads printed since the beginning of the last century. They contain all but two or three of the ancient ballads of England and Scotland, and nearly all those ballads which, in either country, have been gathered from oral tradition,—whether ancient or xxol.v—Preface. j'.,jo 223 CHINESE PAINTINGS: A Series of Twelve Paintings on Rice Paper, by a Chinese Artist, representing the Domestic Occu- pations of the Chinese Women . Neatly mounted on India paper, within a light blue silk ribbon border. S° boards, covered with figured silk. <S.!>(> 224 CHYROMANCE: La Grande CHYROMANCE NATURELLE, 011 1'Art Parfait de se Connoitre soy-mesme. Tir6e de tovs les plvs graves Avthevrs Anciens & Modernes qui ont traittd de cette matiere. Enrichie depres Deux Milles Figures pour en faciliter l'in- telligence. A Paris: chez Francois Clousier, sur le Quay des Grands Aug us tins, m.dc.lxxvii. 4° vellum. %* The anonymous author of this singular work, frankly confesses that it is a compilation from the works of Albertus Magnus, Ptolemy, Avicenna, Averroes, Galen, Plato, Antio- chus Tibertus, Indagine, Tricasse, Taisnier, Belot, Goclenius Froelichius, <l etplusieurs autres Ires-grands, el tres-signalezphilosophes\ qui tous ensemble ont merveiileusement, et tres- docte>nent e'crit de cette curieuse Science, d The volume contains nearly Two Thousand Figures or plates, with numbers referring to the text. /,jL 22S_ CHYROMANTIE (La) NATURELLE de Ronphyle. 'A Paris: chez Pierre Le Monnier. m.dc.lxxi. Sm. S° vellum, b plates. /y ^ 226 CICERO. TVLIVS DE ORATORE | CVM COMMENTO. -~~~= I ET ALIA OPERA. | ****. [Norimberce] Vniuerji operis ab Anthonio Koberger impr&fifi Anno a Natiuitate domini \ Millefimo quadrigentefimo nonagefimo feptimo finis. Die. xxvi. Alarcii. MARCI TULLIJ CICERONIS ORATORIS | FACUNDIS- SIMI: DE LEGIBUS Libri III. | In fine: <E Impreffum Lypzig per Baccalaureil Martinu Herbi- polenfem, Anno dfii Afillefimo quingentefimonono. \ MARCI TULIJ (sic) CICERONIS CATO MAIOR ^ | vel DIALOGUS DE SENECTUTE AD Tl- | TUM POMPONIU ATTICUM Hh I In fine: M. T. Ciceroni's de fene flute dialogus impreffus \ i?i inclyta ciuitate Lypzgk per B ace alar ill Mar- \ tinu Herbipolenfem *J* Anno *J« M.CCCCC ^ vij. J vols, in I vol. folio, oak boards^ with clasps. Numerous marginal notes in handwriting of the /6th century. See, Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. 11, /. 224. CLAVEL. 47 Jo 227 CICERONIS (M. TULLII). Commentarii Rerum Suarum sivc De Vita Sua. Accesserunt Annales CICERONIANI, in quibus ad suum quaeque annum referuntar quae in his Commen- tariis memorantur. Utrumque librum scripsit W. H. D. Suringar. Leidae: E. J. Brill. 1854. 8n pp. S64, paper covers, uncut. .OS 228 [CLAPP/r. (HENRY).] Husband vs. Wife [a Poem?] With Designs by A. Hoppin. New York : Rudder3 Carleton. m.dccc.lviii. 12° cloth. / ■ S 229 CLARK (RICHARD). An Account of the National Anthem '= Entitled God Sav 8° half calf, portraits, plates, and music. Entitled God Save the King! London: 1822. /./,£■' 230 [CLARKE (DR. ADAM).] A Bibliographical Dictionary; == Containing a Chronological Account, Alphabetically Arranged, of the most Curious, Scarce, Useful, and important Books, in all Departments of Literature, which have been published in Latin, Greek, Coptic, Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac, Chaldee, ^Ethiopic, Arabic, Persian, Armenian, &c. From the Infancy of Printing to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. With Biographical Anec- dotes of AuTHORS,PRiNTERS,and PuBLiSHERS,etc.,etc. Including the Whole of the Fourth Edition of Dr. Harwood's « View of the Classics,* with innumerable Additions and Amendments. To which is added AN ESSAY on BIBLIOGRAPHY. = The BIBLIOGRA- PHICAL MISCELLANY, containing I. An account of the English Translations of all the Greek and Roman Classics, and Ecclesiastical Writers, etc. II. An extensive List of Arabic and Persian Grammars, Lexicons, etc., etc. Liverpool and London: 1802-6. S vols. /2° half drown calf, marbled edges. *** a This work is indispensable to the bibliographical student, p—Horne. 3S 231 CLARKE (J. B. B.) Historical and Descriptive CATA- LOGUE of the European and Asiatic Manuscripts in the Library of the Late Dr. Adam Clarke, f. s. a. Illustrated by Facsimiles of Curious Illuminations, Drawings, &*c. London: John Murray, mdcccxxxv. J110 boards. Uncut. //1J 232 [CLAVEL (ROBERT).] A CATALOGUE of BOOKS Printed in England since the Dreadful FIRE of London in 1666, to the End of Michaelmas Term, 1603. With an Abstract of the General Bills of Mortality fmce 1660, and the Titles of All the Claffu Authors cum Notis Variorum, and those for the Ufe of the Dauphin. The Fourth Edition. London: Printed for R. Clavel 48 CLVVERII. at the Peacock in St. PauVs Church-yard, and Benj. Tooke, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet Jlreet: mdcxcvi. f* half calf. VERY SCARCE. %* This Catalogue was published by Robert Clavel, an eminent bookseller of that time. The books are classed under the heads of Divinity, History, Physick and Chyrurgery, Mis- cellanies , Books Mathematical, Horsemanship, Cookery, Preserving, Candying, Husbandry, Gardening, Poetry, Musicfc, Law, School-Books, etc. etc. The Titles of the books are briefly- stated, and the Publishers' names are given. See, Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, Vol. hi, /. 60S, note. 4 Mr. Robert Clavel is a great dealer, and has deservedly gained himself the reputation of a just man. Doctor Barlow, Bishop of Lincoln, used to call him The Honest Bookseller.* Dunton's Life and Errors, Vol. i, p. 207. ^.UO 233 CLEAVELAND. J.Cleaveland Revived: POEMS,ORATIONS, === EPISTLES, And other of his Genuine Incomparable Pieces. With fome other Exquifite Remains of the mod eminent Wits of both the Univerfities that were his Contemporaries. This Second Edition, befides many other never before publifht Additions, is enriched with the Authors Midfummer-Moon, or Lunacy-rampant; Being an Uni- verfity Character, a fhort Survey of fome of the late Fellows of the Colledges. Now at laft publifht from his Original Copies, by fome of his intruded Friends. [Motto] Non norunt hozc monumenta mori. London: Printed for Nathaniel Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil. 1660. S° brown calf. With Preface 4 To the Difcerning READER,» by E. Williamson, and fneportrait by Gaywood. *** 4 The author of Hudibras was a great admirer of Cleaveland's wit, and the pages of that incomparable work are much more indebted to Cleaveland than can be traced in the Notes of Dr. Grey. The learned and ingenious Dr. Farmer had marked many passages in his copy of Cleaveland's Poems, which Butler has imitated.it—Retrospective Rev., Vol. xii, A W f.tJu 234 CLEMENT (P.) Les Cinq x\nnees Litt£raires, ou Nouvelles === Litteraires, &c. des Annees 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751 et 1752. Imprim^es La Haye: Che's Ant. de Groot et Fils. m.dccliv. 2 vols, in J vol., 12° calf gilt leaves. With the autograph of the celebrated John Wilkes. *** 4 Les Cinq A nne'es Litte'raires de cet auteur, ont eu une vogue etonnante, non-seulement en France, mais dans les pays Strangers. Elles contiennent des critiques excellentes, des observations pleines de gout, mille traits d'un esprit piquant,» etc.—Barbier. <*- 0 235 CLEMMII (HENR. GVIL.) Novae Amoenitates Literariae. Stvtgardiae: mdcclxii. 4 Parts in i vol. 8° calf , red edges. ***This volume contains John Conrad Oelrich's curious Dissertation De Libris Comestis. 236 CLVVERII (PHILIPPI). INTRODVCTIONIS in Vniversam Geographiam ta?n veterem quam Novam Libri vi. Acceffit P. Berth Breviarium Or bis t err arum. Amstelodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. idji. Stn. 12° boards. %* See, p.JiO for xSumma Americ/e description COLLIER. 49 :S 237 CODE de la LIBRAIRIE et IMPRIMERIE de Paris, —— avec les Anciennes Ordonnances, £dits, Declarations, Arrets, REglemens & Jugemens rendus au sujet de la Librairie & de 1'Imprimerie, depuis Tan 1332, jusqu'a present. Paris: m.dcc.xliv. /2° calf. Rare and curious. J/o 238 COHAUSEN (JOANNE HENRICO). Dissertatio Satyrica --— Physico-Medico-Moralis de PICA NASI, sive Tabaci Sternuta- torii Moderno abufu, et noxa. Amstelodami: cId Idcc xvi. RAPTUS ECSTATICUS in Montem Parnassum, in eoque Viscus Satyrorum lusus cum Nasis Tabacoprophoris, sive Satyricon Novum in modernum Tabaci Sternutatorii abufum. Autore Joanne Henrico Cohausen. Amstelodami: mdccxxvi. 2 vols, in 1 vol. sin. S° boards. Rare and curious. *** The author of this singular satire was certainly « up to Snuffj> and <x not to be sneezed atv with impunity. / <^V 239 COHEN (-HENRY). Guide de 1'Amateur de Livres A . Vignettes du xvme Siecle, contenant la Description d'un Choix de plus de 450 Ouvrages Illusire's par Boucher, Cochin, Gra- velot, Eisen, Moreau, Marillier, Monnet, Le Barbier, etc. Paris: chez P. Rouquette. i8jo. <S'° uncut. ^ /j^2^o COLECCION de POESIAS MEJICANAS. Paris: Libreria de Rosa. 1836. 12° half calf, top gilt. Unclt. *** An interesting collection of poetry by native Mexican authors. cJ.oo 241 COLES. DIES IR.^E in Thirteen Original Versions, by Abraham Coles, m. d. New York : D. Appleton 6° Company. i8jp. 12° crimson levant morocco, ejctra, gilt leaves, with 2photographic illustrations. £6\oo 242 COLLIER (J.PAYNE). A Catalogue Bibliographical and ~= Critical, of EARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE; forming a Portion of the Library at Bridgewater House, the Property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, m. p. London: mdcccxxxvii. 4°pp. iv-366, light polished calf super-extra., ^7/ back, sides, and edges, by Riviere, and embellished with, many curious wood engravings, facsimiles of rare autographs, etc., etc. Only 50 Copies Privately Printed. VERY RARE. *** Sold at Sotheby's, 1857, £6 l6s- &d- /;,0(} 243 COLLIER. A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the R a rest Boo Ks in the E N G L ish L a n G u A G e . Alphabetically A rranged; which during the last Fifty Years have come under the Observa- tion of J. Payne Collier, f. s. a. New York: David G. Francis, 306 Broadway. Charles Scribncr & Co., 124 Grand St. 1866. 4 vols. 8° crimson cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER, of which only 75 Copies were printed *** la this elegant reprint, the Additions, Notes and Corrections which cumber the original English edition, have been inserted in their proper places, as foot-notes. 50 COLUMBUS. ^ (iu. 244 COLLIN DE PLANCY (J. A. S.) Le DIABLE PEINT PAR LUI-MfiME, ou Galerie de Petits Romans, de Contes Bi- zarres, d'ANECDOTES Prodigieuses, sur les aventures des Demons, les traits qui les caracterisent, leurs bonnes qualit^s et leurs infor- tunes; les bons mots et les reponses singulieres qu'on leur attribue; leurs amours, et les services qu'ils ont pu rendre aux mortels, etc., etc. Extrait et Traduit des Demonomanes, des Theologiens, des L£gendes, et des Diverses Chroniques du Sombre Empire. Paris: P. Mongie aint(. 1819. S° calf, marbled edges. *** This piquant work is dedicated by the author to his a WIFE,» as a ipetitegallanterie d'un e'poux ! » :. , 245 COLLIN DE PLANCY (J. A. S.) DICTIONNAIRE FEO- "= DAL, ou Recherches et Anecdotes sur les Dimes et les Droits F6odaux en un mot, sur tout ce qui tient k la F^odalite. Paris: chez Foul on et Cie. iSig. 2 vols, in 1 vol. S° half calf. Scarce. /■/S 246 COLLIN DE PLANCY (J. A. S.) DICTIONNAIRE CRI- 7 = TIQUE des RELIQUES etdes IMAGES MIRACULEUSES. Paris: Guien et Compagnie. 1821-22. 3 vols. S° uncut, *#* « A work of immense research and learning.i> / / 247 COLOMB de BATINES (VISCONTE). BIBLIOGRAFIA T=== DANTESCA ossia Catalogo delle Edizioni, Traduzioni, Codici Manoscritti e Comenti della Divina Commedia, etc., etc. Tra- duzione Italiana fatta sul Manoscritto Francese dell' Autore [di Giovanni Constantini.] Prato: Tipografia Aldina Editrice. mdcccxxxxv-vi. Two Parts in 3 vols. S° half crimson calf, tops gilt. *** See, Petzholdt, Bibliotlieca Bibliographica, />. 1S3. «jV 248 COLOMI&S. La BIBLIOTH^QUE CHOISIE de M. [Paul] '=== COLO MIES. Nouvelle Edition, Augmentee des Notes de Meflieurs Boudelot, de La Monnoye, & autres: Avec quelques Opuscules du meme Colomi£s, qui ?iavaient point dte recueillis. Paris: chez la Veuve Florentin Delauhie. m.dcc.xxxi. 12° half calf. *** a Get ouvrage contient des Anecdotes inteVessantes pour gens de lettres, et les exem- plaires en sont devenus rares.k—La Monnoye. eolumtms- Wt mtulin inuoitfs | IBpiUoU ertftofort <£olom (cut etas noftra | multQ irefiet: ?re Knfults in marf Kutfico uuj | inuftin. &tr quas pet> qufrentraa octuo antea | menfe: aufptcfjs et ere Kutttc^ tttttmi jFernautrt | ppffpam'arum Kefjte xaiiim fuerat) air Jttas^l ufttcum ftftm Mapljaelej Sauna: etuftrf // o 0 249 COMMENIUS. 51 fere- | nlftimi SUfli'0 tfjefaurariti tntffa* quam notify | Its ac Ittterat^ fair &lfantrer tr'CEofeo: aft Pm's- | pano 5tteomate in latinu conuertit: tercto ftPs | fftaif. JWL cccc.pcuf* pontificatus ^lepantrn | J»eptt anno ^rfmCK [Paris: chez Franck. 1858.] Sm. S° half russia. *** M. Adam Pilinski's well-known Facsimile of the First Letter of Columbus an- nouncing his discovery of the New World. It contains S leaves and 4 full-page -wood-cuts. Unfortunately, this facsimile was made from an imperfect copy, wanting the first and tenth leaves. v' 00 250 COLUMBUS. Lettera in Lingua Spagnuola diretta da CRISTO- =r== FORO COLOMBO a Luis de Santangel (15 Febbrajo 14 Marzo 1493) Riprodotta a Fac-Simile ed illusflrata per cura di Gerolamo D'Adda dall' unico Efemplare a flampa finora conofciuto che fi conferva nella Biblioteca Ambrofiana. Milano: Teodoro Laengner. m.dccc.lxvi. 4° uncut. Introduction and Notes, pp. xxxii—Facsimile Sleaves, 32 lines to a full page. V* A FACSIMILE reproduction of the only copy known of the original Spanifh Text of the Letter of Columbus to Luis de Santangel, which is preserved in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan. Only 150 copies were reproduced for the Marquis D'Adda, for private distribution. — - fjiftoria ilttafif- | ftrt ^etri comettoris facre | fcrfpture ferte fcreue nimin \ & eppofitam epponentfs *%* I In fine: C <Scf)olattica fjittoria maflittri Petri co- | mettorts. Xmjltfa arjjetine ftnft felCctter. &n^ | no falutfs noftre Jttftleftmo quinflentefimo | pb, tn'e mentis Jultj, folio calf, gilt edges, 20J leaves, double columns, 5/ lines on a full page, rubricated initial letters. Very Fine Copy. *** Peter, surnamed Comestor, or The Devourer, on account of the vast voracity of his appetite for reading, was born at Troyes in Champagne. He was Canon and Dean of the church of St. Peter in that city ; and his reputation for learning and piety was so great, that he was invited to Paris, and made Chancellor of the University. Near the close of his life he retired to the monastery of St. Victor, and died there A. D. 1178. His principal work is a aSCHOLASTICAL HISTORY,d divided into Sixteen Books, which contains an abridgment of the Sacred History, from Genesis to the end of the Acts of the Apostles.— Sec, Bellarmin, De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis, pp. SQ2-J. Fabricius, Bibliotheca Latino. Media- et Infimce j'Etatis, 40 Tomus 1, //. 404-5. Dui'iN, Nouvelle Bibliothegue des Auteurs Eccl.s 40 Tome ix, p. /SS. Saxius, Onomasticon Literarivnt, Pars. Secunda, pp. 2fQ-6o. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, Vol. 1, Pars, ii, /. /So. j;jo 252 COMMENIUS'S (JOH. AMOS) Visible World: or a Figure and Nomenclature of all the chief Things that are in the World; and of Mens Employments therein. Written by the Author in Latin and High-Dutch and translated into English, by Charles Hoole, m. a. London: Printed for, and sold by John Sprint, at the Bell in Little Britain, iyoo. /2° calf with /j/ plates, several leaves mutilated and repaired, and one signature mis- placed in binding. 52 CORIAT. .M 253 COMENI (JOH. AMOS). Portael der Saecken en Spraec- "ken. Vestibulum Rerum et Linguarum. Die Portuhre der Sachen und Sprachen. Amstelodami: Apud Joannem Ravesteinium. i6jj. S° calf, with numerous illustrations. *#* This singular school book has been translated into 12 European languages. _o oa 254 CONCIONES sive ORATIONES ex GRAECIS LATINISQUE ^^^ Historicis Excerpt/e. Quae ex Grsecis excerptse funt, interpre- tationem Latinam adiunctam habent, nonnullae nouam, alise iam antea vulgatam, fed nuc demum plerifque in locis recognitam s. I. Excudebat Henricus Stephanies. Anno m.d.lxx. folio, oak boards. Fine clean copy. %* See, Renouakd, A nnales de f Imprimerie des Estienne. Paris: 1843. S° pp. 133-4. ^ ou 255 CONCUBITUS sine LUCINA, ou Le Plaisir sans Peine, etc. Par Abraham Johnson, [Rev. Brands Coventry.] Londres: 1752. 180 uncut. / 00 256 CONSTANTINI. La Vie de Scaramouche, par le Sieur Angelo Constantini, Come'dien Ordinaire du Roi dans sa Troupe Italienne, sous le nom De Mezetin. Brusselles: chez George De Backer, m.dc.xcix. S2° half calf. Plate of a buffoon in costume. From the library of W. E. Burton, the distinguished Comedian. >0iOo 257 CORIAT. The | ODCOMBIAN \ BANQVET: | Difhed =~- foorth I By | THOMAS the CORIAT, | and | Serued in by a number of Noble Wits I in prayfe of his | CRVDITIES and CRAMBE too. \ Asinvs I Portans | Mysteria. | [London :] Imprinted for Thomas Thorp. 1611. Sm. 40, SQ unnumbered leaves, comprising signatures a-p in fours, pale russia, super extra, gilt leaves, by F. Bedford. *** This rare and exceedingly curious volume comprises an immense number of mock commendatory, or burlesque Panegyricke Verfes vp>on the Author and his Booke. These verses are by some of the most eminent wits of the age in which they flourished, viz.: Ben Jonson, Michael Drayton, Henry Nevill, Sir John Harington, Sir Dudley Digges, Dr. Donne, Inigo Jones, Dr. Corbet, Henry Peacham, Thomas Campion, John Davies, of Hereford, John Owen, and many whose productions might in vain be sought after in other collections. On the verso of the last leaf is the following address to the reader: Nouerint vniuerfi\ dfc. T/Now (gentle Reader) that the booke, in prayfe whereof all thefe preceding verfes were written, is purpofely omitted for thine, and thy purfes good: partly for the greatnes of the volume, cOtaining 654. pages, ech page 36. lines, each line 48. letters, befides Panegyricks, Poems, Epiftles, Prefaces, Letters, Orations, fragments, pofthumes, with the comma's, colons, ful-points, and other things thereunto appertaining: which beeing printed of a Characler legible without fpectacles, would haue caufed the Booke much to exceed that price, whereat men in thefe witty dayes value fuch ftuffe as that: and partly for that one, Whofe learning, iudgment, wit, and braine, Are weight with Toms iujl to a grained etc., etc. Priced in the Dibl. Anglo-Poetica, £7 7s. lf- corwin. 53 258 CORIATE. THOMAS CORIATE | Traueller for the English = I Wits: Greeting. | From the Court of the Great MOGVL, Refi- | dent at the Towne of Asmere, in I Eafterne India. | [London :] Printed by IV. laggard, and Henry Fetherjlon. \ 1616. Sm. 40 J prel. leaves, including title-page and pp. i-5b. The title is over a wood-cut representing Coriate, mounted on an elephant, this wood-cut also appears on the verso of the third preliminary leaf and on p. 27. Elegantly bound in green levant 7norocco, super extra, gilt leaves, by W. Pratt. VERY RARE. *** ORIGINAL EDITION of this remarkable production of the renowned Odcombian Leggestretcher. On page 37 will be found Coriate's amusing epistle, a To the High Senes- chall of the right Worfliipfull Fraternite of Sircnical Gentlemen, that meet the firft Fridaie of euery Month, at the figne of the Mere-Maide in Bread-ftreete in London.d In the postcript we have the names of some of his particular friends, a louers of vertue, and literature,» to whom he sends a the recommendations of his dutifull refpect,» and amongst whom we find the names of « Maifter Beniamin Iohnfon the Poet, at his chamber at the Blacke Friars :»—4 M. lohn Donne.4 the author of two mod elegant Latine Bookes, Pfeudo-inartyr, and Ignatij Conclaue :r> —«M. Samuel Purkas, the great collector of the Lucubrations of fundry claffical authors, for the defcription of A fa, Africa, and America :t>—and nM. William Stansby, the Printer of my Crudities and Crambe, at his houfe in Thames ftreet; alfo to his childleffe wife.* This edition is priced in a recent catalogue of a London bookseller £6 16s. 6d. J 00 259 CORIATE. THOMAS CORIATE | Traueller for the Englifh Wits: Greeting. | From the Cou?'t of the Great Mogvl, Refi- | dent at the Towne of Asmere, in | Eafterne India. [London :] Printed by IV. laggard, and Henry Fetherfion. 1616. S?n. 40 half russia, wood-cuts. A Facsimile of the Original Edition. Scarce. J. £S 260 CORY AT %S CRUDITIES; REPRINTED from the Edition ~^""r" of 1611. To which are now added, HIS LETTERS from INDIA, &c. and EXTRACTS RELATING TO HIM, from VARIOUS AUTHORS: Being a more particular Account of his Travels, (moftly on Foot) in Different Parts of the Globe, than any hitherto publifhed. Together with his ORATIONS, CHARACTER, DEATH, &c. London: Printed for ]V. Cater, etc. m.dcc.lxxvi. 3 vols. 8° fill russia, extra, gilt leaves, with engraved frontispiece containing the portrait of Cory at, the other plates are missing. rl, 0 a 261 CORNEY. CURIOSITIES of LITERATURE by I. DTsraeli, "r~— Esq. ILLUSTRATED by Bolton Corney, Esq. Second Edition, Revised and Acuminated. To which are added, Ideas on Contro- versy: Deduced from the practice of a Veteran; and adapted to the meanest capacity. London: Richard Bentley. 1838. Sm. 8" boards, uncut, library mark stamped on the title-page. Scarce. *** A masterly specimen of historical and bibliographical criticism. , Jo> 262 CORWIN. Catalogue of the Rare, Curious, and Valuable rr^_ Collection of BOOKS, TRACTS, AUTOGRAPHS, MSS., EN- GRAVINGS, PAINTINGS, &c, of the Late Mr. E. B. Corwin .... Sold at auction, by Bangs, Brother &: Co., November, 1S56. New York: 1856. S° half morocco, top gilt 54 CROFTS. -J 0 0 263 COTTLE. Icelandic Poetry, or The Edda of Saemund "Tranflated into English Verse, by A. S. Cottle, of Magdalen Col- lege, Cambridge. Bristol: Printed by N. Biggs. 1797. 8° half calf . Scarce. <"; 264^ [COTTON (CHARLES).] SCARRONNIDES, or, Virgile _ Travestie. A Mock-Poem, on the First and Fourth Books of Virgil's ./En^is in English Burlefque. London: Printed by T. R. for Henry Brome, at the Gun, near the West-end of St. Pauls. 1672. 12 ° calf. Sc 265 COUP-D'CEIL sur BELCEIL. [Par Charles Joseph, Prince de 'Ligne.] A Belceil: de P Imprinierie du P. Charles de [Zigne.] 8° half calf M.D.CC.LXXXI. *% The Original Edition of this singular book, printed at the Private Press of the author. Prince Charles de Ligne. /.of 266^ COWTAN (ROBERT). Memories of the BRITISH MU- "" SEUM. London: Richard Bentley 6° Son. 1872. 8° cloth, uncut. Photograph of the late Principal Librarian, Sir Anthony Panizzi. *** This volume contains an interesting chapter on a Catalogues, and Cataloguing in the Library of the British Museum."—See/. 275 etseq. fc 267 CRAIK (GEO. L.) Sketches of the History of Literature and Learning in England. London: Charles Knight. 7844-3. 6 vols, ins vols. /8° cloth. cj'j' 268 CRENII (THOMJE). De Singularibus Scriptorum, etc. LUGDUNI: M 13 CC V. Sm. 8° calf, red edges. .or 269 CREVENNA (M. PIERRE ANTOINE Bolongaro). CATA- LOGUE des Livres de la Bibliotheque de Amsterdam. M.DCC.LXXXIX. 6 vols. 40 uncut. *** d One of the most extensive and magnificent collections ever formed in Amsterdam.j>— DlBDIN. a This is the sale Catalogue, of which only 50 copies were struck off in 40, on 6ne Dutch paper. The sale prices are printed at the end of Vol. vi, in Dutch florins.» / J c 27° CROFTS. Bibliotheca Croftsiana. A Catalogue of the ~ "Curious and Distinguished LIBRARY of the Reverend and Learned Thomas Crofts, a. m. Fellow of the Royal and Antiquary Societies Sold by Auction, April 7. 1783, and the Forty- two following days (Good-Friday excepted). Prepared by Samuel Paterson. London: 1783. 8° boards, uncut. Partly Priced. *£* 4 Beauclf.rk's Catalogue is a fair specimen of the analytico-bibliographical powers of Paterson: yet it must be confessed that this renowned Champion of Catalogue-makers shines with greater, and nearly perfect splendour in the Collection of the Rev. Thomas Crofts,—a Collection which, taking it a for all in all,» I know not whether it be exceeded by any which this country has recorded in the shape of a private Catalogue.p—Dibdin. 4 Paterson in his latter days, used to hit his knee with his open hand, and exclaim, By G—d. Crofts' Catalogue is my chef-d'&uvre, out and out.»—Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, Vol. viii, /. 482. cvyckius. 55 /3c 27i CROZET. CATALOGUE des LIVRES composant le fonds de Librairie de feu M. Crozet: publie avec des Notes Litt£raires et Bibliographiques de MM. Charles Nodier, G. Duplessis et Leroux de Lincy. Paris: 1841. 8° half calf. Neatly Priced. /S'l 272 CUNDALL (JOSEPH). On Ornamental Art, Applied to ==== Ancient and Modern Bookbinding. Illustrated with Specimens of Various Dates and Countries. London: 184S. Sm. 4Q boards, with 12 colored lithographic plates, and facsimile of a dill, by Roger Payne, for binding. .So 273 CVN^EVS (PETRVS). Sardi Venales. | SATYRA-MENIP- === PEA I In huius feculi homines pie- \ rosque inepti eruditos. \ In fine Seorfim addita eft ex | eiufdem interpretatione | D. Iv- liani Imperatoris | SATYRA I in PRINCIPES ROMANOS. | Ex Officina Plantiniana | Raphelengii. clo.Io.cxii. 12° calf. %* In this vigorous Menippean Satire, Cun.-eus ridicules the pompous conceit of certain Academical professors of his time, a whose brains were stilled in their own fat.p The Emperor Julian's satire on the Ccesars is accompanied with the original Greek tejci, and a curious Pre/ace by Oun^eus. ot The philosophical fable,» says Gibbon, a which Julian composed under the name of « The C.esars d is one of the most agreeable and instructive pro- ductions of ancient wit.i> £.L v 274 CVYCKIUS. Specvlvm | CONCVBI- | nariorvm | Sacerdo- :=T tvm, Mo- I nachorvm ac | Clericorvm. | Authore I Henrico Cvyckio, I Rurcernundenfis Ecclefice \ Epifcopo. | Coloniae: Apud Bernardum Gualtheri. Anno m.d.xcix. ~ Specvlvm | Hvma- n/E Vit^e, I hoc ejl: DE VIRTV- | tibvs, Vitus, | Eorvmqve Reme- I diis Libellvs. | Avclore Fr. Petro Op- | merfenfi Cratepolio Minorita \ Colonienfi. | Coloniae: Apud Ioannem a Mertzenich. Anno m.d.c. 2 vols, in 1 vol. sm. S° limp vellum. VERY SCARCE. *** a The first work in this remarkable volume, by the pious Bishop Cuyckius, exhibits a horrible picture of the gross immorality of Catholic Priests and Monks during the latter part of the sixteenth century.d—See, Delevenne, Biographic des Pays-Bos, Tome i, /. 243. Peignot, Diet, des Livres Condamnis au Feu, Tome ii, /. 2/j. / O u u 276 ANIEL. CATALOGUE of the most Valuable, In- teresting, and Highly Important Library of the Late George Daniel, Esq. of Canonbury, together with his Collection of Original Drawings and En- graved Portraits of Distinguished Actors and Actresses, Beautiful Water-Colour Drawings Miscellaneous Objects of Art, Interest and Curiosity, POTTERY and POR- CELAIN of Chelsea Manufacture, and other fine Examples of Art and Vertu Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. July, 1864. London: 1864. Royal S° half green morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. With Prices and Names of the Purchasers. Scarce. *** A Catalogue of extraordinary interest to collectors of Shakespeariana, old English Ballads, Facetiae, Jest Books, etc. etc. Miss Burdett-Coutts paid £716 2s. for the FIRST FOLIO EDITION (1623) of athe immortal Poet's works.d II y a dc la femme dans tout ce qu on airne. The total amount produced by the sale was £15,865. is. DANTE. Lo'nferno E'l Pvrgatorio | E'l Paradiso | Di Dante Alaghieri. | In fine: Venetiis in Aedib. Aldi. I Accvratissime. I Men. Avg. m.dii. | Cautum ejl ne quis hunc impune imprimat, \ uenddt ue (sic) librum nobis inuitis. \ Sm. S° 243 unnumbered leaves. The present copy wants the leaf containing the title, « Le Terze Rime di Dante,b and the a A Idir.e Anchor,* otherwise a fine clean copy, neatly bound in dark blue morocco, rough edges. *#* a Edition rechercb^e, mais dont on trouve difficilement des exemplaires complets et bien conserves.i>—Brunet. « Premiere Edition dc Dante en un format portatif, toutes celles du quinzieme siecle ^tant in-fol. Elle a e^e* faite sur un manuscrit communique a A Ide par P. Bemoo C'est avec cette Edition qu'Alde a commence l'usage de sa marque typographique, l'ancre Aldine, qu'il a su rendre si ce'lebre. 11 la ht placer sur le verso du dernier feuillet; et commc ellc n est pas sur tous les exemplaires, on en peut conclure qu'il ne l'avait m^rne pas encore a sa disposition au commencement du tirage de ce volume.»—Renouard, Annates de f Imp/rimer ie des Aide, Troisieme Edition, p. j.f. a Graziosa e rara edizione, molto bene impressa col bel caratcre corsivo inventato dagli Aldi, e da essi per la prima volta adoperato pel Virgilio del 1501. Questa edizione, la prima die si conosca in sesto portatile, e molto siimale per amore delta sua. correttczza.: si vuole che fosse fatta sopra una copia manoscritta del Cardinal Bembo, ora nella I'aticana, n" 3197. Gli accademici della Cruse a la seguirono gia nella loro edizione del 1595, e la seguono ora nella quinta ristampa del I'ocabolario loro; il Volpi 1' adotld per Tedizione Padovana del 1727.»— Colo MB de Batines, Bibliograjia Dante sea, Vol. i, /. bo. DEMMIN. 57 Jc 277 DAUNOU. Analyse des Opinions Diverses sur 1'Origine de 1'Imprimerie, par le Citoyen [Pierre-Claude-Francois\ Daunou. s. I. et a. 4° paper covers. Rare. fa' 278 DE BURE Freres. Catalogue des Livres faisant partie du — fonds de Librairie Ancienne et Moderne de J. J. et M. J. De Bure Frtres. Paris: 1834-3-/. j Parts in 4 vols. 8° boards, uncut. Neatly Priced. ***<iCette vente considerable comprend cinq Catalogues successivement publics et renfer- mant chacun pres de 2,800 num^ros; elle eut lieu par suite de la resolution de MM. De Bure de se retirer des affaires. Les Livres sont ranges par Ordrc Alphabe'tique des Noms des Auteurs. Un nombre considerable d'ouvrages rares et preVieux se trouve dans ces Catalogues.!)—G. Brunet, Diet, de Bibliologie, p. 443. . Jo 279 DE BURE. CATALOGUE des Livres Rares et Precieux, Manuscrits et Imprimes de la Bibliotheque de feu M. J. J. De Bure. Paris: Poller. 1833. 8° half calf. *+*a Collection d'eUite, dont la vente a produit 141,700 fr. Le gofit des amateurs pour les ouvrages revetus de belles reliures anciennes s'est manifest^ avec Anergic La Colleclion des Grands et Petits Voyages, 39 vols, iii-fol. publics par les freres De Bry, produit 11,500 /r.v—G. Brunet. AyJ 280 DELANDINE (ANT. FR.) MEMOIRES BIBLIOGRAPHI- -"= QUES et LITTERAIRES. Paris et Lyon. [1816 ?] 8° boards, UNCUT. *+*aThis learned work contains a Special Bibliography 0/ Works on the Origin■., and History of Printing, arranged in Chronological Order. See, pp. 4/d to 484 /yS 281 DELEPIERRE (M. OCTAVE). Macaroneana ou Melanges de Litt^rature Macaronique des differents Peuples de l'Eu- rope. Public* aux frais de G. Gancia, Libraire, a Brighton. Paris: mdccclii. 8° brown calf. With numerous MS. Notes and Corrections, by A. J. O. //£' 282 DELEPIERRE (OCTAVE). Histoire Litteraire des Fous. London: Trubncr 6° Co. i860. Sm. 8" half morocco, top gilt. V 283 DELEPIERRE (OCTAVE). MACARONEANA Andra, overum Nouveaux Melanges de Litterature Macaronique. Londres: N. Trubncr et Cie. 1862. Square 8° half morocco, top gilt. 284 DELRIO (MARTINO). Disqvisitionvm Magicarvm. Lovanii: Ex officina Gerardi Rivii. m.d.xcix. Vols, i a ii. 2 vols, in / vol. 40 stamped hogskin. Wants Voi... in to complete the work. 285 DEMMIN (AUGUSTE). Weapons of War, Being a History of Arms and Armour, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. With nearly 2,000 Illustrations. Translated by C. C. Black, m. a. London: Bell 6° Daldy. /8jo. Crown 8° cloth. 58 DESLANDES. ^00 286 DEMOCRITUS RIDENS. Sive Campus Recreationum Honestarum. Cum Exorcismo Melancholi/e. [Attributed to J. P. Zaugius.] Amstelodami: Apud Jodocvm Janssonivm. Anno M dc lv. j8° polished calf, extra, gilt leaves. Engraved frontispiece. Fi?ie copy of this amusing book. /^if 2S7 DEMOCRITVS RIDENS, sive Campvs Recreationvm Honestarum. Cvm Exorcismo melancholia, [a J. P. Langius^] Coloni/E: Apud Andream Bingium, m.dc.xlix. Portrait of Demo- critvs. ===== NUG^E VENALES, sive THESAVRVS Ridendi & Iocandi. Ad Graviffunos Severiffimofque Viros, Patres Melanco- licorum Confcriptos. Anno 1663. Proflant apud Neminem; fed tamen Vbique. = STVDENTES sive COMOEDIA De vita Studioforum Autore Ignoto Peerdeklontio. Alentopholi. In cedibus Iberiorici Nobilimi do Id clxii. j vols, in T vol. 12° vellum. *+*aCe petit livre est un magasin d'historiettes vraies ou fausses, de bons-mots et de joyeusete\ un de ces greniers a sel ou les conteurs de society trouvent a se fournir sans beau- coup de frais.p—[Du Roure] Analeclabiblion^TowE i, p. 4)2. Ac o 288 DENHAM. Directions to a PAINTER, for Defcribing our Naval Bufmefs: In Imitation of Mr. Waller. Being the Laft Work of Sir Iohn Denham. Whereunto is annexed, CLARINDONS Houfe Warming. By an Unknown Author. s. I. Printed in the Year 166J. /S° cloth. ./r2S9 DENT. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of John Dent, ^^^ Esq., m.p. f.r.s. London: Printed by William Nicol. 1825. 4° polished calf. / /' 290 DENT. CATALOGUE of the Splendid, Curious, and Exten- ~=—r sive LIBRARY of the Late John Dent, Esq. f.r.s Sold by Auction by Mr. [R. H.] Evans. 1827. S° half morocco, uncut. Ruled in red lines and Neatly Priced. *** Full of Bibliographical Rarities, many of which are described in Dibdin's Library Companion. ^ , 0 291 DESCRIPTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE et Analyse d'un Livre ""^"^ Unique qui se trouve au Musee Britannique. Par Tridace- Nafe-Theobrome, Gentilhomme Breton. {Octave jDelepierre.] Au Meschacdb^ chez el Eriarbil, York-Street. 1849. S* pp. viii-170, half'jnorocco, top gilt. Only ioo Copies Printed. ♦tffaCe Livre Unique n'est pas un Livre, mais bien un recueil de Farces et de Mora- ine's imprimees en France vers le milieu du xvic siecle, et dont l'existence etait, pour la plupart, rested absolument ignore C'est M. ASHER, libraire de Berlin, qui ddcouvrit ce prdcieux recueil en Alleraagne; il le vendit 3,000 fr. au Musde Britannique.»—Querard, Les Supercheries LitUraires DdvoiUes, Tome ill, /. 854. /. 0 0 292 DESLANDES (M.) L'Art de ne Point s'Ennuyer. ===== Amsterdam: mdccxv. 24° calf. DIALOGUS. 59 r/S 293 DESLANDES (M.) Reflexions sur les Grands Hommes, qui = sont Morts en Plaisantant. Nouvelle Edition, augmented d'Epitaphes & autres Pieces curieufes qui n'ont point encore parues. A Amsterdam: m.d.cc.lxxvi. I2n boards. *** a Une revue satirique des peines et des folies de rhumanite" dans ses diverses condi- tions y mene d'abord a cette conclusion, que la raort est plus a souhaiter qu'a craindre.p- [Du Roure] Analeclabibliou, Tome n, /. 431. 'f 294 DES PERRIERS. Cymbalum Mundi, oh Dialogues Satyri- ques sur differens Sujets, par Bonaventure Des Perriers, Valet de Chambre de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. Avec une Lettre Critique dans laquelle on fait 1'Histoire, 1'Analyse & 1'Apologie de cet Ouvrage, par Prosper Marchand. A Amsterdam: chez Prosper Marchand, Libraire, dans le Ares, a rEnseigne de VEtoile. m.dcc.xi. 18° half calf, red edges. ***«Le Cymbalum Mundi est un petit chef-d'oeuvre d'esprit et de raillerie, un modele presque inimitable de style dans le genre familier et badin, et un des pnkieux monuments de notre charmante literature du xvic siecle.p—Ch. Nodier. // Ol> 295 DE TRIBUS IMPOSTORIBUS M. D. IIC. Texte Latin, colla- ~=~~ tionne sur l'Exemplaire du Due de La Valliere aujourd'hui a la Bibliotheque Imperials, augmente de Variantes de plusieurs Manuscrits, etc. et d'une Notice Philologique et Bibliogra- phique, par Philomneste Junior. \Gu stave Brunei.] Paris: eh ez Jit les Ga i •. 1861. 12° half morocco top gilt, uncut. Only 432 Copies Printed. *** This little volume is a handsome reprint of one of the most extraordinary books in the whole range of bibliography. For more than two hundred years its authorship has been the subject of much vehement and acrimonious controversy among the learned. It has been attributed to Boccacio, Poggio, Peter Pomponatius, Machiavel, Erasmus, Ochino, Estienne Dolet, Servetus, Rabelais, William Postel, Giordano Bruno, Vanini, Thomas Campa- nella, Muretus and even to Milton. It has always been so excessively rare, that many authors have denied its existence. The Due de La Valliere possessed a copy which was sold at his sale for 470 fr. Another copy was in the possession of M. Renouard, and was sold at his sale, in 1853, tor x4° lr- A C0P>' was also in tbe celeDratecl Crevenna library. These, we believe, are the only copies of the original Edition known to be extant. It is to this remark- able book that Sir Thomas Browne alludes in his Reiigio Medici (Lond. 1672, 4,v) sect. 20, where he speaks of a that Villain and Secretary of Hell, that composed that miscreant piece of the three Impostors.» It is quite surprising" that Mr. Wilkin and Mr. Gardiner, in their elaborate Editions of the Religio Medici, should have passed over this singular allusion to a curious book without a word of comment. The a Three Impostors* were supposed to be Moses, Christ, and Mahomet. 296 Bialofius nouns rt mivt ftUixtm, ■=— tv quoruntram tofromm fait- 1ms cntoratuStitou xaU mis eruBfttoufs quam ma^ carouiccs ampicctcus + 60 DIBDIN. EPIGRAMMA. I. A. B. AD LECTOREM. Afpice quam lepidis falibus liber arteq? do6la Detegit hie mentem fa61 a refertcp uirum Quis linguae gerris mos eft maledicere Mufis, Mufis quicp mouent bella cruenta facris. Moreqj Democriti rifum dabis ipfe folutum Et leges optatos, lector amice, fonos. [s. I. et a. sed circa 1519-20?] 4° half calf, 12 unnumbered leaves, the last of which is blank, ft has no catchwords, but has signatures (a. c.) The Title is printed in Black Letter as above, and the Text in Roman. *** The authorship of this a wonderfully facetious Dialogue » is generally attributed to the famous scholar John Rei/chlin, or Capnio, usually termed « The Father of the German Re- formation.i> The chief interlocutors in the piece are Magister Ortuinus, the ludicrously pompous hero of the celebrated Epistolir Obscurorum Virorum ; a certain Magister Lupoldus, a who does not believe God cares much for Greek scholars ;d Erasmus Roterodamus; Joannes Reuchlin, and Jacobus Faber Stai-ulensis. 297 DIBDIN (Rev. THOMAS FROGNALL). POEMS By T. F. — DIBDIN. [Motto] « Come then and tread the consecrated ground.)) Pastoral 2 line. London: Printed for the Author. Sold by Booker, Bond Street, Murray 6° Co. Fleet Street, and J. Blifs, OXFORD. 1797. S° plain calf pp. x-i/j. Vignette under the title, engraved by W. Poole, «^ow/ Mr. T. Barwis to Mr. Ravenhill, Fenchurch ist June 1797,1) written on the title-page. The volume is bound with the following work, viz.: a Poetic Description of Choice and Valuable PRINTS, published by Mr. Macklin, at the Poets' Gallery, Fleet Street,r» London: Printed by T. Bensley. J7Q4. Frontispiece by Bartolozzt. ***<il was rash enough to publish a small volume of Poems, with my name affixed. They were the productions of my juvenile years ; and 1 need hardly say, at this period, how ashamed I am of their authorship. I struck off 500 copies, and was glad to get rid of half of them as waste paper; the remaining half has been partly destroyed by my own hands, and has partly mouldered away in oblivion amidst the dust of Booksellers' shelves. My only con- solation is, that the volume is EXCEEDINGLY RARE!» Dibdin's Bibliomania. First Edit. London: iSoq. 8° pp. 11-12, and Reminiscences, Part i, //. 176-181. 298 DIBDIN. An Introduction to the Knowledge of RARE "= and VALUABLE EDITIONS of the GREEK and ROMAN CLASSICS: Being, in Part, A Tabulated Arrangement from Dr. Harwood's View, &>c. With NOTES from Maittaire, De Bure, Dictionnaire Bibliographique, and References to Ancient and Modern Catalogues. By T. F. DIBDIN, a.b. Gloc ester: Printed by H. Ruff. 1802. S" pp. jcii-b3, half morocco. FIRST EDITION. *** a Remarkable for the neatness of its typographical execution. The entire impression was sold within six weeks after its publication.»—Dibdin. 299 DIBDIN. The DIRECTOR; A Weekly Literary Journal; Containing I. ESSAYS, on Subjects of Literature, the Fine Arts and Manners. II. BIBLIOGRAPHIANA. Account of Rare and Curious Books, and of the Book Sales in this Country, from the Close of the Seventeenth Century. III. ROYAL DTBDIN. 6l INSTITUTION. Analyses of the Lectures Delivered Weekly. IV. BRITISH GALLERY. Description of the Principal Pic- tures Exhibited for Sale, with the Names of the Purchasers. London: Printed by William Savage, Bedford Bury. i8oy'. 2 vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. ***This work was edited by Dr. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, who contributed the Biblio graphiana; Sketches of Modern Character; The Walk in London: The Mirror of Truth; and The Alarmist,—as well as the strictures on the British Gallery. Sir Thomas Bernard furnished the means of publication, and likewise contributed various papers. In Dibdin's Reminiscences of a Literary Life (Vol. i, /. 250 et seq.) will be found the names of other contributors, among whom were Sir Humphrey Davy, Sir George Beaumont, Prince Hoare, Rev. Mr. Crowe, Rev. Mr. Collison, etc. ,-,^300 DIBDIN. The BIBLIOMANIA: or iSOOt^lffcattnirSS; Containing some Account of the History, Symptoms, and Cure of this Fatal Disease. In an Epistle addressed to RICHARD HEBER, Esq. By the REV. THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN, f. s. a. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Bees, and Or me, Paternoster-Bow, by IV. Savage, Bedford Bury, Cove nt-Gar den. 1809. S° boards, uncut, pp.ijr-Sj. FIRST EDITION. RARE. j/^'o 301 DIBDIN (Rev. T. F.) SPECIMEN OF AN ENGLISH DE BURE. [London: Harding and IFright.] 18 10. $0 pp. 32, half morocco. «NOT PUBLISHED; ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED.» Presentation Copy to Dr. Philip Bliss, a with the Authors Compliments.* An Autograph Note of Dibdin inserted. J^J 302 DIBDIN. BIBLIOMANIA; or iSOOft 3fttail1US0: A Biblio- ~" graphical Romance, In Six Parts. Illustrated with Cuts. By the REV. THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN. London: Printed for the Author, by J. M 'Creery, Blaek-horse-Court, Fleet-street; and sold by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Orme, Bees, and Brown, Paternoster-Bow. 1811. 2vols.S° boards, with morocco backs. UNCUT. With MS. key to the fictitious Names of the persons introduced in the work. SECOND EDITION. VERY RARE. *** This work, bound in TWO VOLUMES, with separate Title-pages, is much rarer than the single volume of the same date. a The most fascinating book which has ever been written on Bibliography. It is com- posed in the highest tone of enthusiasm for the art, and its dialogue and descriptions are given with a mellowness, a warmth and raciness, which absolutely fix and enchant the reader.P—Drake, Shakspeare and His Times, S° edit., p. 211, note. ^ 6> 303 DIBDIN (Rev. T. F.) i3H)If0flrapljP: A POEM. In Six """"" Books. [London: 1812.] S° pp. 24, consisting of 554 lines. Full red morocco, gilt leaves. NOT PUBLISHED; ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED. V«OK BOOKS I sing. Of all that greets the eye, And warms the fancy, and delights the heart, And touches, by a thousand secret springs, Congenial, the enraptured soul, in shape Of Folded Leaves Imprinted, the coy muse Willing, yet anxious, now essays to sing.»—Book i, /. ^. 62 DIBDIN. /i/.uo 304 DIBDIN, AMES, and HERBERT. TYPOGRAPHICAL AN- "~= TIQUITIES; or the HISTORY of PRINTING in ENGLAND, SCOTLAND and IRELAND: Containing JttentOtOJ Of OUV BLXltiZVLt |j)rinttt:0, and a Register of the Books Printed by them. Begun by the late JOSEPH AMES, f.r. & a.ss. Con- siderably augmented by WILLIAM HERBERT, of Cheshunt, Herts; &ntt unto flrratljj mlarflrtr, totti) <£opfous Notes, and Illustrated with appropriate Engravings; Comprehending the Histoiy of English Literature, and a View of the Progress of the Art of Engraving in Great Britain. By the Rev. TLIOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN. London: Printed for William Miller, Albemarle Street, by William Savage, Bedford Bury. 1810-12-16-19. 4 vols. 40 halfrussia, marbled edges. Fine, clean impressions of the plates. /li-.uu 305 DIBDIN. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ^tlttquartail and PIC- rrrr-r TURESQUE TOUR in FRANCE and GERMANY. By the Rev. Tho. Frognall Dibdin, f.r.s. s.a. London: Printed for the Author, by IV. Buhner and IV. Nicol, Shakspeare Press. 1821. 3 vols. roy. 8° half russia, UNCUT. Some of the plates stained, otherwise a good copy of this sumptuous work. *t*«One of the most beautiful and covetable books of modern times.»—Southey. a De toutes les productions de Dibdin, celle-ci nous parait etre la plus originate, comme elle est aussi une des plus pr^cieuses par les nombreuses gravures qui l'enrichissent et en augmentent rinteret.D—Brunet. f.a 0 306 [DIBDIN.] LETTRE TRENTlfeME concernant ITmprimerie — et la Librairie de Paris, Traduite de TAnglais, avec des Notes, par G. A. Crapelet, Imprimeur. A Paris: de Vim primer ie de Crapelet. m.dccc.xxi. Imperials* pp. viij-71, boards, uncut. ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED. ***<! Combining sucb a mixture of malignity and misconception, that I did not hesitate answering it, in a Privately Printed Tract, entitled a A Roland for an Oliver ; d of this Trafi, only thirty-six copies were printed.D See, Dibdin's Bibl. Tour in France and Germany. Second Edit. Vol. 11, /. 210-11. ( y// 307 [DIBDIN.] A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER; or Brief / -=rr= rEMARks upon the Preface and Notes of G. A. Crapelet, Attached to his Translation of the THIRTIETH LETTER of The Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picluresque Tour. By the Author of that Tour. [Rev. T. F. Diluting London: Printed at the Shakspeare Press, by IV. Buhner and IV. Nicol. 1821. Imperial 8° pp. v-j/, half morocco, uncut. ONLY y6 COPIES PRINTED. Presentation Copy to R. H. Evans, with the following Note from the A uthor: a Mr. Evans is particularly requested NOT to bring this volume down stairs.» VERY SCARCE. / S c 308 DIBDIN. VOYAGE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE, ARCH&OLO- ~~^~ GIQUE et PITTORESQUE en FRANCE, Traduit de 1'Anglais, avec des Notes, par MM. Thi^od. Licquet et G. A. Crapelet, Avec Figures et Facsimile. Paris: chez Crapelet. mdcccxxv. 4 vols. 8° half calf, marbled edges. *#*aCette traduction ne contient pas le voyage en Allemagne qui forme la plus grande partie du 3* volume de l'original; mais elle prdsente une foule de notes curieuses qui reinvent les erreurs du voyageur Anglais, et suppteent a quelques-unes de ses omissions.*—Brunet. DIBDIN. 63 /jo 309 DIBDIN. The iLffiratfi CompanfOtl; or, the YOUNG = MAN'S GUIDE, and the OLD MAN'S COMFORT, in the CHOICE of a LIBRARY. By the REV. T. F. DIBDIN, m. a. f.r.s. Second Edition. London: Printed for Harding, Trip/took, and Lepard, Finsbiuy-Square, and J. Major, Fleet-Street, mdcccxxv. 8° half r us si a, marbled edges. J«£ 310 DIBDIN. An INTRODUCTION to the Knowledge of RARE = AND VALUABLE EDITIONS of the <&XtZ& atTtt fLatttt <£la#8fC£L Together with an Account of POLYGLOT BIBLES, GREEK BIBLES and GREEK TESTAMENTS; the GREEK FATHERS, and the LATIN FATHERS. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, d.d. f.r.s. jFottttl) lE&tttOtt J Greatly Enlarged and Corrected. London: Printed for Harding and Lepard, Pail-Mall East; and G. B. Whittaker, Ave-Maria Lane. 182J. 2 vols, imperial 8° calf gilt backs, and edges, with facsimile plate of the Compluten- siati Polyglot. LARGE PAPER. From the library of the fastidious / rcnch bibliophile, Armand Bertin. £tSc 311 DIBDIN. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN and = PICTURESQUE TOUR in FRANCE and GERMANY. By the Reverend Thomas Frognall Dibdin, d.d. Member of the Royal Academy at Rouen, and of the Academy of LTtrecht. SECOND EDITION. London : Published by Robert Jennings, and John Major. 182Q. 3 vols. 8° cloth, UNCUT. Contains 7 new plates—but all the original plates, excepting j, arc omitted. *** 4 This Edition is both Abridged and Enlarged: abridged, as regards the lengthiness of description of many of the MSS. and Printed Books—and enlarged, as respects the addi- tion of many Notes. The Antiquarian and Picturesque portions remain nearly as heretofore -, and upon the whole I doubt whether the amputation of matter has extended beyond an eighth of what appeared in the previous edition.r>—Preface. /#a 312 [DIBDIN.] BIBLIOPHOBIA. Remarks on the Present == Languid and Depressed State of LITERATURE and the Book Trade. In a Letter Addressed to the Author of the JUtftltOmanta, By Mercurius Rusticus [Rev. T. F. Dibdin.] With Notes by Cato Parvus. London: Henry Bohn, 4 York Street, Covent Garden. 1832. 8* pfi. ro2, boards. Uncut. See, Dibdin's Reminiscences of a Literary Life, p. 8Ss. J£C 313 DIBDIN. REMINISCENCES of a LITERARY LIFE; "= By the Reverend THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN, d.d. London: John Major, 71, Great Fussell-Street, Bloornsbury. MDCCCXXXVI. 2 vols. Sa tree calf extra, gilt backs, marbled edges. Portraits, Plates and Facsimiles. AUTOGRAPH NOTE of DIBDIN inserted. %* This copy contains the RARE INDEX, which is wanting in most copies. 64 DICTIONNAIRE HERMETIQUE. /,n ;j _3M_ DIBDIN. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL &nttqttartau autl -■ ^fcturrsdur tour in the northern counties of ENGLAND and in Scotland. By the Reverend THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN, d.d. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London: Printed for the Author by C. Richards, St. Martins Lane. mdcccxxxviii. J- vols, royal S° brenvn morocco, extra, tops gilts, fore edges uncut. J~ J*-' 3i5 DIBDIN. BIBLIOMANIA; or Book-Madness; A Biblio- 'graphical Romance. Illustrated with Cuts. By THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN, d.d. New and Improved Edition, To which are now added Preliminary Observations, and a Supple- ment including a Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. London: Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent-Garden. mdcccxlii. Roy. S° half, brenvn morocco, gilt edges, with some pertinent bibliographical notes by the present owner, neatly -written on the margins. LARGE PAPER, OK WHICH ONLY 55 COPIES WERE PRINTED. /y -'r 3l6 DIBDIN. BIBLIOMANIA; or Book-Madness. By the Rev. "~ Thomas Frognall Dibdin, f.s.a. The First Edition. Privately Reprinted for the Club of Odd Sticks. [New York.] 1864. 4° boards, uncut. ONLY 40 COPIES PRINTED this size. / ^317 C J3tcta it arftorc q trr' iJmaflo i)oin. [Per joh. geiler, "" de Kaiser she rg /] Absque aunt] loci, et typographi indications [Sed Esslingae, Conradus Fyner, Circa 1473s -?] 4* half calf, 2S leaves, jo lines to a full page. On the verso of the last leaf is the -word a A M£N r> in capitals. *** This singular work is attributed by Panzer, and other bibliographers, to the celebrated John Geiler, of Kaisersberg, one of the most popular and eccentric preachers in the fifteenth century. See, Panzer, Annates Typographic/', Vol. i, /. jSj. Ibid. Vol. iv, p. S$. Denis, Supplement?'m, p. 4Q2. [Iain, Repcrtorium Bibliographicum, Vol. i, Pars ii, /. 251. /,0 318 DICTIONNAIRE ENCYCLOPEDIQUE des Amusements; des Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, des procedes curieux des Arts; des Tours r^creatifs et fubtils de la Magie Blanche, & des Decouvertes Ing^nieufes et Varices de lTnduflrie, etc. Paris: chez Pancoucke. mdccxcti. 4° pp. qoo, boards. Uncut. /.,./ 319 DICTIONNAIRE HERMETIQUE, contenant 1'Explication — des Termes, Fables, Enigmes, Emblemes et manieres de parler des vrais Philosophes. Par un Amateur de la Science. [Guill. Salmon, M.D\ — TRAITfi PHILOSOPHIQUE de la Triple" Preparation de 1'Or et de 1'Argent. Par Gaston Le Doux, dit DE Claves, Amateur des Vdriiez Hcrmetiques. =■- De la DROITE et VRAIE Maniere de produire la Pierre Philoso- phale, etc. Paris: chez Laurent d'Houry. m.dc.xcv. 12° plain calf. Rare and very curious. d'israeli. 65 /Jj 320 DIDOT (AMBROISE-FIRMIN). Essai sur la TYPO- m==L GRAPHIE. Paris: Typographic de Firmin Didot fre-res. 1851. S° half calf. Presentation copy from Didot to M. Aug. Rousseau. //<£' 321 DIDOT (AMBROISE-FIRMIN). Essai Typographique et r==L Bibliographique sur THistoire de la Gravure sur Bois. Paris: m.dccc.lxiii. <Y° uncut. /.OO 322 DIES IRAL. {Translated into English verse, by Maj. Gen1: John A. Dix.] Cambridge (Mass.): Privately Printed. 1863- lb° boards. Presentation copy, with autograph of the translator. £" 323 C DIGESTORVM sev Pandect arum Pars Quarta, a Libro xx vfqz. ad xxxvi. Parisiis: An. Domini m.d.lxii. 8* half vellum. So 324 DIOGENIS LAERTII De Vita et Moribvs Philosophorum libri X. recens opera Ioannis Boulieri ad fidem Graeci codicis diligenter recogniti. Cum Indice locupletilTimo. Lvgdvni: Apud Antonium Vincentiiim. m.d.lxii. /6° hogskin. Name cat from the title-page. /O #0 325 DIONYSII HALICARNASEI ORIGINVM sive Antiqvitatvm Romanarvm Libri X. [Cum undicimo imperfeclo. Lapo Birago interprete.] In fine: Dionyfii Alicarnafei Romanaru; antiquitatum Explicit: Impreffum Regiiper me Francifcitf de Mazalis: Anno Do- mini Mcccclxxxxviii »f* die xii ►{« Nouembris. f° vellum, title-page missing, with the book plate of the distinguished French bibliophile, COMTE DE BOUTOURLIN. .yv 326 DISCOURS de ce qu'a fait en France le Heraut d'Angleterre, et de la R6ponse que lui a faite le Roi, le 7 Juin 1557. SoaYte' des Bibliophiles de Rheims. mdcccxli. lb" half morocco. Only 75 copies printed for sale. <J Od 327 DISPUTATIO PERJUCUNDA, qua Anonymus [ Valens Adda- r===i /ius] probare nititur MVLIERES Homines non esse: cui oppofita est Simonis Gedicci S. I. D. DEFENSIO SEXUS MULIEBRIS qua singula Anonymi argumenta diftinclis Thefibus propofita viriliter enervantur. Editio Secvnda. Plagce-Comitis, Excudebat. I. Bvrchornivs. cId Ir> CXLI. 24 ° half crimson morocco, tof> gilt? %* A singular attempt to prove that women do not belong to the human species; with a triumphant vindication of the sex by the very learned Simon Gediccus. J j c? 328 D'ISRAELI (ISAAC). Miscellanies; or Literary Re- creations. London: 1796. Sm. .>'•"' diamond calf *** This volume contains D'Israeli's curious Essay on the 4 Alliance between Love and Religion.d 66 DODD. ■ a 329 [D'ISRAELI (I.)] Flim-Flams! or the Life and Errors of my Uncle and his Friends! with Illustrations and Obscurities, by Messieurs Tag, Rag, and Bobtail. A Literary Romance. With eleven plates. A New Edition, with material alterations and additions. London: Printed for John Murray, 32, Fleet Street. 1806. 3 vols. 12° half crimson morocco, .gill backs, marbled edges. *** a A very droll, and now, I apprehend, scarce work.D—Dibdin. : c 330 D'ISRAELI (ISAAC). Calamities of Authors; Including ~" some Inquiries Respecting their Moral and Literary Charac- ters. London: John Murray. 1812. 2 vols. sin. S* half calf, gilt backs. jo 331 D'ISRAELI (ISAAC). Quarrels of Authors; or some Memoirs for our Literary History, Including Specimens of Controversy to the Reign of Elizabeth. London: John Murray. 1814. 3 vols. sm. S° half calf , gill backs. v\- 332 D'ISRAELI (ISAAC). The Literary Character, Illus- trated by the History of Men of Genius, Drawn from their own Feelings and Confessions. Third Edition, considerably Enlarged and Improved. London: John Murray. 1822. 2 vols. sin. S° half calf, gilt backs. fi'J 333 D'ISRAELI (ISAAC). Curiosities of Literature. First '" Series—j voh.===K Second Series of Curiosities of Liter- ature: consisting of Researches in Literary, Biographical, and Political History; of Critical and Philosophical Inquiries; and of Secret History—3 vols. London: John Murray. 1823-4. Together b vols. S° half calf gilt edges. r/~ 334 D'ISRAELI (ISAAC). Amenities of Literature; Consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature, Illustrating the Literary, Political, and Religious Vicissitudes of the English people. Second Edition. London : Moxon. 1842. 3 vols. S° half calf gilt backs. L -'335 DISSERTATION 6tymologique, Historique et Critique sur les Diverses Origines du Mot Cocu. Avec Notes et Pieces Justificatives. Par Un Membre de l'Academie de Blois. [Af. de Ee'tigny.] Blois: m viii c xxxv. (sic) [/<??5.] /6° yellow morocco, extra, gilt leaves, dentelle borders, by NiEDRKE. Only 7/ copies printed; the present copy is ONE OF 21 COPIES PRINTED on YELLOW PAPER. Very scarce. ***«Kac^tie spirituelle d'un homme tort drudit.D See, [Gay] Bibliographic des Ouvrages relatifs A I'Amour, Tome in, /. 7j. ■■'£ 336 [DODD.] Hearts and Noses. A Satyrical Lecture on Hearts: To which is added A. Critical Dissertation on Noses. [By J. S. Dodd.\ The Second Edition. London: Printed for G. Kearsley, in Ludgate-Street. 176"/. 8" cloth, title-page ruled in red lines. Very curious. DRAKE. 67 z /' 337 40KIMA2TH2, sive De Librorum circa res Theologicas Approbations, Disquisitio Historica. [ Par rAbbt< Jacques Boileau.] Antuerpi^e: Typis Bernardi Salii. mdccviii. iS° calf. *#* a Rare and very curious.v — PEiGNOT. o.V 338 DOR AN (Dr.) Table Traits, with Something on Them. ^^ New York: Redfield. 1855. 12° doth. J<f- 339 DORAN (Dr.) Habits and Men, with Remnants of Record ~= touching the Makers of Both. New York: Redfield. 1855. 12 ° cloth. J jjo 340 DORAN (Dr. JOHN) WORKS. Comprising I. Table Traits ——~ —1 vol. II. Habits and Men, with Remnants of Record touching the Makers of Both—1 vol. III. Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover—2 vols. IV. Knights and their Days —1 vol. V. Monarchs Retired from Business—2 vols. VI. The History of Court Fools—1 vol. VII. New Pictures in Old Panels—1 vol. VIII. The Book of the Princes of Wales, Heirs to the Crown of England—/ vol. London: 1855-56. Together 10 vols. Crown S° calf, extra, gilt backs, marbled edges, portraits and plates. J*, o 0 341 DOUCE (FRANCIS). Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners: With Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare; on the Collection of Popular Tales Entitled Gesta Romanorum; and on the English Morris Dance. With Engravings on Wood by J. Berry/nan. London: Printed for Long man, Hurst, Rees and Or me. mdcccvii. 2 vols. S° half calf marbled edges. %* a A work replete with tasteful illustration and curious research.d—Dibdin. y\sfo 342 DOYLE. A CHRONICLE of ENGLAND b. c. 55—a. d. 1485. Written and Illustrated by James Doyle. With Numerous Designs Engraved and Printed in Colours by Edmund Evans. London: Longman 6° Co. 1S64. 4° cloth, extra, gilt back, sides and edges. /oa 343 DRAKE (NATHAN). Literary Hours, or Sketches Critical and Narrative. Second Edition, corrected and greatly enlarged. Sudbury: 1800. 2 vols. S° half calf. ,.s < 344 DRAKE (NATHAN). The GLEANER. A Series of Periodical Essays; Selected and Arranged from Scarce or Neglected Vo- lumes. With an Introduction and Notes. London: r8rr. 4 vols. S° diamond calf marbled edges. LARGE PA PER. 68 DUNTON. /?'< ~ 345 DRURY. CATALOGUE of the Extensive and Valuable Library of the Rev. Henry Drury, m.a. Consisting of an Extraordinary Collection of Classical and Theological mss. Best Editions of the Classics. Early Printed Books. Pro- ductions of the Aldine Press. Philological and Critical Works. History. Voyages and Travels. Belles-Lcttres and Mis- cellaneous Literature. Many of the Books are on Large Paper, and the whole in Fine Condition. Sold by Auction by Mr. [R. H.] Evans. [London:] 1827, S° boards, UNCUT. Thick paper copy. Sc 346 DV CHESNE (ANDRE). Bibliotheqve des Avthevrs, qvi ont Escrit 1'Histoire et Topographie de la France. SecondeEdi- tion reueue, & augmented de plus de deux cens Hiftoriens. Paris: chez Sebastien Cramoisy, rue Saintt Jacques, aux Cicognes. M.DC.XXVII. Sm. S° boards. / »T~347 DUCHESNE aine (J.) Voyage d'un Iconophile. Revue des principaux Cabinets d'Estampes, Bibliotheques et Musses d'Alle- magne, de Hollande et d'Angleterre. Paris: Heideloff et Camp/, Libraires, 1854. S° uncut. %* A most valuable work for a collector of rare Etchings and Engravings. / :y 348 DUNCAN. Wholesome ADVICE against the Abuse of Hot Liquors, particularly of Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Brandy, and Strong-Waters. With Directions to know what Constitutions they Suit, and when the Use of them may be Profitable or Hurtful. By Dr. [Dame/] Duncan, of the Faculty of Mont- pelier. Done out of French. London: Printed for H. Rhodes at the Star, the Corner of Bride-Lane in Fleet Street. 1706. S° calf. Rare and curious. , c 349 DUNLOP (JOHN). Artificial and Compulsory DRINKING "-""^ USAGES of the United Kingdom. London: Houlston 6° Stoneman, s. a. 12^ cloth. /6c 350 [DUNTON.] RELIGIO BIBLIOPOLE. In Imitation of *" 'Dr. Browns Religio Medici, with a SUPPLEMENT to it. [By John Dunton and Benj. Bridgwater, Gent.] London: Printed for P. Smart, and are to be sold at the Raven in the Poultry. r6gi. Sm. S'" calf. First Edition. Rare. *** This book begins well—« Booksellers in the Gross are taken for no better than a Pack of Knaves and Atheists.»/. /. 4 Mr. Ben. Bridgwater was in part, author of Religio Bibliopolce. His genius was very rich, and ran much upon Poetry, in which he excelled. But, alas! in the issue, Wine and Love were the ruin of this ingenious Gentleman.p- Dunton's Life and Errors, Vol. i, /. 777. DUQUESNE. 69 /./£ 351 [DUNTON (JOHN).] Athenian Sport: or Two Thousand Tr== Paradoxes Merrily Argued to Amuse and Divert the Age. London: Printed for B. Bragg in Paternoster-Row. 1707. S° calf. Very curious. ,^-352 [DUNTON (JOHN).] The Athenian Oracle. Being an / —tt- entire Collection of all the Valuable Questions and Answers in the Old Athenian Mercuries. London: m.dccxxviii. 4 vols. X0 plain calf. .4.00 353 DUNTON. The LIFE and ERRORS of JOHN DUNTON, Trr= Citizen of London; [Bookseller.] With the Lives and Characters of more than a Thousand Contemporary Divines, and other Persons of Literary Eminence. To which are are Added DUNTON'S CONVERSATION in IRELAND; and Selections from his other Genuine Works. {Edited by John Nichols.] London: Printed by and for J. Nichols. 1818. 2 vols. S° boards, UNCUT. Portrait. ***This work contains some interesting and amusing sketches of the Booksellers and noted clergymen of Boston, in 1686. The Rev, Mr. Cotton Mather, was then finishing his Magnalia Christi Americana, a There is abundance of freedom and familiarity in the humour of this Gentleman. His Library is very large and numerous; but, had his Books been fewer when he wrote his History, it would have pleased us better.j> Dunton, rambled to Roxbury to visit the Rev. Mr. Eliot, the great Apostle of the Indians, who presented him with TWELVE INDIAN BIBLES! See, Vol. i, p. 115. /So 354 DUPERRON DE CASTERA (M.) Histoire du Mont = V£suve, avec l'Explication des Phenomenes qui ont coutume d'ac- compagner les embrasements de cette Montagne. Paris: 1741. 12° calf. Large folding plates. /.OOZSS DUPIN (M.) Notices Historiques, Critiques et Biblio- graphiques, sur plusieurs Livres de Jurisprudence Francaise, Remarquables par leur Antiquite ou leur Originalite. Paris: chez B. Waree. m.dccc.xx. S° half morocco. Very curious. AOO 356 DUPLESSIS (GEORGES). Essai de Bibliographie contenant "~'r"~" ITndication des Ouvrages relatifs a 1'Histoire de la Gravure et des Graveurs. $* uncut. Paris: 1862. *** An excellent Bibliography of Works on the History of Engraving, and Engravers, with a copious Index. 0? 00 357 [DUQUESNE.] Discours sur la Nudite des Mamelles des rrrr= Femmes, par Un Reverend Pere Capucin; public pour la premiere fois, et d'apres un Manuscrit du iS° Siecle, avec une Preface et une BIBLIOGRAPHIE par Ch. D. [Charles Duqiiesnc] Gand: Duquesne. 1857. 12 h a If m 0 roc co. %* « Opuscule tire* h 200 exemplaires, dont S sur papier ve'lin de couleur et 2 sur peau-ve'lin. C'est une Face'tie, et le Re~><!>-end Pere Capucin auquel ce Discours est attribue" n'a jamais existe\»—Ou£rard. 70 DRYDEN. %f 358 DUSBURG (PETRI DE). Chronicon Prussia cum incerti Aucloris CONTINUATIONE usque ad annum mccccxxxv. Item Dissertationes xix. Antiqvitates Prussicas, auctore Christoforo Hartknoch. Francofurti et Lipsle: mdclxxix. 40 half calf. Folding map. /.o 0 359 DUTENS (M. L.) ORIGINE des DECOUVERTES ATTRI- BUEES aux MODERNES. Ou Ton d^montre que nos plus celebres Philofophes ont puife la plupart de leurs ConnoilTances dans les Ouvrages des Anciens, & que plufieurs V£rit£s importantes fur la Religion ont ete connues des Sages du Paganisme. Troisihne Edition. 4° boards, uncut. LONDRES: MDCCXCVl. ***d A really learned and interefting work. Those who entertain a morbid jealousy of modern philosophy are glad to avail themselves of such hunters into obscure antiquity as DUTENS.D—HALLA.M . / /; 360 DUTHILLCEUL (H. R.) Catalogue Descriptif et Raisonn£ des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheoue de Douat. Douai: 1846. 8* half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. *#*This volume also contains an account of Manuscrits concernant la Legislation du Moyen-Age,v par M. Taili.iar. / ; 6 361 DRVDONE (H.) Equitis Eranci &» Adolefcentula Mulieris 7 -=-""" hake PRACTICA Artis AMANDI, Insigni & Jucvndissima Historia Ostensa. Cui praeterea, quae ex variis autoribus antehac annexa funt, alia quaedam huic materiae non inconvenientia jam primum accellerunt, eaque fingularia; et ad praxin hujus feculi potiffimum accommodata. Amstelodami: Apud Georgivm Trigg. Anno Dom. 1651. r2° vellum. Engraved frontispiece. Rare and Curious. Contents: I. Historia de Euralio et Lucretia, se Amantibvs. II. Epistola amatoria. III. Qv.'estio qvis inter Scortatorem, Aleatorcm et Ebriosum sit pessimus: Explicata a Philippo Beroaldo. IV. Oratjo de Matrimonio Literati. V. Bossus de Immoderato Mulie- rum cultu. VI. Lvpanaria atqve adeo Ars Meretricia. VII. Io. Ioviani Pontani Charon Dialogus. VIII. Iluciti Am oris vera descriptio. IX. De Utiutate Matrimonii. X. De Duobus Amantibvs, Amores Guiscardi et Gismundje. ;,: 362 DRYDEN (JOHN). The CONQUEST of GRENADA by the — - Spaniards. In Two Parts. Acted at the Theater-Royal. The Third Edition. London : Printed bx H. Hills, for Henry Herringman. 2 Parts 4° paper cor>ers. The lower margin of Part i,page 2, mutilated.' *** These Plays contain Dryden's Preface; a Of Hcroick Plays, an Essay t>; and his celebrated a Essay on the Dramatick Poetry of the last Age.P a Read all the Prefaces of Dryden, For these our critics much confide in, Though merely writ at first for filling, To raise the volume's price a shilling.»—Swift, On Poetry. ^1/4* iE^ii //c7 363 1ARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY'S PUBLICA- TIONS, from the Commencement in 1864 to i8jy. A complete Set of these Valuable Works. London: 1864-1 8jj. 07 vols, S'° /a/(T u'Tvn. Uncut. *List of the Early English Text Society's Publications—ORIGINAL SERIES, 1864-1877. Publications fo> IS04. i. Early Euglish Alliterative Poems, ab. 1360 a.d., ed. R. Morris. 2. Arthur, ab. 1440, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 3. Lauder on the Dewtie of Kyngis, &c, 1556, ed. F. Hall. 4. Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, ab. 1360, ed. R. Morris. ISII.K 5. Hume's Orthographic and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue, ab. 1617, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 6. Lancelot of the Laik, ab. 1500, ed. Rev. W. W\ Skeat. 7. Genesis and Exodus, ab. 1250, ed. R. Morris. 8. Morte Artbure, ab. 1440, ed. E. Brock. q. Thynne on Chaucer's Works, ab. 1508, ed. Dr. Kingsley. 10. Merlin, ab 1440, Part I., ed. H. B. Wheatley. ii. Lyndesay's Monarehe, &c, 1552, Part I, ed. F. Hall. 12. The Wright's Chaste WTife, ab. 1462, ed. F. J. Furnivall. is<;i;. 13. Seinte Marherete, 1200-1330, ed. Rev. T. O. Cockayne. 14. King Horn, Floris and Blancheflour, &c, ed. Rev. J. R. Lumby. 15. Political, Religious, and Love Poems, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 16. The Book of (juinte Essence, ab. 1460-70, F. J. Furnivall. 17. Parallel Extracts trom 29 MSS. of Piers the Plowman, ed. Rev. W\ W. Skeat. 18. Hali Meidenhad, ab. 1200, ed. Rev. T. O. Cockayne. 19. Lyndesay's Monarehe, &c, Part II., ed. F. Hall. 20. Flampole's English Prose Treatises, ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. 21. Merlin, Part II, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 22. Partenay or Lusignen, ed. Rev. W". W. Skeat. 23. Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyte, 1340, ed. R. Morris. 18U7. 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ ; the Parliament of Devils, &c, ab. 1430, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 25. The Stacionsof Rome, the Pilgrims' Sea-voyage, with Clene Maydenhod, ed. F. J Furnivall. 26. Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse,from R. Thornton's MS. (ab. 1440), ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. 27. Levins's Manipulus Vocabulorum, 1570, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 28. William's Vision of Piers the Plowman, 1362 a.d. Part I. The earliest or Vernon Text • Text A. Edited by Rev. W. W. Skeat. 29. Early English Homilies (ab. 1220 ^o a.d.) from unique MSS. in the Lambeth and other Libraries. Parti. Edited by R. Morris.' 30. Pierce the Plowman's Crede, ed. R. W\ W. Skeat. isus. 31. Myrc's Duties of a Parish Priest, in Verse, ab, 1420 a.d.j ed. E. Peacock. 32. The Babees Poke, Urbanitatis, the Pokes ot Norture ot John Russell and Hugh Rhodes, the Pokes of Keruyng, Curtasye, and Demeanour, &c, with some French and Latin Poems on like subjects, ed. from Harleian and other MSS. by F. J. Furnivall. 33. The Knight De La Tour Landry (trom French of a.d. 1372), ab. 1449 a.d. A Father's Book lor his Daughters, ed. from Hail. MS. 17^4 and Caxton's version, by Thomas WTright. 34. Early English Homilies (before 1300 a.d.) from unique MSS. in the Lambeth and other Libraries/ Part II. Edited by R." Morris. 3s. Lyndesay's Works, Part III.': The Historie and Testament of Squyer Meldrum, ed. F. Hall. 7 2 EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY S PUBLICATIONS. 1869. 36. Merlin, Part III. Edited by H. B. Wheatley, Esq.; with an Essay on Arthurian Localities, by J S. Stuart Glennie, Esq. 37. L'vndesay's Works, Part IV, containing Ane Satyre of the Three Estaits. Edited by F. Hall, Esq. 38. William's Vision of Piers the Plowman, Part II. Text B. Edited from the MSS. by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 39. The Alliterative Romance of the Destruction of Troy, translated from Guido de Colonna. Edited by D. Donaldson, Esq., and the Rev. G. A. Pan ton. Part I. 1870. 40. English Gilds, their Statutes and Customs, 1389 a.d. Edited by the late Toulmin Smith, Esq., and Miss Lucy Toulmin Smith, with a Preliminary Essay, in 5 parts, on a The History and Development of Gilds, and the Origin of Trades-Unions,i> by Dr. Lujo Brentano. 41. William Lauder's Minor Poems. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, Esq. 42. Bernardus de Cura Rei Famuliaris, with some Early Scottish Prophecies, &c. From a MS. KK. 1. 5, in the Cambridge University Library. Edited by J. R. Lumby, M.A. 43. Ratis Raving, and other Moral and Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse. Edited from the Camb. Univ. MS. KK. 1. 5, by J. R. Lumbv, M.A. 1871. 44. The Alliterative Romance of Joseph of Arimathie, or The Holy Grail: a fragment from the Vernon MS.; with Wynkyn de Worde's and Pynson's (a.d. 1526 and 1520) Lives of Joseph; edited bv the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 45. King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, edited from 2 MSS., with an English translation, bv Henrv Sweet, Esq!, of Balliol College, Oxford. Part I. 46. Legends of the Holy "Rood, Symbols of the Passion and Cross. Poems in Old English of the nth, 14th, and 15th centuries. Edited from MSS. by Rev. R. Morris, LL.D 47. Lyndesay's Works,"Part V, containing his Minor Poems, edited by James A. H. Murray, Esq., with a Critical Essay by Professor Nichol of Glasgow. 48. The Times's Whistle, and other Poems, by R. C, 1616; edited by J. M. Cowper, Esq. 1872. 49. An Old English Miscellany, containing a Bestiary, Kentish Sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, Religious Poems of the 13th century, edited from the MSS. by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.D. 50. King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, edited from 2 MSS., with an English translation, bv Henry Sweet, Esq., Balliol College, Oxford. Part II. 51. The Life of St. Juliana, 2 versions, with translations; edited from the MSS. by the Rev. T. O. Cockayne and Mr. Brock. 52. Palladiuson Husbondrie, from the unique MS., ab. 1420 a.d., ed. Rev. B. Lodge. Part I. 1873. 53. Old English Homilies, Series II, from the unique 13th-century MS. in Trinity Coll. Cam- bridge, with a photolithograph; three Hymns to the Virgin and God, from a unique 13th- century MS. at Oxford, a photolithograph of the music to two of them, and transcriptions of it in modern notation by Dr. Rimbault, and A. J. Ellis, Esq., F.R.S.; the whole edited by the Rev. Richard Morris, LL.D. 54. The Vision of Piers Plowman, Text C (completing the 3 versions of this great poem), with an Autotype; and two unique alliterative poems: Richard the Redeles (by William, the author of the Vision); and the Crowned King ; edited by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 55. Generydes, a Romance, edited from the unique MS., ab. 1440 a.d., Trin. Coll. Cambridge, by \V." Aldis Wright, Esq., M. A., Trin. Coll. Cambr. Part. I. 1874. 56. The Gest Hystoriale of the Destruction of Troy, in alliterative verse ; ed. from the unique MS. by D. Donaldson, Esq., and the late Rev. G. A. Panton. Part II. 57. The Early English Version of the Cursor Mundi ; in four Texts, edited by the Rev. R. Morris, M.A. LL.D. Part I. With 2 photolithographic facsimiles. 58. The Blickling Homilies, edited from the Marquis of Lothian's Anglo-Saxon MS. of 971 a.d., by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.D., with a photolithograph. Part I. 1875. 59. The Early English Version of the Cursor Mundi, in four Texts, edited by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.D. Part II. 60. Meditacyuns on the Soper of our Lorde (perhaps by Robert of Brunne) edited from the MSS. by T. M. Cowper, Esq. 61. The Romance and Prophecies of Thomas of Erceldoune, printed from five MSS.; edited by Dr. Tames A. IT. Murray. 187(1. 62 The Early English Version of the Cursor Mundi, in four Texts, edited by the Rev. R. 'Morris, LL.D. Part III. 63 The Blickling Homilies, edited from the Marquis of Lothian's Anglo-Saxon MS. of 971 a.d., by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.D. Part II. 64. Francis Thynne's Embleme'sand Epigrams, t6oo a.d., from the Earl of Ellesmere's unique MS.,edited by F. T. Furnivall, M.A. 65. Be Domes Dsege (Bede's De Die Judicii) and other short Anglo-Saxon Pieces, edited from the unique MS. bv the Rev. J. Rawson Lumby, B.D. 1877. 66. The Early English Version of the Cursor Mundi, in four Texts, edited by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.D. Part IV. With an autotype of a page of the Cotton MS. of the Cursor. 67. The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman. Edited by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A. Part IV. Section I.—Notes to Texts A. B. and C. EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY S PUBLICATIONS. 73 \0t 364 EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. 'EXTRA SERIES. From the commencement in 1867 to 1877. London: 1867-1877. 2Q vols. S° paper coz'ers, uncut. *♦* List of the EXTRA SERIES, 1867-1877. Publications for 1867. 1. William of Palerne- or. William and the Werwolf. Re-edited from the unique MS. in King's College, Cambridge, by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. II. Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, by A. J. Ellis, F.R.S. Part I. 18G8. III. Caxton's Book of Curtesye, in 3 Versions 1, from the unique print in the Camb. Univ. Libr. ; 2, the Oriel'MS. 79; 3, the Balliol MS. 354. Ed. by F. J. Furnivall, Esq., M.A. IV. Havelok the Dane. Re-edited from the unique MS. by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A., with the sanction and aid of the original editor, Sir Frederic Madden. V. Chaucer's Boethius. Edited from the two best MSS. by R. Morris, LL.D. VI. Chevelere Assigne. Re-edited from the unique MS. by H. H. Gibbs, Esq. 1809. VII. Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, by A. J. Ellis, F.R.S. Part II. VIII. Queene Elizabethes Achademy, a Book of Precedence, etc. Edited by F. J. Furnivall, Esq., with Essays on Early Italian and German Books of Courtesy, by W. M. Rossetti, Esq., and IE. Oswald, Esq. IX. Awdeley's Fraternitye of Vacabondes, Harman's Caveat, etc. Edited by E. Viles, Esq., and F. J. Furnivall, Esq. 1870. X. Andrew Boorde's Introduction of Knowledge, 1547, and Dyetary of Helth, 1543; with Barnes in the Defence of the Berde, 1542-3. Edited, with a Life of Boorde, and an account of his Works, by F. J. Furnivall, M.A. XL Barbour's Bruce. Part 1. "Edited from the MSS. and early printed editions, by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 1N71. XII. England in Henry VIII's Time: a Dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Lupset, mainly on the Condition of England, written by Thomas Starkey, Chaplain to Henry VIII. Edited by J. M. Cowper, Esq. Part II. (Part I, StarA-ey's Life and Letters, is in preparation.) XIII. A Supplycacyon of the Beggers, by Simon Pish, 1528-9 a. d., edited by F. J. Furnivall, M. A. ; with a Supplication to our Moste Soueraigne Lorde: A Supplica- tion of the Poore Commons ; and the Decaye of England by the Great Multitude of Sheep, edited by J. M. Cowper, Esq. XIV. Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, by A. J. Ellis, Esq., F.R.S. Part III. 1872. XV. Robert Crowley's Thirty-one Epigrams, Voyce of The Last Trumpet, Way to Wealth, etc., 1550-1 a. d., edited by J. M. Cowper, Esq. XVI. Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe, 139T a. d. Ed. from MSS. by Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. XVII. The Complaynt of Scotlande, 1549 A- D-i with an Appendix of four Contemporary- English Tracts, edited by J. A. H. Murray, Esq. Part I. 1873. XVIII. The Complaynt of Scotlande, 1549 a. d., with an Appendix of four Contemporary English Tracts (1542-48), edited by J. A. H. Murray, Esq. Part II. XIX. Oure Ladyes Miroure, a. d. 1530," edited by the Rev. J. H. Blunt, M. A., with four photolithographic facsimiles by Cooke and Fotheringham. 1874, XX. Lonelich's History of the Holy Grail (ab. 1450 a. d.), translated from the French prose of Sires Robiers de Borron, rc-edited trom the unique MS. in Corpus Christi Coll. Cambridge, by F. J. Furnivall, Esq., M.A. Part I. XXI. Barbour's Bruce, Part II, edited from the MSS. and the earliest printed edition by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. XXII. Henry Brinklow's Complaynt of Roderyck Mors, somtyme a gray Eryre, vnto the Parliament Howse of Ingland his naturall Country, for the Redresse of certen wicked Lawes, euel Customs, and cruel Decreys (ab. 1542); and The Lamentacion of a Christian against the Citie of London, made by Roderigo Mors, a. d. 1545. Edited by J. M. Cowper, Esq. XXIII. Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, by A. J. Ellis, Esq., F.R.S. Part IV. 187.-). XXIV. Lonelich's History of the Holy Grail (ab. 1450 a. d.), translated from the French prose of Sires Robiers de Borrbn, re-edited from the unique MS. in Corpus Christi Coll. Cambridge, by F. J. Furnivall, Esq., M.A. Part II. XXV. The Romance of Guy ot' Warwick, edited from the Cambridge University MS., by Prof. J. Zupitza, Ph.D. (The and, or 15th-century Version.) Part I. 74 exoge philosophique de l'impertinence. 1876. XXVI. The Romance of Guy of Warwick, edited from the Cambridge University MS., by Prof. J. Zupitza, Ph.D. (The 2nd, or 15th-century Version.) Part II. XXVII. The English Works ot John Fisher, Bp of Rochester (died is^s), edited bv Prof. J. E. B. Mayor, M.A., Cambridge. Part I, the Text. 1ST?. XXVIII. Lonelich's Holy Grail, from Rob. de Borron, ed. by F. J. Furaivall Part III XXIX. Barbour's Bruce, Part III, edited by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. /-V j6^ EBERT (FREDERIC ALDOLPHUS). A General Biblio- graphical Dictionary. Oxford: University Press, mdcccxxxvii. 4 vols. S° cloth. . 6 Q 366 EBNER. Catalogus Bibliothecae numerosae ab incluti nominis viro Hieronymo Guilielmo Ebnero ab Eschenbach rel. olim conledtae, etc. Norimbergae: 1812-ip. S vols. 8° paper. Portrait. *** This valuable catalogue contains an immense number of rare works relating to Martin Luther, and his time. 3.oo _3^7_ EDWARDS (CHARLES). The History and Poetry of Finger-Rings. With numerous wood-cuts. New York: 1855. 12° cloth. Very scarce. .So 368^ EDWARDS (THOMAS). The Canons of Criticism, and "Glossary; the Trial of the Letter i~ alias Y, and Sonnets. London: Printed for C. Bathurst. m.dcc.lviii. 8° half calf antique, marbled edges. *** An entertaining biographical sketch of Thomas Edwards, the author of this pungent work, will be found in Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, Vol. 11, p. jqS et seq. / ,y 369 EHRLEN (JOHN. JACOBUS). Dissertatio Philologica de = SITU PARADISI TERRESTRIS, etc. Argentorati: mdccli. Sm. 40 half vzorocco. / oL- 370 EINARI (HALFDANO). Historia Literaria Islandi/e, Autorum et Scriptorum turn Editorum turn Ineditorum Indi- cem Exhibens. Editio Nova. Havni^e et LipsijE. MDCCLXXVI. £° boards. *** «This RARE and interesting History of Icelandic Literature, contains much important information that is not to be found elsewhere. The work is divided into Six Chapters. Each chapter is followed by a Table, in which the Authors are ranged alphabetically, according to their Christian Names.p / , S 371 &LOGE de l'ASNE, par un Docteur de Montmartre. [Dom '=rr=r Joseph Cajot.~\ A Londres, et se trouve a Paris, m.dcc.lxix. IS" half calf. *** A learned and amusing satirical treatise in upraise of the Ass.* The author's motto is, Nosce te ipsum. 372 ELOGE de 1TVRESSE. [Par Albert Henri de Sallengre.] Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrigee et augmented. [Par P. A. M. Miger.] A Bacchopolis, et se trouve a Paris, chez Michel. An VII. 12" half calf. [i8oo^\ /So 373 ELOGE PHILOSOPHIQUE de l'IMPERTI N ENCE. [Par M. de Maimieux.] Abdere: et a Paris, chez Maradan. if 88. 8° half morocco. Curious. 7 ■ ENCHIRI. 75 S6 374 -&LOGE des PERRUQUES, Enrichi de Notes plus amples que le Texte, par le Docteur Akerlio [_/. N. M. de Guerle.] Paris: chez Maradan. An VII [1S00.] 12° half morocco, top gilt. *#* Sidney Smith's well-known description of Dr. Parr's astounding Wig, and his Spital Sermon, is justly applicable to the author of this singular book. After a brief Discourse in Praise of the WIG, M. de Guerle has subjoined a an immeasurable mass of Notes, which appear to concern every learned thing, every learned man, and almost every unlearned man since the beginning of the world.d J'o 375 &LOGE de Quelque Chose, suivi De L'£loge de Rien. Nou- vclle Edition, contenant le Poeme Latin de Passerat, intitule a Nihil,j> et autres Riens egalement piquans, par le P. Daire, M. Lenoble, Maynard, etc. Paris: chez Merrier de Compiegne. L'an IIP [^7pS-] S° boards, UNCUT. ^.cfc1 376 ]feLOGE des Tetons. Ouvrage Curieux, Galant et Badin. '==== Compose pour les Divertissemens des Dames. Par * * * * ^Jean- Pierre-Nicholas Du Commun, dit Ve'ron.] Seconde Edition. Cologne: a PEncldme de Vri'ite. 1764. 24 ° uncut. J.yS 377 ELSEVIR. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM Officin^e DANIELIS ELSEVIRII; Deftgnans libros, qui ejus typis &> impenfis prodierunt ant quorum alias copia ipfi fuppetit, & quorum audio habebitur. Amstelodami: do Idc Lxxxi. 12° brown morocco, extra, dentelle borders. UNCUT. Very Rare. *** See, Pieters, Annates de V Imprimeric Elzevir ienne, p. Ivi. j. 00 yjz_ 151 g 0t ♦ arJ)<r ©oftr mmttr tyt &outvnouv trrtifjsety Kg sir STljomaa lElfiot Bngflljt, [Colophon] Jmprinted at Ion don in PI etc Jlrete, in the houfe of Thomas Berthelet. Cum priuilegio ad imp rime ndurn folum. [-O'jTJ.] Sm. S° vellum. Title-page missing, and the margins of several leaves scribbled over by some thoughtful child. *** A good anatysis of this edition will be found in Oldvs' British Librarian, pp. 2bi-q. //,T 379 EM&RIC-DAVID (T. B.) JUPITER. Recherches sur ce Dieu, sur son Culte, et sur les Monuments qui le Representent. Ouvrage precede d'un Essai sur 1'Esprit de la Religion Grecque. Paris: mdcccxxxiii. 2 vols. $° half calf UNCUT. Frontispiece representing JuriTER seated, holding a globe in his right hand. /, /2-^ 3%o €E ENCHIRI I dion Pietatis amatorum, ex variis fanclorum | libris concinnatum & recognitunv. [Parisiis:] C /// cedibus Afccnfianis. vi. Calen. April. Anno, mdxxi. Square f2° pigshin, brass clasps. *** CONTENTS: — I. Meditationes SancVi Auguftini. II. Soliloquia Sanfti Auguftini. III. Manuale Sancli Auguftini. IV. Stimulus diuini amoris Sancli Anfelmi. V. Oratio Sancti Anfelmi. VI. Meditationes & Preces Sancli Anfelmi. VII. Meditationes Santfti Bernardi. VIII. Soliloquium animae Thomas a Kempis. IX. Cordis vera cOpunctio Thomce a Kempis. X. Salomonis Prouerbia, Ecclefiaftes, Cantica Canticorum. XL Liber Sapiential. XII Liber Ecclefiafticus. 76 EPISTOL^E OBSCURORUM VIRORUM. /. , 381 ENCYCLOPEDIANA, ou Dictionnaire Encyclopedique des ANA. [Par Jacques Lacombe.] Paris: chez Panckoucke. mdccxci. 4° boards. Uncut. *#* «Le meMte de cette Collection consistoit a renfermer dans un seul volume (de 964 pages in-40) ce que tous les ouvrages connus sous le titre d'ANA, et qu'un tres-grand nombre de volumes de recueils fugitifs, de livres rares et singuliers, oflFrent de remarquable et de saillant dans les diflferentes parties des Sciences, des Arts, de 1'Histoire et de la Littkra- ture . J>—Pre/ace. »;]jo3&2_ ENGLANDS HELICON. Or, The Mvses Harmony. A Manuscript. 4° half morocco. %* A neatly written transcript in the handwriting- of DR. PHILIP BLISS. On the fly leaf is this Note: a The transcriber has carefully noted the variations of the 40 and 8° Copies of this book, and has inserted the Names of the Authors as supposed to have been identified by Ritson, Reed, Malone, Farmer, and others; from Dr. Farmer's own copy.» This transcript was made from the Edition of 1614, and contains pp. 1-184. There are many pencil notes of considerable interest throughout the volume. ,:.or 3S3 ENLUMINURES (Les) du Fameux ALMANAC des PP. —= JESUITES, Intitule, La D&ROUTE et la Confufum des Janfenifles, ou Triomphe de Molina Jesuite sur S. Augustin [Par Isaac- Louis Le Maistre de Sacy.] Avec L'Onguant pour la Brulure, ou le fecret d'empefcher aux Jefuites de Bruler des Livres. [Par J. Barbier d'Aucour.] A Liege: chez Jaques (sic) Le Noir. 1683. Sm. S° vellum, 2plates, one 0/which represents the Jesuits amusing themselves burning- books. / x ( 384 ENSCHEDE. Specimen de Caracteres Typographiques Anciens qui se trouvent dans la Collection Typographique de Joh. Enschede et Fits, Imprimeurs a Harlem. [Harlem: i86y^\ Sm. 40 uncut, a Tire1 a cent exemplaires nume'rote's, JV° 2Q.1> A/S 385 EPHESIAN (The) MATRON. London: Printed for Henry rT=T^ Herring man at the Anchor in the Lower Walke in the New Fxchange. 24° calf. Very Rare. J(^SP- *+* a The Ephesian Matron, versified by La Fontaine, was borrowed from the Italians; it is to be found in Petronius, and Petronius had it from the Greeks. But where did the Greeks find it? In the Arabian Tales! And from whence did the Arabia?i fabulists borrow it? From the Chinese.' It is found in Du Halde, who collected it from the Versions of the Jesuits.*—D'Israeli. /.6l 386 EPICTETUS and CEBES. The LIFE and PHILOSOPHY of "^^" EPICTETUS. With The EMBLEME of Humane Life, By CEBES. Rendered into English by John Davies, of Kidwelly. London: Printed by t. r. for John Martyn. 1670. iS° calf. Large folding Plates. /■ r?~ 387 [EPISTOLyE Obscurorum Virorum:] Dvo vo\vm\r\2i\EPISTO- -— I larvm Obscvro- I rvm Virorvm, ad D. | M. Ortui. Gratium. Attico I lepore referta, denuo ex- | cusa & a mendis re- | purgata. | QVIBVS OB STILI ET | argumenti similitudinem | adiecimus in ERASMUS. 77 calce Dialo- | gu mire festiuum, erudi- | tis salibus refertum. M.D.LXX. In Fine, Romce Stampato con priuilegio del Pa- \ pa, 6° confirmato in lugo, qui \ vulgo dicitur, Bel \ vedere. FINIS. 2 Parts in i 7>ol. 12 ° calf. *** a Never were unconscious barbarism, self-glorious ignorance, intolerant stupidity, and sanctimonious immorality, so ludicrously delineated; never did delineation less betray the artifice of ridicule. The Epistolce Obscurorui?i Virorum are at once the most cruel and the most natural of satires.»—Sir Wm. Hamilton. J.jf 388 EPISTOL^E I OBSCURORUM | Virorum | ad | Dn. M. Ortuinum I Gratium. I Nova 6° accurata Editio. \ Francofurti : | ad Mcenum. \ Anno m DC xliii. | 12° vellum, pp. 620. ***This elegant little volume of the Epistolce, etc. which Ebert says was printed at the Elzevir press, contains the following additional matter, viz.: 1. Conciliabulum Theologis- tarum. II. Huttenus Captivus. III. Huttenus Illustris. IV. De Generibus Ebriosorum, et ebrietate vitanda. V. De fide Meretricum. VI. De Fide Concubinarum. VII. Prognostica. VIII. Regulse Collegii securorum et bonorum Sociorum. IX. Disputationes inter Marcol- phum et Salomonem Regem. X. Disputatio de Cornelio et eiusdem Natura ac proprietate. /it<-6> 389 EPISTOL^ OBSCURORUM VIRORUM. Tertio Volumine ^^^ Auctte. Londini: A pud Editor em. [s. a.] S Parts in J vol. 12° half calf. Margins closely cut. With il curious portraits. *** According to Ebert, this edition was printed in Germany. The Third Part contains some letters not to be found in the previous Editions. ^Oo 39° ERASMUS. COLLECTANEA ADA- | gioru veterii Defyderij m=== Eraf- I mi Roterodami Germa- | nias decoris. | Ad Lectorem. | Inuenies candide Lector Adagia ilia | Erafmi Roterodami, multo emedatio- | ra, multo integriora, qj in priori- | bus imprefiionibus. Dictiones | praeterea grsecas fparfim huic | opufculo infertas cu apici- I bus fuis, ac fpiritibus, ar- | tifici opera fabrefa- | 6lis, q* in aliis hue- | ufq? funt neglecti. | Addita eft tabula in ipfius operis cake, \ a Schurerio codita, quo dido citius queer enti quoduis occur rat. In Fine: Defyderij Erafmi hcec ueteru adagio?-urn Col led'a nea \ grozcis pfertim charade ribus q? nuper longe abfo- \ lutiora Argetorati Matthias Schurerius Se- \ leftenfis flannels calami's exferipfit, Alenfe Maio Anno a Chriflo \ nato m.d.xvi. Sm. 40 boards. Fine, clean copy of this rare edition. r j 391 ERASMUS. LINGVA per Des. Erasmvm Roterodamum, r_— diligenter ab autore recognita. = Plvtarchvs Chaeronevs De Vitiosa Verecvndia, Erasmo Roterod. interprete. Eivsdem, De non Irascendo; De Curiositate. uterqz Latinus Des. Erasmo. Rot. interprete. Basil/E: Joannem Erobenium. m.d.xxv-xxvi. 2 7'ols. in I vol. S° oak boards. /oo 392 ERASML CATALO- | GI DVO OPERVM D. | ERASMI = ROTERODAMI AB IP- | fo confcripti\ & digefti. Cum prcefatione. D. Bom- I facij Amerbachij Iureconf. ut omni deinceps im- \ poftura 7$ ERASMUS. uia inter cludatur, nee pro Erafmico \ quifpiam tedat, qubd uir Me non \ feripferit dum uiueret. \ ACCESSIT | VITA ERAS MI, per Beatum Rhe. ad Epifco. Colon. | MONODIA Frederici Naufeae Erafmi uita graphice | depingens. VITA ERASMI ex ipfms epiftola ad Ser. [vatium] patrem. | Praeterea, ne quid defideres, | EPITAPHIORUM libellus cum clariff. uiroru aliquot | epiflolis: cumq: Monodijs, Encomijs, confolationi- | bus, Elegijs, multisq; doctifh. uiroram Epitaphijs, | nunquam imprella. | JSp33 Antuerple: Apud uidiiam Martini Ccefaris, \ expefis Ioannis Coccij, eireiter Cale. Maias. Anno | m.d.xxxvii. Sm. S° plain calf, covers loose. 2 medallion portraits of Erasmus, with the autograph of the celebrated Greek scholar, Michael Woodhull. *£* This rare volume contains mucb valuable and interesting information, regarding the Life, and Works of Erasmus. 393 ERASMVS. C MORIAE | Encomivm Nvnc Postremvm ab ipso Av- | tore religiofe recognition, docliff. \ Gerardi Liftrij Commen- | tarijs illuflratum | COLONIZE APVD IOHAN. | Sotere. Sm. S° vellum. Anno M.D.XXXIIII. %* A rare and elegant edition of this famous work, beautifully printed in Italic type. ■j 394 ERASMI. Defid: ERASMI Roter: | FLORES, | Vna cum | ^= Septan Centuriis Sapient, did or; \ Colledi opera | D. Simeonis Part- licii. Amsterod: Apud loannem Ianffonium. 1640. rS'° vellum. Portrait of Erasmus on the title-page. 395 ERASxMUS. MSXPIA2 EFKflMION, Stvltitiae Lavs Des. Erasmi Rot: Declamatio. Figvris Holbenianis adornata. Basileae: M.D.C.LXXVI. 8° calf. Name cut from the lower margin of the title-page. 396 ERASMUS. NU1PIA2 EriUlMION: Stultitle Laudatio. Desiderii ERASMI Declamatio: ■ De Optimo Reipub'liCjE Statu, deque Nova Insula UTOPIA, Libri Duo: Autore Thoma Moro, Ang/icB Cancellario. Cura & Studio A. G. M. Q. \Meunier de Querlon.] Londini, 6° venit Paribus: Apud Barbou. m.dcc.lxxvii. 2 vols, in 1 vol. 12° calf,gilt leaves. *^*<iMost strenuously do I recommend a The Young Man's) acquaintance with the writings of Ekasmi/s, full of sweetness of temper, of playfulness of wit, liberality of senti- ment, and variety amd importance of information—clothed, withal, in a style of pure and fluent latinity such as has never been surpassed by later writers.d—Dibdin. 397 ERASMUS. Morice Encomium; or the PRAISE of FOLLY. Made Englifti from the Latin, of Erasmus. By W. Kennet, Lord Bishop of Peterborough. Adorn d with 48 Copper Plates, including the Effigies of Erasmus and Sir Thomas Moore: all neatly Engraved from the Designs of the celebrated Hams Holbeine. London: Printed for J. Wilford mdccxxxv. J2° calf. £rotopsie. 79 398 ERASMUS. L'Eloge de la Folie, traduit du Latin d'ERASME par M. Gueudeville. Nouvelle Edition revue & corrigee sur le Texte de TEdition de Bale, et orndc de Nouvelks Figures [par Ch. Pisen.] [Paris :] m.dcc.liii. 12° calf. *$* a Cette Edition assez jolie a 6t6 donn^e par Meunier de Querlon, homme de gout, qui a retouche- la traduction dc Gueudeville.d—Brunet. This edition has the following <t Avis Interessant. « Ceux qui croiront se reconnoitre dans quelques-uns de ces differens portraits, en se pr^sentant aux Libraires, & en justifiant de la ressemblance, auront sur le prix de chaque Exemplaire, une remise honnete & proportionn^e a la conformite qui se trouvera entre la copie & I'original.p of,/s 399 (S-tctfmuS* ^a£ Soft ber 9iarr!jctt ait§ bem Satetnfd)cn bc3 C?rafntu3* ©crlin imb Sctyjiij, ©et) (Sfreorg £$<*C0*> £>ctfcr, ftimigf* .ipoflmdjbrutfcr* 1781. 12° calf. With full length figure of Erasmus, and jo remarkable illustrations by Chodowiecky. 7^:400 ERASMUS. All the FAMILIAR COLLOQUIES of Desi- derius Erasmus, of Roterdam, Concerning Men, Manners, and Things, tranflated into English. By N. Bailey. The Second Edition. London: Printed for J. J. and P. Knapton, etc. 1733. 8° new paneled calf\ extra, gilt back, crimson edges. *+*aLTp to the vear 1520 (the 54th of his life) Erasmus stood before the world, acknowledged and honoured as the greatest scholar, not only on this side of the Alps, but fairly competing with or surpassing the greatest in Italy. In his wit and pungent satire he stood almost alone; he was rivalled only by the inimitable EpistoLr Obscnrorum \~irorum, and the Julius Exclusus. Of the authorship of both these, indeed, Erasmus, notwithstanding his reiterated protestations, could hardly escape the honours and the perils. Hut the Praise of Folly, and the Colloquies, in which the surprised and staggard Monks hardly had discovered, what they afterwards denounced as impiety, ran like wildfire through Europe. They were in even' house, every academy, every school, we suspect in almost every cloister. The brst indignant remonstrances of the Ecclesiastical censure only acted, as in our days, as an adver- tisement. On the intelligence of their proscription, a bold printer in Paris [Simon de Colines] is said to have struck off above twenty thousand copies of the Colloquies, thus implying a demand for which the publishers of Scott, and almost of Macaulav, might hesitate to provide, in our days of universal reading.»—Dean Milman. a Simon de Colines, esp<5rant faire un grand gain sur les Ecoliers, imprima vingt-quatre mille copies du Livre des Colloques d'Erasme.P—Chevillier, VOrigine de P Imprimerie de Paris, p. 177. W 401 ERNESTI (10. AVGVSTI). ARCHAEOLOGIA Ltteraria. Editio Altera Emendata atqve avcla opera et Stvdio Georgii Henrici Martini. Lipsiae: mdcccxxxx. .V0 boards. / ti y 402 l^ROTOPSIE, ou Coup-d'CEil sur la Poesie Erotique, et les ■—— Poetes Grecs et Latins qui se sont Distingues en ce genre, etc. [Par Philippe Petit-Pade/.] Paris: An A". [1S02.] S° calf. ***This volume also contains the BASIA of Joann. Secundus with a French version. 80 ESTIENE. ^ no 403 ESCHUID (IOANNES). C Sumraa aflrologias iudicialis de accidentibus | mundi quae anglicana uulgo nuncupatur loan- | nis efhcuidi (sic) niri (sic) anglici peritiflimi fcietiae aflro | logiae foelici fidere incohoat. | In Fine: <[ Sumo?, aftrologice iudicialis de accidentibus mil \ di qua anglicana uulgo nuncupatur. Iohannis ef- \ chuid uiri anglici eiufdem fcientice aftrologice peri \ tiftim. Finis hie imp oritur fa uft us. \ <[ Opera quocp 6° cura diligentia qua fieri potuit. \ Iohannis lucilii. Sanditer (sic) helbronenfts germani. \ Impenfis quoq? non minimis. Generofi uiri. Frd- \ cifci bolani eloquentiftlmi olim uiri Candiani pa- \ tritii ueneti. A?ino falutis. 1489. ?wnis Iulii impref \ fione completum eft Venetiis. | /o oak boards. *** See, Panzer, Annates Typographic!, Vol. hi, p. 277. Hain, Rcpertorhtm Biblio- graphicum, Vol. 1, Pars ii, /. 323-4. Fabricius, Bibliotheca Latina Media et Infimce sEtatis, 40 ToMUS 11, p. IOQ. Jo 404 ESPRIT des LIVRES DEFENDUS, ou Antilogies Philo- sophiques, Ouvrage dans lequel on a recueilli les Morceaux les plus curieux et les plus interessans sur la Religion, la Philosophie, les Sciences et les Arts, extrait des Livres Philosophiques les plus modernes, et les plus connus. [Far I'Abbd de Fontenay.] Amsterdam: et se trouve a Paris, m.dcc.lxxvii. 4 vols. 12° calf. /tti c 405 ESSAI d'un GLOSSAIRE OCCITAN1EN, pour servir a lTntel- ligence des Poesies des Troubadours. [Far De Fochegude.] Toulouse: chez Benedict Cadet, Imprimeur-Libraire. 1819. S* half morocco. Uncut. .'^6 406 ESTIENE (HENRI). ^Introduction av Traite de | LA ~~~" CONFORMITE DES | merueilles anciennes auec | les modernes. | ov, I Traite Preparatif | a 1'Apologie pour Herodote. | IIargu- ment eftpris de V Apologie pour Herodote, compofde en Latin par Henri Estiene,&> eft ici continue*par luy- \ mefme. | Auec Deux Tables, l'vne des Chapitres, l'autre | des Matieres. En An vers: Far Heinrich VVandellin. m.d.lxvii. Sm. S° calf. Very scarce. *** « Tant d'actes merueilleux en ceft ceuure lirez Que de nul autre apres efmerueille" ferez. Et pourrez vous fcauans du plaifir ici prendre, Vous non fcauans pourrez en riant y apprendre.D—Motto on title-page. a This book is probably the best specimen we have of the Table-Talk of the 16th century, collected by a man who spent much of his time upon the road. It was the most popular of all Henri's books, passing through thirteen editions in his lifetime. Much of the seasoning of its anecdote was of that gross cast which might have passed unchallenged in Paris, but which was particularly odious to the discipline established at Geneva. Henri knew perfectly well that in issuing the book, he was defying authority on the very point on which it was most susceptible. He was known everywhere as the Pantagruel of Geneva.— Quart. Review, April, J#t>S, p. m. EYTON. 61 ,/ j 407 ESSAI CHRONOLOGIQUE sur les HIVERS les plus / ^^ RIGOUREUX, depuis 396 ans av. J. C, jusqu'en 1820 inclusive- ment; suivi de Quelques Recherches sur les Effets les plus Singuliers de la FOUDRE, depuis 1676, jusqu'en 1821; le tout precede" dun Precis elementaire sur l'hiver considere sous les rap- ports astronomique et meteorologique; avec des Notes sur les objets et sur les faits les plus curieux; des tableaux, des tables, etc. etc. Par G. P. [Gabriel Peignot.\ Parts: chez Antoine-A' ugustin Jdcnouard, etc. 1821. S° half morocco, top gilt, uncut, one lea/ of the Pre/ace tastefully ornamented in colors. Rare. //d 408 ESTREES (d')- CATALOGUE des Livres de la Biblio- theque de feu Monseigneur le Marechal Due d'Estrees. Paris: Jacques Guerin. m.dcc.xl. 2 vols. S° mottled calf red edges. *** This rare Catalogue contains hundreds of volumes on Astrology and Demonology.— See, G. Brunet, Diet, de Bibliologic, p. 4jj. /£S 409 EYE. Margarita poetica: non folum poefim: fed me- | dullam artis rhetorical: oratorum & hifloriarum | omniu qj humanitatis litterarum (sic) compleclens. | In fine: Explicit opus excelletijjimu in fe cotines aim fere orator : poctarum; Hifto- I ricofy ac PJiilofophofy Aucloritates: colledil p Clariffimu ui^ Albertu de Eyb \ utriufqj Juris doclore: quod Margarita poetica infcripfit: Impreffum Bafilece p \ magijltril Ioannem de Amor bach, Joannem petri 6° Joannem froben confocios. Anno domini. M.ccccc.ui. 2 Parts in J vol. f° oak boards, with clasps. *** « This wonderful performance is somewhat hastily inscribed Margarita Poetica, since it contains excerps not only from the Poets, but from almost all the Orators, Historians, and Philosophers.i>—See, Clement, Bibliothequc Curieuse, Tome viii. Dibdin, Bibl. Spenceriana^ Vol. hi, /. 312. a In a hundred Libraries the works of the illustrious Albertus de Eyb, are not to be found.»—Bibliothcca Solgeriana, Vol. i, /. ijq. /.£,, -<) 410 EYTON. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of Joseph Walter ~ King Eyton, f.s.a. Lond. and Scot. London: 1S4S. S° half morocco, uncut, with coat of arms, richly colored. LARGE PAPER, ONLY FIFTY COPIES PRINTED FOR PRESENTS. N° S. Signed,}. W. K. E. *** This sumptuous Catalogue comprises an extraordinary Collection of Privately Printed Books; Large Paper Copies; and Works Printed on Vellum. VERY SCARCE. o 412 413 ABRE-D'OLIVET. Le TROUBADOUR, Poesies OCCITANIQUES DU XIIIe SlECLE. Paris: chez Henrichs. An XI. [iSoj.] 2 Parts in 1 vol. S° French calf. *** The Second Part of this valuable work contains a curious account of the famous Cour d'Amours. FABRI (BASILII). Thesavrvs Ervditionis Scholastics post aliorvm imprimis cll.virr. Avgvsti Bvchneri et Christo- phori Cellarii nee non Cl. Ioannis Georgii Graevii Notis et Observationibus Postvmis. Lipsle:: Apvd Thomam Fritsch. Anno mdccx. y° sprinkled sheep. FABRICY (Le R. P. GABRIEL). Des Titres Primitifs de la Revelation, ou Considerations Critiques sur la Purete et ITntegrite du Texte Original des Livres Saints de TAncien Testament, etc. 2 vols. S° cal/y red edge 414 415 Rome: Title-page of Vol. ii repaired. MDCCLXXII. FACETIAE FACET I ARUM, hoc est, JOCO-SERIORUM. Fasciculus, Exhibens Varia Variorum Auctorum Scripta, non tam lecru jucunda & jocosa, amcena & amanda, quam leclu vere digna & utilia, multisve moralibus ad mores seculi noflri accommo- data, illuflrata, & adornata. Francofurti ad Mgenum: Anno do Id cxv. Shi. jJ''' vellum. Rare. CONTENTS: —M. Delio de Arte Jocandi Libri iv. II. N. Frischlini in Ebeietatem Elegia. III. De Peditu, cjusque Speciebus. IV. De Jure Potandi disputatio. V. De Lustitudine Studentica. VI. De Cucurbitatione Disputatio Eeudalis. VII. Bonus Muliek sive de Mulieribus. VIII. De Osculis Jucunda dissertatio. IX. De Juke et Natura Pennalium disputatio. X. Vincent Obsopceus de Arte Bibendi. XI. De Vikginibus Tbeses Inaugurales. XII. Floia cortum verficale. %* A good analysis of this curious volume will be found in the [Marquis Du Roure's] A yialcdabiblion, Tome i, //. 442-4. FAIRHOLT (F. W.) Tobacco: Its History and Associa- tions: Including an Account of the Plant and its Manufacture; with its Modes of Use in All Ages and Countries. With wo Illustrations by the Author. London: Chapman and Hall. 1S50. FAUST. 83 /oo 416 [FARINHA.] Summario da Bibliotheca Luzitana—3 vols. = Bibliotheca Luzitana Escolhida—1 vol. {Edited by Bento Jos/ de Sous a Pariu/ia.] Lisboa: na officina de Antonio Gomes. MDCCLXXXVI-VII. 4 vols. sm. S° mottled calf. A few leaves in Vol. i slightly wormed. Rare. ***This work is a useful abridgment of Barbosa Machado's RARE Bibliotheca Lusitana, etc. Lisboa: 1741-59. 4 vols, folio. -r 417 -7 jFafticultts tfpo2£ omnts antt | quorum ~ CtOITtCaS COtHJJltt\t% 4« [auclore Wernerus Roleunnek de Laer.] s. I. a. et typ. n. [sed Argentorati: 1491 ?] f° plain calf. Curious wood-cuts. COLLATION -.— Title i leaf, on the verso of which, is a large Wood-cut, representing an author presenting his book to an Emperor. The Tabula, printed in 3 columns, occupies the succeeding 5 leaves. The leaves are then regularly numbered in the centre of the rectos to a folium XCj—on the verso of which, the work ends, wTith the date—a anno MccccLxo (sic) 1490? *** More than Twenty-five editions of this very curious Chronicle were published in the Fifteenth Century. A remarkable account of the Invention of Printing \vi\\ be found on the verso of fol. lxxxix, and the following facetious miracle by St. Gengulphus is recorded on the verso of fol. LXin— tiffengulfus claret miracttlts, Kn gallta fonttm emft quern fn tmrgunTrta otfrt fecit. jFutt ftatp feparatus at) bpore fua afiulteva, txtiuu anus catautt: eoq; Trerttreret mtracula eftis* According to Dibdin, Caxton borrowed his materials to supply an Eighth Book to Higden's Polychronicon, from the above volume. See, Dibdin Typographical Antiq. Vol. i, /. /jS-q. Panzer, Annalcs Typographic7, Vol. i, /. Qi. Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Tomc viii, /. 23;J. 418 F A U B L A S . I. Une An nee de la Vie du Chevalier de "■" ~' Faublas—5 vols. = 11. Six Semaines de la Vie du Chevalier de Faublas, pour servir de suite a sa premiere annee—2 vols.==ha. Fin des Amours du Chevalier de Faublas. [Par Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray.]—6 vols. Londres et se trouve a Paris. i~8j-ijqo. Together 13 vols. fS° calf. A scarce edition of this remarkable work. 419 $anft> doctor ^ofjattit $mtft mtb feme ©otflangcr, etc*—/ vol. pp. 10/4. ===== ©JjrtftP^l) 28agucr, $auff £ $antulu3 ; = ^on ^itan SVmmS Don ^ct>itta, etc.—/ vol. pp. 1065. Qie <S a fl c uom <y an)t bi$ 511m (Svfrfjetncn bc£ evften Dolfflmdjcd, ntit Sttcrator unfc 3$erglcicl)mt<| alter folcjenben, etc.—/ vol. pp. ujS. ■ Stc ©efel)tct)te fcont $auft in 3ietmeu, nad) bent tin- jtgen befanuten <?'geinpfar Don 1587, etc*—1 vol .pp. 1222. ^tuttflctrt: £$♦ SrfKible* 1846-9. TOGETHER, 4 vols. sm. <Y° boards, uncut, with numerous curious wooa'-cuts, portraits, and engravings, many of which are wonderfully colored. Scarce. •0 42 1 422 84 FEVERLINI. 420 FAUST. Die Sage von Doctor Johannes Faust. Unterfucht von H. Duntzer. Stuttgart: 1846. f2° half tvorocco, top gilt. £$auft* 3)te bcutfdjen 3$irtf3fcit<i)e? tion ^oljamt $auft, bent ®d)mftr$fitnftlcr, unb <&f>r if top t> 9Bagncr, bem ^attmlud, ttac^ Urfprung, SBerbrcttung, Sntjalt, SBebcutunfl unb SBcarbcttuttg mit ftctcr £8c£tcf)itng auf ($dtt)c^ ftauft, unb cuttgett &rtttfd)cn Stuljangcn t>on ftari 2lte£* $?ctftcrrn t>- 9ictd)Itn—s5)tcibcgg. ^httigart 1848. J vols. 12° half morocco, tops gilt. naturalis et innaturalis, obct ^tCtfadjet ^dtlcn^ttmUfl, Utftieg ^eftament unb ®tc<|clf'uttft.. etc*, etc* &iutt#avi. 1849. •7 Parts in I vol. 12° half morocco, top gilt. Illustrated with 146 terri/ic plates, plain and colored. 423 FELLTHAM (OWEN). RESOLVES: Divine, Moral, Poli- TiCAL. With feveral New ADDITIONS both in PROSE and VERSE, not Extant in the former Impreflions. In this Eleventh Edition, References are made to the Poetical Citations heretofore much ■wanted. London: Printed by M. Clark, for Charles Harper, at the Flower-de-luce aver-againfl St. Dnnflans Church in Fleet-ftreet. /° calf, -with emblematical frontispiece. MDCXCVI. *t* a l^ull of the sleepy saws of a trivial morality.»— Hallam. 424 FERRIAR (JOHN). Illustrations of Sterne: with other Essays and Verses. Second Edition. London: Cadell and Davies. 2 vols. sm. S° boards, uncut. IoI2. *** a REST EDITION of this amusing and excellent work, including the Bibliomania, and an account of the Shandy library, or books which Sterne made use of.D—Lowndes. 425 FERTIAULT (F.) HISTOIRE ANECDOTIQUE et PITTO- RESQUE de la DANSE chez les Peuples Anciens et Modernes. Paris: A uguste A ubry. 1854. r$° half crimson morocco, top gilt. 426 FEUCHTERSLEBEN (ERNEST von). The Dietetics of ~~" "the Soul. New York: C. S. Francis &> Co. m.dccc.liv. ft* cloth 427 FEVERLINI (I). JOHN. CONR.) Svpellex Libraria sev Cata- "~~ logvs Lierorvm ex omni Scientiarvm genere Selecliorvm, etc. Variis Notis Litkrariis Illuflratvs. Prostat Svobaci: 1768-79. J 7'ols. .S° boards. %* A Rare Catalogue, rich in Italian and French face tin-. FISHER. 85 /.yf 428 FICORONI (FRANCESCO DE'). Le Maschere Seniche e le Figure Comiche cTAntichi Romani Descritte. In Roma: Nella Stamperia di Antonio de Rossi. 1736. 4° half calf. 85 curious plates of theatrical masks and comic figures. ^(Co 429 FIGANIERE (JORGE CESAR de). BIBLIOGRAPHIA r=rrr" HISTORICA PORTUGUEZA, ou Catalogo Methodico dos Auctores Portuguezes, e de alguns Estrangeiros Domiciliarios em Portugal, que tractaram da Historia Civil, Politica, e Ecclesiastica d' estes Reinos e seus Dominios, e das Nacoes Ultramarinas, e cujas Obras correm impressas em Vulgar; onde tambem se apontam muitos Documentos e Escriptos Anonymos que lhe dizem respeito. Lisboa: Typographia do Panorama. 1830. Stn. S° half calf. Presentation copy from the author ivith his autograph. Scarce. *** This valuable Catalogue of Portuguese books is divided into Three Parts, each subdivided into various Chapters, or, as they are termed, Titles. The First Part, after noticing the works treating of the general History of the Kingdom, mentions the Chronicles, Histories, and other publications relative to the particular Reigns of its Sovereigns. The Second Pari, comprises works on the Antiquities, Geography, and Topography of Portugal, and those concerning AMERICA, Asia, and Africa, and the Biographies of illustrious Portuguese. The Third and last Part, treats of works on the Church, Clergy, and Military Orders of Porttigal. Anonymous works are separately given after each of the chapters, under which their subjects may be classed. Besides an Index of Chapters, there is also an Alphabe- tical Index of Authors at the end of the volume. s 00 430 FISHER. Ancient Allegorical, and Legendary Paintings, ~-— in Fresco, Discovered in the Summer of 1804, on the Walls of the Chapel of the Trinity, belonging to the Gilde of the Holy Cross, at STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, in Warwickshire, from Drawings made at the Time of their Discovery, by Thomas Fisher, f.s.a. Also, a View and Plan of the Chapel, a View of New Place, the RESIDENCE of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, Facsimiles of various Grants and Indulgences to the Gilde, with Representations of 130 Ancient Seals appended to them; Facsimile Extracts from the Register of the Gilde, the Rolls of Accounts, &c. Described by John Gough Nichols, f.s.a. London: Henry G. Bohn, 4 York Street, Covent Garden, mdcccxxxviii. Royal folio half morocco. ILLUSTRATED by Ms Elaborate Engravings, of which the greater number are accurately colored in imitation of the originals. %* aThis valuable work has many claims to a place in every good library. It isalike interesting to the Antiquary, the Topographer, the curious in early English Art, and the Collector of what relates to the birth-place of our immortal Bard. « These ancient fresco paintings are especially curious, as having been executed in England in an Age, of which, according to the opinion of Walvolr, in his History of Painting, no specimens of the Art existed. ONLY 120 COPIES were printed, and that number cannot now be increased, without an enormous expense, as many of the Plates have been destroyed.* Gentleman's Magazine. A: 86 FORM OF COMMON PRAYER. 431 FLISCVS (MAVRITIVS Comes). Decas de Fato, Annisque === Fatalibus tarn Hominibus quam Regnis Mundi. Francofurti: m.dc.lxv. 4° vellum. Portrait and diagrams. ***This curious work contains the following extraordinary Dedication: « Regi Regum, DEO TRINO et UNI, Creatori meo Incomprehensibili, Judici, et Vindici Scelerum Nostrorum, PATRI MISERICORDLE, Redemptori, et Liberatori meo a Man 1 bus Satan^e, Et in Terra Potentum Vera Sapient ice Daton\ Cui fit Laus, Gloria, & Honor in Secula; Hos humane Sapientiae (apud Te) Stultitiae Fructus, Otiorum noftrorum in hac Miferiarum Valle peflimas Occupationes, improbosque Labores toto Tibi Corde Proftratus DIVINE TUJE MAJESTATI Humiliter sacro Vermis terrce Ego Homo.j -^432 FLITNERUS (JOANNES). Nebvlo Nebvlonvm; | Hoc eft, \ ~-=~ IOCOSERIA MODERNS | Neqvitije Censvra; | Qva Hominvm Scelera- I torum fraudes, Doli ac ver- \ futioz ceri aeriqj expo- \ nuntur pitblice: | Carmine Iambico Dime- | tro adornata a IOANNE FLITNERO, Franco, \ Poet a Laureato. \ Francofvrti: | Apud lacobil de Zetter. \ Anno m.dc.xx. Sm. 8* red morocco», extra, gilt leaves. 33 very curious plates. First Edition. Rare. ***a Livret assez rare, que recherchent encore les amateurs de singularity. 11 se com- pose de pieces de vers comico-sa.tiriques, renforc^es de commentaires plus doctes qu'amusants, mais dont la nullitd actuelle se compense par une suite de figures bien cxe'cute'es, et non moins plaisantes que l'indignation po^tique de l'auteur. On connait, de cette satire, plusieurs Editions, dont les plus anciennes doivent Hre pre'fdre'es a cause des figures. Les planches paraissent avoir ele" gravies en 1620; mais a Tegard du texte, les vers latins de Flitnerus ne sont qu'une traduction libre d'un poe"me allemand du cordelier Th. Murner, auteur de beau- coup d'^crits satiriques et singuliers publics dans les premieres anndes du xvic siecle.D—Leber. / 433 FONTENELLE'S DIALOGUES of the DEAD, In Three Parts. I. Dialogues of the Antients. II. The Antients with the Moderns. III. The Moderns. Tranflated from the French. [By John Hughes.] with a Reply to fome Remarks in a Critique, Call'd The Judgment of Pluto, &c. and Two Original Dialogues. London: Printed for Jacob Tonfon. ijo8. <9° half calf, engraved frontispiece. Some leaves at the end stained. '434 ifarm (&) of (Common J|rager: To be ufed upon the 7th of November, and the 8th of December: On which dayes a Faft is appointed by His Majesties Proclamation, For the Removing of the Plague, and other Judgements of God, from this Kingdom. Set forth by Authority. 3 Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings mo ft Excellent Majestie: And by the Affignes of John Bill. 1640. Sm. 4" half morocco, gilt leaves. U IflCft ILttttV ♦ FORTSAS. 87 6.00 435 FORTSAS. CATALOGUE | d'une tres-riche mais peu nom- r=~ breuse Collection | DE LIVRES | provenant de la Biblio- theque I de feu MT. le Comte J.-N.-A. DE FORTSAS, | dont la vente se fera a Binche, le 10 aout 1840, a onze heures du | matin, en l'^tude et par le ministere de M? Mourlon, Notaire, rue | de l'Eglise, n° 9. | MONS. | Typographic dy Em. Hoyois, Libraire. \ Prix: 50 centimes. \ [1S40.] 8° pp. iv-12, marbled taper covers. A GENUINE COPY of the ORIGINAL EDITION OF THIS AMUSING BIBLIOGRAPHICAL HOAX—OF WHICH 60 COPIES ONLY WERE PRINTED. EX- CEEDINGLY RARE. *** In the year 1840, the book-collectors in Europe were greatly excited by the publica- tion of the Sale Catalogue of the Count J. N. A. De Fortsas. This little volume of only sixteen pages contained a list of the books which formed the Count's collection, composed of fifty-two articles, but each of them unique. The Count would keep no book in his collection if he found it mentioned by any bibliographer. The sale was to take place in the office of a notary at Binche, an insignificant village of Belgium. It is said that Brunet, Nodier, Techener, Renouard, and other bibliophiles of Paris, met in the stage, each one having hoped to steal away unnoticed and have the game all to himself. The Baron de Reiffexberg, then the Director of the Royal Library of Brussels, asked for an appropriation to purchase some of these treasures, which was granted. One enthusiastic bookseller made the journey to Binche from Amsterdam, only to see I\° 75, Corpus Juris Civilis, printed by the Elzevirs on vellum. The Princess de Ligne, anxious to destroy the record of ber ancestor's achievements, and to protect the reputation of the grandmothers of the best families of the State, wrote to M. Voisin to buy N° 48 at any price. <L Achetez, je vous en conjure, a tout prix les sotiiscs de notre polisson de grand pere.x> The Roxburghe Club was represented; and, singularly enough, every book in the Catalogue appealed with peculiar force to the taste of some distinguished collector, and each one was the fortunate possessor of a Catalogue through the Post. The day before the sale, the newspapers of Brussels contained a notice that the bibliographical world would learn with regret that the Library ot a. the Count de Fortsas y> would not be sold—that the town of Binche, having resolved to keep it together in honor of its collector, their towns- man, had bought it entire, and that henceforth it would form part of Wit Public Library of Binche.' The force of hoaxing could no farther go. <t The Count de Fortsas \> was a myth: his chateau, his passion and success in bibliographical pursuits, were apocryphal; the unique treasures of his collection (notwithstanding the gentlemen who had duplicates) had no other existence than in this little Catalogue, which has become a great rarity and curiosity in the field of Bibliography. The author of this most witty and successful bibliographical joke was M. Renier-Hubert- Ghislain Chalon, of Mons. An exact reprint of the Fortsas Catalogue, with a translation of the Notes into English, will be found in a The Philobiblion,» (New \'ork: Geo. P. Philes. rSoj.) Vol. 11, pp. 7O-S4. See, Qukrard, Les Supercherics Litteraires DtvoiUes, netu Edit., Tome ii, /. dj. Barbier, Diet, des Ouvrages Anonymes, neiv Edit., To.me 1, p.j/o. /,fo 436 « FORTSAS.^ DOCUMENTS et Particularity Historiques sur le Catalogue du Comte de Fortsas; Ouvrage dedie aux Bibliophiles de tous les pays, par Emm. Hoyois, Imprimeur-Erfiteur, a Mons. C Kef ffuffaeut | lea Jlocumeuts et ^artteularttfs | mtr le I Catalogue tru (ffomte Tre jFortaaa; | oubrajjc | tietite a tous les SftltoptyilcB. I (tt petit Iftorr, contenant V\)in- tolre merimlleuse afusf que Dfeu I a boulu la Conner a connaftrc, a ftt public par Irs uoinn | U'lEmm. 2&oj>ots, Kmprtmeur-ILHjrafre^iSfttteur, | fcemeurant a JWous, en la rue Ire Wtrns, | n°- 26/163, en face tru DJretoire, Tan ire bb F0SSET1ER. I Jesus^<£1)r(st mil. tiecc* I. et toj, I I* nrtotf Tir septemfcre, jour | tie <Satnt-<£dmc* I &meu* | Vive m: u Comte! Royal S° glazed paper covers, uncut, with ornamental initial letters and vignettes, 200 Copies only printed. N° iqj. Very scarce. *** This volume is an indispensable supplement to the Fortsas Catalogue. It is so arranged that in the Notes, Remarks, Adjuncts, etc., the whole of the Original Catalogue is reproduced, despite the legal injunction against its reproduction. It contains also, the orders and corres- pondence of various bibliophiles relating to the sale; articles from various literary journals, and a facsimile of a letter from the Count de Fortsas. 437 FOSBROOKE (Rev. THOMAS DUDLEY). Encyclopedia of ~^ Antiquities, and Elements of Archaeology, Classical and Me- diaeval. A New Edition, with Improvements. Illustrated with 107 plates. London: M. A. Nattali. 184J. 2 vols, royal S° tree calj\ extra, marbled edges. 438 iFoffettet [Julten] tie la fllorfeufe inetotre tiftofuemft T== otiteuue tiettat JJabfe/par SLepereur <£i)ar les quint tic ce nom* Hes ifles et Ifeus <i (I pofft^ se en apfjrfetjue (ftijaut rogal a la lo?fle tigcellug* (ftarole fts muutit pater/et rep turis amator/IEeele^ sfe tutor / ftttet puflfl / aurea per te tempora tiaute tieo retreant per seeula cuncta C Boutielet tie. fj\ itlla= fies/trtt en ia jsoue tielLepereur/sur son mot tj'est }|lus oultre j^Ius oultre itton coutre Jrag ^our brag ^at outre }£tus oultre pitta oultre Jrag* Absque an?ii, loci, et typographi indicatione. [Sed Anvers circa 1523 ?] Kmprtme par Sean! ISufcJjetie et jFtls a Harlem, pour la Ukraine JEross a parts. Jtt-ticcUjrtofH. S° boards, S unnumbered leaves, under the title is a wood-cut of the arms of Charles V, and on the verso of the last lea/ is the escutcheon of the city of Antwerp. ONE OK TWENTY COPIES PRINTED ON FINE VELLUM in genuine character of the Fifteenth Century, %*A beautiful reprint from the only copy known of the original edition of this singular poem, which contains the following remarkable allusion to the Discovery of America. «Uas plus oultre tromfue en toute apfjrteque Ktn sens gout plateurs (flea ijappet (Kerne otieg Jocatan ne replteque JCrtple en Iffcre out auffg oecupet )Hj out trouuet les fortes amajones jFemmes que sans fjomes flartreut leur jones fous cexebres. 89 Van plus oultrt titnt eft larfce opfjfr Mlt uomee cfpatgnolc aprrfntt <©u Salomon cuuogott or qurrrtr jFnuaulrt cortes mflftant soufij ton nom ffig lotr es tnttes ton rcuotu Um plus oultre Urns ©rtftoflr coulon Cttcf trt tcs ueO qui tufque aup autfpotres 35ft parucnu ctft ftflne ttfineur fion.» See, refio and verso of Fifth leal. Mr. H. Harrisse has made only six mistakes in transcribing the title of this opuscule.—See, Bibl. Am. Vetus. ADDITIONS. Paris: Trots. 1S72. p.Sg. 'r 439 FOUGASSES (THOMAS de). The GENERALL HISTORIE / 0f the Magnificent State of Venice. From the First Fovndation thereof vntill this Present. Collected by Thomas de Fougaffcs, Gentleman of Auignon, out of all Authors, both Ancient and Moderne, that haue written of that fubject. Englifhed by W. Shvte. Gent. London: Printed by G. Eld, and IV. Stans by. 1612. f° brown calf extra, marbled edges. View of Venice on the title-page\ and illustrated with QO portraits of the Doges of Venice. Fine, clean copy. /: 440 FOUQUE (VICTOR). Du a Gallia Christiana » et de ses —— Auteurs, £tude Bibliographique. Paris: E. Trass. 1857. <y° half red morocco, top gilt. Only Jew copies printed for sale. -/;f c 441 FOUQUE. Undine and other Tales, viz.: The Two Captains, === Aslauga's Knight, Sintram and his Companions. By Friedrich, Baron de La Motte Fouque. With Illustrations by H. W. Herrick. New York: Hurd 6° Houghton. 1869. 12Q Jialf morocco, top gilt. /.J>r 442 FOURNEL (VICTOR). Du Role des Coups de Baton dans les Relations Sociales, et en particulier, dans 1'Histoire Litte- raire. Paris: A. Delahays. /8j8. f$° half morocco, top gilt. *** An interesting account of celebrated men of letters who have been caned, cudgelled, or otherwise beaten. /rc c 443 FOURNIER (6DOUARD). Le Vieux-Neuf. Histoire === Ancienne des Inventions et Decouvertes Modernes. Paris: E. Dentu. 1850. 2 vols. /2° half red morocco, tops gilt. Uncut. 1 * j'444 FOUS (Les) C^L^BRES. Histoire des Hommes qui. se sont le plus Singulariser par leur Monomanie, leur Originalite et leurs Extravagances. Paris: 1836. 12° uncut. *** This curious volume contains an interefting account of the infamous Marquis de Sade, and a number of other J'ous, of similar moral celebrity. The work is embellished with a series of hideous portraits. 90 FURIES. a 'jt, 445 [FOX.] An ESSAY UPON WIND; with Curious Anecdotes ~=~~ of Eminent Peteurs. [By The R\ Hon"? Charles James Fox?] Humbly dedicated to the Lord Chancellor [Thurloic] Printed at the Office of Peter Puffendorf. Potsdam: [s. a.] 8° dark crimson levant morocco, super extra, gilt top, dentelle borders. Portrait of Fox inserted. ONE OF TWELVE COPIES PRINTED ON VELLUM. *** This facetious work is said to have been written by the Rt. Hon. Charles James Fox for a wager. Only 50 copies were printed on paper, and 12 on vellum. Not Published. The late John Allan's copy, printed on vellum, was purchased by an eminent member of the Presbyterian persuasion in this city for $35.00. Hibbert's copy sold for £5. See, Catalogue of the Library of]. W. K. Eyton. London: 1848. Nos. 612-613. /0,u0 446 FREYDIER. PLAIDOYER de Mr. Freydier, Avocat a Nismes, Contre l'Introduction de Cadenas, ou Ceintures de Chastete. Reimpression Textuelle faite sur l'fedition Originale de 1750 et Augmented d'un Avant-Propos, par Philomneste junior, \_Gitstave Brunet.] Paris: chez Jules Gay. 1863. 12° full dark blue morocca, extra, gilt leaves. ONLY 100 COPIES REPRINTED. With 2 engravings of « Spanish girdles of chastity .D ^c 447 FREGIER (H. A.) Des Classes Dangereuses de la Po- pulation dans les Grandes Villes, et des moyens de les rendre meilleures. Paris: chez J. B. Bailliere. 1840. 2 vols. 8° half calf. / ^"448 FREMOND (CH.) Monographie du Tabac, comprenant 1'Historique, les Proprieties Th£rapeutiques, Physiologiques et Toxicologiques du Tabac, etc. Paris: 1857. 8° half morocco. Portrait of Andre The vet. J ^:/ 449 FREVILLE (A. F. G.) Histoire des Chiens CiElebres, Entre- ~ melee de Notices curieuses sur l'histoire naturelle, &c. Or nee de gravures. Paris: chez Louis, Libraire, rue Sever in. 1796. 2 vols, in t vol. S° half calf. /wL«T~45° FROST and FIRE, Natural Engines, Tool-Marks and Chips. With Sketches taken at Home and Abroad. By a Tra- veller. \_J. F. Campbell^ Edinburgh: Edmonston 6° Douglas. 2 vols. 8» cloth. With numerous illustrations. MDCCCLXV. /V,,, 451 FURIES (Les) d'apres les Poetes et les Artistes Anciens, par M. Boettiger. Trad, de l'Allemand par T. F. Winchler. Paris: An X. [1802.] 8° half morocco, top gilt, uncut. With 4 illustrations, 2 of which are colored. Very scarce. / o: { Philosophically ) - Historically 4' - I AstroloKli-Allv ) ] A D B U R Y (JOH N). De Cometis: or, A Discourse of the Natures, and Effects of COMETS, As they are considered. With a brief (yet full) Account of the III late COMETS, or Blazing Stars, visible to all Europe. And what (in a natural way of Judicature) they por- tend. Together with some Observations on the Nativity of the Grand Seignior. London : Printed for L. Chapman in Exchange- all ty. 166j. Sm. 4° calf, with diagrams, and a frontispiece representing the three Comets of /60j-j. 453 GAFFAREL (M. J.) CVRIOSITEZ Inovyes, svr la SCVLP- -" TURE Talismaniqve des Persans. Horoscope des Patriarches, et Lectvre des Efloilles. s. I. m.dc.xxxvii. S° calf. Second Edition. Without the 2 large folding plates. 454 GAFFARELLI (JACOBI). Curiositez Inovyes, Hoc ejl: ~~^~ CURIOSITATES INAUDIT.E de Figvns Persarum Talismanicis, Horoscopo Patriarcharum et Characleribus Coeleflibus. Latine cum Nods quibusdam ac Figuris editce, operd M. Gregorii Michaelis. Hamburgi: Apud Goihogredum, Schultzen. Anno do Ioc lxxv. S° half morocco, red edges, ivith emblematical frontispiece, and numerous curious plates. BEST EDITION. Rare. ***« No person has penetrated more deeply into Cabalistic and Occult Philosophy than Gaffarel. His Curiositates Inauditcr is indeed a most curious work. It is a feast for an Occult Philosopher, but it is very scarce.i>—Dr. A. Clarke. 455 GAFFAREL. Unheard-of CURIOSITIES: concerning ~~~ TALISMANICAL Sculpture of the Persians; The HOROSCOPE of the Patriarkes; and the Reading of the Stars. Written in French, by James Gaffarel, and Englifhed by Edmund Chilmead, Mr of Arts, and Chaplaine of Christ-Church Oxon. London: Printed by G. I). for Humphrey Moseley and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Princes Amies in St. Paul's Church-Yard. i6jo. S° calf Folding plates. 456 GALLARINI. CATALOGO delle Opere Antiche et Mo- ~~ derne. . . . che sono vendibili nella Libreria di Giovanni Gallarini in Roma. Contente molte Edizioni Rare, o Rarissime dei due Primi Secoli della Stampa, e de' Seguenti. Roma: iSj6. Roy. Sn half morocco, top gilt. 92 GASTRONOMIANA. / ,, 457 GAMBA (BARTOLOMMEO). Serie dei Testi di Lingua Italiana e di altri Esemplari del bene Serivere; Nuovamenie rifalta. Venezia: mdcccxxviii. 4° half calf. ***<i An admirable work, quite indispensable to the Bibliographer, and to the student of Italian Literature.!) ,v ;jU 458 GARDINER'S (WILLIAM) Catalogues of Ancient and Modern Books, containing many of the moil Valuable and Rare Works in Englim Literature. London: 1811-13. 4 Parts in i vol. 8° boards. Uncut. *** William Gardiner, was for many years a bookseller in Pall Mall, London, and was remarkable for the great eccentricity of his manners and for his misanthropic character. The various catalogues which he publifhed of his Collection of Scarce and Curious Books have become very rare and are eagerly sought after by book-buyers, for the numerous pungent notes in which they abound. Gardiner's literary criticisms were diftinguifhed for their merciless ferocity. The venerable and ultra facetious Dr. Thomas Frognall Dibdin having felt the sting of Gardiner's satire, introduced him in his Bibliomania, under the name of Mustapha. Gardiner retaliated by writing a severe critique on the Bibliomania, which he publifhed as an Appendix to Part i of his Catalogue for 1812. /j,V459 GARDINER'S (WILLIAM) Catalogue of Antient and Modern Books, many of which are Rare and Valuable. London: 1812. 2 Parts in i vol. 8" half roan. VERY RARE. %* This volume contains Gardiner's celebrated critique on Dibdin's Bibliomania. « There were parts in it,i> says Dibdin, <tthat even amused me, and I learn (of which indeed I have reason to be proud) that it so much enhanced the copies of his Catalogues, as to render them quickly out of print.d See, Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, Vol. hi, /. 8. Gj( 460 GARGVILLE. Les Chansons Folastres et R£creatives de -~" GAVLTIER GARGVILLE [Hugues Gueru, dit Fl/chelles.] Comesdien Ordinaire de l'Hostel de Bourgongne. Nouvelle- ment revues, corrigees et augmentdes oultre les pre'ce'derites impressions, Paris: chez A. Claudin. m.dccclviii. /6° half morocco, top gilt, wood-cut portrait. ONE OF 10 COPIES PRINTED ON « Papier de Chine.D * + *a Cette Edition est pleine de Notes curieuses au bas des pages, et il y a, a la fin du volume, une Table des Chansons, lesquelles sont presque toutes fort droles.D— |_Gay] Biblio- graphic des Ouvrages relati/s d, VAmour, Tome 11, /. 188. 4 Hugues Gueru, dit Caultier Garguille,etait un acteur comique de l'hotel de Bourgogne, qui, dans les entr'actes, chantaitde ses chansons, comme nous le voyonsfaire encore aujourd'hui dans quelques theatres de vaudevilles. La naivete' des chansons de Gaultier Garguille ne voile pas toujours suffisamment la grossierete" de leurs sujets, mais nos aleux avaient les oreilles moins dedicates que les n6tres, et parmi ces chansons sans art, il y en a d'excellentes.D— Violet-Leduc, Bibl. des Chansons, etc., p. /?. / 00 461 GASPARINI [Barzizii] per game nfis clarijfuni orato- \ ris epiJlolaVf, liber fceliciter incipit »f« In fine: <[ Fcelix epiftolaR Gafparini finis. [s. I. a. et tvp. ?/.] 40 calf, 7Q leaves, 28 lines to a full page, rubricated initial letters. RARE. *** See, Hain, Repertorium Bibiiographicum, Vol. i, /. 348. Brunkt, Manuel, Art. Gasparinus. Ginguenk, Histoire Littdraire d' Italic, Tome in, /. 263-6. /.00 462 GASTRONOMIANA, ou Recueil Curieux et Amusant d'ANECDOTES, Bons-mots, Maximes et Reflexions Gastronomi- QUES, etc. j2" boards. Colored frontispiece. PARIS: [//. d.\ GESCHIEDENIS. 93 -J, 0 0 4^3 GAULLIEUR (E. H.) Etudes sur la Typographic Genevoise ~ du XVC au XIXe Siecles, et sur les Origines de lTmprimerie en Suisse. Geneve: I^SS- S° half crimson morocco, top gilt, uncut. With 4 folding plates of facsimiles of printers' marks, Vignettes, curious initial letters, etc. *** 4 Les Etudes de M. Gaullieur ont surtout pour objet les travaux des premiers impri- meurs dtablis en Suisse. II donne la description des principaux ouvrages sortis de leurs presses, avec des extraits propres a cara<5t£riser la nature du contenu de ceux qui pr^sentent quelques singularity, mais il s^tend plus specialement sur Geneve et nous y fait suivre les vicissitudes de VImprimerie jusqu'au dix-neuvieme siecle. Ses recherches d^notent des con- naissances bibliographiques tres-^tendues. On y trouve une foule de details curieux, de remarques int^ressantes.n—Le Querard. / jo 464 GELLIUS. The Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius. Translated ~~— into English by the Rev. Wm Beloe, f.s.a. Translator of Herodotus. London: 1795. 3 vols. S° dark brown calf, marbled edges. Scarce. *** An excellent translation, and the first in English, of this entertaining and instructive work. /..#« 4&5_ (Uemettter3 (©art ^fjeobor). $lad)vid)ten turn ""' i>cn in bet 9iegenfimrgifd)cn gtabtbihliotijet, bcfinbltdjctt mcthvuvbiQcn fcltcnett ©itdjern au$ bem funfyefyenben ^af)Vfym\bevt. Regensburg: bey Montags Erben. 17S5. S° half morocco, top gilt, uncut. Scarce. *** An excellent bibliographical a Account of rare and Remarkable Books printed in the 15th century, belonging to the Regensburg City Library.> /;/ 466 [GERDES (D.)] Florilegium Historico-Criticum Librorum Rariorum. Editio 111. eaque ultima, fuperioribus auctior longe atque emendatior. Groning.e & Brem.-e: 1763. S° boards. Best Edition. %* <i L'auteur n'a fait mention que de Livres non indiqu^s par Vogt.d—Peignot. a A work which should have a place in every Bibliographical collection: it is designed in part as a Supple?nent to the Catalogue of I'ogi.x>—Horne. a.scT467 <Ktsctjfrtrirnfs ban J)tt JjrtfUflfK <£rtt£s; or, History of the Holy Cross. [64 Wood-cuts on 34 Leaves.] Re- produced in FAC-SIMILE from the Original Edition. Printed by J. Veldener in 1483. Text and Engravings by J. Ph. Berjeau. London: C. J. Stewart, 11 King William Street, West Strand, W. C. Foolscap 40 cloth. Uncut. /(^^3- *** Only Three Copies of the medieval original of this remarkable work are known to exist. One is in the library of Lord Spencer, from which this facsimile was made; one in the Royal Library at Brussels, and the other in the collection of Mr. Schinkel, at the Hague, in Holland. The English metrical version by Mr. R. W. Wade, printed in Dibdin's Bibl. Spenceriatia, Vol. in, /. 330 etc., has been added to the present copy. <x A most interesting feature of the History of the Cross, as it has been transmitted to us by Veldener, is the close relation of this work to the Secret Societies of the Middle Ages, and particularly to the early Rosicrucians. Although we cannot here properly enter into extensive disquisitions of this subject, we may, at least, designate the present book as the most ancient printed monument relative to the mysteries of philosophical Freemasonry.v—Introduction, p. VII, 94 GESSNER. 468 GESNER. BIBLIOTHECA | VNIUERSALIS, fine CATA- ~ LOGUS OMNI- I um fcriptorum locupletiflimus, in tribus Unguis, Latina, Grasca, & He- | braica: extantium & non extantiu, ueterum & recentiorum, in hunc ufqj | diem, doctorum & indoctorum, publi- catorum & in Bibliothecis laten- | tium. Opus nouum, & no Bibliothecis tantum publicis priuatisue in- | flituendis neceflarium, fed fludiofis omnibus cuiufcunq? artis aut | fcientiae ad fludia melius formanda utiliffimum: authore | CONRADO GESNERO Tigurino doclore medico. | Tigvri Apvd Christophorvm | Frofchouerum Menfe Septembri, Anno m.d.xlv. f° 631 leaves, hogskin, with clasps. FIRST EDITION. RARE. *** 4 Among the men who first helped to clear away the rubbish that impeded the progress of the student, was the learned and modest CONRAD GESNER; at once a scholar, a philosopher, and a bibliographer; and upon whom Julius Scaliger, Theodore Beza, and De Thou, have pronounced noble eulogiums. His Bibliotheca Vniuerfalis was the first work, since the discovery of the art of Printing, which enabled the curious to become acquainted with the works of preceding authors: thus kindling, by the light of such a lamp, the fire of emulation among his contemporaries and successors. Consider Gesner as the Father of Bibliography.b—Dibdin, Bibliomania, p. 30. 4 Conrad Gesner had a very- great pleasure in the study of languages; he not only understood many, and read the books of many nations, but he studied language for its own sake, and, as usual, testified the thoroughness of his investigations by the books to which they led. Already, at the age of twenty-five, he was acquainted intimately with half-a-dozen tongues, Hebrexv, Greek, Latin, German, Italian, and French, and he had been only three years settled in Zurich, when he published his first great work, the Bibliotheca Vniuerfalis, a piece of Bibliography which it is very hard to believe the work of a man only twenty-nine years old. It is an Alphabetical Catalogue—-wonderfull)'- full—of all Authors famous or obscure, ancient or modern, with a statement of what they had written, and the argument of their books, drawn in very many cases from the Prefaces inserted in the books themselves. This Dictionary was first published in the year 1545.»—Fraser's Magazine, Jan. 1853, P- 52. 4 O Bibliographorum quicquid est, assurgite huic tarn colcndo nomini! So might the words from Casaubon's monument well be applied to the restless Gesner. Even to this day his labor is a rich source, far from being exhausted, and very often much more certain than the works of later bibliographers. In his twenty-fifth year he began to realize his idea of a general work of literature, upon a plan the most extensive possible; and three years after- wards his preparations had already increased so much, that he was enabled to arrange them for the press. With what earnestness, solidity, and bibliographical accuracy he went to work, several passages of his Prefaces shew ; and how great notwithstanding his continued struggles against sickness and bitter necessity was the fruit of his labor.v—Ebert. See, Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Tome ix, //. 143-/6$. Morhof, Polyhistor, Editio tertia, Tomus i, Cap. xviii, /. /<?/. Jvgler, Bibliotheca I/istoriae Litterariae, Tomus 1, //. 76-77. Gerde.5, Florilegium Librorum Rariorum, p. 140. Niceron, Me'moires des Homines Illustres, Tome xvii, p. 330. Saxius, Onomasticon Literarivm, Pars. Tertia, pp. 226-7. Brunet, Manuel, Art. Gesner. Petzholdt, Bibliotheca Bibliographica, pp. 68-70. 469 GESSNER (SOLOMON). New Idyls, with a Letter to ~~ M. Fueslin, on Landscape Painting; and, The Two Friends of Bourbon, a Moral Tale, by M. Diderot. Translated by W. Hooper, m.d. London: Printed for S. Hooper, Ludgate Hill. MDCCLXXVI. 40 calf, one cover broken. Plates and Vignettes. j c> 47° GESTA ROMANORUM. 95 C <&tftu Motnu^ I Horfctn ttim &p= | Uca= ttonftim S»o- I ralffatts ac mgititin tttr ufrtuttlms &T uftttS : I una cum pluribus exemplis quibufcunq? concionatoribus perq neceffariis ac loge utiliffimis: fumma cura hac aeditione recen- ter correcta, & a mendis (quibus fca- tebant) perdiligeter terfa: accef- fiffe etia nuperrime huic opuf- culo marginales adnota- tiones diligens lector fa- cile cognofcet: que a prioribus hoc fi- gno *f* diftin- <5le funt. I Tabula alphabetica reriun feitu digna- rum in huius libri principio pofita eft. LVGDVNI mdxl: Sm. S° limp vellum. Fine clean copy. ***«Les Gesta Romanorum sont un recueil d'historiettes ou comptes empruntes a la literature sacr^e, aux traditions orientales et aux fables accreditees en Europe au Moyen Age. On a longtemps ignore le nom de t'auteur de cette compilation, mais un passage du 68c Dialogue du livre intitule Dialogic* Creaturarum [audi. Nicolao Percameno?] nous le r^vele par ces mots: Eumandus in Gcstis Romanorum.v—BRVKET. a Eumandus sive Elymandus \_vel potius Helinandus], Frigidi Montis monachus Ord. Cisterc. in agro Gallia; Bellovcenasi, delundtus A. 1227.—See, Fabricius, Bibl. Medic? ct Infimce Latinitatis, 40 Tomus ii, /. Q2. Trithemius, De Scriptorilus Eccles.y p. 103, N° 410. Vossius, De Historicis Latinis, 4* p. 44J. Le Long, Bibliotheque Historique de la France, edit. f7/qy p. 3S°- N° 7038. The Gesta Romanorum was the most popular book of the rude ages; compiled from the obsolete Latin Chronicles of the later Roman, or rather German story, heightened by romantic versions from the Legends of the Saints, Oriental Apologues, etc., it strongly affected the body of early English Poetry, and afforded a variety of inventions to Chaucer, Guwek, Lydgate, and other poets >—Warton, Hist, of English Poetry See, Douce, Illustrations of Shak- speart\etc. Vol. ii, pp.335~4^S- Drake, Shakspeare and his Times, S" edit., pp. 2O0-1. 471 GESTA ROMANORUM: or Fifty-Eight Histories Originally 'rrT^ (as 'tis /aid) collected from the Roman Records. With Applica- tions or Morals for the fupprefiing Vice, and encouraging Virtue and the Love of God. By B. P. Adorn d with Cuts. Very P leaf ant to read, and Profitable if praclif\i. London : Printed, and Sold by G. Convers at the Ring in Little-Britain. [//. </.] /:° half morocco, red edges, rude wood-cuts. *** «This seems to be the First English translation.p—Douce, Illustrations of Shakspeare, Vol. ii, p. 361. Mr. Douce seems to be very much mistaken. 9^ GLOSSARIUM EROTICUM. ^ ^Kesta Motnanovum: or, entertaining MORAL STORIES; Invented by the Monks as a Fireside Re- creation; and Commonly Applied in their Discourses from the Pulpit: Whence the most Celebrated of our own Poets and others, from the Earliest Times, have Extracted their Plots. Translated from the Latin, with Preliminary Observations and Copious Notes. By the Rev. Charles Swan. New Edition, with an Introduction by Thomas Wright, Esq., m.a. f.s.a. New York: J. JV. Bouton, 706 Broadway, mdccclxxi. 2 vols, demy $° glazed cloth. Uncut. LARGE PAPER, ONE OF FIVE COPIES Printed on Whatman's Drawing Paper. BEST EDITION. 6: 473 [GIBBON (EDWARD).] Essai sur 1'£tude de la Littera- ture. A Londres: chez T. Becket &> P. A. De Hondt, dans le Strand. 120 calf. Very scarce. MDCCLXI. *** The First publication of the celebrated historian, Edward Gibbon. 1 Copies of this work have been sold for £i. is. and £i. ios.d—Lowndes. ; v 474 GIBBON. An Essay on the Study of Literature. Written -= Originally in French. By EDWARD GIBBON, Jun. Esq. Now nril tranflated into English. London: Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, in the Strand, mdcclxiv. Sm. 8° plain calf. / uo 475 GIBBON and OCKLEY. History of the Saracen Empire, by = Edward Gibbon. = HISTORY of the SARACENS, by Simon Ockley. Reprint of the Cambridge Edition, 1755. London: Alex. Murray 6° Son. 1870. Post 8° cloth. /.'.<:' 476 G LAI RE (M. l'Abbe J. B.) Dictionnaire Universel des === Sciences Eccl£siastiques, Histoire de la Religion et de 1'£glise, Liturgie, Theologie Dogmatique et Morale, Ex£gese Biblique, Droit Canon, Papes, Conciles, Ordres Religieux et MlLITAIRES, SCHISMES, HERESIES, BlOGRAPHIE et BlBLIOGRAPHIE Religieuses. Paris: Librairie Poussielgue Freres. 1868. 2 thick vols. 8" uncut. £/ All GLAREANUS. HENRICI Glareani Helvetii, poetae Lavreati === DE GEOGRAPHIA Liber unus, ab ipfo Authore iam nouiffime recognitus. Friburgi Brisgoi^e: Stephanus Grauius excudebat. Anno m.d.li. Sm. 40 half tnorocco. With diagrams^ and numerous marginal notes in handwriting of the ibth century. ***A good notice of Glareanus will be found in Teissier's Les Eloges des Hommes Savans, Tome ii, /. 12Set seq. /0 oX 478 GLOSSARIUM EROTICUM Linguae Latins, sive Theogo- ni^e, Legum et Morum Nuptialium apud Romanos Explanatio Nova ex Interpretatione Propria et Impropria et Differentiis in GOLTZ. 97 Significatu fere Duorum Millium Sermonum, ad intelligentiam Poetarum et Ethologorum tam antiquae quam integral infimaeque latinitatis; Auctore P. P. [P. Pierrugues ?] Parisiis: apud Aug. Fr. et Pr. Dondey-Dupre, Bibliopolas. mdcccxxvi. 8° half calf, extra. Very scarce. « Ex libris Friderici ab Rieffenberg,J> the xvell-knoivn Belgian bibliophile. i/^ 479 [GODWYN (THO.)] Romance Historic Anthologia === Recognita et au6ta. An English Exposition of the ROMAN ANTI- QUITIES: Wherein many ROMAN and ENGLISH Offices are parallel'd, and divers obscure Phrases explain'd. London : Printed by R. W.for Peter Parker, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Golden Legg and Starr, over against the Royal Exchange in Corn/till. 1674. Sm. 4" half calf . ^c 480 GOETHII (J. W.) Dissertatio Juridica de eo, quod iustum est Circa Spiritus Familiares Feminarum, hoc est PULICES, etc. Lugduni-Batavorum: Apud J. H. Gebhard &> Soc. 1842. S° paj!>er. ***A reprint of a facetious Dissertation concerning FLEAS, erroneously attributed to Goethe. L ^481 GOLTZ (HVB.) VIV,E OMNIVM FERE IM- | PERATO- Trr== RVM IMAGINES, A | C. IULIA OES. VSQUE AD | CAROLVM. V. ET FERDINAN- | DVM EIVS FRATREM, EX AN- I TIQVIS VETERVM NVMIS- | MATIS SOLERTIS- SIME, I NON VT OLIM AB ALI- | IS, SED VERE AC FI | DELITER ADVMBRAT./E, | NEC NON EORVNDEM VI- | TJE, ACTA, MORES, VIRTV- | TES VITIA, SVIS COLO | RIBVS HISTORICO | PENICILLO DE- | LINEAT,E. | PO- TENTISS. PRINCIPI PHILIP- | PO, HISP. ANGL. FRANC. ET NEA- I POL. REGI, ETC. DEDIC. PER HV- | BERTVM GOLTZ WIRTZBVR- | GENSEM PICTOREM. | ANTWERP, I ANN. M.D.LVII. In fine: EXCVS. ANTVERPLE cum 6- cere Huberti Goltz Wirtzburgenfts Pi ft or is, in officina sEgidij Copenij Diefthemij, Anno M.D.LVII. Cum Gratia &* privilegio. f° vellum, 131 large medallion portraits of the Roman and German Emperors, from Julius C^esak to Charles the Fifth, printed in broivn. An interleaved copy, with numerous Manuscript additions in Latin, beautifully written. The medallion portrait ^/"Julius Cesar is missing, and plate ex. is mutilated. *** Goltzius a si bien accord^ les MeYlallies des Empereurs avec les anciennes Histoires, qu'il a dclairci plusieurs choses dignes de la lumiere du jour, qui avoient demeure" jusqu'alors dans robscurite" et dans la confusion, et jusqu'ou les plus exacts Commentateurs n'avaient encore pft pdndtrer. Comme il avait dressd une lmprimerie dans sa maison, et qu'il en dtait lui-m8me le Correcteur, ses Editions sont si parfaites, en Tart du burin, en la nettete* du carac- tere, qu'elles ont 6t6 vfles dans toute l'Europe avec admiration, et qu'elles servent encore maintenant d'un riche ornement aux plus fameuses Bibliotheques.D—Tessiek, Eloges des Hotnmes Savans, Tome hi, /. 2jS. «The medallic collections, published by Hubert Golzius, (sic) a Flemish engraver, who had examined most of the private cabinets in Europe, from 1557 to 1579, acquired great repu- tation, and were long reckoned the principal repertory of that science.»—Hallam. 9$ GR^EVII. : : .: 482^ GOLDMAYER (ANDREA). Centuria Chymica, sive Trac- tatus Aureus, de Lapidis Philosophorum Chymicorum, etc. s. 1. Anno & Mundo Condi to mmmmm.cccc.xlii. (sic.) Sm. 4° pp.32, boards. ,y ;u 4^3_ GOMBERVILLE. The DOCTRINE of MORALITY; or, a — View of Human Life, According to the Stoick Philosophy. Exemplify d in One Hundred and Three Copper-Plates, done by the celebrated Monfieur Daret, Engraver to the Late French King. With an Explanation of each Plate: Written Originally in French by Monfieur De Gomberville. Tranflated into Englifh by T. M. Gibbs, late of Hart-Hall, Oxon. London: Pritited for E. Bell, etc. 1721. J* plain calf. Good impressions of I he plates. *. o c 4^ GOTOFREDI (JO. LVDOVICI). Archontologia COSMICA, sive Imperiorvm, Regnorvm, Principatvvm, Rervmqve Pvbli- carvm Omnium per totum Terrarum Orbem Commentarii Lvcv- lentissimi. etc. etc. Editio Secunda. Francofurti: Svmptibvs Matthcei Meriani. ,-/nno M. D C. x l 1 x. f°pp. J24-26S-102. Oak boards, with numerous large folding plates, maps, etc., engraved by Merian. ,/ y ^ (^ottfriebt. 9letoe SSetttmb 3Imericamfd)e ^iftoricit. 2t(lc3 auf3 fcerfc^etbeuen 28eft=3nbia= ttifdjctt &i)tovxen-&d)veibctn, tmb mattcfjctlct) &pvad)en tttit fonbcrm flcifef jufammen Qctta#en, cgtraljtrt, in cut rirfjHcjc Crbmmg bet 99tatetten tmb $eii, tmb m biefc ftauffltrfje $orm $cbvad)t, Qutd) 3of)amt Subttrig ©ott= fticbt* [/. e. J. Ph. Abe/in.] Dutch Mattheum Merian, Buch- handlem vnd Kunflfltechern zu Franckfiirt am Meyn. Anno mdcxxxi. f° vellum, numerous plates, maps, etc. Many leaves repaired. A poor copy of the FIRST EDITION. Sy~ 486 GOUGH. CATALOGUE of the Entire and Valuable Library (with the Exception of the Department of British Topography, bequeathed to the Bodleian Library) of that Eminent Antiquary, Richard Gough, Esq. Sold by Auction by Leigh and Sotheby, April 5, 1810. London: 1810. 8° half calf. With a Biographical Preface by John Nichols. NEATLY PRICED. j, 487 GOURAUD (FRANCIS FAUVEL). Phreno-Mne- ~" motechny; or, The Art of Memory. New York and London: Wiley and Putnam. 1845. S° cloth. Portrait. ( : 5' 488 GR/EVII (JOHANNIS GEORGII). Cohors Musarum, sive Historia Rei Literari/E, nee non Historia Bibliothecalis, etc. Accurante Wolpherdo Van Bueren. Trajecti ad Rhenum. Sm. 8<> vellum. MDCC X V. * + * This singular work is attributed to Ludolphus Kuster. See, Saxius, Onomasticon Literarivm, Pars, v, /. 4jg. Peicnot, Repertoire Bibliographiquc Universe I, p.ju. GREPPO. 99 UY 489 GRANDE (La) ET VERITABLE pronoflication des C.s fauvages, avec la maniere de les aprivoifer, nouvellement imprimee par l'autorite de l'Abbe des Conars. = SERMON JOYEUX d'uN Depucelleur de Nourrices. - La SOURCE du Gros Fessier des Nourrices, & la raifon pourquoy elles font fi fendues entre les Iambes. Avec la Complainte de Monfieur le Cul contre les Inventeurs des Vertugalles. Imprinte*pour Yves Bomont, [Gomonl?] demeurant a Rouen en la 7-ue de la Chievre. [s. a.~\ 3 Pieces in 1 vol. sm. S° old yellow morocco, gilt leaves. Rare and very curious. *** See, Brunet, Manuel, Tome ii, col. 1701. Y. Ci 490 GRAY. A Catalogue, Briefly Descriptive of the Various Books and Original Manuscripts of the POET GRAY. [London?] 1851. Royal 8° half morocco. Privately printed, very rare. *** A most interesting Catalogue, as all the Books described were enriched with numerous MS. NOTES in the beautiful handwriting of the Poet, evincing great research and learning. See, Prefatory Notice. The collection was afterwards sold by auction, and this copy has the Names of the Pur- chasers and Prices added. / yY 491 [GREEN.] Extracts from the Diary of a Lover of Litera- === ture. [By Thomas Green of Ipswich.'] Ipswich: Printed by John Paw. 1810. 40 half russia, marbled edges. Scarce. *+* a Not Printed for sale. A continuation of this Diary will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1840, and subsequent years.» / Y; 492 GREEN. A MEMOIR of THOMAS GREEN, ESQUIRE, of r=== Ipswich; with a Critique on his Writings, and an Account of his Family and Connections. Ipswich: Printed by John Raw. MDCCCXXV. 4° boards, uncut. Large Paper, Privately Printed. Portrait. *+*«The impression of this Memoir has been limited to One Hundred Copies, which will be presented to the more immediate and intimate Friends of the Deceased.r>—Preface. 4Y:Y 493 GREEN (HENRY). SHAKESPEARE and the EMBLEM ~ WRITERS; an Exposition of their Similarities of Thought and Expression. Preceded by a View of Emblem-Literature down to A. d. 1616. With numerous Illustrative Devices from the Original Authors. London: Trii brier 6° Co. 1870. S° cloth, extra, gilt, with 17 photo-lith plates. LARGE PAPER. c'>^,y 494 GREPPO (J. G. H.) Explication dun Passage des Pro- verbes, Recherches sur l'usage des Boissons Glacees chez les H£breux, les Grecs et les Romains. Belley: /. B. Verpillon. 1836. S° boards. Only 123 copies printed. %* A learned dissertation on the use of Iced Drinks among the Hebrews, Greeks and Romans.—See, Proverbs, Chap, xxv, Verse 13. IOO GRYPHII. d 495 GRIGGS (WILLIAM N.) The celebrated « Moon Story,)) its Origin and Incidents; with a Memoir of the Author, [Richard Adams Locke] and an Appendix, containing: I. An Authentic Des- cription of the Moon. II. A New Theory of the Lunar Surface, in Relation to that of the Earth. New York: Bunnell and Price. 1852. iS° cloth. 6 49 6 GRILLAIA (La). CVRIOSITA ERVDITE di Scipio Gla- reano. [Angelica Aprosio da Vcntimiglia.] Bologna: m.dc.lxxiii. iS° cloth. Rare and Very Curious. Contents.—I. Delia moltitudine cle Pazzi: e si vi sia rimedio per la Pazzia. II. Che le Donne siano Costanti, 5 delia Constanza delle Donne. III. De Plagiarij, 6 sia degli usur- pation degli altri componimenti. IV. Se le Donne naturalmente, senza reale congiugnimento con l'Huomo, possano divenir gravide. V. Delia poca stima, che si fa delle buone lettere; e de letterati, e della Cagione. VI. Se gli Eunuchl possano essere Adulteri. VIII. Delia bar- barie di Castrar gli huonaini.—See, Gamba, Novclle Italiane, ediz. seconda, p. jSi. o 497 GRIMESTON. A GENERAL HISTORIE OF THE NETHERLANDS. Newly Reuewed, Corrected, and fupplied with fundrie neceffarie obferuations omitted in the nrft Impreffion. By ED: GRIMESTON Sergeant at Amies. Continued from the yeare 1608, till the yeare of our Lord 1627. By WILLIAM CROSSE Mr of Arts. The fecond Impreffion. London: Adam I slip. Anno Domini. 1627. _/*° //. jjSS plain cat/. Beautifully engraved frontispiece, containing a portrait of Queen Elizabeth, by Cecil, and a series of full length portraits. o 49* <£rtunierft* f[ &ractattts trr ptUiltntiM Scorra ffut mala tre jFrau?08 ^ ©rffltnem + SUmttrfa q? eftiflrem continent + cfiptlatua a toenrraWlf btro Jtta= flfftro JofcpJ) CUrunptcfe fcriSurcitfjaufen^ tup (Katmfua quctram Sctafttant iSrant btrtufq? turfs profrfforfa. [s. I. a. et typ. n.~\ In fine Dedicationis: SJltflttfU. tV tliitXin mafltfttf JStptf Staimacfc. jcb. fcal. Notmnfcrfs, &nno* i. 4. 96. 4" boards, 12 leaves, J7 lines on a full page, 2 curious -wood-cut*. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. *** « Comme cet opuscule contient une e'pttre dc'dicaloi? e de I'auteur a Bernhard de Walkirch, cbanoine d'Augsbourg, datde de la meme ville, 15 leal, novembris 149b, et que les caracleres qui ont servi a son impression sont ceux de Jean Froschauer, il est a croire qu'il a 6t6 execute" par cet imprimeur d'Augsbourg, en 1497 au plus tard.n—Brunei-. Libki's copy of this very curious Treatise on the Origin, of Syphilis in Europe, was sold at his sale in 185Q for £1. iys. \ 499 GRVNERI Prof. Med. lenensis (I). CHRISTIANS GOTLI- FRIDI). Lvsvs Medici. Ienae: Svmtibvs Avcloris. 1792. S° boards, uncut. Rare and curious. Contents:—I. De venerabili diui Aefculapii barba. II. Laus febris. III. Laus poda- grac. IV. Stultitiae Medicae encomium. V. De clerico medico e republica exterminando. VI. Homo bulla est. VII. Mentiris, vt medicus. . 500 GRYPHII (CHRISTIANI). Apparatvs sine Dissertatio Isagogica de Scriptoribvs LIistoriam Secvli xvii. Illvstran- tibvs. Lipsi/e: Apvd Thomam Fritoch. mdccx. 8° boards. Uncut. GVAZZI. > 5oi (Ktmtara* c ftjjc jFamUtar fSptftlrs of | ~~— fit ^utfjonfe of (Sfueuara, | IJreaeijer, (Kfjromcler, anti (ffouufeller I to tijt ISmperour Varies tije fift STtan^ | flatetr out of tfje SpamO) tongue, fig 3ETrtoartr | f&tllotntu, QSvoomt of tfje ILeaffj, anfi noto | uetolg imprmtetr, cor= rectett auft eular- | jjelr tniti) otijer lEpfftlcs of ttje | fame ^utljout. I SSajjerem art eonteiuetr bene notaftlc Itt= | ters, epeel^ lent irifeourfes, curious takings, | antr moft uaturall reafous, | berg profitable to | tie follotoett, anfc pleafaunt to | fte reatre, | J[ Imprinted at London for \ Ralph iXewberrie. J5JJ- Sm. 40 polished calf. Title-page mounted, otherwise in good ccitdition. ;/ , c 502 GUEUARA. Golden Epistles, | CONTAYNING | varietie of difcourfe, both | Morally Philofophieall, and Divine: | gathered, as wel out of the remaynder of | Gueuaraes woorkes, as other An- | thours, Latine, French and | Italian. | By Geffrey Fenton. \ Newly corrected and amended. Imprinted at London by Ralph Newberrie \ dwelling in Fleetestreete a little aboue \ the Conduite. \ 15. Oclobrts. 1582. Ulacfe HettCt\ Sm. 40 calf, extra, crimson edges. ll'ith autograph of J. P. Coi.uf.k on the title-page. -A 5°3 GUEVARA. L'Esprit de Don Antonio de Guevara, Eveque, Predicateur, & Historiographe de 1'Empereur Charles V ou Quatre cens Maximes &: Traits d'Histoire choisis dans ses Lettres & Dissertations. Ouvrage utile & agreable. Francfort sur le Meyn: ij6o. Sm. S« half vellum. ***These extracts from the works of Guevara, are printed in the Latin, Italian, French, and German languages. p / : ~ 504 [GUTCH.] Collectanea Curiosa; or Miscellaneous Facts, Relating to the History and Antiquities of England and Ireland, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and a Variety of other Subjects. [Edited by John Gttteh.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, mdcclxxxi. 2 vols. S° brown calf. %*« Chiefly collected, and now First Published, from the Manuscripts of Archbishop Saner ofl.D ./,-"■ 505 GVAZZI (STEPHANI). De CIVILI CONVERSATIONS — Dissert at ion es Politic,*: eum ejus dent Gvazzi Convivio Ca- SALINO ClVILIS CONVERSATIONIS FoRMAM RePR.ESENTANTE, eti . /-?° vellum. Engraved frontispiece. ElPSLEl 10 fs. ALL. MVNDVS ALTER | et Idem | sive Terra Aus- tralis ante hac | femper incognita longis itineri- | bus peregrini Academici nuperri- | me lustrata. | Auth. \ Mercurio Britannico I \Bp. Joseph Halli\ Sumptibus hceredum \ Ajcanij de Renialme. \ Hannovle I per Git He! mum Antoniu. A0 1607. 12° boards, with engraved frontispiece, 4 folding maps; and Index Nomimjm Propriorum , *** 4 The Address to the Reader, is signed Gulielmus Knight; but this satirical fiction was written by the learned Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter; who, under pretence of describing the Terra A ustralis Incognita, characterized the vices of existing nations, reversing the plan of the Utopia of Sir Thomas More. It is supposed that Swift borrowed his idea of Gulli- vers Travels from this \vork.i> 507 HALL. Quo Vadis? | A IVST CENSVRE | of Travell as it is I commonly vndertaken by the | Gentlemen of our | Nation. | By IOS. HALL, D. of Diuinitie. London: Printed by Edward Griffin for Henry Eetherflone. 161J'. 120 calf, extra. Rake and Curious. 508 HALLIWELL (J. O.) Ntlflac ^OCttCae. Select Pieces of = OLD ENGLISH POPULAR POETRY, Illustrating the Manners and Arts of the Fifteenth Century. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., f.r.s. London: J. R. Smith. 1844. 509 HALLIWELL. Some Account of the Vernon Manuscript, a Volume of Early English Poetry Preserved in the Bodleian Library. By James O. Halliwell. London: /. R. Smith. 1848. 8*paper, pp. 15. Only so copies printed. 510 HALLIWELL. The Autobiography and Personal Diary of "^^ Dr. Simon Forman, the celebrated Astrologer, from a. d. 1552, to a. d. 1602, from the Unpublished MSS. in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. London: 184c). 4° paper. Only 105 copies printed, for private circulation. //. HALLIWELL. I©3 (to 511 HALLIWELL. The CASTLE of LOVE. A Poem by Robert === Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln. Now First Printed from In- edited Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., f.r.s. Brixton Hill: For Private Circulation only, m.dccc.xlix. 4° cloth. *** « We certify that the impression of the « Castle of Lovex> has been strictly limited to One Hundred Copies, viz.: Ten copies on thick paper, and Ninety copies on thin paper.*— a C & J. Adlard,d printers. The present copy is N° 63 of those printed on thin paper. rj 512 HALLIWELL. Contributions to Early English Literature, ™ Derived chiefly from Rare Books and Ancient Inedited Manu- scripts, from the Fifteenth to the Seventeenth Century. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. London: For Private Circulation, mdcccxlix. 6 Parts in 1 vol. 4 ° cloth. *** a The impression of each of the Six Parts comprised in the volume, entitled 4 Contri- butions to Early English Literature^ has been strictly limited to Seventy-Five Copies, viz.: twenty-five on thick paper, and fifty on ordinary paper.» Signed, 1 Thomas Richards,* the printer. ,S 513 HALLIWELL. PALATINE ANTHOLOGY; a Collection = of Ancient Poems and Ballads, Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. To which is added PALATINE GARLAND: Being a Selection of Ballads and Fragments, Supplementary to the Palatine Anthology. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., f.r.s. London: For Private Circulation, m.d.ccc.l. 40 cloth. 110 Copies only Printed. Thick paper, (only ten copies) £j. js.; Thin paper, £2. 12s. 6d. The above copy is printed on thin paper. //So 514 HALLIWELL. Some Account of the Antiquities, Coins, === Manuscripts, Rare Books, Ancient Documents, and other Re- liques, Illustrative of the Life and Works of SHAKESPEARE, in the Possession of James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., f.r.s. Brixton Hill: Printed for Private Circulation only, m.dccc.lii. 40 cloth, thick paper, with facsimiles, wood-cuts, etc. *+* a I hereby certify that the impression of the following Catalogue of Antiquities, &c, illustrating the Life and Works of Shakespeare, has Seen most strictly limited to EIGHTY COPIES.p—4 Thomas Richards.d J;•.,■ 515 HALLIWELL. Observations on the SHAKSPERIAN ,-/' rrr= FORGERIES at BRIDGEWATER HOUSE; Illustrative of a Fascimile of the Spurious Letter of H. S. By James O. Halli- well, Esq. London: For Private Circulation only. 1853. 4° cloth, pp. S. With Facsimile of the Letter of H. S. mentioning Shakespeare, pur- porting to be from Lord Southampton, but believed to be a modern Forgery. of s J 516 HALLIWELL. A Brief Account of an Unique Edition of Sir Philip Sydney's ARCADIA. By James O. Halliwell, Esq., f.r.s. Brixton Hill: For Private Circulation only. 1854. 4° PP- 7, cloth. 104 HAMILTON. il0 517 HALLIWELL. Descriptive Notices of Works in a Small = Collection of SYDNEIAN LITTERATURE in the Library of James O. Halliwell, Esq., at Avenue Lodge, Brixton Hill. Brixton Hill: For Private Circulation only. 1854. 4° pp. 8, stitched. ; 6 _5i£^ HALLIWELL. £t tgttlt JSotte Gevinge a True and Brief Accounte of some Reliques and Curiosities added of late to Mr. Halliwell's Shakespeare Collection. London: Printed (by J. E. Adlard) for Private Circulation only. 1856. 4° cloth, pp. 18. Facsimiles. %* a I hereby certify that the impression of the following work, A lyttle Boke, &c, has been stritfly limited to TWENTY-FIVE COPIES.p Signed J. O. Halliwell. Co 519 HALLIWELL. A Brief Hand-List of Books, Manuscripts, "^ &c, Illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare; collected between the Years 1842 and 1859. By James Orchard Halliwell. London: Printed by J. E. Adlard, Bartholomew Close. 1859. Sm. 8° cloth. *** «The Impression of this Work is striftly limited to THIRTY COPIES.» a Most of these books have been used, in one way or other, in the compilation of my Folio Edition of the works of the great dramatic poet, towards the illustration of whose writings I have never willingly spared whatever of Expense or labour was within the compass of my exertions.v—Pre/ace. Co 520 HALLIWELL. A Brief List of Some of the Rarer and most ~~^ Curious OLD-BOOK RARITIES in the Library of J. O. Halli- well, Esq. Illustrative chiefly of Early English Popular Liter- ature. West Brompton: For Private Circulation only. 1862. Sm. 40 half morocco. Only jo copies printed. So 521 HAMILTON (Lady AUGUSTA). Marriage Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies, of all Nations of the Universe. London: Printed for Chappie 6° Son, Pall Mall. 1822. 8° purple morocco, extra, gilt back sides, and edges, with plate of a Greek Lady in her bridal habit. *** An elegant copy of this singular work. :.:;j 522 HAMILTON. A REVIEW OF «An Inquiry into the Genuine- ^~~ ness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Anno- tated Shakspere, Folio, 1632; and of certain Shaksperian Documents likewise published by Mr. Collier.d By N. E. S. A. Hamilton. Also, The Reply of Mr. J. Payne Collier, to the « Inquiry.d (Reprinted from the (London) Athenaeum of the 18th of February, i860.) New York: i860. 8° pp.32. PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION by Charles W. Frederickson, Esq., of New York. HARTSHORNE. 105 ^O 523 HAMILTON (N. E. S. A.) An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakspere, Folio 1632; and Certain Shaksperian Documents likewise published by Mr. Collier. London: R. Bentity, mdccclx. Sm. 40 cloth. With facsimiles of the 4 Pencillings; D a. Daborne Warrant ;T> and aAlleyn's Letter.v /,6'o 524 «HAMST.» A Martyr to Bibliography; A Notice to the ==== Life and Works of Joseph-Marie Qu£rard, Bibliographer. By Olphar Hamst, Esq. [Ralph Thomas^] London : J. R. Smith. i86j. S° cloth. Only 2JO copies printed. *** a A little volume of great interest and value. Of great interest for the amount of information it contains relative to the labours of one who was in sooth a martyr to the art he loved so well ; and of great value because it may awaken in all who read it a juster estimate of the importance of Bibliography.»—Notes and Queries, July 20, tStrj. J.fO 525 « HAMST.» HANDBOOK for FICTITIOUS NAMES: Being === a Guide to Authors, chiefly in the Lighter Literature of the xixth Century, who have written under Assumed Names; and to Lite- rary Forgers, Impostors, Plagiarists, and Imitators. By Olphar Hamst, Esq. [Ralph Thomas.] London: 1868. 8« cloth. .:, /L^$26 HANROTT. CATALOGUE of the SPLENDID, CHOICE, = and CURIOUS LIBRARY of P. A. Hanrott, Esq. Sold by Auction by Mr. [R. If.] Evans. London: 1833-34. 5 Parts complete, in 2 vols. S° half crimson calf, gilt backs. LARGE PAPER, ruled THROUGHOUT IN RED LINES, WITH PRICES AND NAMES OF THE PURCHASERS. VERY SCARCE. 0 ocf 527 HARINGTON (Sir JOHN). The Metamorphosis of Ajax; A Cloacinean Satire: With the Anatomy and Apology. To which is added, Ulysses upon Ajax. [Edited by Samuel IVeller Singer.] Chiswick: From the Press of C. Whittingham. mdcccxiv. Sm. S° boards, UNCUT. Portrait of Harington, by Siuaine. Only TOO copies reprinted'. Scarce. *** 4 One of the earliest of our Facet ia-, the production of an author who may be termed, in allusion to this jeu d'esprit, the Rabelais of England. The conceit, or pun upon the word Ajax, or a Jakes, appears to have been a familiar joke of the time, and had been previously introduced by Shakespeare in his Love's Labour's Lost, Act. v, sc. 2.v—Drake's Shakspeare and his Times, S° edit., p. 2jf. aSir J. Harington is to be considered the inventor of that cleanly comfort the water- closet: which gave rise to his witty tract, the Metamorphosis of AJajc, wherin he humourously recommends the same to Q. Elizabeth.r>—Dr. Nott. £.00 528 HARTSHORNE (Rev. C. H.) The BOOK RARITIES in the University of Cambridge. Illustrated by Original Letters, and Notes, Biographical, Literary, and Antiquarian. London: Longman. 182 p. S° half calf. Plates, ornamental initial letters, and vignettes. *** This volume contains E. Capell's «CATALOGUE of a Collection Intitled Shakspeariana; comprehending all the several Editions of the works of Shakspeare, old and new, divers rare old editions of writers, prosemen and versemen, with a variety of other articles, chiefly such as tend to illustrate him, made by ■ • • e. cp I06 HEBENSTREIT. /r0 529 HATIN (EUGENE). Histoire du Journal en France. Paris: Git stave Havard. 1846. /6° half morocco, top gilt. 1/ cu 53o_ ?g?artrffti0. arije ©tjrontrlt of 3f)on *m*v%$W in metre, fro tfjc first tjeflgnngnfl of ISttfllatrr, touto se refflne of 3EfctoarTrc dc fourtlj toJjcrc Ijc matte an arte of 1)10 CljrontClr* Londini: 7/z 0^7/ztf Richardi Graf font. Jfeuse Jamiarij. 1543. Sm. 4° cal/\ margins closely cut. Manuscript title, wants J preliminary leaves, containing the Dedication and Preface. This copy begins with a The Proheme of Jhon Hardyng into this his chronycle,t> on fol. i, and concludes with a topography of Scotland, which ends on fol. CC.xxxviii. The continuation in prose is missing. J' 00 _53i_ HAYDN (JOSEPH). DICTIONARY of DATES and Uni- versal Information Relating to all Ages and Nations. Fourteenth Edition, containing the History of the World to August, 1873. By Benjamin Vincent. London: E. Moxon. [i8/j?] S° cloth. /ao 532 HAZLITT. OLD ENGLISH JEST BOOKS. Edited with Introductions and Notes by W. Carew Hazlitt. London: Willis and Sotheran. 1866. rj vols, post S° half morocco. Contents: I. Merie Tales by Master Skelton, Poet-Laureat. 1566-7. II. Mery Jests of the Widdow Edyth. 1573. III. Pasquil's Jests, mixed with Mother Bunches Merriments. 1604. IV. Jacke Dover's Quest of Inquirie. 1604. V. Merrie Conceited Jests of George Peele. 1607. VI. Pleasant Conceites of Old Hobson. 1604. VII. Tarlton's Jests. 1611. VIII. Certaine Concerts and Jeasts, collected out of Scotus, Poggius, and Others. 1614. IX. Scoggin's Jeasts, full of Witty Mirth and Pleasant Shifts. 1626. X. Taylor's Wit and Mirth chargeably collected out of Taverns, Ordinaries, Innes, Ale-Houses, Tobacco-Shops and Water-Passages. 1630. XI. The Merry Tales of the Mad Men of Gottam. 1630. XII. Conceits, Clinches, blashes, and Whimzies. 1639. The Sack-full of News. 1673. /■*)# 533 HEARNE. Bibliotheca Hearneiana. Excerpts from the CATA- ■ LOGUE of the LIBRARY of Thomas Hearne, a.m. P rutted front his cram Manuscript. [Edited by Beriah Botfield, Es<jf\ London: m.dccc.xlviii. 4" half morocco. Portrait 0/Hearne. ONLY 75 COPIES PRINTED. Presentation copy from the Editor. t/~~534 [HEATH (BENJAMIN).] A Revisal of Shakespear's Text, *r:=! wherein the Alterations introduced into it by the more modern Editors and Critics, are particularly confidered. London: Printed for W. Johnson, in Ludgate-Strect. mdcclxv. Sc> calf. t__iS 535 HEBENSTREIT (Dr. W.) Dictionarium Editionum turn === Select arum turn Optimarum Auctorum Classicorum et Grae- CORum et Romanorum, etc. Vindobonae: Sumtibus C. Armbrusteri Bibliopolae. mdcccxxviii. Sm. S" boards. Uncut. HERBELOT. 107 ",#0 536 HEILLY (GEORGES d'). Dictionnaire des Pseudonymes ou sont Divulgues et Retablis les Noms Inventes, Tronques, Tra- vestis, Arranges ou Deranges. Paris: ehez le Libraire Rouquette. MDCCCLXVIII. /6° vellum wrapper, « lirage a tres-petit nombre pour les curieux et les bibliophiles, et settlement stir papier de Holla nde, 22J.D *** <lD'Heillyr> is the pseudonym of M. Antoine-Edmond Poinsot. uO 537 [HEINECKEN (Baron C. H. de).] Idee Generale dune === Collection Complette d'ESTAMPES, avec une Dissertation fur 1'Origine de la Gravure & fur les Premiers Livres d'lMAGES. Leipsic et Vienne: chez Jean Paul Kraus. 1771. S° calf, red edges, 32 plates. Very scarce. ***« The value and fidelity of this work have long been known and duly appreciated by bibliographers and amateurs of the fine arts. The price of the Ide'e des Estampes, iD good condition, varies from £3. 3^. to £3. 13^. 6d. and will probably increase, the further we are removed from the time of its publication. A circumstance that greatly enhances the merit of Heinecken's accounts of the Books of Images, is, that he actually saw every book which he has described with equal accuracy and fidelity.!)—Horne. ^C 538 HEINSIUS. 6loge de 1'Ane, Traduction libre du Latin de == Daniel Heinsius, par M. L. Coupe. Paris: Honnert. 1796. rS° half red morocco, marbled edges. Rare. fetter (Sflfepff)* (#cfcf)td)tc bet ^oljdjfnetbe* fitttft t>ott ben altcftett bi$ auf bic ncucftcit Qciten, ttebft jttiei SBetlagen, cntljattcttb ben Urfprung bev ^pieltavien mib cut !&cr$ctd)utft bev fammtlidjcn Xt)loQtapf>tfd)cn SlQetfe* [History of Wood Engraving from the most Ancient to modern Times, including two Supplements, comprising the Origin of Playing Cards, and a Catalogue of Xylograph it lVorks.~\ Bamberg: 1823. S° half crimson morocco, top gilt, one leaf of the contents misplaced in binding. Illustrated zvith numerous wood-cuts, facsimiles and monograms. //o 54o HERBELOT (BARTHELEMI d'). BIBLIOTHfeQUE = ORIENTATE, 011 DICTIONNAIRE UNIVERSEL, contenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les peuples de l'Orient; leurs Hifloires et Traditions, tant fabuleufes que veritables; leurs Religions & leurs Sectes; leurs Gouvernemens, Loix, Politique, Mceurs, Coutumes; et les Revolutions de leurs Empires, &c. Nouvelle Edition, reduite & augmentee par M. D. [^v.s'jrt7/'A\] Paris: m.dcc.lxxxi-lxxxii. 0 vols. S* half roan, yellow edges. *** « For solid literature, extensive and profound Oriental learning-, no man has yet sur- passed M. d'Herbelot. The work itself is a treasury of useful and ornamental knowledge; and has done more to draw the attention of Europeans to the writings of the Asiatics, than all the other works yet published on the subject.d—Dr. Adam Clarke, Bibl. Miscellany, Vol. i, A 29S- 4 France has an Orientalist of the most extensive learning in d'Herdelot, whose Biblio- theqite Or tent ale. must be considered as making an epoch in this literature.!)—Hallam. ~ OrJ S39_ Io8 HERODOTI. '.- c> 54i HENDERSON (ALFRED). Latin Proverbs and Quota- = tions. With Translations and Parallel Passages, and a Copious English Index. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston. Square S° cloth. Beautifully printed at the a Chisivick Press.* l86Q. od 542 HERBST (JOHANNES HENRICUS). Dissertatio Philo- == logica de OSCULO MANUS ORI DATO. etc. Lipsle: mdccxi. Sm. 4" half morocco. a 0 543 HERMES MERCURIUS TR1SMEGISTUS. The | DIVINE | := PYMANDER | of | Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, | In XVII. Books. I Tranflated formerly out | of the Arabick into Greek, and | thence into Latin and Dutch, | and now out of the Original, | into English; I By that Learned Divine | Doctor [John] Everard. | London: Printed by Robert White, \ for Tho. Brewfter, and Greg. Moule, I at the Three Bibles in the Poultry under Mildreds \ Church. 1630. 12° calf pp. 2/j;, curious engraving of Trismegistus inserted. VERY SCARCE. *** The First and only translation into English of the two dialogues, « POEMANDERd and a ASCLEPIUS t> which are ascribed, by Laclantius and other learned Fathers of the Church, to Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes Trismegistus, or, « The Thrice-Great Hert?iesj> is supposed by some scholars to have been an Egyptian Philosopher, Priest, and King. He flourished Nineteen Hundred Years before Christ, and is said to have taught the Egyptians Chemistry, Mensuration, Music, the cultivation of the Olive, the division of Time into Hours, and Hieroglyphical Writing. A complete translation into French, of all the Works and Fragments attributed to Hermes, with a learned Historical and Critical Essay on the Origin of the Hermetic Books, by Louis Menard, was published b}' Didiek, Paris: iSbS. 12° pp. cxi-302. cj 544 C. HERODOTI I Halicarnassei Histo \ riographi Libri No | vem Mvsarvm No I minibvs In- | scripti, | Interprete Lavren. Valla. .... Item De gene re uitdq: Homer ilibellus, iam primum \ a Conrado Heresbachio e grceco in latinurn conuerfus. | ^f [Coloni/E: Apud Eucharium Ceruicornum.~\ Anno m.d.xxvi. C THVCYDI I dis Atheniensis Histo \ riographi De Bello | Peloponnensivm I Atheniensivm I qve Libri viii. | Laurentio Valla interprete: & nunc a Con | rado Heresbachio ad grascum exemplar di | ligentiffime recogniti. | % [Colonize:] Eucharius Cer- uicornum excudebat. Anno m.d.xxvii. C QVINTVS I CVRTIVS DE REBVS | GESTIS ALEXAN- DRI MAGNI REGIS MACE | DONVM. | Cum Annotationibus Des. I Erafmi Roterodami. | In fine: Argentorati ex Aedibus Schure- \ rij Menfe Initio Anno \ M. D. XVIII. ? toIs. in r vol. f° oak hoards. With sumptuously ornamental wood-cut title-pages, and numerous ornamental initial letters. ***See, Panzer, Annates Typographic!, Vol. vi, /. J96. Hoffmann, Lexicon Bibliogra- phicum, Scriptoru?n Graecorvm, Tom us 11, p.jyO. HEYWOOD. I09 ^ 545 HERRENSCHMID (JACOBO). Brevis DiiTertatiuncula, De BACCHANALIORUM Nomine, Origine, Progressu, Placentis, Larvis, excufationibus, exemplis, poenis, ludis, choreis, Sympoiis, ludibriis, &c. NoriberGjE: Impressum. [1626'?~\ fS° boards. fc _5j£_ HERRENSCHMIDT (JACOBO). D. O. M. S. OSCULO- LOGIA Theologo-Philologica^w De variis variorum OSCULIS Patriarcharum, Prophetarum, Impp. Regum Epifcoporum Academi- corum, Chriflianorum Gentilium, Exoticorum, &c. Commentariolus. VVlTTEBERGiE: A WW M. DC. XXX. iS° boards. Rare. *#* An exceedingly curious and learned Dissertation on the friendly custom of Kissing, as practiced by sundry holy Patriarchs, Prophets, Bishops and other pious persons in primitive times. The learned and discreet bachelor Erasmus, describes the English custom of kissing as a a practice never to be sufficiently commended.»—See, his Epist. to Faustus Andrelinus, dated 14QQ. ,^e 547 HESSI (HEL. EOBANI). Venus Triumphans de qua Joa- Camerarius questus ab Eobana ad Thalamum ducitur et in His- paniam abiens Carmine Celebratur. Rudolphopoli: Froebelium. 48° paper covers. 1822. '6'.OO 548 HEYWOOD. The | HIERARCHIE | of the blefTed | AN- GELLS. I Their Names, orders \ and Offces | The fall of Lucifer | with his Angells. | [A Poem in Nine Books.'] Written by Tho: Heywood. I [Motto] Vita scelesta vale, ccelica vita veni. \ London: Printed by Adam I flip. 1635. f° paneled calf, gilt edges, with emblematical title-page engraved by T. Cecill; and 9 plates. Fine, clean copy. *** This singular Poem consists of Nine Books, with learned annotations to each Book. The following curious allusion to various English poets will be found in Lib. iv, p. 20b. a Our moderne Poets to that pafTe are driuen. Thofe names are curtal'd which they firft had giuen; And, as we wifht to haue their memories drown'd, _ We fcarcely can afford them halfe their found. Mario, renown'd for his rare art and wit, Could ne'er attaine beyond the name of Kit ,- Although his Hero and Lcander did Merit addition rather. Famous Kid Was call'd but Tom Tom. Watson, though he wrote Able to make Apollo's felfe to dote Vpon his Mufe; for all that he could ftriue, Yet neuer could to his full name arriue. Tom. Nash (in his time of no fmall efteeme) Could not a fecond fyllable redeeme. Excellent Bewmont, in the formoft ranke Of rar'ft Wits, was neuer more than Franck. Mellifluous Shakc-Jpea re, who fe inchanting Quill Commanded Mirth or Paffion, was but Will. And famous Johnson, though his learned Pen Be dipt in Cajialy, is ft ill but Ben. Fletcher and Webjler, of that learned packe None of the mean'ft, yet neither was but Iacke. Deckers but Tom, nor May, nor Middteton. And hee's now but Iacke Foord, that once were John.* HO HOFFMAN. 549 HILDEBRAND (IOANNES VLRICVS). Dissertatio Philo- logica de Salmonis ad ESVM POTVMQVE Exhortationibvs, etc. Ienae: do Id ccxx. Sm. 40 half morocco. 550 HISTOIRE CRITIQUE des Pratiques Superstitieuses, qui ont feduit les peuples, & embaraffe les Scavans Par un Pretre de l'Oratoire. [Pierre LeBr/tn.] Rouen: chez Guillaiune Behoert. 3 Parts in 1 vol. I2'~' half morocco. Engraved frontispiece. M.DCCII. %* Contains a very curious account of the a Divining- Rod.v 551 HISTOIRE CRITIQUE des MYSTJfcRES de l'ANTIQUITE; Avec des Obfervations & des Notes fur la Philofophie, la Superfti- tion & les Supercheries des Mages. [Par Loin's Guillemain de Saint- Viclor.] A Hispahan [Paris]: 1788. 12° half morocco, i\ncut. Frontispiece. Rare. *** See, OuKRARD, Supercheries Litteraires, new Edit., Tome ii, /. 131. 552 HISTOIRE MIRACULEUSE et Admirable de la Comtesse '~ de Hornoc, Etranglee par le Diable dans la Ville d'ANVERS. Lyon: m.d.c.xvi. [Reprinted] Gand: 1856. l6° half morocco. Only 130 copies reprinted. 553 HISTORICAL (The) MAGAZINE and NOTES and == QUERIES, concerning the ANTIQUITIES, HISTORY and BIOGRAPHY of AMERICA. First Series—1857 to 1866 in- clusive—10 vols. Second Series—1867 to 1871. Vols, i to ix complete, and 2 Nos of Vol. x, (all that was published of Vol. x.) Third Series—1872-1873. Vols, i and 11 complete. Boston and New York: 1857-1873. 2/ vols, and 2 N°* sm. 40 A fne clean set in the Original Numbers, as published. LTncut. *** This excellent Magazine was edited by John Ward Dean, of Boston, George Folsom, John Gilmary Shea, of New York, Henry R. Stiles, m.d., of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Henry B. Dawson, of Morrisania, N. Y. 554 HOBBES (THOMAS). Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme = & Power of a Common-Wealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil. London: Printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1651. f° full brown calf extra, marbled edges, with emblematic frontispiece. Very fne clean copy. *** 1 Regarded merely as a writer of English, there can be little difference of opinion about the high rank to be assigned to Hobbes. He has been described as our first uniformly careful and correct writer; and he rnay be admitted to have at least set the first conspicuous and influential example, in what may be called our existing English, of that regularity of style which has since his time been generally attended to. No writer has succeeded in making language a more perfect exponent of thought than it is as employed by Hobbes. In the prime qualities of precision and perspicuity, and also in economy and succinctness, in force and in terseness, it is the very perfection of a merely expository style.d—Craik. 555 HOFFMAN (DAVID). Chronicles Selected from the Ori- = ginals of CARTAPHILUS, the WANDERING JEW. Embracing a Period of Nearly xix Centuries. London: Thomas Bosworth. J8§J. 2 vols. S'1 cloth. HOMERI ILIAS. Ill . ..f'o 556 HOFFMANNI Silefii (FRIDERICI). POETICUM cum Mufis = Colludium: five Lusuum EPIGRAMMATICORUM Centurle. Editio fecunda altera parte auftior. Amstelodami: Apud' Johannem Janffonium. 1665. 18* plain calf. Engraved frontispiece. / $j- 557 HOLBEIN. The Celebrated Hans Holbein's ALPHABET of :==== Death. Illustrated with Old Borders Engraved on Wood with Latin Sentences and English Quatrains selected by Anatole de Montaiglon. Paris: Printed for Edwin Tross. mdccclvi. Sm. 8° cloth. /.{O 558 HOLBEIN'S DANCE OF DEATH. Exhibited in Elegant === Engravings on Wood, with a Dissertation on the several Repre- sentations of that Subject. By Francis Douce, Esq., f.s.a. Also, HOLBEIN'S BIBLE CUTS, consisting of Ninety Illustrations 07i Wood, with Introduction by Thomas Frognall Dibdin. London: H. G. Bohn. 1858. Post 8° cloth. /OO 559 HOLLISTER (H.) History of the Lackawanna Valley. === Second Edition, Entirely Re-written. New York: C. A. Alvord. i86p. 8° cloth. Portraits and plates. .^ 560 HOMMELIO (CAROLO FERD.) De Ivre ARLEQVINI ZANTE, ^. Byrvthi: Apvd Ioh. Andr. Liibekum. ij6i. 12° boards. *#* An entertaining little treatise concerning ridiculous laws and legal buffoonery. yt6 0 561 HOMERI ILIAS, | Greece et Latine. | ANNOTATIONES | === in usum Serenissimi Principis | Gulielmi Augusti, | Ducis de Cumberland, &c. | REGIO JUSSU | Scripsit atque edidit | SAMUEL CLARKE, S.T.P. | EDITIO PRIMA AMERICANA. I cura Georgii Ironside, a.m. | [Mottos,/;w Aristot. and Quin- tilian.] NOVI EBORACI: | Typis Georgii long, 71 Pearl-Street, \ Impensis E. Duyckinck, P. A. Mesier, T. A. Ronalds, S. A. Burtis; I M. Carey, Philadelphia; Websters & Skinners, Albany: | et Howe & Deforest, New-Haven. | 1814. 2 vols. 8° plain sheep. 2 folding Maps. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION OF HOMER IN THE ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT. VERY RARE. The only perfect copy of this Edition we have ever seen; the second and subsequent editions are about as common as carrots. Collation :—Vol. i. Title i leaf. Dedication to Gulielmo Augusto Duci De Cumber- land, &c. i leaf, then follows notice Leftori Benevolo, s. d. Georgius Ironside, commencing, <iln hdc Iliadis primd edit tone Ameriand,\> etc. ileal", verso blank. The Free facto occupies the recto and verso of the next leaf. Text pp. 1-510. Vol. ii. r///c, same as above, i leaf. Notice Lectori i leaf, ending on the verso, with name of Samuel Clarke. Text, pp.5-510. Index Rerum et Verborum, 9 leaves. *+*<iThe New York booksellers have just published an Edition of Dr. Clarke's aHOMER,D accurante George Ironside, a.m., which is worthy of notice, as being THE FIRST EDITION OF HOMER, IN THE ORIGINAL, EVER PRINTED ON THIS SIDE THE ATLANTIC.*—A naleclic Alagazine. Philadelphia: 1814. Vol. iv, /. 520. 112 HOOD. ,2 S 562 HONE (WILLIAM). I. EVERY DAY BOOK, or a Guide to === the Year: Describing the Popular Amusements, Sports, Cere- monies, Manners, Customs, and Events, incident to the Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days, in Past and Present Times: with 436 Engravings—2 vols. II. The YEAR BOOK, of Daily Recrea- tion and Information: concerning Remarkable Men, Manners, Times, Seasons, Solemnities, Merry-Makings, Antiquities and Novelties, forming a Complete History of the Year: with 114 Engravings—1 vol. III. The TABLE BOOK, of Daily Recreation and Information: with 116 Engravings—1 vol. London: 1866. Together 4 vols. 8° half blue calf, gill backs, marbled edges. /r.oo _56s_ 2£onoritts AuSujiodunenfis, Be Kmaflfnt JWtwtri. Absque anni, loci, et typographi indications. [Sed Norimb., Ant. Koburger, circa 1472.] f° old red morocco, 46 leaves, 30 lines on a full page. EDITIO PRINCEPS: On the refio of the first leaf we read this prefix: ftriftfanus atr folitartu cjueutram tre imagine muitfru jBjonorfo; After 17 lines, there is a prolofltts ire gmasfnc muntru pjouort4* ;. (sic.) The work is divided into Three Books:—the First contains an Account of the Creation and Form of the World; the Second, treats of Time and the various divisions of it among divers nations, and the Third Book, comprises a brief History of the World, from the Creation to the time of the Emperor Conrad III. On the reclo of the last leaf, the ioth and last line is <£onra?iu0 restraint auoig* jrtfC: *** A most desirable and truly splendid copy of this remarkable production. It should also be noted, that on the reclo of the first leaf of this copy are two initial letters, richly illuminated in gold and colors, within a tastefully ornamental border of fruits and flowers. The largest of these letters, contains the « Veronica,» or, true portrait 0/ Christ, painted on a shield. See, Fabricius, Bibliotheca Laiina Medics et JnJimcF sEtatis, 40 Vol. ill, pp. 21J-80. Dupin, Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Auteurs Eccl., 40 Tome ix, pp. J54-5. Seemiller, Incuna- bula Typographica, 40 Fasciculus i, pp. ijg-80. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, Vol. 11, Pars, i, p. 8j. Dibdin, Bibl. Spenceriana, Vol. iu,p.j82. Brunet, Manuel, Art. a Cristianus.d /o' 564 HOOD (THOMAS) The Works of. Edited by Epes Sargent. New York: G. P. Putnam. 1862 6 vols, crown 8" cloth, UNCUT. Portrait, and Illustrations. //{/o 565 HOOD (THOMAS). Miss Kilmansegg and Her Precious —— Leg. A Golden Legend. With do illustrations by Thomas S. Seccombe, r.a. Engraved by F. Joubert. London: E. Moxon, Son &> Co., Dover Street. i8jo. Sm. 40 crimson morocco, extra, gilt leaves, each leaf mounted on linen guards. HOWELL. 113 v\Sc 566 HOR^E BEATISSIM.E VIRGINIS MARLE. Ad vsvm Ro- manvm. Nunc primum perquam fyncere cafligatae atque repurgatae. ac triplici officio illuftratae. AnTvERpL'E: Ex Officina Chriflophori Plantini. m.d.lxv. S° old calf, gilt, gaujfred edges. Printed within ornamental borders, and illustrated with wood-cut engravings. /{/.QO 567 HORATIUS ita emendatus: ut eius | interpretes non multum de- I fideres Lector can- | diffimc. (sic.) In fine: Mediolani apud Alexandrian Minutiamun MDII [1502] Pridie cal. Decembr. f'~J half calf. An exceedingly curious edition of the works of Horace. *** a Belle Edition, dont les exeraplaires sont rares p—Brl'net. Coo 568 HORATIUS. Quinti HORATII Flacci OPERA Denuo emen- ~~" data. Amstelodami: Apud Iud: Hondium. A° do Ioc xxv. J2° old red morocco gilt, engraved title-page, ruled throughout in red lines. Rare. //.SJ 569 HORATIUS. QVINTI HORATII FLACCI OPERA. "~ Londini: Aenesis TabvlisIncidit Iohannes Pine, mdccxxxiii-xxxvii. 2 vols. S° "bright polished calf, exta, gilt backs, yellow edges. *** a This is a very beautiful Edition, which 11 arles styles omnium splendidissima ct caris- sima. The Text is entirely engraved, and it is adorned with a profusion of elegant Vignettes. The Engravings are executed on a very stout, clear paper, and the tout ensemble presents to the eye a very pleasing appearance. It is highly esteemed by the curious. Fine copies bring as much as £5. ss.v—Moss. The curious should be informed that the genuine edition is distinguished by having at page 108, Vol. 11, the words <i Post, Esl.v— in the second it is a Potest.v—Dibdin. The above is a sumptuous copy of the Second Edition. ///.Si" 570 HORATIUS. Quinti HORATII Flacci OPERA cum Novo Comment ario ad Modum JO ANN IS BOND. Parisiis: Ex Typographia Firminorum Didot. mdccclv. 16° crimson levant morocco, gilt top, rough edges, dentelle borders, by Enhaes. *„:* a Charmante Edition pr^sentant un excellent texte, un connnentaire latin redige" a\*ec autant de savoir que de goilt par M. Dubner, une vie d' Horace en francais par M. Noel des Vergers, une preface int^ressante par M. Ambroise-Fir.min Du>ot. Le volume est de'.ore d1 un joli frontispice ct de vignettes pour chaaue livre, par M. Barrais,p < tc.~ Brunei. y.So 571 HOUSSAIE (AMELOT de la). Mkmoires Historioues, Poli- ~~ ~ tiques, Critiques, et Litteraires. Amsterdam: e/iez Michel diaries Le Cene. mdccxxxi. 2 vols. S° boards. //- 572 HOUSSAIE (AMELOT de la). Mkmoires Historiques, Poli- "tiques, Critiques, et Litteraires. Amsterdam: eiiez ZacJiarie Ciiateiain. mdccxxxvii. 3 vols. sm. S° calf, red edges. a > 0 573 H O W E L L ( J A M E S ). s. p. q. v. A S U R V A Y of the "= SIGNORIE of VENICE, of Her admired policy, and method of Government, <xx. With a Cohortation to all Chrisllian Princes to refent Her dangerous Condition at prefent. London: Printed for 114 HOYM. Richard Lowndes at the White Lion in S. Pauls Churchyard, neer the Weft end. M.DC.LI. f° half calf, title-page repaired, ivith emblematic frontispiece engraved by Ro: Vaughan. *#"•*a This Surray will, I beleeve, make tbe Reder both outwardly and inwardly acquainted with the Mayden Republic, tor it thews Her policy and power, Her warrs, exploits, and con- federacies, Her interefts of State, together with Her advantages and defects, and how farr She hath trodd in the ftepps of old Rome.p—Dedication of the A uthor. c?J0 574 HOWELL. Tbe Parly of Beasts; or, MORPHANDRA Queen === of the INCHANTED ILAND: Wherein Men were found, who being trasmuted to Beasts, though proffer'd to be dis-inchanted, and to becom Men again; yet, in regard to the crying sins, and rebellious humors of the Times, they prefer the Life of a Brute Animal before That of a Rational Creture, etc., etc. Divided into XI Sections. By Jam Howell Esq. London: Printed by W. Wilson for William Palmer, at the Paim-Tree in Fleet-Street near St. Dunftans Church. 1660. sm. folio calf, ivith an emblematical front ispiece by F. Bartowe, engraved by R. Gayivood, several leaves repaired, the Portrait of Hoivcll is wanting. *** The PARLY OF BEASTS is an allegorical story, which, it is safe to say, may be read without profound emotion. It contains, however, a great many curious PROVERBS, and a number of piquant episodes, which are narrated with a plainness and innocent simplicity of speech, truly remarkable, considering that the work is dedicated, To the Great Ornament of her Sex, both for Choice INTELLECTUALLS, and High MORALE VERTUES, The right Honorable, and excellent Lady, MY LADY MARIE de la FONTAINE. As an early attempt to reform the Orthography of the English language this volume will be found exceedingly interesting to students of philology. Preceding the Index is a single leaf, unnumbered, containing Howell's « ADVERTISEMENT RALAT1NG TO ORTHO- GRAPH Y.d in which he says, a Strangers used to quarrel with our Language, and throw away the Book in a chafe sometimes, because our writing and pronunciation are so differing; For when a stranger meets with treasure, measure, feature, reader, ivealher, people, &C, he pronounceth tre-asure, me-asure, fe-ature, re-ader, ive-ather, pe-opde. Whereas if we wold write them as wee pronounce them, viz. Tresure, mcsurc,feture, reder, ivether, peeple, which gives altogether as full a prolation, strangers wold not find such a difficulty and distast in learning our Language. It hath bin, and is still the endevor of the Author to reform this,i> etc. etc. a To the Stories that illustrate Hamlet's shocking design of killing the King at his prayers, may be added one in Howell's Parly of Beasts, p. qi.t>—Douce, Illustrations of Shakspeare, Vol. n, /. 250. Uuo 575 HOYM. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM BIBLIOTHEC.E ~~ Carolj Henrici Comitis De Hoym, olim Regis Poloni/e Au- gusti II. apud Regem Christianifsirnum Legati Extraordinarii. Digeflus & defcriptus a Gabriele Martin, Bibliopola Parifienfi. Cum Indice Auclorum Alphabetico. Paristis: mdccxxxviii. Sn plain calf, red edges. Numerous MS Notes. Partly Priced. RARE. *$* a One of the most deservedly esteemed of Martin's Catalogues; the books in Count Hovm's fine library are easily known by his arms, which are stamped on each of the covers. The singular beauty of their binding, and their perfect preservation never fail to produce a sharp competition, whenever any of them are offered lor sale.D Horne. a Bibliothequc tres richc en exemplaires du plus beau choix, et des reliures Ies plus par- faites.D—Renouard. HUZARD. 115 ■S.Csi 576 HOYOIS (H. J.) Musee Bibliographique; Colledlion d'Ou- vrages Imprimis et Manuscrits, dont 1c moindre Prix est de 1000 Francs. Mons: Typographic dc Hoyois-Derely. m.dccc.xxxvii. S° half dark green morocco. Uncut. ***«Les Curiositis Bibliographiques, que nous dedions aux Amateurs de Livres, aux Gens de Lettres et aux Libraires, contiennent 1'dnumeration d^taillee des ouvrages les plus beaux, les plus rares et les plus riches qui se trouvent dans les Bibliotheques Publiques et dans les Cabinets des Bibliomanes les plus renomm^s. Cette collection pr^cieuse se compose de livres imprimis et de manuscrits dont le moindre prix est de mille francs: chaque article est accom- pagne" de Notes Historiques, Scientihques ou Litteraires.*—Preface. ,lo 577 HOYT. The ROMANCE of the TABLE. In Three Parts. *= I. BREAKFAST. II. DINNER. III. TEA. By J. K. Hoyt, Editor New Brunswick (N. J.) Times. New Brunswick: 1872. Post S* cloth. /fO 578 HUETII Episcopi Abrieensis (P. D.) Tractatus de Situ Para- —— disi Terrestris, Nunc primum Latine faclus, ab Auciore recognitus, emendatus & auclus. Accedit ejusdem Commentarius de Naviga- tionibus Salmonis, que nunc primum prodit. Amstelaedami: Henr. & Fid. Th. Boom. 1698. S° calf Folding map. *** The map of the Site of the Terrestrial Paradise, resembles in general outline, the geographical features of the State oj Ncu> jerser. / 00 579 HUGO. PI A DESIDERIA Tribvs Libris. Comprehensa, == I. Gemitus animse penitentis (sic). II. Vota animce Sandtoe. III. Sufpiria animae amantis. Authore R. P. Herm. Hvgone, Soc. Iefu. An tver pre: A pud Lvcain de Potter. \s. a.] 12 ° velluin. C:< rious plates. /<y& 580 HUZARD. Catalogue des Livres, Dessins et Estampes de la = BIBLIOTHfeQUE de feu M. J.-B. Huzard. Mis en ordre et r£dige par P. Leblanc. Paris: 1842. 3 vols. S° half calf gilt tops. With an excellent INDEX to each volume. *. * a Ce Catalogue est une spccialite curicuse .• il offre Tinventaire d'une collection, truit de recherches poursuivies pendant soi.vante avs, et embrassant, sinon la totalis, du moins la majeure partie des Ouvrages qui concerned VAgriculture, YEcenomtc Rurale, les Eaux et Forets, la Chasse, la Peehe, la Medecine rctCrmaire, VEquitation. Les trois volumes offrent un ensemble de 17,470 numdros,et la plupart des exemplaires dtaient bienchoisis.D—G. Brunet, Diet, de Bibliologie, p. 47*- CONES MORTIS. Printed on Vellum. s. L et a. S° boards, 13 leaves, comprising Two Series of the Dance of Death in the Borders. On the rcclo of the first leaf, is a picture in gold and colors, repre- senting the last J'udg?nent. Very curious. ^d/582 ICONOGRAPHIC ENCYCLOPAEDIA of Science, Litera- ""■'"' ture, and Art. Systematically arranged by J. G. Heck. Translated from the German, with Additions, and Edited by Spencer F. Baird, a.m., m.d. Illustrated by FIVE HUNDRED Steel Plates, containing upwards of Twelve Thousand Engravings. New York: m.dccc.lvii. _/ vols. roy. V' TEXT, and 2 vols, oblong4 ° of PLATES, dark blue morocco, extra, gilt backs and edges. Scarce in this fine condition. //0 583 ILLUMINATORS' (The) MAGAZINE and Journal of Ec- clesiastical Decoration, and all the higher Branches of General Ornament. Being an enlarged and improved continuation of The Amateur Illuminators' Magazine. London: 1861-2. 0 Parts, imperial S° paper corners, i'tates printed in gold and colors. ,; ^ 5S4 IMBECILLIANA, on les Loisirs d'un Chauffeur, a l'LTsage ~ des oisifs, par M. F. Simon, Inspecteur-General des Chauffages de 1'Armee des Cotes de l'Ocean. [Tar M. Tobbe'.] Seconde Edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. Valenciennes: An XII. [1S04.} 12" paper covers, uncut. *■*'•'■ 4 Opuscule tire" a 1 (.)(') exemplaires seulement, dont vJ5 portant pour premier titre: Imbd- cillian<a.»— B ARBi EH. i00 585 IMITATION (De l') de NOSTRE-SEIGNEUR J&SUS- CHRIST. Par Jean Gerson, Chancelier de l'Universite de Paris. Traduite en Francais, en Grec, en Anglais, en Allemand, en Italien, en Espagnol, et en Portugais; ( Tcxte Latin en Regard); Precedee d'ETUDES sur VImitation de N.-S. Jesus-Christ, d'un Essai sur 1'Auteur de ce Livre, et d'une Notice Bibliographique. EDITION POLYGLOTTE, publiee sous la Direction de J. B. Monkalcon. Lyon: Librairie Cormon et Blanc. 1841. S° half crimson levant morocco, top gilt, imcinr. PINK PAPER. ONE OF 25 COPIES PRINTED on colored paper. *.** a Un dcrivain francais, bon bibliographe, versddans la litteYnture eccldsiastique, et sur- tout familier, par une dtude de prcsque toute sa vie, avec le Livre de /'Imitation, M. Gence, IRAILH. 117 entreprit de restituer cet ouvrage a son veritable auteur, et accomplit cette tiiche avec une perseverance admirable. II fit un examen approfondi des anciens Manuscrits et des premieres Editions, interrogea les textes, compara et discuta les t^moignages, et, convaincu par les preuves qu'il recueillait de toutes parts, il affirma que V Imitation appartenait a Jean Gerson, Chancclier de V Universite de Paris, et Tun des plus savants hommes du quinzieme sieele. M. Gence a ddveloppe' cette opinion dans plusieurs Merits, et il a, pour l'^tablir, reYute' par de solides arguments, les allegations des partisans de Kempis.p—See, p. xxxiv. V uu 586 IMITATIONE (de) CHRISTI Libri Quatuor. Imprcssum ^^^^ Partsiis: Cur a Edwini Trass. 1858. 640 dark green morocco, super extra, richly tooled sides, -morocco joints, dentelle borders, and green watered silk linings, by Pawson and Nicholson. %*a Editio minima ^ printed on INDIA PAPER with the microscopic type of H. Didot, by Guiraudet et Jouaust. .<,■ 587 IMPERIALIS Vicctini (IOAN. BAPTISTAE). Exoteri- === CARUAI EXERCITATIONUM LlBRI II. AD HORATIVM AVGENIVM. Vicetiac. mdcii. == FASCICVLVS PARACELSICAE Medi- cinae Veteris et non Novae, per Floscvlos Chimicos et Medicos, tanquam in compendiofum promptuarium colleclus, cum Elvcidationibvs et Indice Gerardo Borneo etc. Imprcssum Francofortii (sic) ad Moenvm: Anno m.d.lxxxi. — De NATVRA et CVRATIONE MALIGNAE FEBRIS Libri hi. Theodoro Angelvtio a Belforte Philosopho ac Medico Avthoref** V e n e t 11 s: A pud R obc rtu m Mete ttum. m . d . x c 111. J vols, in I vol. sm. 40 vellum. d.ao 588 INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM. Cum Regulis con- ^^^ fedtis per Patres a Tridentina Synodo deleclos. Venetiis: 1596. 72° vellum, title-page missi/ig. SCARCE. *** See, Vogt, CatalogZ'S Librorznn Rariervm, Edit. IJQ3, p. 4OO. ^ oc 589 INDIAN PAINTINGS; Representing the ADVENTURES of === GOOD and EVIL GENII, Rudely Executed in 54 Native Drawings, curiously Colored, with Descriptions in an unknown Character and Language, but supposed to be in that one of the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago. 20 Feet Long, folded into the shape of a Book, 7 inches high by 5 inches broad. EX- CEEDINGLY CURIOUS. /,f 590 INFERNALIANA. Publie par Ch. N***. {Charles Nodier.] === Paris: chez Sanson. 1822. 12° half red morocco, top gilt, uncut. Curious frontispiece. Rare. /(JO 59i [IRAILH.] QUERELLES LITTERAIRES, ou Memoires = pour servir a 1'Histoire des Revolutions de la Republique des Lettres, depuis Homere jusqu'a nos jours. [Ear EAbbe Augustin Irailhi] Paris: chez Durand. m.dcc.lxi. 4 vols. 12* mottled calf, marbled cages. Scarce. *** « Ces MCmoires sont divist's en trois parties distinctes; la Premiere traite des querelles d'auteur a auteur; la Seconde, des querelles g^neYales, ou sur de grands sujets ; la Troisihne, de querelles des corps coatre d'autres coq">s, ou rncme coatre un seul particulier. L'int^ret que l'auteur a su r^pandie sur l'expose des divers incidents de ces tournois litteYaires, les anec- dotes singulieres ou piquantes dont il est serne\ expliquent suffisamment le succes du livre.» —Biographie GCne'rale. Il8 ISLE DES HERMAPHRODITES. 592 IRBY and MANGLES. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, = and Asia Minor; During the Years 1S17 and 1818. By the Hon. Charles Leonard Irby, and James Mangles, Commanders in the Royal Navy. London: T. White & Co., Printers, mdcccxxiii. S° diamond calf. Folding map, and plates. Presentation copy from Capt. Mangles. Printed for Private Distribution. ***«Well written, and full of accurate information.d—Robinson, Biblical Researches, Vol. hi, App., /. 24. j 593 [IRELAND.] STULTIFERA NAVIS; Qua omnium mortalium == narratur Stultitia. The Modern Ship of Fools. .-Ere perennius. [By JF. H. Ireland.'] London: Printed by William Miller, Albe- marle Street. 180J. A?" halfrussia, with colored folding-plate, representing a fools passing the portico of Folly* ,./ 594 [IRELAND.] SCRIBBLEOMANIA; or, the Printer's Devil's r=== Polichronicon. A Sublime Poem. Edited by Anser Pen-Drag- on, Esq. [JF. H. Ireland.] London: 1815. S* half russia. /JQ Portraits and I'ieivs inserted. ;J 595 [IRVING (WASHINGTON).] SKETCH BOOK of Geoffrey === Crayon, Gent. ARTIST'S EDITION. Illustrated with One Hundred and Twenty Engravings on Wood, from Original Designs. New York: G. P. Putnam, mdccclxiv. square 8° full dark blue I want morocco, extra, gilt leaves, dcntelle borders by Matthews. A sumptuous edition of this popular zvork. -596 ISLE (L') DES HERMAPHRODITES nouuellement defcou- '=== uerte. [Par Arthur Thomas, Sieur d'Pmbry.] Auec les mceurs, loix, couflume & ordonances des habitans d'icelle. [Sans lieu ni date.] sm. 12° no title-page, black morocco, gilt edges. RARE. *** aCette piece est fort rechcrchde de tous les curieux, parce qu'on y trouve effective- ment'une Description enjouee des minauderies ct des manieres etteoiine'es des Mignons du Roy Henri III.»—See, Marchand, Dirt. Hist., Art. Hermaphrodites. //J.oO 597 59S '.00 599 /O. co 600 ACKSON and CHATTO. A TREATISE on WOOD ENGRAVING, Historical and Practical. By John Jackson, and W. A. Chatto. 111th upwards of joo beautiful wood-cuts, including Facsimiles from the Works of Albert Durer, Bewick, etc. London: Knight and Co. 1839. royal S'' half morocco, top fitt, incut. Fine, dean co/>y, of the FIRST EDITION of this valuable work. [JACOB (LUD.)] Bibliographia Gallica Ynivepsalis, hoc est, Catalogvs Omnivm Librorym per Vniversum Galliae Regnum, Anno mdcli. excursorum. Parisiis: Sebastian-cm Cramoisv. m.dc.lii. 40 boards. Very rare. JAL (A.) DICTIONNAIRE CRITIQUE de BIOGRAPHIE et d'HISTOIRE, Errata et Supplement pour tous les Diction- naires Historiques d'apres des Documents Authentiques In£dits. Deuxicme Edition corrigee et augmentee cI'Articles Nouveaux, et renfermant 2iS facsimiles dWutographes. Paris : i8j2. rev. S» uncut, pp. SJJ7- *** A work of prodigious learning and research. a Le Pictionnaire Critique rfc Biographic et d'Histoire, fut la derniere ccuvre de M. Jai.; e'est celle qui transmettra son nom a la posteYite\ Jiistoricns, Litterateurs, Artistes. Feint res de mce-urs, A nnalistes, quel que soit le cote" par lequel on aborde l'histoire, quiconque aura souci d'y mettre la verity, ne pourra d^sormais eVrire une seule ligne sans avoir le Dictionnaire de M. Jal sous la main.D— Bulletin du Bibliophile, Juin-Juillct, 1S77, p.jjo. JAMESON (Mrs. [Anna.]) SACRED and LEGENDARY ~ ART. Second Edition, Complete in one Volume. Containing Le- gends of the Angels and Archangels, the Evangelists, the Apostles, the Doctors of the Church, St. Mary Magdalene, the Patron Saints, the Martyrs, the Early Bishops, the Hermits, and the Warrior Saints of Christendom, as Represented in the Fine Arts. London: Longman. iSjo. square S° cloth, uncut. With 180 wood-cut illustrations, and K'> Etchings. 601 JAMESON (Mrs.) LEGENDS of the MONASTIC ORDERS, as Represented in the Fine Arts. Forming the Second Scries of « Sacred and Legendary Art.» Second Edition, Corrected, En- larged, and with additional Illustrations. London : Longman 1832. square S° cloth, uncut. With SS Wood-cut Ii.lustrations, and 11 Etchings. 120 JORDAN. 602 JAMESON (Mrs.) LEGENDS of the MADONNA, as Repre- sented in the Fine Arts. Forming the Third Series of « Sacred and Legendary Art.b Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. London: Longman. 1857. square S° cloth, uncut. With 165 Wood-cut Illustrations, and 27 Etchings. 603 [JANSEN.] ESSAI sur l'ORIGINE de la GRAVURE en Bois et en Taille-Douce, et sur la Connoissance des Estampes de xve et xvie siecles; ou il est parle aussi de 1'Origine des Cartes a Jouer et des Cartes geographiqu.es; Sunn de Recherches sur 1'Origine du Papier de Coton et de Lin; sur la Calligraphic, depuis les plus anciens temps jusqu'a nos jours; sur les Miniatures des Anciens Manuscrits; sur les Filigranes des papiers des xive, xve et xvie siecles; ainsi que sur TOrigine et le premier usage des Signa- tures et des Chiffres dans 1'Art de la Typographie. [Par Henri Jansen.) Paris: chez F. Schocll. 1808. 2 vols. S° mottled calf, extra, gilt backs, carmine edges. With Facsimiles, large folding Plates, and Engravings, some of which are Colored. Very fine copy. Scarce. 604 JANVITIO. BIBLIOTHECA Almi Conuentus s. s. Ioannis, et Pavli Venetiarum Ordinis Praedicatorum, Nuper aperta a Fr. Iacobo Maria Ianvitio. Venetiis: m.dc.lxxxiii. 4° calf. 605 JARRIE. Catalogue des Livres Anciens et Modernes com- posant la Bibliotheque de M. P. De La Jarrie. Paris: 1854. S° half morocco. 606 JEAFFRESON (J. CORDY). A Book About Doctors. Re- printed from the English Edition. New York: Carleton. mdccclxii. 12° cloth. 607 JENNINGS (HARGRAVE). The Rosicructans, their Rites 'and Mysteries; with Chapters of the Ancient Fire—and Serpent— Worshipers, and Explanations oi the Mystic Symbols Repre- sented in the Monuments and Talismans of the Primeval Philosophers. Illustrated by nearly Three Hundred Engravings. London: John Camden Hottcn. i8yo. post S° cloth. 608 JOHNSON (J.) 2T#p0flrapi)fat or the Printers' Instructor :including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Bio- graphical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century, etc. London: 1824. 2 vols. 12° cloth. Uncut. 609 [JORDAN.] HISTOIRE d'un VOYAGE LITT^RAIRE, fait en m.dcc.xxxviii. en France, en Angleterre, et en Hollande: avec une LETTRE FORT CURIEUSE, conccrnant les pretendus IVVENALIS. 121 Miracles de V Abbe' Paris, & les Convulfions rifibles du Chevalier Folard. [Bar Charles Etiemie JordauS\ La Haye: chez Adrien Moetjens. m.dcc.xxxv. 120 half morocco, uncut. Rare. *** This volume contains a large amount of entertaining bibliographical and literary gossip. /f/6 6_ T^TTT1NAL (The) of a NATURALIST. [By J. L. Knapp.\ Second Edition. London: John Murray, mdcccxxix. post S° green calf, gilt hack, marbled edges. 7 engraved plates. x£0 611 JOURNAL LITTERAIRE. Secondc Edition, revue & corrigee. A La Haye: chez Johnson et Van-Duren. i/ii-i/jd. 23 vols, sm, c?° vellum. *** a Compose* principalement par G. J. s'Gravesande, Prosper Marchand, J. Van- Effen, A. H. Sallengre, Alexandre et Salnt-Hyacinthe.d See, Barbier, Diet, des Ouvrages Anonymes, new Edit. Tome ii, p. 103b. ,Jo 612 JOURNAL HISTORIQUE de la Republique des Lettres. ""[Ear Elie de Joncourt et autres.~\ Leyde: chez Theodore Haak. 3 vols. sm. So vellum. I7J2SJ- *#* « Ce Journal fait suite au Journal Litte'raire de La Haye.D—Barbier. ,tfo 613 JOURSANVAULT. Catalogue Analytique des Archives ~ ~" de M. le Baron de Joursanvault, contenant une Prexieuse Collection de Manuscrits, Chartes, et Documens Originaux au Nombre de plus de Quatre-vingt Mille, concernant PHistoire G^ntirale de France—I'Histoire Particuliere des Provinces—l'His- toire de la Noblesse et l'Art Heraldique. Paris: J. Techener. 1838. 2 vols. S° half morocco, uncut. With a facsimile. ^ 614 JUNII (HADR.) EPISTOL.E, Quibus accedit Ejufdem Vita & Oratio de Artium liberalism dignitate; nunquam ante edita, cum Indice. Dordrechti: Apud Vincentium Caimax, Bibliopolam. I So vellum. Fine Portrait. A11710 ClO 10 LI I. /O.yf 615 IVVENALIS. PERSIVS. [In Fine :] Venetiis in ccdibus Aldi. Menfe Augujlo. m.di. 8° fine old red morocco, gilt back, rough edges. *** Fine Copy of the RARE FIRST ALDINE EDITION of 1501, and the third volume printed by Aldus in Italic type. It contains a title as above, on the verso of which is a brief Dedication; Text of Juvenal on 65 leaves, at the end of which we read: VENETIIS APVD ALDVM, in capital letters. Text of Persius on 12 leaves, at the end, in italics: Venetiis in adibus Aldi. Menfe Augujlo m.di. followed by a short list of Errata. Without the Aldine Anchor, and there is no paging, nor catch-words. The Signatures of Juvenal are a-h.; those of Persius are a-b>. See, Renouard, Annates de /'Tmprimerie des Aide, Edit. 1S34, p. 29. Moss, Manual of Classical Bibliography, Vol. ii, /. 131. immm flABBALA DENUDATA sen Doctrina Hebr.eorum Transcendentalis et Metaphysica atque Theolo- gica opus Antiquiflimae Philofophiae Barbaricse variis fpeciminibus refertiffimum [ex Hebraeo reddita a Christianus Knorrius ab Rosenroth?^ Sulzbaci: Tvpis Abrahami Lichtenthaleri, idjy, et Francofurti: Joannis Davidis Zunneri. 1684. j vols, in 2 thick vols. 4 ° full crimson morocco, extra, with appropriate tooling, red edges, title-page of Vol. i mounted and neatly repaired, also 6 preliminary leaves slightly defective and carefully repaired; otherwise a very fine, complete copy of this remarkable work. VERY SCARCE. *** « Get ouvrage ne se trouve que difficilement complet avec VAdumbratio Kabbalce Christiana?; piece de 70 pp. qui doit etre plac6e a la fin du -f vol.: il est bcaucoup plus rare encore avec une partie de /g? pp. dont Tintituld porte: «Liber sou porta Co?loru??iv etc. — Brunet. This copy contains both these rare treatises, the last of which contains 16 folding plates. a Un des plus singuliers et des plus complets ouvrages qui aient paru sur la Cabale. II est tres-recherche1 dans le commerce, non seulement par les curieux, a cause de sa rarcte\ mais encore par ceux qui s'adonnent a la connoissance de la science mystdrieuse qu'il renferme.D —De Bure. a Concerning the miraculous origin and preservation of the Kabbala, the Jews relate many marvellous tales. They derive these mysteries from Adam; and assert, that whilst the first man was in Paradise, the angel Rasiel brought him the Book from heaven, which con- tained the doctrines of heavenly wisdom ; and that when Adam received this Book, angels came down to him to learn its contents, but that he refused to admit them to the knowledge of sacred things, entrusted to him alone ; that after the Fall, this Book was taken back into heaven; that,after many prayers and tears, God restored it to Adam; and that it passed from Adam to Seth, and has been transmitted to posterity through the hands of Simeon ben Scinch, Elkanah, A kibha, and Simeon ben Jochai,v;\\o is called by the Jews, The Prince of the Kabbalists.t> — See, Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophic, Tom, iv, /. 657 et sea. A. Franck, La Kabbale, etc. Paris: 1S43, 6'° 617 KEMPII (M. MARTINI). Dissertatio Historico-Philolo- ■ gica prior De OSCULO genere ejufq; variis Speciebus; Posterior De OSCULO JUDyE. Lipsiae: m.dc.lxx. = MUN DI IM- MUNDI vana Desideria: Dete6ta: Rejcdta a Melchiore Rauccio, P. C. Halal Svevorum. m.dc.lxxi. 2 vols, in 1 vol. j$° vellum. *** The second Dissertation in this little volume, a Concerning the Kiss of Judas,* is ex- ceedingly curious. KIRKLAND. 123 /.it 618 KEMPIUS (MARTINUS). Opus Polyhistoricum: Disser- ==== tationibus xxv. De OSCULIS. etc. etc. Francofurti : Impenfis Martini Hallervordi, Bibliop. Typis Joannis Andrea. Anno 4° boards. Rare. MDCLXXX. *** This very singular work concerning a KISSES r> contains 1040 closely printed pages, and is, unquestionably, the most elaborate and comprehensive treatment of this delicate sub- ject ever published. Conspectus operis:—I. De Osculo in Genere. II. De Osculorum Divisione. III. De Osculo Mystico. IV. De Osculo Adorativo. V. De Osculis Ecclesiasticis. VI. De Osculis Imaginum et Reliquiarum. VII. De Osculis Idolatricis Gentilium. VIII. De Osculis Sacris Veterum Christianorum. IX. De Osculis Homagii. X. De Osculis Pedum Pontificis Romani. XI. De Osculis Honoris et Clementise Superiorum erga Inferiores. XII. De Osculis Gym- nasticis et Academicis. XIII. De Osculis Amatoriis. XIV. De Osculo Libidinoso. XV. De OsculaSponsalatio et Conjugali. XVI. De Osculis Consuetis Familiarium et Consanguineo- rum. XVII. De Osculo Reconciliatorio. XVIII. De Osculo Salutari. XIX. De Osculo Contagioso. XX. De Osculo Emortuali et Valedi<5lorio. XXI. De Osculo Hypercritico et Proditorio. XXII. De Persona Judse. XXIII. De Historia Osculi Judae. XXIV. De Qusestionibus circa factum Juda?. XXV. De Osculis Miscellanea. Jt Z£ 6l9 KEMPIS. The Chriflians Pattern: In a TREATISE of the = IMITATION of JESUS CHRIST. Tranflated from the Original Latin of Thomas a Kempis. To which are added MEDITA- TIONS and PRAYERS, on various Occafions: also Reflections and praclical Obfervations on every Chapter, never before publiihed in any Edition of this excellent Piece. By S. Smith, d.d. London: Printed for William Rayner. 1738. S° new sprinkled calf^ crimson edges. Plates. ,,^0 620 KERVYN DE VOLKAERSBEKE (PH.) Les Bibliophiles === Flamands. Leur Histoire et leurs Travaux. Gand: 1833. imperial S° half calf. 2 portraits. ***<iLe Bibliophile aimeet recherche les Livres rares et pr^cieux et particulierement les Editions bonnes et correctes. II est bon d'e'tre Bibliophile, mais line faut pas etre Biblio- mane. T>—Dic~l. de rAcade'mie. ^od 621 KHVNRATH. AM PH ITH E ATRVM SAPIENTI^E = ^ETERN,E Solivs Ver/e, CHRISTIANO-KABALISTICVM, DIVINO-MAGICVM nee non Physico-Chymicvm, Tertrivnvm, Catholicon: Inftructore Henrico Khvnrath Lips: THEOSO- PHI^E amatore fideli, et MEDICIN.E utriusq. Doct: Hallelu-Iah! Hallelu-Iah! Hallelu-Iah! Phy diabolo! e Millibvs vix vni. Hanovi/E: Exeudebat Guilielmus Antonius. mdcix. f° boards. With portrait^ and a series of large folding emblematical plates^ curiously colored. VERY RARE. *** a Ouvrage tres singulier, recherche" des curieux, et surtout par les personnes qui donnent dans ce genre de Cabale. Les exemplaires en sont rares.j-De Bure. d LIBER RARISSIMUS.d-Vogt, Ca/alogvs Librorvm Rariorvm, Edit. I7QJ,p. 4S0. 4 Get Auteur est habile, et ses ouvrages sent recherchds, quoiqu'obscurs et allegoriques; lis sont mfime assez rares.v—[ Lang let du Frksnov] Hist, de la Philosophic Hcrme'tique, Tome m, /. iqS. /,;;<? 622 KIRKLAND (FRAZER). Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes, etc. etc. Embellished with Portraits and Illustrative Cuts. New York: D. Appleton and Company, [/cfil/.] 2 vols. S» cloth. 124 KREYSIG. f <$V 623 KIRCHMANNI (JOHAN). De Funeribus Romanorum, ^^^^ Libri Quatuor, cum Appendice. Aceeffii et Funus Parasiticum Nicolai Rigaltii. = Johannis Kirchmanni De ANNULTS Liber Singularis. Francofurti: m.dc.lxxii. 2 vols, in 1 vol. S° vellum. *** 4 This volume contains Kirchmann's very learned and interesting Treatise concerning Finger-Rings.l> t "vT 624 KLEFEKERI (10.) Bibliotheca Eruditorum Praecocium... . Hamburgi: MDCCXVII. Sm. 8 ° boa rds. Engra ved fron t isp iece. *** A very curious work on precociously learned children. ,/C 625 KLIPSTEIN (L. F.) STUDY of MODERN LANGUAGES. Part First. French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German and English. New York: G. P. Putnam. 1848. 4° cloth. /,0/J 626 KLOSS. Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Kloss, including many Original and Unpublished Manuscripts, and Printed Books with MS. Annotations, by Philip Melancthon. Sold by Auction by Sotheby and Son. London: mdcccxxxv. 8° boards, uncut. With facsimiles. "So 627 KNICKERBOCKER (The) GALLERY. A Testimonial to / ~ "the Editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine [Louis Gaylord Clark] from its Contributors. With 48 Portraits on Steel\ from Original Pictures, engraved expressly for this work. New York: Samuel Hit est on. mdccclv. •5'° broiun morocco, gilt leaves. foo 628 KNIPPINGA (FR. I. AVRELIO). Facetiarvm Epigramma- ■ ticarvm Centvria Sex. Varijs Argutijs, Iocis, falfe fapienter et pie didtis refperfse. Antverpi/E: Typis Jacobi Mefij fub Biblijs A ure is. Anno 1672. /8° beards, engraved _fro7itispiece. £.00 629 Slopp* SHttfet mtb ^>d)tiftcn bet %$ov%cii bar= ~~~~ gcftOct Uott Ulrtcf) ^ticbricft ftopp* Mannheim: 1819. 2 vols. 8" half morocco, top gilt. With numerous colored Illustrations and Facsimiles. / /; 1^630 KREYSIG. Bibliotheca Scriptorvm Venaticorvm continens ■ Avctores, qvi de Venatione, Sylvis, Avcvpio, Piscatvra, et aliis eo Speclantibvs commentati svnt. Congessit George Christoph Kreysig. Altenbvrgi: Apvd Pavlvm Ernanvelem Richtervm. 1750. sm. 8° boards. *** a A Rare, and Curious Bibliography of works on Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing.* /oo 631 632 f<f 633 JABBE. BlBLIOTHECA BlBLIOTHECARUM, ClCCCcIlt BlBLIO- theca Nummaria in duas Partes tributa: I. De Antiquis Numifmatibus. II. De Monctis, Ponderibiis etMenfuris. I Cura et fludio R. P. Philippi Labbe. Editio fecunda audior, et meliori ordine difpofita. Rothomagi: m.dc.lxxii. sin. S° half crimson morocco, top gilt. Uncut. LACKMANNI (AUAMI HENRICI). Annalivm Typogra- phicorvm, etc. Hambvrgi: Anno do Id cc xxxx. sm. 4" paper covers. *+* This volume contains a remarkable account of the Early Patrons of the art of printing. LACOUR (LOUIS). Annuaire du Bibliophile, da Biblio- thecaire et de PArchiviste. Paris: chez E. Meugnot. 1860-2. JOO 634 [LACROIX.] La Danse Macabre. Histoire Fantastique du ~~^ Quinzieme Siecle. Par P.[aul] L.[acroix] Jacob, Bibliophile. Paris: Eugene Rcnduci'. 1832. o ° h a If m o rc\ co. S C A R C H. //C 635 LACROIX (PAUL). Dissertations sur quelques points curieux "T= de PHistoire de France, et de PHistoire Litteraire. Paris: Tecliener. 1838. S« half calf. Only 50 copies fir inted. Presentation cv/.i from the a inhor a .-/ u grand histo- rien de la Re'volution, Monsif.ur Michel et.d yJ^ 636 [LACROIX (PAUL).] Curiosites des Sciences Occultes, """"^ viz.: Alchimie—Medecine Chimique et Astrologique—Talismans— Amulettes—Baguette Divinatoire — Chiromaneie — Predictions — Oracles—Magie—Secrets d'Amour, etc. Par P. [Lacroix] Jacob, Bibliophile. i Paris: 2862. /O'- half morocco, extra, top gilt. L ncut. /c*V 637 [LACROIX (PAUL).] Dissertations Bibliographiques, par "==r P. L. Jacob, Bibliophile. Paris: chez Jules Gay. 1864. 12° uncut. 2O0 copies printed. iV ° IOJ. S.<jO 638 [LACROIX (PAUL)-] Enigmes et Decouvertes Bibliogra- =~ phiques. Par P. L. Jacob, Bibliophile. Paris: Ad. Laine. 1866. 12* uncut. Only 200 copies printed, A'° jg. 126 LECHI. tJ4 639 LA FAYE (PIERRE BENJAMIN). Catalogue Complet des R£publiques imprimees en Hollande in-240 avec des Remarques sur les diverses Editions. Nouvelle Edition, revue, corrigee et augmented par J. Chenu. Paris: 1854. iS° uncut. *** « Ce Catalogue est fait avec beaucoup d'exac~titude.i>—Berard. a II y a beaucoup de personnes qui se plaisent it faire un recueil complet de ces R^publi- ques, qui rassembte'es ensemble forment seules une espece de Bibliotheque pour la G^ographie, l'Histoire et la Politique.b—Sallengre. /QO 640 LAGNERIVS. M. T. Cic. SENTENTIARVM illustrium ■ Apophthegmatum, Similium, nonnullarum item piarum fententia- rum collectio a Petro Lagnerio, etc. etc. Lvgdvni: A pud Ioannem Torncefium, Typog. RegiUm. 1571. 160 stamped pigskin, with clasps. *** A Rare little volume of select sentences from the works of Cicero, Demosthenes, Terence, Erasmus, and other celebrated writers. , 3o 641 LANGLfeS (L.) Recherches sur la Di£couverte de 1'Essence = de Rose. Paris: de VImprimerie Impc'rialc. An XIII. [7804.] /S° boards, UNCUT. Thick paper copy. / 0 0 642 LARCHER (M. [Pierre Henri].) Memoire sur la Deesse === Vi^nus. Paris: chez Valade. m.dcc.lxxvi. 12° calf. From H. T. Buckle's library, with his Book-plate atid numerous pencil marks. Rare and very curious. Sy^ 643 LAUS ULULJE authore Curtio Jaele [/. e. Conr. Gceddceo.] et = Joannis Passeratii ENCOMIUM ASINI. [s. I. et a.] 24° calf with a curious frontispiece containing three Asses and two Owls. l/rCo 644 LAVATER. Trois Livres | DES APPARITIONS | Des Esprits, Fan- | tofmes, prodiges & accidens merueil- | leux qui precedent fouuentes fois la | mort de quelque perfonnage renom-| me, ou vn grand changement es chofes | de ce monde. Compofezpar LOYS LAVATER M \ ini/tre de T Eglife de Zurich: traduits d'A- | • leman en Francois; conferez, re- | ueus & augmentez | fur le Latin. I Plus trois quejlionspropofees c> refolues par | M. Pierre Martyr, excellent Theologien, lef- | quelles conuiennent a cefle matiere: tra- duites I aufsi de Latin en Frangois. | [s. /.] De V Imprimerie de Francois Perrin, \ Pour lean Durant. | m.d.lxxi. sm. 8° calf. Fine clean copy, with a copious Index. , V 645 LEBER. Testament Litteraire de M. C. Leber, suivi d'une "=== Description sommaire des Livres et Objets d'ART les plus remar- quables de son Cabinet. Orleans: i860. 8°paper. Only 100 copies printed. / 00 646 LECHI. Delia TIPOGRAFIA BRESCIANA nel Secolo r== Decimoquinto. Memorie di Luigi Lechi, Presidente dell' Ateneo di Brescia. Brescia: Tipografia Venturini. mdcccliv. imperial 8° half morocco top gilt. With 8 plates of facsimiles of type, printers' marks, and water-marks in paper. LIBANIUS. 127 j^ 647 LELAND. Commentarii de SCRIPTORIBUS BRITAN- === NIC IS, audtore Joanne Lelando Londinate. Ex Autographo Lelandino nunc primas edidit Antonius Hall, a.m. Coll. Reg. Oxo7i. Socius. Oxonii: mdccix. 2 vols, in J vol. S'° half russia. fe 648 [LENNOX.] SHAKESPEAR ILLUSTRATED: or the === Novels and Histories on which the Plays of Shakespear are Founded, Collected and Translated from the Original Authors, with Critical Remarks, By the Author of the Female Quixote. [Mrs. Charlotte Lennox^] London: Printed for A. Miller, mdccliii. 2 vols. 12° plain calf. First Edition. *** a The Critical Remarks are intended to prove that Shakespeare has generall}'- spoilt every Story on which his plays are founded, by torturing them into low contrivances, absurd intrigues, and improbable incidents.» —Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, Vol. hi, p. 201. ^/^649 LE ROUX (PHILBERT JOSEPH). DICTIONNAIRE CO- === MIQUE, Satyrique, Critique, Burlesque, Libre & Proverbial. Avec une Explication tres-fidele de toutes les manieres de parler Burlesques, Comiques, Libres, Satyriques, Critiques et Proverbiales, qui peuvent se rencontrer dans les meilleurs Auteurs, tant Anciens que Modernes. Amsterdam: chez Michel Charles Le Cene. S° calf. M.DCC.XVIII. *** An indispensable work for reading old French Facetiae. See, Barbier, Nouvelle Bi- bliothequc d'un Homme de GotZt, Tome hi, p. 183. / ^650 LETTRE sur les AVEUGLES, a I/Usage de ceux qui Voyent. ^^ [Par Denis Diderot.] A Londres: m.dcc.xlix. j20 fine old red morocco, gilt leaves, 6plates. First Edition. Rare. Jo0 651 LEYSERI (POLYCARPI). HISTORIA POETARVM et ■~ Poematvm Medii Aevi Decem post Annvm a Nato Christo cccc Secvlorvm. Centvm et amplivs codicvm MSTORVM ope Carmina' varia Elegantia, Ingeniosa, Cvriosa, Evvlgantvr, Emendantvr, Re- censentvr. Halae-Magdeb: mdccxxi. S° half calf, extra, pp. 2132. VERY RARE. *** a The Latin poems of the Middle Ages, printed here for the first time, and the critical apparatus to many others printed before, give a peculiar value to this scarce \vork.t>—Ebert. a Ouvragc tres-curelux et qui est devenu rarc.D—Brunet. *Too 652 jBLKJS^WKeS. *BlE<&?L®ffi®&:R<® JL%}$® | ttff ^^roratorfs SltljemeiL | »e bpo | re loquaee^ In fine: Declamatio lire elcgantijjima Libanij Orato- \ ris Athenieti, De muliere loquace expref- \ sa eft nouis for mis Lip ft f Melchio- \ rem Lotterum Calcogragphil \ Anno &*c. (sic) vndecimo, [ijii ?] j° boards, Q leaves, 32 lines to a full page. Rare and curious. *** This work will be found a pleasant companion for a married man who happens to have a wife with a tongue of bell-metal. 128 LIPENIO. /;: 6 653 LIBRI (GUGLIELMO). CATALOGUE of the CHOICER 7 PORTION of the Magnificent Library formed by M. Guglielmo Libri, etc. Among which will be found Unknown Block Books; Specimens of Early Typography and Art, Editiones Principes of Great Rarity; Poems and Romances of Chivalry, Early Productions of the English Press; MSS. and Books with Autograph Notes; and also including a most Superb Collection of Historical Binding, etc. etc. Sold at Auclion by S. Leigh So the by 6° John Wilkinson. London: 1859. royal S° half roan. With the Names of the Purchasers and Prices added. /..Z.S'654 LIBRI. Catalogue of the Mathematical, Historical, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous Portion of the Celebrated Library of M. Guglielmo Libri. Including many Scarce Publi- cations Relating to America. A Large Collection of early Italian Giornali, and other Works illustrating the Literary History and Bibliography of Italy; French Facetiae; fine Hor/e and other MSS. on vellum; Numerous Publications relating to the History of Sciences: and an Extraordinary Collection of the Rarest Treatises in Existence respecting Ancient Arith- metic, Algebra, Astronomy, and Geometry, etc. etc. Sold at Auclion by Sotheby 6° Wilkinson. London: 1861. 2 vols, royal Sr> uncut. PRICED. /.^ ^655 LIBRI. CATALOGUE of the Reserved and most Valuable Portion of the Libri Collection, containing one of the most Extraordinary Assemblages of Ancient Manuscripts & Printed Books ever Submitted for Sale Sold at Auclion by Sotheby d^ Wilkinson. London: 1862. royal S°paper. With List of Prices. ,//# 656 LIEBERKUEHNIUS (G. E. F.) Vindiciae Librorum Injuria SUSPECTORUM. etc. S» boards. LlPSIAE: MDCCCXLIV. QO 657 LINGUET. MEMOIRS of the BASTILLE, Containing a full ~~ Exposition of the Mysterious Policy and Despotic Oppression of the French Government, in the Interior Administration of that State-Prison, with a Variety of Curious Anecdotes. Trans- lated from the French of the Celebrated Mr. Linguet, who was Imprisoned there from September 1780, to May 1782. London: Printed for G. Kearsley. f78j. /2° half calf. >/S~6$8 LIPENIO (MARTIN). Fasciculus Disputationum, qvarum = Prima JON^E DIAPLUS THALASSIUS, altera De NAVIGIO SALOMON./EO, & Tertia De OPHIR. [s. I.] Anno m.dc.lxxvii. sm. 40 half morocco. *** The most curious and valuable of these Dissertations is the third, a An OPHIR sit AMERICANA, &> nominatim vel Hispaniola, vel Peru, vel Peru &° Mexico simulfv LOUIS-PHILIPPE. 129 659 LIPPENII (M. MARTINI). Tractatus de Navigatione === Salmonis Ophiritica. Jam altera vice pauld locupletior multiset in locis correctior editus, cum Indice qvadruplici. WlTTEBERG^E: AllllO M.DC.LXXXII. r8° vellum, engraved frontispiece. /dVc 660 LIPSI (IVSTI). De CRVCE Libri Tres. adfacramprofandm- ==== que hijloriam vtiles. Vna cum Notis, Antverpiae, Ex Officina Plantiniana, Apud Viduam, &* Ioannem Moretum. m.d.xciii. ~ Ivsti Lipsi Admiranda, fine, De MAGNITVDINE ROMANA Libri Qvattvor. Antverpiae: Ex Officina Plantiniana. m.d.xcviii. 2 vols, in f vol. 40 half calf. Fine impressions of the Plates in the <t Treatise Con- cerning the Cross.p /.Jj~66i LIVIUS. Ex Xiiii. T. Livn Decadibvs. * * * LVCII r== FLORI Rervm ab Vrbe Condita. * * * — POLYBII Histo- riarvm Libri Qvinqve in Latiam conversi Lingvam, Nicolas Perotto interprete. Venetiis: in aedibvs A/di, et Andreae Soceri. f° plain caIf. Title repaired. M.D.XX-XXI. *** d Cette Edition in-fol. paroit n'etre qu'une simple r&mpression de l'in-8°: elle est fort rare.D—Renouard. //£~662 LIVRE (Le) A LA MODE. [Par Louis-Ant. de Caraccioli.] A Verte-Feuille, de F Imprimerie du Printcmps, an Perroquet. I 'Ann Se ATouvelIe. [Paris: Duchesne. i/Jpi] /2° half calf uncut. Printed in green ink. /./S663 LIVRE (Le) De QUATRE COULEURS. [ParLouisAnt.de Caraccioli.] Aux Quatre-Elements, de rImprimerie des Quatre- Saisons. 4444. [Paris: Duchesne: f/6o.~\ /2° half calf uncut. Printed in Four Colors, Blue, Orange, Broiov, and Red. of Jo 664 ILfbre VffytUVtU ou Offices de 1'Eglise Illustres d'apres les "~~ Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du R01 par Mlle A. Guilbert, et publics fous la direction de M. l'Abbk des Billiers, Chanoine honor aire de Langres. Paris: m dece xliij. <?° half crimson morocco, top gilt. iWlttCU zJulXICX > Printed ivithin ornamental borders. /Jf66s LOBLEY (J. LOGAN). MOUNT VESUVIUS: A Descrip- tive, Historical, and Geological Account of the Volcano, with a Notice of the Recent Eruption, and an Appendix, containing Letters by Pliny the Younger, a Table of Dates of Eruptions, and a List of Vesuvian Minerals. Illustrated with View, Map, and Section. London: Edward Stanford. 1868. S° cloth. J J 666 LOUIS-PHILIPPE. CATALOGUE de LIVRES provenant des Bibliotheques de feu R01 Louis-Philippe. Paris: /8j2. 2 vols. S° boards. 13° LUMISDEN. AOO bfrj_ LOS-RIOS (FRANgOIS DE). BIBLIOGRAPHIE INS- TRUCTIVE, ou Notice de quelques Livres Rares, Singuliers & difficiles a trouver, avec des Notes Historiques pour connoitre & distinguer les differentes Editions, & leur valeur dans le Com- merce. Avignon: chez Francois Seguin. m.dcc.lxxvii. S° half calf. Portrait. Scarce. J<£S~66S LOTOS LEAVES. Original Stories, Essays, and Poems, etc. Edited by John Brougham and John Elderkin. With numerous illustrations; and curious frontispiece of a semi-nude young lady in a recumbent position. Boston: IF. F. Gill and Company. 1S75. square S° clot A, extra, gilt side, and edges. ^^00 669 LOUENGE (La) des FEMMES. Invention Extraite du Commentaire de Pantagruel, sur l'Androgyne de Platon. [Attrib. a Rabelais,par M. Paul Lacroix.] m.d.li. In fine: A Lyon: Par Jean de Tournes. m.d.li. jS° crimson morocco, extra, gilt leaves. *** N° 2, of a reprint of 104 copies made for J. Gay, Bruxelles, 1863. The work, itself, is a tissue of invectives against the female sex ; a Farna malum, Fames pejus, Femina pessimum.t> ^<fo 670 LUCAN'S PHARSALIA. Translated into English Verse By Nicholas Rowe, Esq. ; Servant to His majesty. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson at Shakefpear s-Head over-againfl Katharine-Street in the Strand, mdccxviii. S° calf, gilt back, with frontispiece, and Vignettes by L. Cheron. FIRST EDITION . of th is popular t ra its I a t io n. 0:~ 6>ji [LUDEWIG.] Le LIVRET des ANA. Essai de Catalogue Manuel. Par E. H. L. [Ernst Hermann Ludewig.'] Bibliophile. /2° cloth. Dresde: mdcccxxxvii. *** VERY RARE, only 50 copies printed. This copy contains the a Supplement,* Dresde: 1839, of which only 35 copies were printed. 672 LUDEWIG (H. E.) * The Literature of American Local History; A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY. New York: Printed for the Author, m.dcccxlvi. S° paper, *** In transporting himself to this country, Mr. Ludewig evidently transposed the initial letters of his name. //:J6n LUDEWIG (HERMANN E.) The LITERATURE of AMERICAN Aboriginal Languages. With Additions and Cor- rections by Professor Wm. W. Turner. Edited by Nicolas Trubner. London: Trubner 6° Co. mdccclviii. ■y« cloth. <fQQ 674 LUMISDEN (ANDREW). REMARKS on the Antiquities of ■■ - Rome and its Environs: Being a Classical and Topographical Survey of the Ruins of that Celebrated City. The Second Edi- tion. London: Printed by W. Buhner and Co 1812. 40 full russia, extra, gilt edges, large folding maps and plates, with 25 EXTRA VIEWS of Ancient and Modern Rome inserted. Very fine copy. P /.aO 6So \C-CARTHY REAGH. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES & PRECIEUX de la BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu M. le Comte de Mac-Carthy Reagh. Paris: chez de Bit re fre res. m.dcccxy. 3 vols, royal S° half morocco, gilt leaves. LARGE PAPER. Only 2o COPIES PRINTED. *#* An elaborate notice of the sale of this remarkable library will be found in Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, Vol. in, pp. 162 to /So inclusive. /if(?679 [MacDERMOT.] Essays on the Sources of the Pleasures received from Literary Compositions. [By Martin MaeDermot^ jpo Cai/. London: iSoif. *#* (Contents.—Essay I. On the Improvement of Taste. 11. On the Imagination, and on the Association of Ideas. III. On the Sublime. IV. On Terrour. V. On Pity. VI. On Melancholy. VII. On the Tender Affections. VIII. On Beauty. IX. On the Ludicrous. jttacrofitttg. JWacroim ttc <Somno cSctpfoms: ncc non de Saturnalibus libri: fum- ma diligentia fuo nitori refti- tuti funt: In quo plufq ter mille errores corrigun- tur: grcecti q? quod I olim impreffis deerat fere o\ bus locis re- ponitur. Macrobius Lecloribus. Qui mutilus dudum & crebris erroribus auclus Macrobius nulli pene legendus eram Taberii ac Pyladre cura magnoq? labore Nunc itertim mihimet redditus ecce legor. In fine: Alaerobii Aitrelii Theodofii itiri eofularis^ ill u/Iris fatur- nalioritni li \ bri iuiprejfi- Brlwc per A/igelum Britanieum. M.DCCCCI. Lie. wiii. | menfts lamteirii. f" half calf. With notes and references written in ink, on tne margins. *** a The Saturnalia of Mackouh'S area miscellanv of Criticism and Antiquities, full of Erudition, and very useful. They are similar in their plan to the Xoeles .-Ittidrol' Aull's Gellius. lie termed these miscellanies Saturnalia, because, during the vacation observed on these feasts of Saturn, he collected the principal Literati of Rome in his own house, and conversed with them on all kinds of subjects, and afterwards set down what appeared to him most interesting in their Discourses.r>—DK. A. Clarke. LYSERUS. 131 675 LUSUUM INGENII ex Pr/estantium POETARUM Recen- tiorum Rarioribus Scriptis Excerptorum. '' Vratislav & Lipsi/e: Anno 1699-1701. 2 Parts in i vol. sm. S° half calf y marbled edges. *$* This rake volume of facetious Latin poetry, contains Hadrianus Velesius's lively poem in Praise of the Bed. — See p. /jo. Jr2. So 676 LYCOSTHENES. PRODIGI \ OR VM AC\ OSTENTORVM I Chronicon, I Quae prceter naturce ordinem, motura, | et Opera- tionem, et in Svperio- | ribus & his inferioribus mundi regionibus, ab exordio mundi ufque ad baec | noftra tempora, acciderunt conferiptum per Conradvm Lycosthenem Rvbeaqvenscm. \ In fine: Basileae: Per Hcnricvm Petri, Ale use Avgvsto Anno M.D.LVII. _/"" half calf pp. 070. Illustrated ivtth upwards of 1.500 wood engravings, of a most as to u nding ch at-a fte r. ***«Opus ipsum refertissimum figuris incisis, quarum quaelibet pagina duas, tres, vel quatuor continet, Perrarum est, et admodum infrequens.D—Vogt. n Opus figuris refertissimum Buxo incisis, et longe rarissimum, ita ut anno huius seculi quinto pro 100 Jlorenis fuerit conquistum.t> —Solger, Bibliolheca, Pars, i, p. 108. a Ce volume renferme plus de 1,500 figures, dont quelques-unes portent les monogrammes de maitres de l'Ecole allemande. C'est, je crois, l'ouvrage ancien le plus complet et le plus curieux, je ne dis pas le plus croyable, sur cette matiere.D—Leber. o2,fO ^7 7 [LYSERUS.] Polygamic: Triumphatrix, id est Discursus Poli- ticus de POLYGAMIA, Auctore Theophilo Aletheo, [/. e. Joannis Lyseru$\ cum Notis Athanasii Vincentii, Omnibus Anti- Polygamis ubique locorum, terrarnm, infularum, pagorum, urbium, modefte & pie opposita. Londoni Scanorum: Sumtibus Authoris. Annum md.c.lxxxii. 4" calf. VERY RARE. *#* 4 II est assez rare, quoique relmprime plusieurs fois. Christian V, roi de Danemarck, 1'a fait hrtiler par la main du bourreau.v a Jean Lyser, docteur de la Confession d'Ausbourg, s'est declare" I 'apdtre de la Polygamic avec une passion difficile a concevoir. II consuma sa vie et ses biens pour prouver que, non seulement la pluralite des femmes est permise, mais qu'elle est raeme commanded en certains cas.D—See, Peignot, Diet, des Livres Condawne's au feuy Tome i, /. 274. Clement, Biblio- theque Cttrieuse, Tome i, /. 170. The Rev. Martin Mad an was largely indebted to this learned work, in the compilation of his celebrated Thelvphthora, or 'I reatise on Female Ruin, etc. London : rySo. 2 vols. S° MAGNUS. 133 ,Jo 681 MAGENIVS (BURCHARDVS HENRICVS). Dissertatio de = STVDIO MAGICO JVDACORVM. Vitembergae: mdccxxx. sm. 4° Jialf morocco. /. S'o 682 MAGII Anglarensts (HIERONYMI). De Tintinnabulis Liber ~==z Poflumus. Franciscus Sweertius F. Notis Illustravit. Accedit ejufdem MAGII de Equuleo Liber, cum Notis G. Jungermanni. AMSTELiEDAMi: Apud Henr. Wetstenium. cb Idc xic. — STULTITI^E LAUS. Desid. Erasmi Rot. Declamatio. Amstel/edami: 1685. 2 vols, in J vol. /S° vellum. Curious plates of Bells. £.00 683 MAGNUS (OLAUS). HISTORIA | DE GENTIBVS | SEP- "= TENTRIONALIBVS, EA- | rvmqve Diversis Statibvs, Con- | ditionibvs, Moribvs, Ritibvs, Svperstitio- | nibus, difciplinis, exercitiis, regimine, vi6lu, | bellis, flrudhiris, inflrumentis, ac mineris I metallicis, & rebus mirabilibus, | necnon. vniuerfis pene animalibus I in Septentrione de gentibus. | eorumq^ natura. | cvm Indice locvpletissimo. | In fine: C IMPRESSVM | ROMAE apud Ioannem Mariam | de Viottis Parmensem, in aedibvs \ Diine Birgittce nationis Sue corn cb° Gothorum, \ anno a CHRISTO nato m.d.lv. I menfe Ianuario, fedente IVLIO | III. Pont. Max. Pontifi- | catus verb eiufdem \ anno quinto. f°plain calf, title-page mounted, numerous very curious wood-cuts. FIRST EDITION of this extraordinary work. RARE. *** a Cette Edition de Rome, qui est belle, est la plus estimee, elle n'est pas commune.i>— De Bure. a Editio insignis raritatis.D—Vogt. j?.s-o6S4_ JWagntts (<©latts)- iBt tobonfttrltjcftr UHX= "== tone bantrc TSToortrcrfcfjc lantten ticfcijrnun ttoor trcn J^ootf)Qi)tUtt^tn nitre SErtoecrtrfgtjen Ifytcvc <©Iaua trc (Krootr lErtflrittcijop ban Upfalrn cntrc ©ucrftc faantit etonfncfertfcftnt ban <£torftro cnirr tiffotljlant jxtu cctft outrflijtftclt ooten Hattfnc in on a jtfrterlantfcfjc !BuvUti)c fprattr. t'Antwerpen. m.d.lxh. sm. <y° old calf . Numerous old wood-cuts. J>.o c> 685 MAGNUS. A Compendious HISTORY of the GOTHS, r==rT SWEDES, & VANDALS and other Northern Nations. Written by Olaus Magnus, Arch-BifJwp of Upsall, and Metropolitan of Sweden. Translated by J. S. London: Printed by J. Sir eater, and are to be fold by Humphrey Mofely, etc. 1658. sm. f° plain calf. ♦sjc^aThe Prince of the Gowne-men in thoi'c Territories, hath in this Elaborate Work expofed to publick view, the Acts of their famous Heroes, the ftrange Eccentrick Cuftoms, Fafhions, Attire, Sports, Battels, Feafts, Marriages, Religion, and Trades of thefe Northern Nations: together with horrid Apparitians of Divels, the Antick Preftigations of Conjurers, and Magical Inchantments; the Rarities and Obfervables of all the Four Elements; but efpe- cially the ripping up of the Bowels and IntcreU of Nature, in their various and admirable Minerals, with many other Stupendious Relations, that create excellent delight and wonder in the diligent and curious Inquirer.»—Dedication of the Translator. 134 MAJUS. 4^1 6S6 MAGNENI (10: CHRYS0ST0MI). Exercitationes de — TABACO & de MANNA. [>. /.] do Id c lviii. 3 Parts in / toI . f$° vellum. ***aOuvrage utile et rempli d'observations neuves.t>—Nouvelle Biographic Gdne'rale, Tome xxxii, /. 714. lc 687 MAI CHE LI I (DANIELIS). INTRO DUCT 10 ad — HISTORIAN! LITERARIAM de Pr/ecipuis Bibliothecis PARISIENSIBUS, locupletata Annotationibus atque Methodo, qua rectus Bibliothecarum ufus & vera fludiorum ratio oftenditur; ubi & de Bibliothecariis plurimifque Eruditis Parisiensibus hono- rifice & modefle, falva tamen ubique veritate, diileritur. cti. etc. sm. S« halfcalf. CANTABRIGIjE: IJ2I. *** a A work of great karitv. It is divided into Two Parts, the first of which contains an account of the rise and progress of the King's Library, and of nine other public libraries, at Paris. In the second Part, the author discusses the use of public libraries, and the knowledge of literary history. The sources of literary history are next discussed, together with the right object of studies. Some notices are also introduced relative to Librarians and other literati then at Paris.j-Horne. £.6c 688 MAILLARD. HISTOIRE de la PASSION de JESUS- CHRIST, Composee en mccccxc. par le R. P. Olivier, Maillard, avec une Notice sur 1'Auteur, des Notes, et une Table des Matieres, par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: Crapelct. mdcccxxvii. roy. S° boards, uncut. LARGE PAPER. Only 200 Copies reprinted. Scarce. *** a These ancient sermons are singularly precious to those whose inquisitive pleasures are gratified by tracing the manners of former ages. They contain a mixture of grave admo- nition with facetious illustration, comic tales which have been adopted by the most licentious writers, and minute and lively descriptions of the times, when the grossest indecency was never concealed under a gentle periphrasis, but every thing was called by its name.D— DTsraeli. This volume contains an old French version of the spurious Letter of Publius Lentulus concerning the personal beauty of Christ. See, /. yj. /.So 689 MAJUS (JO. HENRICUS). Vita JO. REUCHLINI Phor- r^=1 censiS)¥x\rm in Germania Hebraicarum Gr/Ecarumque & aliarum bonarum literarum Instauratoris, in qua multa ac varia ad His- toriam fuperioris Seculi, cum facram, turn profanam, remque literariam fpeclantia memorantur. Francofarti 6° Spira, Impcnfis Chrislophori Olffen, BibliopolcB. Durlaci: Typis Mai'tini Miilleri. Anno m.dc.lxxxvii. sm. 8° plain calf. Curious portrait. Scarce. *#* a The character of Reuchlin is one of the most remarkable in that remarkable age; it exhibits, in the highest perfection, a combination of qualities which are in general found in- compatible. At once a man of the world and of BooAs, he excelled equally in practice and speculation; was a Statesman and a Philosopher, a Jurist and a Divine. Nobles, and Princes, and Emperors, honored him with their favour, and employed him in their most difficult affairs: while the learned throughout Europe looked up to him as the atrilingue miraculumj> the apha>nix Htterarum.T) In Italy, native Romans listened with pleasure to his Latin declamation; and he compelled the jealous Greeks to acknowledge that ^Greece had overflown the Alps.v Of his countrymen, he was the first to introduce the study of Ancient Literature into the German Universities; the first who conquered the difficulties of the Greek language; the frst who opened the gates of the East, unsealed the Word of God, and unveiled the sanctuary of Hebrew wisdom. Agricola was the only German of the fifteenth century MANDEVILLE. 135 who approached him in depth of Classical erudition ; and it was not till after the commence- ment of the sixteenth, that Erasmus rose to divide with him the admiration of the learned. As an Oriental scholar, Reuchlin died without a rival.»—Sir William Hamilton. »2¥O0 690 MALCOLM (JAMES PELLER). I. ANECDOTES of the ~Trr~T~- MANNERS and CUSTOMS of LONDON from the Roman In- vasion to the Year 1700; Including the Origin of British Society, Customs and Manners, with a general Sketch of the State of Reli- gion, Superstition, Dresses and Amusements of the Citizens of London, during that Period. To which are added Illustrations of the Changes in our Language, Literary Customs, and gradual Im- provement in Style and Versification, and Various PARTICULARS concerning PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Illustrated by 18 Engravings. The Second Edition—3 vols. — II. ANECDOTES of the MANNERS and CUSTOMS of LONDON During the Eighteenth Century; Including the Charities, Depravities, Dresses, and Amuse- ments, of the Citizens of London during that Period. Illustrated by 45 Engravings. The Second Edition—2 vols. — III. MIS- CELLANEOUS ANECDOTES Illustrative of the Manners and History of Europe during the Reigns of Charles II. James II. William III. and Q. Anne—1 vol. London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Or me, and Brmun, Paternoster-Row. 1S10-11. Together 6 vols. S° plain calf. /.# O 691 MALINGRE. L'EPISTRE | de M. Malingre, | enuoyee a Clement Marot: | en laquelle eft demandee | la caufe de ion depar- | tement de France. | Auec | La refponce dudit Marot. | (£ Icy trouuerez vne louenge de Fran- | ce &: des Bernoys, auec vn noble rolle I d'aucuns Francoys habitans en Sauoye, | et deux Epitaphes de Clement Marot. | Nouuellement imprime | a Basle, par Iaq. Eftauge, | ce 20. d'Oc- tobre, 1546. I [4£ Imprime par Jean Enschede et Fils a Harlem, pour la librairie Tross a Paris. 1868. S° boards, UNCUT, roilh several zvcod-cuts. *** A beautiful facsimile reprint, on vellum paper, in old style type, from the only copy known > of this rare poem. The two poems by Marot are not included in any edition of his works. The impression was limited to 99 copies. /J2.oo 692 JW&H33I5TKIL211B* 3<©fjanttis irt numte= ~~~~" tofl I la JJttncrarW in partes I JHjtrotoUmftanag* lEt in bltcrtorrs tranfmartuag. | In fine: iSpplfcft ttfucrarfus Vomtni Joijan | niu trc JttOUtCbfUa milititt. [s. I. a. et typ. n.] s/n. 40 paper coz'ers, .fS leaves ^ SJ lines to a full page. A slight worm hole in the margin. *** The Latin Editions of Mandeville's Travels are all of considerable rarity. See, Panzer, Annales Typographici, Vol. iv, /. jjj. Fabrious, Bibl. Latina Media? et Infimee sEtatis, 40 Tomus iv, /. zoo. Kreytag, A nalecla Litteraria de Libris Rarioribvs, p. J02, Niceron, Mdmoires des Hommes Illustres, To.me xxv, p. 2JJ. Vogt, Catalogvs Librorvm Rariorvm, edit. 1703^ P-JjS. Laire, Index Libroru7ns Pars. 11, /. Jj. I36 MANNE. >i?0 0 j>93_ MANDEVILLE. The VOYAGES and TRAVELS of Sir John Mandevile, (sic) Knight: Wherein is fet down the Way to the Holy Land, and to Hierufalem: As alfo to the Lands of the Great Caan, and of Prcflor John; to India, and divers other Countries: Together with many and ftrange Marvels therein. London: Printed by A. Wilde, for G. Conyers, /;/ Little-Britain, T. Norris, at London- Bridge, and A. Bettesworth, in Paternoster-Row. 1722. sm. 40 new sprinkled calf, by W. Pratt, with numerous curious wood-cuts, which, in this copy are coarsely colored. Rare. £,jS~ 694 MANDEVILLE. The VOIAGE and TRAVAILE of Sir John "Maundevile, (sic) K\ Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; and of MARVAYLES of INDE, with other Ilands and Coun- tryes. Now publiJJid entire from an Original MS. in the Cotton Library. London: Printed for J. Woodman, and D. Lyon, in Ruff ell- Street, Covent-Garden, and C. Davis, in Hatton-Garden. 1725. 8° old calf. With two title-pages, one of which is printed in Red and Black. Best Edition. ***«The unambitious Collector may rest well satisfied with the handsomely printed edition, in a large octavo form of the date of 1725: which yet maintains a stiff price. It is a mistake (?) to suppose that there are copies on large paper.d—Dibdin. r 695 mandeville. SJCi)t Umaflc antr Cratoatle of sir john MAUNDEVILE, Kt. which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; and of Marvayles of Inde, with other Ilands and Countryes. Reprinted from the Edition of a. d. 1725, with an Introduction, Additional Notes, and Glossary, by J. O. Halliwell, Esq., f.s.a. London: Published by Edward Lumley. m.dccc.xxxix. 8° cloth. Wood-cuts. /. 6i. 696 MANGIN (ARTHUR). LES JARDINS. Histoire et "Description. Dessins par Anastasi, Daubigny, V. Foulquier, Francais, W. Freeman, H. Giacomelli, Lancelot. Tours: Alfred Maine et fits, Editeurs. mdccclxvii. y° crimson cloth. Numerous beautiful wood engravings. /.GO 697 MANNE (M. E. de). Nouveau Recueil d'OuvRAGES Ano- nymes et Pseudonymes. Paris: Librairie-Gide. 1834. g° half calf. / 0 0 698 MANNE (E. de). Nouveau Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes, la plupart Contemporains, avec les Noms des Auteurs 011 Editeurs, accompagne' de Notes Histo- riques et Critiques. Nouvelle Edition revue, corrig^e et tres- augmentee, pouvant servir de Supplement a tous les Manuels de Bibliographie jusqu'a ce jour. Lyon: N. Scheuring. 1862. 8° uncut. MARSH. 137 699 MANTUANUS. F. BAPTISTS MANTUANI opufculum de === Fortu- | na: in quo mutabilitatem eius, ac inflabi- | litatem: per- multis, turn veterum | turn recentiorum, atq? noftrse | tempeflatis exemplis | comprobat. | In Fine: <E Impreffum Parrhifijs (sic) per optimum calcographum Nico- I laum depratis apud magnum ortum. Anno Salutis. m.d.x sm. 40 paper covers, 8 leaves, 26 lines to a full page. /./,£/ 700 MANUAL of the CORPORATION of the CITY of NEW —— YORK. By D. T. Valentine, and Joseph Shannon, Clerks of the Common Council. New York: 1841-1869. 27 vols. l8° and 12° cloth. With Maps, and Numerous Illustrations. *** The early volumes of this important series are very scarce. //oo 701 [MARCELLUS (CHRISTOPH).] SACRARVM |CEREMO- "^^ NIARVM I Sive Ritvvm | Ecclesiasticorvm | S. Rom. Ecclesle. I Libri Tres. I Hac pojlrema Editione mag no Jludio, ac vigilan- \ tia recogniti,auc7i et locupletati. | Vniuerfis Ecclefiafticis, non tarn iucun- di, quam | vtiles, et neceffarij. | Venetiis: Apvd Ivntas. m.d.lxxxii. 40 plai7i calf. With numerous wood-cut illustrations, and rubricated initial letters. ***aEditio splendidissima et elegantissima, cui etiam nonnulla accesserunt, quae in aliis editionibus frustra quaeruntur.*—Bauer, Bibl. Librorvm Rariorvm, Tome in, /. 23. 4 Possidemushanc editionem multis Jiguris et rubris Uteris earornatam,omnesque reliquas splendore actyporum elegantia vincentem, etc.D—Vogt, Catalogvs Librorvm Rariorvm,p.551 et seq. An interesting account of Marcellus, and a curious bibliographical notice of this rare work will be found in Niceron, MSmoires desHomm.esIllustres, Tome vii, p.jqS; Tome xxxv, pp. 1-7. See, also, Dupin, Nouvelle Bibliotheque des A uteurs Eccl., Tome xiv, /. /?/. Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, Historique et Critique, Tome vii. Freytag, AnaleCla Littcraria de Libris Rarioribvs, p.j6f. Walch, Bibl. Theologica Selecla, Tome hi, /. 700. . ,5V 702 MARGURE (M.) Poeme Macaronique, en Forme de D£cla- ration de Guerre, a tous Mechants Payeurs et Gens de Mauvaise Foi, etc. Paris: chez la veuve Vallat-la-CJiappelle. 8° calf. Very curious. M.DCC.LXXXIII. /0 O 703 MAROTTES A VENDRE, ou Triboulet Tabletier, dont la Gibeciere, apres avoir ete 6garee pendant plusieurs Siecles, nous est enfm heureusement parvenue, munie d'un rare assemblage de Ho- chets, Breloques, Colifichets, et Babioles, de toutes especes; d'un travail non commun, et possedants mille Propri^tes et Vertus, non moins utiles et recherchees, que d^lectables et dirriciles a trou- ver. Au Parnasse Burlesque: Ex officind de la Banque du Bel Esprit, a l]Emeigne de la Faciciosite. Van premier de la nouvelle ere. Londres: chez R. Triphook. mdcccxii. foolscap 8° boards, uncut. *** A very curious and amusing collection of Anecdotes selected from many works of the greatest rarity. This copy is ONE OF SIX COPIES PRINTED ON PINK PAPER, and has the book plate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer. / 00 7°4 MARSH (GEORGE P.) Lectures on the English Language. 8»doth. New York: 1850. 138 MATENESI. /' ^ _7fl MARCHAND (PROSPER). DICTIONNAIRE HISTO- RIQUE, ou Memoires Critiques et Litteraires, concernant la Vie et les Ouvrages de Divers Personnages Distingues, particu- lierement dans la Republique des Lettres. La Haye: chez Pierre de Hondt. m.d.cc.lviii. 2 vols, in I vol. f° plain calf, red edges. ***«A very extraordinary and amusing Bibliographical common-place book; and there is no Bibliographical work to which I more cheerfully or frequently turn.D—Dibdin. /Q>£"0 706 MARTIALIS. In fine.- Veneths in aedibvs Aldi, Men | se Decembri. m.di. I S° plain calf. 192 leaves, unpaged. In this copy the Title is covered by having apiece of paper pasted over it. On the verso of the Title, is an Epistle from Pliny, the Younger, to C. Priscus. The Epigrams follow on iSg unpaged leaves. The reclo of the iqist leaf, at the top, contains the following in capitals: VENETIIS IN AEDIBVS ALDI, MEN SE DECEMBRI. M.DI. QVIS QVIS ES QVI QVO QVOMODO HVIVSCE EXCVSIONIS ERGO ADVERSVS IERIS, DAM- NATVS ESTO ET REVS ILL. S. V. NE DICAS TIBI NON PRAE DICTVM. CAVE. J. U a 707 MARTIAL. Tovtes les &PIGRAMMES de MARTIAL en Latin, et en Francois, [Trad, par VAbbe' Mich, de Marolles] avec de Petites Nottes (sic) divs^es (sic) en Devx Parties. Premiere Par tie. Paris: chez Gvillavme de Lvyne. m. dc.lv. <f° half calf , engraved frontispiece. *** tfMauvaise traduction, dont les cxemplaires sont fieu communs.v—Brunet. of*do 708 MARTIN (JOHN). Bibliographical Catalogue of Private- ^^^^ ly Printed Books. Second Edition. [London: Published for the Author by John Van Voorst?^ m.dcccliv. S° cloth, uncut. Scarce. *** a This edition was intended to be in tiuo volumes, but the death of the Author inter- rupted the second volume. It therefore covers only to page 314 of the first edition, (of course with the necessary additions) and omits, among other things, all the Club Books. The two Editions are therefore necessary.' to form a complete work.d—Lowndes. ^o 709 MARTYROLOGE LITT&RAIRE, ou Dictionnaire Critique de Sept Cents Auteurs Vivans. Par Un Hermite qui n'est pas Mort [A. P. G. Me'negaut.'] Paris: Germain Mathiot. 1816. S° uncut. ^',;r 710 MATENESI (IOAN. FRIDERICI). Critices Christians = Libri Dvo DE RITV BIBENDI svper Sanitate Pontificum, Cssarum, Principum, Ducum, Magnatum, Amicorum, Amtcarum, &c. Colonic: mdcxi. — De Lvxv et Abvsv Vestivm Nostri Temporis, &c. Colonize: mdcxii. — Syntagma Criticvm. MATHER. 139 Nescis qvid servs Vesper vehat. De Somno Potuque Chrifiianorum Somnifero. Colonic: mdcxii. Gasperis Schoppi De Arte Critica, etc. Noriberg/e: m.d.iiic. 4 vols, in r vol. sm. 6'° vellum. lj00 711 mather. Magna I la Chrifti Americana: OR, THE NEW-ENGLAND, FROM Its Firfl Planting in the Year 1620. unto the Year of our LORD, 1698. In Seven BOOKS. I. Antiquities: In Seven Chapters. With an Appendix. II. Containing the Lives of the Governours, and Names of the Magiftrates of New-England: In Thirteen Chapters. With an Appendix. III. The Lives of Sixty Famous Divines, by whofe Miniftry the Churches of New-England have been Planted and Continued. IV. An Account of the Univerfity of Cambridge in New-England; In Two Parts. The Firfl: contains the Laws, the Benefactors, and Viciffitudes of Havoard College; with Remarks upon it. The Second Part contains the Lives of fome Eminent Perfons Educated in it. V. Acts and Monuments of the Faith and Order in the Churches of New-England, paired in their Synods; with Hiftorical Remarks upon thofe Venerable Aflemblies; and a great Variety of Church-Cafes occurring, and refolved by the Synods of thofe Churches: In Four Parts. VI. A Faithful Record of many Illuftrious, Wonderful Providences, both of Mercies and Judgments, on divers Perfons in New-England: In Eight Chapters. VII. The Wars of the Lord. Being an Hiftory of the Manifold Afflictions and Difturbances of the Churches in New-England, from their Various Adversaries, and the Wonderful Methods and Mercies of God in their Deliverance: In Six Chapters: To which is Subjoined, An Appendix of Remarkable Occurrences which New-England had in the Wars with the Indian Salvages, from the Year 1688, to the Year 1698. By the Reverend and Learned COTTON MATHER, M.A. And Paftor of the North Church in Bofion, New-England. LONDON: Printed for Thomas Parkhurjl, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheap fide. MDCCII. f° new, panelled calf , gilt back, sprinkled edges, with MAP, and 2 leaves <i/ 4 BOOKS printed for Tho. Parkhurst.p *** <rThis book may be considered one of the curiosities of American Literature. Few, if any works, printed in old Colony times, contain so much that is quaint and curious. The Magnalia was made up, as is generally known to students in New England history, chiefly from the author s previous productions; to do which, many of these suffered dreadful muti- lations. This will account for the great desire among collectors of early books about New England, to obtain the original Editions of pieces contained (in their mutilated state) in the Magnalia.D—See, Hist, Magazine, Vol. i, /. 2S. 140 MELANDRO. ^7° 712 MATANASIANA, ou M£moires Litteraires, Htstoriques, et Critiques, du Docteur Matanasius [/. e. Th/miseul de Saint- Lfyacinthe.] La Haye: m.dcc.xl. 2 vols. 12° calf. Engraved frontispiece and portraits of Erasmus and Ant. Urceus CoDRUS. J/ <- 713 MATRIMONIAL CEREMONIES DISPLAY'D: wherein are exhibited the various Customs, odd Pranks, whimfical Tricks and surprising Practices of near One Hundred different Kingdoms and People in the World, now us'd in the celebration and confum- mation of MATRIMONY. Collected from the papers of An Old Rich Bawdy Batchelor; with great Variety of Remarks by him, Serious and Humorous. To which is prefix'd, The Comical Ad- ventures of Sir Harry Fitzgerald, who had Seven Wives; with the Character of each: A genuine Story. Alfo an Epigram on Matri- mony, in Latin and English, and an Alphabetical Index, Publifh'd for the Information and Entertainment of the Ladies and pretty Girls of Great-Britain, not forgetting those of Dublin and Tipperary. London : Printed for IV. Reeve, at Shakespear s-Head, near Serjeanfs- Inn, in Fleet-Street. 1748. 12° half calf. Rare. *** The sprightly young <t ladies of Dublin and Tipperary d must have found this work awfully entertaining. r,00 714 MAURY (L. F.ALFRED). La Magie et 1'Astrologie dans I'Antiquite" et au Moyen Age. Paris: Didier et Cie. i860. S° half morocco. 7^1 iS MAYHEW (HORACE). Wonderful People. In Three '—— Parts. Profusely Illustrated with striking likenesses. London: Ward and Lock. [n. d.] 18° half roan. / £o 716 McCLELLAN. Army of the Potomac. Report of Maj.-Gen. ~r== George B. McClellan, Aug. 4, 1863. With an Account of the Campaign in Western Virginia. New York: Sheldon & Co. 1864. imperial 8° cloth, uncut. Map. Only 250 copies printed. /f "717 MELANDRO (OTHONE). Iocorvm atqve Seriorvm, tvm / — Novorum, turn Selectorum, atque imprimis Memorabilium, etc., Nunc denuo auclae, 6° in hac porta tili forma pro hominibus fa Hum 6° facetiarum amantibus, ad deleftationem ipforum, ultimum editce. Francofvrti: Anno Partvs Virginei. m.d.cxvii. 3 vols, in 2 thick vols. f8° vellum. Rare. %* The a Joe Miller* of the sixteenth century. It contains nearly two thousand amusing and laughable Anecdotes, many of which are at the expense of Politian, Erasmus, Luther, Melanftkon, Calvin, Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thomas More, and others. MERAY. 141 c'O 718 MELISSI (P.) Mele five odae ad Norimbergam et Septem viros ——— Reipvb. Norib. = P. Melissi Epigrammata. Noribergae: In officina haredum Montatii. A*, do Id xxc. sm, 40 calf, gilt edges. Rare. *** The real name of the author of this curious volume, was Paul Schede, surnamed by his contemporaries, the « Latin Pindar.r> j-0 719 MELLER (HENRY JAMES). NICOTIANA; or the Smoker's ~~~~~rz and Snuff-Taker's Companion. Containing the History of Tobacco; with an Essay in its Defence, etc. Fourth Edition. London: Effingha?n Wilson. 1834. 1S0 boards. ***<A Pipe is the fountain of contemplation, the source of pleasure, the companion of the wise; and the man who smokes, thinks like a philosopher and acts like a Samaritan.d—Lord Lytton. / 00 720 [MELZL] BIBLIOGRAFIA dei ROMANZI e POEMI CA- ""=" VALLERESCHI ITALIAN! Seconda Edizione, corretta ed accresciuta. [di Gaetano de' Conti Melzi^\ Milano: Paolo Antonio To si. m.d.cccxxxviit. 8° half morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. With j medallion portraits on the title-page, and a por- trait 0/ A rioslo. tJo 721 MEMOIRS of a STOMACH. Written by Himself, that all who Eat may Read. Edited by a Minister of the Interior. Third Edition. London: IV. E. Painter, [n.d.] 12° cloth. Curious frontispiece containing a view of the interior! ^SO 722 MENCKENII (JO. BURCH.) De CHARLATANERIA ~ ERUDITORUM Declamaciones Duae, cum Notis Variorum. Amstelodami: mdccxvi. 12 ° boards. Emblematical frontispiece. *#* The object of this celebrated jeu dy esprit of Menckenius, was to lay open the tricks and artifices of the savans. /.00 723 MENCKEN (Monsieur J. B.) De la CHARLATANERIE des SAVANS: Avec des Remarques Critiques de differens Auteurs. Traduit en Francois. A La Have: chez Jean van Duren. mdccxxi. /20 calf. Scarce. Jjo 724 MENDHAM (Rev. JOSEPH). The Literary Policy of the —— Church of Rome Exhibited in an Account of her DAMNATORY CATALOGUES or Indexes, both Prohibitory and Expur- gatory, with Various Illustrative Extracts, Anecdotes, and Remarks. Second Edition, much Enlarged, and with A SUPPLE- MENT. London: James Duncan, mdcccxxx-vi. S° calf (1?uu 725 MERAY (ANTONY). Les LIBRES PRfeCHEURS, devanciers = de LUTHER et de RABELAIS. £tude Historique, Critique et Anecdotique sur les xive, xve et xvic Siecles. Paris: A. Claudin. id0 half morocco, top gilt. Only 300 copies printed. M.DCCC.LX. +** A valuable and learned historical Essay on the burlesque Preachers of the Middle Ages, with amusing extracts from their sermons. *42 MERY. ^jmscttlo tta=|ctatur trt ijte quitius 1 tmmur t mtnfa Bt nature reruw bttrelfcet cfto &r po^ | ttta Be quettumttms menfattlms banfa ac Cucunfrfs | ctuffius fn menfa recreamur* Tretp couTrttonftms to? | quftus fn menfa comtertamur pljfloaopfjfce ijflart- | tercp procetrf^ tut. <&uare Ijoc opus merito appellator | In fine: C j?fm= | preffus <£oloufe apufi pretttcatorea. l$tv me <Kot^ | neltTi *re jsrjjcftjec alme imfuerfftato Cto= lotuen. fttp= I pofttu &mto falutfs uottre, m.ccccc.bfff. [J50S] JWeutts fcero JWarttj, Trie. ptofj. ,vw. ./° boards, crimson edges. 32 leaves, 32 lines to a full page. Under the title is a wood- cut Jigure 0/ the Virgin, standing on a horned moon, and holding the infant Jesus in her arms. On each side of the title-page is a wood-cut border; and at the bottom a rude Vignette. On the verso of the title-page is a coat-of-arms, which is repeated on the verso of the last leaf The 2d, 3d, and 4th leaves are occupied by the a Tabula Titulorum.d ***«Quoique dans trois <£dit. la Mensa Philosophica soit attribute a Michel Scot, ou V Ecossais, il est fort douteux qu'il en soit l'auteur, car Bern, de La Monnoye {Menagiana, in, /. 104) attribue positivement le livre en question a Theobal Anguilbert, qu'il nomme Auguilbert, d'apres Du Verdier. Au reste, la Mensa Philosophica n'est pas sans int^ret, et son 4e livre, De honcstis jocis et solaciis quibus in mensa hilariter jocundamur, contient plu- sieurs contes agr^ables.p— Brunet. An excellent bibliographical notice of this edition of the Mensa Philosophica,vf\\\ be found in Freytag, Adparatvs Litterarivs, To.MUS II, pp. 814-IJ. . ,f 727 MERDEIDE (La). Canti Tre. In Cacherano. Dalle Stampe r=r=TL rfi Bernardo Culati. Presso Fabriano Medardo Stronzino, Librajo all' insegna del Mappamondo. In Fine: Torino: Dalla Stamperia di 8° pp. 132, uncut. GlO. GlOSSi. l8o6. %* See, Bibliotheca Scatologica, p. 24, N° 3Q. /O.tc 728 [MERIAN (MATTHIEU).] La DANCE | DES MORTS | telle qu'on la voit depeinte | dans la Celebre | VILLE DE BASLE, I qui represente la fragility | de la VIE HUMAINE, | comme dans UN Miroir. | Enrichie de Tailles-douces, faites aprh rOriginal de \ la Peinture; Et traduite de VAllemand en Fran- \ cois par les Joins des Hdritiers de feu Monfieur \ Matlhieu Merian. \ Imprime a Berlin aux depens des Heritiers de l'Auteur.| m.dc.xcviii. 40 plain calf, S prelim, leaves unnumbered, pp. qq, a?id 42 plates. Good impressions. Scarce. :*V;: According to Brunei, Peignot and others, the translator, was le Sieur Pierre Vieu, whose name appears in the Avertissement au Lecteur. A good notice of this edition will be found in Peignot's, Recherchcs Ilistoriques et Litte'raires sur les Danses des Moris. Dijon: 1826, p. 72 et seq. ._'.. <a 729 MERY (M. C. de). Histoire Generale des Proverbes, Adages, Sentences, Apophthegmes, Derives des Mosurs, des Usages, de l'Esprit et de la Morale des Peuples Anciens et MILLER. 143 Modernes; Accompagn£e de Remarques Critiques, d'Anecdotes, etc. Paris: Delongchamps, Libraire-Editeur. 1828-29. 3 vols, in I vol. 8° half crimson morocco. *** A critical notice of this entertaining work will be found in Duplessis' Bibliographic ParSmiologique\ p. 8. . <&& 73° MEURSI (IOANNIS). Libri Duo de Luxu Romanorum, nee r== non de Vita, Legibus, Dictis ac Scriptis Sqlonis.- Historic Danic^e Libri tres; = quibus accessere ^Elnathus Monachus Cantuariensis de Vita & Passione CANUTI, Regis Danise.— nee non Denarivs Pythagoricvs. sive de Numerorum, usque ad denarium,qnalitate, acnominibus, secundum Pythagoricos. [s. I. eta.] J traits in J vol. sm. 4° vellum. f£o 731 MEURSII (JOANNIS.) Elegants LATINI SERMONIS ^^^ seu ALOISIA SIG^EA Toletana De Arcanis Amoris & Veneris, Adjunftis Fragmentis quibusdam Eroticis. Nova Editio Emenda- tior. Londini: [Paris?] m.dcc.lxxxii. 2 vols, 12° boards. Engraved frontispiece. CONTENTS Vol. I.—I. Teftimonium Vafaei de Aloifia Sigaea. II. Aloifise Laudes ab Heinf. III. Ab Hortis Elyfiis Aloifia. IV. Velitatio, Collog. i. V. Tribadicon, Collog.ii. VI. Fabrica, Collog. Hi. VII. Duellum, Collog. iv. VIII. Libidines, Collog. v. IX. Ve- neres, Collog. vi. Vol. II.—I. Frescennini, Collog. vii. II. Fut effoetus, poema Elegiacum. III. Formica Joannis Casje. IV. Epigramma Joannis Secundi. V. Tuberonis Genethliacon. VI. Remedium medendi libidinem Mulierum. VII. Oratio Heliogabali ad Meretrices. VIII. Fragmentum Seneca Philo/opki. IX. Fragmenta Arnobiana. *** An amusing account of this notorious work, by the Reverend and Learned Dr. Samuel Parr, will be found in the Bibliotheca Parriana, p. jo6-7. See, also, [Gay] Bibliographic des Ouvrages relatifs a VAmour, Tome vi, art. Philippi Garneri. Brunet, Manuel, art. Meursius. ,/o 732 MEYERO (HEINRICO.) Dissertatio Philologico- = Historico de Veterum Ebiueorum RATIONE COENANDI & e6 speclantibus. [Lipsle :] mdc.xxxix. sm. 40 half morocco. Z,/*' 733 MICHEL (FRANCISQUE). ETUDES de PHILOLOGIE —~ compared sur l'ARGOT, et sur les Idiomes Analogues Parles en Europe et en Asie. Paris: 1856. 8° half green morocco, gilt top. Uncut. *** This curious work contains an excellent Bibliography of Works on Slang. / .£ ^ 734 MILLEDULCIA: A Thousand Pleasant Things. Selected r===- from « Notes and Queries.)) New York: D. Appleton &* Co. 1857. square 12° cloth. *>* This selection of a Pleasant Things» was made by Robert Conger Pell, of New York City, who, under the pseudonym of a Chetwood Evelyn, Esq.d compiled another entertaining volume, chiefly of anecdotes and aphorisms, entitled The Companion^ After Dinner Table-Talk. Published by G. P. Putnam. New York: iSjo. I2« ,d0 735 [MILLER (JOHN).] Fly Leaves; or, Scraps and Sketches, Literary, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous. London: John Miller. 1854-5. 2 vols. 12° doth. 144 MIRABEAU. /./,■ 736 MILLER et AUBENAS. Revue de Bibliographie Analyti- que, ou Compte rendu des Ouvrages Scientifiques et de haute Literature, publics en France et a TEtranger. Paris: 1840-45. 6 vols, thick 8° uncut. ^ .5 737 [MILLOT.] CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et PR&- CIEUX, Editions Elzeviriennes ou sorties des Presses de Hol- lande au i7e siecle. Exemplaires sur peau vJlin, Journaux et Pieces Historiques de la Revolution Francaise, etc., Reliures de Derome, Padeloup, Thouvenin, Muller, Purgold, Bauzon- net, Lebrun, Niedree, etc. Provenant du Cabinet de M. M***** [Millot.] Redige par P. L. [Pan/ Lacroix] Jacob, Bibliophile. Paris: 1846. S° half calf, uncut. Thick paper copy. NEATLY PRICED. *** a Catalogue r6d\g6 avec soin et remarquable par les Notes nombreuses qu'il renferme.K —G. Brunet, Difl. de Bibliologie, p. 4QJ. /OO 738 MILLOT et BRUNET. Recherches sur Diverses Editions Elzeviriennes,faisant j7//7<? anx Etudes de MM. Berard& Pieters. Extraites des Papiers de M. Millot, mises en ordre et completees par Gustave Brunei. Paris: 1866. 12° uncut. f.SO 739 MILMAN (Rev. HENRY HART). Annals of S. Paul's ^~~" Cathedral. With Portrait and Illustrations. London: John Murray. 1868. <?° cloth. ^0(J 74o MILTON. Paradife Loft. A POEM in Twelve Books. The ^^~ AUTHOUR John Milton. The Fourth Edition. Adorn'd with Sculptures. London: Pri?ited by Miles Flejher, for Richard Bently, at the Poft-Office in Ruffell-ftreet, a?id Jacob Tonfon at the Judge s- Head in Chancery-lane near Fleet-ftreet. mdclxxxviii. f> panelled calf, extra, gilt leaves, fine portrait of Milton. Engraved by R. White, Within an oval frame tinder the portrait, are the folloxving verses by Dryden :— « Three Poets, in three distant Ages born, Greece, Italy, and England did adorn. The First in loftinefs of thought SurpafsM, The Next in Majesty ; in both the Last. The force of Nature cou'd no farther goe: To make a Third she joynd the former tvvo.D 0 'ov 741 [MIRABEAU.J Errotika (sic) Biblion. [Par Honors-Gabriel Riquetti, Co?nte De Mirabeau.] A Rome: de rimpri?nerie du Vatican, mdcclxxxiii. J2° UflCUt. *** A German reprint of this extraordinary book.—See, Peignot, Difl. des Livres Con- damnds au Feu, Tome i, /. 321. [Gay,] Bibliographie des Ouvrages relatifs A. /'Amour, Tome 111, p. 20J. io. tiKmfti* MIROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 145 //v o 742 MINSHEU. The Guide into tongues. With their agreement and confent one with another, as a]fo their Etymologies, that is, the Reafons and Deriuations of all or the moil part of wordes, in these eleven Languages, viz. 1. iSttflltflj. j ( 7. Sbpamff). 2. iSrtttfi) or fflSEelff), | | 8. ^ortuflttej. 3. Unto Butcf). y 6. Ktaltan. { 9. ILatint. 4. p?fflt) Butci), j 5. JFtencf). j Which are fo laid together (for the helpe of memory) that any one with eafe and facilitie, may not only remember 4. 5. or more of thefe Languages fo laid together, but alfo their Etymologies vnder the Name know the Nature, Propertie, Condition, Effect, Matter, Forme, Fafhion, or End of things there-vnder contayned, differing from all other Dictionaries euer heretofore fet forth By the Induftrie, Studie, Labour, and at the charges of John Minfheu Publifhed and Printed. London: Anno 1617. f° half calf gilt back. ?oo 211 t[ iWfraWlte Htoer | qui jirojifjetfas Mtml%= ~=" tiowtcft necno xtu mfrantras pvztt- | ritaa prefnttrs et futuras : apcrtt tremonftrat | C cStnfitgt la fccoulre pat- tie ftc ce Ifure. [s. i. et a.] 2 Farts in I vol. small 8° green levant morocco, extra, denteile borders, gilt leaves by BELZ SUC NlKDRKE. *** This rare and verv curioi's work consists of Two Parts, the First is in barbarous monkish Latin of the Middle Ages, and the Second in the French of the hfteenth century. The volume comprises the remarkable predictions of a Bemechobius Ef>i$copus ccclesic pater- nenis et martyr is Christi; the Revelatio de tribnlationibus v.ostrorum temporum; Be Refor- mation universe Dei ecclesie et de conversione Turcorum et infidel ium ad fid em nostram, cito et vetociter,j> etc.,'etc. Some of the prophecies are attributed to the celebrated Padre Girolamo Savonarola, who, it will be remembered, was burned at the stake for the good of his soul. Among these tracts are a series of prophecies by one Johannes Vatigterro, whose a macaronic d name may be translated, John u</io predicls War. During the French Revolu- tion, while the Directory was in power, extracts from this series of prophecies were published anonymously, with a French translation and explanatory notes. The passages cited were so remarkably apropos to the times, that the book excited great attention. Crowds flocked to the public libraries to see the extraordinary volume containing such wonderful predictions. The Directory, timorous and tyrannical, were afraid of a book which foretold, not only the Revolu- tion, but the counter-revolution and return of the Monarchy. The librarians were, accordingly, forbidden to show the volume, and a vigorous search was instituted for the editor and publisher. —See, Nodier, Questions de Littcrature Legale, p. 135-b. Colin de Plancy, Dicl. Infernal, Tome iv, /. 12S-Q. f, ,- 744 MIROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. £&p THE FIRST parte of r=== the Mirour for jfftaflfttratCS containing the falles of the firfl. infortunate Princes of this lande: From the coinming of Brute to the incarnation of our fauiour and redemer Iefu Chrifte. Ad Romanos, /j, 2. Quifquis fe opponit poteftati, Dei ordinationi 146 MONTAIGNE. reiiftit. Imprinted at London: by Thomas MarJJie. Anno 1575.- THE LAST part of the Mirour for jWagtftrftteS, wherein may be feene by examples palled in this Realme, with how greevous plagues, vyces are punifhed in great Princes & Magiftrats, and how frayle and vnflable wordly profperity is founde, where Fortune feemeth moll highly to Fauour. Newly eorrecled and enlarged. Fcelix quern faciunt aliena pericula cautum. Imprinted at London in Flcet-Jlreetc, neere vnto Saincl Dunflanes Church, by Thomas Marsh. 1578. 2 Parts in i vol. sm. 40 diamond calf. Title-page 0/ the First part, mounted, and the margins elosely cut. 33 laCfe 71 tttCt\ *** «The popularity of this work, and its influence on our national poetry, throughout the reigns of Elizabeth aud James the First, were very considerable. Even in its earliest and most unfinished state it had attracted the admiration of Sir Philip Sidney, who says, a I account the Mirrour 0/ Magistrates, meetely furnished of beautiful partes ;» and in its last and most perfect form, it seems to have been considered as a book necessary to the accomplished gentleman; for in Chapman's Comedy, entitled, May-Day, and printed in 1611, a charader versed in the elegant literature of the time, is described as a One that has read Marcus Aure- lius, Gcsta Romanorum, and the Mirrour for Magisirates.»—See, Drake, Shakspeare and His Times, S° edit. p. 34/. 745 MISCELLANEOUS and FUGITIVES PIECES. [By Dr. Samuel Johnson, and others. London: Printedfor T Davies. [1774.] J vols. J2°plain calf *** « His humane forgiving disposition was put to a pretty strong test, by a liberty which Mr. Thomas Davies had taken with him in his absence, which was, to publish two [three] volumes entitled Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, which he advertised in the newspapers, a By the Author of the Rambler.t> In this collection, several of Dr. Johnson's acknowledged writings, several of his anonymous performances, and some which he had written for others, were inserted; but there were also some in which he had no concern whatever He was at first very angry, as he had good reason to be. But, upon consideration of his poor friend's narrow circumstances, and that he had only a little profit in view, and meant no harm, he soon relented and continued his kindness to him as formerly.))— Hoswell's Life of Johnson. 746 iWoiftor (mvitm). Ut lanCjs tt jjfjftonicte —— mu I Itertfmg atr fUuftrftftmum prfncfpem tromtnu St^ Sffmutrtru I arcfjftructm auftrtc tractattts pttlctjerriimtB* | In fine: 3Hjc ttonftatia anno tromtnf. JW^cccc.ljcjrjrfp* tftt ttr= I ctma mentta jjanuarff* | sm. 4" paper covers. 22 leaves, 34 lines to a full page, with 0 curious old wood-cuts. Slightly wormed. RARE. *J)!*An account of these singular female Demons will be found in Colin de Pi.ancy's Diel. Infernal, Tome hi, /. 424-3. See, also, Hain, Repcrtorium Bibliographicum, Vol. 11, Pars, i, p. 437. Panzer, „ 1 /males Typographic/', Vol. iv, /. /O3. Laire, Index Librorum, Pars, ij, /. 13-fO. [Strauss] Monvmenta TyPographica, p. 212. 747 MONTAIGNE. The WORKS of MICHAEL DE MON- = TAIGNE; comprising his ESSAYS, LETTERS, and TOUR through Germany and Italy. With Notes from all the Com- mentators, Biographical and Bibliographical Notices, &c. &c. By William Hazlitt. Fourth Edition. Philadelphia: iSjj. S'° half calf antique, red edges. Portrait. / MORELLI. 147 *oo 748 MONTAIGNE. Works of fttfcfjael tit JttOtttafflne, Com- ~~-~ prising his ESSAYS, JOURNEY into ITALY, and LETTERS, with Notes from all the Commentators, Biographical and Bibliographical Notices, etc. By W. Hazlitt. A New ana Carefully Revised Edition. Edited by O. W. Wight. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press. 1864. 4 vols. S° half morocco, tops gilt, uncut. LARGE PAPER, ONLY 75 COPIES PRINTED. Scarce. *#* a No prose writer of the Sixteenth Century has been so generally read, nor, probably, given so much delight. It is almost impossible to read his Essays without thinking that he speaks to us ; we see his cheerful brow, his sparkling eye, his negligent, but gentlemanly demeanour; we picture him in his arm-chair, with his few books round the room, and Plutarch on the table. His quotations, though they perhaps make more than one-half of his Essaysy seem parts of himself, and are like limbs of his own mind, which could not be separated without laceration.»—Hall am. /vtT749 MONTEIL (AMANS-ALEXIS). Traite de Materiaux Manuscrits de divers genres d'HiSTOiRE. Nouvelle Edition, aug- mented de la Maniere de Consid£rer ce Traite et de s'en servir. Paris: Imprimcrie de E. Duverger. i8j6. 2 vols. 8° half calf, marbled edges. Scarce. / Z.OC 75° MONTESQUIEU. LETTRES PERSANES. Edition STi^RiiOTYPE, d'apres le procede de Firmin Didot. A Paris: de P Imprinter ie et de la fonderie stereotypes de Pierre Didot Paim\ et de Firmin Didot. An XI [1803^] 2 vols. 12" bound in green apeau de vilin.* ONE OF TWO COPIES BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED ON FINE VELLUM. *** a See, [Van Praet,] Catalogue de Livres hnprime's sur I'e'lin, etc., Tome ii, /. 263. /O0 751 MONTGOMERY (ROBERT). Woman, the Angel of Life. A Poem. London: John Turrill. 1833. sm. 8° calf, extra. .So 752 MONTGRAND (Le Comte GODEFROY de). Liste des Gentilshommes de Provence qui ont fait leurs Preuves de No- blesse, pour avoir entree aux Etats tenus a Aix de 1787 a 1789. Publiee pour la premiere fois d'apres les proces-verbaux officiels. Marseille: i860. 8° uncut, a Tire' a petit nombrCb / *• ° 753 MONUMENTA TYPOGRAPHICA,qvae extant in Bibliotheca "~~T~"~ Collegii Canonicorvm Regvlarivm in REBDORF. Collegit, Notis Illvstravit, et Edidit eivsdem Collegii Bibliothecarivs. [Andreas Strauss.'] Eichstadii: mdcclxxxvii. 4° half dark blue morocco, gilt back atid top. Uncut. ,£v 754 MORELLI. OPERETTE di IACOPO MORELLI Bibliote- "—~" cario di S. Marco, ora insieme raccolte con Opuscoli di x\ntichi SCRITTORI. VENEZIA: MDCCCXX. 3 vols. 8° clot A. Portrait. *#+ Vol. 1 contains the«Lettkra Rarissima pi CRISTOFORO COLOMBO Riprodotta E ILLUSTRATA DI MORELLI.* I4S MORGAN. ,/ /'f 755 JWOtalftC Nouuelle du mauuais Riche et du Ladre. A douze perfonnages. [Aix: Auguflin Ponder. f82j.] sm. 8n pp. J2, uncut. *** ONE OF 6 COPIES PRINTED ON BLUE VELLUM PAPER. The entire Edi- tion was striflly limited to by copies. This reprint is an exact imitation, page for page, even including the faults of the original. The curious frontispiece, representing the Leper, was carefully cut on wood, after a tracing, and the block was destroyed. A copy of the original Edition of this very singular Mora lite1 was sold for 20 fr. at the Valliere sale, and in 1834 it was purchased by M. de Soleinne at the enormous sum of 1,860 fr. — G. Brunet. /Si 0a 756 MORE. £&P A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work, of the best state of a public weal, and of the new isle called 2Htopfn; Written in Latin by the Right Worthy and Famous SIR THOMAS MORE, Knight, and translated into English by RAPHE ROBINSON, A.D. 755/. A New Edition; &&P With Copious Notes and a ifffograpln'cal atxTi Utter arg Xutrcrtructfon* By the Rev. T. F. DIBDIN, f.s.a. London: Printed by William Buhner, at the Shakspeare Press, for William Miller, Bookseller and Publisher, and are to be sold at his Shop, in Albennarle-Street. 1808. sm. 4 ° plain calf. Portrait and wood-cuts, with an extra plate 0/ More and his family, in outline. LARGE PAPER, of which only 150 COPIES were printed. The small paper copies do not contain the plate of More and his family. ./^ 757 [MORENI (DOMENICO).] ANNALI della tipografia rrr== FIORENTINI di LORENZO TORRENTINI, Impressore Dvcale. Edizione Scconda. Coretta, e Avmentata. S« half roan. FlRENZE: l8lQ. /./j <J 758 MORERI (Mre LOUIS). Le GRAND DICTIONNAIRE ~= HISTORIQUE, ou le Melange Curieux de 1'Histoire Sacree et Profane, etc. etc. Dix-Huitieme et Demiere Edition, revue, corri- gee & augmentee tres considerablement. Amsterdam: m.dcc.xl. 8vols. fa plain calf. From the Library of SHARON TURNER, with his Book-Plate and Autograph. /<j o 759 MORGAN. Anti-Pcedo-Rantism; or Mr. Samuel Finley's Charitable Plea for the Speechless, Examined and Refuted: The Baptism of Believers Maintain'd; and the Mode of it, by Immersion, Vindicated. By Abel Morgan, at Middletown, in East-Jersey. PHILADELPHIA: Printed by B. FRANKLIN, in Market-Street, m.dcc.xlvii. S° dark blue morocco, extra, crimson edpes. *#* Wight's copy sold (1854) tor $r7.oo. /ZS 760 MORGAN (JAMES APPLETON). Macaronic Poetry. Collected with an Introduction. New York : Hurd &>Houghton. /0° cloth, crimson edges. Presentation copy from the compiler. Ioj2. MUNCHAUSEN. 149 ^;-76i MORHARDO (JOANNE). Tractatus de Miraculis in Creatvris Elvcentibvs, sive Amphitheatrum Sapienti^e Divine, Omnipotent^ Infinite, Bonitatis Inexhaustse, invisibilem Deum Tabella delineans, etc., etc. Argentinae: i6ji. -— TEM- PLVM NATVR^E HISTORICVM Henrici Kornmanni ex Klrchaina Chattorum; in quo de Natvra et Miracvlis qvatvor Elementorum; Ignis, Aeris, Aqv/E Terr^e, ita disseritur, etc. Darmbstadit: curante Ioh. lac. Porssio. a. 1611. ===== Henrici Kornmanni De MIRACVLIS MORTVORVM, Opvs Nowm et Admirandum in decern partes distributum. [s. /.] Typis Ioannis Wolffii: 16 10. 3 vols, in 1 vol. sm. S° half calf. :w-762 MORLEY (HENRY). The Life of Girolamo Cardano, of Milan, Physician. London: Chapman and Hall, mdcccliv. 2 vols. sm. S° cloth. Uncut. / ^7^763 MORLEY (HENRY). The Life of HENRY CORNELIUS '~~~~ AGRIPPA VON NETTESHEIM, Doctor and Knight, commonly known as a Magician. London: Chapman and Hall, mdccclvi. 2 vols. S7ii. S° half vellum. oS.tf 764 MORLEY (HENRY). Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. With numerous Facsimile drawings, engraved upon wood by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Chapman and Hall. 1859. S« cloth. tafo 765 [MOTTELEY.] Catalogue d'ANCiENS Livres et Manuscrits "de la Bibliotheque de M * * * *, [Mottelev] compost en Partie d'Ouvrages Rares et Singuliers, suivis d'une Collection tres conside- rable D'ELZEVIRS et d'EoinoNS Hollandaises et Belges de - format petit in-120 ainsi que d'Autographes precieux. Paris: Sil;>est7r. 1844. S* uncut. Scarce. *** The second part of this interesting catalogue comprises 905 choice Elzevir Editions in 120 arranged in alphabetical order. / &J~ 766 MUNCHAUSEN. The Surprising Travels and Adventures ~-^-~ of BARON MUNCHAUSEN, etc. etc. A Voyage into the Moon and Dog Star; with many Extraordinary particulars relative to the Cooking Animals in those Planets, which are there called the Human Species. London: Published for the Booksellers, [n. d.] 12° cloth. For trait and 22 plates. *** It is now quite clearly settled, that Rudolph Erich Raspe and Gottfried August Burger, the poet, were the authors of this famous book. The whole question of its authorship will be found carefully discussed (by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie?) in Allidonk's Dicl. 0/Authors, art. Raspf. 150 MVRR. /Sc 767 MVNDVS I alter et idem. | sive | Terra Auflralis antehac fem- I per incognita; longis itineribus peregri- | ni Academici nuperrime luflrata. | Authore MERCVRIO BRITANNICO. | \Bp. J. Hall.] Acceflit propter affinitatem materia^ | Thom/E CampanelljE, | Civitas Solis. I et NOVA ATLANTIS. | Franc. Baconis. | Bar. de Verulamio. | VLTRAIECTI, | apud Joannem a Waesberge. Anno cId Io c xliii. sm. 12° boards, ivith engraved frontispiece and maps. *** 4 I can only produce two books by English authors in this first part of the 17th century which fall properly under the class of novels or romances ; and of these one is written in Latin. This is the Mvndvs Alter et Idem of Bishop Hall, an imitation of the latter volumes of Rabelais. A country in Terra Australis is divided into four regions, Crapulia, Viraginia, Moronea and Lavernia. Maps of the whole land and of particular regions are given; and the nature of the satire may be easily collected.!)—Hallam. a In his idea of a perfect: Commonwealth, to which Campanella gives the name of « Civitas Solis, d the impurity of his imagination, and the unsoundness of his judgment, are equally conspicuous. He recommends, under certain regulations, a community of women, and in everything connected with procreation, lays great stress on the opinion of astrologers.» —Prof. Dugald Stewart. BACON'S Nova Atlantis is a romance somewhat after the manner of More's Utopia, the design being to describe a College fully equipped for the study of Nature on the Inductive Method—and is important as having suggested, it is said, the formation of the Royal Society. >v: #0 768 MUSEUM of PAINTING and SCULPTURE, or Collection rrrr^~1 of the Principal Pictures, Statues and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe. Drawn and Etched hy R£veil, with Descriptive, Critical and Historical Notices in English and French by Duchesne Senior. Paris and London: 1828-34. 17 vols. 12° half morocco, UNCUT. With 1,100 Outline Plates. *** The Seventeenth Volume, which contains the Loggios of Raphael, is not often found with the work. ^S 769 MVRR (CHRISTOPHORI THEOPHILI de). Memorabilia Bibliothecarvm Pvblicarvm Norimbergensivm et Vniversitatis Altdorfinae. Pars I. Cvm VIII Tabvlis aeneis. = Pars II. Cvm XIV Tabvlis aeneis. = Pars III. Cvm II Tabvlis aeneis. Com- plete. Norimbergae: 1786-1788-1701. 3 Parts S° boards. *** This Catalogue is very rare and is seldom to be obtained complete. It is illustrated with 24 plates, comprising facsimiles of MSS. and early printed books; together with facsi- miles of the Autographs of Cardinal Bessarion, Johannes Muller (or Regiomontanus) the celebrated Mathematician. Da;> /f 11* 772 773 /. £" S 7 74 //: ADAL. CEuvres Melees de Monsieur 1'Abbe Nadal, de 1'Academic des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres. Paris: chez Briasson. m .DCc. xxxvi 11. J vo/s. 12 ° calf. ''This edition contains Abbe Nadal's Histoirc des ['estates and Traits du Luxe des Romaincs. NAGEL (GUSTAVUS). Treatise on the Pronunciation of the German Language, adopted for the use of Beginners, and for Students who require only to rectify their Pronunciation. i2° doth. London: D. Nutt. 1S41. NAMUR (P.) BIBLIOGRAPHIE des OUVRAGES publies sous le NOM D'ANA; accompagnee de Notes Critiques, Histo- RIQUES et LlTTERAlRES. Sn paper covers, uncut. BrUXELLES: l8jp. NAMUR (JEAN PIE). Histoire des Bibliotheques Publi- ques de la Belgique. Bruxelles: F. Parent. 1840-2. J vols. S° An//" morocco, tops g~ilt. Contents: Tome i. Bibliotheques de Bruxelles. Tome 11. Bibliotheque de Louvain. Tome mi. Bibliotheque de Liege. NASSAU. CATALOGUE of the CHOICE, CURIOUS, and = EXTENSIVE LIBRARY of the late GEORGE NASSAU, Esq., comprising a most Brilliant Assemblage of Old English Litera- ture, Rare Tracts, &c, &c. Sold by auction by Mr. [R. H.] Evans. London: 1824. 2 Parts /// / vol. S° half morocco, uncut. Ruled in red lines ,\\d NEATLY PRICED. Scarce. 775 NAVDE. INSTRVCTION a la FRANCE svr la VERITE de = l'HISTOIRE des FRERES de la ROZE-CROIX. Par G. Navde, Pari fieri. Paris: chez Francois Ivlliot, an troijiefme pillier de la grand'Salle du Palais. M.DC.xxm. .S-o calf. rare. *** a Cet ouvragc est tres-curieux; on y voit un derail exact: de tout ce qui regarde les pr^- tendus Frercs dc la Ro/e-Croix, que Naudk fait voir n'etre que des icnposteurs.D— See, Niceron, AUmoires des Homines Illustres, Tome IX, /. S4. Freytag, Analecla Litteraria, p. O27. Vogt, Catalogs Lilrrorvm Rariorvm, edit. IJQJ, p. 0/J. '776 NAVDE. APOLOGIE povr tovs les Grands Personnages qui ont elle faulTement lbupconnez de MAGIE. Par G. Navde, Pari/. A Paris: chez Francois Tirrga, etc. m.dc.xxv. .V* calf. *** FIRST EDITION of this remarkable work. I52 NAVDE. J'6' r?L NAVDI- ADDITION a l'HISTOIRE de LOWS XL Contenant plufieurs Recherches curieufes fur diuerfes matieres. Par Gabr. Navde P. Paris: Chez Francois Targa. m.dc.xxx. sm. S° half calf, red edges. With the book-plate of the notorious W. H. Ireland, occr 77S NAVD&. La BIBLIOGRAPHIE Politiqve dv S: Navde. Contenant les /litres 6° la methode neceffaires a ejludier la Politique. Auec vne Lettre de Monfieur Grotius, & une autre de fieur Hanil fur le mefme fujet. Le tout traduit du Latin en Francois. [Par Charles Challine.] Paris: ehez la vefue de Gvillavme Peld. sm. S° vellum. Rare and curious. M.DC.XLII. ,<f'c 779 NAVDE. ADVIS | pour Dresser | vne | BIBLIOTHEQVE. | Prefeiite1a Motifeigneur le Prcfident \ de Mesme. | Par G. Navde P. | Secotide Edition reueite corrige'e | 6° augmentee. | Paris : | ehez Rolet Le Dvc, rue \ S. Jacques, pres la Pojle. | m.dc.xliv. sm. S° plain calf red edges. Rare. *** « A very rare and curious treatise, which is highly and deservedly esteemed; the Second Edition of it is the best. Although this little but valuable treatise contains many things which have been better treated by later writers, yet it is well deserving the Bibliographer's notice, when he can meet with it. Naude offers various considerations on the number, choice and condition of the books to be deposited in a library,—the place and order in which they should be arranged,—the ornaments which should be given them, and the chief design of a Library.»—Horne. ^C 780 NAVD.EI Parisini (GABRIELIS). UENTA^ Quaeflionum ==== Iatro-philologicarum. I. An magnum homini a venenis periculum? II. An vita hominum hodie quam olini breuior? III. An matutina Jludia vefpertinis falubriora? IV. An lie eat Medico fallere agrotum? V. De fato &> fatali vitce termino. Genev/e: Apud Samuelem Chouet. sm.6'°calf M.DC.XLVII. *** The Third Dissertation, <i Whether it is more healthful to study in the morning or in the eveningf'» contains much curious information regarding the practice and experience of distinguished scholars. ,c- 781 [NAVDl] IVGEMENT | de Tovt | CE QVI A EST& IMPRIM6 I contre I le Cardinal Mazarin, | Depuis le fixieme Ianuier, iufques a la | Declaration du premier Auril mil | fix cens quarante neuf. | [Par Gabriel Naude, Parifien.] [s. I. eta.) [Paris: 1650.] V° //. 492, old red morocco, gilt leaves. FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. *** « Cet ouvrage, qui a toujours cfte* recherche* par les curieux, est connu plus commun^- ment sous le nom de Mascurat de Naude parcequ'il est fait par forme de Dialogue entre un Libraire nommd Saint-Ange, et un imprimeur appelle* Mascurat. On prdtend que Naude s'y est cache* lui-meme sous le nom de Saint-Ange, arm de parler avec plus de liberty, et de faire plus surement pour lui l'apologie d'un Ministre [Card. Mazarin) qui dtoit pour lors univer- sellement d£teste\ et dont 11 etoit le Bibliothe'caire. On croil mime que Vimpression en a dtc faite au.t ddpens de ce Ministre^ et qit'll nen a die" re"pandu qu1 unpetit nornbre d1 e.vemplaires. Q/uoi qu'il en soit, ce Livre a conserve* toute sa reputation, et il est rempli d'une Erudition si agr^able sur toutes sortes de sujets, qu'il y a lieu de croire qu'il se soutiendra toujours.»— De Bure. « Scriptum hoc inter rariora primi ordinis prim urn facile occupat locum, t—Vogt. NAUD/EANA. 153 ycc 782 [NAVDl] IVGEMENT I de tovt I CE QVI A ESTE IMPRIM]^ I contre I le Cardinal Mazarin, | Depuis le fixieme Ianuier, iufques a la | Declaration du premier Auril mil | fix cens quarante-neuf. | [Par Gabriel Navde, Pari/len.] [jr. /. et a.] [Paris: m.dc.l.] 4» pp. 718, old red morocco, gilt leaves. Second Edition. LARGE PAPER. VERY RARE. *** a The much-hated Mazarin returned cooly to Paris, for the second time, and by way of finally crushing a pamphleteering and journalistic committee which had worked for a long while under Cardinal de Retz's orders, he caused a mighty volume of 700 quarto pages in his defence to be distributed about Paris, as we now spread tracts. It had been written in 1649, by a certain (!j Gabriel Naude, and is now known as the Mascurat, though its real title was Ivgement de tovt re qvi a estd imprimd contre le Cardinal Mazarin, &c. In it a printer [Cam us at] called Mascurat, holds a dialogue with a vendor of Mazarinades (anti- Mazarin pamphlets), Saint-Ange, [i. e. Naude] and the two pass in review every book published against the Cardinal, touching as they do on all the topics and people of the day. The whole thing is in the style of the Satyre Menippde, and is uncommonly brilliant and clever. Indeed, the late novelist, Charles Nodier, had so high an opinion of the book, that he treated it as Lord Lytton did Gil Bias, and made a point of re-reading it once at least every year, alleging that no work gives a better insight into the Manners, Institutions, Politics, and Language of the times. The fact is, Mascurat is very exhaustive; it leaves no question un- touched, and the anti-Mazarinists must well have found it a heavy shot to bear up against. In truth, however, they made no effort to bear up, but collapsed. The laugh was against them, the wily Italian had conquered by pen as well as by state-craft.&—Cornhill Magazine, /Syj. A yd" 783 NAVDE. The HISTORY of MAGICK by way of APOLOGY, for all the Wise Men who have unjuflly been reputed Magicians, from the Creation to the prefent Age. Written in French, by G. Naudeus, Late Library-Keeper to Cardinal Mazarin. English'd by J. Da vies. London: Printed for John St r eater, and are to be fold by the Book- so diamond calf. felkrS of London. l6j/. *** A work of extraordinary learning and research. See, Colin de Plancy, Diet. Infernal, Tome iv, p. ij2. ,doT~>lcl<\ NAVDl Gabrielis Navd.ei TVMVLUS, compleclens == Elogia, Epitaphia, Carmina turn Latina, turn Gallica variorum CI. Virorum, cura & labore R. P. Lvd. Iacob Cabilouenfis, collecrus. Hide accefftt Catalogus omnium Operum ejufdem Navdaei. Parisiis: E Typographia Clavdii Cramoisy. m.dc.lix. sm. 40 calf, from the library of John M it ford, with his autograph. tQ/o 785 NAUDE. CONSIDERATIONS POLITIQUES sur les "^^ COUPS D'ESTAT. Par Gabriel Naude, Parifien. Sur la Copie de Rome. [Hollande: Elza'ir.] m.dclxvii. sm 12° h a If r oa n. *** An excellent notice of this remarkable book will be found in Nodier's, Melanges Tires d'une Petite Bibliotheque, p. /oj. "786 NAUDiEANA et PATINIANA, ou Singularitez Remar- quables, prises des Conversations des Mess. Naude &: Patin. Secondc Edition revue, corrigee et augmentee d'ADDiTiONS au NAUD/EANA qui ne font point dans l'Edition de Paris. [Par Ant. Lancelot et publiee par Pierre Bayle?\ Amsterdam: Chez Francois vander Plaats. m.dcciii. 12° boards. Portraits of Naude" and Patin, J2 154 N]^E de la rochelle. . r 787 NAUD&. APOLOGIE pour les GRANDS HOMMES foup- "~ eonnez de MAGIE. Par G. N audk, Farisien. Derniere Edition ou l'onaajoute quelques remarques. Amsterdam: chez Pierre Humbert, sm.S* vellum, engraved frontispiece. Fine copy. M.DCCXII. -^788 NAVDE (GABRIEL). SCIENCE des PRINCES, ou Consi- ""derations Politiques sur les COUPS D'ETAT. Avec les Reflexions Historiques, Morales, Chr£tiennes, et Politiques de L. D. M. [Louis du May.] Paris: Imprint-fas Fan m.dcc.lii. 4 vols. J2° calf, red edges. jc 789 NAUMANN. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum qui in ~~ Bibliotheca Senatoria Civitatis Lipsiensis asservantur. Edidit A. G. R. Naumann, etc. etc. Grtmae: mdcccxxxviii. 4° boards, uncut. With Jj Lithographic Facsimiles. c\. 790 NAUMANN. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTH&QUE de feu ~~ Mr. AUGUSTE CONST. NAUMANN Mathematiques— Astronomie—Chronologie—Geographie Ancienne et du Moyen Age — Voyages — Livres Rares sur 1'Am^rique—Musique— Auteurs Grecs et Latins, ^. Paris: Edwin Tross. ic?J4. 4° boards, uncut, ivith 4 plates of facsimiles. One of Six Copies printed on <LPapier de Hollander Neatly priced. / 00 791 NAVSEAE Blancicampiani (FREDERICI). Libri Mirabilium Septem. Colonic: Apud Pctruni Quentell. Anno mdxxxii. sm. 40 boards, ivith singular wood-cuts. From the Heber collection. / 7 if 792 NEANDRVM (IOHANNEM). Tabacologia: hoc est, TAB AC I, sen Nicotianae descriptio Medico-Cheirurgico-Pharmaceutica. Lvgdvni-Batavorum: Ex officind Isaaci Elzeviri. cI3. 13. cxx11. sm. 4° boards. 793 NEAULME (JEAN). CATALOGUE d'une Belle COL- ~~ LECTION de LIVRES et d'ESTAMPES, propre a former une BIBLIOTHfeQUE. Berlin: chez J. Neaulme. mdcclv. sm. 8° calf, gilt edges. ££' 794 NEAULME (JEAN). Catalogue d'une Nombreuse Collec- tion de Livres en tout genre, Rares et Curieux, propres a satisfaire les Amateurs et a fournir une partie de ce qui manque aux Grandes Bibliotheques. Amsterdam & Berlin: mdcclxiii. j vols, in 3 vols. 8° boards. '*■** « Dans ce Catalogue, riche en beaux et bons Livres de tous genres, chaque article porte un prix, en florins de Hollander—Peignot. < j 795 NEE DE LA ROCHELLE (J. F.) &LOGE HISTORIQUE '/ —-■ de JEAN GENSFLEISCH dit GUTTENBERG, Premier In- venteuk de 1'Art Typographique A Mayence. Paris: Chez D. Colas. 1811. 8° mottled calf. k- NICETAE ACOMINATI. 155 Coo 796 NEWS from the DEAD; or, The Monthly Packet of True Intelligence from the Other World. Written by Mercury. Second Edition. London: Printed, and Sold by J. Moi-phew near Stationers- Hall. 1719. 7 Parts in / vol. Sn calf. Rare and curious. *** See, [Burn's] Catalogue of Early Newspapers and Essayists, presented to the Bodleian Library by Rev. F. IV. Hope, p. 8b. j/00 797 Niatif s* IBpiftolt lottfliores J«a= | fltttrt —~ ]|ault Nfabfs | cum 35pfftoIe fireues- | [s. i. a. et typ. n.] [Sed Lipsiae, Conr. Kachelofen circa. 1494.] sm. 4 ° paper cover, 22 leaves, 34 lines to a full page. Pine clean copy. VERY RARE. *$* See, Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicitm, Vol. ii, Pars, r, p. 4S4. Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. iv, /. ibb. ^<D 798 [NICERON.] MEMOIRES pour servir a l'HISTOIRE des HOMMES ILLUSTRES dans la R£publique des Lettres, avec un Catalogue Raisonne" de leurs Ouvrages. Paris: 1729-45. 43 vols. /»" plain calf. *** a It is quite delightful to read the account, in the Did. Hist., published at Caen, 1789, (Vol. vi, p. 475) of Jean Pierre Niceron; whose whole life seems to have been devoted to Bibliography and Literary History. Prank, amiable, industrious, communicative, shrewd, and learned—Niceron was the delight of his friends, and the admiration of the public It remains only to entreat the Young Collector to consider these Mt'moires as among the absolutely foundation stones of a well-chosen Library. A good copy of it will produce £6. 16s. 6d. You cannot fail to consult Niceron but with advantages.t>—See, Dibdin's Biblio- mania and Library Companion, p. S47- //.. a • 799 NICE TA E A CO All N A TI \ Chroniahe, Magni LogothcUv. Secreto- \ rum, Infpecloris 6^ I it diris, Veil, Prc?fecli facri \ cubiculi: LXXXVI annorum hiftoria, uidelicit ab | anno rellitutce Salutis circiter MCXVII, in quo | Zonaris defmit, ufque ad annum MCCIII, Libris | XIX defcripta, quorum hie ordo eft : | I. Liber de rebus geftis Ioannis Comneni, Alexij filij, quern uulgd Caloioan- | nem uocant. | VII. Libri de rebus geftis Manuelis Comneni, filij Ioannis. | I. Liber de Alexio Porphyrogenito, Manuelis Comneni filio. | II. Libri de rebus geftis Andronici Comneni. | III. Libri de Imperio Ifaacij Angeli Comneni. | III. Libri de Imperio Alexij Angeli Comneni, poll fratrem Ifaacium cecatum | & eiectum. | I. Liber de Ifaacio, & filio eius Alexio, poll recuperatum, Germa- norum & | Venetorum ope, Imperium: in quo etiam de Alexio Duca cognomento | Murzurlo, feu fuperciliofo, & confuiione flatus publici, & Conftantino- | politano excidio agitur. | I. Liber initijs Imperij Balduini & Herrici fratrum, Flandria: Comitum. Opus leflu iucundu £r* utile, nunc prim it in liberal it ate (?) Afagnijici Generofi uiri D. An | tonii Fvggeri, &>c. Cefareie maiestati a con- 156 NEGRONI. fdijs, &*c. Greece Latineg? editum, \ cum Indicc copiofo Latino rerum, & Grceco uerborum 6° phrafium aliquot: una \ cum uarijs Icclionibus, ex trium codicum laboriofa infer fefe \ collatione. | HIERONYMO V V O L FIO Oetingenfi interprete. | B A S IL E A E: Apud Joannem Oporinum, I dibits \ Augufti, Anno 1557. f° old calf. EDITIO PRINCEPS. Rare. *** « The disorders of the sack of Constantinople, and his own adventures, are feeliDgly described by Nicetas.d See, Gibbon's curious extracts from this work, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chap, lx, passim. a In the common editions, some passages, which are highly curious, are uniformly omitted.D—Bekincton, Literary History of the Middle Ages, 40 f>, bio. \tTc 800 NICHOLS (JOHN). LITERARY ANECDOTES of the —~ EIGHTEENTH CENTURY; comprizing (sic) ifltOflrapfjfcal JttentOtrS of WILLIAM BOWYER, Printer, f.s.a. and many of his Learned Friends; an Incidental View of the Progress and Advancement of Literature in this Kingdom during the Last Century; and BIOGRAPHICAL ANECDOTES of a Considerable Number of Eminent Writers and Ingenious Artists, with a very Copious Index. London: 1812-1815—g vols. - ILLUSTRATIONS of the LITERARY HISTORY of the EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Consisting of &Uti)CTXttC ittemofrs auK ©rfflfual ILettirg of Eminent Persons; and intended as a Sequel to &\)t ILitttaVV &lUCttOte0. To which are Appended ADDITIONS to the Literary Anecdotes and Lite- rary Illustrations. By JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS, f.s.a. London: 1817-1858—8 vols. Together 77 vols. S° plain brown calf, marbled edges. Numerous portraits. ■;>.. 801 NICHOLSON (JAMES B.) A MANUAL of the Art of BOOKBINDING. Containing full Instructions in the Different Branches of Forwarding, Gilding, and Finishing. Also the Art of Marbling Book-Edges and Paper. The whole designed for the Practical Workman, the Amateur, and the Book- Collector. Philadelphia: 1856. 12° cloth, with illustrations. SCARCE. ,/S~ 802 NICOLL. CATALOGUE of the Entire ORIENTAL, and —=-' CLASSICAL and BIBLICAL LIBRARY of the Late Rev. Alexander Nicoll, ll.d., Regius Professor of Hebrew in the Uni- versity of Oxford. Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby and Son. $<> half ca/f. London: 1829. .;■■■ C 803 NIGRONI (IVLI). De CALIGA VETERVM DilTertatio fubfe- "" civa. Editio noviffima auc7a,emendata. Amstelodami: do Ioc lxvii. B. BALDUINUS De CALCEO ANTIQUO. Amstelodami: i66y. 2 vols, in 1 vol. fS" half calf. With curious plates of ancient SHOES and SANDALS. Scarce. NODIER. 157 of..-<L^TSo4 NISARD (CHARLES). Les Gladiateurs de la Republique — des Lettres aux xve, xvie et xvne Siecles. Paris: Michel Levy Freres. i860, 2 vols, in I vol. S° half morocco, top gilt, uncut. Presentation Copy from the author to M. Ch. Magnin. *** This exceedingly curious and interesting work contains a detailed account of the rancorous literary quarrels of Francesco Fjlelfo—Poggio Bracciolini—Laurentius Valla- Julius Caesar Scaliger—Gaspar Sciui-'N us—Era N501S Garasse, etc., "with entertaining extracts from their works. /.cc 805 NISARD (CHARLES). CURIOSITES de l'ETYMOLOGIE "" FRANQAISE, avec 1'Explication de qnelques Proverbes et Dictons Populaires. Paris: L. Haehette et Cie. 1863. /2° uncut. /.//-■" 806 NISARD (CHARLES). Histoire des Livres Populaires, ou de la Literature du Colportage depuis l'origine de lTmpri- merie jusqua l'Etablissement de la Commission d'Examen des Livres du Colportage | 30 Novembre 1852. Deuxihne Edition, revue, cor- rig6e avec soin et considerablement augmentee. Paris: E. Dentu. 2 vols. 12° uncut. With numerous curious wood-cut illustrations. IoUJ/.. ^J$ 807 NODIER (CHARLES). QUESTIONS de LITERATURE LEGALE. Du Plagiat; De La Supposition d'Auteurs; Des Supercheries qui ont Rapport aux Livres. Sccomie Edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee. Paris: Crapelct. $* half morocco, uncut. Very scarce. MDCCCXVIII. A So 808 NODIER (CHARLES). MELANGES de LITTERATURE "~ et de CRITIQUE. Mis en ordre et publics par Alexandre Barginet, de Grenoble. Paris: chcz Raymond. 1820. 2 vols. S° half calf, marbled edges. Rare. 4/yJ 809 NODIER (CHARLES). Melanges tires d'une Petite Biblio- theque, ou Variktes Litteraires et Philosophiques. S» half morocco. PARIS: l82Q. *** An exceedingly entertaining" series of Bibliographical Essays on Rare and Curious Books, including Nodier's famous T/u'orie des Editions Eizeviriennes, avec tons les rciseigne- ments nc'cessaires pour les discerner. y[£o 810 NODIER (CHARLES). Histoire du Rot de Boheme et de ses Sept Chateaux. Paris: Del angle Freres. mdcccxxx. S° half calf, marbled edges. With jo 7'igneftes e'{graved on jvood by Porret from, designs by Tony Joha n not. ,<J"c> 811 NODIER (M. CH.) Des Materiaux dont Rabelais s'est servi pour la Composition de son Ouvrage. Paris: Teehener. i8j$. S« paper, pp. 14. //V 812 NODIER (M. CH.) BONAVENTURE DESPERIERS; Ci- '~ rano de Bergerac. Paris: /. Teehener. 1841. $" half calf . Large Paper, only a few copies printed. 158 NOSTRADAMUS. /; 7 _Si3_ NODIER. FRANCISCUS COLUMNA, Derniere Nouvelle de Charles Nodier, precedee d'une Notice par Jules Janin. /20 half morocco, toj> gilt. Uncut. PARIS: 1844. /,So jh£ NOEL (F.) DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE des Person- nages C^lebres de 1'Antiquite, Princes, G£neraux, Philo- sophes, Poetes, Artistes, etc.; avec 1'£tymologie et la Valeur de leurs Noms et Surnoms; precede d'un ESSAI sur les NOMS PROPRES chez les PEUPLES ANCIENS et MODERNES. Seconde Edition, Revue, Corrig^e et Augmentee. Paris: Chez Le Normant Pere. mdcccxxiv. 8° calf marble edges. Scarce. *#* This learned work contains an important a Notice Analytique des Auteurs qui ont e'er it sur les jVoms Pr^pres.i /.So 815 NOEL. CATALOGUE RAISONN& des Collections Lor- raines ( Livres, Manuscrits, Tableaux, Gravures, etc.) de M. F. J.-Bte Noel. Nancy: chez VAutenr. 1850-1851. 2 vols. SQ half morocco, tops gilt, uncut. Portrait. :\ 0 j 816 NORTH. CATALOGUE of the CURIOUS and EXTENSIVE LIBRARY of the late John North, Esq., containing a Brilliant Assemblage of Rare, Curious, and Splendid Books, and Books of Prints, principally on Large Paper, and in Splendid Bindings. Sold by Auction by Mr. [R. H.] Evans. London: i8iq. 3 Parts in i vol. S° half morocco, uncut. Ruled in red lines and NEATLY PRICED. *** Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, 3 vols. LARGE PAPER, in Sheets, with the Original Drawings, Proofs, and Variations of the Plates, purchased from Dibdin, produced £136.10^. See, hart hi, N°S04. :/J 817 NORTHERN (The) ELECTION; or Nest of Beasts. A Drama in Six Acts. Now in Rehearsal near Mittaw, in Courland, under the Inspection of the Author, a Russian Poet, etc. - CRY ALOUD and Spare Not; or, Plain Useful Facts and Remarks, addressed to all Well-wishers to Liberty and Old England, etc., etc. London : Printed for IF. Webb, mdccxlix. S° half calf, with large folding plate. *** A dreary mass of political twaddle. ^/ u 0 818 NOSTRADAMUS. The True PROPHECIES or PROGNOS- "=— TICATIONS of MICHAEL NOSTRADAMUS, Physician to Henry II, Francis II and Charles IX, Kings of France, and one of the beft Astronomers that ever were. A Work full of Curiosity and Learning. Tranflated and Commented by Theo- philus de Garencieres, Doctor in Phyfick Colleg. Lond. London: Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, and Nathaniel Thompfon, etc.% etc. i6j2. f° calf, with frontispiece, containing portraits t>y Nostradamus, the translator, Theo- t'HiLUS de Garencieres, and Nathaniel Parker, of Cray's Inn. Pine copy of this curious book. NYERUP OG KRAFT. 159 /uu 819 NOTES on NOSES. [By George /abet.} With Illustrations. London: Richard Bcntley. 1852. /2° boards. Uncut. cC.Oo 820 NOTICE BIOGRAPHIQUE et BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE sur Gabriel Peignot. Par P. D. [Pierre Descha/nps.] Paris: chez J. Techener. 1857. S° calf^ top gilt, uncut. Scarce. .ofb 821 NOUVEAU SISTEME BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE, mis en usage pour la connaissance des ENCICLOP&DIES, en quelque Langue qu'elles soient ecrites. [Par le Marquis Fortia d' Urban[\ Paris: Lnip rim/ chez Lcbeguc, rue des Rats, n" 14, pres la place Maubert. 1821. 12° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. <J u 0 822 NOVA LIBROROVM RARIORUM Conlectio qvi vel integri inservntvr vel adevrate recensentvr. [Edentibus Hier. Aug. Gros- chupfio et Gotfriedo Tilgneroi] Halis-Magdebvrg: do Id ccviii—mdccxvi. 5 Parts in i vol. stn. S" boards. *** This volume contains a reprint of Fr. Sacchim's rare treatise De Rat tone Libros Legendt\ and Chifflet's curious Dissertation concerning & Pope Joan,T> with & cut of the famous per/orated chair. /.y6" 823 NUITS (Les) D'EPREUVE des Villageoises Allemandes avant Mariage. Dissertation sur un Usage Singulier. Traduite de 1'Allemand et accompagnee de Notes et d'une Postface, par Un Bibliophile. [Gustave Brunei.] Paris: chez Jules Gay. 1861. /S° uncut. Only ioq Copies printed. 3,ou 824 NYERUP og KRAFT. Almindeligt LITTERATUR LEXICON for Danmark, Norge, og Island; eller Fortegnelse over danske, norske, og islandske, saavel afdode som nu levende Forfattere, med Anforelse af deres vigtigste Levnets-Omstaendigheder og Liste over deres Skrifter, ved R. Nyerup og J. E. Kraft. [ Universal Literary Lexicon of Denmark, Norway and Lceland, giving an account of the Authors and their IVorks, with the Dates and Particulars of Editions.] Kjobenhavn: 1820. 2 Parts in i vol. 40 half calj', uncut, with the Book-plate 0/ Henry Thomas Buckle. Very scarce. BSOPOEVS (VINC.) De ARTE BIBENDI Lib. Qvatvor, et [Matt. Delii] ARTE JOCANDI Lib. Qvatvor, Acccdunt Artis Amandi, Dansandi Prac- tica; //<-/;/ MERETRICVM FIDES: aliaque FACETA. Lvgd. Batav.: do Id cxlviii. sin. /_■"■' plain calf. *#* a Volume qui parait avoir dtc impr. par les Mackcs, et qui, a cause de sa belle execu- tion, est digne d'etre admis clans la collection Elzevirienne. II se compose de 3 Part: la premiere, sous le titre ci-dessus, a 4 ff. prelim., y compris le titre, en rouge et noir, et /JSpp.; la secon.dc I 'ariorum . I uclorum Praclica A rtis A mandi el Dcclamationes Phiuppi Beroaldi.) 100 pp., dans la troisieme partie (Anto.nius de Arena ad suos Compaguoncs, etc.) la pagi- nation continue celle de la seconde jusqu'a 2S0, y compris le titre.» — Brunet. cj Lescuricux recherchent Tedition de Leyde, 1648; petit \n-i2f\ parce c/u'clle est fort jolie.t> —Biograph le Univcrselle. S26 ODALISQUE (L'). Ouvrage et Comique, traduit du Turc par un Membre Extraordinaire de la joyeuse Faculte Phallo- coiro pygo-Glottonomique. Constantinople: ijgy\ J2" uncut. 827 [OGIER.] IVGEMENT et CENSVRE dv LIVRE de la « Doctrine Cvricvsc » de Francois Garaffe. [Par Francois Ogier, Prieur Commandataire de Chomeil.] Paris: m.dc.xxiii. S° vellum. Rake. *** A good notice of the scurrilous blackguard Pi-:re Garasse, will be found in Niceron, Me1 mo ires des Homines Must res, Tome xxxi, /. 37S et scq. 828 [OLDVS (WILLIAM).J The British Librarian: Exhibiting a Compendious Review or Abstract of our mofl Scarce, Useful, and Valuable Books, in all Sciences, as well in Manuscript as in Print: with many Characters, Historical and Critical, of the Authors, their Antagonists, &c, in a manner never before attempted, and Useful to all Readers. London: Printed for Thomas Of bar tie, in Gray's-1 tin. M.dcc.xxxviii. cV" half vellum. Uncut. ■''** a Oedy.s' British Lil>ruri,i.n was published in six numbers, during the first six months of the year 1737; forming", with the Index, an octavo volume of 402 pages. It is difficult to say, from the conclusion ('/. 373-4 ], whether the work was dropped for want of encourage- ment, or from the capriciousness or indolence of the author Meanwhile, the reader is informed that the British Librarian is a work of no common occurrence or mean value. It is rigidly correct in bibliographical information. I once sent three guineas to procure a copy.* —DlBDIN. The following ingenious anagram was found in one of Oldys' manuscripts: « In word and WILL I AM a friend to you, And one friend OLD IS worth a hundred new.» OSMONT. l6l \ £ 0 829 ORBIS HABITABILIS, OPPIDA et VESTITUS. = Amstelodami: Apud Carolum Allard. [s.a.] f° plain calf, 158 folding plates, colored. *#* This volume contains a curious old view of aNieu Amsterdam, at Neiu Yorckjt and an early view of « St. Francisco.t> /«f"830 ORIGINE (L') des C* ** Sauvages et Europeans, avec la maniere de les apprivoifer, et le moyen de predire toutes chofes a avenir par iceux. A Constantinople: ijoo. iS° uncut. ,cu 831 [ORLANDL] ORIGINE e PROGRESSI della STAMPA, o sia dell' Arte Impressoria e Notizie dell' Opere Stampate dall' Anno m.CCCC.lvii. sino all' Anno m.d. [Da Frate Pellegrino Antonio Orlandi.] In Bologna: ij22. 40 half calf. With plates of Printer s Marks. *** a This work, whose value is well-known to all Bibliographers, is now becoming very scarce. It contains a number of curious Disquisitions relative to early printing.»—Horne. aCet ouvrage doit presque ne'cessairement etre annexe* a celui de Maittaire a cause de plusieurs notices et recherches, qui le rendent fort curieux et intdressant.D—Biol. Crevcnna, Vol. v, p. 2S6-7. ■J.c'c 832 ORME (WILLIAM). BIBLIOTHECA BIBLICA: A Select ■- ■- List of Books on Sacred Literature; with Notices, BIO- GRAPHICAL, CRITICAL, and BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. Edinburgh: m.dccc.xxiv. S° boards. Uncut. 4^ ° %33 ORPHEUS BRITANNICUS; or, the Gentleman and Lady's ~" "Museum: consisting of One Hundred favourite SONGS, compiled from the most approved Vocal Performances at the Theatres Vaux- hall, Mary-bone Gardens, Sadlers-Wells, or any other polite places of public Entertainm! The Whole calculated for the promo- tion of innocent Mirth, and Social Conversation. Each Song set to Mustek 6° embellished with a curious Head-piece (expressive of / Subjecl) design'd & delineated by the late Celebrated Mr. Boitard, and Engraved by Benjamin Cole. London: Printed and Sold by Benj" Cole, m.dcc.lx. S° calf. With IOO fine Engravings of costumes of the time. Rare and Curious. r,4. r 834 [OSBORNE (LAUGHTON).] The Vision of Rubeta, an Epic Story of the Island of Manhattan. With Illustrations, done on Stone. Boston: Weeks, Jordan, and Company, mdcccxxxviii. *y° half red morocco. *** a Decidedly the best Satire ever written in this country.p—Poe. 1 £~L' 835 OSMONT (J. B. L.) Dictionnaire Typographique, Histo- rique et Critique des Livres Rares, Singuliers, Estimes et RecherchilS en tous genres. Paris: chez La-combe, m.dcc.lxviii. 2 vols. S* half calf. *** A scarce work, and for the time when it was published, pretty correct. At the end of Vol. 11, there are Nine Lists of Editions and Collections of works published by various eminent editors.»—Horne. 7' 162 OWEN. 7" 836 OSSIAN. An Original Collection of the POEMS OF 'OSSIAN, Orrann, Ulin, and other Bards, who flourished in the same Age. Collected and Edited by Hugh and John M'Callum. Montrose: Printed for the Editors. 1816. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. , 837^ OTTLEY (WILLIAM YOUNG). An INQUIRY into the —— Origin and Early HISTORY of ENGRAVING, upon Copper and in Wood, with an Account of Engravers and their Works, from the Invention of Chalcography by Maso Finiguerra, to the Time of Marc Antonio Raimondi. London: Printed for John and Arthur Arch. 1816. 2 vols. 40 calf extra, gilt backs and edges. With many finely executed Facsimiles of early engravings. *** See, Bruket's elaborate bibliographical Note on this valuable work. t.fo S^ OTTO (Dr. FRIEDRICH). The History of Russian Lite- rature, with a Lexicon of Russian Authors. Translated from the German by the late George Cox, m.a. Oxford : D. A. Talboys. m.dccc.xxxix. 8° half calf. jo 839 OVIDIUS. Pvb. OVIDII nas. OPERA. Daniel Heinsivs textum recenfuit. Amstelod.: Apud Ioannem Ianfonium. A0 do Ioc xlvii. 3 vols, in 1 vol. 32 ° plain calf. Margins closely cut. rrT== pljofeos ^ I [Libri xv.] In fine: f£ Impreffum Mediolani Ad inflantid dm Nicola i de \ Gorgonzola Anno dni. M.cccccxviij. | f° old calf title-page mutilated and soiled, curious old wood-cuts. £t 841 OWEN. Epigrammatum IOANNIS OWEN Oxoniensis Cambro- Britanni Libri Tres. Editio Quinta. Londini: Ex Officina Nicholai de Que re it bus; sumptibus Scinonis Wat erf on. 1622. 1S0 plain calf. • 'r° 842 h«jy5ia|AGENSTECHERI (J. FR. WILH.) De BARBA, Liber Singularis, quarta vice editus, multo auc~tior & emen- datior. Lemgoviae: Typls Joann. Henrici Mcyeri. 12 » h a If vellu m. J74^- *** A very curious and learned a Dissertation on the Beard.r> J. (J 0 843 PAINE (THOMAS). The CRISIS, a Work written while with the Army of the Revolution, with a View of Stimulating that Patriotic Band to persevere in their Glorious Struggle for the Rights of Man. Granville, Middletown, N. J.: iSjg. S° boards. / 0 o' 844 PALINGENIUS. MARCELLI | PALINGENII Stel- | lati Poctce doclifslmi | Zodiacus vitas | hoc eft, \ De hominis vita, ft-udio, ac mo- I ribus optimc inftituendis, | Libri xii. | *J« Cum indice locu- pletiffimo, I Huic poftrennz cditioni addita \ eft M. Palingenij vita \ [Lvgdvni :] Apud Ioann. Tornaesivm. do Id cvm. 16 ° vellum. *** The initial letters of the first 29 verses of the First Book of this remarkable poem, form the name of the author, Marcellis Pal.ingemus Stellatus, whose real name, in the opinion of several learned bibliographers, was Pier Angela Manzoli. The many sarcasms contained in this poem against the Pope, Cardinals, and Church of Rome, secured it a conspicuous place among the first class of heretical books in the hidejc Librorum Proh ibitorum, and the author's body was exhumed and burned to ashes. Pope is supposed to have made liberal use of this poem in his Essay on Man. See, Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, (Vol. iv, /. jjjy Note A where will be found an account of a work entitled, a Ex- pressions, Similes, and Sentiments in Pai.ingenu'S, translated and improved by Mr. Pule in his Essay on Man.v An interesting and learned Biographical notice of Palingenius, occupy- ing- over Jifteen pages, and a Bibliographical description of Eighteen Editions of his poem, will be found in the Coktona Catalogue, Vol. iv, /. 2$et sea. yS 845 PANCIROLI (GVIDI). Notitia Vtraqve, Dignitatvm, cvm Orientis, tvm Occidentis, vltra Arcadii Honoriiqve Tempora, Commentarivm. Eivsdem Avthorls De Magistratibvs Mvnicipa- libvs Liber. * * * Item hvtc Editionl adivnxtmvs Tractatvm de Rebvs Bellicis, cvm duplici Indices. Lvgdvni: m.dc.viii. f° half morocco, soiled and tvom. With numerous illustrations. Rare. / 164 PAPESSE JEANNE. 346 PANCIROLLUS (GUIDO). The HISTORY of many Memorable THINGS LOST, which were in ufe among the Ancients: and an Account of many excellent Things found, and now in Ufe among the Moderns, both Natural and Artificial. Written Originally in Latin, and now done into Englifh, and illuf- trated with a new Commentary of Choice Remarks, pleafant Relations, and ufeful Discourses, from SALMUTH'S large Anno- tations; with feveral Additions. London: Printed for John Nicholfon in Little-Britain, and fold by John Morphew near Stationers-hall. 1715. 2 vols, in 1 vol. sm. S° plain calf. *** One of the earliest and most curious works on the a Lost Arts.* In Vol. ii will be found an account of the discover}' of America. /o 847 [PANIZZ I (A.)] Bibliographical Notices of some Early Editions of the « Orlando Innamorato j> and « Furioso.d London: Willi a m Pie he ring. 1831. 12° half morocco, gilt leaves. Portrait of Ariosto on India paper. *** a TWENTY-FOUR COPIES only of these notices have been taken off for private distribution, from the Edition of the Orlando Innamorato and Furioso published by Mr. Pickering.d—A. Panizzi. J.SS 848 PANTALEONE. PROSOPO- | GRAPHIAE HE- | ROVM = atqve ILLV- I STRIVM VIRORVM Totivs | GERMANISE. | ....Authore HERINCO PANTALEONE Phyfico Bafdinfi. Basile/E: in Offieina Nieolai Brylingcri. Anno 1565. 2 Parts in i vol. f°plain calf. WITH NUMEROUS WOOD-CUT PORTRAITS. *** a Ouvrage assez recherche, tant a cause des Portraits grave's sur bois qui le ddcorent, que pour les details curieux sur des hommes contemporains de l'auteur. » —Brunei-. a Cet ouvrage est encore aujourd'hui tres estime' a cause des petits portraits gr. sur bois dont il est orne", et pour les notices biograpbiques sur les contemporains de l'auteur. v— Graesse, 1 rdsor de Livres Rares et Prdcieux. / 2 -' 849 PANTOLOGIA. A NEW CYCLOPAEDIA, comprehending a Complete Series of Essays, Treatises, and Systems, Alphabeti- cally Arranged; with a General Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Words: the whole Presenting a Distinct Survey of Human Genius, Learning, and Industry. Illustrated with Elegant En- gravings; those on NATURAL HISTORY being from ORIGINAL DRAWINGS by Edwards and Others, and Beautifully Coloured after Nature. Edited by John Mason Good, f.r.s., Olinthus Gregory, ll.d., and Mr. Newton Bosworth, of Cambridge. 12 vols. S« half calf LONDON: l8lj. 2/26 850 PAPESSE (La) JEANNE. £tude Historique et Litt^raire — par Philomneste Junior. [Guslave Brunei.] Paris: chez Jules Gay. 1862. sm. S° half morocco\ lop gilt, ruled throughout in red lines. Only 54 copies pointed on Holland paper, of which this copy is N" jq. Very scarce, having been suppressed. PARTON. 165 \£tc-o 851 « PAPESS JOANNA:d Iesvitas, | Singvlares S. S. | Ponti- fici/e Maie- I statis hoc tempore vin- | dices, Falso et Frvstra | Negare, PAPAM IOANNEM | VIII fuisse MVLIEREM. | Editio altera non sine auclario. | [s. /.] Anno m.d.xcvii. sm. 40 half morocco. With a curious wood-cut of the Papess in parturition. *** The authorship of this EXCEEDINGLY RARE Dissertation is attributed to Her- mannos Witteking, a Professor at Heildelberg, who died in 1603. See, Gerdes' Florilegium Librorum Rariorutn, pp.3bq-yi. Schelhorn's AmcEnitates Litcraria.', Part i, p. 146. a Between Leo IV, who died a. d. 855, and Benedict III, a woman, who concealed her sex, and assumed the name of John, it is said opened her way to the pontifical throne by her learning and genius, and governed the church for a time. She is commonly called the a Papess Joanna.d During the five subsequent centuries, the witnesses of this extraordinary event are without number; nor did any one, prior to the Reformation by Luther, regarded the thing as either incredible, or disgraceful to the church. But in the 17th century, learned men, not only among the Roman Catholics, but others also, exerted all the powers of their ingenuity both to invalidate the testimony on which the truth of the story rests, and to confute it by an accurate computation of dates.d /00 852 PAPILLON. BIBLIOTHEQUE desAUTEURS de = BOURGOGNE. Par M. 1'Abbe Papillon, Chanoinc de la Chapelle au Riche de Dijon. Dijon : chez Francois Desventes. m.dcc.xlv. 2 vols. f° boards. Fine portrait. Very Scarce. *#* a Une scrupuleuse exactitude a preside" a ce monument 6\ev6 a la gloire littdraire de sa province.» See, Biographic Univcrselle, art. Papillon. J. /~^853 PARKMAN, Jr. (FRANCIS). History of the CONSPIRACY === of PONTIAC, and the War of the American Tribes against the English Colonies after the Conquest of Canada. Boston: Little, Brown c^ Company. 1866. royalS* cloth, vscvt. LARGE PAPER. Only 75 copies printed. . :*t£ 6 854 PARKMAN, Jr. (FRANCIS). France and England in North America. A Series of Historical Narratives. Part First. PIONEERS of FRANCE in the NEW WORLD. Boston: Little, Brown & Company. 1S66. royal S° cloth, uncut. Portrait and maps. LARGE PAPER. Only 7J copies printed. £ £ ^855 PARKMAN, Jr. (FRANCIS). France and England in North "America. A Series of Historical Narratives. Part Second. The JESUITS in NORTH AMERICA in the SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Boston: Little, Brown & Company. 1867. reyalS* cloth, uncut. LARGE PAPER. Only ?j copies printed. J,00 856 PARNY. Poesies Erotiques, par M. le Chevalier de Parny. A L'Isle de Bourbon: m.dcc.lxxviii. I2» half calf, vellum paper. Jcfc^l PARTON (JAMES). LIFE and TIMES of BENJAMIN ^ FRANKLIN. New York: Mason Brothers, Publishers. 1865. 2 vols, imperial S° cloth, uncut. Portraits on India paper. LARGE PAPER. Only 100 copies printed. l66 PATRICII. JSo 858 PASQUILLORUM | Tomi duo. | Quorum primo uerfibus ac rhyth- | mis, altero foluta oratione confcri- | pta quamplurima con- tinentur, ad | exhilarandum, confirmandiiq? hoc | pertubatifsimo rerum flatu pij le- | cloris animum, apprime | conducentia. | Eorum catalogum proximo, \ a Prafatione page!- \ la reperies. \ \Edente Cce- lius Sccundus Curio.] Elevtheropoli: \Basilece, Johannes Oporinus.] MDXLIIII. 2 Parts in 1 vol. sm. S* calf, pp. 637, instead of 337. The paging is erroneous in all copies; p. 200 is numbered JOO; and the error extends through the volume. In this copy 3 /eaves are supplied in neat manuscript, and on the fly leaves are some curious additions by a former owner. *$* A most curious, interesting, and EXCEEDINGLY RARE collection of Pasquinades in Prose and Verse; and of great value for the history of the first half of the 16th century. The work was rigidly suppressed by the Inquisition, and nearly all the copies destroyed. The celebrated scholar Daniel Heinsius, in a memorable distich, says that he paid a hundred ducats for his copy, which he describes as a a. solitary PJiocnix.D Roma meos fratres igni dedit: unica Phoenix Vivo; aureisque veneo Centum Heinsio. Emit Vcnctiis Daniel Heinsius 1614. 12 Martii. An excellent critical notice of this remarkable work, and a biographical sketch of the Editor, Ccelius Secundus Curio, will be found in [Sallengre's] Mdmoircs de Littirature, Tome 11, Seconde Partie, pp. 203-232. See, also, Niceron, Me'moircs des Hommes Illustres, Tome xxi, /p. 1-30. Clement, Bibl. Curieuse, Tome vii, p.3bq. De Bure, Bibl. Instructive —Belles-Lcttrcs—Tome i, pp.3Q4-qq. Peignot, Diet, des Livres Condamne's au Feu, Tome i, pp. SS-QO. J.S'o 859 PASQVIER. Les RE CHERCHES de la FRANCE = d'ESTIENNE PASQVIER, Conseiller et Advocat General du Roy. Reveves, Corrigees, Mises en Meillevr Ordre, & augmented en cette derniere Edition de trois Liures entiers, outre plufieurs Chapitres entrelaffez en chacun des autres Liures, tirez de la Bibliotheque de TAutheur. Paris: chez Guillavme de Lvyne. m.dc.lxv. f° calf. Fine Portrait. %* aCus Recherches de Pasquier contiennent unc infinite' de chosescurieuses, concernant VHistoire de France. D—Le Long, Bibl. Hist, de la France, Edit. fJJQi P- 607. *** a II y a peu d'ouvrages ou il se trouve une si grande varied de choses utiles et singu- lieres sur les divcrses parties de 1'Histoire de France. »—Langlet du Fresnoy. tJo 860 [PATER (M. PAVLVS).] INSIGNIA TVRC1CA ex variis ~~~~^~ fuperflitionum tenebris, Orientalivm maxime Popvlorvm gemina Disquisitione Academica, in illvstri Salana, nunc primum in lucent protrada. Jenae: E Collegia Mvsarvm Krebsiano. [s. a.] sm. 40 half red morocco. With wood-cut illustrations. *** A learned, and exceedingly curious Dissertation on the Origin of the Turkish Banner. :c < o 861 PATRICII (FRANCISCI.) NOVA | DE VNIVERSIS PHILO- ""^^ SOPHIA. I In qva Aristotelica Methodo. | non per motum, fed per lucem, & lumina, ad primam | caufam afcenditur. | Deinde Propria Pat rich Methodo; | Tot a in contemplationem venit Diui- nitas: I Poflremo methodo Platonica, rerum vniuerfitas, a conditore PAYNE AND FOSS. l&7 Deo deducitur. | AD SANCTISS. GREGORIVM XIIII. PONT. MAX. | Et eius facceffores futuros Pontt. Maxx. omnes. OPVS Rerum copia, 6° vetujliffima nouitate, Dogmatum varietate, & veritate, | Methodorum frequcntia & raritate, Ordinis coniinuitate, \ Rationum fii-mitate, Sententiarum grauitate, \ Verborum breuitate & dantate, \ maxime admirandum. FERRARIAE : | Apud Benediclum Mammarellum. \ Anno mdxci. Superiorum Concejfu. f° stamped pigskin. CONTENTS. I. Zoroaster, et eivs CCCXX Oracvla Chaldaica, etc. II. Hermetis Trismecisti Libelli integri XX et Fragmenta, Asclepii eius Discipvli Libelli in, etc. III. Mystica iEGYPTiORvw Caldjeorvm, a Platone voce tradita, ab Aristotle exceptant conscripta Philosophia, ingens Divinae Sapientiae Thesavrvs. IV. Francisci Patricii (i) Panavgia, Vniversae Lvcis Traclatio Nova, et acvtissima. V. lk u (a) Panarchiae, de Rervm Principiis primis, Libri Octo. VI. u tl (3) Panarchias, de Svmtna Trinitate, ac Divinitate, Lib. vi. VII. tl ll (4) Panarchiae, de intellect et Intellectibvs Libri Decem. VIII. vl "(5) Pamsichia, Novae Philosophiae, Tomus 111. IX." u (6) Pancosmiae, Mvndi Corporei Principia et Constitvtio. Lib. vm. X. ll "(7) Pancosmiae, de ^Ethere, ac Rebvs Coelestibvs Lib. xiii. XI. lv "(8) Pancosmiae, de Aere, Aqvis, Terra. Libri Decem. *** A remarkably fine copy of the ORIGINAL EDITION of this EXCESSIVELY RARE WORK, which is composed of the above divers Parts. Each Part has a separate title-page and pagination, but the imprint is the same in all. a FRANCIS PATRIZI, or Patricius is another philosopher, even whose name has not been noticed by the mathematical historians of the Copernican theory. Riccioli has, indeed, got Peter Ramus in his list. Of Patricius he knows nothing, though he makes one quota- tion from him.p a For EIGHTEEN YEARS we have looked, from time to time, that we might discover this lost Copernican, if possible The work of which we speak is the Nova de Vnivcrsis Philosophia, Venice: i5Q3. It is often stated that it was published in 1591 ; and it may be suspeaed that the title-page of 1593 is a new one. THE EXCESSIVE RARITY OF THE WORK HAS PREVENTED IT FROM BEING CITED IN MODERN TIMES.d-Prof. De Morgan. a Quant a VEdition originate de ijqj, die est si rare que Brucker, n'ayant pu se la pro- curer, s'est borne* a en copier le titre dans Sorel, lequel ajoute que ce livre est si cher quit collte autant qn*unc petite bibliotheque.r>—Biographic Univcrscllc, art. Patrizi. a This work of Patrizi (who was a Copernican) is full of interesting scientific disquisi- tions, but requiring a whole volume to relate them.»—Libri. This rare volume contains also, some very curious and interesting information regarding the Discovery, and Early Geography of America, which we believe has hitherto escaped the notice of all bibliographers and collectors of 1 Americana* See, « Pancosmiae,* Books 37-28-29-30-31. Columbus, Vespucius, Aloisius Cadamustus,Gonzalusde Oviedo, Io. Barros, Io. Verrazzanus, Iocobus Cartierus, and Mercator, are the chief authorities cited by Patricius. See, Niceron, Mdmoires des Homines Illustres, Tome xxxvi, /. 15. Teissier, Elogcs des Homines Savans, etc., Tome iv, /. 31Set seq. Vogt, Catalogvs Librorvm Rarierx>m, Edit. J703, p. 6j6. Freytag, A naletla Litteraria de Libris Rarioribvs, p. 603. Morhof, Foly/nstor, etc., Editio tcrtia, Tomus 11, /. 7 et seq. Gimma, Idea delta Storia dell* Italia Lelterata, Tomo 11, /. 49Q-JOO. Ginguen6, Histoire Lititfraire d 'Italic, Tome vn, /. v0v. 2. o 862 PAYNE and FOSS. CATALOGUE of BOOKS in VARIOUS = LANGUAGES. London: 1842. cV° boards. l68 PEIGNOT. ,yo S63 [PATRICIL] De Vera Typographic Origine Par;enesis, ad sapientissimum Virum D. Bernardvm a Malinkrot. Parisiis: Ex officina Roberti Ballard, m.dc.l. s?n. 40 veil it in. / 0 0 864 PEELE. MERRIE Conceited Iests, of George Peele Gentleman, fometimes Stvdent in Oxford. Wherein is fhewed the courfe of his life, how he liued: a man very well knovvne in the City of London, and elfewhere. London: Printed for Henry Bell, dwelling in the Little Old Baily in Eliots Court, [and Reprinted for srn. 40 boards. Uncut. S. W. SlNGER. l8op.] a Buy, reade, and judge, The price doe not grudge . It will doe thee more pleafure, Than twice fo much treafure.D /.£ <- 865 [PEGGE (REV. SAMUEL).] Anonymiana; or, Ten Cen- turies of Observations on Various Authors and Subjects. London: Printed by and for John Nichols and Son. iSoq. S* half calf. >', 6u 866 [PEIGNOT (GABRIEL).] MANUEL BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE, = ou ESSAI sur les BIBLIOTHfiQUES Anciennes et Modernes, et sur la Connaissance des Livres, des Formats, des Editions; sur la Maniere de Composer une Bibliotheque Choisie, Classee Methodiquement, et sur les Principaux Ouvrages a consulter dans chaque partie de l'enseignement des Ecoles centrales: le tout suivi de plusieurs Notices Bibliographiques, Instructives et Curieuses. Par G. P* * * * * *, [Gabriel Peignot.] Paris: An IX de la Re'publique. [i8oo^\ six. S° tree calf. Presentation copy from Peignot, with his autograph. Only 300 copies printed. Rare. *** Get ouvrage commence par la traduction du Traitd des Bibliothigues de Juste Lipse, accornpagne' de Notes Biographiqucs et litte'raires.i) iL.uo 867 PEIGNOT. DICTIONNAIRE RAISONNE de BIBLIO- ~"^ LOGIE, contenant, i° L'Explication des Principaux Termes relatifs a la Bibltographie, a 1'Art Typographique, a la Diplo- matique, aux Langues, aux Archives, aux Manuscrits, aux Medailles, aux Antiquities, etc.; 20 Des Notices LIistoriques detaillees sur les principales B ibliotheques Anciennes et Modernes; sur les differentes Sectes Philosophiques; sur les plus Celebres Imprimeurs, avec une Indication des meilleures Edi- tions sorties de leurs Presses, et sur les Bibliographes, avec la Liste de leurs Ouvrages; 30 Enfin, 1'Exposition des differens Systemes Bibliographiques, etc. Ouvrage utile aux Bibliothe- caires, Archivistes, Imprimeurs, Libraires. Par G. Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. 1802-4. 3 vols, boards, S° uncut. RARE. PEIGNOT. 169 6.0c' 86S PEIGNOT. ESSAI DE CURIOSIT&S BIBLIOGRA- ==;= PHIQUES. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. An XIII. [1804.] S° half morocco, top gilt, uncut. Rare. f.yoo%(>9 PEIGNOT. DICTIONNAIRE CRITIQUE, LITTERAIRE '' = et BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE des Principaux Livres Condamn^s au Feu, Supprim£s ou Censures: Precede dun Discours sar ces Sortes d'OuvRAGES. Par G. Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. An 1806. 2 vols, in 1 vol. <S>° half calf. VERY RARE. *** a The completest work in this branch of Bibliography. Beside an accurate descrip- tion of various suppressed, condemned or censured books, the indefatigable author has inserted in Vol. \,pp. 256-266, a List 0/Indices Expurgatorii; and in pp. xxix-xxxviii of the Preliminary Discourse, he has given a List of more than thirty writers who have treated on this subject.»—Horne. •7/^870 PEIGNOT. REPERTOIRE de BIBLIOGRAPHIES '= SPfiCIALES, CURIEUSES et INSTRUCTIVES, la Notice Rai- sonn£e i° Des Ouvrages Imprimes a Petit Nombre d'ExEM- plaires; 20 Des Livres dont on a tire des Exemplaires sur Papier de Couleur; 30 Des Livres dont le Texte est Grav£; et 40 Des Livres qui ont paru sous le Nom d'ANA. Le tout Redige et public avec des Remarques Historiques, Litteraires et Cri- tiques. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris : chez Renouard. m.dccc.x. S° half morocco. Very scarce. //ol 871 PEIGNOT. REPERTOIRE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE UNI- T== VERSEL, Contenant la Notice Raisonnee des Bibliographies Sp^ciales publiees jusqu'a ce jour, et d'un grand Nombre d'autres Ouvrages de Bibliographie, relatifs a THistoire Litt£raire, et a toutes les parties de la Bibliologie. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. m.dccc.xii. <y° half vellum. Scarce. J.Oc 872 PEIGNOT. BIBLIOTH&QUE CHOISIE des Classiques 1 Latins, considered sous le rapport historique, analytique, philoso- phique et bibliographique, etc. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. 18 13. S° half morocco. Uncut. ^cu 873 PEIGNOT. PRECIS HISTORIQUE et ANALYTIQUE des —— Pragmatiques, Concordats, Declaration, Constitution, Con- vention, et autres Actes Relatifs a la Discipline de 1'Eglise en France, depuis Saint Louis jusqu'a Louis XVIII. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. m.dccc.xvit. S° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. 170 PEIGNOT. 4 0 0%2*_ PEIGNOT. TRAIT& du CHOIX DES LIVRES, contenant r=== i° Des Observations sur la Nature des Ouvrages les plus propres a former une Collection peu considerable, mais precieuse sous le rapport du gout. 20 Des Recherches Litt£raires sur la predi- lection particuliere que des Hommes Celebres de tous les temps ont eue pour certains Ouvrages. 30 Un Memorial Bibliogra- phique des £ditions les plus correctes et les plus belles des chefs- d'oeuvre de la Literature Sacr£e, Grecque, Latine, Francaise et £trangere. 40 Ennn une Notice sur l'£tablissement d'une Bibliotheque, sa Construction, sa Division, le soin que Ton doit prendre des Livres. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. m.dccc.xvii. S° half calf uncut. Very scarce. a}.cv 875 PEIGNOT. MELANGES LITT^RAIRES, PHILOLO- = GIQUES et BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. m.dccc.xviii. S° calf. Only 150 copies printed. Very scarce. ', o a 876 PEIGNOT. MANUEL DU BIBLIOPHILE, ou Traite" du ^ Choix des Livres, contenant des Developpements sur la nature des Ouvrages les plus propres a former une Collection Precieuse, et particulierement sur les Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Litt^rature Sacree, Grecque, Latine, Francaise, £trangere; avec les Jugemens qu'en ont portes les plus Celebres Critiques, etc. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xxiii. 2 vols. S° half vellum. Best Edition. Rare. V / / -877 [PEIGNOT.] MEMORIAL Religieux et Biblique, ou Choix ~ de Pensees sur la Religion et sur 1'Escriture Sainte. Par G. P. [Gabriel Peignot.] Dijon: Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xxiv. f$° half green morocco, top gilt. Uncut. /\a o 878 PEIGNOT. RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES sur 7 les DANSES DES MORTS et sur l'ORIGINE des CARTES A JOUER. Ouvrage ornd de cinq Lithographies et de Vignettes. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xxvi. $° half calf, marbled edges. VERY SCARCE. *** a L'ouvrage se divise en cinq parties. La Premiere traite de la Danse des Morts peinte a Bale, et de la Danse des Morts peinte par Holbein ; la Dcuxieme parle de la Danse Macabre; la Troisieme de la Danse aux Aveugles, et des Editions qui en ont ^te* publiees; la Quatrieme contient la description des Anciens Livres d'Heures sur les marges desquels on a grave" la Danse des Morts; dans la Cinquieme, l'auteur a donnd la Notice de quelques ouvrages, tableaux et gravures isolds qui ont rapport soit a la Danse des Morts, soit a la Mort personnifi^e.D « Dans le mSme volume Peignot a public" une Analyse Critique et raisonndc de toutes les Recherches publie'es jusqu'a ce jour sur l}Origine et /''Histoire des Cartes a Jouer. Cet Essai est moins un ouvrage original qu'une revue bibliographique, dans laquelle l'auteur examine les Livres et les opinions des (Scrivains les plus accreditees sur ce sujet.K—J. Simonnet, Essai sur la Vie de Gabriel Peignot. Paris: /<5&J, A 147-8. PEIGNOT. 171 //^ 879 PEIGNOT. DOCUMENS AUTHENTIQUES et Details === Curieux sur les Defenses de Louis xiv Le tout accompagne" de Notes Historiques. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez Jules Renouard. m.dccc.xxvii. 8° half calf portrait. Only 275 copies Printed. Very scarce. I/O 0 880 PEIGNOT. CHOIX de TESTAMENS Anciens et Modernes, === Remarquables par leur Importance, leur Singularity, ou leur Bizarrerie; avec des Details Historiques et des Notes. Par G. Peignot. Paris: Renouard. 182Q. 2 vols. 8° half calf. Rare and curious. *** « Ce recueil comprend plusieurs sortes de documents; les Testaments reels, depuis Platon jusqu'a nos jours; les Testaments faux ; les Testaments fictifs, dont la s^rie commence au Tome ii,/. 239. Tels sont ceux de Sergius de Pola, de Grunnius Corocotta Porcellus; —une Notice Bibliographique de divers Merits litteVaires, satiriques, etc., qui ont paru sous le titre de Testament;—une Notice sur les Testaments, dits politiques (Richelieu, Mazarin, Colbert, Louvois, etc.);—Vindication des recueils renferment des Testaments;—les Epitaphes singulieres;—enfin, un Supplement, qui forme le quart du deuxieme volume, renferme des Documents fort remarquables qui n'ont 6t6 de"couverts par l'auteur qu'au moment ou l'ouvrage £tait sous presse.D—G. Simonnet. X 00 881 [PEIGNOT.] HISTOIRE d'H£l£nE GILLET ou Relation —— d'un Ev£nement Extraordinaire et Tragique, survenu a Dijon dans le xvne Siecle, suivie d'une Notice sur des Lettres de Graces Singulieres, exp6di6es au xve Siecle, et sur quelques Usages Bizarres en matiere criminelle Avec des Notes par un Ancient Avocat. \_Gabriel Peignot.~\ Dijon : chez VictorLagier. 8° half morocco. Uncut. M.DCCC.XXIX. %*This volume also contains a reprint of a very rare poem, Svr le Ivgement, Svppiice et Remission d]'Ne'lene Gillet de Br esse. J/r0 882 [PEIGNOT.] RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES sur la PER- = SONNE de J&SUS-CHRIST, sur celle de MARIE, sur les Deux Genealogies du Sauveur, et sur sa Famille; avec des Notes Philologiques, des Tableaux Synoptiques, et une ample Table des Matieres. Par Un Ancien BibliothEcaire. [Gabriel Peignot.] Dijon: Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xxix. 8° half morocco. VERY SCARCE. *** 4 C'est un Recueil de tout ce que les Peres de I'Eglise, les Historiens eccUsiastiques et les Commentateurs ont dit sur la Per so une y la taille, la figure et le maintien de Jksus-Christ et de Marie, et sur leurs Antiques Portraits, avec des details gen^alogiques sur les membres de leur Famille.v—Renouard. S.6 # S83 PEIGNOT. ESSAI HISTORIQUE sur la LIBERT^ == D'£CRIRE chez les Anciens et au Moyen Age; sur la Liberte* de la Presse depuis le Quinzieme Siecle, et sur les Moyens de Repression dont ces Libertes ont 6t6 1'Objet dans tous les Temps; avec Beaucoup d'ANECDOTES et de Notes, etc. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: Crapelet. m.dccc.xxxii. S° half morocco, top gill. Uncut. I72 PEIGNOT. /.iTc-^88^ [PEIGNOT.] L'lLLUSTRE JACQUEMART DE DIJON. Details Historiques, Instructifs et Amusans sur ce Haut Per- sonnage, etc. Par P. Berigal [/. e. Gabriel Peignot.'] Dijon: chez V. Lagier. 1832. S° half calf. Frontispiece. Only 250 copies printed. loo SS^ PEIGNOT. ESSAI HISTORIQUE et ARCH&OLOGIQUE sur la RELIURE des LIVRES, et sur 1'Etat de la Librairie chez les Anciens. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. 1834. S° half calf 2 folding plates. Only 200 copies printed. p.J'o$S6^ PEIGNOT. ESSAI sur l'HISTOIRE du PARCHEMIN et du VELIN par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez A. A. Renouard. 1812. = ESSAI HISTORIQUE et Archeologique sur la RELIURE des LIVRES, et sur 1'Etat de la Librairie chez les Anciens (avecplanches) par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. 1834. 2 vols, in 1 vol. S° half morocco. Only 200 copies printed. RARE. ; <To S8t_ peIGNOT. ESSAI HISTORIQUE et ARCHEOLOGIQUE "^^ sur la RELIURE DES LIVRES et sur 1'Etat de la Librairie chez les Anciens. (Avec Planches.) Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. 1834. S° half morocco. Uncut. ONE OF TWO COPIES PRINTED ON LARGE PAPER. £.0 0 888 PEIGNOT. ESSAI ANALYTIQUE sur 1'Origine de la Langue Francaise, et sur un Recueil de Monumens Authenti- ques de cette Langue, classes Chronologiquement depuis le IXe Siecle jusqu'au XVIP, aves des Notes Historiques, Philologi- ques et Bibliographiques. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. 1833. S° half morocco. Only 150 copies printed. £too 889 PEIGNOT. Les BOURGUIGNONS SAL&S: Diverses Con- jedlures des Savans sur TOrigine de ce Dicton Populaire, recueillies et publiees avec Notes Historiques et Philologiques. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xxxv. 8° half morocco, uncut. Only 150 copies printed. ^^890 [PEIGNOT.] D'UNE PUGNITION Divinement Envoy^e ***"—■ aux Hommes et aux Femmes, pour leurs Paillardises et Inconti- nences Desordonni£es (en 1493). Avec Notes amples, Fruc- tueuses, et tres congruantes au Sujet. Par P. Stephen Baliger, d.m. [i. e. Gabriel Peignot.] A Naples et en France. [Paris: chez Techener.] m.dccc.xxxvi. S° half morocco, top gilt, uncut. Rare. *** This volume contains a Bibliographical account of* early Treatises on Syphilis, PEIGNOT. 173 /%T89i PEIGNOT. De la LIBERTE de la PRESSE a DIJON, au === Commencement du xvne Siecle. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez Techener. m.dccc.xxxvi. 8° halfcalf. Only 150 copies printed. /. o O 892 PEIGNOT. NOUVELLES RECHERCHES sur le Dicton •— Populaire, FAIRE RIPAILLE. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xxxvi. 8° half morocco\ uncut. 200 copies printed. /< V *5' 893 PEIGNOT. RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES et PHILO- 7 = LOGIQUES sur LA PHILOTESIE ou Usage de Boire a la Sante chez les Anciens, au Moyen Age, et chez les Modernes. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xxxvi. 8° half calf. Only 150 copies printed. Rare and curious. /£^894 PEIGNOT. SOUVENIRS Relatifs a Quelques BIBLIO- = THfeQUES PARTICULlfeRES des Temps Passes. Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez Techener. m.dccc.xxxvi. 8° half calf. Only 170 copies printed. Rare. /7<T895 PEIGNOT. RECHERCHES sur le LUXE des ROMAINS dans leur Ameublement, avec des Notes par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xxxvii. 8° half calf. Only 150 copies printed. / oO 896 PEIGNOT. RECHERCHES sur les Diverses Opinions rela- = tives a 1'Origine et a 1'Etymologie du MOT PONTIFE. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. 1838. 8° half morocco, uncut. 130 copies printed. /.Sc 897 PEIGNOT. QUELQUES RECHERCHES sur d'ANCiENNES ""= Traductions Francaises de l'ORAISON DOMINICALE et d'Autres Pieces Religieuses. Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. i8jp. 8° half morocco, uncut. Only 175 copies printed. /OO 898 PEIGNOT. QUELQUES RECHERCHES sur le TOMBEAU === de VIRGILE au Mont Pausilipe. Par G. Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier, 1840. 8* half calf. Only 175 copies printed. / o O 899 PEIGNOT. CATALOGUE d'une PARTIE des LIVRES com- r=T= posant la BIBLIOTHfeQUE des Dues de Bourgogne au xve Siecle. Seconde Edition revue et augmentee du Catalogue de la Bibliotheque des Dominicains de Dijon, Redige* en 1307, avec details Historiques, Philologiques et Bibliographiques. Par G. Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xli. $« boards. 174 PEIGNOT. /,yS9^_ PEIGNOT. CATALOGUE d'une partie des LIVRES com- = posant la BIBLIOTH^QUE des DUCS DE BOURGOGNE, au XVe Siecle. Seconde Edition, revue et augmented du Catalogue de la Bibliotheque des Dominicains de Dijon, rddige en 1307, avec Details Historiques, Philosophiques et Bibliographiques. Par G. Peignot. Dijon: chez Victor Lagier. m.dccc.xli. 8° half morocco. Uncut. ..j,y^9°i [PEIGNOT.] Le LIVRES des SINGULARITIES. Par G. P. 1 [Gabriel Peignot] Philomneste. Dijon: Victor Lagier. 1841. 8° half morocco. Rare. ^ 0 0 902 [PEIGNOT.] PREDICATORIANA, ou Revelations Singu- = lieres et Amusantes sur les PR^DICATEURS; Entremetees d'ExTRAiTS Piquants des Sermons Bizarres, Burlesques et Facetieux, Pr£ch£s tant en France qu'a 1'£tranger, notamment dans les XVe, XVP, et XVIP Siecles; suivies de quelques Melanges Curieux, avec Notes et Tables. Par G. P. [Gabriel Peignot.] Philomneste. Dijon: Victor Lagier. 1841. 8° half morocco. Uncut. Co o 903 [PEIGNOT.] RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES sur 1'Origine et Usage de 1'Instrument de PEnitence appele* DISCIPLINE, par Gabriel P ****** [Gabriel Peignot.] Dijon: chez Victor 80 half morocco. Uncut. Lagier. 184I. v.oo 904 [PEIGNOT.] AMUSEMENTS PHILOLOGIQUES, ou Va- r=== riEtEs en tous Genres. Troisieme Edition, revue, corrig^e et augmented. Par G. P. [Gabriel Peignot^ Philomneste. Dijon: Victor I^agier. m.dccc.xlii. 8° half morocco, lop gilt. Uncut. S.00 905 PEIGNOT. CATALOGUE d'une NOMBREUSE COLLEC- = TION de LIVRES ANCIENS, RARES et Curieux provenant de la BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu Gabriel Peignot. Paris: chez J. Techener. 1852. 8° half red morocco, top gilt, uncut. Scarce. /.So 906 PEIGNOT. LETTRES de GABRIEL PEIGNOT A son Ami N.-D. Baulmont, mises en Ordre et Pubises par Emile Peignot, son petit-fils. Dijon: Lamarche et Drouelle. 185J. 8° half morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. With portrait of Peignot, and facsimile of his hand- writing. *** «M. Gabriel Peignot dtait un de ces drudits modestes, simples et de commerce sur, toujours disposes a relever le merite des autres et as'effacer. II dtait, en un mot, un des der- niers descendants de cette grande familJe de Bibliographes des XVIIC et XVIII0 siecles, qui pourrait bien, selon nous, remonter jusqu'a I'illustre J. A. de Thou et compte parmi ses membres les plus renomm(5s des hommes tels que Gabriel Naude, le P. M^n^trier, Gabriel Martin, Jamet, 1'Abb^ Bignon, La Monnoye, Mercier de St. Lkger, N£e de la Rochelle, De Bure, Van Praet, Charles Nodier et Brunet. Comme tous les hommes laborieux et chercheurs, M. Peignot lisait tout ce qui lui tombait sous la main: livres de science et d'his- PETITI. 175 toire, fac^ties, pamphlets curieux, opuscules litt^raires, manuscrits, tout, jusqu'aux brochures les plus futiles, devenait pour cet esprit patient et investigates, matiere a recherches et a trouvailles. Du livre en apparence le plus insig-nifiant il trouvait le moyen d'extraire quelques notes, qu'il mettait a part, coordonnait et comptetait un jour ou l'autre, a l'aide de documents nouveaux, avec une laborieuse patience, et cela finissait un beau matin par fofmer un ou plu- sieurs volumes qu'z'/ publiait et presque toujours & un nombre d]exemplaires restreint; ces tirages & petit nombre expliquent la raretd de ses ouvrages, comme Pintdre't de curiosite" qui s'attache a presque tous explique, s'il ne Justine pas absolument, le prix croissant qu'ils atteignent dans nos ventes de livres.»—[P. Deschamps] Notice ?ur Gabriel Peignot,pp. 2-6. jy 907 PELLETIER (M. L.) La TYPOGRAPHIE, Poeme. Avec des Notes Historiques, etc. Geneve et Paris: 1832. 8° uncut. £.£~b 908 PERCY (THOMAS). Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, === etc. To which is now added A Supplement of many curious Historical and Narrative Ballads, reprinted from Rare Copies. With a Copious Glossary and Notes. Philadelphia: Published by F. Bell. 1855. 8° brcnvn calf, extra, gilt leaves. oz 5 221. percy. iStsfjop ^nrcg's JFolto Sttanuscrtpt JSaUaTrs aittt 3SL0Tfl&XltZ8. Edited by John W. Hales, m.a. and Frede- rick J. Furnivall, m.a., assisted by Prof. Child, of Harvard Univ., U. S.; W. Chappell, Esq., &c, &c. London: N. Trubner 6° Co. 1867-8. 3 vols. 8° half morocco, uncut. With facsimile. Only 2jo copies printed this size, on Whatman's Ribbed Paper. o 2 £9*° percy. JStsijop Herts'js iFolto J&anuscrtpt. Hoosr === JSaUalTS an5 tumorous SottflS. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, m.a. London: Printed by and for the Editor. 1868. 8* paper coz>ers, uncut. Scarce, and very curious. / o O 911 PERRET (J. J.) La Pogonotomie, ou 1'Art d'AppRENDRE A === se raser soi-meme, etc. Suivi d'une Obfervation importante fur la Saign^e. Paris: Chez Dufour. m.dcc.lxix. 12* half calf , uncut, 2 large folding plates. ^ J ^912 PETER. Specimens of the POETS and Poetry of Greece and = Rome. By Various Translators. Edited by William Peter, a.m. Second Edition. Philadelphia. 1854. S° brown calf, bevelled edges. A S c 913 PETERIANA, ou Manuel Theorique et Pratique de 1'Art :!r= de P£ter, Vesser et Roter, a l'usage des personnes constipe>s, graves, melancoliques et tristes. * * * Paris: Chez les Libraires en bonne odeur. /tyo paper, uncut. [«. d.] .„ 6- 914 PETITI (PETRI). De Amazonibus Dissertatio, etc. Editio = Secunda, Auclior & Correction Amstelodami: Wolters. 1687. sm. <J° vellum, -with illustrations, imperfect, wanting the first leaf of the text. 176 PHALARIS. / o o 915 PETIT (PIERRE). Traite Historique sur les AMAZONES; === ou Ton trouve tout ce que les Auteurs, tant Anciens que Modernes, ont ecrit pour ou contre ces Heroines. Leide: Chez J. A. Langerak. 1718. 2 Parts in J vol. sm. S° calf. With numerous illustrations. *#* A large portion of the a high philosophy d of Mr. Tennyson's learned Princess will be found in this work. /.?,T9i6 PETIT-RADEL (LOUIS-CHARLES-FRANgOIS). RE- "= CHERCHES sur les BIBLIOTH^QUES ANCIENNES et MODERNES, jusqu'a la Fondation de la Bibliotheque Mazarine, et sur les Causes qui ont favorise rAccroissement successif du Nombre des Livres. Paris: chez Rey et Gravier. mdcccxix. <?<> half calf. J7> 917 PETRONIUS. POEME de PETRONE sur la Guerre Civile == entre Cesar et Pompee; avec Deux Epitres d'Ovide. Le tout traduit en Vers Francois avec des Remarques: [Par le President Bouhier.] et des Conjectures sur le Poeme intitule PERVIGI- LIUM VENERIS. Amsterdam: m.dcc.xxxvii. 40 calf, red edges. r/6 918 PEXENFELDER. Apparatus Eruditionis, tarn Rerum quam Verborum, per omnes Artes et Scientias. Instructus Opera & Studio P. Michaelis Pexenfelder, Societatis Jesu Sacerdotis. Editio quintalonge auclior & emendatior, cum Indicibus. Colonize Munatian^e: Sumptibus Joh. Rodolfi Thur?iisii. Anno mdccxliv. 8° calf, extra, gilt back, sides and edges. *** This remarkable Introduction to All the Arts and Sciences contains SSS pages and 5 large Indices. /_; 0u 919 PFNOR (RODOLPHE). ORNEMENTATION USUELLE "= de toutes les £poques dans les ARTS INDUSTRIELS et en AR- CHITECTURE. Paris: 1866-1867. large 40 half morocco. With numerous illustrations, some in gold a?id colors. :,: ..;■ 920 phtedri (aug.) fabularum ^sopiarum libri v. Notis Illustravit in usum Serenissimi Principis Nassavii David Hoogstratanus. Accedunt ejufdem opera duo Indices. Amsteltedami: clo.lo.cci. 4° vellum. With fine Plates and Vignettes. %* a I have always considered this a correct and very sumptuous Edition. It is orna- mented with a great number of small plates, or medallions, in which the subject of the fable is very ably and spiritedly executed. The type is peculiarly rich and bold, and is hardly equalled by any Dutch Edition of a classic.»—Dibdin. j c 921 PHALARIS. The Epistles of Phalaris. Translated from the "=== Greek. To which are added, some Select Epistles of the most eminent Greek Writers. By Thomas Francklin, m. a. London: Printed for R. Francklin. mdccxlix. PHILOSOPHERS BANQUET. 177 .1,00 922 PHILLIPS, Gent. (EDWARD). The New World of Words: or Universal English Dictionary. Containing an account of the Original or Proper Senfe, and Various Significations of all Hard Words derived from other Languages, viz. Hebrew, Arabick, Syriack, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, Spanijh, BritiJJi, Saxon, Danijh, Dutch, &c, as now made ufe of in our EngliJJi Tongue. The Sixth Edition, Revifed, Corrected, and Improved; with the Addition of near Twenty Thousand Words, from the beft Authors, Domeflic and Foreign, that treat of the feveral fubjects. By J. K. [John Kersey.] PhilolobibL London : Printed for J. Phillips, etc. mdccvi. f° plain calf. With the Frontispiece containing the portraits 0/ Spenser, Chaucer, Lambard, Selden, Camden, Spelman, Sr F. Bacon, Sr P. Sidney, etc. £f,oo 923 PHILOPONUS. NOVA TYPIS | TRANSACTA NA- | viga- === tio. I Novi Orbis Indite Occi- | dentalis ADMODVM RE- | verendissimorvm Pp. | ac Ff. Revere ndijfuni ac Illuflriffnni Domini, \ Dn. BVELLII CATALONI Abbatis mantis \ Serrati, & in vniverfam Americam, five Novum \ Orbem Sacr02 Sedis Apoflolicoz Romance d Latere \ Legati, Vicarij, ac Patriarchal: Sociorumqj Mo- \ nachorum ex Or dine S. P. N. Bcnedicli ad fupra \ dicli Novi Mundi bar bar as gentes Chrifli S. Evan- \ gelium prcedicandi gratia delegatorunt Sa- cerdo- \ turn. Dim iff per S. D. D. Papain Alexandrum VI. Anno Chrijli. 14Q2. NVNC PRIMVM | E varijs Scriptoribus in vnum colle- I 6la, & figuris ornata. | AVTHORE | Veturando Fr. Don HONORIO PHILOPONO | Ordinis S. Benedict Monacho. [s. /.] [Sed Avgvst/E Vindelicorvm: Apvd Io. Knger.~] 1621. f° full russia, rough edges, with iS full page copper-plates engraved by Wolf. Kilian, and engraved title containing full length portraits of St. Brandan, and the wily Fray Ber- nardo Buil, or Bueil, who was sent out with Columbus, on his Second Voyage, as apostolical vicar of the New World. This copy contains, at the end, the VERY RARE LARGE FOLDING PLATE dated 1622, comprising4 Medallion Plates, and full length figure of COLUMBUS standing upon the deck of a ship, etc. In other particulars, it agrees exactly with Brunet's collation. A most desirable copy of this extraordinary work. RARE. *** a Honorius Philoponus j> was the pseudonym of Caspar Plautius, a monk at Lintz in Austria. See, Placcius, Theatruvi Anonymorum et Fseudonymorum^ Pars, ii, /. joj, and Weller, Index Pseudonymorum, /. lib, who spells the name « Plauzius.d Also, Dr.udius, Bibliotheca Classicay Pars. 1, /. 1153. Humboldt, Examen Critique, c^.,Tome hi, p. 26Q. Irving, Life of Columbus, Amer. Edit., 1S2S, Vol. \, p. 2S4. Rich, Catalogue, 1S32, p. 3S. H. Stevens, Bibl. Historica, p. ijg. Graesse, Trdsor des Livres Pares et PrJcieux, art. a Philoponus.» Brunet, Manuel, Tome iv, /. biS. v*j-0 924 PHILOSOPHERS (The) BANQUET. Newly FurniJJied and 'decked forth with much variety of many feverall Dimes, that in the former Service were neglected. Where now not only Meats and Drinks of all Natures and Kinds are ferued in, but the Natures and Kinds of all difputed of. As further, Dilated by Table-conference, altera- tion, and Changes of States, Diminution of the Stature of Man, BarrenetTe of the Earth, with the effeels and caufes thereof, phyfically 178 PIETAS. and philofophically. The third Edition. Newly corrected and inlarged, to almoft as much more. By W. B. Efquire. London : Printed for Nicholas Vavafour, and are to be fold at his Jhop in the Temple, neere the Church. 1633. 120 smooth calf, margin of the title-page -worn off. From the library of Francis Freeling. Rare. %* This curious work is a translation of the Mensa Philosophica of Theobaldus Anguilbertus Hybernensis, and is generally but erroneously attributed to Michael Scotus. r# 925 PICTORIAL (The) Handbook of London, comprising its === Antiquities, Architecture, Arts, Manufa&ure, Trade, Social, Literary, and Scientific Institutions, Exhibitions, and Galleries of Art : Illus- trated with 203 Engravings on Wood, and a New and Complete Map. London: H. G. Bohn, 1S34. post c?° cloth. Too 926 PIETAS I et I GRATULATIO | Collegii Cantabrigiensis| = Apud Novanglos. I BOSTONI-MASSACHUSETTENSIUM: | Typis J. Green & J. Russell, mdcclxi. 40 pp. xiv-rob, fine old red morocco .super extra, gilt back and edges, the sides richly orna- mented -with a deep gold border, and the monogram «G. REX » surmounted with a crown, stamped on the back in six places. A n ornament of some kind has been cut out of both sides of the cover, and a piece of morocco neatly fitted in, and gilded over, so as to conceal the defied!. A most desirable and truly sumptuous copy of this extraordinary work. UNDOUBTEDLY A PRESENTATION COPY TO KING GEORGE III. *** a A work altogether unique in the History of American Literature.»—Duyckinck. a The most remarkable book of Po^is printed in this country during the Eighteenth Century.»—R. W. Griswold. Contents. First Lines of the Poems, with Names of the Writers r Dedication.-•«To The King.d {Ascribed both to Lieut.-Gov. Hutchinson and to Gov. Francis Bernard.] No. I. « Aclhortatio Pnesidis.D [President Holyoke or, Gov. Francis Bernard.] No. II. a Ad Pracellentissimum provinciae prefe&um.» [John Lovell.] No. III. a Cum rofeis quondam Dea Adorea fulgida pennis.D [Stephen Sewall.] No. IV. « Are monarchs then fuch unimportant Things.* [Benjamin Church.] No. V. a Of cyprefs deign, celeflial Mufe, to fing.D [Stephen Sewall.] No. VI. a Cum Britonum Regem fubito mors invida telo.D [Gov. James Bowdoin.] No. VII. a While thro' the britifh world great George's name.?) [John Lovell (?)] No. VIII. a Cum Rex fciret Avum mediis ceffifTe triumphis.D [Gov. James Bowdoin.] No. IX. a Proximus a Primo debellat Georgius hoftes.p [Gov. James Bowdoin.] No. X. « Hark !—to what melancholy found.d [Rev. Dr. Samuel Deane.] No. XI. « Where thick-em bo w'ring fhades, and cluft'ring trees.» [Benjamin Church.] No. XII. « Quid fibi vult ingens luftus gemitufque virorum ? » [Stephen Sewall.] No. XIII. a As, on her white-clift, fea-girt fhore.i) [Rev. Dr. Samuel Cooper.] No. XIV. « Debili tentura viam volatu.D [Stephen Sewall.] No. XV. 'Ektysiov. [Stephen Sewall.] No. XVI. 'jClfil/. [Stephen Sewall.] No. XVII. a Hail kindred fpirit! hail illuftrious fhade.D [Gov. James Bowdoin.] No. XVIII. 'EtTITacpiOV'. [Gov. Francis Bernard.] No. XIX. Epitaphium. [Gov. Francis Bernard.] No. XX. Epitaph. [Gov. Francis Bernard.] No. XXI. In Regis Inaugurationem. [Gov. Francis Bernard.] No. XXII. « Dum varias gratis animis aptare coronas.d [Unknown ? ] No. XXIII. a Quem virum mavult celebrare Clio.D [Stephen Sewall ? ] PIRCKHEIMERI. 179 No. XXIV. Epithalamium. {Unknown?} No. XXV. a George gave the word—the naval chiefs obey.D [John Lovell.] No. XXVI. a Dum fervat ftellas oculis Halleius acutis.D [John Lovell.] No. XXVII. a While Halley views the heavens with curious eyes.D [John Lovell.] No. XXVIII. 4 Some Seraph touch the facred lyre ! d [Dr. Samuel Cooper.] No. XXIX. aTho' from thy happy fliores, Britannia! far.p [Thomas Oliver.] No. XXX. a Tho' wealth and pow'r their mighty influence join.p [Gov. James Bowdoin ?] No. XXXI. aEpiLOGUS.D [Gov. Francis Bernard.] See, Monthly Anthology, Vol. vi, pp. 422-427; Vol. vii, p. 67. Eliot, Biographical Dicl. art. Bernard. Allen, American Biographical, edit. 1S37, p, 88. Historical Magazine, Vol. ii, /. 281. Griswold, Poets and Poetry 0/ America, edit. 1873, p. 28. Duyckinck, Cyclopaedia of American Lit. Vol. 1, p. 12 et seq. Thomas, Hist. 0/ Printing in America, netu edit. 1864, Vol. i, /. 63. Jt 0 0 927 PIETERS (CHARLES). Annales de ITmprimerie Elsevi- == rienne, ou Histoire de la Famille des Elsevier et de ses Editions A Gand: iSjf. royal 8° boards, uncut. LARGE PAPER. Only 30 copies printed. *** a Ouvrage lemeilleur que nous ayons sur la Biographie et la Bibliographie de cette famille de cdlebres imprimeurs. »—Brunet. ^.£-0 928 PIGOTT (GRENVILLE). A MANUAL of SCANDINAVIAN === MYTHOLOGY, containing a Popular Account of the Two Eddas, and the Religion of Odin. London: William Pickering. sm. 8° cloth, uncut. Scarce. IoJQ. 3,0 a 929 PINELLI. BIBLIOTHECA PINELLIANA. A Catalogue = of the Magnifigent and Celebrated LIBRARY of Maffei Pinelli, of Venice. Comprehending an unparalleled Collection of the Greek, Roman, and Italian Authors, from the Origin of Printing: with many of the Earliest Editions printed upon Vellum, and finely Illuminated, etc., etc. Sold by Auction. London: i/c?p. 8° half green morocco, marbled edges. Ruled in red lines and NEATLY PRICED. Very scarce. *#* a The Pinelli collection of books long held a distinguished rank among the Libraries of Europe ; it was upwards of two hundred years forming by the family.d—Horne. //y o 93° PINKERTON (JOHN). An Essay on Medals: or, an Intro- duction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Coins and Medals: especially those of Greece, Rome, and Britain. New Edition, Corrected, Greatly Enlarged, and Illustrated with Plates. London: Printed for J. Edwards, etc. m.dcc.lxxxix. 2 vols. 8° red morocco, extra, gilt leaves. Fine COFY. J:Jc 931 PIRCKHEIMERI (BIBIBALDI). OPERA POLITICA, = HISTORICA, PHILOLOGICA et EPISTOLICA, cvm Alberti Dureri, civis Norimbergensis, vitlgo Apellis Germanici dicli, figuris Aeneis. . . . Francoforti (sic): Excudebat loh. Bringerus. m.dc.x. f° boards. With a large folding plate, representing the Triumphal Chariot of the Emperor Maximilian, engraved by ALBERT DURER. The portrait is missing. RARE. l8o PLAYING CARDS. ^0 932 PISTORIUS (JOANN.) ILLUSTRIVM VETERVM SCRIP- "TORVM, qvi Rervm a Germanis per mvltas States Gestarvm Historias vel Annales Posteris Reliqvervnt, etc. Cvm Indice Locvpletissimo. Francofvrti: Apud hceredes Andrea Welcheli. /° plain calf. A WW MDLXXXIII. *** This volume contains the Chro?iicle of Marianus Scotus, who is supposed to have invented the Fable of a Papess Joanna.d a 6'o 933 PIXERECOURT. BIBLIOTHfeQUE de M. G. DE PIXE- RECOURT, avec des Notes Litteraires et Bibliographiques de ses Deux Excellens Amis Charles Nodier et Paul Lacroix. S° half green vellum, uncut. Rare. PARIS \ l8j8. *** a Collection remarquable deLivres Curieux en tout genre, surtout pour la Litte'rature Francaise. Des Notes Bibliographiques assez nombreuses ajoutent a-1'interSt que prdsente cet inventaire; elles renferment souvent des details curieux et peu connus.p—G. Brunet. z«t00 934 PLACCII (VINCENTII). THEATRUM ANONYMORUM = et PSEUDONYMORUM, ex Symbolis & Collatione Virorum per Europam Docliffimorum ac Celeberrimorum, poll SYNTAGMA dudum editum, summa Beati Aucloris cura reclufum, et Benignis Aufpiciis Summe Reverendi ac Confultiffimi Viri, Dn. MATTHI^K DREYERI, cujus & Commentatio, de Summa & Scopo hujus Operis accedit, luci publicae redditum. Praemiffa eft Pr^efatio & Vita Auctoris, Scriptore JO. ALBERTO FABRICIO, cum INDICIBUS neceffariis. Hamburgi: mdccviii. 2 Parts in 1 vol. f° vellum. Fine copy. *** Best edition of this useful work, which contains the TITLES of about EIGHT THOUSAND ANONYMOUS BOOKS, and nearly THREE THOUSAND PSEUDONYMS. <3 V o 935 PLAUTUS. C EX EMEN D ATIONIBUS, ADQUE | = COMENTARIIS BERNARDI SARACENI, | IOANNIS PETRI VALL^E PLAUTI CO- | MCEDLE. XX. RECENS SINGU- LARI DI- I LIGENTIA FORMULIS EXCUSE. | C[ Ad hcec Index in primo ftatim | operis ueftibulo occurret, qui ea I quse magis ad memoriam infi- | gnia uidentur aperiet. | In fine: {[ Impreffum Venetiisper Lazarum foardum. \ Die. xiii. Auguflu M.D.XI. I C Deo &° ca?ididiffimce uirgini gratice. y° plain calf. With numerous curious wood-cuts^ and a large plate representing the in- terior of a Theatre. J, on 936 PLAYING CARDS. ETCHINGS of ANCIENT PLAYING CARDS, comprising Four Suits, viz.: Fruits, Vases, Clubs and Swords. Proof impressions on India paper. [s. I. et a.] f° half morocco. POETM TRES. 151 /O. O o 937 PLINIO. HISTORIA NATVRALE DI C. PLINIO SECON- = DO TRADOCTA DI LINGVA LATINA IN FIORENTINA PER CHRISTOPHORO LANDINO FIORENTINO AL SERE- NISSIMO FERDINANDO RE DI NAPOLI. PROHEMIO. In fine: OPVS NICOLAI IANSONIS GALLICI IMPRESSVM ANNO SALVTIS. M.CCCCLXXVI. VENETIIS. Large f° old red morocco, gilt back, sides and edges, 4/3 leaves (the 1st and both blank), jo lines to a full page, vjithout signatures, catch-words and pagination. Ornamented with large and small initial letters in blue, red and gold. A MOST SUPERB COPY OF THE FIRST ITALIAN VERSION OF PLINY. VERY RARE. *** See, Panzer, A nnales Typographic!', Vol. \\\, p. 113. Ha in, Repertorium Bibliogra- phicutn, Vol. 11, Pars, ii, /. 124. Audiffredi, Catalogue Hist. Crit. Romanarum Editionum Saeculi XV, pp. 12Q-130. Santander, Dicl. Choisi' du Quinzieme Siecle, Tome hi, pp. 275-b. [Van Praet] Catalogue des Livres Imprimis sur I'dlin, etc., Tome hi, pp. 53-4. Dibdin, Bibl. Spenceriana, Vol. ii, pp. 261-2. Brunet, Manuel, Tome iv, /. 718. This copy formerly belonged to the celebrated Harleian Library. .41.OO 938 PLINII (C.) Secvndi | NATVRALIS HISTORIAE | Libri Trigintaseptem, I A Paulo Manutio multis in locis | emendati. | Castigationes Sigismvndi I Galenii. I Index Plenissimvs. \ Venetiis: I Apud Paulum AJanutium, Aldi F.—mdlix. f° plain calf. Very fine clean copy. J]So 939 PLINIVS Secvndvs. The HISTORIE of the WORLD, Com- monly called, The Natvrall Historie of C. Plinivs Secvndvs. Tranflated into Englijh by Philemon Holland Doclor in Phyfuke. London: Printed by Adam I flip. 1601. 2 vols, in 1 vol. y° plain calf. Fine clean copy, covers broken. Scarce. /-,5—940 PLUTARCHUS, and THEOPHRASTUS, on SUPERSTI- TION; [Greek and English] with Various Appendices, and a Life of Plutarchus. [By Julian Hibbert] London : Printed a.d. 1828. 8° calf. *** a Printed at the Private Press of the late Mr Julian Hibbert, Fitzroy Place, Kentish Town. The Greek type is of a primitive character, and cast expressly for this and one or two other small volumes from the same press.D—Lowndes. The Fourth Appendix is a A Catalogue of the Principal Works written Against Atheism.d lOO 94i POET^E TRES | Elegantissimi, | emendati, & aucli, == Michael Mar id I us. Hieronym us A ngeria nus. Joannes Secundus. Parisiis: Apud Jacobum Du puys, ad \ infigne Samaritans. \ 1582. /6° mottled calf, with autograph of Rodertus Stephanus on the title-page. I&2 POLITIANUS. 6.00942^ ^Oflfllj iFlorCUttnf <©tatO | ris clariffimi: ac fecretarij apoftolici. | HlSTORIAE CONVIVA- | LES DlSCEPTATIVAE. | OrATIONES. | In- vectivae. | Epistolae. | Descriptiones | Qvaedam et Face | tiarvm Liber. | VENUNDANTUR ^attljfSffS | a Joanne Paruo fub figno lilij aurei. \ In fine: C Impreffum Parifijs cura diligentHffimi excuffoi'is Nicolai Pra- | tenfis: impefa honejliffimi Bibliopole Jurati AI me VniuerfUatis Io- | annisparui Via diui Iacobi Sub lilio Aureo commorantis. [s. a.] sm. 4" half morocco, rough edges. From the Heber collection. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. *** a This extraordinary man, whose writings throw considerable light on the history of the age, and whose Latin style pleases by its unaffected simplicity, was born in the year 1381, of the noble family of Bracciolini, and having spent his youth in travelling through different countries ot Europe, settled at length in Rome. He remained in this city as secretary in the service of eight successive Popes, till he was invited to Florence in the year 1452, being then up- wards of seventy years of age, to succeed Carlo Marsuppini as secretary to the Republic Of all his productions his Liber Facetiarum is the most singular. The gross indelicacy of some of his Tales can only be equalled by the freedom in which he indulges himself respecting the priesthood. It is difficult to conceive how he escaped in those times the resentment of that order; but we must remember that this work was produced in the bosom of the Church, and was probably an amusement for the learned leisure of Prelates and Cardinals.»—Roscoe, Life of Lorenzo ZV Medici, J>. 4S4. « His Liber Facetiarum, or Collection 0/ Jocose Tales, is highly interesting on account of the Anecdotes which it contains of several eminent men, who flourished during the 14th and 15th centuries. In the course of its perusal, we find many an humorous tale, which the modern jester narrates as the account of circumstances that occurred under his observation, were of the number of those which caused the walls of the Bugialc to re-echo with laughter. It is a striking proof of the licentiousness of the times, that an Apostolic Secretary, who en- joyed the friendship and esteem of the Pontiff, should have published a number of stories which outrage the laws of decency, and put modesty to the blush.r> a In the Facet ice, Poggio aimed a most mischievous thrust at his old antagonist Filelfo, by making him the hero of a tale, the ridiculous oddity of which disturbs the steady counte- nance of gravity itself, and causes the strictest severity for a moment to smile at the indelicacy which it condemns.»—See, Rev. Wm. Shepherd, Life 0/ Poggio Bracciolini, pp. 416-23. The genealogy of this curious tale from Poggio's Visio Francisci Philclphi, to La Fontaine's Anneau de Hans Carvel, will be found in the Menagiana. Paris: /7/j, Tome 1, p.jfy- Dk. Joseph Warton, and I. D'Israei.i have both appropriated this information, and made it their own by adding several careless chronological blunders. Prior's version is well- known to all readers of English poetry, and, a Prior,» according to Dr. Johnson, a is a lady's book. No lady is ashamed to have it standing in her library !d— See, Warton, Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, Vol. 11, /. bS. D'Israei.i, Curiosities of L it., Art. Prior's Hans Carvel. Boswell, Life of Johnson. 943 POGONOLOGIE, ou Histoire Philosophique de la Barbe. Par M. J. A. D * * * [Jacq.-Ant. jDulaure.] Constantinople et Paris: chez Le Jay. m.dcc.lxxxvi. /2,J boards, uncut. Engraved frontispiece. *#* A very curious and learned history of the Beard. Chapter ivlh contains an account ot Bearded women. J 00 944 POLITIANUS. ANGELI POLITIANI MISCELLA- NEORVM. In fine: Impreffit ex archetypo Antonius Mifeominus. Familiares \ qui dam Politiani recognouere. Politianus Ipfe \ nee Hor- tographian fe ait, nee omnino \ alienam prejlare culpam. \ Florentice, k PORTA. 183 Anno Salutis. M.CCCC. | LXXXIX. [14$?.] Decimotertio \ kalendas oftobris. 4° plain calf, gi leaves, 32 lines to a full page. FIRST EDITION. RARE. *** a The Miscellanea of Politian first published at Florence, A. D. 1489, were every- where received with the greatest applause. They were compared by the learned to the Nocl.es Atticce of Aulus Gellius. In consequence of the publication of them, he received letters from all parts, full of kindness and congratulation, a Every individual,* says Guarinus, a speaks of you in the handsomest terms; applauds your erudition, and loads }rou with praises. Regardless of the expence, each purchases your Miscellanea, which he considers as a treasure of knowledge, and carries home with exultation. These are the genuine acknowl- edgments of your erudition, in which there can be no deceit.d—See, Greswell, Memoirs of Angel us Politianus,p. jq. /,&o 945 [POOLE (E. R.)] The Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany. Containing Notices of, and Extracts from, Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, in all Languages and Notices of Book Sales. London: Printed for John Wilson. 1830. A?" half red morocco, top gilt. .£S 946 PORTA (10. BAPTISTA). De OCCVLTIS LITERARVM === NOTIS sev Artis Animi Sensa occulte alijs fignificandi, aut ab alijs fignificata expifcandi enodandique Libri iiii. Montisbeligardi: Apud Iacobvm Foillet. m.d.xctii. 8* vellum. RARE. /.0 0 9M PORTiE (10. BAPTISTS). MAGI/E NATVRALIS Libri Viginti. Ab ipfo quidem authore adaucti, nunc vero ab infinitis, quibus editio ilia fcatebat mendis, optime repurgati: in quibus fcientiarum Naturalium dilutive & deliciae demonflrantur. Accefsit Index, rem omnem dilucide reprcefentans, copiofijffimus. Rothomagi: Sumptibus Ioannis Berthelin. m.dc.l. Sn old calf. Wood-cut illustrations. *** a Baptista Porta is chiefly celebrated as the inventor of the Camera Obscura,- the first announcement of which was made in a celebrated work entitled, Magic? Naturalis. This book greatly alarmed the papal hierarchy, and was denounced at its first publication as here- tical; but it contained such a mass of curious and valuable information on all subjects con- nected with the science of Optics, that it speedily obtained a rapid and almost universal circulation. It was translated into the Italian, French, Spanish, German, and Arabic lan- guages; and great multitudes of persons from distant parts of Europe repaired to Naples to obtain further information respecting the optical illusions which it developed.»—Morell, Hist, of Philosophy and Science, p. .£21-22. Freytag, Adparatvs Littcrarivs, Vol. hi, //. J^b-ibS. Nice RON, Mint aires des Hommes Illustres, Tomexliii,/.^^ seq. 4/^948 PORTA. NATURAL MAGICK By John Baptista Porta, ^~^ A Neapolitan* \ In TWENTY BOOKS: 1. Of the Caufes of Wonderful Things. 2. Of the Generation of Animals. 3. Of the Production of New Plants. 4. Of increafmg Houfehold-Stuff. 5. Of changing Metals. 6. Of counterfeiting Precious Stones. 7. Of the Wonders of the Load-ftone. 8. Of Strange Cures. 9. Of Beautifying Women. 10. Of Diflillation. 11. Of Perfuming. 12. Of Artificial Fires. 13. Of Tempering Steel. 14. Of Cookery. 15. Of Fishing, Fowling, Hunting, &c. 16. Of Invifible Writing. 17. Of Strange Glaffes. 18. Of Statick / 184 POT-POURRI LITERARIO. Experiments. 19. Of Pneumatick Experiments. 20. Of the Chaos. Wherein are fet forth All the RICHES and DELIGHTS of NATURAL SCIENCES. London: Printed for Thomas Young, and Samuel Speed, and are to be fold at the three Pigeons, and at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1658. f° half calf. Margins closely cut, title-page and frontispiece damaged, and mounted. Pages ibq to 17b inclusive, supplied in manuscript. Very scarce. *** a Somewhat later, John Baptist Porta began his investigations. Despite many ab- surdities, his work was most fruitful. His book on meteorology was the first in which sound ideas were broached. His researches in optics gave the world the caviera obscura, and, possibly, the telescope. In chemistry he seems to have been the first to show how to reduce the metallic oxides, and thus to have laid the foundation of all those industries based upon the staining and coloring of glass and enamels; and, last of all, he did much to change natural philosophy from a «Black Art) to a vigorous open science.»—A. D. White, Warfare of Science, edit. 12° 1876, /. qb. '7 949 PORTA. NOTICE HISTORIQUE sur la VIE et les OU- = VRAGES de J.-B. Porta, Gentilhomme Napolitain. Par D **** [JP. G. Duchesne ^\ Paris: chez Poigne'e. An IX. 8° plain calf. *** This volume contains an excellent analysis of all Porta's works. 00 95° PORTIUS. I. An HOMO BONVS | vel Malus volens | fiat, Simonis Por- I tii Dispvtatio, | Ad Laelium Taurellum iurifcon-j fultifs. Duci Florentinorum | a Secretis. | Florentiae mdli.pp. 6j. II. DE DOLORE SIMO- | nis Portii Nea- \politani \Liber. \ Florentiae : | Apud Laurentium Torrentinum | m.d.li. pp. 66.=== III. DE COLORIBVS | OCVLORVM SI] monis Portii \Neapoli- | tani. | Florentiae : \Apud Laurentium Torre?itinum | mdl. pp. 57. j Pieces in / vol. sm. 40 fine old red morocco, super extra, gilt back and edges. A sump- tuous COPY OF THIS RARE VOLUME. *** An excellent bibliographical notice of these exceedingly curious Treatises will be found in Moreni's Annali della Tipografia Fiorentina di Lorenzo Torrentino. Edizione Seconda. Firenze: iSiq. 8° pp. 122, 157,178. Porzio's Treatise concerning the Color of the Eyes, contains many very singular and interesting physiognomical facts. voo 951 PORTRAITS des HOMMES ILLUSTRES Tant du Siecle Present, que de Plusieurs Siecles Passes. Leide: chez Corneille Haak. mdcclvii. /° plain calf. 92 PORTRAITS. Scarce. tjS 952 POTIER. NOUVEAU CATALOGUE de LIVRES CHOISIS, en Divers Genres, a vendre A la Librairie de L. Potier. 8« half red morocco, top gilt. Uncut. PARIS: i860. /. /2~ 953 POT-POURRI LITERARIO. [Por Sinibaldo de Alas?] ■ - Manilas: Imprenta de D. Miguel Sanchez. 1845-46. 2 Parts in I vol. 8° half morocco. Contents.—Parte Primer a. I. Sistema Musical de la Lengua Castellana: tercera edicion. II. Memoria sobre la Empolladura artificial de Huevos de Gallina en Egipto: escrita en Lengua inglesa. III. Ydeografia: Memoria sobre la facilidad de formar una Escritura Uni- versal, &c. escrita enjengua francesa. Parte Segunda. I. Tragedias. II. Poesia9 Liricas. III. Despachos. PRAY. 185 /,</> 954 [POVEY (CHARLES).] The VISIONS of SIR HEISTER RYLEY. With other Entertainments. Consisting of Two Hundred Discourses and Letters representing, by way of Image and Description, the Characters of Vertue (sic), Beauty, Affectation, Love and Passion ; the Agreeableness of Wit, Truth and Honour, made conspicuous by Morals, etc. etc. London: Printed for the Author, and Sold by Mrs. Sympson at the Ant Hope in King-street, Westminster. ijii . sm. 40 calf. *** No more of these Papers were published. N° 24 is missing from this copy, and N°" 58 to 80 should be dated 1711, and not 1710, as they are. Lowndes is mistaken in saying that the title has «no date. » a The Author's main Design is to instill into the Mind of the Reader sound Principles of Morality, under the Vail of a pleasing Vision, an apposite Allegory, or a lively Emblem. Does your Genius induce you to relish poinant Conceits, or satyrical Composures? Here is a variety of smart Reprimands and lancing Invectives dextrously levell'd against the Vicious of both Sexes. Are you of a delicate Constitution, and apt to be transported with the Charms of the Female Race? Here are Representations of chaste Amours, and such as set forth all the shining Advantages of Conjugal Affection. r>—Preface. J 2.S 955 [POWELL.] Humane Indujlry; | or, a | HISTORY | of moft| "!!:= MANUAL ARTS, | Deducing the Original Progrefs, | and Im- provement of them. I Furnifhed with variety of | Inflances and Examples, mew- | ing forth the excellency of | HUMANE WIT. | [By Doctor Thomas Powell, Canon of St. David's.'] London : | Printed for Henry Herringman, a?ui are to be \ fold at his Shop, at the Blew-Anchor, in the \ Lower walk of the New-Exchange. \ 1661. sm. 8° smooth calf, extra. A remarkably fine copy of this rare work. *** He was a person well vers'd in several sorts of learning, was an able Philosopher, a curious Critick, was well skill'd in various languages, and not to be contemn'd for his knowledge in Divinity. See, Wood, A thence Ojconienses, Vol. ii,/. ibj. Oldys devotes eighteen pages of his British Librarian to a critical analysis of this curious and entertainiug book. See, British Librarian, p. 42. r^-956 POYNTZ (ALBANY). A World of Wonders, with Anecdotes and Superstitions concerning Popular Super- stitions London: Richard Bentley. 1845. S* half morocco. / i 6 957 PRAXIS IOCANDI Hoc ejl, IOCORVM sive FACETIARVM in Conversationibvs Hominvm rite adhibendarum via ac ratio commodiflima, etc. etc. Francofvrti: Svmptibvs ac Typis Ioannis Spieffiij 6^ HcEredum Romani Bcati. Anno 1602. sm. S° new sprinkled calf, gilt back, red edges. / ,1.^958 PRAY (GEORGIVS). Index Rariorvm Librorvm Biblio- ~—' thecae Vniversitatis Regiae Bvdensis. Bvdae: Typio Rcgice. Vnivcrsitatis. Anno mdcclxxx. 2 vols. S° half morocco, top gilt. Very scarce. i86 PUBLICIUS. ./^959 PREVOST DE SAINT-LUCIEN (M.) Moyens cI'Extirper 1'Usure, ou Projet d'Etablissement d'une Caisse de Pret Public sur tous les Biens de 1'Homme; contenant les Lettres Patentes de creation du Mont-de-Piete de Paris en 1777. Paris : chez /20 calf. Lesclapart. m.ccc.lxxviii. / 00 960 PROX (IOH. HENRICUS). De Poetis Alsatiae Eroticis ~ Medii Aevi, vulgo von den Elsaessischen Minnesingern. Argentorati: Typis Lorenzii & Schuleri. mdcclxxxvi. sm. 40 half' ?norocco, top gilt. y£ 961 PRUD'HOMME. Scenes Populaires Montoises, Calligra- "phiees par Anatole Oscar Prud'homme. Mons: Leroux: mdcccxxxiv. S° brown calf extra. Only 130 copies printed. fc 962 [P SALT ME (M. ETIENNE).] Dictionnaire Bibliogra- ~ phique, ou Nouveau Manuel du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres Avec des Notes Critiques, Historiques et Litte- raires, precede d'un Essai Elementaire sur la Bibliographie. Paris: Ponthieu. mdcccxxiv. 2 vols. 8° calf. Rare. *** a Ce livre, <*puise* depuis longtemps, est devenu rare. M. Psaume e'tait un homme de beaucoup de savoir. L'Introduction, en 264 pages, est une excellente compilation.*—Nodier. '/o.oj 963 IJtttlUctUS* ©ratorfaeartts 3Spttomata: cStue <auae = aft confuma^ | tu fprctant ©ratorem: tv anttquo iiijeto? figmnaffo | iriccntrt: fcrtiirutrfq^ fcreucs rattonta: Nee no &- aptus I opttmo cutcp to fro tttulus: Jfnfug &r pepfa- ctlts memorte | artte motr* Jacotu ]^utiICcfj JFlorenttnf lucufivatfone | in lucem etrftus. jFoelfcf numtne Jncijoat In fine: <£Ute atr confumatft fpectant oratote: tv antfquo rfjetoru ggmna- | fto: fttcentrf: fcrttmilrCcp rattones: uecnon $z aptus opttmo cuttp tof= | ro tttulus : memori? quoq? mottua putilfg: Jacotit pufcltctf jFloreu^ \ tini lucufcrattoue fn lucent ftittus foelfct numtne eppUctta fuut* | ISrijartfus rattrolt aufluttenfta* 1482. prtirfr ealefiu tit- cemfcrfa I tmprefttt fflleuettja* 4° crimson levant morocco\ super extra, blind tooled sides, gilt leaves, dentellc borders by CAPE; by leaves, 31 lines to a full Page; with a series of extremely grotesque letters, 42 in number, of which Dibdin (Bibl. Spenceriana, Vol. hi, p. 473, etc.J and Leber (Cata- logue, Tome I, />. JQ2) have given some facsimiles. On fol. 63 A, is a full page ivood-cut, containing 23 figures of A nimals, Fish and Birds; and on fol. 67 B, is a Chess-board with all the pieces in position. A beautiful copy, in fine preservation. EDITIO PRINCEPS. VERY rare. *** Dibdin exercised his hypercritical sagacity in attempting to prove the present edition a myth, and that the genuine Editio princeps was printed by Ratdolt at Venice in 1485. See, Bibl. Spenceriana, Vol. 111, /. 472 et sea. PVTTENHAM. 187 This singular work is divided into Three Parts, and treats of the following subjects, viz.: The Art of Oratory, the Art 0/ Epistolary Composition, and the Art of Memory. See, Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. iu, p. 17S. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographi- cum, Vol. ii, Pars, ii, p. 174. Zapf, Augsburg Buchdruckergeschichte. Erster Theil,/. 161. Graesse, Tresor des Livres Rares et Prdcieux, Tome v, /. 503. .^964 [PUCKLE (JAMES).] The CLUB, or, a Grey-Cap, for a = Green-Head, in a Dialogue between Father and Son. [Motto] In vino Veritas. The Fourth Edition, with Additions. London: Printed for Edward Lyman, at the Corner of Pope's-Head Alley, Comhill. 1723, 120 half calf. Presentation copy from the author to « Thom. Townsend, 24 July 1723.» rs 965 $uUi (tntiitv llttigi ire) Sractato trtl ptttt ^ = COle f&OttaCijC, Parigi: Nella Tipografia Crapelct. mdcccxl. sm. 8° 8 leaves, uncut. With a rude wood engraving on the title-page, representing a Priest importuning three Nuns. Only JO copies printed. A7"0 10. *** <l Nouvelle en vers, composed de 42 octaves et pr^ced^e d'une Epitre de l'auteur a Mateo Franco. On doit a M. Etienne Audin la publication de ce morceau un peu gaillard, et et qui dtait reste" ineMit jusqu'& nos jours. »—Brunet. a Cette nouvelle est fort libre. d—Bulletin du Bibliophile. /£t/0 966 PVRCHAS his PILGRIMAGE, or RELATIONS of the = WORLD and the RELIGIONS OBSERVED in ALL Ages and places difcouered, from the Creation unto this Present. In Foure Partes. This First Containeth a Theological! and Geographicall Hiftorie of ASIA, AFRICA, and AMERICA, with the Islands Adiacent. ... By Samvel Pvrchas, Minifler at EJlwood in Effex. London: Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Featherflone, and are to be fold at his Shoppe in Pauls Church-yard at the Signe of the Rofe. 161 j. f° old calf title-page soiled. FIRST EDITION. Scarce. /W967 PVTTENHAM. The ARTE of ENGLISH POESIE, Con- T==== triued in three Bookes: The first of Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Ornament. By George Pvttenham. At London: Printed by Richard Field, dwelling in the black-Friers neere Ludgate. 1580. Reprint, Edited by Joseph Haslewood. London: 1811. 4° brown levant morocco, extra, blind tooled sides, gilt leaves. Only 200 Copies Re- printed. Scarce. ***«By far the most valuable work which was published in the province of criticism, during the lifetime of Shakspeare, was written by George Puttenham, and entitled The Arte of English Poesie, Contriucd into three Bookes, etc An elegant reprint of this old critic has been edited by Mr. Haslewood, in which, with indefatigable industry and research, he has collected all that could throw light on the personal and literary history of his author.i>— Drake, Shakspeare and his Times, 8° edit., /. 227. 4 This is on many accounts one of the most curious and entertaining, and intrinsically, one of the most valuable books of the age of Q. Elizabeth. The copious intermixture of contemporary anecdote, tradition, manners, opinions, and numerous specimens of coeval poetry no where else preserved, contribute to form a volume of infinite amusement, curiosity, and value.»—Ccnsura Literaria, Vol. 1, P-33Q. v&mm UARLES (FRANCIS). ENCHIRIDION; containing Institutions, Divine, Contemplative, Practical, Moral, Ethical, (Economical, Political. London: 1658. Re- printed for Cliarles Baldwyn. London: 1822. royal j6° brown calj\ panelled sides, red edges. Large Paper. //; ."969 QUERARD (M. J.-M.) BIBLIOGRAPHIE VOLTAIRIENNE. Paris: Fir min Didot Frh-es. [1842.] S° half calf uncut. LARGE PAPER. Only 250 coties printed. Very scarce. ;,SO 97o QUERARD (M. J.-M.) Les AUTEURS D£GUIS£S de la "^^ LlTTKRATURE FrANCAISE AU XIXe SlECLE. ESSAI BlBLIOGRAPHIQUE pour servir de Supplement aux recherches d'A.-A. Barbier sur les ouvrages pseudonymes. Paris: ait Bureau du Bibliothe'eaire. 1845. S° half morocco, uncut. Rare. / uo 97 T QUERARD (M. J.-M.) OMISSIONS et B^VUES du r==== Livre intitule La Litterature Francaise Contemporaine, par MM. Ch. Louandre et F. Bourquelot, ou Correctif de cet Ouvrage. Correctif du Tome Deuxieme, Bon-Chr. Paris: 1848. S° half morocco, uncut. Facsimiles. Very scarce. *t* a Cette brochure, qu'il est bon de joinclre a la fin du Tome ii de l'ouvrage critique\ signalc pres de huit cents omissions et be"vues pour la seconde moitie de ce Tome ii seulement.D —See, Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de J.-M. Querard. Paris: 1857, 3° /. 13. QUERARD (M. J.-M.) De la BIBLIOGRAPHIE g£n£- RALE au Dix-Neuvieme Siecle, et plus particulierement du Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres: LETTRE k M. Jacques-Charles Brunet, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. Paris: / 'Editeur. Avril i86j. S°paper covers, uncut. Scarce. 973 QUICHERAT (J.) Un MANUSCRIT INTERPOL^ de la ~~= CHRONIQUE SCANDALEUSE, Dissertation et Extraits pour servir a 1'Histoire du Regne de Louis xi. Paris: Edwin Tross. 1837. S'° half red morocco, top gill. Only 50 copies printed. (./ o 972 QUINZE IOYES DE MARIAGE. 189 /"iT974 QVINTILIANI (M. FABII). ORATORIARVM INSTITV- 'TIONUM Lib. xii, una Declamationibus eiufdem argutiffimis, ad horrendae uetuflatis exemplar repofitis, diligenterq? impreffis. {E Colonic: in cedibus Eucharij Ceruicomi, c^ Heronis Fuchs. Anno uirginei partus, m.d.xxi. menfe Martio. == ELEGAN- TIARVMLAURENTIIVALLENSISLIbri fex Latine llgue ftudiofis perutiles ac perneceffarij, nuper fumma diligentia recogniti, & cum Afcenfianis adnotationibus impreffi. Eiusdem Laurentij Libellus de Reciprocatione pronominum fui & fuus, quibus no modo gramatiftaru vulgus, fed etia eruditi alioqui plericp ab utiitur. In fine: Lutecie Impenfis Iodnis Parui, 6° Vuolffgangi hopil. anno ab orbe redempto Millcfimo Quingentcfimo vij. ad eidus Februarias. 2 vols, in I vol. _/~° hogs kin, brass clasps. *+* a Laurentius Valla was without doubt the best acquainted with Latin of any man of his age, yet no pedantic Ciceronian, he had studied all the classical writers of Rome. His Elegantitz is a work on Grammar; it contains an explanation of refined turns of expression, especially where they are peculiar to Latin; displaying not only an exa<£t knowledge of that tongue, but often also a really philosophical study of language in general.t>—Heeren. a If those have done most for any science who have carried it farthest from the point whence they set out, Philology seems to owe quite as much to Valla as to any one who has come since. The Treatise [de Elegant ice] was received with enthusiastic admiration, continually reprinted, honoured with a paraphrase by Erasmus, commented, abridged, extracted, and even turned into verse.d—Hallam. aUnius Laurentii mordacitas non paul6 plus conduxit rei literarice, quam plurimorum ineptus candor, omnia omnium sine deleclu mirantium, sibique invicem plaudentium, ac mutuum, quod aiunt, scabentium.y>—Erasmus, Epist. Lib. iv, Epist. 7. rfoo 975 <&23)INZ3E (HIES) *<©¥35S BW $HSm*3<£3E. = [Par Antoim de La Sale.'] C Kmpnmc a iparfs par Jrtjan 3rrrptrcI,ttnnouraut sur Ir pout KTostrc Uamc, a lymacjc SatUCt Hauretlt, Rtimprime Paris: chez Techener. 1S37 j6° full red morocco, rough edges, zvood-cuts. Only 126 copies reprinted. *#* a Parmi les ouvrages sans nombre inspires aux eVrivains satiriques par les malices du sexe et les inconve'nients plus ou moins rdels du lien conjugal, les Quinze Joyes de Mariage doivent 6tre placets au premier rang. Ce n'est ni une satire froi.de et railleuse, ni un tissu d'invectives et d'obsce'nitds; e'est une elude approfondie du cceur humain, une analyse pa- tiente et delicate, un tableau acheve, dont toutes les nuances sont fondues avec harmonic. C'est l'ceuvre d'uu grand maitre, et e'est a coup ur son chef-d'oeuvre.»— P. Jannet. A good analysis of this piquant work will be found in [Du Roure] Analeclabiblion, Tome i, /. 133. 3 GO 976 2&® 977 ABELAIS. The WORKS of FRANCIS RABELAIS, m.d. Now carefully Revised, and compared throughout with the late New Edition of M. Le Duchat, by Mr. Ozell. London: Printed by J. Hughs, mdccxxxvii. j vols. 12° calf. Portrait and plates. *** a The English version of Rabelais by Urquhart, Motteaux and Ozell, may be considered one of the most perfect specimens of the art of translation.d—Tytler, Essay on the Principles 0/ Translation. RALEIGH. The POEMS of SIR WALTER RALEIGH: Now First Collected. With a iSJiOfitapIjlCal atttT <£tfttcal XnttOtructton: By Sir Egerton Brydges. Printed at the Private Press of Lee Priory. i8ij. 40 half crimson morocco, top gilt, uncut. Only 100 copies printed. 3. 6 o 978 RAMBACH. THESAURUS EROTICUS LINGUAE Latins, sive Theogoni/e, Legum et Morum Nuptialium apud Romanos Explanatio Nova. Ex interpretatione propria et impropria et DifTerentiis in significatu fere Duorum Millium Sermonum. Ad intelligentiam Poetarum et Ethologorum tarn antiquse quam integrse infimaeque latinitatis. Edidit Carolus Rambach. Stuttgarti^e: 8» half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. MDCCCXXXIII. / y«f~979 RANDOLPH (THO.) POEMS, with the Muses Looking- Glasse, Amyntas, [and The Jealous Lovers.] The Second Edition enlarged. Oxford: Printed by. L. Litchfield, Printer to the Vniversity, for Eraneis Bowman. 1640. sm. 8° brozvn calf, red edges. *$0 98o RAOUL (L. V.) PRECIS de i/HISTOIRE LITT&RAIRE r=== Grecque, Latine et Francaise. Bruxelles: Hauman, Cattoir et C\ 1837. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. 2 J -2 981 REASONS HUMBLY OFFER'D for a LAW to ENACT the ~= CASTRATION of POPISH ECCLESIASTICS, as the Best Way to prevent the Growth of Popery in England. London : Printed i/OOj and now Reprinted and published by C. Brown. London : 1856. 8° pp. iq paper covers. Very curious. JV983 RENOUARD. 191 Js Q 0 982 RECUEIL de PIECES RARES et FAC&TIEUSES, Anciennes ==== et Modernes, en Vers eten Prose, remises en lumiere pour l'esbat- tement des Pantagruelistes, avec le concours d'un Bibliophile. Se vend a Paris: chez A. Barraud, Libraire, Rue de Seine, N° 2jy a VEnseig?ie de la Jarretihre. m.d.ccc.lxxii-lxxiii. 4° vols. sm. 8Q uncut. Illustrated with a series of piquant engravings and vignettes. *** An extraordinary Collection of rare, curious, and frolicsome, French Facetiae. Only 300 copies were printed on papier verge1', of which the present is N° 95. It was published at 16 frs. a volume or, 64 frs. for the complete work. REED. Bibliotheca Reediana. A CATALOGUE of the CURIOUS & EXTENSIVE LIBRARY of the late ISAAC REED, ESQ. of Staple Inn. Comprehending a most Extraor- dinary Collection of Books, in English Literature; particularly relating to the English Drama, and Poetry, many of them ex- tremely scarce, etc. Sold by Auction, by Messrs. King and Loche"e. London: i8oy. 12° half calf. Portrait. Neatly Priced. ^O 984 REIMANNI (JACOBI FRID.) Historia Literaria de Fatis === Studii Genealogici apud Hebraeos, Graecos, Romanos & Germanos, etc. [s. I.] 1702. 12 ° boards. /. fb 985 REISKII (M. JOH.) De IMAGINIBUS JESU CHRISTI === Qvibus Exercitatio Philologica De Lingva Vernacula Jesu Christi emendatior & locupletata sub fmem adjungitur. Jen^e: Sumptibus Christiani Wohlfartii, (sic) Bibliop. Lips. Anno mdclxxxv. sm. 40 vellum. Very Rare. %* A work of great learning and research concerning the Portraits of Christ. See, [Peignot] Recherches Historiques sur la Personne de Je'sus-Christ, etc. Dijon: 1829, S° p. 16. ,JZS~ 986 RENDELLA (PROSPERO). TRACTATVS de Vinea, Vin- demia, et Vino. Venetiis: Apud Iuntas. mdcxxix. f° boards, uncut. Rare. *f.OO 987 [RENOUARD (ANT. AUG.)] OBSERVATIONS de === Quelques Patriotes sur la Necessity de Conserver les Monu- ments de la Litterature et des Arts. Paris: [Didot VainS] Van deuxihne \ijgj\ de la Rt-publique Francaise, une et indivisible, pp. 23. = LETTRE au COMITE ^INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE,/<zr le ?neme, pp. 4. = Dl^CRET qui defend d'enlever, de d^truire, mutiler ni alt^rer en aucune maniere, sous pretexte de faire dispa- roitre les signes de feodaliti ou de royauti, les livres imprimis ou manuscrits, les gravures et dessins, les tableaux, etc. pp. 8. [Paris: De VImprimerie Nationale. Anil* ifpj.] S PIECES in i vol. S° boards, uncut. PRINTED ON FINE VELLUM; only 4 copies of the First, and 2 copies of the Last Piece were printed in this manner. The present was Renouard's own copy, and contains his portrait and a curious autograph memorandum regarding his extreme peril for this publication. 192 REVCHLIN. ^988 [RENOUARD.] CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTH&QUE d'un AMATEUR, avec Notes Bibliographiques, Critiques et Litte;raires. [Par Antoine-Augustin Renouard.] Paris; chez A. A. Renouard. m.dccc.xix. 4 vols. 8° half crimson morocco\ tops gilt. Uncut. *** «Des litres de livres presque toujours copies exactement, quelques renseignenients bibliographiques neufs ou peu conn us, un grand nombre de Notes, souvent curieuses, sur des sujets d'eVudition, de morale et de fantaisie, voila en substance ce que renferine le Catalogue de M. Renouard. Cest un Livre fort superieur, sans doute, h la plupart de ceux du meme genre, et tres-remarquable par sa belle execution typographique.D—Brunet. Ja0 989 RENOUARD. ANNALES de l'IMPRIMERIE des ALDE, ou Histoire des Trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. Par Ant. Aug. Renouard. Troisilme Edition. Paris: chez Jules Renouard. M.DCCCXXXIV. S° half green mororco, top gilt, uncut. Portraits and facsimiles. Last and best Edition, of -which only 350 copies were printed. Scarce. *** d Renouard has procured for himself a bibliographical immortality by his Annates de I'Imprimeric des Aide: a work almost perfect of its kind.D—Dibdin. ^t0o 990 RENOUARD. ANNALES de l'IMPRIMERIE des ESTIENNE ou Histoire de la Famille des Estienne et de ses Editions. Par Ant. Aug. Renouard. JDeuxihne Edition. Paris: chez Jules Renouard et Cie. m.dccc.xliii. <yo half tnorocco, top gilt, uncut. Best Edition. *** At the end of this copy will be found Renouard's Note sur Laurent Coster a I'occa- sion a"un ancien livre imprimddans les Pays-Bos, pp. lb. /00 991 RENOUARD. CATALOGUE dune Precieuse Collection —— de Livres, Manuscrits, Autographes, Dessins et Gravures com- posant la Bibliotheque de feu M. Antoine-Augustin Renouard. Paris: chez L. Poller. 1854. S° half morocco, top gilt, uncut. Priced in pencil. *** Renouard's copy of the Ars Meviorandi per fguras Evangelisiarutn (N° 28 of this Catalogue) produced 2,750/™. and was purchased by Mr. James Lenox, of this city. f^S 992 RETROSPECTIVE (The) REVIEW London: Charles and Henry Paldwyn, Newgate Street. 1820-26. 14 7jols. 8° half russia. *** « The criticisms in this First Series were written by George Robinson, Esq., W. Gray, T. N. Talfourd, Joseph Parkes, &c, the whole being under the superintendence of H. Southern, Esq.©—Lowndes. Jo 993 REVCHLIN. 10ANN]S | Revchlin Phor- | censis ll. Dodo- | == ris Liber | De VERBO MIRIFICO. | Lvgdvni : | Apud loan. Tornae- /6° calf. Fine clean copy. Rare. SWl/l. | M.D.LII. *** a This curious work is an explanation of the mysterious cabalistic word a Tetragram- maton.d By the single letters of this wonder-working word, man rules over all nature; by it, the Apostles wrought miracles, and cast out evil spirits.*—See, Barham, Life of John Rene hitn, p. lob. /<- ■f RICARD. 193 994 REVUE ANECDOTIQUE des LETTRES et des ARTS, paraissant le 5 et le 20 de chaque mois. Documents Biographi- ques de toute nature.—Nouvelles des Librairies et des Theatres. — Bons-mots.— Satires.—Epigrammes.—Excentricit£s Litt^- raires de Paris et de la Province.—Bouffonneries de l'annonce. —Prospectus Rares et Singuliers. Paris: /Sjj-iSjp. Q vols. 12° half crimson morocco, UNCUT. Very CURIOUS. *** aCette Revue, fondle par M. Loredan Larchey, fut en grande partie r£dig£e par lui. Les collaborateurs r^guliers e^aient MM. Edouard Goepp, Georges Duplessis et Louis Enault.d 995 [REWICZKY.] BIBLIOTHECA GRAECA et LATINA, com- ple6lens Auctores fere omnes Graeciae et Latii veteris, quorum opera, vel fragmenta aetatem tulerunt, exceptis tantum asceticis et theo- logis Patrum nuncupatorum scriptis; cum deleclu editionum tarn primariarum, principum et rarissimarum, quam etiam optimarum, splendidissimarum atque nitidissimarum, Quas usi meo paravi PERIERGUS DELTOPHILUS. {CarlEmmerich Alex. Fewiczky.'] Editio Altera cum Emendationibus Aucloris. Berolini: Typis Joannis Frid. linger, mdcclxxxxiv. S° half vellum. *** «This well printed Catalogue demands a place in the collection of ever)' one who is desirous of knowing the best editions of the Classics: many of the articles are illustrated with good bibliographical notices. The Lists of Collections of Editions, ad Usum Delphini, Va- riorum, Elzevirs, etc., etc., are very complete, and greatly enhance the value of this volume. This splendid library was purchased by Earl Spencer. A limited number only was printed of this Catalogue, which is consequently both scarce and dear.D—Horne. /c/o 996 RHEES (WILLIAM J.) MANUAL of PUBLIC LIBRARIES, 'Institutions, and Societies, in the United States, and British Provinces of North America. Philadelphia: iSjcj. S° half morocco, top gilt, uncut. Partly interleaved. //,-r~997 RHODIGINI (LUDOVICI C/ELII). LECTIONUM ANTI- QUARUM Libri Triginta, recogniti ab Auctore, atque ita locupletati, ut tertia plus parte auctores sint redditi Francofurti et Lipsl^e: Anno m.dc.lxvi. f° vellum. Fine copy. *** Rhodoginus is called by Scaliger the Varro of his Age. This work, which consists of valuable observations on various subjects, but chiefly of emendations of the classics, was formerly known by the name of a The Cornucopia.^ Ludovicus Caelius Rhodoginus, vir omnigena? doctrince, interiorum autem literarum scientist, nemini sui seculi secundus. See, Vossius, De Historic is Latinis, 40 Edit. p. $14. ^o 998 RIBADENEIRA (P. PETRO). Illvstrivm Scriptorvm Re- ligionis Societatis Iesv Catalogvs. Antverpi/e: Ex officina Plantiniana, A pud Ioannem Aforetum. m.dc.viii. S° vellum. r;f 999 RICARD (ADOLPHE). ELOGE de JEAN RAISIN et de sa Bonne Mere la Vigne. Paris: Gustavc Sandre. [s. a. ic?jj ?] J2° half morocco. 194 RIVE. J>. o 0 iooo RICIVS (PAVLVS). DE SEXCENTVM | ET TREDECIM = MOSAICE SAN- | CTIONIS Edictis. | C EIVSDEM PHILOSOPHICA PROPHE- | TICA AC TAL- MVDISTICA: PRO CHRI- | STIANA VERITATE TVENDA CVM IV- | NIORI HEBREORVM SINAGOGA, MIRA- | BILI INGENII ACVMINE DISPVTATIO. | C EIVSDEM IN CABALISTARVM SEV | ALLEGORIZAN- TIVM, ERVDITIO- | NEM YSAGOGAE. | C EIVSDEM DE NOVEM DOCTRINA-| RVM ORDINIBVS, ET TOTIVS PERY- | (sic) PATETICI DOGMATIS NEXV COM- | PENDIVM: CONCLVSIONES AT- | QVE ORATIO | CABALA. | 4£ In fine: Augujlce Vindelicorum officina propria viri Lndujlris Loann. Miller (Maximiliano Cce- fare Imperij Sceptra fcelici aufpicio te- nente) cereis characleribus exaratu. Anno Salutis humance M.D. XV. circa diui Pau- li conuerfionis fe- Jlum. 4 Tracts in I vol. sm. 40 oak boards, stamped pigskin covers, with brass clasps, slightly wormed in the margin, otherwise in very fine, clean condition. VERY RARE. *** « Hujus auctoris scrihta omnia paradoxa sunt perrara.d See, Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. vi,p. 143. Zapf, Annates Typographies Augtistana, p. $S. Solcer, Biblio- theca, Pars 11, /. 372. Bayle, Diet. Hist. art. Ricius. V^ 1001 RIEGO NUNEZ. OBRAS POSTUMAS PO^TICAS, de DON ~=~ EUGENIO ANTONIO del Riego Nunez, con una Egloga, en que dos pastores del Nacea, describen y celebran las Fiestas que hizo Tineo, por el nombramiento de Gobernador interino del Supremo Consejo de Castilla, del Conde de Campomanes, y Dos Memorias Premiadas por la Real Sociedad Economica de Madrid; El Romancero de Riego, con un Ap^ndice, y otras varias Composiciones Poi^ticas, con algunas Traducciones al Ingles. Las publico, Don Miguel del Riego, Candnigo de Oviedo: Is. I.] 1844* 12° boards, uncut. 4 portraits. Privately printed. Very Scarce. *** This copy contains English translations of various poems in this volume, printed on pink and buff paper. /0 0 1002 RIVE (M. VAbbO. &CLAIRCISSEMENTS historiques "= et CRITIQUES sur l'INVENTION des CARTES A JOUER. Paris: chez lyAuteur, Hotel de la Valliere, rue du Bac. m.dcc.lxxx. /20 half morocco. Uncut. *.+ * This rare and very curious little volume, was reprinted by Mr. Singer in the Appen- dix to his learned Researches into the History of Playing Cards. London: 1816. 40. ROGET. 195 // 00 1003 RIVE. La CHASSE aux BIBLIOGRAPHES et ANTI- ==== QUAIRES Mal-Avises, Par un des Ettves de M. /'Abbe Rive [1'Abbe Rive lui-meme^] Londres [Aix]: chez N. Aphobe, 6r-'c. 2 vols. S° half morocco, tofis gilt. M.DCC.LXXXVIII. *** «This work is now of rare occurrence: it abounds with scurrilities and good biblio- graphical notices. Two Hundred Copies only were Printed.j-Horne. 4 II serait difficile de rencontrer un savant qui eut autant d'erudition et d'acrimonie, autant d'esprit et de grossierete\ autant de connaissance et de vanite\ Doue* d'une mdmoire prodi- gieuse, alimented de leclures e^onnantes, il aurait peut-etre eu droit a la place de premier bibliographe de son temps si un orgueil excessif et un penchant k la satyre la plus vile n'eussent terni sa gloire.i>—Peignot. /^^ioo4 RIVE. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE des LIVRES de feu TAbbe Rive, Acquise par les Citoyens Chauffard et. Colomby, mis en ordre par C. F. Achard. Marseille: m.dcc.xciii. S° marbled calf y red edges. Neatly Priced. Rare. *** a A Catalogue of the books of so sharp-sighted a Bibliographer as was the Abbe Rive, cannot fail to be interesting to the collector.d—DibdIn. i4rV IO°5 RIVINGTON and COCHRAN. CATALOGUE of BOOKS in Various Languages, and in every Department of LITERA- TURE. London: 1824. thick S° half roan. <t^ioo6 ROCHETTE (M. RAOUL). Catalogue des'LivRES compo- ■ sant la Bibliotheque Artistique, Archeologique, Historique et Litt^raire de feu M. Raoul Rochette. Paris: 1855. = BIBLIOTHEQUE de M. Quatremere de Quincy, Collection d'OuvRAGES relatifs aux Beaux-Arts et a 1'Arch£ologie. 2 vols, it! I vol. S° half roan. Portraits. PARIS '. l8jO. ^6 1007 ROEMER (AVGVSTVS AMBROSIVS). De Lingvis in Exstrvenda Turri Babylonensi Ortis, etc. WlTTEBERGAE: Cl3 IOCCLXXXII. sm. 40 half morocco. d£S~ioo% [ROGERS.] C A philofophi- | call difcourfe, | Entituled. | The Anato- | mie of the | minde. | Nciwlie made and set forth \ by T. R. I [i.e. Thomas Rogers.'] t£ Imprinted at | London: by 1. c for Andrew \ Maunfell, dwelling in \ Paules Church yarde, | at the figne of the \ Parrot. 1576. iSIacft SLtttCr. sm. <f?° half calf with autograph of Dr. Richard Farmer, a of transcendant biblioma- niac a I celebrity D! *** a Thomas Rogers was a most admirable Theologist, an excellent Preacher, and well deserving every way of the sacred Function.v See, Wood, Athena: Oxonienses, Fol., Vol. i, //. 341-2. /S^ioo9 ROGET (PETER MARK). THESAURUS of ENGLISH WORDS and PLIRASES Classified and Arranged so as to facilitate the Expression of Ideas and assist in Literary Compo- sition. Thirtieth Edition. London: Longmans. 1871. Cfown S° cloth. 19^ ROXBURGHE. Aoo hmo 1 ftoUtofncft trr ILutv (WSLtrntvuti).] l&t Uu= fittms I tocftpijalfc feu antique fajronfr. C (Eolonit in ofKcfua ^ ^uctrlL auo auataltcijrfftiauo.^l.cccccvufj* atr itvtxi ftalc&as fWartfas, tnit cUflatiolprettuj, sm. 40 paper covers, JJ /eaves, 42 /ines to a fu// page. *** This singular treatise was edited by Oktuinius Gratius, the celebrated hero of the inimitable Episto/ce Obscurerum Virorum. afc./^ion [ROLLESTON (Rev. SAMUEL).] A PHILOSOPHICAL = DIALOGUE Concerning DECENCY. To which is added a CRITICAL DISSERTATION on PLACES of RETIREMENT for Necessary Occasions, together with an Account of the • Vessels and Utensils in use amongst the Ancients, being a Lec- ture read before a Society of learned Antiquaries. London: Printed for James Fletcher in the Turl, Oxford, and Sold by J. and J. Pivington in St. Paul's Church-yard, mdccli. 4 ° paper covers, pp. 4S. *** This VERY RARE and learned Dissertation is divided into Two Parts. The First is a deeply philosophical discussion concerning Decency, and is profusely embellished with gems of classical quotation. The Second Part is devoted to an elaborate and critical research into the origin of the a Sella fami/iarica,i> or that place of Retirement, a where men of studious minds,d (as Pope remarks in one of his Letters) a are apt to sit longer than ordinary.d In the concluding pages of this part, the author displays a vast amount of curious erudition regarding the origin and shape of the <l Lasanum,t> a certain useful household vessel that loves seclusion; and to which Lord Bykon gracefully alludes in Don Juan, Canto i, cxliv. A brief notice of the Rev. Samuel Rolleston, Archdeacon of Salisbury, will be found in Nichols, Literary A necdotes, Vol. in, p. 66g. j 0 1012 ROSCOE. CATALOGUE of the Very Select and Valuable LIBRARY of William Roscoe, Esq Sold by Auction. S° halfmorocco, interleaved. LIVERPOOL: l8l6. j^.oo 1013 ROSE. A NEW GENERAL BIOGRAPHICAL DIC- T 10 NARY, Projected and Partly Arranged by the late Rev. Hugh James Rose, b.d. London: iSfj. 12 vols. S° ca/f, extra, marbled edges. *** a This work contains notices of no fewer than 20,700 names.d . Sy 1014 ROWLAND (Rev. THOMAS). A GRAMMAR of the WELSH '==== LANGUAGE, Based on the most Approved Systems, with Copious Examples from the most correct Welsh Writers. Third Edition, greatly enlarged and Improved. Bala: Printed and published by P. Saunderson. m.dccc.lxv. j2 ° lialf roan. *** a Decidedly tbe best Grammar of modern Cymraeg extant.»—Rev. John Williams, Ab ft he I. J. So 1015 ROXBURGHE. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the late == JOHN DUKE of ROXBURGHE, arranged by G. and W. Nicol Sold by Auction, at his Grace's late Residence in St. James's Square by PL R. Evans. London: 1812, S° half ca/f. *** See, DiBDiN, Bib/. Decameron, Vol. in, /. 49 ct set/. RYMENANS. 197 — Mttit me autr fce nott torotije JFor K fage no tljgttflc tmt trottje. X totU afceutre mafcgnfle mj> ftate (a \)%ty Qtfyat mg pompous ijonourt f1)all nctoer tt£t\ <© ^afitgfe toljen tfjou tljjjntuft Itatt of all, ®2Utti) confufton tJjou fJjalt Jjabe a fall. {Reprinted by Charles Whittingham, Cl/is7viek, for William Pickering. London: 1845^ post S° boards, uncut. With a satirical wood-cut <?/Wolsey's arms on tJie title. *** A facsimile reprint of the VERY RARE original edition ( Worms : 152b ?) This Satire was extremely offensive to Wolsey, who bought up and destroyed the copies, as we learn from the Dedication of the Second Edition, printed in 1546. a This boke was printed in the Cardinal hys tymey whiche wJien he had harde that it was done^ caused a certayne man (7vhom I could name if I lusted), to bye them all uppe.v Roy was an Ecclesiastic, he resided some time with Tyndall, and was one of the Translators of the New Testament. 'y,v 1017 RUELENS et De BACKER. ANN ALES PLANTINIENNES === depuis la Fondation de TImprimerie Plantinienne a Anvers jusqua la Mort de Chr. Plantin (1555-1589) par C. RLTELENS & A. De Backer. Paris: E. Tross. 1866. S° uncut. Portrait of Plantin. *** a Nous avons pris pour modele de notrc ouvrage les exccllentes Annalcs des Aide ct des Estienne de A. A. Renouard. Comme ce savant et consciencieux bibliographe, nous avons divise* nos Annalcs Plantinicnnes en deux parties bien distinctes : la Premiere cotnprend un Catalogue chronologique des ouvrages e\lit£s par Tofficine anversoise, avec des Notes et des e'claircissements Bibliographiques et Litt^raires ; la Deuxieme contient l'Histoire propre- ment dite du fondateurde ITmprimerie et de ses principaux successeurs, les vicissitudes de l'^tablissement lui-m§me ainsi que les principaux dv^nements qui se rattachent a son existences —Preface. y Jo 1018 RUGGLE (GEORGIO). IGNORAMUS, Comoedia: Nunc "===L denuo in lucem edita cum Notis Historicis et Criticis: quibus insuper praeponitur Vita Auctoris, et subjicitur Glossarium Voca- bula Forensia dilucide Exponens. Accurante Johanne Sidneio Hawkins. Londini: m.dcc.lxxxvii. <y° half russiay frontispiece by Stothard. *** Best Edition of this remarkable satire on the ignorance, and knavery, of the common lawyers of the Author's time. ^^1019 RYMENANS. Catalogue de Livres et Manuscrits Rares "^^ et Precieux, ayant forme la Bibliotheque de feu M. Rymenans. Gand: c/iez ffoste. 1842. S° half calf. , 0 L ^1020 AAVEDRA FAXARDO (DIDACO). Idea PRIN- CIPIS CHRISTIANO-POLITICI Centvm Symbolis Exprcffa. Editio novifsima, a mendis accurate expur- gata. Coloniae: Apud Joannem Carolum Munich. Anno mdc.lxix. 12° stamped pigskin, with clasps. Fine impressions of the emblems. 6 o 1021 S AAVEDRA FAXARDO. The ROYAL POLITICIAN ~~ Represented in ONE HUNDRED EMBLEMS. Written in Spanish by Don Diego Saavedra Faxardo, Knight of the Order of St. Jago, etc. Done into English from the Original. By Sir J. A. Astry. London: Printed for Matt. Gyltiflower at the Spread- Eagle in West minster-hall. mdcc. 2 vols. S° sprinkled calf, extra, gilt leaves, 2 portraits of William Duke of Glocester. Fine impressions of plates. oo 1022 SAGE (La) FOLIE | FONTAINE | d'Allegresse, | Mere de — plaifir, (Sc Royne | des belles humeurs. | Livre Premier. | La De- legable Folic, \ Soustien des Capricieux, foulas des Chagrins, \ & pajlurc des Bigcarres. | Livre Second. | La Fvrievse Folie | des Pre res en des-vnion. | Livre Troisiesme. | A Lyon: chcz Pierre Drobet, \ en rue Merciere. | m.dc.xxviii. 2 Parts sm. S° dark red morocco, extra, gilt leaves. Curious emblematical frontispiece. *#* This singular work is a translation of Antonio Maria Spelta's La Sagcia Pazzia, Pavia: 1606 40. It was first translated into French by L. Gakon; the present version was made by J. Marcel. A good analysis of the work by the Marquis Du Roure, will be found in the A naleclabilion, Tome m, /. Job, et seq. j,7 1023 [SAINT-HYACINTHE.] Le CHEF-D'OEUVRE d'un Inconu ~ (sic), Poeme, heureufement decouvert & mis au jour avec des Re- marques favantes et recherchees. Par M. le Docteur Chrisostome Matanasius [Th/miseul de Saint-Jfyacinthe^] La Haye: Au deepens de la Compagnie. Anno mdccxiv. 12° half morocco, red edges. Portrait. FIRST EDITION. RARE. *** a Le Chef-d'Gluvre d'un fnconnu, est une production vraiment originale et tres piquante. Finesse, delicatesse, sel ^pigrammatique, Erudition, tout s'y trouve."—See, Peignot, Manuel du Bibliophile, Tome i, /. 2/./. SALMASII. 199 j^io24 [SAINT-HYACINTHE.] Le CHEF-D'OEUVRE d'un IN- = CONNU, Poeme heureufement decouvert & mis au jour, avec des Remarques favantes et recherchees, par M.le Docteur Chrisostome Matanasius. [Th/miseul de Saint-Hyacinthe.] On trouve de plus une Differtation fur Ho??iere et fur Chapelain; deux Letter es fur des Antiques; la Preface de Cervantes fur l'Hifloire de D. Quixotte de la Manche; la Deification d'ARiSTARCHUS Masso, & plufieurs autres chofes non moins agreables qu'inftructives. Septieme Edition. La Haye: chez Pierre Husson. mdccxliv. I2n calf, red edges. Portraits. ,/e 1025 SAINT-PORT. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de Monsieur === Gluc de Saint-Port. Paris: chez P. Prault, Quay de Gevres, au Paradis. M. DC c x Li x. <?° calf, gilt edges. Priced in red ink. / *)V 1026 SAINTSERF. ENTERTAINMENT of the COURS: or, Academical Conversations, held upon the Cours at Paris, by a Cabal of the Principal Wits of that Court. Compiled by that eminent and now celebrated Author, Monsieur de Mar met, Lord of Valcroiffant (?) and Rendered into English by Thomas Sain tferf, Gent. London: Printed by T. C. and are to be fold at the three Pigeons in St. Paul's Church-yard. idjS. sm. S° smooth calf, engraved frontispiece\ margins closely cut. R-are and Curious. *.2f 1027 SALDENI (GUILJELMI). De LIBRIS varioque eorum USV === & ABUSU Libri Duo, q\ju Indicibus neceffariis. Amstelodami: Ex officina Henrici et Vidua Theodori Boom. Anno do I DC Lxxxvm. sm. S° calf gilt back and edges, engraved frontispiece. Scarce. *** This learned and instructive treatise On the Use and Abuse of Books, is characterized in the following laudatory terras by Struvius: aElegantissimus liber est, quo scribendi pruritum tangit, prudentiam, soliditatem, brevitatem et perspicuitatem in scribendis libris commendat, justum legendorum librorum modum proponit diversa in scribendo vitia exami- nat, singuloque exemplis probe illustrat.D—See, Struvius, Introd.ucl.io Notitiam Rei Litte- rarice, etc., p. 6qj. Also, Delevennh, Biog. des Fays-Bas,ToME 11, p. jfry. [Cailleau,] Difi. Bibliographique, Tome hi, //. 4S1-4S4. Peignot, Dicl. de Bibliologie, Tome ii, /. 401. . Jo 1028 [SALLENGRE.] M£ MO I RES de LITTERATURE. [Par = M. Albert Henri de Sallengre.] La Haye: chez Henri du Sauzet. 4 Tomes in 2 vols. sm. S° calf Very scarce. ^7^5~^7• *** « Cet ouvrage traite des Livres imprime's depuis longternps et qui sont recommanda- bles, ou par leur mdrite, ou par leur rarete\ 011 par le bruit qu'ils ont fait.n—Biographic Universelle. t So 1029 SALMASII (CL.) PLINIANAE EXERCITATIONES in Caii = Ivlli Solini Polyhistora. Item CAII IVLII SOLINI POLY- HISTOR ex Veteribvs Libris Emendatvs. Parisiis: Apud Hieromymvm Drova rt. m . d c . x x i x. 2 vols. f° plain calf *** a This book is a perfecft treatise of Astronomic Chronology, according to the system received at that time, and which differs but little from what is now made use of.n—Dr. Adam Clarke. 200 SANDYS. ,0^1030 SANCHEZ (R. P. THONLE.) De SANCTO MATRIMONII = SACRAMENTO DISPUTATIONUM. Posterior et Accuratior Editio Superiorum auttoritate recognita, fparsifque hinc inde mendis, quae in priori exciderant expurgata; uberrimis praeterea Indicibus altero Difputationum, altero Rerum fcitu dignionim ditata. Lugduni: Sumptibus Laurcntii Anisson. m.dcc.xxxix. 3 vols, in 2 vols. fol. vellum. *** This extraordinary work was first published at Genua [ i. e. Madrid] in 1602, and came out permissu superiorum, and had the express approbation of Pope Clement VIII. The Censor of the press recorded his cordial approval of the work in the following expressive words: legi ac perlegi maximd cum voluptate! The volume is described in Vogt, as « a shameful work, composed with an enormous curiosity, horrible and odious for its diligent exactness, penetrating into most monstrous, infamous, and diabolical matters. It is impossible to apprehend how an author could be so shameless, as to compose such a book, seeing a man that has not quite divested himself of all modesty, sutlers terribly in reading it.D a An Iliad of impurities, the treatise of Sanchez is the true library of Venus. If Horace and Martial were to come again into the world they would write fine odes and epigrams upon those operators who have been desirous of castrating them. In five hundred Martials and Horaces there is not so much room for castration as in one page of Sanchez.d—Bavle, Did. Hist. art. Sanchez. The case appears to be, that Sanchez, the Confessor, wise and zealous for the salvation of others, disclosed all the impurities discovered in the tribunal of Confession, that rules might henceforth be made to meet the worst species presented to the Church. See, Recreative Review, Vol. ii. / -,51031 SANDIUS: BIBLIOTHECA ANTI-TRINITARIORUM, five === Catalogus Scriptorum, & fuccin6ta narratio de Vita eorum Auctorum, qui praeterito & hoc feculo, vulgo receptum dogma de tribus in unico Deo per omnia sequalibus perfonis vel impugnarunt, vel docuerunt folum Patrem d.n.j. Chrifti effe ilium verum feu altiffimum Deum. Opus Posthumum Christophori Chr. Sandii. Accedunt alia qusedam Scripta .... quas omnia fimul juncta Com- pendium Historic Ecclesiastics Unitariorum, qui Sociniani vulgo audiunt, exhibent. Freistadii: [Amstelodami] Apud Johannem Aconium. do Ioc Lxxxiv. 2 vols, in 1 vol. sm. S° plain calf. Exceedingly rare. *** a This interesting work abounds with valuable information upon books and writers. I never met with any English theologian, heterodox or orthodox, who had ever seen it.—Dr. S. Parr. « C'est un Catalogue Chronologique des <*crivains Sociniens, avec la Liste assez exacte de leurs ouvrages. On y trouve des details curieux sur l'histoire du Socinianisme en Pologne et les etablissements typographiques que les Unitaires ont poss<*de\s dans ce royaume, ainsi que dans la Lithuanie.D—Weiss, Biographic Universellc. S'.L r 1032 SANDYS (WILLIAM). CHRISMASTIDE, its History, = Festivities, and Carols. London: /. R. Smith, [n. d.] S° cloth. With vignettes and lithographic illustrations. fbO 1033 [SANDYS (WILLIAM).] SPECIMENS of MACARONIC ~~=^ POETRY. London: Richard Bcckley, 42, Piccadilly. 1831. 8° boards. Uncut. *** This entertaining volume contains reprints of the following rare and curious poems, viz.: I. «Pucna Pokcorum, per P. Porcium, Po'ilam.i — II. aCanum cum Catis Ceriamen Carmine Comfoositum Currente Calamo C Catulli Caninii.d — III. Hugbaldi monachi a Ecloga de Laudibus Calvitii.d SARNELLI. 20I /J^ 1034 SANNAZARII (JACOBI). OPERA OMNIA. Editio Nova. ■- Parisiis: Apud Fratres Barbou. m.dccxxv. 12 ° calf, red edges. ***(iThe Latin writings of Sanazzaro are entitled to particular consideration. They consist of his Piscatory Eclogues; two books of Elegies; three of Epigrams, and his cele- brated poem De Partu Virginis. Of these the Eclogues possess the merit of having exhibited a novel species of composition, in adapting the language of poetry to the characters and occu- pations of hsbermen. The Elegies are, however, much more highly to be esteemed ; as well for their innumerable poetical beauties, and the expressive simplicity and elegance ot their style, as for the many interesting circumstances which they have preserved to us respecting the times in which he lived. But the work to which Sanazzaro devoted the greatest part of his time, and on which he chiefly relied for his poetical immortality, was his poem in three books, De Partu Virginis, which, after the labour of twenty years, and the emendations derived from the suggestions of his learned friends, was at length brought to a termination.!)—Roscoe, Life 0/ Leo X, Vol. ii, /. 150. y^T 1035 SANTANDER. MEMOIRE HISTORIQUE sur la BIBLIO- = THiSQUE dite DE BOURGOGNE Par M. De La Serna SANTANDER. Bruxelles: 1809. = MEMOIRE sur l'Origine et le Premier Usage des Signatures et des Chiffres, dans 1'Art Typographique. Par le Citoyen de la Serna, [Santander.] Bruxelles: An IV. 2 Pieces in I vol. S° French calf. /c 1036 SANTANDER. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de la BIBLIO- === TH£QUE de M. C. De la Serna Santander, Redige et mis en ordre par lui-meme; avec des Notes Bibliographiques et Litte- raires: nouvellement corrige et augments. Bruxelles: An XI. [/c5bj.] 3 vols. <y° half roan, uncut. Neatly Priced, and also contains a Printed List of Prices. Very scarce. *** « An extensive collection of interesting works ; with a sufficiently copious Index at the end of the fourth volume. The Fifth Volume contains a curious disquisition upon the anti- quity of signatures, catch-words, and numerals; and is enriched with a number of plates of water-marks of the paper in ancient books. This Catalogue, which is rarely seen in our own country, is well worth a place in any library.»—Dibdin. « This Second Edition is considerably enlarged by the insertion of a great number of cancels; it is one of the best Catalogues extant ; and the Bibliographical Notices are drawn up with great care.D—Horne. S.W io37 SANTANDER (M. DE LA SERNA). DIGTIONNAIRE = BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE Choisi du Quinzieme Siecle, 011 Descrip- tion par Ordre Alphabetique des Editions les plus Rares et les plus Recherchees du Quinzieme Siecle, Precede' d'un Essai Historique sur 1'Origine de PImprimerie, etc., etc. J vols. S» calf. Covers broken. BRUXELLES: iSoj-?. *+* a A most elaborate work to which all Bibliographers are indebted for a fund of interesting and important information.b-Hokne. tifo 1038 SARNELLI (Abate POMPEO). GUIDA DE' FORESTIERI, = Curiosi di vedere, e d' intendere le Cose piii notabili di Pozzoli, Baja, Miseno, Cuma, ed altri luoghi convicini, etc. etc. Napoli: M.DC.XCVIII. rS° vellum, With map and numerous illustrations. 202 SAVAGE. S(f 1039 SARDI Ferrariensis (ALEXANDERI). De MORIBVS ac ^^^ RITIBVS GENTIVM Lib. 111. omni rervm varietate referti itervm impressi. Eivsdem De RERVM INVENTORIBVS Libri 11. ijs maxim}, quorum nulla mentio eft apud Polidorvm. Nuncprimum i?i lucem editi. In qvibvs omnivm Scientiarum, omniumq; fere rerum principium quoddam quam breuifiime continetur. Mogvnti/e: Per Franciscvm Behem. Anno m.d.lxxvii. sm. 8° vellum wrapper. Very Rake. *** See, Saxius, Onomasticon Litterarivm, Pars, in, p.3j6. Freytag, Adparatvs Litte- rarivs^ Vol. hi, /. 28O and p. 4QQ. / / t "1040 [SARTORL] Catalogus Bibliographicus Librorum in Biuliotheca C/es. Reg. et Equestris Academiae Thresianae Extantium cum Accessionibus Originum Typographicarum Vin- dobonensium et Duobus Supplements, nee non Indice Triplici Systematico, Bibliographico et Typographico. [Auclore Joscpho de Sartori.] Viennae: Typis Vidnae Alberti. mdccci-vi. 13 vols, in 11 vols. 40 half calf . *#* Only 100 copies were printed of this exceedingly valuable Catalogue. This copy is numbered 95. At the beginning of the Second Volume, is a most valuable and learned Memoir on the Origin of Printing. Sartori with Schoepflin, assigns the date of it to 1436. The collection is rich in works of the 15th century, and contains some rare a Americana.» The Twelfth and Thirteenth volumes form the Triplicate Index.—Sec, Peignot, Repertoire de Bibliographies Spc'ciales, etc., pp. 124-123. t/0 1041 SAUBERTUS (JOH.) HISTORIA BIBLIOTHECLE REIP. -""-= NORIBERGENSIS Accefht ejufdem curd & audio, Appendix de Inventore Typographic, itemqj Catalogus librorum proximis ab inventione annis us(5 ad A. c. 1500. Noriberg^e: Anno 1643. 32 ° vellum. /.yS 1042 SAVAGES (The) OF EUROPE. From the French. [By James Pettit Andrews^ London: Printed by Dry den Leach, for T. Davis, in Ruffel-Street, Covent-Ga'rden. mdcclxiv. 72° half calf. With plates by M. Darly. *** A very amusing Satire on the English, though many points are greatly exaggerated. /.,: o 1043 SAUVAGES (Les) DE L'EUROPE. [Par R.-M. Le Suire et Louvel.] A Berlin: m.dccc.lx. 12° paper covers, uncut. Scarce. So 1044 SAVAGE (JAMES). The LIBRARIAN. Being an Account "—~ of Scarce, Valuable, and Useful ENGLISH BOOKS, Manu- scripts Libraries, Public Records, &c, &c. London: Printed by and for William Savage. 1808-9. 3 vols. 8° half calf S.0 0 1045 SAVAGE (WILLIAM). PRACTICAL HINTS on DECORA- —*— TIV E P RIN TIN G, with LI lustra lions Engraved on wood, and printed in Colours at the Type Press. London: Published for the Proprietor. 1822. 2 Parts in i vol. 40 half calf gilt bach. Published at £,5. ijs. bd. Large Paper, in-folio, £//. us. +** a Vn des plus beaux ouvrages que Ton ait publics en ce genre.»—Brunet. SCHEIBLE. 203 ^1046 SAXIO (JOSEPH ANTONIO). De STUDIIS LITERARIIS Medidanensium Antiquis et Novis, etc. etc. Mediolani: mdccxxxix. 8° calf, red edges. A21TIQ47 SAXII (CHRISTOPHORI). ONOMASTICON LITE- RARIVM, five NOMENCLATOR Historico-Criticvs Praes- TANTISSIMORVM OMNIS AETATIS, POPVLI, ARTIVMQ. FORMVLAE Scriptorvm. item MONVMENTORVM maxime ILLVSTRIVM, ab Orbe condito vfique ad Saecvli, quod vivimus, Tempora Digestvs, etc., etc. Editio Nova. Traiecta ad Rhenvm. mdcclxxv-mdccciii. 8 vols. 8° half calf y red edges. Fine portrait of Saxius. *** « A chronological Nomenclature of ancient and modern Authors, with short Bio- graphical and Bibliographical Notices, and numerous references.»—Ebert. aOuvrage d'une grande utilite pour les rechercbes relatives a l'histoire litteraire: 60 a 72 fr.D—Brunet. « A work of the very first reputation in its way. The notices of eminent men are com- pendious, but accurate; and the arrangement is at once lucid and new. An elegantly bound copy of this scarce work cannot be obtained for less than si'jc or seven guineas.*—Dibdin. %%fo 1048 SCALIGERI (IVLII CAESARIS). POETICES libri jeptem. I. Historicvs. II. Hyle. III. Idea. HIT. Parasceve. V. Cri- ticvs. VI. Hypercriticvs. VII. Epinomis. Ad Siluium filium. Editio Tertia. [s. /.] Apud Pet rum Santandreamim. m.d.lxxxvi. <y° //. Q45y stamped hog-skin. *#* a It is a proof at least of the talents and courage of Julius Cesar Scaliger that he, first of all the moderns, undertook to reduce the whole art of verse into a system, illustrating and confirming every part by a profusion of poetical literature. His Poetics form an octavo of about 900 pages, closely printed. We can give but a slight sketch of so extensive a work. In the First Book he treats of the different species of poems; in the Second, of the different metres; the Third is more miscellaneous, but relates chiefly to figures and turns of phrase; the Fourth proceeds with the same subject, but these two are very comprehensive. In the Fifth we come to apply these principles to criticism ; and here we find a comparison of" various poets one with another, especially of Homer and Virgil. The Sixth Book is a general criticism on all Latin poets, ancient and modern. The Seventh is a kind of supplement to the rest, and seems to contain all the miscellaneous matter that he found himself to have omitted, together with some questions purposely reserved, as he tells us, on account of their difficulty.» Hallam, / cTo 1049 SCARRON (Monfieur). Le VIRGILE TRAVESTY en Vers Burlesques. Amsterdam: chez Pierre M order, mdxcv. (sic.) 2 vols. iS« boards. Engraved frontispiece, and curious plates. :-.2 6 1050 (Stfjctbic* S)cr Stjcttcrbanf tmtf) fcer Slufgabc ttou i519*===<$T)oma3 $tturttcr'3 Stfjtifteu imb fcttt Sebeu, nebft beff en 9f avveitb c \ dy hi d r n u <j tinb bet ®pottfdjrtft: Ob bet fiimtg Don <*n$laub cut ^ugttcr feti Obct bet £tttt)Cr* Von /. Scheible, mit 118 Holzchnitten und mit 96 Abbildungen auf 32 Tafeln. Stuttgart: 1S46. sm. 8n boards, uncut. Sc \kc, 2°4 SCHOLA CURIOS1TATIS. / 10^ &d)cibie. 2>a3 ©djaltja^r; \mid)c§ tft bet teutfdj Sialcnbcr mit ben $igumt, nub Ijat 3GG $ag* Durch J. Sellable. Stuttgart: 1846-7. 5 vols. sm. S» boards, uncut. Numerous curious and amusing illustrations. Scarce. %J/0 *o52 [SCHELHORNIUS.] Amoenitates Literari/e, quibus Varia Observations, Scripta item qiurdam anecdota & rariora Opufcula exhibentur. [Auclorc Jo. Georg. Schelhomius.] Editio altera cor- rectaor. Francofurti et Lipsle: mdccxxx-xxxi. 14 vols, in 7 vols. S7n. S° boards. *** 0 These/tj//r/tv« elegant little volumes [Amocuilales Lit.] are generally bound in six, seven, or eight. They contain some fairs and Curious Tracls in every department ofBiblio- graphy; many of them never before or subsequently printed. Fortunate is that student who possesses such a fund of various and amusing information.d-Dibdin. A 1053 SCHELHORNII (JO. G.) AMOENITATES HISTORIC ECCLESIASTICS et L1TERARLE, etc. Francofurti & Lipstae: 1737-38. 2 vols. sm. S° calf, gilt backs. *#* This valuable work contains 33 Tracls, chiefly theological, printed for the first time from original MSS. jo 1054 SCHELTEMA (P.) DIATRIBE in HADRIANI JUNII ==== Vitam, Ingenium. Familiam, Merita Literaria. Amstelodami: Apud M. H. Schonekat. 1836. S° paper covers. *** An interesting account of the Life and Works of this distinguished scholar. jo 1055 SCHLIEMANN (Dr. HENRY). TROY and ITS REMAINS; ""A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries made on the Site of Ilium, and in the Trojan Plain. Edited by Philip Smith, b.a. With Map, Plans, Views, and Cuts, Representing 300 Objecls of Antiquity Discovered on the Site. London: John Murray. 1873. S° cloth. LS 1056 SCHMIDIUM (10. ADAMUM). BIBLIOTHECA ANONY- MI AN A cum Notjs literariis perpetuis. Noriberg/e: mdccxxxviii. S° unbound. 177-1057 SCHMIDT (SEBASTIANO). Super MOSIS Librum Primum "^^~ GENESIS Dictum, Annotationes. Argentorati: Impensis Joannis Frid. Spoor, mdcxcvii. sm. 4" vellum. -%* « Highly praised by Walch.v 00 1058 SCHOLA CURIOSITATJS sive Antitodum (sic) Melancholia ■—— Joco-Scrinni Omnibus Hypochondriacis & atrabili laborantibus, sive fratribus Spleneticis & Melancholias. Editio Tertia. [s.l.eta.] 2 Parts in I vol. iSn vellum. Rakf. and curious. SCHOTT1. 205 /. ,S'C 1059 «SCHOLA SALERNITANA.d Regimen Sanitatis Salerni: Or, = The SCHOOLE of SALERNES Regiment of Health, Contayn- ing mod Learned and judicious Directions and Inflructions, for the guide and government of Mans life. [Translated into E?iglish verse by Philemon Holland^ Reviewed, Corrected, and inlarged with a Comentary (sic), for the more plaine and eafie underflanding thereof. Whereunto is annexed, a neceffary Difcotirfe of all forts of FISH, in vfe among vs, with theyr effects, appertayning to the health of Man. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Favvcet, dwelling in Grub-flreet neere the Lower Pu?npe. 1634. sm. 40 plain calf, gilt back. With a suspicious looking autograph of BYRON on the title-page', and on the fttargin of page I of the Text. jUJl&Clv fJLtXXtV ♦ *** This Poem is justly called the Flower of Physic. It was written about the end of the ninth century, for the use of Robert Duke of Nortnandy, son to William the Conqueror, who, in his return from the holy war, consulted the physicians of Salerno about a wound he had received in his arm by a poisoned arrow, which became fistulous. It is written in Leonine verses, and contains many excellent precepts in monkish poetry, and is the first book which prescribes rules of health in verse.d—See, Hamilton, Hist, of Medicine, Vol. i, /. 314 et seq. Carmoly, Hist.of the Jewish Physicians, transl. by Dunbar. Balt., p. 32. fSo 1060 SCHOLA SALERNITANA, sive De eonfervandd Valetudine 'Prcecepta Mctrica. Autore Joanne de Mediolano hadcmis ignoti cum luculenta & fuccincta Arnoldi Villanovani in fmgula Capitae Exegefi. Ex Recensione Zacharle Sylvii, Cum ejufdem Praefa- tione. Roterodami: Ex Officind Arnoldi Leers. do Ioc lxvii. 12° vellum. Engraved frontispiece. * + * «This poem, which is entitled in the oldest Editions, Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanunt, or Flos Medicines, though written in the name of the whole School of Salerno, is usually attributed to John of Milan. The earliest commentator was Arnoldus de Villanova, one of the most celebrated men of the thirteenth century, as a physician, a chemist, an astrologer, and a divine; but having treated the monks and the mass with too great freedom, the clergy became his enemies. His tenets were condemned as heretical, and manjr of his works are inserted in the Index Expurgatorius. Above One Hundred and Sixty Editions of the Schola Salernitana have been published.p IOO 1061 SCHOOCKII (MARTINI). De STERNUTATIONE Traclatus != copiofus: Omnia ad illam pertinentia, juxta recentia inventa propo- nens. Editio altera, priori & emendatior, 6° uberior. Amstelodami: Apud Pet rum Van den Perge, etc. Anno mdc.lxiv. /S° calf, red edges. Rare. *+* A very curious and learned Dissertation on Sneezing. /21062 SCHOTTI (P. GASPARIS). IOCO-SERIORUM NATURAE et Artis, slue Magi/e Naturalis Centuriae Tres. accefftt Athanasii Kircheri Soc.Jesv DIATRIBE de PRODIGIOSIS CRUCIBUS, quce tarn fupra vefles hominum, quam res alias, non pridem pofl ultimum incendium Vefuvii Montis, Neapoli comparuerunt. [Wurtzburg: 1616.] ,/° old calf. Wry curious. 206 SCHWARZII. / 00 1063 SCHOTTI (P. GASPARIS). THAUMATURGUS PHYSICUS, sive Magle Universalis Nature et Artis. Pars. iv. et ultima, in viii Libros digesta, quibus pleraq; quae in Cryptographicis, Pyrotechnicis, Magneticis, Sympathicis ac Antipathicis, Me- dicis, Divinatoriis ac Chiromanticis etc. etc. varie discutitur, innumeris exemplis aut experiments illustrantur. Herbipoli: Anno u DC lix. 4° old calf. Plates. :. : J 1064 SCHOTTI (P. GASPARIS). PHYSICA CURIOSA, sive MIRA- - BILIA NATURAE et ARTIS Libris xii comprehensa, quibus pleraq; :• quae de Angelis, D/emonibus, Hominibus, Spectris, Energumenis, Monstris, Portentis, Animalibus, &c, rara, arcana, curiofaq; circumferuntur, ad Veritatis trutinam expenduntur, Variis ex Historia ac Philofophia petitis difquifitionibus excutiuntur, & innumeris exemplis illuflrantur. Herbipoli: Anno m.dc.lxii. 2 vols. 40 vellum. Numerous curious illustrations. *** dL'auteur a rassemblt* dans les six premiers livres toutes les fables d<*bit<*es par ses devanciers sur les Anges et les Demons, les Spectres, les Centaures, les Sa'ryres, les Nymphes et les Sirenes, les Nains et les Grants, les Androgynes et les Hermaphrodites, les Possess, les Monstres humains, etc. Dans les suivants, qui sont plus instruclifs, on trouve de nombreux details sur les mceurs ou les habitudes des animaux, sur les Me'te'ores, les Cometes,D etc.—See, an excellent notice of Schott, in the Biographie Universelle, Nouvelle Edit., Tome xxxviii, p. 42S. /;,co 1065 SCHOTTI (P. GASPARIS). TECHNICA CURIOSA, sive MIRABILIA ARTIS, Libris xii. Comprehensa; Quibus varia Experimenta, variaque Technasmata Pnevmatica, Hydraulica, Hydrotechnica, Mechanica, Graphica, Cyclometrica, Chro- nometrica, Automatica, Cabalistica, aliaque Artis arcana ac miracula, rara, curiofa, ingeniofa, magnamque partem nova & ante- hac inaudita, eruditi Orbis utilitati, delectationi, disceptationi, que proponuntur. Excudebat Jobus Hertz Typographies. Herbipol: Anno m.dc.lxiv. 4° pp. 1044 vellum, with numerous curious illustrations. / : S 1066 SCHREGER (R. P. ODILONE). STUDIOSUS JOVIALIS, === sen AUXILIA ad Jocose, & honefle difcurrendum. Editio Sccunda. Monachii et Pedeponti: 1757. 8° vellum. Very curious. / X ^1067 SCHVRZFLEISCHI (HENRICI L.) NOTITIA BIBLIO- THECAE Principalis Vinariensis, etc. Jenae: mdccxv. 40 calf, gilt back, red edges. / '/{T 1068 SCHWARZII (CHRISTIANI GOTTLIBII). Primaria Qvae- 7 = dam DOCVMENTA de ORIGINE TYPOGRAPHIAE, etc., etc. Altorfii: cIoIdccxxxx. .7 Parts in I vol. sm. 4" boards, with folding /date of water-marks in oh! paper. SELDENI. 207 JC 1069 SCOTT (COL. HENRY L.) MILITARY DICTIONARY: === Comprising Technical Definitions; Information on Raising and Keeping Troops; Actual Service, Makeshifts and Improved Math-id; and Law, Government, Regulation, and Administra- tion relating to Land Forces. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 8° half roan, marbled edges. Numerous illustrations. I&OJ • £ j- 1070 SCRIVERII (PETRI). BATAVIA ILLVSTRATA, feu de = Batavorvm Insvla, Hollandia, Zelandia, Frisia, Territorio Traiectensi et Gelria, Scriptores varij notae melioris, nunc primum collctti, fimnlque cditi. Lvgdvni-Batavorvm: Apud Ludovicum Elzevir him. cId.Io.C.ix. sm. 40plain calf. Cuts. From the library of Anquetil Duperron, with his autograph. g.a a 1071 SEDDALL (Rev. HENRY). MALTA: PAST and PRESENT. == Being a History of Malta from the Days of the Phoenicians to the Present Time With a Map. London: Chapman and Hall. $° cloth. 7(9/0. /.Od 1072 SEELEN (10. HENR. a). SELECTA LITTERARIA, qvibus ==== varia Sacra, Civilia, Philologica, Philosophica, ac alia, conti- nentvr; Libri MSS., Rarissimiqve accvrate recensentvr, etc. Editio Secvnda. Lvbecae: i° mdccxxvi. sm. S° vellum. <Tc 1073 S E E M I L LE R. BIBLIOTHEC^ Academicce Ingolstadiensis == INCUNABULA TYPOGRAPHICA seu Libri ante Annum 1500 Impressi circiter Mille and Quadringenti; quos secundum Annorum seriem disposuit, Descripsit, et Notis Historico-Litterariis Illustravit Sebastianus Seemiller, etc. Ingolstadii: ij8j-88. 2 Parts in / vol. 4 ° boards. //£ 1074 SEIZ (JOANNE CHRISTIANO). Annus Tertius S/ecularis = INVENTS ARTIS TYPOGRAPHIC^, sive Brevis Hiflorica Enarratio de Inventione Nobiliffimce ARTIS TYPOGRAPHIC^, In qua oftenditur, Quo tempore, a quo 6° iibi locorum ea primum fuerit inventa, pojl mag is magisque exculta &* per Orbem Terrarum fpar fa? Et quot quantaquc Commoda ex ea in Genus Humanun redundariut? Harlem i: Apud Isaac urn et foannem Enschede. [77^2.] $» half calf Plates. *** «The author of this curious work espouses the claims of Harlem: the book contains several very interesting cuts relative to Coster, the supposed inventor of the art of printing.!) —Horne. f£6 1075 SELDENI (JOANNIS). De DIS SYRIS Syntagmata 11. etc. = Lipsiae: Anno m.dc.lxviii. = Petr. Frid. Arpe De PRODI- GIOSIS Natur/E et Artis Operibus Talismanes et Amu let a Dictis cum recensione scriptorium huius argumenti Liber singularis. 2 vols, in 1 vol. f2° boards. HAMBURG! '. -T/I?. 208 SERVAS DE BRUIN. J—-,1076 [SENAC de MEILHAN.] La F* ***o-manie, Poeme === Lubrique, suivie de plusieurs autres Pieces du meme genre. A Londres: Aux depens des A?nateurs. m.dcc.lxxx. iS° uncut. .JV; 1077 SENEBIER (JEAN.) HISTOIRE LITT&RAIRE de GE- === NEVE. A Geneve: chcz Barde, Manger 6° Compagnie. 1786. 3 vols. S° half calf. *** This valuable and scarce work contains an elaborate notice of the burning of Servetus by John Calvin.—See, Tome i, pp. 204-227. £,0 0 1078 SENSFELDER (M.) HISTOIRE de la CORDONNERIE. 12° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. PARIS: l8$6. *#* An entertaining History 0/ Shoeviaking, with biographical sketches of distinguished Shoemakers from the earliest times to the year 1856. /.') c 1079 SEPHER. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et SINGU- = LIERS de la BIBLIOTHfeQUE de M. l'Abbe Sepher, Docleur de Sorbonne. Paris: chcz Founder, m.dcc.lxxxvi. 8° calf. /.:- S~~io8o [SERGIO.] La Nobile, et Antica Arte de SARTORI cavata = da molti Avtori approvati, da Hipolito Viola de Serino Sartorc. [/. e. Vicenzo Sergio.] In Napoli: apprcjjo Hcttorc Cicconio. 1652. S° vellum. %* A curious and amusing treatise on The Noble and Ancient Art of Tailors. This a noble and ancient art d must have been a very poor business in the times of the saints, if the following statement is true: a. San Bartolomeo portaua vna veste bianca, vn ?nantello rosso, quali in 25 anni non si ruppero ?nai, ma stettero tutto qucsto tempo noui.D p. 30. On page 32 is a plate representing several winged seamstresses at work, and Santo Womobono, protettore de* Sartori, kneeling before a crucifix. £tfo 1081 SERMON pour la CONSOLATION DES COCUS, suivi de === plusieurs autres, comme celui du cure de Colignac, prononce le jour des Rois; celui du R. P. Zorobabel, capucin, prononce' le jour de la Magdelaine. A Amboise: chcz Jean Coucou, a la Come de Cerf. m.dcc.li. = SERMON d'un Cordelier a des Voleurs qui lui demandaient de 1'Argent ou la Vie. [s. /.] m.dcc.lii. 2 Parts in 1 vol. 12 ° boards, uncut. Rare and curious. /.6"0 1082 Sermoues Sfjtfattrf | nout trt fcwetis* == In fine: ©pus pmttfli ferntonttm tre fauctta per ctrculum annt STijefaurus nouns nunctt- patu fmprrttto Strflrnttne 5 jfttartfnu flacf) ^nno trnL ffli.ttttAvvvbiii* ffnit fcitctter, f° brown calf, double columns, rubricated initial letters, S3 lines on a full page, book-plate of Dr. Samuel Parr. *** See, Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. i, p.34- N° 121. J.oo 1083 SERVAS de BRUIN. Nieuw Engelsch WOORDENBOEK, ==== InTwee Deelen (I. Engelsch-Hollandsch. II. Hollandsch-Engelsch.) Ley den: Noothoven van Go or. \n. d.] 2 Parts in J vol. S° cloth, marbled edges. SHAKESPEARE. 209 /.X5 1084 [SEWARD (WILLIAM).] Anecdotes of Distinguished == Persons, chiefly of the last and Two Preceding Centuries. Fifth Edition. Illustrated by Engravings. London: 1804. 4 vols. 8° half calf. *** An Autograph Letter of Seward's is inserted in this copy. ^ J" 1085 SEYMOUR (E. H.) REMARKS, Critical, Conjectural, and == Explanatory, upon the PLAYS of SHAKSPEARE; Resulting from a Collation of the Early Copies, with that of Johnson and Steevens, Edited by Isaac Reed, Esq. Together with some Valuable Extracts from the MSS. of the Late Right Llonourable John Lord Chedworth. London: 1805. 2 vols. 8° /lain calf. /#0 1086 [Stsitflr (Stye) of Hrsuts-] f[ ?£crt i>tfl£u| = netf) tljr ttsmt of Wivs- I ntn of all tfjc colours tijat | Q3iv£MB fit of I iuftfj tfj* mr= | Melius autupttr to tutvv \ Wivgnt, autr eucrg 23r£uc | ijfs aargnaii mucljc | profg- tatiU for I cuerg man to | fenotoe. | C Finis. C :HERE | ENDETH THE BOKE | of fcyngc of waters. Imprinted / at London in Fletefirete at / the fygne of the George / nexte to faincl Dun- / flons churche by / Wyllyam Pavvel. / In the yere of our Lorde. M.D. | XLVIIL The. XVI. | day of Sep tern- / ber. / sm. 8° brown calf. Qjf unnumbered pages\ top margin cut closely to the text; the title-page ornamented with J bottles and a grotesque vignette. Rare and curious. If 6 c< 1087 « SHAKER BIBLE.» A Holy, Sacred and Divine ROLL and = BOOK; from the LORD GOD of HEAVEN, to the Inhabitants of Earth: Revealed in the LTnited Society at New Lebanon, County of Columbia, State of New York, United States of America. Read and understand all ye in mortal clay. In Two Parts. Received by the Church of this Communion, and published in Union with the same. Printed in the United Society. Canterbury, (N. H.): 1843. 2 Parts /// / vol. 8° pp. vii-402, sheep. Presentation copy from two sturdy Shakers, 4 Andrew Kingsleyd and a Isaac Greening.i> *** a The publishers of this work, feel that it is their duty to say unto all who may read the contents of the same, that in the compilation and arrangement of it, they have copied the style in which it was originally written by the pen of inspiration; that the subject matter is preserved entire, and whereever supply words have been added to the original matter, they are inclosed in brackets. The contents of each chapter, and a part of the leading captions have been added also for convenience sake.p a As this is the first printed book ever issued by the United Society at Canterbury, among whom there is no regular printer, the mechanical execution may not be perfect in all respect.p —A dvertisemen t. /.2S~io2>% SHAKESPEARE. The PLAYS of SHAKESPEARE. == London: William Pickering, Chancery Lane, mdcccxxv. Q vols. 48" half morocco, tops gilt. Uncut. 2IO SHAKSPERE. J■• y cl 1089 SHAKESPEARE. As put forth in 1623. A REPRINT OF = Mr. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARES COMEDIES, HISTORIES, & TRAGEDIES. Published according to the True Originall Copies. London: Printed by Isaac laggard, and Ed. Blount, 162J; and Re-printed for Lionel Booth, joy Regent Street. 1S64. 3 Parts 40 vellum cloth. With Photographs of Shakespeare1 s birth-place, portrait, and monument. *** a Probably the most correct reprint ever issued.d—Cambridge Edit. 0/ Shakespeare, Pre/ace, p. xxvi. a The chief object in the reproduction of this, for all critical purposes the most important edition of Shakespeare extant, has been, not mere resemblance, but that it should prove a so rarely and exactly wrought i>—page for page, line for line, word for word, letter for letter, ornamentation for ornamentation—as to be, excepting a more convenient size, a one and the self-same thing » with its prototype. That the attempt has been successful, the testimony of the most important journals of the time has satisfactory proved.d A00 1090 SHAKESPEARE. PERICLES, Prince of Tyre. By ■ Mr. William Shakespeare. The Text from the Third Folio Edition, publifhed in 1664; with Notices of former Editions. London: Printed for L. Booth, joy Regent Street, IV. iS6j. 4 ° paper coz'crs. %* a This Edition of Pericles, re-printed with the same care as exercised in the reproduc- tion of the * First Polio v is issued as a separate play to enable those already possessing the Three Parts of the Reprint of the 1623 edition, to bind with them the play of Pericles, the only acknowledged play of Shakespeare not printed in the a First Folio.v—Prefatory Note. .*tao T091 Shakespeare. JTijc iffrat lEftftfon of Sljatapcare, =~~ The WORKS of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE in Reduced Fac- simile from the Famous First Folio Edition of 162J. With an Introduction by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. London: Chatto and Windits. i8y6. srn. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. *** a For all usual practical objecls of study this cheap reproduction will place its owner on a level with the envied possessors of the far-famed original.i>—Preface. .,.- //< - 1092 SHAKESPEARE. The PLAYS and POEMS of WILLIAM ~r~=T1 SHAKESPEARE. London: William Pickering, Chancery Lane; Nattali and Combe, Tavistock Street; Talboys and Wheeler, Oxford. M.DCCC.XXV. // vols, crown 8° brenvn calf, extra, gilt backs and edg-cs. Contents Lettered. ONE OF 10 COPIES PRINTED ON tinted paper. *** This elegant edition of Shakespeare, has Johnson's Preface, and a Glossary, but no Notes. *. 0 0 1093 SHAKSPERE. The PICTORIAL EDITION of the WORKS / = of SHAKSPERE. [With a Biography of Shakspere, Intro- ductory Notices, Notes, Various Readings, Glossary, Music to the Songs, etc.] Edited by Charles Knight. London: Charles Knight and Co. \i 838-1843^ 8 vols. imp. 8° bright polished calf, extra, marbled edges. With several hundred fine wood-cuts of Vieius, Costumes, Scenes, etc., brilliant impressions. An elegant copy of the FIRST ISSUE of this valuable Edition of the complete Works of Shakespeare. Scarce. SIBYLLINE ORACLES. 211 //(/.Oci 1094 SHAKESPEARE. The WORKS of WILLIAM SHAKES- = PEARE, the TEXT formed from a NEW COLLATION of the EARLY EDITIONS: to which are added all the ORIGINAL NOVELS and Tales on which the PLAYS are founded; copious ARCHAEOLOGICAL ANNOTATIONS on each PLAY; an ESSAY on the FORMATION of the TEXT; and a LIFE of the POET: By James O. Halliwell, Esq., f.r.s., etc. The Illustra- tions and Wood engravings by Frederick William Fairholt, Esq., f.s.a., etc. London: Printed for the Editor by C. and J. Adlard. 1853-1865. 16 vols. f° half morocco. Uncut. *** a In addition to the Illustrations and Wood Engravings referred to, this Edition contains Facsimiles of Title-pages, etc., of the Early Editions. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES were printed, the Blocks and Plates of the Wood-cuts, Facsimiles, and Engravings being destroyed after publication., and the issue strictly limited. The copies were Numbered and Signed by the Editor and the Printers.» This copy is Number Fifteen. So 1095 SHAKSPERIANA. CATALOGUE of all the BOOKS, = PAMPHLETS, &c, Relating to SHAKSPEARE. To which are subjoined, an Account of the Early Quarto Editions of the Great Dramatist's Plays and Poems, the Prices at which many Copies have Sold in Public Sales; Together with a List of the Leading and Esteemed Editions of Shakspeare's Collected Works. London: Printed for John Wilson. 1827. sm. S° boards. Uncut. *** a The Preface to this little volume contains a curious account of the fabricated Portraits of Shakespeare.» .•?.Oo> io96 SHAKESPEARE RESTORED. MACBETH. [With Com- = ment. By Hastings Elwin.~\ Norwich: Printed by Charles A/uskett, Old Hay market. 1853. 4° paper covers. Only 100 Copies Privately Printed. O.OO 1097 == JWetriaefoal ^Ipfjatiets autr Debuts* London: William Pic he ring. 1855. imperial 8° cloth, 36 plates. Printed in colors. O.00 1098 SIBYLLINE (The) ORACLES. Tranflated from the Best = GREEK Copies, and compar'd with the Sacred PROPHESIES, efpecially with Daniel and the Revelations, and with fo much History as plainly fhews, That many of the Sibyls Predictions are exactly fulfill'd. With Answers to the Objections ufually made againil them. By Sir John Floyer, Knight. London: Printed by R. Bruges, for J. Nicholson, at the Kings-Arms in Little-Britain, f/fj. s/n. S° new sprinkled calf extra, gilt back, red edges. RARE. 212 SINGER. 1 rl-0 1099 SILVESTRE DE SACY. BIBLIOTHlJQUE de M. le Baron = [Antoi/ie Isaac] Silvestre de Sacy. Paris: A VImprimerie Royale mdcccxlii-xlvii. 3 vols. 8° half calf gilt backs and tops. *** a C'est une veritable Bibliographic de la Litte'rature Oriental?, et particulierement des langues He'braique, A rabe et Persane. Les titres des livres y sont reodus avec une grande exactitude, et plusieurs sont accornpagnds de Notes fort interessantes.D—Brunet. yj0 1100 SILVESTRE (L. C.) MARQUES TYPOGRAPHIQUES, ou Recueil des Monogrammes, Chiffres, Enseignes, Emblemes, Devises, Rebus et Fleurons des Libraires et Imprimeurs qui ont exeree en France depuis l'lntroduction de l'Imprimerie, en 1470, jusqu'a la fin du seizieme siecle: a ces marques sont jointes celles des Libraires et Imprimeurs qui pendant la meme p^riode ont publie, hors de France, des livres en langue francaise. Paris: chcz P. Jannet, etc. 1853-1860. to Parts 8° uncut. Scarce. *** This important work contains 829 Booksellers and Printers' marks, with an alpha- betical List of their names. <:, 1101 SIMS (RICHARD). HANDBOOK to the LIBRARY of the != British Museum: Containing a Brief History of its Formation, and of the Various Collections of which it is composed.... with some Account of the Principal Libraries in London. London: mdcccliv. t6° cloth. With map and plan. ,^d 1102 SIMS (CLIFFORD STANLEY). The ORIGIN and SIGNI- = FICATION of SCOTTISH SURNAMES. With a Vocabulary of Christian Names. Albany, (N. Y.): J. Munscll. 1862. 8° cloth. With numerous marginal notes by A. J . O. /Oo 1103 SIMSON (WALTER). A HISTORY of the GIPSIES: with = Specimens of the Gipsy Language. Edited, with Preface, In- troduction, and Notes, and a Disquisition on the Past, Present and Future of Gypsydom, by James Simson. New York: 1866. T2° cloth. ^.00 1104 SINGER (SAMUEL WELLER). RESEARCHES into the "~~-" History of PLAYING CARDS; with IllArations of the <©tfflftl Of JJVftttfttfl and ENGRAVING ON WOOD. London: Printed by T. Bensley and Son. 1816. 4° half russia, marbled edges. Only 260 Copies Printed. VERY SCARCE. *#* a It is seldom that the public have seen a more beautifully planned and executed work than the present. The facsimile engravings upon wood cannot be surpassed. The entire impression is limited to 250 copies; so that, when its intrinsic worth and extrinsic beauty be considered, the curious will not fail to secure copies whenever they make their appearance.»— Dibdin, Bibl. Decameron, Vol. 11, p. 399- SMITH. 213 /J\/^ 1105 SINIBALDI (10. BENEDICTI). GENEANTHROPEIAE ==== fiue De Hominis Generatione Decatevchon vbi ex ordine qnae- cunque ad Humanae Generationis liturgiam, eiufdemque Principia, Organa, Tempus, Vsum, Modum, Occafionem, Voluptatem, aliafque omnes affectiones, quae in aphrodifijs accidere quoquomodo folent.. .. Opvs Nimirvm Philofaphis, Philiatris, Philomufis apprime vtile. RoMiE: Ex Typographic Francifci Caballi. m.dc.xlii. f° half vellum. Engraved frontispiece. Best Edition. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. *** A perfecl: Encyclopedia of recondite learning: regarding Aphrodisiacs, Anti-aphro- disiacs, Philters, Love-charms, etc., and the reproduction of the human species. In boundless amplitude of impure and minute details of the sexual relation, it resembles the celebrated Disputationes de Sanflo Matrimonii Sacramento, of the meek, and marvellously chaste Jesuit, Thomas Sanchez. A pood bibliographical notice of this extraordinary production will be found in the following curious work: Index Librorum Prohibitorum: Being Notes Bio- Biblio-Icono-graphical and Critical, on Curious and Uncommon Books. By Pisanus Fraxi (?) London: mdccclxxvij. S° pp. 260-4. y/0 1106 SINNER. CATALOGUS CODICUM MSS. Bibliothecae ==== Bernensis. Annotationibus Criticis Illustratus ;. . . . et Praefatio Historic a. Curante J. R. Sinner, Bibliothccario. Bernae: mdcclx. S° boards^ with 4 plates of facsimiles. Q//^no7 SKELTON (JOHN). The POETICAL WORKS of, with === Notes, and some Account of the Author and his Writings. By the Rev. Alexander Dyce. London: Thomas Rodd. mdcccliii. 2 vols. S° cloth, uncut. Best Edition. Scarce. / Q.6C 1108 SMITH and WATSON. AMERICAN HISTORICAL and = LITERARY CURIOSITIES; consisting of Fac-similes of Ori- ginal Documents Relating to the Events of the Revolution, &c. &c, with a Variety of Reliques, Antiquities and Modern Autographs, Collected and Edited by J. Jay Smith, Librarian of the Philadelphia and Loganian Libraries, and John F. Watson, Annalist of Philadelphia and ATew York. Fifth Edition, with Additions. [First Scries.] New York: G. P. Putnam. iSj2. imperial 40 half morocco, gilt edges. bSplates. /S.OU iio9 SMITH. AMERICAN HISTORICAL and LITERARY r=z CURIOSITIES; Consisting of Fac-stmiles of some Plates, &c. Relating to Columbus, and ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS of the REVOLUTION, &c. &c, with a Variety of Reliques, Antiqui- ties, and Autographs. Edited and Arranged with the assistance of several Autograph Collectors, by John Jay Smith, Member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, etc. Second Series—Com- plete in itself. New York: Charles B. Richardson, i860. imperial ./° half crimson morocco, top gilt. 64 plates. *** a This work contains more than 2,50 different items of interest to all who take any interest in American History.» 2I4 SOUTHEY. ^ /^ i_i_io S M I T H. A DICTIONARY of the BIBLE, Comprising its — ANTIQUITIES, BIOGRAPHY, GEOGRAPHY and NATURAL HISTORY. Edited By William Smith, ll.d. Boston: Little, Brown 6° Company. 1863. 3 vols, thick S° half calf. Numerous Illustrations. S.oO JJI1 SOLGER. BIBLIOTHECA sive Svpellex Librorvm Impressorvm, in omni genere Scientiarvm maximam partem Ra- rissimorvm, et Codicvm Manvscriptorvm, qvos per plvrimos annos collegit atqve Notis Litterariis, Illustravit Adamvm RVDOLPHVS SOLGER. NORIMBERGiE: CiD ID CC LX. 3 vols. S° boards, red edges\ engraved frontispiece. *** a I should almost call this publication facile princeps Catalogorum—m its way. The Bibliographical Notices are frequent and lull; and nothing seems to be waDting to render this a very Hrst rate acquisition to the collector's library.»—Dibdin. so 1^2 ®ult3* ^itilifd^c £$tgu?en befj Mcutvm £cfta= mctttS gar fiutft(icl) gcriffen. Qnvd) ben tocitbevfy&mpien ©crgiHum &oli$, SOialcr imb Sunftftedjcr ju %liivnbcv#. V C^ctrurft %u ^rantffnrt am SRaQn* m.d.l.xh. oblong 4° stamped pigskin. 114 WOOD ENGRAVINGS; several of which are torn. * + * a Virgil Solis, a painter, copper-plate engraver, and designer on wood, was born at Nuremberg about 1514. The cuts which contain his mark are extremely numerous; and, from their being mostly of small size, he is ranked by Heinecken with the « Little Masters.d— See, Jackson and Chatto, Treatise on Wood Engraving, Second Edit., p. 40b. Willshire, Introduction to the Study Zf Colleclion of Ancient Prints, p. 247-31S. Armand Bertin's copy produced 160 fr.—Brunet. /l:S 1113 SOREL. La BIBLIOTHfcQUE FRANQOISE de M. C. Sorel, Premier IIijloriog raphe de France. Seconde Edition, Reueiic 6° aug- ments. Paris: Par la Compagnie des Libraires du Palais, m.dc.lxvii. J2° plain calf. Rake. *** a Get ouvrage, dont le plan est a peu pres celui de I'Abbk Goujet, peut encore etrc consults pour les jugements qu'on y trouve sur nos anciens Historiens, que Sorel appr^cie avec beaucoup d'im partial! te\x>—Biographic Universclle. / a o i ii4 SOUBISE. CATALOGUE des LIVRES, Imprimes et Manus- — grits, de la Bibliotheque de feu Monseigneur le Prince De Soubise, Mare'chal de France. Paris: chez Leclerc. m dgc.lxxxviii. S° boards. *** The basis of this collection was the celebrated Library of De Thou. /.SO 1115 SOUTHEY. CATALOGUE of the Valuable LIBRARY of the Late Robert Southey, Esq., ll.d., Poet Laureate Sold by auclion, by order of the Executors, by S. Leigh Sotheby & Co., on Wednesday, May 8th, 1844, and Fifteen following days. 8- half calf. Scarce. LONDON: 1844. *** Partly priced with pencil. An interesting catalogue, rich in rare Spanish and Portu- guese books. (iTalk of the happiness of petting a great prize in a lottery! What is that to the opening of a Box or Books! The joy upon lifting up the cover must be something like what we shall feci, when Pktek the porter opens the door up-stairs and says, /'lease to walk in, sir.i— Southey, Letter to Coleridge SPIELKARTEN. 215 J.0V 1116 SOUTHEY (ROBERT). COMMON-PLACE BOOK. The "^^^ Four Series Complete. Edited by his Son-in-Law, John Wood Warter, b.d. London: Longman, etc. 1849-51. 4 vols, square 8° calf, extra, gilt Sacks, marbled edges. j\oo 1117 SOUTHEY (ROBERT). The DOCTOR, &c. Edited by his Son-in-Law, John Wood Warter, b.d. New Edition, complete in one volume. London: Longman & Co. 1856. square 8° half calf, marbled edges. /.3^ 1118 SOUPfe (A. PHILIBERT). ESSAI CRITIQUE sur la LIT- ~~= T^RATURE INDIENNE, et les Etudes Sanscrites, avec des Notes Bibliographiques. Paris: A. Durand. 1856. 12 ° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. /./5 1119 SOUVENIRS et MONUMENS de la Bataille de Nancy. v Janvier 1477. Liber Nanceidos. Imprimerie de Prosper Trenel, a Saint-Nicolas-de-Port. m.dccc.xxxvii. royal 8° boards, wood-cuts. /3.0O 1120 SOYER(A.) The PANTROPHEON: or, HISTORY of FOOD, "-"~— and its PREPARATION, from the Earliest Ages of the World. Embellished with 42 Steel plates, illustrating the Greatest Gastronomic marvels of Antiquity. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. 1853. 8° cloth, gilt. SPEED (IOHN). The HISTORY of GREAT BRITAINE Under the Conquefls of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. Their Originals, Manners, Warres, Coines & Seales: with y° Suc- ceffions, Lives, acts & Iffues of the Englifh Monarchs from Iulius Caesar, to our mod gracious Soueraigne King Iames. Imprinted at London: And are to be folde by Iohn Sudbury & Georg (sic) Humble, in Popes-head alley at ye Jigne of y' white Horfe. 1614. (sic) royal/0 half calf, engraved title-page, I leaf of the Table, or Index, slightly mutilated, and the last leaf missing. *** a The History of Great Britainc, by Speed, is, in every respe<5c, a work of very great merit, whether we consider its authorities, or the mode in which it is written. It is in fa(51 a production which may be read with great pleasure and profit at the present day, and makes a nearer approach, than any former chronicle, to the tone of legitimate history.»—Drake, Shakspeare and his Times, 8° edit. p. 232. <J~c 1122 SPEYR-PASSAVANT (J. H.) Description de la Bible Ecrite par Alciiuin, de Pan 778 a 800, et offerte par lui a Charlemagne le Jour de son Couronnement a Rome, Pan 801. Paris: Jul. Fontaine. 1829. 8° paper covers. y.OO 1123 SPIELKARTEN. Die SPIELKARTEN der Weigel'schen Sammluno. Leipzig: T. O. JVeigel. /8dj. royal 40 boards, uncut. With 8 Plates of Facsimiles. *** ONLY ll)0' COPIES WERE PRINTED of this very curious collection of Old Playing Cards. U.£J I 2l6 STANLEY. j-j 1124 SPINOLA: RVLES TO GET | CHILDREN BY | with HANDSOME Faces: | OR, Precepts for the Extemporary Sedtaries which I Preach, and Pray, and get Children without Book | to con- fider and look on, before they leape. | THAT SO, Their Children may not have fuch ftrange, prodigious, ill— bodeing Faces as their Fathers, who (unhappily) became so ill-phifno- mied themfelves, not only by being born before their conver- fion, by Originall Sin, and by being Croft over the Face in Babtifme (sic); but by the lineall ignorance of their Parents too in thefe Precepts, for beget- ting Children of Ingenuous Fea- turcs and Synnnetrious Limbes. Compofcd by George Spinola. London: Printed for R. H. 1642. 4° unbound y 8 unnumbered pages. Very rare and curious. yS 1125 SPOERLII (IOHANNIS CONRADI). INTRODVCTIO in = Notitiam Insignivm TYPOGRAPHICORVM. Norimbergae et 4° boards. ALTORFII *. M.DCC.XXX. /OU 1126 STALLAERT et VAN DER HAEGHEN. De ITnstruction ~ Publique au Moyen Age (VHP au XVr Siecle) par Charles Stallaert et Philippe Van der PIaeghen. Bruxelles et Leipzig: 1854. 8° paper. *** This prize Dissertation contains a valuable account of the School-Books of the Middle Ages. / 1 1127 STANLEY. Bibliotheca Stanleiana. A Splendid Selec- 7 ^^^ tion of Rare and Fine Books, from the Distinguished Library of Colonel Stanley. Comprising his Rare Italian and Spanish Poetry, Novels and Romances; An unique copy of De Bry's Voyages; all the Old Chronicles, with a matchless copy of Holin- shed upon Large Paper; Very Fine Classics; and a Singular Collection of Facetiae Sold by Auction by R. PL Evans. London: 1813. S° half calf, uncut. With Prices and Names of the Purchasers. *#* The Duke of Devonshire, paid £546, for a the unique copy of' De Bry's Voyages.*— See p. b2. 1128 STANLEY (ARTHUR PENRHYN). HISTORICAL = MEMORIALS of WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Second and Revised Edition. 1868. SUPPLEMENT to the First and Second Editions of Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. With Illustrations. London : John Murray. i868-6g. 2 vols. 8" cloth. 07/ STIELER. 217 //9ycj 1129 STANSBURY and ODELL. The LOYAL VERSES of r=r^- Joseph Stansbury and Doctor Jonathan Odell; Relating to the American Revolution. Now First Edited. By Winthrop Sargent. Albany: J. Munsell. i860. sm. 40 half'morocco, top gilt. *** MunseWs Historical Series\ N° vi. Only 110 copies printed. /.OO 1130 STAPYLTON (Sir ROBERT). The SLIGHTED MAID, a ===: COMEDY, Acted with Great Applause at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. London: Printed for Thomas Dring, at the George near St. Dunstan s Church in Fleet-Street. i66j. sm. 40 half vellum. Rare. /.fO 1131 ST ATI US. Publii Papinii Statu SYLVARUM LIB. V. = THEBAIDOS LIB. XII. ACHILLIDOS LIB. II. Notis Selec- tiflimis in SYLVARUM libros Domitii, Morelli, Bernartii, Gevartii, Crucei, Barthii, Joh. Frid. Gronovii Diatribe. In THEBAIDOS praeterea Placidi Lactantii, Bernartii, &c. Accu- ratifsime illujlrati a Johanne Veenhusen. Lugd.-Batav.: Ex Officina Hackiana. A0 i6ji. S° plain calf. Engraved frontispiece. *** « It is not only beautifully printed, ex offic. Hackiana, but is a Very Scarce, accurate, and valuable production. There are few of the octavo Variorum classics which exceed the present, either in rarity or intrinsic worth. A fine cop}7, in morocco binding, has been pushed to £4. 4S.V—Dibdin. /yo 1132 STEINSCHNEIDER (M.) CATALOGUS CODICUM HE- BRAEORUM Bibliothecae Academiae Lugduno-Batavae. Lugduni-Batavorum: Apud E. J. Brill, mdccclviii. S° half calf gilt back, with II plates of facsimiles. ^JO 1133 STEPHANI (HENRICI). Epiflola, qua ad multas multorum === amicorum refpondet, de fuae typographic ftatu, nominatimque de fuo THESAVRO LINGVAE GRAECAE. In pofleriore autem eius parte quam mifera fit hoc tepore veterum fcriptorum conditio, in quorundam typographorum prela incidentium, exponit. = INDEX LIBRORVM qui ex officina eiufdem Henrici Stephani hacle- nusprodieriint. Excudebat Henricus Stephanus. Anno m.d.lxix. sm. S* half calf. Rare. *** Mr. Greswell devotes fourteen tages to an analysis of this interesting little volume. See, Greswell, View of the Early Parisian Greek Press, Vol. ii, /. 24-] et ,rty.,and Renouard, A finales de VPmprimeric des Estienne, p. IJJ. . So 1134 STEPHANI (HENR.) APOLOGIA pro HERODOTO = Francofvrti: Apud Andrea: Wechcli heredes. m.d.xcv. sin. Sa half calf. With autograph of [John] Mitford. / 0o 1135 STIELER. HAND-ATLAS, fiber alle Theile der Erde nach ==== dem nuesten Zustande und iiber das Weltgebaude. Herausge- geben von Adolf Stieler. Gotha: 1866. f° half russia. 83 colored maps. 2l8 STOW. //-- 1136 [STOCKDALE (JOHN JOSEPH).] The COVENT GARDEN JOURNAL. Embellished with 4 views. London: 1810. 2 vols. S° hal/russia. *** a A curious history of the Old Prices Riot, in which John Kemble took a large part.* l.JO ^37 STOLLII (GOTTLIEB). INTRODVCTIO in HISTORIAM LITTERARIAM in Gratiam Cvltorvm Elegantiorvm Litterarvm et Philosophiae conscripta. Magno stvdio Latine vertit et Indices adiecit Carolvs Henricvs Langivs. Ienae: Apvd Vidam Ioannis Meyeri. mdccxxviii. 4 ° new half morocco, gilt back, red edges. Fine portrait. *** alt contains, in a concise and perspicuous arrangement, an outline of the best critical and philological publications in almost every department of philosophy and literatures— Dibdin. ^ /: 1138 ®io\U (©ottftefc), ®utt$e nafyvifyt turn ben Silvern nnb beven $&vf)ebetn in bet ^toflifdjen SBt= bliotf)CC+ Jena: In Verlegung Joh. Meyers Wittbe. IJ33-IJ40. 2 vols. sm. 40 half calf. ***This scarce and valuable work, contains Critical Notices of"Six Hundred and Twenty- Eight rare and curious books, with Biographical Sketches of the authors. ^..-^1139 STOPINI. MAGISTRI\ STOPINI | POETsE PONZA- =NENSIS I Capriccia | MACARONICA. | Cvm Nova Appendice. | Venetiis: m.dc.liii. square id0 pp. /Q2, vellum. Rare. *** The real name of the author of this exceedingly curious little volume of Macaronic verse, was Cesare Orsini, or Ccpsar Ursinvs. This edition, which is considered the best, contains the following pieces: I. De Malitijs Putanarum. II. Lavdes de Arte Robbandi. III. De Lavdibvs Ignoranticz. IV. De Lavdibvs Pazziae. V. De Lavdibvs Bosioe. VI. De Lavdibvs A mbitionis. VII. Gattam Rosam a milite interfec~lam deplorat. VIII. Lamen- tatio de Podagra, et Chiragra. IX. Contenlio Trivm Poetarwi Nizzvs, Bertoldvs, et Drias. X. Epigramaia. XI. Elegiarvm Liber. XII. Appendix. a Si Folengo est 1'Homere de ce genre de poesie, Cesar Ursinus en fut, plus de cent ans apr&s, le VIRGILE. Ce fut un des esprits brillants et les plus eccentriques du xvn0 siecle.P— Ch. Nodier. Libri's copy of this edition, sold at his sale, 1859, f°r I^)S- S.S'i 1140 STOPINI. Magistri | STOPINI | Poette Ponzanensis | CAPRICCIA I Macaronica. | Mediolani: Typis Ludouiei Montiae. 12°plain calf. Scarce. 1002. *** This edition contains the facetious Epigram, De Mvliervm Cavda, etc. 0 I 141 Stoto- f[ W^t eijtouiclts I or IBtifllantr, from JStutc | tmto tfjfa pttitnt gearr | of (ftfjrftt- 1580. | Colletied by Iohn Stow | Citizen of London. / Printed at London by Ralphe / Newberie, at the afsignenient / of Henric Bynneman. / Cum priuilegio RegicB Maiestatis. sm. 40 half-calf. Title-page and several leaves at the end repaired. U l<TCtt 2LCtttt\ %* a Stow passed a prolonged life in the love-making or wooing of truth; and never had truth a more faithful admirer. England is indebted to him for the most elaborate coeval picture of the brilliant era of Elizabeth—and London for the traces of her growth during six centuries.»— See, Bolton Corney, Curiosities of Lit. Illustrated, Second Edit., p>-SS- STURLUSON. 219 >o 1142 STRABO DElSITVORBIS. [In fine:] Strabonis Amafini Scrip- === /oris illujlris geographies opus finit: qd lodnes Vercellefis ppria ipefa uiuetibus pojlerifrp exadiffima diligetia imprimi ciirauit. Anno Sal. M.cccclxxxxiiii. die xxiiii. aprilis. f° half calf. Imperfect, wanting /olios cii to cix. Othcrzoise a beautiful copy 0/ this rare Latin version 0/ Strado's Geography. This copy has the book-plate 0/ the Duke of Sussex. ^'i d 1143 STRUTT (JOSEPH). The SPORTS and PASTIMES of the y == PEOPLE of ENGLAND; including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, & Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illustrated by 140 Engravings [in this copy colored.'] A New Edition, with a Copious Index, by William Hone. London: 1845. S° half calf, gilt back, marbled edges. LARGE PAPER. ./^ii44 STRUVIVS (BVRC. GOTTHELF). BIBLIOTHECA HIS- = TORIAE LITTERARIAE SELECTA cura Iohannes Frid. Ivgler. Ienae: cId Io ccliv-lxtii. j vols. S° vol. 1, vellum, vols, n and in, boards. *** A work of the utmost importance to the student of literary history and bibliography. ^1145 STRUVII (BVRCARDI GOTTH.) INTRODVCTIO in ^^^ Notitiam Rei Litterariae et vsvm Bibliothecarvm Accessit Differtatio De DOCTIS IMPOSTORIBVS, Et huic tertiae editioni accedunt Svpplementa Necessaria et Oratio De Meritis Germa- norvm in Historiam. Ienae: mdccx. 8° calf, red edges. *** This volume contains a curious account of celebrated scholars who have been Proof- readers.—See, /. S75 ei sca- ^1146 STRUVII (BVRCARDI GOTTH.) BIBLIOTHECA PHILO- = SOPHICA in svas Classes Distribvta Recensvit et Largissimis Accessionibvs instrvxit Ioannes Georgivs Lottervs, etc. S* boards. Uncut. IENAE: do 10 CCXXVIII. So 1147 STRUVIUS. BIBLIOTHECA HISTORICA. Instructa a ^^^ Burcardo Gotthelf Struvio, aucta a Christi. Gottlieb Bu- dero, nunc vera a IOANNE GEORGIO MEUSELIO ita Digesta, Amplificata et Emendata ut paene Novum Opus videri possit. Lipsiae: m.dcclxxxii-mdccciv. 22 Parts in n vols. Sn boards. INTERLEAVED IN 4° WITH NUMEROUS IMPOR- TANT AND VALUABLE ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS IN MANUSCRIPT. A MOST DESIRABLE COPY OF THIS EXCELLENT WORK. / 6 a 1148 STURLUSON. The PROSE or YOUNGER EDDA, commonly rrr== ascribed to Snorri Sturluson. Translated from the Old Norse. By George Webbe Dasent, b. a. Stockholm: Norstedt and Sons. Sn half morocco, uncut, title-page soiled. Scarce. I642 . 2 20 SWIFT. ?,^^i49 STVCKII (JOANNIS GVILIELMI). Opervm, Tomvs Primus, = continens ANTIQVITATVM CONVIVIALIVM Libros Tres, sive Hebraeorvm, Graecorvm, Romanorvm, aliarvmqve Nationvm Conviviorvm genera, Mores, Consvetvdines, Ritvs, Cerimo- niasque Conviviales Tomvs Secvndus, continens SACRORVM et SACRIFICIORVM GENTILIVM Brevem et Accvratam Descriptionem. Lucduni-Batavorum: mdcxcv. 2 vols, in I vol. f° vellum, extra, gilt, engraved frontispiece. *** a A work of prodigious lea.vmng.v—Biograph ie Universelle. ~,fJ 1150 SUETONIUS: C. Suetonii TRANQUILLI XII C/ESARES: or, the LIVES of the Twelve First Roman Emperors, with a Free Translation, wherein due Regard has been had to the Propriety of the English Tongue. By John Clarke. London: Printed for A. Betteswork, and C. Hitch. 1732. S° plain calf . Fine clean copy. Scarce. *** According to St. Jerome, Suetonius wrote the Lives of the Twelve Ccesars, pari libertate ac ipsi vixerunt. Mr. John Clarke has carefully preserved in his translation all the licentious freedom of the original text. /lo 1151 SVVERTIVS (FRANCISCVS). EPITAPHIA IOCO-SERIA, = Latina, Gallica, Italica, Hispanica, Lvsitanica, Belgica, etc., etc. Colonize: ApudBernardvm GualtJieri. Anno m.dc.xxiii. S° vellum. *** A rare collection of facetious Epitaphs in the Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portu- guese and Flemish languages. } j j 1152 SWIFT (JONATHAN). TRAVELS into Several REMOTE = NATIONS of the WORLD by Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships. IN FOUR PARTS. Illustrated with upwards of Four Hundred Wood- Engravings from Designs by Grandville. With Copious Notes, a Life of the Author, and an Essay on Satirical Fiction. By W. C. Taylor, ll.d. London: Hay ward and Moore. [1840.] S'° half blue morocco, gilt leaves. J /r^S2> fcgg3lAAFFE (JOHN). The HISTORY of the HOLY, MILITARY, Sovereign Order of ST. JOHN OF JERLTSALEM; or, Knights Hospitallers, Knights Templars, Knights of Rhodes, Knights of Malta. London: Hope &* Co. 1852. 4 vols, in 2 vols. S° cloth. Plates of Seals. ^ /riiS4 TAILLANDIER (M. A.) RESUME HISTORIQUE de = ITntroduction de l'IMPRIMERIE A PARIS. Paris: Imp rim eric de E. Duverger. i&j7. 8° half morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. Portrait and facsimile. LARGE PAPER. /. / ,; 1155 TANNAHILL (ROBERT). The SOLDIER'S RETURN: A Scottish Interlude in Two Acts, with other Poems and Songs. With Life and Notes by the Late James J. Lamb, Paisley. Paisley: Alex. Gardner. 1S73. 4° boards, UNCUT. Beautifully printed on ribbed paper, zvith fine portrait of Tannahill, and photograph of the Editor. _/Ui (J 1156 [TATHAM (JOHN).] Knavery in all Trades: or, the Coffee- House. A Comedy. As it was Acted in the Christmas Holidays by feveral Apprentices with great Applaufe. London: Printed by J. B. for W. Gilbertson, and H. Marsh; and are to be Sold at the Royal Exchange, Elect-Street, and Wejlminjler-Hall. 1664. sin. 40 calf. Rare and scurrilous. 1157 TAYLOR (Bp. JEREMY). The Rule and Exercises of HOLY ==== LIVING. t Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1S64. 120 boards. Uncut. / 1 J 1158 TAYLOR (Bp. JEREMY). The Rule and Exercises of HOLY = DYING. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1S64. 12° boards. Uncut. /: S~ 1159 TAYLOR. SELECTIONS from the works of JEREMY :=== TAYLOR. With some Account of the Author and his Writings. Boston: Little, Brown c> Co. iSdj. 12° boards. Uncut. / .;■ 6 222 TENANT DE LA TOUR. 1160 TAYLOR. All | THE IVORKES | of IOHN TAYLOR | The ~~ Water-poet. | Being Sixty and three in Number. | Collected into one Volume by | the Avthor: with fundry new Additions, cor- rected, I reuifed and newly Imprinted 1630. | At London : | Printed by J. B. for Iames Boler; at the figne of the \ Marigold in Pauls Churchyard, idjo. f° elegantly bound in russia, super extra, gilt leaves dentelle borders, by Riviere. With the frontispiece most accurately copied by Harris, and numerous curious wood-cuts, and por- traits 0/ the Kings and Queens of England. *** a This volume contains many pieces of which no separate editions are known to be ex tan t.D—Lowndes. Gardner's copy, in 1854, produced £18. $s. Sotheby's, in 1862, £16. a But of all the oddities of his day—and of all men from whom an account of himself, and of his contemporaries, would have been among the most gratifying bequests to posterity, a John Taylor, The Water Poet,d was the man! He wras a slang fellow, and a sort of Skelton in his way. His pieces, which are well nigh innumerable, were collected and published in 1630, in a folio volume, replete with bizarre and barbarous wood-cuts.»—Dibdin. 1161 TECHENER. DESCRIPTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE des ^^^ LIV R E S Choisis en Tous Genres composant la Librairie J. Techener. Paris: 1855. S° half roan. Scarce. ■i 162 TEISSIER (ANTOINE). Les Eloges des Hommes Scavans tirez de 1'Histoire de M. de Thou, avec des Additions, contenant 1'Abrege de leur Vie, le Jugement et le Catalogue de leurs Ouvrages. Seconde Edition. Utrecht: ches Francois Hal ma. M.DC.XCVI. 2 vols. 12° calf. 1163 TEISSIER (ANTOINE). Les ELOGES des HOMMES SAVANS, tirez de 1'Histoire de M. de Thou, avec des Additions contenant 1'Abrege" de leur Vie, le Jugement & le Catalogue de leurs Ouvrages. Quatrieme Edition revile, corrigee, & augmented, outre un tres-grand nombre de Nouvelles Remarques [par M. De la Faye] d'un quatrieme Tome. A Leyde: chez Theodore Haak. I7I5- 4 vols. /20 vellum. Best Edition. Scarce. *** This excellent work contains Biographical Sketches of more than FOUR HUNDRED distinguished Scholars of the 16th and 17th centuries. a II atteste une lecture immense, et a du coQter de longues et pdnibles recherches. II fait connaitre, avec un grand detail, la Vie et les Ouvrages des e'erivains qui en sont l'objet, et le jugement ou plutot les Kloges des contemporains sur le merite de leurs productions. Ce livrre a joui longtemps de beaucoup d'estime, et il a 6t6 tres-utile aux auteurs des biographies plus modernes.D— BiograpJiie Uniz'erselle. 1164 TENANT DE LA TOUR (JEAN-BAPTISTE). M&MOIRES Trr== d'un BIBLIOPHILE. LETT RES sur la Bibliographie A Madame La Comtesse DE RANC * * * * *. Paris: Dentu. 1861. /2° paper covers. Uncut. *** An entertaining little volume of bibliographical gossip. TESTAMENT. 223 //ci 1165 TENNYSONIANA. NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHICAL and === CRITICAL on Early Poems of Alfred 6° C Tennyson, Opinions of Contemporary Writers. In Memoriam; various Readings, with parallel Passages in Shakespeare's Sonnets, Various Readings in Later Poems (1842-1865). Patriotic and Minor Poems. Allu- sions to Scripture and to Classic Authors. The Tennyson Portraits, Bibliographical List of Tennyson's Volumes and of his Contribu- tions to Periodical Publications. [ By R. H. Shepherd. ] Basil Montagu Pickering, 196 Piccadilly. London, W.: mdccclxvi. /6° cloth, uncut. Scarce. *** a This work is the result of many years' labour and research, and includes a mass of information respecting the Poet Laureate and his Works, gathered from all available sources, and never before collected together.» £t0C, 1166 TERENTIUS. £&? TEREN- | tivs. [Comerdice Sex.] ==== Parisiis: Apiul Sim on em Colinceum. ij'41. lb * calf, red edges. RARE. *** « L'Edition de Paris, apud Sim. Colina-um, 1541 in-/6°, est une des moins communes que Ton ait de cet imprimeur.D—Brunet. ^.^^"1167 TERENTII (PUB.) COMCEDLE Nunc Primum Italicis Ver- ==== siBUS REDDiTiE. Cum perfonarum figuris cert accurate incifis ex MS. Codice Bibliothecse Vatican^. Urbini: Sumptibus Hicronymi Mainardi. Anno Domini Mdccxxxvi. royal f° plain calf, gilt edges. With many plates, representing figures of the « Dra- matis Persona?J> from an ancient MS. in the Vatican. fuO 1168 TERREROS y PANDO (el P. ESTEVAN). PALEOGRAFIA = ESPANOLA, que contiene todos los Modos Conocidos, que ha habido de efcribir en Efpana, defde fu principio, y fundacion, hafla el prefente, a fin de facilitar el regiH.ro de los Archivos, y lectura de los manufcritos, y pertenencias de cada particular; juntamente con una hifloria fucinta del idioma comun de Caftilla, y demas lenguas, 6 dialeclos, que fe conocen como proprios en eltos Reynos. En Madrid: En la oficina de Joachin Ibarra, calle de las Urofas. A no de 175S. sm. 40 vellum, with iS plates of Facsimiles. Rare. / 1169 QZttitumtnt. 2Tijt Ntto arcftawent tit = ffinfllttfj trauflatrtr tg Joiju fflaagcWtffe CTtrca JMcccipjrp Koto ffrft prfntrt from a coutcmporari) jmanufcrfpt formerly in tijc 5&ouaftcri> of &io\\ JHrtitrlcfejc late in W tfollectton of &ca fflffilflfou iF.<S.3. JJrfntrtr at <&i)iU tofctt ftp ftljarlcs <KBli)fttfnBi)am for ffifflltllfam JJiciurfnu DJiccatrfllp HonTron JttTrcccjrlbfti 40 calf antique, red edges. *** a The EARLIEST TRANSLATION OF THE TESTAMENT INTO ENGLISH is now printed for the FIRST TIME, and it is believed with that seruoulous accuracy which is the first and most needful, though very humble requisite, for passing such a volume through the press.v—Preface. 2 24 THOMASIVS. jSitjo THESES nee non Disputatio ex Universa Vinosophia, quas in Antiquissima ac Cerreberrima Vinoversitate Wein-Bieriensi humoribus ac Venerationi Humidissimi, Liquidissimi, Bibalissimi, EfTusissimi, omnibusque humentibus Titulis Perfundendissimi Do- mini, Domini Biberii Comitis Palatini in Trinckhausen Editis nova. Trinckhausen: i860. iS° paper. Uncut. *** A reprint of an amusing discussion on tippling. . -■ £ 1171 THIERS (JEAN-BAPTISTE). Histoire des Perruques, ou ~ Ton fait voir leur Origine, leur Usage, leur Forme, Tabus & l'irr£- gularite de celles des Ecclesiastiques. Paris: Aux deepens de sm. 8° plain calf. VAllteur. M.DC.XC. *** a Get ouvrage fut principalement dirige" contre les Ecclesiastiques adonn^s au luxe des perruques, qui £tait grand a cette ^poque. Thiers, en cette circonstance, d^ploya toute son Erudition et til preuve d'une immense lecture. Ses ouvrages sont recherche's des curieux et des savants.d —Viollet-le-Duc. ^,0 0 iit± TH0MAS (ISAIAH). The HISTORY OF PRINTING in AMERICA. With a BIOGRAPHY OF PRINTERS, and an ACCOUNT OF NEWSPAPERS. To which is Prefixed a Con- cise View of the DISCOVERY AND PROGRESS OF THE ART in other PARTS OF THE WORLD. Worcester: From the Press of Isaiah Thomas, Jun. Isaac Sturtevant, Printer. 1810. 2 vols. 8° sheep. With facsimiles. No portrait. *** « A book which at present is so very scarce in this country, that I have never been able to see a single copy except my own.s—Cotton, Typographical Gazetteer, second edit., Introduction, p. xv. Mr. W. Menzies' copy sold at his sale (1876) for $26.00. r.: y' 1173 THOMASII (M. JACOBI). Dissertatio Philosophica, de = PLAGIO LITERARIO. Sumtibus (sic) Paul Gunthcr Pfotenhaueri BibHop. 4o boards. Rare and curious. SUOBACI: l6Q2. *** This learned and exceedingly curious Dissertation on Plagiarism, contains a com- plete account of the literary pilferings of numerous celebrated writers. The present copy contains the important Index of Names, which is wanting in the previous editions. / cj" j 1174 THOMASIUS. Historia Sapienti^e et StultitijE, collecla a ~~~ri Christian© Thomasio. Hal^-Magdeburgice: 1693. S Tomes in I vol. sm. 8° vellum. *** A very curious account of the « Life of Peter Adelard,d and the « Correspondence of Democritus and Hippocrates,!) will be found in this singular work. ,7ci t 7 5 THOMASIVS. Bibliothecae Thomasianae sive Locvple- tissimi Thesavri ex omni Scientia Ltbrorvm Praestantissimorvm Rarissimorvmqve qvas olim possedit Vir Illvstris Gottofredvs Thomasivs. Adicclae svnt Notae Litterariae qvas Illvstris pos- sessor svamanu non pavcis in fronte inscripsit Libris, qvibvs et svas nonnvnqvam Addidit Editor M. Georgivs Wolfgang Panzer. Norimbergae: mdcclxv-lxx. 4 vols. 8° boards. With printed List of Prices. *** A rare and valuable Catalogue, edited by Panzer, and contains many interesting Bibliographical Notes and an excellent Index. './ THUANUS. 225 1176 T H O M S. Early English Prose Romances, with Biblio- graphical and Historical Introductions. Edited by William J. Thoms, f.s.a. Second Edition, Enlarged. London: Nat tali and 3 vols, crown 8° half morocco. Uncut. JjOJld. Iof)0 • CONTENTS: Vol. i.—i. The Lyfe of Robert the Deuyll, from an Edition by Wynkyn de Worde.—2. Thomas of Reading: or the SLxe Worthie Yoemen of the West, by T. Deloney: 1632.—3. The Famous Historie of Fryer Bacon, with the Lives and Deaths of the two Coniurers, Bungye and Vandermast, Very Pleasant and Delightfull to be Read: 1630.— 4. The Historie of Frier Rush: Being Full of Pleasant Mirth and Delight for Young People: 1620. Vol. 11.—i. The Lyfe of Virgilius, and of his Deth, and many marvayles that he dyd in his Lyfe Tyme by Whychcrafte and Nygramancye thorowgh the helpe of the Devyls of 1 Hell.—2. The Noble Birth and Gallant Atchievements of that Remarkable Outlaw Robin Hood: 1678.—3. The History of George a Green, Pindar of the Town of Wakefield: 1706.— 4. The most Pleasant History of Tom -a Lincolne, the Red Rose Knight: 1635. Vol. hi.—i. Helyas, Knight of the Swanne.—2. The History of the Damnable Life and Deserved Death of Dr. John Faustus.—3.'The Second Report of Doctor John Faustus, containing his Appear- ances, and the Deeds of Wagner: 1594. //. ^1177 [THOMSON.] Chronicles of London Bridge: By An 'Antiquary. \_Richard Thomsoii\ with a series of beautiful Engravings on India Paper. London: Smith, Elder,& Co.,Cor nhill. m.dccc.xxvii. ^ * 8° half green morocco, top gilt. LARGE PAPER. Rare. '«£.. J 1178 THORNBURY (WALTER). HAUNTED LONDON. Illus- T=== trated by F. W. Fairholt, f.s.a. London: Hurst and Blackett. 8° half vellum, top gilt. Fine copy. -T^S' ,JJ 1179 THORNDIKE. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the Late === Augustus Thorndike, Esq. Boston: i860. 8° half crimson morocco, top gilt. Uncut. //i ^ 1180 THORPE (THOMAS). CATALOGUE of the most Extensive, Valuable, and Truly Interesting Collection of CURIOUS BOOKS, on Sale in this or any other Country, in most Languages and Classes of Literature, including many Hundred Articles of the Utmost Rarity, and of which other Copies do not Exist even in the Public Libraries, etc. London: 1843. 8° half morocco. -C.ou n8i THUANUS. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Illustrissimi = Viri Jacobi Augusti Thuani. cIoIocxvii. thick f<> calf A MANUSCRIPT CATALOGUE of the sumptuous library of the distinguished historian DE THOU. -,-1^1182 THUANUS. CATALOGVS BIBLIOTHECE. THVA1SME a ==== Clariff. VV. Petro & Iacobo Pvteanis, ordine alphabetico primiim diftributus. Tvm Secundum fcientias &: artes a Clariff. Viro Ifmaele Bvllialdo digeftus. Nvnc Vero Editus a Iofepho Qvesnel, Parifmo & Bibliothecario. Cvm Indice Alphabetico Authorum. Parisiis: Impensis Direclionis, Projlat in eadeni Bibliotheca, etc. 2 Parts in i vol. thick S» vellum. M.DC.LXXIX. *** «The Catalogue of the illustrious President De Thou's library, has long held a most distinguished rank anion;? bibliographers: his collection was formed with the greatest care and unbounded expense, with the advice of Scaliger, Casaubon, the brothers Dv Puys, 226 time's telescope. Salmasius, Grotius, the brothers St. Marthe, and Sirmond. The binding alone cost Twenty Thousand Crowns.*— Horne. a II y a trois raisons principales qui doivent nous faire concevoir une idde avantageuse du Catalogue de la c^lebre Bibliotbeque de M. De Thou. La Pre?niere est la gloire immortelle que ce Ileros s'est acquise parmi les gens du monde savant, soit par son Histoire, soit particu- lieremcnt pax les soins qu'il a pris de se former une Bibliotheque des plus accomplies et des mieux choisies de son sifccle. La Seconde est l'abondance jointe a l'excellence de toutes sortes de Livres tant Manuscrits qu'imprim^s, qu'il y avait renferm^s. La Troisibme est le meVite particulier des personnes qui ont travaille* a ce C^a/^^.D—Baillet, Jugcmens des Savans, Tome 11, /. 76. J,^ ^183 THULEMARII (HENRICI GUNTERI). Tract atio de BULLA AUREA, Argentea, Plumbea et Cerea in Genere, nee non in Specie de Aurea Bulla Caroli iv. Imperatoris Francofurti ad Moenum: Anno do Ioc xcvn. f° vellum. Fine copper plate engravings. *** See, Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chap. xlix. :#f 0 ^84 TIBY (PAUL). DEUX COUVENS aii Moyen Age, ou L'Ab- baye de Saint-Gildas et le Paraclet au Temps d'ABELARD et d'HELOiSE. 120 hai/calf top gilt. Paris: chez Techencr. 1851. :.vj'"ii85 TICKNOR (GEORGE). LIFE of WILLIAM HICKLING PRESCOTT. Boston: Ticknor and Fields. 1864. 4° glazed cloth. Portrait, facsimile, wood engravings. :r0 1^186 TILLOTSON (JOHN). PALESTINE: Its Holy Sites and - Sacred Story. Illustrated with more than Three Hundred and Fifty Engravings, from Designs by Eminent Artists. London: \n. d.] <y° red cloth, marbled edges. /;.: -1187 TIMBS (JOHN). Curiosities of London: Exhibiting the most Rare and Remarkable Objects of Interest in the Metro- polis; with nearly Fifty Years' Personal Recollections. London: David Bogue. mdccclv. lb° pp. 800 cloth. Portrait of the A uthor. ''. v 1188 TIMBS (JOHN). The Romance of London: Strange Stories, Scenes and Remarkable Persons of the Great Town. 2 vols, crown S° cloth. LONDON: [n. d.] /,y , 1189 TIMBS (JOHN). DOCTORS and PATIENTS; or, Anecdotes of the Medical World, and Curiosities of Medicine. London: Richard Bent ley and Son. i8yj. 2 vols. S° cloth. J'j 1190 TIME'S TELESCOPE, or, a Complete Guide to the Almanack: Containing an Explanation of Saints' Days and Holidays; with Illustrations of British History and Antiquities, and Notices of Obsolete Rites and Customs. Astronomical Occurrences in every month; and a Popular View of the Solar System. The Naturalist's Diary, and Meterological Remarks, etc. With 12 descriptive wood- cuts of the different months. From the commencement in 1814 to 1834 inclusive. London: 1814-1834. 21 vols. sm. S° half green calf, with numerous illustrations. TOOVEY. 227 /./r 1191 TIMONI (ALEXANDRE). TABLEAU SYNOPTIQUE et = PITTORESQUE des LITERATURES les plus remarquables, tant Anciennes que Modernes, et nomm^ment de la Grecque, de la Latine, de la Gallique, de la Servienne, de la Francaise, de lTtalienne, de l'Espagnole, de la Portugaise, de l'Allemande, de l'Anglaise, de la Polonaise, de la Russe, de la Hollandaise, de la Danoise, et de la Su^doise. Paris: 1853. 3 vols. sm. S° half morocco. Uncut. *** The Third volume of this learned work is devoted to Oriental Literature. /^S'H92 TISSOT (SIMON ANDRE). De La Sante des Gens de === Lettres. Seconde Edition augmentee. Lausanne: chez Francois j 2 o cai/. Grasset. m . d . c c l x 1 x. /£_ ^1193 TISSOT (S. A.) Essai sur les Maladies des Gens du Monde, = Seconde Edition augmented. Lausanne: chez Francois Grasset. 12° calf. M.DCC.LXX. ^ 1194 TODERINI (GIAMBATISTA) LETTERATURA TUR- r= CHESCA. In Venezia: Presso Giacomo Storti. mdcclxxxvii. 3 vols. S° stiff paper wrappers. Original Ldition of this rare and valuable « History of Turkish Literatures Js 1195 TODERINI (Mr l'ABBE). De La LITERATURE des ==== TURCS, traduit de lTtalien en Francois, par M!" 1'Abbe Cournand. 3 vols. S° glazed boards, uncut. Scarce. rARIS: IJoQ. *#* «The Abbe Toderini resided at Constantinople in the family of the Venetian Ambas- sador (to whose son he was preceptor) from 1781 to 1786, and availed himself of the opportu- nity thus afforded to him, to make extensive researches into the Literature of the Turks. His work is divided into Three General Parts; the First of which treats of the Studies of the Turks; the Second, of their Libraries and Academies, and the Third, of their Typography. The work is scarce and dear in this country.b—Horne. « Full of curious matter.»—Dibdin. / ^Vn96 TOMASINI (IACOBI PHILIPPI). Elogia Virorum Literis ==== & Sapientia Illustrium, etc. Patavii : ex Typographia Sebastiani 40 vellum. Fine portraits. Sard/. MDCXLIV. J.ySn97 TOMPKINS (P. W.) The BIRTH and TRIUMPH of = CUPID. London: i/pj. oblong 40 paper covers. 26 finely engraved plates. u2 n( TONELLI. BIBLIOTECA BIBLIOGRAFICA Antica, e '=== Moderna; d* ogni Classe, e d' ogni Nazione. Raccolta da Fran- cesco Tonelli Giureconsulto Collegiato Mantovano. In Gu ast all a: nella Regio-Ducale Stamperia di Salvatore Costa e Compagno. 1/82-3. 2 vols. 40 mottled sheep, marbled edges. VERY RARE. , j~o 1199 TOOVEY (JAMES). A CATALOGUE of BOOKS in Various Languages, Remarkable for Beauty of Condition. London: Printed by C. Whittingham, Chiswick Press. [//.</.] /6° half morocco. 228 TRITHEMII. £a0 1200 TRACTATUS VARII de PULICIBUS, quorum primus exhibet Dissertationem Juridicam Opizii Jocoserii de eo, quod justum est, circa Spiritus familiares Fceminarum, hoc est PULICES. Secundus Laudem & Defensionem PULICUM, ex Masenii Exercitat. Oratoriisdesumptam, Tertius Vituperium & Damnationem illorum, ejusdem Autoris, et Quartus Flochiam Grieffoldi Knick knacii ex Floilandia Cortum Verficale de Flois, Swartibus illis Thiericulis, quae omnes fere Menschos, Weibras, Jungfras, &c. Behupffere, & Spitzibus Schnablis stechere & beisfere solent. Utopia: [s. a.] sm. 12° half calf. Rare and curious. *** An amusing collection of facetious Dissertations and Poems on the FLEA. The fol- lowing is a fair specimen of the abstruse problems which are learnedly discussed in the first Dissertation: Quast. XXIV. « Ponamus virum et mulierem in uno lecto cubare, et Pulicem ab uxoread maritum salire; an statim uxoris esse desinet ? t> Jc i_2ojr TRENCH (RICHARD CHENEVIX). On the Lessons in Proverbs. = Synonyms of the New Testament. = English Past and Present. = On the Study of Words. New York: J. S. Redficld. 1852-3-4-5. 4 vols. 12° cloth. / So 1202 TRISSIN/2 (GLQVAN GIORGLQ). DIAKGG.Q DEL TRIS- == SIN.Q I INTITULAT.Q IL CASTELLAN/2, | NEL QUALE SI TRATTA DE | LA LINGUA ITALIAN A ....s.l.eta. \Stampata in Vicoiza, per TodI conic co Ianiculoo da Bressa ncl Annoo. mdxxix.] sm. f" 20 unnumbered leaves, 32 lines to a full page, half green morocco•, red edges. FIRST EDITION. RARE. *** a E' stato dall' Autore indirizzato questo Dialogo a Cesare Trivulzio; e lo scopo prin- cipale si fu di mostrare che la nostra lingua dee chiamarsi Italiana, e non Kiorentina, o Toscana.D —Gamba, Serie del Test I di Lingua Italiana, p. 338. jfc, 1203 TRITHEME. POLYGRAPHIE, | et | Vniuerfelle efcriture Caba-| liflique de M. I. Trithe- | me Abb£, | Traduicle par Gabriel de Collange, | natif de Tours en Auuergne. | A Paris: | Pour /agues Kenter demeurant en la \ rue Sainct I agues, a Venfeigne \ de la Licorne. 1561. 3 Parts in I vol. 40 vellum, 3 fine wood-cut portraits of the translator; 13 circular, revolving tables, and numerous curious alphabets, printed in black and red. Rare and very curious. *** One of the earliest works on secret writing. See, Niceron, Mdmoires des Ilomwcs IIIustres, Tome xl, /. 2Q3. ::^o 1204 TRITHEMII (JO H ANN IS). STEGANOGRAPHIA qvse hvcvsqve a nemine intellects, sed passim vt svpposititia, perniciosa, Magica et Necromantica, rejecta, elvsa, damnata et sententiam Inqvisitionis passa; nvnc tandem Vindicata reserata et Illustrata, Autore Wolfg. Ern. Heidel. Norimberce: Anno mdccxxi. sm. 40 calf *%* a This introduction to a secret method of writing, was for upwards of a century en- tirely misconceived on account of its concealment under magical for mulct, until it received a complete elucidation io the following work, T. Trithemii, Steganographia vindicata, etc., a Wrc E. Heidel, Nrb. 1721, 4°.j>— Ebert. TURNER. 229 /J'r 1205 TROIS EOLIENNES. Par Une Societe de Gens de Lettres. ==== Paris: chez les Marc hands de Nouveaute's. 1825. 8° paper covers, uncut. Rare and curious. *** These « ^Eolian airs t> are supposed to be played alternately, by a number of persons, upon an instrument mentioned by Dante, Inferno, Canto xxi, v. /jg. , ;; tr'i2o6 TROIS LETTRES d'ALIX de Champe\ Dame de Vendieres, au ==== Due de Lorraine Raoul-le-Vaillant, m.ccc.xxxiv-m.cccxlvi, et de 1'Abbaye de Beaupr£, Sepulture Ducale. Imprimcrie de Prosper Trend, a Saint-Nicolas-de-Port: m.d.ccc.xxxviii. 4° boards, uncut. Ornamental initial letters and wood-cuts. Only ]00 c m-ies reprinted. q. sc 1207 &uvmv (WLilliam) VbtvbalL in three parts. === [Part I, wants title-page, Preface, and p. 22j.] — Kf)t ftCOIttfe parte of VuiU | Ifam burners P?erfcallt toijerefn arc ton- tegnetr tlje na^ | mes of Ijerties in (Sfrefte, ILatine, SJucijc, iFrenelje, antr | in tije &potijecaries ILati'n | auTr fomtijme in Xtaliane, | tofti) tfjc bertnea of ti)e fame ijerbes toftlj Tu'uerfe confuta^ | tfones of no fmall erronrs, tljat men of no fmall | learning Ijatte committed in tije tutrra= | ting of fjerfiea of lategeares, | (ffiotr fane tije (Sxuene. | imprinted at Collen by Arnold Birckman, In the yeare of our lorde m.d.lxviii. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Reg. Maieft. \_171 leaves, wants preface, or dedicationi\ gTijc tijtrtie parte of IJut'l^ I Ifam ^Turners ?l?erl)allt toljerein are eonteineti tije | ijerfoes, trees, rootes antt frnntea, toljereof \i% no mention matte of Diofcoritresl CKalene, |pitn£c> antr otijer | oltre SJntijores, | ffiott sane tije (JEinene- / Imprinted at Collen by Arnold Birckman, In the yeare / of our Lorde m.d.lxviii. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Reg. Maieft. [Dedicated] STo tije riflljt toorfijipfttll jFelotofijip antt ffompanse of Snrflfones of tljr cft»r of Hontron cijefeln, antt to all otijer tijat practnfe <Sttrflcr» toitijin iSnfl^ lantr, fflSlillia JSTurncr fentretij fjre= ting in ffiljrift J)efiu &t affiJclIes 1564. 3Ti)e 24 tian of Dnne. //. Sf, the Dedication occupies I page of"3 unnumbered leaves: on the verso 0/ the last leaf folio-wing the Dedication, is a The Table of the names of hcrbcs.tt Jn rebinding this copy the title-page of Part mi has been placed in front of Part i. f° full russia, yellow edges, with ornamental initial letters, and numerous wood en- graz'iugs of plants. VERY RARE. ***<iDr. Turner, who was born at Morpeth, was unquestionably the earliest writer among us that discovered learning and critical jugernent in the knowledge of plants.*— Pulteney, Hist, of Botany in England, Vol. 1. « Get ouvrage est remarquable pour le temps ou il parut. L'auteur y montre unecon- naissance tr6s-vari<Se des plantes qu'il sYtait proeurees dans ses voyages. Les gravures furent soigndes en grande partie par Fuchs.d — Biographic Lhiivcrsellc. See, Wood, A thence Oxonienses, f° Vol. i, /. 120. Bkunet, Manuel, art. Turner. W. Oakew Hazlitt, Col- lections and Arotes, etc., p. 431. 230 TYMME. //.vl 1208 TURNER (DAWSON). A SYNOPSIS of the BRITISH FUCI, [or Sea-Weeds.] Yarmouth: Printedby F. Bush. 1802. 2 vols. S° red morocco, gilt leaves. LARGE PAPER; only 50 COPIES PRINTED, <I AND ALL GIVEN AWAY AS PRESENTS.!) *#* Dawson Turner's own reserved copy, containing 170 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS by Mr. Mason, of Yarmouth, Beautifully Colored: and a Portrait of the Author, (a private plate) drawn by Miss H. S. Turner: and the following Note in the handwriting of Dawson Turner regarding the Drawings:— a The Drawings in this copy of the Synopsis of the British Fuci, comprehending every species and variety mentioned in the work, were, with very few exceptions, all taken from the original specimens in my own Herbarium, from which the descriptions were written. They were made almost immediately after the publication of the book by Mr. Mason, of Yarmouth, a. l. s. who followed the study of marine Algce with a zeal that I never knew exceeded, tho' he was at that time completely a cripple, having many years before wholly lost the use of one side of his body by a paralytic affection.d [Signed] Dawson Turner. 1S04. Jo 1209 TURNER. CATALOGUEof the Entire PRIVATE LIBRARY of the Late Prof. W. W. Turner, of the Patent Office at Washing- ton. Embracing a LTnique Collection of Works on the History of the Aborigines of this Country, and in their Languages, etc. Sold at auction by Bangs, Merwin & Co. New York: i860. S° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. / 7 1210 arttssrr (Etjomas). jFitte tjuntrrctt) poftits J = Of flOOfc a^UStantrrt'C, etc., etc. [London: 1604 ?] 4 ° half calf. Wants title, and is otherwise imperfeft before p. I~J, and after p. ibo. *■+* a Thomas Tusser, one of the most popular, and, assuredly, one of the most useful of our elder poets, was born about 1515, and died about 1583. So acceptable did this production prove to the lovers of poetry and agriculture, that it underwent nineteen editions during its first century. The mutilated state of the old copies, indeed, exemplifies, more than anything else, the practical use to which they were subjected ; a Some books, remarks Mr. Haslewood, became heir-looms from value, and Tusser's work, for useful information in every depart- ment of agriculture, together with its quaint and amusing observations, perhaps passed the copies from father to son, till they crumbled away in the bare shifting of the pages, and the mouldering relic only lost its value, by the casual mutilation of time.D The great merit of Tusser's book, independent of the utility of agricultural precepts, consists in the faithful picture which it delineates of the Manners, Customs, and Domestic Life of the English farmer, and in the morality, piety, and benevolent simplicity which pervade the whole.p—See, Drake, Shakspeare and his Times, S° edit. p. J/S. - .no TYMME (THOMAS). A SILVER-WATCH-BELL: the Sovnd whereof is able (by the grace of God) to win the mod pro- fane worldling, and careleffe liver (if there be but the lead fpark of Grace remaining in him) to become a true Chriftian indeed, that in the end hee may obtaine everlafling Salvation. Whereunto is adjoyned A Treatise of the holy Sacrament of the Lords Svpper, in part augmented. The eighteenth Impression. London: Printed by Iohn Ilavi/and, for Thomas Alchorn. i6j8. sm. s« caif JSlacft ILetter- mmmm: a Vlm/e FFENBACH (ZACH. CONRADVS ab). COMMER- CII EPISTOLARIS VFFENBACHIANI SELECTA Varus Observationibvs Illvstravit Vitamqve B. Zach. Conr. ab Vffenbach Praemisit Io. Ge. Schelhornivs. et Memming/e: Apud Joan. Frirfer. Gavin, mdccliii-lvi. S vols. sm. S° paper covers. Uncut. ***«C'est a Schei.horn qu'on doit la publication d'un choix de !a correspondance d'UFFENBACH avec les savans, sous ce litre: Connuercii Epistolaris Uffcnbachiani Selefla. Ce recueil est Rare et recherche* par les amateurs de 1'Histoire Litte'raire.D—Biographic Uni- versale. = Ijetmltdjfett bet 9iahtr, baS ijt, itiic man nidjt \ atteht aufy 9Beht, ftmber and) aufj allein 9Wetalten, $ritd)ten I $Ietfd), (?tjem, SKSnt^teit, ftrentern, tmnb anff tnel anberen bhtfjen | tnel)r, fol &tfttl(tcrn Slquam t»itcf ju erljaltnng ber <jefnnbl)ett Wenfdh | lidje^ (<drjjcr3, <£*ht¥ur^ flared, t>nb ttittjltd)£ ©nd), bttrd) flctft ^?f)i= | lip- pi Syiftabtj turn 9Zitrmber<i, auft fltaijnutnbo, 3f ritolbo be 9JUs| la 9iona, tmb SUbertu s3)ta$no, jufamen tmt£ i*atetn gefdjrtebett, aber jcljunbt fconn netnent i^cr= tetttfd), tmnb bie (?apttel, meld) t>orI)ht gcmattgclt, I)ir= jit fletljan* $tem SWtarftlij 2>ictni (sk) SRcgtmcnt bej SefccttS, mtt effen, tvhttfeit, tuomutgett, :c* ^aburd) mtt bet (jtlff <&0ttc3 fcitt £e= | ben flefterrft, tmnb tit gc= fuubtl)ctt betjalten btf? ct alt umrben <?■♦ tmnb I jt>j* 5arf I)at noet) jjclcbt in Italia hit ^a? 9W*cccc*lgj£tt* barbel) t>icl gntcr iHeee^t fttr aller ^>anbt ftaittfl)ei= ten, bent (^entehten 3)}amt em tuolffctjlc tmb <\av nittjlid)e SCpotccf, C C&ebrncft gtt ^vraitrtfurbt am 9Rat)it, burd) Hermann ($itffcrtd)cu, in ber ^d)itnrgaf= fen jitm frritg* m.d.li. f° boards. With wood-cut illustrations. Rare and curious. *** « Les diffeVentes Editions de cc Livre font voir qu'il est estime et recherche des ama- teurs. \>—See, [Lenglet DU Fresnoy,] 11ist. de la Philosophic Hermctique^ToMti in,/. J3y. JGcher, Allgemeincs Gclchrten Lexicon, Vol.. iv, /. /077. ^3 t.2 1215 1216 ALERIANI BeUunensis (JOANNIS PIERII). HIERO- GLYPHIC A, sivc dc Sacris /Egyptiorum aliarumque Gentium Literis, Commcntariorum Libri lviii, duobus aliis ab eruditissimo viro annexis. Accesserunt loco auaarii, HIEROGLYPHICORUM COLLECTANEA ex veteribus & recentioribus aucroribus descripta, & in sex libros ordine alpha- betic digesta; item HORAPOLLINIS HIEROGLYPHICORUM LIBRI DUO ex postrema Davidis Hoeschelii correclione. Prez- tcrea cjusdem PIERII Declamatiuncula PRO BARBIS SACER- DOTUM; De INFELICITATE LITERATORUM LIBRI DUO; deniqiie Antiquitatum Bellunensium Sermones quatuor. Fditio ad ?iovissimas Germanic? eomposita, quibus 6° annotationes ad marginem atque necessaries Indices debet. Francofurti ad Moenum: Sumptibus Christiani Kirchneri. Anno mdclxxtix. ./'"' half vellum. Fine portrait of the author, and numerous curious emblematical wood-cuts. *** A very curious account of the Life and Works of Valerianus will be found in Tessiek, Eloges des Homines Savans, Tome I, p. 46 el seq. See also, Niceron, Mtmoires des Homines Illuslres, Tome xxvi, p. 345. Brydges, Res Literaria?, Vol. 1, /. 2T2. Green, Shakespeare and the Etnblem Writers, p. So. VALTVRII (ROBERTI). De Re Militari Libri xii. In fine: Lutetl/e: Apud Chriftianitm Wechclum. Anno m.d.xxxiii. _/"° calf, title-page missing, with numerous Engravings of battering-rains, canon, scaling- , slings, £f'c, and other remarkable military apparatus. Very Rare. Typographic i, etc., Vol. viii, p. 182. Pray, Index Rariorvm ladder, *** See, Panzer, Annate Librorvm, Vol. 11, /. 7/9. VAN DEN ZANDE. CATALOGUE de la Bibliotheque de feu M. [I. F. J.] Van Den Zande. Paris: Techener. 1854. S° half morocco. '■ This valuable Catalogue contains a List of more than Six Hundred modern Latin poets. V "1217 VANDERHAEGHEN (FERD.) BIBLIOGRAPHIE GAN- TOISE. Recherciies sur la Vie et les Travaux des Imprimeurs de Gand. Premiere Partie.—xvc & xvic Siecle. Deuxihne Partie. —xvne Siecle. Gand: Imprimeric de Fug. Vanderhaeghen. 1858-1860. 2 vols. S° half crimson morocco, tops gilt, uncut. With plates of Printers' marks and facsimiles. VEITH. 233 A/j:" 1218 VAN DE WEYER. CHOIX D'OPUSCULES Philosophiques, === HlSTORIQUES, POLITIQUES et LlTT^RAIRES de SYLVAIN VAN De Weyer. Precedes d'AvANT-PROPOS de 1'£diteur, o. d. {Octave Delepierre.] Premiere S^rie. Londres: Triibner et Cie. New York: Geo. P. Philes & Cie. 1863. post 8° half morocco, top gilt. Table des Matieres:—i. Le Roi Cobden, 1863. 2. Lettres sur les Anglais qui ont £crit en Fran9ais, 1854. 3. Discours sur l'Histoire de la Philosophic, 1827. 4. Moyen facile et e'conomique d'etre bienfaisant, propose aux Jeunes gens, et suivi de Pens^es Diverses, 1825. 5. Lettre a M. Ernst Munch, Bibliotb^caire a La Haye, 1829. /, 1219 VASSEO meldensi (IOANNE). De Ivdiciis Vrinarvm Trac- TT:r==z tatvs, ex probatis colleclus autoribus, & in tabulae formam confec- tus, etc. [Lvgdvnvm :] Apud Gvliel. Rovillivm, svb scvto veneto. 1549. 24 ° half viorocco. *** One of the earliest treatises published on the noble science of Uroscopy. orOO 1220 [VAUGHAN.] LONG LIVERS: A Curious HISTORY of r===i such Persons of both Sexes, who have liv'd several Ages, and grown Young again: With the Rare Secret of Rejuvenescency of Arnoldus de Villa Nova, and a great many approv'd and invaluable Rules to Prolong Life: as also, How to prepare the Universal Medicine. By Eugenius Philalethes, f.r.s. [T/tomas Vaughan.] London: Printed for J. Holland at the Bible and Ball in St. Paul's Church- Yard, and L. Stokoe at Charing-Cross. 8° calf, extra. Very Scarce. IJ22. *** Dedicated a To the Grand Master, Masters, Wardens and Brethren, of the most Antient and most Honourable Fraternity of the FREE MASONS of Great Britain and Ireland.b 4/ 1221 VAUGHAN (ROBERT ALFRED). HOURS with ==== the MYSTICS. A Contribution to the History of Religious Opinion. Second Edition Revised and Augmented by the Author. London: John IV. Parker and Son, West Strand, i860. 2 vols. sm. 8° cloth. Scarce. j/60 1222 [VEINANT.] CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et PR£- = CIEUX du Cabinet de M. * * * [Auguste Veinant.] Paris: chez 8° boards, uncut. Priced. Edwin TrOSS. l8jj. *+* A very curious Catalogue, particularly rich in contraband French Facetics. M. Vei- nant was one of the compilers of the rare Bibliotheca Scatologica. /OO 1223 VEITH. BIBLIOTHECA AUGUSTANA, compleclens Noti- tias Varias de Vita et Scriptis Eruditorum, quos Avcvsta Vindelica Orbi Litterato vel dedit vel aluit Congessit Franciscus Antonius VEITH Augustanus, Bibliopola. Augusta Vindelica, Sumptibus Aucloris. mdcclxxxv-xcv. 12° vols, in 0 vols. S° boards. *** This valuable Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary of celebrated Scholars of Augsburg, is not mentioned by Petzholdt. 234 VERMIGLIOLI. /:: 6 1224 VENTOUILLAC (L. T.) The FRENCH LIBRARIAN or Literary Guide, pointing out the Best Works of the Principal Writers of France, in every Branch of Literature; with Cri- ticisms, Personal Anecdotes, and BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Preceded by a Sketch of the Progress of French Literature. London: Treuttel, Wurtz, etc. 1829. S* half red morocco, gilt back and top. Uncut. /.00122s TtVQilii (!?oiffirorf)+ JProtttrtifotttm tt ftfr30tO= I rum veterum polydori Vergilii vrbinatis libellus perutilis cii faci- | li contentorum indice Adieclis recenter (vbi deerant) caracleri- | bus grecis (sic) Margineifq? annotationibus A variis (que librarioru | vicio contraxerat) erratis a n. b. t. expurgatus. In Fine: 4E Venundatur hoc opufcitlum\ parrhifiis in officinis fidelium/ librariorum Iohannis petit 6° Egidii de gourmont. Imprejf/um / Anno m.d.viii. sm. 40 paper covers, 46 leaves including the a Tabula.* Fine copy. RARE. *** The first colle<£Hon of Latin Proverbs in modern times. Lector erne, lege etprobabis. See, Duplessis, Bibliographic Pare'miologique, p. 12. ///'r""i226 VERGIL. The WORKS of the Famous Antiquary, = POLIDORE VERGIL. Compendioufly Englim't by John Langley, late Master of Paul's School, London, containing The ORIGINAL of all ARTS, SCIENCES, Mysteries, Orders, Rites, and Ceremonies, both Ecclesiastical and Civil. A work useful for all Divines, Historians, Lawyers, and all Artificers. London: Printed for Simon Miller, at the Star in St. Paul's Church-Yard. J2° calf. Scarce. l66j. *** THIRTY-EIGHT Editions of this entertaining book were printed in the 16th cen- tury.—See, Biographic Universelle, art. Polydore. J.-6 1227 VERGILII Vrbinatis (POLYDORI). De INVENTORIBVS = RERUM Libri VIII, et De PRODIGIIS Libri in, cum Indicibus 1 o c u p 1 e t i ffi m i s. A m st e l o d a m i: Apud Danielem Elzevirivm. sm. 12* vellum. Fine clean copy. ClO JL3C LXXI. /J/ "1228 VIRGILII (sic) (POLYDORI). De RERUM INVENTO- RIBUS; Translated into English by John Langley. With an Account of the Author and his Works, by William A. Hammond, m.d. New York: Agathynian Club. 1868. 8" cloth, uncut. Only 120 Coi-ies Printed. N° 4. . /;: 1229 VERMIGLIOLI (GIO. BATTISTA). Principj della Stampa in PERUGIA e suoi Progressi per tutto il Secolo xv. Nuova- mente illustrati accresciuti e corretti, etc. Perugia: 1820. SCJ half calf. VIOLLET-LE-DUC. 235 , /V 1230 [VERPLANCK (GULIAN C.)J TWELFTH-NIGHT at the = Century Club. January 6, 1858. New York : D. Apple ton &" Co. square S° boards. I&S*' l.J o 1231 [VERSTEGAN.] A RESTITVTION of Decayed Intelli- === gence: In antiquities. Concerning the mod noble and renovvmed (sic) English nation. By the fludie and trauaile of R. V. [Richard Verstegan.] Dedicated vnto the Kings mod excellent Maieflie. Printed at Antwerp by Robert Britney. 1605. And to be fold at London in Paules-Churchyard, by John Norton and John Bill. sm. 4 ° calf, panelled sides. Beautiful impressions of the plates, a remarkably fine clean- copy, with wide margins. *$* a This Edition is deservedly reckoned the best, as well on account of containing one or more Engravings afterwards omitted, as also for the superiority of the Plates, those in the subsequent editions being very indifferent copies.d—Lowndes. S.fjo 1232 SBeffmcttitS (SfftericttS)* SBott ber nefti gefitnttbc ■ iliegtOlt bic ttutf/eiu tacit genemti mag tucrben, ^urd) ben (frtftettltdjett &u/m<j fcptt ^tartugall, xvnnnbctbaviid) crfunbett* / In fine: Slufj latcm ift bift mifjfiuc in 'Zcutfd) gcjogcauft bem cgcm=/^Iar ba§ turn ^artft tarn tytn maicn monet nad) (Stjriftt gcbmrt, $unffijettt)mt= / bevt tmnfc $iinfftar* Usos-} C (Sebrucft tjn Nuremberg burdj SBSpIffganng <€htc6cr. .$■;«. 40 half dark blue morocco, uncut. 6 leaves, 37 lines to a full page, with a wood-cut figure of the King of Fortugal holding a sceptre in his right-hand, arid an escutcheon in his left. *#* M. Adam Pilinski's admirable Facsimile reproduction of the Very Rare German Version of the Third I'oyage of Vcspucius. Only 2f> copies were reprinted. Very scarce. , S-S 1233 VIBIUS SEQUESTER. De Flumenieus, Fontibus, Lacubus, ^ Nemoribus, Paludibus, Montibus, Gentibus; quorum apud Poeias mentio ft, ex recensione Francisci Hesselii cum ejusdem Adnota- tionibus. Roterodami: Apud Arnoldiun Willis bibliofiolam. sm. S° vellum. ClO IOCCXI. ^Co 1234 VILLEMAIN (M. ABEL FRANQOIS). Essai Biographique = et Litteraire sur Shakspeare. [s. I. eta.] S° half morocco, top gilt, /'rcsentatio/i copy from the author with his autograph. ,/ So 1235 VIOLLET-LE-DUC. CATALOGUE des LIVRES compo- = sant la BIBLIOTH&QUE PO&TIQUE de M. [Emmanuel Louis Aricolas] Viollet-le-Duc, avec des Notes Bibliographiques, Biographiques et Litteraires sur chacun des Ouvrages Cata- logues. JJottv stvljfr a VJtyintoivt tic la JjJotsfe en jFraUCe, Paris: chez L. Hachette. 1S43. = CATALOGUE 236 VOGT. des LIVRES composant la BlBLIOTfflfcQUE POETIQUE de M. Viollet-le-Duc; Chansons, Fabliaux, Contes en Vers, et en Prose, Fac£ties, Pieces Comiques et Burlesques, Disserta- tions SlNGULIERES, AVENTURES GaLANTES, AmOUREUSES, PrODI- gieuses. Paris: chez J. Flot. 1847.= BIBLIOTH^QUE de M.Viollet-le-Duc. [His Auftion sale Catalogue, priced.] Paris: P. Jannet. 184Q-1853. Together j vols. S° half calf , extra, tops gilt. An elegant set of these truly valuable Catalogues, and very scarce in this fine condition. fuo 1236 VIOLLET-LE-DUC (M.) BIBLIOGRAPHIE des CHAN- SONS, FABLIAUX, Contes en Vers et en Prose, Fac£ties, Pieces Comiques et Burlesques, Dissertations Singulieres, Aventures Galantes, Amoureuses et Prodigieuses, ayant fait Partie de la Collection de M. Viollet-le-Duc. Avec des Notes Biographiques et Litt£raires sur chacun des Ouvrages cites. Nouvelle Edition Augmentee d'un Avant-Propos par M. Antony Meray. Paris: A. Claudin. i8jp. S° half crimson morocco, top gilt, rough edges. 701237 VIOLLET-LE-DUC (E.) An ESSAY on the MILITARY J = ARCHITECTURE of the MIDDLE AGES. Translated from the French by M. Macdermott, Esq., Architect. Oxford and London: J. H. and J. Parker, i860. 8° cloth, uncut. With ijf Illustrations. //OC/123S VIRGILII MARONIS OPERA cum Comment. Donati, === Landini et Servii In Fine: C Impreffum eft hoc opus cum fumma accuratioe Charac- ter ibus Venetis im- /penfts Francifci de Gerardenghis de Papia. labore 6° induftria Antonii Lam- / billionis. Anno 1402, no?iis nouembribus. f° half roan, title missing, numerous MS. notes on the margins. %* « Cette Edition a 6t6 itnprime'e a Lyon, avec des caracteres v^nitiens, pour le compte de FRAN901S Gerardenghis, alors dtabli a Venise.D—Brunet. /-. j a 1239 VIRGILIUS. Publii VIRGILII Maronis CARMINA OMNIA '■ Perpetuo Commentario ad Modum Joannis Bond. Explicuit Fr. Dubner. Parisiis: Ex Typographia Firminorum Didot mdccclvii. ib° brown morocco, gilt leaves, dentelle borders. With photographic 7jignettes. Scarce. *** « Edition Elsevirienne, en-ne'e de 27 dessins par M. Barrias. Elle est tout a fait digne d'etre placed a cSte" de 1'Horace public" par les mgmes ^diteurs en 1855.j>— Brunet. ,/V 1240 VOGT (JOHANNIS). CATALOGVS Historico-Criticvs == LIBRORVM RARIORVM, jam cvris Qvartis Recognitvs et Copiosa Accessione ex Symbolis et Collatione Bibliophilorvm per Germaniam Doctissimorvm Adavclvs. Hambvrgi: Svmtilws Christiani Heroldi. m.dcc.liii. sm. S° boards. %* a Vogt is a greater favorite with me than with the generality of bibliographers. His plan, and the execution of it, are at once clear and concise.*—Diddin. VRIES. 237 ^ j 1241 VOGLERI (VALENTINI HENRICI). INTRODVCTIO == VNIVERSALIS in Notitiam Cvivscvnqve Generis Bonorvm Scriptorvm. Helmestadii: Anno do I DC lxx. sm. 4 ° half morocco, red edges. Rare. /O 1242 [VOLTAIRE.] LES QUAND, Notes Utiles, sur un Difcours == prononce" devant l'Acad£mie Fran^oife, le 10 Mars 1760. Sixidmc Edition, Augments des SI & des POURQUOI [de 1'Abbe Morellet.] Geneve: [1760.] 12° pp. 20, paper covers. Printed in red ink. S^O 0 1243 VOLTAIRE. LA HENRIADE, Poeme de Voltaire. Paris: = chez E. Dubois, mdcccxxv. y° half morocco, uncut. Embellished with S7 lithographic portraits and plates. J/O 1244 VOSSIUS et HORNIUS. Dissertationes de Vera .Etate = MuNDi,a I. Vossiuset G. Hornius. HagjE-Comitis, etc.: m.dc.lix. 6 Tracts in 1 vol. sm. 40 calf, 4 leaves neatly supplied in MS. Very curious. /. L6~ i245 VRIES (A. de). &CLAIRCISSEMENS sur l'HISTOIRE de '~~ == l'INVENTION de l'IMPRIMERIE, contenant: Lettre a M. A. D. Schinkel, 011 Reponse a la Notice de M. Guichard sur le (iSpeculum Humane Salvationist;—Dissertation sur le Nom de Coster et sur sa pretendue charge de Sacristain ;—Recherches faites a l'occasion de la Quatrieme Fete Seculaire a Haarlem en 1823. Traduit du Hollandais par J. J. F. Noordziek. La Haye: Imprimerie de A. D. Schinkel. 1843. S° half morocco, top gilt. JV1246 VRIES (A. de). ARGUMENTS des ALLEMANDS en Faveur J = de leur Pretention a l'INVENTION de l'IMPRIMERIE; ou Examen Critique de 1'Ouvrage de M. A. E. Umbreit DIE ERFINDUNG der BUCHDRUCKERKUNST. Faisant suite aux ECLAIRCISSEMENS SUT 1'HlSTOIRE de l'INVENTION de l'IMPRIMERIE. Traduit du Hollandais par J. J. F. Noordziek. La Haye: A. D. Schinkel. 1843. S° half morocco, top gilt. 1249 1250 ALCKENAER. CATALOGUE des LIVRES et Cartes GfIographiques de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Le Baron [Charles Athanase] Walckenaer. Membre de l'lnstitut. Paris: L. Potter. 1853. S° boards. *** An important Catalogue for collectors of rare a Americana.* 'o ^248 WALDRON. CATALOGUE of the Select Library of Books, Late the property of Mr. Daniel Waldron Sold by Auction. London: 1807. S° half rnssia, uncut. With list of Prices and Purchasers' Names. WALKER (J.) A RHYMING DICTIONARY of the English Language, on a plan not hitherto attempted. The Second Edition, Improved. London: 1806. 12° half calf, gilt back. WALKER (ALEXANDER). BEAUTY. Illustrated chiefly by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Woman. Illus- trated by 24. Steel Engravings from Drawings from Life, by Henry Howard. New York: 1844. 12° half morocco. WALKER. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Edidit Gulielmus Sidney Walker. Londini: H. G. Bo/111, mdcccliv. S° pp. I2CK) half calj", gilt back, marbled edges. *** Index Auctorum. —I. Catullus. II. Lucretius. III. Virgilius. IV. Tibullus. V. Propertius. VI. Ovidius. VII. Horatius. VIII. Phsedrus. IX. Lucanus. X. Persius. XL Juvenalis. XII. Martialis. XIII. Sulpicia. XIV. Statius. XV. Silius Italicus. XVI. Valerius Flaccus. XVII. Calpurnius Siculus. XVIII. Ausonius. XIX. Claudianus. XX. Supplementum in Virgilium. i. Ciris. 2. Catalefla. 3. Copa. WALPOLE. A CATALOGUE of the Kogal ailtr TSTotllC SJUtljOTS of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with Lists of their Works: By the Late Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. ENLARGED and CONTINUED to the Present Time, by Thomas Park, f.s.a. London: Printed for John Scott. 1806. £ vols. S° crimson morocco, extra, panelled sides, gilt leaves. WITH 150 PORTRAITS. Good impressions. I25I 0 1252 WARD. 239 /;j^i253 WALPOLE (HORACE). ANECDOTES of PAINTING in === ENGLAND; with some Account of the Principal Artists; and Incidental Notes on other Arts. Also, A Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England, Collected by the late George Vertue. A New Edition, Revised, with Addi- tional Notes, by Ralph N. Wornum. London: 1849. 3° vols. 8° half green morocco. SS portraits a?id numerous wood-cuts. £tOO 1254 WALTHER (CH. FR.) Les Elzevir de la Bibliothkque Imp£riale Publique de St.-PfItersbourg. Catalogue Bibliogra- phique et Raisonne public sous les auspices et aux frais du Prince Toussoupoff. St.-P£tersbourg: 1864. ib° uncut. *+* This volume is an indispensable Appendix to Pieter's Annates de r Imprimerie Elsevirienne. It contains an account of many editions not mentioned by him. / A'~i255 WALTON, COTTON, and VENABLES. The Compleat .^ = Angler, or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. By Izaak Walton. Fifth Edition, much Corrected and Enlarged. London: 1676. = The Compleat Angler. Being Inflruclions how to angle for a TROUT or GRAYLING in a clear Stream. Part II. By Charles Cotton. London: Printed for Richard Marriott, and Henry Brome in St. Paul's Church-yard, mdclxxvi. [The First Edition of the Second Part, By Charles Cotton.'] - The Experienc'd ANGLER: or, Angling Improv'd. Being a General Discourse of ANGLING. Imparting the Apteft ways and Choiceft Experiments for the taking of mod forts of FISH in Pond or River. By Col. Robert Venables. The Fourth Edition much Enlarged. London: Printed for Richard Marriot (sic). 1676. lb° half calf ?nargins very closely cut. Wants title-page to Walton, and the frontispiece to Venables. A poor copy. *** This volume was published under the general title of The Universal Angler. /.OO 1256 WANLEY (NATHANIEL.) The WONDERS of the LITTLE === WORLD; or a General History of man: Displaying the Various Faculties, Capacities, Powers and Defects of the Human Body and Mind. Collected from the Writings of the most approved Historians, Philosophers, and Physicians, of all Ages and Countries. A New Edition, with the Addition of much Curious Matter, by Wm. Johnston, Gent. London: 1806. 2 vols. S° half calf. Portraits and plates. Aoc 1257 WARD (Rev. NATHANIEL). The SIMPLE COBLER of == AGGAWAM in AMERICA. Edited by David Pulsifer. Boston: James Munroc and Company. 184J. 12 ° half roan. 240 WASHINGTON. /cTo 1258 WAR&E. CURI0SIT£S JUDICIAIRES, Historiques, Anec- ==== dotiques, Recueillies et mises en ordre par B. Waree. Paris: Adolphe Delahays. 185Q. 12 ° half morocco. /o 1259 WARENGHIEN. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHfeQUE ==== de feu M. le Baron [Louis-Philippe-Francois~\ de Warenghien. Paris: chez P. Jannet. 1855. S° paper covers. Priced. :.uo 1260 aSadjaffte, otbmtlid)? (£opet) obex / 2H>fc^tifft beft tmfdfjul-/bigen ©rtfjcUS/ttieldjcg ^onttu3 S|H = / 1 a i u 3 bet Sanbpflcgcr in £$**&£<* / itn 17. Sat bet 9ie= / gierattg beft Sicijf erS ^tberit, ba3 tft, im 34 ^at beft Sitter^ (StjrWftt, iiber fcmfcrn Hcbcn £>erm t»mtb ^>et)lanb S^fum (g^rtftum / juin ^obt gef ctti tmb aitftgefprcdjett / Gedruckt Zu Nilrnberg bey Johann Lantzeuberger. 1605. sm. 40 boards, pp. S. 5 curious old wood-cuts. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. *** A German translation of the Death Sentence of Christ, pronounced by Pontius Pilate, Governor of Judea in the 17th year of the Reign of the Emperor Tiberius. A critical notice of this singular Document will be found in Peignot, Livre des Singular iUs, pp. 3Q3-405. .^£"1261 WARMHOLTZ. Bibliotheca Historica Sueo-Gothica; Eller === Forteckning uppa sa val trykte, som handskrifne Bocker, Tractater och Skrifter, hvilka handla om SVENSKA HISTORIEN, eller darutinnan Kunna gifva Ljus; med Critiska och Historiska Anmark- ningar af Carl Gust. Warmholtz. Stockholm och Upsala: 15 vols, in J vols. S° half calf. Ij82—l8l^'. *** A critical account of Books, Tracts or Writings, whether Printed or Manuscript, relating to the Geography, Natural History, Antiquities, Church, Language and Litera- ture of Sweden. It is divided into special periods, the most important Reigns, and several Classes. As a Bibliographical hand-book it is a model. It is especially rich in Historical and Biographical Notes, many of which were contributed by the learned Pehr Fabian Aurivillius. See, Pet2H0ldt, Bibliotheca Bibliographica, p. Sjq. ,;<, 0 1262 WARTON (THOMAS). The History of English Poetry, == from the Close of the Eleventh to the Eighteenth Century. London: m.dcclxxiv-lxxxi. 3 vols. 40 half morocco, marbled edges. First Edition of this valuable ivork. A 1263 WARZ&E (A.) RECHERCHES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES sur r=== les Almanacks Belges. Bruxelles: J.-M. Heberld, 1852. S° half calf top gilt, uncut. Only 250 Copies Printed. / ;,ri264 WASHINGTON. Gen. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S = ACCOUNT with the UNITED STATES, from 1775 to i/8j, as Written by Himself. Brooklyn [N. Y.] Published by John f° half roan. HutcMngS. fSj?. *** A FACSIMILE reproduction of Washington's Account of Expenses during the Revolutionary War. WEEVER. 241 / ^ -f 1265 WATT (ROBERT). BIBLIOTHECA BRITANNICA; or a ■ General Index to British and Foreign Literature. Edinburgh: 1824. 4 vols. 40 half calf , marbled edges. *** <rThe First Part of the Bibliotheca Britannica contains the Names of upwards of FORTY THOUSAND AUTHORS, and of each, as far as possible, a short biographical no- tice is given. The Second Part of the work is a minute Index to the First. In this Part the Subjects are arranged alphabetically; and under each all the works, and principal parts of works treating of that subjecl:, are arranged in Chronological order, so as to form a sort of Annals of what has been written on every Subjecl, from the first publication to the last.D— Preface. /j^O 1266 WATTS (THOMAS). A LETTER to ANTONIO PANIZZI, === ESQ. Keeper of the Printed Books in the British Museum, on the Reputed Earliest Newspaper, « 2Ti)C 3EtlflltSi) JttCtCttrfe, 1588.D London: William Pickering. 1839. royal 8° pp. lb, half crimson morocco, top gilt. Only 100 copies privately printed. Very Scarce. *+* Mr. Watts' subsequent Letter on the Authorship of the Fabricated a Earliest English Newspaper,» will be found in the Gentleman s Magazine for May, 1S50, //. 4SJ-4QI. I ZS r267 WEBSTER (NOAH). An gLttltVitM DUtfOtlftrff == of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Thoroughly Revised, and greatly Enlarged and Improved by Chauncey A. CtOODrich, d.d., l.d., and Noah Porter, d.d. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press for G. 6° C. Merriam, publishers, Springfield, Mass. 1865. 2 vols. f° half morocco, tops gilt, uncut. LARGE PAPER OF WHICH ONLY 250 COPIES WERE PRINTED. Subscription Copy. */Vl 1268 WECKERI (JOH. JAC.) De SECRETIS Libri xvii. Ex ^^^ variis AiiTloribus Colledi ?nethodice digefti, atque Tertia hac Edi- tione, non foliim ab innumeris mendis, Obfcuritateq: purgati, sed & Theodori Zvingeri Additionibus E Pharmacia & Chymia utilifsimis aucti. Acceffit Index locupletiffimus. Basile.e: Ann. S° vellum, with illustrations. IfOI. *** a Cet ouvrage, dont le succes peut dtonner aujourd'hui, est toujours recherche" des curieux, pour les choses singulieres qu'il renferme.D—Biographic Universelle. l/cc 1269 WEEVER (JOHN). ANTIENT FUNERAL MONUMENTS, of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent. With the DifTolved MONASTERIES therein contained; their Founders, and what Eminent Persons have been therein interred Intermixed and Illustrated with variety of Historical Observations, Anno- tations, and Brief Notes, etc. [ThirdEdition with Addenda and Index by the Rev. William Tooke.] London: Printed by IV. Tooke, for the Editor, m.dcc.lxvii. ^° half calf. Portrait and cuts. *** a A book of great utility to antiquarians and historians.»—Granger. 242 WELLER. j-0 1270 WEIGEL (10. AVGVST. G0TTL0B). Apparatvs Litera- rivs, sive Collectio Librorvm Lectissimorvm qvos emtvrientibvs offert Io. A. G. Weigel Bibliopola Lipsiensis. Lipsiae: 1832. 4° half calf. Uncut. %* The Index to this useful Catalogue fills 66 pages. / j 1271 WEIGEL'S (RUDOLPH). KUNSTCATALOG. Leipzig: 1838-1861. 31 Parts ins vols. S°. Vols, i to iv boards, Vol. vpaper. With the Rare Indices. VERY SCARCE. %* A series of Art Catalogues, indispensable to a print dealer, or a discreet print collector. « Les exempl. complets de cet excellent Catalogue ne se trouvent que difficilement. 11 yt Thalers.D— Graesse. /./*^i272 WEIGEL (T. O.) VERZEICHNISS von Manuscripten, Reiberdrucken, ersten Erzeugnissen der Druckerpresse, selte- nen und Kostbaren Werken. Leipzig: [n. d.] S° half morocco, gilt back and top. .^.ci I273 WEIGEL (T. O.) Katalog des Antiquarischen Lagers. Leipzig: 1863. S°pp. Ss4, half morocco, marbled edges. - /ft c 1274 WEIGEL (T. O.) Collectio Weigeliana. Die ANFANGE = DER DRUCKERKUNST in BILD und SCHRIFT. An deren fruhesten Erzeugnissen in der WEIGEL'SCHEN SAMM- LUNG Erlautert von T. O. Weigel und Dr. Ad. Zestermann. Mit 143 Facsimiles und vielen in den Text gcdruckten Holzschnitten. Leipzig: T O. Weigel. 1866. 2 vols. f° brvelled boards, cloth gilt, crimson edges, with clasps. With 145 Facsimiles, PLAIN AND COLORED, AND NUMEROUS WOOD-CUTS PRINTED IN THE TEXT. ONLY 325 COPIES printed. *** o Cet ouvrage magnifique, tire' a 325 ex. seulement, est le plus parfait e'chantillon de fart d'imprimerie et de gravui-e facsimilaire qu on ait jamais produit en Allemagnc. Lc dessein, que le savant auteur a poursuivi, est, de montrer que la priorite* de la d^couverte d'imprimer avec des caracteres mobiles des mots, des lignes et des pages entieres et de les reproduire par la couleur, appartient aux Allemands et non aux Hollandais. On y trouve des impressions sur toile, des gravures sur mdtal, sur bois, sur p&te et sur cuivre.D—See, Graesse, Trdsor de Livres Rares et Prdcieux, Tome VI, /. 430. fS 1275 WELBY (HORACE). MYSTERIES of LIFE, DEATH, and Futurity: Illustrated from the Best and Latest Authorities. New York: James G. Gregory, m.dccc.lxiii. /2° cloth. J/. 0 0 1276 WELLER (EMIL). INDEX PSEUDONYMORUM. Worter- buch der Pseudonymen oder Verzeichniss aller Autoren, die sich falscher Namen bedienten. With Supplement. Leipzig: Verlag von Falcke 6° Rossler. 1836-7. royal S° half vellum. WHARTON. 243 _Jo 1277 WERDET (EDMOND). Etudes Bibliographiques sur la Famille des Didot, Imprimeurs, Libraires, Graveurs, Fondeurs de Caracteres, Fabricants de Papiers, etc. (1713-1864). Paris: E. Dentu. 1864. 8° paper. « Tiri& Soixante-Dix exempiaires dont VrNGT settlement seront vendus.* *** This interesting sketch of the Didot family is taken from Werdet's Histoire du Livre en France. fo 1278 WEST. BIBLIOTHECA WESTIANA: A Catalogue of the == Curious and truly Valuable Library of the late JAMES WEST, Esq. Comprehending a choice Collection of Books in Various Languages, and upon most Branches of polite Literature; the History and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, their Early Navigators, Discoverers and Improvers, and the Ancient English Literature: Including the Works of Caxton, Lettou, Machlina, Wynken De Worde, Pynson, and the rest of the Old English Typographers. Digested hy Samuel Paterson. .... Sold by Auction. London: 1773. 8° half russia, uncut. Interleaved, with List of Prices and Purchasers' Names. / yj~ 1279 [WEST (WILLIAM).] FIFTY YEARS' RECOLLECTIONS of an OLD BOOKSELLER; consisting of Anecdotes, Charac- teristic Sketches, and Original Traits and Eccentricities, of Authors, Artists, Actors, Books, Booksellers, and of the Periodical Press for the Last Half Century, etc. Cork: Printed for the Author. ic?jj. 8° half calf. With a series of lithographic portraits. /S^fo 1280 WESTMINSTER ABBEY. The HISTORY of the ABBEY = CHURCH of ST. PETER'S WESTMINSTER, its Antiquities and Monuments. \By William Coomfre.] London: Printed for R. Ackermann. m.dcccxii. 2 vols, royal 40 half russia, marbled edges. With colored plates. 0 *-r' <U /' oc 1281 WESTWOOD (J. O.) ILLUMINATED ILLUSTRATIONS of the BIBLE. Copied from Select MSS. of the Middle Ages. London: Wm. Smith, m dcccxlvi. 4° brown calf blind tooled sides, gilt edges. With 50 beautiful plates richly illu- minated in gold AND COLORS, from choice Afissal Paintings of the xm1^, XIVth and XVth J;2 J 1282 WHARTON. The Works of the Late Moll Excellent PHILO- = SOPHER and ASTRONOMER, Sir George Wharton, Bar. Collected into one Entire Volume. By John Gadbury, Student in Phyfiek and Aflrology. London: 16S3. === XEIPOMANTIA: or, the ART of DIVINING by the Lines and Signatures Engraven in the Hand of Man, by the Hand of Nature, Theoretically, Practically. Wherein you have the Secret Concordance, and Harmony 244 WHITE AND RIDDLE. betwixt It, and" Aflrology, made Evident in Nineteen Genitures. Together with a Learned Philosophical Discourse of the Soul of the World, and the Univerfal Spirit thereof. A Matchlefs Piece. Written Originally in Latine by Jo. Rothman. D. in Phyfick and now Faithfully Englifhed, By George Wharton, Esq., with illustrations. London: As it was Printed in the Year i6j2. 2 vols, in I vol. S° half calf. *** « We may most justly say of this Collection, as it is reported, once a learned Critick said of Virgil's Works, viz. .- That if all the Books in the World were burnt, and that only remaining, some Vestigia of all kind of Learning might be found therein.!)—Preface. £ q Q 1283 WHEATLEY (H. B.) Of Anagrams. A Monograph treating of their History from the Earliest Ages, to the Present Time; with an Introduction, containing numerous Specimens of Maca- ronic Poetry, Punning Mottoes, Rhopalic, Shaped, Equivocal, Lyon, and Echo Verses, Alliteration, Acrostics, Lipograms, Chronograms, Logograms, Palindromes, Bouts-Rime's. Printed for the Author by Stephen Austin. Hertford: mdccclxii. 16 ° half morocco, top gilt. 6S 1284 WHEELER (WILLIAM A.) An Explanatory and Pro- != nouncing DICTIONARY of the NOTED NAMES of FICTION; including also Familiar Pseudonyms, Surnames bestowed on Eminent Men, and Analogous Popular Appellations often referred to in Literature and Conversation. Boston: Ticfznor ib° doth. and Fields. 1866. £tCG- 1285 WHITE KNIGHTS LIBRARY. [Duke of Marlborough's.'] CATALOGUE of that Distinguished and Celebrated Library, Containing Numerous, very fine and rare Specimens from the Presses of CAXTON, PYNSON, and WYNKYN DE WORDE, &c. An Unrivalled Collection of Italian, Spanish and French Romances of Chivalry, Poetry, and Facetiae; an Unique Assemblage of Books of Emblems, and Books Ornamented with Wood-cuts; ... . and a Selection of Rare, Curious, and Splendid Articles in every Department of Literature. Sold by Auction by Mr. [P. If.] Evans. London: 1819. 2 Parts in i vol. S° half morocco, uncut. Ruled in red lines, and Neatly Priced. .//S 1286 WHITE (J. T.) SPECIMENS of PRINTING TYPES and "~~ ORNAMENTS made by White and Company, N° 65 Beekman Street. New York: 1854. 4" half morocco. ff ^^"1287 WHITE and RIDDLE. A LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, -•- - By Rev. John T. White, d.d., and Rev. J. E. Riddle, m.a. Third Edition. London: Longmans. /86p. 2 vols. 8° cloth. WHITMAN. 245 .^fo 1288 WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). An ESSAY on the Author- = ship of the Three Parts of KING HENRY THE SIXTH. Riverside Press. Printed by H. O. Houghton and Company. Cambridge, Mass. 185Q. S° half morocco, top gilty rough edges. ONLY 25 COPIES PRINTED. jc 1289 [WHITER (Rev. WALTER).] A SPECIMEN of a COM- = MENTARYonSHAKSPEARE. Containing I. Notes on As You Like It. II. An Attempt to Explain and Illustrate Various Passages, on a New Principle of Criticism, derived from Mr. Locke's Doctrine of The Association of Ideas. London: Pri?ited for T. Cadell, in the Strand. 1794- <?° half calf. *** « Superior to the ordinary criticism of that age.p— Knight, Studies of Shakspere,p. 555. J.fo 1290 [WHITING.] A CATALOGUE of FRIENDS BOOKS; ~^^ Written by many of the People, called Quakers, From the Begin- ning or First Appearance of the said People. Collected for a General Service, By J. W. [John Whiting.'] London: Printed and Sold by J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-street. IJ08. 8° half calf. Very Scarce. %* <l A large portion of the titles recorded in this volume relate to America. Few Biblio- graphical works exist, on any subject, more exhaustive, or more honestly done.n—Stevens, Bibl. Historica. a?tTc 1291 WHITLOCK. ZnOTOMl'A, or, OBSERVATIONS on the === Present Manners of the English: Briefly Anatomizing the Living by the Dead. With an Usefull Detection of the Mountebanks of both Sexes. By Richard Whitlock, m.d. Late Fellow of All- Souls Colledge in Oxford. London: Printed by Tho. Roycroft, and are to be fold by Humphrey Mofeley, at the Princes Amies in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1654. sm. S° pp. j6Sy half russias with engraved frontispiece. Rare and curious. CONTENTS: a Titles of the Distinct Discourses.d—I. The Honeft Adamite. II. Am- bodexter. III. Of Books, or the beft Furniture. IV. The falfe Ballance. V. Commendable Carelefnefle. VI. The Faithful Chyrurgian. VII. The Chaire-Man. VIII. The thriving Craft. IX. The wife Chapman. X. The Doe little, Worthlefle. XL The Valentinian Doctor. XII. The fifth Element, or of Detraction. XIII. The grand Experiment. XIV. The Quacking Hermaphrodite. XV. The Riots of Hiftory. XVI. The grand Impertinent. XVII. A Direction of felf-killers. XVIII. Learnings Apologie. XIX. The happy Match. XX. The Magnetick Lady. XXI. The lading Monument. XXII. Of Mufick. XXIII. Parlour Divinity. XXIV. Of Printing. XXV. Poetry's Defence and Excellence. XXVI. Of Painting. XXVII. A Lecture on Readers. XXVIII. The commanded Tree of Knowiedg. XXIX. The Poli- tick Weatherglafs, etc., etc. to i292 [WHITMAN (WALT).] £&> LEAVES of GRASS. === Brooklyn, New York: ic?jj. f° PP' 9S-< cloth. Full length portrait of the Author\ without coat or vest, one hand in his trousers pocket, and the other resting on his hip. FIRST EDITION. RARE. *** The long Prefatory Essay, 4 on the august character and mission of the Poet,» in prose form, has been omitted from all subsequent Editions. See, Burroughs, Notes on Walt Whitman, as Poet and Person. New York: 1867. 120 4 The most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed.*— Emerson. /, 246 WILCOCKE. 7J-1293 WHITMORE (WILLIAM H.) A HANDBOOK of J ~— AMERICAN GENEALOGY: Being a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications containing Genealogical Informa- tion, Chronologically Arranged. Albany : Joel Munsell. 1862. sm. 4 ° paper covers. Uncut. .rJTi294 WICELIUS. £& CONQVE- === ST 10 DE CALA- MITOSO IN P R A E - fens re rum Chriftia- narum flatu: Georgii Wicelii presbyteri. Lipsiae: In officina Nicolai Wolrab. m.d.xxxviii * Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Maiejlalis Reg. sm. 40 paper covers, 24 leaves, 27 lines to a full page. Rare. *** A good notice of the Works oi George Wicelius, * the Ape of Erasmus » will be found in the Bibliotheque Critique, etc., /dr Mr, de Sainjore, [i.e. Pere Richard Simon] Tome 11, //. 242-2t>j, inclusive. See, also, Ioan. Fabricius, Historia Bibliothecae Fabriciance, Pars ii, //. 22Q et seq. Walch, Bibl. Theologica Selccla, Vol. ii, /. 34Q. Gerdes, Florilegium Librorum. Rariorum, p. 363. Bayle, Diet. Hist, et Critique, art. WlCELIUS. /: 1295 23S t b e i i n b ♦ 3lnffu^rli(^c§ $>er$etd)ttt3 Hon !r= dlatcix SBucfjertt mtt fjiftortfdjcu mti> frttifdjen 2lnrocr= futtgeu in alpt)abettfd)cv Drbmmg fcerfaftet Don 9Jlclcf)iot Sabttng 9Btbcfinb* Berlin: jyjj. 6*° boards. / /: " 1296 WIERUS. De PRAESTIGIIS Daemonvm, et Incantationibus, ^^ ac ueneficijs, Libri v. Authore Ioanne Vviero Medico. Basileae: Per Joannem Oporinum. 1565. sm. S" half vellum. Many passages underscored with ink. %* John Wier was a pupil of the celebrated Cornelius Agrippa. / 1297 WIGHT. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. Catalogue of the Entire Library of Andrew Wight .... Specially Rich in Rare Books, Relating to America, Comprising General, State, and Local Histories, State Papers, &c. A very Select Series of Large Paper and Early Printed Books, including over Two Hundred by BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, and other American Printers Sold by Auction. New York. 1864. S° paper covers. Uncut. //:^i298 WILCOCKE (SAMUEL HULL). A New and Complete DICTIONARY of the English and Dutch Languages; In Two Parts: I. ENGLISH and DUTCH. II. DUTCH and ENGLISH. London: m.dcc.xcviii. S° plain calf. WISHART. 247 ^V: 1299 WILLETT. MERLY LIBRARY. Catalogue of the well- known and celebrated Library of the Late Ralph Willett, Esq. Comprising a most Rare Assemblage of the Early Printers, fine Specimens of Block Printing, Old English Chronicles, &c, in the finest Preservation. Sold by Auction by Leigh and Sotheby. London: 1813. 8° calf, uncut. With list of Prices and Purchasers' Names. *** The Rev. T. F. Dibdin bought largely at this remarkable sale. ,JlS 1300 WILLIAMS. BIBLIOTHEOE quam Vir Doctus, & admodum Reverendus, Daniel Williams, s.t.p. Bono publico legavit Catalogus. Londini: m.dcc.xxvii. 8° calf. Scarce. (ir^ 1301 WILLIAMS. Catalogue of the Splendid and Valuable Library of the Rev. Theodore Williams. Containing a most extraordinary Collection of Early Biblical and Theological Manus- cripts, Books printed on Vellum, from the Aldine, Junta, and other celebrated Presses: the Best Editions of the Classics, etc., etc. London: 182J. 8° half crimson morocco. *** A rare and valuable Catalogue of a most sumptuous library. This copy is ruled in red lines, with Prices and Names of the Purchasers. &.£S 1302 WILLIS and SOTHERAN: A CATALOGUE of Upwards of = FIFTY THOUSAND VOLUMES, of Ancient and Modern Books, English and Foreign, in all Classes of Literature and the Fine Arts. London: 1862. S° half roan. ^j~o 1303 WILSON. Noctes Ambrosian/e, by the late John Wilson, and William Maginn, l.l.d., J. G. Lockhart, James Hogg, &c. With Memoirs and Notes by R. Shelton Mackenzie, d.c.l. New York: 1854. 5 vols. 12° cloth. Portraits and facsimiU. %cc 1304 WINARICKY. JEAN GUTENBERG, Ne" en 1412 a Kutten- berg en Boh£me, Bachelier es arts a l'Universite* de Prague, promu le 18 novembre 1445, inventeur de l'imprimerie a Mayence en 1450. ESSAI Historique et Critique, par le Rev. Charles Winaricky, Cure' de Kowan, prts de Junghunzlau. Traduit du Manuscrit Allemand par le Chevalier Jean de Carro. Bruxelles: 184/. 120 half crimson morocco, top gilt. Uncut. 0 0 0 1305 [WISHART.] De Rebus | Aufpiciis Sercniflimi, & | Potentifhmi —- I CAROLI I Dei Gratia Magna; Britannia?, | Francioe & Hibernian Regis, &c. | Sub imperio illiiftriffimi JACOBI Mon- | tifrofarum Marchionis, Comitis | de Kincardin, &c. | Supremi Scotia- Gubcrna- 248 WOLFII. ton's Anno \ do Idc xliv, 6° duobus sequentibus pra>- j dare gestis, / Commentarius. | Interprete | a. s. | [Paris :] Anno Domini do Idc xlvii. sm. S° half morocco, top gilt. By C. J. Aitken. *** The authorship of this EXCEEDINGLY RARE and interesting volume, is attributed to Dr. George Wishart, Bishop of Edinburgh, who accompanied Montrose in all his expedi- tions, and was an Eye and Ear Witness of all he relates. A copy of this identical book was tied with a cord to the neck of Montrose at the time of his execution; and an English artist has appropriately commemorated this incident by painting it on a panel in the present House of Parliament. « The executioner,» says Hume, a brought that Book, which had been published in elegant Latin, of his great military actions, and tied it by a cord about his neck.p —Hist, of England, Chap. ix. < This first Marquis of Montrose was without doubt one of the most extraordinary characters for bravery, which Scotland ever produced. His execution was murder. He thought no more of a battle than a school-boy thinks of a game of marbles. War—not in its ferocious and sanguinary sense—was his delight. His latter moments exalt him to an enviable martyrdom. He was dressed, on the day of suffering, in the most splendid attire with which his shrunken wardrobe could furnish him. The History of his achievements was written and tied around his neck. He was executed on the 21st of May, 1650; and with a barbarity which marked that vicious period, his limbs were severed and exposed at the gates of the principal towns in Scotland. Meanwhile, let the reader seize with avidity upon the following Rare Book, whenever it falls in his way :—De Rebus aufpiciis SereniJJimi 6f PoientiJJimi Caroli, Regis M. Brit, sub imperio illujlriffimi Jacobi Montisrosarum Marchionis Comitis de Kin- cardine d etc. S° 1647. See, Dibdin, Northern Tour, pp. jj7-S.—Note. J/.STo 1306 WITHER (GEORGE). ABVSES | STRIPT, | and |WHIPT.| or I Satirical Essaies, \Diuided into two Bookes. | Alfo the Scourge. Epigrams. | [Motto in Greek, and the following verses— Defpife not this what ere I fee me to fliow, A foole to purpofe fpeakes fometime you know. Also Monogram of the publisher, Francis Bvrton.] At London, | Printed by G. Eld, for Francis | Bvrton, and are to be fold at his / Jhop in Pauls Churchyard, at the /' fig tie of the Green-Drag on. / idij. sm. 8° diamond calf . *** FIRST EDITION of this Rare volume, but, unfortunately, not in good condition. The upper corners of the Title-page, and first three leaves of a The Epistle Dedicatorie, to himfelfe, G. W. wifieth all happinefjTe,x> are worn off close to the text. It also wants the portrait of Wither, and the collection of a Epigrammes to the King, &fc, and to certaine noble Perfonages and friends to whom the Author gauc any of his Bookes.r> In other respects, the collation is precisely the same as the copy described in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, N° 780, which is priced £3.13^.6^. For writing these Abvses, Wither was confined several years in the Marshalsea prison, where he composed some of his best Works. /■//" 1307 WOLFII (JOHANNIS). LECTIONES MEMORABILES et "RECONDITyK. [Cum Indice Johann. Jac. Linsii.] Francofurti ad Moenum: Anno m.dc.lxxi. 2 vols. f° plain calf. With numerous extraordinary wood-cuts, and the Rare Index of Linsius. *** A Common-place Book, transcribed from more than THREE THOUSAND AUTHORS; containing all the Anecdotes, Historiettes, Memorable Events, Biographical Sketches, Satirical Poems, Epigrams, Remarkable Prophecies, &c., which seemed worthy of insertion. See, Dibdin, Bibliomania, pp. ijo-iji. WORCESTER. 249 / 7 1308 WOLFII (JO. CHRISTOPHORI). BIBJJOTHECA HEBR^EA, sive Notitia tvm Avctorvm Hebr. cvjvscvnqve ^Eta- tis, tvm Scriptorvm, qvas vel Hebraice primvm exarata vel ab aliis conversa svnt, ad nostram ^Etatem dedvcta. Acccdit in calce Jacobi Gaffarelli Index Codicum Cabbaliflic. MSS. quibus Jo. Picus, Mirandulus Comes, ufus eft. Hamburgi & Lipsi^e: Impenfis Christiani Liebezeit. Anno R.s. do Io ccxv-xxxiii. 4 vols, thick 40 half calf. Portrait and engraved frontispiece. *** 4 La Bibliotheca Hebrcea de Wolf, est une vraie Encyclopedic Judaique, oil se trouve une liste complete des Iilcrivains qui ont fait usage de l'Hdbreu et un grand nombre de Frag- ments inddits et importants.D—G. Brunet, Diet, de Bibliologie, p. 83. « Ouvrage savant; il n'a pas He" efface" par celui de Eiirst qu'on peut regarder comme Supplement.*—See, Graesse, Trdsor de Livres Rares et Prdcieux^ art. Wolf. /./,^i3o9 WOLFII (JO. CHRISTIANI.) MONUMENTA TYPO- GRAPHICA, qvae Artis hujus Praestantissimae Originem, Laudum et Abusum posteris produnt Hamburgi: Sumtibvs Christiani Hcroldi. Ao. mdccxl. 2 thick vols. 8* half vellum. *** 4 This very valuable collection of Wolfi us consists of Pieces, whether in verse or prose, entire or extracted, selected by him from the principle Authors who have written on the History of Printing; and including some Original Documents illustrative of its origin and progress.p—Horne. ,^1310 WOLTERS. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et z===- PRECIEUX, tant Imprimis que Manuscrits, composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. P. Wolters. Paris: 1844. S° half morocco, top gilt. *** a Collection assez importante de livres peu communs. On y remarquait des Editions des premiers temps de l'imprimerie, des Gra?nmaires et des Dictionnaircs du xvc et du xvr siecle, une seVie de Podsies Italiennes, des Romans de Chevalerit\ des ouvrages importants sur VHistoire e^rangere, et principalement sur l'Espagne et sur l' Asie. Des Notes succindtes et assez nombreuses fournissent des informations bibliographiques souvent intdrcssantes sur des ouvrages peu connus.D—G. Brunet. /tyc J311 WOOD (Rev. J. G.) HOMES WITHOUT HANDS. Being a Description of the Habitations of Animals, Classed according to their Principle of Construction With Numerous Illustrations. London: Longmans. 1863. S° cloth. ,/o.r" 1312 WOODWARD. A Catalogue of the Library, Antiquities, &c, of the Late Learned Dr. Woodward, Fellow of the College of Physicians Sold by Auction at Mr. Cooper's in the Great Piazza, Covent-Garden, on Monday the 11th Day of November, 17 28. By Mr. Christopher Bateman, Bookseller; and Mr. John Cooper. s° caif. London: 1728. J.OJ 1313 WORCESTER (JOSEPH E.) A DICTIONARY of the = ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Boston: Hickling, Swan and Braver. 4° half morocco. Subscription Copy. IoOO. Jc . 250 WRIGHT. '0.0<j 1314 WORDSWORTH (CHRISTOPHER). GREECE: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. London: William S. Orr and Co. MDCCCXL. 4 ° full brown morocco, extra, gilt leaves. With upwards 0/THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD, and TWENTY-EIGHT ON STEEL, most brilliant Impressions on India Paper, Illustrative of the Scenery, Architecture and Costume of that Country, by Copley Fielding, F. Creswick, D. Cox, Jun., Harvey, Paul Huet, Meissonier, Sargent, Daubigny, Jaques, and other Artists. ,/jC 1315 WORLD (The). By Adam Fitz-Adam. [From January 1753 to December 1756, with another N° written by Horace Walpole, entitled « A World Extraordinary j> with an Index.] London: Printed for R. and J. Dodsley. 1753-6. 2 vols. f° plain calf. ORIGINAL EDITION. *** The World, a paper confined to irony and the ridicule of fashionable folly, had unquestionably much merit. It is throughout gay and sparkling, and reproduced with fresh grace and lustre the philosophy of Aristippus. Edward Moore, the conductor, contributed sixty-one papers ; the Earl of Chesterfield, twenty-four; Richard Owen Cambridge, twenty-one,- Horace Walpole, nine; Soame Jenyns, five; John Tilson, five; Edward Lovibond, five; and the Earl of Corke, four. —See, [Burn] Catalogue of Early Newspapers and Essayists, p. jq. Drake's Essays, p. 2jj. 1316 WORTH (THOMAS). PLUTARCH RESTORED: An Ana- ^^^ chronatic Metempsychoses, Illustrating the Illustrious of Greece and Rome. New York: George Ward Nichols, Editor and Publisher. 1862. oblong 40 cloth. 24 caricature plates. J(. 1317 WRANGHAM. The ENGLISH PORTION of The Library of = tne v*en. Francis Wrangham, m.a., f.r.s., Archdeacon of Cleve- land. Malton: Printed by P. Smithson. 1826. 8" pp. ix-645, half crimson morocco, uncut. UNPUBLISHED. ONLY SEVENTY COPIES PRINTED. Very Scarce. *** a This Catalogue was compiled by its learned owner; it includes an account of most of the books contained in it, their author, their subject, or their edition. Only Seventy Copies were printed. In this Catalogue will be found the most numerous collection in the Kingdom of that class of works [Privately printed Books] which it is the endeavour of the editor of this work to describe.it—See, Martin, Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books, Second Edit. p. 340. // :" 1318 WRIGHT. ANECDOTA LITERARIA; a Collection of Short ==== Poems in English, Latin, and French, Illustrative of the Litera- ture and History of England in the Thirteenth Century, and more especially the different Classes of Society. Edited from Manuscripts at Oxford, London, Paris, and Berne. By Thomas Wright, Esq., m.a. London: John Russell Smith, m.dcccxliv. 8° cloth. Only 250 copies printed. / 6f 1319 WRIGHT (THOMAS). BIOGRAPHIA BRITANNICA "=== LITERARIA; or Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in Chronological Order. Anglo- Saxon Period = Anglo-Norman Period. London : John W. Parker. 2 vols. 8° cloth. Uncut. 1842-1846. WYOMING VALLEY. 251 J, 60 1320 WRIGHT (THOMAS). DICTIONARY of OBSOLETE and = PROVINCIAL ENGLISH, containing Words from the English Writers previous to the Nineteenth Century which are no longer in use, or are not used in the same sense; and Words which are Now Used only in the Provincial Dialects. London: H. G. Bohn. mdccclvii. 2 vols, post 8° half calf gilt 6acks> marbled edges. . /o 1321 WURTZ et AUDENET. CATALOGUE dune Collection de Tres Beaux Livres tant Anciens que Modernes, formant Tune des plus precieuses et des plus riches Bibliotheques de la Capitale, etc. Paris: chez J. Techener. 1841. 8° half morocco. Neatly priced. / 00 1322 WYNNE (JAMES). Private Libraries of New York. The ==== Articles as originally published in the ATew York Evening Post. Mounted in one volume. New York: fSjd. 4° half morocco. *** This copy was arranged by the late John Allan. J^-2^1323 WYNNE (JAMES). PRIVATE LIBRARIES of NEW YORK. ^^^ New York: E. French, mdccclx. 8° cloth^ uncut. With a view of the interior of the library of the late Wm. Curtis Noves. %* One of the most atrociously incorrect books ever published. The present copy con- tains several thousand MS. corrections by A. J. O. of the bibliographical, typographical, literary and grammatical blunders made by Dr. Wynne and his coadjutors in preparing tbis elegantly printed volume. / 7^1324 WYOMING (The) VALLEY, Upper Waters of the Susque- = hanna, and the Lackawanna Coal-Region, including Views of the Natural Scenery of Northern Pennsylvania, from the Indian Occupancy to the Year 1875. Photographically Illustrated. Edited by J. A. Clark. Scranton, Pa.: J. A. Clark, Publisher. 8a cloth. 26 photograph ic portraits a ndplates. IoJ^. SMWPDRIBVNWLXY: or The Sauce-Pan. London: Printed and sold by W. Richardson in the Strand, mdcclxxxi. <?° half calf. A virulent satirical poem, in imitation of the First Satire of Juvenal. //" T32° BS^HEJai0LTNGr (The) STUDENTS-LIBRARY, Containing, Extracts and Abridgments of the MOST VALUA- BLE BOOKS Printed in England, and in the Foreign Journals, from the Year Sixty Five, to This Time. To which is Added, A New Pffay upon all forts of Learning; wherein the Use of the Sciences is Diftinctly Treated on. By the Athenian Society. Also a Large Alphabetical Table, compre- hending the Contents of this Volume, and of All The Athenian Mercuries and Supplements, Szc. Printed in the Year 1691. London: Printed for John Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultry. i6q2. f* plain calf. Engraved frontispiece. Jc T327 SbS^"1ELTNER (GVSTAV. GEORG.) VITAE THEOLO- GORVM ALTORPHINORVM a condita Academia omnivm vna cvm Scriptorvm recensv plenivs et accv- rativs ad Historiae Ecclesiasticae et Literariae vsvm descriptae. Norimbergae et Altorphii: 1722. 4° half calf ^ red edges. With a series of fine portraits engraved by Kilian. ( 1328 ZELTNER (JOHANN. CONR.) CORRECTORVM in "="—r TYPOGRAPHIIS ERVDITORVM CENTVRIA. Norimbergae: 8* vellum. Rare. A 11)10 MDCCXVI. *** A very curious History of a Hundred Learned Proof Readers. JL 1329 ZORNII (PETRI). HISTORIA BIBLIORVM PICTORVM Ex Antiqvitatibvs Ebraeorvm et Christianorvm Illvstrata. 4- half morocco, top gilt. LlPSI AE '. MDCCXLIII. yd 1330 ZURCHER and MARGOLLE. Volcanos and Earthquakes. 'From the French by Mrs. Norman Lockyer. With Sixty-Two Wood-cuts by E. Riou. London: 1868. sm. 8° cloth. Digito compcfce labellum. Mauapiot o avayivGoauoov. JTgpofitapIjtc trc Sears tt (ffo I c & Ncto ¥orft 5 u 1111t 5& ft c c c i ft i 2& Bibliotheca Curios a + VOL. II. % gestriptiuc (Tataljagite OF OF ANDREW J. ODELL, of New York, COMPRISING- AN EXTREMELY INTERESTING AND MOST VALUABLE COLLECTION OF RARE, CURIOUS, AND STANDARD BOOKS, BOTH Ancient and Modern, in every Department of Literature; AMONG WHICH WILL BE FOUND ChoK'K EDITIONS oFTHE (tREEK and Latin Classics, Works on History, Biography, E A R L Y VO Y A G ES AN I > Tr A V E LS; Kurt <$Ur f5n0lfsf) tflartt llttttt Eoofcs, Fine Specimens of Works printed in the Fifteenth Century, Illustrated with Curious Wood Engravings; Privately Printed Books; Original Editions, and Reprints of Early French Poetry, Romances, Mysteries, Farces, and Works of Pleasantry. A very Choice Selection o( Modern Latin Poetry; Facetit, Jest Books Ana, Proverbs, Emblems, AND SEVERAL pcanuscrfpts Kllumfnatctt in (SoITr autr (Colors; Scarce Works on Astrology, Alchemy. Chiromancy, Demonology, and Witchcraft; Fine Copies of Rare Books printed at the Atdme, Giitnta, Stephens, and Elzevir Presses; INCLUDING ALSO An Exceedingly Important Collection of THE MOST VALUABLE, GENERAL AND SPECIAL WORKS ON BIBLIOGRAPHY, LITERARY HISTORY, AND THE HISTORY OF PRINTING ANI> WOOD ENGRAVING, ETC., ETC. The whole of which will be Sold at Audi on By MESSRS. BANGS & CO., 781 > <$: 741 Broadway, New York, On Monday, March loth. 1880, and Following Days, Commencing at Hall-past Three o'clock, P. M., each Day, The Collection will be ready for Examination Three Days previous to the Sale. Ncto¥ortt: ^Hrjccclvn;* Trice Two Dollars. € a t a I o 0 ut P& Bibliotheca Cttriosa + (K*a4*a4+0*j[+tt+* &I)C+Cilirar«)i ANDREW ]. ODELL d Nctitia Librorum pars Hijlcritr eft, nulli erudi- torum prarlermittenda^qui cau/as atquc injlrumfnta gruditionis ncjjfe cupit. » PREPARED BY GEORGE P. PHILES VOL. II. Ncto ¥orfe SEARS ;<AND v COLE, v PRINTERS, v 51 v MAIDEN v LANE IWTrccclvPF a E siccomc esscr st/ole, chc rt/omo va cercando argento, e fuori dell a intcnzione irova oro, lo quale oeculta cagione presetita, non forse sanza divino imperio; io, chc cercava di consolare me, Irovai non solamcnte alle mie lagrime rimedio, ma vocaboli d'autori e di scienza e di libn'.»—Dante, II C-ONVITO, cap. xiii. %fo DAMUS (MELCHIOR). Yit^e GERMANORUM THEOLOGORUM, qvi Superiori Secvlo Ecclesiam Christi voce Scriptisqve Propagarunt et Propu- gnarunt, congestae & ad annum ufque do Idc xviii. Cum Indice tripliei, perfonarum gemino, tertio rcrum. Francofvrti: Sumptibus [once RoJ'ee vidua. Anno m.dc.liii. 2 vols, in I vol. thick S° plain calf. *+* Rayle acknowledges himself largely indebted to Melchior Adam, for many curious biographical anecdotes of distinguished scholars of the sixteenth century.—See, Bayle, Did. Hist. art. Adam. Clement, Bihliothcqne Curieuse, Tome i, p. 47. 1332 ADLER (G. J.) A DICTIONARY of the GERMAN and = ENGLISH LANGUAGES. In Two Parts. I. German and English.—II. English and German. Fourth Revised Edition. New York: m.dccc.lvi. roy. S° half morocco. 1333 AFFINATI. The DVMBE DIVINE SPEAKER, or, Dumbe 10 v= fpeaker of Diuinity. A Learned and excellent Treatife, in praife of Silenee: fhewing both the dignitie, and defecres of the Tongue. Written in Italian, by Fra. Giacomo Affinati d'Acuta Romano (?) And truelie tranilated by A. M. London: Printed for William Leake. 1683. $m. 40 plain calf title-page mounted, and several preliminary leaves soiled. Very CURIOUS. *** a Come then, expressive Silence, muse his praise.» 1334 AGREEABLE (The) COMPANION; or,an Universal Medley of Wit and Good-Humour. Consisting of a Curious Collection of the most Humorous Essays, Smart Repartees, Prudential Maxims, Familiar Dialogues, Epigrams and Epitaphs, Tales and Riddles, Shining Epistles, and Beautiful Characters, both Fabulous and Real. With Select Novels, Extracted from the Writings of the most approv'd Authors, both Antient and Modern. In Prose and Verse. London: Printed for IV. Biekerton. mdccxlv. 72° calf\ red edges. /n 258 ALCIATUS. 1335 AGRIPPA Ab Nettesheym (HENRICI Cornelii). OPERA,| J&u-=^ IN DVOS TOMOS CONCINNE Dl-/gefla, & nunc denub fublatis omnibus men- / dis in $i\ojno dggqv g rati am accu- / ratifftm} recufa. / Qvibvs Post Omnivm Editiones | de novo acceffit Ars Notoria, ut fatis indi- | cat Catalogus pofl prasfationem | pofitus. | Lvgdvni: % Per Beringos Fratres. \s. tf.] 2 thick vols. sm. 8° vellum. With a medallion portrait of Agrippa on the verso of the title-page of Vol. i, and numerous diagrams. *** This edition contains the Letters of Agrippa, which are replete with entertaining literary gossip. 1336 AIME-MARTIN (L.) PLAN d'une BIBLIOTH&QUE . tfu UNIVERSELLE, Etudes des Livres qui peuvent servir a l'His- toire Litteraire et Philosophique du Genre Humain, suivi du CATALOGUE des Chefs-d'CEuvre de toutes Langues et des Ouvrages Originaux de tous les Peuples. Paris: A. JDesrez. 8° half morocco. Uncut. IoJ1/ . 1337 AKERS. CATALOGUE of the Entire and Very Valuable . . (° LIBRARY of Edmund Fleming Akers, Esq., of Berry Mead Priory, Acton Sold by Auction by Mr. Sotheby. London: 8° boards, uncut. Priced. Io20. 1338 ALABASTER. The MODERN BUDDHIST; Being the 'H- 0 "Views of a Siamese Minister of State on his own and other Religions. Translated, with Remarks, by Henry Alabaster. London: Trilbner 6° Co. i8jo. 12° cloth. 1339 ALBERTUS MAGNUS. foL ia: Phia. d. Alberti M. (above a 7 Z /"" re ft angular compartment containing various emblematical devices. ) fol. 2 a: Illuftriflimi philofophi & theologi: domini Alberti magni copen-| diofum: Ifigne: ac perutile opus philofophie naturalis: feliciter Icipit. fol. 52 a. Finis I Impreffum Venetiisper Georgium de Arriuabenis: Anno Domiiti. | Mxccclxxxxvi. die ultimo menfis Augujli. sm. 40 vellum, 33 leaves, 38 lines to a full page, with diagrams. *** See, Main, Repertorium Bibliographicum, Vol. i, Pars, i, /. 36, Haureau, De la Philosophie Scolastique, Tome ii, p. 28et seq. 1340 ALCIATUS. CLARISSIMI | Viri D. Andreae Al-/ciati I? ^ JEmble?natum libel I us, uigilanter / recognitus, 6° ab ipfo ia?n au- / thore locupletatus. Parisiis: Apud Chrijlianum Wechelum, fub fcuto Bafdienfi, in uico Iacobeo: 6° fub pegafo, in uico Bellouacenfi. m. d. xlii. sm. 8° paper covers, pp. 125 including 3 unnumbered leaves, containing Index and prin- ters Device. The Emblems are numbered 1 to cxv, 3 0/ which are missing in this copy. ALMANACH TYPOGRAPHIQUE. 259 1341 ALDUS. LETTRES DIVERSES, et Opuscules Po£tiques t Jo "cTAlde 1'Ancien. [Paris: chez Paul Renouard 1825.] 8° paper covers, uncut. Large paper. Only 30 copies printed. 1342 ALLAN. A CATALOGUE of the Books, Autographs, J? jO Engravings, and Miscellaneous Articles, Belonging to the Estate of the Late John Allan. [Prepared by Joseph Sabin.] New York: 1864. 8° paper, uncut. Fine steel portrait of Mr. Allan, engraved by H. B. Hall, and a medallion -wood-cut portrait by Anderson. LARGE PAPER. Only 100 copies printed. 1343 ALLAN. A CATALOGUE of the Library and Antiquarian W 0 = Collection of John Allan, Esq. With the Names of Purchasers and the Price each Article Sold For, Preceded by a Few Introductory Remarks. \_By William Gowam.\ New York: William Gowans. i86j. 8° sheets, folded. 100 copies printed. *#* This extraordinary Introduction to the Allan Catalogue, by the late William Gowans, the well-known second-hand bookseller, in Nassau Street, was very properly rejected by Mr. Allan's discreet executors. Mr. Gowans was greatly offended, and like Pope's angry poet rushed into print— aSdeath I'll print it,i> « And shame the fools.p Mr. Gowans was a man of extremely combustible temper, and eccentric character, but, we believe his worst enemies never justly accused him of excessive modesty. <f± 344 ALLEN. BIBLIOTHECA Alleniana. A Catalogue of the Curious, Elegant, and Very Valuable Library of Thomas Allen, Esq Sold by Auction, by Leigh and Sotheby. London: iypj. 8° half calf, uncut. NEATLY PRICED. ^1345 ALLEN (GEORGE). The LIFE of PHILIDOR, Musician .$() and Chess-Player. With a Supplementary Essay on PHILIDOR as Chess-Author and Chess-Player, by Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa. Philadelphia: 1863. 8° boards, uncut. LARGE PAPER. 3^46 ALLIBONE (S. AUSTIN). A CRITICAL DICTIONARY of /V75== ENGLISH LITERATURE and British and American Authors, Living and Deceased, from the Earliest Accounts to the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century. Containing over Forty-Three Thousand Articles (Authors), with Forty Indexes of Subjects. [Second Issue.] Philadelphia: _/. B. Lippincott & Co. i8yo-i8ji. 3 vols, imperial 8* half brown morocco, marbled edges. 1347 ALMANACH TYPOGRAPHIQUE, ou Repertoire de la . t-o Librairie. [-Par Henry Tardieu.] Paris: chez Henry Tardieu. Han VII de la Rtpublique Francaise. L77PP-] 260 ALMANACKS. 1348 ALMANACK de la LTBRAIRIE, Contenant i° Les Noms des •I Miniflres & Magiflrates qui font a la tete de la Librairie, ceux des Cenfeurs & des Infpecleurs. 20 Un Abrege des formalites qu'on doit remplir pour obtenir les differentes permiflions d'imprimer, de faire venir des Livres Strangers, de fuivre les proces pendants en la Commiffion 011 au Confeil, & enfin de ce qu'il taut faire pour parve- nir a etre recu Libraire ou Imprimeur. 30 Un Tableau de tous les Libraires & Imprimeurs de Paris & du Royaume. [Par Ant. Perrin.] Paris: chez Moutard. m.dcc.lxxxt. 12° cal/\ red edges. %* This little volume contains some curious information regarding the book trade in France. 1349 ALMANACKS. I. The Ladies Diary: or the Woman's jo^ ■ Almanack, for the Year of our Lord, 1726. = II. Great Britain's Diary: or the Union-Almanack for the Year of our Lord, 1726. III. An Almanack for the Year of our Lord God, 1726, by John Wing. = IV. Merlinus Liberatus: An Almanack for the Year of our Redemption, 1726, by John Partridge. V. Parker's Ephemeris for the Year of our Lord, 1726. = VI. Vox Stellarum: Being an Almanack for the Year of Humane Redemption, 1726, by Francis Moore. = VII. A Diary, Astronomical, Astrological, Meteorological, for the Year of our Lord, 1726, by Job Gadbury. = VIII. 1J26. Apollo Anglicanus: The English Apollo. Assisting all Persons in the Right Understanding of this Year's Revolutions, as also of Things past, present, and to come. By RICHARD SAUNDER. London: Printed by A. Wilde, for the Company of Stationers, 1726. = IX. Great News from the Stars: or, an Ephemeris for the Year 1726, by William Andrews. = X. Merlinus Anglieus Junior: or, the Starry Messenger, for the Year of our Redemp- tion, 1726, by Henry Coley. = XI. The Celestial Journal: Being an Almanack for the Year of Human Redemption, M.dccxxvi, by Thomas Sparrow. XII. The British Telle- scope: Being an Ephemeris of the Ccelestial Motions, with an Almanack for the Year of our Lord, 1726, by Edmund Weaver. XIII. The Ccelestial Diary: or, an Ephemeris for the Year of Our Blessed Saviour's Incarnation, 1726, by Salem Pearse. XIV. Calendarium Astrologicum: or, an Almanack for the Year of our Lord God, 1726, by Thomas Trigge, Gent. XV. Fly. An Almanack, for the Year of our Lord God, 1726. = XVI. Swallow. A New Almanack for the Year of our Lord God, 1726. XVII. Culpeper Revived: Being an Almanack for the Year of our Blessed Saviour's Incarnation, 1726, by Nathaniel AMES AND HERBERT. 261 Culpeper. XVIII. Perkins. A New Almanack, for the Year of our Lord God, 1726. Made and Set forth by F. Perkins. = XIX. Poor Robin, 1726. An Almanack after the Oldest and Newest Fashion: Written by Poor Robin, Knight of the Burnt /stand. London: 1726. iq Pieces bound in i vol. r6° old red morocco, gilt sides, and edges. Very curious. 1350 ALOFSEN. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTH&QUE de Mr. , fo~ :S. ALOFSEN Utrecht: /. L. Beijers. 1876. S° paper covers. *** Some of Mr. Alofsen's Notes in this Catalogue are remarkable for caustic humour, if not for acute, critical discernment. Mr. William Allen Butler's [poem ?] Nothing to Wear, is described as, a A very spiritual and popular writing.^ J351 AMATO (FR. ELIA de). MUSEUM LITERARIUM in quo f%b'- — pene omnium Scriptorum Dubia, Suppofitia, Maledica, Falfa, Fabu- lofa, Satyrica, Profcripta, Anonyma, Suffurata, Infulfa, Putidaque, Monumenta, Eruditorum Criterio, flriclim expenduntur. Neapoli: Ex Typographia Januarii Afutio. mdccxxx. 4° boards. Uncut. ^1352 AMERICAN NOTES and QUERIES. Nos. 1 to iv [altthat was .7^ published.'] ^//V^^W. Brotherhead. [Philadelphia: 1857.] S° half crimson morocco. 1353 ames (joseph) £|?|)O0i*aj)f)fcal SUitiijttix\t%i: j, u *-= Being an HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of PRINTING in ^' ENGLAND: With some Memoirs of our ANTIENT PRINTERS, and a Register of the Books printed by them, from the Year mcccclxxi to the Year mdc. With an APPENDIX Concerning Printing in Scotland and Ireland to the fame Time. London: Printed by IV. Faden, and sold by J. Robinson, in Ludgate-Street. #MDCCXLIX. 40 calf, gilt back. With medallion portraits, facsimiles, and old English Printers1 Marks, Rebuses, Devices, etc. *** a The work of Ames was published in rather an elegant quarto volume of upwards of 600 pages, exclusively of the Index. The Plates have been uniformly adopted by Herbert. Considering that it was the first book upon the dry and difficult subject upon which it treats, it has unquestionably great merit. Every impartial living antiquary, whatever may be his opinion of the literary attainments of the author, must cheerfully acknowledge his obligations to Ames's work.K—Dibdin. 1354 ames and Herbert. 3Ti>|iO0rai)J)ical J ? °'~~r= £ltl t ( H U 1t11 S: or An HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of the ORIGIN and PROGRESS of PRINTING in GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND: Containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a REGISTER of BOOKS printed by them, From the Year mcccclxxi to the Year mdc. Begun by the late JOSEPH AMES, f.r. & a.s.s. and Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries. 262 ANDREWS. Confiderably augmented, both in the Memoirs and Number of Books. By WILLIAM HERBERT, of Cheshunt, Herts. London: Printed for the Editor, etc. mdcclxxxv-mdccxc. 3 vols, roy. 40 calf, gilt backs. Portrait and plates. *** a This is a very valuable and accurate work, and as honourable to the British nation, as to the deep critical researches and industry of the original compiler, Mr. Ames, and his continuator, Mr. Herbert. In the Third volume there are several sheets of corrections and additions, which should always be referred to in consulting the work.»—Dr. Adam Clarke. a He who looks into the Typographical Antiquities of Great Britain (as edited by Herbert), for elegant or interesting digressions relating to the ancient literature of his country, will, unquestionably, be disappointed in his search. The Editor's aim appears to have been purely typographical: to give a faithful list of the productions of the press ; without engrafting thereon any account of the various works of authors, or collecting the opinions of the best critics upon their merits or demerits. Now and then, some brilliant passages from Warton, or some curious extracts from Strype and Collier, throw a gleam of amusement over Eighteen hundred a?id thirty-eight closely printed quarto pages of a Catalogue of books published in our own country. The Bibliographer, Book-Collector, and Antiquary, will, however, rarely be disappointed in their expectations; for to this latter class of readers it is replete with useful and curious information. While Herbert has equalled the industry of Bacford, and eclipsed the reputation of Ames, he has evinced such diligence, patience, and minute fidelity, as have scarcely been exhibited by the most distinguished foreign biblio- graphers; and if he does not display the liveliness of Chevillier, and the taste of Renouard, he unites in himself all the accuracy of Audiffredi, and perseverance of Panzer. No single country can boast of such an acquisition to its history of ancient literature as our own, in the Typographical labours of Herbert.d—Dibdin. 1355 ANAKPEUNTU2 THIOF ME AH Praefixo Commentario qvo l_j () $ poetae Genvs Traditvr et Bibliotheca Anacreonteia Advmbratvr. Additis Var. Led. Parmae: in aedibvs Palatinis. 1791* lb" half green morocco, top gilt, rough edges. Medallion portrait of A nacre on on the title-page. *** « Printed by the celebrated Bodoni. The editions of 1785 and ijqi are printed in CAPITAL LETTERS, and more elegant and exquisitely finished productions cannot be con- ceived.!)—Dibdin. a Ce volume est de la plus stSduisante execution, et nul ne m^rite mieux le nom de bijou typographique.K—Renouard. 1356 ANACREONTIS ODAE et FRAGMENTA Graece et Latine. 1 o 0- Edente Joanne-Baptista Gail. Parisiis: Typis Didot natit majoris. An. VII. [i/pp.] S° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. 1357 ANDREAE Desselii (VALER1I). BIBLIOTHECA fo BELGICA: De Belgis Vita Scriptisq. Claris. Praemissa TOPOGRAPHICA BELGII totivs sev Germaniae Inferioris Descriptione. Editio renovata, 6° tertidparte auclior. Lovanii: Typis lac obi Zegers. do. Ioc. xliii. 4° vellum. Fine cop>y. * + * « Liber egregius, ac infrequens et rarus.K—Vogt, Catalogvs Librorvm Rariorvm, edil. ijqj, p. 4b. See, also, Clement, Bibliothequc Curieuse, Tome i, /. J/0. Delvenne, Biogra- phic des Pays-Bas, Tome i, /. 22. Marchand, Diet. Historique, Tome i, /. 100. 1358 ANDREWS (JAMES PETTIT). The HISTORY of GREAT _(-.,--■ BRITAIN, connected with the Chronology of Europe: with Notes, &c, containing Anecdotes of the Times, Lives of the Learned, and Specimens of their Works. London: Printed for T. Cade//. 2 vols, in 1 vol. 40 full russia, marbled edges. M.DCCXCIV. appleton's cyclopaedia. 263 1359 ANNULAIRE AGATHOPEDIQUE ET SAUCIAL. Imprime % 13 par les Presses Iconographiques A la Congreve de l'ordre des Agath :•: Chez A. Lab roue et Compagnie, Rue de la Fourche, j6, a Bruxelles: [1840] Cycle iv. S° half morocco*, top gilt, uncut. With vignettes and music to the songs. Only 350 COPIES PRINTED. RARE. *„.* An entertaining bibliographical notice of this extraordinary production will be found in Querard, Supercheries Litte'raires, Tome hi, /. joj et seq. Pi 1360 ANTHOLOGIE SCATOLOGIQUE Recueillie et Annotee par h 0 Un Bibliophile de Cabinet, [y. Gay?] A Paris: prh Charenton chez le Lib r aire qui nest pas triste. [Jules Gay] imprime' en Fere du car naval de 1000800602. [1862.] 120 half morocco, top gilt, uncut. Only 230 copies printed, this size. *** A collection of piquant scatological anecdotes, published as a Supple?nent to the Bi- bliotheca Scatologica. ANTIQVITATES AMERICANS sive SCRIPTORES SEPTENTRIONALES Rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America. Samling af de I Nordens Oldskrifter indeholdte EFTERRETNINGER OM DE GAMLE NORDBOERS OPDA- GELSESREISER TIL AMERICA fra det IOde til det 14de Aarhundrede. Edidit Societas Regia Antiqvariorum Septen- trionalium. Hafni^e: Typis Officince Schultziancz, i8jy'. imperial 40 half russia. Illustrated by 8 Facsimiles 0/ the most important Codices taken for the basis of the work, 6 delineations of ancient Monuments, and 4 Maps. ***This Collection of the Scandinavian sources of the Ante-Columbian History of America, was edited b}' Professor Charles C. Rafn. « One of the most valuable contributions ever made to the study of the History and Geography of our continent.»—North American Review. 1362 ANTONINVS Archiepisc. Florent. dis foi. \a: KNciptt 3fettfonalr fratrfs &ntontut tit iFlo= rnttfa ortrinto prrticato£. MANUSCRIPT OF THE XVth CENTURY, neatly written on Vellum, Containing 108 leaves. 12° half vellum. *** An ample account of the early printed Editions of this work, will be found in Santander, Difl. Bibliographiquc Choisi du Quinzieme Siecle, Tome i, /. C>2 et seq. Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, Vol. 1, Pars. 1,/. is 2 g* s?<7- Brunet, Manuel, art. Antoninus. 1363 « APPLETON'S CYCLOPAEDIA.» The NEW AMERICAN lCz^== CYCLOPAEDIA: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1863. lb vols. roy. 8" half russia, gilt backs, marbled edges. %* Volume xvi contains a Supplement, and a List of the Names of the Contributors to the entire work. 264 ARABIC MANUSCRIPT. 1364 ANTONIO (D. NICOLAO). BIBLIOTHECA HISPANA /.X3 VETUS sive Hispani Scriptores qui ab Octaviani Augusti ^Evo ad annum Christi MD. floruerunt. curante Francisco Perezio Bayerio, qui et prologum, & Aucloris vitae epitomen, & notulas adiecit. Matriti: Aptid Viduam et Heredes D. Ioachimi Ibarra. mdcclxxxviii. = BIBLIOTHECA HISPANA NOVA, sive Hispanorum Scriptorum qui ab Anno MD. ad MDCLXXXIV. floruere Notitia. Nunc Primum prodit Recognita Emendata Auc"ta ab ipso Audtore. \Curav. Th. Ant. Sanchez et Jo. Ant. Pellizer^\ Matriti: Apud Joachimiun de Ibarra, mdcclxxxiii-mdcclxxxviii. 4 vols, folio boards, uncut. With 2 portraits and I Facsimile. BEST EDITION. *** a The 6rst, and the best bibliographical work which Spain has ever produced.d—Dibdin. 4 Cette Bibliotheque a toujours £te" regarded comme un des meilleurs ouvrages qui ayent ^te* publies dans ce genre, et elle continue a jouir de la plus grande reputation et de toute l'estime des savans.i>—De Bure. a Belle Edition de deux ouvrages estime's, qui doivent n^cessairement £tre re^inis. Le Premier est dispose* par ordre chronologique, et Ton y remarque, dans le ler Volume, un por- trait du roi Charles III, celui d'ANTONio, et a la page 490 un facsimile. Le Second ouvrage est par ordre alphabe'tique des noms de bapteme des auteurs. Les 4 vols, se payent dans les ventes de So a 100 fr.n—Brunei-. a An excellent edition, the Bibliotheca Vetus being enriched with Notes by Perez Bayer, a learned Valencian, the Bibliotheca Nova receiving additions from Antonio's own manus- cripts, that bring down his notices of Spanish writers to the time of his death in 1684. ^a the earlier portion, embracing the names of about 1,300 authors, little remains to be desired. The latter portion contains notices of nearly 8,000 writers,—it is a monument of industry, firmness, and 6delity. The two, taken together, constitute their author, beyond all reasonable question, the father and founder of the literary history of his country.»—Ticknor, Hist, of Spanish Literature, Third Edition, Vol. I, p. 2/4-/J, note. ^365 ARABIAN (The) NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS. A New 7 ^$rr==r^ Translation from the Arabic, with Copious Notes, by Edward William Lane. Illustrated by many Hundred Engravings on Wood, from Original Designs by William Harvey. London: Charles Knight & Co. m.dcccxli. 3 vols. roy. 8° polished calf , extra, gilt backs, ?narbled edges. ***aMR. Lane's Edition is universally known; its illustrations are so exquisite, and so wildly fanciful, appearing absolutely as the very dreams of the reader's own imagination spontaneously wrought into shape. But of the Notes that follow and illustrate every chapter, it is impossible to speak too highly. The learned editor's intimate knowledge of Arabian manners, feelings, and prejudices; his thorough acquaintance with the language and character of the natives; the facilities of communication he possessed with the latter during his long sojourn in Egypt, all combine to render him the fittest, perhaps, of any man living for the task he has so ably executed: it would seem as if the work and the translator were made expressly for each other. The felicity with which the oriental style has been preserved throughout this translation is another of its singular merits; it is always imaginative yet always simple, so as to impress the reader with the character of the original, but never to fatigue his patience, nor outrage his better taste; for it has no affectation. Divested of every indelicacy, these delightful Tales now contain nothing that can deter the purest or the most fastidious from perusal.r»—Foreign Quarterly Review. 1366 ARABIC MANUSCRIPT; Entitled, « The HEART of IJ~L*= JESUS.» Very neatly written on glazed paper, and contains 184 pages. A production of the 19th Century, the date being 1814. 12° calf. ffo ARISTOPHANES. 265 1367 ARCHAICA. Containing a REPRINT of SCARCE OLD ENGLISH PROSE TRACTS. With Prefaces, Critical and Biographical. By Sir E. Brydges, Bart. London: From the Private Press of Longman, Hurst, Pees, etc. 181 5. 2 vols. 4" — HELICONIA. Comprising A SELECTION of ENGLISH POETRY of the ELIZABETHAN AGE: Written or Published between 1575 and 1604. Edited by T. Park. London: From the Private Press of Longman, Hurst, Pees, etc. t8i$. J vols. 40 1814-1815. Together 5 vols, royal 4n elegantly bound in white polished calf , super extra, gilt backs, and edges. Fro?n the library of Frances Mary Richardson Currer, with her Book-plate. Published at £25 in boards. Only 200 copies printed. Very fine copy. CONTENTS: Archaica. Vol. i.—i. Greene's Philomela. 1615. 2. Greene's Arcadia. 1616. 3. Southwell's Triumphs over Death. 1596. 4. Breton's Characters, and his The Good and the Bad ; or, Descriptions of the Worthies and Unworthies of this Age. 1616. 5. Nash's Christ's Tears over Jerusalem. 1613. Archaica. Vol. ii.—i. Harvey's Four Letters and Sonnets touching Robert Greene. 1592. 2. Harvey's Pierce's Supererogation. 1593. 3. Harvey's New Letter of Notable Contents. 1593. 4. Brathwayte's Essays upon the Five Senses. 1625. Heliconia. Vol. i.—i. A Small Handfull of Fragrant Flowers, by N. B. [Nicholas Breton.] 1575. 2. A Gorgious Gallery of Gallant Inventions. Edited by T. P. [Thomas Proctor.] 1578. 3. A Floorish upon Fancie, by N. B. [Nicholas Breton.] 1582. Heliconia. Vol. ii.—i. A Handefull of Pleasant Delites. Edited by Clement Robinson. 15S4. 2. A Mirror of treue Honour and Christian Nobilitie, 6cc, in the Life, Death, &c, of Frauncis Earle of Bedford, by George Whetstone. 1585. 3. The Phoenix Nest. Edited by R. S. 1593. 4. A Divine Centime of Spirituall Sonnets, by Barnabe Barnes. 1595. 5. Spirituall Sonnettes, to the Honour of God and hys Sayntes, by H. C. [forsan Henry Constable.] 1595. 6. A Sad and Solemne Funerall of the Right Hon. Sir Frauncis Knowles, Knight, by Thomas Churchyard. 1596. 7. The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinall, by Tho. Storer. 1599. Heliconia. Vol. in.—1. England's Parnassus. Edited by Robert Allott. 1600. 2. Church yard's Good Will. Sad and heavy Verses for the Losse of Abp. Whitgift, by Tho. Churchyard. 1604. 1368 ARCHER (JOHN WYKEHAM). VESTIGES of OLD U 0 O LONDON. A Series of [37] Etchings from Original Drawings, Illustrative of the Monuments and Architecture of London, in the First, Fourth, Twelfth, and Six succeeding Centuries. With Descriptions and Historical Notices. London: David Bogue. mdcccli 4° half morocco. Fine impressions of the plates. 1369 ARISTOPHANES. The ACHARNIANS, Knights, Wasps, .35== and Birds of ARISTOPHANES: Translated into English Prose. By A Graduate of the University of Oxford. Oxford: Henry Slatter. mdcccxxx. S° boards. Uncut. *** «The Comedies of Aristophanes are a picture of Athenian manners executed in the finest style—full of fire, and true to life.* 266 ASTLE. I37Q ARNOLD und KNOLL. SAMMLUNG von INITIALEN aus /^v dem 12. bis 17. Jahrhundert. Entnomen der Koniglichen Hof- und Staats-Bibliothek zu Miinchen, der Biblioteca Nacional, und der Biblioteca de la Universidad Central zu Madrid. Eingefuhrt durch Professor Dr. Messmer. Herausgegeben von Xavier Arnold und Eduard Knoll. Leipzig: L. Deniche. 1867. 5 Parts forming J vol. royal 4* unbound. 28 PLATES beautifully printed in gold and colors. 1371 MV8 $&0?iltl7fi* EDITIO PRINCEPS, Photographifches ff * Facfimile des Unicum im Befitze von T. O. Weigel in Leipzig. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel. 1869. royal 40 24 leaves, in a portfolio. *** A photographic facsimile of this celebrated BLOCK-BOOK, from the Unique copy in the possession of T. O. Weigel. ONLY 100 COPIES WERE REPRODUCED. At Weigel's sale (May, 1872) the British Museum paid above £1,000 for the original copy from which Hq\s fac si ?n He was made. 1372 ASHER (G. M.) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL and HISTORICAL fbo Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets Relating to New- Netherland, and to the Dutch West-India Company, etc. Part i. =A LIST of the MAPS and CHARTS of NEW-NETHERLAND, and of the Views of New-Amsterdam, by G. M. Asher. Being a Supplement to his Bibliographical Essay on New-Netherland. Amsterdam: F. Midler. 1854-1855. 2 Parts in I vol. 4° half morocco, top gilt, large folding map. Large paper. :V* This volume contains only Part i of Asher's Bibliographical Essay on Dutch Books, etc. The frst title above is taken from Mk. Muller's Prospeclus, which is bound in this copy. 1373 ASHMOLE and LILLY. The LIVES of those EMINENT H>° = ANTIQUARIES ELIAS ASHMOLE, Esquire, and Mr. WILLIAM LILLY, Written by Themselves With several Occasional Letters, by Charles Burman, Esquire. London: Printed for T. Davis, mdcclxxiv. S° plain calf, portraits. Rev. T. F. DIBDIN'S Copy, with his Book-plate. 1374 ASKEW. BIBLIOTHECA ASKEVIANA. w Catalogus , i ^ Librorum Rarissimorum Antonii Askew, m.d. Quorum Auclio fiet apud S. Baker & G. Leigh. Londini: mdcclxxv. Sn calf gilt edges. Neatly priced. *** a The sale of this library continued twenty-two days, and produced £4,000. The large paper copies are scarce and dear: small paper copies, with prices, cost from £r. is. to £1. 5>s\J> —HORNE. 1375 ASTLE (THOMAS). The ORIGIN and PROGRESS of 3? ° WRITING, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary, Illustrated by Engravings taken from Marbles, Manuscripts, and Charters, Ancient and Modern. Also Some Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing. London: Printed for the Author. mdcclxxxiv. 4° calf\ red edges. With many large folding plates. *** 4 The coinpletest work on the subject of writing, extant in this or any other language.!) —Horne. 1 o o ATLAS CONTRACTUS. 267 1376 ASTLE. The ORIGIN and PROGRESS of WRITING, as "well Hieroglyphic as Elementary, Illustrated by Engravings taken from Marbles, Manuscripts, and Charters, Ancient and Modern. Also Some Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing. Second Edition, with Additions. By Thomas Astle, Esq., f.r.s. f.a.s. London: Printed by T. Bensley. 1803. roy. 40 boards, uncut. Fine portrait, and numerous folding plates. 1377 ASTOLFI (GIO. FELICE). Della OFFICINA ISTORICA ( f o Libri III. Nella quale fi fpiegano Effempi notabiliffimi, Antichi & Moderni, k Virtu, & k Diffetto pertmenti Con vn' Aggivnta delle piu curiofe Iftorie, e de' piu vaghi Effempi, che si poffano legger nel propofito di Coftumi. In Venetia: Apprefso I Sefsa. MDCV. srn. 40 half calf , title-page mounted. The Dedication, Contents, and Index, misplaced in binding between pages 48 and 4Q. With numerous curious wood engraving's of the Costumes of various nations, and the famous Cat and Moi se device of Sessa. Rare and Curious. *#* a The late lamented Bishop of Ely used to say, « Whenever you see a book with a Cat and Mouse in the frontispiece, seize upon it: for the chances are as three to four that it will be found both curious and valuable.!)—See, Dibuin, Bibl. Decameron, Vol. ii, p. 232. 1378 ASTOR LIBRARY. CATALOGUE or Alphabetical Index /JjE== of the Astor Library. New York: 1857-1861. '4 vols, royal 8° paper covers. Uncut. ^1.379 ASTROLOGI/E (De) VANITATE, qvod Thema erigendum »'>5= Dissertatio. Erfordle: Excudebat Joh. Henr. Grosch. i/ip. 4° ptaper covers. 1380 ATKYNS (RICHARD). The Original and Growth of fo a= PRINTING: Collected out of HISTORY, and the Records of this Kingdome. Wherein is alio Demonftrated, that Printing appertained! to the Perogative Royal; and is a Flower (sic) of the Croivn of England. London: Printed by John Streater, for the Author, mdclxiv. sin. 40 half calf With Frontispiece engraved by D. Loggan, containing portraits of King Charles 11, Archbishop Sheldon, the Earl of Clarendon, and G. Monk, Duke of Albemarle; the portrait of Sheldon is slightly mutilated. VERY SCARCE. *** In this Trail, Atkyns attempts to prove that the Art of Printing: was first introduced into England by Frederick Corsellis, and not by William Caxton. Dr. Conyers Middle- ton's Dissertation concerning the Origin of Printing in England, Shaving, that it was first Introduced and Practised by William Caxton, at Wcjlminjler; is bound with the above Tracl. 4 Atkins's book is unknown to foreigners, and seen but by few in England.»—Palmer, Hist, of Printing, Book hi, p. 125. Bindley's copy sold for £3. 15.?. and Horner's (June, 1854) £5. ?.s. 6d.—See, Singer, Some Account of the Booh Printed at Oxford in mcccclxvui, etc., passim. 1381 ATLAS CONTRACTUS Jive Mapparum Geographicarum ^ffo === SANSON I ARUM auctarum et correctarum Nova Congeries. Ex Formis Petri Schenck. Amsteljedami: [1705.] /"° half calf, covers broken. 110 Maps, 5 of which relate to North and South America. 268 AUSPICUS VETERUM DISSERTATIO. 1382 AUDIFFREDI (FR. JO. BAPT.) CATALOGUS HISTO- l,%J~— RICO-CRITICUS ROMANARUM EDITIONUM SAECULI XV. In quo praeter Editiones a Maettario, Orlandio, ac P. Laerio relatas et hie plerumque plenius uberiusque descriptas plurimae aliae quae eosdem effugerunt, recensentur ac describuntur: Non paucae contra ab eodem P. L. aliisve memoratae exploduntur: Varia item ad Historiam Typographicam et Bibliographicam pertinentia nunc primum pertractantur. Romae: Ex Typographic? Pa lea rinia no. mdcclxxxiii. ^u boards, uncut. With plate of Facsimiles, and Printers'1 Devices. *#* 4 Ouvrage fait de main de maitre.D —Brunet. AUDIFFREDI (FR. JO. BAPT.) SPECIMEN HISTORICO- CRITICUM EDITIONUM ITALICARUM SAECULI XV. In quo praeter Editiones ab Orlandio, Mettario, (sic) Denisio, Laerio, et a nonnullis Bibliographis recentioribus haclenus relatas plurimae aliae recensentur omnesque plenius uberiusque describun- tur: Non paucae contra eorumdem sententiam elucidantur: Varia item ad Historiam Typographicam et Bibliographicam spectantia interseruntur. Accedunt Indices iv. Locupletissimi. Romae: In Typographio Palearitriano. mdccxciv. 4° boards. Uncut. *** a These are productions ot very great importance to the Bibliographer. Audiffredi appears to have had access to ihe first Libraries in Italy; and his care, accuracy, and research entitle him to a superiority over all his predecessors: there are few that venture to question the fidelity of his descriptions. These two volumes should be in every Bibliographical collec- tion. They are Rare and dear d—Dibdin. a Audiffredi is a remarkably accurate writer, whom his successors in Bibliography may quote without scruple.d-Dr. A. Clarke. 1384 AVRORAE BOREALIS. Nova et Antiqva Lvminis atqve ./(-"^""AVRORAE BOREALIS Spectacvla; Secvndvm Saecvlorvm atqve Annorvm seriem svbnexa MIRABILIS PHAENOMENI con- sideratione Philosophica recensvit Iohannes Nicolavs Frobesivs. Helmstadii: apvd CJw. Frid. Weygandvm. mdccxxxix. .v;//. ./" boa rds. 1385 AUSPICUS (De) VETERUM Dissertatio, qva Auspiciales /0 fuperiorum Illustris Adplissam Lvcei Collegarum Orationes, in ipfa aufpicali ac folemni Introduction e habendas, lit omnia aufpi- cato fiant, intimat M. Chr. Funccius, Rector Altenburgenfis. Altenburgi: A0 do loe lxvi. sin. 40 paper covers. %c- 1386 [jpg«^|]ACHELIER (NIC.) CATALOGUS LIBRORUM BI- BLIOTHECzE D. Nicolai Bachelier, Ecclesije Rhemensis Decani. Parisiis: Coustelier. m.dcc.xxv. 4" calf. Scarce. 1387 BACON. The WORKS of FRANCIS BACON, Baron of Id^rfl^r^1 Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England. Collected and Edited by James Spedding„m.a. .. . Robert Leslie Ellis, m.a. .. . and Douglas Denon Heath, Barrister-at-Law .... Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press. 1863. 15 vols. S° half blue morocco, to/>s g,;lt, uncut. '2 Portraits and 1 Facsimile. LARGE PAPER; of which only One Hundred Copies were Printed for Subscribers. Best Edition of the Complete Works of Bacun. Scarce. *** This copy contains the Extra Rubricated Title-pages to Vols, xi-xii-xin-xiv & xv, which are wanting in some copies of this Edition. 1388 BAILEY (N.) An Universal Etymological ENGLISH J^y^1-— DICTIONARY; Comprehending the Derivations of the Generality of Words in the EngliJJi Tongue, either Ancient or Modern, from the Ancient Britijli, Saxon, Danijh, Xor man, and Modern French, Teutonick, Dutch, Spanijli, Italian; as alfo from the latin, Greek, and Hebrew Languages, each in their proper Characters To which is added a Collection of our moil common PROVERBS, with their Explication and Illultration London: mdccxxxvii-mdccxlii. 'th above five hundred CUTS. .lection of the Canting Words and Teems, •sies, Cheats, House-Breakers, Shok-Lifters, 2 vols. Sn plain calf. Illustrated Vi: At the end ot Vol. 11 will be tound <i A <- both ancient and modern, uled by Begg \> Foot-Pads, Highway-Men, &-\\d 1389 BAILLET (ADRIEN). JUGEMENS DES SAVANS sur les f J 0 ~ Principaux Ouvrages des Auteurs. Revus, corrigez, c\i augmen- tez par Mr. De La Monnoye. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee I. De Anti-Baillet de Menage, avec des Observations de Mr. De La Monnoye. II. Des Reflexions sur les Jugemens des Savans. III. Des Reflexions sur la Vie de Descartes par Baillet. IV. Des Jugemens des Savans sur les MaItres d'Eloquence, par Mr. Gibert, Profeffeur de Rhetorique. Amsterdam: m.dcc.xxv. vS" vols, in 4 vols. 40 plain calf. Fine portrait. *** « One of those works which no man, fond of typographical pursuits, can comfortably dispense.d—Dibdin. 270 BALLAD SOCIETY. 1390 BALBI (ADRIEN). ESSAI STATISTIQUE sur les JO BIBLIOTHfeQUES de VIENNE. Precede de la Statistique de la Bibliotheque Imperiale comparee aux plus grands £tablisse- mens de ce genre, anciens et modernes, et suivi d'un Appendice. Vienne: chez Frtddric Voire. iSjj. 8° cloth. r 1391 BALDUS (JACOBUS). SOLATIUM PODAGRICORVM. "' Libri Dvo. Cum Approbatione & Licentia Superiorum. Monachii: Typis Lvcce Stravb. m.dc.lxi. 18° vellum, engraved frontispiece. *** An entertaining little manual of soothing « Consolation for the Gouty.» 1392 BALLAD (The) SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. Printed for the Ballad Society, by Taylor and Co. " London: 1868-1875. 14 vols, demy 8° paper covers, uncut. Beautifully printed on toned paper, with numerous old wood-cuts. Publications of the Ballad Society. No. i. — Ballads from Manuscripts, Vol. i, Parti, contains: Now a Dayes, ab. 1520 a. d.; Vox Populi Vox Dei, a.d. 1547-8 ; The Ruyn' of a Ream'; The Image of Ypocresye, a.d. 1533; Against the Blaspheming English Lutherans and the Poisonous Dragon Luther; The Spoiling of the Abbeys; The Overthrowe of the Abbyes, a Tale of Robin Hoode; De Monasteriis Dirutis. 1868. No. 2.—Ballads from Manuscripts, Vol. 1, Part ii, containing Ballads on Wolsey, Anne Boleyn, etc., with an Index, Glossary and Preface to the whole Volume. Edited by F. J. FURNIVALL, M.A. 1872. No. 3. — Ballads frotn Manuscripts, Vol. ii, Part i. The Poore Mans Pittance, by Richard Williams, contayninge three severall subjects:—0) The firste, the fall and complaynte of Anthonie Babington, whoe, with others, weare executed for highe treason in the yeare of out lorde—1586. (3) The seconde contaynes the life and Deathe of Roberte, lorde Deverox: Earle of Essex; whoe was beheaded in the towre of london. Anno— 1601. (3) The laste, Intituled acclamatio patrie, contayninge the horrib[l]e treason that weare pretended agaynste yo*r Ma/Vjtie, to be donne on the parliament howse The seconde [that is, the 3rd] year of yowr iSlaiestis Raygne [1605]. Edited by F. J. Furn'ivall, m.a. 1868. ( The Introduc~lio7i, by W. R. Morfill, Esq., m.a., is in No. io.J Nos. 4, 5,6, 8, 9, 12,13.— The Roxburghe Ballads. Part i (1869), Part 11 (1870), Part hi (1871), Part iv (1872), Part v (1873), Part vi (1874), Part vii (1875), with short Notes by W. Chappell, Esq., f.s.a., Author of a Popular Music of the Olden Time,» etc., etc., and with Copies of the original Wood-cuts drawn and engraved by Mr. W. H. Hooper. No. 7.—Captain Cox, his Ballads and Books; or, Robert Laneham's Letter: Whearin part of the entertainment untoo the Queenz Majesty at Killingworth Castl, in Warwik Sheer in this Soomerz Progress, 1575, is signified; from a freend officer attendant in the Court, unto hiz freend, a Citizen and Merchaunt of London. Re-edited with an account of all the books, etc., in the Captain's Library, by F. J. Furnivall, m. a. 1871. No. 10. — Ballads from Manuscripts, Vol. 11, Part ii, containing Ballads on Queen Elizabeth, Essex, Campion, Drake, Raleigh, Frobisher, Warwick, and Bacon, a the Candlewick Ballads,D Poems from the Jackson MS., etc. Edited by W. R. Morfill, Esq., m.a., with an Introduction to No. 3. 1873. No. 11.— Love-Poems and Humourous Ones, from MS. in the British Museum. Put forth by Frederick J. Furnivall. 1874. No. 14.—(') Jyl of Breyntfords Teslatnent, by Robert Copland, Boke-Prynter. (2) The Wyll oi the Deuyll and his Last Testament. (a) A Talk of Ten Wives on their Husbands' Ware. (*) A Ballade or two by Chaucer, and Other Short Pieces. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. *** a He who would trace the ages pass'd away, And see old English homesteads round him rise, Fill'd with the men and women of their day, Must list these echoes of their melodies.» 4To get a historical ballad, when you expected a wood-cut of a devil with a nice curly tail, or a man with two odd eyes, two left legs, and a dog with his mouth split up to his ears, must be a shock to any well-regulated mind.K—F. J. Furnivall. BARROIS. 271 1393 BARBIER (C.) HISTOIRE du TABAC. Ses Persecutions. ,y 0 2me Edition. Paris: Gustave Havard. 1861. ib* paper. Uncut. 1394 [BARBIER.] EXAMEN CRITIQUE et COMPLEMENT c\ 0 des Dictionnaires Historiques les plus repandus, depuis le Dic- tionnaire de More'ri, jusqu'a la Biographie Universelle inclusivement. Tome Ier (A-J) contenant environ 240 Articles Nouveaux, 50 Refaits, et 560 Corrig£s ou Augments. Par l'Auteur du Dic- tionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes. \_M. Antoine- Alexandre Barbie?'."] Paris: chez Rey et Gravier. 1820. 8° paper covers■, uncut. All that was published. Very scarce. 1395 BARBIER (M. [Antoine-Alexandre}.) DICTIONNAIRE des f.lS^= OUVRAGES ANONYMES et PSEUDONYMES, Composes, Tra- duits ou Publics en Francais et en Latin, avec les Noms des Auteurs, Traducteurs et Editeurs: Accompagne" de Notes Historiques et Critiques. Seconde Edition, Revue, Corrigee et CONSID^RABLEMENT AUGMENT^E. Paris: chez Barrois Vaine. 1822-182*7. 4 vols. 8° half crimson morocco, lops gilt, uncut. With portrait of M. Barbier. %* <t Cet ouvrage est le plus considerable, le plus d^taiHe" et le plus instructit qui ait paru sur les Anonymes. II n'est pas possible de r^pandre plus d'eVudition dans un ouvrage de cette nature; les Notes nombreuses et savantes annoncent des recherches immenses. Si ce Dictionnaire n'est pas absolument complet (chose qui nous parait impossible a executer) il est au moins celui qui ofFre le plus de renseignements dans ce genre.j>—Peignot. 4 Ouvrage tres-curieux, fruit de trente ann^es de recherches d'un bibliographe non moins laborieux qu'habile, et a qui un grand nombre de personnes ont communique1 des renseigne- ments peu connus, mais qui ne sont pas toujours tres exacls. Cette seconde e'dition, dont le dernier volume n'a paru qu'apres la mort de l'auteur, a re9u de grandes ameliorations, et s'est augmentee de pres de la moitie\i> — Brunet. 1396 BARETTI (GIUSEPPE). DIZIONARIO delle LINGUE J°^= ITALIANA ed INGLESE. = Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages, etc. The Fifth Edition, Corrected and Improved. 2 vols. So plain calf. LONDON: l8lj. 1397 BARHAM (FRANCIS). The LIFE and TIMES of JOHN / 7- ST REUCHLIN, or Capnion, the Father of the German Reforma- tion. London: Whittaker and Co. 1843. 120 cloth. Scarce. *** The best biography in English, of this celebrated scholar. 1398 [BARROIS (J.)] BIBLIOTHfcQUE PROTYPOGRAPHIQUE, / -5 c1 ou Librairies des Fils du Roi Jean, Charles V, Jean de Berri, Philippe de Bourgogne et les Siens. De V Imprimerie de Crapelet. A Paris: chez Treuttel et Wiirtz. 1830. ./° dark green morocco, extra, uncut. With 6 plates of facsimiles. Only "200 copies printed. ***« Ouvrage curieux qui nous conserve les titres et la description abregee de 2,311 manuscriis anciens. Ces inventaires sont precedes d'un Discours preliminaire, et d'un Index olphabetique.ft—Brunet. 272 BARTLETT. 1399 BARTHOLINI (CASP.) De Inavribvs Vetervm Syntagma. .So Accedit Mantiffa ex Thom^; Bartholini Mifcellaneis Medicis DE ANNVLIS NARTVM. = Th. Bartholini DE ARMILLIS VETERVM Schedion. Acceffd Olai Wormii De AVREO CORNV DANICO. -= Th. Bartholini ANTIQVITATVM VETERIS PVERPERII Synopsis a filio Casparo Bartholino Commentario illujirata. Amstelodami: Sumptibus Henrici Webstenii. 3 vols, in 1 vol. 18° half calf. With »:any illustrations. MDCLXXVI. *** These little volumes contain a very curious and learned account of the Ear-rings, Bracelets, and Nose-rings, worn by the Greek and Roman ladies.—See, Fabricius, Bibliogra- phia Antiqvaria, Edit. Secunda, p. 563. 1400 BARTHOLINI (TH.) Joan. Henrici Meibomii, Patris, Hen- Jo rici Meibomii, Filii, De USU FLAGRORUM In Re Medica & Veneria, Lumborumqve & Renum officio. Accedunt De Eodem Renum Officio Joachimi Olhafii & Olai Wormii DISSERTA- TIUNCUL/E. Francofurti: Ex Bibliopolio Hafnienfi Danielis Paul I I Bib/. Beg. do Ioc lxx. 120 pp. 144, boards. Best Edition*. Rare. *** a Edition la seule complete et la plus recherchee.D—Brunet. An excellent bibliographical analysis of this very curious book will be found in [Dv Roure] Analeclabiblion, Tome ii, p. 31b et seq. 140^ BARTHOLINI (TH.) De LIBRIS LEGENDIS Disserta- '^ tionesVIL Cum Mantissa Poetica edited a Th. Bartholino, Filio. Hafni/e: Sumptibus Danielis Paulli Reg. Bibl. sm. 8° plain calf. C'l 3 I DC LXX VI. *** «The Seven Dissertations a De Libris Legendis » of Bartholin, Hafniae, 1676, 8°, are deserving of a good coat and a front row in the bibliographer's cabinet.d—Dibdin. a Sine Libris Deus jam silet, Justitia qviescit, torpet Medicina, Philosophia manca est, Literce mutae, omnia tenebris involuta Cimmeriis.D—See, Dissert, i, //. 6-7. J4Q2 BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). The PROGRESS of y^ ETHNOLOGY, an Account of Recent Archaeological, Philo- logical, and Geographical Researches in Various Parts of the Globe, tending to elucidate the Physical History of Man. New York: Printed for the American Ethnological Society. 184J. 8° cloth, uncut. Scarce, 1403 BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). BIBLIOGRAPHY of ij t^ RHODE ISLAND. A Catalogue of Books and other Publica- tions relating to the STATE OF RHODE ISLAND, with Notes, Historical, Biographical and Critical. Providence: Alfred Anthony, Printer to the State. 1864. imp. 8° glazed cloth. One Hundred and Fifty Copies Printed. H-1. BATESIUS. 273 1404 BARTLETT (JOHN RUSSELL). The LITERATURE of <t= the REBELLION. A CATALOGUE of Books and Pamphlets relating to the CIVIL WAR in the UNITED STATES, and on Subjects growing out of that Event, together with Works on American Slavery, and Essays from Reviews and Magazines on the same Subjects. Boston: Draper and Halliday. Providence: Sidney S. Rider and Bro. 1866. 4° half crimson morocco, extra, top gilt, uncut. By Bradstreet. Only 60 copies PRINTED IN 40. 1405 BASILIUS. D— BASIL/1 S&= MAGNI ARCHIEPISCOPI Cefareen. (sic) homiliae tres in Lati- ni^m fermonem conuerfae per D. Francifcum Craneueldium Cefa. Ma. Confiliarium. De vtilitate capienda ex Gentiliu autorum libris. De inuidia. In dictum illud, Attende tibi ipfi. Louanij: Ex officina Rutgeri Refcij. 1534. sm. 8° paper covers, J2 unpaged leaves, printed in Italic type. With the very rare autograph 0/the great scholar, IOANNIS LUDOVICO VIVES, on the lower margin of the title-page. *** See, Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. vii, /. 270. The first Homily in this volume was translated into English under the following title: a An Homelye of Basilius magnus, Howe young men oughte to reade Poetes tf Oratours.v Lond. 1557. 8° 1406 BASILIUS. £& D— BASI- \ LII MAGNI ACHIEPISCO- jo pi Ccefaree?ifis (sic) cotra ebriofos homilia, couerfa in latinum fermonum a Erancifco Crane- ueldio Vtriufip iuris dodo re, ac coiifdario Ccefa- 7'is. Lovanii: Ex officina Rutgeri Refcij. Menfe Jul. ijjj. sm. S° paper covers. 11 unpaged leaves, beautifully printed in Italic type. Rare. *** See, Panzer, An/tales Typographic!', Vol.. vii, p. 270. Valerius Andr,c, Bibliotheca Belgica, p. 227. Dupin, Nouvelle Bibl. des Auteurs Eccl. Tome ii, /. jgj. This vigorous Homily against Drunkenness, contains a frightful account of the wild drunkenness and debauchery of the ladies of St. Basil's time, in celebrating the festival of Easter. 1407 [BATESIUS.] VITVE SELECTORUM aliquot V1RORUM qui ,£j-Q Doctrina, Dignitate, aut Pietate Inclaruere. [Cura Guilielmus Baiesius.] Londini: 1/04. 4 ° vellum. Fine copy. %* This excellent work contains the Lives of Thirty-tiuo distinguished scholars. 274 BAYLE. 1408 [BAUDELOQUE.] CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et 10 == PR&CIEUX de la Bibliotheque de M. E. B* * * [BauJe/oque.] '' Paris: chez Potter. 1850. S° boards, uncut. By Trautz-Bauzonnet. Thick Paper copy, with Printed List of Prices. %* «Ricbe dans toutes ses parties, la Bibliotheque de M. E. B. l'est particulierernent dans les classes des Vieux Poetes Fra>;cais, Qt de X Art Dramatique, et plus sp^cialment encore dans les sections des Contettrs et des Face'ties qui offrent en ce genre une des collections les mieux faites et les plus completes qui ait depuis longtemps paru en vente publique.i»-/W/<x^. , 1409 BAUER (GUSTAVUS). De ANICIO MANLIO SEVERINO (,0== BOETHIO, Christianae Doctrinae Assertore. Darmstadii: Typis E. Bekkeri. mdcccxli. 8° pp. 64, lialf morocco, top gilt. I 1410 BAUER (J. J.) BIBLIOTHECA LIBRORVM RARIORVM S>r= vniversalis. ©ber i>oUjtaniuge3 ^erjetdintj? rarer «iicf>er, au$ ben bcftcn Sdirtftfteliern mit glcift sufam* men gctragcn mtb an$ eigener ttietiatjrtgen (grfatjrtmg t>ermet)ret, toon 3ol)amt %acob Saner. Nurnberg: bey Martin Jacob Bauer. 1770-1774. 6 vols, bound in 4 vols. $° boards, red edges. Wants last vol. 0/ the Supplement. *** a I will close this attempt to supply Lysander's omission of some very respectable names connected with bibliography by exhorting the reader to seize hold of a work, (when- ever it comes across him, which will be rarely) entitled Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorum Universalis, by John Jacob Bauer It is an Alphabetical Dictionary, like Vogts and Fouris-ieh's,' of what are called rare books. The descriptions are compendious, and the references respectable, and sometimes numerous. My copy of this scarce, dear, and wretch- edly-printed work, cost me £5. $s.i>—Dibdin. 1411 BAYLE. CEUVRES DIVERSES de Mr. PIERRE BAYLE, £ 0^== Contenant tout ce que cet Auteur a publie fur des matieres de Theologie, de Philosophie, de Critique, d'HisTOiRE, & de Lit- terature; excepte" fon Dittionnaire Historique et Critique. A La Haye: mdccxxvii-mdccxxxi. 4 vols. f» calf, red edges, fine, clean copy. Best Edition. V* These volumes comprise the Miscellaneous Works of Bayle, including his admirable literary Journal, Nouvelles de la RJpublique des Lettres, and his entertaining literary corre- spondence.-See, Hatin, Histoire Politique et LitUraire de la Presse en France, Tome 11, /. 222 et seq. BAYLE. The DICTIONARY HISTORICAL and CRITICAL of Mr. PETER BAYLE. The Second Edition, Carefully collated with the feveral Editions of the Original; in which many Paffages are reftored, and the whole greatly augmented, particularly with a Tranflation of the Quotations from eminent Writers in various Languages. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author, Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged By Mr. DES MAIZEAUX. London: mdccxxxiv-mdccxxxviil, 5 vols. f° plain calf. Portrait. *** a Bayle stands among the masters of the human intellect who taught us to think, and also to unthink! All, indeed, is a collection of researches and of reasonings: he had the art of melting down his curious quotations with his own subtile ideas. He collects everything: 1412 BENGER. 275 if truths, they enter into his history; if fictions, into discussions: he places the secret by the side of the public story; opinion is balanced against opinion: if his arguments grow tedious, a lucky anecdote or an enlivening tale relieves the folio page; and, knowing the infirmity of our nature, he picks up trivial things to amuse us, while he is grasping the most abstract and ponderous. Such were the materials, and such the genius of the man, whose folios, which seem destined for the retired few, lie open on our parlour tables. The men of genius of his age studied them for instruction, the men of the world for amusement. Amidst the mass of facts which he has collected, and the enlarged viewrs of human nature which his philoso- phical spirit has combined with his researches, Bavle may be called the Shakespeare of dictionary makers.D—D'Israeli. 1413 BEC DE FOUQUlfeRES (L.) Les JEUX DES ANCIENS, ^ys- = ieur Description, leur Origine, leurs Rapports avec la Religion, 1'Histoire, les Arts et les Mgeurs. Ouvrage accompagne* de gra- vures sur. bois d'apres rantique, dessin/es et gravees par M. Leon Le Maire. Paris: C Reinwald. i86g. S° paper. Uncut. 1414 BECKIVS (J. G.) SPECIMEN Historiae Bibliothecarvm . (° Alexandrinarvm. Lipsiae: Ex Officina Langenhemia. sm. 40 half morocco. ClD 13 CCLXXIX. 1415 BELL (WILLIAM). SHAKESPEARE'S PUCK, and his ty^' Folkslore, Illustrated from the Superstitions of all Nations, but more especially from the Earliest Religion and Rites of Northern Europe and the Wends. * London: mdccclii. ib° half morocco. Uncut. 1416 [BELL.] The BIBLIOGRAPHER'S MANUAL, and « £ "*-- Collector's Assistant. [By John Gray Be//.] Manchester: [n. d.] £° pp. 24, half morocco, uncut. Only 60 copies printed. 1417 BELL ANGER. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de feu M. « *o Bellanger, Tresorier General du Sceau de France. Par G.[abriel] Martin. Paris: chez Gabriel &> Claude Martin, m.dcc.xl. S° calf gilt back. Neatly Priced. 1418 BELOE (WILLIAM). ANECDOTES of LITERATURE and ttC#>= SCARCE BOOKS. London: Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington. 6 vols. S° half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. l80/-l8l2. 1419 BENGER (Miss [ELIZABETH OGILVY).] MEMOIRS of A37^= the LIFE of ANNE BOLEYN, Queen of Henry VIII. Second Edition. London: Longman. 1821. 2 vols. sm. S° half morocco, uncut. Portrait. 1420 BENGER (Miss ELIZABETH OGILVY). MEMOIRS of the /.2 6B=== LIFE of MARY QLTEEN of SCOTS, with Anecdotes of the Court of Henry II during her Residence in France. Second Edition. London: Longman. 1823. 2 vols. sm. 8° half morocco, marbled edges. Portrait. 276 BERNARD. , 1421 BENNETT. MEMOIRS of JAMES GORDON BENNETT 0 [Founder, and Editor of the New York Herald~\ and His Times. By A Journalist. [Isaac C. Pray.] New York: Stringer 6^ Taiunsend. 1855. 12° cloth. Medallion portrait. 1422 BENNETT (J. W.) CEYLON and Its Capabilities; An %*r° ~ Account of its Natural Resources, Indigenous Productions, and Commercial Facilities. With plain and finely colored Illus- trations. London: W. H. Allen 6° Co. 1843. roy. 40 cloth. (Pub. at £3. $s.) u 1423 .BENNETT (J. W.) A SELECTION of RARE and CURIOUS FISHES found upon the Coast of CEYLON: From Drawings made in that Island, and coloured from life. With Letter-Press Descriptions. London: Printed for the Author. 1831. roy. 40 cloth. Scarce. (Pub. at £6. 6s.) J424 BERGERI (JOACH. ERN.) DIATRIBE de LIBRIS RARIO- , *- * RIBVS, Horvmqve Notis Diagnostics. Editio Secvnda priore avclior. Berolini: mdccxxix. 4° half crimson morocco. 1425 BERJEAU ILt mWiOptliU MlUtitVt TEXTEet 1,oJ Gravures par J. Ph. Berjeau. Avec la Collaboration de MM. Paul Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob), G. Brunet, J. W. Holtrop, J. B. Inglis, A. Bernard, O. Delepierre et autres. Londres: W.Jeffs. 1862. imp. S° boards, UNCUT. With numerous facsimiles of old zvood-cngravings, printers devices, etc. 1426 BERJEAU. Early Dutch, German, & English I ^1== PRINTERS' MARKS. By J. Ph. Berjeau. London: At the office of the Bookworm. 1869. roy. 8° cloth, uncut. 250 COPIES ONLY. 1427 BERNARD (AUG.) De L'ORIGINE et des DEBUTS de /.^== L'IMPRIMERIE en EUROPE. Paris: A VImprwierie ImpMale. 2 vols. <?° half calf , uncut. With facsimiles. MDCCCLIII. *** a L'auteur de cet ouvrage a exerce" la typographic, circonstance qui a 6t6 pour lui un grand a vantage dans l'accornplissement de la t&che qu'il a entreprise. II a pu ainsi combattre avec des armes plus puissantes les nombreuses hypotheses raises en avant par des e"crivains, presque tous Strangers a la profession d'imprimeur et a ses mille details. La Premiere Partie concerne les premiers produits de l'lraprimerie, les travaux de Laurent Coster et de son ecole, ceux de Gutenberg, de Jean Fust, de Pierre Schozffer. La Seconde Partie roule sur les productions des principaux TyPographes du xv" siecle: il s'agit d'abord de ceux de l'Alle- magne, puis de l'ltalie, de la France, des Pays-Bas, etc. Des Facsimile fort exacts reprodui- sent les caraclferes des plus c&ebres monuments typographiques.D—G. Brunet, Dic~l. de Bibliologie, p. QjS-Q. BEUGHEM. 277 1428 BERNARD (AUG.) Les ESTIENNE et les Types Grecs de , IS- Francois Ier, Complement des Annales Stephaniennes renfermant 1'Histoire complete des Types Royaux, enrichie d'un Specimen de ces Caracteres et suivie d'une Notice Historique sur les Premieres Impressions Grecques. Paris: E. Tross. 1856. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. 1429 BfeROALDE DE VERVILLE [FRANQOIS]. Le MOYEN 6 %'^T~ DE PARVENIR, QEuvre contenant la Raison de ce qui a £te, EST ET SERA, AVEC DEMONSTRATION CERTAINE SELON LA RENCON- TRE des effets de la Vertu. Revu, corrige et mis en meilleur ordre, Publie" pour la premiere fois avec un Commentaire historique et philologique. Accompagne" de Notices Litt£raires par P. L.[acroix] JACOB, Bibliophile. Paris: /. Techener. 1841. 2 vols. lS° bright polished calf, super extra, gilt backs and edges, by Koehler. The present, is one of 50 Copies printed on Holland paper. *** a L'auteur du Moyen de Parvenir est un des £crivains les plus vifs, les plus vane's, les plus originaux, les plus piquants de notre vieille langue, un des hommes qui en ont le mieux connu l'esprit et les ressources, et, par-dessus tout, un conteur inimitable.d—Ch. Nodier. a Le Moyen de Parvenir, est un vaste recueil de fac^ties, de r^bus et de rencontres licen- tieuses. Le fond n'en appartient ni a Bkroalde, ni a Rabelais, ni a Pogge. Beroalde a pourtant le mdrite d'avoir rassemble' tous ces lambeaux orduriers et d'en avoir forme' une espece de tissu grossier. Dans cette oeuvre, il s'est aid£ des chantres de son eglise, des soldats, des paysans, et des filles publiques de sa Province.d—Paulin Paris. Bkroalde, Sieur de Verville, a Canon of the Cathedral of Tours, considered his reputa- tion as a wit more than as a clergyman, in his Moyen de Parvenir\ published in 1599; a book extremely curious, from the striking pictures which it offers of the manners and knowledge of the age. From him, I suspect, Sterne took Mr. Shandy's repartee to Obadiah.—See, Ferriar, Illustrations 0/ Sterne, Second Edit. Vol. i, /. 4Q-JO. «One forenoon I met Porson in Covent Garden, he had been married that morning. He was carrying a copy of Le Moyen de Parvenir, which he had just purchased, and holding it up, he called out jokingly, a These are the sort 0/ books to buy .' »— Dyce, Porsoniana. 1430 BERT IN. CATALOGUE des LIVRES, ESTAMPES et /./0= DESSINS composant la BIBLIOTHEQUE et le Cabinet de feu M. Armand Bertin, Rddacteur en Chef du Journal des D^bats. Paris: Techener. 1854. S° boards, uncut. Priced. *** «M. Bertin n'achetait que les livres qu'il lisait ou qu'il avait du moins Tintention de lire, comme il le disait quelquefois en souriant. Ses preferences litteraires eVlatent dans le choix excellent, mais peut-etre un peu exclusif, des ouvrages, son gollt parfait daus la purete' des exemplaires qu'il revoyait lui-m^me, feuille a feuille, Dieu sait avec quel soin et quelle patience! et dans la beauts des reliures, dues presque toutes aux artistes les plus distingu^s de Paris, a MM. Bauzonnet, Niedrke, DvRV,elc. En g^ndral M. Bertin recherchait avec une vive predilection les monuments de notre vieille littt'rature, Romans, Contes, Poesies Lyriques, Satlriques, etc. Ici les richesses abondent.p—Preface. 1431 BEUGHEM (CORNELII a). BIBLIOGRAPHIA MATHE- ^0= MATHICA et Artificiosa Novissima perpetuo continuando, feu Conspectus Primus. Catalogi Librorum Mathematicorum fe. Arithmeticorum, Geometricorum, Aftronomicorum, Geographicorum Opticorum, Harmonicorum & Mechanicorum. . . . Accedit Ejusdem Cofmographice. Amsmtelodami: Apud Janssonio- Waesbergios. 1688. 12° calf, red edges. 278 BIBLIA PAUPERUM. 1432 BEUGHEM (CORNELII a). BIBLIOGRAPHIA HISTO- l o RICA, CHRONOLOGICA & GEOGRAPHICA Noviffima Perpetuo Continuanda, five Conspectus Primus Catalogi Librorum Hifto- ricorum, Chronologicorum, & Geographicorum; tam Sacrorum quam Profanorum, &c. Quibus ob Argumentorum fimilitudenem fparfim fuis locis inferuntur Genealogicorum, Heraldicorum, Anti- quariorum, Numariorum, Bibliothecariorum, aliorumque hujus generis Scriptorum fpecimen Accedit ejufdem MUSEUM feu Syllabus Iconum five Imaginum illuftrium a faeculo hominum, quae in ejus Mufieeo fpeclantur. Amstel/EDami: Apud Janssonio- Waesbergios. do Ioc lxxxv. 12 ° pp. 7$S, plain calf, red edges. *** A scrap of the title of this work is recorded in Mr. Joseph Sabin's Bibliography of Bibliography (p. xvi), under the name of a Benghetn.» 1433 BEUGHEM (CORNELII a). APPARATUS ad Historiam ^ i 5 Literariam Novissimam, Variis confpeclibus exhibendus, quorum nunc Primus prodit, Qui eft BIBLIOGRAPHIA Eruditorum Critico-Curiofa, Seu Difpofitio harmonica Scriptorum, Operumque^ quorum Summaria 6° Contenta in Aftis 6° Ephemeridibus Eruditorum univerfceferme Europce exhibentur. Amstel^edami: Apud Janssonio - Waesbergios. 1689-IJ01. 4 vols. 12° plain calf, red edges. John Mitford's copy with his Autograph, and Biblio- graph ic a I Me mora n da. *#*aThe Bibliographia Eruditorum Critico-Curiosa, 1689-1701, 4 vols. 120 being an alphabetical account of Writers—extracts from whom are in the public Literary Journals of Europe from 1665 to 1700—with the title of their works — is Beughem's best production.t> — DlBDIN. a De tous les Recueils Bibliographiques de cet Auteur, le plus curieux est sa Biblio- graphia Eruditorum Critico-Curiosa. C'est une Table Alphab&ique de tous les Auteurs des Merits desquels les extraits sont nSpandus dans tous les Journaux Litte'raires de l'Europe depuis 1665, qu'ils ont commence^ jusques en 1700; avec les litres de chacun de leurs Ouvrages, et les Renvois aux volumes et deux pages de ces Journaux qu'occupent ces extraits.i>— Marchand, Diflionnaire Historique, Tome I, /. 100 BHAGVAT-GEETA (The) or Dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon; in Eighteen Lectures. With Notes. Translated from the Original, in the Sanskreet, or Ancient Language of the Brahmans, by Charles Wilkins. London: 1785. New York: Reprinted for Geo. P. Philes. m.d.ccc.lxvii. S° boards, uncut. 261 copies printed for subscribers. 1435 BIBLIA PAUPERUM. Nach dem Original in der Lyceums- 4f~--P = bibliothek zu Constanz herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung begleitet von Pfarrer LAIB und Decan Dr. SCHWARZ. Zurich: 1867. f° paper covers. 2d pages of Introduction paged, and q leaves oj Text unpaged, with q Plates engraved on wood, and printed on both sides of the leaf. ***An admirable reproduction of this famous Block-Book. See Graesse, Tre'sor de Livres Kares et Pre'cieux, etc. Supplement, p.sOj. BIBLIOSOPHIA. 279 1436 mftlia turn tantovlwntijfi totttviti t noui Uf= jyu== tatttj^: necnon % iurte mnoniti: ac ire Jrfutv= tftatitms ttvtttu: tmonii)uf($tumQtUotum... In fine, liber Apocalypfis. C JSffilfa cum concorftautffs bc^ | Urfs z noui teftamctf: uecuon : turfs cauoufcf: ac timers | fttatUms Uptuu: canonftmtcp euau- gelforum: ac quftmftra | tcmporum fucfftentf^ ims in marfltnc pofftfs : ftuftfoCffffmclreuffa: correcta : enunftata: : aft mftar correctffft= moif t\l- I plarium: tarn autiquorum qp nouo^ ru?: in contrata: compa- | rata : collata* &cceftuut aft ijcc tv tofjjfntt ftc anttquftatf^ | bun : fufteorum firllo Jofrpijf Iffcrfs epfjauftc autorfta^ | Us quas btrtufq? turfs profcffor ftns Joannes ftc grafts | ims concorftautftms conflrutftp appotuft locfs* Kmpref^ | fa autnu augftunf: ptr Joauuem ffircfpfn. JFclfcfter ej>|pKcft ^nno falutfs uottre, ftt,cccccn;bf)\ J* panelled calf, gill edges. If'ants title-page, and the first and second a Tabula ; t> with ornamental initial letters, and curious old wood-cuts, some 0/ which are colored. A RARE AND VERY CURIOUS EDITION OF THE Vt'LGATE. *** See, Panzer, Annales Typographici, Vol. vn, p. 342. 1437 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MISCELLANIES, Being a Selection of So o- Curious Pieces, in Verse and Prose. [Edited by Dr. Philip Bliss.] Oxford: mdcccxiii. sm. 40 drown calf. ONLY 104 COPIES PRINTED. *** This volume contains Sonnets by Sir Philip Sydney, not in his works, printed from a Manuscript in the Bodleian Library. 1438 BIBLIOGRAPHIE MESM&RIENNE, ou Liste des Ouvrages 'Ic' sur le Magnetisme Animal. sm. 4°pp. 0, paper, n. d. *** A neatly written MANUSCRIPT CATALOGUE of works on a Animal Magnetism.* 1439 BIBLIOSOPHIA; or, BOOK-WISDOM. Containing some 7_ 0 v Account of the Pride, Pleasure, and Privileges, of that Glorious Vocation of Book-Collecting. By An Aspirant. [Rev. James Beresford.] == II. The Twelve Labours of an Editor, separately pitted against Hercules. London : Printed for 72 ° half calf. If rillia m Miller. 1S10. *** « This is a good-humoured and tersely written composition; being a sort of Common tary upon my own performance.p—Dibdin, Bibliomania, p. jSy. 280 BIBLIOTHECA ASKEVIANA. 1440 BIBLIOTHECA ALPHENIANME, Continens Apparatum , jo Egregium Selectissimorum ac Pr/ESTantissimorum in quavis Facultate Librorum. . . . collegit D. Hieronymus Van Alphen. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1743. BIBLIOTHECA Exquisitissima KNIBBIANA. . . . quos magno labore et studio collegit vir Erudi- tissimus David Knibbe. Lugd.-Batv. 1748. :BIBLIOTHECA Nitidissima sive CATALOGUS Praestantissimorum Insignum et Nitidissimorum Librorum.... collegit vir Eruditus Abrahamus Preiger. Amst. 1748. =^ BIBLIOTHECA Nitidissima, sive Catalogus Librorum Miscellaneorum. ... collegit vir Doclis- simus Samuel KoENRAADde Bruine. Amst. 1749. BIBLIO- THECA HOLLEBEKIANA. Quibus usus est vir Reverendus Petrus Hollebeek. Amst. 1731. =^- CATALOGUS Elegantis- simorum et Nitidissimorum Librorum quibus olim usus est Doctis- simus vir Jacobus de Groot: Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1751. Together b vols, in i vol. 8° mottled calf, marbled edges\ by Charles Lewis. The first and last catalogue is Priced ; from the Heber collection. *** According to a manuscript note on the fly leaf of this volume, this collection of Cata- logues cost Heber, including the binding by Charles Lewis, £2. 10s. 6d. 1441 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA, Collection d'Ouvrages Ine- frV== dits ou Rares sur 1'Amerique. I. PUREN INDOMITO. Poema por El Capitan Fernando Alvarez de Toledo. Publi- cado bajo la Direccion de Don Diego Barros Arana. 1862. — II. VOYAGE dans le NORD DU BRfiSIL fait durant les Annees 1613 et 1614 par Pere Yves d'^vreux, public d'apres V Exemplaire Unique conserve a la Bibliotheque Imperiale de Paris. Avec une Introduction et des Notes par M. Ferdinand Denis. 1864. = 111. MEMOIRE sur les MCEURS, COUSTUMES et REL- LIGION (sic) des SAUVAGES de 1'Am£rique Septentrionale par Nicolas Perrot. Public1pour la Premih-e Eois, par le R. P. J. Tailhan, de la Compagnie de Jesus. 1864. Leipzig et Paris: Librairie A. Eranck. 1862-1864 3 vols. sm. 8° cloth. Uncut. J442 BIBLIOTHECA APROSIANA, Liber Rarissimus, Et a non- A<S = nullis inter dvexdoTOvS numeratus, jam ex Lingua Italica in Latinam conversus. Praemifit Pr^efationem Notasque nonnullas additit. Johan. Christoph. VVolfius. Hamburgi: An. mdccxxxiv. sm. 8° half morocco, red edges. Scarce. *** « On trouve dans la Bibliothcca Afirosiana des notices et des faits particuliers qui ne sont nulle part ailleurs.D—Biographic Universelle, art. Aprosio. 1443 BIBLIOTHECA ASKEVIANA. Sive Catalogus Librorum - l& — Rarissimorum Antonii Askew, m.d. Quorum Auclio fiet Apud S. Baker & G. Leigh. Londini: mdcclxxv. 8° half calf. Priced. BIDERMANN. 281 1444 BIBLIOTHECA SCATOLOGICA ou CATALOGUE Raisonne Jtfr des Livres Traitant des Vertus et Gestes de tres Noble et tres Ing£nieux Messire LUC (a rebours) Seigneur de la Chaise et autres Lieux, memement de ses Descendants et autres Personna- ges de lui Issus. Ouvrage tres Utile pour bien et proprement s'entretenir es-jours gras de Careme-Prenant. Dispose dans TOrdre des lettres K. P. Q. Traduit du Prussien et enrichi de Notes tres congruantes au Sujet. Par Trois Savants en Us. [y. P. Pay en, P. Jannet, et Aug. Veinant.] Scatopolis: chez les marchands d'Aniterges, Vanne'e Scatogbie. 5850. [Paris: P. Jannet. i8So.] S° half crimson calf, top gilt, uncut. Interleaved. ONLY 150 COPIES PRINTED. Very scarce. 1445 BIBLIOTHECA SCATOLOGICA ou CATALOGUE ^00= RAISONN& des LIVRES Traitant des Vertus, Faits et Gestes de tres Noble et tres Ingenieux MESSIRE LUC (A rebours) Seigneur de la Chaise et autres Lieux, memement de ses Descendants et autres Personnages de lui Issus. Ouvrage tres Utile pour bien et proprement s'entretenir es-jours gras de Careme-Prenant. Dispose dans TOrdre des lettres K. P. Q. Traduit du Prussien et enrichi de Notes tres congruantes au Sujet. Par Trois Savants en Us. [MM. /. P. Payen, P. Jannet et Aug. Veinant.] Scatopolis: chez les marchands d'Aniterges VannSe Scatogbie. 5850. [Paris: P. Jannet. i8jo.] S° elegantly bound in yellow levant morocco, gilt leaves, dentclle borders, by DURU. With a very curious and tasteful a Armorial Scatologique.T> ONE OF TWO COPIES ONLY, PRINTED ON PAPER OF VARIOUS COLORS. *** One of the most singular bibliographical works ever published. The Notes are written in a truly Pantagruelian spirit and evince gTeat research and recondite learning. Very few bibliophiles, as Dr. Dibdin would say, a may hope to caress a copy p of this extra- ordinary production. An excellent bibliographical analysis of the work will be found in Qukrard, Les Supercheries Litte'raires, etc., Tome in, /. SjS. 1446 BIBLIOTHfeQUE B I BLIOPHI LO-FACETIEUSE. - «6Z== I. Extraits et Analyses de Divers Livres Rares et Panta- grueliques. II. Chansons Historiques et Satiriques sur la Cour de France, fiditee par les Freres Geb£ode. [/". e. Gustave Brunei, et Octave Delepierre.~\ s. I. [Londres: 1854-1856.] 2 vols. 12° cloth, uncut. Only 60 copies printed for sale. 1447 BIDERMANN (M. 10. GOTTL.) De MENDIS LIBRORVM .1® et NOMINATIM BlBLIORVM HEBRAICORVM. [FREIBERG: MDCCLII.] sm. j° pp. S half crimson morocco. Very Scarce. %+ An exceedingly curious Dissertation on Typographical Errors. 262 BLADES. 1448 BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE (Michaud). Ancienne et [? c Moderne, ou Histoire, par Ordre Alphab£tique, de la Vie Publique et Priv£e de tous les Hommes qui se sont fait Remar- quer par leurs £crits, leurs Actions, leurs Talents, leurs Vertus ou leurs Crimes. NOUVELLE EDITION Revue, Corrig£e et CONSIDERABLEMENT AUGMENTEE d'ARTICLES OMIS OU NOUVEAUX, Ouvrage Redige par Une Societe de Gens de Lettres et de Savants. Paris: Delagrave et Ch. [1842-186^.'] 45 vols. imp. 8° uncut. Best Edition. ***«La Nouvclle Edition de la Biographie Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne^ (Michaud) est sans contredit le recueil le plus complet, le plus soigne" et le plus apprdcie* en son genre que pr^sentent jusqu'ici les annales de la science historique et litteraire. a La Nouvclle Edition embrasse les 52 volumes de l'Edition primitive, les 30 volumes du Supplement, et se complete par les notices de tous les hommes importants qui sont morts dans l'intervalle des deux publications jusqu'au jour de la publication de chacun de ces volumes. Les Articles Anciens ont etc, avant leur reimpression, soumis a une revision scrupuleuse; les Articles Nouveaux sont signed par les auteurs les plus autorises des sciences, des lettres, ou de l'histoire.p 1449 [BIRKENHEAD.] PAVL'S CHVRCH-YARD. Libri ■ (0 Theologici, Politici, Hiftorici, Nundinis Paulinis (una cum Teraplo) projiant venules. Juxta feriem Alphabeti Democratici. Done into Englifh for the Affembly of Divines. \_£y Sir John Birkenhead.'] s. L et a. [London: 1649?] sm. 40 half morocco, 8 unnumbered pages, no title-page, margins closely cut. *** a A satirical Catalogue of books reputed to have been written by various persons during the protectorate of Oliver Cromwell.d—See, Beloe, Anecdotes of Literature, Vol. vi, p. 352, et seq. ^1450 BISCHOFFund MOLLER. Vergleichendes WORTER- Afif== BUCH der alten, mittleren und neuen GEOGRAPHIE. Von Fr. H. Th. Bischoff und J. H. Moller. Gotha: 182Q. 8° boards, pp. xii-1107. Uncut. *** a Ouvrage d'une grande erudition. II est indispensable k toutes les personnes qui s'occupent de la Gdograpkie du Moyen Age, et surtout aux savants et libraires qui s'occupent de villes et villages indiqu^s dans les chartes et de lieux ou Typographies exer9aient pour la premiere fois.ft 1451 BJORNSTAHLS (J. J.) REIZE door EUROPA en het . '-' Oosten. Te Utrecht: mdcclxxviii-mdcclxxxiv. 6 vols. 8° half calf. Uncut. *#* « Les Notices que ce voyageur Su^dois donne sur les Bibliotheques, sur les manus- crits et les ouvrages rares, et sur la vie des savans, sont du plus grand prix. Elles occupent presqu'exclusivement sa relation.r>— Boucher de la Richarderie, Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages, Tome i, p.JJQ-340- 1452 BLADES (WILLIAM). SHAKSPERE and TYPOGRAPHY; 2 •'' Being an Attempt to show Shakspere's Personal Connection with, and Technical Knowledge of, the Art of Printing. Also, Remarks upon some Common Typographical Errors, with Especial Reference to the Text of Shakspere. London: Trilbner & Co. 1872. BLOUNT. 283 1453 BLAKESLEY (JOSEPH WILLIAMS). LIFE of /ui-= ARISTOTLE, including a Critical Discussion of Questions of Literary History connected with his Works. 8° boards. Uncut. CAMBRIDGE: M.DCCC.XXXIX. 1454 13l3£Ott (3U) treS Jjetltf- | <}tteS- [Par Pierre /7.5 Grtngore."] Achevi d'imp rimer le 24 dfcembre 1832, par Gamier fits, imprimeur demeurant a Chartres. Se vend a Paris: chez Tccliener. 8° pp. 31 half morocco, extra, top gilt, by Duru. Only 66 copies reprinted. *** a R&mpressiond'un opuscule dont l'^dit. originate, impr. a Paris, chez Philippe Le Noir, en 1524. in-4°,k^s lig. par page, est dcvcnue fort rare. Cette nouvelle £dit. est due a HFrisson, a Chartres, qui y a joint une courte notice sur P. Grtngore. II n'en a 6t6 tire" que 66 exem- plaires. Sur le frontispice de ce livre se voit une vignette altegorique graved en bois.D—Brunet. 1455 BLIND HARRY. The ACTS and DEEDS of the Mofl Famous f6o= and Valiant Champion Sir WILLIAM WALLACE Knight of Ellerslie. Written by Blind Harry in the Year 1361. Together with Arnaldi Blair Relationes. Edinburgh: Printed in the Year mdcclviii. 4 o old half calf. MS. title-page. U I cl tft 2L ttt ZV . *** « Popular sentiment continues to this day to revere Blind Harry. The poem of The Wallace, composed in heroic couplets, is about the same length as The Bruce, of which it is the counterpart. The narrative is often highly vigorous, and the battle-pieces occasionally stirring; but needs all the exaggeration of patriotism to attribute to the author a the genius of a second Homer.i> It is the great authority for those incidents connected with the life of the hero which have been reproduced in the Talcs of a Grandfather and the Scottish Chiefs; and from the first scene with the fishing-rod to the last on the scaffold, these are narrated with a vigour that has never been surpassed.!)—Prof. J. Nichol. ^1456 BLOUNT (THOMAS-POPE). CENSURA CELEBRIORUM /•l5 ==== AUTHORUM: sive Tractatus in quo Varia Virorum Doclorum de Clarimmis cujufque Seculi Scriptoribus judicia traduntur. Unde facillimo negotio Lector dignofcere queat quid in fingulis quibufque Iflorum Authorum maxime memorabile fit, & quonam in pretio apud Eruditos femper fuerint Cum Indice loeupletiffimo. Londini: Impenfis Richardi Chiswel ad Infigne Roftz Coronatce in Ccemeterio f" plain calf S.PaUli. MDCXC. *** a In 1690 Sir Thomas Pope Blount published his Censura Celebriorum Authorum. The object of that work was to bring together the opinions of the learned on the most distin- guished writers of all countries from the earliest periods; and the very accomplished and erudite compiler has accordingly produced a volume of great research, authority, and use.p— Sir S. Egerton Brydges, Censura Literaria, Vol. i, Introduction, p. I. « A very convenient accession to any scholar's library.*—Hallam. 1457 BLOUNT. CENSURA CELEBRIORUM AUTHORUM, sive . £y~— Tractatus in quo Varia Virorum Doctorum de Clariflimis cujufque Seculi Scriptoribus Judicia traduntur.... Omnia in Stu- diosorum gratiam collegit, et in ordinem digeflit fecundum feriem Temporis quo ipfi Authores floruerunt, Thomas-Pope Blount. Editio Nova Correclior.. .. Cum Indice locupletilfimo. Genev/E: Apud G. De Tournes, &c. [1710.] 4° plain calf. 284 BODONI. 1458 BOADEN (JAMES). MEMOIRS of the LIFE of JOHN / (- 7- PHILIP KEMBLE, Esq. Including a History of the Stage, from the Time of Garrick to the Present Period. London: 1825. 2 vols. S° half calf , gilt backs, marbled edges. Portrait. 1459 Eoccadi (Soijanfs). [Be pracclatte mttlfe= <].»'•— tiftm] foi. m: o mxiit multty tQvtsiz jjatUttltt ati itvti bttl0o U=/mot*. 1 a ttttviu ftvt ftilttt* cttrf0. i ertmm muli= Htvts Uv<> UuXit... In fine: foL 83a. implicit competent (sic) Xofjfiufs ISoctacif tte ©ertaHro* quoft tre pmlarts mttlferflbua ac famS ppetuam e&tlltt ftlfCttrr. j. /. a. et t\p. n. [SedArgentorati, Georgii Husner, circa 1475 A f° Sj leaves, Jj lines to a full page, crimson levant morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, by Thompson, 2 curious old wood-cuts inserted. A splendid copy of this rare volume, in excellent presenilation. *** See Panzer, Annates Typographici, Vol. j, /. SO. Hain, Kepertorium Bibliographi- cum, Vol. 1, Pars. 1, /. 456. Laire, Index Librorum, Vol. i, p. 103. Dibdin, Aedes Alther- pianae, Vol. II, /. 77. Boccacio has given among these Lives of Illustrious Women a very extraordinary account of the celebrated a Papess Joanna.»—See folio 77. 1460 BOCATII (IOANNIS). TIEPI rENEAAOriA2 DEORVM, tfo~ Libri Qvindecim, cum annotationibus Iacobi Micylli. Eivsdem de Montivm, Sylvarvm, Fontivm, lacuum, fluuiorum, ftagnorum, & mariuna nominibus. Liber i. Hue acceffit rerum, & fabularum fcitu dignarum copiofus index. Basileae: Apvd Io. Hervagivm mense Septembri Anno m.d.xxxii. f° vellum. Name cut from the bottom of the title-page. 1~ 1461 BODEL-NYENHUIS (JOHANNES TIBERIUS). Disserta- 7-=== tio Historico-Juridica, de JURIBUS TYPOGRAPHORUM et BIBLIOPOLARUM in Regno Belgico. Lugduni-Batavorum: Apud S. et J. Luchtmans. mdcccxix. 8° half, green morocco, top gilt, rough edges. 1462 BODONI. MANUALE TIPOGRAFICO del Cavaliere £/tf!-',=== Giambattista Bodoni. Parma: Presso La Vedova [Bcdem.] MDCCCXVIIl. 2 vols. 4* polished calf, extra, fine portrait of Bodoni. Scarce. %* a Ce livre magnifique offre les ^chantillons de plus de 250 caracteres differents, tant Latins que Grecs, Russes, Orientaux, et autres caracleres Strangers, avec leurs italiques, ma- jescules, chiffres, signes typographiques et ornements de tous genres qui y correspondent.* —Brunet. <r C'est sans contredit le plus magnifique ouvrage de ce genre.»—Biographie Lhiiverselle. BOETHIUS. 285 1463 BOECLERI (10. HENRICII). BIBLIOGRAPHIA CRITICA £f== Scriptores Omnivm Artium atqve Scientiarvm ordine percenseus nvnc demvm integra et Emendativs Edita accessionibvsqve ex Reliqvis Scriptis Boeclerianis av6la recensvit Io. Gottlieb Kravse qvi etiam Praefationem Animadversiones et Indices adiecit. Lipsl/E: svmtibvs Heredvm Io. Grossii. ^(wwmdccxv. 8° pp. Q04, half calf , portrait. LARGE PAPER. 1464 iSoetfj (&tiUfj &orquatt Sftttrfnf) tre pt)it /^r== ifolutont: tn ttHtont jrowtarta btuti Efyotnt Xft Aquino ortrfnte fifctcato^: In fine: C anfctl fforquatf <£rtterini Unccfj tofrf no- mints cclefirttate cp metnorantrt: tcptus tit p§tt ifolacone: eft rtrfcOnc amentarfa firatf JCijome tie &qutno ortrtufs pTrfcato?: an- tfjontj <£ofcurflers cfttfs tncltte Nurtrter- ginfiu torfite mtiuftrfa fafirrfactus finft it- Ifctter &nno fattcclppbf. [/^] P*t£ Kftus large f0 oak boards, 135 leaves, 34 and 47 lines to a full page. The Text is printed in long lines and occupies the entire Page, and the Commentary is printed in double columns. A TRULY MAGNIFICENT SPECIMEN OF KOBURGER's PRESS. *** See, Panzer, Annates Typographic iy Vol. ii, p. 175. Hain, Repertorium Biblio- graphicum, Vol. i, Pars I, p. 4O2. Laire, Index Librorum, Pars i, /. 3S3. Dibdin, Bibl. Spenceriana, Vol. i, /. 2S0. 1465 BOETHIUS'S CONSOLATION of PHILOSOPHY (> Translated from the Latin, with Notes and Illustrations. By the Rev. Mr. Philip Ridpath. London: Printed for C. Dilly. S» half caIf gilt edges. M.DCC.LXXXV. *** a An elegant, perspicuous, and accurate translation; the Notes are drawn from respectable sources, and tend to explain and illustrate the work. The translator has prefixed to the work the Life of Boethius, collected from the best authorities,i>—Bruggemann. 1466 BOETHIUS. Anicii Manlii Torqvati Severini BOETHII l,rc!= de CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE [Zat. et ItaL] Libri Qvinqve ad Optimarvm Editionvm fidem recensiti. Parmae: Ex Regio Typographeo. clD. Idcc. lie. [i/<?c?.] 2 vols. 40 half dark green morocco, extra, gilt backs and tops, uncut. By Pawson& Nicholson. *** a This is a very sumptuous edition, printed in the usual style of magnificence of those works which have issued from the Bodoni press. The Editor was Benedict Varchi.d—Dibdin. a The editions, which for upwards of thirty years have issued from the press of M. Bodoni. at Parma, are eminently distinguished by their general beauty, and, in many instances, by the uncommon splendour of their typographical execution. In this country, a few of the classical editions only are known; which are deservedly in great request among the amateurs of beautiful books.d—Hor^e. 286 BOHN. 1467 i3#iS3r?^K2«S. ttorttus trt ton/ Mc'= mmont* 15n Itttot cantriirtftfme Seuttir m Uocttj trr cofnlattt pljfiofopljfco, acq? trffcfplf- ua fcljolattfca Trfufua ta atrolKcPttlJUfl cp fuucnffc? at ttiS Unitun opufcula: Nouftttme cum <Sanctf &i)omac pJjtlotopijt profuutrffffmf comcntarfjB, nccuon SWccnffj JSatrtj gramattcf irflfflcntffttmf- &Trtrtto (OUtfnttlfant capttc tre trtfctpulo? officfo cu tpffus Stfcfftj cjrpofftfouc ftflucftrtfftma- iMi= to ettam Truplfcf tutrfceaficccfcarto ortrtue intricate 1 pf)ftofopf)fs t flr5matfcfs btilta ac uccettarfa* In fine: C ISjrpltcft opus rfolatortum, atiijortatorfuq} atr fconos mores 29tut iSoetfJ cSe/uertm tre rtolatu pljflofopfjtco, &- Jrtfctpltna fcfjolarCu, ac etta cu Jttarct JFafiff/ IMittfltant tractatulo trctrtfcfpulo? officio, cfi zx- pBnib* fanctf JTJjome aQ~/nattg pjjt acutfttfmt, atq? Jotrocf JSaftf (sic) &fteftj fjramatfet latt- nfttfmt, / ta tu prfort q? altrro tractatu* 3Ej:ponit ffuj mtttiuH copnrtrtu / fllutr iFafifj, "ileuetfja trfltflttt cura fumptt^ fiufq? fjcrcttu}/quouTia Kotttlto Vivi ant ©ctautanf <Scott, fttuto/ac pa^ trtttj J&ottoetfenftg focforflqj, fm= prtum, /&uno fncaruattota Dftf Nrt $ttu <&t)vi. Jtt.D.XXXXXX. octauo cai:<©ctoi), y° tti//", £v'// back, red edges. Fine, clean copy. [468 BOETHIUS. KING ALFRED'S ANGLO-SAXON VERSION /-7nT- "of Boethius de Consolatione Philosophic: With an English Translation, and Notes. By J. S. Cardale. London: (W. Pickering) m.dcccxxix. = The WILL of KING ALFRED \_A?iglo-Saxon and English.] Reprinted from the Oxford Edition of 1788; with a Preface and Additional Notes. London: ( W. Pickering) m.dccc.xxviii. = MENOLOGIUM seu Calendarium Poeticum, .... or, The Poetical Calendar of the Anglo-Saxons. With an English Translation and Notes by the Rev. Samuel Fox, m.a. London: ( W. Pickering) mdcccxxx. 3 vols, in j vol. S° cloth. Scarce. 1469 BOHN (JAMES). CATALOGUE of ANCIENT and / >?== MODERN BOOKS in all LANGUAGES. London: 1840. 8° pp. 7Q2, half morocco. BONNARDOT. 287 1470 BOHN (HENRY G.) A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. = New, 37"i Valuable, and most Important Books, .... at very Reduced Prices. London: mdcccxli. 8° pp. iv-iQ48, and pp. 148 half morocco. **+ This useful Catalogue is generally known as Bohn's a Guinea Catalogue.* 1471 BOHN (HENRY G.) CATALOGUE of the Very Extensive J^= and Valuable Stock of Mr. HENRY GEORGE BOHN, the Eminent Bookseller and Publisher, Retiring from Business, including Splendid Books of Prints; Voyages and Travels; History and Biography; Greek and Latin Classics, with Translations; Natural History; Numismata; Rare Aldine Editions and Early Printed Books; Ancient and Modern Divinity; and Standard Authors, English and Foreign, in all Classes of Literature. ... Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. London: 1868-1870-1872. 3 vols, royal 8° paper covers. Uncut. 1472 BOHN (JOHN). A CATALOGUE of an Extensive Collec- /0== tion of ENGLISH BOOKS; To which is Appended a Selection of Valuable Foreign Books, and a Specimen of an Intended Classical Catalogue. London: mdcccxxix. 8° boards. 1473 BOHN (JOHN). A CATALOGUE of a VALUABLE COL- ICW LECTION of BOOKS, in the French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian Languages, Both Printed and in Manuscript. London: mdcccxxxiii. 8° half calf antique. 1474 BOILEAU. De l'ABUS des NUDIT&S de GORGE. Attribut /14-0 a l'Abbe" J. Boileau. Paris: Adolphe Delakays. 1858. ib® paper. Uncut. 1475 BONFINII. Symposion Trimeron: sive, ANTONII BONFINII L(U De Pvdicitia Coniugali & Uirginitate. Dialogi III. ATunc primhm ex bibliotheca loan. Sambuci v. c. in lucem prolati. Basileae: Ex Officina Oporiniana. 12° calf red edges, two leaves (p. 2JI and p. 312) missing, probably expurgated, as the work is described in the a Index Lib. Prohib.t> Rom-e: 1704, p. 13. Rare and curious. 1476 BONNARDOT (A.) ESSAI sur l'ART de RESTAURER les Jfo= ESTAMPES et les LIVRES, ou Traite sur les meilleurs Pro- c£d£s pour Blanchir, Detacher, Decolorier, R£parer et Conserver les Estampes, Livres et Dessins. Seconde Edition, Refondue et Augmented, suivie d'un Expose" des Divers Syste- mes de Reproduction des Anciennes Estampes et des Livres Rares. Paris: chez CasteL i8j8. J2° half morocco, top gilt, uncut. Scarce. *** This volume also contsuns M. Bonnardot's valuable treatise, « De la Reparation des Vieilles Reliures,* etc. Paris: 1858. 283 BOUTEILLER. 1477 iSOOlt (QPfyt) Of Utratf)* [Edited by Samuel Dobree, Esq.] Ill y* London: Printed by TV. Buhner and Co., Cleveland-row. 181Q. crown S° boards, uncut. The title is inclosed in a wood-cut border, composed of Death? s- heads and shin-bones, in a few copies, (of which the present is one) this cut is printed in different colors. SIXTY COPIES only were printed for private circulation. An autograph Letter of the Editor is inserted in this copy. 1478 BOOK-WORM (The) or, The British Phcenix; the Gentle- 1 * ^^ man and Lady's Polite Literary Entertainer. Containing Select Essays, and other Miscellaneous Amusements, in Prose and Verse, by Various Hands. London: Printed and Sold by 12* old calf. Scarce. J. Robinson. M.DCC.LVII. *** The Printer s Devil intimates that this volume contains «some of the most shining Essays that bave hitherto appeared in the world; with some select detached Pieces, in prose and verse, never before published, but not fully filched from the closets of the curious.»— See, [Burn] Catalogue of Early Newspapers and Essayists, p. Sq. /-1479 BOOTH (DAVID). An ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY of I5v= THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, in which the Words are Explained in the Order of their Natural Affinity, and the Significa- tion of each is traced from its Etymology. The whole Exhibiting, in one continued Narrative, the Origin, History, and Modern Usage of the Existing Vocabulary of the English Tongue. A Corrected Edition. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 1836. 4° cloth. Uncut. *** a This work is the result of more than twenty years arduous labor.d ,1480 BOSSANGE (HECTOR). Ma BIBLIOTH&QUE FRAN- /. = QAISE. Paris: Hector Bossange et fils. 1855. /6° half crimson morocco, top gilt. 1481 BOISSONADE. CATALOGUE des LIVRES composant la . Jo= BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu M. J. Fr. Boissonade, Membre de 11ns- titut, etc. Paris: Benjamin Duprat. 185Q. S° paper covers. Uncut. 1482 BOTTIGER. BIBLIOTHECA BOTTIGERIANA. Verzeich- ♦ /0r==:niss des Ersten Theils der Bibliothek des verstorbenen Herrn H of rath Carl August Bottiger, etc. Dresden: 1836. 2 vols. S* boards. *** A valuable catalogue, rich in works on Literary History, and the Fine Arts. 1483 BOULMIER (JOSEPH). ESTIENNE DOLET, sa Vie, ses /.3~l~ CEuvres, son Martyre. Paris: Auguste Aubry. mdccclvii. s/n. S° half green morocco, top gill, UNCUT. Portrait. *** An exceedingly interesting biography of this learned Printer, who was burned at the stake for heresy, August 3'' 1546. 1484 BOUTEILLER (E. de). HISTOIRE de FRANTZ DE f <> r"= SICKINGEN Chevalier allemand du seizieme siecle. Metz: Imprimerie de Rousseau-Pallez. i860. i'° half, dark blue morocco, top gilt. With 7 Illustrations. *+* «Un homme que l'Allemagne honore comme Tun des types les plus brillants de sa chevalerie, et qui y est reste dans les souvenirs populaires ce que le Cm est en Espagne et Bayard parmi nous.t—Preface. ,\3^ BREE. 289 1485 BOYES (J. F.) LACON in COUNCIL. London: Bell and ,t{0 = Daldy. 1865. croivn 8° cloth. i486 BOYNTON (Captain EDWARD C.) HISTORY of WEST POINT, and its Military Importance during the American Revolution: and the Origin and Progress of the United States Military Academy. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1864. imp. 8° cloth, uncut. 7 maps and 2Q illustrations. LARGE PAPER. 100 copies printed. 1487 BOZE. CATALOGUE desLIVRESdu Cabinet de (Jo M. [Claude Gros] de Boze. Paris: chez G. Martin, m.dcc.liii. 8° mottled calf, marbled edges. Neatly Priced. *** An excellent Catalogue, compiled by Gabriel Martin, with numerous bibliographical Notes. 1488 BRAND. Bibliotheca Brandiana. A Catalogue of the c 3c Unique, Scarce, Rare, Curious, and Numerous Collection of Works on the Antiquity, Topography, and decayed Intelligence of Great Britain and Ireland, from the First Invention of Printing down to the Present Time Being the Entire Library of the late Rev. John Brand, Author of Popular Antiquities, &c, &c. Sold by Auction. London: 1806. 8° half calf. Priced. *** a Mr. Brand's Library was rich in old English literature; he paid no regard to the condition of his copies, many of which were imperfect, the defective leaves being supplied by manuscript in a neat hand. A remarkable circumstance occurred on the twenty-fourth day's sale ;—in one of the folio volumes of Menage's French Dictionary, the late Dr. Gossett discovered sixty-Jive pounds in bank-notes, and an extremely rare portrait of Margaret Smith, engraved by W. Marshall; this print produced the sum of twenty-seven guineas.*— Clarke, Repertorium Bibliographicum, p. 410. 1489 [BRAVN (PLACIDVS).] NOTITIA HISTORICO- / o (r== LITTERARIA de Libris ab ARTIS TYPOGRAPHICAE INVENTIONE vsqve ad Annvm mcccclxxviii [1478] Impres- sis: In Bibliotheca Liberi, ac Imperialis Monasterii ad SS. Vldaricvm et Afram Avgvstae Extantibvs. Accedvnt vm Tabvlae aeneae Sexaginta Primorvm Typographorvm Alp ha beta conti- nentes. Avgvstae Vindelicorvm: Svmptibvs Fratrvm Veith, Bibliopolarvm. mdcclxxxviii. Part i. 40 boards. With the autograph of Heinsius, the well-known German bibliographer. *** «A scarce and interesting work. Independently of the fidelity of the descriptions, this work is further illustrated by 8 plates exhibiting Alphabets and specimens of characters used by the First German Printers.*—Horne. 1490 BREE (ROBERT). A PRACTICAL INQUIRY into • fC Disordered Respiration; Distinguishing the Species of Convul- sive Asthma, their Causes and Indications of Cure. Fourth Edition, with Additional Practical Observations. London: Printed for Richard Phillips. 1807. 8° calf. 290 BREYDENBACH. / ]S £>mef bet CjeOfltapfjifefjett <£l)atten. Leipzig: //7/.~^—~ n. *8e3el)retbnng be3 9ictct>§ ber Stebe, with map of the "Kingdom of Love." Leipzig: iyyy.==i=lll. Jtcfect bte ($cfc^ic()te ©rfinbnng ber $Bucl)bructertttnft« Leipzig: '77P- iv. Skrfnel) ben Xtrfprnng ber ^jneltarten, bte (Smtfnfjrnng be£ £etnenpapter£, uttb ben Slnfang bet &oltfc\)\icibctuttft in (Sttropa jn erforfeljen* Leipzig : 1784. With 14 plates of Playing Cards, Water-marks in paper, etc:-=~— V. Exemplvm Typographiae Sinicae Figvris Charactervm e Typis mobilibvs compositvm. Lipsiae: iySp:-— VI. Iteftet 25tb= liograpfyie nnb 3Mbliop()iltc» Leipzig . 1793. 6 pieces in i vol. 40 boards. Very Curious. 1492 SBrettfopf (%oty+ (&oitL 3frtman+) SBevfucl), ben J 2ffr ttrtyrnng ber ®ptc(fartctt, bie (gtnfttfjrnnjj be3 Seinen= pa$ictc$, nnb ben 2lnfang bet Jpoljfeljneibefnnft in (§nropa jn erforfefjen* Leipzig: 1784. 4° calf. With 14 plates of Old Playing Cards, Water-marks in paper\ etc. 1493 BRENCMANNI (HENRICI). HISTORIA PANDECTARUM, 1.X' seu Fatum Exemplaris Florentini. Accedit Gemina Dissertatio de Amalphi. Trajecti ad Rhenum: Apud G. Vande Water. 4 ° velluvz, with facsimiles. CIdIDCCXXII. *** See, Brunet, Manuel, Art. Brenkmann. ;sic.J 1494 BREWER (E. COBHAM). DICTIONARY of, PHRASE and (.1 j- "FABLE, Giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and Words that have a Tale to Tell. crown S" pp. Q7Q, cloth. London: [n. d.] I495 i&rtjjtreuHatt) (iScrnarmts ire) Satutarii pt= // "~" rtgrfuatfonu in monttm S»ou air inwerautrii vpi UpultvR in 3fmrtalem♦ ♦ ♦ (©jmftttlttm* In fine: Sanctaru pcrcjgrtnatfonft in monttm Sbvon att facnerantrfl jrfH it- \ pnlcrft fn Jernfalem atq? in monte Sgnaf atr tttna tofrsmf et mattrf | ?£ati)erina opttCcnlnmljoc cotenttuu 5 !Erf)artJii retitotcf) tre 2Trafecto | tnferfort fmprettnm Xn cutttate Jttojjuntina &mto falntts, ifWL cccc, | Ipppbf [/*<&*] ttfe, fj\ iFeftrnarfj JFtmt fritter, [sic] f> t/ar/' />///<> ?uoroccoy gilt edges. FIRST EDITION of the Latin Text: Imperfect, wanting ?j leaves of text, and all the plates. *** C'est la Premiere Edition d'un voyage tr&s interessant. Panzer, {Deutsche Annalcn, p. bj et Suppi. p. 5S) a demontre' que de Reuwich l tail seulement le dessinateur et Pierre BRIGHT. 291 Schoeffer le veritable imprimeur. Le veritable auteur de cette relation ne fut pas Brey- denbach, mais un certain Martin Roth, Dominicain, {vide Sarapeum, 1843, P- 27°) See, Graesse, Tre'sor de Livres Rares et Prdcieux. tome i, p. 538. "It is no small criterion of the pecuniary worth of this EDITIO PRINCEPS, that the first Edition of the French Version of it, printed in 1488, was purchased at the Roxburghe sale by the Duke of Devonshire for £84."—See Dibdin, Bibl. Spenceriana, vol. hi, pp. 216-228. Panzer, Annates Typographici, vol. \\,p. 13f. Hain, Reperlorium Bibliographicum, vol. i, Pars 1, p. 550. Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, tome v,p. 222. Freytag, Adparatvs Litter- arivs, vol. i, pp. 48-37. [Van Praet.] Catalogue des Livres Imprimis sur JV/m, tome v, p. 130. Brunet, Manuel, Art. Breydenbach. iS2&15¥30i5NE&e&i (EfEKN&i^aaS ire) Sanctantro ptvtavinutionn in monttm S»tm air btntvmlfu cfjrfttf ftpulcJirttm in fflitvuX= In fine: C Sanctarum pcrcflrfuatttmfl in montcm Sson atf bnurautffi cJjrtftt fepulcfjrum | in JfyitvuiaUm, attp in monUm Sgnaf air trfuam bftfltntm et martgrf Batijerfuam 0^ I pufcti ijoc cotenttuum per pttrum ftraci) tiuzm Sptrmfcm imprrffum &mto falu- | tin noftvt |WL cccc* pc, [1490] Kit. vviV* Julff\ Unit frlfcttcr. J"0 boards, rough edges, with 4 large folding views, and 7 curious woodcuts; tvants the very rare frontispiece, and views of Venice and Jerusalem. SECOND EDITION, RARE. A perfect copy sold at Roscoe's sale for £13. 5S. *** This work is supposed to be a the FIRST BOOK OF TRAVELS THAT EVER WAS PRINTED.» It is written in the form of a Journal, and contains an account of a jour- ney to Mount Sinai and Jerusalem, undertaken in 14S3, by John Solms, Lord of Mintzenberg, Bernard de Breydenbach, Dean of Mentz, the reputed author, and Philip de Bicken. Earl Spencer's copy of this edition is described by Dibdin as being a considerably imperfect.* See Bibl. Spenceriana, vol. iv, />. 4JQ. 1497 BRIC-A-BRAC SERIES. Personal Reminiscences of Famous ■ 6° Poets and Novelists, Wits and Humorists, Artists, Actors, Musicians, etc., etc. Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard. New York: Scribner, Armstrong e° Co. i8j4~y6. JO vols, square 12° cloth. CONTENTS:—I. Chorley, PlanchE and Young. II. Thackeray and Dickens. III. Mkrimee, Lamartine, and Sand. IV. Barham, Harness, and Hodder. V. The Greville Memoirs. VI. Moore and Jerdan, with 4 Illustrations. VII. Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes, with 4 Illustrations. VIII. O'Keeffe, Kelly, and Taylor, with 4 Illustrations. IX. Lamb, Hazlitt, and Others, with 4 Illustrations. X. Constable and Gillies, with 4 Illustrations. 1498 BRIGHT. CATALOGUE of the VALUABLE LIBRARY /37" °f tne ^ate Benjamin Heywood Bright, Esq. Containing a most 'Extensive Collection of Valuable, Rare, and Curious Books, in all Classes of Literature Sold by Auction. London: 1844-45. 3 Parts in i vol. 8° half morocco. Uncut. 292 BRUNET. 1499 BRINSMEAD (EDGAR). The HISTORY of the PIANO- oJ~ FORTE. With an Account of Ancient Musical Instruments. Illustrated with plates. London: Published for the Author, [n. d.] 12° cloth. 1500 BRIQUET (Mme FORTUNEE B.) DICTIONNAIRE •^f== HISTORIQUE, LITTERAIRE et BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE des Francaises et des £trangeres Naturalises en France, connues par leurs Ecrits, ou par la Protection qu'elles ont accorded aux Gens de Lettres, depuis Tetablissement de la Monarchie jusqu'a nos jours. Paris: An XII. [1804.] 8° half morocco. Fine Portrait. *** See, Barbier et Desessarts, Nouvelle Bibliotheque d'un Homme de Goilt, tome iv. p. 232. 1501 BROCKETT. CATALOGUE of the CHOICE, CURIOUS, fo and Elegant Private Library of John Trotter Brockett, Esq., f.s.a Sold by Auction by Mr. Sotheby. London: 1823. 8° half calf. 1502 BRUCE. The LIFE and ACTS of the moR viaorious Con- ff= queror ROBERT BRUCE King of SCOTLAND. [By John Barbour] Edinburgh: mdcclviii. 4* old half calf wants title page. UlaCft ILttttt*♦ 1503 BRUGGEMANN (LEWIS WILLIAM). A View of the English Editions, Translations and Illustrations of the Ancient Greek and Latin Authors, with Remarks. Stettin: Printed by John Samuel leich. mdccxcvii. 8° half calf . Very scarce. 1504 BRUNET (GUSTAVE). LETTRE au BIBLIOPHILE /•' Cl~ ~ JACOB. [M. Paul Lacroix.] Au Sujet de 1'£trange Accusation intentee contre M. Libri, membre de Vlnstitut, contenant des Recherches sur les Livres a la Reliure de Grolier, sur les Volumes Elzeviriens non rognes et sur quelques Particularities Bibliographiques. Paris: Paulin, editeur, rue de Richelieu, 60. 1849. 8° pp. J2y half morocco. Uncut. %*This pamphlet is an admirable vindication of M. Libri, whose political antagonists accused him of stealing books from the Public Libraries in France. 1505 BRUNET (GUSTAVE). Fantaisies Bibliographiques. IU c Paris: chez Jules Gay, 1864. 12° brochd^ uncut. Only a small edition printed. *** This entertaining little volume contains an account of the libraries of Cardinal Du- bois, J. A. De Thou, Jamet, lejeune, and Grolier. 1506 BRUNET (GUSTAVE). La France Litteraire au xve IJj i~- — Siecle, ou Catalogue Raisonne des Ouvrages en tout Genre Imprimis en Langue Francaise jusqu'a 1'An 1500. Paris: Librairie A. Franck. f86j. S° uncut. <LTire"a 300 exemplaires, f>apier verge".* lh^ BRUNET. 293 1507 BRUNET (GUSTAVE). CURIOSIT&S BIBLIOGRAPHI- / (2F= QUES et ARTISTIQUES. Livres, Manuscrits et Gravures qui, en Vente Publique, ont d^passe" le Prix de Mille Francs, Tableaux pay£s plus de Cinquante Mille Francs. Geneve: chez J. Gay et fils. 1867. 8° paper covers, a Tire' a 250 Exemplaires Nume'rote's, plus 2 peaux ve'lin. No. f2j.i> 1508 BRUNET (JACQ.-CHARLES). MANUEL du LIBRAIRE ,>>o==== et de l'AMATEUR de LIVRES. Troisieme Edition, augmented de plus de deux mille articles, et d'un grand nombre de Notes. Paris: chez VAuteur. 1820. 4 vols. 8° french calf, marbled edges. 1509 BRUNET (JACQUES-CHARLES). MANUEL du /j^= LIBRAIRE et de l'AMATEUR de Livres. Quatrieme Edition. Bruxelles: 1838-1845. J vols. 8° half morocco, marbled edges. 1510 BRUNET (JACQUES-CHARLES). MANUEL DU LI- ^$*rr= BRAIRE et DE L'AMATEUR de LIVRES contenant i° Un Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique dans lequel sont decrits les Livres rares, precieux, singuliers, et aussi les Ouvrages les plus estimes en tout genre, qui ont paru tant dans les Langues anciennes que dans les principales Langues modernes, depuis l'Origine de lTmprimerie jusqu'a. nos jours; avec l'Histoire de differentes Edi- tions qui en ont 6t6 faites;.. .. 20 Une Table en Forme de Catalogue Raisonne ou sont classes, selon l'ordre des matieres, tous les Ouvrages ported dans le Di6lionnaire. . . Cinquieme Edi- tion Originale Entierement Refondue et Augmented d'un Tiers par l'Auteur. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et C". 1860-1865. 12 Parts imperial S° half maroon morocco, tops gilt, rough edges. LARGE PAPER. Only 100 copies printed. « Excmplairc de M. Alfred Firmin Didot.» *** a The Bibliographical Code of the world.h-Ch Nodier, 15 i i «BRUNET.» SUPPLEMENT AU MANUEL DU #<;,= LIBRALRE. DICTIONNAIRE de G&OGRAPHIE Ancienne et Moderne a l'Usage du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres, etc. Par Un Bibliophile. [P. Deschamps.\ Paris: Librairie Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et C,e. i8jo. 25 Parts 8* paper covers. Uncut. *** «L'auteur de ce travail s'est efforcd de supplier a une lacune signage par tous les Bibliophiles erudits, et qu'aucun des ouvrages relatifs a la Bibliographic n'avait jusqu'lci combine. Les recherches de La Serna Santandbr, du Docteur Cotton, et de M. Ternaldc, relatives aux origines de la typographic dans les villes principales de 1'Europe, sont ou insuf- fisantes ou trop souvent inexactes; il a cherchc a les rectifier et a les completer.p « Cet ouvrage est d'une utility incontestable aux Bibliophiles, et en general a tousceux qui s'occupent, a un titre quelconque, du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance. Destine* a taire suite a l'excellent Manuel du Libraire et de VA matcur de Livres de M. Brunet, il est impriini* avec les me'mes caracteres {corps huii et six) et de la meme justification.v 294 BRYANT. 1512 [BRUNET (JACQUES-CHARLES).] NOTICE sur Deux ^°= anciens Romans intitules ILes (fcfjrontquea tte (ffifarjjautua, 011 Ton examine les rapports qui existent entre ces deux ouvrages et le Gargantua de Rabelais, etc. Paris: chez Silvestre. 1834. S° pp. 2S paper covers. Uncut. 1513 BRUNET (JACQ.-CH.) RECHERCHES BIBLIOGRAPHI- (37-== QUES et CRITIQUES sur les Editions Originales des Cinq Livres du Roman Satirique de RABELAIS Pour servir de Supplement a toutes les Editions des CEuvres de Rabelais. Paris: L. Potter. 1852. 8« half calf , top gilt. Uncut. 1514 BRY'S (De) "GREAT VOYAGES" IN GERMAN. *7 fc, ~ 8 Parts in 1 vol, f° unbound, imperfect, wanting several maps and plates, many leaves mutilated and coarsely repaired. Sold with all imperfections. Contents: I. Der ander Theyl, der Newlicb erfundenen Landtfchafft Americae, Von dreyen Schiffahrten, fo die Frantzofen in Floridam . . . gethan. Eine vnter dem HHuptmann H. Laudonniere, Anno 1564. Die ander vnter H. Ribald 156^,. Die dritte, vnter H. Guor- guesio 1567, gefchehen. Franckfort am Mayn, Anno /sg/y with Map of Florida. = II. YVarhafftige Abconterfaytung de Wilden in America . . . von Jacob le Moyne. 42 plates. Franckfort am Mayn, fjQf. =• III. Dritte Buch Americce, Darinn Brafilia durch Johann Staden von Homberg . . . Item Hiftoria der Schiffart Ioannis Lerij in Hrafilien. . . . Franck- furt am Mayny /J9J. Map of Peru and Brasil, and 25 Plates. = IV. Schiffart in Brafilien in America, darinn defz Autoris Reifz, auch viel frembde Thiere vnd GewSchfz, den vnferen gantz vnbekandt, befchrieben werden: Durch Ioannem Lerium Burgundum. . . . Franckfurt y ijqj. 12 plates. -= V. Das vierdte Buch von der neuwen Welt, . . . Durch Hieronymum Bentzo von Meyland . . . Franckfurt am Mayn, J4Q4. — VI. Americae Pars Quarta, sive Infignis & Admiranda Hiftoria de reperta primum Occidentali India a Christophoro Columbo Anno m.ccccxcii. Scripta ab Hieronymo Bezono Mediolanen/e . . . [Francofurti ad Moenum, I5Q4-] 24 plates, title badly mutilated. ■=- VII. America Das FUnffte Buch . . . von Ioannis Benzonis . . . Franckfurt am Mayn. n. d. with map and fine portrait <?/~C0LUMBUS. = VIII. Title the same as No. VII. Plates I.—XXII. 1515 BRYANT (JACOB). A New System; or, an ANALYSIS /^'= of ANTIENT MYTHOLOGY: Wherein an Attempt is made to Divest Tradition of Fable; and to Reduce the Truth to its Original Purity. The Third Edition, with some Account of the Author; a Vindication of the Apamean Medal; a complete Index, and 41 Plates neatly Engraved. London: 1807. 6 vols. S° calf. 1516 BRYANT. BIBLIOTHECA BRYANTIANA. A Catalogue / Tr of the Very Magnificent and Valuable Topographical, His- torical, and Scarce Collection of William Bryant, Esq. Amongst which will be found Every Work of Topography relative to Great Britain and Ireland Sold by Auction by Mr. Stewart. London: 1807. S° half calf. With Prices and Names of the Purchasers. BRYDGES. 295 1517 BRYDGES (SIR SAMUEL EGERTON). CENSURA I Cf= LITERARIA. Containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, with Original Disquisitions, Articles of Biography, and other Literary Antiquities. London: 1805-9. 10 vols. 8° half calf gilt backs. Scarce. ^.1518 BRYDGES. POEMS, by Samuel Egerton Brydges, Esq. d o The Fourth Edition, with many Additions. London: T. Bensley. 1807. 12° calf presentation copy from the author. 1519 BRYDGES (SIR SAMUEL EGERTON). The BRITISH bo°= BIBLIOGRAPHER. London: 1810-/4. 4 vols. 8° drown calf gilt leaves. Portraits. *** This work contains reprints of, I. A Hundredth Good Pointes of Husbandrie, by Thomas Tusser, Gentleman, copied from the First Edition, 1557 .--II. The Paradise of Dainty Deuices, reprinted from the First Edition, 1570, with the Additions of 1580 and 1600. = 111. England's Helicon, from the Second Edition, 1614. =IV'. The Mir our for Magistrates, reprinted from the Edition of 15S7, collated with those of 1575 and 1610. «The present work, of which much of the matter could never probably again be re- assembled, and of which scarcely more than fjo complete sets can exist, will scarcely lose its price with the progress of time. The Censura Literaria, if by any chance a copy comes into the market, fetches much more than double its original cost. That a fate not less flattering will attend the British Bibliographer we cannot doubt.»—Preface. 1520 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). ATAVLE REGLE: 3,*-r~= Consisting of SIXTY COPIES ONLY, Compiled for Private Use. Florence: Printed by J. Marenigh. April. 1820. == Speeches Delivered to Queen Elizabeth, on Her Visit to Giles Brydges, Lord Chandos, at Sudeley Castle, in Glouces- tershire, with a Preface, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Printed at the Private Press of Lee Priory. i8ij. 2 7'ols. in 1 vol. 40 half morocco, marbled edges, fine portrait or. India paper. Only One Hundred Copies of the a Speeches d Printed. 1521 BRYDGES (SIR SAMUEL EGERTON). Ifcestftttta; or, Joo—-= Titles, Extracts and Characters of (©Iff UooftS in English Literature Revived. London: 1814-16. 4 vols. 8* half morocco, tops gilt. Uncut. Portrait. BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). The Population and Riches of Nations, Considered Together, not only with Regard to their Positive and Relative Increase, but with Regard to their Tendency to Morals, Prosperity and Happiness. Paris and Geneve: i8iq. S* half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. JL523 [BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON).] Lord Brokenhurst, or a • h^ Fragment of Winter Leaves. A Tragic Tale. Paris and Geneve: 1810. sm. S°paper. Uncut. Verv Scarce. M 296 BRYDGES. 2524 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). CONINGSBY, a Tragic ^ Tale. Paris and Geneve: i8ip. sm. 8° paper. Uncut. Very Scarce. ^1525 [BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON).] Sir RALPH WILLOUGHBY: An Historical Tale of the Sixteenth Century. Florence: Printed by I. Magheri. 1820. sm. 8* paper. Uncut. 1526 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). RES LITERARIJE: U f% Bibliographical and Critical. Naples: 1820. Rome: 1821. Geneva: 1822. 3 vols. S» half dark blue morocco, tops gilt. ONLY SEVENTY-FIVE COPIES PRINTED. Presentation Cofiy to WORDSWORTH, the POET, with his Autograph. *+*«This work of Bibliography contains numerous articles of the ^Demi-ancient' authors, especially of the Sixteenth Century; principally Italians, who distinguished them- selves not long after the Revival of Letters; beginning with Petrarch. The writings of Valerianus, Pontanus, Poggio, Aretino, and others of that class, have given occasion to moral discussions, which have elicited reflections deeply implicated with the habitual move- ments of the compiler's mind. These are the chief features ia the First Volume printed at Naples in 1820. The Second Volume printed at Rome in the Spring of 1821, is principally occupied with Italian poetry. The Third Volume was printed at Geneva in the Autumn of 1821 and commencement of 1822. This embraces more of French and Genevan literature ; and contains more pages than the other two volumes together.* a The Res Literarice, are (as their title imports,) Literary and Critical, with the addition of Biographical Notices. But they contain registers of Books taken without any order, as they came to the compiler's hands. This work: is strictly limited to 75 copies.» 1527 [BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON).] POLYANTHEA Librorum vt Vetustiorum, Italicorum, Gallicorum, Hispanicorum, An- glicanorum, et Latinorum. Genev/e, Typis G. Fick, August. MDCCCXXII. S° half dark blue morocco, top gilt. Uncut. Only 75 Copies Printed. 1528 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). CIMELIA: seii Examen Jn if Criticum Librorum, ex Diariis Literariis Lingua Pr/ecipue Gallica ab Anno 1665 usque ad Annum 1792 Scriptis, Selectum. Geneva: Ex Typis G. Fick. (Sept.) 1823. S° half dark blue morocco, top gilt. Uncut. Only 75 Copies Printed. *** a This Volume is intended as a Supplement to Res Literarice, and Polyanthea, in the department of Bibliography. At the end of it, is therefore given a Table of the Books regis- tered in those volumes as well as in the present; amounting together to more than One Thousand and Fifty Works, which either for the importance of their subjects and their eru- dition, or for their rarity, demand the notice of all who aspire to be well-informed in literature, or who pride themselves in being acquainted with its curiosities.*—Preface. 1529 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). The ANTI-CRITIC for August, 1821, and March, 1822. Containing Literary, not Political, Criticisms, and Opinions. Geneva: Printed by W. Fick. mdcccxxii. S" half dark blue morocco, top g-ilt. 75 Copies Printed. Presentation Copy to Words- worth, with his autograph on the verso of the Title. *** «The Anti-Critic is a Miscellany principally of Critical and Moral Essays; inter- mixed with Epitaphs and other Family Memorials. The main object of the original articles is to assert and explain principles of poetical taste, which the author conceives to be more just than those which the prevailing fashion inculcates. For this purpose he has given his own view of several of the principal English poets, of the last half of the last century.d //" l{0o BRYDGES. 297 1530 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). GNOMICA: Detached Thoughts, Sententious, Axiomatic, Moral and Critical: but Especially with Reference to Poetical Faculties, and Habits. Geneva: Printed by W. Fick. Feb., mdcccxxiv. 8° half dark blue ?>iorocco, top gilt. 75 Copies Printed. *** a Few books have ever fallen in my way which contain so many golden remarks as these Gnomical—Southey. 1531 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). ODO, COUNT of LINGEN. / f * A Poetical Tale, in Six Cantos. Geneva: Printed by IV. Fick. mdcccxxiv. square ib° stiff paper covers. ONLY FIFTY COPIES PRINTED. / 1532 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). RECOLLECTIONS of "FOREIGN TRAVEL, on Life, Literature and Self-knowl- edge. London: Longman 6° Co. 1825. 2 vols. sm. S° half calf. 1533 [BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON).] LEX TERR^. A ) £, if "Discussion of the Law of England, regarding Claims of Inherit- able Rights of Peerage. Geneva: Printed by TV. Fick. 1831. <?° half roan. Only 100 Copies Printed for Presents. RARE. 1534 BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON). The LAKE of GENEVA, 7# a Poem, Moral and Descriptive, in Seven Books. With Notes Historical and Biographical. Geneva: Printed for A. L. Vignier. 1832. 2 vols. sin. Sa boards. Uncut. Folding Map. 1535 [BRYDGES (SIR EGERTON).] « FUGITIVE PIECES.> U () 0 Viz. I. DECAPENTACA, [containing 280 Miscellaneous Maxims, Observations, &c] Nos. I. & II. 2 folio sheets printed in double columns. Geneva: Printed by Gruaz, for A. Cherbuliez, 1832; II. VERIDICA, [containing Thoughts and Sentiments. Critical Notices of Books, &c] Nos. I. & II. 2 folio sheets printed in double columns. Geneva: Printed by IV. Fick, 1832.=111. APOLOGY. « I have to apologise for not having fulfilled my promise in bringing forth No. 3 of Veridica.)) i folio sheet, printed in double columns in lithography. IV. DARKNESS, a Poem, i folio leaf', printed in double columns in lithography. ==Y. PRyE-EXISTENCE, a Poem. 1 folio leaf , printed in double columns in lithography. Feb. 1832. VI. ELEGIAC LINES on C. V. de Bonstetten, who died at Geneva, 3d Feb. 1832, set. 87.=A SECOND EFFUSION on the same, written Feb. 6, 1832. 1 folio sheet, printed in lithography. Geneva: 1832. Together, to Pieces/0, unbound. VERY RARE. *** These a Fugitive Pieces r> are presumed to be wanting in all collections of the works of this celebrated writer and critic. 298 BULLAS. 1536 BRYDGES. The AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Times, Opinions, and ,y Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. London: Cochrane and MyCrone, mdcccxxxiv. 2 vols., 8° half cat/, gilt backs, marbled edges, 2 portraits. 1537 BUCKLE. CATALOGUE of the EXTENSIVE & Valuable /,.''=== LIBRARY of the late H. T. BUCKLE, ESQ., Author of the History of Civilization in England; Containing many Thousand Volumes in Useful and Popular Literature, and embracing History, Theology, Belles-Lettres, and other Interesting Departments, many of the Works being enriched with Valuable Critical Remarks in the Autograph of the late Learned Proprietor Sold by Auction by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby 6° John Wilkinson. London: i86j. S° paper covers. \5><cvx. Partly Priced. Scarce. i533 "i3ttllas-" EUtopUatti) tre alstmas tmllas 'r "Htl ftttntno I pontfffce, cocetrftras, en fauor Trela jurff- trfcfo real, con toTras las JJJrafi- | mattcastg alflunas leges trel regno, ijecljas para la fiuena floucrnacton | g flttarTra Tre la juftfciag mucljas JJrafltnattcas g leges anatitTras q fjafta I aqut no fueron fmpreffas. 1£n efpectat eftan aitaTriTras las leges Tre JWatrrftr g ttelos ara | jeles g Tie los panos g lanas g capftulos Tre corrcjjtTrores g leges Ire &oro g Itgcs Tre | la ?^ermantraft, toffta g corrcat'Tra g por orTrcn Tre leges puefta, ^jjora nueuamente, 4[ Impreffas en Toledo en cafa de laan ferrer. / Ano. /JS0- In fine: ^catioft tre impvimiv la prefente otita en la Kmperfal ctlrtraTr Tre JEoleTro en cafa tre Juan ferrer empreffor ire Ittiros. & cofta tr Jtttguel a&oTrrtfluej mer^ caTrer Tie Itfiros- & fegs Trias Trel mes Tre &flofto &ito irel nafctmento Tre nueftro fal- uatror Jefu cJjrffto tre mil g cjufnfentos g ctucnenta &ixos :♦ /° /«// russia, blind tooled, gilt leaves, margins water stained, many leaves repaired,and part 0/folio ccxxinj neatly restored in MS. VERY RARE. BURN. 299 1539 "BULLA." AUREA BULLA KAROLI QVARTI Rom. Imper- , IS~ atoris Norimbergae & Metis Anno 1356. fancita Avtographo famigeratiffimo, quod in Reip. Mozno-Francojurtenjis Archivo fancte adfervatur, fideliter & diligenter Anno 1681, defcripta & edita ab Henrico Guntero Thulemerio. Jc. Francofurti: An. mdccvi. sm. 40 pp. 63, paper covers. Very Rare. 1540 BUNAU. CATALOGVS BIBLIOTHECAE BVNAVIANAE. L u^ [Edente J. M. Franeh'o.] Lipsiae: cio id ccl—lxvi. 7 vols, in 4 vols. 40 vellum. *#* a This Catalogue may be considered a monument of bibliographical industry, and it is much to be regretted that J. M. Franckius, the compiler, did not live to complete it in all its Classes. The Titles of the books are recorded with scrupulous accuracy, and in each Class every work which has any reference to it is carefully analyzed. Copious Tables and Indexes to facilitate reference are added, and for those Classes which it contains, this work may be considered one of the most useful in existence. The Pre/ace is particularly deserving of attention.» 1541 BUNCKAU (HERMANNUS). BIBLIOTHECAM ANTI- 0 r FANATICAM Lubecensem. Lubec/e: mdccxxi. sm. 40 paper covers. 1542 BUNEMANN (IOACH. LUDOLPHUS1). ECLOGAM - ^ Theologicam, Qvceftionem, Num Saccrdoti conviviis intereffe liccat? Lubec/E: Typis Jo. N. Greenii. mdccxxiii. sm. 40 paper covers. 1543 BURCKHARD (I AC.) HISTORIA BIBLIOTHECAE jyi AVGVSTAE qvae Wolffenbvtteli est Dvobvs Libris Compre- hensa Lipsiae: Typis Breitkopfianis. IY44-1Y46. 4 Parts in i vol. 40 hair vellum: *%* «Heic Mortvi vivvnt; mvti loqvvntvr.d—Seep. 14s, and Peignot, Repertoire Biblio- graphigue Universct, p. 73. 1544 BURMAN (Mr. PETER). An ORATION Against the 5 jT 'Studies of Humanity, Shewing, that the Learned Languages, History, Eloquence, and Critick, are not only Useless, but also Dangerous to the Studies of Law, Physick, Philosophy, and, above all, of Divinity; to which last, Poetry is a special help. Trans- lated into English, and the Original [Latin] Annext. London: mdccxxi. 12° half catf title-page soiled, and margins closely cut. 1545 BVRMANNI (PETRI). Dissertatio Litterario-Ivridica . CS^= DE IVRE AVREORVM ANNVLORVM. Lipsiae: cIdIdccxxxx. sm. 40 paper covers. 1546 [BURN.] CATALOGUE of a COLLECTION of Early (0o= NEWSPAPERS and ESSAYISTS, formed by the late John Thomas Hope, Esq., and Presented to the Bodleian Library by the late Rev. Frederick William Hope, M. A. [Compiled by Jaeob Henry Bur//.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, m.dccc.lxv. «y° doth. Uncut. Scarce. 3°° BUXTORFI. 1547 BURNS (ROBERT). POEMS chiefly in the Scottish 1C Dialect. Kilmarnock: Printed by John Wilson, mdcclxxxvi. S° boards. Uncut. *** A Facsimile of the Original Kilmarnock Edition, printed in Kilmarnock, with Type and Sorts cast from the same matrixes as the Type with which the Original Kilmarrwck Edition was printed, and Paper specially made of same antique quality. Mr. William Menzies' copy of the Original Kilmarnock Edition produced at his sale (1876) $155.00. 1548 BURTON. BIBLIOTHECA DRAMATICA. Catalogue of 1"] p the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of the Late William 'E. Burton, the Distinguished Comedian, Comprising an Immense Assemblage of Books relating to the Stage Sold at Auction. New York: i860. imp. S* half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. Portrait. Large Paper, 100 copies printed. *•** The a Shakspeariana d part of this copy is ruled in red lines, and contains a List of Prices and Names of Purchasers. n 1549 BURTON (JOHN HILL). The BOOK-HUNTER, etc. -\l 0 —= Edinburgh and London: IViHiam Blackwood & Sons, mdccclxii. l6° half morocco. UNCUT. 1550 BURTON (JOHN HILL). The BOOK-HUNTER, etc. (4^"(<z With Additional Notes By Richard Grant White. New York: Sheldon and Company. 1863. /6° cloth, top gilt. Uncut. Scarce. 1551 [BUSSY—RABUTIN]. HISTOIRE AMOUREUSE des 11 0 GALILES. [Bar Roger, Comic de Bussy-Rabutin]. A Liege: sans date. [1666?] /2° p/>. 259, calf. With Key to the characters. Rare. *** See Brunet, Manuel, tome I., /. I.f22. [Gay], Bibliographie des Ouvrages relatifs a f Amour, etc. tome iv., /. 2j. Leber, Catalogue, tome i., /. SS5 ct sen. 1552 BUXTORFI (JOHANNIS). De ABBR E VIATURIS ./! HEBRAICIS Liber novus c^ copiofus: cut accefferunt O PERIS TALMUDICI brevis recenfio, cum ejufdem *librorum & capitum Indice. Item BIBLIOTHECA RABBINICA nova, ordine Alpha- bethico (sic) difpofita. Editione hac Secunda omnia caftigatiora & locupletiora. Basiled: Impcnfis Ludovici Regis, m.dc.xxxx. 12° plain calf. *** This volume contains an excellent analysis of the Talmud. AIMBEUL. SMUAINTEAN CUDTHROMACHA, mu Bhas agus Fhulangas ar SLANUL—FHIR, le Mr. Do'nall Calmbeul, Ministeir an T Soisgeil an Cille- Mhi' Cheil. Air an tiundadh cu Gailig Albannuich, le D. Macphairlain, A. M. CIo—bhuailte an Pcairt, Le D. Frier. /2«plain calf. MDCCC. *** A devotional work by the Rev. Donald Campbell, entitled, a Momentous Thoughts on the Death and Passion of our Saviour j> translated into Gaklic, by D. Macfarlane, A. M. Printed at Perth, jSoo. 1554 CALLIMACHI Cyrenaei Hymni, Epigrammata et Fragmenta, . ^c">= qv?e Exstant. Et feparatim, MOSCHI Syracvsii, et BIONIS Smyrnaei Idyllia. Bonaventvra vvlcanio Bri'gensi Inter- prete. Antverpiae, A pud Chrijlophorum Plantinum. m.d.lxxxiiii. /6" plain calf, red edges. *#* (i Charmante edition compacte de la collection des classiques.» See Ruelens & De Backer, Annates Platiniennes. Paris, 8° 1866,/. 2O4. 1555 [CAMDEN (WILLIAM).] REMAINES concerning BRIT- f.l-f AINE: But especially England, and the Inhabitants thereof. Their Languages, Names, Syrnames, Allusions, Anagrammes, Ar- mories, Moneys, Empresses, Apparell, Artillerie, Wise Speeches, Prouerbes, Poesies, Epitaphs. The fourth Impression, reuieived, corrcclcd, and increased. London: Printed by A. I. for Simon Waterson, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard. 1629. sin. 40 plain calj'. 1556 CAMERARIVS. The Living Librarie, or, MEDITATIONS J,_MnC= and OBSERVATIONS Historical, Natvral, Moral, Politi- cal, and Poetical. Written in Latin by P. Camerarivs, Coun- fellour to the Free-State of Noremberg: And done into English by Iohn Molle, Efquire. London: Printed by Adam /slip. 1621. f° plain eat/, red educes, pine clean copy. RARE. *** a A most interesting and valuable volume, hitherto but little noticed; it is full of curious relations, and of marvellous and romantic tales, illustrating the popular belief of the age in which it was composed.!) See [Fry] Bibliographical Memoranda. Bristol, iS/O. 40 f>. 1O7 et seq. 1557 CAMPBELL (M. F. A. G.) ANNALES de la TYPOGRAPHIE NEERLANDAISE AU XV" SIECLE. La LIave: Martinus Aijhoff. 18j 4. S* boards. Uncut. W to'- 302 CATALOG. 1558 CAMUS (A. G.) NOTICE d'un LIVRE IMPRIME A BAMBERG en CIO CCCCLXII [1462], par Albert Pfister. Paris: Baudouin. An VII. [1798.'] 4 ° paper covers. U N c vt . j Pla tes of Facs im iles. *#* a There is a very singular book, printed, as supposed, about 1460, at Bamberg, by Albert Pfister. It is in German, and a sort of moral allegory in the shape of complaints against Deaths with his answers to these accusations. It is very particularly described from the only known perfect copy in the Royal Library at Paris, by M. Cam us. d See Douce, Dance of Death. Lond. S°/Sjj. p. idS-g. Dibdin. Bibl. Spenceriana. VOL. I., p. 103-4. 1559 CAMUS (A. G.) MEMOIRE sur la Collection des Grands /.12- et Petits Voyages, [de De Bry] et sur la Collection des Voy- ages de Melchisedech Thevenot. Paris: Baudouin, Imprimeur de Vlnstitut National. Frimaire An XI [1802.] 4° half green morocco. Uis'CUT. *** a Rempli d'drudition.p See Peignot, Bibliographique Universel,p. 447. 1560 CAMUS et DUPIN. BIBLIOTHfcQUE CHOISIE des Livres de Droit, qu'il est le plus utile d'acquerir et de connaitre; par M. Camus, Ancien Avocat, etc. Quatrieme Edition, Revue, corrigee, et augmentee d'un grand nombre d'articles nouveaux; Par M. Dupin, Docteur en Droit, etc. Paris: chez B. Warde. m. dccc. xix. 4°paper covers. Uncut. LARGE PAPER. Only 100 copies Printed this size. An excellent classed Catalogue of Lazv Books of all countries, with bibliographical •0-- * , * Notes. ,- 1 1561 [CAPELL] 'Prolusions; /electPieces of antient Poetry, compiVd with great Care from their fever al Originals, and offered to the Pub- lick as Specimens of the Integrity that fhould be found in the Editions of worthy Authors, in three Parts; containing, I. The notbrowne Alayde; A/after Sackvile's Introduction; and Overbury's Wife: II. Edward the third, a Play, thought to be writ by Shakespeare: III. Those excellent didactic Poems, entitled—Nofce teipfum, written by Sir John Davis: (sic) with a Preface. [Edited by Edward Capell.] London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand. 1760. s»i.8Q red morocco^ extra, gilt leaves. Scarce. ^1562 CASSIODORI SENATORIS (M. AVRELII). OPERA OM- ^ 0 NIA qvse Exstant ex fide manufcr. auctiora & locupletiora. Col- latis etiam Exemplaribus veteribus, quam recens editis. Cvm Indice Rervm et Sententiarum fcitu notatumque digniorum. AvrelIjE- Allobrogvm. Sumptibus Petri, & Iacobi Chouet. m.dcix. 2 vols. 8° half vellum. *#* An excellent bibliographical account of the Works of Cassiodorus will be found in the Biographie Universelle (Michaud), tome vii., p. fjS, et sec/. 1563 CATALOG over ISLANDS STIFTSBIBLIOTHEK. Udgivet I;' paa det Islandske Literaire Selskabs Bekostning. Kjobenhavn: I. J. Jacobson. 1828. d'° boards. Uncut. With autograph of C. C. Rafn, front the library of H. T. HuCKLE, and contains his Bookplate. J J CAULFIELD. 303 1564 CATALOGUE of the very Valuable and Extensive Library ) 0 of the Rev. Jonathan Boucher, a.m., f.r.s. Comprehending a fine and curious Collection in Divinity, History, Voyages and Travels, Poetry, Classics, and various Branches of Litera- ture, in all Languages, with a large and Curious Assemblage of Tracts. Sold by Auction by Leigh & S. Sotheby. London: 1806-9. 3 Parts in i vol. 8° smooth calf, by Charles Lewis. Ruled in red lines, with Prices and Names of Purchasers.— *** « I attended many days during this sale ; but such was the warm fire, directed espe- cially towards Divinity, kept up during nearly the whole of it, that it required a heavier weight of metal than I was able to bring into the field of battle to ensure any success in the contests—Dibdin. 1565 CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et PRfeCIEUX de la === Bibliotheque de M. E. B. [audelocque.] Paris: Potter. 1850. 8° paper covers. Uncut. With list of Prices and Names of Purchasers. *** a Belle collection ou. Ton voyait figurer un grand nombre d'exeniplaires provenant des ventes Nodier, Pixerecourt.p-G. Brunet. 1566 CATALOGUE des LIVRES de la BIBLIOTHEQUE des ,L/0 ci-devant soi-disans Jesuites du Colleges de Clermont . . . Paris: m.dcc.lxiv. 8° half calf. Priced. 1567 CATALOGVS LIBRORVM BIBLIOTHECE TIGVRIN.E, in inferiore aedium parte collocatorum. Tigvri, 7740-1800. 6 Z'ols., c?° boards. *** An excellent Catalogue of the Public Library of Zurich. See Dibdin, Bibliomania, P.q8. 1568 [CAULFIELD]. CHALCOGRAPHIMANIA; or, the Por- f./iy1 trait-Collector and Printseller's Chronicle, with Infatua- tions of every Description. A Humorous Poem, in Four Books, with Copious Notes Explanatory. By Satiricus Sculptor, Esq. [James Caul field ?[ London: Printed for P. S. Kirby. 1814. 8° calf marbled edges, by C. Murton, ■wil/i;acut c/ d Will Somers the Jest ere,T> and a Portrait of the Author. %* ct The deserved popularity of [Dibdin's] Bibliomania suggested to some anonymous writer the idea of satirizing the Mania for Prints in a volume entitled l Chalcographimania* etc., London. 1814. 8°. It is throughout tinctured with malevolence. The Cut prefixed, pur- ports to be copied from an unique print of Will Somers the Jester, which, has no ex- istence !»—I-Iorne. 1569 CAULFIELD (JAMES). PORTRAITS, MEMOIRS, and S^h^== CHARACTERS, of REMARKABLE Persons, from the REVO- LUTION in 1688 to End of the Reign of George II. Collected from the most Authentic Accounts Extant. London: Published by H. R. Young. 1810-20. 4 vols. roy. 8° stamped, dark blue morocco, gilt leaves. Illustrated ivith 155 curious Por- traits of Eccentric and Extraordinary Characters. 10: 304 CHATTO. 1570 CELEBRATED LIBRARIES. A Critical and Historical 7° ACCOUNT of all the CELEBRATED LIBRARIES in Foreign Countries, as well Ancient as Modern. With General Reflec- tions upon the Choice of Books, and the Method of furnifhing Libraries. A Work of great Ufe to all Men of Letters. By a Gentleman of the Temple. London: /. Jolliffe in St. James s-Street. m.dccxxxix. 12° half morocco. Rare. *** s The frst Essay upon the Subject in our Language, d—Preface. 1571 CELSPIRII (Z.) De ANAGRAMMATISMO Libri ii., quorum v"p prior Theoriam, pofterior Anagrammatographos celebriores, cum Appendice Selectorum Anagrammatum exhibet. Ratispon^e: sumptibus J oh. Za char ice Set delli. Anno mdccxiii. sm. S° boards, with curious Illustrations of cabalistic anagrams. VERY RARE. 1572 CHALON (R.) RECHERCHES sur les Editions du Nouveau J-f~ Testament de Mons. Bruxelles: A. Vandale. 1844. S° broche'^p. ib. *** An interesting monograph by the learned author of the famous aComte de Fortsasv bibliographical hoax. / 1573 CHARJDIN. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et • l° °= PRfeCIEUX, de MANUSCRITS, de Livres Imprimes sur Velin, etc. de M. Chardin. Paris: 1823. S° half morocco. Priced. 1574 CHARLES IX. La CHASSE ROYALE composee par Le 1 0 Roy Charles IX. et D£diee av Roy Tres-Chrestien de France et de Navarre LOWS XIII. Tres-uiile anx curieux et amateurs de chasse. Nouvelle Edition Precedee d'une Introduction par Henri Chevreul. Paris: chez Auguste Aubry. m.dccc.lviii. sm. S° broctU. Uncut. Fine Portrait of Charles IX. on India Paper, and Plate <L des fame'es du cerf.v Only 250 copies reprinted. 1575 CHASSANT (ALPH.) Les NOBLES et les VILAINS du 0 Temps Passe, ou Recherches Critiques sur la Noblesse et les Usurpations Nobiliaires. Paris: chez Aug. Aubry. m.dccc.lvii. /6° broche1. Uncut. 1576 CHASSANT (ALPH.) NOBILIANA. Curiosites Nobiliaires ^*° et H^raldiques, suite du Livre Intitule: Les Nobles et les Vilains. Paris: chez Auguste Aubry. m.dccc.lviii. 16° brochS. Uncut. 1577 CHATTO (WILLIAM ANDREW). Facts and Speculations = on the Origin and HISTORY of PLAYING CARDS. London: John Russell Smith, mdcccxlviii. 8° half calf, gill back, marbled edges. With numerous Illustrations and Facsimiles of old Playing Cards, some cf which are colored. ? .1 <,, I> CHIFFLETII. 305 1578 CHAUCER SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS from the Com- b''S== MENCEMENT IN 1868 TO 1875, Inclusive. BOTH SERIES. Complete to Date. London: i86g-i8js. 3Q vols., oblong 40 and 8° paper covers. Uncut. *** «The formation of a Chaucer Society, mainly for the purpose of printing the best ex- isting manuscripts of the poet's works, ought to be a matter of hearty congratulation to all lovers of English literature. Our public and private libraries are rich in Chaucer manu- scripts, and the best of these must be available for critical use before an authoritative, complete and satisfactory text of Chaucer can be produced. But the only way of placing these manu- scripts within the reach of English scholars is by printing them ; and, if done at all, this must obviously be the work of a special Society. With this end in view, the Chaucer Society was accordingly founded, and it is pleasant to find the two great divisions of the Anglo-Saxon race united in this effort to illustrate the genius and honour the memory of its first great poet and dramatist.!) See Edinburgh Rev.,]uly, 1870. 1579 CHAUFEPlfe (JAQUES GEORGE de). NOUVEAU = DICTIONNAIRE HISTORIQUE et CRITIQUE, pour servir de SUPPLEMENT ou de Continuation au Dictionnaire Historique et Critique de Mr. Pierre Bayle. Amsterdam: m.dccl-lvi. 4 vols./0 half calf. Uncut. *#* a Ce Dictionnaire, annonce comme ud ^////ww/ ou une continuation de celui de Bayle, se compose d'environ quatorze cents articles: plus de six cents sont traduits de l'Anglais; les autres sont entierement de Chauffepie (sic) ou retouches par lui: c'est un ouvrage utile a consulter, et qui renferme de bons renseignements.p—Nouv. Biog. Ge'ne'rale. 1580 CHfeNEDOLLfe (CH. de). NOTICE RAISONNEE des Jo== OUVRAGES, LETTRES, DISSERTATIONS, etc., Publies s6- par^ment ou dans differents Journaux, par Mercier de Saint- Leger, depuis l'annee 1760 jusqu'en 1799, redigee en partie par Lui-meme. Collationn£e sur Deux Manuscrits, et augmentee d'ADDiTiONS, de Notes et d'une Table Chronologique. Bruxelles: F. Heussner. 1853. 8° broche". Only 225 Copies Printed. 1581 CHEVILLIER. l'ORIGINE de lTMPRIMERIE de PARIS. 1-f Dissertation Historique et Critique. Par le Sieur Andre" Chevillier, Docteur et Bibliothecaire de la Maison et Societe de Sorbonne. Paris: chez Jean de Laulne. m.dc.xciv. 4° calf. *** «A learned and valuable work, which Maittaire frequently cites in his Annales: he considers Gutenberg as the inventor of printing at Strasburgh.r*—Horne. ^1582 CHIFFLETII (10. IAC.) De LINTEIS SEPVLCHRALIBVS Sl^ = Christi Servatoris Crisis Historica. Antverpi^e: Ex Officina Plantiniana. m.dc. xxiv. 40 stiff paper covers, with plates representing the winding-sheets and burial ceremonies of the Early Christians. VERY RARE. *** This rare and learned work, contains a large amount of exceedingly curious informa- tion regarding the Early Portraits 0/ Christ. See Peignot, Rccherches Historiques sur la Personne de Je'sus-Christ, etc., 8° p. 78./ Niceron, Me"moires des Horntnes Illustres, tome xxv., /. 238; Walch, Bibl. Theologica Sclecta, vol. hi., p.43^. 3°6 CICERONIS. / 1583 CHOULES. CATALOGUE of the Large and VALUABLE [U) LIBRARY of the Late Rev. John O. Choules, D.D In- cluding Tracts on New England, Early Printed Books, etc. Sold at Auction. 8* kaif morocco. New York: n. d. '584 CICERONIS. C MARCI. T. C.[ICERONISj C DE NATVRA JXo~ DEORVM. C DE DIVINATIONE. ([ LIBER. DE FATO. fiDE LEGIBVS. C LIBER. AD HORTENSIVM, ET DE DISC1PLINA MILITARI. C DE FIN1BVS BONORVM ET MALORVM. f[DE PETITIONE CONSULATUS. C DE UNIUERSITATE. <[ SOMNIUM SCIPIONIS. In fine: C Quattuor opufcula. f de Finibus bono^ 6° maloty: Et de petitione jfulatus: I ac de Vniuerfitate: Et de fomno Scipionis: Impffit B omnia diligentijfi me / Caligula Bazalerius : Regii autem alia feptern opufcula impffa fuere no / minorifolertia: Bononia Illuftrifjlmo Ioanne Bentiuolo fecundo Irani'quiliffimapaceguber riant e Et meritopatre patriot : Anno Xpian&fa-/ lutis M.CCCCL.- xxxxvim. [s4pp] duodecimo Cal- endas Julias. f° unbound, ijl leaves, 50 Hies to a full page; water-stained, and many leaves repaired. With numerous MS., Notes and References, supposed to be in the handwriting of Melanc- THON. RARE. ^1585 CICERONIS (M. T.) IN HOC VOLVMINE HAEC [0?''= CONTINENTVR. Rhetoricorum ad C Herennium lib. IIII. M. T. Ciceroni's de inuentione lib. II. Eiufdem de oraiore ad Quintum fratrem lib. III. Eiufdem de claris oratoribus, qui dicitur Brutus: lib. I. Eiufdem Orator ad Brutum lib. I. Eiufdem Topica ad Trebatium lib. I. Eiufdem oratorioz partitiones lib. I. Eiufdem de Optimo gene re orator urn prcefatio qumdam. In Fine: venetiis in aedibvs al di, et andrea soce ri mense martio M. D. XIIII. srn. sf oak boards, with numerous marginal Notes, very neatly written, and 2 taste- ful pen-and-ink Sketches on folio 13b. VERY RARE. *** The famous Inscription which Aldus placed over the door of his study as a warning to idle visitors, will be found on the verso of the first leaf of the Preface to this rare volume. As it is often incorrectly quoted, we copy it verbatim et literatim. QVISQVIS ES: ROGAT TE ALDVS ETIAM: ATQVE ETIAM: VT, SIQVID EST, QVOD A .;• CLEMENT. 3°7 SE VELIS: PERPAVCIS AGAS: DEINDE ACTVTVM ABEAS: NISI TANQVAM HER CVLES, DEFESSO ATLANTE: VENERIS SVP POSITVRVS HVMEROS. SEMPER ENIM ERIT: QVOD ET TV AGAS: ET QVOTQVOT HVC ATTVLERINT PEDES. See Renouard, Annales de VImprimeric des Aide, Troisieme Edition, Paris, 1834, 8° p. 398-Q; Dibdin, Bibl. Decameron, vol. ii., p. 20Q; Mills, Travels of Theodore Ducas, vol. ii., p. 218-19. 1586 CICERONIS (M. T.) OPERA. Ex Petri Victorii codicibus -* maxima ex parte descripta, viri Docti et in recenfendis authoris huius fcriptis cauti & perdiligentis: quern nos induftria, quanta potuimus, cofequuti, quafdam orationes redintegratas, tres libros DE LEGIBVS multo quam antea meliores, & reliquias de com- mentariis qui de REPVBLICA infcripti erant, magno labore col- lectas vndique, defcriptafque libris, vobis exhibemus. EIVSDEM VICTORII explicationes fuarum in Ciceronem caftigationum. In- dex Rervm et Verborvm. Parisiis: Ex officina Roberti Stephani. m.d.xxx-viii-xxxix. 4 vols. /° old black morocco. *** See Graesse, Trdsor de Livres Rares et Pricieux, tome ii., /. 7j6. 1587 [clarke ] nipt? torfmti iJftiliofltaiJJiixttm; r==- or, some Account the most Celebrated British Libraries. [By William Clarke.'] London: William Clarke, New Bond Street. MDCCCXIX. roy. 8° brown calf, with view of the interior of the Bodleian Library, and II portraits of eminent book collectors. 1588 CLARKE (MRS. COWDEN). The COMPLETE CONCORD- *y 0 <r= ANCE to SHAKSPERE: Being a Verbal Index to all the '' Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. (New and Revised Edition.) Boston. [London.] i860. roy. <y° smooth calf extra, gilt back, marbled edges. 1589 CLARK (EDWARD L.) DALETH, or the Homestead of the 'I S^u "Nations. Egypt Illustrated. Boston: Ticknor 6° Fields. 1S64. 1 8° glazed cloth, top gilt. Uncut, with II colored lithographic plates, and bS woodcuts. CLEMENT (DAVID). BIBLIOTH^QUE CURIEUSE HISTORIQUE et CRITIQUE, ou Catalogue Raisonne de Livres Dificiles a Trouver. Gottingen-Hannover-Leipsic. m.dcc.l.-lx. q vols., 40 half calf, red edges. *** <t Ouvrage rangt< par ordre alphabt-tique et qui s'arr^te a 1*article Heisodus; la suite aurait forme 7 ou 8 autres volumes. La Bibliotheque de Clement est un repertoire utile, oil parmi un trop grand nombre d'articles insignificants et nMiges de la maniere la plus prolix, il s'en trouve de fort curieux, et qu'en chercherait vainement ailleurs.D—Brunet. « David Clkment, a bookseller and a book-lover, designed the most extensive Biblio- graphy which had ever appeared; this History of Books is not a barren nomenclature, the particulars and dissertations are sometimes curious ; but the diligent life of the author only- allowed him to proceed as far as the letter H.»—D'Israeli. l]J 7 308 COLLIN DE PLANCY. 1591 COLE (J.) A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of a Select 10 Portion of the Stock of John Cole, Bookseller, Scarborough: 1823. S° boards, with plates, woodcuts and facsimiles. One of 6 Copies only Printed on Colored Paper. Rare and Curious. 1592 COLLET. RELICS of LITERATURE. By Stephen Collet, / C7> "A. M. [/. e. John Scott Byerley\. London: Thomas Boys. 1823. S° calf, gilt back, marbled edges, with facsimile. *** a Contains upwards of 260 amusing articles, many of them notices of rare and curious books.p 1593 COLLIER (J. PAYNE). NOTES and EMENDATIONS to ?7-!= the TEXT of SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS, from Early Manu- script Corrections in a Copy of the Folio, 1632. New York: Redfield. 1833. 72° cloth, facsimile. 1594 COLLIER (JER.) The GREAT HISTORICAL, <£t0= = gradual, <&tnrali)flUal antr tyottiml dic- tionary; Being a Curious Miscellany of Sacred and Pro- phane History. . .. Collected from the best Hiftorians, Chro- nologers, and Lexicographers; as Calvifius, Helvicus, Ifaacfon, Marfham, Baudrand, Hoffman, Lloyd, Chevreau, and others: But more efpecially out of LEWIS MORERY, D.D. his Eighth Edition Corrected and Enlarged by Monsieur LE CLERC. The Second Edition Revised, Corrected and Enlarged. London: mdcci.—mdccv—mdccxxi. 4 vols., f° plain calf, fine portrait of Collier, engraved by R. White. *** a This work contains a great deal of curious and valuable information not easily- found elsewhere. It does, indeed, for British History, and the British great Families, the same service that Moreri performed for France. Collier, as most people know, was con- spicuous in history as a nonjuring bishop; and when contemporary History and Biography passed through the hands of such a man, the method in which he discoursed of them would of necessity be of more significance than the compilations of the ordinary compiler.!) See Blackwood's Magazine, Sept., iSb.f.. 1595 COLLIN DE PLANCY (J. A. S.) DICTIONNAIRE INFERNAL, ou Bibliotheque Universelle, sur les £tres, les Personnages, les Livres, les Faits et les Choses qui tiennent aux Apparitions, a la Magie, au Commerce de TEnfer, aux Divina- tions, aux Sciences Secrets, aux Grimoires, . . . et G£n£rale- ment a toutes les Croyances Merveilleuses, Surprenantes, Myst^rieuses et Surnaturelles. Deuxibne Edition, Entierement refondue. Paris: P. Mo?igie, aine*. 1823-26. 4 vols., S° half calj',yellow edges, with very curious Plates, Facsimiles, etc. Presenta- tion Copy from the Author. Best Edition. RARE. %(o CONSERVATEUR. 309 1596 COLLIN DE PLANCY (J. A. S.) DICTIONNAIRE 7== INFERNAL. Sixieme Edition, Augmentee de 800 Articles Nouveaux, et Illustrde de jjo Gravures, par mi lesquelles les Por- traits de 72 Demons. Dessin^s par M. L. Breton, d'apres les Doc- uments formels. Paris: Henri Plon. 1863. roy. 8° brochd. Uncut. 1597 COLOMESII (PAVLI). ITALIA et HISPANIA ORIEN- sj/O TALIS sive Italorvm et Hispanorvm qvi Lingvam Hebraeam vel alias Orientales excolvervnt VITAE ex autographo Avctoris nvnc primvm Editae et Notis Instrvclae Jo. Christophoro Wolfio. Hambvrgi: svmptibvs Vidvae Felgineriae. Anno do Idccxxx. sm. 40 vellum. *** a In justice to this author it must be acknowledged, that he is one of those who are best acquainted with Books. Even it appears, that his principal talent consists in distinguish- ing good Books from bad, and what is curious and scarce in polite literature. As the greatest part of his books are critical pieces, I must in gratitude to him confess, that many of his works have been of very great service to me.» See Bayle, Diet. Art. Colomies. ^ 1598 COLOMIES. La BIBLIOTH^QUE CHOISIE de M. [Paul] b o COLOMlfeS. Nouvelle Edition, Augmented des Notes de MelTieurs Boudelot, de La Monnoye, & autres: Avec quelques Opuscules du meme Colomies, qui n avaietitpoint tie1recueillis. Paris: chez la Veuve Florentin Delaulne. m.dcc.xxxi. 12° half calf. *** aCoLOMiKs n'^toit pas de ces savans, qui par la penetration de leur genie font de nouvelles diicouvertes. Son talent e"toit de profiter de ses lectures, et de mettre apart plusieurs choses singulieres, ausquelles la plflpart des lecteurs ne prennent pas garde, et qu'ils sont ravis de trouver quand quelqu'un les a ramassces. II savoit discerner parfaitement les bons livres d'avec les mauvais, et de'eouvrit ce qu'il a de plus curieux dans la Litt^rature. Son livres sont remplis de milles bonnes choses.p See Nicekon, Memoires des Hommes Illustres, tome vii., p. jqj-8. 1599 COLONIA. HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE de la VILLE de LYON, avec une Bibliotheque des Auteurs Lyonnois, Sacres et Profanes, Distribues par Siecles. Par le P. de Colonia de la Compagnie de J6sus. A Lyon : chez Francois Rigollet. m.dcc.xxviii. 2 vols, in I vol., 40plain calf, with folding-plates. f *** <i Malgrti ses deTauts, cet ouvrage n'en est pas moins un des livres capitaux de la Lit- erature Lyonnaise.D See [Monfalcon] Manuel du Bibliophile et de VArcheologue Lyon- nais,p. 3Q. 1600 CONSERVATEUR (le) de la SANT&. Volume Incomparable, renfermant l'Art de Peter et de Ch.er, suivi de Pieces odori- f^rantes sur diverses matieres de bon gout. A Moncuq (Guyenne), a Venseigne du Gros Prussicn, pres des Quatre Vents, n. d. Printed on rose colored paper. = Le NOUVEAU MERDIANA, ou Manuel des Facetieux et Bons Ch.eurs. Recueil de Poesies et d'Anecdotes propres a certain usage journalier. A Merdian- opolis: chez la mere des Vidangeurs, rue de la Torchette. n. d. Printed on green paper. 2 vols, in I vol., Sa half morocco. Uncut. With a very extraordinary Frontispiece, and several piquant vignettes. Only 100 Copies Printed. RARE and CURIOUS. %* See Bibliotheca Scatologica,p. 0i. en / :/j 3IO COTTON. CONSTANCIO (F. S.) Nouveau Djctionnaire Portatif des Langues Francaise et Portugal: Segunda Parte Portu- gueza e Franceza. Quatrieme fedition. Paris: 1834. 2 vols, square l6° half calf red edges. 1602 CONSTANTIN [Hesse] (L. A.) BIBLIOTH&CONOMIE, ou 2- J~ Nouveau Manuel Complet pour 1'Arrangement, la Conserva- tion et 1'Administration des Bibliotheques. Paris: Roret. 1841. l8° half morocco. *+* a L'auteur traite successivement de la bibliographic, des bibliotheques, de la biblio- manie, du bibliothecaire, de Vorganisation d'une bibliotheque, de la conservation des livres, du local, de rorganisation administrative, des reglements, des catalogues.» See Qu£rard, Supercheries Litte'raires DtvoiUes, tome i, /. 778. 1603 COOPER. Flagellation and the Flagellants. A HIS- ==== TORY of the ROD in all Countries from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By the Rev. Wm. M. Cooper, B. A. [/. e. James G. Bertram.] London: John Camden Hotten. [i86g ?] crown 8° cloth, with numerous Illustrations. 1604 CORRARD de BREBAN (M.) RECHERCHES sur <^== rfeTABLissEMENT et l'Exercice de l'IMPRIMERIE A TROYES, contenant la Nomenclature des Imprimeurs de cette Ville, depuis la fin du 15* Siecle jusqu'a 1789, et des Notices sur leurs Productions les plus Remarquables, avec Facsimile. A Troyes: chez Bouquot, Libraire. i8jp. 8° brochi. Uncut. Only 125 Copies Printed. CORTJES. CARTAS y RELACIONES de HERNAN CORTES al Emperador Carlos V., Colegidas 6 Ilustradas, por Don Pas- cual de Gayangos. Paris: A. Chaixy Ca. 1866. roy. 8° broche". Uncut. *** « Cette importante publication, imprint de a un petit nombre d1 exemplaires renfenne, outre les Lettres de Cortds, une pr^cieuse collection de Documents relatifs a la conqu^te. La plupart d'entr'eux sont Lettres adresst^es a. Cortes par ses lieutenants.—Leclerc, Bibl. Amer- icana. Paris: 1878. 8°p. 66/. n 1606 COSTE. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE LYON- NAISE de M. [Jean-Louis-Antoine] Coste. Redige et mis en ordre par Aime VingtrInier. Lyon: Imprimerie de Louis Perrin. 1858. 2 Parts in i vol., 8° half calf extra, red edges, fine Portrait. %* a La Bibliothdque de M. Coste dtait divisee en deux parties: Tune composee d't^di- tions rares, de volumes magnifiques, embrassant toutes les branches de la bibliographie; l'autre completement Lyonnaise, nche aussi en livres elegantes, mais remarquable surtout par la masse de brochures, de manuscrits et de documents cle toute espece, dont l'ensemble forme un monument qui n'a pas de rival.p—Introduction. 1607 COTTON. A TYPOGRAPHICAL GAZETTEER, Attempted q 1 jo(T= by tne rev. Henry Cotton, D. C. L. The Second Edition, Cor- rected and much Enlarged. Oxford: mdcccxxxi. 8° brown calf, marbled edges. %* A copy of the First Edition of this useful work, (Oxford, 1825) is bound with this copy. *** « A useful Dictionary of all the Places where Printing has been practised, with an account of the First Books printed at each.je l3o CRENII. 311 1608 COUP-D'CEIL £CLAIR£ d'une BIBLIOTHfeQUE, a ITJsage 6~® de tout Possesseur de Livres. Par M * * * *. [Aug. Mart. Lottin, rain/.] Paris: chez Lottin, VAine*. m.dcc.lxxiii. <5"> half calf. *** See Peignot, Bibliographic Universel, p. JQ. 1609 COWTAN (ROBERT). Memories of the BRITISH MU- I ^>'===1 SEUM. London: Richard Bentley & Son. 1872. S° cloth. Uncut. Photograph of the late Principal Librarian, Sir Anthony Panizzi. 1610 CRAPELET. PROVERBS et SUCtOtlS ^OjmlaiteS, lp* avec les Dits du Mercier et des Marchands, et les Crieries de Paris, SUp Vlfy tt Ftfce Steele, publies d'apres les Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Poi, parG. A. Crapelet. Paris: De rimprimerie de Crapelet. mdcccxxxi. imp. 8° boards. Uncut. With 2 facsimiles. *** A good bibliographical notice of this curious work will be found in Duplessis, Bibliographic Pardmiologique,p. 110 et seq. 1611 CRAPELET (G.A.) feTUDE PRATIQUES et LITTfeR- 'W== AIRES sur la TYPOGRAPHIE. Tome Premier [all that was published]. Paris: De VImprimerie de Crapelet. m.dcccxxxvii. S° half blue calf , gilt top, rough edges. One of 24 Copies only Printed on Holland Paper. *#* «Ce livre, qui fait honneur a M. Crapelet, comme litterateur, n'a jamais etc" acheve.p See Dupont, Hist, de VImprimerie, tome 11., /. $7. 1612 CRAPELET (G. A.) I. ROBERT ESTIENNE, Imprimeur /.5~° Royal, et le Roi Francois Ier. Nouvelles Recherchessut TEtat des Lettres et de ITmprimerie au XVIe Siecle. Avec Sept Planches d Ornemens Typographiques des Estienne et autres Imprimeurs contem- porains. ===== II. Des BREVETS dTMPRIMEUR, des CERTI- FICATS de CAPACITY . . . suivi du Tableaux General des Imprimeries de toute la France, en 1704, 1739, 1810, 1836 et 1840. = III. De la Profession d'LviPRiMEUR des MaItre Imprimeurs, etc. . . . IV. Liste Gen^rale des Imprimeurs de Paris, depuis 1469 jusq'en 1789. Paris: De VImprimerie de Crapelet. m.dccc.xxxix-xl. 4 Pieces in I vol., <?° half morocco. ^ 1613 CRENII (THOM^) De. FURIBUS LIBRARIIS Disser- 00 tatio Epistolica ad Eximii & fingularis ingenii,.. .. Virum Fri- dericum Danielem Knochium .. . Lugduni Batavorum. m.dccv. sm. S° vellum. %* A very curious work concerning Book Thieves and Plagiarists. « Ouvrage assez rare et estim<*.i>—Peignot. 1614 CRENII (THOM^E). De Singularibus Scriptorum, etc. •f•■' Lugduni: m id cc v. sm. S° calf red edges. 312 CZANAKIO. ^615 CRENII (THOM^E). De LIBRIS SCRIPTORUM OPTIMIS - ** === et UTILISSIMIS Exercitatio Secunda ad Virum genere, ingenio . . .. Martinum Bogdanum. Editio II auctior. Lugduni-Batavorum. cId Iocc xix. 12° paper covers. Uncut. _j6i6 CREVENNA (M. PIERRE ANTOINE Bolongaro). CATA- I x) = LOGUE des Livres de la Bibliotheque de Amsterdam. 6 vols. 40. Uncut. M.DCC.LXXIX. <r This is the sale Catalogue, of which only 50 copies were struck off in 40, on fine Dutch paper. The sale prices are printed at the end of vol. vi., in Dutch florins.» ^ 1617 CROKE (SIR ALEXANDER). An ESSAY on the ORIGIN, ^^ PROGRESS, and Decline of Rhyming Latin Verse; with many Specimens. Oxford: D. A. Talboys. m.dccc.xxviii. 120 paper covers. Very Scarce. 1618 "©tttltOUfCff/* DlSSERTATIO THEORICO PrACTICA DE fjO= Nobilissima etFrequentissima HANREITATUM MATERIA, quam Auspice Venere Decreto & auctoritate Ampliflimi CORNUTORUM Ordinis in inclyta & antiqua Ubivis Academia Hanreorum famo- fiffima, Pr.esidente Patientiffimo &> Tolerantijjimo Viro DN. JOSEPHO CORNIGERO CORNUTO, Summo & Anteceffore experientiffimo, folertiflimo: Publice difcutiendam proponit, & ad earn Dominos Collegas fideliflimos humaniffime invitat in Collegio Uxorum Fortunatiffimus & fortiffiraus Dominus, DN. BARTHOL- OM^EUS ALECTRO CHORAS, Baro & Dynafta in ^vanciX- berg, SEBctfrcrbufct) mtb Sungfcrtt^orff, ad diem quo va- cat, vocat, hora & loco folitis & licitis. Hanripoli Cornutorum: Typis exfcripf it Andreas Kleinftengel, ad fignum albce Gallince. 1724. sm. 40paper covers. Rare and Curious. *** According to the learned author of this extremely facetious Dissertation, the verb Hanreizare, rightly construed, means a frequent and nimble dancing upon the back of a hen." 1619 CUSSANS (JOHN E.) The HANDBOOK of HERALDRY; l\ ]^S with Instructions for Tracing Pedigrees and Deciphering Ancient MSS.; Illustrated with jjo plates and woodeuts. crown 8° cloth,gilt. LONDON: l86Q. 1620 CZANAKIO. Nobile SCABIEI ENCOMIUM. Ad Nobilis- -/*' r=== SIMOS SCABIANi« REIPUBLIC/E ScABINOS O. B. D. H. j w amicos & commenfales D. & H. W. ( "quondam chariffimos. Scriptum a Matth^eo M. Czanakio Ungaro. s. I. An. m. DC. xxvn. sm.4° paper covers. VERY RARE. %* A very curious and learned a Treatise in Praise of the flch.v t.ir yif ALY. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the late Right Hon. Denis Daly; Sold by Auction, May, 1792, by James Vallance. Dublin: 1792. With Facsimile of the Bible printed by Ulric Zell at Cologne, A. D. 1458. ===== BIBLIOTHECA PARISIANA. A Catalogue of a Col- lection of Books, formed by a Gentleman in France, [AT. Paris De Meyzieux] .. . which includes Books of the Greatest Splendour and Rareness in the Different Classes of Literature. .. .Sold by auction, Monday, March 26. London: ijqi. 2 vols, in 1 vol., S° plain calf. The Daly Catalogue is Neatly Priced. *+* a Since the days of Gaignat and the Duke de la Valliere, the longing eyes of bib- liographers were never blessed with a sight of more splendid and choice books than were those in the possession of M. Paris De Meyzieux.d—Dibdin. 1622 DANIEL. CATALOGUE of the most Valuable, Interesting, and Highly Important Library of the Late George Daniel, Esq. of Canonbury, together with his Collection of Original Drawings and Engraved Portraits of Distinguished Actors and Actresses, Beautiful Water-Colour Drawings, etc. Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. July, 1864. London: 1864. royal S° half morocco, top gilt. UiNCUT. With Prices and Names of the Purchasers. Scarce. %* A Catalogue of extraordinary interest to collectors of Shakespeariana, old English Ballads, Facetise, Jest Books, etc. The total amount produced by the sale was £i5,86s 2s. /,(u artir !£ngltoi) ttrugafflcrg. sspctutrt m &ttjjo= fltafilrs, aitK puWfsljrti bv Dtcfct'nsoii anfc <£o., Nrto itfOUtt Street. [London: 1S50.] roy. 4" half crimson morocco, top gilt, with 31 Plates sumptuously Printed in Gold and Colors. *** dOf this beautiful work only 40 COPIES were Printed for sale, at ,£3 i$s. 6*/.* The entire Text is printed in UltUft fLtttCt. 3 M DA VIES. 1624 DANTE. DE LA V.QLGARE EL/2QUENZIA. I "l vT In fine: Stampata in Vieenza, per Tooloomco Ianiculoo da Bressa, Net annco MDXXIX. Del Mefe di Genaroo. Con la Grazia, e Proj/iibizioone eoome ne Faltre. sin./0 half green morocco, red edges. Rare. *** This Italian version of Dante's Latin Treatise De I'ulgari Eloquentia, was made by Giovan Giorgio Trissino, and published by him under the assumed name of Giovanbattista Doria. The work treats of the origin, history, and use of the genuine Italian tongue. It is full of interesting and curious research, and is still classed among the most judicious and philosophi- cal works that Italy possesses on the subject. Dante meant to have comprised it in /our books, but unfortunately only lived to complete two. J625 D'ANVILLE. ETATS Formed en Europe apres la Chute de . '^ ==== 1'Empire Romain en Occident. Par M. D'Anville, de l'Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Paris: m.dcclxxi. 40 mottled calf, large folding Map. 1626 davenport (john). MptyvoXfitiintfi antr &nti- u ^o— ajJ^VOtTf Stats t Three Essays on the Powers of Repro- duction; with some Account of the Judicial a Congress d as Practised in France during the Seventeenth Century. London: 1869. sm. 40 half'morocco, top gilt\iuith S full-page Illustrations. 100 Copies only Printed for Private Circulation. [627 [DAVIES]. KikoDv Miupo-BiBiXiut] sive Icon Libellorum, J 0 6 = or, A CRITICAL HISTORY of PAMPHLETS. Tracing out the Rife, Growth and different Views of all forts of fmall Tracts or Writings, both collectively and fmgly, in a general and gradual Reprefentation of the refpective Authors, Collections and their fev- eral Editions, 6-v. And in particular, of all thofe from the be- ginning of the Reformation, to the latter end of King He?iry the Eighth's Reign; efpecially here in Great Britain: Together with an Archaeological Tafte of moft Languages and Sciences, as well as of the mod Ancient and moft Modern little Treatifes thereupon, whether in Manufcript or Print, whether Exotical or Neoterical, and whether by Friend or Foe. The whole being Collected out of all Sorts of Idioms, Writings, Records, Memorials, Books, Manu- fcripts, &>c By a Gentleman of the Inns of Court. [Myles Davies.] London: Printed and Sold by the Bookfellers of London and Westminster. 1715. sm 8° plain calf. VERY RARE. *** a Myles Davies and his works are imperfectly known to the most curious of our lit- erary collectors. His name has scarcely reached a few; the author and his works are equally extraordinary . . . Collectors have sometimes met with a very curious volume, entitled a. Icon Libellorum j> and sometimes the same book, under another title,—« A Critical History of Pamphlets.* This rare book forms the first volume of the Athena Britannices, The author was Myles Davies, whose biography is quite unknown.—D'Israeli. DE BURE. 315 1628 DAVIES (THOMAS). MEMOIRS of the LIFE of DAVID /[^0 = GARRICK, Esq. Interspersed with Characters and Anec- dotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries. The whole forming a HISTORY of the STAGE, which includes a Period of Thirty- Six Years. Third Edition. London: m.dcc.lxxxi. 2 vols. sm. 8° calf, one cover broken, with fine Portrait ^/"Garrick by Sherwin. DAVIS (WILLIAM). A JOURNEY ROUND the LIBRARY of a BIBLIOMANIAC: or, Cento of Notes and Reminiscences concerning Rare, Curious and Valuable Books. London: Printed for IV. Davis. 1821. 120 boards. Uncut. 1630 DAUNOU. Analyse des Opinions Diverses sur 1'Origine de • f() 1'Imprimerie, par le Citoyen [Pierre-Claude-Francois] Daunou. ^. /. et a. [Paris: 1803.] 4° paper covers. Rare. *** dOuvrage peu <?tendu, mais dans lequel les diverses opinions sur VOrigine de V Im- primerie sont expos^es et discutees avec clarte et methode.D—Peignot. 1631 DE BURE (GUILLAUME-FRANQOIS). BIBLIOGRAPHIE J1^ INSTRUCTIVE: ou Traits de la Connoissance des Livres Rares et Singuliers. Paris: 1763-68. 7 vols. = SUPPLE- MENT a la Biographie Instructive, ou Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de feu M. Louis Jean Gaignot. Paris: 1769. 2 vols. == BIBLIOGRAPHIE INSTRUCTIVE Tome Xe. Con- tenant une Table destinee a faciliter la recherche des Livres Anonymes, cites dans les deux Ouvrages Precedents, etc. [Par Ne'e de la Roc he lie.] Paris: 1782. Together, io vols., 8°plain calf. The Gaignat Catalogue is Neatly Priced. *** a This popular work requires little discussion: whatever he its defects (and they are many, especially in the critical department), it will never cease to be admired for the variety, pleasantry, and importance of the materials which compose it.D— Dibdin. 1632 DE BURE Frlres. Catalogue des Livres faisant partie du S~0 fonds de Libraire Ancienne et Moderne de J. J. et M. J. De Bure Frlres. Paris: 1834-37. j Parts i?i 4 vols., 8° boards. Uncut. Neatlv Priced. *** aCette vente considerable comprend cinq Oi/'a/^-vtwsuccessivement publics et renfer- mant chacun pres de 2,800 numeros; elle eut lieu par suite cle la resolution de MM. De Bure de se retirer des affaires. Les livres sont range's par Ordre Alphabet!que des l\ro;ns des Auteurs. Un nombre considerable d'ouvra^es rares et precieux se trouve dans ces Cata- logues^— G. Brunet, Diet, de Bibliologie, p. 443. ^-1633 DE BURE. CATALOGUE des Livres Rares et Precieux, ^ ° Manuscrits et Imprimes de la Birliotheque de feu M. L T- De Bure. = CATALOGUE de LETTRES AUTOGRAPHES provenant du Cabinet de feu M. J. J. De Bure. Paris: 1833. 2 vols, in j vol. S" half calf gilt to/-. Uncut. Priced. %* « Collection d'^lite, dont la vente a produit 141,700 />. Le gofit des amateurs pour les ouvrages revistus de belles reliures anciennes s'est manifest'.1 avec e'nergie. La Collection des Grands et Pet its Voyages, 39 vols. in-foL publics par les freres De Bry, produit tx,soofr.i>—G. Brunet. 316 DELVAU. ,1634 DECKHERRI (IOHANNIS). De SCRIPTIS ADESPOTIS, 1^=== PSEUDEPIGRAPHIS, et SUPPOSITITIIS CONJECTURE, cum Aditionibus Variorum. Editio tertia altera parte auctior. Amstel^dami: Apud Isbrandvm Haring Bibliopolam, A°. 1686. 120 boards. Uncut. 1635 DELANDINE (ANT-FR.) MANUSCRITS de la BIBLIO- 6o'==== THfeQUE de LYON, ou Notices sur leur Anciennet£, leurs Au- teurs, les Objets qu'on y a Traites, le Caractere de leur Ecri- ture, l'lndication de ceux a qui ils appartinrent, etc. PRECE- DfeES i°. D'une Histoire des anciennes Bibliotheques de Lyon, et en particulier de celle de la ville; 20. d'un Essai historique sur les Manuscrits en general, leurs Ornemens, leur cherts, ceux qui sont a remarquer dans les principales Bibliotheques de TEurope, avec une Bibliographie speciale des Catalogues qui les ont decrits. 3 vols. s° sprinkled calf. Paris et Lyon: 1812. *+* « This is one of the most interesting Catalogues which has issued from the French press. The Historical Essay on Manuscripts contains a neat account of the materials an- ciently employed for writing, the ornaments, dearness, &c. of MSS. The Bibliography of writers,, who have treated on MSS., though very brief, is worthy the student's attention. The book is every way deserving of a place in the bibliographer's collection.!)—Horne. a Get ouvrage doit tenir un rang distingu^ parmi les monuments bibliographiques. Les Notices descriptives sont tres detaillees, t^crit d'un bon style, et fort instructives.D—Peignot. 1636 DELEPIERRE (OCTAVE). EXAMEN de ce que renferme ? X = la BIBLIOTHfeQUE du MUS&E BRITANNIQUE. Bruxelles: A. Vandale. 1846. 120 half calf. Uncut. 1637 DELEPIERRE (OCTAVE). ANALYSE des TRAVAUX de ,"7 0 = la SOCLfcTfe des PHILOBIBLON de LONDRES. Londres: Trilbner 6° Cie., 60 Paternoster Row. 1862. 8° half morocco, top gilt. « Tire a 300 Exemplaires seulement.D 1638 D E L E P I E R R E ( OCTAVE). MACARON^ANA Andra, I '0= overum Nouveaux Melanges de Litterature Macaronique. Londres: N. Trilbner et Cie. 1862. square 8° half morocco, top gilt. 1639 DELEPIERRE (OCTAVE). ESSAI HISTORIQUE et (J0== BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE sur les REBUS. Londres: 1870. 8° stiff paper covers, with curious woodcuts. 1640 DELISLE (LEOPOLD). Le CABINET des MANUSCRITS A j= de la BIBLIOTH&QUE IMPfeRIALE. Etude sur la Forma- tion de ce D£pot, comprenant les Elements d'une Histoire de la Calligraphie, de la Miniature, de la Reliure, et du Com- merce des Livres a Paris avant 1'Invention de 1'Imprimerie. Tome i. Paris: Intprimerie Impdriale. mdccclxviii. f°broche'. Uncut. Published at 40 fr. 1641 DELVAU (ALFRED). GRANDEUR et DECADENCE des S'<F-^ GRISETTES. Paris: A. Desloges. 1848. /8° broche'. Unctht. Woodcut illustrations. Very Curious. DESESSARTS. 317 1642 DELVAU (ALFRED). Histoire Anecdotique des CAFfeS / cr~b== & CABARETS de PARIS. Avec Dessins et Eaux-fortes de Gus- TAVE COURBET, LEOPOLD FLAMENG, et FELICIEN ROPS. Paris: chez Dentu. 1862. 16 ° brochd. Uncut. ^ 1643 DELVENNE. BIOGRAPHIE du ROYAUME des PAYS- • p)^^^ BAS, Ancienne et Moderne, ou Histoire Abregee, par Ordre Alphabetique, de la Vie Publique et Privee des Belges et des Hollandais qui se sont fait remarquer par leurs Ecrits, leurs Ac- tions, leurs Talens, leurs Vertus ou leurs Crimes, Extraite dun grand nombre d'AuTEURS Anciens et Modernes, et Augmentee de beaucoup d'ARTiCLES qui ne se trouvent rapportes dans aucune Biographie. Par Delvenne, pere. Liege: Desoer. 1828-29. 2 thick vols., 8° brocks. Uncut. Scarce. _i644 DENT. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of John Dent, jU~= eSq>? MF F>R#S> London: Printed by William Nicol. 1823. 4°polished calf. VERY RARE. *** «This Catalogue, of which TWENTY COPIES ONLY WERE PRINTED, was made by Messrs. Payne and Foss. The Library was sold by Mr. Evans, in the year 1827. Copies of this Catalogue have produced £12. Among other rarities in this Library was the celebrated vellum aLivyft printed at Rome, 1469; purchased by Messrs. Payne and Foss for 250 guineas, and afterwards transferred to the choice collection of the late Right Hon. Thomas Grenville.d See Martin, Bibl. Catalogue 0/ Privately Printed Books. Second Edition, p. 32s. DERING. A COLLECTION of SPEECHES made by Sir EDWARD DERING, Knight and Baronet, in matter of RELIG- ION. Some formerly printed, and divers more now added: All of them revifed, for the VINDICATION of His Name, from weake and wilfull calumnie: And by the fame Sir Edward Dering now fubjected to publike View and Censure, upon the urgent impor- tunity of many, both Gentlemen and Divines. London: 1642. sm. 40 vellum, gilt leaves, portrait missing. RARE. *#* « House of Commons.—Die Mercurii, 2 Feb. Resolved, that this Book of Sir Edward Deering (entitled a Collection 0/Speeches, &c) is against the Honour and Privilege of this House, and Scandalous to the House ; and shall be burnt by the hands of the common hang- man, in Westminster, Cheapside, and Smithfield, the Author disabled from sitting as a mem- ber, and ordered to be committed to the Tower.d Diurnall of the Passages in Parliament. See [Poole] Bibl. Miscellany, p. lib; Southey, Com. Place Book, vol. hi., p. 42. J646 DESESSARTS (N. L. M.) NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE %S= BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE Portatif, ou Essai Bibliographique Universelle; CONTENANT VIndication des meillcurs Ouvrages qui ontparu dans tous les genres, tant en France que chez les nations t(trangeres, anciennes et modernes; prMdd dyune nouvelle Edition des Conseils pour former une Bibliotheque peu nombreuse, mais choisie. [Par M. Formey.] A Paris: An vm. [1800.] S° half calf *#* See Peignot, Repertoire Bibliographique Universel, p. jS. H 318 DIALOGUS. t 1647 [DESFONTAINES (l'ABBE)]. DICTIONNAIRE NfeOLO- / / )=== GIQUE a Vufage des beauxEfprits du Sihle,avec 1'feLOGE Historique de PANTALON-PHOEBUS, par un Avocat de Province. [Jean Jacques Bel.] Nouvelle Edition. Corrigee et augmentee de plus de deux cens Articles, de la Reception de Vllluftre Meffire Christophe Mathanasius a l'Acad£mie Francoife, d'une Reponse de Monficur le Doyen de l'Academie, des Remarques, du Pantalon Phebeana ou Memoires, Observations et Anecdotes au fujet de Pantalon-Phozbus, de deux Lettres efun Rat Calotin a Citron Bar- bet au fujet de VHiJloire des Chats. A Amsterdam: m.dcc.xxxi. 72° calf, red edges, *** «Quelques bibliograpb.es ont cru que PAvocat de Province etait l'auteur de tout le volume. La ve'ritt- est que le Dictionnaire Ne'ologiquc, si piquant et si curieux, est l'ouvrage de 1'Abbk Desfontaines; J.J. Bel n'a compose que la facitie qui y est jointe, Kloge de Pantalon-Phaebusj) See Querard, Supercheries Litte'raires De'voile'es, tome i,/. 420. a Le Dictionnaire Ndologique a vtv fait en commun par 1'Abdi': Desfontaines et M. Bel, conseiller au Parlement de Bordeaux. Sa premiere edition a paru en 1726. 11 ne contenoit alors que le Dictionnaire et VKloge Historique de Pantalon-Phcebus, mais dans d'autres editions publieesen Hollande, sans la participation des auteurs, l'ouvrage a etc* augments de plusieurs pieces du meme genre qu'ils ont desavouees.D— Le Chef-D' Oeuvre d'un Inconnu. £dit. 1807, tome 11., /. j/j et scg. 1648 DESPINOY. CATALOGUE des LIVRES Composant la / 0 BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu le Lieutenant-General Despinoy. Precede d'une Notice Biographique. Paris: J. Techener. 1849. S° half calf. 1649 DESPINOY. CATALOGUE des TABLEAUX de Diverses : fecoLES, composant le Cabinet de feu M. le Lieutenant-General Comte Despinoy. Versailles: Imprimerie de Klefer. [/cP^a] 1650 BtalOflttS mgtttOlQQitm 33attOlO|mei Colonienfis dulcibus iocis, iucundis falibus, con-1 cinnifqj fententijs refertus, atcp diligenter|elaboratus. M. G. Konitz diftichon Hinc fugiat rigidi qui laudat uerba Catonis Hie iocus & rifus, nil nifi lasta patent. Quorundam uocabulorum difficilium explanatio- nem in calce libelli inuenies. In fine: Tubingce in cedibus Thome Anshelnii Baden- fis. Anno Af.D.XI. Menfe Julio. Sub illuftri principe Vdalrico Vui rtenbergenf. sm. 40 26 leaves, 2q lines to a full page, paper covers, each leaf covered with MS. notes by some learned scholar; and the last leaf imperfect, the printer s device having been torn out. VERY RARE and extremely curious. *** See Franklin, Diet, des Noms, Surnoms et Pseudonymes Latins . . . du Moyen Age, p. 170; Panzer, Annates Typographic!, vol. viji., p.323; Brunet, Manuel, tomei.,/. 679. A later edition of this singular work sold at Roscoe's sale for £a as. 'n-- DIBDIN. 319 1651 DIBDIN (Rev. THOMAS FROGNALL). 33ffilfograpi)£: 01 (rb A POEM. In Six Books. [London: 1812.] S° pp. 24, consisting 0/554 lines, crimson morocco, gilt leaves. NOT PUBLISHED; ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED. *** a I achieved in five morning-sittings, a certain poem—in a sort of mongrel blank verse—entitled Bibliography; comprising some five hundred and fifty verses, or rather lines. My plan was, to make these verses mere pegs for the hanging of notes upon . . . This poem describes much of my early college life. It was afterwards printed alone, for the sake of private distribution. Only FIFTY were printed.d See Dibdin, Reminiscences, p. 510-11. 7 % 1652 DIBDIN. The BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON; or, 0 d== &tn Bags pleasant 23tecourse upon illuminated man- uscripts, and Subjects Connected with EARLY ENGRAV- ING, TYPOGRAPHY, and BIBLIOGRAPHY. By Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. London: Printed for the Author, 1817. j vols. imf>. S° half brown morocco, tops gilt. Uncut. Profusely embellished with beau- tifully engraved Woodcuts, Facsimiles, Printers'1 Devices, Portraits, Illuminations, etc., etc. *** a This work may be considered as a continuation of the BIBLIOMANIA, the same characters being introduced in the dialogues. From the information which it contains, and the splendor of the decorations and printing, it will ever be considered as a model of excel- lence and good taste in typography and the arts. Both the Copper-Plates and the Wood- cuts which embellished the work have been destroyed.J> See Luwxdes, Bibl. Manual. Dib- din, Reminiscences, p. 62S, et seq. a Un des livrcs les plus instructifs pour un bibliographe, a cause des renseignements rares et curieux qu'on y trouve sur la calligraphic, la peinture des manuscrits, les missels, les br^viaires, les origines de l'imprimerie et les imprimeurs du i6c sieclc, la reliure et l'orne- mentation des livres.D See Biog. Unizerselle, Art., Dibdin. 1° (U« 1653 [DIBDIN (Rev. THOMAS FROGNALL).] A CATALOGUE °= of RARE and VALUABLE DUPLICATES from the Library of the Rt. LIon. Earl Spencer, K. G. Including a Considerable Portion of the Library of the Duke Di Cassano; Containing a Splendid and Extraordinary Assemblage of BOOKS of the XVth CENTURY. . . .among which are, Biblia Sacra Latina, 2 vols., printed upon vellum, 1462. Biblia Latina, printed upon vellum, Jenson, 1476. Catholicon, 1460. Decor Puellarum, 1461. Dante, First Edition, Very Rare, 1472. Pilgrimage of the Soul, Caxton, 148J, &c, &c. Sold by Auction by Mr. Evans. London: 1821. S° half roan, rough edges, ruled in red lines, and Partly Priced. Very Scarce. %* See Dibdin, Reminiscences,p. 551-2. 1654 DIBDIN. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL &UtfQUattait and PICTURESQUE TOUR in FRANCE and GERMANY. By the Rev. Tho. Frognall Dibdin, f.r.s. s.a. London: Printed for the Author, by IV. Buhner and IV. iVicol, Shahsf>care Press. 1821. J vols. imp. S" half crimson morocco, tops gilt. Uncut. The large Plates are missing in this copy. *** «This copy contains all the Portraits, Plates, Jl'oodcuts, and Autographs from the Second Edition, and the Supplement to vol. 1. Irom that Edition; with the Preface, and all the Additional Notes ot" any interest or consequence. Also the Large and Small Portraits of Brienne, India Proofs.»—MS. Note by a former owner. 32° DIBD1N. 1655 <i DIB DIN. » A SERIES of (ffirottpa, Illustrating the 0 IT— PHYSIOGNOMY, MANNERS, and CHARACTER of the PEO- PLE of FRANCE and GERMANY. By George Lewis. London: Published for the Author. 1823. j Parts Complete, imp. S° paper covers, do Plates on India Paper, with Directions for placing the Plates in Mr. Dibdin's Tour in France and Germany. 1656 DIBDIN (Rev. THOMAS FROGNALL). I. Bibliotheca /^'~ SPENCERIANA; or A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of the Books Printed in JTfje iFfftetUti) QttntUVg, and of many Valuable First Editions, in the Library of GEORGE JOHN EARL SPENCER, K. G., &c, &c, &c. 4 vols. II. &rtre« SUtijorpfauae; or an account of the mansion, books, and PICTURES, at ALTHORP; The Residence of George John Earl Spencer, K. G. To which is added A SUPPLE- MENT to the BIBLIOTHECA SPENCERIANA. 2 vols. III. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of the EoottS JJttUtrtf tn tlje iFtftecntf) fitenturg, lately forming part of the Library of the DUKE DI CASSANO SERRA, and now the Property of George John Earl Spencer, K. G., with a GEN- ERAL INDEX of AUTHORS and EDITIONS contained in the Present Volume, and in The BIBLIOTHECA SPENCERIANA and ^EDES ALTHORPIAN^E. 1 vol. London: 1814-1823. Together, 7 vols. imp. S* full dark green Levant morocco, extra, gilt leaves, with nu- merous curious and interesting Facsimiles of Early Woodcuts, Plates, Portraits, etc., etc. A fne copy of this truly sumptuous work. %* <l I have done every thing in ray power, to establish, on a firm foundation, the celeb- rity of a LIBRARY, of which the remembrance can only perish with every other record of individual fame.»—Dibdin. a Ainsi que l'atteste ce Catalogue, la Biliotheque de Lord Spencer est la plus riche, peut- etre, qu'ait jamais form^e aucun particulier; et pour donner une idee de ce qu'elle doit avoir coQte', nous dirons que les soixante Editions de Caxton, qu'on est parvenu k y rdunir, sont estimces 12,000 liv. sterl. /// Elle est aussi tres-nombreuse, car il y a quarante ans on y comptait deja plus de 45,000 volumes.d—Brunet. 1657 DIBDIN. The Hffiratg CtOtUpantOU; or, the YOUNG ^r= MAN'S GUIDE,and the OLD MAN'S COMFORT, in the CHOICE of a LIBRARY. By the REV. T. F. DIBDIN, m.a. f.r.s. London: mdcccxxiv. S" half morocco, top gilt, rough edges. DAWSON TURNER'S COPY, zvith some inter- esting mc7noranda by him regarding the work. Presentation copy from the Author. FOUR AUTOGRAPH LETTERS are inserted in this copy, viz.: = 1. Letter from Dibdin to Dawson Turner. = 2. Letter from Harding, the Publisher, to Dibdin, respecting the sale of the work. = 3. Letter from the Bishop of London, thanking the author a for a copy of his very useful and entertaining work.D = 4. Letter from J. H. Markland to Dibdin, containing brief critical remarks, &c, &c. The present is a copy of the FIRST EDI- TION, and contains the a droll story d told of Colonel Mordaunt Cracherode and his a buck- skins.r> (See/. S94) This rancid joke was suppressed in the Second Edition, and, according to the sagacious Mr. Joseph Sabin, a is omitted in the subsequent ones.p He probably means the « subsequent twos.D The curious readerwill find a remarkably lucid Note on this work, ornamented with certain inimitable touches of ignorance, in Sabin's (?) Bibliography of Bibliography, p. xlvi. V) DINAUX. 321 1658 DIBDIN. VOYAGE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE, ARCHfeOLO- /V^r= GIQUE et PITTORESQUE en FRANCE, Traduit de 1'Anglais, avec des Notes, par MM. Theod. Licquet et G. A. Crapelet, Avec Figures et Facsimile. Paris: chez Crapelet. mdcccxxv. 4 vols. 8° half calf marbled edges. *** aCette tradu<5lion ne contient pas le voyage en Allemagne qui forme la plus grande partie du 3° volume de l'origrinal; mais elle pr^sente une foule de notes curieuses qui relevent les erreurs du voyageur Anglais, et suppldent k quelques-unes de ses omissions.»—Brl/net. 1659 DIBDIN. REMINISCENCES of A LI1ERARY LIFE; / 7 S~Q— [with Anecdotes of Books, and of Book Collectors.] By the Rev. Thos. Frognall Dibdin, d.d. London: John Major, ji, Great Russell-Street, Bloomsbury. mdcccxxxvi. 2 vols. 8° full, dark green crimped morocco, extra, gilt leaves and borders. Portraits, Plates and Facsimiles. A ?i elegant copy of this entertaining- work. *** This copy contains the RARE INDEX, which is wanting in most copies. 1660 DIBDIN. An INTRODUCTION to the Knowledge of RARE /.2v^= AND VALUABLE EDITIONS of the <&Vttf£ autt 3Latftt <£iaS8fC£L Together with an Account of POLYGLOT BIBLES, POLYGLOT PSALTERS, HEBREW BIBLES, GREEK BIBLES and GREEK TESTAMENTS: the GREEK FATHERS, and the LATIN FATHERS. By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, d.d. f.r.s. JFourtf) lEttfttOU; Greatly Enlarged and Corrected. London: Printed for Harding and Lepard, Pail- Mall East. 7827. 2 vols., 8° half calf with facsimile Plate of the Complutensian Polyglot. 1661 DIDOT (AMBROISE-FIRMIN). Essai sur la TYPO- /72<s= GRAPHIE. Paris: Typographic de Firmin Didot frercs. 1851. 8° half calf. Presentation copy from Didot to M. Aug. Rousseau. 1662 DIDOT (AMBROISE-FIRMIN). Essai Typographique et / 1^S~ Bibliographique sur 1'Histoire de la Gravure sur Bois. Paris: m.dccc.lxiii. 8°. Uncut. 1663 DIDOT. CATALOGUE RAISONNfe des LIVRES de la / Zr^ BIBLIOTH&QUE de M. Ambroise Firmin Didot. Tome Premier. Livres avec Figures sur Bois Solennites, Romans de Che- valerie. Paris: Typographic de Ambroise Firmin Didot. i86j. 8° paper. Uncut. ri664 DINAUX (ARTHUR). BIBLIOGRAPHIE CAMBR^SI- ^0 ENNE, ou Catalogue Raisonne" des Livres et Brochures Imprimes a Cambrai, suivant I'Ordre Chronologique des Im- primeurs de cette Ville, suivi d'une Liste Alphabetique des Ouvrages Imprimis et Manuscrits qui traitent de THistoire de Cambrai et du Cambr£sis, et Precede d'un Discours Prelimi- naire. A Douat: de Vlmprimcrie de Wagrez ainJ. 1822. A"*11 cloth. Uncut. Very Scarce. Only 60 Copies Issued. 1 J( 32 2 DISSERTATION. a 1665 DINAUX (ARTHUR). La SOClfeTE des ROSATI d'Arras. J) 1778-1788. A la Valle'e des Roses, de f Imprinter ie Anacrdontiques V An 100080050. [7^50.] roy. 40 half morocco, top gilt, elegantly printed on Rose colored paper, within Orna- mental Borders. j666 DINAUX (ARTHUR). DESCRIPTION des FfiTES PO- /,7J === PULAIRES Donnees A VALENCIENNES les n, 12 et 13 Mai, 1851 par La Societe" des Incas. Lille: E. Vanackere. 1856. roy. S° broche. Uncut. Beautifully printed within Ornamental Borders; with Por- trait, Frontispiece, and 23 large folding Plates. _i667 DINGELSTEDT. IEAN GVTENBERG, Premier Maitre Imprimevr, ses faits & difcours les plus dignes d'admiration, & fa mort. Ce recit fidele, £crit par Fr. Dingelftedt, eft ici traduit de I'allemand en francois par Guftave Revilliod. A Geneve: Par Jules Guillaume Piek, Iniprimeur. 1858. J° boards. Uncut. With six fine Etchings on India Paper by M. Gandon. 1668 f[ BiOtrOrttS SUttlttS [aPoGGio Plorentino in Latinum / versus]. 4[ Venundantur [Iehan Petit] Parifius in vico Sancti Iacobi fub figno Lilii Aurei. s. a. svi. 40 paper covers, rough edges. *** See Panzer, Annates Typographici, vol. viii., p. 211. Hoffmann, Lexicon Biblio- graphicum, tomus iim p. 66. 1669 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. The LIVES of the Ancient /-/'h- Philosophers, containing an Account of their feveral Sects, Doctrines, Actions, and Remarkable Sayings. .. .with an Ap- pendix containing the Lives of feveral later Philosophers not con- fined to particular Sects; Taken from EUNAPIUS. And an Ac- count 0/ the Women PhilofopherS, written Originally in Latin by /Eg. Menagius to Madame Dacier. London: 1702. S°plain calf, with full-length Portraits of eminent ancient philosophers. Scarce. D'ISRAELI (I). COMMENTARIES on the LIFE and REIGN of CHARLES the FIRST, King of England. London: Henry Colbum. 1828-31. S vols. 8° half calf, gilt backs. *** « A delightful book, full, not merely of pleasant gossip of the olden time, but of curious personal and political history.t>—Literary Gazette. j67i DISSERTATION HISTORIQUE sur 1'Invention des 1 ] Lettres ou Caracteres d'EcRiTURE: sur les Instruments dont les Anciens se sont servi pour fecrire; & sur les Matieres qu'ils ont employees. Paris: cliez Desnos. mdcc.lxxi. x8° half crimson morocco, gilt edges. Very Curious. ^672 DISSERTATION sur l'Auteur du Livre Intitule: Dc U> — Limitation de Jesus-Christ. [Par Vabbe' Jos. De Ghesquiere.] Verceil et Paris: chez Saillant 6° Nyon. m.dcc.lxxv. 2° half calf, marbled edges, with facsimile. DORNAVIUS. 323 da|metttafe^tp^optima. >/.**.• jjl^Mor- 0ttl0(Jtt0tfUt J octo que Women ^ronomenTJerftu aimer l&ftt ptfctpu&oniunctio ppofftfo tntertectfo, .. In fine: C Kmprrttum fu reutltnfleu p mtcfjaelc flregffen. [y. a. sed circa 148J. ?] sm. 40 72 leaves, 33 lines to a full page, paper covers, rough edges, and slightly wormed; with a rude Woodcut (fol. fa:) 0/ a Teacher seated, instructing a Pupil. VERY RARE. *** 4 It seems unpardonable,!) says Beloe, «to undertake the giving an account of the writers on the subject of Grammar, without saying something of Donatus, whose tract on The Eight Parts of Speech has afforded so fertile a source of discussion to Bibliographers. Popular as this tract was, and useful as probably it was found, it seems a reasonable conject- ure, that in the infancy of Typography, this might exercise the first labours of the earlier printers. We know that this was the case with regard to Sweynheym and Pannartz, whose first production it was, at their press established at the Subiaco Monastery. They inform us so themselves in their supplicatory address to Pope Sixtus tv. The words have often been quoted in books of Bibliography, but as I do not remember to have seen this subject intro- duced in any English work, I may be excused inserting them here. l Donati pro puerulis, ut indeprincipium dicendisumamus unde imprimendi initium sun1.psi.7nus, nujnero trecc-nti.'1 Of these three hundred copies not a fragment is anywhere to be found; but this can hardly ex- cite wonder, when it is considered for what use they were intended and applied, and that they must have been worn, defaced, and destroyed like other elementary books for children.»— Beloe, Anecdotes of Literature, vol. iv., p. 364. a It is supposed that the printing of the Eight Parts of Speech, by Donatus, formed the first typographical effort of the presses of Gutenberg, Coster, and Sweynheym and Pan- nartz. Fust and Schoeffer also lay claim to a very early impression of this once popular work. That Sweynheym and Pannartz printed this work, we have their own positive testi- mony—since it is mentioned the first in order in the list of their works. Vet no copy of this Donatus has been described by any bibliographer of tbe last or of the preceding century. Nor has better success attended the search after the Donatus printed by Fust and Schoeffer.d -Dibdin, Bibl. Spcnceriana, vol. hi., p. 63. a La popularity de PArs Grammatica, et particulierement du De Octo Partibus Orationis, est sufRsamment prouvee par le nombre prodigieux d'editions qui en furent faitcs dans les premiers temps de l'imprimerie. Beaucoup sont en caracteres gothiques, sans date, sans indi- cation de lieu ou de nom d'imprimeur. L'histoire typographique d'aucun ouvrage, si on en excepte les Saintes Kcritures, n'a excite plus de discussions parmi les bibliographes.p See Nouv. Biog. Ge'ne'rale, tome xiv., /. 330; Beloe, Anecdotes of Literature, vol. iv., p. 364; Dibdin, Bibl. Spcnceriana, vol. hi.,/. 63; Fabricius, Bibl. Latina, tomus hi., pp. 406-7S'-Q; Vossius, Historicis Latinis, 40 edit. p. 743; Bah.let, Juge/nens des Savans, tome ii., /. 2Q3; Falicenstein, Geschichte der Buchdriukerkunst, p. IQ3 ; Notes and Queries\ 3nl S., VOL. XI l., p. 49. 1674 DORNAVIUS. Amphitheatrum Sapienti/e Socratic^e Joco- ^ O 0"= Serine, Hoc Est, ENCOMIA et COMMENTARIA Avtorvm, qva Vetervm, qva recentiorvm prope omnivm: Qvibvs res, avt pro vilibvs vvlgo aut damnofis habitae, ftyli patrocinio vindicantur, ex- ornantur: OPVS ad MYSTERIA NATVRyE DISCENDA, ad omnem amcenitatem, fapientiam, virtutem, publice priuatimque utilifsimum: in DVOS TOMOS partim ex Libris Editis, partim Manvscriptis congeflum tributumqiie, a Caspare Dornavio, 324 DRURY. s P kilos, et Medico. Ha novice: Typis Wechelianis, Impenfis Dan- ielis ac Dauidis Aubriorum, 6° Clementis Schleichii. m.dc.xix. 2 vols, in i vol.,/0 half calf. VERY SCARCE. *** dVaste et curieux repertoire de face'ties laudatives et de singularity moisson- Dees dans une multitude de vieux livres. On y trouve tant de choses, qu'on l'aura fait connaitre en demandant qu'est-ce qu'on n'y trouve point? Je me bornerai done a dire que le collecteur n'a neglige les manuscrits d'aucune epoque, et qu'il a fait entrer dans son recueil bien des opuscules inedits, qui n'en sont jamais sortis.D See Leber, Catalogue, tome i, /. 421. a Le nombre de Face'ties, Eloges Ridicules, etc., recuellis ou indiques dans cet ouvrage, s'cleve a 621.*—Biograpkie Universelle. a J 1675 DRAKE (JOSEPH RODMAN). The CULPRIT FAY and ['If/ [IfeXX^- other Poems. New York: George Dearborn, Publisher. 1836. 8° half morocco, fine Portrait. /-1676 DRAVDIVS. BIBLIOTHECA CLASSICA, Sine Catalogus /; ■ ° "Officinalis. In Qvo Singvli Singvlarvm Facvltatvm ac Pro- fessionvm Libri. qvi in qvavis fere Lingva Extant, quique intra hom- inum propemodum memoriam in publicum prodierunt,fecundum artes & difciplinas, earumq; titulos & locos communes, Autorumque cog- nomina fmgulis claffibus & rubricis fubnexa, ordine alphabetico recenfentur. Additifcp vbiuis loco, tempore ac forma imprejfionis, iujla ferie difponuntur. Vfque ad annum M.DCXXIV, inclufme .... Omnia & fingula, colligente ac difponente. M. GEORGIO DPvAVDIO. Francofurti ad Mcenum. Anno m.dc.xxv. 3 Parts in 2 vols., 40 vellum. Best Edition. Scarce. *** a La Bibliographie la plus complete des livres imprimes qui efit encoreparu, [/6//] et la premiere qui offre un essai de systeme bibliographique etendu. L'auteur en donna, en ib2$, une edition beaucoup plus ample, et augmented de tous les livres imprimes de /6//a 1625. L'ouvrage est divise" melhodiquement en 7 Classes, dont les nombreuses sous-divisions, rangces alphabetiquement dans chaque classe, renferment chacune, par ordre alphabetique du nom des auteurs, tous les livres imprimes (Latins) dont le r^dacteur a eu connaissance. Le tout forme plus dej/,000 articles avec l'indication du format, du lieu d'impression et du nom de l'imprimeur, details qui manquent ordinairement dans les bibliographies de cette Epoque, et qui font que cet ouvrage est encore utile, malgre ses nombreuses omissions et les erreurs qu'on lui a reprochees ... Le Livre est termine par une ample Table Alphabdtique de noms d'auteurs.D See Biographic Universelle, tome xi., p.307. 1677 DRURY. CATALOGUE of the Extensive and Valuable <i~n~ ~ Library of the Rev. Henry Drury, m.a. Consisting of an Extraordinary Collection of Classical and Theological mss. Best Editions of the Classics. Early Printed Books. .. Sold by Auction by Mr. [R. H.J Evans. [London :] 1827. S° boards. Uncut. Printed upon Writing Paper, one of only 35 Copies. ftljis introourett) to mie jTibrnrie. airom mouloertnge ^bbanes' barhc Scriptorium brougljlr, See tiellum tomes bn monhnsl) laboure mrougljte; 0e nette ttje comma borne, JJapt>rt see, Mb uncial letterres' tuijaroe grammarte. JJieiu mie inftljtceneres in tljeir ruggeobe line; Stunlhe Unites! siunlke JTinnenne! onln hnonme long snne; (Entering?, tuyere JUSus mote tjaue pit l)is tljrone, (Or Jjarrie Steonus eouetebbe Ijts otunc.»—Dkurie. %cnP DUCLOS ET CAILLEAU. 325 1678 DRURY. ARUNDINES CAMI sive Musarum Cantabrigien- sium Lusus Canori. Collegit atque edidit Henricus Drury, A.M. Editio Sexta, curavit Henricus Johannes Hodgson, A. M. Cantabrigi/E: m.dccc.lxv. crown S° cloth. Uncut. *** The following version of a well-known nursery Ballad may serve as a specimen ot the glittering poetical gems which abound in this entertaining volume. « Mica, mica, parva Stella; Miror, quaenam sis tam bella! Splendens eminus in illo, Alba velut gemma, caelo. Quando fervens Sol discessit, Nee colore prata pascit, Mox ostendis lumen purum, Micans, micans, per obscurum.» DRYDEN (JOHN). AMBOYNA: A Tragedy, As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal. London: Printed by T. 2V., for Henry Her ring man. 1673. 4°paper covers. FIRST EDITION. 1680 DRYDEN (JOHN). ALL for LOVE: or, the World well '72-== Lost. A Tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal; and Written in Imitation of Shakespeare s Stile. In the Savoy: Printed by Tho. New comb, for Henry Herringman. 1678. 4*paper covers. FIRST EDITION. *+* a The only play Drvden ever wrote for himself; the rest, he says, were given to the people.x>—Scott, Life of Dryden,p. 14J. ^i_68i DU BOIS. BIBLIOTHECA DUBOISIANA, ou Catalogue ^ j—= ^e la Bibliotheque de feu fan Eminence Monfeigneur le Cardinal Du Bois. A La Haye: chez Jean Swart 6° Pierre Hondt. 1723. 4 vols., S° calf. *** « A collection which evinces the fine taste and sound judgment of the Cardinal Du Bois.d—Dibdin. DV CHESNE (ANDRE). Bibliotheqve des Avthevrs, qvi ont Escrit 1'Histoire et Topographie de la France. Seconde Edi- tione reueue, & augmentee de plus de deux cens Hifloriens. Paris: chez Sebastien Cramoisy, rue Saincl Iacques, aux Cicognes. sm. S° boards. M.DC.XXVII. *** See Brydges, Censura Litcraria, vol. i.,/. jr. [DUCLOS ET CAILLEAU.] DICTIONNAIRE BIBLIO- .^d^^1 GRAPHIQUE, Historique et Critique des Livres Rares, Pre- cieux, Singuliers, Curieux, Estim£s et Recherches. . .. Suivi D'un Essai de Bibliographie, ou il est traite" de la Connoissance & de TAmour des Livres, de leurs divers degres de Rarete, &c, &c. [Par VAbbiDuclos, et Charles-Andre Cai//eau.]===§\J? PL&- MENT. [Par M. J. C. Brunet] Paris: 1790-1802. 4 vols.y S* plain calf, red edges. *>* aCe Dictionnaire, que Ton doit a 1'Abbk Duclos et a Cailleau, a (5tc( fort recherche, ma1gr<* ses inexactitudes et les fautes typographiques dont il fourmille ; cependant il annonce un grand travail de la part de ses auteurs. M. Brunet fils a donnc un bon Supplement a ce Dictionnaire en 1802.—Peignot. ^ il-L= 326 DUYCKINCK. 1684 DUFOUR. HISTOIRE de la PROSTITUTION chez tous . }f ft les Peuples du Monde depuis 1'Antiquite la plus reculee jusqu'a nos Jours. Par Pierre Dufour. [/. e. Paul Zacroix.] IllustrJ par 20 belles g rami res sur acier, execute(es par les Artistes les plus emi- nents. Bruxelles: Librairie Universelle de J. Rozez. 1861. 8 vols, sm. 8° broche1. Uncut. *** An interesting bibliographical notice of this learned, and exceedingly curious work, will be found in Quf.rard, Supercheries Littdraires DevoiUes, tome i.,/. 1014. [DUNTON (JOHN)]. The Athenian Oracle. Being an entire Collection of all the Valuable Questions and Answers in the Old Athenian Mercuries. London: m.dccxxviii. 4 vols. 8° plain calf. *** The « Notes and Queries t> of the period. 1686 DUPONT (PAUL). HISTOIRE de L'IMPRIMERIE. Paris: chez tous les Libraires. mdcccliv. 2 vols., 12° half morocco, marbled edges. J687 DUPONT (PAUL). HISTOIRE de l'IMPRIMERIE. U. Ld Paris: chez tous les Libraires. mdcccliv. 2 vols. imp. S° full crimson Levant morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, dentelle borders, by C. HARDY; Elegantly printed within Ornamental Borders. A sumptuous copy of this VALUABLE WORK. *** This excellent work embodies a large amount of interesting and trustworthy infor- mation regarding the various improvements and discoveries which have been made in the art of Printing, in modern times. The Second Volume contains a useful Chronological Ar- rangement of the Principal Facts in the History cf Printing from the Year 1450 to 1854; and a copious Bibliography of Works on Printing. 1688 DUPLESSIS (M. G.) BIBLIOGRAPHIE PARfeMIOLOGI- !.J^< "QUE. Etudes Bibliographiques et Litteraires sur les Ou- vrages, Fragmens d'OuvRAGES et Opuscules sp^cialement con- sacres aux Proverbes dans toutes les Langues. Suivies dun Ap- pendice, contenant un Choix de Curiosites Par£miographiques. Paris: chez Potier. 184"/. 8° broche'. Uncut. Scarce. *** cDans ce recueil, qui manifeste si cvidemment une perse'verante activity d'esprit et une instruction variee, on passe en revue les Proverbes de tous les lieux et de tous les temps. Des rapprochements interessants, des extraits de Pieces rares et curieuses, et des collections de Proverbes etrangers, font de ce livre une lecture tres-attrayante, tres-instructive, et d'un interest qu'on ne s'attend peut-etre pas k trouver dans un ouvrage bibliographique.i>—Preux, Notice sur M. Gratet-Duplessis, p. 13. DUPLESSIS. CATALOGUE des LIVRES en Partie Rares et Precieux composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. G. Duplessis. Paris: chez L. Potier. 1856. 8° broc/U'. Uncut. Neatly Priced. 1690 DUYCKINCK. CYCLOPAEDIA of AMERICAN LITERA- 1 /7_ TURE; Embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Au- thors, and Selections from their Writings, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. With Portraits, Autographs, and other Illustrations. By Evert A. Duyckinck and George L. Duyckinck. New York: Charles Scribner. 1856. 2 vols. imp. 8° half brown morocco, marbled edges. BNER. Catalogus BIBLIOTHECAE Numerosae ab Incluti Nominis Viro Hieronymo Guilielmo Ebnero ab Eschenbach re), olim conleeiae, nunc Norimbergae a die n. mensis Augusti Ann. mdcccxiii publicae Auctionis lege diuendendae. Quern in hunc ordinem redegit, his literarii maximam partem generis notationibus instruxit, hac P}raej:ai'tone auxit Godofredus Christophorus Rannerus. Voluinen Primum Norimbergae: mdcccxii. i5'° halfcrimson morocco, top gilt. Fine Portrait. 1692 ECKHART (IOANNE GEORGIO ab). COMMENTARII de Jsi)^— REBVS FRANCIAE ORIENTALIS et EPISCOPATVS WIR- CEBVRGENSIS, in quibus Regvm et Imperatorvm Franciae veteris Germaniaeqve, Episcoporvm Wircebvrgensivm et Dvcvm Franciae Orientalis Gesta ex fcriptoribus coaevis, bullis et diplo- matibus genuinus, figiliis, minimis, gemmis, veteribus pidturis, monu- mentisque aliis exponuntur et figurio aeri incifis illuflrantur. WlRCEBVRGl: MDCCXXIX. 2 vols. f° calf, gilt edges. With Portrait, folding plates, and plates of coins, seals, etc. ^ 1693 EDWARDS (JOHN). Some NEW DISCOVERIES of the Un- S v certainty, Deficiency, and Curruptions of HUMAN KNOWL- EDGE and LEARNING. With particular Inilances in Grammar, and the Tongues, Poetry, Criticifm, Hi/lory and Antiquity, Chronology, Philofophy, Medies, (sic) Policy, Mathematics, Rabin leal Learning, &c, &e. To which is added, A Defence of Sharp Reflections and Cenfures on Writers and their Opinions, when there is Occafion. London: Printed for J. Lawrence, mdccxiv. S° half russia. Scarce. [694 EDWARDS. A CATALOGUE of the VALUABLE LIBRARY of JAMES EDWARDS, Esq. Containing a Splendid Assemblage of Early Printed Books, chiefly upon Vellum, highly Curious and Important Manuscripts, many of them Executed for Sovereign Princes. . . .also his Collection of Fine Greek Vases. . . .Sold by Auction, by R.H.Evans. London: iSij. S° half calf, with J large Facsimiles of' the celebrated Greek I'ase, knozvn or the name of a El Gran Vaso del Capo di Monte.» Neatly Priced. SCARCE. *** A flamboyant notice of the sale of this celebrated Library will be found iu Dibdin's BibL Decameron, vol. 111.,/. iu,et seq. ') /'- 328 ELUCIDARIUS. / ,(,„t695 EDWARDS (EDWARD). MEMOIRS of LIBRARIES: In- cluding a Handbook of Library Economy. London: 1859. 2 vols. roy. S° cloth. Uncut. With Plates illustrative of the MSS. disinterred at Hercu- laneiou,Plans and I'ieivs of Library Buildings, Facsimiles of the Types employed by the early Printers, and Plates exhibiting Specimens of Bookbinding. LARGE PAPER COPY. Scarce. 1696 EDWARDS (EDWARD). LIBRARIES and FOUNDERS of S'T^ LIBRARIES. [London.'] New York: Geo. P. Philes & Co., 64 8° cloth. Uncut. Nassau Street. 1865. 1697 ELSEVIRIL Catalogus LIBRORUM Qui in Bibliopolio y^'cr—" DANIELIS ELSEVIRII venales extant. Amstelodami: Ex Officind Elseviriana. cId Ioc lxxiv. 12" elegantly bound in dark blue Levant morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, dentelle borders ^ DURU. Very Scarce in this pine condition. *** This interesting Catalogue is divided into 7 Parts; viz. : = 1. Librorum Theologi- corum. =2. Librorum Juridicorum = 3. Livres Francois en Theologie, en Droit, en Mt'de- cine, et en Humanites. = 4. Libri Italian!, Libros Espafloles, English Books. = 5. Teutschen Blichern. =6. Librorum Medicorum. = 7. Librorum Miscellaneorum. Each Part has a separate pagination, amounting in all to jyo pages. In each Part the books are arranged in alphabetical order, under the names of the Authors or of the Titles, ^1698 ELSEVIRII. Catalogus LIBRORUM qui in BIBLIOPOLIO I ^r-— DANIELIS ELSEVIRII Venales extant, & quorum Auctio habe- bitur in sedibus defuncli. [4 August/ 1681.] Amstelodami: do Ioc lxxxi. 12° pp. 4QI, boards. Large fine copy, some leaves Uncut. Scarce. *** a Catalogue range* par ordre alphabetique des auteurs ou des titres de livres, mais cha- que lettre est subdivisee en Libri theologi, Juridici, Medici, Miscellanei: Livres en Droit, en M^decine, en Humanites, etc.K—Beuchot. 1699 fBlttcitraritts carminit tt i)i= i ftonatu. vavo- y rT-^ calmlartus poeticus co= | tines fatmlas: fjfftorias: prou= tnctas: brfces: | mfulas fluuios: etmontes mttttris: [Per Hermannus Torrentinus^\ Ktcm Vocafmla tt fnttt|jrt= tationea flrecoru et fjebrafcoru: bna cu bo catitttis comunftms Sbaraceno? in latiuuj trauttatts: et alfjs In fine attfftctijB. Vocafmiaritts pottitw tatimtw fafiulosrijtftorfajsrpufcfas: brfces: tufulaacfluufoaamo UnUluitvtn: ISluritrartus carmiuu:I)tttorfa# tutftula^ tits: bna cu bocaimlfs t futetrptatiotb? flreco^ :J)cfirat- co^ftjtacenorucp tnlattfi tratlatt* atcp alfjs in fine atr^ tunctfa Jmpffua in pjafleuato p fntiustrift jK?enrtcum (Ktan Jmpcntfs circufpectf birf Jo5ute jK,finman finit feifciter &uuo falutte nottre. 1510. iFetfa tertta ante U- ftum NatfuCtatto Jttarfe bttfltuts. sm. 4" paper covers, (X) leaves, double columns, fine copy, with rough edges. VERY RARE. *** a Get opuscule est le premier Essai que Ton connaisse d'un Dictionnaire Historique, contenant aussi la Mythologie et la Gdographie ancienne. Augmente successivement par ELZEVIR. 329 Rob. Estienne, Charles Estienne et Frederic Morel, il a tie traduit ou plutot imite" dans plusieurs langues, notamment en Francais, par de Juigne Broissiniere et Paul Boyer, dont les Dictionnaires ont servi de base a celui de Moreri, comme il l'a reconnu dans la Pr4fa.ee de sa premiere edition.))—Weiss. a Cet ouvrage, dont la premiere Edition est de Deventer, 1501, in-40, est le premier Essai que l'on connoisse d'un Dictionnaire Poe'tique. Son auteur, Hermannus Torrentinus {fan Bceck) professeur Flamand, ne- a Zwoll dans le quinzieme siecle, est probablement de meme famille quel'habile Imprimeur de Florence, Lorenzo Torrentino, aussi Flamand, et que Ton croit de m6me ne a, Zwoll.»—Renouard. a Son petit Elucidarius Carminum et Historiarum, est le veritable Originalde ces vastes et immenses Dictionnaires Historiques, dont le plan plus judicieusement rempli nous seroit d'une extreme utilite\»— Marchand. 1700 IBlUOTTilTlUS I Carminum & hiftoriarum: | Vel vocabularius 0) *)(-,' poeticus: conti | nens Fabulas: Hiftorias: Prouin-| cias: Vrbes: In- fulas: Fluuios & I montes illuflres: Diligenter | denuo reuifus. [Per Hermannus Torrentinus.~\ XUm tiocatittla tt interpretationes Grecoru & He- braico#: vna cu vocabulis comu nibus Sarraceno$ in latinu tranf latis: & alijs in fine adiunctis. Anno. M.D.XIIII. In fine: fEjrcuCrttm ^tflcttue per lUnatum ISuft in oflfefna fua: quam buljjo jttm tijttrflarten nomfuant: amor caftfflatfonfs lima atiijitifta. Slnno falittfs ijumane* JWLILptj. (sic.) sm. 40paper covers, 60 leaves, double columns, title printed within a very curious orna- mental border, slightly wormed. VERY SCARCE. ^ 1701 ELVIN (C. N.) ANECDOTES of HERALDRY: in which is 1- ^ ° set forth the Origin of the Armorial Bearings of many Families. London: Bell & Daldy. 1S64. 160 cloth. With cuts of Arms. 1702 ELWELL (WM. ODELL). A New and Complete Dictionary °j 0 of the German and English Languages. Braunschweig: 1S31. 2 Parts in i vol., sm. S° half morocco. 1703 ELZEVIR. «RESPUBLia<E VARLE.d Viz. : 1. De Bosporo - So "Thracio, a P. Gillio, 1632. = 11. De Regno Danice et Norwegian, 1629. - in. Graecorvm Respublica? ab Vbbone Emmio, 2 vols., 1632. iv. Helvetiorvm Respvblica, 1627. v. De Princi- patibvs Italian, 1631. = vi. Respublica, siue Status Regni Po- loniae, Lituanias, Prusia?, Livonia?, ete., 1627; uncut, very rare. — - vii. Status Regni Scotia? et Hibernian, 1627. rr-= vni. De Repvb- lica Venetorvm, 1626. = ix. Tvrcici Imperii Statvs, accedit De Regn. Algeriano atque Tunetano, 1624. Together io vols., 24° calf and vellum. I 330 ENGEL. / 1704 ELZEVIR. Catalogvs LIBRORVM OFFiciNiE ELZEVIRIA- vl~ N^E, Designans libros, qui tarn eorum typis et impensis prodierunt, quam quorum alias copia ipsis suppetit. [Amstelodami.] Anno cId Id c xliv. [Re'impr. Garni. 1854.] 12° halfmorocco. Uncut. ***«Cette r&tnpression, tiree a CENT EXEMPLAIRES Numerous a la presse, a ete exccutc'e aGAND, en 1854, par C. Annoot-Braeckman, sur le seul Ejccmplaire jusqu'ici connu dc VEdition Originate in 40 de 8 pages a 2 colonnes, appartenant a M. Ch. Pieters, compila- teur des Annates de V Imprinter ie Elsevirienne, etc. N°. 56.9 1705 ELZEVIRS. CATALOGUE RAISONNfe des ELZEVIRS ^ $ in-12°. [Par Jean-Fe'lissime A dry?] [Circa iygo?] square thick 8° black morocco, gilt leaves. *** A beautifully written MANUSCRIPT CATALOGUE of Works Printed by the ELZEVIRS, with valuable CRITICAL and BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES, Unpublished. See Biog. Universelle,TO^\K \.,p.20i, Note. 1706 feMERIC-DAVID. CATALOGUE des LIVRES Anciens et ^ IC Modernes composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. T. B. ^meric- David. Avec une Notice Bibliographique par P. ~L.[acroix] Jacob Bibliophile. Paris: chez J. Techener. 1862. S° broch/. Uncut. 1707 EMP&SE. L'ART de mettre SA CRAVATE de toutes les f ^JkT1—~ manieres connues et usitees, enseign6 et demontre en Seize Lecons. Precede de THistoire complete de la Cravate, depuis son Ori- gine jusqu'a ce jour, etc. Par Le Bon £mile de L'Empese. [Marc Hilaire.] Orne' de 32 figures explicatives du texte. Bruxelles: chez Pe rich on aine'. mdcccxxvii. iS* half morocco. Uncut. With J folding Plates. *** « L'art de mettre sa Cravate est a l'homme du monde, ce que l'art de donner a diner est a l'homme d'Etat.n (Pensd jusqu alors ine'dite.) l7oS ENCOMIA. ADMIRANDA RERUM ADMIRABILIUM ENCOMIA. Sive Diferta & Amcena Pallas Differens feria fub ludicra fpecie, Hoc eft, Dijfertationum Ludicrarum, nee non Amoeni- tatum Scriptores Varii. OPUSCULUM tarn lectu jucundum, quam auditu gratum, omni Vitae tempori & Studiorum generi inprimis accommodatum. Noviomagi-Batavorum: mdclxxiv. /S° pp. bbo, plain calf, red edges. Engraved frontispiece, and S curious Plates. * + * This singular little volume contains TWENTY-THREE humorous and satirical Treatises written by various learned men of the 16th and 17th centuries. Among them will be found the treatise of Puteanus in Praise of the Egg,—of Melancthon in Praise of the Ant — Sckidanius in Praise of the Fly,—Calcagnini in Praise of the Flea,— Heinsius in Praise of the Eouse,—LiPS\vs in Praise of the Elephant,—Passe rat in Praise of the Ass, or allass,*— Ma- jorggio in Praise of Mud,—Cardan in Praise of the Gout,—Goddaius in Praise of the Owl — Schookius in Praise of Deafness, and in Praise oi Smoke, &c, &c. 1709 ENGEL (SAMUEL). BIBLIOTHECA SELECTISSIMA sive ~~~~=~ Catalogus Librorum in omni genere Scientiarum Rarissimorum . . . .cum Notis Criticis perpetuis illustravit. Bern^e: mdccxliii. 3 Parts in J vol., 8° calf, red edges. *** « This fine collection of rare books was purchased, in 1744, by Count Bunau, and added to his splendid library.p—Horne. a Contains a great deal of curious matter, and will repay the reader for any expense he may incur in the purchase of it.»—Dibdin. r.i&= '0 EPISTOL^E OBSCURORUM VIRORUM. 331 1710 ENGELBRECHT (ARNOLDVS DIEDERICVS). BIBLIO- . 0 i^= THECAS ERMITARVM Vetervm. Helmstadi: mdcci. stn. 40 boards. 1711 ENSCHEDfe. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE. /**" (JWanttscrUft, ©tttorages rfilofitajJt)iqtttfiitKn= etwatiles, <&tttoragt0 nftmm»ttif Wires ntr= (tttjf ft t*3?t£) formee pendant le i8c Siecle par Messieurs Izaak, Iohannes et le Dr. Iohannes Enschede. Imprimeurs- Libraires a. Haarlem. Amsterdam: F. Midler. i86y. 8° broche'. Uncut. With Portrait and 2 Plates 0/ Facsimiles. 1712 [EPISTOL^EObscurorum Virorum.] Dvo Volvmina EPISTO- i J 6^= I LARVM OBSCV-I RORVM VIRORVM, | ad D. M. Ortuinum Gratiu, | Attico lepore referta, denuo | excufa & a mendis re-1 purgata. | QVIBVS OB STILI| & argumenti fimilitudinem | adiecimus in calce Dialogum | mire fefliuum, eruditis | falibus refer- ] turn. m.d.lvii. In fine: Romoz Stampato con priuilegio del Pa- pa, 6° confirmato in lugo> qui vulgo dicitur, Bel- vedere. FINIS. 2 vols, in I vol., 12° boards, title printed within an ornamental border. *** a The Epistolee Obscurorum Virorum first saw the light in 1515-17, eventful years, when the war between the old and the new filled every university town in Europe with clamour, and when Luther was gradually warming himself up to the pitch at which he bruke finally with the Holy See. The immediate cause of their appearance was the persecution of the celebrated scholar, Reuchlik, by the theologians of Cologne, which disputed with Louvain the dubious honour of being the headquarters of all that was obsolete, narrow, and obscur- antist in European thought. Among Reuchlin's many claims to respect, his Hebrew scholar- ship was one of the chief; and it was on this side that he was attacked by the authorities of the university, viz: Tungern, dean of the faculty of theology; Hoogstraten, the prior of the Dominican convent; and Ortuinus Gratius (Ortuin von Graes \ the hero of the Epistola-, whose name will live in comic literature as long as that of the sausage-seller of Aristothanes, the Pantilius of Horace, the Og of Dryden, the Sporus of Pope, the Tartuffe of Mouere, or the Marquis de CaTabas of Bkranger. The tool used by these bigots against the illustrious Reuchlin was one John Pfefferkorn, of whom Erasmus says, that from a wicked Jew he had become a most wicked Christian—ex scelerato jfudce sceleratissimum Christianum. The plan of the satire is simple, but dramatic and effective. There had been recently published acollection of the letters ofa Illustrious men r> to Reuchlin; and Ortuinus Gratius is supposed to publish those of his own friends, whom he modestly calls « Obscure men,t> in his turn. The obscure ones, accordingly, speak for themselves in all the freedom of confidential communication; and never did such a curious set of marionettes gambol before the world as those of which Ulrich von Hutten and his colleagues pull the strings. Now it is Mag-is tcr Bernhardus Plumii.egus writing from ,Leipsic; now it is Maoister Petrus Hafenmusius writing from NUrenberg; or Magister Hiltbrandus Mammaceus from Tubingen; or Macister Gerhardus Schirruglius, from Mayence. But a family likeness runs through the whole of them. A stolid brutal ignorance, enlivened by the most unaffected self-conceit; a bigotry never modified by a shadow of a doubt; a sl)r, oily sensualism, to which the very hypocrisy accompanying it seems to lend additional piquancy—these are the common features of the race. Their Latin is delicious by its homely barbarism; and this is one chief charm of the Letters to which no translation can do justice.» See Zkller, Ulrich de Hutten, sa Fie, etc.,/. 2S. 332 EPISTOLARUM OBSCURORUM VIRORUM. 1713 EPISTOLARVM OBSCVRORVM VIRORVM. Dvo Volvm- A /1 ina I EPISTOLARVM | OBSCVRORVM VI- | rorvm, ad dom- invm I M. Ortuinum Gratium, Attico lepore [ referta, denuo excufa, & a men- | dis repurgata. | QVIBVS OB STILI ET ARGV- | menti fimilitudinem adiecimus in cake jDia- / logum mire fefliuum, eruditis fa- / libus refertum. Francoforti ad Moenvm: 1582. 2 vols, in 1 vol., sm. S° plain calf, with two curious Notes in Latin, respecting the work, on the title-page. *** In addition to the Epistolce, this copy contains the following facetious Pieces, viz.: i. Conciliabvlvm Theologistarvm adversvs Germanise, & bonarum literarum ftudiofos, Coir onire celebratum, 16 Kalend. Maij, poftquam I. Hohenftratus deiectus eft ab officio Priora- tus, & ab officio inquifitoris. = 11. Hvttenvs Captivvs. = in. De Generibvs Ebriosorvm, et Ebrietate vitanda. = iv. De Fide Meretricvm, in svos Auiatores, etc. = v. De Fide CON'CVBINARVM in SOCERDOTES, 1714 EPISTOL./E OBSCURORUM VIRORUM. Tertio Volumine ^ 7^ tf«rte.===LAMENTATIONES Obfcurorum Virorum EPISTOLA r ( D. ERASMI Roterodami, Qvid de obfcuris fentiat, cum caeteris qvibusdam, non minus lectu jucundis, qvam fcitu neceffariis. Londini: Apud Editor em. Anno mdclxxxix. 3 vols, in 1 vol., 12° half vellum. 1715 [EPISTOLCE OBSCURORUM VIRORUM]. Obscurorum ,J J Virorum EPISTOLCE ^M. Ortuinum Gratium Daventriensem. 18° boards, red edges. Rare. UTOPL^E. S.a. 1716 epistolarum Obfcurorum Virorum, ad dm. m. f) ^ J^ ORTUINUM Gratium Volumina ii. Ex tarn multis Libris con- g/utinata, quod unus pinguis cocus per decern annos, oves, boves, fues, grues, pafferes, anferes, &>c. coquere, vel aliquis fumofus calefaclor centum magna hypocaufla per viginti annos ab eis calefacere poffet. AccefTerunt huic Editioni, Epistola Magistri Benedicti Paffavanti ad D. Petrum Lyfetum. et La Complainte de Mejjlre Pierre Lyfet fur le Trefpas de fon Feu nez. Londoni: Impenfis Hen. Cle- ments, adinfigni Luna? falcatce, in Ccemeterio &dis Vivi Pauli. mdccx. 12° half russia. *** a Erasmus would have wondered less at the stupidity of the sufferers, and more, per- haps, at the dexterity of the executioner, could he have foreseen that one of the most learned scholars of England, and the most learned of her bibliographers, should have actually repub- lished these Letters as a serious work; and that one of our wittiest satirists should have re- viewed that publication, without even a suspicion of the lurking Momus. And what is almost equally astonishing, the misprision has never been remarked. In 1710, there was printed in London the most elegant edition that has yet appeared of the Epistola? Obscurorum Virorum, which the editor, Michael Maittaire, gravely represents as the production of their ostensible authors, and takes credit to himself for rescuing, as he imagines, from oblivion, so curious a specimen of conceited ignorance, and unconscious absurdity. The edition he dedicates «Isaaco Bickerslajf, Armigcro, Magnce Britannia; Censori;* and Steele, in a subsequent number of the Tatler, after acknowledging the compliment, thus notices the book itself: 'The purpose of the work is signified in the dedication, in very elegant language, and fine raillery. It seems this is a collection of Letters, which some profound blockheads, who lived before our times, have written in honour of each other, and for their mutual information in each other's absurdities! They are mostly of the German nation, whence, from time to time, inundations of writers have flowed, more pernicious to the learned world than the swarms of Goths and Vandals to the politic (!!)' The monks are no marvel after this.»—Sir Wm. Hamilton. ESCHENBACH. 333 1717 a EPISTOLARUM OBSCURORUM VIRORUM.d HUT- po== TENUS DELARVATUS &a3 ift: 9©atl)affte 9iacl>ncJ)t turn bem Slutljore obcr SBrljefcer bet t>erfct>ret>tett EPIS- TOLARUM OBSCURORUM VIRORUM »lrtcl) fcOtt ^ilttett, SBobet) umftanbliet) unb griiitbltcf) getjanbelt ttnrb turn bem ®trett gtmfdjen bem berittjmten JOHANNE reuch- LIN itttb JOHANN PFEFFERKORN; tolC and) i>Ott bem Seben be3 fcef amttett £$rant$en turn ^iettngen, unb anbern ju ber Stref>en=£nftorie be§ XVI. ^di)t f)imbert3 gefjtfrts <jett rarett &aci)cn unb ^erefttmrbigfetteu; $luft autf)ett= ttfefjen ®et)tiffteu jum ni>tf)tgen @c^utj ber fcerletjten 9®ar^eitttitber Jacobum Burckhard, ... mtt tup ff era Ijetauff gebett*. SWott Joanne Nicolao Weislinger. (£p3tanej ttttb Sdtg&pUtg: Verlegts Martin und Thomas Wagner, Anno mdccxxx. sm. S° half vellum, zvith full length Portrait of Hutten in armour, and Portraits of Pfefferkorn, Reuchlin, a?id Frantz von Sickingen. Rare. *#* This rare volume contains a large amount of valuable information regarding the au- thorship of the Epistolce Obscurorum lrirorum. JP718 ERASMI. MAGNI DES ERASMI Roterodami VITA; Partim ^ ab jpfomet Erafmo, partim ab amicis aequalibus fideliter defcripta. Accedunt Epistolce Illustres plus quam feptuaginta, quds relate provectiore fcripfit, nee inter vulgatus in magno volumine comparent. P. Scriverii. & Fautorum aufpiciis. Lugduni-Batavorum, Ex Officina Ioannis Maire. do Idc xlii. 12° vellum, engraved frontispiece; and Portrait of Thomas Nigellius, engraved by Wil. Marshall. *.|c* A copy of the facetious Lameniationes Obfcuronuu \irorum Epistola, (Colonice: 1649.) erroneously attributed to Erasmus, is bound at the end of this volume. 1719 ERASMI. NLQPL12 EVKnMIOJS sive STULTITI^E LAUS ~ Des. Erasmi Rot. Declamatio. Cum Commentariis Gerardi Lis- trii, ineditis Oswaldi Molitoris, et Figuris Johannis Holbenii. Denuo typis mandavit Guil. Gottl. Beckerus. Basiled: Typis G. Haas, ex Officina J. J. Thurneisen. m.dcc.lxxx. 8°paper covers. UNCUT. Scarce. 1720 ERASMVS. C MORIAE I Encomivm Nvnc Postremvm ab J 1 (j ~ ipso Av- /tore religiofe recognition, do cliff. /Gerardi Lijlrij Com men- /tarijs i7/u/?ratum—COLONlJE APVD IOHAN. | Sotere. sm. S° vellum. A11710 M.D.XXXXI1II. 1721 ERSCH (JOHANN SAMUEL). HANDBUCH der DEUT- . I °r= SCHEN LITERATUR feit der Mitte des achtzehnten Jahrhun- derts bis auf die neueile Zeit, fyftematifch bearbeitet und mit den nothigen Regiflern verfehen. Amsterdam und Leipzig: 1812-14. S Parts. S° boards, red edges. ^1722 ESCHENBACH (ANDR. CHRISTIANI). DISSERTATIONES . /r> = ACADEMICAE Varia Antiqvce Sapiential Rituumqve Gentilium Argumenta exponentes Noribergae: /705. =~-- GOTHO- f.s-l f) 334 EYRIES. FREDI VOCKERODT, Exercitationes Academics: five Com- mentatio de Ervditorvm Societatibvs, et Varia Re Litteraria; nee non Philologemata Sacra, auctius & emendatius Edita. Goth^e: Svmtv Andv. Schallii. do Iocc iv. 2 vols, in i vol., S7/i S° vellum. *** Elenchus Dissertationum. i. Ethica Mythologica, sive De Fabularum Poe*ticarum sensu Morali. n. De Poetis Christianis sacris Graecis et Latinis. - m. Vetervm Criticorvm. -- iv. De Scribis Vetervm Romanorvm. - v. Symposia Sapientvm. = vi. De Avgvris Vetervm. vii. Oratio de Imminente Barbaric Literarvm Declinanda, etc., etc. ^ 1723 ESCHENWECKER (IOHANNES MICHAEL). DISSER- / rr>= TATIO IVRIDICA de eo Qvod Ivstvm est Circa CAMPANAS, *©0m9tecl)tbet ©Ipcfctt* Hal^e Magdebvrgic/e: mdccxxxix. sni. 40 paper covers. Ra r E. *#* A very curious and learned Dissertation on Church Bells. 1724 [ESSLING.] (TatalOflttr de LIVRES RARES et PRfe- '0 CIEUX (Anciennes Poesies, Romans de Chevalerie, Chroniques, etc.) Provenant de la Bibliotheque de M. Le P. D'E * * * * * *, [Le Prince D'Essling^ Paris: chez Silvestre. 1845. S° broche. Uncut. VERY SCARCE. *+* « Ce Catalogue, veritablement cuneux, n'a que 413 articles, mais il pn'sente la plus riche collection de Romans de Chevalerie que Ton connaisse. Les Hires des Editions en ca- racteres gothiques sont reproduits dans ces mSmes caracteres. Le produit de la vente s'est eleve a un peu plus de io3,2ooyV.i>—Brunet. 1725 iBf+Uv(3ounntfi). &pttulum@Litvo=\lo&ov= t— urn. In fine: KmpteirumJWaflunttepcr JoannemScIjeffer QLnnottmJtttllefimo qutnflentefimooctauo. [1508.] sm. 40 paper covers, 12 leaves, JQ lines to a full page, with diagrams. EXCEEDINGLY RARE, i Ex libris Ludovici Choulant.v *$* See Wurdtwein, Bibliotheca Moguntina, p. 141; Panzer, Annates Typographici, vol. vii., p. 40S. 1726 EVARTO (AEGIDIO). i. De Herba PANACEA quam alii .Ov==== TABACUM, alii Petvm, avt Nicotianam vocant, brevis Com- mentariolus. Vltrajecti: 1644. = 11. Iohannis Neandri. TO- BACOLOGIA, hoc eft, Tabaci seu Nicotians Descriptio, vel ejus praeparatio & ufus. Vltrajecti: 1644. = in. MISOCAPNUS sive De Abusa Tobacci Lufus Regius: 1644. * iv. HYMNUS TOBACI, Avtore Raphaele Thorio. Vltrajecti: do Ioc xliv. 4 Pieces in i vol., iS° half morocco, red edges. RARE. J727 EYRIES. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de GGographie, .'Ij d'HisTOiRE, Voyages, etc., composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. J.-B. Eyries. 8°brocM. Uncut. Paris: 1846. *** This interestimg Catalogue contains a notice of the First Edition of the very rare Cosmographies Introductio . . . . Insuper quatuor Amcrici Vesputii Navigationes; which, ac- cording to M. D'Avezac, was purchased at a book-stall in Paris, by M. Eyries, for one franc. See /. by. No. 649. J,p EBEgSMM JJ2& ABRICII (JOH. ALBERTI). EIBLIOTHECA LATINA sive Notitia Autorum Veterum Latinorum, qvorum- cunque Scripta ad nos pervenerunt. Acceffit Duplex APPENDIX, qvade fragmentis & collectionibus veterum fcriptorum latinorum, monumentis antiqvis, Poetis Christianis JCtis, Medicisque & Scriptis qvibusdam hypobolimseis differitur. Hamburgh 1697. Th. J. ab Ameloveen BIBLIOTHECA PROMISSA et Latens. Huic fubjunguntur Georgii Hieronymi Velschii De Scriptis fuis ineditis Epiftolae. Gaud/e: cId Id ciixc. (sic) \1dp2.] 2 vols, in 1 vol., sm. $° vellum. Rare. See Peignot, Repertoire Bibliograpkique Universe I, p. 34- 1729 FABRICII (10. ALBERTI). MEMORISE HAMBURGENSES, / Xv five Hamburgi, et Virorum de Ecclesia, Reque publica & Schol- aflica Hamburgenfi bene meritorum. Elogia & Vit.e, collectore .... Hamburgi: mdccx-mdccxlv. 8 vols.^ sm. 8° vellum. Portraits. 1730 FABRICII (JO. ALBERTI). MENOLOGIUM, sive Libcllus de , 1JT" Mcnfibus, Centum circiter populorum Menfes recenfens, atque inter fe conferens, Cum triplici Indice Gentium, Menfium & Scriptorum. Hamburgi: Anno Chrijiiano mdccxii. 12° boards. Rare. *** A very curious Dissertation concerning the Names of the Months, among nearly 100 different Nations. 1731 FABRICII (JO. ALBERTI). BIBLIOGRAPHIA ANTIQVA- J'K RIA, sive Introductio in Notitiam Scriptorvm, qui Anti- qvitates Hebraicas, Graecas, Romanas et Christianas Scriptis Illvstravervnt. Editio fecumia, auctior, <Sc Indice duplici verum fcriptorumque locupletata. Hambvrgi et Lipsle: Anno mdccxvi. ^° calj\ engraved frontispiece. %* a A work of this kind in our own language would be very useful, and even enter- taining. Fabricius has executed it in a masterly manner.»—Dibdin. 1732 FABRICII (10. ALB). BIBLIOTHECA LATINA Nvnc .7-" Melivs Delecta Rectivs Digesta et Avcta Diligentia 10. AVG. ERNESTI. Lipsiae: mdcclxxiii-mdcclxxiv. 3 ?>ols., 8° boards. %* « The well-known and justly-esteemed Bibliotheca of Fabricius, gives an account of all the Latin writers from Plautus to Marcian Capella. In most of the articles we have a biographical sketch of the author—a list of his writings—an account of the most authoritative MSS. of his works—of the best editions, and of the most celebrated translations in the modern languages of Europe.d—Dunlop, Hist, of Roman Literature, vol. n.,/. big. Li 3 36 FABRICII. 1733 FABRICII (JO. ALBERTI). BIBLIOTHECA LATINA, sive ■ Notitia Auctorum Veterum Latinorum, Quorumc-unique fcripta ad nos pervenerunt, dijiributa in Libras IV. Supplementis, quce antea fejunctim excufa maximo Lectorum incommodo legebantur, puis quibiif- que locis nunc primurn infertis. Venetiis: Mdccxxviii. 2 vols., 40plain calf, red edges. 1734 FABRICII (JO. ALBERTI.) OPUSCULORUM Historico- 2^ Critico-Literariorum Sylloge quae sparsim viderant lucem nunc recensita denuo et partem aucta Indice instruuntur. Hamburgh Sumptibus Viduce Felginerice. cId Id cc xxxviii. 4° vellu?n, 1 Plate. Rare. *** This volume contains TWENTY-FOUR exceedingly curious and learned Disserta- tions. ^1735 FABRICII. BIBLIOTHECA Beati JO. ALB. FABRICII.... . 'y) r=== solenni auctionis lege diftrahenda in sedibus B. PoffelToris. Hamburgi: cId Id cc xxxviii. 2 Parts in I vol., sin. £° boards, fine Portrait. 1736 FABRICII (JO. ALBERTI,). BIBLIOTHECA LATINA /.lf==== Mediae et Infim^e Atatis cum SUPPLEMENTO Christiani Schoettgenii Editio Prima Italica a P. Joanne Dominico Mansi . . . .E MSS. editifque Codicibus correcta, illuflrata, aucta. Accedunt in fi?ie Vetera plura monumenta turn a Fabricio dim tradita, cum hie primo adjecla. Patavii: Ex Typographia Seminarii. mdccliv. 6 vols, in 2 vols., 40 vellum, red edges. Best Edition. Very Scarce. %* addition la meilleure que Ton ait de cet ouvrage estime: 60 a 75 fr.D—Brunet. 1737 FABRICII (IOANNIS ALBERTI). BIBLIOTHECA : GRAECA sive Notitia SCRIPTORVM VETERVM GRAE- CORVM qvorvmcvmqve Monvmenta Integra avt Fragmenta Edita Exstant tvm plerorvmqve E MSS. ac Deperditis ab Avctore Tertivm Recognita et plvrimis locis avcta EDITIO QUARTA Variorvm Cvris Emendatjor atqve avctior Cvr- ante GOTTLIEB CHRISTOPHORO HARLES. Accedvnt b. I. A. FABRICII et Christoph. Avgvsti Hevmanni Svpple- MENTA INEDITA. HAMBVRGI I A. C. MDCCLXXXX-MDCCCIX. 12 vols., 40 boards. Uncut. *** 4 Cet ouvrage capital, fruit de 40 ann^es de travail assidu d'un des hommes les plus savants qu'ait produits l'Allemagne, renfermc tout ce qu'on savait au commencement du XVIII0 sifcele sur la litterature grecque, el prouve que l'auteur n'avait pas moins de jugement que d'<*rudition.i>—Brunet. « Let me pay a proper tribute of respect to the memory of an eminently learned and laborious scholar and bibliographer: I mean John Albert Fadricius. His labours shed a lustre upon the scholastic annals of the 18th century; for he opened, as it were, the gates of literature to the inquiring student. There are iew instructors to whom we owe so much; none to whom we are more indebted. Let his works, therefore, have a handsome binding, and a conspicuous place in your libraries; for happy is that man who has them at hand to facilitate his inquiries, or to solve his doubts.p—Dibdin. / FACETIEUSE. 337 FABRICIUS. CODEX PSEUDEPIGRAPHUS VETERIS TESTAMENTI, Collectus, Castigatus, Testimoniisque, Cen- suris et Animadversionibus Illustratus a Johan. Alberto Fabricio. Editioni huic Secundce accedit Volumen alterum separa- tim excusam. Hamburgi: IJ22-2J. 2 vols. sm. 8° vellum. Fine Portrait 0/ Fabricius. RARE. *#* <t Besides the books commonly termed Apocryphal, which have been deservedly re- jected from the canon of Scripture, there are numerous spurious productions extant, the earliest of which (the pretended Book 0/Enoch,) could not have been written till shortly be- fore the commencement of the Christian sera; but by far the greatest part of them were forged between the second and fourth centuries. The industrious bibliographer, John Albert Fab- ricius, collected fragments and notices of all (or nearly all) these productions, which he has discussed in the Two Hundred and Forty Chapters of which his Codex Pseudepigraphus Veieris Testamenti consists.»—Horne. 1739 FABRICIUS (JEAN ALBERT). TH^OLOGIE DE L'EAU, ,%b ou Essai sur la Bontf,, la Sagesse et la Puissance de Dieu, mani- feft^es dans la Creation de 1'Eau. Traduit de V AUemand [par le Docteur Burnand\ Avec nouvelles Remarques communiques au Traducteur. La Haye: chez Pierre Paupie. mdccxli. 8° brochi. Uncut. Rare and Very Curious. 1740 FABRICIUS (IOANNES). HISTORIA BIBLIOTHEOE 1 x\ FABRICIANAE Qva singvli eivs Libri Eorvmqve contenta et si qvae dantvr variae Editiones avgmenta Epitomae Versiones Scripta adversa et hisce oppositae Apologiae sive Defensiones Avctorvm Errores et Vitae Doctorvmqve Virorvm de avctor. illis eorvmqve Libris Ivdicia et alia ad rem Librariam facientia recensentvr Scriptoresqve Anonymi et Psevdonymi nee non Scripta Spvria indicantvr. Wolffenbvttelii: Anno mdccxvii- # 6 vols., bound in 2 thick vols., ^° vellum. MDCCXXIII. *#* a This is a necessary and interesting Supplement to the preceding works of John Al- bert Fabricius. I have often gleaned some curious bibliographical intelligence from its copious pages.d—Dibdin. 1741 FACETIAE FACETIARUM. Hoc est, JOCO-SERIORUM /YZ." Fafciculus novusy Exhibens variorum autorum fcripta, non tam lectu jucunda & jocofa; amoena & amanda, quam lectu vere digna & i**ilia, multifve moralibus ad mores feculi nosflri accommodata, illuflrata, & adornata. Pathopoli: Anno do Id c lviii. 180paper covers. Rare and Curious. Contents: i. De Luftitudine Studentica.=n. De Peditu ejufque Speciebus.=m. De Cucurbitatione.=iv. De Jure Potandi.=v. Encomium Scabiei.=vi. Bonus Mulier five de mulieribus.=vn. De Ofculis Jucunda Differtatio.=vm. De Virginibus Thefes Inaugurales. =ix. De Jure & Natura Pennalium.=x. De Multifciis Studioiis Magiftris.=xi. De Coch- leatione Difputatio.=xn. Hans Pumbfack.=xm. De Hanreitate.=xiv. De Hafione & Hafibili qualitate.=xv. Floia cortum Veslicale.=xvi. De Cornelio & ejufdem natura.=xvu. De Beanis.=xvin. De Cafel Laudibus. J742 <tFAC&TIEUSE.i> BIBLIOTH&QUE FACETIEUSE His- 1 Xd = torique et Singuliere. ou R^impression de Pieces Curieuses, Rares ou Peu Connues des xve, xvi° et xvue Siecles. Paris: chez A. Claiidin. m.dccc.lviii. ib* half calf. Printed on Green Paper. Only 30 Copies Printed. Very Curious. 33% FEUILLET DE CONCHES. 1743 FAIRHOLT. A DICTIONARY of Terms in Art. Edited /.i/c* and Illustrated by F. W. Fairholt, f.s.a., with Five Hundred En- gravivgs on Wood. ,&> doth, red edges. - r/744 ^fallenftcin (£>r* Karl)* ©efcl)tri)te bet $BucI)brucier= fiutft in iljtcr (Stttftefjung ttnb 3(a£bilbmtg+ Sci^tg: j<fy<?. 4° boards. Uncut. With upzuards of 40 facsimiles 0/ the early productions of Typo- graphy, some colored, with specimens of types, etc. 1745 FARMER. JBibliotheca Farmeriana. A Catalogue of the J c o Curious, Valuable and Extensive Library of the late REvd. Richard Farmer, d.d comprehending many Rare Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, and of the moil eminent Philologers; a fine Collection of English History, Antiqui- ties and Topography, including all the Old Chronicles; the moft Rare and Copious Aflemblage of Old English Poetry, that, perhaps, was ever Exhibited at one View; together with a great Variety of Old Plays and Early Printed Books, English and Foreign, in the Black Letter. . . .Sold by Auction, by Mr. King. 8° smooth calf Neatly Priced. LONDON '. I7p8. ***a Priced copies of this Catalogue sell for 15 or2cxr., according to their condition.p-Horne. 1746 FARNHAM (LUTHER). A GLANCE at PRIVATE LIBRARIES [in Boston and Cambridge]. Boston: 1855. 8° pp. 7Q, half morocco, top gilt. 1747 FEDERALIST (The): A COMMENTARY on the Constitu- /, a—-.TiON of the United States. A Collection of Essays by Alex- VxftY \\sic c^ander Hamilton, Jay, and Madison. Also, The Continental- ist, and other Papers, by Hamilton. Edited by John C. Hamil- ton. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott 6° Co. 1865. 2 vols., imp. 8° cloth. Uncut. Portrait. LARGE PAPER. Only 100 Copies Printed. 1748 FEDERUS. SEX DIES intra Qvos OPVS CREATIONIS < [0 absolvtvm Qvales Fverint? Dissertatio Philologico Mathematica ....Avtore Ioanne Geor. Henr. Federus. Erlang^e: mdcclix. sm. 40 boards. 1749 FEE (A. L. A.) VOYAGE Autour de ma BIBLIOTH^QUE, )0 Literature et Philosophie. Paris: 1856. 120 brochc'. Uncut. 1750 FENIZER. CATALOGVS BIBLIOTHECA FENIZER- / P IANAE. Nurnberg: bey Wolfgang Schwartzkopf. 1776. 8° boards. Portrait. 1751 FEUILLET de CONCHES (F.) RfePONSE a une Incroyable fr>n= Attaque de la BIBLIOTH^QUE NATIONALE touchant vine Lettre de Michel de Montaigne. Paris: 1851. ===== Rfe- PONSE de la BIBLIOTH&QUE NATIONALE A M. Feuillet de Conches, par M. Naudet. Paris: i8ji. 2 Pieces in i vol., 8° half calf , with facsimile Letter of Montaigne. 3i FLITNERUS. 339 FlfeRE. CATALOGUE du MEDAILLIER de la BIBLIO- THfeQUE NUMISMATIQUE et autres beaux Livres Illustres, anciens et modernes, dans toutes les Classes, de M. Auguste Fiere, de Tournon. Lyon: chez M. Fontaine. iSjo. 8° brocht. Uncut. X753 FILHEUL. CATALOGUE des LIVRES Rares et Singuliers </^ du Cabinet de M. Filheul. [M. Chardin, masque' sous le nom de sa fe?nme\ Paris: chez Dessain, junior, m.dcc.lxxix. 8° broche", UncuT. Priced. *** <r Ouvrages curieux, Pontes Fran9ais, Romans de Chevalerie. On trouve dans quel- ques exemplaires les titres manuscrits de 130 ouvrages que la censure ne permit pas d'im- primer.P See Querard, Supercheries Littdraires DivoiUes, tome n.,p. 41. 1754 FISCHER (GOTTHELF). ESSAI sur les MONUMENTS /£&= TYPOGRAPHIQUES de Jean Gutenberg, Mayencais, Inventeur de Tlmprimerie. Mayence: An x. [f£o2.] 4° boards, with facsi?niles 0/"Gutenberg's type, initial letters, &c. *#* « This interesting volume (which consists of only 102 pages) contains almost every- thing that can be desired, respecting Gutenburg. It is divided into Three Sections, treating, 1. On the circumstances which probably accelerated the invention of Printing: 11. On the History of Gutenburg; and m. On the Typographical Monuments of that inventor of Print- ing. »—Peignot, Repertoire Bibliographigue Universel,p. 358. 1755 FLACHS (M. SIGISM. ANDREAS). VESTITVM E PAPYRO , J Xr in Gallia nvper Introdvctvm e Scriniis Antiqvitatis Ervtvm Moralibvsqve Adnotationibvs circa Inventiones Vestivm stipatvm. sm. 40paper covers. LlPST^E: MDCCXVIII. *** An exceedingly curious Dissertation on the Invention of PAPER CLOTHES. 1756 FLACHS (M. SIGSM. ANDR.) De CAUSIS DISSENSUS v/2.J== ERUDITORUM. Lipsle: do Id ccxxi. sm. 4 ° paper covers. 1757 FLAXMAN (W.) A CATALOGUE of the Valuable Collec- .So tion of BOOKS, chiefly Historical and Topographical, the Property of William Flaxman, Esq. of Norfolk. Being one of the finest Selections of County and other Histories ever offered to the Public... .Sold by Auction, by Mr. Dodd. London: i8og. 8° half russia; ruled in red lines and PRICED. J758 FLEISCHER (GUILLAUME). ANNUAIRE de la LIBRAI- 'I\i RIE. Paris: chez Levraultfreres. An x. [/<Sb2.] 2 vols., 8° half roan. 1759 FLITNERUS (JO.) NEBULO NEBULONUM, Hoc eft, \ ^0 JOCOSERIA Neqviti/e Censura; Qva Hominvm Scelestorvm doli, fraudes, fallacies, 6° mores verfuti vivis coloribus depinguntur cericf} incifi publico afpectui exponuntur; Annis abhinc centum cen- fore Murnero rhythmis Germanicis edita, deinde vero Iambico Dimetro Carmine amicta, & Latinitate donata, a Joanne Flit- nero, Franco, Poeta Laureato. Francofurti ad Moenum: Sumptibus Georgii Fickwirtii. Anno m.dc.lxiii. sm. 8° vellum, with JJ exceedingly curious Plates. Rare. 34° FOLENGO. <9ti 1760 FGEDERALIST (The): A Collection of Essays, written in Favor of the New Constitution, as Agreed upon by the Fgederal Convention, September 17, 1787. Reprinted from the Original Text, with an Historical Introduction and Notes. By Henry B. Dawson. Morrisania, N. Y.: 1864. vol. i., S° Lar-ge Paper. Uncut. Fine Portrait of Hamilton. Only 250 Copies Printed. 1761 FOLENGI (THEOPHILI). Vulgo MERLINI COCAII Opus Macaronicum Notis Illustratum cut accessit Vocabularium, Etruscum, et Latinum. Editio omnium locupletissima. Amstelodami: mdcclxviii-mdcclxxi. 2 vols., 40 vellum, red edges, %vith Portrait, and numerous curious Vignettes, etc. *** The most sumptuous edition of this extraordinary work. 1762 [FOLENGO (TEOFILO)]. MACARO-| NICORVM | Poema | , J6 Baldus. / Zanitojiella./ Mofchcea./Epigi-ammata. Venetiis: m.d.lv. 160 marbled calf. Rare. *** « More extravagant than the writings of Berni, are those of his contemporary Teofilo Folengo, of Mantua, better known by his assumed name of Merlino Coccajo. He was also an ecclesiastic, having in the year 1507, when only sixteen years of age, entered into the order of Benedictines, on which occasion he relinquished his baptismal name of Girolamo, and took that of Teoflo. His religious vows did not, however, extinguish his amorous passioDS, and a violent attachment which he soon after formed for a young lady named Girolama Dieda, induced him to desert his monastery. After passing for several years an irregular and wandering life, he published his Macaronic Poems, in which, by a singular mixture of the Latin and Italian with the various dialects of the populace, and by applying the forms of one language to the phrases of another, he has produced a kind of mongrel tongue, which, from its singularity and capricious variety, has attracted both admirers and imitators. It must, however, be remarked that his Macaronics abound with obscene passages; a peculiarity which seems in these times to have distinguished the productions of the ecclesiastics from those of the laity .*>—Roscoe. 1763 [FOLENGO (TEOFILO)]. MERLINI | COCAII | Poet,e | \1-^ === Mantvani I Macaronicorvm I Poemata, | Nunc recens accurate recognita cum | figuris locis fuis appofitis. Venetiis: m.d.lxi. lb0 plain calf, with curious woodcuts. 1764 [FOLENGO [TEOFILO)]. CHAOS | DEL | TRI PER J 0 VNO / co?i priulego. Dijli. {[ Vnus adest triplici mihi nomine uultus in oi'be, Tres dixere chaos: numero deus impare gaudet. In fine: Stamp at a in Vinegia per Giouanni An tonio &■' Fratelli da Sabbio. Ad in stantia de Nicolo Garanta, adi Primo Zener. m.d.xxvii. sm. S° fine old red morocco, with wood-cuts. VERY RARE. *** The FIRST and most esteemed Edition of this exceedingly curious work, of which, an excellent bibliographical analysis will be found in Marchand, Diet. Historique, etc., tome 1., p. 187, et seq. Mr. S.W. Singer's copy sold in his sale for £5. -js. 6d. See Clement, Bibliothe- que Curieuse, etc., tome viii., /. SQ7- Fontanini, Biblioteca delPEloquenza Italiana, Edit. 1753, tomo i.^p.joj, Note a. tfv FOPPENS. 341 1765 [FOLENGO (TEOFILO)]. OpVS | MERLINI | Cocaii Poetae $5^° I Mantvani I Macaronicorum. | Totum in priflinam formam per me Magiftrum / Acquarium Lodolam optime redactum, in his/infra notatis titulis diuifum./ ZANITONELLA, Que de amore Tonel- | li erga Zaninam tractat. Que conflat ex trede | cim Sonolegijs, feptem Ecclogis & vna Stram | bottolegia. | PHANTASIAE Macar- onicon, diuifum in | vigintiquinque Macaronicis, tractaus de ge-| flis magnanimi, & prudentiffimi Baldi. | MOSCHEAE Facetus liber in tnbus partibus | diuifus, & tractans de cruento certamine Mu-| fcarum & Formicarum. | LIBELLVS Epiflolarum, & Epigrammatum I ad varias perfonas directarum. Venetiis: 1581. 12° stamped pigskin, brass clasps, curious old wood-cuts, fine copy. Rare. 1766 [FOLENGO]. HISTOIRE MACCARONIQUE de Merlin Coccaie, Prototype de Rabelais: avec L'Horrible Bataille des Mouches et des Fourmis. [Paris]: m.d.cc.xxxiv. 2 vols., 180 half crimson morocco\ gilt backs, marbled edges. %* « La plaisanterie, la raillerie, la critique, la satire, s'exercent tour a tour sur tous les objets, dans Merlin CoccaIe. Religion, politique, literature, sciences, papes, rois, clerge\ grands, peuple, rien n'est respecte, je dirais presque, tpargne par lui. En un mot, Ton peut dire que Folengo fut le precurseur de Rabelais.p—Ch. Nodier. 1767 FOLENGO. LA MOSCHEIDE DI TEOFILO FOLENGO < / 0 cognominato Merlin Cocajo. Poema Eroicomico recato in Versi Italiani da Francesco Antolini. Aggiuntavi LA BATRA- COMIOMACHIA D'OMERO. Milano: 1817. 12 ° broche. Uncut. Rare. 1768 [FOLENGO]. Histoire Maccaronique de MERLIN COC- CAIE, Prototype de Rabelais Avec des Notes et une Notice par G. Brunet, Nouvelle Edition Revue et Corrigee sur 1'feDi- tion de 1606, par P. ~L\acroix\ Jacob Bibliophile. Paris: 1850. 120 brocht. Uncut. ^^769 FONTAINE. CATALOGUE de LIVRES ANCIENS et • <V ^ MODERNES Rares et Curieux de la Librairie Auguste Fon- taine. 3 vols., 8° half morocco. PARIS: l8jO-JJ. 1770 FONTANINI. BIBLIOTECA DELL' ELOQUENZA ITAL- IANA di Monsignore Giusto Fontanini. ... con le Annotazioni del Signor Apostolo Zeno Accresciuta di Nuove Acciunte. Parma : per li Fratelli Gozzi. mdccciii-iv. 2 vols., 4 ° half calf. *** « A work deservedly held in the highest estimation.d—Horne. 1771 FOPPENS (IOANNIS FRANCISCI). BIBLIOTHECA BEL- GICA, sive Virorum in Belgio Vita, Scriptisque Illustrium Catalogus, Librorumque Nomenclatura. Continens Scriptores a ClarifT. Viris Valerio Andrea, Auberto Mir/eo, Francisco Sweertio, Aliifque, recenfitos, ufque ad annum M.D.C.LXXX. BruXellis: m.d.cc.xxxix. 2 vols., 40 half calf, warbled edges, with 144 fine Portraits of eminent scholars. P~ >! 3S-F 342 FORTIA-D URBAN. / 1772 FORBES (JOHN). A MANUAL of SELECT MEDICAL . (° ° BIBLIOGRAPHY, in which the Books are arranged Chronologi- cally according to the Subjects, and the Derivations of the Terms and the Nosological and Vernacular Synonyms of the Diseases are given. With an APPENDIX containing Lists of the Collected Works of Authors, Systematic Treatises on Medi- cine, Transactions of Societies, Journals, &c, &c. London: m.dccc.xxxv. 8° cloth. Uncut. Very Scarce. %* 4The following Bibliographical Collections were originally formed to supply a defi- ciency in the individual articles of the Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine, and the greater portion of them was published in the Supplement to that work. They are now republished with Additions, with the view of filling, in some degree at least, a very important blank in the Medical Literature of this country which has long been felt to exist.»—Pre/ace. 1773 FORMEY. CONSEILS pour FORMER uneBIBLIOTH^QUE %S peu Nombreuse, mais Choisie. Par Mr. [Jean Henri-Samuel] Formey. Troisieme £dition, corrigee et augmented, avec une No- tice des Ouvrages de 1'Auteur. Berlin: mdcclv. 12 ° calf. *** a On trouve en t£te de cette Edition une Lettre de La Mothe Le Vayer, adress<5e a un religieux, et iutitulee: Du Moyen de dresser une Bibliotheque d'une Centaine de Volumes seulemertt. Elle est tirt-e des CEuvres de cet auteur. Paris: 1634. f°. Cette Lettre est assez curieuse, en ce qu'ellefait connoitre les ouvrages les plus estimt^s daDS le temps oh elle a 6t6 ecrite.p—Peignot. 1774 FORMEY (M.) La FRANCE LITT&RAIRE, ou Diction- , I 0 = naire des Auteurs Francois Vivans; Corrige" et Augments. Berlin: chez Haude et Spener. 1757. 8° boards. Uncut, 1775 FORREST. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of EDWIN l/Q = FORREST. Compiled by Joseph Sabin. Philadelphia; 1863. 8° paper covers. Uncut. Portrait. «175 Copies Privately Printed.d %* A masterpiece of bibliographical and typographical inaccuracy, enriched with sundry critical remarks «that would have made Quintilian stare and gasp.» Laura Matilda Jenkins, in her best mood, never surpassed the silver-tongued compiler's gush of rapturous platitude over the « Tragedies of Alfieri,» and a PLANTER'S v Comedies, a poet, commonly known to school-boys as a Plautus p. FORSTER. Rare Old English Literature. A CATA- LOGUE of the CURIOUS LIBRARY of Mr. Richard Forster. Comprising a very Extensive and Valuable Assemblage of Old Plays, Poetry, Romances, English Chronicles, Voyages and Travels, &c Sold by Auction, by Messrs. King and Loch£e. London: 1806. 8° full blue morocco, gilt edges, ruled in red Iities and PRICED, 1777 FORTIA-D'URBAN (M. Le MARQUIS de). ESSAI sur {J lF= L'ORIGINE de L'feCRITURE, sur son Introduction dans la Grece et son Usage jusqu'au Temps d'HoMERE, c'est-A-dire jusqu'a 1'An iooo avant notre Ere. Paris: chez H. Fournier. i8j2. 8° halfmoroccs, top gilt. Uncut. With folding Plates of Alphabets. Very Curious. FOURNIER. 343 1778 [FOSCOLO]. DIDYMI CLERICI Prophets Minimi HY- t JV== PERCALYPSEOS, Liber Singularis. [Per Ugo Foscolo\ Pi sis: In .Fdibus Sapientice, m.d.ccc.xv. 8° half roan, with fine medallion Portrait and Vignettes. Only 92 Copies Printed. Very Rare. *** « Satire violente contre les litterateurs Italiens qui ont cet<^br<* la domination Fran- 9aise. Elle a etc tirde a 92 exemplaires pour l'auteur et ensuite supprime'e.v Hanrott's copy sold for £3. 3*. 1779 FOURNIER (M. [Pierre Simon]). De L'ORIGINE et des / 0 0= PRODUCTIONS de l'IMPRIMERIE PRIMITIVE en Taille i de Bois; Avec Une refutation des prfyugh plus ou moins accr/dit/s fur cet Art; Pour fervir de fuite a la DifTertation fur l'Origine de l'Art de graver en bois. Paris: m.dcc.lix sm. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. Scarce. 1780 FOURNIER. MANUEL TYPOGRAPHIQUE, Utile aux /) j*~0 Gens de Lettres, & a ceux qui exercent les dijfirentes parties de VArt de Vlmprimerie. Par [Pierre Simon] Fournier, le jeune. A Paris: m.dcc.lxiv-m.dcc.lxvi. 2 vols., sm. 8° diamond calf gilt edges, with engraved frontispieces, and lb folding Plates, illustrative of the founding of printing types, &>c. VERY SCARCE. *+* a This work, which is now of great rarity, was to have been comprised in four vol- umes, but was interrupted by the author's death in 1768. The First Volume presents a de- scription of the engraving or cutting of the characters and the casting of types, as well as a history and detailed account of M. Fournier's newly invented characters for music. In the Second Volume, (beside a Preliminary advertisement, giving an account of the principal type- foundries of Europe) are contained specimens, 1. of the characters, both Roman and Italic, which are usually employed in printing, with the different degrees of thickness by which they are respectively distinguished. 2. Specimens of Vignettes and Ornamental Characters. 3. A Collection of Oriental and other foreign Alphabets, whose characters differ from those in common use. Copies are rarely to be obtained for less than £2. 12s. 6d.»—Horne. 3 s 1° I J781 FOURNIER (F. I.) DICTIONNAIRE Portatif de BIBLIO- = GRAPHIE, contenant plus de 17,000 Articles de Livres Rares, Curieux, Estimes et Recherch£s Paris: m.d.cccv 8° boards. Uncut. 1782 FOURNIER (FR. IGN.) Nouveau DICTIONNAIRE Por- '*== tatif de BIBLIOGRAPHIE, contenant plus de Vingt-Trois Mille Articles de Livres Rares, Curieux, Estimes et Recher- che^. .. .Precede d'un Precis sur les Bibliotheques et sur la Biblio- graphie. [Par E. Jardtf.] Seconde Edition, revue et conside- rablement Augmentee. Paris: Fournier Freres. Mai.—m.dccc.ix. 4* cloth. Uncut. LARGE PAPER. Rare. J783 FOURNIER (HENRI). TRAIT& de la TYPOGRAPHIE. "*- Paris: Imprimerie de II. Fournier. m.dccc.xxv. 8° boards. 1784 FOURNIER (HENRI). TRAIT& de la TYPOGRAPHIE. *£ Deuxieme Edition corrigee et augmentee. Tours: mdcccliv. 120 broche1. Uncut. ■/f /< 344 FRANCO. 1785 FOWLE. CATALOGUE of the CHOICE COLLECTION of 'BOOKS Belonging to William F. Fowle, Esquire, of Boston, Mass. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press. 1865. S°. Uncut. LARGE PAPER. Only 85 Copies Printed. 1786 FRACASTORII. H1ERONYMI FRACASTORII SYPHILIS, Sive MORBVS GALLICVS. Sm.S° half calf. Rare. BASILE/E: I536. *** a The productions of no modern poet have been more commended by the learned, than those of Fracastor. His Poems are in general written with a spirit which never de- generates into insipidity. But on his Syphilis the high poetical reputation of Fracastor is principally founded.»— Greswell. 1787 FRACASTOR. SYPHILIS ou le Mal Venerien, Poeme n o Latin de Jerome Fracastor, avec la Traduction en Francois, ef des Notes [Par Macquer et Lacombe]. Paris: mdccliii. 12° cai/\ marbled edges. 738 [jFrautffcus tre&(Kffo]* r>/. m.-) mtipitplOQuf t ^*= uitarotjeatffrancfttt ^^jjantft ^ratfalrtiCal= uatorte nvi \ trtetitts ittii nouiffimis* t tuo<> ftan I tifco. oiufti^ utvtJ)uroUftJ<> <rt itt | jjattptatf s.... sm.4»calf. \SCBC. XIV.] A MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, containing 137 leaves, the last leaf paper; written in a large bold hand', with many contractions a?id abbreviations; 23 lines to a full pagey with Ornamental Initial Letters; some leaves water-stained. * + * This exceedingly curious Manuscript is divided into xv. Chapters, and comprises the Life of the world-renowned St. Franciscus de Assisio, written by the famous St. Bonaven- tura, 1 Doctor Seraphicus.v The marvellous visions, revelations, temptations of the flesh, and the weird miracles wrought by St. Francis, are narrated in this singular production, apparently with the most implicit faith in their veracity, and with an amplitude of detail, com- mensurate to their vast importance. A signal example of the fearful temptations which frequently beset this venerated Saint, during the early years of his conversion, will be found on folios 23 and 26, beginning with the following extract: <&ua ppt cca ccmutfomt fue pmottrfa, tpr fygcmalf 1 foucam glacte plenam it fpm pleruque fitfictiat ttt et iromettfeutftu Jjofteo? pfute tubiQtvtt: i can- Vftrum ucfttmetu putrorfs a uolttptatft fcenirto pfuarrt— « The blessed St. Francis, at the beginning of his conversion, would often, in the winter, throw himself into a ditch full of Ice, that he might get a complete victory over his domestic enemy, and preserve the white robe of chastity from the conflagration of pleasure. Being one day strongly pressed by a temptation of the flesh, he pulled off his clothes, and scourged himself soundly. Then, warmed with an admirable fervency of zeal, he opened his cell; and, coming out of it, he went into a garden, where, having thrown himself naked into a great heap of snow, he made of it seven balls, and laying them before him, he thus spoke to his external man: l the largest of these balls is thy wife; the other four are thy two sons and two daughters; and the remaining two are thy man and maid servants, which thou must keep. Make haste then to clothe them, for they are dying with cold.' The Devil, who then tempted St. Fran- cis, being baulked, immediately left him, and this holy man returned victorious into his cell.* —See folios 25-26, et seq. 1789 FRANCO. ONTXOAOriA CVRIOSA Sive de VNGVIBVS. . f 0 — Tractatio Physico-Medico Avctore Georgio Friderico Franco. j> stiff paper covers. Jen^e: Anno mdcxcvi. %* A very curious Dissertation concerning FINGER-NAILS. FRISCHLINI. 345 1790 FRANKLIN (ALFRED). HISTOIRE delaBIBLIOTH^QUE • IJ MAZARINE depuis sa Fondation jusqu'a nos jours. Paris: chez Auguste Aubry. m.d.ccc.lx. sm. 8° half crimson morocco, top gilt, a Papier ve'lin.v *** A bibliographical notice of the celebrated a Mazarine Biblcp will be found on /. 208 of this interesting volume. 1791 [FREDERICI (FORTUNATO)]. ANNALI della TIPO- • Jo GRAFIA Volpi-Cominiana colle Notizie intorno la Vita e gli Studj de'Fratelli Volpi. Padova: 1809. 8° cloth. Portrait. 1792 FRfeRE (feDOUARD). MANUEL du BIBLIOGRAPHE <pO== normand ou Dictionnaire bibliographique et JllStOriCIUC Contenant: i° L'indication des Ouvrages relatifs & la Normandie, depuis l'origme de l'lmprimerie jusqu'a nos jours; 20 Des notes biographiques, critiques et litteraires sur les ecrivains normands, sur les auteurs de publications se rattachant a la Nor- mandie, et sur diverses notability de cette province; 30 Des re- cherches sur l'histoire de rimprimerie en Normandie. Rouen: A Le Brument. 1838-60. 2 vols., 8° broche1. Uncut. Scarce. *** aCet ouvrage, rdsultat des iramenses recherches de l'auteur et des nombreux rensei- gnements qui lui ont ett< communiques par plusieurs savants normands, r^pond parfaitement a ce que promet son titre; et c'est a notre avis, un des plus curieux que nous ayons sur la bi- bliographic de nos anciennes provinces.»—Brunet. 1793 FRfeVILLE (E. de). De La POLICE des LIVRES au XVP f I 2r== SlfeCLE. Livres et Chansons mis a 1'Index par 1'Inquisiteur de la Province Ecclesiastique de Toulouse (1348-1349). Paris: Aug. Durand. 1833. 8° half morocco. Only 100 Copies Printed. FREYTAG (FRIDER. GOTTHILF). ANALECTA LIT- TERARIA de Libris Rarioribvs. Lipsiae: 1730. 8° vellum. FREYTAG. ADPARATVS LITTERARIVS vbi Libri Partim Antiqvi Partim Rari Recensentvr Collectvs a Frider. Gott- hilf Freytag. Lipsiae: Ex Officina Weidmanmana. 1732-33-33. 3 vol., 8° half vellum. $rct)tag§ ($rtebrid) ©ottf)tff) SRad&ridjtcn turn fclt= ncn unb mcrfnmrbigen ^ud)mt+ Enter Band. Gotha: 1776. 8° paper covers. %* This scarce volume contains bibliographical and critical notices of SIXTY-THREE rare and curious books, including an elaborate account of the works of Pietro Aretino, and of the Erotic Poems of the disreputable George Sabinus. X797 FRISCHLINI (NICODEMI). 1. FACETIAE SELECTIORES: j 0 Quibus ob Argumenti Similitudinem accesserunt. = 11. Hen- rici Bebelii, P. L. Eacetiarum Libri Tres. = 111. SALES item 34^ FURIES. seu Facetiae ex POGGII Florentini Oratoris libro felectse. Nee non Alphonsi Regis Arragonum, & Adelphi Facetiae ut & Prog- nostic a Iacobi Henrichmanni. Amst^elodami: m.dc.li. 180 vellum, engraved frontispiece. Rare and Curious. 1798 FRONDES CADUC^ Viz: DIALOGI DVO RERVM .Lf 0 VERBORVMQVE Lepore, et Copia Insignes: Qvorum prior, continet Colloquium inter Deum & Euam (vt ferunt) eiufque liberos, pofterior Salomonis & Marcolphi incundiffimam decertationem proponit. Argentina: s. a. Reprinted, at the Auchinleck Press, by Alexander Boswell. MD.CCCXVI. sm. 40 half 'morocco. Very Scarce. 1799 FRY (EDMUND). PANTOGRAPHIA; Containing accu- % XS rate Copies of all the known Alphabets in the World; To- gether with an English Explanation of the Peculiar Force or Power of each Letter: To which are added, Specimens of all well- authenticated Oral Languages; forming a Comprehensive Digest of Phonology. London: mdccxcix. roy. 8° hal/russia. Uncut. With autograph Note 0/the author inserted. *#* a This highly interesting work is the result of sixteen years' research: the specimens of the characters are executed with great neatness. j-Horne. 1800 [fry] litt)Uoflt\ii)t)tcat Jftetuotratttra; in illus- jr 2_y tration of Early English Literature. {Edited by John Fry.] Bristol: mdcccxvi. sm. 4? smooth calf. From the collection 0/ Philip Bliss, with autograph Note 0/ the Editor, inserted. Only 100 Copies Printed (on very stout Writing Paper). Very Scarce. %* This volume contains bibliographical notices of, and Extracts from upwards of One^ Hundred exceedingly rare and curious books. a some ther be that do defye, ALL THAT IS NEWE, AND EUER DO CRYE THE OLDE IS BETTER, AWAYE WYTH THE NEWE BECAUSE IT IS FALSE AND THE OLDE IS TRUE. LET THEM THIS BOKE READ AND BEHOLDE, FOR IT PREFERRETH THE LEARNYNGE MOST OLDE.D 1801 FUERISON (JOSEPH). HISTOIRE de la LiTTfeRATURE 7F== FRANQAISE au Moyen-Age. Gand: iStf. 12° brochd. Uncut. 1802 FURIES (Les) d'apres les POfiTES et les ARTISTES AN- CIENS, par M. Boettiger. Trad, de 1'Allemand par T. F. 1 \r[ !(Q<c'c(_ Winchler. Paris: An x. [1S02.] 8° half morocco, lop gilt. Uncut. With 4 Illustrations, 2 of which are colored. Very Scarce. J ALLJEI (SERVATII). DISSERTATIONES de SIBYL- LIS, Earumque ORACULIS. Cum figuris CEneis. Amstelodami: cb Idc Lxxxviii. sm.40 vellum, red edges, with Portraits of the Sibyls ; ftne impressions. Scarce. 1804 GALLiEI. 2IBTAAIAK0I XPH2MOI, Hoc est, SIBYLLINA ORACULA. ex veteribus codicibus emendata, ac reftituta et com- mentariis diverforum illuftrata, Opera & Studio Servatii Gall/ei: Accedunt etiam Oracula Magica Zoroaftris, Joins, Apollinis, &c. Aftrampfychi Oneiro-Criticum, &c. Graece & Latine, cum Notis Variorum. Amstelodami: do Idc Lxxxix. sm. 40 vellum. 1805 GALLARDO. ENSAYO de una BIBLIOTECA ESPANOLA IyT> ~ de Libros Raros y Curiosos, formado con los apuntamientos de Don Bartolome* Jose Gallardo, coordinados y aumentados por D. M. R. Zarco del Valle y D. J. Sancho Rayon. Madrid: Imprenta y Ester eotipia de M. Rivadeneyra. 1863-1866. tomos 1. & 11. 2 vols., imp. S° troche". Uncut. 1806 GALLOIS. TRAITTfe (sic) des plvs Belles BIBLIOTH^QUES J (■' de l'EUROPE. Des premiers Livres qui ont £te faits. De l'ln- vention de ITmprimerie. Des Imprimeurs. Des plufieurs Livres qui ont 6t6 perdus & recouvr^s par les foins des Scavans. Avec une M6thode pour dreffer une Bibliotheque. Par le Sieur Le Gallois. Paris: chez Estienne Alichallet. m.dc.lxxx. j2° plain calf. t 1807 GAMA(J. P.) ESQUISSE HISTORIQUE de GUTENBERG. vaP s° brocM. Uncut. Paris: Bail!ere. 1837. 1808 GAMESTER. The Compleat Gamefter: or, INSTRUC- 2.3o= TIONS Plow to Play at BILLIARDS, TRUCKS, BOWLS, and CHESS. Together with all manner of ufual and moll Gentile Games either on (sicJ CARDS or DICE. To which is added, The Arts and Mysteries of RIDING, RACING, ARCHERY, and COCK- FIGHTING. [By Charles Cotton.] The Second Edition. London: Printed for Henry Brome at the Gun at the West-end of St. Pauls. i6j6. sm. S° old calf * soiled, with Frontispiece in compartments. %* At the end ot this curious volume, will be found, 4 An excellent and elegant Copy of Verses upon two Cock's-fghting, by Dr. R. Wild.d So hrr 348 GAY. 1809 GARMANN (ISAAC GOTTLOB). De SAPIENTIA AEGYP- TIORVM Vitembergae: cId Id ccx. sm. 40 half roan. Rare. t8io GARRICK. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY, Splendid Books of Prints, Poetical and Historical Tracts, of David Garrick, Esq with the Modern Works added thereto by Mrs. Garrick. Sold by Auction. London: 1823. 8° half morocco, ivith Prices and Purchasers' Names. jr8n GASTRONOMIE (La), ou L'Homme des Champs a Table, • h^ [par Joseph Berchoux^\ pour servir de suite a L'Homme des Champs par J. Delille. Seconde Edition, revue et augmented. Paris: chez Giguet et Michaud. 1803, (An. xi). iS° broche'. LTncut. Frontispiece. 1812 GAUDENTII JOCOSI NUG^E Doct;e et Inaudit^e, The- / \--S~ faurus eventibus hujus temporis variis ac narrationibus jocoferiis, fcitu non tam ad fallendam tempus occafione honefti otii valde jucundis, quam ad diverfos hominum mores corrigendos apprime utilibus repletus. Editio Nova, Multo-prioribus correctior 6° auctior. SOLISBACI: MDCCXXV. j8° boards, engraved frontispiece. Rare and Curious. %* The folio-wing example of extraordinary presence of mind, will be found on page 22: Orator is dexter itas. « Quidam civis coram Sigismundo, Duce Aujlria*, oraturus magnum ventris crepitum edidit: quare ad anum converfus, dixit, omnibus audientibus: Si vultis vos loqui, non opus ejl oratione med; atque nihilo deterritus, profecutus eft orationem fuam. Quod ade6 gratum Principi (qui hilaritate gaudebat) erat,ut hominemlioneftiflime tractaret.* 1813 GAZAN. CATALOGUE des LIVRES, MANUSCRITS et 1 ,T== AUTOGRAPHES composant la Bibliotheque de feu le Lieut- General de Gazan. Paris: Techener. 1849. 8° half calf 1814 GAZETTE des BEAVX-ARTS, Courrier European de /'ART et n<r^= de la CURIOSITY. [Rddacteur en chef, M. Charles Blanc] Deuxieme Periode. Paris: 1869-1877. tomes i. to xvi. in Parts, forming lb vols., imp. 8°. Uncut. With numerous fine Etch- ings, Engravings, Wood-cuts, etc. 1815 [GAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHIE des OUVRAGES Relatifs k '1.71 g- 1'Amour, aux Femmes, au Mariage et des Livres Facetieux, 'Pantagreuliques, Scatologiques, Satyriques, etc. Contenant les Titres detailles de ces Ouvrages, les noms des Auteurs, un Apercu de leur sujet, leur valeur et leur prix dans les ventes, etc. Par M. Le C. D'i * * * [Jules Gay]. 3me Edition entierement refondue et consid^rablement augmented. Ordre Alphab£tique par noms d'Auteurs et titres d'Ouvrages. Turin, etc: 1871-1873, 6 vols., /0° broche'. Uncut. GERBERTI. 349' 1816 GAY (JEAN). Les CHATS. Extraits de Pieces Rares et y W Curieuses en Vers et en Prose, Anecdotes, Chansons, Proverbes, Superstitions, Proces, etc., Notes Iconographiques et Biblio- graphiques, le tout concernant La Gent Feline. Paris: 1866. 160 broche1. Uncut. 300 copies printed on « Papier de Hollander Very curious. 1817 GED. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS of WILLIAM GED; ^ (r~v ~ Including a Particular Account of his Progress in the Art of Block-Printing. [Edited by John Nichols.] London : mdcclxxxi. S° smooth calf. Rare. *** «Ged was the frst inventor of Stereotype Printing in Great Britain, and was ruined by his efforts to introduce it.» 1818 <3rtUU (&) fciti XHttVtifU=\mi Noctium atticarum libri. J (J o XX. fumma accu- | ratione Ioannis Connelli Carnoteii. | ad recogni- tionem Beroal-| dinam repofiti: cum | Alphabetico in-1 dice. In fine: ImprefTas rurfunvad exeplar Beroaldinas reco- gnitionis, in edibus quide Nicolai de pratis, impefis vero Oliuerij Se- nant bibliopole iurati: anno falutis noftrae. M.DXV. Pridie Kaledas Ia- nuarias. sm. 40paper covers. Fine clean copy. Rare. GENEBRARDI (GILB.) CHRONOGRAPHS Libri Qua- tuor. Priores Dvo svnt de Rebvs Veteris populi, & Praecipuis quatuor millium annorum geftis. Eosteriores, e D. Arnaldi Pon- taci Vafatenfis Epijcopi Chronographia aucti, recentes historias reliquorum annorum complectuntur,.... Parisiis: m.d.lxxxv. f° stamped hogs kin. *+* See, Niceron, Mhnoires des Hommes Jllustres, tome xxii.,/. ij. 1820 GENT. The LIFE of MR. THOMAS GENT, Printer of / %S" York; Written by Himself. London: i8j2. S° cloth. Fine Portrait. *** « An extremely entertaining A utobiography. Gent's occupation as a Printer neces- sarily introduced him to the acquaintance of many literary men, and his book abounds with notices of authors, printers, etc. of the times in which he lived.» 1821 GERBERTI (MARTINI). ITER ALEMANNICVM, accedit jn^ Italicvm et Gallicvm. Editio Jecundo, reuija, 6° correcta. Typis San-Blasianis: 1773. S° half calf , gilt back and top, with 10 folding- plates, facsimiles, etc. **+ « Cet ouvrage contient la relation de ses voyages, faits en 1760 et 1761; il traite princi- palement de la Suisse; et il est tres-prtcieux pour la description des monuments d'antiquitd et des riches bibliotheques des lieux de cette contree visited par l'auteur.D—Biog. Universelle. 35° G1LINUS. 1822 GERET (SAMVEL LVTHERVS). De ALDI PII MANVTII J (xo ROMANI Vita Meritisqve in Rem Literatam Dissertationem nee dum Editam Observationibvs svis Illvstratam. Vitembergae. do Iocc liii. 4 ° half morocco, red edges. Portrait 0/ Aldus, atid Plate of the Aldine Devices. *** This work is simply a reprint of Uncer's Life 0/Aldus, with Notes and Additions by Geret. 1823 [(Uefjner ((?ljrifttan $riebridj)]* &ic fo nptfjtg aid 3s==== niitjlidjc !l*nd)brtttf erf nnft nnb ^djriftgiefteretj, mit ifjren ^djrtften, ^forinaten unb alien baju geljorigen S«f*^u= inenteit abgebilbet and) tlarlid) befdjrteben, unb nebft einer tnrjgefaftten Grjafjlnng toont Urfprnng unb $ort= gang ber $hid)brntferfnnft, iibertjanpt, tnfonbertjeit ^on ben uornetjmften Shtdjbrndern in Setyjtg unb anbern Orten £entfc^(anbe3 im 300 %*f)te nad) (grfmbnng ber= felben an§ £td>t geftellt, 9)ttt ciner !©orrebe ^errn ^o= tjann (*rijarb fravpen3* Sei^tg: 1740-43- J vols., sm. S° boards, red edges, with numerous Illustrations; Portraits of Eminent Printers, Booksellers' and Printers' Devices, Monograms, etc., etc. 1824 [<£ttijtrenfrocftt cum caUn&ario,] r>/. «.j /oco= l%ttv Htgftintt Xfit atirtftrt ban onf tirofuto... sm. S^ half calf. \SCBC. XV.] A MANUSCRIPT Book of Hours (in Dutch) beautifully -written on Vellum, containing ibSleaves, iq lines to a full page, zvith 4 very curious but coarsely executed MINIATURES; Ornamental Initial Letters, Zfc. Some leaves badly zvater-stained. 1825 [(Kfjetrcncfcenfffc banttc Ittren cms tycn tfju nJt\] (foi. ia.-) Sj-jr^ Btt tvn ijoutrert atttcitlf of flijeTrntcftemCTc bautt? I0rw cms tyzn tijii rjK . . . ^veiium. [Sac xv.] A MANUSCRIPT neatly written on Paper, containing ibo leaves^ 21 lines to a full page; zvith rubricated I nit ial Letters. A good specimen of Low Dutch chirography. 1826 GILES. MEMORIALS of KING ALFRED, Being Essays on Ij y%\-- the History and Antiquities of England during the Ninth Cen- tury, the Age of King Alfred. By Various Authors. Edited and in Part written by the Rev. Dr. [J. A.] Giles. London: mdccclxii. S° cloth. Uncut. //'ith Plates. *** a This work will be found to contain a perfect and authentic History of the fifty years of King Alfred's life, and to furnish an insight into the Literature and Manners of that age which the greater brevity of complete Histories of England, written by modern authors, fails mostly to convey.D—Preface. 1827 <&UitiM. <£oratrfnu0 gUfmtg arctfmn % mtXf= :i2 r= itiwt doctor Tft movfjo qttemigftUfettm mwctt= pant atr KUuttrHKmuro. ©. fffltfmwi*ru* ttttn. s. I. et a. [circa 140J ?] sm. 40 4 leaves, 34 lines to a full page, stiff paper covers. EXCESSIVELY RARE. *** See Konig, Biblioiheca Vetus et Nova,p. 347. / GOUTTARD. 351 1828 [GIRARDOT de PREFOND]. CATALOGUE des LIVRES (&= du CABINET de Mr. G... .D. . . .P... .[Girardot de Prdfond\ Par Guillaume-Franc. De Bure. Paris: m.dcc.lvii. 8° half calf. Neatly Priced. Rare. *+* < Catalogue tres estime. II est termine par une Lisle des Variorum, en 245 vol. in-8°, qui a e'te' vendue 1600 fr., par une Lisle des ad Usarn, en 60 vol. in-40, et par la Table des auteurs.D—Peignot. 1829 GIRAULT DE SAINT-FARGEAU (EUSEBE). HISTOIRE t-[j LITTfeRAIRE Francaise et JEtrangere, ou Analyse Raison- n£e des CEuvres Choisies de tous les £crivains qui se sont fait un Nom dans les Sciences et dans les Lettres. .. .Deuxibne Edi- tion, Augmentee de plus de 200 articles, completant 1'Histoire Lit- teraire depuis les temps les plus recul^s jusqu'a nos jours. Paris: Adolphe Delahays. 1854. 12 ° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. 1830 GILCHRIST (ALEXANDER). LIFE of WILLIAM BLAKE, ^7) a Pictor Ig?iotus.i> With Selections from his Poems and other Writings. Illustrated from Blake's own Works, in Facsimile by W. J. Linton, and in Photolithography: with a few of Blake's O rig rial Plates. 2 vols., 8° half brown morocco, tops gilt. Uncut. 1831 GINGUENfe (P. L.) HISTOIRE LITT&RAIRE D'lTALIE. 'vj"s== Milan: chez Paolo Emilio Giusti. m.dccc.xx-xxi. q vols., ib ° half vellum. %* «This work exhibits the most complete picture of the most celebrated epochs of Italian Literature. It abounds with interesting historical facts and literary observations. He discusses points, and analyses subjects neglected by Tiraboschi, in his voluminous History.* —Revue Ency. 1832 GOCKINGA. BIBLIOTHECA GOCKINGANA. Sive Cata- / 0 logus Librorum Exquisitissimorum, Rarissimorumque ut et Manu- scriptorum Bibliothecae Viri Nobilissimi Henrici Gockinga. Trajecti ad Rhenum: 1773. 8° half calf. Uncut. *+* This scarce Catalogue contains a curious collection of aLibri damnati et suspecti.t 1833 GOCLENIUS (ROD.) TRACTATVS Portentosis Luxu- / -7 _ riosis ac Monftrofis noflri feculi convivijs, eorumq, artificibus, auc- toribus origine & affeclis, denuo recognitus, & auctus. Marpvrgi : Anno idop. /8° vellum. Very curious. 1834 GOUTTARD. CATALOGUE des LIVRES Rares et Pre- )0 cieux de feu M. Gouttard, par Guillaume De Bure, Jils ain/. Paris: jySo.== CATALOGUE d'une Partie des Livres de la Bibliotheque du Cardinal de Lom£nie de Brienne. Paris: 7797. = CATALOGUE des Livres, Rares et Precieux, de la Bibliotheque de feu le C. Camus de Limare. Paris: i/pj. S vols, in 1 vol., 8° mottled calf . Priced. *** From the Library of T. F. Dibdin, with his Book-Plate. 7- /•/f 352 GRIFFITHS. 1835 GRAESSE (JEAN GEORGE THEODORE). TR^SOR de LIVRES RARES et PRECIEUX ou Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique Contenant plus de Cent Mille Articles de Livres Rares et Recherches, d'Ouvrages de Luxe, etc. Avec les Signes connus pour distinguer les Editions Originales des Contrefa9ons qui en ont 6t& faites, des Notes sur la Rarete* et le Merite des Livres cit£s et les Prix que ces Livres ont atteints dans les Ventes les plus faraeuses, et qu'ils conservent encore dans les Magasins des Bou- quinistes les plus renommes de l'Europe. Dresde: 1858-1869. 41 Parts, including Supplement ; forming 7 vols., large 40 brochi. Uncut. SUBSCRIP- TION COPY, Published at Q4 Tklr. *** aThis great compilation, although largely rivalling the Manuel of Brunet, is however different from the latter in comprising works in the Literature of every country. For French books Brunet is naturally superior, but Graesse gives equal attention to the Northern, Slavonic, and Oriental Literatures; as to the better known Languages of Europe. He also gives in most instances the collations of the works, and the Prices 6xed by the most eminent book-sellers, as well as the sums fetched at auctions.»—B. Quaritch. 4 Nous croyons que notre Ouvrage peut bien bien deTendre sa place a c6te du Manuel de Mr. Brunet et ie jugement unanime des bibliographes erudits de l'Allemagne, de la France et de l'Angleterre, convient que ces deux Codes de Bibliogra/hie se suppleent l'un Tautre de maniere que pour l'avenir ces deux rivaux involontaires seront consultts paisiblement, l'au- torite de chacun ayant cUe laissee intacte.B—Graesse. GRESWELL (W. PARR). MEMOIRS of Angelus Politianus, loannes plcus of mlrandula, actius slnceros sannazarus, Petrus Bembus, Hieronymus Fracastorius, Marcus Antonius Flaminius, and The Amalthei: Translations from their Poetical Works: and Notes &> Observations concerning other Literary Characters of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. The Second Edition, greatly aug?nented. Manchester: 1803. 8° half morocco. Uncut. Best Edition. Scarce. 1837 GRESWELL (W. PARR). ANNALS of PARISIAN TYPO- j 0 o GRAPHY. Containing an Account of the Earliest Typograph- ical ESTABLISHMENTS of Paris; and Notices and Illustra- tions of the most Remarkable Productions of the Parisian Gothic Press: compiled principally to shew its General Char- acter; and its Particular Influence upon the Early English Press. London: Cade// and Davies. mdcccxviii. 8° boards. Uncut. Plates missing, 1838 [GRESWELL (W. PARR)]. A VIEW of the EARLY PA- /v/ ^^= RISIAN GREEK PRESS; Including the Lives of the Stephani; Notices of other Contemporary Greek Printers of Paris: And various particu/ars of the Literary and Ecc/esiasiical History of their Times. Edited by E. Greswell, B. D. Oxford: m.dccc.xxxiii. 2 vols., 8° cloth. Uncut. 1839 [Griffiths] UitiliotJjua ^tifllo=$oetfca; or, C od= a DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of a Rare and Rich Collec- tion of Early English Poetry. .. .Illustrated by Occasional <<£ GUTENBERG. 353 Extracts and Remarks,, Critical and Biographical. {Compiled by A. F. Griffiths.] London: 1815. roy. 8° half calf colored frontispiece, with small woodcut Portraits. This copy is inter- leaved, and a few extra portraits have been inserted. Scarce. 1840 GRUN (ALPHONSE). La VIE PUBLIQUE de Michel tj Sd ~ Montaigne, £tude Biographique. Paris: mdccclv. 8° half morocco, gilt back and top. Uncut. Scarce. l84i GRONOVIUS. BIBLIOTHECAE GRONOVIANAE, sive Catalogus Librorum, . . . quae omnia conftituerunt partem optimam Bibliothecae Viri Clariffimi et Doctiffimi Abrahami Gronovii ... Lugduni Batavorum: 1785. 2 Parts in i vol., 8° boards. Rare. / 1842 GROSLEY (P. J.) MfeMOIRES de TACADfeMIE des Sciences, 10 0 Inscriptions, Belles Lettres, Beaux Arts, &c. Ci-devant tta- blie a Troyes en Champagne. Troisieme fedition, corrig^e et com- plete, s. I. m.dcc.lxviii. 120 broche". Uncut. Very curious. *** « On sait que ce recueil comprend uniquement des face'ties et des pieces scatologiques, ce qui ne l'a pas emp6ch(* de figurer souvent dans les catalogues et dans plusieurs ouvrages bibliograpniques, parmi. les Memoires des Soci«*tes savantes ! »— Barbier. See Bibliotheca Scatologica, p. 8. n 1843 GRUBERUS (DANIEL). Discvrsvs Politico-Historicvs De J0= PEREGRINATIONE STUDIOSORUM. Ien^e: 1714. sm. 4 ° paper covers. *$* An amusing Dissertation on Learned « l'ramps.t> a 1844 GUILD (REUBEN A.) The LIBRARIAN'S MANUAL; T A Treatife on Bibliography, comprising a select and Descriptive List of Bibliographical Works; To which are added, Sketches of Publick Libraries. Illustrated with Engrav- ings. New York: Charles B. Norton, mdccclviii. 4" boards. Uncut. LARGE PAPER. Only 10 Copies Printed. 1845 GUILLEBERT DE METZ. Description de la Ville de / 'Paris au XV0 Siecle. Publiee pour la premiere fois d'apres le Manuscrit Unique, parM. Le Roux de Lincy. Paris: mdccclx. 120 cloth. Uncut. Only 250 Copies Printed. 1846 GUILMOT. De La PROMINENCE de la FEMME sur l'HOMME, d'apres les connaissances actuelles et les Traditions . . . par Le Docteur Guilmot. Lille: E. Vanackere. i8j2. S^paper covers. Very curious. ^ 1847 GUTENBERG. JOHN GUTENBERG, Firjl Mafler Printer, ^ A>0= His Acts, mofl remarkable Difcourfes, and his Death. From the German, [of Fr. JDingelstedt.'] by C. W. London: i860. sm. 40 half morocco, top gilt. Only 100 Copies Printed. S£ mmmm 1849 3lf 2f('°- AGEN (FRID. CASP.) MEMORIAE PHILOSOPHO- RVM, Oratorvm, Poetarvm, Historicorvm et Phil- ologorvm, nostrae Aetatis clarissimorvm. Francofvrti, etc.: do Id ccx. /2° half calf, gilt back and top. HALLIWELL (JAMES ORCHARD). The LIFE of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Including many Particulars Respecting the Poet and his Family never before published. London: mdcccxlviii. $''' hat/morocco, top gilt\ rough edges. Illustrated with 76 Engravings on wood, 0/ objects, most o/zvhich are nezv,/rom Drawings by Fairholt. *** <i This work contains upwards of Forty Documents respecting Shakespeare and bis Family, never before published, besides numerous others indirectly illustrating the Poet's Bio- graphy. All the A necdotes and Traditions concerning Shakespeare are here, for the first time collected, and much new light is thrown on his personal history, by papers exhibiting him as selling Malt and Stone, &c. Of the 76 Engravings which illustrate the volume, more than jo have never before been engraved.d 850 HAMILTON. MEMOIRES du COMTE DE GRAMMONT, par le C. Antoine Hamilton. Edition Orne'e dc LXXII Portraits, graves e/'apres les Tableaux Originaux. Londres: \_i?pj]. 40 /ull blue marocco, gilt borders and edges; good impressions 0/ the Plates. 851 H ANN AY (JAMES). Satire and Satirists. New York: 1835. 12° cloth. 1852 HANSARD. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR of Luke Hansard, jo o Esq., many years Printer to the House of Commons. [London :] ic?2p. roy. 4"' cloth, Portrait. vt Not Published." 1853 HARDT (HERMANNUS von der). f(.r-=—- PHILOLOGICAL et EXEGETIOE. DISSERTATIONES Lipsi^e: 1716-27. 2 vols., sm. S° hat/vellum, with numerous curious wood-cuts. Very Curious and Rare. *** These volumes comprise Thirty-Two Tracts, which are remarkable for recondite learning, wit, satire, and strange conceits. So complete a collection rarely occurs for sale, as many of them were rigidly suppressed. 1854 HARLAND. BALLADS & SONGS of LANCASHIRE Chiefly /.X s"-" ■ ■_ Older than the 19th Century. Collected, Compiled, and Edited with Notes, by John Harland, f.s.a. London: 1S65. ib° doth. Hi HAZLITT. 355 1855 HARLES. De VITIS PHILOLOGORVM nostra Aetate 6^~ clarissimorvm. Avctore Theoph. Christoph. Harlesio, Cvlm- bacensi. Bremae: cIoIocclxiv. 2 vols, in 1 vol., 12° half calf, red edges. ^ 0i856 [HARRISSE (HENRY)]/ mbllOtytW ®UltVitUm ^ P == UKt\\UtiU#iTfW* A DESCRIPTION OF WORKS Relat- ing to AMERICA Published between the Years 14Q2 and 1551. New York: Geo. P. Philes. mdccclxvi. 4° full brown levant morocco, super extra, gilt top, broad dentelle borders, morocco joints. Uncut. By Bradstreet. LARGE PAPER. ONE OF TEN COPIES ONLY PRINTED ON HOLLAND PAPER. 1857 [harrisse (henry)]. WiMiotytta gtoierfcftna == TetttftiCDfma* A DESCRIPTION OF WORKS Relating to AMERICA Published between the Years 1492 and 1551. ADDITIONS. Paris: Librairie Tross. m.dccc.lxxii. 4° full brown levant morocco, super extra, gilt top, broad dentelle borders, morocco joints. Uncut. By Bradstreet. LARGE PAPER. Only Fifty Copies Printed. 1858 H AT I N ( E U G fe N E). HISTOIRE POLITIQUE et LIT- Cj 0 = TfeRAIRE de LA PRESSE en FRANCE avec une Introduction Historique sur les Origines da Journal et la Bibliographic G£n£rale des Journaux depuis leur Origine. Paris: 1859-1861. 8vols., sm. S° broche". Uncut. hUn des dix exemplaires en Papier de Hollander *** « A mine of curious lore.D See )Vest?ninster Review, July, 1S60; Comkill Magazine, for June and October, 1873; February and May, 1374. , ^1859 [HAYM (NICCOLA FRANCESCO)]. NOTIZIA de' LIBRI ■ IV RARI nella Lingua Italiana Divifa in quattro Parti principali; «^, Istoria, Poesia, Prose, Arti e Scienze. In Londri: mdccxxvi. S° boards. First Edition. Very Scarce. i860 HAYM. BIBLIOTECA ITALIANA o sia Notizia De' LIBRI ^_ 0 CT^ RARI ITALIANI Divisa in Quattro Parti Cioe Istoria, Poesia, Prose, Arti e Scienze; Gia. compilata da Niccola Fran- cesco Haym Romano. In quefla Impreffione corretta, ampliata, e di giudizj intorno alle migliori Opere arricchita Con Tavole copiofif- funo e neceffarie [da Fcrdinando Giandonati.'] Milano: Appresso Giuseppe Galeazzi. mdcclxxi-mdcclxxiii. 2 vols, in 1 vol., 40 half red morocco. *** a The best, and only edition worth consulting.d—Horne. a Giandonati a corrige" une infinite de fautes dont fourmilloient les cditiones prec^dentes, et a fait a celle-ci des additiones considerables, tant en articles qu'en reflexions judicieuses.p— Peignot. i86r HAZLITT (W. CAREW). ?I?atlTf=JiJlJOft to the POPU- (} vfcF= LAR, POETICAL, and DRAMATIC LITERATURE of Great Britain, From the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. London: John Russell Smith. 1867. S» half morocco. Uncut. LARGE PAPER. Only 100 Copies Printed. 356 HELMONT. 1862 HEATHCOTE. CATALOGUE of a COLLECTION of • ' ° BOOKS, formed from the genuine Duplicates of that distinguished Amateur, Robert Heathcote, Esq., containing such an Assemblage of Curious Greek, Latin, French, and Italian Rare Little Books, that never before occuredin any public Auction in this Country .. . Sold by Auction by Mr. Jeffery. London: 1803. sm. 8°paper covers. Uncut. Priced. ^63 HEBER. BIBLIOTHECA HEBERIANA. Catalogue of J 0 the late Richard Heber, Esq. Sold by Auction... London: 1834-37. 13 Parts in 3 vols,, 8° half calf. *** The Fifth Volume contains Catalogues of the Libraries of William Bentham, Sir Francis Freeling,.^?-*., Rev. Matthew Smith, George Wilkinson, and others. / 7 /a864 HEINSIUS. BIBLIOTHECA HEINSIANA sive Catalogus '-^ LIBRORUM Quos magno fludio & fumptu, dum viveret, collegit Vir Illustris Nicolaus Heinsius, Dan. Fil. In duas Partes divifus. Lugduni in Bat a vis: Apud Joannem Be Vivid. [1682]. 2 Parts, /20 interleaved in 2 vols.,sm,. 40 vellum. Uncut. Fine Portrait. Neatly Priced. *** This copy formerly belonged to the celebrated critic, J. G. GR^EVIUS, and contains numerous MSS. NOTES by him regarding the rarity and value of special books in the col- lection. The following Note will be found on the leaf succeeding the Printer's Notice to the Reader. 9. In margine Catalogi ad fcriptcefunt Notce Viri ClariJJf': J. G. Grjevii, A0 1691.* The present is the identical copy mentioned by Dibdin in the note below. « A Portrait of the elegant and learned owner of this collection faces the title-page. The books contained in it are remarkable both for their rarity and intrinsic value; and a great number of them were enriched with the Notes of Scaliger, Salmasius, and others. Few col- lections display more judgment and taste in the selection than the present one; and few critics have been of more essential service to the cause of ancient Classical Literature than Nicholas Heinsius. Mr. Dyer, of Exeter, the bookseller, has a copy of this Catalogue, which was formerly Gr.4evius's; in which that celebrated critic has made marginal remarks concerning the rarity and value of certain works described in it.»—Dibdin, Bibliomania, p. 82. 4 This collection ot books comprised every thing that was rare and valuable; and deserves a place in the bibliographer's library.»—Horne. 1865 HELFENSTEIN (JAMES) A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR Z"^ of the Teutonic Languages. Being at the same time a Historical Grammar of the English Language. . . . London: 18/0. 8° cloth. 1866 HELMONT (F. M. B. ab) ALPHABETI vere Naturalis HEBRAICI Brevissima Delineatio. . . .Sulzbaci: Anno m dc lvii. i8° half vellum, with 3b Plates, representing the position of the tongue in pronouncing Hebrew. Very Curious. 1867 HELMONT (JOHANNIS BAPTISTS Van). OPERA OMNIA, O Novissima hac Editione ab innumeris mendis repurgata, et Indice Rerum ac Verborum locupletiori instructa, Una cum Introduc- tion atque Clavi Michaelis Bernhardi Valentinl [Francofurti]: Anno 1707. 4° vellum. ***«Van Helmont's works contain the germs of many valuable modern discoveries in Chemistry.d See Hamilton, Hist, of Medicine, vol. u.,p. 124, et sea. a Van Helmont, est l'auteur de la d^couverte chemique la plus importante de son siecle, la decouverte de 1'existence des gaz, fait capital sur lequel devaient s'e'lever plus tard les theories de la chimie positive.»—Figujer, V Alchimie et les Alchimistcs,p. 83. li ■fe ifcr r HEYWOODE. 357 1868 HENNEBERT. Le BIBLIOLOGUE de la BELGIQUE et du 1 0 NORD de la FRANCE. Journal de Bibliologie, d'HiSTOiRE Litt£raire, d'lMPRiMERiE et de Librairie, publie avec la coopera- tion de plusieurs Bibliographes et Hommes de Lettres, par Fr£d. Hennebert. Tome i. Tournai: i8jp. 8° boards. Uncut. 1869 HERCULANUMETPOMPfel. Recueil General des 0 b Peintures, Bronzes, Mosaiques, etc. Decouverts jusqu'a ce jour, et reproduits d'apres Le Antichita di Ercolano, il Museo Bor- bonico, et tous les Ouvrages analogues; augmente de Sujets in£dits, Graves au trait sur cuivre par M. Roux Ain/, et accom- pagne d'un Texte explicatif par M. L. Barre\ Tome viii. (MUSEE SECRET.) Paris: mdcccxl. imp. 8° boards. Unxut. 1870 HEVMANNO. CONSPECTVS REIPVBLICAE LITER- ARIAE, sive Via ad Historiam Ivventvti Stvdiosae aperta a Christophoro Avgvsto Hevmanno, D. Editio qvarto locvpletior. Hanoverae: mdccxxxv. sm. 8° vellum. %* « C'est une excellente Introduction a FHistoire Littdraire, et Ton ne saurait trop en recommander la lecture.»—Btog. Universelle. 1871 HEVMANNI (CHRISTOPHORI AVGVSTI). De LIBRIS /()= ANONYMIS ac PSEVDONYMIS Schediasma complectens Ob- servationes Generales et Spicilegivm ad Vincentii Placcii Theatrvm Anonymorvm et Psevdonymorvm. Ienae: do Id ccxl. sm. 8° boards. Uncut. Rare. 1872 HEXHAM (HENDRICK). Dictionarium, ofte Woorden- 0 0 Boeck, Begrijpende den Schat der Nederlandtfche Tale, mit de Engelfche Uytlegginge.=A Copious ENGLISH and NETHER- DUTCH DICTIONARY, compofed out of the beft English Authours, by Henry Hexham. And in this New Edition Amended, Enlarged and Enriched with many Words by Daniel Manly. Rotterdam: 1675-78. 2 vols, in 1 vol. 40 vellum. HEYWOODE (T). riNAIKEION; or, Nine Bookes of Various Hiftory Concerninge Women: Infcribed by f names of ye Nine Mufes. Written by Thom. Heywoode. Aut prodefse folent aut delectare— London: Printed by Adam I slip, 1624, f° half calf ivith engraved title-page in compartments, containing figures of Apollo and the Nine Muses. Rare and Very Curious. %* « Generous Reader, I haue expofed to thy moftiudiciall view a Difcourfe of Women; wherein expect not, that I fhould either enuioufly carpe at the particular manners or actions of any living, nor iniurioufly detract: from the Sepulchers of the dead; the firft I could neuer affect, the laft I did alwayes deteft. I only prefent thee with a Colleclion of Hijlories, which touch the generalise of Women, fuch as haue either beene illuftrated for their Vertues, and Noble Actions, or contrarily branded for their Vices s and bafer Conditions; in all which, I c 358 HOFFMANN. have not exceeded the bounds and limits of good and fufficient Authoritie. Here thou mayeft reade of all degrees, from the Scepter in the Court\ to the Shecpe-hooke in the Cottage: of all Times, from the firft Raineboto, to the laft blazing Starre: of all knowne Nations, from the North to the Meridian, and from the Eajlto the Septentrion; of all Faiths; /ewes, Pagans, or Chrijiians: of all Callings; Virgins, Wiues, or Widowes; of the Faire and Foule, Chajl and Wanton, of each of thefe fomething: Briefely, of all EJlates, Conditions, and Qualities what- foeuer.D—To the Reader. 1874 HEYLYN (PETER). COSMOGRAPHIE, in Four Books. ^ Containing the Chorographie and Hiftorie of the whole World, and all the Principal Kingdoms, Provinces, Seas, and Isles thereof. London: m.dc.lx.vi. f° plain calf. Engraved frontispiece, andfoldingmaps. *** The Fourth Book, Part ii, contains a The Chorography and History 0/AMERICA, and all the Principal Kingdoms, Provinces, Seas, and Ifla7ids of itj> 1875 HIBBERT. A CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of George Hibbert, Esq. of Portland Place Sold by Auction by Mr. [R. EL] Evans. London: 1829. 8° hoards. Uncut. With facsimiles. *** An interesting" notice of this valuable Library will be found in [Clarke's] Reper- torium Bibliographicum, p. 289-302. 1876 HISTORIA LITTERARIA: or, an Exact and Early Account J> o = Qf tjie mQfl. Valuable Books Publifhed in the feveral Parts of Europe, with a Compleat Alphabetical Index. \Edited by Archibald Bower.] London: m.dcc.xxxi-xxxiv. 4 vols., 8° plain calf. rO o 1877 HISTOIRE de la BIBLIOPHILIE. Reliures Recherches / / f-' = sur les Bibliotheques des plus C£lebres Amateurs, Armorial des Bibliophiles. Publi^e par J. Techener,/£/-<?, et Leon Tech- ener, //;, avec le concours d'une Societe de Bibliophiles, et ac- compagne'e de Planches gravies a VEau-Forte par M. Jules Jacque- mart. Paris: Techener. 1861-1864. 10 Parts, imp.f0 brocfii. With 47 Plates of FACSIMILES of Splendid Specimens of Art-Binding. 1878 HIVER DE BEAUVOIR (ALFRED). La LIBRAIRIE de IJ&= JEAN DUC DE BERRY au Chateau de Mehun-sur-Yevre.— 1416.—Publi6e en entier pour la Premiere fois d'apres les Inven- taires et avec des Notes. Paris: m.d.ccc.lx. 8° half morocco,gill top. One of 6 Copies Only printed on China Paper. 1879 HOFFMANN. LEXICON BIBLIOGRAPHICUM sive Index ^. n O EDITIONUM et iNTERPRE'ftATIONUM SCRIPTORUM GrAECORUM tum Sacrorum turn Profanorum. Cura et studio S. F. G. Hoffmann, d. ph. Lipsiae: Samptibus J. A. G. Weigel. mdcccxxxii-xxxiii. 3 vols., roy. 8° half calf. Uncut. *** This excellent work contains a Bibliographical account of all known Greek Writers, including the best Commentaries upon their works, and the Translations which have been made into the various Modern Languages. li HOLTROP. 359 1880 HOHENDORF. BIBLIOTHECA HOHENDORFIANA, ou h Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de feu Monsieur George Guil- laume Baron de Hohendorf. La Have: mdccxx. 3 Parts in 1 vol., S° boards. Uncut. VERY RARE. *** a This library, which was one of the most curious in Europe, was sold entire, to the Emperor Charles VI. and now forms part of the literary treasures in the Imperial Library at Vienna. The books are classed according to their forms, and amount to nearly 7,000 articles. This Catalogue is very rich, particularly in splendid editions, MSS. and printed books, illus- trated with MS. Notes.*—Horne. ^ 1881 ^ulbcttU &an§ &olbcitlf§ XobtCtltan^ in 33 getreu nach (°° den Holzschnitten lithographirten Bldttern. $erciu3gogct>Ctt t>Ott 3* &d)lottt)auev. ffilit evtlavenbem $egte- ffiiiitldfCtl: auf Koften des Herausgebers. 1832. 12° paper covers, good impressions 0/ the Plates. Scarce. HOLBEIN. Wfyt BatUt Of Utatfj Exhibited in Elegant Engravings on Wood, with a Dissertation on the several Representations of that Subject, but more particularly on those ascribed to JHatafJCr atttt p^atXS JfyolbtlXl, by Francis Douce, Esq. London: TV. Pickering. 1833. S° half calf, gilt back, marbled edges. 1883 ((HOLBEIN.* La DANSE des MORTS. Gravee d'apres les l\ ° ° tableaux a fresque qui se trouvaient sur le mur du cimetiere de l'£glise St. Jean a Bale. Basle: Public par Otto Stuckcrt. 1838. iS° paper covers. Uncut. *+* The Text of this edition is printed in French, German and English. J884 HOLBEIN. HANS HOLBEIN'S Celebrated DANCE OF /_ 7-v> DEATH, Illustrated by a Series of Pkoto-lithographic Facsimiles fron the Copy of the First Edition, now in the British Museum. Accompanied by Explanatory Descriptions and a Concise His- tory of the Origin and Subsequent Development of tke Subject, by H. Noel Humphreys. London: Bernard Quaritch. 1868. 12° cloth, red edges. I ^885 HOLMES. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of Books in the Library of John Holmes, f.s.a. With Notices of Authors and Printers. • Norwich: 1828-1840. 4 vols, in 2 vols., $<> half calf, and SUPPLEMENT Part the Second. S° paper covers, with Portrait, and Frontispiece, a Vieiv of the Library in Mr. Holmes1 grounds. PrA'ATELY Printed. Scarce. *** See Martin, Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books, Second Edit., p. 36S-Q. 1886 HOLTROP. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM SAECULO XV* /.( !'■ IMPRESSORUM, quotquot in Bibliotheca Regia Hagana as- servantur. Editit Joh.Guil. Holtrop. Hagae-Comitum: mdccclvi. 2 Parts in i vol., S° half morocco, gilt back and tofi. Uik Iro-- 360 HUCBALDl. / 1887 HOLTROP (J.-W.) MONUMENTS TYPOGRAPHIQUES . b ° des PAYS-BAS au QUINZlfeME SlfeCLE. Collection de Fac-Simile d'apres les Originaux conserves a la Bibliotheque Royale de La Haye et ailleurs. La Have: 185J-1868. 24 Parts, Complete, imp. 40 broche". 135 FACSIMILIES of Xylographic, and other Specimens of Early Wood Engraving and Printing. ONLY 200 Copies Printed. 7 j888 HOMER. A BURLESQUE TRANSLATION of HOMER. -. J [By Thomas Brydges.~\ London: Printed for S. Hooper, mdcclxxii. 4° calf, frontispiece. 1889 HOMER. The ILIAD of HOMER Rendered into English Blank Verse. By Edward Earl of Derby. London: 1865. 2 vols., 8° cloth. 1S90 HORNE (THOMAS HARTWELL). An INTRODUCTION to the Stttttg Of iJtfilfOljrapfjg* To which is Prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Antients. Illustrated with Engravings. London: 1814. 2 vols., 8° brown calf gilt backs, marbled edges. *** a This work contains a series of Observations on the different subjects connected with Bibliography. It comprises, First, a Summary Account of the Materials used for Writing in different Ages and Countries; next in order succeed the Origin and Progress of Writing and Printing, the mechanism of the A rt, with comparative observations on the Typographical ex- ecution of Early Printed Books. This division is followed by remarks on the Forms of Books —the different Styles of Bookbinding in various Ages,—the Knowledge of Books, and the Causes of their relative Value and Scarcity, together with the best Methods of preserving and repair- ing them. The Principles on which the Classification of a Library should be conducted, are then explained, and Illustrated by a copious System for its arrangement. The last and most extensive division of the work is appropriated to a Notice of the Principal Writers who have treated on the different branches of Bibliography.»—Preface. ^891 HORNII (GEORGII). HISTORIC PHILOSOPHIC^ Libri 7 & ~^^ Septem. Quibus De Origine, fucceffione, fectis & vita Philbfoph- orum ab orbe condito ad noftram aetatem agitur. Lvgd. Batav.: Apud Johannem Elsevirivm. do Ioc lv. sm. 40 stamped pigskin. %* < Liber rarissimus.p See Bauer, Bibl. Librorvm Rariorvm, vol. u.,p. 143. 1892 [HOTTEN]. The SLANG DICTIONARY; or, the Vulgar /S $ ~ Words, Street Phrases, and <r Fast i> Expressions of High and Low Society. Many with their Etymology, and a Few with their History traced. [Editedfry John Camden Hotten.] London: 1864. Post 8° cloth. *** This work contains a A Bibliography of Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Language.* 1893 HUCBALDl Elnonensis Monachi de LAUDE CAL- 7) 0 VORUM Carmen Mirabile. Parisiis: 1853. 120 half roan. Uncut. *** A very curious Poem in Praise of Bald Heads; each wordlbegins with the letter C, as follows: 4 Carmina, clarisonae calvis cantate, camcenae. Comere condigno conabor carmine calvos; Contra, cirrosi crines confundere colli.* fit- HUMPHREYS. 361 1894 HUGENII (CONSTANTINI). MOMENTA DESULTORIA; Jo ==== Poematum Libri XIV. Editio altera, multb priore audio)', Procur- ante Ludovico Hugenio C. F. cum Prcefatione Casparis Barljei. Hag/e-Comitum: clo Ioc lv. 8° vellum, engraved frontispiece. ^1895 HUGO(HERMANNUS). De PRIMA SCRIBENDI ORIGINE et Universa Rei Literari/e Antiquitate, cui Notas, Opusculum de Scribis, Apologiam pro WjEchtlero, Pr^efationem et Indices adjecit C. H. Trotz, JCtus- Trajecti ad Rhenum: mdccxxxviii. 8° vellum, with Plates. Fine copy. Best Edition. *** a This is the best Edition of a rare and curious work which first appeared at Antwerp in 1618.—Horne. ^1896 HULSIUS. BIBLIOTHECA HULSIANA, sive CATALOGUS , ^ LIBRORUM quos magno labore, fumma cura & maximis fumptibus collegitF/r Confularis Samuel Hulsius. . . . Hag/e-Comitum: i/jo. 4 vols., 8° calf. Neatly Priced. Rare. *** «This is, in sober truth, a wonderful collection of books ; containing nearly 34,000 articles—which, allowing three volumes to an article, would make the owner to have been in possession of 100,000 volumes of printed books and MSS. The English library {vol. iv., pt. ii.), of nearly 3,300 articles, comprehended nearly all the best books of the day. There were about 1,200 articles of Spanish. Lite?'ature.v—DnsDiN. -\d-H HUMPHREYS (HENRY NOEL). A RECORD of the ^, JJlflXK 4jJt*ltlCC» Being a Selection of such Passages in his Life as have been most quaintly and strikingly narrated by chron- iclers of the period. Embellished with highly wrought Miniatures and Borderings selected from various Illuminated MSS., referring to events connected with English History. London: Mdcccxlix. crown 8° brown levant morocco, blind-tooled, gilt edges, beautifully printed in Ja?l&C1£ fLitXXtV f with b full-page Miniatures, elegantly printed in gold and colors. 1898 HUMPHREYS (HENRY NOEL). The ORIGIN and 6 f0"^ PROGRESS of the ART of WRITING .... Illustrated by a Number - of Specimens of the Writing in all Ages, and a Series of Facsimiles from Autograph Letters from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century. London: David Bogue. mdcccliv. imp. 8° a Embossed papier-m&chc' ,\> gilt leaves. 1899 HUMPHREYS (HENRY NOEL). The COINAGE of the /^^=== BRITISH EMPIRE: An Outline of the Progress of the Coin- age in Great Britain and her Dependencies, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illustrated by FACSIMILES of the Coins of each Period, worked in Gold, Silver, and Copper. London: David Bogue. mdccclv. *////. 8°. « Embossedpapier-m&ch4f> gilt leaves. A HISTORY of the ART of riON to its Wide-Spread Develop- ment in the Middle of the 16th Century. Preceded by a Short ./ 0i9oo HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL). lbs ===== PRINTING, from its Inventio 3^2 HVTH. Account of the Origin of the Alphabet, and the Successive Methods of Recording Events and Multiplying MS. Books before the Invention of Printing. London: 1867. imp. 4° crimson cloth, extra, with 105 Plates, comprising Facsimiles from the most re- markable Block-Books, and from rare works printed in Germany, Holland, France, Italy, England, etc., including;44 Facsimiles 0/the Press of Caxton, Wynkyn de Worde, Pynson] and others. One of the First Issue of 300 Copies. J9Qi HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL). MASTERPIECES of the .Hi) EARLY PRINTERS & ENGRAVERS. A Series of FAC- SIMILES from Rare and Curious Books, Remarkable for Il- lustrative Devices, Beautiful Borders, Decorative Initials, Printers' Marks, Elaborate Title-Pages, etc. London: Henry Sotheran & Co. 1868-1870. 12 Parts, Complete, imp. 40. Uncut. With 81 Examples. *** a The object of the present volume is to present to the admirer of fine old books be- longing to the Early times of the Printing-Press such a series of Specimens, accompanied by sufficient descriptions, as shall enable an unpractised collector or student, without passing through a long series of bibliographical investigations and researches, to form a tolerably just estimate of the works of the Early Printers, and of the gradual though rapid steps in ad- vance which they made during the First Century of the Invention of the Art.*—Preface. 1902 HUNTER (Rev. JOSEPH). ENGLISH MONASTIC LIBRARIES. 1. A Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of Bretton, in Yorkshire, ii. Notices of the Libraries belonging to other Religious Houses. London: i8ji. sm. 4* half red morocco, gilt edges. 1903 HUNTINGTON. The UTILITY of the BOOKS, and the 10 Excellency of the Parchments: Being the Substance of a Sermon Delivered at Providence Chapel, on Wednesday, March q, 1796, by William Huntington, S. S. [/'. e. uSinner Saved"], Minister of the Gospel at Providence Chapel. The Second Edition. London : 1796. 8° paper covers. Uncut. *** <l As I cannot get a D.D., for want of cash, neither can I get at M.A., for want of learning; therefore I am compelled to fly for refuge to S.S., by which I mean Sinner Saved.t>— Huntington. HUTCLIINSON (BENJAMIN). BIOGRAPHIA MEDICA; or, Historical Memoirs of the Lives and Writings of the most Eminent Medical Characters that have existed from the Earli- est Account of Time to the Present Period; With a Catalogue of their LITERARY PRODUCTIONS. London: 1799. 2 vols., 8° cloth, soiled. Scarce. 1905 HVTH (PHILIPPVS LVDOVICVS). Dispvtatio De ORNA- 30= MENTIS CODICVM VETERVM. Norimberg/e: do Iocc xvi. sm. 40 half red morocco, zvith Plates. *0* A learned Dissertation on the Ornaments in Ancient Manuscripts. 0 (. Ss-t 1907 1908 is- f 1909 bo l&l&Vg fOr 1849. From the * Hours* of the Duke of Anjou, King of Sicily and Jerusalem. Now in the Bibliotheque Royale, Paris. [Edited by Henry Noel Humphreys.] London: Md.ccc.xl.viiii. imp. S° boards, gilt edges, beautifully Illuminated in gold and colors. ILLUSTRATION de l'ANCIENNE IMPRIMERIE TROY- ENNE. 210 Gravures sur Bois, XVG, XVIe, XVIIe, et XVIIP Siecles. Publiees par V. L. Varlot Berey Antiquaire, fiditeur. Troyes: cId.c.c.cTd.l. 4° half calf, top gilt. Only 80 Copies Printed. INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM INNOC. XL P. M. jussu Editus ufque ad Annum 1681. Eidem accedit in fine Appendix ufque ad men/em Junij 1704. Rom/E: 1704-1730. sin. S° vellum. Very Scarce. *** See Mendham, Account of the Indexes both Prohibitory and Expurgatory, of the Church of Rome,p. 104. INK. The HISTORY of INK, including its Etymology, Chemistry, and Bibliography. New York: n. d. 12° cloth, red edges, with Illuminated Frontispiece. mmmm. ACKSON and CHATTO. A TREATISE on WOOD ENGRAVING Historical and Practical, with upwards of Three Hundred Illustrations engraved on wood by John Jackson. The HISTORICAL PORTION by W. A. Chatto. Second Edition with a New Chapter on the Artists of the Present Day, by Henry G. Bohn, and 145 Additional J Food Engravings. London: Bohn. m.dccc.lxi. row S* half > o, top gilt. Uncut. \ l911 [£$*<*# unb teller*] 3$cttragc jur fittttftamb £tteratttr= jy<= <S$efd)id)tc+ 92iirnbcr<|: 1S22. 2 Parts in I 7>ol., S° boards, with J plates of facsimiles, and numerous monograms. 1912 JAMESON (MRS. [Anna]). MEMOIRS of the EARLY %.%']*= ITALIAN PAINTERS, and of the Progress of Painting in Italy. New Edition, with Numerous Illustrations. London : iSjS. 1b0 cloth. Uncut. 364 iovio. 1913 JAMESON and EASTLAKE. The ^fgtOtJ* Of Ottt IOt — JLOVXt as Exemplified in Works of Art: with that of his Types; St. John the Baptist; and other Persons of the Old and New Testament. Commenced by the Late Mrs. Jameson. Continued and Completed by Lady Eastlake. London: 1864. 2 vols., square S° Jull dark blue Icznint morocco, extra, gilt backs and edges, etc., with 31 Etc hi/res and 2S1 -wood Engravings. 1914 %od)ct «?t)rifttmt (Gottlieb)* 2lHgemeute3 dJeleJjrten f('° LEXICON, ^aritute bte &clci)ttcn alter &tiinbe fomot)l mann=a(£ ttictbltdjcu (Sefdjtedjt^, meldje t>om Stnfange bet 9Beltbt3 anf ietjtge Rett gelebt, nnb fi$ bev geletjrten SBelt befannt flentadjt, nad) itjrer (Sebnrt, Seben, mete{= nmrbtgen (gefcfjtdjten, 2(bfterben nnb ®d)tifften and ben g(anbttmbi$ften Seribenten in atyf>abettfd)er Otbttung befd)tteben tnerbem Leipzig: 1750-51. 4 vols., 40 vellum. Portrait. = ^ortfet^ung unb (Srganjnngen ju ©tjrifttan (Sottleib 3tdd)??£ aligemetnem <$*eIeJ)rten=£e£teo, tuortn bte SdjrtftfieUer aller ^tdnbe nad) ifyven ttorne^ntften fieben^nmftmtben unb ^djrtften befdjrieben tuerben; tton ^ofyann ($i)ti)topfy 3tbelnng* Leipzig: 1784-87. 2 vols., 40 half vellum. Ti.ickther. 6 vols.. 4° vellum, and Italj vellum. *** alt is characteristic that in a German book we have the most complete specimen of a Biographical Dictionary extant. This is the Allgcmeines Gelehrten Lexicon of JoCHER, with its Supplement by Adelung, the great lexicographer. It has hardly ever been known that a person has gone to this Lexicon for anything within what it professes to give and come away disappointed. Hut alas for human aspirations after perfection! it is incomplete—the supple- mental author having died in letter R.» See Blackwood's Magazine, Sept., 1864. 1915 JONGHE. CATALOGUE des LIVRES et MANUSCRITS I V formant la Bibliotheque de feu M. J. B. Th. de Jonghe. Bru- xelles: F. Heussner. 1860-61. 3 vols. S° broche'. Uncut. Portrait. }0 1916 JOURDAIN (M). RECHERCHES CRITIQUES sur 1'Age et - 1'Origine des Traductions Latines d'ARISTOTE, et sur des Commentaires Grecs ou Arabes employes par les Docteurs Scholastiques. Paris: Fantin et Cie. i8ip. 8° half morocco. Uncut. Portrait. 1917 IOVIO. ELOGIA DOCTO- I RVM VIRORVM ab Av-| ) orvm Memoria Pvbli- I catis ingenii monumentis | illuflrium. | Avthore Pavlo Iovio No- | vocomense, Episcopo | Nvcerino. Praeter Nova Ioan. Lato-| mi Bergani in fingulos Epigrammata: ad- I iecimus ad priora Italice editionis, | illuflrium aliquot Poeta- | rum alia. Antverpiae: 1557. sm. S" limp vellum. *** See Nicekon, Me'moires des Uommes Lllustres, tome xxv., /. 376. u IVSTINI. 365 JULYOT (FERRY). LES ELEGIES de la BELLE FILLE Lamentant sa Virgin ite perdue. R£impression Complete Publie'e d'aflrh Vddition originale de 1357 avec Notice, fecLAiRCissEMENTS et Index. Paris: Ldon Willem. 187J. S° brochd. Uncut. With a painfully interesting wood-cut figure of « la belle fille, la- mentant sa virginite1perdue.d Only 350 Copies Printed. *** aLes EUgies de la Belle Fille integralement publit-es ici pour la premiere fois ont, parmi les bibliophiles, la notork'te d'un livre tres-rare. Comme lous les ouvrages tires k petit nornbre pour 6tre distributes a quelques amis, les poesies de Ferry Julyot sont devenues presque introuvables. II ri1 en rxiste en effet que irois e.xewplaircs connus. Le premier, sorti des mains de Charles Nodier, et entre dans les bibliotheques Baudelocque & Yemeniz, et, a la vente de la derniere de ces deux prccieuses collections, il a 6U- adjuge a M. Bancel pour la somme de 635 francs. Les deux autres exemplaires appartiennent a la Bibliotheque de Be- sangon, mais l'uo est incomplet du titre et des pages 7 et S\ le second est intact.»—Avertisse- ment. See Bulletin du Bibliophile, Aout-Sept., 1873,/. jgj. _i9i9 JVNCKER (M.CHRIST IAN I). VITA D. MARTINI ^ LVTHERI et Succefiuum Euangelicae Reformations. ... HIS- TORIA Nvmmis CXLV. atque ICONIBVS aliquot rariffimis, con- firmata & illuftrata; ita, vt praeter Initia Progreffusque Reforma- tionis fimul etiam notentur, fmgularia multa curiofe de familia ipfms, iifque quae paffim de ipfo reliqua funt in Cimeliarchiis ac Bibliothecis Francofvrti & Lipsiae: Anno mdcxcix. srn. 8° vellum, %uith fine Portraits of Luther and his wife n Katv ;» his Father and Mother, and Plates containing f./j Medals, etc. Very Rake. 1920 JVNGENDRES (M. SEBAST. JACOBO). DISQVISITIO in Notas CHARACTERISTICAS LIBRORVM a Typographic Incvnabvlo ad An. MD. Impressorvm. Ex Antiqvissimis Codici- bvs Investigatas et Rarissimorvm Scriptorvm recensione confirmatas NORIBERGC: MDCCXXXX. sm. 40 half morocco. Very Curious. 1921 IVNII (HADRIANI). BATAVIA. In qua praeter gentis & qu infulae antiquitatem, originem, decora, mores, aliaque ad earn hif- toriam pertinentia, declaratur quae fuerit vetus Batauia, quae Plinio, Tacito, & Ptolemaeo cognita: quae item genuina inclytae Francorum nationis fuerit fedes. [Lugd-Batav.]: cId.Id.lxxxviii. sm. 40 vellum. First Edition. Rare. *** The claim of Coster to the Invention of Printing "\vas first announced in this very curious work. See />. 255 et seq. J922 JUSSIEU. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE SCIEN- . V> = TIFIQUE de MM. de Jussieu. Paris: Henri Labitte, 1837. S° brochd. Uncut. Neatly Priced. / 1923 IVSTINI Ex TROGO POM- | PEIO HISTORIA, Fidelissima * l) ° '/recognitione nunc poftremb collatis ad AutJio- / rem 6° Greeds 6° Latin is hiftoricis,pri- /Jiince iter ita ti rejiituta. . . . Coloniae Agrippinae. Anno m.d.lvi. srn. S° vellum. mmtm* J/i % ') L>~\~ ro 1926 . 'L F- 1927 /. 0 0'- 1928 if- ^1929 in 1930 / 0 O. I931 / t-i932 EIGHTLEY (THOMAS). The MYTHOLOGY of AN- CIENT GREECE and ITALY. Third Edition. Revised and Augmented, with Twelve Plates from the Antique. s° blue doth, London: m.dccc.liv. KEILIVS (MARTINVSCHRISTIANVSPOLYCARPVS). De HORA QVA CHRISTVS CRVCI AFFIXVS sit ENANTIO- &ANEL-12 componendae Cavsa, Lipsiae: cIdIdcclxxviii. 40 halfin or coco. FROISSART. £tude Paris: 1857. KERVYN DE LETTENHOVE (M.) Litteraire sur le XIVme Siecle. 2 vols., T2° brochd. Uncut. KIRCHNER (CAROL. CHRISTIANUS). DISQVISITIO HISTORICA, FAUSTO PRiESTIGIATORE,Z'Z//^<?t>0tt®©CtOt $<Ulft* WlTTEBERG/E: AmiO MDCXCIII. paper cov Rake. KLOSS. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of DR. KLOSS, of Franckfort a m., Professor; Including many Original and Unpublished Manuscripts and Printed Books with MS. An- notations, by Philip Melancthon. . , .Sold by Auction, by Mr. Sotheby and Son, May 7th and 19 following Days. London: mdcccxxxv. S° boards. Uncut. With facsimiles. KLOTZII (M. 10. CHRISTIAN!). De LIBRIS AVCTORI- BVS svis FATALIBVS Liber Singvlaris. Lipsiae: ^.mdcclxviii. S° half calf. Rare. *#* An exceedingly curious account of Books which have been Fatal to their A uthors. KNIGHT (CHARLES). The OLD PRINTER [William Caxtori\ and the Modern Press. London: John Murray. 1854. /6" cloth, wood-cut illustrations. KOCH (M. IOH. CHRISTIAN). DISSERTATIO THEO- LOGICO-Historico-Philologico-Literaria De CVLTV SER- PENTVM apvd ANTIQVOS Varus Animadversionibvs ornata. Lipsiae: Anno mdccxvii. sm. 4<> stiff paper covers. VERY RARE. *** A profoundly learned Dissertation concerning Serpent Worship among the Ancients. KOECHERI (IOANN. CHRISTOPH.) De IDOLOLATRIA LITTERARIA Liber Singvlaris. Hanoverae: mdccxxxviii. 120 boards. Very Cukious. I H KORNMANNUS. 367 1933 KOELERI. SYLLOGE aliqvot SCRIPTORVM de Bene ,rr= Ordinanda et Ornanda BIBLIOTHECA Stvdio et Opera Io. Davidis Koeleri p. p. el Bibliothecarii Altorfi?ii. Francofvrti: do Ioccxxviii. sm. 40 vellum. *** This volume contains Garnier's rare Treatise on the Method of arranging a Library, and the Classification 0/ Books, 1678; and Rostgaard's Projet d'une Nouvelle Me'thode pour Dresser le Catalogve (Tune Bibliotheque, Paris, 1698. 1934 KONIG. BIBLIOTHECA VET US ET NOVA, in qua 0 Hebneorum, Chaldaeorum, Syrorum, Arabum, Perfarum, ^Egyptiorum, Grsecorum, & Latinorum per univerfum terrarum orbem Scriptorum, Theologorum, JCtorum, Medicorum, Philofophorum, Hifloricorum, Geographorum,Philologorum,Oratorum,Poetarum,&c. Patria,s£tas, Nomi?ia, Libri, fcepius etiam Eruditorum de lis Elogias Teflimonia £j° Judicia summa fide atq; diligentia ex quotidiana Autorum Lectione depromta a prima Mundi origine ad Annum usq? M.DC.LXXIIX. Ordine Alphabetico digefla gratijjima brevitate recenfentur & exhibentur k Georgio Matthia Konigio. Altdorfi: Anno do Idc LXXVIII. f° unbound. %* aOuvrage interessant, mais ddfigure" par le grand nombre de fautes typographiques qui alterent les dates.fi—Peignot. KONIG (JOH. GEORGIVS). APHORISMOS de Litera- torvm Sanitate Tvenda. Altdorfi: mdccv. sm. 40 stiff paper covers. KOOPS (MATTHIAS). HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of the Substances which have been used to Describe Events, and to Convey Ideas, from the Earliest Date to the Invention of Paper. Second Edition. Printed on Paper Manufactured solely from Straw. London: 1801. 8° half calf, with Engraving of the Egyptian Papyrus. **+ The Appendix to this interesting work is a printed upon Paper made from Wood alone, without any intermixture of Rags, Waste paper, Bark, Straw, or any other vegetable sub- stance, r> etc. 1937 KOPP. PALAEOGRAPHIA CRITICA, aut Tachygraphia 0 0 Vetervm Exposita et Illvstrata ab Vlrico Friderico Kopp,Hasso Casselano. Mannhemii: svmtibvs avctoris. mdcccxvii-mdcccxxix. 4 vols., 40 half green morocco, gilt tops. Uncut. Portrait. (Pub. at £16, xts.) *** « A most important and valuable work, containing several thousand new characters, expressly struck for it, to represent the endless variety of styles, the abbreviations, etc. in the early Greek and Roman Writing. They are arranged in form of a Lexicon, explained in the regular Greek and Roman characters, and followed by reverse Indexes. The work further contains several large folding sheets o( facsimiles. The cost of the publication amounted to several thousand pounds, and was entirely defrayed by the learned author, in whose life-time only a few copies were circulated amongst Public Libraries and his friends.fi—B. Quaritch. 1938 KORNMANNUS. Sibylla TrygAndriana/V// DeVIRGINITATE, VIRGINVM flatu & hire Tractatvs Nouus & iucundus... Quefita Phyfica, Medica, Theologica & Iuridica accur alius &*plenius refoluuntur. Paratvs per Henricvm Kornmannum. Francofvrti: mdcx. iS° vellum. Very Curious. r935 • Io-- 1936 lULT- So- 194° ^ o tr 1941 £«M. A BEDOYl^RE. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et PR^CIEUX Imprimes et Manuscrits, Dessins et Vignettes, composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. Le Comte H. De La Bedoyere. Paris: L. Potter. 1862. S° pa per covers. Uncut. Neatly Priced. De La Bedoykre avait concai d'une facon grandiose le plan de sa bibliotheque. II se proposait de rt'unir tous les ouvragc-s remarquables, anciens et modernes, surtout les ceuvres litU'raires et historiques, et n'admettait que les editions les plus estimees, que des ex- emplaires splendides. Jamais amateur ne se montra plus difficile dans le choix des ouvrages et des exemplaires. Trouvant rarement des livres dignes d'etre admis dans sa bibliotheque tels qu'il les avait acquis, il prit le parti de cn'er, pour ainsi dire, chacun de ces livres. II s'attacha naturellement aux belles editions publiees vers la tin du siecle dernier et a celles qui parurent de son temps. De ces Editions, il ne prenait que les exemplaires de choix, tires a petit nombre sur papier de luxe. II lui fallait des livres neufs, non 1 ogncs, et souvent il acheta successivement cinq ou six exemplaires du meme ouvrage pour choisir les feuillets un k un. Etait-il enrln parvenu a former un livre parfait, il le faisait relier par un des meilleurs relieurs; puis il le pla9ait dans sa bibliotheque, apres avoir pris les plus grandes precautions contre tout ce qui pouvait en alterer la fraicheur.p LABORDE (LEON DE). DEBUTS de l'IMPRIMERIE k fflLnvtVLtt et h JJamftetjJ, ou Description des Lettres dTNDULGENCE du Pape Nicolas V. Pro Reg?io Cypri, Imprimees en 1454. Paris: chez Techener. 1840. 4 ° halfmorocco, top gilt. Uncut. With 10 Plates ofFacsimiles, curious Initial Letters, etc. *#*« 11 n'a ete tire de cet ouvrage qu'un petit nombre d'Exemplaires. Les Planches ontite" effacies.D LA BOVLLAYE-LE-GOVZ. Les VOYAGES et OBSERVA- TIONS dv Sievr de La Bovllaye-Le-Govz Gentil-Homme Ange- vin. Ou font decrites les Religions, Gouuernement, fituations des Eflats & Royaumes d'ltalie, Grece, Natolie, Syrie, Perfe, Paleftine, Karamenie, Kaldee, Affyrie, grand Mogol, Bijapour, Indes Orientales des Portugais, Arabie, Egypte, Hollande, grand Bretagne, Irlande, Dannemark, Pologne, Ides & autres lieux d'Europe, Afie & Affrique, ou il a. feiourne, le tout enrichy de belles figures. Nouuellement reueu & corrige par l'Autheur A Troyes,/^ Nicolas Oudot, & fe vendens A Paris, chez Gervais Clousier: m.dc.lvil 4° plain calf, with two Portraits of the Author, and many curious Wood Engravings. Best Edition. Scarce. *** These curious Travels comprehend a period of nearly ten years, and extend over a large portion of the civilized world. Prefixed is an account of above 60 preceding travellers, Columbus, Vespuccius, Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Drake, Gomara, Las Casas, etc,, with the author's judgment upon each. At the end of the volume he gives a List of the Names of the Friends and Acquaintances made during his tour, occupying fourteen pages* See Retrospective Review, Third Series, vol. \.,p. 7$, ei *?<?■ If- LACROIX. 369 [LACROIX (PAUL)]. L'HOMME au MASQUE DE FER. Par Paul L [acroix] Jacob, Bibliophile. Paris: 1837: 8° half roan. Very Scarce. *** aLe Masque de Fer <5tait le surintendant FOUQUET !tp. 323. a En 1837, M. Paul Lacroix fit paraitre VHomme au Masque de Fer, dissertation remarqu- able, dans laquelle, apres avoir passe* en revue tous les ouvrages qui ont parle" de cette question historique, il combat les diffe'rents systemes <?mis et cherche a prouver que VHomme au Masque de Fer n'est autre que FOUQUET.n-^az/^ Biographie Ge'ne'rale, tome xxxtv., p. 167. «VHomme au Masque de Fer est reste" et restera, suivant toutes les probability, un mystere bistorique qui ne sera jamais eYiairci, ni meme explique d'une maniere plausible, quelles que soient les recherches qui pourront Sire faites.D See Biographie l/nzverselle, a.rt. Masque de Fer. See Edinburgh Review, Oct. 1873. 4943 [LACROIX]. CATALOGUE des LIVRES et des MANU- SCRITS, la plupart relatifs a 1'Histoire de France, composant la Bibliotheque du Bibliophile Jacob. [Paul Lacroix.'] Paris: chez Techener. fSjp. 8° broche". Uncut. Very Scarce. . 1944 [LACROIX.] REFORME de la BIBLIOTHEQUE DU ROI. Ao Par P. ~L\acroix~\ Jacob, Bibliophile. Paris: 1843. 12° brochd. Uncut. 1945 LACROIX. Les CENT et UNE Lettres Bibliographiques ^ 5 & M. l'Administrateur General de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Par M. Paul Lacroix. {Bibliophile Jacob). Premiere Serie. Paris: Paulin. 1849. 8° half roan. Uncut. Scarce. 1946 LACROIX. Le Livre D'Or des Metiers. HISTOIRE de lTMPRIMERIE et des Arts et Professions qui se rattachent a la Typographie (Calligraphie, Enluminure, Parcheminerie, Librairie, Gravure sur Bois et sur Metal, Fonderie, Papeterie et Reliure),. .. .Par Paul Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob), £douard Fournier et Ferdinand Sere. Paris: 1852. roy 8° half'morocco, top gilt. Uncut. With facsimiles, wood-cuts, Printers' De?>ices, &*c. Scarce. ^1947 [LACROIX]. RABELAIS, sa VIE et ses OUVRAGES. Par 3~v P. L. [acroix.] Jacob, Bibliophile. Paris: Adolphe Delahays. i8jp. 180 brochi. Uncut. 1948 LACROIX (PAUL). Les ARTS au MOYEN AGE et a £\5-0= i'fepoQUE de LA RENAISSANCE, Ouvrage Lllustr/ de Dix-Neuf Planches Chromolithographiques Px/cutees par F. Kellerhoven, et de Quatre Cents Gravures sur Bois. Deuxieme Edition. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot Pre res, Pi Is et Cie. i86g. imp. <y° half crimson marocco, extra, gilt leaves. ^1949 LACROIX (PAUL). ' MOEURS, USAGES et COSTUMES au l*v= MOYEN AGE et a 1'Epoque de la RENAISSANCE. Ouvrage Lllustr/ de Quinze Planches Chromolithographiques FxScut/es par F. Kellerhoven et de Quatre Cent Quarante Gravures. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot Pre res, Pils et Cie. 1871. imp. 8Q brochd. Uncut. & J C u= 37° LAMBECII. 1950 LADIES (The) DIARY or, The Woman's Almanack, for h*l^ I7I9-25-—1734-5°-— i756~l84o. Containing many Delightful and 'Entertaining Particulars, peculiarly adapted for the Ufe and Diverfion of the Fair-Sex. 21 vols., 12°halfcaif. London: 1719-1840. *** Contains many interesting a Notes and Queries,* a Prize Questions,* d^Enig?nas,D etc. 1951 LADVOCAT (J. B.) An HISTORICAL and BIOGRAPH- ICAL DICTIONARY. Containing an Account of the Hebrew Patriarchs and Princes, of Emperors, Kings, and Great Cap- tains, of the Gods and Heroes of Pagan Antiquity, of Popes, Holy Fathers, celebrated Bishops, and Cardinals; also His- torians, Poets, Orators, Divines, Lawyers, Physicians, &c, with their Principal Works, and the Best Editions of them Trans- lated from the French of Monsieur the Abb£ [J. B.] Ladvocat, by Catharine Collignon. Cambridge: mdccxcix-mdccci. 4 vols., 8° half calf. 1952 LA FONTAINE (JEAN de). Les AMOURS de PSYCH& et CUPIDON, suivies des Poemes d'ADONis, de la Captivity de Saint-Malc, et du Quinquina. Paris: An xn. [1804.] 120 brochi. Uncut. Portrait and 6 fine Engravings. 1953 LAIRE (P. FRANCISCI XAVER.) SPECIMEN HISTORI- Ct:= CUM ROMANAE XV. Saeculi. Romae: mdcclxxviii. 8° halfrussia. Uncut. Fine copy. ***a Ouvrage tres curieux, dans lequel on trouve les figures des types de Sweynheim et Pannartz, eleves de Fust et de Schoeffer.d—Peignot. 1954 LAIRE (FRANC.-XAV.) INDEX LIBRORUM ab Inventa jV Typographia ad Annum 1500; Chronologice dispositus cum notis historiam typographico-litterariamillustrantibus. Senonis: m.dcc.xci. 2 vols., 8° boards. Uncut. Scarce. *** a Catalogue bicn fait, et digne de son savant auteur. On y trouvoit beaucoup d'articles extrSmement rares, qui ont passe dans le commerce pour la premiere fois.D—Peignot. a These are scarce and dear volumes: and, as they supply some deficiencies in Audif- fredi's account of books published at Rome in the 15th century, the bibliographer should omit no opportunity of possessing them.K—Dibdin. 1955 LAMARTINE (A. de). RAPHAEL Pages de la Vingtieme 'Annee. Troisieme fidition. Paris: Perrotin. mdcccli. 12° broche". Uncut. J956 LAMBECII (PETRI). COMMENTARIORVM de Avgvstis- sima Bibliotheca CjEsarea Vindobonensi. Vindobon^e: Anno m.dc.lxv-lxix-lxx. Vrols. 1., 11. & in,,y° vellum, damaged, numerous fine plates. Incomplete. 1957 LAMBECII (PETRI). PRODROMUS HISTORIC .j 'i ^ — LITERARI^E, et Tabula duplex Chronographica Univerfalis. Ac- cedunt in hac editione prater Auctoris ITER CELLENSE, & Alex- andri Ficheti, s. i. Arcanam Studiorum Methodum,atque Ideam 1 it ) Z = LAVATERUS. 371 Locorum Communium, nunc primum in lucem editus Wilhelm Langii Catalogus Librorum MSS. Bibliothec^ Medice^e, curante Jo. Alberto Fabricio. Lipsije et Francofurti: /* half calf. Anno MDCCX. ^ 1958 LAMBINET(Z^OV^^P.) RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES, . ^ 0r== LITTfeRAIRES et CRITIQUES, sur 1'Origine de 1TMPRIM- ERIE; Particulierement sur ses Premiers fetablissement, au XVme siecle, dans la Belgique.... Orne'es des Portraits et des tcussons des Premiers Imprimeurs beiges. Bruxelles: An vii. \_179S.~] 8° half roan. %* <r Ouvrages plein de recherches, qui jettent beaucoup de jour sur 1'origine et les monu- ments de l'imprimerie, dans la Belgique.d—Peignot. 1959 LAMI (10.) De ERVDITIONE APOSTOLORVM Liber . /V==== Singvlaris In qvo mvlta, qvae Primitivorvm Christianorvm Litteras, doctrinas, fcripta,placita, fludia, conditionem, cenfum mores, & ritus, attinent, exponuntur, & illuftrantur.. .. Florentiae: sm. S° half calf. AntW MDCCXXXVIII. i960 LAMOIGNON. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de la BIBLIO- , %6 == THfCQUE de feu [C/ir/tien-Eranfois] de Lamoignon, Garde des Sceaux de France. Paris: chez Merigotjeune. 1791-2. 3 vols., 8° half morocco. 1961 LANDES (LOUIS de). GLOSSAIRE EROTIQUE de la LANGUE FRANQAISE depuis son Origine jusqu'a nos jours. Contenant 1'Explication de tous les Mots consacres a 1'Amour. Bruxelles: en vente chez tous les Libraires. 1861. 120pp. XH-J06, brochi. Uncut. iTiri h petit nombrex VERY RARE. *** aCet ouvrage, entierement neuf, est pour la langue transaise, ce qu'est le Glossarium de Pierrugues pour la langue latine: il est rc'dige sur le meme plan. V ant cur, dont le pseudonymc n'est pas encore devoid, a oublie de prendre une cpigraphe. Pierrugues, pour son livre, apris: a Le latin dans les mots brave t' honnitetd,■ d pourquoi 1'auteur du glossaire fran9ais n'a-t-il pas pris celle-ci: a. La science est toujours chaste ? r>—Friar Lubin. See Drujon, Catalogue des Ouvrages, Ecrits et Dessins, etc., Poursuivis, Supprijne's ou Condamnh, etc., Paris, 187Q, 8°p. 178. 1962 LANGLOIS (E. H.) ESSAI sur la CALLIGRAPHIE des MANUSCRITS du MOYEN-AGE et sur les Ornements des Premiers Livres d'Heures Imprimes. Rouen: mdcccxli. large 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. With curious frontispiece, and ij Plates of Initial Letters, Miniatures, etc. LAUDE (P. J.) CATALOGUE METHODIQUE, Descriptif et Analytique Des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Publique de BRUGES. 8° half green morocco, top gilt. Uncut. BRUGES: iSjp. LAVATERUS (LUDOV.) De SPECTRIS LEMURIBUS et MAGNIS, atque infolitis fragoribus, variifque prcefagitionibus, quae plerunque obitum hominum, magnas clades mutationefque Imperi- orum prsecedunt, Liber Unus, in Tres Partes diitributus. Editio quartaprioribus multb emcndatior Lugd.-Batav: 1687. 160 boards, marbled edges, with very curious Plates. % fe Ifol 372 LE GLAY. 1965 LEBER (M. C.) De L'^TAT RfeEL de la Presse et des ^ £C Pamphlets, depuis Francois Ier jusqu'a Louis XIV. Revue Anecdotique et Critique des Principaux Actes de nos Rois et de quelques Documens Curieux et peu connus sur la Publication et la Vente des Livres dans le Seizieme Siecle. Paris: 1834. 8° half calf , top gilt. Uncut. Rare and Curious. 1966 LEBER. CATALOGUE des LIVRES IMPRIMES, Manu- Cjj === scrits, Estampes, Dessins et Cartes A Jouer, composant la Bib- liotheque de M. C Leber: avec des Notes, par Le Collecteur. Paris: chez Techener. 183Q. 3 vols., 8° half calf , with curious Facsimiles. *** Rich in rare old French Facetice. 1967 LE BLANC. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de la BIBLIO- 7 V THEQUE de M. Le Blanc. Parmi lesquels sont des Editions Rapes du xve Siecle; plus de 200 Editions Aldines Divers Manuscrits du xve Siecle, etc., etc. Paris: Merlin. 1834. 8° paper covers. Uncut. Ruled and Priced. 1968 LE CLERC. BIBLIOTHJSQUE UNIVERSELLE et HIS- r ']^rl^ TORIQUE. Avec les Tables G£nerales des Auteurs et des 'Ma tiers, dont il est parte' dans tout Vouvrage. [Par Jean Le Clerc, J.-Conr. de La Croze et Jac. Bernard^ Amsterdam: 2686-2693. 2b vols., srn. 12° calf 1969 LE CLERC. BIBLIOTHfeQUE CHOISIE, pour servir de %'!'= Suite a la Bibliotheque Universelle. Par Jean Le Clerc. 28vols., sm.f2o calf AMSTERDAM: I/OJ-I/IJ. 1970 LE CLERC. BIBLIOTHfeQUE ANCIENNE et MODERNE. ,%n^ Pour servir de Suite aux Bibliotheques Universelle et Choisie. Par Jean Le Clerc. Amsterdam: 2714-1727. 2Q vols., sm. 12° calf. *** The contemporary and the antagonist of Bayle was Le Clerc. His firm industry has produced three Bibliotheques—« Universelle et Historique; d <i Choisiej> and dAncienne et Moderne ;v forming in all 83 volumes, which, complete, bear a high price. Inferior to Bayle in the more pleasing talents, he is perhaps superior in erudition, and shows great skill in analy- sis. Gibbon resorted to Le Clerc's volumes at his leisure, las an inexhaustible source of amusement and instruction.'d—D'Israeli. See Senebier, Histoire Littdraire de Geneve, tome 11., p. 283; Hatin, Histoire de la Presse en France, tome n., /. 246, et seq. 1971 LE CLERC (J.-VICT.) Des JOURNAUX chez les ROMAINS, IX$~ Recherches Pr^cedees d'un M£moire sur les Annales des Pontifes, et suivies de Fragments des Journaux de 1'Ancienne Rome. 80 half calf Scarce. PARIS: M.DCCCXXXVIII. *** «Un des Livres les plus curieux de lYrudition moderne.D 1972 LECLERC. CATALOGUE des LIVRES composant la Biblio- i ^==== THEQUE de feu M. L£on Leclerc. Paris: Delion. 2839. 8° broche", with Prices and Names of the Purchasers. ^1973 LE GLAY (ANDRE-JOSEPH-GHISLAIN). MELANGES fl i Historiques et Litteraires. Cambrai: 2834. roy. 8° boards. Uncut. With plates and facsimiles. Only 50 Copies Printed. LENGLET DU FRESNOY. 373 1974 LE GLAY (A. J. G.) NOTICE sur les PRINCIPALES BIB- 10= LIOTH^QUES Particulieres du Departement du Nord. 8» half roan. Uncut. [LlLLE: 184I?] *** An Article extracted from a Magazine. 1975 LE GLAY. (A. J. G.) NOTICE sur les ARCHIVES de De- / 0 PARTMENT du NORD. $» half roan. Uncut. [LlLLE I n. d.~\ *+* An Article extracted from a Magazine. 6v. 1976 LETBNITII (GODEFRIDI GUILIELMI). ACCESSIONES fj : HISTORIC^ gutfuspotis/imumcontinenturSCRIFTORES RERUM GERMANICARUM, & aliorum, hactenus inediti fequentes. Tom. 1.—/. Chronographus Saxo. 2. John Vito Durani Chronicon. 3. Gefta Trevirorum. 4. Vetus Chronicon Holfatiae. = Tom. ii. 1. Alberici Monachi, Trium Fontium, Chronicon diu defideratum &c. Hanover^e: sumptibus Nicolai Forsteri. Anno mdcc. 2 vols, in I vol., 40 vellum, red edges. *** See Lenglet du Fresnoy, Mdthodepour Etudier PHistoire, tome xi.,/. iqb. J977 [LEMOINE (H.)] TYPOGRAPHICAL ANTIQUITIES, fZjl = Origine and History of the Art of Printing, Foreign and Domestic, Including.. .. Chronological Lists of Eminent Printers. ... a curious Dissertation on the Origin and Use of Paper: a Complete History of Engraving on Wood and Cop- per: and a Catalogue of Remarkable Bibles and Common Prayers Extracted from the best Authorities, by A Late Bibliopolist. Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. London: Printed for the Editor, mdcccxiii. 12 ° half calf , marbled edges. 1978 Sempertj Ogmnrid))* SBeitrage jut aitctn ©cfdjtdjtc j tf'T= bet $Bud)bmtf= rntb ^oljftfmeibcfuttft* (SrftcS $cft* Koln: 183Q. 40 paper covers, with facsimiles and Printers'' Dcznces. 1979 Scm^ertj* SSilbev^efte jur ©cfdjid)tc bc§ SSitd)et= °.*== ijaxxbcH uttb bev mtt bemfclbcn fcerttmnbtcn SDftnftc nnb ©enierbc* &etau$QCQcbcn turn $rinnd) 2cmpctt$. Coln: 1833-63. royal f° full green morocco, tooled to a Grohkr pattern, with ?tiedals oj "Gutenberg, Cos- ter, Didot, and Bodoni, inlaid in the cover. Oj Plates containing 280 illustrations, en- graved on steel and wood, lithographed and printed in colors, with Portraits of celebrated Printers of all countries, Facsimiles, Autograph Letters, Seals, Printers'1 Afar As, etc., etc. 1980 LENGLET DU FRESNOY (M. L'Abbe). M^THODE pour 0= feTUDIER L'HISTOIRE, avec un CATALOGUE des Princi- paux Historiens, & des Remarques fur la bonte- de leurs Ouvrages, & le Choix des meilleures ^ditiones. Paris: m.dcc.xxix. 4 vols., 4 ° plain calf. *** d An inestimable work for the Historical student.d See D'Israeli, Curiosities of Lit- erature, S° Edit., 1851.,/. 454) et seq. T 374 LICETUS. ^1981 aLENGLET du FRESNOY. d M^MOIRES pour servir a v> q l'Histoire de la Vie & des Ouvrages de Monsieur L'Abbe Len- glet du Fresnoy. [Par Jean Bernard Michault.] A Londres: et se trouvent a Paris, chez Duchesne, m.dcc.lxi. /2° halfcalf. Very Scarce. %* This scarce little volume contains an excellent bibliographical account of the numerous works and publications of Lenglet du Fresnoy. 1982 [L'ESTRANGE (SIR ROGER)]. A SEASONABLE MEMO- 5^ RIAL in some Historical Notes upon the Liberties of the PRESSE and PULPIT : with the Effects of Popular Petitions, Tumults, AiTociations, Impoflures and Difaffected Common-Coun- cils, sm. 4° half calf. LONDON *. l680. j9S3 LETRONNE. CATALOGUE des LIVRES composant la ■ IS ==== Bibliotheque de feu M. A. J. Letronne. Paris: mdcccxlix. 8° boards. *** A valuable catalogue, rich in works on Archeology, Philology, and History. 1984 [LEWIS]. The SCOURGE: in Vindication of the Church of r\ C V England. To which are added, i. The Danger of the Church Es- tablishment of England, from the Infolence of Protestant Dis- senters. Occafioned by a Prefentment of the Forty-Second Paper of the Scourge at the King's Bench Bar, by the Grand Jury of the Hun- dred of Offulton. n. The Anatomy of the Heretical Synod of Dissent- ers at Salters~Hall. By T. L. [ Thomas Lewis]. London: M.dccxx. 8* plain calf, witk frontispiece containing medallion Portraits of « the Royal Family of the Stuarts,» and View of a the Heretical Synod at Salters-Hall.n *** A curious anticipation of Charles Lamb's defense of those a innocent blacknesses,» Chimney Sweepers, will be found in this singular book, printed upwards of fifty years before Lamb was born. a You fet up for a Wit? You were ne'er at Button's in your lite. Well, I fhall live to be reveng'd of all the Chimney Sweepers in England, and only for Charles Lamb, I do love that dear Fellow, I did not care if they were all hang'd and damn'd.p See/. 20j. 1985 LIBRI (G.) CATALOGUE of the Extraordinary Collection : of SPLENDID MANUSCRIPTS chiefly upon Vellum, in Various LANGUAGESof Europe and the East, formed by M. Guglielmo Libri .... Sold by Auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh, Sotheby & John Wilkin- son, 28th of March, and Seven following Days. London: ic?jp. imp. 8° half roan, xuith 37 Plates of Facsimiles, Names of Purchasers and Prices. 1986 LICETUS (FORTUNIUS) De MONSTRIS. Ex recenfione h4^^r==== Gerardi Blasii, m.d. Qui Monjlra qucedam ?iova &> rariora ex recentiorum fcriptis addidit. Editio Novissima. Amstelodami: sumptibus Andreoz Erisii. do Ioc lxv. sm. 40 half calf, with numerous copper-plate Engravings of'hideous Monsters, etc. *** « On y trouveramasse' toutcequel'imagination desanciens et des modernesapu forger de contes absurdes sur les monstruosites auxquelles l'espece humaine est sujette. Ainsi Liceti ajoute foi, sans difficult^, a tous les hearts de la nature; il admet la metamorphose des femmes en hommes, et des hommes en dnes, P existence des androgynes.?—Biographie Medicale. a All the world knows he [Licetus] was born a foetus, of no more than five inches and a half in length, yet he grew to that astonishing height in literature, as to write a book with a title as long as himself.D See Sterne, Tristram Shandy. %So / LOMEIERI. 375 ^-1987 LICHTENBERGER. INITIA TYPOGRAPHICA Illus- j 0 travit Io. Frid. Lichtenberger. Argentorati: MDCCCXI. 4° boards. *#* «The author minutely details the Origin of Printings and adopts the generally received opinion, that the first attempts towards the art were made at Strasburg and perfected at Mentz. The fable relative to Haerlem is rejected.» 1988 LICHTENBERGER (J. F.) HISTOIRE de lTNVENTION ffi de l'IMPRIMERIE pour servir de Defense a la Ville de Stras- bourg contre les Pretentions de Harlem. Avec une Preface de M. J. G. Schweigh^euser. Accompagn/e d'un Portrait de Guten- berg, et de 8 Planches originatesgravdes sur Bois. Strasbourg: 1825. 8° half morocco. Uncut. Rare. 1989 LILY (JOHN). EUPHUES. The ANATOMY OF WIT. °= Editio princeps. 1579. EUPHUES AND HIS ENGLAND. Editio princeps. 1380. Collated with Early Subsequent Editions. Care- fully Edited by Edward Arber. London: 1868. 120 paper covers. Uncut. Large Paper. 1990 LIVES (The) of thofe Eminent Antiquaries John Leland, ^ Thomas Hearne, and Anthony a Wood; with an Authentick Account of their refpective Writings and Publications, from Original Papers Oxford: mdcclxxii. 2 vols.y 8° calf. Portraits and Plates. 1991 LIVRE de la TAILLE de PARIS, en 1'An Mil Trois Cent / y* Treize. [1313.] [Paris: 182/.] 8° half calf. a Ouvrage tire" se'pare'fnent a 20 ISxemplaires.d Presentation Copy from the Editory J. A. Buchon. *** This work, together with the a Chronique Mitrique de Godefroy de Paris j> formed the qth volume of the <i Collection des Chroniques Natior.ales Francaisesj> published by J. A. Buchon, (Paris, 1824-9, 47 vols.^ 8°). The qth volume was printed in 1827; and TWENTY COPIES of this Tax List were printed separately for private distribution. u 0(fc 3.992 LOMEIER. De BIBLIOTHECIS Liber Singularis. Auctore ==== Johanne Lomeiero, EccleficE Deutechomienfis Pastore. Prosjiat Zutphanije: mdclxix. sm. 8° boards. First Edition. Scarce. 1993 LOMEIERI (JOHANNIS). De BIBLIOTHECIS Liber Sin- gularis, Editio fecunda, priori multb auctior, 6° addito rerum Indice locupletior. Ultrajecti: Anno do io clxxx. srn. 8° vellum. Engraved Frontispiece. *** a Get ouvrage est divise* en quinze ehapitres, dans lesquels l'auteur traite de l'origine des bibliotheques; des moyens employes avant MoIse pour conserver la niemoire des faits importants; des biblioth&ques des H<5breux, des Chaldeens, des Arabes, des Pheniciens et des Egyptiens; de celles des Grecs, des Romains; des Chretiens, avant, pendant et apres les siecles de barbaries; des bibliotheques les plus cel&bres de l'Europe, et des autres parties du monde; de certain ouvrages dont on ne connait qu'un seul exemplaire; des talents et des devoirs d'un bibliothdcaire; de la situation, de la disposition et des ornements d'une biblio- theque; et enfin des insedles qui rongent les livres et les manuscrils.D—Weiss. //2- 376 LVNZE. 1994 LOWNDES (WILLIAM THOMAS). The BIBLIO- GRAPHER'S MANUAL of ENGLISH Literature. Contain- ing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, Published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Inven- tion of Printing; with Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which they have been Sold in the Present Century. London: mdcccxxxiv. 4 vols., S° half calf . First Edition. 1995 LOWNDES (WILLIAM THOMAS). The BRITISH LIBRA- /■yM=== RIAN: or Book Collector's Guide to the Formation of a Library in all Branches of Literature. . ..( English and Foreign ) arranged in Classes, with Prices, Critical Notes, References, and an Index of Authors and Subjects. London: [1839-40.] 8* half calf . MS. Title-page. *** <iThis work was to have extended to about Twenty-four Parts, but the death of the author left it incomplete at Part xn., forming 141b columns.* 1996 LOWNDES (WILLIAM THOMAS). THE BIBLIO- S~°ll= GRAPHER'S MANUAL of ENGLISH LITERATURE.... New Edition, Revised, Corrected and Enlarged; with an APPENDIX Relating to the Books of Literary and Scientific Societies. By Henry G. Bohn. London: Bell 6° Daldy. 1869. 6 vols., crown S° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. LARGE PAPER. One Hundred Copies Printed for Subscribers. No. 24. 0 1997 LUCAS (M. HIPPOLYTE). DOCUMENTS Relatifs a THIS- ,^or^ TOIRE du Cid. i2«brocht. Uncut. Paris: Alvares. i860. 1998 LUDER (JOH. WERNER). QVyESTUM MERETRICIUM, H °= Germ. ^nurett=£of)tt* Francofurti: Anno mdclxxxii. sm. 40paper coz>ers. Rare and Very Curious. J999 LUDEWIG (IOANNIS PETRI de). CATALOGUS • ^ ° Praestantissimi Thesauri Librorum Typis Vulgatorum, et Manuscriptorum. ... Indicibus illustravit M. Joannes David Michaelis, cum Praefatione Christiani Wolfii. Halae Magdeburgicae. mdccxlv. 2 thick vols., S° calf. Portrait. 2000 LVNZE. MONIMENTORVM TYPOGRAPHICORVM -/ 2?== Decas. Illvstravit ad Panzeri Annal. Typogr. accommodavit atque edidit Io. Gottlob Lvnze. Lipsiae: m.dcc.ic. 12° half roan. 2001 LVNZE (IO. GOTTLOB). MONVMENTORVM TYPO- / l<s== GRAPHORVM Tridecas. Lipsiae: m.dccc.i. 120 Italfroan. Rare. fi-o= 2003 E«W»F|jABILLON (Horn JEAN). TRAITE des j&TUDES MmR MONASTIQUES, Divisd en Trois Parties; avec une pUg H des Principales Difficultez qui fe rencontren en chaque ■ ""^™i fiecle dans la lecture des Originaux, & un Catalogue de Livres choifis pour compofer une Bibliothlque Ecdefiastique. Paris: m.dc.xci. 4* calfs gilt back. Scarce. MACLEOD and DEWAR. A DICTIONARY of the GAELIC LANGUAGE, in Two Parts, i. Gaelic and English. 11. English and Gaelic, by the Rev. Dr. Norman Macleod, and Rev. Dr. Daniel Dewar. London: mdcccxlv. S° cloth. Uncut. MACRAY (REV. WILLIAM DUNN). ANNALS of the BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD, a.d. 1598— a.d. 1867; With a Preliminary Notice of the earlier Library founded in the Fourteenth Century. London, Oxford, and Cambridge. 1868. S° glased cloth, top gilt. Uncut. M'CRIE (THOMAS). HISTORY of the PROGRESS and SUPPRESSION of the REFORMATION in ITALY in the Six- teenth Century: Including a Sketch of the History of the Reformation in the Grisons. Edinburgh: m.dccc.xxvii. S° boards. Uncut. joo6 M'CRIE (THOMAS). HISTORY of the PROGRESS and / iM== SUPPRESSION of the REFORMATION in SPAIN in the Six- 2004 , |J2°°5 teenth Century. Edinburgh: m.dccc.xxix S° boards. Uncut. ,) r .2007 MADERVS. De BIBLIOTHECIS atqve ARCHIVIS Virorvm Clarissimorvm LIBELLI et COMMENTATIONES. Cvm Pr.e- fatione de Scriptis et Bibliothecis Antedilvvianis. Antehac Edidit Joachimvs Joan. Madervs. Helmestadi: mdccii. 4 ° stiff'paper covers. *** This volume contains a learned account of Antediluvian Libraries. 37§ MAITTAIRE. 2008 MADERVS. De BIBLIOTHECIS atqve Archivis Virorvm %"ir If* Clarissimorvm LIBELLI et COMMENTATIONES. Cvm Praefatione De SCRIPTIS et BIBLIOTHECIS ANTEDILV- VIANIS, antehac Edidit Joachimvs Joan. Madervs. Secvndam Editionen Cvravit I. A. S. \_Joh. And. Schmidio\ Helmestadii: mdccii. = De BIBLIOTHECIS NOVA Accessio Collectioni Maderian,e adjvncta a Joh. And. Schmidii. Helmestadii: mdcciii. De BIBLIOTHECIS ACCESSIO Altera Collec- tioni Maderian^e adjvncta a Ioh. And. Schmidii. Helmestadii: mdccv. Helmestadii: mdcciii-v. 3 Parts in 1 vol.,40 vellum. Rare. *** aThis is the Second and Best Edition of a very valuable collection of authors de Re Bibliothecarid; among which are Lipsius's Syntagma de Bibliothecis, and various tracts by Onufrio Panvino, Antonio Cicarella, Michael Neander, Herman Conringius, &c, &c. To complete it should be added Schmidt's de Bibliothecis Nova accessio colleflioni Maderiance adjuncla, Helmestadii : 770?, 4°, and his Accessio Altera, 1703,4°. In these 1'ivoSupplements, (among many other curious articles) will be found The PHILOBIBLION of Richard de Bury; Naude's Advispour Dresser une Bibliotheque, translated into Latin; Lomier, De Bib- liotkecis, &c, &c. The Three works are rarely found together, and are very scarce and dear.D—Horne. 2009 MAIRET (F.) NOTICE sur la LITHOGRAPHIE, Deuxibne Edition suivie d'un ESSAI sur la RELIURE et la Blanchiment des Livres et Gravures. Chatillon-sur-Seine: 1824. 12° half calf. 4 Plates. Rare. *** The Essay on Bookbinding contains much interesting and useful information. 2010 [MAITTAIRE (MICHAELIS)]. STEPHANORUM HIS- %%S^== TORI A, Vitas ipforum ac libros complectens. [Cum APPENDIX Librorum fub Stephanorum nominibus impreflbrum.] Londoni: Typis Benj. Motte. do Id ccix. 2 vols, in 1 vol., 8°plain calf. Portrait <?/"Rob. Stephanus engraved by J. Sturt. Very Scarce. *** «This was the first specimen of Maittaire's great skill in Typographical Antiquities.d Horne. 2011 [MAITTAIRE (MICHAELIS)]. HISTORIA TYPOGRAPH- jf0 ORUM aliquot Parisiensium Vitas et Libros Complectens. Londoni: apud Christophorum Bateman. Mdccxvii. 2 Pajrts in J vol., 8° plain calf, with Plates of Printers' Devices. Very Scarce. *** aOuvrage recherche et assez rare maintenant.D—Peignot. 2012 MAITTAIRE (MICH.) ANNALES TYPOGRAPHICI ab ;L^o== Artis Invent/e Origine ad Annum MDCLXIV. Cum SVPPLE- MENTVM. adornavit Michael Denis. Hag^e-Comitum : etc., etc. m.dcc.xix-mdcc.lxxx.ix. I i vols, in b vols., 4° half calf. Portraits. Fine Copy. *** The complete series of this valuable work. The Supplement by Denis contains 6311 works printed in the 15th Century, and unknown to Maittaire. See Peignot, Repertoire Bibliographiquc Universelle, p. 264-3 &* &• r= MARTIN. 379 ^. 2013 MAJOR. BIBLIOTHECA ex omni Facultate LIBRORUM j 0 :==== quos reliquit Reverendus Dominus Carolus Major Mechlini^e: apud J. F. Vanderelst. 1767. 2 vols., 8° half brown calf. Priced. Richard Heber's Copy, with an interesting Note by him, describing the Collection. 2014 MALLEZ-MOUQUE. CATALOGUE de la RICHE BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu M. Mallez-Mouque. Consistant en Th£ologie, Jurisprudence, Sciences et Arts, Belles-Lettres, Voyages, Histoire, grands Ouvrages a figures d'une tres-belle condition. Lille: 1843. 8° half crimson morocco, top gilt, ruled and Priced. 2015 MALLINKROT. De ORTV ac PROGRESSV ARTIS //?vT 'TYPOGRAPHIC^ Dissertatio Historica, in qva praeter alia pleraque ad Calcographices Negocivm Spectantia de Avctori- bvs et Loco inuentionis praecipue inquiritur, proqve Mogvntinis contra Harlemenses concluditur: a Bernardo a Mallinkrot. Colonize Agrippin^e: Apud Ioannem Kinchivm. m.dc.xxxx. sm. 40 paper covers^ beautifully engraved frontispiece, containing Portraits of Guten- berg and Fust. Rare. *** « In this work Mayence is considered as the birthplace of Typography, and Guten- berg, Fust and Schoiffer are all three regarded as its inventors.p—Horne. ^016 MANGIN (EDWARD). A VIEW of the PLEASURES ■ r ^^ arising from a LOVE of BOOKS. London: 1814. 12° half calf J2017 MANNI (DOMENICO MARIA). VITA di ALDO PIO MANUZIO Insigne Restauratore delle Lettre Greche, e Latine in Venezia. Venezia: cIdIocclix. 8° half roan. Fine Portrait of Aldus. n 2018 MANUZIO. LETTERE di PAOLO MANUZIO copiate sugli A VO Autographi esistenti nella Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Parigi: P res so Giulio Renouard. m.dccc.xxxiv. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. With Plate of the Aldine Device. *** « C'est une recueil de Lettres familieres qui abonde en details curieux sur la vie privce de Paul Manuce.d—Brunet. ^ 2019 [MARCHAND (PROSPER)]. HISTOIRE de l'ORGINE et /v5 0= des Premiers Progres de lTMPRIMERIE. La Have: m.dcc.xl. 4° boards. Uncut. Engraved frontispiece. *** <l An elegant and interesting- volume, which is frequently consulted by typographical antiquaries.i>—Dibdin. 2020 MARTIN (JOHN). A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE jjco= of B00KS ijvftiatelg JfJvintetr; including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland and Roxburghe Clubs, and 2TIJC JJtTt- bate ;||Jtf8£C8 at Darlington, Auchinleck, Lee Priory, New- castle, Middle Hill, and Strawberry Hill. London: J. and A. Arch. etc. m.dccc.xxxiv. 2 vols., imperial 8° polished tree calf, super extra, gilt leaves by Riviere, with Frontis- piece printed in colors. LARGE PAPER. Only 50 Copies Printed. A superb copy of this 7jaluable work. Very Scarce. SA 38o MEERMAN. tXf= ^ 2021 [MASENIUS (JACOBUS)]. SARCOTIS et CAROLI V. Imp. ^ 0 Panegyris, Carmina; turn de Heroica Poesi Tractatus. Ad- jecta eft Lamentationum Jeremice Faraphrafis, auctore D. Grenan. Londini et Parisiis: apud J. Barbou, mdcclxxi. 12° half calf. Scarce. *** The notorious William Lauder charged Milton with stealing from the Sarcotis of Masenius, more than two hundred of the finest verses in Paradise Lost. See Lauder, Essay on Milton's Use and Imitation of the Moderns in his Paradise Lost, Lond. 1750, 8° passim. MASSEY (W.) The ORIGIN and PROGRESS of LETTERS. An ESSAY, in Two Parts. The First shewing when, and by whom Letters were invented; the Formation of the Alphabets of Various Nations; their Manner of Writing, on what Materials, and with what Instruments Men have written in different Ages to the Present Time The Second Fart consists of a compendious Account of the most celebrated English Penmen, with the Titles and Characters of the Books they have published both from the Rolling and Letter Press. ... London: 1763. 8° calf, gilt backs, with Plates of Alphabets. /f/7 C)^I1 tMATHIAS (T- J-)] The PURSUITS of LITERATURE, a v Jy L Satirical Poem in Four Dialogues, with Notes. To which are added An APPENDIX; The Citations Translated; and a Complete Index. The Sixteenth Edition. London: 1812. f(' half brown levant morocco, gilt back and edges, with 11 fine Portraits of celebrated Authors and distinguished Persons inserted. 2024 MAVROCENVS(PAVLVS). OPVS de Sterna Temporaliqve -* ° Christi Generatione. ... In fine: (fol. j8a: ) Fatauii. iiii. kls maias. M.cccc.lxxiii. [147J.] sm. 40 calf 78 leaves, 24 lines to a fill page. Imperfect, wants first tzuo leaves. Rare. *** See Hain, Repertoriurn Bibliographicum, vol. \\.,p.3jb. ;? 2025 MAXWELL (J.) On the MANUFACTORY of PAPER: A 1 ° === Poem. Setting forth the great utility thereof, and the benefits derived therefrom to all mankind by this noble invention. By James Maxwell, Foet in Faisley. Glasgow: m.dcc.xc. T2 ° paper covers. MEAD (R.) MVSEVM MEADIANVM, sive Catalogvs Nvmmorvm, veteris aevi Monvmentorvm, ac Gemmarvm. . , . BIBLIOTHECA MEADIANA, sive Catalogus Librorum Rich- ardi Mead, m. d. Londini: m.dcc.lv. 2 vols, in I vol., 8° half calf. Partly Priced. 2027 MEERMAN (GERARDO). ORIGINES TYPOGRAPHICAE. ==== Hagae-Comitum: apud Nicolaum Van Daalen. mdcclxv. 2 vols, in J vol., 40 old red morocco, marbled edges, with Portraits ofMeerman and Coster, and JO Plates of Facsimiles. Fine copy. *** a A work highly esteemed by all bibliographers, though the hypothesis of Meerman, in favour of Haerlem, is exploded asafable; it is most beautifully executed, of rare occurrence, and when all the Plates are perfect bears a high price.»—Horne. d Ouvrage tres beau, tres curieux et tres estimd.p—Peignot. MERCURIES. 381 2028 MEERMAN (GERARDI) et DOCTORUM VIRORUM ad %gl^=== eum EPISTOLAE atque Observationes de CHARTAE VUL- GARIS sen LINEAE ORIGINE. Edidit ac Praefatione In- struxit Jacobus van Vaassen. Hagae-Comitum: mdcclxvii. sm. 8° half vellum. VERY RARE. *** <rTo ascertain the precise period and the particular nation of Europe, when and among whom the use of our Common Paper fabricated from Linen Rags first Originated, was a very earnest object of research with the learned Meerman. Rutin order to accomplish his immediate object with respect to the history of the Charta Lintea, he proposed a reward of 25 golden ducats, or books to that value, to whoever should discover what on due examination should appear the most Ancient Manuscript or Public Document inscribed on paper fabricated from linen rags. These proposals were dispersed through all parts of Europe, and this little volume contains the answers which Meerman received from different learned correspondents.d See Beloe, Anecdotes of Literature, vol. v.,/.362, et seq. 2029 «MEERMAN.d De l'INVENTION de l'IMPRIMERIE, /■/1 ou Analyse des Deux Ouvrages Publies sur cette mature, par M. Meerman, suivie d'une Notice Chronologique et Raisonnee des Livres avec et sans Date, imprimes avant 1'Ann£e 1501, dans dix-sept Provinces des Pays-Bas, par M. Jacques Visser; et augmented d'environ deux-cents articles par l'Editeur. [M. Henri Jansen.~\ Paris: F. Schoell. 180Q. 8° half calf with facsimile. *** a The notices relative to the early productions of the Press in the Netherlands are both curious and valuable.d—Horne. 2030 MEERMAN. BIBLIOTHECA MEERMANNIANA; sive , IS~ Catalogus Librorum Impressorum et Codicum Manuscript- orum, quos maximam partem collegerunt Viri Nobilissimi Gerardus et Joannes Meerman; morte dereliquit Joannes Meerman.... Quorum publica fiet auctio die vm. sqq. Junii, anni mdcccxxiv. Hagae-Comitum: mdcccxxiv. S Parts in 3 vols., 8° broche'. Uncut. With Printed List of Prices. Scarce. ^2031 « MERCURIES.* 1. MERCURIUS MEDICUS: or, A Sover- y 0> 0= aigne Salve for thefe fick Times. ATo- i. Lond. : 164/. = 11. MER- CURIUS PRAGMATICUS. [Lond. 1647] = i"- MERCUR- IUS ANTI-PRAGMATICUS. N°- 4. Lond. 1647. = ™. Mer- curius Anti-Pragmaticvs. JV°- 18. Lond. 1648. = v. Mer- curius Pragmaticus. N°- 1. Lond. 1658. = vi. Mercurius Fumigosus, or, the Smoaking Nocturnal. N°* 2. Lond. 1660. = vii. Mercurius Fumigosus, or a Perfect Nocturnal. N*- j. Lond. 1660. ■ vm. Mercurius Fumigosus, or, the Smoaking Noc- tvrnal. N°- 1. Lond. 1660. = ix. Mercurius Phanaticus, or, Mercury Temporizing. N°> 1. Lond. 1660. [London: 1647-1660.] Together Q Pieces in i vol., sm. 40 half calf. Very Rare and extremely scurrilous. *** a These a Mercuries* were party publications in reference to the political movements, reverses, or successes of the Parliamentarians and the Royalists, and embody material of the highest value to the historian. r> See [Burn] Catalogue of Parly Newspapers and Essayists, p. 2, et seq. 382 MEMOIRS. 2032 MfeRIGOT. CATALOGUE des LIVRES provenant du fonds /. '2- = cTAncienne Librairie du Citoyen J. G. Merigot. Paris: De Bure. An ix. [i£oa] 8° calf. Priced. MERRYWEATHER (F. SOMNER). Bf&lfOtttftttto in the MIDDLE AGES, or Sketches of Bookworms—Collectors —Bible Students—Scribes—and Illuminators, from the Anglo Saxon and Norman Periods, to the Introduction of Printing into England; with Anecdotes, Illustrating the History of the Monastic Libraries of Great Britain in Wfyt ©Itten 2TftlU. London: mdcccxlix. 120 clotk. Uncut. Scarce. 2034 MERVL^E. MEMORABILIVM GAVDENTII MERVL^E / 0 === Novariensis vltra primam Edition em et recognition et Quatuor Libris auctum opus cum emendatione et Scholiis Pomponii Cast alii Olivetani. Lvgdvni: Apud Matthiam Bonhomme. 1556. sm. 8° calf. .„ ^035 MELLO. CATALOGUE of the Entire and very VALUABLE ''yl ■ LIBRARY of the late Arnold Mello, Esq. of Clapham; among which is a large Collection of German Literature. ... Sold by Auction by Leigh and S. Sotheby. London: 1810. 8° half calf ruled in red lines\ and Priced. 2036 MfeMOIRES Du REGNE de CATHERINE Imperatrice et A 0====i Souveraine de tout la Russie. Amsterdam: mdccxxix. sm. 8° brochd. Uncut. Portrait. Very Curious. 1 _2c>37 MEMOIRS of LITERATURE. Containing a large 1 j = ACCOUNT of many VALUABLE BOOKS, Letters and Disser- tations Upon feveral Subjects, Mifcellaneous Observations, &c. The Second Edition Revifed and Corrected. [By Michael de la Roche.'] London: M.dccxxii. 8 vols., 8° calf gilt backs. Scarce. *** aThefrst Edition of these Papers being very scarce, I have reprinted it with several Improvements. This New Edition consists of only Three Hundred and Fifty Copies; so that this Work will always be uncommon.»—Preface. 2038 MEMOIRS of the SOCIETY of GRUB-STREET. {Edited 0 by Dr. John Afartyn.] London: J. Wilford. Mdccxxxvii. 2 vols., /2°plain calf. *** a These Memoirs present a great variety of subjects, and much information relative to the obscure literature of that day. The selections extend from the first paper to No, cxxxvm, Aug. 24, 1732, when it is possible Martyn's association with the Journal ceased, v—See [Burn.] Catalogue of Early Newspapers and Essayists, p. 68. (( Grub Street: The name of a street in Mooriields in London, much inhabited by writers of small histories, dictionaries, and temporary poems.j>—Johnson's Diclionary. It' MEURSII. 3&3 2039 MfeNABRfeA (LfeON). De l'ORIGINE de la FORM et de 1'Esprit des JUGEMENTS rendus au MOYEN-AGE contre les ANIMAUX. Avec des Documents In£dits. Chambery: 1846. 8° half'morocco, top gilt. Uncut. Very Curious. T 1^ 40 MENCKENII (IOANNIS BVRCHARDI). DISSERTA- TIONES LITERARIAE. olim seorsim publicatas, nvnc in unvm corpvs redegit.. .. Lipsiae: mdccxxxiv. sm. 8° paper covers. *** Contains Twenty-Five Dissertations, Including a learned dissertation on The HAT as the Symbol of Liberty. 2041 MENCKENII (FRIDERICI OTTONIS). HISTORIA VITAE S~V et in Literas meritorum ANGELI POLITIANI, ortu Ambrogini, Italorum Sec. XV. Nobilissimi, Philosophae, Iurisprudentiae, Grammatices, et omnis Doctrinae Elegantioris, Instauratoris, felicis- simi, atque omni laude maioris. Lipsiae: mdccxxxvi. 4° plain calf. Plates. j£ S .042 MENTELII (IACOBI). De VERA TYPOGRAPHIC ORI- GINE PARiENESis, ad sapientissimvm Virvm D. Bernardvm a Malinkrot. Parisiis: Ex Officina Roberti Ballard, m.dc.l. 4° calf. ^2043 MEVRSI (IOANNIS). GVLIELMVS AVRIACVS, sive, De ^ rebus toto Belgio tam ab eo, quam ejus tempore, geflis, ad exceflum Ludouici Requefenfij, Tributa in Libros X. Lvgd-Batav: El- zevirivm. 1621. = NICOLAI BVRGVNDI Historia Bavarica, sive Lvdovicvs IV. Imperator. Ingolstadii: 1636. = DIS- SERT ATIO de SVCCESSIONIBVS ac Mvtationibvs Imperiorvm ac Familiarvm; nee non de Moderna Ivrisdictione, Imperatoris Romani, Statuumq; territoriali: alta quoque, bafsa, confusa, ac concefsa. a Georgivs Lvdovicvs Lindenspur. Ingolstadii: Anno m.dc.xxxviii. 3 Pieces in i vol., 40 stamped calf. ^044 MEVRSII (IOANNIS). ATHENE BATAV^E, sive De Vrbe 0 - ""^^ Leidenfis, & Academia, Virifque Claris; qui utramque ingenio fuo, atque fcriptis illustrarunt. Lugd.-Batav: A0 do Ioc xxv. sm, 40 calf, red edges, numerous Portraits and Plates. ^ 2045 MEURSII (IOANNIS). ELEG A NTfsEL AT INI SERMONIS, I jfo= sen ALOISIA SIGCA TOLETANA De arcanis Amoris & Veneris Adjunctis Fragmentis quibusdam Eroticis. Lugd.-Batavorum: Ex Typis Elzevirianis. doIoccLXXIV. 2 Parts in I vol., sm. 8° half calf, gilt top. Uncut. Engraved Title-page, and Frontis- piece representing the a Judicium Veneris.\> Very fine copy. Rare. %* Sec [Gay,] Bibliographic des Ouvrages relati/s a VAmour, etc., tome vi., /. 42. 3$4 MONCRIF. ^046 MEUSCHENII (J. G.) VITAE SUMMORUM DIGNITATE ,7-6= et ERVDITIONE VIRORUM Ex Rarissimis Monumentis Lit- erato Orbi restitutae cura Johannis Gerhardi Meuschenii. COBURGI: A0 MDCCXXXV-XLI. 4 vols, in 1 vol., 8° half vellum. Rare. _2Q47 MEYRICK. BIBLIOTHECA MEYRICKIANA. A Cata- .^/vi logue of the Elegant and Valuable Library, in Print and Manuscript. .. .sold by auction. London: 1806. = BIBLIO- THECA MADDISONIANA. Catalogue of the Extensive and Valuable Library of the late John Maddison, Esq., comprising Books in almost every Branch of Foreign Literature. Sold by Auction. London: i8og. 2 vols, in 1 vol., 8° half calf. Uncut. Ruled in red lines and Priced. 2048 MEYZIEU. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de la BIBLIO- Lj0 THfeQLTE de feu M. Paris de Meyzieu. Paris: m.dcc.lxxix. 8° green vellum, red edges. Priced. 2049 MEZZOFANTI. II CARDINALE MEZZOFANTI sua Vita, > / 0 sua Conoscenza delle Lingue, e la sua Biblioteca. estratto dall University Catholique. Bologna: 1857. 8 ° paper covers. 2050 MICHELANT (H.) CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTH^QUE - M de FRANQOIS Pr a Blois, en 1518, public d'apres le manuscrit de la Bibliotheque Imperiale de Vienne. Paris: 1863. 8° broche'. Uncut. Only 92 Copies Printed. 2051 MICROSCOPE (Le) BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE; Premiere Nou- • L-j^r velle et derniere Edition revue, corrigee et diminuee par [Mate- branche\ Amsterdam: m.dcc.lxxi. 12° half morocco, top gilt. *** See Barbier, Diet, des Ouvrages Anonymes, tome in.,p. 2q8. _2o52 MIGLIORUCCI. BIBLIOTHEC^E MIGLIORUCCIAN^E . 0 s === CATALOGUS: Being the Library of the Learned Sig. Jos. Mark Innocent Migliorucci. ... Sold by Auction. London: 1716. 8° half calf. Rare. 2053 MOLLWEIDE (CAROLO BRANDANO). De QUADRATIS ./0= MAGICIS Commentatio. Lipsiae: mdcccxvi. 4° boards. Uncut. 2054 [MONCRIF]. DISSERTATION sur la PROMINENCE s) n o des CHATS, dans la Society, sur les autres Animaux d'EGiPTE, sur les Distinctions et Privileges dont ils ont joui Personnelle- ment, sur la Traitement Honorable qu'on leur faisoit pendant leur Vie, et des Monuments et Autels qu'on leur dressoit apres leur mort, avec plusieurs Pieces Curieuses qui y ont raport. (sic) [Par Francois-Augustin Paradis de Moncrif\ Amsterdam: Chez Barthclemi Vlam. mdcclxvii. 8° half calf, with curious plates, and monutnents of celebrated CATS. From the library of the famous Chevalier D'Eon. Scarce. /or MORHOFII. 385 21 %$tm*UtM. He pvtmitv toolumt to fBn&utvr&u to mouftttl lrt.3Enfuguatfrotffart:nafluercstmprfineaparfjstrcsctonf- ques trc franco: Trafllctcrre: TrtfcoiTe: tofpatgiu: totiretaf gue: tregafcongue: Treflautrrcs: ct lizuv cttconuofttns* &uecqs Us BrauTrcscroufquesTresroastrcfraucelLogs.pt^eceuomirt cijarUs.bfff.fouf flj: trra papes rtfluas en Uur temps: etplu- ffeures aultres uouucllts cJjof ca aftuenttes en SLomfcarTrfe: es gtalles: atttres trfuers pags esteps ttu rejjnetottrftj rogs: le tout fait • atrfoufte auccqs lacroufquetrutrftttemonftcelUt, ILautreflracemfLb.ceus etpfUcfut. tourtteTrecemfirepottr JleijaupetitetiWtcijeUenotriLffirafres furejenUtnfuerffte trcparts tremouraus eu la grant rue iafuct Jaques. [\r /5/2.I _/"° tome I. <Wj', old calf, rcbacked, with one Large « bizarre > Initial Letter, and numerous small Ornamental Initial Letters. Line clean copy; in admirable preservation. Very Rare. a Hiftoire de bel example & grand fruict.p See Dv Verdier, Bibliotheqve,f° edit. /jSj,p. 277- a Dans son etat le plus etendu, la Chroniquc de Monstrellet, ne se compose que de deux livres. Le Premier s'e'tend de Tan 1400, ou environ (terme oil s'arrete Froissari), a Tan 1422. Le Second commence a cette demiere date, avec le regne de Charles VII. et se continue jusqu'en 1444. Ces deux livres seuls sont l'ceuvre authenticue de Monstrellet. Le Troisieme livre, que pr^sentant beaucoup d'^ditions, tant manuscrites qu'imprim^es, constitue une Suite ou appendice, plus ou moins deVeloppe, ajoute" a l'auteur prncipal paries libraires. Ce Troisieme live (de 1444 a 1467) appartient a Mathieu deCoucY ou d' Escouchy, l'un des nombreux Sieves ou continuateurs de Monstrellet.» See Nouvelle Biographic Ge'ne'rale, tome xxxvi., /. 2Q-30. 2056 MONUMENS de la VIE PRIV&E des DOUZE CESARS, d'apres une Suite de Pierres et Medailles, Grav/es fous leur regne. \Par Pierre-Francois Hugues n'Hancarville'] a Caprices: chez Sabellius. 1782. S° half brown morocco, gilt back, red edges, ji Plates. *** See Barbier, Exanten Critique et Complement des Dictionnaires Historiques, /. 42Q; [Gay], Bibliographie des Ouvrages relatifs d P Amour, etc.. tome vi.. />.JQO; Drujon, Cata- logue des Ouvrages Sufiprimds ou Condamne's, p. 267. 2057 MOON (G.WASHINGTON). The DEAN'S ENGLISH. A Criticism on the Dean of Canterbury's Essays on the Queen's English. Fourth Edition. tb*cioth. London: 1865. 2058 MORHOFII (DANIEL1S GEORGTI). POLYHISTOR l^^~ :LITERARIUS, PHILOSOPHICUS et PRACTICUS cum Ac- CESSIONIBUS VlRORUM CLARISSIMORUM lOANNIS FrICKII et lOHANNIS Molleri. Editio Tertia, cui Pr,<efationem, Notitiamque Diari- orum Litterariorum Europ/k Prremisit Io. Albertus Fabricius. Lubece: MDCCXXXII. 2 vols, in I 7>ol., j° vellum. Fine Portrait. *** « The precise object, of the Polyhisto?-, as the word imports, is to direct, on the most ample plan, the studies of a single scholar. Several chapters, that seem digressive in an his- torical light, are to be defended by tbis consideration. In his review of Books in every pro- vince of literature, Morhuf adopts a sufficiently chronological order; his judgments are short, but usually judicious; his erudition so copious, that later writers have freely borrowed from the Polyhistor, and in many parts added little to its enumeration.»—Hai.lam. u 00- /.': 3S6 MOTIS. MORLEY (WILLIAM H.) A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of the Historical Manuscripts in the ARABIC and PERSIAN LANGUAGES, Preserved in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Printed by order of the Council. S« half morocco. LONDON: MDCCCLIV. V* din the following pages I have, in the first instance, described each History shortly, and have added some notice of the author where procurable; I have then given the particular contents of each volume, and have mentioned its size and extent, noticing the species of hand- writing, and whether it is well written or transcribed in a more or less illegible hand. I have also enumerated the Editions of the whole, or of the portions of each work, that have been printed in Text or translation.d—Preface. 2060 jwort (&a) ir&rtJjurc- the history of king / Z^~ ARTHUR and of the Knights of the ROUND TABLE, Com- piled by Sir Thomas Malory, Knt. Edited from the Text of the Edition of 1634, with Introduction and Notes, by Thomas Wright, Esq. m. a. London: John Russell Smith. 1858. 3 vols., f cap. S'° dot A. Uncut. *** a Humbly bysechying al noble Lordes and Ladyes, wyth al other estates, of what estate or degree they been of, that shal see and rede in this sayd book and werke, that they take the good and honest actes in their remembraunce, and to folowe the same. Wherin they shalle fynde many joyous and playsaunt hystoryes and noble and renomed acts of humanyte, gentylnesse, and chyvalryes. For herein maybe seen noble chyvalrye, curtosye, humanyte, frendlynesse, love, trendshyp, cowardyse murdre, hate, vertue, synne Do after the good, and leve the evyl, and it shal brynge you to good fame and renommee.D— The Prologue. 2061 MOSS (JOSEPH WILLIAM). A MANUAL of CLASSICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY: Comprising a Copious Detail of the Various Editions; Commentaries, and Works Critical and Illustra- tive; and Translations into the English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and, occasionally, other Languages; of the Greek and Latin Classics. ♦ London: mdcccxxv. 2 vols., S° boards. Uncut. 2062 [MOTIS (JOHANES)]. C&ractatuUtrttomctrtcftJreues* quo? primus coutfuet recommcuTrattonem feu trefeutfo^ item mulferum contra bfros feu mares. CSccuuftus remefrtum bfrorum contra cou^ cutuuaa atcp contuses ft. Explicit fol. 8b: [iFalfttS tuKtjrfn COUftftorfO . iFalfus mercator in foro C<autuq;funr(^)quepturt)atlSaccttros auar, (n trplo rempuiJlfca Cue tontt coe. jjmcrameretrfj: t pfttfiulo Ku aulfs trno? atrulator. s. /. a. et typ. n. [sed Memminoe, Albertus Kunne, circa m. d.] sm. 4" vellum, 8 leaves, jj lines to a full page. VERY R A R E. *** The second piece of this exceedingly curious opuscule is a grossly indecent satire on women. See Vallikre, Catalogue, tome ii., p. J2Q; Ebkrt, Bibliographical Diet., vol. hi., p.jf.f.Q; Main, Repertorium Bibling?aphicum, vol.. n., Pars i., p. 4JO; Beyer, Memoriae Librorum Rarioru;//, /. 26; [Gay], Bibliographic des Ouvrages relatifs a TAmour,aux Femmes, an Mariage, etc., tome v.,/. 13b; Brunei, Manuel, art. motis. So MYLIUS. 387 / ^2063 MULlfeRANA suivi de FfeMIN^EANA. Tr£sor des Anec- * v J dotes, des Bon Mots et des Opinions les plus remarquables sur les Femmes. Paris: Delarue. n. d. J2° brochd. Uncut. 2064 MVRNER (T.) CHARTILVDIVM LOGICS, sev Logica %^IS^==: Poetica, vel Memoratiua R. P. Th. Mvrner Argent. Ord. Minorum. Opus quod centum amplius annos in tenebris latuit, Erutum 6° in appertain fceculi huiufce curio ft lucem productum. Opera, Notis, & Conjecturis. Ioan. Balesdens in Senatu Gal. Ad. Parisiis: Apud Tvssanvm Dv Bray, m.dc.xxix. 8° vellum,with 52 Emblematical Playing Cards. Very Rare and Curious. *** This singular work is the first known example of using Playing Cards to give instruc- tion in Logic, a These cards,» says Leber, a made much noise in their time; and this might well be, for tbey were a novelty which it was easier to admire than to compiehend. At first people fancied that they saw in them the work of the Devil; and it was even a question whether the author should not be burnt, seeing that he could be nothing more than a conjurer with the logicians of that age. But the conjurer's pupils made such extraordinary progress, that people cried out, l wonderful!' and Murner's book was pronounced divine. Although those cards are Fifty-two in number they have nothing in common with our pack. They differ from all other cards, whether for gaming, or of fanciful device, in the multiplicity and the divisions of the suits, which the inventor has applied to the divisions of logic, after a method of his own.s Murner was one of Luther's early opponents; and one of the Pamph- lets which was published during their controversy is entitled: « An Answer to Murner on his question, k Whether the King ofEngland, or the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther is a Liar ?'» See Marchand, Dicl. Historique, tome ii., /. Q2, et seq; Leber, Catalogue, tome i., /. 206; Green, Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers, p. 64; Chatto, Origin and Hist, of Playing Cards, p. 101', et seq. 2065 MUSEUM HERMETICUM REFORMATUM et Amplifica- *1 £ S ~~ tum, Omnes Sopho-Spagyric/e Artis Discipulos fidelifiime eru- diens, quo pacto Summa ilia veraque LAPIDIS PHILOSOPHIC! Medicina, qua res omnes qualemcunque defectum patientes, in- ftaurantur, inveniri & haberi queat, Continent TRACTATUS CHIMICOS XXI. Praeflantiffimos Francofurti: Apud Hermanrmm a Sande. clr> Id lxxvii-lxxviii. 40pp. $63, vellum, with numerous very curious Plates. Rare. %* This rare volume contains Twenty-one Tracts by the most distinguished adepts in Alchemy. See [Lenglet Du Fresnoy,] Hist, de la Philosophic Hermetique, tome hi., /. 47; [Barrett,] Lives of Alchemist ical Philosophers, p. joj; Retrospeclive Review, vol- xiv.,/. qS, et seq. ^ 2066 MYLIUS. MEMORABILLIA BIBLIOTHECAE ACADE- , J V MICAE IENENSIS, sive Designatio Codicvm Manvscriptorvm in ilia Bibliotheca et Librorvm Impressorvm plervmqve Rari- orvm concinnata potissimvm ad vsvs svorvm in Collegiis Litterariis avditorvm, k M. Ioh. Christoph. Mylio. Ienae: mdccxxxvi. sm. S° boards. Portrait. ££MMA, AUD,EI Parifiaci. ( GABRIELIS ) EXERCITATIO: In qua Argumento valde probabili afferit, quod Nomen SEN.E Non C^ESEN^E, Sed SENOGALLLE Con- veniat. Editio Noviffima, mendis typographicis purgata, Indiculo aucta. Lugd-Batav: s. a. f° pp. jo, paper covers. Uncut. 2068 NAVDfe (GABR.) ADDITION A l'HISTOIRE de LOWS % j~~ XL Contenant plufieurs Recherches curieufes fur diuerfes matieres. A Paris: chez Francois Targa. m.dc.xxx. S° limp vellum. Rare. *** 4 These Additions contain numerous Anecdotes relative to the origin of Printings— Horne. 2069 NEALE. SEQUENTLdE ex MISSALIBUS Germanicis, j S Anglicis, Gallicis, aliisque Medii ./Evi, Collectae. Recensuit, Notulisque instruxit Joannes M. Neale, a. m. Londoni: mdccclii. 12 ° cloth. 2070 NEBRISSENSIS. P&? GRAMMATICA JELll ANTONII /L/0r==== NEBRISSENSIS Cvm Commentariis. [Lvgdvni]: m.d.xli. 40 old calf . Title printed within a wood-cut border', containing medallion Portraits 0/ celebrated Grammarians, with many singular ornamental initial letters. Rare. *** a L'Aristarque et le Varron de 1'EspagDe.D See Niceron, Mdmoires des Hommes Illustres, tome xxxm.,/. 2S0, et seq. 4 Antonio de Lebrixa, usually styled Ncbrissensis, became to Spain what Valla was to Italy, Erasmus to Germany, and Bude to France.» See M'Crie, Hist. 0/ the Re/or?nation in Spain, p. 61, et seq. 2071 [NfeE de la ROCHELLE]. VIE d'ETIENNE DOLET, Imprimeur a Lyon dans le Seizieme Siecle; Avec une Notice des Libraires & Imprimeurs Auteurs que Ton a pu decouvrir jusqu'a ce jour. Paris: m.dcc.lxxix. S° mottled calf, red edges. Rare. *** This distinguished printer was fiendishly tortured and burnt for heresy, in Paris, Aug. 3,1546. See Niceron, ;lAw(?/>w des Hommes Illustres, tome xxi., /. 10J, et seq; Nouvelle Biographic Gdru'rale, tome xiv., /. jjj, el seq. ^2072 NEW MEMOIRS of LITERATURE, containing an Account of NEW BOOKS Printed both at Home and Abroad, with Disser- tations upon feveral Subjects, Mifcellaneous Observations, &c. [By Michael de La Roche.'] London: M dccxxv-xxvii. 0 vols., S° plain calf. Scarce. 2073 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Albany: = 1856-7. 3 vols., S'J half morocco. ■V 1/4' NEWE ZEYTUNG. 389 /frm T^w^gtwfevmfowdcbcr RftriBttwon £tmgerttnriipt(m/ In fine: C (Skbritcft ju SWiirn&crg / bwd) ftttbertd) ^cl)pu£ sm. 40 0 leaves, J7 lines to a full page, paper covers; two small worm holes, one in the margin, and the other slightly penetrating the te.rt; otherwise a very Jine clear, copy, in perfect preservation. * + * This EXCESSIVELY RARE aplaquette* (the Title-page o\~ which is given above in Facsimile,) is described by Prut/., as the SECOND 4 NEWS LETTER,t> or aXewspapcr i> published in Europe. The- date of the earliest & Xews letter r> known to Pkutz and to Panzer, is 1510, a copy of which is in the Library of the University of Leipsic. The earliest English Newspaper—the a Weekly Newest is dated May 23, 1622; and the Jirst French Newspaper, a La Gazetted of Theophkaste Renatpot, appeared May 30, 1631. See Prutz, C-eschichte des deutschen J'ou rnalism us, vol.. l., /. roj •' Panzer, Annalen a'er til tern dcutschen Liiteiatur, vol. 1., p.jS/; Hi'nt, The Fourth Estate. . . a History of Neivspapcrs, vol. 1., /. 10; Matin, Histoire de la Fresse en France, tome I., /. 7 J. I 40 = 39° NOVI TESTAMENTI. 2075 NOCTE NVPTIALI. Discvrsvs Historico-Jvridicvs de DIE , JO ac nocte nvptiali, »<m bcm £od)5eit=$agc, mtb ber SB?aitt=9tad)t, pvblici Jvris factvs a Conrad. Philip Hoffmanno, J- U. D. Regiomonti et Lipsi^e: cId Idoo xx. j-w. 4° Pp- 88, paper covers. Rare and extremely curious. *** The following description of the «Italian Girdle 0/ Chastity ,d will be found on page 78: dCette Ceinture de Chastet/ consiste en un petit gril, joint a quatre chainettes d'acier, deux desquelles le s6utiennent par devant, et deux par derriere. Les extremites des chaines prennent fort juste sur les reins, et s'y joignent par le molen d'un cadenat fort seur, et dont les ressors ne sont ordinairement connus qu'ce celui qui a fait, et ou mari qui en est le maitre; pour ce qui est du gril, il est de la longuer de cinq doigts, et de la largeur de quatre, il est d'Or, d'Argent, d'Acier, de Fer, le Cuivre, ou de quelque autre metail, selon les moiens du jaloux qui le fait faire.D 207^6 NODIER (CHARLES). PROMENADE de DIEPPE aux }, J Montagnes d'EcossE. Paris i chez J. H. Barba. m.dccc.xxi. 12° brocki. Uncut. With Map, 2 colored Plates, and Vignettes. 2077 NODIER (CH.) BIBLIOTHfeQUE SACREE GRECQUE- LATINE; comprenant le Tableau Chronologique,Biographique et Bibliographique des Auteurs Inspires et des Auteurs Ec- clesiastiques, depuis Moise jusqu'a Saint Thomas-d'Aquin. Ouvrage r£dige d'apres Mauro Boni et Gamba. Paris: mdcccxxvi. 8° fanelled calf, red edges. Scarce. 2078 NODIER (CH.) DESCRIPTION RAISONN^E d'une Jolie %,lJ Collection de LIVRES (Nouveaux Mdanges Tire's d'une Petite Bibliotheque ) par Charles Nodier. Precedee de la Vie de M. Ch. Nodier, par M. Francis Wey. Paris: 1844. 8° half dark blue morocco, top gilt. Uncut. 2079 NODIER (CH.) CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE de . /■■ ° === feu m. Charles Nodier de l'Academie Francois. Paris: 1844. 8° brocke". Uncut. Neatly Priced. 2080 [NODIER (CHARLES)]. BONAVENTURE DESPERIERS [Paris: n. d.] 8°pp. 24,paper covers. Printed on Yellow Paper. 2081 NOSTRADAMA. Le Vite DELLI PIV CELEBRI ET ANTICHI PRIMI Poeti Provenzali che fiorirno nel tempo delli Re" di Napoli, & Conti di Prouenza, liquali hanno infegnato a tutti il Poetar Vulgare. Raccolte dalV opere de diuerfi excellent! fcrittori, cJiin quella lingua le fcriffero: in lingua Franzefe da Gio: da Noftra Dama pojle: 6° hora da Gio: Giudici in Italiana tradotte, e date in luce. . . .In Lione: Appreffo d'Alefandro Marfilij. L'anno m.d.lxxv. sm. 8° limp vellum. Rare. *** Contains the Lives of 76 Proven9al Poets. 2082 NOVI TE- | STAMENTI | EDI- | tio Postrema, Per- | D. Erafmum Rotero- | damum. Omniapicturis illujlrata. Tigvri in Officina I Frofchouiana, Anno m.d.lxiii. sm. 8° old calf, with numerous curious old wood-cuts, some of which are colored. 0: bo-. NUG^E VENALES. 391 > 2083 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM. 0= H K A I N H AIA0HKH. N O V U M TESTAMENTUM. JUXTA EXEMPLAR JOANNIS MILLII AC- CURATISSIME IMPRESSUM. EDITIO PRIMA AMERICANA. WIGORNI/E, Massachusettensi: Excudebat ISAIAS THOMAS, Jun. slnv.ulatim et numerose eg ven1mta officinve su/e, April—1800. 12° sheep. The FIRST EDITION OF THE GREEK TEXT OF THE NEW TES- TAMENT PRINTED IN AMERICA. *#* Collation : Title 1 leaf, verso, blank; A Chronological Table of the Rooks of the New Testament [in English], signed Caleb Alexander, i/. ; verso, blank ; Text: pp.j—47$, followed by a list of Books, Printed and Sold by Isaiah Thomas, J?<n. 1 /. ; verso Advertise- ment of Thomas printed within an oval wood-cut, dated Worcester, December 25, 1802. See O'Callaghan, List 0/ Editions of the Holy Scriptures. . . Printed in Ann rica . . . /. 56-7. 2084 NUG/E VENALES, sive Thesaurus Rtdendi & Jocandi Ad j6 Graviffimos Severifjimosque Firos, Patres Melancholicorum Con- fer iptos. s. I. Proftant apud Nend turn ; fed tarn en Vbique. Anno 1648. fS° f>aper covers. Fine copy. Rare. *** This copy also contains: 1. Pugna Porcoru.m. ii. Crekundia Poktica. 2085 NUG.E VENALES, sive THESAURUS Ridendi & Jocandi, _~ "ad Graviffimos Sereniffimofqve Viros, Pat res Melancholicorum Confcriptos, Editio ultima auetior &* eorreetior. Leoburgii: Anno m.dcc.iii. sin. $° half vellum, engraved, frontispiece, with Autograph of the Poet WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. *** This edition contains the following additional Pieces, viz .• —1. Thefes de Hafione & Hafibil qvalitate. = n. Cortum Verficale de Flois SWartibus, &c. = m. Difputatio Phyfio- logiftica, de jure & natura" Pennalium. = iv. Difputatio de Cornelio, ejufdem naturS ac pro- prietate. = v. Themata de Medica, Beanorum, Archibeanorum, Beanulorum & Cornutorum qvorumcunqve affect ibus & curatione. = vi. Pugna Porcorum. ^=vii. Crepundia Poe'tica aucta. u 2087 2088 0 (f)Q- BERLIN (JER. JACQUES). ESSAI D'ANNALES de la VIE de JEAN GUTENBERG, Invcnteur de la Typographic. Strasbourg: An ix de la Rcpublique. [/<&)/.] Re'impriine 1840. S° half blue calf, top gilt, with statue 0/Gutenberg. *** a Petite brochure curieme et propre a Jeter de nouvelles lumieres sur le berceau de I'lmprimerie. Son savant auteur rapporte chronologiquement tous lesfaits qu'il a pu dt'couvrir sur la Vie de Gutenberg, soit comme simple particulier, soit comme typographe.D—Peignot. OCHOA (DON EUGENIC) de). APUNTES para una BIB- LIOTECA de ESCRITORES ESPANOLES Contemporaneos en Prosa y Verso. Paris: Baudry. 1840. 2 vols.^S* brocki. Uncut. Portrait. ((OLD BALLADS.d A COLLECTION of Old BALLADS. Corrected from the belt and mod Ancient Copies Extant, with INTRODUCTIONS Historical, Critical, or Humorous. Illus- trated with 45 Copper-Plates. London: 1723-5. Reprint, London: 1871. large paper. s 2089 2090 0)S 3 vols., S° boards. Un'CUT. Handsomely printed on ribbed pape, 50 Copies Printed. OPiZii Jocoferii DISSERTATIO JVRIDICA, de eo qvod jvstum est circa SPIRITVS FAMILIARES FCEMINARVM. Hoc Est, PVLICES. . . .olim Marpvrgi, mdclxxxviii, Edita, Recvsa, Anno mdccxxiv. sm. 40 paper covers. Ejctre?nely facetious. OPSOP^I (V.) VICTORIA BACCHI. five de ARTE BIBENDI Libri III. Orbo Literato reflituti cum Notis, cV ap- pendice, M. Wolf.g angi Theodorici Wendels. s. 1. Anno m.dc.lxxxx. sm. 40 boards. Rake. OPUSCULA MYTHOLOGICA PHYSICA et ETHICA. Gr/ece et Latine. \cura Tho. Gale.] Amstel/edami: cId Id c lxxxvtii. S° 7'ellum. Fine copy. Rare. *.;,* Contents :—/. Pal/ephati de Incredibilibus Hiftoriis. 2. Heracliti de Incredibili- bus. - 3. A.nonvmi longe Heraclito recent /'oris de Incredibilibus. 4. Eratosthenis Cyrencti Catafterifmi. 5. Phuknuti de Natura Deorum Commentarius. 6. Sallustii Philofophi de Diis & Mundo. - 7. Homeri Poetae Vita. S. Heraclidis Pontici Allegorise Homeri. <?. Ocellus Luc an us Philofophus de Univerfi Natura. 10. Tim.ei Locri de Anima Mundi & Natura. //. Theophrasti Notationes Morum. 12. Demophili Similitudines feu Vitae Curatio ex Pythagoreis. 13. Democratic Philofophi Aurese Sentential. - 14. Secundj Ath- enienfis Sophifhe Sentential. •=- 15. Sexti Pylhagorei Sententise h Grceco in Latinum h Ruffino verfae. - ib. Ex quorundam Pythagoreorum libris Fragmentn, in quibus de Philofuphia Morali agitur. % ouvaroff. 393 2092 OROSII (PAVLI). Hifloriographi | clariffimi Opus Preftantif- / 2- o^^^ fimum. I In fine: <[ Pauli Orofii viri prceclariffuni hijloriarum opus abfolutuni eft: q diligentiftime emendatum Im- preffum Parhifiis in Bellouifu pro Joanne Petit Commorante in vico diui lac obi Sub Leone ar- geteo. Anno ab incarnatione domini, Mcccccx. Die. xviii. Menfts Septembris. sm. 40 half vellum^ with small ornamental Initial Letters^ and numerous marginal Notes in ink. Rare. 2093 ORSINI. La BIBLE DES FAMILLES A l'Usage des Gens f.2 J du Monde, par M. l'Abbe Orsini. Paris: 1843. c?° half morocco. Uncut. With wood-cuts; a Plate engraved by Prud'hon, inserted. *** One of TWO COPIES Printed on YELLOW PAPER. 2094 [OSBORNE]. ARTHUR CARRYL. A Novel by the Author (S~V of The Vision of Rubeta. [Laug/iton Osborne.] Cantos First and Second. ODES; EPISTLES to MILTON, POPE, JUVENAL, and the DEVIL; EPIGRAMS; PARODIES of HORACE; Eng- land as She Is; and other Minor Poems. By the Same. New York: D. Appleton and Company, mdcccxli. S° paper covers. Uncut. *** a Arthur Carryl^ a poem of the Don jfuan class, has many felicitous passages of per- sonal description, particularly of female beauty.»—Duyckinck. 2095 OTTLEY (WILLIAM YOUNG). An INQUIRY Concerning q«*= the KntoutUm of Jfriutms; m which the systems of Meerman, Heinecken, Santander, and Konig are Reviewed; Including also Notices of the Early Use of Wood-Engraving in Europe, the Block-Books, etc. With an Introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau. Illustrated with 3J Plates, and Numerous Wood-Engrav- ings. London: Joseph Lilly, mdccclxiii. 4 ° half morocco. Uncut. *** 4 The most complete risumd oi all that had been previously published about the rival claims of Mentz and Haerlem to the discovery of Typography.^ 2096 OUVAROFF (M. [le Comte Serge]). feTUDES de PHILO- j'~" LOGIE et de CRITIQUE. Deuxieme Edition revue, corrigee et augmentee d'un Morceau Inedit. Paris: 1S45. S° brochd. Uncut. LARGE PAPER. *** This Edition contains Ouvaroff's celebrated « Essai sur les Mysteres d?Elcusis.^ H. fy\rt I AEILE (CH.) ESSAI HISTORIQUE et CRITIQUE sur ^INVENTION de lTMPRIMERIE. Paris et Lille. 1859. S* half blue calf, gilt top and back. Uncut. With large facsimile. PALMER (S.) A General HISTORY of PRINTING; from the firfl Invention of it in the CITY of MENTZ, to its Propaga- tion and Progress Thro' mod of the Kingdoms in Europe: Par- ticularly the Introduction and Success of it here in England. With the Characters of the molt celebrated Printers, from the firfl Inventors of this Art to the Years IJ20 and 1530. Also an Account of their Works, and of the considerable Improvements which they made during that Time. London: mdccxxxiii. 4° plain calf. Very Scarce. *** a An esteemed work, in which the author (a Printer) was assisted by that singular but learned character George Psalmanazar. Palmer considers Fust and Schoiffer as the inventors of Printing ; and fixes the origin of printing to the year 1440, and the invention of types between the years 1440 and 1450.P—Daunou. PALMER (E. H.) The DESERT of the EXODUS, Journeys on Foot in the Wilderness of the Forty Years' Wanderings. . .. With Maps and Numerous Illustrations from Photographs and Draw- ings taken on the spot by the Sinai Survey Expedition, and C. F. Tyr- whitt Drake. Cambridge: D eight on, Bell & Co. i8ji. 2 vols.,8° cloth. Uncut. 2100 PAMPLIN (WILLIAM). CATALOGUE of BOOKS printed anterior to the End of the Fifteenth Century, from the celebrated Presses of Augsburg, Cologne, Deventer, Florence, etc. London: mdccclix. 8° half inorocco. PANCIROLLIUS. NOVA REPERTA, sive Rerum Mentor- abilium Recens Inventarum, & Veteribus Incognitarum, Guidonis Pancirolli JCti Clariflimi. Liber Secundus. Ex Italico Latine redditus, & Comrnentariis illuflratus ab Henrico Salmuth. Editio Seeunda. AmberGjE: mdcviii. sin. S° li/nfi vellum. *.** An interesting and learned work on the a Lost Arls.v Pages / to 141 comprise an account of the New World. 2099 35- PAULLI. 395 2102 PANZER. ANNALES TYPOGRAPHICI ab Artis Inventae ) (M^ Origins ad Annvm [MDXXXVI] Post MAITTAIRII DENISII ALIORVMQVE DOCTISSIMORVM VlRORVM CVRAS IN ORDINEM REDACTI Emendati et Avcti Opera GEORGII VVOLFGANGI PANZER. Norimbergae: Impensis Joannis Eberhardi Zeh. Bibliopolae. MDCCXC1II-MDCCCIII. // vols.^ 4° boards. Uncut. Very fine copy. *** An excellent analysis of this valuable work will be found in [E. R. Poole's] Biblio- graphical and Retrospective Miscellany, p. 107-10. 2103 [PARIS d'HILLENS]. bibliotheca ELEGANTISSIMA TS'=== PARISINA. Catalogue de Livres Choisis, provenants du Cabinet d'un Amateur tres distingue" par son bon gout, et l'ardeur qu'il a eu de rassembler ce qu'il a trouve de plus beau, de plus rare et de plus curieux. . . . Londres : chez Edwards. Paris: chez Laurent. 17QO. 8° half calf. Uncut. With Prices and Names of the Purchasers. 2104 [PARIS d'HILLENS"]. bibliotheca parisiana. a Iq = Catalogue of a Collection of Books, formed by a Gentleman in France, Not lefs confpicuous for his Tafle in diftinguifhing, than for his Zeal in acquiring, whatever, of this kind, was moil perfect, curious, or fcarce. It includes many First Editions of the Class- icks; Books magnificently Printed on Vellum, with Illuminated Paintings; Manuscripts on Vellum, Embellifhed with Rich Miniatures. . . .and Books of the greateft Splendour and Rare- ness in the different Classes of Literature. Sold by Auction. 8° calf. Priced in Red Ink. LONDON: f/QI. *** See Dibdin, Bibliomania, p. go. 2105 [PARIS de MEYZIEU]. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de feu 1 0 Monsieur * * * [Paris de Meyzieu\ Paris: m.dcc.lx. 8° mottled calf marbled edges. Scarce. q 2106 PARIS (M. PAULIN). Les MANUSCRITS FRANQOIS de J_ 0 0= la BIBLIOTHfeQUE DU ROI, leur Histoire et celle des Textes Allemands, Anglois, Hollandois, Italiens, Espagnols de la meme Collection. Paris: Techener. 1836-48. 7 vols., 8° half dark blue morocco, gilt backs and tops. Uncut. LARGE PAPER. *** a Ce n'est pas ici un simple Catalogue ou Ton se soit borne a 1'indication sommaire du contenu de chaque manuscrit, mais e'est un recueil de notices interessantes et remplies de citations curieuses.D—Brunet. PARKER. CATALOGUE of the Extensive Collection of Splendid, Rare and Important BOOKS, forming the Private Library of the late George Phillips Parker. . . .Sold at Auction. 8* half morocco, top gilt. NkwYoRK: iSjp, PAULLI (SIMONIS). Commentarius de ABUSU TABACI Americanorum Veteri, et HERB/E THEE Asiaticorum in Europa Novo, quae ipfiflima eft Chamceleagnos Dodonaei. Editio Secunda priori auctior & correctior. Argentorati: m.dc.lxxxi. 40 veHum, Fine Portrait, .& 2107 w 2108 r; ./r % 396 PETRONIUS. .-S109 PAYNE and SON (THOMAS). A CATALOGUE of Near / 6 THIRTY THOUSAND VOLUMES of Curious and Rare Books; in which are included the Libraries of John Danville, Esq.; the Rev. Dr. Charlton, and the Rev. Mr. Beachcroft, etc. s° half calf. London: 1777. 2110 PEIRSON. BIBLIOTHECA PEIRSONIANA, or Catalogue Raisonne; of the very Valuable and Extensive Library of the Rev. Thomas Peirson, d. d Collected during a Residence of Twenty-Three Years, in the United Netherlands Sold by Auction, by Leigh and Sotheby. London: 1815. <?° half vellum. Scarce. *#* This Catalogue is « adapted to serve as a perpetual Fade Mecum for Young Clergymen and Students of Divinity.» nil PEPYS. DIARY and CORRESPONDENCE of SAMUEL /" ' ^ PEPYS, F.R.S. Secretary to the Admiralty in the Reigns of Charles ii. and James ii. The Diary Deciphered by the Rev. J. Smith, a.m. from the Original Short-hand MS. in the Pepysian Library. With Life and Notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. First American from the Fifth London Edition. With Two Portraits. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott 6° Co. 1856. 4 vols., S* brown cloth. PERIANDER. Noctv/e Specvlvm. | OMNES RES ME- | MORABILES, VARIASQVE I et Admirabiles, Tyli Saxonici | machinationes complectens, plane nouo mo- | re nunc primum ex idiomate Germanico la-1 tinitate donatum, adiectis infuper elegantif- | funis iconibus veras omnium hiftoriaru fpe- | cies ad viuum adumb- rantibus, antehac | nunquam vifis aut editis. | Avthore ^Egidio Periandro, I Bruxellcnfi, Brabantino. / Cum Gratia 6° Priuilegio ad dccennium. / Francofvrti ad Moenvm. | m.d.lxvii. sm. S" limp vellum, with 103 very curious and facetious Wood-cuts. RARE. *** See Graesse, Trdsor de Livrcs Rares et Pre'deux, art. Eulenspiegel; Freytag, Ad- paratvs Litterarivs, VOL. \\.,p. lOiy; Vogt, Catalogvs Librorvm Rariorvm, edit. 1793,/. 66j. «PETROLEUMj Dissertatio Inavgvralis Medica De PETROLEO. a Ioh. Christophorvs Sproegelivs. Ien,*e: sm. 40 stiffpaper covers. Very Rare. M DCC.IX. PETRONIUS. Titi Petronii Arbitri SATYRICON, cum Fragmento nuper Fragurii reperto. Accedunt diverforum Poet- arum Lufus in PRIAPUM, Pervigilium Veneris, Aufonii Cento Nuptialis, Cupido Crucifixus, Epiftolae de Cleopatra, & alia nonnulla. Omnia Commentariis, & Notis Doctorum Virorum illuftrata. Con- cinnante Michaele Hadrianide. Amstelodami: m dc lxix. SCj vellum, frontispiece engraved'by Romvn de Hooghe. Fine copy. Rare. *** « Edition belle, assez correcte, et dont on recherche les exemplaires complets.»— Brunet. a F^ancy and art in gay Petronius please The scholar's learning, with the courtier's ease.n—Pope. I.fo u 2113 60 j 114 /o^2 Phillips. 397 2115 PETZHOLDT. BIBLIOTHECA BIBLIOGRAPHICA. /. / *L Kritisches Verzeichniss der dass Gesammtgebiet der Biblio- GRAPHIE BETREFFENDEN LlTTERATUR DES IN—UND AUSLANDES IN Systematischer Ordnung Bearbeitet von Dr. Julius Petz- HOLDT. MlT ALPHABETISCHEM NAMEN UND SaCHREGISTER. Leipzig: verlag von Wilhelm Engclmann. 1866. large 8° pp. xn.-<}3Q, brocke". Uncut. *** An amusing example of unabashed cheek, will be found embodied in a note regarding this work, in Mr. Joseph Sabin's (?) Bibliography of Bibliography,p. cxv. 2116 PEYRON. NOTITIA LIBRORUM manu Typisve Descrip- A O* torum qui donante ab Thoma Valperga-Calusio V. Cl. illati sunt in Reg. Taurinensis Athenaei Bibliothecam. Biblio- graphica et Critica Descriptione illustravit Anecdota passim inseruit Amadeus Peyron. Lipsiae: 1820. 4°paper covers. Uncut. 2117 PEZ (R. D. P. BERNARDO). BIBLIOTHECA BENEDIC- TINO-MAURIANA. Sen De Ortu, Vitis, et Scriptis Patrum Benedictinorum e Celeberrima Congregatione S. Mauri in Francia. Libri II. Augustce-Vindelicorum. 6° Graecij. m dcc xvi. sm. 8° old calf. 2118 &AAAPIA02 Hoci BPOITOT EI1I2TOAAL 4, Phalaridis - jS^ & Brvti EPISTOLAE. His praefixa Epiftolarum confcribendarum methodus, Graece & Latine. [Heidelberga]: do Id xcvii. 8° vellum. *** This volume also contains EPISTOLAE Apollonii Tyanei, Anacharsidis, Evripidis, Theanvs, Hippocratis, Democrati, Heracliti, Diogenis, Cratetis. Nunc primum editce Greed Jimul ac Latine, Per Eilhardvm Lvbbinvm. Ex of/icina Commeliniana, mdci. 1 S) ,^119 $lt)ttliP (Wfyt) OR A REVIVAL of Scarce and Valuable '* J r== Pieces From the Remote!! Antiquity down to the Prefent Times. Being a COLLECTION of Manufcripts and Printed Tratts, no where to be found but in the Clofets of the Curious. By a Gentle- man who has made it his Bufmefs to fearch after fuch Pieces for Twenty Years past. London: m.dcc.vii-viii. 2 vols., 8° polished calf, extra, gilt backs\ crimson edges. Very fine copy. >i 20 PHILLIPS (EDWARD). Theatrum Poetarum, or a COM- f;jh= PLEAT COLLECTION of the POETS, Efpecially the moil Emi- nent, of all Ages. The Antients diftinguifh't from the Moderns, in their feveral Alphabets. With fome Obfervations upon many of them, particularly thofe of our own Nation. Together with a Prefatory Difcourfe of the Poets and Poetry in Generall. London: Printed for Charles Smith. Anno Dom. m.dc lxxv. 12* smooth calf. FIRST EDITION. Fine clean copy. *** There is good reason to suppose, that Milton threw many additions and corrections into the Theatrum Poetarum, a book published by his nephew Edward Phillips, in 1675. It contains criticisms far above the taste of that period: among these is the judgment on Shakespeare, which was not then, I believe, the general opinion, and which perfectly coin- cides with the sentiments and words of Milton in VAllegro; a Or sweetest Shakespeare, fancy's child Warble his native wood-notes wild.d—Thomas Warton. n ? 398 PINELLI. ^121 PHILLIPS. THEATRUM POETARUM ANGLICANORUM, ) 2-J Containing the Names and Characters of all the ENGLISH POETS, from the Reign of Henry III. to the close of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By Edward Phillips, the Nephew of Milton. First Published in 1675, and now Enlarged by Additions to every Article from Subsequent Biographers and Critics, [by Sir Egerton Brydges]. Canterbury: 1800. sin. S° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut, a Ex dono S. E. B. /S02.D 2122 PHILLIPS. THEATRUM POETARUM ANGLICANORUM: J i7)= Containing Brief Characters of the ENGLISH POETS, down to the Year 1675. By Edward Phillips, the Nephew of Milton. Reprinted at the Expense, and with the Notes, of Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart., etc. Geneva : from the Press of Bonnant. 1824. S° half green morocco, top gilt. Uncut. ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED. Scarce. ,-2123 |)t)flOt)ffllfOtt (2Tij£)* A Monthly Catalogue and Literary Journal. Containing Critical Notices of, and Ex- tracts from Rare, Curious and Valuable Old Books. New York: Geo. P. Philes & Co. 1862-63. 2 vols., sm. j° in Numbers, Uncut. Scarce. *** Nearly all the reserved copies of this Journal were accidentally destroyed by water, excepting however, some copies that were stolen from the office of the publisher. ^124 PHILOCHRYSUS sive De LAUDIBUS AURI Orationes duae, '^ . . . .qvarum Priorem inter Majoragii dvtKdorce Mediolani repertam, & Ultrajecti Anno 1666 primum editam, nunc recufam fiflit, Pof- teriorem ejusdem argumenti ipfis Kalendis Septembribus Anno 1690 KilonI habitam, adjiciens Daniel Georg. Morhofius. Lubec^e: i2« calf Anno Christi mdcxc. ^2125 infers JPlOttfitiman. K^t tnmon an* tije creetr of t4.XSr== ^ferS J)ilOtt0f)man [by William Zangland] tUtolg tWprtUteTK With Notes and a Glossary by Thomas Wright, m. a. f. r. s. London: William Pickering. M dece xxxxij. 2 vols., J2° cloth. Uncut. Colored facsimile. Scarce. *#* a It may seem superfluous to say anything here concerning Mr. Wright's well-known and excellent edition ; but it would hardly be just not to confess my very great obligations to it. Without its help my work would, at least, have been doubled.!)—Rev. W. W. Skeat, Piers Plowman, Part ii., Preface, xxxvi. ,-3.126 PIERRES (M.) DESCRIPTION d'une NOUVELLE PRESSE "dTMPRIMERIE, Approuvee par l'Academie Royale des Sciences .... 40 paper covers. Uncut. 2 folding Plates. I ARIS: 1J'86. _2i27 PINELLI. BIBLIOTHECA MAPLLE PINELLII VENETI Yj == Magno jam Studio Collecta, a Jacobo Morellio Bibliotheccc Venettz D. Marci Custodc Descripta et Annotationibus Illus- trata. Venetiis: mdcclxxxvii. 6 vols., 8° stiff paper covers. Uncut. Fine Portrait engraved by F. Bartolozzi. *** a Ce Catalogue est ud des meilleurs qui existent, tant par la valeur et le nombre des ouvrages curieux qui le composent, que par la maniere dont il est rt'digu, et par les Notes savantes dont l'a enrichi le cdlfcbre M. Morelli.*- Peignot. ■ 6' POLIPHILE. 399 2128 Jllatina* iUftrUtts plutint ire tio JC^fs= ntttu toolttptate at In fine: (fol. gob:) vm^h-wv****^ Habes fplediffime lector uiri doctiffimi Platinae opu fculum de obfoniis: de honefta uoluptate ac ualitudine diligentercp Bononise Impreffum per Iohannem antoniu platonidem Benedictorum bibliopolam necnon ciuem Bononienfem fub Anno domini. Mccccxcix. [i^pp] die uero. x. menfis Mail. Iohanne Bentiuolo foeliciter illuflrante. sm. 40 Q5 leaves, 2Q lines to a full page, half'morocco\ rough edges, slightly stained. *#* An extremely curious Treatise on the Preservation of Health; the I'arious Articles of Food; and the Art of Cookery in the Fifteenth Century. Platina was the author of the well-known Z,?Vw ^/" //u' A/a, and Librarian of the Vatican. See Panzer, Annales Typo- graphici, vol. 1., /. 238; Hain, Rcpertorium Bibliographicum, VOL. IV., p. lib; NiCERON, Mdmoires des H ommes Illustres, tome viii.,/. 231; Leber, Catalogue, tome \.,p. ibb. a 2129 PLINII. C. PLINII CALCllAl SECUNDI EPISTOL^E et ■ J0 PANEGYRICUS Cum Variis Lectionibus & Annotationibus. [cura Tho. Hearnii.] Acccdit Vita Plinii or dine Chronologico digejla. S°plain calf. OxONII I MDCCIII. *>* « A correct edition formed on the basis of the Elzevir, printed in 1640.p—-Moss. 2130 [PLUQUET]. MEMOIRS pour servir a l'HISTOIRE des / -Z>P== feGAREMENS de l'ESPRIT HUMAIN, par Rapport a la Re- ligion Chretienne; ou DICTIONNAIRE des HERESIES, des ERREURS et des Schismes. . . . Nouvelle Edition, corrigee avec soin, et augmentee de plusieurs Articles. [Par Francois-Andre- Adrien P/uquet.] Besancon: c/iez Petit. 1S17. 2 vols., th ick 8° boa rds. U NCt'T. *** <x Cet ouvrage, plus connu sous le nom de Diclionnaire des He're'sies, montre partout l'historien exact, le savant thcologien et en gdn^ral le critique sans partial ite\»— Biographic Universelle. I <TcllL [p0ETAECHRISTIANI VETERES.] Venetiis: Aldum. mdii. / \J O vol. n. only. 40 boards, rough edges, with Autograph and numerous interesting MS. Notes of the learned bibliographer, a JO. ALBERTUS FABRICIUS, 1706.9 *$* a Collection injiniment rare et frdcieuse, dont une description detaill^e est d'autant plus ndcessaire, que le peu d'exemplaires qui restent, sont presque tous plus ou moins incom- plets.D See Renouard, Annates de f Imp. des Aide, troisieme Edition,p. 24. 2132 POK, I kalalek avalangnek, nunalikame | nunakatiminut okalug- crV tuartok. | AA7GAKORDLO, | palasimik napitsivdlune agssortui- | ssok. agdlagkat pisorkat navssarissat | nongmiut ilanit. Nongme: 1S57. 8°pp. iS,paper covers, with 4 very curious Wood-cut Illustrations, drawn and engraved by native Esquimaux. ***<iThis singular volume is in every respect the production of native Esquimaux. Though printed as lately as 1857, the book is, at least, out of Greenland, of extraordinary rarity. Scarcely more than three or four copies have reached Denmark, and none of these have yet been offered for sale.D—Note by a former Owner. 2133 POLIPHILE. SONGE de POLIPHILE, Traduction Libre 1) r=== de TItalien, par J. G. Legrand. Paris: An xiii.—m. dccciv. '2 vols, in 1 vol., 120 half calf. Scarce. I 4°0 POPULATION. 2134 POLIPH1LO. I(10.00= LA HYPNEROTOMACHIA DI POLIPHILO, ClOE PVGNA D'AMORE IN SOGNO. DOV EGLI MOSTRA, CHE TVTTE LE COSE HVMANE NON SONO ALTRO CHE Sogno: & doue narra molt' altre cofe degne di cognitione. RISTAMPATO DI NOVO, ET RICORRETTO con fomma diligentia, a maggior commodo de i lettori. IN VENETIA, M. D. XXXXV. In fine: IN VINEGIA, NELL' ANNO M.D.XLV. IN CASA DE' FIGLIVOLI Dl ALDO. f° vellum, red edges, with library stamp on the loiver margin 0/the title-page; otherwise a fine copy 0/ the SECOND EDITION 0/this superb work, with all the Plates intatt, in- cluding the Plate representing the worship 0/ Priapus. The whole number of PLATES in this elegant volume is 192/ of zvhich Prelate to Mythology and Ancient History; 54 represent Processions and Emblematic Figures; there are 36 Architectural and Ornamental subjects; and 16 /■ uses a nd St a tucs. V ERY RARE. %* See Makcha.nd, Dicl. Historique, tome 1., art. Colonna; Renouard, ^««a/w ^ rimp. des Aide, troisieme edit.,/. 21 & p. 133; Brydges, British Bibliographer, vol. \v.,p. 2S3; Diddin, Bibl. Spenceriana, vol. iv., p. 143 io ji)5: Brunet, Manuel, art. Poliphilo; [Van Pkaet,] Catalogue de Livres hnprime's sur lYlin, tome u.,p. 21b. I 2135 POOLE (EDWARD RICHARD), i. A Slight SKETCH of . t>tf=the Principal POLYGLOT and Early HEBREW BIBLES. London: 1828. AfS. title, pp. j8:=u. MISCELLANEA BIBLIO- GRAPHICA, //. 24. in. A DIALOGUE in the SHADES, between William Caxton, Fodius, a Bibliomaniac, and William Wynken, Clerk, a descendant of Wynken de Worde. [/// verse.] With Explanatory Notes, by W. W., pp. 8. = iv. A BALLAD Entitled RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL: or the Tilting Scene between Earl Spira and Lord Blandish, pp. 8. Very Rare. London: v. d. 4 Pieces in i vol., S'° half calf, from the collec7io?i of Archdeacon Wrangham, with au- tograph letter of'Poole inserted. ^2136 POPULAR GENEALOGISTS, or the Art of Pedigree-Making. /_ j" Edinburgh: Edmonston arid Douglas. 1865. crown S° cloth. 2137 POPULATION (The) and RICHES of NATIONS, considered /, j 7— Together, not only with Regard to their Positive and Relative Increase, but with Regard to their Tendency to Morals, Pros- perity, and Happiness, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Paris & S° paper. Uncut. GENEVE: l8/p. 3 m if- PRAYER. 40I 2138 PORNOBOSCODIDASCALVS Latinvs. De LEONVM, <T= LENARVM, CONCILIATRICVM, Servitiorvm, Dolis, Venefi- ciis, Machinis, plufquam Diabolicis, de miferiis iuvenum incautorum qui florem cetatis Amoribus inconcefsis addicunt; de miferabili fingulorum periculo 6° omnium interitu. Liber Plane Divinvs. Lingva His- panica ab Incerto Avctore inftar Lvdi confcriptus Celestin^e titulo ....Caspar Barthvs inter exercitia Lingvo Castellan/e cujus fere princeps flilo & Sapientia hie Liidus habetur Latio tranffcrib- ebat. Accedvnt Dissertatio eivsdem Animadversionvm ad Lec- torum cum Commentariolo. Item, LEANDRIS ejufdem, et MVSvEVS recenfiti. Francofvrti: Anno m.dc.xxiv. Sn paper covers. Very Scarce. *** a La piece Espagnole que Barthius a traduite sous ce titre est intitulde en Espagnol La Celestinc, et l'auteur est Rodiguez Cota. La passion qu'il avoit pour la Langue Espagnole, lui a fait trouver excellente cette Tragi-Comedie. II en fait l'eloge comme d'un ouvrage ac- compli, et va jusqu'& lui donner le titre de livre tout-a-fait divin.D See Niceron, Mdmoires des Homtnes Illustres,tome v\\.,p. 21; Nodier, Description Raisonne'e d'une Jolie Colleclion de Livres,p. 501; [Gay,] Bibliographic des Onvrages relati/s a f'Amour . . tome vi., /. 114. J139 PORTHMANN (JULES). ESSAI HISTORIQUE sur lTM- i> = PRIMERIE. Paris: m.dccc.x. S° red morocco. Uncut. 2140 POWER (J.) A HANDY-BOOK ABOUT BOOKS, for Book- J Lovers, Book-Buyers, and Book-Sellers. Attempted by John Power. London: John Wilson, itfyo. 8° boards, with $ plates of facsimiles. Contents:—1. Bibliography. -= 11. Chronology. =111. Useful Receipts. -■= iv. Typo- graphical Gazetteer. = v. Book-sellers' Directory. vi. Dictionary of Terms. vm. Miscel- laneous. — vm Appendix. ix. Index. *** a The late Mr. Power's Handy-Book About Books, stands to other books in much the same relation as Notes and Queries does to other papers. It possesses the same sort of out-of- the-way erudition, the same pleasant aroma of black-letier. It is a book for the bookish, for book-worms and bibliomaniacs. Mr. Power was, however, something more than a book- worm or a bibliomaniac. The present work testifies both to his scholarly knowledge and his artistic taste. Mr. Power has practised what he preached. He was a lover of handsome bindings. He has therefore enshrined his present work in two covers, one Italian and the other French, both of the best sixteenth century work. He advocated toned paper for books, and accordingly his pages are of a soft, delicate cream-colour, which is a great relief to the eyes. He was an admirer of the so-called l silver letter,'and his book is printed in a type which may almost equal it for clearness. Lastly, he was always most urgent that every book should be provided with a good Index, and we accordingly find the best and fullest which we ev e r m e t. J>— IVest m inste r Review, April, 1873. i PRAYER. The BOOK of <£OttfttlOtt |)ra$tr and Ad- "miniftration of the SACRAMENTS and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the ufe of the United Church of England and Ireland Together with the Pfalter or Pfalms of David Pointed as they are to be fung or faid in Churches '.' London: William Pickering. ic?jj. J2° dark blue morocco, blind tooled, gilt leaves. Elegantly printed by Whittingham, •within ornamental borders, from the designs <?/Albert Durer, Hans Holbein, and those in Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book. 402 PTOLEMAEI. , 2142 PREDARI (FRANCESCO). BIBLIOGRAFIA ENCICLO- [00 PEDICA MILANESE, ossia Repertorio Sistematico ed Alfa- betico delle Opere Edite ed Inedite che Illustrano la Topo- grafia, la Idrografia, la Zoologia, la Botanica, la Mineralogia, la Pubblica Economia, la Legislazione, l'Archeologia, la Storia Civile. Politica, Diplomatic^ Militare, Ecclesiastica, Letteraria, Artistica, Industrial, non che gli usi, Costumi, Dialetti, Feste, ecc. ecc. di MILANO E SUO TERRITORIO. Milano: 1857. 8°pp. xvi.—695, brochd. Uncut. / , *2*43 PSALTERIUM DAVIDIS, cum CALENDARIO. MANU- H' C SCRIPT on Vellum, containing 88 leaves, rubricated Initial letters. [Sac. XIV.] 8° paper covers, the Calendar and the first leaf are of a later date than the rest of the MS. Poor copy. I ) 2144 PTOLEMAEI. CLAVDII\ PTOLEMAEI | ALEXAN= | drini 1 Geographies Enarrationis, | Libri Oeto. | EX BILIBALDI PIRCKE- / ymheri tralatione, fed ad Grcsca &> prifca exemplaria a Michaele Villanouano / [SERVETO] fecundb recogniti, & locis innumeris denub cajligati. Adiecta infuper ab eodem Scho / lia, quibus 6° difficilis ilk Primus Liber nunc primum explicatur, &■' exoleta Vrbium / nomina ad nojlri feculi morem exponuntur. Quin- quaginta illce quoque cum ueterum turn / recentium Tabulce adnectuntur, uarijq? incolentium ritus 6° mores explicantur. / •%; Accedit Index locupletifsimus hactenus non uifus. / Projlant Lugduni apud Hugonem a Porta. M. D. XLL in fine: Excudebat Gafpar Trechfel. Viennas. M. D. XLI. f° old calf. 50 LARGE WOOD-CUT MAPS in clean, perfect condition; the Title-page is slightly soiled. On the reclo of MAP 28 will be found an interesting account of the Dis- covery of America, including a Sketch of Columbus, tvho is tersely described as follows: a Christophorvs Colabus natione I talus, patria Genueofis, gente ColQ- | ba, uir eratmediocri ftatura, colore acl rubedinem inclinato, facie oblonga.D Part of the New World appears on MAP 50, with the name of a AMERICA.» The SECOND EDITION of Ptolemy Edited by SERVETUS. VERY RARE. *** i This, the Second Edition of Villanovanus's Ptolemy y is one of the Very Rare books. All of the impression that could be discovered when Servetus was burned in effigy at Vienne, along with his Christianismi Restitutio, appears to have been seized and committed to the flames.» See Willis, Servetus and Calvin .... Lond. 1877, 8°p. 138, note. a Cette Seconde Edition est presque inconue*. Cependant elle est beaucoup plus corre<5le et plus exacte que la premiere.x>—Niceron, Mdmoires des Homines Illustres, tome xi.,/. 2j8-jq. a Cette edition de Ptolomde, qui est in-fol. comme la premiere, fut faite k Vienne en 1541, par Gaspard Treschsel, fameux Imprimeur, que les liberalites de Pierre Palmier y avoient attire. Elle est magnilique, et en m6me terns d'une rarelS extraordinaire.t>—D'Artigny, Nouveaux MJmoires d*H istoire, de Critique et de Litterature, tome ii., /. 63. // PUY DE MONTBRUN. 403 ^2145 PVBLICIVS. 4^cr-= ORATORIAE ARTIS EPITOMA:VEL QVAE BRE/ VIBVS AD CONSVMATVM SPECTANT ORATO REM:EX ANTIQVO RHETORVM GYMNASIOiDI CENDI SCRIBENDIQVE BREVES RATIONES:NEC NON ET APTVS OPTIMO CVIQVE VIRO TITV/ LVS: INSVPER ET PERQVAM FACILIS MEMO/ RIAE ARTIS MODVS IACOBI PVBLICII FLOREN/ TINI LVCVBRATIONE IN LVCEMEDITVS:FOELI CI NVMINEINCHOAT. In fine: Erhardus Ratdolt augufteiis ingenio miro & arte ppolita im/ preffioni mirifice dedit, 1485. pridie calen, februarii. Venetiis. sm. 4° stiff paper covers, 66 leaves, 32 lines to a full page; with beautiful Ornamental Initial Letters, curious Wood-cuts, and a collection of 41 exceedingly grotesque Letters. With library sta?np on the first and last leaf; otherwise a fine, clean large copy. Second Edition. Very Rare. *#* An elaborate bibliographical notice of this Edition will be found in Dibdin, Bibl. Spenceriana, VOL. in., p. 472 to 486. „ 2146 PVCHELBERGERVS (10. FRIDERICVS). Dissertatio J0= Ivridica De CEREO IVRIS NASO sev Vulgari Dicterio Ivs Habere Cerevm Nasvm <£)a§ 9ted)t fyabc cine ttmdjfeme 9iaf^lt* snr. 4° paper covers. ALTDORFI: CiD IOCC XXIIII. %* A profoundly learned legal Dissertation concerning WAX NOSES. 2147 PVRCHAS his Pilgrim. / MICROCOSMVS, / or THE HIS- TORIE I Of Man. | ( Wonders of his Generation, Relating the < Vanities in his Degeneration, (^ Neceffity of his Regeneration. Meditated on the words of David. | Psal. jp.j. \ Verify, euery Man his befi flate is altogether Vanitie, | Selah. | By Samvel Pvrchas, Parfon of 61. Martins | neere Lvdgate, London. | i? Casio defcendit, rvcoOi 2sa'vrov. I London: 1619. sm. 8° xin. prel. leaves, pp. 8/8, old calf, the margins of some leaves frayed. Rare and Very Curious. PVTEANI (ERYCI). BRVMA: Chimonopaegnion, De Laudibus Hiemis, vt ea potissimum apud Belgas. Accedunt Andr. Valeri Breves Notae, Imaginibus Raph. Sadeleri Illustratae. Monaci: cloloexix. 12° vellum. Brilliant impressions of the engravings. *** A very curious poem in a Praise of Winter.» An entertaining" account of Puteanus, and his placens uxor, will be found in Bayle, Dicl. Historique. Milton's indebtedness to the « Co?hust> of Puteanus is now generally admitted. 2149 PUY de MONTBRUN (E. H. J. du). RECHERCHES BIB- ^0= LIOGRAPHIQUES sur quelques IMPRESSIONS NEflRLAND- AISES du Quinzieme et du Seizieme Siecle. Leide: 1836. 8° half calf, top gilt, rough edges, with Printers' Devices. n $ l\1> IbKPISb ^^fe^pjl ormi 215: tvo I IS 1*54 UATREMERE (M. [Etienne]). MEMOIRE sur le GOUT des LIVRES chez les ORIENTAUX. [Paris: i8j8.] S" pp. 4S, half roan. Unci r. <t Extniit du Journal Asiatique, 111° Serie.D QUATREMERE. BIBLIOTHfeQUE QUATREMERE: Catalogue d'une Collection cles Livres Precieux et Importants provenant pour la plupart de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Etienne Quatremere de Vlnstitut. . . . Paris: 1858-Q. 4 Parts, <V" brochi. Uncut. QUfeRARD(M. J.-M.) LesSUPERCHERIES LITTERAIRES DEVOlLfeES. Galerie des Auteurs Apocryphes, Supposes, Deguises, Plagiaires et des £diteurs Infideles de la Littera- ture Franc;aise pendant les Quatre Derniers Siecles: Ensemble les industriels litteraires et les lettr£s qui se sont anoblis a notre epoque. Paris: PEditeur, Rue Mazarine. 1847-185J. S rols..S« boards. Uncut. Fine copy. VERY RARE. *!(:* This copy contains all the a Cartons,* a. Not ire des Travaux Bibliographiques de UuKRAP.n, and a Table Alphabe'tique des I'e'ritables jYoms d'Auteurs,?> etc. a Get ouvrage, qui ne rend pas du tout inutile celui de Barbier, quoiqu'il soit plein d'erudi- tion et de notices interessantes, est devenue si rare, qu'il a t'te' offert & raison de 400-500 fr. par Mr. Aubrv. Le 5'- volume, qui contient la Table, n'a t:te tire qu'a. 250 exemplaires, tandis que les 4 Premiers ont eti'- tirts a 500.»—Grarsse. QUERARD. Les SUPERCHERIES LITTERAIRES DlE- VOILEES. Galerie des Ecrivains francais de toute l'Europe qui se sont deguises sous des anagrammes, des ast^ronymes, des crypton- ymes, des initialismes, des noms litteraires, des pseudonymes facetieux ou bizarres, etc. Par J.-M. QUERARD. Seconde Edition, Considerablement Augmentee, Publiee par MM. Gus- tave BRUNETet Pierre Jannet. Suivie 1° DU DICTIONNAIRE des OUVRAGES ANONYMES par Ant.-Alex. Barbier. Troi- sieme Edition, Revue et Augmentee par M. Olivier Barbier.. . 2° D'UNE TABLE GENERALE DES NOMS RfeELS des Ecri- vains Anonymes et Pseudonymes Cites dans les Deux Ouvrages. Paris: Paul Daffis. m.dccc.lxix-lxxl 6 Parts forming3 vols., S° brnche. Uncut. QUERARD. (EUVRES POSTHUMES de J.-M. QU&RARD publiees par G. Brunet. LIVRES PERDUS et EXEMPLAIRES UNIQUES. Bordeaux: Charles Lefelrvre. 1872. S"> broche'. Uncut. Only 300 copies printed. N°. 25S. wmmm ABELAIS. OEUVRES de F. RABELAIS. Paris: Louis Janet, mdcccxxiii. 3 vols., S° half calf. Scarce. *#* This curious Edition of the Works of Rabelais was edited by M. de L'Ai'lnaye. The Third volume contains a List of the « Editions Partielles ou Completes des Oeuvres de Rabelais.- Tableau des Principaux ficrivains et Artistes contemporains de Rabelais, avec la Date de leur mort. Table Analytique et Raisonnee des principales Matieres.--Table des Auteurs CiU:s. Glossaire pour les Oeuvres de Rabelais.-- Erotica Verba. — Rabel^siana; Recueil de Sentences, Adages, Proverbes, facons de parler Proverbiales, Jeux de Mots, Paronomasies, Jurons, Imprecations, contenus dans les Oeuvres de Rabelais.& 2*56 REIMMANNUS. BIBLIOTHECA ACROAMATICA Theo- H.sQ LOGICA, JURIDICA, MEDICA, PHILOSOPHICA, HlSTORICA & PHILO- f logica, Comprehendens Recensionen Specialem omnium Codicum MSCTORUM. . . . AUGUSTISSIMJE BlBLIOTHEC/E CvESARE,E VlNDOBO- nensvs, olim. . . . Petro Lambecio et Daniele Nesselio congesta; nunc autem propter insignem raritatem. . . . in hanc concinnam Epitomen redacta et luci publicae restituta a Jacobo Friderico Reimmanno. Accessit Dissertatio Preliminary, nee non Index Triplex Copiosissimus. Hanover/e: mdccxii. sm S° vellum. Portrait. 2157 REINAUD et FAVE. Du FEU GRfiGEOIS des Feux de ^Jr-y^— Guerre et des Origines de la Poudre a Canon d'apres des / Textes Nouveaux. Par M. [ Joseph Toussaint] Reinaud, et M. Fave. Paris: 1845. S° brochd. Uncut. A nd Atlas in 40 containing jy very curious colored Plates. 2158 [REISCH (GREGORIUS)]. (fol.2a:) MARGARITA In vv PHILOSOPHICA | totius Philofophise Rationalis, Natura- | lis & /' Moralis principia dialogice duode- | cim libris complectens: | In fine: Chalchographatum primiciali hac preffura, Friburgi p Ioanne Scho ttu Argeii. citra (sic) feflu Margarethe anno gratia? M.CCCCC.III. [fjoj.] 40 boards, red edg-es, wants Title-/>age and third leaf; ivith curious Wood-cuts, Dia- grams, Plates of Ancient Music: a fearful vino of Hell, and a remarkable Phreno- logical Chart, on which the various organs of the mind are carefully noted and described. first edition, very rare. %* «This is, on various accounts, a very curious book. It is divided into Twelve Parts ')- 406 REISCH. in the form of Dialogues between the Master and the Pupil. The First Book is on Grammar, a great part of which is in hexameter verse, in the manner of Lily. The Second Book is on Logic, the /"//./Va' on Rhetoric, the Fourth Arithmetic, the Fifth on Music, with many curious plates of ancient Music; the Sixth Book is Geometry, the Seventh Astronomy, with very singular plates, the Eighth Natural Philosophy, the Ninth Natural History, the Tenth is on the Senses, the Eleventh is on the Immortality of the Soul, and has some plates representing Purgatory, and the state of the damned in hell torments, the Twelfth book is on Moral Philosophy. The work concludes with an Index of the Contents of the whole, with accurate references to each subject.i> See Beloe, Anecdotes of Literature, vol. v.,/. 242-3. 2159 [REISCH (GREGORIUS)]. AEPITOMA OMNIS PHYLOSO- 0 ou-r==-. PHIAE,ALI-| AS MARGARITA PHYLOSOPHICA TRACTANS I de omni genere fcibili: Cum additionibus: Que in alijs non hab- entur. | In fine: Explicit phylofophica Margarita. Caitigatione acri In nobili Helueciorii ciuitate Argentina Chalchogra- phatti: Per Ioanne Gruninger Ciue Argetinu: I vigilia Mathie Anno incarnationis Saluatoris M.ccccc.iiij. Valete & Plaudite. 4° oak boards, covered ivith leather, fine impressions of the Wood-cuts; this edition con- tains a full-length figure of the Prophet Isaiah comfortably seated in his dressing-genun and slippers, reading a printed Hebrew Bible. SECOND EDITION . RARE. *** An excellent bibliographical notice of this edition will be found in [M. D'Avezac's] learned monograph on Martin Hylacomylus, Waltzemiiller ses Ouvrages et ses Collaborateurs, etc.,/. GO, et seq. 2160 [REISCH (GREGORIUS)]. MARGARITA PHILOSOPHICA "NOVA. In fine: &tt Hectorem prefetttfs operia. Recipe cantrrtrc lector JUarflaritam Jlljilofopijfcam (am ttenuo recofluftS: I cafttflatam: ementtatttm iententija quoq? tractatil3^:ftflurtsnoufs:auctam|tflIuftraram:quSnt(fit pro faiatico compaucris paruo ere: JjafcetH'8 Tnififo pro|-cul remlcituHcctuiucimtranu (ftuiuatetrelcctatio cSferuaftft: queCtulrfofo|ttt)ffatfffactetaabota^t-n.marja[arftarf5^Bem^ mas: lapillos pciofojs: facile | nitorefuo can&ftrtlHmo fupat: Xta et pfentfu opens lectio tnulta aliorQ fcrtpta | operapre^ ftare lulu'catur. <£um quo te fieue faalcre intruttruts fair Joanes <2Krti | nin&tvun opens ejreuffor % optat i pr?catitr. ISp ^rrjentoraco faeten^rftrie fta|lenfcas &prtlis« &nno retremptiois nre octauo fupra mille qttinfleutos, \jso8.\ 4" plain calf, marbled edges, wood-cuts coarsely colored. This copy contains the remark- able Treatise on Architecture and Perspective, by Martinus Ilacomylus, Waltzetniiller, (see lib. \>\.,sig. cc.) and the VERY RARE MAP OF THE WORLD, u/on the right hand, southern part of which,will be found the following inscription: a Hie non terra fed mare ejl; in quo mir& magnitudinis lnfulee,fedPtolemeofuerut incognilce.P See [D'Avezac] Martin Hylacomylus, Waltzemiiller ses Ouvrages et ses Collaborateurs, p. J 07 to J JO. Cj C, O RENDORP. 407 „ 2161 [REISCH (GREGORIUS)] w:%m\X& fhiMapbia rit addifamlmsi twins: al» mttm fan xtmlxmt qmxto hftx atldi Anno domini, M.D.XVII In fine: ifWarflarttam JJfitTofopijicam nout's ctyaractcrfDus tttlucftratam 1 t'n= fcuftrfa fnai ac ere proprto jWicJjatl iFurtrrfus t'm= pflftEamee. <3n no. 1 517. fcfei)ero.5. IWartfj. 4° stamped pigskin, with brass clasps. Numerous Wood-cuts, wwt' <?_/* which are colored. Rare. *** See Hawkins, History of Music, vol. ii.,/.J<?>"; De Morgan, Arithmetical Books, p. 4-5; John Holmes, Descriptive Catalog-ue, vol. 111.,/. 22S-2-Q; Le Clerc, Bibliotheca Ameri- cana, Paris: 1878,/. /^L7/ Rich, Catalogue of Rare and Curious Books. . . from the Collodion of the late O. Rich, Lond.; 1872,/. yS. 1162 RENDORP. Bibliotheca Splcndidissima Rendorpiana. The v / Ij- Entire, very Elegant and Valuable LIBRARY of the late learned John Rendorp, Esq. Sold by Auction. London: 1S23. S° boards. Uncut. 4°8 REVSNER. / rrl6Z RENfe D'ANJOU. CEUVRES CHOISIES du ROI RENfe (o ^ . [D'ANJOU] Avec une Biographie et des Notices par M. Le Comte de Quatrebarbes, et un grand nombre de Dessins et Orne- ments, d'apres les Tableaux et Manuscrits Originaux, par M. Hawke. 2" Edition. Paris: m.dccc.xxxxix. 2 vols, in I vol., roy. 40 half morocco. 2164 R E N O U V I E R ( J.) Des GRAVURES EN BOIS dans les / 3l^= LIVRES d'ANTHOINE VERARD Mattre Libraire, ImpHmeur, Enlumineur 6° Tailleur fur bois, de Paris, 1485-1512. Paris: chez Auguste Aubry. 185p. 8° half roan. 2 Plates. Only 200 Copies Printed. 2165 lUtttfjIin* 3faannte lUudjliu i Phorcenfis. ll / /' doctoris Liber Congefto- | rum de arte pr^dicandi. | In fine: Finit liber Congefloru Ioannis Reuchlin phorcenfis. LL. Doctoris. Tem- pore peflilitatis aeditus in Denckendorff. PRI. ID. Septembres. ano. M.D.II. Impreffus. Phorce. M.DIIII. 8° 15 leaves, paper covers. First Edition. Rare. *** See Barham, Life and Times o/John Reuchlin, p. 66. 2166 Mtutylin. $omniti SUttcJjlfn $i)ormi= J Ci ^-1S 5csenica progymnafmata, hoc efl ludicra praeexercitamenta. In fine: Tubingce in cedibus Thomce, Anjhelmi Anno M.D.XL menfce octobri. 4° T2 leaves, paper covers. Uncut. Each page is annotated with pen and ink by some contemporary scholar. Rare. *+* aCette Come'die, la premiere qui ait ct€ composed k l'usage de la jeunesse allemande, est une faible imitation de la farce ccUebre frarj9aise, intit. Pathelin; elle est divis^e en cinq petits a<5tes et chaque a<fte est termini par un cboeur et par une ligne de musique imprim<£e, ayant 4 lignes de portcfe.D See Graesse, Trdsor de Livres Pares et Prdcieux,io\AK v\.,p. qj; Niceron, Mimoires des Hommes Illustres, tome xxv.,/. 147. 2167 REVSNER. ICONESyfetf IMAGINES VIRORVM LITERIS 0 - ~—" ILLVSTRIVM QVORVM FIDE ET DOctrina religionis & bon- 7^' arum literarum ftudia, noflra patrumque memoria, in Germania prsefertim, in integrum funt reftituta. Additis eorundem elogijs diverforum auctorum. Recenfente Nicolao Revsnero ic. Curante Bernardo Iobino. Argentorati: do Io xmc. [1587.] sm. 8° stamped pigskin, with 95 Wood-cut Portraits by Tobias Stimmer. RODERICVS. 4°9 2168 [REWICZKY]. BIBLIOTHECA GRAECA et LATINA, com- / ^S^^1 plectens Auctores fere omnes Graeciae et Latii veteris, quorum opera, vel fragmenta aetatem tulerunt, exceptis tantum asceticis et theo- logicis Patrum nuncupatorum scriptis; cum delectu editionum tarn primariarum, principum et rarissimarum, quam etiam optimarum, splendidissimarum atque nitidissimarum, Quas usi meo paravi PERIERGUS DELTOPHILUS. \Carl Emmerich Alex. Rewiczky.} Editio Altera cum Emendationibus Auctoris. Berolini: Typis Joannis End. Unger. mdcclxxxxiv. 8° mottled calf, extra, gilt leaves by C. Kalthoeber. *** a This well printed Catalogue demands a place in the collection of every one who is desirous of knowing the best editions of the Classics: many of the articles are illustrated with good bibliographical notices. The Lists of Collections of Editions, ad Usum Delphini, Va- riorum, Elzevirs, etc., etc., are very complete, and greatly enhance the value of this volume. This splendid library was purchased by Earl Spencer. A limited number only was printed of this Catalogue, which is consequently both^^rc^ and dear.* —Horne. 2169 [RITSON ( JOSEPH)]. BIBLIOGRAPHIA POETICA: A /- 10 = CATALOGUE of ENGLEISH (sic) POETS, of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Centurys, (sic) with a Short Account of their Works. London: mdcccii. sm. 8°, interleaved in 2 vols., sm. 4 ° half calf. *** a To the labours of the late Mr. Ritson the lovers of English literature must owe per- petual obligation; in this volume he has brought to notice numerous Poets, whose names and works would otherwise have perished in oblivion.p—Horne. 2170 RITTER (DR. CARL). VERZEICHNISS der Bibliothek und I / A ==== KARTENSAMMLUNG. . . . 8°paper covers. Uncut. LEIPZIG: l86l. 2171 [RIVA]. CATALOGUE de LIVRES RARES et PR^CIEUX • f *- = Manuscrits et Imprimis composant la BIBLIOTH^QUE de M. C. R. [iva] de Milan. 8°troche: Uncut. Paris: L. Potier. 1856. 2172 ROCHETTE. CATALOGUE des LIVRES composant la S~~® BIBLIOTHfeQUE Artistique, Archeologique, Historique et Litteraire de feu M. Raoul Rochette. Paris: Techener. 1855. 8° brocke. Uncut. 2173 RODERICVS SANCTIVS Episc. Zamorensis. SPECVLVM _ £j^ I OMNIVM STA- I TVVM TOTIVS OR- | BIS TERRARVM, | Imperatoris, Papte, Regvm, Cardina- I Hum, Patriarchum, Archi- epifcoporum, Ducum, Epifcoporum, Princi- | pum, Abbatum, Co- mitum, Praelatorum, Baronum, Prefbyterorum, | Nobilium, Clericorum, Ciuium, Mercatorum, Opi- | ficum, & Agricolarum; | Sortem generis humani, eiusque commoda 6° incommoda reprcefentans; | AVCTORE | RODERICO EPISCOPO ZAMORENSI ET CALA- | guritano in Hifpania. | ....Qui ob fimilem materia??! eft adiunctum / MAC- ABRI SPECVLVM MORTICINVM. | Vtrumque recenfitum eS: editum ex Bibliotheca | V. N. MELCHIORIS GOLDASTI | Haiminsfeldii &c.| Hanovi^e: apudHeredes loan. Aubrii,Anno i6ij. 40 limp vellum. Rare. *#* A brief Qotice of the « Dame Macabre,i> which is reprinted at the end of this singular work, will be found in Douce, Dance of Death, p. iy. irv_ 2/: 4!0 ROSSI. JT74 ROLLIVS(M.REINH.HENR.) MEMORISE Philosophorum, ,L^> Oratorum, Poetarvm, Historicorvm, et Philologorvm Rostochii: Anno m dccx. sm. 8° vellum* red edges. _2I75 ROOKE. A CATALOGUE of the LAW and MISCEL- • ^ LANEOUS LIBRARY of the Late Sir Giles Rooke, Knight. ... Sold by Auction. 8« half calf. Ruled and Priced. LONDON: l8o8. 2176 ROSARIVM PHILOSOPHORVM. Secvnda Pars Alchimms de Lapide Philosophico vero modo prczpara?ido, continens exadam eius fcientia progrefsioncm, Cum Figuris rei perfectionem ostendentibus. Francoforti: Ex Officina Cyriaci Jacobi, Menfe Junto Anno 1550. ■fw. 4 ° paper covers, with very curious Plates. Rare. *** « Ce recueil n'est pas commun et le Traite's en sont bons et assez estimez des con- noisseurs. »—[Lenglet du Fresnoy,] Hist, de la Philosophic Hcrmetique, tome hi.,p.35. o2vn ROSETTA STONE. REPORT of the COMMITTEE \Chas. R. Hale, S. Huntington /ones, and Henry AJorton.] appointed by the PHILOMATHEAN SOCIETY of the UNIVERSITY of PENN- SYLVANIA to translate the INSCRIPTION on the ROSETTA STONE. Second Edition. [Philadelphia: 1858.] roy. 40 full green morocco, extra, gilt leaves, with numerous richly colored lithographic Illuminations and Illustrations, drawn by Henry Morton, and printed on heavy laid paper. A FEW COPIES ONLY were printed in this su7nptuous style. An interesting autograph letter of Humboldt,praising the zvork, is inserted. Very Scarce. I j^i7S ROSSI (JO. BERNARDI de). De PR^ECIPUIS CAUSSIS, et Momentis Neglects a nonnullis Hebraicarum Litterarum Discipline Disquisitio Elenchtica. Augusts Taurinorum: 4° brochd. Uncut. MDCCLXIX. 1179 ROSSI (IOH. BERNHARDI de). De TYPOGRAPHIA Hebraeo-Ferrariensi Commentarivs Historicvs qvo Ferra- rienses Ivdaeorvm EDITIONES Hebraicae Hispanicae Lusi- tanae Recensentvr et Illvstrantvr. Editio altera Accessit Cel. AVCTORIS EPISTOLA qva nonnvlla Ferrariensis Typograph- iae capita illvstrantvr [et G. F. Hvfnagelii Prefatione]. Erlangae: cId Id. cclxxxi. snt. S° boards, red edges. 02i8o ROSSI (JOH. BERNARDUS de). ANNALES HEBRAEO- °KV=r= TYPOGRAPLIICI SEC. XV Descripsit fusoque Commentario Illustravit. Parmae ExRegioTypographeo (Bodoni) clo.locc.xcv. = ANNALES HEBRAEO-TYPOGRAPHICI ab an. MDI ad MDXL. Digessit Notisque Hist.—Criticis Instruxit. Parmae Ex Regio Typographeo (Bodoni): clo.locc.ic. 2 vols, in 1 vol., 40 marbled calf. Rare. *** This splendid and important volume commences with a Prelimitiary Dissertation on the Origin of Hebrew Printing, and on the rarity, beauty and use of the first Hebrew printed books. The work itself is divided into Three Parts, which treat, i. On Hebrew Editions with Dates, in number 51. 11. On Hebrew Editions without Date, in number 35. m. On Editions the Dates of which are false, and which amount to 67. Four Tables terminate the volume. /. Of Hebrew Printers and Editors of the 15th century. 2. Of the towns and Places where ,^y / Vj RVZZANTE. 411 they printed. 3. Of the Hebrew Editions described in the work ; and,^. Of the Hebrew Au- thors of the 15th century. To complete this work, the following should be added: Annates Hebraeo-Typographici ab yJwMDI. ad MDXL. Digessit Noiisque Historicis irutruxit Jo. Bern, de Rossi. Parmae: j7qq.t> This work is bound with the volume above. See Horne, Introduction to the Study 0/Bibliography, vol. 11.,/. 47Q. 2181 [ROURE]. ANALECTABIBLION, ou Extraits Critiques 0 de Divers Livres Rares, Oubli£s ou peu connus, tires du Cabinet du Marquis [du Roure]. Paris: m.dccc.xxxvi-xxxvii. 2 vols. ,S° half'morocco. Uncut. Part of one leaf of the Table of Contents in MS. VERY RARE. 2182 Ixooal (£J)e) JHusewm at Naples, being some J Cj0 0 Account of the Erotic Paintings, Bronzes, and Statues con- tained in that Famous « Cabinet Secret,)) by Colonel Fanin. With 60 full page Illustrations, colored. London: Privately Printed. 4 ° half mo roc co, top gilt. I 0/ I. 2183 RVLANDVS. LEXICON ALCHEMLE sive DICTION- /Z^^^ARIVM ALCHEMISTICVM, cum obfeuriorum Verborum, & Rerum Hermeticarum, turn Theophrafl-Paracelficarum Phrafium, Planam Explicationem continens. Avctore Martino Rvlando, Philosophiae, & Med. D. Cur a ac fumtibus Zacharioz Palthenii\ Librarii ac D. in libera Francofurtensium Repub. mdcxii. 4° boards. EXCEEDINGLY RARE AND CURIOUS. RUSKIN (JOHN). The STONES of VENICE. With Illus- trations Drawn by the Author. London: 1851-1853. 3 vols., imp. S° half calf gilt backs, marbled edges. FIRST EDITION. Very Scarce. RUTLAND. CATALOGUE of the Hftttat^ at BEI VOIR CASTLE, the Seat of the Duke of Rutland. London: 182J. 4° half crimson morocco Jof> gilt. Uncut. ONLY 50 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. Presentation copy to <iSam'l Leigh Sotheby, Esq.d; and sold in his Sale, Aug., 1831, for £3 19^. .3186 RVZZANTE. I. Tre ORATIONI di RVZZANTE. [Agnolo ■ no Beolco] recitate in Lingva Rvstica. . .. == n. DIALOGO Facetis- simo, di Rvzzante. = in. Dve DIALOGHI di Rvzzante in Lingva Rvstica, Sententiosi, Argvti, et Ridicvlosissimi. = iv. ANCONITANA Comedia del Famosissimo Rvzzante. Cofa che d'Amor tratta, & non puo fe non porger dilletto. = v. MOS- CHETTA Comedia, non meno piacevole che ridicvlosa. vi. Fiorina Comedia, non meno argvta che piacevole. == vn. RHO- DIANA Comedia Stvpenda, Ridicvlofifsima, piena d'argutifsimi motti, in uarie lingue recitata. • vm. VACCARIA Comedia, non meno arguta, che piaceuole. = ix. PIOVANA Comedia overo Novella del Tascho di Rvzzante. In Venetia: ijdj. q Pieces, in r ?>ol.y sin. S° limp vellum. Rare and Curious. *** See GiNGUENE, Histoire Litte'raire d''Italic, TOME vi., p. 276-77. ?mmm '/" >i8S ,-J2I9° 2191 AINT-AIGNAN. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de LA BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu M. Le Due de Saint-Aignan. Paris: m dcc.lxxvi. S° calj\ gilt leaves, neatly priced. Scarce. *#* aRemarkable for the number of MS. Books ofHours it contained, and which were or- namented with beautiful miniatures.t>—Horne. SAINT-HYACINTHE. Le CHEF-D'OEUVRE D'UN IN- CON NU, Poeme Heureusement decouvert et mis au jour, avec des Remarques savantes et recherchees. Par M. le Docteur Chriso- stome Mathanasius. [T/i/miseuI de Saint-Hyacinthe.\ NEU- VIEME EDITION, Dans laquelle on trouve, outre les Pieces qui ont paru dans toutes les Editions prec^dentes, l'Anti-Mathanase, ou Critique de Chef-d'oeuvre d'un Inconnu, une Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de M. de Saint-Hyacinthe, et des Notes. Par P. X. Leschevin. Paris: 1807. 2 vols., sf/i. S* marbled calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. 2 Portraits, from the library of H. T. Buckle, with his Book-plate. Best Edition. Scarce. *** a Le Chef-d'oeuvre <f u?i Inconnu n*a perdu que la portion de merite qui requite de lYpoque a laquelle il a «Jtt- public*; ll est encore du petit nombre des ouvrages satyriques aux- quels les gens de goiit ont conserve une estime particuliere, et ils persisteront d'autant plus sQrement dans cette disposition, qu'il est une des pieces les plus importances du fameux proces sur les Anciens et les Modernes, qui, renouvell<* au commencement du siecle dernier, divisa de nouveau nos plus ceMebres litterateurs.!)—Preface. [SAINT-MAURICE]. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE de M. Victor de \_Sai?%t-Maui'ice\ composee d'un choix conside- rable de tres-beaux Livres dans tous les genres. . . . Paris: 1848. S° boards. Un'CUT. With Printed List of Prices. SALOMON & MARCOLPHUS Iustiniano-Gregoriani; hoc eji Sapida, ac infipida, sana, atque infana, nimirum Theologica, Juridica, tarn publica, quam privata.. .. Francofurti & Dresd^e: M DC. LXXVIII. 120 veilum. SANDIUS: BIBLIOTHECA ANTI-TRINITARIORUM,>v Catalogus Scriptorum, & fuccindta narratio de Vita eorum Auctorum, qui praeterito & hoc feculo, vulgo receptum dogma de tribus in unico Deo per omnia aequalibus perfonis vel impugnarunt, vel docuerunt folum Patrem d.n.j. ChrifLi effe ilium verum feu altiffimum Deum. Opus Posthumum Christophori Chr. Sandii. Accedunt alia qusedam Scripta.. . .quae omnia fimul juncta Com- 11} SCHONEMANN. 413 pendium Historic Ecclesiastics Unitariorum, qui Sociniani vulgo audiunt, exhibent. Freistadii: [Amstelodami] Apud Johannem Aconhun. do I DC Lxxxiv. sm. 8°plain calf. Exceedingly Rare. *#* a This interesting work abounds with valuable information upon books and writers. I never met with any English theologian, heterodox or orthodox, who had ever seen it.»—Dr. S. Parr. a C'est un Catalogue Chronologique des dcrivains Sociniens, avec la Lisle assez exacte de leurs ouvrages. On y trouve des details curieux sur l'histoire du Socinianisme en Pologne et les c'tablissements typographiques que les Unitaires ont possess dans ce royaume, ainsi que dans la Lithuanie.p—Weiss. 2192 SARGENT (WINTHROP). The LIFE and CAREER of 'f=== MAJOR JOHN ANDRE, Adjutant-General of the British Army in America. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, mdccclxi. S° green cloth. Uncut. Fine Portrait. LARGE PAPER. Seventy-five Copies Printed. Scarce. a -2-193 SCHMIDT (J. A. G.) HULFSBUCH zur Erlernimg der - /JO 9iuffifC^lCtt &pV(l(i)C* Zweite ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage von Julius Cornet. Leipzig: 1851. S° cloth. 2194 SCHOEPFLINI (JO. DANIELIS). VINDICI^E TYPO- %-!Tt)r==r^ GRAPHICS. Argentorati: mdcclx. 4° half vellum, red edges, with 7 Facsimiles. *+* aThis work, classical in its kind, has secured the glory of the first invention of Print- ing to Strasburg, by the instrumentality of John Gutenberg, some time prior to the year 1440; and proves that the merit of Mentz consists in having improved and rendered the use of the art more easy towards the year 1450.j>—Dr. A. Clarke. J/T >i95 dSCHOLA SALERNITANA.» REGIMEN SANITATIS ^= SALERNITANUM. A POEM ON THE PRESERVATION OF HEALTH IN RHYMING LATIN VERSE. Addressed by the School of Salerno to Robert of Normandy, Son of William the Conqueror, with an Ancient Translation: and an Introduction and Notes by Sir Alexander Croke, d. c. l. Oxford: D. A. Talboys. 1830. crozun S° drown calf gilt back, marbled edges, with a series of curious Etchings from rare German Editions. Scarce. *** The hygienic advice of the wise Doctors of the School of Salemo, is summed up in the following verses: <r Vse three physitians still, first doctor Quiet, Next doctor Mery-man, and doctor Dyet.v -3J96 3dumeimimu Humbert 99lcrfnuibtf|fettcn bet 4>et$o$* •'== Itdjcit SSibliotijet jit SBolfcutmtteL = 3tt>cttc£ nub brittc^ ^mnbett 9)tcvttt)urbigfcitcn bet «<petjogHd)cu SBibliott)ct 5u aSSolfcttbitttcl* $iit $tcimbe bctfelbeu attfiJCJCtctjttCt t>OU <£♦ ty. (?♦ ®d)ductttamu Hannover. 1849-185 2. 2 Parts in I vol., S° half calf gill to-ps, with curious old wood-cuts. 4X4 SCHWARZIVS. CIS- /o L 2197 SCHOOLCRAFT. HISTORICAL and STATISTICAL INFORMATION, Respecting the HISTORY, CONDITION and PROSPECTS of the INDIAN TRIBES of the UNITED STATES: Collected and Prepared under the Direction of the BUREAU of INDIAN AFFAIRS, per Act of Congress of March 3d, 1847, By HENRY R. SCHOOLCRAFT, LL. D. Illus- trated by S. EASTMAN, Capt. U. S. A. Published by Authority of Congress. Philadelphia: iSji-iSj?. 6 vols., imperial 4^ cloth. 349 FINE STEEL AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. *** a This great work is a complete Thesaurus of knowledge, respecting the Aborigines of America. It embraces their history, ethnography, antiquities, and languages; their ancient and modern geography ; their manners and customs, religion and superstitions; their agri- culture, commerce, and trade ; their ornamental arts, and their physical and intellectual pecu- liarites. All these subjects are treated, not in a general and summary manner, but in detail, each topic being patiently and thoroughly discussed and exhausted ; the work, although mainly executed by the author's own hand, having received the contributions of many savans thoroughly conversant with theparticular subjects embraced in its pages.» 2198 SCHRODER (JOHANNES HENRICUS). Incunabula ARTIS TYPOGRAPHICAE in SVECIA. Upsaliae: mdcccxlii. 4° pater covers. Rare. QV2J21 SCHULTZ JACOBI (J.C.) De NEDERLANDSCHE DOODENDANS. 8° halfmorocco, top gilt, folding plates. UTRECHT *. Ic?4p. *** An interesting monograph on several rare Editions of the Dance of Death printed in the Netherlands. J200 SCHVRZFLEISCHII ( C. S.) POLYHISTORIS, Notitia 1-S = Scriptorvm Librorumque uarii argumenti, quam ex uariis ipfius praelectionibus, in inclyta ad ALBIM ACADEMIA, mgenti olim applaufu, habitis, fludiofe diligenterque collegit et edidit I. C. Vittembergae: A° do Io ccxxxv. srn. 8° vellum. Scarce. *** See Struvius, Bibliothcca Historiae. Litterariae Selefla, vol. 11.,p. J4Q4; Niceron, Me'moires des Hommes Illustres, tome I., /. 342; Biographie Universelle, tome xxxviii.,/. 477. 201 SCHWARZII (CHRISTIAN. GOTTLIEB.) De ORNA- == MENTIS LIBRORVMet Varia Rei Librariae Vetervm Svpel- lectile Dissertationvm Antiqvariarvm Hexas. Primvm col- legit et recensvit atqve Praefatione Indicibvsqve Necessariis instrvxit Iohann. Christian. Levschnervs. a. m. Lipsiae: A do Idcclvi. 40 halfcat/", red edges ; folding plates. Best Edition. Scarce. %* a Dans ces Six Dissertations, pleines de recherches curieuses, on trouve le traite" le plus complet qui existe sur la forme des livres des anciens, la matiere qu'ils y employaient, les coul- eurs et les peintures dont ils lesornaient; enfin sur le materiel de leurs biblioth&ques.D—Weiss. 202 SCHWARZIVS. BIBLIOTHECAE SCHWARZIANAE, sev Catalogvs Librorvm ad Antiqvitates Histortam. Rem Nvmis- MATICAM EPIGRAPHICAM et LlTERARIAM SCRIPTORES GRAECOS et Latinos. .. .qvos olim possedit Christianvs Gottlib. Schwar- zivs. Altorfii et Norimbergae: 1J54-176Q. 2 Parts in I vol., 8° stiff paper covers. *** A rare and valuable Catalogue, with learned Bibliographical Notes. Ml 1- '6 ,'h SHAW. 415 2203 SECRETS MERVEILLEUX de la Magie Naturelle & Cabalif- /\£rt)= tique du PETIT ALBERT, Traduit exactement fur I'Original Latin, ^' intuU (sic) Alberti Parvi Lucii Libellus De mirabilibus Naturae Arc an is. Enrichi des Figures myflerieufes, & la maniere de les faire. Nouvelle Edition augmented. A Lyon: m.dcc.vi. 120plain calf. Rare. 2204 SEELEN (IOAN. HENR. von). ATHENAE LVBECENSES ,/ 0 siue de Athenaei Lvbecensis Insignibvs mentis, per inftitutionem optimorum virorum acquifitis, in Rempublicam facram, ciuilem & litterariam COMMENTARIVS .... LvbecjE: mdccxix-mdccxxii. 4 vols., sm. 8° vellu m. Rare. 2205 SEEMILLER (SEBASTIANUS). De GR^ECIS BIBLIORUM = V. T. VERSIONIBUS Dissertatio Historico-Critica Ingolstadii: 1787-1788. 2 Parts in I vol., sm. 40 half roan. Very Scarce. 2206 SELECTA HISTORICA et LITERARIA continuata. === Regiomonti & Lipsi^e: do Ioccxix. [1719.] sm. 8°paper covers. *** This volume contains an extremely curious Dissertation on the Use and Abuse of ALBUMS. L2207 SELVAGGI. CATALOGO dei LIBRI appartenuti al fu === Don Gaspare Selvaggi. Napoli: i8jp. 8° broche. Uncut. _22o8 SENEC^E (L. & M. AN3SMEI). TRAGGEDIA. Amsterdami: /- J === Apiid Iohannem Blaeu. clo I DC lxv. 12° vellum. 2209 SERIE DELL'EDIZIONI ALDINE per Ordine Cronolo- /> 0 1 gico ed Alfabetico. TerzaEdizione conEMENDAZiONi e Giunte. Firenze: Presso Giuseppe Molim. mdccciii. sm. 8° boards, red edges. Best Edition. 2210 SERMON (The) ON THE MOUNT. Illuminated by W. & G. Audsley, Illustrated by Charles Rolt, Chromolitho- graphed by W. R. Tymms. London: Day & Son. 1861. imp.f° illuminated cloth. 2J Plates sumptuously Printed in Gold and Colors. Original Edition. 2211 dSERVETUS.D HISTORIA MICHAELIS SERVETI. === Avctor Henricvs. Ab. Allwoerden. Helmstadii: mdccxxvii. sm. 40 half vellum. Fine Portrait of Servetus. Scarce. SHAW (REV. WILLIAM). A GALIC (sic) and ENGLISH : DICTIONARY. Containing all the Words in the SCOTCH and IRISH Dialects of the CELTIC, that could be collected from the Voice, and Old Books and MSS. London: mdcclxxx. 2 vols, in 1 vol., 40plain calf. Very Scarce. *** See Boswell, Life of Johnson, i vol., 8°p. 745. U10 cn> f.iV 3. 416 SLIGHT. 2213 SHELLEY. The POETICAL WORKS of Percy Bysshe 3 (' Shelley Edited by Harry Buxton Forman. London: 1876-77. 4 vols., S° light blue cloth. Uncut. With Jine Portraits and Plates. 0 dill SH0WER- BIBLIOTHECA ILLUSTRIS MEDII TEMPLI ^ SOCIETATIS, in Ordinem juxta rerum naturam redacta ac digefta: V. Iduum Sept. MDCC. aufpicio & fumptu Barth. Shower, Mil- itis. Londini: M DCC. S° calf. 2215 SHURTLEFF (NATHANIEL B.) A DECIMAL SYSTEM < 0 *' for the Arrangement and Administration of Libraries. Boston: Privately Printed, mdccclvi. 40 cloth. Presentation copy from the Author, with his autograph. r 2216 SILVESTRE (M. J. B.) UNIVERSAL PALAEOGRAPHY; ■ v or, Fac-Similes of Writings of all Nations and Periods, Copied from the most Celebrated and Authentic Manuscripts in the Libraries and Archives of France, Italy, Germany, and Eng- land. Accompanied by an Historical and Descriptive Text and Introduction, by Champollion-Figeac and Aime Champol- lion, Fils. Translated from the French, and Edited, with Cor- rections and Notes, by Sir Frederic Madden, k. h. f. r. s. London: H. G. Bohn. m.dccc.l. 2 vols., 8° crimson cloth. Uncut. *** These volumes comprise the Text of this valuable work ; the Plates are wanting. ^ 2217 [SIMON]. BIBLIOTHfeQUE CRITIQUE, ou Recueil de / Diverses Pieces Critique, dont la phipart ne font point imprimees, ou ne fe trouvent que tres-difficilement. PuBLiEES/><zr Mr. de Sain- jore [Pere Richard Simon] quiy a ajoute' quelques Notes. Basle: m.dccix-x. 4 vols., 12° smooth calf, gilt backs, red edges. VERY SCARCE. *£* a Ce Recueil fut supprime par un arret du conseil du 5 aout 1710.I)—Biog. Universelle. 2218 [SINGER (SAMUEL WELLER)]. SOME ACCOUNT of the I ,fb= BOOK PRINTED AT OXFORD in MCCCCLXVIII, under the title of lEWOtiitiO SatUti 3tV0tlitni in Sfm^ fcOlO $l|)OStOlOCUNT♦ In which is Examined its claim to be con- sidered the FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ENGLAND. London: mdcccxii. 8° paper covers. Presentation copy\ « To Miss Currer, with the Editor and Publisher's Respects.\> 50 Copies Privately Printed. ^2219 SLIGHT (HENRY). TRUE STORIES of H. M. SHIP Jj-o== ROYAL GEORGE. From 1746 to 1841. Ryde,/*/<? oj'Wight: 1841. 32 ° oak boards, illustrated. *** a The Covers of this curious little volume are made from one of the timbers of the Royal George, recovered from the wreck in 1840.1) f.SV lbs*. SPENCE. 417 SMITH (CHARLES JOHN). HISTORICAL and LITERARY CURIOSITIES,consistingofFAC-SiMiLESofORiGiNALDocuMENTs; Scenes of Remarkable Events and Interesting Localities; and of the Birth-Places, Residences, Portraits, and Monuments, of Eminent Literary Characters; with a Variety of Reliques, and Antiquities connected with the same Subjects. London: H. G. Bohn. mdccclii. 4° half olive morocco\ top gilt, rough edges. 100 interesting Plates. J2221 « SMITH.d GERSONIANA. IOHANNIS CARLERII dicti tS = De Gersono DE LAVDE SCRIPTORVM TRACTATVS acce- dvnt eivsdem QVEDAM REGVLE de Modo Titvlandi sev Apificandi pro Novellis Scriptoribvs Copvlate. Edidit Johan- nes Spencer Smith Anglvs.. .. Rothomagi Normanorvm: M.D.CCC.XLI. 4 ° paper covers, with full length figure of a Pilgrim ; J facsimiles of Letters addressed to Mr. Smith. *** See Fr^re, Manuel du Bibliographic Norm and, tome u.,p.533. 2222 SOTHEBY (S. LEIGH). UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS, MARGINAL NOTES and MEMORANDA, in the Autograph of Philip Melancthon and of Martin Luther. With Numerous Fac-Similes. Accompanied with Observations upon the Varieties of Style in the Hand-writing of these Illustrious Reformers. London: mdcccxl. imp. 40 half morocco. 33 Plates. Only 150 Copies Printed. Scarce. 2223 sotheby iprftutyfft ^ffiiofltapijtca. the 0 ^ BLOCK-BOOKS, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, Issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the Fifteenth Century, ISpentplfftCTr atttf <£oumtfere?r in Connexion with the ORIGIN OF PRINTING. To which is added an Attempt to Elucidate the Character of the PAPER-MARKS of the PERIOD. A Work Contemplated by the late Samuel Sotheby, and carried out by his Son, Samuel Leigh Sotheby. London: Printed for the Author, m.dccc.lviii. 3 vols., imp. 40 half crimson morocco. Uncut. Illustrated with 121 Plates,some in Colors. Only 250 Copies Printed. 2224 SOTHEBY (SAMUEL LEIGH). MEMORANDA Relating v / J to the BLOCK-BOOKS Preserved in the Bibliotheque Imperiale, Paris, made October, m.dccc.lviii. London: m.dccc.lix. imp. 40 paper covers, a Not for Sale.d Very Scarce. 2225 SPENCE (JOSEPH). ANECDOTES, OBSERVATIONS, 1^^= and CHARACTERS of HOOftS fllttT JHtU* Collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and other Eminent Persons 4i8 STRAUCHII. fo of His Time. Now First Published from the Original Papers, with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Samuel Weller Singer. London: mdccc.xx. 8* half red morocco. Uncut. Portrait 0/Spf.nce. *** « One of the most entertaining volumes of Literary Anecdotes imaginable; the ma- terials of which furnished Johnson with much of bis biography of Pope and his contemporaries.* —Dibdin. 7.-1 \^226 SPENCE (JOSEPH). ANECDOTES, OBSERVATIONS, and •' CHARACTERS of BOOKS AND MEN. Collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and other Eminent Persons of His Time. With Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Samuel Weller Singer, f. s. a. Second Edition. London: 1858. 8* crimson cloth. Uncut. Portrait. LARGE PAPER. 2227 STEGANOGRAPHLE nec non Clavicvl/e Salomonis Ger- ■ mani, Ioannis Trithemii Abbatis Spanheimensis Colonic Agrippin^e: m.dc.xxxv. = BERTILI CANVTI EPISTOL- ARVM Selectarvm, Centvria III. Ad Generofifs. V. Andream Bilde. Amstelredami: cId.Idc.xix. 2 vols., in 1 vol., sm. 40 vellum. I 3-7 llll STILES (HENRY REED). BUNDLING; its ORIGIN, PRO- r' f GRESS and DECLINE in AMERICA. Albany: 1871. 12° cloth. Scarce. *** a Bundling. A man and a woman lying on the same bed with their clothes on; an expedient practiced in America on a scarcity of beds.*—Grose, Diet, of the Vulgar Tongue. / 002229 STILLMAN (WILLIAM J.) The ACROPOLIS OF ATHENS 1' Illustrated Picturesquely and Architecturally in Photography. London: F. S. Ellis. 1870. imp. f° half green morocco. 25 PLATES. 0 2230 STIRLING (Sir WILLIAM). An Essay towards a COLLEC- TION of BOOKS Relating to PROVERBS, EMBLEMS, APOPH- THEGMS, EPITAPHS and ANA, Being a Catalogue of those at KEIR. London: Privately Printed, mdccclx. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. With view of the interior of a the Library at Keirj> colored. 75 COPIES ONLY PRIVATELY PRINTED. Rare. *#* The veteran John Allan's copy of this work sold in his sale, (1864) Jor $20.00. 2231 STOPINI. MAGISTRI | STOPINI | POETAE PONS- /°= ANENSIS\ Capriccia | MACARONICA |. Cum Nova Appen- dice |. Venetiis: Typis Dominici Lovifcz. mdcciv. j8 ° paper covers. Rare. *** See Delepierre, Macarondana p iib-iiy. 2232 STRAUCHII (^EGIDII). ASTROGNOSIA, Synoptice et 3 0 r===? Methodice, in Usum Gymnasiorum & Academiarum adornata. Addita sunt ASTERISMORUM et Planetarum schemata, cereis laminis expressa. Editio Secunda, priori multo auctior. WlTTEBERG^E: M.DC.LXIIX. (sk). /S'° half calf . Curious Plates. IC. a SVETONIVS. 419 2233 [STRAVSS (ANDREAS)]. VIRI SCRIPTIS, ERVDITIONE ac Pietate Insignes, qvos EICHSTADII vel genvit vel alvit. ElCHSTADII: MDCCIC. 4° boards, red edges. ,2234 [STRAVSS]. OPERA RARIORA, qvae latitant in BIBLIO- ^J> = THECA CANON. REG. Collegiatae Ecclesiae ad S. Ioannem Baptistam in REBDORF. Collegit, Notis Illvstravit et Edidit eivsdem Collegii Bibliothecarivs. [Andreas Stravss.] Eichstadii: A.JD. MDCCXC. 4° plain calf, gilt leaves. Scarce. 2235 STRUVII (BURCARDI GOTTHELFFII). BIBLIOTHECA \) 0 = Librorvm Rariorvm.. .. Ienae: do Id ccxix. 2 Parts in 1 vol., sm. 40 boards. I Plate. 2236 STVBELIVS (JO. GODOFR.) Exercitatio Critico-His- /0=TORICA DE TITVLOMANIA ERVDITORVM, vulgo QitcV &U(f)t bctCV (&eief)vtctl+ LipsijE: cId Idcc xxiii. sm. 40 half roan. Rare and curious. ,2237 sussex l$(t)liotlj«a Sttsscrtatiau adescrip- py= TIVE CATALOGUE, accompanied by Historical and Bio- graphical Notices, of the Manuscripts and Printed Books con- tained in Wfy% ILitHT3t*i? of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, k. g., d. c. l., &c, in Kensington Palace. By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, f. r. s. London: 182J. 2 vols., imp. 8° boards. Uncut. Portrait and 20 Plates 0/Facsimiles. os^£ ?0: SUSSEX. BIBLIOTHECA SUSSEXIANA. The Extensive and Valuable Library of His Royal Highness the late Duke of Sussex, k. g. Sold by Auction by Messrs. Evans. London: 1844-1845. 6 Parts, S° paper covers. Uncut. 2239 SVETONIVS. CAIVS SVETONIVS Tranquillus Cum an- notat.divcrforum. Amsterodami: Apudl.Ianfonium. clo.Ioc xxxxv. 32 ° old calf. I V o' (o-- .Lfo-- 1243 ABAC (Le) VENGt Physiologie du Tabac, de la Pipe, du Cigare, de la Cigarette et de la Tabatiere. Seul Ouvrage Complet. [Par Georges Dairmcael.] Vignettes par les premiers Artistes, gravees par Porret. Paris: 1845. 120 b roc he. Uncut. 2241 2TafltUa <£ftiarfa* The BILL OF FARE: A Latin 'Poem, implicitly translated and fully Explained in Copious and In- teresting Notes, Relating to the Pleasures of GASTRONOMY, and the mysterious ART of COOKERY. London: 1820. 4° boards. LARGE PAPER. 2242 TABLE ALPHABETIQUE des DICTIONN AIRES, en toutes 'fortes de Langues & fur toutes fortes de Sciences & d'Arts. [Par le President Durey de Noinville^\ Paris: m.dcc.lviii. 2 Parts in I vol., 12° calj'. *#* The Second Part of this work comprises a & Dissertation sur ies Bibliotheques avec uric Table Alpliabe'tiquc, tant des Ouvrages fiublids fous le titre de Bibliotheques, que des Catalogues iwprimes de filuficurs Cabinets de France &^ des Pays e'trangers.b Paris: 77j8. TACITVS. C. CORNELIVS TACITVS, Cum optimis exem- plaribus collatus. Adieeti funt capitulorum mimeri. Amstelodami: Typis Daniclis Elzevirii. 1663. 24° old calf. 2244 TAINE (H. A.) HISTORY of ENGLISH LITERATURE. Translated from the French by H. Van Laun. London: i8jy. 4 vols.y crov.<n 8" crimson cloth. Uncut. 2245 [ TALLEYRAND ]. BIBLIOTHECA SPLENDIDISSIMA. * 2 4 A Catalogue of a Superlatively Splendid and Extensive LIBRARY, consigned from the Continent. Containing many very rare Specimens of the Earliest Typography. . . . Sold by Auction by Leigh and Sotheby. London: i8ig. 8° half roan. Scarce. 2246 TAPPIUS. 1. ORATIOdeTABACO ejusqve hodierno ABUSU, = habita a Jacobo Tappio, Medic. Doct. Tertib edita auctior 6° eorreetior. Helmstadi: /68g. = n. de TABACO STERNV- TATORIO vvlgo %$o\\\ &d)m\pfir£aha&+ Dispvtabit M. Ant. Gviliel. Plaz et Io. Christ. Marci. Editio Secvnda. Lipsiae: ijjj. in. Dissertatio Inavgvralis Diaetetico-Medica sistens de SVCTIONE FVMI TABACI. . . . Exponit Georgivs i*T- 1V'" THESIS- 421 Leonhardvs Beck. Altorfii: 7745*. = iv. Dissertatio In- auguralis Medica de TABACI THEOLOGO, Ob c$ cittern T/ieo/ogoxtotXyiQ unb gefuttb fct) Xobad 3a raudjett? ^lHenri- cus Christianus Alberti. Hal/e: 1743. Engraved Frontispiece. HELMSTADI-HALiE I 1689-I743. 4 Pieces in I vol., sm. 40 boards. Rare. 2247 TAYLOR. % SJjOtt J&tlatiOtt of a JOURNEY ( ''K^lf== THROUGH WALES, made, in the Year, 1652; by John Taylor, ", The Water-Poet. Edited by James O. Halliwell, Esq. London: Printed by Thomas Richards. 1859. 40 half red morocco. Uncut. *** «The impression of this work is very stricYly limited to Twenty-Six Copies, no addi- tional perfect copy being preserved either in the waste or even in proof-sheets.»—Signed a James Richards.» 2248 [TEISSIER]. ESSAI PHILOLOGIQUE sur les Commence- / CrV= MENs de La TYPOGRAPHIE A METZ,et sur les Imprimeurs de cetteViLLE; puise dans les materiaux d'une Histoire Litt^raire, Biographique et Bibliographique de Metz et de sa Province. {Par Guillaume-Ferdinand Teissier.'] Metz: m dccc xxviii. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. Portrait. 2249 TERNAUX-CAMPANS (H.) NOTICE sur les IMPRIME- / .0*]^—~ RIES qui existent ou ont existe en Europe. == NOUVELLES 'ADDITIONS a la Notice sur les Imprimeries. = SUPPLE- MENT a la Notice sur les Imprimeries. Paris: 1843-49. S° half crimson morocco, top gilt. Uncut. Very Scarce. I 2250 THALMANNUS (CHRISTIANUS). De LIBRARIIS et BIB- ,J0= LIOPOLIS ANTIQVORVM. Lipsle: do Id ccx. [1710.] sm. 40 stiff paper covers. Rare. *** An extremely interesting Dissertation concerning ancient BOOKSELLERS. r 2251 ;£Jjeuerbantf* DISQVISITIO de Inclyto Libro Poetico ■ ^ ^ ^IjCttcrbattel* [Avctorlo. David Koeler ?] Altdorfii: mdccxiv. sm. 40 half roan, with medallion Portrait of Melchior Pfinczig. (sic J ^ 2252 THESIS INAVGVRALES qvas ex Senatvs PARTHENICI, j7)== SOCIETATISQVE Amasiorvm Maximae Decreto in Alma Hale- cophagorum vniuerfitate auspice Candela & Candelabro. . . . Vir- ginopoli: s. a. = 11. TLIESES de HASIONE et Hasibili Qvalitate s. /. et a. ■= 111. Difpvtatio Phyfiolegiflica de Ivre et Natvra Pennalivm. . . .jt. /. 1632. = IV. DlSPVTATIO DE CORNELIO et eivsdem Natvra ac Proprietate. . .. Gremer- stadii: s. a. :—-— v. de RE UXORIA Libri Dvo Avctore Francisco Barbaro Patricio Veneto. Amst.: 1639. 5 Pieces in i vol., 24"plain calf. Scarce. / ? A22 TOCHON D'ANNECY. ^253 THEUX (X. de). BIBLIOGRAPHIE LI&GEOISE contenant 1° LES LIVRES IMPRIMES A LIEGE DEPUIS LE XVIe SIECLE JUSQU'A NOS JOURS. 2° LES OUVRAGES PUBLI^ES EN BELGIQUE ET A l'^TRAN- GER, CONCERNANT l'hISTOIRE DE l'aNCIENNE PRINCIPAUTE DE LIEGE ET DE LA PROVINCE ACTUELLE DU MEME NOM. BRUXELLES: chez Fr.-J. Olivier. 1867. 2 Parts, roy. 8° brochi. Uncut. *#* a Ce Livrc n'est pas un monument dleve a la m^moire des imprimeurs indigenes, mais plut6t un DiFlionaire Historique et Litte'raire, dont le but est de fournir aixx travailleurs les indications qui leur sont necessaires; aussi n'ai-je rien neglige* pour le rendre aussi complet et aussi exacl que possible. J'ai divise* la Bibliographie en deujx parties. La Premiere comprend les livres imprimes dans la ville de Liege, ou qui portent erron^ment cette indication. La Seconde dnumere les principales publications ddit^es dans les autres localites de l'ancienne principaute ou de la province de Liege adtuelle, les ouvTages imprimis a Tetranger concernant ce pays, et, enfin, les articles publics sur cette matiere dans les revues beiges les plus impor- tantes. Une Table d^taill^e termine le volume.»—Preface. 2254 THIBOUST (CLAUDE-LOUIS). L'EXCELLENCE de lTM- , £/G = PRIMERIE. Poeme Latin, Dedie" au Roi. Traduitpar fon Fils, Imprimeur du Roi, 6° de V Univerfite' de Paris. Nouvelle Edition, avec des Notes 6° le Portrait de VAuteur. Paris: m.dcc.liv. S° marbled calf. Portrait, Vignettes, and 2 Plates. _2255 THI^RION D'AVANQON. CATALOGUE des LIVRES -M == ANCIENScomposantLABIBLIOTHfeQUEdefeuM.A. Thierion D'Avancon. Paris: /. F. Delion. 1854. 8° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. £o2256 ((THVANVS.d NOMINUM PROPRIORUM VIRORUM, '' = MULIERUM, POPULORUM, &c. qua in Viri Illuflris IACOBI AVGVSTI THVANI Hiftoriis leguntur INDEX cum vernaculd fingularum vocum Expofitione, \Auctore Pet. Bessi/i.] Geneva: ApudPetrvm Avbertvm. m.dc.xxxiv. ^vellum. Rare. 2257 TIMBS (JOHN). ABBEYS, CASTLES, and ANCIENT / 0 0= HALLS of ENGLAND and WALES; their Legendary Lore, and Popular History. London: n. d. 2 vols., crown 8° cloth. 2 Plates. TIMBS (JOHN). CLUBS and CLUB LIFE in LONDON. With Anecdotes of its Famous Coffee Houses, Hostelries, and Taverns, from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Time. London: Hotten. n. d. crozvn 8° cloth, with numerous Illustrations. 2259 TOCHON D'ANNECY. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de LITTfeRATURE et d'HISTOIRE et particulierement des Ou- vrages d'ARCH^OLOGiE et de Numismatique composant la Bib- liotheque de feu M. Tochon D'Annecy. Paris: Labitte. 1858. 8° half morocco. I1: c*= y, 2260 Htr— 2261 TRACTS. 423 TODTENTANZ. Der Todtentanz. Ein Gedicht von Ludwig Bechstein. Mit 48 Kupfern in treuen Tonturen nach H. Holbein. Leipzig: 1831. square, 12° brockd. Uncut. ^obtentattje+ %\t ©afeler Sobtentattje itt getrcuen 2(Mult>mtfieu ttefcft gefd}tdjtltd)er Unterfudjng, fo tt>te ©crgletdjung mit iibttgen bcutjdjen ^obtcntanjcn, tfjrcr SBtlberfolge uttb tfjren gemetnfamen SRetmtcgtett* ®amt cittern Slttljattge: $obtetttatt$ in ^pol^fdjttittctt be3 ftittf= jeljtttett %af)ti)uni>eti$. fcott $♦ $♦ 9)ta^mattn, ^/# <?z ^- bildungen auf 22 Kupfertaflen und mit 2j lithographiertcn Blattern, Stuttgart: 184/. lb ° and A Has of Plates in 4°, paper covers. Uncut. - ^262 $obtett $>attt$ I 3)utd) allc (Stanbc | t»tti> S8cf«^fcc^t ^ /■ I bet 9Jtettfd)ett. etc: | *. /. ^ a. This title is on a frontispiece representing a gate of rustic architecture, at the top of which are two boy angels 7vith emblems of mortality between them, and underneath are the three Fates. At the bottom, Adam and Eve with the tree of knowledge, each holding the apple pre- sented by the serpent. Betxveen them is a circular table, on which are eight skulls of a Pope, Emperor, Cardinal, &fc, with appropriate mottoes in Latin. On the outer edge of the table, STATVTVM EST OMNIBVS HOMINIBVS SEMEL MORI POST HOC AVTEM IVDICIVM. In the Centre the letters MVS, the terminating syllable of each motto. Before the gate are two pedestals, inscribed MEMENTO MORI, and MEMORARE novissima, on ivhich stand figures of Death supporting two Pyramids or obelisks, surmounted with skulls and a cross, and inscribed iter ad vitam. Below, Eberh: Kieser excudit. 4° vellum. 60 fine copper-plate Engravings, printed within borders of flowers. At the top of each print is the name of the sub/eel, accompanied with a passage from Scripture, and at the bottom three couplets of German verses. The bottom margin of the frontispiece, and of plates 22 and 2<) have been torn off. Rare. *** See Douce, Dance of Death, edit. 1833,/. 121; Graesse, Trdsor de Livres Pares el Pricieux, tome v\.,p. 167. 2263 TOPIN (MARIUS). L'HOMME au MASQUE de FER. 0 0 Quatrieme Edition. Paris: Didier et Cie. 18/0. 120 boards. Uncut. *** a The subject of this volume forms one of those curious riddles of history which, if not of special interest in themselves, become, nevertheless, important from the associations and mystery connected with them. Ever since the brilliaut pen of Voltaire gave definite shape to the strange legend, the story of the Man in the Iron Mask has stirred the fancy or perplexed the judgment of students of the reign of Louis XIV. ; and few tales in the annals of France are more dramatic and suggestive of awe than the phantom of this imprisoned victim, withdrawn from the sight of men by his pitiless gaoler, and, after a life of fearful seclusion, disappearing finally within the shadow of the Bastille, one of the untold secrets of that terrible prison- house. Increasing research and knowledge, indeed, have, in the opinion of judicious critics, put an end to most of the extravagant guesses of the eighteenth century upon this subject Of late years three views only have been commonly held on this question; and it has been generally supposed that the Mask was either Mattioli, an Italian agent of the Duke of Man- tua, of no great note, or else an unknown prisoner of obscure station, or, finally, that the tale is a myth, and that the existence of the Mask is incapable of proof.D 2264 aTRACTS.D A COLLECTION of EXCEEDINGLY 4 ccf= CURIOUS TRACTS on Various Subjects, some of which are ^ * Grossly Facetious. London and Dublin: 1688-i/ij. 14 Pieces in i vol., 12*plain calf 424 TROIS SIECLES. 2265 TfilSSINn. LA / ITALIA LIBERATA / DA GOTTHI j () J6*= DEL [GioDvan Giorgico] TRISSINil.,'Stampata in Rooma per VahrioD / e LuigiDorici /A petiziGone di/ Antonioo Macrgo Vincent in go / mdxlvii. / di Maggiao/ Ccon Privihgioo di N. S./Papa Paul go III. et di altri / Pcotentati. / [VOLS. 11. and in.] Stampata in VeriEzia per ToDlomSGD lanicnlco da / Bressa Ne Fannco mdxlviii. / di Dttoobre. J vols., sm. S° dark green morocco, super extra, richly gilt and tooled sides, after a Gro- urr pattern, by Riviere. A beautiful copy of the VERY RARE FIRST EDITION of this extraordinary Epic Poem ; printed in Greek and Italic characters. Prom the library of H. T. Buckle, with his book-plate. *** a EDITION TRES RARE, et Originate de ce Po'eme fort estim£, surtout des Italiens.p—De Bure. a Opera rarissima.D— Haym, Bibl. Italiana, 40 edit., p. igj. « Molto raro.D—Gamba, Serie, etc., p. 540. The work is divided into XXVII Books, and is usually bound in Three volumes of equal size, each volume containing Nine Books. The Second and Third volumes have no title-pages. Collation.—VOL. I. Lib. i.-ix. Title within a wood-cut architectural frame, 1 leaf; Dedication to Charles V., 4 leaves; Argument of each book in a single verse, 1 leaf; Errata, 2 leaves; Text, 1-175. Between folios 112 and 113 is a folding Plan of the Camp of Belifaritu, on the verso of which is a Key to the positions. VOL. II., Lib. x.-xviii. Text, 1-181. Then follow 6 leaves containing (1) the Imprint of the Printer, and the exclusive Privilege granted to the author for ten years. (2) A wood-cut Emblem. (3) A List of the names of the different places in Rome, mentioned in the Poem. (4) A folding wood-cut View of Rome. (5) Errata. VOL. III., Lib. xix-xxvii. Text, 1-184. On the reclo of the last leaf is the following sub- scription: EINE DEL VIGE^IMnSETI* M£l ET ULTIMO. LIB En. Stampata in Venezia per TGolomSGO laniculoo da Bressa Ne Fami go M D X L VHP di DJtGobre. Cgoii le grazie del snmm go PGontiftce, e de la Ite lustrissima Signcoria di Venezia, e de I go IllustrissiviGO Duca di Eioorenza j che niitnGO neon la possa ri- stampare per anni X, senza espressa licenza de l'Antaire. On the verso of fol. i84 is a wood-cut Emblem, then follow 3 unpaged leaves of Errata, which conclude the volume. An excellent analysis of this remarkable Poem, will be found in Ginguene, Histoire Lit- te'raire cTItalic, tome v., p. J/7, et seq. See also, Teissier, Elopes des Hommes Savans, tome \.,p. 55; Niceron, Mdmoires des tlommes Illustres, tome xxix.,/. 114. 2266 TROIS (Les) SIECLES de notre LITERATURE, ou Tableau ifS^ ^e 1'Esprit de nos Ecrivains, depuis Francois I. jufqu'en iyj2: par ordre Alphabetique. [Par FAbbe* Sabatier de Castres^] Amsterdam, et Paris: m dcc.lxiii. (sic.) 3 vols., 12° calf, red edges. *** <r Peu d'ouvrages ont fait autant de sensatioD que les Trois Si&cles de notre Liite'rature.'b —Barbier. URICOECHEA. 425 / cnr )5~<F 2267 TROIS (Les) FAMEUX IMPOSTEURS. MS. [circa 1775?} sm. 40 vellum. *** A FRENCH MANUSCRIPT on paper, comprising a Dissertation on the work fib leaves J, and a pretended translation of the celebrated De Tribus Impostoribus, f102 leaves, divided into ig Chapters). The Dissertation is by Jean Rousset, who is generally known by his pseudonym, a Pierre Frddiric Arpex The Text of the MS. is apparently identical with a VEsprit de Spinosap and is not a translation of the famous De Tribus Impostoribus. See Marchand, Dicl. Historique, tome i.,p.S22. 2268 [TROSS]. CATALOGUE dune Precieuse Collection de LIVRES ANCIENS MANUSCRITS et Imprimis de Documents Originaux, etc., sur Les Francs-Macons,—Les Rose-Croix,— Le Mesmerisme,—La Magie— L'Alchimie,—Les Sciences Oc- cult,—Les Propheties,—Les Miracles, etc. Paris: i860. 8° half calf, top gilt. Uncut, a Papier Vergip with 3 Plates. Rare and Curious. ^269 TROSSII (LUDOVICI). In CASSIDORI Variarum Libros === Sex Priores Symbolae Criticae. Parisiis: mdcccliii. 8° half morocco. 2270 TYPOGRAPHIA. Carmen. [Per L.A.P. JTerissant.] I/O Parisiis: m.dcc.lxiv. 8° boards. Rare. M LRICUS (CHRISTIANUS). De DONATIONIBVS ante NVPTIAS: et an OSCVLO VIRGINITAS Delibetvr? Francofvrti et Lipsl-e: 1741. s 2273 sm. 40paper covers. Very Curious. ^272 ULTIMA (de) ARTIS SCRIBENDI ANTIQVITATE, etc. Gryphiswaldi^e: Typis A. F. Rose, mdcclxviii. UNGEPAUER (ERASMUS). Tractatio Juridica, de DE- LICTIS CARNIS. Editio Novissima. Halae-Magdeburgicae: Anno m dcc xxiv. sm. 4 ° paper covers. *+* Contents :—1. De Adulterio. n. De Stupro Violento. m. De Crimine contra Na- turam. iv. De Incestu. v. De Crimine Raptus. URICOECHEA (E). MAPOTECA COLOMBIANA. Colec- y0==z cion de los Titulos de todos los Mapas, Planos, Vistas etc. Re- latives a la America Espanola, Brasil 6 Islas Adyacentes. Arreglada Cronologicamente i Precedida de una Introduc- cion sobre la Historia Cartografica de America. L6ndres: Triibner v Cia, 6o> Paternoster Row. i860. 8 ° paper covers. U N C UT. 2274 ADE. CEUVRES CHOISIES de I Jean Joseph ] Vade et de ses Imitateurs, contenant differens sujets pour les Halles, Ports, Marches, Rencontres de Poissardes, Couplets grivois, etc. Paris: n.d. =- n. LeBAVARD UNIVERSEL, ou le Farceur sans pareil. ... Paris: i8i$.~ in. CODE POISSARI), ou Instruction Comique et Divertissante, pour s'amuser pendant le Carnaval. Paris: n. d. iv. Des Calembourgs comme s'd pleuvait, Deluge de Traits d'Esprit, i4e Edition, Paris: 1811. 4 Pieces in i -.\f., iS" half calf. Colored Plates. Curious. 0 still I •> 76 VALENCIENNES. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu M. Valenciennes, Ale 111bre de Fins tit at. Paris: 1866. SSi brocket. LInCUT. *** A valuable classed Catalogue of works on Natural History, etc. 2277 VALLLfcRE. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de la BIBLIOTHfe- p~~~ QUE de feu M. Le DUC de la VALLlfeRE, par Guill. Franc, de BURE le jeune, et Guillaume de BURE, fils a!ne. Paris: 1767-1783. --=-. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de la BIBLIO- THEQUE de feu M. Le DUC de la VALLr&RE. Seconde Partie, Disposce par Jean-Luc Nyon l'aine.... Paris: 1784. Together,/? vols.,S'n smooth calf, gilt leaves, with Portrait, Facsimiles, and Printed List of Prices. LARGE PAPER, of which a few copies o?ily were struck of . Very Scarce. See Peignot, Repertoire Bibliographique Universel,p. J2S-Q. h 2278 VALERII MAXIMI | Dictorum, & factorum memora- | bilium ) &~v- Libri Nouem. | Ad exemplar Aldi. In fine: Argentorati, Ex cedibus Schurerianu, Alerife Julio. ANN. M. D. XIIII. sin. 4° stamped pig-skin, brass clasps, with Ornamental hiitial Letters, numerous MS. notes, etc. ^2279 VALPY. CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the Rev. R. - fi \) Valpy, d. d. Containing an Extensive and Valuable Collection of Theology, Belles-Lettres, Bibliography, Grammar, Philology, Criti- cism,. .. .and Miscellaneous Literature: including various Edit/ones Principes, and Works of the Fifteenth Century. Sold by Auction. London: 1832. S° paper covers. Uncut. ,/* VATER-UNSER. 427 2280 VAN BRAAM. PETRI Van BRAAM. Typographi Dordraceni. 1 Ot CARMINA. Dordraci: prelo et sumtibus autoris. clolocccix. S° half calf, with autograph letter of the author. 2281 VAN DALE (ANTONII). De ORACULIS Veterum Ethni- corum DISSERTATIONES DU^E, Quarum nunc prior agit de eorum Origine atque Auctoribus; fecunda de ipforum Duratione & Interitu. Editio fecunda plurimum adauta; cui de Novo accedunt DISSERTATIUNCULAE. i. De Statua Simoni Mago, ut praeten- ditur, erecta: qua occafione agitur de Chrefto Suetonii. n. De Actis Pilati differitur; illaque occafione, cur Auguflus C?efar Dom- inus appellari renuerit. in. Schediafma de Confecrationibus, pluf- quam dimidia parte auctius. Amstelodami: A" m.d.cc. 4° halfvellum, red edges, with folding plates. Very fine copy. Scarce. *** « Ouvrage fort curieux et recherche. L'edition que nous en indiquons est la meil- leure et la plus ample. On en trouve peu commune'ment des exemplaires d—De Bure. « Le but de Van Dale, dans cet ouvrage, est de prouver que le De'mon n'a point eu de part aux oracles du paganisme, et qu'on ne doit y voir qu'une ruse des pretres pour entretenir la superstition.r>—Weiss. 2282 VANDERHAEGHEN (FERD.) BIBLIOGRAPHIE GAN- ^7/) 'TOISE. Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux des Imprimeurs / de Gand. (1485-1850).. .XVe-XIXe Siecles. Gand: 1858-1865. S 7>ols., S° brochd. Uncut. With Printers" Devices ; Facsimiles. Only 250 Copies Printed. 2283 VAN DER MEERSCH (P. C.) RECHERCHES sur la VIE / V '' ~~ et les Travaux de quelques Imprimeurs Belges, etablis a l'etranger pendant les XVe et XVIe SIECLES. i. Gerardus de Lisa de Flandria. 14JI-14Q9. :== 11. Antonius Mathias d'Anvers, I4J2-I4J3. 2 vols., So half roan. Uncut. GAND: 1844. 2284 [VAN PRAET (Joseph-Basile-Bernard)]. CATALOGUE des = LIVRES IMPRIMfeS sur VfeLIN de la BIBLIOTHEQUE du ROL Paris: chez De Bure Fibres, m.dccc.xxii-m.dccc.xxviii. 6 tomes in 5 vols., including the Supplement. — - CATALOGUE de LIVRES Imprimes sur Velin, qui se trouvent dans des Biblio- theques tant Publiques que Particulieres, pour servir de SUTTE au Catalogue des Livres Imprimes sur Velin de la Bibliotheque du Roi. Paris: chez De Bure Freres. m.dccc.xxiv-m.dccc.xxviii. 4 vols., including Supplement. Together, q vols., S° half crimson calf Uncut. Only Two Hundred Copies Printed. *** 4 One of the most learned, accurate, and valuable Bibliographical works ever publish- ed.!) See Biographic Universelle, tome xxxiv.,/. 2S3, et sea: Bkunet. Manuel, tome v., p. 1070. 85 OSatcv (©<t$)4tn$cr itt mcljr aU fcct)£t)imbcrt &pvad)cn ~ mtb SSWunbarten, ttjpomctrifd) aufgcftcllt unb t)crati3ge= gebctt front Hntevjcictjnctctu — Qa$ 3$atcr4tnfcr in 206 <&pvad)cix nub SWbtubarten, ltcitcrbtttgd gef anmtclt nub anf= geftellt tion 21. 2lucv\ ^meitc $(btt)ctiiuta, Witt 55 fcer= fd)tei>etteu ben SBittfcrn ctgcntl)umltd)en ^djriftjugen ab= gebntlf t. .? Parts /// / rW., imp. oblong -Z'1 boards. WEIN '. I84J. 3& ifo Ih 42S UERSORIS. 2286 [VEINANT]. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et PRfi- ,=== CIEUX du Cabinet de M. * * * [Aug. Veinant] Paris: 1855. S° boards. Uncut. Priced. Scarce. /) 2287 VENERES et PRIAPI uti Observantur in Gemmis Antiquis. v//. Lugd. Batavorum. s. a. sm. 8° full green morocco, extra, gilt back, sides and edges, with yo Plates; and explana- tory Text in English. Rare. *** a This small collection, singular in the matter, is more so by the manner in which it is done; it may be considered not only as a master-piece of the fancy of the Antients, but as a very remarkable monument of their talents and taste in engraving and designing.!)—Pre/ace. See Brunet, Manuel, tome v.,/. iiiq; Graesse, Tre'sor de Livres Pares et Pr/cieux, tome VI., p. 273-6; [Gay.] Bibliographic des Ouvrages relatifs h f Amour. . . .tome v\.,p.s8g. /] 1 1 22C ', 0 n—= VERDIER (ANTOINE dv). La BIBLIOTH&QVE D'AN- TOINE DV VERDIER, seignevr de Vavprivas, Contenant le Catalogue de tons ceux qui ont efcrit, ou traduict en Francois, & autres Dialectes de ce Royaume, enfemble leurs ceuures imprimees & non imprimees, l'argument de la matiere y traictee, quelque bon propos, fentence, doctrine, phrafe, prouerbe, comparaifon, ou autre chofe notable tiree d'aucunes d'icelles ceuures, le lieu, forme, nom, & datte, oil, comment, & de qui dies ont efle, mifes en lumiere. Aufli y font contenus les liures dont les autheurs font incertains. Auec vn difcours fur les bonnes lettres feruant de Preface. Et a la fin vn fupplement de l'Epitome de la Bibliotheque de Gefner. A Lyon: Par Barthelemy Honor at. m.d.lxxxv. f* pp. xxviij—1233, oldpannelled calf . From the collection of David Clement, the well- known bibliographer, with his Autograph, and bibliographical memoranda regarding the work. The Supplement is wanting in this copy. Rare. *** This valuable work contains a vast amount of curious and interesting bibliographical information regarding Early French Literature. See Niceron, Mdmoires des Hommes Illus- tres, tome xxiv.,/. 2QJ-8. t^fHIII COttlCtt¥ti| cum opttmts ®VQumzti8 ac KepltctsnfcemattiecttsL | In fine: C<©cto partmoratota cBmrntu IticulnttHtfmti cfl pulcfjrfa argument tin atq? notafctltfi^p mafltstru Joanne Witttovln rtrftum&nuo Tromtnf Jtt*ccccc.bfJ. ©olonfe tmprefftttn in ftotno <ffi*uentcll. sm. 40 p>aper covers, 4.6 leaves; 46 lines to a full page; with a large wood-cut of a Teacher seated behind a high desk, instructing three Pupils. Uncut. Several leaves wormed. Ex- tremely Rare. The various editions of this «luminous » Commentary on the Grammar of Donatus, will be found in Main, Repcrtorium Bibliographicum, vol. ii., Pars n., p. 4Q2 et seq. / VOYAGE. 429 / 2290 VIDA. PO&MES sur le JEU des feCHECS i° LATIN, de __ 6 2^== L'fevEQUE d'Albe, VIDA, de Cremone; 20 POLONAIS, de Jean KOCHANOWSKI; 30 ANGLAIS, de Sir William JONES; 40 ALLEMAND, du Recteur FISCHER. Traduits en Francais par Frederic Alliey, Magistrat. Paris: 1851. 8° paper covers. Uncut. Only 100 copies printed. *** « Ces Quatres Poemes sont precedes de la Bibliographie complete du Poeme de Vida et d'un aper9u biographique de ce celebre poete.D 2291 VIGNEUL-MARVILLE. MELANGES D'HISTOIRE et de 3^7 ^= LITERATURE par M. De Vigneul-Marville. \Noel-Bonav. d'Argonne.] Quatrieme Edition, revue, corrigee, & augmented par M. * * * . [/'Abbe Ant. Banter.\ Paris: m.dcc.xxv. S vols., 12° mottled sheep, red edges. Best Edition. Rare. *** dC'est un recueit curieux et assez iDtcressant & Anecdotes Littffraires, de reflexions critiques, et de traits satyriques.D—Nouveau Dicl. Historique, tome i.,p.j8j. See Niceron, M&moires des Ho7tintes Illustres, tome xl.,/, ■S'J^-JJ; Frere, Manuel du Bibliographie Nor- mandy tome i., p.31. 2292 VIRGILII (P.) MARONIS OPERA Interpretations et {M? Notis Illustravit Carolus Rikzus, Soc. Jesu, jussa Christianissimi Regis, ad usum Serenissimi Delphini. Londini: do Io ccvn. / vol., 8° divided into 2 Parts, half calf. Plates. Interleaved, and contains numerous learned annotations in manuscript. I / 2293 VOGT(IOHANNIS). CATALOGVSHISTORICO-CRITICVS Afc Z^= LIBRORVM RARIORVM, post cvras Tertias et Qvartas denvo recognitvs plvribvs Locis Emendatvs et copiosiori longe accessione adavctvs. [cvra Mich. Trvckenbrot.~\ Francofvrti et Lipsiae: MDCCXCIII. sm. 8°pp. xxxn.-q/j. boards, red edges Best Edition. Rare. 2294 VOISIN (AUG.) NOTICE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE et Lit- (M?= teraire sur quelques IMPRIMERIES PARTICULI^RES des Pays-Bas; Seconde fedition, revue et augmentee. Gand: 1840. 8° half roan. Only 40 copies printed. ^■2295 VOYAGE LITTERAIRE de Deux Religieux Benedictins 1 6 0 de la Congregation de Saint Maur. [Par Dam Marthie et Dam jDurand.] ou Ton trouvera i. Quantity de Pieces, d'Inscriptions & d'Epitaphes, fervantes a. eclaircir l'hifloire, & les genealogies des anciennes families, n. Plufieurs Usages des eglifes cathedrales & des monafleres, touchant la difcipline & l'hiftoire des eglifes des Gaules. in. Les fondations des monafleres, & une infinite de re- cherches curieufes & interellantes qu'ils ont faitesdans pres de cent 6vechez & huit cent abbayes qu'ils ont parcouru. Paris: mdccxvii. 4° calf, with folding plates. *** aOuvrage recherchd.D—Brunet. VC«t?t fsH -97 i« 229S IALCKENAER. CATALOGUE des LIVRES et Cartes G£ographiques de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Le Baron [Charles Athanase] Walckenaer. Membre de lTnstitut. Paris: 1853. S'-brochi. Uncvt. Priced. WARENGHIEN. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu M. le Baron [Louis-Philippe-Francois] de Warenghien. Paris: chez P. Jannet. 1833. S° paper covers. Priced. WEEVER (JOHN). ANTIENT FUNERAL MONUMENTS, of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent With the Diffolved MONASTERIES therein contained; their Founders, and what Eminent Persons have been therein Interred. . . .Intermixed and Illustrated with variety of Historical Observations, Anno- tations, and Brief Notes, etc. London: 1631. fn half russia; curious wood-cuts. The Title-page and all the preliminary matter is supplied in MS. ; also impcrfeel at the end, -wanting 5 leaves. Rare. WEIGEL. KATALOG FRUHESTER ERZEUGNISSE der DRUCKERKUNST der T. O. Weigel'schen Sammlung. Zeug- drucke, Metallschnitte, Holzschnitte, Xylographische Werke, Spiel- karten, Schrotblatter, Teigdrucke, Kupferstiche, Typographische Werke (Horae etc.) Auszug aus dem Werke: Die Anfange der Druckerkunst von T. O. Weigel und Dr. A. Zestermann. Leipzig: i8j2. 8° paper covers^ with 12 Plates 0/ Facsimiles. 2300 WESSELING. BIBLIOTHECA WESSELINGIANA, sive • / 0 ~ Catalogus Exquifitiffunorum LIBRORUM, in omni Scientiarum genere, quibus olim ufus fuit Vir Celeberrimus Petrus Wesse- ling. Trajecti ad Rhenum: 1765 S° stiff paper covers. Uncut. Priced. ^301 WESTREENEN DE TIELLANDT (Le BARON de). Rapport *Ai ~ "sur les Recherches, relatives a ITnvention Premiere et a 1'Usage le plus Ancien de lTMPRIMERIE STEREOTYPE, faites, a la Demande du Gouvernement. La Haye: 1833. 8° boards^ with 4 Plates 0/ Facsimiles. loo 1299 2302 /.*?--= WHITMAN (WALT). LEAVES of GRASS. Boston: Thayer and Eldridge, Year 83 of The States. (1860-1861.) 12'' cloth. Portrait. XYLOGRAPHISCHE. 431 IV 23°3 S 0= 2304 ft 2305 l& 0° 00 [WIENER (HERMANN)]. Catalogue de la BIBLIO- THfeQUE CANTONALE VAUDOISE. Lausanne: 1854-1856. 7 Parts, 8° broche'. Uncut. Scarce. WILBRAHAM. CATALOGUE of a Valuable Portion of the Library of the late Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Containing all his Rare Articles in ITALIAN LITERATURE. CATA- LOGUE of the Valuable and Extensive LIBRARY of the late Very Rev. Archdeacon Nares...So1cI by Auction. London : 1829. 2 vols, in J vol., 8° half morocco, ruled in red lines and Priced. WIRGMAN (THOMAS). DIVARICATION of the NEW TESTAMENT into Doctrine, History, the Word of God, the Word of Man. London: 1854. <?° cloth, ivith numerous colored diagrams. Printed on paper of different colors. *** See Delepierre, Histoire Littiraire des Fous,p. 77-Q; De Morgan, Budget of Para- doxes, p. J53-4. WURDTWEIN. BIBLIOTHECA MOGUNTINA Libris S^culo Primo Typographico MOGUNTIvE Impressis Instructa, hinc inde Addita Invent/e Typographic Historia, a Stephano AlexandroWurdtwein. August/e-Vindelicorum: mdcclxxxvii. 40 boards. Uncut. With Facsimiles of Early Printing. *** a I know not how any well versed bibliographer can do without the Bibliotheca Mo- guntina of Wurdtwein.d—Dibdin. 2307 WYNNE (JAMES). PRIVATE LIBRARIES of NEW YORK. New York: E. French, mdccclx. imp. 8° crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, dentelle borders, rough edges; by Pawson & Nicholson, with duplicate view of the interior of the library of the late William Curtis Noyes, on India paper. LARGE PAPER. Only 100 Copies Printed. 2306 YLOGRAPHISCHE und TYPOGRAPHISCHE IN- CUNABELN der Koniglichen Offentlichen Bibliothek zu Hannover. Beschrieben von Ed- uard Bodemann. Mit 41 Flatten typog rap/it's e/ier Nachbildungen de?' Holzsehnitte and Typenarten und 16 Flatten mit den Wasserzeichen des Fapiers. Hannover: 1866. f° boards. *** « Ouvrage excellent et important pour tous les bibliographes.D—Graesse. a Remarquable et precieux vol., tire k petit noinbrc.D—Brunet, Supplement. EMSE^ BV^^^fc»V»^tJK^^F" JftjA!>'rf§§§$J WWgJtmtW**^. Ifo 23°9 K^^HlOSEMITE (The) BOOK; A DESCRIPTION of the YOSEMITE VALLEY and the adjacent Region of the Sierra Nevada, and of the Big Trees of Cali- fornia. Illustrated by Maps and 28 fine Photographs. Published by Authority of the Legislature. New York: 1868. 40 half morocco, gilt leaves. APF. ANNALES TYPOGRAPHIC AUGUSTAN^ ab ejus Origine MCCCCLXVI. [1466] usque ad Annum MDXXX. [1530]. Accedit Domini Francisci Antonii Veith DIATRIBE de Origine et Incre- ments Artis Typographic^ in Yrbe Augusta Vindelica. Edidit, Notisque Litterariis Illustravit Georgius Guilielmus Zapf. August/e Vindelicorum: mdcclxxviii. 40 boards, red edges, with facsimile. 231* 3aPf (@eorg $8ilt)elm). 2fttg3burg3 ©ttd)brutferge= ^ fdjidjtc ncbft ben %al)tbud)ctix bcrfctben. ComSa^te/^, bi3 auf i>a$ %af)t 1530. Sterfaffet, f)crau3gegcbett unb wit (ttcratifrfjen 9fmtterfuttf|eti eriatitett. Augsburg: 1786-1791. 2 vols., 40 half sheep, red edges, with Plates and Facsimiles. J312 ZELLER (J.) ULRICH DE HUTTEN. Sa vie, ses gbuvres, son epoque. HISTOIRE du Temps de la Reforme. Paris: 1849. 8° brocht*. Uncut. Scarce. ^2313 ZELTNERI (JO. CONR.) THEATRVM VIRORVM ERV- §~cJr== DITORVM qvi speciatim typographiis lavdabilem operam praestitervnt. Prasmissa est VITA ZELTNERI descripta per Fridericvm Roth-Scholtzivm, Sites. Norimbergae: m dcc xx. sm. S" boards. Rare. *** This interesting work contains Biographical Sketches of upwards of One Hundred dis- tinguished scholars who have been Proof-Readers. ,2314 ZESTERMANN. Die UNABHANGIGKEIT der DEUT- / / >j SCHEN Xylographischen Biblia Pauperum von der LATEIN- ISCHEN Xylographischen Biblia Pauperum. Nachgewiesen von Dr. A. C. A. Zestermann. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel. 1866. f° paper covers, with colored facsimile. 250 Copies Printed. \1S vinftritto.i. Is*- LMELOVEEN (THEODORI JANSSONII ab). DE VITIS STEPHANORUM, Celebrium Typographorum Dissertatio Epistolica, in qua De Stephanorum ftirpe, indefejffis, varia for tuna atque libris, quos orbi erudito eoriuidcm officinae emendatijfune impreffos unquam exhibuerunt, fubjecto illorum In dice aceuralius agitur: atque obiter multa fcitu jucunda adfperguntur. Subjecta ell H. Stephani Querimonia Artis Typo- graphical Ejufdem Epiflola de flatu fuae Typographiae, ad Virum Clariffimum Joan. Georg. Graevium. Amstel.edami: 1683. S° vellum. 316 ARAGO. CATALOGUE des LIVRES composant la BIBLIO- THfeQUE de M. Francois Arago, etc., etc. Paris: 1854. S° half'roan. EETOE3 ANGS, BROTHER and CO., Auction Sale Cata- logues. New York: 1834-1838. S vols, in 2 vols., S° half morocco, gilt backs and tofs. . ,2318 BARTHOLINI (THOM.E). i. De LIBRIS LEGENDIS IJ (y Dissertationes, quas propter raritatem ac Praeftantiam Publicse luci reftituit, & de VANA LIBRORUM POMPA. Praefatus ell JOH. GERH. MEUSCHEN. HAGiE-COMITUM: do Id ccxi. == II. FRANCISCI SACCHINI e Societate Jesu. De RATIONE LIBROS cum profectu Legendi Libellus. acceffit ejusdem De Vitanda Mori- bus Noxia Lectione Oratio. Lipsi^e: do dcc xi. 2 7>ols. in 1 vol., sf/t. S° vellum, with A utog-ra/h of Dr. R. Farmer. Rare. 0 2319 BARTSCH. DENKMALER der PROVENZALISCHEN J^O LITTERATUR. Herausgegeben von Dr. Karl Bartsch. Stuttgart: 1836. S° brochd. Uncut. 434 BIBLIOTHECA. 23^0 BAYNES (W.) BIBLIOTHECA SELECTISSIMA: A Cata- 3 0 logue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, Productions of the Presses Established by Schoiffer, Caxton, Ulric Zell, Mentelin, Eggestyn, Sorg, Veldener, Wynkyn de Worde and most other Early Typographers, etc. London: mdccc.xxvi. S° half morocco. Uncut. Rare. *** A curious and interesting Catalogue, with numerous Bibliographical Notes. 2321 BENTLEY (RICHARD). A DISSERTATION on the 1 f tf EPISTLES OF PHALARIS; with an Answer to the Objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle, Esq. London: 1816. S° boards. Uncut. ^322 BERKENHOUT (JOHN). BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA; 3S or a BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY of LITERATURE: Contain- ing the Lives of English, Scotish, and Irish Authors, from the Dawn of Letters in these Kingdoms to the Present Time, Chronologically and Classically Arranged. London: mdcclxxvii. 4° plain calf. Vol. I. ; all that was published. 2323 BESSOMYKIN (J.) RUSSISCHE CHRESTOMATHIE ftir / 0 Quarta. Reval: 1832. 12° half calf. 2324 [BEUCHOT]. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et PR£- U q== CIEUX de la Bibliotheque de M. E. B. * * * [Beuchot.] Paris: i8jo. S° half roan Uncut. With autograph <?/Dr. S. Austin Allibone. *** Rich in early French Poetry and Facetice. r\ 232s mWotytq«t QOfyiqut. i. fttfracleaeftloufefflu* cur cSafnct Nfcolas; Suns tutf qui prefta cent efcua a ting Qtvtititn M jrtofff perfouuaffles. n. <£fjaufou0 nouucUctneut compofees fur plutfeura cijauts I tant ire JWuftqueque Busttque; WouueUemcut Xmprtmees: mil cinq cents-plbf it: [154s]- = ni. &eparement:trtumpf)e0 trcs trameg : == iv. fHatftre ||ferre 3|atijeltn. Wood-cuts. Kfpr truer par <Sfj>p?oretnau8 tprtmeur a UlU en flaSre, pour EafUteu marcljant Iffiratre tenant fa tioutfcque fur U quag ties QtSKx aufluftfus proclje le pout neuf a part's: mfl JjuCct cent IjrbffHn:. [1868-70.] 4 vols , /6° broche". Uncut. With curious old wood-cuts. Only 200 copies reprinted on ai'AT'lEK VEKGF. FoRT.D 2326 BIBLIOTHECA SEPTENTRIONIS ERUDITI sive Syntagma 1" "Tractatuum de Scriptoribus illius, seorfim hactenus editorum, i. Alb. Barthoi.ini Liber de SCRIPTIS Danorum, Norwagorum, & Islandorum. = 11. Joh. Schefferi SVECIA LITERATA. : :in. Joh. Molleri, Introductio ad Historiam Ducatuum SlKSVICENSIS & HOLSATICI. = IV. EjUSDEM PRjEFATIO NOVA CALMET. 435 de GENTIUM BOREALIUM in Litteras Meritis, & Historiae Literariae atque Ecclesiastica Scriptoribus, Historico-Apologetica, junctim exhibentur. thick 8° veiium. Lipsi^e: m dc xcix. ^2327 BOITEAU D'AMBLY (P.) The HISTORY of PLAYING / 2- S CARDS and CARD-CONJURING.—Les Cartes a Jouer et la ^ Cartomancie. Illusti-atedwith 40 curious Wood-cuts. London: lb0 half roan. I(^59- BOLTZ (AUGUST). Metier «e^gang bcv ftuffifdjctt ^ptaifye. 12- doth. Berlin:/^. BONIFACII Rhodigini (Balth.) Historia Ludicra. Opus ex omni difciplinarum genere, felecla & jucunda eruditione refertum. Editio Nova et Tersior: cui acceflit Vita Authoris, una cum Indice Rerum memorabilium locupletiffimo Brvxellje: cid.ioc.lvi. 4° calf, with emblematic title-page, containing a portrait of tlie author, engraved by Richard Collin. Rare. BOUTOURLIN. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu M. le Comte D. Boutourlin. Paris: 1S39-1S41. 3 vols., 8° broche1. Uncut. «L'un des 30 exemplaires tir£s sur grand papier violin. No. iy.v BOXHORNII (MARCI ZVERII). De TYPOGRAPHICAL Artis Inventione, & Inventoribus, DISSERTATIO. Lvgdvni-Batavorvm: do Ioc xl. sm. 4° paper covers. 2332 BOZE. CATALOGUE des LIVRES du CABINET de M. De '/ v Boze. \_Avec deux estimations Davids et Martin.\ Paris: iM.dcc.liii. 8° mottled calf, gilt back. Neatly Priced. *** This copy contains the very rare Suppldment. 2333 BRADLEY (J. W.) MANUAL of ILLUMINATION on /ft/f{i[uF$ Paper and Vellum. Seventh Edition. With Twelve Lithographic Lllustrations. 12°paper covers. London: 1S61. 2334 BUMSTEAD (GEORGE). CATALOGUES of RARE Works - C o on Astrology, Alchemy, Witchcraft, Chiromancy, Jest Books and Drolleries, Proverbs, Maxims, Sentences, Facetke, etc., in Various Languages. 8° half morocco, scarce. London: iS^d-j/. 233° Jo = 233i ./o- «gy«f& ALMET. BIBLIOTHEQUE LORRAINE, on Histoire des Hommes Illustres, qui ont fleuri en Lorraine, dans les trois Eveches, dans 1'Archeveche de Treves, dans le Duche de Luxembourg, &c. Par le R. P. Dom Calmet, Abb/de Senones. Nancy: chcz A. Lesei/re. m.dcc.li. fa boards. Scarce. 3f 43^ d CRONICON NUREMBERGENSE.D , 233t CAMPBELL (ALEXANDER). A JOURNEY from EDIN- ( BURGH through PARTS of NORTH BRITAIN: Containing Remarks on Scotish Landscape; interspersed with Anecdotes Traditional, Literary, and Historical, together with Biograph- ical Sketches. Embellished with Forty-Four Colored Engravings, from Drawings made on the spot. London: 18 10. 2 voU.^ 4° plain calf; large /aiding map. J337 CASTILLON. L'ART de lTMPRIMERIE, dans sa Veritable 7 J Intelligence. Par le Sieur Antoine Castillon, Imprimeur. [Paris]: mdcc.lxxxiii. 40 boards. Uncut. / 0 -^ CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHfeQUE dun AMATEUR. I Avec des Notes et une Table Generale des Auteurs et des Matieres. Bruxelles: 1823. 2 vols., S° broche'. Uncut. 2339 CATALOGUS van de BOEKERIJ der Koninklijke Akademie % J~~ van Wetenschappen, gevestigdte Amsterdam. Amsterdam: 1858. 8° half calf, gilt top. ^340 CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. The NINTH CENSUS of the UNITED STATES: Viz. 1. Population and Statistics: —11. Vital Statistics:—in. Industry and Wealth. Compiled, from the Original Returns of the Ninth Census ( June i, 1870.) under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior, by Francis A. Walker, Superintendant of Census. Washington: i8j2. 3 vols., 40 half russia. 2341 CHARTARI^/z^>^(VINCENTII). (1.) IMAGINES DEO- h V ° RUM, qui ab Antiquis colebantur, una cum earum declaratione & HISTORIA in qua Simulacra, Ritus, Cceremonice magnaque ex parte Veterum Religio explicatur.. . . Mogunti^e: Anno m.dc.lxxxvu. With 88 very curious Plates. = (2) DIARII BIOGRAPHICI Tomus Secundus. ... Opera ac Studio Henningi Witte. Rice: An m.dc.xci. = (3) D. G. MORHOFI Tractatus Polyhis- toricus de EXCERPENDI Ratione, in qvo Varia, Collectionem turn in Eloqventia turn in Disciplinis Instituendi, Consilia et Subsi- dia Proponuntur. LubeCvE: Anno m.dc.xcii. J vols., in r vol., s//i. 4" vellum. *** An excellent sketch of the Life and Works of Vincenzo Cartarj will be found in the Biographic t/»mT^//t',(MiCHAUD,) tome vii.,/. 75. See also Clkment, Bibliotheque Curieuse, tome vi., p. 310-14. On the verso of the last leaf of the Supplement to Witte's Diarii Bio- graphici, will be found an interesting notice of John Eliot, and Harvard College. dCHRONICON NUREMBERGENSE.D Printed by Ant. Ko- berger. Nuremberg: 1493. f° boards. Numerous curious rvood-cuts. *#*This volume is merely a Fragment', comp-risi'ng/24 leaves. ot the well-known a. Nurem- berg Chronicle.^ DISSERTATIONES. 437 I Si 344 2343 CICERONIS (M. T.) De INVENTIONE RHETORICA I o . , / Libri Duo. Ex Editione J. Oliveti. Glasguae: mdccxlviii. tS° old calf. COLBACCHINI. CATALOGO dei LIBRI RARI e PRE- ZIOSI Raccolti, Posseduti ed Illustrati dairAbate Luigi Col- bacchini. Tomo i. Bassano: 1864. roy. S°pp. 478, brochd. Uncut. With numerous Bibliographical Nates. ^2345 COOMBE (WILLIAM). DOCTOR SYNTAX'S Three Tours; J v!) ^ in Search of the Picturesque; in Search of Consolation; and in Search of a Wife. [In Hudibrastic Verse.] Illustrated with 81 coloured Plates by T. Rowlandson. London: mdccclv. 3 vols., S° half calf', gilt backs, marbled edges. 2346 COUSSEMAKER (E. de). M^MOIRE sur HUCBALD et sur ""^~~ ses TRAITfeS de MUSIQUE, suivi de Recherches sur la Nota- tion et sur les Instruments de Musique. Paris: Techener. 1841. 4° half brown morocco, top gilt. Uncut. With 21 Plates*?/" Facsimiles of old Music, and of Musical Instruments. Only SO Copies Printed. RARE. 2347 CROWNINSHIELD. CATALOGUE of the VALUABLE > = PRIVATE LIBRARY of the Late Edward A. Crowninshield.. . Sold by Auction. Boston: i8jp. (, 0 0. S° half cr in mo? occo, top gilt. Uncut. "/> 2349 ENIS, PINQON, et De MARTONNE. NOUVEAU MANUEL de BIBLIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE par Messieurs Ferdinand Denis, P. Pincon, et De Martonne. Paris: 1857. roy. 8° half morocco. Scarce. *#* « Ce livre n'est pas, a proprement parler, un Manuel de Bibliophile, il ne s'adresse pas exclusivement au bibliographe de profession. Avant tout, on a voulu qu'il put fournir un renseignement concis, une reponse precise, non sur la beaute d'une edition, sur la raretc d'un volume, sur le prix arbitraire que I'opinion accorde a certaines raretes, mais bien sur la serie d'ouvrages a consulter en telle ou telle occasion, par P Homines de Lettres, VArtiste ou le Sa vant.v— Pre1 fa ce, DISSERTATIONES. 1. De NUPERA HOMERI Editione Lugduno-Batavica, Hackiana: cum Latina Verfione, & DIDYMI Scholiis. . . .Auctore Merico Casaubono. Londini: idjp. =^= ii. GRONOVII SVPPLEMENTA Lacunarum in /Enea Tactico, D1 o n e C a ssi o e t A r r i a n o d e Exp editione A lexa ndri. L u G d - B a t a v: 7^j-.rr^-_—in. IANI GVLIELMII Adversvs C. Sigonivm Assertio . ...Lvtetle: 1584. iv. IOANNIS PIERII VALERIANI De Litteratorvm Infelicitate. Libri Dvo. eivsdem Bellvnensia. 4 pieces in I vol., /2° half calf VENETIIS '. l620. 438 FERRIAR. 2350 t7- ?■ DOCUMENTARY (The) HISTORY of the STATE of NEW- YORK. Arranged under the Direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan, Secretary of State. By E. B. O'Callaghan, m. d. Albany: [N.Y.] 1849-1851. 4 vols., c^0 cloth, maps, plates, and facsimiles. 2351 DOCUMENTS 1NCONOGRAPH1QUES et TYPOGRAPH- "~^" IQUES de la BIBLIOTHfeQUE ROYALE de BELGIQUE. Fac-Simile Photo-lithographiques, avec Texte Historique et Explicatif par MM. les Conservateurs et Employes de la Bib- liotheque Royale, Publie sous la Direction et avec le Concours de M. le Conservateur en Chef. Bruxelles: 1864-1813. Parts i. to v. inclusive, imp. f° paper covers. Uncut. 42 Plates of Facsimiles. LARGE PAPER. ]() Copies only Printed this Size. 2352 [DUVERGER]. HISTOIRE de lTNVENTION de lTM- -^— PRIMERIE par les Monuments. [Par Eugene Dtiverger.] Paris: de rImprimerie Rue de Verneuil, A/0 4. Juin, M DCCC XL. 4° broche'. Uncut. With a series of interesting Facsimiles, including 4 pages of the Gutenberg Bible. BERT (FRIEDRICH ADOLF). ALLGEMEINES BIBLIOGRAPHISCHES LEXIKON. Leipzig: 1821-1830. 2 vols., 40 half calf gilt edges. 2354 ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. A NEW POCKET DICTIONARY I^-" of the ENGLISH and RUSSIAN, and of the RUSSIAN and ENGLISH Languages. Leipsic: n. d. lS° gr ecu morocco. 2355 ENS. MXIP020<PIA: Id eft STVLTA SAPIENTIA, Item- J (3 ■ que Sapiens Stvltitia :.. .. Opufculum ex Varus Avctoribvs. . .. cvra Gaspare Ens. Coloniae: m.dc.xx. 18° vellum. *Ji:*This volume contains the famous Will of the Hog, M. Grvnnii Corocott>e. GOTZE. 439 3* 1357 l^~ 2358 ERRIAR (JOHN). The BIBLIOMANIA, an Epistle [in Verse] to Richard Heber, Esq. London: 1809. 4° paper covers. First Edition. Rare *** a What wild desires, what restless torments seize The hapless man, who feels the book-disease, If niggard Fortune cramp his gen'rous mind, And Prudence quench the spark by heaven assign'd! Ev'n I, debarr'd of ease, and studious hours, Confess, mid' anxious toil, its lurking pow'rs. How pure the joy, when first my hands unfold The small, rare volume, black with tarnished gold ! p FILLINGHAM. CATALOGUE of a Portion of the LIBRARY of William Fillingham, Esq. Consisting of Old Quarto Plays, Early English Poetry, Scarce Tracts, etc. Sold by Auction. London: 1805. S° cloth. FONTAINE DE RESBECQ (A de). VOYAGES LITTER- AIRES sur les Quais de Paris. Lettres a un Bibliophile de Pro- vince. Paris: Durand. 185J. l6° half morocco^ top gilt. UncL'T. /• OETZII (GODOF. CHRISTIAN). De VESTIVM NIGRARVM USV Commentatio Philologico-An- tiquaria. HelmstadI: 1726. sm. 40 paper covers. *** A very curious and interesting Dissertation concerning the Use of BLACK CLOTHES. 002360 GOMEZ de la CORTINA. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM Doctoris D. Ioach. Gomez de la Cortina, March, de Morante, Qui in asdibus suis exstant, unA cum Supplemento. Matriti: mdcccliv-mdccclxii. Svols.y S° broche". Uncut Presentation copy to « Al Sefior Dn. Pedro Salva, en testi- monio de la mas distinguida consideracion. El autor.i> Printed exclusively for Private Distribution. RARE. *** a La publication de ce Catalogue ayant etc entrepnse sans aucune idt'e de speculation et encore moins avec le souci de paraitre eYudit, car rien n'est si contraire a rocs ld^es et a mon caraccere que de faire parade de savoir, il n'en a 6t£ tirr cinq cents exer/plaitcs, destines exclusivcinent a mes amis et a d'autres personnes voudes a 1 £tude de l'antiquiU: classique. J'espt^re que, malgre" les circonstances peu favorables au milieu desquelles setit la coordination et la redaction de ce Cataloetic, il offnra aux lecteurs intelligents un large terrain d'investiga- tions; on y trouvera des notices tres-eurieuses sur un grand nombre d'ouvrages de m^rite, des details intcressants et circonstanci^s, reflet veritable du savoir et du caractere dYcrivains c?minents, et un tres-vaste arsenal de mak'riaux necessaires pour suivre le developpement de la litterature latine dans ses diverses phases.i> ■7 2361 [®&t$e (^ofyamx (£I)rtfttan)]> &ie y&tevdtoittbiffieitcn f== bet &dmglidKit 33ibltotI)ctf jit &rcffbcu 2lu3fut)?lid) bc= fdjrtebctt, uttb mtt Slumci'cftmgcn cvlantcvU Dresden: 1744. 4° half vellum Scarce. *** Contains bibliographical notices o( 654 rare works in the Royal Library at Dresden. 440 HENRICHMANNUS. ■7<- 23^2 GRVNNI-VS SOPHISTA SIVE PELA- ^z/j" humancB miferice, Ottomari Lu fcinij Argentini Iurec. quo do- cetur utrius natura ad uirtu- tem etfelicitatem propius accedat, hominis, an bruti am mantis. J\4. Cj XV V iSl -nij CorocottcB Teflamentum. In fine: ARGENTINEAE APVD IOANNEM KNOBLOVCHVM, MENSE DECEMBRI. ANNO, M.D.XXII. sm. S° boards, red edges, with curiotis vjood-cut on the Title-page, representing a Pig dis- coursing with a Poet. RARE and Very Curious. %* An interesting notice of this facetious Last Will and Testament of a Hog, dictated by Himself, will be found in Peignot, Choix de Testeme7is, tome n.,p. 245. 2363 If- -2364 \ ^£5 ARDT (HERMANN von der). EPHEMERIDES PHILOLOGIC^E. Quibus difficiliora quasdam loca Pentateuchi ad Hebraicorum Fontium tenorem explicata. Cum Notis et Epistolis pro uberiori Commentatione. 4 * paper covers. H E LM ST A D11 I M. D C C. 111. *#* Contains Twelve extremely curious Dissertations. [HEINEMANN (ERNEST)]. COLLECTION a vendre de MONUMENTS TYPOGRAPHIQUES etautres Ouvrages Rares, imprimes aux XVe et XVP Siecles. Offenbach sur le Mein: c9° brock*. Uncut. Rare. MDCCCXL. HENRICHMANNUS. GRAMATIC^E INSTITVTIOES | Iacobi Henrichmanni Sindelfingen-1 sis castigat/e denvo atqve| diligenter elaborate. . . . | = Ars condendorum carminum Henrici Bebelij Iuftingenfis poetse laureati, | Syllabarum quantitates, Racemationes & exquifitiores obferuati- | ones eiufdem. . . . In fine: Tubing<z in cedibus Thomce Anshelmi Badenfis, fub illufa'ijfimo principe Vdalrico Vuirtenber- geiifi, Anno M.D.XL me?ife Octobri. sm. 40paper covers, with numerous MS. annotations; the Printer s device at the end, has been torn out. Rare. *** This edition is not mentioned by Maittaire, Denis, or Panzer. INVENTAIRE. 441 v< in) 2366 2367 S& 2368 5a 2369 2370 v HEYM. 9leue§ ©ollftanbtgc^ XSovtexbixd). Erfte Ab- theilung, welche das Deutfch-RuiTifch-Franzofifche Worterbuch enthalt, erftei- Theil von A-K. zweyter Theil von L bis Z. Heraus- gegeben von Johann Heym. Mockba: (Moscow.) iyg6-y. 2 Parts in 1 vol., 40 calf. HILSCHERI (PAUL. CHRISTIAN). De RELIQVIIS ADAMI Protoplasti. . . .accedit ejusdem BIBLIOTHECA ADAMI Schediasma. Dresd/e: A° m dcc xi. sm. 40 paper covers. VERY RARE. *** The Second Part of this singular Dissertation contains an account of the Library 0/ ADAM! and a Catalogue of his books, with bibliographical Notes. The Father of mankind appears to have had a peculiar fondness for Psalm Books and works on Agriculture. [HISTORIC AVGVST^E SCRIPTORES Minores Sex, cum Eutropio et Paulo Diacono.] In fine: Habes candide lector C^efarum uitas paruo aere: quas olim anxius quaerebas maxima lucubratione a uiris prasflantiffimis emendatas. Qua omnia accuratijjime Venetiis impreffa funt per Ioannem Rubeu de Vercellis anno a natali chriftiano. M.cccc.lxxxx. [/^pc] die xv. Jul it. f° oak boa rds. *.** See Panzer, A finales Typographici, vol. hi.,/. 2S7. HOLLIS. A CATALOGUE of the very VALUABLE and Highly INTERESTING LIBRARIES of Thomas Hollis, Esq. and Thomas Brand Hollis, Esq., including likewise the Theolo- gical and Political Library of Rev. John Disney. Sold by Auction. s*hai/russia. London: 181J. HOLTROP. MONUMENS TYPOGRAPHIQUES des PAYS- BAS, au QUINZlfeME SlfeCLE. Collection de Facsimile d'apres les Originaux conserves a la Bibliotheque Royale de La Haye et ailleurs. Publiee par M. J. W. Holtrop. La Haye: 1857-60. Parts i. to ix. inclusive, imp 40 broche". 54 FACSIMILES of Xylografhic, ««i other Specimens of Early Wood Engraving and Printing. ON LY 200 Copies Printed. .if-z. NVENTAIRE des MANUSCRITS de l'ANCIENNE BIBLIOTH&QUE ROYALE des Dues de Bour- gogne, PuBLIE" PAR ORDRE DU MIN1STRE DE L'lNTERIEUR ET DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES. No. I—180OO. Bruxelles et Leipzig: 1840. roy. 4° broche1. Uncic thtque de Bourgogne. Full length Portrait of Philippe le Bon, fondateur de la Biblio- 442 LABORDE. iO' f I) OHNSON. BIBLIOTHEC/E JOHNSONIANS. Cata- logue of a Select and Valuable Collection of Rare Specimens of EARLY TYPOGRAPHY; ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS, etc., composing the Library of John Mordaunt Johnson, Esq. Sold by Auction. London: 1817. S° half vellum. 2373 JORAND (J.-B.-J.) GRAMMATOGRAPHIE du IXe SlfiCLE, Types Calligraphiques tires de la Bible de Charles-le-Chauve, Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque Royale. Paris: mdcccxxxvii. 4° half morocco. Uncut. With 6j Plates 0/Facsimiles. 2374 JUSSIEU. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIOTHEQUE SCIEN- === TIFIQUE de MM. de Jussieu. Paris: Labitte. 1857. 8° boards. nvv-- AYAT (ASSAD YACOOB). The EASTERN TRAV- ELLER'S INTERPRETER; or Arabic without a Teacher. London : n. d. oblong32° boards. 2376 KNIGHT (RICHARD PAYNE). A HMfCOttrft Ott tf)t S2l0rf^tll Of Jprtajmg, and its Connection with the Mystic THEOLOGY of the Ancients. (A New Edition.) To which is added an Essay on the worship of the generative POWERS DURING THE MIDDLE AGES OF WESTERN EUROPE. LONDON: Privately Printed. 1865. 4° half morocco, top gill. Uncut. With 40 Plates, comprising 13S Phallic Illustrations. 2377 KOHL. DIE BEIDEN ALTESTEN GENERAL-KARTEN / X A VON AMERIKA. Ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 7527 und ij2p auf befehl KAISER KARL'S V. im besitz der Grossherzoglichen Bibliothek zu Weimar. Erlaiitert von J. G. Kohl. Weimar: Geographisches Institut. i860. large f° pp. X-fSj, hoards. 2 large Maps reproduced in Chromolithography. ABORDE (Le COMTE LfiON de). De ^ORGANISA- TION des BIBLIOTHEQUES dans PARIS. Paris: 1*45- roy. S° half morocco, with Plates, Plans, and facsimiles. LINAS. 443 2379 LA CROIX-DV-MAINE. Premier Volvme de | LA BIB- ujT LIOTHfeQVE I dv sievr de la croix-dv-maine. | Qui eft vn Catalogue general de toutes fortes d'Autheurs, qui out efcrit en | Francois depuis cinq cents ans & plus, iufques a ce iourd'huy: auec I vn Difcours des vies des plus illuftres & renommez entre les | trois mille qui font compris en cet ceuure, enfemble | vn recit de leurs compofitions, tant impri | mees qu'autrement | A Paris: chez Abel f Angelier. m.d.lxxxiiii. f° half morocco. Portrait. All that was published. RARE. *** « Cet ouvrage, qui a toujours 6t6 fort estime, n'a point 6ti> continue, et il n'en a 4t4 public que le Premier Tome que nous indiquons ici.D—De Bure. 5380 LEE PRIOR Y PRESS P UBLICA TIONS. irS (l) EXCERPTA TUDORIANA; or Extracts from Elizabethan Literature. With a Critical Preface, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Kent: 1814. 2 vols, in i, roy. 8° half calf top gilt. 100 copies printed. * 23&* (2) BRETON'S PRAISE of VIRTUOUS LADIES. Edited by ^ Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. Kent: 1815. ^= BRATH- WAYTE'S ODES; or Philomel's Tears. Edited by Sir Eger- ton Brydges, Bart. Kent: 1815. =^- The BROTHER in LAW. A Comedy. [By Dr. Henry Card.] Kent: 1817. 3 vols, in 1 vol., sm. 8" full russia, marbled edges. 100 copies printed / 2382 (3) LORD BROOK'S LIFE of SIR PHILIP SIDNEY^ with A •^ Preface, &c. by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. Kent: 1816. 2 vols. = The CHARACTERS of ROBERT DEVEREUX, Earl of Essex; and GEORGE VILLIERS, Duke of Buck- ingham: Compared and Contrasted by Sir Henry Wotton, Knight. Edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. Kent: 1814. = A TRUE RELATION of the Birth, Breeding and Life, of MARGARET CAVENDISH, Duchess of Newcastle. Written by Herself. With a Critical Preface, <5ty., by Sir Egerton Brydges, m. p. Kent: 1814. S vols, in 1 vol., roy, 8° full russia, marbled edges. 100 copies printed. ^-2383 LIBRI (G.) CATALOGUE d'une COLLECTION EXTRA- ^0 ORDINAIRE de LIVRES Principalement sur les Sciences Mathematiques, la Literature Italienne, 1'Histoire Civile, Religieuse et Litteraire de ITtalie, la Bibliographie, etc. Paris: 1857-58. 2 vols., 8° half red morocco, top gilt. Priced. Scarce. j-*-384 LIGNE. MfeMOIRES et MELANGES HISTORIQUES et '" LITTfeRAIRES, par Le Prince de Eigne. Paris: 1827. 4 vols., 8° half morocco. Uncut. / 2385 LINAS (CHARLES de). La CONFRERIE de NOTRE- ■ (a DAME des ARDENTS D'ARRAS. Arras, et Paris: mdccclvii. 4" brock*. Uncut. With3 Plates. Only 30 Copies Printed. 444 MAGNUS. > 2386 LONGMAN. CATALOGUE of VERY CURIOUS and RARE JJ BOOKS, in uncommon fine condition on Sale by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. London: 1813-14. S Parts i?i i vol.. 40 half calf. Rare. 4387 LOUIS-PHILIPPE (Roi). CATALOGUE de Livres prove- > / 0 nant des BIBLIOTfflfcQUES du Feu Roi Louis-Philippe. Paris: 1852. 2 vols., S° brochd. Uncut. Partly Priced in Pencil. 2388 LVLLI. RAYMVNDI LVLLI Doctissimi et Celeberrimi I 0 ° ^^ philofophi liber, qui Codicillus, feu vade mecum infcribitur, in quo fontes Alchimicae artis & reconditions philofophiae traduntur, ante- hac nunquam impreffus. Coloniae: A pud Haredes Arnoldi Birck- manni, Anno i56j. =. COMPENDIVM ALCHIMIAE, IOANNIS GARLANDII Angli Philosophi Doctissimi: cum Dictionario eiufdem artis, atque de Metallorum tinctura praeparatio neq? eorundem Libello, ante annos DXX. eodem authore confcripto. Adiecimus eiusdem compendij per ARNOLDVM de VILLANOVA explicationem. Cum tractatu de Salium Aluminumque varietate, compofitione & vfu, Scriptoris incerti. Omnia nunc primum in lucem edita. Basile^e: Anno m.d.lx. 2 vols, in I vol., s?n S° boards, red edges. Rare. *** See [Barrett,] Lives of A Ichrmystical Philosophers, /. 17, et seq. AGNUS (OL. ) HISTORIA OLAI MAGNI Gothi Archiepiseopi Vpsalensis, DE GENTIVM SEPTEN- TRIONALILTM uariis conditionibus flatibusue, & de morum, rituum, fuperflitionum, exercitiorum, regiminis, difciplinse, uictusq?, mirabili diuerfitate . . .. BasilejE: Ex Officina Henric-Petrina. m.d.lxvii. f° Spanish calf, red edges, with numerous curious wood-cuts; fine copy. SCARCE. MAGNUS. HISTORIA DELLE GENTI ET DELLA NATVRA delle cose settentrionali Da OLAO MAGNO Gotho Arcivescovo di Vpsala.... defcritta in XXII Libri. Nuouamente tradotta in lingua Tofcana. Opera molto diletteuole per le varie & mirabili cofe, molto diuerfe dalle noflre, che in effa fi leggono. In Vinegia Appresso i Givnti: m d lxv. f^ 239O f° vellum. Splendid impressions of the wood-cuts. Very Scarce. /.( (Hv- MENZIES. 445 2391 MAITLAND (S. R. ) A LIST of SOME of the EARLY 2""= PRINTED BOOKS in the Archiepiscopal Library at LAM- BETH. London: mdcccxliii. S° cloth. Uncut. With Autograph Letter ofMaitland inserted. Privately Printed. Scarce. *** See Martin: Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books; Second Edit., fi- 503- f 2392 MAITTAIRE (MICH.) ANNALES TYPOGRAPHICI ab /> >0== Artis Invents Origine ad Annum MD. Hace-Comitum: Apud Isaacum Vaillant. m.dcc.xix. 40 old calf, with Frontispiece, engraved by Houbraken, containing medallion Portraits of Gutenberg, Faust, Coster, Aldus, and Froben. 2393 MANUEL du BIBLIOPHILE et de l'ARCHEOLOGUE f3o= LYONNAIS. [Par M. J. D. Monfalcon] Paris: md.ccc.lvii. S° half morocco, with Facsimiles and Printers' Devices. 2394 MANUEL du LIBRAIRE, du BIBLIOTHfeCAIRE et de ^)= l'HOMME DE LETTRES, ouvrage tres utile aux Bibliophiles, et a tous ceux qui achetent des Livres. Par un Libraire. [P. Chaillot,/<??//**.] Paris: Thoisnier-Dcsplaces. m dccc xxix. iS° half morocco, top gilt. Uncut. Rare. 2395 MARINE I PAPIRI DIPLOMATICS Raccolti ed Illus- trati dall' Abate Gaetano Marini, Prima Custode della Bibl. Vatic. In Roma: mdcccv. large f° half sheep, with 22 Plates of Facsimiles. *** 4 C'est un recueil de cent cinquante-sept actes sur Papyrus, tels que des butles, ou diplSmes de souverains, des contrats d'acquisitions, de ventes entre particuliers, etc. La plus ancienne est de Pan 444. L'auteur y a joint des Notes curieuses sur les nonas, les couturnes, les lois et l'dcriture de chaque ^poque. La Preface est Lres-savante; l'auteur y traite des Manu- scrits grecs sur papyrus.d— Weiss. JWrinavdi #ims JJohaute J*iemav= | di f matml. plnCiri mita«= | dulam ad 3War- tiuii Jilel=|Ictftaflt durale pbificii delato- tita Sbgrmtrnte piiCta= | vij$ de Ijjpcjfe ritcama*- hl|jallicum: In fine : fol. 8b: Winlt tv mfvanlrula. s. /. JW. 3). sm. 4° vellum; S leaves, 3S lines to a full Page. Extremely Rare. *** See Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, vol. n., Pars i., / 391: Panzer, Annates Typographic!', vol. i., /. 4QQ; Biogra/hie Me'dicale, tome vi., p. ij2. 2397 MENZIES. CATALOGUE of the BOOKS MANUSCRIPTS Js~7 S^~ and ENGRAVINGS Belonging to William Menzies of New York Prepared by Joseph Sabin (?) New York 1S75 £°paper covers. Uncut. Neatly Priced. 2396 I f* 446 MOLITOR. I MILTON. POEMS I OF I Mr. John Milton, | BOTH EN- "GLISH and LATIN, | Compos'd at feveral times. | Printed by his true Copies. | The Songs were fet in Mufick by | Mr. Henry Lawes Gentleman of | the Kings Chappel, and one | of His Maiesties| Private Mufick. | [Motto, Virgil, Eclog. 7.] Printed and publijh'd according to ORDER. | London: | Pri?ited by Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Mofeley,/ and are to be fold at the figne of the Princes Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard./ 1645. sm. 8* boards. Imperfect. 8 leaves supplied in M'anuscript, and otherwise imfier/ecl at the beginning and end. Sold with all imperfections. *** FIRST EDITION of Milton's a Miscellaneous Poems.v A perfect copy produced at Gardner's sale (1854) £11. iar. 2399 MIRABILUS ANNUS, or, The YEAR of PRODIGIES and 1 0 == WONDERS, being a faithful and impartial Collection of feveral figns that have been feen in the Heavens, in the Earth, and in the Waters; together with many remarkable Accidents, and Judgments befalling divers perfons. . . .all which have happened within the fpace of one year laft pafl, and are now made publick for a feafon- able warning to the People of thefe three Kingdoms fpeedily to repent and turn to the Lord, whofe hand is lifted up amongft us. [London]: 1661. 4° paper covers. Uncut. Very Curious. 2400 MOLINAE1 (LUDOVICI). 1. MORUM EXEMPLAR seu ',(^== CHARACTERES. Editio altera auctior cV cafligatior. Hag;e- Comitis: m.dc.lxii. = ii. ADMIRANDA RERUM ADMIR- ABILIUM ENCOMIA Hoc efl, Differtationum Ludicraru?n, nee non Amanitatum Scriptores Varii. . . . Noviomagi Batav- orum: m DC lxvi. in. Hier. Cardani NERONIS EN- COMIVM. Amsterdami: 1640. = iv. REGNVM et REGIA Plutonis. sine de INFERNI et INFERORUM Laudibus Dif- fer tatio fefliva. Avtore Vincentio Mvssa. . . . Francofvrti: M DC.XLVI. 4 vols, in 1 vol., sm. 12* vellum. *** An Extremely Rare and entertaining collection of Latin Facetia*. The Facetious Dissertation, in PRAISE OF HELL is a volume of the greatest rarity. dHunc Libellum,* says Freytag, « praeter hoc nostrum, quod possidemus, exemplum, nusquam vidimus, nee in instructissimarum bibliothecarum catalogis, ilium reperimus.D See Freytag, Analedla LUtcraria de Libris Rarioribvs, p. 624. 2401 ffialitov (WlvitM )♦ Wt lanffs tt jjJjftonttfs f) t^= tnti I IterHma aft fUuttrffiinram ptfwfptm trominft Si* In fine: 3Bv <£onftatta anno Domini. Jtt.cccUnTfc- [14c??.] *ue tte- I cfma menCs $amtarff* | sm. 40 paper covers. 22 leaves, 34 lines to a full page, with b exceedingly curious wood- cuts j slightly zoormed. ExcessivELY Rare. *** «One of the rarest and most singular works ever published on the subje<5t. of Witch- craft. It is in the form of a Dialogue, the interlocutors being Sigismund, Archduke cj Am- NEWE ZEYTUG. 447 '/■ 2402 2403 I >(P tria, Ulric, and Conrad. The wood-cuts represent—1. A Witch inoculating a man with witch- craft through his foot. 2. A Witch riding on a cat. 3. The Devil having carnal knowledge of a Witch. 4. Witches riding on a broomstick. 5. The Witches' Sabbat.» See Colin de Plancy, Diet. Infernal, tome iv. p. 424-5; Main, Repertorium Bibliographicum, vol. 11., Pars 1., p. 457: Panzer, Annates Typographici, vol. iv., p.jbj; Laire, Index Librorum, Pars u.,p. 15-16. MOUSSAUD ( L'ABBfi ). L'ALPHABET RAISONNfe, ou Explication de la Figure des Lettres. Ouvrage orne' de figures en bois, avec plus de cinquante caracteres anciens, e'trangers, ou de nou- velle invention, grave's sur acier, et une Planche en taille-douce contenant la collection des unes et des autres. Paris: an xi. [^<fc>j>.] 2 vols.^ 8° brochi. Uncut. Very Curious. MYLIUS. BIBLIOTHECA ANONYMORVM et PSEVDO- NYMORVM ad SVPPLENDVM etCoNTINVANDVM Vincentii Placcii THEATRVM et Christoph. Avg. Hevmanni Schediasma De Anonymis et Psevdonymis, collecta et adoraata a M. Ioh. Chris- toph. Mylio, cvm Pr/efatione M. Gottlob Stollii. Hamburgi: MDCCXL. 2 Parts in 1 vol., S° half calf. *** 4 En 1740, Jean-Christophe Mylius, biblioth^caire d'lena, publia un Supplement a l'ouvrage de Placcius; il s'est borne aux ouvrages Allemands, Latins et Francais. Ses decouvertes s'elevent a trois mille deux cents articles, dont mi lie sept cents FraDcais. L'ouvrage de Mylius ^tant range* par ordre alphabetique, il est plus aise* a consulter que celui de son preW-cesseur.D—Barbier. 2404 In fine: — £>atttm 9tcutt>cnftat am I III tas Qctobtig. 3W. ®+ XXIII. ^atciu sm. 4°, 4 leaves. Title printed within an ornamental architectural border: a small worm hole in the text, otherwise in clean, perfect condition. *** This Exceedingly Rare a News Letter d contains a remarkable account of the elec- tion of Pope Clement vn., (Giulio de"Medici) who, it will be remembered, was elected to the Papal chair, after a fierce quarrel among the Cardinals, Nov. 19, 1523. 448 PARR. ^405 NEW YORK STATE. DOCUMENTS RELATIVE to the M^ COLONIAL HISTORY of the STATE of NEW YORK; Pro- cured in Holland, England and France. By John Romeyn Brodhead, Esq., Agent. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. With a General Introduction by the Agent. Albany: [N. Y.] 1856-61. IT vols., 40 cloth. OS Is -2406 NOVI ANNI. Dissertatio Jvridica, De Eo Qvod Jvstvm = est Circa VOTA NOVI ANNI ©om fftedft t)Ct S»Cil=3af)r3= 9Biittfd)e, a Martino Henccio. Vitembergae: 1734. sm. 40 paper covers. -5407 NUM MARIA, FILIUM DEIPARIENS, Obstetricis Opera ~ fuerit Usa ? a Jo Georgio Reinesio. Lubeoe: mdccvii. sm. 40paper covers. Very Curious. RD. CATALOGUE of the VALUABLE Collection of BOOKS and MANUSCRIPTS of Craven Ord, Esq. Sold by Auction. "London: 1829-30. S° doth. Partly Pkiced. OTTLEY (WILLIAM YOUNG). MEMOIR on a MANU- SCRIPT in the British Museum, believed by him to be of the Second or Third Century, and Containing the Translation of ARATUS'S ASTRONOMICAL POEM by CICERO, accompanied by Drawings of the Constellations; with a Preliminary Dis- sertation in Proof of the use of Minuscule Writing by the An- cient Romans; and a Corrected Edition of the Poem itself, in- cluding ten Lines not heretofore known. London: mdcccxxxv. 4°paper covers. Uncut. *** This interesting and profoundly learned « Memoir* is taken from the Archceologia . . . published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. xxvi., Part i., pp. 47-214. 3&MMI& ACIFIC RAILROAD. REPORTS of EXPLORA- TIONS and SURVEYS,toAscertain themost Practi- cable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Washington: 1855-1860. 13 vols., 40 cloth. Uncut. Profusely illustrated with Maps, Plans, and Engravings, many of which are richly colored. Scarce. 2411 PARR. BIBLIOTHECA PARRIANA. A Catalogue of the f L LIBRARY of the late Reverend and Learned Samuel Parr, ll.d. {Editedby Henry G. Bo/in.] London: mdcccxxvii. S° half calf. Portrait. ■^ ROUARD. 449 im (SIX UATREMfeRE de QUINCY (M.) BIBLIOTHfiQUE de M. [Anioine Chrysostome] Quatremere de Quincy, de rAcadtmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Col- lection cI'Ouvrages relatifs aux Beaux-Arts et k PArCH^OLOGIE. go brochi. Uncut. Portrait. PARIS: iSjO. QUIRINI (ANGELI MARINE CARD.) LIBER SINGU- LARS De OPTIMORUM SCRIPTORUM EDITIONIBUS quae RomjE Primum prodierunt post Divinum Typographic In- ventum, a Germanis opificibus in earn urbem advectum: plerisque omnibus earum Editionum seu Pr^fationibus, seu Epistolis in medium allatis. Cum Brevibus Observationibus ad easdem, rei Typographic.^ Origini Illustrand^e valde opportunis. Recen- suit Annotationes, Rerumque Notabiliorum Indicem adjecit, et DIATRIBAM PR^ELIMINAREM de variis rebus, ad natales Artis Typographic^ dilucidandos facientibus praemisit Jo. Georgius Schelhornius. Lindaugi/e: m.dcc.lxi. 4°paper covers. Uncut. With b Plates of facsiiniles. *** a Very Rare in this country.d—Horne. QVISTORPIO (D. IOANNE). VTRVM sine Laesione Con- scientiae pro Salvte, sev in Sanitatem aliorvm Bibere liceat? obct: Ob ein (&i)ti$t mit gutcm ©cttriffen ©efunbljcitctt ttitldett fpltttC? sm. 4° paper covers. Very curious. lEN/E \ MDCCXXXI. mg%m 2415 is= OS ,3416 2417 2418 ^419 (,s ADZIWILL. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et PRECIEUX composant la BIBLIOTHEQUE de M. Le Prince Sigismond Radziwill. Paris: 1865, S° broche1. Uncut. RAGUSE. CATALOGUE de TR^S-BEAUX LIVRES richement relics composant la Bibliotheque de Madame la Mare- chale Duchesse de Raguse. Paris: 1857. S° troche1. Uncut. REBER (FRANCISCUS). De PRIMORDIIS ARTIS IM- PRIMENDI ac Praecipue de Inventione Typographiae Har- LEMENSI. S°pp.37, paper covers. BEROLINI: MDCCCLVI. ROTHELIN. CATALOGUE des LIVRES de feu M. l'Abbe d'ORLEANS de Rothelin, par G. Martin. Paris: m.dcc.xlvi. S° boards, red edges, with Book-plate of F. A. Ebert, the well-known German bibliographer. ROUARD (E.) NOTICE sur la BIBLIOTHEQUE D'AIX, dite de MfejANES; Pr£ced£e d'un Essai sur THistoire Litter- aire de cetteViLLE, sur ses Anciennes Bibliotheques Publiques, sur ses Monuments, etc. Paris et Aix: iSji. S° half green morocco, top g~ilt. Portrait. 45o TOWNSHEND. .1 ^242Q ) f42o [ R O U R E ]. CATALOGUE des LIVRES RARES et PR£- c CIEUX composant la Bibliotheque de [M. Le Marquis du Roure]. Paris: P. Jannet. 1848. 8° broche. Uncut. Priced. Scarce. 4g£0£M? ALAD for the SOLITARY. By an Epicure. [Frederic Saunders!\ New York: mdcccliii. rum n 12 ° Cloth . SCARRON. Le VIRGILE TRAVESTY en Vers Bvrlesqves, De Monfieur [Paul] SCARRON. Dedie a la Reyne. (la Sphere) Suivant la Copie imprimee A Paris: do Id cxlviii-l. sm. T2° vellum. RARE. *** «fVrHable Elsevier de Leyde de 10 ff. prelim, et 170 pp. qui renferment les 2 premiers livres. Suivent: le 3e livre un titre dat^ de 1650, de 72//./ le 4e livre, datt; de 1650, degi //.; et le 5* livre egalement date de 1650, de g+pp.v See Pieters, A nnaUs de VImp. Elsevinenne, p. 127; Brunet, Manuel, art. Scarron. 2423 SCHVLZE (JOANNES G.) DISSERTATIO de MASTICA- TIONE FOLIORVM TABACI, of Chawing Tobacco, in Anglia usitate. Halae-Magd: mdccxliv. sm. 40 stiff paper covers. Rare AND CuRJOUS. ,1-0 n 2424 SMITH (JOHN RUSSELL). A CATALOGUE of TWENTY- FIVE THOUSAND VOLUMES of Choice, Useful, and Curious BOOKS, in most Classes of Literature, English and Foreign. 8" half morocco, marbled edges. LONDON I M.DCCC.LX. 3425 SUCKLING. The WORKS of Sr JOHN SUCKLING, con- taining all his Poems, Plays, Letters, &c. Publifhed by His Friends (from his own Copies) to perpetuate his Memory. 8° calf, pp. 11 to lb inclusive missing. LONDON: l6j6. 2426 HOMASIUS] Sufttgetunbetnfttjaffter moitatd- (Befaradje Slttberer Qfyeil, m fid) begretffenb bic fedjS lct%ten Wloixatc i>e3 1688 %ai)t$, mitN etnem ^metjfadjen iltejjifter* Halle: 1688. 8° vellum. Engraved frontispieces. *** Contains notices of many rare and curious books. ^2427 TOWNSHEND, A CATALOGUE of the MAGNIFICENT 0i7= LIBRARY, BOOKS of PRINTS, and MANUSCRIPTS, of the Late Most Noble George, Marquis of Townshend. .. .Sold by Auction. London: 1812. 8°paper covers. Uncut, Ruled in red lines andPriced. ZOBELL. 451 M 6 ^430 jo'- J lif- AN DEN ZANDE. CATALOGUE de la BIBLIO- THEQUE de feu M. [Lambert-Ferdinand-Joseph] Van den Zande. Paris: Techener. 1854. 8° brocht. Uncut. J2.429 VAN DER MEERSCH (P. C.) 1. Des Marques de quelques ==== Imprimeurs. ===== 11. Pierre de Keysere, Imprimeur a Gand au XVIe Siecle. == in. Gerard Leeu, Imprimeur a Gouda et a Anvers, de 14JJ-149J. [Gand: n. d.] 8° half roan. Uncut. With 2 Plates. VAN MEENEN. CATALOGUE de la PRfeCIEUSE COL- LECTION de LIVRES, Anciens et Modernes, delaiss6e par feu Pierre-Francois Van Meenen. Bruxelles: 1858. 8° brochd. Uncut. Partly Priced. VERDUSSEN. CATALOGUE de la BELLE COLLECTION de LIVRES et de MANUSCRITS delaiss^e par Mr. Henri Pierre Verdussen. Anvers: 1858. 8° broch/. Uncut. VIOLLET-LE-DUC. CATALOGUE DES LIVRES Composant la BIBLIOTHEQUE POfeTIQUE de M. Viollet-Le-Duc, avec des Notes Bibliographiques, Biographiques et Litt£raires sur chacun des Ouvrages catalogues. CHANSONS, Fabliaux, Contes en Vers, et en Prose, Faceties, Pieces Comiques et Burlesques, Dis- sertations Singulieres, Aventures Galantes, Amoureuses, Prodigieuses. Paris: chez J. Flat. 1847. 8° half calf . Uncut. Scarce. 2431 2432 W&mM 2433 M< jlAGNER (GEORGIUS). De COECIS ERVDITIS. Lipsl^e: mdccxv. sm. 4.* paper covers. *** A very curious Dissertation on LEARNED BLIND MEN. OBELL (AUGUSTUS). DISSERTATIO de CONFU- SIONE LINGVARUM BABYLONICA. Witteberg,«: Anno mdclxiv. stti. 40 paper covers. Digito eompefce I a be Hum. MauapioS o avayivooOKCov. Sears rt doU a Weto ¥ortt 29 e c c m 6 r e cB3 K: ccc I mm W 1 ffi "»2s v<\^M ^m&iiSi, (& mmfMm^ urn L-.-^* ^f-$m:m. f^W^Pp?!^'^ 8 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I 3 9015 03360 8707 >*^ ^» ;™V rJPli *m* ■">*•:■ ^m \ "iiv^" -■■ w^.-^ j *•. s«: "t ■; § «V * # *